Jiff^ V H^ FOUNDERS AND INCORPORATORS OF THE MUSEUM APRIL 13, MDCCCLXX John Taylor Johnston William Cullen Bryant John A. Dix George W. Curtis William H. Aspin-wall Christian E. Dermoid Andrew H. Green William J. Hoppin John F. Kensett Edwin D. Morgan Howard Potter Henry G. Stebbins William T. Blodgett Samuel L. M. Barlow George F. Comfort Joseph H. Choate Frederic E. Church Robert Gordon Richard M. Hunt Robert Hoe, Jr. Eastman Johnson Frederick Law Olmsted George P. Putnam Lucius Tuckerman John Quincy Adams Ward Samuel G. Ward Theodore Weston Russell Sturgis, Jr. PRESIDENTS John Taylor Johnston 1870-1889 Henry G. Marquand 1889-1902 Frederick W. Rhinelander ¦ 1902-1904 J. Pierpont Morgan 1904-1913 Robert W. de Forest 1913- TRUSTEES AND OFFICERS MDCCCLXX — MDCCCCXX The Governor of the State of New York Ex-officio Trustee 1870-1874 The Mayor of the City of New York Ex-officio Trustee, 1870-1874, 1907- The Comptroller of the City of New York Ex-officio Trustee 1874- The President of the Department of Parks Ex-officio Trustee 1870- The Commissioner of Public Works Ex-officio Trustee 1870-1874 The President of the National Acaderny of Design Ex-officio Trustee 1870- The President of the American Institute ofArchiteas Ex-officio Trustee 1870-1874 Adams, Edward D. Andrews, William Loring Aspinwall, William H. Astor, William W. Avery, Samuel P. Baker, George F. Barlow, Samuel L. M. Bigelow, John Bishop, Heber R. Blodgett, William T. Blumenthal, George Brown, John Crosby Bryant, William Cullen Butler, Richard Cadwalader, John L. Cesnola, Gen. L. P. di Chaimcey, Henry Choate, Joseph H. Church, Frederic E. Comfort, George F. Curtis, George W. Trustee 1894- ; Trustee, Treasurer 1878-1920 Trustee, Vice President 1870-1874 Trustee 1876-1882 Trustee 1872-1904 Trustee 1909- Trustee 1870-1889 Trustee 1887-1911 Trustee 1882-1902 Trustee, Vice President 1870-1875 Trustee 1909- Trustee, Treasurer 1895-1909 Vice President 1870-1874 Trustee 1871-1893 Trustee 1901-1914 Secretary 1877-1904 Trustee 1870-1872 Trustee, Vice President 1870-1917 Trustee 1870-1887 Trustee 1870-1872 Trustee 1870-1889 TRUSTEES AND OFFICERS de Forest, Robert W. T rustee. Sec, Vice Pres., Pres. 1889- Dermoid, Christian E. Trustee 1870-1874 Dix, Gen. John A. Vice President 1870-1874 Dodge, William E., Jr, Trustee, Vice President 1876-1903 Drexel, Joseph W. Trustee 1881-1888 Fahnestock, Harris C. Trustee, Treasurer 1901-1914 French, Daniel C. Trustee 1903- Frick, Henry C. Trustee 1909-1919 Garland, James A. Trustee 1893-1900 Gordon, Robert Trustee, Treasurer 1870-1878 Gould, Charles W. Trustee 1915- Green, Andrew H. Trustee, Vice President 1870-1884 Halsey, R. T. Haines Trustee 1914- Harkness, Edward S Trustee 1912- Hearn, George A. Trustee 1903-1913 Hitchcock, Hiram Trustee, Treasurer 1885-1900 Hoe, Robert, Jr. Trustee 1870-1892 Hoppin, William J. Trustee, Secretary 1870-1877 Hunt, Richard M. Trustee 1870-1895 Huntington, Daniel Vice Pres., Trustee, 1871-73 1874-1903 James, Arthur Curtiss Trustee 1918- Johnson, Eastman Trustee 1870-1871 Johnson, John G. Trustee 1910-1917 Johnston, John Taylor President, Hon. President 1870-1893 Jones, Francis C. Trustee 1917- Kennedy, John S. Trustee, Vice President 1889-1909 Kensett, John F. Trustee 1870-1872 Kent, Henry W. Secretary 1913- LaflEan, William M. Trustee 1905-1909 Ledyard, Lewis Cass Trustee 1914- Leland, Francis L. Trustee I912-I916 McKim, Charles F. Trustee 1904-1909 Maey, V. Everit Trustee 1914- Mansfield, Howard Trustee, Treasurer 1909- Marquand, Henry G. Trustee, Treas., Pres. 1871-1902 Millet, Frank D. Trustee 1910-1912 TRUSTEES AND OFFICERS Mills, Darius O. Trustee, Vice President Morgan, E. D. Trustee, Vice President Morgan, J. Pierpont Trustee, Vice Pres., Pres. Morgan, J. Pierpont, Jr. Trustee Morse, Samuel F. B. Norton, Charles D. Osborn, William C. Peters, Samuel T. Phoenix, Stephen W. Potter, Howard C. Prime, William C. Pritchett, Henry S. Putnam, George P. Reid, Whitelaw Vice President Trustee Trustee Trustee TrusteeTrustee Trustee, Vice President Trustee Trustee, Secretary Trustee Rhinelander, Frederick W. Trustee, Treasurer, Vice President, President Vice President Riggs, William H. Roberts, Marshall O. Roosevelt, Theodore Root, Elihu Smith, Charles S. Stebbins, Henry G. Stevens, Frederic W. Stewart, Alexander T. Sturgis, Russell Stuyvesant, Rutherfiird Tuckerman, Lucius Vanderbilt, Cornelius Wales, Salem H Walters, Henry Ward, J. Q. A. Ward, Samuel G. Ware, William R. Weston, Theodore Vice President Trustee Trustee, Vice President Trustee Trustee, Vice President Trustee Vice President Secretary, Trustee Trustee, Vice President Trustee, Vice President Trustee Trustee, Treasurer 1872-1889, Trustee, Vice President Trustee 1870-1871, Treasurer, Trustee Trustee Secretary, Trustee 1881-1870-1888-1910- 1871-1920-1904-1914- 1874-1870-1873- 1916- 1870-1901- 1870- 1870-1870- 1870- 1900- 1889- 1870-1874- 1870- 1870- 1870-1870-1878-1892- 1905- 1873- 1870- 1885- 1870- -1910-1874-1913-1872 -1882-1885-1891-1872-1912-1904-1874-1871-1878-1909-1871-1881-1874-1876-1909-1875-1899-1902-1901-1879-1903-1893 BENEFACTORS Those who have given to the Museum fifty thou sand dollars in cash, securities or property John Taylor Johnston William Tilden Blodgett Henry Gurdon Marquand Stephen Whitney Phoenix Gideon F. T. Reed Levi Hale Willard William H. Huntington William H. Vanderbilt Catharine Lorillard Wolfe Cornelius Vanderbilt George I. Seney Junius S. Morgan Henry Hilton John Jacob Astor Mary E. Brown J. Pierpont Morgan Heber R. Bishop Elizabeth U. Coles Amelia B. Lazarus George A. Hearn Augustus Van Horne Ellis J. Henry Smith Jacob S. Rogers Mary Clark Thompson Darius Ogden Mills Edward Dean Adams Margaret Olivia Sage Frederick C. Hewitt John Stewart Kennedy Joseph Pulitzer Francis L. Leland Alexander Smith Cochran Benjamin Altman William Henry Riggs Edward S. Harkness John Lambert Cadwalader Benjamin P. Davis Lillian Stokes Gillespie James B. Hammond Maria DeWitt Jesup J. Pierpont Morgan, Jr. Henry Walters George F. Baker Harris Brisbane Dick Isaac D. Fletcher Jessie Gillender John Hoge Edward C. Moore Oliver H. Payne Charlotte M. Tytus Jacques Seligmann Robert W. de Forest Emily Johnston de Forest CHRONOLOGY 1870 Officers, Trustees, and Executive Committee elect ed, January 31. First President, John Taylor Johnston. The Metropolitan Museum of Art, incorporated by the State of New York, April 13, "for the purpose of establishing and maintaining a mu seum and library of art, of encouraging and developing the study of the fine arts, and the application of arts to manufacture and prac tical life, of advancing the knowledge of kin dred subjeas, and to that end, of furnishing popular instruction and recreation." Permanent Constitution adopted at first annual meeting, May 24. Resolution adopted to raise $250,000 by public subscription to establish Museum. First gift, Roman sarcophagus from Tarsus, from Abdo Debbas. 1871 First purchase through William T. Blodgett and John Taylor Johnston, 174 paintings of vari ous schools. Only $106,000 reported to be subscribed out ofthe total of $250,000 desired, March 3. Act authorizing ereaion and maintenance "up on that portion of Central Park formerly known as Manhattan Square, or any other park, square or place" ofa suitable building for the Museum. First annual report issued. Sums pledged, with amounts subscribed, exceeded required $250,000, May 3. CHRONOLOGY First temporary quarters leased, Dodworth Build ing, 681 Fifth Avenue, annual rental $9,000. 1872 First exhibition, consisting of the Museum's col lection of paintings and other objects of art lent for the occasion, opened February 20. "We have now something to point to as the Museum, something tangible and something good." John Taylor Johnston. Students given copyists' privilege. First lectures given : Hiram Hitchcock on General di Cesnola's discoveries in Cyprus, Russell Stur gis, Jr., on Ceramic Art. Permanent location of museum building, Seventy- ninth Street to Eighty-fourth Street, Central Park, ratified by Trustees on the site designated for such a purpose on plan of Central Park, in Report of Park Commissioners, 1869. 1873 Second temporary quarters leased, the Douglas Mansion, 128 West Fourteenth Street, annual rental, $8,000. Cesnola Collection of Cypriote antiquities ex hibited. Original fund of $250,000 raised by subscription exhausted. Act enabling Park Department to apply annually to maintenance of Museum a sum not exceed ing $15,000. Admission fee charged, except on Monday. First catalogue of a loan exhibition of paintings. MEMBERSHIP . — 1 1370 1880 1890 1900 1910 1920 PATRONS 0 111 244 222 FFT T OWS IN PERPETUITY 0 133 140 210 311 298 FELLOWS FOR LIFE 0 108 146 141 148 171 FELLOWS HONORARY 0 14 37 27 36 34 ANNUAL 430- 2,005 2,008 2,267 6,724 FELLOWSHIP 73 40 SUSTAINING 253 296 TOTALS 0 796 2,572 2,608 3,088 7,563 l*W,. JN.>2i- ..^- 1 CHRONOLOGY 1874 Cesnola collection of Cypriote antiquities bought. First Secretary, William J. Hoppin, elected. 1875 Free days, Monday and Thursday, established. (Average attendance 577.) First guide to collections issued. Privileges to students granted. 1876 Annual membership class formed. 600 enrolled. Cen'tennial loan exhibition, in cooperation with National Academy of Design. 1 877 Second Secretary, General L. P. di Cesnola, elected. 1878 Act enabling City to appropriate $30,000 for moving collections and fitting up building in Central Park. Relations between City and Museum established by lease. 1879 Last reception in Douglas Mansion. First Director, General L. P. di Cesnola, elected. Removal to Central Park. 1880 First Museum Building in Park opened, Calvert Vaux and J. W. Mould, Architects. Industrial Art School established through gift of Gideon F. T. Reed. Library organized. $500 appropriated. 1881 First bequest, Stephen Whitney Phoenix collec tion of objects of art. 1883 First bequest of money, about $100,000, Levi Hale Willard, for purchase of architectural casts. ^-^p^^ £%^J^^ BUILDING T " " " " " " " " 1 " " " n n / AREAS FLOOR SPACE (in Square Feet) CHRONOLOGY 1884 Loan exhibition, paintings by George Frederick Watts. 1886 Department of Paintings organized. Department of Sculpture organized. William H. Vanderbilt bequest, nucleus of Gen eral Endowment Fund. First purchase of Egyptian art. 1887 Catharine Lorillard Wolfe bequest, modern paint ings and fund for maintenance. 1888 First addition to building (Addition B), Theodore Weston, Architect. Henry G. Marquand gives paintings by Old Masters. 1889 Mrs. John Crosby Brown gives collection of musical instruments. John Taylor Johnston elected Honorary Presi dent. Second President, Henry G. Marquand, elected. Department of Casts created. 1890 John Jacob Astor bequest. 1891 Sunday opening inaugurated. Appointment of Special Committee to form col lection of casts of sculpture, on initiative of Robert W. de Forest. Over $78,000 obtained. Increased later by George W. Cullum bequest and John Taylor Johnston memorial fund. Edward C. Moore bequest of objeas of art. EXPENDITURES MAINTENANCE CITY FROM OTHE^ APPROPRIATION SOURCES I 66,257.97 1124,013.43 CHRONOLOGY 1892 Act authorizing yearly appropriation by City; $70,000 received. Mrs. Amelia B. Lazarus gives Jacob H. Lazarus Traveling Scholarship. 1893 Mrs. Elizabeth U. Coles bequest, tapestries and other objects of art, and fund. Restaurant opened. 1894 Second addition to building (Addition C), Arthur L. Tuckerman, Architect. 1895 Loan exhibition of early American paintings. 1901 Jacob S. Rogers bequest, for the purchase of objects of art and books, over $5,000,000. 1902 Third addition to building (Addition D), main Fifth Avenue entrance, Richard Morris Hunt, Architect. George W. Vanderbilt lends collection of paint ings. Second President, Henry G. Marquand, died. Third President, Frederick W. Rhinelander, elected. Heber R. Bishop gives collection of jade. 1903 Boscoreale frescoes and Etruscan bronze biga, 6th century B.C., bought. 1904 Death of General L. P. di Cesnola. Third President, Frederick W. Rhinelander, died. Fourth President, J. Pierpont Morgan, elected. Third Secretary, Robert W. de Forest, elected. ACCESSIONS OBJECTS OF ART GIFTS y BEQUESTS PURCHASES 1906 952 3 1,052 1910 7,746 496 2,276 1915 242 390 2,276 1919 3.067 140 3,431 CHRONOLOGY 1905 Second Director, Sir C. Purdon Clarke, eleaed. Edward Robinson elected Assistant Director. Membership classes. Sustaining and Fellowship, established. Departments re-organized, Department of Clas sical Antiquities organized. Educational work organized; cooperation with Public Schools initiated. Publication of Bulletin begun. 1906 Accessions Room opened. Photograph Department established. Information Desk established. Department of Egyptian Art organized. Egyptian Expedition for excavation organized. George A. Hearn gives English and American paintings and fund for purchase of paintings by living American artists. 1907 Department of Decorative Arts organized. Class Room opened. Lantern slide lending collection begun. Fourth addition to building (Addition E), Mc Kim, Mead & White, Architects. 19O8 First Museum Instructor appointed. Frederick C. Hewitt bequest, over $1,500,000. 1909 Loan exhibition, Hudson-Fulton celebration. First Study Room, of Textiles, opened. 1910 Fifi:h addition to building (Addition F), Wing of Decorative Arts, McKim, Mead & White Architects. ATTENDANCE 1893 559,267 1895 526,448 1900 571,500 1905 744,042 1909 937,883 1910 744,449 1913 839,419 1914 913,230 1915 707,690 1919 880,043 CHRONOLOGY J. Pierpont Morgan gives part and lends part of Hoentschel Collection. Mrs. Russell Sage gives Bolles Collection of American furniture. Sixth addition to building. The Library, McKim, Mead & White, Architects. Sir C. Purdon Clarke, Director, resigns. Third Director, Edward Robinson, elected. George A. Hearn gives another collection ot English and American paintings. John Stewart Kennedy bequest, over $2,600,000. 1911 Lecture Hall opened. 1912 Francis L. Leland gift, over $1,000,000. Seventh addition to the building (Addition H), McKim, Mead & White, Architects. Joseph Pulitzer bequest, over $900,000. Department of Arms and Armor organized. 1913 Death of J. Pierpont Morgan. Fifth President, Robert W. de Forest, eleaed. Fourth Secretary, Henry W. Kent, elected. Benjamin Altman bequest, paintings, sculpture, Chinese porcelains, etc., and fund. William Henry Riggs gives collection of arms and armor. History of the Museum published. 1914 Loan exhibition, the J. Pierpont Morgan Col- leaion. Mrs. Edward J. Tytus gives fund for publication of Museum Egyptian Expedition work. CHRONOLOGY John L. Cadwalader bequest, English furniture, porcelains, and fund. 1915 Mrs.Morris K. Jesup bequest, paintings and funds. Mrs. Robert W. Gillespie bequest of tapestries. 1916 Edward S. Harkness gives Tomb of Perneb. J. Pierpont Morgan, Jr., gives Colonna Raphael and sculpture from the Chateau de Biron. ^ 1917 Department of Prints organized. Harris B. Dick bequest, collections and fund, over $1,000,000. First manufacturers' exhibition. Isaac D. Fletcher bequest, collection of paintings and objects of art, and fund, over $3,400,000. Eighth addition to building (Addition J occu pied. Addition K not yet completed), McKim, Mead & White, Architects. J. Pierpont Morgan, Jr., gives collection of objects of art. 19I8 J. Pierpont Morgan Collection of objeas of art installed in Wing of Decorative Arts, hereafter to be called the Pierpont Morgan Wing. John Hoge bequest, over $1,000,000. Loan exhibition, contemporary American sculp ture. Free concerts inaugurated. Associate in Industrial Arts appointed. CHRONOLOGY 1919 Cooperative Exhibition of Plant Forms in Orna ment by Museimi and New York Botanical Garden. Tablet commemorative of men who served in the war unveiled. THIS REVIEW WAS PRINTED IN AN EDITION OF 7 5 COPIES ON HAND-MADE PAPER, AND 25OO COPIES ON MACHINE-MADE PAPER, IN MAY, I92O