CONSTITUTION 1 1 OFTHE 1 \ NATIONAL ACADEMY 1 i i 0 F DESIGN, (A.S i Amended January 14tli, 1863.) ACADEMY INSTITUTED JANUARY 19, 1826. FlKST Constitution Adopted December 16, 1826. Chartebed April 5, 1828. IVcvr-Yoi-k : SACKETT & COBB, LAW, BOOK AND JOB PRINTERS, 46 Pine Street, cor. William. 1866. T'4H |\i X) h CONSTITDTION OF T H E '>fATIONAL ACADEMY O F DESIGN, (As Amended January 14th, 1863.) ACADEMY INSTITUTED JANUAKY 19, 1826. First Constitdtion Adopted December. 16, 1826. Chaktekeu April 5, 1828. JVov-TTorli : SACKETT & COBB, LAW, BOOK; AND JOB PRINTERS, 46 Pine Street, cjr. William. / 1866. ¦OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF DESIGN, 1864— '65. COUNCIL. DANIEL IiIMTrN"GTON; Theswj^t. HENEY PETEES GEAY, Yice-Peesident. T. ADl)ISON EICTIAEDS, Coe. Seceetaey. J. B. STEAENS, Eec. Seceetaey. THOMAS S. CUMMINGS, TREAsrljEE. GEORGE A. BAKER. J. A. SUYDAM." THOMAS HICKS. S. R. GIFFORD. J. F. KENSETT, J. Q. A. WARD, FELLOWSHIP FUND COMMITTEE. HENRY PETERS GRAY, Chairman.' D. HUNTINGTON. THOMAS HICKS, Secretary. JOHN F. KENSETT. JAMES A. SUYDAM, Treasurer. GEORGE A. BAKER. J. Q. A. WARD. AOT OF INCOEPOEATION V OF TIIE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF DESIGN, PASSKD A-PRIL Hth, 1838. (Cii.iRTER Renewed — in the same terms^1857.) * ^'0 ten}, may be chosen. AETICLE VIII. Library Fund. rpj^Q OouncU shall set apart, annually, from the net income of the Ajcademy, the sum of three hundred dollars, to be expended by the Council in the purchase of Books, Engravings and Costumes ; and the amount thus set apart shall be a separate and distinct Fund, and called tho " Library Fund ;" and it shall be the duty ofthe Treasurer, at each Annual Meeting, hereafter, to submit a report, setting forth the amount so expended, the articles pur chased, and the prices paid for the same. AETICLE IX. Privileges of Sec. 1. The Academicians may give invitations to .tcademiciaus. ° whom they please, to 'visit the Exhibitions and all the Departments of the Institution; and the widows and Privileges of the ^lii^reu of all deceased Academicians shall be entitled to ceased Academi- all the privileges enjoycd by them, during the lifetime of cians. said Academicians. Sec 2. The Associates and Honorary Members may 11 attend gratuitously the Exhibitions andthe Lectures, and ¦*'»°°'*'°» ""^ , ' Honorary Mem- introduce their families to visit these departments. ^°"' Sec 3. Students of the Academy may attend, free of students. charge, the Exhibitions of the year of their studentship. Sec. 4. Artist Exhibitors and their families raay attend Artist Exhibiters the Exhibitions gratuitously. Sec 5. The Antique School may be attended by all Antique school. classes of members. Sec. 6. The Life School may be attended by the Life school. Academicians, Associates, and such others as the Council may elect. AETICLE X. Sec 1. There shall be established a Special Fund, sep- Fellowship Fund. arate from the ordinary Treasury of the Academy, and called The Fellowship Fund, to be formed by the sub scriptions of money, the proceeds of pictures or other- Works of Art presented, and by grants of Fellowship ; and this Fund shall be devote^ to perfecting the Build ing, sustaining the Schools, and generally advancing the interests of the Academy. Sec 2. A subscriber of $100 to .the' Fellowship Fund Privileges of Life Fellows. shall be presented with a Diploma, constituting him a Fellow of the National Academy of Design' for Life, and entitling him to five season tickets to the Exhibition, an nually, access to the Library and Eeading Eooms, and invitations to all the Conversations held by the Academy ; also, to nominate two Students, annually, who, on passing the usual examination, shall be admitted to the Schools of the Academy free of charge. Sec 3, A subscriber of $500 to the said Fund shall Priviieges'of Fei- lowa in Ferpe- receive a Diploma entitling him to all the privileges of a*"'*^' Life-Fellowship iii perpetuity, and be entitled to convey 12 Fellowship Fund Committee. lavestment of FandB and Re served Fund. Provision for Alteration of Gontftitutton. Meeting for that purpose— how called. his Fellowship to an heir or assignee ; and the holder of the Diploraa shall enjoy the privileges of the original subscriber. Sec. 4. The Fellowship Fund and its affairs shall be controlled by a Standing Committee of seven Academi cians, to be elected by ballot by the Council in the first instance, imraediately after the passage of this Law, and thereafter annually, at the flrst meeting of the Council after the Suraraer vacation. They shall choose their own officers, viz. : a Chairman, Treasurer and Secretary, and make a full report of their finances and proceedings to the Academy, at the Annual Meeting of the Body. Sec 5. The funds of the Committee shall be deposited f in one or more of the Trust Corapanies of the City of N'ew- York, and one-half of the excess of $20,000 shall be invested in Stocks of the State of New- York, or of the United States, to be held as a Eeserved Fund, the interest thereof to be applied to maintaining the Building, the Schools, and general objects of the Academy. AETICLE XI. This Constitution shall not be altered or amended, but at a special meeting called for that purpose, which meeting shall not be warned, except on the requisition of six Academicians ; and no alteration shall be made unless the substance of the alteration be published and served upon the Academicians at least two weeks previous to said meeting. AETICLE XII. All other acts, rules, amendments, additions or altera tions heretofore passed not in accordance with these laws, shall be, and the same are hereby repealed.