elm YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY LU C3UJ o o > UJ HISTORY OF KNOX COUNTY, OHIO, FROM 1779 TO 1862 INCLUSIVE: COMFBIBINO BIOGEAPHICAL SKETCHES, ANECDOTES AND INCIDENTS OF MEN CON NECTED WITH THE COUNTy FROM ITS FIKST SETTLEMENT: TOGETHER WITH COIPIETB LISTS OF THE SENATORB, REPRESENTATIVES, SHERIFFS, AUDITORS, COMMISSIOKERS, TREASURERS, JUDGES, JUSTICES OF THE PEACE, AKD OTHER OFFIOEES OF THE COUNTY LSO OF THOSE WHO HAVE SERVED IN A MILITAET CAPACITY FROM ITS FIRST ORGANIZA TION TO THE PEESEi. T TIME. A SKETCH OF KENYON COLLEGE, AND OTHER INSTITUTIONS OP LEARNING AND RELIGION WITHIN THE COUNTY. BY COLUMBUS: RICHARD NEVINS, PRINTER. 1862. Entered according to the act of Congress in the year 1862, Bt a. banning NORTOJf, In the Clerk's office of the Southern District of Ohio. PREFACE. To write the history of my native county, and to rescue from oblivion the anecdotes and early incidents of its first settlers, has been with me a pleasant pastime. While it has been much labor to gather the material for this work, and to test it by the crucible of truth, my mind has thereby been relieved of much care and of anxious thoughts upon more serious subjects during an exUe in my native land ; and if I will have been the means of preserving, for the future histo rian, matters which are within the recollection of but very few now living, my time and toil have been well spent. Several years ago, when a resident of this place, I collected many of the items which I now produce from memory : such as the captivity of John StiUey, and events of early occur rence within the knowledge of Dr. Timothy Burr, my father, Daniel S. Norton, Col. John Greer, Judge Bevans, Gilman Bryant, Col. Ernor Harris, Judge Jesse B. Thomas, Eev. James Scott, and others, who have since deceased. Among my papers in Texas are notes taken by me of conversations with the above recited parties, as also with Samuel H Smith and William Smith, old residents of Knox, now residing in that State. I would have delayed the publication of the sketch I give herewith, were it not very uncertain when the present unhappy war may terminate, or what my future may be. Procrastina tion might prove fatal to the enterprise ; hence I have con- IV PREFACE. eluded to furnish it to the children of the old settlers, and the public generally in the Ko-kosing country, conscious that it has imperfections, but without the ability, under existing cir cumstances, of making it more complete. My object is accom plished in putting in this form for preservation much crude material, which I regard as of value to those who may succeed us: I did not undertake it with expectation or purpose of gain. I may have overlooked some names in putting the manu script to press, or improperly placed others; but from the most reliable data I have drawn my conclusions and made my state" ments. I would have been pleased to have extended my genealogical sketches, and to have traced out the various old families in the townships ; but,- from having met several who were indisposed to give me information, I found this branch must necessarily be partial, and desisted from researches in that way. The reader will take those named as examples of the manner in which I think a history of the county ought to be written, and I would like to have so presented it Some, whose names may not be found in this book, may find fault with its compilation, as did " Schmidt," the dutch drayman in the city of Austin, whose name he discovered in the Directoiy spelled "Smith," and exclaimed, "I would not give one tarn for the Correctory vot has my name left out of it ; for Smith is not Schmidt no how." Of one thing all may be assured, and that is this: I have set down naught in mahce, nor aught extenuated, but endeav ored to represent all fairly and correctly. I have no object to do otherwise. I do not intend ever to live among you, nor in your State, and am, therefore, truly independent. I 'belong to no political or religious party, sect or organization of the present day, nor do I ever expect to. " He is a freeman whom the truth makes free ! " Having no interests to subserve- PBEPACB. V "no friends to reward, or enemies to punish" — I am, with my best regards to such as have received me kindly and aided me with information, and to the people of Knox individually and coUectively, Their friend, A. BANNING NORTON. Mount Veknon, 0., July 1, 1862. HISTOKY OF KNOX COUNTY. CHAPTEE I. Sketch op the country and settlement prior to organiz,4tion. — Traversed before the territory op ohio was named by one of its SUBSEQUENT SETTLERS. ^ItS INHABITANT BEFORE THE STATE WAS ORGAN IZED. — Its CITIZENS when fairfield county was CREATED. — With INCIDENTS OF FRONTIER LIFE AND ADVENTURE. The country having for its name Ohio was con stituted, under General Arthur St. Olair, a territo rial government in the year 1788, and he continued as Grovernor until the adoption of the State Consti tution in 1803. By his proclamation the county of Tairfield was created December 9th, 1800, and the district of which we now treat was included therein until the month of February, 1808, when it was, by enact ment of the Legislature, organized into a separate and distinct county, honored with the name of General Henry Knox, a distinguished officer of the revolutionary army, who was subsequently Secre tary of War in Gen. "Washington's administration. The first white man known to have viewed this section of country was John StiUey, who, when a captive among the Indians, traversed the White Woman and Owl Creek from its mouth in a north westerly direction, as early as June, 1779, nine years 8 HISTOKY 01" before the name of Ohio had been given to this ter ritory, and when the savages and wild beasts roamed at will throughout its vast extent. The first settlers in this district were from Vir ginia, Maryland, J^ew Jersey and Pennsylvania, and its inhabitants, at every period of its history, have been chiefly from the middle States. Prom our research into early statements, we are led to believe that Andrew Craig was the first white man who located within the present county limits. He was, at a very early day, a sort of ft'ontier character, fond of rough and tumble life, a stout and rugged man — bold and dare-devil in dispo sition — who took delight in hunting, wrestling and athletic sports, and was "hail fellow well met" with the Indians then inhabiting the country. He was from the bleak, broken, mountainous region of Virginia, and as hardy a pine knot as ever that country produced. He was in this country when Ohio was in its territorial condition, and when this wilderness region was declared to be in the county of Fairfield, the sole denizen in this entire district, whose history is now being written, tabernacled Avith a woman in a rough log hut close by the little Indian Pield, about one-half mile east of where Mount Vernon city now exists, and at- the point where Centre Eun empties into the Ko-ko-sing. There Andrew Craig lived when Mount Vernon was laid out in 1805 — there he was upon the organ ization of Knox county, its oldest inhabitant — and there he continued until 1809. Such a harum- scarum fellow could not rest easy when white men got thick around him, so he left and went to the In- KNOX COUNTY. 9 dian village — Greentown — and from thence mi grated further out upon the frontier, preferring red men for neighbors. After many years of solitary residence on the beautiful Ko-ko-sing, the solitude of Craig's retreat is broken by the entrance of a lone Jerseyman, who, in the spriag of 1803, penetrates some ten miles further into the wilderness, so as not, by too close proximity, to annoy each other, and there raises a little log cabin and settles down. This follower of the trade of Vulcan soon gets in readiness to blow and strike, and sets about supplying the sons of the forest with the first axes they had ever seen, and by making for them tomahawks, scalping knives, etc., he acquires the sobriquet of the "axe-maker," which for more than half a century has attached to Nathaniel Mitchel Young. A year passes by before any white accession is made to society on Owl Creek. Then a stalwart backwoodsman breaks the silence by the crack of his rifle, and at the spot where James S. Banning now lives, near Clinton, the pioneer, William Doug lass, drives his stake. The skillful navigator plies his oar, and Eobert Thompson ascends Owl Creek to where Mount Ver non now stands, and on the rich bottom land, about one mile west, commences another improvement. George Dial, of Hampshire coimty, Virginia, in another pirogue comes up the creek, and, pleased with the beautiful country about where Gambier now flourishes, pitches his tent at the place now occupied by John Troutman. Old Captain James Walker, from Pennsylvania, settles on the bank of 10 HISTOKY OF the creek where Mount Vernon now is. John SimpMns wanders from Virginia, with his son Seeley for his capital, and squats about a mile above Douglass, where George Cassel's beautiful farm now exists. While these plain men from Virginia, IS'ew Jersey and Pennsylvania are preparing their cabins for comfortable occupation, and making little clear ings, a stray Yankee, solitary and alone, with a speculative eye and money-making disposition, is, with pocket compass, taking his bearings through the forest, soliloquizing about the chance of making a fortune by laying out a town and selling lots to those who may come after him into this charming new country. Having, as he thought, found the exact spot for his future operations, he blazes a tree, and wends his way to the nearest town — Pranklinton — west of the Scioto, then a place of magnificent pretensions, where he gets chain and compass and paper, and returns and lays out the town of Clinton, in section number four, township seven, range four. United States military district, with its large "public green," its north street and south street, its main street, first, second, third and fourth streets, and one hundred and sixtj^ lots, and, taking his town plat in his pocket, he walks to lyTew Lancaster, being the first white person ever known to have made a journey in that direction ft-om this infant settlement, and before Abraham Wright, Justice of the Peace, acknowledges that important instrument, and on the 8th of December, 1804, places it upon record. Thus Samuel H. Smith, subsequently the first sm-veyor of Knox county, for many years a resident, its leading business man, and KNOX COUNTY. 11 largest land holder, made his entrance into this district. Shortly afterwards a large accession was made to the population of the country by the emigration from Ten MUe, Washington county, Pa., of John MiEs, Henry Haines, Ebenezer and Abner Brown, and Peter Baxter, who settled a short distance south of Owl Creek, where the Beams, Merrits and Lafevers have since lived. This settlement, by the increase of the Leonards, was in 1805 and '6 the largest and best community in the country, and upon the organization of the county, and for several years thereafter, it furnished the leading men. Ben. Butler, Peter Coyle, and Thomas Bell Pat terson, in the spring of 1805, augment the Walker settlement, where Mount Vernon was located shortly thereafter. William Douglass is joined by James Loveridge, who emigrates from Morris county, 'New Jersey, and with his wife takes quar ters on the 6th of July upon the clapboards in the garret of his little log cabin, and is mighty glad to get such a shelter as that to spend the year in. The next year Loveridge starts off, under pretense of hunting a cow, and goes to the land office and enters and pays for the tract of land, Avhere shortly after he erected a dwelling, and has ever since re sided. Upon this land there is an uncommon good spring, which caused him to select it, and he tells with much glee the circumstances under which he obtained it. The only Yankee then in the country claimed to have located it, and proposed to sell it to him at a higher price than the government rate, which was then |2 per acre. Concealing his iaten- 12 HISTORY OP tion fi'om aU but his wife, Loveridge slipped off and examined into and purchased it himseK from the government, and when he returned with his patent, BiU Douglass laughed heartUy at the Jersey Blue overreaching the cunning Yankee. Amoriah Wat son, of Wyoming county, Pa., also put up with Douglass, and thus this settlement was made up of Douglass, Smith, Watson and Loveridge, in 1805. The old axe-maker, in the meantime, is foUowed up by some of his relations and friends, who start what has ever since been known as the Jersey settlement. Jacob Young, Abraham Lyon and Simeon Lyon are the first to settle upon the South Pork of Owl Creek, and are succeeded by EUphalet Lewis, John Lewis, and James Bryant. The Indians they found very numerous, and through the kind feeUngs to wards the old axe-maker, they were very friendly, and really quite an advantage in ridding the country of wolves, bears, and other varmints. In the winter of 1805-6, that settlement entered into a written agreement to give nine bushels of corn for each wolf scalp that might be taken, and three of the men caught forty-one wolves in steel traps and pens! The description of these pens, and one of the stories told of their operation, we give in the words of an old settler : — " Wolf pens were about sis feet long, four wide, and three high, formed like a huge square box, of smaU logs, and floored with puncheons. The lid, also of puncheons, was very heavy, and moved by an axle at one end, made of a small, round stick. The trap was set by a figure 4, with any kind of meat except that of wolf's, the animals beiag fonder of any other than KNOX COUNTY. 13 their own. On gnawing the meat, the Ud fell and caught the unamiable native. To make sport for the dogs, the legs of the wolf were puUed through the crevices between the logs, hamstrung, and then he was let loose, when the dogs soon caught and finished him. In Delaware county an old man went into a wolf trap to fix the spring, when it sprung upon him, knoclring him flat upon his face, and securely caught him as though he were a wolf. Unable to lift up the Ud, and several miles from any house, he lay aU one day and night, and would have perished but for a hunter, who passing by heard his groans, and came to his rescue." Korth, west and east of these embryo settlements aU was wilderness for many long miles. A place bearing the name of ]!^ewark had been laid out by Gen. W- C. Schenck, but it had not any greater population than these Uttle scattered settlements aforementioned. The principal towns of note to the early settlers were Lancaster, ChilUcothe and ZanesviUe. !N^either of them were much larger then than our usual M roads villages now are. The people were exceedingly neighborly, and per formed aU manner of " kind chores" for each other, in going to mUls, laying in goods, dividing what they had with each other, &c. The nearest miU in 1805, was in Fairfield county. Our old friend James Loveridge informs us of a trip he made to that miU, which was seven miles up the Hockhock- ing river, ft-om Lancaster. It belonged to Loveland & Smith, and was situated in a little crack between some rocks, and he went down into the miU from on top of the roof. He made the trip there and 14 HISTORY OP back, about 125 miles, and brought home with him in his wagon about 900 pounds of flour, one barrel of whisky, and one barrel of salt. How the settle ment must have rejoiced at the arrival of the great staples of frontier life, salt, whisky and flour ! KNOX COUNTY. 15 CHAPTEE II. Continuation op the early outline. — More about the first seitljSAS. — Quakers from Maryland find their way in 1806. — Incidents con nected with their emigration, and in the movements of other set tlers. — Who they were and what became op them. — The privations ENDURED AND DANGERS ENCOUNTERED. — MOEE TOWNS LAID OUT. — ThE FIRST MILLS. — ThE SCENE OF AN ENCOUNTER WITH INDIANS. — ^INCONVEN IENCES OF THE COUNTRY. — EFFORTS FOE A NEW COUNTY. — An EARLY ELEC TION. — Fairfield divided. — Three new counties created by one BILL. — Strife for the seat of justice of knox. The spring of 1806 brought with it a new element into the wilderness region, in the form of the Friends — the forerunners of large numbers of that society, who by their quiet yet industrious ways have con tributed very much to the prosperity and peaceful ness of our people. The venerable father Henry Eoberts may be justly regarded as the head of this emigration from Maryland. In 1805 he left Fred erick county, in ihat State, with his family, and directed his course to the far west, but on reaching Belmont county, found it necessary to winter his family there, and sent his wagon and team back to Maryland with a load of ginseng and snake-root, and on their return with a load of goods, he started with his family and plunder, and on the 7th of April, 1806, he landed at Henry Haines', in the Ten MUe settlement, and after spending a week looking for a good location, on the 14th of that 16 HISTOKYOP month settled down his famUy at the Uttle prairie five miles above Mount Vernon, of late widely known as the Armstrong section. The famUy con sisted of his wife, his sons — WUUam, now living at Pekin, IlUnois; Isaiah, now residing near PUot Knob, Missouri ; Eichard Eoberts, of BerUn — and a daughter Massah, who married Dr. Timothy Burr, and died at Clinton, March 9th, 1814. Mne acres of that beautiful prairie were at once broken up and planted in corn. It was very hard work to break the virgin soil with a first rate four-horse plow team, but it paid for that labor by one of the finest crops of corn ever raised in this country. In the faU Wm. Y. Farquhar, a cousin of Henry Eoberts, came with Ms family, and after him came Wm. W. Farquhar with his family. They aU stopped with Henry Eoberts, and thus composed the first settle ment of Friends in this district. From this nucleus came the numerous society of Quakers in Wayne, Middlebury and Berlin, in after years. Shortly after this we find another Quaker, Samuel Wilson, and John Kerr in what subsequently became Wayne township, and John Cook and Jacob Cook just above, in what is now Middlebury township, and Amoriah Watson goes from Douglass' to the tract of land above, where Fredericktown was the next year laid out, and which he subsequently sold to Jacob Ebersole, a place now easy to be identified by aU. In the spring of 1806, there were within the after Umits of Knox county but fifteen persons who turned out to vote, and but nine Uable to per form military duty out to muster. The first grist mill erected in this county was of KNOXCOUNTY. 17 a decidedly primitive character. It was in the Ha,ins, or Ten Mile settlement, and constructed without the sound of the hammer upon iron. It was the joint work of Ebenezer and Abner Brown, assisted by the mechanical skill of the whole neigh borhood, and was built on what was caUed by the early settlers " Big Eun," though in later times it is spoken of as the Uttle Lake, through which the road to Granville has since been laid out. The water has almost disappeared — having been in its appearance greatly changed by ditching, and in some parts obliterated by filUng up the hollow. The miU stood where Isaac Beam's house now is, and the dam was where the bridge now stands in the lane. It was all of wood — a sugar-trough made its meal-trough — a Uttle box the hopper — the stones were about two feet through, and hooped with elm bark for want of iron. It cracked corn pretty well with a good head on, but the stream was generally dry, and the mill was only able to run when big showers of rain came. The building was about ten feet square, of rough logs — not a nail or a bit of iron could be had when it was made. The stones of this ancient of days are certainly a curiosity — they are yet to be seen, being the property of Moses Farquhar, of Berlin, who since that day has at tempted experiments Avith them. Eichard Eoberts at one time took a grist to this original miU and liad it ground. He was then about seventeen years old, and not much acquainted with the milUng business, but he was greatly impressed with its mechanism, and ready to exclaim, with our old friend Hadly, " The works of God are wonderful. 18 HISTORY OP but the works of man are wonderfaUer!" He thought that it worked first rate, though Henry Hains at that time had got a little hand mUl which he claimed was a great improvement on the Uttle wooden mill. Mr. Eoberts recoUects of having at one time packed a bag of corn ft-om Tom Butler's down on White-woman home, and from thence to a mUl near l!^ewark, and back home again, less a heavy toU. While at the iiiUl he saw Hughes, and from his own Ups had a true account about the killing of Indian horse thieves, whom Jack EatUff and himself had pursued into the Owl Creek country and kiUed as they came upon them in the bottom just below where Fredericktown now stands. The story runs thus : — " One night in AprU, 1800, two Indians stole their horses from a little inclosure near their cabins, located in some old Indian fields on the Licking. In the morning, finding their horses gone, and tracks about, they were satisfied of their having been stolen, and started off in pur suit, accompanied by a man named Bland. They followed their trail aU day, and camped at night in the woods, and making an early start in the morn ing, surprised the Indians in their sleep. They drew up their rifles to shoot, when one of the Indians, discovering them, clapping his hands on his breast, as if to ward off the fatal baU, exclaimed in piteous tones, ' me bad Indian ! — me no do so more ! ' Alas ! in vain he plead ; the smoke curled from the glistening barrels, the report rang in the morning air, and the poor Indians fell dead." Hughes and EatUff returned home with the horses KNOX COUNTY. 19 and plunder taken from the Indians, feeUng as weU over their little exploit as any men ever did over a great and glorious action. EUis Hughes, who was known to very many of our old settlers, died near Utica, in March, 1845, and was buried ivith miUtary honors. He was believed to be the last survivor of the hard fought battle of Point Pleasant. He was a hardy backwoodsman from Western Virginia. Our old townsman, Wm. Mefford, informs us that when he improved his farm on Mile Eun, in Wayne township, he was clearing off ground on which to build his house, and he then plowed up the two In dians killed by Hughes, and also a rusty gun bar rel, brass guard, and other pieces of a gun, which had not decayed. This was in 1835; and Jacob Mitchel now has the old relics. George Conkie gathered up the bones and buried them, and the house was buUt on the spot — the old Peck place on MUe Eun bottom, where Mrs. Acre now Uves. In early days there was a favorite camping ground for the Indians about three-fourths of a mile from where these Indians were kiUed. Three old settlers have informed us that about 1808 they saw at one time more than one hundred and fifty warriors camped there. They have several times seen Old Crane, the Wyandot Chief, the Chief Armstrong, and Captain Pipe, with bands of In dians, roving through this country, and we have gathered some very amusing incidents connected therewith, which the Umit we have prescribed for this work compels us to omit in this edition. The great inconvenience the settlers labored un der for want of building material caused WilUam 20 HISTORY OP Douglass, as early as the spring of 1805, to conceive the design of erecting a mill at the seat now known as Banning's MiU. He then commenced digging the race and building the dam. After getting a saw to running, he set to work building a grist miU; being a man of enterprise, he could not brook the thought that the people in that neighborhood should continue to boil and pound their corn when the^ could not take time to go to the distant miUs. John Kerr, as wiU be elsewhere noted in this book, erected a little grist mUl on the SulUvant track, and laid out the town of Frederick in the first quarter, seventh township, fourteenth range. United States military district, which on the 11th of Ifovember, 1807, he acknowledged, in presence of George Cham bers, before Wm. W. Farquhar. A fall account of the early settlement and progress of this thriving village wiU be found under the head of Wayne township. In our investigation of early matters, we find that the settlers of this district were solicitous upon three great points for legislative aid, to wit: the division of Fairfield, the increase of premium upon woK scalps, and proper encouragement in killing squir rels. The General Assembly, in 1807, passed a bUl to encourage killing of squirrels. It went through tlie popular branch with a rush, but the vote upon the final passage of the biU in the Senate, on the 21st of December, stood 8 ayes to 7 nays. The price for scalping grown wolves was increased, after some time and much petitioning, and the monster Fair field was dismembered at last. Happy were those KNOXCOUNTY. 21 old pioneers, at that period of their existence — "All then was happy — possessing and possessed — No craving void left aching in the breast!" In looking over the old petitions and beholding the cramped signatures of a number of these hardy yeomen, whose rough specimen marks of cracked and blistered hands in frontier service, clearly bear witness to their whole heart being in the prayers sent up for these measures, we can well imagine how they must have chuckled with deUght, as a Christian over his soul's salvation, at the reaUzation of their wishes. In those primitive times their at tention was not diverted from the real Uve issues affecting the welfare of themselves and their fami Ues to grand humanitarian schemes for the benefit of any other race or people. The squirrels eat the kernels when the corn was in silken tassels, taking it out of their chUdren's mouths ; the wolves prowled about their tracks, destroying their pigs and poultry, and rendered night hideous with their howling, and frightened and endangered the lives of wives and children, so they could not leave home to attend to necessary business at the remote county seat. This was a remarkable epoch in the history of the pioneers of this country. In 1807, at the October election, the section of country known as Fairfield county cast but 213 votes, all told ; and now there is scarcely a township in all this country that does not contain more voters. Then the entire vote cast for Governor in the State, as officiaUy pubUshed, was 5,616; and now, after the space of fifty-four years, our own county of Knox 22 HISTOKYOP poUs over 6,000 votes, and the old county as it then existed polled at the last election 40,000 ! What a change in the country we have Uved to witness! How striking the contrast in manners, customs, education, intelligence, and in poUtical, religious, and social life! In nothing is the altera tion more clearly marked than in the dissemination of information in reference to elections and the sys tem of electioneering. Then every man ran on his own hook — his own race — making the best speed he was capable of — fuUy impressed with the beUef that the devU would take the hindmost. The race was won then by personal merit and cleverness. !N^ow party intervenes; caucuses and juntos dic tate; conventions and wigwams gather together political carpenters, joiners and jacks of aU trades, whose special province it is to make platforms out of vagrant material for weak-kneed and spavined candidates to stand on. Then there were no daUy papers, and weekly ones only existed in great cities like Boston, 'New York and PhUadelphia. In fact nine-tenths of the then inhabitants had never seen a newspaper. The official count of the vote of that year shows more ftiUy than any language could convey the state of bUssful ignorance prevaUing throughout all this noAv politically crazy country. There were then two candidates running for Gover nor, to wit : Eeturn Jonathan Meigs and Nathaniel Massie. The former was voted for under nineteen different names, and the latter under five different styles. The various tickets read: For Eeturn J. Meigs, Eeturn J. Meigs, Jun., Jonathan E. Meigs, Jr., Jonathan Eeturn Meigs, Jonathan Eeturn KNOX COUNTY. 23 Meigs, Jr., Eeturn Meggs, Eeturn E. Meags, Jr., Jonathan Meggs, Jonathan E. Meggs, J. Meigs, Jr., Jonathan Meigs, Jonathan J. Meigs, Judge Meigs, John Meigs, Mr. Meigs, J. Maggs, Eeturn Israel Meigs, James Meigs, Johan Meigs, l^athaniel Massie, ]N"athaniel Massie, Esq., James Massie, Mr. Massie, Daniel Massie. Meigs received 3,299 ; Mas sie 2,317 ; and Eeturn J. Meigs was declared elected Governor by 982 maj ority . Thomas Kirker , Speak er of the Senate, was then acting Governor. Meigs had been a colonel in the army, and was appointed judge of the territory of Louisiana in July, 1805, and had resided in that country some six months ; his wife and family, however, had remain ed, during his absence, at Marietta, in this State. Massie contested his election; and on the 30th of December, 1807, the General Assembly, in joint session, by a vote of 24 to 20, decided that Meigs was not eUgible. The vote of Fairfield was: For Meigs, 167; Massie, 46. In 1810, Governor Meigs was elected by the people, and served as Governor until 1814. He was a gentleman of education and talent, and Meigs county, upon the Ohio river, will perpetuate his name as long as Ohio exists. At the election of 1807, above alluded to, Elnathan Scofield was elected Senator, and Philemon Beecher and Wm. W. Irwin Eepresentatives. The singularity of name borne by Governor Meigs is thus accounted for, as narrated to us by George Browning, Esq., a native of Belpre, and resident in this place since 1829. Jonathan Meigs, the father of Eeturn J., was quite celebrated for his bravery in several Indian campaigns, and when out on one 24 HISTORY OP of these perUous excursions, during his absence, his wife was in her confinement, and wrought upon by great anxiety for her husband, kept continuaUy crying out in pain : "Eeturn, Jonathan, oh! return, Jonathan, to me." About the time Eeturn Jona than was born, Jonathan returned, and she was quieted down, and at once the name "Eeturn Jonathan" was given to the new comer. The great extent of territory comprised within the limits of Fairfield, and the inconveniences re sulting to the settlers in the more new portion of the country from their great distance from the county seat, caused them to agitate the question of a division of the county as early as 1806. At the fifth General Assembly of Ohio, held in ChiUicothe, December 1st, 1806, a strong effort was made, audit was "within an ace" of being success ful. Elnathan Scofield, Senator, and PhUemon Beecher, Eepresentative, of Fairfield county, were particularly friendly to this measure. How near it came to being a success, may be judged of by the foUowing statement upon the Senate Journal, page 115, January 15th, 1807. A message ft-om the House of Eepresentatives, by Mr. Beecher, repre sented that "the House had passed 'an act for the division of Fairfield county,' in which they desire the concurrence of the Senate." On the 16th, the biU was received and read a second time. On the 20th, page 128, Mr. Scofield laid before the Senate a petition, signed by a number of the inhabitants of Fairfield county, praying for a division thereof, and recommending Mount Vernon as the tempor ary seat of justice in said contemplated division, and KNOX COUNTY. 25 also recommending certain persons as suitable char acters for associate judges, and the petition was re ceived and referred to the committee of the whole, to whom is committed the biU for a division of Fairfield county. On the 21st, the said biU was taken up, and considered and amended, and contin ued tUl Saturday next. At the sixth General Assembly, in December, 1807, we find on the 31st several petitions were pre sented from Fairfield county for a division of said county, which were referred to Messrs. Scofield, McArthur and Bigger. On the 7th of January, Senate Journal, page 69, Mr. Scofield presented a petition from citizens of Fairfield county living south of the Eefugee Tract, whose names are thereunto subscribed, for two coun ties; the one lying north of Eefugee Tract Une to be caUed Center, and the other to be called . January 15th, the biU pending in the Senate, page 83, several amendments were presented to the com mittee of the whole, one of which is: "Strike out in the 1st section and 6th line, after the word 'heathen,' 'from thence west along the south bound ary of said military tract, and insert,'" etc. From which it may be inferred that there were heathen about these parts before these later times. On the 16th of January the bill passed the Senate, and on the 30th of January, 1808, it passed the House and became a law. The second section of the act created the county of Knox. By this bill three of the best counties in the State of Ohio were rnarked out by metes aud bounds, to wit : Licking, Knox and Eichland. By the 4th section the tem- 26 HISTORY OP porary seat of justice of Licking was to be at the house of Levi Hays, and of Knox county at Mount Vernon. The 7th section provides "that Eichland county shaU be under the jurisdiction of Knox until the Legislature may think proper to organize the same." Hence, the reader will observe that in these pages we have incorporated several items of the early history of our younger sister — Eichland — as well as some incidents of more particular in terest to those dweUing in Licking. For the same reason, we have carried the history of Bloomfield, Chester and FrankUn— three of the townships at present belonging to Morrow county, though until 1848 part and parcel of old Knox. The same com missioners who located the seat of justice of Knox county at Mount Vernon, under the joint resolution of February 9, 1808, fixed the seats of justice of Licking and Delaware counties at l^ewark and Delaware. On the 14th of February, in joint baUot, the Gen eral Assembly chose the first associate judges of Knox county, Wm. W. Farquhar, John MiUs and William Gass. As we have before stated, in the year 1805 some of the inhabitants became desirous of having a town on Owl Creek, and Mount ^^ernon was laid out accordingly. The proprietors Avere Benjamin But ler, Thomas B. Patterson, and Joseph Walker. One of the settlers being from the Potomac, and thinking of the consecrated spot on its shores, sug gested that, as the stream was so clear and beautiful, the place should bear the sacred name — Mount Vernon — and it was so done. KNOX COUNTY. 27 Clinton — one mile and a half north — located the year before, was by its proprietor named after Gov ernor DeWitt Clinton, of I^Tew York, and he also showed his regard for his old friend by giving the name to his son — DeWitt CUnton Smith — who was a member of the sixth Legislature of Texas, and now resides in the Lone Star State. And in 1807 Fredericktown was laid out. Thus there were three towns, having a "local habitation and a name," before the county of Knox was created. ISTeither of them had advanced very far in the scale of city- dom up to 1808 ; of the number, however, Clinton was the most promising. It had, at that time, more houses, shops and workmen, than either of the others. Gilman Bryant opened a grocery store in Mount Vernon, on the lot where Buckingham Emporium now stands. It was a little story and a half syca more cabin, where he kept powder, shot, lead, whis ky, etc., for sale to the Indians and the few whites in 1807. Samuel H. Smith had a pretty good stock of goods and traps at CUnton. Of each of these towns we shaU speak more fully under their appro priate heads. Upon the organization of the county, the inhab itants were greatly pleased. Those who had been compeUed to travel to ¥ew Lancaster to transact county business, were particularly gratified. The proprietors of toAvn sites and holders of lots therein, were superlatively elated. On the 9th day of February, 1808, James Arm strong, James Dunlap and Isaac Cook were ap pointed Commissioners to locate the seat of justice. 28 HISTORYOP In pursuance thereof, they proceeded to discharge the duties imposed upon them, and on the 28th day of March, they appeared before John MiUs, Justice of the Peace, and were severaUy sworn to discharge the duties assigned them as Commissioners as aforesaid. CUnton and Mount Vernon were the principal competitors for the seat of justice. The former place at that time was the larger. It had more goods, more mechanics, more enterprises on foot, more houses, more people, and more hope for the future. It had more of Is^ew England families, more of Yankee spirit and shrewdness ; and yet, with all their cunning and craftiness — aU their money and management — aU their efforts and in ducements — Clinton lost the selection. Its generals were out-generaled — its managers out-manceuvered — its wits outwitted — its Yankees out-Yankeed by the less showy and pretending men from the Poto mac and the Youghiogheny, who had settled at Mount Vernon. The choice of either one for the county seat involved the ultimate ruin of the other. Clinton made a bold effort to keep up against ad verse winds. It could not sustain an appeal from the decision of the Commissioners, but stiU it kept on for several years in its improvements, and until after the war it was ahead of Mount Vernon in many respects. It had the first and only newspaper in the county for two years ; it had the first and only church in the county for many years ; it had stores, tanyards, shops of various kinds, and greater variety of business than Mount Vernon ; but after the war was over it began to decay, and its rival KNOX COUNTY, 29 took the lead. The accredited account of the loca tion of the county seat is as foUows : — The Com missioners first entered Mount Vernon, and were received with the best cheer at the log tavern of Mr. Butler. To impress them with an idea of the pubUc spirit of the place, the people were very busy at the moment of their entrance and during their stay, at work, aU with their coats off, grubbing the streets. As they left for Clinton, aU quitted their labor, not " of love ;" and some rowdies, who dwelt in cabins scattered round about in the woods, away from the town, left " the crowd," and stealing ahead of the Commissioners, arrived at Clinton first. On the arrival of the others at that place, these feUows pretended to be in a state not comformable to tem perance principles, ran against the Commissioners, and by their rude and boisterous conduct so dis gusted the worthy officials as to the apparent morals of the inhabitants of Clinton, that they returned and made known their determination that Mount Vernon should be the favored spot. That night there were great rejoicings in town. Bonfires were kindled, stews made and drank, and Uve trees spUt with gunpowder. Such is a plausible account of this matter, which we have often heard related by our old friend Gil man Bryant, who took great pride in rehearsing a fable calculated to give Mount Vernon the manifest advantage in the estimation of moral and temper ance men in these later times. But some of those who lived in the county at that early day give an entirely different version to the subject, and even have gone so far as to aver that the Commissioners 30 HISTORY OF themselves delighted, as did the rest of mankind, in taking a " wee drap of the cratur," and could not have been " disgusted by rude and boisterous con duct" to which they were accustomed. And again it is suggested that " the crowd" at that day was not so great in this locality that men who had sense and observation sufficient to be se lected for Commissioners, would not have been able to observe and distinguish " the rowdies," and class them where they belonged. Another old settler, whose partiaUty at that day was for Clinton, avers that the proprietor of CUn ton, Mr. Smith, had been very illiberal in his deal ings with those who wished to purchase lots in his town. He had adopted a plan of withholding from market the best lots on the plat, and keeping the corner lots to be enhanced in value by the improve ments made by settlers upon inside lots. At this course many of them became dissatisfied, and some of the number who had bought of him coUogued with the Mount Vernonites against CUnton. We have been told by another old citizen, that two of the men living north of Mount Vernon, and con sidered as in the Clinton interest, proposed to Kratzer and Patterson to help secure the location of the county seat at Mount Vernon, in considera tion of their receiving two lots apiece in the town, and that their favor and influence went accord ingly. And yet another account of this mooted question as to how the preference came to be Mount Vernon, comes to us in this wise : — One of the Commissioners was security for Sam- KNOX COUNTY. 31 uel Kratzer, and had become involved on that account. Kratzer had moved to this place from Lancaster, where he had been acting as land tax coUector of Fairfield county, in 1805, and reported himself to have been robbed of the public money whUe upon the road going to make his return. He was a fine looking, large, fleshy man, and wore tight buckskin breeches. They had holes in them which he alleged to have been shot in the encounter, though they bore the appearance of having been cut ; his saddle-bags were also exhibited with horrid gashes in them, and making profert of these he petitioned the Legislature for relief, and at the ses sion of 1806, the bUl for his relief was lost by a vote of 10 yeas to 17 nays. — H. J., p. 114. Certain it is, Kratzer lost caste, and broken up and humiUated, he came to the new town site and bought out Patterson's interest in the town of Mount Vernon, and it is represented that one of the Commissioners was counted on by the settlers as certain for said place. He got another of the Board with him, and Mount Vernon came off vic tor. Subsequently — and as resulting from this judgment — Kratzer, enabled by the rise of property to pay off his debt, did the fair and just thing by the Commissioner. Mount Vernon at that time was a rough, ragged, hiUy spot, with a thick growth of hazel and other bushes, not near so inviting a place as Clinton, where everything appeared enticing to the stranger. Gilman Bryant says that : " The ground north of Butler's Tavern was then almost whoUy in woods. Some timber had been chopped down in places. 32 HISTORY OP Main Street was fuU of stumps, log heaps and trees, and the road up the street was a poor crooked path winding round amongst the stumps and logs." Eichard Eoberts says that it was very rough and broken where Mount Vernon was located, and was the last spot on God's earth a man would have picked to make a county seat. Another gentleman residing north of Mount Vernon, and very partial to Fredericktown, thinks that by a Uttle management that place might have been made the permanent seat of justice, when the strife was so great between the other towns. They might have got a strip thrown off of Delaware county, which might have been attached, and then Frederick would have been aUke central ; but Kerr and his comrades had not iheu- eyes open to the importance of getting that five mUe range Vidth Knox, and they were left out of doors when the location was made permanent. We have thus minutely given all the statements made to us in regard to the selection of a permanent seat of justice, for it will be a matter of far greater interest to future generations than to the present. Our seventh chapter we devote to Ben. Butler's version, which will be read with great interest, as he is the only one of the proprietors of the town now Uving, and was a prominent actor in that affair. With that we leave tins elaborately discussed sub ject. KNOX COUNTY. 33 CHAPTEE ni, KNOX COUNTY ORGANIZED. The first term of common pleas. — ^Report of commissioners on seat oj justice. — The first criminal trials. — "The enforcement op the laws" upon hedrick's barb back. — Forty stripes laid on a poor WHITE man's naked SKIN I ThE PUBLIC WHIPPING ON THE PUBLIC SQUARE op mount VERNON. — AcTION OF THE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, A. D. 1808. — The first officers, and some account of them. — The first grand JURIES AND FIRST PETIT JURIES. ThE FIRST ELECTION. FiRST LICENSED PREACHERS, MERCHANTS AND TAVERN KEEPERS. — EXTRAORDINARY WOLF SESSION. — EiGID honesty and economy op OFFICERS. On the first of May, 1808, the faces of old and young, great and smaU, of the male and female, upon Owl Creek's " stormy banks," were anxiously turned to the south to catch the first gUmpse of that august personage, "the Court," then expected to make a first visitation to Mount Vernon. Ben. Butler and Aunt Leah had their house all "in apple-pie order" for their grand reception ; Jim Craig, at his house on the corner of Mulberry and Gambier, had laid in a fresh supply of whisky and other refreshments ; GUman Bryant had got a bran new horn for his customers, and had rubbed his little store up until the stock looked as bright as a dollar ; and Sheriff Brown had caused the little wagon maker shop of Coyle & Sons to be swept out and supplied with 34 HISTORYOP smooth round logs for the jurymen and others in attendance to sit on. Every man and boy that had been fortunate enough to kiU his deer had buckskin leggins and a new hunting shirt, and every woman that had a wheel had spun and dyed and made her self and Uttle ones a good homespun garment. Some few who could stand the expense had bought of store caUco three to five yards, at seventy-five cents a yard, and fitted themselves with a two or three breadth dress, the thu-d breadth made into gores, so as to be wider at the bottom, as their abil ity enabled ; for in those days there were no fash ionable women to parade the streets with fifteen to eighteen yards in a dress, and no disposition for extravagant displays of wearing apparel. The Court traveled on horse-back — handed the saddle bags to "Knuck Harris," and, after rest and refresh ment, bright and early on the morning of the 2d of May "opened" and proceeded to business. The whole population — men, women and children — were out in their best rig, to witness this great event ; and we give the following faithful transcript of the entire proceedings : FIRST COURT OF COMMON PLEAS IN KNOX COUNTY. " The State of Ohio, to wit : " Agreeable to an act of the GeneraJ Assembly of the State of Ohio, passed on the 17th day of February, 1808, for establishing and organizing the county of Knox : " Be it, therefore, remembered and known, that we, William Wilson, President, John Mills and Wm. Gass, Associate Judges for said county of Knox, did on this day, to wit: Monday, the second day of May, in the year of our Lord 1808, meet at Mount Vernon, the temporary seat of justice for the county aforesaid, and KNOX COUNTY. 35 proceeded to the appointment of a clerk for the said county, where upon it was declared by the Court that Chas. Loffland was duly elected 'pro tempore, who came into Court and was duly qualified as the law directs. " Samuel H. Smith, Esq., was duly elected surveyor of Knox Co. " Present : William W. Farquhar, gentleman." " The State of Ohio vs. Wm. IZetZnoi— Felony.— William Wal lace, William Bowen and Joseph Cherry Holmes entered into recog nizance of $100 each to appear at the next Court of Common Pleas and testify against William Hedrick. " James Armstrong, James Dunlap and Isaac Cook, gentlemen, who was appointed by the Legislature on the 9th of February last for fixing the county seat in the county of Knox, made their report to the Court of Common Pleas for the county aforesaid that Mount Vernon should be the seat of justice for said county. "WILLIAM WILSON." Such is the beginning of the minutes of the first Court. The "Eeport" reads as foUows: " To ihe Hon. William Wilson, Esq., President, and John Mills, William Gass and Wm. W. Forher, Esqs., Associate Judges of the Court of Common Pleas in and far the County of Knox, in the State of Ohio : " May it please your Honors, In conformity to an act of the Leg islature of the State of Ohio, passed the 28th of March, 1803, en titled an act establishing seats of justice, we, the subscribers, were appointed by a Eesolution of both Houses of the Legislature, passed on the 9th of February, 1808, commissioners for fixing the Parma- nent seat of justice in and for s'd county of Knox. We do hereby make report to your Honors, that, Having Met and attended to the duties of our s'd appointment in s'd county on the 28th of the present Inst., and Having paid due Kegard to the centre, Extent of population, Quality of soil, as well as the General convenience, we Hereby declare that the Town of Mount Vernon is the most suitable place for the Courts of s'd county to be held at, and we do hereby declare the said Town of Mount Vernon the parmanent seat of Jus- 36 HISTORY OP tice in and for s'd county of Knox. Given under our hands and seals this 29th day of March, 1808. "JAMES ARMSTRONG, [seal.] "JAMES DUNLAP, [seal.] "ISAAC COOK, [seal.] " Commissioners. " The frst Grand Jury Impanneled. — Matthew Merrit, foreman, John Herrod, Samuel H. Smith, James Walker, Jr., David Miller, Joseph Walker, Gilman Bryant, James Walker, Sen., William Douglass, Ziba Leonard, Stephen Chapman, Benj. Butler, Jonathan Hunt, Ichabod Nye. " Fighting cases first disposed of. — State of Ohio vs. John Wil liamson. — For fighting yesterday with William Herrod. The Court do assess him in a breach of the peace, &c., in the sum of #1.60 and costs. State of Ohio vs. William Herrod. For fighting John Williamson yesterday. Fine $1.60 and costs. " Preachers next in order. — William Thrift, a Baptist minister, is authorized to solemnize marriages. " Traders Licensed. — Samuel Kratzer and Stephen Chapman are authorized to retail goods, wares and merchandize in Mount Ver non, on paying into the treasury $5. " Tavern-keepers Licensed. — Samuel Kratzer is licensed to keep a house of entertainment in the town of Mount Vernon for one year, on paying $6. Daniel Ayres is licensed to keep in Freder icktown, on paying $5. " First Will admitted to Prohate. — The last will and testament of William Leonard was proven. " The First Trial l^y Jury. — State of Ohio YS. WiUiam Hedrick. — Indicted for stealing a watch from William Bowen. Plea ^Not guilty. " Jury. — James Loveridge, Henry Smith, Aaron Brown, James Smith, Benjamin Brown, John Beam, William Nash, Daniel Demick, Michael Brown, Peter Baxter, Archibald Gardner, and Levi Herrod. Verdict — Guilty. " Judgment.— Fine $5, pay the owner, William Bowen, $15, and he whipped on his naked hack ten stripes, imprisoned one month, pay the cost, and stand committed until the sentence is complied with. " Second Trial— State of Ohio vs. William Hedrick.— InScLZi- ment for stealing bay mare, property of William Wallace. KNOX COUNTY. 37 "Jury. — John Baxter, William Herrod, William Biggs, Daniel Ayres, Nicholas Kyle, John Shinabery, James Craig, James Smith, Thomas Merrill, Dorman Lofland, James Pell, and Thompson Mills. " Judgment. — Prisoner be whipped 20 lashes on his naked back, and pay a fine of $20, and be imprisoned one month, and pay the owner $70, the value of the mare, pay the cost, and stand com mitted, &c. " Third Trial. — State of Ohio vs. William Hedrick. — Indict ment for stealing one pair over-alls, the property of Joseph Cherry Holmes. " Jury. — James Loveridge, Henry Smith, Aaron Brown, James Smith, Benjamin Brown, John Beam, William Nash, Daniel Demick, Michael Brown, Peter Baxter, Archibald Gardner, and Levi Herrod. " Judgment. — Prisoner be whipped on his naked back five stripes, pay a fine of $2, be imprisoned one month, pay the owner 85, double the value of the over-alls, pay cost, and stand com mitted, &c., "Fourth Trial. — State of Ohio vs. William Hedrick. — Indict ment for stealing one bell and collar, property of William Wallace. " Jury. — Parts of the former. " Judgment. — Prisoner to be whipped five stripes on his naked back, pay a fine of $1, pay the owner $1.50, the value of the bell and collar, pay the costs, and stand committed, &c." The State pays its first fee. — On motion, a certifi cate was issued by the Commissioners in favor of Samuel Kratzer, Esq., for his services, for $6, in acting on the part of the State against WiUiam Hedrick, who was found guilty of felony. The sentence of the Court — wJien, where, hy whom and hotv executed. — The judgment of castigation was executed upon the public square of Mount Vernon, shortly after the adjournment of Court, in the presence of all the people. Silas Brown was the Sheriff, and it feU to his lot as such to serve the 38 HISTORY OP " legal process" upon the body of WilUam Hedrick. There was a smaU leaning hickory tree upon the east side of the pubUc square, between the present I^orton buUding and High street, and a Uttle south of where the jaU was afterwards buUt, and this tree bent in such way that a man could walk around under it. To this delectable spot the culprit was taken, and his hands were stretched up over his head and tied to the tree, and the stripes were ap pUed by said Sheriff to his naked back. He was struck forty times with a heavy raw-hide whip. A spectator pleads for mercy. — The first few blows with the raw-hide were across the kidney. Mr. Bryant, one of the bystanders, at once caUed out to the Sheriff to whip him elsewhere — that was no place to whip a man — he should sti-ike higher up ; and the rest of the lashes were appUed across the shoulders. How HedricTc acted. — The criminal sobbed and cried piteously, and when released went off weep ing and groaning. In many places the skin was cut and broken, and the blood oozed out, making a pitiable spectacle. And yet such was the feeUng against him that few seemed to sympathize with the scourged. As he started off he said to the spectators, " You should not blame me for this, for it is not my fault." Bob Walker repUed, " Jfo, by G — d, you wouldn't have stood up and been whipped that way, if you could have helped it." And at this prompt retort to Hedrick's explanation or apology, the crowd laughed loudly and uproariously. Erom Gilman Bryant, Samuel H. Smith, Ben. Butler, Jonathan Hunt and Stephen Chapman of KNOX COUNTY. 39 the Grand Jury, and James Loveridge and the Herrods of the Petit Jury, and Eichard Eoberts, all of whom are yet U^dng, and who witnessed this scene, we have gathered this account of the first and last judicial punishment by whipping in the county of Knox. And scarcely any of the present citizens are aware that such punishment of crimi nals was ever the law of the land in which they have the good fortune to live. THE FIRST ELECTION AT MOUNT VERNON. On the 4th day of April, 1808, the entire people of the county voted at Mount Vernon. The otficers of election were Ebenezer Brown, Jabez Beers and Samuel Kratzer, Judges ; Wm. Gass and Eobert Anderson, Clerks. They were here from the most re mote points, as well as from the vicinity of Mount Vernon. The election of the first officers in a new county brings out every body. They elected them by the following votes : John Lewis, for Commis sioner, received 56 votes, John Herrod 52, and Joseph Walker 48. Silas Brown was elected Sheriff. Jonathan Craig, for Coroner, had 45, and Erancis Hardesty 1 vote. Then for Trustees — for be it remembered, the whole county composed the dis trict — George Downs had 41, Henry Eoberts 36, and Joseph Coleman 36. The vote for Overseers of the Poor was, Moses Craig 22, James Walker 2, Alexander Walker 12. The candidates for Super visor were Sam. Kratzer, who received 35, and Peter Baxter 36. Eor Eence Viewers, George Zin, Michael Click and Jesse Severe were candidates. 40 HISTORY OP Eor "House praisers," Archibald Gardner and James Craig each got 12 votes. Eor Constables, Gabriel WUkins received 30, PhUip Walker 21, Jonathan Hunt, Jr., 15, Dave MiUer 3. Eor Treasurer, Ben. Butler had 12 votes, and James Walker, Jr., 2. Kone of these parties are now Uv ing but Ben. Butler and Jonathan Hunt, who many long years ago dropped the junior and be came a senior, and is now one of the oldest of men. DIVISION OF THE COUNTY INTO FOUR TOWNSHIPS, AND WHAT THET WERE. The following entry we find on a piece of paper in James Smith's hand : "Knox County: " Know ye, that on the 2d day of May, 1808, at a meeting of a Board of Commissioners for said county, to wit : Joseph Walker, John Harrod and John Lewis, Commissioners in and for said county, " Ordered, that the following bounds be laid off into a separate township, to wit: beginning at the west boundary line of said county, between the 6th and 7th township line, and running east to the west of the thirteenth range line, thence north to the center of the 7th township line, thence on the east to the east line of the 13th range, thence north to the county line, which shall be called and known by the name of Wayne township. "Ordered, that the following bounds be laid off into a separate township : beginmng at the north-east corner of Wayne township, thence east to the west side of the 11th range, thence south to the center of the 6th township, thence west to the west line of the 12th range, thence south to the south line of the Gth township, thence west on the said line of the side line, which shall be called and known by the name of Clinton township. "Beginning at the center of the 11th range line where it inter sects Licking county line, thence north to the center of the 6th township line, thence west to the west line of the 12th range, thence south to the line between the 5th and Gth townships, thence KNOX COUNTY. 41 west to the west line of the county, thence with the county line to Licking county to the place of beginning, which shall be known aud called by the name of Morgan township. "Ordered, that the following bounds be laid off into a separate township, laid off as follows : beginning at the north-east corner of Clinton township, thence eastward to the Muskingum county line, thence with the line of said county to the Licking county line, thence west to the middle of the 11th range, thence north to the center of the Gth township, thence west to the west side of the 12th range, thence north to the place of beginning, which shall be called and known by the name of Union township." Those who are curious to know what these town ships comprised, wiU find that Wayne at that time embraced aU of the present townships of FrankUn and Chester, in Morrow county, Middlebury, and BerUn, Wayne, and the north half of Morris. CUnton included Bloomfield, now in Morrow county. Liberty, north half of Pleasant, Monroe and Pike, and the south half of Morris. Union took in Brown, Jefferson, Union, How ard, Butler, Jackson, three-fourths of Harrison, and the east half of Clay. Morgan consisted of the west half of Clay, south west quarter of Harrison, south half of Pleasant, and aU of Morgan, MiUer, Milford and HUUar. THE SECOND, OR FALL TERM KNOX COMMON PLEAS Was held on Monday, the 5th day of September, 1808. What was then transacted we wUl briefly state. A Grand Jury was caUed and sworn for the body of this county, to wit : Jabez Beers, foreman, Ziba Leonard, John Johnson, James Walker, Jacob 42 HISTORY OP Young, Benjamin Butler, Wm. IsTash, John Butler, David MiUer, John Merritt, Wm. Douglass, Jas. Walker, Jr., James Craig, who after being sworn, retired out of Court, and after some time returned with the foUowing presentments, to wit : " The State of Ohio vs. Samuel H. Smith. — On a presentment for selling goods without license. A true bill, to which the defend ant plead guilty. Court on consideration of the offense doth find the defendant in the sum of $2.50, and costs of the prosecution. "Ordered, that the Grand Jury be adjourned till to-morrow morning, nine o'clock, who met according to adjournment. "The State of Ohio vs. Michael Brown. — On an indictment. True bill. " The State of Ohio vs. Aaron Brown. — On an indictment. True bill. " The State of Ohio vs. James Click. — On an indictment. True bill. "The State of Ohio vs. Sarah Hartley. — On an indictment. True bill. " Samuel Kratzer vs. Robert Walker. — In trespass. Dismissed at plaintiff's cost. "Ordered, that Edward Herrick be appointed a prosecuting at torney for this county. " James Scott, who is a regular Minister of the Presbyterian Church, is licensed to solemnize marriages. "John Armstrong ys. Jolm Kerr. — In trespass. James Bryant came into Court and undertook for the defendant, that in case he should be cast in this suit, that he, would pay and satisfy the con demnation of the Court, or render his body to the prison in lieu thereof. " John Wood is licensed to keep a tavern, on payment of S4.00. " ' On the motion of Samuel H. Smith, it is ordered that license be issued to him to sell and retail goods, wares, and merchandize of foreign growths and manufactories, at his store in the town of Clinton, for one year,' on payment of $10.00. " Samuel H. Smith is licensed to keep tavern at Clinton, on payment of $5.00. KNOX COUNTY. 43 "Jacob Young vs. Abraham Lyon. — Plaintiff's attorney ordered to amend writ by adding the words, ' on the case.' " On motion, Court adjourned till to-morrow at 9 o'clock. "Tuesday, September Gth, 1808. "James Oraig vs. Archibald Gardner. — On an appeal from a judgment rendered by Samuel Ki-atzer, Esq. This came ye defendant by his attorney, and pleads non-assumpsit, joinder and issue. Whereon came a jury, to wit: Daniel Johnson, Ichabod Nye, Wm. Casper, Stephen D. Menton, John Click, Thomas Bow en, Moses Craig, Wm. Bowen, Robert Anderson, Jesse Proctor, Gilman Bryant, Alexander Walker, who upon their oaths say that they find for the plaintiff, and assess the damages to $25.26^ cents damages. "Joseph Butler vs. Elizabeth Vandever. — On an appeal from Abraham Darling. Judgment awarded for the defendant's cost. "The State of Ohio vs. Michael Brown. — Samuel Kratzer, Sam uel Baxter and Polly Miller entered into $100 recognizance to appear and testify on the part of the State. " State of Ohio vs. Aaron Brovm. — James Walker, Jr., Benjamin Butler and Wm. McBride entered into recognizance of $100 to ap pear and give evidence on the part of the State. "Jacob Young vs. Abraham Lyon. — Samuel H. Smith came into Court and undertook for the defendant, that in case he should be cast in this cause, that he would pay and satisfy the condemnation of the Court, or render his body to prison in lieu thereof. " Thomas B. Patterson, for the use of Moses Bixby, vs. Samuel Kratzer. — In debt. The defendant came into Court and acknowl edged the services of the writ; declaration filed and continued. " The Court proceed to the appointment of a GXerik. pro pem pro, when James Smith was elected. "Ordered, that Edward Herrick be allowed $25 as prosecuting attorney for this term. " Court adjourned till the Court in course. " WILLIAM WILSON. "John Armstrong vs. John Kerr. — The declaration being filed this the Sth day of Nov., 1808, the defendant is ordered to plead to the same within twenty days ; otherwise judgment. "EDWARD HERRICK, "Att'y for Plaintiff." 44 HISTORY OP THE FIRST SPECIAL TERM OF COURT. At the request of Michael Brovm, John CUck and Aaron Brown, a Court of Common Pleas of the Associate Judges was opened at Mount Vernon the 5th of December, 1808. Present, Wm. W. Earquhar, John MiUs, and Wm. Gass, Esqrs. " The State of Ohio vs. M. Brown. — On an indictment found by the Grand Jury, a true bill, thus appeared the prisoner, and pleads not guilty ; the Court then proceed to the evidence of John Wil liamson, Samuel Kratzer, Samuel Baxter, Polly Miller and Stephen Chapman, on the part of the State, and Thompson Mills and Michael Mills on the part of the prisoner. The Court, upon a full investigation, do order that he do give bail of two persons, which shall be bound in two hundred dollars each, for his personal ap pearance at the next term, then and there to abide the order of Court; otherwise to be remanded to jail. " The State of Ohio vs. A. Brown. — On an indictment for a breach of the peace. The Court order him to enter baU in one surety of fifty dollars. "The State of Ohio vs. John Click. — On an indictment for a breach of the peace. The Court order him to give bail in $50. " William Fuller became surety for Aaron Brown, and Gilman Bryant for John Click. "Ordered, that the Court do adjourn. "JOHN MILLS." THE FIRST ELECTION BY TOWNSHIPS— SPECIMEN OF A POLL BOOK— REFLECTIONS. At the October election the first regular vote was taken for State and county officers, the terms of those elected in AprU having been, in Clerk Lof- land's phrase, only "pro pempore." The foUowing poU-book of one of the most populous townships shows who were voted for : KNOX COUNTY. 45 ' Poll-hook of an Election held in the Township of Wayne, in ihe County of Knox, and State of Ohio, the 11th day of October, 1808, at the house of Daniel and Abner Ayres, in the tenon of Frederic. John Kerr, Chairman, Nathaniel M. Young, John Cook, Henry Roberts, Judges, and Jacob Young and Wm. W. Farquhar, Clerks of the Election, were duly sworn as the law directs, previous to their entering on the duties of their respective offices. Certified by me, Wm. W. FARQUHAR, A. J. 1 2 3 Casper Fitting, Joseph Talmage, Amariah Watson, 1314 15 45 Abraham Lyon, Joshua Vennom, 16 17 G Samuel Wilson, 18 7 Charles McGowen, 19 89 Joshua Milligan, Ruben Skinner, 2021 10 Jacob Cook, 22 1112 Henry Roberts, John Kerr, 23 Henry Markley, Nathaniel M. Young, John Walker, William W. Farquhar, Jacob Young, John Cook, Richard Hall, Thomas Durbin, Samuel Durbin, Jeduthan Dodd, Thomas Townsend. " Samuel Huntingdon had at the above election, for Governor, a majority of 23 votes (all cast;) Jeremiah Morrow, for Congress, received 21, and Philemon Beecher 2. " Wm. Trimble and Jacob Burton had a majority of 21 votes each for the Senate. " Hezekiah Smith had 2 votes for Senator, and Elnathan Sco field 2. " Alexander Holden, for Representative, had 20 votes, and Jeremiah R. Munson 2. " For Commissioners — ^Wm. Douglass had 21, Calvin Shepherd 2, Henry Markley 23, Matthew Merritt 21. " For Coroner — John Merritt had 21. " For Sheriff— Silas Brown 13, Ichabod Nye 9. " John Harrod had 2 votes for commissioner, and Joseph Walk er 2. .. Attest : Wm. W. FARQUHAR, "JACOB YOUNG, Clerks." 46 HISTORY OP Eifty-four years have not yet passed by, and yet earth has closed upon aU the above list of voters and voted for: and at this day there are but seven of the above numbered who have any "kith and kin" within our county limits. Of 126 voters at an election in the entire county, in 1808, but seven are now Uving — the mementos of the past — the con necting link of the living and the dead; soon, alas! the last one of the pioneers wUl have departed from among us . Is it not, then, of the utmost importance to gather from the Ups of the few who stand, as we write, at the very threshhold of death, their recoUec- tions, and to treasure up, for ftiture generations, an account of their perils and sufferings, and the inci dents connected with the first settlement of this great and glorious land 1 DOINGS OF THE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS— THEY ARE DEATH ON WOLVES, AND "DOWN ON" ROADS, BUT DETERMINED TO DO THE FAIR THING FOR THE TAX-PAYER. " A Board of Commissioners for the county of Knox was seated at Mount Vernon, on Monday, the 24th day of October, 1808. " Present : Gentlemen Henry Markley, Matthew Merritt and William Douglass, Commissioners, who, at their first meeting, pro ceeded to the appointment of a Clerk, and James was duly elected Clerk, and qualified accordingly; then, according to law, proceeded to cast lots relative to their ceasing to continue in the office, and it is by them declared that Henry Markley continue in said office three years, Matthew Merritt two years, and William Douglass one year. Ordered, that this Board do adjourn until next Friday." Thus simply and concisely is given the proceed ings of the first meeting of the Commissioners of Knox county of which we have any record. On KNOX COUNTY. 47 Eriday, the 28th of October, the foUowing business was fransacted : " Ordered, that the Clerk issue an order on the County Treasurer of this county for the sum of one dollar and fifty cents for killing one wolf, proven before Wm. Y. Farquhar, Esq., in favor of James Durbin. " Ordered, that an order issue in favor of James Smith for the sum of two dollars, for carrying returns of the annual election to the town of Newark. "P- S. — The above meeting was intended for the purpose of examining and regulating the papers and books relative to the Commissioners. " Ordered, that this Board do adjourn until the first Monday in December next, unless occasion Require a sooner meeting of this Board." "Occasion" did "Eequire" a "sooner meeting," for we find that wolves had been kiUed, and it was a "case of emergency," justifying an extraordinary meeting of the Board of Commissioners at Mount Vernon, on the very next day, and we give the journal entry in its own words : " Ordered, that an order do Issue to the County Treasurer of this county, in favor of Jesse Morgan, for the sum of three dollars, for killing two Grown Wolves. " Ordered, that an order do Issue to the Treasurer of this County, in favor of Jonathan Morgan,* for the sum of three dollars, for killing two Grown Wolves. " Ordered, that this Board do adjourn until the next meeting in course." At the December term, 1808, the Board was in session two days. On the 5th an order was granted * QtTEET. — Was not Morgan township named after the distinguished wolf-killer, to whom we find many orders to have been issued for killing wolves ? May not a spirit of regard for such puhlic benefactors have caused the old settlers to perpetuate the name of Morgan ? 48 HISTORYOP PhUip Walker, constable, of seventy-five cents for one day's attendance on the Grand Jury at the May term; to WiUiam W. Earquhar, Esq., ^4.50 for one day's attendance on a call court, on an indictment of the Grand Jury, on the case of M. Brovm; to John MiUs |3 for the same; to WiUiam Gass $3 for the same; and the foUowing wolf orders: To John Simpkins |1.50 for kiUing one grown wolf, proven before Samuel Kratzer, J. P. ; to John But ler $3 for kilUng two grown wolves, proven before Abraham DarUng, J. P. On the 6th day of December : " Ordered, that the Treasurer of this County do pay the following sums to the following persons : To James Dunlap $22 for fixing the county seat of this county ; to Isaac Kook $22 for the same ; to James Armstrong $22 for the same. " Ordered, that 10 cents be erast off the Collector's Duplicate, for an error made by the lister, who personally appeared and con fessed the same, in favor of Samuel Lewis. " Ordered, that the Treasurer of this County do pay to James Smith, Clerk, $6.67 for his services in elections until the said term, likewise 75 cents for Blank Books. " A petition was handed the Board, praying a view of a Road from the town of Clinton Running to intersect the County Line, near the south-west corner of the County; which review they declare Inexpedient and Rejected. " A petition was handed the Board, praying a view of a Road from the town of Clinton through the Settlement of Skenk's Creek to the Eastern Line of Knox County, and it is declared by the Board that the said petition is rejected. " A petition was handed the Board, praying a view of a Eoad from Mulberry street, in the town of Mount Vernon, to Wm. Doug lass' mill, and they declared the same Inexpedient. " Ordered, that the Treasurer of this County do pay Archibald Gardner the sum of $1 .50 for killing one Grown Wolf, proven before Samuel Kratzer, Esq. KNOX COUNTY. 49 " Ordered, that the Treasurer of this County do pay to Henry Markley the sum of $15 for to defray expenses and charges relative to procuring a Duplicate from Fairfield county to enable the collec tor to collect and pay the taxes on Resident Lands in this county. " Ordered, that the Treasurer do pay to Silas Brown<$ 13.33 for his services eight months in criminal cases; for do. in elections, $4; the above allowances for the year 1808 ; 3 hasps and 1 lock, $2.50 ; summoning 2 Grand Juries, $2 each ; and fifty cents for the diet of Wm. Hedrick, prisoner. " Ordered, that this Board do adjourn until the next meeting in course, unless necessity require an extraordinary meeting." Such was the action of Markley, Merritt and Douglass, in the year 1808. How economicaUy our affairs were managed in the early days of the Owl Creek Eepublic ! Ofl&cers then were simple-minded , and wrote with grey goose-quills ; expending but 75 cents for blank-books; gold pens were then un known, nor steel-va% either. The item of "station ery," which has since figured so extensively in county exhibits, was not then in the ofiicial diction ary. Blessed days were those, when an "error of 10 cents was ordered erast," and "confession" of the same made by the coUector upon the county records in favor of the aggrieved sovereign; when roads, through "the settlements on Skenk's Creek" andta "county Unes," as well as from "Mount Vernon to Mill," were declared by our pioneei' board "Inex pedient," and "the petitions" of interested citizens, were "rejected;" when it took only " 50 cents" to pay "the Diet" of prisoners, a^d the "chief end of man" was to kill grow^i wolves, a,nd of County Commissioners and Clerk to i-eoeive certificaites of proof thereof and issue oyders to pay for theii* scalps ! 50 HISTORYOP CHAPTEE IV. The cocntet as seen in 1801. — A teagebt in owl creek in 1800, and THE PLACE OE ITS OCCUBKENCE. — KeMINISOENCES OF EAKLT SETTLEES AND TUEIE FAMILIES. — TlIE FIEST TERRIBLE STORM VISITS MOUNT VERNON. — The FIRST DOCTOR AND HIS EECBPriON.' — ThE BUTLERS, THE WALKERS. — Oilman brtant, jim oraig, and their exploits. — "Who gave the name TO MOUNT VERNON. WhO BUILT THE FIRST CABIN ? EaRLT PREACHING. — Fighting and other incidents of the frontier, and amusing events op the ancient times. The first of our race known to have been within the limits of this county, as stated heretofore, was John StiUey. The second, of whom we have reU- able information, was the reckless frontiersman, Andy Craig. And from aU we can learn, we are (of the opinion that cotemporaneotis with him was ithe oddest character in aU our history, Johnny (Chapman, alias Appleseed, who was discovered in tMs .country when the Walkers, and Butlers, and Douglass and others landed here, and whose name is found recorded among those voting at the first election ever held in this district. Ben. and John Butler, in September, 1801, made a trip up Owl Creek as far as to the mouth of Cen ter Eun, and camped over night about one hundred yards north of the Owl Creek bank. At that time Andy Craig was Uving there in a Uttle log hut, with a great raw-boned Avonian as his wife. She KNOX COUNTY. 51 had been married to some man about WheeUng, when Andy took up with her, and they ran off into the Indian country together. She was a trifling, coarse piece, and said Ben: " I'd as soon have slept with a man as her, and why he should have taken her into the wilderness for a sleeping companion I can't see." ISot a white person was then Uving in our route from LewisviUe up to where Mount Ver non now is, and not a settlement had been made in Knox, Morrow, Eichland, Ashland, Wayne, or any part of the country watered by Owl Creek, the Mohican, and their tributaries. An old Indian Chief with his Tribe was then camped near by, and they had a grand pow-wow there. The Indian Eield, in the bend south of the camps, was covered with beautiful grass, and looked charming. The Butlers were greatly pleased with their ex ploration, and returned by the mouth of Owl Creek to LewisviUe. In 1803, John settled near the mouth of the stream. In the spring of 1805, Ben. takes up his residence in Mount Vernon. During the intermediate time the Indians held undisputed possession. Andy Craig, having fallen into their customs and mode of life, remained with them ; and, after settlers began to pour in, he puUed up stakes, and went up to Greentown and continued in their company. There were three beautifal spots of ground without timber, and known from that time as the " Indian Eields." The one we have named was the "Little Indian Eield," and con tained about twenty acres, known to settlers of many years as on the Ann Carter tract, now owned by Judge Hurd. It is in CUnton township. 52 HISTORYOP Another " Indian Eield" contained about forty acres, upon the John Ash tract, now owned by Amen M. Shipley. It is in Howard township. The ten-mile settlers selected a beautiful level prairie for their commencement of operations. The beautiful little prairie in Morris township, where Henry Eoberts settled, was also a choice spot. And the Me-me-kausen prairie down the creek, now known as the DarUng prairie. These were aU favorite places of resort for the Indians as long as they were in this country. Arm strong with his Tribe once every year visited the Indian Eields on Owl Creek, and hunted and fished, and camped by the waters of the stream they loved untU the war of 1812, when they had reason to cease their visits in this direction. This country is described by those who knew it at that early day as the most beautiful region the eye ever rested upon. The work of nature was captivating. Subsequent cultivation by man has added to its interest, though, in some respects, it may have marred the beauty of the original scene. Beyond the recoUection of the oldest inhabitant now living within our borders, a tragedy was enacted on the point of bluff between Centre Eun and Owl Creek, of which much has been said by old citizens, but very Uttle is known. The exact time of its occurrence is usually stated at about 1805, but in fact it must have occurred as early as 1800, if not before that. Two slaves had run away from their master, TumUnson, who Uved in Vir ginia, and had got into this part of the country and taken up with squaws. Their pursuers tracked KNOX COUNTY. 53 them through ZanesviUe and up Owl Creek, and finaUy came upon them at Andy Craig's. One of the boys was a mulatto ; and, recognizing his mas ter's son as he approached with two other men, sprang to the bank and into the Creek, pursued by the men, who overtook him in the middle of the stream, and a deadly struggle took place, in which he kiUed his young master, but was then overpow ered, taken to the hut, tied, and shortly after placed on the horse his young master had rode, and the company started for Virginia with him. The second night after leaving Craig's, they built a camp-fire. and left the mulatto tied by it, when they went out for game. On their return, he was found to have been shot, but neither could say that he did it. The beUef was, that they had become tired of taking him along, and as he was surly and troublesome, he was killed to get rid of him, and out of revenge for the loss of TumUnson. Ben. Butler informs us that on his trip to Owl Creek in 1801, Andy Craig told him the particulars of this fight ; and that in 1805, when he made a trip out to the Sandusky plains, he saw the negro who escaped, and was then living with a squaw among the Indians, and talked with him about this affair. Dr. J. K. Burr and J. W. Warden, in hunting over the ground where this scene occurred, came across the bones of TumUnson, who had been buried there. Among the early settlers of this part of Ohio, were the Virginia family of Butlers. They were John, Thomas, Benjamin, Joseph, Isaac and James, 54 HISTORY OP and aU made their settlements upon Owl Creek and Whitewoman at first, and subsequently lived upon these streams or their tributaries, and in the divi sion and formation of counties were found in Knox and Coshocton, in what was about the same neigh borhood in those times. John settled in 1805, on land which he bought of Capt. Taylor, at the mouth of the Mohican, near where CavaUo was located. He died on Mohican, in his 85th year. Thomas died in his 84th year. Joseph died about 1837. Isaac was drowned in Whitewoman, about 35 years ago. James died on his farm on Mohican, about 1832. They were hardy, sinewy men, good hunt ers, and well calculated to endure the hardships and privations of frontier life. Ben. Butler, in his 84th year, is yet of vigorous physical frame and of strong mind. Eew men of forty can be found with more rugged constitution. The Butlers were always fond of fun and fi-oUc, and never occupied a back seat when any sport or fight ing went on in early days. Ben. is about five feet nine in height, weighs about 150 pounds, is straight as an arrow, and fleet as an Indian. He is ready to-day to run a foot race with any man of his age in the world, and a few years since gave a pubUc chaUenge through the press to run for a wager a foot race with any man of his age in the State or nation. He was born in Monongahela county, Va., AprU 18th, 1779, and when just turned of twenty years he married, on the 2d of May, 1799, Leah Ilogers, of Crab Orchard, Va., then in her sixteenth year, and by her had fourteen children, seven boys and KN O X C O U N T Y. 55 seven girls. Betsey, their oldest child, was born in Monongahela county, Va., Eebruary 22d, 1800. She married John Eouse, who died at Eacine, Meigs county, leaving five children. Betsey is now Uving with them at that place. Hiram was born on the Tuscarawas river, about two miles from Coshocton, in October, 1801 ; he is dead. Ben. was born on Whitewoman, July 31, 1804, and is also dead. Joseph was born in Mount Vernon, the 23d of October, 1806. Matilda in Mount Vernon, October 8th, 1808 ; she married Charles Critchfield, and is now dead. Huldah was born on his farm down the creek where he has ever since Uved, in 1810. Eeasin was born August 12th, 1812, and is now dead. Laban E., born March 7th, 1814, mar ried Lucinda Peckham, and lives in Union town ship. Maria was born October 1st, 1815 ; married S. W. Sapp, and is now dead. PoUna, born August 31st, 1817, married Eobert Grimes, and Uves in Iowa county, Iowa. Hetty, born July 5th, 1819, wife of John Carpenter, with her two boys and two girls, lives at the old farm with Ben. Squire John, born in 1821, and George Washington, born in 1823. Squire John married Mary Jane, daughter of Joseph Workman, and George W. married Miss Lydick, daughter of another old settler. They live in Union township. Joseph married PoUy Biggs, and lives in Newcastle ; Huldah married Joseph Jones, and lives in Knox county, IU. Three of the boys and three girls are dead ; the rest Uving, to gether with seventy-five grandchUdren. "Pretty weU done, is it not," said Uncle Ben. to us this 8th. of June, 1862, "for old Virginia and a little Quaker gal !" 56 HISTORYOP In 1800, Ben. Butler settled in the neighborhood of Dresden, and raised a crop on land belonging to Major Cass. In 1801, he moved to LewisviUe, two miles above Coshocton, and in 1802, he settled on Whitewoman above the mouth of Kilbuck, and from thence to Mount Vernon in April, 1805, where he resided until 1809, when he moved down the creek, where he has ever since resided. Before he moved to Mount Vernon he had bought thirty- six acres of land of Joe Walker, which he had pur chased of Matthews and Mgh, and Matthews exe* cuted the deed to Butler. Patterson, Walker and himself conceived the plan of laying out a town on their possessions, and accordingly in July, 1805, it was surveyed by Bob. Thompson, and taken to Lancaster, and recorded in Eairfield county records. Captain Walker's house was the first one within the town plat ; the next buUdings were two Uttle log stables, built by Ben. Butler, on the corner now owned by Adam Pyle — Gambier and Main streets, north-west corner. In one of these log stables Ben. Butler lived and kept entertainment until he buUt his log cabin on the corner, which for many yeai-s continued the princij)al tavern of Mount Vernon. He paid for shingles and work on that house |^150. This was the building wherein the Commissioners who came to locate the county seat were most hos pitably entertained. Ben. moved into it in the faU of 1805, and lived in it until 1809. It continued as the war office under successive administrations. Ben. bought two hundred acres on Licking, and built a log cabin on it, intending to move his family there in 1809, but having met with a favorable offer KNOX COUNTY. 57 he sold it to Hanger, who occupied the place until his death. The most extraordinary event of those early times was a terrible tornado in the summer of 1806, which played havoc with the early settlers. It came up suddenly, and was very violent. It tore off the roofs of aU the houses, killed most of the stock running about, and tore down all the large white oak trees that were on Ben.'s tliirty-six acre tract, as also many trees on Walker's land. In its course it took in Andy Craig's old stand on Center Eun. Ben. had nine head of horses ; as the storm came up they attempted to run out of its way ; two of them were killed ; one of the horses ran all the way to Craig's, and jumped into his garden patch; its skin was torn and flesh scratched in many places by limbs of trees hurled against it by the storm as it ran to get out of its reach. Walker had some horses killed ; also Patterson and Krat zer, and a Uttle feUow from Virginia who lived on the hill, named Zinn. A little doctor named Henderson was with us when we laid out the town. He was from Balti more, Maryland, and proposed that we should caU it after Washington's home-place, and we aU sanc tioned. When it came to giving any name that pleased Washington, it pleased all proprietors. Henderson was a clever young feUow ; his father made a regular doctor of him, and started him out with a good horse and outfit, but he was too d d lazy to practice. The first time Ben. saw him, Patterson came out into the lot where he was plow ing, and introduced hira to Ben,, who was mad at 58 HISTORY OP the infernal beech-roots catching the plow so much, and when Patterson said he was a doctor, and Hen derson spoke up and said he had just been inocu lating a child, and wanted to inoculate Butler's, Ben said, " G — d d n you, haven't I moved away up here to get rid of the d d smaU-pox, and now d d if you shall inoculate my child. I didn't know exactly what inoculating then meant, but I was mad, and I threatened to put my knife into him, and scared him so that he would not attempt to 'noculate any more in that town. He stayed about for a time, until he ran away mth a woman, and no other doctor dared to show his face there during my stay. We had no lawyers either in them days." The first election Ben. recoUects of attending, the neighbors and himself went down to Dresden and voted in 1803 or 1804. Another election he recoUects of was held at Bill Douglass'. David Johnson wanted to be a constable, and 'lectioneered hard, and agreed to take on executions and for fees raccoon skins, if he was elected. But when the votes were counted, he was beaten by Dimmick. This was the first time he voted a ticket. In old Virginia it had been always the custom to vote by singing out the name of the candidate voted for. Speaking of raccoon skins : old Amos Leonard preached Presbyterian doctrine, and would often say when he commenced, "ISTow, you had better pay the preacher a coon skin or so." It was with him " poor preach and poor pay." " Once I passed along where he was preaching, with corn on my back, to feed about one hundred hogs that I had KNOXCOUNTY. 59 about where ^N^orton's miU is, and seeing Walker Ustening to him, I haUooed to him to come along with me — that he could learn no good from Amos —that he knew nothing ; and Walker came along with me. Another Sunday I was out hunting calves with my brother Tom, and when we had found them and were driving them along the road, preacher Leonard took off his hat and shook it at them, scaring them off, so I told him if he ever did so again, preacher as he was, I would whip the hide off of him ; and I would have done it, too, for at that day I could whip anybody ; I was Uttle, but never saw the man I couldn't whip. " Leonard went on to his meeting, and took satis faction out of me by preaching at me. Captain Walker said to me the next day: 'Oh! you ought to have been at meeting just to hear Leonard abuse you ; he laid it on to you severely.' I thought that may be so. Many a man can whip with the tongue that is afraid to try it with the fist." One of the greatest fights of that early date was between -Ben. Butler and Jim Craig, in which Oraig was badly whipped. Butler's hand had been tied up from a hurt, but he took off the poultice and gave him a severe thrashing. The next day Jim and Ben. met together and took a drink over it; the quarrel was dropped, as Jim said he deserved the whipping and would not fight it over again. When Ben. bought his land of Captain Walker he had no thoughts of laying out a town, nor had Walker. He gave |2 an acre for it. Ben. helped dig the first grave, that of Mrs. Thomas Bell Patterson, the first person that died 60 HISTORY OP in Mount Vernon. He says that Col. Patterson was a very smart man, much smarter than any in the town now. The old school house stood near where the market house stands, and the public well, with a sweep or pole, was north of it, nearly in the centre of High street. He helped wall the old weU. Gilman Bryant said, that he came to the county in 1807, and landed in Mount Vernon from his pirogue in March, and at that time there were only three families Uving within the then limits of the town, viz; Ben. Butler, who then kept a sort of tavern ; James Oraig, who kept some sort of refresh ments and whisky, on the corner, east side of Mul berry and north of Wood street; and another fam ily, who lived south of Craig's on the opposite side of the street. These buildings were all log. On the west side of Mulberry, opposite to , was a Uttle pole shantee, put up by Jo. Walker, a gun smith, who had a little pair of beUows in one corner, and tinkered gun-locks for the Indians. Eurther west, on what is now Gambier street, and beyond the town plat, stood the building occupied by Walker, also a log. There was also at that time a small log house with a roof, but the gable ends not yet filled, standing on the west side of Main street, between the present market house and where the court house stood in 1849, which would be in High street. There was at the time living in the neigh borhood, and recollected by Mr. Bryant ColviUe, on his farm east of town ; Bob. Thompson, where StiUey now lives; Andrew Craig, at or near the old Indian fields (on Centre Eun, above Tur- KNOX COUNTY. 61 ner's miU); old Mr. Walker, near Banning's miU, on the left hand side of the road; and old Mr. Hains, south of town. Mr. Bryant brought eight barrels of whisky by water to Shrimplin's miU on Owl Creek, and from thence had it hauled by I^athaniel Critchfield's team, Joe driving, to Mount Vernon. Tradition says that the first log shelter occupied by old man Walker was made of Uttle round poles by Casper Eitting in 1802, but we can find nothing to sustain a claim to its erection at so early a period. Eitting, doubtless, was the builder, we should think about 1804, though it may have been in 1803; however, as our own recollection does not extend quite that far back, we give it as it has been told to us. Joseph Walker, Sr., of whom Ave have been speaking, emigrated to this county from Pennsyl vania about 1804, and settled near where we now write. Philip, Joe, Alexander, James, Eobert and John were his sons, and two daughters — SaUy, who married Stephen Chapman, and Uves three miles south of this town, and Polly, who married Sol omon GeUer, a Pennsylvania Dutchman, who was one of the early settlers of Mount Vernon, and subsequently moved into what is now Morrow county. Joseph Walker, Sr., and his wife, both died many years ago, and their bodies were buried in the Clinton graveyard, with no stone to mark the spot where they lie, and this record, it is hoped, may serve to perpetuate their memory. Erom aU accounts, they were very worthy pioneers. James Craig, one of the three men Uving in Mount Vernon in the spring of 1807, was grit to 62 HISTORYOP the back bone, and was constantly harrassed by peace officers . It became almost an every-day occurrence with him to have a fight ; and, if no new comer ap peared to give his fighting Ufe variety, he would, "just to keep his hand in," scrape up a fight with his neighbors or have a quarrel with his wife — aU for the love of the thing, for "Jamie was the broth of a boy." He had as high as four fights in one day with Joe Walker, who was also a game chicken! When arraigned before court for assault, etc., he would always put on his most pleasing smile, and say to the judge : "Kow, wiU yer honor jist please be good to the boy, for he can't help it." We have been told by an early settler of a Uttle incident, illustrating the sports of the pioneers in 1807, at James Craig's house, after he had moved out to the log cabin, erected, and yet leaning, not standing, on D. S. B'orton's farm, south of High street extension, on the Delaware road. Craig had tended a few acres in corn, and had the only corn for sale in that part of the county. Mrs. Eachel Eichardson sent her son Isaac to buy some for bread, and, after spending a short time in the village, he went out to Craig's, got his corn, and stayed all night. The famUy had just got to sleep, laying down on the floor, when the wild feUows of the town came in to the doors and fired a voUey over their heads. Craig at once sprang out of bed in his shirt- tail, grappled with one of them, and in a short time aU present were engaged in a Uvely Uttle fight, just for the fun of the thing. " Knuck Harris," a " color ed gemmen," the first one ever in Mount Vernon, Kl«rOX COUNTY. 63 and Joe Walker, are recoUected as having boon among the parties. One of the most noted fights that ever came off in this county was between James Craig and his son-in-law, Jack Strain, and two of the Georges of Chester township. It occurred in this way: Old Jim was, as he said, in a fighting humor, when, in company with Jack, coming along the road home on foot they met the Georges near Clinton riding sprucely on horse-back, and required that they should get off their horses and fight them. Parson George explained that they were in a hurry to go home, and had neither time nor disposition for a fight. But Jim swore that they must get off and fight; and, there being no way of getting past them, as they held possession of the road, they reluctantly got off their horses and "pitched in." Jack soon whipped his man, but it puzzled Jim to make his fight out, and the conclusion arrived at was, that they had taken too large a contract when they un dertook to whip the Georges. Jim, in after years, would revert to this one fight with regret, as it was entirely uncaUed for and only provoked by his own determination for a trial of strength. After the marriage of Jack Strain into his family, old Jim counted himself almost invincible. Jack was a very powerful and active man, unsnrpassed for thews and sinews, bone and muscle. The great fight of the county might, with pro priety, be called that of Strain with Eoof. The county pretty much en masse witnessed it. It was a regular set-to — a prize fight not inferior, in the public estimation, to that of Heenan and Sayers. 64 HISTORY OP Jack fought with great spirit; he fought, if not for his life, for his wife ; for old Jim swore that he (Strain) should never sleep again with his daughter if he didn't whip him. When Craig was indicted the last time for fight ing he told Judge Wilson "not to forget to be easy with him, as he was one of the best customers the court had." In wrestling with Tucker, Jim had his leg broken, which he often regretted, as he couldn't stand on his forks right. He was not a big, stout man, but struck an awful blow, and vf as weU skiUed in parry ing off blows. He caUed his striking a man giving him a "blizzard." He was a backwoodsman from Western Virginia, but of Irish extraction — fond of grog, fond of company, fond of fighting, fan and frolic — kind-hearted, except when aroused by pas sion, and then a very devil. He fought usuaUy as a pastime, and not from great maUce. His wife was an excellent, hospitable and clever woman. We have heard Yery many anecdotes of Craig, but have space for only one more. One of the last kind acts of the old settler was his endeavoring to treat Bishop Chase when he first visited our town. Jim having heard much said of him as a preacher and a distinguished man, met him on the street, and, desiring to do the clever thing by the Bishop, ac costed him with an invitation to treat. The Bishop was somewhat nettled at the offer, but declined going to a grocery with him, whereupon Jim pulled a flask from his pocket and insisted upon his taking a drink there. The Bishop indignantly refused, and Jim apologised, if the Bishop considered it an au • , pinjj.rej^ KNOX COUNTY. 65 insult. " Bless your soul, Bishop, I think well of you, and have no other way to show that I am glad you have come to our county but by inviting you to drink. Don't think hard of me." Craig's family consisted of eight girls, and he often regretted that he had no boys to learn how to fight. If the girls did not fight, they did run, and run weU too. One of them, we recoUect, was very fieet; many a time did she run races in the old lane, between I^orton's and Bevans', and beat WiUiam Pettigrew and other of the early boys, notwithstand ing the scantiness of her dresses, which then were made of about one-third the stuff it takes for a pat tern in these fashionable days of 1862. At one time old Jim was singing to a crowd, when a smart young man, in sport, winked to those present and kicked his shins. The wink having been ob served by him, he instantly drew back his fist and drove it plum between his eyes, felling him to the ground, at the same time exclaiming : " There, take that, d n you, and don't you ever attempt again to impose on 'old stiffer!'" 5 66 HISTORY OP CHAPTEE V. KeSUME of the county seat QUESTION ThE GRAPES WERE SOUR, AND MOUNT TEENON IS DISCOVERED BT THE CLINTONIANS TO BE "INELIGIBLE AND UN HEALTHY." The LEGISLATURE OF 1808-9 WEEEIN SOME DOUBT. ThE ANTI- VERNONITBS THINK THE COUNTY SHOULD BE ENLARGED. — ThE GEKEHAl assembly of ohio think not. agitation continues 1810-11 and 1811- 12. — The dream is over — The inhabitants beg for roads — The great CLINTON library STRUGGLES FOR LEGISLATIVE EECOGNIIION, AND THE LIGHT EXPIEESl The indomitable will of Samuel H. Smith and his associates from Kew England, among whom we may mention the I^yes, Ichabod, captain of the troop of horse, and his brother Samuel, HeniT Smith, Samuel's nephew. Dr. Timothy Burr, the BarneySj Alexander Enos and others, kept the coun try in commotion about the seat of justice. 'No stone was left unturned, no effort untried, to bring about its transfer to Clinton. Petitions were drawn up and runners traversed the country for signers. Erom the official record we give the foUowing ex hibit of the disposition made of them : December 26th, 1808, Mr. Holden presented to the House sundry petitions from a number of the inhab itants of Knox county, setting forth that they feel much aggrieved in consequence of the ineUgible and very unhealthy situation of the present seat of jus tice of said county, and for various other reasons KNOX COUNTY. 67 therein stated, praying that commissioners may be appointed to fix the seat of justice for the said county of Knox in some more eUgible and healthy situation ; which said petitions were read and referred to a committee of Mr. Holden, Mr. O wings, of Eairfield, and Mr. Blair, of ErankUn and Delaware, to report their opinion thereupon by bill or otherwise. Mr. Merwin, (EUjah B.) of Eairfield, presented, on the next day, a remonstrance from sundry citi zens of Knox county against action as prayed for in above named petitions. The cunning old fox managing the CUnton claim devised an additional scheme whereby to bring about such increase of territory northward as would throw Mount Vernon farther from the centre than CUnton, and accordingly we find that — Mr. Holden presented to ifche House petitions signed by sundry inhabitants of Knox county, set ting forth that it wiU be greatly to their advantage, and to the advantage of the public in general, to have the county extended so far north as to take in one tier of townships, as it wiU be perceived, by the map of the State, that the county lying north of them, known by the name of Eichland, is much larger than Knox, and by attachiag one tier of town ships to said county of Knox it will be giving a more equal number of square miles to each county than there is at present; which was received and read, and referred to the same committee to whom was committed, on the 26th inst., the petitions, re monstrances, &c., on the subject of the seat of jus tice of Knox county. — House Journal, page 93, Dec. 30th, 1808. 68 HISTORY OP On the 30th of December, on motion of Mr. Thomas Morris, of Clermont, and seconded. Order ed, that Mr. George Clark, of Columbiana and Stark, be added to the committee appointed on the 26th inst., on the subject of the seat of justice of Knox county, and the matters from time to time to them referred. On the 12th of January, 1809, on motion, and leave being granted, Mr. Holden presented at the clerk's table two remonstrances, of the same purport, from sundry inhabitants of Knox county, remon strating against petitions presented to this House, praying for a review of the seat of justice of said county, and a removal of it from Mount Vernon to some more eligible and healthy situation. The remonstrants therein set forth that they are folly of opinion that, unless a fraud or neglect be made to appear against the first viewers appointed by the Legislature at the last session for the purpose of permanently fixing the seat of justice of said county, that your honorable body wiU not grant a view bare ly for the purpose of gratifying self-interest ; that, in consequence of the seat of justice being estab lished at Mount Vernon, a number of lots have been purchased and improved, and also that upwards of $400 have been appropriated for the building of a jail, and for other reasons, by the aforesaid remon strants set forth more particularly, praying that the said petition praying for the removal of the seat of justice aforesaid may be rejected; and the same being received and read, were referred to the com mittee upon that subject appointed on the 26th ult. On page 145, House Journal, January 14th, 1809, KNOX COUNTY. 69 the foUowing entry stands: "On motion, and by leave of the House, Mr. Holden, from the commit tee appointed on the 26th ult., presented at the clerk's table a report, as follows : ' The committee to whom was referred the petition of sundry inhab itants of the county of Knox, praying that one tier of townships lying south of Eichland county be attached to the said county of Knox ; also sundry petitions from the inhabitants of said county, pray ing that commissioners be appointed to review and fix the seat of justice of said county in some more healthy and eUgible situation than Mount Vernon ; have, according to order, had under their consider ation the said petitions, and are of opinion that the prayer of the said petitions is unreasonable, and ought not to be granted.' " Monday, January 16th, said report came up, and it was Ordered, that it be committed to a committee of the whole House, and made the order of the day for Saturday next. On the 25th of January, House Journal, page 181, Mr. Merwin moved for the order of the day, whereuj)on the House, according to order, resolved itself into committee of the whole House, and, after some time spent therein, Mr. Speaker resumed the chair, and Mr. Jewett reported that the committee, according to order, had under their consideration a report of the select committee, made on the 14th inst., on the petitions from sundry inhabitants of Knox county, and had agreed to the said report; and the same being read was agreed to by the House, viz : that the petitions aforesaid are unreas onable, and ought not to be granted. 70 HISTORYOP At the 9th session of the General Assembly, held at ZanesviUe, December 3d, 1810, the subject of removal of the county seat from Mount Vernon was again agitated. By the Senate Journal, page 163, we find that Mr. Trimble presented a batch of peti tions, praying a review, which was referred to a committee. On page 166, we find Mr. Trimble, from committee, reported that, in their opinion, commissioners ought to be appointed to examine and make report to the next Legislature the place they think proper for the seat of justice of Knox county. The said report was read. A motion was made that said report be committed to a committee of the whole Senate, and made the order of this day; and on the question thereon it was decided in the nega- ,tive. On motion, Ordered, that the farther consid eration of said report be postponed tiU the first Monday in December next. At the next session it received its final quietus. Mount Vernon had improved in the intermediate time very much, and thenceforth its star has been in the ascendant. Clinton continues but a few years longer as a business i)lace, and after the depart ure of its chief worker to other parts, its people moved to Mount Vernon, Eredericktown, and else where, and not one of the old inhabitants there re mains to tell that Clinton has been an important town in the history of Knox county. On the 23d of January, 1809, Mr. Holden pre sented at the clerk's table a petition from sundry inhabitants of the county of Licking, also a petition from sundry inhabitants of the counties of Licking, Knox and Eichland, setting forth their remote situ- KNOX COUNTY. 71 ation from water carriage, and the necessity of hav ing good roads ; that they have no road whereby they can receive letters, or any Mnd of intelligence, or any property from any part of the United States, or this State, except by chance or private conveyance, near er than N^ewark or ZanesviUe, and praying for the establishment of a road from N^ewark, in Licking county; thence to Mount Vernon, in Knox county; thence to Mansfield, in Eichland county ; and thence to the mouth of the river Huron, Lake Erie, &c. ; which were read. On motion, and on leave being granted by the House, Mr. Merwin presented at the clerk's table a petition from sundry inhabitants of Eairfield county, of a similar nature to the before mentioned petitions, praying for the establishment of a road from Lan caster, in said county, through Mount Vernon, in Knox county, to the Portage, in Cuyahoga. — House Journal, page 177. Among the questions of great moment at this time to the people of the State was, whether the Clinton Library Society should be incorporated or not. It appears that Samuel H. Smith and other live Yankees of CUnton had conceived the idea of founding a vast and comprehensive library at that point, and at the session of the General Assembly of J807, Mr. DiUon laid before the Senate a petition of. Samuel H. Smith and others of the town of Clin ton and its vicinity, in Eairfield county, for the in corporation of the " CUnton Library and School or Academy Society." After its reference to a com mittee, and about two months travail, it finaUy got through the Senate on the 6th of Eebruary, 1808. 72 HISTORY OP In the House it had a perilous trip, was attacked upon several sides, discussed elaborately, and at length went down before the storm. — House Jour nal, page 171. At the next session our literary friends at CUnton again pressed their favorite measure ; they petition ed, implored, entreated, supplicated and prayed, they had lobbies on the ground to leg for it, and triumphantly they carried it through the House into the Senate, with an amendment to it, that was not very acceptable ; but this time the grave and rever end Senators were obdurate and flint-hearted, and page 114 of the Senate Journal of the Seventh General Assembly shows how they "killed it." " Once more unto the breach, dear friends, once more ! " With a pluck worthy of a noble cause, the CUn- tonians beseeched and beset and besieged the next General Assembly for an act that would enable them to preserve their fine library from, destruction by those literary Goths and Vandals — the moths and vampires ; but aU their efforts were unavaiUng, and posterity have been thus deprived of an accumu lation of books that might in time have ecUpsed the far-famed library of Alexandria. One of the oldest inhabitants has kindly placed in our hands one of the books, bearing the CUntonian mark, which he bought at the winding up of the concern for the just sum of 18| cents lawful money. Indignant at the conduct of the iUiterate General Assembly, the stock-holders withdrew from the en terprise, and sold at auction the library for $7.50 and the book-case for $10 ; and thus terminated a great KNOX COUNTY. 73 measure which agitated three sessions of the General Assembly of our State, costing the people in time consumed upon it by their Eepresentatives, Senators, etc., from eight to ten thousand dollars, and illus trating fully the character of the greater part of special and local legislation which, like much of a general character, may be termed all " cry and no wool," and show no substance, aU ending in smoke. At the time, however, the natives of Mount Vernon regarded it as a seven horned monster that would drive them out of existence, and they looked with holy horror at having such an incorporated body at CUnton, which might accomplish their overthrow and cause them to lose the county seat. The sons of some who shook in their breeches with dread, may now shake in their boots, convulsed by laugh ter at this reminiscence. 74 HISTORYOP CHAPTEE VI. TRANSACTIONS OP THE YBAK 1809. The COMMISSIONERS IN TROUBLE ABOUT TAXES. ThB HEAVY DRAIN ON THE TREASURY FOR WOLF SCALPS. ThE CLERKS BEAIN BECOMES CONFUSED BY EEPEATED DEMANDS. ThE WOLVES INVADE THE TOWN. DOINGS OF THE COURT AND COMMISSIONERS. ThE COUNTY JAIL COMPLETED. THE FIRST SETTLEMENT WITH THE TREASURER, AND SKETCH OF THAI OFFICER. In the beginning of this year the people of the county were in sore distress at prospects of heavy taxation, the money in the treasury having been exhausted in paying the commissioners who had located the county seat, the heavy demands for kiU ing wolves, and such like expenses. On Monday, the 23d of January, 1809, the com missioners met at Mount Vernon, and were in a "peck of trouble," if we may judge from the fol lowing entry: " The board, taking into consideration the situation of the taxes on resident and non-resident lands, the board, on an investigation of the business, do order Every paper and document thereunto belonging to be forwarded to the Auditor of State. " Ordered, that the board do adjourn until next Monday." Among the orders issued this year, we find the following for kiUing wolves : " To George Cooper $1.50 for killing one grown wolf, proven before John Green. KNOX COUNTY. 75 " To John Cook $4.50 for killing three grown wolves, proven before Wm. W. Farquhar. " To James Black $3 for killing two grown wolves, proven be fore Wm. Y. Farquhar. " To John Jennings $1.50 for' killing one grown wolf, proven before John Green. " To Ephraim McMillen $3 for killing two grown wolves, proven before Abraham Darlina-. " To Levi Herrod for killing two grown wolves, proven before John Green. " To Francis Hardista $3 for killing two grown wolves, proven before Matthew Merritt. " To John Lash $1.50 for killing one grown wolf, proven before John Green. " To George Sap $3 for killing two grown wolves, proven before Abraham Darling. " To Joseph Harriss $1.50 for killing one grown wolf, proven before John Green. " To Francis Hardista $3 for killing two grown wolves, proven before M. Merritt. " To George Sap $1.50 for killing one grown wolf, proven before Abraham Darling. " To Joseph Bryant $1.50 for killing one grown wolf. " To Ephraim McMillen $4.50 for killing three grown wolves." So much in the habit of issuing wolf orders had James Smith, clerk, gotten by this time, that we find on the journals an order issued for commission er's services reading thus : " Ordered, that the treasurer pay to Henry Markley the sum of $3.50 for killing two wolves as services as commissioner of this county." The day's services being confounded in the clerk's mind with wolf scalps. ^Notwithstanding the abundance of game of this kind, and the facility with which the old sportsmen could take the scalps, the howling varmints seemed 76 HISTORY OP to be on the increase, and, like grey hairs, for every one plucked two took their place, and hence our commissioners grew more determined to extirpate them, and made the foUowing order on the 7th of June, 1809 : " Ordered, that all persons who shall kill and procure the scalps of grown wolves and panthers within our Balawick, and produce a certificate thereof, according to law, after this date, shall be allowed $2, and all those who shall kill and procure the same of wolves and panthers and scalps of six months and under shall be allowed $1." The first demands made upon the treasury under this act were by John MitcheU and Erancis Hardis ta, each of whom had killed a grown wolf. Eor a time these inhuman devils disputed the mastery with the white man, and it seemed somewhat doubt ful which would come off victor in the contest and retain possession of the lands upon Owl Creek. They neither had fear of the church ecclesiastic or the military power ; they frightened the women and children, and hung about the heels of men, setting all laws and threats at defiance. One old settler has told us of his having on a Sabbath day killed a large wolf near God's barn at Clinton which was making off with one of Sam. Smith's geese, while the people were serving the Lord ; another of his friends having been present with the whole military of the county parading on general muster day, when a fierce black wolf attacked one of George Zin's pigs within a stone's throw north-east of the public square, when the army gave pursuit, and it was finally kiUed by Captain Joe Walker; whereupon a grand spree was taken by the whole miUtary and KNOX COUNTY. 77 citizens of the town, glorifying over the great en gagement tiU whisky was drank to more than the value of the wolf scalp. Grand events those in the hardy pioneer's Ufe ! And yet, at this day not a spot bears the name of Wolf, nor does a creek or branch commemorate such achievements. And posterity, were it not for these pages, we fear, would be in blissful ignorance of the fact that there were any other inhabitants of these classic lands than owls and Indians when the men of the hunting shirt and rifle first navigated this famous river in scaUops and pirogues. THE THIRD TEKM OF DISTRICT COURT, AND WHAT WAS DONE THEN. " Court of Common Pleas was opened at Mount Vernon the 2d day of January, 1809. Present: Jentlemen the Honorable Wil liam Wilson, President, John Mills and Wm. Gass, Associate Judges. A Grand Jury was called and qualified for the body of this county, to wit : Jas. Walker, Sen'r, foreman, Eleazer Biggs, John Baxter, John Beam, Joseph Walker, Levi Herrod, Nathaniel Scritchfield, Wm. Herrod, David Johnson, Jas. Strange, Jas. Walker, Jr., Wm. Cooper and Jonathan Craig, who, after receiving their charge. Returned out of Court. " On the 2d day of the Term the Grand Jury returned, but found no Indictments. " Ordered, that the Court adjourn until 2 o'clock this evening. " The Court opened according to adjournment. Present : as before. " John Armstrong vs. John Kerr. — Ou Trespass. Continued by consent of parties. " Jacob Young vs. Abraham Lyon. — On an action of Trespass on the case. Continued by consent of parties. " The State of Ohio vs. Aaron Brown. — On an Indictment. The defendant plead guilty, and is fined $1.00 and the costs of prosecu tion, and stands convicted until the whole be complied with. 78 HISTORY OP " License is granted to William Perrine to retail goods for three months, on payment of $2.50. "John Green is admitted Administrator of Isaac McOlary. Bond, $1000. Abner Brown and John Herrod securities. "License is granted to Benjamin Tupper to sell goods three months, on payment of $2.50. " The State of Ohio vs. John Click. — ^NoUe is entered by Her rick, att'y. " Thomas Parr vs. John Oraig. — William Walker undertook for the defendant in case he should be cast he would satisfy the condemnation of the Court, or render his body a prisoner in lieu thereof. " Court adjourned till to-morrow mormng, 9 o'clock. " The Court opened according to adjournment, and present, as yesterday. " Thomas B. Patterson, for the use of Moses Rigly, vs. Samuel Kratzer. — Parties agreed to reference to the Court, who adjudged $2.55 debt and costs for the plaintiff. "Court adjourned till 2 o'clock. " 2 o'clock P. M. '' William Wallace is authorized to keep a publick house of enter tainment for one year, on payment of $5.00 " William Fuller is licensed to keep a publick house of enter tainment on the road leading from Mount Vernon to Newark, on payment of $4.00. " Ordered, that the Court adjourn until the Court in course. " WILLIAM WILSON." THE COUNTY JAIL BUILT, AND ITS FIRST OCCUPANT— ACCOUNT OP ITS SUBSEQUENT CAREER, AND THAT OF ITS SUCCESSOR. On the 6th of June, 1808, the commissioners of this county, finding the great want of a jaU in said town, and by virtue of the powers vested in them by law, " Ordered, a jail to be built, 24 feet long, 16 feet wide, 9 feet high, with square timber of one foot square, including the upper and lower floor, and a petition of like timber, with a good shingle roof, and stone or brick chimney, three windows, with iron grates, of 6 KNOX COUNTY. 79 lights each, and 2 sufficient doors, one on the outside and oup in the petition in the inside, and the walls, petition, and lower floor lined with 3 inch plank, spiked on with spikes 7 inches. The front door marked A and petition door B to be of IJ inch stuff; 0 chim ney. The jail to be built on the public square of said town, on a corner." On the 31st of January the foUowing entry is made upon the journal : " This day the board has proceeded to the Ex'n of the jail, and finding the same unfinished they do allow the undertakers thereof until the first day of May next to finish the same, agreeable to the article of agreement in that case made and provided." On the 2d of May, 1809, " Ordered, that the commissioners do receive the jail from the hands of John Mills, Alexander Walker, and James Walker, Sr., provided that the said Mills and others do saw down the corners of said jail, and then our Clerk shall have authority to issue orders on the treasury for the sum of 433 dollars and 50 cents, as, shall appear by a reference to the agreement, and that the Clerk issue orders of such sizes as the Claimants may desire, with their proper numbers to the above amount." The jaU being then declared completed, the com missioners ordered 50 cents to be expended by Joseph Walker for two steeples and hasp for the jaU. The calaboose having been duly prepared, the officers of the law became exceedingly self-import ant, consequential and overbearing. Michael CUck, an old Dutchman, who was fond of grog, was taken up, "tight as a musket," and locked up in the quar ters. The constable had gone down street and was boasting of his exploit in taking up Mike, when the voice of the old fellow was heard just behind them. 80 HISTORYOP shouting at the top of his lungs: "By tam, they can't keep me in their tammed shaU — I am trumps, by G— d." He had crawled up the chimney till he got near the top and stuck fast, when, as he said, he "swelled gnd bursted" it open, and then jumped to the ground, a free man once again. The chimney was repaired at the expense of the county, and Click, several weeks after, when con fined "broke out," and, meeting Judge WUson on the street, narrated his several jail exploits in great glee, vowing that they never could keep old Mike in that jail any longer than it suited him to stay, for he had lent a hand when it was built and knew all its weak points. Eor several years, however, this Uttle log concern served as a nominal terror to evil doers. At length so many escapes were made from it, that its fate was sealed, and it was sold to Wm. Y. Earquhar, who moved it to the outskirts of town and constructed out of it a sort of a tobacco house. The commissioners, on the 4th of December, 1823, determined to erect another jail and jailor's house, on the square, of brick, which remained an eye-sore to the people of the town until about 1850, when John Armstrong, Street Commissioner, and A. Banning IS^orton, Councilman of the Third Ward, in grading and excavating the north-east part of the public square, with "malice aforethought" undermined it, and caused the removal of that pUe of rubbish. KNOX COUNTY. 81 FOURTH TERM COURT OP COMMON PLEAS— 1st DAY OF MAT, 1809. " Grand Jury. — ^David Demmick, foreman, Moses Oraig, Wm. Downs, Jas. Craig, David Johnson, Jeremiah Brown, Charles Cooper, Ziba Leonard, Nathaniel M. Young, John Kerr, John Cook, James Loveridge, James Walker, Jr., who returned out of Court, and after some time returned in Court, with the following indict ments, to wit: " The State of Ohio vs. Wm. Wallace. — For salt and battery, a true bill, and pleads guilty, the Court do say, that the defendant do pay a fine of $1 and costs of this prosecution. " The State of Ohio vs. Wm. Cooper. — For same offense, the same fine is assessed. " The State of Ohio vs. Wm. Cooper. — Same, and same fine. " The State of Ohio vs. Wm. Scritchfield. — For same offense. " The State of OhioYs. Peter Baxter. — For same offense. " Luke Walpole vs. Wm. Wallace. — James Craig becomes se- .curity. " Thomas Parr vs. James Craig. — Judgment by confession for $91.8] and costs of suit. " Wm. A. Enui vs. Samuel Kratzer. — Judgment by confession, $66.92 and costs. " John Beesy vs. Samuel Kratzer. — ^Michael Click becomes se curity. " Wm. Douglass Y&. John Yormg. — Nathaniel M. Young becomes security. " One o'clock P. M. " John Armstrong vs. John Kerr. — Tried by Jury, and defendant not found guilty of Trespass. The plaintiff, by E. Herrick, his attorney, gives notice of an appeal. " Wm. Biggs, who sues as well for himself as for the State of Ohio, vs. William Darling. — Ordered, that the plaintiff appear in Court to-morrow morning and enter security for costs, or he become npn plus. "License issued to Bfinj. Tupper to retail goods 4 months for $3.33J^. " JameH Smit^\ \8 appointed clerk for seven years. " Court adjouws till to-morrow moroing at 9 o'clock. 6 82 HISTORY OP " May 2 — 9 o'clock A. M. " The Biggs case is disposed of by the following entry : Ordered, that the plaintiff be non-suit for not entering security for costs. "Edward Herrick is allowed $25 for each term as prosecuting attorney. " Ordered, that the clerk have authority to issue license to John Baxter and Michael Click each to keep a public house of entertain ment until next term, on their paying the proper sum. " Adjourned till the next Court in course." IMPORTANT ACTS OF COMMISSIONERS IN REGARD TO RATES OF TAXATION AND OTHER MATTERS— PECULIARITY OF THE OLD CLERK IN SPELLING— HIGH AUTHORITY QUOTED. On the 5th of March " a petition was forwarded to the board of Commissioners of this county, praying for a Road Leading from the town of Mansfield on a South East direction, to intersect with the State road near the fifty-four mile tree, to run on a straight direction as the ground will admit, to intersect the State road, and the board do declare that the same is inexpedient." " The tax on William Douglass' mill is ordered to be taken off, as it is a public benefit. " James Morgan is ordered to be taxed fourfold for refusing to give in five horses to the lister of Union Township." On the 7th of June the Commissioners " Ordered, that the rates of licens* of Taverns hereafter obtained for one year in this county shall be as follows : In the town of Mount Vernon, on the Public Square, and on Market Street, shall be rated at six dollars; all Taverns in the Town of Frederick and in the Town of Clinton, and on the road leading from the Town of Mount Vernon to Newark, within the county of Knox, at Five dollars ; all Taverns in any. other part of the To wn of Mount Vernon, at five dollars ; all taverns on roads leading through any part of the county, or Richland county, at foiu- dollars." The rates of taxation on the county levy were established as foUows : * The first clerk was a very good pensman, a gentleman and scholar; liut like General Jackson, he had his peculiarities of spelling and pronuncia tion, as, for instance, license without the E final, and gentlemen with a J- KNOX COUNTY. 83 " On each' stud horse and jack at the rate of what he stands at the season." " On each other horse, mare, mule and ass, 30 cents. "On each head of neat cattle, 10 cents; on houses, and other property made subject to taxation by law, one-half per cent, on its appraised value." At this time horses were valued for taxation at $30 per head, and cattle at f 10. The trouble about the tax dupUcate and matters connected therewith was satisfactorily adjusted, as appears by the foUow ing entry on the 27th of June : " This day we have prepared our duplicate for Collection, and prepared our Returns for the Auditor of the State of Ohio." Great was the relief of the board at having ar ranged matters which had troubled them from January tiU June 27th ! " James Smith is appointed collector of the Taxes for the year 1809, and gave bond. In September, 1809, we find: "On return of a Road laid out from Mount Vernon to a point on Mohicking, the viewers return the same unprofitable, and the same is Rejected." KNOX COMMON PLEAS— FIFTH TERM— SEPTEMBER 4, 1809. " Grand Jury. — Jabez Beers, Joe Walker, George Downs, Gil man Bryant, John Baxter, George Lybarger, Henry Roberts, Thomas Townsend, Jonathan Hunt, Sen'r, John Green, James Craig, Samuel Wilson, Benj. Thompson, and Wm. Johnson, returned into Court and-brought in the following Indictments: " The State of Ohio vs. Henry Smith. — For retailing liquors contrary to the statute of this State; a true bill; who appears and pleads guilty. The attorney for the State of Ohio will no further prosecute this Indictment. "Ed. H'ekrick, Pro. Att'y . 84 HISTORY OP " Same vs. Benjamin Butler. — For retailing S. liquors contrary to the statute of this State ; who comes forward and puts in his plea — Guilty. The Court, in consideration of his offense, do assess his fine to $3. " Same vs. Samuel Martin. — For same. Henry Roberts, John Harod and James Bryant enter into recognizance of $50 each to give evidence in this case. " Same^'&. Wm. McDougal. — Forretailinggoods without license. Pleads guilty, &c. " Luke Walpole vs. Wm. Wallace. — Trespass on the case. Judgment by confession, $91.88, and Interest from 11th Jan'y, and costs. " The State of Ohio vs. Peter Baxter. — For assault and battery. " Jury. — James Walker, Jr., Peter Kyle, Sr., James Bryant, Abraham Sperry, Alexander Walker, John Hown, Daniel Dem mick, Isaac Bennett, Charles Cooper, James Walker, Sr., John Click, David Pettigrew, who do say the defendant is guilty. " The State of Ohio vs. Wm. Scritchfield. — ^Assault and battery. Defendant pleads guilty, and is fined fifty cents and costs. " John Barry vs. Samuel Kratzer. — On the case. Judgment confessed by defendant for $200, with interest from 26th April, 1806. " The State of Ohio vs. Peter Baxter. — John Merritt becomes his security in $50 for his appearance next Court. " The State of Ohio vs. John Morryson. — For assault and bat tery. Jury's verdict — Not guilty. " John J. Bruce vs. Thomas B. Patterson, Joseph Walker, Oil man Bryant. — This cause is to be continued until 1st of October for answer to bill of plaintiff. " Wm. Douglass vs. John Young. — On the case. The parties appeared and settled. " Christian Shoolts vs. James Walker, Jr. — On the case. Settled. " John Byard vs. Wm. Walker. — On the case. Settled. " Sylvanius Lawrence, for the use of Benjamin Rush, vs. George J)a«MO».— Nathaniel Spurgeou and Wm. Scritclifield appeared and undertook for the defendant's appearance, &c. " License is granted to Henry Smith to keep public house for one year. " The State of Ohio vs. Peter Baxter.— On Indictment. Defend ant pleads guilty, and is fined 50 cents and cost. KNOX COUNTY. 85 " Robert Dalrymple vs. Joseph Talmage. — On the case. Con tinued till next term. " 5th September. " Michael Click, John Baxter, Samuel, Lewis and Abner Ayres obtain licenses for houses of public entertainment. " Wm. McDonald and Benjamin Tupper are each licensed to sell goods. " Samuel H. Smith is also licensed to retail goods one year, on payment of $10.00. "Letters of administration on Michael Shinabery's estate are issued to Catharine Shinabery. Gilman Bryant and George Downes, securities; John MiUs, Matthew Mant and James Smith, appraisers. " Court adjourned till the next Court in course." THE FIRST SETTLEMENT OF THE COUNTY TREASURER. The first fiscal year of Knox county made the foUowing showing on settlement of the Treasurer with the Commissioners, and "from a full investi gation of aU the accounts and monies paid into his hands as Treasurer, that the said Treasurer has paid and accounted with us for above, the same twenty- three doUars seventy cents and four mills, which is as foUows : Dr. Treasurer to am't of monies Due to the county — . $906.60.4 Cr. By monies paid and accounted for from June last until this day, June 6th, 1809 930.30.8 To order in your favour on settlement 23.70.4 Balance 906.60.4 930.30.8 " Ordered, that Henry Hains be allowed the sum of $23.70.4, which is a balance due him on settlement as Treasurer of Knox county, and the Treasurer is ordered to pay the same." 86 HISTORY OP THE TREASURER OF KNOX COUNTY FOR SEVEN YEARS-HIS MELANCHOLY EXIT. Henry Haines, first Treasurer of Knox county, was one of the best men in the county at its organ ization. He was a native of , and settled on the tract of land, since owned by Beams and others, next to the Merritts. He had been a man of education and property, and was in easy circumstances. He was a very in genious, handy man, had a turning lathe, made chairs, farmed, etc. He became deranged on the subject of reUgion, was an active and leading mem ber of the Disciple or Christian denomination, at that time caUed "New Lights." He officiated with James Smith in the first conference held in the county, of which David Young, of ZanesviUe, was Presiding Elder. Haines became a loud exhorter, and, becoming deranged, got a tin horn and rode around the town and county, day and night, notifying the people to prepare for judgment, as the world was coming to an end. He proclaimed the same doctrine in his derangement that Millerites subsequently did. When he became ungovernable he was taken to Dr. B. D. Moore, who confined him in a mad sMrt, or straight jacket, and treated him for several weeks until he was restored to reason ; but he said if he ever became insane again he would kill Dr. Moore. Shortly after this the doctor removed to Eayette county. Pa., and Haines again became deranged, and was missing for some time. Search was made for him, but the first information that his famUy KNOX COUNTY. 87 received of his whereabouts was in a letter from Dr. Moore. He had made his way into OonneUs- vUle for the purpose of kiUing the doctor, and had stolen the family silver spoons to pay his way in. Upon arriving there he had become rational again, and he told what his purpose had been, and stayed several weeks with the doctor, and was treated very kindly by him. Not long after this he took a rope and hung himself to a tree on his own farm. 88 HISTORY OP CHAPTEE Vn. THE SEAT OF JUSTICE FOR THE LAST TIME. Ben. Botler's version of the way mount veenon was made the perma nent COUNTY seat, showing THAT OLD VIRGINIA WAS UP TO TRICKS. The only one of the proprietors now Uving re lated to us the foUowing interesting story : — "When I moved my family to the thirty-sis acres of land which I had bought, I had no thought of ever laying out any portion of it in town lots, or of any town ever being laid out there, nor at that time had Walker or Patterson. The idea, when suggested, was pleasing, and we at once took up with it. CUnton had been laid out by Sam. Smith, and had never been paid out, I beUeve. It was started chiefly on the donation principle. Those who would put up buildings had their own time to pay for their lots, if ever they coiUd. "When we got word that the Commissioners were coming on to locate the county site, we were greatly stirred up about how we should manage. Kratzer and WUUamson and Walker came to see me about it, and we aU had a general consultation. I thought we had no chance of getting it, for I told them that they had, at CUnton, Bill Douglass' mill and a lot of good houses, and Sam. Smith's big KNOX COUNTY, 89 brick house, and a plcuty of smart Yankees to manage, and they had at Erederick Johnny Kerr's miU and a lot of rich Quakers around it, and both those places looked better then than our d d little scrubby place ; and Sam. Kratzer asked me V^ -• < ' Id '(2 wliat I would do about it? And I said to them that I had studied out a pretty d d bad trick that I could manage if they would only go into it, and if tlicy wouldn't there wasn't a d d bit of chance for us ; and they said, let's hear it ; and I told them I would give f 10 myself, and each of 90 HISTORY OP them must give $10, to make up a purse and get liquor for the devils we had, and engage them to go up to CUnton and Erederick, and get drunk, and fiddle and fight and play hell generaUy when the Commissioners came up there to look, and that we would get two good yoke of oxen to work on the streets, and the rest of the men must take hold and spade and shovel and pick and roll logs and dig up stumps, and be fixing up the streets right, whUe all the women and girls must get out into their gardens, hoeing and weeding and working like good fellows, and I would have the best victuals cooked and the best cheer the Uttle old tavern could afford, so as to please the belUes of the Commis sioners, and we might then come out first for the county site selection. " My plan struck their fancy, and Sam. Kratzer, although he was a great Methodist, didn't say a d d word about its being a sin to cheat them that game, but at it he went, and they aU feU into the plan. And we had a clever fellow named Munson, from Granville, and a big fellow named Bixbee, from over about Big-belly, and they agreed to go along and each to captain a gang of the row dies, and see that it was played out right. " It was Thursday afternoon when the Commis sioners first came to our town, and they rode up and asked me if they could get to stay all night, and I told them that it was hard fare we had, but if they would put up with it they could, and they stopped. I guessed who they were at once, and passed the word around, and everything went on as we had planned it, and the next morning about KNOX COUNTY. 91 ¦ dayUght the busiest set of bees ever coUected about a hive were at work, hammering, pounding, dig ging, hoeing, scraping and working on the streets and in the lots. Leah had breakfast bright and early ; I had their horses all cleaned up and weU fed, and ready after they eat to start. They won dered at the work they saw going on, and if it was kept up always as they had seen it in town, and I told them we were all poor and hard working, and we never lost any time in our little town. They said they were going up to Clinton and Erederick to see those places, and were going to fix the county seat, and wanted me to go along, but I tried to beg off — that I was poor and must work, and couldn't lose the time, as it would take them two or three days to determine it. They said no, it wouldn't take them that long, and I knew d d weU if the trick was played out weU by the rowdies that they would soon be back, so I sort of hesitated as though I would and I wouldn't go, and finally told Krat zer if he would go too, I would, as I would like to see them fix the county seat up there, and then Jim Dunlap, who was a jovial fellow about 35, spoke up and said to come ahead ; the other two were sort of gruff, it seemed to me, and didn't say much, but looked solemn. They asked if we didn't expect to get the county seat at Mount Yernon, and I told them no, that we were too poor to try for it ; that I felt too poor reaUy to go up with them, for some feUow might come along and stop with me, who would want me to go with him and look at land, and every fellow that I showed land to, gave me $2, which helped right smart. There were three sorts 92 HISTORY OP of poor — God's poor, the devil's poor, and poor devils, and that we were all poor devils ; but Sam. Smith was long headed, and Johnny Kerr had lots of rich Quakers to back him, so us poor devils were left out of the question. " We then rode together up to CUnton, and there the rowdies were cutting up, and the fiddle going, and shouting and cursiag being done of the tallest Mnd, and when we went to go into the tavern there was a rush to the door way, and two men scuffling and fighting, and before the Commissioners could get in they were jammed and scuffed about, and in the din and confusion, and yeUs of ' puU them off,' ' part them,' ' don't do it,' ' fair play, by G — d,' ' hit him again, d n him,' ' let 'em fight it out,' and all such calls, the Commissioners backed out from the tavern, and proposed to go and look at Eredericktown. About that time old Sam. Smith came up, and when he found out they were the Commissioners, and going, he tried the hardest kind to get them to stop, but it was no go ; they had seen enough of that place then, but promised him to caU again to-morrow. On the way to Erederick town I talked much with them, and apologized for the way our people up there had acted, and they asked me if they cut up like Indians all the time, and I told them that about CUnton and Erederick there were a great many rich men's sons, and they had no trades, and would frolic a little just to put in their time, but they were a mighty clever set of people, &c. And I pointed out to them the pretty scenery, and bragged on the land around, but said not a word for Mount Yernon. When we got to KNOX COUNTY. 93 Erederick, they stopped at Ayres' tavern, and found a good deal such quarreling going on as at CUnton, and I got afraid then that they might see through it, and suspect that we had a hand in getting it up, and so I got down about the miU, and sat on the logs awhile with Kratzer and Patterson, and left them up at the tavern to see the fighting in the yard, and just before going in to dinner I called one- of the roAvdies to me and told him it was aU working weU, and gave him more money, and told him to swear the others not to revulge on them ever, and we would make it right with 'em. After dinner the Commissioners sauntered around, and I proposed going back and leaving them, as they woiUd want to stay aU night there, and I had some work to do and chores to attend to at home before night ; but they would have me wait a while longer for them, and I did it. While there sitting on a log, we bet two gaUons of wine with Johnny Kerr, as to which place would get the county seat. When they were ready they started, and we rode back to Mount Yernon, where Mrs. Butler had the best kind of a supper cooked up, and it put them in right good humor. She knew how to fix things up right on such an occasion. " The men about Mount Yernon were aU quiet, and kept so, and when Dunlap asked Coyle's two boys to take a dram with him, they hung back and hesitated, untU I told them to come up and take a drink with the gentleman — that there was no harm in it ; and they poured out the least bit of drams they ever took in their Uves. The next morning the Commissioners got ready to start, and I had 94: HISTORY OP got Knuck Harris, the only nigger in the country then, to sleek their horses off, and they came out looking first rate. Dunlap was a funny feUow, and he thought he could hop, and bantered some of the boys to hop, but they were afraid they woiUd be beat by him, and said it warn't no use to try, as they knew he could beat them. But I told him to make his hop, and he went out in the road and gave a sample ; I went over it just a little, and we hopped several times, until I concluded to show him what Ben. coiUd do, and I hopped so far over his furtherest mark that they aU laughed him right out, and he gave it up, saying I could hop some. In those days I never found the man that could beat me. When they were about starting I asked them if they were not going back to Clinton and give it another look, but they said no, and the CUnton- ites never saw them any more. They wanted to go to Delaware, and asked me to pilot them a part of the way, which I did, and when I got out with them back of George Lewis' place, I tried to find something out of them as to what they had de termined on, but they evaded my questions, and gave me little satisfaction. On bidding them good- by, I hoped they were not put out with our place on account of the hard fare I had given them — that I had nothing nice to give them, as I kept only a little log tavern, and supplied my table by hunting and butchering. One of them remarked that if they ever came this way again, they were weU enough suited to caU on me. I then said that I was poor, and felt discouraged, and thought that I would quit off and go some where else and make a KNOX COUNTY. 95 better Uving for myself and family. Dunlap then said I was doing well enough, and must not get out of heart. And so we parted. When we got back to town aU the men gathered around me to find out what was our chance. I told them what had passed between us, and that I was satisfied it would be found that our side was ahead, and I called them aU up to take a good drink at my expense on Mount Yernon being made the permanent county seat. That little trick of ours, I am sure, made the scales turn in our favor, and when we knew that it was estabUshed at Mount Yernon, you can imagine that we had loud rejoicing over it." In this time of war, when the pubUc mind is educated to believe that it is fair in any way to gain an advantage over an enemy, there will be but few who wiU not consider this Uttle county seat contest to have been properly conducted upon the part of the Yernonites. The rule that "all is fair in poli tics" having of late years gained general acceptation and credence, those who have dabbled in govern mental affairs will say that this was rightly done, and aU who have won in matters of love, and who has not, wiU concede that " the end justifies the means," and aU who beUeve that " whatever is is right," will determine that Mount Yernon honorably, justly and legitimately became the permanent seat of jus tice of Knox county. JONATHAN HUNT^S RYDER. Jonathan Hunt informs us that he was one of the volunteer workers on the streets at the time the Commissioners came on, and that Gilman Bryant 96 HISTORY OP sort of bossed the work, and, being a cripple, he tended on them and gave out the whisky and water, cheering them up as he came around, saying: " Work like men in harvest, but keep sober, boys." Mike CUck, and John Click, his brother, drove the oxen." Mike was a bully hand with a team, and made them tear up stumps, haul logs, j)low and scrape, as necessary. Men never worked better on a road than that force then did. They chopped down trees, cut off logs, grubbed, dug down rough places, fiUed up guUeys, burned log heaps, and made a wonderful change in the appearance of things. It was the first work ever done on the streets of Mount Yernon. KNOX COUNTY. 97 CHAPTEE YIII. SIXTH TERM OF COURT— JANUARY 1st, 1810. The lAW AND THE TESTIMONY. — COURTS, FINANCE, AND ELECTION, 1810. " Grand Jury. — Isaac Bonnett, foreman, David Miller, Peter Bricker, Abner Brown, Jr., John Johnson, Casper Pitting, Francis Hardesty, Josiah Talmage, Willis Speakman, Wm. Darling, Robert Dalrymple, Joseph Coleman, David Johnson, John Merritt, James Walker, Jr. " Indictments were found vs. Henry Smith, Eli Freeman, John Click, Thomas McBride. " Robert Dalrymple vs. Joseph Talmage. — This case was tried by a jury, who do find for the plaintiff and do assess his damage $1. " Wra. Sapp was appointed guardian for John Melton, and gave bond in $50. " John Green, administrator of Isaac McClary, was allowed till next September Term to settle. " William Wallace was licensed to keep public house on paying the proper sum. January 2d. " Isaac Applegate, by his Agent, Israel Ross, vs. Thomas B. Pat terson. — On Saassarara. Ordered, that a Declaration be filed vs. two o'clock. " The Case of John J. Brice vs. Thomas B. Patterson, Gilman Bryant, and Joseph Walker. — In Chancery — is disposed of by or dering defendants to pay $50, in nine months, or make a deed and to pay costs. " Robert Dalrymple vs. Joseph Talmage. — By consent of parties this action is to lie open for a new trial, and continued on the Issue Docket. 7 98 HISTORYOP " Plumb and Murray are Licensed to retail goods three months. " Notice is given of an appeal in the cases of Dalrymple vs. Talmage, and John J. Brice vs. Patterson, et als. " Letters of administration are granted to Simpkins on the Estate of John Simpkins. Joseph Coleman and Sele Simpkins securities for $400. " And the Court adjourned till Court in Course." SEVENTH TERM— COURT OF COMMON PLEAS— 30th APRIL, 1810. " James Colville appears as an Associate Judge in place of Wm. Gass. " Grand Jury. — Joseph Walker, torenwan, Nicholas Riley, Jas. Walker, Jr., Daniel Demmick, George Davis, Jonathan Oraig, C. Loffland, Wm. Fuller, Jacob Lybarger, C. Cooper, Peter Majors, Henry Haines, John Ervin, Nathaniel Critchfield. " Bills of Indictment were found vs. Ichabod Nye, Samuel Nye, Alexander Enos, Richard Alspaugh. " But one case was tried by Jury — that one vs. John Click, for assault and battery. " Another State case for assault and battery vs. Thomas Mc Bride was disposed of by the Court assessing a fine of $1 and costs, and two cases were dismissed at defendant's cost, and one at the plaintiff's cost. " Ordered, that an additional Justice of the Peace be added to the township of Morgan. " Benjamin Barrey was Licensed to keep public tavern at Clinton, on payment of $5. " This term continued two days, and the above is the business transacted." THE JAIL BOUNDS DEFINED. Special Term — 2d day of June, 1810. " Ordered, that the jail bounds of this county be as follows, to wit : Front street, thence to include all the balance of the town of Mt. Vernon lying North said street, which does include the Jail of eaid county." KNOX COUNTY. 99 "LOI THE POOR AFRICAN" DEMANDS ATTENTION. " The Court convenes at 2 o'clock P. M. to determine the negroe's case. " TJie State of Ohio vs. Ned Jackson, a negro. — For Larceny. The criminal comes forward and pleads not guilty, and the Court, from the testimony given, do consider and order that the said criminal be confined in jail until the Court in course." HAVING A QUAKER JUDGE CAUSES A QUAKER MEETING— 4th DAY, 6th month. " Court met. Present : John Mills, Wm. W. Farquhar, and James Colville." The record is sUent as to the cause of their meet- ing-^only sheweth that the three gentlemen met and adjourned until the Court in Course. EIGHTH TERM— COURT OF COMMON PLEAS— 3d SEPTEMBER, 1810. " Grand Jury. — Robert McMillen, foreman, John Wood, Wm. Wallace, John Herrod, John Shrimplin, John Merrit, Silas Brown, John Hown, John Wheeler, David Johnson, Nathaniel Critchfield, Ziba Leonard, Jas. Wallace, Jr. "Bills of Indictment were presented against Robert Davidson aud James Butler, each of whom were on plea of guilty of assault and battery, fined $2 and costs." The cases must have been exceedingly aggravated, or the Court become more severe upon the offenders, and doubled the fine. Three causes were tried by jury, to wit : Robert Dalrymple vs. Joseph Talmage ; Lawrence, for use of Bush, vs. George Davidson; and Martha Zenick, by her guardian and father, vs. David Miller and Mary MiUer. This time Dalrymple was awarded $5 damages, but neither party, as usual in law, was 100 HISTORY OP satisfied with the decision ; hence, on the next page we find, side by side with each other, the foUowmg entries : "Robert Dalrymple vs. Joseph Talmage. — Notice is hereby given by the plaintiff of an appeal. " Robert Dalrymple vs. Joseph Talmage. — Notice is hereby given by the defendant of an appeal. " The Jury in the second case gave judgment for the defendant, George Davidson, for costs, and the plaintiff gives notice of appeal." In the Zenick case, the Jury, "upon their oaths, do find the defendants guilty, and assess the dam ages of the plaintiff to $30." This was the first slander suit ever tried in Knox county. The defend ants moved, in arrest of judgment, "that the words contained in the third count in the plaintiff's decla ration are not actionable," but, having been over ruled in this effort, then gave notice of an appeal. This was a case of unusual interest, and WilUam Guardian, for failing to appear as evidence in it, was fined f 1. Three cases were dismissed at plaintiff's cost. Three judgments were entered by default, and one by confession. The highest amount of any judg ment was that of Josiah Morriss vs. David Debel, alias Debolt, for $70 and costs. A case of David Miller vs. Martha Zenick, on the case, was dismissed with judgment for costs vs. plaintiffs. Such was the business of two days of the 7th regular term. " On the Sth of September George Coffiubery was Licensed to keep a publick house of entertainment in the town of Mansfield for one year on his payment of $4. KNOX COUNTY. 101 " John Green, Esq., was still further allowed 3 years to settle the Isaac McOlary estate. " Catharine Shinabery, Ex. of M. Shinabery, dec'd, settled with the Court. " Daniel Demmick was Licensed to keep a publick House of en tertainment for one year, and Michael Click also. " Henry Markley was" allowed for 12|- days services as Commis sioner. " Matthew Merritt was allowed for 9 days services as Commis sioner. " William Douglas was allowed for 10 days services as Commis sioner. " Edward Herrick was allowed $25 as Prosecuting Attorney for the Supreme Court for 1810." COUNTY SETTLEMENT— 5th SEPTEMBER, 1810. " The Court met with the Commissioners for the purpose of set tling with the Court in County Charges, &c., which is as follows, (to wit) : " County of Knox, Dr., for, including from the June, 1809, to Sept. 6th, 1810: Commissioners of Knox County $137 27 Associate Judges 109 44 Elections 48 7.5 Roads 130 82 " 3 10 Treasurer 40 46 Boarding &. Imprisoning Negro 2 75 " 1 83 Coroner 3 50 Iron — Negro 5 25 Wolf Scalps G7 50 Collector's fees 102 59.8 Clerk's fees 41 00 Clerk to Commissioners from Jan'y, 1808 87 17 Sheriff's fees 28 6J Prosecuting Attorney 100 00 Repairs of Jail 9 47 Jury Boxes • 1 08 102 HISTORY OP Delinquents in Tax $24 20 Listing Townships "i's 00 Petit Jurors 15 15 Postage of Letters , 95 Witnesses 4 00 Grand Jurors GO 00 $1,194 16J Cr. By County Levy for 1809 $265 98 By Land Tax, 1809 252 52 By Draft on District Collection 118 30 By fines, &c 48 55 By stores and taverns 73 32 $759 67 " Ordered, that the Court do adjourn until the next meeting in course." VOTE FOR GOVERNOR IN 1810. The vote of Knox county in 1810 stood: Eor Eeturn J. Meigs, 97; Thomas Worthington, 90. All the votes cast in our county at that election were 187. Our county was then on the winning side, as Meigs carried the State by 2,193 majority. KNOX COUNTY 103 CHAPTEE IX. Sketch op the tiest white man known to have been upon the ko- K0-3INO. — The Indian captive. in 1779. — The adjutant in 1812— and commissioner in 1824. The first of the citizens of Knox county to tread upon its soil, was John StiUey. Tn the month of June, A. D. 1779, he was a captive among the In dians upon the banks of Ko-ko-sing. We have thoroughly investigated the early history of this • 'ountry and can learn of no white person who pen etrated the wilderness prior to that time. His father was one of the pioneers of Allegheny county, Pennsylvania, who was killed by the savages when John was but a smaU child. Immediately after his father was massacred, John (about the year 1774) was taken, with one of his little sisters, by his brother-in-law, Kennedy, to his home in the back part of Washington county, where he was living exposed to the privations, toils and sufferings inci dent to border life. At that time the people of the new country were in constant dread of the savages, and sleeping or waking they were alike in danger of becoming their prey. In the spring of 1779, when the corn was just sprouting out of the ground, a band of Indians of the Wyandot tribe one night attacked the house of Kennedy, took Kennedy, his 104 HISTORY OF wife and one chUd, John StUley and his Uttle prat- tUng sister, plundered the house of such things as they fancied, set fire to the house, and burned it to the ground. While they were witnessing the de struction of the house and its contents, they became alarmed by the approach of some of the whites living nearest to Kennedy, and hastUy seized his horses, and took to flight. One of the neighbors, called Captain Jack, an old Indian hunter, Uving about two miles from Kennedy's, thought on the evening of that day that there were Indians about, and being unable to get to sleep on account of this presentiment, kept his family awake untU about midnight, when he swore that he " smelt Indians," and seizing his rifle, powder-horn and buUet-pouch went out to his nearest neighbor, and whUe there discovered the fire in the direction of Kennedy's, and with such of the settlement as could be hastily gathered together came up to the ruins of the house, hurrying the Indians away with their cap tives and plunder. They foUowed close in pursuit, and came so nearly up to them when crossing the river that Captain Jack shot the Indian having young StiUey in charge across the right hand, cut ting off his thumb. They heard the crack of rifies, and the baUs whistled by them as they crossed the river. The Indian held young John in his left hand, and swam his horse over the river and rode some distance with the reins in his mouth. The band of Indians — sixteen in number — hastened rapidly across the country with their prisoners, crossing the White Woman near its mouth, and foUowing on up the Ko-ko-sing, as StiUey distinctly KNOX COUNTY. 105 recoUects, until above where Eredericktown has since been built, and thence on out to the Sandusky plains. They camped one night at the Little In dian Eields, near the present site of Mount Yernon. This country was then an unbroken wilderness. They did not see a single white man, or the trace of one, this side of the Ohio river ; nor could John StUley recoUect of seeing one of his own race for five years, except a foAV prisoners who were at times brought through the country where he was, and occasionaUy his sisters and brother-ia-law. They were parceled out by the captors as suited their fancy, and were sometimes for months without see ing each other. John was a stout, hearty boy, fond of rough exercise, and ha^dng not a particle of fear he soon became a great favorite with the tribe, and was often taken by the warriors in their hunting and fighting expeditions. He was several times brought with a portion of the tribe down to the Ko-ko-sing and White Woman country, and re members that this was considered the most beauti ful part of their hunting grounds. It then looked to him far handsomer than it ever has since, and because of its prepossessing appearance he determined, when he started in the world with thoughts of settling down permanently in one place, to make this his home and final resting place. After the Eevolutionary War was over and peace estabUshed, Kennedy and his wife and the two children were delivered up at Detroit. The In dians had taken a great liking to John, and deter mined to keep him. He was adopted into the tribe, had learned their language, and almost lost his own. 106 HISTORY OP Trained up as their Uttle Indians were, he had faUen into their ways, and fell in love with their mode of life, so that he had no desire to return to the white settlements. He bore no marks of ill treatment, unless we except that the end of his nose had been bitten off by one of the Indians in a fight. In all their sports and games he took part, and was a worthy " boba-sheeby." Our old settlers, who recol lect the " whoop" that Uncle John could give when so disposed, say that he surpassed the real Indian in that line. He has often spoken to us of the events of his captivity, and how he was for a time fascinated with their wild and roving Ufe. He sub sisted for days upon a Uttle corn parched and pounded up, and used to afiirm to us that he never reUshed any thing so well in his life as that simple food. But he was not doomed to live always a savage life. His family determined to rescue him from their wiles and allurements. His brother-in-law, with several others, undertook this mission, and at length succeeded in getting him away from them while they were camped down on Deti-oit, not far from where Maiden has since been built. He re mained with Kennedy and his friends at Detroit some months. There was then a British Eort there, and the vUlage was the smallest kind of a four-cor nered place. It is a satisfaction to know that several of the gang who captured StUley and Kennedy's family were afterwards in one of their marauding expe ditions overtaken by justice. The Poes met and kUled them near the mouth of YeUow Creek. Stil- KNOX* COUNTY. 107 ley and his sister became conversant with this fact shortly after the occurrence from Indians concerned in that dreadful fight. John StiUey with other prisoners retaken from the Indians, to the number of about ninety, em barked in a vessel at Detroit, and landed in San dusky Bay, and hired two Indian pilots to guide them back to the settlements. When they got pretty near the Oluo river, they began to talk over their position, where they were from, and with sad ness parted with each other, scattering in different directions, never more to meet. Some were from Kentucky, others from Virginia and Pennsylvania. But few of them crossed tbe river with StiUey into the edge of Allegheny county. StiUey says that he then passed through the Ko-ko-sing and White Woman country, and not a particle of improve ment was discernible from the time he was first taken through it by the Indians. After remaining in his native country a short time he became restless, and longed for a newer condition of things. His desire for adventure took him to the " dark and bloody ground." He went alone — a poor boy, but strong of heart, and with resolution indomitable. Alone, and in a light canoe of his own make, he navigated the rivers, and landed at the Limestone, about three miles from where the city of Maysville now stands. The only settlements then commenced on the Ohio river in his way were at WheeUng, GalUpoUs, Marietta, and at the mouth of the Kanawha. These were all very smaU. He pushed his way into the interior of Kentucky, and voyaged along 108 HISTORY OP the waters of the Elkhorn, and was struck with the surprising beauty of the country, and the noble ness and generosity of the people with whom he fell in company, and there he sojourned for some time. "There was," he said, "a considerable set tlement along the waters of the Elkhorn, and above and between Paris and Lexington more white peo ple than I had ever seen before. Lexington I thought a mighty clever town. We could raise along the old Elk's horn quite a number of men to take a fight every now and then, and I felt that I was man enough for any of them in any way they were a mind to take me. T knew Simon Kenton personaUy and right intimately, and a mighty true man he was too. He then lived down, I think, sort of northwest of Paris. He did not live as high up as I did. He kept four minute men down there always ready. We kept watch fifty mUes along the river for a while, and went back and forth twenty-five miles ; I was one of them. I also knew Neal Washburn well, and I tell you he was a real brotherly feeling man. The Kentucky hunters were as good men as God ever made. They were the clear noblemen spit — aU soul — aU bravery — all generosity. Would to God there were more such in the world." * * * "I remained upon Elkhorn enjojdng myself finely, farming a little, and hunting more, and wrestling and fight ing, and all that, till the pesky Indians up in the Maumee country, and in the Miami, got to cutting up so intolerable bad that we couldn't stand it any longer — they were depredating and thieving, and mijxdcring and scalping, and I got my blood up KNOX COUNTY. 109 and concluded to try my aim on them, so I 'Usted among the first in the country, and there was no better shot with a rifle among the crowd." John StiUey served for four months as one of the Kentucky volunteers, and upon discharge of the company, by General Wayne, returned to the Elkhorn country. But he did not long remain quiet. Eepeated acts of cruelty and inhumanity on the part of the savages and their worse than savage aUies, again rendered it necessary for the Kentucky boys to shoulder their rifles and march into the enemy's country to avenge the wrongs of their countrymen. StiUey then served five months, and said he would like to have continued with old Mad Anthony the rest of his days, but the old hero said he did not require his services any longer. He returned to Kentucky and remained farming, hunting, and shooting at a mark, until the country, where he was, became too thickly settled for him to enjoy Ufe there, and then he concluded to look up again the fine country which he had admired so much, when a boy, on the Ko-ko-sing. He is found Uving in this county in 1806, making his location, building his log cabin, and settling down for the remainder of his term on earth. His wife, Eebecca, daughter of old Eobert Thompson, the surveyor and pioneer, rests by his side beneath the soil of Knox county. The StiUey farm, west of Mount Yernon one mile, where their sons Mor gan E. and Gilman B. and daughter Dorcas now live, was cleared off and first cultivated by Thomp son and StiUey from 1805. Of John Stilley's twelve children — Sarah E., wife of Jacob MaxteUer, is in 110 HISTORY OP this township ; Julia Ann, wife of Col. Benjamin E. Smith, in Minnesota; Joel E. in this county, Eebecca Kinibal in Morrow county; liTancy, wife of Wm. McEarland, deceased, in Oquawka, IU., and the others, not above named, are dead. In our chapter upon the military of Knox county it will be seen that the bellicose sj)irit of John StiUey is made manifest. In the war with Great Britain he served as Adjutant of Col. Kratzer's Eegiment, Ohio volunteers, until honorably dis charged. He again entered the ser^dce when Eort Meigs was attacked by the British and Indians, and received another honorable discharge. We became conversant with the events in the life of this worthy old settler several years ago, when for warding an application for a land warrant, which he desired mainly as evidencing an evidence of appreciation of his services and sufferings by his government, but the lamentable delays of ofiicials in the great circumlocution departments at Wash ington prevented his receiving this just acknowl edgment of his country's gratitude. On the 10th of March, 1852, he died of palsy, at his home, in Clinton township. His widow, after his death, received the tribute of a land warrant for 160 acres. John StiUey was a true hearted, a brave man — ready, whenever occasion offered, to assert his rights and evidence his courage. He performed four tours of service, and under the most trying circumstan ces acquitted himself handsomely. He was a great admirer of General Wayne and General Harrison, and never grew tired of praising them. We might give many anecdotes and incidents connected with KNOX COUNTY. Ill the life of this worthy old pioneer — who first walked upon the banks of Owl Creek, (Koo-koo-san he said it was pronounced by the tribe who captured him.) We have thought a chapter in the History of the county to be justly due to John StiUey — the old Adjutant — the old Commissioner — the old citi zen who was proverbial for his honesty and integ rity — and who possessed, at four score years, as good a memory, as sound judgment and irreproach able character as any man ever within the limits of KJnox county. 112 HISTORY OP CHAPTEE X. What was done et coukts and cohmissionebs in the yeaes 1811-12- 13 and 1814 that mat be of interest to citizens of the countt. — COUNTT ROADS. CoCNTT BUILDINGS.— COUNTT REVENUE. WhAT IT COST TO GUARD A PRISONER AND TO BURY A NEGRO IN 1812-14. PRICES OF BARK AND RABBIT SKINS. ThE GLORIOUS FOURTH COMMEMORATED BT strong's SETTLEMENT. NINTH TERM OF COMMON PLEAS — JANUARY 1, 1811. " Grand Jury — Charles Lofland, foreman, Thomas Beaty, Abra ham Lyon, James Craig, Geo. Lybarger, Nathl. M. Young, J. Dun lap, John Morrison, Samuel Wilson, John Herrod, John Cook, James Herrod and James Cunningham. " Indictments presented vs. Wm. Wallace, James Smith, Solomon Geller, John StiUey, John Barney, Francis Spratt, John Fogle- song, Benj. Barney, Andrew Clark and Samuel Arbuckle. "This term continued three days. The minutes show but one Jury Trial : The State of Ohio vs. Henry Smith for passing coun terfeit money, and the Jury found him not guilty. "Gilman Bryant was granted Licens to retail goods for 8 months, and Abner Ayres to keep a public house one year. " An additional Justice of the Peace was added to the township of Clinton. " The Indictments vs. Francis Spratt and Wm. Wallace were disposed of, each being fined $3 and costs." TENTH TERM— 29Tn APRIL, 1811. " Grand Jury — Isaac Bonnet, foreman, Charles Cooper, Robert Wright, John Hawn, Peter Bricker, Timothy Burr, Isaac Dial, Bartholomew Bartlet, Evan Holt, John Trimble, John Wheeler, James Miller, Oliver Strong. KNOX COUNTY. 113 " Indictments were presented vs. David Demmick, Sele Simp kins. "John Stilley appears and pleads guilty to Indictment for assault and battery found vs. him at last Term, and is fined $4 and costs." The dignity of fighting is increased, and those who indulge in that luxury have to pay higher. " Benjn. Barney, arraigned on charge of assault and battery, pleads not guilty, and on trial Jury so find. "Andrew Clark, on indictment for same offence, is fined $4 and costs. " John Barney stands a jury trial on his indictment, and is found not guilty. " So also Samuel Arbuckle is acc[uitted. " Licens is granted Benjn. Barney to keep publick house one year at Clinton. " The case of Joseph Foos vs. Archibald Gardner is tried by a Jury, who find ' that Gardner was only to pay for the improve ments done by Foos on the House.' "Two suits were dismissed, two settled by the parties, and two judgments entered for small sums. " John Sawyer is fined $2 and costs for not attending as a wit ness. This being the second fine of this character in the Common Pleas Court, the penalty is increased 100 per cent. " Licenses to retail goods are granted to Wm. H. Selby & Isaac Vore, and Tavern license to Jno. Baxter & Amoriah Watson. " George Sapp is appointed admr. of George Sapp, deed. ; Danl. Sapp & John Greer, Securities." ELEVENTH TERM— 9th OF SEPT., 1811. " Grand Jury. — ^William Gass, Jabez Beers, Joseph Coleman, Casper Fitting, Abraham Darling, Jacob Young, John Green, Henry Ankeny, James Bryant, Charles Lofland, John Wheeler, David Johnson, Jonathan Hunt, Jr. " Indictments fcrund vs. Sele Simpkins, Thos, McBride, Benj. Rush, Francis Wilkins, John Davis, James Walker, Jr. and James Smith. Four Jury causes came off, to wit ; Andrew Craig vs. Henry McCurb & James Cmmingham, Trespass on the case ; Wm. W. 114 HISTORY OP Farquhar vs. James Craig, for debt ; The State of Ohio vs. Sele Simpkins, for felony ; and James Smith vs. Samuel H. Smith, assumpsit. " The Prosecuting Attorney entered ' nolle ' on Indictment vs. James Smith for not making Election returns to Fairfield C. " The State vs. Francis Wilkins. Defendant was fined $1 for assault and battery. " Eleven other causes were disposed of — mainly dismissed at costs of Pltff. "John Green, Esq., of the Methodist Church, is licensed to marry people so disposed. " Henry Markley was allowed $5.3.37J for sevices as Commis sioner. " Matthew Merrit was allowed $1.75 for services as Commis sioner. " Robert McMillen was allowed $36.75 for sevices as Commis sioner. " License to keep public house was granted for one year to Michael Click, John Jones, Jesse Procter, Daniel Ayers, Daniel Demmick. " Store License was granted to Gilman Bryant, Benjn. Rush, Saml. H. Smith. " On the return of John Heckewelder, John McConnel and Moses Koss, Esquires, who were appointed by a Joint Ballot of both Houses of the Legislature of the State of Ohio to fix the seats of Justice in the Counties of Wayne and Eichland in the State aforesaid, which passed the 2Sth of March, 1803, who did report for the seat of Justice in Richland county aforesaid to be affixed at the town of Mansfield. Signed the 20th day of April, 1809." Settlement with the Commissioners of Knox County, to wit : Ex penditures from Sept. Term, 1810 ; Paid out to different collectors $62 17.5 " for wolf scalps j2 00 " for Grand Juries 52 75 " for Pettit Judges in State prosecutions 20 20 " for Witnesses fees in same 88 15 " Sheriff for his services 65 50 " Coroner " " , , 4 00 KNOX COUNTY. 115 Paid Jas. Smith, as Clerk to Com. Pleas and Comr $89 95 J " Public Buildings Ill 87.5 " accommodation of Courts 5 50 " Edwd. Herrick, Esq., as Prosecuting Attorney . . . 100 00 " expences of Roads, &c 49 27,5 " Treasurer 20 59 " Associate Judges 60 00 " locating County and Townships 63 50 " out for elections 35 50 " James Smith 25 dollars for books. 1840 97 Amount received by Treasurer to same date : Received by fines and license $123 38^ County levy for year 1810, OT'nship 113 32 " " Union " 79 30 " " " " Morgan " 54 30 " " " " Wayne " 62 88J " " " " Madison" 15 92J State Tax for Morgan 80 89^ Wayne 90 33^ Union 30 25 " " Clinton 161 44 1 mill. " " State Treasurer 117 66 " " Walker & Slater's land 4 25 " State Tax for 1809 117 00 $1050 95 1 mill. TWELFTH TEEM— JANY. 6th, 1812. " Grand Jury. — Charles Lofland, foreman, Joseph Walker, Alex ander Enos, Saml. H. Smith, John Stilley, Ziba Leonard, John Baxter, Moses Craig, John Spratt, Benj. Currin, James Craig, Andrew Craig, Solomon Geller." This vacation had proven fruitful of knock-downs, as we may judge from bills for assault and battery being found vs. Georg& Lybarger, Henry Ankeny, Samuel W. Culberson, Joseph Dunlap, John Strain, Benjamin Rush, John Foglesong. 116 HISTORY OP Culberson was fined 6 cents and costs ; Lybarger, $3 ; Ankeny, $5 ; John Foglesong, the unprecedented sum of $50 and costs. A jury in the State vs. John Davis found him guilty to the tune of SS20 and costs. Daniel Demmick is fined $1 and costs for retailing spirituous liquors without license. The solitary civil jury trial resulted in Henry Smith obtaining a judgment of $8.12J against Oliver Strong. There is an increasing demand for marrying officers, and we find License issued to Elisha Bowman and James Smith of the Metho dist Church. George Coffinberry renews his Tavern License for Mansfield, and James McClure is also Licensed to entertain the publick. Jos. Talmage is allowed $2.25 for taking the enumeration, &c. THIRTEENTH TERM— 4th MAY, 1812. " Grand Jury. — Isaac Bonnet, foreman, Wm. Marquis, Solomon Geller, Benj. Corwin, Thos. McKee, John Stilley, Matthew Mer ritt, John Hawn, Ziba Leonard, Chas. Cooper, H. Ankeny, Chas. Lofland and Joseph Berry. " Bills were found vs. Joseph Walker and James Craig, William Walker, Elizabeth Walker. " Two causes were tried by jury — Hiram Ball vs. Alexander Enos ; verdict for defendant for costs ; and The State vs. Eliza beth Walker ; verdict not guilty. " On Indictment for an affray, Joseph Walker is fined $1 and costs ; and William Walker is fined for an assault and battery |3 and costs. The foUowing order appears upon the court min utes which "old settlers" may understand: " Ordered, that James Walker, jr., deliver up to Benoni Gard ner his daughter, Nancy, with her clothing. "Store license issued to Isaac Vore, and tavern license to Azariah Davis, John Baxter and N. C. Boles. ." Eight judgments are entered up for sums varying from $2.07i to $18.66 "Luke Walpole vs. Ichabod Nye, Sheriff.— The Sheriff is KNOX COUNTY. 117 amerced for $6, received from Wm. Wallace and not paid over. This is thej^Vs^ amercement case on record in Knox county. FOURTEENTH TERM— 14th SEPTEMBER, 1812. " License to retail goods was granted to John Garrison, and tav ern license to Daniel Ayres. "Court remained in session but a few hours. The following entry shows the cause : No venire for Grand or Petit jury returned in consequence of a National calamity. Ordered that the court do adjourn until the next court in course. William Wilson." FIFTEENTH TERM— 11th JANUARY, 1813. " Grand Jury. — Wm. Mitchel, foreman, Wm. Davis, Jacob Young, Henry Markley, Wm. Knight, Peter Kinry, Henry Haines, jTohn Murphy, Cornelius VanosdoUe, John Shrinplin, John Harrod, James Craig, Oliver Strong. " Indictments found vs. John Jackson and Michael Click, Jos. Middleton, Wm. Stansbery, Leonard H. Coales. " There were three trials by jury — Henry Smith vs. Allison Strong ; verdict for pltff. $12 and costs ; Eleazer Morely vs. Alex. Enos, for pltflf. $56.37 and costs ; Platt «fc Harrison vs. Enos, for pltff. $40.80. " Store license issued to Enoch Harriss, Richard Fishback, Gil man Bryant. " Tavern license issued to John Davidson on payment of $6 for one year, Richard Fishback, Amos H. Royce, Stephen Stilwell. ll^^ot a single State case was tried. The presump tion is that the fighting men had gone to the war! SIXTEENTH TERM— 5th SEPTEMBER, 1813. " Grand Jury. — Isaac Bonnet, foreman, James Loveridge, Solo mon Geller, John Kerr, Philip Melker, Benj. Corwin, Thos. Mc Kee, Jacob Hauger, John Dunlap, Wm. Marquis, Joseph Walker, Isaac Bean, W. H. Selby. " Four bills were found for usual offenses. These and several other Indictments quashed for want of form. This Court contin ued in session three days. There were three jury trials, and many old cases on the docket were disposed of. " 'Wm. 0. Enos is appointed Master Commissioner in Chancery. 118 HISTORY OP " Robt. McMillen allowed 8 days, $14, for Commissioner services. Daniel Cooper " 5 " 8.75, John Harrod " 5.25, " Store license was granted to Anthony Banning, Stephen But ler, S. H. Smith. " License to marry was granted to John Green and James Smith, regular ordained ministers in the Religious United Societies or Christian Church. SEVENTEENTH TERM— 10th JANUARY, 1814. " Grand Jurors. — Isaac Vore, foreman, John Davis, Abraham Caimes, John Grear, Nathaniel M. Young, Moses Merrit, Evan Holt, John Stilley, John Johnson, Jabez Beers, Philip Melker, James Low, A. H. Royce, John Spratt. " Five jury causes are tried. " License to marry is issued to Amos Mix of the Baptist persua sion. " License to retail goods is issued to Eli Miller, Richard Fish back, L. S. Silliman. " C. K. Sherman is appointed Prosecuting Atto. for this co. " Letters of administration are issued on estates of Isaac Jack son, Benj. Simpkins, Joseph Sieberson, Joseph King and Anny Woodruff. Our old townsman, Gilman Bryant, seems to figure about these times as general appraiser. " James Smith, Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas and Clerk of the Supreme Court for the county of Knox, appoints Alexander Ellioitt Deputy in either Court, Feb. 24, 1814. EIGHTEENTH TERM— 9th OF MAY, 1814. " Grand Jury. — Isaac Vore, jr., foreman, John Wilson, Joseph Walker, John Bean, George Low, Matthew Merrit, Isaac Bonnet, John Bricker, David Ash, Joseph Higgins, Jesse Severe and An thony Banning. " Four trials by jury. " Samuel Kratzer, Esq., appointed Master Commissioner in Chancery. " License issued to James Smith, John Green, to retail goods, and to N. C. Bowles to keep tavern. KNOX COUNTY. 119 NINETEENTH TERM— 11th AUGUST, 1814. " Gi'and Jurors. — Azariah Davis, Benj. Brown, Bartholomew Bartlet, Ebenezer Brown, Wm. Downs, Thomas Ireland, Wm. Henry, Jacob Rabb, David Johnson, Jonathan Hunt, jr., John Garrison, Isaac Coen, James Harrod, John Kerr, John Mills, fore man. "Upon bills of Indictment for assault and battery, James Adams and Wm. Mefford were fined $3, each, and costs ; James Martin $10 and costs, Charles Lofland was also fined $5 and costs, and Samuel Baxter $10 and costs, and Thos. Prather $3 and costs. " Four trials by jury. " John Harrod as Commissioner allowed $22.75, Robt. McMil len $29.75, Daniel Cooper $26.25, Wm. Mitchell $5.25. " License issued to John Fuller, of Christian Church, to marry. L. H. Smith, Benj. Barney and Ichabod Marshal, Ex'rs. of Rich ard Fishback, deceased ; and Gilman Bryant, Daniel Cooper and Timothy Burr, appraisers. TWENTIETH TERM— 22nd DECEMBER, 1814. " Grand Jury. — John Trimble, foreman, Thomas Axtell, Henry Markley, Jas. McCracken, Samuel Newell, Sam'l Johnson, Cor nelius Vanosdall, John Adams, John Irvine, Nath. M. Young, Da vid Johnson, Jacob Cooper, L. H. Smith. "License to vend goods issued to Anthony Banning, Gilman Bryant, John Garrison, Eli Miller, L. S. Silliman. " License to keep tavern issued to Jacob Nixon, Amos H. Royce, Abner Ayres, Wm. Van Horne. We have given the Court transactions for twenty terms as much for the purpose of letting the present generation know who, in those early days, per formed service as Jurors and otherwise, as with the view of giving an account of what was done. By reading over these pages the names of many set tlers will be known whom otherwise we could not find had Uved upon our soU. 120 HISTORY OP THE FINANCES IN 1812-13-14, AND THE FIRST SALE OF LAND FOR TAXES— 1812, 3d JUNE. " At settlement with the Treasurer. Dr. Treasurer — Amount of Land Tax 1811 $523 76.7 do — ---- 20 36.2 Duplicate for Wayne 1811 73 22 do Madison " 35 5 do Union 9150 do Morgan 60 80 do Clinton 204 62.5 Wolf scalps 32 00 Gilman Bryant, license 6 66.5 Am't of license, permits and fines received 81 09.5 1129 8.6 By amount of County orders received. .. $10 7 9.7 J do do do ... 1079 73 do do do ... 59 42 J 1149 95 1129 8.6 At settlement balance due Treasurer. $20 86.4 " Treasurer pay Henry Haines $45 19.4, for his commission on revenue Taxes 1811 ; for traveling trip to ZanesviUe $5. " At settlement with the Treasurer June Sth, 1813. Treasurer Dr. for — Tavern license $91 32 do do 12 49J Richland duplicate 64 25 Duplicate for Clinton 135 53J do Morgan 79 80 do Wayne 74 32 do Chester 20 30 do Union 90 60 do Morris 47 36 do on duplicate now due 502 54.6 Daniel Demmich 4 Butler's license 80 1122 82.6 KNOX COUNTY. 121 Cr. by orders produced and delivered $1076 45 " your com. per centum 44 39 " traveling fees 5 1125 84 Cr. the Treasurer on settlement $3.01. James Berry, Collector 4th District. Collector's oflfice, Zanes viUe, 17th Dec., 1813, received $359 23, the full amount of the Resident Land Tax of Knox county, of John Green, Collector. 9th June, 1814 — At settlement with Treasurer of Knox co. Treasurer Dr. — For license taverns and stores $103 58J Cash rec'd of collector of non-residents on land for 1813 451 70 County, as paid by collector, for C. Levy for 1813 405 16 960 44J Cr. by orders paid in $923 00.7.5 " treasurer's fees • 38 41 " traveling fees to ZanesviUe 5 906 41.7.5 Balance due to Treasurer on settlements the sum of $5 97.5, as per order number 1251." "July 5, 1814. The Board this day examine the duplicates for County Levy for the Township agreeable to the return of the lis ters of Townships as follows : Morgan Township $83 10 , Union do 104 07.5 Morris do 73 40 Chester do 31 50 Wayne do 93 61 Clinton do 140 96 526 64.5 " Collector Green collected all on these lists and $2.58 more in Clinton township, than listed. " The first lands sold for Taxes were in January 1 2th, 1815, when collector John Green sold for Abram Emmett 2-8 of lot 120 north side taxes and costs — 75 ; and f of lot 34 south side — 75. Isaac Vore, jr., J of lot 19 south side, and J of 20 north side — ^for 75 each. 122 HISTORY OP • "Parts oflots belongingto John Hawn.jr., James Smith, (Skenk's creek) Nathan Majors, Ichabod Nye, John Marquis and Wm. Marquis, jr., for which he charged for deeds and acknowledgments $1.25." ITEMS SUGGESTIVE FROM COMMISSIONERS' JOURNALS OF 1811- 12-13-14. Among the bUls audited by the Commissioners in 1811, we find one to John Butler |4, for extra services in summoning jurors and witnesses for May Term ; Mcholas Kyle $3, for use of their house for third Court, Sept. 1811 ; Ichabod IsTye, sheriff's fees in criminal cases, 1811, $25 ; Associ ate Judges James Colville $18, W. W. Farquhar |21, John MUls $21; Edward Herrick for Prose cuting Attorney two terms, and at Supreme Court also, $9.75. A pretty cheap attorney's fee ! Order IS^o. 626 issues to Ichabod Marshal 75 cts. for gaging a half bushel for the County standard, and 627 to James Walker for making seal for standard for Knox county. Timothy Burr appeared and gave bond as Coro ner, with Gilman Bryant and Robert Jones as sureties. Ichabod Nje gave bond as Sheriff, with John Hawn and Eichard Fishback as sureties. 1812, January. Wm. Roberts, deputy coroner, is paid $4.45 " for viewing a dead body, for drawing the necessary writing in the same, for traveling, venire," &c. James Bryant for taking care of the dead body $5. " Ordered that one acre of land be taken off Morgan township and added to Clinton, which acre was purchased of Martin Cosner by Silas Brown, in range 12, township 6." "The Overseers of the Poor is directed to seize and sell the property of a negro called Wm. Jackson." KNOX COUNTY. 123 The Commissioners held their meetings at differ ent places as the foUowing orders show : " To John Jones 50 cents for house rent last meeting." " To Ash 75 cents for same this meeting." A ne^D court hotise is being erected, and the Jour nals state that " Solomon Geller and George Downs did receive by subscrip tions $745." On the 10th of AprU, 1812, the foUowing entry is made : " The Commissioners this day did examine the court house built by George Downs and Geller, and do receive the same." N^o sooner is the new court house ready for use than the Commissioners become involved in trouble about its occupancy, by different sects, as will be explained by the foUowing entries on the Journal : "Whereas, a number of the inhabitants of this county has made application for the use of the court house in Mount Vernon, for the purpose of occupying the same for preaching and holding public worship therein ; it is, therefore, ordered that the different denomi nations of christians are allowed to occupy the same for the afore said purpose provided that each denomination shall have the use of the same for one meeting once in four weeks ; provided also, that the different denominations aforesaid shall meet and mutually agree upon the time or times they shall hold the same, which shall be in force for one year unless they do not agree on the times they shall hold their meetings aforesaid, and each denomination failing to clean up the house and have the same in as good repair as they found it within three days, it shall forfeit their privilege aforesaid, and shall at all times be liable to make good all damages done by such denomination at their meetings aforesaid ; and James Smith shall keep the key of the house aforesaid ; it is further provided, that each denomination aforesaid shall furnish the said house with at least fifty feet of good strong Benches for the use of the house aforesaid, which shall be left there for the use of all publick busi- 124 HISTORY OP ness which shall be necessary previous to such denomination occu pying the said house for the purpose aforesaid." Eminently catholic and practical — especiaUy the Bench part ! The brethren could not occupy together in unity, and accordingly the Commissioners on the Sth of June, 1813, pass this resolution : " Resolved, That the court house, from this date, be closed and kept lockt from all denominations except courts." This brought about a cessation of hostilities, and again petitions poured in for use of the court house agreeing to agree as to time of using it, &c. There upon Commissioners Herrod, Cooper and MclVIU- len, on the 22d of June, meet for the special pur pose of ordering " That the court house be opened as formerly by and under the same rules as formerly." One great difficulty was that the Methodists were unwilUng to let the " S'ew Lights," who had spUt off from them, come in under the order as first made. These were times fraught with great perU to the churches, as elsewhere recorded. The following order appears : " Treasurer pay to George Davis 75 cents for being accommodating with load of wood for the court." John Lee is paid $2 for riding with returns of Senatorial election of 1812 to Newark. John ShrimpUn endeavors to get a road from his miU, which Wm. Darling, James Rightwire and John Green report as not of public utility, and the peti tion is rejected. Stephen Stilwell is taxed fourfold for refusing to give in four horses to the lister for KNOX COUNTY. 125 taxation, and Amos Tarnard is also taxed fourfold npon one horse. Samuel Kratzer is aUowed $1.62 J for iron for the jail, and Archibald Crofford $4.75 for iron and labor done on the jail. The rate of taxation on taverns in 1812 is $8 for aU located on Market st., Mount Yernon, aU others on other streets of Mount Yernon and on road from Mount Yernon to Newark and in Eredericktown $7, and aU others in the county $6. In 1814, July, Erancis Hardista is taxed fourfold for refusing to return seven head of cattle to the Uster. G. Downs and J. Martin are aUowed $80 for shutters for court house. And the court house, but recently erected, is found to need alteration and repairs, so Solomon GeUer purchased the job of making certain repairs for $799.70. The county, at this time, seems to have had a troublesome pris oner, as the foUowing payments were made for standing guard over the prisoner, Beldon : " Calvin Hill 3 nights, $1.50; Wm. Dehart 10 nights and one day, $5.50; Henry Burge for 9 nights and one day, $5; James Irvine 19 nights and one day, $10; John Cramer 13 nights and one day, $7 ; Thomas Sprague one night, $1 ; Samuel Kratzer for guarding, $7.50 ; Jacob Woodruff, $14.75 ; Samuel Breese, con stable, .95 ; Michael Click for trailing after prisoner Beldon, $1 ; Eli Gregg $1 for aiding in committing A. Beldon to jail, and Wm. Dehart for trailing after Beldon, $3." Thus the snug Uttle sum of $58.20 was expended in guarding, because Mike CUck had convinced the people that, as he said, the "jaU is not worth one tam !" 126 HISTORY OP VARIOUS NOVEL ITEMS AND ADVERTISEMENTS OF THESE TIMES. " FRIENDLY ADVICE ! ! "The person who made so free as to borrow my Axe without my liberty, is respectfully solicited to return it immediately — otherwise, he will find his Axe, like the Indian's Gun, to cost more than it comes to. He can either leave it himself or by proxy at my wood pile. T. BURR. March 1, 1813." Oak bark for tanning was worth in April 1813, at Clinton, $2.50 per cord. Samuel H. Smith was then carrying on a tanyard there. A concert was held at Mt. Yernon, in the court house. May 6th, at 10 o'clock, P. M., under direc tion of M. D. Lewis, of different singing societies in the county. " AU those who feel wiUing to participate with us are earnestly soUcited to attend." May 3d. James Smith's Yindication is now pub lished, and offered for sale at Clinton and Mount Yernon — "for resisting the ecclesiastical power and authority of their Episcopal dignity, IlichaeJ, Ellis and David Young^'' "TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. " This may certify that I was present when Mr. Isaac Beam ex. amined a trunk and bundle belonging to Polly McCracken, for table cloths, but found nothing resembling such in either trunk or bundle. T. BURR. May 3, 1814." George Paul, Col. 27th Infantry, was appointed, by Maj. General Harrison, to take command of the recruiting service for the 27th Reg't., and estab Ushed his office at ZanesviUe, March, 1814. "Samuel H. Smith having added a large stock of goods to his former assortment, will trade for butter, sugar, country linen, rye, corn, hides, deer skins and furs. Doct. T. Burr is duly authorized KNOX COUNTY. 127 to attend to his business, and will prescribe gratis to purchasers of drugs and medicines, &c. December, 1813." John H. Piatt, of Cincinnati, advertises, April 4th, 1814, for 5,000 barrels flom-, and 200 barrels whisky deUvered at Eort Meigs, " or at any con venient place on the Lake shore to save transporta tion by land." Samuel H. Smith gave 75 cents per dozen or 96 cents in fine hats, for Rabbit skins. GRAND CELEBRATION OF FREEDOM'S BIRTH-DAY, 1814. On the morning of the 4th of July the flag of the United States was hoisted near Mr. Zebulon Ashley's dwelling house, on a Uberty pole 68 feet in length, and the day was celebrated by a respect able number of the citizens of Strong^s settlement and its vicinity. After an elegant dinner 18 toasts were drank, accompanied with the discharge of musketry. Erom the number we extract the fol lowing : " The President of the United States, prefers republican principles to British tyranny — May the Constitution be his life guard. " The American Sword, which is drawn in defense of our coun try — May it never be returned till it has pierced the heart of our enemy. " Perry and his brave crew on Lake Erie — May they ever be vic torious while their swords are drawn in defense of America. " The United States of America — ^May they ever be too indepen dent to be governed by any other nation. "Success to the American Eagle, not forgetting Great Britain, hoping its kingdom may be brought down." The others alike partake of the warUke spirit engendered by the war, and breathe hate and defi ance to the foe. 128 HISTORY OP CHAPTER XI. The eccentric chapter in our earlt hi8tort — being all that ta KNOWN or the history of JOHNNY APPLESEED. An original character flourished in this part of the country at an early day, who was always con spicuous in times of excitement and danger, and his vigilant care of the early settlers entitles him to a tribute at our hands. The sobriquet of Johnny Appleseed attached to him, though his real name was Chapman, in consequence of his being ever engaged in gathering and planting appleseed and cultivating nurseries of apple trees. Many of the earUest settlers recognized in him an old acquain tance, who had wandered about for years along the streams of western Pennsylvania, engaged in the > same pursuit and preparing the way for those who might foUow upon his traU to have their own orchards. He would find suitable spots of ground along the banks of creeks and rivers, in which to make smaU clearings, and there he would plant the seed he had gathered, fence in the ground, and then leave it to germinate and grow in coming years into fine nurseries, which he would have in readiness for the coming settiements. He would make just as many nurseries as he could get seed to plant, and KNOX COUNTY. 129 he never lost any time in gathering and preparing for the future. He did not restrict his operations to the settled portions of the country, but went into the wUderness regions and among the Indians and wild beasts, having his trust in God and fear ing no harm. In personal appearance he was prepossessing, when one could get sight of his eyes and well formed head; about medium height, quick and restless and uneasy in his motions, and exceedingly uncouth in dress. In truth he cared not what he wore, nor who before him might have worn the garment upon his back — whether it was too large or too small for his person. The greater part of his traffic with the world was in exchanging his trees, at a nominal price, for old worn out clothes. He incased his person, at all times, in what might be called thrown away garments. Eor covering to the head he was not particular whether he wore an animal's skin, a cloth, or tin case. He has been seen with head gear of each kind, and without foot apparel of any description. Eor a time, after the war, he wore an old military chapeau, which some officer had given him, and thus accoutred he came suddenly upon a dutchman, who had just moved into the country, and scared him most to death as he stood in his bare feet with " one tam muscle sheU cocked on his head." The sides were ripped, . and as it flopped in the wind — on a head covered with long black hair, a face with a long beard and dark black eyes peering out from the vast under growth, and a body enveloped in a coffee sack with 9 130 HISTORY OP a hole through which he had run his head, it was enough to frighten any honest dutchman almost out of his wits. He Uved the roughest kind of a Ufe — slept the greater part of the time in the woods — by the side of logs — and on the bare ground. He was harm less and inoffensive — always sti'iving to save the feeUngs of mankind and of the brute creation. Yery many anecdotes are remembered character istic of Johnny Appleseed. The following show the native goodness of his heart : One night he built his camp fire at the end of a hoUow log, in which he intended to pass the night, but as a bear and her cubs had a pre-emption claim to the hole in the tree, he moved his fire to another spot and slept aU night on the snow, exposed to the storm, rather than disturb the varmints. Another time, when he had a camp-fire near the creek where the nausquitoes Avere very bad and flew into the blaze and were consumed, he took off his tin head gear, fiUed it with water, and put out the fire, saying, " God forbid, that I should build a fire for my own comfort that should be the cause of destroying any of his other created works." And stiU another is ihat one morning he was bitten by a rattlesnake, and some time after he related the circumstances with tears in his eyes as he said " poor feUow ! he only just touched me, when in an ungodly passion I put the heel of my scythe on him and MUed him." He had the following told at the expense of his bare feet, which had become hardened beyond belief by long usage "out of doors" and exposm'e to the cold. At one time he crossed Lake Erie on KNOX COUNTY. 131 the ice barefooted, and when night overtook him — the man traveling in company with him was frozen to death — but old Johnny, by roUing about on the ice, kept warm, and in affcertimes was none the worse for it. An old citizen of Mansfield vouches for 'the fol lowing : A traveling preacher was at one time holding forth on the scriptures in the public square, to a misceUaneous audience, when he exclaimed, "where is the barefooted christian traveling to heaven "?" Johnny Appleseed was among the audi tors, laying flat on his back on a piece of timber, and he stuck his bare feet high in the air and cried out " here he is!" This artless child of nature was a man of much inteUigence, and in his day and generation, much as he was hooted at and derided by the scoffers and jibers of the country, yet did he in his life time perform far more of good than they aU did. If it is true, as claimed, that he who causeth a single blade of grass to grow, or plants a single shade tree, is a pubUc benefactor, how much greater is the meed of praise due to poor old Johnny Appleseed, who caused thousands of fruit bearing trees to grow, and hundreds of orchards to blossom and bear fruit for the people. What lasting obUga tions are we not under to him here in Knox county — in aU central Ohio — in western Pennsylvania — in northern Indiana — and of a verity in all the " Great West," for our present most exceUent fruits. God preserve his memory ! To help perpetuate it we have devoted this Chapter in our History — to be read by many whose parents and relatives would 132 HISTORY OP have faUen victims to the relentless hate of the savage had Johnny Appleseed not have traveled from settlement to settlement along the Mohican, Owl preek, the White Woman, the Muskingum, the Tuscarawas, and other water courses, notifying the famiUes of the pioneers of the approach of dan ger. Much, very much, may also be due this man of peace, this child of nature, for his kind offices among the chUdren of nature in turning their hearts from wrath and averting their purposes of destruction. Reader — think of these things, l^a- tive Owl Creeker ponder over them and cherish the memory of good old Johnny Appleseed. The promises he made he faithfuUy redeemed. Among other evidences of his keeping his word, we have the foUowing : In 1819, Isaiah Roberts, then on his way to Mis souri, finding no boat at ZanesviUe ready to start on the trip down the river, footed it to Marietta, and on the road met with Johnny Appleseed, who promised to caU at his fathers in Knox county, and tell him where he parted with him, etc. Shortly after, Johnny made his appearance one night about dark, and was cheerfuUy received. He then had an old tattered coat and slouched hat, with hair and beard uncut and uncombed, and barefooted. After eating some supper, he espied a copy of "Bal lon on Atonement," which he took and read for some time by candle-Ught, thinking at first it was good Swedenborg doctrine, and desired to take it with him; but after he read further, and found the kind of doctrine it inculcated, he threw it down indignantly, expressing his disappointment, and in KNOX COUNTY. 133 a few moments after stretched himself out, and went to sleep. Johnny Appleseed sometimes clipped his beard with scissors, but never used a razor. His nurse ries, near Mount Yernon, were located at the fol lowing places : One in the then called Indian Eields, on the north bank of Owl Creek, directly west of Center Run, and another on the ground where James W- Eorrest estabUshed his pottery, and known more recently as Rich's pottery. The last time he was in this country, he took Joseph Mahaffey and pointed out to him two lots of land, at the lower end of Main street, west side, about where Morey's soap factory was carried on, which he said belonged to him, and sometime he might come back to them. The tail-race of the CUnton MiU Company passed along there, and some of the ground has since been washed away by the water, and upon another portion stands the Mount Yernon Woolen Eactory building. He has not been seen about here since 1829 ; but many a stray apple-tree that has been found upon the bor ders of our streams, marked the spots where the barefooted pilgrim had marked his way. In 1837, the Rev. John MitcheU, when traveling on the Plymouth Circuit, met him traveling along the road on foot and in his shirt sleeves, as con tentedly as a prince. He told him then that he Uved " out west." Johnny Appleseed in religious belief was caUed a Swedenborgian ; in truth, he was of the primi tive Christian style, taking Uttle thought for the morrow, satisfied that God would provide for his 134 HISTORY OP people, living in meekness and humUity, and walk ing uprightly. He had his pecuUarities — who have them not 1 He had his fraUties — who is clear of them ¦? jSTo wonder the Indians Uked him. They could read his character at a glance. AU was re vealed by his eye, clear as the sunUght of God. He was without selfishness ; he sought not to intrigue with or cheat them — he would do them no wrong. He put confidence in their honor, and they never would do him wrong. Many and many a time has that faithful old hermit traveled through the settle ments on foot and alone, putting his countrymen on their guard. Often have we been told of these trips by those who have passed and now are pass ing away. Of him it was strictly and UteraUy true, as sung by the poet : "Man wants Ibut little here below, Nor wants that little long." A few apple-seeds — a few sprouts — a few old books to read, and life to him was full of happiness. He had been favored with education, men knew ft'om his knowledge of books, and his desire to read and have others read induced him at times to dis tribute Swedenborg's books, and when he had not enough to go around the company he would tear them in pieces, and give a part to each. Nothing more was known of his early days. It was said that he was from Connecticut — a stray Yankee — who wandered off from the fold into these wUds, but no one knew for certain as to who he was, where he came from, or what became of him. We mil give, however, to such as feel an interest in his KNOX COUNTY. 135 history all that we have been able to gather of his later years. Having disposed of many of his nurseries, and having others destroyed in part, which had began to grow from fourteen bushels of apple-seed last planted by him on Owl Creek, the Black Eork of Mohican, and the Whetstone, he concluded to mi grate farther west, and managing to get an old mare or two loaded with seeds, he left this part of the country for Sandusky prairie ; and from thence made his way west,* planting nurseries, and Uving after the manner he did here, tUl finaUy the old fruit ripened, and was gathered near Eort Wayne, Indi ana, leaving nothing save the fragrance of good deeds and charitable acts to teach the future that such a being as Johnny Appleseed had ever been and passed like an exhalation — the moisture of the morning's dew dried up by the heat of the sun at meridian ! * Note. Silas Mitchell informs us since the above was written that in the fall of 1843, wien living in Whiteside's county, Illinois, Johnny Ap pleseed passed through that county on foot, and stopped all night with Aaron Jackson, son of Ziba, and left in the morning, stating that he was then from the Iowa prairies on his way to a Swendenborg Convention in Philadelphia. 136 HISTORY OP CHAPTER XII. KnOX COUNTY DDRlNG THE WAR. — POPULATION PRETTY MUCH AT A STAND STILL. — Events. — Volunteers, &c. — Some incidents of a more stik- RING cnARACTEK. — A TOUCH OP INDIAN WARFARE. — FoRTS AND BLOCK HOUSES ERECTED TO SAVE LIVES AND SCALPS. The settlements in Knox county being upon the borders, it may be presumed that the news of the declaration of war in 1812, and the threatening as pect of affairs kept our citizens wide awake and active. The Indians at that time were far more numerous upon Owl Creek, Mohican and in all parts of this country than the whites, and they re quired the closest kind of watching to keep them from depredating, killing and scalping the people. IsTorth of our present county line, the settlers were few and far between, and the county of Richland at that time made its returns to, and for judicial and other purposes was a part of, Knox. Hence within our borders, we may say, were enacted some of the deadliest scenes of slaughter. The kilUng of the Seymours and Rufner, and the massacre at Copuses are within the recoUection of many of our oldest citizens. Erom several of those who were at the time familiar with these horrid murders we have obtained full statements, but as from the ter mination of the war, and the organization of Rich land to the present, the scenes where the tragedies KNOX COUNTY. 137 were enacted have belonged to our sister county, we will not go into detaU in regard to them. The people clustered together more closely than formerly, and at once made calculations for succor and plans for defence from the savage foe. A block house was constructed at Erederick, and surrounded with pickets. After the war the building was con verted into a school house. It was a frame, built on the square under direction of Captain Ayers, and moved on wheels to a point near where the railroad now runs. It was used for church and educational purposes for many years. Many fam iUes went to the fort at Erederick for safety. WiU iam MitcheU prepared his house for a siege — made heavy batten doors with iron bars, port holes for guns, etc. One of his boys rode express, another kept out with scouting parties, and the old man with two workmen, who staid with him, were constantly on the look out for attack. The girls practiced shooting with rifles, so as to be ready for a large force of Indians at any time, and with his two dogs, "Gunner" and "Rover," that two story log house was prepared for one fight at least. At John Lewis' was erected a blockhouse, where that neighborhood could defend themselves. Upon the tax duplicate of Madison township, for the year 1811, is found the names of "James Copus, 4 cattle, 40 cents ;" "Philip Zeamore, 1 horse, 30 cents," and "Erederick Zeamore, 2 horses and 2 cattle, 80 cents," as returned to the commissioners of our county. These men were among the victims of Indian barbarity in the commencement of this war. The 138 HISTORY OF Seymour's Uved on the Rocky or crooked fork of the Mohican, a little stream which headed' above Mansfield. They were plain, simple minded peo ple, who had been cultivating a smaU patch of ground and making slow but sure improvements on their location . Their nearest neighbor was a dutch- man named Martin Rufner, who Uved in a Uttle cabin with only a small dutch boy. The Seymour family consisted of Erederick and his wife, and their children Philip and Catharine. One night four Indians were seen about dark prowling around the neighborhood of Seymour's house, and Rufner went to their house and urged PhUip to go over to Mr. Copus and get help from there to capture them. IS^o sooner had he started than the Indians entered the front door, when they were received in a friendly manner, and Catharine at once prepared supper for them, but the Indians instead of eating at once set upon the household and proceeded to kiU and scalp them. Rufner was a very strong man and fought like a tiger, but he was soon overpowered, kiUed by two baUs through his body, and left scalped in the yard and with several of his fingers cut off by a tomahawk. The father, mother and daughter were kiUed and scalped. In a few days after this an attack was made by a party of Indians upon the cabins of Mr. Copus, who lived at the Black fort. Some men belonging to a scouting party were at the time stopping at his house, and four of them had gone to a spring a few rods off to wash, when they were fired upon by the Indians who were hidden from view. Three of the men were kiUed and the fourth escaped into the house with a KNOX COUNTY. 139 buUet in his thigh. Mr. Copus, when in the act of looking out the door to see what was the affray, was shot in the breast, and the door was at once closed, and a vigorous resistance made to the attack of the savages, who came on with terrific yeUs and a voUey of baUs. The daughter of Mr. Copus was shot in the thigh, and herself and mother for safety stowed away in the cabin loft. One of the men had his arm broken by a baU, and the house was completely riddled by bullets. Several of the In dians were kiUed, and at length, after an hour's hard fighting, they withdrew from the field. The particulars of the Seymour massacre, we have got from a Knox county man who was near the scene, and saw the place where the hellish deed was committed the next day. WilUam and Richard Roberts had been for some time engaged building a mill for Andrew ]!fewman, within one mile and a half of Seymour's. The night they were killed the dog kept up such a disturbance that Kewman aroused those in the house, teUing them "by shure Indians about, I know pymy tog" — the Indians were then always uppermost in the thoughts. The guns were got in readiness — a man named Shere helped load them as l!^ewman cried out "by shure I shaU spiU all my powder, I can't load the gun " — and the score axes were also laid hold of, expecting an attack. There was no sleep for that night, and early in the morning word was got from Mr. Hill's, a neighbor, that Seymour's family was kUled. Upon examination about where the forebay had just been raised, several moccasin tracks were discovered, and the evidence was clear that the Indians had medi- 140 HISTORY OP tated an attack there, but feared they were too strong for them to succeed. During the night howling as of wolves had been heard about where the race and dam had been dug. There were but the four men at Newman's. Within an hour from the time of hearing O-' the massacre, l^ewman got up his team and took all of his tricks to Mansfield. WiUiam Roberts at once rode around to Seymour's and viewed the scene. After this a trader in Mansfield, by name of Jones, was killed and scalped by the Indians on an out lot north of the houses near where the depot of the railroad now is. He had a wife and two chU dren. The Roberts' had at that time a job of work about one of the blockhouses. The news of this was carried by Johnny Appleseed, on horseback, to the Richardson neighborhood, and thence on to Erederick. The greatest excitement prevailed throughout the country, and many amusing things were said and done in this general panic. Among the most ludicrous was that of Samuel Wilson, who lived near the Quaker meeting house, and was so badly scared that he rushed from his house with his overcoat on and his pantaloons under his arm, and in that condition ran all the way to Erederick. Application was made to Gov. Meigs for Ran gers, and he sent an order for a company of twelve to be raised by Abner Ayers, whose beat was as signed them on the frontier, and this, Avith other bodies out, kept quiet in the settlements. The friendly Indians of the Delaware tribe in this portion of country were mainly of the Green town gang. That place, so much talked about by KNOX COUNTY. 141 early settlers, was about eight miles northeast from the Richardson settlement, in Knox county, and within twelve mUes of the Mansfield blockhouses. It was situated in the township of Green, laid out by our commissioners the 7th of January, 1812. The Indian viUage contained about sixty huts, and a council house built of posts and clapboards, sixty feet by twenty-five feet was its size. Erom 300 to 500 Indians congregated about it. During the summer various acts of hostUity were attributed to this band, and many of the whites, whose friends and relatives had been killed by the Indians, were disposed to make no distinction between tribes, but to kUl an Indian whenever it could safely be done. Collisions between parties t»f settlers and Green town Indians became frequent, and it was at length determined to drive them from the soil. Two dis tinct races of people never have or can long live together in peace — one or the other must remain as subjects, or seek homes and freedom elsewhere. This little band of Indians became impressed with this historical truth and made ready to leave — some few, however, were loth to depart from the hunt ing grounds of their youth — the graves of their fathers — the homes of their race. This was no time for sympathy with the race, and no tears were shed or regrets expressed by the settlers when the order come from the government for their removal. Under direction of the United States authorities they were removed via. Mans field to Urbana, and thence to other western lands. Erom three of our old citizens, then young soldiers of Major Kratzer's command, we have gathered 142 HISTORY OP the particulars of their transfer, and have been told of a most brutal act committed by some white men, which shows more fuUy than language can express, the feelings of the greater part, if not aU of this christian people. At the Mansfield station, our good old pastor, then of the Methodist, but subse quently of the New Light persuasion, James Smith, was officiating as Chaplain to the Regiment — for even in those early times soldiers thought such an officer necessary to their welfare. While there an Indian and his plighted squaw came up to the Rev erend Smith to have him marry them in the most approved manner of whites. WhUe the guard were looking at the performance of the ceremony, an old Indian and his daughter made their escape, but before they got a mUe off they were discovered by two men from Coshocton, named McCuUoch and Morrison. Morrison shot the old Indian, who ran a short distance and feU to the ground. The young girl fled to the woods. The men having shot the Indian ran back to the blockhouse greatly excited and told their exploit, and under Kratzer's orders Sergeant Gilkison, with a squad of twelve, foUowed up the Indian to the spot where he lay bleeding from the wound of a buUet in his chest, and to GU- kison's inquiry as to who he was, he repUed " a friend." Morrison and McCuUoch having joined the band at this answer, the latter exclaimed " d — m you! I'U make a friend of you!" and struck at his head with his tomahawk. And then stamped his foot on the neck of the dying Indian and sunk his tomahawk in his head. Sergeant GUkison tried to prevent this fiendish act but could not accompUsh KNOX COUNTY. 143 it. Many of the old settlers tell of this feat of Mc- CuUoch's with great gusto, and add that he subse quently roved about among the western wUds taking revenge for two of his brothers who had been killed by Indians, by waylaying and shooting down and scalping every friendly or hostile Indian he met. Such are some of the traditions of frontier life. The early settlers underwent many hardships and privations ; but their sufferings from the savage foe were greater than the imagination of their descend ants who occupy beds of down at night and cush- oins of quilted ease by day — who dress in silks, sat ins, and fine velvets with furbelows — who clothe themselves in purple and fine linen — can realize or comprehend. MUSTER ROLL OF CAPT. JOSEPH WALKER'S COMPANY, UNDER THE COMMAND OF COLONEL LEWIS CASS, MUSTERED TO THE FIRST OF NOVEMBER, 1812. Joseph Walker, Captain, engaged ?th June for 12 months. R. M. Brown, Lieutenant. John Elliott, 1st Sergeant. John Barney, 2d " Archd. Crawford, 3d " Peter Kyle, 4th Saml. Everett, 1st Corporal. George Dickinson, 2d " Josiah Trimbly, 3d " Lewis Grindstaff, 4th " Abram Emmett, Saml. Yoman, Michael Barton, Jacob Wolf, John Smith, Harley Strong, Alex. Enos, John Wefford, James Wood, John Sunderland, David Elwell, PRIVATES : Alexr. Walker, Philip Walker, Robert Davidson, Andrew Welker, Powel Welker, Paris Sprague, Isaac Rogers, Joseph King, John Ryan, John McConnell, Benjn. Simpkins, Rivenus Newel, Daniel Swagert, Emanuel Hawn, Adam Lynn, Michael Davis, Nicholas Kyle, Wm. Wallace. Rawley Clark, fifer. Henry Clemmens, drummer. 144 HISTORY OP Among the number of volunteers was John H. Mefford, a native of Connelsville, Eayette co.. Pa., who at the time of the breaking out of the war was teaching school in Hawkins' neighbor hood, about five miles from Shrimplen's mUl. He served under Capt. Walker and also in Capt. John Spencer's company, of which last he was a Lieu tenant and had command after Hull's surrender. After his return to Mount Vernon he married Abigail Mitchell, and worked at his trade, as a saddler, in partnership with his brother. He served the people as Justice of the Peace and as Associate Judge, and was a man of much popularity. He was possessed of some poetical talent, and it is said, by some, was the author of a noted song about "HuU's surrender." He was a good singer, which, in early times, in a country, is considered a great accomplishment. He died at Eindlay about 1845, leaving two boys and three girls. His widow sur vives, and with the famUy now resides at IS^orwalk. Another was Richard Montgomery Brown, whose name will be found as Lieutenant in Capt. Walker's company. He was born in Massachusetts, of revo lutionary stock. His father, Samuel Brown, was under Montgomery at Quebec, was taken and im prisoned 9 months, and was subsequently a pen sioner of the U.S. His father emigrated to Brooke county, Virginia, and from thence to the neighbor hood of St. OlairsviUe, Ohio, in 1805 ; from there, in Oct., 1811, Richard M. moved to Mount Vernon, and engaged at his trade as a chairmaker and house painter. He has been in three new countries where the Indians yet were inhabitants. When he lived KNOX COUNTY. 145 in Brooke county, Va., no roads were then cleared out, nor streets in WeUsvUle or St. Clairsville. Indians then and there were plenty and savage. He volunteered at Mount Vernon, June 8th, 1812, and was mainly instrumental in getting up the company to which he belonged. One company was then raised at I^ewark and another at Gran viUe. Enos was then Col. and Kratzer Major of the miUtia. Major Munson, the recruiting officer, came to Mount Vernon when the Regiment was out on parade, and on call for volunteers the whole company of Joseph Walker, with Brown as Lieu tenant, turned out. There were 42 in the com pany. Emanuel Hawn was to have been Ensign, but no election was gone into for that office on account of a quarrel with the CUntonites. They volunteered for one year, and served until surren dered by Gen. Hull, in August. This company mustered in a Regiment, of which Lewis Casswas Col., and the other officers, my informant beUeves, were Munson, Major, and ]!^orton. Adjutant. The company rendezvoused at Urbana with regi ments of Col. McArthur and Col. Eindlay, of Hull's brigade, and from thence marched to De troit. They were piloted on an Indian traU to De troit, by roads which were cut out from the Scioto to the Maumee, and from there to Erench Creek and River Raisin, etc., foUowing trails. A band, part Indians and part white blood — the Zanes and McCuUochs, of Zanesfield near Bellefontaine, who had intermarried with Indians, and they had half breed children, acted as principal pilots. When Hull surrendered. Walker's company returned by 10 146 HISTORY OP Greentown, Black Eork of Mohican and Wooster. The miUtia of the county was then caUed out en masse by Major Kratzer, and every man in Mount Vernon went out to guard the frontier but old George Lybarger, who was left in charge of the women and children. When Eort Meigs was be- seiged Lieut. Brown, now Captain by brevet, says that two thirds of the men in the county went on to the Eort, and after the siege was raised he re turned, having in his company Swigert from Eair field, a man from Coshocton and some from other counties. All men who could go — impelled by the sense of danger went mthout delay — singly and not waiting for battaUons. Capt. Brown in 1816 married Mary Hawn, and settled down to his trade, at which he succeeded in making a competency, and now in his 73d year, with his wife and a portion of his children yet lives in Mount Vernon. Two of his children, James E. and Mrs. EUzabeth Updegraff, now reside in Wis consin ; two, Samuel R. and George W. in Colorado Territory, and one Mrs. Mary Sapp in l!»rebraska. Colonel Alex. Enos, was one of the number sur rendered up by General HuU, and on his return he attempted to take command of the men raised in Knox county, but Major Kratzer contended, that as he was a prisoner of war, he had no longer a right to the command. Another active man in these times was Captain John Greer, who raised a company in the eastem part of the county, of which Daniel Sapp was Lieutenant, and George Sapp, Ensign. The regimental adjutant was John Stilley ; sur geon. Dr. Timothy Burr; chaplain, Rev. Jas. Smith. KNOX COUNTY, 147 CHAPTER XIII. NOTABLE EVENTS OF 1815. NiNETEES INDICTMENTS FOR FIGHTS AND 'fRAYS. — ^NeW ROADS ESTABLISHED. The J AIL A COSTLY THING. LICENSES TO PREACH, TO SELL AND TO ENTER- IAIN. — The SUPREME court for seven TERMS. — -The old folks sing. — What pay soldiers received in olden time. — The lawyers get into^ the county. election of 1815 for state and county officers. The Grand Jury at the spring term of Common Pleas Court consisted of Anthony Banning, fore man, John Merritt, Peter Bricker, John Hawn, David Hawn, John Green, Wm. Marquis, George Davis, Moses Craig, James Strange, Azariah Davis, Jacob Martin, Benjamin Bell and Gilman Bryant. They returned 19 indictments for "assault and battery" and "affrays." Quite a number of the parties plead guUty, and were fined $2 and costs. Of this Grand Jury but one man is now living. Adnal Hersey, of the Christian Church, was licens ed to marry. John Cook, of the Baptist, was also licensed to do the same. Samuel Mott was appoint ed Master Commissioner in chancery. Tavern li censes were granted this year to Jonathan Hunt, Elisha Cornwall, Abner Ayres, John Baxter and A. H. Royce ; and store license to Nicholas Mc- Carty, George Girty, EU MiUer, Anthony Banning, L. S. Silliman, Gilman Bryant, John WUson and 148 HISTORY OP James ^N": Ayres. Two important roads are opened this year, namely: from Mount Vernon towards Sandusky, under the supervision of John Lewis, as commissioner, for which he is granted by the county commissioners orders for $100, and is paid $15 for his services ; another, a road opened by Benjamin Rush, as commissioner, to Mansfield, for which ser vices he is paid $9, and $200 is expended by the county in work upon the same. Among the bills paid in ^N^ovember, 1818, by the commissioners, are : to Anthony Banning, for 182^ lbs. iron, and brick for jail, $26.55, and Archibald Crofferd, for the fol lowing work for the county : 1 pr. hand-cuffs, $3 ; 1 hasp, 50 cents ; shackles and hasp, $1.50 ; 2 grates, $13.80 ; eight spikes, 50 cents— $19.50. The job of making further improvements to the jaU and jaUor's house is given to Wm. Douglass at $125. The commissioners were determined, if possible, to make the jail burglar proof. That little log thing was a great institution truly — a first rate concern to sink money in, without any prospect of ever getting it back. SUPREME COURT— 1810-16. The j^rs^ session of the Supreme Court of the State of Ohio held in Knox county was on the 3d day of August, 1810, by Honorables WiUiam W. Irwin and Ethan Allen Brown. James Smith was appointed clerk for seven years. The only cases were those of the State vs. Ichabod Nje and Samuel :N"ye. Upon oath by the defend ants that they did not beUeve an impartial trial KNOX COUNTY. 149 could be had, the venue was changed to Licking county. E. Herrick, Esq., attended as prosecuting attor ney. The second session was held May 1st, 1811, but two causes were on the docket. Sylvenias Law rence, for the use of Benjamin Rush, vs. George Davidson, and James Peuthres vs. Samuel Kratzer ; both of which were dismissed, l^o other business was to be transacted, and the court adjourned until the next court in course. The third term was held April 9th, 1812. In addition to the former cases the docket shows the foUowing : Joseph Butler vs. Elizabeth Vendrew ; Wm. W. Earquhar vs. James Craig ; Andrew Craig vs. Henry McCart and James Cunningham; James Smith vs. Samuel H. Smith; Henry Smith vs. Ben jamin Barney; Henry Smith vs. Samuel H. Smith and Benjamin Barney; and Thomas Slater vs. Lovina Slater. Attachments were issued vs. Amos Yarnold and Alexander Enos for refusing to attend as witnesses. The case of Slater vs. Slater is the first divorce question ever presented in Knox county. The fourth term was held on the 2d of August, 1813, by Thomas Scott and Ethan A. BroAvn. Wm. C. Enos was qualified as attorney and coun sellor at laAV as the law requires. The case of Lawrence for use of Rush is dismiss ed for want of bond to prosecute the appeal. In Craig vs. McCart and Cunningham, judgment of non-suit is entered, because of non-appearance of plaintiff. Earquhar vs. Craig is continued, and the 150 HISTORY OP defendant is to pay all costs of this term within six months, or judgment, &c. John Jones vs. Joseph Cherry Holmes and George Lybarger — the complain ant being thrice called did not appear, nor any per son to prosecute this suit for him, therefore the in junction is dissolved and bUl dismissed. The in junction case of Benjamin Barney vs. Henry Smith is heard by counsel, and the injunction is made perpetual, plaintiff to pay aU costs. James Smith vs. Samuel H. Smith is argued by counsel, and the court decide that the defendant go hence, without day, and recover of plaintiff costs, &c. David Davis vs. John Cambridge, removed from Licking county, is continued. Slater's divorce petition is dismissed at cost of plaintiff. Lewis Dent and Co. vs. John Wheeler— judgment for plaintiff for $493.80 and costs. Another divorce case, Isaac Bonnet vs. Elizabeth Bonnet, is continued at cost of plaintiff", to be paid in six months, and upon condition that he give personal notice to the defendant of the pending of this suit in six months. On the evening of the 3d of August, having spent tvi^o days, court adjourned. The fifth term was held August 15, 1814 — Judges, WiUiam W- Irwin and Ethan A. Brown. John Williamson vs. Samuel Earquhar is con tinued at defendant's cost. Isaac Bonnet vs. Mary Bonnet, diA^orce. "After argument the court continued the cause under ad visement until the Coshocton Supreme Court, their decision to be certified from that or some other Court to this Court." The first jury cause ever tried KNOX COUNTY. 151 in the Supreme Court for this county is that of Wm. W. Farquhar vs. James Craig. Jury — Wm. Harriss, John Harriss, John Sawyer, Jacob Cooper, John Kerr, Bartholomew Bartlett, .Iohn Davidson, John Wilson, Thomas White, Erancis MitcheU, Isaac Bonnet and Benjamin Mar tin. Verdict for plaintiff, $103.60. A motion is made by defendant for a new trial, argued by coun sel, and overruled by Court. The State of Ohio vs. Martin D. Lewis. On indictment by Grand Jury of Licking county for larceny. On motion, and affidavit of defendant, the Court ordered venue to be changed to this coun ty, on defendant giving bond for $500 and security in $200 to appear first day of next term. Henry Markley becomes his security. After two days' session. Court adjourned. The sixth term was held August 7th, 1815. Judges — Ethan A. BroAvn and John A. Couch, who produced his commission in room of Hon. Thomas Scott, resigned, &c. The only jury trial was that of Samuel Mott vs. Gilman Bryant. Jury — Isaac Vore*' Sr ., John Ven- noms, Samuel Durbin, James McGibeny, Joseph Hunt, John Arbuckle, Thomas Williams, Moses Merrit, George Dial, Wm. Sapp and John Stilley. Verdict for plaintiff, $5 and costs. Josiah Hedges vs. Samuel Kratzer, Andrew Craig and George Davis. Default against defendants, and cause con tinued for inquiry. Anthony Banniiig vs. Sam uel Kratzer and John WiUiamson. On motion of plaintiff's counsel for dismission of appeal, on hearing the arguments of the parties by their 152 HISTORY OP counsel, it is therefore ordered that the motion be overruled. August 8th, 1815. John WiUiamson vs. Samuel Earquhar. Continued till next term, on motion and affidavit of plaintiff, and at his costs. Wm. W. Alexander vs. John Wilson. Suit dismissed at costs of defendant, except docket fee in court be low, which is not to be taxed to either party. An thony Banning vs. Samuel Kratzer and John Wil liamson. Decree by court for plaintiff, "as per decree on file, signed by Chief Judge." The above is a faithful abstract of aU the busi ness of this, the sixth, term of the Supreme Court. The seventh term was held August 15th, 1816, by Judges Brown and Couch, the latter having j)roduced his commission for seven years ft'om the 14th of Eebruary, 1816. But one cause was tried by jury — Moses Robison vs. Isaac Dial. Verdict for plaintiff, $104.80 and costs. WiUiamson vs. Earquhar is again continued, with leave to amend, and at costs of plaintiff. Stephen H. McDougal, assignee of Wm. Taylor, vs. Enoch Harris. Judg ment by default, for $88.80 and costs. There are four other cases upon the docket, in aU of which our old friend Samuel H. Smith figures as plaintiff or defendant. The other parties are Robert Eulton, Erasmus Beaty, Levi Davis, Joseph Walker, admin istrator of Philip Walker, and John Walker. On the 16th court adjourned till next court in course. The entire business of seven terms of the Su preme Court for Knox County we have given, that our readers may form an idea of the amount and KNOX COUNTY. 153 kind of business dispatched, as also of the old settlers then participating in the luxury of law ! OTHER MATTERS OF SOME DEGREE OF INTEREST. In Eebruary, 1815, George Girty opened a store in Mount Vernon, and also one at Eredericktown. There was but little increase in the number of business men or in other respects this year. On the Sth of AprU a "Singing Assembly" of ladies and gentlemen, comprising different singing societies in the county, gave a grand concert at the court-house in Mount Vernon, at 1 o'clock P. M. All persons feeling willing to unite and participate in the exercises came. It was one of the olden land Of gatherings, like the "Old Eolks' Concert" given in Mount Vernon this spring of 1862, as we have been assured by one of the vocalists Avho par ticipated in both "singing assemblies." In these war times, Avhile some are disposed to grumble at the Ioav rates soldiers receive, it may be AveU to remind them of the pay in 1815. In March the pay of non-commissioned officers and privates in the army of the United States was re duced to the following prices: To each sergeant- major and quartermaster-sergeant, 9 dollars; ser geants, 8 dollars; corporals, 7 dollars; teachers of music, 8 dollars; musicians, 6 dollars; artificers, 10 dollars; and privates, 5 dollars. Samuel Mott had come aU the Avay from Ver mont to practice law in the AAdlderness, and was the first laAvyer resident in the county. Enos was the second, who, one of the old settlers says, had 154 HISTORY OP just been made at home, and "wasn't laAvyer enough to hurt." May 9th, H. Curtis takes this way of informing his friends and the public that he has changed his place of residence from Kewark to Mount Vernon, and, in the vacations of the courts, clients wiU find him in the town of Mount Vernon. In 1817 he became a fixture of the county, and here remained until 1858, as elsewhere told. At the October election this whole county poUed 345 votes. Alexander Enos was chosen Repre sentative ; John Shaw, Sheriff; Commissioner, Jon athan MUler; Coroner, Dr. W. Hastings. Richland county, at this election, gave for Rep resentative — Winn Winship, 156; A. Enos, 22; Robert McMUlen, 10. KNOX COUNTY 155 CHAPTER XIV. MASONIC INSTITUTIONS. Historical sketch of masonry in knox county. — Its origin. — Chrono logical STATEMENT OF ITS EARLY EVENTS AND PUBLIC TRANSACTIONS And ihe present condition op the various orders. To the members of the craft the early history of Masonry is of deep and abiding interest. It dates back in the history of our county, as in that of the world, to a very remote period ; and its ancient transactions will in the future be regarded AA'ith greater concern. The space allotted to this branch of our work will allow but brief mention of the ori gin and action of Mount Zion Lodge, as established at Clinton, and subsequently removed to Mount Vernon, and a chronological statement of public occurrences, celebrations, funerals, etc. The first meeting of delegates from all the Lodges in the State of Ohio was held at Chillicothe, on the first Monday of January, A. D. 1808, A. L. 5808, whereat, on motion of Brother Lewis Cass, it was resolved "that it is expedient to form a Grand Lodge in the State of Ohio." General Rufus Put nam was elected on the 7th of January Rt. W- Grand Master, and other business pertinent to per manent organization was transacted. At the Grand 156 HISTORY OP Communication held at ChilUcothe the 2d day of January, A. L. 5809, A. D. 1809, a petition was presented, signed by Brothers Samuel H. Smith, :N'athaniel W. Littie, Richard Eishback, WiUiam Littie, Alexander Enos, Jr., Ichabod ¥ye and Thomas Brown, praying this Grand Lodge to grant them a charter, to form a Lodge, by the name of " Mount Zion Lodge, ¥o. — ," which was read, and on motion seconded, " Ordered, that until a charter can be made and granted to said brethren, for the aforesaid purpose, they shall be entitled to receive a dispensation therefor." By reference to the proceedings of the Grand Lodge of Ohio, held in ChilUcothe, A. L. 5810, A. D. 1810, we find " Samuel H. Smith, represent ative of Mount Zion Lodge, I^o. — ." In the same year that Knox county was organ ized the initiatory steps were taken for the organi zation of a Masonic Lodge ; the petition drawn up for this purpose, as aboAC recited, was presented in the first month of the foUowing year, 1809, and the original dispensation was numbered "7," though subsequently changed to " 9." The first Master of the Lodge AAas Samuel H. Smith. The first public installation of officers Avas Samuel H. Smith, W. M.; Alfred Manning, S. W. Ichabod ^ye, J. W.; Samuel IS^ye, Treasurer Oliver Strong, Secretary; Wm. E. Roberts, S. D, James Miller, J. D.; Wm. Bartlett, Peter Wolf, Stewards ; Ricliard Eishback, Tyler. Among the members of the Lodge in 1811 and 1812 were : Amoriah Watson, George Downs, Peter KNOX COUNTY. 157 Kinney, John Barney, Abner Ayres, John Wheeler, Charles Barney, R. ^. Powers, Charles Lofland, Jesse Proctor, Winn Winship, Rufus Crosby, Mcholas C. Boalse, P. M. Among the Adsiting brethren were : Wm. Erwin, Wm. Andrews, John Clark, Robert Glass, Lemuel Chapman, Samuel Choate, P. M., Riverius IN^eweU, P. M., from Vermont. The standing committee for 1811 consisted of Mcholas C. Boalse, Oliver Strong, Alfred Manning. The Representative to the Grand Lodge in Chil licothe, January, 1812, was Alfred Manning. Royal K. Powers succeeded Samuel H. Smith as W. M., and he was also elected Representative to the Grand Lodge. Alfred Manning Avas W. M. after Powers. Daniel Dimmick was made a W. M. June 20tb, 1812, and Lewis Jones, Richard Crooks, Thomas Rowland, Garret E. Pendergrass, Major Phineas Reed, among others, were also raised. Amoriah and Samuel Watson, at their request, were permitted to pay their dues as quarterly mem bers. In October it was voted to remove this Lodge to the brick house in Clinton belonging to Bro. Samuel H. Smith. Samuel Everett and Valentine Giesy were among the visiting members. John Greer, John Garrison, John Haldeman and Thomas McClure were initiated in January, 1813. Winn Winship and Levi Jones are considered quarterly members. Their residence, like the Wat- 158 HISTORY OP son's, was in Richland county, a considerable dis tance off. June 24th, 1813, St. John the Baptist's day, was duly commemorated. An able oration was deUv ered by Bro. Winn Winship, and in procession the brethren marched to Bro. Boalse, and partook of a sumptuous dinner. Among the items of the Stew ard's bill, appears — " this, with the musician's biU, $ — ." Our venerable friend and brother. Judge Ezra GrisAVold, of DelaAvare, this spring gave us an interesting account of this celebration. He was present as one of the musicians, belonging to the first band organized in this part of the State ; he at an early day Avent far as well as near to celebra tions, etc. The Judge formerly lived at Worthington, and is one of the pioneers of the press in this State. Among the brethren of the mystic tie present Avere Gilman Bryant, George Doavus, James Low, Lothrop Shirtliff, from I^cav York, Wm. Anderson. In 1814, at the meeting of the Grand Lodge in Chillicothe, Samuel H. Smith Avas the Representa tive. The returns at this time shoAV 27 members, 3 fellow-crafts and 3 apprentices, one suspended and one expelled. John Shaw, Ichabod Marshal, Robert Buchanan, Samuel Yeoman, James L. Priest, Edward Wheel er, George Dickinson, Daniel Ayres, John P. Mc- Ardle, Cyrus Langworthy and G. B. Maxfield are among the number initiated and receiving the Mas ter's Degree this year. The Rev. Bro. EuUer deliAered a discourse to KNOX COUNTY. 159 the Masonic Society of Mount Zion Lodge, in Clin ton, on Wednesday, May 8th, 1814. Mount Zion Lodge, lyTo. 7, celebrated the festival of St. John the Baptist at Clinton, on the 24th of June, at 10 o'clock A.M., by pubUc procession and a sermon at the meeting-house by Rev. Bro. Jose- phus S. Hughes. On the 27th of December, Bros. John Shaw, J. P. McArdle and Ichabod Marshal, the Standing Committee, agreed with Bro. Ichabod Nje for Lodge-room and refreshments the ensuing year. Among the visiting brethren were Samuel Chap man, Samuel Choate, P.M., Thomas Munson, Jo seph Brown, Wm. Bartlett and John Hawn. The first funeral attended by the fraternity in this county Avas that of Richard Eishback, mer chant, of Clinton, Avho died in his .36th year, and Avas buried with Masonic honors on the 23d of May. 1815. — The anniA'ersary of St. John the Baptist Avas celebrated in CUnton by procession and the delivery of addresses by Bros. Vandeman and Cur tis. Among the brethren present were Martin M. KeUogg, Wm. Wallace, HaUerman, Eorbes, Benj . Helman and Daniel Dimmick. The Lodge proposed to contract for the new Lodge-room, and the committee reported the amount of money in the coffers for said purpose, $134.80. In November a resolution passed, re questing the Grand Lodge to grant authority to change sessions to Mount Vernon. The second Masonic funeral was that of Bro. Eobert Glass, December 3d, 1815. 160 HISTORY OP In 1816, Winn Winship was Representative to the Grand Lodge. Among the visiting brethren of this year AA^ere Wm. Webster, Robert D. Moore, of Youghiogheny Lodge, ISTo. 10, Pa., and John Warden, of Pa. The Standing Committee of this year consisted of John Shaw, Timothy Burr and Joseph Brown. There are very many items of deep interest con nected AAdth the history of the Lodge at CUnton. The action of the pioneers of Masonry in Knox wiU in the distant future be regarded with much curiosity by those whose privUege it is to lift the vail and tread within its sacred precincts. Eor the present Ave rest. MOUNT ZION LODGE, NO. 9, AT MOUNT VERNON. By virtue of a dispensation of the Grand Lodge of Ohio, predi cated upon a petition included in a resolution of De Witt Clinton Lodge, No. 9, introduced May Sth, 1816, and passed by a vote of- the brethren on the Sth of June thereafter, and taking into con sideration also the reasonable request of said prayer that said Lodge may be removed from Clinton in Knox county to Mount Vernon in said county, and authorized to hold their meetings at said town of Mount Vernon, by virtue of the present charter, Henry Brush, Grand Master, and by resolution of Grand Lodge at their last Grand Annual Communication, did grant full power and lawful authority to hold their regular and special meetings at Mount Vernon. Done at Masons' Hall, Chillicothe, this Vth day of March, in the year of our redemption 1817, and of Masonry 5817. By the Grand Master, Henry Brush. R. 'Kercheval, Grand Secretary. A meeting was accordingly held by the Eree and Accepted Masons, inhabitants of Mount Vernon, on the 5th day of April, 1817, A. L. 5817, at the KNOX COUNTY. 161 court-house. Bro. Joseph Brown, Chairman, and Bro. Robert D. Moore, Secretary. The communi cation from the Grand Lodge was read and accept ed, and a committee to draft a system of By-LaAvs for the government of the Lodge was appointed, consisting of John ShaAv, John P. McArdle and Joseph Brown. Ordered, that the next meeting be held at the court-house, on the 11th inst., for the purpose of organizing a Lodge. On motion made and seconded, that we must meet at 3 o'clock P. M. of the 11th inst.; decided in the affirmative, and adjourned in harmony. Mount Vernon, lith April, A.D. 1817, A. L. 5817. At said communication of Mount Zion Lodge, No. 9, the or ganization of the Lodge was effected, and the By-Laws reported and adopted. Bro. Alfred Manning, W. M. ; John P. McArdle, S.W.p.t.; Robert Buchanan, J. W. p.t. ; Joseph Brown, Se. p.t.; Jonathan Miller, T. p. t.; Robt. D. Moore, S.D. p.t.; Hosmer Cur tis, J.D. p.t.; Gilman Bryant, T. p.t.; John Shaw, John Roberts, John Warden and Orange Granger, Visiting Brethren. On the 6th day of June the following officers were regularly elected, viz: Alfred Manning, W. M.; John P. McArdle, S. W.; John Shaw, J. W,; Joseph Brown, S.; GUman Bryant, T.; Royal D. Simons, S. D.; Robert Buchanan, J. D.; John Rob erts, S.; James Miller, T. On the 24tli day of June they were installed at 9 o'clock A. M., and the an niversary of St. John the Baptist Avas duly com memorated. A procession was formed, under di rection of Bro. Robert D. Moore, as Marshal, and, after marching to the court-house, a sermon was delivered by the Rev. James Smith, and the Lodge walked in procession to Mr. Zimmerman's tavern and partook of a sumptuous dinner. Those present 11 162 HISTORY OP and participating were : Past Masters Royal D. Simons, Robert D. Moore, Samuel H. Smith, and Riverius Kewell ; Master Masons, G. B. Maxfield, William Bartlett, John Warden, Reeve Chapman ; and visiting brethren, Hosmer Curtis, Wm. Guyan, Shipman, Ichabod l^ye, Lemuel Potter, A. P. Ashley, Samuel Nje ; Eellow Crafts, Andrew 0. Johnson and Wm. McCartney. The members of Mount Zion Lodge, Ifo. 9, of E. and A. Masons, met at Masonic HaU, in Mount Vernon, at the hour of 9 o'clock A. M., June 24th, 1817, for the purpose of celebrating the anniversary of Saint John the Baptist. The Rev. James Smith delivered the address. Alfred Manning was the Representative to the Grand Lodge in 1817. This year Henry Brush, of ChiUicothe, Avas R.W.G.M., at Grand Lodge July 5th. Philemon Beecher, of Lancaster, Deputy. Erom the Minutes of the Grand Lodge at ChU- licothe we extract the foUowing, relating to one who, for many years, resided in our county — a pub lic benefactor, distinguished as well for his masonic zeal and faithfulness as for his piety and learning : " August 4th. The Reverend Philander Chase delivered the address to the Grand Lodge. " Ordered, that the sum of $50 be paid out of the funds of the Grand Lodge to the Rev. Bro. Chase, as a testimony of respect for the discourse delivered by him yesterday." — Minutes, August 5th, 1817. Since we undertook this work, we have met with an aged brother who often sat by the side of Bro. Chase in the Lodge room, and gave us several in- KNOX COUNTY. 163 teresting incidents in the masonic life of the Bishop. August 1st, 1817, Alexander EUiott and Emanuel Hawn were duly initiated E. A. ; on the Sth of September they became E. C. ; and, on the 3d of October, Master's degree conferred on the former, and ]^ov. 2d, on the latter. Andrew C. Johnson was the first Master raised in this Lodge, September Sth, 1817. Andrew Clark and Samuel Pyle received the first degree September Sth, 1817 ; the second, Octo ber 3d ; the third, IS^ovember 2d. Samuel Hawn, E.A., Oct. 3d; l^.G., I^ov. 2d; M. M., Dec. Sth. 1819, January 12th. — Eee of Bro. Joseph Moody to become E. C, paid in chartered paper $4, and of Bro. Mcholas McCarty, in Owl Creek paper, $5. The Eestival of St. John the Baptist AA'as com memorated, in 1818, by a public procession, ad dress at the court-house, and dinner at Joseph Brown's. Rev. Bro. Nathan B. Johnson delivered the address. The first masonic funeral by this Lodge, after its removal to Mount Vernon, was that of Andrew M. Roberts, who departed this life April 17th, aged 27 years. He was consigned to mother earth April 18th. Bro. Thomas Rigdon preached the funeral discourse at the court-house from these words — " Be ye also ready." Bro. Royal D. Simons, W.M. ; Mcholas McCar ty, Secretary. The Lodge had the satisfaction of commemo rating St. John the Baptist's anniversary in their 164 HISTORY OP new hall in the second story of the new brick school house on the hill. Royal D. Simons was the Representative to the Grand Lodge in 1819, and also in 1820. Among the officers of the Grand Lodge elected at the lat ter communication was M. Rev. Philander Chase, Grand Chaplain. December 27th, 1820, a public installation of offi cers of the Lodge took place in lower room of the Lodge building, where a sermon was delivered by the Rev. Joseph Carper. Alexander ElUott, W.M. AprU 27th, 1821, M.W. John Snow, G.M., vis ited the Lodge. The second masonic funeral was that of Bro. K. C. Boalse, August 10th, 1821. 1822. The Eestival of St. John the Baptist com memorated. A procession was formed by John Shaw, Marshal, and marched to the court-house, AAdiere the oration delivered by Brother Cook, at Sandusky, in 1819, was read by Bro. Jo. Brown, after Avhich the brethren partook of an elegant din ner at Mr. Eli MiUer's tavern, and then returned to the Lodge room. Among the visiting brethren in attendance Avere — Samuel Wolf, John W. Har- ter and James Mumford from Mansfield; Wm. Allison and John Allison from Lodge S"o. 123, Wayncsburg, Pa. ; Wm. Coonrod, John E. AdaiiiH, Alvin Corbin, Abner Ap-es, and others. The Representative to the Grand Lodge at Co lumbus, in 1823, was Bro. Royal D. Simons. In 1824, H. Curtis and Joseph BroAvn were the RcpresentatiA'es. Tlic anniversary of St. John the Evangelist was KNOX COUNTY. 165 commemorated by the Lodge, December 27th, 1824. Bro. Joseph Brown, as Marshal, formed the breth ren in procession, and after marching to the Pres byterian Church, and hearing an address by Rev. James Scott, the officers elect were duly installed according to ancient usages, and the Lodge and brethren present then returned in solemn proces sion to the Lodge room. H. Curtis, W.M. The funeral of Bro. John Warden was attended by the Lodge, May 25th, 1825; Thomas Rigdon acting as Chaplain. The ceremonies were per formed according to ancient usage. The Rev. Bro. Badger, Elder of the Christian Church, deliAcred a masonic address in Mount Vernon, January 31st, 1826. 1826. The anniA-ersary of St. John the Baptist was duly commemorated. The Masonic Address AA'as delivered by Bro. Ahab Jenks, of Granville. August 26th. Bro. Royal D. Simons was, by the Lodge, buried according to ancient usages. Bro. Benj. H. Taylor superintending Marshal; Wm. BcA'^ans Marshal for the Eraternity. Elder James Smith deliA'cred the funeral discourse. 1827. Bro. H. Curtis was the Representative to the Grand Lodge. 1828, June 24th. The brethren in procession, under direction of Bros. Day and Tracy, marched to the Presbyterian Church, where an excellent discourse Avas deUvered by Bro. James McMahon ; after Avhicli a Aery good dinner was served up at the house of Bro. W- E. DaAidson. 1828. H. B. Curtis was the Representative to the Grand Lodge. 166 HISTORY OP 1829. H. Curtis and J. N". Burr were Represen tatives. 1830, January 26th. Bro. John Shaw's funeral attended by the Eraternity. 1833, January 29th. John Roberts was buried by the brethren of this Lodge. He was in his 73d year. 1835, March 30th. Bro. Riverius I^eweU was buried by the craft. In the faU of 1837, Mount Zion Lodge moved to the present Lodge room, in Bro. Huntsbery's block. 1839, June 24th. This anniversary was duly celebrated by the Lodge. The oration by Bro. Adam Randolph, in the court-house, was listened to by a very large concourse of Masons and citizens. A most exceUent dinner, provided by Bro. T. Burr, was disposed of in proper manner, and every thing passed off harmoniously. 1840, Eebruary 16th. Bro. Dr. Lyman Wright was buried, at Eredericktown, by the members of Mount Zion Lodge. 1841, June 24th. This anniversary was becom ingly commemorated. Bro. DaAdd Spangler, of Coshocton, deUvered the address, and Bro. T. Burr prepared the dinner. Address delivered in the Methodist Episcopal Church. The Mt. Vernon Choir and Mt. Vernon Band discoursed appropri ate music. At 2 o'clock P.M., June 25th, a procession was formed, under direction of Bro. Johnston Elliott, to attend the funeral of Bro. John Sherman, Avho was buried according to ancient usages. August 27th. Euneral of Bro. T. G. Plummer. KNOX COUNTY. 167 September 7th. The funeral of Bro. John E. DaAddson. 1843, December 13th. The funeral of Bro. HiU Runyan. 1844, June 24th. A public celebration of this anniversary occurred. Bro. T. G. Drinker, of Cin cinnati, delivered the address. Many brethren from Newark, ZanesviUe, Columbus, West Carlisle, LoudeuAdlle and Mansfield participated in the cer emonies of the day. Isaac Davis Avas Marshal, and John A. Holland, of Wooster, Assistant Marshal. An exceUent dinner was provided by Bro. Mackey, and the day passed off harmoniously. On the 27th of December, the anniversary of St. John the EvangeUst was commemorated by a social party in the HaU, whereat the officers elect were pubUcly instaUed, and an appropriate address de livered by Bro. C. Delano. December ISth, 1846, Bro. James Hayes, of Mil ler township, buried by the Lodge in due form. 1847, Eebruary 8th. An act to incorporate the Master, Wardens and Brethren of Mt. Zion Lodge Ko. 9, was passed by the Legislature, and accepted. 1848, August 3d. Masonic funeral of Bro. Cran dal Rosecrans, near Homer. 1849, Eebruary 8th. Masonic funeral of Bro. Jonathan MiUer. June 24th. St. John the Baptist anniversary duly commemorated. The address deUvered by Bro. RoUa H. Chubb. 1852, May 7th, Masonic funeral of Bro. T. Winne. " August 2Sth, Masonic funeral of Bro. Marvin Tracy. 1853, December 11th, Masonic funeral of Bro. Sylvester Pond. 168 HISTORY OP 1854, September 1st, Masonic funeral of Bro. Jacob B. Brown. 1 855, October 1st, Masonic funeral of Bro. John A. Holland, of Rockford, 111. 185G, December 7th, Masonic funeral of Bro. William Bevans. 1857, March 13th, Masonic funeral of Bro. John Butler, of Rosco Lodge, No. 190. 1857, December 16th, Masonic funeral of Bro. William Cope- land. 1858, April 29th, Masonic funeral of Bro. J. Phifer. 1859, May 12th, Masonic funeral of Bro. George White. 1861, September 22d, Masonic funeral of Bro. Lorin Andrews. 1862, January 20th, Masonic funeral of Bro. W. R. Greer. " April 6th, Masonic funeral of Bro. James Huntsbery. " " 30th, Masonic funeral of Bro. Robert Lurkins. The following brothers haA^e been in attendance on the Grand Lodge : 1830, J. N. Burr, James Huntsbery, Jonas Ward. 1831, Jonas Ward. 1832, P. Sprague, W. Bevans, L. Lake. 1833, J. Ward. 1 836, W. Bevans, Alexander Elliott. 1839, W. Bevans, A. Randolph, at Lancaster. 1840, B. F. Smith. 1841, J. N. Burr, B. F. Smith, James Huntsbery. 1842, B. F. Smith, T. Winne. 1843, " J. N. Burr, Isaac Davis. 1844, " M. Tracy. 1845, " J. N. Burr, J. B. Brown. 1846, " " M.Tracy. 1847, J. B. Brown, S. P. Axtell, M. Tracj'. 1848, " 1849, " G. W. Williams. 1850, " J. N. Burr, W. Dunbar. 1851, " " G.W.True. 1852, 1853, " G. W. True, James Smith, Jr. 1854, G. W. True, G. W. Stahl, B. F. Smith. 1S55, " " F.B.Plimpton. KNOX COUNTY. 169 1856, Dennis Smith, G. W. Stahl, S. P. Axtell. 1857, G. W. True, J. N. Burr, S. P. Axtell. 1858, J. N. Burr, J. C. Devin, 1S59, John Adams, S. P. Axtell, J. B. Beardslee, Dr. J. N. Burr, D. G. M. 1860, 0. S. Pyle, S. P. Axtell, J. B. Beardslee. 1861,Present Off cers.— G. S. Pyle, W. M.; W. B. Brown, S. W.; J. B. Beardslee, J. W.; James Huntsbery, Treasurer; S. P. Warden, Secretary; H. W. Owen, S. D.; L.B. Curtis, J. D.; J.R.Wallace, Tyler. Standing Committee, 1862. — J. N. Burr, S. P. Axtell, N. E. Lewis. Relief Committee. — L. B. Curtis, Thomas Harvey, John Ring- wait. Among the members of this Lodge of long stand ing we may mention the venerable William Beardslee, who was made a Master Mason at Ste- phentown, K. Y., in 1804, who in 1817 represented Center Star Lodge, N"o. 11, in the Grand Lodge of Ohio, at Chillicothe, and whose three sons — Job H. G., Wm. B., and John B. — are also of the craft. Adam Pyle, our much-respected toAvnsman, was made a Master in 1821 ; and Dr. Jonathan K. Burr is the oldest Past Master in this part of the country. In 1825 he was raised in this Lodge, in 1829 be came its W. M., and since then has served in that position longer than perhaps any Master in the State. Eor his zeal and fidelity he was presented by the brethren of Mt. Zion Lodge AAith a beautiful Past Master's Jewel in 1852 ; and the Sir Knights for like cause in 1859 presented him with a Tem plar's sword. Long may this bright light be per mitted to illustrate the Adrtues of Masonry. 170 HISTORY OP Thrall Lodge ISTo. 170, Eredericktown, was char tered October 18th, 1849. First Officers.— GVmxQ.j Hill, W.M.; T. V. Parke, S.W.; A. Keller, J.W. ; J. Wages, Treasurer ; 0. W. Rigby, Sec'y ; D. C. Beach, S.D. ; D. P. Coffinbury, J.D. ; N. S. Reed, Tyler. l^umber of members, 32. Ohio Lodge No. 199, Bladensburg; Chartered October 28th, 1851. Eli Farnum, W.M. ; A. C. Scott, S.W. ; G. M. Hill, J.W. ; E. Bebout, Treasurer; J. H. Miller, Sec'y ; G. Upfold, S.D. ; J.N. Hurry, J.D.; Johnson Hill, Tyler. ^Number of members, 26. Antioch Lodge Na. 286, located in DanviUe, was chartered Oct. 26th, 1856. First Officers Under Charter.— John White, W. M. ; Wait Whit ney, S. W.; U. B. Kinsie, J. W.; S. W. Sapp, Secretary; M. Hil dreth, Treasurer; Z. Hibbetts, S. D.; , J. D.; A. S. Church, Tyler. Chartered Members. — John White, Wait Whitney, U. B. Kinsie, Samuel Kinsie, Isaiah Hieth, S. W. Conner, Z. Hibbetts, John Biggs, Daniel Hess, B. S. Church, A. S. Church, Miner Hildreth, S. W. Sapp, B. Oasteel, C. W. Page. First Initiation in Lod.ge. — Henry Hibbetts. Present Officers.— K. Hildreth, W. M.; S. W. Sapp, S. W.; A. S. Church, J. W.; Calvin Simmons, Secretary; Alonzo Gardner, Treasurer; John C. Gaines, S. D.; Henry Hibbetts, J. D.; Mark Greer, Tyler. Present number of members, 45. Clinton Royal Arch Chapter Ko. 26, Avas created the 16th day of May, 1842, under a dispensation from the Most Excellent Comp. G. D. Hines, Dept. G. H. P. of the Grand Chapter of the State of Ohio. KNOX COUNTY. 171 First Officers.— J. N. Burr, E. H. P.; B. F. Smith, King; James Huntsbery, Scribe; .Secretary; C. Delano, P. S.; B.H. Taylor, C. of H.; S. W. Burr, R. A. C; A. Corbin, A. 0. Rowland, J. Garrison, Masters of the Vails; Joseph Muenscher, Chaplain. On the 20th of May, the above officers were duly instaUed by M. E. G. D. Hines, Dept. G. H. P. Officers in 1862.— S. P. Axtell, E. H. P.; J. N. Burr, King; W. M. Mefford, Scribe; Dennis Smith, C. of H.; J. B. Beardslee, P. S.; W. B. Brown, R. A. C; 0. M. Aruold, G. M. 3d Vail; C. S. Pyle, G. M. 2d Vail; R. D. Huntsbery, G. M. 1st Vail; James Huntsbery, Treasurer; S. P. Warden, Secretary; J. R. Vt^allace, G. Standing Committee, 1862. — J. N. Burr, 0. M. Arnold, J. B. Beardslee. CUnton Encampment ]^o. 5, of Knights Tem plars and Appendant Orders, was instituted at Mount Vernon on the 12th of October, 1843, by virtue of authority and a letter of dispensation granted for that purpose by William James Reese, General Grand Generalissimo of the General Grand Encampment of the United States of America. The grant was to B. E. Smith, Joseph Muenscher, Isaac Davis, J. M. Smith, and A. D. Bigelow. First Officers of the Encampment. — Sir Joseph Muenscher, G. Com.; SirB.F. Smith, Gen.; Sir A. D. Bigelow, Capt. Gen.; Sir J. N. Burr, Prelate; Sir C. Delano, S. W.; Sir Isaac Davis, J. W.; Sir James Huntsbery, Treasurer; Sir T. Winne, Recorder; Sir Adam Randolph, Standard-bearer; Sir Joseph Hildreth, Sword- bearer; Sir E. W. Cotton, Warden; Sir D. D. Stevison, Sentinel. Present Officers. — Sir J. N. Burr, G. Com.; Sir Dennis Smith, Gen.; Sir J. B. Beardslee, Capt. Gen.; Sir Adam Randolph, Pre late; Sir William Mitchell, S. W.; Sir S. P. Axtell, J. W.; Sir James Huntsbery, T.; Sir S. P. Warden, R.; Sir Wm. Sanderson, Jr., Standard-bearer; Sir W. M. Mefford, Sword-bearer; Sir E. W. Cotton, Warden; Sir J. R. Wallace, Sentintl. IS'umber of Sir Knights, 31. 172 HISTORY OP ^4 lw>' -^^ir I ''/ 'f-* **- CHAPTER XV. THE OAVL CREEK BANK OP MOUNT VERNON. Its public and private history.' — Let it be relieved from odium! • The history of Knox county would be incom- j)lete without a faithful and true account of an institution with the above euphonious name, lo cated upon the banks of OavI Creek, and within the sacred precincts of Mount Vernon. The en graving above gives a view of one of "the owls" issued by this bank. They were of CAery denomi nation from the shinplaster form of 6| cents up to $10. The paper, engraAdng and finish of the notes, although not so perfect in every respect as those issued by banks in the present day, never theless is of a higher order than those put forth by the so-called "Confederate States of America," of Ayhich Cotton is king, and Jeff. Davis vicegerent. Erom the journals and old files of that day, as far as accessible, avc haA^e compiled the foUoAving. There being great complaint of the scarcity of KNOX COUNTY. 173 money after the war, large numbers of people in A^arious cities and towns in the United States, and more particularly in the West and Ohio, conceiA^ed the idea of multiplying the quantity of paper in lieu of money by manufacturing what is called a "currency." Among other points, those of Mount Vernon determined to engage in the business of making money. As early as December, 1814, a meeting Avas held, and articles of association for the organizing of a bank, to be called the "OaaI Creek Bank of Mount Vernon," Ayere entered into, fixing the capital stock at $150,000, divided into shares of $50 each, payable in instaUments of not exceeding $5 each, and appointing certain commis sioners to open stock books, &c. Petitions Avere then presented to the Legislature, praying for a charter; and after having petitioned the Legisla ture for an act authorizing such an association, and been denied the grant, determined to "go it alone," on their own hook. On the 10th day of April, 1816, the first meeting of record of those who inaugurated the (Twl Creek Bank was held at the court-house in Mount Ver non, and as this is the most important of all events in the early history of Knox county, we giA'e the proceedings entire of this the first meeting, and also of the first meeting of the Board of Managers on the 17th inst. "Agreeable to previoiis notice, there was a meeting at the court house on April 10th. Jonathan Miller was called to the chair, and Joseph Brown appointed Secretary. The following independent sentiments were set forth : "Resolved, That we have by the Constitution of this State guar- 174 HISTORY OP antied to tho people of this State a full and fair right and privilege to have charters granted when we shall petition the legislative body of this State for that purpose. We, the undersigned, having complied with the requisitions of the Constitution, and will con tinue so to do, without waiving our rights and privileges. '• Therefore be it resolved. That we do form ourselves into a com pany for the purpose of establishing a bank in the town of Mount Vernon, Knox county (Oliio). "2. Resolved, That the following named gentlemen be appointed managers of said bank, and to draft articles of association and by laws for the future government of the company, viz. : James Smith, Wm. Mitchell, M. Merritt, Abraham Darling, Hosmer Curtis, John Warden, Gilman Bryant, Jonathan Miller, L. S. Silliman, Benja min Martin, Joseph Brown, John Green and Jacob Young. "From this number a committee was appointed to draft the arti cles, who met at the house of Joseph Brown on the 17th April, and adopted the following: ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION OF THE STOCKHOLDERS OF OAVL CREEK BANK OF MOUNT VERNON. "Be it known. That we, the subscribers, having formed a com pany and limited partnership, do hereby agree and associate with each other, to conduct banking business in the manner hereinafter specified, under the name and title of the Owl Creek Bank of Mount Vernon. " And we do hereby covenant and mutually agree, that the fol lowing are and shall be the fundamental articles of this our asso ciation, by which all persons who are parties hereto, or may in future transact business with this association, shall be bound and concluded : — " Article 1. The capital stock of the company shall be two hundred and fifty thousand dollars, current money of the United States, with the privilege of extending it to five hundred thousand dollars, and of commencing business so soon as twenty-five thousand dollars is subscribed — to be divided into shares of fifty dollars each. "Art. 2. The books for the subscription of said stock, shall be opened on the first Monday in March next, at such places and under such agents as the commissioners may think proper, at the hour of ten o'clock in the morning, and continue until three o'clock KNOX COUNTY. 175 in the evening of the same day, and from day to day during said hours, until the whole number of shares are subscribed for. The books thus to be opened, are to be under the direction of the fol lowing named commissioners, viz : Jonathan Miller, James Smith, Gilman Bryant, John Warden, Benjamin Martin, H. Curtis, W. Mitchell, M. Merritt, A. Darling, Jacob Young, John Green, L. S. Silliman and Joseph Browa At the time of subscribing, there shall be paid to the commissioners or their agents, on each share subscribed for, the sum of one dollar ; the further sum of two dol lars and fifty cents shall be paid on each share, within ninety days thereafter, at such place as the commissioners shall appoint, of which due notice shall be given ; the residue in such portions and at such places as the directors hereafter to be chosen shall appoint ; they giving at least sixty days notice thereof in the public news paper of the county : Provided, such installments shall at no time exceed two dollars and fifty cents ; neither shall any subsequent installment be called for until a previous one has become payable. " Art. 3. No person or persons, body politic or corporate, shall be permitted on the first day to take more than one hundred shares, and if the shares are not all taken on that day, the foregoing part of this article is not to operate. " Art. 4. If it shall so happen, that more than the stipulated number of shares may be subscribed for, the commissioner.s shall apportion them by deducting from the highest subscription ; and if more persons subscribe than there are shares, the commissioners shall determine by lot to whom such shares belong ; and as soon as may be thereafter, receipts shall be issued to the stockholders, and certificates of the amount of stock held by each. " Art. 5. If any stockholder shall fail to pay his, her, or their installment, to the amount of three dollars on each share at the time or times, or in the manner heretofore specified, such stockholder shall forfeit to the use of the company all monies paid antecedent to such failure or default; however no forfeiture of stock shall take place, after three dollars on each share shall have been paid. But to secure the regular payment of any installment or call, after five dollars on each share hath been paid, such stockholder shall not be entitled to a dividend until such installment or call shall be fully paid ; and the dividend thereafter to be paid to such stockholder (as well upon the money regularly paid as upon the money paid 176 HISTORY OP after default) shall be calculated only from the time when said installment shall be fully paid. '• Art. 6. The affairs of the company shall be conducted by thirteen directors, and a president, whose place, if chosen from among the number of directors, shall be supplied by the choice of that body, the whole of which is to reside within the county of Knox; and five directors, together with the president, shall form a board or quorum for the transacting of all business of the company. Each director shall be a stockholder at the time of his election, and shall cease to be a director if he should cease to be a stock holder; and the number of votes to which each stockholder shall be entitled, shall be in proportion to the stock he may hold, as follows, viz : For the first five shares, one vote ; for ten shares, two votes ; and for each additional ten shares, one vote ; and no stockholder shall be entitled to vote, who has not held his stock six calender months next preceding the election, except as to the first election — all stockholders, residing within five miles of Mount Vernon, shall vote by ballot in person, and those who reside a greater distance from Mount Vernon than five miles may vote by proxy, which at all elections is to be made in such form as may be directed by the board. " Art. 7. The first election for directors shall be on the fourth Monday in May nest, under the superintendence of the commis sioners, four of whom shall form a qu.orum. The directors so elected shall take their seats at the board the day following their election, and they, or a majority of those present, shall proceed immediately to the choice of a president, all of whom shall continue ifi office for one year, and until their successors shall be regularly elected and qualified. All future elections for directors shall be held annually on the fourth Monday in May, under the superintendence of three persons, being stockholders, to be appointed by the president and directors for the time being, of which at least four weeks notice of the time and place shall be given by advertisement in the public papers in Knox county. The bank shall be established as near the court-house, in Mount Vernon, as may be thought most conven ient by the board of directors, " Art, 8. As to vacancies. "Art. 9. The president, directors, and superintendents of elec tions, before they enter upon the duties of their respective offices, shall take the following oath or affirmation, as the case may be : KNOX COUNTY. 177 I . do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will impartially, faithfully, diligently and honestly execute the duties of a of the Owl Creek Bank of Mount Vernon, conformably to the con stitution and articles of association of the same, and the trust reposed in me, to the best of my skill and judgment. And the cashier, the tellers, book-keepers and other officers, shall also take a similar oath or affirmation, and shall besides give bond with security to the satisfaction of the president and directors for a faithful discharge of the duties in their respective stations. " Art. 10. The board of directors are hereby fully empowered to make, revise, alter or annul, such rules, orders, bye-laws and regulations for the government of the company, and that of their ofScers and others whom they may think proper to employ, as they or a majority of them shall, from time to time, think expedient, not inconsistent with law or these articles of association, and tp use, employ and dispose of the joint funds or property of said com pany (subject only to the restrictions hereinafter mentioned) as to them or a majority of them may seem expedient. " Art. 11. As to signatures to bills, &c. "Art. 12. As to books. " Art. 13. The board of directors shall have power to appoint a cashier and such other persons as they may think proper to employ for executing the business of the company, and to establish the compensation to be paid to the president, cashier, and others respectively ; all which, together with all other necessary expen ses, shall be paid out of the joint funds of the company. "Art. 14. Two-thirds of the directors shall have power to call a general meeting of the stockholders, for purposes relative to the concerns of the company, giving at least two months notice in the public newspapers of the county, and specifying in such notice the object or objects of such meeting. " Art. 15. The shares of the capital stock at any time, owned by any individual stockholder, may be transferred on the books of the company, according to such rules as (according to law) may be established in that behalf by the board of directors ; but all sums for which the stockholder is liable, as drawer, must be satisfied before such transfer can be made. " Art. 16. No transfer of stock in this company shall be con sidered as binding on this company, unless made in a book or 12 178 HISTORY OP books to be kept for that purpose by this company. And it is hereby further expressly understood that any stockholder who shall transfer in manner aforesaid all his stock or shares in this company, to any person or persons whatever, shall cease to be a member of this company, and that any person or persons whatever who shall accept a transfer of any stock or share in this company, shall become a member of this company according to these articles of association. "Art. 17. It is hereby expressly and explicitly declared, to be the object and intentions of the persons who associate under the title and firm of the president and directors of the Owl Creek Bank of Mount Vernon, that the joint stock or property of the said com, pany (exclusive of the dividends to be made in the manner herein after mentioned) shall alone be responsible for the debts and engagements of said company, or to whom they shall or may become indebted by such engagements, and no person or persons to whom this company may in any wise become indebted, shall on any pre tence whatever have recourse against the separate property of any present or future member of this company, or against their persons further than may be necessary to secure the faithful application of the funds thereof to the purposes to which by these presents they are liable. But all persons accepting any bond, bill, or note, or other contract of this company, signed by the president and coun tersigned or attested by the cashier of the company for the time being, or dealing with it in any other manner whatever, thereby give credit to the said joint stock or property of said company, and disavow having recourse, on any pretence whatever, to the person or separate property of any present or future member of this com pany, except as above mentioned. And all suits to be brought against the president for the time being, and in case of his death or removal from office, pending any such suit against him, measures shall be taken at the expense of the company for substituting his successor in office as defendant, so that persons having any demands upon the company may not be prejudiced or delayed by that event ; or if the person suing shall proceed against the person first named as defendant (notwithstanding his death or removal from office) this company shall not on that account, take advantage of such proceedings by writ of error or otherwise ; and all recoveries had in manner aforesaid shall be conclusive upon the company, so far aa to make the funds or joint stock of this company liable for such KNOX COUNTY 179 amount, and no further ; and the company shall immediately pay the amount of such recovery out of the joint stock, but not other wise ; and in case of any suit in law, the president shall sign his appearance upon the writ, or file common bail thereto, it beino- expressly understood and declared that all persons dealing with said company agree to these terms and are to be bound thereby. " Art. 18. Dividends of the profits of the company, or so much of said profits as shall be deemed expedient and proper, shall be declared half yarly in every year, and shall from time to time be determined by a majority of the directors present, at a meeting to be held for that purpose, and shall in no case exceed the amount of the net profits actually acquired by the company, so that the capital stock of the company shall never be impaired by dividends • but the directors shall be at liberty to retain at least one per centum upon the capital, as a fund for future contingencies. " Art. 19. If the directors shall, at any time, willfully and knowingly make or declare any dividend which shall impair the capital stock, all the directors present at the making or declaring such dividends, and consenting thereto, shall be liable in their individual capacities to the company, for the amount or proportion of said capital stock so divided by said directors ; and each director who may be present at the making or declaring such dividends, shall be deemed to have consented thereto, unless he does immedi ately enter in writing his dissent on the minutes of the proceedings of the board, and give public notice to the stockholders that such dividend has been made. " Art. 20. These articles of association and agreement shall be published three times in the public newspapers of the county, at least two months before the books are opened ; and for further information, to all persons who may transact business with, or ia any manner give credit to this company, every bond, bill, note, or other instrument or contract, by the effects or terms of wliich the company may be charged or held liable for the payment of money, shall specially declare in such form as the board of directors shall prescribe; that payment shall be made out of the joint funds of the Owl Creek Bank of Mount Vernon, according to the present articles of association, and not otherwise ; and it is hereby ex pressly declared, that no engagements can be legally made in the name of said company, unless it contain a limitation or restriction to the effect above recited. 180 HISTORY OP "Art. 21. The company shall in no case be owners of any real property, except a site for banking business, or directly or indirectly be concerned in trade, or the purchase or sale of any goods, wares or merchandise whatever (bills of exchange and bullion excepted), except such lands, goods, wares, or merchandise as may be truly pledged to them by way of security, or conveyed to them for debts due, owing or growing due to the said company, or pur chased by them to secure such debts so due to said company. "Art. 22. This association shall continue until the fourth Monday in May, one thousand eight hundred and thirty ; but any number of stockholders, not less than fifty, who together shall be proprietors of not less than five hundred shares, may, for any pur pose relative to the institution, at any time apply to the president and directors to call a general meeting of the stockholders, and if by them refused, the same number of stockholders, proprietors of not less than that number of shares, may and shall have power to call a general meeting of the stockholders, giving at least two months' notice in the public papers in Knox county, specifying in such notice the object or objects of such call. " Art. 23. Immediately on the dissolution of this association, effectual measures shall be taken by the directors then existing, for closing all the concerns of the company, and for dividing the capital and profits which may remain among the stockholders, in proportion to their respective shares. " In witness whereof, we the undersigned have hereunto set our names or firms, this day , one thousand eight hundred and ." Shortly after the opening of subscription lists, the following notice was pubUshed : " NOTICE. " It is requested that all persons holding books for the sale of shares in the Owl Creek Bank of Mt. Vernon, will be pleased to receive the installments due thereon, and forward the same by the 20th day of the present month. B. MARTIN, ) „ , JOS. BROWN, i r. ¦¦ JAMES SMITH, ) Commissioners. "Mount Vernon, July 3d, 1816." KNOX COUNTY. 181 The preliminaries having been arranged, the bills are ready to circulate, and the officers publish the following in the Register, page 175, which explains the modus operandi: " Mount Vernon, Sept. — , 181 — . " Sixty days after date, for value received, we promise to pay James Smith, at the house of L. S. Silliman, the sum of without defalcation. " Credit the Draiver. • A. M. " A. M. » "CD. I Endorsers. ' J. P., Drawer." [L. s.; "The State of Ohio, County, ss. " Before me (A. B.), a Justice of the Peace for the county of- aforesaid, came C. D., who, being duly sworn, deposeth and saith, that, whereas, he has thrown a note into the Otvl Creek Bank of Mount Vernon for discount ; saith, that, if discounted, he will take no advantage of any statute law of this State ; and farther this deponents saith not. "Signed, C. D. " Sworn and subscribed before me the day of , 181 — " A. B., J. P." " The above form of a note you will please to insert in your paper, whicli note must be executed with two good endorsers, with out a blot or interlineation. The endorsers' names must appear written on the back of the note as well as at the foot. The form of an affidavit is given, which must be made by the drawer, and accompany the note. By order of the Board of Directors. " JAMES SMITH, President. " L. S. Silliman, Cashier. " September 13th, 1816." 182 HISTORY OP On the 20th N'ovember, 1816, L. S. SiUiman, Cashier, notifies the stockholders of the Owl CreeTt Bank of Mount Vernon that an installment of $2 on each share is requested to be paid within sixty days. March 6th, 1817, a dividend of six per cent., on account of stock actuaUy in Bank, was declared. At a meeting of the Directors of the Bank, the foUowing resolutions were unanimously adopted, viz : " Whereas, Unfavorable constructions have been put on the twentieth section of the Articles of Association; Therefore, " Be it Resolved, That no Director, or any other person, shall have a right to draw any money out of said Bank, without giving their notes with sufficient endorsers. " Resolved, secondly. That a preference shall at all times be given to the Stockholders, in the accommodation of loans, to double the amount of all money by them actually paid in. " B. MARTIN, Chairman. " G. Bryant, Secretary. "June 3d, 1816." July 9th, 1817. — All persons indebted are noti fied that they must pay " at the rate of from 10 to 50 per cent., in proportion to the amount of their loans." As shoAAdng the feeUng existing in regard to such Banks in the winter of 1816-17, when the Owl Creek Bank was applying for a Charter, we give this anecdote : Tavo persons of color, at Colum bus, quareled ; one, wishing to make his antagonist as contemptible as possible, called him " a d — d UNCHARTERED son of a b — h." And it became very fashionable at the Capital to apply the term unchartered to all evil doers. KNOX COUNTY. 183 In these times of evil talk, and while the public were busy crying down this institution, there were occasionally to be found parties willing to " give the devil his due." The foUowing extract from the ZanesviUe Express of December 16th, is an in stance in point : " Notwithstanding so much has been said against the Owl Creek Bank of Mount Vernon, we are assured that two gentlemen, a few days since, presented bills at that bank for a large amount, which were redeemed with chartered paper and specie." About this time an enemy of the Bank killed a tremendous big Owl, and brought it into the town and rudely threw it down upon the counter, ex claiming, "There, d — n you, I've killed your Pres ident." The Bank building was located where Adam Weaver's hardware store now is. It was a rough, yet substantial piece of workmanship, a mixture of the Doric and Corinthian styles of architecture, weather-boarded, with four-penny nails thickly driven through its batten-door and window-shut ters, so thieves should not cut in and steal. On the ground it covered about fourteen feet square, and was one low story in height, and painted red! The bills rapidly depreciated under the heavy blows given. There seemed to be no stopping the clamor against the Bank. The principal circulation in Knox county was Owl Creek, and we find very many advertising for it. Of the merchants advertising for it were James Miller, and Burr, Green & Co. 184 HISTORY OP "William Stanbery offers to sell 'The Craig Farm,' at present occupied by Major Joseph Brown, to the highest bidder for Owl Creek Bank paper. " J. Brown offers to sell 156 acres of land near the town of Mt. Vernon, in the Hamtramick section, for such paper. " OwTLS. — All persons indebted to the subscriber, are requested to make prompt payment, for I am in want of Owl Creek paper. John Shaw. " N. B. Those indebted for taxes, for 1817, are also requested to pay with the same.'' The paper when presented was at first redeemed by the Bank with chartered paper, and the stock holders and parties interested endeavored to sustain its credit by various dcAdces. Among other plans adopted to keep up the paper was the foUowing, which we give as shoAving the disposition of stock holders to pay, and the strenuous efforts resorted to : " OA\^LS. " Owl Creek Bank of Mount Vernon, ) January 1st, 1818. ) " Whereas, several reports have been circulated, some of which are false, and injurious to the credit of the Bank, with respect to certain measures adopted by the Directors : Therefore, for the purpose of suppressing the further propagating of such false rumors, the Directors have thought proper to exhibit to the public, and to the stockholders, a fair and accurate statement of the measures actually determined on by them, and which has been the subject of such reports. The Directors have observed with regret the de preciation of the Owl Creek paper of late, and particularly in Knox county ; they have been fully convinced that the principal cause of the sudden fall of the Owl Creek paper is owing to the circum stance of the difficulty, or almost the impossibility of obtaining such goods as are wanted by the citizens with this kind of paper. " With a view, therefore, to obviate these difficulties, and at the same time to draw out of circulation the paper of the Bank, we have entered into the following contract with Burr, Green & Co., KNOX COUNTY. 185 viz. : Said Company, on their part, have undertaken to bring on a complete assortment of goods, and to retail the same for Owl Creek paper, at prices as low as they can be purchased for in char tered paper, and to take assignments on judgments in favor of the Bank, or wait until the Bank, can with convenience exchange ; and for all paper thus collected, the only privilege granted to said Company is a loan of $700 of such money as will pay carriages, to be made use of for that purpose, and to be paid back in good chartered paper, in installments, within one year. Given under our hands. - James Smith, William Mitchell, Jonathan Miller, Benjamin Martin, John Warden, John Hawn, Jr., John Shaw, Gilman Bryant, Hosmer Curtis, Wm. Y. Farquhar." "PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That a meeting of the stockholders of the Owl Creek Bank of Mount Vernon, will be held at the Banking House in Mount Vernon, on the 12th day of March, 1818, for the purpose of taking into consideration the propriety of closing the business of said Company, and to transact any other business relative to said Com pany which may be thought proper when met. Dated at Mount Vernon, this 6th day of January, 1818. "Nathaniel Johnson, Jonathan Miller, Godleib Zimmerman, Benjamin Rush, I. N. Richardson, John Shaw, John Hawn, Jr., William Douglass, Samuel Mott, John Wilson, J. M. Banning, James McGibeny, James McGibeny for Joseph S. Newell, James Miller, Joseph Brown, L. S. Silliman. " N. B. All the stockholders are particularly solicited to attend on said day." The course of true love never did run smooth. In the career of banks as well as of nations and individuals, there are " ups and downs," drawbacks and obstacles to prosperity ; and parallels in history are ahvays to be met with. Jackson throttled the United States Bank ; Sam Williams seizes the gullet of the OavI Creek Bank : Jackson denounces 186 HISTORY OP Mcholas Biddle; WiUiams attempts to play the tyrant over James Smith : Jackson remoA^es the deposits ; and Sam WiUiams refuses to deposit. The banking question gets into the papers, and the public mind becomes much distracted thereat. Several communications appear in August and September of 1816 in regard to the Owl Creek Bank. The ofiice of Bank President was no sine cure in those days, at least of the Owl Creek Bank, for we find that the chief owl was compeUed at all times to defend his institution from the stump and the press. The Lancaster, ZanesviUe, Mt. Vernon and other papers of those days, contain many arti cles from the pen of James Smith in reply to attacks of Dr. Moore B. Bradley, Sam'l WiUiams and others. Some of the papers show much acerb ity and bitterness of feeling ; but, from our stand point of observation, Ave must say that our old friend James Smith beat them all. In a communication of August 6th, 1817, reply ing to an article in the Ohio Spectator, in regard to a meeting of the farmers, mechanics, merchants, and innkeepers of the town of Mansfield, county of Eichland, and State of Ohio, on the 11th of July, 1817, James Smith pointedly says : " If, sirs, your sympathy has been awakened for unfortunate persons who have received the paper, I hope you will shortly he prepared to discharge your engagements with the Owl Creek Bank . of Mount Vernon. It would be an insult upon your good sense for me to tell you, that for you to refuse the paper of this bank, while you are in debt to the bank, is a full sacrifice cf every spark of honor. If you, sirs, and such characters as yourselves, would pay your engagements, or one half thereof, the Owl Creek Bank of Mount Vernon would be completely prepared to pay and give sat- KNOX COUNTY. 187 isfactory exchanges for their notes in circulation. Your honors, sirs, we look after no longer, but your purses and property will have to be tried. Tavern bills and pills* ought to be paid for in this paper as well as in the Mansfield. 1. # * # # * J would advise you to be industrious in col lecting the paper, as you know you soon, or at the next court, will have judgment against you. The Owl Creek paper will answer you as well as specie. **#**! censure no person, not in debt to the bank, for rejecting the paper ; both the principle of moral justice and honor enjoins on every person indebted, to re ceive it. The sooner, sirs, you procure this paper, it will be the better for you. This bank will shortly be prepared to make gen eral and satisfactory exchanges. Jambs Smith. " P. S. The editors of the Ohio Register and the Ohio Spectator will confer a favor on Messrs. Bradley and Williams, as well as myself, by giving the above a place in their respective papers. "J. S." Samuel WilUams replies in the Ohio Register of August 20, in a A'^ery long article addressed to James Smith, President of the Owl Creek Bank, &c., in which he evidently lets his temper get the better of .his judgment by such expressions as these : " You, sir, are President of the Owl Creek Bank of Mount Ver non, you are Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas, a Justice of the Peace, and, sometimes, preach the Gospel of Jesus, as I am in formed — in politics a professed republican ; all of these callings yon profess to fill with fidelity, nay, in some you have sworn to discharge their incumbent duties according to the best of your abilities. # * * You have prostituted the official duties and obligations as a Justice of the Peace to subserve its interest by administering unconstitutional oaths. Were you not sworn to support the constitution of this State and of the U. States i n the oath of office ? Yet swearing individuals not to take advan tage of the statute law to prevent the collection of your illegal demands. # » * You loaned us your bills in order * Bradley was a doctor — 'Williams a tavern-keeper. 188 HISTORY OP to destroy those rights you profess to admire, the rights of man aging our pecuniary concerns. That when we assert our indepen dence, like freemen, you threaten us with destruction and tell us we are in your net, and at your mercy, the mercy of your religion, your integrity, your republicanism — your official virtue, the potent demand of one great Owl debt." To this communication of great length — the bank President replies with vigor — we have space to ex tract but a paragraph whichmay be called a clincher: * * * "I think it unnecessary to answer your charges against me, when you charge my official, political and religious principles; all you say about it only exposes yourself. Had you kept silent the public had not known your baseness. Truly, Samuel, you was one of the persons that took a solemn oath to take no advantage of any statute law to prevent or stop the pay ments of your bank engagements. You brag of your full purse; you are then without excuse if you imagine you took an unconsti tutional oath. Will you violate that oath to atone for the crime? You ought to be ashamed to let any person impose pn you so far as to publish your black crimes with an idea of injuring me. If your purse is so full and heavy pay up your bank engagements. Strangers, citizens, and your neighbors too, will have much more confidence in you. Five hundred dollars of the trash you men tioned will be received of you in place of gold and silver." On the 28th Pebruary, 1822, a paper was drawn up and signed by certain of the subscribers, bind ing themselves to give their notes, with security, by the last of March next, to John ShaAV, John Trimble and Samuel Mott, trustees, whenever the sum of $15,000 shall be subscribed, for the ]3urpose of settling up the affairs of the Owl Creek Bank. As every thing calculated to throw light upon this mysterious subject may be regarded as worthy of KNOX COUNTY. 189 preservation, we give the names of the parties sub scribing, and the amounts and conditions affixed : Gilman Bryant Allen Scott 200 Joseph Talmage, in trade at trade prices 150 Henry Markley, in trade at trade prices 700 Eli Miller, J in Owl Creek paper and J trade 200 Jonathan Miller, in good trade or Owl's Creek paper 300 Wm. Mitchell, in Owl Creek paper or cash 400 Hosmer Curtis, in something as good as the debts 400 Moses Merritt, in Owl Creek paper or trade 150 Jacob Young, in Owl Creek paper or trade 300 Robert Giffin, in good trade at cash price 300 Jas. Shaw, in property 300 John Trimble, iu good trade at cash price 250 Jonathan Hunt, in good trade at cash price 150 Jos. Brown, in good trade — say whisky 100 Samuel Mott, in trade 100 Henry Davis, Owl Creek paper or cash 400 John Hawn, in property 70 John Hawn, jr., $300 in traid and $500 John Troutman, in good trade or Owls 20O THE FAMOUS OAVL CREEK BANK CASE. Bobert Griffin, Joseph Talmage, Jacob Voung, WiUiam Douglass and others, on the 21st of Au gust, 1829, by Thomas Ewing, their soUcitor, filed a BiU in Chancery in the Supreme Court of Ohio for the county of Knox, against Jacob M. Banning and others, claiming the defendants whose names were set up in said BiU as Stockholders in the Owl Creek Bank, and demanding that they should be decreed to account, pro rata, for their shares of stock held to apply in pajonent of a certain suit prosecuted by one Luke Walpole upon the paper of said bank, and upon which a judgment thereon 190 HISTORY OP was recovered by said Walpole at the September term, 1826, against the parties complainants and Abraham Darling, John Ewalt and WiUiam Mitch eU, for $8,445 20, and costs of suit. Upon said judgment executions having been served out and IcAded upon the lands of complainants, and they demanded that those who were with them in equity alike bound for payment of the same should be required to liquidate their proportion of the same, and for such other further and complete reUef as they were in equity and good conscience entitled to at the hands of the court. These parties admitted themselves to have been stockholders to the amounts following, ta AAdt : Robert Giffin, 25 shares, contributed $200 — cash deposited in bank. Joseph Talmage, 10 shares, contributed $250. William Douglass, 70 shares, contributed $600. Jacob Young, 10 shares, contributed '• Of the other judgment debtors to Walpole, Wm. MitcheU had 25 shares, and paid $500 ; Abraham DarUng 25 shares, and paid $500 ; and John Ewalt had 20 shares, and had paid nothing. The stockholders to the bank were never fuUy known by reason of the mutilation or alteration of the books, which took place pending a suit between Luke Walpole and some of the stockholders. The bank was entered one night, and the large box that contained the papers carried off, and subsequently the box was found in a thicket of hazel, east of town, broken open, and the books and papers scat tered about with several of the names of stock holders obliterated. The testimony in this case, KNOX COUNTY. 191 the proceedings of the court, and reports of the Receiver, exceptions to his report and final decree, make one of the largest volumes of record in the Clerk's office of Knox county — duly labeled " The Owl Creek Bank Case." Prom this official, and authoritative record we copy the names and shares of stock of parties aUedged to have been partners in the firm, name and style of the " Owl Creek Bank." Hosmer Curtis 50 shareS; Jonathan Agnew 20 William Scritchfield 5 Insley D. Johnson 5 Joseph Critchfield 10 James Barkhurst 6 Robert Dalrymple 12 James M. Gibeny 15 Allen Scott 10 Joseph Mann 10 Gilman Bryant 50 John Green 10 John Hawn 15 Philip Melker 50 John Stilley 25 John Shaw 10 Wm. Darling, of Richland county 10 James Boltom 20 George Davis 20 John J. Tulloss 10 Jonathan Hunt 21 Abel A. Webster, of Richland 50 Eli Miller , 60 Benjamin Rush 10 Henry Markley 25 Nicholas Riley 25 Henry Davis 20 Jacob M. Banning 50 , paid $500 00 30 00 ti 133 00 66 00 380 00 725 00 250 tt 00 900 tt 00 150 00 510 00 200 00 316 ti 00 160 00 50 00 150 tt 00 250 00 266 00 375 00 500 00 625 00 150 00 192 HISTORY OP Gotlieb Zimmerman 20 shares, paid $345 75 W. Y. Farquhar 20 Nathaniel Scritchfield 10 " Francis Wilkins 25 Eli Gregg 10 Jacob Lepley 20 " Samuel Mott 30 Aaron Hill 10 Thomas Irvine 20 " Jonathan Miller 50 " John Trimble 15 " James Smith 50 " Isaac Richardson 5 " John Hibbits 10 Jacob Draper , 10 " Henry B. Carter 10 Wm. Robeson 20 " James Severe 8 " Rebecca Harris 25 " Jonathan Rapp 10 " Wm. Bevans , 20 " Wm. W. Farquhar 15 " 265 00 All of the county of Knox — James M. Taylor, 10 shares. Joseph Fulton 10 shares. John Cully 10 " Jonathan Conard .... 10 A. H. Caffee 10 " Wm. Robinson 70 Noble Landon ... 10 « Wm. W. Gault 50 A. Warthen 10 " John Houston 67 Silas Mead ] 0 " Benj. Warner 10 All of the county of Licking — Jacob Been 10 shares. John Badger 6 shares. Hiram Ball 9 " Matthew Kelly 10 " Benj.Mochaber 8 " Henry Vaught 10 " Buckingham, Sherwood and Eben P. Sturges, traders, under the name and style of Sherwood & Sturges, 20 shares, all of whom are of Richland county, and 125 00 133 00 100 00 58 00 125 00 350 00 316 00 66 00 200 00 200 00 100 00 /f ^AZ-OT^ .'/^.^_^,/^-^> ll:,l,ll.i,.li Sh..h,.i,lq..y. -Lilli '0-1 KNOX COUNTY. 193 Elijah Newcomb, 17 shares ; Thomas Butler, 50 shares, paid $350 — both of Coshocton county. John Beckwith, 8 shares, of Perry county. Jacob Morris, 5 shares, of Perry county. Samuel B. Carpenter, 15 shares, of Huron county. John Leyland, 10 shares, of Huron county. Enoch Harris, 15 shares, colored man, of Marion county. John Morris, 20 shares, of Wayne county. John Shrimplin, 20 shares. Adam Johnson, of Coshocton county, 50 shares. Isaac Dillon, of Muskingum county, 50 shares. George Reeve, of Muskingum county, 50 sharea. Robert Dalrymple, 50 shares. James Barcus, 50 shares. Wm. Critchfield, Sr., 50 shares. Wm. Darling, 50 shares. James Rightmire, 50 shares. Insley D. Johnson, 50 shares. Jacob Cook, 50 shares. The above named were claimed, as above repre sented, by the bill of complainants, to have been interested in the concern ; and having been duly subpoenaed and brought into court, their own an swers and testimony, of much extent, was given as to who the partners were, &c. While some few plead the statute of limitations, in addition to other testimony, the greater number — to their credit be it said — confessed the soft impeachment, and ex pressed themselves ready to stand the consequences. Henry B. Curtis was appointed Master Commis sioner, and, after a thorough and searching exami nation, he made, on the 18th of September, 1837, a very elaborate and able report. Having, upon his appointment, caused pubUcation to be made by 13 194 HISTORY OP newspaper to aU interested, either as creditors or partners, of his appointment to close, and finaUy settle, as far as practicable, the concerns of said Bank, and having before him aU the testimony, he determined the relative position of the parties defendant, and discharged from Uability, as stock holders, of that number Jacob M. Banning, Wm. Bevans, Isaac Dillon, George Beeves, Sturges and Sherwood, Erancis Wilkins and Matthew WiUiams for insufficiency of proof. At the said September term of Supreme Court, A.D. 1837, Judges Eeuben Wood and Peter Hitch cock approved said report, by which it appeared that the sum of $26,796.20 was requu-ed to be raised to meet and discharge the present unpaid debts of the Company, in Owl Creek Bank Bills, commonly called; and the liabiUties of the par ties defendant being estabUshed equal, it was fur ther ordered that said sums, as assessed by said Master Commissioner's report, be paid by said par ties to him, and the cause was continued for fur ther report. Several of the parties defendant, by their Attor neys, filed exceptions to said report, and, as to their rights, and for further examination, the papers in the cause are referred to H. H. Hunter, Esq., of Lancaster, as Special Master, who, at the Septem ber Term, 1838, submits a partial report, as to cer tain parties referred to him, and stUl further re ports, as by testimony, the foUowing additional stockholders equaUy liable, viz : Solomon GeUer, owner of 20 shares ; John Hawn, Sr., 15 shares ; [N'athaniel Johnson, 60 shares (50 of which being KNOX COUNTY. 195 transfers from Jonathan and Eli MiUer) ; William Blackburn, 20 shares ; Matthew Merritt, 4 shares ; G. B. Maxfield, John Troutman and l!^. M. Young, 10 shares each. At the same time the Special Master concludes with this statement : " It is believed that no man can, at this time, possess himself of the facts necessary to do exact justice in the case. Though it is believed that much additional evidence, with proper exertions, may be collected, to render the case more perfect. All which is respect fully suggested. "H. H. HUNTER, Spl. M. C. At the September Term, 1839, Judges Peter Hitchcock and Erederick Grimke aUowed the com plainants leave to amend their bill, and make the newly-discovered stockholders parties, &c. ; and the Court continued H. H. Hunter Special Master for further investigation, and with more extensive powers. At the September Term of 1840, Master Com missioner Hunter submitted his final report, con cluding with a statement of accounts and an ag gregate amount remaining due — $17,457 27; and the Court, upon further hearing of exceptions by counsel and arguments for their respective clients, decreed accordingly, and continued the appoint ment of Henry B. Curtis as Keceiver, to collect from the parties the sums assessed against them, and to pay off the judgment creditors, &c. At succeeding terms of the Court, various orders Avere made, as necessary in the progress of the cause, and upon the reports of the Receiver of his action had in the premises. And thus the case " dragged its slow length 196 HISTORY OP along," until the final report of the Eeceiver was filed, and the cause finally disposed of upon excep tions taken by MUler & Dunbar, of attorneys for certain defendants, which were overruled by the District Court in chancery, 16th of June, 1859 — and an entry upon the journals expresses the satisfac tion of the Court at its termination — by the Ee ceiver in having disposed of the remaining assets by sale under order of Court, for an amount suffi cient to Uquidate all outstanding indebtedness. " It is now, therefore, ordered and decreed, that said report be forthwith approved, and sale fully confirmed," * * " and this Vi^hole case is accordingly discontinued." " The undersigned, now, therefore, regarding substantially all in terests adjusted and settled in behalf of party creditors, and the assets for that pupose exhausted, recommends that the suits pend ing be finally dismissed from the docket, without prejudice to the rights of the assignee to collect the balances against party credit ors, standing unsatisfied, agreeably to former reports and decrees in this cause. The undersigned reports all costs paid, as far as known to him, and, as he believes, in full. " In taking leave of the case which, for more than thirty years, has occupied a conspicuous position on the docket of this court, and in closing the trust which, for more than twenty years, has been confided to the undersigned, he takes leave to congratulate. the court on the final adjustment of the whole matter, aud to ex press his profound thanks for the confidence so long continued, without which, the vexed, complex, and protracted labors of the case would have been reudered much more onerous, and the results obtained proved far less satisfactory. "To the parties (many of the original of whom have departed this life since the commencement of this suit) and to their heirs aud representatives, the full record of this case — while it may re call some reminiscences of an unfortunate enterprise and its calam itous results, will also remind them of many incidents, and profit able lessons iu the school of experience, and be, for all time to ENOX COUNTY. 197 come, the veritable history of 'The Owl Creek Bank of Mt. Ver non.' " Such is, in brief, the history — more particularly the legal history — of the Owl Creek Bank ; an in stitution which, in part from its outre name, has acquired more notoriety than any other that has ever existed in America — if not in the world ! The fame of the "United States Bank" was not more widely extended. Its failure created no greater dismay. N^ations ciAdUzed and tribes sav age have seen and handled its money. In its brief life, yet protracted existence, it has been cursed most by those whom it befriended, and AATonged most by those who professed to be its friends. The evU day came upon it — even in its early youth ; before it had become full grown, the keen frosts nipped it. Its crest fell and its x^etals closed in, because too much light struck in on it suddenly. Its head wUted ; it fell ; and great Avas the fall thereof. Its sunshine friends deserted Avhen the cloud portended the coming storm — some who had received its money and upon whom it had shower ed benefits, and some who had lent their credit and volunteered then' names to the infant, deserted its cause, and attempted to plead infancy and lim itation in bar. As with the human kind, Avhen life is almost extinct, doctors are often called in only to attend upon the corpse ; so, in this instance, laAvyers AA^ere brought in at the eleventh hour to the Avake. In the last pangs opiates Avere sought to be administered, and the sleep of forgetfulness Avas invoked by a few ; but to their credit be it said, that less than a half dozen of aU the defen- 198 HISTORY OP dants in Knox county invoked the aid of the act of January 25th, 1810 — pleading, accordingly, the statute of limitations ; or that other plea, in bar, of like character — that the partnership or association they had formed, to make themselves rich, was contrary to an act to prohibit the issuing and cir culation of unauthorized bank paper. To their honor be it said that the stockholders of the Owl Creek Bank of Mount Vernon — the hardy old pioneers — the Darlings and Youngs and Mitch ells and others, who knew so weU how to feU the forest ; to hunt the wolves, deer and bear ; to tiU the soil ; to clear off the wUderness, and so Uttle of banking as not to be classed as experts by finan ciers of more modern date, yet came up " to the scratch," and redeemed "the promises to pay" of their bank officers. It is true, that the arbitrament and final settle ment of its affairs went to laA^; but, under the cir cumstances, it was a matter of necessity that the equities should be adjusted by the courts. Almost every one of the parties were willing to pay their proportion of the debts at the first ; but each thought it but right to pay his own proportion and no more. Hence the ablest of the men learned in the law at that time accessible, were " caUed" to take a hand in the OavI Creek Bank case. Among the number thus employed were Thomas Ewing, Henry Stanbery, H. H. Hunter and W. W- IrAvin, of Lancaster; C. B. Goddard, C. C. Converse, 0. W. Searle, Wyllis Silliman and Geo. James, of Zanes viUe ; David Spangler, of Coshocton ; Judge Orris Parish, of Columbus ; W. Stanbery, G. B. Smythe KNOX COUNTY. 199 and I. Dille, of !N"ewark ; Jacob Parker, of Mans field ; Benjamin S. Brown, E. C. Hurd, J. C. Hall, C. Delano, H. Curtis, J. K. Miller, W. Dunbar and M. H. MitcheU. Of the entire number of parties defendant named in these pages, but Ua^c, so far as known, survive, to wit : our venerable townsmen, Aaron Hill and EU Miller ; our noted countymen, John Troutman and Mcholas Eiley ; and H. Curtis, Esq., now re siding in Keokuk, Iowa. And of the 24 attorneys engaged in the case, but 13 are now liAdng. Of the Judges who have heard this great cause at different stages of its progress, Cahdn Pease, Joshua CoUett, Peter Hitchcock, Jno. 0. Wright and IsT. C. Eead, are dead. Einally, after thirty years in the courts, this case, noted as that famous one of Jarndyce vs. Jarndyce, was brought to a close, the last dollar of its issue presented redeemed, and, forty-three years after its birth, "all that Avas of earth and earthy" of the Owl Creek Bank of Mount Vernon, was con signed to its final resting-place — the Great Book of Eecords. 200 HISTORY OP CHAPTEE XVI. INCIDENTS AND EVENTS OF 1816. The riKST pajek at mount vbknon. — Gleanings from the ohio regis ter. — Some acooiikt of the business men op that time. — Op the mar riages, INCREASE OP population, ETC. — SoME OP THE DEATHS. — AD DRESSES OF CANDIDATES. — KlNG CAUCUS APPEARS. — ELECTIONS. — PbiCE OP SALT, ETC. On Sunday evening, AprU 28th, the people were thrown into great consternation by " A Phenome non. — A dark place appeared on the north part of the Sun ; it appeared graduaUy to move towards the centre. What wonderful event this is the forerun ner of is yet unknown, whether it be the faU of empires, kingdoms, or of more important events." This appeared on the evening of the Ith day after the first paper was issued at Mt. Vernon. Won derful circumstance ! Eattlesnakes were quite common, and their bites frequent about these times — hence the Ohio Register pubUshes, May 8th, an efficacious remedy for the bite. An application of kaU preparation to the wound, and a lump the size of a hazel nut dissolved in vinegar to be swaUowed during effervescence every twenty-five or thirty minutes. "Cold WEATHER for THE Season." "SDollars Revstard?" — Taken from the Ohio Hotel, in Mt. Vernon, on or about the 15th of April last, (either intentionally or through mistake) a dark colo red Great Coat, with a cape somewhat larger than ordinary, and KNOX COUNTY. 201 the collar lined with snuif-colored velvet. If said Great Coat was taken through design, the subsa-iber will exchange small clothes for it if returned to him by the person who took it away ; or the above reward will be given to any other person who will deliver it to J. Brown, in Mt. Vernon, or to JOHN FRANK. May 15, 1816. Samuel H. Smith gives notice, April 23, 1816, that he has for sale 7,800 acres which he has just " subdivided into lots, from 100 to 300 acres to accommodate actual settlers." " John Wilson, with the greatest respect, would inform his cus tomers and the public in general, that he has just received a fresh supply of new goods, consisting of Morocco slippers, &o., all of which he will dispose of on the most moderate terms for cash or approved country produce." On the 24th of July he advertises himself " west of the court house and next door south of Mr. An thony Bannings, where he will sell salt by the barrel at $2 per bushel, or $2.25 by the single bushel," &,c. " Dr. Robert D. Moore, engaged in the practice of Medicine. from his medical attainments, hopes to render general satisfaction." As shoAving the Avild nature of our county seat, at that time, and the difficulties of raising children in a new country, we insert the following obituary notice as we find it in Mc Ardle's style of publish ing — the first article under the editorial head, May 22d, 1816 : " Sudden Death. — Departed this life on Eriday afternoon, the 17th inst., Samuel Zimmerman, son of Gotleib and Eve Zimmer man, of this town, aged eleven years, one month and twenty-nine days. His death was in consequence of eating a small portion of the root of a wild parsnip, said to be rank poison. His illness was short, but pains excruciating, which terminated his end in about 40 minutes — leaving behind him an affectionate father, tender and loving mother, two brothers and three sisters, who greatly lament the irreparable loss of a dutiful son and brother. 202 HISTORY OP In youth's Woom day I'm called away, My parents are behind; Of this fine boy who would have been their joy. Had he been spared to live. But God in mercy called me home, His wisdom to fulfill, He gave me birth and gave me breath, And blessed be his will. 0 I look on me and you will see A youth knip'd in the bud, Here I can't stay, I must away To appear before my God. My Pappy and Mamma 1 fear will fret At loosing of their Son ; But dry up your tears, appease your fears, My time was fully come. An accident it seemed tobe, Which brought about my end ; But God does all things for our good, Aud Christ is our sure friend. Then why should I fear death's stern looks, Since Christ for me dii die ; For all in Mount Vernon, old and young, The force of death must try." Bryant and Burr, under date of May 1st, 1816, give notice that they "have just received a fresh supply of new goods, consisting in part of fine and coarse cloths, cassimers, velvets and cords, vesting, bombarzets, factory muslins, silk for dresses and bonnets, silk and cotton shawls, silk and Madrass handkerchiefs, cotton and Avorsted hose, a few fashr- ionable bonnets, &c., &c., all of which AviU be sold cheap for wheat, rye, oats, sugar, bacon, homemade linen, rags, furs and CASH. Eeady for trade aud barter — seU is the word!" KNOX COUNTY. 203 HaAdng formed this arrangement, another part nership is about this time entered into, which con tinued for life. It is thus published in the Ohio Register of May 8th : " HYMENIAL. "Lovers, you well may envy them, AVhom such fair joys adorn ; His hand receives a Diadem, And she has lost a Thorn. "Manied. — On Sunday last, (May 5th, 1816,) in this town, by the Rev. James Smith, Doctor Timothy Burr to Miss Rachel Thrift, daughter of the Rev. Wm. Thrift of this county." " Married, June 2d, 1814, by the Rev. Mr. George, Mr. Daniel Conger, to Miss Elizabeth Roberts. ' And God said unto them. Be fruitful, and mutiply and replenish the earth.' " John Grarrison, having laid off the town of Ed- winburg on an elevated spot of ground, six and a half miles west of Mansfield, on the State road, offers lots for sale May 8th, 1816, and advertises the pubUc that a large spring of water is in the center of the town. Poor EdAvinburg! alas, death stole gently upon the innocent, and not a mark of the place is now Adsible upon any map ! The following specimen from the Ohio Register of June 12th, 1816, is the first effusion of a love sick swain on Owl Creek's stormy banks. It is to be hoped that the "youth" was "relieved:" " Mr. M'Ardle — ^By inserting the following Acrostic, you will particularly oblige your friend and well wisher, Alphonso. "TO MISS M S . "M ay Heaven ou thee her choicest gifts bestow; I n thy dear breast may every virtue glow : S edate and modest, wise, kind, and free — S uch may thy character forever be. 204 HISTORY OF " M est charming fair, the loveliest of your kind, A nd most accomplished, both in form and mind, R eceive this humble tribute to your fame, Y et far beneath what your just merits claim. " S uch winning sweetness decks your beauteous face, N 0 other maid possesses half such grace; Y our unaffected beauty, free from art, D elights and captivates each youthful heart; E ngaging fair, then let thy pitying breast R elieve a youth whom love has robb'd of rest." "Miss Mary Eulton respectfully informs the inhabitants of Mount Vernon and its vicinity, that she has opened a Milliners Shop at H. Curtis', Esq., second door Sow West of the Com-t House on High street, where she intends keeping on hands an elegant assort ment of fashionable bonnets, caps, &c. * * * * Plain sow ing done in the neatest manner and on the shortest notice. May 22d, 1816." " A gentleman who arrived at Xenia, 0., about the 15th of April, from Vincennes, states that seven soldiers belonging to Fort Har rison, had been killed by the Indians. It was unknown to what tribe they belonged." "On the 18th of April last, the Steamboat Maria, Captain Lovell, arrived at Cincinnati from Marietta, bound to Bostou, Mass., with a cargo of pork, flour and lard." Another store is opened at Mount Vernon by A. & T. Gormly, from Pittsburgh, in May, 1816. They advertise ''an assortment of the manufactures of Pittsburgh, to wit : two stills, iron in the bar, ke., &c." At about this time the principal truAcl Avas to ZanesviUe. J. Eeeve adA'crtises that he keeps tavern at the sign of the Bear, formerly occupied by Ool. J. Perry, on Main street, ZanesviUe, and closes with the foUoAving notice : "N. B. — Travellers will be supplied with a Way Bill, giving an account of the Roads and Distances to the principal towns in the United States." KNOX COUNTY. 205 At this time John Hamm, Marshal of the Dis trict of Ohio at ZanesvUle, paid Invalid Pension ers of the United States at his office in that place. WilUam Kattle, Uving in Clinton township, near Charles Cooper's one mile West of Clinton, lost " one pretty good chunck of a grey horse, and a cliesnut sorrel with a Eoman nose and a white strip inclining down one of his nostrils." In July, John Sawyer and Adney Coleman com menced butchering in Mount Vernon, and keeping beef at their slaughter-house every Tuesday and Eriday morning at reduced price. Thomas Irvine also advertises as a butcher, and wants to purchase hides and fat cattle. Alexander ElUott found, on Saturday morning, Sept. 21st, on Market street, six dollars in bank bUls, which he advertised as wanting an owner. James Moor, acting Sheriff of Eichland county, Sept. 25th, 1816, proclaims through the Ohio Reg ister- that the peoj>le of Jefferson township are ex pected to vote at the house of Mr. Bell, on the Olear Forlt on the second Tuesday of October next. Six cents reward is offered, September 16th, by .1. & S. Selby for George Huntsbery, an apprentice to the hatting business (through the persuasions of some intriguing persons) induced to run away ; but no charges paid for returning said boy. Andrew Thompson & Co. carry on the Woolen AND Coverlet Weaving at Henry Oldacre's, near James Dunlap's, on Licking Creek. The firm of A. & T. Gormly is dissolved Septem ber 11th, and Thomas Gormly continues the busi ness. 206 HISTORY OP In September, B. Bentley opened for Jos. S. I^ewell an extensive assortment of goods, which Avere for sale or exchange for butter, beeswax, linen, grain, rags, bags, or feathers. " To substantial citizens a credit will be given Avithout any enhancement of prices." " To ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. — You are hereby notified that a petition will be presented to the next Court of Common Pleas, for the county of Knox to vacate a certain part of the town of Mount Vernon, viz : Lots No. 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, the property of L. S. Silliman, together with the streets and alleys adjoining." ISTathaniel Herron wants immediately two or three Journeymen Carpenters; also one or two apprentices. Alexander Enos has for sale one first rate and one second rate wagon. The members of the Mount Vernon Polemic So ciety met at the court house October 17th, at 6 o'clock, P. M. On the 23d of ^STovember Wm. T. Earquhar, Clerk, exposed to sale, at 12 o'clock, " sundry works and repairs to be done to the court house," by order of the Commissioners. Huron and Wayne, Coshocton and Eichland county advertisements are inserted in the Ohio Register. Jonathan &, Eli Miller, IsTov. 27th, advertise that they are receiving new goods from Philadelphia : groceries, imported Uquors, morocco leather shoes, queens ware, &c. J. & S. Selby, hatters, on the 7th September, at pubUc vendue, disposed of aU their traps. Among KNOX COUNTY. 207 the articles enumerated were a two wheeled pleasure carriage ; also a handsome sleigh, a rifle gun, a num ber of first quaUty hats, &c. ; and the following choice tit bit for our early citizens : 51^^ "Epicures, here is something for you! — A pet cub bear will also be sold to the highest bidder! You seldom meet AAdth such a chance as this." George Dickenson, in N^OA'ember, offered a re ward of one cent for the return of a runaway apprentice boy, named Michael Eairchild, between 18 and 19 years of age, short thick set, light com plexion, cunning and rogueish. John Greer, Collector for Knox county, on the 7th December, at Major Joseph Brown's tavern, offered for sale 47 lots for taxes, amounts due rang ing from 4 cents to $1.50. Samuel H. Smith, August 7th, advertises as just finished a lot of leather — sole and upper, Mp and calf, for sale wholesale or retail, at Clinton. James MiUer, August 21st, opens a new store in Mount Vernon, in the room lately occupied by Mr. John Wilson. Hugh McMahon carries on a tanyard at Clinton, and he Avarns people against purchasing leather of Samuel H. Smith, as he has a claim on it. Whereupon Samuel comes back upon him in the foUowing unique style : " Mr. McArdle — Sir : In your paper I observe a caution to the public, by Hvgh McMahon, forewarning them from meddling with his property. I would ask Mr. McMahon how far his claims ex tend 1 Does he still hold a claim to the store of goods in the town of Delaware, into which he entered by the window, in the night , in the absence of the store kepeer ? Or has he relinquished his 208 HISTORY OP claim to the goods in hopes of having better success with Leather! I would advise said McMahon to go to work and endeavor to obtain a livelihood by honest industry, and shun the counsel of the man who would advise him to thieving or perjury in order to gratify his revengeful passion. I am, sir, your obedient servant, S. H. SMITH." A meeting of citizens of Eichland county was held at the house of Samuel WiUiams, Esq., in the town of Mansfield. John Garrison, Esq., was caUed to the Chair, and C. E. Pollock appointed Secre tary ; and they resolved to support Thomas Worth ington for re-election as Governor, Peter Hitch cock, Esq., for Eepresentative in Congress, and Joseph Brown, Esq., for Senator, to represent Knox, Eichland and Licking counties. The proceedings were ordered to be pubUshed in the Trump of Fame, in Trumbull county, aud the Ohio Register. " Was found, on the Main street, Mt. Vernon, a calico dress pattern. The owner, by giving an accurate description thereof, and paying for this advertisement, may have it again. Enquire of the printer. Mt. Vernon, July 10, 1816." Erom a song of these times we extract the foUow ing hits at members of Congress for voting to in crease theu- pay, which, since the passage of the great tax bUl of June, 1862, wiU be read with a Uvely interest : Our stills you tax most dev'lish high You promised that it should die A¥hen wars were o'er one year gone by That you'd relieve us ; But here you told a thumping lie, A thing most grievous. KNOX COUNTY. 209 Te tax our whisky day by day. That you may liot, sport and play — Perhaps on Sunday ye do pray To make amends ; AThether or not, ye are on the way To have no friends. AVe're told you sport and drink and game. If true, dear sirs, do blush with shame — If true or false ye have the name, And more's the pity; Rise quick, and tell us who's to blame. In some committee. There are many verses, but the above wiU suffice as shoAving the spirit in resistance to the tax on spirits, &c. About this time, ISTov., 1816, aristocratic notions entered the heads of some of our citizens, and an advertisement appears — "A Barber Wanted. — A Barber will, probably, meet with good encouragement in this place (Mount Vernon.) It would make it an object well worth the attention of .any one who could devote part of his time to any other business." Population in the county began to increase quite raj)idly by immigration, and in the natural way. As shoAAdng something of the stock in those times, we take from the Register a statement in regard to David Wilson, Sept., 1816, in his seventy-eighth year, who " has had four wives and by them forty- two children. His oldest child is but sixteen years younger than himself. His second wife had five children, at two births, in eleven months. Mr. Wilson is a native of Pennsylvania — drinks grog freely — converses with ease and affabiUty — and sup- 14 210 HISTORY OP ports his family by labor. He has worn a hat twenty-two years, which is still passably decent." Old Captain Wilson was well known to his neigh bors as one of the Uveliest old pioneers. Some of his stock yet survive in old Knox. That there was unexampled fecundity at this time among our people, we may still farther note the fact that, on the 9th of December, a petition from the west was presented to Congress, by Mr. McCoy, from an honest couple, who represented that they had been united in wedlock's happy bonds for 27 years — in which time they have added to our popu lation 20 children, 19 of whom are living, and Avhom they have maintained by the product of their manual labor. On that score they pray Congress for a donation of public lands to make their decli ning years more easy. The Journals show its ref erence to the committee on PubUc Lands. We still further find by the Ohio Register, Vol. 2, [N'o. 11, that a " Mrs. Contzeu was deUvered of four chUdren — three boys and one girl, aU Ukely to do weU." Erom the pubUcation of Marriages, by McArdle, we take the following of parties weU knoAvn to the citizens of the county : " July 30th, 1816, by Rev. James Scott, Mr. John Frank to the amiable and accomplished Miss Sarah Hickman. " July 4th, by Abner Ayres, Esq., Mr. Isaac Williams, of Rich land county, to Miss Sally Bartlett, of this county. " October 26th, by Jacob Hanger, Esq., Mr. Nathaniel Davis to Miss Patsey Doty. " October 26th, by Benjamin Barney, Esq., Mr. William Wager to Miss Margaret Bixler. KNOX COUNTY. 211 " December 4th, by James Smith, Esq., Mr. John Strain to Miss Maria Oraig. In the issue of August 14th, 1816 : "HYMENIAL. 'The laws enacted by our God, Peremptorily bind Man to unite in silken ties, AVith lovely womankind.' " MARRIED — On Sunday eveninglast, by the Rev. James Smith , Mr. Daniel S. Norton, of Connelsville, Pa., to Miss Sarah Banning, daughter of Mr. Anthony Banning, of this town." " Though Heaven had made him such another world Of one entire and perfect Chrysolite, He would not exchange her for it." — Shaktspeare. "Married — On the 26th of December, by John Young, Esq., Mr. James Harris to Miss Mary Logan; also Capt. John Stiltz to Miss Margaret McCuUoch. " On the 12th December, by Rev. Henry George, Mr. WiUiam Bryant to Miss Elizabeth Norton. "At Frederick, by Abner Ayres, Esq., Mr. George Ayres to Miss Jane Garrison. " At Mansfield, Mr. Henry Ayres to Miss Jane Hoy, daughter of Capt. Wm. Hoy, of Richland county. Samuel Mott, candidate for Senator, Sept. 11th, sends out to the electors of Licking, Knox and Eichland, the first printed address we have been able to find. He says, among other things, that he has " been induced to become a candidate from the encouragement of many substantial and respecta ble citizens in the district." In the Register, of Sept. 11th, we find tickets announced as the choice of Chester, Morris, Morgan and MiUer toAvnships. There were many aspirants for poUtical promo tion. Among the number we find, for Governor — 212 HISTORY OP Thomas Worthington, Ethan A. Brown, James Dunlap. Eor Congress — Peter Hitchcock, John G. Young, DaAdd Clendenan. Eor Senate — William Stanbery, Esq., William Gavitt, Esq., Major Joseph Brown, Samuel Mott, Esq., Benjamin Martin, Esq., WaitstiU Hastings, Henry Smith, Mordecai Bartley. Eor House of Eepresentatives — Jonathan Miller, WiUiam MitcheU, Munson Pond, John Warden, Alexander Enos, Judge Thomas Coulter for Eich land county, WiUiam W- Earquhar. The Ohio Register, of August 28th, having con tained this notice : " There is another gentleman who very kindly offers his servi ces as Representative in the State Legislature; he is extremely modest, though y&xj popular ; he, therefore, believes that it will amply sufSce, at this time, to make public the initial letters, only, of his name. They are " R. B." ¦ Expectation, on tip-toe, was gratified by the fol lowing explanatory card : "September Sth, 1816. Mr. McArdle : After my respects to you, as you have been so good as to insert the two first letters of my name, (I presume it has been from the solicitations of my friends) I wish you to insert my name in full, as I am a candidate, and determined to oppose Wm. Mitchell; and forward your bill to me, and you will much oblige yours, &c. ROBERT BUTLER. J. P. McArdle." Col. John Greer, about this time, felt the impor tance of his military commission, and issued an order to the commandants of companies in the county of Knox to send two men from each com- KNOX COUNTY. 213 pany to Mr. Boalse's inn, to nominate suitable per sons to represent the counties of Knox, Licking and Eichland. Whereupon there appeared, on the 13th September, the following persons : Erom Captain Parcel's company, Truman Strong and Da/vid Shaio. Erom Captain Cook's company, Capt. John CooTt and Isaac N- Richardson. Erom Captain John Venom's company, Josiah B. Day and John Trimble. Erom Captain A. Emmet's company, William Bevans and Benjamin Warner. Erom Captain Cooper's company, Jacob Hanger and Jonathan Burch. Erom Captain Squire's com pany, James Miller and John J. Tidlos. The result of this caucus — or miUtary dictation — the first of the kind ever known in this county, was the nomination of WaitstiU Hastings and Jon athan MiUer. Nominating caucuses were also held in Eichland and in Licking counties this year. The contest waxed very warm ; circulars and handbills were much circulated, and all manner of electioneering was resorted to atthis election. The result, however, was that out of 485 votes for Governor cast in the whole county, Thomas Worthington received 424 majority. Peter Hitchcock had 463 majority for Congress ; and the county gave smaU majorities for Martin for Senator and MiUer for Eepresentative. Samuel Mott received 1 vote in CUnton, 3 in Morris, 8 in MiUer, and none in Chester, Wayne, Jackson, Union and Morgan. Connected with this election is the foUoAAdng anecdote, which is alto gether too good to be lost : Gideon Mott, the brother of Sam, who was a very plain man, yet faU of wit. 214 HISTORY OP was responsible for it. He said that he dropped in to see Mrs. Mott on the night of the election, and whUe there Samuel got home from Eichland coun ty, where he had been electioneering, and asked how the election had gone in CUnton, and when he replied "He got one vote," Mrs. M. exclaimed— " That's always the way it is — if you had only been at home, Samuel, and voted, you would have got two !" Josiah L. HiU, of Green township, offers himself as a candidate for Eepresentative of Eichland coun ty in the foUowing pithy address : "The usual theme of candidates, in my standing, are many loud swelling words full of legislative wisdom, or rather of their own egotism, and to harangue every neighbor in their way with the prospect of a State road or a turnpike, by measures of which one- half of our citizens will become wealthy inn-keepers, and the other half their happy customers, with their pockets flushed with money drawn from a new country bank to be erected on a newfangled system, and thus all are to be ritch and happy. But such language as this hath never fallen from my lips since the days of my youth, when under the passions of love and addressed to females of my age, and I shall not again resume this theme until I become a widower; but while I speak for myself to men of understanding and discern ment, and not to women, I have only to say that I stand a free will offering at the alter of your good pleasures. * * * Should I succeed in my election I shall feel it incumbent on me to use my feeble endeavors, by lawful incense, to gratify my con stituents, and this is all the flattery I have to make use of. My abilities are too small to boast of, which, with my character, are now for you to enquire into. So I remain the public's devoted servant, JOSIAH L. HILL. Green Township, Sept. 15th, 1816." Whereupon Thomas Coulter withdraws his name from the list. KNOX COUNTY; 215 At the election, this year, 470 votes were cast in Eichland county — of which Worthington had a majority of 353, Hitchcock 433; and for Senator Mordecai Bartley received 339, Wm. Gavitt 77, Joseph Brown 23, Samuel Mott 10, Benjamin Mar tin 6, WaitstiU Hastings 6. And Samuel WilUams was elected -Eepresentative. Benjamin Martin, for Senator, puts forth the fol lowing address : " To tlie electors of the district composed of the counties of Licking, Knox and Richland : Gentlemen — As I am offering myself as a candidate to repre sent the inhabitants of the above district in the State Senate, I think it my duty to lay before the public a copy of official papers, which I hope you will read, and thereby satisfy your minds in regard to my political character. The first of my certificates of the oath of allegiance. I do hereby certify that Benjamin Martin, of Bedford county, hath voluntarily taken and subscribed the oath of Allegiance aud Fidelity, as directed by an Act of General Assembly of Pennsyl vania, passed the 13th day of June, 1777. Witness my hand and seal the 10th day of October, A. D., 1783. JAMES MARTIN. Bedford county, State of Pennsylvania, ss. We, the subscribers. Justices of the Peace, &c., in and for the county of Bedford, do hereby certify to all who it may concern, that we have been acquainted with the bearer hereof, Benjamin Martin, son 'of James Martin, Esq., of the county aforesaid, for these several years past, and that we have not heard of anything to operate against his character as an honest young man ; but on the contrary, that he has behaved himself as a good whig and a friend to his country. And he being desirous to go from here to the lower parts of this State to transact some business and see his relations; therefore, all persons are requested to permit the said 216 HISTORY OP Benjamin Martin to pass and repass, he behaving himself as a good and faithful citizen ought to do. Given under our hands and seal, the 20th of April, in the year of our Lord 1784. . , BARNARD DOUGHERTY, l^'^-i ¦ DAVID ESPY. Sirs — Having always in view, as my polar star, the principles contained in the above oath and certificate, I have with a steady mind, either as a private citizen or as a public servant, pursued that kind of policy which would best promote the interests of our country, as the principles of general suffrage; for I always have aud ever shall be of opinion, that when a man has enrolled him self in our militia muster-rolls, and has paid State and county tax> that in consequence thereof, he is, and ought to be entitled to all the privileges and advantages of the government ; and any policy or law, which, in its operation, would tend to lessen those privi leges would be an invasion on the natural and inherent rights of man. Those, gentlemen, are the principles which I ventured my life to establish, and the remaining part of my days shall go to maintain. Written by the public's humble servant and real friend, BENJAMIN MARTIN." The difficulty of coUecting debts, in part at this time, may be judged of by the foUowing unique notice of sheriff Shaw : " Public Notice. — My friends and the public are hereby in formed, that should they have large sums of money to collect, not to bring suit in the Court of Common Pleas, in expectation of thereby obtaining their just demands in a reasonable time, I have been induced to publish this friendly caution that the public may not censure me for neglect in my official capacity. In order to show where the fault lies read the following plain statement : " I have been assiduously endeavoring to collect the amount of an execution ever since I have been sheriff of this county, and have as yet received no money. The associate judges grant bills of in junction successively, after I have had the property ready for sale, which has procrastinated the collection of the money. There have been two on the aforesaid execution ; the judgment was rendered KNOX COUNTY. 217 at December term, 1815, for Erkurius Beatty. Therefore, if the laws of this State will keep a man out of his money three years after judgment is rendered, I would seriously advise my friends not to bring suit for debts due them, but rather remove to some other State or country where they may obtain justice. JOHN SHAW, Sheriff of Knox Co. September 4, 1816." The fall term of Court of Common Pleas came on December 24, 1816. " Grand Jury. — Isaac Vore, sr., foreman, Abednego Stephens, Thomas Townsend, Zebulon Ashley, David Jackson, Robert Work, Wm. Lepley, Wm. Kittle, John L. Lewis, Samuel Durbin, Robert McMillan, Anthony Banning, Francis Wilkins, Francis Blakeley and Thomas Fletcher. " They found six bills of indictments. Tavern license was granted to Anson Brown and Jonathan Hunt. Store license to John Williams, James Rigby, James Miller, John Shrimplin, Bryant &. Burr, Eli ife .lonathan Miller, and Anthony Banning. Shadrach Ruark, of the Methodist church, was licensed to marry, and James Craig was fined $15 and costs for assault and battery. "A Hint — Promises, witiiout performances, are like clouds with out rain. — The subscriber finds it indispensably necessary (these hard times) to call upon those of his friends who are indebted, lest they should forget him. He feels very sorry that a few broken promises should interdict all social intercourse : therefore, he earn estly solicits them to come forward and enable him, like an honest man, to meet those who have reposed confidence in him. "J. BROWN. "N.B. I have a quantity of whisky for sale, either by the barrel or gallon, at my tavern in Mount Veruon. J. B. " Mount Vernon, June 12, 1816. " J. Brown's tavern, called the ' Ohio Hotel.' " " Mr. John Mecabee gives notice that he has commenced tavern keeping in Clinton, at the well known stand of the " Rising Sun," formerly occupied by Mr. E. Ogle. That the house is large and commodious for the reception of ladies, gentlemen, and travelers. June 19." The Mil of July was celebrated in becoming style 218 HISTORY OP at several jDoints in the County, as wiil be seen ft-om the following notices : "At a meeting of a number of the inhabitants of Knox county, held at the house of William Mitchell, Esq., June 12th, to make arrangements for the Fourth of July, William Mitchell, Esq., was appointed Chairman, and Doctor G. B. Maxfield, Secretary. The following resolutions were unanimously adopted : " 1st. Resolved, That a committee be appointed to conduct the business of the day. Accordingly the following gentlemen were chosen, viz: Wm. Mitchell, G. B. Maxfield, Job Allen, N. M. Young, John Garrison and John Lewis. " 2d. That the day be kept as a day of Thanksgiving, and all ministers of the Gospel living within a reasonable distance be in vited to attend, and that they meet at the house of Captain Job Allen, about three-quarterS of a mile south of Fredericktown, at 9 o'clock A.M. " 3d. That an invitation be given to all that wish to unite with us. The business of the day to commence at 9 o'clock A. M. " 4th. That the following named gentlemen be a committee to superintend the singing, which is to be part of the performance of the day : Benjamiu Jackson, Sen., Jacob Young, John Mefford and Benjamin Jackson, Jun. All those who are completely acquainted with all or either of the parts of vocal music are requested to make it known sometime previous to forming for the march, as it is in tended to practice certain tunes. " WM. MITCHELL, Chairman. " G. B. Maxfield, Secretary." In the issue of July 10, 1816, we have a notice of the proceedings celebrating the Eourth, in pur suance of the arrangements made at the meeting before noticed: " Agreeably to previous arrangements to celebrate the 41st anni versary of American Independence, a respectable company of be tween three and four hundred persons met at the house of Captain Job Allen, and having formed a procession, they moved in regular order to the place appointed for public worship. A very suitable' and impressive discourse was delivered by the Rev. Henry George, KNOX COUNTY. 219 from Gallatiansv: 13; and, after a short intermission, the atten tion of the audience was again called by the Rev. James Smith, who delivered an excellent and comprehensive discourse from Luke XX : 25. The singers took their seats by themselves, and the greatest decorum was observed throughout the day. The de vout exercises being ended, a highly gratified audience dispersed in harmony, nothing having occurred to mar the pleasures which a decent commemoration of the birth day of our National Independ ence is calculated to produce." The paper of July 21st contains a communica tion giAdng an account of a celebration "by a very respectable number of citizens in Wayne township, at the dwelUng house of Mr. WilUam Drake. The day was ushered in by the discharge of musketry from a volunteer company commanded by Captain Israel E. Dalrymple. The Declaration of Inde pendence was read by Mr. Jabez Beers, and a pat riotic and very animated oration delivered by Mr. Truman Strong." Some of the toasts are rather spicy. Witness the foUoAAdng : " Each Monarch of the Earth — The Island of St. Helena their dominion, and Bonaparte their landlord." " The factious Americans, or English devotees — Dartmoor prison their cradle, and Captain Shortland their nurse." " George Cabot, President of the Hartford Convention — May the warm sun of Republicanism melt the tory frost from off his head and heart; and may he cast off his pernicious principles as the reptile doth its skin." " John Bull — Twice has he attempted to destroy the liberties of America, and twice has he witnessed the futility of his attacks on the sons of freedom's soil." 220 HISTORY OP CHAPTEE XVII. KNOX COUNTY IN 1817. Illustrations op the spikit op the times. — Theateicals. — Missiona ries TO BE sent to Connecticut. — Sjiall-pox excitement. — Trials of interest. — Patriotic outqushings op popular peeling. — Com bination OP MECHANICS. BiLL OF PRICES. FiRST DELEGATE TO THE STATE INSIIICTION.. — ANOTHER TOWN. MORB WHISKY AND MORE MAR RIAGES. This year was introduced by a grand Theatrical exhibition by the young gentlemen of Mount Ver non. Of the performances, the foUoAAdng were a part : 1. An Address to the audience ; 2. The Conjurer — A Dialogue ; 3. The Dispute between a Merchant and his Wife ; 4. Clownishness and Awkwardness, in 2 Acts ; 5. The Lap-Dog — A Dialogue of two Ladies ; 6. Douglass, or the JiToble Shepherd — A Tragedy ; 7. The Knight's Dream ; 8. Cowardice and Knavery ; 9. A Dia logue between a Schoolmaster and School Commit tee, &c. Eor several years the young gentlemen continued their theatrical exhibitions, and often acquitted themselves handsomely. The foUowing "furwan" we copy verbatim ft-om the Register of January 29th, 1817 : " Take notice — That eye have left my wife Iselbelah irelands bead and board and eye know furnwan eny person or persons creeaditing hir on my account as eye shall not be acountable for eny of her deats or contracts from this date likewse eye furwan KNOX COUNTY. 221 eny person or persns from purchasing eny property whatever til her former deats is all paid up John Ireland." The following entry upon the Court minutes, shows that the people were minus a term of Com mon Pleas. The reason, we learn from the oldest inhabitant, was "high water"— one of the "biggest" spring floods ever known by the old settlers : " The Court of Com. Pleas was opened at Mount Vernon the 24th March, 1817. The Sheriff appeared and called the Court, who failing to appear, the Sheriff adjourned the Court until to morrow morning, 9 o'clock. The Sheriff appeared and opened Court agreeable to adjournment, and called the Court, and Judges Young and Trimble, and no other Judge ; whereupon, by order of the Judges, ordered the Sheriff adjourn the Court until to-morrow morning. Jacob Young. " 9 o'clock, according to adjournment, the Hon. Jacob Young and John Trimble, Esq., Associate Judges, appeared. There not being a quorum, the Court being opened, the said Judges ordered the Court adjourned until Court in course. Jacob Young." This month a Yankee peddler, named Giddings, passed through the county bound for Columbus, who sold to several of the merchants wooden nut megs, having a few genuine ones for them "to sample." The old settlers of the county became charitably inclined, and determined to send Missionaries to convert " the everlasting heathen of Connecticut." Accordingly they formed a society for this purpose, and published on the 9th of April the following notice : " OHIO MISSIONARY SOCIETY. " |^° We are authorized to state, that a Society has been formed in this State for the purpose of propagating the Gospel among the 222 HISTORY OP everlasting Heathen of Connecticut and the parts adjacent. The first meeting of the Society will be held in ZanesviUe on the 20th of May next, for the purpose of electing suitable Missionaries for the performance of the arduous undertaking. It is hoped that all who are favorable to the cause, will contribute their mite to effect so desirable an object. " i^° Printers favorably disposed towards the Ohio Missionary Society, are requested to give the foregoing one or two insertions." At this period ZanesviUe was the great town of Central Ohio, and at that place and Putnam the principal shipping and other business was trans acted by the citizens of Knox county. In May, 1817, John S. Dugan having opened the Green Tree Hotel in ZanesAdlle, advertises that he has a number of German servants (redempti oners), "who are attentive and honest ; one of which is a regular bred horse Doctor, and served six years under Bonaparte as such ; and 'tis said by travelers, he is one of the best hostlers in the United States. K^ My whole study is to please, and I hope the pubUc wiU give me a chance to do so." The Uttle log school-house on the pubUc square had served its time, and at private houses schools had for some time been kept, when the pubUc-spir- ited men in Mount Vernon started subscriptions to buUd another. June 7th. The subscribers to the new school- house proposed to be erected, met at Eichardson and Vore's tavern to choose managers, &c. June 18th. The smaU-pox having made its ap pearance at Newark, caused a great excitement in the quiet village of Mount Vernon. The inhabit ants ran to and fro, not knoAdng what to do. A public consultation was had, and Dr. E. D. Moore KNOX COUNTY. 223 wrote and published a Uttle treatise on the subject, giving the origin of the disease, the views of " the immortal Jenner" upon "the grease, ^^ "cow-pox," "smaU-pox," etc., and concluding as foUows: — " 3!^ The smaU-pox has been for some months past traveUng northward, and is uoav within a short dis tance from this place. The subscriber will attend on every Saturday, at his house in Mount Yernon, for the purpose of vaccinating (those Avhose pecun iary means will not warrant application), gratis.'''' Anderson Searl, of Mount Vernon, on the 18th of June, publishes that he wiU not pay a certain note given to WiUiam Shinnibery for a certain black and white muley cow, to be delivered to him next harvest ; " the said note being given in part consideration of a certain horse sold to me by said Shinnibery for a sound horse, which I have since found to be unsound." NOTABLE PROCEEDINGS OF COMMON PLEAS COURT, JUNE 23d. "At this term, the Indictments vs. John Strain, were read, and he was fined on the first $20 and costs — and on the second, assault and battery, $10 and costs. " The Grand Jurors — Royal D. Simons, foreman — returned seven bills of Indictment. Albert Sherwood, by verdict of jury, recov ered $75 off of Wm. Williams for assault and battery ; and in suit of the State Wm. Williams was fined $15 and costs. Thomas Wilkins and John Roop are, each, fined $5 and costs for assault and battery ; and John Strain and John Roop, each, fined $5 and costs for an affray, and Robert Butler was fined $15 and costs. "James Trimble renews his tavern license ; also Michael Harter, John Davidson, Gotleib Zimmerman, and Richardson & Vore. " On application of Anthony Banning and Samuel Kratzer for the vacating of a part of the addition of the town of Mount Vernon. The application is overruled at the cost of the applicants. 224 HISTORY OP " Samuel H. Smith's application for vacating part of the town of Clinton was continued; and also continued Oct. term, 1817. " Ordered that a certificate issue to pay expense of Coroner's inquest over the body of Wm. Conaway, jr. ; also of N. Butler. PATRIOTIC OUTBURST ON THE NATIONAL ANNIVERSARY. The 4th of July Avas celebrated by the Mount Vernon ArtiUery Company, under Capt. Joseph Brown, with all the pomp and circumstance of war. The day was duly ushered in by a national salute — a grand parade came off — a sumptuous dinner at Eichardson & Vore^s inn — and toasts, speeches, and wine made it a merry occasion. The Declaration of Independence was read by Doctor Eobert D. Moore. Among the toasts were the fol lowing : " The Constitution, the grandest work of human genius — May it long stand the proudest monument of Republican solidity. " The memory of our departed American heroes from Warren down to the brave Pike and Lawrence. "Faction, the bane of republican governments — May it never be suffered to impair confidence in our legally constituted authorities- "May the words Federalist and Democrat be exchanged for the prouder appellation of — 'I am an American citizen.' " The Fair Daughters of Columbia — Always lovely, but more divinely enchanting when attired in homespun, smiling on the pa triot brave. " By Capt. John Shaw — May brother Jonathan watch John Bull with the eye of an Eagle." A quarterly or sacramental meeting was held on Friday, the 4th of July, at the Dry Creek school house. All christians and ministers of the gospel were earnestly solicited to attend and assist in the various exercises of the service. KNOX COUNTY. 225 THE STORE SET UPON CAMPBELL'S POEMS— THREE DOLLARS-OF ADVERTISING A $1.50 BOOK. " Hope deferred maketh the heart sick." "In the month of November, 1815, I advertised a volume of Campbell's poems, which I had lent some considerable time before .to an acquaintance of mine. The principal poem in this work is entitled " The pleasures of Hope," and I had entertained a hopeoi obtaining it long ere this ; but this hope, like some other of my expectations, has perished. I now only wish it may be returned to me. ROBERT BUCHANAN. June 18th, 1817." This notice not having the desired effect, on the 16th of July the following pointed addition is made to it : " If Mr. J — n W — k — r, who was entrusted to deliver the above volume to me, by the person to whom I lent it, does not return it within two weeks from the date hereof, I will give hia name to the public, together with some traits of his character, which have not much the appearance of honesty ! " As I am credibly informed that you have refused five dollars for those poems, I think you ought not to object paying me $1.50 for them. You may send or bring me this amount, or tbe book, at your own option. I am determined to have it or its worth from you — peaceably if I can, forcibly ifl must. R. B. " The pleasures of Hope" again. " To Mr. John Walker : Sir — The two weeks in which I allowed you to return the above poems, have now elapsed unheeded by you. At the expiration of that time, I promised to give the public your name and an expo sition of your conduct in retaining this book in your own posses sion after having politely proffered your services to convey it to me from the young lady to whom I had lent it ; but being blessed with a pretty good share of charity, I have omitted the exposition for the present, and inserted your nam^ only — giving you one week further to decide whether or not 'honesty is the best policy!' ROBERT BUCHANAN. July 3d, 1817." 15 226 HISTORY OP MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS SHOALING THE KIND OP CURRENCY, BUSINESS VIEAVS AND INCONVENIENCES. John Prank & Co., July 17th, offer " iron, cast ings and salt, being both chartered and cash arti cles in this place, and solicit their friends to whom they gave a short credit last winter to come for ward and discharge their respective accounts. * * * * They are informed that the paper of the Owl Creek Bank of Mount 'Vernon, and that of Canton, and the Farmers <& Mechanics' Bank of SteubenviUe wUl be taken," &c. Luke Walpole brings to Mount Vernon a quan tity of salt, leather, and castings to exchange for beef and pork, deUvered in ZanesvUle the coming winter. Oct. 16th, Frederick Falley, proprietor of Ven ice, has 1,000 lots for sa.le, and invites aU classes of mechanics and business men to locate there . About this time it was the supposition that Venice would become the future shipping point for Knox county, and N^orton & Banning established a storage, com mission and mercantile house at Venice, on the Sandusky bay. As evidence that this beUef was general, we may cite the act of the Legislature of 1817, declaring that the road t© be made by the Knox, Eichland & Huron Turnpike Company shaU terminate at the town of Venice, on Sandusky bay. Eobert D. Moore, as agent for the Mary Ann Furnace, situate on the Eocky Fork of Licking, brings to the notice of our citizens a large assort ment of castings of superior beauty and quaUty, jand asks them to encourage manufactories. Daniel S. ]!forton notifies those who were in debt KNOX COUNTY. ^27 to him on the 16th of August last, to pay up whUe they can in the paper of the country. Anthony Banning advertises a large lot of leather, which he wiU seU for hides or chartered money — or chartered money wiU be given for hides. Jesse B. Thomas cautions " all persons (indis criminately) against cutting, destroying, or remov ing timber from or otherAvise trespassing upon his lands on the Hamtramck section, as I have given my agents (Messrs. John Roberts and John Warden) positive instructions to prosecute aU." THE FIRST COMBINATIONS OP MECHANICS, AVHO THEY AVERE, AND THEIR BILLS OP PRICES. "Taylors Prices. — We, the subscribers, of Mount Vernon, have agreed to establish the following prices for Tayloring, viz : Great coats, $4.50; broad cloth coats, $4.00; common homespun, $3.50 ; common pantaloons, $1.25 ; vest, $1.25 ; pantaloons toith hut- tons on the legs, $1.75 ; ditto welted, $1.50 ; cherrivallies laced, $3 ; plain ditto, $2.25 ; ladies' coats, $3.50. Any extra work on the above articles shall be priced according to the work. WM. W. ALEXANDER, WM. PETTIGREW, WM. CROUCH. May 20, 1817." WilUam Giffin and Peter Zarly got up a meeting of MiUwrights, at Zimmerman's inn, on the 26th of August, for estabUshing a biU of prices for their work. At this meeting John WiUiamson, Samuel Pyle, Peter Zarly, James King and WUliam Giffin were present. Among the items we fi^nd — "For a double geered grist-miU, f 300 ; for a double geered saw-miU, f 200 ; for a meal spout, $2 ; meal trough, |3 ; hopper, $4, &c." Jacob Myers, Patrick Kellans, Eobert Eobert- 228 HISTORY OF son, Samuel Hoppers, Samuel Vance, John Byan, John Cottle, John Kinsey and David Poter, agree, upon honor, to support the said biU of prices. PETTY THIEVING AND OTHER RASCALITY. Michael Click offers one cent reward for Michael Teadrow, an apprentice to the brick-making busi ness, but no charges paid. September 3d. James MiUer publishes the foUoAving notice: " The person who took away a Mattock from my building, with out leave, is requested to return the same immediately, or his name will be given to the public (besides prosecuting), as it is well known who purloined it." " Take care. — The person who was so kind as to take away without leave, a pair of stretchers and a broken singletree, on the 29th of August ; they were laying on the green between Messrs. Bryant Sf Burr's and Mr. J. Frank If Go's stores, are requested to return the same immediately to the subscriber, and save themselves trouble, they had better return them before they are troubled with a call from Mr. Constable. " Mt. Vernon, Sept. 5, 1817. James Thompsm." N"oah Eude has a chesnut sorrel horse stolen fi-om James Bryant's pasture on the night of the 5th of September, and offers a reward for him. At the District Court of the United States, held at Chillicothe on the 9th of September, Samuel Bunting was indicted on a charge of robbing the mail between ^N'ewark and ZanesviUe, and was sen tenced to the Penitentiary for one year. Horse thieves about this time became so bold that Joseph Berry had, on the morning of the 19th of September, a mare, saddle and bridle stolen from the door of James Thompson in Mount Vernon, just after he had bitched ber, and gone into the bouse. KNOX COUNTY. 229 At the October term of Knox Common Pleas, John McFarland was tried for feloniously stealing a five and two one dollar notes on the OavI Creek Bank of Mount Vernon. The jury found him guilty of stealing the five doUar note ; as to the other counts in the indictments, not guUty. The court sentenced him to one year imprisonment in the penitentiary at hard labor, but no part of said term to be kept in solitary cells of the prison. The prisoner was a boy, 14 to 15 years of age, the son of a poor man, who, from want of restraint and of care in his tuition, had been led to crime. PROCEEDINGS OP FALL TERM (OCT. 13th) COMMON PLEAS. " On the petition of sundry inhabitants of Mount Vernon for incorporation of said town, the sheriff made proclamation thereof according to law. Store license was issued to Daniel S. Norton and P. M. Weddle. Tavern license issued to Wm. Ayres, Seth Knowles, Richardson & Vore. S. W. Culberson was allowed $10 for defending Jacob Kyser, a criminal now in court." Patrick Moore had 81 cases at this term upon the docket vs. John Green. Thus many bank cases make their appearance, and add greatly to law bu siness in this county. Among others were the noted Owl Creek ones ; Patrick Moore vs. James Smith, John Hawn, jr., Jonathan Miller et al.; the famous Luke Walpole case shows its head, and the "GranviUe Alexandrian Society" brings suit vs. Enos, Farquhar et al. The first money made by process of law, for military purposes, was in the noted cases of O. Langworthy for use of George Downs vs. Alex. Enos and Samuel Kratzer. In which it was " ordered that in both these cases the 230 HISTORY OF money be paid to Dr. Timothy Burr, the present Paymaster of this Eegiment," &c. The State case vs. Alex. McKee was disposed of by fining him $5 and costs ; vs. Wm. Henry by fine of $3 and costs; John Watt $3 and costs; George Lybarger $10 and costs. Assault and bat tery was coining to be regarded in a more serious Ught. ANOTHER TOWN ON PAPER. A new competitor for pubUc favor springs into notice in September bearing the name of FiiORiDA. It is a town laid out by Samuel Hardenbrok, Geo. Vennemon and Plum SutUff, on the fxj roads from Mansfield to Columbus, and from Mount Vernon to Upper Sandusky — on a handsome eminence sur rounded with springs of elegant water and rich soil, convenient miU seats on the waters of Owl Creek and Whetstone. Of this as of another city it may truthfuUy be said — " lUum fuit.^^ "10 TRIUMPBE"—k NEAV INSTITUTION ESTABLISHED. Joseph Brown starts a distUlery near Mount Vernon, and gives sixty-two and a half cents for every 56 lbs. of good clean rye deUvered at the dis tUlery, or at Capt. Douglas' mUl ; he also gives one gaUon of whisky for every five pecks of good clean rye. Thus in October, 1817, did the second large manufactory of fire water go into operation. THE MARRIAGES REGISTERED. " On January 2d, 1817, by Rev. James Smith, Mr. John Dwyer to the amiable Miss Sally Martin, both of Mt. Vernon. " On January 7th, by the same, Mr. Reasin Yates to the accom plished Miss Nancy Boalse., daughter of Capt. N. C. Boalse, both of this town. KNOX COUNTY. 231 " On Tuesday February 4th, by the same, Mr. Obadiah Taiman to Miss Peggy Severe. "What joys they both receive and both bestow, Virgins may guess but wives, experienced, know." "On same day, by Rev. James Scott, Mr. David Newell, of Richland county, to Miss Juliet Cooper of Knox. " There seems no goose so gray, but soon or late She finds some honest gander for her mate.'' " On Saturday evening, 22d February, by Wm. Douglass, Esq., Mr. Elijah Webster to Miss Elizabeth, disconsolate widow of — Mr. — Ask, alias alias ~ Simpkins. " Married, April 10th, by Wm. Douglass, Esq., Mr. Isaac Hoi- . lister to Miss Hannah Kattle. " A matchless pair — Hers the wild lustre of the rising morn, And his the radiance of the risen day." "Married, on May 15th, 1816, by Rev. James Smith, Mr. Alpheus Chapman to the amiable Miss Amy Ward. "On May 7th, 1817, by Rev. James Scott, Mr. Edward Mar ques to Miss ElizabetJi Newell. " On June 19th, by Rev. James Smith, Mr. Leonard Simwts to Miss Sally Boyles. " On July 17th, by the same, Mr. Isaac Vore, jr., to Miss Polly Martin. " On July 1 0th, by Rev. George Vennemon, Mr. Ensley D. Johnson to Miss Sarah Petton, near Lexington, Richland co. " Love, friendship, honor, truth and pure delight. Harmonious mingle in the nuptial rite." " On July 17th, by Rev. James Smith, Mr. Alexander McKee to Miss Tabitha Waddle. " The following good play is made on occasion of the marriage of James Strong to Miss Sally Strong : " It has been said in former times. Too sacred to be wrong ; The battle is not always won. Or given to the steono. Grant this assertion may be true, As on the sacred page ; Who'll gain the battle, I will ask, Where two that's stboho engacb ?" 232 HISTORY OP CHAPTEE XVm. CONDITION OF THE COUNTRY IN 1818. RdIN nrPENDlNG. — MnCH SCFFEfllNG. — A FEW QUAIKT ADVERTISEMESTS. — Efforts to start a sabbath-schooi, and to sell tousq i-adibsI — hoese-thieves and counterfeiters abound. a jail-bird escapes. — A CRIPPLE RUNS. — Habeas corpus trials. — A grand circular HUNT. The palmy periods of Knox county, prior to 1820, were from 1808 untU 1812, and from 1815 un tU 1818. In the intermediate time there was much depression and suffering caused by the war of 1812 ; and from the beginning of the year 1818, there was another period of deep gloom and distress caused by the scarcity of money, faUure of banks, &c. For several years there was but slight influx of population, but little addition to the wealth of this section. The productions of the country were al most valueless in exchange for money, and it was with difficulty that they could be bartered for goods at the stores. The unfortunate speculation in which many of the most substantial citizens en gaged, under the name of the Owl Creek Bank ; the depreciation of the paper money making up the principal circulation, and the general lack of con fidence throughout the country in aU kinds of business operations, prevented much improvement being made in Knox county. Many of the then ENOX COUNTT. 233 settlers became entirely discouraged and out of heart, pulled up stakes and returned to their old homes eastward, or sought better chances elsewhere in the new country. Almost all whom we have conversed with, say that the most dull and gloomy times they have witnessed since the last war with Great Britain, were between the years 1818 and 1825. During this period we find numberless suits in stituted, and judgments obtained, by " The Gran viUe Alexandrian Society," "The German Bank of Wooster," " The Owl Creek Bank," and other Uke institutions, against the Vores, and Farquhars, and Strongs, and Smiths, and Browns, and Martins, and Hawns, and Winships and others, of the older class of settlers. The mere mention of this fact, in connection with matter developed in our Owl Creek Bank history, will be sutficient upon this subject to convey an idea of the sad condition of affairs at that period. To other matters, then, we wUl revert. And first, as to the other business disposed of by the Court in 1818. The Grand Jury, at the April term, found bills of indictment against fourteen persons. For affrays, the Court fined Wm. Wright ^1, and costs ; Wm. Herrod and Simon Anderson $3 each, and costs. At the July term, six bUls were returned by the Grand Jury ; and for fights, Sylvester Buxton and Daniel Baxter were each fined $3, and costs. Except Michael Harter, no new person makes application to keep tavern, and none to seU goods — the houses of Burr, Green & Co., and Moody and McCarty, being simply altera- 234 HISTORY OF tions in style of firms. And for six years so few changes were made in these or other branches of business, that we desist from further detail of Court proceedings. The legal termination of Clinton's existence is the only court matter left to be recorded on this page. The Court, on the 17th of April, heard the petition of Samuel H. Smith, Ichabod Marshal,^ EUhu S. Webster, Lathrop ShurtUff, John P. Mc Ardle, Benjamin Barney and Eichard Ayres, for vacation of a part of the town of CUnton, and granted the prayer. Shortly after this the Post- Office at Clinton is discontinued, and it rapidly goes, into decUne. Miss Ann Davis is the second mUliner adver tised in Mount Vernon. " She is to be found at the house of James Smith, Esq., on Gay street ; and will alter straw hats of old date to any fashion, and has straw on hand for a few hats." As the people are becoming stUl more fashiona ble, another milliner makes her appearance — and she has the advantage over the others of being "Mantua-maker'''' and "Florist.^'' Mary Lindsey is at the house of Benjamin Martin, corner of Vine and Market streets. March 18th, 1818, witnesses the opening out of the first " Man-tor-mentor," as the natives then pronounced the word in Mount Vernon. Burr, Green & Co., having bought a stock of goods of Mr. N^orton, in January, advertise that they will sell as low as formerly for Owl Creek paper, or approved country produce, but no credit given. KNOX COUNTY. 235 In April, 1818, a two-column address was pub lished in favor of estabUshing a Sabbath School in Mount Vernon — arguing that " it would be much better for young men to instruct the chUdren, in stead of haunting the taverns from morning tUI night ;" and saying that " a respectable company of young ladies in town intend to associate them selves together for the purpose of forming a Sab bath school." James Smith issues an advertisement so charac teristic of himself, and characteristic of the times, that we give it in his own words : " New Goods fob Sale. — James Smith has just received and offers for sale a general assortment of Merchandise. In the house of Mr. Gilman Bryant, he will sell low for cash in hand, or country produce delivered, but no credit given. OWL Creek paper will be received at par ; Granville, Wooster, New Lisbon, and Canton will be received at the present. Clerk's Office removed to this stand, and YOUNG LADIES FOR SALE at seventy -five cents each." About the time the Owl Creek B^,ijk was in its glory, sundry citizens of the northern part of Knox county and of Eichland and Huron concluded to grow suddenly rich in like manner. Accordingly they met at Mansfield in September, 1816, and asso ciated themselves as the Bank of Eichland and Huron. Having consulted upon the subject, in October they put their schemes into articles, and Daniel Ayres, John Garrison, Winn Winship, Wm. Webster, Wm. B. James, WUson Elliott, Matthew Kelly, Alexander McGaffick, Plum Sut Uff, Samuel WiUiams, Wm. W. Ootgreave, Wm. 236 HISTORY OP Dean Mann, Geo. Venneman, Jacob Ozenbangh and Joseph WilUams take stock, and act as Com missioners. They got fairly to work in Owl Creek style, and gave through the paper frequent notices reading thus — "Wilson Elliott, Cashier, notifies stockholders to pay ten per centum on the amount of stock subscribed, being the fourth install ment, within 60 days. Also those who have been accommodated with loans, will be prepared to pay in 25 per cent, on the renewal of their notes." The paper of the " Granville Alexandrian Soci ety" had, about those times, a large circulation among our citizens, and as this institution has sub sequently acquired almost as great notoriety as the Owl, we give a few lines of our history to its origin. A number of the OroAivillians having become desirous of handling money faster than the hard money allowed, associated themselves together in 1806 to make paper money. Among this number were Timothy Eose, Timothy Spelman, Elias GU man, Samuel Thrall, Job Case, Samuel Eose, Sam uel Bancroft, John Duke, Hiram Eose and Jere miah E. Munson. On the third day of January, 1807, an act of incorporation was obtained, and the persons first named were constituted the first Board of Directors ; and for many years this organization manufactured what they called money. The country was filled with other worthless and irresponsible bank paper, and a great deal of that counterfeit, too. " Shinplasters," as now termed, were manufactured wherever type and printing- ink could be got. We have one of the kind made KNOX COUNTY. 237 at the Register office in Mount Vernon, by McAr dle, to fill an order from a stranger named Isaac Foster. They were printed on common letter paper. Two quires of eighty-seven and a half cents and two quires of seventy-five cents were issued. Mr. A. Liggett, TeUer of the Farmers' and Me chanics' Bank of Pittsburgh, wrote to L. S. SiUi man, Cashier of the Owl Creek Bank : "There is nd doubt but the person getting the checks you men tion printed is doing so without the knowledge of Mr. Ross, for the purpose of defrauding the public. If you can, without any trouble, put a slop to it, be good enough to do so." McArdle had printed them the 7th of December, and it was not until January that the Cashier had been heard from. Excitement ran high " on change," and witli those who had taken these change tickets. Those were terrible times on Owl Creek ! Just before this occurrence, the men of com merce had been greatly alarmed by counterfeit sil^ ver dollars being put in circulation in the county, and in preference paper had assumed a prominence in the public estimation. A man named Daniel Wolgamott was arrested, and lodged in the jail of the county, for attempting to pass twelve base and counterfeit dollars, purport ing to be silver. And Eobert Walker was arrested for having attempted to pass one counterfeit doUar. A warrant was also issued for one William Coffran, for being concerned in making and passing coun terfeit dollars, purporting to be silver, founded on an affidavit of the prisoner, Wolgamott. Coffran was a shoemaker by trade, and, notwithstanding 238 HISTORt OP he was quite lame, made his escape. The commu nity believed him guilty. Wolgamott, or Vulgamott, as Sheriff Shaw caUed him, remained in his lodgings (the jail) about a month, when, between dark and dayUght one night, he "left his bed and board;" and the Sheriff offered $45 reward for the capture of a " man six feet high, dark complexion, dark hair, and has a downcast look" — but aU in vain ; the place that had known him shaU know him no more forever ! Horse-thieves abounded more in Knox county at this time than at any other period of its history. Scarcely a day passed without an account of some new depredation. Among the number were two fine mares stolen from the stable of EUjah Adams, in Morris township, for which he offered $40 re ward ; also a reward for the thief, " who no doubt belongs to the gang of thieves who have so long labored in their vocation of taking away horses from their honest owners without leave, and passing coun terfeit money through this State." Two shoemakers by trade, who passed by the names of Eichie and Eyan, aUas Austin and Scott, were of this gang ; and also one John Crawford, who was caught with a horse stolen from Fairfield county, tried, and sentenced to six years imprison ment in the Penitentiary. A horse-thief was fol lowed tiU near Hanary's Block-house; but by leaving the horse, rode down and made good his escape. Another horse-thief, foUowed beyond Eadnor, left a horse dead in the road fi-om hard driving. It was the custom then for men to make common cause, and hunt for each other's horses as KNOX COUNTY. 239 soon as they heard of a theft being committed ; for no one knew then but what it would be his turn to suffer next. Anti-horse-stealing associations were got up, and neighbors sympathized with each other, upon the principle that " a feUow-feeling makes us wondrous kind." HABEAS CORPUS. The first writ of habeas corpus was aUowed " by the Honorable John H. Mefford, Esq.," April 26th, 1819. John Shaw, Sheriff, brought into the Court house the body of Amos Yarnall, with the mitti mus, showing the cause of his caption and deten tion. Saml. Mott, Esq., appeared as his attorney, and on his motion, after the attorney for the State had duly considered the matters in law arising, the Court let him to baU in the sum of $50. James Smith his security. The second case, that of Wm. Knight, who, on the Sth of July, 1819, was brought to the Court house, and by Judge Mefford admitted to bail in the sum of $50 ; Alexander ElUott becoming his bondsman. The third case occurred April 3d, 1820, when Judge Joseph Brown set at large Abel Fowler, upon Artemas Estabrook and Alfred Manning be coming his security for his appearance at the May term of Knox Common Pleas, in the sum of $50. In this year an interesting case was presented in aUowance of a writ, on the 20th of ^November, by Judge Brown, requiring John Bird and Judah Bird to bring into Court the body of an Indian chUd, daughter of Eachel Oonkapote, deceased, by 240 HISTORY OP her husband, Elisha Oonkapote, both Indians of the Stockbridge tribe. Judges Young and Chap man also appeared, and the whole Court lent itself to an impartial examination of the case, which re sulted in their leaving the little Indian in the hands of the Birds, John and Judah. This little Indian was daughter of the squaw kiUed, as re lated in chapter xxi. This was perhaps the most interesting case heard upon writ of this character, until the great miUtary oase of Col. Warden, which was tried upon writ issued in name of the State vs. Wm. E. Davidson. " By Judge James Elliot, September 21th, 1837. " W. E. Davidson, Provost Marshal of the 2d Brigade, 3d Divi sion, Ohio Militia (late 4th Brigade, 7th Division, 0. M.), in pur suance of an order by Brigadier-General Wm. Bevans (commander of said Brigade), and upon action of a Court Martial, now in ses sion in Mt. Vernon, convened by order of said Gen. Wm. Bevans, on Monday, Sept. 25th, 1837. Col. H. W. Strong, President of Board. Discharged by said James Elliott, Judge, &c." Another case, of much interest, at a stiU later period, was about the two dwarfs — of Porter's wife — held, it was claimed, illegally by Warner. Upon hearing, however, the Court did not think so, and they remained in custody of the showman, at last accounts. ' The writ of habeas corpus became a favorite re sort in liquor cases, where parties were, as they thought, unjustly persecuted and cast into prison, by fines imposed upon temperance principles. Dur ing the administration of his Honor Judge Bevans, more writs of habeas corpus were granted than in KNOX COUNTY. 241 aU the rest of our history put together. To such an extent was it carried, that he acquired the sobri quet of Old Habeas Corpus. The venerable Judge always leaned towards the side of suffering human ity. If he erred in judgment, it was because no work upon the subject had been pubUshed at that date. Our townsman. Judge Hurd's work on Ha beas Corpus, did not get into print untU the year 1858. SPORTS AND CIRCULAR HUNTS. From the earliest period in our history, hunt ing, horse-racing, and athletic sports, were freely indulged in by our people. Many, very many of these festive occasions have been lost sight of or entirely forgotten by the great majority of those now Uving, who in these later days have become whoUy absorbed in money-making pursuits, and have ceased to think that man was made to rejoice as well as to mourn. Our Owl Creek settlers, the old pioneers, bless their memories, believed that there is a time for all things, and that sports of the turf, circular hunts, etc., were not interdicted. In truth, we are constrained to say that very many of the old set beUeved in such sports all the time. A grand circular hunt came off in 1818, wherein the natives of Knox and Coshocton vied with each other for the mastery. At an early hour of the day appointed for the froUc, the people commenced gathering in on the lower part of Owl Creek ; and when the companies were formed under their cap tains, more than 1500 people were present. The drive was from our county towards the town of 16 242 HISTORY pp Coshocton, and when finally the ring was drawn in, from 300 to 500 deer and many wolves were bagged. It was a glorious day that — remembered with pride by all who participated in it. Our old friend Joe Hull, of Monroe, was one of the cap tains, and it can well be imagined that he enjoyed it hugely. KNOX COUNTY. 243 CHAPTEE XIX. HISTORY OF THE PRESS IN KNOX COUNTY. The Ohio Rboistbr. — The Aurora — Standard — ^Advertiser — Watch man — Gazette — Day-Book — Banner — True Whig — Times. — The vari ous DAILY and weekly PAPERS, RELIGIOUS AND POLITICAL PUBLICATIONS, AND SOME ACCOUNT OF THE EDITORS AND TUEIK ADVENTURES. In July, 1S13, a press was put up in Clinton, and the first newspaper ever issued in Knox county then made its appearance, styled The Ohio Register, printed and published every Tuesday by Smith and McArdle. Samuel H. Smith was the proprietor of the town of Clinton, and he induced John P. Mc Ardle, who was a good practical printer, to engage with him in the publication of a newspaper, and in the printing business generally, at that place. Mc Ardle emigrated from Ireland, March 17th, 1801, and came to this county in 1809. He is now living, in his 78th year, at Fremont, in this State. Smith, as elsewhere stated, is alive, and surveying in Texas. The waning fortunes of Clinton, and the rising greatness of Mount Vernon, caused the office, after two years of tribulation, to be transferred to the latter place, and accordingly, on the 24th of April, 1816, the first paper ever issued in Mount Vernon made its appearance, bearing the name of " The Ohio Register,''' and having the laudable motto — 244 HISTORY OP "Aware that what is base no polish can make sterling." It was the prolongation of The Ohio Register, pubUshed for two years at CUnton by Sam'l H. Smith and John P. McArdle. From the Editor's " Address to his Patrons," we extract the following : " On moving the office and establishment of The Ohio Register to this place, it will be expected the editor (according to custom) will say something to his patrons. " The editor, well aware of the difficulties attending the task he has undertaken, to instruct, enlighten and please the public, must not only produce that which is excellent in its kind, but he must continually vary the matter and manner of his lucubrations ; he must, to a certain degree, be all things to all men. The serious, the gay, the learned and the unlearned, not only expect that their tastes will be studied and their inclination gratified, but the same individual becomes dissatisfied with a long course of the same species of entertainment ; he hopes to be delighted and surprised; he must find productions which are meant to be instructive, and novelty in those which are designed for amusement. How the editor will execute the duties of his employment, time will dis cover ; he is not disposed to boast of his education, to make a parade of his abilities, or to seduce the public with a multiplicity of specious promises. It is too common for editors of newspapers to undertake more than they are able to perform. " The editor is determined not to subject himself to accusations of the nature above-mentioned ; and although he feels a consider able degree of diffidence, he would have it fully understood that he expects and desires to be judged by his work. One thing how ever he confidently promises, the most assiduous and persevering industry will be exerted to render his paper worthy of the patron age which he hopes he will meet with. " FinaUy, the Ohio Register shall not be a receptacle for party politics, or personal abuse. On those principles the publication of the Register is commenced in this town, and the editor hopes that he will receive that share of patronage which will enable Lim to continue it. KNOX COUNTY. 245 " Terms : The Ohio Register will be published every Wednes day, and will be distributed to subscribers in Mount Vernon and Clinton, and forwarded to those at a distance by the first opportu nity, at $2.00 per annum if paid in advance, or $2.50 if paid within the first six months, or $3.00 if paid within the second six months. " Those who receive their papers by post, are to pay the post age. No subscription received for less than one year, and no paper discontinued until all arrearages are paid. A failure to give notice of discontinuance of a subscription, at or previous to the end of the time subscribed for, will always be considered as a new en gagement." The following good rule in regard to advertise ments was set forth : " The COST must accompany all advertisements, otherwise they will be continued at the expense of the advertiser until paid for." In those early times there were many who courted the muses, and among their effusions we find a lengthy piece which appeared May 1st, 1816, and we have heard it ascribed to John H. Mefford. We extract a few verses descriptive of "Mount Ver non walk" and " Owl Creek's fe:.tile banks," grati fied, that as Shakspeare has it — "The poet's eye in a fine frenzy rolling," prophetically told in that early day, how "For lovely nymph and gentle swain. Its gentle stream shall long remain A pleasing prospect for the view I" And though fools wisdom's lovely ways For want of sense, hate all their days, May all Mount Vernon walk erect In all the paths she may direct. Then shall not war's furious guns Bereave parents of faithful sons ; The cries of children we'll not hear Whose fathers left them arms to bear ; 246 HISTORY OF Nor shall a true and loving wife Mourn for losing a husband's life. Who fell a victim to war's rage Before he passed the middle age. A fair damsel shall not complain For a true sweetheart in war slain; Nor citizens for faithful friends weep Who gave life their country to keep ; But fields shall bear, and we be blest With crops the choicest and the best; And gentle cows shall come at will Our pails with richest milk to fill. Our barns shall be filled wilh plenty. And Springs emit water gently. Which shall in small clear currents flow, To refresh man, or panting roe. Abundance shall our tables spread. And servants never long for bread; But look up satisfy'd, and say, " Lawful commands we will obey." Then long shall Owl Creek's fertile banks Be a peaceful walk for all ranks, Where the sycamore tall does grow, And where the elm its shade doth show. For lovely nymph and gen'rous swain, Its gentle stream shall long remain A pleasing prospect for the view. Where songs of birds are ever new. On the 15th of October, 1817, the first six months of the second volume of the Ohio Register having been completed, the editor calls upon subscribers to pay up old scores — " For without this one thing necessary, it is impossible to ex pect that we can live ; money would be preferable, but if that is scarce with you, rags, wheat, rye, corn, and almost all kinds of market produce will be taken in payment." KNOX COUNTY. " 247 On the 5th of ISTovember he proposes to "take for subscription, advertisements, hand-bills or book binding, wheat, rye, corn, buckwheat, &c., deliv ered at Davis' miU in this town, in preference to some unchartered paper." (A sly dig this at the Owl Creek Bank, Mr. McArdle.) On the 8th of April, 1818, he says — " Peaceably if we can, forcibly if we must." Hard Times ! ! So they are, but that is not my fault. — The next number of the Ohio Register wil complete the 2d volume that has been printed in Mount Vernon. From many of our subscribers we have received nothing but promises for services rendered. But these will not always answer the purpose. Like the notes of some of onr banks, they soon depreciate when thrown into market, unless it is known they are bottomed upon a specie capital ; and like them " they will not pay debts abroad." But to be brief, " we want money and must have it." Remember the trite old saying, " tlie laborer is worthy of his hire." As soon as this volume is out we intend altering the paper into a different form. As we expect on a large quantity of paper in the course of two or three weeks, (for which we most pay the cash) we hope those in arrears will call immedi ately and settle their respective accounts." On the 15th of AprU, A. D., 1818, Vol. 2, l^o. 52, was issued. Those who were in arrears and so often and politely requested to call and settle did not do so ; the large quantity of paper could not be paid for in cash, and John P. McArdle goes down under the debt of unrequited kindness — unrecom- pensed services . And the people of Mount Vernon, for a time, were without a newspaper because there were not enough among them having the high sense of honor to " pay the printer !" From this period until 1844, there was no paper published uninterruptedly as long as the Ohio Re- 248* HISTORY OF gister. Various neW papers were started, and the editors became dissatisfied, the publishers discour aged, and, after a little experimenting with jour nalism, went to some more profitable business, engaged in some new enterprise, or left the country. And we regret to say that the people seemed to have no proper appreciation of their journals, for there is not in existence a complete file of any of the old papers, and in fact scarcely a number of either to be found. During this time the ablest men who were con nected with the press, and the most violent in op position to each other, were Charles Colerick and William Bevans. They were arrayed against each other as candidates for office, and each for several terms held the position of Sheriff of the county. Both were from Western Pennsylvania — Bevans from Fayette, and Colerick from Washington coun ty — and well skiUed in the political wire-working and manoeuvering for which the poUticians of that county have ever been famous. In the division of parties, the former was for Adams and the latter for Jackson. The great bone of contention, how ever, was the county printing, and that might with much truth be said to have been the only princi|)le at issue between them. About 1822, Charles Colerick with his brother^ John and Henry, made their appearance in this county, while Bevans was Sheriff, and they set about establishing a small printing-office. In 1824 Edson Harkness, a printer, surveyor and school teacher, emigrated from " Down East" to Mount Vernon ; and in 1825 he started a very smaU news- KNOX COUNTY. 249 paper, which he styled The Western Aurora, and, after pubUshing it two years, he sold out, in 1827, to James Harvey Patterson, from Fayette county. Pa., and WiUiam Smith, from Washington county. Pa., who, under the firm of Patterson & Co., con tinued its publication until 1829, when they trans ferred the establishment to WiUiam Bevans, who carried it on until 1831, when he disposed of it to Wm. P. Reznor, who had learnt his trade in the office and lived with Bevans. In 1832, C. P. Bron son became associated with him, and for a time the paper was published by Bronson & Eeznor, until, in October, 1833, Dan Stone buys out the office and carries the paper on a few months alone ; and then Dr. Morgan L. Bliss is associated with him, and it continues, under the style of Stone «fc BUss, until ]S"ovember 29th, 1834, on account of severe and protracted illness, the latter withdraws, and Dr. Lewis Dyer, in a salutatory of two mortal col umns, enters the list as editor, as a permanent business ; but in January, 1835, he disappears, and Dr. John Thomas succeeds him, who, being like his immediate predecessor, of a philosophical turn of mind and incUned to treat upon physiology, hygiene, temperance and the laws of health, found the age unsuited for moral reform, and, seized by one of his fits of "azure devUs," suddenly abdicated the tripod, leaving Dan Stone alone in his glory, who continued "solitary and alone" until May 16th, when he too published his valedictory, and the paper fell into anonymous hands ; and it had thenceforth a very short and precarious existence, and has passed from memory forever. 250 HISTORY OF The first name of the paper published by this press was the Western Aurora — the last name was the Mount Vernon Gazette. This office was first set in operation at a small frame house where Dr. Thompson's residence noAV stands, on lot No. 113, Main street ; subsequently it was on the lot where General Jones now resides, on the west side of the Public Square, Mount Vernon, and from thence was moved into the second story of the Market- House, where Mefford's saddler shop now is. Among the hands who worked in it were John Bor land, now of Hocking county, Patterson, Beznor, and Wm. Crosby. Elliott C. Vore was the carrier- boy in 1825-6, and Lewis Lindsay in 1827-8. About these times the rhymester of this office was Dan Jewett, a brother of Cynthia, wife of Ira Babcock. He wrote the Carrier's Address of the year 1828, and, as the first verse is worthy of con sideration in these times of disunion, we give it for consideration : '• Ye lovers of Freedom, I pray you attend, And listen awhile to the post-boy, your friend ; Lay aside all disunion, United let's stand, The fi lends and supporters of our happy land." One of the political songs of that time will occur to the mind of our old settlers by the first line : "Jackson fought Duff Green like ." Another will be remembered by suggesting the chorus : "0, Johnny Q.. my Jo John, since last I wrote to you, 1 have been disappointed, John, and that I s'pose you know." KNOX COUNTY. 251 In 1838 a new office was established here, and a paper caUed the Western Watchman published by Samuel M. Browning, and for a few months John Teesdale was connected with this paper as editor, and had bargained for the establishment; but being a philanthropic Englishman, happening to insert an abolition article, he found it advisable to leave and never compUed Avith his engagement as to paying for it. In 1839, October, the paper was published by S. Dewey & Co. but for a very short time. And a new candidate for public favor called the Family Cabinet was published for a few weeks, and then compelled to give up the ghost " under the pressure of existing circumstances." And thus we have traced the one side up to 1840, now let us retrace our steps and bring down the other. The Colericks, as heretofore stated, had come from Washington, Pa., where their father had a printing office at a very early day, and they had been brought up to the business. I^o copies of their papers are extant. They were intelligent and energetic men and labored under great disadvan tages for many years, as did other newspaper men in this county. In 1827 their paper was called TJie Democrat and Knox Advertiser. The early carriers for their paper were Ignatius Colerick, their nephew, and Henry Estabrook. In March, 1831, Samuel Rohrer purchased the office and published the paper. In October, 1832, F. S. & P. B. Ankeny became proprietors, and enlarged its size and name — Mount Vernon Democrat and Knox Advertiser. 252 HISTORY OF The name was changed the next year to Looking Glass and Whig Reflector, and in the campaign of 1834, between Cols. Peres Sprague and James Mc Farland, it was very bitter against the former, who ran on the Independent ticket, as may be judged from the following chorus, which we extract from a song of the times as showing the acerbity of the contest : "Yankee Doodle, Spragne's the boy, Yankee Doodle dandy ; He plays a good hand at cards And loves a good glass of brandy." The people did not regard these vices as disquaU- fying Sprague for office, for he received, for Repre sentative, 1,518 votes to 1,289 for his opponent ! This printing office was also migratory in its dis position, having been during its existence on Mul berry street, on the lot where H. W. Ball now lives, on the old Jeffres lot where Barnes' marble factory is, and in the second story of the frame where Eobert Irvine's shoe store now is, on Main street. In June, 1835, Charles Colerick estabUshed The Day Book, which was conducted by him with much energy and spirit until he volunteered as a soldier and went to Texas, when the office was bought by Delano and Browning, and the paper continued by William Byers until in the winter of 1837-8 it was transferred to S. M. Browning. When the campaign of 1840 opened, the Whigs having become dissatisfied with the abolition arti cle of John Teesdale and caused him to give up the pubUcation of that paper, found it necessary to pass KNOX COUNTY. 253 resolutions in their county convention inviting Whig editors to view this location, and appointed a committee, of which Johnston EUiott was chair man, to advertise in the leading Whig journals in the State for some one to come on and publish a paper. Under this call James Emmet Wilson, a son of Judge James Wilson, of SteubenviUe, came and started the Knox County Republican, and in about six months associated with himself as pub Usher Milo Butler, his brother-in-law. He was a poor stick ; and this paper which started under the most favorable auspices in the triumphant cam paign of 1840, in the fall of 1841 was discontinued by reason of the inertness and inabUity of the said Wilson and Butler to give the patrons a "live Whig paper," and because they were too much of the TeesdaUan order. A hiatus ensued — Wilson and Butler went to preaching. And in 1842 Wm. H. Cochran, who was teaching school in Newark, came up and chartered the office and issued The Times; and from that office has been continued a paper, under different names and editors and pro prietors, until the present day — the Mount Vernon Republican brings up the list. This paper has been known to its readers as The Times — The Republican Times — The Ohio State Times, etc., as conducted by Cochran and Silmon Clark; G. E. Winters, J. H. Knox, O. B. Chap man, Witherow, J. W. Shuckers, the RepubUcan joint stock company, and H. M. Ramsey. At present it is under the editorial management of W. C. Cooper, Esq. Other names may have been omitted who, for short periods, edited the paper. 254 HISTORY OF After the Day Book office had been bought up and merged in The Western Watchman, an effort was made to establish another paper; and The Democratic Banner was started in April, 1838, by Chauncey Basset and Robb. During the summer it was edited by C. J. McNulty ; but upon its sale to Edmund J. Ellis, it was continued with out an editor in 1839, and, until it was sold to John Kershaw, in 1841, it was issued without an edito rial, except as some partisan, able to write, would furnish it an article gratis. Kershaw edited and published it until, in June, 1844, he sold it back to E. J. ElUs, and then it was edited by G. W- Morgan, until, in 1845, it was sold to D. A. Rob ertson, who after a short time resold it to ElUs, who continued its publication untU its sale, in No vember, 1847, to WiUiam Dunbar, who had asso ciated with him in its pubUcation for some six months George W. Armstrong; and for the re mainder of his time edited and published it him self, until, in December, 1853, he sold it to Leckey Harper, then of the Pittsburg Post, who has since edited and pubUshed it. During Mr. Dunbar's management, a daily Democratic Banner was pub Ushed in the winter of 1852 for thirty days. Upon the nomination of General Taylor for Pres ident, in 1848, the editor of the Times refused to support the Taylor and FiUmore ticket, because Zachary Taylor lived South and owned slaves ; whereupon another printing-office was brought to Mount Vernon that should advocate Union prin ciples, and, to distinguish it from the bogus article, it was styled Tlie Mount Vernon True Whig, and KNOX COUNTY. 255 was published for seven years — edited during the campaign of 1848 by Joseph S. Davis, Esq. ; in 1849 by John W. White, and the remainder of its existence by A. Banning Norton. With the ex ception of a brief period, when it was pubUshed by Higgins and White, the foreman of the office was that excellent printer, George Smith, now in the Keokuk (Iowa) Daily Gate City. For three years Norton's Daily True Whig was pubUshed with the motto of Davy Crocket — " Be sure you're right, then go ahead;" and having become satisfied in that time that this place would not sustain a daily, unless out of the pocket of the pubUsher, and hence that it was not "right" to continue it, in March, 1855, its diurnal appearance ceased. The motto of the True Whig was taken from Washington's Farewell Address, and would in these times be somewhat original: — "Frown in dignantly upon the first dawning of every attempt to alienate any portion of our country from the rest, or to enfeeble the sacred ties which now link together its various parts." It was adopted as ex pressive of the determination to stand by the Con stitution and the Union, and to oppose aboUtionism and sectionaUsm of every form and description. Several short lived newspapers have made their appearance in the county within the past eight years, which, by being named, may be kept fresh in the memories of some of the people. They were the Rainbow, which was of the nature of the "Nash- viUe, BowUng Green, Louisville Courier" of these war times — ^migratory in disposition, and altogether 256 HISTORY OF fleeting. It was opened out at Mount Vernon by Rev. A. Laubach, sojourned a while at Frederick- town where the Reverend editor was sold by a vile acrostic; then tarried a brief space at BelviUe, and the last heard of was among the Senecas, at the city of Tiffin ! The Lilly, which advocated short frocks and emigrated to the far west with AmeUa Bloomer — the Universalist Advocate at Centerburg, which Daniel Wolfe found must proclaim glad tidings to all people without price, or not at aU, and The Western Home Visitor, which was too large for Mount Vernon and could not find a home at Columbus. After these came The National, when its publishers, Agnew & Raguet, found it without a nationality, and after three months search in the exciting times of 1858 it gave up the ghost ! The Knox County Express was started by Agnew & TUton, in December, 1860, and is now pubUshed by C. M. Phelps & Co., and edited by Judge J. S. Davis. The Banner, Republican and Express are the papers published in Mount Vernon in July, 1862, and The Western Episcopalian at Gambier, in this county. The Episcopalian is devoted to the inter ests of the Church, and of Kenyon College more particularly. It was first started as The Gambier Observer, upon the Acland Press, at Gambier, in 1827, and has been continued from that time to the present under different editorial and financial man agers. George W. Meyers was for many years its publisher, and its present pubUsher is R. M. Ed monds. It has been ably edited by Dr. Sparrow, Dr. Wing, Dr. Muenscher, Dr. Colton, the Rev. KNOX COUNTY. 257 Norman Badger, and George Denison, and has been favored with many very able articles from the pens of professors of the college and other friends. The first book printed in Knox county was "The American Revolution," written in scriptural, or an cient historical style — "Honi soi qui mal y' pense." " CUnton, Ohio. Printed by Smith & McArdle at the office of The Ohio Register. Year of our Lord, 18 L5." 170 pp. And the second was " The Co- lumbiad, a poem on the American War, in 13 can- toes, by Richard Snowden." pp.38. The next was •' James Smith's Vindication." There was also pubUshed at The Ohio Register office " A caveat against the Methodists, by a Gen tleman of the Church of Rome." I have not sent these Prophets, yet they ran ; I have not spoken to them, yet they prophesied. — Jeremiah, chap. 23, verse 21. C. & J. Colerick published a directory of Knox county, compiled from the tax Ust, and showing the value of every man in the county as listed for taxa tion. In 1835, the Laws and Ordinances of Mount Ver non were printed by the Day Book office and bound. And in 1852 the Charter and Ordinances of Mount Vernon were printed at the True Whig office and bound, making a work of 50 pages. "An Essay on Justification by Faith, with par ticular reference to the Theory of Forensic Justifi cation, by Joseph Muenscher, A.M., Rector of St. Paul's Church, Mount Vernon, 1847." pp. 63. In 1858, John W. White published George Sey- 17 258 HISTORY OF mour, or Disappointed Revenge — a drama in 3 acts. 88 pp. And the Book of Chronicles, humorously iUustrated, being a history of the dissensions among the harmonious democracy of Knox upon the Kan sas question, written by Telegraphic Inspiration ! pp. 32. From the Acland Press a number of pamphlets and small works have been issued pertaining to Church and College affairs. Among others, Tissue's Greek Forms, a very valuable book, by one of the Professors. The Rev. Dr. Muenscher has now in press " A Commentary on the book of Proverbs," which wiU make about 400 pp. duodecimo ; and " A GDreatise on Biblical Interpretation," 350 pp. duodecimo. We have seen a portion of the proof sheets of each — they are neatly executed, and from the acknowl edged ability and learning of the author will be of much value. Our young friend Charles H. Scribner, Esq., has prepared for the press an excellent Treatise on Dower — which will be a Law book of much size, and of very great value to the legal profession and the public generally. The pioneers of the press in this county, who, a half century ago, spread the first information before the people in the columns of a paper, are both living, having passed the " three score years and teii allotted to man" — McArdle being almost a score over the time, and Smith over a century old. They are still hale and hearty, while the younger brothers of the press have not become "fat and forty;" and those who immediately succeeded them, KNOX COUNTY. 259 have almost all passed to "that bourne from whence no traveler returns." Of the editors — Col. Charles Colerick, after having served a tour in the Texan revolution, and assisted in achieving, though he did not live to behold the recognition of her inde pendence, is dead. Gen. WiUiam Bevans, after having served his fellow-citizens creditably in many official positions, has departed. Dan Stone, a quiet, unassuming man of much goodness of heart, died in this town, where his widow and two sons sur vive. Dr. M. L. BUss died shortly after he left the paper. James Harvey Patterson moved to West Union, Adams county, and, after the death of his wife, went South. John Thomas was a very sin gular genius, well read, particularly in anatomy, geology, conchology, and herpetology et als. ologies, but was so much subject to the blues, or what he called "azure devils," as not to enjoy life; he would not drink out of a cup or saucer that had a flaw or crack in it, nor eat with a knife that he did not see scoured bright — consequently he worried himself out of the world before his time. W. H. Cochran and H. M. Ramsey died with the editorial harness on — the latter this spring — both much lamented by a large circle of friends, and their widows reside in Mount Vernon. S. M. Browning died at Burj lington, Lawrence county, about 1852. Dr. Dyer resides in Iowa, Reznor in Illinois ; Harkness also is in Hlinois, where he is noted for his large nur series of exceUent fruit trees ; Kershaw is an at torney in PhUadelphia, Pa. ; Morgan is a Brigadier General, with the army in Tennessee ; Bronson is in Boston, Mass., making blood-food for curing 260 HISTORY OF consumptives ; Robertson, after having served as U. S. Marshal for Minnesota, settled down there in the practice of the law ; McNulty, the only ed itor of the county sued for libel, from whom Elder Power recovered a large verdict, after having vol unteered as a soldier in the Mexican war, died and was buried at Helena, Ark., by his brave comrades. Ellis had better have been dead than to have be come a traitor to his country, and been driven beyond the lines. He was publishing the Boone County Standard, at Columbia, Mo., when he sinned against light and knowledge. Three of the old set — Smith of the Clinton Register, Smith of the Weste^'n Aurora, and Norton of the True Whig — a few years ago found themselves residing in the same district in Texas. Two of them yet remain there, while the third is writing these lines, having, from love for the Constitution and the Union, found it necessary to seek once again the shores of Owl Creek. Such are life's changes. KNOX COUNTY. 261 CHAPTER XX. EVENTS FROM 1820 TO 1830. White male inhabitants and voters at vakious elections within THIS time. — Some account of the finances and revenue. — The last OP THE INDIAN. A WARNING. ThE OLD COURT-HOUSE FALLS, AND A NEW ONE IS PROJECTED. OtHEK OCCURRENCES. The white male inhabitants of Knox county above the age of 21 in 1820, were 1290, located as foUows : HiUier 21, Bloomfield 69, Morgan 152, MUler 72, Jackson 178, Chester 122, Wayne 168, Morris 157, Union 144, and CUnton 207. The county gave its vote for Ethan AUen Brown for Governor ; John Sloane for Congress ; Wm. Gass for Senator ; R. D. Simons for Eepresenta tive ; Wm. Bevans for Sheriff; Abner Ayres for Commissioner, and E. G. Lee for Coroner. Anaong the orders issued by the county, June 6th, 1820, were— No. 3928. Paying Moody &, M'Oarty for articles furnished Overseers of the Poor for the squaw that was shot $2.84 4 " 3929. Hosmer Curtis and Mott for expenses in curred for the sick squaw 1.00 " 3930. Jacob Martin, making coffin for squaw.. 6.00 This, in the Indian line, is among the last known in the county. This squaw was of the Stockbridge tribe, and one of a smaU party who, in traveling 262 HISTORY OF out of Licking county, was espied and shot by Hughes, when near Homer, and in Morgan town ship. Without provocation or just cause, but sim ply to gratify his private hatred of the Indian race, she was shot through the hip. Her comrades brought her on to Mount Vernon, where her suf ferings became too great to admit of her being taken further. She was put in the old log gun smith «hop of John Earnhart, on High street, but the quarters being uncomfortable on account of cold November weather, she was moved to an old log house on the north-west corner of Mulberry and Vine streets, and there died. True to the Indian stoicism she never groaned or complained, although her sufferings were intense. Five or six of her tribe staid through her sickness, and then buried her in the north-east corner of the old graveyard. For several years afterwards her husband would return at the time of year when she died to view her gi-ave and see that the body remained undis turbed. From this same old log house, in October, 1826, a gun was fired which caused the death of Ben. Roberts. George Low then lived in the house, and Jim Low was staying with him, when on Hallow Eve night, several of the town boys were out throwing cabbages against the doors, as has from time immemorial been the custom, and as they threw against Low's door, Jim took down his rifle and fired between the logs, the ball lodging in Ben's leg. He was carried home, and, after laying for some time, it became necessary to amputate the leg, which was done one Sunday, and the next KNOX COUNTY. 263 afternoon at 4 o'clock he died. Low was tried, and Sam Mott defended him, and he was acquitted. This shooting affair caused very great excitement, and ever since* on the annual return of HaUow Eve, the old settlers rehearse this story to their children and grandchildren, as a warning against foUowing this ridiculous custom of throwing cab bage heads to the annoyance of quiet people. In 1822, the county gave majorities for Daniel S. Norton for Congress ; H. Curtis for Representa tive ; Wm. Bevans for Sheriff; John Kerr for Commissioner; W. Y. Farquhar for Auditor; James McGibeny for Coroner. In 1824, majorities were given for Jeremiah Morrow for Governor ; Wilson for Congress ; Col erick for Sheriff ; Stilley for Commissioner ; Rig don for Representative ; Runyan for Coroner, and Farquhar for Auditor. In October, 1825, the jail built by Solomon Gel ler is found according to contract, except " he is yet to put in a stove, and the door above going into the debtors' apartment." In 1826, the whole number of votes cast was 1828, and the county gave majorities for Trimble for Governor ; Norton for Congress ; Robeson for Representative ; Colerick for Sheriff ; Runyan for Coroner ; Elliott for Auditor ; Leonard for Com missioner. At the June session, 1826, of the Commissioners, upon petition of Francis Wilkins and others, a road was ordered to be opened up Dry Creek, be ginning on the farm of Daniel S. Norton, to inter sect the old road on the corner of Frederick Carey's 264 HISTORY OF orchard. Jonathan MiUer, R. D. Simons and James McGibeny were appointed viewers, and J. W- Warden, surveyor. On the 30th of September, the county jail is re ceived in fuU satisfaction by the Commissioners. Wm. Bevans was aUowed |5 for crying sale of the jaU. VALUATION OF KNOX COUNTT IN 1826. Land, 301,695 acres, valued at $716,070 Town property 81,362 Mercantile capital 60,000 Houses 26,340 Horses, 2467 98,680 Cattle, 4483 35,804 Total. $1,018,376 At this time Mount Vernon is stated as contain ing 80 dwelling-houses, one printing office, a brick court-house and jail, a merchant mill, a saw mill, a cotton factory, and within six miles, 9 grist and saw mills and three carding machines. In 1827, Patterson and Smith, of The Western Aurora, published the DeUnquent List for the or dinary price, and refunded one-fourth of the whole amount for county use. In 1827, March 29, W. Y. Farquhar was " ap pointed keeper of the Knox county standard and half bushel measure, and authorized to get a half bushel of copper !" Martin Tracy then gave bond as county Auditor, with John Troutman, Solomon and Paul Welker as securities. KNOX COUNTY. 265 At the June Term it was ordered that the Aud itor cause two blank books for county orders to be procured, and that C. & J. Colerick print the same, and that the Auditor furnish six quires of paper for that purpose. At the December Term, H. B. Curtis' account for office rent and wood is aUowed— office rent, 7 months, |84 ; and wood 3 winters for Recorder's office, |15. "OLD THINGS SHALL BE DONE AWAY WITH AND ALL BECOME NEW." October 18th, 1828, James McGibeny contracted with the commissioners to build a stone wall to support the Court-house bank, standing ten feet north and south of the Court-house. But all efforts to save it were unavailing : it had been written, " Carthago detenda est ;" and on the 2d of December an order issued to B. S. Brown for $40, in consequence of the loss of his office by the faU of the Court-house. The Court-house was no sooner down than the commissioners ordered proposals to be published in the Standard and Advertiser, for the purpose of making donations for the building of a new Court house, and for a plan of building, &c. On the 20th of January, 1829, they agreed with Thomas Irvine for his brick house for a court-house, at $25 per term, in orders on the county treasury. In April, James Smith is notified by Marvin Tracy that the commissioners have obtained Tliomas Ir vine's bar-room for an office. The levy for taxes in Knox county, June, 1829, was IJ mills on the 266 HISTORY OF dollar, on the whole valuation of property in said county, for State purposes, and 1^ for canal pur poses, making 3 mills ui)on the doUar for State and canal purposes ; and the commissioners, by and with the consent of the Judges of the Court of Common Pleas, levied a tax of 3 mills on the dol lar for county purposes, 1 mill for road purposes, and f of a mill for school purposes ; one of the three mills shall be assessed and collected and ap- j)ropriated for the building of the Court-house, and for no other purpose whatever. At the June session, the following entry is made : " The account of James Smith, presented to the Board of Commissioners, for one year, from June 1st, 1828, to June 1st, 1829, including the rent un paid at last settlement, books and stationery for clerk's office, all of which was rejected by the Board. The charges for one year's fire- wood, whicli was $12. From which decision the said Smith prays an appeal to the Court of Common Pleas as to the fire-wood." That record is clear, is it nof? The resolutions of the commissioners, published in the Standard and Advertiser, in reference to the building of a Court-house, represent that "they wiU meet on the 15th of July, for the purpose of receiving donations, &c. ; giving the public square $1,000 ; preference for location, &c. ; otherwise at any point in the town plat where $1,000 is sub scribed," &c. On the 15th of July, the commission ers met, and adjourned till the 21th of August, to receive donations, &c., for new Court-house. On the 11th of September public notice is given iu the Western Aurora and in the Advertiser and KNOX COUNTY. 267 Standard, of sale of contract to build a Court house, to the lowest bidder, on the 5th of October next, &c. Peris Sprague is authorized to get E. G. CarUn, or some other person, to make and draft a plat for the same. This plan, as agreed upon, ap pears on the journal, specifying that the buUding is to be erected on the west side of Main street and north side of High street, and that $1,000 is to be paid to the contractor on the 10th of January, 1830, and $1,000 annually thereafter, and all orders to be expressly understood to be paid when due and presented. Edward G. Carlin is paid county order for $10, for making plat of new Court-house, and describing timbers, dimensions, &c. Richard House, for assisting Carlin in describing the plan, is paid $1 50. October 5tli. The building of the Court-house is sold to John Shaw for $5,485, who enters into bond with Byram Leonard, Philo Norton, Charles Sager, Solomon Geller, Thomas Irvine and H. B. Carter, in the sum of $10,970. Such is the record of the second Court-house built in Mount Vernon, which stood on the public square until 1853. It was built of brick, two stories high, with a cupola, and a very imposing building in its time. It an swered weU its part for many years — may we not say for that generation, as almost all then upon the stage of action have passed " hence without day." The Supreme Court, District and Associate Judges, the Commissioners, Sheriff, Auditor, Assessor, Treasurer, Surveyor, and Coroner, the Contractor and his sureties — are all, all dead. Melancholy 268 HISTORY OF is the reflection that few of the men, who flourished here only thirty-two years ago, now survive. In 1828, majorities were given for Campbell for Governor ; Stanbery for Congress ; Shaw for Sher iff ; Colerick for Representative ; Tracy for Audi tor ; Sprague and Beers for Commissioners, and Neal for Coroner. In 1829 the population of the county is stated at 8,326. There were then eight post-offices, viz. : DanviUe, DarUng's, Martinsburg, Mount Vernon, Miles M Roads and Sandusky M Roads in Chester township, Fredericktown and Houck's. The state of the County Treasury may be judged of from the following entry, June 7th, 1830 : "Or dered that the Auditor issue an order on the Treas urer in favor of Daniel Converse & Co., for the amount of principal and interest due on a certain county order, payable to Solomon GeUer, for the sum of $275, dated February 10, 1824, endorsed not paid for want of funds by the Treasurer when the said order shaU be presented ;" thus paying an old order by issuing a new one. The original debt for building the first court house not having been paid until after the building itself had crum bled and faUen, and the county was compelled to erect a new one. Artemas Estabrook is, at the same time, aUowed an order for boarding, bringing up on Habeas Cor pus and attending the Judges — EU Losh — amount ing to $11.60. C. G. Allen makes his escape from the county jaU after his board bill had amounted to $8.05. In 1830, the county went for McArthur for Gov- KNOX COUNTY. 269 ernor; Stanbery, Congress ; Greer, Representative ; Neal, Sheriff; Tracy, Auditor; McFarland, Asses sor ; Low, Coroner ; Wilkins for Commissioner. The total vote cast was 2,086. During this decade the foundation was laid and the commencement made of that institution of learn ing which has contributed so much to the advance ment and prosperity of this county — Kenyon Col lege. Under its appropriate head we have devoted a chapter to this subject, and hence will say no more here than has reference to the action of the County Commissioners on matters connected with it. On December 7th, 1829, the petition of Philander Chase and others was presented to the Board for the view of four roads. 1. From the junction of Wiggin and Gaskin streets towards James Smith's niUl. 2. To Coshocton. 3. To Giffin's mill. 4. Around the foot of CoUege hill south west to Frederick Roh- rer's tavern stand. The Commissioners ordered Thomas Griffith Plummer to survey ; and Jonathan Miller, Wm. Marquis and Joseph Critchfield to view. AU of these parties are now dead. 270 HISTORY OF CHAPTER XXI. LITERARY AND OTHER SOCIETIES. The mount vernon polemic society. — The thespian. — The libeart so ciety. — The LYCEUM. — The franklin. — Mechanics. — Historical, and ITS library. The first society of a Uterary character, estab Ushed at Mount Vernon, was the " Polemic So ciety," in 1815, wMch was kept up until 1817, and included among its members the more talkative and social citizens. It was converted into a Thes pian Society and weU sustained for many years. Theatrical performances were generaUy gotten up every winter, until about 1840, and were very credi table to those concerned. The object was to spend the long evenings agreeably — not to make money. Lawyers, doctors, merchants and students lent a hand as occasion required. Among the active and valuable upon the boards were Dr. R. D. Moore, Philo L. Norton, Jacob B. Brown, Charles Sager, J. W- Warden, Wm. Bevans, Chas. Colerick, B. S. Brown, T. G. Plummer, Jacob Davis, S. W. Hil dreth, Wm. Smith, S.W. Farquhar, Eli Miller, N. N. HiU, T. W. Rogers, Henry B. Curtis, Isaac Hadley, John Colerick, J. S. Banning, and Calvin HiU. The exhibitions were usually at the court house, or at the "Golden Swan Inn." The clothino-, equipments and scenery, were of very rich mate rial. One of the old actors says — "it was most KNOX COUNTY. 271 splendidly illustrated with gorgeous parahemalia in most profuse variety and transcends representa tion." " The Mount VernonLibrary Society" wasformed in the year 1816. Among the members of this association were Joseph Brown, Hosmer Curtis, R. D. Moore, Gilman Bryant, Timothy Burr, Dan iel S. Norton, John Warden, Samuel Mott. H. Curtis was its last Librarian. It had a very good coUection of standard works, which, in the end, were divided among its stockholders. " The Mount Vernon Literary Society" organized in the winter of 1821-2, by a number of young bachelors of the town, to wit : Dr. Norman Mur ray, David Wadsworth, Henry B. Curtis, John W. Warden and James Beebee. Members subsequent ly admitted — Benjamin S. Brown, S. Farquhar, N. N. Hill and Samuel R. Curtis. Tlie organization existed for several years. The society feU through by reason of the young men becoming absorbed in the more active duties of life. " The Mount Vernon Lyceum," in 1830, was formed and well sustained for many years. At the session of the Legislature, 1833-4, it was incor porated, and high hopes were entertained of its being a permanent organization. We have before us the inaugural address of Henry B. Curtis, Esq., delivered January 1st, 1834, in which he says : — " We have now assumed a different and more im posing attitude. Having adopted a public charter, we from this time become a part of the history of the State. And let us at least hope that the account which its faithful pages may hereafter give of us 272 HISTORY OF and of our transactions shall be such as would not make us blush, could we be permitted to see them." May the hope of President Curtis be gratified; for, although the Lyceum has long since been con signed to the "tomb of the Capulets," and the greater portion of his associates have departed hence with out day, he yet lives to " be permitted to see" " the account which the faithful pages of history" — our history of Knox county doubtless predicted — " gives of its transactions." It was the best literary association and the longest Uved ever in Mt. Vernon. It continued in successful operation until 1842, and numbered among its active members many of the best citizens of Knox. Its regular meetings were held at the court-house, and the public generally and ladies particularly attended its sessions. Literary essays, orations and discussions were the chief entertain ment. Among the number of those who have died we may name Benjamin S. Brown, David Dunn, John A. HoUand, S. W. HUdreth, M. A. Sayre, Daniel S. Norton, T. W. Rogers, W- A. Hoey, T. G. Plummer, and Dr. M. L. BUss. Among those Uving in other parts, Wm. Byers, J. F. Kinney, J. C. HaU, G. Hathaway, J. W. Chapman, H. Curtis, J. B. Foster, E. Sparrow, D. C. Dunlap. Among the survivors in this county are C. Delano, M. H. MitcheU, J. W. Miller, Henry B. Curtis, Rollin C. Hurd, J. S. Davis, J. N. Burr. The Lyceum established a very good library of several hundred volumes. KNOX COUNTY. 273 In 1834, a "Mechanics' Society" was formed, which continued tUl 1840, and enlisted J. B. Brown, G. C. Ly brand, E. AlUng, D. McFarland, Abel Hart, and pretty much aU the workmen in this vicinity. In 1839, a society called the "FrankUn" was organized for mental improvement, by John Lamb, Robert Thompson, Ben. McCracken, W. H. Old ham, Isaac J. AUen, W. P. Griffith, W. T. Curtis, R. S. Thomas, and others, which was well sustained for three or four years, and then went down. In 1850, Zoar BlaU-, Noah HiU, Robert Thomp son, Dan. Clark and Sam. Davis started the Me chanics' Mutual Protection, which after two years, was merged in the Brotherhood of the Union, and continued till 1854. In December, 1849, several gentlemen of Mount Vernon set about getting up a Historical Society for Knox county, and in January, 1850, a consti tution was drawn up and signed by Hosmer Cur tis, Gilman Bryant, Joseph Muenscher, M. E. Strieby, Jesse B. Thomas, James Scott, Daniel S. Norton, M. H. MitcheU, Henry B. Curtis, R. C. Hurd, R. R. Sloan, A. Banning Norton, C. P. Buckingham, G. W. Morgan, C. Delano, M. W. Stamp, Walter Smith, N. N. HiU, G. Browning, Matthew Thompson, J. C. Ramsey, J. N. Burr, S. Israel, J. W. Vance, W. H. Smith, J. C. Stock ton, D. Potwin, J. W. White, J. H. Peacock, W. Beam, Samuel Mower and John W. RusseU. H. Curtis was elected President ; G. Bryant, V. P. ; R C. Hurd, Treas'r ; Cor. Sec'y, Rev. J. Muen- 18 274 HISTORY OF scher, D.D. ; Recording Sec'y, Rev. M. E. Strieby ; Cabinet-keeper, R. R. Sloan. Among other stand ing committees were the following: on Agricul ture, M. H. Mitchell; on Manufactures, Daniel S. Norton; on Mechanic Arts, C. P. Buckingham; on Fine Arts, H. B. Curtis; on Education, R. R. Sloan; on History, R. C. Hurd; on the Medical Profession, J. N. Burr, M.D. ; on the Clerical Pro fession, Jos. Muenscher, D.D.; on Diseases, J. W. Russell, M.D. ; on Population, S. Israel; on Gen eral Biography, A. Banning Norton ; on Geology and Mineralogy, Prof. H. L. ThraU, M.D.; on Meteorology, Rev. Prof. Geo. Dennison; on Liter ature, W- H. Smith. Twelve years have passed by, the society long since was numbered among the things that were — and this comes the nearest to being a report of anything that yet has emana ted from any of its members. FoUowing in its wake, however, is an institution which it is to be hoped will long continue in existence — "The Mount Vernon Library Society," which has coUected, through the instrumentaUty, principaUy,* of the Rev. Dr. Muenscher, its learned Librarian, several hundred volumes of valuable standard works, and may serve as a nucleus for a future large collection. It was started in 1856, and its rooms are in Hunts bery's building, Main st.. Mount Vernon, KNOX COUNTY. 275 CHAPTER XXII. HON. ANTHONY BANNING. 276 HISTORY OF Among the old settlers whose names have figured conspicuously in the history of Knox county, was Anthony Banning. Connected with the business, the growth and prosperity of the county at every period of its history after the first, and concerned as he was in various industrial pursuits, in com mercial operations, in temperance movements, in church affairs, in political actions ; and as his name has been widely known in legal history, his mem ory is worthy of more than a passing notice. " Judge" Banning as he was caUed more frequently than "Parson," notwithstanding his monument states that he was a Methodist preacher sixty years, was born in Talbot county, Maryland, and was the only son of James Banning, a proprietor of much consideration and influence, who had but two chil dren, the son, James Mansfield Anthony Banning, and a daughter who married Benjamin Chew, of Philadelphia, Chief Justice of the State of Penn sylvania, a lawyer of much distinction and a man of great wealth, who was a bosom friend of Wash ington and whose family were his most intimate associates. His parents died when he was very young, and he was consigned to the care of an uncle, Henry Banning, a bachelor, who was a sea-captain and took Anthony with him several voyages. The family were members of the Episcopal church, but in his eleventh year Anthony joined the Metho dists. When about sixteen he went to preaching as a circuit rider in Greenbrier, Virginia, and the wUderness mountain region. In consequence of the great length of his name, and its inconvenience KNOX COUNTY. 277 in writing, he dropped a portion of it in early youth. He married Sarah Murphy, daughter of one of the first settlers on Redstone, near Uniontown, Pa., who was also a native of the Eastern Shore of Maryland, and had been raised near EUicott's miUs. The chUdren, by this marriage, were Sarah, wife of Daniel S. Norton; Jacob M; who died in 1835, and whose widow and children reside in Hardin county ; Rachel, wife of Rev. Elnathan Raymond ; James S.; Mrs. Mary Caswell ; Elizabeth, Mrs. Bronson; PrisciUa, Mrs. Gray, and Anthony. After his marriage he settled in Fayette county. Pa., and resided for several years near Mt. Brad- dock and in ConnelsviUe, where he preached the gospel, carried on a tanyard, kept a store, officiated as a justice of the peace, (from 1790 until 1799) traded in stock of every description, and navigated the western waters. During his residence in the Keystone State slave ry existed there, and this good man thought it no sin to better the condition of negroes by holding them in bondage. Twenty-eight family slaves of the Maryland stock were thus held at his marriage, and he subsequently bought Hannah, Peter, Jim, Cass and George, in Virginia; and in moving west sold them to Daniel Rogers and Abraham Bald win, two of the most respectable and worthy men in that country. In one of his trading expeditions on the western rivers he sold a load of goods to Ebenezer Buck ingham, of Putnam, for the fine farm now occu pied by Nicholas Spindler, Esq., in Howard town ship. He made several trips up the Muskingum 278 HISTORY OF with goods and wares from 1808 tiU he moved out in 1812. After he had bought lands in the county he traded a lot of iron, leather, saddlery, &c., to Samuel Kratzer, Esq., for the principal part of his interest in the town of Mount Vernon, and then took up his residence here. During his long abode he was engaged, as elsewhere, in a diversity of pur suits ; and by reason of his remarkable energy, in dustry, prudence and business tact, prospered in all and enjoyed, to a very great extent, the confi dence of the people. He was for the greater part of his Ufe concerned in merchandizing at Mount Vernon, Tymochtee, DanvUle, &c. — carrying on his miUs at Clinton and his tanyard, farming exten sively and preaching. His name is found as President of the first Clay meeting ever held in this county ; he was aU his life an ardent admirer and friend of that great statesman and patriot. In principle, politicaUy, he was a Whig — reUgiously, a Methodist — strictly moral and temperate — in all the relations of Ufe a good example. He was honest and conscientious — liberal and kind hearted — determined and resolute — never dis guised his sentiments or harbored unkind thoughts ; was mot a fanatic in temperance, morals, poUtics or reUgion ; but by his well balanced mind and daily walk exerted a great influence for good. Among other public positions held by him was that of Commissioner to select the permanent seat of justice of Clermont county, under act of the General Assembly, January 25th, 1823, associated with John C. Wright, then of Jefferson, and James KNOX COUNTY. 279 Clark, of Stark. He served as one of the Associ ate Judges of this county from 1827 to 1834. In every pubUc enterprise and work calculated to benefit the town, county and people he was ac tive, Uberal and useful. Among the many inci- flents of his life the following most clearly shows the UberaUty of his mind : In 1836 he set about erecting a church near his residence, and upon his own land. The neat brick edifice had been in closed and about completed, when the Rt. Rev. Bishop Purcel visited Mt. Vernon for the first time, and there being no CathoUc church the foUowers of that denomination, of whom there were but two or three famiUes then in the place, to wit — David Morton's, Wm. Brophy's and Tim. Colopy's, re quested the use of one of the ohurhes for tbe Bishop to hold service in on the forenoon of a certain Sunday. The favor was denied. An effort was then made to procure the use of the court house, and that too was refused. The writer, then a smaU boy, having heard the circumstances on his way home, stopped in at Judge Banning's and stated what had occurred, when he at once buttoned up his vest and coat, took his cane, went up to David Morton's, where the Bish op was staying, and tendered the use of the Ban ning Chapel for CathoUc service. The offer was most gratefuUy and graciously accepted, and the first Catholic discourse ever delivered in this town was pronounced at the Banning Chapel. This, in the eyes of many bigoted and intolerant minds, was a very great sin; but the reUgion of Grand father Banning was of that cathoUc spirit which 280 HISTORY OF enabled him to do acts of kindness and pour out heart offerings as becometh a true christian. And here we will record that this "bread cast upon the waters returned again after many days" in Uke spu'it. In February, 1844, Judge Banning was drowned in the dam of the Clinton Mill Company, when attempting to cross upon the ice to his farm, after some infernal fiend had burned up the Norton street bridge. His body was soon recovered and great efforts were made to resuscitate life, but in vain. He was in his 76th year, and remarkably vigorous and robust for one of his age. The CathoUc sect having increased to a consider able number, and having, by UberaUty of our citi zens, erected a neat brick church. Bishop Purcel again visited Mt. Vernon to consecrate it — and most happUy referred to the circumstances attend ing his first visit and the charitable and brotherly kindness of Father Banning, and devoutly offered up his supplications to the throne of mercy in his behalf. The incident was a most affecting one, and the eyes of many were suffused with tears as their suppUcations were offered up. KNOX COUNTY. 281 CHAPTER XXIII. Richland county during her tutelage.— Divided into two townships.— The earliest settlers.— Voters.— Officers and matters worth re membering. In pursuance of our pm-pose, as expressed on page 26, we devote a few pages of our history to the earliest matters of record on our journals in regard to Richland county. The Commissioners of Knox, on the Sth of June, 1809, declared the entire county of Richland a separate township, which shall be caUed and known by the name of Madisoii. At the present time a township of this name exists, and Mansfield, the flourishing county seat of Richland, stands therein. At the election of 1809, that whole region poUed but 17 votes, and in the year following there were but 19 votes. The vote in October, 1811, for Representative, stood, Jeremiah R. Munson 14, Wm. Gass 3; Sheriff, Ichabod Nye, 17; Commissioner, John Kerr, 17; Coroner, Dr. Timothy Burr, 17. The Judges of election in 1810 were James Copus, Wm. Gardner, John Foglesong; Clerks, John C. Gilkison, James Cunningham. In 1811, Winn Winship and John 0. Gilkison, clerks, certify as to the full vote of Richland. Among the names of these early settlers wiU be found several with whom our readers were acquainted in the olden time ; we give them — Moses Adzet, George Ackley, the Baughmans, 282 • HISTORY OF Jacob and John Coon, Andrew Craig, Thomas Coulter, James Black, Hugh and James Cunning ham, John Crossen, the Gilkisons, the Gardners, the HuUs, Moses Fountain, the Lewisses, the Mc- Clures, the Murphys, the Newmans, Pearces, OU- vers, Wm. Lockard, Jacob Shaffer, Joshua Rush, Sam. Martin, the Slaters, Zimmermans, John Wal lace, Joseph Middleton, James Hedges and RoUin Weldon. The first Justices of the Peace were Archibald Gardner, elected in May, 1809 ; Henry McCart, in 1810 ; George Coffiubery and Peter Kinney, in 1812 ; James McClure and Andrew Coffiubery, in 1814. The whole return on the tax duplicate, in 1811, was 73 horses, 124 cattle and one stalUon, valued at $150, and taxed at $35. A rib is taken out of the side of Richland on the 7th of January, 1812, as the following entry on the Journal of the Commissioners explains : " Order ed, that Madison township be divided as foUows, to wit : The division line of the township should be one mile east of the center of the 17th range, in the lower township, and shall be known and desig nated by the name of Greene." Brief entry that — is it not, for the formation of a township within the lines of which we now find the better part of Ash land county and some of the best lands in Rich land. Whether it was named after the Rev. John Green, who had just been licensed to marry, " this deponent saith not," as the books show not, but we presume, as our people were eminently patriotic, that it was named after General Nathaniel Greene, one of the heroes of our revolutionary war. The KNOX COUNTY. 283 Mohican river passes through this township on its way to the Gulf of Mexico via the Walhonding, Mus kingum, Ohio and Mississippi rivers. In the olden time men did navigate this route, if we are to put impUcit confidence in traditions of the dead past. We have a work published several score years ago which asserts that "it is navigable (except being obstructed by dams) most seasons of the year." Beaver dams, it is presumed, or some other dams, usuaUy obstruct. The Judges at the first election were Melzar TanneyhiU, Isaac Pierce, Samuel Lewis, and the clerks Peter Kenny and Thomas Coulter. Melzar TanneyhUl received a $6 county order for Usting this township. At the election AprU 6, 1812, at the house of Abraham Baugh- man, jr., PhUip Seymour, Hem-y Seymour and Martin Rufner, whose adventures with Indians have since been so widely known, were among the voters. John Murphy, Henry Naugh, John Pool, Wm. Slater, John Totten and Ebenezar Rice were other voters. Among the settlers, in 1814, were Josiah L. HiU, Trew Petee, Wm. Brown, John Shehan, Ahira HiU, Asa Brown, Jeremiah Conine, Lewis Crossen, Stephen Vanscoyos, Noah Custard, David HiU, Moses Jones, Silvester Fisher, John Crossen, H. W. Cotton, Lewis Pierce and Adam Crossen. The poU-book for the township of Greene, in the county of Knox, October 13, 1812, " shows 41 voters, but the names of Seymour and Rufner are lacking. The 14th of March, 1812, Knox Com mon Pleas Court allowed Greene township three Justices. Perryville was the principal business point, and the Browns W. & A. were the first mer- 284 HISTORY OF chants, and for many years the leading business men. On the 10th of April, 1812, a petition of citizens of Richland was presented to the Commissioners of Knox for " a road beginning at the house of James McClure in said county, and run the nearest way to a mill seat belonging to Amoriah Watson ; the same be granted, and Jacob Newman, George Coffiubery and Wm. Gass were appointed Viewers, and W- Y. Farquhar Surveyor of the same." In February, 1813, Thomas Coulter, Wm. Gass and Peter Kinney were elected Associate Judges by the Legislature. Winn Winship, the first Clerk of the Court of Richland county, wrote an excel lent hand, and was a quick business man. Several of his certificates are on file in our Clerk's office, containing election returns, &c., with a hole cut through a piece of paper showing a wafer, the county having no seal. The entire vote of Rich land, October 12, 1813, for Representative was : Wm. Gass, 31 ; Sam. Kratzer, 14. Mansfield was determined upon as the seat of justice of the county, April 2d, 1809, by Jno. Hecke welder, John M. ConneU and Moses Ross, Com missioners. Winn Winship was the first Post master at the town ; and among the early tavern keepers known to our citizens was Capt. Sam. Wil liams. Jabez Beers was appointed Uster of this county in 1812. Until after the war of 1812, there was not much improvement in the county. A very large proportion of the early settlers were from Knox, and throughout our history the people KNOX COUNTY. 285 have been quite intimate, and Uved together upon the most ft'iendly terms. We have much material that we would Uke to present ; but as the history of our sister county and its affairs do not, from the period to which we have carried this sketch, properly belong to our enter prise, we close by giving a view of the Mansfield Female Seminary, whereof Rev. C. S. DooUttle, A.M., and J. Lindly, A.M., are Principals ; and inasmuch as the former is a native of Knox, and a son of one of our old teachers, it will not be thought out of place to say that here young ladies can acquire an accomplished education upon very reasonable terms. 286 HISTORY OF CHAPTER XXIV. Some account of the townships severed frok old knox. — Chestee, bloomfield and franklin. — Their history until morrow was cre ated. The territory of Knox remained entire, notwith standing extraordinary efforts had been made time and again to erect new counties, taking a part of her territory, until, at the session of the Legislature in 1848, Morrow was created — taking from Knox Chester, Franklin and Bloomfield townships. Chester Township, the oldest of the three, was laid off by order of the Commissioners at their session April 10th, 1812. The first election was held at the house of Wm. Johnson, on the 25th of that month. The Judges of election this year were Joseph Duncan, Henry George, Evan Holt ; Clerks, Wm. Johnson and Samuel Johnson. Rufus Dodd, first Uster of taxable property, received a $3 county order for his services this year. In addition to the above-named, we find other early settlers to have been Ensley Johnson, John Walker, David ]\IUler, John Parcels, Enos Miles, Robert Dalrymple, Isaac Norton, James and George Irwin, Joseph Howard, Bartlet Norton, and Daniel Kimbel. Moses Mor ris, Henry George and a few other Welch famiUes, were among the number of the best citizens of this township, and many of their countrymen located KNOX COUNTY. 287 around them. The greater part of the original families were from New Jersey. In 1813, at the October election, there were fifteen voters ; among them were Joseph, WilUam and Uriah Denman, Sam'l Shaw and Chism May. The vote stood, for Representative, Gass 15 ; Com missioner, Peter WoK 9 ; Sheriff, John Hawn, Jr. 13, Wm. Mitchel 2. The forks of Owl Creek passing through this township afford several good miU-seats a durable power, and furnish the people with facUities for getting breadstuffs at theu- own doors. Their lands are generaUy roUing and very productive. The citizens have ever been distinguished for industry and thrifty management. In 1830, the population was 778 ; in 1840, it was 1,297 ; and in 1850, 1,620. Chesterville, the post-office and business point, was laid out by Enos MUes, deputy surveyor, . For many years the post-office went by the name of Miles's X Roads, and the good tavernkeeper's name seemed for a long time Ukely to absorb the other. It was on the main thoroughfare from Mt. Vernon to Mt. Gilead, and on the old State road from Johnstown to Paris and New Haven; distant from Mt. Vernon 14 miles, from Fredericktown 8, from Mt. GUead 10, from Johnstown 23, and 30 from Paris. In 1830, it contained 250 inhabitants, 40 dwelUngs, 5 stores, 1 tavern, 1 flour-miU, 1 saw- mUl, 1 tannery, 1 church, and several mechanic shops. This village has ever been distinguished for the attention paid to schools, churches, etc., and the general morality of its citizens ; of whom we may name the Shurs, the Bartletts, and Hance, 288 HISTORY OF who have been heavily engaged in merchandise and trade, Abram King, Dr. Richard E. Lord, Dan. Miles and Judge Kinsel. Evan Holt, as a revolutionary soldier, served six years ; was a native of Chester, Pa., emigrated to this county in 1808, and lived for 39 years on land received for his services. He also was a pensioner until his death, in his 84th year, leaving a large famUy married and settled around him. Evan, Jr. was a great fighter — possessed of bone, muscle and pluck ; he fought in Morris township, about 35 years ago, a fist fight with John Magoogin, where he displayed uncommon skiU. They had a difficulty at a camp-meeting over the creek, on James Smith's farm, and then made up this fight, to come off at the first big muster at the Cross Roads, by Wm. MitcheU's. A great crowd wit nessed it. Magoogin was a stout and brisk man of much courage ; he died a soldier in the Mexican war. The fight was conducted fairly, and Magoo gin carried the palm. The Dalrymple famUy is one of the most re spected, of whom Charles has long been a good jus tice of the township. The poll-book of Chester in April, 1824, con cludes as foUows : — " We certify that John StiUey had 26 votes for Justice, Wm. W. Evans 26. De cided by draught in favor of John StUley. John De Witt, John Beebee, Jas. McCracken, Judges ; Enos MUes, Jas. F. Clapp, Clerks. We therefore do certify that John StiUey ft-om Arrangements was duly elected a justice of the peace for Chester township, this 1st Monday, April, A. D. 1824." KNOX COUNTY. 289 SUCCESSIVE JUSTICES OF THE PEACE. 1812. Wm. Johnson. 1833. Enos Miles. 1817. Rufus Dodd. 1836. " Joseph Denman. 1839. " 1819. W.VanBuskirk. 1836. Byram Beers. 1822. <> ti 1839. " " 1820. Enos Miles. 1842. " Daniel Beers. 1845. " " 1823. (( ti 1835. Henry De Witt. 1824. John Stillej. 1838. " " 1826. John Beebee. 1842. P. B. Ayres. 1829. it tt 1845. " 1832. a it 1843. Thomas Peterson. 1827. Moses Powell. 1846. Davis Miles. 1830. il tt 1844, Charles Dalrymple, 1833. it it 1847. Franklin, the most extreme township in the north-west corner of " old Knox," before she was shorn of her fair proportions by the erection of Morrow, was first known December 3d, 1823, by being created and named after the philosopher, statesman and printer, Benjamin Franklin. The first election came off on the first Monday of April, 1823, at the house of Thomas Axtell. The princi pal place of business is Pulaskiville. Jamestown was many years ago a famous busi ness place, projected by Allen Kelly, Esq., who emigrated from Northumberland county. Pa., at a very early day, and has ever been a prominent stock raiser and farmer. David Peoples, David Shaw, Wm. T. Campbell, Washington Strong, the Petersons, Hickmans, Blairs and Van Buskirks were among the early settlers. Of these Abraham Blair, of Perth Amboy, N. J., settled in 1811 upon the farm on which he died, in his 90th year, on the 19 290 HISTORY OF 2d of October, 1846. He served as a minute man during the Revolutionary War, and participated in the battles of Trenton and Monmouth. He was a good citizen, and much respected. David Shaw served his fellow-citizens over twenty-one years as a Justice of the Peace, and was also Commissioner of the County nine years. He was a very clever, quaint old gentleman, whose name is ever associated with Franklin township affairs. Colonel Strong was noted as a military charac ter, and a democrat. His jsatriotic party ardor sus tained him in walking all the way from home to the State Conventions at Columbus, and back again. And speaking of democracy reminds us of the zeal of Joshua Bickford, who, for many years, was one of the shining lights of Franklin. One little incident is worthy of note. He was selected once upon a time as Chairman of a County Con vention, and among other business was the appoint ment of delegates to a district convention to be held at Johnstown to nominate a candidate for Conaress. One of the legal gentlemen of the party arose, and moved the appointment of a committee to select delegates to the Congressional Convention, &c. President Bickford put the question — " Gentlemen, all you in favor of the motion just made about del egates to the QoTigregational Convention will say aye." The gentleman who made the motion sprang to his feet somewhat excited, exclaiming, "The Congressional Convention," I said. "Exactly," said the President; "You've heard the motion, Gentlemen : . the Congregational Convention I said, KNOX COUNTY. 291 and I say it again, and I know what Mr. M said, and what we aU want — we want democrats to congregate at Johnstown, and it is a, Congregational Convention." Joshua was in earnest in whatever he undertook, and seconded by the efforts of Lieut. Bernard Fields usuaUy carried his points. He was noted as tavern-keeper, merchant and horse-trader, and was always " bobbing around." In addition to the prominent citizens enumerated as having held official positions, we may mention the Swingleys, from Hagerstown, Md., Sam. Liv ingston, Henry Weatherby, Anson Prouty, Wm. Faris, Wm. Gordon, Benjamin Corwin, Alex. WU son, Jonathan OUn, Wm. Lavering, Caleb Barton, H. P. Eldrige, C. Sapp, Wm. Linn, B. O. Pitman, David Ewers, Ebenezer Hartwell, B. and E. Lyon, Ben. Hathaway and Thomas Morrison. In 1830, FrankUn had over 16,000 acres of land upon the tax list, and the census then showed only 800 inhabitants. In 1840, the inhabitants num bered 1,343, and in 1850, 1,456. Upon the organization of this township, Wm. Van Buskirk, a Justice of the Peace within the territory, who had been re-elected in 1822, contin ued the functions until again elected in 1824. In 1824; John Truax was elected. In 1827, David Shaw was elected, and subsequently re-elected over and over again ; and when the townslup was car ried into Morrow county, it took the old Justice along to keep it straight. H. W. Strong was elected in 1834, and re-elected in 1837. Wm. Van Bus kirk was elected in 1840, re-elected in 1843, and 292 HISTORY OF again in 1846 ; and during his term of service the connection with Knox was severed. Bloomfield Township was created June 23d, 1817, and received its name in this wise : Several of the settlers were at the house of Sheldon Clark early in the Spring, talking about the new township, when John Blinn caUed attention to the coming of flowers upon the beautiful mound that they stood upon, and suggested that, as the field was in bloom, it should be caUed Bloomfield, which was accordingly done. Benjamin H. Taylor was the first Uster of prop erty for taxation and made his return June, 1818, receiving an order for $5 for his services. The family of Artemas Swetland emigrated to this State in 1808, and in 1812 located in this part of the county, where their name has ever since existed. The next earliest settlers were the Clarks, Walker Lyon, Preston Hubbell, Seth Nash, John Helt, Wm. Ayres, John BUnn, Dr. BUss, Samuel Whit ney, Lucius French, Stephen Marvin, Samuel Mead, Lemuel Potter — aU industrious and substantial men. The Clarks — RosweU, Sheldon and Marshal, were sons of Daniel Clark, of New Haven co., Ct. Lyon, Hubbell, Nash, Whitney, French, Marvin and Mead, were also from that county. Helt and Ayres were from Washington co., Pa. The first post office established was called Clark's M Roads, at the intersection of the road from Johnstown to New Haven with the road from Mt. Vernon to Delaware— a central point — being 13 mUes from Berkshire, Mt, Vernon, ChestervUle KNOX COUNTY. 293 and Johnstown, The post office was subsequently styled Bloomfield. The next was Sparta, upon the old State road from Mansfield via Frederick to Sunbury and Co lumbus, It is considerable of a trading point. From 1840 to 1850 much mechanical and manu facturing was carried on. Benjamin Chase erected quite a large woolen manufactory and ran it for several years ; upon his death the works stopped. Charles Osborne was the last at the business ; he moved to Mt. Gilead and has since gone west, some where. Elisha Cook now operates a steam saw and grist miU in the old factory buildings. In 1817 there were only 16 voters. In 1840, the population had increased to 1,252; and in 1850, 1,395. Of the first settlers Sheldon and Roswell Clark, Walker Lyon, Stephen Marvin, Samuel Mead, A. W. and Giles and F. M. Swetland are yet Uving. RosweU Clark came to the country in 1816, with his wife. They have had three children — Daniel, now in Xenia ; Eliza married John Barr, in Bloom field ; Rev. Wesley died at West Liberty, two years ago, aged 46 years. He was a preacher of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and a man of much worth ; his widow and children live in Bloomfield. Sheldon Clark was married when he emigrated, in 1819, and has two daughters— Victorine P., mar ried Floyd Sears ; and Rebecca Jane, C. B. Jack son. Preston Hubbell is dead, and his three chil dren are in the west. Lucius French is dead ; his son, Andrew, and daughter, Emeline,Uve in Bloom field. 294 HISTORY OF John Helt survives with two children — Casper, a son, in Bloomfield ; and Lafayette, a soldier in the army. Wm. Ayres is dead, and left no chil dren. Walker Lyon, in his 73d year, is in Bloom field with his son. Smith. He has two daughters Uving — Harriet, wife of Rowland Rogers ; and Sally Jane, wife of James Howe, of Fredericktown. Samuel Whitney died leaving two children — Wheeler, in Bloomfield ; and Samuel, near Berk shire. Seth Nash is dead, and his children, three in number, are in the west. Artemas Swetland is dead ; his three boys — Augustus W., FuUer M., and Seth, and his daughter, Mrs. Wm. Shurr, are Uving. Lemuel Potter moved into Bloomfield in 1819 from southern Ohio ; he is dead, and left eight children — Cassandra lives in Bloomfield, Lemuel, jr., in Urbana, and two of the boys are doctors in Wayne. Among the early items of this township was the separation of a man and wife, by public notice given, as follows: "By mutual consent James C. and Rebecca Wilson, of Bloomfield township, Knox county, have this day (Oct. 21st) agreed to dissolve as being man and wife." Stephen Marvin is living. He had three chil dren ; two survive — Charlotte, widow of Wesley Clark ; and Eliza, wife of Dr. Page. The first brick house in this township was built in 1823, by RosweU Clark, a two story building in which he has so long resided. The first frame house was the two story frame in which Sheldon Clark resides, built in 1828. Prior to these houses they, like other settlers, lived in log cabins. The KNOX COUNTY. 295 Clarks burnt the first Ume in this township on log- heaps. The price then was fifty cents per bushel unslacked— just double the present rate. Since that they have burnt many kUns, and made their support and fortunes. For many years they fur nished the greater part of the lime used at Mount Vernon for building and other purposes. Among the objects of sympathy, at an early day, was Samuel CoUinfare, a poor little hunchback and ricketed spinner, who traveled from house to house and spun for the citizens. He was a native of the Isle of Man, and made his first appearance about 1819. The dwarf never would work for wages, but for clothes and food — was good society — well in formed, and ever cheerfully greeted where he called. A few years since E. W. Cotton, obeying the prompting of a generous heart, erected a monument in the burying ground to mark the spot where his mortal remains were laid. The first church in this township was the Metho dist Epi.scopal, at Bloomfield, on Clark street, as it is called ; it was erected in 1839. The next Metho dist Episcopal Church was built at Sparta in 1846. In 1816 the Christian Church was put up in Sparta. These churches are frame buildings. The first preacher in the township was Thomas Kerr, Methodist. A good man — long since departed. About 1817 Rev. Cooper, Methodist, officiated in the township ; he is also dead. They were both local preachers. The Rev. Britton, about 1817, preached the Christian or Campbelite doctrine. Rev. James Smith, about the same time, was a voice crying 296 HISTORY OF aloud in this wilderness the same gospel truths. They also have passed hence. In 1850 the Wesleyan Methodists erected a small church about one and a half miles west of Sparta, at which the noted Edward Smith preached until he died at Harmony in 1859 ; his body Avas inter red in the Bloomfield burying ground. The present preachers are John T. KeUum and Wm. Conant, Methodist Episcopal ; Rev. Bainam, Wes leyan Methodist. The last Christian minister was the Rev. J. W. Marvin. The Rev. Cleaver, a Cumberland Presby terian minister of BeUviUe, occasionaUy holds forth in this township. The first white person to die in Bloomfield town ship was Marshal Clark, brother of Sheldon and Roswell, who died in 1816. Bloomfield deserves more than a passing notice for the respect shown to the dead. The cemetery is a sacred spot — neat and tastily kept. It is one mile north of Clark street, and contains many neat and costly monuments. The trustees of the township have, from its first selection, had its keeping in charge, and they de serve credit for its management. The first store in this township was kept by Carpenter. The second by Dr. A. W. Swetland, who is yet in business at Sparta. The other parties selUng goods at Sparta are Chase & Co., the brothers Wm., John & E. Byron, L. Swetland, and Antipas Dexter ; and a stock of goods is kept at Bloomfield by Mann Lyon. KNOX COUNTY, 297 Among the residents of Bloomfield are the Con- ways, Widow Charlotte Conway, who died in 1859, moved from Fauquier co., Va., with her sons Joseph, Wm. and John, Joseph married a daugh ter of Wm, Sanford in 1842 ; Wm. Uves near Mt. Liberty, and John in Knox co., Missouri. The ManviUes, the Barrs, the Sanfords, Lovelands, Shel- dons, Burkholders, Searses, Ashleys, Craigs, Throck- mortons and Higginses, are also among the weU known names. The Cottons were among the early settlers and as such deserving of notice at our hands, more espe ciaUy since the name continues in the county and is familiar to our people. Harris W. Cotton, one of the commissioners of Fayette co., Pa., entered a section of land in Bloomfield, and upon his return home, while preparing to move, died. His sons, Emmet W. and Harris, brought out the mother and family. The old lady died in Union county in June, 1851, of cancer. The children were Nancy, wife of James Thompson, in MiUbrd; Mary, wife of Michael Cramer, in Union county ; Pamelia, wife of Elijah Crable, in Liberty; .John W. in West BrownsviUe, Pa. ; Harris W. vviio died in Liberty in 1835, Emmet W. in Mt. Vernon ; Louisa, wife of Thomas Merrill, who died about 1852 in Columbus, 111. ; Charlotte, wife of Robert Butler, who also died in Hlinois ; and Elizabeth, first wife of M. Cramer, who died in Clinton township about 1833. The main dependence for errands and chores of the family, in early times, was Emmet, who has often carried two bushels of wheat on horseback to Mt, Vernon and exchanged it for one pound of 298 HISTORY OF coffee. At that time the only improvements on the road to Norton's mill were, first, a Uttle clearing of Higgins ; the next at the old Norton farm, now owned by Frazier ; the next at Chapman's ; next an old cabin, on the Gotshal place, where Wolford lives ; and these were all on the now thickly settled road from Bloomfield to Mt. Vernon. Idon V. Ball, born in Brownsville, Pa., in 15^05, married Catharine Woods, of that place ; moved to Bloomfield in Sept., 1841, and settled on the place he has since resided upon. He has had one daughter and eight sons ; six of his boys now sur vive. For twenty years he has been engaged in farming and entertaining the pubUc. Many a waj^aring man has fared sumptuously at his stand, and many have been the happy parties of pleasure- seekers from Mt. Vernon and other points, who have been liosj)itably entertained by Mr. Ball and his excellent lady. William McKinstry and John Brocaw are among the prominent farmers of Bloomfield, both from Hunterton county. New Jersey, and came to Knox county with the family of Matthias McKinstry, in 1831. John Lincweaver came in 1827, and still lives in it, with a considerable family. Harvey Lounsbery is another old settler. Antipas and Chauncey Dexter, good millwrights, are also among the pres ent inhabitants. Thomas Osborne and his wife Olive, emigrated from Rhode Island in 1818. He died in 1853, in his 74th year ; she is at the old homestead, in her 74th year. They had nine children. Those now KNOX COUNTY. 299 living are all in Bloomfield, but OriUa, wife of .Jesse Severe, in Liberty. John H. married Nancy Severe ; James M., Sophia Thatcher ; Amanda is the wife of David Coyle ; Sarah Ann the wife of John Dustin; Wm. N. married Harriet Dustin, and George R., Purilla Roberts. The old gentle man had been a sailor and soldier, and did good service in his day and generation. Samuel Westbrook was a good rough carpenter and joiner; he moved to Michigan, and is now dead. The Westbrooks were among the old set tlers of this township ; none of the name now live in Knox county. An aeronaut, by the name of F. H. Westbrook, met with a terrible end on the 4th of July, 1862; There was a large concourse of peojtle at Sparta, in commemoration of the national anniversary, who were addressed by Rev. MiUs Harrod, W. L. Bane, and A. Banning Norton, and at 5 o'clock p. M., as previously announced, a balloon went up with Westbrook to the distance of perhaps five hundred feet, when it burst in pieces and fell to the earth, kiUing the reckless navigator. It was a miserable rotten old fabric, and was the most foolhardy operation we have ever witnessed. About three thousand people were, estimated to have been present, witnessing the sad termination to an otherwise joyful occasion. What a sudden transi tion from life to death ! Within five minutes of the time he ascended, waving his hat amid the hurrahs and shouts of the people, he fell a corpse, leaving a wife and several children to mourn his exit. For their benefit B. L. Swetland at once 300 HISTORY OF started a subscription, which was liberaUy responded to by good citizens. JUSTICES OF THE PEACE. June 23d, 1817, the Court of Common Pleas aUowed Bloomfield one justice, to be elected at tie house of Timothy Smith, and Matthew Marvin was chosen in 1818. 1819. Walker Lyon. 1824. James Thompson. 1822. it tl 1827. R. Clark. 1820. John Manville. 1833. James Thompson. 1823. Stephen Dodd. 1837. John Beehee. 1824. David Bliss. 1840. .( it 1827. John Manville. 1836. James Shumate. 1830. (( it 1844. Jacoh J. Thompson, 1834. David Bliss. 1846. Wheeler Ashley. 1837. tl It 1848. Charles M. Eaton. 1840. tt tt 1843. Jared Irvine. 1846. it tt KNOX COUNTY. 301 CHAPTER XXV, StCHAMORE — AND THE TWO LAST SYCHAMORES. ^" September Ith, 1815, on petition, Morgan town ship is divided and the east part of it is placed into a township caUed Sychamore." Such is the brief entry upon the journal showing a name now un known. On the 15th of September, 1815, an election was held at the school house, in the township of Sycha more, for the purpose of electing three Trustees and a Township Clerk. Jacob Simons, WilUam Clay- pool and Jonathan Hunt, sr., were the Judges, and .John H. Simons and Alpheus Chapman, Clerks. WilUam Bair, Jonathan Hunt, jr., and Lemuel Chapman were elected Trustees and John Mott, jr.. Clerk. At the election on the 10th of October 17 votes were cast, and among the number we find Riverius NeweU, Otis Warren, Samuel Rowley, Gideon Mott, Riverius Newell, jr., Aaron Hill, Abner HiU, Alpheus Chapman and James Miller. Of these parties but two now live, viz : Aaron HiU and Jonathan Hunt; both over fourscore years on earth. The name of Sychamore, as a Township, is known to scarcely a man in the county at this time. When, or how it came to be lost the records give no infor mation, except in the little extract at the head of 302 HISTORY OF this page ; there is no mention of it on official records. Of Jas. Miller's family — J. W.,the old merchant in Mt. Vernon, who married Mary Bryant ; Madi son, of Miller, who married Mary Harris ; Henry H., John F., Dr. Volney and Dana, were the boys. Mrs. Rosannah Sanford, Mrs. Harriet Knox, Mrs. Sally Sanderson and Mrs. Lucinda EUis are Uving, and Mary is dead. The Chapmans, Motts, War ren, Bair, Simons, Claypool and Newell, have not one of their blood within the county limits. In 1812 Riverius Newell and Aaron Hill were black smiths in Mt. Vernon. Jonathan Hunt, born in Somerset co., N. J., Oct. 23d, 1780, moved from Western Virginia to this county in 1806, and settled where he now lives. He learned the trade of wagon making of his father, and also worked as a gun-smith, and at this day works at the latter branch. After he located he did much work for the Indians, until the war broke out. In August, 1812, he started with the troops, under Maj. Kratzer, for the frontier, and upon reaching Mansfield was set to repairing guns with Andy Blair, from Belmont co., at $1 each per day and regular soldier's pay. They put up a little shop at Beum's mill, on the Rocky Fork of Mo hican, and he recollects that Rufner called to see him the morning of the day that he was killed by the Indians. He was working there when Copus' family was attacked and Copus killed. A fter three weeks work he rejoined the company, and contin ued with them until discharged. When he first settled in this county he went to Bowling Green, KNOX COUNTY. 303 below Newark, and bought grain and got it chop ped there ; and he afterwards went to Kerr's mill with his grist. When he moved here he had but one child, and his wife has had 11 children — four of whom are living in Pleasant township, and one in Illinois. In 1822-3 Jonathan lived in Mount Vernon and worked at wagon and plow making, &c. His wife, Honor Wells, born in Washington CO., Pa., and of the old Wells and Dodridge fam iUes so widely known, is yet living in her 79th year. Aaron Hill was born near Boston, Mass., emi grated to this county in 1811, and shared in the pri vations and toils of life in a new country. During his long residence he has worked as a carpenter and joiner, a blacksmith, and a farmer, and has, with true Yankee instinct, lent a hand at whatever work the wants of the country required. At the advanced age of 84 years he resides in Mt. Vernon, spending the evening of a well spent life in the so ciety of friends. Of his family of five, Norman N. is the sole survivor. These twain — the last of the Sychamores — may their days be many in the land they sought out more than a half century ago. 304 HISTORY OF CHAPTER XXVI. MIDDLE BUEY TOWNSHIP. On the 8d of December, 1823, this township was established, and the first election was held at the house of Luther Bateman, in April, 1824. It is now the north-west corner of Knox, and on the score of improvement, the beauty of the country, and the intelligence of its inhabitants, ranks first. Its principal settlers at every period have been Friends, from Maryland and Virginia ; and the influence of the Quaker element has been highly salutary. The increase of population and wealth has been steady. In 1830 the inhabitants num bered 705, and the amount of land returned for taxation was 13,000 acres ; in 1840 there were 1,002 inhabitants ; in 1850, 1,092 ; and in 1860, 1,040. The villages of Batemantown and Waterford are points for trading operations ; the latter is quite a thriving little town, having the advantage of mills in its neighborhood. Here Josiah Fawcett and John Lavering for many years were rivals in busi ness, competitors for the post-office, and the promi nent men of their respective parties. When the Whigs were in power, Josiah held the post-office ; and when the Democrats ruled, he was out and John in. The post-office and its name were mooted W"" TiiK-ilev Arcl.*. Middleton, Sti-ohridge &C9 lilho! Cin.O. ASCENSION HALL KNOX COUNTY. 305 points in Middlebury. The Laverings were old settlers of this section. Of the old stock, Daniel and Mary were here in 1813 ; she died October 24, 1846, aged 85. Several of the name are in the county at this date ; John is yet selling goods at Waterford. Samuel Wilson and Thomas Townsend emigra ted from Frederick, Md., in 1808. The former is dead, and his son Joseph resides in Indiana ; the latter died March 18, 1859, aged 78, on the farm where he had resided over fifty years. Amos and Wm. Farquhar were early Maryland emigrants, and David and Robert Ewers from Virginia. The Wrights and Lewises, David Eaves, Jacob Zulman, Samuel Willett, the Comforts, Jesse Vore, Jesse Stevens, the Batemans, the Cravens, the Wagoners, the Grahams, the Fiddlers, the McPhersons, the Van Buskirks, the Walterses, have been long resi dents of this township. Josiah Fawcett, the old merchant, is in partnership with his son, in a store in Fredericktown. Among the citizens of this part of the county in 1819, were William Watkins, from Stoney Creek, Somerset county. Pa. ; Warren Owen, from Ver mont, who emigrated about 1817 ; Philo Doolittle and Zebulon Ashley, also from New England. Asahel Ashley, only son of Zebulon, is Uving in Missouri; and his son-in-law, Frisbee Owen, also Uves there. Charles Strong emigrated from Frederick county, Md.; he died in 1850. Mrs. Strong is Uving. Of their eight chUdren, the foUowing survive : G. W. 20 306 HISTORY OF and Lewis, at Fredericktown ; John W., sheriff of Richland county ; Peter, station agent, BeUvUle ; and Mrs. Mary Parke, of Mt. Vernon. The Denman family is one of the oldest and best in Middlebury and Chester. James Johnson, the old Justice, died a few years ago, leaving a consid erable family in this township ; his son Orlin is a prominent citizen. Lawrence Van Buskirk is an other noted citizen, having served as State Senator. .lames Martin and his family have long occupied a front position among the good citizens ; he has lived in the county since 1811. Jacob Ebersole was an eccentric old settler, of miserly disposition, who lived close and mean to accumulate money to look at. After his death, over $2000 in coin was found hidden away by him — some under an old anvil block in a smith shop, and another lot in an old chest, under some rub bish. SUCCESSIVE JUSTICES OF THE PEACE. The first Justice in 1824 was James Johnson, who was regularly re-elected and served until 1848. The second was James Graham, elected in 1831, and served three terms. In 1842 Stephen McPher son was elected, and re-elected in 1845. Ezra Marvin and John W. Loofborow were elected in 1848, and re-elected in 1851 ; G. Wash. Ewers and Thomas Craven in 1852 ; Daniel Ayres in 1855 ; and at the same time J. D. Burke, who was re elected in 1858, and again in 1861 ; Isaac Lynde in 1858, and re-elected in 1861. KNOX COUNTY. 307 CHAPTER XXVII. BERLIN TOWNSHIP. This township received its name from some of its earliest settlers having emigrated from Berlin, Connecticut. It was created March 9th, 1825. Stephen Cole proposed the name. Among the first voters were A. H. Royce, Ed. Richardson, the Markleys, George Wolford, James Traer, John Brown, Sr., Jno. C. Brown, John and Peter Kere- gher, Fred. Ogg, Jeremiah Brown, Richard and Asael Roberts, John Long, Jacob Leady, Joseph Lane, Daniel Hedrick, the Joslins, and John Moltzbaugh. Palmyra, during the days of our vassalage to stage and wagon transportation, was its sole town, and for many years a noted place of refreshment for man and beast, voyaging by mud or snow from Mt. Vernon to Mansfield. Since the construction of the raUroad, it has dUapidated. The township in 1830 had 520 inhabitants, and 11,674 acres of land were entered on the tax list, at a value of |34,724. In 1840, the population numbered 1,100 ; in 1850, 1,156 ; and in 1860, 1,012. Ankenytown, or " Squeal," as it is more com monly called for the sake of euphony, is noted from the fact that when the steam-horse first made his 308 HISTORY OF appearance there, his " squeal " so terribly alarmed the natives that they came out armed capapie with gun and blunderbuss to capture him, and some worthy German denizens attempted to stop his travel on the iron track by tearing up the rails ; the history of which fully and at large appears in the records of Knox Common Pleas. ShalerviUe, so caUed from Shaler's MiUs, is quite a trading point, where Henry W. Greggor officiates as Postmaster and Merchant. Among the earliest settlers in this tovmship were the Robertses, Richardsons, Wrights and Far quhars — aU Friends, and from Maryland ; the Browns, Pinkleys, Leedys, Hedricks, Coles, Wm. Van Horne, Peter Wolf, David McDaniel and Henry Markley, an intelligent Pennsylvania Ger man, and his brother-in-law, Michael Harter. Markley had been a merchant, and was a quick and sprightly business man, and hence was selected for one of the first Commissioners. He was gen erous, and well Uked by the people. John Lewis and his family, Quakers, were here in 1808. November 14th, 1857, John, Jr., died. Casper Fitting, in 1808, Uved with his famUy on the place, since known as the Harter stand. He is dead, and his sons, Frederick and Solomon, are liv ing ; the former a successful merchant at Bellville. The Harters are worthy of special notice. Their tavern, at an early day, was the best in northern Ohio. The old people were kind and hospitable, and the society of the amiable Miss Christina made it uncommonly interesting for sleighing and other parties. The fame of Aunt Christina's cookery. KNOX COUNTY. 309 pronounced by connoiseurs the best, caused travel ers to ride long mUes after night to get there. The Barters moved to Canton, where some of their de scendants reside. In 1849, a Postoffice was established at the resi dence of Richard Roberts, Esq., caUed " Maple Grove," and he was appointed Postmaster, and con tinued as such tiU 1860, when it was discontinued by his request. Among the present settlers, we find Joseph Baker and vdfe, who emigrated from Virginia in 1819, the ElUotts, Joel and Amos, the Gibsons, the Foots, the Dennises, and the Loves. Amos H. Royce, the first Justice, is yet living in the enjoy ment of health and plenty. We can not but com mend the character of Henry MiUer, Esq., the up right man ; Alexander Menzie, the energetic old Scotchman ; and others we might name, had we the space. SUCCESSIVE JUSTICES OF THE PEACE. 1821. Amos H. Royce was '30, '33. elected, an d re-elected in ISS 1823. Richard Roberts. 1848. George Shaffer. 1836. Elijah McGregor. 1849. Gideon Elliott. 1836. George Ankeny. 1850. Joseph Ankeny. 1839. " 1853. tl 1842. " 1852. Michael Hess. 1838. Alex. Menzie. 1855. J. C. Auten. 1838. J. N. Richardson. 1856. Alfred Royce. 1841. <( 1858. Joseph Ankeny. 1841. Joel Elliott. 1859. James Comings. 1844. Richard Roberts. 1859. J. W. Condon. 1S4S. Henry Miller. 1860. George Irwin. 1847. Alfred Royce. 1862. Issacher Rowby. 310 HISTORY OP CHAPTER xxvrn. BROWN TOWNSHIP. This township was laid out March 9, 1825, and " attached to Jefferson until it shall be ascertained that there is inhabitants enough in Brown to have it organized." March 6, 1826, " ordered by the Commissioners that Brown be hereafter considered a separate and distinct township, and the election be held at the house of Josias Ewing, for township officers, on the first Monday of April, and Jefferson be henceforth attached to Union." The name was given to perpetuate the memory of Major-General Jacob Brown, the hero of Chippewa and Fort Erie, who had but recently become commander-in-chief of the U. S. Army. The first post-office, caUed Phifer's x Roads, was where Brownsville now is, and of late has borne the name of Jelloway, after the stream of this locality. The present merchants are, Wm. Patton, Sam'l Beeman, Pinckley & Watz ; doctors, E. Booth, L. D. Whitford; wagonmakers, Thomas Thompson, Emanuel Storer ; blacksmiths. Smith & Hagerman, D. Thompson ; tailor, F. Schuch ; shoemakers, E. Waddle, W. Stull and Knee ; tavern, Mrs. Phifer; tanner, Henry Frazier ; gunsmith, Henry Raisin ; grocer, J. H. Burriss. The Methodists have a meeting-house, wherein Rev. Mr. Ball preaches. In 1840 the inhabitants of Brown numbered 1,204 ; in 1850, 1,535 ; and in 1860, 1,440. KNOX COUNTY. 311 The most numerous families in this township are the McKees, Waddles, Halls and Blairs, descend ants of early settlers, who cleared the way for the present. Charles McKee emigrated from Ireland, with fourteen chUdren, about 1808. Alexander McKee settled in this county in 1809 ; he resides on his old place on Big Jelloway, Avhere was once an In dian camp ; and when he first settled there, sixty- five Indians called at his hut, drank methegliu with him, and they had a jovial time all round. The HaUs, Sovernses, Pinkertons, Waddles, and Stewards have also been plenty in Brown. John Carghuan (pronounced Carnahan) was a wild Irishman of much note about 1826 ; he was a warm-hearted, impulsive creature; and "faith, an' he was a knowledgeable mon." Many anecdotes are quoted of him, which we have not room to produce. .Jacob Phifer from Strasburg, Germany, located iu this township in 1818, when all was wild and new. He died Oct. 9, 1846, aged 89. He had served ten years a soldier in Europe, three years in the Revolutionary War, and three months in the war of 1812. The old soldier was the father of Freeman. .John, .James and Michael. James Blair, our old friend, "God bless you," was one of the early stock. In 1816 he tended the old ShrimpUn miU ; moved to Brown in 1820, and has boon ono of its most prominent men, having served as justice long enough to entitle him to vote, and his decisions have been generaUy approved of by his feUow citizens. He has been engaged m 312 HISTORY OF milling, farming, raising children, writing "poetry" and making himself generally useful. His mem ory will endure in Brown forever. Zephaniah Wade, who commanded a company of Riflemen from Loudon co., Va., in 1777, moved to this county in October, 1816, with his son, Thomas. Zephaniah and his wife, Irene Longley, are both dead. J. J. SkiUings has been one of the most active business men. There have been a few small mUls on Big JeUo- way from its early settlement, but the want of water, during the year, has caused some of them to suspend. Ernor Barret's grist miU was built about 1833, and is yet in operation. It is run by an overshot wheel 16 feet high. Thomas Wade has a saw mill 2J miles above it run by an overshot wheel 30 feet high. A set of carding machines have also been run at this stand. The mills of James Blair, Ab. Whitney, and Joseph HaU have gone into dilapidation and decay. .Jacob Roof and his wife Polly, Jacob Darrow and Wm. Prior, Jacob Baugh, Daniel Worley and Richard Deakins, were old settlers. SUCCESSIVE JUSTICES OF THE PEACE. Samuel Barkhurst was the first, and Josias Ewing succeeded him in 1826. 1830. James McMillen ; re-elected in 1833. 1831. James Blair; re-elected in 1834, '37, '40, '43, '46, '49. 1837. Thomas Wade; re-elected in 1840 and 1844. 184'i. John W. Gurberson. 1846. Wm. Soverns: re-elected in 1850. 1850. Joseph Pinkley; re-elected in 1853 and 1857. 1852. Solomon C. Workman. 1854. John Hicks. 1856. J. W. Leonard ; re-elected in 1859 and 1862. KNOX COUNTY. 313 CHAPTER XXIX. JEFFERSON TOWNSHIP. The township bearing the honored name of Presi dent Jefferson, after having served a tutelage of several years composing a portion of the bailiwick of Brown, is, in 1829, at the March term of the Commissioners, declared a "distinct Township," and an election is ordered for township officers the 1st Monday of April, 1829, at the house of Andrew Lockard. Its metes and bounds had been pre scribed on the 9th of March, 1825, but from lack of population an organization was not then effected. The Mohican river passes through this township, furnishing several mill seats. In 1830, it contained 311 inhabUants ; in 1840, 994 ; in 1850, 1,484 ; and in 1860, 1,458. In this as other eastern town ships, the names of a few families predominate. The Greers, the Critchfields, the Sapps, the Hib- bitses, the Frosts, the Schultzes, the Bakers, are to be met Avith on almost every hiU. The Critchfields and Sapps we have elsewhere spoken of. The Greers are mainly descendants of that noble old patriarch John Greer, who was a native of the Emerald Isle, and was what is called an Irish patriot. Possessed of a powerful constitution and vigorous intellect, he took a prominent position 314 HISTORY OF among the pioneers. He was particularly efficient in the military line, and raised a company for ser vice in the war of 1812. He did much to promote the formation of companies in the eastern town ships. He was from 1812 to 1817 CoUector of Taxes, in 1830 Representative, and for many years Justice of the Peace, and during his life a very useful citizen. For thirty years some of the Greer name have officiated as Justices in this township. Among its most valued citizens have been Alexan der, late County Treasurer, and father of the pres ent Treasurer, Robert, Richard, Silas, Mark, James, "big Jim" and "little Jimmy." Capt. Jack Mel ton, Aaron Mathene, Andrew Mckee, Ephraim McMillen, Jacob Shiner and George Greer, were also old settlers. Jacob Colopy has resided in this township since 1825. He is a son of Timothy, a native of Ireland, who emigrated from Virginia in 1813. Jacob mar ried a daughter of George Sapp, in 1825. They have eight children — five now living in the eastern part of Knox. John Hibbets, Joseph Critclifield, -Josiah Trimbly, Matthew Davidson, Charles MU ler were also much respected. In this township there are two post offices — Greersville and Nonpareil. Greersville Avas estab lished about 1848, and the post masters have been Robert Greer and Alexander Greer. Nonpareil is at Mt. Holly, and was established in 1819. Its post masters have been Robert Long, A. Gardner, John Critchfield and A. Gardner. KNOX COUNTY. 315 In early times there were many insects and rep tiles of great annoyance to the early settlers. Among other evidences of the fact is the following comical affair related by a citizen of this town ship : Old John Daily and Alex. DarUng got up a bet of a quart of Avhisky about the ability of a man to stand black ants, ticks and aU else, save gallinip- pers, Avithout flinching. Daily, accordi ngly , to show it could be done, stripped off his clothes and laid down on his face in the sand, where the ants were thick, and Darling Avas to keep the gallinippers off. After laying there several minutes Darling let three or four gallinippers on his bare back, but DaUy did not flinch for them — then determined to win his bet he whispered to one of the spectators to bring him a coal of fire, which was got and put on him, but Daily let the live coal roast his flesh for fifteen minutes without ever flinching, and with his muscles firm bore it together with the ants and gallinippers until the half hour was up, and won the quart of whisky. JUSTICES OF THE PEACE. 1825. Jas. Henderson. 1855. Robert Greer. 1829. " " 1838. Josiah Frost. • 1829. John Greer. 1854. " 1832. " " 1857. " 1835. James Greer. 1837. James Witherow. 1838. Joseph Sapp. 1840. 1840. James Greer. 1843. 1842. AlfX. Greer. 1846. " ]g45 << " 1857. James Greer. 2843 tt " 1858. Charles Miller. jggl^ it " 1860. James Greer. 1849. Robert Greer. 1861. Charles Miller. 1852. " 316 HISTORY OF CHAPTER XXX. MONROE TOWNSHIP. This township was created March 9th, 1825, and favored with the name of President Monroe. The surface of the country is -broken ; it is well watered and thickly timbered ; and its citizens have gen erally been noted for their unflinching democracy and their strict attention to home affairs. The population in 1830 was 437, and the acres Usted for taxation 13,455. In 1840, it contained 1,258 inhabitants ; in 1850, 1,824 ; and in 1860, 1,084. The principal place of business is Monroe Mills, where Davis and the Boyntons for many years sold goods, bought produce, and had a post-office estab lished in 1849. Schenck's Creek, passing through the east part, has on it several saw and grist miUs. At a very early period James Smith ran a miU upon it; and Jacob Davis, another very useful citi zen, erected and operated until his death a good miU, which is yet carried on. This stream took its name from Gen. W. C. Schenck, who OAvned the lands subsequently improved by Captain Coleman, David Johnson, the Irelands, and others. In 1817, he sold a large part of his tract to various settlers, who made substantial improvements. The Colemans were early settlers. Joseph emi grated from Fayette county. Pa., in March, 1806, KNOX COUNTY. 317 and lived that year south of Mount Vernon, across the creek, and the next year moved to the place Avhere he died, in 1830, aged 56, Of his children, Ichabod is the only one now in this county ; Joe is Uving in Nebraska, William in Indiana, and Jess, is dead. The Rev. WiUiam Thrift and his family were also among the earliest and best settlers, Charles Lauderbaugh, of Pennsylvania, in 1828, emigrated to this township, and resided there until his death, in 1854. He- had 12 children ; now living, John, Henry, Andy and Jesse, NeUy, Mrs. J. Myers, Louisa, Mrs. C, Wolverton, Rachel, Mrs, Wm. King, and Rebecca. In the Ust of justices, will be found the names of other respected famiUes ; the Dixons, Scotts, Clementses, Becks, Adamses, Irvines, Boyntons, Hutchisons, and Craigs will long be held in re membrance, if not perpetuated by resident descen dants in future years. And the calculation would not be complete Avithout enumerating the family of our old friend Bill Dowds, whose standing salu tation is, " What's the calculation 1 " There were also Sam. and Elijah, and their families ; the Mar- shaUs and Gilcrests. Peter Skeen emigrated from Montgomery coun ty, Pa., in 1827 ; he died in 1855, aged 71. He was an inteUigent and industrious citizen. The Youngs were among the early settlers of this township. Isaac Young was born in Fairfield county, Connecticut, in 1760, and served in the Revolutionary war ; in 1790 moved to Uniontown, Pa,, where he lived for many years, and from thence 318 HISTORY OF to Ohio in 1830, and to Monroe in 1836, where he resided until his death, in 1842, at the age of 82 years and 19 days. Col. H. H. Young, of Fayette county. Pa., was born in 1794 ; married Rachel Shipley, and moved to Washington county, Pa., and from thence, in 1835, to where he now resides. He is the father of five boys and five girls. Colonel Young, for his ardor in Democracy and Methodism, his hickory pole raisings and marshalship of Democratic pro cessions, Avill never be forgotten by those who wit nessed his zeal in the campaigns of 1836, '40, '44. Col. John Armstrong, a very estimable gentle man from Jamaica, who died in 1855 ; Lemuel Holmes, another good man, now living in Iowa : David Hunt, the Berrys, the Barkers and the Mil lers, for many years resided in this township. The name of Hull is also of long standing. SUCCESSIVE JUSTICES OF THE PEACE. 1821. Thos. Dixon. 1S56. Joseph Hutchison. 1824. " " 1859. 1826. W. Beck. " James Hutchinson. 1831. Thos. Dixon. 1836. M. N. Scott. 1834. " " 1839. 1838. " " 1843. 1843. " " 1846. " " 1840. Joseph Adams. 1849. " " 1841. Jos. Coleman. 1852. M. N. Scott. 1814. " •' 1846. R. S.Clements. 1847. " " 1849. 1850. " " 1852. 1851. Isaac Irvine. 1855. " " 1854. John Craig. 1858. " " 1855. Henry Boynton. 1861. " " KNOX COUNTY. 319 CHAPTER XXXI. PIKE TOWNSHIP. This township, established June 7th, 1819, was named after General Pike. The first election was held the 26th of June, at the house of Michael Harter. The entire voters in 1822 numbered nineteen. Their names we give : John Arnold, Robert Ken nedy, Jacob S wails, Thomas Elwell, Wm. Wright, Aaron Wilson, John Scoles, Wm. Smith, Philip Armentrout, Benj. Austin, John Butler, Wm. Spry, Francis Popham, David Holloway, Thomas Scoles, John Gordon, Andrew Scoles, Cyrus Mc Donald, and George Scoles. In 1820, John Ar nold listed the taxable property, and receiA ed f 5 therefor. Amity was laid out in 1832, and con tains about 150 inhabitants, among them wagon makers, Adam Cole, John Scarborough ; tanners, John Nyrick, Geoyge McClurg ; shoemakers, John Cain, George Nyrick ; tavern keeper, Newel Dowds. There are two stores. The post-office is called " Democracy." There are three churches : Bap tist, Rev. Arnold, Pastor ; Methodist, Rev. Ball ; and Deciple. The physicians are E. Mast and W. E. Edwards. In 1840, Pike contained 1,216 inhabitants ; in 1850, 1,720 ; and in 1860, 1,454. 320 HISTORY OF The brothers Bartholomew and John Bartlett,' natives of Connecticut, emigrated from Pennsylva nia to linox county in 1808, and were the heads of numerous families of Bartlett in Knox and Mor row. The sons of Bartliolomew were WUUam, David, Hugh, and Leonard ; and the daughters were Martha, wife of J. C. Irvine, of Mt. Vernon ; Polly, wife of Samuel Nye ; Betsy, wife of Winn Winship, and Mrs. Jacob Cooper, deceased. Ed- Avin, son of William, lives on the old home place in Morris township ; William Bartlett, carpenter in Mt. Vernon, is one of the sons of David ; his other son, Simeon, Uves in the west. Hugh's chil dren were William F., George, Lafayette, Taylor, and Mary, Mrs. Shurr of ChestervUle. Leonard's children were John, George, who married Ellen Cooper, Helen, Preston, EUzabeth, Josephine. John, sr.'s, children were Abner, and Mary, Mrs. .John Richards, who is dead. Abner's chUdren are T. M. Bartiett, of Mt. Vernon, Sarah, Avife of Rob ert MaxAveU in Morrow county, John D., of Wayne, Abner, Joel, Abel, Maria, Avife of John Barber, Mary, Mrs. Fredericks, Loruma, wife of AlAdn Casson, all of Morrow county. Of Mrs. Mary Richards' children, but one child — David, at Sparta — lives in this State ; the others are in Vermont. When the old settlers came to Knox they settled in Clinton and Morris. The Cains — Elias and James— Avcre early settlers. James now lives in Holmes county ; Elias and his brother Robert yet in this toAvnship. The Armstrongs, Johnsons and Kirkpatricks are citizens of many years. Conrad KNOX COUNTY. 321 Doub, a native of Frankfort on the Rhine, came to this county in 1832. He is a good farmer ; has seven boys Uving, two of whom are in Co, H, 23d RT3gt. — Conrad and Lewis. John Mahaffey has since 1833 been a citizen of this township. He came from Washington county, Pa., learnt the blacksmith trade Avith his brother Joe, in Mt. Ver non, and has for many years carried on business in this township. SUCCESSIVE JUSTICES OF THE PEACE. 1819. Andrew Scoles. 1819. Robert Silcost. 1820. Wm. Smith. 1825. Wm. McNear. 1822. Bernard Reece. 1823. Aaron Bixby. 1823. Wm. Smith. 1827. Andrew Scoles. 1825. Bernard Reece. 1830. Hugh Kirkpatrick. 1825. Wm. Johnson. 1831. F. Popham. 1829. Wm. Smith. 1831. John Cochran, jr. 1833. tt tt 1834. F. Popham. 1834. John Gordon. 1837. John Gordon. 1836. John Cochran. 1837. J. Y. Barnhard. 1839. it it 1840. John Gordon. 1843. John Gordon. 1842. Emanuel Wagoner. 1843. Wm. Arnold. 1846. Amos Dehaven. 1844. John Ramsey 1846. W. W. Minteer. 1847. >i It 1849. (( it 1849. Eli Dickerson. 1852. a it 1850. C. P. Frederick. 1853. R. C. Sweeney. 1852. Eli Dickerson. 1856. ((( <( 1855. H. P. Roberts. 1856. David Braddock. 1855. J. D. Eammil. 1858. Sam. Kirkpatrick. 1858. J. D. Hammil. 1860. R. C. Sweeney. 1859. John Wise. 1861. J. D. Hammil. 21 322 HISTORY OF CHAPTER XXXII. HOWARD TOWNSHIP. In the general reorganization of March 9th, 1825, this township was formed. The land is generaUy rolling and well watered by Owl Creek and the Jelloways, which afford considerable water power. The Kinderhook MiUs, in the days of EUiott, War den & Co., did a fine business, and the AdUage of Kinderhook was quite a noted place. Howard had 590 population in 1830, and 14,586 acres of taxable land. In 1840, the inhabitants numbered 990 ; in 1850, 1,002 ; and in 1860, 870. The Porters emigrated from Maryland in 1816 ; Thomas J. died in his 83d year. Of his nine chil dren, the living are Henry T., who married Eliza Ann Hedington, Samuel, Michael, Harriet, Avife of Hiram Critchfield. Old 'Squire Porter was an honest and inteUigent man, who was highly es teemed by all who knew him. For nine years he served his neighbors as a justice, and died univer sally lamented. Dr. Lewis R. is residing in Clin ton township, much respected for his inteUigence and worth. The name of Critchfield has been common in this and the adjoining townships, and will continue so. Nathaniel, WiUiam, Joseph, John and Isaac, five brothers, emigrated from the neighborhood of Cumberland, Md., to Owl Creek in 1806. Isaac died shortly after. The others had been soldiers in the Revolutionary War, and drew pensions until KNOX COUNTY. 323 their death. Nathaniel married Christina Welker ; he died about 1837, and she in July, 1840. They had thirteen children, of whom the foUowing have been generally knoAATO, Adz : William, Susannah, wife of Jacob Lepley, Joseph, Catharine, vrife of Peris Sprague, Jesse, SaUy, wife of Jacob Lybar ger, Benjamin, Mary, wife of Meshac Casteel, and Isaac, who died. Wm. Critchfield, Sr., died in 1848. His second wife, who was the Widow Bar cus, survives. Their children were — Reuben, Samuel, Betsy Thatcher, DrusUla Thomas, Keziah Magers, SaUy Critchfield, and James and Benjamin Barcus. Joseph Critchfield married Peggy Sapp ; he died in 1843. Of their nine children, we have the following memoranda : Mary was the second wife of Col. John Greer ; Elizabeth married Rob ert Waddle; Catharine, George Lybarger ; Phoebe, Wm. BeckAvith ; Alvin and WilUam are in Indi ana ; Isaac in Hardin county ; John in Mt. Holly; Joseph died in Indiana. WilUam, son of Nathaniel, married EUzabeth Troutman, of Somerset co.. Pa., and begat 13 chU dren. Charles, Reuben, Sam., Hiram, Enoch, who married Maria Dixon ; Jesse, Mary Horton; Dr. S. T., Mary Porter, of AUegheny co., Md. ; WUUam Jackson is dead ; Lucinda married Lewis Lybarger ; MatUda married John Cassel; DeUlah married Dr. Mast, and Catharine is at home. Hiram and Jesse are dead. From the loins of these old soldiers have sprung a numerous tribe of athletic and hardy people. The old set were good marksmen, industrious hus bandmen, thorough going yeomen, who endured 324 HISTORY OF great hardships and perils in the " times that tried men's souls," and left to their hundreds of descen dants the light of good example, and a just pride in their well spent Uves. Uriah Tracy, Marvin Tracy, James Logue, Jas. Wade, Paul Welker, Ben. Ellis, PhiUp, George, jr., and Isaac Dial were of the first settlers. George Lybarger, sr., George, jr., and Andrew, were among the first voters in this township, Ludwick Lybar ger and his sons—Sam., George, Lewis, Joseph and Jacob, have long been residents. "Old uncle George" moved west many years ago, and is now dead ; he was a kind-hearted man of the pioneer stamp. The Dawsons and McFarlands, ft-om Washing ton CO., Pa., have resided in this toAvnship since 1835, and have been exceUent citizens. Henry Eckenrode, a native of Adams co,, Pa., settled in this township in 1833, and has helped people it. John Hull has been here since 1820. Here, too, have lived a numerous family of Durbins, the Trol- ingers. Horns, Whites, Nicholses, Mario ws, Millers, Magerses, Berrys, and other most exceUent people, SUCCESSIVE JUSTICES OF THE PEACE. 1822. Joseph McMahon. 1841. H. H. McArtor. 1822. Martin Engle. 1844. " 1825. " " 1847. " 1820. Amos Workman. 1850. " 1829. " " 1853. 1831, Ben. Hedington. 1846. Ben. Ellis. 1832. Thos. J. Porter. 1849. E. Marshal. 1835. " " 1852. J. T. Beum. 1838. " " 1855. " " 1832. William Williams. 1858. Sam. Cake. 1835. " " 1859, A.J.Ellis. 1838. " " 1858. Paul Welker. 1840. Ben. Ellis. 1801. " KNOX COUNTY. 325 CHAPTER XXXIII. MORRIS TOWNSHIP. On the 2d of March, 1812, upon petition of sev eral citizens this township was laid off, and an or der issued for an election to be held at the house of Benjamin Rush for township officers. A ma jority of the early settlers being natives of Morris county. New Jersey, caused the name of Morris to be selected. The officers of the election, this year, were Wm. Douglass, Daniel Cooper, Wm. Thrift, judges ; James Trimble and John Wheeler, clerks. The township was listed by N. C. Boalse, who was paid a $6 county order for his services. At a spe cial meeting of the Associate Judges, March 14, 1812, three justices were aUoAt-ed to this township at the election ordered by the Commissioners. There were fifty voters. James Trimble was cho sen Township Clerk ; Scott Durbin and James MiUer, Constables ; and James Loveridge, Treasu rer. At this period, this may be said to have been the foremost township in the county. Clinton was then in its prime, the country around was settled by the very best kind of people ; the upper branches of Owl Creek, uniting within its limits, gave them some of its richest bottom lands for cultivation, and the flow of emigration brought much substantial population. At the election of 1816 there were 83 326 HISTORY OF voters. In 1819, Smith Hadley Usted the township, and received an |8 order for the same. The fore going names, together with those in the list of jus tices, represent many of the most prominent fami lies in this township from its organization. The names of Smith, Cooper, Loveridge, Douglass, Bo- nar, Coleman, Trimble, Thrift, Wheeler, Durbin, Nye, Ball, Banning and Rush, frequently occur in these pages in connection Avith events in our past history. Several of the families have not a single representative now in the county. The heads of families have died, and the descendants gone to other parts. The most active of the CUntonians long since left the field. Samuel H. Smith, the head of that settlement, drew around him many mechanics and laborers ; he was an energetic, in telligent business man, and has no one of his blood within the county at this time. S. H,. Smith, of Erie co., who we observed a few days since contributed $100 to the war fund of his township, is the only one of his children in Ohio. He is a farmer, and the largest tax-payer in that county, as we have been informed. Ichabod Nye, brother-in-law of Smith, is dead, as also his wife. Henry Smith, the Barneys, Glasses, Enoses, Yeo- mans, Marshals, Harrison and Dickinson, are also gone. Alexander Enos moved to Richland co., and Wm. C. has gone to parts unknown. Ralph Granger, who sold goods in Clinton in 1815, died long since. The Coopers, Carey, Daniel and Elias, were brothers. In 1809 Daniel moved from Butler co.. Pa., with his family, and was followed shortly after KNOX COUNTY. 327 by Carey and Elias. The latter was unmarried. Carey's sons were Charles, EUas, Hugh, John and Lewis, of whom Charles and John alone survive. His two daughters are also dead, Daniel had seven chUdren — Thompson, Wm,, George, Henri etta, and Julia, Mrs. John Ray, in this county, Jo siah living in ChiUicothe, Mo., and Mrs. Sarah Bushfield. Elias Cooper, the old gentleman, is yet Uving ; another Cooper of the early times was "cousin Charley;" they were all natives of New .Jersey. Thompson recoUects how prosperous Clin ton Avas in 1813, Avith its four taverns Avith their inviting signs swinging in the breeze — kej^t by Ich abod Nye, Alfred Manning, John Barney and Sam uel Yeoman. In the war times whisky flowed freely doAvn the throats and business was very brisk; "God's barn" was then the great place of gathering for devotional purposes. The old settlers have a lively recollection of the pious labors of father Scott therein ; when, in the summer time, the hogs of the whole village collected together under the floor, which was about two and a half feet ft-om the ground, and Avould frequently set up such a grunting and squealing as to render inaudible the voice of the good minister. It was a great harbor for fleas, and Capt. Douglass was conspicuous in the meeting Avith his large feet, bare, endeavoring to catch the marauders who violated the sanctity of the place. He moved to the Wabash country and is dead, as also his son, Aaron ; his daughters- Sally, Avife of James Rogers ; and Phcebe, wife of Richard EAvalt, are Uving. Wm. McCartney and Aaron dug the mUl race 328 HISTORY OF for Douglass, A sister of Mo, married Enoch Ogle, who kept tavern in BellviUe, John John son, father of Tom, the old jailor, is dead. Abed nego Stevens rests with Shadrach and Meshac, and Amzie Stevens, of Amazonian frame, whose foot was sixteen inches and a quarter, died long, long ago. His skeleton he wished to be preserved as a model, and hence struck a bargain vrith a doctor by which he was to have the bones for his museum. About 1832, Mr. Bicking and another merchant from Philadelphia, in passing through the country, discovered his foot-prints in the snow, and got out and took the measure of the track, having never seen the like before. Verily he was a monster, and shook the earth with his majestic tread. Grim would have been but a small boy beside him. The children of a future age may exclaim : "There were giants in those days !" WiUiam MitcheU was here in 1807. His children were Jacob, Nathaniel, Abigail, Mrs. John H. Mefford ; Mary, Mrs. John Young ; Hannah, Mrs. Wm. Mefford, Naomi, wife of Lewis Young, deceased, now ]\Irs. Thos. Evans ; Sarah, Mrs. Cyrus Cooper ; John, SUas and Wm. All no AV live but Nathaniel and Sarah. Nathaniel was one of the scouting party at the time of Copus' slaughter, and died in 1813 from disease contracted by exposure in the Indian campaign. William, sr., joined the Baptist Church in 1815, and continued a member until his death, August 12, 1848, in his 83d year. He was very sociable and much es teemed. An old heir-loom of this family is in the possession of Hannah Mefford, being a cup and saucer of peculiar construction, which belonged to KNOX COUNTY. 329 her grand-mother, one of the New Jersey matrons of the revolution. The old China set of the last century was used by General Washington when at the old homestead, near Morristown, during the revolutionary war. James Loveridge and wife, both Uving, came from Morris co., N. J., in 1805, and Richard in 1812. The latter was an inventive genius ; he died several years since. There are many of this name now in Morris. Philip resides on the old farm of Richard. Loveridgeisms are peculiarities of ex- pi-ession in rhyme pertaining to this family. Rich ard got a patent for a plow in 1828 ; and an exclu sive right to rhyme in conversation has been inherited by this family. Long may the old stock be spared to indulge their proi)ensity for sport in verse. They have been industrious citizens. Another Jersey accession includes tlie Ball broth ers — Hiram, Uzal, Cyrus aud Timothy. Their father divided equally 1,000 acres of the best OavI Creek bottom land among them, and for a half century it has been held and cultivated by the BaUs. The Ebersole family is another one of the old stock. Some of the descendants, John, Jacob, and others, have made valuable citizens. An inci dent of this township worthy of record occurred in the time when it was customary to Avarn out of townships any ncAV comer who was likely to be come a township charge. One of these settlers, by the name of Pope, having located within the Umits, Silas Ball was ordered to warn him out. He re monstrated against doing so, saying, " God made man, and he has a right to a place on earth, and if 330 HISTORY OF Pope is warned out of Morris he may be warned out of any other township he goes into, and it is contrary to God's wUl that he should have no abiding place." The warrant was fixed out and handed to him to serve, Avhich he took as required, went to Pope's house, and taking it in his hand was about to read it, when his feelings overcame him, and he exclaimed, " Pope, I warn you off the face of God's earth !" and turned around and went back with the Avrit. He was asked if he served it by reading, or by copy ; he replied, " neither," and gave the words he employed. The result was that Pope remained, and BaU's better nature triumphed. He was a staunch Universalist, and a kind-hearted citizen. Among the names of long standing is that of Bonar. In 1812, Barnet and Matthew, brothers, emigrated from Washington county, Pa. ; about the same time came a cousin of theirs, named Matthew, and a brother-in-law, Dr. John Byers. The latter-named Matthew moved some years ago to Illinois, Avhere he was living at last accounts. The brother of Barnet Avas a bachelor, and died about 1815. Barnet died in May, 1844, aged 84, and his Avife in 1858, aged 89. They had the fol lowing children : David, Avho died about 1816 ; Matthew, living in Richland county; John, who died in 1859 ; WiUiam, at the old homestead on Granny's Creek ; Ann, Avife of Gavin MitcheU, of Richland county, died in 1835, leaving a consider able family; Martha, Avife of Adam Rinehart, liv ing in this toAvnship; Sarah, Avife of E. P. Young, died about 1840 ; Isabel, who died about 1828 ; KNOX COUNTY. 331 Margaret, married A, Greenlee, and died about 1850, John was a hard-working, intelligent farm er, Avho Avas highly esteemed, and died in his 54th year, from a cancer. His Avife was Lucinda, daugh ter of Charles Cooper. She had one son — Josiah, who married a daughter of Charles Swan — and two daughters; Bell married Thomas Swan, also in Morris, and Catharine is the Avife of H. Leon ard, of Wayne. WiUiam Bonar married A. L. Case, and has four children liying : David ; EUza beth, Avife of Rev. J. W. White, of Marion, White- sides county, Illinois; Sarah Jane, and CaroUne. Isabel died in 1860. WiUiam Bonar's name will be found among the Senators ft-om this district. He is the only son of the old pioneer now within our county Umits. Among the early incidents of this section is the foUowing curious hunting exploit. Deer were very abundant then on Granny's Creek, and one day Barnet shot a large doe, and as it fell, and Ufe's current was ebbing away, he discovered that she Avas in the pains of parturition, when he ripped her open with his knife, and took from her two fawns, one of which he gave to Alex. Johnson, and the other he kept. They both lived for some time. His OAvn,. having lost its eyes by exposure to fire, first died; but the other grew up a large and healthy tame deer, and was an object of pecuUar interest to the neighborhood, on account of its singular birth. Samuel H. Smith was always spry and active. During the time of his mercantUe operations he received a good deal of money, and on one occasion he threw a shot-bag fuU of specie on the counter. 332 HISTORY OF and said that any one who could run away from him Avith that bag, might have it. Taking him at his word, Henry Smith, who was a sprightly young man, grabbed it and ran, pursued by Sam., and, after coursing down the road some distance, finding the old gentleman gaining on him, he broke for the fence, and climbed over it into the field; but Sam. caught him, and he gave up the bag amid the shouts and cheers of Capt. Nye's horse company, who were spectators of the ludicrous scene. The Duhamels, Amos and Henry, in 1824, emi grated from Frederick, Md. Henry now lives near Maumee City ; Amos in Franklin, 111., with his third wife. By his former wives he had eleven children ; number by the present not known. Of these we have the following account : Peter C. re sides in Morris township ; Emily, Avife of Geo. W. Litt, in Pike township ; Frances Jane, wife of James Logsden, is in Iowa ; Louisa Ann, wife of David Spickler, in AUen county. Peter C. learn ed the carpenter trade with Robert Spears, Bel viUe, and works at it. The Oosners were very in dustrious citizens. Old "Uncle Philip" was noted as being one of the most successful tobacco-grow ers. Peter Rush is another of the old stock of farmers. The Winterbothams were a highly intel ligent family, none of whom are now in Knox. Of the number of children is Mrs. Ann S. Ste phens, the accomplished authoress, residing in New York ; John H., an energetic business man, in Fort Madison, Iowa ; Robert, in Columbus ; Samuel, in Iowa ; and William, in Wisconsin. Adam Rine hart, another valued citizen, Avith his family, re- KNOX COUNTY. 333 sides here ; also the Cassels, Swans, Pearres, John Lamb, and Henry Johnson. Benjamin Rush, of Morris county, N. J., with his wife, Margaret Lo gan, also of said county, emigrated with their chil dren, Job, Andrew M., Mary, Johannah and Mar garet, to this township, from Morris township, Washington county. Pa. The two latter are dead ; other children, born in this township, were Eunice, Sarah Ann and Lucinda. Benjamin died in March, 1849, in his 80th year, and the old lady in October, 1858, in her 85th year. They were among the best citizens. Richard Ayres, John Erwin, and Mrs. Galloway, were also early settlers. Of these, the only remaining trace in this county, is Erwin's daughter, Mrs. Mary McFarland. John Wheeler, a carpenter, married a daughter of Mrs. GaUoway, and moved to Sandusky, taking with him Mrs. GaUoAvay and her son. John Sawyer, first black smith at CUnton, and a good horse-shoer, emigrated to Indiana, and died. His only descendant in this county is Mrs. W. O. Johnson. In 1830, the pop ulation of Morris was 812, and 13,066 acres of land were listed for taxation. In 1840, there were 1,079 inhabUants ; in 1850, 1,028 ; and in 1860, 1,013. Of the fifty men who voted at the first election in Morris, James Loveridge is the only one Uving in this county. The CUnton post-office was the first in the county. Its various postmasters were Samuel H. Smith, Richard Fishback, Ichabod Marshal and S. H. Smith. The last known of it, Andrew Clark was acting as deputy postmaster, in 1819. 334 HISTORY OF Smith's house was the first one erected in the viUage. Samuel Ayres and Amoriah Watson got out the timber, Loveridge and Douglass helped to raise it. They all boarded with Loveridge during the work. Douglass had Wm. McLoud put up the first stone house in the county. John MUler, the first dresser of buck-skin for breeches, hunting shirts, etc., married Patsey Zerrick ; she is Uving on the old farm with her sister Edna, the only rep resentatives of the old Virginian Daniel, who died in 1851, aged 86. SUCCESSIVE JUSTICES OF THE PEACE. 1812. John Trimble, Benjamin 1837. Barney, Joseph Coleman. 1816. Wm. Doulass ; re-elected 1840, in 1819. 1844. 1816. Jos. Coleman; re-elected in 1819. 1847. 1819. James Dickson. 1848. 1820. Alfred Manning. 1848. 1822. Carey Cooper. 1850. 1823. Uzal Ball ; re-elected in 1851. 1826. 1852. 1823. John Trimble ; re-elected 1853. in 1826. 1830. James Adams; re-elected 1854. in 1833 and in 1836. 1855. 1831. B.H. Taylor. 1856. 1832. Uzal Ball. 1857. 1835. B. H. Taylor ; re-elected 1859. in 1838 and 1841. 1861. 1836. Thompson Cooper; re- 1862. elected in 1839, '42, '45. George Irwin ; re-elected in 1840. John Durbin. Alex. M'Grew ; re-elected in 1847. B. H. Taylor. John H. Winterbotham ; Wm. Bonar. Benj. B. Brown. Thompson Cooper. John Dwyer. Uzal Ball ; re-elected in 1856. John McIntyre. B. F. Smith. Allen Scott. John McIntyre. J. L. Jackson. John McIntyre. J. L. Jackson. KNOX COUNTY. 335 CHAPTER XXXIV. AVAYNE TOWNSHIP. One of the first townships was named for the distinguished, brave General Wayne, more gener aUy known by the sobriquet " Mad Anthony." In the general reorganization it was reduced to its present limits. The general appearance of the surface of the country is beautiful. It is well wa tered, weU timbered, healthy, and possessed of un common attractions for a home. In 1830, it listed 16,258 acres of land for taxation, and contained 1,047 inhabitants; in 1850, 1,864; and in 1860, 1,789. We have given the officers and voters at the first election. In 1811, the Judges were Joseph Denman, Daniel Ayres, James Trimble ; Clerks, John Trimble and Wm. Johnson. In 1812, Henry Roberts listed the township. John Kerr, Samuel Wilson and Daniel Beers were then Judges ; Wil lis Speakman and Joseph Townsend, Clerks. In the Ust of Justices and names heretofore given will be found most of the early settlers who exerted au influence upon the society of this section. It can not be expected that we shall enumerate all the good citizens of different periods ; the limits pre scribed for our work preclude such an idea. The lands upon the South Fork and East Fork of Owl Creek are unsurpassed in fertiUty, and the water 336 HISTORY OF power thereon has been so improved as to give the producers every facility for acquiring a competency. Feedeeioktoavn, the principal mart of business for the farmers of the north western portion of Knox, Avas laid out in 1807, by John Kerr, with its streets— "First or Donation," "Second st.," "Third or Sandusky st.," "Fourth st.," "Vine alley," " Chambers st.," " State road and Main st.," and " Strawberry alley." The original tract upon which it is situated belonged to Mr. SulUvant, of Frank- linton, who, with commendable UberaUty, gave John Kerr his choice of 50 out of 4,000 acres, in cluding a mill seat, if he would settle upon and build a miU there. Accordingly, in the fall of 1807, he constructed a dam, raised a Uttle log house and set one run of stone to grinding, or " cracking corn." On this 50 acres the town was laid out, and Kerr then bought 450 acres around it. W. Y. Farquhar was the surveyor, and the name of Fred erick in honor of the old home, in Maryland, was given to this town in the wilderness. W. Y. Far quhar erected and occupied the first cabin in Fred ericktown ; it was a little stake and rider pen 18 feet square. The next family to pitch their habitation within the plat, was that of Mrs. Ayres, and her sons, David and Abner, at once became leading men. John Milligan and Jeduthan Dodd, from Ten Mile, Pa., came shortly after, with their connec tions, John and Jacob Cook and Jacob Haldeman. In 1809, Rachel Richardson bought out the little improvement of John Cook, and settled there with her family, consisting of WiUiam, Isaac N., Polly KNOX COUNTY. 337 and Nancy, who subsequently married Samuel Watson and John Wright. Charles McGowan, a droll old Irishman, took a lease near by, and Tho mas Durbin, Samuel Wilson and Thomas Towns- end, Quakers, and John Walker, who subsequently married a Shurr, came also. In 1812, Avithin the town were nine log cabins and one frame building ; dwellings, shops, huts all told. WiUis Speakman, Rachel Richardson, John Garrison, John Vennum, and the Ayres' families, at one time occupied all these. Mr. Garrison opened the first store in 1812, and then dAvelt in the only frame ; it was situated where the Methodist Church now stands. He is the only one of the then settlers within the village now liv ing, and has led a migratory life. He is a native of New Jersey ; married near Philadelphia ; moA'^ed to NcAV York; thence to Knox county, where he sold goods for several years ; thence to Mansfield ; from there to Detroit; back again to Knox; off ao-ain to Chicago, 111. ; and now resides at Cedar Falls, Iowa. He has been merchandising at each point, and in his 91st year enjoys good health. Three of his children are in Iowa, one in Detroit, and another, Mrs. Richard Roberts, in this county. This year he visited this county, and saAV his great- great-grandchild and many other descendants in Berlin and Wayne. Nicholas McCarty was the second merchant. He moved from Mount Vernon to this place. In July, 1817, N. McO, & Co, closed up their mercantile business and left their notes and accounts Avith 22 338 HISTORY OF Abner Ayres, Esq., for settlement, and also a quantity of lake fish. The mother of Mr. McCarty died at Fredericktown ; he moved to Indiana, and for many years drove a prosperous trade at the State capital. In 1853, he returned to Frederick on a mission of filial affection, and erected a monu ment at his mother's grave. In 1855, he paid the debt of nature, leaAing a large famUy in prosper ous circumstances. During his life he was a zeal ous Whig, and represented the capital distiict in the Senate of Indiana, and was also the candidate of his party for Governor of the State. He had the respect and confidence of aU, and weU deserved the title he bore, — "Honest Nic. McCarty." James Rigby, who so long and faithfully follow ed merchandising here, is yet living in the enjoy ment of good health, surrounded by his children and friends, one of the oldest inhabitants. George Girty was another merchant, who left this section about 1815 for other parts. Joshua Vennum, the first house-joiner, built the first frame house in the village. None of his name survive in this county. Mrs. Wolf kept the first boarding-house. She is dead long since. Her oldest son, Peter, lived on a farm near the Burkholder flat, which he sold to Henry B. Carter, who was a brother to Jacob Cook's wife, and moved to Knox County in 1810. Samuel Wolf was a sterling man — lived in Rich land, and served as Sheriff. When the county went wild for Jackson he was an Adams man, and con sequently "done for politicaUy." Her daughters have done well. Artemissa married lawyer May, of Mansfield; EUza, as elsewhere related, Mr. KNOX COUNTY. 339 Drennan, and Mary married and Uved in the neigh borhood of Lancaster. The first tavern was opened by Abner Ayres, and with a slight intermission during the war, when, for good and sufficient rea sons, his brother Daniel took it; the same hotel was kept up for more than forty years. "Uncle Abner" was not any "great shakes" in the way of dancing attendance on guests, but "Axmt Amy" did know how to have the culinary department car ried on ; and, we do affirm, that for making good brandy mince pies, and brandy peaches, she was unsurpassed by any of womankiud since Eve eat the forbidden fruit. She knew just when, where, and how to apply the spirit to make it most palat able, as all of the generation, who feasted there during sleighing excursions, weU know. They have both departed to a better land, leaving the record of a Ufe spent in contributing to the happiness of their fellow-creatures. Abner served as Captain in the war of 1812, as a Justice of the Peace fif teen years, and Associate Judge seven years, a County Commissioner three years, and Postmaster near forty years. He was as quiet, unassuming and weU disposed man as ever wore shoe-leather. The first preaching was in the Uttle school-house, heretofore spoken of as a Fort, etc. In it ministers of various denominations held forth at stated times. About 1820 the Presbyterians undertook to build a church, but, having started out on too large a scale, they were compelled to succumb, and the building, in its unfinished state, a mere shell, was sold to Absalom Thrift, who converted it into a ware-house, and it is to this day used as a Uvery 340 HISTORY OF stable. Some time after, the Universalists, who have ever been quite numerous in this locality, erect ed a spacious frame church, which they have since occupied, until for a few years past the su^^ply from some cause has ceased. The Presbyterians made another effort, and built the present excellent edi fice ; and the Methodists and Baptists have also fine churches. The population is of a decidedly " go to meeting" character ; they have also been noted for their zealous efforts in behalf of Temper ance, and have kept up various organizations of a reform class for many years. The first blacksmith was Thomas Ayres, who went to work in 1808, and continued for many years. The first school was kept by Wm. Y. Far quhar ; the first shoe-shoj) by Osgood Dustin. The first hatter was Celestial Le Blond, a little frisky Frenchman, aaIiosc A^ote, in 1811, is entered as "Celestial Light" on the poll-books. He was the son of a wealthy French gentleman, and had to flee from his native land in consequence of hav ing killed an antagonist in a duel. He frequently received from his father remittances of $500, or so, but made very foolish bargains. With money once sent he bought a mill-seat, set about erecting a mill where Shalers now is, and "broke flat" by the time he got a saw-mill up. The premises were then sold to Christopher BrolUcr, and by him to David Shaler, an. energetic millwright. Shortly after this Celestial received another remittance and moved to Bellville. In 1838 he Avent to France, obtained a considerable sum of money, and re turned with a large stock of goods. He died at KNOX COUNTY. 341 BeUviUe leaving a very respectable family. An old man named McCoy, a sort of cobbler, tried his hand at making cloth shoes for the women at an early day. The men then generally wore mocca sins. A singular ft-eak of another creature, in 1809, has been related to us. His name was Ebenezar Taylor, and he undertook to do work in the shoe Une, but before he got fairly started an itinerant preacher came along, and Ebnezar was so taken Avith his discourse that he foUowed him off, leaving his kit of tools, and an estray animal, which he had taken up and advertised, and has never been heard of since. Speaking of shoemakers reminds us of a somewhat noted man in these parts, Jede diah Peck, who attempted to get up a patent Avay of making boots, having last and tree all together, but found that it was easier to make them on than to get the boot off the tree, which, after vain at tempts, he concluded to fasten to the house and hitch a mule to pull it off. His house was built around a walnut tree, and it was considerable of a curiosity to travelers to see a tree growing out of the top of a house. Jedediah and his wife died without issue, and his two pretty nieces, who dwelt with him, are gone also. In 1815, Capt. John WilUams, of Frederick, Md., bought out John Kerrs' mill property, and at the same time started a store in the village. He brought out $40,000 in money, and dissipated through the country. He was a man of talent, clever and sociable, and is spoken Avell of by aU old settlers. He came to this county in 1814 Avith his family. His children are much scattered. 342 HISTORY OF WiUiam lives in Peoria, Illinois ; Thomas in Henry county, in that State, as also Rachel, wife of Col. Prather, in the same county. Eliza, wife of MU ton Bevans, in Fulton county, lUinois. Pendy died in IlUnois, Abraham in this county, and Gist W. in Missouri, in 1852. His son States, now lives in Morris. But two of Capt. John WiUiam's family are to-day living in this county, EmaUne, wife of Frank Wilkins, of Liberty, and Dan., who is living AAith States, his nephew, in Morris. Dan. was born in Frederick, Md., October 6th, 1792. His four sons are doing well. Clark and Charles reside in West Newton, Allen county, John and Milton B. in Berlin. Clark married EUen Lane, and Charles her sister Jane. Milton married Elizabeth, daughter of Richard Roberts. The post office kept from its establishment by Abner Ayres, until in 1850, B. J. Lewis succeeded him ; in May, 1852, Thomas A. Reed vice Lewis, resign ed; L. S. McCoy foUowed, and his successor was Geo. BaU. In 1840, Fredericktown contained 500 inhabi tants ; in 1850, 712 ; and in 1860, 790, of whom 16 were negroes. The place, some twelve years since, put on city airs, and with Geo. W- Woodcock as mayor, and T. A. Reed, Recorder, carried on a right sharp crusade against the "doggeries." The warfare was subsequently taken up by the Com mon Pleas Courts, and for a time better " order reigned iu Warsaw. Of late years, howcA'Cr, we have been informed that there has been "some thing rotten in Denmark," and the spirits have assumed at times a very bold and threatening ap- KNOX COUNTY. 343 pearance. Taken altogether, however, Frederick may be said, during its existence, to have been a model town in the Une of "law and order." In 1816, the entire township cast but 81 votes. The 1th of July, 1817, was duly commemorated at Anson Broicn's, in Fredericktown. Daniel Beers was chosen Moderator, and Anson Brown, Clerk. The Committee of Arrangements consisted of Chris tian Holderman, Job Allen, Munson Pond, Joseph Talmage, Jacob Young and Henry Markley. Mun son Pond Avas Officer of the Day. Job Allen com manded the volunteer company ; Jabez Beers was Reader; Truman Strong, Orator. Benjamin Jack son, Anson Brown and Benjamin Jackson, jr., con ducted the Singing. The Rev. John Cook and .lames Scott were present — and last, but not least, Alvin Bateman Avas Toast Master. A good dinner Avas eaten, and all felt glorious. The McCutchens, Strubles, Cochrans, Cravens, Sagerses, Beerses, Leonards, Thrifts, Harters, Strongs and Corbins, Avere among the early settlers. Of the Cochrans, William and Samuel were young men of good mind. The former is dead, and the latter, a preacher of celebrity, in N. Y. ; Josiah M. is quartermaster in 43d Reg't., O- V. Jabez Beers was one of the old settlers, and his son, Joseph, lived in Frederick at an early day. Dr. .John Byers located here in 1812. He moved west about 1835, and is noAV Uving in Hardin co. His three sons emigrated to Arkansas; Thomas and John are both dead — William yet lives at Bates ville, Ark. The boys acquired considerable dis tinction as Attorneys. The old gentleman was one 344 HISTORY OF of the earliest practitioners of medicine in this township. Dr. David Wadsworth, another physi cian, died many years ago; His son, T. B., died a soldier in the Mexican war ; and his daughter, Eliza Ellen, Mrs. Struble, is the sole survivor of the family. The Bryants have been quite numer ous in Wayne, and among them James has been prominent ; he Avas a very strict man, of the steady and straight " Sunday go to meeting" kind, and as his neighbors to the west did not walk in his ways, he called their settlement " Sodom," a name it has ever since borne notwithstanding that it has had in it many first rate citizens. Nicknames, once given and received, are hard to be obliterated. An old settler upon Granny's Creek is Truman Ransom, who Avith his family located, in 1824, where he has ever since resided. Mr. Ransom was a natiA^e of Connecticut, and, AAith his father's family, moved to this State in 1812, and settled on the Muskingum, near its mouth. He there mar ried Miss Temperance, daughter of Thomas Lord, whose grandmother was a daughter of Col. Oliver, one of the officers in command at the time the Marietta settlement Avas attacked by the Indians. Her father Avas Judge of the Court of Washington county, and a prominent member of the " Ohio Companj ." Of Mr. R.'s seven children, one is dead ; Edwin and Albert are living in Missouri ; Thomas in Liberty ; Bryan, William Wallace and Robert Bruce in Wayne. Mr. R. has been a hard working man, and has met Avith various streaks of iU luck ; his losses have been heavy, by fire and water, and his escape from the jaws of death has KNOX COUNTY. 315 been almost miraculous. His dwelUng-house, with much furniture, was burnt up in the spring of 1852 —to his damage some $2000. In attempting to cross Owl Creek Avith a wagon and four-horse team he lost all, amounting probably to $800, and did weU to get off with his " own skin whole." Having a small miU site on Granny's Creek, he erected, in 1828, a saw-mill, that is yet in oper ation. In the Granny's Creek school-house a Temper ance Society was gotten up many years ago, and also a Sabbath-School, Avhich has been well attend ed. Regular preaching has been had also since 1830, by the Methodist, Episcopal, Presbyterian and other denominations. But tAVO men are now living in the neighborhood of Frederick who were young men groAvn in 1812 — Richard Roberts, of Berlin, and .Jacob Mitchell. The first of these helped cut the first road out from Mt. Vernon to Frederick, under the supervisorship of Joe Walker ; and the second rode express for General Harrison in the Avar of 1812. Then they were both boys fuU of mettle and spirit, and their fathers were among the old men of the settlement ; and noAV their fathers are dead, and they in turn are old men — heads of families — grandfathers — yes, great grandparents — and a ucav generation is upon the stage of action. What changes they have witnessed in their lifetime, little as we may be dis posed to think things change before our vision in this fast age ! 346 HISTORY OF SUCCESSIVE JUSTICES OF THE PEACE. 1808. Wm. Y. Farquhar. 1809. Daniel Ayres. 1812. Abner Ayres. 1816. Abner Ayres. 1815. W. W. Farquhar. 1819. it tt 1818. tl it 1822. cc tl 1817. Daniel Beers. 1825. tl tl 1821. Anson Brown. 1831. George H. Bull. 1826. David Wadsworth. 1834. It It 1826. Byram Leonard. 1837. tl tl 1829. ll tl 1840. tl it 1830. Michael Sockman. 1837. Byram Leonard. 1830. John Allen. 1840. John Lewis. 1836. Samuel Bryant. 1843. A. Greenlee. 1839. it tl 1846. G. W. Woodcock. 1842. it tl 1849. (( (( 1845. It i( 1852. tl tt 1848. (( cc 1855. ti it 1846. Peter Ink. 1855. W. G. Strong. 1849. J. B. Roberts. 1856. T. V. Parke. 1851. Mitchel Lewis. 1858. Henry Phillips. 1852. Geo. T. Potter. 1859. D. S. Beers. 1855. (( (C 1860. W. D. Bonner. 1857. A. Greenlee. 1802. D. S. Beers. 1860. it a 1862. Wm. Wyker. KNOX COUNTY. 347 CHAPTER XXXV. LIBERTY TOWNSHIP. This township, as at present bounded, was cre ated March 9, 1825, and, in a spirit of freedom, styled Liberty. In 1830, it contained 553 inhab itants; in 1840, 1,205; in 1850, 1,320; and in 1860, 1,251. Mt. Liberty contains about 150 inhabitants. It occupies an elevated position, and being situated upon the State road to the capital, and in the heart of a productive country on Dry Creek, it has been a place of considerable business. It was surveyed by T. G. Plumer, and laid out by Samuel Thatcher and George Beardsheare, Oct. 8, 1835. It has two stores, kept by E. D. Bryant and Judsou Hildreth; a grocery, by Daniel Veatch ; a tavern, by John Thompson ; two cabinet shops, by S. Wilson, and by J. W. Jackson and C. K. Lineweaver; two man- tuamakers, Miss Samantha Severe and Miss Mary Veatch; the carpenters are John Inscho, Arthur Pratt, Joseph Crosby; shoemakers, Jas. Cleghorn, Wm. Cleghorn, Philip Crable ; wagonmakers, J. A. Mostetler, David and George Mosteller, and Daniel Burkholder; two mills are run by Young- blood and Weller, and Peter Shafer. There are two churches, Methodist and Disciple. The Hig ginses, Coyles, Humphreys, Severes, Careys, Hol- listers, Magoons and Gearharts are among the ear liest in this section, and their descendants are quite 348 HISTORY OF numerous. The most extensive famiUes are the Brickers, Lewises, Ewalts and Rineharts. Of the old stock we shall give a brief account; as to the new, their name is "legion," and it would be too prolix for the general reader did we attempt to sketch them. Lewis Bricker, Sr., of Greene county. Pa., had a very large family, and determined to distribute them in the western country, where lands were cheap and he could provide them with farms. Accordingly he bought 1,600 acres of land in this new country, and started the elder members of his family to it in the spring of 1810. Of the number were Peter Bricker, and George Lewis, his brother- in-law. They came out to this wilderness region, camped one night, and the next morning hitched in their teams, and by noon were on their way back. They reported the country wild, aud they did not believe it ever Avould be settled. They saw many Indians, and heard the owls too-Avhooiug and the wolves howling all night; and, unaccustomed to these things, they agreed with their wIa^cs to let the land go to the deAil before they would risk their lives and their children iu the Owl Creek regions, which they believed to be the next thing to, if not quite, the infernal regions. Their father, accustomed to frontier life, and knowing also the value of lands in this country, determined in the fall to make another effort at a settlement. Ac cordingly he sent another delegation of his tribe, and continued the work until he got into this toAvn- ship the following children : Peter, George, .John, . Jacob, David, Solomon, LcAvis, Catharine, Rachel KNOX COUNTY. 349 and Mrs. George Lewis, who have in their own time peopled the AvUderness region, felled the forest trees and cultivated the ground, multiplying the original by "the double rule of three." Peter Bricker had a dozen chUdren, and George Lewis sixteen; George Bricker, eight; John Bricker, who came about a year later, six; Jacob, who came about 1813, five; David came about 1817, and had six; Solomon came out the same year, and added eleven children; Lewis came in 1819, he had six; Catharine married John Conkie about 1827, and had six children; Rachel married John Pruner, and had scA-en. All of the original Brickers re married in Liberty, except David, who is in Mor gan township. George Lewis is dead. Of his sixteen children, eleven are living, viz. : Jacob, John, George, Isaac, Ben, Peter, Solomon, Sarah, Avife of Alex. Craig, Phebe, Susannah Gardner, and Rachel Burkholder. The children of old George recollect when their father Avent to Shrimplin's mill with a grist of corn, and left his wife and family alone, Avith nothing to eat, and the Indians prowled about the premises, and they feared they would not be found alive on his return. Joseph Shaw, Zach. and Bazil White, John Hobbs, Avith their families, emigrated from West ern Pennsylvania about 1834, and the Tarrs, Coleses, Crafts, and other good families have fol lowed theip, and the greater portion of those in the " Wolf Settlement," so styled for Christopher Wolf, Esq., are from the same locaUties. 350 HISTORY OF Between two of the old settlers there grew up a quarrel in 1815, and a lawsuit ensued before James Smith, J. P. The Reverend James, by practice as well as profession, a peace-maker, proposed that the parties should have a friendly talk, and settle the difficulty without recourse to law. Accordingly they sat down on a log and Solomon Shaffer began in his broken pronunciation — "Now Mr. Lyingbar- ger" "sthop," cries George Lybarger, in an an gry tone, " my name is not Lyingbarger, but Ly barger, by G , do you wish to insult me, Shaf- ferl" "My name is not Shaffer, but Shaf/er, don't call me Shaffer, or tammed if I don't knock you down," — and the parties sprung at each other. when James commanded the peace in the name of the State, and the difficulty between the belligerent old dutchmen had to be settled by the law at last. SUCCESSIVE JUSTICES OF THE PEACE. 1822. Frederick Carey. 1844. Christopher Wolf. 1825. " " 1850. " " 1828. Francis Wilkins. 1853. " " 1831. " " 1856. A. Dalrymple. 1831. Christopher Wolf. 1846. John Inscho. 1833. " " 1849. 1837. Luther Hill. 1852. James Severe. 1837. Joseph Shaw. 1855. 1839. W. E. Davidson. 1858. 1842. " " isr>8. J. H. Tarr. 1842. Wm. Oram. 1861. " " 1842. Joseph Shaw. 1861. Arthur Pratt. 1847. Christopher Wolf. KNOX COUNTY. 351 CHAPTER XXXVL HILLIAR TOWNSHIP Was laid off from Miller, upon petition of its citizens, August 28, 1818. It is the southwestern township of the county. The first settlement was caUed " Houck's," and was principally made up of the famiUes of James and Jacob Houck and Joseph Jennings, who erected the first cabins, and graced the principal building, through Mr. Lamson, with the first brick chimney put up in this township. This settlement was about one mile southwest of the present viUage of Centerburg. When the town ship was formed the settlers agreed to the name of HilUar, in compliment to Dr. Richard Hilliar, who was then the largest landholder residing in the limits ; he dwelt in a cabin in the southwest corner. It had 16,000 acres of land upon the tax list in 1830 . In 1832, there were but 40 voters . In 1840, the population was 1,012 ; in 1850, 1,141 ; and in 1860, 1,088. Centerburg, its principal mart of bu siness, is on the old stage route from all the "north countrie" to the State Capital. It is 13 miles from Mt. Vernon. We have heard it said that it re ceived its name from the fact that Harvey Jones presumed it to be the exact geographical center of Ohio ; and many long years ago, when poUticians and legislators threatened to move the Capital, 352 HISTORY OF some of the oldest inhabitants there believed it might become the Capital of the Buckeye State. If such a thing was hinted at by members who oc casionally had the good luck in cold weather and muddy roads to call on Harvey Jones, enjoy his feast of fat things, and rest in his soft and downy beds, it is no wonder that by contrast with the then Columbus fare they " smiled" at the idea, and took another encouraging horn upon the strength of it Avith " mine host." As early as 1820 travel from Northern Ohio to the Capital through or by this route dates. Business may be said to have started Avith Mr. Jones, Avho was the most enterprising man at Centerburg from 1834 until 1848. He was a corpulent, jovial, kind-hearted man, who held out by unmistakable sign that he had good fare, and enjoyed the good things of this world. In the early days the people were disposed to " pull together" at elections. It was their custom to meet when the day of voting came round, and canvass in a friendly manner the merits of candi dates, and to make tlieir voice felt b}'^ voting "plumpers." The electors would set down upon logs before any ballots were cast, and read over the names upon the tickets, and settle all conflicting opinions by Acting unanimously for the same men. In this Avay they made, as an old one of their num ber said, the candidates avIio were defeated "to howl," and caused aspirants to look with fear and trembling for the returns from Hilliar. In 1818, the entire vote was 17, unanimous for Ethan A. Brown for Governor; Benj. Martin, Congress; John Spencer, State Senator; W- W. Farquhar, KNOX COUNTY. 353 Representative. In October, 1824, there was one stubborn man who would vote for Allen Trimble for Governor; the other 14 votes were cast for Morrow. The first place of public entertainment kept in this part of Knox county was by Joseph Jennings. Great difficulty was experienced by the early settlers in getting to and from mill. We find as early as April 26, 1810, Jacob and James Houck, Joseph Jennings, John and Josias Simpson, Henry Matthews, John Karr, John Hinton and others, met at doctor Hilliar's farm and united in petition ing for a road to Douglass' mill. The prayer was granted, and Wm. Gass, Charles Cooper and Isaac Bonnet were appointed viewers. They met at Clinton at the time named, but refused to proceed to view what, in their opinion, was an unnecessary road. Nothing daunted, the few petitioners added two or three more names to their request and sent up another petition on the 17th of September, and Jabez Beers, Henry Roberts and WilUam Mitch ell, were appointed viewers, and Ichabod Marshal, surveyor. The viewers met and the surveyor de clining to act, S. H. Smith accompanied them as surveyor, and returned a report and plat of the road, 16 miles in length— the surveyor reporting "it can be a tolerable good road, is very good ground, but the viewers say that at this time it Avould be too burthensome to the county to open said road." " Ordered, therefore, that the same cannot be grant ed." The citizens then began petitioning for a new 23 354 HISTORY OF township, which they succeeded in getting in Au gust, 1818, and the first election was held at the house of Thomas Merril. The Judges of that election were Joe Jennings, Jas. Houck, Jas. Pell ; Clerks, John Borden, Wm. Reynolds. In 1819, Jacob Houck listed Hilliar, and was paid a $4 county order therefor. The same duty he per formed, for Uke pay, in 1820. The Judges of elec tion, October, 1820, were Joseph Jennings, James Severe, Wm. Reynolds ; Clerks, John Borden, John Davis. Henry Matthews, Benj. F. Hilliar, John Severe, James PeU and John PeU were other early voters. The Messmores, Mahannahs, HoUis- ters and Bottomfields were other settlers of a later period. John Thomas projected a town in 1834, but it never made headway. Rich Hill is a new business point that is thriAdng considerably. JUSTICES OF THE PEACE. May 10, 1819, the Court of Common Pleas allov/ed Hilliar one Justice, and in July, Jacob Houck was elected. 1822. Wm. Reynolds. 1827. John Borden. 1824. Jacob Houck. 1830. " 1835. Harvey Jones. 1833. 1838. " " 1836. Daniel Nofsinger. 1839. Ferdinand McLene. 1841. Gideon Sutton. 1842. " " 1844. 1845. Daniel Wolf. 1847. N. Borden. 1848. " " 1850. " " 1851. David F. Halsey. 1851. E. Nichols. 1854. D. S. Lyon. 1854. " 1857. T. M. Owen. 1857. " " 1860. Simon Shaflfer. 1860. " " KNOX COUNTY. 355 CHAPTER XXXVII. MILFORD TOWNSHIP. This township was created in 1823, March 3d, out of territory taken from Miller. The land is generaUy level and soil fertile. The first election was held the first Monday of April, 1823, at the school-house near the center. It received its name in the following manner : The settlers met together and various names were presented ; among the number Judson Lamson proposed that it should be called Milford, taking the idea from his native town New Milford, Con necticut. Some objection was offered to every other name but this, and in consideration of the fact that Mr. Lamson was one of the oldest settlers, and also its being a New England name — those present being all from "Down East" — it was adopted. The settlers at that time were Uzziel Stephens, from Vermont ; Gardner Bishop, Stephen Hawkins, John Jeffries, Jesse Smith, Harris Hawkins, from Rhode Island ; Wm. Beardslee and John Beards lee from New Haven, Ct. ; Judson Lamson from New Milford, Ct. ; Aaron HiU from Massachusetts, The original stock now Uving are upon the lands selected by them at first, and the children and 356 HISTORY OF families of the departed, as a general thing, reside upon the old home tracts. They were industrious, temperate and orderly citizens, and their families have foUowed in their footsteps closely, as is customary in the land of steady habits. There was no store or trading estab lishment in this township ; the citizens transacted their entire business at the county seat. James Smith preached the first sermon, and the ministe rial duties since have been principaUy discharged by the Christian Church. Wolves were very plenty and impudent in this township at an early day. One of the incidents of those times was as follows : When Platt G. Beards- ley was a boy, and out cow hunting, he lost his way and came upon a considerable sized swamp which at first he took to be a clearing ; as soon as he came by its side a gang of wolves set up their infernal howling, he took to his heels badly scared, and ran along Sycamore creek, the wolves follow ing close at his heels ; as he neared home the dogs rushed out and attacked the wolves, when one of the dogs was torn in pieces by the wolves, and Platt made his escape into the house. By the census of 1830, 498 inhabitants were then reported within its limits, and 13,472 acres of land returned for taxation. In 1840, the population was 1,157 ; in 1850, 1,349 ; in 1860, 1,084. The two prominent points are styled the " Five Corners" and "Lock"— the latter is a post-office, at the county line, where there is some business trans acted by the citizens of Knox and Licking. Judson Lamson was born July 14, 1779, In KNOX COUNTY. 357 1817 he settied where he now resides. By trade a brickmason, after preparing quarters for his family, he went to Mt. Vernon to purchase some supplies, and, on entering a store kept by " Uncle Jimmy Smith" to buy a few articles, he heard him regret ting that he had no mason at hand to lay up a piece of his stone wall that had fallen down ; when Mr. Lamson told him that he could do it for him, and the bargain was struck, and he went right at the job and completed it to Mr. Smith's satisfaction. Daniel S. Norton shortly after met him on the street and informed him that he held his note, given to Dr. Lee for medical service in attendance on his daughter, who had been sick from his enter ing the country. The note was for $10 ; and Mr. L. told him that he had no money to pay him, and did not know when he would have so much, as money was a scarce article in those times. Mr. Norton at once replied, I do not want your money, but your work, if the note is right — accordingly took his second job of work in underpinning the house where N. then resided, on the lot where Judge Hurd now lives, on Main street. While working there old John Warden, who lived opposite, came across and said, " you beat all men to work I have ever known, you do two days work in one." And the remark was literally true. He subse quently worked on the brick building, where Daniel S. Norton formerly resided, on High street, near the railroad depot, now the "Buckeye house," and did almost aU his other work at the miUs, quarrying stone, etc. Mr. L., and his son Levi J., have contributed greatly to the improvement of 358 HISTORY OF Mt, Vernon and the surrounding country. Among the buildings erected, under his superintendence, we may mention the Pyle block. Browning & MU- ler's block, Norton block, on Main street, the resi dence of C. Delano, Esq., and many other of the best structures in town and county. Mr. L. also worked at his trade in various parts of this county and Licking county. He has also been a success ful farmer, and now, at a good old age, enjoys a competency and the respect of his feUow-men. His son, Levi. J., and his daughter, Mrs. W. A. Disney, reside near him, and other descendants in the west. The McKowns were among the settlers at the time of organization, and worthy of notice at our hands. The old patriarch, James McKown, was a soldier of the Revolutionary war, and wounded at the battle of Brandywine. In 1820, with a portion of his family, he moved to this county from Vir ginia, and died in 1850 at the good old age of 98. His wife survived until 1852, when she died, aged 103 years. We recollect well the zeal of the old soldier in behalf of General Harrison for the Pres idency. He was master of ceremonies at the great Barbecue of 1840, when the big ox was roasted whole. Of his children we make this record : — Gilbert McKoavu moved from Milford to Virginia; James moved to Illinois, where he has since died ; Phoebe, wife of Joseph Tegarden, lives in Linn county. Mo. ; Samuel came to this county in 1820, and settled where he died, in his 70th year, in 1861. Nine chUdren are living, to wit : Rev. Samuel S., of the Christian Church, now in Northern Ohio ; KNOX COUNTY. 359 Isaac, John, Hosmer, and Gilbert E.; Minerva, Mrs. Ira Gearhart, Cynthia, Mrs. David Gotshall, EmaUne L., Mrs. John GotshaU, and Miss Marga ret, all of this county. Gilbert E. is a resident dentist, Mt. Vernon. John Jeffries had six chil dren ; of this number those who survive are, Mary Ann, Avife of Smith Bishop; Laura, widow of David HiU ; Almira, Avife of Johnston King, and Olney Jeffries, of Mt. Vernon. Preserve Smith and Dr. Hayes have been residents for many years. The brothers Beardslee, WiUiam and John, na tives of Stratford, and the Hawkinses, Harris and Stephen, natiA'CS of Rhode Island, may be classed among the early settlers who contributed to the advancement of Milford. The Beardslees are de scendants of the Rev. John Beardslee, of Stratford, on Avon, Shakespear's home. William Beardslee married Eunice Gardner, of Hancock, Berkshire CO., Mass., and emigrated west. They moved to Ohio, and we find William a resident of GranvUle in 1814 : subsequently of Homer, and from thence, in 1818, lie cut the road Avith his own hands for three miles to get to his land, where he afterwards resided. The road to this day is known as the Beardslee road. Their sons now Uving are Col. Platt G., of Milford, Job H. G., of Union county, Dr. Wm. B., and John Binns, of Mount Vernon, The daughters living are Catharine, widow of Eras tus Rouse, deceased, Betsy, wife of George L. Benedict, Adaline, Avife of Lieut. Nathan Bostwick, all of this county. Mary, who married Arnold Hildreth, is dead. WilUam Beardslee, sr., at the advanced age of 79, and his wife, aged 76 years. 360 HISTORY OF are living in this county, surrounded by children and grand chUdren to the number of 70. John Beardslee married Mary Fitch, of New Haven, Ct., and emigrated to Knox. Their chUdren are Geo. F., of MUford, Dr. Charles, editor of the Herald^ Oskaloosa, Iowa, Henry, Galesburg, IU., Elizabeth, wife of Nathaniel McDaniel, Mary and MeUssa. The original Hawkinses were Harris and Stephen. The former had the following children : Ephraim, Harris and Daniel, all living at and about the old homestead, and Charles in IlUnois. Margaret, twin sister of Harris, married Almon Mitchel. Martha married Mr. Rice, and Clarissa died. Ste phen Hawkins is dead. His first wife, who was a Belknap, is also dead, and of their children the foUoAving have died : Col. Emor B., Joseph, Ste phen and Laura. Their son WUliam married Miss Reach. They are now living in Milford, and Sally Ann and Mary, two girls, the latter by second mar riage, survive. SUCCESSIVE JUSTICES OF THE PEACE. 1823. Nath'l Stoughton. 1826. Nath'l Stoughton. 1823. John Stephens. 1829. 1826. John Jeffries. 1830. Sylvanus Mitchell. 1829. " " 1833. 1832. " " 1838. David L. Hill. 1835. Smith Bishop. 1841. 1836. Platt G. Beardsley. 1842. Joseph Montagna. 1839. " " 1845. Emor B. Hawkins. 1848. James Conden. 1849. Smith Bishop. 1848. Wm. Orme. 1852. John Litzenburg. 1851. " " 1855. Silas .laggers. 1854. John Stephens. 1858. David Pattison. 1857. " " 1861. " 1860. Geo. F. Beardslee. KNOX COUNTY. 361 CHAPTER XXXVIII. MILLER TOWNSHIP The first time this name occurs on the Journals reads thus: — "Miller Township special election, 1816, June Ith, judges Jonathan Hunt, jr., Wm. Bare, Lemuel Chapman; clerks, James MUler, John Mott." Thus MiUer appears to have sprung suddenly into existence as a township, Avithout any of the preliminary symptoms, or pains and pangs of parturition. One thing we do knoAv, and that is this, the township was named after one of its earUest settlers, James Miller, Esq., a very Avorthy gentleman, who possessed to an extraordinary de gree the respect and confidence of his compeers. He was a small man, with a strong mind and ex cellent sense ; a native of Vermont, and in compa ny with Turner, a deist, who was a quick, clever old man, and Avrote poetry, and Avent about repeat ing it, made the first settlement. John Olney, and Emor Harris, Cyrus Gates and .lames Sealts were also early settlers. They were mostly from Vermont and Rhode Island. In early times this was called the "Beech Settlement." Its population in 1830, was 548; in 1840, 977; in 1850, 1,064 ; in 1860, 996. One of the first houses was a smaU log cabin, in the south-east corner, put up by Vance, whose sons 362 HISTORY OF John and Jacob, vrith their families, are living in the township. Cornelius Thompson of Hardy co., Va., settled in this township in 1810. His son now lives near the old home, in his 52d year ; his daughter, Mrs. Scott is at Pataskala, Licking co. The Hildreth name has long been associated with this township. The old stock came from Marlboro, Ct. Wm. Hildreth emigrated to ZanesviUe, in 1812, and here in 1828 ; he died, and his children living are John M., in Mt. Vernon ; Wm. at Scott's Corners, Union co.; Arnold and Epaphro in MU ler township. In 1816, at the October election, 33 votes were polled : for Worthington, 32 ; Ethan A. Brown, 1. The judges of election and clerks in 1816 and 1817 were Rufus Ward, Wm. Campbell, Jonathan Hunt, Jr., Timothy Colopy and John H. Simonds. In 1818, the same officers, except Campbell, whose place was supplied by Titus Hill ; and these consti tuted the board of election of 1819. In 1820, Ru fus Ward, James Miller and Wm. Beardslee were judges, and Timothy Colopy and Enoch F. Kinney clerks. In 1821, the same, except Miller, whose place was supplied by Phineas Squire. The old veteran, Rufus Ward, is worthy of special notice as a faithful soldier, who participated in the battle of White Plains, the capture of Burgoyne, and various other battles of the Revolution. He was born at Boston, Mass., in 1758, married Eliza beth Barnes, of Southington, Conn., and emigrated from Vermont in February, 1814, to the place where he died September 8, 1834, in his 76th year. His widow died June 19, 1849, aged 85, and was a U.S. KNOX COUNTY. 363 pensioner for many year^. Seven children survive, viz. : ]\Irs. Mary Hinds, in Indiana; Mrs. EUzabeth Rowley, widow of Samuel; Mrs. AbigaU Gabriel, wife of John Gabriel, of Columbus ; Jonas, col lector, at Piqua ; Rufus, farmer, of Miller ; Dr. Tru man, druggist, at Mt. Vernon ; and Levi, merchant, at BellviUe. Emma, Avife of Alpheus Chapman, is dead, as also her husband. Col. Royal D. Simons emigrated from Connecti cut m 1816. He was a man of education and talent, possessed of a very social disposition, and served the people as Assessor and Representative for several terms. His children living are Louisa, wife of J. W. Lybrand, and Caroline, Avife of C. P. Young, both residing at Richland Center, Wiscon sin. Mrs. Lybrand's only child Uving (George D.) is at the same place. Timothy Colopy, a warm-hearted Irishman, had lived in Maryland and Virginia' until 1813, when he settled in this township. He died in Mt. Ver non in his 68th year, and his widow died about 1852, aged 72 years. His surviAing children are Jacob, Mary, Mrs. Levi Sapp, Sarah, Mrs. F. J. Zimmerman, and Matilda, wife of H. Conley, in Iowa. Timothy was a devout Catholic and a zeal ous Democrat, liberal and generous, public-spirited and benevolent. He Avas an excellent Justice of the Peace, and a much-esteemed citizen. Col. Emor Harris emigrated from Rhode Island in 1817; died in 1850, aged 58. His wife, Sarah Sweet, whom he married in Rhode Island, is living in her 65th year. They had eight children; five surviv^e, viz.: Caroline, wife of R. C, Walker, in 364 HISTORY OF Delaware county; Mrs, Mary MiUer; Emor Brown, also a native of this township; and Henry and Sarah, upon the old home place, PhiUp Dennis, of Maryland, for many years re sided in this township with his accomplished wife, Ann Dennis, who deceased in 1854, They were among the most intelligent and best citizens, "The Four Corners" was the name by which the principal settlement went, A post-office was estab lished at this point, February 15, 1839, called " Hil dreth's," and Miner Hildreth was appointed post master. After Hildreth resigned, the name was changed to "Brandon," and H. C. Lockwood was appointed. In the spring of 1851, H. removed to Danville, where he is engaged in the mercantUe business. Brandon is six miles from Mt. Vernon, and four from Homer. It has two churches, two stores, two blacksmith and wagon shops, one steam sawmill, one tavern. The denominational preach ing is Methodist Episcopal, Baptist and Christian, Revs. John Mitchell and Moffett, Methodist, Rev. M. Herod, Christian, Rev. J. G. Tunison, Baptist, are the regular ministers. CONSECUTIVE JUSTICES OF THE PEACE. 1816. John Mott, jr., and re-elected in 1819, 1822 and 1825. 1816. John J. Tulloss, " 1820. James Miller, and again elected 1825. 1825. Royal D. Simons. 1828. John Morey. 1831. Tim. Colopy. 1832. Nathaniel Losh. 1831. Emor Harris, re-elected 1834, 1837, 1840, 1843, 1846 and 1849. 1836. E. S. S. Rouse, re-elected 1839 aud 1842. 1845. James Ozborn, re-elected 1848. 1850. Erastus Rouse, re-elected 1853 and 1856. 1851. W.B. Beardslee. 1850. Rufus Ward, re-elected 1853, 1856, 1859 and 1862. 1858. Jesse Babbs, re-elected 1861. KNOX COUNTY. 365 CHAPTER XXXIX. MORGAN TOWNSHIP. In the first division of the county one of the four toAvnships was called Morgan, in honor of the brave native of New Jersey, Daniel Morgan, the distinguished General in our Revolutionary war, who was a member of Congress from 1795 to 1799, and died July 6, 1802 ; and in the general reorgani zation of townships in March, 1825, it was reduced to its present Umits. Under the old dispensation Ave find the total number of voters at the October election, 1809, to have been 13. In October, 1813 Moses Merrit, Jacob Hanger, Abraham Carnes Avere Judges; John Dunlap and John Boyle, Clerks. The number of voters had increased to 27, and among them were Jonathan Agnew, Ben. Leonard, Wm. Beam, Wm. Knight, Geo. Cooper, PhiUp Melker, Jacob Smith, and Smith Hadley. Other early settlers, besides the above named, were John Losh, PhUip Smith, Thompson and Michael Mills, Abner and David Brown, Joseph and John Harris, John and Adam Fox, John Vance, sr., and John, jr., Jacob Rabb, Azariah Davis, Titus Rigby, Cornelius CalUghan, and the Harrods. The only ones of this old set now known to be Uving are Smith Hadley, Levi, Wm. and Sam. Harrod, and Philip Smith. Hadley is in Centerburg, Levi and 366 HISTORY OF Sain. Harrod in Clay, and Wm. Harrod in Indi ana, where he moved some fourteen years ago. Philip Smith lives on Big Run, where he first lo cated. His sons James and Wm. are in Clay, his daughter, Mrs. Henry McLain, is in this township, and Rebecca, wife of George Swank, lives in Union county. John J. Tulloss, a Captain in the war of 1812, emigrated from Fauquier co., Va., in 1807. He was a brick maker, school teacher, and farmer, first in Licking and afterwards in Knox ; his Avidow IS living, aged 76, with her children. In 1816, at the October election, there Avere 35 voters. Among these was Caleb Pumphry, who died in 1817. There is not one of this family now Uving in the county. They were very kind and hospitable, zealous Methodists, and as their house was a sort of head-quarters for itinerants, the fame of Pumphry's tavern, as it Avas caUed, was quite ex tensive. Bernard Reece was another old settler ; and another was Wm. Green, of Maryland, who moved into Morgan from Licking co., in 1816 ; he died in 1856. Of his 10 children the only ones Uving are Daniel of Harrison, Hugh of ChestervUle, Mrs. B. McClurg and Mrs. J. Kegg in Indiana. Another father of 10 was Bennet Thompson, of Va., whose only child now in Knox is James, who was born in this township in 1827, married Maha la, daughter of Jesse Larue, in 1850, and has six children, of whom George Washington and Thomas Jefferson, now five years old, are twins. John F. McLain emigrated from Seneca co.. Pa., in 1828, and was for many years a prominent citi zen. He was a large operator in stock and farm- KNOX COUNTY. 367 ing, and about 1836-8, was interested in a store in Mt. Vernon ; he died in 1858, in his 61st year. His sons, Charles S. and Abijah, are in Morgan, and Wm. in Wyandot co. His daughters, Mrs. Sarah Welsh and Mrs. Amelia Hufty are in Craw ford CO.; Mary, wife of Morgan Booze and Cassan dra, Levi Sellers are in this township, C, S. mar ried Miss Berryhill ; Henry Miss Smith, and Abi jah, Miss Hook. Simon Litzenburg emigrated from Washington county. Pa., to this township in 1829, bought part of the celebrated prairie farm, and has lived upon it ever since. He is now in his 79th year. Henry Barnes married one of his daughters, and Dr. M. H. Litzenburg, of Cheviot, is one of his sons. The West brothers and the E warts are deserving of notice. The former were natives of Brooke county, Va. Samuel, in 1830, emigrated from Washington county. Pa;, and is now in his 77th year. His wife, Mary Clear, was also a native of Virginia, and is yet living. Of their eight children, four are living — Alexander Clear at the old home stead ; WiUiam H., of Logan county ; Thomas in Morrow county.; and Samuel, a Baptist preacher, in South EngUsh, Iowa, Amos West, Sr. is Uving, in his 72d year; has had 11 children, of whom those Uving are : Enos, in Tazewell county, IUs. ; WU-- Uam in Morgan; Joe in Pleasant; John in Le Roy, IUs. ; Amos in Buchanan county, Iowa ; Margaret in Morgan ; Ann EUza, Avife of John Penick ; and Elizabeth Woodruff. These are de scendants of Jonathan West, one of the first born in Brooke county, Va. 368 HISTORY OF The Ewarts are from Greene county. Pa., and natives of Ireland — Robert and John, and their sisters, Mrs. Haver and Mrs. Ewart. John died in 1858. Haver emigrated from Greene county. Pa. They are intelligent and industrious people. .Jesse Mattocks, a native of Erie co.. Pa., who married Elizabeth Johnson, and has had six chil dren, is worthy of note for two reasons, first, he has serA'ed 13 years as constable, and second, he furnished the country round with their baskets for gathering corn, for many years, and therein has been a benefactor. In 1830, the inhabitants numbered 653, and 16,582 acres were upon the tax list; in 1840, there Avere 912 inhabitants; in 1850, 823; in 1860, 688 CONSECUTIVE JUSTICES OF THE PEACE. 1810. John Harrod. 1839. Jacob Sperry. 1815. John Green. 1833. James H. Smith, 1817. Peter Veatch. 1836. Johu'Clutter. 1818. Jacob Hanger. 1839. il H 1819. John Wheeler. 1842. ll n 1820. Thomas Smith. 1845. ll t( 1821. Peter Veatch. 1842. Jacob Bell. 1822. John Wheeler. 1845.- (( (( 1825. cc tl 1848. Cc.S. McLain. 1830. Ziba Leonard. 1851. cc cc 1821. Jacob Hanger. 1854. cf cc 1824. cc il 1855. John Miller. 1827. ll it 1857. Henry Barnes. 1831. tl cc 1858. A. H. ThornhiU. 1830.1833. 1836. Jacob Sperry. .. It 41 CC 1860. 1860. Carey Bell. James Campbell, KNOX COUNTY. 369 CHAPTER XL. PLEASANT TOWNSHIP March 9, 1825, this township was created, and named on account of its deliglitful views. Its set tlement waj much retarded by large landholders. In 1830, it had 918 inhabitants ; in 1840, 1,888 ; in 1859, 903 ; and in 1860, 828. Among its eariiest and best settlers were the Melkers, Grahams, Veatclic-!, Laymans, Herrods, Hunts, Patricks, Beclitels, Buckinghams, Walkers, Stinemetses, Sehuebleys, Beatys, Lettses, Crawfords, Crouses, Colvilles, Morrisons, Swans, Rohrers, Dunns, and their connections. The settlers have been princi paUy from Western Pennsylvania, Virginia, and Maryland. Several good mill seats within this township have been improved and occupied by John Kerr, Elisha Gibbs, the Morrisons, Noilons, Hadley and Miller; and several distUleries haA^e in the past been propeUed successfully. The princi pal business has been farming and stock raising, at which many have grown rich. SUCCESSIVE JUSTICES OF THE PEACE. 1825. David Ash. 1845. Robert Graham. 1825. FredL-rick Rohrer. 1848. 1828. " " 1S51. ]83l'. " " 1854. 1832. James Parks. 18l'l. Henry McLain. 1832. bilas Brown. 1839. Jas. D. Porter. 1835. " " 1842. " 1837. Alvin Foote. 1845. Richard Hunt 1858. H, nry McLain. 1S48. "^ ''^ 1S27. Hicrvcy Brown. 1851. " " 1835. Robert Graham. 1854. Johi^ Colville. ¦j33()_ « " 1857. J. V. Parks. 1842. 24 1860. 370 HISTORY OF CHAPTER XLI. CLAY TOWNSHIP. On the 9th of March, 1825, this township was created, and honored with the name of the great American commoner, Henry Clay. The surface of the country is uneven, the soil is generally very feitile, and the tillers of it have ever been among our foremost for industry and intelUgence. In 1830, the population was 1,300, and upwards of 15,000 acres were returned for taxation. In 1840, the inhabitants counted 1,304 ; in 1850, 1,240 ; in 1860, there were 1,098 white and 10 colored per sons. There were six industrial establishments, producing to the value of $10,830. Among the old settlers were Ziba Leonard, I. D. Johnson, the EUiotts, the Greens, the Barneses, Vances, Pol lock, Paul, Harrods, Larrisons. Insley D. Johnson, from about 1823 until 1837, was in business, and during the latter part of his mercantile existence was one of the heaviest operators in produce in Central Ohio. David Lawman, of Rockingham CO., Va., came here in 1833 ; he is engaged in farming and miUing. The Boggs family have been among the good citizens of this township for many years. The oldest was William, a native of Virginia. His son WiUiam, the first white child born in Belmont, died in Richland co., about 1835. WUliam, sr., died about 1854, aged 98 years, and KNOX COUNTY. 371 EUzabeth his wife died in 1861, aged 93 years. Their children, John and Ezekiel, born in BeUnont, have been long knovm to our citizens. Ezekiel served as Representative, and died in 1853. His wife is Uving in Clay. John Boggs married a daughter of one of the old settlers, Catharine Ste phenson. Mary married Wallace Mc WilUams, and Uves in Kansas. Martinsburg has ever possessed a very patriotic population. At the celebration of July 4, 1861, addresses were made by Henry Hervey and A. J. Lyon, and a good dinner eaten. An accident oc curred to mar the pleasures. John Clark had two of his fingers shot off by discharge of a smaU can non. Martinsburg contains 300 inhabitants. It was part styled Hanover, and the other part Wil- Uamsburg, and the present name is a compromise. The foUowing are the artisans and business men : Philo Higgins, blacksmith; E. Hardiman, tailor; wagon maker, Wm. Henderson ; saddlers, M. L. Dayton, J. M. Bowland ; shoemakers, S. Kidwell, S. HoUabaugh, S. D. Rouse, M. Chandler, A. Lyon; Wm. Penick carries on a tanyard ; A. & R. Barnes and Thomas Rodgers are the merchants ; M. L. Dayton seUs groceries ; D. Booze keeps the tavern. The physicians are D. H. Ralston, Peter Pickard, and S. B. Dodd. There are five churches : Pres byterian, Rev. H. Hervey ; Methodist, Rev. A. J. Lyon ; Free Presbyterian, Rev. J. Whitam ; Bap tist, Rev. G. Tunison ; Associate Reformed, Rev. G. Torrance. Its schools are good, and the Rev. Henry Hervey deserves special commendation for his long and faithful service in the cause of christi- 372 HISTORY OF anity and education. For over 35 years he has devoted himself zealously to the work in this place. J. M. Coulter is Principal of the Academy ; A. S. Kerr and Miss Susan Jennings are also teachers. The only men now living in the village who were here in 1822 are W. McCreary, C. Barkalow, and W- Mc Williams. The post-office was established by the name of Hanover in 1820, and changed afterwards to Martinsburg. The postmasters have been I. D. Johnson (S. P. Warden, deputy), Jacob Pearson, Wesley Spratt, J. H. Pierson, W. Mc Creary, Johnson, W. Mc Williams, and W. Mc Creary. Since the foregoing was written, the patriotism of Clay and Morgan has been v^erified, by the spon taneous uprising of the hardy sons to defend the soil of Ohio from invasion, Avhen, under Captain Norton, and Lieutenants Bell and Mercer, they re sponded to Governor Tod's call ; and, assisted by Capt. Baugh and Lieutenants Mefford and Church, and Captain Israel's companies, they saved Cincin nati from the devouring Secessionists. SUCCESSIVE JUSTICES OF THE PEACE. 1827. James Elliott. 1831. W. McCreary, 1830. cc li 1834. *( (( 1833. W. Spratt. 1837. " tt 1839. James Paul. 1840. H it 1842. II cc 1843. ii it 1845. Wallace Mc Williams. 18-10. it ti 1846. John Boggs. 1855. Mercer McFadden, 1848. Wallace McWilliams. 1857. W. McWilliams. 1849. John Boggs. 1858. Isaac Bell. 1851. W. McWilliams. 1860. W. McWilliams. 1852. John Boggs. 1860. James Elliott. 1854. W. McWilliams. KNOX COUNTY. 373 CHAPTER XLn. JACKSON TOWNSHIP. In honor of General Andrew Jackson, the Com missioners, on the Ith of September, 1815, erected this township. John Mills, Jacob Lepley, and Joseph Kerr were the first judges of election, and James Thomas and David Melick the clerks. In 1816, there Avere 35 voters. Jacob Lepley was the first lister, and Abraham Carpenter first appraiser. This, the south-eastern township of the county, is watered by the Wakatomika ; the ground is generally rolling, but quite productive. , In 1830 the inhabitants numbered 626; in 1810, 994; in 1850, 1,080 ; in 1860, 960. The only town and post-office is Bladensburg ; it contains 200 inhab itants. Washington Houck kept the first tavern, in 1833, and continued it, with short intermission, tiU the present date. Thomas Axtell kept the sec ond house of entertainment, about 1838 ; he was a good citizen, and emigrated to Indiana. James Loveridge for a short time kept tavern ; and John Hannah now keeps the hotel. The first goods sold in this town were by John Wheeler, Avho Avas for many years engaged in mer chandising at Bladensburg. He took great delight in the militia trainings, being a captain; in the Christian church, being an elder; in the Whig 374 HISTORY OF party, being a committee-man. In all respects, long was John Wheeler a good citizen ; he now lives, at an advanced age, in Iowa. The second store was carried on by W. Houck, who for twelve years sold goods. T. Axtell, Peter Berry, James Loveridge, Alphonso Byam, T. & C. L. Marquand, have also sold goods there. The present merchants are, Mark Hammond and Samuel Richard. The first Disciple Church in the State Avas gotten up by John Wheeler, W- Houck, Elijah Harris, and their wives, about 1833. They have a neat Church edifice, of which the Rev. Van Voris is minister. The Presbyterians have also a church building, in which Rev. Brough officiates. The Cumberland Presbyterian Church was the first house of Avorship built in the township. Thos. AxteU was the most active iu getting up the church. James Elliott was mainly instrumental in building the O. S. Presbyterian meeting-house. The Meth odists worship in the Presbyterian Church. The present mechanics are, John Upfold, tailor; Thomas Hilman, wagon-maker ; Lew. Husser and Wilson Hartupee, blacksmiths ; the Baltzells, An drew, John and Joseph, and James Ross, shoema kers ; Lemuel Hall, carpenter ; Richard Mavis, cabinet-maker. A good school is kept up in the Adllage, of wliich Mr. CampbeU is teacher. A grist-miU is in the town, formerly carried on by Houck, now by James Gaub. Within a half mile, another miU is carried on by Mr. Schooler. About 1852, James Harris started a pottery, which is now owned by James Green. The clay is exceUent, and some very good ware has been KNOX COUNTY. 375 turned out at this manufactory, which is sold in adjoining towns. Among the old citizens Avhose names should appear in this sketch, are Adam Early wine, Jacob Strieker, George and James Melick, WilUam and Robert Wilson, Daniel Blue, John Hammel, Wm. Braddock, the HiUs, the Horns, the McCammets, the Halls, the Dennys and Stephensons. Washington Houck, of Huntington county. Pa., moved to Knox county. Clay toAvnship, in 1805, where he resided untU 1833, Avhen he moved to .Fackson. Joseph Scott, Wm. RaAvdon, DaAdd and Daniel Strieker, Daniel Mossholder, Peter Miller, PhUip Dennis, George Holt and Christian Baughman, have been citizens of long standing. Col. .James ElUott, long a resident of Clay, who has officiated as Justice and Representative, now resides in Bladensburg. JUSTICES OF THE PEACE. April 15, 1815, two .lustices were allowed this township, to be chosen at the house of Joseph Kerr. January 13, 1816, Jacob Lepley and David Melick were elected, and Li^pley v/as re-elected in 1819 and in 1822. 1820. Thomas Hall, 1838. W. K. Corbin. 1823. " " 1836. S. C. Porterfield. 1824. David Melick. 1847. James Myers. 1827. " " " A. 0. Scott. 1829. John Stephenson. 1850. W. H. Blue. " 11. C. Davis. " James Myers. 1832. " " 1863. Daniel Gault. 1<33/-^ cc cc cc sj^ x_ Corbin. 1838. " " 1856. J. S. McCammen. 1831.' A. Darling. 1859. " 1832. W. K. C jrbin. 1857. James Blunt. 1835 " " 1860. Wm. Darling. 376 HISTORY OF CHAPTER XLIII. BUTLER TOWNSHIP. This township was created in March, 1825, and named after Richard Butler, Major-General of the U. S. A., kiUed by the Indians in the great battle betAveen them and Gen. St. Clair, Nov. 4, 1791. He was one of the bravest of the brave, and as he lay upon the ground helpless and bleeding from wounds received in the battle, the savages scalped and tomahawked him. We have been at considerable pains to find out the origin of the name, and were led for some time to believe that it Avas given in compliment to the sturdy old settlers, the Butlers, but have become satisfied from our investigation that the object was to perpetuate with the names of Gens. Knox, Har rison, Jackson, Pike, the fame of the ill-fated brave Richard Butler. The laud is generally rough and broken, and the population has usually been smaller than in any other township. The wild and pictur esque scenery, giAing an air of romance to much of the country, we must believe contributes to the health of the j)eo]3le, if we take Joe Stotts, Ben. Butler, Nich. Riley, Geo. Sturgeon, Abe Darling. and others of the oldest settlers now living, as evi dence. The Lepleys, Jacob, George and Joseph. the Shrimplins, Abraham and WiUiam, the Camp- KNOX COUNTY. 377 beUs, the Morningstars, the Horns, the HammiUs, the Carpentcr.s, the Burkholders, the Cogginses, the McLarnens, the Darlings, the Wolfs, tiie Melicks, the Gambles, haA^e been long residents of tiiis town ship. John Busenburg, Philip Ely, Benj. Hugh, John Jones, Sam. Cermerer, Jesse Ashcroft, W- Beaty, Job Lewis, Elijah Farquhar, Wm. Seamen and Ephraim Thornberg also lived in it many years ago. Orange HoUister for many years was one of the mo.st actiA'c and useful citizens, spending many thousand dollars among the peoide erecting mills and machinery for their benefit ; he is now Uving in loAva, and Ben. Butler is operating the mills. Robert Giffin was another useful man in the milling Une, and his death Avas much of a loss. John R. Gamble was much noted for his business qualifications. Nicholas Eil(;y emigrated from Washington co., Pa., in 1805, to Coshocton co., and in 1807 to Knox ; he is in his 82d year. We have the foUoAving account of his off.spring : William lives iu Illinois ; Harriet, wife of Abraham Dar ling, is in Wayne ; Eliza, wife of Isaac Wood, Ra chel, wife of John Welker, jr., Susan, wife of Geo. Spurgeon, and Almira, Avife of Amos Wolf, all live in Illinois ; Abraham is dead ; George, Nicholas and Hannah live in Butler ; and Mary, Mrs. Wm. Parks, lives in Hancock county. In 1830, the population Avas 419 ; in 1840, 647 ; in 1850, 763 ; and in 1860, 727. About 1817, a post-office called Owl Creek was kept by Abraham Darling ns postmaster, but the Judge, some fifteen years ago, became tired of and gave it up. Many years since there was a store kept in this toAvnship, 378 HISTORY OP and a post-office was established thereat called " HoUister's," but it has been discontinued. Uncle Bob and Aunt Hetty Giffin were noted characters. They selected the most romantic spot on Owl Creek for their residence, and amid the rough, rugged and wild scenery known in olden time as " the rocks" — of later days as " the caves" — they dwelt and raised a large and respectable family. As early as 1820, they put up Giffin's mills : Ave say they, for everything thereabouts was their joint work, and could not have been created without the two were united in the undertaking. He was quiet, peaceable, Avith a weU-developed mind and an uncommon good judgment. She was violent, resolute and deterinined, with a strong heart and great physical power. Whatever j)lans were matured and work determined upon, she put into execution with a warrior sj)irit. CONSECUTIVE JUSTICES OF THE PEACE. In 1820, Joseph Dunlap was a Justice in this "neck of woods," and was again elected in 1824; in 1825, Jacob Lepley; in 1826, Daniel Campbell. 1829. David Campbell. 1831. Charles Nyhart. 1831. Horatio G. Cooley. 1837. Eli Cummings. 1834. " " 1840. " " 1837. Wm. Coggins. 1840. James McLaurin. 1841. David Barnhard. 1843. Wm. Coggins. 1844. " " 1843. C. Musser. 1848. James Frisby. 1846. " 1849. 0. Musser. 1851. C. C. Gamble. 1852. " " 1852. C. Tym. 1858. 0. 0. Gamble. 1855. Doty Farmer. 1860. Wra. Killer. 1857. Jas. McCamment. 1861. Joseph Hammill. KNOX COUNTY. 379 CHAPTER XLIV. HARRISON TOWNSHIP. On the 9th of March, 1825, another toAvnship was laid out, and named after General Wm. Henry Harrison. In 1830, there Avere 726 inhabitants ; in 1840, 833 ; in 1850, 751 ; and in 1860, 778. The earliest settlers were Wendel Melker, Adam Lybarger, the Gorsuches, Peter Wolf, Joseph Horn, Benjandn Horn, Andrew Casto, the Dudgeons, the Biggses, the Schoolers, PhUip Melker, Isaac Cohen, Arthur Fawcett, the Welkers. The Dudgeons, among these, deserve more than a passing notice. Three brothers and a sister, at an early day, settled in this wilderness region. In company with their father, they had crossed the Atlantic in 1801. Simon, Moses and Hugh Dudgeon, brothers, were natives of Ireland, who came to this country poor and penniless, and by honest industry acquired a competency. SUnon had served six months as a British soldier in the Revolutionary war. He Avas in his 26th year, of great physical strength, reso lute and determined. He landed in the city of New York with only an English shiUing in his pocket, which he paid out to a washerwoman for washing his clothes. He AVorked, as he could get employment, in Vermont, Connecticut and New 380 HISTORY OF York, and lived with his father and brothers, Thomas and Hugh, for eight years, until he accu mulated $1000 ; and witii that, in 1810, he started from Delaware county, N. Y., west to hunt a better location, visited Knox county, and bought the tract of land upon Avhich he erected his house aud lived until death. He went to Washington county. Pa., marrietl, and returned to his land in ISll. The issue of this marriage was ten children. Nino are noAV living, to Avit : Charles, Moses, David, Simon, May, John, and Andrew in Harrison towusliip ; William, Jane, Mrs. Horn, in Auglaize county. Simon, Sr. first bought tliree quarter s'?ei"ions of land, and added to it by purchase till, at his death, he had 712 acres. He was very industrious and domestic in his habits. Paul Welker, ono of the oldest S3ttlev,s in that part of tlie county, teUs, Avith much hiini^r, the way in v.hich he first became aAvare of Dudgeon being in the county. He was out hunting one day, and having chased a deer into some underbrush in some frog-ponds, Avas startled by the strand of an axe cutting wood ; he stealthily approached the spot from wlience the noise proceeded, expecting to find an Indian, Avhen, greatly to his surprise, he discovered our pioneer chopping trees to make a cabin. He had not heard of this no^v comer, and could but express his astonishment tliat he should have cIio.nch a spot back of the big frog-ponds for a house. Forbidding as the jilace then ^^ ;is, Simon, by dint of labor, there made his liviir^, and left to his children, as its result, an estate of over $25,000, beside:^ some $10,000 advanced to them during his KNOX COUNTY. 381 life time. They now own oA^er 1,500 acres of land in that vicinity. Simon died of apoplexy in the street, Mt. Vernon, in his sixty-ninth year. Two of his brothers died of this same disease : Thomas, in Delaware county, N. Y., and Hugh, in Knox county, February 16th, 1861. Moses, another brother, died in this county about thirty years ago. Their sister, Mrs. Young Love, is uoav living near Fredericktown. The Lybarger family became quite numerous also. Adam died in April, tiiis year. He had risen from dinner, after eating very hearty, and walked into the yard to get a stick of wood for the fire, Avhen he dropped dead. Wendel Melker, Avith his brother Philip, moved into this country from Virginia in 1808. All that survive of the Melker name in Harrison are four children — all mutes. Silas Ralston, Joseph and Martin Horn, "blath ering .John" Wolf and John Troutman Avere other notable settlers of long standing. Arthur Fawcett was, like the Dudgeons, from the Emerald Isle, and felt the effects of poverty, in early youth. After a time he too makes his way to the "great West," and is found in this county, in 1810, clearing land, upon which he has since re sided. He is now in his 77th year, and his wife, Susannah, in her 67th year. They have had ten chUdren -eight now Uve, viz : Samuel, who mar ried Elizabeth Eiggs, daughter of James Hayes. He Avas born in Harrison township, in 1816, and now lives in Butler. PhUip, who married Mary EUen Vance, Uves in IlUnois ; EUzabeth, wife of 382 HISTORY OF Geo. W. Schooler, in Allen county ; Lucinda, Avife of Hamilton Marshal, in Allen county ; and the foUowing in Harrison township: Anna, wife of Isaac Hays ; Mary, Mrs. Ralph Faucett ; John, who married Hannah Washburn ; Icetas, who mar ried Rebecca Barnett ; and Catharine, wife of Jo seph Horn. Andrew Casto moved into Marion county, and died sixteen years ago. None of his blood now live in this county. Isaac Coen, another of the earUest settlers, died, with none here to represent him. Joseph and Benjamin Horn died about the same time, eight years ago. The Biggs brothers — WUliam, Noah and Jeremiah — came to this town ship about 1811. The Schoolers settled in the neighborhood, where that name is now found, in 1818. John Schooler died in 1853 ; he was from Beaver county, Pa. : had twelve children — nine now living. Isaac is at Carthage, Jasper county. Mo. George and Rachel, Mrs. Ashbourne, Uve in Auglaize county, James in Coshocton ; WiUiam, Joseph, Moses and Samuel are in Harrison. Both the justices of the peace in the township are sons of John Schooler. The people of Knox county twice honored him with a seat in the Legislature ; he died some eight years ago, much lamented by a large circle of relatives and friends. Marvin Tracy held many pubUc positions, and was universally respected for his honesty and in tegrity. Paul Welker and John Troutman have been hard-Avorking farmers, of good reputation. Nathaniel Ross emigrated from Greene county, Pa., in 1811, and is yet living, in his sixty-ninth KNOX COUNTY. 383 year. His brother, Samuel, came out in 1817, and is now sixty-three years of age. These men have been useful citizens. The first brick house in this township Avas that of Nathaniel Ross. The first road laid out was from Mt. Vernon to Coshocton. The proprietors of the town were aU from the East, and they then believed light must be sought from that quarter. They did not know there was a Lake Erie, or if they did, they did not seem conscious that the great commerce and trade of this section must be drawn north and south ; hence, supposing that travel would be most from east to west, they laid out the toAvn with this view — making its principal street, " High," the widest, and " Market," the present Main Street, much the narrowest. JUSTICES OF THE PEACE Within this territory have been the following Justices : 1819, Marvin Tracy, reelected in 1822 and 1825. 1825. John Schooler. 1836. Asa Freeman. 1829. Israel Dillon. 1839. " 1831. Ben. Ellis. 1842. " 1834. " " 1845. " 1835. Nathaniel Ross. 1847. M. W. Schooler. 1837. Hugh Miller. 1848. Wm. Marlow. 1840. " " 1849. Marvin Tracy. 1843. " " 1852. Jonathan McArtor. 18.'i0. Moses Dudgeon. 1855. " '¦ lgg3_ cc " 1856. M. W. Schooler. 1855. Sam. F. Schooler 1858. Jonathan McArtor. IQQ2. " " 1859. M. W. Schooler. 1862. Jacob Hays. 384 HISTORY OF CHAPTER XLV. UNION TOWNSHIP. At the session of the Commissioners, March 9, 1825, this old township, notwithstanding its name, was dismembered, and reduced to its present pro portions. Among its earliest settlers are many names hj this time familiar to the reader : there were the Critchfields, the Lepleys, tho Butlers, the Darlings, Wm. and Abraham; the Shrimplins, Abraham, John and Samuel ; the Durbins, Ben. and Will. ; tho Elwells, the Spurgeons, tlie Sapps, the Eigiitinircs, the Logues, McMillen, Williams, Titus, Hibbetts, Greer, Stotts, George Davidson, Charles Ryan, Wni. ShaAV, John Arnold, and the Welkers. Shortly after came John iKonkle, Gas per Ricji creek, Jacob Black, David Melick, John Early wire, Valentine Dial, and George Fresh- Avater. The judges of election, Oct. 10, 1809, were James Rightmire, John Wood, and Thos. ElweU. These Avcre at that time the principal families of the powerful Creek nation ; representatives of al most all these are to be met with in this county. In 1811, tho officers of election Avere Wm. Sapp, Thomas Beaty, George Sapp ; Daniel Sapp and Jacob Draper. At the October election, 1810, there were but 23 voters. In 1816 the number had increased to 45. KNOX COUNTY. 385 Having traced out the Critchfields, DarUngs, and other famiUes who have contributed abundantly to ward the peopUng of this county, we cannot pass by the Sapps. Four brothers— Daniel, George, Joseph and WiUiam— emigrated from Allegheny county, Md., in 1806, and the Sapps of the present day are descendants of them, and of their uncle George, who came out in 1810 ; of another Sapp, Adam, who came about 1820 ; and of yet another, a cousin, known in the neighborhood as "Kentucky George," to distinguish him from the other Georges, who had preceded him. Daniel had a dozen chU dren, of whom Hon. Wm. R., S.W., Dr. Enoch and Dr. SUas have been widely known. Mrs. J. Wauls, of Brown, and Mrs. J. Stover, of Mt. Gilead are only daughters UAing. George married Catharine Arnold ; and of their nine children six are living iu the county. Levi is upon the old homestead. He has had eleven children ; and of this number is Wm. C, merchant, Mt. Vernon. Joseph's numer ous family went to Hlinois. WilUam's dozen chil dren are scattered — only two of them are in Knox now. Of Kentucky George's fourteen children we have not space to give an account. James, as sociated with Wm. J. Morton, in the shoe store in Mt. Vernon, is his grandson. The original roots above named have produced over 200 shoots. The Righ tmires, James and Harrison ; the Shrim- pUns, William, Samuel and Absalom; Solomon Robinson and Gilman Hawn, with their families, weU represent the hardy old stock. John Welker, Sr. Uves upon the farm he cleared in 1809. His 25 386 HISTORY OF brother-in-law, Jacob Baughman, and his old neighbor, Wm. Robison, yet exchange greetings with him ; his brother-in-law, Wm. Lydick, died recently. Many trips these old settlers made, with horse and pack-saddle, to ZanesviUe for salt and other necessaries. In the war of 1812, John Wel ker served as a high private, and has received a land-warrant for his services ; and that is the highest position he ever sought. He erected the first brick house in this part of the county. A man of sterling worth, he has commanded the re spect of his neighbors, while he has reared up a family of fourteen children — only one of whom, Daniel, now resides in this county. The Rev. John, jr., in IlUnois, and Judge Martin have ac quired considerable reputation for abiUty. The towns of Danville, MiUwood and CavaUo are in this township. The first is one of the oldest in the county. For the past twenty years it has not improved much. It is the oldest post-office in the eastern part of Knox : its post-masters have been W. R. Sapp, Enoch Sapp. G. H. Davidson, and S. W. Sapp. CavaUo was a great place on paper in the days of the Canal fever. WhUe Isaac Means, S. W- Farquhar, W- V. Richardson, D, S. Fairchild, C. Keller, H. Thomas and others lived there it had much trade. From 1843 to 1848 were its best days ; then, almost aU the exports and im ports of Knox were through this port, four large warehouses were erected, and goods were sold by wholesale ; now, the only man Uving within its limits is Nelson Thatcher, and his neighbor on the old Butler farm is Solomon Gearner. The future KNOX COUNTY. 387 wiU only know of this fast place from this page of our history. Mtlwood received its name in consequence of the first mUl in this locality having been buUt in the woods. Elisha Gibbs was the venturesome in dividual who first carried it on ; John Hawn suc ceeded him, and it has been known since as Wel- ker's miU. The first settlers around the early miU were principaUy of the Welker famUy . The viUage contains about 150 inhabitants, and was laid out by John Hawn. James Britton built the first house in the town plat — a Uttle hewed log cabin, which has been weatherboarded to give it a more modern look. Two of his sons, LoAvis and Reuben, are here ; James and the rest of his family reside in Iowa. Col. Israel DiUon for many years was a leading business man ; he also moved to Iowa. Jacob Garret put in the first tanyard about 1829, and is yet carrying on the business. The Spragues and Carpers of other years are generally in the west, Sam, Welker, the pioneer in keeping " entertain ment for man and beast," had the foUowing poetical notice painted over his bar : "As many a man has trusted to his sorry, Pay to-day; and I will trust to-morryl" He kept tavern in the old style ; always had plenty to eat and drink of the substantial kind, his table literally groaning under its load ; his welcome to guests was a good deal of the order of the old Dutch landlord, who said, " Shust make yourselves perfectly at home : I Avish to God you were aU at home ;" and aU felt that they were at liberty to 388 HISTORY OF wait upon themselves. Nevertheless, Sam. was a jovial fellow, and his house was a favorite with wayfaring men and those disposed to be joyful. The students of Kenyon occasionally navigated the waters of Owl Creek to Welker's port. Among other trips made there was one in 1833, in a canoe, by R. C. Hurd and Herman Canfield, late Lt. Col. of the 72d Regiment, killed in the battle of Pitts burg ; to the memory of our departed friend we will say, that a more honorable and noble youth never lived. There are three neat church edifices : the Disci ple, built in 1858. The building committee con sisted of LcAvis Critchfield, Albert EUis, and Wm. Moody; Pastor— Rev. Wm. Moody. The Method ist, built about 1856, through the exertions of Jacob Hammond, who has resided here over thirty years. The Presbyterian, buUt in 1853. The present El ders are Jesse Wintriuger, John P. Smith ; Rev. J. Newell, Pastor. This church was mainly estab Ushed by Rev. John Burns, A.M., a graduate of Kenyon CoUege, was its minister, from 1854 until his death, in April, 1859. The merchants are Christian and Peterman, R. McCloud and LcAvis Britton. The postmasters, since 1831, are John Welker, jr., Michael Miller, L. Britton and J. Hammond. S. Israel, Esq., has put in a substantial dam, im proved the old mill, and added carding-machines to the stand, Frank Israel superintends the estabUsh- ment. Wm. MoCloud, a native of Scotland, now in his 66th year, who, in 1816, settled at Clinton, and worked as a stone-cutter until 1840, is here. KNOX COUNTY. 389 with his son. Another stone-mason, John Megin- nes, resides here ; tAvo blacksmiths, D. Saltsman and Josiah Horn ; two carpenters, Joseph Butts and Harris Johnson. The laud of this toAvnship is generally roUing and hilly, especially in the eastern part where the Mohican courses its way, and upon Owl Creek, which passes through the southern part, affording much valuable water power. In 1830, the popula tion was 851, and 10,867 acres of land were on the tax list. In 1840, the inhabitants counted 1,098 ; in 1850, 1,192 ; and in 1860, 1,104. SUCCESSIVE JUSTICES OF THE PEACE. 1809. George Sapp and Jacob Lepley were elected, and the former re-elected in 1812. 1812. Nicholas Riley. 1817. Robert McMillen. 1819. Daniel Sapp ; re-elected in 1822 and 1825. 1819. Jacob Draper. 1826. Ben. Butler. 1829. Charles Waddle. 1 832. James Cain. 1832. Daniel Sapp ; re-elected in 1835. 1832. Joseph Sapp, 1832. Jacob Black, " 1831. John Welker, Jr., " 1834 and 1837. 1836. Josias Ewing. 1857. John Shaw. 1837. Andrew Black. 1841. Jos. L. Workman. 1840. John Welker, Jr.; re-elected in 1843 and 1846. 1842. George H. Davidson, " 1845, 1848 and 1851. 1849. Michael Miller, " 1852. 1847. Elias Day. 1849. Wm. McLoud. 1844. Sam. McKee. 1855. Jacob Ross. 1854 Wm. Walker; re-elected in 1857 and 1860. 1855'. Jacob Hauger. 1857. Washington Hyatt. 1358. .\ndrew Beach. I860. Freeman Snow. 18G0 J. W. Bradiield. 1862. Nathan Parsons. ' 390 HISTORY OF CHAPTER XLVI, COLLEGE TOWNSHIP. College was organized December 21, 1838, and so named in consequence of its being the seat of Kenyon College, and aU the land belonging to that institution. The first election was held at the pubUc house in Gambier kept by M. W- Vore, The officers then elected were : Trustees, O; Lane, J, McMahon, M. W. Vore; Clerk, D. L. Fobes ; Constables, O. Welchymer, and N. Head ; Overseers of the Poor, J. Kendrick and W- Claytor ; Treasurer, M. T. C. Wing ; Fence Viewers, T. G. Odiorne, G. C. John son, N. Weaver ; Supervisors, W, M, Lane and A. K. Fobes. The voters in the early elections numbered from 20 to 30, and almost all of these were con nected with the institution as professors, agents, keexDers of boarding-houses, or other estabUshments dependant upon the CoUege for a sustenance. At the spring election, 1839, J. McMahon, T. G. Odiorne and M. W. Vore were elected Trustees ; A. G. Scott, Clerk ; and M. T. C. Wing, Treasurer. Mr. Odiorne, the only Trustee liAing, is now Presi dent of an Insurance Company in Cincinnati, and is au efficient business man. M. T. C. Wing was re-elected again and again, until he declined serv ing in 1842, when G. W. Meyers was chosen Treasurer, Mr, Meyers was one of the earUest KNOX COUNTY, 391 settlers of this township ; a good practical printer and bookbinder, the first in these two trades on "the hiU;" he has contributed much to the pre servation of works in the Ubraries of the Institiition. For many years he " ran the machine" of the Ac- land Press, and now resides at Mt. Vernon. The printing office was the gift of liberal-minded Eng lish Protestants to Bishop Chase in 1825, and 392 HISTORY OF received its name in honor of Lady Acland, the fair donor who started the subscription. Upon this has been published various literary and re ligious articles calculated to advance the cause of learning and religion. The students of the CoUege have at several periods projected publications of a literary character; the last, the "Kenyon Col legian," a very creditable magazine, was continued for several years. The first store was called the Bishop's store, from having been commenced by Bishop Chase for the purpose of furnishing work hands with necessary articles, and to supply the boys, so that no excuse could exist for going " to town." This was carried on until in the fall of 1833 an arrangement was made with Mr. White, of New York, by which that business was to be entirely under his control, and M. and G. B. White thereupon located at Gambier. The former remains there, and the latter at this writing is one of the most valued citizens of Mt. Vernon. The Whites are natives of Derby, Ct. The " Bishop's store" was managed for many years by Robert Burnside, until a short time before its discon tinuance N. W- Putnam had it in charge. The Whites continued in partnership until 1838, when D. Topping and N. W. Putnam opened a store, and Daniel S. Norton and A. G. Scott estabUshed another. Topping & Co., with A. J. Douglass, kept for a few years, when it Avas closed, and Mr. T. moved to Illinois ; Mr. P. is yet liAing on the hill ; Mr. Scott has uninterruptedly resided there, and by his close attention to business, in which for many years has been alone, has acquired a compe- KNOX COUNTY. 393 tency. A. B. Norton for scA^eral years was engaged in the merchandizing and milling business at Gambier. At this time there are the two stores of A. G. Scott & Co., M. White & Co., and a drug o > and book estabhshment of Mr. French. Other branches of business have been carried on here ; E Pearce, Witt & Mulford, and G. J. W. Pearce 394 HISTORY OF in the boot and shoe Une ; Russel Clark, Mr. Clem ents, A. K. Fobes and J. Waugh have carried on the taUoring. Mr. Sharp in early times was the brewer and baker, in a large stone house in the rear of the main CoUege building, now obUterated by time's effacing finger. J. S. Sawer since 1837 has supplied the students and liberal disposed with ice cream and varieties, and many of the boys fed under the Dotheby regime gratefuUy remember the good cookery and pies of Mrs, Sawer. The hotel and boarding-houses have been kept by Douglass, Vore, Johnson, Bell, Witt, Sims, RUey, and Wright, the latter now holding forth in fine style. The old CoUege miU erected by Bp. Chase many years ago went into decay, and at that seat Daniel S. Norton put up one of the finest miUs on the river. The " Kenyon Mills" flour acquired a good reputation. The post-office, upon Bp. Chase's application, established in 1826, has been the greater part of its existence managed by that excellent public officer, M. T. C. Wing. About 1846, parti san violence, through the machinery of a county convention and central committee, brought about the appointment of Benoni Elliott, a student from the District of Columbia. In 1849, M. T. C. Wing was again appointed ; in 1853, James Young ; in 1857, E. G. Riley; and in 1861, Joseph Leonard. The principal church is Rosse Chapel, bearing the name of its founder. Lady Rosse, eminent for piety and good Avorks. It is a very neat and chaste stone edifice, situated in Harcourt Parish, named for like cause, and in the rear of the church is the beauti ful cemetery where rest the dead of Gambier. The KNOX COUNTY. 395 parish officers elected Easter Monday, 1862, on the Union ticket, are A. G. Scott, H. L. Smith, Wardens ; B. L. Lang, A. Buttles, M. White, J. Leonard, J. S. Sawer, S. T. Bourne, N. W. Putnam, o H ^r '^ JjJ. S. Balcom. Delegates to the Convention, B. L. Lang, A. G, Scott, S, T. Bourne. The M. E. church is a neat frame, erected in 1854 by subscrip tion of Uberal citizens. The present minister is 396 HISTORY OF Chilton Craven. The Trustees are D. L. Fobes, J. T. L. Jacobs, F. Clippinger, F. Penhorwood, G. J. W. Pearce. The Cumberland Presbyterians have preaching regularly at their church, one-half mile north of the Public Well. The Rev. Larrimore is the present minister ; J. Bennet and T. Minard, trustees. The various College buildings and mat ters of interest connected with them will appear under the appropriate head. Gambier is a beauti ful little village, where those who desire to with draw from the noise and bustle, the cares and vexations of the active Avorld, can have a safe retreat. A more quiet and secluded spot cannot be found on this continent ; of the old residents on the hill, it may with truth be said : " Along the cool, sequestered hill of life, They kept the noiseless tenor of their way," scarcely realizing that the great busy world is all around them. To them we commend Lord Ken- yon's motto : " Magnanimiter crucem sustine." SUCCESSIVE JUSTICES OF THE PEACE. In 1839 John Powell and C. S. Johnson were elected, but the latter, being a student, upon pro test of the Bishop against his acting, resigned, and A. G. Scott was chosen in May, 1840 ; re-elected in 1843 and in 1845 ; in 1846, resigned. 1845— G. C. Johnson; re-elected 1848. 1812— A. K. Fobes. 1844— E. M. GavIu; re-elected 1847. 1847— B. EUiott. 1850— N. W- Putnam; re elected in 1853 and 1856. 1853— D. L. Fobes. 1855— J. H. C. Bonte. 1856— Norman Badger. 1857— John Cunningham ; re-elected 1860. 1859 — George J. W. Pearce. KNOX COUNTY. 397 CHAPTER XLVII. CLINTON TOWNSHIP. 'i^l^^-TTJL-d xJCO') So often, during the progress of this work, have we had occasion to speak of events occurring with- 398 HISTORY OF in this township, and of its prominent citizens, that we shaU not occupy much space in addition to that necessary for its list of justices. It is one of the four townships created at the organization of the county, and, containing the county-seat, has been the central field of operations heretofore quite minutely described. The land is aU good ; the cit izens, generally, moral and industrious. It is weU watered by the Ko-ko-sing, Dry Creek and Center Run, and possessed of every article necessary for convenience and health of the inhabitants. The greater part of its wealth and population is within Mt. Vernon, and at this place the business is gen erally carried on. The township is divided into convenient school and road districts, and the whole is embraced in one election district, which poUs usuaUy 1,000 votes. This township, outside the city Umits, contained in 1860, 884 whites. The aggregate value of land, as equaUzed by the State Board, was $543,473. Mount Vernon steadily increased in population and wealth until the present war Avithdrew a large portion of "the citizens from industrial pursuits and caused a general depression, from which the recov ery will come with peace. In 1860, there were 61 industrial establishments within the city limits, and the value of products was $704,050. The ag gregate population of the five wards was 4,147, of whom 46 were colored persons. The aggregate value of lots and buildings, as equalized by the State Board, was $723,239. We have coUected much information, in regard to this place, from its foundation to the present time, which we may here- KNOX COUNTY. 399 after give to the pubUc in a volume. The limits prescribed to this work preclude us now. The citizens have certainly cause to congratulate them selves upon the growth, prosperity and health of the place — upon their many and great advantages, moral, social, educational, religious. The unsur passed water-power — the superiority of the locality for manufacturing — must cause its continued pros perity. Norton's Mills, the Mount Vernon Iron Works, the Kokosing Foundry, the Woolen Fac tory, and other manufacturing estabUshments, and the superiority of Mount Vernon mechanics, have contributed much to the advancement of the city and county. In the not far distant future, this city wiU be one of the foremost in the interior of Ohio. The Knox Mutual Insurance Co., incorporated in 1838, went into operation with C. P. Bucking ham, H. B. Curtis, G. Browning, J. E. Davidson, 0. Delano, E. MUler, I. Hadley, D. S. Norton and Abel Hart, as Directors. Gen. Buckingham was for many years President, and Richard Thomas, Secretary. Present officers: G. W. Hauk, J. Sperry, J. Blake, J. M. Byers, C. Cooper, R. C. Hurd, C. P. Buckingham, W- McClelland, Direc tors. G. W- Hauk, President, and Wm. Turner, Secretary and Treasurer. The first loss sustained was by the burning of Rev. M. T. C. Wing's dwell ing ; amount paid, $900, The Knox Co, Bank, organized in 1847, with Henry B, Curtis, J, W- Russell, C. Delano, J. B. Thomas and Sewall Gray, Directors. Capital stock, $100,000. Henry B. Curtis has been its 400 HISTORY OF President from that time. Its Cashiers — J. C. Ramsey, L. S. Lewis, J. F. Andrews and. Hugh Ogilvie. The Bank of Mt. Vernon was organized April, 1862. Directors : J. W. Russell, Prest. ; C. Del ano, M. Thompson, W. H. Smith, F. D. Sturges. Mr. Sturges is Cashier, D. W. Lambert, Teller. CONSECUTIVE JUSTICES OF THE PEACE. 1806. John Mills. 1837. 1808. T. B. Patterson. 1839. 1809. Matthew Merritt. 1839. 181 1. Samuel Kratzer. 1840. 1811. Silas Brown. 1842. 1811. Allen Scott. 1842. 1815. James Smith. 1842. 1815. Benjamin Barney. 1843. 1817. Benjamin Martin. 1845. 1817. Stephen Chapman. 1845. 1818. John Roberts. 1846. 1820. Wm. y. Farquhar. 1846. 1820. Benj. Martin. 1846. 1821. John Roberts. 1848. 1822. John H. Mefford. 1849. 1823. Wm. Y. Farquhar. 1850. 1824. John Roberts. 1851. 1825. Joseph Brown. 1852. 1825. James McGibeny. 1853. 1826. John Roberts. 1854. 1830. Gideon Mott. 1855. 1830. Wm. Bevans. 1855. 1831. S. W. Hildreth. 1858. 1833. Wm. Bevans. 1858. 1833. Thomas Irvine. 1858. 1834. S. W. Hildreth. 1860. 1836. Johnston Elliott. 1860. 1836. Thomas Irvine. 1861. Timothy Colopy. B. F. Smith. Robert F. Hickman. Wm. Welsh. B. F. Smith. R. F. Hickman. E. W. Cotton. Wm. H. Cochran. Benjamin McCracken. E. W. Cotton. Nath. McGiffin. W. H. Cochran. Truman Ward. E. W. Cotton. W. H. Cochran. Joseph S. Davis. Emmet W. Cotton. W. H. Cochran. Joseph S. Davis. Thompson Cooper. Samuel 0. Beach. W. H. Cochran. Thompson Cooper. Thos. V. Parke. W. H. Cochran. 0. C. Baugh. Thompson Cooper. Henry Warner. KNOX COUNTY. 401 CHAPTER XLVIII. INDEPENDENT ORDER OF ODD FELLOWS. Mt. Vei-non Lodge No. 20, was duly instituted on the 21st day of June, 1843, by a dispensation from the R. W. Grand Lodge of Ohio, by D, D. G. Master J. T. Blain, acting under a dispensation from G. M. Thomas Sherlock. Charter Members. — R. Blake, L. Waite, L. D. Nash, W. Sitllivan, and R, Wright. The following officers were duly installed : R. Blake, N.G.; Liberty Waite, V. G.; L.D.Nash, Secretary; W. Sullivan, Treasurer. Initiated at the first meeting: J.K.Miller, D. A. Robertson, and J. R. Wallace. Celebrations. — The first public celebration was June 22, 1844, D. T. Disney, of Cincinnati, Orator; the second, June 21, 1848, Rev. Mr. Doolittle, of Columbus, Orator; the third, June 19, 1851, Rev. A. T. Mather, Orator. Officers January 1, 1862. — H.D.Brown, N. G.; Edwin Rogers, V. G.; J. D. Haymes, Secretary; J. W. White, Financial Secretary; R. N. Kindrick, Treasurer. Trustees. — Joshua Hyde, W. M. Bunn, H. Phillips. Representatives to the Grand Lodge of Ohio. — W. M. Bunn, R. 0. Kirk, A. 0. Elliott, and J. W. White. EUicott Lodge No. 267, was instituted at Freder icktown, AprU 11, 1855, by M. W. G. Master T. J. McLain, assisted by Past Grands W. M. Bunn, J. W- White, J. F. Andrews, R. 0. Kirk, J. W. Ly brand, A. C. EUiott, and G. W. Shurr. Charter Members.— K. Love, T. Mosure, G. Cole, B. F. Mosure, R. Cole, N. B. Rowley, G. W. Condon, J. Z. Griffith, A. Snow, Jr., 26 402 HISTORY OF J. B. Roberts, and J. W. Condon. The first officers installed were : G. W.Condon, N.G.; J. Z. Griffith, V. G.; A. Love, Secretary; R. Cole, Treasurer. Initiated at the first meeting: D. S. Headley, C. G. Mount, and R. Ewers. The only public celebration was July 4, 1857, P. G. John Lamb, Orator. Representatives. — P. G. J. Z. Griffith in 1857, and P. G. Issacher Rowley in 1860. D. D. Grand Masters.— V. G. J. Z. Griffith, 1857; P. G. G. W. Condon, 1860. Off cers, 1862.— J. C. Ebersole, N. G.; D. T. Montague, V. G.; E. J. Breese, Secretary; N. F. Strong, Financial Secretary; W. D. Morrison, Treasurer. Trustees — I. Rowley, J. W. Porch, A. Stephens. Quindaro Lodge No. 316, was duly instituted .lune 9, 1857, by a dispensation from the R. W. G. Lodge of Ohio, by D. G. Master P. G. A. E. Glenn, acting under a dispensation from G. M. W. 0. Chidsey. Charier Members. — G. B. Arnold, J. M. Byers, A. C. Elliott, J. F. Andrews, J. Lamb, T. P. Frederick, and J. Jennings. Officers installed: J. M. Byers, N. G.; T. P. Frederick, V. G,; G. B. Ar nold, Secretary ; A. C.Elliott, Financial Secretary; J.F.Andrews, Treasurer. Admitted on card : M. McFarland, A. J. Beach, W. C. Cooper, J. Jennings. Initiated : I. Underwood and L. Monk. The dedication of the new hall. No. 109 Main street, was June 9, 1858. A supper was given to the members of the Order. P. G. Rev. Glancy delivered an address. Representatives. — P. G. J. F. Andrews, P. G. J. M. Byers. Officers, 1862.— J. M. Byers, N. G.; E. B. Shinabery, V. G.; H. Graff, Secretary; W. McGaughey, Financial Secretary; .1. F. Andrews, Treasurer. Trustees. — P. G.'s J. F. Andrews, G. B. Arnold, J. R. Wallace. Kokosing Encampment No. 38, was instituted at Mt. Vernon, March 29, 1849, by Grand Chief Patri arch Williams, assisted by J. H. Wheeler as Grand KNOX COUNTY. 403 High Priest, H. B. Horton as Grand S. W., J. S. Clark as Grand Scribe. Charter Members. — J. M. Campbell, S. W. Gribbon, L. G. Pren tiss, R. C. Kirk, H. Phillips, A. Ehle, A. P. Mather, U. Stephens. Officers.— 5. M. Campbell, C. P.; A. P. Mather, H. P.; R. C. Kirk, S. W.; A. Ehle, Scribe ; L. G. Prentiss, Treasurer. Initiated at the first meeting : W. M. Bunn, J. A. Shannon, T. T. Tress, J. Cooper, J. Eichelberger, R. B. Wright. Officers January 1, 1862.— J. W. Porch, C.P.; A. Harnwell, H. P.; E. Shinabery, S. W.; R. N. Kindrick, J. W.; J. W. White, Scribe ; J. Hyde, Treasurer. Trustees. — J. Hyde, W. M. Bunn, Henry Phillips. Representatives to the Grand Encampment of Ohio. — Since the adoption of the new constitution, in 1 855, the following Patriarchs, viz : W. M. Bunn, J. W. White, J. F. Andrews. 404 HISTORY OF CHAPTER XLIX. VARIOUS PUBLIC OFFICERS. SENATORS IN STATE LEGISLATURE. From the Senatorial District of which this land formed a part before the organization of the county, and after its first settlement, we find in the fourth General Assembly, at Chillicothe, Jacob Burton; in the fifth session, Elnathan Scofield. In the sixth session, Jacob Burton appeared and was quaUfied as Senator from Fairfield, Licking aud Knox. In 1809, the Senators from these counties were Elna than Scofield and Jacob Burton. In 1810, Wm. Trimble and Robert F. Slaughter were the Sena tors, and they continued as such while the sessions were at ZanesviUe. In 1812, at ChilUcothe, the Senator was Wm. Gavit, and we were in the same district with Richland and Licking for many years. WiUiam Gass, Mordecai Bartley, John Spencer, John Shaw and Daniel S. Norton were Senators until the course of political aUiance changed, and new connections were formed. The north and south union was severed, and we were associated with the counties to the east until the adoption of the new Constitution in 1851; sometimes, iu dis tricting, Knox was put with Holmes, at other times with Coshocton, and then again with both counties. Since that period our associations have been Avith KNOX COUNTY. 405 the west, embracing Morrow, until, in 1861, the district was made to include Wayne, Ashland and Richland. Beside the Senators aforenamed, we have had the foUovring, elected at the periods named, the term of the office being two years, viz. : In 1829, Thomas Rigdon; in 1831, Wm. Gass; in 1832, Byram Leonard; in 1834, Wm. Ravenscroft; in 1836, Peres Sprague ; in 1838, James Matthews ; in 1810, Byram Leonard ; in 1842, John Johnson ; in 1844, Jacob Koch ; in 1846, Nicholas Spindler ; in 1848, Asa G. Diniock; in 1850, L. Van Buskirk. Under the new Constitution we have had — in 1851, L. Van Buskirk; in 1853, John T. Creigh; in 1855, Robert C. Kirk ; in 1857, Davis MUes ; in 1859, Wm. Bonar; and in 1861, Davis Miles. REPRESENTATIVES. 1807. Philemon Beecher. " W. W. Irwin. 1808. E. B. Merwin. " Patrick Owings. 1809. Alexander Holden. ISIO. Jeremiah Munson. 1811. William Gass. 1812. Samuel Kratzer. 1813. William Gass. 1814. Samuel Kratzer. 1815. Alexander Enos. 1816. Jonathan Miller. 1817. Waitstil Hastings. 1818. W.W. Farquhar. 1819. R. D. Simons. 1820. " 1821. 1822. H. Curtis. 1823. R. D. Simons. 1824. Thomas Rigdon. 1825. John Shaw. 1826. Wm. Robison. 1827. Thomas Rigdon. 1828. Charles Colerick. 1829. Byram Leonard. 1830. John Greer. 1831. Charles Colerick. 1832. John Schooler. 1833. " 1834. Peres Sprague. 1835. " 1836. Martin Tracy. " S. W. Hildreth. 1837. Marvin Tracy. 1838. James Elliott. 1839. Byram Leonard. 1840. D. L. McGugin. 1841. C. J. McNulty. 1842. 0. J. McNulty. 1843. George Ankeny. 1844. James McFarland. " George Ankeny. 1845. W. H. Smith. 1846. E. W. Cotton. " James McFarland. 1847. E. W. Cotton. 1848. L. Van Buskirk. " Jacob Voorhies. 406 HISTORY OF 1849. Ezekiel Boggs. 1855. B. F. Smith. 1850. Eli Glasgo. 1857. Wm. McCreary. " S. F. Gilcrest. " W. B. Cox. 1851. James Witherow. 1859. 1853. Jacob Merrin. 1861. Wait Whitney. 1855. George W. True. COMMON PLEAS JUDGES Who have presided in the districts in which this county has been situated, are WUUam Wilson, of Newark ; Alexander Harper, of ZanesvUle ; Ezra Dean, of Wooster ; Jacob Parker, of Mansfield ; LoAd Cox, of Wooster ; James Stewart, of Mans field ; RoUin C. Hurd, of Mt. Vernon ; Sherman Finch and Thomas C. Jones, of Delaware. Of this number, Judges Hurd, Finch and Jones have been elected by the people ; the others were chosen by the Legislature. CLERKS OF COMMON PLEAS. Charles Lofland, James Smith, Isaac Hadley, S. W, Farquhar, and A. C. EUiott have served as Clerks. Prior to 1851, they were appointed by the Judges ; and since that time, the two last named have been elected by the people. Among the Deputies who have performed longest service, were Henry B. Curtis, E. C. Vore, Horatio S. MUler, F. P. Griffith, A. C. EUiott. The Clerks of the Supreme Court have been Jas. Smith, Alexander EUiott and A. C. EUiott. ASSOCIATE JUDGES. 1808. John Mills, Wm. W. Farquhar, Wm. Gass. 1810. James Colville, April 30th, in place of Gass, who goes into Richland county. 1813. Jacob Young in place of Farquhar, resigned, Dec. 12th. 1814. Samuel Kratzer, May 9th, in place of Mills. KNOX COUNTY. 407 1815. John Trimble and Abraham Darling ]l]l- i°^''\ H- ^f'^ffo^d in place of Darlin|. 1 819. Stephen Chapman. 1820. Joseph Brown, James McGibeny. 1827. Anthony Banning 1834. Eli Miller. 1841. William Bevans. Abner Ayres. <. Isaac N. Richardson. 1S38 ^T ^ l'""- ^^^^- Wn^' McCreary. ???¦ 1^ t"""^ n T"'- ^^*S- ^''^'^ B- Brown. 1839. Richard 0. Davis. '< B. H. Taylor. By the adoption of the new Constitution, the office was abolished. COUNTY AUDITORS. 1820. W. T. Farquhar, the first officer of this description, was appointed at this date, to value the lands for taxation ; and when the law creating a distinct bureau passed, having been Clerk of the Board of Commissioners and conversant with its business, he was reappointed annually untU 1824, from which time the people have elected for a term of two years. 1824. Alexander Elliott. 1844. K. Winne. 1826. 1S46. M. M. Beam. 1828. Marvin Tracy. 1848. " " 1830. " " 1850. B. F. Smith. 1832. " " 1852. 1834. S. B. Kenton. 1854. John Lamb. 1836. " " 1856. " 1838. " " 1858. S. W. Farquhar. 1840. " " 1860. 1842. K. Winne. 1862. John D. Thompson. PROBATE JUDGES. The New Constitution created this office, and at the first election, in October, 1851, for Probate Judge, to serve three years, commencing February, 1852, Sam'l F. Gilcrest was elected, entered upon the duties of his office February, 1852, and at the 408 HISTORY OF expiration of his term was a candidate for re-elec tion, and beaten, 1854, by Joseph S. Davis. 1857. Joseph S. Davis was re-elected. 1860. Thomas V. Parke. MEMBERS OF CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION. The Convention that framed the present Con stitution of Ohio, was held in 1851. Knox and Holmes formed a district, and the Delegates elected were Matthew H. MitcheU and John Sellers, Dem ocrats, over Rollin C. Hurd and John H. Wheeler, Whigs. MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF EQUALIZATION. Daniel S. Norton, James McFarland, Byram Leonard, S. T. Cunard. Henry B. Curtis, TREASURERS. Until 1825 this office was filled by appointment of Commissioners each year, and from that time the people elected for a term of two years. The period at which each Treasurer was chosen, Ave append : 1808. Henry Haines. 1841. James Blake. 1815. George Downs. 1847, Jacob W. Lybrand. 1816. James McGibeny. 1851. J. H. McFarland. 1817. Gilman Bryant. 1855. John Beaty. 1819. James McGibeny. 1859. Alex. Greer. 182.5. AV. Y. Farquhar. 1861. H. H Greer 1838. S. W. Farquhar. COUNTY COLLECTORS. The Commissioners appointed annually the col lector of personal tax, and that upon lands of residents. In 1820, the duties of this officer were somewhat changed, and, in 1817, the office Avas KNOX COUNTY. 409 abolished by law, and its business transferred to the County Treasurer. 1808. Silas Brown; amount 1821. Benj. Jackson, Jr. 1 900 T ^°a'^ ^(^58.87. 1822. R. D. Simons. 1809. James Smith. 1823. Joseph Brown. }1]Z- '1°}'' ^,^"eer- 1824. John Shaw. i«in il '^.M^"""^- 1825. Silas Brown. iSS: ^WlSevans. ^^^^^ ^-^ M. Banning. In 1822, a system of cutting under was com menced by competitors for this office, as we find that the State tax was coUected this year for 2f per cent., and (bounty tax gratis ; the next year Brown underbid i per cent. ; and Shaw, in 1824, capped the climax by proposing to collect both State and County tax gratis ! ASSESSORS. Assessors have been in our history of tAvo kinds — ToAvnship and County. The county Avere ap pointed by the Commissioners until, in 1827, the people by law were required to elect such officer ; and after 1841 the office for the county Avas abol ished, and the old system of ToAvnship Assessors was re-established. Prior to 1827, the Commissioners appointed, as Assessors, R. D. Simons for 1824 and '5, Marvin Tracy in 1826, and Hill Runyan in 1827, who served from March until the October election, when he was elected for two years. In 1829, ,Iohn Greer was elected, and, having resigned in October, 1830, Daniel McFarland was elected and continued until, in 1834, Henry B. Carter was chosen, and served two terms. In 1838, Uzal BaU was elected ; in 1840, Wait Whitney 410 HISTORY OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. 1808. Joseph Walker, John Harrod, John Lewis. 1808. Henry Markley, Matthew Merrit, and Wm. Douglass were elected Oct. 11th ; and, by lot, it was declared that Mark- ley continue three years, Merrit two, and Douglass one William Douglass. """" ^ 1809. 1810. 1811. 1812, 1813 1814. 1815. 1816. Robert McMillen. John Harrod. Daniel Cooper. William Mitchell, ap- ¦ pointed by Court May 9th, 1814, t!2cc Harrod, deceased. William Mitchell. Jonathan Miller. Moses Merrit. 1817. William Mitchell. " John Warden ?;i6'c Miller. 1818. Allen Scott. 1819. Gilman Bryant. 1820. Abner Ayres. 1821. John Wheeler. 1822. John Kerr. 1823. Abner Ayres. 1824. John Stilley. 1825. Daniel Sapp. 1826. Byram Leonard. 1827. Levi Harrod. Gilman Bryant appo'ted. Peres Sprague, Jabez Beers. Francis Wilkins; Wil liam McCreary for 3 years, Francis Wilkins ¦ for 1 year. 1830. David Shaw vice Wil kins, deceased. 1831. John J'effers for 3 years, David Shaw 2 years. 1832. William McCreary. 1828. 1829. 1833. David Shaw. 1834. Silas Brown. 1835. William McCreary. 1836. David Shaw. 1837. Thomas Wade. 1838. Christopher Wolf. 1839. Thomas Axtell. Thomas Wade. Christopher Wolf. Thomas Axtell, Henry Prather. Henry Prather. James Witherow. 1845. Robert Graham. 1846. William Babcock. James Witherow. Robert Graham. Wm. Babcock. Wait AVhitney. George McWilliams. Abraham Darling, M.H. Mitchell vice Whitney, resigned. George W. Jackson. 1854. Sewal Gray. 1855. John McElroy. 1856. Jacob Bell, full term. " W. McClelland, vice Gray, resigned. 1857. W. McOlcllaud. 1858. John McElroy. 18.f.9. Jacob Bell. 1860. Wm. McClelland. 1861. J. W. Br.idfield. 1862. John S. McCamment. 1840.1841. 1842. 1843. 1844. 1847. 1848. 1849. 1850. 1851. 1852. 1853. SHERIFFS. 1808. Silas Brown, appointed by Thos. Kirker, Acting Governor of the State, June 6, till October election, and reappointed by Governor Samuel Huntington, October 11, 1808. 1811. Ichabod Nye. 1815. John Shaw. 1813. John Hav/n. 1817. " KNOX COUNTY. 411 1819. Alexander Elliott. 1820. William Bevans. 1822. 1824. Charles Colerick. 1826.1828. John Shaw. 1830. Hugh Neal. 1832. " " 1834. Isaac Hadley. 1836. 1838. Wm. Beam. 1840. " 1842. Absalom Thrift. 1844. " " 1846. David C. Montgomery. 1848.1850. Thomas Wade. 1852. " " 1854. Lewis Strong. 1856. Israel Underwood. 1858. " 1860. James S. Shaw. 1862. Allen Beach. The foUowing persons have acted as Deputy Sheriffs at different periods : John Cramer, Isaac Hadley, Resin Yates, Ben. Jackson, Henry Prather, D. C. Zimmerman, Johnson EUiott, Jesse B. Ro gers, W. Beam, S. B. Kenton, E. W- Cotton, W- D. Headley, StUes W. Thrift, D. C. Montgomery, John Beaty, T. P. Morton, James Myers, J. Under wood, T. V. Parke, Josiah Cochran, George W- Steele. CORONERS. 1808. 1809.1811. 1813. 1815.1817. 1818. 1819. 1820. 1822. 1824. 1828.1830. Jonathan Craig, elected April 4. John Merritt, appointed Oct. 11. John Butler, appointed. Dr. Timothy Burr. Dr. Robert D. Moore. Dr. AVaitstil Hastings Dr. E. G. Lee. James McGibeny. Hill Runyan. George Low. 1832. 1834.1836. 1838. 1840.1842. 1844. 1846. 1848.1850. 1852. 1854. 1856. 1858.1860. 1862. W. E. Davidson. Andrew Vance. Richard Hunt. Asa Freeman. It tl Michael Miller. It ll Alexander Love. It II William Bonar. Albert Ellis. It it John W. Leonard. M. M. Shaw. PROSECUTING ATTORNEYS. The first officer answering to this description was Samuel Kratzer, Esq., who sort o' officiated in be- 412 HISTORY OF half of the State when no better qualified person was present. He was not an attorney, but appears to have been allowed fees for his services. Edward Herrick was the main reUance in this branch in the early courts, until 1812, when Samuel Mott was appointed on the 14th of March. In January, 1814, Charles R. Sherman was appointed, and at different terms S. W. Culberson, WyUis SiUiman, Hosmer Curtis, John W. Warden, and other attorneys, were appointed by the court, as business required, until in 1833 the Legislature provided for the Prosecu ting Attorney's election bienniaUy by the voters of the county, who have made the foUowing selections : 1833. Benjamin S. Brown. 1848. Lafayette Emmett. 1835. Columbus Delano. 1860. Clark Irvine. 1837. " " 1862. William Windom. 1839. M. H. Mitchell. 1864. W. F. Sapp. 1840. M. A. Sayre. 1856. 1842. J. K. Miller. 1858. W. 0. Cooper. 1844. " " 1860. 1846. Lafayette Emmett. 1862. Frank H. Hurd. SURVEYORS. The Court of Common Pleas, until 1831, ap pointed the Surveyor of the county, and the office was filled by the following persons : 1808. Samuel H. Smith appointed. 1810. John Dunlap appointed June, in place of Smith, resigned. 1815. Wm. Y. Farquhar appointed April 15, and resigned 1827. 1827. Edson Harkness appointed. The act of the Legislature of March 3d, 1831, having provided for the election of this officer for a term of three years, the first elected by the people was, in 1831. Edson Harkness. 1840. T. G. Plummer. 1834. Thomas G. Plummer. 1843. T. 0. Hickman. 1837. T. C. Hickman. 1846. David Gorsuch. KNOX COUNTY. 413 1849. David Gorsuch. 1858. David 0. Lewis. 1862. T. 0. Hickman. 1861. 1855. David C. Lewis. COUNTY RECORDER. The Judges of the Com-t of Common Pleas ap pointed this officer until 1829, at the October elec tion, the people chose a Recorder. Under the former system, the term of service was seven years ; under the present, three years. 1808. Gilman Bryant, May 2d, until 1815. 1815. Alexander Elliott, May 2d, until 1822. 1822. Henry B. Curtis. The Legislature of 1828-9 having provided for appointment of Recorders by County Commission ers, where office becomes A^acant prior to October, the Commissioners appointed — 1829. John A. Colerick, May 29th, in place of H. B. Curtis, whose term had expired. 1829. Hill Runyan was elected in Oct., and served until 1838. 1838. David Montgomery " " " 1847. 1847. Elijah Harrod " " " 1857. 1856. Calton C. Baugh " " " 1859. 1859. Elijah Harrod " " and re-elected 1862. INFIRMARY DIRECTORS. 1842. John Hobbs, J. F. 1851. Timothy Colopy. McLain. 1852. John McCamment. " Wm. Borden. 1853. G. W. Jackson. 1843. W. Borden. 1854. J. B. McGrew.. 1844. Abraham Darling. 1855. Thomas Rogers. 1845 0. A. Drake. 1856. Thomas Larrimore. 1846! Abraham Darling. 1857. E. J. Whitney. " Absalom Buckingham. 1858. Thomas Rogers. 1847. G. W. Jackson. 1859. Thomas Larrimore. 1848. Abraham Darling. I860. E. J. Whitney. 1849. Christian Musser. 1861. Asahel Allen. 1850. G. W. Jackson. 1862. James Scott. 414 HISTORY OF CHAPTER L. ^^^ It wiU be expected that a history of this county AviU devote more than a passing notice to the mem ory of that citizen of whom, in July, 1849, the editor of the Times said, " We are of opinion that none of the earliest pioneers of our town have ever done so much to promote its groAvth and prosperity as Mr. Norton. If Mt. Vernon is speciaUy in debted to the enterprise and UberaUty of any one man, that man is Daniel S. Norton." The Democratic Banner of Nov. 1, 1859, says : " One of our most eminent and highly valued citi zens died suddenly, of congestion of the lungs, on Tuesday morning, October 25th, aged 72 years." The following extract from that notice of his death evidences the regard and opinion entertained for his services, and its republication wiU not be inap propriate : "He first visited Mt. Vernon in the spring of 1816, and, in the summer of that year, introduced the first complete Carding Machine in this part of the State, and set it up at the mill of ATilliam Douglas, now occupied by J. S. Banning. In the summer of 1817, he moved to Mt. Vernon, and in the fall of that year, having secured the admirable mill seat and water power which his sagacious eye had discoTered the summer previous, he built the mills, which, improved and enlarged from time to time, as the wants of the county required, he continued to occupy and operate until hia death. KNOX COUNTY. 415 " He engaged also in the mercantile business, and carried it on pros perously for many years. He erected a woolen and ii cotton factory and an oil mill, and engaged extensively iu agriculture and the raising of cattle and horses, and contributed much to the improvement of the stock of both in the county. " He was elected to the Senate from Knox and Richland counties, and ¦while in that body took lively interest aud an active part in inaugurating and establishing the wise canal policy of the State. He was a membor of the committee appointed to welcome De AYitt Clinton. At the canal cele bration in July, 1825, he first met Bishop Chase, who served as chaplain on that occasion, and during the interview he suggested to the Bishop the eligibility of the grounds which were afterwards chosen for the location of Kenyon College. He contributed liberally to the establishment of that institution, and was always its steadfast friend. He was always among the foremost in all public enterprises calculated to increase the growth of the town, or improve and develope the resour ces of the country. As a man of business, he had no superior. Prompt, energetic and de liberate, he apeared to see the end from the beginning, and his plans, wisely laid, were worked out with a precision which commanded the ad miration of all. A man of social qualities, he was the pride of the society in which he lived. Remarkable for his address and conversational power, his exten sive reading, his acute observation and his wonderful memory, he attracted notice wherever he appeared, at home or abroad, and entered no circle which was not entertained and instructed by his presence. H3 had a keen perception of merit in the young, and not a few owe the beginning of their prosperous career in business, to his kind and wise patronage. He was ever ready to aid the industrious, and had a lively sympathy for the unfortunate. It was a touching sight to see the poor gather around his bier, and not the least of a good man's reward, to hear them call him blessed." A brief statement of some of the events of his Ufe, evincing his indomitable spirit, extraordinary business qualifications, great liberaUty and genuine patriotism, may foUow the tribute from another pen. The first American settlers in the Attakapas of Orleans were the Nortons, who for several years endured contentedly the perUs and privations in that, then foreign, cUme, untU sickness and death reduced their number and deprived them of their 416 HISTORY OF head ; and the management of the affairs of Mrs. Ann Norton, and nine children, devolved entirely upon the young Daniel S., who, possessed of a pe culiar business mind and an adventurous spirit, carried on A^arious trading operations in the terri tory and the Mexican provinces. His papers, care fully preserved, show many ventures that few would have the nerve to undertake ; and yet suc cess invariably crowned his efforts. Some of his practical operations are worthy of notice. He in troduced the first, sugar-cane in the Attakapas, and established that it could be cultivated successfuUy. His active and well informed mind, and inventive genius, Avas always striAdng to make improve ments, and he first directed attention to the navi gation of the Bayous and rivers, and was interested in the first boat that engaged in their trade. He traveled on the first tAvo boats that made trips on the Mississippi, aud subsequently on the first boat built by a company at Brownsville, Pa., and run 1)}^ Cax^t. Gregg on the lower Mississippi and Red River. His suggestions in construction and naAi- gation, his knowledge of the rivers and the country, contributed much to those enterprises. It Avas with the view of carrying on a ti-ade vrith the southern country that he located at Connels ville, aud engaged in erecting machinery for manu facturing ; and hence his deep soUcitude for suc cessful navigation of the rivers, to promote which he carried on correspondence, published articles, made investments, and labored industriously. The first Cotton Eactory on the Youghiogheny he erect ed, and operated successfully, bringing the raw KNOX COUNTY. 417 cotton from his old home in Louisiana. His lands in that country were of great value, and his busi ness there for about a haK century was faithfuUy attended to by Oov. Johnson, as his agent, who has informed us of his unsurpassed reputation as a business man. He never reUnquished the idea, which he had entertained though life, of returning there to live, and which was oiUy broken in upon by his coming to this county to marry, and being stiU further irresistibly attracted by the fine water power, fertUe lands and beautiful prospects of Owl Creek. The building of machinery and improving of miUs and manufacturing establishments may be said to have been the ruUng passion of his Ufe. We find a petition presented to the General Assem bly of Ohio, when it met in ChilUcothe, by Daniel S. Norton, John H. Piatt and Herman Long, of Cincinnati, Asa Norton, of Kentucky, and Abra ham Baldwin, of Pennsylvania, who had associ ated in manufacturing business, asking for encour agement of woolen manufactories, etc. The first complete carding machines, west of the AUegheny mountains, were put up by Daniel S. Norton, and our venerable townsman, Wm. Reeves, says that he first saw him, in 1805, at Tom Smith's mUl, on Whitewater, setting up machines. I have often heard father laugh about how his father caused him to tirade a valuable lot in Cincin nati for a little sorrel pony, saddle and bridle, and leave there for his home in the Attakapas. Another trade that amused him very much was that of a set of machines, to a man named Lowrie, for a scholar- 27 418 HISTORY OF ship in Transylvania University, which his father, who had given him what he deemed sufficient education at Middlebury College, did not relish; nevertheless, he procured his books, and took out the value in Latin, Greek, and mathematics, &c. There he formed the acquaintance of many young men who have since become eminent in the coun try, and that friendship and regard for Henry Clay which caused him to cling to his fortunes through good and through evil report. His career in this county — his efforts to j)romote education, home manufactures and internal im provements; his contributions to objects calculated to benefit the public ; his assistance to old settlers in purchasing their farms and stock, making im provements, aud providing for their families ; his kindness to friends, and generosity to relatives — will long be remembered. His love of country was unbounded, and the blood of the Revolution never coursed through veins more determined to perpetuate "Liberty and Union." His liberaUty and patriotism in the War of 1812, the Texan Rev olution and the Mexican War is on record; and were he living to-day, he would be faithful to the Union and true to the principles of the Consti tution. Note. — The cultivation of the cotton plant attracted his attention, and among his papers of 1810 are calculations as to its culture aud manufac ture. He planted the first black seed in the Southiwist (it had been brought from the Bahamas), and he was the first experimenter with the hirsutum and the herbaceous in that locality. KNOX COUNTY. 419 CHAPTER L. KENYON COLLEGE AKD THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY. This valued institution of learning and religion was founded in this county by the Rt. Rev. PhUan- der Chase, first Bishop of the Protestant Episcopal Church of Ohio, upon Section one, ToAvnship six, and Range twelve, U. S. MiUtary Lands. The pre liminary steps to its establishment were taken at Worthington, by commencing a school, in 1825, under an act of incorporation for a "Theological Seminary of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the Diocese of Ohio." In pursuance of this pur pose, Bp. C. Aisited England, and obtained A-ery liberal donations for the cause ; and the surpassing beauty of the present site secured its selection. In his annual address, 1826, he thus speaks: "July 22d. This day, for the first time, in company with a number of gentlemen, I explored the lands now rendered so interesting to us on account of their many advantages for the location of the seminary and college." Two of the gentlemen alluded to Avere Henry B. Curtis, Esq., and Daniel S. Norton, whose statements in regard to that "interesting" occasion we have ; and that of the former, as pub lished in the Kenymi Collegian, we had designed giving entire, but our Umits will not permit. In fact, we can only aUude to the estabUshment of 420 HISTORY OF the coUege, with the promise of giving at an early day a complete history of the institution, its founder and benefactors, for which we have now a large amount of interesting material in manuscript. The coUege lands, 4,000 acres, on both sides of the Ko kosing, five miles below Mt. Vernon, were pur chased of Wm. Hogg, Esq., of BroAvnsville, Pa., who made a generous donation in consideration of the object ; and by a unanimous vote of the Con vention of 1826 the site of Kenyon College was settled forever. Views of Kenyon College, Ascension HaU, Bex- ley Hall, Milnor Hall and Rosse Chapel, the prin cipal buildings of the Institution, appear in this Avork. They teU of the pious and devout labors of Bishop Chase, whose Uthograph is also given, and of his very worthy successor, Bishoj) McHvaine. They also speak, more than tongue can teU, the liberality and nobleness of the Christian people of Great Britain and of the United States, who have been graciously moved to give of their abundance to this noble object. To Henry Clay, Avhose influ ential letters gave Bishop Chase access to the British heart, we are also deeply indebted. Kenyon College to-day stands erect, having passed through many periods of tribulation and gloom. With an able corps of instructors, trustees and friends, zealously devoted to her interests, a bright future is before it. In our forthcoming Avork, we will prove, by showing what it has done for the counti-y, that the expectations of its friends have, in great part, been realized. In 1827, the foundations of the work were laid KNOX COUNTY. 421 on College HiU, commanding the most beautiful view in the whole country. The place is noted for health, as the Institution has been for the thorough ness of its course of instruction. Among the very able officers at the present time are^ — Rt. Rev. G. T. BedeU, Rev. T. M. Smith, Rev. M. T. C. Wing, Rev. J. J. McElhinney, of the Theological Pacul- ty, and Professors John Trimble, H. L. Smith, B. L. Lang, Erancis Wharton, H. D. Lathrop and G. T. Chapman, of the College. The Kenyon Grammar Schools in charge of Rca-. A. Blake, at Gambier, and Rev. Peter S. Ruth, at Worthington, are valuable adjuncts, and well sus tained. The Libraries of the College and the Philoma- thesian and Nu Pi Kappa Societies, containing over 15,000 volumes, and an abundant supply of literary food, are ever accessible to the student. The present Trustees of the Institution are — Rt. Rev. C. P. McIlvaine, D.D.D.C.L., President; Rt. Rev. G. T. BedeU, Vice President ; Rev. S. A. Bronson, D.D., Rev. E. Burr, D.D., Rev. James McElroy, D.D., Rev. H. B. Walbridge, Rev. Lewis Burton, Rev. J. E. Grammer, Hon. J. W- An drews, Hon. R. C. Hurd, Hon. C. Delano, Gen'l Kent Jarvis, Wm. Procter, Esq., Dr. J. N. Burr. 422* HISTORY OP CHAPTER LI. THE FAMOUS RACE OF SBELEY'S BULL vs. TOM'S HORSE. One of the " phunny" characters in our county's history is our old friend Seeley Simj)kins, Avho is now in his 70th year, and was born in West Jer sey, the precise spot he doesn't know — nor is it material to the thread of this discourse. In 1804, when five years old, he Avas brought by his father from Morgantown, Va., and his recoUection of Mt. Vernon runs from the time Capt. Walker lived in a little log hut close by the old sulphur spring. Seeley says that its water had a great medicine rej)utation with the Indians. He was a great favorite with the squaws and pappooses, by reason of his uncommon musical talent. He could mimic any sound of varmint or human, surpassed the lute of Orpheus, aud out-Avhistled all creation. He furnished tJie music for early musters, and Avhen it took four counties to make a regiment he gave a challenge to out-Avhistle any man within them. He recoUects Avith much pride the encomiums of Adjutant Stilley, Avho, he says, was " the best judge of swill music then in the country." He fre quented race tracks, and drew crowds and supplied hoe-downs on demand. Eor a long time he labored under the disadvantage of making his pilgrimages on foot, but having the good luck to hear at preaching that " Balaam took his ass and saddled KNOX COUNTY. 423 him," he concluded to take the next thing to it his buU — and saddle and ride him. He was a nice little muscular brute, raised by him, and being gentle, Avas trained so that he ti-aveled right smart on Seeley's circuit. Often have we seen Seeley in all his glory ride to the miU Avith his grist, and Avhile it was being ground he would take an airing around the town, whistling as he Avent. The races Avere usuaUy on the flat front of Norton's mills, and there Seeley acquired " immortality and fame." On the occasion of a grand race, Avhen the Critch fields, Sam. Arbuckle, and the Creek nation were in town in their strength, a race was gotten up by Hugh Neal, John Gregg, aud John Kellifer, be tween Seeley's bull aud Tom Irvine's horse. The stakes were up ; judges took their stand ; and ex pectation on tiptoe Avas soon gi-atified by the entrance of the steeds. At starting, the little bull's tail received a sudden and severe twist, causing him to bellow lustily as Seeley Avith " vaulting ambition pricked the sides of his intent ;" and goaded to desperation, bull pawed the earth and sped on with all hi^ might, while the air Avas rent with the shouts and yells of the spectators, frightening him almost out of his skin. The horse, altogether unused to such " noise and confusion," inclined to balk, shied to one side, and trembling from fear, could not be brought to the " outcome" in time, and the judges honestly pronounced in favor of Seeley's bull. Amid the applause of the large concourse, Seeley proudly mounted his charger, and as he stroked his neck, complacently 424 HISTORY OP KNOX COUNTY. took the wager, and rode home a happier man than ever in his life before or since. The poet says : "Honor and fame from no condition rise; Act well your part — there all the honor lies." Seeley has done this, and his name is inscribed on the page of his country's history, to be remembered long after those who have laughed at his career shall have been forgotten. To THE Reader. — We rest — not insensible to the fact that vre may, in your estimation, " have done those things which -we ought not to have done, and left undone those things which we ought to have done;" but there is no help for it now. Our field was entirely new, and but very few papers are accessible at this early day in our history — the future writer will have still less, and this work may prove advantageous to those who succeed us. We have not sought to embellish, but simply to give plain statements lit old matters. Several thousand families have been named, and omissions of any of the old settlers have been unintentional. The multitude crowding upon us has caused us to give less notice to several of our best citizens than we designed. Errors, typographical aud otherwise, may exist ; attribute them to the peculiar circum stances that surround us in these daj-s of war and excitemeut, and join us in prayer for a return of the good old times of peace, prosperity and happiness. m ¦.¦'ij''V-V - • - f\'**M '\ ¦•' Hf * ' 'V*' All"! • ' .' J