YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY Bought with the income of the ALFRED E. PERKINS FUND FIHSr CONGRE&ATIOUM MEEmG-HOUSE, MTICK. HISTORY OF NATICK, tROM ITS FIRST SETTLEMENT IN 1651 PRESENT TIME; NOTICES OF THE FIRST WHITE FAMILIES, AND ALSO AN ACCOUNT OF THE CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION, OCT. 16, 1831, REV. MR. HUNT'S ADDRESS AT THE CONSECRATION OF DELL PARK CEMETERY, &c., &c., &c. BY OLIVER N. BACON ATTOBNET AT LAW. BOSTON. DAMRELL & MOOKB, PRINTERS, 16 Devonshire Street. 1856. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 185-5, By OLIVER N. BACON, In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the District of Massachusetts. ^ H ,c a t i 0 It . TO THE YOUNG MEN OP NATICK, WHO WISH TO HATE A CORRECT KNOWLEDGE OP THE HISTORY OP THE TOWN ; TO BECOME ACQUAINTED WITH, AND CHERISH THE VIETXJES OP, THE FATHERS OP THIS " PLACE OP HILLS," IS DEDICATED, WITH ARDENT WISHES FOR THEIR HAPPINESS AND PEOSPEEITT, BT One OP THEIR NUMBER. PREFACE. At the close of the labor of compiling this volume, and as it is submitted to the perusal of its patrons, the author would beg their indulgence in a few words by way of explanation of the inducements which led him to undertake the work. It was not from any confidence he had in his own ability over many of bis fellow-townsmen, but aU who had given any attention at all to the sub ject, with the exception of one who was abroad, were earnest in persuad ing him to undertake what they had either relinquished or indefinitely postponed. He felt exceedingly desirous that a history of the last thirty years, the most eventful of any similar period in the history of the town, should be blended with that of events in her earlier years, published and un published, and all presented in a connected form to the public, that the antiquarian and the annalist, and more particularly the people of the town, might have an opportunity of reading it without the labor of searching it out in its original resting-places. He saw, or thought he saw, a probability that much valuable history would be soon lost, unless it was arranged and published and in multi plied copies placed in more secure receptacles than the drawers or attics of the actors in the events, or their descendants. In short, it has been his desire to furnish each family with an accurate account of every event of importance and interest which has taken place in their own town since its settlement, and to place it beyond the reach of such accidents as a short time since destroyed the records of a neigh boring town. He has endeavored to state facts accurately, and on the very best au thority ; to give no statistics but such as were reliable, and to guard with care against the introduction of errors into his work. To all who have aided him in the work, to [the Secretary of the 4 PREFACE. Commonwealth, the Librarian of the Massachusetts Historical Society, and his friend Lyman Mason, Esq., of Boston, he would tender his grateful acknowledgments. He is under especial obligation to Prof. Calvin, E. Stowe, of Andover Theological Seminary, and Rev. Samuel Hunt, of Frankhn, Mass., for the use of manuscripts, as well as other important assistance. If the volume shall answer the end for which it was intended, if it shall prove at once an accurate and impartial history of the town, the highest hopes of the author will be realized. O. N. B. TABLE OF CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. General Description. Name and Signification. Manner of obtaining Posses sion. Original.Boundaries. Construction of the First ViUage. CHAPTER II. Sketch of the Life of Eliot. Birth. Coming to New England. Settled as Teacher at Roxbury. Journey in search of a place to locate an Indian Town. Eliot at Natick. Care of the Indians. Petitions to General Court in their behalf. Letter of the Indians to Eliot while in England. His Translation of the Bible. Purchase of a copy by the Town. Eey. Mr. Hunt's Address. Incidents in the Life of Eliot. Anecdotes. Son settled at Newton. CHAPTER III. Natick Indians. Number at different periods. Oppression by the Whites. Eliot Monument. Historical Items. Extracts from Records of Town. Biograph ical Notice of Dea. Ephraim, Sassamon, Takawampait, Waban. Anecdotes of Indians. Bi-Centenuial Celebration. CHAPTER IV. Act of Legislature erecting Natick into an English District. Early White Set tlers. Extracts from Records. Town Meetings. Resolution of the Town on the Declaration of Independence. . Muster Roll of the Natick Company at Bunker HUl. Proprietors of Town in 1719, 1782 and in 1800. CHAPTER V. Ecclesiastical History. The " Praying Indians " at Natick. Indian Bible and other Indian Translations by Mr. Eliot. Rev. Oliver Peabody and Organi zation of his Church. Publications of Mr. Peabody. Biographical Notice of Rev. Stephen Badger. Formation of his Church. Its Dissolution. Pub lications of Mr. Badger. CHAPTER TI. Controversy as to the Location of a Meeting-House. First Meeting-House. His tory of Society. Funds. Settlement of Rev. Freeman Sears. List of its Ministers, last of persons who have held the ofiice of Deacon. Biographi cal Notice of Mr. Sears. Fourth of July Celebration in 1809. Mr. Sears's Oration. Sickness and JJeath. CHAPTER VII. Settlement of Rev. Martin Moore. Some account of his Ministry. Dismission Subsequent Life. His Published Works. CONTENTS. CHAPTER VIII. Settlement of Rev. Erasmus D. Moore. Dismission. Notice of Rev. Samuel Hunt. Charge at his Ordination. Dismission. Settlement of Rev. Elias Nason. His Publications. CHAPTER IX. Other ReUgious Societies, Second Congregational Church, Methodist Episco pal, Baptist, Universahst. CHAPTER X. Natural History. CUmate. Geology. Botany. Ponds, Rivers, Brooks, Fish. CHAPTER XI. Descriptive History, Boundaries, Roads, Railroads, Post Offices, Public Build ings, Burying- Ground, Consecration of Dell Park Cemetery. Address of Rev. Mr. Hunt. CHAPTER XII. Statistical History. Inhabitants of Natick. Population each decennial period since 1790. Population in 1763, in 1776, in 1777. Valuation, Taxation, Education, California Emigration. CHAPTER XIII. Official History. Town Officers. List of Select Men. Town Clerks. Repre sentatives. Attorneys at Law. Physicians. CHAPTER XIV. Biographical Notice of CoUege Graduates and other individuals belonging to Natick. CHAPTER XV. Employment of the People. Agriculture. Manufacture of Shoes. CHAPTER XVI. Social History. Benevolent Societies. Charitable Association. Lyceums. Li braries. Natick Social Library. Rehgious Libraiy. Sabbath School Libra ries. Temperance Society. Slavery. APPENDIX. Old and New Style. Practice of Double Dating. Biglow's Poetry. Picture of Bunyan's PUgrim. Manners and Customs of our Fathers. Description of New England in 1629. Plants and Flowers in Natick. Formation of Cherokee Alphabet. Indian Deeds and other Instruments. Accidents. Suicides. Murders. Fires. Epitaphs on Grave Stones. Anecdotes. In teresting Locafities in the vicinity of Natick. HISTORY OF NATICK. CHAPTER I. Geneeal Desceiption. Name and Sionipication. First Settlement. Manner oe obtaininq Possession. Original Boundaries. Construc tion OF THE First Village. Natick is situated in the south part of Middlesex County, on the line of the Boston and Worcester Railroad, sixteen miles from the former and twenty-four from the latter city. Cambridge Court- House is sixteen miles to the east, and Concord twelve to the north of it. By a survey for a map of Massachusetts, under the superin tendence of Simeon Borden, Esq., the latitude of the spire of the Orthodox meeting-house is ascertained to be 42° 17' 63" .17. Its longitude, 70° 21' 09" .45. Like most of the towns of Massachusetts, it is very irregular in its boundaries. Its lines seem more ambitious of reaching the tops of the neighboring hills and the depths of the valleys, than of surrounding a symmetrical territory. It has a triangular shape, lying between the towns of Framingham and Needham on the west and east, Sher- born and Wayland on the south and north ; Dover touches it at the south-east, and Weston at the north-east corners. It has more diversity of scenery in hills, valleys and plains, than most of the surrounding country, as is apparent not only by its appearance from commanding elevations, but by the name applied to it by the Indians, " Natick, a Place of Hills." With unerring sagacity, the red man's eye caught the distinguishing features of each place it rested on, of each river by wbose banks he roamed, and applied to it for a name that word of Ms own language most descriptive of its peculiarities. " Massachusetts — the Blue Hills ; " " Nonantum — Rej6icing," a hill in Newton; " Musketaquid" — Indian name of Concord, signifying Grassy Brook. When we see its slow serpentine river, lying in the lap of banks of the deepest verdure, we see how full of meaning is the 8 HISTORY OF NATICK. name applied to it. " Connecticut — Long River;" "Scituate — Cold Brook." With how much propriety Natick was called " a Place of Hills," may be seen by a glance. In the south part of the town, Pegan Hill, with verdure to its summit, and in a conical form, rises above all other elevations and commands a view of sixteen villages, and of the riVer, brooks, woods, and lands adjoining. To the north of this, on each side of the south village and of Charles River, Perry's and Carver's may be seen so near to the river that each may be said to dip its foot in its waters as they glide along. Train's Hill, a mile to the north of these ; Broad's Hill, one-half a mile to the north-west of the last; Tom's Hill, so called from a celebrated Indian of that name, located near the residence of Capt. William Stone ; with Wachusett and Monadnock in the distance, and lesser eminences interspersed, complete the list. From the summit of these hills, which were alike features of the ancient and modern town, may be seen the villages as they now appear. Beside the features just mentioned, very little remains to remind one of Natick, as described in ancient records and maps of the town. Three villages contain the mass of the population of the town : Natick Centre, containing two hundred and seventy-five dwelling-houses, sixty-fiv Assessors. Timothy Smith, ) Joseph Morse, ) Constables." Adam Morse. ) As far back as 1719 we find a vote " passed in general town meet ing of the Proprietors, Free-holders and Inhabitants of ye town of Natick, warned and met together on Monday, ye 4th day of May. In order to the better stating, distinguishing, knowing and setting the pfoprietors and proprietee to the lands in Natick, &c. Francis FuUum, Esq., President at said meeting. Voted unani mously at ye above said meeting, that Abraham Speen,^ames Speen, Moses Speen, Joslah Speen, Isaac Speen, John Speen, Isaac Mana- quasin, John Wansanug's heirs, Captain Thomas Waban, Thomas Pegan, Simon Ephraim, Benj. Tray, Samuel Bowman, Samuel W. Right, Samuel Umpertawm, Hannah Labomsug, Solomon Thomas, "Israel Pomhaman, Samuel Abraham and Thomas Nehemiah, shall be henceforth allowed, held, reputed, and distinguished to be the only and true proprietors of Natick." — (An abstract taken out of the second book of records for the town of Natick, in keeping of Honor able Francis FuUum, Esq. Examined and attested by WUliam Rider, proprietors' clerk for Natick.) This WUliam Rider was an inhabitant of Sherborn, and was both proprietors' clerk and surveyor until the act of 1745 was passed, when Eben Felch was chosen, and continued to hold the office fifteen years. His name is the first that appears on the town books as clerk. John Jones, Esq., was clerk for a short time succeeding him. He Uved on a farm now known as the Loring place, on the south side of Charles River. The river runs nearly round it, being its east, west and northern boundary. His name appears in the Ust* of Deacons of the first church, as Colonel in the militia, and one of his Majesty's Justices of * See Ecclesiastical History. HISTORY OF NATICK. 47 the Peace before the Revolution. He died in February of the year 1802. We have frequently had occasion to introduce votes of the town into our history as we find them on the records. It may be interest ing to know somewhat of the meetings themselves, as we may from knowing the places at which they were held, who were engaged in them, and the places of their residence. With this object in view I have prepared, in addition to the list of the proprietors in 1719, just given, a Ust of those who owned the farms of the town previous to 1800, and designated the places of which they were owners. We see among them names now familiar to our ears, almost catch the tones of their voices as they urge their views on the attention of the meetings, and watch them returning to their homes, to relate the success or defeat of their favorite measures. It Is worthy of note that but two of the proprietors of these places now survive — our respected and venerable townsmen, Captain Wil liam Stone * and Deacon WUUam CooUdge, the representatives of a past generation, stUl active and interested in the welfare of the pres ent. May they see their successors as prudent, sagacious and pub- Uc-spirlted as their fathers. " One generation passeth away and another generation cometh, but the earth remalneth forever." We think we shall be pardoned for any mistakes in this attempt to exhibit the occupants of the farms so many years after, when it is considered that the same farm frequently had several occupants. Proprietor. Residence. Elijah Perry, now Elijah Perry, Jr's., John Bacon, " Willard Bacon's, Thomas Sawin, " Thomas Sawin, Jr's., Ezekiel Sawin, " Sumner Goulding's, Hezekiah Broad, " Hezekiah Broad, Jr's., Stephen Badger, " Oliver Bacon's, John Atkins, " Hon. John Wells's, David Morse, " heirs of Thomas B. Gannett, Ephraim Dana, " Mrs. Tabitha Leach's, Isaac Biglow, " house opposite Moses Eams's, Samuel Perry, " owned by Curtis Company, Reuben Draper, " heirs of Reuben Draper, Jr's., » Deceased after this was written. 48 HISTORY OF NATICK. now James Mann, Elijah Bacon, John Sawin, " Abel Perry, " Freeman Sears, " Joshua Fish, " Samuel Washburn, " David Bacon, " John Coolldge, " Berial Sparrowhawk," Josiah Walker, " WiUiam Bowden, " WiUiam Stone, " Daniel Travis, " John Bowden, " Edward Hammond, " Ebenezer Felch, " Ethel Jennings, " Robert Jennlson, " Henry Coggin, " Richard Bacon, " Henry Bacon, " Asa Felch, " Isaac Underwood, " Adam Morse, " Samuel Morse, " Moses Fish, " William Farriss, " Thomas Broad, " Isaac Goodnow, " Stephen Bacon, " Calvin Leland's, Gershom Learned's, Daniel Coolidge's, Timothy Coolidge's, Edward Walcott's, heirs of Moses Fish, Jedediah Washburn's, Oliver N. Bacon's, NeUa Coolidge's, late Joseph Prescott's, Mrs. Joslah Walker's, Lowell Perry's, William Stone's, John Travis's, Chester Morse's, Thomas F. Hammond's, Luther H. Gleason's, Jonathan Moore's, Joel Pierce's, Henry Coggin's, heirs of Ephraim Jennings, Falther Coggin's, Rev. Isaac Jennlson'a, heirs of John Bacon, 3d, Horace B. Morse's, Calvin Morse's, Deacon Samuel Fish's, heirs of WiUiam Farriss, Esq., WiUiam Howard's, Nathan Rice's, late Josiah ChUd's. The map of the town by H. F. WaUing, published in 1853, wUl be found useful, in this connection, to strangers or those who have been long absent from town. An enlarged plan of the vUlage is exhibited upon it, the names of the streets, the public buUding, ponds, school districts, &c. CHAPTER Y. Ecclesiastical History. The Praying Indians at Natick. Indian Bible and other Indian Translations by Mr. Eliot. Ret. Oliteb Peabody, AND Organization op his Church. Publications op Mr. Peabody. Biographical Notice op Rev. Stephen Badger. Formation op his Church. Its Dissolution. Publications op Mb. Badger. An ecclesiastical history of Natick comprises properly a history of the " Praying Indians." This was the earliest and most important of the praying towns. The first Indian meeting-house was erected here. Here the Courts were held. In the year 1674, there were gathered here twenty-nine famUies. Reckoning five persons to a family, we have a hundred and forty-five persons. The church, fifty communicants, — some resident in other towns. But we have given so extensive an account of the Indian church in the civil history of the place, that Uttle remains to do, except to notice the translations of Mr. Eliot into the Indian language, and other of his publications connected with his ministry to the Indians. Eliot wrote several narratives of the advancement and condition of religion among the Indians, which were published in England ; a tract, entitied " Communion of the Churches ; " a " History of the Gospel," and " The Christian Commonwealth," a work which was pronounced seditious by the Colonial Government — publicly recanted and suppressed. He was also, at an earUer day, one of the com mittee by whom '¦'¦The Bay Psalm Book" was prepared. His reputation, however, rests upon his Indian Grammar, and various translations into the Indian language, the chief of which was that of the Bible, completed in 1663. From the commencement of his ministry among the natives, the project of his translation seems to have been floating in his mind, but the magnitude of the work and the difficulties with which It was likely to be attended, sometimes discouraged him; and in his "Further Progress of the .Gospel," pubhshed In 1655, he says, despondingly, " I have no hope to see the Bible translated, much less printed in my own day." Yet he 4 50 HISTORY OF NATICK. labored at the task from time to time, trusting that the providence of God would at length send the aid necessary to print such portions of it as should be prepared for the press. Nor was his trust in vain ; through the aid of the " Corporation for Promoting the Gospel among the Heathen in New England," the New Testament was published at Cambridge, in September, 1661, soon after the restoration of Charies the Second to the throne. The printing was completed while the question of the confirmation of the Society's charter was pending, and it was deemed an excellent opportunity to conciliate the good wiU of the king, to whom the Commissioners of the United Colonies dedicated the translation in an address written in a tone adapted to win his favorable regard. This dedication*haa the following preface : " Upon the information of the dissolution of the Corporation, and intimation of hopes that his Majesty would renew and confirm the same, &c., the Commissioners thought meet to present his Majesty with the New Testament printed In the Indian language, with thes"e presents foUowing, &c." The document itself, as printed In the few copies of the Testament sent to England, Is in these words : — " To the High and Mighty Prince Charles the Second, hy tJie Q-race of God, King of England, Scotland, France and Ireland, Defender of the Faith, ^c., the Commissioners of the United Colonies In New England with increase of all happiness, &c. Most Dread Sovereign : — If our weak apprehensions have not misled us, this work will be no unacceptable present to your Majesty as having a greater Interest therein than we believe is generally understood, which (upon this occasion) we deem It our duty to declare. The people of these four Colonies (confederated for mutual defence in the time of the late distractions of our dear native country) your Majesty's natural born subjects, by the favor and grant of your royal father and grandfather, of famous memory, put themselves upon this great and hazardous undertaking, of planting themselves at their own charge in these remote ends of the earth, that, without offence and provocation to our Brethren and Country men, we might enjoy that liberty to worship God, which our own con sciences informed us was not only our right, but duty ; as also that HISTORY OF NATICK. 51 we might (If It so pleased God) be instrumental to spread the light of the Gospel, tho knowledge of the Son of God, our Saviour, to the poor barbarous heathen, which, by his late Majesty, In some of our Patents, is declared to be his principal aim. These honest and pious Intentions have, through the grace and goodness of God, and our kings, been seconded with proportionable success ; for, omitting the immunities Indulged by your Highness' royal Predecessors, we have been greatly encouraged by your Majesty's gracious expressions of favor and approbation signified unto the Address made by the Principal of our Colonies, to which the rest do most cordiaUy subscribe, though, wanting the like season able opportunity, they have been (till now) deprived of the means to congratulate your Majesty's happy restitution, after your long suffering, which we implore may yet be graciously accepted, that we may be equal partakers of your royal favor and moderation, which hath been so Ulustrlous, that (to admiration) the animosities and different persuasions of men have been so soon composed, and so much cause of hope, that (unless the sins of the Nation prevent) a blessed calm wUl succeed the late horrid confusions of Church and State : and, shall not we Dread Sovereign) your subjects of these Colonies, of the same faith and belief in all points, of doctrine with ouf countrymen, and the other reformed churches (though perhaps not alike persuaded in some matte'rs of order, which in outward respects hath been unhappy for us) promise and assure ourselves of all just favor and indulgence from a Prince so happily and graciously endowed ? The other part of our errand hither hath been attended with endeavors and blessing, many of the wild Indians being taught, and understanding the doctrine of the. Christian reUgion, and with much affection attending such preachers as are sent to teach, them, many of their children are Instructed to write and read, and some of them have proceeded further, to attain the knowledge of the Latin and Greek tongues, and are brought up with our English youths In University learning. There are divers of them that can, and do read some parts of the Scripture, and some catechisms, which formerly have been translated into their own language, which hath occasioned the undertaking of a greater work, viz., the printing of the whole Bible, which (being translated by a painful laborer amongst them, who was desirous to see the work accompUshed in his day) hath 52 HISTORY' OF NATICK. already proceeded to finishing the New Testament, which we here humbly present to your Majesty, as the first fruits and accomplish ment of the pious design of your royal ancestors. The Old Testament is now underythe press, wanting and craving your royal favor and assistance, for the perfecting thereof. We may not conceal that though this work hath been begun and prosecuted by such instruments as God has raised up here, yet the chief charge and cost which hath supported and carried it thus far, hath been from the charity and piety of our well affected country men in England, who, being sensible of our inability in that respect, and studious to promote so good a work, contributed large sums of money, which were to be improved according to the direction and order of the then-prevailing powers, which hath been faithfully and religiously attended both here and there, according to the pious intentions of the benefactors : and we do most humbly beseech your Majesty, that a matter of so much devotion and piety, tending so much to the honor of God, may suffer no disappointment through any legal defect (without the fault of the donors, or the poor Indians, who only receive the benefit) but that your Majesty may be graciously pleased to establish and confirm the same, being contrived and done (as we conceive) in the first year of your Majesty's reign, as this book was begun and now finished In the first year of your estabhshment, which doth not only presage the happy success of your Majesty's Government, but will be a perpetual monument, that by your Majesty's Favor the Gospel of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ was first made known to the Indians, an honor whereof (we are assured) your Majesty wiU not a Uttie esteem. Sir : — The shines of your royal favor upon these undertakings, will make these tender plants to flourish, notwithstanding any malevolent aspect from those that bear evil will to this Lion, and render Your Majesty more illustrious and glorious to after generations. The God of heaven long preserve and bless Tour Majesty with many happy days, to his glory, the good and comfort of his Church and people. — Amen." In 1663, the Old and New Testaments and a version of the Psalter in a separate volume, were completed, and a copy of each forwarded to the king. Richard Baxter, who was a friend and HISTORY OF NATICK. 53 correspondent of Eliot, speaks of the gift as " such a work and fruit of a plantation as was never before presented to a king." The perfect Bible was accompanied by the following dedicatory address, which, Thomas states, was omitted in nearly all the copies circulated in America : — " To the high and mighty Prince Charles the Second, by the grace of God, King of England, Scotland, France and Ireland, Defender of the Faith, ^c, the Commissioners of the United Colonies in New England, wish all happiness, &c. Most Dread Sovereign : — As our former presentation of the New Testament was graciously accepted by your Majesty, so, with all humble thankfulness for that royal favor, and with the like hope, we are bold now to present the WHOLE Bible, translated into the language of the natives of this country, by a painful laborer in that work, and now printed and finished, by means of the pious beneficence of. Your Majesty's subjects in England ; which also by your special favor hath been continued and confirmed, to the intended use and advancement of so great and good a work as Is the Propagation of the Gospel to these poor barbarians in this (erewhlle) unknown world. Translations of the Holy Scriptures, — the Word of the King of kings, — have ever been deemed not unworthy of the most princely dedications ; examples whereof are extant in divers languages. But your Majesty Is the first which hath received one in this language, or from the American world, or from any parts so remote from Europe as these are, for aught that ever we heard of. Publication also of these sacred writings to the sons of men (who here, and here only, have the ministers of their eternal salvation revealed to them by the God of heaven) is a work that the greatest princes have honored themselves by. But, to publish and communicate the same to a lost people, as remote from knowledge and civility, much more from Christianity, as they were from aU showing, civU and Christian nations, — a people without law, without letters, without riches, or means to procure any such thing, — a people that sat as deep in darkness and in the shadow of death as (we think) any since the creation. This puts a lustre upon it that Is superlative, and to have given royal patronage and countenance to such a publication, or to the means thereof, wiU 54 HISTORY OF NATICK. stand among the marks of lasting honor in the eyes of aU tbi^t are considerate, even unto after generations. And, though there be In this Western world many Colonies of other European nations, yet we humbly conceive, no Prince has had a return of such a work as this ; which may be some token of the success of your Majesty's plantation of New England, undertaken and settied under the encouragement and security of your royal father and grandfather, of famous memory, and cherished with like gracious aspects from your Majesty. Though indeed the present Poverty of these plantations could not have accomplished this work had not the forementioned Bounty of England lent Relief ; nor could that have continued to stand us in stead, without the Influence of Your RoyalFavor and Authority, where by the Corporation there for Propagating the Gospel among these Natives hath been established and encouraged, (whose Labor of Love, Care and Faithfulness In that Trust, must ever be remembered with Honor ;) yea, when private persons, for their private Ends, have of late sought Advantages to deprive the said Corporation of Half the Pos sessions that had been by Liberal Contributions, obtained for so ReUgious Ends. We understand That, by an Honorable and Righteous Decision in Your Majesty's Court of Chancery, their Hopes have been defeated, and the Thing settied where it was and is ; for which great favor and Illustrious fruit of Your Majesty's Government we cannot but return our most humble thanks In this Public manner ; and as the result of the joint Endeavors of Your Majesty's subjects, there and here, act ing under your Royal Influence, We present You with this work, which upon sundry accounts is to be caUed yours. The Southern Colonies of the Spanish Nation have sent home from this American Continent, much Gold and Silver as the fruit and End of their discoveries and Transplantations : That (we confess) is a scarce commodity in this Colder Climate ; but (suitable to the ends of our undertaking,) we Present this and other Concomitant Fruits of our poor Endeavors to Plant and Propagate the Gospel here, which, upon a true account, is as much better than Gold, as the souls of men are more worth than the whole World. This Is a noble fruit, (ar 'I in the counsels of an All-disposing Providence was a higher intended End) oWolumhus, his Adventure. And though by his Brother being hindered from a seasonable Application, your Famous Predecessor HISTORY OF NATICK. 55 and Ancestor, King Henry tho Seventh missed of being sole Owner of that first Discovery, and of tho riches thereof, yet if the Honor of first discovering the true and saving knowledge of the Gospel unto the poor Americans, and of Erecting the Kingdom of Jesos Christ among them, be reserved for, and do redound unto your Majesty and the English Nation, after ages will not reckon this inferior to the other. Religion Is the End and Glory of mankind, and as it was the professed End of this Plantation, so we design ever to keep it in our eye as our main design, (both to ourselves and the natives about us,) and that our Products may be answerable thereunto. Give us therefore leave, (^Dread Sovereign,^ yet again humbly to beg the con tinuance of your Royal Favor, and of the Influences thereof, upon this poor Plantation, The United Colonies of New England, for the securing and establishment of our Civil Privileges and Religious Liber ties hitherto enjoyed ; and upon this Good Work of Propagating ReU gion to these Natives, that the Supports and Encouragements thereof from England may be stUl countenanced and confirmed. May this Nursling still suck the Breast of Kings, and be fostered by your Majesty, as it hatii been by your Royal Predecessors, unto the preservation of Its Main Concernments. It shall thrive and prosper to the Glory of God and the Honor of your Majesty. Neither will It be any loss or grief unto our Lord the King, to have the Blessing of the Poor to come upon Him, and that from these Ends of the Earth. The God by whom Kings Reign and Princes Decree Justice, Bless Your Majesty and establish your Throne in Righteousness, in Mercy and in Truth, to the Glory of His Name, the Good of His People, and to your own Comfort and Rejoicing, not in this only hut in another World." The title-page is in English and Indian. The Indian titie is as follows : "Mamusse Wemetupematamwe, Up-BIblum God naneeswe Nekkone-Testament kakwOnk Wusku Testament. Nequoshinnumuk nashpe Wattemeamak Christ noh asoowesit John Eliot Nahohteou outehetoe Printewoomuk, Cambridge Printenoop nashpe Samuel Green." We give, as a specimen of the Indian language, the Lord's Prayer, with the English translation, from the first edition of the New Testament, printed at Cambridge, in 1661. 56 history of NATICK. THE LORD'S PRAYER, Matt., 6 : 9. Nooshum kesukqut quttianata- manack hoowesaouk. Peyaum- ooutch kukkenau-toomoouk ne a nack okkeet neam kesukqut. — !N em-meet-sougash asekesuhokesu assanmauean yedyee kesu-kod. Kah ajiquotaneas inneaen numma- teheouqasu, neem machenekuke- qig nutahquoretawmomouag. Ah- que sag hompagunaianeem en- qutchuasouqauit webe pohquohwa- ossueau wutch matchitut. Newat- che hutahteem ketassootamouk hah nuumkessouk, kah sohsa- moouk michene. Amen. Our Father which art in heaven, haUowed be thy name : Thy king dom come: thy will be done in earth, as it Is In heaven. Give us this day our daily bread : And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors : And lead us not into temptation, but deUver us from evU : for thine Is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen. " The first impression of the Indian Bible," says Dr. Francis, in his excellent life of EUot, " sufficed for about twenty years. In 1680, another edition of the New Testament was published. Mr. EUot, in a letter written during that period to the Hon. Mr. Boyle, alludes to It when he says, ' We are at the nineteenth Chapter of the Acts, and when we have Impressed the New Testament, our commissioners approve of my preparing and impressing the Old.' " In addition to the Psalms, a Catechism was annexed as in the first impression. This New Testament has the imprint of Cambridge, but no printer's name. In 1685, a second edition of the Old Testa ment appeared, printed at Cambridge, by Samuel Green. This was bound with the last impression of the New Testament, and the two parts, thus taken together, constitute the second edition of the whole Bible, though there was an interval of five years between the times at which the two Testaments respectively appeared. Each part has but one title-page, which is in Indian, and the same as before. We learn some facts respecting this second edition of the Indian ver sion, from EUot's correspondence with Mr. Boyle. The whole Im pression was two thousand copies. It was superintended by Mr. EUot, who gave a part of his salary towards defraying the expense, history of NATICK. 57 and received for the same purpose, from the corporation in England, through Mr. Boyle, £900 at different times: namely, £40 at one time, £460 at another, and £400 at a third. If some collateral expenses be Included, the whole cost of the impression must have been little, if any, short of £1000. Mr. Eliot's remarks lead us to suppose that the first edition was nearly or quite exhausted. If so, and if the number of the copies was what I have supposed, this fact will furnish us with a measure by which we may estimate the demand for the Scriptures among the Indians for twenty years after the translation was first printed. We might presume that the num ber of copies which curiosity might lead the people of the colony to purchase, or which courtesy might send to England, could not be large. Eliot apologized to Mr. Boyle for the slow progress of the print ing, by alleging the want of an adequate number of workmen, and the interruption of labor among those they had, by sickness, which prevaUed fatally in the winter of 1688 and the spring of 1684. His heart was saddened by these and other events which seemed to throw discouragement on the work ; for he was then bending beneath the weight of years, and with the feeling of an old and faithful ser vant, his soul yearned to witness, as his last labor, the completion of the new edition of his translation. The affectionate earnestness with which he dwells on the subject in his correspondence with the English philosopher, has a touching interest : " My age," says he, " makes me Importunate. I shall depart joyfully, may I but leave the Bible among them, for it Is the word of life." Again he writes, " I desire to see It before I die, and I am so deep in years that I cannot expect to live long, and sundry say if I do not procure It printed whUe I live. It Is not within the prospect of human reason, whether ever, or when, or howit may be accompUshed." He bore it an his heart to God in his devotions, and the anxious earnestness of his soul seemed to be fixed on this point. The prayer of the good man was answered. He lived to see a new impression of his Bible, and when he took the precious volume in his hands, we can easily imagine that with uplifted hands he may have uttered the Nunc Dimittis of the aged Simeon. In preparing his second edition Mr. EUot received valuable assistance from the Qev. John Cotton, of Plymouth, who had spent much of the time 58 HISTORY OP NATICK. for several years in forming an acquaintance with the Indian lan guage. This obligation Eliot acknowledged in a letter to Boyle in 1688. Several years before that time Boyle had intrusted to Eliot £80 for the promotion of religion among the Indians. The money had not been expended, perhaps because no opportunity had occurred for the particular mode of using it which Boyle designed. Of this sum EUot requested that £10 might be given to Major Gookin's widow, who was poor, £10 to Gookin's son," who lectured among the Indians, and £10 to Mr. John Cotton, " who," says he, "helped me much in the second edition of the Bible." Perhaps Mr. Cotton revised the whole version, that, by their joint labor, a more exact and faithful translation might be exhibited in the new impression. Mr. Francis in another place remarks that the Indian Bible has become one of those rare books which the antiquarian deems It a treasure to possess. It has acquired the venerable appearance of an ancient and sealed book, and when we turn over its pages, those long and harsh words seem Uke the mysterious hieroglyphics in some time-honored temple of old Egypt. " It faUed to answer the pious purpose for which the translator labored in preparing it. But it has answered another purpose, which was, perhaps, never in his mind, or, if it were, was doubtless consid ered as of Inferior importance. In connection with his Indian gram mar. It has afforded important aid as a valuable document in the study of comparative phUolog}''. Though the language In which it is printed is no longer read, yet this book is prized as one of the means of gain ing an insight into the structure and character of ' unwritten dialects of barbarous nations,' a subject which of late years has attracted the attention of learned men, and the study of which it is believed will furnish new facts to modify the hitherto received principles of univer sal grammar. On this account scholars of the highest name in mod ern times have had reason to thank Eliot for labors which the In dians are not left to thank him for. WhUe the cause of reUgion missed in a great degree the benefit designed for it, the science of -language acknowledges a contribution to its stores. Mr. Eliot trans lated the Bible into a dialect of what is called the Mohegan tongue, a language spoken by all the New England Indians, essentially the same, but varied by different dialects among the several tribes. By Eliot, and others, it was called the Massachusetts language. HISTORY OF NATICK. 59 There is, beside, a moral aspect In which this translation should bo viewed. It must be regarded as a monument of painstaking love to the soul of man, and of laborious piety. Would the translator have had the spirit to undertake, still more the perseverance to carry through, a work so wearisome and discouraging, had he not been an imated by the deep, steady, strong principle of devotedness to God and to the highest good of his follow men ? The theological scholar who translates the Bible, or even one of the Testaments, from the original into his vernacular tongue. Is considered as having achieved a great task, and as having given ample proof of his dUigence. Yet such a work Is easy, compared with the work which Eliot undertook and finished amidst a press of other employments, which alone might have been deemed sufficient to satisfy the demands of Christian In dustry." Among the many remarkable doings of the apostle to the Indians, this bears tho most striking testimony to his capacity of resolute en durance in the cause of man's spiritual welfare. We justly admire the moral courage, the spirit of self-sacrifice which sustained him in the tasks of preaching, visiting and instruction, never deterred by the dark squaUdness of barbarity, never daunted by the fierce threats of men who knew no law but their passions, never moved by exposure to storms, cold, and the various forms of physical suffering. But when we represent him to our minds as laboring in his translation of the Scripture In the sUence of his study, year after year, in the fresh ness of the morning hour and by the taper of midnight, wearied but not disheartened ; continuaUy perplexed with the almost unmanage able phraseology of the dialect of the barbarians, yet always patient to discover how it migH be made to represent truly the meaning of the sacred books ; doing this chapter by chapter, verse by verse, ' without a wish to give over the toil ; cherishing for a long time only a faint hope of publication, yet still wUling to believe that God in his good providence would finally send the means of giving the printed Word of Life to those for whom he toUedand prayed — we cannot but feel that we witness a more trying task, a more surprising labor, than any presented by the stirring and active duties of his ministry among the Indians. It was g, long, heavy, hard work, wrought out by the silent but wasting efforts of mental toU, and relieved by no immedi ately animating excitement. It was truly a labor of love. When we take that old, dark volume into our hands, we understand not the 60 history of NATICK. words in which it is written, but it has another and beautiful mean ing, which we do understand. It is a symbol of the affection which a devoted man cherished for the souls of his feUow men. It is the expression of the benevolence which fainted in no effort to give light to those who sat in darkness and in the shadow of death ; and so It remains, and wUl ever remain a venerable manifestation of the power of spiritual truth and sympathy. The second edition of the translation was the best, and the printer will never again be called to set types for those words so strange, nor will there, in all after time, probably, be a person in the world who can read the book. Cotton Mather tells us that the anagram of Eliot's name was Toile, and the conceit has the merit of expressing truly one of the chief traits in the apostle's character. " His youth was innocent : his riper age Marked with some act of goodness every day ; And watched by eyes that loved him, calm and sage Faded his late declining years away. Cheerful he gave his heing up, and went To share the holy rest that waits a life well spent." We have seen, in the civil history of the town, Natick chosen as, in the opinion of Mr. Eliot, the most eligible spot for planting an In dian town ; we have seen the streets laid out, the houses and bridges built, and a civil government adopted for the guidance of the infant settlement. After so much had been accomplished a meeting-house was erected and a church gathered. The following is the simple covenant entered into by the Indians. It will be seen to consist of a declaration of belief, and an agreement with God and each other : " We are the sons of Adam. We and our forefathers have a long time been lost in our sins ; but now the mercy of the Lord beginneth to find us out again : therefore, the grace of Christ helping us, we do give up ourselves and our chUdren unto God, to be his people ; He shall rule us in all our affairs. The Lord is our judge, the Lord Is our lawgiver, the Lord Is our king, ho wiU save us ; the wisdom which he taught us in His book shall guide us. 0 ! Jehovah, teach us wisdom, send thy spirit into our hearts ; take us to be thy people ; and let us take thee to be our God." history of NATICK. 61 Twenty years after the formation of this church, it contained forty or fifty communicants. In 1721, when Mr. Peabody came to town, there were no traces of It to be found. In the records of his church is the following note from his pen : " It must be observed that, after the most dIUgent search and Inquiry, I can find no records of any thing referring to the former church in Natick, nor who were the members of It, or baptized, tiU my coming to town." The history, then, of this first church, cannot be of greater than sixty-five years In extent. Although very few incidents relating to the church have come down to us, stUl, from a knowledge of the times and circumstances in which it had its being, we may know very well the principal events attending it. We know the anxious care Eliot bestowed upon it. We know that, for forty years after Its formation, he lived within fifteen miles of Its location, and ever considered it his principal and most interest ing church. We can hear his fearless reply to the sachems who opposed him : " I am about the work of the great God ; and my God is with me, so that I fear neither you nor all the sachems in the country. I will go on, and do you touch me if you dare." We can see him each successive fortnight wending his way on horseback to his church, and hear the welcome that greeted his coming. We know that when King Philip's war broke out in 1675, and the praying Indians were generally viewed with jealousy, Mr. Eliot was their steadfast friend. We see him intercepting the captive Indians at " the Pines," in Watertown, when they were on their way to their island prison, and consoling them. He repeatedly petitioned the General Court for their relief in matters pertaining to their lands, and we have reason to beUeve that not until a number of years after his death were the members of his church dispersed. Mr. EUot was often assisted in his labors by his son. His imme diate successor was Daniel Takawampait, whose gravestone is stUl at South Natick, and who, by the testimony of Daniel Gookin, was " a person of good knowledge." Oliver Peabo^ was the first settied minister of Natick. He was born in the town of Boxford, Essex county. Commonwealth of Mas sachusetts, In the year 1698. At the age of two years he was be reaved of his father, and the care of his early education devolved on 62 history of NATICK. his pious mother, who was not inattentive to the importance of her charge. The youth was early made sensible that religion was the one thing needful. The .deep interest he felt In the cause of the Re deemer led him to seek an education that would best prepare him for future usefulness, and accordingly he entered Harvard CoUege in 1717, and was graduated in 1721, in the twenty-third year of his age. He delivered his first sermon at Natick, August 6, 1721. Immediately after he was graduated, the committee of the Board of Commissioners for Propagating the Gospel in New England re quested him to be ordained as an evangelist, and to carry the news of salvation to the heathen. This committee consisted of Honorable Adam Winthrop, Edward Hutchinson, Esquire, and another from the corporation of Harvard CoUege. This was the time when the French were active in stimulating the Indians to commence hostilities against the English, and for this pur- pose furnished them with provisions and warlike implements. The consequent apprehensions of an Indian war led many candidates, it is said not less than eleven, to whom the commissioners had made ap plication, to decline the offer. But such was Mr. Peabody's zeal In the cause of his Master, that he did not hesitate to enter on a mis sion, though he was subject to the wUl of his employers and knew not the place of his destination, but expected to be sent to a remote dis tance into the wilderness. As the commissioners concluded to send him to Natick, a place surrounded with settled ministers, and in the vicinity of the society that employed him, they did not immediately ordain him, but sent him to perform missionary service till circumstances should render his ordination expedient. At that time there were but two white families in town, though several other famUies soon removed thither. Thomas Sawin, who lived where his descendants now reside, was the first white family. David Morse, who built where Mrs. Gannetfc's house now stands, was the second, Jonathan Carver buUt on t|f island to the right of Dover street, for the third, and the fourth h supposed to be a house on the site of the house now owned and occu pied by Mr. Luther H. Gleason, whose wife is a descendant of the then owner, Mr. Eben Felch. Mr. Peabody preached constantly at Natick till the close of the year 1729, when a committee from the Board of Commissioners and from Harvard College were sent to l^s.- tick to consider the expediency of settiing a minister and embodying history of NATICK. 63 a church. The result was that it would be best to embody a church partly of English and partly of Indians, and set Mr. P. over them in the Lord. The 8d of December was set apart as a day of fasting and prayer, when Mr. Baxter, of Medfield, preached, and embodied a church, consisting of three Indians and five white persons. On the 19th of the same month Mr. P. was ordained at Cambridge a missionary to take the pastoral care of the church and people at Natick. About two years after Mr. Peabody came to. Natick, he married Miss Hannah Baxter, daughter of Rev. Joseph Baxter, of Medfield, a lady distinguished by her piety and good sense, by whom he had twelve chUdren, eight of whom lived to years of discretion. The oldest son bore his father's name, and was ordained pastor over the First Church in Roxbury (then Newton), in November, 1750, and died in May, 1752. The other two sons died when they were about thirty, but the five daughters all lived to a good old age. Though it was his grand object to bring the Indians by divine grace, to the knowledge, service and enjoyment of God, yet he found it an object worthy of great attention to induce them to abandon their savage mode of living, and to make advances In husbandry and civiliza tion ; and so great a change was effected in their pursuits and man ners, that he Uved to see many of the Indian families enjoying com fortable habitations, cultivated fields, flourishing orchards, and their manners greatly improved. He embraced the religious prmclples of our Puritanic fathers, and left abundant testimony In his publications and manuscripts, that he had not so learned Christ as to make the precepts of the Gospel bend to suit the vices of men. He was bold and zealous In the cause of truth, but his zeal was not that of an enthusiast. It was an ardent desire to promote the glory of God and the best good of his fellow men. By his exertions many of them were taught to read and write, well as understand, the EngUsh language. To such a pitch of refinement had some of th^m arrived, that when Mr. Moody, from York, Maine, preached to them in Natick, and used low expressions for the sake of being understood by them, they obse/ved that if Mr. Peabody should preach in such low langua"? they should think him crazy and leave the meeting-house. The Indians, at the time of Mr. Peabody's coming to reside among them, were much addicted to intemperance ; and he took great pains 64 history op NATICK. to suppress this ruinous vice, and not without success. Guardians were placed over them, and they became more peaceable, industrious, and attentive to religious order. Twenty-two persons were added to the church the first year after his ordination, a number of whom were Indians. In a letter to a convention of ministers in 1743, he observes: — " Among my people (I would mention it to the glory of the rich grace and the blessed Spirit of God), there have been very apparent strivings and operations of the Holy Ghost among EngUsh and In dians, young and old, male and female. There have been added to our church, of such as I hope shaU be saved, about fifty persons, whose lives, in'general, witness to the sincerity of their professions." Dur ing his ministry 191 Indians and 422 English were baptized. During the same period 35 Indians and 130 white persons were admitted into his church ; 256 Indians died, one of whom arrived at the age of 110 years. Though naturally of a slender and delicate constitu tion, he consented to go on a mission to the Mohegan tribe of In dians, but the fatigues he endured in the undertaking so impaired his health that it never was perfe^ctly restored. He lived several years after, but at length fell Into a decline, in which he lingered till Lord's day, February 2, 1762, in the fifty-fourth year of his age. He died with Christian triumph Immediately after uttering the words of the heroic apostle, " I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith ; henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give me in that day." In his last sickness the Indians expressed great anxiety for his health and happiness, and tendered him every service in their power. At his death they mourned as for a parent. His widow was after wards married to Deacon Eliot, of Boston. Two printed sermons of Mr. Peabody's are extant, viz. : An Ar- tlUery Election Sermon, and one entitled, " The Foundations, Effects, and distinguishing Properties of a good and bad hope of Salvation, with Motives to excite all to labor and pray, that they may obtain a well-grounded Hope, and some Directions how to obtain it. Consid ered in a sermon, the substance of which was delivered at the evening lecture at the new North Church In Boston, on Tuesday, June 8, 1742." A few introductory passages from this sermon will exhibit a fair specimen of the author's style : history of NATICK. 65 " Psalm 119 : 116. ' Let me not be ashamed of my hope.' As hope and fear are the two governing passions of the soul which ex cite us to action, so it is of concern to us to know how to improve them so as to promote our happiness ; and as we should improve our fears of the wrath of God and eternal torment so as to quicken us to flee from the wrath to come, and to fly to the refuge to lay hold on the hope set before us In Christ Jesus, so we should use our hope with a view to this great end. It is greatly to be- feared that many have such a slender and sandy foundation for their hope, that when they shall expect that they are just entering into the possession and enjoyment of what they hoped for, they shall find themselves mistaken and disappointed ; which Is what the Psalmist deprecates In our text. Although he may In this have some reference to his hopes of out ward good things agreeably to the promise of God to him, yet it ap pears to me that he has respect especially to future and eternal things in this pathetic prayer, — ' Let me not be ashamed of my hope.' " Although no mention is made of the dissolution of Mr. Peabody's church, yet it is evident that it was dissolved, as will appear as we proceed in the history. In a communication to the Massachusetts Historical Society, Mr. Badger, who was, for forty-five years suc ceeding that on which Mr. Peabody died, the minister of Natick, says : " Immediately previous to my settlement in this place a church was gathered, which consisted partly of English and partly of Indians." Stephen Badger was born in Charlestown, A. D. 1725, of humble parentage, as is indicated by his name being placed last in this class in the college catalogues, at a time when the scholars were arranged according to the real or supposed dignity of the parents. He was graduated at Harvard College in 1749. On the 27th of March, 1753, he was ordained by the Commissioners for Prop agating the Gospel in New England, as a missionary over the Indians at Natick. The EngUsh inhabitants united with the Indians and added to his salary £19 6s. 8d., about $92. He closed his public services in July, 1799, and died Aug. 28, 1803, aged 78. Mr. Badger, whose ministry was more than twice the length of any other, extending through nearly one-fourth of the whole history of the town. Is stIU remembered by many persons living in town, who unlversaUy speak of him as a great and good man. I cannot describe 5 66 HISTORY OF NATICK. him as he Is remembered so well in any other way, as by quoting the words of the late WUUam Bigelow, who knew him well and frequently attended on his ministry. In stature Mr. Badger did not exceed the middle height ; his person was firm and well formed ; his manners dignified and polished, anr^ his countenance inteUigent and pleasing. His conversation in mi.xed company was entertaining and instructive. His public performances gave ample proof of a mind vigorous, acute, and well informed. His sermons were mostly practical ; free from the pedantic, techni cal terms of school divinity, uttered at full length, and read without any attempts at oratory. His prayers did not contain so great a variety of expression as those of many others, but they were perti nent and clothed mostly in the language of Scripture. He observed that whatever of correctness or purity of style he was master of, he was indebted to the Spectator of Addison ; and his performances proved that he had profited not a littie by " giving his days and nights " to that immortal production. Had he been set on a more conspicuous candlestick, his light would undoubtedly have shone extensively, brIUIantiy, and powerfully. Mr. B.'s religious sentiments In general agreed with those of Ar- minius, but he caUed no man master on earth. He had neither so high an opinion of human nature as some have advocated, nor so low a one as has been embraced by others. He considered man not ex alted in the scale of being to a rank so elevated as the celestial in telligences, nor degraded to so depraved a condition as infernal spirits, but maintained that he occupied a grade between the two at a considerable distance from either. He contended that by the right use of the means of grace, a per son may become fitted for the company of the former, and that by the neglect or abuse of these means, he must be qualified only for the society of the latter. He taught that love to God and man is the essence of reUgion ; and that a sober, righteous and godly life is at once the fruit of this love, and the evidence that it is shed abroad in the heart. He con sidered the second commandment, " Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself," Uke unto the first, " Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, " as being equally essential to present and future happiness. No one, he would observe, can be profitable to God by his best devotional services, but he who may be profitable to himself. history OF NATICK. 67 and his fellow-men, by being a worker together with God in the pro motion of human felicity, and this working together with God Is the best proof that we love him. Hence he affirmed constantly that they who have beUeved in God, should be careful to maintain good works. He held, with Paul, that by the deeds of the ceremonial law no flesh Uving can be justified, and with James, that faith, without the works of the moral law, Is dead. To enkindle and Increase the love of piety and virtue in the soul, was the end and aim of all his prayers, his preaching, and his practice. He could discern the wisdom and even goodness of Deity in per mitting so many denominations to exist In the Christian world, differ ing in articles of faith and modes of worship, as it gives the best pos sible opportunity for the exercise of that charity which the inspired apostle declares to be greater than either faith or hope. This char ity he extended to all, whether they professed to be of Paul, or ApoUos, or Cephas, provided they gave evidence In their life and conversation that they were of Christ. He was ready always to give a reason of the hope that was in him, but that he might not give just cause of offence to others, he did It with meekness, and, feeUng his own UabiUty to error, he did it 'with fear. But whUe he was thus candid towards others, he demanded a like return of candor fron^them. If any accused him or any other respectable minister of " leading his flock blindfolded to heU, " he considered them as usurping the judgment seat of Christ, who Is appointed sole Judge of the quick and the dead, as guUty of judging another man's servant, and of judging before the time ; and he shuddered at their impious temerity. In short, he exercised more charity towards everything else than un- charltableness. Like Paul before Pelix he reasoned of the personal, social, and re ligious duties, esteeming It as absurd to preach to rational beings and yet deny them the use of their reason, as it would be to preach to those animals which are created without this distinguishing gift. He never adopted the maxim : " I believe It because it Is Impossible ; " but he embraced Christianity because he considered It a reasonable system, and he allowed that, if it were not so, we should have no reason to believe It. He did not degrade this godlike endowment by calling it carnal reason, as those are apt to do who wish to estab lish an unreasonable doctrine, but insisted that the inspiration of the 68 history of natick. Bible hath given us understanding, and that every one is account able to the Giver for the use or abuse of it. If any told him that they knew positively by their own feelings, that they had the Holy Spirit witnessing with their spirit, that their system of belief was certainly the right and true one, and his as cer tainly false and dangerous, he would reply that our feelings, when uncontrolled by reason and common sense, are extremely liable to lead us Into error and spiritual pride. Though he felt it his duty to oppose what he deemed to be errors In opinion, yet he considered it to be of vastly higher importance to correct deviations in practice ; as he thought the former would much more readily be forgiven by our final Judge than the latter. Mr. B. has been accused of having been of an irritable temper. If this were true. It must be acknowledged that such were the trials that awaited him he must have possessed more of the Christian or the stoic than generally falls to the lot of men, to have been otherwise. It has been said by his opposers that he was a Universalist. On this point he shall speak for himself; for though dead, he yet speak- eth. In his discourses on drunkenness, from which the following passage Is extracted : " Both reason and the word of God lead us to fear, if not conclude, (if we can come to any reason at all about it,) that the case of the habitual drunkard is hopeless, and his end inevitable misery and de struction. And his being more exposed to be overtaken and cut off by the hand of death in a drunken .fit, should alarm and put him upon the most serious consideration of the imminent danger he is in, when he is overcharged with intoxicating liquors, and what account he wUl be able to give of himself when summoned before the judgment seat of Christ, by whom God wiU sentence him and the rest of mankind to eternal happiness or misery, according to the state in which they are found at the great day of his appearing." WhUe Mr. Badger urged the importance of good works, he did not teach his people to depend on them alone for salvation, but in sisted that by works faith was made perfect, and that man must be saved by grace through such faith. This appeared particularly in his prayers. He generally concluded the afternoon's service by repeat ing the Lord's Prayer, having prefaced It in some such manner aa the following : " Wilt thou enable us by thy grace to avoid every history of natick. 69 known sin, to Uve in the habitual practice of every known duty, and, when we have done aU, may we consider ourselves as unprofitable servants, and place our hopes of salvation on thy mercy declared unto mankind in Christ Jesus our Lord, who died that we might live, who rose from the dead for our justification, who hath ascended to his Father and our Father, to his God and our God, where he ever liveth to make intercession for us, and in whose perfect form of words we conclude our public addresses unto thee at this time. ' Our Father,' " &c. It was said of him, as of the great and good Addison, by one who was constantly with him in his last sickness and at the time (f£ his departure, that he died like a Christian phUosopher. Had Mr. B. lived in this age of self-created societies, it Is easy for those who knew him to conjecture which of them would have met his most cordial approbation. Temperance societies he would have pronounced a suitable foun dation for all the rest which have utUity for their object, as life, health, and the power of doing good in a great degree depend on the practice of this virtue. He would, however, not have them confined entirely to the abolition of the use of ardent spirits, but extended to the immoderate use of wine and every other liquor capable of producing Intoxication. Even strong tea and coffee he denominated strong drink, and deemed them equally pernicious to the nervous system of their votaries and tho reputation of absent acquaintances. He furthermore agreed in opinion with a celebrated physician, that " more dig their graves with their teeth than with their tankards ; " in other words, more are de stroyed by gluttony than by drunkenness. Bible societies for the dissemination of the Holy Scriptures in all languages without note or comment would have met his most cordial cooperation ; for these he ever insisted on as alone sufficient for every one who could peruse them, to enable them to gain all re ligious information necessary for present and future happiness. Gamaliel societies he would probably have proposed for the sup pression of religious or rather irreligious controversy, recommending, for a motto to the various Christian denominations, the following pas sage to be observed by each sect towards all the rest, " Refrain from those men and let them alone : for If this counsel or this work be of 70 history of natick. men, it will come to naught ; but if It be of God, ye cannot overthrow it, lest haply ye be found even to fight against God." This he would have done from a full persuasion that nothing tended so powerfully to impede the progress of Christianity and promote the cause of in fidelity, as the bitter dissensions among Christians about articles of faith and modes of worship ; about the mere theory of religion while the practice was sadly neglected. Peace societies he would have regarded as of prime importance, for he could not conceive of a more wretched comment on that re Ugion which proclaims " peace on earth and good-will to men, " than for its professors to be frequently embroiled in bloody wars, not only with Infidel nations, but with each other, and often on most trivial pre tences. Societies for the prevention and abolition of slavery, would have met his most hearty approbation and support, for he was a strenuous advocate for freedom of mind and body, both in church and state. Societies for promoting morality and piety among seamen, he would have considered as of incalculable importance to give unchris- tianized nations a favorable opinion of our holy religiori when they should see our mariners who should visit them obeying the divine precepts of the Gospel in all their transactions. He would have said that all these societies must have a general and powerful Influence on the character of Christians before very exalted hopes of success could justly be entertained from the exer tions of societies for the promotion of foreign missions. Societies for the improvement of agriculture he would have been delighted to encourage ; for on his own little farm he set an example of neatness and good husbandry, which was imitated by few of his parishioners, and equaUed by none. In fine, every society which adopted judicious measures for the en couragement of the useful arts and sciences, and for the promotion of pure morality and real piety, would have been accompanied by his fervent prayers and strenuous exertions for their success. Mr. Badger was twice married. His first wife was Mrs. Abigail HUl, of Cambridge, who presented him with seven chUdren. Five of these died in early life. One of the others was the first consort of Rev. Mr. Greenough, of Newton. Mr. Badger never caused any monument to be erected to the HISTORY OF natick. 71 memory of his departed relatives. After his decease, his grave and those of his family were enclosed with a picket fence, and a stone was placed at one end bearing the following Inscription : Deposited in this enclosure are the remains of Rev. Stephen Badger. He was chosen by the Commissioners for Propagating the Gospel in New England, and ordained as a missionary over the Indians in Natick, March 27, 1753 ; died Aug. 28, 1803, Eet 78. Mrs. Abigail Badger, his consort, died Aug. 13, 1782, set 59, and five children ; also Mr. Stephen Badger, Sec, died June 19, 1774, set 80. As a. tribute of affec tionate respect this stone is here placed. " "While memory fond each virtue shall revere." The foUowing is a list of the publications of Rev. Mr. Badger : 1. Several essays on Electricity, printed in the Cambridge Sentinel soon after the establishment of this paper in Boston. In these he offers the conjecture that by drawing the electric fluid from the clouds by rods, the necessary quantity of rain may be prevented from falling. 2. A Letter from a Pastor to his People, opposing the requiring of a confession of particular transgressions in order for ad mission to church fellowship. 3. Letter to the Secretary of the Massa chusetts Historical Society. 4. Two discourses on Drunkenness, printed in 1774, and again re-printed In 1829, by the Society for the Suppression of Vice and Intemperance. CHAPTER YI. . Location op the Meeting House. First Meeting House. History op Society. Funds. Settlement op Rev. Freeman Sears. List op its Ministers. List op persons who have held the office op Deacon in town. Bio graphical notice op Sears. Fourth op July Oration. Sickness and Death. The church of which Mr. Badger was so long the minister was dissolved at his death. The next church embodied was at the cen tre, and the one which bears the name of the First Congregational Church and Society. By that name has It been incorporated by the Legislature and funds secured to It arising from the sale of lands granted by the Indians to Oliver Peabody and his successors in the ministry at Natick for the support of Gospel preaching. It has had a longer existence than any other, has received more persons into it as members, and at this time is the largest In town. It now has settled over it Its fifth pastor. The following is a list of its ministers : 1. Rev. Freeman Sears, ordained Jan. 1, 1806 ; died June 30, 1811. 2. Martin Moore, ordained Feb. 16, 1814, dismissed Aug. 7, 1888. 3. Erasmus D. Moore, ordained Nov. 6, 1833, dismissed AprU, 1838. 4. Samuel Hunt, ordained July 17, 1839, dismissed May 22, 1850. 5. Ellas Nason, ordained May 5, 1852. The whole number of members received into this church since its first organization untUthe present time is 360, of which number 165 are stiU in connection with It. The church now numbers 172 members. The following is a Ust of those who have held the office of deacon in town : Joseph Ephraim, Ebenezer Felch, Nathaniel Chlckering, MIcah Whitney, John Jones, Nathaniel Mann, Abel Perry, WilUam Good now, Oliver Bacon, WUUam CooUdge, Samuel Fisk, John Travis . WUlard A. Wight, John 0. WUson, John J. Perry, Isaac B. Clark. This church organized in 1802 and consisted of twenty-three mem bers. Freeman Sears was the first minister ordained in the central meeting-house. From a sermon delivered in Needham, by Rev. Mr. Palmer, his contemporary and friend, we extract the following notice of him : HISTORY OF NATICK. ^ 73 " He was born in Harwich, in the county of Barnstable, Nov. 28, 1779. At the age of seventeen, he moved with his parents to Ash- field, in the county of Hampshire. About this time his mind became seriously impressed by a sense of his danger whUe destitute of an interest in Christ, and in the course of this year he was enabled to taste and see that the Lord Is gracious. In the winter of the foUowing year he taught school In Ashfield, and such were the serious impres sions upon his mind that his youthful diffidence did not prevent him from praying morning and evening at his school. At the age of nineteen he was caUed to part with an elder brother. Under this affecting bereavement he was calm and composed, and prayed with his brother in his last moments. In the year 1800, a littie before he was twenty-one years of age, he entered WiUIams CoUege, and was graduated there in 1804. April 10, 1805, he was licensed to preach ; and January 1, 1806, he was ordained pastor of the church and society in Natick. Though he had a weak and slender constitution, yet he was ena bled. In general, to perform the duties of his pastoral office tUl the latter part of the year 1810, when his health became essentially impaired. His complaints were consumptive, and began to assume an alarming aspect. In this critical situation his physicians ad vised him to go to a warmer climate as the only probable means of recovery. Accordingly in the month of December he sailed for Savannah, in Georgia, where he arrived and spent the following winter. During his absence from his famUy he found many kind and generous friends who administered to his necessities. He was a stranger, and they took him In ; sick, and they visited him. Their acts of kindness made a grateful impression on his mind. But though these kind attentions were soothing to his feelings, yet his health was not restored, but seemed to decline. Still, however, he indulged the hope that he should be able to return to his family and friends, whom he wished again to see. „ Accordingly about the first of April he left Savannah with a view of revisiting his distant home, and concluded to return by land. He was weak and debUItated, and the journey was long and fatiguing. But through divine goodness he was enabled to accomplish his object, and on the 2d of June he arrived at Natick. He was now in a very low and reduced sta , From his extreme 74 HISTORY OF NATICK. debUItated and emaciated appearance it was matter of surprise to his friends, that he should be able to complete his journey. After his return he continued graduaUy to languish tiU the 30th of June, when he expired. On the 3d of July, his remains were respect fully interred at Natick, at which time a sermon adapted to the occa sion was deUvered by Rev. Dr. Bates, of Dedham." The foUowing Is extracted from the notice of him by Rev. Mr. Palmer, of Needham : " He died In the thirty-third year of his age and sixth of his min istry. This was not only an affecting loss to his family and people, iiut to the public. His talents were respectable, his elocution was pleasing, and from early life he was exemplary and distinguished for his piety. He was however permitted to remain but a little whUe in the vineyard of Christ, before he was called. In the judgment of charity, to receive the reward, not of a long, but useful life. From the bright prospect that he had of entering at so early an hour Into the joy of his Lord, the language of his departure seemed to be ' Daughters of Jerusalem, weep not for me, but weep for yourselves and your chUdren.' Not only for ourselves and our children, but for the interests of Zion we then had and stiU have occasion to weep. He was .dear to me, and in a feeling manner I am still constrained to say, 'Alas 1 my brother.' " The following Is believed to be the only production of his pen which survives him ; and although it was not a professional perform ance, yet as it possesses throughout the spirit of Christianity, and carries us back to the manner of celebrating the nation's birthday at the commencement of the present century, it Is thought not to be out of place in the ecclesiastical history of this town. It deserves to be preserved, not only as presenting an example of the style of Mr. Sears, but for its intrinsic merit as presenting true ideas of the nature of our government and of the duties of the American citizen and soldier. Citizens stUl living weU remember the occasion on which it was deUvered. The officers of the regiment were present, and the miUtary company in uniform, the tunes played by the band, as early in the morning they ^corted the company along the Common, and the song sung by the choir : " Hail to the morning, the day-star of glory ! Hail to the banners by freedom unfurled ! Thrice hail the victors, the freemen of story, Liberty's boast and the pride of the world ! " history of natick, • 76 ORATION. Next to the concerns of eternity the Interests and prosperity of our country demand attention. The speaker to-day must descend from subjects of the first to those of a secondary nature, and witness, ye walls and thou sacred desk, that nothing be suggested, nothing be transacted incompatible with the Christian character. The leading subjects of this day then will be finite subjects, but they are suffi ciently large to fill finite minds. View an extensive country of upwards a thousand mUes square. See this large territory over spread with at least six mUlions of human beings, all pleading the rights and privileges of men, all desirous of personal happiness and freedom, and you are presented with subjects of no small magnitude. Fellow citizens, let our reflections be profitable, seasoned with decency and gratitude suitable to the occasion on which we have convened. In aiding your thoughts relative to the concerns of our country, I purpose in some measure to forget the things that are behind, and look forward to those which are before. The rise and progress of our country, the unparalleled conflicts of our fathers, the unwarrantable subjugation of these colonies, the breaking asunder of the British yoke, and the declaration of the independence of America present a noble and pleasing theme. But though less pleasing, it may be more profitable to inquire in what our Independence consists, and how it may be transmitted to the latest posterity. To review our national affairs from 1776 to 1809 would create In the breasts of men different emotions, and present to the eye of the beholder a checkered scene. The hand of time has passed over them. They are marked for the historian's page, and there for the present we shall let them rest. Something more important commands our attention than either to comment or animadvert upon past scenes. The present and future glory of our country, the equitable form of government under which we live, and the transmitting this invaluable legacy to generations yet unborn are no mean, no puerile subjects. Be this then our theme, — A brief account of the government under which we live, and how this may be preserved and handed down inviolate to posterity. On this day of general independence, and in the prosecution of this subject, the speaker wishes to indulge a suitable degree of 76 • history of natick. independence himself. Not that he feels disposed to wound either of the contending parties, unless they voluntarily step into his way to impede his course. WhUe pursuing the subject in hand, he wishes to pass over the whimsical politics of the day, as you would pass over the dust in the street when in pursuit of a rich pearl. That some kind of government is necessary in this fallen world, experience and facts demonstrate ; to attempt to live without it might be pleasing in theory, but horrible in practice. The great query then is. What gov ernment is best ? The answer is at hand. That which will afford the greatest degree of liberty, and at the same time effectually guard life, character, property and order. All power, whether in despotic, aristocratical or republican gov ernments, is originally vested in the people. They, naturally, are the executive, legislative and judiciary authority. All men come into the world equal upon the footing of natural rights. Notwith standing this, individuals may act In a legislative capacity, and their transactions be binding on generations to come. The two great extremes of government are those of perfect despotism and complete democracy. The former supposes the individuals to have given up all their natural rights Into the hands of one man, whose will is ever to constitute their law ; the latter, is where the people retain all their natural rights, and have given none of them to any man or set of men. A mean between these two extremes is the government of America, approximating, perhaps, nearer the latter than the former. Part of our national rights we give to individuals, for a limited time, for one, two, four and six years ; at the expiration of which periods we come mi possession of them again, and as before are at liberty to give them to whom we wiU, provided the person or persons possess certain general qualifications. These men thus elected by the majority of suffrages, are vested with the supreme authority of the land for the time being. They are, however, in no case, to act repugnant to the Federal Constitution, which has been adopted and sanctioned by at least seven-eighths of the nation. When intrusted with the helm of government, they are not authorized to shape their course wheresoever their fanciful notions dictate, but invariably i» steer the political ship by this national chart. If, in pursuing stead fastly this course, they providentially dash the ship In pieces, they ought not, they cannot be blamed. But if. In trying experiments repugnant to the Constitution, they make shipwreck of our liberties, the curse of mUlions may justly come upon them. HISTORY OF NATICK. 77 Our national government consists of three independent branches, all props and helps to each other, all designed to support the fabric. It may properly be calle'd a Federal Republican Government. The first of these terms aptly represents the condition of the States. Our national constitution is denominated the Federal Constitution, because it unites In one compact body a number of smaller bodies ; like the planets in the solar system, all complete In themselves, yet subject harmoniously to revolve around their common centres. The term republican is significant of our right of election, liberty of acting for ourselves. It supposes every citizen possessing the sum of £60, whatever his profession or occupation in life may be, at per fect liberty to act for himself in the choice of men to rule over him. Whoever shall attempt to deprive an individual or any class of legal citizens of the right of suffrage, may justly be considered defective In his republican principles. The government of America, though it may not be perfect. Is undoubtedly the best now in the world. Various have been the forms of republican government heretofore, but none of them exactly upon our plans. Whether ours, on the whole, wUl prove better than theirs, time alone must determine. The gazing world is now looking to America to see whether she wIU maintain her liberties. So long as this is the case the kingdoms of Europe will envy our happiness ; but should we, like the republics of old, fall into the gulf of anarchy or despotism, they wUl laiugh at our folly. At present, fellow citizens, we possess an admirable form of government, — a government which unites energy with mildness, Uberty with security, and freedom with order : one friendly to the arts and sciences, to the accumulation of property, and the enlarge ment of the human mind ; — a government designed to reward genu ine merit, wherever found, by the richest of her gifts. Such Is the independence we celebrate ; such are the liberties pur chased with the price of blood. Americans, are they worth preserv ing ? if so, you will lay aside your prejudices and carefully attend to the necessary requisitions. How shaU the rights, liberties and independence of America be transmitted to future generations ? A question noble In itself, deserving the attention of every statesman and patriot. We shaU now present a number of props without which this beautiful fabric must fall, with which It may be supported. 78 HISTORY OF NATICK. Knowledge and information disseminated among the people Is one essential requisite to our preservation. The human mind unculti vated is prepared for nothing but either mean submission, or bloody revenge and hostUity. The ignorant negroes of the South; mere vassals of burden, at one time received the goad more patient than the ox: at another, with anger flaming into rage, they ris« and massacre all their lords, — a just portrait of man in the rubbish of nature. The uncivUIzed tribes of Africa, the barbarous Turks, the uncultivated Tartars, In their present degraded state, could no more adopt and preserve a republican government, than the vegetable kingdom could arise and come to maturity without the Ught of the sun. Instances might be cited to prove the fact. Experiments of this kind have been tried, but they have ever proved abortive. Vain and preposterous is It for us to dream of existing as an independent republic, unless we pay special attention to the general diffusion of knowledge. Gross ignorance and freedom were never formed for companions ; they wUl not live together. Our youth should be early taught the value of a well-cultivated mind, and our riper years ought not to scorn the voice of instruction. Americans, what you give for the education of your chUdren is money at interest, for the benefit of your country, the preservation of your liberties. Here, to their honor be it spoken, some of the States, particularly those of Connecticut and Massachusetts, have not been dUatory in their exertions. They have, in some measure, paid that attention to the general diffusion of knowledge, which Its high Importance in a political view demands. Next to education we mention a free, open, and manly discussion of all political subjects, as being highly conducive to the preservation of our country. By this I do not mean newspaper slander, defama tion, or libelling of churches ; I do not mean the petty disputes of the bar-room, or the fanatic resolves of caucuses. These, like so many canker worms, are incessantly devouring the tree of liberty. But I do mean that our national and state cabinets should ever be frank, open and manly In all their deliberations, that every important sub ject may be scanned by sound argument and weighed by the whole legislature in the balance of truth. Business which belongs to the whole legislature ought not to be transacted by a few individuals in secret conclave. The very id..,! of secrecy in public matters creates jealously, and jealousy, you know, hath an inventive genius. She can portray a hideous monster and imagine it real. In order to pre- HISTORY OF NATICK. 79 vent jealousy, surmises and hard speeches, let public business be transacted in open day, and in the presence of all concerned. Rea son, good sense and sound argument, are the only sufficient weapons to be used in a republican government. We may unsheathe the sword to meet a foreign foe, but domestic armies ought, if possible, to be conquered by sound argument. An appeal to arms for the purpose of enforcing laws or queUing insurrections is very dangerous ; it may and must be done when no other expedient wiU answer ; but never ought it to be untU the very last drop Is exhausted from the cup of reconcilia tion. Whenever a people so pervert their reason as to sacrifice their good sense and sound argument upon the shrine of passion and party feeling, their liberties and independence are on the verge of destruc tion. Americans ! if we wUl not be governed by good eense, we can not be governed in a republte. It is a melancholy truth that men, both in politics and religion, are often governed more by their feel ings than they are by reason and argument. Everything said and done must be brought to the test of this governing principle, viz., inclination. Should they happen to agree with this, they pass cur rent ; otherwise, they are condemned as counterfeit. Let people erect for their standard good sense, and we are ever ready to con verse with them. TUl then, reasonable things are as liable to be cast away, as those which are perfectly unreasonable. It Is to be expected In this faUible world that people of sense wUl see things in a different light. It is nothing strange that our legislature should be divided in opinion. What then ? Shall we load each other with infamy, or, like the people of the Dark Ages, determine which is right by force of arms, or by single combat ? No ; rather let us decide by the sword of truth, reason, and argument. Let our legislature wield these weapons, open, manly, and let the people judge which can han dle them best. Let the great body of the people carefully peruse these debates, say less, think more, and at the proper time act wise. Another preservative of a republican government is a strict and prompt attention to all its laws. We cannot expect to exist as an independent people unless wo submit to the powers that be, and lend our aid to the support of law ful authority. Those laws that are injudicious and oppressive, must be obeyed untU they are repealed, and this redress must come through the agency of the authority which imposes the grievance, or else we subvert the government. Even those laws which are considered by 80 HISTORY OF NATICK. some unconstitutional, must be observed until this unconstitutionality is pointed out, and publicly declared by some authority adequate to the purpose, else we open a door for Individuals to object to any law, however pacific or wise. The speaker is not advocating mean submission to hostUe and unconstitutional laws, but he is advocating manly submission, the American submission. Again, order, virtue, and religion, constitute another prop to sup port a free government, the most essential of any that has been enu merated. Fellow citizens ! you have often heard that without reli gion a free government cannot long exist. This is no novel Idea, therefore the danger of not giving It its fuU weight. It is not my business at present to speak of religion as It respects the salvation of the country. There is a near and inseparable connection between religion and government. This sentiment is not a whimsical and sacrilegious notion of the clergy, invented for bad and selfish purposes, but it is founded In the very nature of things. Ye cannot overturn it unless ye overturn the whole system of good sense and experience. With equal pro priety might we attempt to separate time from eternity, or man from his Maker, as a republican government entirely from religion. Take away the sacredness of an oath, all expectation of future rewards and punishments, break up all religious order In towns and societies, let It become a common sentiment " that death is an eternal sleep," that there is no God who takes cognizance of the conduct of men, that it is no matter how people act if they can only escape human tribunals, and you take away the very life and soul of a repuHie. It faUs as naturally as the body wUl when the breath is gone. The most celebrated lawgivers, both of ancient and modern date, bear testimony to this truth. •Blackstone,Vattel and Priestley, in their learned and admirable treaties on the general nature of government say, that " virtue and reUgion are the bases of a republican govenment." Need there be any additional evidence to substantiate the proposi tion ? I turn you to the most famous republic of Athens, a city celebrated for its phUosophy and knowledge of the arts and sciences, but depraved in heart and life, boldly denying the true God, which was the procuring cause of its destruction. But why go so far back when the same truth is demonstrated by • HISTORY OF NATICK. 81 a farcical and horrid scene recently passed before the eyes of the world ? The scene is too much to the present purpose to escape un noticed. It presses itself upon us. Behold and tremble ! Soon after the independence of America the kingdom of France caught the flame of liberty. Tho fire spread from city to city, from heart to heart. They erected the guiUotine, slew all the royal famUy, from the king on the throne to the smiling infant at the breast. Thousands of her countrymen shared the same fate, till their blood crimsoned the ground and nauseated the air. And why this unprecedented effusion of her country's blood ? It was to open the door for the miUennium of freedom. Liberty and Equality became the burden of their song. At length they were ready to adopt a republican government. They collected the materials and reared the beautiful ¦ faJbric. But alas ! they forgot to put under the chief corner-stone. Of course the fabric was no sooner reared than it tumbled in the dust. As a nation they openly discarded all religion. Passing through * Brest and Paris, the most central cities in the country, you would behold, posted up In capitals, this motto, " No priests, no religion, no God ! " Turning the eye on the opposite posts you would see written, in legible characters, " No God but liberty." Infatuated people, thy liberty is gone ! — where now is thy God ? I speak these facts, not to elate nor shame you, but as my own countrymen, I warn you " Come not ye into her secrets, lest ye partake of her plagues." Americans ! would we preserve the admirable fabric which was reared by our patriotic fathers we must not take away the chief corner-stone, virtue and religion. Gentlemen, officers, and soldiers of the mUltia, a part of the con elusion belongs to you. I mourn with you at the recollection of those lusts and passions from whence come wars and fightings. I regret that general depravity which renders it necessary for you to be clad in the habiliments of war. But as inhabitants of the world we must meet the world as it is. We may wish it were better, and do our endeavor to reform it, yet it is a duty we owe ourselves, our famUies, our country and our God,. to put ourselves in an attitude of self-defence. Gentlemen, your commissions in the miUtary department of our government are honorable ; your stations rank high. In your hands are deposited an important trust. It is you who must first 6 82 HISTORY OF NATICK. . hear the calls of our country, and take the first rank in times of war as well as in times of peace. Your good sense will not suffer you to be elated In view of the im portance of your offices ; but, feeling your responsibility, you will endeavor to fill them with dignity and fidelity. You will make yourselves masters of the military art, and martial your troops to the best advantage, that they may see you are worthy the posts you hold. You will unite the energy of the officer with the feelings of the soldier, that you may ever maintain discipline on your parades, and at the same time not appear tyrannical. In raising each other to posts of higher office, you will pay no attention to party feelings, but be actuated solely from a sense of genuine merit. Soldiers, so long as ye act in character, your rank is scarcely a step in the rear of your commanding officers. You are as honoraWe . in obeying as they are in commanding. Though you mii;hfc do but little without them, they certainly could do nothing without you. Let it ever be your ambition, while under arms, to act the soldier. Equip yourselves like soldiers. Respect your officers, cheerfully obey them. Let expression and not the tongue, evir ' ^ <;:'.¦:• "..tial feelings. In doing this you add dignity, and worth to your charac ters ; you show yourselves worthy the name of an American soldier. Officers and soldiers, your stations are not incompatible with the Christian character. Your equipments are not complete tUlyou put on the Christian armor. In addition to your other equipments, permit me, in the language of an apostle, to exhort. Take to your self the whole armor of God, having on the breastplate of righteous ness, and your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace. Above all, take the shield of faith, whereby ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. Thus equipped you are prepared to fight the lawful battles of your country. I, pray God that none of your blood may ever be spilled on the field of battle ; that the alarm of war may never echo this side of the Atlantic. But ye are surrounded with bloody neighbors ; neighbors that have drenched the plains of Europe, and crimsoned the ocean with human blood. Lest they unexpectedly surprise you, be ever on your watch. Never let the sword or the spear rest in your hands, keep them habitually ready for actual engagement ; and should the voice of war ever resound in our land, may the God of armies protect you. HISTORY OF NATICK. 83 Fellow citizens, you have an imperfect view of the government under which we Uve. We have seen the props necessary for ¦ its support. Others might be educed, but they are all summarily comprised in the four that have been named, — education, frank and reason able discussion, observance of laws, and reUgion. Once more take a view of the fabric standing upon these four pillars. The fabric Is good, we all agree, but what say you to the foundation ? Are all the piUars sound, or are they defective ? As an individual I confess to you I tremble when I see on what my country rests. I fear the perpetuity of our government ; and though I should be accused of treason, I cannot, I dare not suppress it. When I see the founda tion taken from a building, I know, as sure as matter wiU gravitate towards the centre, that building must fall. Not that the foundation is as yet entirely taken from our government. No ; some of the pillars stand unimpaired. Time, instead of mouldering, seems to in vigorate. Education flourishes ; laws are generally observed ; mutinies and insurrections are unpopular with the judicious of all part!«m;, but others, particularly those of good sense and religious order, are defective. There is a very great proneness in people to beUeve what they desire, upon the slightest evidence, and to reject what they do not relish, even In the face of demonstration. I only ask gentlemen to open their eyes, and look at the state of reUgion and morals In our country, and then say if such fears are perfectly groundless. The unhappy poUtical divisions In our country are truly alarming. No house, no nation can be strong when it is nearly equally " divided against Itself." We do not wish to indulge a needless timidity, and torment ourselves before the time ; nor would we be so stupid and heedless to the future as to see the breaches and not give the alarm. We would not lull the people to sleep crying, " Peace, peace," when sudden destruction awaits us. If we will suffer party feeUng to usurp the throne of reason, and licentiousness to occupy the place of virtue, without the spirit of prophecy we may predict the downfall of our country, and bid a long farewell to American in dependence ! But is there no alternative, no hope in our case ? Yes, I rejoice with you, fellow citizens, that this anniversary ushers In a brighter morning than the last. May it continue with increasing lustre unto the perfect day. Our difficulties with foreign powers are 84 HISTORY OF NATICK. In some measure adjusted. Our flag once more traverses the ocean, and a door seems to be open for greater union among ourselves. The God of heaven Is giving us another trial, to see whether we will preserve our independence, or prostrate our liberties upon the shrine of passion. Americans, it Is time to cease domestic hostUities. Party spirit has reigned long enough ; some of the nobler feeUngs of the soul ought to be promoted and encouraged. Let us return and unite in the good old principles of our fathers, both as it respects politics and religion. Let party names be forgotten and lost infthe better name of true American. ^ Doubtless we have our Catalines who are lurking in ambush to give the fatal blow, and want nothing but a convenient opportunity to assassinate the republic. Yet we fondly hope the number of Ciceros are sufficient to detect them. Honest men and men of talent, we trust there are, of all parties, who are wUUng to devote their talents, their property and their lives, for the preservation of their country. Let them unite — let us unite with them, and we may form a powerful phalanx against the common enemy. If there must be a division, let not the dividing Une separate honest men, but let it be drawn between honesty and dishonesty, virtue and vice, treachery and patriotism. May this anniversary witness a coal escence of all genuine Americans. And from this day may honest men bury in eternal oblivion all those petty animosities and false insinuations which gender strife. ,& 1 ,,"T * CHAPTER VII. Settlement op Rev. Martin Moore. Some account op his Ministry. Dismission. Subsequent Life. His Published "Works. Rev. Martin IMooeb was the next pastor of this church. Two years and seven months elapsed after the death of Mr. Sears before the ordination of Mr. Moore. During that time, Messrs. Samuel Parker, Joel Wright, Calvin Wait, Isaac Jones, and John Taylor- preached, as candidates. The call of the church bears date of November 18 1813 ; the concurring vote of the town was given December 6 ; an affirmative answer was communicated January 2, 1814, and on the 16th of February following he was ordained. Mr. Moore was born in Sterling, in the county of Worcester, A. D. 1790, and graduated at Brown University, A. D. iSlO. He was dismissed from Natick, August 7, 1838, and soon after Installed pastor of the Congregational church In Cohasset, from which place, after a residence of eight years, he removed to Boston, where he has since resided. He has been for the last eleven years one of the editors and proprietors of the Boston Recorder, now the Puritan Recorder. Those best acquainted with Mr. Moore can accurately imagine what will be the language of the biographer, who, it is to be hoped, some distant day shaU record his history. " Monuments and eulogy belong to the dead." We seem, at last In our work, to walk In our own times, to tread among the living and the active men around us ; and when we see the grey hairs and venerable form of him who for a score of yers stood and guarded^the town from external and internal foes, let us bless a kind Providence which has preserved him so long, and sincerely hope that many years wiU yet elapse before his removal to that bourne his predecessors have sought shall render it proper for a biographer to publish a history of his Ufe, or a sketch of his character. The following is a list of his pubUshed works, beside several articles for periodicals :— 1st. A Sermon delivered at Natick in 1817, giving an account of the reUglous society and church. 2d. 86 HISTORY OF NATICK. A Life of the Apostle EUot, published in 1822, and a second edition in 1842. 3d. A History of the Boston Revival in 1842. The foUowing extract from a sermon preached at Natick in 1817, will give the reader an idea of his style : " The goodness of God to us as a town demands our most grateful acknowledgments. He has given us a fruitful soil and a competency of the good things of this Ufe. The town since its settlement has been favored with a good degree of health. It has been preserved from the pestUence that walketh in darkness, and from the destruction that wasteth at noonday. At an early period in the History of New England, God was pleased to visit the natives, who were then the proprietors of this town, with a time of refreshing from the presence of the Lord. By the instrumentality of Eliot, a good number of these benighted pagans were turned from darkness to Ught, from the power of Satan to God. The names of Eliot and Brainard are praised in all the churches. In the days of Whitfield, when the New England churches were visited with a shower of righteousness, this town received a portion of this blessing. At this period, fifty were added to the church. God evidently gave you a blessing in your late pastor. Although his ministry was short, and at some periods he had occasion to take up the mournful lamentation of the prophet, ' Who hath believed our report, and to whom Is the arm of the Lord revealed ? ' yet the word preached by him accompUshed what God pleased, and prospered in the thing whereunto he sent it. The church in this town has been repeat edly dissolved, but it has been as often gathered again. God has never permitted it to be extinguished. It continues to this day. I trust the language of God to it at this time is, ' Fear not, Uttle flock, it is your Father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom.' I trust there are In this place, as there were at the church In Sardis, in the days of the Revelation, a ' few names who have not defiled their garments.' In view of all the goodness which God has caused to pass before you and your fathers this day, say with the Psalmist, ' Bless the Lord, 0 our souls, and all that is within us, bless his holy name.' God has given you occasion to sing of mercies. He has also given you occasion to sing of judgments. You have not at all times had that peace and harmony which constitute a considerable portion of human happiness. Although men under such circumstances are disposed to free themselves from guilt and lay blame upon the HISTORY OF NATICK. 87 opposite party, yet the fact Is, that in the heat of controversy many things are said and done on both sides which are wrong. If the point can be obtained, the means of obtaining it are not so much regarded as they ought to be. Sin is always the procuring cause of misery. Dissensions should be viewed as the fruits of sin, and as evidences of God's displeasure against It. In view of dissensions that have existed heretofore among you, you should be led to mourn for sin which was the procuring cause of these dissensions. Each should say. What sins have I done ? Each should turn to the Lord with full purpose of heart to serve Him. Each should from the heart, forgive his brother that has trespassed against him, then God wUl also forgive him his trespasses. Were this disposition universal there would be no difficulty in devising means again to unite the town in forming one religious society. Let each pursue this course of condijct and we shall soon know how good and how pleasant It is for brethren to dwell together In unity. We should meet together, not merely as we do now, to transact our cIvU business, but every Sabbath we should unitedly present our supplications before the throne of grace, — we should join our hearts and voices in songs of praise. We should be one family, partakers of each other's joys and sorrows. The deadly wound would be healed. The God of ipeaee would be with us and bless us. Where are the natives that were the original proprietors of this town ? Not only those are dead who were alive when the white people first began to settle among them, but the tribe has become nearly extinct, and their language entirely lost. Where are the first white settiers of this town ? They are aU gone to their long homes ; a few only of the second generation are in the land of the living. Many of the third and fourth, and some of the fifth generation have passed off the stage of action. Our chil dren will shortly inquire where are their fathers. Soon we who are busy and active shall be gathered to our fathers, even as they were gathered unto theirs. Time Is ever on the wing. The grave already opens its mouth to receive us. « Each moment has its sickle, and cuts down The fairest hope of sublunary bliss. During the past year a number of us have been bereft of friends. Some of us have been caUed to part with a father, some with a 88 HISTORY OF NATICK. brother, some with sisters, and some with children. During the past year death made inroads upon this society. We have lately entered upon a new year. In all human probabUity it wiU be said to some one of us, ' This year thou shalt die.'' Which family death wUl enter, which seat he will make vacant in this house, no one knows but God. We know not at what hour of the night our Lord wUl come ; hence we ought always to watch and be ready. Blessed Is that servant whom his Lord when he cometh shall find so doing." /^hZ^C^i,^ LC'C^ CHAPTEE YIII. Settlement op Rev. E. D. Moore. Dismission. Notice op Rev. Samuel Hunt. Charge at his Ordination. Dismission. Settlement op Rev. Elias Nason. His Publications, Rev. Erasmus D. Moorb was the Immediate successor of him who has last received our attention. He was born in Winsted, Conn., and received his collegiate education at New Haven, as also his theo logical education. He was ordained at Natick, November 6, 1833. Rev. Dr. Skinner preached the sermon on the occasion. Rev. Dr. Ide, pastor of the Second Congregational Church in Medway, gave the charge to the pastor. Rev. Samuel Lee, then of Sherborn, Mass., made the address to the people. Mr. Moore was dismissed from his charge in AprU, 1838. Since that time he has been suc cessively pastor of the church in Kingston, and Barre, Mass., and for ten years editor of the Boston Recorder, Reporter and Congrega tionalist. He is now a resident In town. The congregation, after the dismission of the above pastor, listened to thirty-nine different preachers before they became satisfied that their interest demanded the settlement of any one. Rev. Samuel Hunt at last received the unanimous call of the church and society, and was ordained pastor, July 17, 1889. Rev. Dr. Ide, of Medway, preached the sermon. Rev. L. Hyde, of Wayland, offered the or daining prayer. Rev. W. Pierce, of Foxboro', gave the charge to the pastor, and Rev. Edmund Dowse, of Sherborn, gave the right hand of fellowship. Mr. Hunt is a native of Attleboro', Mass. ; was graduated at Am herst coUege in 1882 ; theologically educated at Princeton, New Jersey. He was dismissed from Natick, May 22, 1860. There are very few congregations in this section of Massachusetts where Mr. Hunt is not known and respected, and ever a welcome visitor. The reader need only to peruse the specimens of his pro ductions which appear in other parts of this work, and to know his manner of deUvery, to join In the opinion of his friends universally, that he possesses qualities as an orator which are equaUed by few, and 90 HISTORY OF NATICK. which justly entitle him to the position he occupies among his breth ren in the ministry. The charge of Rev. Mr. Pierce at the ordination of Mr. Hunt, is so unique in its character, and at the same time so able and solemn, that I have concluded to give the present and future readers an op portunity of perusing it. CHARGE TO THE PASTOR. Dear Sir : — By the choice of this church and your own consent, with the sanction of this ecclesiastical council and the solemnities of the present occasion, you are this day invested with the pastoral office. It is your hope, sir, and we trust your most fervent prayer, that you may be a pious, faithful minister ; finish your course with joy, and at last, with all the redeemed of the Lord, receive a crown of life. You will, therefore; listen to considerations of the most weighty charac ter. And first, sir, I charge you in the name of this council, — I charge you to attend to the piety of your own heart. This duty, though not peculiar to the Christian minister, is an item of such a nature as can not be dispensed with. If there is one thing on earth more out of place or character than another, it is a man undertaking without piety to discharge the duties of the Christian minister. His heart cannot be in his work, and without this he wiU lose his own soul, and be very liable to lose the souls of those who hear him. The most awful spectacle exhibited at the judgment day, — ^yes, the most fearful doom of aU the dammed of lost men, wUl be that of the man who in this world undertook to preach the Gospel without religion, and at last went down to hell with most of his congregation. Never be satisfied ivith a moderate degree of piety — with mere grace enough to make a shift to get yourself into heaven. You must have enough to Induce you to labor faithfully to save your hearers. The duties of a minister are so self-denying, require such a sacrifice of pride and ease — such a holy baptizing of the whole man, that they will be never faithfully carried through with that ordinary degree of godliness which seems to content most Christians in the common walks. Remember there is so. much about your ministerial duty that is q^- cial, that what would be evidence of piety in others can be none in HISTORY OF NATICK. 91 you. Then labor, sir, to obtain a high degree of practical godliness. This wUl support you in every tii;il, give an unction to your ministry, and carry you safely through it. Having settled this part of the business, I proceed to the active duties of the pastoral Ufe. And here, sir, I charge you to be a doctrinal, discriminating, faith ful preacher. Be sound in the faith yourself, and preach a sound faith to your people. Feel vour obligations to preach the whole coun sel of God. The Bible is a whole system of revealed truth. If any part of it is suppressed in your public ministration, it becomes defec tive, and indescribable mischief may and generally does follow from such a partial exhibition of it. For a minister of Christ to undertake thus to improve what God has sta'mped with the seal of perfection, is httie less than blasphemous presumption. As the last evil in the case it betrays such a cowardly spirit as should never exist in a minister of Christ. Feel the fullest confidence that for all converting and sanc tifying purposes, "the law of the Lord is perfect." That it is no way to try to save your people by forsaking, or mutilating the means Infinite Wisdom has provided to do it. You must not attempt to be wiser than your Maker. In meeting your people It is not what your sympathies might dic tate, or what you might be tempted to say in the hour of weakness, but " Whatsaith the Lord ? " It is a gross insult to God for a minis ter to tamper with his word. How would a physician receive It If you threw away one half of a medical prescription, and attempted to produce with the other a result which could only be effected with the whole ? Have a sound faith yourself, sir, and preach a sound faith to your people. And so preach it, not that they can understand it if they wiU, but, that they must understand It whether they will or not. Study to be simple. Remember the most eminent Christians are best fed with the simplest truths, simply stated. Be content to say plain common things. In a plain common way. Make a scientific, systematic preacher. Let your discourses be methodical, without being long or dull. Sermonize by rule, but be not too much pampered bj rules. Remember that true eloquence begins where rules end. Begin your sermons with a plan ; If the unrestrained ardent worship of your own mind tear it half to pieces in the issue, so much the better. 92 HISTORY OF NATICK. The word^:)Ower embraces more excellences in a good sermon than all other words put together. But let it be the power of truth. Never go out of your way for figures or flowers, or to read poetry to your people. If they crowd your path, you need not refuse them. Study to make a pungent, rather than a fine preacher ; a profitable, rather than an entertaining minister. When your people think you have exhausted your subject in your sermons, stUl surprise them with specimens of new matter. Invent no new truths, but take good care to bring up and set home the old ones. And whUe you make your study your fortress and abiding place, be careful to read men as well as books. If you seem to neglect any part of your ministerial duty, let it be the visiting your people. They may complain, stUl nothing will atone for poor sermons on the Sabbath. People In general are very erroneous In their estimate of the labors of the pastoral office. They do not see why a minister cannot visit four or five days, and yet preach labored, interesting sermons on the Sabbath. If, amidst many complaints, you are able, sir, to satisfy your own conscience in this matter. It wUl be enough. At least it wiU be as much as your brethren and vrorn-out fathers In the ministry have ever been able to do. Besides, the utility of much visiting is very questionable. It is commonly more interesting than profitable. The Sabbath is the minister's day, and if he would appear in his strength on that sacred day, and in the beauty and strength of the ministerial office, his weekly visits must be few and short. Hold no more meetings than you can make good ones. There' is more hearing than thinking at this day. More reUgion in the mass than personal piety. In this respect " former days were better than these." Administer the Lord's Supper to your church; the ordinance of baptism to believers and their households. Maintain the discipline of your church. It isy much easier, as well as safer, to keep a church well,.^, than half disciplined. Great numbers is one of the least excellences of a good church. Be the moderator of your churchi. Infringe upon none of its rights, and be as careful to give up none of your own. If the minis try has lost one half of Its prerogative, this forms no reason why it should hold the other by a precarious tenure. In throwing off the HISTORY OF NATICK. 93 rubbish of our puritanic fathers, why should wo divest ourselves of our real rights ? Make your church a deliberate body. Never become a managing minister ; it never fails to bring trouble in the end. It is a fearful sign when a church always passes its vote unanimously. Deal frankly with your church ; be open and sincere in your in tercourse with all its members. This will best teach them to deal thus with you. Have no more church meetings than you have business to transact. In your intercourse with your people never forget that you are a minister, or throw aside for a moment the dignity and sacredness of the pastoral office. It is easy for a minister to destroy on Mon day all the good of his Sabbath day's labor. Be affable, but serious, grave, and of easy access. Never have favorites or especial confidents among your people. Consider no one mean or unimportant. All of them have precious souls, to whom your ministry wUl prove a savor of life or of death. Your Master condescended to men of low estate ; " do thou like wise." Next to bitter enemies, you wUl have to dread warm friends. These are they who dismiss ministers, having first become enemies and betrayed your confidence. Be the minister of your whole people, but of none of them in par ticular. Never bow down to mammon, or purchase peace at the shrine of vice in high places, dressed in gay clothing. Better lose your people, yes, your life, than your conscience. Christ views your people very much alike, none rich and none poor. It wUl be right and safe to view them as your divine Master views them. Be attentive and faithful to the sick and dying. And while you avoid that morose and bitter faithfulness, better conceived than ex pressed, never, through overwrought sympathy, withhold from them the bread of life. Never undertake in your own strength to convert sinners, or to get up revivals of religion among your people ; but when God makes them, then bestir yourself and work with him. ^ Be hospitable to your peoj^e and to the stranger within your gates. Treat your brethren in the ministry with kindness. And while you are free to ask advice in your need, and to give the same to others in turn, caU no man on earth master or servant. In ordaining men to the Christian ministry lay hands suddenly on 94 HISTORY OF NATICK. no man. The cause of Christ has never gained, but lost, hy em ploying unsanctified minds to carry it forward. Take good care of your health. A disregard of this will neutralize, your whole ministry. It is thought by many that almost any health, however feeble, or any constitution, however broken down, wiU do well enough for a minister. But sad experience teaches us that this is a mistaken view of the subject. There is no caUing or employ ment where more vigor, a firmer nerve, or a sounder constitution are needed, than that in which the ministers of Christ are engaged. To undertake to support the pastoral office with half the springs of life exhausted. Is but to expose the other half to quick destruction. The ministry of such must be very fluctuating, unless they possess extraordinary mental vigor ; and if so, they find their graves the sooner. At best they are doomed to do everything with a jaded spirit. Hence, dear sir, take good care of your health ; never tax it beyond endurance ; it wiU be but loss both to yourself and your people. I have now run over tho several topics to which I would call your attention, as you are Inducted into the pastoral office. They have not been more numerous, brief, or diversified, than Paul's charge to Timothy ; and his may be considered a good model. Ho would have his young disciple understand human nature, as well as the divine perfections ; — avoid old wives' fables, and watch for his often infir mities, as weU as to preach the Gospel, and be a pattern of good works. And now, dear sir, these things do and teach. Maintain a deep sense of your dependence on God ; Uve near to Him by prayer and faith ; preach the word ; love your people ; pray for them ; and like Paul the aged, warn every one of them, day and night, with tears. Remember there is nothing on earth you can neither face or fly from, but a sense of duty neglected. This wiU follow every where and give you no rest.. Never fear your people. If fear brings a snare to the common Chrlsllan, it does most emphatically so to the minister of Christ. A minister may as well go through this world with the boldness of a lion as with the timidity of a hare, and much better. I mean bold ness in its best sense. Speak well of your people ; revere the hoary head ; cherish and guide the youth ; in short, be to your people a good and faithiul minister of Jesus Christ. vW 1 / HISTORY OF NATICK. 95 These things, beloved sir, I charge you before God and his Son Jesus Christ, in the presence of your people and many witnesses, to which If you take heed you wUl save yourself and them which hear you. We shaU meet again another day and amid different scenes. It wiU be to witness a burning world, — to see the righteous saved, the wicked damned, and God's eternal government approved. To meet our people, too, and give an account of our stewardship, and, if faithful to our solemn trust, to receive a crown of Ufe at the hand of Jesus. But ah! what if we should be found recreant? Yes, sir, our destiny Is of no ordinary character. It points to the most exalted bliss, or the deepest sorrow. Jesus will, ere long, place an unfading crown of glory on our heads, stored with souls redeemed from among our people, or banish us as those he never called or knew; and, damned of heaven and earth, we shall sink to the lowest hell, amid the loud lament and bitter execrations of our people, lost through our neglect. Oh, sir, consider these things ; be valiant, be courageous ; fight the good fight of faith, and the grace of God bo with your spirit. Amen. The present incumbent of the pastoral office in this society Is Rev. EUas Nason. He was born in Wrentham, Massachusetts, April 21st, 1811. His parents, however, removed to Hopkinton in 1812, at which place his early years were mostly spent. He was graduated at Brown University, In 1886, and after spend ing some time as teacher of an academy In Lancaster, he removed to the State of Georgia, where he remained tUl 1840. During his residence at the South he was successively engaged as an editor, a teacher, and a student In theology. In the year 1840, he came to Newburyport, where he was en gaged for three or four years In teaching a young ladies' seminary ; after which he was appointed to succeed Mr. Page, as Principal of the English High School in that city, and In about a year afterwards was promoted to the mastership of the Latin School. In 1850, Mr. Nason was invited to the charge of the new High School in Milford, where he remained tiU called to settie as pastor of .the First Congregational Church and Society in Natick, over which he was ordained. May 5, 1852. 96 HISTORY OF NATICK. In November, 1839, Mr. Nason was married to Miss Mira Ann Bigelow, of Framingham, by whom he has five chUdren. His publications are, 1. "A course of Lessons in French Litera ture, designed as an Introduction to the study of the French Lan guage." 1849. 2. " Songs for the School-Room." 1842. 3, " Memoir of Rev. Nathaniel Howe, of Hopkinton," published, ^ti 1851. 4. A Sermon delivered in the First Congregational Church, Dec. 12, 1852. Text, "Thou shalt not steal." 5. "The Strength and Beauty of the Sanctuary," a sermon preached at the dedication of the new church, Nov. 15th, 1854. CHAPTER IX. Other new Societies. Second Congregational Church. Methodist. Baptist. Universalist. The following is a list of the clergymen who have supplied the pulpit In the Congregational Church and Society at South Natick : — James W. Thompson, Edward Stone, Edward Palmer, Ira Blan- chard, David Damon, Thomas B. Gannett. A Methodist society was formed here In 1835, and now has con- nc'-ed with its church 134 members. From 1835 to 1840, it formed a part of the Needham Circuit. In 1835, Revs. Isaac Jen nlson, Peter Sabine and Reuben Brown were the officiating men of the Circuit. In 1836, Revs. Nathan B. Spaulding and WUUam A. Clapp ; in 1837, Erastus Otis ; in 1838, Rev. Paul Townsend ; In 1839, Rev. Ezekiel B. PhlUips ; In 1840-1, Rev. Thomas W. Tucker ; in 1842, Rev. Ellphalet W. Jackson ; in 1843, Rev. PhUander Wal- lingford ; in 1844-5, Rev. W. R. Stone ; in 1846-7, Rev. John J. S. Gridley ; in 18 18-9, Rev. Amos Walton ; in 1850, Rev. Thomas H. Mudge; in 1851, Rev. Jotham Horton ; in 1852-3, Rev. Con verse Ti. McCurdy ; in 1854-5, Rev. Joseph W. Lewis. The Baptist Society was formed in 1850 ; have built them a new house large enough for their own accommodation, and are in a pros perous condition. The present pastor. Rev. A. S. Lyon, is a native of West Woodstock, Conn. ; graduated at Brown University, Sept. 5, 1837. He has been, since that time, pastor successively of the Baptist church in North Oxford, and Chatham, Mass. He was recognized pastor of the church in Natick, Jan. 16, 1850. A UnlversaUst Society, formed here in 1848, have since bought and repaired the meeting-house once owned by the First Congregational Church. They have each Sabbath a good number of attendants on their worship. Rev. Emmons Partridge is their present pastor. Although the ministers and people of the different religious societies differ in their religious opinions, there seems to be no other strife between them. The only emulation is to excel In leading a sober, righteous and godly life, and no other provocation than a provoking one another to good works. ¦'¦¦ 7 CHAPTER X. Natural History. Climate. Geology. Botany. Ponds. Rivers, Brooks, Fish. CLIMATE. Nothing in the topographical situation of Natick is known that would cause its climate to vary from that of places in the same latitude. An epidemic which visited the place in 1848 has given to It a reputation for an unhealthy town, which It is beUeved is not sustained by fact. Few places exhibit a higher average term of human Ufe. The low position of the plain on which the principal village stands frequently causes at night a damp atmosphere and dense fogs to prevail, but the sun's rays reflected from the loose soil on which the viUage stands soon dispel it. The snow falls quite as deep here as in the surrounding towns, and goes off no earUer, although the place Is protected from winds by surrounding hills. It is not either in winter or summer visited by as severe storms as sur rounding towns. GEOLOGY. Clay suitable for brick is foup'^ in the west part of Natick, and has been extensively used, buo 'is now abandoned. Iron ore of the bog species has been found and wrought at the Chelmsford Furnace. It was dug on land now owned by the heirs of Jonathan Walcott, a few rods to the west of School street. Iron Is also found disseminated among the rocks and other ijlnerals in different parts of the town. The'rocks of Natick are all of them primary, granite, slenite and slate. No quarry furnishing stone suitable for buUding purposes is now known in this vicinity. There Is limestone in the central part of the town, formerly wrought, but now discontinued. Calcareous spar, resembling somewhat carbonate of lime, is not uncom mon ; feldspar is found in great variety ; also several varieties of quartz. The lamella hornblende, actinollte, and pargaslte, are frequently seen. A thorough geological survey of Natick would undoubtedly dis- HISTORY OF NATICK. 99 cover many other minerals now supposed to exist only at a distance, In some modern El Dorado, some Rockport, or Quincy. BOTANY. The forests of Natick which have escaped the ravages of time, are composed of walnut, chestnut, elm, maple, biroh, pine, and oak. Hemlock and spruce are found in small quantities in dif ferent parts of the town. Very Uttie wood is now cut for fuel, coal being principally used for that purpose. Horse chestnuts, Lombardy poplars, with fruit trees, are mostly used for ornamental purposes. There are several magnificent elms In different parts of the town, remarkable for size and beauty, the history of which is interesting. One in front of the house owned and occupied by Mr. Thomas F. Hammond was set In Its present pl^ce by an uncle of Mr. Ham. mond about the year 1760, making Its age at the present time ninety-five years. The diameter of a circle Including its outmost branches would be about a hundred feet. The trunk, five feet from the ground, measures fifteen and a half feet. It is the finest tree in town. There is another In front of the house known as the " Shep herd House " in South Natick, on the margin of Charles River, which measures ten feet about the trunk. Its pendent branches are spread equally in all directions to the distance of fifty feet from the body, thus giving a diameter of one hundred feet to Its shade. Not a prince In all that proud old world beyond the deep E'er wore his crown as loftily as he "Wears the green coronal of leaves with which Thy hand has graced him. Some other trees, not remarkable otherwise, have histories which entitie them to notice. The oak standing a few rods to the east of the south meeting-house bears every evidence of an age greater than that of the town and was probably a witness of Eliot's first visit to " the place of hiUs." Its twin brother, near where the mon ument stands, and which two feet from the ground measures seven teen feet in circumference, was a few years since cut down and removed, for what reason it is difficult to see. In the year 1722 a deputation of Indians came to Mr. Peabody's 100 HISTORY OP NATICK. house one bearing two elm trees on his shoulders. They presented themselves to their minister and desired permission to set out those trees before his door, as a mark of their regard, or as the tree of friendship. These trees flourished about ninety years, when the larger was struck by lightning and soon after faUed. The other, being In a state of decline, was soon after cut down. These trees measured, ona foot from the ground, twenty-one feet, and in the smaUest part, thirteen feet. These trees stood in front of the first house on the left after passing Charles River bridge. The fine trees in front of the house of Oliver Bacon were a Uke gift of friendship to Rev. Mr. Badger, who built the house, from his swarthy friends, the Indians. They were by them called trees of friendship, and as such planted by them in the year 1763. They are, In consequence, one hundred and three years old. The buttonwood trees near the EUot monument were set out the same year peace was declared between Great Britain and her Amer ican colonies. These being set in the burial-place of the red man, gave great offence to the remnants of that race then living in town. PONDS. Lake Cochituate, mostly In Natick, has for a few years past been the principal object of attraction to visitors from abroad. It originally covered an area of four hundred and fifty acres, but such additions have been made to it that it now measures six hundred and fifty-nine acres. It drains a surface of eleven thousand four hundred acres, and In some parts is eighty feet deep. It is said to be seven mUes In length. A full description of it would not only present to the reader an irregular body of water seven mUes In length, in some places one mUe in width, the opposite shores- at other points approaching to within a rod of each other, estuaries, on either side varying from one acre to six in surface, but would require the writer to follow a volume of Its water for fifteen miles under ground, above valleys and river, till it emerge in an artificial pond in Brookline covering an area of thirty acres, with cultivated grounds and grassy banks surrounding, and thence to trace it through iron pipes to the pinnacle of Beacon HUl, see it thread in smaller streams by the side walks of all the principal streets of the city, gushing in fountains from the State House and Common, and bid it adieu only as it com- HISTORY OF NATICK. 101 mends itself In its refreshing coolness to the languid lips of a Beacon street belle, or quenches the thirst of a Broad street laborer. The following is the analysis of its waters by Prof. SilUman : Chloride of Sodium 0323 Chloride of Potassium 0380 Chloride of Calcium 0308 Chloride of Magnesium 0764 Sulphate of Magnesia 1020 Alumina 0800 Carbonate of Lime 2380 Carbonate of Magnesia 0630 Silice 0300 Carbonate of Soda S295 1.2200 Carbonic acid in one gallon, in cubic inches 1.0719 ¦" Dug Pond Ues south of the above, and covers an area of fifty acres. This is used as a reservoir in which to lay up water for the city of Boston. Its shores are very abrupt, and give it the appear ance of being dug, whence Its name. It has no natural Inlet or outlet. Nonesuch Pond is In the extreme northern corner of the town, and lies partly in Weston. It covers fifty acres in area. For what it is called Nonesuch it Is difficult to see. There are many sImUar bodies of water in different parts of Massachusetts, but they may have escaped the notice of those who gave this Its name. RIVERS . Charles River in its serpentine course to the ocean visits the south part of Natick, and covers in its course one hundred acres. It not only adorns the surrounding lands, and gives pleasure to those who are disposed to seek for its piscatory treasures, but furnishes a valuable water prIvUege. It Is said that as much water runs in the channel here as at Watertown, Mother Brook draining as much from the river as flows Into it from brooks between Natick and Water- town. A glance at the surrounding country from the margin of this river wiU discover many beautiful situations for country seats yet unoccupied. The soU In the neighborhood is rich, the trees of a rare size, and many small forests of a superior growth. One who wrote a description of this section of country in 1830 says : 102 HISTORY OF NATICK. " Were aU the water privUeges used to the best advantage, and all the land that is suitable cultivated as a considerable portion of it now is, double the number of Inhabitants might be supported as comfortably and respectably as the present population. Beautiful and even romantic situations for country seats, for gentlemen of fortune and taste, are not wanting among the hUls, plains and ponds in the northerly portions of the town, and on the charming banks of the Charles in the southerly section." What at that time was assertion and prediction is now In part fact and history. There is now four times the number of people on the soU of Natick than when the above was written. On many of the beautiful sites described elegant houses have been built, and much of the land which was then unimproved is at this time sending yearly to the granaries of Its owners bountiful rewards for the labor which has been bestowed upon it. BROOKS. Many brooks, with and without names, are tributary to the ponds and river. The range of hlUs running northeast and southwest between Natick and the South vUlage, of which the highest peak Is Broad's, divides the brooks emptying into the Charles from those which find their way Into the lake. The waters which on the top of Broad's HiU are divided only by a few feet, find their way to the ocean by channels nearly a hundred mUes from each other, and meet again only In the tumblings of the ocean or the vapors of the atmosphere. Snake Brook, receiving its name from Its serpentine windings, forms part of the boundary line between Wayland and Natick, and empties Into Lake Cochituate from the east, near the gate-house of the Boston Water Works. Pegan Brook runs from the east by the side of the Boston and Worcester Railroad, under Main street and Long Pond Hotel, and empties into the lake near its southeastern corner. Steep Brook empties into the lake from the west. Bacon's and Sawin's Brooks, receiving their names from the owners of mUls situated upon them, enter Charles River from the north within a short distance of each other. HISTORY OF NATICK. 103 FISH. The fish formerly most abundant at Natick, beside those which are now found in its waters, were alewives and shad. Prior to the erection of dams across Concord River they were caught In great quantities at different points in Lake Cochituate, and furnished food for cattie as weU as man. Officers were chosen each year by the town, to superintend the fisheries. Their duty was to see that nothing obstructed the entrance of fish into the pond, and that no one enjoyed the privUege of the grounds unless authorized by the town. Since the buUding of factories at Lowell there have been no fish other than such as may be found in all inland ponds and brooks, — pickerel, dace, eels, pout, perch, and some smaUer kinds. WILD ANIMALS. The woods, lakes and streams of Natick were once the resort of the wolf, deer, moose, bear, fox and otter. The Indian hunted the fur-clad animal here, and sold the result of his labor to those who purchased the right to his trade of the General Court. The fox, hare, and muskrat, are stiU seen. The larger animals have fled to less frequented haunts, and the smaller scarce furnish the sportsman's gun with Its annual demand. CHAPTER XI. Descriptive History. Boundaries. Roads. Railroads. Post Oefioe. Public Buildings. Burying Grounds. Consecration oe Dell-Paek. Me. Hunt's Address. The land throughout Natick is generally favorable to the building of good roads. The hUls are easUy surmounted or removed, and coarse gravel in most sections Is easily obtained. The principal roads are the Worcester turnpike, so called, passing through the north part of the town, which was formerly much more used than at present, the Central turnpike, so called, and the Old Hartford road through the south part. These roads untU 1835 were the thoroughfares for all traders from Boston to Hartford. On the Worcester the Southern mail passed daily, and other stages. On each of the other roads stages passed daily on their way to Hartford, Conn. The railroad now more adequately supplies the wants of the community, and furnishes accommodation for man and beast, for merchandise or merchants, who may now be transported to Boston or Hartford or New York, or sent on their way beyond the Hudson whUe the old coaches were being rolled from their sheds. The main raUroad through this town was completed in the year 1835. But one set of rails was laid upon it, and the buUding for a depot was of the smallest size. The SaxonviUe RaUroad was buUt In 1 845. It is a branch of tho Boston and Worcester, and Is four miles In length. The cars now leave Natick fjr Worcester twice every day, for Boston six times, and for Milford and SaxonviUe three times. POST OFFICE. The Post Office now in the centre of the town was established in 1817, through the instrumentality of Rev. Martin Moore. Martin "Haynes was the first Postmaster. In 1820 WUliam Far riss, Esq., was appointed and continued in office untU 1840, when HISTORY OF NATICK. 105 the office was moved from what Is now FelchvUle to Natick Centre, and Nathaniel Clark appointed as Postmaster. Isaac D. Morse succeeded him In 1844, and held the appointment until July 1st, 1849, at which time John M. Seward was appointed. He was succeeded, June 1st, 1854, by the present incumbent, Calvin H. Perry. Seventy-eight different newspapers and periodicals arrive at this ofiice each week. The following are some of the principal : — The True~Flag, 182 copies ; The American Union, 43 ; The New Eng land Farmer, 59 ; The Massachusetts Ploughman, 22 ; The Puritan Recorder, 28 ; The Christian Freeman, 15 ; The Myrtie, 22 ; New England Spiritualist, 20 ; Boston Traveller, 18 ; Boston Journal, 19 ; American Patriot, 10 ; Boston Pilot, 80 ; New York Tribune, 52 ; National Era, 14 ; Boys' and Girls' Magazine, 12 ; Harpers' New Monthly, 4 ; Mothers' Assistant, 6 ; Prisoner's Friend, 5 ; Massachusetts Teacher, 3 ; Waverley Magazine, 3 ; Boston Atias, 4; Country Gentleman, 1; Exeter News Letter, 1; Saturday Evening Post, PhUa., 2 ; Boston Medical Journal, 2 ; Boston States man, 4 ; The Trumpet, 5. A few copies of several other periodicals less known than the above, making seventy-eight In all, should bo added to the Ust In order to render it complete. The following list of letters, received and sent from the office for the week ending April 7th, is supposed to be an average list through out the year. Letters received.. \ Letters sent from. Monday, AprU 2, 101 Monday, April 2, 186 Tuesday, April 8, 102 Tuesday, April 8, 118 Wednesday, April 4, 121 Wednesday, April 4, 72 Thursday, AprU 5, 42 Thursday, April 5, 56 Friday, April 6, 80 Friday, AprU 6, 60 Saturday, AprU 7, 80 Saturday, AprU 7, 60 Making 1073 letters which pass through the office weekly. The average income of this office to the Government for the last four years has been seven hundred dollars. The Post Office at South Natick was established in 1828. The foUowing is a list of Its Postmasters: — Messrs. Dexter Whitney, 106 HISTORY OF NATICK. Chester Adams, Ira Cleavland, Moses Eames, John Cleland, John J. Perry. UntU 1835 the mails were brought to town by that " old st^g coach." What a frequent subject has this been for romMtic description and adventure. Who does not remember the mingled emotions which held alternate sway In his heart as it peered over the distant hills on its way from the far-off city ? The tin horn sounds its approach, and a cloud of dust revolving on its axis announces its arrival. The most important man, the man most talked of in the whole village, was the stage-driver. He supplied in part In his own person the daily newspaper, giving an authentic, nover-to-be-ques- tioned account of all failures, marriages, fires, murders, deaths, and duels. But those vehicles are almost passed away. J " The old turnpike is a pike no more, Wide open stands the gate. We have made us a road for our horse to stride, Which we ride at a flying rate. We have filled the vaUeys and levelled the hills, And tunnelled the mountain side. And round the rough crag's dizzy verge Fearlessly now we ride ! " PUBLIC BUILDINGS. Before proceeding to notice the buildings which the present century has seen erected on the soU of Natick, let us glance at the town in Its commencement. AU the topics of poUtical moment had been settied. A form of government had been adopted, and all the machinery for town organ ization set in operation. All the sacrifices which the inhabitants had made in the cause of Uberty were forgotten. AU were farmers. From the centre to the circumference, that sound of the hammer which is now BO famUiar was unheard. The fields yielded a rich return to the granary, but in morality and virtue, in inteUigence and refinement, that period could not for a moment be compared with this. There was more gaycty, and drinking, and gambling, — less reading, social intercourse, and InteUectual refinement. Samuel Morse kept the vUlage hotel, and the amount of liquor sold at his bar was immense. Minister and doctor, deacons and church-members, we have reason to believe, were at times all drinking together. At weddings and HISTORY OF NATICK. 107 funerals, on all festive occasions, the flow of ardent corresponded with the flow of animal spirits. But a change, such as is not o'ften seen, came over the place during the second ten years of the present century. A revival of religion during the ministry of Rev. Martin Moore altered the character of the town from that of wild thought lessness and Intemperance to steadiness and sobriety. Many who were Idle became industrious ; many who were intemperate became sober ; some who were unjust in their dealings became honest. Men began more to reverence God's day and word, and to increase in love and reverence for his ordinances. It is the testimony of eye-witnesses, that the change at that time in the character of the place was so radical that scarce a feature by which it could be recognized remained. At the time alluded to no public buildings, except the school-houses and one meeting-house, were in town. The public buUdings which a writer is now caUed upon to describe are the meeting-houses belonging to five different religious societies, the town-house, and school-houses of tiie several districts. The house belonging to the first reUglous society was commenced In the summer of 1853, and completed In November of 1854. The buUding committee under whose direction it was erected consisted of Edward Walcott, John W. Bacon, Dexter Washburn, Leonard Winch and WiUard A. Wight. The plan was drawn by G. J. F. Bryant, architect, Boston. It is built in the gothic order of archi tecture, with turrets, and a spire which rises to the height of one hundred and seventy feet from the ground. It contains on the floor, in the body of the house, eighty-eight pews, and In the gallery above, twenty-eight, making one hundred and sixteen in all. In the basement there is a vestry, lecture and committee room conveniently arranged for meetings of the parish and church. The pews are made of black walnut, and are capable of seating eight hundred people. The organ was manufactured by Mr. George Stevens. The entire cost of the edifice, aside from the land on which it stands, and the beU, was about $29,000. The Unitarian meeting-house at South Natick Is a well-built modern structure, containing about sixty-five pews. It was erected in the summer of 1828, and dedicated on the 20th of November. It stands near the site of the first Indian meeting-house, but the society worshipping in It are not understood as making any preten sion to being the successors of the " Praying Indian " church of 1650. 108 HISTORY OF NATICK. The meeting-house belonging to the Universalist society was begun in the spring of 1885 by the first parish of Natick, and dedi cated in December of the same year. Its first cost was not far from $7,500. It was sold to the Universalist society in 1853, and by them removed to Its present site. It has since been repaireif and is now a very commodious place of worship. The Baptist house was erected in 1852, and dedicated in January of 1853. It cost, Including the land on which it stands, $5,000. It has a commodious vestry below the audience room of the house, but above the level of the surrounding land. The Methodist meeting-house was erected in 1834-5. Dedicated on the 4th of July, 1885. Twenty feet addition to it was made In 1851. It now contains eighty pews, and cost, together with the land, $6,000. With the exception of the Congregationalist, it is the largest in town. By far the largest public building in town is that erected by the inhabitants of the central district for a school-house. Its length is eighty feet, its width fifty. It Is built in a substantial manner, three stories high, with slated roof, and furnace In the basement. When all of It shall be required to accommodate the scholars of the district, it will contain twelve apartments, each capable of holding sixty scholars. The entire cost of the buUding, with the land, was $14,000. Most of the other school-houses in town are new, some of very humble, others of greater pretensions. Two new ones in FelchvUle and Walnut HiUs districts, costing each about $2,500, are models of school-house architecture. The town-hall was buUt in 1835, and seems doggedly determined to- retain its position and dimensions, notwithstanding its glaring deficiency both in size and situation. It will undoubtedly not be long before the debt and respectability of the town wUl be increased by the erection of a building which wUl keep pace with the taste and outrun the purse of those who may erect it. Four other meeting-houses, now either torn down or used for other purposes, have at different periods been erected in town. We have an account, by Eliot, of the building of the first house in the year 1651. " We must," says he, " of necessity have a house to lodge and meet in, and wherein to lay our provisions and clothes, which cannot be in wigwams. I set the Indians therefore to fell and square timber, HISTORY OF NATICK. 109 and when it was ready, I went, and many of them with me, and on their shoulders carried all of it together." A further description of this house may be found in the first chapter of this volume. In 1721 another house was built. Mr. Peabody officiated in it jithe whole of his ministry, and Mr. Badger the first two years of his. A third house was begun in the same neighborhood In 1754, but was not completed until thirteen years after. After the close of Mr. Badger's ministry and the erection of a church in the centre of the town. It was abandoned to the storms, until in an election-day frolic it was demolished and distributed among the woodpiles of the vicinity. The buUding now standing on Summer street and used by Mr, Henry Morse as a shoe manufactory, was the meeting-house of 1799, " our meeting-house." " No steeple graced its homely roof With upward-pointing spire. Our villagers were much too meek A steeple to desire. And never did the welcome tones Of Sabbath morning bell Our humble village worshippers The hour of worship tell." As the " old meeting-house " is dear to the memory of some now living, and a description of it and of the mode of worship within it will be the most effectual method of representing the manners and customs of the people of that period, I shall give a detailed account of it. It was two stories high, and painted yellow. There was no tower, but an entrance on the south side for both stories of the buUding. The windows were small, had heavy sashes and small glass. The doors were composed of numerous panels. There was only one entrance from the vestibule In front. Pews lined the sides of the house, each containing about fifty square feet of surface in the form of a square. Facing these wall pews of the lower floor were four aisles which enclosed the body pews, also of the same dimensions. The broad aisle, from the door to the pulpit, divided the house into equal halves. The galleiies surrounded three sides of the house, and rested on large pillars in different parts. Pews sim ilar to those in the body of the house lined the gaUeries, while in front, on a sloping descent, were the singing seats and free seats for aU. 110 HISTORY OF NATICK. The pulpit was on a level with the gaUeries, far above the pews, and was entered by a flight of stairs with a balustrade of highly wrouo-ht balusters. Behind the jftilplt was a curtalnless arched window, and beneath it a vacant space into which every boy was allowed to look, that he might be deterred by the dread of an imprls- onmeht there from sundry tricks which were not uncommonly committed by the youth who had not their parents' eyes upon them. In front of the pulpit were the deacons' seats, in a sort of pew where they sat facing the congregation, with the communion table hanging by hinges in front of them. The seats of the pews were hung by hinges, so that they might be turned up as the congregation rose for prayers ; and such a " slam-bang " as they made when turned carelessly back at the close, constituted no inconsiderable episode in the services. Let us glance now at the congregation assembled on the Sabbath. Perchance the wintry blast howls around and shrieks through the crevices in the windows and walls. Thick boots, foot-stoves, and a continual thumping on the sides of the pews, scarce suffice to kfep up the circulation in the half frozen limbs of the worshippers, and the officiating clergyman protects the hands he raises in prayer by shaggy mittens. In summer the sturdy farmer throws off his coat and stands to listen to the word of God. J Look in now upon the worshippers as they gathered Sabbath after Sabbath to worship " the God of the Fathers." There in the bo^y pews, on the right of the broad aisle, are Adam Morse, Capt. Broad, Dea. Samuel Fisk, and WiUiam Farriss, with their famUies; ontfie left, Capt. WiUiam Stone, Capt. David Bacon, Ephraim Dana, and the family of Mr. Moore, the minister. In the large corner pews at the northeast and northwest, are Josiah Walker and Dexter Drury. Between them and the pulpit are a company of young men unprovided with seats elsewhere. Along the eastern aisle by the wall are Daniel Wight, Jonathan Bacon, Abel Drury ; Travis, Washburn, Goodnow, and Whitney, may be seen opposite ; whUe on the western wall are Lealand, Haynes, Ross, Perry, Morse, with a goodly band of the rising generation interspersed. i In the gallery are Mann, Rice, Bacon, and all others who were unprovided with seats below. At intermission, those who are too far distant from their homes to return, despatch their lunch of apples or doughnuts in the pew ; or if in summer, they stroll in bands into the HISTORY OF NATICK. Ill graveyard, hold an hour's converse with their sleeping friends '^ere, and learn the lesson of their own mortality. As those who were actors In these events recall them, it must seem Uke a dream ; and a full recital of the events of that period, ;7ith the manner of worship, would bring the same smUe to the cheek as will play upon the faces of those who a hundred years hence shall be told of the manners and customs of the worshippers of this day. " Alas ! there came a luckless day, ' Our meeting-house ' grew old — The paint was worn — the shingles loose — In winter 't was too cold ; They called it an old-fashioned thing. And said it must be sold." "-, had stood for thirty-four years, through the ministry of two faithful pastors, and seen gathered into the enclosures of the church liv; results of three glorious revivals. It was sold in 1884 to Dea. Suinuel Fisk and others. BURYING GROUNDS. There aire five burying grounds in Natick. The one in the ¦^st part of the town was the gift of William Boden, Esq. It was grtoted In 1815, contains about one acre of land, fifty-five grave stones, one tomb the property of Capt. WilUam Stone, and a monu- dneni erected by the town to the grantor in 1855. The central burying ground was appropriated to this purposi iu the year 1805. A few persons had a few years before been interred near where Walcott block now stands. This ground now contains seventy-five tombstones and two tombs. Keziah Perry was the first person buried within it. On her monument we read the inscription, " She was the first grain sown in this ground." _, , At what time the north cemetery was laid out the records do not tell. We find the record of a vote passed by the town in the year 1758, " To fence the English burying grounds with stone walls." W« may safely conclude that this is the oldest in town. It now contains one hundred and thirty gravestones and two monuments. It was enlarged in 1853, and now contains about three acre, of I The graveyard at South Natick was granted to Mr. Peabody and his successors, and for the use of other English inhabitants, C ^ -^ 112 HISTORY OF NATICK. 22d, 1781. By the exertions of the ladies of the vUlage It has been surrounded by a handsome stone waU and planted with trees and shrubbery, so that of the smaller grounds in town it is by far the most attractive and ornamental. By a vote passed at the April meeting of 1849 twelve acres of land were purchased of Edward Walcott, Esq., to be used as a town burying ground, and having been laid out by a committee of the town on the 8th day of July, 1849, the citizens of the place assembled to consecrate It and set It apart as a cemetery. The procession, consisting of the clergymen of the place. Sons of Tem perance, Odd FeUows, Firemen, children of the public schools, ladies, and citizens, marched under the direction of Hon. Henry Wilson to the cemetery grounds. The divine blessing was implored by Rev, Alfred Greenwood. A hymn, written for the occasion by Miss Eunice Morse, beginning — " 'Tis well in these secluded shades This pleasant spot to consecrate," was sung, after which Rev. Samuel Hunt of the First Church made the foUowing address : ADDRESS. This is a new and unwonted spectacle. Never before have the inhabitants of this town assembled, to set apart, with rehgious ser vices, a public burial-place for the dead. Like the great body of our countrymen, they have been too utilitarian in their notions to deem such an expenditure and exhibition called for, or even appropriate. To answer the purpose of Interment, all that has hitherto been con sidered necessary has been a place, no matter how contracted and dreary, or how much exposed to the careless tread and thoughtless gaze of a rude and selfish world. If the dead could be buried out of our sight we have seemed content, as If it had been a matter of calculation to make the churchyard an accurate counterpart to the desolate and lacerated hearts of surviving friends. A change, however, has been visible in the public mind. More attention is paid to the last, long home of earth's weary pilgrim. The old burial grounds have begun to exhibit signs of improvement. Their dUapidated fences have been repaired. The fallen posts and HISTORY OF NATICK. 113 broken raUs have been replaced by more substantial waUs and gate ways ; while the bushes and briars have begun to disappear before the scythe and mattock of an improving taste. A better style of the " monumental stone " has appeared ; while It is no rare sight to see shrubbery and flowers, planted by the hand, and watered by the tears of affection, adorning the final resting-place of the departed, and perfuming even the chill atmosphere of the graveyard by their grateful incense. Nor this alone. The attention of our cities and larger towns has been turned to the procurement of extensive tracts of land, picturesque in scenery and presenting an agreeable diversity of prospect, to be fitted up as ornamental burying grounds, set apart and ensured, with all the rights and Immunities of owner ship, to their proprietors as cemeteries, or — as the classical etymol ogy of the word imports — places of rest for all coming time. Com mencing with Mount Auburn, about twenty years ago, which has been regarded rather as a model. New York has its Greenwood Cemetery, and Philadelphia its Laurel HUl, whUe other cities and towns with less pretensions, have made a simUar provision for this solemn 'uut universal want of the race. Yielding to this prevaUing taste and growing custom the inhab itants of this town have, by a vote of very general unanimity, procured this very pleasant and appropriate spot, which we this day meet to consecrate with religious services, as the sacred depository of the dead. Convenient of access to the village and the town, pre senting, for the choice of different tastes, the broad and smooth plain or the undulating forest, lying on the border of yon beautiful and peaceful lake, and, although within hearing of the rushing world as it hurries past on its pathway of Iron, yet so retired that mourners in the privacy of their grief may visit, without fear of intrusion, the graves and monuments sacred to the memories of their much loved but departed friends. I have said that this is an unwonted spectacle. It is to us and our countrymen, with the recent exceptions to which I have referred. And I have alluded to utilitarianism as one of the reasons why we have been accustomed to treat our dead with such neglect. It Is not impossible that the rigid Puritanism of our Pilgrim Fathers may have contributed somewhat to the same result. Leaving as they did their home of civUization and religious institutions for this west ern wUderness, for conscience' sake and a supreme regard for truth 8 114 HISTORY OF NATICK. and right as contrasted with form and ceremony — ^beUeving, too, that the great business of time is to prepare for eternity, and that the only death, that Is much to be feared, is the death of the soul, they may have exhibited for the mere rites and place of sepulture more indifference than is desirable. For, admitting all this and more, that the death of the body Is an event so grim and terrible, in all its features, that no attending circumstances can greatly aggravate or alleviate It ; that it makes no essential difference whether man meets it on the bosom of affection, in the gentle precincts of his family, or among distant and hostile strangers, — from the stern power of disease or the hand of violence ; whether his ashes mingle with his kindred's dust in some rural place of rest like this, or his bones bleach and moulder amid the rank luxuriance of the battle-field, it is still death, and only death ; it is the close of a life that at longest is brief as the passing shadow, an entrance upon a stage of being Immeasiir- able and without end — admit all this, and does it foUow that it is wrong or useless to make the associations that linger around the grave as little repulsive as possible — the last resting-place of friends who have gone before us — the strait and narrow house we soon must occupy ? But whatever may have been our views or practice, it is no new thing for the human family to select with great care, and guard and adorn with vigilant painstaking, the last long home of the sleeping dead. As far back as the days of Abraham, we read of that ancient patriarch purchasing " the field of Ephron In Machpelah, withaU the trees that were therein, and the borders round about, as a burying- place, and there was Sarah his wife buried ; and there," the sacred narrative continues, " they buried Abraham, Isaac, Rebekah, and Leah. And when Jacob had made an end of blessing his sons, he also said unto them, I am to be gathered unto my people ; bury me with my fathers In the cave that Is in the field of Ephron." In later days the same anxiety to provide some fitting place for the dead has been manifested by those nations most distinguished for their civiUzation and refinement. The Egyptians set apart extensive fields in the neighborhood of their cities, in which the beautiful of nature and the adornments of art were called in to render attractive the last resting-place of the dead. The polished Greeks consecrated a part of the groves of Academus, renowned the world over for its school of Plato, as the burial-place of the most iUustrious of their HISTORY OF NATICK. 115 great men. Among the Romans the same custom obtained, it being one of the laws of the Ten Tables that the dead should be neither buried nor burned within the limits of the city. The Turks, cruel and sensual as they are, pay great respect to the city of their dead, planting the funeral cypress at the foot and head of each grave, and thus securing those dark and shady groves of which travellers so often speak. So the French, with their accustomed taste and senti ment, have filled their gorgeous Pere la Chaise with the ashes and monuments of their distinguished countrymen ; to say nothing of the more recent monuments in the same direction In London and Liver pool, and those instances in this country to which I have before referred. It is then no uncommon service in which we are now engaged. And as it is not uncommon, so I think It not difficult to be shown that there is nothing in It forced, unnatural, or unrea sonable. One important advantage we may hope from the establishment of a cemetery or ornamental burying ground, as this is expected to be, is the aid it will afford in perpetuating the memory of departed friends. It may sound strange to some mourner here, whose heart is stUl bleeding from the freshness of his grief, to whom the world seems all dark and desolate and deprived of half Its former seeming worth, that any appliances are necessary to perpetuate memories it seems impossible to forget. Strange, however, as it may sound, the sentiment has the support of all former observation that the danger all lies in the opposite direction. That anguish will be wearied down. For What pang is permanent in man ? From the highest As from the vilest thing of every day He learns to wean himself. For the strong hours Conquer him. And the past customs of society have seemed to aggravate what perhaps we may call this natural predisposition to forget and become insensible to the bereavements of Providence. Huddled in confined and crowded fields, desolate and drear in their every aspect, survivors have been repulsed from, instead of being Invited to linger around the graves of departed friends. Not a tree to cast its shadow amid the fervor of summer, or Its leaves in the melan choly months of autumn ; not a flower to shed its fragrance around 116 HISTORY OF NATICK. Its lowly bed, to adorn and cheer by its loveUness, and invite our necessary care and culture : it has not been so strange that men have so soon forgot their nearest friends, and so soon lost the benefit that might have been hoped for from the more vivid and cherished recollections of the burled objects of their former love. Let, however, the tasteful cemetery bte laid out, with ample lots for each family, with all the guaranties of exclusive, permanent ownership, protected by an adequate enclosure^ under the shadow of the overhanging forest, planted with shrubbery and flowers, and marked with the " sepulchral stone ; " let it be so easy of access that it can be visited in the freshness of the morning, while the dew sparkles on the grass and the birds make melody in the grove, or under the fervor of the noonday sun, or amid the quiet of eventide when the stars are out in their beauty, or the moon Is clothing all nature with her flood of silver radiance ; let it be so retired that we can " go to the grave to weep there," and at the same time hold sUent converse with the sad but gentle memories of former days, secure from Intrusion or the unfeeling gaze of an unfeeling world ; let this be so, and will It not be a pov/erful auxUiary in perpetuating the memory of those we are too prone to forget ? And if there is benefit to be derived from such a remembrance thus kept alive in the soul, — and who can doubt it ? — then wiU that benefit be greatly promoted by carrying Into execution the enterprise you have this day commenced under auspices so favorable. Such a spot as a place of resort wUl exert a chastened and sub- clued influence upon the public mind. I would, however, make no unfounded claims. I know how readily men can become accus tomed to the most powerful influences, and how often we see them fail of being favorably affected by those agencies whose legitimate tendency it would seem must be good. The Bible, the Sabbath, and the sanctuary, adapted and designed to become a savor of life unto life unto the human soul — how often do they become but a savor of death unto death ! So have we reason to fear that even the sacred influence of this solemn spot will often faU of leaving its legitimate impression upon the character, and yet we have reason to hope that the general effect will be good. To one source I have already referred, in speaking of the agency of such a place in perpetuating the memory of departed friends. Sad, indeed, but of a softening and subduing power are the solemn HISTORY OP NATICK. 117 remembrances of the lost, but unforgotten dead. They steal over the soul, dark and chill it may he as the shadow of the passing cloud of an autumn day, and yet shedding upon us influences that make us prize more highly the bright sunshine thus' temporarily obscured. The sorrows and afflictions of life have been called the medicine of the soul. Well then would It be If the hallowed sad ness of the death of friends could be perpetuated, and its chastening influences be extended a greater distance along its pathway. What ever breaks the power of the present and exalts either the past or the future, In our contemplation, is doing a good service to the soul. The brute lives only in the present, remembers but little of the past, and thinks not at all of the future. Man too much resembles the brute. He lives too exclusively In the present, and It requires a voice, more potent than any earthly voice, to wake him from his trance and make him recognize his spiritual and immortal nature. That voice, next to the call of religion, comes loudest from the grave where lie buried his fondest hopes, his strongest affection. Here, then, let the sorrowing children of grief often come, to wake up in their souls those mournful but salutary emotions which may do them good. Here let the bereaved husband come, and by the grave of his youthful love caU up the sad but grateful recollec tions of tho past. Let him come with his motherless chUdren, and by that grave recall to their memory the virtues of the sleeper there, and speak of that future hour when they too must make their lowly beds close by her side ; and wUl his race after honor, wealth, or pleasure, be quite so keen and absorbing ? WUl not those chUdren leave that spot with some healthful impressions for the future ? Tlaq\i parents often come here to bedew the graves of their fondly loved and early lost. Let the brother here stand by the grave of a sister, and a sister of a brother. And shall' not healing Influences gently distU upon their souls whUe here ? WIU they not foUow them as they go away ? But not alone from the sad remembrance of e3.r]j friends may we hope for salutary influences from a place like this. The solemn associations that necessarily cluster around the last resting-place of the congregated dead can hardly fail of doing him good who is often found lingering within the sacred precincts of the tomb. Here let the votary of pleasure, seduced by the syren voice of the subtie 118 HISTORY OF NATICK. charmer — here let him who is hasting to be rich, or him whose fevered brain throbs with the mad schemes of ambition — let them Come view the ground Where they must shortly lie ; And can they leave the place without having their hold on this world weakened, and themselves made more thoughtful on topics of greater and more worthy moment ? Here too let the child of sorrow and disappointment, whose plans have been thwarted, and whose most cherished hopes have been blasted, who, sick at heart. Is ready to despair of ever again seeing good — let such a one come and stand here as on the dividing line between the two worlds, time and eternity; let him view the infinite disparity between the two — the one he must so soon leave, the other he Is so soon to try, with all its strange and mysterious uncertainty ; and will ho not find in the contemplation something to rectify his inadequate conceptions of the relative value of things present and things to come — the light afflic tions of the present moment with that Immortal destiny that awaits him in the world to come ? For it is surely pertinent in this connection to say that it will be of little value to form correct notions of the uncertainty of earthly things, and the infinite folly of fastening our affections on objects so fleeting and unsubstantial, if this be all. That, of itself, wUl but reveal wants we have no means of supplying, and dangers we have no means of averting. If now this were all, if we could look no farther than the tomb, if death interposed an impenetrable barrier between us and the future, and the grave covered all our hopes as well as the objects of our love, then perhaps it were well to forget as soon as possible the sorrows of life, the bereavements of Provi dence. When grief is so bootless perhaps it were well not to grieve. And yet it is not to be concealed, that whatever adornings you or your posterity may bestow upon it, this will be to you and them a mournful spot. You may rear the monumental marble of more than Parian whiteness and beauty, the funeral cypress may bend over the ashes of the sleepers here, and the choicest flowers may here shed their sweetest fragrance, and yet no other place will be so sad as this. Here more than anywhere else will Ufe's fondest hopes fade from the soul — here wiU earth's bitterest tears be shed. And often to this spot will your thoughts and mournful gaze be turned. HISTORY OF NATICK. 119 as if all of hope and joy were buried here. If now no light from any source shall lUumlne this darkness, how great is this darkness ; if no hope shaU dawn on this scene of desolation, then perhaps It were weU for us to turn our eye as much as possible from its gloom, and with the epicurean exclaim. Let us eat and drink, for to-morrow we die. But the prospect is not so cheerless. Christianity has dawned upon this dark world. The Sun of Righteousness has arisen with healing in his wings, and has shed Its light not only on the pathway of life, but has pierced the darkness of the tomb, and opened up to the believer'' s eye a rich inheritance in reserve for him above — an inheritance of joy, unspeakable and fuU of glory. Yes, in the lan guage of the poet, once sceptical, now believing, and who when sceptical could exclaim, with pathetic doubt. But when shall spring visit the mouldering um ? O, when shall day dawn on the night of the grave ? but believing, could say, with the ecstasy of the Christian's joy : Now darkness and doubt are flying away. No longer I roam, in conjecture forlorn ; So breaks on the traveller, faint and astray. The bright and balmy effulgence of morn. See, truth, love and mercy, in triumph descending. And nature all glowing in Eden's first bloom ! On the cold cheek of death smiles and roses are blending. And beauty immortal awakes from the tomb. Yes, Christianity points to another world. It has brought Ufe and ImmortaUty to Ught, and in the glorious track of the ascending Saviour has revealed the only way by which we may enter upon this rich and enduring possession. How solemn the scene, how affecting the service in which we are engaged. We stand upon the spot, now to be conscrated, for all coming time, to the undisturbed repose and possession of the dead. Many of you stand among your own future sepulchres, your feet press upon your own graves. After a few more brief years of weary toU and anxious pursuit, of short-lived joy and bitter disap pointment, you are here to make your lowly beds. Here you are to sleep that long and dreamless sleep that knows no waking, till, startied by the archangel's voice, you hear, as 120 HISTORY OF NATICK. Nearer yet, and yet more dread, Soimds the loud trump that wakes the dead, the summons to appear before His bar, from whose lips shaU fall the irreversible sentence that shall decide your destiny for eternity. Change, progress, and decay, shall mark all else ; but they wUl pass lightly over this abode of death. Generation after generation will come on to the stage of active life, to cultivate, enrich, and adorn the dwelling places of the living, and pay their yearly tribute to this place of sepulchre ; and yet light change will be witnessed here. The forest over your heads will indeed in the spring put on Its garniture of flowers, and in the autumn be dressed in the " sober livery " of the waning year ; and by its successive growth and decay will stand an expressive monitor of man's destiny on earth; whUe new and more beaten paths, new graves and new monuments, shall speak of the ceaseless ravages of the great enemy, and pro claim that the unrevoked doom is stUl in force — " Dust thou art and unto dust shall thou return;" and yet all the marked and beau tiful features of Dbll Park Cemetery wIU remain the same as you see them now — aye TiU the last syllable of recorded time shall bring to an end the drama of life, and usher in the tremen dous scenes of the eternal world. Happy will they be, who, sleep ing here, shall meet with joy that final consummation of all things, and gladly welcome That great day for which all other days were made. At the close of the services, the choir united in singing the hymn composed by Rev. John Pierpont, for the consecration of Mount Auburn. To thee, O God ! in humble trust. Our hearts theh cheerful incense burn ; For this thy word, " Thou art of dust. And unto dust shalt thou return.'' The exercises were closed by prayer by the Rev. Mr. Watson, of the Baptist church, and the benediction by Rev. Nathaniel Norris. There are two burying places in town once used by the Indians, " AVhere the rude children of the forest sleep." HISTORY OF NATICK. 121 The one on Pond street is enclosed, and the boundaries of it are marked by a picketed fence. That at South Natick, is the vacant space around the monument to John Eliot. Its boundaries have been ascertained to be nearly as follows : Beginning at the oak tree on the east side of the South meeting house, by a straight line running north of the meeting-house, to the northeast corner of the front yard of the house recently owned by Dr. Chandler ; thence following the fence in front of that dweUing house, and a few feet in front of the neighboring house, in a straight line by the Eliot House and store adjacent ; thence in a straight line towards the present residence of Moses Eames, Esq., to the centre of the front yard of the house opposite Mr. Eames's ; thence east by a straight line to the place of beginning. CHAPTER XII. Statistical History. Inhabitants oe Natick. Population at Difeeeent ' Periods. Valuation. Taxation. Education. California Emigration. The Inhabitants of this place are hardy, frugal, and industrious mechanics, and cultivators of the soil. The facilities enjoyed here for mechanical pursuits, have gathered a somewhat dense population, mostly from New Hampshire and Maine. By recurring to the list of the proprietors of the town, in 1782, and to the Ust of voters of 1855, It wiU be seen that the names which were the most numerous then, are the same now ; while there is scarce a name which appears on that list, but It may be now found among the voters. The Travises, Sawins, Morses, Broads, Perrys, Bacons, Drurys, who took care of Natick in its Infancy, have repre sentatives guarding it from harm in its manhood. While there can not be said to be any prevailing name In town, the dweller of almost any place would feel as though among his own kindred. An inhabi tant of Wayland might find his next-door neighbor a Heard or a Sherman. One from Sherborn would be thronged by Coolidges and Lelands, and the hand of a Fuller would be grasped by a visitor from Newton or Needham. We have Rices, Eameses, Moultons, Hemenways, to remind us of Framingham ; Moores, Bartletts, Wheelers, Browns, of Concord ; and Smiths, to extend our thoughts over the whole earth. The name of the first clerk and first selectman of the town, was Eben Felch, whose grandson, now living, is the oldest man in town. ' This name has always been numerous In town, and now numbers ?¦ 10 on the list of voters. One of tho three viUages has received the name of FelchvUle, from its having been the residence of this family. Samuel Morse was for many years town clerk, the first repre sentative of the town, and largest land-owner. Those who bear his name are more numerous than any others of one name in town. They number 26 on the list of voters. HISTORY OF NATICK, 123 Capt. David Morse settied on land near the village in South Na tick, in the year 1727. His name appears among the first white settiers of this town. In the pubUshed Memorial of the Morses. When the white inhabitants had become numerous enough to form a military company, he was appointed captain. In 1746, when the plantation of Natick was to be erected Into a parish, he was em powered by the General Court to call the first meeting. He seems long to have been a leader among the whites and Indians. The descendants of the first white settler, Thomas Sawin, who bear his name, are not as numerous as some others. They still occupy the farms formed from the tract of land he obtained from the Indi ans, and are, as was their ancestor, tUlers of the soil as well as owners of miUs. The first settler, mentioned above, with three brothers, came over to this country from England soon after the restoration of Charles II. They first settied in Watertown. Not being fuUy satisfied with their place of residence, they soon moved to other parts. One of them, Thomas Sawin, went to Sherborn, and buUt a saw-mill In the western part of the town. The Natick Indians becoming acquainted with him, and being desirous of having a corn-mill within the limits of their own plantation, entered into an agreement with him to remove to Natick. They granted to him a lot of land, including a mill-site in the south part, now owned by Mr. Thomas Sawin. The conditions of this grant were such that he was to erect a mill for the benefit of the Indians. White men could have their corn ground, but Indians were to have the preference. They could even demand that the white men's corn should be taken from the hopper to give place to theirs. This condition is to-day Inoperative only because the Indian race is extinct. The deed conveying the land and the miU-sIte is dated March 17, 1685-6. The first grant not being adequate to his wants, another was ob tained, the deed of which is dated August 18, 1686. Both deeds are still preserved. The property conveyed by these two deeds to Thomas Sawin, was inherited by his son John, by his son Thomas, by his son Moses, by his son Moses, who sold the same to its present owner. The fifth generation was the first to alienate the property by a new deed. It is now, however, In the hands of a lineal descendant of the first proprietor. From the great grandson of the first settler about 100 persons have descended, 86 of whom are stiU living. 124 HISTORY OF NATICK. Twelve persons are found among the voters, of the name of Bacon. This has always been a numerous family, and now numbers more than any others, except the Morses. The legal voters, descendants of the Perrys, number 10 ; of the Travises, 6 ; of the Manns, 7 ; of the Coolidges, 9 ; of the Broads, 5 ; of the Fisks, 8. The names of Stone, Drury, Goodnow, Biglow, Jennings, and Jennison, may still be traced on the records ; while of those whose names have been heard in town at only a comparatively recent date, those of Walcott and Hays are the most numerous. Five brothers of the former name, the eldest of whom came to this place about twenty- seven years since, have been actively engaged in manufacturing pursuits. We have many George Washingtons in reserve for future patriots, Lincolns for Generals, Howards for phUanthropists, and John Adamses, John Quincy Adamses, and Benjamin Franklins, for states men and phUosophers ; but it is believed that should the times and circumstances not give them the reputation accorded to those whose names they bear, they wUl not generally consider it the result of envy or of ingratitude on the part of their fellow citizens. POPULATION. The population of Natick has increased more rapidly than that of most towns in the State, since the commencement of the present century. Previous to 1790, it was always less than 600. The Indian population, we have seen, attained its greatest height about the year 1700. From that time, cut off by sickness, and fleeing from the restraints of civUization and the neighborhood of the Eng lish, they slowly diminished, until in 1749 they numbered only 166. The white population increased very gradually from 1722, the date which marks the time of its settlement by white famUies in any numbers, to 1800, at which time It amounted to 694 individuals. From 1800 to 1855, It has added 8,441 to Its population. In 1810 it contained 766 ; in 1820, 849 ; in 1830, 890 ; in 1840, 1,285 ; In 1850, it had a population of 2,816. The census of the State just taken, makes its population now 4,135. Some items of interest relating to the population prior to the taking the first United States census in 1790, I have gathered from HISTORY OF NATICK. 125 several State censuses, which, although they have long since disap peared from the office of the Secretary of State, have been found, some entire, others in fragments, among the private manuscripts of men deceased, and in the newspapers of that period. The first census taken in Massachusetts was In the year 1764. Although required by the British government, it encountered much opposition and superstitious fear. The same results to the colony as followed the numbering of the people of Israel were predicted. When the opposition had been overcome the following form was de cided upon, which I have filled out for Natick : White people under 16 years of age, | „ ' '„ ^ ^ •' ^ ' ( Females, 120. White people above 16, \ ^ ' '^ ^ ^ ' ( Females, 122. Total white population, 450. Negroes and Mulattoes, \ ^^^^^J'^h^ ! Total, 24. ( Females, 13. ) Indians, j ^^^^^ ^^- I 37 families. Total, 185. ' (Females, 95. ) ' In 1776, when the revolutionary war begun, the population was 535. In 1777, there were 126 males more than 16 years of age. In the valuation of 1778 there were 120 polls. In that of 1781, there were 140. In 1755, Natick contained three slaves only. Slavery, which for some time was an established institution of Massachusetts, never prevailed to any extent in Natick. The soil and cUmate were unfavorable to the existence of this class of persons, and the " pecuUar institution " quickly died out within its limits. The adoption of the State constitution which abolished slavery in Massachusetts, found very few, if any, within the limits of Natick. VALUATION. Since the year 1783 decennial valuations have been made by the authority of the State, the year after the taking of the census. From the returns of the assessors and the census reports I have compUed the foUowing facts In relation to the past valuation of Natick. This valuation gives the following for each decennial period 126 HISTORY OP NATICK. since 1790. For 1791, $4,221.22 ; for 1801, $6,093.07 ; for 1811, $8,620.93 ; for 1821, $10,487.39. For the valuation of 1831 a different basis was adopted. Previous to this it wiU be seen that the amounts must have been six per cent, of the whole property of the town. In the valuations of 1831, 1841, and 1851, the entire estimated value of the property of the town Is presented. They were respectively $234,624, $282,935.65, $916,210. TAXATION. There is no subject which awakens so general an interest in town as that of taxation. When taxes are levied by the citizens for objects in which all may be supposed to have an Interest, there is nothing degrading in the act of payment. When imposed by others, for objects unexplained, or foreign to themselves, their town or country, a sense of debasement follows those who are the subjects of it, marking them as slaves to themselves, and to all who possess a knowledge of the transaction. It is no wonder then that the most Intense Interest has ever been manifested whenever new taxes have been levied either upon town, country, province, or State. Natick paid its first State tax in 1746. The amount of it was £28 10s. Other taxes had been assessed on the other towns in the province as far back as 1638, but Natick, from reasons apparent to every one, escaped until the date above named. Prop erty being then as now the basis of taxation, a statement of the taxes paid at the same time by surrounding towns, whose compara tive standing now is well known, wUl give an idea of the present increase of property in town. The year above named In which Natick paid the tax mentioned, Medway paid .694 18s. 8d. ; Needham, £99 18s. Id. ; Hull, ^£63 18s. ; Holliston, £82 8s. 3d. ; Weston, £137 16s. 6d. In' 1751 Natick paid a province tax of £41 4s. Hopkinton paid, the same year, £74 10s. ; Sherburne, £88 17s. In the year 1755 Natick paid a tax to the Province of £50 2s. ; Lincoln at the same time was assessed £106 8s. 4d. ; Stow, £88 4s. ; Needham, £132 18s. ; HuU, £61 13s. The proportion of Natick In a tax of £1000, levied in 1761, was £1 14s. 9d. In a similar tax of 1772, £1 lis. 5|d. After the close of the revolutionary war and the adoption of the HISTORY OF NATICK. 127 Federal Constitution, the debt incurred by the war was to be paid, and the assessments on tho towns in consequence were greatly increased. Natick was assessed in the year 1781, £561 5s. " " " " 1786, £484 18s. 3d. " " " " 1791, £41 Is. lid. On the 31st of May, 1794, Congress assumed the State debt of Massachusetts, and thus put an end to such heavy assessments on the towns. Since that time until the present. State taxes at different times have been levied. In the year 1796 Natick paid $181.11 1810 158.66 1820 154,67 1830 93.00 1844 78.55 1853 581.00 1854 581.00 The present year the State tax is 796.50 In the last item, at the year 1796, we are agreeably surprised by a change in the currency. " Exeunt pounds and enter dollars 1 " This Is the first insignia of American independence used In the estimates of the annual town expenses. There had been, previous to the introduction of the continental bUls,J)ut one other consid erable change in the currency of Massachusetts. The English money was in common circulation from the first settlement of the country, except during a period of forty-eight years, from 1702 to 1750, when a paper currency was introduced into New England by the Colonial Government, bearing on the face of the bills the promise of future redemption, which promises were met, like those of the Continental Congress, only with new emissions. The money which Is now known as " old tenor " sunk in value so as to compare with corn, which was distinguished as lawful money in Massachusetts, 7^ to 1 ; in some other parts of New England even lower. The " old tenor " currency was a monetary Invention to meet the expenses of the French war, and in 1750 ParUament reimbursed Massachusetts for her exertions during that war by send ing over a large sum of money, all in silver. With this specie Gov. 128 HISTORY OF NATICK. Hutchinson proposed to redeem the biUs of credit, which was done, and " old tenor " biUs became an iUegal tender and deceptive cur rency. It was subsequently enacted, " That no person should com mence a suit at law, or be eUgible to any office of honor or profit, without taking an oath that he had taken no paper money since 1750." EDUCATION. The amount of general intelligence and Uterary cultivation In this town is somewhat remarkable. Proof is abundant that in all periods of Its history the inhabitants have properly estimated the importance of providing for the education of all classes of Its citizens. Many of the men who were Inhabitants of Natick during the last half of the last century, were not only possessed of strong common sense, but of a good degree of education, as is apparent from the resolu tions passed at their meetings, in the bold, neat specimens of chirog- raphy exhibited in the handwriting of each successive town clerk, and by the enthusiasm ever exhibited in those town meetings in which any subject relating either to their schools or their minister was introduced. We can enumerate among the natives of the town, eight clergy men, one professor of a college, three lawyers, and twenty-nine teachers of academies of common schools. From 1797 to 1819, $600 was appropriated yearly by the town for schools ; in 1846-7, $900. In 1850 the town raised $1000. In 1851 the town appropriated $1,500 " 1852 " " 1,500 " 1853 " " 1,500 " 1854 " " 2,600 " 1855 " " 3,600 In AprU, 1852, the town voted to estabUsh a high school, and appropriated $1000 for its support. This has for the three years of its existence been under the charge of Abner Rice, A. M., who previous to his employment here was for seven years Principal of the Warren Academy in Woburn. Grammar, Arithmetic, and the History of the United States, are required to be studied. Candi dates for admission are required to pass a satisfactory examination in HISTORY OF NATICK. 129 reading, writing, spelling, geography, arithmetic through fractions, and In the elements of English grammar. This school has now become a part of the system of education provided for from the treasury of the town, and it is considered as indispensable as any other schools of a lower grade. A reference to the last five reports of the Secretary of the Board of Education wiU show Natick occupying a respectable position among her sister towns of the State In her provisions for the educa tional interests of her citizens. Previous to the year 1852 the town supported no incorporated academy or high school. Since the fall of 1820 several terms of a high school have been kept in town. John Angler established one at that time ; Othniel Dinsmore succeeded him In the fall of 1821. Charles Forbush taught a school of this kind during the first six months of 1832 ; Rev. Daniel Wight several succeeding terms untU 1837; Rev. Samuel Damon, now Seaman's Chaplain at Honolulu, Sandwich Islands, the autumn of 1841 ; Charles Dickson the years of 1837-38; and John W. Bacon, Esq., the fall of 1843. Before 1834 the town was divided into five school districts. There are now seven — No. 6 (Little South) having been created from No. 2 (Centre), and No. 7 (Felchville) from No. 4 (Walnut HiU). The schools in District No. 2 are divided into five different departments of fifty pupUs each, according to scholarship; each teacher, thus having a small number of classes under lier charge. Is able to devote more time to each. Of the money appropriated for schools in town $40 is given to each district, and the remainder divided among the districts accord ing to the number of scholars. A review of the grants of the town for schools indicates a deter mination on the part of the citizens to keep pace in their appropria tions with the increase of the population. There seems to be an intelUgent understanding of the wants of the schools. No private prejudices, misrepresentation, or misapprehension, have as yet suc ceeded in breakmg down or crippUng these piUars of the Republic in the town. By the statute of the Commonwealth it is required of all instruc tors of youth, " that they exert their best endeavors to impress on the minds of the children and youth, committed to their care and instruction, the principles of piety, justice, and a sacred regard for 9 130 HISTORY OF NAT.CK. truth, love to their country, humanity and universal benevolence, sobriety, industry, and frugality, charity, moderation, and temper ance, and those other virtues which are the ornament of human society, and the basis upon which a republican constitution Is founded." It is not too much to say of the teachers of this town, that such generally have been their endeavors, and such the influ ence they have exerted. CALIFORNIA EMIGRATION. The discovery of gold in California produced the same effects here as In other portions of the country. A larger proportion of young men belonging to Natick left for this modern El Dorado than from the surrounding towns. Several vessels departed from Boston within a few months with Natick young men for passengers. Crowds on these occasions thronged the wharves, the light laugh and merry jest were heard from the lookers-on, and among the adventurers were a few who smiled a last farewell, and joined in the hearty shout that thrilled Uke the peal of a trumpet as the vessels were parted from their fastenings. But there were other and sadder scenes ; gentleness and love had their home in some of those daring hearts, and many a voice trembled with emotion, and eye filled with tears as a fair white hand was clasped for the last time, or a sacred kiss was impressed upon cheeks that paled at the thoughts and associations of that tender, passionate, and yet sorrow-fraught moment. The mother parted from her son, the husband from his wife, the lover from his betrothed. We wUl not attempt to describe the scenes ; suffice it to say that most have returned, and the enterprise has been the means of placing in the hands of a large number the means of doing busi- •ness, and added to the taxable property of the town. The first vessel in which young men from Natick sailed was the ship Argonaut. It left Boston Oct. 30th, 1849, and carried the following persons, belonging to Natick, as passengers : Thomas H. Brigham, Taylor Clough, C. C. Perry, David dough, A. T. Sloper, Wm. Knowlton, Alonzo Gould, Richard Jenniss, A. Moody, S. B. Hayes, Simon MuUigan. In November of 1849 the Reindeer sailed and carried W. W. Hardy, George Stone, Samuel Whiting, Thomas Whiting, G. W. Peirce, W. C. ChUds, C. A. Davis, George Travis. CHAPTER XIII. Officul History. Town Officers. List of Selectmen. Town Clerks. Representatives. Attorneys at Law. Physicians. In 1782, the town was Incorporated, with all the privileges and immunities of surrounding towns. The municipal organization of towns at that period was nearly the same as at present. The town clerk, in addition to his other duties, was authorized to issue summons and those writs of attachments which are now within the jurisdiction of Justices of the Peace. " Comrjlssioners for the ending of small matters " were chosen, whose office -""-as similar to that of Justices of the Peace. From five to seven men were chosen each year, and styled Town Committee. It was their duty to manage all the pru dential concerns of the town. This committee answers to our present selectmen. The office of constable was one of the most important in town. They were paid for their services by a salary from the town, and acted as collectors of the taxes. We find the names of David Morse, WiUiam CooUdge, Oliver Bacon, Abijah Stratton, Thomas EUis, at different times among the constables chosen by the town. Tithing-men, an office now extinct, were each year chosen by the town tUl 1835. It was a prevaUIng custom in town to choose those men who the preceding year had been married, to the office of " hog reeves," which has been their designation since 1745. Clerks of the market, an office not now known, and the duties of which in a town of only one thousand inhabitants it is difficult to conjecture, were chosen untU about 1800. Deer reeves and fish officers, the duties of which are indicated by their names, were chosen untU 1786. A school committee was first chosen in 1797. It consisted of Lieut. David Morse, John Sawin, Jr., Capt. Asa Drury, and John Felch. A list of persons serving as selectmen from the year 1745 to the present time, with the names of those who have represented the town in the Legislature, Its town clerks, and deputies, wUl be here inserted for the inspection of the curious in these matters. 132 HISTORY OF NATICK. Eben Felch, Edward Ward, John Goodnow, Timothy Bacon, John Coolldge, Jonathan Carver, Thomas EUis, Robert Jennison, John Winn, Moses Fisk, Joseph MiUs, Stephen Bacon, Samuel Perry, Jonathan Richardson, Pelatiah Morse, Isaac Goodnow, Samuel Morse, Isaac Underwood, Mark Whitney, Ephraim Jennings, MIcah Whitney, John Felch, WilUam Boden, Thomas Sawin, James Mann, Oliver Bacon, Henry Loker, Elijah Bacon, Abel Perry, Joshua Twitchell, Jonathan Russell, Daniel Whitney, Richard Rice, Timothy Morse, ^homas Broad, Isaac MorrUl, Abel Perry, Elijah Esty, Hezekiah Broad, David Morse, Samuel Perry, Jr., Daniel Travis, John Atkins, Luther Broad, George Whitney, Nathan Haynes, Abel Drury, John Bacon, Jr., Elijah Perry, Calvin Leland, Moses Sawin, Edward Hammond, Dr. Alexander Thayer, Ebenezer Whitney, WUUam CooUdge, Calvin Shepherd, John Travis, John Bacon, 2d, Abraham Bigelow, WUliam Farris, Esq., Samuel Fiske, Esq., Dexter Drury, Chester Adams, Dr. Stephen H. Spaulding, John Bacon, 3d, Phares Sawin, Ephraim Jennings, Amory Morse, Leonard Perry, WUliam Stone, Amasa Morse, WUlard Drury, Charles Bigelow, Isaac Jennison, Alexander Cooledge, Elijah Perry, Jr., Steadman Hartwell, John Kimball, HISTORY. OF NATICK. 133 Joshua FIsk, Abijah Stratton, Ephraim Dana, Timothy Morse, Asa Drury, WUUam Bigelow, Samuel Morse, Samuel Perry, Eliakim Morrill, Nathan Stone, Thomas Sawin, Aaron Smith, WUliam Goodnow, David Bacon, John Mann, Abel Perry, Jr., WUUam Farriss, Jonathan Rice, Asa Drury, Moses Fisk, Eben Felch, Pelatiah Morse, Stephen Bacon, Thomas Sawin, MIcah Whitney, Elijah Goodnow, Hezekiah Broad, Daniel Morse, Elijah Bacon, Abijah Stratton, WiUiam Richards, Jonathan B. Mann, Thomas F. Hammond, OUver Bacon, Ephraim Brigham, A. W. Sanford, Asher Parlin, John J. Perry, Nathan Rice, I. D. Morse, Isaac Felch, Edward Walcott, Esq. , EUsha P. HoUis, Benj. F. Ham, Esq., William B. Parmenter, Dexter Washburn, Lewis Beal, Nathan Reed, Sherondon B. Hayes. TOWN CLERKS. Thomas Sawin, Jr., Lemuel Morse, WilUam Goodnow, Esq., Jonathan Bacon, Samuel Fisk, Esq. , WUliam Farriss, Esq. , Dea. Oliver Bacon, Chester Adams, Esq., Amasa Morse, Benjamin F. Ham, Esq. Hezekiah Broad was the deputy of the town to the convention for adopting the Constitution of the United States ; Jonathan Bacon, to the Convention for revising the Constitution of Massachusetts in 1820. The foUowing is a Ust of persons who have represented the town in the State legislature. The town for many years was not repre- 134 HISTORY OF NATICK. sented. The fine for not sending was one hundred dollars ; but it was never prosecuted ; and, having Its own representative to pay, the town chose to incur the risk, and in dollars and cents was so much the gainer. It was a common custom for representatives chosen to "treat" all their fellow-citizens at the bar of the neighboring tavern. We find It recorded that Chester Adams gave $25 one year to one of the school districts upon condition of his being excused from this practice.Samuel Morse, Aaron Sanford, Moses Fisk, Nathaniel Clark, Abel Perry, Henry WUson, WiUiam Farriss, John Travis, Chester Adams, John Kimball, Steadman HartweU, Nathaniel Smith. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. But very few of this class of citizens have ever made Natick their place of residence, the town clerks having done the greater part of the business appropriately belonging to that profession. But it is probable that gentlemen of the profession in neighboring towns have not been losers by this fact just mentioned. It is usually attributed to the peaceable disposition of the people, and a regard for their own welfare. Ira Cleavland was the first of the profession who opened an office in the place; but not obtaining sufficient encouragement, he soon after removed to Dedham, where he has since been engaged in a successful practice. John W. Bacon entered the practice here in 1846. He was born in Natick in the year 1818, July 12, graduated at Harvard College in 1848. He received his legal education in the law school at Cam bridge, and in the office of Charles T. Russell, Esq., Boston. He was admitted to the Bar in 1846, and has since been endeavoring to persuade the citizens of Natick that the strict enforcement of law. In most cases, is the best method of securing permanent peace and prosperity. Benjamin F. Ham has been in the practice in this place for the HISTORY OF JNATICK. 135 last three years. Ho was born at Farmington, County of Strafford, and State of New Hampshire, July 2, 1823. He studied law with John W. Bacon, Esq., was admitted to the Bar at the March term of the Court of Common Pleas, holden at Concord, 1852. Oliver N. Bacon has just opened an office here. He has been engaged for several seasons as a teacher ; studied law a portion of the term in the office of John W. Bacon, Esq., the remainder in that of Lyman Mason, Esq., in Boston. PHYSICIANS. Previous to 1645 the healing art in town was in the hands of Indian doctors and doctresses, of some of whom we have accounts. One, Joshua Bran, was the most celebrated of whom we have any notice. Traces of his residence, — an old well, and the remains of a ceUar, — were a few years since to be seen a few rods to the east of the house of Mr. OUver Bacon. His wife survived him many years, and was generally employed as a nurse among the inhabitants of the place. Isaac MorriU, son of the Rev. Mr. MorrUl, formerly minister of WUmington, Mass., came to the town in 1771. He died in Need ham about the year 1840. Asa Adams came to Natick in 1782 and remained ten or twelve years. He then removed to Wolfboro', where he died. Alexander Thayer, a native of MUford, Mass., came to Natick to reside in 1813. He passed two years of the collegiate course in Harvard University. He afterwards attended medical lectures at Dartmouth, and received the degree of M. D. He died in 1824. John Angler, a native of Southboro', came to Natick in 1817, and continued to practise untU about 1830. He afterwards removed to Framingham where he died. Stephen H. Spaulding was engaged In the practice of medicine here from 1823 to 1840. John Hoyt, who is now the physician longest resident in the place, was born 24th of July, 1817, in the town of Sandwich, County of Carroll, State of New Hampshire, received his medical education in the medical school at Hanover, N. H., and In the offices of Drs. Enos Hoyt and Dixe Crosby, of New Hampshire, removed to Framingham in June, 1840, and to Natick in the following October, where he has since resided. 136 HISTORY OF NATICK. Adino B. HaU, born in Northfield, N. H., in 1819, studied with Dr. Enos Hoyt, of Sanbornton Bridge, N. H., and Dr. Otis Hoyt, of Framingham, Mass. He opened an office in Kingston about the year 1846j removed to Natick in 1849, where he continued about three and a half years. He has since visited Europe and is now again in the practice in Boston. Ira Russell was born in Rindge, N. IL, Nov. 9th, 1815, grad uated at Dartmouth College in the class of 1841, studied medicine with Dr. Crosby, of Hanover, N. H., and Alvah Godding, of Winchendon, Mass., graduated in medicine at the University of New York In March of 1844, and entered the practice the same year in Winchendon, where he remained nine years. In 1853, by an invitation from several of the citizens of the town, he was induced to open an office in Natick, where he stiU is in practice. George J. Townsend was a native of Roxbury, Mass., was born In tho year 1820, graduated at Harvard College In the class of 1842. His office Is In the south part of the town. Walcott C. Chandler, for several years a physician at South Natick, was admitted a member of the Massachusetts Medical Society in 1840, and died in 1848. Moses P. Cleavland came to this place from New Hampshire in 18S8, remained two years, and died in 1840. He was a son of Prof. Cleavland, Me., and a graduate of Bowdoin College. There was at one time in the west part of Natick a white native of the name of John Badger, to whom the people decreed the titie of doctor, and often employed In their families and stables. His wonderful cures were wrought solely by roots and herbs, which he gathered himself. Very few of the natives of the town have earned so widely an extended fame, his pretensions and cures being famUiar to people even in the neighboring States. CHAPTER XIV. BioaBAPSicAL Notice of College Graduates and other Individuals belonging to Natick. In the following notices, where no other name is mentioned, Har vard CoUege is to be understood. It is quite possible that some have escaped the search of the author, whose names are upon Col lege catalogues as belonging to Natick. If such should be the case, he can only say that much labor and care have been expended by him to make the list complete and accurate In all Its particulars. Oliver Peabody was graduated In 1745. He was a son of the Natick minister of that name, and was settled in the ministry at Roxbury. Nathaniel Battelle graduated in 1765. He Inherited considerable landed property, and devoted his attention chiefly to agriculture. He died in 1816, in Maiden, Mass. Ephraim Drury graduated in 1776. He commenced the study of medicine, but died before completing his course. WUliam Bigelow graduated in 1794. He was well known In college, and long afterwards, as Sawney Bigelow. He was born in Weston, Mass., Sept. 22, 1773. When about one and a half years old his father removed to Natick. He was employed as a classical teacher in Salem, and as Master of the Boston Public Latin School. He published books for pupils, and brief histories of Natick and Sherborn, and was a liberal contributor to periodicals. His con versation and his verses were often very pleasant and humorous. He retained his rhyming propensities and his humor as long as he Hved. For several years before his death he was accustomed to prepare a poem for each annual dinner of the Phi Beta Kappa Society. On one occasion he produced great effect, when he was quite aged, by solemnly beginning his poem with the words : " You'd scarce expect one of my age," &c. He died Jan. 12, 1844, in Boston, of apoplexy, with which he was 138 HISTORY OF NATICK. seized on the 10th. His remains rest in Natick, to which he wag always attached with strong ties. He left many warm friends who charitably overlooked his infirm ities and lamented the departure of one, who while correcting proof sheets during the last years of his life, was often heard to say — " I have tried hard to correct my own errors, but not always so successfully as I can correct the errors of others." The famous declamation of Charles Chatterbox, published in the school books nearly half a century since, anonymously, was a production of his pen. The last words of Charies Chatterbox, Esq., were a poetical effusion. It is entitled " A WUl ; being the last words of a worthy and lamented member of the Laughing Club of Cambridge, who departed college life June 24, 1794, being the date at which he himself graduated." "I, Charley Chatter, sound of mind. To making fun am much inclined } So having cause to apprehend My college life is near an end, All future quarrels to prevent, I seal this will and testament. My soul and body, while together, I send the storms of life to weather. To steer as safely as they can, To honor God and profit man. Imprimis, then, my bed and bedding. My only chattels worth the sledding. Consisting of a maple stead, A counterpane and coverlet. Two cases with the pUlows in, A blanket, cord, a winch and pin. Two sheets, a feather-bed and hay-tick, I order sledded up to Natick. And that with care the sledder save them. For those kind parents first who gave them. Item. The Laughing Club so blest, Who think this life what 'tis, a jest, Collect its flowers from every spray. And throw its goading thorns away, — From whom to-morrow I dissever. Take one sweet grin and leave forever — , My chest and all that in it is, ''" I give and I bequeathe them, viz : 'i\ Westminster Grammar, old and poor, 5j, Another one compiled by Moore, „ ° HISTORY OF NATICK. 139 A bunch of pamphlets, pro and con, The doctrine of salva-ti-on, The college laws I'm freed from minding, A Hebrew Psalter stripped from binding. A Hebrew Bible too lies nigh it. Unsold because no one would buy it. My manuscript in prose and verse. They take for better or for worse ; Their minds enlighten with the best, And pipes and candles with the rest. Provided that from them they cull My coUege exercises duU, On threadbare theme, with mind unwilling, Strewed out through fear of fine or shilling. To teachers paid to avert an evil. Like Indian worship to the devil. Item. The government of college, — Tliose liberal helluos of knowledge. Who even in these degenerate days Deserve the world's unceasing praise, Who, friends of science and of men. Stand forth Gomorrah's righteous ten, — On them I naught but thanks bestow. For like my cash, my credit 's low ; So I can give nor clothes nor wines. But bid them welcome to my fines. Item. Two penknives with white handles, A bunch of quills and pound of caudles, A lexicon compiled by Cole, A pewter spoon and earthen bowl, A hammer and two homespun towels, For which I yearn with tender bowels, Since I no longer can control them, I give to those sly lads who stole them. Myself on life's broad sea I throw. Sail with its joy or stem its woe. No other friend to take my part, Than careless head and honest heart. My ptirse is drained — my debts are paid — My glass is run, my wiU is made, To beauteous Cam I bid adieu. And with the world begin anew." The above, with other scraps of Mr. Bigelow's poetry, were handed to the writer by a sister of his, and the poetical merit and sly humor running through them must be the apology for Inserting them here. Other of his productions may be found in the Appendix. 140 HISTORY OF NATICK. Robert Petishal Farriss graduated in 1815, was at the time of his death Attorney General for Missouri, and partner in business with Hon. Thomas H. Benton. He died in 1880. John Angler, graduated in 1821, was first teacher of an academy In Natick. He has since been engaged in the same occupation in Medford, Mass. Calvin B. Stowe was bom in Natick, AprU 26th, 1802, where his surviving parent stiU resides, and where he spent most of his youth ful days. He graduated at Bowdoin College, Me., in the class of 1824, and in divinity at Andover Theological Seminary in that of 1828. In 1830 he was appointed Professor of Ancient Languages in Dartmouth College. In 1833 he was chosen Professor of Sacred Literature in Lane Seminary, Cincinnati, Ohio. While connected with Lane Seminary he visited Europe to purchase a library for the institution, and on the eve of his departure was appointed by the Legislature of Ohio to investigate and collect, during the progress of his tour, information in relation to the various systems of public instruction and education which had been adopted in the countries of Europe, and to make a report upon them. The result of this investigation was a report which has been considered one of the most valuable educational documents ever published in the country. In his tour he visited England, Scotiand, France, Prussia, the differ ent States of Germany, had opportunities for seeing the celebrated Universities of Cambridge, Oxford, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Paris, Ber lin, Halle, Leipsic, and Heidelberg, and returned to this country in 1838. In 1850 he was chosen Divinity Professor in Bowdoin College, and in 1852 Professor of Sacred Literature In Andover Theological Seminary. » Professor Stowe has been twice married. His first wife was Eliza Tyler, daughter of President Tyler, of East Windsor, Conn. ; his last, Harriet Beecher, well known as the authoress of Uncle Tom's Cabin. In 1852 he again visited Europe in company with his wife on the famous Uncle Tom tour, so much talked of at the time, and an account of which may be found in Mrs. Stowe's " Sunny Memories." The following is a list of Professor Stowe's publications : 1. "Translation of Jahn's History of the Hebrew Common wealth." 2. " Hebrew Poetry, Knowledge Important to the Study // ^C-O. HISTORY OF NATICK. . 141 of the Bible." 3. " Report on Elementary PubUc Instruction in Europe." 4. " Several Articles in Biblical Repository and Blb- iiotheca Sacra." Charles Angler, class of 1827, has been engaged most of the time since as a teacher. Joseph Angler, 1839. Graduated also in divinity at Cambridge, and has since been settled in the ministry in MUton. Daniel Wight, Jan., 1839. Mr. Wight Is another of the sons of Natick who have made themselves known to a greater extent than the mass of citizens. His exertions to make himself useful, in all situations, whUe in college, as a teacher, and now as a clergyman, have endeared him to a large circle of friends. He prepared for coUege mostly at Phillips Academy, Andover, graduated at Cam bridge and at the Theological Seminary in Andover. He taught an academy in Natick the summer of 1886, spring of 1838, and fall of 1839. He stIU has pupUs under his instruction in their preparatory course for college. He was appointed, about 1840, teacher in PhiUips Academy, but declined the appointment. After he graduated from the Theological Seminary he received a call to settle in Phippsburg, Me., and also at Scituate, Mass., which last was accepted. He was ordained pastor of the FirstT^hurch, Sep tember 28, 1842, and has since been the minister of that congrega tion. He Is the author of several controversial pamphlets relating to the history of the first church in Scituate — a Church Manual — a Biography of Rev. Thomas Clapp, and the designer of the engrav ing representing the " Progress of ' Bunyan's Pilgrim,' from the city of Destruction to the Celestial city." This beautiful aUegory, as is weU known, has been translated into nearly all the languages of Christendom, and been perused with deUght and fervor by all nations. Art has lent her attractions in nearly aU the forms of iUustration, from the rough wood-cut, to the exquisite steel engraving. But not untU the middle of this centuryhas a comprehensive pictorial representation of the work been attempted. To Mr. Wight belongs the novel idea of com bining the entire story, and transferring it to a single picture, pre senting at one view, the varied scenes through which Pilgrim passed in his journey. For more extended notices of this work, we must refer the reader to the Appendix. Alexander W. Thayer, 1843, studied law at Cambridge, visited 142 . HISTORY OF NATICK. Germany in 1851-2, was employed as one of the editor^ of the New York Tribune in 1858-4, and is now again in Europe. John W. Bacon, 1848, studied law at Cambridge, and in the office of Charles T. Russell, Boston ; is now an attorney at law, in Natick. Jonathan F. Moore graduated at Amherst CoUege in 1840 ; has been engaged since, for some time, as a teacher and editor. He Studied law in Hingham, Mass., and is now a member of the Suffolk Bar. Samuel S. Whitney, Joseph P. Leland, and Isaac Jennison, each passed a portion of the college course, but the two latter were prevented by death from finishing it ; the former studied medicine and became eminent as a physician. Amos Perry graduated in 1887, and has since been employed as a teacher in Providence. Joseph W. WUson graduated at New Haven, in 1854. He is now engaged as a teacher in that city. There have been, and are, many individuals whose exemplary Ufe and private virtues render them worthy of notice in a history of the town. But the memory of such not living is enshrined in a more se cure record. It is the legacy of their friends and acquaintance, and to touch woutd be to soU it, whUe those stiU alive are daily writing their own histories, and submitting them to the perusal of hundreds whose eyes will never rest on these pages. The thoughts of many will ever recur with pleasure, to the image that memory paints on the mind, of the now absent forms of an Atkins, a Morse, a Walcott, and a Leland. It has been the fortune of some citizens to occupy a more conspicuous, though perhaps not a more useful, station than others. No one can peruse the records of the town, for 'the thirty years last past, without knowing that some careful hand has been busy for many hours in arranging and neatly noting each act and appropria tion. No one will need be told that it is the hand of Hon. Chester Adams, to whom they have so often given their wUling suffrages for every important office in town, and who stUl survives to cheer the younger and more vigorous friends of order with his counsel and his smile. He was born In Bristol, Hartford County, Conn., in the year 1785 ; removed to Dedham, Mass., in 1799, and resided in that town and in Needham, until 1821. He was a minute-man during the war of HISTORY OF NATICK. 143 1812, and, being promoted from one mUitary grade to another during the continuance of the war, escaped being called into actual ser vice, the officer below being taken each time. In 1820 he resigned his commission as Colonel of the Ist Regi ment, 2d Brigade, and 1st Division of the Massachusetts MUltia, and was honorably discharged. In 1821 he removed to Natick, where he has since resided. In 1824 he was chosen town clerk and treasurer, and resigned the office in 1828. In 1882 he was chosen again to the same office, and re-chosen each succeeding year untU 1853, when he resigned on ac count of iU health. During the twenty-seven years he has held this office he has not been absent from one meeting of tho town. The records in his handwriting cover over more pages than any four preceding clerks, and the town may safely challenge the pro- duetion;^of books from any town or city, more accurately, legibly, or neatly kept. He was representative from Natick to the Legislature In 1833, '34, '35, '37, '38, a member of the Senate in 1842^ and 1849, and postmaster at South Natick for seven years preceding the adminis tration of Van Buren, by whom he was removed. The sincerest re spect of all his fellow citizens, and the good wishes of all who have ever known him, are his inheritance in his present retirement. Among the individuals who have become extensively known, and have made their mark upon the age, Henry WUson wUl be classed by th^ willing or the unwUling historian. Now holding a seat In the Smte of the United States, which he has won by his own untiring exertions, he may safely say to friend or foe, " not to know me ar gues yourself unknown." Few men In the country are better known than General Wilson. His opinions are entirely democratic, and his sympathies and interests altogether with " the people." This is, undoubtedly, the great secret of his success. Not only this, but at the beginning he belonged to that craft which of all others has fur nished most men to claim the notice of the historian's pen— he was a shoemaker — " The foremost still by day or night On moated mound or heather, Where'r the need of trampled right Brought toiling men together. Where the free burghers from the wall Defied the maU-clad master— Than theirs at freedom's clarion call No craftsmen rallied faster." 144 HISTORY OF NATICK. One who writes the records of General Wilson's successes with an impartial pen, whUe he holds up to admiration his scorn of all that birth or hereditary distinction can give, and asserts the undoubted fact, that in no other Government on earth could such distinctions have been conferred, should guard others from throwing away their lives In attempts to follow in footsteps in which any other man would have been dashed in pieces. What Byron caUs " the wUd delight of knowing " must be incen tive enough for a man to trim the midnight lamp ; but let him guard against efforts for political promotion, unless he is sure of an 1840 campaign to whirl him into distinction, and a series of measures op pressive to the people, at once to draw forth his indignation, discover his ability, and keep him on the wing, till he finally shall alight on that pinnacle of distinction to which his ambition led him to aspire. The head-lands of Mr. Wilson's life are easily noted by any of his fellow- townsmen. He was born In Farmington, State of New Hamp shire, February 16, 1812. At the age of ten years he went to live with a farmer of his native town, who agreed If he should remain till he was twenty-one, he should have four weeks' schooling each year, and six sheep and a yoke of oxen at the close of his term. The oxen, sheep, and forty-nine weeks' schooling, were the pay for his eleven years' services. During this time, by the kindness of a sister of the late Hon. Levi Woodbury, and Judge Whitehouse, of Farmington, he was furnished with well selected works of history and biography, which he read on Sundays and nights, by the aid of pine knots instead of a lamp. In 1888 WUson removed to Natick. From that time to 1836 he worked so untiringly that his health began to fail. During this time he was a member of tlie VUlage Debating Society, noticed in another portion of this work, and his tremulous voice and hand, as he took part in the debates, as well as the knowledge he showed of the his tory of the country, are now remembered by his fellow members. In 1836 he visited Virginia, and witnessed from the gallery of the House of Representatives the introduction of Mr. Pinckney's famous Gag Resolutions, and the scene which foUowed, as John Quincy Adams refused to vote on the question. During the winter of 1837 WUson taught school in New Hampshire, and that of 1838 in Na tick — having attended, the three terms intervening. Concord, Wolf- borough and Strafford academies. In the ever memorable Hard Cider ^c^ (n^^ HISTORY OF NATICK. 145 campaign of 1840, Mr. WUson first became known as a political man. His visit to the South had thoroughly imbued him with anti- slavery principles and feeUngs. In 1838 Wilson voted the Whig ticket. In 1839 he was nomi nated by that party for representative, but was defeated; 1840 heralded far and wide the name of the " Natick Cobbler." During that year he visited sixty towns of Massachusetts, and undoubtedly contributed much to the Whig triumph which foUowed. This autumn he was nominated representative, and elected. This year and the following, he was active In the House, and took a leading part with his political friends and brethren. He was candidate for the Senate in 1842, but lost his election. In 1843, and again in 1841, he was chosen. In 1845 he was again a member of the House Irom Natick. At this time Mr. Wilson began seriously to suspect the sincerity of Whig resolutions on the subject of slavery. StiU cleaving to the Whig party, notwithstanding the decided action of its leading men in favor of slavery, Mr. WUson made a speech, and introduced a resolution in the Legislature of 1845, which expressed the old Whig anti-slavery sentiment. WUson and Whittler were deputed to carry a petition to Washington, pro testing against the admission of Texas into the Union as a slave State. Anti-slavery men of all parties joined in the movement which resulted in this petition. On the death of John Q. Adams in 1848, Mr. WUson received several votes in the convention to nominate his successor. WUson was undoubtedly the author, in conjunction with. Judge AUen, of the measures which resulted in the defeat of the Whig party in Massachusetts In 1850. They were chosen delegates of the Whig party to the National Convention, and on the nomination of General Taylor to the presidency, denounced the convention and took their leave. From this movement grew the " Free SoU" party. For two years preceding 1851, Mr. Wilson was the editor and proprietor of the Boston Republican. In 1849 he was chosen to the House from Natick, and was candidate of the Free SoU party for speaker. In 1849 he was chosen chairman of the Free SoU State Committee, and held the office for four years. In 1850 and '51 he was chosen to the Senate, and elected president of that body. In 1851 General WUson was chosen president of the Free Demo cratic National Convention convened at Pittsburg, and also chair man of the National Committee. In 1852 he was nominated as a 10 146 HISTORY OF NATICK. candidate to Congress, and at the second trial came within ninety- two votes of an election. He was a leading member of the Con stitutional Convention, and president of that body during the Ulncss of Mr. Banks. In the State Convention holden at Fitchburg, the 15th September 1853, he was nominated for governor. During the last session of the legislature he was elected to the Senate of the United States. While he was a member of the legis lature his name Is recorded on nearly every question taken, and whUe in the Constitutional Convention, he was absent scarce an hour. For evidence of the ability of General Wilson, as weU as for speci mens of his style, both as a writer and debater, we must, for want of space, refer the reader to his speeches in the Constitutional Conven tion, his letter to Dr. Bell, and to a short speech of his to be found in another part of this volume. The limits of this work forbid all attempts to trace the continuous pedigree of the different famUies from their emigrant ancestors. In the short notices we have given of individuals, we have endeavored to state facts Impartially and candidly. We have presented only those names which we thought all would concur in thinking the most prominent, and from situation and circumstances worthy of being held "up to the rising generation as examples for imitation. They are those who are the most distinguished, and have exerted the greatest Influence on the destinies of the town. The author has been chary of encomiums on private individuals, lest their frequency should prove them worthless. Aglance, however, at the new streets laid out, at others widened and straightened, at land reclaimed from primeval swamps and converted into building lots, and at the new buildings of various descriptions in different parts of the village, will discover to the reader the impossibility of fairly representing the town without mentioning the name of Edward Walcott, a native of Pepperell, Mass., but for twenty-seven years a resident of Natick. By his activity in business and his sagacity in forestalling the future wants of citizens, he has not only acquired a fortune for himself, but given a competency to many others. Spring street, from Central to its junction with North, was laid out and built by him. All that part of the vUlage which lies between the raUroads, may be said to have been created by him from the swamps and woods which twenty-five years ago covered It. Many '/t:-!- f^C'' //¦- /.^^-^-^/"^^ ''V fC_^-t. HISTORY OF NATICK. 147 dweUing houses, beside the largest block of stores and offices in town, have been erected by his agency. Of Mr. Walcott It may be said with tho strictest truth, that he is a straight-forward, fearless supporter of whatever he considers true and right — one who, without ever practising any of the arts of a demagogue, or compromising his self-respect by standing for ward as a political gladiator, has, by his consistent acts In private life and as a business man, by the evidence he has given of a far- seeing policy, of indomitable energy, and firm integrity, secured the respect and confidence of the community. In the minds of many readers it will not be regarded as an objec tion, that ISJr. Walcott Is a consistent professor of the Christian religion — being a member of the First Congregational Church in the town ; and although no one suspects him of verging towards bigotry or fanaticism, he has always taken a deep Interest in all matters which tend to elevate the religious or moral character of the community. He is the father of the anti-slavery, as well as of the manufacturing, interest in town. He has buUt and owned about twenty dwelling houses, and paid to workmen of various pursuits, for labor performed, nearly a million of dollars. The first, and certain ly the most extensive shoe manufacturer in town, he has now retired from active business, but his capital is still furnishing to others the means of prosecuting various branches of trade. He noAV pays the largest individual tax In town. It would be pleasant and profitable. If it were possible, to recordhere the names of Samuel Morse, John Atkins, Abel Perry, and Samuel FIsk, with an account of the lives of each. No part of history is read with greater interest than the biography of those with whom we feel ties of affinity, or famUiar acquaintance ; and the gleaning from decaying documents and fading traditions, the materials for such a work, is not an ungrateful task. The people of Natick may well be proud of many of the fathers of the town. Nowhere can there be found nobler specimens of pa triotism, and every manly virtue. They ever manifested a spirit that was ready to hazard everything for their children's prosperity, and tiiose chUdren would prove but ungrateful recipients of their favors, if they were unwUling to gather up and preserve the records of them. The early settlers of Natick were, some of them, cotempo- rary with the youngest of "the PUgrim Fathers ; others of them were 148 HISTORY OF NATICK. their sons, and after emigrants from England. They possessed char acters that had been formed where the institutions of reUgion and moral culture had long been established, and whether it may be traced to this fact or not, the people of the town have in past years been a law-abiding, church-going people. With the exception of what is now the vice of intemperance, they were a virtuous people. No native of the town ever served a term in a penitentiary. No crime of any magnitude ever disgraced one of its permanent inhab itants. It is grateful to a writer to record these things. It should be the anxious desire of all now on the stage of action, to preserve the fair fame of the town untarnished. Let the characters of the individuals who have been noticed in the past pages be studied with care. They are men from the industrial and professional classes of the community, and as such may be presented as examples to imi tate. Industry, energy, integrity, perseverance, have given them the position they hold in their several callings. They have fought the battle of Ufe, without aid or even sympathy in the darkest hour of trial, and the great lesson they teach is, that to the resolute wiU nothing Is impossible ; that straight-forward principle, patient and un tiring purpose, are certain of success in the end. s CHAPTER y. Emplovment op the People. Aqkicdltural Statistics. Thade and Man- upactukes. Most of the people of Natick, previous to 1835, were industrious and frugal farmers. The introduction of manufacturing pursuits at that time, and the rapid increase of a population of a different pur suit in consequence, have altered the character of the town in this respect, and given it that of a manufacturing place. Most of the farms, however, are still in possession of their previous owners, or their sons, and their value is greatly enhanced by the markets the vil lages afford for their produce. There are very few farms which do not exhibit evidence of their being the property of inteUigent and Industrious men. A very few farms in the centre of the town, have, in the growth of the village, been converted into building lots, but the owners have thus gathered a more valuable harvest than they could have reaped In any other way. The vUlage now covers the whole of the farm formerly the prop erty of Rev. Martin Moore, the greater part of that of Dr. John An- gier, the whole of Ruel Morse's, Abel Perry's, and a portion of that of Capt. David Bacon's. On the whole, Natick may be considered as a good farming town. Although smaU in extent, much of the soil is of the best quality, and affords yearly rich returns for the labor bestowed on it. Of the cereal grains, corn, rye, barley and oats, are cultivated. Wheat yields but little, although it Is yearly grown to some extent. Potatoes and other esculent roots flourish well, and afford important articles of subsistence to the inhabitants. Scientific farming is forcing upon all the conviction, not only that this is the Eiost profitable way of managing lands, but that the occupation itself is one of the noblest in the whole range of industrial pursuits. The statistics of agricultural products for the year ending June, 1855, have been taken, and are as foUows : 150 Potatoes, Corn, Rye, Oats, Barley, Other crops. )RY OF NATICK. Acres. Bushels. Value. 136 12,375 $10,625.00 271 8.491 8,491.00 51 915 1,189.00 56 1,341 1,008.00 141 268 268.00 2 — 31.00 ESCULENT VEGETABLES. Acres. Bushels. Value. Onions, 7 ¦ff 433 $217.00 Carrots, 3i 2,043i 689.00 Turnips, 2 295 118.00 Other crops, 61 — 4,878.00 Bushels. Value. White Beans, 253 $521.00 Cranberries, 810 1620.00 FRUIT. ^ Considerable attention has been paid to the cultivation of fruit. Many fine orchards exist in different parts of the town, which are yearly laden with the Porter, the Golden Russet, the Rhode Island Greening, and the Pippin. The Golden Pippin, so well known in market, and which stands by the side of the Porter in the judgment of connoisseurs, is a native of this town. The original tree.sfvas, a short time since, standing near the house of Capt. WUlard Drury. Apples sold. Pears sold. Peaches, cherries, and other fruit, English hay cut. Meadow hay cut. Sushels. Value. $2,830.00 428.00 410.00 Tons. 1312 $25,580.00 375 3,715.00 HISTORY OF NATICK. 151 * Pounds. Value. Butter made in town, 18,159 $4,539.00 Cheese, 165 62.00 Honey, 92 19.00 Gallons. Gallons of milk sold, 50,380 $7,035.00 Value and number of horses, &c., in town the year ending June 15, 1855: Number. Talue. Horses, 256 $28,167.00 Oxen and steers, 90 5,878.00 Cows and heifers, 316 9,975.00 Swine, 168 1,507.00 Sheep, 2 18.00 Such is the exhibition in figures of the results of farming for one year to Natick. Manufactures undoubtedly, at this time, are the greatest source of wealth to the town. About the year 1830, several individuals engaged in making sale shoes for the southern and western markets, since which time the business has so increased, and so many improvements have been in troduced into it, that Its history, from that period, may almost be said to be a history of the town. One of the manufacturers has pre served specimens of the first shoes made in Natick. They are almost as primitive in their construction, and as unlike the article now man ufactured, as were the sandals of the Jews. If there has been an equal improvement in the classes at the South who wear them, the efforts of phUanthropists have not been in vain. The trade at that time was principally a barter with Boston dealers. A few persons manufactured as agents. AU the shoes were transported to Boston by teams, which were laden with leather in returning. All prepara tion of " stock," as it is called, was made without the use of machinery. One person made the entire shoe, and when it was returned to the manufacturer, it was ready for the market.- In this way, for several years, the business continued, more en gaged In it, improvements In the construction of shops were intro duced, benches and tools foi' workmen were constructed in better 152 HISTORY OP NATICK. style and of better material. There came soon to be a division of labor, accomplished workmen finishing the shoe, and the less expe rienced making other parts of it. The construction of the Boston and Worcester Railroad in 1835, gave a new impulse to the business. Manufacturers being able to transport leather and shoes at less expense, increased their business, employed more hands, built larger manufactories, introduced ma chinery to aid In cutting the leather, and endeavored to reduce the whole business to a system. Their business at this time. Instead of being confined to Boston, extends to all the principal cities of the country. New Orleans and Charleston merchants visit the place for the purpose of purchase, and buy also by orders. The purchase of leather, selUng of shoes, and preparation of them for market, are now the work of the manufacturer. The cutting, lining, and packing of the upper leather belong to another class of hands; of the sole-leather, to another ; pegging Is done either by machinery or boys, lasting and trimming by journeymen, binding and stitching by girls or machinery, while polishing the tops and the soles furnishes employments for two other sets of hands. Making the boxes In which the shoes are packed is another branch of the business, which affords employment for many hands. It Is estimated by those best qualified to know, that, for the last twenty years, the average number of shoes made In Natick, yearly, cannot be less than six hundred thousand, whUe for several years during the latter part of that period, one million of pairs was man ufactured. But four or five individuals can be enumerated who have ever failed In this business, while many are known who have made for tunes by it. Edward Walcott was among the first who commenced the business in the place. He commenced in 1828, in the west part of the town. A few years after, he removed to the centre, employed yearly about one hundred hands, and manufactured about one hundred and fifty thousand pairs of shoes. He has manufactured not far from three miUIon pairs. Henry* Wilson, more distinguished in another sphere, in which he has received our notice, commenced the manufacture of shoes in 1838, and closed in 1848. HISTORY OF NATICK. 153 In 1838 he made 18,000 pairs, and employed 18 hands. " 1839 ' 31,000 it (C 29 ii " 1840 ' 38,000 (C • ii ii 34 (i " 1841 ' 47,000 a ii 51 este(l. , tides made. Shoe box manufactories, 2 10 $5,500 $19,100 Harness manufactories, 2 3 600 2,100 Cap manufactories, 11 25 350 Carriage manufactories, 3 10 1,550 5,900 Pulp for paper, 1 12 16,500 70,425 Cutlery, 3 8 450 2,000 Baking, 1 4 1,100 9,110 ShoefiUing, 2 3 50 1,500 Wholesale and cust. clothing 6 11 5,500 30,800 Value of tree nails, or ship pins, prepared for market, 4,136 Value of ship timber sold , 1,730 Value of shipplank sold, 260 Number of pairs of shoes made, 1,281,295 Number of pairs of boots made, 570 Number of males employed, 1,070 Females employed, 497 Value of shoes and boots, $1,163,808 HISTORY OF NATICK. 155 COAL. So extensive has been the consumption of wood in this neighbor hood, that the use of mineral coal for fuel is almost a necessity. But, at first used from necessity, it has now become popular. Its great superiority over wood in the facUity of putting it away in a small place, the readiness with which its fires can be shut down at night and rekindled In the morning — in a cold morning a great ad vantage — the superior degree of safety of coal over wood, as regards accidental fires resulting from their use, and, more than all, the dim inution in the value of coal and rising of that of wood, make it now as necessary an article for family consumption as flour or meal. On the first introduction of coal, some twenty years since. It sold at thirty-five or forty cents per bushel. The early supplies were brought from Boston by teams, and for years no larger quantities were imported into town. The consumption of coal since 1 849 wUl be indicated by the fol lowing statement of yearly sales, by J. S. Woods, who, it is believed, has supplied the town with by far the greater part It has consumed. From October 1, 1849 to May 1, 1850 he sold 281 tons. " May 1, 1850 " " " 1851 " " 413 " « " " 18-51 " " " 1852 " " 719 " a a ii 1852 a " « I853 a « 938 " " « " 1853 " " " 1854 " " 1400 " a a « 1854 " " " 1855 " " 1412 " 5163 The principal objection to the use of coal is the presence of sulphur and bitumen to such excess as to render Its use unpleasant and un healthy in sleeping apartments, and to defile clothing, furniture and houses. The Peach Orchard and Canal coal burn free from sulphur, and consume every portion to ashes. MILLS, ETC. The first mUl buUt in Natick has already received our notice. It was buUt on the brook which now bears the name of Sawin, and was of the most simple construction. 156 HISTORY OF NATICK. Thomas Sawin built both a saw-mUl and a grist-mill. The latter consisted of a horizontal wheel and a perpendicular shaft, on which the upper stone rested, and with which it was turned. The Indians were much gratified with these, and Sawin found it not difficult to obtain possession of a large tract of land, which is stUl in possession of the Sawins, as we have seen in our notice of that famUy. On this site are now two saw-mills, a corn and bolting mUl. A few years after the erection of this mill, one Hastings buUt a dam across Charles river, nearly opposite the residence of Hezekiah Broad, and erected a corn-mill, a saw-mill, and a fulling-mill. This occasioned a law-suit, brought by tiie owners of Medfield meadows, which eventuated in the removal of the mills to the site where Cur tis's mUl was lately burned. FIRM OP CLARK & WINCH, MERCHANTS. This firm have been the longest in business of any in town, Mr. Clark, the senior partner, opened his store in 1836, with a cap ital of $5000, in the building erected in 1799 for a meeting-house. Since 1839 he has had associated with him in business, Leonard Winch, under the style of Clark & Winch. In 1851 he erected the elegant building now occupied by the firm, at the corners of Central and Main, streets. Their business Is entirely retail, and extends to all the adjoining towns. Perhaps no establishment of the kind in Middlesex county, out of the cities, does so extensive a business as this, at the present time. WhUe we are thus stating the amount of the industrial products of Natick, in figures which often reach to thousands, let us pause and review the past, with a view to discover the prospect of the future. The laws of gravitation and of centralization are all^e laws of na ture, and the results of the one are as certain as those of the other. The consequences of the revolution of the earth on Natick, in giving her day and night, spring and autumn, are not more certain than are those of the revolution of those artificial powers which we have been reviewing, in giving her wealth, a dense population, and, prop erly regulated and directed to high and ennobling objects, happiness and social position among her sister towns. She has in her hands all the achievements of modern times, ma chinery, steam engines, ralboads, and more than- aU, as indispensable L-Fi'!kWWCHF;S BDlLTjINfT.CORNFJ;. MAIW &:';F:])TRiL CT'C.flM HISTORY OF NATICK. l£)7 to the success of any place, she has a vast amount of sinew, intelli gence and enterprise, in the persons of two thousand young men, which Is daily forcing itself into the field, and demanding that it be employed In some way that shall increase the common stock of pros perity and consequent happiness. One hundred years since, and where was Natick ? Her inhabi tants, instead of studying the arts of peace, the improvements in agri cultural and mechanical implements, were bound by a civil bondage from which they were panting to free themselves, and by a social thraldom to which we, who are sometimes called their degenerate descendants, woul-d not submit for a moment. The most powerful condemnations of her clergymen, instead of censuring the vices of the people, were directed against matters of household economy, involv ing no questions of morality or virtue, and which one would think might be safely left to the good taste of those who were most con cerned. Six hundred people, scattered over the whole town, com posed the place, with no subjects of common interest, except their privations and oppression, with no future before them but that which lay beyond a fearful contest, of uncertain result, with the most pow erful nation of Christendom. The privations and sufferings which constitute the history of this period, are famUiar in the famUies of their descendants, and were endured in common with the people throughout the State. We have in past pages followed the town through the bloody strife for Independence, witnessed Its devotion to the cause of liberty, seen its sons fall at Lexington and Bunker HiU, the decaying embers of the red man's fires buried by the plough, and those haughty lords of the soil fleeing before the face of those they could neither subdue nor obey. We have seen its Inhabitants rally in support of the institutions of church and state, unanimous in favor of securing the means of education to all. Let us now ask. Where was Natick fifty years since ? With a population of 700, no railroad, and scarce a common road which was worthy the name. The same slow movement which characterized former periods attended this. Men labored and con sumed the results of their toU. The laws of nature moved on with the same unvarying course. The sun rose and set, and divided the days from the nights not more effectually than men were divided from each other. The hostiUty between the north and south parts of the town was at 158 HISTORY OF NATICK. its height, each stood aloof from the other, and needed only the size and wealth of nations to engage in battles, and ravage each other's lands. A littie more life was exhibited the first twenty-five years of the present century. Comforts began to increase. The meeting house must have stoves, the school-house, desks; the roads must be gravelled, and In connecting two points, three or four mUes apart, must not zigzag more than double that distance. The lines of the town must be perambulated, and their position determined. Stand ard works of history and biography must be within reach of aU. Another decade — 1835. Where do we see It then ? Energy, action, new life In every direction. The midnight lamp shines from the window of the ambitious mechanic and scholar. Little white domicUes, with green blinds, nestle among the trees by the sides of all the roads, which now first begin to be called streets. The earli est beams of morning glitter on the pinnacles of two modern-buUt meeting-houses. The steam engine daily and nightly startles the cit izens by its unearthly yell, and the mill, the trip-hammer and the forge, mingle their more pleasant, but not less useful, sounds, with the gen eral hum of industry. The stage-coach and the ponderous ox-wagon have passed away. The light chaise, with the spirited horse, begins to be seen rolling along over the newly laid out turnpike. At the corners of the street, where the cabin or shop stood, the store or manufactory may be seen. Let us descend one period more, and put to ourselves the pertinent question. Where are we now ? With a population of 4000, granting yearly nearly as many dol lars for the support of schools, with elegant residences, and capa cious manufactories at the corners of all the streets. School-houses and meeting-houses more than sufficient to accommodate aU the in habitants, engines to protect the property of the citizens from fire, libraries and social institutions for mutual improvement, employment for all classes of citizens, new streets dissecting our territory In aU directions. Instead of struggling feebly to have granted to us the Immunities and privUeges of our neighboring towns, we are adding, each decade, to our population, as many inhabitants as their entire towns contain. A voice from among us is heard with respect in the halls of our national legislature, and at home, every question of poUtical moment is passed upon by intelUgent judgments ; every new pubUcation ap- HISTORY OF NATICK. 159 proved of or condemned by those who, In their turn, furnish articles for the columns of reviews and the criticism of reviewers. With the knowledge of the resources which Natick has in store, and the astonishing results which have been produced in her condition since the commencement of the last twenty-five years of her history, by the railroad, and the proper direction of her enterprise and en ergy, let us draw a picture of her fifty years from this date. We are startled when we think of It, but would not shrink from knowing it as it is. Although the result. In Itself, is sure, and perfectly seen by Him who " knoweth aU things," yet the utmost stretch of human penetration is baffled in attempts to discover it with certainty. I wish to be indulged while, in a few brief sentences, I speculate on the future of Natick. Leaving the rest of the State, the country, and the world, to those who are at liberty to take a wider range, I shall be satisfied If, by the aid of analogy and comparison, I can divine, with any degree of certainty, what the future has in store for us. Let us recur to the law of centralization with which we started in our speculations, and not be met with a smUe when we ask the reader to study the histories of the cities which are now In existence. New York, Lowell, Cambridge, Cincinnati and Boston. Circles rise to their climax, and the same law which has doubled our population every decade, will give to us the present population of either of the cities named above. New York, undoubtedly, was buUt by her commerce, and no other city like her wiU ever appear on the American continent. Boston is the New York of New Eng land, with more established Institutions, more Americanism in her constitution. Cincinnati claims to be the centre of the United States ; not the geographical centre, but the centre of Influence and force, about which, when all disturbing forces shall be removed, other cities shaU revolve, and to which they shall be tributary. But ¦although we may not In these, or in the cities of the old world, find the class to which Natick may belong, yet it exists throughout New England at the present day, and in the history of the old world. One hundred and twenty cities once stood in Egypt, on a territory not larger than that of Massachusetts, and long before Massachusetts shall have attained tho age of Egypt, wUl Newton, Natick, Lynn, Milford, and a host of other towns, have attained the population of her ihebes, her Alexandria, and Cairo. 160 HISTORY OF NATICK. I have entered into a calculation to ascertain, on the basis of the ratio of the increase of population in town for the past five years, what will be the number of inhabitants at the close of every five years, up to 1905. To gratify the curiosity of the reader we give it : — From 1855 to 1860 the inc. wiU be 1904 Am't in 1860, 6004 1860 " 1865 " 2788 " 1865, 8792 1865 " 1870 " 4083 ii " 1870, 12875 1870" 1875 " 5978 u " 1875, 18853 1875 " 1880 " 8682 a " 1880, 27533 1880 " 1885 " 12,679 u " 1885, 40212 1885 " 1890 " 18,583 ii " 1890, 58745 1890 " 1895 " 27,074 a " 1895, 85819 1895 " 1900 " 39,282 ii " 1900, 125201 1900 " 1905 " 57,454 " 1905, 182655 Is it then imagination and conjecture, or plain statement of fact, when we say that fifty years from now, the humble Natick of the " praying Indians " wUl have arisen to the dignity of a city ? that persons are now Uving who will be members of her Board of Alder men, and Common CouncU ? that many of her present citizens may sit as jurors in her Municipal Court, and walk on paved sidewalks for miles in her streets ? We can easUy see it, as it will then appear. The vacant spaces between South Natick and Natick, between FelchvUle and the vil lage, filled by houses and shops; Nebraska and "Little South" forming suburbs to the town. But we will leave the reader to fiU up the picture at his leisure, and turn us to notice a topic which was omitted accidentally in the account of the taxation of Natick, which Is its proper place. It is the currency of the United States, and its depreciation. In 1780 the continental money had driven nearly all the gold from circular tion, and these notes depreciated so fast, prices rising in consequence, that the whole monetary affairs of the country were disarranged, and in speaking of any sums of the town appropriated at this period. It Is always necessary to discriminate between the money employed, whether coin or biUs.* A writer on this subject says, " that in some * The continental MUs were of the size of half an ordinary bank-bill of the present day, being nearly square, and of various denominations ; commonly &om HISTORY OF NATICK. 161 parts of the country a month's pay for a soldier would not buy a bushel of wheat for a family, and the pay of a Colonel would scarcely buy oats for his horse." Through not properly understanding this, many, in consulting the records, and noticing the appropriations and taxation, and seeing the enormous grants of this period, have been led into error. one to thirty dollars, several values being used that are now discarded, as six, eight, &c. They are mostly impressed with some appropriate motto ia Latin, as " The oppressed rise," ''By perseverance we conquer," " In thee. Lord, have I tnlsted." After the return to a better currency it was not unusual to see a hand ful of these bUls given to children to play with. 11 CHAPTEE XYI. Social Histoet. Benevolent Society. Lycecmi. Libearies. Tempeeanob Societies. Anti-Slaveey. Masonic Lodge. Lodqe op Odd Fellows. Sons OF Tempeeanob. Badgee's Seemon on Intempeeanoe. Conclusion. Since 1830 various associations have been formed in town, some for mutual improvement in knowledge, virtue, and power to use knowledge to the best advantage, as lyceums and benevolent so cieties ; others connected with the moral improvements of the age, temperance, anti-slavery, etc. The Natick Benevolent Society has the honor of being the oldest society of the kind In town, having been formed in 1832. Its object is " mutual assistance in social and intellectual culture, and to afford aid in the support of feeble churches at the West." Since 1840, a paper, styled the " Evening Boquet," has been conducted by the society, through the agency of a board of editors, chosen each an nual meeting. There are now 126 names upon the list of members. Of the 226 persons who have been connected with the society, fif teen have died, and several have removed from town. Since its or ganization twelve persons have been made life-members of the Mas sachusetts Home Missionary Society, five boxes of clothing have been sent to the West, donations have been made to several Indi viduals, and a room in the " SaUor's Home " in Boston, has been furnished. Three fairs have been holden, from which have been reaUzed six hundred doUars. The whole amount of money collected by the so ciety since Its formation is about $1,600. Of the eight original members, two only retain their connection with the society, four have died, and two removed from town. When this society was organized, there was but. one church, one minister, and ten dwelling houses within half a mile of the meeting house. No town house, no school house, no post office, no hotel, no lawyer, and no physician. The Natick Charitable Society was formed May 26th, 1835. It HISTORY OF NATICK. 163 was connected with the Sabbath School, and included many of the teachers and scholars. It met for nine years, monthly, at the same house. We find the names of John Travis, Daniel Wight, Jr., John Bacon, 3d, Edward Walcott, A. W. ThaJ^er, Samuel Hunt, among the male members ; among, the female, Susan Thayer, Lucy A. Bacon, Mary B. KimbaU. The society adopted a heathen youth, and named him Erasmus D. Moore, from the minister then settled over the parish. In 1845 the society discontinued its meetings. LYCEUMS. In 1835 the first Lyceum was formed in Natick, under the titie of the Natick Debating Society. Its thirteen original members were Austin Bacon, G. H. G. Buttrick, George Herring, John E. Moore, A. W. Thayer, Samuel S. Whitney, Henry Wilson, John A. Whit ney, Jonathan Walcott, Willard A. Wight, Calvin Leland, Edwin C. Morse. The object of the society was free and liberal discussion, either written or extemporaneous, of the current questions of the day, either political or scientific. This society continued its meetings till 1840, and was the parent of many simUar associations in town. The Natick Lyceum has fur nished to the citizens, each season, a course of lectures which are generally weU attended. LIBRARIES, ETC. But three public libraries, with the exception of those connected with the various Sabtath schools of the town, have ever been estab lished in Natick. The first was .a public circulating library, established in 1808, which contained about a hundred volumes. The proprietors for a long period took much interest in the library, and the books which are stiU preserved, exhibit evidence of being much read. The names of the proprietors are the same which appear on the records of that period most frequently. A library of standard works on religious subjects was established in 1817, by the assistance of a donation from the late George Homer, Esq., of Boston, and is stUl in existence, though but very little read. 164 HISTORY OF NATICK. The Citizens' Library, established in 1846, contains about five hun dred volumes of historical, biographical and scientific works, adapted to the wants of the general reader, and has been sustained thus far with the most cordial approval of the citizens. The annual meeting is on the second Wednesday of February. The directors meet on the Monday preceding the annual meeting of the proprietors, and on the second Wednesdays of the months of May, August, and No vember. Several affiliated societies have been instituted in town. The Meridian Lodge of Free Masons, the Cochituate Division of the Sons of Temperance, and the Takawampait Lodge of Odd Fellows. Numerous other associations, benevolent, religious, etc., connected with particular denominations or parishes, and more or less local and limited in their character, exist, which we have not alluded to, because they are not sufficiently extended in their influence to give character to the place. Masonry was introduced into this country, according to Masonic chronology, July 30th, 5733.* A lodge was then formed in Boston, by virtue of a commission from the Grand Master in Eng land. The Massachusetts Grand Lodge was estabhshed in Boston, De cember 27, 5769, and descended by Masonic transmission from the Grand Master of Scotiand. On the 19th of June, 5792, a Grand Masonic Union was formed by these two Grand Lodges, and aU dis tinctions between ancient and modern Masons were abolished. The Lodges of Massachusetts were divided into twelve districts, each having a District Deputy Grand Master. The Lodge now at Natick was first organized at Watertown, thence removed to Newton, thence to Natick. It is designated the Meridian Lodge, and contains about fifty members. The Takawampait Lodge of Odd Fellows was instituted at Natick, February 18th, 1845, for the object, as expressed in their Constitu tion, of affording assistance to each other In the hour of sickness, and of cultivating the feelings of friendship, love, and truth among the members. " They are taught to consider themselves as a band of brothers, and hence, to whatever part of the globe an Odd FeUow may travel, should difficulty overtake him, he is sure of assistance from any other member of the Order he may chance to meet." * This reduced to common time would be A. D. 1733. HISTORY OF NATICK. 165 A twin brother of the two societies last named, is the Cochituate Division of the Sons of Temperance. It was established December 11, 1848, for the purpose of shielding each other from the evUs of intemperance, of affording assistance in case of sickness, and elevating the character of its members, as men. One of the first rules of the order Is, that no member shall use as a beverage any spirituous or malt liquors, wine or cider. The notice of this association is a proper Introduction to the history of the temperance reform itself in town, without which no history of the place would be complete. Natick claims in this great moral reform of the age, ever to have been found first among the foremost. Unyielding friends of the cause, now surrounded by hundreds of supporters, still remain in the field, after having battled with and defeated assaUants of all descrip tions. They have regarded it as a contest involving the lives of millions, as a.stern struggle to seize upon and discover the best method of promoting the highest interests of the race ; and when In the commencement they were told they were meddling with that in which they had no concern, they retorted that the well-being of their chUdren, the happiness and respectabiUty of their brothers and friends, were matters of their own, in which they had a vital in terest. When they had made another step and were met with the plea of moral suasion and danger of reaction, they have given another turn to the screw, and retorted, that moral suasion was for those who needed to be convinced, and that reaction was always weaker than the action. They have planted themselves on the truth, that the traffic was productive of criminality and sin, and have needed no farther incentives to apply to it the usual remedies for such evils. When they have been told, farther along, that individual rights and personal privileges were endangered, they replied that no man had a right to injure himself or others, and that personal privileges were constantly being infringed In the progress of truth and right. They have at different times grasped the hand of the Washingto- nian, then lamented his downfall, greeted the " Fifteen Gallon Law," mourned at Its repeal, and again been cheered by the enactment of . the Maine Law. We have had placed in our hands a curious document, relating to the temperance reformation in this place, prior to the commencement of the present century, — " Two sermons of Rev. Mr. Badger's, on 166 HISTORY OF NATICK. the subject of Intemperance."- It wiU be recollected that Mr. Bad ger left preaching in 1799, so that these sermons must have been delivered before 1800. We give the substance of them. " Ephesians 5 : 18. 'And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess.' The Ephesians, in common with other GentUes before their conversion to the faith of the Gospel, were addicted to a variety of enormous sins. Among these intemperance was not the least. Though they had renounced the errors of their heathen state, they were stUl exposed to many temptations, and liable, when off their guard, to fall Into those sins, in which, before they embraced Christi anity, they had freely indulged. The apostie, therefore, in this chapter, and in other parts of this epistie, more than hints at several of their old enormities, enters repeated cautions against them, and exhorts to the practice of those duties which their new profession laid them under peculiar obligation to perform. In the text he particularly warns them against drunkenness as a vice that is directly contrary to that sobriety which the grace of God, manifested in the Gospel, is designed to teach us. Be not drunk with wine, that is, with any intoxicating liquor, '¦wherein is excess.' In order to prevent their faUing into this sin, and others which were likely to flow from it, as effects. In the last clause of the verse of which the text is part, the apostle exhorts to ' he filled with the Spirit.' Instead of unmanning and debasing yourselves by the excessive gratification of those appetites which belong to mere animal nature, and particularly by being over-charged with wine or any other intoxicating liquor, let it be your prayer and solicitous concern to be filled with the good spirit of God, to b,e under the influence of that spirit which the Gospel breathes, and to abound In those fruits which are produced by the assistance of the Divine Spirit. For in these there is no danger of excess. The Influence of this Spirit wiU enable you to restrain and regulate your animal propensities and to keep them in proper subjection to the higher power of reason, and to the precepts of God's word. It is proposed to make a few observations, which may show what is Implied in the text, then briefly to explain the nature and represent the guilt of the sin of drunkenness, point out some of the sad and pernicious effects of this great and growing evU, and improve the whole by such particular addresses as the subject may fairly direct. HISTORY OP NATICK. 167 With regard to the first, the text floes not require a total absti nence from wine or any other refreshing Uquor, it merely guards against an immoderate use of them, against drinking them to excess ; that is, using them to such a degree as to obtsruct and prevent the regular, full, and free exercise of reason and understanding, or making so free with spirituous liquors as to injure health, impair strength, and in any measure indispose and unfit us for the stated, diligent, and conscientious discharge of the duties of life and reli gion. The person so using them is guilty of the sin of intemperance, and justly chargeable with all the consequences it produces. Though there may be some who are not guUty of such excess as totally to drown their reason, stupefy their senses, and wholly unfit themselves for the labors and duties of life, yet If they make it their daUy or frequent practice to drink to such a degree as to disorder their rational faculties, to stupefy their consciences, and In any man ner to disincline or unfit them for religious duties, and for the civU and laborious employments of life, whether it be perceived by others or not, they are verily guilty in the sight of God. We may add that as causes are best known by their effects, so the nature and aggravated guilt of the sin of drunkenness will appear in a more glaring point of light by taking a view of some of the sad and piernlclous fruits which it generally produces. In the first place, it is of pernicious consequences to men's worldly interest. In how many instances has this observation been realized! How common a thing has it been for persons addicted to this vice, who have begun the world with a considerable Interest in possession, or at least with capacity, and with the means and opportunity of acquiring it, to be reduced to want and distressing poverty ! Have we not known some who have been brought to nakedness and hunger, to the most abject wretchedness, and to the want of a place in which to put their heads, by means of hard drinking ? or have been brought under confinement by the hands of civil authority for not satisfying the righteous demands of their creditors, by spending their earnings for strong drinks, which should have been applied to the payments of their just debts ? Or, if they have escaped the hands of justice, it has been by skulking and hiding themselves ; or they have spent the time which should have been employed In some profitable labor, in wandering about from place to place, seekuig to gratify their insatiable appetite by the liberality, or rather Indiscreet generosity 168 HISTORY OF NATICK. of others, after they had lost their credit, and put it out of their power to procure the means of intemperance themselves, by having run through their patrimony, or the gains they had made before the bewitching love of Uquor had taken such entire possession of them, through the want of timely resistance ; and by this means they have brought not only themselves, but, which is very sad and affecting, by not providing for those of their own household, have reduced their innocent families, their wives and children, to shame, to want, and beggary. How much has it cost some for strong drink In the course of a year ? More perhaps than their family expenses for the neces saries of life, especiaUy if we take into account its other IU conse quences ; for as it is and must be very expensive, so it proves the occasion of misspending and consuming much precious time. Instead of being at home and employed in the proper business of their caUing to procure necessaries and conveniences for themselves and their famUies, they are abroad at taverns and other places of resort, where a plenty of liquor is expected, and drinking away their time and senses together. Again, those who drink to excess not only waste their worldly substance, impoverish themselves and families, and misspend precious time, but they indispose and unfit themselves for the proper business and duties of their secular calling. How many days have been lost, and worse than lost by hard drinking over night ! What habits of sloth and idleness are contracted ! These make the drunkard more and more averse to labor, and to the proper employments of life. Besides, how liable is a man in a fit of drunkenness, or when he is only in a considerable degree raised by the fumes of strong drink, to be imposed on and defrauded by the crafty and designing, and by every one who is inclined to take advantage of him ! When he is thus Intoxicated or elevated with drink, his reason is so asleep or benumbed, impaired or beclouded, that he knows not or does not consider what he does ; and how often has the poor intoxicated creature been enticed to make bad and destructive bargains, and to enter Into such engagements as are injurious to his worldly interests, and sometimes to subscribe instruments to the detriment, if not total ruin, of himself and family as to this world ! By these means does the drunkard come to poverty and want. But this is not the only sad consequence of the excessive use of spirituous liquors. It also deprives them of that reputation or good HISTORY OF NATICK. 169 name which the wise man tells us is rather to he chosen than great riches. As men in their drunken fits act beneath the dignity of their nature, as reasonable creatures, and are unfit for the society and conversation of the wise and sober, they are accordingly shunned and avoided. In their cups they expose themselves to the ridicule of some, to the pity of others, and to the just abhorrence of all, by the overflowings of their foolish and silly, their Indecent and filthy, their profane and wicked. If not beastly and diabolical, communica tions. What foolish questions will they ask ! What impertinent answers wUl they make 1 How incoherent and Inconsistent in their talk 1 How unguarded and unbecoming their expressions ! Discre tion, honor, and modesty, are frequently laid aside, secrets divulged, their friends exposed, and all who stand in any relation to them ashamed and grieved, offended and hurt. How disagreeable, and even shocking, does the drunkard appear in the eyes of the wise and sober, the virtuous and good ! To see a creature in human shape deprived of the use of that reason which is the distinguishing glory of man, reeling and staggering along the road, or wandering out of his way, his heart full of vanity and folly, his mouth of cursing and bitterness, and uttering unseemly and perverse things, his passions let loose, his senses stupefied, and the whole man degraded below the beasts which have no understanding, — this is a spectacle which, however it may excite the laughter and mirth of some, is indeed one of the most melancholy and mortifying which a wise and thoughtful person can behold, and is as disgraceful to the man himself as it is offensive to others, and displeasing to the God who made him. Again, drunkenness seldom if ever stands alone. As was hinted before, it is a leading vice. One of its first effects Is impurity and uncleanness. Unchaste desires, immodest language, and wantonness of behavior are Its usual effects. The passions, which were before sufficiently ungovernable and headstrong, receive additional motion and strength. The sensual appetites are kindled into an unholy flame. Again, intoxicating Uquor, when taken to excess, prepares the way for contention and every evil work. It frequently leads to outrages and abusive language, which kindle the fire of contention. Conten tion, when begun. Increases by the cause which first excited it. Anger produces anger ; from hard words and provoking speeches 170 HISTORY OF NATICK. they press on to blows and fightings ; the effects of these have in many instances been bloodshed and murder. Thus drunkenness by a natural and direct tendency leads to uncleanness, to acts of impiety and profaneness, to strife and conten tion, to bloodshed and slaughter, and every other sin to which man kind are prone. For what sin is there which a man may not commit' when he is deprived of his reason ? Our Saviour exhorts to " take heed to ourselves lest at any time our heart be overcharged with surfeiting and drunkenness." But a man in drink puts it out of his power to e-tercise a proper caution ; he can neither watch nor pray lest he enter Into temptation, he is unfit to guard against it. The caution cannot and wIU not be of any advantage to him for that time, through his neglect to give heed to it in season, before the temptation had its effect. Again, the sin of drunkenness wounds the conscience; hardens the heart, and deprives a man of that peace and tranquilUty of mind which a wise and sober person would not part with for the world What bitter reflections must sometime be the effects of drinking to excess ! When the fumes Of strong drink are dissipated, when the storm of passion is abated, when a man comes to himself, when his reason reassumes its office in the soul, when his conscience writes bitter things against him, then it severely reproves him, then '¦ It bites Uke a serpent and stings like an adder.' Or if the drunkard is so far advanced in this unmanly, disgraceful and piernicious evil, and so habituated to it as to be without these bitter reflections, when the intoxicating draught has spent its force, and what remains of reason returns to its feeble empire in the soul, his case is stUl worse and more desperate, and he is more the object of our pity. It is a sad symptom Indeed, and a token that his conscience is seared and past the sense of feeling, when it ceases to warn him of his danger, and lets him alone tiU It awakens and rouses him up in that place of torment, where the worm of conscience will never die, and ihe fire of divine wrath wUl never be quenched. Again, by the excessive use of strong drinks men unfit themselves for useful members of society. As they cannot serve God accept ably so neither are they capable of serving their generation, as it is the will of God every man should according to his opportunities and abilities. How many persons of good natural abilities and acquired endowments render themselves utterly incapable of being serviceable HISTORY OF NATICK. IU to the community of which they are members, of sustaining various offices and filling important departments in civil Ufe, only by giving indulgence to a more than brutish appetite for strong drink ! For if they cannot govern themselves, if they cannot command and restrain their appetites, and regulate and manage their own affairs, surely they are unfit to direct, and incapable of leading and con ducting the affairs of others ; so that the sot at best Is but a useless. Insignificant cipher in human society, a mere blank, and of all men the most unqualified and unfit to serve his generation. Again, drunkenness unfits men for Christian fellowship and com munion. It incapacitates them for the enjoyment of the special privUeges and ordinances of the Gospel. They cannot, as the apostle tells the Corinthians, drink the cup of •the Lord, and the cup of devils ; that is, they cannot be worthy com municants" at the Lord's table, whUe at the same time they partake of that intoxicating cup which renders them fit only for the society of the devU, and to do his service and drudgery : for what fellow ship hath Christ, or the members of his body, with drunkards ? How dare such persons to drink of the consecrated wine, and be filled with ihat,ov any other \i<\\xor wherein is excess? We next observe, that drunkenness is injurious and destructive to the health and life of man. Spirituous liquors, especiaUy when used to excess, are allowed by some of the most skilful physicians, and by the best writers, to be of pernicious consequences to our bodily con- ¦stitutions ; and they frequently lay a foundation for mental distem pers, and untimely death. ' Who hath woe ? ' says the wise man, ' Who hath sorrow ? Who hath contentions ? Who hath wounds without cause ? Who hath redness of eyes ? ' The answer to these short queries Is, ' They who tarry long at the wine, they who go to seek mixed wine. ' ' Woe unto them that rise up early in the morn ing, that they may foUow strong drink, that continue untU night until wine inflame them. Woe unto them that are mighty to drink wme, and men of strength to mingle strong drink.' Those who make drinking to excess their daily or frequent practice, at once wasting their precious time, and abusing God's creatures, at the same time impair the health of their bodies, as well as endanger the salvation of their immortal souls. And though there may be some who do not drink such quantities as to bring on any great de gree of intoxication, yet they may heat and inflame themselves to 172 HISTORY OF NATICK. such a degree, as to bring on surfeits, disorders, and death. To how many hurtful and fatal accidents is the drunkard exposed in his cups ! Sometimes by falling from his beast, that is more rational and sober than himself, as he Is returning from taverns or other drinking places ; at other times stumbUng over any obstacle that Ues in his way, and thereby breaking his limbs, or bruising his flesh when he escapes with his Ufe. In the last place drunkenness shuts men out of the Kingdom of Heaven. As it unfits them for the society of their fellow creatures and feUow Christians here, so much more does it disquaUfy them for the gracious and immediate presence and intercourse of their Maker and Saviour, for the company of holy angels, and the society of ' just men made perfect,' in that holy city, into which nothing entereth which ' defileth or worketh abomination.' Drunkards, among other high-handed offenders, are cautioned against deceiving themselves, and are expressly told, in the word of God, that ' they shall not in herit the kingdom of God ; that the wrath of God cometh on the chUdren of disobedience,' and upon drunkards among the rest, who in the text and other passages of scripture, are plainly warned against excessive drinking, and they who indulge themselves in this and other works of the fiesh. As they cannot please God, so are they the objects of his just abhorrence ; and if they remain Impenitent and unre- formed, he wiU consign them to the regions of darkness, despair and endless torment, where they wiU repent Indeed, but not with repen tance unto life, because it will be fruitiess, unavaUing and ever lasting. 1. To young people. Dear young friends, you have had set before you the defiling and contagious, nature, and the sad and de plorable effects of the sin of drunkenness. Let me entreat you to remember, that the way of vice is down hUl ; if you once give your self up to a free use of spirituous liquors, you wUl soon make large strides in the road to drunkenness, and it is to be feared, in a little time wiU become confirmed sots. If, therefore, you love yourselves ; if you have any concern for the health of your bodies and the peace of your minds ; if you are desirous of acquiring and preserving a good name, and of living in repute with the wise and good ; if It is your aim and ambition to be prosperous and successful in your worldly business, and to promote your secular interest, as you very lawfully may within certain bounds ; HISTORY OF NATICK. 173 if you would prevent the grief and displeasure of your parents and superiors ; above all, if you would prevent the displeasure and be happy in the favor of your Maker, and secure the salvation of your souls, let me beseech and entreat you to keep at a distance from the intoxicating cup ; to avoid all commerce and society with those who show a love for strong drinks, and are sottishly inclined. And let me affectionately charge you to shun those places, whether taverns or private houses, where strong liquor is plentifully used. Exercise a proper caution in time, before this bewitching practice is formed into a settled habit, that you may be aware of your danger, and to put you upon earnest prayer to the Author of your being, for the as sistance and restraints of his grace, without which the strongest res olutions and efforts of your own may lead you as feathers before tho wind of temptation. 2. I now turn to parents and heads of families. I cannot but conclude that all heads of families, whether as parents, or masters and mistresses, are desirous that their children and servants should abstain from that pernicious vice on which we have been discoursing. It is so contrary to the common sense and reason of every one ; it is so solemnly exposed in the word of God, it has such a beautlfu tendency, and is followed with such direful effects, that a man must be void of all natural affection, and of all sense of duty, not to be filled with concern, even to anxiety, for the chUdren of his own bowels, and for others who are placed under his care, lest they should be initiated and established In those habits of drinking spirituous liquors to excess, which are followed with such a train of evUs. You must be sensible It Is your duty to improve aU proper occasion to remon strate against so heinous a sin, and to put them upon their guard against aU temptation to it, and to prevent, as much as In you lies, their going to such places as expose them to the aUurements of those sons of Ucentiousness, who are known to be inclined to excess, and use their Influence to intoxicate others. But with what countenance can you exert that authority with which your Maker and Master in heaven has clothed you — with what assurance can you exhort and charge your children and servants, — or with what propriety or con sistence can you set before them the guUt and danger of frequenting taverns and other drinking houses, and taking down large quantities of spirituous and Intoxicating liquors, If at the same time your own practice and example speak quite another language ; and which, if it 174 HISTORY OF NATICK. had its full influence, would be more powerful and effectual than aU your admonitions and remonstrances to the contrary ? Should any of you, after you have been abroad, either at a public house, or at the house of a neighbor and acquaintance, return home overcome with strong drink, unable to give your words their full sound, arid yet perhaps full of talk, exposing yourselves, by your impertinence and folly, if not by the outbreaklngs of the angry and rougher passions, what a figure must you make in the eyes of a sober and virtuous woman to whom you stand in the nearest relation ! How must she be affected by so melancholy a spectacle, sometimes casting her eyes upon you with an aspect of full concern and pity, and perhaps some mixture of just resentment ; then upon her chil dren with looks fuU of grief and dejection, with the language of most expressive silence, unable to utter herself either to you or to them ! To them what can she say relating to you, but what must, at least implicitly. Impeach and censure your conduct ? And what can she say to you, to which you wUl pay any regard, if those faculties are stupefied by the fumes of liquors, which should lend a Ustening ear to what she might offer, with all the prudence and tenderness which could be reasonably expected from one in so perplexed a situation ? But there is a supposition which strikes the mind more forcibly, and is really more grevlous and confounding than this ; it is that of the other head of the family being overcharged and disordered by the operation of strong drink. To see a woman In this condition, setting aside aU the deUcacy, modesty, and sobriety of her sex, so far from " managing her affairs with discretion " like a good house wife, that she is unable to manage them at all ; to see her dis gorging her folly through the want of regard to the modest reserve, which, when properly timed, sits so agreeably on the sex ; to see and hear her venting her rage or her vanity, according to the ascend ency which different passions may* have over her ; to behold a fe male form overspread with all the marks and tokens which usually attend a fit of drunkenness ; her chUdren around her without dkec- tion, without instruction, and in vain caUing upon her for the sup plies of daily food, or warm and decent clothing, which it is her province to prepare for them ; her husband nonplussed, discon certed, grieved, and justiy offended, her sex disgraced, and aU who are any way connected with her ashamed. Had not some parents been too remiss in the important duty of HISTORY OF NATICK. 175 restraining their children and others of their household, and allowed them to be too much at their own disposal, it is probable there would not be so many instances of young persons being so vicious, and so much inclined to excess, as there now are. If, therefore, you have the common feelings of humanity, and much more, if you have any parental affection and bowels of Christian compassion for the souls and bodies of your children, if you have any concern for their repu tation and usefulness in this world, and for their everlasting happiness in the next, keep them from such disorderly houses, and from asso ciating with those who are known to be given to excess. And if it is your duty to prevent your chUdren from frequenting taverns and drinking to excess, certainly you are under obligation to (abstain from them yourselves. Taverns were never designed for town dwellers, and the consequence of your example may be great. I have been thus plain in setting forth the dreadful consequence of frequenting taverns, from an earnest desire of throwing in my mite to prevent their taking place. But the text and subject leads me. Thirdly, to form a more particular address to those who are li censed to keep public houses of entertainment, and to vend and retail spirituous liquors. There is scarcely any person in common life, who has so great an Influence, either to be serviceable or hurtful to society or individuals, as your employment gives occEisIon for you to be. As you conduct in your particular department, so the morals of many among us will be more or less affected. Suffer me, therefore, with all freedom which is consistent with decency, and with all that plainness which may be used without giving offence, to put to you the foUowing queries : — In the first place, then, do you keep close to the original design of your appointment to this business, which is almost entirely fon the refreshment and accommodation of those who are journeying, and of those who cannot, without great Inconvenience and expense, transact some particular kinds of business elsewhere, and also that private famUies may not be incommoded by traveUers on the road, especially at unseasonable hours ? If you suffer town dwellers to sit drinking. and carousing in your houses untU ten or eieven o'clock in the evening, or untU midnight, or beyond it, do you not act beside the intention of your being aUowed to keep public houses, and pervert their uge and design ? 176 HISTORY OF NATICK. But this is not all. Are not the consequences with respect to those whom you thus indulge, very pernicious ? A total neglect of family worship in the evening, if not in your own famiUes, which surely cannot be so seriously and composedly attended, yet in the families of those you thus entertain, and an unfitness for the performance of it in the morning after such excesses ! A wasting of the earnings of the day, to the injury and distress of almost half starved famiUes at home ; misspending precious time ; inverting the order of nature, turn ing night Into day ! Inability to satisfy the most righteous demands of those who have furnished them upon credit with the necessaries of Ufe ! Casting off the fear of God, and ruining their souls ! Sup pose your own children should be reduced to this, through the indul gence and aUurements of others ; would it not raise the warmest in dignation in your breasts, and draw the severest censures from you ? And should not such examples in others be improved as cautions to every one how they in the least degree administer the means, or are instrumental of such wretchedness and misery? They have precious and immortal souls, the salvation of which, if you have a proper sense of its importance, you will think It your duty, as much as in you lies, to promote, beside which, they are your fellow creatures, and members of the same body politic with you. In these two respects you are connected with them, and are obliged, by the bonds of nature and the ties of civU society, to prevent them as much as possible from doing themselves and those nearly related to them any harm. I therefore warn you against the evUs which have been enumerated ; against being concerned and instrumental in the least degree in the intoxication of any, or in the consequences which usually proceed from excessive drinking. I leave what has been offered, to your serious consideration, and to the blessing of God to make It successful I To conclude, let us all be upon our guard whUe inhabitants of this ensnaring world, and whUe we carry about with us these bodies of . flesh, the appetites of which are so apt to be irregular, and to exceed their proper bounds, even in things lawful and allowable. And to our watchfulness let us add prayer to God for the aids of his grace, without which we shall fail in a day of trial. Let us remember that the exact boundaries between sobriety and intemperance are so Im perceptible, like the shades in a picture, or the colors of a rainbow, that it is difficult to determine precisely where the one begins and HISTORY OF NATICK. 177 the other ends, and that, therefore, it wUl be the wisest and safest to keep at a distance from the utmost limits, and rather to refrain In some things, which may be innocent and lawful, than to go beyond and indulge ourselves In those which are not so. Let us also be careful to distinguish between temperance, as it is a natural, and as it is a moral and Christian virtue ; and also as it is confined to an abstinence from the excessive use of strong drink, and as it extends to all those duties which are included in the general idea of sobriety. We may be strictiy sober and temperate as to meats and drinks, either from covetousness, from motives of worldly prudence, or from a regular and weU-poised constitution, which may be so far from in clining u3 to excess this way, that it may rather make us averse to every irregularity. But let us consider that we must be so from conscience towards God ; and that humility, contentment, and the government of all the passions of the mind, as well as the appetites of the body, are no less branches of that sobriety which Christianity requires of us, and that we are under the same obligations to prac tise them, as we are to observe the rules of temperance and moder ation in the use of spirituous and intoxicating liquors. Let us far ther consider, that the same reason and authority which enjoin sobriety and temperance, obUge us also to the practice of righteous ness and piffty ; and that if we are ever so eminent in our apprehen sion, and in the eyes of others, in either of these, separate and apart from the rest, we shall be so manifestly partial and defective in our obedience, that our righteousness or goodness will not exceed that of the ancient Scribes and Pharisees, without which we cannot have ad mission into the Kingdom of Heaven. Let us therefore see to it, that we exercise a reverential regard to God in all the duties of piety, gratitude, and supreme affection ; a conscientious regard to the rules of justice, charity, and benevolence ; and especiaUy a grateful, confidential, and obedient regard to our Lord Jesus Christ, in his various offices, and as that divine person through whose mediation, atonement, and intercession alone, we have any ground to hope for acceptance with God in the ways of well doing, and by the Influence and acceptance of whose Spirit, we are enabled to live soberiy, righteously, and godly in the world. Let each of these have a proper place, and their due weight and impor tance with us ; and may we all be pious and temnerate, faithful, and 12 178 HISTORY OF NATICK. just to the end of life, and finaUy receive the rewards of surfhin the world above, through the merit and advocacy of our Great Redeem er. Amen, and Amen." The ladies of the place have cheered on these efforts, have formed themselves into societies, and visited the homes of inebriates, and cast the rumseUer from their sympathy and regard. The friends of the cause have at times during the progress of the. strife, been cheered by the exchange of congratulations and good wishes. In 1845 a banner was presented by the Martha Washing ton Society, to the Young Men's Temperance Society. The occa sion was so Interesting and important, that none will regret the In sertion of an account of it in the present volume. The exercises took place in the Congregational Church, which was crowded with citizens and strangers. Miss Bacon, (now the wife of B. F. Ham, Esq.,) acted as the representative of the ladies, and Hon. Henry Wilson, of the Young Men's Temperance Society. The following is a copy of Miss Bacon's speech, and of General WUson's reply to it : — " Mr. President and Gentlemen of the Young Men's Temperance Society : — This occasion is a most appropriate one for expressing our thanks to you for the present interesting and prosperous state of the Temperance Reform in this vUlage. But a few weeks since, when this good cause seemed languishing, you came to the rescue, formed a society, and not merely adopted resolutions, but followed them with vigorous and persevering action. Your labors have not been In vain, and are worthy of our sincere commendation. What should the ladies do but foUow so noble an example ? We felt that it was a cause that had done much for woman, and one in which she must not be contented with a sUent part. We therefore formed a Martha Washington Society, in be half of which I now address you. We wish to assure you of our sympathy and cooperation, and as a testimonial of our friendship we novv present you with this banner. AUow me to call your atten tion to its motto : ' Man, the image of God.' You are aware that nothing tends so much to destroy this glorious Image as intemperance ; therefore slay its destroyer. Let aU your movements be characterized by dignity and love, and at the same HISTORY OF NATICK. 179 time be fearless and bold in reproving the sin, wherever and in whatever form it may be found. Teach by precept and example that the pledge is a sacred oath that may not be trifled with, with Impunity ; and may your course be onward, may the star of hope iUumine your path until Its beams are lost in the brightness of a fuU and perfect victory." Mr. WUson replied as follows : — " Madam : — In receiving at your hands this beautiful banner from the ladies of the Martha Washington Society, permit me. In return, in behalf of my associates, to tender to you and the ladies whose organ you are, our sincere and grateful acknowledgments for this expression of your favor. For this evidence of zeal in our cause, and regard for our success, you have the thanks of many warm and generous hearts, that will ever throb with grateful recollection of your kindness till they shall cease to beat forever. We receive, madam, with the deepest and liveliest sensibility, the kind sentiments you have ex pressed in behalf of our Society. Be assured that these sentiments are appreciated and reciprocated by us. You have this day, ladles, consecrated and devoted this banner to the great moral movement of the age. We accept its guardianship with mingled feelings of pride, hope, and joy. It is indeed a fit and noble tribute, an offering worthy of the cause and of you. May its fair folds never be stained or dishonored by any act of ours. Taste ful and expressive in design and execution, we prize it highly for its intrinsic worth, but we prize it still higher as a manifest and enduring memorial of your devotion to principle and duty. Ever proud shall we be to unroll its gorgeous folds to the sunshine and tho breeze, to gather round it and raUy under It, and guard and defend it, as we would defend from every danger its fair and generous donors. It was not intended that the eye should feast alone on its splendor, but that so often as the eye should gaze upon it, a quick and lively ap preciation of the transcendent magnitude of the cause to which you have devoted it, should live in our understanding and affict our hearts. Ours is a peaceful reform, a moral warfare. We are not caUed upon to leave our homes and the loved ones that cluster around our domestic altars, to go to the field of bloody strife, on an errand of 180 HISTORY OF NATICK. wrath and hatred. Our battles are bloodless, our victories are tearless. Yet the contest in which we are engaged is a fearful one, for it is a struggle with the vitiated and depraved appetites and passions of our fallen race, foes that have triumphed over earth's brightest and fairest, over all that is noble in man and lovely in woman. These foes have gathered their victims from every clime and every age. No age, sex, or condition has escaped — heroes who have led their mailed legions over a hundred fields of glory and renown, and planted their victorious eagles on the capitals of conquered nations — states men who have wielded the destinies of mighty empires, setting up and pulling down thrones and dynasties, and stamping the impress of their genius upon the institutions of their age — orators who have held listening senates in mute and rapt admiration, and whose elo quence has thrown a hale of imperishable Ught and unfading glory over their age and nation — scholars who have laid under contribu tion the vast domains of matter and mind, grasping and mastering the mighty problems of moral, intellectual, and physical science, and left behind them monuments of toU and wisdom, for the study and admiration of all ages, hate been the victims, the slaves of these foes — foes which we have pledged ourselves to conquer. In this fearful contest we wiU bear aloft this banner, and when the conflict thickens, when trials, doubts, and temptations come around us like the floods, may it glitter through the gloom, like a beacon light over the dark and troubled waste of waters, a sign of hope and promise, to which may come, in the hour of loneliness, sorrow and penitence, some erring and fallen brother. You can sustain us by your prayers, and cheer us by your approving smiles. You can visit, as you have done, the drunkard's home of poverty, destitution, and misery, and by offices of kindness and charity do something to dry up the tears and alleviate the wants of its neglected and sorrowing inmates. Every great struggle for humanity has been blessed by woman's prayers, and aided by her generous toil. The history of our country, of our own renowned Commonwealth, is full of the noblest instances of her constancy and devotion. She trod with our fathers the deck of the Mayflower. She sat beside them in unrepining and uncom plaining constancy as they gathered in council, houseless and homeless in mid-winter, to lay, in prayers and tears, the found ations of a free Christian Commonwealth. In the long, perilous HISTORY OF NATICK. 181 stirnggles with the wUd'sons of the forest, she shared without com plaint their privations and dangers. And in the great struggle for independence, she counselled the wise, infused courage into the brave, armed fathers, husbands, sons, and brothers, and sent them to the field where freedom was to be won by blood. In the great struggle in which we are engaged to free our native land from the blighting, withering, soul-destroying curse of intemperance, our fair country women have shown that they inherit the virtues' of our patriotic mothers. Ladies ! you have this day given us substantial evidence of your friendship, sympathy, and cooperation. May we not then indulge the hope that our Societies wUl move along in union and harmony, each in its appropriate sphere of duty, laboring to hasten on the day when every drunkard shall be redeemed and restored to his manhood and to society ? Friends and associates ! We shall doubtless in the changes and mutations of Ufe be caUed to separate. Wherever we may go, on the land or on the sea, in our own or other cUmes, may a deep and abiding sense of duty go with us. May the influences of this hour be ever upon us. May this banner, the gift of those near and dear to us, ever float in our mind's eye, inciting us to duty, and guarding us in the hour of temptation. And when life's labors are done, its trials over and its honors won, may each of us have the proud con sciousness that we have kept the pledge inviolate, that we have done something in our day and generation for our race, something that shall cause our names and memories to be mentioned with respect and gratitude, when ' the golden bowl shall be broken and the silver cord hosed,' when our ' bodies ' shall have mouldered and mingled with the dust, and ' our spirits 'have returned to God who gave them.' " Among the leaders in this movement may be enumerated, as its unyielding friends in its first commencement and during its progress. Rev. Stephen Badger, Rev. Isaac Jennison, John Bacon, 8d, Hon. Chester Adams, Rev. Martin Moore. It has been advocated from the pulpit on the Sabbath, and in every house has it been proclaimed to be a duty to abstain from intoxicating drinks. Young men felt the influence of these teachings, and now attribute their respecta- bUity and enjoyment to the fact that they have ever given heed to the lesson. 182 HISTORY OF NATICK. The results of efforts in this cause, so far as they can be expressed in words, are these : Thirteen places for the sale of intoxicating drinks have been closed ; more than that number who trafficked in it to some extent, have abandoned it. A perceptible and almost universal change in the customs of the people is everywhere seen — in the houses, in the social habits of the village, in the public opinion of what is hospitable and kind. Strong drinks are no longer common refreshments for friends, nor used at committee meetings, musters, law-suits, or weddings. FINIS, APPENDIX APPENDIX. OLD AND NEW STYLE. The New Style was adopted by Great Britain in 1751, when a law was passed enacting that the year 1752 should begin on the first day of January, that the 3d of September should be reckoned the 14th, and that the intermediate eleven days should be omitted from the calendar. In the Old or JuUan Style the year began the 25th of March, and contained 365 days, 6 hours ; in the New or Gregorian Style the year began the 1st of January, and contained 365 days, 5 hours, 49 minutes, 12 seconds, differing from the true tropical year 22 seconds only, and making a difference in the two styles of one day in 129 years. One is made nearly conformable to the other by dropping one day from the Old and adding one to the New In each century, excepting every fourth, whose centennial year is considered Leap Year. 186 APPENDIX. DOUBLE DATING* Several instances occur in the course of our work of " double dating, " deeds, &c., bearing a date of two years, as 1734-5, &c. It is proper that this practice should be explained. It is to be referred to the alteration in the calendar. After the calendar was corrected by Pope Gregory XIII, In 1582, though the correction was immediately adopted by all Catholic countries, it was not adopted by England until 1752. Most of the other nations having adopted the New Style, it was thought proper to pay some regard to it by double dating. It could be used only between January 1st and March 25th. Thus In the first example in the history, March 8, 1656-7, It would be '56 in the Old Style, because the year according to that style would not close until March 25 ; but in the New Style it would be '57, because the year according to that style had already commenced on the 1st of January. Double dating ceased about 1752. The New Style was generally adopted and the Old forgotten. A^^-^^. APPENDIX. 187 WILLIAM BIGELOW. Mr. Buckingham, in his newspaper reminiscences, gives some account of Bigelow and his works, which will not be uninteresting to those who remember him, or to all lovers of poetry and good fellowship. " He graduated the second scholar in his class, and all his class mates thought he should have been first. After he left college he taught a school in Lancaster, and commenced a course of study with Rev. Nathaniel Thayer, of that town, intending to follow the profession of a clergyman. While here he wrote ' Omnium Gath erum,' for the Federal Orrery. To add to his ' slender means ' of support, while pursuing his preparatory study, he engaged in the management of the YlUage Messenger, and subsequently wrote for the Massachusetts Magazine, pubUshed in Boston. I have not been able to ascertain the precise time when Mr. Bigelow began to preach. It must have been in 1799 or 1800. About this time he settled in Salem as a teacher, and had a private classical school of great celebrity, preaching occasionally as circum stances favored his disposition for that employment. He was frequently called upon to preach in tho church in Brattie square, Boston. He removed from Salem to Boston to take charge of the Public Latin SchooL This place he held several years, and a part of that time suppUed the pulpit of the meeting-house in HoUis street, after the death of the Rev. Dr. West and previous to the settiement of Rev. Horace HoUey. Several of his pupils are still living to testify to his worth. Among these are Hon. Edward Everett, Rev. N. L. Frothingham, Charles P. Curtis, Esq., and Dr. Edward Reynolds. A propensity to convivial indulgence, first acquired no doubt at coUege, brought on infirm health, which compelled him to leave the school and retire to his native viUage. He passed some time in Maine, keeping school and writing for newspapers ; but Natidk was his home, and there he always found a retreat when pursued by poverty 188 APPENDIX. and sickness. He was accustomed to walk to Boston, sometimes to ride with people who followed the marketing business, and spend a day or two in the newspaper printing offices, write poetry for his friends the editors, and then return to his rural retreat. The latter part of his life he spent principally at Cambridge, where he was employed as a proof-reader at the University printing offce. This was an employment suited to his age and taste. WhUe he was engaged in teaching Mr. Bigelow prepared and published several books for the use of pupils preparing for a coUe- giate course, which were approved and much used. In 1830 he published a short history of Natick and Sherborn. But it ia by his poetical pieces of wit and humor that he will be most delightfully remembered. In 1844 he was engaged in proof-reading in an establishment in Boston which had just been removed from Cam bridge. On the morning of January 10th he was seized with apo plexy and lingered untU the evening of the 12th, when he died. His remains were interred at Natick. Whatever were the errors of Mr. Bigelow's early years, they involved no dereliction from honesty and truth. Social indulgence in youth grew into a habit, which was the bane of his life in subsequent years, — a habit which it was hard to conquer, but which he did conquer, though at a period when physical vigor was prostrated and mental energy enfeebled, and the ' genial current of the soul ' not frozen, but humbled under a painful sense of errors which no regret could relieve, and the consequences of short-comings in duty which no recompense could fully repair." The following sketch of the character of Mr. Bigelow appeared in the Boston Courier a few days after his death : " He was in the first place a scholar, ' and a ripe and good one,' possessed of -a mind which mastered much with apparently but small effort, imbued deeply with the fine elegance of classical literature, and possessed besides of an attic wit which was the perpetual delight of his friends — a wit ' that loved to play, not wound.' Had his mind been disciplined or inured to anything more than desultory or occasional effort, he might have done much more. As it was, everything that he wrote, and at various times published, showed great power. His sermons were serious and devout, and distinguished by strong sense. He compUed several reading books for children, which gained him high reputa tion, and an eiceUent Latin Reader. He was however most known APPENDIX. 189 for his poetry — full of good humor, knowledge of character, a ready and original style of wit, and occasional pathos, which came over the soul with a stronger influence because it came from a heart rich with f." 'le sympathies of a most kind and generous spirit." Afte" all that can be said of his mental attainments, or the strengi ¦ hich gave them birth, it is still on the qualities of his heart that his friends must now dwell with the most delight. He carried through life that true test of real talent, simplicity and buoyancy of feeUng, which did not dread degradation from the com pany 01 ^hildren, which loved to lay itself open to their often acute examination, a heart favorable to all the influences of nature and trui^ My first remembrance of him is as a sort of commander of a military corps, composed of his scholars in Salem, which he called the Trojan band, and the untiring assiduity and kindness with which he raarcf 'd and countermarched this miniature company first made me lo^e Hm. From this time for forty years I scarcely saw him. In the retirement of Natick it was my fortune once again to meet him during the last summer, his health evidently somewhat impaired by time, but his spirit still elastic and playful, almost as in the days of infkncy. Playful Indeed, but stUl ever and anon through its play would glance the infiuence of a spirit somewhat saddened by mlsfoii-^ue and time, but open to all good Influences, with no shade of misanthropy or discontent to sully its purity, which proved it? communion with Heaven by loving all that was worthy of its love OP earth. I have spoken of his intemperance because he himself ¦• juld not have wished it corrected. He was indeed very far from boasting of his recovery from it, and stUl further from call ing public attention to it, or making it a source of profit by lectures. He knew indeed that those who knew him must have felt the evil of intemperance with a force stronger than any words could utter. He was loveu by aU ; with a strong mind, and perhaps somewhat proud by nature, distinguished for his attainments, known but not feared for his wit. What such a being might have been, had his mind been tasked to its utmost, all could see. The comparative obscurity of his latter days must have pained him, but If so, the pain did not male him harsh or unkind, and the consequences of his improper indulgence, though so nobly redeemed, would stiU make themselves felt with utterance. He was indeed a true-hearted and most kind man. It was 190 APPENDIX. delightful to meet with him during the last summer, relieved for a few weeks from the drudgery of his daily avocation, surrounded by his friends, and to recall with him the tradition of such a place as Natick ; to stand with him under the oak from which the apostoUc Eliot caUed the wUd Indian to repentance and to Christ ; to wander forth through the deep shades and still pastures, tracing the dwelling places of those sons of the forest, or kneeling over the gray stones which marked their last resting-places on earth. Here too he recalled with me the memories of the loved and lost whom he had known in early life, and here too he spoke of one whose soul was even then stretching her wings for immortal fiight. The compiler has several of Mr. Bigelow's poetical effusions in his hands, some of them of a local character, which he wishes to place before his readers, and dares to do so even at the risk of being prolix on this subject. The first from which he makes selection is an advertisement of John Brown, who kept a shop near his residence In South Natick. His friends weU remember the occasion of his writing it. It formed the amusement of an hour, and runs thus : TO THE PUBLIC . 1. Know ye Jobn Brown of Natick town, In Middlesex soUicet, Doth make this call on one and all, In language most explicit. Men, women, maids, in way of trade. Who are to him indebted. Must call and pay, or their delay WUl be by them regretted. And by him too, for be must sue. And that will cost him trouble, That unto them the cost and shame Will make their debts quite double. APPENDIX. 191 AVith much delight he doth invite All those that have him trusted. To call with speed, as was agreed. And have their claims adjusted. His tavern still, with all nis skill, He keeps for entertaining. Well stored with food a^ drink that 's good. Enough to drown complaining. 6. His parlors neat, his chambers sweet. Adorned with bed and bedding. Rug, blanket, sheet, all things complete. Fit even for a wedding. His store, beside, is well supplied With goods (worth close attention Of candid minds) of various kinds. Too nujnerous here to mention. Among the rest he keeps the best Of brandy, rum, and whiskey, And wine and gin, and better sling, To make his guests feel Msky. Good lemonade as ere was made, " Large and small looking glasses ; Essence of spruce, and apple juice. Salt beef, pork, and molasses. 10. Powder and shot, which he wiU not Sell till the fourth of July, That to that day the bird-law may Be well observed and truly. 192 APPENDIX. Postscript added in 1882 : Although John Brown has left the town. And tavern house to Whiting, The same old stand with the new hand Is equally inviting. The store, it seems, is left to Eames, Who to the very letter, 'T is understood makes John's place good. And strives to make it better. After Bigelow left the Messenger he sent a number of articles to the Farmer's Museum, which as they were " composed of a variety of material intended to effectuate the destruction of such enemies of mankind as spleen, immorality, and irreligion," he proposed to call " Olio." The following is the first of the number, and with it we bid adieu to this gifted but unfortunate son of Natick. EXTRACT FROM A MANUSCRIPT POEM. In baUards first I spent my boyish time, At college next I soared in doggerel rhyme, Then of a school the master and adorner, I scribbled verse? for a Poet's Comer. But when, erewhOe, I strove with slender means. Newspapers to edit, and Magazines, The public frowned, and warned me at my peril. To drop the pen and reassume the ferule. And now, enchanting Poetry, adieu ! Thy siren charms no longer I pursue ; Past are those days of indolence and joy. When tender parents nursed their darling boy, In Harvard's walls maintained me many a j'ear. Nor let one dun discordant grate my ear. For love of thee I quitted love of gold, My Pike neglected, and my Euclid sold ; On fancy's wings from poverty upborne, Saw not my coat was patched, my stockings torn ; APPENDIX. 198 With childish creep approached Piei'ia's springs, Nor, when a man, could "jntt off childish things." Still by some ignis fatuus led astray, I 've wandered on through many a dismal way. Have seen my golden prospects end in dross. Fought for a myrtle crown, and gained a cross. Too proud to court the little or the great. Thy votaries never r'e in church or State — Not aU thy power from bailiffs can secure, Nor coax our waiy fair to " marry poor." Farewell ! On others inspiration flash ; Give them eternal fame, — but give me cash. Adieu, thou busy world ! I quit thy cares. Thy luring smiles I've viewed, and found them snares ; Thy towering hopes pursued, and found them vain ; Thy pleasures tasted, and have found them pain ; Far other objects now my heart shall bind With sacred truths to store my youthful mind ; The lessons learn by Godlike reason given. And trace religion's path which leads to Heaven. Charles Cka,ttehbox. 18 194 APPENDIX. PICTURE OF BUNYAN'S PILGRIM. This beautiful design, which In the body of this work we noticed as having originated with Rev. Daniel Wight, has met with the most licittering reception on both sides of the Atlantic. Lawyers, states- r "rtists, editors, clergymen, have given their recommendations to u in its design and execution. We give the testimonials' of sev eral of those who are best known in this country and in Europe. From Rev. E. N. Kirk, Pastor of the Mount Vernon Church in Boston : Mr. Jewbtt : Dear Sir — My opinion of this picture is u "" lalified. I have seen many productions of the pencil, and the g'-aver, many allegorical paintings, but this stands alone. Bunyan has that sure mark of genius that he kindles his fires In other souls, and makes the pen and pencil in other hands feel the inspiration of ' is own heart. You must not indeed expect this piece to rank with the classic works of the masters, simply because it starts from a different conception, and is wrought under restrictions to which their i athors were not subjected. Raphael and Angelo chose their sub jects, and so had unlimited scope for the Imagination ; but BUlings and Andrews had their subjects prescribed. The former could pour ..lelr glowing conceptions of beauty Into single figures, for the most part nearly or quite of natural size. The latter have been compelled to put two hundred and eighty human figures into a plate of thirty h^ twenty-four inches. The former had one incident, or one face, or ono scene to paint ; the latter had the whole Pilgrim's Progress to describe. Angelo had hundreds of square feet on which to exhibit one scene, in human experience — The Judgment, — our artists had noi- t-iore than five square feet for portraying the whole moral history of man. And yet we miss nothing of importance here. But when the project was first mentioned, the objection at once i*rose — a picture cannot be made of PUgrlm's Progress, both APPENDIX. 195 because the road must make zigzag lines from the bottom to the top, thus preventing all picturesque effect, and because all unity must be destroyed by the immensely varied repetitions of the principal figure. How great then is our admiration at seeing the power of native art, or of taste and good sense, manifested In overcoming these inherent difficulties. The first glance at the engraving produces a perfectiy picturesque effect by the general distribution of the light and shade. Yet in that one- picture the whole aUegory of the Christian PUgrim Is pre sented without confusion, without false perspective, without violence done to the proportions of any part. Then a still closer inspection shows that the one picture in reality consists of forty or fifty, and if you inquire for the interpreter's house, that difficult subject for the painter, as it contains pictures within a picture, you wUl find the difficulty ingeniously and tastefully overcome by putting these plates in medallions on the lower border of the plate. Proceeding to form a more particular conception of the piece, you perceive an admirable harmony between the light and shade or tone of the picture and that of the subject. The eye at first rests on deep shadow where PUgrim is found in the City of Destruction. As you follow him, he passes through alternate lights and shades and over hills and valleys ; but as you see him approach the close of his con flicts and his toU, a serene and holy light fills the eye, and so he enters heaven ; a scene of calm but holy animation rests on the fields and cities of the celestial Canaan. I surely may say I have not in my recollection a picture which in its moral and religious effects is so impressive and instructive. Man's moral history, — his conflicts, his joys, his invisible enemies and friends, the humble beginning of his heavenward march in fear and sorrow, his alterna. tions of hope and doubt, and his glorious reception into the celestial city, — is here most graphically and beautifully spread bef(3Te you. As a work of art I must therefore think it stands among the first our country has produced, whUe as an instructive and impressive family picture I know not its equal. Yours, most truly, Edw. N. Kirk. Beacon street, Boston, June, 1858. 196 APPENDIX. We have space for only one more notice from the London Morning Advertiser : " Bunyan's Pilgrim's Prosrbss in one hundred tableaux. — A remarkable vrork of art has just been submitted to our notice. It is an etching of most elaborate execution, of large dimensions, finished by cross hatching and shading till it has the finish and effect of line engraving. Some idea of the labor and artistic knowledge required to render such a multiplicity of figures effective, and to prevent the ensemble from offending the eye of taste, may be gath ered from the fact that no less than one hundred subjects In a vignette form are combined into the one picture. These scenes embody the whole of the salient points of the immortal work of John Bunyan. ' Beginning at the lower corner at the right hand we have No. 1, ' The City of Destruction, or this world,' and proceed through all the varied adventures of Christian. Many of these are deUghtfuUy suggestive of the symbolic imaginings of the quaint old tinker of Bedford, whose charming aUegory has entranced the child, the" poet, iand the sage. ' The Doubting Castie of Giant Despair' (13), with ts imprisoned pUgrlms, and shepherds on ' Delectable mountains ' leaning on their staves, are happy points of contrast. ' The River of Death' (No. 98), with its dark and bridgeless water from which nature shrinks back though heaven is sure beyond, ' and the crowds of angels before the Gate Beautiful,' and the transfigured pilgrims entering 'the Celestial City' (No. 98), may be viewed as com pleting the pictorial story. The drawing throughout is highly cred itable to American art, and the print, which is well worthy a frame, will form a suggestive embellishment for the wall, more pregnant than the moral apothegms which in Eastern countries speak to the inhabitants of their dweUings." The work is every way remarkable. APPENDIX. 197 ADJOINING TOWNS. The towns which lie about Natick possess generally the same features which have been described as belonging to this town. They have New England's climate. New England's lakes and ponds, rivers and brooks, and manners and customs. A traveller, either on foot or by carriage, wiU meet with hearty " good mornings " from many smiling lips, and with insult from no one. He perhaps may feel a shudder if he chance to come near a school-house, but not unless he has been in the habit of passing them in former years. Improvement in this regard is clearly visible, and^ the passer-by is now more often met by a bow than by a shout or ^ shower qf snow- baUs. Among the valleys and rural districts in the vicinity is much more of the primitive simpUcity of New England in earlier times than is generally supposed. The humble virtue's hospitable home, And spirit pious, patient, proud, and free; The self-respect grafted on innocent thoughts, The days of health and nights of sleep. The toils dignified by skill, the hopes Of cheerful old age, and a quiet grave. But we win be somewhat more minute in our description of the towns which lie immediately about us. Dover, which lies to the northeast of Natick, was originally a part of Dedham. It was incorporated as a precinct in 1748, and as a town in 1784. The church was embodied in 1762, and Rev. Benjamin Caryl was its minister the same year. He continued in the pastoral office forty-on© years, and was succeeded by Rev. Ralph Sawyer, who was settled in 1812. The surface of this town Is uneven, and a considerable portion of it is covered with wood. Pine 198 APPENDIX. HiU, in this town, near the Medfield line, is 400 feet above Charles River. Population is about 600. Distance from Natick five mUes, and from Boston fourteen. Charles River vUlage, in the northeast corner, is a manufacturing place. Sherborn. This town lies to the south of Natick, It was incor porated in 1674, and during its history has been more connected with Natick than any of the adjoining towns. It was Sherborn with whom Natick exchanged lands. The Sherborn minister lectured constantly for years to the Natick Indians. The site of the meeting house is elevated, and the town possesses a rich soil, though some what rocky. There are two Congregational churches in the town, one of which is Unitarian. Its population is about 1200. The shoe business is carried on to some extent. Straw bonnets are man ufactured in two or three shops. In this town the celebrated Fisher Ames first commenced the practice of law. A large proportion of the farms are owned, occupied and improved by the fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth generations, descended from those who reclaimed them from the wUderness. Framingham. This town lies to the west of Natick, and is weU known as one of the finest farming towns in the State. It was incorporated in 1700. In this year it was by the General Court " ordered that said plantation, caUed Framingham, be henceforth a township, retaining the name of Framingham, and have and enjoy all the privileges of a town according to law." The first minister of the place was Rev. John Swift, who was ordained October, 1701, and died in 1745, aged 67. This town is about six mUes from Natick, and twenty-one from Boston. The centre village contains eighty dwelling houses and four churches — one Orthodox, one Uni tarian, one Baptist, one Universalist. Saxonville, a manufacturing town, is two and one half miles to the east of this, and is connected with Natick by a raUroad. appendix. 199 Wayland. This town, which lies on the north of Natick, bore the name of East Sudbury from 1780 to 1885. It is separated on the west from Sudbury by the river of that name, which annually overflows a large tract of land to the west and north of the town. In February, 1722-8, the church at Sudbury was by a vote of its members divided into two distinct churches. Mr. Cook was ordained the \iastoT on the east side of Sudbury River in March of 1723. He died in 1760. In 1765 the number of houses on the east side was 112 ; the number of famUies, 129 ; the number of white inhab itants, 698. The inhabitants of Wayland are almost exclusively farmers. Weston. The exact period (says Dr. Kendall in his Century Sermon, preach in 1818) when what is now caUed Weston began to be settied, is not known, but it must have been pretty early. In ecclesiastical affairs this town was connected with Watertown about sixty-.eight and in civU concerns about eighty years. Weston was incorporated as a distinct town in 1712, previous to which time it had been a precmct of Watertown. We find the precinct In 1706 was presented at the Court of Sessions on account of their not having a settled minister. Rev. William WiUiams was ordained here in 1709 ; Rev. Samuel Woodard, the successor of Mr. WU hams, in 1751. This town is the residence of many people from Boston during the summer months. Needham. This bounds Natick on the east, and was originally part of Dedham. Charles River winds around it on three sides, leaving it in the form of a peninsula. On the banks of- the river are large bodies of meadow land — one to the east, partly in Dedham and partly in Newton, caUed Broad's, is said to be the largest in the State. Two " FaUs," Upper and Lower, in the river, give very valuable water privileges to the town ; at these places are gathered most of the population. The town was incorporated in 1711. Ih connection with our description of the country in this vicinity a similar description of it in 1629 will be read with interest. We 200 appendix. find it in the Massachusetts Historical Society Records for 1792. It is entitied " New England Plantation, — or, a short and true description of the commodities and discommodities of that country. Written in the year 1629, by Mr. Higgeson, a reverend divine now there resident. Whereunto is added a letter sent by Mr. Graus, an Enginere, out of New England. Reprinted from the third edition, London, 1580." " Letting passe our voyage by sea we will now begin our dis course on the shore of New England. And because the life and welfare of every creature heere below, and the commodiousness -of country whereat such creatures live, doth by the most wise ordering of God's Providence depend next unto himselfe upon the tempera ture and disposition of the foure elements, earth, water, aire, and fire, (for as of the mixture of all these all sublunary things are composed, so by the more or less enjoyment of the wholesome tem per and convenient use of these consisteth the only well being both of man and beast in a more or less comfortable measure in all coun tries under the heavens,) therefore I wUl endeavour to shew you what New England is by the consideration of each of these apart, and truly indeavor by God's helpe to report nothing but the naked truth, and that both to tell you of the discommodities as well as of the commodities, though as the idle proverb is, travellers may lye by authoritie, and so may take too much sinful! libertie that way. Yet I may say of myselfe, as once Nehemiah did in another case. Shall such a man as I lie ? No, verily ; it becometh not a preacher of truth to be a writer of falshood in any degree ; and therefore I have beene carefuU to report nothing of New England but what I have partly scene with mine own eyes, and partly heard and enquired from the mouths of verie honest and rehgious persons, who, by living in the countrey a good space of time, have had experience and knowledge of the state thereof, and whose testimonials I doe beUevo as my selfe. First, therefore, of the earth of New England and all the appurter nances thereof. It is a land of divers and sundry sorts all about Masathulets Bay, and at Charles River is as fat blacke earth as can be scene anywhere ; and in other places you have a clay soyle, and appendix. 201 in other gravell, in other sandy, as it is aU about our plantation at Salem, for so our towne is now named. The forme of the earth here, in the superfices of it, is neither too flat in the plalnnesso, nor too high in hills, but partakes of both In a mediocritle, and fit for pasture, or for plow or meddow ground, as men please to employ it ; though all the country bee, as it were, a thicke wood for the general!, yet in divers places there is much ground cleared by the Indians, and especiaUy about the plantation. And I am told that about three miles from us a man may stand on a Uttle hiUy place and see divers thousands of acres of ground as good as need to be, and not a tree in the same. It Is thought here is good clay to make bricke and tyles and earthen pot as need to be. At this instant we are setting a brick-kill on worke to make brickes and tiles for the building of our houses. For stone here is plentie of slates at the Isle of Slate in Masathulets Bay, and lime stone, freestone and smooth-stone, and iron-stone, and marble-stone also in such store that we have great rocks of it, and a harbour hard by. Our plantation is from thence called Marble Harbour. Of minerals there hath yet been but little triall made, yet we are not without great hope of being furnished in that soyle. The fertUItie of the soyle is to be admired at, as appeareth in the aboundance of grasse that groweth everle where, both verie thicke, verio long, and verie high, in divers places. But it groweth verie wUdly, with a great stalkc and a broad ranker blade, but it never had been eaten with cattie, nor mowed with a sythe, and seldome trampled on by foot. It is scarce to bee believed how our kine and goates, horses and hogges doe thrive and prosper here, and like well of this countrey. In our plantation we have already a quart of milke for a penny ; but the abundant encrease of come proves this countrey to bee a wonderment. Thirtie, fortie, fiftie, sixtie, are ordlnarie here. Yea, Joseph's encrease in .Slgypt is outstript here with us. Our planters hope to have more than a hundred fould this yere ; and all this while I am withha compasse ; what wUl you say of two hundred fould and upwards ? It is almost incredible what great gaine some of our English planters have had by our Indiane come. Credible persons have assured me, and the partie himselfe avouched .the truth of it to me, that of the setting of 13 gaUons of corne hee hath had increase of it 52 hogsheads, every hogshead holding seven bushels 202 APPEiSDIX, of London measure, and every busheU was by him sold and trusted to the Indians for so much beaver as was worth 13 shillings ; and ^o of this 13 gaUons of corne, which was worth 6 shiUings 8 pence, he made about 327 pounds of it the yeere following, as by reckoning wUl appeare ; where you may see how God blessed husbahdy in this land. There is not such greate and plentifull eares of corne, I sup pose, any where else to bee found but In this countrey. Because also of varietie of colours, as red, blew, and yellow, &c., and of one corne there springeth four or fivei hundred. I have sent you many eares of divers colours, that you may see the truth of it. Little chUdren here, by setting of corne, may earne much more than their owne maintenance. They have tryed our EngUsh corne at New Plimmorith plantation, so that all our several grains will grow here verie well, and have a fitting soyle for their nature. Our Governor hath store of greene pease growing in his garden as good as ever I eat in England. This countrey aboundeth naturally with store of roots of great varietie and good to eat. Our turnips, parsnips, and carrots, are here both bigger and sweeter than is ordinary to be found in Eng land. Here are store of pumpions, cowcombers, and other things of that nature which I know not. Also divers excellent pot-herbs grow abundantly among the grasse, as strawberrie leaves in all places in the countrey, and plentie of strawberries in their time, and penny royal!, wlntersaverle, sorreU, brookeline, liverwort, cameU, and water cresses ; also leekes and onions are ordlnarie, and divers physicall herbs. Here are also abundance of other sweet herbs delightful to the smell, whose names we know not, &c., and plentie of single damask roses, verie sweete ; and two kinds of herbes that bare two kinds of flowers very sweet, which they say are as good to make cordage or cloath as any hempe or flaxe we have. ExceUent vines are here up and downe in the woods. Our Governor hath already planted a vineyard with great hope of increase. Also, mulberries, plums, raspberries, corrance, chestnuts, filberds, walnuts, smalnuts, hurtleberries, and leaves of whitethorne neere grow in plentie here. For wood there is no better in the world, I think, here being found sorts of oke differing both In the leafe, timber, and colour, all excel lent good. There is also good ash, elme, wallow, birch, beech, saxa- APPENDIX. 203 fras, juniper, cipres, cedar, spruce, pines, and firre that wiU yeeld abundance of turpentine, pitch, tarre, masts, and other materials for building both of ships and houses. Also, here are store of sumacke trees — they are good for dying and tanning of leather ; likewise such trees yeeld a precious gum called wine benjamin, that they say is excellent for perfumes. Also, here be divers roots and berries wherewith the Indians dye exceUent holding colours that no raine nor washing can alter. Also, wee have materials to make sope — ashes and salt-peter in aboundance. For beasts there are some beares, and they say some lyons, also, for they have been seen at Cape Anne. Also, here are several sorts of deere, some whereof bing three or four young ones at once, which is not ordlnarie in England. Also, wolves, foxes, beavers, otters, martins, great wUd cats, and a great beast caUed a molke, as higge as an oxe. I have seen the skins of all these beasts since I came to this place taken excepting the lyons. Also, here are great store of squirrels, some greater and some smaller and lesser ; there are some of the lesser sort, they tell me, that by a certauie skUl wUl fly from tree to tree, though they stand farre distant. Of the Waters of New England, with the things belonging to the same. New England hath water enough, both salt and fresh — the great est sea in the world, the Atlanticke Sea, runs all along the coast thereof. There are abundance of islands along the shore, some full of wood and masts, to feed swine ; and others cleere of wood, and fruitful to bear corne. Also, wee have store of excellent harbours for ships, as at Cape Anne, and at Masathulets Bay, and at Salem, and at many other places ; and they are the better because for strangers there is a verie difficult and dangerous passage into them, but unto such as are well acquainted with them they are easie and safe enough. The aboundance of sea fish are almost beyond beleeving, and sure I should scarce have beleeved it except I had scene it with mine own eyes. I saw great store of whales, and crampusse, and such aboundance of mackerils that it would astonish one to behold ; likewise codfish in aboundance, on the coast, and in their season are plentifully taken. There is a fish called a basse, a most sweet and 204 AjPFESDIX. wholesome fish as ever I. did e&\»; it is altogether as good as our fresh sammon, and the season of their comming was begun when we© came first to New England in June, and so continued about three months space. Of this fish our fishers take many hundreds together which I have seen lying on the shore to my admiration ; yea, their nets ordinarUy take more than they are able to hale to land, and for want of boats and men they are constrained to let a many goe after they have taken them, and yet sometimes they fill two boates at a time with them. And besides basse wee take plentie scate and thornbacks, and abundance of lobsters, and the leest boy in the plantation may both catch and eat what he will of them. For my owne parte, I was soone cloyed with them, they were so great, and fat, and lussious. I have scene some myselfe that have weighed 16 pound, but others have had, divers times, so great lobsters as have weighed 25 pounds, as they assure mee. Also, heere is abundance of herring, turbent, sturgion, cuskes, hadocks, mullets, eeles, crabbes, muskles, and oysters. Besides, there is probability that the coun trey is of an excellent temper . for the making of salt. For since our comming our fishermen have brought home very good salt, which they found candied, by the standing of the sea water and the heat of the sunne, upon a rock by the sea shore ; and in divers salt marshes that some have gone through, they have found some salt in some places crushing under their feete and cleaving to their shooes. And as for fresh water, the countrey is full of dainty springs, and some great rivers, and some lesser brookes ; and at Masathulets Bay they digged wels and found water at three foot deepe in most places. And neere Salem they have as fine cleere water as we can desire, and we may digge wels and find water where we list. Thus we see both land and sea abound with store of blessings for the comfortable sustenance of man's life in New England. Of the Aire of New England, with the Temper and Creatures in it. The temper of the aire of New England is one speciall thing that commends this place. Experience doth manifest that there is hardly a more healthfuU place to be found in the world that agreeth better with our English bodyes. Many have been weake and sickly in Old APPENDIX. 205 England, by comming hither have beene thoroughly healed and growne healthful! strong. For here is an extraordinarie cleere and dry aire, that is of a most healing nature to all such as are of a cold melan choly, flegmatick, rheumatick temper of body. None can more truly speake hereof by their owne experience than myselfe. My friends that knew meitan well tell how verie sickly I have bin, and continually in physick, being much troubled with a tormenting paine through an extraordinarie weaknesse of my stomacke, and aboundance of melancholicke humors ; but since I came hither on- this voyage? I thanke God, I have had perfect health and freed from paine and vomiting, having a stomacke to digest the hardest and coarsest fare? who before could not eat finest meat ; and whereas my stomacke could onley digest and did require such drinke as was both strong and stale, now I can and doe often times drink New England water verie well ; and I that have not gone without a cap for many yeeres together, neither durst leave off the same, have now cast away my cap, and doe weare none at all in the day time. And whereas before time I cloathed myselfe with double oloaths and thick waist- coates to keep me warme, even in the summer time, I doe now goe as thin clad as any, onley wearing a light stuffe cassocke upon my shirt, and stuffe breeches of one thickness without linings. Besides, I have one of my chUdren that was formerly most lamentably handled with sore breaking out of both his hands and feet of the king's eviU, but since he came Mther hee is very well ever he was, and there is hope of perfect recoverie shortiy even by the very wholesoranesse of the aire, altering, digesting, and drying up the cold and crude humours of the body. And therefore I think it is a wise course for al cold complectlons to come to take physick in New England, for a sup of New England's aire is better than a whole draught of Old England's ale. In the summer time, in the midst of July and August, it is a good deale hotter than in Old England ; and in winter, January and Feb ruary are much colder, as they say. But the spring and autumne are of a middle temper. Fowles of the aire are plentifuU here, and of all sorts as we have in England as farre as I can learn, and a great many of strange fowles which we know not. WhUst I was writing these things one 0 our men brought home an eagle which hee had killed in the wood. They say they are good meate. Also, here are many kinds of excel- '206 APPENDIX. en t hawkes, both sea hawkes and land hawkes. And myself walking in the woods with another in compSny sprung a partridge so bigge that through the heaviness of his body could fly but a littie way. They that have kUled them say they are as bigge as our hens. Here are likewise aboundance of turkies often kUled in the woods, farre greater than our English turkies, and exceeding fat, sweet, and fleshy, for here they have aboundance of feeding all the yeere long, as strawberries ; in summer al places are full of them, and aU manner of berries and fruits. In the winter time I have scene flockes of pidgeons, and have eaten of them. They doe fly from tree to tree as other blt^Ss-doe, which our pidgeons wU! not doe in England. They are of aU colours as ours are, but their wings and tayles are far larger, and therefore it is likely they fly swifter to escape the terrible hawkes in this coun trey. In winter time this country doth abound with wUd geese, wild ducks, and other sea fowie, that a great part of winter the plant ers have eaten nothing but roast meate of divers fowles which they have kiUed. Thus you have heard of the earth, water, and aire of New Eng land ; now it may bee you expect something to bee said of the fire proportionable to the rest of the elements. Indeede, I thinke New England may boast of this element more than all the rest. For though it bee here somewhat cold in the winter, yet here we have plenty of fire to warm us, and that a great deal cheaper than they se! billets and faggots in London. Nay, all Europe is not able to afford to make so great fires as New England. A poore servant here that is to possesse but 50 acres of land, may afford to give more wood for timber and fire, as good as -the world yeelds, than many noblemen in England can afford to do. Here is good living for those that love good fires. And although New England have no tallow to make candles of, yet by the aboundance of the fish thereof it can afford oil for lampes. Yea, our pine trees, that are the most plentifull of aU wood, doth allow us plenty of candles, which are very useful! in a house. And they are such candles as the Indians com monly use, having no other, and they are nothing else %ttt the wood of the pine tree cloverr in two Uttie slices, something thin, which are so full of the moysture of turpentine and pitch that they burn as cleere as a torch. I have sent you some of them that you may see the experience of them. Thus of New England's commodities ; now I will tel! you of some discommodities that are here to be found. APPENDIX. 207 First, in the summer season for these three months, June, July, and August, we are troubled muck with littie flyes, called muske- toes, being the same they are troubled with in Linoolneshire and the Fens ; and they are nothing but gnats, which except they bee smoked out of their houses are troublesome in the night season. Secondly, in the winter season for two months space, the earth is commonly covered with snow, which is accompanied with sharp biting frosts, something more sharpe than is in Old England, and therefore are forced to make great fires. Thir V* ]¦> fi Jiy 't,',/(f' 1 ¦ f d'