YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY Bk34.0'i85 THE parish IRecjtsters OF St. ©swalb's, Burbam, CONTAINING THE BAPTISMS, MARRIAGES, AND BURIALS, ffrom 1538 to 1751. Edited by THE REV. A. W. HEADLAM, M.A., VICAR OF ST. OSWALD'S. DURHAM : Thomas Caldcledgh, Printer, ice, 70, Saddler Street. 1891. -iJ •4 INDEX Aaron, Elizabeth, 240. Acher, Alleson, 12. Acheson, Thomas, 26. Achlan, Mary, 260. Acred, Thomas, 25. Adams, Margaret, 248. Adamson, Alice, 259 ; Anne, 212, 266 ; Blitheman, 201 ; Cuthbert, 141. 199, 201, 204, 205, 208, 227 ; Elizabeth, 113,147,276; Ellen, 27 ; Francis, 113 ; Grace, 130 ; Hannah, 282 ; Jane, 199, 205, 267, 268 ; John, 27, 208, 249, 251. 252, 259, 266-269, 276, 282 ; Mary, 112, 125, 204, 287; Miriam, 269 ; Robert, 213 ; Thomas, 251, 252 ; William, 140, 247, 249. Adcock, Anne, 248 ; Nicholas, 248. Adon, John, 151. Addison, Abigail, 135 ; Anne, 175 ; Edward, 263 ; Frances, 230, 268 : Jane, 263 ; Robert, 175 ; Sarah, 279. Arkley. Mary, 192. Agar, Thomasine, 281. Ainsley, Mark, 269. Air, see Ayre. Airson, Anne, 230 : Christopher, 230. Aislaby, Elizabeth, 124. Alder, Jane, 247 : Margaret, 251 ; Mary. 254, 258, 287 ; Robert, 153, 251, 254,258,260. Alderson, Alice, 212, 213, 239 ; Anne, 206, 257, 264 ; Anthony, 229 ; Eleanor, 228, 245 ; Eliza beth, 222, 257 ; Frances, 203, 205 ; Jane, 235, 275 : John, 232; Joseph, 232, 235, 239, 245, 257, 264, 281 ; Mary, 200, 213, 245, 281 ; Nathan, 222, 224, 229 ; William, 200, 203, 205, 206, 212, 213, 224, 232, 235. Aid-wen, Isabel, 21 ; John, 21. Alexander, Charles, 196 ; Hugh, 231 Allen, Alice, 195 ; Anne, 81, 139, 163, 183, 202, 238; Elizabeth, 145, 243, 260, 290 ; George, 218, 236, 262, 264 ; Isabel, 159 ; John, 141, 153, 198, 218, 261, 278, 283, 284, 286; Margaret, 250, 264 ; Richard, 85, 155, 160, 163. 174, 202, 274, 277 ; Robert, 116^ 139, 141, 145, 164, 236, 243, 250, 275, 279; Susan, 293; Thomas, 32, 160, 195, 283, 284 ; William, 261, 262, 286. Allison, Anne, 33, 255 ; Anthony, 19 ; Cuthbert, 82 ; Elizabeth, 6, 166, 181, 274; Grace, 275; Henry, 274, 275, 277 ; Jane, 49, 52, 73, 111, 118 ; Joan, 21 ; John, 26, 76. 289 ; Margaret, 275 ; Margery, 200 ; Mary, 86 ; Mrs., 92; Ralph, 93, 95, 111; Rebecca, 293 ; Simon, 255 ; Thomas, 73, 76, 86, 91, 95. Allycan, Thomas, 130. Allgood, Margaret, 250 ; Robert, 250. Almand, Anthony, 22, 23 ; Edward, 18 ; George, 19 ; Jane, 23 ; John. 26 ; Matthew, 26 ; Miles. 21. Alport, Mary, 192. Ambleton, John, 252 ; Mary, 252. Amcots, Mrs., 194, 199. Anderson, Alice, 25, 48, 52, 187, 235, 258 ; Alexander, 199 ; Anne, 25, 32, 150, 271 ; Cuthbert, 17, 25, 26, 34. 52, 53, 55, 61 ; Dorothy, 166, 171, 180 ; Eleanor, 128 ; Elizabeth, 61, 63, 101, 156, 167, 206, 208 ; Frances, 177 ; George, 61, 63, 192, 208, 237, 239, 240, 247, 248, 252, 257, 259, 262, 265, 271, 288 ; Hannah, 189 : Helen, 237, 240 ; Isabel, 96, 134, 235 ; Jacob, 235, 242, 247 ; James, 182, 256 ; Jane, 18, 38, 191, 207, 263; John, 101, 173, 177, 189, 195, 236. 242, 288 ; Joyce, 200 ; Katharine, 163 ; Lucy, 52, 53 ; Margaret, 26, 126, 293 ; Margery, 25, 139, 220; Mary, 115, 187, 205, 212, 239, 240, 247, 248, 259, 269, 276 ; Matthew, 247 ; Nicholas, 158, 166, 201 ; Richard, 17, 126, 128, 134, 136, 166, 167, 173, 174, 177, 180, 182, 183, 191 ; Robert, 173, 176, 187, 194, 201, 220, 262 ; Roger, 55 ; Sith, 153, 184, 185, 187; Thomas, 15, 61, 175, 180, 194, 257; William, 111, 153. 156, 158, 163, 165, 171, 175, 180, 182-185, 187, 189, 192, 199, 212, 224, 252, 256. Andrews, Anne, 175, 177, 269, 278, 285; Cuthbert, 178, 266, 269, 273, 277, 278, 287, 288 ; Edward, 162, 163, 167, 251 ; George, 144, 148, 150, 152, 157, 161, 164, 169, 175, 178, 197, 208, 209, 211, 213, 214, 221, 222, 226, 242, 255, 274, 278, 279, 285 ; Gerard, 281 ; Hannah, 291, 292 ; Henry, 167 ; Isabel, 172, 272, 278 ; Jane, 278 ; John, 161, 162, 163, 164, 168, 266, 277, 289 ; Margaret, 155 ; Martha, 226, 255 ; Mary, 152, 162,242,291,292,293; Maxwell, 281 ; Ralph, 221, 222 ; Thomas, 169. 224 ; Triphena, 208, 214, 265, 282 ; William, 211, 213. Anesley, Mary, 147 ; Thomas, 147. Angers, Isabel, 116. Angle, Margaret, 265 ; Robert, 262 ; William, 262, 265. Annas, Margaret, 96 ; Mary, 234. Antum, Alice, 281 ; Margaret, 281. Apdell, Robert, 164. Appleby, Alice, 144 ; Alleson, 12 ; Anne, 141, 189, 193, 248; Christabel, 1 ; Elizabeth, 250, 252, 279 ; Francis, 155, 159 ; George, 202 ; Isabel, 11 ; Jane, 43, 79, 108, 148 ; Janet, 11 ; Jonathan, 274 ; John, 74, 79 ; Margaret, 126 ; Mary, 144 ; Richard, 226 ; Robert, 189, 193 ; Thomas, 250, 252, 293 ; William, 1, 141, 144, 148, 159. Applegarth, Margaret, 218; Robert, 218. Appleton, Elizabeth, 216. Archer, Alice, 29 ; Alleson, 3 ; Anne, 35, 175, 282 ; Charles, 206 ; Cuthbert, 13 ; Edward, 15, 35 ; Elizabeth, 176 : Janet, 26, 54 ; John, 1, 4, 175, 182, 189, 196, 206, 210 ; Margaret, 27, 28 ; Mary, 36 ; Nicholas, 26- 28, 32 ; Richard, 26, 27, 40, 54, 56, 196 ; Robert, 182 ; Sarah, 210 ; Sith, 47 ; Thomas, 17, 23, 36, 292 ; Widow, 40. Archbald, Robert, 103. Arden, Robert, 29. Are, Susanna, 34. Arker, John, 215. Arkle, Dorothy, 50 ; Hugh, 59, 62, 113 ; John, 59 ; Katharine, 113 ; Maria, 59 ; Matthew, 62 ; Robert, 49 ; Timothy, 49. Arkley, Elizabeth, 168 ; Joseph, 166 ; Mary, 193 ; Matthew, 168, 193. Armeyr, Alleson, 14 ; Janet, 18. Armitage, Elizabeth, 239. , Armstrong, Alexander,273 ; Charles, 290 ; Effie, 290 ; Elizabeth, 208, 288 ; Isabel, 28, 44 ; Jane, 208 ; John, 208, 210 ; Mary, 210, 260, 288 ; Rachel, 290 ; Ralph, 190 ; Richard, 129 ; Robert, 190 ; William, 129, 130, 260. Arnold, Alice, 58 ; Katharine, 62 ; William, 62. Arrowsmith. Alice, 123 ; Anne, 98, 134, 186. 188, 197, 231, 244, 253, 262 ; Cuthbert, 179, 181 ; Dorothy, 119, 130, 131, 167, 170 ; Elizabeth, 121, 149, 158, 180, 218, 225, 236, 285 ; Francis, 253 ; George, 72, 74, 77, 78, 82, 90, 94, 103, 121, 181, 253 ; Henry, 94, 95, 98, 107, 113, 119, 123, 145, 149, 158, 165, 169, 179, 181, 183. 1S6, 188, 189. 194, 195, 197, 202, 212, 244, 253, 255, 259 ; Humphrey, 179, 231 ; Isabel, 78, 93, 95. 160, 276, 277, 278; Jane, 94, 113, 116, 165: John, 104, 169, 197,' 202 ; Margaret, 107, 114. 167, 169, 174. 183, 194, 195, 283, 284 ; Mary, 169, 181, 183, 245, 274, 277 ; Nicholas, 76 ; Phyllis, 255 ; Ralph, 179, 197, 225, 226, 227, 283, 284, 290 ; Richard, 262, 276 ; Stephen, 255 ; Widow, 109 ; William, 57, 76, 82, 116, 165, 168, 198, 242, 260, 278. Arundell. Alice, 97 ; Christopher, 97, 1()1 . 108; Elizabeth, 101. Aryneton, Anne, 14. Ashman, Elizabeth, 137 ; John, 181. Ashmole, Elizabeth, 170 ; Fer- dinando, 219 ; Thomas, 170. Ashons, Mary, 248. Ashton, Eleanor, 293 ; George, 293. Ashwell, John, 14. Ashwood, Elizabeth, 243 ; Robert, 243. Asslabie, Robert, 159. Athe, Christopher, 22 ; Janet, 20. Athey, Alice, 27. Atisse, Jane, 90 ; John, 102 ; William, 90, 102. Atkin, Joseph, 231 ; William, 108, 231. Atkinson, Alice, 29, 47, 58, 61, 82, 92, 103 ; Anne, 41, 45, 61, 90, 113, 157, 159-161, 163, 169, 181, 214, 260, 268, 276 ; Anthony, 45, 47; Barbara, 48, 49, 69, 103; Bridget, 152, 157 ; Dorothy, 44 ; Edward, 53, 249, 251, 253, 255 ; Eleanor, 60, 102 ; Elizabeth, 23, 68, 83, 105, 124, 132, 152, 157, 186, 199, 243, 277 : Ellen, 23, 30; Gawan, 60, 61, 65 ; George, 165, 230, 234, 235, 293 ; Grace, 82, 293 ; Henry, 132 ; Isabel, 68, 224, 250 ; James, 29, 38, 39, 230, 234 ; Jane, 32, 35, 38, 48, 54, 225, 285 ; Janet, 11 ; John, 47, 54, 56, 60, 62, 64, 69, 74, 102, 103, 109, 111, 151, 176, 200, 218, 264 ; Katharine, 44 ; Margaret, 16, 46, 48, 61, 64, 66, 85, 95, 253 ; Margery, 38 ; Mary, 48, 90, 93, 171, 172, 240, 241, 280, 291 ; Matthew, 218, 224, 244, 251 ; Michael, 164 ; Philip, 60, 98, 110,111,123,129,156; Philippa, 105, 165, 170 ; Phyllis, 98, 166, 188 ; Ralph, 52, 72, 90, 92, 93, 99, 102, 103, 108, 272 ; Richard, 60, 74, 102, 276 ; Robert, 11, 14, 242, 276; Stephen, 58, 59, 62, 104 ; Susanna, 161, 162 ; Thomas, 23, 37, 38, 41, 44, 46, 47, 49, 52, 94, 113, 144, 147, 151, 152, 156, 157, 160, 165, 171, 172. 181, 186, 224, 235, 244, 272, 276, 280 ; Thomasin, 99, 144, 147, 176 ; William, 39, 52, 56, 68, 84, 159, 161, 162. 165, 169, 174, 176, 177, 200, 211, 229, 240, 243, 249, 251. Aton, Anne, 4 ; Robert, 4. Attock, Elizabeth, 264 ; William, 264. Aud, see Awde. Audra, Anne, 139. Avis, Anne, 254 ; Elizabeth, 285 ; George, 289 ; Henry, 268 :' Mar tha, 293 ; Thomas, 254, 285, 289, 293. Avison, Richard, 241. Awde, Agnes, 8 ; Anne, 90, 116 142, 180, 274 ; Barbara, 207 Christopher, 4 : Cuthbert, 90, 113, 115, 164, 178, 180 ; Dorothy, 142; Elizabeth, 10, 188 ; Frances! 172 ; Francis, 142 ; George, 164 Henry, 48 ; Isabel, 61, 185 Janet, 4 ; John, 4, 7, 90, 180 185, 188, 275 ; Katharine, 4, 24 Margaret, 275 ; Mary, 149, 224 Michael, 180: Richard, 220 Robert, 142, 164 ; Sybel, 7 Thomas, 10, 292 ; William, 141, 238. Awderley, Anne, 37. Awghert, Elizabeth, 19. Awstyne, Janet, 15 ; Thomas, 15. Ayre,' Alice, 19, 79, 82 ; Alleson, 16 ; Anne, 10, 13, 16, 17. 41, 77 ; Anthony, 22, 37. 38. 41, 42, 44, 47, 50, 52, 53, 55, 57, 81, 95; Christopher, 91, 99 : Eleanor, 73; Elizabeth, 4, 17, 37, 41, 47, 259, 282 ; Ellen, 16 ; George, 13, 269 ; Helen, 15 ; Henry, 50 ; Isabel, 12, 16, 17, 25, 46 ; Jane, 38; Janet, 15; John, 15, 73, 82 ; Joseph, 269, 288 ; Margaret, 46, 55, 56, 81 ; Margery, 14. 47, 84 ; Mary, 288 ; Nicholas, 17, 18; Ralph, 256 ; Robert, 10 ; Sam son, 18 ; Sarah, 284 ; Susan, 17; Simon, 12, 23, 44 ; Thomas, 42 46,52, 53, 54, 79, 82, 86, 88, 91 ' 95, 99, 109, 252, 256 ; William 1, 21, 22, 42. B BACON, Anne, 283; Bell, 275 ; Dorothy, 177 ; Margaret, 281 ; Richard, 283. Bailes, Anne, 41 ; Isabel, 66. Bailey, Elizabeth, 124, 283 ; Grace, 6, 7 ; John, 124 ; Margaret, 184 ; Mary, 290 ; Matthew Lidle, 108 ; Robert, 184 ; Simeon, 283 ; William, 30. Baimbridge, Dorothy, 270; Fran- oes, 230. Bainbridge, Anne, 61, 209, 230 ; Barnabas, 57 ; Boothe, 210 ; Charles, 210; Cicelv, 14; Cuth bert, 76 ; Elizabeth, 7, 18. 153. 209; Label, 3, 5, 22 : Jane, 76 ; Jennet, 5; John, 14, 83, 211; Katherine, 64 ; Margaret, 83, 88, 156; Philip, 57; Roger, 70 ; Thomas, 63, 64, 156, 193. Baines, Anne, 7; John, 288; Mary, 260, 288 ; Richard, 7 ; William,248. Bairde, Alleson, 15. Baister, Anne, 150; John, 164, 168; Mary, 164. Baker, George, 84 ; Isabel, 73 ; Jane, 82, 92. 215; John, 73; Mary, 90 ; Nicholas, 210, 213 ; Richard, 82, 84, 92, 102; Robert, 147, 206, 213; William. 147, 206, 209. Ballant, Anne, 197 ; Christopher, 213. Ballance, Christopher. 190 ; Mar tha, 190. Ballon, Anne, 135 ; Christopher, 129, 130 ; Robert, 135. Balse, Jane, 286 ; John, 286, 289 ; Nicholas. 289. Bambrough, Eleanor, 290 ; Mary, 258 ; Thomas, 290. Banbryke, Thomas, 11. Bankes, Alice, 115 ; Ann, 141, 214, 219, 227 ; Christopher, 62, 66, 190; Eleanor, 135; Elizabeth, 123 ; Helen, 235, 240 ; Henry, 117; Isabel, 206, 254; Jane, 122, 291 ; Jennet, 25; John, 141, 214, 219, 225, 227, 228, 235, 284, 291 ; Margaret, 127, 176 ; Margery, 132; Mary, 183; Robert, 66; Thomas, 111, 113, 115, 117, 123, 127, 132, 135, 197; William. 113, 225, 227, 228, 240, 244. Barber, Ann, 6, 263 ; Cuthbert, 30 ; John, 33 ; Robert, 28, 30. Barbon, Jennet, 6. Barde, Alleson, 8 ; Thomas, S. Bareouss, Margaret, 158. Bargett, Elizabeth, IS ; Isabel, 18 ; Jennet. 7; Katherine, 1; Robert, 1 ; Richard, 6, 7. Barkas, Anne, 107 : George, 107, 112 ; Jane, 281; William, 112. Barker, Alice, 136; Christian, 277; Elizabeth, 68, 89, 124 ; George, 65, 168 : Henry, 290 ; Jane, 90, 138, 163, 276 ; John, 132, 136 : Ralph, 132 ; Richard, 5, 133 ; Robert, 168 ; Thomas. 37, 276, 283, 284, 2S7 ; William, 78. Barnard, Anne, 117. Barnet, Alleson, 10 ; Thomas, 5. Barnes, Jane, 27; Margaret, 75; Richard, 27, 31. Barraclough, Anne, 167 ; Alice, 127, 130, 135 ; Barbara, 132. 168, 174 ; Christopher, 123, 124 ; Edward, 168 ; Frances, 136 ; Jane, 162 ; John, 124, 135, 128, 130, 132, 135, 231 ; Katherine, 127 ; Mary. 128, 192 ; Muriel, 241 ; Robert, 121, 125. INDEX. Barrow, Alexander, 47 ; Ann, 38, 39, 44, 50, 54, 67 ; Christopher, 76 ; Eleanor, 64 ; Elizabeth, 28, 30, 39, 42, 58, 79, 92 ; George 29, 30, 38-40, 49, 51, 54, 64 Gerard, 79 ; Hugh, 37, 38, 42 44, 46, 54 ; Isabel, 37, 51 ; Jane 35, 37, 38, 46, 58, 62, 93 ; John 26, 39, 41 ; Matthew, 40, 52, 77 Mary, 39, 42 ; Miles, 38, 39 Nicholas, 24 ; Richard. 49 Robert, 38, 39, 42, 46, 52, 62, 67 Thomas, 35, 80 ; William, 46, 77 Barton, Ann, 118; Anthony, 28 33 ; Barbary, 3 ; Conard, 3, 7 Dulcibella, 121 ; Elizabeth, 7, 8 28, 61 ; Felice, 3, 6 ; John, 61 63, 123 ; Mark, 9 ; Mary, 183 Robert, 118, 121, 123, 141, 202 Thomas, 3, 11 ; William, 30. Bartys, William, 6. Bar wick, Jane, 76 ; Katherine, 73 ; Mary. 83 ; Thomasina. 80, 82 ; Robert, 69, 73,76, 80, 82; William, 69, 82. Basnatt, Marland, 76. Basnett, Elizabeth, 29. Bass, Benjamin, 280 ; Martha, 280. Baster, Elizabeth, 149. Baswell, Alice, 183. Bateman, Samuel, 271 ; Sarah, 271. Bates, Deborah, 284 ; Isabel, 115. Batemanson, Anne, 16 ; Anthony, 32 ; Christopher, 41, 58, 71 ; Eleanor. 88 ; Elizabeth, 11, 13, 66 ; Isabel, 15 ; Katherine, 22 ; Martin, 16 ; Thomas, 55 ; William, 16. Bateson, Elizabeth, 208 ; Henry, 203 ; Isabel, 55 ; John, 55. Batey, John, 194, 209 : Thomasine, 194, 213. Bawden, Edmund, 256. Bawkins, Samuel, 264. Bawquenny, Widow, 11. Bawron, Edward, 183. Bawrwynnye, William, 32. Baxter,' Anne, 189 ; Ellen, 3 ; Elizabeth, 77. 78, 186, 262 ; Isa bel, 73, 75 ; John, 186, 192, 197, 198, 231. 246 ; Margaret, 31, 75, 101, 246 ; Mary, 197 ; Thomas, 57 ; William, 73, 76, 101. Baydwode, Anne, 3. Bayes, Jane, 191. Baylzay, Betteres, 7 ; Ellen, 8 ; Jennet, 10. Beale, Anne, 282 ; Thomas, 282. Beane, Widow, 97. Beates, Alleson, 32 ; Lucy, 38. Becheson, Christopher, 14. Beck, Ann, 18 ; Elizabeth, 287. Beekels, Alice, 260 ; Anne, 243, 244; Charles, 120 ; Dorothy, 152; Elizabeth, 106, 108; John, 160, 164 ; Margaret, 133, 158, 159 ; Richard, 106, 150, 158, 159, 163, 164, 167, 197; Robert, 106, 108, 111, 113, 120, 133, 139, 167, 202, 243, 260, 274 ; Thomas, 111, 113. Beckwith, Barnard, 128 ; Edward, 160 ; Elizabeth, 273 ; Roger, 128. Beckworth, Cicely, 14. Bedford, Thomas, 56. Bedycke, Anne, 14. Bee, Anne, 202 ; Henry, 53 ; Jane, 111 ; John, 63, 73 ; Robert, 53 ; Widow, 120. Been, Donkin, 282 ; George, 282. Beke, Agnes, 8 ; Robert, 8, 13. Bell, Alice, 34 ; Alleson, 8, 11, 14, 42 ; Anne, 30, 129. 155, 161, 163, 166, 178, 201, 202, 214, 224, 245, 260, 280; Arthur, 151; Averil, 215 ; Barbara, 123, 142, 207, 264 ; Barnabas, 139 ; Bartram, 2 : Bernard, 163 ; Charles, 275 ; Christopher, 15, 35, 38, 44, 55, 78, 89, 194, 199, 207, 212, 213, 219 ; Clyn, 33 ; Cuthbert, 31. 283 ; Daniel, 198, 201, 214, 223 ; Dorothy, 19, 29. 35, 169, 187, 197, 248, 258, 272, 284 ; Edward, 198 ; Eleanor, 35, 140, 269; Elizabeth, 31, 35, 55, 78, 80, 115, 127, 144, 217, 274 ; Ellen, 31 ; Faith, 133, 134, 269, 278, 279 ; Gerard, 17 ; Hannah, 260, 264, 280; Henry, 79, 80, 129, 199, 200, 206, 234, 274, 280, 282-284 ; Isabel, 2, 13, 75, 142 ; Jacob, 289 ; James, 132, 286 ; Jane, 33, 56, 75, 148, 190 ; Jen net, 17, 20, 34 ; John, 14, 17, 34, 35, 40, 63, 78, 88, 116, 184, 191, 196, 201, 256, 265, 274. 267; Joseph, 256 ; Katherine, 206, 253 ; Margaret, 23, 33, 37, 38, 60, 62, 69, 118 134, 185, 205, 263, 267, 269, 273, 285, 286 ; Mary, 153, 175, 184, 202, 247, 253, 259, 266, 271, 274, 276, 282, 291 ; Michael, 127, 207 ; Nicholas, 44, 77 ; Peter, 178 ; Richard, 87, 117, 118, 123, 127, 129, 133, 134, 137, 139, 143, 148, 155, 180, 190, 203, 236, 258, 261, 267, 273, 277 ; Robert, 115, 116, 118, 131, 142, 143, 163, 170, 189, 191, 195, 196, 201-205, 217, 264, 265, 269, 273, 276, 280, 282, 286, 289 ; Sarah, 189, 204, 261, 278 ; Susan, 79 ; Thomas, 29, 30, 33, 75, 77, 82, 84, 88, 101, 118, 126, 137, 250, 253, 256, 259, 264-267, 271, 274, 290 ; William. 34, 55, 56, 60, 63, 84, 101,163,223,245. Bellemy, Anne, 200 ; George, 52, 53, 55, 57 ; John, 229 ; Margaret, 55, 57 : Margery, 52, 53 ; Mary. 54, 63. Bellerby, Alice, 260 ; Anne, 27, 29; Betteres, 8, 9 ; Ellen, 32 ; Jane, 26 ; Jennet, 29 ; John, 139 ; Lawrence, 32 ; Margaret, 29, 35 ; Miles, 30 ; Richard. 10, 27, 29 ; Robert, 8, 9 ; Rowland, 23 ; William, 26. Bellie, Ann, 124, 137, 142 ; Eliza beth, 122, 130 ; Margaret, 124, 146, 195, 216, 217; Michael, 122- 124, 130, 137, 140 ; Ralph, 130 ; Richard, 140, 142, 146 ; Thomas, 146, 195, 217. Bellingham, Thomas, 166. Bellises, Anne, 46 ; Brian, 44, 45, 46 ; Charles, 45 ; Katherine, 44, 45 ; Margaret, 45, 66, 129 ; Mar tha, 127 ; Mary, 118. Bene, Francis, 89. Benee, John, 105. Benet, Richard, 7. Benjamin, Michael, 191. Benkall, Bartram, 4. Benlay, Jennet, 9 ; William, 7. Bennet, John, 226. Benson, Alice, 115 ; Elizabeth, 95; Isabel, 147 ; Jane, 96, 100 ; Thomas, 100, 115 ; Tobias, 95. Bentley, Anne, 227 ; Mary, 176. Bergett, Robert, 7. Berrick, Robert, 67, 68. Best, Anne, 249 ; Eleanor, 250, 257 ; Elizabeth, 268, 276 ; John 249, 251 ; Margaret, 258, 271 Martha, 244 ; Martin. 254, 272 Mary, 266 ; Nicholas, 243, 250, 254, 258, 263, 265, 266, 271, 276 William, 283. Betes, Elizabeth. 24. Bettles, Elizabeth, 108 ; John, 91, 92 ; Margaret, 93 ; Marian, 87 ; Mary, 116; Robert, 87, 91—93, 108, 113. Bettesse, Elizabeth, 98. 99 ; Robert, 98, 99. Betwas, Jennet, 21. Bewes, Anne, 241, 245 ; Charleton, 289 ; George, 232, 233 : Jane, 237 ; John, 205, 232, 233. 237, 260,292 ; Mary. 292. Bewick, Anne, 150, 152, 235, 253, 258 ; Elizabeth, 104, 154, 166 ; Jane, 215 : John, 104 ; Mary, 100, 177, 293 ; Peter, 169, 191 ; Thomas, 104. 163, 180 ; William, 150, 154, 158, 163, 177, 215, 218, 229, 233, 235. Biggins, Anne, 140 ; Charles, 227; Christopher, 73, 81, 102, 166 ; Eleanor, 73, 81, 215 ; Elizabeth, 202, 286 ; George, 51, 118, 140, 149, 164, 166, 227, 230, 234, 280, 283 ; James, 234 ; John, 51, 81, 234, 281 ; Katherine, 149 ; Mar garet, 119; Mary, 164, 211; Ralph, 125 ; Theresa, 280 ; Thomas, 202, 281, 283. Billingem, Anne, 195, 268 ; John, 195 ; Mary, 167, 234; Matthew, 176 ; Ralph, 169, 234, 268, 279 ; William, 167, 169, 176. Binks, Margaret, 174. Binns, Isabel, 115 ; Richard, 115, 123, 125 ; Susanna, 123. Biram, Alice, 168 ; Robert, 168. Bird, Elizabeth, 156, 222 ; George, 156, 183 ; John, 270. Bishoprick, George, 162, 183 ; Muriel, 160 ; Robert, 207. Bittles, see Bettles. Black, John, 185. Blackbird, John, 276 ; Thomas, 276. Blackburn, Thomas, 260. Blackee, John, 159. Blackett, Alice, 276 ; Elizabeth, 246, 273 ; Francis, 268, 269, 273, 278, 284, 289 ; Jane, 289 ; John, 246, 278, 284 ; Margaret, 269, 272 ; William, 246. Blake, John, 140. Blakelock, Hannah, 264. Blakey, Ann, 98 ; Eleanor, 165 ; Robert, 98. Blakiston, Anne, 164, 165 ; Chris topher, 59, 130 ; Dorothy, 229 ; Edward, 94 ; Elizabeth, 130, 223, 230, 241, 270 ; Frances, 173, 22(1; Francis, 46, 130, 135, 139, 140, 159, 162, 164-166, 169, 173, 177, 202, 228, 246 ; George, 112, 162 ; Henry, 119, 159, 166; Humphrey, 53, 59 ; Jane, 119, 135 ; John, 112, 114, 237, 241 ; Lucy, 146, 199; Margaret, 17, 163,245, 287 ; Mary, 53, 112, 127, 130, 145, 162, 197, 230, 246 ; Robert, 146, 166, 169, 218, 223, 228, 230, 237, 240, 241,245,283,287,288; William, 159. Blannerhasset, Kirby, 200. Bland, Anne, 95 ; Eleanor, 100 ; Helen, 239 ; James, 90, 91, 95, 97, 100, 107 : John, 272 ; Katherine, 97 : Margaret, 90, 141 ; Matthew, 272 ; Susanna, 91. Blankynson, Katherine, 16. Blaxton, Dorothy, 51 ; Francis, 107; Humphrey, 41, 46, 51 ; John, 46; Marmaduke, 41; Peter, 50; Robert, 105 ; William, 50. Blenk, Anne, 282 ; Edward, 282. Blenkinsop, Alice, 29 ; Anne, 13, 20, 27, 38, 106, 124 ; Charles, 280; Elizabeth, 285 ; Jane, 35 ; John, 259 ; Margaret, 19, 64 ; Mary, 32, 280 ; Muriel, 133 ; Peter, 259; Thomas, 13, 29, 30, 124, 133. Blessence, Catherine, 145, 208 ; Elizabeth, 144, 218 ; Mary, 148, 259 ; Robert, 144, 145, 154, 205. Biyth, Elizabeth, 57 ; George, 39, 72, 77, 78, 80-82, 103 ; John, 39, 45 ; Katherine, 72, 81 ; Sybil, 80, 103; Thomasine, 82; William, 77, 78. Blundevil, John, 216, 240; Mar garet, 216, 253. Blunt, Christopher, 101, 102 ; Elizabeth, 5, 39 ; George, 39 ; Margaret, 101, 102. Bligh, Isabel, 18. Boke, Anne, 20 ; Henry, 20 ; Isabel, 27. Bolmer, John, 148 ; Prisca, 180 ; Tilly, 180. Bolton, Katherine, 33. Bomer, Mark, 26, 27; Michael, 26, 27. Bonning, Barbara, 196, 200 ; Robert, 188, 192, 195, 196, 198; Thomas, 188, 195. Boock, Bettres, 9 ; Christopher, 18; Henry, 35 ; Hugh, 16 ; Isabel, 15 ; Jenkin, 31 ; Robert, 15. Boomer, Elizabeth, 27. Booteman, William, 158. Booth, Mary, 141 ; Richard, 69 ; Robert, 36, 102. Bore, Anne, 175. Borrow, Anne, 158, 174, 199 ; David, 136, 158, 159, 163, 167, 173-175, 185, 226. 231 ; Dorothy, 291 ; Eleanor, 174 ; Helen, 226 ; Isabel, 281 ; Jane, 275 ; John, 159 ; Katherine, 173, 174 ; Mar garet, 281 ; Mary, 167, 172, 185, 228; Stephen, 186, 228; William, 275, 281, 291 ; Winifred, 125. Borton, Thomas, 3. Borryll, Elizabeth, 38 ; John, 38. Bothe, Anne, 25, 35 ; Christopher, 33 ; Elizabeth, 24 ; Ellen, 35 ; Grace, 30 ; Henry, 30 ; John, 27, 28 ; Katherine, 29 ; Mary, 29 ; Robert, 27 ; Roger, 30. Botlowre, Widow, 29. Bott, Grace, 115 ; John, 153 ; Sus anna, 112, 120 ; Thomas, 118 ; William, 112, 115, 118, 120. Bouck, John, 81. Bourchier, Mary, 112. Bousefield, Jane, 220 ; William, 220. Boutflower, Christobel, 27 ; Eliza beth, 22 ; Isabel, 23 ; Mary, 225; Richard, 9. Boarn, Gilbert, 221. Bouthe, Alice, 14 ; Eleanor, 20 ; Isabel, 16; Jane, 21; Katherine, 14 ; Richard, 22 ; Roger, 20 ; Thomas, 8, 23. Boutin, Anne, 166. Bowen, Jane, 293. Bower, Jennet, 19. Bowes, Anne, 282; Elizabeth, 248; George, 236, 248 ; Jane, 285 : John, 218, 236; Lady, 73; Sarah, 288 ; Thomas, 282, 285, 288. Bowey, Christian, 289. Bowtflor, Isabel, 6 ; Jennet, 9 ; Margaret, 6 ; Richard, 6. Bowhoke, Edward, 17 ; Hugh, 15 ; Isabel. 16. Bowman, George, 271 ; Isabel, 278; James, 271 ; John, 287 ; Richard, 278 ; Ruth, 270 ; Thomas, 270, Bowmer, Elizabeth, 27 ; Frances, 20 ; Mark, 27. Bowran, Jane, 293. Bowron, Edward, 185 ; Margaret. 185 ; Susanna, 185. Bowyth, Elizabeth, 6; Richard, 10. Boyce, Ellen, 10 ; Jane, 12 ; John, 6. Boyd, Hannah, 286. Boyecke, Robert, 29. Boyer, Ann, 65 ; Grace, 69, 70 ; Hugh, 56, 59, 62, 65, 69, 70, 74, 78 ; Jane, 56 ; Margaret, 62 ; Mary, 80 ; William, 74, 78. Boyes, Anne, 133 ; Cuthbert, 11 ; Dorothy, 10; Eleanor, 105, 106; Hugh, 104-106, 110, 117, 118; Jane, 104, 106, 117; Margaret, 104, 141 ; Robert, 10. Boyth, Alleson, 6 ; Ellen, 1 ; Grace, 6, 7 ; Isabel, 7 ; Jane, 8 ; Roger, 6,7. Brabant, Ann, 280 ; Jane, 288 ; John, 280. Brabin, Michael, 200. Brack, Elizabeth, 205. Bracket, Mary, 174. Bradforth, Eleanor, 58 ; Elizabeth, 83. Bradley, Alice, 23, 149 ; Anne, 118, 127, 129, 140, 168, 225 Cecilia, 72; Charles, 119; Chris topher, 112, 118, 120, 125, 135 Dorothy, 123 ; Eleanor, 196 Elizabeth, 112, 124, 155, 162, 190; George, 70,71,221; Henry', 89, 117, 125, 129. 132 Isabel, 85, 109 ; Jane, 18, 77, 107, 109. 114, 120, 170, 194, 250 John, 23, 61, 71, 74, 79, 85, 107 109, 112, 113, 116, 119, 121, 127 132, 146, 147, 151, 157, 167, 176 209. 221, 236, 264 ; Joseph, 123 162, 167, 171, 175, 179, 183, 190, 192, 194, 196, 203, 205, 253 Katherine, 114 ; Lydia, 226 234 ; Margaret, 77, 162, 257 Mary, 76, 77, 105, 114, 117, 157 190, 192, 205, 253, 267, 280 Matthew, 64; Michael. 175, 190 Nicholas, 59, 76, 77, 101, 102 104,105, 114, 118, 119. 123-125 131 ; Ralph, 101, 102, 214 Richard, 104, 105, 121, 162 Robert, 125, 179, 183; Sarah 104 ; Stephen, 203, 253, 257, 261 267, 272, 275 ; Susan, 142 Thomas, 59. 70, 105. 116, 119 125 ; Thomasine, 79, 125, 145 William, 119, 125, 151, 158, 159, 171, 174, 272. Bradshaw, James, 113 ; Strange- ways, 113 ; William, 248. BrafEerton, Roberc, 31. Brake, Robert, 3. Brande, Robert, 54. Brandling, Anne, 215 ; Jane, 89 ; John, 89. Branson, Alice, 287 ; Jane, 8. Brantingham, Anne. 52 ; Eliza beth, 75, 91 ; John, 52 ; Mar- garet.36; Richard, 39; Robert, 97. Brass, Annabella, 226 ; Anne, 190, 196, 198, 259, 281, 286; Cuth bert, 90, 93, 190, 196, 198, 203, 206, 212, 258, 262, 266, 271, 273, 278, 282-284, 286 ; Dorothy, 93; Eleanor, 266; Elizabeth, 19], 208, 268, 270, 274, 278, 279 ; Grace, 258 ; Guy, 80 ; Hannah, 238 ; Jane, 64, 284, 285, 291 ; Jennet, 1; John, 9, 132, 212, 271, 273, 274, 278, 282, 283, 285, 286, 290, 291 ; Margery, 145 ; Mary, 90, 159, 210, 221, 262, 273 ; Mascal, 216, 268, 274 ; Peter, 203, 269, 271, 274, 278, 279, 285, 287; Ralph, 86; Robert, 154, 208, 210, 216, 278; Stephen, 273; Thomas, 120, 154, 159, 220, 221, 238, 244, 268, 270, 282 ; Thomasine, 123, 137, 158, 269 ; William, 120, 123, 127, 137, 139, 244, 271, INDEX. Brathwaite, Annabella, 138; John, 60, 61; Richard, 60,61; Theo- philus, 121. Braydwod, Margaret, 1 ; Rose, Breakes, Anne, 237 ; Jane. 284 ; John, 216, 218 ; Katherine, 208, 235 ; Richard, 280, 288; Robert, 210, 284, 285, 288; William, 208, 210, 218, 235, 237, 268, 285. Brellerby, Robert, 14. Brewhaus, Jane, 180. Brice, Andrew, 203, 205 ; Anne, 196 ; Cecily, 120 ; Cuthbert, 78; Elizabeth, 6. 35, 87, 106, 115, 118,142, 147, 169; Henry, 73, 115, 118, 120, 122, 128, 214, 217; Jane, 25, 115, 120, 169. 174, 206, 277; John, 6, 32, 106,' 111, 115, 116, 119, 120, 128, 134, 139, 142, 151, 169, 171, 176, 179, 181, 183, 186, 187, 196, 201, 203, 206, 214, 217, 270 ; Jonathan, 176 ; Katherine, 177, 201 ; Margaret, 111, 120, 134 ; Margery, 25 ; Mary, 119, 124, 139 : Michael, 179, 187; Richard. 20, 76, 124, 179, 187 : William, 13. 186. Bricks, Anne, 289. Bridgeswell, Elizabeth, 77 ; John, 68 ; Margaret, 68 ; William, 77. Brigges, Margaret, 84 ; Nicholas, 84, 86, 88, 91. Briggs, Bridget, 250 ; Edward, 138, 151 ; Elizabeth, 273, 275 ; Frances, 131, 156 ; Gabriel, 164 ; George, 275, 282 ; Henry, 117 ; Isabel, 95, 282; James, 118; Jane, 164 ; John, 118 ; Kather ine, 97, 112; Margaret, 133, 172, 275 ; Mary, 279 ; Nicholas, 97, 136, 149; Thomas, 131, 133, 136, 138, 150, 151, 156, 211, 273. Brigham, Ellen, 30 ; Mary, 133. Brignall, Ambrose, 179, 184 ; Anne, 144 ; Elizabeth, 160. 185, 280 ; James, 184 ; John, 153, 154, 161, 165, 168, 205, 229 ; Mary, 161, 215 ; Nicholas, 108, 115, 153, 155 ; Robert, 161 : Sarah, 205 ; Thomas, 165, 179, 220. Brimer, William, 276. Brittain, Elizabeth, 178. Brockeff, Elizabeth, 277. Brockett, Anne, 141 ; Elizabeth, . 119, 197, 248; Francis, 279 Isabel, 131, 164 ; John, 104 Lawrence, 127 ; Margaret, 101 Mary, 116, 127 ; Thomas, 111 William, 101, 104, 111, 113, 116, 119, 127, 154, 166, 204, 248, 254. Brome, Martin, 35. Bromfield, Christopher, 203, 204, 213, 217, 238 ; Eleanor, 203,245; James, 202, 203 ; Thomas, 204, 217. Bromley, Phylis, 205. Brotherton, John, 203. Brough, Anne, 165, 173, 220, 266 ; Catherine, 156, 182, 200, 209; Eleanor, 153 ; Elizabeth, 169, 172, 177, 180; John, 156. 157, 160, 165, 169, 172, 173, 177, 180, 182, 188, 191, 200, 209, 252; Margaret, 285 ; Mark, 266 ; Mary, 188, 191; Thomas, 285; William. 173. Brownbridge, Isabel. 240; Richard, 240. Brownlass, Bartholomew, 287 ; Katherine, 287. Brownless, Elizabeth, 291 ; George, 291. Brown, Abraham, 80, 83 ; Alice, 233, 287 ; Allen, 26] ; Alleson, 13, 40, 42 ; Anne, 14, 24, 25, 34, 35, 83, 117, 124. 137, 160, 161. 175. 181, 185, 210, 237, 254-256, 266, 278-280, 290, 291; Anthony, 19 ; Averil, 186 ; Bartholomew, 112. 168, 198, 205, 222, 240, 244, 248, 249, 252, 253, 257, 269, 274; Bedel, 218; Christopher, 6, 84, 124, 150, 152, 159, 170, 187 ; Cuthbert, 76,91 ; Dennis, 85, 86, 163 ; Dorothy, 116, 157, 242, 252, 269 ; Edward, 224, 227 ; Eleanor, 45, 49, 83, 103, 275 ; Elizabeth, 5, 36, 79, 107, 140, 152, 157, 168, 180, 192, 193, 208, 222, 223, 227, 239, 254, 256, 264, 267, 286, 288 ; Frances, 205, 223 ; George, 27, 114, 165, 185, 188, 245, 251, 262, 274, 277, 290, 292, 293; Hannah, 240, 274; Henry, 224, 290; Isabel, 31, 33, 36, 90, 290; James, 42, 60, 61, 62. 69, 73, 75, 76, 83, 103, 174, 177, 186, 213, 241, 257, 279 ; Jane, 42, 63, 133, 160, 163, 201, 202, 212, 238, 240, 257, 258, 266, 278, 279 ; Jennet, 56 ; Joan, 41, 85 : John, 40, 42, 44. 57, 64, 69, 72, 76, 80-83, 97, 110, 159, 179, 186, 234, 235, 240, 243, 247, 252, 257, 258, 264. 267, 268 ; Katherine, 57, 123, 166, 261 ; Lambton, 257; Margaret, 10, 14, 24, 40, 60, 62, 86, 87, 150, 168, 174, 176, 179, 193, 208, 209, 213, 228, 262, 264, 268, 290 ; Margery, 46, 63. 73, 75, 120 : Mark, 195, 197 ; Martha, 190 ; Martin, 209; Mary, 51, 158, 160, 175,175,177, 179, 187, 198, 224, 228, 229, 237, 238, 241, 245, 261, 267, 268, 275, 289 ; Matthew, 160, 161, 165, 170, 175, 179, 180, 188, 195, 201, 235, 243, 268, 291; Mr., 106.194; Oliver, 225 ; Philip, 124; Ralph, 21 ; Rebecca, 41 ; Richard, 9, 54, 57, 107, 112, 134, 137, 160, 161, 165, 168, 172, 176. 186, 192. 193, 198, 201, 236, 248, 252, 261, 262, 267, 272-274, 277, 280, 288 ; Robert, 14, 27, 31, 172, 253, 279, 292 ; Shaftoe John, 257 ; Sybil, 18, 19; Thomas, 21, 22, 25, 46, 49, 50, 76, 80, 83, 84, 86, 87, 91, 116, 133, 151, 154, 165, 207, 209, 216, 221, 228, 234, 247, 249, 251, 252, 281 ; Thomasine, 234 ; Widow, 26 ; William, 5, 13, 14, 26, 38, 42, 45, 51. 70, 91, 153, 160, 161, 163, 168, 171, 180, 190, 208, 210, 212, 216, 221, 228, 233, 237, 239, 242, 252, 275, 290; Winifred, 292. Brownrige, John, 150, 151 ; Wil liam, 151. Bruce, Ann, 144, 145, 157 , 236 ; George, 96, 150 ; Isabel, 150, 189; John, 144, 145, 154 : Katherine, 233 ; Mary, 234 ; Peter, 233 ; Ralph, 96. Brumell, Sarah, 271. Brune, Anne, 3 ; Elizabeth, 4, 6 ; Isabel, 6 ; James, 6 ; Jennet, 7 ; Margaret, 7; Roger, 3; Thomas, 6. Brunskill, Elizabeth, 238. Brunton. Mary, 248. Buchanon, Jane, 283 ; James, 270; John, 280, 283, 284. Buck, Beatrice, 27 ; Elizabeth, 101, 214 ; Faith, 147 ; Margaret, 27 ; Richard, 101, 116 ; Robert, 107, 147 ; William, 214. Buckle, Jane, 138 ; Margaret, 95 ; Ralph, 138. Buckley, Anne, 192 ; John, 192. Bulkingcheer, Mary, 206; William, 206. Bullock, Alice, 33, 34; Eleanor, 53; Ellen, 31, 35 ; Isabel, 20, 61 ; John, 31 ; Leonard, 22 ; Mar garet, 94 ; Mr., 81, 257 ; Robert, 57 ; Susan, 259 -; Thomas, 33, 34, 63, 136; Thomasine, 142; William, 33. Bulman, Christopher, 71 ; Jane, 30 ; John, 30, 31. Bulmer, Alice, 97 ; Anne, 4 ; An- cotel, 234 ; Anthony, 248 ; Bar tram, 48, 54, 92, 94 ; Dorothy, 64 ; Elizabeth, 49, 86, 265 ; Isa bel, 48 ; Jane, 97, 248 ; John, 86, 93, 94, 97, 271, 274, 279, 281; Mary, 93, 262 ; Nicholas, 54 ; Thomas, 274. Buke, — ., 11 ; Edward, 10. Bukler, Isabel, 10 ; John, 10 ; Thomas, 10. Bunn, Isabel, 195. Burdett, Isabel, 199. Burdey, Dorothy, 150 ; Thomas, 150. Burdon, Abraham, 288 ; Anne, 101, 128, 130 ; Bernard Westby, 191, 195, 198, 200; Dorothy, 175, 277 ; Edward, 101 ; Elizabeth, 95, 227, 231, 288 ; George, 191, 215; Isabel, 129, 198, 231, 255 ; Jane, 184, 275, 279 ; John, 138, 186; Margaret, 2 ; Margery, 115 ; Mary, 174, 177, 197, 228, 231 ; Nicholas, 128-130, 132, 138, 143, 202, 207, 227, 228, 231, 234, 269, 275; Thomas, 146, 168, 184, 191, 195, 198, 200; William, 132, 175, 177, 182, 186. 191, 197, 202, 211, 213, 215. Burges, Jennet, 4. Burgene, Robert, 3. Burlay, Custyse, 18 ; Christopher, 16. Burliegh, Anne, 203. Burn, Alice, 112, 278 ; Anne, 102, 108, 114, 120, 271 ; Christopher, 89, 109; Elizabeth, 7. 8, 9, 13, 128; George, 70, 112, 114, 115, 126, 144 ; Gilbert, 171 ; Grace, 79; Isaac, 115; Isabel, 56; James, 7 ; Jennet, 7, 9 ; Mark, 70, 80, 89, 102, 114 ; Mary, 109, 117, 126 ; Nicholas, 10 ; Richard, 74 ; Thomas, 80, 109. Burnand, Nathaniel, 106, 110. Burnet, Andrew, 267, 270, 271 ; Dorothy, 270 ; Mary, 267, 271. Burnop, Anne, 162 ; Elizabeth, 157 ; Mary, 163 ; Sir Nicholas, 19 ; William, 157, 163, 183. Burre, Elizabeth, 106 ; Mark, 106. Burrell, Anne, 131 ; Cuthbert, 190, 278 ; Francis, 58 ; Henry, 97 ; John, 12 ; Margaret, 190, 220 ; Richard, 131 ; Thomas, 58. Burro, Alexander, 22 ; Christopher, 17 ; Elizabeth, 17, 22 ; George, 17. Burstyll Margaret, 12. Burton, Alice, 276 ; Anne, 242 ; Christopher, 151: Elizabeth, 101, 208, 236 ; Helen, 241 ; James, 291 ; Jane, 156 ; John, 92 ; Joseph, 92 ; Margaret, 70 ; Mary, 200, 239 ; Richard, 239, 275 ; Robert, 156 ; Samuel, 276. Busby, Adeline, 225 ; Anne, 216 ; Cuthbert, 225, 251 ; George, 215 ; Helen, 237 ; Henry, 189, 201, 206, 209, 214, 216, 218, 220 ; John, 270 ; Margaret, 270 ; Thomasine, 189, 260. Bushnell, John, 60, 61. Bussard, Andrew, 60, 61, 65, 69, 71 ; Anne, 71 ; Hugh, 61, 62 ; Margaret, 60, 61, 69 ; Mary, 65. Bussey, Isabel, 167 ; Margaret, 120 ; William, 273. Bussie. Charles, 34 ; Jane, 69 ; John, 46 ; Katherine, 10 ; Mar garet, 108 ; Mary, 100 ; William, 10. Buston, Alice, 245 ; Henry, 245, 247, 252, 281 ; Roger, 247 ; William, 252. Butcher, Thomas, 277 ; ThomaB Jolly, 277. Butter, Hylton, 162, 164 ; Mar garet, 164; Thomas, 162, 164, 220. Butry, Margaret, 183. Butterie, Anthony, 242, 243 ; Bar bara, 143, 155 ; Magdaline, 217 ; Margaret, 243 ; Sarah, 156 ; Thomas, 143, 155, 242. Butyman, Adam, 133 ; Alice, 174 ; Edmund, 131, 133, 174, 188 ; Jane, 131. Byerley, Anne, 171, 263, 279 ; Charles, 207 ; James, 283 ; John, 279 ; Joseph, 283 ; Mary, 166 ; William, 57. Byers, Anne, 236 ; Barbara, 72 ; Beatrice, 16 ; Jennet, 20; John, 18. Byrg, Anne, 20. Byrkett, Jane, 35. Bywell, Isabel, 12. C Cadogan, Colonel, 250. Cairnes, Elizabeth, 287 ; George, 269, 273, 280, 283, 291 ; Jane, 291 ; Joan, 269 ; John, 276 ; Mary, 282 ; Robert, 280 ; Sarah, 273 ; William, 282, 287. Calbreath, James, 288 ; Mary, 288. Calf hill, James, 110. Calvart, Christopher, 75. Calverley, Elizabeth, 61, 69; Isabel, 124 ; John, 13, 67, 69. Calvert, Bridget. 79 ; Christopher, 79, 82, 83, 86, 90 ; Jane, 122, 248 ; Margaret, 82, 83, 90 ; Margery, 243 ; Sarah, 86 ; William, 122. Card, Anne, 188. Carlton, Dorothy, 292; Helen, 284; John, 283, 284, 288 ; Thomas, 292 ; William, 283. Carnaby, Anne, 264, 272; Elizabeth, 262. 276, 278 ; George, 259, 270 ; Jane, 268 ; John, 17 ; Robert, 57 ; Thomas, 215 ; William, 259, 262, 264, 267, 269, 270, 272, 275. Carr, Alice, 33, 261 ; Andrew, 92 ; Anthony, 19, 26 ; Cuthbert, 18 ; Dame, 27 ; Edward, 6, 8, 27 ; Elizabeth, 2, 6, 8, 19, 26, 44, 99, 287 ; Ellen, 30 ; Francis, 164, 218 ; George, 23, 41, 109, 126, 263 ; Grace, 20, 275 ; Henry, 73 ; Isabel, 92, 275 ; Jane, 22 ; Janet, 20 ; John, 4, 144, 149, 215, 241 ; Margaret, 105. 144, 146, 215, 241; Mark, 211, 260; Mary, 260, 263 ; Maud, 4 ; Nicholas, 99 ; Ralph, 146, 149 ; Richard, 33 ; Robert, 105 ; Thomas, 20 ; William, 19, 233, 275. Carret, Anne, 118, 207 ; Barbara, 202 ; Dorothy, 128 ; John, 123, 167, 183 ; Lancelot, 116, 118, 123, 128, 185, 207, 213 ; Robert, 123, 167, 202; Thomas, 41, 116. Carrudder, Molly, 44. Carry, Anthony, 199. Carter, Alison, 33 ; Anne. 35, 41, 68, 117 ; Elizabeth, 21,' 37, 39, 97 ; EUen, 32 ; Grace, 24 ; Henry, 23, 26, 38, 39, 46 ; Isabel, 25 ; Jane, 30, 34, 38, 44, 73 ; Jennet, 23, 36 ; John, 27, 37, 38, 106, 183 ; Lucv, 81 ; Margaret, 19, 27, 29, 55, 94, 278 ; Mary, 278 ; Matthew, 22 ; Peter, 33 ; Ralph, 47, 94 ; Robert, 81 ; Roger, 38, 44, 47, 50, 55, 94, 104 ; Roland, 50 ; Thomas, 35. Carver, Edward, 155. Case, James, 132 ; Mary, 132. Castin, Margaret, 33. Catoheside, Dorothy, 212 ; Jane, 251 ; Robert, 203, 212. Catton, Sarah, 199; Thomas, 199. Caward, Anthony, 203. 210 Christopher, 74 ; Robert, 128 Thomas, 210 ; Valentine, 74 William, 128, 203. Cead, Margaret, 132. Cennet, Anne, 126, 129 ; Jane, 126 Cepper, Margaret, 8 ; Miles, 8. Chaitour, Anne, 4, 5 ; Anthony, 2 ; Christopher, 5, 29, 36, f Dorothy, 114 ; Elizabeth, 11, 29. 49 ; Eleanor, 42 ; Henry, 76, 78 How, 4 ; Isabel, 14, 17 ; Jane 129 ; Jheronime, 44 ; John, 3 Margaret, 6, 61 ; Margery, 8 Mary, 81, 233 ; Michael, 110 Nicholas, 47 ; Rebecca, 9 Robert, 78 ; Thomas, 42, 43, 44 47, 49, 60, 77, 81, 82 ; Trottue 82. Chambers, Christian, 289 ; Chris topher, 289 ; Isabel, 68, 89 ; Jennet, 11, 14 ; John, 68, 89 ; Matthew, 185 ; Sarah, 200 ; Thomas, 129 ; Thomasine, 129. Chamlett, Thomas, 120. Champlay, Anne, 23 . Chapman, Anne, 183 ; Barbara, 174; Bridget, 169; Dorothy, 85; Edmund, 30 ; Elizabeth, 105, 150, 236 ; George, 169, 174, 176; Margaret, 80 ; Peter, 236 ; Robert, 35 ; Thomas, 226. Charles, Conrad, 175. Charlton, Anne, 290 ; Elizabeth, 194, 237, 243 ; George, 242, 244, 246, 249, 274 ; Jane, 242, 244 ; John, 179, 213, 277, 286, 287; Margaret, 169, 243 ; Mary, 242, 272 ; Matthew, 138 ; Nicholas, 188 ; Thomas, 169, 170, 175, 179, 188, 194, 213, 228, 231, 233, 237, 242, 272, 281, 287; Thomasine, 276, 277; William, 170, 249, 255, 286. Charnley, Mary, 263. Chater, see Chaitour. Chaxton, Margaret, 35. Cheek, Anne, 285 ; Solomon, 285. Cheplay, Jennet, 4. Chester, Alice, 112; James, 50; Jane, 50 ; John, 50. Chilton, Anne, 13. 258, 271, 273 ; Barbara, 132 ; Elizabeth, 14, 22, 187, 240, 241, 243, 249, 282 ; Ellen, 10 ; George, 187, 203, 206, 240, 241, 243, 245, 249, 254, 255, 258, 259 ; Henry, 207 ; Isabel, 207 ; Jane, 245, 266 ; Jennet, 3, 14, 16 ; John, 11, 13, 14, 207, 240 ; Margaret, 6, 20 ; Mary, 240, 273, 276 ; Ralph, 207 ; Robert, 174 ; Thomas, 53 ; William, 203, 259, 266, 271, 273, 275, 276, 292. Chipchase, Anne, 150 ; Elizabeth, 79, 222, 263 ; Jane, 264 ; John, 263 ; Mary, 162, 260 ; Robert, 222, 226, 245, 260, 264, 266, 273, 286 ; Stephen, 276 ; Thomas, 273 ; William, 226, 258. Chisholm, John, 246. Choplyng, Aleceas, 14 ; Anne, 17 ; George, 19 ; Isabel, 17 ; John, 14. Chottman, William, 10. Church, Isabel, 153 ; John, 153. Cirkeley, Frances, 134 ; George, 133, 134. Citeling, Anne, 166. Clark, Allison, 17 ; Anne, 117, 128, 129, 135, 170, 178, 246, 260, 262, 271, 284 ; Barbara, 209 ; Ben jamin, 194, 204, 205, 209 ; Cuthbert, 79, 83, 162, 163, 205 ; Dorothy, 287 ; Edward, 68, 291 ; Eleanor, 149, 188, 204; Elizabeth, 1, 6, 10, 17, 86, 88, 133, 139, 151, 191, 194, 208, 216, 222, 225, 278, 290 ; Francis, 53 ; George, 60, 225 ; Grace, 62 ; Hannah, 126, 253, 267, 288, 291; Henry, 83, 122, 123, 128, 129, 132. 140, 149, 156, 162, 169, 188, 213 ; Hester, 58, 63; Isabel, 128, 129, 156, 243, 278 ; James, 133 ; Jane, 3, 7, 28, 123, 138, 245 ; John, 2, 3, 5, 23, 36, 58, 62-64, 132, 133, 140, 156, 161, 171, 176, 178, 185, 190, 225, 227, 229, 237 : John Philpott, 62 ; Katherine, 172 : Luke, 247; Margaret, 2, 54, 61, 63, 123, 140, 149; Mark, 161, 227 ; Mary, 124, 133, 161, 163. 268, 276, 289 ; Muriel, 162, 236 ; Peter, 290 ; Ralph, 19, 287, 289 ; Richard, 76, 117, 133, 135, 169, 197; Robert, 7, 54, 56, 60, 61, 63, 64, 69, 74, 76, 79, 83, 86, 91, 104, 121, 122, 124, 126, 131, 133, 135, 138, 144, 208, 209, 220, 225, 229, 283, 288, 291 ; Seth, 131 ; Thomas, 53, 56, 126, 171, 204, 205, 283; Thomasine, 122, 144 ; William, 13, 74, 75, 91, 133, 135, 162, 233, 253, 260, 262, 267, 271, 276, 278, 282, 288, 291. Clarkson, Christopher, 4 ; Eleanor, 13. Clarson, Ralph, 29. Clarvax, Cuthbert, 59, 68; Dorothy, 61, 74 ; Eden, 59. Clarynett, Mary, 90. Clavering, Anne, 178. Claxton, Alice, 10 ; Anthony, 10, 29, 38 ; Christopher, 26 ; Eliza beth, 12, 21, 28, 29, 54, 76 ; Gerard, 11, 26; Isabel, 34; Jane, 20 ; John, 21, 26, 31, 47, 54 ; Margery, 26 ; Mistress, 33 ; Robert, 26, 28 ; Roger, 19 ; Thomas, 30 ; William, 2, 12, 287. Clayton, Elizabeth, 74 ; Eurias, 74. Clegg, Elizabeth, 117; Richard, 103. Clement, Eleanor, 154 ; Elizabeth, 187 ; Isaac, 287 ; James, 154, 170 ; John, 187 ; Margaret, 185; Mary, 288. Clerk, see Clark. Cliffe, George, 57. Clifton, Anne, 88, 246, 261, 290 ; Robert, 261, 290. Close, Elizabeth, 153 ; Richard, 144. Cloyd, Isabel, 243. Coates, Anne, 102, 161 ; Edward, 154 ; John, 135 ; Katherine, 154; Martha, 129 ; Mary, 187. Cock, John, 110; Margaret, 291 ; Mary, 263. Cockburn, Isabel, 278. Cockey, Adeline, 85 ; Margaret, 89 ; Mary, 105, 118 ; Stephen, 89 ; William, 86. Cockson, Anne, 15, 241 ; George, 227; Thomas, 217 ; William, 21. Coffering, Anne, 161 ; David, 161. Cokkerell, Jennet, 8. Cole, Margaret, 142. Colledge, Elizabeth, 132. Collenore, Eleanor, 25. Colling, Alice, 230 ; Andrew, 151 ; Anne, 121 ; Arthur, 214, 218, 224 : Cicely, 173 : Dorothy, 190; Elizabeth, 25, 214, 278, 279 ; George, 237, 241 ; James, 111, 152 ; Jane, 64, 126 ; John, 50, 151 ; Katherine, 130; Margaret, 152, 185 ; Mary, 183 ; Richard, 114, 121, 126, 139, 152, 278, 279 ; Robert, 120 ; Stephen, 136 ; Thomas, 218, 250; William, 114, 120, 123, 130, 136,153, 168,237. Collingwood, Anne, 92, 189 ; Bridget, 86 ; Frances, 157, 158 ; John, 246 ; Margaret, 176 ; Mary, 93, 157, 287 ; Richard, 85, 90 ; Robert, 85, 86, 90, 92, 97, 107 ; Thomas, 157, 209 ; Troth, 107 ; William, 93. Collison, Christopher, 170, 177, 180 ; Cuthbert, 155 ; Edward, 10 ; Elizabeth, 245 ; Katherine, 10 ; Margaret, 155. Colmore, Mr., 61, 66. Colson, Anne, 28 ; Roger, 28 ; Sarah, 180. Coltman, Jennet, 2. Commin, see Cumming. Coningham, Elizabeth, 38 ; Kath erine, 39 ; Robert, 38, 39 ; Thomas, 2 ; Widow, 43. Constable, David, 153. Conyers, Anne, 119, 128, 147 ; Elizabeth, 170 ; Frances, 112 ; Francis, 127; George, 44, 272; Gilbert, 133 ; Jane, 118 ; John, 114, 118, 127, 128, 131, 175 ; Katherine, 121 ; Margery, 158 ; Michael, 133 ; Nicholas, 115, 118, 119, 131, 133, 171, 173 ; Ralph, 118 ; Robert, 115 ; Thomas, 170, 171, 173, 174, 176 ; William, 158. Cooke, Alison, 14 ; Anne, 69, 119, 127, 189, 216, 262 ; Anthony, 176 ; Barbara, 174 ; Elizabeth, 3, 12, 226, 232, 260, 285 ; John, 12, 115, 116, 119, 127, 205, 206, 212, 216, 227, 258, 262, 289 ; Margaret, 14, 210, 258, 279, 285; Mary, 127, 199, 206, 248, 289 ; Robert, 205, 210, 212, 216, 226, 232, 263, 279, 289, 293; Robinson, 293 ; Sarah, 26 ; Thomas, 22 ; William, 26. Cooling, Margaret, 194. Cooper, Alice, 201 ; Barbara, 205 '; Dorothy, 56, 61, 211 ; Eleanor, 105; Elizabeth, 162, 242; Francis, 65, 172, 187, 201, 207, 211 ; George, 242 ; Isaac, 67, 122, 129, 135, 138, 145, 159, 185 : James. 205 ; Jane, 207 ; John, 35, 80 ; Katherine, 122 ; Margaret. 36, 73,97, 109, 116, 138, 145, 159, 172, 220 ; Mary, 187 ; Matthew, 35, 65, 73 ; Mrs., 58 ; Philip, 56, 61, 66, 92, 109 ; Robert, 35-37, 61, 68, 92, 129, 207; Thomas, 66, 92, 135 : William, 116. Cootes, Alice, 43, 62, 63, 108 ; Ambrose, 53, 55 ; Anne, 35, 70, 86 ; Anthony, 55, 62, 63, 66 ; Bartle, 38, 3 ), 43 ; Bell, 34. 82 ; Dorothy, 74 ; Elizabeth, 37, 38 ; Gerald, 37, 38, 43 ; Gerard, 51, 74 ; Isabel, 51, 55 ; Jane, 30, 43, 54 ; John, 40, 70, 86; Katherine, 33 ; Margaret, 38 ; Mary, 18, 35; Rebecca, 39, 43; Robert, 61, 62, 64 ; ThomaB, 6, 125. Copeland, Jane, 220 ; Margery, 9. Corbie, Ralph, 59. Corbitt, Henry, 85 ; Margaret, 85. Corner, Eleanor, 172 ; Elizabeth, 63, 237 ; George, 261 ; Henry, 285 ; Isabel, 236 ; Jane, 284 ; Joseph, 190 ; Luke, 135 ; Mar garet, 205; Margery, 236; Mary, 261 ; Matthew, 190, 284, 286 ; William, 63. Cornforth, Isabel, 82 ; Richard, 82. Corrye, Ralph, 21. Cotesforthe, Richard, 12; Isaac, 32. Cotesworth, Cuthbert, 115 ; Esotte, 8 ; Margery, 115 ; Thomas, 8. Couck, Eleanor, 139. Couling, Charles, 141 ; Frances, 141. Coulson, Anne, 210, 261 ; Christo pher, 165, 166 ; John, 290 ; Margaret, 77, 290 ; Mary, 165, 166; Richard, 290; Robert, 261; Thomas, 132; Thomasine, 165, 166. Counsell, David, 153; Eleanor, 153. Coupland, Elizabeth, 101. Coward, Eleanor, 105; James, 105. Cowburn, Anne, 291. Cowen, John, 223, 257, 262 : Mary, 212, 237, 278, 284 ; William, 212, 214, 223, 237, 254, 257, 258, 262, 264, 284. Cowle, Elizabeth, 207. Cowling, Elizabeth, 21; Mary, 141, Mrs., 255 ; Simon, 21. Cowney, Cuthbert, 213, 281; John, 213 ; Mary, 281. Cowper, Alice, 21 ; Benjamin, 267, 268 ; Ellen, 2 ; Francis, 252 ; Isabel, 8 ; Jane, 27 ; Jennet, 2 ; John, 267, 268 ; Margaret, 10, 220 ; Sarah, 268. Cowtman, Anne, 4; Esseli, 11; John, 4. Cowy, Mary, 230 ; William, 230. Coxon, Elizabeth, 285; Grace, 273; Ralph, 273. Coyttes, Katherine, 8. Craddocke, Anne, 67; Dorothy, 67; Richard, 67. Craggs, Alison, 5, 11; Anne, 7, 29, 168, 279; Andrew, 168; Barbara, 221, 226; Eleanor. 124, 245. 292; Elizabeth, 8, 131, 134, 167, 203 ; Frances, 130, 131 ; Francis, 94; George. 94, 190, 194, 209, 224, 260, 279, 286 ; Hannah. 260 ; James, 5, 8 ; Jen net. 13. 40 ; John, 29, 124, 126, 130, 131, 134; Margaret, 168, 194, 209, 244 ; Mary, 176, 214, 224. 226, 244, 253 ; Michael, 24 ; Nicholas, 4; Peter, 253, 258, 290; Raphael, 246 ; Robert, 19 ; Stephen, 206 ; Thomas, 203, 206, 210, 213, 221, 226, 244, 245, 267; William, 244, 290. Crake, George, 3 ; James, 278 ; Marv, 266, 278 ; William, 266, 270. Crame, Anne, 15, 45; Barbara, 38; Elizabeth, 13 ; John, 13, 17 ; Margery, 16. Cramer, Margaret, 10. Cranston, Henry, 234. Cra thorn, Hannah, 290 ; William, 290. Craven, John Charles, 288. Craw, Anne, 147 ; Christian, 94 Christopher, 147. 148, 156, 157 160-163, 173 ; Clement, 51 Elizabeth, 46 ; Jane, 156, 160^ 162, 163 ; John, 61, 172 ; Kathe. rine, 172 ; Margaret, 148, 157 Mary, 61, 161, 173 ; Robert, 47 175 ; Thomas, 13 ; William, 47, Crawfortb, Elizabeth, 124; Rich ard, 124. Crawhaw, John, 153. Creame, Elizabeth, 28; George, 24: Jane, 33. Crisp, Anne, 166, 177, 207, 215; Elizabeth, 199, 200, 206, 207 ; George, 216 ; Jane, 272 ; John, 166, 169, 172, 177, 182. 188, 194, 199, 200, 203, 204, 206,' 207, 212, 223, 233, 239, 265 ; Joseph, 223 ; Margaret, 172, 188; Mary, 169 ; Ralph, 239 ; Robert, 203, 204, 212 ; Sarah, 233 ; Thomas, 194. Crissop, George, 278 ; Margaret, 278 ; Roger, 49 ; Rowland, 49. Croft, Christopher, 141; Jane, 136; Katherine, 38 ; Richard, 136, 141,143, 187, 209; Thomasine, 130, 187, 194. Crofton, John, 212 ; Mary, 212. Crome, Daniel, 101 ; Elizabeth, 193 ; Henry, 101. Cromye, Allison, 5 ; Elizabeth, 8 ; Felix, 5 ; Henry, 2. Crone, Barbara, 99 ; Elizabeth, 56; Roger, 45 ; Thomas, 45, 85 ; William, 45. Crooks, Anne, 151, 203 ; George, 257 ; John, 194, 197 ; Mary, 194, 200 ; Nicholas. 49, 91, 151, 173 Ralph, 61, 91. 118, 243; William 109. Crosby, Alice, 292; Anne, 112 127, 193, 213 ; Anthony, 16 Dorothy, 115, 241 ; Elizabeth, 135, 144, 164, 211; Frances, 211 Francis, 112, 115, 117, 120, 122 152, 166, 170, 193 ; George, 148 211, 213; Isabel, 287; John, 127 130, 132, 135, 138, 141, 144. 145 148, 155, 164, 166, 183, 206, 207 211, 215 ; Margaret, 132, 205 Nicholas, 122, 176 ; Ralph, 152 155 ; Richard, 197 ; Thomas 117,141, 183; Thomasine, 145 199 ; William, 126, 218. Crosier, Mary, 194. Crosley, Anne, 79, 103 ; Eleanor 85, 103 ; Elizabeth, 77, 103 Jane, 103 ; John, 77, 82, 91, 103 Thomas, 82, 83 ; William, 91, 103. Cross, Eleanor, 105. Croukes, Edward, 90 ; Isabel, 86 ; John, 86 ; Ralph, 90. Croveke, Jane, 129. Crow, Abraham, 238 ; Anne, 229, 242 ; Eleanor, 263 ; Elizabeth. 238,239; George Sandiford, 242 ; Jane, 120 ; John, 213, 267. Crowmey, Elizabeth, 12 ; Widow, 27. Cumming, Andrew, 187, 192, 246; Anne, 291; Edward, 9; Elizabeth, 120, 197; George, 227, 255; James, 120; Jane, 64, 174; Jennet, 8; John, 12, 64 ; Margaret, 57; Margery, 208; Mrs., 61, 66,89, 93; Oswin, 207 ; Robert, 8 ; Thomas ine, 144. Cunningham, Eleanor, 62. Curatt, Wright, 53. Curre, Anthony, 35, 199. Currey, Anne, 252, 253, 267; Grace, 262; Mary, 199, 283; Nicholas, 262, 267, 275 ; Ralph, 252 ; William, 282, 289. Curro, Anne, 5 • Elizabeth, 19 ; Margaret, 28. Cursip, Katherine, 104. Curtis, Margaret, 197. Curwenn, Mr., 69. Cus, Elizabeth, 105, 141 ; Mar garet, 105. Cust, Aliceon, 136. Cuthbert, Alice, 18 ; Elizabeth, 16; Jane, 275 ; Joseph, 275 ; Mar garet, 31; Nicholas, 30; Thomas, 55. Cuthbertson, Dorothy, 248, 279 ; Frances, 285; Jane, 280, 289, 292 ; Mary, 226 ; Thomas, 248, 280, 281, 289, 292. Cutter, Alice, 83. D Daglishe, Elizabeth, 59. Dakers, Anthony, 113, 114 ; Eleanor, 137 ; Elizabeth, 153 ; Mary, 197. Dakins, Charles, 52, 62 ; Dorothy, 64, 71 ; Francis, 69 ; Grace, 70 ; Katharine, 71, 77 ; Mary, 72 ; William, 52, 62, 64, 69-72, 76, 77, 114. Dale, Anne, 22, 39; Elizabeth, 280, 290 ; George, 22, 273, 279 ; Han- hah, 279 ; Jane, 268 ; John, 210, 212, 264, i267-269, 272, 282, 283 ; Mary, 264, 269, 272, 292 ; Thomas, 212. Dallivell, Ralph, 107 ; Thomas, 107. Dalton, Anne, 252 ; Henry, 194 ; Katharine, 194; Ralph, 246. Dand, Armye, 23 ; Cuthbert, 10 ; Eleanor, 6; Elizabeth, 8, 16; Emerye, 11; Isabel, 10; Janet. 1, 5 ; John, 5 ; Mallye, 5 '; William, 6. Dansey, Alice, 127, 128; Brill, 139; Brilliana, 122 ; Edward, 123, 126, 155, 163; Gabriel, 136, 137; John. 123, 272; Phillipa, 137; Thomas, 131 ; William, 163. Darbishire, Mary, 160. Darcey, Henry, 278, 280 ; Isabel, 278 ; James, 278, 280, 281, 286, 292. Darling, Mary, 275. Darlington, Frances, 238 ; Hum phrey, 222, 243 ; John, 231 ; Robert, 222. Darnell, Elizabeth, 272 ; John, 213; Lucy, 272 ; William, 272. Darnton, Anne, 248 ; Christopher, 146 ; Elizabeth, 170 ; Humphrey. 270, 277 ; Jane, 176, 193, 290 ; John, 193 ; Mary, 111, 146 ; Robert, 265. Davison, Alexander, 200, 202, 260 ; Alice, 135, 136 ; Anna-Maria, 219, 238 ; Anne, 127, 145, 148, 166, 207, 230, 234, 245, 261 ; Charles, 143 ; Christopher, 91 ; Dorothy, 137 ; Dulcibella, 228, 238; Eleanor, 91, 275; Elizabeth, 71, 219, 250, 264 ; George, 148, 166, 260 ; Isabel, 73 ; James, 143, 161, 242 ; Jane, 47, 73, 260,284; Joan, 168; Jonathan, 223; John, 14, 127, 128, 133, 135-137, 139, 140. 143, 144, 148, 152, 157, 166, 188, 189, 194, 205, 220, 226, 261, 264, 268 ; Joseph, 156 ; Kath arine, 189, 220, 223 ; Leonard, 233; Margaret, 94, 133, 144,147, 162, 188, 245 ; Marmaduke, 94 ; Mary, 149, 153, 232, 234, 238 ; Matthew, 204 : Mrs., 202, 260; Peter, 143 ; Ralph, 159, 190 ; Richard, 71 ; Thomas, 128, 141, 219, 223, 228, 230, 232-234, 238, 242, 248, 250; Timothy, 180 ; William, 72, 116, 140, 141, 143-145, 147-149, 152-154, 156, 157, 161, 167, 183, 204, 205, 238, 265. Dawcke, Anne, 13 ; William, 14. DawdlesBhe, Roger, 34. Dawell, Janet, 10. Dawson, Alice, 157 ; Alleson, 7, 24 ; Anne, 6, 9, 11, 19, 83, 181 ; Barbara, 82 ; Bertram, 23, 24 ; INDEX. Cecilia, 255 ; Christopher, 1, 14, 22 ; Cuthbert, 17, 84 ; Dorothy, 73 ; Edmund, 23 ; Elizabeth, 7, 8, 12, 26, 59, 262 ; Ellen, 15 ; Esotte, 8 ; George, 19, 31, 69 ; Gilbert, 4 ; Henry, 16, 17, 32 ; Hugh, 7, 59 ; Isabel, 9, 20, 88 ; James, 253, 262, 278 ; Jane. 61, 109 ; Janet, 2, 8, 22, 23 ; John, 8-11, 23, 27, 29, 36, 51,61, 253 ; Joseph, 181 ; Julian,. 183 ; Katharine, 9, 23, 33, 36 ; Lancelot, 74, 78, 82, 85, 89 ; Lawrence, 38 ; Lucy, 38 ; Mag dalene, 9 ; Margaret, 23, 78, 85, 109 257 ; Marjory, 37 ; Mary, 74, 105 ; Maudlande, 15 ; Michael, 33 ; Richard, 3, 13, 36 ; Robert, 6, 30, 41 ; Roger, 8, 13 ; Thomas, 26, 59, 65. 272 ; Thomasine, 1, 78 ; Widow, 38, 41, 42 ; William, 30, 35, 38, 65, 69, 73. Dearham, Margaret, 91. Debord, Edward, 248, 251, 262, 269 ; Frances, 284 ; Henry, 250 ; James, 284 ; Katharine, 262 ; Mary, 248 ; William, 251. Dees, Robert, 285. Deighton, Anne, 285 ; John, 288 ; Joseph. 285, 288, 291. Delavall, Dorothy, 281 -r William, 260. Delicate, Margaret, 268. Denen, Anne, 30, 276 ; Henry, 33 ; Hugh, 30 ; Isabel, 32, 50 ; John, 6, 282 ; Margaret, 6, 33 ; Martin, 33 ; Oswald, 34 ; Thomas, 33 ; William, 32, 44, 50, 276, 282. Deninge. Anne, 22 ; Anthony, 10, 11 ; Cuthbert, 15 ; Edward, 30 ; Hugh, 12 ; Jane, 12 ; Janet, 14 ; John, 100 ; Marjory, 8, 23 ; Robert, 16, 94 ; Thomas, 32, 100. Dent, Alice, 287 ; Anne, 31, 45 ; Eleanor, 283 ; Elizabeth, 21, 212 ; Geoffrey, 44, 45, 47, 51 ; Isabel, 44, 51 ; Jane, 32 ; John, 6, 163 ; Margaret, 9, 442 ; Mat thew, 286 ; Thomas, 8, 286 ; William, 176. Denton, Alice, 92 ; Eleanor, 75 ; John, 90, 92 ; Margaret, 200 ; Mary, 291 ; Matthew, 291 ; Thomas, 75, 291 ; William, 90. Dice, Elizabeth, 96 ; Jacob, 96. Dickens, Anne, 70 : John, 90 ; Mary, 269. Diokinson, Alice, 108, 184 ; Anne, 127,162, 175, 180, 181; Barbara, 197, 204, 205 ; Baytteres, 12 ; Christabel, 10, 13 : Cuthbert, 11; Elizabeth, 27, 28, 41, 133, 134 ; George, 14, 16, 21, 100, 127, 133, 200, 204, 205, 208, 209, 212, 219, 252 ; Jane, 180 ; Janet, 3 ; John, 12, 15, 18, 28, 41, 42, 93, 96, 99, 100, 105, 184, 155, 168, 175, 180, 181, 184, 185, 192 ; Margaret, 22, 25, 64, 96, 212, 219; Marjory, 200, 280 ; Mary, 42, 93, 97, 178, 210; Peter, 28; Phyllis, 23, 88 ; Ralph, 97 ; Richard, 28, 85, d 99, 100, 185; Robert. 9, 11, 278; Thomas, 208, 209 ; Thomasine, 129 ; William, 143, 177, 178, 210. Didsbury, Anne, 269; Charles, 189, 190, 251, 252, 256, 261, 264; George, 186, 269, 270 ; Godfrey, 179, 186, 187, 189-191, 196, 213, 237, 239, 245, 249, 275 ; James, 253 ; Jane, 245, 261 ; John, 239; Margaret, 213, 237 ; Mary, 200, 256, 258 ; Robert, 196, 281 ; Sarah, 191, 249. 251, 252 ; Thomas, 179, 261 ; William, 264. 270. Dinsdaile, Rennold, 52 ; Thomas, 52, 53, 91. Ditchburn. Anne, 26, 251, 270 ; Eleanor, 253 ; Elizabeth, 257 ; Frances, 242, 252 ; Henry, 192, 242, 249, 251-255, 257 ; Mar garet, 249. 255 ; Mary, 254 ; Muriel, 181, 185 ; Philip, 181, 185, 186, 192, 193, 215; William, 12, 186, 193. Dixon, Alice, 82 ; Anne, 72, 86, 108, 111, 131, 150, 155, 164, 166, 170, 181, 191, 195, 220, 233, 264, 298 ; Barbara, 91, 169, 278 ; Charles, 166, 169, 175, 181, 184, 191, 195, 199, 259 ; David, 234, 240, 255, 265 ; Dorothy, 165, 175, 178, 217, 252, 281 ; Edward, 49 ; Eleanor, 200, 231 ; Elizabeth, 12, 20, 25, 73; 86, 97, 105, 108, 156, 169, 184 203, 204, 207, 210, 240, 242, 265, 266, 270, 272 ; Francis, 240 , George, 111 ; Hannah, 266, 288; Helen, 219, 229 ; Henry, 27 ; Hugh, 105, 108, 113, 133, 162, 163, 165, 169, 173, 177, 186, 191, 195, 209, 255, 260, 264, 265, 273, 275, 278, 282; Isabel, 15, 204, 261 ; James, 196, 204 ; Jane, 77, 104, 113, 173, 234, 282; Janet, 27 ; John, 44, 45, 77, 82, 86, 91, 147, 203, 204, 208, 210, 212, 223, 229, 231, 232, 237, 257, 258, 260, 261,266, 281 ; Margaret, 38, 44, 82, 162, 177, 193, 222, 265 ; Mary, 40, 75, 77, 146, 165, 173, 180, 212, 215, 218, 227, 260, 272, 292 ; Matthew, 29, 75, 77 ; Nicholas, 146, 151, 154, 156, 160, 164, 169, 212, 219, 240, 260; Richard, 12, 119, 223, 232 ; Robert, 38, 131, 191, 195, 204, 243, 266 ; Simon, 45 ; Stephen, 163 ; Susan, 210, 258 ; Thomas, 104, 150, 169, 173, 178, 193, 202, 208, 207, 209, 215, 217, 218, 227. 229, 231, 281 ; Thomasin, 203, 231, 257 ; Walter, 72 ; William, 133, 183, 212, 257, 264, 270, 272, 273, 275. Dobby, John, 3. Dobinson, Alice, 153; George, 263; Henry, 153 ; Jane, 45 ; John, 45, 62 ; Mabel, 59 ; Mary, 288 ; Ruth, 263 ; Thomas, 252. Dobson, Dorothy, 258 ; Elizabeth, 24, 278; Grace, 10, 16; Hannah, 275 ; Jane, 10, 185 ; Margaret, 172, 258 ; Richard, 21 ; Samuel, 288 ; William, 10, 16, 34, 291. Docen, Anne, 26. Dodgson, Caecilia, 161 ; Eleanor, 191 ; Jane, 286 ; Margaret, 95 ; Mary, 67, 206 ; Nichola-, 191, 196, 203, 206 ; Samuel, 286 ; William, 208. Dods, Anne, 61, 291 ; Dorothy, 146; Elizabeth, 229, 290; George, 131 ; Hilda, 199 ; Isabel, 268 ; Jane, 127, 130, 131, 266 ; John, 140, 147, 213, 264, 266, 267 ; Margaret, 132, 134 ; Mary, 268 ; Oswin, 290 ; Robert, 136 ; Thomas, 123, 127, 132, 134, 136, 140, 146, 147, 197, 261, 272, 291, Thomasin, 123 ; William, 61, 253, 264, 270. Dodsworth, Anne, 150 ;• Anthony, 145, 147, 150, 152, 156, 158, 161; Eleanor, 158 ; Prances, 124 ; Gertrude, 147 ; Margaret, 143, 145 ; Ralph, 143, 156 ; William, 152. Doller, Elizabeth, 54 ; John, 41. Donald, Isabel, 220, 277 ; John, 220, 284. Done, Isabel, 19 ; John, 19, 185 ; Mawdelyn, 27, 28. Donkin, Alexander, 195, 267; Anne, 155, 198, 243, 279 ; Christopher, 195, 198, 243, 279, 281; Elizabeth, 267. Donne, Alleson, 37 ; Anne, 38, 40 ; Barbara, 42, 43 ; Deborah, 187 ; Elizabeth, 25, 39, 163, 180 ; George, 37, 39, 40-42 ; Henry, 21, 38, 39, 42, 43 ; Isabel, 35, 185 ; Jenny, 38 ; John, 37, 144, 147, 151 ; Katharine, 34, 37, 38 ; Lancelot, 136, 183, 186, 190 ; Leonard, 26 ; Margaret, 19, 180; Mary, 136 ; Ralph, 27, 28, 185 ; Robert, 147, 282 ; Susan, 151, 185 ; Thomas, 20, 21 ; William, 23, 25, 163, 180, 186, 187. Donnison, Elizabeth, 282 ; Robert, 282. Donnor, Jane, 52. Doubleday, Deborah, 232 ; Hum phrey, 206, 207, 214, 216, 221, 229, 232 ; John, 207 ; Martin, 207, 216 ; Nicholas, 229 ; Sarah, 214 ; Thomas, 207, 223. Doughyng, Anne, 1. Douglas, Alice, 145, 147 ; Anne, 187, 266 ; Charles, 189, 266 ; Elizabeth, 65, 167, 170, 192, 200; George, 69, 196, 202 ; Isabel, 95, 266 ; Jane, 75 ; John, 60, 64, 69, 74-76, 159 ; Margaret, 156, 157, 196, 209 ; Thomas, 74, 76, 148 ; William, 61, 144, 145, 157, 159, 167. 170, 187, 189, 192, 200, 202, 255, 268. Dover, Mary, 285 ; Robert, 280, 284. Dow, Anne, 144. INDEX. Dowesyt, Janet, 15. Dowfoot, Dorothy, 177; Elizabeth, 107 ; John, 107, 178. Downes, Anne, 160 ; Christopher, 171 ; Edward, 208 ; Elizabeth, 154, 155, 208 ; Margaret, 164 ; Matthew, 154-156, 159, 160, 164, 167, 168, 171 ; Michael, 156, 159 ; Mrs., 260. Dowsen, Alice, 55, 82 ; Anne, 38 ; Elizabeth, 58, 74, 83, 109, 281 ; Ellen, 28; George, 33, 37, 38, 92; James, 39, 54 ; Janet, 23 ; John, 27, 28, 68 ; Katharine, 65, 68 ; Lancelot, 83 ; Matthew, 62, 65 ; Muriel, 139 ; Peter, 58, 60, 62, 65, 68, 74, 79, 82, 83, 92, 108, 109 ; Sith, 37 ; Thomas, 79, 83, 139 ; Thomasin, 83 ; Widow, 27, 102 ; William, 37, 38, 39, 54, 55, 60, 83, 99, 108. Dowsey, Elizabeth, 260 ; James, 224 ; John, 224, 273. Dowthwaite, Alice, 153 ; Anne, 207; Elizabeth, 106; Isabel, 220; James, 207; John, 106, 111, 114, 115 ; Margaret, 111, 115 ; Sarah, 114. Dranman, Barbara, 23. Drewell, George, 69 ; Humphrey, 69. Dridon, Cuthbert, 55. Drisdaile, Alice, 111 ; Dorothy, 114 ; Elizabeth, 106 ; James, 105, 148 ; John, 105, 106, 111, 114, 170 ; Margaret, 175. Duchburne, Elizabeth, 12 ; John, 18, 19. Duchemini, Elizabeth, 104'; Jacob, 104. Duckenfield, Mrs., 118. Ducket, Anne, 37, 256 ; Margaret, 8 ; Robert, 37 ; William, 15. Dudley, Florence, 66 ; Henry, 66. Duffield, Elizabeth, 265 ; George, 264 ; James, 264 ; John, 265. Duke, , 34. Dumell, George, 247 ; Isabel, 243 ; Joseph, 243, 247, 251, 252, 261, 262 ; Katharine, 262 ; Marjory, 251 ; Robert, 261. Dun, Alice, 53, 80, 118; Alderman. 272; Anne, 26, 27, 66, 67, 73^ 144, 158, 214 ; Barbara, 57, 72 ; Csecilia, 107 ; Cuthbert, 76. 77 ; Dorothy, 152, 158, 272. 275, 281; Elizabeth, 30, 41, 79, 80, 81, 84, 94, 125, 149, 167, 259, 261, 270 ; Frances, 85, 196 ; Francis, 253 ; Geoffrey, 41 ; George, 45, 47, 53, 80, 81, 87, 93, 103, 290 ; Gerard, 19; Grace, 171, 191, 250; Henry, 50, 73, 96, 97, 100, 103, 104 ; Isabel, 146, 213 ; James, 263 ; Jane, 39, 103, 152, 155, 192 ; John, 27, 29, 36, 47, 59, 144, 146, 147, 152, 275 ; Katharine, 43, 47, 72, 77, 92 ; Lancelot, 74, 112, 120, 123, 128 ; Margaret, 29, 32, 47, 48, 53, 68, 177 ; Mary, 80, 87, 96, 97, 105, 128 ; Matthew, 125 ; Michael, 85 ; Philip, 77, 85, 92, 107 ; Ralph, 24, 27. 62, 67, 100 ; Richard. 29, 89, 103, 120, 147 ; Robert, 45, 47-49, 51, 53, 72, 74, 76, 77, 80, 84, 86, 89, 93, 103, 118, 125, 128, 152, 155 ; Susan, 31, 80, 86 ; Thomas, 32, 47, 48, 84, 100, 103, 259, 261 ; William, 27, 35, 41, 43. 47, 48, 50, 62, 67, 103, 123, 167. 171, 177, 192, 196, 257. Dunce, Isabel, 199. Duncom, Frances, 131. Dunlop, Adam, 263. Durham, 32. Durant, Ferdinand, 49 ; James, 208, 209. Dyllycote, Jane, 27. Dykes, John Bacchus, 110. E Eacod, John Hendrick, 179. Eales, Anne, 79, 132, 160, 166, 195, 256, 258, 272, 276, 281 ; Christo pher, 87, 147, 206, 208, 212, 216, 221, 225, 226, 232, 239, 247, 256, 258, 263, 277, 281, 289 ; Ciceley, 144; Elizabeth, 206, 263 ; Ellen, 125; Evaline, 140, 142; Frances, 143; Francis, 87, 145 ; John, 156, 177, 193, 212, 229, 259, 260, 272; Margaret, 86, 134, 151, 152, 208, 256, 281; Marjory, 151, 166, 221, 225, 247, 281 ; Mary, 165, 168 ; Ositha, 216, 259 ; Robert, 137, 142, 144, 145, 153, 193, 226 ; Thomas, 128, 175, 229, 231, 232, 279 ; Thomasin, 181, 236 ; William, 239, 297. Earle, Anne, 19. Easdale, Katharine, 121. Ebdon, Alice, 261 ; Anne, 236, 263- 265, 271 ; Christopher, 197, 198, 201, 206, 212, 236, 282 ; Eliz abeth, 214, 263, 265, 287, 288 ; John, 201, 257, 258, 260, 261, 274, 288, 290; Katharine, 274, 288 ; Margaret, 256, 263, 265, 273, 285, 287 ; Mary, 276 ; Robert, 160, 200, 206, 216, 229, 256. 258, 263, 265, 266, 270; Thomas, 212, 263, 265, 266, 271, 276, 282, 285, 287. Edcar, Mary, 170. Eddy, Elizabeth, 278, 280, 291 ; Henry, 285 ; Mary, 283, 284 ; Michael, 278, 280, 283, 285, 288, 291. Eden, Anne, 158, 162, 191 ; Bar bara, 181 ; Benjamin, 117 ; Blithman, 150 ; Elizabeth, 146, 197, 263 ; George, 105, 158, 200 ; Hannah, 111 ; Henry, 99, 100, 112, 114, 125, 143, 197, 217 ; Jane, 143 ; John, 101 ; Joseph, 115 ; Margaret, 258 ; Marjory, 144 ; Mary, 105, 161, 174, 192 ; Rebecca, 112, 114 ; Robert, 111, 122,292; Tabitha, 191; Thomasin, 161 ; William, 154, 197, 219. Edge, Alice, 195 ; Edward, 284. Edger, Anne, 174, 177, 183 ; Eliz abeth, 182, 225, 238 ; John, 167, 219 ; Mary, 173; Ralph, 170; William, 173. Edwards, David, 241 ; Elizabeth, 41. Eggleston, Alice. 64, 78 ; Anne, 121, 136, 156, 157, 175, 194, 211 ; Elizabeth, 98, 144 ; George, 56, 120, 183 ; Hannah, 159 ; Jane, 48, 197; John, 104, 163; Joseph, 112 ; Katharine, 126, 180 ; Mar garet, 50, 102, 128, 282 ; Ralph, 177 ; Stephen, 48, 52, 55, 123, 199, 205; Thomasin, 61, 62, 198, 255 ; William, 52, 56, 61, 64, 81, 127, 155, 167, 211, 229. Elande, Margaret, 33. Elder, Anne, 291; Elizabeth, 69, 70, 72 ; Joan, 85 ; John, 298 ; William, 185. Elenor, Dorothy, 27. Ellet, Elizabeth, 292 ; Margaret, 286 ; Mary, 290 ; Robert, 292 ; Thomas, 286. Elleys, , 2. Elliot, Anne, 202 ; Elizabeth, 223, 290 ; John, 223, 290, 293 ; Mary, 293. Ellis, Dallariver, 213 ; Richard, 176. Ellison, Agnes, 28 ; Alice, 43, 46, 48; Allison, 3; Anne, 9; Charles, 25, 28, 30, 35 ; Christopher, 21 ; David, 277 ; Elizabeth, 32, 41, 293 ; George, 38 ; Henry, 44, 51 ; Isabel, 86 ; Jane. 9, 281 ; Janet, 51 ; John, 26, 31 ; Mar garet, 3 ; Marjory, 38 ; Mary, 54 ; Richard, 38, 53, 176, 289 ; Thomas, 39. Ellwan, Margaret, 168. Elrington, Jane, 193. Elson, Humphrey, 28. Elstobb, Anne, 109 ; Eleanor, 74 ; Elizabeth, 74, 76 ; Isabel, 78, 82, 109 ; Jane, 215 ; John, 95 ; Mary, 167; Rachel, 191; Richard, 66, 80, 82. Eltringham, Alice, 25, 27 ; Anne. 103 : Bartram, 19 ; Isabel, 21 ; James, 20 ; Jane, 18, 22, 72, 94 ; John, 29 ; Nicholas, 18 ; Ralph, 22 ; Thomas, 103 ; William, 27, 28 Elvet, William, 22. Elwick, Eleanor, 263 ; Jane, 260 ; Matthew, 263 ; Richard, 263. Elwood, Anne, 14, 196, 250 ; Eleanor, 275 ; Elizabeth, 62, 123, 157, 164, 214, 217 ; Isabel, 1 ; Jane, 145, 258 ; John, 2, 5, 209, 275, 278-281 ; Katharine, 5, 127, 158 ; Margaret, 150, 275, 279 ; Matthew, 144. 223 ; Pexall,281; Richard, 132, ' 197, 209, 214, 217, 223, 279; William, 203, 258, 290. Elynorefeld, , 26. Embleton, Elizabeth, 263 ; Jane, 265'; Thomas, 263, 266, 267. Emerson, Agnes, 30 ; Allison, 12 ; Anne, 16, 25; Cense, 70; Eleanor, 128 ; Elizabeth, 151, 176 ; Frances, 205 ; George, 156 ; Grace, 53; Hannah, 281; Henry, 112 ; Isabel, 3, 4 ; Janet, 17 ; John, 53, 213 ; Lionel, 13 ; Mar garet, 16, 17, 62, 193, 225 ; Mar jory, 155; Peregrina, 176; Ralph, 12, 17, 18, 31 ; Robert, 73, 80 ; Thomas, 281 ; Thomasin, 76 ; William, 256. Emesley, Eleanor, 146. Emonnte, Janet, 20. Englebie, John, 88 ; Simon, 123. English, Sarah, 127. Entick, Anne, 165, 166, 170 ; Frances, 234, 246 ; Ralph, 213. Epples, Francis, 225. Ermstrong, Elizabeth, 4. Errington, Anne, 188, 197; Archie, 86, 101 ; Christopher, 255 ; Eleanor, 88, 250, 287 ; George, 77, 86 ; Isabel, 21, 290 ; Jane, 104 ; John, 158, 186, 282, 293 ; Lancelot, 197 ; Margaret, 162 ; Mary, 176, 233, 256 ; Mrs., 197 ; Thomas, 182, 187, 250, 262, 282 ; Thomasin, 185, 195 ; William, 233, 253. Esake, Jane, 37 ; John, 9, 39 ; Mary, 41 ; Richard, 3 ; Simon, 16 ; Thomas, 41, 59. Eston, Edward, 13. Etherington, Anne, 201, 204, 205 ; Christopher, 198, 204 ; Eleanor, 191, 293 ; John, 201, 229, 293 ; Jonathan, 199, 263 ; Mary, 182 ; Nicholas, 221, 286 ; Ralph, 198, 204 ; Thomas, 94. Ettrick, Walter, 117. Euers, The Wooull the Lady, 99 ; Mary, 134. Evans, Anthony, 199 ; Dinah, 175, 197, 199 ; Elizabeth, 178 ; John, 175, 178, 179, 197; William, 130. Evers, Anne, 117; Peter, 168. Everest, Anne, 73. Evins, Morgan, 119. Evre, William, 159. Ewbancke, George, 115 ; Thomas, 87; Tobie, 63. Ewins, Eleanor, 47 ; Elizabeth, 55, 118 ; Frances, 109 ; Francis, 59; George, 44, 75, 77 ; Margaret, 50 ; William, 44, 59, 99. Eyles, Anne, 24 ; Margaret, 22 ; Thomas, 20. Eyre, Hannah, 271 ; Joseph, 272 ; Mary, 272. F Failb, Charles, 62. Fairbarn, John, 269 ; Margaret, 269. Fairhaire, Elizabeth, 100 ; George, 97. Fairlamb, John, 203 ; Margaret, 203. Fairlesse, Anne, 56, 64, 100, 102, 136 ; Anthony, 154, 158 ; Christ opher, 56, 93, 96, 106; David, 143 ; Elizabeth, 165 ; Francis, 95, 112, 142 ; George, 139, 140 ; Hannah, 149 ; Isabel, 41; John, 56, 59, 64, 67, 71, 73, 77, 78, 96, 106, 133, 139, 140, 143, 149, 154, 158, 162, 165; Margaret, 116, 133; Mary, 73, 77, 106; Michael, 93 ; Rebecca, 67, 71 ; Richard, 59, 95, 100, 102, 106, 112, 116, 136, 141. Fairewether, Edward, 170 ; John, 177. Faldon, Fyllope, 38. Falwell, Anne. 190. Farbeke, Allison, 20; Nicholas, 19. Fare, Mrs., 174. Farintine, Elizabeth, 176. Farmer, Janet, 7, 8 ; William, 8, 13. Farnaby, Mary, 261 ; William, 261. Fame, Maude, 5. Farnton, Elizabeth, 225 ; Joseph, 225. Farthing, Mary, 258. Farrow, Alice, 79 ; Anne, 95, 133, 160, 212, 243 ; Bartholemew, 226, 235 ; Christopher, 89 ; Clement, 71, 90, 95, 98, 136 ; Dorothy, 182, 185; Elizabeth, 37, 64, 72, 173, 222, 228, 232, 239, 248, 250, 270; Ellen, 77; George, 84 ; Henry, 64, 69, 71, 77, 81, 84, 89, 90, 91, 100, 102, 108 ; Isabel, 90, 112, 118 ; James, 95 ; Jane, 48, 84, 124, 186, 190, 225, 253, 255; John, 46,48, 66. 69, 98, 226, 229, 240. 281 ; Katharine, 100, 102 ; Mary, 136, 163, 169, 211 ; Maud, 8; Nicholas, 69; Richard, 91, 213, 257, 259 ; Robert, 66, 100, 136, 161, 212, 222, 225, 226, 229, 230, 232, 235, 239, 248, 250, 270; Sarah, 81, 83; Thomas, 95; William, 89, 95, 100, 102, 160, 165, 169, 173, 182, 186, 190, 221, 226, 228, 229, 234, 235, 240, 249, 252, 253, 255, 257, 259, 265, 267. Fawcett, Eleanor, 112 ; William, 112. Fawden, Anne, 126 ; Eleanor, 25 ; Elizabeth, 22, 32, 293 ; George, 138 ; Henry, 1, 4, 131, 132, 137. 138, 140, 142,. 151 ; Isabel, 33, 36 ; Jane, 27, 31, 94 ; John, 7 ; Lawrence, 28 ; Margaret, 24, 32, 142, 220 ; Marjory, 57 ; Mary, 127, 132 ; Michael, 94 ; Philip, 27, 31, 32, 54, 57; Richard, 21, 135, 137, 220 ; Robert, 183. Fawell, Mary, 189. Fa wswett, Eleanor, 159; Elizabeth, 178 ; William, 142, 157. Faygon, Francis, 141. Fayrelama, Ellen, 34. Fayrhallers, Christopher, 5 ; Eliz abeth, 12, 14 ; Henry, 2 ; Hugh, 12; Isabel, 2; Janet, 12; Robert, 6, 11 ; William, 12. Feaster, Dorothy, 164. Featenby, Artnur, 260; Isabel, 260. Featherston, Alexander, 290 ; Ambrose, 271 ; Anne, 281 ; Frances, 283 ; Francis, 213 ; George, 149 ; John, 271, 276, . 286, 290; Margaret, 96; Richard, 276 ; Tenturier, 286 ; Thomas, 238 : Thomasin, 199 ; William, 199,205,211, 213,231. Feattum, jane, 169. Fedderstonhaugh, Anne, 23; Kath arine, 9 ; William, 9. Feetham, Barbara, 45 ; Jane, 163, 234, 254 ; John, 163, 164, 169, 173, 175, 180, 253 ; Mary, 220, 233; Nicholas, 173, 174; Richard, 175, 220, 233, 253, 254. Fell, Eleanor, 214 ; John, 93 : Robert, 214 ; Ruth, 88. Felton, Barbara, 66 ; Thomas, 66. Fenn, Elizabeth, 89 ; Richard, 89 Fenny, Christopher, 87 ; Dorothy 67 ; Jane, 75 ; John, 64, 67, 68 71, 75, 80, 83, 84, 87, 92 ; Mar garet, 64, 80, 83, 92 ; Mary, 71 Thomasin, 84. Feuwick, Andrew, 34, 252 ; Anne 224 ; Barbara, 65 ; David, 237 Eleanor, 254 ; Elizabeth, 55 131 ; John, 183, 254, 281 ; Mary, 109; Thomas, 183; Trestram, 55 Ferelesse, Christopher, 24 ; Eliz abeth, 24 ; Ellen, 32 ; Jane, 24 26, 36; Margaret, 25; Peter, 27 Thomas, 29, 34 ; Thomasin, 32 34 ; William, 24, 26, 34. Ferguson, Anne, 288 ; Henry, 285, 288 ; William, 292. Fernie, Anne, 231 ; David, 291. Ferrow, Anne, 24 ; Janet, 24. Ferry, Anne, 14 ; John, 14, 15, 260 ; Mary, 260. Fewster, Nicholas, 46. Ffearnlay, Christopher, 44 ; Eliz abeth, 44. Fielding, Anne, 282; Francis, 119; George, 282, 283, 285 ; William Augustus, 285. Finch, Anne, 148 ; Michael, 144. Finlay, Anne, 140, 141, 275 ; Christopher, 140, 141, 143 ; Mary, 124. Fisher, Addeuell, 49, 80 ; Anne, 40 ; Christopher, 44, 45 ; Cuth bert, 22, 47, 50, 55, 59; Deborah, 116 ; Dorothy, 47, 64, 178, 254 ; Edward, 2, 28, 50, 99: Elizabeth, 18, 19, 32 ; Hannah, 201, 247, 257 ; Janet, 17 ; Joan, 132 ; John, 9, 17, 40, 44, 45, 49, 55, 124, 132, 195, 201, 206, 212, 233 ; Katharine, 19, 35 ; Margaret, 134, 212, 287 ; Mary, 97, 105 ; Ralph. 195, 263 ; Richard, 132, 134, 137, 140, 143-145, 164, 178, 206, 227, 286 ; Robert, 55, 96, 99, 105, 111, 116, 137, 177 ; Roger, 4, 17, 52; Samuel, 111, 145, 148 ; Thomas. 24, 143, 144 ; William, 6, 18, 211. Flate, Jane, 14 ; Richard, 14. Flatherle, Jane, 188. Flaward, Frances, 229 ; George, 123 ; Katharine, 121 ; Matthew, 121, 123. Flawarth, Elizabeth, 20, 129, 162 ; George, 211; Matthew, 127, 129, 130 ; Nicholas, 127, 130. INDEX. Fleamin, Cuthbert, 152; Jane, 152. Fleeburn, Eleanor, 253. Fleer, Anne, 289 ; Charles, 289. Fleetham, James, 50 ; John, 259. 270; Richard, 259, 270; William, 50. Fletcher, Alice, 88. Flocket, Ellen, 25 ; Thomas, 2. Flood. Francis, 242 ; Isabel, 242. Floter, Anne, 209 ; Elizabeth, 268; George, 209, 219, 268, 270, 271 ; Margaret, 219 ; Robert, 271. Flower, Anne, 231, 234; Elizabeth, 236 : Francis, 231, 234, 236. Floyd, Honor, 98, 99 ; William, 292. Foberde, Anne. 28. Fogan, Elizabeth. 181 ; George, 63, 66 ; Isabel, 146 ; Jane, 151 ; John, 154 ; Marjory, 63 ; Mary, 227 ; Thomas, 151, 155. Fogg, Mary, 291. Fogget, Elizabeth, 263. Follansbie, Francis, 52 ; Henry, 52. Foltrop, Bartram, 19, 31 ; Eliz abeth. 8 ; Ellen, 11 : Grace, 10 ; John, 8, 11. 163 ; Marjory, 10 ; Richard, 163 ; Robert, 6. Fookes, Marmaduke, 106. Foote, Elizabeth, 44 ; James, 9 ; Margaret, 47; Mary, 50; Thomas, 50, 54. Forcer, Alherin, 103 ; Anne, 64, 109, 192, 195 ; Audrey, 57 ; Basil, 196 ; Bridget-Frances, 189, 193 ; Chistopher, 8 ; Eliz abeth, 95 ; Francis, 57, 100 ; George, 58, 113 ; Henry, 201, 205: Isabel, 98; Jane, 35; John, 69, 192, 193, 195-197, 201, 224, 251; Katharine, 149; Katharine- Alethea, 197 ; Margaret, 45 ; Mrs., 265; Muriel, 98; Nicholas, 38, 45, 57, 74, 95, 102, 103 ; Peter, 203, 205 ; Thomas, 100, 109, 224 ; Ursula, 195. Ford, Howe, 4 ; Hugh, 16 ; Jane, 16, 22 ; Janet, 2 ; Maud, i ; Robert, 2, 4, 8 ; Roger, 2. Foreman, Alice, 54, 138 ; Barbara, 123 ; Edward, 59, 60 ; Eleanor, 105, 113; Elizabeth, 61, 62; Ellen, 148 ; George, 280 ; Isabel, 66 ; Jane, 150, 190, 290 ; John, 54, 55, 59, 60, 62, 66, 70, 75-77, 105, 113. 114, 118, 120, 123, 150, 190, 211 ; Katharine, 54 ; Mar garet, 77 ; Michael, 75, 76 ; Muriel, 146 ; Roger, 54 ; Thomas, 55, 277 ; William, 277, 290. Forest, Margaret, 36. Foster or Forster, Alice, 48 ; Anne, 16, 18,31,46,49,68,78, 160, 161, 171, 176, 181, 190, 195, 197, 210, 211, 215, 254, 256, 271, 272. 282, 284, 288, 291 ; Averal, 195 ; Barbara, 55 ; Bartholomew, 30 ; Benjamin, 196 ; Bridget, 166 ; Bryan, 44, 137, 196, 197, 201, 210, 211, 235 ; Christopher, 26, 47, 49, 51, 55, 65, 126, 132, 173, 252; Dansey, 154 ; Dorothy, 157, 160, 161, 170, 182 ; Edward, 270, 280; Eleanor, 84, 104, 128, 137, 142, 143, 158, 161, 208 ; Elizabeth, 2, 46, 101, 191, 196, 200, 202, 207, 253, 268, 271, 275, 282 ; Fenwick, 270 ; Frances, 214, 224 ; Francis, 60 ; George, 38, 39, 43, 44, 46, 49, 57, 68, 78, 79, 81, 84, 88, 92, 93, 96, 101-103, 105, 119 ; Godfrey, 26 ; Grace, 293 ; Isabel, 17, 143, 288 ; James, 1, 105, 121, 159, 172, 228, 230, 233, 234, 235, 244, 248, 249, 254, 262, 269, 282 ; Jane, 20,21, 30,31, 38, 43,51, 65, 81, 112, 211, 214, 230, 234, 247, 277, 291 ; Janet, 3, 9 ; Jesse, 274, 280, 282, 285 ; John, 13, 20, 33, 43, 47, 52-55, 60, 87, 88, 94, 98, 122, 140, 142, 143, 148, 154, 166, 171, 179, 184, 186, 193, 207, 228, 229, 230, 248, 270, 275, 285 ; Joseph, 285 ; Joshua, 285 ; Katharine, 44, 133 ; Margaret, 14, 34, 41, 53, 54, 61, 84, 92, 113, 130, 140, 166, 186, 222, 231, 257, 266, 285 ; Marjory, 43, 60 ; Martha, 274 ; Mary, 51, 190, 203, 243, 269, 270, 279 ; Matthew, 98, 143, 148, 157, 158, 161, 165, 166, 179, 185, 215, 219, 228, 269, 271, 275, 279 ; Mayett, 31 ; Michael, 164 ; Nicholas, 90, 120, 122, 126, 128. 131, 137, 179, 275, 279, 284 ; Philip, 46. 49, 92, 118, 159, 173, 204, 235, 253, 272, 282 ; Pexall, 110, 170, 175, 178, 182, 192, 195; Ralph, 181, 182 ; Richard, 19, 38, 49. 52, 96, 98, 102, 105, 121, 148, 149, 158, 165, 173, 244, 254, 256 ; Robert, 37, 48, 49, 75 ; Susanna, 174, 183. 260 ; Theo., 234 ; Thomas, 2, 22, 34, 43, 49, 55, 63, 65, 79, 81, 82, 84, 87, 90, 93, 97, 101, 105, 120, 160, 161-165, 168, 170, 172. 175, 211, 213, 222, 228, 229, 231, 275 ; Thomasin, 161, 261 ; Walter, 43, 46, 51 ; William, 93, 96, 97, 110, 130-132, 148, 174, 178, 182, 183, 185, 190, 196, 197, 201, 247, 250, 252, 254, 256, 257, 293. Foser, Jane, 147; John, 13. Fothergill, Anne, 159 ; Elizabeth, 165; Marjory, 150, 172; William, 150, 152, 159, 165, 172. Fowler, Anne, 254 ; Isabel, 129 ; Jane, 262 ; Margaret, 242 ; Thomasin, 189. Fowwille, Frances, 224. Fox, Janet, 12. Foysser, John, 20. Fr,aawlam, John, 48. Frame, Elizabeth, 169 ; Marjory, 52 ; Patrick, 53 ; William, 20. Francis, Thomas, 229. Franklin, Elizabeth, 271 ; William, 271. Fraziall, Daniel, 191. Freer, Anne, 197, 203 ; John, 66, 195, 197, 202 ; Robert, 66 ; Susan, 149 ; Ursula, 195. Freind, Jane, 106. Freman, Anne, 80 ; Morris, 80 ; William, 80. French. Adeline, 235 ; Alice, 138, 199 ; Annie, 139; Arthur, 105; Ellen, 36 ; Frances, 205 ; How, 7 ; Jane. 150 ; John, 263 ; Marjory, 136, 137 ; Mary, 143, 200 ; Mat thew, 141, 149 ; Nicholas, 137, 141, 148, 192, 200, 205 ; Sarah, 105. Frend, Alice, 33 ; Allison, 21 ; Anne, 28, 234 ; Anthony, 22, 33, 234 ; Christopher, 18, 19, 28 ; Elizabeth, 16, 17, 25 ; Grace, 9 ; How, 7, 8 ; Hugh, 7, 15, 16, 17, 20, 31 ; Isabel, 15 ; Jane, 34 ; Janet, 25 ; Margaret, 19, 23, 29; Marie, 61; Maud, 7, 9 ; Thomas 19, 35. Fressell, Alice, 56 ; Anne, 109 ; Bartram, 85; Elizabeth, 35, 190; John, 89, 94, 190, 191 ; Thomas, 87, 88, 89, 94. Frett, Anne, 271 ; Elizabeth, 272. Freville, Lady, 69. Fryer, Henry. 118 ; Susan, 118. Fuler, Jane, 95. Fullun, Elizabeth, 86 ; Francis, 86. Furbank, Joan, 245; William, 245. Fuster, Anthony, 5 ; Dorothy, 141 ; Elizabeth, 5 ; Nicholas, 141. Fyllope, Janet, 7. Fylpe, William, 18. G Gably, Imprmis Vxor Henrici, 28. Gainforth, Anne, 165, 168, 249, 285 ; Anthony, 289 ; Eleanor, 151, 161, 219. 227, 265 ; Eliz abeth, 237, 239 ; Hannah, 275 ; Isabel, 131, 184, 206. 213, 215, 231, 280, 285, 291 ; Jane, 164, 278 ; John, 206, 210, 219, 221, 225, 227. 231, 237, 239, 242, 249, 276, 278, 280, 285, 288, 291, 292; Joseph, 271 ; Katharine, 173, 174 ; Margaret, 268 ; Mary, 168, 174, 193, 215, 235, 243, 291; Nicholas, 177, 228 ; Ralph, 228, 242, 275, 284, 292 ; Sarah, 230, 243, 292 ; Thomas, 160, 215, 219, 221, 224, 225, 228, 230, 235, 243, 244, 248, 268; William, 125, 156, 165, 168, 173, 177, 184, 210, 213, 260, 268, 271, 276, 278, 280, 285, 287, 288. Galilee, Elizabeth, 16 ; Margaret, 9 ; Richard, 156 ; Thomas, 16. Gall, Alleson, 15 ; Anne, 12 ; Dorothy, 71 : John, 13 ; Mar garet, 11, 19 ; William, 11, 17, 71. Galland, Alleson, 6 ; Anne, 147 ; Janet, 3 ; Thomas, 3, 6. Galley, Anne, 255 ; William, 254. Gamble, Elizabeth, 96. Gamsbey, Janet, 2 ; Richard, 2. Garbut, Thomas, 260 ; Thomasin, 260. Gardiner, Mary, 291 ; Robert, 291. Gare, Jonathan, 244. INDEX. Gargell, Janet, 1. Garnett, John, 84 ; Margaret, 2. Garry, Elizabeth, 101, 262 ; George, 285 ; John, 244 ; Mary, 286 ; Sarah, 244 ; Thomas, 236. Garth, John, 220 ; Margaret, 220. Garth rone, Christopher, 43 ; Thomas, 43. Gascoign, Isabel, 293. Gaskine, Elizabeth, 40 ; Thomasin, 96 ; Uswand. 96. Gastell, Anne^ 104, 112, 116 ; Charles, 37, 39, 53; George, 188; Henry, 107, 108, 112, 113, 116, 129 ; Isabel, 147, 168 ; Jane, 39, 58 ; Margaret, 37, 63, 132, 134, 137, 162, 170, 177 ; Oswald, 98, 132-134, 138 ; Oswyne. 104, 113; Thomas, 107, 108, 132. 133 ; Thomasin, 107, 108, 113. ' Gawle, Alleson, 40. Gawdy, , 7. Gayll, Christabel, 2, 3 ; Cuthbert, 8 ; Dorothy. 41 ; Elizabeth, 15, 16, 18. 19 ; Gregory, 16 ; John, 21 ; Margaret, 11. Gayre, Alice, 104, 115 ; Thomas, 122 ; William. 34. Gedling, Joseph, 182, 184, 188 ; Mary, 182, 188 ; Sarah, 257 ; Thomas, 5 ; William, 184, 188. Gelson, Anthony, 43 ; Christopher, 89, 90 ; Eleanor, 80, 203 ; Elizabeth, 102, 109 ; Jane, 109 ; Jo., 110 ; John, 79, 89, 90, 109 ; Katharine, 10 ; Margaret, 92 ; Mary, 113 ; Nicholas, 84, 98, 110; Robert, 118. Gent, Cuthbert, 2; Elizabeth, 98, 175 ; Isabel, 129 ; Margaret, 80, 86 ; Robert, 80, 98, 126 ; William, 129, 135. Genyng, Anne, 4 ; William, 11. Gerard, Bridget, 209 ; John, 217. Gerbye, Isabel, 1. Gest, Margaret, 137. Ghent, John, 268. Gibb, Elizabeth, 124. Gibbons, Barbara, 271, 272, 278 Christopher, 271, 272, 278. Gibson, Alice, 76, 129 ; Anne. 11, 17, 36, 194, 233, 236 258 : Anthony, 11, 17, 56 Averil, 45 ; Deborah, 238 Dorothy, 63, 220, 240, 244 Edmund. 56 ; Edward, 8 Eleanor, 109 ; Elizabeth, 4, 6, 7 9, 10, 21, 56, 60, 144, 146, 149 157 ; Ellen, 8, 56 ; Frances, 181 George, 27, 223, 277 ; Gerard, 8 Isabel, 7, 11, 17, 104, 244 ; John 8, 27, 32, 57, 67, 74, 75, 113, 157, 163, 172, 177, 181, 194, 195, 220 223, 226, 230, 235, 239, 240, 243 244, 246,256,258, 281; Katharine 8, 64, 86 ; Margaret, 10, 60, 179. 279 ; Mary, 45, 54, 70, 83, 141 142, 167 ; Nicholas, 10 ; Philip 104 ; Phyllis, 56, 57, 60 63, 67, 70, 76, 87; Ralph 7; Rebecca, 230; Richard, 9 10 ; Robert, 45, 54, 56, 60, 64: 69, 71, 72, 74. 75, 136, 256 Roland, 8 ; Sybil, 7, 71, 72 Thomas, 29, 58, 60, 77, 109, 239 William, 87, 129, 150, 177, 185, 189, 220, 235, 243, 274. Giles, Barbara, 285. Gill, Matthew, 231 ; Margaret, 285 ; Sarah, 165. Gillet, Matthew, 112. Gladson, John, 269. Glen, Anne, 80, 129, 133, 142, 149 ; Cecilia, 90 ; Cuthbert, 80 ; Jane, 70, 102, 128, 174 ; John, 70, 80, 89, 112, 118 ; Judith, 138, 142 ; Mary, 136 ; Tho »as, 88 ; William, 89, 129, 130, 133, 142, 183. Glendennin, Deborah, 238 ; Samuel, 238. Glennie, John, 88 ; Thomas, 88. Glover, Anthony, 82, 85 ; Sarah, 85 ; William, 12, 13, 82. Goddyskyrke, Katharine, 7. Goldsborough, Elizabeth, 284. Golyghtlye, Jane, 39. Goodbayrne, Christopher, 20 ; Jane, 20. Goodheire, Jane, 121. Goodknap, Margaret, 17. Goostorde, Alleson, 32 ; John, 32. Gordon, Alice, 159 ; Anne, 284 ; Elizabeth, 267 ; James, 284 ; Jane, 264 ; John, 158 ; Margaret, 288 : Richard, 118 ; Tamar, 287 ; William, 287. Gosten, Marjory, 1. Gower, James, 56 ; Ralph, 56. Gowland, Anne. 105 ; Dorothy, 104 ; Elizabeth, 225 ; Frances, 223 ; George, 225, 247 ; Isabel, 175 ; Robert, 104, 105 ; William, 175, 247. Gowthorpe, Elizabeth, 34. Graham, Anne, 170, 194, 198, 240 ; Barbara, 202, 205, 222 ; Elias, 240, 270 ; Elizabeth, 154, 173, 284 ; George, 159, 174, 177, 189, 191, 201, 211, 216, 222, 270. 290 ; Isabel, 192, 197 ; John, 177 ; Joyce, 174, 290 ; Marjory, 168 ; Mary, 146 ; Richard, 158, 159 ; Robert. 184, 188 ; Roger, 270 ; Susanna, 166 ; Thomas, 180, 184, 188, 192, 200 ; Thomasin, 180 ; William, 170. Grainger, Cuthbert, 289 ; Frances, 215, 266 ; John, 282, 283 ; Mary, 268 : Thomas, 266 ; William, 212, 215, 268. Gram, Anne, 128. Grame, Alice, 150, 151 ; Andrew, 25 ; Anne, 24, 72, 99, 133, 136 Barbara, 143 ; Eleanor, 130 Elizabeth, 109 ; George, 72, 80! 84, 120, 132, 134, 135, 139, 145! 147, 151 ; Grace, 70 ; John, 135 140; Mary, 143; Philip, 139, 145 Phoebe, 147 ; Robert, 56 ; Sarah! 80 ; Susanna, 56, 71, 138 Thomas, 127, 134, 138, 140 William, 140. Grasan, Margaret, 167. Graves, Margaret, 238. Gray, Alice, 31 ; Anne, 2. 18, 20, 43, 121, 245, 278 ; Anthony, 20 ; Cuthbert, 22 ; Elizabeth, 13, 14, 17, 22, 28, 87, 89, 91, 97, 98, 106; Ellen, 155; George, 15, 31, 40, 52, 103, 130 ; Haylles, 13 ; Henry, 19, 38 ; Isabel, 12, 20, 40, 72 ; James, 26, 27, 42, 47 ; Jane, 32, 50, 52, 59, 77 ; Janet, 1, 31, 59 ; John, 20, 32, 42, 52 ; Katharine, 36, 47 ; Margaret, 19, 26, 28, 40, 48, 53, 292 ; Marjory, 35 ; Mary, 113, 144 ; Matthew, 42 ; Myles, 24 ; Nicholas, 183 ; Pegge, 33 ; Ralph, 3, 38, 42, 43, 50, 59, 291 ; Richard, 33 ; Robert, 26, 45, 52, 91, 98, 103, 273 ; Thomas, 45, 68, 87, 89, 94, 264, 273, 292; Troth, 211; Widow, 25 ; William, 3, 26, 283. Greathead, Isabel, 197 ; Janet, 3 ; Richard, 3, 12. Green, Alice, 290 ; Allison, 2 ; Anne, 40, 75, 139 ; Barbara; 48, 63, 85, 100, 102, 108 ; Bartram, 15, 21 ; Charles, 137 ; Christ opher, 5, 13, 27; Cuthbert, 17, 79, 81 ; Diana, 90 ; Edmund, 8 ; Edward, 290 ; Eleanor, 84, 94, 127 ; Elizabeth, 2, 5, 6, 18, 19, 21, 48, 55. 64,88,91, 96, 99, 183; George, 2, 20, 38, 39, 82, 84, 89, 97; Gilbert, 19; Grace, 151; Isabel, 4, 8, 148 ; Jacob, 147 ; Jane, 36, 39, 77, 258, 290 ; John, 3, 4, 5, 16, 32, 39, 43, 49, 60, 67, 92, 134, 144 ; Lucrece, 138 ; Margaret, 11, 19, 41, 43, 46, 93, 109, 122, 140, 172 ; Mary, 58, 109, 151 ; Michael, 45, 99, 102, 142 ; Mrs., 98 ; Nicholas, 50 ; Oswin, 127 ; Ralph, 49, 52, 53, 79, 81 ; Richard, 14, 18, 21 ; Robert, 38, 39, 43, 64, 127, 140, 172, 226 ; Simon, 38, 39, 45, 50, 52, 53, 60, 63 ; Susan, 108 : Thomas, 4, 77, 92, 127, 258, 280 ; Widow, 25 ; William, 76, 77, 139. Greenside, Jane, 271. Greenwell, Anne, 28 ; Elizabeth, 37, 199, 251, 265 ; George, 25 ; Isabel, 26, 159 ; Jane, 194 ; John, 3, 142, 189, 199 : Katharine, 215 ; Lionel, 24, 106 ; Margaret, 21 , 203 ; Nicholas, 128 ; Robert, 203, 284 ; Sarah, 189 ; Thomas, 211, 229 ; William, 219 Grenswed, Cuthbert, 10 ; Mar garet, 6. Greveson, Anne, 128, 284; Richard, 128. Grestwate, Margaret, 31. Greve, Allison, 13, 20 ; Anne. 30, 271, 290 ; Edmund, 18 ; Esmonte, 13 ; Jacob, 290 ; Jane, 13 ; Thomas, 30, 271. Grew, Allison, 11 ; Edmund, 11 ; John, 11 ; Margaret, 11. Grewell, Mark, 22. Griffith, Isaac, 278 ; Mary, 282 ; Thomas, 278, 282. Grundy, John, 169. Gryce, Anne, 18, 31 ; Baitteres, 15; Elizabeth, 18 ; Ellen, 19 ; Emit, 18 ; George, 16 ; John, 19 ; Nicholas, 18, 31. Gryve, Allison, 22. Gurndan, Thomas, 110. Gustard, Alice, 57. Gvnne, Arthur, 67 ; Michael, 67. Hackporth, Elizabeth, 2, 5, 6, 7, 59 ; Ellen, 10 ; Jennet, 2 ; John, 2, 4, 6 ; Robert, 3 ; William, 8. Hackworth, Eleanor, 283 ; Mar garet, 288 ; Mary, 285 ; Thomas, 283. Haddock, Elizabeth, 98 ; Marian, 1. Haggerston, Edward, 239 ; Mary, 239. Hakens, Jane, 35. Hales, Mary, 202. Halkines, Andrew, 40. Hall, Alice, 97 ; Alison, 7 ; Andrew, 280 ; Anne, 37, 43, 51, 59, 224, 257, 280 : Anthony, 262; Charles, 50, 51, 52, 53, 58, 65 ; Christian, 161, 174; Christopher, 65; Cicely, 117; Clement, 273, 276 ; Dorothy, 178 ; Edmund, 158 ; Edward, 227, 246 ; Eleanor, 53, 99, 129, 254, 261 ; Elizabeth, 4, 23, 48, 58, 66, 90, 116, 1 17, 140, 256, 279 ; Frances, 153 ; Francis, 50 ; George, 46, 80, 100, 280 : Gregory, 96, 97 ; Hannah, 256 ; Isabel, 18, 49, 66 ; Jane, 18, 97, 137, 160, 174, 175, 215, 242, 243; John, 22, 35, 41. 77, 79, 81, 84, 93, 100, 108, 113, 137, 143, 222, 260, 286 ; Katharine, 9 ; Mar garet, 7, 46, 60, 70, 104, 129, 134, 136, 158, 169, 173, 227, 260 ; Martin, 248 ; Mary, 38, 42, 63, 161, 163, 168, 189, 192, 205, 211, 242, 273, 276, 278, 280 ; Matthew, 93, 286 ; Michael, 129, 132, 134 ; Nicholas, 66, 89 ; Patrick, 117 ; Percival, 238 ; Ralph, 184, 185, 187, 260 ; Richard, 48, 97 ; Robert, 58, 60, 86, 91, 96, 97, 99, 105, 113, 115, 116, 137, 143, 153, 163, 164, 173, 175, 181, 189, 192, 205, 217, 222, 262 ; Roger, 7 ; Roland, 7, 19 ; Stephen, 121 ; Susanna, 187 ; Thomas, 16, 23, 44, 46, 48, 50, 61, 66, 131, 140, 223, 242, 243, 256, 279, 287 ; Widow, 40 ; William, 9, 18, 37, 38, 41-44, 46, 49, 50, 52, 58-60, 65, 84, 116, 158, 160, 161, 168, 217, 287. Halledair, Anne, 46 ; Edward, 46, 47 ; Isabel, 73 ; Nicholas, 47. Halleman, Fortune, 84 ; Grace, 78 ; Joan, 22 ; Margaret, 94 ; Mary, 290. Hallewell, Margaret, 16. Hamilton, Anne, 284 ; Elizabeth, 279 ; John, 293 ; Margaret, 293 ; William, 279. Hanby, Francis, 131, 132, 138 ; Isabel, 131; Mary, 132; Thomas, 135 ; William, 138. Handes, Luke, 40. Hanning, Anne, 291 ; James, 291. Harbott, Anne, 212 ; Henry, 63 ; William, 63, 212. Harbottle, Lawrence, 24 ; Mar garet, 33, 281 ; Thomas, 30. Harcher, Anne, 2 ; Conrand, 11 ; Edward, 8; Elizabeth, 9; Jane, 2. Hardcastle, Lancelot, 193 ; Mary, 193. Harden, Elizabeth, 13 ; Margaret, 29 ; William, 28. Harding, Allison, 10 ; Anne, 6, 7 ; Christopher, 2 ; George, 5-7, 18 ; Isabel, 178 ; Margaret, 5, 8, 25 ; Marion, 2, 3 ; Nicholas, 9 ; Ralph, 7 ; Richard, 18 ; Thomas, 178, 179 ; William, 129. Hardy, Anne, 251, 253, 293 ; Cuth bert, 153 ; George, 246, 251, 253- 256, 261, 265 ; Hannah, 256 ; Isabella, 255 ; Jane, 199, 254 ; John, 177, 206, 270 ; Joseph, 212 ; Mary, 177, 240 ; Thomas, 199, 206, 212, 217, 242, 246; William, 251, 277. Harkles, Edward, 199 ; Nicholas, 199. Harle, Anthony, 277 ; Bell, 32 ; Elizabeth, 277 ; Jane, 29, 156 ; Margaret, 234, 242, 260 ; Thomas, 234. Harper, Anne, 230, 261 ; Elizabeth, 17, 150, 169, 230, 257, 268 ; Isabel, 234 ; John, 17, 150, 163, 169, 234, 239, 251 ; Margaret, 218 ; Mary, 172 ; William, 163. Harramoud, Barbara, 181 ; Eliz abeth, 210, 219, 229, 231 ; George, 210 ; John, 229, 231, 248 ; Mary, 214 ; Samuel, 181. Harrison, Alice, 33 ; Anne, 25, 27, 32, 127, 178, 240, 255, 266, 275 ; Anthony, 29, 258; Barbara, 190; Barnabie, 120 ; Dorothy, 120, 205 ; Edward, 252 ; Eleanor, 33 ; Elizabeth, 29, 84, 126, 127, 176, 178, 189, 202, 252, 280 ; Frances, 272, 273 ; Francis, 285 ; George, 176, 183, 202, 205, 208, 209, 212, 248, 268-270, 272, 273, 276, 280, 288 ; Hannah, 240 ; Isabel, 291 ; James, 125 ; Jane, 116, 230, 245, 253, 288 ; Joan, 34 ; John, 116, 183, 247, 248 ; Julian, 28 ; Katherine, 232 ; Margaret, 26, 27, 34, 174, 184, 231, 268 ; Mar gery, 208, 269, 270, 286 ; Mary, 30, 285, 287, 292 ; Michael, 127 ; Nicholas, 34 ; Ralph, 30, 178, 231, 252, 270, 282, 285 ; Robert, 24, 26, 27, 34, 35 ; Rowland, 179,230,247,275; Sarah, 270; Susan, 260 ; Susanna, 220 ; Thomas, 33, 179, 212, 248, 257, 258 ; William, 33, 174, 183, 202, 232, 234, 245, 291, 292. Harrosmith, Eleanor, 45 ; George, 82 ; Henry, 48 ; Margaret, 46 ; William, 46, 82. Hartis, Mary, 206. Hartley, Eleanor, 176. Harvey, Barbara, 279 ; John, 277 ; Sybil, 277, 279. Haston, John, 2. Haswell, Anne, 61, 239, 241 ; Eliz abeth. 201, 202, 270, 279; Isabel. 240 ; James, 207 ; John, 193 ; Mark, 182, 186, 193, 202, 207, 270, 280 ; Nicholas, 182; Robert, 61, 63, 238; Samuel, 72; William, 177, 239, 241, 279; Winifred, 63. Haton, Jennet, 6. Havers, Anne, 222, 235, 243 ; Eliz abeth, 226, 233 ; Francis, 240 ; Henry, 156, 165, 179, 215, 238 ; John, 223, 227, 233, 235, 249; Sarah, 156, 215, 229 ; Thomas, 165, 222, 225, 229, 240, 243, 249 ; William, 245. Haward, Bartholomew, 144, 204 ; Elizabeth, 81, 116, 155 ; Fortune, 204 ; Isaac, 201 ; Isabel, 127 ; Jane, 30 ; John, 132, 197 ; Mar garet, 146 ; Margery, 94 ; Marmaduke, 123, 132, 138 ; Richard, 127 ; Thomas, 144. 153 ; William, 30, 31, 90, 126, 155, 168. Hawckforth, Elizabeth, 23 ; John, 12. Hawckslay, Anne, 19 ; John, 20, 21 ; Mary, 22, 23 ; Richard, 19. Hawckyne, Andrew, 20 ; Eliz abeth, 20. Hawde, George, 23 ; Helen, 12 ; John, 12 ; Katherine, 23 ; Thomas, 14. Hawdon, Henry, 15 ; Joan, 21 ; Margaret, 146; Philip, 19. Hawksworth, Elizabeth, 42 ; Mary, 43 ; Robert, 43. Hawmont, Elizabeth, 16 ; Mar garet, 16 ; Matthew, 5, 16. Hawsen, Alice, 25. Hawston, Jane, 33 ; Thomas, 28. Hawwert, Anne, 4. Hayes, Benjamin, 276, 281, 282, 284 ; Elizabeth, 276, 281, 284 ; Isabel, 282 ; Joseph, 284 ; Thomas, 110. Haylecke, Frances, 96 ; John, 96. Haynes, Mary, 257. Haythorn, Margaret, 280. Head, Elizabeth, 138 ; George, 152, 173 ; Gerard, 42 ; Jane, 220 ; Jeronomy, 152 ; Nicholas, 220, 226 ; Troth, 145 ; William, 138. Headlam, Arthur William, 110 ; Margery, 70. Heaslopp, Robert, 122. Heath, Anne, 222 ; John, 60, 64, 87, 89 ; Margaret, 135. Heathart, Richard, 271 ; Thomas, 271. Heavin, John, 129. Heaviside, Alice, 83 ; Elizabeth, 180, 194 ; Isabel, 85 ; John, 83- 85, 255, 288 ; Katherine, 177, 180 ; Mary, 288 ; Sarah, 255. Hebdon, Frances, 261. Heddon, see Hedwin. Hedley, Anne, 132, 149 ; Edward, 54 ; Elizabeth, 54, 104 ; George, 228, 229 ; Gertrude, 288 ; Isabel, 178 ; Jane, 211, 264, 266, 269 ; Jennet, 21 ; John, 232, 288 ; Joseph, 228, 287, 291 ; Margaret, 136, 169, 204 ; Mary, 263 ; Ralph, 263 ; Robert, 131, 132, 136, 169, 171, 214, 221, 228, 232, 248, 251, 264, 266 ; Susan, 232 ; Thomas, 269 ; William, 228, 232, 239, 251, 288, 291. Hedwin, Adam, 5 ; Alison, 2, 41, 43 ; Anne, 14 ; Christopher, 32 ; Edward, 57 ; Eleanor, 25 ; Eliz abeth, 41, 46, 59, 65, 96, 99 ; Ellen, 22, 27; George, 33, 42, 43, 49, 85, 91, 92, 93, 94 ; Isabel, 43 ; Israel, 130 ; Jane, 23, 32, 45, 91, 98, 104, 105 ; Jennet, 27 ; John, 22, 23, 27, 28, 42, 43, 46, 47, 56, 57, 59, 91, 93, 96 ; Kath erine, 93, 94 ; Lancelot, 31, 32 ; Lionel, 28 ; Margaret, 41, 42, 57 ; Mary, 96, 99, 131 ; Matthew, 34, 36, 49, 57 ; Nicholas, 87 ; Robert, 24, 41, 43, 45-52, 56, 63, 65, 108 ; Simon, 56 ; Thomas, 2, 22, 46, 96, 98, 105, 131, 174 ; William, 21, 52, 94. Hed worth, Jane, 35, 66 j John, 45 ; Mary, 45. Hefeld, Anne, 9. Hegge, John, 68. Heigh, William, 94. Heighington, Dorothy, 64, 120 ; Elizabeth, 176, 187 ; * Frances, 88 ; George, 140, 166, 238 ; Gerard, 111; Henry, 64; John, 140, 170, 174 ; Margaret, 138, 215, 220 ; Margery, 227 ; Mary, 120; Muriel, 125; Richard, 111, 138 ; William, 88, 215. Heighley, Ephraim, 155 ; Robert, 232. Helbek, Elizabeth, 9. 17 ; Mar garet, 9 ; William, 9, 10. Heloott, Margery, 47, 81 ; Thomas, 47, 81. Hellier, Joseph, 193. Helryngton, Allison, 6. Hemerson, Allison, 5 ; Jennet, 5. Henderson, Anne, 188, 191, 212, 262, 266 ; Anthony, 192 Eleanor, 206 ; Elizabeth, 260 Henry, 203, 222 ; Isabel, 260 291 ; James, 198, 260, 262, 273 278 ; Jane, 263 ; John, 208, 243 Margaret, 255 ; Mary, 278 Robert, 182 183 ; William, 182 183, 188, 191, 198, 203, 206, 208 212, 216, 243, 255, 256, 273, 286, Hendry, Anne, 156, 175, 209, 236 Cuthbert, 178, 179, 190, 209 Elizabeth, 172 ; Frances, 219 253, 269 ; Haman, 175, 179, 182, 190 ; Hammond, 280 ; Joan, 216, 258 ; Mary, 251 ; Mitford, 182, 251, 253; Mrs., 280; Richard, 216, 219, 258, 284. Henzy, Edward, 240, 243 ; Jacob, 231 ; Michael, 235 ; Timothy. 231, 235, 240, 243. Herbert, Elizabeth, 275 ; Robert, 277 ; William, 275. Hercules, Anne, 255 ; Barbara, 264, 267 ; Edward, 264, 265, 267, 273, 277, 291 ; Elizabeth, 241, 265, 277 ; Frances, 223, 232, 236 ; George, 223, 232, 236; John, 241, 277, 291 ; Nicholas, 231, 255 ; Sarah, 238 ; William, 231. Herd, Andrew, 283, 284 ; George, 285, 286; Thomas, 283, 284, 286. Herdman, Grace, 41 ; Isabel, 40 ; John, 40-42 ; Mary, 42. Herkles, Anne, 194 ; Elizabeth, 196 ; Nicholas, 194, 196. Heron, Alice, 232 ; Cuthbert, 228, 230, 233, 237, 242, 243, 260, 275 ; Elizabeth, 237 ; Jane, 232 ; John, 201, 215 ; Katherine, 233, 243 ; Mary, 222 ; Richard, 230 ; Robert, 201, 215, 239 ; Thomas. 242. Herrison, Alice, 142; Alison, 6, 17: Anne, 2, 4, 5 ; Anthony, 21 ; Arthur, 56, 58, 62, 63, 65 ; Bar bara, 56; Barnard, 152 ; Dorothy, 152, 165 : Elizabeth, 3, 14, 21, 172, 237 ; George, 14, 95, 165, 186 ; How, 8 ; Isabel, 56 ; James, 8, 65 ; Jane, 13, 42 ; John, 13, 15, 16, 62, 63 ; Jennet, 5 ; Julian, 45 ; Katherine, 13 ; Lancelot, 10 ; Margaret, 94 ; Margery, 16, 43 ; Michael, 130 ; Robert, 35, 63, 65 ; Thomas, 42, 43, 48 : William, 13, 15, 19, 130. 139, 168, 186. Heryn, Simon, 144. Heslop, Alice, 288 ; Anne, 4, 28, 247, 258, 265 ; Edward, 247. 256, 258, 260, 265, 282, 290; Eliz abeth, 2, 90, 256, 258, 260 ; Emma, 202 ; Hannah, 162, 208 ; Henry, 5 ; James, 269 ; Jennet, 5 ; John, 34, 269, 282 ; Matthew, 162 ; Richard, 5, 203 ; Thomas, 90 ; William, 288. Hessels, Julian, 70, 71 ; Mary, 73 ; Samuel, 70, 71 ; Thomas, 73. Hessyke, Allison, 13 ; Anne, 10, 13 ; Christopher, 11 ; Cuthbert, 13 ; Roger, 12 ; Simon, 16 ; Thomas, 17. Hetan, Anne, 158. Heatherington, Grace, 109. Hewit, Anne, 251 ; Elizabeth, 285 ; George, 269, 272, 276, 280, 281, 285, 289, 290 ; Hannah, 252, 287 ; James, 289 ; Jane, 35 ; John, 269, 281, 290 ; Margaret, 35, 36 ; Margery, 272 ; Mary, 250, 280 ; Nicholas, 289 ; Thomas, 250, 252, 266, 267. Hewitson, Alice, 28 ; Alison, 8, 19 ; Anne, 27, 284 ; Dorothy, 63 ; Elizabeth, 8, 10, 282 ; Ellen, 19 ; Isabel, 61 ; Jane, 44 ; Mar garet,^, 8 ; Margery, 28 ; Mary, 278 ; Matthew, 14, 26 ; William, 61, 63, 278, 282, 284. Hewson, John, 274 ; William, 274. Heyght, Jennet, 1 ; John, 1. Heyrine, Richard, 42. Hiches, Mrs., 102. Hickeson, Alice, 104 ; Anne, 192, 193, 202 ; Duloibella, 223, 279 ; Eleanor, 260 ; Elizabeth, 25, 208, 211, 217 ; George, 104, 158 ; Helen, 216 : Hulme, 160 ; Isabel, 166 ; James, 160, 166 ; Jane, 163; Joan, 227 ; John, 196, 199, 203 ; Mary, 199, 265 ; Robert. 192, 193, 209, 211, 213, 216, 217, 223, 260, 279 ; Thomas, 123 : William, 124. Hildraith, Mary, 263 ; Philip, 255. Hildyard, Anne, 70 ; Christopher, 87, 95, 97-99, 106, 108, 109, 142 ; Dorothy, 91, 108, 109 ; Eleanor, 106, 164 ; Eliza, 109 ; Elizabeth. 95, 97, 98, 122 ; Francis. 89, 94. 97 ; George, 52, 67 ; John, 86, 89, 91, 94, 95, 98, 99 ; Joseph. 109 ; Margaret, 49, 87 ; Mrs., 69, 70 ; Richard, 102 ; Robert. 51, 52, 57, 60, 81 ; Thomas, 57 : William, 51, 95, 109. Hill, Anne, 42 ; Cuthbert, 42, 44 ; Isabel, 44. Hills, Edward, 292 ; Hugh, 288 ; James, 243 ; Jane, 242 ; Kath erine, 288 ; Margaret, 125 ; Richard, 282. Hilton, Abraham, 265 ; Elizabeth,, 256 ; Jane, 133 ; Robert, 252 256 ; Sarah, 265 ; Ursula, 252, 256. Hind, Anne, 189 ; Isabella, 25S ; John, 268. Hindmesse, Florence, 102. Hindstone, Anne, 215, 275 ; James, 215, 216, 221, 226, 229 ; Jane. 226, 278 ; Mary, 216, 276. Hinks, Anne, 121, 174 ; Dorothy, 112, 139, 158 ; Edward, 211 ; Jane, 177 ; Katherine, 117, 174 ; William, 112, 117, 121, 151. Hirdman, Alison, 2 ; Anne, 2 21, 273, 275 : Edward, 15 ; Eliz abeth, 18, 72, 96, 97 ; Ellen, 8 ; Jane, 49, 69 ; John, 49 ; Mar garet, 14, 98 ; Mary, 280, 284 ; Nicholas, 9 ; Ralph, 255 ; Richard, 7, 72, 96, 97, 109, 267, 273, 275-278, 280, 284 ; Robert, 6 ; Saunder, 12 ; Sarah, 267 ; Thomas, 6, 12 ; Widow, 29 ; Hirst, Anne, 16, 111, 154 ; Edith, 126 ; Elizabeth, 13, 122, 176, 196, 218, 235 ; George, 37, 39, 42, 45, 48, 51, 94, 99 ; Gervase, 177, 218 ; Henry, 140 ; Isabel, 37 ; James, 74, 111, 115, 118, 127, 140, 165, 193 ; Jane, 145, INDEX. 153 ; John, 13, 42, 90, 92, 95, 108, 115, 118, 122 ; Margaret, 14, 38. 45, 48, 90, 94, 108, 127 Margery, 15, 32 ; Marion, 32 Mary, 165, 173 ; Matthew, 14 24, 45, 74, 106 ; Nicholas, 39, 42 Phyllis, 155 ; Ralph, 145 Robert, 154 ; Roland, 51, 125 Thomas, 1, 92, 196. Hixon, see Hickeson. Hobbs, Mary, 284. Hobkirke, Anne, 53 ; Archie, 53, 54 ; Marland, 54. Hobson, Anne, 95, 245, 270, 284 ; Dorothy. 251, 252 ; Eleanor, 46; 82, 102 ; Elizabeth, 72, 240, 259; Grace. 36, 70, 72 ; Hannah, 240, 290 ; James, 40, 44, 83 ; Jane, 258 ; Jennet, 23 ; John, 28, 41, 72, 83, 264 ; Joseph, 255, 259, 264 ; Margaret, 19, 28 ; Mar gery, 41, 75 ; Mary, 70 ; Michael, 150.151'; Nicholas, 37, 41, 44, 46, 50. 70, 72, 75, 95, 98; Richard, 284 : Simon, 210, 245, 252, 270 ; William, 150, 151. Hodge, Elizabeth, 39, 212; William, 212. Hodgson, Albert, 134 ; Alice, 29, 181, 227 ; Anne, 99, 263, 278, 279 ; Barbara, 62 ; Cicely, 59 ; Dorothy, 129 ; Edward, 59, 67 ; Eleanor, 168 ; Elizabeth, 271 ; Emma, 83; Fiancee, 185; George, 6, 92 ; Hilda, 148 ; Humphrey, 134 ; Isabel, 46, 102, 177 ; Jennet, 18 ; John, 20, 30, 31, 46, 190, 193, 209, 213 ; Malley, 42 ; Margaret, 26, 30, 49, 73, 92, 123, 174, 248 ; Margery, 27, 97, 153 ; Marland, 44, 46 ; Marian, 20 ; Mary, 67, 147, 193, 209, 211,213, 271 ; Michael, 148 ; Mrs., 222 : Nicholas, 220 ; Peter, 140 : Ralph, 29, 40, 44, 46, 62, 67, 106, 140 ; Richard, 73, 97, 99, 100, 101 ; Roger, 20 ; Susannah, 166 ; Thomas, 46, 174 ; Widow, 41, 49 ; William, 56, 99, 100, 181, 209, 217 ; Winifred, 190. Hogg, Eleanor, 110 ; George, 68, 110 ; , 34. Hoggart, Em., 20 ; Robert, 242, 244 ; William, 242, 244. Holden, Anne, 261 ; Isabel, 130 ; John, 130 ; Margaret, 172. Holiday, Thomas, 275. Holland, Isabel, 282 ; Thomas, 272. Holmes, Anne, 2, 197, 248, 250 289 ; Barbara, 150 ; Bartholo mew, 93 ; Bartle, 37, 38, 41 Bartram, 97 ; Christopher, 32 Edward, 4. 101 ; Elizabeth, 101 Frances, 212 ; Francis, 134, 179, 184, 188, 194, 197, 198, 206, 211 227, 288 ; Gabriel, 216 ; Henry 233 ; Jane, 266 ; Jennet, 34 John, 149, 184, 245 ; Margaret, 38, 197, 206, 211, 288 ; Mary! 187, 193, 258 ; Matthew, 193 250. 254 ; Ralph, 132, 150, 179 Richard, 193, 198, 258, 267 : Thomas, 6, 41, 187, 194, 237, 244, 245, 255, 266; William, 188, 227. Holtbie, Margery, 53. Holyday, •, 34. Home, Alison, 11 ; Anne, 13 ; Bartholomew, 19 ; Bartram, 47, 52-54, 59 ; Christopher, 15 ; Cicely, 13 ; Edward, 11. 45 ; Elizabeth, 13 ; Jane. 49, 52, 53 ; Jennet, 14; Martin, 47; Mathius, 54 ; Ralph, 59 ; Thomas, 16, 19, 77. Hood, Alice, 270 ; Elizabeth, 282 ; Isabel, 290 ; John, 224 ; Mar garet, 273 ; Martha, 243 ; Mary, 268 ; William, 213, 224, 243. Hoowee, Margery, 85 ; William, 85. Hope, Alice, 278 ; Thomas, 43. Hopper, Agnes, 287 ; Alice, 253, 257 ; Anne, 102, 127, 146, 150, 207,217,226,233,238, 253,254, 262, 293 ; Barbara, 148, 174, 192, 195, 208, 213, 224, 287 ; Christ opher, 102 ; Cicely, 39 ; Edmund, 239, 291 ; Edward, 83, 87, 93, 103, 130, 174, 177, 180 187, 192, 201, 208. 212, 224, 241, 248, 249, 253, 254, 257, 262, 266, 269, 274, 278, 283 ; Elizabeth, 37, 40, 42, 43, 72, 91, 98, 135, 137, 144, 196, 247, 257, 259, 266, 268 ; Emma, 237, 254-256, 270 ; Frances, 289 ; George, 208, 248, 264, 278 ; Ger trude, 245, 288 ; Henry, 113, 160, 215, 217, 232, 234, 256 ; Hugh, 41, 45, 68 ; Isabel, 22 ; James, 253 ; Jane, 3, 39, 45, 49, 58, 90, 177, 180, 215, 242, 257 ; Jennet, 253; John, 33,38-40,51,56,91,93, 102, 112, 113, 137. 143, 145, 158, 177, 183, 193, 211, 215, 224, 226, 232, 234, 235, 238, 242. 246, 250, 253, 254, 25fi, 259-263, 266, 269, 272, 281 ; Katharine, 156 ; Mar garet, 83, 156, 166, 208, 264, 288 ; Mark, 93, 135, 140, 143, 144, 146, 148, 155, 181, 182, 207, 215, 238, 239, 244, 249, 254, 255, 256, 261, 264, 269, 2 70. 272, 279, 291 ; Mary, 235, 244, 250 ; Mrs., 107, 211 ; Peter, 6,8 ; Ralph, 219 ; Robert, 112, 115, 156, 158, 160, 215, 218, 222, 261, 263, 266, 274 ; Sampson, 56, 94 ; Samuel, 21, 37, 43, 47, 49 ; Thomas, 41, 47, 95, 118, 138, 142, 266, 283; Thomasine, 87, 98, 124. 131 ; William, 93, 139, 187, 242, 245, 247, 249, 257, 259, 262, 279, 284. Horiman, Edmund, 152 ; John, 147. Horn, Christopher, 256 ; John, 28 ; Margaret, 195 ; William, 286. Horner, Agnes, 8 ; Anne, 9 ; Jennet, 6 ; Margaret, 7. Hornsby, Anne, 23, 30, 86 ; Cuth bert, 27 ; Dorothy, 259 ; Eliza beth, 25 ; Henry, 23, 26, 41 ; Jane, 29, 73, 259, 263 ; John, 208, 293 ; Margaret, 23 ; Mary, 289 ; Thomas, 208, 261 ; Thomasine, 261 ; William, 33, 259, 263, 289. Horsley, Anne, 55 ; Eleanor, 8 ; Elizabeth, 102 ; Esther, 257 ; Jane, 58 ; Mary, 138 ; Mrs., 102 ; Thomas, 51. Horseman, Anne, 176 ; Dorothy, 286 ; John, 284, 286 ; Marv, 133, 159 ; William, 133. Hostler, George, 252. Housman, Frances, 189, 192 ; James, 286 ; James Matthias, 197 ; Jane, 285 ; John, 189, 192, 197, 200, 259. Howard, Charles, 174, 202, 241 ; Elizabeth, 170, 225 ; John, 101 ; Margaret, 101, 155 ; Mary, 263 ; Mrs., 241 ; Thomas, 174; William, 263. Howden, Anne, 233. Howe, Alice, 242 ; Anne, 244 ; Elizabeth, 192, 256, 262 ; Francis, 196, 198 ; George, 206, 211 ; Jane, 253 ; Mary, 245, 247 ; Ralph, 192, 193, 196, 198, 199, 201, 211, 242, 247, 262 ; Richard, 209, 214, 264 ; Robert, 199, 253, 256 ; Thomasine, 90 ; William, 90. Howghyll, William, 28. Howsen, Thomas, 55. Howsfeld, Widow, 8. Hubback, Anne, 14, 264 ; Anthony, 254, 259 ; Elizabeth, 12 ; Isabel, 252, 276 ; Jane, 261 ; John, 1, 251, 252, 254, 261, 276 ; Robert, 14 ; Thomas, 35 ; William, 251. Hubbethorn, John, 260, 263 ; Johnathon, 263 ; Hannah, 263 ; Matthew, 263. Hucheson, see Hutchinson. Huddlestone, Doctor, 234, 238,248 ; Francis Mark, 243 ; Henry, 243, 248, 275 ; Henry John, 235, 238 ; John, 244 ; Margaret, 195 ; Mary, 234. Hudsmawgth, Adam, 3 ; Margaret, 3. Hudson, Anne, 4, 191, 218, 242 ; Barbara, 196 ; Cuthbert, 219 ; Elizabeth, 169, 263 ; Isabel, 226, 231, 235, 243, 275 ; Jane, 203, 280 ; John, 3, 169, 191, 196, 214, 219, 231, 235, 237, 243, 244, 253, 261, 283 ; Margaret, 4, 261,291 ; Mary, 208, 228, 233, 244, 249, 252 ; Richard, 18 ; Stephen, 218, 221, 224, 226, 228, 232, 237, 240, 242, 252, 257, 283 : Thomas, 221 ; William, 263. Hudspeth, Cicely, 162.; John, 162; Toby, 50. Hughes, Edwin, 233 ; Mary, 233. Hugill, Anne, 220 ; Elizabeth, 237 ; George, 237 ; Henry, 277. Hull, Alice, 51 ; Anne, 289 ; Eliz abeth, 97, 219. 220 ; Emma, 72 ; Francis, 136, 142 ; Jane, 290 ; John, 97, 132, 167, 289 ; Mar garet, 136, 210 ; Nicholas, 132 ; Ralph, 282, 292 ; Robert, 214, 282 ; Thomas, 219, 220, 290 ; Ursula, 167. Humble, Anne, 141, 160, 269, 273, 277 ; Elizabeth, 205 ; George, 160 ; Isabel, 202 ; Jane, 53, 206; John, 205, 206, 211 ; Margery, 123, 125 ; Michael, 273 ; Richard, 233 ; Sarah, 233 ; Thomas, 277 ; Thomasine, 275 ; William, 172. Humes, Elizabeth, 30, 103 ; George, 97, 98, 100, 107, 142, 159. 162 ; Isabel, 97, 159; Jane, 31 ; John, 31, 96, 98, 142 ; Mary, 142 ; Roland, 126 ; William, 107, 168. Humfreson, Jane, 36. Humphreys, Jane, 227. Hunt, Dr., 70 ; Elizabeth, 8. Hunter, Abigail, 129; Alice, 86, 145; Alison, 6, 7; Anne, 113, 121, 167. 253. 268: Cuthbert, 96, 102 ; Dorothy, 160; Edward, 45, 87, 92 ; Eleanor, 38 ; Eliz abeth, 51, 92, 106, 129, 132, 136, 155, 222, 277 ; Francis, 55, 268 ; George, 44, 86, 89, 96, 102, 117- 119, 125, 129, 287 ; Gilbert, 15 ; James, 11, 16, 46, 55, 85, 89, 93, 95, 100, 134, 276 : Jane, 39, 40, 85, 160 ; John, 44. 45, 49, 91, 93, 222, 223, 230, 242, 253, 268, 269, 270, 275, 283, 291 ; Katherine, 39, 77 ; Mabel, 86 ; Margaret, 33, 97, 291 ; Mark, 136 ; Mary, 87, 100, 113, 122, 144, 160, 167, 223, 287 ; Matthew, 38-40, 44, 46,53, 124, 132,136, 222, 236; Myles, 44 ; Richard, 51, 55 ; Robert, 276, 280, 283, 287 ; Stephen, 89 ; Susan, 102 ; Thomas, 30, 95, 179, 242, 268- 270, 272, 273 ; William, 129, 160, 162, 174. Huntley, Anne, 100, 141, 285 ; Dorothy, 164, 277 ; Jane, 289, 292 ; John, 282 ; Mary, 248 ; Richard, 101, 104, 174, 281 ; Robert, 189 ; Thomas, 282, 289, 292. Hurst, see Hirst. HuBho, Helen, 13. Hutchinson, Alice, 18 ; Allison, 16 ; Ambrose, 185 ; Anne, 5, 12, 20, 26, 131, 144, 163, 178, 180, 262, 268, 290 ; Barbara, 167, 168, 262; Christopher, 4, 5, 17, 18, 20, 39, 57, 58, 60, 62, 109 ; Cicely, 47 ; Cuthbert, 20, 35 ; Dorothy, 55, 266 ; Eleanor, 189 ; Elizabeth, 2, 11, 17, 26, 27, 60, 90, 149, 205, 206, 211, 217, 244, 275 ; Ellen, 152 ; George, 10, 15, 18, 22, 26, 27, 56, 80, 152, 153, 189, 193 ; Gilbert, 2 ; Godfrey, 24 ; Grace, 8, 20 ; Helen, 250 ; Hugo, 110 ; Isabel, 15, 58, 94, 129, 142 ; James, 262 ; Jane, 15, 57,65, 101, 156, 200, 204 ; Jennet, 7, 14, 18, 19, 26 ; John, 9, 38, 55, 56, 149, 158, 179, 202, 213, 290, 291 ; Joseph, 206 ; Katherine, 2, 17, / 20, 189, 220 ; Magdalene, 199, 291 ; Margaret, 7, 77, 143, 151, 205 ; Margery, 10 ; Mary, 39, 62, 161, 191,208,237,261,276,286; Matthew, 142, 143, 149, 204, 211, 241 ; Nicholas, 9, 85, 146, 148, 151, 152. 161. 167, 169 ; Oboney, 149, 151 ; Ralph, 205, 228, 275, 286, 291 ; Richard, 17, 84, 255, 262 ; Robert, 14, 20, 86 ; Roger, 54 ; Thomas, 28, 38, 80, 84, 141, 144, 149, 152, 153, 156, 164, 165, 179, 220, 228, 237, 288; William, 3, 13, 33, 75, 148, 150, 151, 161, 163, 179, 189, 191, 198, 204, 206. Huthworth, John, 16. Hutton, Anne, 29 ; Arthur, 91, 98 ; Christopher, 87, 93 ; Dorothy, 85 ; Elizabeth, 147 ; Grace, 55 ; Isabel, 174, 189 ; Jane, 11 ; John, 87, 133, 189, 271 ; Margaret, 61, 76, 86, 87 ; Mary, 67, 147: Ralph, 61, 85-87, 91, 93, 98 ; Thomas, 129. Hymers, Anne, 7 ; Anthony, 15, 19 ; Elizabeth, 256, 259, 260 ; John, 256. 259, 260 ; Katherine. 3 ; Thomas, 6 ; Walter, 13. Hynde, Robert, 29. Hyret, see Hirst. Hyves, Jennet, 17. Ile, Elizabeth, 64 ; Katharine, 47 ; Margaret, 91. lies, Brian, 85 ; Isabel, 85. Hey, , 10 ; Clement, 38 ; Eliz abeth, 40, 67 ; John, 65, 113 ; Ralph, 65, 67 ; William, 38, 40. Ingleby, Ambrose Millar, 280 ; Anne, 117, 182, 185, 193, 215, 230, 280 ; Elizabeth, 133 ; Jane, 128, 174; John, 117, 118, 133, 170, 193, 230, 23S, 237, 241 ; Johnson, 177, 180, 198. 200 ; Katharine, 237, 241 ; Mary, 203, 209, 210, 235, 279 ; Simon, 170, 177, 180, 182, 198, 205, 210, 238; William, 31. Ingledew, Margaret, 222. Inglish, Elizabeth, 134, 187 ; Mary, 141 ; Matthew, 140, 141, 144 ; Richard, 140, 144 ; Sarah, 189. Ingram, Margaret, 214. Inman, Elizabeth, 289. Innis, Margaret, 178 ; William, 178. Innocent, Mary, 139. Isaac, Anne, 32 ; Cuthbert, 36 ; Edward, 34 ; John, 25, 40. Iveson, Dorothy, 245 ; George, 35, 265 ; Hannah, 257, 264 ; Har- worth, 240, 245 ; Jane, 280 ; John, 240, 242, 245, 253, 257, 264, 265, 277, 280 ; Margaret, 35, 277, 280 ; Richard, 280 ; Thomasin, 253. Jackson, Alexander, 59 ; Anne, 7, 17, 22, 179, 225, 275, 290; Anthony, 277 ; Cecilia, 67 ; Christabel, 68 ; Cuthbert, 46 ; Eleanor. 10, 195, 266, 270 ; Elizabeth, 72, 101, 139, 172, 182, 197, 260 ; Francis, 96 : Gabriel, 75, 136 ; George, 158, 161, 162, 275; Henry, 17, 22 ; Isabel, 11, 131 ; Jane, 35 ; Jelliann, 65 ; Joan, 60 ; John, 10, 34, 60, 179, 182. 189, 193, 253, 260, 266, 280 ; Katharine, 189 ; Margaret, 2, 16, 38, 75, 96, 246 ; Mary, 75, 99, 124, 145, 166 ; Michael, 189 ; Robert, 11, 189 ; Simon, 75 ; Susan, 164 ; Thomas, 46, 47, 67, 209 ; William. 282. James, Francis, 94 ; John, 94 ; William, 228, 232. Jameson, Alexander, 53 ; Anthony, 293; George, 291, 293; Jane, 4 ; John, 233 ; Mary, 283, 287 ; Robert, 168 ; Thomas, 283, 286, 287, 291 ; William, 233. Janne, Margaret, 30. Janyge, Margaret, 1. Jefferson, Anne, 156. 196, 269 Elizabeth, 201 ; George, 191 Grace, 53 ; Jane, 201, 204 John, 152, 156 ; Margaret, 148 Mary, 190, 291 ; Robert, 187 190, 191, 201, 204, 215, 274 William, 88. Jeffreyson, Anne, 190, 259 ; Eliz abeth, 88, 228. 231 ; George, 228, 231, 259, 262, 265, 269, 271, 280 ; John, 291 ; Mary, 274, 285 ; Robert, 196, 257, 260, 265, 268, 285 ; Susan, 262, 280. Jenyng, Elizabeth, 2, 53 ; Mar garet, 8 ; William, 4, 8. Jennison, Anne, 189 ; Augustine, 201 ; Elizabeth, 184 ; Frances, 200; John, 181, 184, 191, 194, 198, 201 ; Mackan, 194 ; Mag dalene, 198 ; Margaret, 217 ; Ralph, 234, 293 ; Susan, 293 ; Thomas, 181, 191. Jerland, Ellen, 10 ; Richard, 10. Jobber, Grace, 9, 35 ; Jane, 56 ; Margaret, 7. Jobson, George, 26-28 ; Isabel, 26, 28 ; Margaret, 27, 28, 30 ; Mary, 123. Johnson, Alice, 126, 187 ; Allison, 10, 38, 40 ; Amonte, 12 ; Anne, 29, 32, 40, 203, 280 ; Arthur, 260 ; Baxter, 277 ; Christabel, 77, 125, 126 ; Christopher, 25 ; Dame, 28 ; David, 200, 203, 204, 206, 210, 211 ; Dorothy, 179. 229 ; Eleanor, 47, 55, 160, 203, 204 ; Elizabeth, 7, 20, 46, 51, 88, 94, 99, 109, 115, 131, 180, 210, 215, 246, 279 ; Ellen, 16 ; Francis, 177, 256 ; Gawand, 40, 43 ; George, 46, 50, 122, 210, 215 ; Grace, 15, 54 ; Gregory, 92 ; Hugh, 16 ; Isabel, 15, 109, 120, 174, 191 ; James, 32, 38, 40, 46 ; Jane, 32, 42, 56, 79, 214, 282; Janet, 21, 26, 28 ; John, 11, 13, 21, 23, 28, 36, 46, 47, 49, 51, 57, 61, 63, 64 77, 107, 109, 110, 256, 283 ; John Impr., 74 ; Katharine 22 ; Leonard, 7 ; Margaret, 28 33, 43, 57, 61, 78, 98, 200, 260 Marjory, 124, 185; Mary, 88 153, 170, 206, 224, 256, 283 Michael, 103, 224; Miles, 78 Nicholas, 95, 124, 126, 130, 174 Ralph, 99, 106 ; Rebecca, 130 Richard, 209, 214, 221 ; Robert. 11, 47, 64, 66, 142, 180, 221 Roland, 22 ; Susan, 40 ; Thomas IS, 26-29, 32, 49, 51, 63, 88, 94, 98, 109, 119, 203, 240, 286 William, 28, 115, 116, 119, 120, 122, 125, 174, 238, 277 ; William Imp., 50. Jolley, Anne, 16. Jones, Margaret, 290 ; William, 224. Jonger, John, 35. Jopling, Alice, 106, 236 ; Anne, 163, 216 ; Barbara, 201. 202 Cuthbert, 128, 167, 171, 177, 182 185, 191, 192, 194, 201, 206, 207 210, 216, 223, 231, 232, 263 Dorothy, 270 ; Elizabeth, 36, 123, 162, 171, 185, 190 ; Frances 192, 223, 231 : Hannah. 199 Hugh, 110 ; Jane, 115, 293 John, 92, 93, 95. 101-103, 123 166, 194 ; Joseph, 171, 215, 287 Lucy, 287 ; Margaret, 93, 95 111, 114, 167, 225, 292 ; Mary, 169, 177, 182, 191, 205; Richard 36, 292 ; Robert, 101, 103 Samuel, 163 ; Thomas, 15, 162, 168, 171. Jordan, Anne, 197 ; Augustine, 239 ; Susan, 239. Joye, Thomas, 70. Jubb, William, 271. Jurdison, Anne, 39, 228, 233, 291 ; Christoper, 291 ; Eleanor, 75, 161 ; George, 107, 161. 162, 173 ; James, 39 ; Joan, 107 ; Mar garet, 162, 188. Just, Charles, 271, 278, 282. K Kaeter, Eleanor, 20 ; John, 20. Easter, Jane, 79. Kainass, John, 186 ; Thomas, 186. Kay, Conande, 11 ; Cuthbert, 16, 95 ; George, 22 ; Henry, 19, 87, 88 ; Isabel, 87, 88 ; Jane, 95 ; Katharine, 13 ; Margaret, 263 ; Marjory, 62 ; Roger, 13 ; William, 62. Kead, Bartholemew, 190. Kearstone, Anthony, 20, 23, 26 Bartram, 23 ; Elizabeth, 20 Jane, 26. 33 ; Margaret, 23 Marjory, '20 : Richard, 22, 23 Thomas, 46. Kecbyng, Robert, 20, 21. Keidnass, see Kidness. Keinlaside, see Kinleside. Keith, Anne, 254 ; John, 259. Kell, Elizabeth, 117 ; One, 176 William, 268. Kelly, Anne, 216 ; Robert, 216. Kemp, Alice, 261 ; Richard, 31. Kendall, Alice, 66 ; Christopher, 154 ; Edward, 66 ; Elizabeth, 56 ; William, 154. Kendrow, John, 35. Kennall, Susanna, 79. Kennett, Anne, 94 ; Richard, 142 ; William, 94. Kent, Robert, 64. Kerston, Bartram, 24 ; Lawrence, 25 ; Richard. 30 ; Roland, 33. Kettlestring, Joan, 118. Kidd, Abigail, 276, 285 ; Anne, 207, 257, 266 ; Bartholemew. 194, 241 ; Dinah, 269. 270 ; Elizabeth, 248, 253, 272 ; Jane, 285 ; John, 264 ; Mary, 195 ; Stephen, 249 ; Thomas, 194, 248, 249, 253, 257. 261, 264, 269, 270, 272, 276, 279, 281 ; Thomasine, 194, 204. Kidgil, Elizabeth, 208 ; John, 208. Kidness, Anne, 191, 192 ; Anthony, 179, 180 ; Frances, 181, 276 ; George, 179. 180 ; John, 173, 179-181, 191,' 194, 195, 222, 260 ; Mary, 180 ; William, 194, 195. King, Bella, 137 ; Henry, 135, 184- 186 ; James, 256 ; Jane, 133 198 ; John, 126 ; Margaret, 195 Mary. 117. 186, 190 ; Matthew 118; Timothy, 211; Tryphena, 208. Kingston, Elizabeth, 2 ; John, 3 216, 217 ; Joseph, 216, 217 Margaret, 4. Kinleside, Alice, 133, 143 ; Allison, 13 ; Anne, 33, 35, 105, 107 Barbara, 33, 51 ; Easter, 152 Elizabeth, 135, 141, 142, 149 210,214; Jane, 206 ; John, 40 135, 143, 148, 157, 164, 190, 214 217, 221 ; Judith, 160, 163, 193 Katharine, 140; Magdalen, 138 Margaret, 37, 40, 205, 233 Mary, 124, 128, 142. 204; Merill 139 ; Richard, 39, 43, 84, 96. 99 104. 133, 138, 140-143, 146, 149, 152. 156, 160, 163, 164, 166, 190 216 ; Sarah, 135, 136, 146, 152 241 ; Thomas, 33, 37, 39, 40, 43, 62. 84, 104, 128, 135, 136, 138 140, 143, 146-149, 152, 161, 205, 206, 210, 216, 221, 225, 230, 231 233, 246 ; Thomasin, 89, 131 152, 203. Kirby, Dorothy, 111, 167 ; Eliza beth, 105 ; George, 111, 131 Katharine, 67, 154, 182 ; John, 123, 125, 128, 136, 142, 159, 169 170 ; Margaret, 209 : Martin 136 ; Mary, 131. 188; Matthew 125, 175 ; Robert, 128, 171, 173 Roger, 105, 107, 111 ; Walter 123, 167, 169, 171, 175, 182, 188 Kirkhouse, Jane, 277. Kirkley, Alice, 29, 150, 209, 260 Anne, 61, 68, 80, 90, 100, 153, 215, 224, 237, 245 ; Anthony, 20, 37, 39, 47, 76, 77, 81 ; Cecily, 39 Cuthbert, 13 ; Dorothy, 101, 106 Eleanor, 38, 72, 73, 80, 107, 122, 149 ; Elizabeth, 16, 36, 47, 78, 83. 88, 111, 251, 258 ; -Ellen, 35 Frances, 149 ; George, 68, 72, 79, 83, 86, 89, 92, 97, 100, 256, 275 ; Henry, 76 ; Isabel, 77, 82, 242 ; James, 17, 18 ; Jane, 37, 43, 45, 86, 100, 106, 130, 133. 273, 274, 277 ; Jo., 104 ; John, 12, 18, 35, 38, 40, 45, 48, 84, 86, 90, 93, 99, 241, 273 ; Margaret, 40, 74, 157,166, 267; Marjory, 41 ; Mary. 83, 89, 183, 211, 275 ; Ralph, 193 ; Robert, 106, 151, 173 ; Thomas, 15, 39, 73, 74, 78, 79, 83, 97. 99, 130, 149, 157, 193, 258, 259 ; Widow, 96 ; William, 73, 77, 80, 88, 93, 97, 101, 124, 150, 154, 199, 209, 211, 224, 237, 239, 245, 251, 256, 260, 265, 267, 274. Kirsopp, John, 89 ; Katherine, 47, 51 ; Rowland, 47, 51, 109. Kirtley, George, 95 ; John, 239 ; Mary, 239 ; William, 236. Kirton, Anne, 220 ; Jane, 30, 189, 193 ; John, 220 ; Katharine, 275 ; Mary, 175; Matthew, 189,193; Robert, 175, 251. Kitching, Anne, 67 ; Barbara, 60, 65 ; Dorothy, 275 ; Frances, 76 ; Jane. 37, 57, 65 : John, 56, 60, 65, 67, 70, 76, 78 ; Julian, 141 ; Mary, 70. Knaggs, Anne, 20, 62. 76 ; Christ opher, 25, 33 ; Cuthbert, 28, 61, 65, 73, 75-77, 84 ; Elizabeth, 84 Jane, 177 ; John, 73, 75, 155 Margaret. 37 ;- Mary, 162 Robert, 20, 61, 62, 68 ; Thomas, 56 ; William, 32. Knaresbroughe, William, 72. Knighton, Elizabeth, 7, 18 ; Mar garet, 11 ; William, 4. Koke, Anne, 11 ; Elizabeth, 1 ; Jane, 2 ; John, 1, 3 ; Thomas, 7. Kye, Jane, 32 ; Margaret, 28. Kylman, Robert, 18. Kynlay, Elizabeth, 22. Kypling, Grace, 4. Kyrkeman, Anne, 23. Kythin, John, 65. Lacenbt. Anne, 30. Ladley, Anne. 31 ; Clement, 70 ; George, 28 ; James, 60, 62, 65, 70, 71 ; John, 62, 71 ; Margaret, 28 ; Nicholas, 60 ; Philip, 65. Laidler, Anne, 289 ; Elizibeth, 190 ; Jane, 200 ; John, 74, 200 ; Ralph, 285 ; Thomas, 85, 285, 286, 289 ; William, 74. Laing, Anne, 90, 103 ; Christopher, 7 ; Elizabeth, 5, 9 ; Henry, 103 ; Janet, 3 ; John, 5, 6, 292 ; Mary, 271 ; Richard, 5, 8. Lakin, George, 291 ; Margaret, 291. Lambe, Anne, 84, 181, 272, 273 ; Bell, 29; Christopher, 174; Dorothy, 170 ; Edward, 136,229, 241 ; Eleanor, 46, 76, 241 ; Elizabeth, 126, 127, 180, 268, 271, 278; Isabel, 35, 74, 112; James. 47 ; Jane, 29, 69, 98, 104, 124, 130, 162, 166, 267 ; Janet, 34 ; John, 35, 39. 42, 46, 69, 76, 85, 87, 88, 112, 117, 127, 130, 136, 166, 178, 181, 186,222, 270; Katharine, 79 ; Margaret, 62, 88, 96, 118, 125 ; Marjory, 42, 291 ; Mary, 42, 119, 166, 181; Mrs., 222 ; Ralph, 186 ; Richard, 112 ; Robert, 39, 41, 74, 79, 84, 96, 98, 104, 118, 119, 121, 125, 134, 267, 268, 271, 272, 276, 278. Lambert, Anne, 5, 18, 20, 22 ; Christopher, 12 ; Clement, 43 ; Ellen. 11 ; Gerard. 21, 27 ; Grace, 228 ; Hugh, 17 ; Isabel, •20 ; Jane, 31 ; Janet, 21 ; John, 8, 15, 16 ; Katharine, 43 ; Mar garet, 6, 8, 22 ; William, 13, 21, 26, 43. Lambton, Alice, 63, 261, 270, 279 ; Barbara, 291 ; Dorothy, 292 ; Elizabeth, 140, 182, 221.258.261, 264. 277 ; Frevil, 248 ; Isabel, 39 : James, 270, 274, 279 ; Jane, 265 ; John, 39, 63, 67, 69, 70, 77, 180, 274 ; Katharine, 67, 74, 131, 140 ; Margaret, 262 ; Nicholas, 253, 258, 261, 262, 264, 265, 277 ; Robert, 66, 69, 140, 180, 182, 183 ; Thomasin, 253. Lambye, Elizabeth, 7. Lame, Anne, 11 ; Conande, 9 ; Elizabeth, 4, 18 ; Ellen, 7 ; Grace, 9 ; Isabel, 12 ; John, 4, 12, 15, 17 ; Margaret, 3, 10 ; Martin, 6; Matthew, 13; Robert, 11 ; William. 16. Lanchester, Anne, 214 ; Henry, 214. Lane, Anne. 282 ; Frances, 104, 271 ; Isaac, 281, 289, 293 ; James, 281 ; Thomas, 271. Langley, Christopher, 11 ; Mar jory, 11 ; Richard, 149. Langstaff, see Longstaffe. Langton, Elizabeth, 210 ; William, 211. Lash, Alice, 113, 129 ; Anne, 118 ; Isabel, 107 ; John, 129, 136 ; William, 117. Lasselles, Barbara, 3 ; Elizabeth, 4 ; Susan, 4, 5. Launders, Anne, 257. Lawcoate, Elizabeth, 101 ; Robert, 101. Lawerrocke, Elizabeth, 21. Lawrell, William, 37. Lawry, George, 254 ; John, 254. Laws, Anne, 18, 58, 135, 229, 245, 285 ; Bertram, 13 ; Betteres, 9 ; Conand, 7 ; Dorothy, 236 ; Elizabeth, 3, 8, 10, 27 ; George, 236, 239, 244, 245 ; Gilbert, 239, 244 : Isabel, 34, 277 : Janet, 4, 5, 15, 26 ; John, 2, 4, 5, 21, 22, 241, 287 ; Margaret, 23 ; Mary, 287 ; Matthew, 8 : Thomas, 229. Lawson, Alice, 25 ; Elizabeth, 27. 288 ; Jane, 231 ; Janet, 2 ; John, 1, 271, 272, 282 ; Joseph, 234 ; Margaret, 24 ; Mark, 272 ; Mary, 271 ; Sybil, 80 ; William, 206. Lax, Anthony, 190 ; Barbara, 166 ; Dinah, 237, 279 ; Eleanor, 23 ; Elizabeth, 68, 264, 289 ; Gerard, 68 ; Isabel, 164, 166, 167, 176, 237 ; John, 220, 287, 288 : Margaret, 219, 288; Marjory, 220, 287 ; Mary, 184, 248, 262 ; Robert, 176, 237, 244, 279 ; Thomas, 159, 164, 167, 176, 184, 185, 219, 224, 244, 264. 288, 289, 293. Layborne, Jane, 37, Layfeld, Bertie, 34 ; Thomas, 34 ; Widow, 32. Layton, Anne, 154 ; Elizabeth, 153 ; Isabel, 35. Lazenby, Christopher, 212 ; Eleanor, 10 ; Isabel, 37 ; Mary, 8, 9, 212. Leadbeater, Emma, 238 ; Mary, 292. Leaton, John, 28 ; Mrs., 32. Lechman, Roger, 4 ; William, 4. Lee, Anne, 1 ; Elizabeth, 95, 119 ; Hannah, 189, 198 ; Isabel, 156 ; James, 89, 92, 95, 96, 101, 115, 119, 198 ; Jane, 92 ; Janet, 6, 31 ; John, 2, 143, 145, 150 ; Katharine, 101 : Margaret, 89, 150 ; Mary, 133, 160, 200, 253, 272 ; Phillis, 155, 189 ; Stephen, 96, 115 ; Sybil, 2, 33 : Thomas, 4, 145, 157 : William, 3, 143, 189, 198, 200, 272, 290. Leech, Elizabeth, 124, 214 ; John, 214. Leeke, Elizabeth, 58, 59 ; Richard, 58. Leeper,-Katharine, 100 ; Margaret, 106 ; Richard, 28, 106. Legate, Isabel, 58. Legg, Alice, 115 ; Francis, 115. Leigh, Anne, 116, 127, 188 ; Jane, 148, 160; John, 116, 127, 188, 190 ; Thomas, 127. Leighton, Frances, 242 ; Thomas, 252. Lemmon, Anne, 240 ; John, 240. Leng. Mary, 215 ; Thomas, 215. Lesley, David, 115, 116; Mary, 115; William, 115, 116. Lever, Eleanor, 104, 106; Eliz abeth, 246, 257 ; Henry, 45 ; Isabel, 40 ; James, 44. 66 ; Margaret, 48, 66, 227; Ralph, 149 ; Robert, 246, 255 ; Samson, 45, 66, 227 ; Samuel, 40, 44, 104, 106 ; Thomas, 32 ; Thomasin, 113. Lewin, Anne, 154 ; George, 154 ; Gordon, 208 ; James, 212 ; John, 196, 197, 202; Thomas, 196, 198, 202, 208, 212. Ley, Cuthbert, 8 ; Isabel, 19, 22 ; Miles, 17. Leyburn, Anne, 35 ; George, 33 ; James, 35 ; Jane, 33 ; Lucy, 290 ; Thomas, 34. Leythfont, Margaret, 4. Lickbarrow, see Loughborough. Liddle, Alice. 93, 261, 283, 284 290 ; Anne, 3, 33, 35, 45, 61, 75 78, 89, 92, 94, 104, 118, 124, 131 205, 264 ; Anthony, 39, 41, 62 71, 85, 90, 94 ; Bartle, 41 ; Christabel, 37, 44 : Christopher, 12, 24, 34, 41, 42, 48, 63, 69, 75 95, 102 ; Cuthbert, 13. 41, 205 Dorothy, 32 ; Eleanor, 78, 91 Elizabeth, 2, 11, 21. 41, 44, 61 76, 104, 108, 206, 286 : Ellen, 3 Frances, 113 ; Francis, 39 George, 48, 68, 78 : Gerald, 37 38, 89, 93 ; Gerard, 94 163 ; Grace, 283, 284 ; Isabel 20. 87, 105 ; James, 11, 24, 44 Jane, 36, 90, 146, 247. 291 Janet, 4, 18 ; John, 2, 20, 29, 60, 62, 64, 67, 69, 74, 76, 79, 80, 82 87, 92, 94, 100, 102, 113, 261 Katharine, 42, 69, 117; Law rence, 254 ; Margaret, 9, 20. 40 45, 69, 71, 157, 262 ; Mary, 39, 85, 90, 222 ; Matthew, 78, 79, 85,' 102, 104 ; Maud, 1 ; Ralph, 64, 67 ; Richard. 35, 52, 104, 105, 118, 129 ; Roger, 14, 44 Susanna, 100. 162 ; Sybil, 34 102 ; Thomas. 61,' 64, 74, 77, 102 104, 146, 206, 261, 262, 286 William, 41, 56, 69, 102 ; -, 5, Lightfoot, Anne, 51 ; Elizabeth 272 : John, 271, 272, 276, 286 Martha, 273 ; Mary, 271, 276, 286. Lightly, Elizabeth, 192. Lilly, Margaret, 264 ; William, 264, 265. Lindel, Anne, 202. Linsley, Dinah, 290 ; Francis, 292; Jane. 175 ; Michael, 175 : Phcebe, 292, 293. Linton, Elizabeth, 271 ; Frances, 53, 57 ; Margaret, 53 ; Ralph, 271. Lisle, James, 159 : John, 156 ; Katharine, 166 ; Maurice, 156. Lister, Alice, 100, 145 ; Anne, 146; Elizabeth, 103, 134 ; George, 58 ; Henry, 38, 56, 58, 203, 209 ; Jane, 85, 103 ; John, 181, 182 ; Margaret, 56, 89, 182, 209 ; Martin, 85, 89, 100, 103, 105, 122, 149 ; Mary, 174, 218 ; Matthew, 105, 129. 131, 134, 145, 149 ; Robert, 103, 145 ; Thomas, 271 ; William, 271 ; , 103. Lithgoe, James, 276, 282, 286, 292 ; Mary, 286 ; William, 276, 292 ; Little, Esther, 272 ; George, 228, 229, 239, 268, 270, 272, 276-278, 280 ; John, 268-270, 272 ; Thomas, 239 ; Thomasin, 228 229. Littlefair, Mary, 278. Littleton, Richard, 111. Loadman, Hannah, 281. Lockey, Elizabeth, 140. Lodge, Alice, 103 ; Anne, 109 ; Dorothy, 89 ; Eleanor, 84 ; Eliz abeth, 87, 88, 109; Jane, 83, XX11 INDEX. 114, 119, 185; Joan, 109 ; Mar- garet, 105, 119 ; Nicholas, 86 89 ; Mary, 86 ; Simon, 84, 88 92. 98, 101, 105, 109, 113, 114 119; Thomas, 87, 92, 109 William, 98, 101. Loftus, Anne, 107, 113. 114, 137 188 ; Cuthbert, 129, 130 Elizabeth, 97, 104, 131, 202 Frances, 115, 116 ; James, 117 129 ; Jane, 105 ; Judith, 140 Margaret, 117; Mary, 106, 126 129, 143, 153, 246 ; Matthias, 114 ; Michael, 101 ; Sarah, 150 Thomas, 97-99, 101, 104-107, 113 117, 120; Thomasin, 107, 155 William, 114, 117, 120. 122,126, 129, 130, 137, 143, 185, 188. Longstaffe, Christopher, 24 ; Cuth bert, 17 ; Elizabeth, 33 ; Isabel, 20, 34, 175 ; Jane, 44 ; Janet, 19, 21 ; Katharine, 275 ; Mar garet. 33 ; Miles, 22 ; Richard, 20, 27 ; Robert, 259 ; Thomas, 29, 32. Lonsdale, Isabel, 293 ; Jane, 34 ; Joan, 293 ; Katherine, 25. Loomsdale, Jane, 285 ; Margaret, 285 ; William, 285. Lough, George, 268 ; Margaret, 238 ; Robert, 240, 273 ; Thomas, 247 ; William, 238, 240, 247, 256, 268, 269, 273. Loughborough, Brian, 272, 279 ; Elizabeth, 253, 267 ; Frances, 280 ; George, 274, 277 : Jane, 185, 224 ; John, 204, 209 ; Katharine, 224 ; Margaret, 187 ; Michael, 273 ; Ralph, 185, 187, 204, 205, 209, 210, 234, 252, 273, 274, 277, 286 ; Richard, 253, 256, 263, 267, 272, 273, 279, 280 ; Thomas, 210, 256 ; Valentine, 205 ; William, 286. Lovegrove, John, 233 ; Robert, 233. Loving, Anne, 203 ; Edward, 202, 203 : , 199. Lowdert, Richard. 137 ; Thomas, 123, 137. 147 ; Thomasin, 123. Lowdon, Abigail, 276 ; Alexander, 210, 211 ; Anne, 167, 168, 172, 173. 250, 281, 283 ; Anthony, 198, 254, 258, 260, 273 ; Bridget, 175, 185 ; Cecilia, 169, 281 ; Edward, 267 ; Eleanor, 156, 157 ; Elizabeth, 154, 155, 163, 170, 225, 227 ; Frances, 230, 240, 254 ; Hannah, 263, 265 ; Jane, 237, 284 ; John, 214, 227, 237, 258, 262, 272, 273 ; Margaret, 191, 195, 245; Marjory, 240, 241 ; Mary, 222, 228, 232, 241, 251, 258, 281, 283; Richard, 154-156, 159, 163, 164, 167, 169, 172. 175, 178, 184, 185, 191. 195, 198, 2111, 211, 214, 222. 225, 227, 229, 232, 237, 241, 245^ 254, 257, 258 ; Sarah, 235 ; Thomasin, 184, 190 ; William, 164, 178, 228, 230, 235, 240, 245, 250, 258, 262, 263, 265, 267, 272. Lowe, Elizabeth, 177, 257, 259 ; Jane, 169, 276, 279, 286 ; John, 266 ; Judith, 173, 290 ; Mar garet. 21, 167, 198, 233, 253 ; Mary, 184. 222; Richard, 167, 169, 173, 177, 192, 198, 222, 229. 253, 254, 259, 260, 266, 276, 286 ; Robert, 263 ; Thomas, 254, 266. Lowerrye, Anne, 35 ; Edward, 34 ; Eleanor, 52, 68 ; Isabel, 76 ; Katharine, 2 ; Mabel, 34 ; Mar garet, 72 ; Roger, 50 ; Thomas. 50, 52, 68, 72, 76, 82. Lowis, John, 121. Lowson, Anne, 4, 20. 23, 36, 58, 68, 75 ; Barbara, 61 ; Christopher, 27, 64 ; Cuthbert, 23, 26, 28", 43 ; Dorothy, 58 ; Eleanor, 63 ; Eliz abeth, 17 ; Isabel, 64 ; Janet, 1, 9, 22, 23, 30, 31 ; John, 1, 22, 23, 32, 58, 63, 67, 75 ; Thomas, 28, 61 ; , 6. Lowther, Anne, 124 ; Dorothy, 121 ; Edward, 50 ; Elizabeth, 248 ; Henry, 254 ; John, 155 ; Katharine, 112, 119, 130 ; Mar garet, 130, 162, 254 ; Thomas, 112, 115, 119, 121, 125, 130, 208; Thomasin, 125. Loxon, Isabel, 166. Lumley, Anne, 23, 53 ; Anthony, 10 ; Dorothy, 150 ; Eleanor, 197 ; Elizabeth, 27. 33, 62 ; George, 27, 30 ; John, 29, 50, 52, 53, 58, 62, 89, 114 ; Marjory, 50 ; Mary, 74, 89 ; Peter, 58 ; Roger, 23 ; Thomas, 27 ; William, 52, 53. Lumsden, Edward, 225 : Hannah, 193, 195 ; John, 193, 195 ; Mary, 225. Lupton, Anne, 253 ; Christopher, 253, 288. Lye, Mabel, 10. Lygton, Elizabeth, 23. Lyle, Janet, 21 ; Richard, 28. Lylforth, Anne, 25 ; Christopher, 33 ; Jane, 30 ; John, 33 Margaret, 34 ; Robert, 30, 40 Thomas, 31 ; Widow, 40 William, 33. Lynn, Anne, 293. Lyons, Anthony, 265 ; Elizabeth, 265 ; Thomas, 52. M Macdonald, Martha, 255. Macgomery, William, 246. Mackay, James, 222. Mackforth, Eleanor, 83, 97 ; Jane, 80. 82, 83 ; Robert, 89 ; William, 80, 82, 83, 97. Mackinhem, Daniel, 267 ; Eleanor, 274 ; Jane, 271 ; John, 267, 274, 283 ; Robert, 283. Mackintosh, John, 224. Macwhinie, Patrick, 108 ; Thomas, 108. Macmuckle, Anne, 259 ; Barbara, 261, 264 ; Samuel, 259, 261, 264. Macqueen, Donkin, 210 ; William, 210. Maddison, Anne, 122, 134, 178, 260, 266 ; Christopher, 71, 102 ; Elizabeth, 55, 138,278 ; Frances, 119 ; George, 143, 145 ; Gilbert, 71, 119, 123, 138, 143, 145, 185; John, 91 ; Margaret, 91. 148 ; Mary, 123, 172, 236 ; Ralph, 55, 60, 62 ; Thomas, 60, 62. 266 ; William, 260. Madgeon, Elizabeth, 162 ; Jane, 48. Makecroune, Roger, 38. Mailross, Andrew, 276 ; Thomasine, 264, 276. Mainsforth, Allison, 2, 15 ; Andrew, 12 ; Anne, 21, 56, 68; Christian, 16 ; Christopher, 6, 12 ; Edward, 18, 46, 50, 53, 59, 60, 63, 72, 92 ; Eleanor, 153 ; Elizabeth, 4. 12, 13, 17, 21, 50, 83 ; Ellen, 16; Hugh, 16, 45, 47, 50, 65, 70, 93 ; Isabel, 199, 201, 202 : Jane, 3, 8, 53, 68 ; John, 15, 53, 59, 60, 153, 154, 229 ; Katherine, 17 ; Kyrchine, 5 ; Margaret, 16, 48, 91 ; Mark, 23; Mary, 63, 228 ; Richard, 5, 16, 22, 46, 154 ; Robert, 19 ; Simon, 47, 70 ; Thomas, 22, 53, 56, 68, 91, 97, 199, 201, 202 ; William, 1, 2, 18, 45, 65. Maire, Gerard, 24 ; Margaret, 207; Mary, 138 ; Richard, 138. Malam, Alison, 12 ; Anne, 20 ; Anthony, 26 ; Bell, 31 ; Edward, 26 ; Elizabeth, 26 ; Henry, 12 ; Isabel, 217 ; John, 106 ; Robert, 32, 33 ; Roger, 21, 22 ; William. 106. Maland, Andrew, 83, 90 ; Anne, 69, 82, 107, 176 ; Anthony, 73, 76, 90, 109, 113 ; Edward, 30 ; Eleanor, 73, 109 ; Elizabeth, 62, 64, 73, 89, 129 ; Henry, 76, 99, 109 ; Isabel, 34 ; James, 96 ; Jane, 24, 25 ; Jenkin, 26 ; John, 64, 66, 69, 73, 78, 89, 149 ; Mar garet, 66, 108 ; Mary, 117, 134 ; Robert, 42. 45, 60, 62, 80 ; Stephen, 42. 45 ; Thomas, 26, 35, 36, 83, 107, 109, 113; William, 107, 113, 114, 117. Malleper, Eleanor, 6 ; Elizabeth, 17 ; Ellen, 27 ; Helen, 13 ; Jennet, 23 ; Marion, 1 ; Nicholas, 4 ; Stephen, 3 ; Thomas, 1, 10 ; William, 9, 20. Mallert, Allison, 19 ; Anne, 19 ; Isabel, 17 ; Richard, 17 ; Thomas, 17. Malliebourne, Susannah, 112. Mallone, William, 93. Malsome, George, 102 ; Thomas, 102. Maltby, Alice, 33 ; Elizabeth, 2, 6, 14, 16 : Jane, 43 ; Jennet, 5, 17 John, 6, 12, 16 ; Katherine, 2 Margaret, 3, 4, 8 ; Margery, 49 Richard, 7; Robert, 2, 17 Thomas, 13, 49, 50; William, 7, 43. Man, Anne, 5, 36, 47, 51, 54, 69, 82, 141, 178, 240; Awdrey, 58 ; Charles, 141 ; Christopher, 109, 114; Easter, 67; Elizabeth, 253; Francis, 81, 99 ; George, 38, 36, 41, 44, 45, 48, 51, 53, 54, 73, 76, 80, 178 ; Hilda, 78 ; Isabel, 80 ; Jane, 109 ; Margaret, 74, 75, 100, 102; Margery, 41, 62, 63, 93 ; Mary, 70, 72, 99, 109, 170 ; Nicholas, 72, 79 ; Richard, 81 ; Thomas, 63, 67, 69, 70, 72-74, 76 <8, 80, 82, 91, 93, 102. Mannuel, Anne, 77 ; William, 77. Mansfeilde, Peter, 90. Mansworthe, Hugh, 39 ; Jane, 39. Mantyll, Jennet, 1 ; John, 5. March, Elizabeth, 256. Maria, Elizabeth, 271. Mariner, John, 272. Marley, Anne, 2, 5 ; Barbara, 284 ; Charles, 92 ; Eleanor, 171 ; Elizabeth, 275 ; George, 179, 236 ; Henry, 211 ; James, 92 ; Jane, 254 ; Jennet, 2 ; John, 253 ; Margaret, 13, 252 ; Mary, 179 ; Rennard, 92 ; Robert, 174, 252, 253, 264 ; Thomas, 155, 287 ; William, 284. Marlowe, Elizabeth, 259 ; George, 258, 287 ; Margaret, 287. Marlyman, Eleanor, 6 ; Elizabeth, 11 ; William, 1. Marr, Anne, 184 ; John, 184. Marshall, Alice, 287 ; Annabel, 121, 124 ; Anne, 5, 73, 115, 118, 169, 173, 274, 285 ; Anselm, 134 ; Anthony. 15, 16, 22 ; Dorothy, 279, 285 ; Elizabeth, 2, 13, 22, 103, 114, 130, 218, 228, 232, 245, 246, 257, 275, 278, 281 ; George, 100, 104, 213 ; Gilbert, 111, 114, 115, 117-121, 123-125, 133, 134, 139, 142 ; Hannah, 168 ; Henry, 223, 268, 269, 271, 274, 278, 279, 281, 283, 285, 288, 289 ; Hester, 139 ; Isabel, 23 ; James, 11, 22 ; Jane, 13, 23, 43, 125, 162, 220, 269, 271, 272, 275, 285 ; John, 22, 23, 27, 28, 112, 254, 258, 264, 268-270, 273, 287 ; Judith, 259, 260 ; Margaret, 11, 24, 27, 28, 31, 117, 150, 261, 288 ; Mary, 192, 237, 240, 270, 278 ; Matthew, 162, 165, 173, 176, 182, 192, 217, 266 ; Nicholas, 265 ; Ralph, 165, 220, 267; Richard, 119, 125, 130 ; Robert, 291 ; Thomas, 88, 120, 182, 285 ; Thomasine, 247 ; Walter, 73, 100, 104; William, 31, 43, 88, 133, 153, 218, 219, 223, 228, 232, 237, 245, 246, 251, 254, 259, 260, 261, 264, 283 ; Winifred, 123, 125. Marston, Elizabeth, 269 ; Isabel, 255 ; John, 267 ; Richard, 264 ; Robert, 260, 261, 264, 267, 269, 279 ; Susan, 255, 260. Martin, Amy, 158 ; Anne, 54, 73, 78, 150, 155 ; Barbara, 77, 200 ; Barty, 20 ; Benjamin, 204 ; Charles, 135 ; Cuthbert, 153, 159 ; Dorothy, 53, 107, 139, 141, 161, 166 ; Elizabeth, 23, 54, 61 192, 273 ; Emma, 104, 203 Frances, 32, 34, 75, 103 ; George, 25, 52, 53, 55, 58, 60, 61, 64, 66 67, 70, .73-75, 77, 79, 85, 90, 93 100, 103, 104, 106, 131, 151, 179 Henry, 54, 55 ; Isabel, 11 James, 186, 187 ; Jane, 25, 27, 40, 70, 72, 170 ; John, 21, 33, 39, 55, 60, 107, 114, 116, 118 120, 123, 128, 135, 139, 142, 144 151, 153, 154, 158, 159, 161, 166 179, 184, 185-187, 189, 192, 196 201, 204, 217, 222, 269 Jonathan, 201 ; Katherine, 194 Lionel, 27, 56, 72 ; Lydia, 196 269 ; Margaret, 64, 66, 71, 101 Mary, 64, 99 ; Matthew, 169 Peggy, 33 ; Phcebe, 189 Rebecca, 85 ; Richard, 131 Robert, 54, 60, 64, 66, 68, 118 Samuel, 184, 185 ; Simon, 35, 36 ; Thomas, 87, 249 ; Thomasine 22, 52, 53, 67, 99, 114, 120, 131 William, 58, 123, 128. Martindale, Anne, 65, 83, 146, 293 Charles, 199, 201, 231, 265 Eleanor, 265 ; Jane, 197 ; John 201, 246, 293 ; Margery, 50 Mary, 181 ; Michael, 231 Widow, 37 ; William, 262. Martine, Frank Swa, 284. Martis, Eleanor, 178. Marvel, Racbel, 266. Mascall, Alice, 244 ; Richard, 151, 154, 207, 244, 249; William, 154. Mason, Anne, 80, 83, 120, 198 ; Barbara, 146, 166 ; Eleanor, 48 ; Elizabeth, 20, 41, 109, 238 ; George, 107, 122 ; Grace, 290 ; Hester, 187 ; Isabel, 64, 79, 109, 117 ; Jane, 112, 120, 121, 200; John, 48, 79, 80, 82, 86, 93, 103, 137, 142, 158 ; Margaret, 117, 197; Nicholas, 41, 45, 86, 103, 109; Richard, 102; Robert, 112, 120, 121 ; Seth, 153 ; Thomas, 22, 102, 238 ; Widow, 109 ; William, 117, 120, 122, 128, 137, 142, 197, 227. Matcham, Anne, 181 ; Gilbert, 181 ; Mary, 146. Matherson, Andrew, 266, 269, 273. 276 ; Elizabeth, 274 ; Isabel, 266 ; James, 269 ; William, 266, 271, 274, 276, Matthews, Frances, 268 ; James, 37 ; John, 268. Mattinson, Gilbert, 127 ; Robert, 127. Maughan, Anne, 55, 67, 113, 144, 152 ; Christabel, 157 ; Edward, 55 ; Elizabeth, 189, 239 ; George, 113, 174 ; Jane, 30 ; John, 144, 145, 152, 189 ; Margaret, 36, 174 ; Richard, 239 ; Rowland, 292 ; Thomas, 157, 160. Mawde, Jane, 45 ; Mary, 269. Mawer, Anne, 190 ; Jane, 80 ; John, 84, 190; Mary, 90, 121, 269 ; William, 80, 84, 90, 121, 166. Mawson, Margaret, 273 ; Robert, 273. Maxforth, Robert, 76. Maxwell, Alexander, 266 ; Eliz abeth, 266 ; Hannah, 210. May, Jane, 144. Maynsforth, see Mainsforth. Mayland, see Maland. Mayson, see Mason. Maysterman, Elizabeth, 25 ; Jane, 29 ; Margaret, 33 ; Ralph, 32 ; Robert, 26, 33 ; Thomasine, 26. Meabourne, Alison, 1 7 ; Anne, 200 ; Bridget, 123, 127, 168 ; Helen, 13 ; Isabel, 108, 129, 135 ; John, 12, 13 ; Margaret, 143, 183 ; Margery, 135, 174 ; Mary, 124, 160, 220 ; Richard, 99 ; Robert, 123, 126, 127, 129, 135, 139, 141, 143, 174 ; Samuel, 183 ; Thomas, 99, 117 ; William, 160, 215. Mead, Elizabeth, 275; William, 275. Meadowes, Jonathon, 283 ; Mary, 283, 284 ; Robert, 283, 284. Meanes, Eleanor. 139, 141 ; Jane, 144 ; George, 139, 141, 144 ; Isabel, 120 ; Lawrence, 119. Meghley, Elizabeth, 9. Megson, Elizabeth, 4. Mekrone, John, 39. Melett, Frances, 31. Mellerby, Alison, 13 ; Anne, 3 Cuthbert, 6 ; Jennet, 6, 13 John, 7 ; Roland, 6 ; William, 9' Mellross, Andrew, 254, 255, 257 261, 267, .271, 274, 281, 282 Anne, 257, 267 ; Elizabeth, 254 George, 281, 282 ; Hannah, 278 Margaret, 267 ; Mary, 271 Thomasine, 255, 274. Menchforth, Anne, 25, 136, 167 Edward, 128, 133, 136, 139, 162! 191 ; Eleanor, 163 ; Elizabeth 142 ; Helen, 244 ; John, 33, 128, 158, 161, 162, 165, 167, 173, 262 Katherine, 36 ; Margaret, 36, 139 ; Mary, 173 ; Ralph, 128. 162 ; Richard, 32, 133, 136 ' Robert, 163, 165. Mennell, Mary, 155. Mensworth, Hugh, 42 ; Mary, 42. Merret, Margaret, 238. Merryman, Alice, 124 ; John, 124 Muriel, 142 ; Robert, 130. Metoalf, Anne, 64, 106, 225 Anthony, 86, 90,97; Christopher, 242 ; Eleanor, 258 ; Elizabeth, 210 ; Francis, 86 ; George, 90 Isabel, 8 ; James, 222, 235 Jane, 208, 209, 231, 234, 247 250, 258 ; John, 221 ; Katherine, 74 ; Mary, 90, 109, 169, 213 Ralph, 55, 60, 65, 74, 94, 96, 97 106, 118, 169 ; Rebecca, 109 Richard, 55, 204, 209, 221, 225 231, 234, 235, 242, 247, 248, 250 Sarah, 60, 65, 97 ; Thomas, 90 William, 64. Michael, Benjamin, 154 ; Frances, 150 ; Hannah, 240 ; Philip, 150 Mary, 154, 190 ; William, 240. Mickleton, Elizabeth, 284; George, 284; John, 286; Rosamond, 286. Midcofe, John, 139. Middlemass, Elizabeth, 172 ; Mar gery, 173, 176 ; Thomas, 172, Middleton, Alice, 230 ; Anne, 12 ; 18, 41, 45, 169, 198, 205, 222, 285, 289 ; Cuthberr, 241, 243 ; Denne, 56 ; Elizabeth, 47, 48, 120, 269, 272 ; Frances, 216 ; Francis, 269, 272 ; James, 285, 286, 289, 292 ; Jane, 255 ; John, 56, 99, 170. 259 ; Margaret, 103, 133,205, 270,291 ; Margery, 41 ; Mary, 94, 243 ; Moses, 252 ; Nicholas, 44; Ralph, 198, 205, 234 ; Richard, 183 ; Robert, 12, 94. 99, 103 ; Thomas, 220, 241. 243, 272 ; William, 41, 44, 47, 48, 90, 215, 236, 286. Midwinter, Anne, 208 ; Daniel, 208. Milburn, Adeline, 172 ; Anne, 124; Edward, 124; Hannah, 290 ; Isabel. 174 ; Jane, 220 ; Mary, 28, 276 ; Richard, 124 ; William, 21. Milestone, Margaret, 276, 288 ; Peter, 271 ; William, 271, 276. Millar, Ambrose, 167, 169, 173, 273, 274, 277, 278, 280 ; Anne, 173, 176, 288 ; Dorothy, 273, 277 ; Elizabeth, 281 ; Emmott, 2 ; Isabel, 260 ; Jane, 157, 284 ; John, 163 ; Margaret, 156, 169 ; Margery, 138 ; Mary, 274, 288 ; Robert, 144, 155 ; Thomas, 276- 278, 285 ; William, 24, 167. Millene, Alexander, 176 ; Mary, 176. Mills, Alice, 291 ; Anne, 261 ; Barbara, 284 ; Clement, 276 ; Cuthbert, 251, 288 ; Dorothy, 256 ; Elizabeth, 133, 166, 181, 192, 260, 261, 274 : George, 104, 173, 181, 225, 230, 235. 240, 246, 249, 250, 256, 275, 276. 280, 285, 286, 288, 291 ; Isabel, 227, 255, 267, 293 ; Jane, 245, 272, 278 ; John, 227, 256 ; Margaret, 225 ; Margery, 227 ; Martin, 167, 171, 175, 188, 262 ; Mary, 240, 257, 266, 285, 288 ; Richard, 171, 211 ; Robert, 175, 260, 262, 266, 272, 288 ; Thomas, 101, 102, 133 ; Thomasine, 275 ; William, 104, 173, 227, 230, 232, 246, 249, 250, 255, 257, 261, 264, 267, 272, 275, 276, 280, 286. Milner, Andrew, 96, 101, 102, 122; Anne, 126 ; Dorothy, 102 ; Henry, 96 ; Jane, 101 ; John, 170 ; Margery, 102 ; Mary, 117, 248 ; Robert, 123 ; Thomas, 126 ; William, 117, 248. Mires, George, 241 ; John, 241. Mitford, Eleanor, 168 ; Elizabeth, 265 ; Mary, 277 ; Thomas, 234. Mitchell, Alice, 219 ; Anne, 178, 214, 234, 248, 268 ; Eleanor, 112 ; Elizabeth, 150, 214, 215, 225, 233, 254, 280 ; Frances, 196, 223, 271, 275, 291 ; Francis, 280, 283, 287, 288 ; Gabriel, 223, 226, 237 ; George, 143, 214, 216, 221, 230, 235, 249, 258 ; Jacob, 137, 216 ; Jane, 208, 249, 258, 275 ; John, 135, 154, 159, 230, 234, 258, 268 ; Joseph, 291 ; Mar garet, 135, 171, 172. 197, 230, 237 ; Mary, 150, 136, 221, 239, 260, 274, 280, 283 ; Matthew, 221 ; Philip, 137, 143, 168, 191, 218, 235 ; Ralph, 225, 291 ; Robert, 150, 241, 254 ; Thomas, 154, 173, 208, 213, 214, 219, 221, 230, 231, 234, 287 ; William, 171, 173, 178, 186, 191, 196, 203, 208, 213, 214, 218, 233, 257, 274. Moberley, Charles, 22, 24, 36, 43, 110 ; Jane, 22 ; Margaret, 29 ; Samuel, 36. Moffe, Isabella, 253. Mohun, Mary, 197. Monkester, Elizabeth, 3 ; Roger, 4. Monro, Elizabeth, 135. Monteath, Elizabeth, 105 ; John, 105. Moody, Elizabeth. 291 ; Hannah, 289 ; Robert, 289. Moor, Alexander, 236 ; Anne, 6, 65, 194, 236, 266 ; Cuthbert, 30 ; Edward, 188 ; Elizabeth, 136 ; Henry, 247, 248-; Isabel, 24, 279 ; Jane, 253 ; Jennet, 31 ; John, 27, 137 ; Lydia, 239 ; Margaret, 79, 90 ; Richard, 27 ; Thomas, 80, 81, 202 ; William, 24, 194, 247, 248. More, see Moor. Moorcroft, Henry, 100, 101 ; Katherine, 100, 101 ; Mrs., 77. Morgan, Arthur, 229 ; John, 281 ; Margaret, 203 ; Mary, 229, 281 ; Roland, 11. Morland, Anne, 133 ; Cuthbert, 209, 211, 238 ; Elizabeth, 12 ; Frances, 206, 268 ; George, 99, 196, 212, 216, 220, 239 ; Isabel, 15, 114 ; Jane, 48, 49, 71 ; Jennet, 15 ; John, 99, 101, 103, 104, 106, 112, 116, 119, 158, 161, 164,189,196,202,203,206,209,211, 212, 217, 220, 263, 265 ; Martha, 119, 126 ; Mary, 239 ; Matthew, 119 ; Mrs., 265 ; Nicholas, 116 ; Penniman, 202, 203 ; Richard, 15, 16, 19, 106 ; Thomasine, 99, 129, 158. Morlye, Anne, 26 ; Jennet, 35 ; Margaret, 31 ; Robert, 35 ; Thomas, 31. Morpeth, Anthony, 269 ; Eliz abeth, 267, 268 ; John, 268 ; Margaret, 266 ; Mary, 278, 279 ; Michael, 266-269, 278, 279, 283 ; Robert, 266, 267 ; Thomas, 283. Morray, see Murray. Morrell, John, 43. Morris, Bartholomew, 41 ; Eliz abeth, 21, 78 ; Henry, 273, 274 ; Isabel, 39 ; John, 286, 292 ; Mary, 293; Matthew, 273; Robert, 286 ; Widow, 33 ; William, 21. Morison, Alice, 79 ; Anne, 167, 168 ; Bartholomew, 177, 180 ; George, 79, 282 ; Henry, 177 ; Humphrey, 162, 167, 169, 180; James, 169, 180 ; Jane, 261 ; John, 135, 162, 227, 281, 282 ; Margaret, 215 ; Mary, 281 ; Matthew, 187 ; Richard, 73 ; Thomas, 162 ; William, 37 ; --,37. Morrow, Anne, 194 ; Henry, 194, 200,201,206; Mary, 206; Merril, 200. Morton, Andrew, 228, 229, 257 ; Anne, 228, 255, 280, 289 ; Eliza beth, 23, 229 ; Isabel, 229 ; Sally, 293. Moss, Anne, 117, 146, 226, 227, 251, 281 ; Eleanor, 162, 168 ; Elizabeth, 151, 187, 208, 255 ; Isabel, 194, 257, 258 ; Jane, 117, 176, 211, 243, 282 ; Joan, 257 ; John, 156, 170, 214 ; Margaret, 146, 180 ; Mary, 167, 170, 211, 214, 245, 276 ; Phineas, 171, 243, 245, 251 ; Robert, 117, 146, 151, 156, 162, 167, 168, 171, 176, 180, 190, 194, 201, 208, 214, 215, 226, 227, 257-259, 281 ; William, 176, 215. Mountain, Elizabeth, 224, 275. Mounteney, Edward, 271 ; Eliza beth, 271. Moury, Margaret, 234. Mowbray, Agnes, 6 ; Anne, 278 ; Dorothy, 249, 289, 290, 293; George, 289-290, 292; Hannah, 292 ; John, 19, 270 ; Lionel, 6 ; Margaret, 19 ; Mary, 240, 256 ; William, 240, 249, 256, 270, 278, 279. Mr man, Adam, 28, 33 ; Christ opher, 27 ; Robert, 27, 28. Muckle, Anne, 264, 271 ; John, 277 ; Samuel, 264, 270. Muffott, Anne, 83 ; Mary, 87 ; William, 83, 87. Mugge, Jane, 86. Murrah, Henry, 262 ; Jane, 262. Murray, Anne, 84, 138 ; Eleanor, 92 ; Elizabeth, 76, 128, 142, 253, 254 ; Ellen, 157 ; Helen, 264 ; Henry, 76, 78, 81, 82, 84, 88, 92, 97, 126, 128, 130, 134, 138, 141, 146, 152, 153, 157, 187, 210. 214, 219, 222. 224, 226, 229, 251, 253, 254, 256', 259, 269 ; Isabel, 250 ; James, 155, 283 ; Jane, 126, 223, 224 ; John, 141, 142, 172, 187, 189, 283 ; Katherine, 168 ; Margaret. 214, 251, 280 ; Mary, 252, 256 ; Matthew, 252 ; Muriel, 210 ; Palmer, 269 ; Robert, 78, 134, 145, 226 ; Stephen, 249, 250, 252, 256, 264 ; Thomas, 256, 264 ; William, 88, 130, 153, 219, 222, 249, 259. Murton, Henry, 13 ; Isabel, 145. Musgrave, Eleanor, 245 ; John, 284. Mvdye, Margaret, 56. INDEX. Mvnkester, Elizabeth, 17 ; Isabel 18 ; Jane, 18 ; Roger, 5 ; William, 19. Mvse, Margaret, 3 ; , 7. Mychchyll, John, 3. Mydfurthe, Alice, 27 ; Bartram 12, 25 ; Christopher, 17 ; Eliz abeth, 37 ; Isabel, 17, 30 ; John 27, 28 ; Margery, 12 ; Phyllis! 33 ; Sybil, 33 ; Widow, 32. Myllyngton, Jennet, 20, 22 Ralph, 20. Mytton, George, 20 ; Robert, 18. N Naselt, Isabel, 276 ; Thomas, 276. Nattrass, Elizabeth, 58, 59, 238 ; John, 58, 59 ; Margaret, 160. Neall, Elizabeth, 137 ; Paul, 141 • Richard, 137, 141. Neasbie, Elizabeth, 81. Neasham, Isabel, 202 ; Jane, 197 ; Luke, 197 ; Thomas, 202. Neevie, Anne, 194. Nells, Elizabeth, 26, 27 ; Ellen, 30 ; Janet, 27 ; Thomas, 26, 27, 33 ; Widow, 26. Nelson, Alice, 64 ; Anne, 75, 139 ; Deborah, 277 ; Dorothy, 236 ; Elizabeth, 5 ; Gilbert, 137 ; Isabel, 111 ;. Janet, 54 ; John, 6, 111, 265 ; Mary Anne, 4 ; Mrs., 241 ; Nicholas, 3; Peter, 137, 139, 141, 241 ; Richard, 141 ; Rosamond, 265. Neme, Christopher, 29. Nesom, Barnaby, 78, 79; Eliza beth, 162, 164, 240 ; George, 129, 156, 158, 162, 165-170, 177, 217, 220, 238, 240, 266 ; Hugh, 59 ; Isabel, 63 ; Jane, 82, 114, 158, 193, 198, 217 ; John, 59, 64, 72, 75, 80, 216, 217 ; Luke, 192, 193 ; Lydia, 156, 157 ; Margaret, 64, 72, 238 ; Mary, 149, 153, 169, 216, 220 ; Nicholas, 73, 74 ; Robert, 156, 157, 161, 168 ; Ruth, 147, 160 ; Thomas, 63, 73, 74, 78-80, 143, 147, 149, 157, 160, 161, 164, 167, 168, 170, 177 ; William, 192. Nesse, Isabel, 6 ; Thomas, 6. Nevil, James, 237: Rachel, 237; Thomasin, 141. Newby, Amy, 211 ; Elizabeth, 150, 205 ; John, 125, 166 ; Margaret, 230, 231 ; Mary, 144, 213, 222, 231 ; Ralph, 229 ; Robert, 226 ; Thomas, 213, 222, 226, 231, 264. Newham, Anne, 259 ; Isabel, 277 ; Jane, 182, 183 ; Mary, 262 ; Ralph, 182, 183 ; Robert, 259, 262, 277, 279. Newhouse, Hannah, 208 ; Richard, 208. Newlande, Thomas, 33. Newssame, Margaret, 17. Newton, Barbara, 252 ; Eleanor, 49 ; Elizabeth, 23, 100, 101, 261; George, 132, 134, 138, 157; Jane, 261, 270 ; John, 254, 255, 259, 263, 267, 270 ; Katharine, 132, 158 ; Lancelot, 267 ; Mar garet, 255. 257, 259 ; Mary, 254. Nichols, Anne, 178, 188, 229 ; Edward, 217 ; Elizabeth, 14, 219 ; James, 14 ; Jane, 96, 214; 221 ; John, 15, 114, 197, 229 ; Lancelot, 280 ; Margaret, 197 ; Mary, 192, 198, 248, 284 ; Mrs., 224 ; Robert, 163 ; Sarah, 159, 206, 217, 280, 283 ; Thomas, 159, 164, 193, 280, 283 ; William, 114, 178, 188, 192, 193, 206, 214, 219, 221, 248, 290. Nicholson, Alice, 133 ; Anne, 17, 144, 261, 279, 281, 285 ; Christ abel, 68 ; Dinah, 285 ; Dorothy, 173, 175, 220 ; Elizabeth. 79, 148, 169, 238, 252, 255, 258,' 269, 280 ; George, 6, 167, 169, 173, 177, 181, 182, 186, 193, 201, 217, 231, 249, 253, 261 ; Isabel, 167, 193, 242, 267 ; James, 83, 137, 144, 242, 252, 262, 265, 267, 274, 278, 280, 281 ; Jane, 101, 112, 131, 132. 271, 293 ; Janet, 1, 9 ; John, 105, 112, 129, 130-132, 134, 136-138, 141, 142, 144, 147, 148, 177, 181, 201, 249, 261, 265, 269, 273, 278, 281, 293 ; Katharine, 189 ; Margaret, 6, 75, 242, 252, 262, 265, 281; Mary, 136, 138, 147; Ralph, 279 ; Stephen, 267, 273 ; Susannah, 160 ; Thomas, 105, 129, 274 ; Thomasin, 79, 130, 148 ; William, 68, 75, 186, 193, 271, 278, 280. Nixon, Alice, 58, 125 ; Andrew, 63 ; Anne, 63 ; Anthony, 42 ; Bartram, 25 ; Edward, 242 ; Elizabeth, 24, 66, 242 ; Gilbert, 42 ; James, 14 ; Jane, 60, 276 ; John, 276 ; Lancelot, 63, 69 ; Lilian, 105 ; Margaret, 133 ; Mary, 96, 106, 112; Nicholas, 105 ; Peter, 28, 58, 63, 69, 71 ;• Robert. 24, 28, 50, 54, 69, 132 ; Thomas, 126 ; William, 28, 71, 112, 117, 132. Noble, Anne, 51, 101 ; Edward, 32; Eleanor, 53 ; Elizabeth, 61, 101 ; George, 28 ; James, 26, 51, 52, 57 ; Jane, 29, 31, 38, 56, 271 ; John, 34, 49, 101 ; Margaret, 26, 28, 29, 34, 41, 46, 89, 96, 263 ; Matthew, 26, 38, 41, 52, 57, 96, 101, 106, 108 ; Quytane, 29 ; Robert, 34, 263, 279 ; Simon, 29, 30 ; Thomas, 255. Norman, Anne, 141, 224, 283, 292 ; Edward, 4 ; Elizabeth, 70 ; Jane, 62 ; John, 217, 289 ; Mary, 78, 217 ; Michael, 70, 78. Norton, Anne, 261 ; Eales, 242, 290 ; Humphrey, 242, 252 ; John, 1 ; Sarah, 247. Notterasse, Margaret, 35, 36. Noweam, Anne, 3. O Oabd, see Orde. Oglebi, Isabel, 72 ; James, 72. Olard, John, 181 ; Philopeny, 181. Oliver, Abraham, 221 ; Alice, 36 ; Allison, 5 ; Anne, 122, 293 ; Billhagh, 135 ; Cuthbert, 176 ; Dinah, 290 ; Edward, 80 ; Eliz abeth, 101, 282 ; George, 293 ; Henry, 129; Jane, 209, 221, 243 ; Joseph, 290 ; Leonard, 122, 126, 129, 130 ; Margaret, 18, 33, 146 ; Marjory, 37 ; Mary, 222, 246 ; Matthew, 272 ; Michael, 101, 126 ; Nicholas, 209 ; Richard, 37 ; Sarah, 176 ; Thomas, 101 ; William, 272. Ollevant, Anne, 61 ; William, 61. Onley, George, 147. Orde, Barbara, 291 ; Charles, 267, 285 ; Cuthbert, 269 ; Elizabeth, 197, 198, 287, 292 ; George, 196, 197, 199, 206, 255, 260, 268 ; Jane, 260 ; John, 255, 264 ; Jonathan, 176 ; Margaret, 196, 199, 255 ; Mary, 206, 261, 269 ; Nicholas, 273 ; Ralph, 292 ; Robert, 291 ; Thomas, 246, 257, 260, 264, 267; William, 272, 273, 285. Orefeld, Madge, 32. Ormsby, John, 211. Orton, George, 142 ; John, 111, 114, 131, 141, 142 ; Samuel, 114, 141 ; William, 131. Orwen, Edward, 70. Oud, Anne, 131 ; Michael, 131. Ousman, John, 184 ; Mary, 184. Ouston, see Oyston. Ovington, George, 287 ; Katharine, 150; Margaret, 287; Thomas,229. Owefield, Robert, 103. Owen, Jane, 252 ; John, 241 ; Paul, 252. Oyston, Adam, 266, 282 ; Alice, 256 ; Elizabeth, 134, 255 ; Grace, 120, 140 ; Jane, 134 ; Mary, 128, 138, 259 ; Matthew, 127 ; Nicholas, 120, 123, 127, 134, 137, 138 ; Thomas, 123 ; William, 255, 259, 263, 265, 287. Pace, Anthony, 13 ; Elizabeth, 2, 4, 7, 8 ; Isabel, 15 ; Jane, 3, 4, 6, 18 ; Janet, 4, 6 ; John, 15 ; Katharine, 3 ; Margaret, 10. Padman, Elizabeth, 258 ; John, 125, 174, 259 ; Margaret, 160, 166, 217, 257 ; Mary, 137, 172 ; Pexall, 168, 170, 190, 224 ; Richard, 125, 128, 137, 144, 149, 157, 160, 165, 168, 170, 174, 190, 258 ; Robert, 144, 149, 155. 157, 168, 202, 259 ; Roseman, ' 128 ; Susannah, 157, 174, 193, 219 ¦ William, 217. Page, Anne, 157, 290 ; Anthony, 47 ; Cecilia, 47 ; Elizabeth, 19, 84 ; George, 20, 90 ; Isabel, 142 ; Jane, 143 ; John, 143 ; Katharine, 127 ; Robert, 65, 138 ; Thomas, 159; William, 61, 87, 90, 134 138, 142, 143, 146, 151, 153. Pagge, Thomas, 146 ; William, 145, 146. Pallaster, Henry, 187 ; Hester, 187 ; Meryll, 277 ; Robert, 49. Palmer, Alice, 253 ; Ambrose, 141 ; Anne, 35, 70, 101, 136, 148, 150, 152-155, 170, 204 ; Eleanor, 153, 188, 277, 283, 290 ; Elizabeth, 73, 253 ; Ellen, 27 ; Frances, ,185, 186, 248; George, 38, 70, 71, 202, 204, 233, 241, 292 ; Helen, 224 ; James, 243 ; Jane, 26, 99, 144, 278, 280 ; John, 23, 43, 70, 71, 73, 77, 80, 87, 101, 115, 139, 150, 152-154, 159. 175, 184-lsr,, 189, 200, 222, 278, 280, 283, 288, 292 ; Katharine, 184, 185, 189, 200 ; Mary, 168, 207, 279 ; Matthew, 175, 176 ; Nicholas, 80, 136, 140, 148, 153, 155, 204, 207, 233, 241, 270 ; Rebecca, 87, 89 ; Simon, 149 ; Thomas, 140, 243, 290 ; Walter, 38, 43, 51 ; William, 157, 279. Palmerin, Elizabeth, 222 ; Jane, 218. Panton, Anne, 15, 19 ; Elizabeth, 14 ; Francis, 26S ; Grace, 15 ; John, 17. Park, John, 229 ; Margaret, 265. Parker, Alice, 25 ; Anne, 19, 21 ; Gawyne, 17, 27 ; Hugh, 25 ; Jane, 27, 42 ; John, 25 ; Lamb- well, 28 ; Margaret, 24. 30 ; Marjory, 291 ; Mary, 28 ; Nicholas, 213 ; Richard, 16 ; Robert. 25, 29 : Thomas, 22, 23, 291 ; William, 60. Parkhurst, Andrew. 204. Parkin, Anne, 175, 194 ; George 141 ; Hannah, 247 ; Henry, 135 Jane, 120, 141, 177 ; Janet, 80 John, 182, 236-238, 247 ; Luke 135 ; Margaret, 42 ; Marjory 172, 174, 270, 286 ; Mary, 121 126, 261, 268 ; Robert, 56, 125 172, 174, 175, 182, 203, 258, 268 270; Thomas, 120, 121, 125, 126 Thomasin, 236, 238. Parkinson, Abraham, 194, 207 Cuthbert, 201, 202 ; Edward 159 ; Elizabeth, 160, 175, 225 George, 216, 224 ; Henry, 64 107, 198, 200, 238 ; Isabel, 206 207, 284 ; Jane, 82, 174 ; John 168, 231 ; Margaret, 179, 230 238 ; Marjory, 64 ; Mary, 252 Robert, 82 ; Thomas, 158-160 164, 168, 171, 175, 179, 186, 194 198, 200, 202, 206, 207, 216, 224 238 ; William, 171, 222, 252. Partis, John, 215 ; Mary, 215. Pate, Isabel, 3 ; John, 3. Paten, Bartram, 27, 28 ; Elizabeth, 27, 28 ; Jane, 25 ; Peter, 31. Patrycke, Gilbert, 23 ; Isabel, 23, 26 ; John, 2, 23, 26 ; Margaret, 1. Pattison, Abigail, 136 ; Alice, 165 ; Allison, 6; Anne, 46, 141, 163, 272 ; Anthony, 1, 254 ; Cecilia, 255, 263 ; Charles, 42 ; Christ opher, 158. 165, 171, 173, 179, 189, 281; Diana, 49, 90; Dorothy, 154, 212 ; Edward, 141, 143, 147. 154, 159, 165, 227, 257 ; Eleanor, 177 ; Elizabeth, 3, 12, 61, 108, 158, 159, 258, 281 ; Frances, 225 ; George, 116, 122, 136, 138, 140, 282 ; Grace, 255 ; Hannah, 189; Helen, 265 ; Isabel, 10, 14, 141, 143, 258, 282 ; James, 171, 262, 269; Jane, 82, 101, 116, 120; Janet, 6, 9 ; John, 2, 11, 49 51, 53, 67, 97, 122, 138, 163, 165, 171, 177, 180 ; Katharine, 9 : Mar garet, 23, 42. 145, 200, 222 ; Marjory, 12 ; Mary, 67, 141, 165. 205, 227, 228, 251. 254 ; Matthew^ 39, 251, 254; Peter, 14; Richard, 7, 39, 205 ; Robert. 101, 130, 132, 205, 225, 260 ; Thomas, 101, 165, 173, 255, 262, 263 ; Toby, 114 ; Ursley, 179, 185 ; William, 132, 141, 145, 177, 258. Pavine, Else, 44. Pawle, Ralph, 34. Paxton, Abraham, 155 ; Anne, 152 178, 272, 276, 277 ; Dorothy, 209, 217, 281 ; Elizabeth, 6, 7, 268 ; Frances, 278, 292 ; George, 208, 289 ; Isabel, 213, 260 ; Jeny 27 ; John, 200, 201 ; Joshua 250, 251 ; Katharine, 252 Lydia, 188; Margaret, 132, 146, 187, 188, 210. 215 ; Nicholas 189, 260, 270 ; Oliver, 233, 287 Robert, 182, 247, 252, 264, 276 278, 286, 287, 289, 292, 293 Stephen, 264 ; Thomas, 150-152 159, 188, 197, 209, 217; William 146, 178, 182, 187-189, 194, 201 208, 213, 247, 265. Payee, see Pace. Payne, Agnes, 8 ; John, 8. Peachy, John, 198. Peacock, Anne, 120, 161, 185, 208; Caris, 286 ; Christopher, 159 ; Dorothy, 274 ; Elizabeth, 121, 128, 164, 223 ; Esther, 289 ; Francis, 191, 275, 2j9 ; George, 284. 286; Isabel, 171. 205; Jane, 14 ; John, 134 ; Luke, 284 ; Margaret, 152 ; Mary, 123, 171, 172, 238, 284 ; Mrs, 256 ; Prisca, 191 ; Sarah, 275 ; Simon, 113, 121, 123, 128, 132. 152, 159, 161, 164, 167, 171, 185, 197, 205, 209 ; Thomas, 113 ; William, 132. Pearson, Alice, 92 ; Allison, 5, 6, 15 ; Andrew, 11, 15, 23 ; Anne, 18, 41, 67, 275, 292 ; Barbary, 150 ; Betteres, 7 ; Christabel, 14, 92 ; Cuthbert, 11, 95, 118, 136, 145, 161 ; Dyanis, 49 ; Edward, 49, 91, 95, 145 ; Eleanor, 213 ; Elizabeth, 14, 15, 68, 96, 111, 146, 206, 229 ; Ellen, 16, 35; George, 162 ; Isabel, 199 ; James, 96 ; Jane, 76, 85, 102, 116, 145, 162, 245 ; Janet, 1, 12- 14 ; Joan, 88 ; John, 10, 13, 18, 98, 143, 200, 206, 213, 278, 284 ; Kirchen, 11 ; Mally, 24 ; Mar garet, 10, 13, 49, 65, 95, 118, 119, 136 ; Martha, 280 ; Mary, 75, 270, 291 ; Maud, 5 ; Philip, 270, 284, 290; Robert, 15, 68, 102, 111, 156; Thomas, 7, 19, 199, 211, 260, 291 ; William, 4, 143, 150, 156, 161, 206, 277. Peart, Anne, 65, 261 ; Elizabeth, 154 ; George, 151, 154, 156 ; Jane, 260 ; John, 260, 261, 265, 268, 272 ; Mary, 156, 238, 268, 272 ; Matthew, 151. Pease, Eleanor, 129 ; Robert, 129. Peckton, Anne, 135, 254 ; Eliz abeth, 138 ; Katharine, 193 ; Luke, 100, 126 ; Margaret, 134, 187 ; Thomas, 134, 135, 138, 141, 171, 193. Peirson, Margaret, 148 ; William, 148. Pemmerton, Mary, 71. Peniton, Alice, 25 ; Anne, 41, 165, 185, 210 ; Christopher, 160, 210- 212, 216, 221, 225, 230, 232 ; Cuthbert, 179, 183 ; Elizabeth, 211, 221 ; Hugh, 154, 155 ; Isa bel, 225, 269 ; John, 171, 183, 216 ; Mary, 153, 212, 234, 256 ; Robert, 153-156, 160, 165, 171, 179, 183, 185, 200, 230, 232. Penny, Andrew, 160 ; Mary, 160. Pennycugh, James, 220. Penson, Peter, 110. Perker, see Parker. Perrot, John, 281 ; William, 281. Perry, Anne, 187. Pethie, Grace, 67. Petteferr, Adeline, 85 ; George, 85, 87 : Nicholas, 87, 92. Peverell, Anne, 178 ; Hugh, 178. Pexal, Ralph, 225. Pey, see Pye, Phife, Robert, 46. Philip, Elizabeth, 28, 30, 70; Grace, 47; Hannah, 163; Thomas, 35 ; Timothy, 88. Philipson, Anne, 155 ; Barbara, 98, 99 ; Benjamin, 187, 205 ; Cuthbert, 116, 154, 169; Doro thy, 119; Eleanor, 125; Eliza beth, 116, 169 ; Fortune, 180 ; Frances, 125, 157, 170, 224 ; George, 107, 130, 143, 161, 163, 164, 170, 192; Hawden, 286 ; Jane, 207, 231, 284 ; John, 111, 117, 119, 120, 122, 125, 130, 140, 150, 152, 154-157, 159, 161, 164, 167, 169, 170, 173, 174, 176, 179, 183, 184, 187, 191, 202, 205, 207, 225, 227, 285 ; Joseph, 173, 174, 184; Katharine, 106; Lucy, 220, 228, 270; Mabel, 161; Mar garet, 98, 131, 157 ; Mary, 74, 114, 122, 140, 149, 152, 164, 223; Richard, 179, 183 ; Thomas, 98, 99, 115, 116, 121, 125, 140, 143, 155, 159, 172, 175, 220, 223, 225, 227, 228, 231, 232, 235, 239, 270; Thomasin, 117, 176; William, 105, 129, 156, 157, 167. Phillips, Arthur, 101 ; Jane, 101. Philpot, Jane, 36 ; John, 36, 292 ; William, 292. INDEX. Pickering, Anne, 189. 282, 289 ; Christopher, 244 ; Cuthbert, 247, 281 ; Eleanor, 78, 82 ; Elizabeth, 132, 242, 272 ; Frances, 264 ; George, 59, 174, 228, 289; Gerard, 139 ; Humphrey, 189 ; Jane. 121, 170, 235, 236, 264, 265, 273; John, 118. 183, 225, 228. 235, 236, 242, 243, 246-248, 253, 259, 264, 268, 272, 281, 292 ; Margaret, 225; Mary, 220. 253, 260 ; Michael, 232, 282 ; Phoebe, 232 ; Phyllis, 235 ; Robert, 246; William, 121, 132. Pickman, George, 164. Pie, see Pye. Pigdon, Mary, 42 ; William, 42. Piggott, Hollis, 251, 252 ; Robert, 247, 251. Pilgram, Anne, 5 ; Jane, 37, 43 ; John, 37, 43, 45,48-50; Nicholas, 45 ; Robert, 48. Pilkington, George, 48 ; Grace, 51; Isaac, 48, 51 ; John, 43. Pinkney, Anne, 276, 279 ; Jane, 250, 273; Joseph, 251; Mary, 261 ; Ralph, 260, 276, 279 ; William. 250, 251, 256, 260, 261, 265. Pleasington. Isabel, 124 ; James, 130. Ploughman, Anne, 141 ; William, 141. Plumber, John, 169 ; Thomas, 169. Plumton, Frances, 251 ; James, 249-251 ; Robert, 249, 250. Poison, see Poulson. Pontland, Thomas, 160. Poole, Anne, 214. Pootes, Gawan, 57. Porch, William, 205. Porter, Barbara, 257 ; Dorothy, 150 ; Frances, 172 ; George, 57 ; Henry, 236 ; Isabel, 51 ; John, 83, 124, 126; Joseph, 257; Margaret, 57; Marjory, 21; Mary, 124 ; Peter, 57 ; Ralph, 62 ; Robert, 83 ; Sith, 82. Postgate, Jane, 169, 215 ; Robert, 215 ; William, 169. Potts, Abigail, 140, 145 ; Anne, 242, 281 ; Dorothy, 278, 281, 285 ; Eleanor, 214 ; Elizabeth, 285 ; Frances, 275 ; George, 140, 145 ; Jane, 164 ; John, 242, 285, 286 ; Joseph, 291 ; Margaret, 79, 134, 293 ; Mary, 282 ; Matthew, 164 ; Michael, 165, 168 ; Robert, 168 ; Thomas, 274, 278, 281, 286, 291 ; William, 165, 293. Potter, Anne, 260 ; Elizabeth, 210 ; James, 210 ; Janet, 13 ; Marjory, 10 ; Thomas, 16. Poulson, Barbara, 263 ; Francis, 179, 186, 188, 194, 195, 204, 208, 213 ; Jane, 196, 244 ; John, 153, 175, 179 ; Margaret, 153 ; Mary, 188, 202; Matthew, 186, 187; William, 153, 194, 195. Powell, Anne, 148 ; Seth, 148. Powley, Anne, 79 ; Anthony, 74, h 79 ; Isabel, 103 ; Jane, 133, 139 ; Margaret, 74. Prack, Agnes, 34. Pratt, Elizabeth, 70 ; John, 66, 68, 70 ; Margaret, 68, 70 ; Mary, 266 ; Sarah, 200 ; Thomas, 266 ; William, 200. Preacher, Alice, 269, 292; Mar garet, 264 ; Mary, 269, 292. Prentesse, Anne, 29. Preston, Daniel, 247 ; Edward, 268 ; Elizabeth, 268 ; Ellen, 21 ; Janet, 21 ; John, 247 : Thomas, 21, 22 ; William, 118. Prince, Joseph, 249. Pringle, Anne, 150, 171, 181, 245, 255, 257, 280 ; Dorothv, 163, 166 ; Elizabeth, 216, 229, 244 ; Isabel, 274 ; Jane, 264 ; Marjory, 150, 151 ; Mary, 269, 270, 273 ; Pexal, 156, 216, 219, 223, 225, 229, 244, 250, 269, 270, 273-275; Ralph, 150-152, 156, 163, 170, 171, 173, 219, 225, 250 ; Robert, 152, 223, 273. Pritchard, Elizabeth, 228. Proctor, Agnes, 30 ; Anne, 248 ; Dorothy, 190; Elizabeth, 283 ; Hugh, 31 ; Jane, 191 ; John, 248, 283, 287 ; Thomas, 30. Prodyd, Gelyan, 1. Prormane, Dame, 29. Proud, Alice, 86 ; Frances, 280 ; Jane, 171 ; John, 148, 158, 171, 280 ; Joseph, 158. Pryorman, Isabel, 10 ; William, 10, 30. Pudsey, Elizabeth, 140 ; .Margaret, 231 ; Thomas, 246. Punshon, Anne, 203 ; Edward, 38, 42, 83, 91 ; Elizabeth, 38 ; Grace, 79 ; Jane, 169 ; Margaret, 61, 83 ; Mary, 269 ; Robert. 79, 203. Purde, Anne, 158. Pye, Eleanor, 163 ; Elizabeth, 172, 239 ; Margaret, 254 ; Mary, 255 ; Philopeny, 181 ; Timothy, 172 ; William, 255. Pyge, Alice, 14 ; Anne, 13, 15 ; John, 13, 17, 28 ; Margaret, 17, 40 ; Thomas, 16. Pythe, Isabel, 25 ; John, 20 ; Nicholas, 23, 39 ; William, 25. R RACKET, Anne, 27, 29 ; Anthony, 27, 30 ; Cuthbert, 27, 32, 47 ; Eleanor, 149 ; Elizabeth, 10, 27, 32 ; Henry, 48 ; Jane, 25, 30 ; Katharine, 29, 47 ; Margaret, 48. Raffell, Jane, 282 ; John, 282. Railton. George, 285 ; Jane, 285. Raine, Bend, 219, 223, 232, 236, 237; Brilliana, 123; Charles, 133, 177, 201 ; Eleanor, 184, 205, 214 ; Elizabeth, 118, 209, 250, 254 ; George, 170, 201 ; Giles, 123, 128, 133, 195, 209, 220, 254, 272 ; Henry. 220 ; Jane, 194, 220, 229 ; John, 191, 201, 202, 213 ; Joseph, 135, 184 ; Leonard, 191 ; Lucy, 287 ; Margaret, 119, 202, 219 ; Mary, 201, 223 ; Matthew, 130, 137; Samuel, 135, 194; Thomas, 123, 128; William, 118, 119, 123,127, 130, 135. Raisbeck, Elizabeth. 145, 169 ; Isabel, 250 ; Nicholas, 144 ; Thomas, 145. Rammelde, Joseph, 68. Ramsay, Dorothy, 289 ; George, 289 ; Isabel, 251 ; John, 248, 251, 256, 261, 265 ; Margaret, 248 ; Ralph, 265 ; William, 256. Ramshaw, Adam, 270 ; Alice, 33 ; Alleson, 12 ; Anne, 74 ; Barbara, 71 ; Christoper, 12. 29 ; Clement, 38, 65, 71, 73 ; Dorothy, 44, 97 ; Elizabeth, 34, 62, 225, 267; George, 292, 293 ; Hugh, 22, 38- 40, 44, 47, 50, 55, 60, 62, 69 ; Isabel, 28, 55, 98, 293 ; Jane, 50, 112 ; Joan, 73 ; John, 40, 60, 65, 73, 98, 264, 270, 275 ; Katherine, 69 ; Margaret, 5, 21, 25, 47, 84, 103, 268 ; Matthew, 22 ; Richard, 20 ; Robert, 264, 267, 268, 292 ; Thomas, 21, 28, 35. Ranald, Jennet, 10 ; John, 10. Rand, George, 93 ; Katherine, 13. Randall, Jane, 53 ; John, 50, 53 ; Margaret, 50 ; Simon, 50. Rashell, Anne, 61 ; Clement, 49-51 ; Elizabeth, 49, 118 ; Henry, 47 ; Jane, 121 ; Margaret. 38, 264 ; Mary, 96 ; Richard, 55, 121 ; Thomas, 38, 41, 44, 47, 49-51, 55, 77, 108, 264 ; Thomasine, 44, 96. Ratclif, Isabel, 7 ; Mary, 222, 249. Raven, Alice, 287 ; William, 287. Rawchester, Conrad, 4. Rawcket, Alice, 15 ; Anne, 12, 16; Awdynell, 19; Christopher, 8; Cuthbert, 10 ; Elizabeth, 2, 10, 15-17 ; Felice, 3 ; George, 8 ; John. 12, 13, 21 ; Margaret, 3, 23 ; Robert, 6. Rawe, Alleson, 5 ; Annabella, 166 ; Anne, 4, 5, 14, 22, 37-39, 45, 95, 97, 165, 168 ; Christopher, 4 ; Cuthbert, 13, 14, 26, 43, 45, 47, 49, 53 ; Elizabeth, 6, 7, 9, 17, 21, 49, 90, 114, 182 ; Ellen, 6 ; George, 8, 22, 47, 56, 184, 248 ; Hawdon, 159 ; Henry, 55, 171 ; Hutton, 186 ; Isabel, 6, 13, 15, 26, 53, 56 ; James. 97 ; Jane, 43, 64, 86 ; John, 18, 23, 39, 43, 158, 159, 161, 166-168, 173, 177, 182, 184, 186, 198 ; Katherine, 17, 158, 166, 177 ; Lisle, 198 ; Mar garet, 16-18, 248 ; Mary, 82, 118 ; Myles, 45 ; Nathaniel, 260 ; Nicholas, 173 ; Richard, 6, 76, 167 ; Roger, 76 ; Roland, 64, 86, 89 ; Susan, 79 ; Thomas, 114 ; William, 118, 201. Rawghton, James, 12. Rawkeld, John, 11. Rawlinge, Anne, 291 ; Elizabeth, 292 ; Frances, 124 ; George, 26, 40, 59, 75 ; Isabel, 26, 59 ; John, 40, 96, 291, 292 ; Katherine, 96 ; Nicholas, 124. INDEX. Raykebayns, Anne, 13. Raynaldson, Christopher, 103 ; Eliz abeth, 5 ; John, 103 ; Nicholas, 103 ; Ralph, 103 ; Sarah, 103. Rayse, Jane, 10. Rea, Anne, 15, 225 ; Clement, 124, 132, 134, 136, 138, 143, 145, 218, 238 ; Elizabeth, 143, 187 ; George, 118, 138, 176, 186, 246 ; Henry, 132, 178, 186 ; Jane, 162, 178, 228, 230 ; John, 122, 172 ; Margaret, 107, 134, 136 ; Mary, 112, 172 ; Nicholas, 228, 230 ; Richard, 219, 224, 225 ; Robert, 187 ; Simon, 219 ; ThomaB, 145, 153. 24fi ; Thomasine, 124, 238 ; William, 107, 112, 122, 172; Winifred, 174. Read, Alice, 251 ; Anne, 86, 142, 152, 236, 244, 289 ; Anthony, 236 ; Barbara. 144 ; Eleanor, 36 ; Elizabeth, 136, 138, 156. 172, 179, 199, 241, 251, 265 ; Francis, 165 ; George, 86, 238 ; Isabel, 157, 189, 258 ; Jane, 225, 234, 241, 246 ; John, 86, 143 ; Mar garet, 129, 156, 161, 162, 168, 200 ; Mary, 248 ; Matthew, 152, 161, 162, 165; Mrs., 255; Robert, 157, 161, 162, 189, 224, 246 ; Roger, 129, 133 ; Sarah, 252 ; Thomas, 57, 129, 168, 241, 244, 251. 252, 257 ; William, 136, 138, 143, 148, 161 ; ,89. Readey, Isabel, 122 ; Jane, 105 ; Mary, 114; Matthew, 112, 114; William, 112, 114, 122 Readhead, Anne, 145, 166, 199; Barbara, 149 ; Christopher, 61 ; Elizabeth, 146, 162, 197 ; George, 151 ; Isabel, 135, 215 ; Jane, 150, 181 ; John, 135, 137, 145, 150, 156, 169, 181 ; Katherine. 6, 139 ; Margaret, 91, 197; Mary, 211; Richard, 146, 157, 166, 168 ; William, 9, 91, 129, 137, 174. Readshaw, Anne, 253 ; Christopher, 61 ; Dorothy, 73 ; Mary, 61. Reah, Anne, 281, 289 ; Charles. 274, 277 ; Eleanor, 214, 261 '; Elizabeth, 255, 265 ; Henry, 257, 279 ; Jane, 259, 260, 268, 269, 279, 286 ; John, 214, 255, 256, 259-261, 265, 26S, 269, 272, 274, 277, 281, 282, 284, 286, 289, 290, 292, 293 ; Margaret, 257, 266, 293 ; Martha, 292 ; Mary, 256 ; Ralph, 207. 282, 284 ; Richard, 210, 214 ; Robert, 261, 272, 281, 293 ; Thomas, 210 ; William, 214. Recabie, Anne, 97 ; Isabel, 97 ; Margaret, 126 ; Richard, 126. Rechyson, Cuthbert, 16. Redly e, Anne, 5 ; Isabel, 21 ; Jennet, 5 ; John, 4, 22, 23 ; Mally, 5 ; Margaret, 9, 22, 23. Rekeson, Elizabeth, 35. Remmer, Esther, 261 ; Robert, 261. Renkey, Margaret, 290. Renneson, Barbara, 56 ; Margaret 135. Rennoldson, Alice, 55 ; Anne, 228; Christopher, 90 ; John, 80 ; Margaret, 77, 119; Nicholas, 78 ; Ralph, 77, 78, 80, 85, 90 ; Sarah, 85. Renny, Andrew, 150. Renton, Alice, 60 ; John, 60. Renwick, Elizabeth, 105 : Henry, 74, 83, 86; John, 234'; Mary, 83, 234 ; Thomas, 74. Resheld, Clement, 152. Revely, Alice, 278 ; Elizabeth, 64 ; George, 278, 287, 291 ; Isabel, 282; Philadelphia, 165; Thomas, 163 ; William, 165. Rey, Anne, 77 ; Clement, 91 ; Elizabeth, 101 ; George, 84 ; John, 64, 98, 1 00 ; Lancelot, 74, 77; Margaret, 68, 77; Mark, 64; Robert, 68, 70, 74. 75, 77, 79, 84, 91, 98, 100, 101, 109; William, 70. Reyd, Eleanor, 13 ; Jennet, 9 ; Robert, 9, 12, 13. Rich, Jonathan, 192. Richardson, Alice, 102, 287 ; Anne, 5, 18, 19, 21, 22, 29, 33, 46, 48, 55, 67, 80, 84, 97, 112, 113, 145, 154, 157. 159, 160, 181, 188, 196, 240, 248, 272, 281, 290; Arthur, 63, 68 ; Barbara, 51, 52, 150, 246; Benjamin, 198; Christabel, 9, 11, 175; Christopher, 5. 10, 19, 27, 72, 73, 76, 78, 80, 84, 104 ; Clement, 46, 89, 94, 96, 100-102, 104 ; Constance, 17, 139, 149, 152, 200 ; David, 285 ; Dorothy, 95, 162, 217 ; Eleanor, 155, 169, 171, 177, 180, 184, 202, 263, 284, 293 ; Elizabeth, 2, 3, 9, 10, 19. 21, 28. 62, 70. 72, 86, 139, 150, 160. 161, 176, 177, 179, 205, 209, 222, 256, 271, 274 ; Flora, 202 ; Francis, 90, 105, 106, 150, 152, 153,157-160, 163, 171,209, 256, 274 ; Gabriel, 160, 161, 168 ; Gelyan, 1 ; George, 48, 163, 174 ; Gilbert, 38, 154 ; Henry, 19, 25, 27, 209 ; Isabel, 26, 55, 57 ; Jacob, 34 ; James, 47, 51, 53, 63, 68 ; Jane, 39, 50, 51, 97, 101, 103, 151, 158. 160, 166 ; Jennet, 5, 8, 19, 50 ; Joan, 88. 103, 139, 249 ; John, 2, 13, 46, 48, 50-55, 57, 60, 73, 87-89, 92, 93, 95, 96, 101, 103, 106-108, 134, 135, 150, 151, 156, 158, 160, 161, 167, 168, 172, 195, 196, 205, 217, 246. 263, 26'.), 271, 272, 274, 276, 282, 285, 288, 289 ; Katherine, 22, 23, 41, 54, 241, 287 ; Lawrence, 38 ; Leanard, 240 ; Margaret, 8, 10, 18, 21, 65, 92, 150, 188, 281 ; Margery. 15 ; Mary, 28, 89, 92. 96, 100, 144, 153, 160, 172, 179^ 199. 209, 241, 249, 269, 282, 284 ; Matthew, 22 ; Mrs., 198 ; Oliver, 10, 46 ; Ralph, 15, 89, 94, 144, 152, 167, 213 ; Richard, 7, 8, 19, 51, 87 150, 151 154, 198 ; Robert, 1, 2, 19, 21, 26, 27, 62, 167, 171, 176, 180, 209, 272, 284, 287; Roger, 9, 26, 41, 120 ; Samuel, 256 ; Sarah, 288 ; ThomaB, 166, 167, 180, 196, 215, 287 ; Thomasine, 87, 156, 175, 196 ; William, 1, 7. 18, 28, 47, 87, 92, 102, 113, 150, 152, 153, 155, 165, 166, 169, 176, 202, 238, 248. Richeson, Anne, 38, 43 ; Elizabeth, 12, 42, 95 ; Francis, 101 ; Mar garet, 93 ; Margery, 43 ; Richard, 42, 43 ; William, 101. Richmond, Anne, 291 ; James, 45 ; Richard, 45 ; William, 291. Rickaby, Alice, 278 ; Anne, 141, 190, 219, 250, 262, 271, 279, 284, 287, 288 ; Anthony, 149, 200. 205 ; Christopher, 143, 238 ; Dorothy, 194, 282 ; Edward, 215 ; Eleanor, 172, 274; Elizabeth, 169, 177, 181, 185, 198, 207, 215, 229. 250, 259, 270 : Grace, 250 ; James, 173, 201, 249, 250, 254, 258, 259, 263, 264, 267, 268, 274, 277-280, 283, 287, 288, 291, 293 ; Jane, 171, 177, 191, 208, 221, 239, 241, 281. 283, 293 ; John, 198, 206, 249,' 267, 26S, 271, 272, 275, 276, 278, 279, 281-286, 288, 290, 293; Margaret, 151, 181; Mar gery, 128 ; Mary, 181, 205, 250, 276, 286 ; Michael, 128, 172, 173, 177,181, 183, 215, 218; Peter,256; Phyllis, 241, 276 ; Rachel, 200, 291 ; Richard, 117, 120, 128, 135, 143, 153, 162, 208, 254, 263, 285 ; Simon, 135, 153 ; Thomas, 117, 169, 171, 177, 183-185, 194, 200, 201, 208, 215, 234, 236, 249, 250, 252, 254, 256-259, 267, 268, 283, 284, 287, 290, 293 ; William, 118, 12S, 141, 183, 191, 198, 206, 214, 217, 219, 232, 254, 272, 275, 285. Rickeson, Francis, 101 ; William, 126. Ricketeson, Mrs., 109 ; William, 114. Riddah, Katherine, 292 ; Peter, 69. Riding, John, 230. Ridley, Alice, 100 ; Anne, 70, 86, 95, 279 ; Anthony, 48, 94, 98-100, 128, 166 ; Arthur, 171, 177, 178, 183 ; Barbara, 50, 133 ; Charles, 61, 118, 119, 130 ; Christian, 132 ; Christopher, 80; Cuthbert, 211 ; Denen, 24 ; Easter, 131, 132 ; Elizabeth, 43, 71, 77, 88, 90, 94, 98, 119, 128, 131, 136, 171, 202 ; Eppe, 66 ; Frances, 280 ; Francis, 96 ; George, 41, 77, 79, 85, 111, 131, 135, 136, 154, 159 ; Hannah, 210. 255 ; Hugh, 70, 71 ; Isabel, 66 ; Jane, 61, 70, 71, 98, 135, 215, 225 ; John, 24, 30, 40, 41, 43, 45, 48, 50-52, 56, 69, 66, 67, 79, 85, 98, 118, 178, 183, 219, 293 ; Julian, 176 ; Margaret, 24, 40, 48, 50-52, 56, 77, 122, 174 ; Mary, 48, 93, 109, 187, 195, 290 ; Matthew, 131-133, 135, 143, 185, 187, 192, 194, 210, 211, 216, 219, 224, 225, 232, 236; Nicholas, 216, 221, 224, 229, 232 ; Richard, 26, 177 ; Roland, 98 ; Thomas, 48, 50, 52, 56, 61, 65, 67, 71, 88, 98-100, 132, 255 ; Widow, 103 ; William, 52, 90, 92, 95, 100, 119, 194. Ripley, Frances, 82 ; Humphrey, 82; William, 289. Rippon, Dorothy, 287 ; Eleanor, 176 ; Esther, 277 ; Frances, 266 ; John, 276 ; Lancelot, 25 ; Mary, 253, 276, 290, 291 ; Nathaniel, 176 ; Robert, 290, 291 ; William, 277. Roberts, Mary, 139 ; Silvester, 139. Robertson, George, 215 ; Mary, 287. Robinson, Adam, 115 ; Alexander, 264, 293 : Alice, 76, 123, 143, 145, 291, 293 ; Anne, 72, 137, 146, 150, 161, 175, 193, 220, 227, 237, 244, 266, 291, 293 ; Barbara, 93, 94, 271 ; Christopher, 94, 119 ; Debora, 250 ; Dorothy, 125, 144, 181 ; Edward, 283, 285, 291 ; Eleanor, 169, 283 ; Eliz abeth, 32, 33, 36, 89, 191, 194, 196, 213, 271 ; Frances. 275 ; George, 220, 221, 226, 237, 242, 249, 271, 274, 275, 277-279, 283, 286, 289 ; Gerard, 186. 191, 196, 201-203, 210, 227, 254, 286 ; Grace, 120 ; Hannah, 260. 262, 265 ; Helen, 221, 226 ; Henry, 64, 81, 249, 289, 293 ; Hugh, 34 ; Humphrey, 45 ; Isabel, 56, 73, 74, 77, 97, 146 ; James, 43, 57, 287, 291 ; Jane, 43, 60, 68, 107. 137, 237, 264, 278, 293 ; Jennet, 29 ; Joan, 139, 203. 269 ; John, 13, 97, 122, 138, 145, 149, 158, 159, 166, 170, 173, 237, 243, 260, 265, 277, 283 ; Katherine, 165, 210, 288 ; Lawrence, 145 ; Mar garet, 67, 68, 94, 95, 127, 132, 144, 167, 210, 222, 237, 278 ; Margery, 46, 64, 150, 172 ; Martha, 177 ; Mary, 30, 88, 122, 152, 154, 157, 181, 187, 193, 203, 209, 259, 283, 289, 293 ; Michael, 210, 219, 273, 277 ; Peter, 286 ; Ralph, 160 ; Richard, 264, 283, 285, 287 ; Robert, 29, 45, 46, 51, 52, 56, 60, 68, 74, 81, 93-95, 107, 115, 120, 123, 125, 132, 137, 149, 161, 196, 243, 244, 250, 254, 257, 262, 263, 265, 271, 276, 277, 282, 283, 286, 293 ; Ruth, 257, 263 ; Sarah, 134, 186, 229, 252; Susanna, 160, 243, 256 ; Thomas, 30, 98, 144, 145, 150, 152, 158, 159, 161, 165, 173, 193, 253, 256, 258, 259, 262, 266, 273, 275-277, 281 ; Troth, 157, 201, 202, 205 ; William, 71, 72, 127. 134, 138, 143, 146, 152, 154, 166, 193. 194, 196, 203, 209, 232, 233, 242, 253. 271. 275, 279, 281 ; , 25. Robson, Anne, 76, 124, 136, 157, 214 ; Anthony, 76, 78 ; Charles, 58, 60, 250 ; Christian, 152 ; Christopher, 136 ; Davy, 36 ; Dorothy. 281 ; Easter, 150, 151 ; Eleanor, 124 ; Elizabeth, 21, 36, 62, 76, 148, 220 ; Francis, 36, 62 ; George, 145, 235, 290 ; Henry, 145, 150-152, 157; Isabel, 250 ; Jacob, 152, 214, 228, 233 ; James, 152, 168, 290 ; Jane, 36, 58, 60, 283, 285 ; John, 21, 34, 101, 148, 223, 277, 282 ; Kath erine, 275 ; Lucy, 22 ; Margaret, 228 ; Margery, 26 ; Mary, 78, 175, 228, 233. 282, 283, 285 ; Matthew, 35 ; Michael, 199 ; Richard, 101 : Robert, 175, 233, 281 ; Simon, 69 ; Susannah, 101; Thomas, 101, 223, 228, 233, 275 ; William, 69, 250 ; Winifred, 286. Robyson, Allison, 19 ; Anne, 19, 21, 40; Barbary, 23 ; Christobel, 3 ; Elizabeth, 23 ; Henry, 18 ; Isabel, 20, 34 ; Jane, 8, 38 ; Jennet, 5, 20 ; John, 3, 12, 23, 45 ; Margaret, 14, 38 ; Margery, 144 ; Richard, 3, 10 ; Robert, 38 ; Thomasin, 1 ; William, 3, 8 ; Rockesbey, Isabel, 17. Rodom, Anne, 61, 67 ; Edward, 61, 67 ; Elizabeth, 15 ; John, 241, 246 ; Widow, 40 ; William, 241. Rogers, Alice, 116 ; Anne, 121 ; John, 116, 117, 125 ; Margaret, 153. Rogerson, Allison, 8 ; Katherine, 57 ; Richard, 7, 40, 48 ; Robert, 8 ; Thomasine, 51. Rokebye, Jane, 35 ; Ralph, 35. Role, Cuthbert, 30. Romford, see Rumpforth. Romthwaite, Jane, 155. Roper, Eleanor, 252 ; Elizabeth, 259, 268 ; Hannah, 252, 253 ; John, 293; Nicholas, 252; Robert, 272 ; William, 255, 265, 284. Rose, Margaret, 96 ; William, 96. Ross, Elizabeth, 178, 195, 197, 284 ; James, 3 ; Patrick, 178, 197, 218, 222, 251, 284. Rotherford, see Rutherford. Round, Edward, 252 ; Unity, 252. Rowe, Anne, 289; Cuthbert, 26; Edward, 31 ; Ellen, 34 ; Haw- don Philipson, 286 ; Jane, 284 ; John, 289 ; John Philipson, 285 ; Peter, 53 ; Richard, 284- 286 ; Robert, 53 ; William, 26. Rowell, Anne, 95, 108 ; Dorothy, 277 ; Eleanor, 127, 169, 170 ; Elizabeth, 93, 165 ; Ellen, 134 ; Georsre, 95, 106, 121, 140; Hugh, 93, 108 ; Jane, 95, 169, 204, 266 ; John, 34, 124, 134, 169, 171, 185, 269 ; Margaret, 34, 134, 151 ; Margery, 124 ; Mary, 105, 135 ; Mildred, 95 ; Nicholas, 202, 204 ; Robert, 169; Sarah, 108; Thomas, 105, 127 ; William, 95, 99, 102, 108, 169, 269. Rowlands, Henry, 217 ; Jane, 166. Rowle. Anne, 29, 86; Barbara, 35; Bell, 34; Christopher, 28, 56, 57, 59 ; Cuthbert, 30 ; Eleanor, 62 ; Elizabeth, 27, 73 ; George, 5, 33, 41, 62, 66, 76, 88, 90; Hugh, 25, 73, 75, 79, 88 ; Isabel, 37, 63, 79; Jane, 25, 34 ; John, 35, 84, 88, 89; Margaret, 34, 47, 57; Sarah, 75; Sybil, 33; Thomas, 2, 25, 28, 34, 37, 41, 62, 63, 66 ; William, 56, 59, 86, 88, 90. Rowlyn, John, 32. Rowntree, Anne, 120, 195 ; Mar garet, 199 ; Richard, 120. Rowter, Elizabeth, 3, 43 ; John, 2, 3 ; Robert, 38, 40, 43 ; Thomas, 2 ; William, 38. Ruby, Robert, 283. Rud, John, 238 ; Katherine, 219 ; Thomas, 110, 216, 217, 218, 219, 238, 245, 249. Rudderford, see Rutherford. Rudeck, Jane, 135. Ruffatt, Elizabeth, 285 ; George, 282 ; John, 266, 267, 269, 273, 278, 282, 285, 292 ; Margaret, 266, 278 ; Mark, 269 ; Mary, 292. Rumpforth, Anne, 71, 72 ; Charles, 67, 71, 72, 74, 78, 81. 84, 133, 137 ; Dorcas, 108 ; Easter, 71, 111 ; Elizabeth, 124, 194 ; George, 84 ; Isaac, 111 ; Isabel, 5 ; Jane, 74, 78 ; John, 3, 5, 108, 111, 114; Margaret, 144, 158; Nicholas, 81, 124, 128, 129, 137, 158 ; Rachel, 114 ; Roger, 4 ; William, 67, 71 ; , 5. Russel, Christopher, 28. Rutherford. Alice, 122, 142, 155 ; Anne, 200, 240 ; Arthur, 120, 121 ; Christopher, 116 ; George, 125 ; John, 200 ; Margaret, 119, 140 ; Mark, 122 ; Martin, 108, 113, 116, 120, 121, 122, 124, 137, 151 ; Mary, 124, 137, 280 ; Robert, 113. Rutledge, Francis, 280 ; John, 217 ; Mary, 269 ; William, 184. Rutlesse, Elizabeth, 104. Rutter, Allison, 12, 19; Christopher, 17 ; Cuthbert, 21 ; Edward, 49 ; Elizabeth, 31 ; Ellen, 16 ; George, 14, 31, 49 ; Helen, 249 ; Henry, 21 ; Isabel, 121 ; Jane, 24 ; Jennet, 15, 23, 35 ; John, 13, 20, 21, 49, 50, 52, 55, 59 ; Margaret, 14, 26 ; Margery, 158 ; Mary, 55 ; 108 ; Miles, 32, 34 ; Robert, 17, 31, 49, 52, 102, 249; Sybil, 18, 34 ; Thomas, 14, 15 ; William. Rychyson, see Richardson. Ryder, Ralph, 52 ; Thomas, 52. Rygge, Alice, 36 ; John, 36. Ryshye, Anne, 36. Sadlee, Isabel, 72, 96 ; Ralph, 72, 96. Saire, see Sayre. Salet, Allison, 42 ; Alice, 62 ; Elizabeth, 78 ; George, 38, 54, 78, 79 ; Gerald, 42 ; Gerard, 62, 66 ; Jennet, 8 ; Katherine, 48, 54 ; Margaret, 24. INDEX. Salkeld, Alice, 268; Anne, 270. 278, 281 ; Dorothy, 70, 271. 272 : Elizabeth, 267, 271, 287 ; Frances, 280 ; Francis, 197 ; Hutchinson, 284 ; Jane, 271, 278 ; John, 276, 280 ; Lancelot, 193, 214, 265, 267, 271, 272, 278, 281 ; Luke, 267, 268 ; Margaret, 255 ; Mary, 192, 266. 267, 277 ; Robert, 266-268, 271, 273, 278, 280, 284 ; Thomas, 268, 271, 276, 277; William, 193, 271, -m. Salvin. Anne, 157, 181, 256; Anthony, 149, 154, 156, 161-163, 165, 169-171, 205, 213, 223, 226, 227, 236 ; Barbara, 213 ; Bella. 164 ; Bridget, 5 ; Bryan, 118. 169, 170, 256, 260, 284, 292 ; Charles, 148, 160, 236 ; Dorothy, 40, 46, 213 ; Eleanor, 17, 161, 162, 172, 194, 205 ; Elizabeth, 163, 204, 209, 217, 223, 227, 283, 286 ; Francis, 78 ; Gerald, 41 ; Gerard, 14, 19, 31, 81, 114, 124, 154, 165, 16S, 180, 218, 244, 254 ; James, 114, 194, 198, 200, 201, 204, 209, 218. 233, 275; Jane. 21, 36 ; John, 78. 81 ; Katherine, 171 ; Margaret, 89, 154, 200, 284 ; Marmaduke, 260 ; Mary, 103, 148, 149. 198, 200, 201, 236. 254, 281 ; Mrs., 107, 108 ; Nicholas, 183; Ralph, 201, 213, 257; Rebecca, 114 ; Richard, 22 ; Robert, 97, 103, 107 ; Ruth, 275 ; Susan, 18 ; Thomas, 36, 46, 86, 97, 164 ; Troth, 154 ; William, 151, 213, 217, 222, 283 ; — , 37. Samson, Christopher, 9, 10 ; Eliz abeth, 7, 26 ; Grace, 8 ; John, 11 ; Mally, 6, 25 ; Thomas, 6, 15. Sander, Anne, 273 ; Elizabeth, 14, ' 16. 226 ; Henry, 226 ; Hugh, 18 ; Isabel, 20, 226 ; John, 265 ; Katherine, 16 ; Margaret, 27 ; Ralph, 21 ; Richard, 19 ; Thomas, 25 ; William. 14, 27. Sanderson, Alice, 65 ; Anne, 2, 22, 280 ; Eleanor, 188 ; Elizabeth, 282 ; Isaac, 280 ; James, 282 ; Jane, 210 ; John, 66 ; Margaret, 66. 121, 252, 290 ; Margery, 49 ; Mary, 286 ; Patrick, 293 ; Peter, 286 ; Sarah, 293 ; Thomas, 2, 121. Sankeld, Bridget, 169. Sandiford, Anne. 242 ; George, 242. Savage, Hamilton, 271 ; Isabel, 271. Sawer, Elizabeth, 18. Sawher, Anne, 11. Sayre, Alice, 124 ; Anne, 50 ; Bartram, 98, 101, 124 ; Dorothy, 98 ; Frances, 278 ; Margaret, 124 ; Mary, 278 ; Richard, 50, 69; Thomas, 101. Scafe, Anne, 280; Dorothy, 284; John, 280. Scarlett, Mary, 256. Scarth, Anne, 291 ; John, 81, 110, 114 ; Mrs., 114. Scharroton, Elizabeth, 21. Sclater, Jennet, 32 ; Thomas, 10. Scroer, Anne, 293. Scotsman, John Mackinhem, 264 ; Mary, 67 ; Valentine, 67. Scott, Andrew, 237 ; Anne, 21, 237 ; Cuthbert, 9 ; Frances, 248 ; Henry, 50, 52 ; Isabel, 120 ; James, 125 ; Jane, 7, 125 ; Jen net, 2 ; Joan, 52 ; John, 2, 3, 50, 65, 245 ; Joseph, 277 ; Kath erine, 65 ; Margaret, 9 ; Mary, 258 ; Matthew, 120 ; Ralph, 248 ; Thomas, 245 ; William, 65. Scrope, George, 56 ; Katherine, 56. Scrowther, William, 253. Scudamore, Elizabeth, 112. Scurfield, Alice, 42, 66 ; Anne, 18 48, 50, 104, 105 ; Christopher, 41, 89 ; Dorothy, 65 ; Eleanor, 73 ; Elizabeth, 48 ; Ellen, 15 George, 48 ; Godfrey, 27, 58, 65 69, 74, 80 ; Isabel, 48 ; James, 25, 48, 50, 56, 60, 68, 97, 113 Jane, 36. 58, 93, 103, 113, 252 Jennet, 41 ; John, 14, 19, 27, 37 45, 60, 69, 73, 74, 104, 133 Katherine, 163 ; Margaret, 80 101, 112, 133, 164 ; Mary, 48, 68, 118 ; Richard, 16, 65, 116 Robert. 56, 101, 104, 105, 107 114, 116, 149, 163 ; Sarah, 107 153 ; Thomas, 48, 83, 85, 103 Widow. 109 ; William, 36, 60 109. Seam, Alleson, 25 , Jane, 30 Thomas, 30. Searle, Alleson, 24. Seaton, John, 196 ; Ralph, 196. Sedgemore, Anne, 236 ; Richard, 236. Sedgewick, Alice, 241 ; Anne, 189 ; Dorothy, 116, 252 ; Eleanor, 172 ; Elizabeth, 131, 278 ; George, 77, 89,' 150, 151 ; Grace, 190 ; Gregory, 125 ; Henry, 189, 194, 232, 241, 278, 281 ; John, 96, 131, 190 ; Katherine, 150 : Margaret, 94, 100, 117 ; Mary, 81, 84, 89, 195 ; Ursula, 191, 252 ; William, 73. 75, 77, 81, 84, 89, 94, 96. 100, 106, 252. Seham, Alleson, 2 ; Thomas, 2. Sekswylk, John, 8. Selby, Alice, 35, 36 ; Christopher, 1 ; Cuthbert, 11 ; Edward, 13 ; Eleanor, 12 ; Elizabeth, 8, 11, 14, 211 ; Gilbert, 10 ; Jennet, 10, John, 35 ; Margaret, 16, 17 ; Margery, 9 ; Ralph, 4 ; Robert, 32 ; Thomas, 9, 11, 211 ; William, 11, IS. Semer, Eleanor, 73. Semple, Lord, 284. Servant, John, 115. Sewell, Edward, 33 ; Elizabeth, 101 ; James, 265, 267, 271 ; John, 25,265 ; Margaret, 25 ; Thomas, 265, 267, 268. Seymour, Margaret, 258. Shacklock, Anne, 121 ; Christopher, 113, 139, 164 ; Elizabeth, 175, 178 ; John, 128 ; Margaret, 77, 133 ; Margery, 125, 126 ; Mary, 164 ; Richard, 118. 119, 121, 125, 126, 128, 129 ; Thomas, 125 ; William, 119. Shadforth, Anne, 4, 5, 14, 23, 147, 221 ; George, 148, 250 ; Jane, 263 ; Jennet, 15 ; Katherine, 236 ; Margaret, 226 ; Mary, 251 ; Ralph, 250, 251, 263 ; Robert, 5, 13, 279 ; Thomas, 147, 148, 204, 221, 226 ; Thomasine, 204. Shafto, Constance, 1 ; Elizabeth, 281 ; Henry, 81 ; James, 155 ; Mary, 236 ; Philip, 281. Shakell, John, 15. Sharp, Anne, 113 ; Beatrice, 6 ; David, 113, 114, 148, 183, 202; Dorothy, 114, 165 ; Henry, 235 ; Isabel, 41, 131 ; James, 234, 235 ; Jane, 183 ; John, 148, 248 ; Mabel, 231 ; Mary, 234 ; William, 234. Shaw, Alexander, 195, 207; Anne, 230 ; Cerise, 70 ; Charles, 71, 73 ; Eleanor, 195 ; Jane, 275 ; Thomas, 70, 71, 73. Shawter, Christopher, 146 ; Mary, 146. Shaykefyld, Charles, 21; Eliza beth, 13 ; Hugh, 18 ; Isabel, IS; Margaret, 49. Sheels, see Sheylles. Sheffield, Amcotes, 137, 193 ; Anne, 80, 143 ; Charles, 40, 65, 104 ; Christopher, 133, 137, 140, 143. 152, 155, 159, 171-173; Elizabeth, 101, 1 13, 140 : George, 43, 95 ; Isabel, 200 ; James, 152 ; Jane, 40. 100, 105. 120, 124 ; John, 65, 105-108, 119,133; Margaret, 45, 95, 104, 155, 164, 172 : Margery, 43 ; Mary, 135 ; Nicholas, 101, 101, 105, 108, 111, 126, 200 ; William, 45, 156, 159. Shene, Peter, 234. Shepherd, David, 157 ; Elizabeth, 263 ; Jennet, 1 : Margaret, 23S ; Phyllis, 5 ; Thomas, 192, 195 ; William, 1. Shepherdson, Alleson, 19 : Anne, 15, 35 ; Elizabeth, 3, 5, 19 ; Ellen, 16 ; Jennet, 5, 14, 19, 20, 23, 25 ; John, 5, 14, 17, 20, 35 ; Margaret, 212 ; Robert, 5 ; William, 22. Sheiaton, Anne, 36 ; Elizabeth, 18 : Joan, 52 ; Margaret, 53. 54, 95. 261 ; Mary, 150 ; William, 52, 54. Sherwood, Anne, 285. Sheylles, Anne, 122, 136 ; Bridget, 170 ; Edward, 12 ; Henry, 111, 113, 120, 122, 218; Isabel, 51; John, 113 ; Margaret, 120, 268 ; Mary, 111, 176, 192 ; Samuel, 26S ; William, 19. Shields, Anne, 213 ; John, 255, 257, 266, 270 ; Joseph, 284 ; Margaret. 262 ; Mrs., 270. Shirley, Anne, 263 ; Elizabeth, 243, 263 ; Thomas, 243, 263, 269. Shipley. Alleson, 6 ; Anne, 203, 212, 261, 264 ; Edward, 241, 243 ; Eleanor. 245, 257, 277 ; Elizabeth, 247; Jennet, 4; John, 262; Mary, 238, 251, 279 ; Nicholas, 232, 235 ; Roland. 4 ; Thomas, 203, 212, 221, 232. 235, 238, 241, 243, 245, 247, 251, 257, 262, 264, 277, 279, 287 Short, Anne, 65, 112, 113 ; Edward, 53, 55. 59, 60, 64, 65, 66 ; Eliza beth, 61, 94 ; Jane, 36, 67, 94 ; John, 54, 59, 166 ; Katherine, 64. 65, 166 ; Margaret, 33, 53, 61, 64, 107, 125 ; Margery, 61, 79 ; Matthew, 33, 35, 55, 61, 64, 65. 76 : Nicholas, 66 ; Thomas. 60, 107, 112, 113, 125. Shorthfield, Agnes, 6. Shortrigg, Jane, 62 ; John, 62, 63, 65, 71 ; Mary, 63, 65 ; Thomas, 71. Shortrick, Jane, 141 ; John, 104. 142. Shotton. Anne, 266 ; Bartholomew, 124 ; Jennet, 16 ; Mary, 288. Shouer. Adam, 149. Shuttleworth, Anne, 257, 291 ; Elizabeth, 136, 140, 178, 203, 256, 261, 292 ; Entinck, 154 ; Fletwood, 143 ; Humphrey, 266 ; Lucy, 199, 220 ; Nicholas, 136, 138, 140, 141, 143, 146, 154, 199, 201, 203, 204, 206, 256, 257, 259, 261, 264, 266, 292; Richard, 128, 138, 201, 202, 204, 269 ; Thomas, 141. Sibbalds, Hannah, 293 ; James, 293 ; John, 285, 293 ; Ralph, 285. Sickes, Anne, 170. Side, Isabel, 139. Sigeworthe, Anne, 68 ; Elizabeth, 46. Sikes, see Sykes. Silvester, Anne, 63 ; Elizabeth, 57 ; George, 83, 114 ; Isabel, 56, 107 ; John, 56, 57, 63, 83, 102 ; Phyllis, 113 ; Robert, 113, 115 ; Thomasine, 1. 15. Sim, Alice, 31 ; Alleson, 8 ; Anne, 35, 43, 45, 70, 132, 176, 191, 218; Barbara, 264 ; Eleanor, 40 ; Elizabeth, 31, 103, 104, 115, 179, 192, 208, 259 ; George, 40, 199, 264 ; Isabel, 79 ; James, 38, 64, 65, 74, 75, 79, 118; Jane, 40, 42, 47, 64, 83, 93, 104, 115, 117, 137, 153, 174, 184, 191, 196, 231, 276 ; John, 15, 38-40, 42, 46-49, 53, 82, 83, 90, 91, 93, 94, 103, 117, 124, 131, 137, 153, 176, 184, 187, 191, 192, 195, 199-200, 208, 212, 218, 292; Jonathan, 212; Mar garet, 12, 34, 49, 75, 82, 94, 95, 195, 198 ; Mary, 35, 36, 42, 46, 48, 186, 188, 208, 218, 276; Matthew, 93 ; Phineas, 174, 179, 186, 195, 196, 200, 202, 231 ; Ralph, 39, 40 ; Richard, 32, 132 134, 137, 187, 191, 192, 207 Sythe, 43 ; Thomas, 35, 36, 45 William, 53. 54, 192, 195. Simkin, Frances, 223. Simpson. Alice, 62 ; Ambrose, 147, 154, 155, 157, 168 ; Anne, 3, 5-7, 162, 178, 232, 271, 272, 283 Barbara, 181 ; Christopher, 45 Dorothy, 138 ; Edward, 45 Elizabeth, 96, 98, 154, 158, 164 173, 177, 185, 205, 238, 239 Ellen, 7 ; Esther, 263 ; Francis 147, 155 ; George, 25, 73, 280 : Isabel, 257 ; Jane, 32, 73, 83 112, 225 ; Joan, 227 ; John, 102 105, 162, 271 ; Julian, 95 Katherine, 34 ; Margaret, 139. 146, 162 ; Mary, 142 ; Nicholas 112, 160, 190 ; Ralph, 157, 197 Robert, 95, 96, 98 ; Roger, 238 239 ; Roland, 17 ; Susan, 126 164, 173, 185, 257 ; Sythe, 36 Thomas, 105, 126, 138, 164, 205, 217, 238, 272 ; William, 4, 146. Sinclair, Margaret, 258, Sisterson, Alice, 185 ; Anne, 247 ; Dorothy, 282 ; James, 242 ; Jane, 243 ; John, 165, 228, 229 ; 232, 234, 237, 242, 244, 249, 290; Joseph, 249 ; Margaret, 247 ; Michael, 232, 244 ; Richard, 228, 229 ; Thomas, 162, 169, 237 ; William, 162, 165, 169, 234. Shathlock, Alice, 83 ; Anne, 90, 102 ; Henry, 102 ; John, 44 ; Richard, 38, 90, 102 ; Robert, 38, 83. Skarbroughe, Elizabeth, 90. Skelton, Anthony, 257, 264, 267, 273, 277, 278, 282, 286, 289 ; Dorothy, 277 ; Elizabeth, 246, 267 ; George, 246, 286 ; John, 278 ; Katherine, 273 ; Mary, 257; Robert, 282; Thomas, 289. Skepper, Christopher, 15 ; Robert, 17. Skirfield, see Scurfield. Skorro, Jane, 2 ; Jennet, 3, 13 ; William, 3. Skorfield. Alice, 10 : Elizabeth, 8 ; John, 8; , 11. Skuffer, Christopher, 12. Skurrey, Christopher. 133 ; Mar garet. 133. Slater, Anne, 14, 178, 286 ; Christ opher, 12 ; Dorothy, 166, 179, 221, 254, 277, 281 ; Eleanor, 171, 275; Jane, 156, 218, 241, 267, 279 ; John, 13, 169, 218, 231, 241, 243, 254 ; Joseph, 267, 274, 277, 279, 280, 284, 286 ; Kath erine, 175, 220 ; Mary, 186, 280 ; Richard, 166, 169, 171, 179, 186, 231, 275, 279 ; Sarah, 280, 284 ; William, 15. Slimin, Anne, 142 ; Clement, 142, 146. Smaders, Isabel, 8 ; Matthew, 8. Smales, Elizabeth, 241, 257 ; Jane, 189 ; John, 249 ; Mary, 248, 253 ; Robert, 241, 248, 253, 257, 269, 275. Smallwood, Margaret 291. Smart, Barbara, 181 ; Elizabeth, 138, 188, 210, 235; Frances, 157; Jane, 285 ; John, 181, 183, 187, 188. 194, 200, 207, 210, 211 ; Margaret, 33, 68 ; Mary, 194, 211. 235; Thomas, 187; William, 138, 183, 200. Smike, Margaret, 117. Smirthwaite, William, 99. Smith, Abraham, 130. 134, 137, 145, 165, 222, 226, 230, 236, 237, 239, 243, 252; Agnes, 26; Alice, 112; Anne, 2, 20, 26, 78, 100, 134, 154, 158, 159, 162, 168, 177, 188, 217, 245, 261, 262, 281, 291 : An thony, 234, 236 ; Arthur, 71, 74, 77, 81, 85, 88, 89, 91, 95, 100, 107, 119, 120, 122, 126, 130, 137, 143, 166, 173, 211, 241, 245, 269, 272 ; Barbara, 194, 218, 262 ; Bertram, 14, 31 ; Charles, 275 ; Christian, 250, 261; Christopher, 72, 196, 197 : Cuthbert, 100 ; Dorothy, 29, 167, 178, 271, 284 : Edward, 20, 47, 208, 262, 263 ; Eleanor, 137, 220, 224, 266 ; Elias, 251, 254, 259, 266, 292, 293; Elizabeth, 2, 10, 14, 16. 18, 22, 25, 47, 51, 69, 74, 92, 99, 146, 152, 153, 160, 167, 168, 181, 182, 190, 194, 225, 229, 239, 247, 250-252, 256, 258, 261, 268, 269, 277, 280, 282, " 283, 289, 291 ; Ellen, 31; Frances, 185, 192; Francis, 141, 261 ; George, 20, 29, 143, 146, 179, 182, 194, 196. 199, 250, 252, 257, 258, 261, 265J 274, 275, 279, 284, 290 ; Gerard, 136 ; Hannah, 259 ; Helen, 236; Henry, 85, 153, 198, 201 ; Hut- ton, 231 ; Isabel, 20, 51, 91, 164, 186, 217, 237, 275, 293 ; James, 29, 95, 120, 250, 254, 261, 266, 273 ; Jane, 120, 141, 174, 184, 199, 200, 217, 218, 232, 236, 244 254, 261, 265, 271, 272, 285, 290; Jennet, 6, 29 ; John, 2, 14, 15, 18, 26, 28, 41, 55, 67, 77, 87, 107, 120, 126, 137, 146, 149, 153, 154 159-162, 164, 165, 168, 171, 174, 175, 177, 178, 180, 181, 182, 186, 190, 192, 194, 198, 199, 203, 208, 211, 217, 22G, 227, 230, 246, 247 254, 257, 259, 262, 263, 265, 266 269, 270, 272, 274, 277, 280, 285^ 288-292 ; Joseph, 169, 211, 261 267, 274, 281, 285, 287 ; Kathe rine, 9, 63, 126, 166, 270 ; Kyr- chen, 11 ; Lettitia, 232/ 255 ; Magdalene, 199 ; Margaret, 14, 54, 55, 72, 77, 81, 85, 150, 151, 174, 179, 196, 200, 213, 222, 224 236, 253, 276 ; Margery, 9, 97 ¦ Martha, 151, 153 ; Mary, 52, 61, 64, 71, 87, 89, 98, 102, 104, 109, 111, 122, 127, 130, 131, 141, 142 153, 171, 175, 177, 180, 185, 227, 237, 238, 252, 257, 259, 273, 275, 284, 287, 290 ; Matthew, 130, INDEX. 182, 238, 252 ; Maud, 18 ; Mich ael, 261, 266 ; Nathan, 251, 291 ; Nicholas, 158, 160, 178, 180, 230, 237, 244, 251, 252, 254, 262, 275 ; Ralph, 185, 200, 271 ; Rebecca, 230, 240, 241, 293 ; Richard, 46, 89, 92, 97, 102. 104, 106, 109, 122, 129, 1(16, 167, 169, 173, 177, 181, 184, 185, 188, 189, 194, 198, 200, 203, 207, 211, 213, 218, 229. 236, 257, 259, 261-263, 266, 270, 274, 276, 292 ; Robert, 6, 18, 51, 54, 78, 166, 167, 171, 177, 182, 189, 196, 215, 230, 232, 236, 240-242, 256, 272, 290, 292 ; Simon, 175, 218; Sophia, 269; Talbot Montague, 240, 244 ; Thomas, 16, 36, 89, 126, 129, 137, 139, 141, 142, 150-153, 158, 159, 164, 167, 171, 176, 181, 193, 211, 234, 241, 250, 257, 266, 270- 273. 275, 277, 279, 284, 285, 291 ; Thomasine, 85, 89, 192, 269; Toby. 51 ; Widow, 15 ; William, 10, 11, 22, 58, 137, 145, 158, 198, 200, 230, 247, 258, 259, 261, 264, 265, 269, 284, 285, 293; William Henrv, 203, 207; Zadock, 231, 232, 240, 244, 255 ; , 37. Smithson, Elizabeth, 194 ; Mar garet, 91. Smurfet, Aune, 139 ; Elizabeth, 172. Smurke, Christopher, 36 ; Eliza beth, 22, 63 ; Jennet, 36 ; John, 63 ; Margaret, 22. Smyton, Hugh, 30. Snaith, Elizabeth, 47, 60, 86 ; George, 41 ; Isabel, 56, 97 ; Jane, 40, 43, 59, 114 ; Jennet, 7 ; John, 231, 232; Margery, 45; Mary, 232 ; Thomas, 51 ; William, 7, 40, 41. 45, 47, 51. 56, 59, 108. Sneyd, Edward, 110. Snowball, Frances, 286 ; Isabel, 61 ; Jane, 289 ; John, 63, 283 ; William, 283, 286, 289. Snowdon, Anne, 30 ; Grace, 82 ; •Jane, 235, 1T>3 ; John, 82, 230, 235, 239, 247. 257, 263, 269 ; Mary, 239, 263 ; Oswen, 20 ; Richard, 110 ; Thomas, 211, 230. Sober, Barbara, 274 ; Elizabeth, 274 ; Mary, 208 ; Robert, 208. Sodeke, Jane, 37. Softley, Anne, 11, 42, 70 ; Chris topher, 35, 39-43, 69; Dorothy, 64; Edward, 79, 86 ; Eleanor, 43, 51, 106 ; Elizabeth, 39, 40 ; 128, 170 ; Ellen, 11 ; Gilbert, 41 ; Isabel, 35, 51, 148, 187 ; James, 34; Jane, 122 ; John, 11, 69, 71, 76 ; Margaret, 40, 42, 43, 138 ; Mary, 79, 129, 138; Richard, 35, 64, 122, 126 ; Robert, 40, 42, 47, 50, 56, 76 ; Thomas, 47 ; Tobias, 86, 128, 187, 200. Sokeld, Lancelot, 192. Solat, Alice, 17 ; Anthony, 18 ; Conand, 7 ; Cuthbert, 16, 19 ; Edward, 17 ; Elizabeth, 3, 12 ; Ellen, 6 ; Gerard, 16 ; Jennet, 16 ; John, 4 ; Margaret, 6, 9, 12, 13, 19 ; Margery, 13 ; Robert, 4, 9, 14, 16, 23 ; William, 3, 4, 16, 22 ; , 6. Soler, Ellen, 26 ; John, 26. Sommer, Elizabeth, 75 ; Stephen, 75. Soothhold, Elizabeth, 65 ; Samuel, 61, 65 ; Susannah, 61. South, Anne, 239 ; Anthony, 237, 239 ; Elizabeth Rebecca, 237, Southern, Jane, 263 ; Thomas, 27. Southgate, Jane, 146 ; Margaret. 144. Sowerby, Anne, 136, 184 ; Eliz abeth, 145, 159 ; Francis, 142 ; James. 134, 136, 140, 145, 151, 159, 191 ; John, 140, 213, 279 ; Margaret, 134 ; Mary, 258 ; Robert, 151, 258. Sowle, Anne, 125 ; George, 284 ; Gilbert, 1 ; Jane, 112 ; Jennet, 1 ; John, 107, 284. Sowlsby, Anne, 5. 29 ; Elizabeth, 285 ; Jane, 281 ; John, 30, 218, 222, 225, 237, 281 ; Mary, 222, 282, 284 ; Richard, 5 ; Stephen, 237, 281, 282, 284, 285. Spane, Elizabeth, 172, Spark, Alice, 236 ; George, 293 ; Isabel, 15 ; Jane. 94 ; John, 112 ; Margaret, 112 ; Mary, 83, 293. Spear, Mary, 155. Specke, Elizabeth, 56 ; James, 56. Speed, Anne, 115, 145 ; Anthony, 29, 113, 115, 145, 148, 152, 160, 167. 190, 195, 196, 205 ; Dennis, 144 ; Dorothy, 148 ; Gerald, 39 ; Isabel, 195, 196, 252, 256 ; James, 144, 161 ; Jane, 39, 183, 190 ; Margaret, 152, 180 ; Ralph, 167 ; Robert, 176 ; Thomas, 119, 160 ; , 88. Speerman, Elizabeth, 83. Spence, Anne, 95,117; Cuthbert. 44. 62, 71 ; Elizabeth, 121, 124, 195, 283 ; George, 135 ; Gilbert, 36, 71 ; Jane, 44 ; Jennet, 62 ; John, 28. 95, 96, 117, 121, 124, 126, 128, 131, 135, 177 ; Kath erine, 36 ; Margaret, 4, 32, 36, 96 ; Richard, 4 ; Robert, 128, 131 ; Susannah, 42, 96 ; William, 4, 33. Spencer, Anne, 240, 255 ; George, 234, 235, 240, 244. 247, 252, 266, 277 ; Jane, 234, 252 ; Ralph, 255. Spette, John, 43. Sporner, Isabel, 37 ; John, 38 ; Richard, 37, 38. Spour, Anne, 242. Spur, Anne, 205 ; Eleanor, 206 ; Elizabeth, 216, 268, 274 ; George, 205, 260 ; Margaret, 274 ; Mary, 216 ; Thomas, 224. Spurner, Gerard, 28, 29 ; Isabel, 76 ; John, 69 ; Richard, 27, 28, 69, 76, 86 ; Robert, 27, 36 \ Roger, 36. Squire, Roger, 36. Stagg, Anne, 253, 268 ; Elizabeth, 256. 259, 262 ; Isahel, 259 ; John, 247, 259, 292 ; Joseph, 242, 247, 251, 253, 256, 259, 262, 265, 268, 271, 274, 284, 290 ; Joshua, 274 ; Margaret, 265 ; Mary, 251, 284. Stainbank, Isabel, 199, 201, 242, 283 ; Ralph, 199, 201, 283. Stainsby, Jane, 190 ; Mary. 220. Stainton, Dorothy, 108 ; George, 109 ; Isabel. 82, 108 ; Robert, 82, 108, 109. Stallinge, Francis, 82. Standish, George. 246 ; Henry, 246. Standley, Jane, 58 ; William, 58. Starfoot, Sophia, 269. Starking, Martha, 246. Statham, George, 204 ; William, 204. Stawart, see Stewart. Steare, Ralph, 44. Steele, Anne, 77 ; Cuthbert, 173, 234, 245, 249, 253, 259, 262; Edward, 82, 102 ; Elizabeth, 62, 83, 93, 123, 124, 160, 172, 175, 240, 248, 249, 259 ; Frances, 234, 243, 245, 253, 286; James, 78, 82, 87, 102, 145, 166; Joan, 163 ; John, 72, 78 ; Margaret, 72, 78, 149 ; Mary, 84, 115 ; Muriel, 89, 92 ; Ralph, 62, 83, 84, 89, 92, -93, 97, 157. 172, 173, 175, 224, 248, 253 ; Robert, 87, 145. Steidman, Anne, 14, 16 ; Bridget, 21 ; Edward, 20 ; Elizabeth, 17, 25 ; Jane, 19 ; John, 16, 17 ; Patrick, 14, 28 ; Roger, 21. Stelling, Thomas, 190. Stephenson, Anne, 25, 49, 50, 52, 63, 64, 70, 137, 260 ; Anthony, 259, 260 ; Beatrice, 27, 28 ; Eliz abeth, 16, 17, 68, 91, 227, 242 ; Frances, 181 ; George, 29, 48-50, 54, 58, 61, 65, 67. 68, 74, 76, 80, 103 ; Isabel, 61 ; James, 42, 73, 75, 80 ; Jane, 4S, 53, 103, 259 ; Joan, 54 ; John, 25-28, 57, 63, 132, 135 ; Katherine, 292 ; Mark, 277 ; Martha, 255, 278 ; Mary, 73, 117, 269, 270, 291 ; Peter, 255 ; Ralph, 40, 42, 53, 64, 65, 75, 271 ; Richard, 132, 137 ; Robert, 3, 33, 269-271, 277 ; Samuel, 291 ; Stephen, 34 ; Thomas, 25, 40, 145. Stewart, Anne, 7, 166 ; Charles, 204, 211 ; Elizabeth, 1, 6, 7, 99, 172 ; George, 225 ; Jane, 158, 225 ; Jennet, 3 ; John, 10 ; Margaret, 1, 20 ; Mathias, 84 ; Matthew, 84 ; Michael, 1, 20 ; Patrick, 99 ; Thomas, 8, 97 ; William, i. Stobart, Alleson, 12 ; Anne, 19, 28, 30, 87, 141, 157, 203, 236 ; Beatrice, 9 ; Edward, 14, 18 ; Eleanor, 7, 100 ; Elizabeth, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10, 19, 22 ; Ellen, 30 ; Hannah, 154 ; Isabel, 14, 79 ; James, 91, 96 ; Jane, 12. 13, 25, 189 ; Jennet, 3, 10, 17 ; John, 6, 7, 26-28 ; Margaret, 7, 11, 27, 34 ; Mary, 88, 146, 172; Michael, 189; Nicholas, 11; Richard, 11 ; Robert, 95, 136, 138, 141, 146, 150, 152, 154, 234, 236, 268 ; Thomas, 9, 11, 18, 26, 32, 172 ; Widow, 33 ; William, 8, 9, 15, 87, 91. 95, 96. 100, 142, 150, 152; , 37. Stobbs, Andrew, 239, 285 ; Anne, 56, 101, 108, 118, 160, 162, 193, 242 ; Barbara, 85, 165 ; Eleanor, 100 ; Elizabeth, 63, 109, 152, 153, 175, 285, 287 ; Gabriel, 92 ; 138, 217. 222; George, 24, 63, 108, 146,' 152, 160, 162, 163, 173, 183. 197. 241, 250, 251 ; Henry, 84, 104, 108; Isabel, 21 ; Jane, 157. 183, 234, 241 ; John, 52, 57, 59, 63, 71, 84, 90, 98, 100, 104, 107-109, 113, 118, 122, 125, 131, 156. 287 ; Lucretia, 138, 217 ; Margaret, 72, 152, 197, 281 ; Mary, 104, 107, 113, 122. 146, 212 ; Rebecca, 51, 63 ; Richard, 52, 85, 92, 100, 108, 109, 125, 173, 174 ; Robert, 241 ; Thomas, 71 ; Thomasine, 71 ; William, 239, 242, 251. Stockell, Eleanor, 280 ; Jane, 175 : John, 167, 280 ; Mary, 167. Stockton, Anne, 5 ; Elizabeth, 105 ; Mary, 104. Stoddart, Anne, 25, 48, 61, 70, 82, 86, 261 ; Barbara, 287 ; Bryan, 230, 232, 244, 246, 290, 292 ; Dennis, 47. 87, 90 ; Edmund, 40 ; Erne, 290 ; Eleanor, 290, 291 ; Elizabeth, 102 ; George, 240, 253, 258 ; James, 48, 50, 51, 70, 71, 77, 82. 86, 87, 90, 103 ; Jane, 71 ; John, 10, 33, 239, 247, 256, 259, 287 ; Joseph, 247, 256 ; Lionel, 102 : Margaret, 47, 70, 89, 288 ; Margery, 11 ; Mary, 74, 232, 240, 246 ; Richard, 261 ; Robert, 50, 51, 74 ; Samuel, 230, 246 ; Thomas, 77, 86, 239 ; William, 44, 121, 240, 253, 291. Stoddome, Joseph, 274 ; Margaret, 274. Stokeld, Allison, 12 ; Anne, 4, 24 ; Barbara, 171, 228 ; Elizabeth, 158. 163, 209, 246 ; James, 263, 291'; Jennet, 29 ; John, 3, 14, 158, 159, 163, 164, 171, 179, 199, 200, 218, 234. 246 ; Lawrence, 8 ; Margaret, 1, 20 ; Mary, 200 ; Matthew, 291 ; Thomas, 9, 11, 159, 164 ; , 10. Stone, Anne, 124. Stonehewer, Anne, 236 ; Richard, 236. Storton, Elizabeth. 104. Story, Agnes, 218 ; Anne, 43, 223, 227 ; Anthony, 24, 36 ; Dorothy, 212-214 ; Eleanor, 22, 208 ; Elizabeth, 24, 39, 116, 285 ; Helen, 219 ; Henry, 138 ; Isabel, 113 ; James, 32 ; Jane, 32, 138, 290 ; John, 34, 52, 53, 218, 223, 227 ; Magdalene, 273 ; Margaret, 34, 238 ; Matthew, 208, 209, 212-214, 219 : Robert, 160, 273 ; Thomas, 74, 113, 117; William, 33, 74, 160, 209, 290. Stott, Allison, 5, 12 ; Cicely, 4 ; Elizabeth, 13, 39 ; George, 214; Gilbert, 209, 210, 214, 218, 221, 222, 224 ; Jane, 15 : Joan, 132 ; John, 14 ; Katherine, 3 ; Mary, 209, 210, 218, 222 ; Thomas. 94 ; William, 5, 11, 39, 221, 222. Stout, Anne. 225 ; Barbara, 150 , Edward, i34 ; Elizaheth, 107; 112, 160; Frances, 262; George, 262 : Isabel, 170 ; James, 58 ; Jane, 75, 120, 160, 174 ; John, 116, 263 ; Margaret, 75, 119 ; Marv, 290 ; Nicholas, 107, 112, 116, 120, 127 ; Robert, 225; Rowland, 61 ; Thomas, 51, 58, 61, 64, 75, 112, 119, 160, 290, 291 ; William, 64, 127. Stow, Fenwick, 276 ; Margaret, 276. Streaker, Francis, 291 ; Margaret, 287, 292 ; Mark, 289, 292 ; Nicholas, 286, 287, 289, 291. Stremer, George, 71 ; Nicholas, 71. Strickland, Mrs., 262. Strother, John, 72 ; Mary, 109 ; Robert, 72, 77 ; William, 292. Strudhurst, Elizabeth, 34, 35. Sturges, Margaret, 293 ; Robert, 293. Styrke, Alleson, 31 ; Thomas, 31. Suddern, Katherine, 10. Suddick, Anne, 175, 214, 235, 282; Averil, 45 ; Easter, 116, 193 ; Elizabeth, 52, 58, 59, 162, 163, 228, 231, 235, 256 ; Esther, 111, 116. 216, 233; Isabel, 245; James, 232 : Jane, 44, 47, 128, 148. 254 ; John, 239, 244 ; Lancelot, 44, 47, 49; Mabel, 220; Margaret, 119, 148; Mary, 153, 157 ; Philip, 117, 153, 155, 157, 162, 223, 274; Richard, 111, 112, 116, 117, 119, 122, 127. 128, 155, 166, 220, 223, 228, 231, 232, 235, 241, 245, 254, 282 ; Robert, 56, 59; Susannah, 112, 150; Thomas, 241 ; William, 214, 216, 219, 223, 224, 230, 235, 239, 244. Suell, John, 27 ; Richard, 27. Summers, George, 280, 291 ; Mar garet, 280 ; Mary, 291. Sunderland, Eleanor, 283. Surtees, Anne, 24, 57, 180 ; Bar bara, 259 ; Eleanor, 55 ; Eliz abeth, 31 ; Ellen, 27 ; George, 27 ; Jane, 24, 174, 251 ; Kath erine, 43 ; Mary, 122 ; Phyllis, 15 ; Ralph, 22 ; William, 174, 180, 251, 257, 261. Sutton, Anne, 187 ; Francis, 191. Swainton, Anne, 282. Swaldell, Alice, 26, 62 ; Anne, 13, 18 ; Cuthbert, 24, 25 ; Elizabeth, 22, 42 ; Isabel, 28 ; James, 11 ; John, 3 ; Margaret, 26 ; Richard, 20 ; Robert, 17, 26, 28. 36 ; Thomas, 5 ; , 6. Swale, Anne, 185 ; Mary, 257. Swalwell, Alleson, 37; Anne, 2, 6, 19, 29, 54 ; Edward, 2, 6, 9 Elizabeth, 2, 15 ; Jennet, 2 John, 19, 29 ; Thomas,' 54 William, 257, 273, 287. Swan, Anne, 42, 285 ; Camilla, 288, 289 ; Eleanor, 45, 47, 54 ; Elizabeth, 183 ; James, 272, 274 ; Jane, 47 ; Jennet, 47 ; John, 272, 288, 289 ; Margaret, 274 ; Robert, 16, 45, 47, 51, 183. Sweedman, Himo, 256; Mary, 256. Swell, John, 29. Swinbank, Roger, 83. Swinburne, Anne, 13, 83 ; Chris tian, 132 ; Dorothy, 79 ; Frances, 200 ; George, 13, 76, 85, 95, 118 ; Hieronima, 95 ; Isabel, 16 ; James, 79, ' 81 ; Jane, 95, 130 ; John, 16, 117, 130 ; Katherine, 76, 125; Margaret, 57, 76, 81, 90, 93 ; Nicholas, 91 ; Roger, 16 ; Thomas, 61, 66, 73, 74, 76, 78, 79, 81, 85, 90, 91, 93, 95, 117 ; Tobias, 93 ; William, 85. Swinney, Adelina, 80, 172 ; Henry, 80, 84, 87, 92 ; Michael, 92 ; Ralph, 84, 85 ; Rebecca, 87. Sykes, Anne, 123, 161. 162, 172, 254, 269 ; Barbara, ; Bark- hurst, 249, 250 ; Bartholomew, 158, 210, 212, 216, 219, 223, 229, 234, 239, 244, 251, 259, 284 ; Eleanor, 257, 293 ; Elizabeth, 216, 234, 274, 275, 280, 292 ; George, 120, 123, 126, 164, 223, 254, 280, 283, 286, 289, 292, 293 ; Jane, 212, 260, 264, 281 ; John, 117, 120, 156, 158, 164, 168, 171, 176, 179, 183, 189, 193, 195, 197, 219, 229, 248-250, 252, 254, 257, 264, 266. 267, 269, 274, 286, 289; Katherine, 117, 132, 168, 244 ; Margaret, 189, 195, 210, 217, 239; Mary, 176, 193, 248, 251, 252 ; Robert, 283. Sym, see Sim. T Talbot, Anne, 94 ; Elizabeth, 90. Talfoot, Susan, 256 ; Thomas, 256. Talentyre, Anne, 29 ; Christabel, 27 ; Isabel, 17, 34 ; John, 26, 27 ; Margaret, 27 ; Mary, 26, 27. Tatam, Robert, 190. Tate, Eleanor, 121 ; Elizabeth, 136 ; Jane, 268 ; John, 256. Tatis, Anne, 53, 73 ; Isabel, 39, 62 ; Richard, 38, 39, 43, 53. Tatons, Beatrice, 33. Taydcastell, Allison, 5, 19 ; Bryan 21 ; Christabel, 4 ; Cuthbert, 14 Elizabeth, 10 ; Hugh, 11, 22 Isabel, 11, 31 ; Jane, 16, 26 John, 5, 6, 15 ; Katherine, 25 Miles, 23 ; Richard, 18 ; Robert, 26, 30 ; Thomas, 4 ; William 22, 23. Taylfar. Alleson, 12 ; Anne, 15 ; Clement, 23, 32, 35 ; Elizabeth, 14, 21 ; Isabel, 23, 32 ; John, 12, 19 ; Katherine, 17 ; Margaret, 12. 18 ; Robert, 11 ; Thomas, 11. Taylor, Abraham, 290 ; Alice, 135 ; Anne, 87, 128, 141, 165, 204, 251, 285 ; Anthony, 42 ; Barbara, 190, 213 ; Benjamin, 190, 192, 207, 213, 231 ; Brabin, 256 ; Christopher, 144 ; Cuthbert, 259, 260 ; Edward, 65, 66-68 ; Eleanor, 78 ; Elizabeth, 6, 65, 71, 90, 115, 116, 120, 195, 201, 254, 255, 256, 265, 270. 272. 277, 289 : Ellen, 31 : George, 219, 242, 244, 287 ; Henry, 201, 204 ; Isabel, 142. 215, 288 ; Jane, 114, 117, 192, 219, 230, 235, 236, 204 ; Jennet, 1 ; Joan, 263 : John, 1, 42, 44, 46, 71, 78, 83, 135, 156, 217, 232, 246, 284, 292 ; Katherine, 1, 225, 284 ; Lancelot, 105, 106, 114, 117, 123. 128, 134, 209 ; Mar garet, 33, 46. 207, 230, 279 ; Margery, 280 ; Mark, 287 ; Martha, 273 ; Mary, 105, 134, 172, 192, 228, 229, 259, 264 ; Matthew, 215, 219, 226. 232, 276. 279 ; Peter. 262 ; Richard, 34, 254, 258 ; Robert, 90, 232, 233, 263, 288, 289 ; Roger, 42 ; Sarah, 266 ; Thomas, 42. 117, 225, 228, 230, 231, 233, 235, 239, 242-244. 251, 254-256, 258, 259. 262. 264, 267, 272, 273, 276, 277, 279, 280, 289 ; Thomasine, 123, 134, 271 ; William, 44, 90, 109. 195, 230, 231, 236, 254. 266, 267, 270, 286, 290. Taylzar, Allison, 10 ; Christabel, 10 ; Elizabeth, 7 ; Katherine, 21. Tebals, Arthur, 75. Teasdale, Alice, 230, 243; Anne, 200, 261 ; Elizabeth, 263 ; Ellen, 18 ; Isabel, 38 ; Jane, 211 ; John, 20, 145, 148, 151 ; Kath erine, 20 ; Mary, 153, 258 ; Nicholas, 66 ; Richard, 21 ; Robert, 20, 145, 230, 238, 213 ; Stephen, 148, 170; Thomas, 261. Tempest, Anne, 172, 211 ; Bridget, 178, 282 ; Eleanor, 177 ; Eliz abeth, 223 ; Fitz-Herbert, 163, 248 ; Francis, 165, 248 ; Heath, 127 ; Henry, 79 ; Jane, 205 ; John, 127, 128, 205 ; Katherine Bridget, 161 ; Margaret, 169, 245 ; Richard, 128 ; Roland, 159 ; Thomas, 74, 163 ; William, 159, 161, 163. 165, 169, 172, 177, 178 ; Winifred, 190. Temple, Anne, 265 ; George, 265 ; Isabel, 26. Thacker, George, 285 ; John, 285. Thackeray, John, 289. Thirkell, Eleanor, 10 ; Margaret, 146. Thomlinson, Eleanor, 20 ; John, 24, Thompson, Alexander, 2, 3 ; Alice, 27, 58, 100, 107, 114, 115. 120, 144, 178, 233 ; Alleson, 2, 10 ; Andrew, 253 ; Anne, 2, 20, 27, 36, 45, 49, 59, 61, 71, 99, 101, 103, 105. 113, 126, 129, 134, 139, 155,157, 162-164,176, 178,182, 190, 200, 204-206, 218, 224, 225, 236, 251, 253, 258, 261, 264, 267, 270. 280, 282 ; Anthony, 30 ; Barbara, 36, 52. 66, 76, 99, 200, 208 ; Blanche, 53 ; Bridget, 21 ; Christopher, 10 ; Clement, 76, 81; Cuthbert. 28, 97, 100, 189, 259, 261, 262; Dorothy, 168; Eleanor, 24, 25. 27, 48, 53. 73, 152, 178. 252, 264 : Elizabeth, 3, 14, 25, 29, 35, 41, 48, 58. 59. 80, 87, 97, 116-118, 140, 141. 146, 154, 159, 172, 173, 176, 179, 183, 190, 210, 224, 240, 250, 271, 280, 287 ; Ellen, 25, 32 : Esther. 263; Francis, 32, 53, 54, 56-59, 63, 65. 69, 71, 74, 75, 149, 154, 160, 161, 164, 225 ; George, 27, 43. 74, 79, 82, 87, 88, 106, 116, 123, 128, 131, 140, 141. 143, 144, 146, 147, 149, 152, 158-161, 173, 176, 178, 186. 188, 194-196, 224, 230, 264, 280. 292 ; Hannah, 121, 264, 275, 287 ; Hugh, 38 ; Isabel, 21, 23, 26, 30, 31, 34, 44, 54, 59, 71, 75, 100, 212, 246, 266, 275 ; James, 107 ; Jane, 15, 22. 25, 31, 37, 40, 56, 57, 65, 91, 94, 137, 174, 198, 225, 233, 252, 2S5 ; Jennet, 8, 15, 22, 24, 25, 30 ; John, 21, 25, 28, 37, 38, 43. 48, 55, 57, 59, 68, 80, 99, 105, 108, 114, 119, 121, 122, 143, 156, 158, 161, 162, 165, 171, 181, 187, 188, 202, 207, 220, 235, 237. 253, 254, 260-263, 269, 287, 293 ; Joseph, 207. 221, 225, 266. 267, 283 ; Katherine, 74, 119, 128 ; Law rence, 41 ; Mabel, 220 ; Mar garet, 3, 4, 35, 40, 46. 60. 69. 75, 79, 111, 123, 125, 131, 149. 150, 161, 170, 172, 175, 178. 18o, 186, 206, 245, 246, 261, 266, 267, 270; Marmaduke, 105-1O9. 113, 116, 120, 123. 125, 126, 129, 130, 134, 137, 143, 144, 161 ; Martha. 194 ; Mary, 32, 82, 94, 124, 147, 107, 172, 182, 195, 220, 224, 248, 253, 271, 273, 278 ; Matthew, 40 ; Michael, IS, 248 : Muriel, 122 ; Nicholas, 14, 34, 45, 57, 107, 143, 144, 158, 178, 182, 187, 192 206, 209, 21(1, 214, 221, 230, ¦"'35, 237, 246, 258, 275, 276, 287 ; Percy, 34 ; Peter, 143 ; Ralph, 22, 34, 107, 200; Kiohard, 31, 166, 209 ; Robert, 10, 45, 55. 59, 63, 68, 74, 79, 97, 103, 114. 115, 117, 121, 122, 127, 133, 172, 175, 178, 180. 183, 188, 196.209, 212, 284, 287 ; Roger, 29, 57, 66 ; Samuel, 287, 292 ; Simon, 86 ; Susannah, 105, 210 ; Thomas, 1, 8, 20, 28, 31, 35, 36, 40, 63, 69, 107, 111, 115, 120, 121, 122, 134, 139, 143, 155, 163, 165, 173, 176, 178, 182, 185, 200, 204, 205, 208, 213, 224, 225, 229, 235. 236, 240, 246, 251, 258, 276, 290 ; Thomasine, 173, 225 ; William, 3, 25, 30, 32, 41. 54. 55, 105, 111, 113, 119, 123, 149, 174,175, 179, 182, 186, 189, 195, 198, 202, 207, 212, 221, 233, 252, 253, 254, 264 267, 279, 282 ; William Nicholas, 259 ; Winifred, 119; — - , 30. Thornton, Christopher, 234, 236, 252; Elizabeth, 214; Gilbert, 171; Hammond, 186, 188; Jane, 284 ; John, 188, 190, 216 ; Katherine, 163, 173 ; Margaret, 159,174,195; Mary, 168, 215; Reuben, 214, 216, 226, 227- Roger, 108, 163, 168, 171, 173' 174, 177, 178, 182, 186-188, 190, 192, 195, 196, 205, 207, 211, 214, 236; Thomas, 182, 187; William, 192, 195, 255. Thorobie, Elizabeth, 101; Thomas 101. Thorpe, Cuthbert, 22 ; Eliz abeth, 8, 136; George, 8; Isabel, 79; Joseph, 261 ; Margaret, 133; Thomas, 105 ; William, 79, 122. Thorsbie, Thomas, 93. Thursby, Jane, 155 ; Richard 155. Thurstan, Benjamin, 290 ; Grace, 290. Thwaites, Adam, 292 ; Edward, 289; Jane. 289, 292; Joseph, 289, 292 ; Moses, 292 ; Nicholas, 289. Tychicus, Elizabeth, 187 : 137. Tidyman, Anne, 249. Tilly, Anne, 144. Tindell, Bartholomew, 171 ; Eliz abeth, 5; John, 10, 164, 167, 171, 174, 180; Katherine, 167, 180 ; Kyrchyne, 5 ; Lucy, 27 ; Margaret, 287; Mary, 41 ; Tnomas, 17. Tinmouth, Anne, 145 ; Elizabeth, 92, 94, 157 ; George, 84, 87, 88, 92, 94, 108, 112, 125, 176; Isa bel, 84 ; Jane, 92, 94 ; John. 112, 118. 119, 145, 176 ; Nicho las, 87, 88; Richard, 118; Robert, 119. Tiplady, Anne, 276 ; Edward, 242, 244, 276, 279 ; Joan, 253 ; Mary, 253,276,281 ; William, 242, 244. Tittersea, Elizabeth, 261. Todd, Anne, 143, 150, 242 ; Chris topher, 222 ; Cicely, 151 ; Cuth bert, 277 ; Edward, 289 ; Elizabeth, 2, 222, 255, 268 ; Frances, 268 ; Isabel, 61 ; Jane, 175, 215, 272 ; John, 122, 140, 282 ; Katherine, 3 ; Margaret, 155 ; Margery, 138 ; Martha, 144 ; Ralph, 61 ; Robert, 108, 122, 138, 140, 144, 150, 151, 173 ; Thomas, 108, 150 ; Thomasine. 137 ; William, 17, 282. Toderyk, Isabel, 11. Toft, Anne, 25 ; Christopher, 25 ; Elizabeth, 22 ; Godfrey, 34 ; Kirchian, 100 ; Margaret. 23 ; Thomas, 31,, 86. Toket, Alexius, 259 ; Elizabeth, 27. Tone, Elizabeth, 8 ; Phoebe, 230, 231 ; Peter, 242 ; Ralph, 232 ; Thomas, 7, 230-232, 237, 242. Tonge, Anne, 177 ; Isabel, 117. Torye, Margaret, 37. Tout, Christopher, 230 ; Margaret, 230. Townson, Jemima, 115. Towers, Elizabeth, 172 : Ellen. 23; Thomas, 172. Towlert, Jane, 94 ; John, 94. Townend, Ambrose, 68; Margaret, 68. Townes, Ambrose, 61, 66, 85 ; Elizabeth, 21 ; Francis, 66 ; Gerard, 61 ; Jennet, 21, 54 ; John, 4 ; Margaret. 56 ; Thomas, 11. Trear, Anne. 231 ; Henry, 267 ; John, ?31, 234 ; Margaret, 254 ; Peter, 234, 254. Treneman, Mary. 233 ; Richard, 233. Trewhett, Thomas, 102. Trewthwaite, Isabel, 106. Triston, Dorothy. 105 ; Elizabeth, 105 ; James, 105 ; John, 105. Trolope, Elizabeth, 46 ; John, 42 ; Margaret, 52 ; Ralph, 42, 45, 46, 48, 52 ; Roger. 52, 76 ; Thomas, 45. Trotter. Bertram, 37 ; Bryan, 207 ; Eleanor, 193 ; Elizabeth, 118 ; Gilbert, 200 ; Isabel, 234 ; Jane, 176, 200 ; John, 37 ; Judith, 184, 187; Lancelot, 207 ; Leonard, 184, 187 ; Mary, 234 ; Ralph, 229 ; Richard, 129 ; Robert, 176. Troughhear, Isabel, 287 ; John, 287. Troulas, William. 190. Troupe, Anne, 178, 197 ; William, 178. Trughit, Alleson, 1, 5; John, 2, 3 ; Phyllis, 3 ; Richard, 1, 29 ; , 29. Trumbell, Thomas, 170. Tuch, Ralph, 125. Tunstall, Elizabeth, 64 : Mrs., 77 ; Thomas, 77. Turbee, William, 151. Turbut, Anne, 30 ; Eleanor, 142. Turner, Alice, 98 ; Alleson, 24 Anne, 14, 140, 180, 291 ; Brian, 257 ; Bridget, 123 ; Cuthbert 50, 97, 98 ; Doctor, 255 ; Dorothy, 121, 131 ; Eleanor, 126, 129 Elizabeth, 79, 93, 97, 124, 257 286 ; Frances, 144; George, 126 Isabel, 11. 54, 146, 158 ; James, 112, 264 ; Jane, 54 ; Jennet, 26 John, 23, 47, 54, 61, 93,116,173 272, 276, 277, 291; Katherine, 61 Margaret, 130, 139 ; Mary, 274 276, 290 ; Nicholas, 47 ; Richard 24, 33, 112, 115, 116, 119, 121 126. 129-131, 139, 140, 144, 146 155 ; Robert, 278, 282 ; Thomas, 11, 15, 115, 173, 271, 272, 274, 276, 278, 282, 286, 290 ; Walter, 119, 144 ; William, 79, 135. Turpine, Anne, 41, 57, 82, 205 ; Elizabeth, 10, 48 ; George, 82 ; Isabel, 50 ; Jane, 41, 83, 227 ; John, 41, 45,50, 53; Margaret, 8, 45, 71, 76 ; Nicholas, 8 ; Robert, 125; Roger, 119, 125; William, 76. Tutine, Alice, 32, 54, 62 ; Anne, 43, 63, 65 ; Elizabeth, 89 ; George, 8 ; Isabel, 34 ; Jane, 8, 10 ; John, 39 ; Margaret, 54 ; Mary, 288 ; Michael, 89, 93, 99 ; Ralph, 10 ; Robert, 10, 93 ; Thomas, 35, 62, 63 ; Ursula, 100 ; William, 8, 32, 39, 43, 65, 86. Tweddell, John, 19 ; William, 7. Twentyman, John, 193. Tybball, Mrs., 60. Tynlyne, Elizabeth, 13 ; William, 13. Tyrrye, James, 35 ; John, 32 ; Margaret, 31 ; Ralph, 31 ; Sybil, 34. Tyzack, Elizabeth, 153 ; Jonathan, 267, 268 ; Timothy, 153 ; William, 267, 268. U Ullocke, Mary, 124. Underwood, Dorothy, 60 ; Eliz abeth, 56 ; George, 70 ; Jane, 156 ; Jellian, 64 ; Lilian, 105 ; Margery, 54 ; Robert, 54, 56, 60, 64, 70, 83. Unthanke, Abigail, 185 ; Anthony, 18 ; Cuthbert, 30 ; Eleanor, 63, 65, 68 ; Elizabeth, 58, 67 ; John, 185 ; Robert, 33, 53, 58, 63, 65 ; Sarah, 199 ; Thomas Imprmis, 28. Urwen, John, 146 ; Muriel, 146 ; William, 146. Ushaw, Anne, 266 ; Henry, 80 ; Richard, 80. Usman, James, 256 ; Susanna, 256. Vane, Charlton, 162 ; Eleanor, 267 ; Elizabeth, 262, 263 ; George, 162, 263, 265, 267 ; Prudence, 165. Varle, Margaret, 44 ; Nicholas, 44. Vasey, Alice, 66 ; Anthony, 78, 119, 168 ; Christopher, 78, 82, 87 ; Eleanor, 119, 217 ; Eliz abeth, 264 ; Joan, 81 ; John, 48, 66, 67, 71, 74, 81 ; Katherine, 82, 225 ; Lucy, 289 ; Margaret, 81 ; Mary, 71, 74, 227 ; Michael, 48 ; Richard, 67, 289 ; Thomas, 87, 217, 227 ; William, 66. Vaughan, Elizabeth, 276 ; Wil- mote, 276. Veapon, Jane, 61. Vicars, Anne, 235 ; Christopher, 217, 220, 223, 226, 227, 230, 235, 240, 241, 244, 287, 288, 292; Isabel, 217 ; Jane, 240 ; John, 226 ; Mary, 220, 226, 250, 287, 292 ; Sarah, 200 ; William, 17, 200, 240, 244, 288. Vickers, Elizabeth, 188. Vince, Phyllis, 98. Vinsent, Isabel, 25 ; John, 93. Vint, Alice. 116 ; Anne, 116. Voack, Anne, 290 ; Solomon, 290. W Wabbe, Eleanor, 45. Waby, Elizabeth, 5. Waddington, Margaret, 238 ; Thomas, 238. Waderell, Alleson, 7 ; Thomas, 2. Wadforth, Margaret, 148. Waide, Jane, 104 ; Jennet, 8 ; Maud, 4 ; Robert, 9. Waiklinge, Jane, 100 ; Richard, 72, 100. Wainwright, Mrs., 265. Waister, Anne, 139. Waite, George, 193 ; Mary, 205 William, 205. Wake, Alleson, 13 ; John, 278, 287 Martha, 278, 287 ; Mary, 150 Nicholas, 150. Walker, Alice, 32, 48, 52, 112 Alleson, 4, 17; Anne, 16, 28, 56 139, 143, 184, 199, 204, 215, 218 220, 236, 257, 281 ; Anthony, 51 124 ; Eleanor, 21, 263, 290 Elizabeth, 3, 5, 116. 206, 207^ 216, 252, 255, 274 ; Ellen, 1, 30 Geoffrey, 41 ; George, 225, 228 232, 247, 252, 257, 262 : Gilbert. 3 ; Grace, 212, 258 ; Isabel, 41 50, 131, 136, 199, 231 ; Jacob 212, 218, 220, 233, 239, 241, 246 James, 19, 33 ; Jane, 27, 107 172, 231, 267, 283 ; Jennet, 21 46 ; John, 2, 17, 24, 27-29, 42 45, 49, 57. 66, 94, 119, 120, 124, 130, 138, 184, 186, 189, 194, 196 197, 199, 204, 206-208, 216-219 222, 233, 241, 247, 251, 273, 275 281 ; Margaret, 39, 40, 267, 274, 282 ; Margery, 120, 124 ; Mary 33, 107, 120, 124, 138, 153, 202, 239, 253, 265, 273 ; Matthew, 2l' 27, 46, 66; Michael, 239, 283 Muriel, 162 ; Peter, 120, 123 124, 127, 130, 132, 138, 139, 144 Ralph, 107, 125, 133, 134 Richard, 112; Richard Rown tree, 185 ; Robert, 27, 132 Roger, 39, 40, 42 ; Samuel, 131 133, 134, 138, 196, 197, 229, 231 Sisala, 162 ; Susan, 42, 119, 123, 124 ; Thomas, 30, 49, 51, 52, 56 194, 257; Thomasine, 123, 139 225, 262, 275 ; William, 1, 4, 45 189, 217, 219, 232. Walkington, Anne, 184, 225 Isabel, 174, 199; James, 177 Mary, 191, 193 ; Thomas, 174 177, 184, 191, 193. Wall, Alice, 31 ; Anne, 75, 76, 188 258 ; Charles, 220, 234, 239, 246! 248, 254, 255 ; Christopher, 188 195, 202, 238, 258, 277 ; Eleanor, 172, 186. 195, 218; Elizabeth, 17, 49, 195, 202, 223, 224, 289 ; Frances, 220, 234, 261 ; Francis, 255 ; George, 84 ; Isabel, 46, 62 ; Jane, 238 ; John, 9, 41, 62, 67, 71, 72, 75-77, 87, 97, 121, 176, 213 ; Joseph, 172, 173, 176, 182, 185, 186, 191, 195, 213, 218 ; Katherine, 4 ; Margaret, 40, 41, 191, 248 ; Margery, 67, 71 ; Mary, 65, 173, 176, 246 ; Ralph, 287 ; Robert, 24, 31, 77, 79, 121, 261 ; Sybil, 108 ; Thomas, 76, 79, 84, 91, 195. Waller, Anne, 154, 261 ; Gertrude, 111 ; John, 154 ; Joseph, 283 ; Thomas, 283. Wallis, Eleanor, 46 ; Lancelot, 46. Walshe, William, 15. Walters, John, 218 ; Thomas, 175. Walton, Alice, 66, 67 ; Anne, 146 ; Anthony, 290 ; Barbara, 273 ; Barnabas, 34 ; Brian, 144 ; Dorothy. 67, 68, 123, 165; Eleanor, 124, 162 ; Elizabeth, 54, 69, 96, 158, 164, 176, 216, 245; Ellen, 2; Frances, 135, 184; George, 48, 61, 66-69, 122-124, 127, 135, 140, 145, 155, 181 ; Isabel, 65, 237 ; James, 276, 281 ; Jane, 93, 120, 127, 140, 154, 175; Jellian. 51 ; Joan, 163 ; John, 157; Katherine, 17, 69, 164, 205 ; Lawrence, 65 ; Margaret, 71, 75, 139, 168, 210 ; Mary, 114, 150, 152, 156, 179, 181, 276, 290; Phyllis, 155, 188 ; Ralph, 158, 162, 175 ; Robert, 54, 68, 122, 150,152,154, 157, 175; Sarah, 189, 200 ; Thomas, 61, 66-69, 71, 75, 106, 108. 146, 163; William, 2, 251, 273, 276, 279, 285. Wande, Anne, 32 ; Rebecca, 39 ; Thomas, 39. Wane, Anne, 15, 19, 220 ; Bertram, 14 ; Christopher, 12, 33, 77, 80, 81 ; Cuthbert, 34, 80, 81, 83, 87, 92; Elizabeth, 33, 77, 83; Hugh, 16, 23 ; Isabel, 20; Jane, 14, 87; Jennet, 33 ; Robert, 35. Wanlesse, Anne, 220 ; Henry, 5 ; Margaret, 5 ; Thomas, 220. Ward, Alice, 115; Humphrey, 275, 281 ; John, 281; Katherine, 275, Letitia, 287 ; Margaret, 153 ; Mary, 155, 175 ; Ruth, 181 ; Thomas, 155. Wardell, Alice, 7 ; Anne, 290 ; Cicely, 1; Jennet, 2; John, 290; Robert, 1. Wardhowgh, Margaret, 34, 36 ; Richard, 36. Wardon, Isabel, 80. Waring, Anne, 241 ; Jane, 285 ; Richard, 241 ; William, 285. Warmouthe, Anne, 90 ; Thomas, 90. Warraner, Dorothy, 10. Wastdayle, Alice, 27 ; John, 27. Waterman, Robert, 265 ; William, 290. Waters, Adam, 197, 202, 208, 212 216, 221, 226, 231, 246, 251, 263 Elizabeth, 3, 231 ; Henry, 197 202; Isabel, 197, 226, 246; Jane, 263 ; John, 216, 221 ; Margaret 199, 202 ; Ralph, 212. Watkins, Grace, 70; Henry, 69 70, 77 ; Margaret, 69 ; William 260. Watson, Agnes, 8, 26, 28 ; Alice, 14, 29 ; Alleson, 10 ; Anne, 20, 32, 88, 261 ; Anthony, 11, 18, 19, 205, 207, 211, 212, 215, 245 285 ; Bertram, 19 ; Christopher, 5, 107, 111, 129, 144, 148-150, 158, 169, 170, 176, 243 ; Cuth bert, 7, 17, 260; Dorothy, 178 Eleanor, 6, 20, 170, 177; Eliz abeth, 4, 5, 7, 8, 13, 17, 19, 21 23, 25, 26, 30, 31, 36, 40, 48, 104, 170, 254 ; Ellen, 36 ; Frances 104, 181 ; Gawen, 25 ; George 15 ; Grace, 40 ; Hilda, 148 Isabel, 2, 20, 29, 37, 43, 66, 158. 165, 268; James, 29, 88, 104 124, 169, 210, 215, 268, 269, 273 276, 278, 279, 281, 287, 289 Jane, 28, 35, 175, 205, 211 ; Jen net, 5, 21, 26 ; John, 1, 2, 4. 5 11, 13, 19-22, 24-26, 30-32, 40, 66, 68, 200, 206, 270 ; Joseph 267, 279 ; Julian, 28 ; Kathe rine, 111; Mabel, 34 ; Margaret 18, 25, 26, 28, 31, 33, 140, 144, 148, 150, 207, 213, 215, 276 Margery, 61 ; Marion, 4, 20 Mary, 149, 178, 180, 200, 212, 215, 269, 271, 279; Mrs., 25 Nicholas, 18 ; Peter, 20; Ralph 104,129,178, 180; Richard, 2 13, 16, 73 ; Robert, 29, 31, 206 Roger, 57 ; SimoD, 23, 28, 31 Susan, 107 ; Thomas, 8-10, 15 24, 28, 36, 276, 278 ; Walter, 26 William, 18, 85, 86, 124, 181 210, 256, 260. Watts, Elizabeth, 105, 278, 289 George, 288 ; John, 278. Wattyng, Christabel, 10; Maud, 7 9. Waugh, Jane, 253, 258 ; John 248 ; Thomas, 248. 253, 258. Wavilee, George, 53 ; William 53. Wawton, Elizabeth, 1 ; Isabel, 4 Jennet, 1, 2 ; Katherine, 4 Margaret, 11 ; William, 6. Wayl, John, 9 ; Margery, 9. Wayneman, George, 26 ; Roger 26. Weames, Anne, 91, 116, 130, 184 Eleanor, 155, 171, 205, 227. 269 Elizabeth, 99, 127 ; Frances 223, 262, 263 ; George, 120 John, 99, 108, 133, 134 ; Mar garet, 116, 178 ; Mary, 112, 118 121, 162 ; Ralph, 137 ; Thomas 26, 90, 91, 112, 116, 118, 120 121, 123, 125, 130, 133, 134, 137, 153, 154, 171, 178, 223, 227, 260, 263 ; Thomasine, 90, 91 William, 123, 125. Wears, Mary, 181, 184 ; Thomas, 181, 184. Webster, Barbara, 153 ; Mary, 263; Robert, 153, 159. Wedefyld, Margery, 15 ; , 7. Wedell, John, 168 : Robert, 206 ; William, 206. Wedowes, Edmund, 55 ; Ralph, 55. Weeb, Sarah, 116 ; William, 116. Wegan, Elizabeth, 46. Welbanke, Margaret, 205. Welburn, Bridget, 250 ; Thomas, 250. Welldrope, Barbara, 119 ; George, 119 ; Joan, 119. Wellford, Jane, 268 ; Mary, 132. Welsh, Anne, 111 ; Dorothy, 123 ; Elizabeth, 230 ; Isabel, 189 ; Jane, 95 ; John, 230 ; Margaret, 135 ; Robert, 111, 123. 127, 135 ; Thomas, 230. Welwett, Alleson, 2. Weneman, Dame, 26 ; George, 26 ; Roger, 26, 27 ; Roland, 26 ; Thomas, 26, 27. West, Margaret, 23, 33 ; Richard, 23, 26. Westhorpe, Edward, 117 ; Isabel, 117. Westmoreland, Anne, 282 ; Anthony, 106 ; Isabel, 106. Westrop, Charles, 254 ; David, 254; Dealtera, 218. West wood, Alice, 23. Wetherby, James, 245 ; John, 245. Wetherall, Anne, 225, 253 ; George, 225, 231, 232. 252 ; Grace, 140, 293; James, 260; John, 140 ; Thomas, 293. Wetherington, Katherine, 66 ; William, 66. Whaley, James, 78 ; Thomas, 78. Wharton, Elizabeth, 106 ; Jane, 205 ; Mary, 251. 288 ; Richard, 106 ; Thomas^ 251, 288 ; William, 288. Wheatly, Alice, 14 ; Anne, 10, 13, 27, 40, 44, 79, 80, 122. 275, 284 ; Dorothy, 245, 282 ; Eleanor, 84, 123, 152; Elizabeth, 5, 37, 45, 72, 74, 102, 117, 136, 150, 152, 231, 271 ; Frances, 184, 288 ; Gerard, 184 ; Henry, 148, 244 ; Isabel, 9, 276 ; Jacob, 117 ; Jane, 38, 43, 44, 70 ; John, 9, 25, 41, 72, 74, 79, 84, 87, 92, 102, 121, 122, 136. 143, 153, 202, 229, 271, 273, 276,280, 283, 288,291; Mar garet, 47, 50, 255, 263, 280 ; Michael, 16, 37, 38, 40, 41, 44, 47, 48, 50 ; Miriam, 283, 288 ; Percival, 245 ; Robert, 10, 40 ; Sarah, 176 ; Simon, 216, 275, 284 ; Thomas, 206, 219, 275 ; Widow, 42 ; William, 5, 40, 43- 45, 92, 143, 148, 150, 152, 176, 198, 202, 206, 216, 219, 244, 255; , 222, 224. Whedrill, Anne, 258 ; Francis, 258. Wheeler, Anne, 265 ; George, 218, 245 ; John, 265. Wheldon, Jellian, 51 ; Leonard, 56 ; Rennold, 51 ; Robert, 56. Whettam, Anne, 44. 54 ; George, 21. Whissoms, Mary, 172. Whiston, Elizabeth, 210. White, Alice, 98 ; Andrew, 175 177, 184, 193; Anne, 38, 49 133, 141, 181, 203, 207, 278 Dorothy, 167 ; Eleanor, 51, 153 Elizabeth, 9, 31, 34, 49, 52, 56 57, 89, 91, 139, 147, 150, 183 228, 270, 282 ; George, 37, 116 133 ; Gilbert, 42 ; Grace, 255 272 ; Hannah, 184, 240 ; Isabel 7, 26, 144, 235, 253, 255, 257 James. 228, 266 ; Jane, 33, 42 55, 73, 199, 229, 262, 264, 265 Jennet, 21 ; John, 19, 26. 52 139, 141, 145, 147, 148, 151, 164 195, 212, 214, 221, 228, 232 234, 235, 244. 249, 258, 268, 281 285, 286, 287 ; Jonathan, 192. 255, 258, 262, 269, 272, 276, 277, 278, 280 ; Katherine, 214, 268 ; Margaret, 3, 86, 91, 100 108, 132, 145, 148, 212, 230, 234 241, 262, 263, 278, 279, 286, 288 293 ; Mary, 21, 23, 101, 102, 203 212, 232, 234, 245, 257, 259, 273 274 ; Matthew, 39 ; Michael, 34 Myles. 26, 34, 50, 78 ; Nicholas, 42, 86, 89, 91, 93, 96, 98-102, 109 Philip, 38, 39, 42, 49, 73, 80. 93 96 ; Ralph, 139 ; Richard, 23 177, 178, 184, 192, 203, 230, 232 235, 239, 241, 243, 245, 250, 255 260, 262, 277, 284 ; Robert, 54 96, 99, 232, 234, 235, 239, 259 262-267, 271, 273, 274. 278, 279 282, 287 ; Thomas, 37', 39, 42, 99, 132, 184, 239, 243, 244, 249 253, 254, 257, 262, 263, 267, 270, 274, 278, 285 ; Widow. 41 William, 54, 85, 94, 175, 203 213, 229, 233, 293. Whiteheade, Jennet, 6 ; John, 6 133 ; Margaret, 78, 133. Whitfield, Alice, 26. 198, 202 Alleson, 2, 19 ; Anne, 9, 45, 48 141, 180, 258 ; Barbara, 42, 165 Dorothy, 42 ; Elizabeth, 18, 42 93, 149, 212, 217, 228, 233, 240 293 ; Emma, 1 : Francis, 54 90, 218 ; George, 58 ; Hugh, 20 51 ; Isabel, 56, 65, 68, 135 ; James, 276 ; Jane, 42, 84, 133 148. 200, 222, 272, 287 ; Jennet, 2 ; John, 19, 22. 25, 42. 137. 138 141, 157, 200, 202, 218, 287, 293 Katherine, 149 ; Margaret, 39 54, 140, 157, 167, 194, 200, 295 Margery, 42, 54, 154 ; Mary, 141 173, 192, 230, 276, 293 ; Matthew 25, 287 ; Mrs., 66, 71, 114 Muriel, 98 ; Nicholas, 221, 233 Peter, 149, 154, 157, 158, 164-166 168, 173, 179, 180, 182, 183, 186, 187 ; Ralph, 167, 168 ; Richard 42, 45, 47, 48, 51, 54, 58, 73, 93 98, 103, 109, 114 ; Robert, 5, 39, 145, 186, 187, 198, 203, 212, 217 228. 230, 234, 235, 239, 243 ; Roger, 179 ; Sybil, 2 ; Thomas, 54, 164, 165 ; Thomasine, 54 ; Utrick, 149 ; Widow, 32 ; William, 56, 63, 84, 133, 137, 138, 140, 141, 145, 148, 157, 163, 182, 183, 222, 229, 239. Whittingham, Mary, 203, 215, 217 ; William, 203, 215. Whitton, Mary, 228. Whorlton, Jane, 166. Whyttlake, Elizabeth, 25. Wickliffe, Jane, 187. Widdiefield. Frances, 185 ; John, 185 ; Robert, 187. Widdison, Alice, 123 ; Anthony, 120, 123, 127 ; Jane, 185 ; Mary, 155 ; Michael, 127 ; Richard, 155, 156, 185 ; Sarah, 120. Widdrington, Eleanor, 211 ; Eliza beth, 76 ; Mary, 70 ; Robert, 277 ; William, 70, 76. Wilburne, Anne, 164. Wilkin, George, 287. Wilkinson, Alice, 67, 135, 146, 149, 173, 245 ; Alleson, 4 ; Andrew! 138 ; Anne, 15, 35, 73, 77, 140! 153, 181, 188, 205, 261, 266 Anthony, 266 ; Bertram, 20 Bridget, 174 ; Cecila, 66 ; Chris topher, 183; Clement, 124 Daniel, 246; Edward, 84 Eleanor, 84, 85; Elizabeth, 3, 16, 18, 20, 74, 75, 87, 98, 117! 141, 192, 217, 223, 236, 238, 240, 241, 272 ; Ellen, 3 ; Frances 226 ; George, 67, 70, 74-76, 78, 79, 84, 85, 89, 95, 98, 157, 176, 222 ; Helen, 241 ; Henry, 77, 79, 81, 82, 84, 87, 92, 104, 153 Isabel, 79, 95, 266 ; James, 220, 256, 260, 261, 266 ; Jane, 70, 104, 142, 227 ; Jennet, 1, 4, 23 Joan, 263 ; John, 14, 20, 92, 139 187, 199, 207, 215, 222, 239, 246 265 ; Judith, 89 ; Lawrence, 73 Margaret, 12, 16, 22-24, 70, 136, 187, 246 ; Margery, 64, 79 Mary, .79, 212, 256: Ralph, 79 185, 215 ; Richard, 216, 221 223, 226; Robert, 3, 9, 12, 15 22, 64, 199, 272; Thomas, 12 24, 82, 141, 142, 146, 149, 188, 207, 216, 233, 241 ; William, 16 79, 81, 82, 94, 192. Willan, Alice, 17, 155 ; Jane, 169 John, 155, 160, 167, 169 ; Mary, 160, 206 ; Matthew, 167. Willey, Elizabeth, 284, 293 ; Jane 11, 16 ; John, 11, 284, 287, 293 Margaret, 24. Williamson, Alice, 97, 104 ; Anne, 67, 87, 89, 101 ; Anthony, 49 55, 56, 63, 70, 71 ; Christopher 80 ; Cuthbert, 42, 77, 80 Eleanor, 53 ; Elizabeth, 35, 63 71, 97, 129, 192 ; Frances, 146 Francis, 70, 126, 129, 138, 180 George, 139, 141, 146, 149, 197 Isabel, 138, 160, 269, 270 ; Jane 58, 65, 99, 202 ; John, 63, 160, Katherine, 139, 227 ; Lucy, 289 Margaret, 74, 77, 82-84, 86 Mary, 88, 141, 149 ; Robert, 98 126, 160, 202, 246 ; Thomas, 49 55, 56, 63, 65, 67, 71, 72, 74, 77 79, 80, 84, 86, 87, 89, 99, 107, 116. 133; Thomasine, 92, 142 176 ; William, 133, 269, 270. Willis, Elizabeth, 290. Willoughbye, Margaret, 107. Wills, Margaret, 227 ; Ursula, 167 Wilson, Alexander, 7 ; Alice, 288 Alleson, 31 ; Anne, 18, 24, 29 88, 172, 179, 283; Anthony, 08 Barbara, 280, 28 i, 289; Bridget. 282; Christian, 257, 258 Christopher, 59, 253 ; Edward 62, 151, 200, 260 ; Elizabeth, 18 68, 92, 253. 281, 290 ; Ellen, 7 Frances, 62, 234, 255 ; George. 5, 6, 21, 131, 132, 140, 155, 182 215, 224, 280, 281, 284, 288 Henry, 28, 271, 278, 283, 289, 292 ; Isabel, 242 ; Jane, 2. 17 32, 90, 95, 260 ; Jennet, 3, 8 14 ; Jeptha, 253 ; Joanna, 216 John, 32, 123, 174, 179, 180, 184 193, 198, 204, 210, 213, 215, 222, 246, 255, 271, 289 ; Judith, 198, 239, 257, 258 ; Katherine, 6, 96 Margaret, 3, 8, 66. 68, 75, 82, 8£ 146, 147, 202, 222, 253, 278, 292 Mark, 179, 204, 286 ; Mary 174, 179, 193, 209, 215, 253 271, 273, 280; Matthew, 28 Michael, 88, 211, 213, 290 ; Mrs, 59; Richard, 82, 84, 86, 88, 90, 92, 96, 104, 193, 211, 282 Robert, 3. 94, 283, 284 ; Roger 31 ; Stephen, 288 ; Thomas, 17, 18, 24, 84, 86, 132, 178, 182, 191, 195, 210, 242, 285, 286, 288 Thomasine, 131, 178, 224, 271 288 ; Widow, 2 ; William, 68, 95, 97, 172, 253, 280, 285, 2 292 : — , 59. Wiadle, Edward, 3 ; Mary, 293. Winter, Anne, 285, 286; Benedict, 275 ; Charles, 272 ; Cuthbert, 270, 279, 287, 289; Edward, 292 ; Elizabeth, 210, 217, 272 ; Jane, 289 ; John, 273, 275, 288 ; Mal- ley, 6 ; Margaret, 42 ; Mary, 270 ; Nicholas, 210, 277 ; Thomas, 210, 217, 237, 277, 285, 286, 288, 291, 292. Winship, Faith, 246. Wiseman, Thomas, 258. Witham, Anthony, 18, 157, 163, 211 ; Elizabeth, 18, 163 ; Henry, 186; Isabel, 172, 227; Jane, 279 ; Lawrence, 186, 187 ; Mar garet, 1 57, 187 ; Thomas, 273, 279. Witherington, Jane, 21 ; Mary, 116 ; Roger, 21 ; Roland, 121 ; William, 155. Withriss, George, 115; Isabel, 115. Withrop, Robert, 265. Wolfe, Christopher, 79; Elizabeth, 75, 229 ; Fredement, 87, 89 ; Jane, 92, 163 ; Margaret, 31 ; Richard, 31 ; William, 75, 79, 82, 87, 89, 92. Wood, Alice, 134, 181, 223, 242 ; Anne, 61, 63, 126, 129, 170, 233, 243, 249, 289 ; Clement, 207, 209, 217 ; Cuthbert, 244 ; Doro thy, 260, 271 ; Eleanor, 140, 147, 174, 266, 277. 290 ; Eliz abeth. 132, 146, 226, 231, 232, 240, 244 ; Frances, 221, 249, 278 ; George, 194, 196, 207. 212, 221, 226, 231, 242, 243, 249, 253, 282, 284 ; Helen, 248 ; Henry, 63, US, 139, 155 ; Isabel, ; Jane, 155, 194, 282 ; John, 61, 63, 67, 68, 70, 75, 110, 126, 127, 129, 132, 134, 137, 139, 140, 146, 147, 152, 158, 164, 170, 171, 192. 193, 196, 233 ; Joseph, 220, 223, 228, 232, 274; Margaret, 168, 205, 213, 225 ; Mary, 158, 235, 236, 256; Nicholas, 70, 125, 127, 131, 205, 207, 209; Rebecca, 147; Richard, 67, 68, 155 ; Robert, 168, 228, 235, 253, 257 ; Susan, 75, 118, 150. 241 ; Thomas, 150, 152, 190, 233, 241, 248, 255 ; William, 213, 228, 233, 234, 236, 240, 242-244, 247, 253. Woodend, Elizabeth, 42, 49. Woodhouse, Margaret, 112 ; Wil liam, 118. Woodifield, Anne. 255, 259 ; Elizabeth, 261,' 262, 270; George, 244 ; Isabel, 242, 247, 248, 259; Jane, 199, 204, 242 ; John, 204, 207, 262; John son, 291 ; Matthew, 207, 242, 244, 247, 248. 251, 256, 259, 261, 262, 267, 270, 288 ; Phcebe, 293 : Robert, 255, 256, 259, 262 ; Thomas, 267 ; William, 207. Woodmasse, Isabel, 62. Woodworth, Mary, 276. Woolsham, Mary, 210. Worrne, John, 12. Wormley, Mary, 166. Worster, Elizabeth, 210 : Thomas, 210. Worthy, Anne, 190; Dorothy, 159. Worton, Roger, 4. Wrangham, Elizabeth, 68; George, 249, 253, 254 ; Thomas, 254. Wray, Alice, 33 ; Elizabeth, 288 ; George, 36, 288 ; Leonard, 32 ; Margaret, 35, 36 ; Mrs., 193. Wrenn, Elizabeth, 133 ; Lyndley, 69. Wright, Alice, 48, 71, 72, 109 ; Alleson, 11 ; Anne, 32, 82, 84, 99,136, 156, 162; Arthur, 47; Christopher, 7, 31, 78 ; Cicely, 164, 169 ; Cuthbert, 12, 27 ; Dorothy, 73, 250 ; Edward, 37 ; Eleanor, 38, 78 ; Elizabeth, 9, 13, 15, 20, 79, 90, 104 ; George, 28, 73, 76, 82, 90, 162, 227 ; Grace, 151 ; Henry, 288; Isabel, 6, 16, 26. 35, 37. 97, 99, 106 ; Jane, 36, 47, 138, 227, 276; Jen net, 7 ; John, 4, 5, 76, 94, 100, 151, 164, 197; Katherine, 13, 23, 90, 139; Lancelot, 67, 71, 79; Margaret, 46, 53, 71, 75, 203, 268 ; Margery, 35 ; Mary, 92, 203, 288 ; Mrs., 75 ; Peter, 65, 94, 102; Ralph, 79; Richard, 22, 35, 65, 283 ; Roger, 4, 5 ; Robert, 16, 73,79, 97; Roland, 32 ; Thomas, 5, 15, 16, 28, 38, 53, 60, 64, 71, 72, 92, 96, 100 ; Toby, 90; Widow, 38 ; William, 7. 35, 67, 75, 84, 90. Wybar, Anne, 203 ; Elizabeth, 206 ; Frances, 210 ; Margaret, 198, 204; Richard, 194, 198, 203, 204, 206, 210. Wybridge, Anne, 270 ; Bridget, 226, 231 ; Frances. 263, 266 ; John, 221, 270; Richard, 221, 226, 231, 262, 266. Wyburn, Margery, 216 ; Richard, 216. Wygham, Elizabeth, 14, 28 ; John, 28 ; Martin, 14 ; Oswen, 35. Wylde, Anne, 121 : Christopher, 118, 121; Dorothy, 118; John, 131 ; Marmaduke, 121 ; Richard, 121. Wylfet, Thomas, 22. Wyndifar, John, 7. Wynshop, Thomas, 4. Yates, Sarah, 120. Ylye, Katherine, 35 ; William, 35. Toll, Jennet, 16 ; Margaret, 2, 14. Youick, Jane. 272. Young, Alice, 62, 133, 191, 195, 228, 234, 255 ; Anne, 29, 30, 73, 83, 145, 146, 149, 181, 191, 195, 217, 230, 232, 233, 237, 238, 244, 266, 285, 291 ; Anthony, 100 ; Barbara, ; Barnabas, 135, 136 ; Dorothy, 272 ; Elizabeth, 64, 83, 140, 154, 223, 240, 268, 270, 287 ; Frances, 153 ; George, 64, 83, 84 ; Grace, 228, 273 ; Henry, 62, 153 ; Isabel, 39, 100, 232, 275, 280 ; James, 54, 240, 243 ; Jane, 32, 64, 73, 146, 192, 232, 262, 287 ; John, 35, 100, 105, 138, 153, 161, 179, 181, 184, 203, 217, 228, 235-237, 239, 241, 242, 247, 251-254, 265, 285 ; Katherine, 150, 223, 239, 280, 287 : Margaret, 27, 47, 50, 100, 141, 203, 220, 244, 252, 258, 291 ; Mary, HI, 191, 220, 228, 236, 242, 243, 249, 255, 257, 278, 290 ; Matthew, 254 ; Nicholas, 62 ; Peter, 84 ; Philip, 270, 278 ; Ralph, 73, 88 ; Richard, 251, 253 ; Robert, 27, 29, 47, 50, 62, 104, 133, 135, 136, 138, 141, 143, 145, 146, 150. 154, 161, 168, 170, 178, 184, 191, 220, 223, 228, 232, 237, 240, 243, 244, 249, 252, 254, 255, 257, 258, 267, 291 ; Ruth, 263 ; Thomas, 24, 39, 72. 83, 104, 143, 179, 184, 195, 203, 223, 228, 235, 241 ; William, 203, 232, 234, 238, 249, 252, 258, 262, 266, 272. Younger, Alleson, ' 17 ; Anne, 26, 70, 117 ; Cuthbert, 26, 28; Edward, 96 ; Eleanor, 75, 280 ; Elizabeth, 18, 21 ; Engrum, 18 ; George, 73, 109 ; Hugh, 33, 106; Isabel, 1, 8 ; Jane, 73, 122 ; John, 36, 46 ; Joseph, 106 ; Katherine, 98, 117 ; Myles, 25 ; Nicholas, 46 ; Richard, 102 ; Robert, 17, 70, 73, 75-77, 105, 106, HI ; Simon, 28 ; Thomas, 1, 73, 76, 77, 96, 98. 102, 104, 106, 117, 140. THOS. CALDCLEDGH, PRfNTER. DURHAM. §^ tyhn^ilx Ihyjistirs or THE ai[ish of §M. Dstcdi'is, (fl^t, IN THE COUNTY PALATINE OF DURHAM. N.B. — The first few pages of the Register are printed in extenso, but it has not been considered necessary to repeat throughout the words " were married," " was christened," &c. Any change of style, however, will be noticed, and any interesting or curious entry wiU be given in full. 1538. Y" first year that Begisters began, 30 Hen. 8, appointed by T. Crowell, then Vicar General.* Elizabeyth Clarke was chrystynett ye xiiii day of October. John Hubhok was chrystynet y* xxih day of October. Thomas Hyrst was chrystynet ye xxvm day of October. Wyllm Mawsforth was chrystynett xxix day Nowember. Wheddynges in the for sayd yere. Xpofer Dawson and Thomysen Eobyson war weddyd ye xix of January. Wyllm "Wawker & Ellyng Boyth war weddyd ye xiiii day of January. Thomas Tongher & Essybell Tonger war weddyd ye xxvi day of J[anuary]. Thomas Mallyper & Maryon Haddok war weddyd y" xxvii day of January. Wyllm Eycherdson & Gelyan Prodyd war weddyd ye xxvn day of January. John Koke & Elsebeyth Wawton war whedded ye mi day of May" John Taylyer & Jennet Dand war weddyd ye mi day of May. John Lawson & Chonstans Shaffto war weddyd y6 xi day of May. Antony Pattyson & Margery Gosten war weddyd ye xv day of June. Wyllm Sheperd & Jennett Gargell war weddyd ¦ y8 xv day of June. Bycherd Trowghet & Allyson Trowghet war whedyd ye xxn day of June. John Lowson & Jennet Brass war weddyd ye ti day of July. Robert Bargett & Katryng Taylyer war weddyd y" xx day of July. • In the writing of Bev. Thomas Bud, Vicar, 1711—1725. John Heyght & Jennet Nycolson war wedded ye xx day of July. Bobert Eycherdson & Emmott Wytf eyd war weddyd ye xxiiii of August. Wyllm Appellby & Crystybell Selbey war whedded ye xxvm day of September. Mychaell Staward , & Margarett Braydwod war weddyd ye xi day of Nowember. Buryalles frome ye fyrst day of December in An" Dn1 1538 unto ye same day in ye next ye foloyng. Dec. 9. Malde Ledell was buryd ye ix day of December. jj 21. Annes Lee. JJ 26. Margayt Stokell. Jan. 8. Jennett Wawton. »> 9. Wyllm Ayer. Feb. 7. Margayt Janyge. March 16. Annes Doughyng. jj 21. Eobert Wardell. April. 19. Ceciley Wardell. May 5. Esseb. Staward. jj 6. John Nowton. » )• 9. John Archer. jj 10. Jennet Sowll. jj 24. Jenett Person. JJ 24. Gylberd Sowll. June. 25. John Watson. u 26. Margayt Patryk. Aug. 2. Isbell Elwode. »j 8. Jennet Gray. >) 24. Wyllm Marlyman. Oct. 1. Jennet Mawtyll. jj 4. Esbell Gerbye. ») 25. Thomas Tomson. Nov. 29. James Poster. Dec. 4. Jennett Wylkynson. (afterwards erased.) CHBISTENINGS, MAEETAGES, AND BUEIALS. CHEYSTYNYNGES. OHEYSTYNENGES. 1539. Dec. 13. Anne Gray. Feb. 10. John Wawker. „ 12. Elsebeth Payse. March 2. John Bychardson. „ 8. John Trowghth. April 2. Elsebeth Gren. „ 6. Katryng Huchyson. „ 7. Jennet Wardell. „ 10. Anne Holme. „ 13. Katryng Maltby. May 17. John Patryk. „ 24. Wyllm Browne. June 12. Margaytt Burdon. „ 14. Annes Harcher. „ 15. Georg Gren. WHEDDYNGES. 1539. Jan. 18. John Smith & Annes Tomson. » 20. Thomas Foster & Elizabeth Eaw- kett, April 11. John ELwode & Jennett Lawson. „ 11. Thomas Heddon & Ally son Welwett May 30. John Hakforth & Elsebeth Carre. „ 30. Thomas Seham & Allyson Whyt- feyd. July 4. Eobert Maltby & Elsebeth Jeneyg. Nov. 7. Henry Fayrhallers & Essebell Watson. BUEYALLES. 1539. Jan. 31. John Ledell. Feb. 5. Wyllm Mansforth. „ 27. Janett Forde. „ 28. John Bowter. March 6. Jenett Hakforth. April 28. Georg Gren. May 8. Henry Cromye. „ 25. Elleys. June 8. John Huston. July 13. Emmott Myller. „ 18. Katryng Maltby. » 28. Jennett Whedefeyld. Aug. 10. Whedo Wyllson. ' Oct. 21. John Lawes. » 22. Wyllm Broune. » 23. Jennt Swalwell. „ 27. Xpofer Hardyng. Nov. 3. Wyllm Claxton. 7- Jennet Koke. 8. Annes Heryson. » 30. Thomas Bowter. 1540. Feb. 6. 8. March 18. April 8. June 5. Aug. Sept. JJ Oct. Nov. 3.1. 23. 16. 17. 18. 20.22. 6. 26. 1540. Jan. 22. Feb. 7. May 9. „ 16. June 20. July 18. Sept. 25. Oct. 30. Nov. 3. „ 13. „ 20. ., 21. 1540. Feb. 3. „ io. ., 20. » 21. „ 22. „ 23. March 1. „ 25. April 6. „ 25. „ 28. May 11. „ 12. » 18- » W. „ 24. June 4. July 20. Margayt Yoll. Elsebeth Smyth. Chutbert Gent. Eycherd Watson. Annes Marley. Elsebeth Heslope. Anthony Chater. Elsebeth Eykerdson. Jane Skorro. John" Harcher. Chrystybell Gayll. Eoger Forde & Eoberd Forde. Maryon Hardyng. Elsebeth Kyngson. Jennet Wawton. WEDDYNGES. Edward Fyscher & Elsebeth Tode. Bartram Bell & Elsebeth Marchell. Thomas Sanderson & Annes. Edward Swalwell&ElsebethLedell. John Lee & Sebell Whitfeyld. John Clark & Margayt Jakson. John Elwode & Katryng Lowrye. Alysand Hyrdmam & Annes Marly. Bycherd Gamsbey& Jennet Coltmaw Wyllm Walton & Ellyng Cowper. Allysander Thomson & Allyson Mansforth. John Skott & Jennet Marley. BUEYALLES. Elsebeth Huchyson. Annes Swalwell. Margayt Clark. Essebell Bell. Thomas Conhyngam. Gylbert Huchyson. Sir John Watson, prest. Thomas Flokhet. Allyson Gren. Margaytt Garnett. Thomas Waderell. Jennet Cowper. John Watson ('prist' inserted after wards.) John Pattyson. Jane Wylson. Thomas Bowlles. Bobert Eykardson. Jennett Dawton. CHEISTENLNGS, MAEBIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 1540. Sept. 27. Nov. 18. » 20. >, 21. ,. 28. 1541. Jan. 23 Fed. 12 March 3, „ 21, May 24 JuneJuly Bycherd Eshyke. Margayt Whit. John Grenwell. Maryon Hardyng. Annes Mellerbye. CHEYSTYNES. Oct.Nov. 8.1. 8. 26.28. 29. 31. 14.26. 7. 1541. Jan. 24. June 9. „ 12. ,. 18. Nov. 28. 1541. Jan. 2. „ 18. ., 23. „ 24. „ 25. March 10. » iy-22. 3. 9. 17. 6. 19. » 23. June 14. „ 16. » 25. 30. 22. April May John Skot. Bycherd Dawson. Jennet Stawerd. Fylice Trowghett. Elsebeyth Tomson. Stevne Mallyper. Katryng Pace. Jennet Chylton. John Swawdell. Elsebeth Lawes. John Hudson. Edward Wyndell. Catryng Hyndmers. Elsebeth Bekerdson. Wyllm Solett. WEDDYNGES. Conand Barton & Felice Eawkett. Bobert Wyllson & Margayt Mvse Gelbert Wawker & Elsebeth Water. John Clarke & Jane Mansforth. Thomas Galland & Jennet Layng. BUEYALLES. Aug. Wyllm Gray. Annes Brune. Wyllm Eobyson. John Trowghett. Jennet Wylson. John Stokell. Wyllm Tomson. Ellyng Baxter. Ffelice Trowgthett. Margayt Thomson. Jenett Skorro. Margaytt Ellyson. Annes Nowsam. John Dobby. Eoger Brune. Margayt Eawkett. Bawffe Gray. Annes Symson. Katryng Pace. „ 24. Bycherd Eobyson. „ 28. Elsebeth Wylkynson. Oct. 21. Chrystybell Gayll. Nov. 13. John Koke. „ 16. Allyson Archer. ,, 17. John Kyngson. „ 19. Eoberd Burgesse. „ 24. John Chater. „ 25. John Gren. CHBYSTENYNGES. 1542. Jan. 12. Eoberd Hakforth. >j 14. John Eomfoyth. >» 15. Elsebeth Pattyson. j» 20. Thomas Borton. Feb. 16. Wyllm Huchyson. JJ 28. Margayt Maltby. March 7. Jennet Stobert. jj 9. Elsebeth Herryson. jj 10. Wyllm Lee. May 23. John Clarke. jj 30. Elsebeth Shepertson. Sept. 2. Maryon Hardyndg. Oct. 13. Wyllm Skorro. JJ 14. Jenne Pace. )) 21. Annes Ledejl. Nov. 17. John Eobyson. WEDDYNGES. lK4/> -1 'J jT Jan. 14. Thomas Barton & Barbary Lassells. ji 18. Wyllm. Skorro & Jenett Foster. May 27. Adam Hudsmawgth & Margayt Lame. June 10. John Pate & Esbell Baynbrek. jj 12. Nicholas Nelson & Anne Bayd- wode. Aug. 5. Bycherd Gruthed & Jenett Dycky- son Nov. 16. Eoberd Wylkynson & Ellyn Ledell. >> TKA. 26. John Bowter & Elsebeth Coke. BUEYALLES. Jan. 18. Allyson Ellyson. „ 27. Sir George Crake, prest. Feb. 10. Elsebeth Monkester. „ 18. Wyllm. Huchyson. March 9. James Bosse. „ 31. Eoberd Brake. April 1. Bobert Stewnson. „ 2. Xpofer Eobyson. „ 29. Jennet Skorro. May 3. Alyxsander Tomson. „ 8. Katryng Tade. Aug. 10. Katryne Stott. CHEISTENINGS, MAEBIAGES, AND BUEIALS. Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. 25. 3. 4. 27. 16.18.16. 24. 25. 1543. Jan. 1. 4. 9. „ 26. „ 27. Feb. 11. March 12. April 13. May 6. June 9. „ 18. „ 22. „ 23. 9.2. Thomas Tedcastell. Annes Hudson. Annes Baw. Grace Kyplyng. Jennet Pace. Annes Genyng. Margayt Leythfont. John Bedlye. Wyllm Person. CHEYSTENYNGES. July Aug. Sept. 17. „ 18. Oct. 14. Nov. 2. „ 21. 1543. June 28. Nov. 23. „ 23. 1543. Jan. 10. „ 81. Feb. 12. „ 20. April 26. May 12. » 12- „ 14. „ 18. June 9. „ 21. ,, 27. Boger Worton. How Chater. Gylbert Dawson. Elsebeth Ayer. Xpofer Baw. Margayt Hudson. John Archer. Boger Lechman. Marryon Nelson. Wyllm Knyghton. Jennett Cheplay. Xpofer Huchyson. Edward Holme. Elsebeth Lasselles. Boger Wryght was buryd* Jane Pace. Thomas Wynshop. Wyllm Stawnard. Xpofer Clarkson. Katryng Wawton. WEDDYNGES. Wyllm Solett & Elsebeth Erm- strong. John Cowtmaw & Annes Hawwert. John Awde & Katryng Walle. BUBEYALLES. Nicolays Cragges. Jannett Burges. John Gren. John Bedlye. Margayt Maltby. Elsebeth Pace. Jane Jamson. Eicherd Spense. Wyllm Jenyng. Issebell Emerson. Henry Fawdon. John Lame. " Doubtless a Blip of the transcriber. 1543. June 29. July 21. jj 22. >> 23. Aug. 10. JJ 22. Sept. 8. Oct. 12. JJ 13. JJ 15. JJ 18. JJ 20. Nov. 21. jj 22. jj 22. jj 24. jj 27. jj 28. jj 29. jj 30. 1544. Dec. 18. JJ 26. JJ 29. Feb. 12. April 2. >> 15. MayJune JJ July Aug. JJ Oct. jj Nov. 27. 28. 6. 3. 13. 3. 23. 24. 3. 28. 7. 11. 2. 18. 20. 27. Mawde Wayd. Wyllm Symson. Annes Stokell. John Hakforth. Elsebeth Masforth. Eawff Selbey. Bartram Benkall. Jennet Sheplay. Eoland Sheplay. Maryon Watson. Bobert Ford. Elsebeth Hall. Isbell Wawton. Isbell Gren. Ceselly Stot. John Eobyson. Christibell Tedcastell. Margayt Kyngson. Elsebeth Gybson. Anne Shawdforth. [CHEISTENINGS.] Connand Eawchester. Anne Heslop. Thomas Grene. Eoger Fyscher. John Solett. Nicholays Mallyper. Anne Chater. Edward Noman. John Carre. Annes Heryson. Annes Lowson. Bobert Solett. Elsebeth Brune. Elsebeth Lame. Susane Lasselles. Wyllm Lechmaw. Eoger Eomfeth ('prist' inserted). Thomas Lee. Boger Monkester. John Wreght. Elsebeth Stober. John Towns. WEDDYNGES. 1544. Jan. jj April June July 27. 30.26. 2. 7. 14. 6. John Lawys & Jenett Ledell. Eobert Aton & Anne Buhner. Xpofer Awde & Jenett Wylkynson. John Watson & Elsebeth Megson. Wyllm Wawker & Allyson Wyl kynson. Wyllm Spens & Margaret Thomson Howe Forde & Mawde Care. CHEISTENINGS, MAEBIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 1544. Sept. 28. Oct. Nov. 23. 1. 1544. Jan. 4. „ 17. „ 24. „ 27. March 18. „ 21. „ 23. April 1. ,. 2. „ 15. June 28. Aug. 27. Sept. 20. .. 26. Eycherd Laynge & Elsebeth Hak forth. John Sheperson & Elsebeth Blunte. Bycherd Solbye & Annes Lamber. BUEYALLES. Oct. ' !> Nov. 6. 9. 11. 12. 20. 21. 28. 3. 16.18. 23. 1545. Jan. 16. Feb. 24. March 15. „ 20. April 16. June 27. July 9. Sept. 20. Oct. 4. Nov. 8. „ 15. ., 20. Jennet Sheperson. Margaret Huhetson. Thomas Gedlyng. Bryget Salwen. Jennet Eobyson. John Clarke. George Wylson. Annes Stokden. Jennet Maltby. Bycherd Barker. Adam Heddon. Susane Lasselles. Annes Heryson. Anne Chater. Mawde Fame. John Gren. John Lawys. Issebell Baynbryke. Henry Heslope. John Elwod. Jenett Eobyson. Annes Marchell. Annes Symson. Margaret Hardyng. Allyson Eaw. CHEYSTYNYNGES. Christofer Fayrhallers. Matho Hawmon. Christofer Watson. Fylyce Sheper. George Hardyng. Jennet Heryson. John Laynge. Chrystofer Greyn. Christofer Chater. Jennett Lawes. Elsebeth Nelson. Jenet Hemerson. WEDDYNGES. 1545. Jan. 26. John Watson & Jenet Baynbryg. June 25. Wyllm Whetly & Elsebeyth Wat son. July 18. Antony Fuster & Elsebeth Eanald- son. Aug. 12. Wyllm Stot and Allyson Olyuer. 1545. Sept.Oct.Nov. 8. 7. 7. 14. Eycher Mawsforth & Kyrchyne Tyndell. Wyllm Brone & Elsebeth Wawker. James Cragges & Allyson Person. John Tedcastell & Allyson Hemer- 21. Bobert Shawdforth & Annes Eaw. Jan. 1545. Dec. 2. „ 10. „ 22. „ 26. „ 29. 1. 3. 10.11. 15. 20.27.17*29.29. 30. 31. 4. 5. 10. 11. Feb. Feb. 17. „ 19. „ 20. „ 21. March 26. „ 27. ,, 28. April 12. July Sept. Oct.Nov. 13. 2. 8. 10. 20. 23. 4. 8. BUEBYALLES. Annes Marllye. Thomas Swadell. John Bomforth. Esbell Bomforth. Boger Wryght. Elsebeth Gren. Bobert Sheperson. Ffylece Cromye. Mallye Dande. Bycherd Heslope. Jennett Bedlye. Bobert Whytfeyld. Mally Bedlye. Annes Bedly. John Dande. Jennet Dande. Thomas Wryght. John Sheperson. Elsebeth Wabye. Jennet Heslope. Boger Mvnghester. Thomas Annes Pylgram. Margait Bamshaw. An ties Curro. Elselsebth Waby. Thomas Barnett. John Mantyll. Allyson Trowghet. Henry Wandles. Margaret Wandlese. George Bowlles. Annes Bikerdson. Malde Person. Allyson Cromye. John Eobyson. Elsebeth Tendell. John Wryght. CHEYSTNYNGES. 1546. Jan. 29. Feb. 3. 6. March 13. April — June 27. Christophefer Huchyson. Annes Huchyson. Xpofer Eycherdson. Ledell. Bomfoth. Jennet Bikerdson. 6 CHEISTENINGS, MAEBIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 1546. Aug. 30. Sept. 4. „ 28. ,, 29. Jennet Lee. Lowson. Swawdell. Sollett. WEDDYNGES. 1546. Jan. 23. Eoland Mellerbe & Jennet Haton. May 8. Wyllm Dand & Hellyner Marlyman. 154( Jan. 4. Allyson Person. tf 17. Esbell Nesse. March 28. Thomas Holme. June 2. Allyson Hunter. July 12. Thomas Nesse. Aug. 7. Xpofer Mawsforth. JJ 20. Bobert Smyth. JJ 16* Allyson Pattyson. Sept. 28. Ellyng Baw. Oct. 30. 7. Esbell Baw. CHEISTENYNGES. 154 Nov. 11. Martane Lame, ?? 14. Jennet Pace. » 21. Esbell Bowtflor. jj 23. Wyllm Fysher. Dec. 1. Chutbert Mellerbye. JJ 2. Wyllm Bartys. Jan. 5. Bobert Fayrhalles. jj 26. Bobert Hyrdmaw. Feb. 12. Margait Lambert. March 1. Thomas Hyrdmaw. tj 20. Betteresse Sharp. jj 24. (Elyner) Watson (the dowter of Jhone Watson). The words within brackets inserted in a later hand. April 4. John Denom. » 6. Jenett Pattyson. 99 16. Margatt Chylton. May 4. Elsebeyth Stawerd, j> 12. Margarett Chatter. 3) 15. Jennett ('Horner' inserted later.) JJ 16. John Nelson. JJ 20. Bycherd Bargett. June 20. Thomas Cottes. jj 30. Ellener Mallyper. Nov. 10. Anne Dawson. WHEDDYNGES. 1547. Nov. 20. John Whythed & Jennet Smyth; „ 22. Edward Swalwell & Annes More; „ 23. Thomas Samson & Malley Wynter. Jan. 15. John Bryce and Elsebeth Allonson. „ 23. Thomas Galland and Allyson Ship- lay. April 22. George Wylson and Katryng Bed- hed. May 27. John Denomf & Margarett Nycol- son. June 24. Eycherd Bowtflowre & Margayt Grenswerd. 2. Bicher Eaw & Ellsebeyth Gren. 15. Lvonell Mvbray & Agnes Shorth- feld. 6. Thomas Brune & Isbell Wryght. 3.§ John Stoberd & Elsebeth Taylyer* 11. GeorgeHardyng & Annes Symson* 18. John Hakforth &ElsebythGybson* 17. Eoger Boyth & Grace Baylya* 25. James Brune & Esebeyth Paxtane* * These 5 entries afterwards erased. July Nov. BUEYALLES. Dec. Jan. 1547. Nov. 22. „ 25. 1. 9. 9. 9. Feb. 17. March 22. April 1. 9- „ 20. 9. 28. 29 July 24." June Oct. * Sio. 12. 28. 1548. Nov. 4. „ 20. Jennet Barbon. Ellyng Sollet. John Tedcastell. Elsebeth Care. Wyllm Wawton. Eobert Dawson. John Maltby. Edward Care. Fylece Barton. Jane Pace. George Nicolson. Chrystophore Brone. Allyson Boyth. John Layng. Elsebeyth Bowyth, Thomas Hyndmers, Allyson Helryngton, CHEISTYNYGES. Dec.Jan. Feb. Elsebeyth Maltby. Margarett Solett. Anne Dawson. Elsebeth Gren. George Hoghson. Allyson Herryson. Eobert Eawkett. 7§ 10. 6. 8. 21, 3. Eobert Ffulthrop, f Apparently subsequently altered to*' Dentt/" 8 Bi Burstyll. jj 24. Xpofer Leddayll. JJ 6. Hycfiarde Dyxson & Elssebeth jj 25. Margerret Solat. Crowmey. Aug. 11. 21. Xpofer Wane & EUssebeth Hubhoke. Bayttorres Dyckeson. John Hawde. CEYSTYNYNGES. Sept. 21. 1561. Oct. 28. Margerret Syme. Jan. 26. Jane Dynnyng. JJ 29. John Eobbeyson. Feb. 7. Amonte Jhonson. Dec. 5. Xpofer Skuffer. JJ 17. John Dyckeson. JJ 17. John Comehyng. 156° BUEEYALLES. March 2. John Taylfere. Hellenar (' Jane ' erased) Selbey. j» XX. Feb. 25. Ane Bawcket. 13. John Kyrkley. March 18. John Hawckforth. jj 20. Elssebeth Maynsforth. „ XVIIII.' * Annes Gall. • Sic. jj 22. Wyllm Glower. CHEISTENINGS, MAEBIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 13 1561. April 20. 23. May j* June » Aug. Sept. Nov. 9. 22. 8. 19. 9.9. 3. 23. Dec. 10. 1561. Jan. 81. March 6. » 22. 22. 8.9. 8. 9. „ 22. „ 23. Aug. 6. Sept. 10. ,, 27. George Ayr. Elssebeth Baytmayson. Hellen Mallerbey. Elssebeth Home. Walter Hynemers. Alleson Wakes. Eycharde Watson. Wyllm Lambert. John Gall. Edwarde Eston & Eycharde Daw son. John Slaytter. BUEYALLES. April jj May Oct. Nov. Dec. Anthony Payee. Jennet Pereson. Lyonnell Emerson. Margerret Pereson. Wyllm Glower. Hellener Hussho. John Meborne. Gennet Mellerbey. Gennet Potter. Eobert Beke. Eoger Dawson. John Eobbeyson. Caterryne Bande. John Mychchyll. Margere Solat. Thomas Maltbey. Alleson Mellerbey. EUssebeth Stott. Xrebell Dyckeson. Wyllm Hucheson. Cesselly Home. Margerret Marley & John Bawcket. WADYNGES. 1561. Jan. 26. Wyllm Tynlyne & EUssebeth Shaykefyld. April 27. John Watson & Elssebeth Hyrst. „ 28. John Herreson & Jane Marsshell. June 5. Thomas Craw & Haylles Graye. July 6. Thomas Blenkesop & Ann as Swaldayll. „ 8. George Swenborne & Annes Bay- kebayns. Sept. 21. Eobert Beyd & Ellennar Clarkson. „ 28. John Pygge & Annes Chylton. Oct. 12. Chutbert Heysshyk & Alleson Browen. „ 28. Wyllm Herreson & Kateryne Wryght. Nov. 9. John Craym & Elssebeth Harden. Dec. 2. Emonte Greve& Alleson Kenlasyd. 29. 20. 6. 14. 15. 30. 8. 21. 29. 1562. Jan. 10. Feb. 8. March 28. April 24. May 16. June 13. jj 24. Aug. 9. JJ 21. Sept. 4. JJ 12. Oct. 19. ,, ixxx.* jj 30. Nov. 8. JJ 15. Dec. 6. Jan. 3. jj 9. >j 25. Feb. 14. JJ 25. March 12. )J 12. Jan. 17. jj 20. April 11. jj 28. June 5. jj 6. jj 9. ji 25. jj 28. July 11. Oct. 24. JJ 31. Nov. 16. 19. 20. 11. 16.17.18. 19.12. „ 13. March 22. Dec. Feb. CEYSTYNYNGES. Chutbert Leddell. John Watson. John Johnson. John Euytter. Edwarde Selbey. Wyllm Bryce. John Foster. Annes Heyshyk. Annes Ayre. Chutbert Archer. Xpofer Grene. Elssebeth Maynsforth. John Pereson. Jane Greve & Jane Stobbert. Elssebeth Maynsforth. Chutbert Kyrkley. Annes Home. Kateryne Kay. Elssebeth Wryght. Elssebeth Marshell. Bartrum Lawes. Matho Lame. Elssebeth Gray. Chutbert Eaw. BUEYALLES. Edwarde Eston. Jennet Cragges. Eobert Shawdforth. Wyllm Browen. Gennet Skurrow. Margerret Sollet. Boger Kay. Hellene Meborne. Edward Browen. John Chylton. John Hyrst. John Pereson. John Fosser. John Becardson. Herrey Murton. John Eawkket. Annes Dawcke. Issebell Bell. Annes Weytley. Issebell Eaw. Wyllm Farmer. Annes Home. Elssebeth Burne. (N.B.— It will be observed that the months ol January. February and March occur twice i n this year. Henceforth each year commences 25th March. * Sic. (29?) 14 CHEISTENINGS, MAEBIAGES, AND BUEIALS. WADDYNGES. 1562. Jan. 18. April jj Nov. 25. 25. 8. 15. 22.22. 24. 1563. April 12. „ 17- 25. 1. 8.3.3. 18.18. 1.7. „ 21. „ 30. Sept. 11. Oct. May jj July JJ JJ JJ Aug. Nov. jj Dec. jj.j Jan. Feb. 10. 17. 17.12. 28. 5. 12. 16. 6. 10. 2. 28. George Euytter & Margerret Browen. Eobert Hubhoke & Annes Turner. Peter Pattyson & Issebell Stobbert. John Sheperson & Jennet Pereson. Patreac Steydman & Annes Hayd- wone. James Necoll & Elssebeth Smyth. Matho Hyrste & Margerret Hyrde- man. John Baynebrege & Sysselly Beke- worth.CEISTININGES. Ailles Bouth. Elssebeth Paneton. Elssebeth Taylfere. Marget Bobbeyson. Wyllm Browen. George Dyckeyson. Thomas Hawde. Xpofer Becheson. EUssebeth Maltbey. John Ash well. Marget Euytter. Annes Slaytter, infant. John Skurthfyld, infant. Annes Baw, infant. Bobert Solat. Bartrum Wane & Jane Wane. EUssebeth Herreson. Ailles Watson. Edwarde Stobbert. George Herreson. Annes Steydman. Ailles Pyge. John Stokkell. Jennet Home. Margerey Ayr. Chutbert Taydcastyll. WADDYNGES. 1563. April 25. Eobert Browen & Annes Shawde- forth. May 2. Wyllm Sander & Elssebeth Fayrhallers. „ 9. Martyne Wyggam & Elssebeth Gybson. Sept. 14. John Chelton& Gennet Hucheyson. „ 26. John Ferrey & Annes Elwoode. 1563. Oct. Nov. jj Jan. 30.21. 23. 30. May 1563. March 26. AprU 8. „ 25. „ 28. „ 29. 9. 14. '„ 23. June 24. July 11. „ 14. „ 26. 19. 21. Sept. 18. Oct. 7. „ 12. „ 22. Aug. Oct. 24. Nov. 1. jj 5. Dec. 20. Jan. 20. Feb. 28. March 5. „ io. ,, 12. „ 14. „ 21. 1564. May 3. 6. „ 20. „ 20. June 22. July 23. 1. 22. Aug. 19. „ 23. Sept. 2. „ 20. „ 24. Necholes Thomsson & EUssebeth Pereson. John Bell & Alleson Armeryr. John Smyth & Marget YoU. Wyllm Dawcke & Genet Chamber. Eycharde Flate & Jane Peacoke. BUEYALLES. Annes Browen. Gerret Salven. T&jcharde Grene. Matho Hewetson. Annes Bedycke. Elssebeth Panyton, infant. Gennet Denynge. John Stott, infant. Xpofer Dawson. Ane Barber. Elssebeth Graye, infant. John Dayveson, infant. Bobert Atkeson. WyUm Browen, infant. Chutbert Baw, infant. Thomas Hawde. infante. Gennet Welson, agede. Aleceas Choplyng & Choplyng. Jane Wane, infant. Bartrum Wane, infant. Alleson Cooke, aged. Ailles Pyge, infant. Ailles Watson. Annes Aryneton. Chutbert TaidcastyU. § Marget Cooke. § XrebeU Pereson. § George Herreson. § Bobert Huchyson. § Afterwards erased. CEESTININGES. John Catheryne Bouth. Marget Foster. IssebeU Chaitter. Eobert Brellerbey. Bartruwz Smyth. Thomas Euytter. Ailles Wheytley. John Welkyson. Annes Eawe. Eoger Leddayll. John Bell. EUssebeth Chilton. EUssebeth Selbey. CHEISTENINGS, MAEBIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 15 1564. Oct. 1. j> 7. 11 7. ji 14. ii 28. Dec. 20. JJ 26. JJ 28. Feb. 18. JJ 19. JJ 3* ?> 24. JJ 24. Marct 6. jj 17. jj 24. EUene Dawson. Annes Paneton. Margerey Hyrste. Issebell Baytmason. John Maynsforth. Grace ('Annes' erased) Johnson. John Lame. Annes Sheperson. Wyllm Duckett. Alleson Maynsforth. George Gray. Thomas Kyrkley. Baitterres Gryce. Jane Stott. John Herreson & WyUm Herreson. John Shakele. WADYNGES. 1564. May 7. Andro Pearson & EUssebeth Eoddam. June 4. Bobert Welkeyson & Annes Cokesson. July 9. HenreyHawdone&IssebellSparke. Sept. 24. George Hucheson & Fyllese Suer- teis. Nov. 12. Thomas Awstyne & Jennet Thomsson. 1564. March 26 „ 30 April 7 „ 15 „ 17 May 19. » 26. JuneJuly BUEYALLES. Sept. Oct. 1. 8. 30. 8. 3. Nov. 6. 9. 9. „ 14. „ 28. Dec. 27. Jan.Feb. 13. 1. 5. 5. 12. 23. 25. March 6. Alleson Pereson, aged. Alleson Bairde, aged. John NechoU, infant. Thomas Turner, aged. Margerey Wedefyld, aged. George Watson, aged. EUssebeth Swalwell, aged. Eobert Pereson, aged. John Syme, aged. John Payee, aged. Issebell Payee. Issebell Frend. Elssebeth Wryght. Thomas Samson, aged. Annes Paneton, infant. EUyne Skurthfyld, aget. Bawffe Bechyson. Elssebeth Bawcket. Maudlande Dawson. Thomas Euytter. Wyllm Walshe. Jennet Morland. John Taidcastyll. Margerey Eechyson. Ailles Eawckyt. Gylbert Huntter. * Sic, interlined, and in a later hand apparently. CEISTENINGES. 1565. March 27. April 1. „ 22. May 26. June 20. July 21. Aug. 22. Sept. 1. Oct. 6. Nov. 10. „ 17. Dec. 20. „ 21. ,, 21. 28. 6. 6. 17. 26.24. „ 27. March 11. „ 20. Jan. Feb. 1565. July 1. Dec. 1565. April 18. May 5. „ 17. „ 22. „ 28. 6. 14. 20.20.24. 27.27. 22.29. 2. 10. 12. June jjjj July jj Aug. Sept. JJ Oct. Nov. Annes Wane. Thomas Anderson. Alleson Gall. Thomas Watson. Anthony Hyndmers. Bartruwz Grene. Xpofer Skepper. Annes Crame. Jane Huchyson. Xpofer Bell. Thomas Joblynge Euytter. Anthone Marsshell. Xpofer Home. Annes Taylfer. Edwarde Archer. Jennet Ayre. HeUene Ayre. WyUm Slaitter. Thomas Wright. Grayce Paneyton. John Lambert. Hughe Frende. Hughe Bowhoke. WADDYNGES. & Jennet Eobert Boock ('Boothoke' erased) & Issebell Eaw. Eycharde Morlande & IssebeU Dexson. Jonn Ayre & Jennet Dowesyt. BUEIALLES. John Dyckyson. Wyllm Stobbert. Annes Bea. John Smyth. Whedo Smyth. Jennet Shawdforth. Chutbert Dynnynge. Issebell Hucheson. John Ferrey. Jane Thomesson. Issebell Johnson. John Maynsforth. WyUm Herreson. Elssebeth GayUes. Edwarde Hyrdeman. Annes Pyge. Jennet Lawes. 16 CHEISTENINGS, MAEBIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 1565. Dec. 3. „ 24. „ 26. 30. 6. 11. 13. 12. „ 29. March 20. jj Jan. Feb. Alleson ('Issebell' erased) Ayre. Eycharde Watson. Anthony Marsshell. George Dyckyson. Issebell Ayre. Annes JoUey. EUene Ayre. Wyllm Welkyson. Thomas Potter. Marget Emerson. CEISTENINGES. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. 1566. March 20. „ 27. April 6. „ 27. May 18. June 22. July 24. „ 27. Aug. 10. Sept. 20. „ 21. „ 29. 5. 20. 31. 2.3. 9. 24.16. 6. 7. 7. „ 26. Feb. 22. March 20. 1566. April 28. May 6. June 16. „ 16. Oct. 20. Nov. 17. „ 24. Jan. 19. HugheBoocke ('Bowhoke' erased) § Chutbert Eechyson. Elssebeth Smyth. Symonte Hesshyke. Katyryng Blankynson. EUene Euitter. Bicherd Morlande. John Grene. Thomas Pygge. Henrey Dawson. Elssebeth Kyrkley. Myghell Wheitley. EUene Sheperson. Anthoney Crostbey. Jennet Sollat. Annes Walker. Bettryce Byers. Annes Foster. Chutbert Kay. EUene Pearson. Anne Leddayll. Ellynge Maynsforth. Jane Taidcastyll. John Steidman. Eoger Swenburne. Thomas Hall. WADYNGES. BUEIALLES. Hugh Forde & Jane Wylley. John Swyneburne & IssebeU Bouth. Bobert Wrigh t & IssebeU Bowhoke. Martyne Baitmason & Annes Emerson. Thomas GalheUey & Elssebeth Frende. Bobert Sollet & Jennet Shotton. Eycharde] Maysforth & Marget Baw. Matho Hawmont & EUssebeth Chutbert. § See last christening of previous year. 1566. March 25. April 4. 8. 9. „ 20. „ 21. 22. 3. 6. 9. 20. 9. 30.17 * „ ixxx.* Sept. 10. „ 23. May July Aug. Oct. jj Nov. Dec.Feb. 11.21. 1. 8. 26. 21. 1. 22. 23. 1567. March 25. „ 30. June 5. 7. 3. 17. 3. 9. 16. 6. 6. 6.4. 5. 7. 2. „ 30. Dec. 25. „ 27. 17. 28. 29. 8. 14. 14. July JJ Aug. JJ Sept. JJ JJ Oct. :j jj Nov. Jan. Feb. Annes Bawcket, infante. Jennet Chilton, aged. Elssebeth Dande, aged. EUssebeth Wylkyson, aged. Marget Hallewell, aged. Elssebeth Maltbey, aged. Jennet Yoll, aged. Wyllm Lame, aged. Eobert Swane, aged. Elssebeth Sander, aged. Huye Frende, infante. Thomas Wryght, infant. Gregory Gayle, aged. Chrystien Mansefurthe, aged. Symont Eshyke, infant. Grayce Dobson, aged. WyUm Sollet, aged. Marget Atkyson, aged. Anthoney Crosbey, infante. Elssebeth Gaylles, infante. Alleson Huchyson, aged. John Herreson, infante. John Lambert, infante. John Maltbey, infante. Eycharde Parkker, aged. EUene Johnson, aged. CEISTENINGES. George Gryce. Eychard Skurthfylde. EUssebeth Bawcket. Xpofer Burlay. Marget Welkyson. Hugh Johnson. Jarret Sollat. Marget Jackson. Margat Selbey. Xpofer Baytmason. Chutbert Sollat. Margery Herreson. Wyllm Dobson. Katren Sander. Hughe Maynsforth. Ane Ayr. Marget Hawmont. Bobert Dynnyng. An Hyrst. Thomas Home. John Huthworth. Margery Crame. Thomas Smith. Wyllm Baytmason. Hugh Wane. * Sio. CHEISTENINGS, MAEBIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 17" 1567. Feb. 22. „ 22. „ 28. March 3. „ 8. » 13. „ 18. „ 19. „ 24. 1567. April 20. „ 20. June 22. July 1. „ 6. Sept. 21. Dec. 7. 1567. March 26. „ 26. April 5. „ 14. „ 16. May 12. .. 29. 4. 11.15. 18.19. June July 23. Aug. 21. Oct.Nov. 1.6. i, 7. „ 18. Jan. 9. Feb. 14. „ 20. „ 27. March 7. „ 12. 1568. March 28. April 10. April 15. James Kyrkle. Wyllm GaU. Jarret Bell. Cathryne Eaw. Eobert Skepper. Elssebeth Steydman. Chutbert Dawson. Eobert Swaldayll. John Panyton. WHADDYNGES. Eobert Yownger & AUeson Herre son. Eawffe Emerson & Issebell Choplynge. John BeU & Jennet Hyve. Hugh Frend & Elssebeth Watson. Eoger Fyssher & Jennet Stobbert. John Harpper & Elssebeth Wall. John Pyge & Marget Goodknap. BUEYALLES. Jennet Emerson, aged. WyUm Yicars, aged. Elssebeth Maynsforth, aged, John Steidman, infante. Thomas Archer, aged. 'Rjchard Anderson, infante. Elssebeth Ayr, aged. Chutbert Watson, aged. IssebeU Chayttor, infante. Marget Newssame, aged. Elssebeth Eaw, aged. Chutbert Eechyson & Dawson, infantes. Bowlande Symson, aged. MyeUes Ley, aged. Eobert Maltbey, agede. Anthony Gybson, aged. EUssebeth Bawcket, infante. Ane Ayr. Sir Wyllm Tode, prest, aged Thomas Tyndayll, aged. Xpofer Euytter, aged. Elssebeth Steawenson. Xpofer Huchyson. Marget Blaykeston. CEISTENINGES. Henrey May 15. „ 15. » 30. June 12. July 11. „ 24. „ 25. Aug. 24. Sept. 14. „ 24. „ 25. Oct. 27. „ 28. Nov. 20. » 21. Dec. 24. Feb. 23. „ 26. March 5. 1568. May 16 JulyAug. Oct. 18. 1. 10. 24. Nov.Jan. 25. 24. 23. Elssebeth Gray. Marget Emerson. Hugh Lambert. Elssebeth Lowson. Chutbert Anderson. Eobert Euytter. John Fyssher. John Carnaybey. Xpofer Burro. Xpofer Hucheson. Chubert Grene. Susan Ayr. Elssebeth Gray. Catheryng Taylfere. Hughe Frend. Aylles Solet. John Sheperson. Thomas Hessyke. Catheryne Maynsforth. WEDDYNGES. Annes Choplynge. Edwarde Bowhocke. Chutbert Langstafe. 1568. March 31. April 7. „ 26. 6.* 30. 18. 23. 16.26. 5. 12. 6. 13. „ 16. March 9. „ 20. „ 23. 1569. March 27. April 2. June Sept. JJ Oct. Nov. jj Dec. Feb. Henry Jackson^ & Annes Gybson. George Burro & Elssebeth MaUeper John Walker & AUeson Meborne. Necholes Ayr & IssebeU Foster. Hjcharde Huchyson & Cattyrynge Walton. Gawyne Payrker & IssebeU TaUentyers. Thomas Malert&IssebellEockesbey Xpofer Mydforth & IssebeU Gybson BUEYALLES. EUynner Salven, aged. Jennet Maltbe, aged. John Walker, infante. Marget Selbey, infante. Elssebeth Huchyson, aged. John Crame, aged. Annes Necholson, aged. Edwarde Sollat, aged. Elssebeth Mvnkkester, infant. Elssebeth Helbyke. Alleson Clarke, aged. John Lame, aged. Marget Pyge, aged. Hughe Frend, infant. Jane Wylson, aged. Thomas Wylson, aged. Aylles Sollat, infant. CHEISTENINGES. Hycharde Mallert. Marget Eaw. * Sic. 18 CHEISTENINGS, MAEBIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 1569. May 4. „ 5. „ 12. June EUene Tesdell. UjcTiarde Taydcastyll. John Kyrkley. Samson Ayr. Ane Foster. Jennet Leddell. Marey Cottes. Chutbert Car. Ane Skurthfylde. AnthonieWatson&WyUmWatson. Custyse Burlay. Hughe Sander. N.B no baptisms between July 80th & Decemb. 25th almost 5 months. There seems to be a neglect. § July Dec. Jan. AprilMarch 18. „ 19. 28. 14. 16.30. 25. 8.9. 1569 Mav 8. 15. 15. June Aug. 7. Jan. 30. 30. April May 1569. March 28. „ 28. 28. 9. 22.23. 23.24. 1. 22. „ 28. „ 28. ,, 29. „ 30. „ 31. June 14. „ 24.26. 8. 9. 20. 3. 23. Aug. Sept. WEDDYNGES. Wyllm Hall & Jane Braydley. Necholes Watson & Marget Olyver. Hughe Shayfylde & IssebeU Barget. Eycharde Hudson & EUssebeth Knyghton. Engrum Yonger (' Hudesson ' erased) & EUssebeth Lame. John Smyth & Elssebeth Hyrdman. WyUm Eychyson & Annes Wylson. BUEEALLES. Elssebeth Sawer, aged. John Pereson. aged. Annes Lambert, aged. Jennet Hoidghson, aged. Annes Laws, aged. Henrey Bobbeyson, aged. Elssebeth Gryce, aged. Issebell HaU, aged. Bobert Kylman, aged. Thomas Wylson, aged. Annes Beck, aged. Edwarde Stobbert, infant. Willm Fylpe, aged. Emit Gryce, aged. Essebell Munkkester, aged. Marget Eaw, infante. Nycholes Ayr, aged. Bobert Smyth, aged. Jane Mvnkkester, aged. Malde Smyth, aged. Emonte Greve, aged. Annes Gray, aged. Eycharde Hardyng, aged. 5 In writing of Bev. Thomas Bud. 1569. Oct. 18. JJ 22. JJ 29. Nov. 6. jj 10. jj 11. Dec. 17. jj 19. jj 22. Jan. 1. jj 3. jj 4. jj 6. jj 7. >j 11. Feb. 25. 1570. March 28. June 4. July 30. Aug. 6. Sept. 29. JJ 30. Oct. 8. Nov. 25. Dec. 16. JJ 25. Jan. 1. jj 5. » 15. jj 17. Feb. 7. JJ 8. JJ 23. George Hardyng, aged. Jennes Kyrkley, infante. Ane Foster, infannte. Anthoney Sollat, aged. Mary Cottes, infant. Marget Bycardeson, aged. • Elssebeth W(?)chyson, infant. Issebell Blyghe, aged. Hjcharde Gren, aged. Jennet Armeryr, aged. Jennet Huchyson, aged. John Byers, Thorn as Johnson, John Dyckyson, Thomas Stobert, Engrum Yonger, aged. Elssebeth Scharroton, aged. Elssebeth Grene, aged. Susane Salvyng, infante. Xpofer Huchynson, aget. CHEISTENINGES. Ane SwaddeU. Edwarde Almont. Xpofer Frende. Bawffe Emerson. Myghell Thomson. Eobert Mytton. Anthonye Ynthanke. SybbeU Euyttor. Xpofer Boocke. John Duchborne. Wyllm Maynsforth. Elssebeth Gayll. Wyllm Selbey. Joone Anderson & Annes Pereson. John Baw. Sybell Browen. Marget Taylfer. None from March 28 to June 4— above 2 months (note by Mr. Bud). marta rutftiintuss. March 15. Edwarde Maynsforth. WADDYNGES. 1570. May 21. Ny choles Gryce [&] AnnesMydleton June 6. Anthonye Wytham & Elssebeth Baynbrygge. 25. Wyllm Fyssher & Elssebeth Barget. July 9. Necholes Eltryngjome & Jane Payee. Sept. 10. Thomas Wylson & Elssebeth Wheitfylde. „ 24. George Huchyson & AyUes Chutbert. CHEISTENINGS, MAEBIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 19 1570. Nov. 12. Jan. 21. John Mowbray & Marget Carter. John Swalwell & Annes Earle. BUEIALLES. 1570. April 2. Gylbert Grene, aged. jj 17. Marget Gren, aged. May 20. John Watson, infante. it 27. John Taylfer, aged. June 6. Anthonye Watson, infante. >j 29. Sir Necholes Bornope, prest, aged July 5. Bawffe Clarke, aged. Aug. 22. Bobert Cragge, aged. Sept. 11. John Skurthfyld, infant. JJ 18. Elssebeth Curro, aged. Oct. 1. Jennet Longstaffe, aged. JJ 3. IssebeU Done, aged. JJ 7. Xpofer Frend, infant. JJ 12. Bobert Maynsforth, aged. Nov. 21. Jarret Dune, aged. Dec. 6. Thomas Pereson, infant. j? 16. Nycholes Farbeke, infant. jj 30. John Dachborne, infaut. Jan. 1. Thomas Home, infante. Feb. 13. Sibell Browen, infannt. jj 16. Jarret Salven, aged. jj 28. AUeson Bobeyson, aged. CHEISTENYNES. 1571. March 30. Elssebeth Payge. April 21. AiUes Ayr & Elssebeth Stobbert. May 7. EUyne Gryce. July 7. George Choblyng. „ 7. AUeson ('Allies' erased) Taidcastyll. „ 28. Bartram Fowthrope. „ 29. Annes Panyton. Aug. 5. Marget Shayfylde. Sept. 1. Bartram Eltryngjeme. „ 16. Awdynell Bawcket. Nov. 9. Bartram Watson. jj [1^-] § Jane Steidman. Dec. 2. AUeson Euytter. „ 30. Anthonye AUeson. 1. Annes Perekar. 23. AUyson Malert & Annes MaUert. 27. Katryng Fyssher. 3. DorrettyeBell. „ 16. Alleson Sheperson & Elssebeth Sheperson. „ 22. Marget Sollat. March 2. Eychard Sander. " 9 1 Eegister torn. Jan. Feb. MAEEGES. 1571. May 13. June 24. July 29. Sept. 16. „ 30. Oct.Nov.Jan. 7. 4. 14. 20.27. Xpofer Eichyson & Elssebeth Grene John Done & Marget Blenkysope. John Wheytfyld & AUeson Hughetson. Fyllope Hawdone & Marget Frend. Eobert Eychyson & Jennet Huchyson. Anthonye Car & EUssebeth Fysher. Henry Gray & Marget Hobsonf Henry Eichyson & Annes Stobbert. George Dawson & An Eobbyson. T&ycharde Hawckslay & Annes Eychyson. [BUEIALS.] 1571. March 25. John Tweddell, aged. jj 27. Eowland Halle, aged. May 20. Wyllm SheyUes, aged. jj 22. Chutbert Sollat, infant. jj 28. Ellen Hewetson, aged. July 3. Elssebeth Gayll. JJ 6. Eycharde Eychyson. JJ 13. Anthony Hyndmers. JJ 13. Alleson TaydcastyU. JJ 27. Jennet Eychyson. Sept. 3. WyUm Mvnkkester. Oct. 7. Jennet Bower, aged. Nov. 8. Elssebeth Watson, aged. Jan. 30. Jane Steidman, infant. Feb. 16. ..Thomas Frend, aged. JJ 22. Jennet Shyperson, aged. JJ 25. Eoger Claxton, aged. JJ 28. Hycharde Morland, aged. March 4. Rycharde Foster, infannt. jj 7. Xrebell Ley, aged. jj 7. 2. John Whyte, aged. CHEISTENINGES. 157 AprU 13. Anthony Browen. >j 20. John Skurthfylde. jj 26. Wyllm Herryson. May 3. Wyllm Car. jj 3. James Walker. JJ 24. Elssebeth Awghert. July 8. Annes Eychyson. JJ 21. Joohn Gryce. Aug. 24. Bartholomey Home. JJ 30. Marget Gall. Sept. 1. George Almont. JJ 6. Henrye Kay. t Apparently altered from Dobson. or the reverse. 20 CHEISTENINGS, MAEBIAGES, AND BUEIALS. Nov. Dec. 1572. Oct. 12. „ 19. .. 25. 9. 3. „ 20. Jan. 21. Feb. 18. „ 21. „ 28. 1572. May 11. „ H. 1. 22. Eycharde Bryce. Thomas Donne. Annes Gray. Hycharde Swaldell. Elssebeth Wryght. Hughe Weytfyld. James Eltryngjeme. Wyllm Fram. Barty Marton. Ellyne Thomlyngson. MAEEGIS. CHEISTENYNGES. June » July JJ Oct. jj Nov. jj 6. 22. 12. 30. 2. 16.16. Bobert Knages and Annes Lowson. John Watson & Annes Blenkynsope. Bawffe Myllyngton & Jennet Byers Xpofer Goodbayrne & Annes Huchyson. John Leddell & Issebell Watson. John Sheperson & Jennet BeU. Peter Watson & Issebell Eobbyeson Eycharde Langstafe & Issebell Bullman. George Smyth & Issebell Sander. Barty Wylkyson & Elssebeth Maysson. Eogsr Hoidghson & Maryone Watson. BUEYALLES. 1572. April 11. Annes Malen, infante. jj 13. Wyllm MaUeper, aged. jj 26. Jennet Eobyson, aged. May 10. George Grene, aged. jj 17. Anthony Gray, aged. June 15. Edward Smyth, aged. Aug. 3. George Mytton, infante. JJ 19. Eoger Bouthe, aged. Sept. 26. Thomas Thomson, infante. Oct. 13. Eobert Huchyson, aged. JJ 20. Annes Boke, infant. JJ 22. Henry Boke, aged. Nov. 17. Elssebeth Dyxson, aged. Jan. 11. John Foster, infant jj 20. Joone Wylkyson, infant. jj 5.* : Joone Goodbayrne, infannt. jj 29. Marget Stokell, aged. Feb. 19. Annes Thomson, aged. March 9. Jennet Athe, aged. jj 18. Hughe Wheytfylde, infant. jj 20. Allyson Greve, aged. ji 25. Em § Hoggerde, aged. * Sic. § Apparently crossed out. 1573. April 5. Chutbert Huchyson. jj 13. Jane Claxton. May 30. Hughe Frend. July 24. Edwarde Steidman. Aug. 26. Annes Lambert. Sept. 26. Anthony Kyrkle & IssebeU Gray Oct. 7. Issebell Dawson. JJ 17. George Payg. Nov. 21. Anne Smyth. jj 28. Marget Ledell. Dec. 12. Elssebeth Kearston. JJ 19. John Hawkslay. Jan. 3. Eobert Kechyng. jj 16. Issebell Wane. Feb. 6. EUynner Bouthe. JJ 21. John Foysser. JJ 21. John Buyttor. JJ 28. John Gray. JJ 28. Thomas Car. JJ 28. Eycharde Eampshawe. March 12. Jane Foster. MAEYGES. 1573. June 21. July 12. „ 19. & Margery Katryng JJ 26. Jan. 17. jj 19. Feb. 25. 1573. April 15. May 2. jj 5. if 10. jj 11. >j 15. jj 25. jj 28. June 30. Oct. 9. »* 22. Nov. 11. jj 14. jj 24. Dec. 2. JJ 18. Anthony Kearston Hewetson. Andro Hawckyne & Elssebeth Johnson. Eobert TeesdeU & Huchyson. John Karter & EUynner Watson. Thomas Eilles & Marget Chilton. Oswen Snawdon& Annes Huchyson Jarret Car & Grace Huchyson. BUEEALLES. Alleson Farbeke, aged. Joone Hoidghson, infant. Jennet Emonnte, aged. Marget Stawart, aged. Issebell Lambert, aged. s Myghell Stawert, aged. James Eltryngjeme, infant. Hjcharde Swaldell, infant. John Teysdell, aged. Edward Steidman, infante. Hughe Frend, infant. Xrebell Huchyson, aged. Katryng TeesdeU, aged. Annes Byng, aged. Joohn Pythe, infant. Frannces Bowmer, aged. CHEISTENINGS, MAEBIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 21 Feb. 1573. Dec. 23. Jan. S. 8. 12. „ 15. » 24. » 27. March 15. „ 16. 1574. April 7. John Hawckslay, infante. Marget Eychyson, aged. Eobert Kechyng, infante. Bawffe Cvrrye, aged. Wyllm Mylborne, infant. Annes Scote, aged. Annes Eobyson. Kaytrynge Taylzar. Eycharde TeesdeU. CHEYSTENYNGS. 17. 8. 23. 13. 24. 3. 17. 31. 6. 7. 29.10* 18. 2. 16. 14. 21. 4. 19. 6. 16. 13. „ 16. March 4. „ 18. ji May JJ June » July Aug. Sept. Oct. JJ Nov. jj Dec. jj Jan. jj Feb. 1574. May 9. 9. June 6. „ 13. „ 27. Sept. 22. Oct. 24. Bawffe Browen. Boger Malen. Annes Hyrdman. Marget SwaldeU. Samuell ('Samson' erased) Hopper. WyUm Ayr. John Martyne. Mary Whyte. Chutbert Euytter. Marget Grenwell. John Bawcket. Charles Shayfylde. WyUm Cokesson. Myles Almont. EUynner Walker. Issebell Bedly. Bawffe Sander. IssebeU Eltryngjeme. Elssebeth Eaw. John Gayll. Henry Donne. George Wylson. AUeson Frend. Bryen Taydcastyll. Thomas Donne. Joon Browen. MAEYGES. BUEIALLES. Dec.Jan. 5. 23. Eoger Steidman &Breget Thomson. John Thomson & Issebell Busbye. John Aldwen & IssebeU Stobes. Matho Walker & Jennet Betwas. Eobert Eichyson & Elssebeth Leddell. John Claxton & Elssebeth Yonger. Thomas Browen & IssebeU Erryngton. Jarret Lambert & Jennet Langstafe WyUm Morres & Elssebeth Scharroton. •Sic. 1574. April 24. May 18. „ 30. June 26. July 8. „ 14. „ 23. „ 24. 30. 30. 8. 14. 14.16. 20. 1. 18. 24. 4. 10. 19.19.28. 3. 17. 24. 27. 30. 1. „ 10. „ 14. March 9. „ 15. „ 19. 1575. April 25. Aug. 9. Sept. 18. Oct. 2. „ 24. Nov. 13. Feb. 12. „ 12. 1575. April 10. „ 17. „ 25. „ 30. Aug. Sept. Oct.Nov. jj Dec. Jan. Feb. EUssebeth Bawe, aged. Jane Foster, infant. Jennet Hedlye, aged. Joone Hawdon, infant. Georg Wheytlame, aged. John Lawes, aged. Barty Gren, infante, Joone Allyson, infannt. Eycharde Fawdon, infante. Eoger MaUon, infante. WyUm Lambert, aged. Elssebeth Taylfer, aged. Wyllm Cockesson, infannt. George Dyckyson, aged. Eycharde Grene, aged. John Martyne, infannte. Xpofer Ellyson, aged. Joon Claxton, infannt. Acnes Parker, infannt. Annes Eichyson, aged. Annes Maynsforth, aged. Elssebeth Dent, aged. Jennet Watson, aged. Wyllm Heddon, aged. Elssebeth Lawerrocke, infannte. Annes Hyrdman, infante. Ellyne Preston, agyd. Henry e Euytter, agyd. Jennet Lyle, agyd. Issebell Eltryngjem, infant. Elssebeth Maynsforth. Joone Salven, infant. Thomas Donne, infante. Eycharde Dobson, agyd. MAEYGES. John Watson & Elssebeth Gren. Symont Cowlyng & Elssebeth Gybson. Eoger Wetherrynton& Jane Bouthe Anthonye Herryson & Elssebeth Eaw. Thomas Preston & Jennet Whyte. John Johnson & Jennet Towens. John Bobson & Elssebeth Carter. Thomas Eampshaw& Marget Lowes BUBALLES. Elssebeth Towens, aged. Margerye Porter, agyd. Aylles Cowper, infante. John Euytter, infante. 22 CHEISTENINGS, MAEBIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 1575 June July Aug. Oct. JJ Nov. » j> Dec. jj Jan.Feb. March AprU 1. 10.11.25. 26. 7. 12. 6.* 6. 1. 9. 24.28.27. 29. 10. 13.23. 17. 31.19. 1. 19.21. 6. 4. 1576. March 29. April 14. May 13. 13. 11. 24. 1. 5. 13. 14. 17.27. 2. „ 24. March 15. „ 15. July Aug. Sept. JJ Oct. j> Nov. Jan.Feb. 1576. July Sept. Nov. Wyllm Ayr, infannt. Elssebeth Burro, aged. Luce Eobson, aged. John Hedwen, infannte. Eycharde Wryght, aged. Hughe Taydcastyll, aged. George Kaye, aged. Thomas Heddon, agid. Jemes Marshell, aged. Allyson Gryve, aged Wyllm Smyth e, aged. Marget Smurke, aged. Lenard Bullocke, aged. Henrye Jackson, agid. Matho Eichyson, infannt, Joone Hallyman, infante Annes Dennyng, agid. Marget Dyckyson, agid. Chutbert Thorpe. Thomas Maysson, aged. Matho Eampshaw, infante. Jennet Tallentyers, agid. Thomas Browen, aged. Elssebeth Butflower. Eycharde Maynsforth, infante. Annes Lambert, aged. CHEISTENYNGES. Chutbert Fyssher. John Watson. Anthonye Ayr. Thomas Cooke. Bychard Bouthe. Eycharde Salven. Bawffe Thomson. Thomassyng Martyn. Eycharde Kearstone. Aji Eichyson. Eobert Wylkyson. Anthony Almont. Eoger Mallon. Marget Eilles. Thomas Foster. Ellyne Heddon. MAEYGES. 3. Eowland Johnson & Katryng Baytmason. 15. John Marsshell & Elssebeth Kynlay 2. George Eaw & .Annes Sanderson. 6. George Dayll & Annes Jackson. 18. John Eedly & Marget Lambert. * Sic. BUEEALLES. 1576. April 8. May 6. „ 13. June 24. July Aug. Sept. JJ JJ Oct. JJ JJ Dec. Jan.Feb. 13. 13.22. 8. 4. 18. 20. 6.8. 14. 13. 28. 13. 30. 11. 22. 22. March 15. „ 17. 1577. March 29. „ 30. May 11. June 1. Aug. 9. 22. 3. 3. ;, io. „ 23. „ 31. Sept. 29. Oct. 7. „ 17- „ 20. „ 27. „ 28. 3. 24. 21. 6. 26. 2. 9. „ 23. „ 24. March 2. Nov. jj Dec.Jan. jj Feb. Chutbert Gray, aged. Issebell Baynbryge, aged, Issebell Hopper, aged. Jennet Dawson, aged. EUssebeth ChUton, aged. Wyllm Sollat, aged. Jennet Lowson, aged. Jennet Myllyngton, aged. Thomas Preston, aged. Elssebeth Smyrke. Bawffe Eltryngjem, infant. Marget Wilkyson, aged. Bawffe Thomson, infannte. Elssebeth Stobert, aged. Thomas Wylfet, aged. Issebell Ley. John Lawes, agid. Jane Forde, aged. Eycharde Kearstone, infante. Wyllm Elvet, aged. Jane (' Joohn' erased) Mowberlay [dowght to Charles Moberlye, vycar of St Oswaldes — inserted later], infante. Wyllm Sheperson, aged. Elssebeth Smyth, aged. CHEISTENINGES Elssebeth Fawdon. Anthonye Marshell. Hugh Eampshaw. EUyner Storve. Elssebeth Toft. John Lowson. Bawffe Surtes. George Huchyson. Marke Grewell. Marey Hawckeslay. Jane Eltryngjeme. Xpofer Athe. Anthonye Frend. John Whey tf yd (or Wheytsyd?) Myles Langstafe. Alexsander Burro. Elssebeth Swaldell. Wyllm TaydcastyU. Kaytryng Eichyson. Thomas Parker. Jane Thomson. John Hall. Thomas Maynsforth. Jane Car. Xpofer Dawson. Elssebeth Gray. Matho Carter. CHEISTENINGS, MAEBIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 23 MAEYGES. 1577. Sept. 1. Chutbert Lowson & Annes Federstonhaughe. Oct. 20. John Dawson &MargeryeDennyng. Nov. 3. Thomas HaU & Elssebeth Hawck- forth. „ 3. Henry Carter & Jennet Dwson* „ 9. Thomas Atkyson & Ellyng Towers. „ 26. John Braydlye [&] Alyce West- wood. BUEYALLES. May June JJ Aug. Oct. Nov. 1577. April 22. „ 22. „ 22. 29. 3. 15. 19. 2.9. 6. 25.31. 31. 24. 5.5. „ 30. Dec. 26. March 8. 1578. March 25. „ 25. April 27. May 19. „ 27. June 7. „ 20. „ 21. July 24. „ 27. Aug. 31. Sept.Oct. Jan. 7. 11. 12. 26. 1. 24. Annes Lowson. John Lowson. Annes Shawdforth. John MarsheU. Jane Heddon. George Hawde. A power man, spendyd by water. John Turner. Jennet Hobson. Marget Kearston, aged. Andro Pereso^ aged. Jennet Sheperson, aged: Elssebeth Mordon, aged. EUyner Lax, aged. Elssebeth Atkyson, aged. Marget Pattyson, infannt. Hugh Wane, infant. Thomas Parker, infant. Eowland BeUerbye, aged. CHEISTENYNGES. Chutbert Dawson. Katrone Hawd. Thomas Archer. John Bedlye. John Heddon. Jennet Dawson. Marget Tofte. Gylbert Patrycke. Thomassyng Bouthe, Elssebeth Martyne. Marget Bawcket. Wyllm Donne. George Care. Nicholes Pythe, ye sonne of Wyllm Pythe. Jane MarsheU, ye dawghter of John Marshell. Catherynge Eichyson. Marget Frend. * Sic. Dawson.? 1578. Feb. 2. „ 15. „ 16. March 7. „ 28. 1578. May 4. „ H. June 1. „ 15- Aug. 31. Sept. 28. Oct. 12. „ 26. Nov. 2. 16. 1578. April 1. 5. „ 13. May 6. „" 15. „ 19. „ 24. June 22. Julv 10. „' 11. 15. 19. 4.9. Aug. Sept. 30. 31. 9. 16.18. 19. 22. 17. li. 12. 2. 6. The rest Oswaldes. Feb. 16. March 10. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. jj Feb Eycharde Whyte. Kaytrone Wryght & Elssebeth Lyghton. Myles TaydcastyU. Marget Hornesbye. Bartram Kearston. MAEIGES. JohnPatryckeA Issebell Butflower. Eycharde West. & Marget Dawson. Henrye Hornsbye & Annes Champlay. Anthonye Kearston & Marget BeU. Edmonte Dawson & Marget Wilkyson, y° last day of August. Eoger Lomley & Ane Kyrkeman. Symonte Watson & Elssebeth Newton. John Eobyson &BarberyeDrannam Clament Taylfer & Issebell Thomsson. John Dawson & Marget Law. BUEIALLES. A - Wyllm TaydcastyU, infannte. Eobert Solat, aged. Jane Almont, aged. John Clarke, aged. Marye Hawckeslay, infannte. John Bedlye, infannt. Marget Beydlye, aged. Jennet Dawson, infannte. Armye Dand, aged. Symont Ayr, aged. Thomas Archer, infannte. Anthonye Almont, infannt. Barty Dawson. John Heddon, y" sonne of John Heddon of Shynklye, infannte. Katryng Dawson, aged. Jennet Buyttor, aged. George Car & Marke Maynsforth. Jennet Lowson, aged. John Pawmer, aged. Jennet Mallyper, aged. Fylles Dyckyson, aged. John Johnson, aged. Marye Whyte, aged. Jennet Wilkynson, aged. Eycharde Whyte, infannt. John Eaw, aged. folowynge w'ten by Charles Moberle vicar of St. Isabell Marshall. Elzabethe Eobysson. 24 CHEISTENINGS, MAEBIAGES, AND BUEIALS. CHBISTNYNGES. May June JJ Aug. Sept. Oct. jj Nov. Dec. Jan. jj Feb. 1579. April 19. „ 20. „ 25. 25. 23. 6. 21. 15.15. 6.3. 24. 1. 12. 13. 13. 16. 23. 7. 7. „ 14. „ 24. „ 24. „ 24. March 5. „ 6. 1579. May 31. June 21. July 5. „ 19- „ 19. Oct. 25. Nov. 24. 1579. April 22. May 6. 7.9. „ 12. June 12. July 19. Aug. 11. » 26. Sept. 2. ,. 15. Alyson Dawson. Thomas Fyssher. Grace Carter. Jane Butter. Eobert Heddon. Margette Browne. Annes Eyles. Lawance Harebotell. John Watson. Eaphe Dune. Isabell Morres. Elzabeth Bothe. Jenett Ferrow and Annes Ferrow. Christopher Fferresse. Godfray Hucheson. George Creame. Marget Lawson. Gerard Mare. Myles Gray. Bartram Dawson. Lyonell Grynwell. John Walker. Christopher Longst,affe. Jane Melande. Cuthberd Swadale. Elenore Tompson. WEDYNGES. 1579. Nov. 5. Dec. Thomas Wyllson and Annes Suertes Anthony Story and Elzabeth Dob son. Thomas Wylkynson and Margett Wylly. Bobert Nyxon & Elzabeth Betes. By chard Tur nar and Jenet Tompson Wm Ferrelesse & Jane Sewertes. John Bydlye and Marget Marshall. BUEYALLES. Nycholab Barrow. Bartram Kerston. Grace Carter. Thomas Watson. Alyson Turner Mychaell Cragge. Alyson Searle de Croxdale. Mathew Hurst. Annes Stokell. Marget Parker. Christoper Lyddale. 6. 17. 23.24. „ 28. Jan. 9. Feb. Jan. Feb. 19.20. 21.23. 4. Feb. 12. March 7. Annes Ferra. Denen Bydlye. Bobert WaU. Marget Fawden. The sonne of Jo. Dyckeson not christened was buryed. Elzebethe Feralesse. Wyllyam Morres ahas Myller suspensus ac sepultur. John Tumlynson. Marget Lawson. Marget Salet, Anne Greame. Mally Pearson. Xpopher Ferelesse. Catheryne Awde. The ende of thys olde boke. God save the quene. Amen. This Begister is now bound up with the one which follows, and the whole is lettered outside No I. The Eebellyon of the yearles off northunberlande and Westmerland begane the ix day of november a0 1569. Quene elyzabetho was borne the 7 day of September a0 1531, whome god preserve longe to Baygne to goddes glory, amen, amen. Jesus directe my doinges to hys glorye. The Begester boke of the parysshe of St Oswaldes, made the xxv' day of Marche a0 1580 Anno Elyzabethe xxij wherin is contayned the names of all suche persons as have bene chryetened, maryed, and buryed w11" the sayd parysshe the yeare folowynge w^ten and kepte accordinge to ye quenes Injunctions by Charlys Moberlye Yicar of the same parysshe, James lyddale, Thomas haryson, Xpofer Eampshaw and James Bobynson, elected, chosen and sworne churche wardens accordinge to the quenes procedinges, whose doinges god directe to hys glorye and profett of the sayd parysshe, and to the mentaynyng of the quenes Magestes godly procedinges, whome god preserve to Begne over vs, to the abolysshment of popery, and strange, and false Eeligion, and to the Mentenynge of the gospell, Grannt o lord, y* she may long contenew a Mother in Israel w' prosperwos healthe, honor, and felycite, and After thys hyr gret governement in thys lyffe she may w' Moyses, Josua, Debora, and other godlye govnowrs, injoy a crowne of seternaU glory, good Eeder say Amen. CHEISTENINGS, MAEBIAGES, AND BUEIALS. Imp'mis the christeninge a° 1580. BUEYED. 25 May June 1580. April 3. 10. 1. 15.15. 21. 4. 4. July 31. Aug. 24. Sept. 11. „ 29. „ 29. 15. 16. 23.28. 1. 6. 6. 13. 3. 12.18. 31. 7. 21. 22. 5. „ 11. ., 12. „ 24. „ 26. March 5. „ 5. „ 9. „ 16. 1580. July 3. ,, 7. „ 17. „ 17. Sept. 18- „ 18. Oct. 2. „ 30. Nov. 6. „ 13. Jan. 29. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Yzabell Carter. Jenet Frende. Thomas Sannder. Thomas Acred— (register. torn.) James Scurfeld. Marget Eamshaw. Laurance Kerston. Alys Eltryncham. Ely nor Fawden. Elyn Tompson. Elzabethe Hornsbye. Myles Yonger. Mathew Whyttfeld. Xpofer Johnson. Hugh Perker. Anne Mensforthe. Yzabell Pythe. Marget SeweU. Xpofer Knagges. Yzabell Carter. Gawen Watson. Launcelet Bypon. Jane Paten. Anne Bothe. Bartram Nycson. Marget Dyckeson. Alys Lawsen. John Perker. George Martyn. EUenower Hedwen. Thomas Stevenson. Elzabeth Maysterman. Elzabethe Whyttlake. Elzabethe Watson. Jane Backet. Marigory Anderson. Christopher Toft. WEDDYNGES. Thomas Bowie & Jane Stoberd. John Tompson & Elenore CoUen- ore. John Watson & Marget Hardinge. John Suwell & Yzabell Yyncent. Xpo/er Wryght & Yzabell Ayre. Eobert Perker & Alys Hawsen. Cutheberd Anderson & Alys Pen- yngton. John Stvenson & Annes Stoddard. Charlys Elyson & Mariorye Bryce. Wm Donne & Elzabethe Hycson. Wm Tompson & Elzabe Colyn. 1580. April 18. „ 20. May 30. 1. 6. 7. „ 10. „ H. „ 18. June 19. „ 29. July 26. „ 26. „ 30. Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. JJJJ Jan. jj Feb. 31. 1. 5. 23. 28. 1. 2. 30. 7. 11. 17. 19. 6. 6.7. 7. 15. 19.27. 3. 24. 29. 11. 31. 9. „ 19. „ 22. „ 28. March 6. Inprmis Jane Meland. Mally Sampson. John Whyttfeld. George Sympson. Elzabethe Frende. Annes Browne. Anne Anderson. Anne Toft. Jenet Tompson. Wm Pythe. Maystf John Watson of thage lxxx yeres, for wysdome, gravyte, honeste, sobryete, and other godly vertews, worthe to be p'sed, was buryed the xxix day of June, beinge the feast day of pet' thapostle. Jenet Sheperdson. Andrew Greame. Wyddo Grene, vxor Edmwndi Grene. Cuthberd SwadaU. John Ysaac. Elzabethe Stedmare. Achylde of Eob. Todcastles not bapt. Dame Bobynson de Shynkclyffe. Catheryn Todcastle. Hugh Bowie. Myles Yonger. Wyddo Gray. Jane Bryce. Elzabethe Smythe. Mathe Whyttfeld. Peter Fereles. John Whytlye. Elzabethe Dycson. Elyn Flocket. Jane Tompson. Mestresse Watson. George Grynwell. Anne Haryson. Jenet Bankes. Bartram Mydfurthe. Herry Eychardson. Anne Lylfote. Alys Lawsen. Catheryn Londesdale. John Perker. Gawyn Watson. Alyson Seam. Finis huius anni. 26 1581. March 25. ., 27. „ 28. April 1. „ 23. May. 7, „ 27. July 8. Aug. 24. „ 27. Sept. 3. „ io. „ 28. Oct. 1. 7. „ 14. „ 28. „ 29. Nov. 18. „ 18. „ 20. „ 26. „ 26. Dec. 9. „ 16. Jan. 27. Feb. 10. „ 18. March 17. CHEISTENINGS, MAEBIAGES, AND BUEIALS. CHEYSTENYNGES. BUBYNGES. 1581. AprU 30. June 18. July 2. Aug. 2. 6. 29. Sept. 12. Oct. 10. „ 15. „ 22. Nov. 12. Sara, the doughtr of Wm Coke. Elzabeth, the dowgter of George Hucheson. Jane, the dowghtr off Wm Ffereles. Marget, the dowghtr of Bodger Hodgeson. Yzabell, doughtr of John Patrycke. John Almawde, sonne to Mathe Allmawd. Cuthberd, sonne to Cutberd Low- sen. Myles, y° sonne of Myles Whyte. § Annis, d. of John Smythe. Elzabeth, d. of Anthony Car. George s. of Bodger Waynemara. Alys, d. of Bobert Swadall. Anthony, s. of Edward Malam. Leonard, s. of Wm Donne. John, s. of John Stevenson. Bychard Bydlye. Wm, s. of Cuthberd Bow. Bodger Bychardson, Yzabel Bych- ardson, s. & d. of Bobert Bych ardson. Elyn, d. of Jo Soler. Anne, d. of Eaufe Dune. Elzabethe, d. of Thomas Neles. Thoma, s. of John Stoberd. Annes, d. of Cuthberd Yonger. Annes, d. of John Docen. Eoberte, s. of James Gray. John, s. of George Barrow. Thomas, s. of Gylbard Dawcew. Walther, s. of John Watson. Amies, d. of Wm Hucheson ('Byc hardson' erased). WEDDYNGES. Edward Malen & Elzabethe Sam- sow. Wm Bellerby & Ales Whytfelld. George Eawlyn & Yzabell Gryn- well. Cutheberd Baw & Yzabell Temple. Mathe Nobull & Marget Eutter. James Gray & Marget Anderson. Eobert Todcastle & Jane Palmer. Gerard Claxton & Margery Bobsow. Nycholas Archar and Jenet Laws. John Wrhyte & Ysbell Wryght. Thomas Johnson and Jenet Wat- § These first few entriess are given at length ; the following ones are abbreviated. 1581. April 2. Anne Morlyne. May 27. Elzabeth, d. of Symow Wattsow. jj 16.* Mariorye, d. of Cuthberd Ander- July 10. Wyddow Browne. Aug. 1. Thomas Acheson. JJ 31. Agnes, d. of John Smythe. Sept. 8. George, s. of Bodger Wememaw. JJ 16. Margyt Watson. JJ 16. Wyllyam Lamberd. JJ 29. Anne Smythe. Oct. 4. Mathe Huytson. Nov. 1. Anne Dycheburne. jj 10. Yzabell, d. of Eobert Bychardson. jj 14. Wydow Neles. jj 18. Thomas Meland. jj 20. Dame Wenemaw, wyff to Thomas Wenemaw. jj 21. Elzabeth d. of Thomas Neles. Dec. 1. Elyn oref eld § JJ 10. Bychard West. Dec. 25. Annes, d. of John Docen, upon chrisstmas day. »j 27. Jenken Maland. Jan. 23. Xpopher, s. of Godfre Fost. (sic. Foster ?) Feb. 17. Yzabell, wyffe of George Jobson. JJ 18. Thomas, s. of John Stoberd. March 20. Yzabell Tomson. § Written as printed; doubtful whether intended for Elyn Ore- feld, or Elynore Feld. CHBYSTENYNGS. 1582. April 7. May 5. jj 6. July 25. Sept. 3 JJ 8 JJ 21. JJ 21. JJ 23. Oct. 6. JJ 26. JJ 27. Nov. 10. jj 11. jj 24. Dec. 27. Bychard, s. of Nycholas Archer. Jane, d. of Wm Bellerbye, John, s. of Char. Elyson. Christopher, s. of Gerard Claxton. Wyllyam, s. of Herry Gray. Mary, d. of John Talentyre. Elzabethe, d. of John Dawson. Jane, d. of Anthony Keerston. Margett, d.*of Simora Watson & Agnes, borne at Patrycke Sted- maws. Eowland, s. of Rodger Wenemaw. John, s. of Robert Claxton, Thoinasyn, d. of Eobert Mayster- man. Mychaell, s. of Marke Bomer. James, s. of Mathew Noble. Jenet, d. of George Hutchesow. Marget, d. of Bobert Harysora. •Sic CHEISTENINGS, MAEBIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 27 1582. Jan. 6. „ 19. Feb. 2. 6. 9. „ 16. „ 16. „ 23. March 10. 1582. May 6. 13. 1. 22. July JJ Oct. >)JJ Jan 22. Feb. 3. „ 10. March 27. 14. 24.28. 1582. March 25. „ 25. „ 27. „ 27. April 20. „ 20. JuneJuly Aug. Sept. Oct. 2. 8. 15. 8. 16. 18. 1. 12. 25. 4. Cuthberd, s. of Herry Hornsbe. Margaret, d. of George Jobson. Thomas, s. of George Luwlye. Elyzabeth, d. of Mr Toket. Bychard, s. of John SueU. John, s. of Harry Carter. John, s. of John Dowson. Jenet, d. of John Hedden. Bychard, s. of Bychard Longstaff. WEDDYNGES. Herry Dyxon and Jenet Neles. John Wastdayle & Ales Athey. George Lumlye & Elzabethe Eowle. John Talentyre & Xrobell But- flowr. Bychard Belerbye & Anne Huwy t- son. Bobert Haryson & Anne Blenkesop. George Surtesse & Elen Malleber. Phyllypp Fawden & Jeny Paxton. John Gybson (' Dyckenson' erased) & Elzabethe Lawson. GeorgeTompson & Annes Whytlye. John Adamson and Elyn Palmer. Bychard Barnes, Bysshop of dur- ham & Jane dyllycote a frenche woman were maryed at hys castle in durham vpon Wed nesday in the seconde weke of lent, beinge the xxvij of marche a0 1582. BUEYALLES. Dame Carre de Shynclyff. Marget Yonge, wyff of Eobert Yonge. Edward Gar. Jeny Cowper. Jane, wyff of John Walker. Wyddow Crowmey. Elzabeth, d. of George Hucheson. Bychard, s. of Nycholas Archar. James Gray. Marget, wyffe of Wm Saunder. Cuthberd Wryght. Luce Tyndale. Bodger, s. of Thomas Wenemaw. Gerard Lambard. Eoberte, s. of Mathe Walker. Thomas Wenemaw, alias Johnson. 1582. Nov. 7. Dec. Jan 21 21. 10 11 1314 20. 26.27. 29. 7. Marshall, Feb. 3. 9. 9. „ 27. March 2. „ H. „ 17. Mary, d. of John Talentyre. Christopher, s. of Herry Bychard son. Sr Christofer Grene. Allys, wyffe of George Tompson. Anne, d. of Baffe Dune. Elzabeth Lawes. Yzabell Boke. (?)Margaret, d. of John alitr Dickeson [ Braspeth ?] § Dorethye, wyffe of Eobert Elenor. Mychaell, s. of Marke Bomer. Anne, wyffe of Bob. Haryson. Margerye Hodgeson de Brome. Elzabethe, wyffe of Anthony Racket. Wyddow Dowsen, Christopher, s. of Robert M'man.f Allys, d. of Nycholas EUtrynchan. Marget, d. of Robert Haryson. John, s. of John Dawsen. Elyn, d. of John Hedden. Oswyn, brother in law to George Dawsow. \ Masterman ? 1583. April 13. „ 20. „ 20. „ 25. „ 30. May 5. June 16. „ 23. „ 23. „ 28. 20.24. 1.1. 4. 7. 1. 28. 28. ]. 4. 7. 22. 22. 22.21. July Aug. Sept. Oct. >»JJ Nov. »j Dec. jj jj jj Jan. CHRISTENYNG. Betttryce, d. of John Stevenson. Xpopher, s. of Cuthberd Lowson. Jane, d. of Lyonell Martyn. Robert, s. of Richard Spurner. George, s. of Robert Browne. Rychard, s. [of] John Mores. Alys, d. of John Mydfurthe. John Bothe, s. of Mr Robert Bothe. Marget, d. of John Stoberd. Marget, d. of Wm Fereles. Wyllyam, s. of Nycho. Eltryncham. Margaret, d. of Jo. Talentyre. Margaret, d. of John Carter. Elzabeth, d. of Tho. Neles. Godfray, s. of Jo. Skurfeld. Thomas Sotherme. Marget, d. of Nycholas Archar. George, s. of of John Gybson. Jane, d. of Gawyn Perker. John, s. of Wm Dune. Marget, d. of Beatryce Bucke. Eelzabethe, d. of Marke Boomer. Anne, d. of Cuthberd Racked. Elynore, d. of George Tompson. Elzabelhe, d. of Birtram Pattera. Mawdelyn, d. of Rauffe Done. § Bottom of register c it in binding. 28 CHEISTENINGS,, MAERIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 1583. Feb. 9. Peter, s. of Eobert Nyxon. „ 16. Cuthberd, s. of Thomas Tompsow. „ 23. Peter, s. of John Dyckeson. March 7. Elzabeth, d. of Bychard Dyckeson. WEDDYNGES. 1583. May 12. Eobt Haryson & Julyan Watson. Jan. 20. John Wygham and Elzabethe Creame. 1583. April 5. June 20. „ 21. July 4. 6. Aug. 1. Sept. 11. „ 15. „ 20. Oct. 2. 14. March 19> Dec. 2. Nov. Dec. 9. 25. Jan. 28. 11. „ 22. Feb. 24. March 7. „ 10. 1584. April 4. „ 17. May 3. „ 10. „ 10. 17. 6. July 16. „ 19. „ 25. Aug. 16. „ 23. ii June BUEYTNGES. Imprmis Yxor Henrici Gably. Eobert Barber, frome Synderland. Bychard Leaper, a coleer de Syn- derland. Marget, wyffe of Thomas Watson. John, s. of Mr Bobert Both. A strange made from John Pygges. Jane Watson. Elzabeth, wyffe of George Barrow. Bychard Lyle. Margaret, d. of Nycholas Archar. Wyllyam, s. of Nye. Eltrynchajn. Annes, wyffe of Xpofer Frende. John Mydf urthe, slayne by f allynge into a colepytt at Eayneton. Dame Johnson, wyffe to Thomas Johnson. John Home. Thomas Hawston, upon christmas day. Elzabethe, d. of Bartram Paten. Jane Clarke. Mawdlyne, d. of Eaffe Done. Peter, s. of John Dyckeson. Edwarde Fyssher. Allys Huytson. CHEISTENYNGES. Lyonell, s. of John Hedden. Cuthbert, s. of Eobert Knagges. Yzabell, d. of Tho. Eamshaw. Adam, s. of Bob. Mrman. Matliew, s. of Henry Wylson. John, s. of John Tompson. Yzabell Armestronge. George, s. of Thomas Wryght. John, s. of John Leaton. Mariory, d. of Wm Eichardson. Agnes, d. Charlys Elyson. Annes, d. of John Foberde. *Sio. 1584. Sept. 6. „ 19. Oct. 11. „ 18. March 20.* Nov. 7. „ 29. Dec. 20. Jan. 30. Feb. 6. 7. Feb. 2. „ 27. March 6. „ 7. „ 7. „ 7.7. 1584. June 21. „ 25. July 12. Sept. 22. Nov. 8. Jan. 31. Feb. 21. 1584. May 4. „ 20. „ 26. July 2. 23. 20.* 13. 20. 7.9. 13. 30. Aug. jj Sept. Yzabell, d. of Bob. Swadall. Elzabethe, d. of Mr Eobert Claxton. Symon, s. of Cuth. Yonger. Yzabell, d. of George Jobson. Christofer, s. of Thomas Bowie. Laurane, s. of Herry Fowden. John, s. of Tho. Johnson. Gerarde, s. of Bychard Spurnar. Marget, d. of George Noble. Elyn, d. of John Dowsen. Christofer ('John' erased) Bussell, ye sonne of a poore laboring man whose wyffe travelyd in Shynkclyff & yr browght bedde. John Spence. Elzabeth Gray. Thomas, s. of Cuth. Lowsen. Marget, d. of John Marshall. Thomas Hucheson. Marget Gray. Elzabethe Phylpe. WEDDYNGES. to Bodger Colson & Anne Heslope. John Walker and Anne GrenweU. Lambwell Perker and Mary Myl- burne. Anthony Barton & Elzabethe Bychardson. Huwfray Elson & Jenet Johnson. Wyllyam Johnson and Marget Ladlye. John Hobson & Marget Curro. BUEYTNGES. Inprmis Thomas Ynthanke. Lyonell, s of John Hedden. Syr Wyllyam Harden, vicar of Hezghinton, Hart, & Hertlepole, & Peticanone in ye collyge of Durham. George Ladlye. Jeny Kye. Wyllyam Nyxon, wh wasmurthered. A poore man a stranger. Beatryce, d. of John Stevenson. Sir Wm Howghyll. Marget, d. of George Jobson. Anne, d. of John Stoberd. John Smythe. Vxor Bartram CHEISTENINGS, MAEBIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 29 1584.. Oct. 4. JJ 6. J) 14. JJ 20 JJ 20 JJ 21 Nov. 27 jj 29 Dec. 2 JJ 4 JJ 14 Jan. 7. 8. 12. 8. „ 15. March 13. Feb. Anthony Haryson. Wyddow Hurdman. Anne, d. of Cuthberd Backet. Anne, d. of Eobert Bycheson. Jane Lambe. Elzabeth, the bace dowght' of Mr Bob. Claxton. Anne, wyffe of Tho. Johnson. Bobert Boyecke. Bobert Perker. Anne Bellerby. Mystris Elyzabethe Chater, Wyffe to Mr Xpopher Chater of Buttrbye, a vertuous & a godly gentlewoman. Yivit post funera virtus. Eaphe Clarson de Sunderland. The wyffe of Bychard Trughit. Anne, d. of Harry WyUson. Gerard, s. of Bychard Spurner. John Swallwell. Catheryne Bothe. CHEISTENINGES. 1585. April 4. Margarete Carter. jj 7. Eichard Dune. ji 11. John Dawsen. May 2. Marye Bothe. JJ 16. John Lumlye. JJ 20. Anne Talentyre. July 18. George Stevenson. jj 18. Eobert Watson. jj 25. Marget Frende. Sept. 12. Catheryn Backed. JJ 19. George Barrow. Oct. 3. John Swell. SJ 3. Marget Bellerby. March 7.* Eobert Arden. Oct. 10. Marget Bellerby. Feb. 27.* Jane Maysterman. Oct. 20. Jane Hornsby, JJ 28. George Smythe. jj 31. Thomas Longstaffe. Dec. 12. Thomas Bell. jj 18. Thomas Ferelesse. Feb. 3. Simon Noble. JJ 3. James Smythe. jj 20. Christofer Neme. Jan. 29.* Anthony Claxton. Feb. 20. Eobert Hynde. jj 14. John Eltryncham. jj 18. John Dune. jj 18. Marget Dune. * Sie. WEDDINGES. 1585. June 6. Eichard Bellerby and Jenet Stokell. July 13. Thomas Bell and Dorythe Smyth. Aug. 8. Eobert Bobynson and Jenet Smyth. Sept. 5. Bobert Yonge and Anne SwalweU. Nov. 7. James Watson and BeU Lambe. jj 6.* Quyntane Nobull & Jane Harle. jj 14. Thomas Blenkesope & Alys Kyrklye. jj 14. James Atkynson & Alys Watson. >j 14. John Crages & Anne Hutton. Dec. 5. 5. Eaphe Hodgeson and Allyce Archar. BUBYNGES. 158 March 29. Inprmis John Walker. AprU 10. John Lyddale. jj 18. Marget Noble. jj 20. Christophar Eamsbaw. jj 22. Bychard Dunne. June 27. Dame Prormane.§ July 8. Anne Solby. Aug. 8. Bychard Trewghit. Oct. 19. Marget, the dowghter of Charles Moberlye vicar of S' oswalldes of the age of 22 yeares dyed in Lundon vpon S' lukes day beinge munday vz ye xviij day of October, and was buryed in S' stevens churche yeard the next day aft1 beinge tewseday, vnto whom thetrnall god send a joyfull Eesurrection : Amen. Lacrimi3 dicit frater. S.M.f Sept. 20. Anne" Rowle. Oct. 18. Anne Prentesse. Nov. 18. Jane Hornesby. Dec. 17. Rodger Tompson. J) 21. Anthony Spede. JJ 22. Thomas Gybson. Jan. 6. Marget Harden. jj 10. Elzabeth Tompson. 'j 15. Marget Bellerby. JJ 28. Wyddow Botlowre. Feb. 18. Mathew Dicson. J) 20. Marget Duurae. JJ 21. John Dune. 22. Besse Haryson. * Sic. § Priorman? t Samuel Moberley, who, in a different hand, has added these wurds. 30 CHEISTENINGS, k.GES, AND BUEIALS. CHBYSTENYNGES. 1586. AprU 30.* : A poor chyld frome Shi/nkelye.. 158f June 29. Elyn Car. March 25. Cuttheberd More. jj 24.* * A colly ers chylde from Sunderlande. 26. Thomas Blenkeysope. July 4. Mystris Grace Bothe of Howghyll 30. Elen Neles. beinge excommunicate for not 30. Jenet Tompson. rec' the holy commtmyon dyed April 3. Bartyllmew Foster, beinge ester day. the 3 day of July and was buryed the day folowinge at xj of the 17. Hughe Smyten. clocke in "the nyght w'in the jj 30. A poore chylde from Shynklye bakehowse. (This entry after churche yeard at the charasell end. wards erased.) JJ 9. Besse, d. to Edwarde Hulme. June 4. Jane Carter. JJ 14. Thomas Bell. 11. Thomas Harebotle. J J 27. Thomas, s. of T. Seam. 28. Elzabethe Dun. Aug. 9. Cuthebeard More. July 10. Eobert Dawsen. JJ 12. Cutheberd Vnthanke. jj 17. Thomas Robynson. Sept. 8. Anne Stoberd. 17. Elzabethe Watson. 7J 13. Anthony Racket. Aug. 7. Margaret Jobson. jj 13. Elyn Walker. Sept. 4. Cuthberd Rowle. jj 16. Symon Nobull. jj 15. Rycharde Kerston. Oct. 2. A chylde from old Bokes. jj 18. Henry Bothe. "JJ 14. Elzabethe Phylpe. 25. John Hodgeson. JJ 18. Jane Mawgham. Nov. 6. Charlys Elyson. Nov. 23. Anne Bell. Dec. 18. Anne Hornsby. jj 25. Charlys Elyson. 24. Marget Parker. Dec. 1. Rodger Bothe. Jan. 14. Thomas Claxton. jj 4. Edmund Chapman. j. 29. Elyn Stoberd. jj 7. Nycholas Cuthhart. Feb. 3. Myles Belerby. jj 16. A. chylde of Herry Hornsbe. March 12. Anthony Tompson. •>•> 25. A poore woman from Helhoole. JJ 19. John Rydlye. jj 28. Wyllyam Pryorman. Jan. 2. Marget Hodgeson. WEDDYNGES. jj 13. John Solbe frome Dryburne. 1 K9,£ 17. Thomas Bell, achyld not christened. Cutheberd Roll. ±00 April 1. Raphe Haryson & Mariorye jj jj 20. Robynson. jj 30. George Luwilye. jj 1. Wyllyam Tompson & Yzabell Feb. 2. Thomas Harbottell. Mydforthe. JJ 3. Myles Bolerbye. July 24. Thomas Proctor and Agnes JJ 5. Anne Lacenbye. Emerson. JJ 19. Edward Denyn. Nov. 20. Robert Lylforthe and Jane Seam. JJ 19. Robert Tedcastle. Dec. 4. Thomas Hunter [&] Elyn Atcheson. JJ 25. Margett Janne. JJ 4. Hughe Denen [&] Anne Turbott. JJ 28. Edward Malande. Jan. 15. John Bulman and Jane Racket. March 5. Robert Barbar. j? 29. Wyllyam Haward and Jane JJ 6. Wyllyam Dawsen. Poster. JJ 13. WyUyam Baylye. Feb. 8. George Barrow and EUyzabeth Barrow. JJ 15. Cuthbeerd Barbar. JJ 8. Thomas Greve and Anne Younge. BTTRYINGES CHRYSTENIA^GES. 1 KRA -U LJ -LU J l—i-1 \_J A1A KJ . 1 KR*? J.OO April 22. John Watson. xoo April 17. Thomas Walker. jj 28. Hugh Smyten. jj 17. Jenet Lowson. May 1. Marmaduke, mr Salvyns coke. jj 23. Jane Cotes. jj 11. Jane Kertly. May 24. Elyn Brygham, on the assention jj 6.4 ' Tompson of Shynclyffe. *Jw- *Sio. CHEISTENINGS, MAEBIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 31 1687. June 25. Wyllyam Ingloby. jj 27. Bychard Tompson. jj 29. Jane Tompson. jj 30. Thomas Tompson. July 8. Thomas Lylfourth. JJ 9. Thomas Toft. Aug. 5. Susanna Dunne. J) 6. Hughe Proctor. jj 6. BeU Malam. Nov. 1. Jane Noble. Oct. 8. Wyllyam MershaU. JJ 15. Peter Paten. JJ 23. John Bulman. Nov. 22. Margett Foster. Dec. 16. Lancelet Hedwen. jj 17. Elyn Taylyer. jj 21. Elyzabethe Sym. Jan. 20. Jenet Mores. jj 21. Elyn Bullocke. jj 28. Alys Gray. jj 28. Elyn Bell. Feb. 18. George Dawsen. March 6. Frannces Melett. WEDDYNGES. 1587. July Sept. 17. Oct. 1. Nov. 3. Oct. 29.* Nov. 19. Dec. 10. Eichard Wollffe and Margaret Grestwate. Eichard Kempe & Annes Forster. John Hume and Jeny Lambard. Eobert Butter & Elsabet Whyte. George Gray & Jenet Lee. Thomas Morlyn & Marget Baxter. Raphe Tyrrye & Marget MarshaU. Thys yeare a0 1587 the pryce of corne was as folowyth, and ja gretest parte of last yeare before goinge, so y* many poore peple weare supposed to dye for lacke of bredde, notw'standyng greate store in the handes of the hard harted carles, y' styll raysed the prce vntyll harvest at the wyche tyme ye prce of corne beganne to fall. The prce of Rye xiij8 iiijd the busshell : wheat at xvj8 iiij'1 the bwsshell : haver at v" ixa ye. busshell : grotes at iiij8 ye pecke : pese at xij8 ye busshell: byg at vj" the bushell: halffe malt at v3 vjd ye busshell ; but the next Somer wheate was at iij" 4a the busshell & lykewyse rye, & payse at inj" yc busshell, otes ijs ye busshell, byg at 3s 4" ye busshell. Feb. 6. Rodger Wylson & Alyson Styrke. „ 12. Phyllypp Fawden and Besse Seurtes. „ 18. Nycholas Grisse and Jane Foster. * Sio. 1587. April 19. May 4. „ 12.31. June 5. „ 27. BURYALLES. July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. 2.4. 6. 16. 24. 28. 29. 4. 9. 6.: 11. 13. 26. 25. 1. 4. 4. 5.6.8. 9. 10.18. 26. 1. 6.6. 14. 15. 9* 15. 25.25. 4. 5. 5. 6. Marget Cutheberd. John Claxton. John Hodgeson de Brome. EUyzabethe BeU. George Rutter. A poore woman buryde from Shynklye bakhowse. Yzabell Tompson. Thomas Thompson. Bartram Fulthrope. Richard Tompson. Robert Browne. A poor chylde from Synderlande. Jeny Fawden. Cutheberde Bell. Robert Dunes chylde, not chrystene. A poore chylde frome Synderland. Another poore woman from Syn derland ye dyed in the streete. A poore woman died in Batten Bow. Yzabell Emerson. The Eight Reverande father Rychard Barnes bysshope of Durham dyed the xxiiij of auguste, and was buryed yB xxv of y" same munthe betwyx ij and iij of the clocke in forenjne the same day. Hughe Ffrende. Raphe Emerson. Yzabel Browne. Jenken Booke. Annes Grysse. Alys Walle. Robert Walle. Chrystopher Wryght. Margarete Wattson Thomas Styrke. Elyn Smyth. Elzabethe Wattson. Anne Dent. Simon Watson. Anne Ladlye. Jenet Lowsen. Robert Braiferton. Bertye Smythe. A poore man dyed vpon the brydge, buryed the ix of october._ Robert Watson. Edwarde Row. Allys Sym. Mr Gerard Salvyn. Izabell Todcastle. John Watson. John Bullman. * Sio. 32 CHEISTENINGS, MAEBIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 1587. Nov. JJ 10. JJ 17. JJ 18. JJ 25. •J 30. Dec. 2. JJ 2. Nov. 27.* Dec. 4. JJ 5. J) 5. JJ 12. JJ 13. 'j 14. JJ 24. JJ 26. JJ 31. JJ 31. Jan. 3. jj 4. Feb. 20. 22. 2. 3. 7. „ 15. „ 18. „ 21. 26. March 6.8. „ 16. „ 17. 1588. March 25. April 7. „ 14. 21. May 12. June 20. 23. July 27. 28. „ 27. 28. Aug. 11. Elyn Ferelesse. Elyn Tompson. John Bryse. Mystrys Leton. A poore man frome Synderland. Madge Orefeld.§ Wyddow Whytfeld. Anne Johnson. Wyllyam Knagges. Edwarde Noble. Bychard Mensforth. Anthony Betniawson. Nycholas Archar. Wyddow Mydforthe. Cuthberd Racket. Thomas Longestaffe. Wyddow Leffelde. Elyzabethe Backet. Chrystopher Hedwen. Thomas Alen. Izabell Taylfayre. Xpofer Holme. Jane Hedwen. John Gybson. A :poore man frome ye brome, in m™ Stevensons howse. Thomas Dunne. Elyzabethe Fyssher. Yzabell Denen. ' A poore man buryed y* dyed on the brydge end. Marget Dunne. John Watson. Anne Watson. Marget Spence. Yzaack Cotcsforthe. Anne Anderson. Alys Wallker. Elzabethe Fawden. § This may be considered to decide the burial 1 Dec, 1581. CHRISTENINGES. Elyzabethe Elyson. Thomas Stouerd, vpon ester day. John Tyrrye. Anne Wryght. Mathew Barrow. Thomas Leuerf (or Lener). Raphe Maysterman. Jane Atkynso/?. John Grene. Jane Atchynson.J John Grene. J: Robert Selby. * Sio. + i.e. Lever. t These two entries apparently inadvertently repeated. Vpon munday beinge the xijth day of august, a" p'dicto, the Right honorable earle of Himtington, lord presydent vnder or most gracyous sufferayne lady quene elyzbethe, caused a generall muster to be vpon spenymore of all persons wtin thage of xvj and lx yeares, onely win the bysshopryke, & no forther, where weare assembled on spenymore ye same day to ye full number of xl thowsande men, redy to serve hyr magesty when the shuld be called, whome god preserve longe to rayne our us, amother in Israeli. Amen. 1588. Aug. 24. Sept. JJ Oct. 25. Nov. Dec. Jan. 22. 4. 6. 13. 3.3. 17. 7. 4. 12. 12. Feb. 2. March 14. 16. 16. 1588. May 12. „ 12. 19. 9. 16. 4. June Aug. Sept. 24. Oct. 27. Nov. 10. „ 17. Dec. Jan. 28. 1588 April May Myles Rutter. . Francys Martyn. John Wylson. Thomasyn Fferelesse. Rober. Malam. Jane Wylson. Mary Blenkesope. Wyllyam Bawwynnye. Elzabeth Robynson. Elyn Carter. Alys Tutyn. Thomas Denyn. Rowland Wryght. Anne Wattson. Frannces Tompson. John Rowlyn. John Lowson. Lawrance Bellarby. WEDDYGNS. 1.1. 12. 2.* 13. Bychard Sym & Elyn Bellerbye. LeonerdeWray e & Annes Stedeman. Clement Taylfare & Anne Haryson. Thomas Johnson & Jane Dent. WyUyam Tutyn & Agnes Durham. John Watson & Anne Wande (or Waude). Phyllype Fawden & Marget Kye. James Johnson & Annes Isaac. John Goostorde and Alyson Beates. Wyllyam Tompson & Mariorye Hurst. James Storye & Jane Yonge. John Gray & Jane Sympson. BUEYINGES. Lanncett Hedwyn. Jenett Sclater. Herry Dawsen. Bell Harle. Wyllyan Denen. * Sio. CHRISTENINGS, MARRIAGES, AND BURIALS. 33 1588. June 5. Jane Kearston. » 11. Mystris Claxton, wy Robert Claxton. jj July JJ Oct. J) 28. 15. 15. 4. 7. Thomas Harysson. Beatrysse Tatons. Elyn Bell. Jane Whyte. Robert Malam. JJ 13. George Dowsen. Nov. 21. Wyddow Stoberd. jj 29. James Walker. Dec. 5. Thomas Bell. JJjj 8. 14. Christopher Knaggs. John Mensf orthe. jj 28. Peter Carter. Jan. 11. George Hedwyn. jj Feb. 13. 7. Chrystopher Lylforth. Rychard Car. to Mr 1S89. March 25. April 5. jj 13. jj 20. jj 27. May 11. June 1. jj 1. ?j 1. jj 1. jj 19. July 9. JJ 18. Aug. 2. jj 2. jj 2. jj 17. jj 24. jj 31. Sept. 3. JJ 14. JJ 21. Oct. 5. jj 19. Jan. 18. Feb. 14. JJ 15. JJ 22. Marcl i 1. » 21. v» c22. 11 22. CHRISTENYNGES. Catheryn Cotes. Alyson Carter. Margarete Bell. Alyce Wray. Edwarde Sewell. Chrystopher Bothe. Hugh Yeonger. John Stodart. Marget Harbottell. Catheryn Dawsen. Robert Stevenson. John Foster. Elynor Haryson. Thomas Neles. Marget Johnson. Marget Longstaffe. Wyllyam Hucheson. Wyllyam Story. John Lylforthe. , Yzabell Fawden. Wyllyam Hornesby. Marget Watson. Mychaell Dawsen. Marget Smart. SybeU Tyrrye. John Barber. Thomas Bullock. Thomas Ncwlande. Eycharde Gray. Barbara Kyndlesyde. Herry Denen. Mary Walker. 1589. WEDYNGES. May 26. John Hopper & Jane Bell. JJ 26. Wm Haryson & Alyse Car. July 6. Thomas Kyndlyesyde and Annes Lyddale. JJ 29. John Martyn and Pegge Gray. Aug. 5. Wyllyam BuUoke and AUyce Bamsha. Nov. 25. George Leburne and Jane Creame. jj 30. Martyn Denen and Margarete Olyuer. Jan. 20. George Rowle and Sybell Mydf urth Feb. 2. Christopher Wanne (or Waune ?) [&] Elzabethe Lumlye. J) 2. Robert Vnthanke [&] Catheryn Bolton. JJ 15. Mathew Short & Margaret Hunter. i 1589. BURYNGES. March 28. Thomas Denen. April 8. Jeny Hawston. May 19. Margarete West. jj 25. Sybell Lee. jj 30. Anthony Frende. June 7. Elzabethe Robynson. July 19. Richard Turner. Aug. 10. Jennet Wanne (or Waune ?). JJ 28. AUy Maltby. Sept. 3. Wyllyam Story. j) 15. John Stoderd JJ 16. Wyllyam Lylforthe. JJ 18. John LyUorth. JJ 20. Robert Maysterman & hys wyffe Margarete Maysterman, of the plage. JJ 25. Wydow Morys. Oct. 8." * Elyzabethe Longstaff . Sept. Adam Mrman and iiij of hys systeres buryed of ye plage ye 26, 27, 28, 29 of September. Oct. 3. A pore woman, yr keper, dyed of yr plage, and was buried ye thryd of October. JJ 4. Rychard Kearston of ve plage. JJ 16. Phylles Mydfurth ") of the Alysse Frend j plage. JJ 16. JJ 14. *,-. Margaret Caston, of the plage. JJ ;14. , Anthony Barton, of the plage. JJ 23, Marget Elande. JJ 29. Anne Alyson, alias Rychardson, of ye plage. JJ 29. Rolande Kerston, of ye plage. JJ 29. Wyllyam Spence. Sic. 34 CHEISTENINGS, MAEBIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 1589. Nov. 14 >j 18. jj 19. jj 20 jj 25 Dec. 13 JJ 24 JJ 26 Jan. 1 jj 4 jj 10 jj 21 Feb. 16 Marcl i 6 16. 1590. March 29. April 5. 26. 3. 17. ',', 17. June 13. May 27.12. 12. 12. 19. 1. 30. 6. 13. 13. Oct. 4. Nov. 15.22. 6. 13. 20. 6. 9. 14. 21. March 10. 20. 21. 1590. July jjjj jj Aug. Sept. Dec. JJJJ Jan. jj Feb. Myles Eutter, of ye plage. Jane Bowie, of y8 plage. Elyzabethe Whyte, of y" plage. Thomasyn Ferelesse, of y° plage. Bertye Layfeld ('Leburne' erased). Godfray Toft, baylyffe of Elvett. Thomas Fferelesse, of the plage. Wyllyam Ferelesse, of the plage. Mychaell, myller to Myles Whyte, supposed on ye plage. Thomas Leyfelde. Yzabell Fawden. Elyn Bow. Thomas Bullocke. John Heslope. Androw Fennyck. Tomson de Sunderland. CHEISTENYNGES. Marget Sym. Jacob Bychardson. Charles Bussie. Eobert Dowsen. Edwarde Yzaake. Ysabell Claxton supposed. Oswalde Denen. Elzabeth Eampshaw. Marget Noble. Hughe Bobynson. Yzabell Bobysson. Yzabell Talantyre. Yzabell Tuten. Thomas Leburne. Marget Lylfurth. Yzabell Tompson. Marget Bowell. Wyllyam Gayre. John Eowll. Catheryn Donne. Jone Haryson. Eobert Noble. Eaphe Tompson, alias Pawle. John Stoorye. John Nobull. James Softlye. Mathe Heden. Elzabeth Strudhurst. Elyzabeth Gowthrop. Cuthberd Wanne (or Waune ?). WEDDYNGES. May 24. Edward Lowrye & Mabell Watson. June 14. Nycholas Haryson and Marget Foster. 1590. Nov.Dec. Feb. 15. 8. Persy Tompson and YzabeU Lawes. Chrystopher Lyddale & SybeU Butter. Thomas Bowie & Marget Stoberd. John Bell & Jenet Holme. BUEYNGES. July Aug. 1590. April 23. May 18. Duke 27. HoggeHolyday . June 4. 7. 13. 4. 15.16.16. 17. 21.28. 28. 29. 1. 3. 6. 13. 19. 19.18.*22.29. 30. 10. 15. 26. 7. 7. 10. 22. 3. 19. 2.5. 5. 12.16. 9. 15.18. 16.* 5. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. March iiij Inprimis Thomas, a poore chyld frome Synderlande. Elyn Fayrelama. •Semynaryes.l ^ were hangea & rebelles J tbere horryble SybeU Tyrry. ofl6n06S- Eychard Taylear, on Whytsonday. Marget Sym. Alyse Bullok. Allys Bell. Charles Bussye. Steven Stevenson. Ffrannces Martyn. Jenet Lambe. Bell Cotes. John Bobson. Marget Stowry. Bodger Dawdlesshe. Yzabell Melan. Nycholas Tompson. Jane Carter. Catheryn Hall. Thomas Foster. Mathe Shortes chyld. Wyllyam Dobson. Susanna Are. Thomas Leburne. Catheryn Sympson. Cutheberde Anderson. YzabeU Longstaffe. Wm Bell. John Jacson. Margaret Eowll. Bobert Mallams chyld. Jane Frend. Bell Bowie. Yzabell Tutyn. Marget Wardhowgh. Cuthberd Dawsen. John Noble. Agnes Prack. Barnabas Walton. Bobert Haryson. Jane Lonsdale. The swynardes chylde, not chrys- tened. * Sic. CHEISTENINGS, MAEBIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 35 1590. BURYALLES. March 6. Charles Elyson. Thomas Hubboc. JJ 12.' 1591. )J 16. Oswen Wygham. March 26. Anthony Curre. JJ 23. Jane Byrkett. jj 28. John Selby. JJ 23. Elzabethe Strudhurst. April 1. Henry Boothe. »j 5. Anne Bothe. CHEISTENED. jj 12. Elyn BuUock. 1591. jj 13. Anne Lyddale frome Sunderland. March 25. Jane Blenkesope. jj 13. Jane Jacson. April 6. Anne Lowrye. jj 16. John Bell junior. jj 6. Cuthberd Hucheson. u 17. Robert Wanne (or Waune?). May 2. Bob. Herringson. jj 12.* Anne Leburne. jj 2. Ysabell Wright May 2. Jeny Hakens. jj 5. John Bell. JJ 14. Annes Wylkynson. jj 5. Elenore Bell. JJ 18. Elyzabethe Bekeson. jj 13. Jane Ffocer. J) 19. Grace Jobberd. June 26. John Kendrow. June 30. Dorythe BeU. jj 13.* Thomas Barrow. jj 15.* f Bobert Chapman. jj 13. Jane Barrow. July 5. John Hall. ' July 18. James Tyrry. Aug. 13. Annes Palmer. Aug. 15. Mathe Short. Sept. 2. Elyzabethe Bryce. JJ 15. Anne Carter. JJ 9. Mathew Short. JJ 15. Elyn Bullock. Oct. 6. Wylkenson. 22. Thomas Thompson. John Yonge (afterwards erased). JJ JJ 22. Martyn Brome. Oct. 31. James Leyburne. Sept. 5. Wyllyam Dawsen. Nov. 21. Clement Taylfayre. JJ 12. Jane Heawet. Dec. 4. Thomas Tompson. JJ 29. John Jonger. jj 31. Wyllvam Dun. Oct. 14. Jane Watson. Jan. 13. Elyn Bothe. Nov. 21. Elyzabethe Wyllyamson. Feb. 9. Mathe Eobson. Dec. 19. Margaret Hewet. JJ 15. John Sheperdson. JJ 26. Thomas Tutyn. JJ 23. Eobert Haryson. Jan. 17. Anne Cotes. March 10. Wm Wryght. jj 29. Thomas Tompson. Feb. 7. Thomas Ramsha. CHEISTENED. 20. Thomas Tompson. 1592. jj »j 26. Symon Martyn. March 26. Mary Sym, being easter daye. March 17. Thomas Carter. JJ 27. Marye Cotes. JJ 28. Jane Atchynson. WEDDYNGES. April 2. Thomas Meland. 1591. jj 2. Bychard Softlye. May 16. Robert Morlye & Jenet Rutter. jj 16. EUyzabethe Ffrysell. June 6. Christophe Softlye and Yzabell jj 23. Marget Chaxton. Donne. jj 24. Margaret Notterasse. j> 12. John Kyrklye & Elyn Pearson. May 14. Eychard Lyddale. Sept. 19. John Rowle & Barbara Gregson. jj 28. Alyse Selby. Oct. 10. Thomas Sym & Anne Browne. June 9. Mathe Cooper & John Cooper, jj 12. Rychard Wryght & Mariorye Gray. sonns to Bobin Cooper, were christened in Bow church in ya jj 19. Raphe Rokebye & JaneHedworthe. north balye, & there mother jj 31. Edward Archer & Anne Sheperd- buried ye same day. son. jj 11. John Bell. Nov. 14. Christophar Bell and Elzabethe jj 11. Thomas Phylyp. Tompson. jj 11. Thomas Ffrende. Dec. 20. George Iveson & Marget Tompson. jj 25. Marget Bellerby. Jan. 17. Wyllyam Ylye & Catheryn Fyssher. July 6. Marget Wray. jj 30. John Lambe & Yzabell Layton. •Sic. JJ 30. Annes Kyndlesyde. * Sic. 36 CHEISTENINGS, MAEBIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 1592. Aug. 13. „ 23. Nov. 11. Dec. Jan. 17.17. 26. 27. 31. 7. 20. „ 21. „ 28. „ 28. Feb. 20. March 10.11. 1592. July 14. Aug. 19. Oct. 9. 29. Nov. 20. Elyn Watson. Mary Archer. Anne Lowsen. Catheryn Gray. Elynor Beade. Thomas Archar. Ffrances Bobson. Yzabell Fawden. Elyn Ffrenche. Catheran Spence, d. of Gilbert Spence. Ann Eyslye. Jane Shorte. Grace Hobson. Elsabeth Boben'son: Eobart Spurner, s. of Bog1' Spurner. Barborye Thompson. WEDYNGS. 27. 27.27. Dec. 1592. AprU 10. 18. JJ 22 JJ 24 JJ 24 )> 28 JJ 29 dav 1 5 John Phylpott & Jane Ferelesse. Robin Cooper & Margret Bran- tingam were maried at Madlen chappell. George Man to Anne Gybson. Rychard Wardhowgh and Marget Forest. Rychard Dawton & Catheryne Mensforthe. Rychard Joplyn and Elzabethe Kyrklye. John Dune and Jeny Wryght. John Rygge and Alyse Olyver. Wyllyam Skurfeld and Jane Lyddale. Davy Robson & Jane Humfreson. BURYNGES. Mr Robert Booth of Olde Durham. Ml Christopher Chater of Bnt- terbye esquyre, and one of hyr maiestes Justeces of peace of thage of lxxxvij years was buryed the xviij day of apryll betwyxt the howres of one and ij of the clocke of ye same day before none, vnto whome god send a joyfull resurrection. Anne Tompson. Marget Hewett. Marget Notteras (afterwards erased). Margaret Mensforthe. Elyzabethe Robson. Sym on Martyn. Thomas Tompson. 1592. May 14. John Yeunger. „ 14. Thomas Sym. „ 19. Cuthberd Yzaac. June 2. Jenet Smyrke. „ 19. Elsabethe Watson. 23. Alyce Selby. „ 24 Brafferton.§ July 3 Barrow. 12 Meland. 13 JJ 17. JJ 18. JJ 26. JJ 27. JJ 28. JJ 29. JJ 30. Aug. 2. JJ 5. JJ y. JJ 10. Sept. l. JJ 24. 27. JJ 27. 28. JJ 30. Oct. 15. JJ 25. Nov. 16. Dec. 8. Jan. 10. jj 19. jj 23. jj 26. Feb. 2. JJ 10. Margaret Wray. Jeny Grene. John Clarke from Shyncklye Bakhowse. John Dawsen. John Johnson. Jane, wyffe of M1' Thomas Salvyn. Sythe Symson. Jenet Carter. Mathew Hedden. Elzabethe Browne. Yzabell Browne. Anne Sherynton. Marget Mawgham. Thomas Watson. Mary Sym.f Christophar Smyrke. Robert Swadalle. Thomas Smyth. Anthony Story. Anne Rysly. Thomas Archer. Margret Spence, wife to Gilbert Spence. Mori mihi lucrum. Charles Moberley vicar of Saynte . Oswoldes in Durham, being a mostj graue, wise,J modest,J and discrete father J ('man' in serted), was buryed the x day of february, being of the age of lx ¦ yeares, to whome the seternall god send a ioyfull resurrection, and to be . . . .e of the electe children in Christ Jesus his sauiour. Amen. qa Samuel] Moberley. Vivit post funera virtus. § This is the last page of the Register, and before being bound has become much worn and torn. It will be understood in the succeeding entries wherever there is a dotted line, that pieces of the pages are gone. + Possibly intended for Symson, as there is the appearance. of a mark of contraction over the ' Sym.' t The pen drawn through these words and under " joyful resur rection," and "poperie" written in the margin by a later hand, CHEISTENINGS, MAEBIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 37 1592. Feb. .17. ....... iphe Morison, s. of. Wm Morison. .M 19. :,, 25. J|March)5. . . oan Salven of Crnxdaile. March 6. Smith. . March . . . B End of-Eegigter no. 1. The next Eegister, which is not numbered, is On parchment, in the original "binding. It commences 1598, there being an hiatus of six years between this and the last Begister. On the fly-leaf, partly illegible. 1599. Saint Osw[ald's] Eegester Booke cost xxij8 (?) iijd The parchment w' Bynding Mr Jaxs .......... AJnd James Mathew Short & Christofer Leddale Being Church Wardens And Nicholas Hobson being clarke. Anno domini 1598. Nicholas Hobson parishe clarke. The register booke belonging to Sl Oswouldes parishe church in Durham, with aU < there names that weare Maryed, Christned, and Buryed since the great visitation in Durham, as in the yeare above mentioned. The number of them that died within Elvitt streates — 344. (The above is written twice over.) The fourth of June 1603 this Eegester Book was dd in the gaUilie at y8 court : w' the a coppi of pach : [? with a copy of parchment] won eopie was left w' mr Thomas King & commandment given that the chur wardens from time to time yearly: shaU delivr at the seeme (?) day at east1 a true coppie of all christ8 wedinges & burialls falling the year before. Eobert Cooper churchwardin. Thomas Atkinson : parishe Clerki§ WEDDINGES. 1598. May 2. 28. SamiuU Hopper of Shinklife ande Elizsabethe GrynweU. Eobert Duckett ande Annas Bawe. § Written later. 1598. May 18i* June 20. July 2. JJJJ 2. 11. JJ 16. Sept.Oct. 24. 22. Nov. jj Jan. Nov. Antony Ayre of Shinklife and Elsabeth Carter. John Tompson ande Jene Esake. Jarrelde Cotes and Elsabethe Farrow. WUh'am HaU and Anne Awderley. Thomas Bowie and Issabell Laysinbye. George Donne ande AUeson SwaUwell. John Pilgrime and Jane Layborne. Myhell Whetley and Elsb Mydforthe. Charles Gastell and Margret Torye. Bartle Holmeand Margret Knages of the Brome. Eichard Olever and Margery* Dawsen. 28.* Bychard Sporner and IssabeU "Watson ('Sporner' erased). 8. 13 BUEYALLES. 1598. April 25. May 7. „ 7. 18. 7.9. 9. 15. 16. Aug. Sept. Nov. 29. Dec. 8. Jan. 11. „ 14. „ 18. March 6. 1598. AprU 23. 23. 30.21. 28. Isbell Wright of Shinklife. John Carter of Shinklife. John Donne of Borne hall. Bobert Foster. Thomas Barker. Edward Wright ) bothe William LawreU ] hanged. John Trotter of Brome. Jeralde LydeU, s. of Jerald LydeU of Sonderland. Sythe Dowson, d. of William Dowson. A childe of S1 Boyekes. Jane Sodeke of Croxdell. Kateryn Donne, d. of Georg Donne. John. Skorf eld of Shinklife. Wedo Martingdell. CHEISTi^VINGES. May July 28. Margret Kinelysid, d. of Thomas Kingly sid. Isbell Hyrst, d. of Georg Hurst. Isbell Barrow, d. to Hugh Barrow Jane Kyrkley, d. to Antony Kyrkley of Borne hall. George White, s. to Thomas of Shinklife. Barthram Trotter of Brome, borne of a traveling woman. * Sic. 38 CHEISTENINGS, MAEBIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 159E . Sept. 2. » 3. >j 24. Oct., 8. jj jj Nov. 15. 31. 19. Jan. 12. » 21. Feb. 25. jj 25. March 16. 1599. April 21. May 12. j> 27. June 10. jj July jj99 17. 1. 23. 29. JJ 29. Aug. 5. jjjj 5. 5. jjjj 19. 26. Sept. 9. Oct. 17. jj 7. jj 21. Dec. 2. JJ 2. Clement Eamshaw, s. of Hughe Bamshaw. Thomas Hucheinson, s. of John Huchinson. Elsabethe Coningham, d. to Bobert Coningham. Anne Barrow, d. to George Barowe. Clement Iley, s. to William Hey. James Syme, s. to John Syme. Margret Cotes, d. of Bartle Cothes. Catteryn Donne, d. of George Donne. Thomas Atkinson, s. to James ('Edward' erased) Atkinson of Brome. Henrye Graye, s. to Rafe Graye. Ellyner Kyrkley, d. to John Kyrkley of Borne hall. BichardeTaytis, s. of Eichard Taytis CHEISTENINGES. Lawrence Eichardson, s. of Gilbert Bicheson of Brome. Anne Dowson, d. to William Dowson. Georg Palmer, s. to Walter Pallmer. Ellyner Hunter, d. to Mathew Hunter. Margret Jakson. Jenne Noble, d. to Mathew Noble. Mayrye Hall, d. to William Hall. John Hopper, s. of John Hoper of Shinklife. Hughe Tompson, s. to John Tomson the younger. John Sporner, s. to Eichard Sporner. Margret Hurst, d. to Georg Hurst. Margret Eashell, d. to Thomas Eashell of Shinklife. Elsabethe Cotes, d. to Jerald Cotes. Jenne Ayre, d. to Anthony Ayre of Shinklife. John Carter, s. to Eoger Carter of Hordshowse. Elsabethe Punshon, d. to Edward Punshon of Shinklife. : Eichard Skaytloke, s. to Eobert Skaythloke. Jenne Whetley, d. to Myhell Whetley of Shinklife. Christefor Bell, s. of Xpofer Bell of Brome. William Eowtter, s. to Bobert Bowter. »Sic. 1599. Dec. 9. Nicholas Forser, s. to Nicholas Forcer of Stoteyet. Feb. 2. Georg Ellyson s. to Henry Ellyson. jj 3. Myles Barrowe, s. to Hugh Barrow. JJ 3. Georg Greyne, s. to Symon Greyne. March 2. Allyson Johnson, d. to James Johnson. jj 20. Margret Holme, d. to Bartle Holme of Brome. WEDINGES. 1 ^QQ -LO«7 May '3. Lawerence Dawson and Luce. Beates. JJ 8. Eichard Elyson and Jenny Donne. June 5. Bobert Dikson and Margret BeU. jj 12. Bobert Greyne and Wedo Wright. jj 18. Georg Sallet and Catteryn Croft. July 25. Georg Foster and Jene Anderson. Aug. 21. Symon Greyne and Barberye Crame. JJ 21. Fyllope Faldon and Margery Atkinson. Oct. 21. Henry Donne & Anne Eycheson. Nov. 27. Bobert Bobeson and Margery ElUnson. William Browne and Issabell Jan. 29. Tesdell. jj 29. Phillope White and Anne Bawe. Feb. 3. Bobert Barrowe and Jene Bobeson. BUEYALLS. 1 WO LOO April 15. Antony Claxton. a 21. Jene Atkinson. May 30. Elsabeth Borryll. July 5. William Dawson of Bywell. jj 15. A woman childe of mr Eubankes, prebendarye of yc cathetharaU church of Durham. Aug. 14. Wedo Dawson of Borne woode. Sept. 2. John Hoper, s. of John Hopper of Shinklife. Sept. 16. Jene Carter, wife of Henrye Carter of Shinklife. Oct. 9. A childe fownd dede at Shinklife. Nov. 11. Wedo Dawson of Toddey of parishe of Branspethe. Dec. 30. John Ellinson. Jan. 21 EUiner Wright, d. of. Thomas Wright of Brome. jj 30. Anne Blenkeshope wedo. Feb. 22. Eichard Foster, s. of George Foster. jj 25. Boger Makecrowne of Sonderland. jj 26. Gerralde Lydle of Toddey of the parishe of Branspithe. March 14. John Borryll. CHEISTENINGS, MAEBIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 39 1600. March 30. JJ April jj 30.13. 27. May 25. jj July jjjj 1.* 13.25.27. Aug. 15. 29. Sept. Nov. 21.* 31. 9.2. 16. „ 23. Jan, 10. „ 18. 3.* Feb. 22. March 3. 8. 15. 22. CHEISTNINGES. Mayrye Hucheson, d. to Xpofor Huchinson. Bobert Lambe, s. to John Lambe. Myles Barowe, s. to Eobert Barowe. Elsabethe Blunt, d. to Georg Blunt. Thomas Kirkley, s. to Antony Kyrkley of Borne hall. Georg Donne, s. to George Donne. Jene Gastell, d. to Charles Gastell. Jene Greine, d. to Eobert Greyne. James Dowson, s. to WUliam Dowson. Elsabethe Donne, d. to Henry Donne. Jene Hopper, d. to John Hopper of Shinklife. Ane Jurdeson, d. to James Jurdeson. Eichard Pattison, s. to Mathew Pattinson in Shinklife. Issabell Lampton, d. to mr John Lamton. Elsabethe Softley, d. to Xpofor Softley. William Atkinson, s. to James Atkinson of Brome. Isabel Taytis, d. to Eichard Taytis. Mathew White, s. to Thomas White of Shinklife. Eichard Kinglesyd, s. to Thomas Kinglesyd. John Barrowe, s. to Eobert Barrowe. Katteryn Conningham, d. to Bobert Conningham. Anne Bawe, d:to John Bawe. Bebekay Waud (or Wand?), d. to Thomas Waud. George Blithe, s. to John Blithe. Eebekay Cotes, d. to Bartle Cotes. WEDDINGES. 1600. April 20. Hughe Mansworthe & Jen Eichardson. May 20. John Hopper and Sycely Kyrkley. „ 20. Jerralde Spede and Jene Golyghtlye. June 8. Willam Stote andElsabethe Hodge. July 6. John Greyne & Elsabethe Storye. Oct. 25. Thomas Younge and Issabell Mories. Feb. 24. Henrye Carter and Elsabethe Barrow. BUKIALLS. 1600. April 10. Mayry Huchinson, d. to Xpofor Huchinson. jj 2.* A pore Boye, beinge a stranger to the parishe. jj 13. Thoma? Ellinson. JJ 15. Myles Barrow, s. to Georg Barrow juaor. JJ 14.* Eafe Billingem, s. to John Billingem. May 12. Georg Donne, s. to Georg Donne. July 17. A man childe of Hugh Eamshawes. JJ 19. Margret Salvin, d. to mr Jerrat Salvin of Croxdell. Sept. 9. Jene Hoppi-r. JJ 9. Anne Jurdeson. Oct. 17. Georg Foster dyed ('buried' seemingly erased) at Lyenell Martynes. Nov. 26. Francis LydeU of Sonderland. jj 26. Mayry LydeU, wife of Antony Lydle of Sonderland. Dec. 20. Anne Barrow, d. to Barrow the younger. Jan. 1. Nicholas Pythye. jj 19. Jene Greyne, d. to Eobert Gren. jj 20. George Grene, s. to Symon Gren. jj 29. Mathew White, s. to PhiUope White. Isabell Lampton, d. to Mr John ? j 7* Lamton. Feb. 20. Margret Whitfeld, wife of Eobert Whitfeld tayler. March 3. Eichard Kinglesyd, s. to Thomas Kinglesyd. JJ 5. John Martyn.-_ JJ 18. Eichard Brantingham, father to Eobet Cowpers wife. JJ 19. John Mekrone of Sonderland. JJ 25. Anno Dayle, sarvant to mr Thomas Chaytor of Botterbe. CHEISTNINGES. 1601. Feb. 5. March 29. April 8. „ 13. „ 25. May 30. June 17. Catterine Hunter & Jene Hunter, daughters to Mathew Hunter. Eafe Syme, s. to John Syme. . John Esake, s. to Thomas Esake. Nicholas Hurste, s. to Georg Hurst; John Tutine, s. to William Tutine of Shinklife. John Grene, s. to John Grene of Shinklife. Margret Walker, d. to Boger Walker of Brome. *Sic. 40 CHEISTENINGS, MAEBIAGES, AND BURIALS. 160] June L. 22. July Aug. 26. 9. Feb.* 28. Ang. 28. Jan. Sept. 17* 6. Oct. ?j 11. 13. jj 18. jj 18. jj Nov. 25. 5. JJ 22. Dec. 4. March* 6. Dec. 13. March* 9. Dec. 20. „ 26. »J 27. Feb. Jan.* Feb. 25. 10. 7. A base-begotten child borne at Eichard Eogersons at Whit howse. Annas Donne, d. to Georg Donne. Elsabethe Hopper d. to John Hopper of Shinklife. Eobert Eowtter, s. to Bobert Eowtter. Thomas Stevenson, s. to Eafe Stevenson base-begotten. Elsabethe Uey, d. to William Hey. Margret Kyrkley, d. to John Kyrkley of Borne Hall. Margret Browne of Shinklife. Anne Whetley, d. to Myhell Whetley of Shinklife. John Bamshaw, s. to Hugh Eam- shaw. Mathew Barrowe, s. to Georg Barow junior. Looke Handes. Essabell Lever, d. to Samwell Lever of Aldernege. Mathew Tompson, s. to John Tomson junior. Susanay Johnson, d. to Gawand Johnson of Brome. John Cotes, s. to Jerry Cotes. Margret Softley, d. to Eobert Softley. Georg Syme, s. to John Syme. Anne Fisher, d. to John Fisher. William Whitley, s. to William Whitley smythe of Shinklife. Margret Tompson d. to Thomas Tomson. Mayry Dikson of Whit howse. Anne Grene, d. to Symonde Gren, John Kinglysyd, s. to Thomas Kinglesyd. WEDINGES. 1601 June 9. John Browne of Shinklife and Allyson Gawle. Sept. 22. William Snaithe of Borne haU and Jene Martyn. Charles Shefeld and Jene Tompson. Eichard Archer and Wedo Lyl forthe. John Herdman and Issabell Graye. John Bydley and Margret Lydle. Nov. Feb. 2. 23. 8. 14. BUBIALES. 1601. — March 28. Allyson Johnson, d. to James Johnson. March 30. Anne Johnson, wife of James Johnson. April 21. Eafe Syme, s. to John Syme. „ 30. Margret Wall, of the parishe of St. Gyles. May 26. Eobert Lylforthe. June 18. John Bell of the fyld howse. „ 29. John Bawlyn, s. to George Bawlyn of Shinklife. July 20. A man childe of John Wales of Aldernege. „ 20. Bobert Whetley, s. to WiUam Whetley of ShinkUfe. „ 21. Thomas Horsley, s. to mr Thomas Horley (sic). „ 21. Dorytie Salvine, d. to m Jerryt Salvin of CroxdeU. Aug. 1. Andrew Halkines. „ 12. Anne Donne, d. to Georg Donne. „ 21. Grace Watson, d. to John Watson. Sept. 5. Margret Walker, d. to Boger Walker of Brome. „ 12. Margret Kinglysyd, d. to Thomas Kinglysyd. „ 16. Margret Kirkley, d. to John Kyrkley of Borne hall. „ 16. Elsabethe Softley, d. to Xpfor Softley. Oct. 6. Margret Pige dyed at Whitworth howse. „ 16. A man childe of Myhell Whitleyes of Shinklife. „ 18. Elsabethe Watson. „ 21. Eafe Hodgson. „ 25. Jene Sym of Norton. 28. Anne Whetley, d. to MyheU Whetley of Shinklife. Nov. 6. Edmonde Stodert of Sonderland. „ 13. Wedo Eodome. „ x4. John Isake, s. to Thomas Isake. „ 23. Jennat Crages. „ 26. Elsabethe Gaskyne. Dec 6. Ellyner Syme wedo. „ 15. Margret Graye, wife of Mathew Grave of Shinklife. 21. William Hey. „ 28. Anne Bobeson. Jan. 15. Issabell Lever, d. to m Samwell Lever of Aldernege. „ 18. Wedo Halle 6f Brome. Feb. 5. %§" James Hobson. „ 12. Georg Graye. „ 14. Jene Hunter, d. to Mathew Hunter. March 9. Georg Syme, s. to John. Syme. CHEISTENINGS, MAEBIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 41 CHEISTNINGES. 1602. March 25. jj 28. April 1. May 9. June jj 13. 19. July Aug. 12. 1. JJ JJJJ 1. 22. 29. Dec. Sept. 5.2. JJ 12. JJ 19. JJ 21. JJ 26. Oct. 3. March 13. Oct. 10. JJ 17. JJ Aug. 17. 29. Oct. 31. JJ Feb. 31. 6. Nov. 14. 21. Jan.Feb. 23. 6. Jennat Skurfeld, d. to Xpofor Skorfeld of Shinklife. Ann .• ('Elsabethe' erased), d. to Antony Ayre of Shinklife. Thomas EasheU, s. to Thomas Eashell of Shinklife. Grace Herdman, d. to John Herd- man. Georg Eowle, s. to Thomas Bowie. Elsabethe Hedwine, d. to Bobert Hedwine of [Sjhinklife. Jane Torpine, d. to John Torpine. Thomas Hopper, s. to Hughe Hopper. Gylbert Softley, s.to Xpfor Softley. Margret Grene, d. to Bobert Grene. Georg Snaithe, s. to William Snaithe of Borne hall. : Georg Donne, s. to Georg Donne. Margret Noble, d. to Mathew Noble. Issabell Fayreles, d. to William Fayreles. Marmaduke Blaxton, s. to Mr Omfraye Blaxton of Fencolaye. Anne Atkinson, d. to Thomas Atkinson ('mortua' written in the margin) Margret Wall, d. to John Wall of Aldernege. Thomas Holme, s. to Bartle Holme of Brome. := ElsabetheEdwardes,baysebegoten. Anne Carter, d. to Boger Carter of Hurdhowse. Catteryn Bychardson, d. to Boger Bychardson of Brome. Margery Man, d. to Georg Man. : Bartholomy Morrys, s. to m, Morrys of Reyley. Margery Kyrkley, d. to John Kirkley of Borne Hall. Margery Medleton. * John Whitley, s. to MyheU Whet ley of Shinklife. Elsabethe Mayson, d. to Nicholas Mayson. Bebekay Browne. Georg Care, s. to Thomas Care. John Hall, s. to William HaU. George ('John' erased) Bydley, s. to John Bydley. Margery Hobson, d. to Nicholas Hobson, clarke of this parishe churche. •Sic. 1602. AprU 25. „ 29. May 19. June 6. June 13. July 29. Dec. 9. 1602. March 25. WADINGES. John Torpyne and Annes Bayles. Eobert Hedwine of Shinklife and Margret Foster. John Smythe and Wedo Hodgson. WUliam Medleton and Anne Pennington. John Dikinson and Elsabethe Tomson . Jefraye Walker and Issabell Sharpe, by a lycence from docter Colmore. Thomas Esake and Mayre TyndeU. BUEIALLES. April jj 4. 6. jj jj 16. 16. jj 25. May jj 4. 25. July Sept. JJ 31. 19. 25. Oct. 2. JJ 26. >J Nov. 31 18 Jan. 4. jj 6. Feb. 12.23. 23. 12.25. John Hobson, father to Nicholas Hobson clarke of this parishe churche bringe f owre skore yeres and a leven of age whome the lord god be wth his sowle. John Barrow, s. to Bobert Barrow. WUliam Lydle, s. to Anthony Lydle of Sonnderiand. Cuthbart Lydle plummer. Elsabethe Ayre, d. to Antony Ayre of Shinklife. Else EUynson, wife of Henrye EUinson. WUliam Tomptson junor. A man child of John Brownes 'of CroxdeU. Anne Person of Sonderland. Mr Jerralde Salvin of CroxdeU. Allyson Hedwine, wife of John Hedwine of Shinklife. John Doller of Sonderland. Antony Lydle, s. to Antony Lydle of Sonderland. Henrye Hornsbye. Marger Medleton. Margery Kyrkley of Borne hall. Gylbart Softley, s. to Xpofor Softley. Dorytie Gaylle. Elsabethe LydeU, d. to Xpofor Lydle. Bartle LydeU, s. of Cuthbart LydeU. A poor man fownde spent at Botterbe. Lawrence Tompson bell Binger att the college churche. Wedo White. Bobert Lambe Blake-smythe of St Nicholas parishe. ' Eobert Dawsone s. to wedo Daw son some time of Baxter woode. *Sic. 42 CHEISTENINGS, MAEEUGES, AND BUEIALS. CHEISTENINGES. 1603 March 27. April 27. 3. »> 3. JJ JJ J> 10.10. 10. JJ 17. JJ 17. JJ 27. May 29. July 3. » 25. Aug. 21. jj 28. Sept. 11. » 19. Oct. 9. JJ 16. JJ 23. Nov. 6. jjjj Dec. 27. 12 26 JJ 26. Jan. 1. jj 6. jj 29. James Browne, s. to WUliam Browne, Mr of the Corresters of the cathetharall Church of Dur ham. Mayrye Syme,d. to John Syme. Elsabethe Hawksworthe, d. to Mr Hawks worthe. WUliam Ayre, s. to Antony Ayre of Shinklife. John Trowlep, s. to Eafe Trolep. Thomas Tayler, s. to Eoger Tayler. Anne, a basterd borne in the aUmas howse. Antony Nikson, s. to Gilbert Nykson. Antony Tayler, s. to John Tayler of Shinklife. Mayrye Dykinson, d. to John Dykinson. Elsabethe Woodend, / gtr ° ergto Margret Winter, jthep|rishe. John Graye, s. to Mathew Gray of Shinklife. James Stevenson, s. to Eafe Stevenson mayson. Steven Mayland, s. to Eobert May- land. Elsabeth Barrowe, d. to Eobert Barrow. Mayrye Barrowe, d. to Hughe Barowe. Margret Softley, d. to Eobert Softley tayler. Against this entry, in the margin, is written ' false set downe ', but the pen has after wards been drawn through those words. James Graye, s. to Eafe Graye. Anne Hyll, d. to S1 Cuthbard HU1 of the Brome. George Heddon, s. to Bobert Heddon of Shinklife. A basterd chUde caUed Charles, the mothers name Margret Pattinson, but the True fathers name unserten. John Hurst, s. to George Hurst. , Mayrey Lambe, d. to John Lambe. Anne Softley, d. to Xpofor Softley. Mayrie Mensworthe, d. to Hughe Mensworthe. A man child beinge a basterd borne att Brome. Nicholas White, s. to Phillope White. Barberye Donne, d. to Henrye Donne. 1603. Feb. 2. 11. „ 19- „ 19. March 4. Marye Herdman, d. to John Herd' man. Dorothie ('Barberye' and'Mar gerye' erased) Whitfeld, d. to Eichard Whitfeld. Allye Skorfield of Shinklife. Ales Ellinson, a basterd of Eichard EUinsons.' . - Katteryn Lyddell, d. to Xpofor LydeU. Thomas Ayre, s. to Antony Ayre a basterd. WEDLNGES. 1603. July 17. „ 24. „ 31. Aug. 29. Sept. 27. Oct.Dec. 16. 4. Jan. 14. 1603. March 25. „ 26. „ 28. „ 28. April 4. „ 16. 23.23.27. 4 May June 9. 28. 2. „ 18. July 22. Aug. 19. „ 31. John Browen and Jayne Johnson. Thomas White and Jayne Parker. Thomas Herison and Jayne Syme, servantes to mr Eand. John Heddon of Shinklife and Margret Parkine. Eichard Whitfelde and Elsabethe Hopper. Jarralde Sallett and AUeson BeU. Eicharde Eicheson and Elsabethe Swabell ('Shinklif e ' written in the mar gin in a different hand.) John Walker and Susanaye Spence. BUEIALLES. Jarratt Hedde of CroxdeU, a myllner. GUbert White, s. to Thomas White of Shinklife. Mayrye Hall, d. to WUliam HaU. Wedo Dawson of Baxter woode. Wedo Whetley of Shinklife. Allyson Browne, wife of John Browne of Shinklife. Mayrye Syme, d. to John Syme." Georg Donne, s. to Georg Donne. Boger Walker of Brome. Anne Swane. Jane Whitfeld, wife of John Whitfeld. Nicholas Hurst, s. to Georg Hurst. William Ayre, s. to Antony Ayre of Shinklife. Marey Pigdon, servant to WiUam Dowson. A woman childe of Edward Punshons of ShinkUfe. Mrs ElUner Chater, wife of M' Thomas Chater esquire. Eichard Heyrine and ") bothe executed Cuthbart Williamson ) at Dribome. MaUey Hodghson wedo. CHEISTENINGS, tMAEEtAGES, AND BUElALS. 1603. 1604. Sept. 19. Margret Softley, d.-'t& Eobert. jj 23. Oct. 15. Antony GeUson from Soonderland. JJ 28. John Spetle. jj 30. JJ 31. Mr John Pilkingeton, Arsedecon of the countie pallintyne of Oet. 7. Durham, and prebendarie of the JJ 14. cathetharall churche of Durham. Nov. 4; lsabell Watson wedo. jj 21. jj 18. George Heddon, s. to Eobert Heddon of Shinklife. j> 28. JJ 19. Jayne Cotes, d. to Bartle Cotes. Dec. 8. Syethe Syme. j? 28. Jan. 8. Elsabethe Bo wter, wife -of Bobert Bowter. Nov. 3. Feb. 7. Barberie Donne, d. to Henrye Donne. >, 4. »J 11. Charles Moberley. a bastard. >j 4. March 7. Thomas Chater, Servant to mr ThomasThomasChater esquieore' 8. WUliam Lambert, s. to mr Clement Lambert. 1604. jj 8. Anne Graye, wife of Eafe Graye. May 20. jj 10. Bebekkay Cotes, d. to Bartle Cotes. July 3. » 11. Mra Katteryn Lambert, wife Of Clement Lambert. Feb. 5. 4. CHEISTNINGES. jj 10.' 160 March 25. Anne Eicheson, d. to Eicherd Bicheson of Shinklife. ! 1604. April 10. Bobert Grene, s. of John Grene of ! April 28. Shinklife. May 3. 15. George Shefeld, a basterde. JJ 6. ji M 22. Anne Eicheson of Fencoley. JJ 30. May 1. Margery Shefelde, d. to Charles' Shefeld. June 9. May 6. ' Jayne Snaythe of Borne hall. jj 6. Ayles Cotes, d. to Jarrald Cotes. JJ 20. Jayne Kirkley of Borne HaU. JJ 22. Antony Heddone and IssabeU Hedon, two twines of John Heddons of Shinklife. jj 12. June 3. Margerie Herryson, d. to Thomas jj 17. Herry son hynd to mr Band. July 27. j> 17. Jayne (altered from ' John') Bawe, Aug. 6. daughter (' so ' erased) to Cuth JJ 29. bert Bawe. j> 17. Thomas Hoppe. Sept. 2. jj 24. George Tompson, s. of John Tom son the younger and cowe herd of the parishe. Oct. 2. Aug. 24. Thomas Garthrone, supposed s. of Christofor Garthrone base be JJ 8. gotten. Sept. 9. Margrett Johnson, d. of Gawan Johnson of the Brome. JJ 14. jj 15. John Palmer, s. of Water Palmer. JJ 28. Mary Hawkexworth, d. of Rxibi Hawkexworth. Eichard Kynleside; s. of Thomas Kynlesid. Ehzabeth Eidlay,d. of JohnEidlay. Margret Grennej d. of Symond Grenne. Alhson Heddon, d. of Eobt Hed don of Shinkclif . Ehzabeth Hopper, d. of SammueU Hopper of Shinkclife. Ann Tutyn, d. of WiUm Tutyn of Shinkclif. Jane Whetly, d. of WUlm Whetly smith of Shinkclife. • ElUnor Softlay, d. of Eobt Softlay. Anne Sym, d. of John Syme. WEDINGES. Thomas Foster and Margerie Bicheson of Shinklife. William HaUe and Anne Storye wedo. Willm Dune & Kathrine Siirtis. .. Water Ffoster and Jayne Maltby. BUEIALLES. Wede Oonwingham of SQhderlan&i. Cuthbart Loweson of Brome. WUliam Maltbe. A woman childe of Sr Cuthbait Hiles of Brome. Georg Foster, s. of Thomas Foster* of Shinklife, slayne by mesf orton out of a wayne on Shinklife pethe. Charles Moberley, s. of Charles Moberley, Some tyme vicker of this churche. Eichard Taytis. John Morrell of Brome. Xpofor Softley. Jayne Pilgram, wif of John Pilgram. Jayne Appleby, servant to Eobt Cooper, dyed in the vesitation the second day of September^ Issabell Heddon, d. of John Heddon of Shinkclife. Jayne Eobinson, sarvant to Isacke Pilkinton, died in the vesita- tionne. James Bobinson of Sunderlannde. Jayne, the wif of Willm Marshall. 44 CHEISTENINGS, MAEBIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 1604. Dee. 11. „ 17. Jan. 5. 6. Feb. 21. Mar. 1. 13. 1605. Mar. 25. 1604. Dec. 27 JJ Jan. 27 4 jj 2020 27. Feb.Mar. 28. 17. 1605. AprU 7. May JJ June . jjjj 12. 31. 2.2. 6. jj 9. jj 9. jj 30. July jj 14.21. jj 21.22. Willm Talor. Mally Carrudder, sister to Water Ffoster. Jayne Hewetson. Margrett Dickeson, d. of John Dickeson. Anne Whetlame of Shinkclif. Kathrine Atkinson, wif of Thomas Atkinson, parish clarke of St Oswoldes, who died forth of this world ye 29 daie of ffebruary. Elizabeth Ffearnlay, supposed d. of Xpofor Ff earnly a basterd. Jayne Whetly, d. of Whetly of Shinkly. (Thus in Kegister.) CHEISTININGES. S WUImSiu Thomazine Eashell, d. of Thomas Eashell of Shinkclif. John Browne, s. of Sr Browne. Margrett Dickeson, d. of John Dickeson. Georg Hunter, s. of John Hunter. John Skathlocke, supposede s. of WUlm Skathlock beinge a bastard. Christobell Leddell, d. of Boger Leddell. Thomas Hall, s. of WUlm Hall. Margrett Varle, d. of Nicholas Verle. CHEISTININGES. Georg Bryanne Ffoster, s. of Ffoster. EUzb. Dune, d. of Willm Dune. Margrett Dent, d. of Jeffraie Dent. Georg Man, s. of Georg Man. Nicholas Bell, s. of Xpofor BeU. Izabell Hill, d. of Cuthbart HU1 Clark. Kathrine Bellis, d. of mr Bryan Bellis Esquire. Myles Hunter, s. of Matthew Hunter. John Talor, christned and borne in Shinckclif. Jayne Carter, d. of Boger Carter. Nicholas Myddleton, s. of WUkam Myddleton. Georg Ewins, s. of WUliam Ewins. Marlande Hodgson, d. of Ealf Hodgson. § A continuation apparently of the christenings on page 43, second column. 1605. July 25. Aug. 22. Sept. 1. JJ JJ 8. 14. JJ Oct. 15. 20. Ann Whetlay, d. of Mychaell Whetlay of Shinckclif. James Lever, s. of mr Sammuell Lever. Jheronime Chator, d. of mr Thomas Chator of Butterbe Esquire. Xpofor Ffisher, s. of John Ffisher. James Hobson, s. of ¦ Nicholas Hobson. Ann Barrow, d. to Hugh Barro\p. EUzabeth Ffoote, d. of Thomas Ffoote. 27. Kathrine Ffoster, d. of Xpofor Ffoster. 27. Symond Ayre, s. of Anthony Ayre of ShinkcUffe. WEDDINGS. 1605. AprU 2. 23. July 30. Aug.Feb. 13. 10. Willm Ewins and EUzb. Carr. Jeffray Dent and EsabeU Arm- stronge. Cuthbart Spence and Jayne Long- staff. Henry Ellison and Else Pavine. Hugh Eampshaw and Dorithia Atkinson. Auguste xvth 1605. Ma that I Xpofor Batmanson of Bromehall wi'hin the parish of St Oswoldes nighe the Cittye of Durham deliuered his name and presented hime selfe accordinge to a statute provided for confyninge of Eecusantes w^in the compasse of ffive myles and choysed for his aboode Bromehall af oresaide the daie and yeare aboue noted. Christofor Batmanson, 1605. April 12. . „ 13. May 16. June 5. „ 22. July 15. Aug. 4. Sept. 16. „ 19. Oct. 17. BUBIALLES. Boger Carter. EsabeU Thompson. Willm Strodert who stranngled hime self. Georg Conyers. Margrett Dent, d. of Jeffrie Dent. Myles Hunter, s. of Matthew Hunter. Baph Steare. Jayne Suddicke, d. of Lancelott Suddieke. William. Denam of Shinckclif. Elizabeth Leddell, wif of James Leddell decesed. CHEISTENINGS, MAEBIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 45 1605. Oct. 29. Nov. 9. Dec. 17. Jan. 7. 13. 27. Feb. 15. 1605. Nov. 17. „ 17. Dec. 29. Jan. 16. March 9. 1606. March 30. April 6. 6. „ 25. May 1. „ 11. June 15. July 6. „ 13. „ 13. „ 17. Aug. 10. „ io. „ 24. Sept. 11. Oct. 5. „ 12. „ 12. „ 22. Ann Crame. Hugh Hopper draper. Jayne Hopper, d. to Hugh Hopper draper next af or named. John Walker of Aldernedge. Georg Man, s. of Georg Man. Jellian Herrison, wif of Eobt Her- rison of Croxdaile. Edward Hunter, s. of John Hunter. CHEISTNINGS. Eobart Dune, s. of Georg Dune. Symond Dickeson, s. of John Dickeson. Margrett Forser, d. of Nicholas Forser. Ann WhitfeUd, d. of Eichard WhitfeUd draper. John Skyrfeild, s. of Xpofor Skir- feild of Shinckclif. CHEISTNINGES. WUhizm Walker, s. of WiUiinn Walker of Fenckelay. Matthew Hyrst, s. of Georg Hyrst. Jayne Heddon, d. of Eobt Heddon of Shinckclif. Nicholas PUgram, s. of John PU- gram. Ann Atkinson, d. of Anthony Atkinson. William Mainsforth, s. of Hugh Mainsforth. Thomas Trolop, s. of Eaph Trolop. Myles Eaw, s. of Cuthbart Eaw. Edward Home, s. of Bartram Home of Brome. Thomas Graie, s. of Eobart Graie. Mary Gibson, d. of Eobt Gibson. Humfraie Bobinson, s. of Eobt Eobinson of Fenckly. John Bidlaie, s. of John Bidlaie. Edward Sympson, s. of Xpofor Sympson. Ann Dent, d. of Jeffraie Dent. Margrett Bellizes, d. of Mr Bryann Bellizes Esquire. Margery Snayth, d. of WUliam Snayth. Thomas Browne, s. of WUliam Browne. Mychaell Greenn, s. of Symond Greenn. Wilham, s. of Margrett Shefeild. 1606. Nov. 16 Dec. jj 2121 Jan. 6. jjj> 11 18 Feb. 2 Marcl t 8 1606. April 29 Oct. 26 1606, May 6 „ 14 JJ 27. June 2 jj 11. July 8. 23. 27. JJ 28 Sept. 7 JJ 14 JJ 19 Oct. 11 Nov. 2 » 10 » 27 30. Margrett Turpine, d. of John Tur- pine. Georg Man, s. of Georg Man. Eichard Eichmonnd, s. of James Eichmonnde. Nicholas Mayson, s. of Nicholas Mayson. Jayn Kirklaie, d. of John Kirklaie. Henry Lever, s. of Sampson Lever of Aldernedge. Elizabeth Whetlaie, d. of WUliam Whetleae Smith of Shinckclif. Eobart Thompson, s. of John Thompson. WEDDINGES. Eobt Gibson and AvereU Suddick. Thomas Browne and EUinor Harrosmith. BUEIALLS. Stphen Maland, s. of Eobt Maland. Eoger Crone, s. of Thomas Crone of Sunderland. Mary Hedworth, d. of John Hed. worth of Chester. Ann Sym, wif to Thomas Syme desesed. William Crone, s. of Thomas Mak er one. Jayn Heddon, d. of Eobt Heddon of Shinckclif, Kathrine Bellizes, d. of mr Bryann Bellizes Esquire was buried at Branspeth. Charles Bellizes, s. of mr Bryann Bellizes Esquire was buriede at Branspeth. Thomas Trolop, s. of Eaph Trolop. John Blithe Slato'. Margrett Hyrst. Jayn Mawde of Hodgmore. Jayn Dobison, wif of John Dobison thelder. ' Margrett Lyddell, wif of Anthony LyddeU of Sunderlannd. Barbary Feetham, d. of WUliam Feetham dark of CroxdaUe. EelUnor Wabbe. Xpofor Fisher, s. of John Fisher. WEDDINGES. 1607. April 19. Eobart Swann and EUinor Browne. June 5. Nicholas Thompson and Ann Eaw. 46 CHEISTENINGS, MAEBIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 1607. July 26. „ 26. 13. Oct. Nov. Dec; 24. 8. William Hall and Margrett Noble. Georg Johnson and Elizabeth Crawe. Nicholas Fewster and Margrett Wright. Thomas Hodgson and EzabeU Wall. Thomas Atkinson, parish Clarke of St Oswoldes, and Margrett Thompson. BUEIALS. 1607. April 2. June 4.6. 9. July 1. „ 31. Sept. Oct. Dec. Feb. 2.4. 11. 6. 23. 9. 24. 11. „ 21. „ 23. „ 23. March 8. 1607. AprU 5. 7. „ 19- „ 26. „ 29. May 10. „ 26. The Nursse of mr Thomas Chaitor of Butterbie Esquire. Jennett Walker, wif of Matthew Walker of Bourne ChappeU. EzabeU Ayre, d. of Thomas Ayre. Margrett Ayre, d. of Thomas Ayre. Thomas Hall, s. of William Hall. James Johnson, the last day of Julij . Margery Eobinson, wif of Bobt Eobinson. Dorety Salvine, d. of Mr Thomas Sal vine. Henry Carter. Marland Hodgson, d. of Eaph Hodgson. Ehzabeth Wegan. Ann BeUizes, d. of mr Bryan BelUzes. Ollever Bicheson. Ann Halledaie, d. of Edward Halledaie. Bobt Phife. Eichard Maynstorth of Shinckclif, and Water Foster of Elvitt. M John Bussie Esquire and Coun- seller in law. CHEISTNINGES. 1607. May 31. June 4. 4. John Younger, s. of Nicholas Younger of Eilly. George Hall, s. of William HaU. EUinor Wallis, d. of Lancelott Wallis. Mary Sym, d. of John Sym. Cuthbart Jackson, s. of Thomas Jackson of Baxter woodd. Elizabeth Heddon, d. of John Heddon of Shinckclif. Eichard Mainsforth, s. of Edward Mainsforth of Shinckclif. Dec. Jan. 14. JJJJ 14. 14. July Aug. 19. 2. JJ 9. JJ 17. Sept. 6. jj 29. Oct. Nov. 28. 19. 29. 6. 26. 1. 10. 10. „ 17. March 6, „ 13. 1608. June 9. Thomas Heddon, s. of Eobert Heddon of Shinckclif. EzabeU Ayre, d. of Thomas Ayre was christned beinge week in the house. Margrett Ayre, d. of the said Thomas Ayre beinge weeke and twins. Margery Browne, d. of Thomas Browne. Jayne Barrow, d. of Eobt Barrow. Margrett Harrosmith, d. of Wilham Hariosmith of Shinek- clif. Alic, d. of Henry Ellison. Margrett Grenn, d. of John Grenn of Shinckclif. Johnn Hall, s. of WiUiam Hall thelder. John Blaxton, s. of Humfraie Blax ton christned at Fenclaie. Ann : Bellizes, d. of Mr Bryann Bellizes Esquire. Ann HaUedaie, d. of Edward Halledaie. EUinor Lambe, d. of John Lamb. Clement Eichardson, s. of John Eichardson. Godfathers mr doc tor Colmore and Mr Tho. Chay- tor ; godmother m™ Ann Biche son. Margrett Talor, d. of John Talor. EUinor Hobson, d. of Nicholas Hobson. John Farrow, s. of Denn Smyth basse-begottin. Willwm Barrow, s. of Hugh Bar row. Ann Foster, d. of George Foster. James Hunter, s. of Matthew Hunter. Elizabethe Trolopp, d. of Eaph Trolopp. Elizabeth Foster, d. of PhUlip Foster of Shinckclif. Ann : d. [of] Jayne Patteson, a bastard supposed to be, was christned the vj daie of March. Godfather of the saide Ann Eichard Smyth cordiner ; Ann Edderington and Elizabeth Bar row godmothers. John Johnson, s. of Georg Johnson. WEDDINGES. Thomas Keartton and Elizabeth Sydgsworth. CHEISTENINGS, MAEEIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 47- 1608 JulyOct. Nov. Feb. 12. 23. 6. 18. 1608. March 31. April 5. » 17. „ 22. „ 23. May 1. June 15. July 10. „ 14. Aug. 7. „ 10. „ 24. Nov. 11. „ 15. Dec. 11. „ 23. Jan. Feb. 8. 2. 4. 6. 17. „ 20. March 13. Eobart Swan and EUinor Johnson. Anthony Paige and CissUla Huche son. Thomas Helcott and Margery Ayre. Eowlande Kirsopp and KathrinHe. BUEIALS. James Lambe. Jayne Swan. Kathrin Eackett, wif of CnthM Backett. Jayne Daveson of Sunderland. The wif of Thomas Jackson of Baxter wodd. EUinor Swan. Elizabeth Kirklaie, wif of Anthony Kirklaie of CroxdaUe. Margrett Dun, wif of Eobart Dun of BournhaU. Syeth Archer. Jennet Swan. Thomas Softlaie, s. of Eobt Soft- laie. Alexsannder Barrow, s. of Georg Barrow, Executed at Dryborne. Katrin Dun, wif of WUliam Dun. Grace Philpe. Katrine Graie, wif- of James Graie. Margery Ayre, d. of Anthony Ayre. Ehzabeth Ayre, wif of Anthony Ayre of Shinckclif. Mr John Claxton, gentleman. Jeffraie Dent. Thomas Hopper, s. of SammveU Hopper of Shinckclif. Jayne Suddicke, wif of LanceUott Suddicke. Margarett Eowle of Sunderlannde. WUliam Myddleton. CHEISTININGES. 1608. March 29. Henry Eashell, s. of Thomas Eashell of Shinckclif. April 3. Eichard WhitfeUd, s. of Eichard WhitfeUd. „ 17. Thomas Softlaie, s. of Eobt Soft laie. May 1. Jennet Swan, d. of Bobt Swan. 1608. May 16. „ 29. June 1 >j 5. j> 26. » 26. Aug. 14 Sept. 28 6 jj 11.11. 25. 25. Oct. 30 JJ 30 Nov. 1 jj 6 Dec. 4 u 4. j> 6. jj 11. jj 11. jj Jan. 31. 1 jj 3 „ 22. jj 29 March 3 jjjj 5. 5 jjj j 12 19. Ealph Carter, s. of Eoger Carter. John Foster, s. of Xpofor Foster. Margarett Fooie d, of Thomas Foote. Alse Atkinson, d. of Thomas Atkinson, parish Clarke. Eobart Johnson, s. of John John son. John Atkinson, s. of Anthony Atkinson. Margrett Eampshaw, d. of Hugh Eampshaw. Georg Eaw, s. of Cuthbt Baw. Ann Man, d. of Georg Man (' Mortua ' written in the margin). Thomas Dun, s. of WUliam Dun. WUham Eicheson, s. of James Eicheson. Margrrett Wheatley d. of MichaeU Wheatley of Shinckclif, and ('Mortua' written in margin.) Margarett Younge, d. of Eobart Younge of Shinckclif was both christnede together. Thomas Hopper, s. of SammueU Hopper of Shinckclif , and Symonde Mainsforthe, s. of Hugh Mainsforthe, was bothe christ nede. John Dun, s. of Georg Dun. Doretye Fisher, d. of Cuthbt Fisher. Margery Ayre, d. of Anthony Ayre of Shinckclif. Nicholas Halledaie, s. of Edwarde Halledaie. Nicholas Chaitor, s. of mr Thomas Chaitor Esquire. Margarett Stodert d. of Dennis Stodert, and Ehzabeth Myddleton, d. of WUham Myddleton. Jayne Wright, d. of Arthur Wright. EUinor Ewins, d. of WiUiam Ewins. Elizabeth Smyth, d. of Edward Smyth. John Heddon, s. of Bobt Heddon of Shinckclif. Elizabeth Snaythe, d. of William Snayth. WUliam Craw, s. of Bobt Craw. Nicholas Turner, s. of John Turner. Vmfery, a poore child borne in Shinckclif backhouse. Jane Syme, d. of John Sym. Martyn Home, s. of Bartram Ilome of Brome. 48 CHEISTENINGS, MAEEIAGES, AND BUEIALS. WEDDINGES. 1609. July 2. Nov. 28. Feb. 6. „ 13. 1609. March 25. „ 26. 26. 29. April 8. „ 13. „ 15. „ 23. June 19. July 10. „ 27. Aug. 22. Sept. 14. Oct. 6. 7. Nov. 25. Dec. 26. Jan. 3. Feb. 15. „ 22. „ 22. 1609. AprU 2. May 14. „ ' 14. Thomas Eidlaye and Marye Atkin son. James Stodert and Ann SkirfeUd. Eobart Dun andMargarett Eidlaye, John Massam and and EUinor Thompson. BUEYALS. Alic Anderson wedow. Ann WhitfeUd, d. of Eichard Whit feUd. Thomas Dun, s. of William Dun. Ann Myddleton, s. of WUham Myddleton laite buried, Marye Sym, d. of John Sym. Eaph Trolope. Margrett Atkinson. EzabeU SkirfeUd, d. of Georg Skir feUd of Hodgmore. Eobt Pilgram, infant. Ehzabeth SkirfeUd, d. of Georg SkirfeUd of Hodgmore. Ehzabeth Myddleton, d. of WUliam Myddleton decesed. Margrett Lever, d. of SammueU Lever of Aldernedge. Mychaell Wheatleye of Shinckclif. Ann : Eichardson, d. of John Eichardson. Georg, s. of the saide John Eichard son. Margarett Eackett, d. of Henry Eackett of the Closse. Eichard Bogerson. Elizabeth Grenn of Shinckcliffe. Henrye Awed. Alic EUison and Alic ElUson, the wiffe and doughter of Henrye Ellison. M" EzabeU Bulmer, d. of S* Bar tram Buhner knight. CHEISTNINGES. Barbary Grenn, d. of Symonde Grenn. Jayne Farrow, d. of John Farrow of Houghell. George Leddell, s. of Xpofor Leddell. 1609. June 4. » 11. )> 13. j» July 18. 2. >! 9. JJ 30. Aug. 6. » 13. j» Sept. 20. 3. Oct. 6. „ 22. Nov. 26. „ 30. Dec. 21. Jan. 21. Feb. 4. „ 18. » 19- March 11. Jayne Madgshon, a bastard; Mr godmothers Jayne Morland & Dame Ferriles. Margarett Hyrst, d. of Georg Hurst. Jayne Eggleston, d. of Stphen Eggleston. Eobt PUgram, s. of John PUgram. Anthony Eidlaye, s. of John Eid laye. Marye SkirfeUd, d. of James Skir feUd. Alic Foster, d. of Eobt Foster of Shinckclif. Margarett Maynesf orthe, d. of Ed. ward Maynesforthe. Elizabeth Turpyn, d. of John Turpine. Margarett Graye, d. of Bobt Graye, Thomas SkirfeUd, s. of Xpofor Skirfeilde of Shinckclif. Ann : Eichardson, d. of John Eich ardson, (' mortua ' in margin). George Eichardson, s. of John Eichardson, Godfathers George Walton and George Man ; god mother Mr* Joan Comminge. (¦mortua' in margin). John Kirklaye, s. of John Kirklaye of Bornhall. George PUkington, s. of Isacke PUkington. Henrye Harrosmyth, s. of WUliam Harrosmyth, of Shinckclif. Eichard HaU, s. of WUliam HaU thelder. John Vasye, s. of Michaell Vasye of Brome. Alic : Wright, d. of Thomas Wright of Elvitt. John Fraawlam ? basse-begottin in Awsten moore. Godfathers John Whitgift Curat, Hugh Barrow. Barbarye Atkinson, d. of Thomas Atkinson parish Clarke. (' mortua ' in margin.) Elizabeth Thompson, d. of John Thompson. WEDDINGES. 1610. May 13. Thomas HaU and Elizabethe Wat son. „ 16. Georg Stphenson and Jayne Atkinson. CHEISTENINGS, MAEEIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 49 1610. May 20. „ 27. June 10. „ 17. „ 24. July i. JJ 8. Aug. JJ 12. 12. JJ 19. JJ 19. Sept. 30. Oct. 21. JJ 21. JJ 28. Not. 18 Dec. 2 u 17. Jan. 27: Feb. 2. 6. 10. 17. AddeneU Fisher, d. of John^ Fisher. George Butter, s. of John Butter. Bobert Foster, s. of' George Foster. Ann Foster, d. of Xpofor Foster. Jayne, base begottin supposed and thought for to be the child of John Hyrdman wever. God father mr John Whitgifte Cur- att ; godmothers Jayne Mor- land and Jayn Graie the wiffe of Eaph Graie of Elvitt yemon. Eichard Foster, s. of PhiUip Foster of SMnckcliffe. Margarett Hodgson, d. of Willm Hodgson. Edward Butter, s. of Bobt Butter. Dianis Patteson, d. of John Patte- son. Bobt Dun, s. of Eobt Dun of Burnhall. Matthew Heddon, s. of John Hed don. Margarett Hylyarde, d. of mr Eobart Hylyarde gentleman/ Eaph Grenn, s. of John Grenn of Shinckclif, and Margarett Pearson, d. of Edward Pearson, was both christnede. Georg Heddon, s. of Eobart Hed don of Shinckcliffe. Tymothie Arcle, s. of Eobart Arcle of Brandon, borne at Brome. John PUgram, s. of John Pilgram. Mortua'. Eoger Cyrssopp, infant, w'u one other man chUde beinge twins was the children of Eowlande Cyrssopp : and was buryed both the xvij'h daie of December 1610, wh sd Boger was christned the same morninge but not the other child. Dyanis Pearson, d. of John Pear son cordiner base begottin. God father John Taylor cor diner ' in markett place dwelling ; god mothers Dyanis Dalleman and Margarett Hopper spincer". Elizabeth Eaw, d. of CuthbarfBaw. Thomas Johnson, s. of John John son. Ann : Stphenson, d. of Georg Stephenson. Mortua'. EzabeU Hall, d. of WUliam *HaH Junor. , . . -- 1610. Feb. 24. „ 27. March 6. „ 10. „ 12. „ 17. 1610. March 27. April 23. May 2. '7. „ io. „ 28. „ 31. June 2. „ 16. Aug. 11. Jayne Hopper, d. of Samuell Hopr per of ShinckcUffe. Thomas Wilyamson, s. of Anthony WUyamson, borne at Brome, base begottin. Eichard Barrow, s. of Georg Bar row. Mortu.' Clement EasheU, s. of Thomas EasheU of Shinckcliffe. John Walker, s. of Thomas Walker of Aldernedge.. Margarett Sym, d. of John Sym. BUEYALS. JJJJ 12.24 Sept. 25 JJ Oct. 29 17 Jan. 5 jj jj 12.24. Feb. 13 JJ 24. March 18 20. 1611, EUinor Browne, wiffe of Thomas Browne. John Noble. Nicholas Crokes of Sunderland. Ann White, wiffe of Phillip White. Barbarye Atkinson, d. of Thomas Atkinson parish Clarke. : Jayne Alloson, a chUde of the suddran closes. Elizabeth Chaitor, d. of mr Thomas Chaitor Esquire. Jayne Home wedow. M" Elizabeth Bulmer, d. of . Sr Bartram Bulmer Knight. Fardenando Durrant, y beinge at Christof or I in "><* TT , i-i ? vesitacionn Hucheson his house. 1 died. Edwarde Dixson. / Elizabeth Eashell. Died in the vesitacionn. Edward Butter, s. of Eobart Butter. John Pilgram. Thomas Johnson wever. Ann Thompson spineer. Elizabeth Woddend. Mrs Ellinor Newton, wif of Henry Newton of Billy gent. Elizabeth White. Thomas Foster a pyper. Died at Brome. John Hunter, beinge churchwardin of this parish, whose soule the ¦ Lord Jesu haue mercy. Eichard Barrow, s. of Georg Barrow. WEDDINGES. April 16. Eobart Palleser and Elizabethe Wall. Aug. 15. Thomas Maltbie and "Margerie Sanderson. 50 CHEISTENINGS, MAEEIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 1610. Nov. 19. 1611. March 31. April 21. May 5. ,. 13. „ 19. „ 26. „ 26. June 2. John Lomlaie and Margerye Mar- tindaile. CHEISSENNINGES. July jj Aug. 7. 7. 12. 28. 4. 4. 18. Sept. 4. „ 15- „ 29. Oct. 13. „ 20. Dec. 1. ?> 8. j> Jan. 9. 19. 5» Feb. 26. 9. Imp. William Johnson, s. of Georg Johnson. Ann Barrowe, d. of Eobt Barrowe. Henrye Ayre, s. of Anthonye Ayre of Shinckcliffe. Eoger Lowerrye, s. of Thomas Lowerrye. Mortuar'. Edward Fisher, s. of Cuthbart Fisher. William Blaxton, s. of mv Peter Blaxton, christned at Fencklaie. Margarett Bidlaie, d. of John Bidlaie. Mortu'. Bowlande Carter, s. of Eoger Carter. Edward Lowether, s. of Edward Lowether of Gretham laite decesed. Mortuar'. Francis HaU, d. of Charles HaU. Margarett Ewins, d. of WUliam Ewins. Nicholas Hobson, s. of Nicholas Hobson. Eobart Stodert, s. of James Stoddert of Shinckcliffe. Mortuar'. Marye Foote, d. of Thomas Foote. Elizabeth Mainsforth, d. of Hugh Mainsforthe. Nicholas Grenn, s. of Symond Grenn. Margarett Eggleston, d. of WUham Eggleston of Shinckcliffe. Ann : SkirfeUd, d. of James Skir feUd. Jayne Eichardson, d. of John Eichardson, EzabeU Turpine, d. of John Turpine. Jayne Chester, d. of John Chester base gottin. Godfather Eobt Nickson; godmothers the wif of James Chester & the wif of John Colline. Barbary Eidlaye, d. of Thomas Eidlaye. Margarett Bandall, d. of John Bandall, gentleman. Henry Dun, s. of Willm Dun. John Scott, s. of Henrye Scott of Shinckcliffe. Mortu'. John Eutter, s. of John Butter. Thomas Hall, s. of WUliam HaU thelder. 1611. 9. 16. JJ 23. dare h 8. jjjj 2222 1611. AprU 6. JJ 22. May 28. 20 June 20 jj 23 July. jj 2. 7 jj 17. jj 23 29. Aug. Sept. 7 16 Dec. 15 jj Jan. 2429. Elizabeth Mainsforthe, d. of Ed- ward Mainsforth of Shinckcliffe. Margarett Younge, d. of Eobt Younge of Shinckcliffe basse begottin. Godfather William Newton of, Gilligaite; god mothers Margatt Bidlaie uxor John Bidlaie of Elvitt & Dore- thie Arkle of markett place. Thomas Maltbie, s. of Thomas Maltbie. Jayne Bampshawe, d. of Hugh Eampshawe. Cuthbt : Turner, s. of John Turner. Tobie Hudspeth, supposed to be son of Tobie Hudspeth, basse begotten. Godfathers Thomas BeU, William HaU Junior ; god mother Jayn wife of Eaph Graie. BUEYALS. Feb. Isabell Denam, laite wif of WUliam Denam. James Fletham, s. of Willm Flet- hame clarke of Croxdaile. EzabeU Walker of Sunderland. Ann Stphenson, d. of George Stphenson. John Pilgram, s. of John PUgram laite decesed. Clement Eashall, s. of Thomas BashaU. Symonde Bandall, gentleman. Edward Lowther, s. of Edward Lowther laite of Gretham. Thomas Browne, beinge Executed at Dryborne for fellonye. Myles White, one of the singing- men w'hin the CathedraU Churche of Durham, and of the aige of Ixxvij yeares, beinge a man of verie good accounte, whose soule the lord Jesu haue mercye vpon. Amen. Margarett Wheatlye, d. of Mychaell Wheatlye of Shinck cliffe laite decesed. Jennett Eichardson wedow. Eoger Lowerrie, s. of Thomas Lowerrie. Elizabeth Mainsforthe, d. of Hugh Mainsforth. Eobart Softlaie, Carpinder. John Scott, s. of Henrye Scott of Shinckcliffe. Ann : Sayre, wife of Eichard Sayre. CHEISTENINGS, MAEEIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 51 1611. Feb. 24. March 2. ., 4. „ 14. „ 22. 1612. Oct. 25. 1612. March 29. jj April 29. 14. j> 14. May. 10. June 1. JJjj 7. 16. j> 24. July 19. Aug. 9. jj 16. Sept. 13. jj 20. Nov. 1. JJ 30. Jan. j> 10. 12. 99 Feb. 24.21. Jayne Forster, wife of Water Forster laite deceased. Alic Hull of ShinckcUite. Henrye Elleson. Elizabethe Hunter, wife of Eichard Hunter. A poore woman that dyed in the almes house. WEDDINGES. Bennolde Wheldon and JeUian Walton. CHEISTININGES. 28. Anthony Walker, s. of Thomas Walker. Marye Browne, d. of WUlm Browne. Edward Heddon, s. of Eobart Heddon of Shinckcliffe. Mortu.1 Grace PUkington, d. of Isaacke PUkington. WUliam HUyarde, s. of m1 Eobart Hylyard, gent. Bowlande Hyrst, s. of George Hyrst. EzabeU Cootes,d. of JarrardCootes. Dorethie Blaxton, d. of Vmferie Blaxton, was Christned att Fencklaie. Ann: Hall, d. of Charles HaU draper. EzabeU Barrow, d. of George Barrow taylor. Clement EashaU, s. of Thomas EashaU of Shinckchffe. Ann: Noble, d. of James Noble. Mortu'. Kathrine Kirsopp, d. of Eowland Kirsopp. Mortu'. Thomas Snaythe s. of WUliam Snaithe of BornehaU. Barbarye Eichardson, d. of James Eichardson. Godfather Thomas Stowte; godmothers Barbary Kinleside, Eebecca Stobes. EzabeU Smyth, d. of Eobert Smyth of Fenckelaie. Tobye Smyth, s. of John Smithe. Hughe WhitfeUde, s. of Eichard WhitfeUde. John Johnson, s. of John Johnson. JohnPatteson, s. of John Patteson. Marye Foster, d. of Xpofor Foster. 1612. March 10. 14. 1612. April j> 7 8 jjj>» 8. 13. 19. u 19. May 1. u 21. 23.27. u 30. jj 31. June 3. jj 16. Aug. 5. » 9. jjjj Sept. jj jj 17. 23. 29. 8. 11. 20. jj 28. Oct. 6. JJ 9. JJ 12. JJ 18. Ann Lightf oote supposed to be the daughter of one Symond Light- foote base begottin, the mother of the saide child EUinor Harri son. Godfather to the saide Ann Georg Baker, Ann Tatis wedow, EUinor White. Barbarye Dun, d. of Eobart Dun of BornehaU. BUEYALS. John Hopper of Shinckchffe. Eobt Stoddert,s. of James Stoddert -of Shinckchffe. Ann Man, d. of George Man. - ") George Man, s. of George Man. ) Margarett Bidlaie, d. of John Bidlaie, and Eichard Eichardson, s. of James Eichardson, weare both buryede. Ehzabeth Johnson, laite wife of Thomas Johnson. Jayne Eichardson, d. of John Eichardson, one the Assencionn daie. Water Palmer. Edwarde Heddon, s. of Bobart Heddon of Shinckcliffe. EUinor Softlaye, d. of Eobart Softlaie. EzabeU Dent, wife of Jeffraie Dent laite decesed, beinge Whit- sondaie. EzabeU Porter, wife of Xpofor Porter of Sunderland. M' Thomas Horslaie, batcheler of Art. A poore woman dyed at Shinck cliffe, hir name was I know not, a stranger. Bobart Swan, beinge the Comon hird. Ann : Tailf orth wedow. EzabeU Sheele. Ann : Noble, d. of James Noble. Eobart Eobinson of Sunderlande. EzabeU Softlaie wedow. Thomazine Bogerson of Sunder land. Kathrine Kirsopp, d. of Eowland Kirsopp. Clement Crawe of Brome. Georg Biggins, s. of John Biggins of Sunderland. Jennett Elleson, wife of Eichard Elleson. John Dawson. 52 CHEISTENINGS, MAEEIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 1612. Nov. 2. :„ 3. „ 23. 7. Dec. Feb. 6. 19. March 13. .. 21. 1613. May 18. June 1. 1613. March 25. JJ 28 -4-pril 5 jj 5 11 JJ. 25 May 9 jj 9 jj 24 29 Eoger Trolopp, gentleman. Margarett Trolopp, wife of Eaph Trolopp decesed. Barbarye Eichardson, d. of James Eichardson. William Atkinson Cordiner, a proper man. Eobart Barro. Thomas Lyons, s. of Thomas Lyons of Croxdaile. Jayne Donnor of Sunderland Spincer. Boger Fisher Blacksmythe. WEDDINGES. John Graie and Jayne AUonson. Cuthbart Anderson and Alic Bobson. CHEISTNINGES. Ehzabethe White, supposed to be the doughter of John White of the Cittie of Durham glover. The mothers name is Ede Smith. The saide child Elizabeth While was borne att Fencklaie. God father Eichard Leddell; god mothers Elizabeth Suddicke, spincer, and Marie Smith, spincer. William Lombleye, s. of John Lombley sclator. Mortua'. John Eichardson, s. of John Eich ardson, vpon Easter mundaie. Mortua'. Barbarie Thompson, d.. of John Thompson laborer. Thomas Dinsdaile, supposed to be the son of one Eennold Dins daile fuller. His mother's name Margerie WhitfeUd. Godfathers William WhitfeUd, grandfather, Thomas Bowie wever ; EzabeU Atkinson godmother. Margerye Bellemye, d. of George Bellemye hatter. Mortua'. Jayne Home, d. of Bartram Home. Mortua*. Eichard Stobes, s. of John Stobes the younger. George Graie, s. of Eobart Graie taylor. Joan Sheroton, d. of William Sheroton taylor, and was buryed the same xxixtb of May. 1613. June 6. JJ 29. July 4. jj 11. jj 18. Aug. 10. Sept. 8. JJ 12. JJ 12. Oct. 10. JJ 17. Nov. jj 14. 24. Dec. 12. „ 18. JJ 19 Jan. 1 jj 16. 23. Feb. 13. March 13. „ 20. Ann : Brantingham, d. of John Brantingham of Gilligaite myt ner beinge baisse begotten w4"? Margery Frame of this parish". Godfather Eobt Eobinson '•' of Elvitt; Ann Stphenson, Kath rine Kirsoppe godmothers. Willism Heddon, s. of Eobart Heddon of Shinckchffe. EUinor Lowerrye, d. of Thomas Lowerrye. Thomazine Martyn, d. of ['mrt inserted] George Martyn. Mortu-. Alic Walker, d. of Thomas Walker of Aldernedge. WUliam HaU, s. of Charles HaU . draper. Margarett Bidlaie, d. of John Bidlaie Pewtherer. Francis FoUansbie, d. of Henry FoUansbie. Joann : Scott, d. of Henry Scott of Shinckcliffe, Bobart Butter, s. of John Butter pewderer. Eaphe Grenne, s. of Symonde Grenne potter. Mortuar'. ; Thomas Eyder, s. of Eaphe Eyder. Luce Anderson, d. of . Cuthbart Anderson of BornehaU. Thomas Ayre, s. of Anthony Ayre of Shinckcliffe, beinge verie weeke and christned att Shinck- liffe. Mortua'. Charles Dakins, s of WUliam Dakins, gentleman, beinge weeke was christned in mra Dorothie SalkeUd house in Elvitt. John Foster, s. of Eichard Foster of Borne cheppell. John Storie, baisse begotten and supposed to be the son of Storie a servingman. Mortua.'1, Eaphe Atkinson, s. of Thomas Atkinson, glover and parish Clarke of St Oswoldes. William Eggleston and Stphen Eggleston, both two twins and sons of William Eggleston of Shinckcliffe, was both christned together. Matthew Noble, s. of James Noble*, George Hilyarde, s. of mr Bobart HUyarde. William Eidley, s. of Thomas Bidley Blacksmith. CHEISTENINGS, MAEEIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 53 BUEYALLS. 1613. AprU 1. » 2. „ y. May 4. 9. 16. 20. June 25. Aug. 4. „ 19. Sept. 12. .. 17. Oct. Nov. 21. 54. 26. 5. 11. 20. 29. OQ Dec. 14. „ 23. Jan. Feb. 29. 1. 6. 6. 16. 28. 2. 4. 15. William Lombleye infant, Charles Gastell sclator. Eichard Tatis the younger, s. of Ann : Tatis wedow. Thomas Chilton draper. Margarett Lynton, wife of Francis Lynton of Sunderlande. Jayne Home, d. of Bartram Home. Jennett Hopper, beinge a woman of a verie greate aige. Margery Bellemy, a chUd. ThomazineMartyn, d. of mr George Martyn. Thomas DinsdaUe. Matthew Hunter. George Man, a verie honest nigh- bore. Eobart Dun of BornhaU. Eobart Eowe, s. of Peter Eowe surgeann. Mrs Margery Holtbie. Alexsander Jameston of Sunder land. Patricke Framme. Edward Atkinson. Elizabethe Jenninge, d. of Henry Jenninge of Brome. Blenche Thompson. John Patteson pewderer. MriB Margarett Graie, a verie honest nighbore and about the aige of one hundreth yeares or their aboute. EUinor Noble wedow. Thomas Ayre, s. of Anthony Ayre of Shinckchffe. John Turpine. John Storie.a chUd baisse begotten. Luce Anderson, d. of Cuthbart Anderson of BornehaU. Eaph Grenn, s. of Symond Grenn. Eobart Bee, s. of Henry Bee of Shinckcliffe. Margarett Wright, wife of Thomas Wright of Hunterbanckes. WUham Wavlie, s. of George Wavley of Hodgmore. WEDDINGES. 1614. June 20. Edward Short and MargarettDune. „ 26. Eobart Vnthanke and Elhnor Wilyamson. 1614 Nov. 21. „ 27. ,. 30. 1614. AprU 10. Francis Thompson and EUinor Bullocke. Thomas Mainsforth and Jayne Humble. John Emmerson and Grace Jeffer son. CHEISTNINGES. May May 8. jj 22. June 27. jj 29. July 10. 14. Sept. 4. „ 21. Oct. 23. Nov. 3. „ 13. Jan. 8. „ 22. « 29. Margarett Foster, d. of John Foster of Shinckcliffe. Mortna'. Anthony Coottes, s. of Ambrosse Cootes of Shinckcliffe. Eichard Elleson, supposed to be the son of Eichard Elleson of the parish of Pittington, basse- begotten w"1 EzabeU Baw, the wife of Cuthbt Baw decesed. Godfather John Sim ; godmother Alice Dun, the wife of Georg Dun ; w"> Sr Wright Curatt that did christen the saide child. Marye Bellemy, d. of George Bellemy hatter. Jayne Stphenson, d. of Eaph Stphenson. John Sim and William Sim, two twinsboth beinge the sons of John Sim wever and Sagerston of this Church. Dorothie Martin, d. of mr George Martin. Ann Hobkirke, d. of Arche Hob- kirke. Marye Blakeston, d. of Humferie Blakeston, gentlemen, was Chris- tnede att Fenckley. Jayne Eandall, d. of John Bandall, gentleman. EUinor Hall, d. of William Hall yemon. Margarett Sheroton, d. of William Sheroton taylor. Mortu1 Charles Hall, s. of Charles Hall draper. Elizabeth Jenninge, d. of Henry Jenninge of Shinckcliffe. John Eichardson, s. of James Eichardson. Francis Clarke, d. of Thomas Clarke piper, basse begotten w"1 wedow Pilgram. Ann Lombley, d. of John Lombley sclator. John Mainsforth, s. of Edward Mainsforth of Shinckchffe. 54 CHEISTENINGS, MAEEIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 1614. Feb. 14. William White, s. of Eobert White, dweUinge in Pearathe in Ctthib- erland a tynckker by his traide. Godfather William Dawson of Elvitt potter. „ 19. Margarett Smythe, d. of Eobart Smythe of Fenckley; „ 21. Jayne Turner, d. of John Turner Wever. Mortua.' „ 27. Matthias Home, s. of Bartrame Home of Brome. March 19. Joann : Stphenson, d. of George Stphenson mylner. „ 19. Thomazine WhitfeUd and Francis WhitfeUde, two twins, beinge the doughters of Eicharde WhitfeUde draper, weare both Cristnede att midnight. BUEYALS. 1614. April 1.3. „ 13. „ 14. May 13. ,. 15- „ 18. July 15. „ 21. Aug. 3. „ 15. Sept. 20. „ 20. Oct. Nov. 14. 19. 22. 25. 26. 4. Jennett Archer, aged, wife of Eichard Archer. Bobart Brande of St Hellin Aok- land. Ehzabeth Doller of Sunderland. Hugh Barro. George Barrow blacksmyth, beinge aged. John Eichardson, s. of John Eichardson. Marie Bellemy, d. of George Bellemy hatter. WUliam Sim s. of John Sim infant. Marland Hobkirke, wife of Arche Hobkirke. Died in chUd bedd. Margarett Foster, d. of John Foster of Shinckcliffe. Ann : Mann, wife of George Man, a verie honest nighbore. Elizabeth Claxton, wife of John Claxton, gentleman, deceased. James Dowson, s. of WUliam Dowson potter. Nicholas Bulmer, s. of Sr Bartram Bulmer, Knight. Margarett WhitfeUd, wife of WhitfeUde. Thomas Ayre taylor. Margarett Sheroton, d. of WUliam Sheroton. Thomas Foote. Jennett Nelson, aUas Townes, a Terie old woman. 1614. Nov. 8. JJJJ 14 22 JJ Dec. 24 11 jj Jan, 25 24. Feb. 6. „ 21. „ 22. March 1. „ 20. 1615. June 4. „ 11. July 25. Aug. 13. Oct. 29. Nov. 12. „ 14. „ 26. 1615. May 1. John Eichardson, public notari, a verie honest nighbore and a good wUler both for the good of tMs Churche and for the good of this parish, whose soule the lord Jesus receive in to hisKingdome, Amen. Bobart Nickson. EzabellThompson,wifeofWiUiam Thompson. WUliam Thompson, George Johnson. Boger Hucheson. Eichard Browne. Matthew Taylforthe, one of the singingmen wthin the Cathedrall Churche of Durham. Kathrine Sallat, wife of George Sallat, was perished by vehement wedder. PhUlip Fawdon. EUinor Swan wedow. Elizabethe Martyn, d. of Henry Martyn, of Shinckchffe. Elizabeth Walton, wife of Eobart Walton, of the white house in Bearparke. Elizabeth Hedley, wife of Edward Hedley. Jayne Turner, infant, d. of John Turner wever. James Younge, servant to George Edderington. Thomazine WhitfeUd, infant, d. of Eichard WhitfeUde draper. WEDDINGES. Eoger Foreman and Kathriae Eichardson. Eobart Vnderwodd and Margerie WhitfeUde. Thomas Swalwell and Ann Whetlam. Eobart Martyn and Ann Barrow. Bobart Gibson and Marye Elleson. John Foreman and Alic Tutin. John Atkinson and Jayne Cootes. Bobart Clarke and Margarett Tutin. CHEISTININGES. Francis Thompson, d. of Francis Thompson draper taylor. CHEISTENINGS, MAEBIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 55 1615. M.ay 7, June 18. July 9. u 9. jj 23. Aug. 6. » 6. Sept. 19. Oct. 15. JJ 22. Nov. 5. jj 30. Dec. 10. JJ 31. Jan. 8. 14.21. 28. 28. J) 28 Feb. 6. jj 6. jj 11. jj 25 Marc h 3 John Short and Matthew Short, two twins, beinge sons of Edward Short of Bornhall. Isabell Eichardson, d. of John Eichardson, Public notorie, Barbary Foster, d. of Xpofor Foster carpinder. Isabell Eampshaw, d. of Hugh Eampshaw yemon. Margarett Ayre, d. of Anthony Ayre of Shinckcliffe and Badly of Elvitt. Margarett Bellemye, d. of Georg Bellemy hatter. Ehzabeth Ewins, d. of WUliam Ewins laborer. Ehzabeth Maddeson, d. of mr Eaph Maddeson Esquire. Thomas Foster, s. of John Foster of Shinckcliffe. Margarett Smyth, d. of John Smyth taylor. Eobart Fisher, s. of Cuthbart Fisher chepman. Marye Butter, d. of John Butter pewderer. Eichard Metcalffe, s. of Eaph Metcalfe joyner. Elizabeth Bell, d. of William Bell draper taylor. Anthony WUyamson, s. of Thomas Wilyamson of Shinckchffe. Mortua'. Eichard Eashell, s. of Thomas EasheU of Shinckcliffe. Boger Anderson, s. of Cuthbart Anderson of BornehaU. Henry Martin, s. of Henry Martin of Shinckcliffe. Baph Wedowes, s. of Edmunde Wedowes of Newcastell. God fathers William Thompson of Branspeth, yemon, and Thomas Blunt of Branspeth, blacksmith. EUinour Johnson, d. of John Johnson wever. Ann Maugham, supposed to be the doughter of Edward Maugham basse begottin, was christned and buryed. Mortu.1 John Thompson, s. of Eobart Thompson yemon. Eichard Hunter, s. of James Eunter fuller. Francis Hunter, s. of Eichard Hunter butcher. Thomas Foreman, s. of John Foreman of Shinckcliffe. 1615. March 10. 24. John Martyn, s. of m' George Martyn, gent. Godfathers m* John Heath Esquire, and m* John Calverley Esquire ; and mrs Grace Hutton. Margarett Carter, d. of Eoger Carter of Hourdhouse. WEDDINGES. and 1615* Jan. 31. Trestram Fennicke, gent. Elizabethe Grenne. ?Sio, and a continuation apparently of the Weddings for 1615, on page 54. BUEYALS. 1615. March 31. AprU 13. „ 22. May 1. 2. „ 7. „ 19. June 9. „ 17. „ 18. „ 18. „ 24. July 6. Aug. 29. Sept. 1. „ 17. „ 29. Oct. 16. Dorothie Hucheson, wife of John Hucheson wever. Xpofor Bell of Brome, wever. Alic Dowson, wife of WUliam Dowson potter. Jayne White, wife of Thomas White. EzabeU Cootes, d. of Ambrosse Cootes of Shinckchffe. Stphen Egglestoii, s. of WUliam Eggleston, of Shinckchffe. EUinor Surties wedow. Thomas Howson. Thomas Cuthbart, public notari, a verie honest nighbore, was buryede att St Marye Church in the south bailye. John Fisher blacksmythe, a verie honest nighbore. Cuthbart Dridon, a child from Brome. Ann : Horsley, d. of Thomas Hors- ley. Thomas Betminson of BromehaU, gentleman, aman godlie, good to the mentenance of the poore and aspecial a verie honest man a monge his nighbors, beinge of the aige of lxxx yeares. Thomas White Creple. Henry Eaw. EzabeU Baitson, wiffe of John Baitson,ofWindaUinYorkeshier. Alic Eennoldson spinster. MI! Ann Eichardson, wife of mr John Eichardson thelder Esquire was brought from the North Baily in Durham and was buryed att St Oswaldes. 56' CHEISTENINGS, MAEEIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 1615. Oct. 22. jj 23. Nov, 7. Dec. 5. JJ 13. JJ JJ JJ Jan. 25.28. 31. 11. jj jj jj Feb. 18. 18.20. 5. 15 „ 24. March 1 5J jj 2 6 jj jj 6 15 jj 19 22 23. Elizabeth White of Sunderland, wedow. Jenne Jobber alias Johnson spin ster. Lucke of Shinckchffe, a poore woman aiged. Bobart Softley talor. John Myddleton of Bushopton, drowned att Shinckliffe brigg. (P)Margarett Townes wedow. Denne Myddleton wedow. John Hucheson wever. Anthony Wilyamson, s. of Thomas Wilyamson of Shinckcliffe. Eichard Archer. Elizabeth Tailforth. , Eobart Suddicke. . George Hucheson, beinge a verie honest man of the aigeof lxxxiiij* yeares. , Margarett Mvdye, a Scottish woman. Died in child bedd. George Bawe, s. of Cuthbart Baw. . William Leddell of Sunderland. Jonn Hedwine of Shinckcliffe. . Mr8 Elizabeth Kendall, gentle woman. . Ann : Walker wedow. . M™ Kathrin Scrope, gentlewoman, laite wife of mr George Scrope of Langlehall Esquire. , WUhkm Hodgson carpinder. . Margarett Bidley, d. of John Bid- ley pewtherer. Lyonell Martyn, a verie honest grave man of the aige of lxxxxvij yeares. 1616. AprU 22. May 12. June 2. Sept. 29. „ 29. Nov. 19. „ 26. Jan. 14. WEDDINGES. John Fairies and Ann Stobbes. Arthur Herrison and Barbary Benneson. Phillip Gibson and Elizabethe Crone. Bobart Eobinson and Isabell Burne. HeniyLytster and Margarett Ayre. Thomas Bedford, Clarke and Mr of Arte, and Alic Frissell, the sade mr Thomas Bedford beinge Vicar of BushopmydrfMiam. Eobart Parkin of Shinckchffe and Jennett Browne of the same. John Kyt chine of Old Durham and Jayne Noble. 1616. Feb. 16. „ 25. 1616. AprU 1. jj 7. jj 14. jj 21. May 20. June 11. 14. July 7. JJ 25. Aug. 2. JJ 24. JJ 25. Sept. 1. JJ 15. JJ 15. Oct. 3. JJ 8. JJ 13. Nov. 13. Jan. 2. jj 30. Feb. 2. J' 9. JJ 10. JJ 19. WUliam WhitfeUd andlsabell Eaw. John SUvester and Esabell Turner. CHEISTNINGES. George Eggleston s. of WUliiam Eggleston of Shinckcliffe. Jayne Boyer, d. of Hughe Boyer fuller. Bobart Skirfeilde, s. of James Skirfeilde wheelwright. John Hopper, s. of Sampson Hop per of Shinckcliffe. Thomas Clarke, s. of Bobart Clarke of Shinckcliffe. Esabell Herrison, d. of Ather Herrison beinge the backhouse man. Anthony Gibson, s. of Edmunde Gibson, a poore man goinge abrod for his almosse. Xpofor Fairlesse, s. of John Fairrlesse blacksmithe. Ehzabeth Vnderwodd, d. of Bobart Vnderwodd yemon. Jayne Thompson, d. of Francis Thompson draper taylour. Eobart Wheldon, s. of Lennard Wheldon of Fenckley, yemon. Ann Mainfforth, d. of Thomas Mainfforthe of Shinckliffe. Ellin Gibson, d. of Eobart Gibson of Xpofor Phillip of s. of John Eobt yemon. William Bowie, Bowie wever. Dorothie Cooper, d. Cooper yemon. WUliam Atkinson, Atkinson yemon. Symond Heddon, s. of Heddon of Shinckcliffe. Esabell Snathe, d. of WUham Snath of BornehaU. Susanna Grame, d. of Bobt Grame, prisoner in the gaile. Eaph Gower, s. of mr James Gower Esquire, was Christned att m1 Gower house. Thomas Knages, s. of Cuthbt Knages of Brome, wever. Jayne Bell, d. of William Bell draper taylor. Elizabeth Specke, d. of James Specke smyth of Shinckcliffe. Thomas Bidley, s. of Thomas Bidley yemon. Thomas Walker, s. of Thomas Walker of Brome. CHEISTENINGS, MAEEIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 57 1616. Feb. 20. March 9. „ 17. 1616. AprU 7. „ 14. May 2. 6. June 17. „ 17. ., 25. July 16. „ 24. Aug. !» Sept. Qcfc. 8. 22.23. 25. 5. 11. 29. 6. 8. 12. 17. 18. Thomas Hilyard, s. of mr Eobart Hilyard gent. Barnabe Bainbrigge, s. of m' Phillip Bainbrigg gent. Jayn KytcMn, d. of John KytcMn, yemon. BUEYALS. Francis Lynton of Sunderland. Gawan Pootes mylner. John Thompson of Elvitt. Jayne Hucheson, wiffe of Xpofor Hucheson glover. Jayne Thompson wedow of Sun derland. Margarett Heddon, wife of John Hedwine of Shinckcliffe. Margarett Bellemy, d. of George Bellemy hatter. Margarett Johnson, wiffe of John Johnson wever. Eoger Thompson of Sunderland, blacksmythe. Bobart Carnabye and Thomas Beade, two prisoners who was both executed, att Dryborne for fellonye. Ann Turpine wedow. Margery Fawdon wedow, laite wife to Phillip Fawdon. James Noble, s. of Matthew Noble mylner. M" Isabell Eichardson, wedow, beinge the laite wife of mr John Eichardson, public notary. Francis Forcer, d. of Nicholas Forcer of Stotyeate. Ann Surties, tpinster, laite of Cockkerton. Dyed att John Walkers house. John Stobbes thelder, heing the feast daie of St MichaeU tharch- angell. Matthew Heddon, s. of John Hed don of Shinckcliffe, deceased. WUliiam Arrowsmythe of Shinck cliffe. Alic Gustard wedow. M™ Kathrine Eogerson wedow. The saide Kathrine was first the wiffe of mr George Cliffe, one of the Prebendaries of the Cathe- drall Churche of Durham. James Eobinson of Tuddo, wever, beinge St Luckes daie. 1616. Oct. 24. „ 25. Nov. 3. 13. Dec. 1. „ 13. JJ JJ 14. IS. Dec. 28. Jan. 7. jj jj 8. 10. Feb. 16. March 10. „ 16. „ 21. John Browne punder of Shinck cliffe. Eoger Watson, a verie old man. Thomas Baxter, a free mr mayson, beinge takor of the worke att Shinckcliffe brigges. Anthony Ayre, Bailiff e of Elvitt and Shinckcliffe, a verie honest man amonge his nighbors. Elizabethe Blithe wedow. Kathrine Browne, a verie honest nighbore, she beinge first the wiffe of Eobt Bullocke, and then the wiffe of Eichard Browne. WUliam Byerley, a poore old man. Margarett Bowie, wiffe of Xpofor Bowie wever. Elizabeth SUvester, wiffe of John Silvester. John Gibson, s. of Phillip Gibson, was both christned and buryed. Nicholas Thompson yeman. Jayne Thompson, d. of Francis Thompson draper taylor. Elizabeth White, d. of mr William White. George Foster sadler. John Slphenson mylner. Mathew Noble mylner, a verie grave man of yeares. May 15"1 An0 1616. Memorandum that I Margret Swinburne the wif of Thomas Swinburne Esquier of the parish of S' Oswaldes in the city of Durham have delivered my nam and presented my self accordinge to a statute provided for conffininge of recusantes wthin the compas of fiue myles and and (sic) chuse for my aboad my now dwell ing house in Elvet aforesaide. Margret Swinburne. MemoranJum that I Margaret Comin widow of the parish of S' Oswaldes in Durham have delivered my name & presented my self accordinge to a statute provided for conffininge of recusantes w'bin the compas of fiue myles and chuse for my aboad my now dwelhng house in Ould Elvet aforesaide. The mark X of Margret Comin. Md that I Jayne Hopper wedow of the parish of S' Oswoldes w,hin the subvrbes of the Cittie of Durham haue deliuered my name and presented my selfe accordinge to a statute provided for confynynge of Becusantes w^in the compasse of five, myles and I the saide 6 58 CHEISTENINGS, MAEEIAGES, AND BUEIALS. Jayne Hopper do chusse for my abood* my now dwellinge house in Elvitt aforesaide. Hir marke Jayne X Hopper. xvij Maij 1616. Ma that I Mary Grenne the wife of mf James Grenne Esquire of the parish of S' Oswoldes w41in the subvrbes of the Cittie of Durham haue deliuered my name and presented my selfe accordinge to a statute provided for confyninge of Eecusantes wthin the compasse of five myles and I the saide Marie Grenne do chusse for my abood my now dwelhnge house in Elvitt aforsade. Marye Grene. Md that I Jayn Horsley of Elvitt of the parish of S' Oswoldes wthin the subvrbes of the Cittie of Durham wedow haue the daie aboue wryttin deliuered my name and presented my selfe accordinge to a statute provided for con fyninge of Eecusantes wthin the compasse of five miles and I the saide Jayne Horsley do chusse for my abood my now dwellinge house n Elvitt aforesaide. Hir marke Jayne X Horsley. Ma that I Margarett Johnson the wife of John Johnson wever of Elvitt w^in the parish of S' Oswoldes wthin the subvrbes of the Cittie of Durham haue the daie and yeare aboue wryttin deliuered my name and presented my selfe accordinge to a statute provided for con fyninge of recusantes wthin the compasse of five myles and I the saide Margarett Johnson do chuse for my abood my now dwelhnge house in Elvitt aforesaide. hir marke Margarett X Johnson. xxjthJunij 1616. Ma that I Hellin Betmison the wife of Xpofor Betmison of Brome haU gent of the parish of S* Oswoldes wthin the subvrbes of the Cittie of Durham haue deliuered my name and presented my selfe accordinge to a statute provided for confyninge of recusantes wtJlin the compasse of five myles and I the saide Hellin Betmison do chuse for my aboode my now dweUinge house att Brome hall aforesaide. Hn : Batmanson. WEDDINGES. 1617. May 6. Stphen Atkinson and Alic Arnold, „ 13. William Standley and Jayne Barro. June 1. John Lowson of Brome and Ann: Lawes. July 8. George Forcer and Awdria Man. „ 29. Xpofor Hucheson and Isabell Legate. Sept. 21. John Nattrasse free mayson and Elizabeth Suddicke. Oct. 5. Peter Dowson potter and Ehzabeth Barro. „ 19. Charles Eobson and Jayne Wilyam son. „ 26. Godfraie SkirfeUd and Jayne Gas tell. Nov. 23. Peter Nickson and Alic Thomp son. § Feb. 10. WUham Hall and Elizabeth Brad- forth. § § These two entries are written on the previous page. CHEISTNINGES. 1617. AprU 17. Eobart Hall, s. of m1 Charles HaU draper. May 25. Ehzabeth Vnthanke, d. of Bobt Vnthanke laborer. June 22. George Stphenson, s. of George Stphenson mylner. July 27. George Lytster, s. of Henry Lytster free mayson. „ 27. Easter (altered to HEaster) Clarke, d. of John Clarke gentleman. Aug. 24. William Martyn, s. of mr George Martyn. Godfathers Sr WUham Bellizes Knight, William Smyth Esquire; and mra Cooper god mother. Sept. 9. Elizabeth, d. of Francis Thompson draper taylor. Nov. 8. Thomas Gibson, s. of PhUhp Gib son wever. Dec. 1. George WhitfeUde, s. of Eichard WhitfeUde draper. „ 7. James Stowte, s. of Thomas Stowte glover. Jan. 15. Thomas Herrison, s. of Ather Herrison. Feb. 1. Dorothie Lowson, d. of John Low- son of Brome. „ 1. Peter Lombley, s. of John Lombley sclator. „ 4. Thomas Burrell ('BUlingham' erased), s. of Francis Burrell ('Bobt BUlingham' erased), tof Hull, saylour. CHEISTENINGS, MAEEIAGES, AND BUEIALS. m 1617. Feb. 6. Francis Ewins, d. of WUliam Ewins yemon. March 6. John Stobbes, s. of John Stobbes cooper. : „ 20. Hughe Dawson, s. of WUliam Dawson fuUer. 1617. March 30. AprU 5. 7. ,, io. „ 20. „ 25. „ 26. May 1. „ 5. „ 14. June 1. June 2. „ 8. ,, H. - „ 16. ,, 20. » 23. „ 25. „ 30. July 17. BUBYALS. John Butter pewderer. Xpofor WUson blynd. Jayne Snaithe, wiffe of WUliiam Snaithe of the Amlam barnes. A child, beinge infant of Nicholas Bradley whitsmyth, was both borne and buryed, Eichard, a stranger cominge w"1 the kinges carraige dyed in Elvitt, and was buryed vpon Easter daie. Mabell Dobeson, wiffe of John Dobeson laborer. Thomas Eseecke blacksmythe. Jennett Graie wedow. John Thompson, s. of Eobart Thompson yemon. Cuthbart Fisher chepman, a verie honest nighbore, was buryed in St Margarettes Church in Dur ham. Ann : Thompson wedow, laite wife to Nicholas Thompson. Three infants borne att Bornchep- pell, the children of Stphen Atkinson, was both . christned and buryed. Elizabeth Leeke, wiffe of Eichard Leeke, a verie old woman. Elizabeth Suddicke, wiffe of Eobert Suddicke of Suddran closes. Eichard Leeke, husband to the aforenamed Elizabeth Leeke, beinge aged. Cissilla Hodgson, wiffe of Edward Hodgson glaseer. Xpofor Blakeston, s. of m' Hum- ferye Blakeston of Fenckley. William Bowie, s. of Xpofor Bowie wever. John Short, s. of Edward Short of Bornhall. Elizabeth Dawson, d. of Thomas Dawson shouer, beinge a powre traveUour, was buryed att St Oswoldes in the cittie of Durham. 1617. Aug. 12. „ 15. 16. 17.21. Oct. 3 JJ 25. Nov. 8 JJ 20 JJ 29 Jan. jj jj 5 10 17 jj Feb. 24 9 16.18. 25. 1618. Mar. 27. Wilson wedow, a rerie old woman. John Arckle and Marie Arckle s. and d. of Hugh Arckle wever, two twins. Ann : HaU, wiffe of WUliam Hall yemon. Margarett Porter of CroxdaUe. Elizabeth Hedwine, d. of John Hedwine laite of Shinckcliffe, was drowned att Old Durham ford, she beinge found in Smyth- haugh. Elizabeth Thompson, d. of Francis Thompson draper taylor. John Mainsforth, s. of Edward Mainsforth of Shinckcliffe. Edin Clarvax, wiffe of Cuthbart Clarvax. John Eidley pewtherer, a verie honest man. Elizabethe Daglishe wedow, a woman of Ixxxx yeares. Eaph Corbie laite of Hett. Elizabethe Hackforth, aiged. Elizabethe Nattrasse, wiffe of John Nattrasse free mayson. Jayne Graie, wiffe of Eaph Graie. Peter Porter and George Porter, sons of Xpofor Porter, beinge two twins. Esabell Eawlinge, wiffe of George Eawlinge of Shinckchffe. John Dune, s. of Eaph Dune. George Pickringe of Suddran Closes of the parish of CroxdaUe. CHEISTNINGES. Apr. May 29. 7. 12. 12. 19. 3. 10. Hugh Nesom, s. of John Nesom laborer. Edward Foreman, s. of John For- man of Shinckcliffe. Mortua1. Thomas Bradley, s. of Nicholas Bradley whitesmyth. Eaph Home, s. of Bartram Home of Brome, wever. Eichard Fairies, s. of John Fairies black smyth. Esabell Thompson, d. of Eobt Thompson yemon. Alexsander Jackson, s. of John Jackson of Baxter wood. Hugh Boyer, s. of Hugh Boyer fuller. 60 CHEISTENINGS, MAEEIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 1618. May 10. jj 17. » 29. June 10. jj 14. jj 14. Aug. 9. jj 16. jj 16. jj 24. Sept. 25. jj 29 Oct. 8. jj 25. jj 25. Nov. JJ 22. JJ 22. JJ 22. Dec. 15. jj 15. « 20. jj 26. jj 27. William Dowson, s. of Peter Dow son potter. George Clarke, s. of Eobt Clarke of Shinckcliffe piper. Ehzabeth Hucheson, d. of Xpofor Hucheson glover and surgeann. Nicholas Ladley, s. of James Ladley butcher. John Eampshaw, s. of Hugh Eampshaw laborer. Mortuar1. Margarett Bussard, d. of Andro Bussard tyncker. Jayne Eobinson, d. of Eobart Eobinson laborer. John Skirfeilde, s. of James Skir feUd wheelwright. Jayne Bobson, d. of Charles Bob- son free mayson. Margarett Bell, d. of WUliam BeU draper taylour. John Brathwhett, s. of Eichard Brathwhett whitesmyth, was christned in the evenninge, beinge verie week, in the saide night. Mortua1. John Mainsforth, s. of Edward Mainsforth of Shinckcliffe. John Bushnell, s. of William Bush- nell of the Cittie of London, saylor. Mortuar1. Thomas Short, s. of Edward Short of BornehaU, yemon. Eobart Martyne, s. of mr George Martyn gen. Godfathers mr Eobt Hilyard gen., WUham Skirfeilde gen. ; wedow Martyn grandmother. Bobart Hall and Margarett HaU, children of WUliam HaU yemon, beinge two twins. John Grenne, s. of Symond Grenne potter. Margarett Browne, d. of James Browne yemon. Mortua1. Margery Forster, d. of John Forster of Shinckcliffe. Ann Dowglasse, d. of John Dowg- lasse tyncker. Sarai Metcalffe, d. of Eaphe Met- calffe joyner. John Leddell, s. of John LeddeU of Shinckcliffe, carpinder. Jayne Nickson, d. of Peter Nickson yemon. John Martyn, s. of Eobart Martyn of Shinckcliffe yemon. 1618. Jan. Feb. 17. .. 21. Mar. 17. 18. 18. 1618. Mar. 31. Apr. 2. May 29. June 13. „ 20. July 13. „ 20. 25. 25. „ 29. „ 31. Aug. 18. of PhiUip Xpofor Margarett Gibson, d. of Eobt Gibson yemon. Elizabeth Gibson, d. Gibson wever. Francis Forster, s. of Forster carpinder. Dorothie Vnderwodd, d. of Eobart Vnderwodd laborer. Barbarye Kytchine, d. of John Kytchine yemon. Thomas Maddeson, s. of mr Eaph Maddeson Esquire. Godfathers mr John Heathe of Kepyer, EsQuire, and mr John Eichard son thelder, Esquire ; m" Tybball godmother. Mortuar1. Phillip Atkinson, s. of John Atkin son yemon. BUBYALLS. Thomas Gibson, s. of PhiUipp Gibson wever. EUinor Atkinson, wiffe of Gawan Atkinson, aiged. WUliam Parker, a locksmyth and whitesmyth, beinge a stranger borne about Brymmengham. He dyed att Eobart Maland house in Elvitt in the Cittie of Durham. Edward Foreman, s. of John Fore man of Shinckchffe. John Eampshaw, s. of Hughe Eampshaw. Joan Jackson, d. of John Jackson of Baxter wodd. The right worshipfuU mr Thomas Chaytour of Buterbie, Esquire, a most wordy houskeper both for riche and poore, he beinge of the aige of lxuij0 yeares, vnto whome god send a joyfull resur- rectione. Eichard Atkinson of GUligaite,. yemon, was buryed by his owne desier heare. Elizabethe Snaithe wedow, beinge of the aige of lxxxx yeares. Margarett Thompson spinster. Ahc Eenton, d. of John Benton. Thomas Wright prisoner who was^ executed att Driborne for horses stealinge. CHEISTENINGS, MAEEIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 61 1618. Aug. 28. Sept. 13. jj 19. Oct. 3. 13. Jan. Feb. Mar. 19. 7. a. 25. 8. 14. 18. 1618. Apr. 19. May 6. July 7. „ 12. „ 16. Aug. 18. „ 30. Sept. 29. Oct. 20. Nov. 7. 1619. AprU 4. June 1. July 27. Aug. 15. „ 17. Margarett Short, wiffe of Matthew Short, she beinge a verie honest nighbore and good to the powre. WUliam Paige, servant to George Forcer of Stottyeate. Margarett Bussard, d. of Andro Bussard, a tyncker. IsabeU Awde spinster. John Brathwhatt, s. of Eichard Brathwhatt whitsmyth. Mortua1. John Bushnell, s. of WUliam Bushnell of the Cittie of London, saylor. Ann Stoddert spinster. Eichard Brathwhat whitesmythe. Ann : Haewell, d. of Eobt HasweU of Shinckcliffe, blacksmyth. Jarrard Townes, s. of Ambrosse Townes of Sunderland, + iylor. WUliam Dowglasse, a Scotsman dwellinge att Primrosside. AUc Atkinson of Hourdhouse, a verie old woman of the aige of lxxxxvnj0 yeares. WEDDINGES. Eobart Cootes potter and Dorothie Clarvax. John Dawson butcher and Jayne Veapon. Thomas Leddell and Ann Kirkley. Eaph Crokes and Jayne Bidley. Edward Eodham and Ann EaskeU of the parish of St Margarettes. Gawan Atkinson and Margarett Forster. James Browne and Anne Bain brigge. John Wodd and Anne Thompson, beinge michaelmes daie. Balph Todd and IsabeU Snawball. Xpofor Eeadshaw of Gaiteshed, butcher, and Marie Frind of Gaiteshead, wedow. WEDDINGES. ' Mar- Eaph Hutton gent, and m1 garett Chaitor. John Johnson of Shinckcliffe, yemon, and Margarett Punshan. William Dods and Ann Dowglasse. William Ollevant and Ann : Atkiu- 1619. Sept. 7. George Anderson and Ehzabeth Patteson. Oct. 3. John Barton taylor and Elizabethe Noble. Dec. 14. WUliam Hewetson and Esabell BuUock. Feb. 10. Matthew Short and Margery Wat. son. 1619. AprU 4. May 19. „ 22. » 30. June 24. July 11. JJ 15. Aug. 12. JJ 29. Sept. 15. Oct. 12. jj 24. Nov. 18. Dec. 5. JJ 5. Jan. 4. jj 9. jj 23. son. John Craw of Marye Smyth. Gateshead and CHEISSINS. Thomas Hall, s. of mr Charles HaU draper taylor. Godfathers mr Thomas Swinborne Esquire, mr John Gower Esquire; m™ Col- more. Barbary Lowson, d. of Thomas Lowson of Brome. George Walton, s. of Thomas Wal ton of the whitehouse in Bearparke, wever. Elizabeth Foreman, d. of John Foreman of Shinckchffe, yemon. Mortua*. EsabeU Stphenson, d. of George Stphenson mylner. Thomasine Eggleston, d. of WUl iam Eggleston of Shinckcliffe yemon. Mortua'. Eobart Cooper, s. of Philhp Cooper yemon. Bowlande Stowt, s. of Thomas Stowt glover. Charles Bidley, s. of Thomas Bid- ley yemon. John Wodd, s. of John Wodd but ton maker. Hugh Bussard, s. of Andrew Bussard chepman. Susanna Sothholde, d. ofiSammueU Sothholde f eltmaker. Bobart Knages, s. of Cuthbart Knages of Brome, wever. Kathrine Turner, d. of John Tur ner wever. Elizabeth Short, d. of Matthew Short fuUer, baisse-begotton. Thomas Anderson, s. of Cuthbart Anderson brushe maker. Margarett Clark, d. of Eobt Clark of Shinckcliffe. Elizabeth Martyn, d. of mr George Martyn gent. Godfather mr Thomas Swinbnrne Esquire ; Elizabeth Ladye Calverley, mrs Elizabeth Lyddell of Eavens- worth Castle, godmothers. 62 CHEISTENINGS, MAEEIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 1619. Jan. 23. John Atkinson, s. of Stpheh Atkin- son of Burne CheppeU. Feb. 5. Marye Hucheson, d. of Xpofor Hucheson glover and surgan. . , f 13. Elizabeth Eampshaw, d. of Hugh Eampshaw laborer. - ., 20. John Herrison, s. of Arthur Herri son yemon. Mortua1. „ 20. Henry Younge, supposed s. of Nicholas Younge sclatour, basse begottin. Mortua1. „ 27. Xpofor Banckes, s. of Xpofor Banckes knytter. March 5. Elizabeth Steele, d. of Eaph Steele of Shinckcliffe, yemon. „ 12. Elizabeth Lumbley, d. of John Loumbley sclatour. „ 19. Matthew Arckle, s. of Hughe Arckle wever. „ 23. John Ladley, s. of James Ladley butcher. 1619. Nov. BUEYALS. 1619. AprU 8. „ 25. May 14. „ 25. June 12. „ 13. . „ 16. July 11. „ 19. „ 21. „ 28. Aug. 6. „ .8. Sept. 13. Oct. 13. Nov. 3. Chares (sic) Faile, a verie old man of S' Nicholas parish in Durham, was buryed att S' Oswoldes. Jennett Spence, wiffe of Cuthbart Spence carpinder. Esabell Wodmasse of Brome. Alic Younge, d. of Eobt Younge sclatour. Elizabeth Foreman, d. of John Foreman of Shinckchffe. Thomas Bowie wever. Balph Dune. John Dobison of Elvitt, yemon. Thomazine Eggleston, d. of WUliam Eggleston of Shinckliffe, infant. Thomas Kinleside the younger, glover. Ehzabeth Maland wedow, a verie old woman. Charles Dakins, s. of WUliam Dakins gent. Thomas Kinleside thelder, glover. Thomas Maddeson, s. of mr Eaphe Maddeson Esquire. Kathrine Arnold, wiffe of WUliam Arnold of Brome. Ann : Knagges, wiffe of Eobart Knages, of Brome, wever, a verie old woman who levede verie hon estly iust and godly. Dec. Jan. 4. 17. 20. 25.30. 30. 17. .8 Jan; 14. „ 20. „ 28. Feb. 4. March 16. 1G20. May 8. June 18. Aug 13. „ 21. Sept. 10. Oct. 29. „ 30. Nov. 6. Feb. 11. 1620. April 9. jj 9- „ 18. John LyddeU, s. of Anthony" LyddeU of Sunderland. Barbary Hodgson, wiffe of Eaph Hodgson yemon. Ehzabeth Bobson spinster, a powre servant, dyed in Elvitt, a*nd was buryed att the charges of the streete. Margarett Browne, d. of James Browne yemon. Eobart Cootes potter. Margarett Emmerson, wiffe of Tho: Emmerson of WardaUe. Hughe Bussard, s. of Andro- Bussard chepman. Mr John PhUpott Clark and parson of Whitworth and one of the. Petticannons wthiu the Cathedra)! Churche of Durham. Alic SaUat, wiffe of Jarraard Sallat yemon. Eaph Porter, s. of Xpofor Porter of Sunderland. Jayne Barro, d. of Bobt Barro laite deceased. Grace Clark, wiffe of John Clark yemon. Bobart Maland whitesmythei a verie honest nighbore. WEDDINGES. John Shortrigge and- Jayne Norman. Bobart Eichardson and Ehzabeth Elwodd. Thomas Tutyn and Alic Simpson. John WaU and Esabell Taitis. Thomas Belle and Margarett Lambe. William Key and Margery Mann, Edward WUson and Francis Eobson. Anthony Cootes and Alic Swaddell. George Bowie and EUinor Cunningham. CHEISTNINGES. WUliam Dune, s. of WUliam Dune laborer. Matthew Dowson, s. of Peter Dowson potter. Margarett Boyer, d. of Hugh Boyer fuller. CHEISTENINGS, MAEBIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 63 1620 H*f 1. „' 14- June 5. July 9. Mg; 4. JJ 27. Sept. 3. JJ 17. JJ 22. Oct. 1. JJ 1. JJ 8. „ 8. „ 15. Nov. 12. „ 26. Dec. 5. 28. Jaxt. 1. jj 21. jj 28. jj 28. »' 30. 31. John BeU, s. of WUham Bell draper taylor. John Wilyamson, s. of Anthony Wilyamson glover. Barbary — , d. of- , basse begottin w01 Kathrine Smyth. Godmothers Barbary Grenne, wife of Symond Grenne, and Ann : Wodd, wiffe of Jbhn Wodd. WiUiam Harbott; s.. of Henry Harbott of Baxter Wodd. Elizabethe Stobbes, d. of John Stobbes cowper. EUinor Lowson, d. of John Lowson of Brome, laborer. Ellinor Vnthanke, d. of Eobert Vnthanke laborer. Ann Tutyn, d. of Thomas Tutyn yemon. John Barton, s. of John Barton draper taylor Dorothie Hewetsori, d. of WUliiam , Hewetson fopiriaker. Andrew Nickson,' s. of Lancelott Nickson hird. Winhyfrett Haswell, d. of Eobt Haswell of Shihckeliffe, blaek- smyth. Francis Thompson; s. of Eobt Thompson yemon. Mary HaU, d. of iuT Charles Hall gent. Margerye Fogganh, d. of George Foggann of Brome. Ehzabeth Anderson, d. of George Anderson fuller. Thomas Thompson, s. of Francis Thompson draper taylor. God fathers Thomas Mann and Thomas Bullocke ; mr8Ewbancke, the wiffe of mr Tobie Ewbancke gent, godmother. Elizabethe Corner, d. of William Corner of Shinckcliffe, mylner. Marye Mainsforth, d. of Edward Mainsforth of Shinckcliffe. Eobart Hedwaine, s. of Eobart Hedwine of Shinckcliffe.. EsabeU Nesom, d. of Thomas Nesom laborer. , Margery Browne, d. of James Browne laborer. Margery Mann, d. of Thomas Mann draper. Arthur Eichardson, s. of James Eichardson laborer. 1620. Feb. 12. ii 18. ,, 18. tfarch 7. 11. 11. 18. 20.22. 1620. March 26. „ 28. April 5. „ 16. „ 18. „ 19. May 7. „ 23. June 1. „ 11- „ 11- July 21. Aug. 10. „ 18. Ehzabeth Smyrke, d. of Johit Smyrk wever. Elizabeth Wilyamson, d. of Thomas Wilyamson laborer. Anne Nickson, d. of Peter Nickson laborer. WUham Belle, s. of Thomas Belle glover. Mortu'. Ann : Silvester, d. of John SUvester yemon. Marye Shortrigge, d. of John Shortrigge of Brome. Mortua1. Eobart Herrisori, s. of Arthur Herrison backhbusman. Mortua1. Elizabeth Stobbes, d. of George Stobbes tanner. Godfather John Snawball blacksmyth ; godmothers Ehzabeth Dixson and Ehzabeth Waugh. Dorothie Gibson, d. of Phillip Gibson wever. Henry Wodd, s. of John Wodd button maker. BUEYALES. WiUiam WhitfeUde laborer. Margarett Clark, d. of Eobart Clark of Shinckcliffe. Margarett GasteU wedow. John Bee, s. of John Bee of Sun derland, one Easter daie. Haster Clark, d. of John Clark gent. Eebecca Stobbes, d. of John Stobbes thelder, cowper. Thomas Forster thelder of Hett, verie aiged, was brought from Hett and buryed in St Oswoldes Church. John Herrison, a younge chUde, s. of Arthur Herrison. Esebell Eowle, wiffe of Thomas Bowie. Alic Cootes, wiffe of Anthony Cootes sclatour, aiged. Thomas Johnson, s. of John John son wever, beinge drowned att the new brigges. Mr Thomas Bainbrigg, laite of Whetlye hill Esquire. Ann : Stphenson, wiffe of John Stphenson mylner. Mr8 Alic Lambton, wiffe of mr John Lambton gentleman, verie boun- tefull for house kepinge both for riche and powre. 64 CHEISTENINGS, MAEEIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 1620. Aug. 30. Margarett Short, wiffe of Edward Short of Burnhall, yemon. Sept. 15. John Browne, laite of Trymdon yemon, and dyed in GiUigaite beinge buyed (sic) att St Oswoldes. „ 18. Margarett Blenkesopp, wiffe of John Blenkesopp butcher ; also „ 18. A child still borne of William Dawson gent. Oct. 25. Mra Kathrine Bainbrigg, the wiffe of mr Thomas Bainbrigg laite of Wheatly hill Esquire, a verie zelous godly gentlewoman. Eobart Johnson, s. of John John- „ 26. Dec. 3. Jan. Feb. 5. 6. 31. 1. 12. „ 17. March 16. „ 17. 1620. March 23. 1621. May 1. „ 2. June 17. July 8. „ 31. Oct. 28. Nov 25. son wever, Mrs Margery Parkinson, wiffe of Henry Parkinson laite of Bea- monnd hUl Esquire. Ann Dowglasse, d. of John Dowg lasse tyncker. Bobart Grenne potter, beinge the Twelft daie. EUinor Barro, wiffe of George Barrow taylor. Elizabeth Grenne, wiffe of the aforenamed Bobt Grenne potter. Mra Dorothie Bulmer, d. of Sr Bartram Bulmer Knight. John Clarke yemon. Thomas Wright potter. WiUiam BeUe, infant, s. of Thomas Belle glover. CHEISTNINGES. Margarett Nesom, d. of John Nesome yemon. WEDDINGES. Eoland Baw and Jayne Brasse. Bobart Kent and Alice Nelson. John Fenny and Margarett Dickinson. Eichard Softley and Dorothie Fisher. Xpofor Lowson of Brome and EsabeU Mayson. John Comyn glover and Jayne Colline. James Sim and Jayne Younge. John Maland and Elizabethe Bevelye. *Sio. 1621. Dec. 30. Feb. 17. „ 24. 1621. AprU 2. 15. 25. May 5. July 1. Aug. 5. „ 9. Sept. 16. „ 16. „ 23. „ 27. Oct. 15. „ 27. „ 28. „ 28. Nov. 11. „ 18. WUliiam Metcalffe of NewcasteU, and Ann Forcer 'of Stottyeate. Eobart WUkinson and Margery Eobinson.. Henry Farro and Ehzabeth He. CHEISTNINGES. Eaphe LyddeU, s. of John LyddeU of Shinckchffe wheelewright. Dorothie Heighington, d. of Henry Heighington wthin the parishe of Bransspeth. John Clark, s. of Eobart Clark of Shinckcliffe, piper. Ehzabeth Younge, d. of George Younge of Bransspeth, basse begottin. Ann Fairlesse, d. of John Fairelesse blacksmyth. Marie Martyn, d. of mr George Martyn gent. Godfather mf Thomas LyddeU Esquire; mM Marie Smyth and m™ Heeth, the wiffe of mr John Heath of Bampside, gent. Dorothie Dakins, d. of WUliiam Dakins gent. WiUiam Stowt, s. of Thomas Stowteglover. ("Form'Browne vicar cuddes," writtenin margin), Kathrine Gibson, d. of Bobart Gibson laborer. Ann Stphenson, d. of Eaphe Stphenson free mayson. Margarett Martyn, d. of Eobart Martyn of Shinckcliffe. Jellian Vnderwodd, d. of Eobart Vnderwodd laborer. Matthew Bradley, s. of John Bradley whitesmyth. John- Fenny e. s. of John Fennye free mayson. John Eey, s. of Marke Bey talour. Elizabeth Tunstall, supposed to be the doughter of John Tunstall draper baisse begottine w* Margery Smyth. Henry Eobinson, s. of Eobart Eobinson yemon. Alic Eggleston, d. of WUliam Eggleston of Shinckliffe. Kathrine Short, d. of Matthew Short fuller. Mortuar'. Margarett Atkinson, d. of John Atkinson yemon. CHEISTENINGS, MAEEIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 65 1621. Dec. 9: Jan. jj Feb. 16. 1. 16. 17. 18.27. 3. March 6. „ 10. „ 17. 1621. April 7. „ 17. „ 22. May 13. June 2. „ 15. July 6. „ 28. Sept. 15. „ 18. „ 23. 24. 25. 29. jj Oct. Nov. 4. „ 18. „ 28. Dec. 18. Marye WaU, d. of John Wall butcher. EUzabeth Taylor, d. of Edward Talour mylner. Jayne Wilyamson, d. of Thomas Wilyamson butcher. Xpofor HaU, s. of mr Charles HaU draper. Eichard Wright, s. of Peter Wright of Brome. Eichard BeUe, s. of Thomas BeUe glover. John Shefeilde, s. of Charles Shefeild sclatour. Thomas Dawson, s. of WUliam Dawson gent. Mortuar'. Phillip Ladley, s. of James Ladley butcher. Thomas Forster, s. of Xpofor Forster carpinder. Ehzabeth Stphenson, d. of George Stphenson mylner. Mortuar1. BUBYALS. William HaU yemon. Gawan Atkinson, aiged. Eobart Paige of Fenckley, aiged. Eobart Herrison, s. of Arthur Herrison, infant. Marie Shortrigge, d. of John Shortrigge of Brome. Elizabeth Soothhold, wiffe of SammueU Soothhold feltmaker. Alice Sanderson wedow, a verie old woman. Ann : Peart, d. of Marke Peart. Jayne Thompson wedow, aiged. Eaphe Stphenson free mayson. Barbary Kytchine, d. of John Kytchine yemon. Sara Metcalffe, d. of Eaph Metcalffe joyner. Ann Tutyn, wiffe of WUliam Tutyn of Shinckcliffe, aiged. Thomas Eidley, s. of Thomas Eidley laborer. Margarett Pearson wedow, a verie old woman. Matthew Dowson, s. of Peter Dowson potter. Sim, s. of James Sim wever, baisse gotton. Mr George Barker, parson of Crake in Yorkshier and one of the Petlecannons in the Cathedrall 1621. Dec. 30. Jan. 2. „ 13. „ 14. „ 16. „ 20. „ 26. Feb. 3. 13. 14. 17. March 3. „ 6. „> 16. 1622 July 16. Nov. 3. Jan. 16. Feb. 3. 1622. ; March 31. AprU 18. „ 25. May 1. „ 12. „ 19. July 15. Aug. 4. ., 28. Church of Durham, a verie honest nigbore (sic). Barbary Fennicke, an old powre woman ; dyed att Brome. Kathrin Short, d. of Matthew Short fuller, Francis Thompson, d. of Francis Thompson draper talor. Jayne Kytchine, wiffe of John Kytchine yemon ; was a verie honest nighbore. Elizabeth Hedwine, d. of Bobart Hedwine of Shinckcliffe. Jayne Forster wedow. WiUiam Mainsforth, s. of Hugh Mainsforth. Eobart Vnthanke yemon. Eichard SkirfeUd yemon. Thomas Dawson, s. of William Dawson gent. EUinor Vnthanke, d. of Eobt Vnthanke laite deceased. Margarett Eichardson spinster. Ann Martyndaile wedow, aigede. William Scott, s. of John Scott, borne w'^in the Eealme of Scotland ; dyed att Sunderland. WEDDINGES. John Kythin (sic) and Jelliann Jackson. Eaphe Hey and Jayne Hucheson. Edward Short and Ann Moore. Lawrance Walton and Esabell WhitfeUde (This last entry afterwards erased) CHEISTNINGES. Marye Bussard, d. of Andro Bussard chepman. Kathrin Dowson, d. of Peter Dowson potter. Ann: Boyer,d.of Hughe Boyer fuller. Elizabeth Dowglasse, d. of John Dowglasse tyncker. Dorothie Skirfeilde, d. of Godfraie Skirfeilde carpinder. James Herrison, s. of Arthur Herrison yemon. John Eampshaw, s. of Clement Eampshaw free mayson. Cuthbart Knagges, s. of Cuthbart Knagges of Brome, wever. Francis Cooper, s. of mr Matthew Cooper Clarke and Vicar of Dalton. 66 CHEISTENINGS, MAEEIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 1622. Sept. 29. Oct. 6. Dec. 12. „ 17. „ 29. Jan. 12. „ 17. Bobart Banckes, Banckes yemon. Eichard Elstobb, Elstobb laborer. William Vasey, Vasey gent. WUhamThomas s. of Xpofor s. of John JJ >> 19. Feb. 2. JJ 9. ») 9. „ 22. March 6. „ 19. 1622. March 28. April 3. jj 22. Tune II. j, 16. „ 29. July 8. *„ 22. Aug. 9. s. of mr John Godfather S1 Bellizes knight, m1' Swinburne Esquire ; m1B Colmore godmother. Thomas Eowle, s. of George Eowle wever. John Farro, s. of Henry Farro carpinder. Margarett Martyn, d. of m1' George Martyn gent. Godfather mr Bobt Lambton ; godmothers mrs WhitfeUd and mra PhUlipson. John Freer, s. of Bobart Freer of Malton ; borne att John Walkers house in Elvitt. Alic Walton, d. of George Walton of Billy, yemon. Mortuar.1 Esabell Foreman, d. of John Foreman of Shinckcliffe, yemon. Cissilla Wilkinson, d. of George Wilkinson of Shinckcliffe, baisse gotton. Thomas Cooper, s. of Philhp Cooper yemon. Kathrine Wetherington, d. of William Wetherington of Shinck cliffe, yemon. Nicholas Short, s. of Edward Short of Burnhall, baisse-gottin wth Margarett Heigh. Margarett Maland, d. of John Maland whitesmyth. Florraince Dudley, d. of Henry Dudley gen. BUEYALS. Francis Townes, d. of Ambrosse Townes of Sunderland, taylor. Margarett Atkinson wedow. Barbary Thompson, wiffe of Eoger Thompson laite of Sunderland. Robart Farro yemon. Jarrard SaUat yemon. Matthew Walker of Burne Cheppell, verie aiged. Mrs Margarett Lever, wiffe of Sampson Lever of Aldernedge gent. Nicholas Teasdaile, aiged. Elizabeth Nickson wedow, verie aiged. 1622. Aug. 9. jj 27. Oct. 17. Nov. 23. Dec. Jan. Feb. 12. 20. : 21. 23. 27.28. 29. 2. 8. 19. 26. 1. 14. 15. 23. „ 25. March 2. „ 9. „ 22. „ 22. March 24. James Lever, s. of Sampson Lever of Aldernedge, was drownd neare the new brigg and buryed the same daie. A poore man, borne in Branton in Gilsland, dyed in the feilds near Brome. Margarett Sanderson, wiffe of John Sanderson of Barnardcastle, wever. She dyed in the almesse house in Elvitt. MrB. Margarett Bellises, the youngest doughter of mr Bryann Belhses Esquire deceased. Thomas Walton, s. of Thomas Walton of Aldernedge, wever. George Foggan of Brome, yemon. Elizabethe Betnianson, d. of WiU iam Betmanson of Primrosside who dyed att Brome. Anne : Dune wedow, wiffe of Baphe Dune. Isabell Bailes of Bushopawkland, wedow. Bobart Johnson of Brome, taylor. Alic Skirf eUde wedow, verie aiged. Margarett Wilson of Sunderland. M1B Jayne Hedworthe of Bromhall. Mr Xpofor Chaitour gent. Esabell Watson, wiffe of John Watson wever. Esabell Hall, wiffe of Nicholas Hall of Sunderland. John Pratt of Sunderland, yemon. Nicholas Hall of Sunderland. Bobart Martyn yemon. Alice Kendaile, d. of Edward Kendaile laite of the parish of Morland in Westmerland, dyed in Shinckcliffe neare the Cittie of Durham, and was buryed att S' Oswoldes in Durham. Edward Taylor mylner was drownd att Langley Mill, and was buryed upon shraftuesdaie. Esabell, aliz Eppe Eidley, d. of John Bidley of Suddericke§ in London, say lor. A powre woman that dyed in the backhouse att Aldernedge. Thomas Hall yemon. Elizabeth Hall, wiffe of the above- saide Thomas Hall. AnthonyCootes sclatour, verie aiged. Barbary Felton, wiffe of Thomas Felton, powre people sekinge § Doubtless Southwark. CHEISTENINGS, MAEEIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 67 releiffe. She the saide Barbary Felton dyed att Butterbye. WEDDINGES. 1623. May Aug. Nov. Dec. 6. 26. [.25. 23. AprU 15 jj 25 jj 27 May 7 June 29 July 6 jj 20 u 20 22 Aug. 10. „ 17. „ 17. „ 21. „ 31. Oct. 12. George Wilkinson and Alic Grin- weU of Shinckcliffe. Voluntine Scotson of the parishe of Lacester § and Marye Hutton of the parish of S' Oswoldes, as by their lycense doth appeare. Mr John Lambton gentleman and Mrs Kathrine Kirbie. Edward Eodham and Ann Pearson. Mr John Patteson mercer and Marie Dodgson. CHEISTNINGES. Easter Mann, d. of Thomas Mann draper. Mortuar'. John Gibson, s. of Phillip Gibson wever. Dorothie Walton, d. of Thomas Walton of Aldernedge, wever. Edward Talor, s. of Edward Talor mylner, deceased. Mortu.1 Marye Hodgson, d. of Baphe Hodgson yemon. John Eidley, s. of Thomas Eidley yemon. Eebecca Fairlesse, d. of John Fair- lesse blacksmythe. Ann Dune, d. of WUliam Dune yemon. Anne Craddacke, d. of mr Eichard Craddacke Esquire. Godfather mr John Heethe the younger; godmothers m" Mydforth and m" Francis Hilyard. Elizabeth Iley, d. of Eaph Hey yemon. William Wright, s. of Lancelott Wright yemon. Eichard Wodd, s. of John Wodd button maker. Mortu1. WUham Eumpforth, s. of Charles Eumpforth mylner. Edward Hodgson, s. of Eichard Hodgson carpinder. Michaell Gvnne, s. of Arthur Gvnne of Newcastell,shipcarpin- der. § Lanchester 1 1628. Oct. 21. Nov. Jan. 25. Feb. 8. 8. 23.25. March 7. 21. Dorothie Fennye, d. of John Fennye mayson. John Lowson, s. of John Lowson of Brome, yemon. Eobart Berricke, s. of Eobart Berricke joyner. Mortu1. Margery WaU, d. of John WaU butcher. Thomazine Martyn, d. of m* George Martyn gent. Godfather m1 John Calverley gent. ; god mothers mrs Dorothie Craddocke & m™ Margarett Heethe. Anne: Kytchine, d. of John Kyt chine yemon. Isaacke Cooper, s. of mr Matthew Cooper Clark & Vicar of Dalton. Eichard Vasey, s. of mr John Vasey gen. Jayne Short, d. of Edward Short of Burnhall, yemon. Ann Wilyamson, d. of Thomas Wilyamson butcher. BUEYALS. 1623. AprU 3. Margarett Eobinson, wiffe of Eob art Eobinson yemon, aiged. „ 8. John Grenne yemon. „ 13. A powre man who dyed in Baxter wood Lis name not knowne as att thatinstand, vponEasterdaie. „ 14. Ann Maughan spinster. „ 26. John Smythe sclatour. „ 26. Alic Walton, d. of George Walton of Brome. May 2. Ann Eichardson, and „ 2. Elizabeth Vnthanke, a childe. „ 3. Ann : Barro, d. of Eobt Barro. „ 10. George Hilyard, s. of mr Bobart Hilyard gent. „ 18. Grace Pethie wedow, a verie honest grave woman and a good nigh bore. June 4. Eaph LyddeU, s. of John LyddeU of Shinckcliffe. „ 12. Cissilla Jackson, d. of Thomas Jackson laite of the parish of S' Andrew Awckland powre people. She the saide Cissilla dyed att Butterbye. July 4. George Stphenson, s. of George Stphenson mylner. „ 10. Easter Mann, d. of Thomas Mann draper. 68 CHEISTENINGS, MAEEIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 1623. July 12. „ 18. „ 28. Aug. 4. „ 11.15. „ 29. Sept. 5. Oct. 6. 14. 16. JJJJJJ 162021 JJ 29 Nov. 11 19 19. 23. 26. 28. Dec. 15. 23. 23. Jan. 9. 20. Edward Taylor, s. of Edward Taylor mylner. Elizabeth Stphenson, d. of George Stphenson mylner. Edward Clarke of the parish of Hawtwessell. He dyed att Burnehall. Ann Lowson wedow of Borne §, a verie old woman. A powre man who dyed in Alton feild, his name not knowne. Dorothie Walton, d. of Thomas Walton of Aldernedge, wever. Arthur Eichardson, s. of James Eichardson yemon, beinge a child. A powre man who dyed in the backhouse att Sunderland, his name not knowne. IsabeU Atkinson, wedow. Margarett Townend, wiffe of Am- brosse Townend of Sunderland, taylor. George LyddeU, s. of Xpofor LyddeU blacksmyth. John Hegge, s. of Eichard Hegge. Mrs Elizabeth Barker wedow. Ann Sigesworthe wedow, a verie old woman. John Fennye, s. of John Fennye mayson. Thomas Graie taylor. Eobart Cooper, one of the laye- singingmen wthin the Cathedrall Church of Durham, a verie honest grave and wise nighbore, was buryed in the abbaie Church yard. Eichard Wodd, s. of John Wodd button maker. Bobart Knagges of Brome, wever, aiged, Kathrine Dowson, d. of Peter Dowson potter. Bobart Walton of Whithouse in Bearpark, wever. Jayne Eobinson, d. of Eobart Eobinson yemon. Eobart Martyn sclator. Jayne Miinsf orth, wiffe of Thomas Mainsforth of Shinckcliffe. Bobart Berrick, s. of Bobart Ber- rick joyner. Ann Mainsfoorth, d. of of Thomas Mainsforth of Shinckcliffe. 5 Sic— Brome ? 1623. „ 30. Feb. 3. 7. „ H. 22. „ 28. „ 28. March 3. „ 5. „ 11. „ 21. 1624. May 11. June 8. JJ Aug. 20 9 Sep. 2. Oct. 10. Nov. Feb. 16. 2 1624. March 27. April 5. jj 11 May 3 Eobart Pearson of Sundeiland, yemon. Mary Skirfeilde, d. of James Skir feUd wheelwright. Cuthbart Clarvax, aiged. Ann Forster spinster, d. of George Foster sadler. EUinor Lowerrie, d. of Thomas Lowerrie of Whitehouse. Eobart Robinson laborer. Josephe Eammeldle sheerman, laitly come from HaUefax. George Walton of Brome, yemon, laite of Alstonmore. Margarett Eobinson of Sunderland, wedow. John Watson wever. A powre man, dyed at Sunderland, his name not knowne. Finis. WEDDINGES. Jarrard Lax and Elizabeth Wrang- ham, servantes to Sr Tymothie Whittingham. John Bridgeswell and Margarett Smart. Bobart Bey and Margarett Dune. WUliam Nickolson and Christobell Jackson of . John Chambers and Esabell Whit feUde wedow. William Atkinson and Ehzabeth Pearson. George Kirkley and Ann Carter. George Hogge and EUinor Vn- thank. CHEISTNINGES. 17. Margarett Pratt, d. of John Pratt yemon. John Dowson, s. of Peter Dowson potter and braseer. John Thompson, s. of Eobart ^Thompson yemon. Margarett Wilson and Elizabeth Wilson, two twins borne in Shinckcliffe backhouse, the doughters of William WUsonaliz Tom a bedlime § was christned the third daie of Maij 1624. Peter Hopper, s. of Hugh Hopper glaseer, borne att Brome. § See " Toms-of-Bedlam ' Diotionary. in HalliwelPa CHEIST2NINGS, MAEEIAGES, AND BDEIALS. 69 1624. May 18. Xpofor Softley, s. of John Softley taylor. „ 24. Francis Dakins, d. of William Dakins gentleman. Godfather Eobt Lambton draper ; god mothers mra HUyard, mrB Cooper. June 13. Ann Man, d. of Thomas Man draper. „ 13. Kathrine Walton, d. of George Walton of Aldernedge laite deceased. „ 13. Elizabeth ,supposedto be d. of yemon . July 11. Bobart Gibson, .s of Eobart Gibson yemon. „ 18. John Lambton, s. of mr John Lambton draper. Godfathers m1' John Browne vicar of St Oswoldes, mr Edward Ewbanck gen. ; mls HUyard. Eobart Clark, s. of Eobart Clark of Shinckcliffe, piper. John Browne, s. of James Browne laborer. Nicholas Farro, s. of Henry Farro carpinder and joyner. George Dawson, s. of WUham Dawson gen. Kathrine Eampshaw, d. of Hugh Eampshaw laborer. Eobart Nickson, s. of Peter Nixson laborer, infant. Mortu'. Margarett Thompson, d. of Francis Thompson draper taylor. Ehzabeth Walton, d. of Thomas Walton of Bearpark whitehouse, wever. Grace Boyer, d. of Hugh Boyer fuller and walker. Mortu'. WiUiam LyddeU, s. of John LyddeU of Shinckchffe, wheelwright. Margarett Bussard, d. of Andro Bussard chepman. Mortu1. William Eobson, s. of mr Symond Bobson gentleman. Godfathers S' WUliam Belhzes knight, mr Lyndley Wren Esquire ; god mother mra Curwenn. „ 27. Ann Maland, d. of John Maland whitesmyth. Jan. 2. WUliam Barwiek, s. of Bobart Barwick joyner. „ 19. Elizabeth Calverley, d. of mr John Calverley gen. Godfather Sr Peter Bid dell knight ; me Lady FrevUl and me Lady Calverley godmothers. JJ 25. Aug. 5. JJ 8. JJ 18. Sept. 19. JJ 26. Oct. 3. u 10. jj 10. jj 24. Nov. 8. Dec. 21. 1624. Feb. 13. March 3. „ 13. 1624. March 29. AprU 2. „ 13. May 18. 1. 6. 7. 19. June 26. July jj Aug. JJJJ 7. 19. 6. 16.25. J? 25. Sept. 17. JJ 22. )J Oct. 26.§ 7. jj 25. Nov. 22. Dec. 4. )J 26. jj 29. Barbary Atkinson, d. of John Atkinson yemon. John SkirfeUd, s. of Godfraie SkirfeUd carpinder. George Dowglasse, s. of John Dowglasse tyncker. BUEYALS. A powre woman who dyed att Sunderland,hir name notknowne. Jayne Hirdman, d. of John Hird- man wever. Margarett Belle, wiffe of Thomas BeUe of Crosgaite, glover. She dyed in child bedd. Elizabeth Smythe, wiffe of John Smyth sclatour, aiged. Thomas Thompson, s. of Francis Thompson draper taylor. Humferye Drewell, s. of mr George Drewell gen. A powre traveller, a younge m>nj dyed in John Engglebie barne in Shinckcliffe. A powre man that dyed in the almosse house, his name not knowne. Jayne Lambe, d. of John Lambe rough mayson and sclatour. Ann Coock wedow. Elizabeth Elder spinster. M18 Jayne Bussiewedow,verieaiged. Lancelott Suddick yemon. Lancelott Nickson, once the hird, dyed at Burne Cheppell. Margarett Watkins, wiffe of Henry Watkins sheerman. Kathrine LyddeU spinster, d. of Xpofor LyddeU blacksmyth. John Spurner yemon, s. of Eichard Spurner taylor. Eobt Nickson, s. of Peter Nixson. John Forcer taylor. Margarett LyddeU spinster, d. of Xpofor LyddeU blacksmyth. Eichard Sayre gardiner , verie aiged. Margaret Bussard, d. of Andro Bussard chepman. Mr Eichard Boothe gentleman, aiged. John Farro of Houghell, yemon, a verie honest nighbore, verie bountefulland good to thepowre. God send hime a joyfuU res- urrectionn. § Might be 27. 70 CHEISTENINGS, MAEEIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 1624. Dec. 30. Jan, 19. Feb. 28. 7. 1C. 16. 20.21. March 5. ,. 12. 1625. May 22. June 13. July 11. Aug. 28. Nov. 26. Jan. 29. Feb. 2. 3. „ 21. 1626. AprU 24. Ann Stoddert, wiffe of James Stoddert yemon. Symond Mainsforth, s. of Hugh Mainsforth yemon. William Browne yemon. Margery Headlam, laite of Elwick, wedow. Elizabeth Pratt, wiffe of John Pratt laitly corned to Elvitt. Mra Dorothie Salkeild wedow, a verie grave gentlewoman and good to the powre in hir liffe tyme. God send hir a joyfull resurrectionn. Margarett Wilkinson spinster. Margarett Pratt, d. of John Pratt yemon, a chUd, beinge doughter to the above named Ehzabeth Pratt wiffe of the saide John Pratt. Grace Boyer, d. of Hugh Boyer fuller. Marye Hobson, wiffe of Nicholas Hobson laysingingman. WEDDINGES. May 14.15. 1625. April 6. John Palmer and Ann Stphenson. Thomas Shaw and Ceuse Emmerson. John Glenn and Jayne Wheatley. Hugh Eidley and Ann Softley. John Cootes sclatour and Ehzabeth Eichardson wedow. Eobart Younger yemon and Ann Sim. Eoger Bainbrigg and Ann Gibson ' of Chester wedow. Edward Orwen and Ehzabeth Phillip. William Dakins gen. and Grace Hobson, beinge shraftuesdaie. WEDDINGES. Mr John Dickins gen. and Ann : HUyard. James Stoddert and Margarett Burton. Henry Watkins and Grace Grame. CHEISTNINGES. » 10. May 8 jj 15 u 22 June' 112 July 117 Aug. 8 1625. April 3. Elizabeth Norman, d. of Michaell Norman of Brome, taylor. Sept. 8. „ 14. Oct. 30. Nov. 10. 12. 17.20.24. 27. Dec. 30. Jan. 15. „ 29. Jelliann Hes?els, d. of m' SamueU Hessels gen. Godfather mr George Martyn gen.; mra HUyard and mra Lambton the younger godmothers. George Burne, s. of Mark Burne yemon, beinge Palmsundaie. Jayne Wilkinson, d. of George Wilkinson of Shinckcliffe yemon. WUliam Eeye, s. of Eobart Eeye yemon. Ann: Cootes, d. of John Cootes rough mayson and sclatour. George Bradley and Thomas Brad ley, two twins, both sons of John Bradley whitesmythe. Marye Widderington, d.of William Widderington of Shinckcliffe, yemon. Thomas Joye, s. of mr Joye Clarkwasbaptized§. Godfathers mr WUliam Smyth Esquire, m* George Martyn gen; mra Hunt, wife of the Eight worshipful! Doctour Hunt, Deane of the Cathedrall Church of Durham, godmother. Marye Gibson, d. of PhUhp^Gibson wever. Jayne Martyn, d. of Mr George Martyn gen. Godfather m* John Lambton gen.; godmothers mra Margarett Calverley and m'a Francis HUyard. George Palmer, s. of John Palmer sclatour, infant. Mortu1. Jayne Bidley, d. of Hugh Eidley yemon. Mortu'. Marye Kytchine, d. of John Kytchine yemon. Clement Ladley, s. of James Lad ley butcher. Marye Man, d. of m1 Thomas Man draper. Mortu-. Francis Wilyamson, s. of Anthony WUyamson glover. John Foreman, s. of John Foreman of Shinckchffe yemon. George Vnderwodd, s. of Eobart Vnderwodd yemon. Nicholas Wodd, s. of John Wodd buttonmaker. Elizabeth Elder, d. of Thomas Elder of NewcasteU,yemon. Mortu'. § The first occurrence of this word in lieu of "christned " which, from about this time, is almost discontinued. CHEISTENINGS, MAEEIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 71 1625 Feb. 5. »j 5. j> 26. March 5. JJ 5. jj 21. » 21. Margarett Wright, d. of Lancelott Wright yemon. ' Marye Fennye, d. of Jonn Fennye free mayson. Ehzabeth Eidley, d. of Thomas Bidley yemon. Thomas Wilyamson, s. of Thomas Wilyamson butcher. Mortu1. Also Jayne Stoddert, d. of James Stoddert laborer, basse gottin. Alic Wright, d. of Thomas Wright of Brome, basse gottin. Mortu'. Marye Vasey, d. of mr John Vasey gen. Godfather mr George Martyn gen.; m" Smyth and m™ WhitfeUde godmothers. CHEISSNINGES. 1626. March 26. „ 26. April 6. „ 10. May 7 jj 14 jj 15 jj 18 jj 28. » 29 jj 28 June 1 JJ 24. July 16 Aug. 2. John Wall, s. of John Wall butcher. John Softley, s. of John Softley taylor. Thomas Shortrigge, s. of John Shortrigge of Brome, yemon. Easter Eumpforth and Ann : Eumpforth, doughters of Charles Eumpforth mylner, two twins. SibbeU Gibson, d. of Eobart Gib son yemen. Mortu'. James Ladley, s. of John Ladley glover. GUbart Maddeson, s. of Xpofor Maddeson plasterer. Charles Shawe, s. of Thomas Shawe whitesmyth. Ehzabeth Taylor d. of John Taylor draper taylor, beinge whitson- daie. Clement Farro, s. of Henry Farro carpinder, beinge whitsonmun- daie. William Nickson, s. of Peter Nickson laborer, beinge whitson- daie. GUbart Spence, s. of Cuthbt Spence carpinder. Margarett Walton, d. of Thomas Walton of the whitehouse in Bearpark, wever. Esabell Thompson, d. of Francis Thompson draper taylor. Ann: Bussard, d. of Andro Bussard chepman. Marye Smyth, d. of Arthur Smythe chepman. 1626. Aug. 13. 1625. March 29. „ 30. AprU 1. Thomas Stobbes, s. of John Stobes cooper. BUBYALS. May J) June 18 12. jj 15 jj July 21. 7 JJ 9 JJ 22. Aug. 5. JJ 22 Sept. 26. 26 JJ 26. Oct. 27 Nov. 7. jj 23 Dec. 16. JJ 21 JJ 29 Jan. 11 jj 17 Ehzabeth Davison spinster, d. of Eichard Davison of Fenckley. M™ Kathrine Dakins, wiffe of j William Dakins gen. Dorothie Dakins, d. of the > | o ins and Kathrine Dakins, Mra Marye Pemmerton, wiffe of mr Michaell Pemmerton of Alder nedge, gentlemen, she dyinge in chUd birth. Dorothie Gall, wiffe of William Gall of Shinckchffe, yemon. Margarett Turpine spinster. Susanna Grame spinster, d. of Grame wedow. George Bradley infant, s. of John Bradley whitesmyth. Jayne Morland wedow. JeUiann Hessels, d. of mr SammueU Hessels gen. Eebecca Fairies, d. o* John Fairies blacksmyth. William Eumpforth, s. of Charles Eumpforth mylner. Xpofor Betmanson of BromehaU, gen. Margarett LyddeU, d. of. Anthony LyddeU of Sunderland. Ann Thompson widdow, verie aiged. WiUiam Eobinson of Sunderland, verie aiged. Margery WaU, d. of John WaU butcher. Margarett Martyn wedow, verie aiged. George Palmer, s. of John Palmer sclaitour. George Stremer, s. of Nicholas Stremer yemon. Elizabeth Wilyamson, wiffe of Anthony Wilyamson glover, who dyed in chUd bedd. Thomazine Stobbes, d. of John Stobbes cowper. Jayne Eidley, d. of Hugh Eidley yemon. Barbary Eampshaw, wiffe of Clement Eampshaw freemayson. Xpofor Bulman of Sunderland yemon, aiged. 72 CHEISTENINGS, MAEEIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 1621 Feb. *2. JJ 13. J1 18. March 19. 1. jj 11. j? 11. 1626. May 8. jj 21. June 4. jj 6. July Aug. 1. 6. JJ 12. 5J 16. Sept. 27 4. Margarett Nesome, d. of John Nesome yemon. Elizabeth Elder, d. of Thomas Elder of NewcasteU, yemon. John Stroder, s. of Bobart Stroder potter and braseer, infant. Jayn Eltringham wedow, aiged. Jayne Martyn wedow, wiffe of Lyonell Martyn. Margarett Lowerrie, d. of Thomas Lowerrie of White house. Elizabeth Hobson, d. of John Hobson yemon. BUBYALS. 1592. Ann Eumpforth, d. of Charles Eumpforth mylner. Sibbell Gibson, infant, d. of Eobt Gibson yemon. Nicholas Hobson, s. of Nicholas Hobson laysingingman. Barbarye Tailforthe, wiffe of Matthew Tailforth laite deceased. Em Hull wedow, aiged. Marye Man, d. of mr Thomas Man draper. Thomas Wilyamson, s. of Thomas Wilyamson butcher. Alic Wright, d. of Thomas Wright of Brome, basse gottin. Cissilla Bradley wedow. William Knaresbroughe, s. of m1' William Knaresbrough Esquire; dyed at Butterbie. Finis. Grace Hobson christened the of Jenuarie 1592. 28 September 5 1605. A note of the names of those that were whipt in our parish of St Oswoldes the daie and yeare aboue writtin and stoked according to the statute. William Davison, borne in Scotland. Water Dixson and Ann his wif, borne in NewcasteU. John Browne borne at Gatshead. James Oglebi & Izabell his wif, borne in Glendall. John Stele(?) & Margarett his wif borne in Netherdell. End of Eegister. The next and third Eegister, rebound in recent years, and wrongly numbered 2, is on paper. [On the fly leaf.] M1' Samwell Has. .ell ', John Wall ( Nicolas Man Edward Mansforth Church Wardens for S' Oswolde January 16* 162-7. This Booke Coste Ujs v d. Ba. Atkinson CI. Nomen est rei notamen. Joforethe. Eichard Waicklinge Curate. WUlson. The Eegester Book belonginge to the parish Church of St Oswoldes in Durham of all their names that were marryed baptised and buryed since the viij° daie of June 1626 as followeth. WEDDINGES from the daie abouesaide. 1626. June 8. Aug. 27. " 29 JJ 29 Nov. 23 JJ 26 J) 28 Dec. 3 Jan. 21 from 1626. Sept. 5 Raph Sadler and IsabeU Graie wedow. George Grame and Ann Arrow- smyth. Xpofor Smyth of Dalton in North- umberland,yemonand Margarett Stobbes. Eichard Hirdman wever and Elizabeth Farrow wedow. Xpofor Eichardson and Ehzabeth Jackson. George Blithe sclatour and Kath rine Dim. John Wheatley of Shinckcliffe and Elizabeth Hopper of the same. George Arrowsmith of Shinckchffe and Ann: Eobinson. Eobart Dun yemon and Barbary Byers. CHEISTNINGES the vth daie of September 1626. Mary Dakins, d. of mr WUliiam Dakins gen. EUinor Kirkley, d. of George Kirkley of Burnhall, yemon. ' ; CHEISTENINGS, MAEBIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 73 d. of Eobart d. of John s. of Eobart 1626. Sept. 10. Nicholas Nesome, s. of Thomas Nesome laborer. Mortu1. „ 13. Thomas Hessels, s. of mr Sam muell Hessels gen. Godfathers Sr Thomas Swinburne Knight, mr John Lambton gen. ; m™. Hall godmother. „ 24. Kathrine Barwick, Barwick joyner. Oct. 19. Elizabeth Palmer, Palmer sclatour. Nov. 22. George Younger, Younger yemon. Jan. 7. WUliam Kirkley, s. of Thomas Kirkley of Aldernedge, talor. „ 7. Ann Martyn, d. of mr George Martyn gen. Godfather mr John Heeth the younger ; mrs Hutton, mra Mary Hessels god mothers. „ 12. Henry Brice, s. of Cuthbart Brice sadler. „ 17. Elizabeth Maland, d. of John Maland whitesmyth. „ 21. John Eichardson, s. of Xpofor Eichardson of Brome, yemon. „ 22. Margarett Hodgson, d. of Eichard Hodgson carpinder. Feb. 6. George Man, s. of mr Thomas Man draper. Mortu1. „ 15. Henry Carr, s. of Thomas Carr of Shinckchffe, blacksmith. „ 18. John Knages, s. of Cuthbart Knages of Brome, wever. „ 20. Matthew Cooper, s. of mr Matthew Cooper Clark and vicar of Dal- ton and Curatt of St Oswoldes. Godfathers mr Eichard Whit feUd draper, mr William Siges- wick gen. ; Margarett Cooper godmother. March 7. Mary Fairlesse, d. of John Fair- lesse blacksmyth. „ 18. Mary Stphenson, d. of James Stphenson yemon. Godfather mr John Calverley gen. ; me Lady Bowes, mra Mary Hessels. BUEYALS from the xxx"e daie of September 1626. 1626. Nov. 19. Dec. 9. „ 23. „ 25. Jan. 3. „ 31. Feb. 8. „ 19. March 21. „ 23. 1627. March 25. „ 27. „ 28. 1627. May 15. July 31. Aug. 21. „ 26. „ 28. Sept. 4. Oct. 4. 1626. Sept. 30. Oct. 15. John Bee of Sunderland, yemon. Eichard Morrison of Bushopawck- land, drownd in the water and found att Elvitt brigg end. Nov. 27 jj 28 Dec. 23 Jan. 29 Ann Dun, wiffe of Henry Dun talor. Dorothie Dawson, d. of WUliam Dawson gen. Mrs Ann : Younge, wiffe of Eaph Younge of Sunderland, gen. Ann Tatis wedow, aiged, beinge Christmas daie. Ann: Wilkinson, wiffe of Lawrance WUkinson gen. of Langley in Branspeth parish. Eobart Wright yemon, aiged. Jayne Hornsbie spinster. Eichard Watson, aiged. Margery Browne, d. of James Browne yemon. Jayne White, wiffe of Phillip White yemon. Charles Shaw, s. of Thomas Shaw whitesmyth. Joan Eampshaw, d. of Clement Eampshaw fremayson. John Eampshaw, s. of Clement Eampshaw mayson. WEDDINGES. Xpofor Biggins of Sunderland, gen. and EUinor Kirkley. John Ayre and ElUnor Semer of the parish of Darlington ; w"1 a lycense. John Baker chepman and Esabell Halledaie. Hugh Eowle wever and Ehzabeth Dixson. Thomas Younger and Jayne Davi son of Fenckley. George Simpson of Barnardcastle, tanner, and Jayne Younge ; w'h- a lycense. Mr Walter MarshaU of Bushop- warmouth, Clark, and Ann Everest ; wtb a lycense. George Wright of Brome, yemon, and Dorothie Eeadshaw. Thomas Allonson taylor and Jayne Carter. William Baxter of Bushopmiddle- ham and EsabeU Davison of Fenckley. Eobart Emmerson gen. and EUinor Thompson wedow. Anthony Maland and EUinor Skirfeilde. 74 CHEISTENINGS, MAEBIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 1627. March 26. April 4. jj 5. jj 22. May 31. June 3. jj 3. ?j 18. July 2. July 6. „ 22. Aug. 26. Sept. 2. „ 16. „ 30. Oct. 22. „ 28. Nov. 4. 7. 11. 15. 18. 18. 28. CHEISSTNINGS. John Appleby, s. of John Applebie of Shinckliffe of Shinckcliffe (sic), yemon. Kathrine Metcalffe, d. of Eaph Metcalffe joyner. Mary Strodert, d. of Eobt Strodert braseer. Marye Lumbley, d. of John Lumb- ley sclatour. Bobart Thompson, s. of George Thompson glover, baisse gotton wth Margarett Pottes. William Clark, s. of Bobart Clark of Shinckcliffe, piper. Mortu.' George Stphenson, s. of George Stphenson mylner. Kathrine Thompson, d. of Eobart Thompson yemon: Thomas Swinburne, s. of mr Tho mas Swinburne gen. Godfathers Sr Thomas Tempest knight and Barronett,Sr Thomas Swinburne knight ; mra Kathrine Lambton godmother. Lancelott Dun, s. of Eobart Dune yemon. Margarett Wilyamson, d. of Tho mas Wilyamson butcher. Mortu.' Elizabeth Wilkinson, d. of George WUkinson of Shinckcliffe, yemon. Mortu.' George Arrowsmyth, s. of George Arrowsmyth of Shinckcliffe, ye mon. Elizabeth Wheatley, d. of John Wheatley of Shinckcliffe, yemon. Lancelott Eey, s. of Bobt. Eey yemon. Mortu.' John Gibson, s. of Eobart Gibson yemon. Mortu.' William Story, s. of Thomas Storye of Shinckcliffe, yemon. James Hyrst, s. of Matthew Hyrst feltmaker, baisse gottin wli Elizabeth Barrow. John Bradley, s. of John Bradley, whitesmyth. Thomas LyddeU, s. of John LyddeU of Shinckcliffe, carpinder. James Sim, s. of James Sim wever. Mortu.' Margarett Kirkley, d. of Thomas Kirkley of Aldernedge, talour. Elizabeth Smyth, d. of Arthur Smyth chepman. EUinor Elstobb, d. of John El- stobbe yemon. 1625 Dec. u. JJ 19. JJ 23. JJ 26. Jan. 13. „ 20. „ 31. Feb. 7. 8. 9. March 2. „ 18. ., 23. 1627. AprU 6. Thomas Eenwick, s. of Henry EeH- wick cor diner. Eichard Atkinson, s. of John At kinson yemon. William Boyer, s. of Hugh Boyer fuller. Elizabeth Dowson, d. of Peter Dowson, potter. Eichard Burne, s. of Mark Burne yemon. Marye Dawson, d. of Lancelott Dawson gen. Godfather mr George Martyn gen. ; mrs Mary Phillipson aud Jayne Engglebie godmothers. William Ladler, s. of John Ladley glover. Thomas Dowglasse, s. of John Dowglasse chepmanand tyncker. Mortu'. Margarett Man, d. of m* Thomas Man draper. Esabell Lambe, d. of Eobart Lambe sclatour. Elizabeth Elstobb, d. of Eichard Elstobb of Shinckcliffe, whele- wright. Mortu'. Margarett Powley (' Wederell ' erased), d. of Anthony Powley (' WeddereU' erased) mvseconn. Jayne Eumpforth, d. of Charles Eumpforth mylner. BUEYALS. „ 25. „ 29. May 3. 6. 13. „ 22. 9. 20. 21. 23. 28. June Imp8 John Johnson of Shinckchffe, yemon. John Skirfeilde, s. of Godfraie Skirfeilde carpinder. Nicholas Nesom, s. of Thomas Nesome laborer. Marye Vasey, d. of mr John Vasey gen. Esabell Eobinson of Sunderland, wedow, aiged. Eobt Gibson, s. of Eobart Gibson yemon. Francis Thompson talor, beinge whitsondaie. Nicholas Forcer the younger of Stott yeate, joyner. Dorothie Cootes aliz Clarvax, wife to Eobt Cootes potter. Voluntine Caward, s. of Xpofor Caward talor. Eobart Eobinson yemon, aiged. Jarrard Cootes sclator. Ann Eampshaw wedow. CHEISTENINGS, MAEEIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 75 1627. Aug. 27 Sept. 6 jj 13 Nov. 1 jj jj jj 6 18 23 Dec. 5 Jan. 11 13. JJ 26. JJ 27. JJ 29. Feb. 17. jj 18. » 27 jj 28. jj March 28. 9. 15. Elizabeth Wilkinson, infant, d. of George Wilkinson of Shinck chffe. Ann LyddeU, d. of Xpofor LyddeU blacksmyth. William Clark, s. of Eobart Clark piper. Lancelott Eey, s. of Eobart Bey yemon. Ehzabeth Brantingham, aiged. James Sim, s. of James Sim wever. John Gibson, s. of Bobt Gibson yemon. John Knages, s. of Cuthbart Knages of Brome, wever. Margarett Thompson, d. of Francis Thompson talor, laite deceased. Esabell Thompson, d. of the saide Francis Thompson taylor, sister to the aboue named Margarett. Eobart Forster, s. of George Forster sadler. George Eawlinge of Shinckcliffe, aiged, was buryed att Pittington. Mary Jackson, wiffe of Gabriell Jackson gen. of Langley wthin the parish of Branspeth. Ann : Lowson, wiffe of John Low- son of Brome. Jayne Dowglasse, wiffe of John Dowglasse tyncker. Margarett Stowt, wiffe of Thomas Stowt glover. Margery Hobson, d. of Nicholas Hobson yemon. John Nesome yemon. Elizabeth Sommer, wiffe of Stphen Somer of Shinckcliffe. Margarett Walton, d. of Thomas Walton of Whitehouse in Bear- park, wever. WEDDINGES. 1628. May 13. June 7. „ 7. „ 9. July 29. WUliam Hucheson barber and Ann Grenne. Thomas Denton and Ellinor Jurdeson of Esington parish; w"1 a lycense. George Ewins wever and Ann Nelson of NewcasteU vpon Tyne; w'h a lycense. Matthew Dixson yemon and Marye Pearson. Thomas Bell wolline wever and Esabell Eobinson. 1628. Nov 23. Jan 11. 26. William Nickolson whitesmyth and Margarett Barnes. Symond Jackson sporriour of the parish of Branspeth and Margarett WUson of the same ; w" a lycence. Thomas Stowt glover and Jayne Bell wedow. CHBISSNLNGES. 1628. March 30. Margery Browne, d. of James Browne yemon. „ 30. Susanna Wodd, d. of John Wodd buttonmaker. „ 31. Sara Eowle, d. of Hugh Eowle wever. April 2. Margarett and EsabeU Baxter, April 13. „ 14. „ 27. May 2. JJ n JJ 16. 25 )) 25. June 15. jj 22. twins, doughters of WUliam Baxter of Fenckley, weare baptized att Fenckley, beinge week. William Sigeswick, s. of William Sigeswick gen., beinge Easter daie. Godfathers mr WUliam Philhpson, maiour of the Ciltie of Durham, Barnabie Hucheson gen. ; m" Wright. Ellinor Younger, infant, d. of Eobart Younger laborer, and buryed the xvij"1 of Aprill instant. Eaph Stphenson, s. of James Stphenson yemon. Margarett Wright, d. of WUliiam Wright yemon, baisse gottin w'b one Margarett Donetson spin ster. The saide child was borne in Allortongaite wthin the parish of St Margarettes. Godfather Eobt Dun ; Margaratt Sim and Alic, the wife of Georg Dun, godmothers. Xpofor Calvart, s. of Xpofor Calvai't taylor. Francis Martyn, d. of mr George Martyn gen. Godfather mr Axithony Tebals gen. ; m" Plesance, mra Margarett Man. Ehzabeth Wouffe, d. of WUliam Wouffe of Fenckley, yemon. Michaell Foreman, s. of John Foreman of Shinckcliffe. Jayne Fenney, d. of John Fennye freemayson. Ann Wall, d. of John Wall butcher. Mortu'. 76 CHEISTENINGS, MAEEIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 1628. June 29. July 1. „ 10. „ 13. „ 20. JJ 27. JJ 28. Aug. 17. Sept. 21. JJ 28. Oct. 12. Nov. 3. jj 13. jj 14. jj 18. jj 23. • jj 29. Dec. 7. jj 7. jj 21. Jan. 23. jj 25. Feb. 2. March 1. jj 6. Ehzabeth Murrey, d. of Henry Murrey of Shinckchffe, yemon. Eobart Maxforth, s. of William Maxforth whelwright. Ann Wall, d. of Thomas WaU whitsmyth. Ehzabeth Widderington, d. of WUham Widderington of Shinckcliffe. Mra Margarett Swinburne, the doughter of mr Thomas Swin burne gen., was baptized. God father mr Henry Chaitour gen. ; mrB Margarett Hutton and mIa Jayne Pearson godmothers. John Wright, s. of George Wright of Brome, yemon. Marland Basnatt, doughter of Eobart Basnatt yemon. Francis Kytchine, d. of John Kyt chine yemon. Eichard Clark s. of Eobart Clark of Shinckcliffe, piper. John Allonson, s. of Thomas Allon- son of Hourdhouse, taylor. Ann Knages, d. of Cuthbart Knages of Brome, wever. Cuthbart Dun, s. of Eobart Dun yemon. Eichard Brice, s. of Cuthbart Brice sadler. Thomazine Emmerson, d. of Eobart Emmerson gen. Henry Maland, s. of Anthony Maland yemon. George Wilkinson, s. of George Wilkinson of Shinckchffe, ye mon. Jayne Bainbrigg, d. of of Cuthbart Bainbrigg mylner, baisse gotten. WUham Grenn, s. of WUliam Grenn scrivener, baisse gotten. Eobart Softley, s. of John Softley talor. Kathrine Swinburne, d. of George Swinburne of Fenckley, yemon. Alic Gibson, d. of Philhpp Gibson wever. Jayne Barwick, d. of Eobart Bar wick joyner. Eobart Younger, s. of Thamas Younger of Fenckley, wheel wright. Xpofor Eichardson, s. of Xpofor Eichardson of Brome, yemon. Cuthbart Browne, s. of Thomas Browne draper talor. 1628. March 8. „ 20. 1628. March 26. AprU 7. „ 22. May 6. „ 22. June 11. „ 13. July 5. „ 12. „ 13. „ 14. „ 20. „ 27. Aug. 8. „ 10. „ 13. „ 18. „ 21. Sept. 1. 3. 8. 10. „ 20. Oct. 11. Elizabeth Clayton, d. of Ewrias Clayton yemon. Mary Bradley, d. of Nicholas Bradley whitesmyth. BUBYALS. Ehzabeth Elstobb, of Eichard El- stobbe of Shinckcliffe, wheel wright. Barbary Thompson, d. of Clement Thompson of Sunderland, black smyth. Eoger Trolopp, beinge a childe who dyed in this streete of Elvit destutited of frindes. Ellinor Lambe d. of John Lambe sclatour. George Man, s. of Thomas Man draper. Thomas Dowglasse, s. of John Dowglasse tyncker and chepman. George Eowle wever, aiged. Nicholas Arrowsmyth, s. of WUliiam Arrowsmyth of Shinckcliffe,. yemon. Eoger Eaw, s. of Eichard Eaw yemon. EsabeU Spurner, wiffe of Eichard Spurner talor. Elizabeth LyddeU, wiffe of John LyddeU of Shinckchffe. Henry Kirkley, s. of Anthony Kirkley taylor. George Stphenson mylner. Esabell Lowerrye, wiffe of Thomas Lowerry of Brome, yemon. Alic Eobinson of Shinckchffe, spinster. Margarett Turpine, wiffe of WU1~ iam Turpine of Sunderland yemon.** Eobart Younger yemon. Xpofor Barrow, s. of Matthew Barrow taylor. Matthew Short fuller, aiged. Mra Elizabeth Eobson, wiffe of Anthony Bobson gen. John Browne, s. of James Browne yemon Anthony Bobson, gen., aiged. Ann Eobson spinster, d. of the- aforenamed mr Anthony Eobson gen. Ann WaU, d. of John WaU butcher. Michaell Foreman, s. of John Foreman of Shinckchffe, yemon. CHEISTENINGS, MAEEIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 77 1628. Oct. 17. jj 28. Nov. 7. Dec. 9. jj 10. jj 22. Jan. 4. jj 12. 21.23. JJ 24. JJ 25. JJ Feb. 27. 8. JJ 20. March 2. jjj> 8. 10. jjjj 14. 17. 20. 1629. June 7. July 28. Sept. 4. „ 19. Margarett WUyamson, d. of Tho mas WUyamson butcher. Ehzabeth Wan, wiffe of Xpofor Wan sclatour. Margarett Eey, wiffe of Eobart Eey yemon. She dyed in chUd bedd. John Johnson, s. of BeeU Johnson wedow. William Grenne, s. of WiUiam Grenne screvener. George Arrowsmyth, s. of George Arrowsmyth of Shinckchffe, ye mon. Margarett Bradley, d. of Nicholas Bradley whitesmyth. Mr John Lambton draper, one tyme maiour of the Cittie of Durham, a verie honest and relegious gen. good to the powre, of the aige of lxxiiij yeares, was buryed in the abbaie Church of Durham. Cuthbt: Knages, s. of Cuthbart Knages of Brome, wever. Ann Mannuell (or MammeU ?), d. of William MannueU hird of Shinckchffe. Thomas Lyddell of Butterbie, ye mon. Thomas Eashell thelder of Shinck cliffe, talor, verie aged. George Ewins wever. Cuthbt Dune, s. of Eobt Dune yemon. George Edderinglon yemon and backasman of Elvitt. WUham Kirkley of EiUy, yemon, aiged. Bobart Stroder potter and braseer. Marye Fairies, d. of John Fairies blacksmyth. Henry Watkins fuUer. Jayne Graie, wiffe of John Graie, aliz Bouck, fuller. Bobart Younger s. of Thomas Younger of Fenckley, wheel wright. WEDDINGS. Anthony Kirkley talor and EsabeU Eobinson wedow. Henry WUkinson of Shinckchffe, yemon, and Ann Steele. Eaph Eennoldson yemon and Mar garett Hucheson wedow. Thomas Grenne and Jayne Brad ley, both of the parish of Stan- hopp. 1629. Sept. 20. „ 29. Oct. 25. Nov. 10. „ 24. „ 24. Jan. 21. Feb. 2. 1629. March 27. May 1. „ 14. June 28. July 2. „ 19. Aug. 2. „ 18. „ 23. Sept. 6. ., 14. „ 27. Oct. 6. „ 11 „ 12. John D[ix ?]son § yemon and Mary Bradley, both of the parish of Stanhopp. John Crosley feltmaker and Ehza beth Bidley. John HaU yemon and Margarett Cowlson. WUliam Bridgeswell gardiner and Elizabeth Baxster. Eobart Eey yemon and Ann Ayrs of Shinckchffe. Thomas Home of Brome, wever, and Margarett Smyth of Gilli- gaite, spinster. Phillip Dun yemon and Kathrine Hunter. George Bidlaie pewderer and Mar garett Shacklocke. § A blot of ink on this name. CHEISSNINGES. Ellin Farro, d. of Henry Farro carpinder. Thomas Gibson, s. of Eobart Gib son yemon. Nicholas BeU, s. of Thomas BeU woUin wever. Thomas Stoddert, s. of James Stoddert yemon. WUliam Barrow, s. of Matthew Barrow talour. John Palmer, s. of John Palmer rough mayson and sclatour. Jayne Dixson, d. of Matthw Dix- son of Brome, laborer. Kathrine Dakins, d. of mr WUliam Dakins of Brome, gen., was baptized att Brome. Eobart WaU, s. of John Wall butcher. Cuthbart Wilyamson, s. of Thomas Wilyamson, butcher. Barbary Martyn, d. of mr George Martyn gen. Godfather mr Thomas Swinburne gen. ; god mothers mra Moorecroft and m™ Tunstall, the wiffe of Thomas Tunstall mercer. John Smyth, s. of Arthur Smyth chepman. WUliam Blithe, s. of George Bhthe sclatour. Margarett Foreman, d. of John Foreman of Shinckcliffe, yemon. George Sigeswick, s. of mr WUham Sigeswick gen. 78 CHEISTENINGS, MAEEIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 1629. Oct. 15. „ 18. „ 22. Nov. 1. „ 12- Dec. 2. „ 26. Feb, 20. „ 21. „ 28. March 7. « 22. HUda: Man, d. of m' Thomas Man draper. Ann : Froster, d. of George Fors ter sadler. Thomazine Dawson, d. of m1 Lance lott Dawson gen. Barnaby Nesome, s. of Thomas Nesome yemon. Thomas Whaley, s. of James Whaley feltmaker. John Maland, s. of John Maland whitesmyth. Esabell Elstobb, d. of Eichard El stobb of Shinckchff e,whelwright. Nicholas Bennoldson, s. of Eaph Eennoldson yemon. Bobart Murrey, s. of Henry Mur rey of Shinckcliffe, yemon. John Steele, s. of James Steele of Shinckchffe, yemon. Esabell Arrowsmyth, d. of George Arrowsmyth yemon. Anthony Vasey, s. of Xpofor Vasey of Brome, yemon. BUBYALS. 1629. March 28. AprU 4. „ 8. „ 13. „ 26. „ 27. May 1. „ 18. „ 19. „ 29. June 6. „ 29. Hugh Boyer fuller. Xpofor Eichardson, s. of Xpofor Eichardson of Brome, yemon, beinge a younge child. Esabell Baxster, d. of WUliiam Baxster of Fenckley, yemon. William Boyer, s. of Hugh Boyer fuller. Ellinor Wright, aiged. William Barker of Aldernedge, yemon. Mr Henry Chaitour, son and heire to the Bight worshipfull Tho mas Chaitour Esq1 of Butterbie, laite deceased. The saide mr Henry Chaitour was the aige of 20 yeares. Xpofor Wright Clark one of the Pettecannons wthin the Cathe dral Church of Durham, of the aige of lxxvnj yeares. George Wilkinson, s. of George Wilkinson of Shinckcliffe, ye mon. Mary Norman, d. of MichaeU Nor man of Brome, talor. Bobart Chaitour, son to the Eight worshipfull Thomas Chaitor Esq1. Margarett Dawson spinster. 1629. Aug. 2. „ 26. Sept. 13. „ 17. JJ 26. JJ 27. Oct. 10. jj 18. Nov. 6. jj 13. Dec. 9. jj 18. jj 31 Jan. 3. „ 22. „ 25. „ 27. Feb. 8. „ 19. „ 26. March 3. „ 10. 1630. April 13. „ 20. June 4. Grace Halleman of Norton, spin ster, dyinge in this streete. Margarett Dawson wedoW, aiged, Francis Salvine, d. of John Salvine gen. Ellinor Pickringe, d. of John Pick- ringe of CroxdaUe Brodolose house, yemon. Alic Eggleston, wiffe of WUliam Eggleston of Shinckchffe. Thomas Swinburne, s. of mr Thomas Swinburne gen. WUl«am Blithe, s. of George Bhthe sclatour. John Kytchine yemon, a verie honest nighbore. Ann Smythe, wiffe of Eobart Smyth cordiner of the parishe of S' Nicholas in Durham. Ellinor Taylor, aiged, wiffe of John Talor yemon. Ehzabeth SaUat, aiged, Wiffe of George Sallat yemon. Anthony Eobson, supposed to be s. of Eobson yemon, baisse gottin wtt Mary Eobeson spinster. EUinor LyddeU, d. of George Lyd deU laite of Sunderland, yemon. Ehzabeth Kirkley, infant, d. of Thomas Kirkley of Aldernedge, talor. Jayne Eumpforth, d. of Charles Bumpforthe mylner. Margarett Whiteheade spinster. Elizabeth Morris wedow, aiged. John Bell of Brome, wever. Cuthbart Brice sadler. Ehzabeth BeU wedow, wiffe of Xpofor BeU laite of Brome, wever. She was mother to the saide John BeU wever afore named. Myles White yemon. He was the son of Myles White thelder deceased. John Fairies blacksmythe, a verie honest nighbore. WEDDINGES. James Steele, of Shinckcliffe,yemon, and Margarett Johnson wedow. Matthew LyddeU yemon and Ann Martyn wedow. Myles Johnson of the parish of Bippon in Yorkshier, glover, CHRISTENINGS, MAEEIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 79 1630. June 15. jj 15. u 19. » 27. Aug. 22. Oct. 5. Nov. 9. Feb. 10. 12. 1630. March 29. April 6. „ 13. 14. and Jayne Kaster spinster ; w"1 a lycense. George Morryson of the parish of Houghton, yemon, and Alic Farro of HougheU, wedow ; W111 a lycense. WiUiam WUkinson of the parish of SedgfeUd, yemon, and Margery Short wedow ; wtt a lycense. Eobart Wright of the parish of Stockton, yemon, and Ehzabeth Chipchaisse of the parish of Norton, spinster ; t" a lycense. Jarrard Barrow cordiner and Eliza beth Browne. John Mayson wever and EsabeU WUkinson. George Thompson glover and Mar garett Pottes. Eobart Punshan of Shinckcliffe, yemon, and Grace Burne. WiUiam Thorpe of Wolvest9n, talor, and Esabell Stobbert of Bilhngham.; wth a lycense. Henry BeU of Brome, wever, and Susanna Eaw ; w01 a lycense. CHEISTNINGES. May 3. jj 30. jj 30. June 20. jj 21. „ 27. July 26. Aug. 8. Mary WUkinson, d, of George WU kinson of Shinckcliffe, yemon. Thomazine Bradley, d. of John Bradley whitesmyth. Susanna KennaU, d, of George KennaU feltmaker, baisse gottin w01 Ehzabeth Dun spinster. Briggett Calvert, d. of Xpofr Cal vert talor. Ehzabeth Turner, d. of WUliam Turner glover. Eaph WUkinson and WUliam Wil kinson, two twins, sons of Henry WUkinson of Shinckcliffe,yemon. Mary Softley, d. of Edward Softley talor. Ann Wheatley, d. of John Wheat- ley of Shinckcliffe, yemon. Ann : Powley, d. of Anthony Pow ley museconn. Thomas Dowson, s. of Peter Dow son braseer and potter. James Swinburne, s. of mr Thomas Swinburne gen. Godfathers m" John Heethe Esquire, mr Henry Tempest gen.; m" Dorothie Swinburne godmother. Ann Crosley, d. of John Crosley feltmaker. 1630. Aug.Sept. 17. 2. jj 3. > j jj 7. 15. jj 21. Oct. 10. Nov. 1. jj 7. jj 28. Dec. 10. j j Jan. 23. 2. jj 13. jj 27. March 6. » 8. jj 13. 13. 20. Ann Eles, d. of Xpofor Eles yemon. Esabell Eowle, d. of Hugh Eowle wever. Kathrine Lambe, d. of Bobart Lambe sclatour. John Hall, s. of John Hall yemon. Eobart Thompson, s. of Eobart Thompson yemon. Xpofor Woulffe, s. of WiUiam Woulffe of Fenckley, yemon. Eaph Wright, s. of Lancelott Wright yemon. John Gelson, s. of John Gelson sadler. John Lyddle, s. of Matthie Lyddle yemon. Jayne Applebye, d. of John Apple- bye of Shinckcliffe, laborer. Eobart Wall, s. of Thomas WaU whitesmyth. Alic Ayre,d.of Thomas Ayre joyner. Eobart Bey, s. of Bobart Bey ye mon. George Kirkley, s. of Thomas Kirk ley of Aldernedge, talor. IsabeU Sym, d. of James Sym wever. ("For mr John Browne" in the margin). Cuthbart Clark, s. of Bobart Clark of Shinckchffe, yemon. John Bidley, s. of George Eidley pewderer. George Martyn, s. of mr George Martyn gen. Godfathers mr George Walton alderman, and mr Michaell Hall gen. ; mra James godmother. Thomas Forster, s. of George Fos ter sadler. ("Infant: dead: j4." in margin). Cuthbt Grenn, s. of Eaph Greine mylner of the parish of St Giles. The saide Cuthbt was baisse gottin w"1 Margarett Moore spinster. No Cude. BUEYALS. 1630. March 26. AprU 6. „ 30. May 8. June 14. „ 18. George Sallat yemon. Elizabeth Nicholson, wiffe of Tho mas Nickolson of Chester, piper. Susanna KennaU, d. of George KennaU feltmaker. Thomas Wilyamson laborer. Nicholas Mann pewderer, a verie honest nighbore. Barnaby Nesome, s. of Thomas Nesom yemon. 80 CHEISTENINGS, MAEEIAGES, AND BURIALS. 1630. July 12. „ 13- „ 27. Aug. 3. JJ 4. JJ 28. Sept. 3. Oct. 4. jjjj 10.23. Dec. 31. Jan. 1. jj 8 jj 13 Feb. 19. 19 March 3 9. 16. 16. Thomas Barrow yemon. Cuthbart Wilyamson, s. of Thomas WUyamson butcher. Ann : ShefeUde spinster, d. of Charles ShefeUde rough mayson. Alic Dun, wiffe of George Dun ye mon. Jennett Parkin, wiffe of Eobart Parkin comin hird, aiged. George Hall yemon ; found deade in Potter loninge. Thomas Wilyamson thelder, ye mon, aiged. Eichard Elstobb, a child, s. of John Elstobb laborer. Eobart Maland yemon. ¦, a powre creple beinge and (sic) Irishe man. John Cooper yemon, a verie honest younge man. Bobart Emmerson yemon, vpon new yeares daie beinge the first daie of January. William Freman, s. of Morris Fre- man feltmaker. Thomas Nesom, s. of John Nesom yemon. Ehzabeth Thompson. Ann Kirkley, wiffe of George Kirkley of BurnhaU, yemon. (" For mr Jo : Browne " in the margin). Xpofor Bidley yemon, aiged. Edward Ollever, servant and pren tice wth mr Thomas Man, maior of the Cittie of Durham and draper. Phillip White laborer. Ellinor Gelson wedow. Non ja. John Thompson laborer. CHEISSININGES. Aug.Nov. 1631. May 15. „ 24. July 25. WEDDINGES. rdine and 30. 21. 20. Henry Swinney AddeneU Fisher. Bobart Gent wever and Margarett Chepman spinster; wtha lycense. Cuthbart Glenn yemon and Ann Wheatley of Shinckcliffe. Georg Dun yemon and Mary Boyer. George Blith sclator and SebeU Lawson. George Mann joyner and Isabell Wardon of the parish of Esing- ton ; wth a lycense. John LyddeU whelewright Margarett Arrowsmyth. 1631. Mar. 25. April 6. 13. 18. JJ 24. JJ 27. May 29. June 5. 19. and „ 29. July 15. Aug. 14. „ 20. „ 21. „ 21. „ 28. Sept. 13. Oct. 7. Nov. 6. Dec. 13. „ 15. Jan. 12. „ 17. „ 24. Margarett Fenny, d. of John Fennye free mayson. Xpofor Wilyamson, s. of Thomas Wilyamson butcher. Susanna Dun, s. of Eobart Dun laborer. George Hucheson, s. of Thomas Hucheson wever. Ann Freman, d. of Morris Freman feltmaker. Jayne Mackforth, d of WUliam Mackforth carpinder. Thomazine Barwick, d. of Eobart Barwick joyner. Xpofor Wan, s. of Cuthbart Wan plasterer, beinge whitsoundaie. Infant : dead. Margarett SkirfeUd, d. of Godfraie Skirfeilde carpinder. John Glenn, s. of John Glenn of Shinckchffe, carpinder. George Stphenson, s. of James Stphenson musecionn, beinge St Peter daie. Ann Mayson, d. of John Mayson wever. Infant ; dead. Eichard Vshaw, s. of Henry Vshaw of Shinckchffe, wheel wright. Ehzabeth Dun, d. of George Dun yemon. Elizabeth BeU, d. of Henry BeU of Brome, wever. Sara Grame, d. of George Grame talor. Jayne Mawre, d. of WUham Mawre butcher. Thomas Burne, s. of Mark Burne laborer. (" John Browne" in margin). Abraham Browne, s. of Thomas Browne talor. Ann Eichardson, d. of Xpofor Eichardson of Brome, laborer. EUinor Kirkley, d. of William Kirkley of BurnhaU, yemon. Thomas Moore, s. of Thomas Moore tanner, borne in Shinck cliffe. Mortu' j jd. Guye Brasse, s. of Cuthbart Brasse joyner. John Eennoldson, s. of Baph Bennoldson yemon. Nicholas Palmer, s. of John Palmer roughmayson and sclatour. CHEISTENINGES, MAEEIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 81 1631. Jan. 26. Jayne Forster, d. of George Forster sadler. Feb. 8. Ehzabeth Haward, d. of WUliam Haward gardiner. „ 8. Sara Farrow, d. of Henry Farrow carpinder. „ 12. Henry Murrey, s. of Henry Murrey of Shinckchffe, yemon. Mortu1; j*. „ 12. Margarett Smyth, d. of Arthur Smyth chepman. „ 19. Nicholas Eumpforth, s. of Charles Eumpforth mylner. „ 26. John HaU, s. of John Hall draper. „ 26. Francis Mann, d. of m' Eichard Mann draper. March 4. Marye Sigeswick, d. of WUliam Sigeswick gen. 1631. March 30. April 2. „ 11. „ 15. „ 23. JJ 25 JJ 28 May 16. 23. 24. BUEYALS. John Salvine, s. of mr Jarrard Salvine of CroxdaUe, Esquire. Nojd. Thomas Forster, s. of George Forster sadler. Amanf ound drownd in Shinckcliffe haugh in the river their. His name we know not, nor from what place he dwelt in. No j4. EUinor Biggins, wiffe of Xpofor Biggins of Sunderland, gen. who dyed in chUd bedd. No jd- Cm' Bullock' in margin). Isabell Harrington wedow, who dwelled in a towne called Cut- combe in Somersitshier as by a certeficaite did appeare from the mynister and counstables of the saide towne. She was goinge to Morpooth w^in the county of Northumberland to hir hus- bandes brother for the somme of 301. She dyed vpon Elvitt moore neare the Cittie of Dur ham. John Biggins of Sunderland, talor. Nojd. Luce Carter, wiffe of Eoger Carter of Hourdhouse, yemon. William Wilkinson, s. of Henry WUkinson of Shinckchffe, yemon. Ann All on of Butterbie, wedow, aiged. Kathrine Blithe, wiffe of George Blithe sclatour. Died in childe bedd. 1631. May 31. June 15. 21. 27. July 15. Aug. 1. Sept. 8. 30. Oct. 4. „ 10. 16. Xpofor Wann, s. of Cuthbt Wann plasterer. Cuthbart Grenn, s. of Eaph Grenn mylner. Anthony Kirkley talor. Thomas Chaitour, s. of the Ei ght worshipfull mr Thomas Chaitour laite of Butterbie, Esq'. Margarett Vasey, d. of mr John Vasey gen. No jd- James Swinburne, s. of m' Thomas Swinburne gen. Mary Chaitour, d. of the Eight worshipfull mr Thomas Chaitour, laite of Butterbie, Esq'. M' John Skarth, m' of Artes, preacher of gods word and vicar of St. Oswoldes, a godly verteous and relegeous man. Elizabeth Neasbie. spinster. Clement Thompson of Sunderland, blacksmythe. No jd. ('m'Bul- lick ' in margin). Margarett Ayre spinster, d. of Anthony Ayre laite of Shinck cliffe. Eeceived aU duties since last but one Cudo for Browne ('Marg Ayres' erased) 29 of October 1631. John Browne. Nov. 3. 6. 8. 14. Dec. 21. 12. 15. 17. 22. Mra Joan : Vasey, wiffe of m' John Vasey gen. M' Eobart Hilyard gen. WUliam Eggleston of Shinckcliffe, yemon. Pd to (name unde cipherable). Margery Helcott, wiffe of Thomas Helcott of Shinckcliffe, yemon. Mr Henry Shafto of Barwick vpon Tweed w^inthe County of North umberland, Esq', and one of the kinges ma'ties Justices of peace wthin the County of Durham, was buryed in the quire att St Oswoldes in Durham. Henry Eobinson, s. of Eobart Eobinson yemon. John Bouck yemon. Elizabeth Dun, d. of George Dune yemon. Margarett Swinburne, d. of m Thomas Swinburne gen. Thomas Moore, s. of Thomas Moore tanner. V 82 CHEISTENINGS, MAEEIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 1631. Dec. 27. „ 30. Jan. *eb. 4. 4. 5. jj 16. i)jj 17. 27. March 4. i* jj 7. » 8. »j 9. jj 10. 13. Ann : Man, d. of mr Thomas Man alderman and draper. Margarett Sim, wiffe of John Sim wever and Sagerston of this Church. Thomas Lowerrie of Brome, yemon. WUliam Wilkinson yemon. Ann Turpine, d. of George Turpine of Sunderland, comon hird. EUinor Pickringe of CroxdaUe Brod cloasse house, spinster. Ann Maland wedow, aiged. Trothie Chaitour, d. of the Eight worshipfuU mr Thomas Chaitour laite of Butterbie, Esq'. Jayne Mackforth, wiffe of WUliam Mackforth carpinder. Alic Ayre, d. of Thomas Ayre joyner. William Barwick, s. of Eobart Barwick joyner. Sythe : Porter,wiffe of Xpofor Porter of Sunderland, yemon. Henry Murrey, s. of Henry Murrey of Shinckcliffe, husbandman. Thomazine Barwick, d. of Bobart Barwick joyner, sister to the aforenamed WiUiam Barwick. AU duties discharged for the last yeare 1631. John Browne. WEDDINGES. 1632. May 22. Aug. Sept. » Oct. 26. 12. 16. 24. 27. Humpfraie Bipley gen. and Francis Stallinge spinster, both of the parish of St. Andrew Awckland; w" a lycense. John Dixson mylner and Alic Atkinson spinster. John Snawdon yemon and Grace Atkinson spinster. Eichard Baker of Wolsingham, chepman, and Jayne Nesome spinster. Thomas Forster of the parish of Branspeth, yemon, and Ellinor Hobson spinster ; w01 a lycense. Eichard Cornforth glover and Isabell Kirkley wedow. Thomas Bell of Brome, wever, and Beell Cottes spinster. Bobart Parkinson and Jayne Pat- teson of the parish of Whick- ham ; wth a lycense. 1632. Oct. 28. Nov. 25. Eichard WUson yemon and Mar garett WUyamson spinster. John Browne. George Grenn yemon and Mary Eaw spinster. CHEISSININGS. 1632. March 25. Cuthbart Allonson, s. of Thomas AUonson of Hourdhouse, talor. „ 25. Esabell Elstobb, d. of John Elstobb laborer. April 2. William Harrosmyth, s. of George Arrosmyth of Shinckcliffe, yemon. „ 15. Thomas WUkinson s. of Henry WUkinson of Shinckchffe, yemon. May 1. Kathrine Vasey, d. of Xpofor Vasey of Brome haU, yemon. „ 6. Ann Wright, d. of George Wright of Brome, yemon. June 17. Isabell Stainton, d. of Bobart Stainton carpinder. July 1. Edward Steele, s. of James Steele of Shinckchffe, yemon. „ 1. Thomas Crosley, s. of John Crosley feltmaker. Mortu1. Aug. 1. Thomazine Bhthe, d. of George Blithe rough mayson andsclatour. „ 12. John Mayson, s. of John Mayson wever. „ 21. Margarett Calvert, d. of Xpofor Calvert talor. „ 25. Eichard Elstobb, s. of Eichard Elstobb of Shinckchffe, wheel wright. Infant ; no cude. Sept. 1. Margarett Dixson, d. of John Dix son mylner. „ 16. WUham Woulffe, s. of WUliam Woulffe of Fenckley, yemon. „ 19. Ann Stoddert, d. of James Stoddert yemon. „ 30. Dorothie LyddeU, d. of John LyddeU of Shinckchffe, wheel wright. „ 30. Barbarye Dawson, d. of m* Lance lott Dawson gen. 28 of October 1632, all paid, John Browne. Oct. 4. 13. 16. Mary Thompson, d. of George Thompson glover. Alic Dowson, d. of Peter Dowson braseer and potter. John Ayre, s. of Thomas Ayre joyner. William Glover, s. of Anthony Glover gen. CHEISTENINGS, MAEEIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 83 1632. Oct. 24. Elizabeth Wann, d. of Cuthbart Wann plasterer. „ 28. Ann Muffott, d. of WUl«am Muffott traveUer, borne att Old Durham. No Cude nor fee. Kov. 30. Thomas Maland and Andrew Mal and two twins, sons of Anthony Maland yemon. Dec. 27. Ann Swinburne, d. of George Swinburne of Fenckley, yemon. „ 80. Jayne SkirfeUde, d. of Thomas Skirfeilde of Shinckcliffe, glover. „ 81. Margarett Bainbrigge, d. of xnr John Bainbrigg Esquire. Jan. 1. EUinor Browne, d. of James Browne laborer. „ 11. John Hobson, s. of James Hobson freemayson. Feb. 5. George SUvester, s. of John SU- vester yemon. „ 17. Marye Barwick, d. of Eobart Bar wick joyner. March 13. Marye Benwick, d. of Henry Ben- wick cordiner. „ 13. Elizabeth Kirkley, d. of Thomas Kirkley of Aldernedge, talor. „ 24. Henry Clark, s. of Bobart Clark of Shinckchffe, piper. John Browne. These last three christenings are written on a leaf among the burials for 1634. 1632. April 4. „ 10. BUEYALS. Eaph jjjj May 14. 19. 20. 9. 9. „ 24. „ 25. June 11. „ 15. „ 19. July 16. „ 20. Em Hodgson, wiffe of Hodgson yemon. Thomazine Dowson, d. of Lancelott Dowson gen. Alic Cutter aiged. John Talor aiged. Ann MartindaUe spinster. Eoger Swinbanck yemon. Bobart Porter, s. of John Porter of Brome, laborer. Cuthbart Clarke, s. of Eobart Clarke of Shinckchffe, piper. Sara Farrow, d. of Henry Farrow carpinder. Margarett Fenny, d. of John Fenny free mayson. James Nicholson, servant to m' WUliam Sigeswick. Mary Gibson, wiffe of Eobart Gib son yemon. Thomas Dowson, s. of Peter Dow son braseer. Eobart Vnderwodd laborer. No fee. 1632. Aug. 22. Margarett Wilyamson wedow. Sept. 14. Alic Hevaside, wiffe of John Heva- side of Fenckley, yemon. „ 21. Margarett Calvert, d. of Xpofor Calvert talor. „ 28. Ann : Browne, wiffe of WUliiam Browne of Sunderland, wever. No. j*. Oct. 14. Margarett Punshan, aiged, wiffe of Edward Punshan of Shinck cliffe, yemon. 28 of October 1632, aU paid, John Browne. Dec. 8. Jan. 14. 25. 28. March 4. „ 17. 20. 1632. Feb. 4. 1633. May 19. July Sept. 19. 17. 30. Oct. 21. Alio Skathlock, wiffe of Eobart Skathlock butcher of the parish of St. Nicholas in Durham. Jayne Mackforth, d. of WUliam Mackforth carpinder. Jayne Turpine spinster. No j4. Mre Jayne Simpson wedow of Sun derland. No jd. Ehzabethe Younge, wiffe of Thomas Younge yemon laite of Suddran Closes. No jd. Abraham Browne, s. of Thomas Browne talor. Ehzabeth Atkinson wedow. No fee. Thomas Crosley, s. of John Crosley feltmaker. WEDDINGS. WUliiam Dowson braseer and Ehza beth Speerman wedow. John Browne. WEDDINGES. William Mackforth carpinder and EUinor Bradforth. Edward Hopper yemon and Mar garett Talor. No fee, 6d. John Sim and Jayne Loodge spinster. No fee. George Kirkley of BurnhaU, yemon, and Marye Sparke of Tuddo of the parish of Branspeth ; wth a lycense. No 6d. George Younge of the parish of Branspeth, yemon, and Ann Mason of Brome, spinster ; w' a lycense. No 6d. Eaph Steele of Shinckchffe, yemon, and Elizabeth Mainsforth of the same, spinster. No 6d. 84 CHEISTENINGS, MAEEIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 1633. Nov. 26. WUliam WhitfeUde of Shearburne, yemon, and Jayne Farro of Houghwell, spinster; w* a lycense. No 6d. John Garnett of Blakeston of the parish of Norton and Fortune Halleman of the parish of St Oswoldes; wtt a lycense. No 6*. John Haveside of Fencklay, yemon, and Ehzabeth Harrison of the same, spinster. No 6 a. CHEISTNINGES. 1633. March 27. AprU 7. „ 7. „ 22. » 22. „ 25. „ 25. June 2. „ 6. „ 16. „ 28. July 14. „ 21. Aug. 6.6. 8. „ 13. „ 18. Sept. 15. „ 15. Nicholas Gelson, s. of John Gelson sadler. Elhnor Wilkinson, d. of George WUkinson of Shinckchffe, yemon. Ellinor Wheatley, d. of John Wheatley of Shinckcliffe, yemon. John Eowle, s. of Hugh riowle wever. Thomazine Fenny, d. of John Fenny free mayson. George Farrow, s. of Henry Farrow carpinder. George WaU, s. of Thomas WaU whitsmyth. George Baker, s. of Eichard Baker chepman. No Cud. Xpofor Browne, s. of Thomas Browne draper taylor. Will«am HaU, s. of John Hall yemon. Margarett Wilyamson, d. of Thomas Wilyamson butcher. Mortu'. George Grame, s. of George Grame talor. Margarett Brigges, d. of Nicholas Brigges of Brome hall, gen., was baptized att Brome hall. No Cude. EUinor Looudgg, d. of Symond Looudgg feltmaker. Henry Stobbes, s. of John Stobbes cooper. Eaph Swinney, s. of Henry Swin- ney cordiner. Mortu'. Thomas Dun and Elizabeth Dun, beinge two twins, s. and d. of Bobart Dun laborer. No Cudes. Thomas Wilson, s. of Eichard Wil son laborer, WUham Bell, s. of Thomas Bell of Brome, wever. Thomas Kinleside, s. of Eichard Kinleside blacksmyth. 1633. Oct. 24. JJ 29. JJ 29. Oct. 6. jj 13. Nov. 3. >j 24. Dec. 23. Jan. 4. 14 Feb. 2. 9. „ 16. „ 16. „ 16. March 2. u °. „ 23. Margarett Forster, d. of Thomas Forster yemon. Ann Murrey, d. of Henry Murrey of Shinckchffe, yemon. Isabell Tynmouthe, d. of George Tynmouth laborer. EUinor Grenne, d. of George Grenne of Elvitt, yemon. Elizabeth Knagges, d. of Cuthbart Knagges of Brome, wever. Peter Younge, s. of George Younge of Brome. John Kirkley, s. of WUliiam Kirkley of BurnhaU, yemon. Mathias Steward, doughter (sic) of Matthew Steward of Don- kester. The saide chUdwas borne in Andro Bussard house chepman. Ann Lambe, d. of Eobart Lambe rough mayson was baptized in the house, beinge week. George Bey, s. of Eobart Eey ye mon. Marie Steele, d. of Eaph Stele the younger of Shinckcliffe. George Forster, s. of George Fors ter sadler. Eichard Hucheson, s. of Thomas Hucheson wever. George Eumpforth, s. of Charles Eumpforth mylner. Marye Sigeswick, d. of William Sigeswick gen. Edward Wilkinson, s. of Henry Wilkinson of Shinckcliffe, ye mon. John Mawre, s. of WUliam Mawre butcher. Ann Wright, d. of WUliam Wright of Brome, yemon. BUEYALS. 1633. March 3] . April 3. 13. May 21. 22. 14. William Atkinson yemon. Ann Eichardson, d. of Xpofor Eichardson of Brome, laborer. No jd. Margarett Eampshaw wedow, verie aiged. Elizabeth Paige wedow, of Fenck ley, verie aiged ; vpon Easter Daie. Margery Ayre wedow, aiged. Mary Sigeswick, d. of WUham Sigeswick gen. CHEISTENINGES, MAEEIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 85 1633. May 24. „ 29. July JJ Aug. JJ 14. 20. 23. 30. Sept. 10. » 22. Oct. 28. Jan. 8. Feb. 11. JJ 23. JJ 26. „ 27. March 2. 1634. July 6. Aug. 20. Sept. 14. Nov. 4. „ 26. Jan. 25. WUhvroi Swinburne, s. of m' Tho mas Swinburne of Butterbie, gen. EUinor WUkinson, d. of George [WUkinson of Shinckcliffe, ye mon. Thomas Crone talor. Thomas Ladler yemon, aiged. Eichard Dickinson mylner, aiged. Bartram Fressell of Shinckcliffe miU, mylner. Eaph Swinney, s. of Henry Swin- ney cordiner. Margarett Smyth spinster, d. of Florance Smyth wedow. Eichard AUon of Whitwell house, yemon. Ambrosse Townes of Sunderland, talor. No jd. WUliiam White gen. No j4. Thomas Skirfeilde of Shinckcliffe, glover, Anthony LyddeU of Sunderland, yemon. No j*. John Lambe sclator. Margarett Atkinson, wiffe of Tho mas Atkinson glover and parish clarke of St Oswaldes. She was of the aige of lxhj yeares. WEDDINGES. Dennis Browne of the parish of Esington and Joan : Elder wedow. Anthony Glover and Sara his wiffe was marryed neare Huesdon in the lo Cuntries about the space of sevine yeares since, wh they do both acknowledge in St Oswoldes Church in Durham before the vicar churchwardins and others in the tyme of Divine service. George Hedwin sclatour and Jayne Pearson spinster. George Pettefer whitesmyth and Addeline Cockey of Branspeth spinster. M* Eaph Hutton gen. and m" Dorothie Chepman wedow. Eichard Stobbes cooper and Bar bary Grenne spinster. CHEISTININGES. 1634. March 30. AprU 13. May 5. j, H. „ 18. „ 18. Aug. 13. „ 19. Sept. 8. „ 14. „ 19. Oct. 5. 6. „ 19. 26. Nov. 1 jj 23 Dec. 7 7 Thomazine Smyth, d. of Arthur Smyth chepman, beinge Palm- sundaie. George Wilkinson, s. of George Wilkinson of Shinckchffe, ye mon. Margery Hoowee, d. of WUliiam Hoowee gardiner. IsabeU Bradley, d. of John Bradley whitsmyth. Jayne Lytster, d. of Martyn Lytster of Shinckcliffe, yemon. Sara : Eennoldson, d. of Baph Bennoldson yemon. Margarett Corbitt, d. of Henry Corbitt, a solgeer came forth of HoUand, the mother of the saide child traveUinge to NewcasteU was brought to bedd and the child baptized the xuj"1 daie of August. Elhnor Crosley, d. of John Crosley feltmaker. Eebecca Martyn, d. of mr George Martyn gen. Godfather m' Henry Smyth gen. ; mra Hunt and m'a Thomazine BuUock godmothers. George Eidley, s, of John Eidley whitesmyth. EsabeU Hes, d. of Bryan lies gen. IsabeU Heveside, d. of John Heve- side of Fenckley, yemon. Jayne Hunter, d. of James Hunter laborer. Eichard CoUinwodd, s. of m* Eob art CoUinwodd Esq. Godfathers the Eight worshipfuU Doctour Hunt, Deane of Durham, mr Baph Hutton gen. ; m'aBlakes- ton. WiUiam Watson (' Thomas Coocke' and 'WUliam Watson' both erased), s. of ('Thomas Coocke' and 'WUliam Watson' both again erased) of Shinckcliffe, laborer, baisse gottin. Mortu1. Margaret Dawson, d. of Lancelott Dawson gen. PhiUipp (' Francis ' erased) Dun, doughter (sic) of MichaeU Dun laborer. Nicholas Hucheson, s. of Nicholas Hucheson of Brome, tanner. Mary LyddeU, d. of Matthie Lyd deU yemon. 86 CHEISTENINGS, MAEEIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 1634. Dec. 11. „ 21. Jan. 4. „ H. Feb. 2. 8. 8. 8. March 7. „ 15. „ 18. „ 21. „ 22. 1634. April 7. „ 14. „ 16. June 8. „ 15. July 8. „ 17. George Kirkley, s. of John Kirkley of BurnhaU, yemon. Elizabeth Dixson, d. of John Dix son mylner. Marye Allonson, d. of Thomas Allonson of Hourdhouse, talor. Thomas Brigges, s. of mr Nicholas Brigges gen. of Brome hall. Eaph Brasse, s. of Cuthbart Brasse joyner. Sara: Calvert, d. of Xpofor Cal vert talor. Jayne Kirkley, d. of George Kirk ley of BurnhaU, yemon. Isabell Croukes, d. of John Croukes of Eobinson Close, yemon. Thomas Ayre, s. of Thomas Ayre joyner. Nicholas Mayson, s. of John May- son wever. Tobie Softley, s. of Edward Softley talor draper. Thomas Browne, s. of Dennis Browne laborer. Elizabeth Clarke, d. of Bobart Clarke of Shinckchffe, piper. BUEYALS. JJ JJ 21 25 J« 27 JJ 27. Aug. 6 John Eead, s. of George Eeed of Sunderland, blacksmyth. Ann Eeade, d. of George Eead of Sunderland, blacksmyth, sister to the aforenamed John Eeed. Jenne Eaw, wiffe of Eoland Eaw wever, aiged. Thomas Toft gen. Symond Thompson of Murton of the parish of Haughton, yemon. Ann Cootes, d. of John Cootes rough mayson. Ehzabeth Bulmer, d. of mr John Bulmer gen. Jayne Mugge, a poore wench. M1B Margarett Hutton, wiffe of m' Eaph Hutton gen., OffeciaU to to the Eight wor: the Deane and Chapter of Durham. Kathrine Gibson, d. of Bobart Gibson yemon. Briggett CoUinwodd, d. of mr Eobart CoUinwodd Esq'. John (' Christofor ' erased) HU yard, s. of m' Xpofor HUyard gen. Susanna Dune, d. of Eobart Dune laborer. 1634. Aug. 10. » io. „ 21. „ 22. „ 25. Sept. 3. „ 7. „ 13. „ 18. „ 20. 4. 11. Oct. Nov. 7. 10. Dec. 30. Jan. 6. „ 13. „ 22. Feb. 5. March 6. „ 19- „ 24. 1635. April 11. May 30. June 7. 9. ., 15. WUliam Cockey, laysinginman, aiged. v, .' ¦'- •" .t Margarett Wilyamson, d. of Tho mas WUyamson butcher. Thomas Stoddertj s. of James Stod dert yemon. Thomas Wilson, s. of Eichard WU- son laborer. [Here oome three christenings, which have been transcribed in their right place in 1632.] Isabell Ellison, wedow, aiged. Francis Metcalffe, s. of mr Anthony Metcalffe gen. Ann : Stoddert, d. of James Stod dert yemon. Margatt Eles, d. of Xpofor Eles yemon. Thomas Salvine, s. of mr Thomas Salvine gen. Eobart Hucheson yemon, servant to WUliam Sigeswick gen. William Tutyn of Shinckchffe, aiged. Ehzabeth Fullun, d. of Francis Fullun of Bushopawckland, ye mon. Mary Lowdge, d. of Nicholas Lowdge gen. William Watson, s. of WUliam Watson laite of Shinckchffe, laborer, baisse gottin w"1 Frissell. Ann Hornsbie wedow, aiged. Mabell Hunter, wiffe of George Hunter fuller, aiged. Margarett Gent, wiffe of Eobart Gent wever. Eichard Spurner talor, aiged. Henry Benwick cordiner. Bobart Hall of Sunderland, aiged. Ehzabeth Eichardson spinster, aiged. George Edderington talor. WEDLNGES. William Eowle wever and Ann Dixson spinster. Arche Errington yemon and Ann Bidley spinster. Nicholas White yemon and Mar garett Browne spinster. George Hunter fuUer and Ahc Proude spinster. - M* John Hilyard mercer and Ehza beth Snaithe. CHEISTENINGS, MAEEIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 87 1635. Oct. 6. „ 25. 1635. March 27. „ 28. AprU 2. „ 4. „ 20. April 26.. „ 28. May 19. „ 31. „ 31. June 4. „ 7. „ 14 „ 14. „ 21. ., 25. Thomas Graie talor and Ehzabeth Brice wedow. WUham Stobbert (' Stoddert ' erased) whitesmyth and Ann Talor spinster. CHEISSNTNGES. John Lambe, s. of John Lambe butcher, was baptized in the house beinge weeke ; beinge goodfridaie. Mary Hunter, d. of Edward Hun ter butcher. Jayne Wann, d. of Cuthbart Wann plasterer. John Forster, s. of Thomas Forster yemon. Mary Muffott, d. of one WUliam Muffott Scotesman, the mother beinge a traveUer, was borne in Eobinson Closse of two chUdren, the one beinge dead afore any woman came to helpe the pore woman in her travell in the feUd. Godfather John Sim ; godmothers Ann Wodd grace wiffe, and Mary Dun, wiffe of George Dun. Mary Smyth, supposed to be the d. of John Smyth Scotesman, baisse gottin w"1 Elizabeth Bar row. WUliam Gibson, s. of Phillip Gib son wever. Nicholas Hedwine, s. of George Hedwine sclatour. Thomas Lowge, d. of m1 Nicholas Lowge gen. Thomas Vasey, s. of Xpofor Vasey of Bromehall, yemon. WUliiam Paige, s, of WUliam Paige of Fenckley yemon. Eichard BeU, s. of Eobart BeU of Shinckchffe, wever. Fredement Wouffe, d. of WUliam Wouffe of Fenckley, yemon. Mortu". Ann Wilyamson, d. of Thomas WUyamson butcher. Mortu.' EsabeU LyddeU, d. of John LyddeU of Shinckchffe, carpinder. Maryann Bettles, d. of Eobart Bettles yemon. [This entry is in pale ink, and is repeated more clearly as fol lows : — ] 1635. June 25. July 8. 20. Aug. Oct. Nov. Dec. 26. 9. 9. 10. 23. 31. Sept. 13. 13. 18. 21. 10.11. 11. 23.24. 23. 28. 6. 13. 27. Maryan Bittles, d. of Eobart Bit- ties yemon [bracketted with pre ceding entry.] Thomazine Eichardson, d. of John Eichardson gen. Godfather m' John Heeth Esq' ; m" CoUin wodd and mrs Thomazine Martyn. Denne, daughter of James Stod- darte yeoman. Isabell, d. of Henry Keye laborer. Thomas Frissell, s. of Thomas FrisseU of Shinckchffe mill, mylner. Margarett Browne, d. of Thomas Browne draper talor. Ehzabeth Thompson, d. of George Thompson glover. Francis Eles, d. of Xpofor Eles yemon. Eebecca Palmer, d. of John Palmer rough mayson and sclatour. Mortu1. Xpofor Hutton, s. of mr Eaph Hutton gen. Godfathers the Eight worshipfull Thomas Bur- well, Chancelor speritUaU for the Dioces of the Bushoprick of Durham, mr John Heethe the younger Esq' ; m" Phihdelfea Ewbanck. Eobart Steele, s. of James Steele of Shinckcliffe, yemon. Nicholas Pettefer, s. of George Pettefer whitesmyth and watch maker. John Wall, s. of Thomas WaU whitesmyth. Nicholas Tynmouthe, s. of George Tynmouthe yemon. Mortu1. Thomazine Hopper, d. of Edward Hopper yemon. Eebecca Swinney, d. of Henry Swinney cordiner. Thomas Ewbancke, s. of m' Tobie Ewbanck gen. Margarett Hilyard, d. of mr Xpofor Hilyard gen. Eichard Eichardson, s. of WUliiam Eichardson cordiner. Margarett Hutton, d. of John Hutton gen., and was buryed the xxix0 daie of November 1635. Xpofor Fenny, s. of John Fennyo rough mayson. Ehzabeth WUkinson, d. of Henry WUkinson of Shinckchffe, yemon. JohnW heatley, s. of John Wheat- ley of Shinckcliffe, yemon. 88 CHEISTENINGS, MAEEIAGES, AND BURIALS. 1635. Feb. 7. Thomas Marshall, s. of WiUiam Marshall of Lanckeshier, trav eller, bene in Bedlam. God fathers Thomas Aire carpinder and ioyner, Eichard WUson ye mon ; Ann Eey, wife of Eobt Eey yemon. „ 9. Esabell, d. of Ann Dawson, baisse- gottin, fathers name not knowne. Godfather John Sim wever ; and Esabell Butter wedow, and godmothers. „ 17. George Eowle, s. of Hugh Eowle wever. „ 22. Margarett and Ann , doughters of of Gates head, yemon, beinge travellers. Godfather Eichard WUson, lab orer, to one of the saide children. „ 28. Mary Stobbert, d. of John Stob bert of Brome, glaseer. „ 28. William Murrey, s. of Henry Mur rey of Shinckchffe, yemon. March 6. Kathrine Brigges, d. of Nicholas Brigges of Brome haU, gen. „ 20. Ellinor Errington, d. of Arche Errington yemon. „ 20. Ehzabeth Loudge, d. of Symond Loudge feltmaker. BUEIALS. 1635. AprU 7. „ 29. „ 23.* May 18. „ 23. June 17. „ 27. July 1. „ 21. „ 26. Aug. 13. Sept. 19. Oct. 7. „ 14. Margarett Lambe, wiffe of John Lambe butcher; dyed in child bedd. Thomas Glennie, s. of John Glen- nie of Shinckchffe, yemon. Speed, wiffe of Anthony Speed of Sunderland, yemon. Margarett WUson, wiffe of Eichard WUson laborer. Ann WUson, d. of Michaell Wilson of Butterbie, wever. PhiUis Dickinson wedow, verie aiged. Elizabeth Johnson wedow, aiged. Alic Fletcher spinster. Ann Clifton Clifton (sic) of Shinck cliffe, spinster. John Lambe, s. of John Lambe butcher. Euthe Fell spinster. Tymothie PhUlpp spinster. Thomas Frissell, s. of Thomas Frissell of Shinckcliffe mill. M'a Ellinor Betmanson wedow, aiged. *Sio. 1635. Oct. 21. Dec. 11. „ 15. „ 30. Jan. 9. „ 30. Feb. 4. March 4. 1636. Nov. 13. „ 18. Dec. 1. Feb. 7. 1636. March 22. ,. 24. 1636. March 27. AprU 3. „ 10. „ 19. May 7. IsabeU Key, d. of Henry Key laborer. Nicholas Tynmouth, s. of George Tynmouthe yemon. Mary Eobinson spinster. Ehzabeth Bidley, d. of Thomas Bidley yemon. Baph Younge of Sunderland, ye mon, of the aige of lxxviij°yeares. Ann Watson, d. of James Watson gen. George Thompson yemon of the aige of lxxxviij0 yeares. Beckworthe, wiffe of Beckworth gen. WEDDINGES. John Eichardson rough mayson and Joan Pearson spinster. WUliam Jefferson of the parish of Norton, yemon, and Elizabeth Clarke of the same, spinster ; w"1 a lycense. WUliam Heighington barber, of the parish of St Nicholas in Durham, and Francis Heighing ton of the Cheppelrie of St Margarettes in Durham, sph> ter ; -wm a lycense. Thomas Johnson of the parish of Stanhopp in WardaUe, yemon, and Mary WUyamson spinster ; wth a lycense. CHEISSNINGES. John Engglebie, s. of John Eng- glebie of Shinckchffe, draper. John Forster, a. of George Forster sadler. [Although these entries occur as above, it will be understood they refer to the end of the year 1686. They have been apparently writ ten in thus merely to utilize a small blank space.] Arthur Smyth, s. of Arthur Smyth chepman. Ehzabeth Kirkley, d. of |WUham Kirkley of BurnhaU, yemon. John Bell, s. of Thomas BeU of Brome, wever. John Bowie, s. of WiUiam Eowle, wever. Elizabeth Grenne, d. of Michaell Grenne plummer. Margarett Bainbrigg, d. of John Bainbrigg yemon. CHEISTENINGES, MAEEIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 89 1636. May 12. „ 16. June 13. „ 22. „ 25. July 29. Aug. 7. JJ 9. JJ 19. JJ 21. JJ 24. Sept. 25 Oct. 3. JJ 9 JJ 16 JJ 16 JJ 16 . JJ 23. JJ 30. Nov. 20. Dec. 5 »j 6. jj 26. Feb. 12. JJ 16. Xpofor Burne, s. of Marke Burne laborer. Eichard Dune, s. of Eobart Dune laborer. George Grenne, s. of George Grenne yemon. Nicholas Hall, s. of John HaU yemon, and (sic) creple. Mary Eichardson, d. of John Eichardson gen. Godfather mr John Heeth the younger Esquire ; mrs Mary Smyth and mra Comyn godmothers. Henry Bradley, s. of John Bradley whitesmyth. Thomazine Kinleside, d. of Eiohard Kinleside, blacksmyth. George Hunter, s. of George Hun ter fuller. Xpofor Gelson, s. of John Gelson sadler. WiUiam Glenn, s. of John Glenn of Shinckcliffe, yemon. Henry Farro, s. of Henry Farro carpinder. Baph Eichardson, s. of Clement Eichardson gen. Margarett^Lee, d. of James Lee mylner. MyrrieU Steele, d. of Eaph Steele of Shinckcliffe, yemon. Elizabeth Eobinson, d. of Bobart Eobinson of Shinckcliffe, black smyth. Margarett Lytster, d. of Martyn Lyster of Shinckcliffe, yemon. Ehzabeth Graie, d. of Thomas Graie draper talor. Mary Kirkley, d. of George Kirk ley of iBurnehall, yemon. Judeth or Judy Wilkinson, d. of George Wilkinson of Shinck cliffe, yemon. Christopher Farro, s. of William Farro carpinder. Thomas Smyth, s. of Eichard Smythe gen. Dorothie Loudge, d. of Nicholas Loudge gen., was baptized in the house, beinge weeke. Stphen Hunter, s. of James Hun ter yemon. Francis HUyard, doughter of John HUyard mercer. Elizabeth White, d. of Nicholas White yemon. Mortu'. 1636. Feb. 24. March 19. 1636. AprU 2. „ 13. „] 20. „ 25. „ 25. „ 26. May 1. 4. 6. „ 17. „ 29. July 4. 6. „ 15. „ 18. „ 21. „ 28. „ 31. „ 31. Aug. 1.7. „ 10. „ 25. Sept. 6. John Frissell, s. of Thomas Fris sell of Shinckchffe mUl, mylner. Elizabeth Tutyn, d. of" Michaell Tutyn of Old. Durham, yemon. BUEIALLS. John Kirsopp laborer att Suddran Closes. Mary Lumbloy, d. of John Lum- bley sclatour. Xpofor Bell of Brome, yemon. Ann : Wilyamson, d. of Thomas WUyamson butcher. John Bowie, s. of William Eowle wever. Margarett Stoddert, wiffe of James Stoddert yemon. Ehzabeth Maland, d. of Johu Maland whitesmyth. Margarett Noble spinster. Margarett Cockey, wiffe of Stphen Cockey yemon of Branspeth. Elizabeth Barker spinster ; dyed in childe bedd. Frediment Woulffe, d. of WUliiam Woulffe of Fenckley. Eebecca Palmer, d. of John Pal mer rough mayson and sclatour. Jayne Branlinge, d. of mr John Branlinge gen. Eobart Mackforth, s. of William Mackforth carpinder. Xpofor Skirfeild of Shinckchffe, yemon, aiged. Elizabeth Fenn, d. of Eichard Fenn cordiner. Lancelott Dawson gen., a verie good nighbore, and good and bountefull to the powre and nedy. Thomazine Smyth, d. of Arthur Smyth chepman. Francis Bene, s. of Francis Beane yemon. Boland Eaw wever, verie aiged. Ann Lyddell, d. of Jarrard LyddeU of Sunderland, yemon. Marye Sigeswicke, d. of WUliam Sigeswicke gen. Esabell Chambers, wiffe of John Chambers yemon. George Sigeswicke, s. of WiUiam Sigeswicke gen. -Eeed wedow of Sunderland, aiged. w 90 CHEISTENINGS, MAEEIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 1636. Oct. 4. „ 13. Nov. 1. Dec. Jan. Feb. 26. 2. 10.13. 6. 12. 25. 29. 9. „ io. „ 21. „ 26. „ , 27. March 3. „ 16. 1637. May 2. June 11. July 30. Aug. 28. Oct. 7. Nov. 5. „ 18. » 21. John Awde of Sunderland yemon, aiged. George Metcalffe, s. of m' Anthony Metcalffe gen. A child from Sunderland, William Denton, s. of John Denton of Sunderland, yemon. Cissilla Glenn wedow of Shinck cliffe, aiged ixxwiij years. Ann Awde, d. of Cuthbart Awde of Sunderland, yemon. Mary Baker spinster. Henry Farro, s. of Henry Farro carpinder. Edward Croukes, s. of Baph Crookes of White house, yemon. Andro Maland, s. of Anthony Maland yemon. Denne Stoddert, doughter of James Stoddert yemon. Eichard Collingwodd, s. of mr Eo bart Collingwodd Esq'. Peter Mansfeilde yemon, out of the Almosse men att Shearburne. Isabell Browne wedow, aiged . Francis WhitfeUde spinster,servant to m' George Martyn gen. Jayne LyddeU, d. of Anthony LyddeU of Sunderland. Lady Margarett Swinburne, wiffe of Sr Thomas Swinburne knight. Eobart Talor yemon of the parishe of Branspeth. Xpofor Gelson, s. of John Gelson sadler. WEDDINGES. Thomas Warmouthe yemon of the parish of BUlingham and Ann Atkinson spinster ; wth a lycense. Eichard Wilson yemon and Jayne Barker spinster both of this parish. William Eidley plasterer and Elizabeth Hall spinster. James Bland fuller and Margarett Hurst spinster. William Talor laborer and Elizabeth Hucheson spinster. John Hurst yemon and Margarett Moore spinster. WUliiam Atis of Cornforth, black smyth, and Jayne Hopper spinster. MichaeU Grenne plummer and Dyanis Patteson spinster. 1637. Jan. 8 JJ 10 JJ 11. JJ 30 Feb. 11 April 14. jj 16. May <14. jj 18. JJ 21. JJ 30. June 14. July 9. jj 10. jj 12. jj 17. Aug. 3. JJ 6. JJ 6. Thomas Heslopp of the parish of Bushoppwarmouth and Ehz abeth Skarbroughe wedow of the same parish ; wth a lycense. Tobie Wright gen. and Elizabeth Talbott ; wth a lycense. Thomas Metcalffe and Mary LyddeU spinster ; w"1 a lycense. Eichard Skathlocke sadler of the parish of S' Nicholas and Ann Laynge spinster ; wth a lycense. Baph Atkinson glover and Mary Clarynett spinster; w"1 a lycense. CHEISTNINGES. „ 13. „ 30. Sept. 17. Esabell Farrow, d. of Clement Farro of Houghell, yemon. Kathrine Wright, d. of WUliam Wright of Brome, yemon. Ann Kirkley, d. of John Kirkley of BurnhaU, yemon. Nicholas Forster, s. of Thomas Forster yemon. Kathrine Wright, d. of George Wright of Brome, yemon. Mary Brasse, d. of Cuthbart Brasse joyner. Xpofor Eennoldson, s. of Baphe Eennoldson of Elvitt, yemon. Thomazine Wemes, d. of Thomas Wemes glover. Mortu'. George Bowie, s. of WUliam Bowie wever. John Stobbes, s. of Eichard Stobbes cowper, and was buried the xiiij111 daie of July 1637. Francis Eichardson, doughter of John Eichardson rough mayson. Thomazine Howe, d. of William Howe, aliz Haward, gardyner. Mary Mawre, d. of WUliam Mawre butcher. William Myddleton, s. of WUliam Myddleton mylner, baisse gottin wth Ann Atkinson of Burne Cheppell. John Sim, s. of John Sim sclatour baisse gottin wtt Elizabeth Eaw. Mortu'. Margarett Calvert, d. of Xpofor Calvert talor. George Paige, s. of William Paige of Fenckley, yemon. George Arrowsmyth, s. of George Arrowsmyth yemon. CHEISTENINGS, MAEEIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 91 1637. Sept. 21. jj 29. Oct. 1. 99 8. JJ 12. JJ 22. Nov. 5. 5. „ 26. Dec. 24. Jan. 9. Feb. 9. „ 23. March 14. „ 18. Susanna Bland, d. of James Bland fuller. WUliam Crosley, s. of John Crosley feltmaker. Ehzabeth Hopper, d. of John Hopper of Shinckcliffe, husban- man. Clement Eey, s. of Eobart Bay yemon. Xpofor Ayre, s. of Thomas Ayre joyner. John Hunter, s. of Edward Hunter butcher. William Clarke, s. of Bobart Clarke of Shinckcliffe, piper. James Stobber, s. of William Stobbert whitesmyth and locke smyth. Nicholas Crokes, s. of Eaph Crokes of White house, yemon. Thomas Allonson, s. of Thomas Allonson of Hourd house, talor. Arthur Hutton, s. of m' Eaph Hutton gen. Esabell Brigges, d. of m' Nicholas Brigges of Brome haU, gen. Christned att Brome hall beinge weeke. Dorothie Hilyard, d. of m' Xpofor HUyard gen. William Browne, s. of Thomas Browne draper talor. George Hedwine, s. of George Hedwine sclatour. BUETALS. 1637. April 2. „ 2. „ 7. „ 10. June 12. „ 16. July 16. Aug. 4. Imp3 Elizabeth Stphenson wedow. Ehzabethe White, d. of Nicholas White yemon. Thomas Wall whitesmythe, vpon Goodfridaie. Thomas Dinsdaile of Sunderland, aiged. Cuthbart Browne, s. of Thomas Browne draper talor. Margarett Mainsforth, wiffe of Thomas. Mainsforthe of Shinck cliffe, yemom. Ann: Weemes, wiffe of Thomas Weemes glover, who dyed in childbedd. Elizabeth Graie, wiffe of Eobart Graie taylor. 1637. Aug. 9. „ 18. Sept. 14. „ 17. Oct. 13. „ 30. Nov. 1. „ 16. Jan. 23. March 16. „ 18. 1638. May 17. June 10. Nov. 30. 1638. March 27. „ 27. „ 30. AprU 3. Nicholas Swinburne, s. of m1 Thomas Swinburne of Butterby, Esq'. Ehzabeth Gienne, d. of MichaeU Grenne plummer. John Sim, s. of John Sim § and sclatour. Edward Punshan of Shinckchffe, yemon, verie aiged. Thomazine Wemes, d. of Thomas Wemes glover. Margarett Smythson spinster. Ellinor Davison, wife of Xpofor Davison shewmaker of the parish of St Nicholas. Ellinor LyddeU of Sunderland, wedow, aiged. M' Thomas Mann draper and alderman, once maiour of the Cittie of Durham. Edward Pearson yemon. Eobart Hall, prentice to Nicholas Bradley. WEDDINGES. John Maddeson Esq' and m'a Margarett Dearham wedow of the Cheppelrie of S' Mar- garettes ; wth a lycense. John Hedwine yemon of Shinck cliffe and Jayne Thompson spinster. WUliam Eeadhead of Tuddaw and Margarett He of Sunderland, spinster. CHEISSNTNGES. Esabell Smyth, d. of Arthur Smyth chepman. Margarett White, d. of Nicholas White yemon. John Bittles, s. of Bobart Bittles yemon. Barbary Dickeson, d. of John Dickenson pewderer ; and was buryed the inj daie of ApriU 1638. Infant. John Dickeson, s. of John Dicke son pewderer, beinge two twins ; and was buryed the vth daie of ApriU 1638. Infant. Eichard Farro, s. of Henry Farro carpinder. § Undecipherable, 92 CHEISTENINGS, MAEEIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 1638. AprU 9. .. 10. JJ 11. April 17. )> 29. May 1. June 3. jj 14. July 1. JJ 1. JJ JJ 6 22 Aug. 5 JJ 14 JJ 15 JJ 26 Sept. 3. 9. „ 17, „ 17. Sept. 20. „ 30. Oct. 18. Nov. 8. „ 22. Dec. 26. Joseph Burton, s. of m' John Burton geu. Alic Atkinson, d. of Baph Atkinson glover. Godfather m' Moyses Skepper ; godmothers mra Heighington and m's Allonson. Margarett Forster, d. of George Forster sadler. Isabell Carr, d. of Andro Carr of Fenckley, yemon. Elizabeth Smyth, d. m' Eichard Smyth one of the singginmen w'hin the Cathedrall Church of Durham. William Eidley, s. of William Eidley plasterer. Alice Pearson, d. of Xpofor Pearson laborer. George Dowson, s. of Peter Dow son braseer and potter. Jayne Woulffe, d. of William Woulffe of Fenckley, yemon. John Joblyn, s of John Joblyn laborer. Jayne Lee, d. of James Lee mylner. James Marley, s. of Eennard Marley of Shinckchffe, yemon. Margarett Hodgson, d. of George Hodgson of Brome, basse gottin. EUinor Murrey, d. of Henry Murrey of Shinckcliffe, yemon. Mary Eichardson, d. of William Eichardson cordiner. Jayne Tynmouth and Elizabeth Tynmouth, two twins, doughters of George Tynmouth laborer. Elizabeth Wilson, d. of Eichard .Wilson yemon. Thomas Grenne, s. of Michaell Grenne plumber. Mortu.' Gabriell Stobbes, s. of Eichard Stobbes cooper. Phillipp Forster, s. of Eichard Forster of Shinckcliffe, talor. John Grene, s, of George Grene yemon. Michaell Swinney, s. of Henry Swinney cordiner. Thomas Hurst, s. of John Hurst yemon. Ann Wan, d. of Cuthbart Wan plasterer. Thomas Loudge, s. of Symond Loudge feltmaker. John Wilkinson, s. of Henry Wilk inson of Shinckcliffe, yemon. 1638. Jan. 3.3. Feb. 24. March 2. ., 9- William Wheatley, s. of John Wheatleyof Shinckcliffe, yemon. Margarett Eichardson, d. of John Eichardson rough mayson and Sclatour. Mortu'. Margarett Fenny, d. of John Fenny fremayson. Ann LyddeU, d. of John LyddeU of Shinckcliffe, carpinder. Ann CoUinwodd d. of ('m" erased) Eobart Colhnwodd Esq'. BUETALS. 1638. March 27. ,. 29. JJ 31 April 3. jj 23 23 May 4. JJJJ 6. 9. )> 10. July 4. JJ 7. JJ 9. )J 11. Aug. 12. JJ 20. S*pt. >> 29. 7. 24. Oct. 15. Eobart Cooper, s. of Phillip Cooper yemon. Gregory Johnson free mayson; dyed att Xpofor Maddeson house in Elvitt. Thomas Cooper, s. of PhUlip Cooper yemon. Kathrine Dun, wiffe of Philip Dun yemon. John Bittles, s. of Eobart Bittles yemon. Edward Mainsforth of Shinckcliffe, yemon, aiged. Thomazine Wilyamson, aiged, wedow. The Eight Worshipfull Sr Bartram Bulmer Knight, aiged. Margarett Gelson spinster. Jayne Baker, wiffe of Eichard Baker chepman. Elizabeth Hunter, wiffe of Edward Hunter butcher. Charles Marley, s. of Eennard (?) § Marley of Shinckcliffe, yemon. Myrryell Stele, d. of Eaph Stele of Shinokcliffe, yemon. George Hedwine, s. of George Hedwine sclatour. Alic Denton, d. of John Denton of Sunderland, yemon. Mary Wright, d. of Thomas Wright of the North Baily. Josephe Burton, s. of m' John Burton gen. Nicholas Petteferr gen., aiged. Ehzabeth Barrow wedow, aiged. Kirkley, s. of George Kirkley of BurnhaU, yemon. Thomas Grenne, s. of MychaeU Grenne plumer. § Not clear ; but see baptism of 22 July, 1638, CHEISTENINGES, MAEEIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 93 1638. Oct. 18. JJ 30. JJ 30. Dec. JJ Jan. 1. 18.10. jj 16. jj 25. Feb. 30. 4. 6. „ 15- March 8. „ 14. 1639. March 31. April 2. „ 25, „ 27. May 1. „ 30. Jan. 11. July 7. „ 16. „ 20. George Eand yemon of the parish of Cockfeild, who dyed att John Walkers house in Elvitt. Xpofor Hutton, s. of m* Eaph Hutton gen. Margery Mann spinster, d. of mr Thomas Mann draper and maior of the Cittie of Durham. Jayne Walton spinster, aiged. John FeU cordyner. Jayne Barrow, aliz Standley, wedow, aiged. Ehzabeth Turner, wife of John Turner wever. Alic LyddeU wife of Jarrard LyddeU of Sunderland ; dyed in child bedd. Margarett Eicheson, s. of John Eichardson rough mayson. John Mayson wever. Mr Eaph Hutton, master of Artes, Offeciall to the Bight worshipfull the Deane and Chapter of Dur ham, and OffeciaU to the worship- full the Archdecon of Durham,a verie relegious gentleman, boun- tefull to the poore and nedy. Jayne Sim spinster, d. of John Sim wever. Thomas Thorsbie yemon of the parish of St Nicholas in Durham. Hugh Mainsforth yemon, aiged. CHEISSNINGES. WUliam Kirkley, s. of WiUiam Kirkley of BurnhaU, yemon. Bobart Tutyn, s. of Michaell Tutyn of Old Durham, yemon. Marke Hopper, s. of Edward Hopper yemon. Mary Dickinson, d. of John Dickinson pewderer. William Forster, s. of Thomas Forster yemon. Elizabeth Whitfield, d. to Eichard Whitfield the younger, draper tayler. Elizabeth Steale, d. of Eaiph Steale the younger of Shinck- hfe, yeoman. Mathewe Hall, s. of John HaU creaple. William Hopper, s. of John Hopper of Shinckliffe, yeoman. Margrett Bettels, d. of Eobt Bettles yeoman. 1639 Aug. ' 9. jj 18. Sept. 3. „ 18. „ 27. Oct. 18. Nov. 17. Dec. 27. Jan. 23. Feb. 4. 7- 9. „ 13.16. „ 23. Feb. 27. March 15. „ 22. Sept. 10. 1639. April 1. John Hedwin & Katheryn Hedwin, chUdren of George Hedwin sclator, beinge twins. Bartholemewe Holme, s. of Martin Holme of Broome, wever. John Vinsent sonn of M' John Vinsent gentleman. Godfathers M' Thomas Swinbourne of But terbie ; M' WiUiam Mallorie ; and Mrs Collingwood Godmother. Barbery Eobinson, d. of Eobert Eobinson of Shinckclife, white smith. Margrett Swinbourne, d. of M' Tobie Swinbourne gentleman. Godfather M' George Martine ; godmothers Mrs Coumminge and m'a AUenson. Margrett Grene, d. of MichaeU Grene plummer. Phillipp White, s. of Nicholas White yeoman. Elizabeth Eowell, d. of Heugh BoweU weaver. Dorothie Brasse, d. of Cuthbart Brasse joyner. Mary Eidlay, d. of Anthony Eidley draper tayler. John Hunter, s. of James Hunter labourer. Mary Atkinson, d. of Eaiph At kinson glover and parish clarke of S* Oswoulds. Godfather M' Ea : AUenson ; godmothers M" Skepper, M" Marie Colhngwodd. John Karkley, s. of John Kirkley of BurnhaU, yeoman. WUliam Foster, s. of George Foster sadler. IsabeU Ajrrowsmith, d. of Henry Arrowsmith yeoman. Mathewe Sim, s. of John Sim the yonger. George Dun, s. of Bobt Dun labourer. Michaell Fairelesse, supposed to be the son of Christopher Faire lesse labourer, basse begotten with Margrett Bampshawe. Finis. Margaret Joblin d. to John Joblin. This Entry unnumbered and in a different band. BUBTALS. Mary Bulmer, d. of mr John Bul mer gen. 94 CHEISTENINGS, MAEEIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 1639 April jj ' 3. 6. May 5. j) JJ 15. 19. July JJ 2. 16. „ 17. „ 23. 29. Aug. 18. JJ 25. Sept. 5. )J 8. JJ 9 JJ 10 JJ 14 JJ 15 JJ 21 JJ 21 JJ 22 JJ 26 Oct. 30. 6. 10. 10.12. Ellinor Grenn wedow, aiged. WUliam Heigh of Sunderland, yemon. Baph Carter talor, s. of Boger Carter of Hourdhouse. Thomas Gray draper tayler. Thomas Atkinson glover and parish Clerke of S' Oswoulds. Sampson Hopper of Shincklife. A poore woman that came from Barwicke, and dyed at Sunder land. A poore man that was a souldier that dyed at Sunderland. Robt Denninge of Butterbie. WiUiam White, a youth ; dyed att John Walkers. John James, s. of M' Francis James Esq. laite deceased, dyed in the Bayliffe, and was buryed in S' Oswoulds Church. Katherne Hedwine, d. of George Hedwine sclator. John Foster, s. of Thomas Foster yeoman. Eaiph Eichardson, sonn of M' Clement Eichardson. Barthram Bulmer, s. of John Bul mer gentleman. Ann Liddle, d. of John Liddle of Shinkclife, carpinter. Isabell Hutchinson, wife of Chris topher Hutchinson glover. Margrett Sim, d. of John Sim the younger, mayson. George Arrowsmith, s. of George Arrowsmith labourer. Christopher Eobinson, s. of Chris topher Eobinson of Sunderland, piper. WiUiam Wilkinson, of Shinkcliffe, aged, yeoman. Barbery Eobinson, d. of Eobert Eobinson of Shinckliffe, white smith. Margrett Eobinson, d. of Eobert Eobinson of Shinckliffe, whit- smith. Francis Hylyard, daughter of John Hylyard gent, and mercer. John Foster, s. of George Foster sadler. WUham Hedwine, s. of John Hed wine of Shincklife, yeoman. Christian Crawe, servant to Thomas Freissell milner of Shinckleiffe mUne. 1639. Oct. 15. 28. 30. 1. 1. 13. Nov. Dec. 8. ,. 30. Jan. 4. 24. Feb. 2. „ 17. „ 29. 1639. May 11. „ 18. June 16. „ 27. July 8. JJ 14. Aug. 6. jj 29. Sept. 5. Mr Edward Blaikston gentleman, dyed att Whitewell house, and was buryed in the Quire of S' Oswoulds Church. Francis Cragges, d. of George Cragges tanner ; dyed at Shinck liffe. John Freysell, s. of Thomas Frey- sell milner of Shincklife mUne. Margery Haward, d. of WiUiam Haward gardyner. Margrett Bullocke, aged. Margrett Hurst, d. of George Hurst weever. Eobt Wilson, s. of WUson ; dyed att Eaiph Medcalfes. Anthonie Liddle, s. of Jarrerd Lid dle of Sunderland yeoman. Thomas Stoote glover. Margrett Sidgwicke, wife of WU liam Sidgwicke gentleman. John Wright, s. of Peter Wright of Langley. Jayne Tmmouth, d, of George Tinmouth yeoman. Elizabeth Tinmouth, d. of George Tmmouth yeoman. WEDDINGES. Henry Arrowsmith and Jayne El- tringham, both of this parish. Marmaduke Davison and Margrett Halleman, both of the parish of Grindon ; with a lycense. Anthony Eidley and Elizabeth Dunn, both of this parish. Michaell Fawdon and Jayne Thompson, both of the parish of S' Andrew Auckland. John Towlert of the parish of Tinmouth and Jayne Sparke of the parish of " S' Andrew Auckland. Eobt Midleton of the parish of Pittington and Mary Tompson of this parish ; with a lycense. Thomas Etherington of the parish of S' Nicholas in Durham and Margrett Carter of this parish ; with a lycense. Thomas Johnson and Elizabeth Shorte, both of this parish. William Kennett Gentleman of the parish of Kellowe and Ann Talbottof the parish of S Nich. olas in Durham ; with a lycense. CHEISTENINGS, MAEEIAGES, AND BURIALS. 95 1639. Sept. 24. „ 28. „ 29. Nov. 12. „ 14. JJ 24. JJ 30. Jan. 16. 1640. March 29. April 8. JJ 13. JJ 19 JJ 26 May 14 jj 17. June 7 jj 7 July 21 •jj 21 Aug. 17. George Sheiffeild Gentleman and Margrett Shereton wedowe, both of the Chepelrie of S' Margrettes ; with a lycense. George Herrison of the parish of Haughton, yeoman, and Mar grett Buckle of the parish of Grindon ; with a lycense. John Spence tayler and Ann Bawe, both of this parish. Bobt Eobinson of the parish of Bedmarshall and Margrett Dot- chen of the parish of Sedgfield ; with a lycense. William WUson of the parish of Kellowe and Jayne Welsh of the parish of Houghton; with a lycense. John Joblyn and Margrett Sim, both of this parish. Cuthbart Key of the parish of Merrington and Jayne Fuler of the parish of Bilhngham. Tobia Benson of the parish of Dar lington and Elizabeth Burdon of the parish of S' Oswoulds; with a lycense. CHEISTNINGES. Imp8 Ann Bland, d. of James Bland fuller. IsabeU Wilkinson, d. of George WUkinson of Shinckliffe, yeo man. WUliam Farrowe, s. of Clement Farrowe of Houghall, yeoman. George s. of George Kertley and Mary his wife. MUdred, d. of Welliam Eowell and Anne his wife. Edward, s. of Cuthbert Pearson and Margaret his wife, being Ascention day. James, s. of James Lee and Ehz abeth his wife. Eaiph AUenson, s. of Thomas AUenson of Hyrdhouse, tayler. Eobt Stobert, s. of WUliam Stobert whitsmith. James Smithe, s. of Arthur Smithe chepman. Elizabeth Hylyard, d, of Christ opher Hylyard gentleman. Ehzabeth, d. of John and Joan Eicheson rough mason. 1640. Aug. 23. Jan. 9. „ 27. Feb. 6. „ 16. „ 20. March 12. Feb. viuj* Oct. 7. Dec. 21. Feb. 14. Jan. 8. 1640. March 26. AprU 20. „ 30. May 4. 9. May 21. July 28. 5. 7. Margarit Joblin, d. to Joh : Joblin and Margaret his wife. Anthony Ayre, s. of Thomas Ayre joyner. Hieronima Swinbourne, d. of ('mr' erased) Thomas Swinbourne Esquire, was baptized att Butterbie. John Hurst, s. of John Hurst weaver. Francis Fairelesse, d. of Eichard Fairelesse sadler. IsabeU Arrowsmith, d. of Henry Arrowsmith yeoman. James Farrowe, s. of Henry Farrowe joyner. Ann Eidley, d. of WUliam Bidley plaisterer. WiUiam HUdyard, s. of John HUdyard Gent., beinge the same time when the Scottishe Armie was in England. Thomas Hopper, s. of John Hopper of Shinckliffe, yemon, beinge S' Thomas Day. Ann Farrer, d. of Thomas Farrer virgineU maker. Thomas Hunter, s. of James Hunter lebourer. BUEYALLS. Dec * 24. Aug. 22. Jan. 9. Imp8 Nicholas Johnson Gentle man, recusant. Elizabeth Forcer, wife of Niccolaus Forcer of Stottgate, recusant. Jane Eowell widdow, wife of George EoweU deceased. Dorothy, wUe of m' John Eichin- son of the parish of Bowe Church in y" Bayliffe. Margaret, d. of John Atkinson in the hall yard street. Isabell, d. of m' Niccolaus Briggs and Katherine his wife of Broome. Ann Hobson, wife of Nicholas Hobson in Elvitt. John Elstobb yeoman. Jayne Swinbourne, wife of George Swinbourne. IsabeU Duglasse of this parishe. Julian Simpson, wife of Eobt. Simpson. Christopher Liddell blacksmith. 96 CHEISTENINGS, MAEEIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 1640. Jan. 9. „ 17. „ 18. „ 20. „ 23. ¦"- 25. Feb. 4. Jan.* 13. Feb. 20. 1640. June 10. „ 14. „ 25. Aug. 13. Jan. 24. Feb. 14. „ 20. „ 21. „ 21. „ 28. March 3. 1641. March 28. „ 31. April 25. William Foster, s. of George Foster sadler. Phillipp White, s. of Nicholas White millneA Elizabeth Dice, wife of Jacobe Dice of Newcastl. Wedowe Kirkley of Eelley, aged. Isabell Sadler, wife of Eaiph Sadler. Elizabethe Hyrdman, wife of Eich ard Hyrdman weaver. Thomas Wright of the northe Bayllie. James Stobert, s. of William Stob ert whitsmith. James Lee, s. of James Lee milner. WEDDINGES. John Haylecke and Francis Eidley, both of this parishe. Thomas Heddon ('EashiU' erased) yeoman and Marie Eashell spinster, both of this parishe. James Pearson of Newcastle upon Tine, marchante, and Ehzabethe Walton of this parishe ; with a lycense. Francis Jackson Jaborar & Mar garet Annas spinster, both of this parishe. Vswand Gaskine & Isabell And erson, both of this parishe. Bobert Fisher & Jayne Benson, both of this parishe. Bobert Simpson & Elizabethe Gamble, loth of this parishe. Bobert Lambe and Margrett Spence, both of this parishe. Henry Dunn and Mary Nixson, both of this parishe. William Ecse and Margrett Featherston wedowe, both of the Chepelry of S* Margretts. James Mayland and Jayne Nickolls. CHEISTNINGES. Margrett Dickinson, d. of John Dickinson pewtherer. Elizabeth Hedwine, d. of John Hedwine yeoman. Thomasine Gaskine, d. of Vswand Gaskine blacksmithe, beinge Easter Day. 1641. May 5 V 20. JJ 23 June 7 jj 29 July 7 j? 31 A"Tf. 12 Sept. 12 26 Oct. 19. „ 28. Nov. 9. 14.28. 28. Dec. 12 jj 19 u 27. Jan. 5 Eobt Hall, s. of Gregory Hall miUner. Cuthbert Hunter, s. of George Hunter fuller. Katherne Wilson, d. of Eichard Wilson labourer. Edward Younger (' HaU ' erased), s. of Thomas Younger (' Cuth bert Hall ' erased) yemon of Fenckley. Susanna Spence, d. of John Spenbe tayler. John Sidgwicke, s. of m' WiUiam Sidgwicke. Eichard Kenleside, s. of Eichard Kenleside blacksmithe. Mary Eichardson, d. of Clement Eichardson gentleman. Bobert White, s. of Nicholas White milner. John Humes, s. of George Humes, Scottishman, Ensigne to Cap- taine Weatherburne ; the mother Isabell, daughter of ^ WiU'm Snaith. Elizabethe Greene, d. of MichaeU Greene plummer. John , s. of ; borne in Elvitt att Tho : Bashells house. Eaiph Bruce, supposed to be the sonn of George Bruce a Scotch man ; the mother IsabeU Step henson of this parishe. God fathers Ba : Medcalfe & Bobt Gray ; godmother Mary wife of Geo: Hull. Eichard Foster, s. of George Fos ter sadler. Bobert Simpson, s. of Bobert Simpson of Broome. Katherne Bawlainge, supposed to be the daughter of John Eaw linge joyner ; the mother name Margrett Eggleston of Shink- liffe. John Fairlesse, snpposed to be the sonh of Xpofer Fairlesse ; the mother Margrett Bampshawe. Henry MiUner, s. of Andrew § MiUner, the miUner of Shinck liffe mUne. Stephen Lee, s. of James Lee miUner. Margrett Noble, d. of Mathew Noble tayler. § Might be Hendrew. CHEISTENINGS, MAEEIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 97 1641. Jan. 9. „ 14. „ 22. Feb. 8. „ 11- „ 13. „ 23. „ 25. 1641. March 31. AprU 5. „ 13. June 10. „ 20. July 2. ,, 26. „ 30. Aug. 1. „ 4. 5. 13. 19. 25. 29. 31. Sept. 2. „ 10. Isabell Eobinson, d. of John Eobinson of Fenckley. Katherne Bland, d. of James Bland fuUer. Eaiph Steale, s. of Eaiph Steale of Shinckliffe, yeoman. Eobert, supposed to be the sonn of one Tho : Steward, a Scotishe man ; the mother Isabell Wright of this parishe, spinster. Marie Dunn, d. of Henry Dunn yeoman. Thomas Kirkley, s. of William Kirkley of BurnhaU, yeoman. Ann Eichardson, d. of John Eichardson mayson. Henry Murrey, s. of Henry Murrey, laite deceased, of Shinkhffe, yeoman. BUEYALLS. Oct. 24. 27. Ehzabethe Hylyard, d. of Christo pher Hylyard gentleman. Eliner Mackforth, wife of WUliam Mackforth joyner. Ehzabethe Huh, wife of John Hull gentleman. Eobt Thompson rugh mayson. Thomas Mainsforthe of Shinck liffe yemon. Bartram Holme of Broome, weever. James Skirfield wheelewrighte. Jayne Bulmer, wife of John Bul mer gentleman. Sarar Medcalf e, wife of Eaiph Med- calfe joyner. Margery Hodgshon, wife of Eichard Hodgshon joiner. M' John Browne clarke ; dyed att Flasse, Prockter of this parishe. Margrett Cooper wedowe, aged. Margrett Hunter, wife of James Hunter yeoman. M" Francis Hilyard wedowe. Margery Smithe spinster. M™ Katherne Briggs, wife of Nicholas Briggs gentleman, was buried in the Abbie Churche. George Fairehaire gentleman. Bobert Hall, s. of Gregorie Hall mUner. Ehzabeth Carter spinster & ser vant to M' Bobt Collingwodd. Wedowe Beane, aiged. 1641. Nov. 21. Dec. JJ 17. 19. JJ 27. JJ Jan. 31. 8. >j 21. jj 24. Feb. 2. jjjj 4.9. 11. jj jj 13. 18. 17.* March 19. 1641. May 11. 16. 23. June 6. July 12. April* 7. Aug. 31. Sept. 5. Ann Rawe, wife of James Eaw car pinder in the ChepeUrie of S' Margretts. William Wilson yeoman. Henry Burrell, s. of George Burrell gentleman. Isabell Eeacabie, d. of Ann Beaca- bie wedowe of Sunderland. Jayne Hall wedowe of Sunderland. Henry Murrey of Shinckliffe, yeoman. Katherne Bland, d. of James Bland fuller. Thomas Salvine, s. of Eobert Sal vine gent. Jayne Eichardson, d. of WiUiam Eichardson cordiner. George Greene yeoman. M Anthonie Medcalf e gent._ Dorithie Bampshawe, wife of Heugh Bampshawe labourer. John Wall butcher. George Kirkley, s. of George Kirkley of Burnehall. Eobt, s. of IsabeU Wright spinster. William Foster, s. of Thomas Foster yemon, laite deceased. WEDDINGS. Oct. 17. Christopher ArundeU & Alice Bullmer, both of this parishe. Eobt Brantingham blacksmith of the parishe of S' Nicholas & Eliz : Thompson spinster of this parishe. Eaiph Dickenson & Marie Fisher, both of the ChepeUrie of S' Margretts. Eichard Hall cordyner & Alice Hall, both of the ChepeUrie of S' Margretts. Georg Hume g' and Issabell Snaith. Cuthbert Turner & Elizabeth Dix son, both of this parishe. Eichard Hyrdman & Elizabethe Gray wedowe. John Patteson pewtherer & Eliza bethe Dixon spinster. Cuthbert Thompson of the parishe of Bishopwarmouthe, ancker smithe, & Alice Williamson spin ster of this parishe ; with a lycense. Thomas Loftus spurryer & Eliza beth WiUiamson, both of this parishe. Sio. 98 CHEISTENINGS, MAEEIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 1641. Nov. 16. Jan. 16. Feb. 6. 1642. AprU 2. „ 12, „ 15. „ 15. „ 15. „ 19. May 1. „ 12. „ 29. „ 31. June 19. „ 24. July 30. Aug. 3. 4. 8. ,, 19. PhUlip Atkinson & PhUlice Vince, both of this parishe. Eobert Gent weaver and Elizabeth Haddocke spinster. Eobert Gray taylor & Elizabethe Jobline spinster, both of . this parishe. CHEISTNINGS. Eowland & Elizabethe, two twins, the children of Jayne Bidley, laite wife to John Bidley, sup posed to be the children of Thomas Humes Captaine leui- tenant belonginge to the Ld Humes Begiment in the Scott- ishe Armie. IsabeU, d. of Myriell Forcer of Stottyate spinster, supposed to be the daughter of a Scott be longinge to the Scottishe Armie. John, the sonn of IsabeU Bamp shawe spinster, supposed to be the sonn of a Scott belonginge to the Scottishe Armie. Myriell Whitfield, d. of Eichard Whitfield junior & draper. Dorythie Saire, d. of Bartram Saire gardiner. Elizabeth Betlesse, d. of Eobert Betlesse beare brewer. John Eey, s. of Eobert Eey, yeoman. Alice Turner, d. of Cuthbert Tur ner cobler. John Farrowe, s. of Clement Far rowe of Houghell, yeoman. Jayne Lambe, d. of Eobert Lambe sclater. Jayne Hedwine, d. of Thomas Hedwine yeoman. Ann Arrowsmith e, d, of Henry Arrowsmithe yeoman. Honoar Floyed, d. of Captaine Floyed Qnarter MaisterGenerall for his Maiesties Forces. ' Ann Blaykey, d. of Bobert Blay- key chepman. Margrett HircLnan, d. of Eichard Hirdman weaver. Elizabethe Eggleston, d. of WUliam Eggleston of Shinck liffe, sadler. Thomas Eidley, s. of Anthony Bidley draper tayler. 1642. Aug. 21. Sept. 11. „ 18. „ 18. Oct. 11. „ 15. „ 23. Nov. 13. „ 13. „ 15- „ 17. „ 27. „ 27. 1642. April 2. „ 19. May 16. June 3. „ 12. July 1. „ 20. Aug. 14. „ 26. „ 28. Sept. 3. „ 25. „ 25. Elizabeth HUdyard, d. of John HUdyard mercer. Thomas Loftus, s. of Thomas Lof- tus spurryer. Thomazine Hopper, d. of John Hopper of Shinckliffe, yeoman. John Stobbs, s. of John Stobbs the younger cooper. John HUdyard, s. of Christopher Hildyard gent., christned & buryed. Elizabeth Wilkinson, d. of George Wilkinson of Shinckhffe, yeo man. Margrett Johnson, d. of Thomas Johnson weever. Oswould Gastall, s. of Oswould Gastall blacksmith. Mathew Foster, s. of Eichard Fos ter of Shinckliffe, yeoman. Mary Smith, d. of Eichard Smith singingman. Margrett, d. of Barbery Philhpson, wife of Thomas Phillipson rough mayson. John Pearson, s. of Cuthbert Pear son yeoman. WUham Loudge, s. of Symond Loudge feltmaker. BUEYALLS. Nicholas Gelson, aged. Mra Greene of Butterbie, aged. Ehzabeth Simpson, wife of Eobert Simpson yeoman of Broome. . Arthur Hutton, s. of Mr Eaiph Hutton laite deceased. Ehzabeth Hopper wedowe of Shinckliffe. Nicholas Hobson, aged, laysing- man in the Church of Durham. John Humes, s. of George Humes Scotshman. Bobert Simpson, s. of Eobert Simpson yeoman of Broome. Bobert Williamson butcher; dyed in the Joayle. Thomas Eobinson, who dyed att Broome. John Foster miUner ; dyed at John Walkers. Katherine Younger, d. of Thomas Younger of Fenckley, yeoman. Alice White, d. of Nicholas White mUlner. CHEISTENINGS, MAEEIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 99 1642. Sept. 26. Oct. 2. „ 12. 18. J* 27 Nov. 9. Dec. 19 jj 21 jj 21 jj 26 jj 29 Jan. 1 16. 24. JJ Feb. 27. 26. MarcL 9. jj 18. jjjjjj 20. 20.21. jj 23. jj 24. 1642 Dec. 8. JJ 11 JJ 12. JJ 16 Jayne WUhamson, d. of Thomas WUhamson butcher. John Thompson yeoman. John HUdyard infant, buryed & christned, s. of Christopher HUdyard gent. Thomas Loftus, s. of Thomas Loftus spurryer. George Hurst weever. Elizabeth Hedwine, d. of John Hedwine yeoman. Barbery Crone wedowe. William Dowson potter. Issabell Wright wedowe. Thomas Eidley, s. of Anthonie Bidley draper tayler. Elizabethe Greene, d. of MichaeU Greene plummer. William Smirthwaite of Sunder land, yeoman. Thomas Meebourne, s. of Eichard Meebourne of Sunderland, yeo man. A Frenchman that was drowned vnder the bridge, souldier to Captaine Britt. Henry Maland, s. of Anthony Maland yeoman ; dyed vpon the moore. Honor Floyd, d. of CoUonell Floyd. Christopher Ayre, s. of Thomas Ayre carpinter. Ann Wright spinster, servant to mra Jayne Dawson wedowe. Mary Hedwine infant, d. of John Hedwine yeoman. William Ewins yeoman. Jayne Palmer wedowe. Elizabethe Betlesse, d. of Bobert Betlesse beerbruer. Bobert White, s. of Nicholas White miUner. The woo "^ the Lady Euers. CHEISTNINGES§ Edward Fisher, s. of Bobert Fisher fuUer. WiUiam Eowell, s. of WUham Eowell weever. EUiner HaU, d. of Bobert Hall tinker. Thomazine Atkinson, d. of Eaiph Atkinson glover, & Parishe Clarke. Godfather m' WUliam Sidgwicke; m" Martin & m'a Jackson godmothers. § Continued from last column, 1642. Dec. 23. JJ 25. Jan. 9. jj 16. jj 17. jj 23. jj 29. Feb. 1. „ 12. „ 13. ,, 19. March 14. 1642. May 3. „ io. „ 12. „ 15. July 10. „ 23. Ehzabeth Carr, d. of Nicholas Carr barber. Ann Grame, d. of George Grame of Shinckliffe, tayler. • John Midleton s. of Eobt Midle- ton yeoman. Vrsaley Tutine, d. of MichaeU Tutine of Shinckliffe. Ehzabethe Steward, d. of Patricke Steward Scotchman. Elizabeth Weames, d. of John Weames glover. Thomas Kirkley, s. of John Kirk ley of BurnhaU, yeoman. Bichard Dickinson, s. of John Dickinson pewtherer. God fathers Eichard Whitfield jun ior & Bichard Kenleside ; m'a Mary Jackson godmother. Wilham Hodgshon, s. of Bichard Hodgshon carpinder. George Morland, s. of John Mor- land gent. Godfathers m' Martin, grandfather, mr Eich ardson vncle ; & Lady Penny- man godmother. Thomas White, s. of Nicholas White miUner. Mary Hedwine, d. of John Hed wine yeoman. WEDDINGS. Mr Henry Eden gent, of the parishe of S' Nicholas in New castle vpon tine & M'a Marie Martine of this parishe ; with a lycense. M' John Morland & Thomazine Martine, both of this parishe ; with a lycense. Eaiph Johnson of the parishe of Greatham & Elizabeth Smithe of the parishe of Sedgefield ; with a lycense. Bichard Hodgshon carpinder & Ann Thompson spinster, both of this parishe ; Thomas Phillipson of the Cheppelry of S' Margretts & Barbery Thompson of this parishe, spin ster. Francis Mann of the parish of BeadmarsheU & Marie Hutchin son of this parish ; with a ly cense. 100 CHEISTENINGS, MAEEIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 1642. Oct. 20. Nov. 6. 10. Thomas Benson of the Cheppelry of S' Margrettes, yeoman, & Jane Kirkley of this parish, spinster. John Younge yeoman & Issabell Thompson spinster, both of this parishe. Anthony Younge of the parishe of Pittington, yeoman, & Margrett Mann of this parishe; with a lycense. Jan, 28. James Hunter yeoman & Mary Bussie spinster, both of this parishe. Eichard Waiklinge, minister of Gods word, & Jayne Sheiffield ; with a lycense. Feb. 13. 1643. March 25. 26. JJ April 28. 13. May 11. jj 30. June 17. July 13. Aug. 20. Sept. 21. Oct. 21. 1.2. 13. 21. CHEISTNINGS. Imp8 Henry Eden, s. of m' Henry Eden gent. Godfathers m' George Martin, grandfather, m' WUliam Sidgwicke ; & m'8 Eliz : Tempest godmother. Cuthbert Smith, s. of Arthur Smith chepman. Geo : Hall, s. of John HaU creiple. Francis Forcer, s. of Thomas For cer virginell maker. Ann Kirkley, d. of Geo : Kirkley of Bournhall yeoman. Baiph Dunn, s. of Bobert Dunn yeoman. George Humes, s. of George Humes gent. George Marshell, s. of Walter Marshell Scotshman. Elliner Bland, d. of James Bland yeoman. Thomas Deninge, s. of John Den- inge yeoman of BurnhaU. Ehzabeth Newton, supposed to be the daughter of Anthony New ton, servant to the Mounte- bancke. Elliner Stobbs, d. of Stobbs cooper. Mary Bewicke, d. of Bewicke, servant to m Collingwodd. Alice Litster, d. of Martine Litster yeoman. Luke Peckton, s. of Thomas Peck- ton the Sherriffs Bailiffe. Bichard Thomas William 1643. Nov. 12. „ 12. „ 20. „ 28. Dec. 10. „ H. „ 30. Jan. 1. 6. „ 21. „ 28. March 12. „ 24. 1643. April 2. May 10. 23. 2.5. June 5.5. 11. 5. „ 27. July 10. Aug. 20. Sept. 19. Ann Fairelesse. d. of Eichard Fair lesse sadler. Susanna Lidle, d. of John Lidle of Shinckliffe, wheelwright. Barbery Green, d. of MichaeU Greene phimmer. Henry Farrowe & Katherine Far rowe, children of Henry Farrowe carpenter. Alice Bidley, d. of Anthonie Eid ley tayler. Ann Huntley, d. of Eichard Hunt ley yeoman. Eobert Farrowe, s. of WUliiam Farrowe carpinter. Thomas Dunn, s. of Henry Dunn yeoman. Katherne Moorecroft, d. of Henry Moorecroft gent, Thomas Eidley, s. of WUliam Eid ley plaisterer. Margrett Sidgwicke, d. of William Sidgwick g'. Ellener Stobert, d. of Wm Stobert. George Dickinson, s. of John Dickinson pewtherer. BUEYALS. Imp" M" Kirchian Toft wedowe, Eecusant, beinge Easter day. Bichard Dickinson, s. of John Dickinson pewtherer. Bobert Gibson yeoman. M" Elizabethe Fairhaire wedowe, Eecusant. Ann Smith wedowe, aged. Katherne Leaper, d. of Bichard Leaper of Sunderland, glover. Margrett White, d. of Nicholas White niillner. John Wright, s. of Thomas Wright, laite deceased. Mary Eichardson, d. of Clement Eichardson gentt. WUham Hodgshon, s. of Eichard Hodgshon carpinder. John Stobbs, s. of John Stobbs the younger. George Hall, s. of John Hall creaple. Alice Thompson, wife of Cuthbert Thompson of Sunderland by the sea, ankersmithe. John Eey, s. of Eobert Eey yeoman. CHEISTENINGS, MAEEIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 101 1643. Oct. 11. „ 29. Nov. 23. Dec. 13. Jan. 14. „ 25. Feb. 3. 9. March 20. 1643. AprU 3. „ 17. June 15. Aug. 6. Aug. 22. Oct. 1. Nov. 12. „ 20. „ 20. „ 21. 1644. March 27. .. 27. M™ Susanna Eobson, wife of m' Thomas Eobson gent. WUham Lodge, s. of Symond Lodge feltmaker. Ann Stobbs wedowe, aged. Margrett Baxter, d. of WUliiam Baxter yeoman. Ehzabethe Newton. Infant. Katherne Moorcroft, infant, d. of Henry Moorcroft g'. Thomas Patteson, of Fenckley. Ann Palmer, wife of John Palmer rough mayson. Ehzabeth Thorobie, wife of Thomas Thorobie vintner. WEDDINGS. Imp'Eobert Lawcoate & Ehzabethe SeweU, both of the parishe of Houghton in the Springe ; with a lycense. Edward Burdon & Ann Thompson, both of the parishe of Weer- mouth ; with a lycense. Bichard Bucke of the parishe of Branspathe & Elizabethe Coup- land of the parishe of S' Os woulds ; with a lycense. John Anderson of the parishe of Houghton in the Springe and Elizabethe Jackson of the par ishe of CroxdaUe ; with a lycense. MichaeU Oliver of the parishe of S* Nicholas and Ehzabethe Bur ton of this parishe ; with a ly cense. Nicholas Sheiffield & Elizabethe Foster, both of the parishe of S' Nicholas in Durham. Arthur Phillipps gent. & Jayne Hutchinson ; with a lycense. John Edenn & Elizabeth Garrey ; with a lycense. Eobert Skirfield & Margrett Mar tin both of this parishe. Arch Errington & Jayne Nicholson. CHEISTNINGS. Thomas Mills, s. of Thomas Mills of Broome, yeoman. Ehzabeth Noble, d. of Mathew Noble tayler. 1644. April 2. Ann Noble, d. of John Noble souldier. „ 13. Elizabeth Holme, d. of Edward Holme of Broome, yeoman. „ 6* Elizabeth ArundeU, d. of Christo pher ArundeU yeoman. May 7. Clement Eichardson, s. of Clem«nt Eichardson gent. „ 10. Thomas Foster, s. of George Foster sadler. „ 15. Francis Eickeson, daughter of WU liam Eickeson gent., apothecarie. July 14. Eaiph Bradley, s. of Nicholas Bradley watchmaker, was christ ned & buryed. „ 21. Jayne Patteson, d. of Eobert Patte son of Fenckley, yeoman. Aug. 1. Margrett Blunt, d. of Christopher Blunt draper tayler. „ 1. Mary White, d. of Nicholas White miUner. „ 4. Thomas Ollever, s. of MichaeU Ollever butcher. „ 10. Danyell Crome, s. of Henry Crome gen'. Sept. 9. John Morland, s. of John Morland gent. „ 12. Ehzabeth Bey, d. of Bobert Eey. „ 25. Eichard Bobson, s. of John Bob- son, was christned & buryed. The mother's name Dorythy Vnderwodd. Michaell Loftus, s. of Thomas Loftus spurryer. Bichard Hodgshon, s. of Bichard Hodgshon carpinter. Jayne MiUner, d. of Andrew MiU ner of Shinckliffe millne. Thomas Sayre, s. of Barttram Sayre yeoman. Eobert Joblinge, s. of John Job- linge yeoman, laite disceased, Jayne Eichardson, d. of John Eiehardson mayson. Dorythie Kirkley, d. of Wm Kirk ley of BurnhaU. Margrett Brocket, d. of W* Brocket yeoman. WUham Bell, s. of Thomas BeU of Broome, weever. Katherine Lee, d. of James Lee mUlner. BUEYALLS. Oct. 29. 1. 2.9- Nov. 9. „ 11. „ 25. 7. Dec. Jan. 26. „ 23* 1644. March 29. Margrett Howard, wife of John Howard gent. •Sic Z 102 CHEISTENINGS, MAEEIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 1644. April 1. „ 16. JJ 22. JJ 23. JJJJ 24. 28. May 1. jj jj 2.5. jj 6. jj jj jj jj jj 8. 8. 14. 15. 17. jj jj jj 20. 20. 20. jj 22. jj jj 27.27. June 7. jj jj 8. 9. jj 9. jj jj 13. 21. jj 24. July JJ 5. 14. JJ 23. JJ 29. Aug. 1. Ann Hopper, wife of John Hopper of Shinckliffe, yeoman. Bichard Mayson, s. of Thomas Mayson of Crossgate, weever, laite deceased. Issabell Hodgshon wedowe ; dyed in the Baliffe. Thomas Liddle, s. of Mathew Liddle yeoman. Bobert Pearson weaver. Sibell Liddle, wife of Christ: Liddle blacksmith, laite deceased. Margrett Mann, wife of Thomas Mann draper, laite deceased. Peter Wright of Langley, yeoman. Elizabeth Stodert, wife of Lyonell Stodert. Florence Hindmesse, d. of Eobert Hindmesse. M'8 Horsley wedowe, Eecusant. Eich : HUdyard gent., Eecusant. Elizabeth Gelson wedowe. Clement Eichardson gent. Margrett Eggleston of Shinckliffe, spinster. Bobert Butter cordiner. John Joblinge yeoman. Jayne Glenn, wife of John Glenn of Shinckliffe, yeoman. Francis Bradley, wife of Nicholas Bradley watchmaker. John Atisse, s. of Wm Atisse. Thomas MUls, s. of Thomas MUls of Broome, yeoman. Eobert Boothe gent., died att Sun derland. WUham Farrowe carpinter. Ehzabethe Wheatly, d. of John Wheatly of Shinckliffe, yeoman, Edward Steele, s. of James Steele of Shinckliffe, yeoman. Jayne Pearson wedowe. Nicholas Bradley sen', whitsmithe & watchmaker. George Malsome, s. of Thomas Malsome gen'. Dorythy MUlner. Eaiph Bradley, s. of Nicholas Bradley junior, watchmaker, was christend and buryed. William Liddle, s. of John Liddle of Shinckliffe, whelwright. Ann Burne, wife of Mark Burne laborer. Margrett Blunt, wife of Christo pher Blunt draper tayler. 1644. Aug. 5. 7. 8. 14.15. 23. 25. Sept. Oct. 29. 5. 11.11. 18.20. 24.25. 26. 30. 2.5. 10. 11. Katherne Farrowe, d. of Henry Farrowe carpinter. Christopher Maddeson plaisterer. Barbery Greene, d. of MichaeU Greene plummer. Thomas Trewhett of Shinckliffe, yeoman. Christopher Hopper gent., Eecu sant. Mary White, d. of Nicholas White miUner. M'a Hickes wedowe. Henry Farrowe, s. of Henry Far rowe carpinter. Nicholas Forcer, aged, of Stottyate. Ann Fairlesse, was aU 3buryed. Alice Loudge ) Ehzabeth Crosley, wife to the abovenamd John Crosley, and Ann Crosley, his daughter. Margrett Middleton, d. of Eobert Middleton yeoman. Mary Salvin, d. of Eobert Salvin gent. Saray Eaynaldson, d. of Eaiph Eaynaldson. Eobert Gray draper tayler. Nicholas Eaynaldson, s. of Ea : ' Eaynaldson ; Elizabeth Humes, d. of Jayne Eidley, both dyed att the Lodges. WiUiam Dunn yeoman. George Blith mayson. Alice Atkinson, d. of Eaiph At kinson glover & parish Clarke. Elizabeth Litster, d. of Martin Litster yeoman. Eobert Litster, s. of the said Martin Litster yeoman. Sybell Bhth, wife of George Blith mayson, laite deceased. Bobert Dunn yeoman. Eudderforth, s. of Martin Eudderforth piper. John Morland s. of John Morland gent. Jane Dunn, d. yeoman. Thomas Dunn,^ of Henry Dunn the children of Eobert Dunn laite Bichard Dunn, V deceased; all three dyed att the George Dunn, J Loudge. Ann Thompson wedowe, laite wife of Eobert Thompson, laite deceased. Foster, d. of George Foster sadler. Litster. 104 1644. Feb. 6. „ 7. 8. 1645. Dec. 21. „ 24. Jan. 25. „ 29. Feb. 20. 1646. March 27. AprU 8. „ io. „ 23. July 2. June 25. Aug. 3. 1647. June 4. „ 29. „ 29. July 6. „ 20. Aug. 12. July 5. „ 13. Sept. 6. Jan. 4. Feb. 5. Jan. 27. March 11. 1648. June 2. Aug. 2. 1644. April 4. „ 14. June 18. Sept. 4. CHEISTENINGS, MAEEIAGES, AND BUEIALS. Eichard Wilson yeoman. Margrett Boyes spinster ; dyed at the Ludge. Margrett Hall wedowe ; dyed at the Ludge. turne 7 leaves. Steaven Atkinson. Charles Sheiffeild slater. Katherne Cursipp. Henry Stobs. Eoger Carter of Ordshowse. Elizabeth Lidle of Shinkley. Bobert Clarke of Shinkley, younger. WUkenson of Shinkley. Jo : Kirkley, aged, of Sunderland. Tho : Liddle younger. Henry Dune. John Shortrick of Broome. Bich : Bradely, s. of Nich : Bradely. Mathew Lyddle yeoman. Mary Stockton. Phillipp Gibson weaver. M" Emm Martine, wife to M' John Martine. Janne Lambe, d. to Bob' Lambe. Elizabeth Watson, d. to Mr James Watson. Frances, daughter to M' James Watson. Clement Eichardson, s. of Mr Clement Eichardson. Elizabeth Wright, aged. Eich. Huntley. Christopher Eichardson, s. of Jo. Eichardson mayson. Isabell Gibson spinster. 1644. Oct. 27. Nov. 21. „ 22. „ 24. Jan, 13. Alice Willyamson. John Morlayne, s. Morlayne. WEDDINGS. of m' John Jacob Duchemini & Elizabeth Storton ; w'h a lycense. Samwell Leever gent. & Ellener Foster wedowe, both of this parishe. Eichard Liddle & Ann Skirfield, both of this parishe. George Hickson yeoman & Ahce Gayre, both of the parishe of Aycliffe, wtb a lycense. Heugh Boyes and Jayne Hedwine wedowe, both of this parishe. Eaiph Watson & Elizabeth Hed ley. Thomas Bewicke & Elizabeth Eut- lesse, both of this parishe. Thomas Dixson and Jayne Waide, both of this parishe. John Sim and Jayne Errington wedowe. CHEISTNINGS. 1645. Dec. Sim Jan. 7. Elizabeth Sim, d. to Jo: junior ; borne 30th Novem. 4. John Eglestone, s. of Jo : Egle- stone ; borne first January. Elizabeth Loftus, d. to Tho : Lof tus ; borne 7th January. John Arrowsmith, s. of Henry Arrowsmith ; borne 8th January. Tho : Kinlyside, s. of Bich : Kin- leyside ; borne 18th January. Henry Stobs and Mary Stobs, s. and d. of John Stobs junior; borne 22 January. Sara Bradley, d. to Nicho : Brad ley ; borne 27 January. Dorithy Gowlon, d. of Bob' Gow- lon yeoman ; borne 26 January. John Bewicke, s. of Tho : Bewicke yeoman ; borne 30'11 January. Thomas Younge, s. of Bob' Younge of Shinkley, yeoman ; borne 12 Feabuary. John Scurfeild, s. of Bob' Scur- feUd; borne 17 Feabuary. George Marshall, s. of Walter Marshall ; borne 19 V eabuary. March 1. John Morlane, s. of M' John Mor- lane ; borne 28 Feabu. John Brockett, s. of Wm Brockett ; borne 26 Feabu. Janne WUkenson, d. to Henry Wilkenson of Old Durham; borne 8th March. Feb. 12. 12. 18. 23. 28. 28. 1. 15. 22. 22. 1. 1646 May 31. 31. Mary Smith, d. of Bich: Smith of Elvett; borne 28th May. Ann Gastill, d. to Oswine GastUl ; borne 29 May. 1645, AprU 1. Margt : Sheifneld, d. to Nicho: 1646. Sheiffield cordwyner. June 10. George MUls, s. of Tho : MUls of Brome ; borne 10th June. CHEISTENINGS, MAEEIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 105 1646. June 22. jj 22. July 4. JJ 19. >> 26. Aug. 2. Sept. 20. JJ 20. JJ 20. Oct. 29. Nov. jj »j 5. 8. 8. jj Jan. 8. 31. jj 3. Feb. jj 7.7. Jan. 17. March 21. „ 21. 1647-8. Sept. 18. Jan. 9. June 16. July 2. » 2. jj 2, Oct. 1. Nov. 20. Willyam Thompson, s. of Marma- duke Thompson ; borne 19 June. John Nickolson, s. of Tho : Nickolson of Coundon. Sara French, d. to Arthur French of the parish of Chester. Elizabeth Dixon, d. to Hew Dixon ; borne 17 July. James Foster, s. of Eich: Foster of Shinkeley ; borne and bapt. Francis Eichardson, s. of John Eichardson ; borne 27 July. John Dickenson, s. of Jo : Dicken son. Ann Kenleyside, d. to Jo : Ken- leyside. Jane Sheiffeild, d. to Nich : Sheif feild. Margt : Lodge, d. to Symond Lodge. Tho : Foster, s. of Geo : Foster. Eobt : Younge, s. of John Younge. Ehzabeth Atkinson, d. to PhUUp Atkinson. Elizabeth- , d. to . Dorithy Triston, d. to John Tris ton. Jaun Beadey, d. to Thomas Eeadey. Elenor Boyes, d. to Hew Boyes. Mathew Litster, s. to Martine Litster. Margt : Carr, d. to Bob' Carr. Bich : Bradley, s. of Nich: Bradley, John Simpson, s. of Tho. Simpson 20. Mary Fisher, d. to Bob' Fisher. 1647. George Eden, s. of M' Henry Eden of Shinkley. 1647. John Sheiffeild, s. of Nicholas Sheiffeild. 1648. John Benee(?), s. of Jo : Benee (?) of the Chaplery of S' Marg". Ehzabeth Watt, d. to James Watt of the same Chaplery. 1648. Mary Bradeley, d. of Nicholas Bradeley. 1648. Bob' Blaxton, s. of M'Eob' Blax ton. 1648. Anne Gowland, d. of Bob' Gowland of the Chaplerie of S' Marg' in Durham, 1648. Jaune Loftus, d. to Tho : Loftus, 1648, 1648-50. June 24. James Triston, s. of Jo : Triston. 1648. (This and the succeeding entry afterwards erased), Aug. 14. Elizabeth, d. of Jo : Triston. 1650. WEDDINGS. 1646-50. May 17. Nicho : Nickson & Lillyn Vnder- wood. 1646. July 7. John Monteath & Elizabeth Stock ton. 1646. Aug 2. John Foreman of Shinkeley & EUenor Cooper. 1646. „ 6. James Coward and EUenor Cross. 1646. Aug. 3. Thomas Eowell and Mary Cockey. 1647. Feb. 1. Thomas Bradly was marred the first of Faburay in 1648. Oct. 18. M' Eoger Kirbey and M" Eliz : Chapman. 1649. Sept. 18. Lancelott Taylor and Mary Daw son. 1650. BAPTISMS. 1643-1650. Feb. 20. Anne Skirfeld, d. of Eobert Skir- feld whellwriet. 1647. Oct. 26. Willyam Phillipson, s. of John Phillipson gent. 1647. June 24. James Driesdel, s. of John Driesdel yeoman. 1649. Feb. 13. Sussanna Thompson, d. of John Thompson rough mayson. 1648. March 2. Ann Thompson, d. to the aforesaid John Thompson. 1650. AprU 16. Ehzabth Cus, d. of Tychicus (sic). 1648. Nov. 11. Jane Hedwyne, d. of Thomas Hed- wyne labourer. 1643. Feb. 28. Margaret Cus, d. of Tychicus. 1651. July 16. Mary Edan, d. of Mr Henry Edan of Shinkley. 1649. Jan. 1. Eobert Hall, s. of Eobert Hall brazire. i648. Sept. 7. 1648-50. BUEYALLS. Isabell Liddle, d. of Eich : Liddle, 1648. „ 13. Mary Dune. 1648. Nov. 12. Elizabeth Eenwicke spinister. 1648. „ 16.. Ahce , servant to Bob* Beckles. 1648. „ 22. John Sime waUer. 1648. Feb. 17. Tho: Thorpe. 1648. lA 106 CHEISTENINGS, MAEEIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 1648-50. Feb. 18. March i 9 April 2 jj 4 jj 12 jj 26 jj 27. May 23 „ 24. Aug. 13. Bichard Smith, barber. 1648. Francis Eichardson, s. of John Eichardson sclator. 1648. George Eowell, s. of WUham Eowell weaver. 1649. Elizabeth Hunter spinster. 1649. Jane Freind aged. 1649. Mr Eaiph Johnson. 1649. Alice Jopling. 1649. Thomas Walton of the White howse. 1649. Lyonell Grinewell of Shinckeley. 1649. Marmeduke Fookes, a soulders under the command off on Cap taine Walters, who died in this street. 1649. Jo : Younge labourer. 1649. Mary Nickson widdow. 1649. John Carter of Ordshowse. 1649. Matthew Noble taylor. 1649. Elizabeth Gray, laite wife to Bo Gray. Anne Blenkiship, servant to Jo Carter. 1649. Margrett Leeper, wife to Bich Leeper of Burnehall. 1649. Mr SamueU Leevers. 1649. Dorythie, wife of WiUiam Kirkley of Sunderland briggs. 1650. Mary Fairelass, wife to Eichard Fairelass. 1650. Ann Metcalfe, wife to Eaiph Metcalfe. 1650. Mr George Martine. 1650. Mr Willyam Sidgswicke. 1650. Elizabeth Bartram, servant to m" Fenwicke. 1650. Elenor Softley. 1650. Isabell Wright. 1650. Elizabeth Burre, d. to Marke Burre. EUenor Boyes, d. to Hew Boyes. 1650. CHEISTINTNGS. 1648-51. Dec. 17. Jane Boyes, d. of Hugh Boyes laborer. 1649. Dec. 27. John Malim, s. of WiUiam Malim apothecary. 1648. Nov. 17. Eichard Beckles, s. of Bobert Beckles. 1649. „ 4. Eobert Younge, s. of Eobert Younge labourer, 1649. Aug.Feb. 18. 4. jj jjjj 9. 10.22. jj 16. jj 23. March 7. Aug. 3. Sept. 18. u 21. Oct. 18. Nov. 3. jj 14. jj jj jj Dec. 15. 16.23. 3. 1648-51. Jan. 20. John Brice, s. of John Brice taylor. 1649. Nov. 18. Elizabeth Brice, d. to the aforesaid John Brice. 1651. May 29. Katherine Phillipson, d. of John Phillipson gent., borne 28th May, 1649. Aug. 14. Ehzabeth Drisedel, d. of John Drisdel. 1650. „ 20. Elizabeth Wharton, d. of Eichard Wharton. 1650. July 20.(?)Lancelot Tailor, s. of Lancelot Taylor pewterer. 1651. Feb. 28. Elizabeth Beckles, d. of Eobert Beckles beerbrewer. . 1651. Nov. 20. George Thompson, s. of Marma- ducke Thompson yeoman. 1649. June 23. John Sheifueld, s. of John Sheiffield weaver. 1651. Dec. 19. Hew Younger, s. of Thomas Younger of Fenkley, base be gotten. 1650. March 18. Mary Loftus, d. of Thomas Loftus spurier. 1651. AprU 17. Eichard Morland, s. of John Mor land Esqui'. 1651. Jan. 15. Elizabeth Dowthwaite, d. to John Dowthwaite. 1651. „ 22. Jane Kirkley, d. of Eobert Kirkley yeoman. 1650. WEDDINGS. 1650. June 5. Christofer Hillyard maryed to Ellionor Leuer the feft day of June, 1650. BUEYALS. 1650-2. May 6. Dec. 10. 12. 17. Feb. 27. March 6. .. 10. Mr Nathanell Burneand, minister of this church. 1650, John Fairelass^ s. of Christopher Fairelass. 1650. Mathew Hurst feltmaker. 165Q. Anthony Westmoreland laborer. 1650. Isabell Westmooreland, wife to the above named Anth : West mooreland. 1650. Mrs Browne of the Flass, widdow. 1650. Eaiph Hodgshone, aged. 1650. IsabeU Trewthwaite of Shinkeley, widdow. 1650. CHEISTENINGS, MAEEIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 107 1650-2. March 12. jj .27. Feb. 26. Jan. 19. March 16. July 11. AprU jj 8. 13. May 28. July Dec. 12. 11. „ 31. March 12. Oct. 10.' „ 28. Nov. 22. Dec. 10. Jan. 12. „ 13. „ 28. „ ' 30. jj Feb. 31. 20. 20. March 1, „ 4. „ 17. [ 1652. Sept. 21. Thomas Maland, s. of WUlyam Maland apotichare. 1650. Anne Loftas, d. to Tho Loftas spurrier 1651. The E' wor11 Bichard Bellasses Knight. 1651. Ann : WUlyamson, wife to Tho : WUlyamson butcher. 1650§. John Bradley whitesmith. 1650. John Sheiffield s. to John Sheiffeild weaver. 1651. Phillip Dune labourer. 1651. WUlyam Hume, s. of George Hume gentleman. 1651. — Eichardson, s. of. Jo : Eichard son mayson. 1651. Ann : Keenlieside, aged. 1651. The wor11 Mr Eobert Collingwood of the parish of S' Nicho : in Durham. 1651. M™ Trooth Collinwood, wife to the aforesaid Bob' Collingwood. 1651. Boger Kirbye, s. of m' Eoger Kir- bye of Flaske. 1651. Joan Jurdeson, wife to Geo : Jur deson. 1652. M'8 Hopper of Shinkley, widdow. 1652. John Sowle laborer. 1652. Susanna Watson, wife to Christo pher Watson joyner. 1652. Mary Stobs, d. to John Stobs the elder. 1652. Eobert Bucke labourer. 1652. Isabell Lash spenester. 1652. John Smith, s. of Arthur Smith. 1652. George Mayson weaver. 1652. Jane Bradeley & Frances Bradeley, both daughters of Nicho: Brade ley watchmaker. 1652. Sissilla Dune spinister. 1652. Mrs Salvyne, wife to m' Bobert Salvyne. 1652. Eaiph Thomson of Brome, yeoman. 1652. Ann Maland, d. to William Maland apoticar. 1652. James Thompson, s. of Thomas Thompson labourer. 1652. WEDINGS. Eobert Eobenson of Shynkclife atid Jayne Walker of' the same. S Might be 1651. 1652. Nov. 27. 1650-3. Sept. 29. April 9. June 8. June 6. Aug. 29. March 3. May 12. Jan. 18. June 28. „ 28. Sept. 25. Jan. 31. Oct. 9. April 13. May 29. May 18. AprU 17. Aug. 21. Sept. 25. 1650-3. March 27., April 2. 3. Henry Parkinson whitesmith of the parish of S' Nicholas in Dur ham arid Margrett WiUoughbye of the same. BAPTISMS. Sara, dotor of Eobert . Skirfield whelrwit. 1650. Nicholas Thompson, s. of Marma- duke Thompson. 165L Marmaduke Thompson, s. of Marmaduke Thompson. 1653. Margrett Short, d. of Tho : Short plummer. 1653. Margrett Bea, d. Willyam Bea labourer. 1652. Elizabeth Stout, d. of Nicholas Stout cobler. 1652. Anne Barkas, dawghter of George Barkas of Elvett, gent., borne vpon Tuesday, the eleaventh day of May and was baptized the day following. 1652. Elizabeth Dowfoote, d. of John Dowfoote yeoman. 1652. Tomazan Gastill, d. to Henry Gas- till cordwyner. 1650. Margrett Arrowsmith, d. of Henry Arrowsmith yeoman. 1650. Thomas Gastill, s. of Henry Gas- till cordwyner. 1652. Francis Blaxston, s. of Capt : Bob* Blaxston gentleman. 1652. Mary Walker, d. of Eaiph Walker1 waterman. 1653. Dorithy Martine, d. to' m' Johli Martine. 1653. Thomas Dallivell, s. to the E' WOr* m' Eaiph Dallivell Esquire. 1653. Alice Thompson, d. to Bohert Thompson weaver. 1653, Elizabeth Browne, d. to Eichard Browne milner. 1653. George Phillipson, s. of Thomas PhUlipson mayson. 1653, Tomazine Loftus, d. of Thomas Loftus spuryer. 1653. BUEYALS. Elenor Kirkley of Sunderland. 1653. Isabell Silvester widdow. 1653. John Johnson of Sunderland labourer. 1653. 108 CHEISTENINGS, MAEBIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 1650-3. April 5. „ 20. „ 24. July 23. Aug. 1. Sept. 3. Oct. „ 17. Aug. 1. AprU 29. 1646-52. Nov. 24. Jan. 31. Nov. 18. June 30. Sept. 26. Dec. 6. Feb. 18. March 14. Thomas Todd, s. of Eobert Todd weaver. 1653. Janne Apleby, servant to Jo : Hopper of Shinkley. 1653. Isabell Meeburne of Sunderland, spinister. 1653. Anthony Wilson butcher. 1653. Willyam Atkin, servant of Cap' Warner, maister of the Excise. 1653. Thomas Brignell, s. of Nicho : Brignell of Shinckley, laborer, 1653. Eoger Thorneton of Sunderland by the Sea ; dyed at John Sheiflields. 1653. Thomas EasheU, s. of Bichard EasheU of the parish of S' Nich olas. 1653. Eobert Hedwyne of Shinkley, aged. 1653. Elizabeth Dixson, d. to Hew Dix son sclator. 1650. Ann Dixson, d. to the aforesaid Hew Dixson. 1652. CHEISTNINGS. Ann Stobs, d. of John Stobs the elder. 1646. George Stobs, s. of the aforesaid Jo Stobs. 1647. Eichard Stobs, s. of the afores4 Jo : Stobs. 1652. Tomazine Gastill, d. to Henry Gastill cordwyner. 1650. Thomas Gastill, s. of Henry Gas till cordwyner. 1652. John Bomford, s. of John Bom- ford cordwyner, was borne. 1648. Dorcas Bomford, d. to the said Jo : Bomford, was borne. 1650. Thomas Mackwhinie, s. of Patricke Mackwhinie, a Scottish soul- diour, basse begotten. 1648. The names of those that dyed in the great visitation in the yeares 1644 and 1645, whose names are not to be found in the fore goeing Eegister. Nicho : Sheiffield, parish Clarke. Anno 1645. William Snaith, aged. Hen : Farrow & 5 children. Ea : Atkinson, parish clarke. Alice Dickinson. Ann : Eowell. Hew Eowell & his wife. 1645. A Souldiour in Jo : Weames house. A Souldiour in Mr Salvynes house. The wife of Mart : Eudderford. Jo : Hall criple & 2 children. Marg' White & her mother and & child ; 17 of June, 1645. Mrs Marg' Bussye. Jo : Weames maid. M' Tho : Walton. A child of Jo : Eichardson sclatour. A child of William Eowells. Sara Eowell. WUham Eowell weaver. Mary Eutter spinister. A child of Peter Dowsons. Eliz : Betles wife to Bob' Betles (or Becles ?). A child of Jo : Hirsts. A child of Geo : Tinmouths. Marg' Hirst, wife to John Hirst, A child of Hew Eowells. Alice Cootes. Isabell Staineton. A child of Migh : Greens. A child of Eliz : Pattesons. Marg' Maland. Eliz : Cootes. A chUd of Nich : White. These dyed in July 1645. A child of John Hirsts. A child of Math : Nobles. Susan Green, wife to Migh : Green. Christo : Arrundell laborer. A child of Marma : Thompson, A child of Jo : Eichardson. A child of Kath : Ben wicks. A child of Geo : Tynemouths. Eliz : Lidle, d. to Mathew Lidle Baley. Sibill Wall widdow. A child of Jo : Thompson weaver. The wife of Math : Noble. Henry Stobbs, s. to John Stobbs seniour. A child of Tho : Ayres. A child of Watte the Scoot. Dorithy HUdyard, d. to Chr; HUd yard gentleman. A child of Tho . Ayres. William Dowson, s. of Peter Dowson. A daughter of Geo : Thompsons, A child of Mary Greens. Dorithy Staineton, wife to Eobert Staineton. Barbary Green, wife to Symond Green. CHEISTENINGS, MAEEIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 109 1645. A child of Mary Greens. Eliz : Dowson, wife to Peter Dowson. A maid of Jo : Stobbs. Bich : Stobbs, s. of John Stobbs. Eliz : Johnson, wife to Tho : Johnson weaver. A child of Marm : Thompson. A child of Bich : Smith barber. Tho : Gibson. Jo : HUdyard gentleman. Mr Eich : Whitfield alderman. A chUd of Mr Eich : Whitfield. A child of Watte the Scott. Isabell Elstobb. A child of James Blands. Mary Eidley widdow. Ann : Elstobb widd. Mary Mettcahe widd. A chUd of Tho : Johnson. Peter Dowson potter. A child of Tho : Ayres. Mary Green widd. Margt : Green, d. to Symond Green. M'8 Eickettson, one of M1' Eich: Whitfields daughters. Eowland Kirsopp. M'8 Dorithy HUdyard, wife to Chr : HUdyard gentleman, buryed 28 July. A chUd of Jo : Dickenson. Tho : Johnson weaver. Eliz : Grame, servant to Henry Arrowsmith. Eobert Staineton ioyner. Geo : Staineton his sonne. IsabeU Bradeley, d. to John Bradley. 1645. These dyed in Aug : 1645. Ehnor Gibson spinister. Tho : Maland, s. of Anth : Maland. Two chUdren of M18 Eebecca Metcalfe. Another chUd of M'8 Eebecca Metcalfe. A child brought upp with Jo: Dickenson. Jo : Atkinson laborer. Marg' Cooper, wife to PhUl : Cooper. Mary Denwicke, d. to Marg' Fen- wicke. George Younger. WiUiam BUdyard, s. to Jo: HUd yard gentleman. A chUd of widd : Arrowsmith. Nicho : Mayson, s. to IsabeU Mayson. Alice Wright, vid. Isabell Johnson. Grace Hetherington, maide to M' Wm Sidgswicke. A childe of Ann Spence. Bob' Eey. EUenor Maland, wife to Hen: Maland. Eliz: Stobbs; wife to Jo : Stobbs seniour. Eich : Hirdman weaver. Jane Bradley, wife to Jo : Bradley. A daughter of M1' Briggs. Thomas Burne. Nicho : White milner. Eich : Hodgshon ioyner. Ann Frisle, wife to Tho : Frisle. George Carr, alias George Eichard son. A child of Marma : Thompson. Margt : Dawson, d. to Mra Jane Daw son widd. A child of Wid : Maysons. Mra Jane Dawson. 22 Aug. Eliz : Mayson widd. A child of the aforesaid Eliz : May- son's. A child of Jo : Dickensons. A child of Eichard Hodgshones. WUlyam Taylor. Mary Mann, wife to Christo : Mann. Mary Smith, d. to Eich : Smith barber. Christo : Burne, s [of] Mary Burne. Ann Forser, d. to Tho : Forser ioyner. These dyed in Septemb : 1645. Thomas Lodge, s. of Symond Lodge. Another of Symond Lodg childrew. Jane Mann, d. to Christo : Mann. Ann Lodge, wife to Symond Lodge. Frances Ewins spinister. A child of Bob' Beyes. WUliam Skirfield. Chr : Hutchinson. WUliam Crookes, servant to Jo: Bradeley. Ehz : Lodge & Joan Lodge, daugh : to Symon Lodge. Jane Gelson, wife to John Gelson. Eliza : HUdyard, d. to Jo : HUdyard gentleman. Mary Strother. Widdow Skirfield. October. Tho : Ayre ioyner. A child of Jo : Johnson's. Ehz : Gelson, d. to John Gelson, 1 B 110 CHEISTENINGS, MAEEIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 1645. Jo : Gelson dyed Octob : 8. Nicho : Gelson, his sonne. A child of Jo : Johnsons. Hew Joplaine. A child of Hew Boyes. A child of Jo : Johnson. Another child of Jo : Johnsons. November 1645. A child of Phill : Atkinson's. EUenor Hogg. George Hogg. 1666. End of third Eegister. The next Eegister has been modernly rebound. On the fly leaves occur : — Thomas Gurndan (?) Vicars of S Oswald's parish. Hugo Hutchinson depriv'd. Aug. 26, 1562. Tho. Pontland post P*-^"' deprivationem Hutchinson Apr. 24, 1581. Charles Moburlay. 1593. James Calfhill. 1608. Bich. Snowdon as appears from an old table of Parish orders. John Brown was Vicar as appears from a grant of ye Proctors tithes to Mr Wood : ye time wh uncertain. Nathanael Burnand, Minister of this Church, was buryed May 6th, 1950. Eegist. John Scarth, sometime preacher in this Church, was buryed Feb. 28, 1655. ibid. 166-. John Wood was y° first Vicar ('Minister' erased) of this Parish after Kg Charles 2dB Eestoration. He was remov'd to yc Vicarage of Heighington about y* latter end of 1665. § The following list is in the hand writing of Mr. Eud (vicar 1711-26), who kept the Registers during his vicarate in the most perfect manner. The beauty and neatness of his penmanship is probably unequalled. 1690.1711.1725. 1765. 1819. 1848. 1862.1876. John Cock, A.M. Ye Vicarage given him March 27. He was depriv'd for not taking yB Oaths to Ke Wm & Qu. Mary in yc beginning of February 1689. He held yc living only as a Curacy till 1673, in wcl1 year (July 23) he was inducted into ye Vicarage. [See his own note inye page before yc Christnings 1691]. He left his books to y° use of yc succeding Vicars, & 20' to wards yB building a new room to pat ym in, wcl1 was built (ye Dean & Chapter contributing 401) by his successor Mr Forster. He left also six hundred pounds for y8 use of ye poor of ye parish, wth which, & sixty pounds more, saved out of the interest of ye mony, was bought an estate at Cockerton, wob clears about 331 per annum. Pexal Forster, M.A., Minister of S' Giles's Parish, & one of ye Minor Canons, was inducted January 9th- He was made Eector of Egglescliff about Midsummer 1711. v. Eegist. Thomas Eud, M.A., Master of the Grammar Schole, was inducted Septemb' 25. He was made Vicar of Northallerton ab' Christ-mas, 1725. Wm Forster, M.A., Vicar of Aickliffe. was inducted Jany 24, 1725. Tho8 Hayes, M.A., Vicar of BiUing- ham and one of ye Minor Canons, was inducted July 27, 1765. Peter Penson, M.A., Precentor of the Cath , was inducted July 28, 1819. Edward Sneyd, M.A., Minor Canon of the Cath1, was presented 20 July, p. res. Penson. John Bacchus Dykes, M.A., Minor Canon & Precentor, was instituted 18th Septr, p. res. Sneyd. Arthur William Headlam, M.A., per petual Curate of Whorlton, was instituted 28th AprU, p. mort. Dvkes. September 30tb, 1653. In obedience to an Act of Parliament (in- titled an Act touchinge Mariages and the Eegistringe thereof, and alsoe touchinge Births CHEISTENINGS, MAEBIAGES, AND BUEIALS. Ill and Burialls) was this Booke bought, and in the yeare of our Lord God one thousand six hundred fifty three. At which time was Christopher Hildyard, gentleman ; John PhUlip- son, gentleman ; George Eidley pewterer ; and Bichard Keenlyeside, blacksmith, Church wardens of the Parish Church of S' Oswolds in in the Cittie of Durham ; and Nicholas Sheiffield Parish Eegister. Births in the yeare of our Lord 1653. 1653. Dec. 3. July 25 Dec. 21 JJ 27. JJ 27 JJ 28 JJ 29 JJ 31. Jan. 14 jj 22 Feb. 1 JJ 3 ?J 17 Jl 11 March 9 jj 12 Feb. 28 Oct. 4 Jan. 17 Ann Hirst, d. to James Hirst labourer, was borne. § James CoUen, s. of Eichard CoUen Shinkeley, labourer. Thomas Brockett, s. of WiUyam Brockett Baleffe. John Atkinson, s. of PhUlip Atkin son milner. WUlyam Anderson, s. of Bichard Anderson labourer. Ann Welsh, d. of Eobert Welsh spurrier. Thomas Thompson, s. of Tho : Thompson labourer. Katherne Watson, d. of Christo pher Watson ioyner. Hannah Eden, d. of Henry Eden of Shinkley, gentleman. SamueU Fisher, s. of Eobert Fisher fuUer. Margrett Brice, d. of John Brice draper taylor. Thomas Banks, s. of Tnomas Bankes, milner. John Orton, s, of Captaine John Orton. John Phillipson, s. of John Phillip son gentleman, borne 11th Feb., bapt. 21st Feabuary. Dorithie Kirbey, d. of Eoger Kirbey gentleman. Margret Dowthwaite, d. to John Dowthwaite milner. Thomas Beckles, s. of Eobert Beckles yeoman, was bapt. Isaack Eomford, s. of Jo : Bomford cordwyner. GUbert Marshall, s. of Gilbert Marshall of Houghall, gentle man, was borne in Cheepside in Milkestreet parish in London. § The following entries are all like this one, of birth only, not bantiBm, unless so specified. BUBYALLS. 1653 Nov. 1. 24. Jan. 8. „ 18. 29. „ 31. Feb. 1. „ 16- March 19. „ 22. Eichard Littleton mussisoner. Alice DrisedaUe, d. of John Drise- daile labourer. Elizabeth Kirkeley, d. of George Kirkeley of Hagghowse. Eobert Eden, s. of Henry Eden of Shinkley, gentleman. Elizabeth Peareson widdow, ageed, late wife to Bob' Peareson weaver. Isabell Nelson, wife to John Nelson of Baxterwood. Eaiph AUenson, s. of Jane AUen son of Burnehall, widdow. Ann Dickson, wife to George Dick son of Shinkley, yeoman. Jane Bee of Sunderland, spinister. SamueU Fisher, s. of Bob' Fisher fuller. MAEIAGES 1653-4. 1653. Jan. 2. 1654. The Intention of Marriage betwext Eichard Suddicke of the North Baley in the Citty of Durham, cordwyner, and Easter Bumforth of this parish, spinister, was published three severall Lords Dayes in the said parish Church according to the Act of Parliament in that case made and provided, and no exception ariseing, The aforesaid Bichard Suddicke and Easter Bumforth was marryed. May 1. Eichard Heighington of the North Bayley in the Cittie of Durham, cordwyner, and Gartrett Waller of this parish, spinister. § „ 16. Eobert Younge of Christs Hospitall in Sheerburne, yeoman, and Mary Darneton of this parish. July 7. Henry Shiells and Mary Smith, both of this parish. Intention of Marriage betwext Will yam Thompson and Margret Joplaine. [No entry of the marriage follows.] § It is not thought necessary to print the " In tention of Marriage " which precedes each | entry. 112 CHEISTENINGS, MAEBIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 1654. Intention of Marriage betwext George Blakiston gentleman and Mary Bourchier daughter to S' John Bourchier of the parish of Newton vpon Owse in the Countie of Yorke, Knight. [No entry of the marriage follows,] Oct. 17. John Sparke of Tudda and Mar grett Scurfield. BIETHS. MAEIAGES. 1654. March 27. May 1. JJ 11. JJ 20. June 12. July 6. jj 13. jj 24. Nov. 29. Dec. 28. Jan. 10. jj 2. Dec. 29. Feb. 24. » 7 Nov. 26. March 10. June 16. Oct. 17. March 10. Lancelott Dune, s. of Lancelott Dune labourer. Mary Weames, d. to Thomas Weames skinner. John Morlaine, s. of John Morlaine gentleman. . Elizabeth Bradeley, d. to Christo pher Bradeley watchmaker. Willyam Barkas, s. of George Barkas gentleman. George Tynemouth, s. of John Tynemouth taylor draper. Bichard Lambe, s. of John Lambe butcher. Dorithie Hinks, d. of WUlyam Hinks gardiner. John Marshall, s of Gilbert Mar shall of Houghall, gentleman. Bartholomew Browne, s. of Bich ard Browne labourer. Eebecca Eden, d. to Henry Eden of Shinkley, gentleman. Ann Short, d. to Ann Short widdow, late wife to Thomas Short plumer deceased. Susanna Sudwicke, d. to Eichard Sudwicke cordwyner. Mathew Eeadey, s. of WUlyam Beadey labourer. Mary Eea, d. of Willyam Bea labourer. Ann Gastill, d. to Henry Gastill cordiner. Thomas Stout, s. of Nicholas Stout cobler. James Turner, s. of Eichard Tur ner chapman. Eobert Hopper, s. of John Hopper of Shinkley, yeoman, was bap tized. Elizabath Stout, d. of Nicholas Stout cobler. 1655.AprU 9. ,. 22. 17. June 29. Aug. 30. Oct. 1. JJ 2. Nov. 13. jj 5. Dec. 4. Feb. 6. March 9. Oct. 31. John Gleen and Margrett Wood- house, both of this parish. Nicho: Simpson of Gateshead, taylor, and Jane Foster of this parish. Francis Crosbey gentleman and Ann Eichardson, d. of John Eichardson gentleman, both of this parish. WUlyam Fawcett and EUenor Mit chell, both of this parish. The intention of Marriage be tween Henry Emmerson fuller and Isabell Lambe spinister was published 3 severall mar- kett dayes in the market place of the Citty of Durham, and, noe exception at all ariseing, The said Henry Emmerson and Isabell Lambe was maryed. The intention of Marriage between Bichard Farehsse of this Citty, sadler, and Frances Conyers of Nettlesworth, spinister, was published three several markett days in this markett place, and noe exception ariseing, [No entry of marriage follows.] Bobert Mayson of this parish, weaver, and Jane Eamshaw of the chaplery of S' Margretts spinister. Mr Mathew Gillet of the parish of Overton in the County of Yorke and M" Elizabeth Scudamore of this parish. Willyam Nixson and Mary Adam son, both of this parish. John Nickleson of Lamesley, lab ourer, and Jane Sowell. WUlyam Bott and Sussanna Mal- lieburne, both of this parish. Joseph Egglestone of Townefield in the parish of Hunstonworth and Isabell Farrow of this parish. Bichard Walker and Alice Smith, both of the parish of S' Mar gretts. George Burne of this parish, yeoman, and Alice Chester of S' Mary parish in the Baley, widdow. Thomas Lowther gent : and m" Katherne Briggs. CHEISTENINGS, MAEEIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 113 1654. March 26. BUEYALLS. JJ 28. Apri] 16. jj 17. jj May 24. 11. June jj 2. 4. >j jjjjjj 14.14. 22. 29. July 11. Aug. 18. Sept. 30. 15. JJ 19. JJ 23. JJ 26. JJ 26. J» 29. Oct. 17. Nov. 6. jj 25. jj 16. j» 28. Dec. 18. James Bradshaw esq', son of Strangwayes Bradshaw esq', dyed in this parish of S' Oswolds & was buryed in ye parish Church of S' Maryes. Ann Thompson, wife of William Thompson taylor. Ann Atkinson, wife of Thomas Atkinson of the Harbour howse, labourer. Anthony Dakers, s. of Anthony Dakers of Sotherne-closes. Oswyne Gastill blacksmith. Alice Lash of Brome, widdow, aged above 100 yeares. Thomas Short plumer. Ann Hunter, d. to James Hunter labourer. Anthony Maland labourer, aged. Mary GeUson of Shinkley, spinister. George Forcer of Stottyate, ioyner. Ann Eichardson, d. to Willyam Eichardson cordwyner. Thomas Beckles, s. of Bobert Beckles yeoman. Thomas Peacock, s. to Symond Peacock gentleman, whoe dyed in the South Baley, was buryed in S' Oswolds Church. Ann Sharp, d. of David Sharp. Mary Gray, d. to George Gray of Shinkley, labourer. John Hall, s. of Eobert HaU brazer. Marmaduke Thompson, s. of Marmaduke Thompson yeoman. Cuthbert Awde of Sunderland, aged. Frances Lidle, d. of John Lidle cordiner. Anthony Speed of Sunderland, aged. Ann Maugham, wife of George Maugham of the parish of S' Gyles. Elizabeth Foreman, d. to John Foreman the younger of Shink ley. Henry Hopper, s. of John Hopper of Shinkley. Jane Dixson, d. to Hew Dixon sclator. John Hopper, s. of John Hopper of Shinkeley, yeoman. Elizabeth Adamson, wife to Francis Adamson yeoman. 1654. Dec. 18. „ 24. „ 28. Jan. 1.1- 9. „ 13. Feb. 24. March 6. „ 9. „ H. „ 12. „ 17. 1655. May 7. JJ 10 April 19 June 3 jj 1. July 2. Aug. 17. JJ 25. Sept. 8. JJ 22. JJ 15. Oct. 23. Thomas Maland, s. of WUlyam Maland apotachary, whoe dyed in S' Nicho : parish, was buryed heer. John Bradley of Brome, yeoman. Mrs Tomazine Lever, aged, was buryed at S' Gyles Church. My Deare and Loveinge wife Elizabeth Sheiffield. Phillis Silvester, wife of Bob' Silvester yeoman. Margrett Foster spinister. Ann Short, d. to Ann Short widdow. Katherne Arkle, wife to Hugh Arkle. Jane Skirfield, late wife to James Skirfield wheellwright deceased. John Hey, apprentice to Thomas Loftice spuryer. Tomazin Gastill, d. to Henry GastUl cordwyner. Isabell Story, wife to Thomas Story of Shinkeley. Symond Lodge feltmaker. BIBTHS. John Gibson, s. of John Gibson collier. Jane Arrowsmith, d. of Henry Arrowsmith yeoman. Boger Betles, s. of Bobert Betles yeoman. Mary Stobbs, d. of John Stobbs cooper. Thomas Atkinson, s. of Thomas Atkinson of the Arber howse. Henry (erased, & " John" written in a later hand), s. of Henry Shiels skinner. Bobert Eudderforth, s. of Martine Eudderforth piper. Willyam Brockett, s. of. Willyam Brockett Baliffe. Christopher Shakelocke, s. of Chr : Shakelocke joyner. Willyam Bankes, s. of Thomas Bankes milner. Ann Loftis, d. of Thomas Loftis spurrier. Mary Hunter, dauter to James Hunter labourer, was bapt. lc 114 CHEISTENINGS, MAEEIAGES, AND BURIALS. 1655. Oct. 7. Jan. 4. Dec. 18. Jan 18. Feb. 15. Dec. 24. Sept. 22. March 5. June 18. July 24. Feb. 25. Dec. 20. Sept. 26. John Blakiston, s. of George Blakiston of Houghall, gentle man, was borne the seaventh day of October betwext the howers of 5 and 6 of the Clocke at Evening and was baptized the 11th day of October. Tomazine Martine, d. of John Martine cordwyner. Elizabeth Marshall, d. of Gilbert Marshall of Houghall, gentle man. SamueU Orton, s. of Lewetenant John Orton. Mary Phillipson, d. of Thomas Phillipson mayson. Dorithy Sharpe, d. of David Sharpe wheelwright, was bapt. Jane Taylor, d. of Lancelott Taylor pewtherer. Bachell Bomforth, d. of John Bomforth cordwyner. John Thompson, s. of John Thomp son mayson, was bapt. Mary Bradley, d. of John Bradley yeoman, was bapt. Matthias Loftis, s. of WUlyam Loftis spurryer, was bapt. Willyam CoUen, s. of Bichard CoUen of Shinkley, labourer. Eobert, s. of Eobert Skirfield whelrwit, was bapt. BUEYALLS. 1655. March 26. Jane Neesam widdow, aged. AprU 4. Jane Lodge, d. of Symond Lodge feltmaker. „ 29. Christopher Mann yeoman. May 6. Elizabeth Eaw, d. of Thomas Eaw of Sunderland. „ 4(?)Mathew (altered from 'Mary') Eeady, an infant, sonne (altered. from ' daughter ') of William Eeadey labourer. „ 9. Eickettson, wife of William Bickettson of S' Nicho : parish, apotichary, June 20. Dorithie Drisedaile, d. of John Drisedaile labourer. June 30. George Browne labourer, who dyed at Titchicus his howse. July 9. Willyam Dakins, s. of Willyam Dakeins of S' Marg'8 parish, gentleman, was buryed heer. „ 18. Jane Snaith spinister. 1655. Aug. 2 JJ 22 JJ 23 JJ 26 Sept. 1 Sept. Oct. 15.30. 5. 9. 17. Jane Bradely, an infant, d. of John Bradely whitesmith. Margrett Joplaine spinister. Eebecca Eden, d. of Henry Eden gentleman. Willyam CoUen, s. of Eichard CoUen of Shinkeley, labourer was . (This Entry erased). George Silvester labourer. Katherne Bradeley, wife of Nicho : Bradeley watchmaker. Mra Whitefield, laite wife to W Bichard Whitefield the elder, Alderman and sometime Maiour of this Citty, whoe dyed in S' Nicho : parish, was buryed heer. Willyam Eeadey, s. of WUlyam Eeadey labourer. Ann Loftis, d. of Thomas Loftis spurrier. John Foreman of Shinkeley, aged. Margrett Arrowsmith of Shinkeley widdow. Willyam Nickles, s. of John Nickles musiconer. Alice Thompson, wife of Eobert Thompson weaver. of Fenkley, spinister. James Salvine, s. of Mr. Jarrett Salvine of CroxdaUe. Anthony Dakers of Sotheren Closes, yeoman. Ann Burne, wife of George Burne labourer. Toby Patteson of the Grange, collier. Willyam Maland apotiechary. Conyers, an infant, the of Mr John Conyers. Sarah Dowthwaite, d. of John Dowthwaite milner. Marke Burne labourer. Mra Eebecca Salvine, aged. John Lumbley sclator. Mary Walton, d. of Walton of Aldernage. Isabell Morlaine widdow, aged. Mary Phillipson, an infant, d. of Thomas Phillipson mayson. „ 28. M'a— Scarth, laite wife to Mr John Scarth, some time preacher at this Church, whoe dyeed in S* Mary's parish, was buryed heer. March 1. Doriethie Chayter, d. of MighaeU Chaytier of Awetonfield, ioyner. JJ JJ 25. 26 Nov. 9 jj 14 jj 20 Dec. JJ 3 5 Jan. 7 •j jj Feb. 101016 12 JJ 1921 CHEISTENINGS, MAEBIAGES, AND BURIALS. 115 1655. March 8. 1656. March 29. AprU 28. July 21. „ 30. Sept. 1. „ 21. Nov. 10. Dec. 20. Jan. 10. „ 17- Feb. 8. Aug. 31. May 4. March 21. Jan. 15. Aug. 3. May 18. Sept. 17. May 12. Adam Eobinson, servant to M'8 Errington. BIETHS. Bobert Eobenson, s. of Eobert Eobenson of Shinkeley, yeoman. Joseph Edan, s. of Henry Edan of Shinkeley, gentleman. Elizabeth Johnson, d. of WUlyam Johnson plaisterer. Jane Brice, d. of John Brice draper taylor. Grace Bott, d. of WUlyam Bott nailer. Alice Thompson, d. of Thomas Thompson labouer. Bobert Conyers, s. of Nicholas Conyers Esq., was bapt. Thomas PhiUipson. Bapt. 23 Dec. Frances Loftis, d. of Thomas Loftis spurrier. Alice Bankes, d. to Thomas Bankes milner. Willyam Lesley, s. of Maior Generall David Lesley. Elizabeth Brice, d. of Henry Brice draper taylor. These regestered after ward. Thomas Lowther, s. of Thomas Lowther of Bromehall, gentle man. Mary Lesley, d. of Leiut' (' Major ' erased) generall David Lesley. Isaacke Burne, s. of George Burne yeoman. Anna MarshaU, d. of GUbert Marshall of HoughaU, gentle man. John Hirst, s. of James Hirst yeoman. Dorithie Crosbey, d. of Francis Crosbey gent., was baptized at S' Nicho : Church. Isabell Withriss, d. of George Withrisse miler, was bapt. Patrick Hall, s. of Eobert Hall braz., was bapt. MAEEIAGES. 1656-7. April 22. Eichard Bins and IsabeU Baites, both of this parish. 1656-7. June Nov. 8. 1657. June 6. 1656. April 23. May JJ JJ JJ 10. 12. 12. June 17. jj 20. j? 27. July 1. )J 3. JJ 26 Aug. JJ 13 22. Sept. 3. Oct. 13. Nov. 4 The intention of Marriage between Cuthbert Cotesworth of South Shieles and Mergery Burder, of Pelton, widdow, was published 3 severaU markett dayes in the Markett place of the Cittie of Durham, and noe obiection at all made to the contrary. [No entry of marriage follows.] Thomas Benson of Bradeley Burne and Alice Ward of Awkeland. Intention of Marriage between John Cooke and Mary Steell, both of this parish, was pub lished three severaU markett dayes, &c. &c. [No entry of marriage follows.] Bobert Bell and Elizabeth Taylor, both of this parish. George Ewbanke and Alice Gayre. BUEYALLS. Cuthbert Awde, s. of- -Awde of Sunderland, yeoman. Alice Legg, wife of Francis Legg of Sunderland, yeoman. Ehzabeth Sim, d. of Jane Sim, widdow. Steven Lee, s. of James Lee milner. Jane Joplaine widdow. Ann Speed, wife of Anthony Speed of Sunderland, deceased. Jemmima Tounson (?) d. of M'a Marg' Tounson widdow. Margrett Dowthwaite, d. of John Dowthwaite milner. Thomas Brignell, s. of Nicholas Brignell of Shinkley, yeoman. Mary Anderson the mother of her being travelling dyeed at Shink ley, the said Mary was buryed the first day of July. Thomas Turner, s. of Eichard Turner chapman. Alice Thompson, d. of Eobert Thompson weaver. John Servant draper taylor. Gayneforth, of William Gayneforth. Eobert Hopper of the parish of S' Nicho : draper, aged. Tomazine Silvester, d. of Eobert Silvester yeoman. John Pallmer of Vshaw, sclator. 116 CHEISTENINGS, MAEEIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 1656. Nov. 4. Dec. Jan 12. 4. 16.25. 26. 26. 2. 10. 11. Feb. 8. „ 14. „ 26. 1657. April 5. May 4. June 11. jj 26. April 8. May 14. Sept. 9. JJ 16. Dec. 21. July 17. Feb. 21. Jan. 16. May 24. June 21. Easter Suddick, d. of Eichard Suddicke cordwyner. Margrett Weames, d. of Thomas Weames skinner. Bobert Allen of Sunderland, weaver. Ann Gastill, d. of Henry GastUl cordwyner. Mary Witherington of Brome, spinister. Isabell Angers of Sunderland, spinister. A woman, being a strainger, whoe said shee came out of Lancke- shire. Mra Dorithie Sidgswicke widdow. Willyam Hall yeoman. Frances Loftis, d. of Thomas Loftis spurrier. WiUyam Lesley, an infant, s. of Major Generall David Lisley. Cap' Willyam Weeb of Eelley, gentleman. Alice Vint widdow. BERTHS. MAEEIAGES. John Stout, s. of Nicholas Stout cobler. Nicholas Morlaine, s. of John Morlaine gent. Jane Harrison, d. of John Harrison yeoman. Cuthbert PhUlipson, s. of Thomas Phillipson mayson. Deborah Fisher, d. of Eobert Fisher fuller. William, s. of William Johnson labourr. Thomas Weames, s. of Thomas Weames skinner. Mary Betles, d. of Eobert Betles yeoman. Thomas Bradley, s. of John Bradley yeoman. John Cooke, s. of John Cooke of Shinkley, yeoman. John Bell, s. of Eobert Bell cloth- dresser. Christopher Eudderforth, s of Martine Eudderforth piper. John Turner, s. of Eichard Turner chapman . Elizabeth, d. of Eobert Hallbrazer, was baptized. 1657. March 30. George Thompson, of Whickham parish and Ehzabeth Haward of this parish. AprU 14. Lancelott Carrett and Ann Vint„ both of this parish. June 20(?)Willyam Arrowsmith and Jane Peareson, both of this parish. „ 9. Willyam Davison and Ehzabeth Walker, both of this parish. „ 24. John Leigh of this parish and Ann Aselabey of Crofte parish in the County of Yorke. BUEYALS. 1657. April 3. 9. June 22. July 21. „ 28. Aug. 8. „ 20. „ 27. Sept. 14. „ 29. Oct. 11. Nov. Dec. 22. 3. 4. 17. 17. 25. 3. 14. 17. 27. Mary Brockett, d. of WUlyam- Brockett yeoman. Bichard Bucke, servant to Mr Salvine of Butterbie. Ahce Eogers, d. of John Eogers of the North Baley, gentleman. Margrett Fairelis, d. of Bichard Fairelis sadler. Aoin Awde, d. of Eobert Awde of Sunderland, yeoman. Thomas WUlyamson butcher, aged. Jane Patteson, wife of George Patteson of Aldernage. Elizabeth Thompson, wife of Marmaduke Thompson yeoman. John Brice, s. of John Brice draper taylor. Eichard Scurfield, s. of Bobert Scurfield whellwright. Dorithie Browne, wife of Thomas Browne of the parish of S' Nicho : , taylor. John Martine, s. of John Martine- cordwyner. George White labourer. Ann Weames, d. of Thomas Weames skinner. Margrett Cooper, d. of WiUyam Cooper of BurnehaU, yeoman. Thomas Loftis spurrier. Ehzabeth Taylor widdow. Elizabeth Story of Shinkley,. spinnister. Sarah Weeb, d. of Cap' WUliam Weeb of EeUey. Symond Green potter, aged. Thomas Carrett s. of Lancelott. Carrett labourer. CHEISTENINGS MAEEIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 117 1657. Jan. 10. „ 14 „ 15. Feb. 4. „ 14. ., 15. JJ 16. J? £arc 27. h 7. jj 9. j' 12. jj 13. 18. 21. 1658. May 10 JJ 16 July 15 JJ 29 Aug. 7 Sept. 12. jj 11 June 1 Jan. 9 jj 9 March 23 Jane Boyes, d. of Hugh Boyes yeoman. Ann Evers, d. of WUliiam Evers gentleman. Ann Younger, wife of Thomas Younger of Fenkley, wright. John Lambe butcher. Thomas Story, late of Shinkley, who dyed neer Frankland. Mary Maland widdow, late wife of William Maland apoticharie deceased. Ann Spence, wife of John Spence draper taylor. Willyam Lash of Brome, yeoman. Henry Briggs of the North Baley, gentleman, was buryed heer. Katheren Lidle of Sunderland, widdow, aged. Ann Barnard, d. of George Bar nard. Elizabeth Hall, a traveUor whoe dyed at Lancelott Carrett's. Margrett Loftis, an infant, d. of Thomas Loftis spurrier, laite deceased. Sicela HaU widdow, aged. BIETHS. July 3. PhUlipp Suddicke, s. of Eichard Suddicke cordwyner. WiUyam Nixson, s. of WiUyam Nixson feltmaker. George Hunter, s. of George Hunter the younger, fuller, late deceased. Henry Bankes, s. of Thomas Bankes milner. John Eogers, s. of John Eogers weaver. Thomas Swinburne, s. of John Swinburne gentleman. Beniainine Edan, s. of Henry Edan of Shinkley, gent. Thomas Crosebey, s. of Francis Crosebey gent. Elizabeth Thompson, d. of Eobert Thompson weaver. Katheren Hinkes, d. of WUlyam Hinkes gardiner. Thoinazin Phillipson, d. of John Phillipson gent. Baptized 30th March. Margrett Marshall, d. of GUbert Marshall of Houghall, gent. 1658. June 24. March 21. May 5. AprU 10. Nov. 20. 1658-9. May 8. June 1. June 29. Sept. 20. Oct. 2. Nov. 20. 1659. Nov. 30. March 15. 1658. March 28. „ 29. Thomas Taylor, s. of Lancelott Taylor pewterer, was bapt. Thomas Eicaby, s. of Eichard, was bapt. James Loftis, s. of WUliam Loftis spurryer, was bapt. Isabell Mason, d. of WUZiam Mason yeoman, was bapt. Maiy King, d. of Matthew King staymaker, was bapt. MAEIAGES. Willyam Mayson and Margrett Smirke, both of this parish. Willyam Milner and Mary Steven son, both of this parish- Intention of marriage between John Inglebie and Ann Carter, both of this parish, was pub lished 3 severaU Markett dayes &c. Intention of Marriage between Henry Bradley and Mary Burne, both of this parish, was pub lished 3 severaU Markett dayes &c. Intention of Marriage between Jacob Wheatley of the parish of S' Nicho : and Ehzabeth Kell of the parish of S' Marg' was published &c. [The three preceding are followed by no entry of marriage.] Eichard Clarke and Ann Browne, both of this parish. Edward Westhorpe gent, and M'8 Isabell Tonge. Bobert Moss of Kelloe parish and Jane Sim of this parish, widdow. Eichard Bell and Ehzabeth WU kenson, both of this parish. George Sikes naUemaker and Katherne Younge widdow. Mr Water Atrix (" Ettrick " writ ten above, later, in Mr Bud's hand) and Mra Margret Sidgs- worth (" Sedgwick " written above by Mr Eud). BURYALLS. Ehzabeth Clegg widdow. Thomas Meeburne of Butterbie, yeoman. Id 118 CHEISTENINGS, MAEEIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 1658. April 4. 9. April 11. 20. jj 29. May jj 8. 17. jj 19. jj 20. jj June jj jjjj jj 26. 1. 14. 14. 18. 24. July 9. JJ 14. JJ 25. Aug. jj 5. 15. jj 29. Sept. >j jj 9. 21. 29. Oct. 12. jjjj Nov. 14. 28. 8. Dec. 12. jj 24. Jan. 5. Feb. 3. JJ 9. JJ 14. Mary Scirfield of Shinkley, widdow, aged. Ehzabeth Eashell of Shinkley, widdow, aged. John Gleen yeoman. Thomas Bott, s. of WiUyam Bott naUer. Ann Stobbs, d. of John Stobbs cooper. George Hunter the younger, fuller. John Hirst, s. of James Hirst labourer. PhUlipp Foster of Shinkley, yeo man, aged. Elizabeth Eayne, d. of Willyam Bayne of Ordshowse. Baiph Metcalfe ioyner, aged. Mathew King sclaymaker. Ehzabeth Ewins widdow, aged. Ehzabeth Thompson widdow. George Eea milner. John Pickering of Sotherne Closes, aged. George Swinburne of Fenkley, aged. Mary Weames, d. of Thomas Weames skinner. Bobert Gelson of Norton, mUner, whoe dyed at John Walkers. Thomas Hopper gentleman. Bryan Salvhrof Butterbie, gentle man. Ann Barton, d. of Eobert Barton cordwyner. Hugh Boyes corver. Willyam Woodhowse yeoman. WUlyam Eaw, s. of WUlyam Eaw of Tudda. Sussana Wodd, d. of Henry Wodd of S' Nicho : parish, yeoman. Joan Kettlestringe spinister, aged. Ann Lashe of Brome, widdow. Ann Lidle, wife of Eichard Lidle Clarke of S' Nicho : parish. Ann Bradeley, d. of Nicholas Bradeley watchmaker. Mary Baw, d. of WiUyam Baw of Tudda, waller. Anna Marshall, d. of GUbert Mar shall of Houghall, gent. Henry Fryer, s. of Sussanna Fryer widdow. Jane AUenson of Sunderland, wid dow. Bichard Gordon, s. of Elizabeth Gordon, a Scotishwoman. 1658. Feb. 16. u 24. jj 26. Feb. 27. March i 4. jj 21. 1659. March 30. jj 30. April 30. jj 4. June 2. jj 8. July 21. Aug. JJ 14.11. Sept. 14. JJ 17. Oct. 6. JJ 20. Dec. 21. JJ 25. Jan. 5. jj jj Feb. 20.22. 2. „ 10. March \8. 15. Willyam Bicabie gent : was buryed at S' Mary Church in the South Bahe. Dorithie Wylde, d. of Christopher Wylde gent. Ann Bradley, wife of Christopher Bradley watchmaker. Ann Biggin, wife of George Big gin of Sunderland. IsabeU Farrow widdow, aged. Margaret Peareson, d. of Cuthbert Peareson labourer. Eaiph Crookes of BurnehaU, la bourer, aged. Willyam Preston of Sotheren Closes, labourer. Elizabeth Brice, d. of Henry Brice draper taylour. John Bidley, s. of Charles Eidley labourer. Bobert Martine, s. of John Mar tine cordwyner. Ann Carrett, d. of Lancelott Carrett labourer. James Briggs, s. of John Briggs of the North Bayley, gent. James Sim weaver. Margrett BeU, an infant, d. of Bich : Bell of Shinkeley, weaver. John Inglebie, an infant, s. of John Inglebie of Shinkeley, yeoman. Margrett Lambe, wife of Eobert Lambe sclator. Eichard Shakelocke, an infant, s. of Bich : Shakelocke of S' Nicho : parish, carpenter. Mrs Jane Conyers, wife of Mr Nicholas Conyers. Eichard Tynemouth, s. of John Tynemouth taylor. John Foreman, s. of John Fore man of Shinkley, labourer. M'a Mary Bellazes, d. of WUlyam BeUazes Esq'. M'a Mary Cockey widdow, aged. Elizabeth Trotter spinister. Alice Dune, d. of Bobert Dune of Shinkley, blacksmith. M'a Duckenfield widdow. Baiph Conyers, an infant, s. of John Conyers gent. Thomas BeU, an infant, s. of Eobert Bell fuller and cloth- dresser. CHEISTENINGS, MAEEIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 119 1659. March 15. 1659. Sept. 21. Nov. 6. Dec. 12. . Aug. 14. Oct. 10, July 10. Feb. 1. Nov. 1. Aug. 15. Sept. 26. March 3. May 1. 1660. AprU 2. „ 17. „ 23. „ 24. June 13. „ 15. „ 15. June 23. „ 29. July 11. „ 20. „ 22. Ehzabeth Brockett, d. of WUlyam Brockett baliffe. BIETHS. Martha Morlaine and Mathew Morlaine, two twines, chUdren of M' John Morlaine. Eobert Tynemouth, s. of John Tynemouth taylor. Margrett Suddicke, d. of Eichard Suddicke cordwyner. Eichard Marshall, s. of GUbert Marshall of HoughaU, gent. Katheren Lowther, d. of Thomas Lowther of Aldernage, gent. Mary Brice, d. of John Brice dra per taylor, was bapt. Ann Cooke, d. of John Cooke of Shinkley, yeoman. WiUiam Bradeley, s. of JohnVBrad- ley yeoman, was bapt. Doriethie Arrowsmith, d. of Henry Arrowsmith labourer, was bapt. Gaulter Turner, s. of Eichard Tur ner chapman. Barbary Welldrope, d. of George WeUdrope mUner, was bapt. Margarett Baine, d. of WiUiam Baine of Burnehall, yeoman. BUEYALLS. Katherne Thompson, an infant, d. of Marmaduke Thompson yeoman. Willyam Eaine, an infant, s. of Gyles Baine of Houghall. Margrett Buderforth, d. of Mar tine Buderforth piper. WUlyam Thompson taylor, aged. Joan Welldrope, wife of George WeUdrope mUlner. Ann Cooke, an infant, d. of John Cooke of Shinkley, yeoman. Bichard Dickson of Brome, yeo man, ageed. Krebey, of John Krebey of Brome, gent. George Hunter, an infant, s. of George Hunter draper taylor. John Sheiftield weaver. Turpine, wife of Eoger Turpine of Sunderland, yeoman. Thomas Bradeley, s. of John Bradeley whitesmith. 1660. July 27. Aug. 2. „ 7. Aug. 12. „ 15. „ 21. Sept. Oct. Nov. jj jj Dec. 26. 5.6. 10. 2. 23. 28. 6. 9. 22. 22. 23. 28. 8. 17. 21. JJ Jan. 28. 12. jjjj Feb. 14. 2825 JJ 28 March 4 jj 1014 Willyam Eidley, s. of Charles Bidley labourer. Thomas Johnson, s. of WiUiam Johnson labourer. Jane Lodge widdow, laite wife of Symond Lodge feltmaker de ceased. A poore man seeking almes ; dyed at WUliam Hawards. Willyam Shakelocke, s. of Eichard Shakelocke of S' Nicho : parish, ioyner. M'8 Jane Blakistone, wife of M' Henry Blaikistone of the Chap- lerie of S' Margrets, EUenor Vasey, wife of Anthony Vasey blacksmith. Margrett Peareson, servant to M' Conyers. Sussanna Walker, wife to John Walker. Ann Conyers, an infant, d. of Mr Nicho : Conyers. Mary Lambe, an infant, d. of Eobert Lambe roughmayson. Frances Maddeson, wife of Gilbert Maddeson. Charles Bradley, an infant, s. of Nicholas Bradley watchmaker. Margrett Lodge, d. of Symond Lodge feltmaker. Morgan Evins draper taylor. Thomas Stout skinner. Ehzabeth Lee, wife of James Lee labourer. George Foster sadler. Margrett Biggins of Sunderland, widdow. Arthur Smith, chapman, aged. Margrett Stout widdow, laite wife of Thomas Stout skinner deceased. Elizabeth Eidley wife of Willyam Eidley plaister. Lowrence Meanes labourer. Christopher Eobenson of Shinkley, piper. Margrett Eenoldson widdow. Francis Fieldan spinister. Thomas Speed of Sunderland. Winiefrid Thompson widdow, aged. An infant, d. of George Weldrope milner. John Thompson rough mayson. Doriethie Philhpson, d. of John Phillipson gent. 120 CHEISTENINGS, MAEEIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 1660. March 14. „ 19. „ 20. „ 26. 1660. March 29. Nov. 1. July 16. June 4. 8. Feb. 22. Nov. 11. Oct. 24. June 29. May 3. May 13. „ 29. Jan. 17. April 9. July 22. s. of 1660-2. June 11. Feb. 25. May 16. Nov. 16. Jane Brice, d. of John Brice draper taylor. Bichard Dune, an infant, Lancelott Dune labourer. James Smith batch ellor. WiUyam Bott nailemaker. BAPTISMS. Margrett ShieUs, d. of Henry Shiells skinner. John Foreman, s. of John Foreman of Shinklift, labourer. John Sikes, s. of George Sikes nailemaker. Charles Beckles, s. of Bobert Beckles beer-brewer, was borne. Francis Crosbey, s. of Francis Crosbey gent. Ehzabeth, Taylor, d. of Lancelott Taylor pewterer. Thomas Marshall, s. of Gilbert Marshall of Houghall, gent., was borne. Jane Smith, d. of Arthur Smith chapman. Margrett Brice, d. of Henry Brice draper taylor. Thomas Foster, s. of Nicholas Foster draper taylor. Thomas Loftis, s. of Willyam Loftis spurrier. Ann Burne, d. of George Burne yeoman. Thomas Brass, s. of WUlyam Brass of Brome, gent. Jane Stout, d. of Nicholas St [out] cobler. Eichard Bickaby, s. of Bichard Ricaby labourer. MAEEIAGES. Barnabie Harrisson and Doriethie Heighington, both of Shinkley. 1660. John Walker and Mergerie Browne. 1660. Thomas Parkin nailemaker and Jane Walton. 1661. Mathew Scott and Isabell Meanes. 1661. 1662. Sept. 29. Oct. 6. 27. Nov. 21. Jan. 25. 20. Feb. 10. 1661. March 26. „ 26. „ 30. AprU 1. „ 26. „ 25. May 11. „ 11. „ 14. „ 19. „ 25. „ 27. 9. June „ 20. „ 22. „ 29. July 25. „ 29. Nicholas Owstone and Grace Eobenson. Eobert Mayson of the Chaplerie of S' Margrets, weaver, and Jane Patteson of Gateshead, spinis ter ; with a lycence. James Comine and • Elizabeth Midleton, both of the parish of Haughton ; with a lycence. Anthony Widdeson and Sarah Yates, both of this parish ; with a lycence. George Eglestone and Jane Crow. Peter Walker and Mary Heigh ington. Christopher Bradley and Jane Sheiffield. BUEYALLS. Isabell Johnson, d. of WilhOm Johnson labourer. A poore woman whoe dyed in the Almeshowse. Sissilla Brice, wife of John Br-iee draper taylor. Boger Eichardson, servant to M' John Conyers. Arthur Eudderforth, s. of Martine Eudderforth piper. George Grame taylor. Widdow Bee of Sunderland aged. Susanna Bott widdow. George Weames, infant, s. of Thomas Weames Skinner. Thomas Chamlett, infant, s. of Mr Chamlett deceased. Ann Eoonetree, infant, d. of Eich : Boonetree fuller. Margarett Bussey of the North baley, Singlewoman. Ann Peacocke, infant, d. of Symond Peacocke of Burne Chappell, gent. Ann Mayson, infant, d. of WUlyam Mason taylor. Alice Thompson, d. of Thomas Thompson labourer. Thomazine Martine, d. of John Martine gent. John Aplebie of Shinkeley, yeo man. Eobert CoUen, s. of WiUyam CoUen of Shinkeley, labourer. CHRISTENINGS, MAEBIAGES, AND BURIALS. 121 1661. Aug. 3. J) 13. JJ 16. 5) 27. Oct. 18. JJ 21. Nov. 3. 55 16. y> 18. 55 21, 29. Dec. 9. J5JJ J5 19. 20.25. 55JJ 28.28. Jan. 14. JJ 14. J) 16. JJ 21. •>•> 25. JJ 28. Feb. 17. JJ March 27. 4. j? 5. J! 13. DuUcebella Barton, infant, d. of Robert Barton cordwyner. Bichard Wylde, infant, s. of Christopher Wylde gent. James Foster, s. of Eichard Foster of Shinkley, yeoman. Ann Wylde, d, of Christopher Wylde gent. Willyam Stodert, apprentice to Jo : Thompson roughmayson late deceased. Mary Mawer, wife of Willyam Mawer butcher. John Wheatley, s. of Jo. Wheatley of Shinkley. EUenor Tate, wife of John Tate yeoman. Ann Egleston, wife of George Eglestone of Shinkley, yeoman. George Eowell pedler. , wife of the above said George Eowell. Ann Hunter, d. of George Hunter draper taylor. Mr Theophillus Brathwaite, aged. Isabell Butter widdow, aged. Mr Eowland Witherington, who dyeed at Mr Jo : Phillipson's. Mrs Katherne Conyers spinister. Jane Eashell, wife of Eichard Eashell cordwyner. Hannah Thompson, d. of Thomas Thompson labourer. Willyam Pickeringe of Southeren Closes, aged. John Wall, infant, s. of Eobert Wall of the North Bayley, yeoman. Jane Pickering widdow, wife of Willyam Pickeringe late de ceased. Thomas Phillipson, s. of John Phillipson gent. Anne Shakelocke, wife of Eichard Shakelocke of parish of S* Nicho :, ioyner. Mrs Katherne Easdale widd., late wife of Mr Doctour Easedale deceased, sometime spiritull Chancelour of Durham. John Lowis labourer. Mrs Jane Goodheire of S* Nicho : parish, widdow. Elizabeth Arrowsmith, wife of George Arrowsmith of Shinkley. John Thompson, s. of John Thomp son rough mayson. 1661. March 15. 17. 17. 0 0 Ann Eogers, infant, d. of Mr Jo. Eogers of the North Bayley. Marmaduke Wylde, s. of Chris topher Wylde gent. Eobert Clarke of Shinkley, piper. Ann Gray, d. of George Gray of Shinkley, whellwright CHILDEEN BAPTIZED. 1661. April 21.21. May 31, June 23. Oct. 27. Feb. 27. March 9. 9. Dec. 28. „ 22. Feb. — . March 1. June 28. Nov. 4. June 24. Arthur Eoderforth, s. of Martine Eudderforth piper. Margrett Sanderson, d. of Thomas Sanderson of West Brandon, yeoman. Ann Hinkes, d. of Willyam Hinkes gardiner. Eobert Thompson, s. of Eobert Thompson weaver. Dorithie Lowther, d. of Thomas Lowther gent. Mary Weames, d. of Thomas Weames skinner. Eobert Lambe, s. of Eobert Lambe rough mayson. Steven Hall, s. of Eobert Hall brazer. Eichard Bradley, s. of John Bradley yeoman. Dorithy Turner, d. of Eichard Turner chapman. Annabell Marshall, d. of Gilbert Marshall of Houghill, gent., borne 10 Feb. Mary Parkins, d. of Thomas Parkins nailemaker. Ann CoUen, d. of Eichard Collen of Shinkley, labourer. Catherne Flaward, d. of Mathew Flaward labourer. SamueU Eden, s. of Henry Eden of Shinckliff, gent. (See also among Baptisms 1662-3.) BURYALLS. 1662. March 27. April 7. Elizabeth Spence, wife to John Spence taylor. Jane Mayson, wife of Eobert Mayson weaver, being of the Chaplerie of S' Marg'8. Elizabeth Peacocke, infant, d. of Symond Peacocke of Burne Chappell, gent. IE 122 CHEISTENINGS, MAEEIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 166 April 2; x5. ?j 24, May 6. 55 8. 5' 10. )» 23. 5J 18. 55 18. June 8. ;j 19. July 19. Aug. 9. 55 12. 55 14. Sept. 21. 55 27. JJ 20. 55 29. Oct. 23. Nov. Dec. ?J55 21. 18. 20. 22. J5 26. Jan.Feb. 3. 3. 55 7. J) March 23. 8. 23. Eobert Thompson, infant, s. of Bob* Thompson weaver. Mary Eobenson, wife of John Eob enson of Sunderland. Thomas Bankes, s. of Thomas Bankes millner. Brilliana Dantesey, infant, d. of Mr Dantesey. Willyam Mayson, infant, s. of Willyam Mayson taylor. Mary Stobes, d. of John Stobes cooper. Englebie, d. of John Englebie of Shinkley, yeoman. Mirrell Thompson, d. of Marma duke Thompson yeoman. Alice Aseper of the Chaplerie of S' Margretts, widdow. Ann Wheatley, d. of John Wheatley of Shinkley. Margrett Green, wife of MighaeU Green plummer. John Hirst of the parish of S' Nicholas, yeoman. John Todd, s. of Eobert Todd weaver. Isabell Eeadey, d. of Willyam Readey labouerer. Mary Smith, wife of John Smith of Shinkley, yeoman. EUenor Kirkley of Stockwell Hugh, spinister. Jane Calvert, infant, d. of Willyam Calvert fuller. A man whoe was a travellour, dyed at Eobert Fishers. Alice Rudderforth, wife of Martine Eudderford minstrell. Martine Lister yeoman. Mrs Elizabeth HUdyard widdow. Margrett Ridley widdow, aged. Eobert Harrieson, infant, s. of MighaeU Harrieson taylor. Andrew Milner of Shinkley, milner, aged. Ann Maddeson widdow, aged. Mary Surtice spinister was buryed at S* Nicho : Church. Ann Oliver, infant, d. of Leanard Oliver labourer. Willyam Thorpe, aged. Eobert Walton, infant, s. of George Walton of Whithowse neere Bear Parke. Jane Softley, wife of Eichard Softley fuller. CHILDEEN BAPTIZED. 1662-3. April 24. May 4. 19. July 6. Aug. 24.24. „ 31.31. Sept. 7. jj "• 1G. Oct. r>. Sept. 17. April 4. Dec. 7. 9. 11. Jan. 25. 30. Feb. " 4. oo ,, .._,. March 1. July 26. May G. Feb. 21. 1663. Feb. 23. Mary Phillipson, d. of John Phillip son gent. Marke Eudderforth, s. of Martine Eudderforth piper. John Foster, s. of Nicho : Foster draper taylor. Tomazin Clarke, d. of Henry Clarke of Shinkeley, yeoman. Jane Calvert, d. of Willyam Calvert fuller. Elizabeth Hirst, d. of James Hirst labourer. Willyam Loftis, s. of Willyam Loftis spurrier. John Eea, s. of Willyam Bea hird of the parish. Eichard Smith, s. of Arthur Smith chapman. John Thompson, s. of Thomas Thompson labouerer. Nicholas Crosbey, s. of Francis Crosbey gent. Thomas Gayre, s. of Thomas Gayro of Whithowse, weaver. Bobert Edan, s. of Henry Edan of Shinkley, gent. Elizabeth Belley, d. of MighaeU Belley skinner. Ann Sheill, d. of Henry Sheill skinner. Katherne Cooper, d. of Isaacke Cooper chyurgion barber. Jane Younger, d. of Bryan Younger of Fenkley, yeoman. Eobert Clarke, s. of Eichard Clarke of Shinkley, labourer. Henry Brice, s. of Henry Brice draper taylor. Eobert Heaslopp, s. of Symond Heaslopp of Gateshead, labourer. John Patteson, s. of George Patte son of Brome, labouer. Robert Walton, s. of George Walton of White howse neere Beerparke. Jane Bankes, d. of Thomas Bankes milner. 1661.* George, s. of William Johnson labourer. Eichard Sudwick, s. of Eichard Sudwick, was borne. George Mason, s. of William Mason yeoman. CHEISTENINGS, MAEEIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 123 1663. Sept. 29. March 26. 55 29. April 5. 5J 12. )J 14. J5 21. 5) 26. May 3. 55 10. jj 12. 55 17. 55 19. 55 19. 55 27. June 28 jj 28. j> 28. July 19 55 19. Aug. 2. 55 23. 55 23 Sept. 20. JJ 27. 55 28. Oct. 11. Barbray Foreman, d. of John Foreman of Shinkliff, labourer. Symon Englebie, s. of John Englebie of Shinkley. Willyam Dune, s. of Lancelott Dune labourer. Alice Eobenson, cl. of Eobert Eobenson of Shinkley, yeoman. Mergerie Humble, d. of Thomas Humble yeoman. Dorithie Bradley, d. of Nicho : Bradley, watchmaker. John Dantsey, s. of Mr Edward Dantsey doctour in phisicke. Joseph Bradley, s. of John Bradley whitsmith. George Flaward, s. of Mathew Flaward labourer. Dorithie Welsh, d. of Eobert Welsh labourer. Mary Peacocke, d. of Symond Peacocke of Burne Chappell, gentleman. Christopher Baraclewth, s. of John Barranlewth labourer. Tomazine Brass, d. of Willyam Brass of Brome, gent. Elizabeth Elwodd, d. of Mathew Ellwodd of Brome, yeoman. Willyam Martine, s. of John Martine gent. Tomazine Dodds, d. of Thomas Dodds of Shinkley, yeoman. John Carrett, s. of Lancelott Carrett labourer. Eobert Carrett, s. of Lancelott Carrett labourer. Phillip Atkinson, s. of Phillip Atkinson milner. Thomas Owestone, s. of Nicholas Owstone skinner. Elizabeth Bankes, cl. of Thomas Bankes milner. WiUyam CoUen, s. of Willyam CoUen of Shinkley, yeoman. Eobert Milner, s. of Eobert Milner of Shinkeley, yeoman. Tomazine Taylor, d. of Lancelott Taylor pewterer. Tomazine Lowdert, d. to Thomas Lowdert § of Aldernage, gent. ; borne 16 Sept. Brilliana Eaine, d. of Willyam Eaine of Burnehall. Barbarrie Foreman, d. of John Foreman of Shinkley, yeoman. § Lowther. 1663. Oct. 18. 21. 25.25. Nov. 5. 11. 24.26.29. 6. 20.31. 3. 17. Feb. 23 March 6. Dec. Jan 10. 20.24. 1663-5. May 5. 19. „ 17. June 23. Aug. 20. Sept. 15. John Barton, s. of Eobert Barton cordwyner. John Wilson, supposed to be the sonne of John Wilson, base begotten. Sussana Bins, d. of Eichard Bins yeoman. Margrett Thompson, d. of Marma duke Thompson. Tomazin and Sussanna Walker, twins, daughters of Peter Walker of Shinkley. Alice Widdeson, d. of Anthony Widdeson of the Arbor howse. Thomas Eaine, s. of Gyles Eaine of Houghall. Winiefrid Marshall, d. of Gilbert Marshall of Houghall, gent. Borne 12th Nov. Alice Arrowsmith, d. of Henry Arrowsmith yeoman. Willyam Thompson, s. of George Thompson of Burne Hall. Willyam Weames, s. of Thomas Weames skinner. Steven Eglestone, s. of George Eglestone of Shinkley. Barbarie Bell, d. of Eichard Bell of Shinkley, weaver. Ann Sikes, d. of George Sikes nailemaker. Jane Clarke, d. of Henry Clarke of Shinkley, yeoman. Dorithie Walton, d. of George Walton of the White howse neer Beer Parke, yeoman. Walter Kirbey, s. of John Kirbey of Brome, gent. Catherne Browne, d. of Eichard Browne labourer. Michaell Bellie, s. of Michaell Bellie skinner. MAEEIAGES. Marmaduke Haward and Margret Hodgshone. Gilbert Maddeson and Mary Jobson. Thomas Dodds and Margret Clarke. Eobert Meeburne and Bridgett Turner. John Joplaine and Elizabeth Steell. Thomas Hixson of Merrington and EUenor Wheatley of Shinkley; w' lycence. 124 CHEISTENINGS, MAEEIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 1663. Oct. 3. 24. Nov. 28. „ 30. 1664. April 23. May 17. June 25. July 2. 28. Oct. 10. Oct. 18. Feb. 2. 1665. June 29. July 25. 25. Oct. 17. Nov. 2. 21. Nov. 25. Nicholas Eawlinge of Elwicke and Frances Dodsworth of Rumie Kirke ; with a lycence. John Craggs and EUenor Eobson, both of this parish ; with a lycence. Nicholas Johnson and Mergerie Walker ; with lycence. John Spence and Elizabeth Leash. John Merrieman and Alice Sayer, both of Hart parish ; with a lycence. Edward Milburne and Ann Bellie, both of the Chaplerie of S' Margrets ; with a lycence. Eobert Clarke of Lumbly and Marie Thompson ; with a lycence. WiUyam Watson and Jane Farrow, both of Mordon ; with a lycence. John Baley of Hexham, chapman, and Elizabeth Gibb of the Chaplerie of S' Margretts in Durham ; with lycence. Martine Eudderforth and Mary 1665. Feb. 12. John Porter and Mary Vllocke; with lycence. Eichard Brice of the parish of S' Nicho : and Mary Kenlieside ; with lycence. Mathew Hunter and Elizabeth Atkinson. Philip Brown of the Chappellry of S' Margaret's and Anne Eobson of Baxter Wood. Anthony Walker of the parish of Hurworth and Mary Finley of Old Elvett. Thomas Blenkinshop of Shinkcliffe mill and Anne Lowthey of Old Elvett. Nicholas Euniford and Elizabeth Aislaby, both of this parish. WUham Hickeson and Isabell Caverly, both of ye parish of S' Andrew Auckland ; wth lycense. Clement Eea and Tomazin Hopper, both of this parish. Clement Wilkinson and Mary Jackeson, both of ye Chappelry of S' Margaret's w'bin this parish; wth lycense. Eichard Crawforth of Stapelton and Elizabath Steell of Shinkliffe within this parish. (These two last entries occur some pages fur ther on, preceding the Marriages for 1666.) BUEYALLS. 1663-4. March 27. April 8. 16. May 3. May 29. June 29. July Jan. 6. 27. Aug. 15. 20 jj -ju* Oct. 15. 18. Nov. 2. Nov. 7. 4. „ 27. Dec. 21. Feb. 31. 2. 2.3. 20.21.22. 1. A poore youth whoe was travellinge; dyed in the Almes howse. Elizabeth Bradley, d. of Nicho : Bradley watchmaker. Ell en our Walton, infant, d. of George Walton of White howse. Annabell Marshall, d. of Gilbert Marshall of Houghall, gent. (' Quire ' in margin.) John Walker, aged. Christopher Barrahclewth, infant, s. of John Barrahclewth. Ellenour Craggs, wife of John Craggs of Baxter wodd. Elizabeth Turner spinister. Christopher Browne of the parish of S' Nicho : , draper taylor. , infant, d. of of Sunderland. John Sim, aged 100 yeares, Sexton of this Church. Bartholomew Shotton, whoe dyed in the Gaole. Mergerie Eowell, d. of John Eowell weaver. Bichard Milburne of Barnard Castle, a travelling person seekinge almes, who dyed at Ann Lidles. Willyam Kirkley, a brother at Sheerburne howse, aged. John Fisher, s. of Eobert Fisher fuller. Jane Lambe, infant, d. of Chs : (Christopher) Lambe whitesmith. Margrett Bellie, d. of Michaell Bellie skinner. Margrett Sayer, wife of Bartholo mew Sayer. Mary Meeburne, whoe dyed in the Gaole. Ann Stones widdow. Elizabeth Barker. The wor11 Mr Jarrard Salvine of CroxdaUe, Esqr. IsabeU Pleasington, wife of James Pleasington of Belley. Jane Sheiffield widd : aged. Sussanna Walker, infant, d. of Peter Walker of Shinkley. CHEISTENINGS, MAEEIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 125 1663. Feb. 2. Mathew Kirbey, infant, s. of Mr John Kirbey of Brome. „ 19. Eichard Stobbs, s. of John Stobbs cooper. „ 20. Mra Jane Marshall, wife of Mr Eichard Marshall of Houghill. ,, 23. Jane Scott, wife of James Scott of S' Nicho: parish. March 9. Thomas Cootes bowmaker and whitsniith. 1664. April 7. Winefride Marshall, d. of Gilbert Marshall of Houghall, gent. 23. Wodd, d. of Nicholas Wodd of the parish of S' Nicho:, skinner. „ 27. Thomas Shakelocke, who dyed in S' Nicho: parish. May 2. Mergerie Humble, d. of Thomas Humble yeoman. „ 3. Merrill Heighington, d. of George Heighington cordwyner. „ 9. Margret Short, d. of Thomas Short plumer. „ 10. George Hunter fuller, aged. „ 10. Bobert Turpine, infant, s. of Boger Turpine of Sunderland. ,, 23. Eowland Hirst labourer. „ 31. Tomazine Lodert§, d. of Thomas Lodert of Aldernage, gent. June 3. Willyam Weames, s. of Thomas Weames skinner. „ 3. Margrett Thompson, d. of Marma duke Thompson. „ 3. Ann Sowle widdow. 24. Eaiph Tuch. July 4. George Eudderforth yeoman. Aug. 24. Eobert Barraclewth, s. "of John Barraclewth. „ 15. Barbarie spinister. „ 30. Elizabeth Dune widd:, aged. Sept. 14. John Phillipson, s. of Thomas Phillipson free mayson. ,, 16. Eobert Bradley, s. of Christopher Bradley watchmaker. „ 15. Mergerie Shakelocke, d. of Eichard Shakelocke carpenter. „ 25. Eobert Lambe, infant, s. of Eobert Lambe mayson. Oct. 4. Margrett Lambe, wife of the above named Eobert Lambe. „ 2. John Padnian, s. of Eichard Pad- man barber of S' Nicho: parish. „ 9. Mary Adamson, who dyed in the Goale. § Lowther. 1664. Oct. 24. Nov. 2. „ 20. Dec. 4. 15. 23. Jan. 17. 18. „ 22.26. Feb. 1.2. March 16. 20. 1664. April 24. May JulyJune 25. 3. 8. 22.29. 26. 3. 29. Eaiph Walker, a poore man seeking almes ; dyed in the almeshowse. Margrett Hills widdow was buryed at the Chaplerie of S* Margrets. Eaiph Biggins of Sunderland, yeo man. Dorithie Eobenson, wife of Eobert Eobenson of Sunderland, black smith. John Newbey of Sunderland, yeo man. George Tynemouth yeoman, aged. Eichard Binns labourer. Thomas Bradley, s. of Christopher Bradley watchmaker. Tomazin Bradley, d. of Nicholas Bradley watchmaker. Gregorie Sidgewicke of Sunderland, yeoman. Catherine Swinburne, d. of Mr Thomas Swinburne of the parish of S' Nicholas. Wynefrid Borrow. EUenor Phillipson, d. of Thomas Phillipson mayson. James Harrieson of the parish of Whickham, whoe dyed in the Goale. Henry Edan of Shinkley, gentleman. Alice Nickson widdow, aged. John Eogers of the South Baley, gent. CHEISTMNGS. Christobella Johnson, d. of Willyam Johnson labourer. John Gibson, s. of Willyam Gibson weaver. Frances Phillipson, d. of John Phillipson gent. Willyam Bradley, s. of Henry Bradley spurrier. Eobert Parkine, s. of Thomas Parkine nailemaker. Eobert Barraclewth, s. of John Barracleth labourer. Ellen Eales, d. of Eobert Eales skinner. Mathew Dune, s. of Bobert Dune of Shinkley, blacksmith. Willyam Gaineforth, s. of Willyam Gameforth of Shinkley moore howse. If 126 CHEISTENINGS, MAEEIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 1664. July 3. jj 10. 5J 17. J5 24. Aug. 14. 5J 15. 55 21. 55 29. Sept. 5. 55 13. JJ 24. JJ 30. Oct. 30. J5 30. Jan. 1. 55 15. 55 16. 55 19. )) 22. 55 22. 55 29 Feb. 6. March 19. 1665. April 2. Elizabeth Harieson, d. of Barnabie Harrieson of Shinkeley, gardiner. Thomas Bell, s. of BeU of Aldernage, labourer. Mergerie Shaklocke, d. of Eichard Shakelocke carpenter. Jane CoUen, d. of Eichard CoUen of Shinkley, labourer. John Craggs, s. of John Craggs of Baxterwodd. Margrett Anderson, d. of Eichard Anderson labourer. Ann MUlner, d. of Thomas MiUner of Uld Durham, yeoman. Christopher Foster, s. to Nicholas Foster draper taylor. Alice Johnson, d. of Nicholas John son draper taylor. Willyam Crosebey, s. of Francis Crosebey gent. Eobert WUlyamson, s. of Francis WUlyamson glover. MichaeU Oliver, s. of Leonard Oliver labourer. Thomas (written over 'Eobert'), s. of Willyam Nixson feltmaker. Mary Burne, d. of George Burne yeoman. Mary Loftis, d. of Willyam Loftis spurrier. Jane Murrey, d. of Henry Murrey of Shinkley Milne. Hannah, d. of Eobert Clarke of the South Bayley, gent. Edward Dantsey, s. of Edward Dantsey doctour in phisicke. John Smith, s. of Thomas Smith draper taylor. Mergerie Becabie, cl. of Eichard Eecabie of Newburne Chappell. Sussanna Simpson, d. of Thomas Simpson yeoman. John Porter, s. of John Porter of Burne hall. George Turner and Ellenour Turner, two twins, children of Eichard Turner yeoman. John Smith, s. of Arthur Smith yeoman. Ann Thompson, d. of Marmaduke Thompson yeoman. BUEYALLS. Eowland Hume skinner. 1665. April 1 5. 23.25. May 13. „ 25.26. June 22. July 19. Aug. 14. Sept. 3. 3. 5. Oct. 7. 7. 19. Nov. 5. 20. Dec. 27. 12. 13. 13. 20. 19. 24. Mrs Margret Aplebie spinister, who dyed at Croxdaile. Willyam Haward gardiner, aged. Edith Hirst spinister. George Carre, servant to William Brockett sheriffe bayliffe. Luke Peckton, a young man. Nicholas Sheffeild, parish clarke. Memorandum y* vpon ye death of Nicholas Sheffeild I made choyce of my eldest son John Wood aged 20 yeares and more to be parish clarke of this parish of S' Oswalds ; and vpon ye 28th day of May, being ye next Sunday following, in ye time of Divine Service, I signifyed vnto the parishoners my choyce of him (according to ye Canon in y' case provided), and I doe hereby declare him the said Jo: Wood my son to be our lawfull parish clarke. Jo: Wood Cler: Vicar. John, ye bastard child of Thomasin King. John, s. of John Spence, a weake infant about ten dayes old, and privately baptized ye 9 th of July. Eobt:, s. of Eobt: Meeburne. Eobt: Gent, aged 86 years. Mr William Eickeson apothecary. Catherine, d. of Abraham Smith. Anne, d. of John Wood clerke, vicar of this parish ; dyed 6th Oct. Mary, d. of Tho: Parkin. George Sikes naylor. Thomas Clarke of Shinkeley labourer. Catherine Egglestone, who was baptized 19th Nov., d. of George Egglestone, dyed and was buryed. Christibeil, d. of Will: Jonson. Ann Fauden of Shinkeley Moore hous, aged. Martha, d. of Mr John Morland Justice of ye peace. Mr" Anne Cennet widdow. Jane Cennet, d. of ye above said Ann Cennet. Bichard Softy fuller, aged. Christopher Foster, s. of Nicholas Foster draper tayler. Jane Murrey, d. of Henery Murrey of Shinkley, milner. Elizabeth, d. of John Lamb. CHEISTENINGS, MAEBIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 127 1665. Jan. 4. 11. 12. 17. „ 19. „ 22 „ 27. „ 28. Mar. 9. 1665. March 27. April 9. JJ JJ 10. JJ 30. May 1. jj 28. June 14. July 9 June 27. July 21. jj 23. Aug. 1. JJ 13. JJ 17. Isabell Haward, aged. John Wood, s. of Nicholas Wood of the par. of S' Nicholas, skinner. Mary, d. of Mr Bobart Blakistone. Michael Harrison of Sunderland. EUenor Green widdow, aged. Mrs Martha Bellassyse, wife of Maior William Bellassyse Esq. William Eggleston sadler. Francis Conyers, s. of Mr John Conyers Esq. Thomas Eowell draper tayler. CHEISTINGS. Jane Dodds, d. of Thomas Dodds of Shinkeley. Bichard Suddicke, s. of Bichard Suddicke cordwyner, was borne. Bobert and Thomas, two twines, supposed to be sonnes of Vswyne Green servant with Eobert Beckles. Mary Fawdon, d. of Willyam Faw don of Aldernage. WiUyam Eaine, s. of Willyam Eaine of Burnehall. Thorns Grame, s. of Thomas Grame taylor. Catherine Brass, d. of Willyam Brass of Brome, gent. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Weemes & Hellen his wife ; borne 24th May Elizabeth, d. of Michael Harrison & Anne his wife; borne 11th June. Bobt:, s. of Bobt: Meeburne & Bridget his wife ; borne 6th July. Anne, d. of John Cooke & Mary his wife ; borne 24th June. Anne, d. of George Dickenson & Barbary his wife ; borne 19* July. Thomas, s. of Jo: Leigh & Anne his wife ; borne 1 8th July. Mathew, s. of Nicho: Owestone & Grace his wife ; borne last day of July, and buryed 2nd Aug. William, s. of Nich: Stout & Isabell his wife ; borne 7th Aug. Lawrence, s. of William Brockett & Mary his wife ; borne 10th Aug. 1665. Aug. 20. „ 20. 28. Sept. 6. Oct. 1. 1. 1. 55 27 J5 25 » 29 Nov. 5 55 12 5J 26 Dec. 17 Jan. 17 Feb. 18 March 3 Bichard, s. of Marmaduke Haward & Margrett his wife; borne 9th Aug. Sarah, d. of Mathew English & Mary his wife ; borne 8th Aug. Heath, d. of John Tempest of Old Durham, Esq. and Elizabeth his wife ; borne 20th Aug., and baptized 28th of the same, being Munday. Katharine & Alice, daughters of John Baraclugh, two twins. Margaret, d. of Tho: Bankes. Anne, d. of Marke Hopper. Anne, d. of Jo: Davison, a traveller who had sometimes beene in Bedlam ; borne at Primrose-side. Michael, s. of Anthony Widdison of Aldernage. Margaret, d. of Will: Eobinson of Burn-hall. Jane, d. of George Walton of ye Whitehouse. Margaret, d. of James Hirst. Nicholas, s. of Matthew Flawwith. Eobert, s. of Thomas Tompson Elizabeth, d. of Eichard Bell of Shinkeley, yeoman. Catherine, d. of Matthew Elwood of Brome, yeomon. Elizabeth, d. of John Lamb. Mary, d. of Abraham Smith ioyner. Elinnor, d. of John Eowell webster. Eobart, s. of Gillbart Mattinson. Margaret Eobenson, d. of Eobert Eobenson of Shinkeliffe. Elizabeth Belle, d. of Michael Belle skinner. CHEISTENIVGS. (Ministrante in Ecclesia Joanne Cock.) 1666. April 1. Ame Bradley, d. of John Bradley yeoman. „ 9. Catherine, d. of William Page of Fenkley. ,, 15. Eobart, s. of Bobart Welsh labourer. 29. Peter Walker, s. of Peter Walker of Shinkliffe, wever. May 15. Alice Dantesey, d. of Doctr Dante sey. „ 29. Ame Crosby, d. of Mr John Crosby. 128 CHEISTENINGS, MAEBIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 1666. June 10. „ 29. July 8. „ 22. „ 29. Sept. 5. 6. „ 12. „ 16. Oct. 7. 10. Oct. 17. „ 18. „ 28. Nov. 5. De Jan. 11. 22. 2. 6. 10. 15. 23. 1.6. 9. Elizabeth Murrey, d. of Henery Murrey of Shinklif, milner. John Shacklock, s. of Eichard Shacklock carpenter. Eobart Spence, s. of John Spence tayler. Anne Taylor, d. of Lancelott Taylor puderer. Mary Dun, d. of Lancelott Dun labouer. Cuthbert Joplin, s. of John Joplin rough mason. Mary Kenliside, d. to Thomas Kenliside skinner. Mary Oweston, d. of Nicholas Oweston skinner. Eaiph Mensforth, s. of Edward Mensforth of Shinkeliffe. Jann (or Jaun ?) Sudwick, d. of Eich: Sudwick, showma/cer. Anne Gram, d. of John Gram tayler. Eichard Shuttleworth, s. of Eichard Shuttleworth Esq. ; borne at Old Durham 13th Oct. Elizabeth Softly, d. of Tobit Softly. Dorithie Carrett, d. of Lancelott Carrett. Elinnor Foster, d. of Nicholas Foster tayler. Eichard Tempest, s. of John Tem pest of Old Durham, Esq., borne 30th Oct. and bapt. 8th Nov. next being Thursdaye. Nicholas Bumford, s. of Nicholas Eumford. Elizabeth Peacock, d. of Mr Simon Peacock of Burnehall ; borne 8th Nov. Elizabeth Burne, d. of George Burne balife. Janne (or Jaune ?) Inglebie, d. of John Inglebie of Shinckeliffe, yeman. Catherine Tompson, d. of George Tompson laborr Margrett Eeggleston, d. of George Eeggleston labourer. Anne and Isabell Clarke, two twins, daughters to Henry Clarke of Shinkeliffe, yeoman. Thomas Eales, s. of Eobert Eales skinner. William Mason, s. of William Mason yeoman. Elinnor Anderson, d. Anderson, laborr. of Eichard 1666. Jan. 27. 28. Mary Baraclegh, d. of John Baraclegh. 30. Eobert Dun, s. of Bobert Dun of Shinkeliffe, blacksmith. William and Micall Bicaby, two twins, sonns to Bichard Bicaby labour:. Feb. 3. Thomas Davison, s. of John Davison, a traveller who had beene som- times in Bedlam ; borne at Primrose-side. „ 17. Eobert Caward, s. [of] William Caward fuller. ,, 24. Janne (or Jaune ?) Glen, d. of William Glen tayler. March 5. Eobert Kirbey, s. of Mr John Kirbey of Brome. John Brice, s. of Henry Brice draper tayler. Anne Burden, d. of Nicholas Burden sporyer. BUEYALLS. 14. 24. (Ministrante in Ecclesia Joanne Cock.) 1666. April 9 William Martin, s. of Mr John Martin. „ 19. Nicolas Grinwill, black smith. „ 29. Mrs Anne Conyers, d. [of] Sir John Conyers, dying in ye par. of S' Nicholas. May 2. John Menchforth of Shinkliffe, yeoman. ,, 2. Thomas Eaine, s. [of] Gyles Eaine yeoman. ,, 8. EUenor Emerson, an aged widdow. „ 16. Mergerie Eickaby, d. of Eichard Eickaby. „ 29. Eobert Eobenson, s. of Eobert Eobenson of Shinkliffe, laborer. June 1. Alice Dantesey, d. of Doctr Dantesey. „ 11. Anne, wife [of] Eichard Greveson of Arbor house. „ 15. Elizabeth Eidley, wife of Anthony Eidley draper tayler. 20. Eoger Beckwith, s. to Mr Barnard Beckwith Esq. „ 26. Boseman (sic) Padman, d. of Eichard Padman barber of the parish of S' Nicoholas. CHEISTENINGS, MAEEIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 129 1666. July 23. Mrs Anne Cennet spinister, who dyed at Mr John Halls in ye parish of S' Nicholas. Aug. 23. James Loftus, s. of William Loftus spuryr. Sept. 1. Mrs Jane Chater of Butterbe, being an aged widdow. „ 2. Anne Tompson, d. of Marmaduke Tompson. „ 5. Mary Loftus, d. of WiUiam Loftus spuryr. „ 19. George Hunter, s. of Elizabeth Hunter widdow. Oct. 2. Baiph Watson, s. of Christopher Watson. „ 5. Alice Lash, wife of John Lash of Brome, yemon. „ 27. Fillip Atkinson, s. of Fill: Atkinson. „ 29. WUham Phillipson, s. of Mr John Phillipson. „ 29. Abigail Haunter, d. of WiUiam Hunter of Shinkeliffe. Nov. 1. George Nesom, s. [of] WUliam Nesom labourer. „ 5. Henry Gastel shoumaker. 17. Bichard Shacklock capenter. „ 18. Bichard Liddal aged 75th years. Dec. 5. William Beadhead. „ 15. Anne Wood, wife of John Wood of the parish of S' Nicholas. „ 19. Nicholas Evmford, s of Nicholas Eomford yeoman. „ 6. Thomas Eeed, s. of Mr Eoger Eeed. ,, 24. Anne and Isabel Clarke, two twins, daughters to Henry Clarke of Shinkeliffe, yeoman. „ 26. Margaret Eeed, wife of Mr Eoger Eeed. Jan. 2. John Hearin, an aged pore traveler who dyed at Brome. „ 16. Elizabeth Maland, ane agedwiddow. Feb. 3. Isabell Gent, wife of William Gent of Shinkeliffe, yeoman. „ 10. Anne Bradley, wife of Henry Brad ley sporryer. March 5. Henry Bell of Brome, weaver. „ 14. Janne (or Jaune 1) Crovcke of Sunderland, an agged widdow. ,, 18. Mary Softly widdow. „ 22. Mr Bichard Trotter. „ 24. EUenor Turner, d. of Eichard Tur ner yeoman. MARRIAGES. 1666. April 19. June 4. 18. July 10. Aug. 7. Sept. 7. Jan. 13. M 24. 1667. May 28. JJ 31. July 3. 55 14. Aug. 4. 5? 11. Sept. 1. jj 4. 5J 15. 55 22. Oct. 13. 55 20. Thomas Chambers of the parish of Gateshead and Thomasine Dick inson of this parish; with lycense. William Glen and Anne Dixson of this parish; with lycense. Eobert Pease and Elenor Ball of this parish. Nicholas Burdon and Isabel Huch inson, both of this parish. Christopher Ballon and Martha Coats, both of this parish. Thomas Hutton of the parish of Easington and Isabelle Fowler of ye parish of Norton; with lycense. Micall Hall of the parish of S* Margarets and M™ Margaret Bellassyse of this parish; with lycense. Mr John Nicholson of the towne of Newcastle upon Tyne and Mrs Thomasin Morland of this parish of S* Oswalds neer Durham; with lyeense. CHEISTENINGS. Eobert Couper, s. of Mr Isaac Cooper barber surgon. Henry Oliver, s. of Leonord Oliver lat deceased. William Armstrong, s. [of] Richard Armstrong sadler. Matte w Lister, s. of Matthew Lister labourer. Isabella Meeburne, d. of Eobert Meeburne carpenter. Eichard Smith, s. of Thomas Smith draper tayler. Elizabeth Williamson, d. of Francis Williamson glover. Cuthbert Loftus, s. of WUliam Loftus spurrier. Alice Gibson, d. of WiUiam Gibson weaver. Dorothy Hodghson, d. of Vmfray Hodghson, of Aldernige, yeo man. Elizabeth Flaweth, d. of Matthew Flaweth late deceased. Anne Bell, d. of Eichard Bell of Shinkeliffe, weaver. lG 130 CHEISTENINGS, MAEBIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 1667. 03t. 22. J5 27. JJ 29. Nov. 3. 55 6. Dec. 8. JJ 11. 55 11. 55 22. JJ 22. 55 24. Jan. 1. 5J 7. JJ 5. JJ 19. 55 26. Feb. 5. 55 9. )5 23. March 3. 5J 23. 1667. April 7. 19. John Crosby, s. of Mr John Crosby attorney. John Walker, s. of Peter Walker of Shinkeliffe, weaver. Elizabeth and Mary Blakeston, two twines, daughters to Mr Francis Blakeston of Brome. Matthew Smith, s. of Abraham Smith carpenter. Anne Weenies, d. of Thomas Weemes skinner. William Murrey, s. of Henery Murrey of Shinkliffe, milner. Eebecca Johnson, d. of Nicholas Johnson draper taylor. Elinnor Grame, d. of Thomas Grame draper taylor. Marmaduke Tompson, s. of Marma duke Tompson yeoman. Frances Craggs, d. of John Craggs of Baxter wood, yeoman. ChristopherBallon, s. of Christopher Ballon balife. Thomasin Nicholson, d. of Mr John Nicholson ; borne 21th Dec. George. Phillipson, s. of Mr John Phillipson. Catherine CoUen, d. of William CoUen of Shinckliffe, yeoman. Margaret Turner, d. of Eichard Turner yeoman. Eaiph Belly, s. of Michaell Belly skinner. Mary Smith, d. of Arthur Smith yeoman. Edward Hopper, s. of Mark Hopper wheel-right. Thomasin Croft, d. of Eichard Croft skinner. Matthew Eaine, s. of William Eaine of BurnhaU, yeoman. Jane Lambe, d. of John Lambe butcher. These tow that f oloweth travellers : — Isaell, d. of Janne (or Jaune ?) Heddyn, supposed to be got by ThomasBvsse. Margrett Foster, d. of William Foster, a stranger to this parish and traveller. BURYALLS. 1667. April 14. Eobert Patinson of Fenkley, yeo» 1667. April 19. May 25. 12. 12. 13. „ 14. 21. June 14. 16. 23. 26. 28. July 23. Aug. 2. 13. 13. 16. 22. Sept. 13. 26. Oct. 24. 29. Nov. 7. Dec. 8. 9. 20. 25. George Gray, s. of George Gray of Shinkeliffe, carpenter. Catherine and Margrett Lowther, doughters to Mr Thomas Low ther of the parish of St Nicholas. Mary Smith, d. of Abraham Smith carpenter. Leonord Oliver labourer. Thomas Allycan burcher (?) who lived in the parish of S* Nicholas, buryed here. Micael Herrison, s. of William Herrison of Sunderland, taylor. Dorothie Arrowsmith spinister. Matthew Flaweth labourer. Janne (or Jaune 1) Dods, d. of Thomas Dods of Shinkhfe, labourer. William Evans blacksmith, who dyed in the parish of S' Nicholas. Anne Burden, d. of Nicholas Burden sporyor. Alice Baraclugh, d. of John Baraclugh. William Glen, s. of WiUiam Glen, baise begot. Nicholas Flaweth, s. to Matthew Flaweth, late deseased. Isabell Holden, wife of John Holden. James Pleasentin of Belly, yeoman. Mr Eobert Meryman of CroxdaUe. Grace Adomson, an aged widdow. Charles Eidley labourer. Cuthbert Loftus, s. of William Loftus spurrior. Elizabeth Belly, d. of Michaell Belly skinner. William Armstrong, s. of Eichard Armstrong sadler. John Crosby, s. of Mr John Crosby attorney. Mary Blakeston, d. of Mr Francis Blakeston of Brome. William Murrey, s. of Henery Murrey of Shinkliffe, milner. Janne (or Jaune ?) Swinburne, d. of Mr John Swinburne of the parish of S* Maryes. Janne (or Jaune 1) Kirkley, d. of Thomas Kirkley of Sunderland, labour. MrB Elizabeth Marshall, wife of Mr Eichard Marshall of Houghill. John Walker, s. of Peter Walker of Shinkliffe. CHEISTENINGS, MAEEIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 131 1667. Dec. 29. Jan. 3. 16. 26. Feb. 7. March 10. „ H. 12. March 14. 1667. April 14. „ 15. Aug. 12. Sept. 9. Oct. 22. 28. „ 28. Nov. 26. Feb. 3. March 23. Mary Hedwyen, wife of Thomas Hedwyen labouer. Mrs Elizabeth Fennick widdow. Matthew Lister, s. of Matthew Lister labourer. Eobert Bell, the bachousman. Nicholas Bradley watchmaker. John Stobbs cooper. Elizabeth Sidgwick, d. to Mr John Sidgwick. Mrs Thomasin Martine, an agged widdow and wife to Mr George Martine deseaced. John Stobbs, s. of the above said John Stobbs cooper, who dyed in the parish of S' Nicholas and was buryed in this parish. MAEEIAGES. Mr George Kirkby and Mrs Mary Smith of this parish; with lycense. William Sharp of Burne Chapel and IsabeU Jackson of Crox- dale. Mr Thomas Briggs of Brome and Mrs Frances Duncom ; with lycense. Mr George WUson and Thomasin Keenlayside, both of this parish; with lycense. Mr Francis Hanby and Isabell Brocket, both of this parish ; with lycense. Samuel Walker and Isabel Gain- fourth, both of this parish. John Wild of Houghton in the Spring and Thomasin Hopper of Shinkliffe within this parish. Henry Fawden and Margret Phillip son, both of this parish. Eichard Burrell of the parish of Gainford and Anne Hutchinson of the parish of Heighington; with lycense. George Eidley peuterer and Eliza beth Loftis, both of this parish ; with lycense. BUEYALLS. 1668. March 31. April 2. 21. „ 21. May 7,9. 10, 15. „ 21. 26. June 3. 7. ,, 20. Aug. 7. Oct. 29. Nov. 8. 27. Dec. 28. Jan. 1. „ 27. 28.30. Feb. 10. March 9. Eobert Spence, s. of John Spence taylor. Elizabeth Craggs of Shinkliffe, spinster. Eichard Martin, s. of John Martin cord way ner. The Lady Catherine Lampton of Bidick, who dyed att Keeper and was buryed in this parish Church. John Conyers, s. of Mr Nicholas Conyers. Jane Butyman, d. of Edmund Buty- man of Croxdall milne. Elizabeth Johnson, d. of William Johnson labouer. Seth Clarke, s. of Eobert Clarke of the Chappelry of S' Margarets. Dorothy Turner, d. of Eichard Turner chapman. Margaret Tompson, wife of George Tompson skinner. Dorothy Arrowsmith spinster, and agged above fifty years. Easter Ridley, d. of Matthew Rid ley draper taylor. Nicholas Wood, s. of Nicholas Wood of the parish of S' Nicholas, glover. Anne Dixon, wife of Bobert Dixon a pooie travel or, who dyed at Arber house. Frances Craggs, d. of John Craggs of Baxter wood. Jane Dods, wife of George Dods, a poore travelor, who dyed in ye almesse house. Thomas Dantesey, s. of Doctor Dantesey: baptized 26th Nov. William Foster, s. of Nicholas Fos ter draper tayler. Anne Oud, d. of Michael Oud of Sunderland, laborer. Jane Nicholson, d. of Mr John Nicholson docter of physick. William Orton, s. of Mr John Orton. Anne Liddell, an aged widdow. Robert Hedley of the Bent house, rough mason. Thomas Hall yeoman. of Outon feild, 132 CHEISTENINGS, MAEEIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 1668. 166 8. March 12. Mr Baiph Barker of Burne Hall, batchelor. June 21. 24 jj -,T- James Bell of Aldernige, a poore old man. jj 29. July 6 MAERIGES. Aug. 2 1668. April 21. 23. „ 2.5. June 23. Aug. 30. Sept. 29. Oct. 6. Nov. 17. Feb. 7. 11. 1668. March 29. 29. April 5. May 17. 24 jj -j*. June 7. 14. Oswold Gastell and Margaret Pax- ton, both of this parish. George Grames and Barbare Chil ton of new BurnhaU, both within this parish. George Newton of Burne hall and Catherine Sikes, both within this parish. Richard Fisher and Joan Stott, both within this parish. Henry Atkinson and Elizabeth Hunter of this parish, widdow ; with lycense. Thomas White of the Chappelry of S* Margarets & Margaret Cead of this parish. John Wood, parish clarke of this parish, and Elizabeth Colledge spinster. Eichard Sym and Anne Eeals, both within this parish. Thomas Eidley and Christian Swin- burn, both within this parish. Mr James Case, the Curat of Denton, and Mrs Mary Welford of the parish of BisAoppton; with lycense. CHEISTENINGS. Easter Ridley, d. of Matthew Eid ley draper taylor. Margery Bankes, d. of Thomas Bankes milner. Margaret Dods, d. of Thomas Dods of iShinkliffe, yeoman. Henry Eea, s. of Clement Eea rough-mason. Eobert Pattison, s. of William Pattison of Fenkela, labourer. John Haward, s. of Marmaduke Haward labourer. John Bradley, s. of Henery Bradley spurrier. 9. „ 23. „ 30. „ 30. Sept. 6. „ 20. 27. 5J 27. )ct. 6. 5J 11. J» 18. TJ 18. JJ 1. vTov 2. 55 8. 5J 10. 55 15. JJ 24. Dec. 27. jj 28. Anne Hedley, d. of Bobert Hedley roughmason. Bichard Elwood, s. of Matthew Elwood of Brome, yeoman. William Peacock, s. of Mr Simon Peacock of Burnehall; borne 24a June. Mary Hanby, d. of Mr Francis Hanby. Thomas Wilson, s. of Mr George Wilson attorney; borne 28th July. William Burden, s. of Nicholas Burdon spurrier. Barbare Barraclugh, d. of John Barraclugh labourer. John Brass, s. of John Brass car penter. Nicholas Hull, s. of John Hull of the parish of S' Nicholas. John Barker, s. of John Barker of Aldernidge, yeoman. John Clarke, s. of Henry Clarke of Shinkeliffe, yeoman. Bobert Nixson, s. of William Nixson feltmaker. Elizabeth Pickerin, d. of William Pickerin of Shinkliffe moure house, yeoman. Mary Fawden, d. of Henry Fawden fremason. Margarett Crosby, d. of Mr John Crosby attorney. Thomas Gastell, s. of Oswold Gas tell blacksmith. John Fisher, s. of Bichard Fisher fuller. Christopher and William Foster, two twins, sonnes to Nicholas Foster draper taylor. Thomas Coullson, s. of Thomas Coullson of Otonfeild. Michael Hall, s. of Mr Michael Hall ; borne 22th of October. Bobert Walker, s. of Peter Walker of Shinkliffe, weaver. Mary Hunter, d. of Matthew Hun ter laborer. Margarett Eobinson, d. of Eobert Eobinson of Shinkliffe. Jane Nicholson, d. of Mr John Nicholson docter of physick; born 10th Nov. John Stevenson, s. of Eichard Stevenson of Belly, laborer. George Grames, s. of George Grames of the Heards house, yeoman. CHEISTENINGS, MAEBIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 133 1668. Jan. 10. 10.12. „ 21. Feb. 18. 24. March 7. 9- 16. 1669. May 2. 15. 16. July 20. Aug. 17. Sept. 5. 13. JJ 21 Nov. 27 Jan. 27 30 Anne, d. of William Glen draper taylor. William Clarke, s. of Eichard Clarke of Shinkliffe, labourer. John Sheitheld, s. of Mr Christopher Sheiffield. William MarsheU, s. of Mr Gilbert Marshell of Houghell. Margaret Briggs, d. of Mr Thomas Briggs of Brome; borne 15th Feb. Bichard Menchforth, s. of Edward Menchforth of Shinkliffe, la borer. Merriell Blenkinshop, d. of Thomas Blenkinshop, the carryer of Shinkliffe Mill. Elizabeth Inglebie, d. of John Inglebie of Shinkliffe, yeoman. Charles Eaine, s. of Giles Eaine of Houghel, yeoman. MAEEIAGES. John Clarke of the parish of Chester and Mary Lea of Brome within this parish, spinster. George White of the parish of Whitworth and Anne Farror of this parish. Christopher Scurrey of the parish of S' Margarets and Margaret Nixon of this parish. Mr Thomas Mill and Elizabeth Wrenn, both servants to my Lord Bpp. of Durham ; with lycense. John Davison and Margaret Thorpe, both of this parish ; with lycense. John Faire.les of the parish of S' Margarets and Margaret Shack lock of this parish. Eobert Young weaver and Alice Nickholson spinster, both of this parish. William Horsman of this parish and Mary Brigham of the Bew Church§ parish. William WhitfeUd of the parish of Pittington and Jane Kirkley of this parish. John SkirfeUd and Margarett Middelton. William Dixson and Jane Hillton, both within this parish. § St Mary-le-Bow. BUEYALLS. 1669. April 14. Margaret Whithead, wife of John Whithead. „ 17. Barbara Eiddley, wife of Matthew Eiddley draper taylor. June 2. Anne Boyes spinster. 11. Elizabeth Clerk, d. of Mr Eobert Clerk of the parish of S* Margarets. „ 15. James Clerk, s. of Mr Eobert Clerk of the parish of S' Margarets. „ 22. Eichard Barker of the Arber house, yoman. ,, 29. Hugh Dixson roughmayson. July 2. Anne Grame, d. of Thomas Grame draper taylor. „ 6. Mr John Hutton, whoe dyed in ye Jayle. „ 9. Thomas Gastell, s. of Oswold Gastell black smith. „ 11. Gilbert Conyers, s. of Mr Nicholas Conyers of the Baliffe. Aug. 6. Anne Moreland spinster. Sept. 5. Eaiph Walker, s. of Samuel Walker taylor. „ 13. Margaret Beckels, wife of Eobert Beckels bearebruer. „ 17. Michael Conyers, s. of Mr John Conyers. ,, 27. Alice Kenliside, wife of Eichard Kenliside blacksmith. Oct. 13. Faith Bell, d. of Eichard Bell of Shinckliffe, weaver. „ 19. Eobert Tompson hatter, who dyed in the Jayle. ,, 20. George Cirkeley of Tuda, yoman. 23. Mr Eoger Eeed. Nov. 10. Adam Butyman, s. of Edmund Butyman of Croxdall milne. „ 27. Jane Powley spinster and ageed above fifty years. Dec. 14. Jane King an ageed widdow. ,, 21. Charles Bomforth, an ageed man. „ 25. Thomas Williamson, s. of Francis Williamson skiner ; bapt. 21th Dec. „ 30. Elizabeth Dickinson, d. of George Dickinson laborer. Jan. 10. John Weemes, s. of Thomas Weemes skinner. ,, 14. Catherine Foster, an ageed made. 18. Jane Broune, d. of Thomas Broune oi the parish of S' Nicholas, draper taylor. IH 134 CHEISTENINGS, MAEEIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 1669. Feb.(?) 19. Jan. 27. Feb. 14. 55 21. J) 25. Feb. 3. March 1. jj 5. J5 6. 7. 1669. April 25. May 2. jj 30. June 6. jj 13. July 4. ?i 18. Aug. 1. 15 2. 5J 4. 7) 19. Sept. 1. 55 21. Eobert Lambe rough mayson. Mary Mayland of Sunderland, an ageed widdow. Margaret Sowerby, wife of James Sowerby yoman. Mrs Mary Euers, wife of Mr WUliam Euers. Anselme Marshall, s. of Mr Gilbert Marshall of Houghall. Margarett Eowell, d. of John Eowell weaver ; and Elen Eowell, d. of the same John Eowell. Margaret Potes spinster, servant to Mr John Peacock. John Eichardson, grandchild to George Gray of Shinckliffe. James Hunter laborer. Margarett Dods, d. of Thomas Dods of Shinkliffe, laborer. CHEISTENINGS. Oct. 3. WiUiam Page, s. of William Page of Fenkela, the younger, yeoman. Edward Stout, s. of . Anne Maddison, d. of Gilbert Maddison plasterer. George Newton, s. of George New ton laborer. Margaret Eales, d. of Eobert Eales skiner. Margaret Peckton, d. of Thomas Peckton sadler. John and Elizabeth Dickinson, two twins, sonne and doughter of George Dickinson labourer. Eaiph Walker, s. of Samuel Walker taylor. Thomas Tompson, s. of Marma duke Tompson labourer. Francis Holmes, s. of Eaiph Holmes of Brome, yoman. Alexander Broun, s. of Eichard Broun labourer. Alice Wood, d. of Mr John Wood parish clarke of this parish ; borne 11th Aug. Isabel Anderson, d. of Eichard Anderson yoman. Margaret and Faith Bell, two twins, daughters to Eichard Bell of Shinckliffe, weaver. Albert Hodgeson, s. of Oumfray Hodgeson of Aldernigge, yoman. 1669. Oct. 10 jj 10 j? 10 Nov. 31 14 30. Dec. 4. 19. Jan. 23. „ 30. „ 30. Feb. 6.6. „ 22. 13. 17. March 20. 20.22. 1670. April 7. „ 25. May 5. 15. June 22. July 7. Bobert Murrey, s. of Henery Murrey of Shinckliffe mill, miller. Elizabeth Inglish, d. of Matthew Inglish mayson. Anne Smith, d. of Abraham Smith carpenter. Fenias, s. of Bichard Sym labourer. Anne Thompson, d. of Thomas Thompson labourer. John Nicholson, s. of Mr John Nicholson docter of physick ; borne 20th Nov. Elizabeth Craggs, d. of John Craggs of Baxter-wood, yoman. John Weemes, s. of Thomas Weemes skinner. Jane Ouston, d. of Nicholas Ouston skinner. Margarett Gastell, d. of Oswald Gastell blacksmith. Margarett Fisher, d. of Bichard Fisher fuller. Elizabeth Ouston, d. of Nicholas Ouston skinner. Sarah Eobinson, d. of William Eobinson of BurnhaU, laborer. Mary Taylor, d. of Lancelot Taylor puterer. Elizabeth Litster, d. of Matthew Litster laborer. Anselme Marshall, s. of Mr Gilbert Marshall of Houghall. Margarett Bea, d. of Clement Eea rough-mason. George Grame, s. of Thomas Grame draper taylor. Margarett Hall, d. of Mr Michael Hall. BUEYALLS. Anne Arrowsmith of Brandan within the parish of Branspeth, widdow. Margaret Eales, d. of Eobert Eales skinner. Thomasin Taylor, d. of Lancelot Taylor puterer. Margaret Brice, d. of John Brice draper taylor. Frances Cirkeley, wife of George Cirkeley of the parish of S' Nicholas, yoman. John Green, a hatter who was drouned by accident on this sid of Old Durham. CHEISTENINGS, MAERIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 135 1670. July 9. 21. 22. 28. Aug. 23 Sept. 2 JJ 26. JJ 29 Nov. 6 22. A Dec. 10. 20. „ 27. Jan. 10. 15. „ 20. Feb. 1. 17. March 10. 1670. April 10. May 29. Mra Margarett Heath widdow. WUliam Clarke, s. of Eichard of Shinkliff, laborer. John Coates, who dyed in the house of Correction within the parish of S' Nicholas. George Spence, s. of John Spence ; baptized 17th July. William Gent, of the house nigh Sherburn house, yoman. John — , a servant of Sr Gilbart Garrards, who was drou[n]ed att Old Durham fourd stead. Margarett Eeneson, an ageed wid dow. Elizabetth Monro of the parish of S' Margaretts, widdow. John Stevenson, s. of Eichard Stevenson of the Brome Close house, yoman. young woman that came down the water drouned was taken up in Butterby ground and after she was sencered by a Jurey and the Crowner to com to heir death by accident, nobody here know ing heir, shee was buryed in this Church yard. Charles Martyn, s. of Mr John Martyn of the South Balle. Mary Eowell, whom I pray God sendajoyfullresurecktion: Amen. Christofer Bradley watchmaker. Ahce Baraclugh, d. of John Bara clugh laborer. Anne Law of Shinkliff, an agged widdow. Isabel Meaburn, d. of Eobert Mea- burn. Anne Clarke, d. of Mr Bobert Clarke of the parish of Sl Nicholas. Elizabeth Kenliside, d. of John Kenliside of the parish of S' Nicholas, showmaker. George Eiddley, s. of George Eidd ley of the parish of S' Nicholas, puterer. MAEEIAGES. Henery King and Billhagh Oliver, both within this parish. John Taylor of BisAopwermouth and Alice Wilkinson of the citty of Durham ; with lycense. 1670. June 2. Nov. 22. 1670. April 10. jj 13. jj 24. May 8 jj 15. jj 29. June 2. u 4 jj 5 jj 11. jj 19. jj 26 jj 26. July 7 Aug. 3 9 10 14 28 28 31 Sept. 6 Oct. 2 Matthew Eiddley and Jane Budeck, both within this parish. John Eeadhead and Isabll Witfield, both within this parish. CHEISTENINGS. Frances Walton, d. of George Wal ton of the White house, yoman. Ellener Bankes, d. of Thomas Bankes milner. Margaret Welsh, d. of Eobert Welsh whitener. Simon Eichaby, s. [of] Eichard Eichaby laborer. Margery Meburne, d, of Eobert Meburne carpenter. Anne Ballon, d. of Eobert Christo pher Ballon partchment maker. Alice Davinson, d. of John Davin- son white smith. George Grame, s. of John Grame draper taylor. Margarett Mitchel, d. of John Mit- chel of Aldernage, yoman. Mary Sheiffield, d. of Mr Christo pher. Barnabas Young, s. of Eobert Young weaver. Elizabeth Hopper, d. of Marke Hopper whele right. John Morryson, s. of John Morry son a poore travelor; borne at Belley. Jane Blakiston, d. of Mr Francis Blakiston of Belley. Sarah Kenliside, d. of Thomas Kenliside skinner. Thomas Hanby, s. of Mr Francis Hanby. Thomas Cooper, s. of Mr Isaac Cooper barber chirurgion. Eichard Fawden, s. of Henery Faw den fremason. Joseph and Samuel Eayn, two twins, sons to William Eayn of BurnhaU, yoman. William Turner, s. of Bichard Turner yoman. Henry Perking, s. of Luke Perking of Belley, yoman. Elizabeth Chrosby, d. of Mr John Chrosby attorney. Anne Peckton, d. of Thomas Peck ton sadler. 136 CHEISTENINGS, MAEEIAGES, AND BUEIALS. Nov. 6. jj 13. >j 22 55 20 55 Dec. 29 4 JJ 6 Jan. 1 5J 22 Feb. 5 55 16 5' 26 55 26 March 14 23. 1671. Aug. 1. 29. 29. Sept. 28. Nov. 29. Feb. 19. 1671. Mar. 26. Edward Lamb, s. of John Lamb butcher. Bobert Dods, s. of Thomas Dods of Shinkliffe, laborer. Martin Kirbey, s. of Mr John Kirbey of Brome. Frances Barraclough, d. of John Barraclough laborer. Gabriel Dansey, s. of Dr Dansey. Anne Grames, d. of George Grames of the Heards house, yoman. Nicholas Briggs, s. of Mr Thomas Briggs of Brome-hall. Stephen CoUen, s. of William CoUen of Shinkliffe, laborer. Mary Glen, d. of William Glen draper tarlor. Anne Eggelston, d. of Eggelston laborer. Anne Sowerby, d. of James Sowerby yoman. Eobert Gibson, s. of William Gib son weaver. Abigal Pattison, d. of George Pattison plumer. Mary Nicholson, d. of Mr John Nicholson docter of physick ; borne 8th March. Jane Croftt, d. of Eichard Croftt skiner. MAEEIAGES. George Eobert Stobert and Anne Sheeles, both of this parish. Eobert Farrow of this parish, barber, and Mary ; with lycense. Francis Hull of the parish of Branspeth, weeaver, and Mar garett Wilkinson spinster. Mr Nicholas Shuttleworth of Forcett in the County of Yorke and Mrs Elizabeth Moore of this parish ; with lycense. William Reed and Elizabeth Tate, both of this parish. Eobert Hedley and Margarett Hall, both of this parish ; with lycense. BUEYALLS. John Lash of Brome hall, yoman. 1671. Mar. 28. Anne Menchfforth, wife of Edward Menchfforth of Shinkliffe, la borer. „ 30. Mr Gabriel Jackson, whom I pray God send a joyfull Eesurection. April 1. Anne Eobson, wife of Christofer Eobson of the parish of Chester. 28. Mr Thomas Bullack of Whitwell house. May 15. Anne Palmer, d. of Nicholas Pallmer free mayson. „ 20. Sarah Kenliside, d. of Thomas Kenliside skinner. 21. Isabell Walker, d. of Peter Walker of Shinkliffe, weeaver. „ 24. Elizabeth Hunter, d. of Matthew Hunter whele right. ,, 29. Elizabeth Thorp, an agged widdow. June 1. Aliceon Gust, a young gurle who dyed att Lancelot Taylores. „ 12. Eizabeth Eiddley, d. of George Eiddley of the parish of S* Nicholas, puterer. ,, 16. Margarett Pearson, wife of Cuthbert Pearson laborer. 20. Bichard Menchforth of Shinkliffe, yoman. July 26. Isabell Anderson, d. of Bichard Anderson yoman. ,, 4. Gerard Smith, s. of Mr Thomas, who dyed at nursing att Duham mourhouse. Mark Hunter taylor. Anne Fairlace, cl. of Eichard Fair- lace of the parish of S' N icholas, sadler. Margery French, d. of Nicholas French fuller. Elizabeth Wheatley, wife of John Wheatley of Shinkliffe, yoman. Barnabas Young, s. of Eobert Young weeaver. Mary Donne, d. of Lance Donne. Margaret Eea, d. of Clement Eea rough mayson. Alice Davison, d. of John Davison whitesmith. John Nicholson, s. of Mr John Nicholson docter of physick. Clement Farrow of Butterby, y om an. Alice Barker, wife of John Barker of Broome. Oct. 8. Anne Wright of Langley in the parish of Branspeth, widdow, agged 85 yeares. 5) 55 9 14 55 17 55 27 Aug. 19. 55 51 20 27. 5J 27 Sept. 1 51 5J 11. 23. CHEISTENINGS, MAEEIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 137 1671. Oct. 10. Jane Eobinson, wife of Eobert Eobinson laborer. „ 19. Elinor Foster, d. of Nicholas Foster draper taylor. Nov. 2. Mrs Thomasin Brass, wife of Mr WUliam Brass. ,, 10. Margarett Gastell, d. of Oswald Gastell blacksmith. 28. Mrs Thomasin Todd of Shinkliff. Dec. 12. Bichard Lowdertg, s. of Mr Thomas Lowdert of the parish of S' Nicholas. „ 21. Tichicus was buryedt. Jan. 4. John Smith, one of the singingmen of the Abby Church. „ 12. Mary Padman, d. of Mr Eichard Padman barber. „ 14. Mary Eotherforth, wife of Martin Botherforth of the Brome, piper. „ 16. Gabriell Dansey, s. of Dr Dansey. Feb. 6. Billha King, wife of Henry King. „ 9. Margaret Gest, servant to Mrs Moore. „ 15. Elianor Dakers spinster, who liveed at Sunderland. March 1. ' Elizabeth Hopper, wife of John Hopper of Shinkliffe. „ 16. Ehzabeth Ashman, d. of Mr Thomas Ashman „ 27. Matthias Eayn, s. of William Eayn of BurnhaU, yoman. CHEISTENINGS. 1671. AprU 2. Margery French, d. of Nicholas French fuller. „ 30. Anne Stevenson, d. of Eichard Stevenson of the Brome close house, yoman. May 4. Anne Belly, d. of Michael Belly skinner. June 12. John WhitfeUd, s. of WUliam WhitfeUd of Belly, weeaver. July 16. Bryan Foster, s. of Nicholas Foster draper taylor. „ 16. John Mayson, s. of William Mayson bodymaker. „ 23. Baiph Weemes, s. of Thomas Weemes skinner ; buryed 25*11 of the same July. § Lowther. t See baptisms, 16 April, 1648, and 28 Feb., 1651 ; also a burial 30 June, 1653. Oct. 1671. Aug. 20. John Sym, s. of Eicherd Sym labourer Sept. 10. Bobert Eales, s. of Eobert Eales skiner. „ 26. Gilbert Nelson, s. of Mr Peter Nelson. 1 Jane Tompson, d. of Marmaduke Tompson. 1. WUliam Eeadhead, s. of John Bead- head blacksmith. 3. Jane Hall, d. of Eobert Hall of Stot Gatte, yoman. 10. James Nicholson, s. of John Nichol son laborer. 22. Anne Brone, d. of Eicherd Brone laborer. 12. Eobert Fisher, s. of Eichard Fisher fuller. 30. Elianor Smith, d. of Arthur Smith labourer. 3. Dorothy Davison, d. of John Davi son blacksmith. Thomas Smith, s. of Thomas Smith draper taylor. WiUiam Smith, s. of Abraham Smith carpinter. John Hall, s. of Mr Michael Hall. Fillipa Dansey, d. of Dr Dansey. Amcoates Sheimeld, s. of Mr Christopher Sheiffield. Feb. 4. Thomas Bell, s. of Eichard BeU of Shinkliffe, weeaver. „ 8. John Moore, s. of Mr John Moore, late deceased, and Thomasin his wife. „ 11. Jacob Mitchell, s. of Philip Mitchell of Aldernage, yoman. March 12. John Wood, s. of John Wood parish clarke ; borne 20th Feb. BUEYALLS. Nov. Dec. Jan. 10. 14. 23. 23.30. 1672. April 29. Charles Green, s. of Mra Green. June 5. Jane Sym, sexton of this parish, and wife to John Sym sexton deceased. „ 6. Bichard Fawden, s. of Henery Faw den rough mayson. „ 17. M™ Elizabeth Neall, d. of Mr Eichard NeaU. „ 23. Anne Loftus, wife of William Loftus spuryir. „ 30. Charles Bomforth, s. of Nicholas Bomforth mUlner. July 10. Anne Eobinson spinster. ll 138 CHEISTENINGS, MAEEIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 1672. Aug. 29. Sept. 11. 12. Oct. 6. Nov. 13. „ 23. Dec. 16. Jan. „ 27. „ 30. March 1. 2.4. 9. 11.17. 19. 21. 1672. April 2. March 31. April 15. May 5. 9. 12. Mary Softley, d. of Margarett Softley widdow. Mr» Margaret Heighington, wife of Mr Eichard Heighington of the parish of S' Nicholas. Dorothy Simpson, d. of Thomas Simpson yoman. M1S Mary Mayre, wife of Mr Eichard Mayre of the parish of S* Giless in Durham. George Newton, s. of George New ton labourer. Alice Foreman, an agged poore widdow of Shinkliffe. Eichard Kenliside blacksmith. John WhitfeUd, s. of William Whit feUd of Belly, weeaver. Oswald Gastell blacksmith. Annabella Braithweyt widdow. Mary Ouston, d. of Nicholas Ouston skinner. Mrs Mary Horsley spinster. Matthew Charlton cordwainer, who lived in the parish of S' Nicholas. Jane Clarke, d. of Mr Eobert Clarke. Marmaduke Haward labourer. Mary Nicholson, d. of Mr John Nicholson docter of physick. Margery Miller, d. of Eobert Miller of Shinkliffe, weaver. Mrs Margery Todd spinster. Nicholas Ouston skinner. Jane Barker of the parish of Sl Margaretts, widow, and the Eelicktt of Eichard Barker. Elizabeth Smart, wife of William Smart of the parish of S* Nicholas, chapman. Andrew Wilkin ssone, a traveller who dyed at Sunderland within this parish. CHEISTNINGS. Mary Walker, cl. of Petter Walker of Shinkliffe. Oswald Gastell, s. of Oswald Gastell blacksmith. William Hanby, s. of Mr Francis Hanby. John Young, s. of Eobert Young, weaver. Elizabeth Peckton, d. of Thomas Peckton sadler. Eobert Page, s. of William Page of Fenkela, yoman. 1672. June July 21. 24. Margarett Cooper, cl. of Mr Isack Cooper barber surgan. Alice French, d. of Nicholas French fuller. )5 28. Eobert Stobbert, s. of Eobert Stobbert trunk- maker. 55 28. Mawdlin Kenliside, d. of Thomas Kenliside skinner. Aug. 4. 11. Anne Murrey, d. of Henry Murrey of Shinkliffe, yoman. Judith Glen, d. of William Glen Sept. 1. draper taylor. George Eea, s. of Clement Eea j j 15. rough mayson. John Walker, s. of Samuell Walker Oct. 6. draper taylor. John Burden, s. of Nicholas Burden whit smith. Nov. 10. Isabel WiUiamson, d. of Francis Williamson glover. 55 24. Ehzabeth Head, d. of William Head miller of Shinkliffe mill. 55 27. George Fawden, s. of Henry Fawden Dec. 9. 15. free mayson. Jane Clarke, d. of Mr Eobert Clarke. John Pattison, s. of George Pattison J' 15. plumber. Elizabeth Eeed, d. of William Eeed labourer. 55 17. Eichard Shuttleworth, s. of Mr %S Nicholas Shuttleworth. Feb. 2. Elizabeth Maddison, d. of Gilbert Maddison whittener. 55 4. Edward Briggs, s. of Mr Thomas Briggs of Broome Hall. 55 9. Susanna Grame, d. of Thomas 55 19. Grame draper taylor. Thomas Hopper, s. of Mark Hopper Marcl 25. i 2. carpenter. John Crosby, s. of M1' John Crosby. John Eobinson, s. of William Eobinson of the White house, 55 23. 2. yoman. Jane Story, d. of Henry Story labourer. MAEEIAGES. 167 May 28. Bobert Todd weaver and June 25. Feb. 9. spinster, both within this parish. Eaiph Buckle and Jane Wright, both of the parish of Sedgf eild ; with lycence. Gabriel Stobbs and Lucrece Green; with lycence. CHEISTENINGS, MAEEIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 139 BUEYALLS. 1673. April 3. May jj July 8. 15. 22. JJ J5 27.29. Aug. 17. JJ J) 18. 31. Sept. 6. Oct. 6. jj 7. Nov. 5. Oct. 26. Nov. 14. jj 24. Dec. 2. 55)5 4.4. Jan. 17. Feb. 3. jj jj 5. 6. j? )j 10. 19. „ 20. March 2. 4. Henry Wood, s. of John Wood of the parish of S' Nicholas. Margarett Walton, an agged widdow who died at the Whit house. John Palmer rough-mason. Mr John Midcofe. Bichard Collin of Shinkliffe, thacher. Francis Blakiston s. of Mr Francis Blakiston of Belley. John Whithead. John Wilkinson of Shinkliffe, sing ing man in the Abby Church. Ehzabeth Eichardson, wife of Cuthbert Eichardson backasman. Pell, d. of Mr WiUiam Pell. John Bellerby, s. of John Bellerby rough mayson. Eaiph White of the Chapelry of S' Margaretts tanner. Christopher Shacklock carpenter. Katherine Eeadhead, d. of John Beadhead blacksmith ; bapt. 29a Sept. Gerard Pickerin of the Sutheren Cloasess. Mrs Dorothy Martyn, wife of Mr John Martyn of the Balyae. Bobert Beckeles beare-bruer. Jane Pouley, an agged poouer woman. Thomasine Walker, an agged wid dow. BriU Dancey, whe of Docter Dancey. Mary Brice, d. of John Brice draper taylor. Elizabeth Clarke of Shinkliffe, an agged widdow. Dorothy Hinkes, an agged widdow. William Herison of Sunderland. John Wood of the parish of S' Nicholas. Isabell Side, a prisoner in the Jayl. Anne Audra (or Andra 1), d. of John Audra of Shinkliffe moore hous, yoman. Anne Smurfet of Sunderland Brigges. William Hopper of Shinkliffe, glover. Anne Tompson, d. of Thomas Tomp son. Mr William Brasse, one of the debtors in the Jayle. George Farelace, s. of John Faire- lace sadler. 1673. March 9. 23. 1673. May 1. 10. July 22. Aug. 9. Oct. 28. Nov. 13. 18.30. Feb. 14. 1673. March 30.31. April 6. 10.13. 13. 23. 27. Thomas Smith, s. of Thomas Smith draper taylor. Margarett Turner, d. of Eichard Turner chapman. MAEEIAGES. Edward Menchforth and Margarett Simpson, both within this parish. John Fairlace of parish (sic), sadler, and Bateman of the Bew Church parish§ ; with lycence. George Meanes weaver and Elener Couck, both within this parish. John White and Elizabeth Jackson, both within this parish; with lycense. Thomas Dowson of the parish of S* Nicholas, bucher, and Merill Keinlesid of this parish ; with lycence. Silvester Eoberts and Mary Innocent spinster, boath of the Citty of Durham ; with lycence. George Williamson and Katharine Wright, both of this parish. Cuthert Eichardson and Joan Eobinson, boath of this parish. Bobert Allen and Anne French, boath within this parish. William Green and Anne Waister, both within the parish of Hough- tan in the Spring ; with lycence. CHEISTNINGS. Barnabas Bell, s. of Eichard Bell of Shinkliffe, weever. Eobert Meburn, s. of Eobert Meburn carpenter. John Davison, s. of John Davison whit smith. Hester Marshell, d. of Mr Gilbert Marshell, late deseaced. Anne Walker, d. of Peter Walker of Shinkliffe, weeaver. Margery Anderson, d. of Eichard Anderson labourer. Philip Grayme, s. of George Grayme of the Herds house, yoman. Anne Nelson, d. of Mr Peter Nelson. § St Mary-le-Bow 140 CHEISTENINGS, MAEEIAGES, AND BUEIALS. May 4. 5J 19. June 1. 51 3. 55 29. 55 29. 5J 30. 55 30. July 27. 55 27. Aug. 17. Sept. 21. Oct. 19. Nov. 2. jj 17. Dec. 26. , Jan. 4. jj 18. Feb. 4. 55 9. 1J 10. 55 5. March 3. 55 16. 1674. March 31. William Grayme, s. of John Grayme draper taylor. Henry Hirst, s, of James Hirst labourer. John Davison, s. of Mr William Davison Esqr. Katherine and Elizabeth Lamptan, two twins, daughters to Mr Eobert Lamptan. John Todd, s. of Eobert Todd the younger, weeaver. Margarett WhitfeUd, d. of William WhitfeUd of Belley, weaver. George Willson, s. of Mr George Willson attorna. Francis Blakiston, s. of Mr Francis Blakiston of Belley. Katharine Kenleside, d. of Thomas Kenleside skinner. Margarett Foster, d. of John Foster draper taylor. John Clarke, s. of John Clarke of Baxter wood, yoman. Eichard Fisher, s. of Eichard Fisher fuller. Eichard Belley, s. of Michael Belley skiner. Eichard Inglish, s. of Matthew Inglish rough mayson. John Sowerby, s. of James Sower by yoman. Evaline Eales, d. of Eobert Eales skiner. John Dods, s. of Thomas Dods of Shinkliffe, labourer. Abigail Pottes, d. of George Pottes yoman. Anne Turner, d. of Eichard Turner chapman. George Fairelace, s. of John Faire- lace sadler. Elizabeth Shutteleworth, d. of Mr Nicholas Shutteleworth. Elizabeth Young, d. of John Young of Aldernage, labourer. Eizabeth Sheiffeild, d. of Mr Chris topher Sheiffeild. Ellener Wood, d. of John Wood parish clarke of this parish ; borne 12th March. Peter Hodgshon, s. of Eaiph Hodg shon of Shinkliffe, yoman ; borne 17 th March, 1673. MAEEIAGES. 1674. April 21. May 7. July 18. Sept. 29. Nov. 29. Dec. 19. 1674. March 27. April 13. „ 17. 18. May 12. 27. June 6. 4. 16. 18. 22. „ 30. July 12. 13. 30, Aug. 7. „ 14. 18. Christopher Finley and Anne Wilk inson of Old Durham ; with lycense. Eichard Keinleside and Judeth Loftus ; with lycense. John Blake and Elener Bell, boath within this parish. Thomas HaU of Gatesside parish and Elizabeth Lockey of this parish. John Wetherill of Chester parish and Grace Ouston of this parish. Eobert Green of Weshington parish and Margarett Watson of New- bottell within the parish of Houghton ; with lycense. BUEYALLS. Anne Bradley widdow. Elizabeth Tompson, wife of George Tompson. George Pattison plumer. Margaret Clarke, d. of Henry Clarke of Shinkliffe, laborer. William Addamson, s. of Eobert Addamson of Sunderland. Mr John Phillipson attorney. John Heighington, s. of George Heighington of the parish of S' Nicholas. George Eowell weaver, an agged man. Anne Biggins, d. of George Biggins of Sunderland. Thomas Younger of Fenkelay, an agged man, Jane Walton, d. of George Walton of the whit house. Margarett Eotherforth, an agged widdow. Thomas Palmer, s. of Nicholas Palmer rough mayson. Mrs Elizabeth Pudsey, late wife to Captn Eaiph Pudsey. Thomas Grame, s. of John Grame draper taylor. Mary Phillipson, wtfe of Thomas Phillipson rough mayson. Elizabeth Brown spinster. Henry Fawden, s. of Henry Fawden free mayson. CHEISTENINGS, MAEEIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 141 1674. Aug. 20. 21. 28. 29. Sept. 24. Oct. JJ 1. 4. Nov. jj 19. 29. Dec.Jan. 27. 15. jj 3. Feb. 7. March 1. 11. 14. 1674. May 12. June 29. July 12. 19. Aug. 9. 9. 16. 23. 30. Oct. 11. Nov. 3. Jane Shorttrick of Brome, widdow. Paul Neall, s. of Mr Eichard Neall. Isabell Pattison of Fenkela, widdow. Eobert Meaburn, s. of Eobert Meaburn carpenter. Eobert Barton, s. of Eobert Barton shewmaker. Julyan Kitching, an agged widdow. Elizabeth Willkinson, wife of Thomas Wilkson chanlor. Mrs Mary Boouth spinster. Margarett Bland, an agged pore widdow. Mrs Thomasin NeveU widdow. William Aud, a poore man of Sun- derlan within this parish. Mr Francis Faygon, beiing upon his jurney; dyed at Mr Hammons. Cuthbert Addamson of the parish of S' Nicholas, feltmaker. Ambrose Palmer of the parish of S' Nicholas, a young man ; and Ellener Meanes, wife of George Meanes weaver. Mary Inglish, wife of Matthew Inglish rough mayson. Bichard Fairlase sadler. Samuel Orton, s. of Mr John Orton. CHEISTNINGS. Matthew French, s. of Nicholas French fuller. Christopher Croft, s. of Bichard Croft skinner. John Murrey, s. of Henry Murrey of Shinkeliffe, carptr. Mary Gibson, d. of William Gibson weaver. Thomas Davison, s. of Mr WiUiam Davison Counseler att Law. Anne Appelby, d. of WiUiam Appelby labourer. Anne Pattison, d. of William Pattison of Fenkley, yoman. Anne Stobbert, d. of Eobert Stobbert whit smith. Anne Whitte, d. of John Whitte weaver. Mary Smith, d. of Thomas Smith draper taylor. Thomas Peckton, s. of Thomas Peckton sadlor. 1674. Nov. 8. Dec. 2. „ 27. Jan. 24. „ 24. Feb. 14. „ 24. March 7. 23. 1675. April 13. May 2.3. 4. June 3. Aug. 24. Oct. 14. Nov. 25. 28. Feb. 3. Jan. 18. John Nicholson, s. of John Nichol son labourer. Mary Williamson, d. of George WUhamson glover. Thomas Shuttelworth, s. of Mr Nicholas SAuttelworth. John Alon, s. of Eobert Alon of Shinkliffe, labour. Anne Finley, d. of Christopher Finley of the Bent house, yoman. Elizabeth Keinlaside, d. of Eichard Keinlaside skinner. Eichard Nelson, s. of Mr Petter Nelson. Mary Whitfeild, d. of William WhitfeUd of Eelley, weaver. Thomas Crosby, s. of Mr John Crosby. This laBt entry is among the Christenings for 1675. MAEEIAGES. S William Eickaby of the parish of SedgffeUd and Anne Humbell of this parish. John Whitfeild of the parish of Pitington and Anne Norman of this parish. George Tompson and Ehzabeth Cus. Mr Charles Couling, vicer of Mer- ington, and Mrs Frances Smith of this parish ; with lycence. John Bankes and Anne Taylor, boath within this parish. Charles Man of the parish of Dar lington and Anne Brocket of this parish ; with lycence. Eobert Young nalor and Margarett Boyes spinster, boath within this parish. Edward Pattison of Fenkila and Mary Cowlin of Low Pit houses in the parish of Houghton in the Spring. William Ploughman of the parish of S* Andrew Auckland and Anne Apleby of this parish. George Parkin of the parish of Gansforth and Jane Smith of this parish. Mr Nicholas Fuster and Mrs Doro thy Martyn ; with lycence. Thomas Hutchinson of the parish of Trimdon and Anne Huntley of this parish. lJ 142 CHEISTENINGS, MAEBIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 1675. March 13. 1675. March 25. „ 28. April 1. „ 22. „ 23. May 13. „ 15. „ 25. June 18. 21. „ 22. „ 23. 30. July ¦nit Aug. 55 Sept. )J 5J55 Oct. jj Nov. 1. 1G.17. 26. 3. 30. 13. 13. 24. 3.4.3. 4. Matthew Hutchinson of this parish and Isabell Taylor of the parish of S' Nicholas ; with lycence. BUEYALLS. Michael Greene plomer. Eobert Johnson laborer. Mr John Kirby of Brome. William Fawswet of Shinkliffe, labour. Francis Awder, wife of Eobert Awder. Isabell Page, wife of William Page of Fekela,§ yoman. Mr John Martyn of S* Marys parish. Bobert Eales, s. of Bobert Eales skinner. John Foster carpenter. Elinor Foster, d. of John Foster draper taylor. Epaline Eales, d. of Eobert Eales skinner. Mrs Mary Simpson was buryed in Pittington Church. Anne Glen, wife of William Glen draper taylor. William Stobbert blacksmith. John Mayson, s. of William May- son bodey maker. Thomas Hopper, s. of Marke Hop per carpenter. Frances Sowerby. MrB Thomasin Bullock widdow. George Humes junior. He liveed in Durham Jale. Elizabeth Brice, d. of John Brice draper taylor. Mrs Anne Eeed spinster. Isabell Bell of Brome, spinster. Judeth Glen, d. of William Glen draper taylor. Mr Eichard Kennett, the Heir of Coxa. Jane Wilkinson, cl. of Thomas Wwilkinson. Matthew Grinwell, s. of John Grinwell of Brome. Elhena Turbut, wife of William Turbut of ye parish of S' Nicholas. § Finchale. Dec. 1675. Nov. 5. 10. 29. 2. 12.14. 15.18. 22.28. 29. 4.7. 15. 19. 23. Jan. Feb. 13. 16. 17. 25. March 15.16. 17. Mrs Mary Hewmes of the parish of S* Nicholas, widdow. Elizabeth Keinlaside, d. of Bichard Keinlaside skinner. John Nicholson labourer. Anne Slimin, d. of Clement Slimin, a poor traverer. The Lady Margarett ('Catherine' erased) Cole widdow. Thomasin Williamson, d. of Francis Williamson labourer. Mr Christopher HUdyard. John Shortrick of Brome, skinner. Mary Keinlaside, wife of John Keinlaside skinner. George Humes, s. of George Humes late deceased. Elizabeth Murrey, wife of John Murrey yoman. Mrs Fracis Fairlace widdow. Francis Hull weaver. Elizabeth Menchforth of Shinkliffe, widdow. Gilbert MarsheU, s. of Mr GUbert Marshell of Hougall. George Orton, s. of Mr John Orton. Anne Auld, a poore woman of Sunderland Briggs. Mary Gibson, d. of William Gibson weaver. Mra Murill Merreman widdow. John Humes, s. of George Humes late deceased. Alice Herison of Sunderland, wid dow. Margarett Fawden, wife [of] Henry Fawden free mayson. Anne Belley, wife of Eichard Belley yoman. Barbara Bell, wife of Eobert Bell of Shinkliffe, weaver. Mary Smith, d. of Thomas Smith draper taylor, Dorothy Auld of Sunderland, wid dow. Mrs Susan Bradley spinster. CHEISTNINGS. 1675. April 25. • Eotherforth, d. of Alice Eotherforth of Brome, base begot. May 2. Henry Fawden, s. of Henry Fawden free-mayson. CHEISTENINGS, MAEBIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 143 167E May ' 4 jj jj 99 jj 16 June 13 Aug. 17. 29. „ 29. July 11. Sept. 14. 19. 3. Oct. 24. 30. „ 30. Dec. 5. 5. 19. „ 20. Jan. 23. Feb. 20. 1676. AprU 2. 16. 30. Jane Eden, d. of Mr Henry Eden of Shinkliff. Elizabeth Eea, d. of Clemeth Bea. Anne Walker, d. of Peter Walker of Shinkliff, weaver. Matthew Bidley, s. of Matthew Bidley draper taylor. John and Jane Page, two twins, sonne and daughter to WUliam Page of Fenkela, yoman. Margaret Dodsworth, d. of Mr Anthony Dodsworth. James Davison, s. of Mr William Davison Counseler att Law. Thomas Young, s. of Bobert Young, sexton of this parish. Peter Davison, s. of John Davison whitsmith. John Wheatley, s. of William Wheatley of Shinkliffe, yoman. Mary Grame, d. of Thomas Grame draper tayler. John Hopper, s. of Marke Hopper carpenter. Margaret Meaburn, d. of Bobert Meaburn carpenter. WUliam Lee, s. of John Lee of Baxter wood, yoman. Mary Loftus, d. of William Loftus spureyr. Nicholas Burden, s. of Nicholas Burden spurrier. George Smith, s. of Arthur Smith labourer. Barbara Buttry, d. of Thomas Buttery of Shinkliffe, base begot. Thomas Fisher, s. of Bichard Fisher fuller. John Thompson, s. of Marmaduke Thompson yoman. John Ereed, s. of WUliarn Eeed labourer. CHEISTNINGS. May Elhena Foster, d. of John Foster draper taylor. Christopher Eickaby, s. of Eichard Eickaby labourer. Nicholas Thompson, s. of George Thompson whit smith. ¦ , s. of labourer. • Frances Eales, d. of Eobert Eales skinner. 1676. May 9. „ 16.21. June 29. Aug. 17. 24. Sept. Oct. 5. 10. 15. 15.15. „ 22. „ 24. Nov. 5. „ 19. 26. „ 26. Dec. 17. Nov. 30. Dec. 27. Jan. 2. Feb. 12. „ 19-22. 25. 25. John Hall, s. of Eobert Hall of Stot Gate, yoman. Fletwood Shutteleworth, daughter of Mr Nicholas Shutteleworth. Alice Keinlaside, d. of Eichard Keinlaside skiner. Barbare Grayme, d. of George Grayme yoman. John Keinlaside, s. of Thomas Keinlaside skiner. Anne Todd, d. of Anne Todd widdow. Henry Eden, s. of Mr Henry Eden of Shinkliff, Doctor of Physick. Alice Eobinson, d. of William Eobinson laborer. William Dickinson, s. of George Dickinson labourer. Charles Davison, s. of Mr William Davison Counseler at Law. Mary French, d. of Nicholas French fuller. Petter Thompson, s. of Thomas Thompson, a poore traveler. Thomas PhUlipson, s. of George Phillipson rough-mayson. Eaiph Dodsworth, s. of Mr Anthony Dodsworth. George MitcheU, s. of Phihp Mitchell yeoman. Isabell Pattison, d. of Edward Pattison of Fenkelay. John Pearson, s. of WUliam Pear son of Broome, labourer. Thomas Nesum, s. of Thomas Nesum of Shinkliffe, labourer. David Fairelace, s. of John Faire- lace sadlerer. Christopher Finley, s. of Christo pher Finley of Bent House, yeoman. Anne Sheffeild, d. of Mr Christo pher Sheffeild ; borne 1 5th Dec. Isabel Foster, d. of Matthew Foster of Shinkley, draper taylor. Eichard Croft, s. of Eichard Croft skinner. William Wheatley, s. of William Wheatley of Shinkliffe. Margarett Hutchinson, d. of Mat thew Hutchinson plomer. Bobert Bell, s. of Bichard Bell of Shinkliffe, weaver. George Maddison, s. of Gilbert Maddison whitnor. 144 CHEISTENINGS, MAEEIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 1676. Feb. 25. March 8. „ il ls. 1676. April 22. May 15. 15. „ 21. 28. July 2. 25. „ 29. Nov. 30. Dec. 10. Jan. 17. 28. March 8. 1676. March 27. May 3. 14.16. Mary Appelby, d. of WiUiam Appelby of Broome, labourer. Thomas Haward, s. [of] Barthol omew Haward gardinor. Martha Todd, d. of Bobert weaver. John Donne, s. of John Donne labourer. MAEBIAGES. George Andrew of Shinkliffe and Isabell White. John Dunn and Anne Tilly, both of this parish ; with lycence. George Meanes of this parish and Jane May of the parish of BUlingham, widdow ; with ly cence. William Dugless and Margaret Eobinson, both of this parish. Bobert Blissence and Elizabeth Eggleston, both of this parish. John Maugham of the parish of S' Margarets and Anne BriggneU of this parish. George Thompson of this parish and Alice Appelby. Eaiph Eichardson of this parish and Mary Busby of the parish of Houghton in the Spring, spin ster ; with lycence. Eobert Eales skinner and Margery Eobison spinster, both of this parish ; with lycence. Mr John Carr and Mrs Margarett Davison spinster ; with lycence. Thomas Atkinson and Thomasin Courroin, both of this parish. Christopher Watson and Margarett Southgate, both of this parish. John Bruce and Anne Nicholson widdow ; with lycence. BUEYALLS. Bryan Walton, a poore old man. Walter Turner, s. of Eichard Tur ner. Cicely Eales, wife of Eobert Eales skinner. Eobert Miller of Shinkliffe, weaver. John Martyn cordwiner. 1676. June 4. „ 14. ., 17. July jj Aug. Sept.Oct. Dec. Jan. Feb. 23.29. 6. 28. 13. 15. 7. 12. 29. Nov. 12. 27.30. 3. 17. 25.31. 1.7. 11.14. 15.16. 18. 18. 21. 1.4.8. 10. 10. 13. 14. Peter Walker of Shinkliffe, weaver. Nicholas Thompson, s. of Marma duke Thompson. Denis Speed, wife of James Speed carpenter. Christopher Taylor cordwiner. Michael Finch labourer. Eichard Close labourer. Mrs Margery Eden, who died at MrB Withams. Thomas Hutchinson, s. of Thomas Hutchinson skinner. Jane Palmer widdow. Matthew Elwood of Brome, yoman. Barbara Beed, a poore widdow. Eizabeth Bell, a poore widdow. Thomas Fisher, s. of Bichard Fisher fuller. Dorothy Eobinson, wife of Thomas Eobinson labourer. Anne Dow spinster. Elizabeth Gibson, an agged widdow. Margarett Eomford widdow. Mary Newby of Sunderland, wid dow. Bichard Padman, s. of Bobert Padman barber. Eizabeth Crosby, d. of Mr John Chrosby Attorney at Law. Simon Heryn, servant to Mr Dods worth. Mrs Gray spinster. George Burne Baliffe. Mary Hunter widdow. Eichard Inglish, s. of Matthew Inglish deceased. Thomasin Clarke, d. of Mr Eobert Clarke. John Green, a poore man that dyed att Shinkliffe Moore house. Nicholas, s. of Thomas Eaisbeck. Marmaduke Thompson, s. of Mar maduke Thompson. Thomas Haward gardiner. James Nicholson, s. of Anne Nichol son widdow. Frances Turner, wife of Eichard. John Davison, s. of Mr William Davison Counseler att Law. John Nicholson, s. of Anne Nichol son widdow. Mr William Davison, s. of Mr William Davison Counseler att Law. Ehzabeth Hopper, wife of Marke Hopper joyner. CHEISTENINGS, MAEEIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 145 1676. Feb. 17. 21. 23. 24. 25.28. 2. 5.6. 17. 23. Mar. 1677. AprU 8. „ 14.16. „ 17. June 5. 5. „ 17. „ 20. July 10. „ 26. Aug. 17. Oct. jj Nov. Dec. jj Jan. 4. 18. 3. 9. 25. 2. John Potts John Francis Eales, daughter of Eobert Eales skinner. Mrs Mary Blakiston spinster. Lawrence Eobinson, s. of Eobinson of Sunderland. Abigal Potts, d. of George yoman. Anne Tinmouth, wife of Tinmouth taylor. Thomasin Bradley spinster. Margarett White, d. of John White weeaver. Ahce Lister widdow. George Maddison, s. of Gibert Maddson whitenor. Margarett Dodsworth, d. of Mr Anthony Dodsworth. Philip Grames, s. of George Grames of the Heard-house, yeoman, BUEYALLS. Feb. 28. March 1. John Eichardson free mayson. Margarett Cooper, d. of Mr Isaac Cooper barber chiurgion. Elizabeth Eaisbeck, wife of Thomas Baisbeck, a poore labourer. Alice Eobinson, d. of William Eobinson labourer. Eobert Murrey, s. of Henry Murrey of Shinkliffe whele-right. Margery Brasse, an agged widdow. William Smith, s. of Abraham Smith capenter. George Eobson, s. of Henery Eobson backas-man. Mary Jackson of the parish of St Nicholas, spinster. Troth Head of Sunderland, spinster. John Hopper of Farewell-hall, yoman. Jane Elwood of Broome, spinster. Eaiph Hurst, s. of Janne Hurst widdow. Bobert Steele, s. of James Steele of Shinkliffe, labourer. Thomas Stephenson, servant to Docr Nicholson. Cuthbert Pearson labourer. George Walton of the White house, yeoman. Thomas Eobinson labourer. William Pagge of Fencola, yeoman. Ahce Hunter of Elvett, widdow. 1677. March 2. Isabell Murton spinster. „ 4. Anne Speed, d. of Anthony Speed. „ 14. Henry Arrowsmith labourer. CHEISTNINGS. 1677. Mar. 25. April 8. 15. 29. May 1. 20. „ 22. June 4. 10. May 24. July 22. Sept. 9. 16. Oct. 25. 7. 7. 14. „ 21. 21. Nov. 25. „ 27. Dec. 2. 23. Eobert Teasdell, s. of John Teasdell of Brome, labourer. Anne Young, d. of Eobert Young naylor. John Maugham, s. of John Maug ham miller. Alice Dugless, d. of WiUiam Dugless labourer. Thomasin Crosby, d. of Mr John Crosby Attorney at Law. Katharine Blissence, d. of Eobert Blissence labor. George Eobson, s* of Henry Eobson backas-man. Margarett Pattison, d. of William Pattison of Fenckla, yeoman. Bobert Lister, s. of Matthew Lister yeoman. Elizabeth Sowerby, d. of James Sowerby yeoman. Jane Pearson, d. of Edward Pear son taylor. SamueU Fisher, s. of Eichard Fisher fuller. Elizabeth Allon, d. of Eobert Allon of Shinkley, labourer. Margarett White, d. of John White weaver. Eobert Eales, s. of Bobert Eales skiner. Anne Eeadhead, d. of John Bead- head blacksmith. Bobert Whitfeild, s. of William Whitfeild of Belley, weaver. Thomas Lee, s. of John Lee of Brome, yeoman. Eobert Whitfeild, s. of Peter Whitfeild of Shinkliff moor house. Anne Davison, d. of Mr William Davison Counseler att Law. Smith, — of Abraham Smith carpenter. Thomas Eea, s. of Clement Eea mason. Anne Bruce, d. of John Bruce yeoman. IK 146 CHEISTENINGS, MAEEIAGES, AND BUEIALS. Jan. ' 6 55 6 J1 13 JJ 20 55 27 Feb. 3 Mar. 12. 10.24. 3. 7. 17. 1677. April 24. May 5. „ 17. 22. Aug. 1. 5. 17. Sept. 20. 25. Eichard Keinlaside, s. of Eichard Keinlaside skiner. Anne Younge, d. of Eobert Younge weaver. Elizabeth Thompson, d. of George Thompson1 white-smith. Elizabeth Wood, d. of John Wood parish clarke. Elizabeth Eeadhead, d. of Eichard Eeadhead butcher. Thomas and Sarah Keinlaside, two twins, son and daughter to Thomas Keinlaside skinner. Elizabeth Eden, d. of Mr Henry Eden of Shinkliffe, Doctor of Physick. Mary Stobbs, d. of George Stobbs cooper. Henry Murrey, s. of Henry Murrey of Shinkliffe, carpenter. Anne Moss, d. of Bobert Moss labourer. John Urwen, s. of William Urwen of Shinkliffe, chapman. Anne Eobinson, d. of William Eobinson labourer. MAEEIAGES. Christopher Darnton and Mary Matchem of Shinkliffe, both of this parish. Mark Hopper of this parish and Anne Litester of Merrington parish. Christopher Shawter of the parish of Aycliff and Mary Dixon of this parish. Eobert Moss and Margarett Wilson, both within this parish. William Urwen and Muril Foreman of this parish ; with lycence. William Simpson and Margarett Thirkell, both of this parish. Eichard Belly and Margarett Haward, both of this parish. Nicholas Hutchinson and Barbara Mayson ; with lycence. Eichard Turner of this parish and IsabeU Eobinson of Gateshead. William Paxton and Margarett Oliver, both of the parish of S* Nicholas ; with lycence. 1677. Oct. 2. 18. Nov. 20. 30. Feb. 12. 1678. April 14. 21 25. May 1. June 23.23.28. July 1. 31- Aug. 11. 25. 26. Sept. 1. Aug. If Sept. 15. Eaiph Carr of South Sheels parish and Margarett Hawden of the North Baley. John Dun and Isabell Fogon, boath of this parish. Nicholas Dixson and Elianor Emesley, both of this parish. Thomas Liddell of the parish of S* Nicholas and Jane Southgate of this parish. Thomas Walton and Anne Marken- dale, both of Burn-hall ; with lycence. CHEISTNINGS. Thomas Pagge, s. of William Pagge of Fencola, yeoman. Mary Stobbert, d. of Eobert Stobert white-smith. Elizabeth Smith, d. of John(?) Smith of Elvett (Brome? erased), labourer (taylor 1 erased). Elizabeth Pearson, d. of William of Brome, labourer. George Smith, s. of John Smith of Brome, taylor. Mark Hopper, s. of Mark Hopper wheil-right. Dorothy Dods, d. of Thomas Dods of Shinkliffe, labourer. Mary Graham, d. of John Graham draper taylor. Nicholas Shuttelworth, s. of Mr -,/ Nicholas Shuttelworth. John Bradley, s. of John Bradley blacksmith. Jane Young, d. of Eobert Young naylor. Thomas Belly, s. taylor. Lucy Blakiston, of Eichard BeUey 15. d. of Mr Francis ('Eobert' erased) Blakiston, Mas ter of Arts. Clement Slimin, s. of Clement Slimin of Brome, tinker. Thomas Burden, s. of Nicholas Burden whitsmith. Frances Williamson, d Williamson glover. Alice Willkinson, d. of Thomas Wilkinson weaver. of George CHEISTENINGS, MAEEIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 147 1678. Sept. 29 Oct. 1. J5 i 5! 31 Nov. 14 Dec. 8 55 15 JJ 15 Jan. 5 5J 9 J5 16 JJ 19 J5 26 Feb. 2. 5J 23. March 2 jj 7. Bichard, s. of John Dun labourer. Febe Grames, d. of George Grames of Heards house, yeoman. Anne Shardford, d. of Mr Thomas Shardford. Anne Craw, d. of Christopher Craw of Burne Hall, yeoman. Francis Simpson, s. of Mr Ambrose Simpson. Buth Nesum, d. of Thomas Nesum of Shinklife, labourer. John Dixson, s. of Nicholas Dixson mason. Eobert Donne, s. of John Donne labourer. Margaret Davison, d. of William Davison Esq. Gertrude Dodsworth, d. of Mr An thony Dodsworth. Thomasn Atkinson, d. of Thomas Atkinson labourer. Eobert Baker, s. of William Baker of Bent House, labourer. Isabel Gastell, d. of George Gas tell felt-maker. Mary Nicholson, d. of Mr John Nicholson Docter of Physick. Christopher Eales, s. of Eobert Eales skinner. Edward Pattison, s. of Edward Pattison of Fencola, yeoman. John Horeman, s. of Edmund Jore- man (sic) of Old Durham, gar diner. Elizabeth White, d. of John White, weaver. BUEYALLS. 1678. June who Margarett Wilson spinster, dyed at George Stobbses. Mary Anesley, wife of Thomas Anesley painter. John Dods, s. of Thomas Dods of Shinkliffe, labourer. Isabell Benson, wUe of John Ben son of Sunderland, paper maker. Jane Foser (Forcer) t of (Hartside in) Witton parish, an agged widdow, was buryed in Elvett t After 1680. the Burials, including a repetition of those, with the affidavits in each case, from August 22, 1678, to the end of 1679, are in a separate Register. Any variation or fuller in formation given in this other Register is placed in brackets as above. JulyAug. 11. 15. 15. 22. Sept. 11. 23. Oct. 3. 1678. Curch yard in wolleD, according to the tener of an Act of Parla- ment in that case made.§ Mrs Faith Buck spinster was buryed in S' Oswalds Church, but not in wollen. Eobert Buck, Esq. paid fifty shillings to John Gibson, Church- warden, for the poore of the said parish, and fifty shillings to William Jenings who gave informacion, according to the tener of a late Act of Parlament. Ellen (Ellemr) Wood, d. of John, Parish Clarke ; in wollen. Mary Thompson, d. of George Thompson of Bull Hall ; in wollen. Eebecca Wood, d. of Nicholas Wood of the parish of S' Nicholas, glover ; in wollen. Mr Thomas Lowdert (Lowther of ye City of Durham, gentleman,) was buryed in Elvett Church ; in wollen. George Onley (finely of ye City of Durham, blacksmith), who dyed in the Jale ; in wollen. (A namelesse child of William Bead. ) Alice Dougles, d. of William Dug- les (Douglas) labourer; in wollen. MrB Mary Hodgshon spinster ; in woollen. Mrs Elizabeth Hutton, wife of Mr Eaiph Hutton of Menchforth ; in woollen. Anne (Ellen) GaUen, a poor widdow who dyed at Shinkliff; in woollen. Mrs Anne Conyers widow was buryed in S* Oswalds Church; but not in wollen. MrB Mary Eeed paid fifty shillings for the poore of ye parish, and fifty shillings to John Eicaby who gave informacion. § In 18 Charles II, an Act of Parliament was passed tlfor the "encouragement of the Woollen Manufactures of this " kingdom, and prevention of the Exportation of the moneys " thereof, for the buying and importing of Linnen, 'Lno person or persons whatsoever shall be buried in any " Shirt, Shift or Sheet made of, or mingled with Flax, 11 Hemp, Silk, Hair, G-old or Silver, or any other then what " shall be made of Wooll onely, or be put into any Coffin '¦ lined or faced with anything made or mingled with Flax, " Hemp, Silk or Hair." An exception was made in the case of persons who died of the Plague. This Act, which " hath hitherto not had the same effect thereby intended," was annulled 30 Charles II, and replaced by a more stringent one ; and again a further Act, with respect to the affidavits required in each case, was made two years later. 7. 11. 22. 24. 28. Nov. 9. 15. 148 CHEISTENINGS, MAEEIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 1678. Nov. 19. Dec. Jan. Feb. 22.30. 7. 21.27. 5. 18. 2. 11. 13. 13. 15. 18. „ 23. March 16. 21 jj -"X. 1678. June 24. Nov. 30. Dec. 26. Mrs Mary Salvin widdow was buryed in S* Oswalds Church ; but not in wollen. Mr Charles Salvin paid fifty shillings for the poore of ye parish, and fifty shillings to Mrs Anne Davison who gave informacion. James Drisdall (Drysdell) draper- taylor ; in woollen. (A namelesse child of John Kirby of ye parish ofS{ Nicholas, Durham.) Jane Leigh, an agged widdow ; in woollen. Margaret Wadforth of Sunderland, widdow ; in woollen. Thomas Keinlaside, s. of Thomas Keinlaside (Kenleside) skinner ; in woollen. John Sharp, s. of David Sharp junior ; in woollen. Anne Davison, d. of William Davi son Esq. ; in woollen. Mr John Bolmer (Bulmer) ; in woollen. Ellen (Helena) Foreman, wife of John Foreman of Shinkliffe, labourer ; in woollen. Mrs Thomasin Nicholson, wife of Mr John Nicholson, Docter of Physick ; but not in woollen. Andrew, s. of George Andrew (Andrews) of Shinkliff, weaver ; in woollen. Samuel Fisher, s. of Eichard Fisher fuller ; in woollen. Margarett Watson, wife of Chris topher Watson labourer. (A namelesse child of William Kirkley. ) Jane Suddick, d. of Eichard Suddick. Margarett White, d. of John White weaver ; in woollen. Anne Finch widow ; in woollen. MAEEIAGES. George Michael Hodshon and Hilday Watson, both of Fencola. William Peirson of Merrington parish and Margarett Suddick ; with lycence. Jacob Greene of All Saints parish in NewcasteU and Isabell Softly of this parish ; with lycence. 1678. March 10. 1679. Mar. 30. April 1. 6. 9. „ 13- 15. 30. May 4. „ 13. „ 27. June 8. 18. July 11. 13. Aug. 10. „ 17. Sept. 14. Nov. 4.9. 30. Dec. 10.14. 16. 21. John Eobson of this parish and Elizabeth Nicholson of Merring ton Parish ; with lycence. CHEISTNINGS. s. of Nicholas s. of John Proud George Nicholas French French fuller. John Proud, cordwainer. Jane Appelbe, d. of William Appelbe of Brome Close house. Davison, s. of John Davi son white smith. William Hutchinson, s. of Nicholas Hutchinson carpenter. Henry Wheatley, s. of William Wheatley of Shinkliffe, yeoman. William Foster, s. of Eichard Foster of Old Durham, labourer. George Crosby, s. of Mr John Crosby Attorney at law. Anne Powell, d. [of] Mr Seth Powell of the City of London. Margaret Jefferson, d. of John Jefferson Esq. Dorothy Speed, d. of Anthony Speed labourer. Eichard Foster, s. of John Foster draper-taylor. Anne Palmer, d. of Nicholas Palmer mason ; borne 5th June. Margarett Maddison, d. of Gilbert Maddison whitner. Stephen Teasdell, s. of John Teasdell of Broome, labourer. Thomas Dugles, s. of WiUiam Dougles labourer. Jane Whitfeild, d. of William Whitfeild of Eelley, yeoman. Margaret Craw, d. of Christopher Craw of Burn Hall, yeoman. Jane Bell, d. of Eichard Bell of Shinkliffe, weaver. Mary Blicenss, d. of Eobert Blicenss labourer. George Shardford, s. of Mr Thomas Shardford. William Eeed, s. of William Eeed labourer. Matthew Foster, s. of Matthew Foster of Shinkliffe, taylor. Barbara Hopper, d. of Mark Hopper" carpenter. CHEISTENINGS, MAEEIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 149 1679. Jan. 6. George Thompson, s. of George Thompson white-smith. „ 11. Elizabeth Keinlaside. d. of Thomas Keinlaside skinner. Feb. 1. Elizabeth Whitfeild, d. of Peter WhitfeUd of Shinkley, labourer. „ 15. Margaret Clarke, d. of Henry Clarke of Shinkley, labourer. „ 17. William Thompson, s. of Francis Thompson of Old Durham, yeo man. „ 22. John Hutchinson, s. of Matthew Hutchinson plumber. March 2. Hannah Fareless, d. of John Fare- less sadler. „ 7. Thomas Keinlaside, s. of Eichard Keinlaside skinner. „ 11. Mary Davison, d. of William Davi son Esq. „ 14. Martin Lister, s. of Matthew Lister miUner. „ 14. Mary Nesum, d. of Thomas Nesum of Shinkley, labourer. „ 23. John Smith, s. of John Smith of Broome, taylor. BUEYALLS. 1679. March 27. John Maland, whitesmith. April 9. Katharine Biggins, d. of George Biggins of Sunderland, yeoman. „ 19. Frances Kirkley d. of Thomas Kirkley of Sunderland, labourer. „ 25. EUenor Kirkley, d. of Thomas Kirkley of Sunderland, labourer. „ 25. Mary Salvin, d. of Mr Anthony Salvin of Sunderland. ,, 29. Cuthbert Eichardson of the parish of S' Nicholas, cordwainer. „ 29. John Hutchinson, s. of Thomas Hutchinson skinner. Anne Glen, d. of William Glen draper taylor. „ 6. Eichard Langley cordwainer, being a very agged man. „ 15. Eaiph Carr, s. of Mr John Carr of Whitburne. „ 24. (Mrs) Anne Eichardson spinster. „ 27. Alice Willkinson, d. of Thomas Willkinson weaver. June 2. Margarett Thompson widow. „ 18. John Holmes of Broome, weaver. July 28. Eichard Kinleside, s. of Eichard Kinleside skinner. May 1679. Aug. Sept. 23. 3. 5555 Oct. 1. 1. 7 5' 15 5! *18. 51 22 Nov. 3 •>•> 6 j> 8 17 ,, 17 >i 19 Dec. 5 51 5 55 10 51 14 51 14 5' 13 Jan. 2. 55 11. Feb. 11. 24. March 19 22. 1679. May 1. 11. July 24. (sic) Susan Freer widow. Mary Williamson, d. of George Williamson glover. MrB Mary Phillipson spinster. Elizabeth Gibson spinster. Katharine Whitfeild, d. of Utrick Whitfeild Esq. Adam Shouer, a vagrant person who died at Sunderland. Mary Awde, d. of William Awde of Sunderland, weaver. Anne Young widow. Mrs Alice Bradley widow. (A nameless child of Janes Bobsons of Arber house.) Barbara Eeadhead spinster. Eobert Eobinson, s. of John Eobin son of Sunderland, blacksmith. George Fethorston of the parish of S' Nicholas, Durham. John Eobinson of Sunderland, blacksmith. Eobert SkirfeUd carpenter. Mary Watson, wife of Christopher Watson. Matthew French, s. of Nicholas French fuller. Mr Eaiph Lever. Mrs Anne Hedley widow. Margarett Steele, wife of James Steele of Shinkley, labourer. Eichard Foster, s. of John Foster drax>er-taylor. Anthony Eickaby, s. of Anthony Eickaby of New house, labourer. Simon Palmer rough-mason. Mrs Katharine Forcer widow. Eichard Padman, s. of Bobert Pad- man of the parish of S* Nicholas, barber. Mr Nicholas Briggs of Broome Hall. MAEEIAGES. Oboney Hutchinson of the parish of S* Nicholas, black-smith, and Elizabeth Dun of this parish. Henry Clarke of Shinkliffe and Elener Eackett of Bow Church parish. Henry Arrowsmith and Elizabeth Baster. lL 150 CHEISTENINGS, MAEEIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 1679. Aug. 2. Sept. 29. Nov. 8. 5. 18. Jan. 6. 11. 1680. April 19. May 17 11 55 15 June 8 55 29 July 29 Aug. 5 jj 24 Nov. 8 jj 16 jj 18. Jan. 8 Thomas Burdey of Branspeth parish and Dorothy Lumley of this parish ; with lycence. Eaiph Pringell and Anne Anderson, both of this parish. Thomas Dixon of Lamesley parish and Anne Hopper of Shinkliffe within this parish ; with lycence. William Gibson of this parish and Dorothy Porter of the Chapplery of S' Margarets. Eobert Walton of this parish and of Branspeth lycence. Mr Eichard Eichardson and Mrs Margarett Marshall, both of this parish ; with lycence. Christopher Watson and Margarett Thompson, both of this parish. MAEEIAGES. Burne Hall in Mary Mitchell parish ; with 23. John Harper of the parish of Kello and Elizabeth White of this parish. John Forman and Jane French of Shinkley within this parish. John Eichardson and Barbara Stout of Shinkley within this parish. Eaiph Holmes and Barbery Pearson of Branspeth parish. Thomas Wood and Susanna Sud wick, both of this parish. William Bewick and Anne Baister, both of this parish. John Palmer and Anne Todd, both of this parish. Mr Eichard Beckeles and MrB Anne Martin ; with lycence. Francis Eichardson and Elizabeth Newbe, both of this parish. William Fothergill of this parish and Margery Eobinson of the parish of Chester in the Street. Thomas Eobinson and Anne Chip- ches, both of this parish. Nicholas Wake of Kello parish and Mary Sheraton of this parish. Eobert Mitchell of Branspeth parish and Elizabeth Chapman of S' Andrew Auckland ; with lycence. Christopher Browne of the parish of Branspeth and Ellwood. Margarett 1680. Feb. 21. 1680. March 26. April 13. 25 May 2. May 23. June 3. 24 jj ^^- July 4. 11. Aug. 10.11.15. 31. Sept. 5. 7. 29. 29 Oct. 6. 17. 28. „ 31. Nov. 2. George Sidgwick of Branspeth parish and Catherine Ovington of the parish of Sedgfield ; with lycence. CHEISTNINGS. Sarah Loftus, d. of William white smith. Easter Eobson, d. of Henry Eobson labourer. Frances Michael, d. of PhUip Michael of Baxter-wood, yeo man. Isabell Bruce, d. of John Bruce labourer. John Brownerige, s. of WUliam Brownerige of Shinkley, weaver. Thomas Todd, s. of Eobert Todd weaver. Thomas Briggs, s. of Mr Thomas Briggs of Broome Hall ; borne June 15th. Margary Pringell, d. of Eaiph Pringell labourer. WiUiam Pearson, s. of William Pearson of Broome, yeoman. Josua Paxton, s. of Mr Thomas Paxton of Shinkley. Alice Kirkeley, d. of William Kirkeley draper- taylor. Katharine Young, d. of Eobert Young nalor. Blithman Eden, s. of Mr Henry Eden of Shinkley. WUliam Hobson, s. of Michael Hobson of Fencola. Margarett Smith, d. of Thomas Smith yeoman. William Stobbert, s. of Eobert Stobbert white- smith. Anne Dodsworth, d. of Mr Anthony Dodsworth. Margarett Lee, d. of John Lee of Broome, yeoman. Alice Grames, d. of George Grames of Herdshouse, yeoman. Elizabeth Wheatley, d. of William Wheatley of Shinkley, yeo man. Jane Eeadhead, d. of John Eead head blacksmith. John Phillipson, s. of Mr John Phillipson. CHEISTENINGS, MAEEIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 151 1680. Nov. 16.18. 23. „ 25. Dec. 13.15. 21 jj ^x. 21. 19. 9.6. 20. Jan. Feb. „ 27.20. March 6. 13.13. 20. 1680. March 29. „ 31. AprU 16. May 11. June 2. 99 JJ -'-'¦ 13. Eichard MascaU, s. of Mr Eichard MascaU marcer. John Atkinson, s. of Thomas Atkinson laborer. Anne Page, d. of WiUiam Page of Fencola, yeoman. Bichard Eichardson, s. of Mr Eichard Eichardson of Houghall. John White, s. of John White weaver. Nicholas Dixon, s. of Nicholas Dixon mason. Ellinor Ganforth, d. of WiUiam Ganforth mason. Andrew Colling, s. of John Colhng carpenter. Bobert Sowerby, s. of James Sower by yeoman. Ehzabeth Moss, d. of Bobert Moss labourer. WiUiam Bradley, s. of John Bradley blacksmith. Margery and Margaret Eales, two twins, daughters to Bobert Eales skinner. Susanna Donne, d. of John Donne labourer. George Eeadhead, s. of Eichard Eeadhead butcher. Martha Smith, d. of Thomas Smith of Broome, yeoman. Jane Eichardson, d. of John Eichardson of Shinkley, labourer. Margaret Hutchinson, d. of Obony Hutchinson blacksmith. Elizabeth Emerson, d. of George Emerson of FareweU Hall, yeo- BUBYALLS. William Turbee of the parish of S* Nicholas, weaver. Bobert Kirkley of EeUey, yeoman. Henry Fawdon, s. of Henry Fawdon of the parish of S' Nicholas, mason. Margarett EoweU of the parish of S' Nicholas, spinster. Mr Edward Willson Docter of Physick. WUham Hinks gardinor. Edward Briggs, s. of Mr Thomas Briggs of Broome HaU. 1680. July 14. JJ 19. JJ 20. JJ 29. JJ Aug. 30. 7. ,, 11. Sept. 9. 5J 15. JJ 19. JJ55 20.28. Oct. 3. 5J 3. JJJJ 8. 12. 5) IS. JJ 19. 55 11 24.24. JJ 27. 55 28. Nov. JJ 20. JJ 20. JJ 29. Dec. 3. 5J 12. JJ 28. Thomas Browne of the parish of S* Nicholas, sargent. Ehzabeth Elwood of (Broome in) the parish of S' Oswalds, widow. George Sedgwick (Sedgwicke) yeo man. John Adon, servant to Mr Anthony Witham. John Brice draper-taylor. John Brownrige, s. of WiUiam Brownrige of Shinkley, weaver. WUham Hutchinson, s. of Nicholas Hutchinson carpenter. George Martin, s. of Mr John Mar tin. Margarett Smith (d. of TJwmas Smith) yeoman. WUliam Hobson, s. of Michael Hobson of Fencola. Mr WiUiam Salvin of Croxdale. Matthew Peart, s. of George Peart yeoman. Margary PringeU, d. of Baiph PringeU. Easter Bobson, d. of Heriry Bobson labourer. John Lee of Broome, yeoman. Bobert GrinweU of Broome, yeo man. Josuah Paxton, s. of Mr Thomas Paxton of Shinkley. Martin Eotherforth of Broome, piper. John Teasdale of Broome, labourer. Cicely Todd, wife of Eobert Todd weaver. Ehzabeth Clarke of Shinkley, widow. Margarett Eickaby of Sunderland, widow. Mary Green, d. of Grace Green of NewcasteU. Grace Wright, d. of John Wright of Broome, labourer. Jane Fogon, d. of Thomas Fogon labourer. John Atkinson, s. of Thomas Atkinson yeoman. Ahce Grames, d. of George Grames yeoman. Anne Crookes, wife of Nicholas Crookes of Sunderland, labourer. Anne Page, d. of WUham Page of Fencola, yeoman. Christopher Burton of Sunderland, labourer. 152 CHEISTENINGS, MAEEIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 1680. Jan. 5. „ H.14. 23. „ 25. „ 25. Feb. 7. 15.19. of Eobert Shinkley, Elizabeth Wheatley, d. of William Wheatley of Shinkley, yeoman. Sarah Kinleside, d. of Thomas Kinleside skinner. Elizabeth Kinleside, d. of Thomas Kinleside skinner. WiUiam Stobbert, s. Stobbert blacksmith. Clement Eesheld of labourer. Dorothy Heryson, wife [of] Barnard Heryson of Shinkley, gardinor. Anne Maugham, wife of John Maugham miUner. Mrs Margarett Peacock, d. of Mr Simon Peacock of Burne-hall. Jeronemy Head, wife of George Head of Sunderland, labourer. CHEISTNINGS. 1681. April 10.17. May 3, 8. 10. 15. 15. June 12. 12.14. 21. 3.5. 10. 10. 9. July Aug. Easter Kinleside, d. of Thomas Kinleside skinner. Eaiph Eichardson, s. of Cuthbert Eichardson labourer. Mary Andrew, d. of George Andrew of Shinkley, weaver. John Davison, s. of William Davison Esq. Mararett (sic) and Elizabeth Stobbs, two twins, daughters to George Stobbs. Morrey, d. of Henry Morrey of Shinkley, labourer. Anne Eeed, d. of Matthew Eeed yeoman. Jane Fleamin, d. of Clement Fleamin brazier. Anne Bewick, d. of WiUiam Bewick yeoman. Anne Palmer, d. of John Palmer mason. Ellen Hutchinson, d. of Nicholas Hutchinson carpenter. George Hutchinson, s. of Thomas Hutchinson skinner. John Jefferson, s. of John Jefferson Esq. William Eichardson, s. of Francis Eichardson cordwainer. Mary Walton, d. of Bobert Walton of Burne Hall, yeoman. James Shefeild, s. of Mr Christopher ShefeUd. 1681. Aug. 14. Sept. 4. H. 11. Oct. 9. 16. „ 23. Nov. 27.29. Dec. Jan. 4.6. 27. 1. 3. Feb. 15.22. 7. 12. 14. 26. 26. March 12. 22. Jacob Eobson, s. of James Eobson of Broome Close house, yeoman. Elizabeth Browne, d. of Christopher Browne of Broome, yeoman. William Fothergill, s. of WiUiam Fothergill gardiner. Francis and Eaiph Crosby, two twins, sonns of Mr John Crosby attorney. Thomas Eobinson, s. of Thomas Eobinson rough-mayson. Margaret Speed, d. of Anthony Speed labourer. Anne Paxton, d. of Mr Thomas Paxton of Shinkley. Ellinor Thompson, d. of George Thompson of Broome, labourer. Mary Phillipson, d. of Mr John Phillipson of Burne HaU. Eobert Pringell, s. of Eaiph PringeU labourer. Dorothy Beckels, d. of Mr Eichard Beckels. Edmund Horiman, s. of Edmund Horiman of Old Durham, gardiner. Christian Eobson, d. of Henry Eobson labourer. Bridget and Elizabeth Atkinson, two twins, daughters of Thomas Atkinson yeoman. Jane Dun, d. of Eobert Dun labourer. Dorothy Dun, d. of John Dun labourer. Elliner Wheatley, d. of WUliam Wheatley of Shinkley, yeoman. Elizabeth Smith, d. of Thomas Smith yeoman. William Dodsworth, s. of Mr Anthony Dodsworth. Eichard Colling, s. of James Colling of Shinkley, weaver. Thomas Wood, s. of John Wood parish clarke. Thomasin Kinleside, d. of Eichard Kinleside skinner. Mary Eobinson, d. of WiUiam Eobinson labourer. MAEEIAGES. 1681. May 1. James Colling and Margarett Eales of Shinkley, both in this parish. CHEISTENINGS, MAEEIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 153 1681. May 5. July 1. July 14. Oct. 29. Nov. 22. Jan. 16. jj 31. Feb. 2 J5 21. March 20. Bobert Pennyten and Mary Walk er, both of this parish. David Counsell of the parish of Darlington and EUenor White of the parish of S* Andrew Awckland ; with lycence. Mr Timothy Tisseck and Mrs Elizabeth Lay ton ; with lycence. Henry Dobbison and Ahce Dowth waite, both of the parish of Branspeth ; with lycence. Philip Sudwick and Mary Teas- dale; both of this parish ; with lycence. Francis Eichardson and Mary Johnson, both of this parish. John Brignall and Sarah SkirfeUd, both of this parish. William Anderson and Sith May- son, both of this parish. John Mainsforth of Shinkley in this parish, yeoman, and Ellinor Brough of the parish of Hough ton in the Spring, spinster; with lycence. Henry Smith and Ehzabeth Bain- bridge of parish of S* Andrew Auckland ; with lycence. BUEIALLS.§ 1681. April 3.4.5. 27. 29. May 6. 10. Mre Margarett Bogerers widd. Mary Davison, d. of WUham Davi son Esq. John Wheatly of Shinkley, yeoman. Martha Smith, d. of Thomas Smith of Broome. Bobert Eales, s. of Eobert Eales skinner. Ehanor Palmer, wife of Nicholas Palmer. WiUiam Morrey, s. of Henry Morrey of Shinkley. Margarett Ward of the parish of S' Nicholas. WUliam Eichardson. Cuthbert Hardey. Anne Palmer, d. of John Palmer. Margery Hodshon. Mary Nesum, d. of Thomas Nesum of Shinkley. The Transcriber does not consider it necessary to further notice the burials in woollen. The affidavits continue irregularly up to 1700, in which year the last mention occurs in the Eegister of a burial in woollen. Ill July 15. 19. 1.5. 6. 21. 1681. Aug.Sept. 18. 30. 10. 5555 13. 18. 55 18. 5J 22. 11 Oct. 29. 7. JJ 10. 5J 13. 11 20. 11 20. Nov. 7. j?55 8. 10. 11J5 Dec. 16. 20. 8. JJ 10. JJ 12. 5J 16. JJ 26. Jan. 4. jj 10. 55 11. JJ 23. Feb. 1. JJ5511 2.3. 14. 11 19. 11 21. 22. Jane Sym, an agged widow. Mary BeU of Broome, spinster. Simon Eickaby, s. of Eichard Eickaby labourer. Mary Loftus spinster. Frances HaU, d. of Eobert HaU junior. Margarett Poison, d of John Pol- son mayson. John Allon, s. of Eichard Allon of Sunderland. WUliam Page of Fencola, yeoman. Mr WUham Marshall. Henry Young, s. of Mr. John Young. John Crawhaw. Mrs Frances Young, wife of Mr John Young. Thomas Haward, s. of Bartholomew Haward. WUliam Browne. Elizabeth Dakers of Sunderland. Barbara Webster, d. of Mr Eobert Webster of the parish of S* Nicholas. Thomas Eea, s. of Cleme' Eea. Bobert Alder. Nicholas Palmer mason. Elizabeth Stobbs, d. of George Stobbs. Mr David Constable, who died in the Javele (?) t Anne Kirkley of Sunderland, spinster. William Poison, s. of John Poison mason. Mrs Mary Smith. Thomas Weames, s. of Thomas Weames skinner. Cuthbert Martin, s. of Mr John Martin. John Smith, s. of John Smith of Broome, taylor. Jane Hurst widow, John Bott. WiUiam Coiling of Shinkley. Mra Isabell Church, wife of MrB (sic) John Church of the parish of S* Nicholas, Durham. George Hutchinson, s. of Thomas Hutchinson skinner. Anne WUkinson, wife of Henry Wilkinson of Old Durham, yeoman. Elizabeth Close widow. t Jail. 154 CHEISTENINGS, MAEBIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 1681. Feb. 22, 23. March 3. 3.5. 7. 17.24. 1682. April 2. 10. „ 17. „ 18.18. 25. 1. 11. May 18. „ 25. June 11. 18. July 6. 9. 23. 23. „ 26. Aug. 6. John Martin, s. of Mr. John Martin. Nicholas Dixon, s. of Nicholas Dixon mason. John Fogon, a poore old man. Thomas Weames skinner. Trothe Salvin, d. of Gerard Salvin of Croxdale, Esq. A namelesse child of William Audes of Sunderland, weaver. George Eiddley peuterer. John Bruce yeoman. Mary Eobinson, d. of William Eobinson labourer. CHEISTNINGS. 1682. Aug. 13. Margery Whitfeild, d. of Peter Whitfeild of Shinkeley, labourer. William Brockett, s. of WiUiam Brockett plumber. Dansey Foster, s. of John Foster draper taylor. Elizabeth Peart, d. of George Peart yeoman. William MascaU, s. of Mr Eichard MascaU marcer. Elizabeth Simpson, d. of Mr Am brose Simpson. John, s. of Anne Waller of Haugh- ton, base begoten. Elizabeth Graham, d. of George Graham of Herds house, yeo man. William Eden, s. of Mr Henry Eden of Shinkley. Elizabeth Downes, d. of Matthew Downes dyer; borne 19th May. Hannah Stobbert, d. of Eobert Stobbert black-smith. William Davison, s. of William Davison Esq. Christopher Kendell, s. of Mr William Kendell. Eobert, s. of Anne Hurst, supposed to be sonne of Thomas Wanless, base begoten. Hugh Penniten, s. of Eobert Penni- ten labourer. Elizabeth Bewick, d. of WUliam Bewick yeoman. Anthony Farlece, s. of John Farlece sadler. Jane Walton, d. of Eobert Walton yeoman. Sept. 10. 16. Oct. 17. Nov. Dec. 22. 2. 5. 21.28. 3. „ 17. „ 26. Feb. 4.4. 11. March 6. 13.13. 18. 1682. April 27. 27. William Kirkley, s. of William Kirkley draper- taylor. Elliner Clement, d. of James Clement carpenter. Mary Michael, d. of Benjamin Michael. Margarett Salvin, d. of Mr Anthony Salvin. Elizabeth Lowdon, d. of Eichard Lowdon. Anne Eichardson, d. of Francis Eichardson mason. Anne Palmer, d. of John Palmer mason. Ehzabeth Thompson, d. of Francis Thompson of Old Durham, yeoman. Dorothy Pattison, d. of Edward Pattison of Fencola, yeoman. John Phillipson, s. of Cuthbert Phillipson mason. Eichard Mainsforth, s. of John Mainsforth of Shinkley, yeo man. Thomas Mitchell, s. of John Mitchell of Broome, labourer. Elizabeth Young, d. of Eobert Young nailor. Eutrick ('Eutrid' written above) Shuttelworth, s. of Mr Nicholas -/ Shuttelworth. Thomas Browne, s. of Christoper Browne of Broome, yeoman. John Brignall, s. of John BrignaU carpenter. Bobert Blissence, s. of Bobert Blissence labourer. GUbert Eichardson, s. of Mr Eichard Eichardson of Houghall. Eobert Brass, s. of Mr Thomas Brass. Edward Coats, s. [of] Edward Coats of Broome, yeoman. Anne Smith, d. of John Smith of Broome, yeoman. MAEBIAGES. Mr George Lewen of Towne of NewcasteU upon Tine and Mra Anne Layton of this parish, spinster ; with lycence. Edward Coates and Katherine Kirkby of Broome in this parish ; with lycence. CHEISTENINGS, MAEEIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 155 1682. Oct. 12. ¦'5 Nov. 29. Dec. 5. Jan. 28.31. March 10. 1682. March 28. April 3.4. 14. May 17. 24. 3. 6. 10.15. June 4. 6.6. 7. 10.17. July 25. 15. 1682. John Willon and Alice Eotherforth Aug. 2. of Broome. George Walton of the parish of JJ 3. Witton Gilbert and PhUlis Lee JJ 14. widdow of Broome within this parish ; with lycence. Ji 22. William Eagleston and Margarett J5 29. Andrew, both of Shinkley within Sept. 4. this parish ; with lycence. WiUiam Eichardson of the parish jj 6. of S' Nicholas and EUenor Weames of this parish ; with jj 19. lycence. Thomas Thompson and Anne jj 29. Thompson, both of this parish. Eichard Widison and Mary Spear, J! 30. both of this parish. Eichard Thursby and Jane Eom- Oct. 14. thwaite, both of the parish of Heighington ; with lycence. JJ 18. 26. BUEIALLS. JJ Nov. 8. JJ 3. James Murrey. Margarett ShefeUd, d. of Mr JJ 12. Christopher Shefeild. John Knaggs of Shinkley, yeoman. JJ 15. Mr John Lowther of the City of Dec. 2. Durham. PhUlis Hurst woidow. jj 7. Eichard Turner yeoman. JJ 16. Jane Wood, wife of Eichard Wood of the parish of St Nicholas. JJ 22. Mrs Mary Mennell widow. 55 27. Margery Emerson of Broome. Mrs Anne Dixon of Shinkley, spin 55 27. ster. Abraham Paxton, s. of Mr Tho : Jan. 5. Paxton of Shinkley. Thomas Fogon yeoman. jj 7. Jane Dun, d. of Eobert Dun jj 19. labourer. 11 26. Ephraim Heighley of ye parish of jj 26. S' Nicholas. Eaiph Crosby, s. of Mr John Feb. 4. Crosby. Elizabeth Bradley of the parish of 55 18. S' Margarets. Edward Carver of ye parish of S' JJ 24. Nicholas. March 3. Eichard Wood of the parish of S* Nicholas. 11 22. Mr Edward Dantesey Doctor of Physick. jj 24. Hugh Penniten, s. of Eobert Pen- niten. Luke Corner of Sunderland. Anne Bell, d. of Eichard Bell of Shinkley. Anne Donkin of Sunderland, widow. Thomasin Loftus spinster. A nameless child of Eichard AUons of Sunderland, weaver. William Witherington of the Palace Greene, beadman. Elizabeth Lowdon, d. of Eichard Lowdon. Eichard Sudwick, s. of Eichard cordwainer. Ellen Gray, wife of George Gray of Shinkley. Elizabeth Haward, d. of WUliam Haward. Mrs Margarett Howard widow. Francis Sympson, s. of Mr Ambrose Sympson. Anne Palmer, d. of Nicholas Palmer deceased. A nameless child of John Whites weaver. Margarett Collson, wife of Cuthbert Collson of Bews Church parish. Anne Martine widow. Nicholas Brignall of this parish, yeoman. Eobert Miller of Shinkley. Anne Phillipson, d. of Mr John Phillipson of Burne Hall. Thomas Phillipson mason. Elizabeth Downes, d. of Matthew Downes. Henry Wood of the parish of S' Nicholas. Eobert Padman of ye parish of S' Nicholas, barber. Mr George Wilson attorney. MrB Margarett Todd spinster. Mr James Shafto. Mr Francis Appelbie of the parish of S' Nicholas. Barbara Butterey, d. of Thomas Butterey. Mary Ward, d. of Thomas Ward of the parish of S' Nicholas. Mrs Elizabeth Hunter widow. A namelesse male chUd of Thomas Marleys of Shinkley, labourer. A namelesse man chUd of Philip Sudwickes. John Dickinson putterer. 156 CHEISTENINGS, MAEBIAGES, AND BUEIALS. CHEISTNINGS. 1683. March 25. Eobert Pearson, s. of William Pear son of Broome, yeoman. April 9. Jane Craw, d. of Christopher Craw of Burne- hall, yeoman. „ 10. Mary Walton, d. of Baiph Walton Burne Hall, yeoman. May 27. Frances Briggs, d. of Mr Thomas Briggs of Broome Hall. ,, 6. William Gainforth, s. of William Gainforth rough-mason. „ 6. Elizabeth Dixon, d. of Nicholas Dixon mason. „ 13. Eobert Nesum, s. of George Nesum of Shinkliffe, weaver. June 1 1. Anne Jefferson, d. of John Jefferson Esq. „ 20. John Eeadhead, s. of John Eead head blacksmith. July 1. Margaret Hopper, d. of Marke Hop per carpenter. 3. William Shefeild, s. of Mr Christo pher Shefeild. 15. John Eichardson, s. of John Eichard son of Shinkley, yeoman. „ 16. William Phillipson, s. of Mr John Phillipson. Aug. 14. Eaiph Dodsworth, s. of Mr Anthony Dodsworth. „ 26. John Stobbs, s. of George Stobbs cooper. „ 26. Margarett Eeed, d. of WUliam Eeed labourer. Sept. 2. Clarke, s. of Henry Clarke labourer. „ 4. John Lisle, s. of Mr Maurice Lisle Master of Arts. „ 9. Lydia Nesum, d. of Thomas Nesum of Shinkley, labour. „ 12. Margarett Dugless, d. of WUliam Dugless labourer. „ 17. Elizabeth Eeed, d. of Mathew Eeed yeoman. Oct. 7. Michael Downes, s. of Mathew Downes dier. „ 7. Elizabeth Anderson, d. of William Anderson labourer. „ 28. John Ealles, s. of Eobert Ealles skinner. „ 30. Thomasin Eichardson, d. [of] William Eichardson butcher. Nov. 4. Joseph Davison, s. of William Davison Esq. „ 11. John Moss, s. of Eobert Moss la bourer. 1683. Nov. 25. Dec. 9. 16. Jan. 55 20 55 23 55 27 Feb. 5 55 12 March 2 16 16. 23. 1683. April 1 7. May 1. 12 jj 1--j' July 26. Sept. 29. Nov. 13. „ 25. Jan. 22. of Eichard of Thomas taylor and Eobert Penniten, s. of Eobert Pen- niten labourer. Eichard Widison, s. of Eichard Widison hatmaker. Ann Eggleston, d. of William Eggleston of Shinkley, labourer. Anthony Salvin, s. of Mr Anthony Salvin. EUinor Lowdon, d. Lowdon nailer. Jane Hutchin, d. Hutchin draper Elizabeth his wife. John Clarke, s. of John Clarke weaver. Elizabeth Keinlaside, d. of Eichard Keinlaside skinner. Mary Peart, d. of George Peart yeoman. John Thompson, s. of Thomas Thompson mason. Elizabeth Bird, d. of George Bird of Shinkley, blacksmith. George Emerson, s. of George Emerson of Farwell Hall, yeo man. Philip Atkinson, s. of Thomas Atkinson labourer. Pexall Pringell, s. of Eaiph Pringell labourer. MAEEIAGES. John Clarke and Isabell Lee, both of this parish; with lycence. Thomas Bainbridge of the parish of Sedgfeild and Margarett Miller of this parish. John Brough and Catherine Hopper, both of this parish. Henry Havers of this parish and Sarah Buttery of the parish of S' Nicholas. Eobert Burton of the Chappeldry of South Sheeles and Jane Harle of the parish of S* Oswalds; with lycence. Eobert Hopper and Anne Henry, both of Shinkley ; with lycence. Eichard Galilee of the parish of S* Nicholas and Jane Vnderwood. John Sikes and Jane Slater, both of this parish. John Taylor and Anne Wright, both of this parish. CHEISTENINGS, MAEEIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 157 BUEIALLS. 1683. March 27. April 3. 16.19. „ 20. May 6. 8. 21. 22 jj -j-1' 24 June 7. 7.7. 11. 5J J5 24. 30. JJ 30. July 55 55 JJ 1. 8. 9. 10. JJ 55 Aug. 26. 31. 20. JJ JJ 22.23. Sept. 18. JJ Oct. 30. 7. jj 10. Nov. 1. Mary Sudwick, wife of PhUlip Sudwick. Bridget Atkinson, d. of Thomas Atkinson. Anne Bruce, d. of Anne Bruce widow. Elizabeth Atkinson, d. of Tho: Atkinson. A nameless child of Eichard AUons of Sunderland, weaver. Thomas Kirkley labourer. Elizabeth Gibson, wife of John Gibson. Elizabeth Browne of the parish of S' Nicholas, widow. Elizabeth Tinmouth, widow. Mr Eichard Padman of the parish of S' Nicholas, barber. Mrs Frances Phillipson widow. John Davison, s. of William Davi son Esq. William Fawswett. Mre Isabell Eeed of the parish of S' Nicholas, wife of Mr Eobert Eeed. Margary WhitfeUd, d. of Peter Whitfeild of Shinkley Moore house, labourer. John Gibson weaver. Susann Padman, d. of Eobert Pad- man of the parish of S' Nicholas. Ellen Murrey, d. of Henry Murrey of Shinkley. John Keinlaside skinner. Frances Smart widow. Eaiph Steele of Aldernage, yeoman. Margarett Phillipson, wife of Cuth bert Phillix>son. Margarett Liddell of Sunderland. Jane Stobbs widow. Thomas ('Margarett' erased) Lee, sonne ('daughter' erased) of Thomas Lee of Shinkley. Margarett Kirkley of Sunderland. Eobert Nesam, s. of Bob' Nesam of Shinkley. Margarett Dugless, d. of William Dugless labourer. Anne Thompson widow. Margarett Craw, d. of Christopher Craw of Bumehall, yeoman. Lydia Nesum, d. of Thomas Nesum labourer. David Shepherd, a poore traveler. 1683. Nov. 3.6. 6. „ 14.24. 6.7. 24. Dec: 6 Jan. jj 24. 27. 2. 9. 13. 2G. 29. Feb. 13.13.19- March 1. 1- 4. 8. 19. 1684. April 1 5. May 11. 15.18. George Troath widow. Maiy Collingwood, d. of M1' Thomas Collingwood draper-taylor. Anne Atkinson spinster. A nameless man child of Andrews of Shinkley. Mary Eobinson, d. of Eobinson of Sunderland. Dorothy Browne spinster. Anne Stobbert widow. Frances Collingwood, d. of Mr Thomas Collingwood. Anne Eggelston, d. of William Eggelston of Shinkley, labourer. M1S Anne Salvin spinster. Alice Dawson. Jane Miller of Shinkley, widow. George Wilkinson of Shinkley, yeoman. George Newton yeoman. Elizabeth Burnop, d. of Mr William Burnop. A nameless child of William Fothergils. William Palmer. Ellinor Lowdon. Margarett Witham, d. of Mr Anthony Witham. Christible Maugham, wife of Thomas Maugham yeoman. A nameless man child, s. of Henry Havers. William Phillipson, s. of Mr John Phillipson. John Brough, s. of John Brough of Shinkley, yeoman. Anne Eobson, wife of Henry Eobson. CHEISTNINGS. Dorothy (' Matthew ' erased) Foster, daughter ('sonne' erased) of Matthew Foster of Shinkley, draper taylor. John Walton, s. of Bobert Walton of Farwel Hall, yeoman. Anne Eichardson, d. of Francis Eichardson cordwainer ('free mason' erased). Mary Bradley, d. of John Bradley blacksmith. John Whitfeild, s. of William Whitfeild of Belly, yeoman. Ralph Simpson, s. of Mr Ambrose Simpson school-master. In 158 CHEISTENINGS, MAEBIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 1684. June 1. jj 3. 55 11. 55 15. 55 JJ 17. 24. July 10. 55 4. 5J 13. J5 20. Aug. 5. 5J 5. 55 31. 55 31. Sept. 2. ?5 14. Oct. 12. 55 16. 55 28. 5J 30. Dec. 7. 26 jj ^u« Jan. 13. 15. Feb. 8. 19. 24. 26 jj ^u' March 1. Whitfeild, s. of Peter Whit feild of Shinkley Moore-house. Edmund Hall, s. of William Hall of Auton Feild, yeoman. Mary Browne, d. of Mr WiUiam Browne Doctor of Physick. John Eobinson, s. of Thomas Eobinson rough mason. Katharine Eaw, d. of Mr John Eaw. Mary Wood, d. of John Wood parish clarke. Elizabeth Pattison, d. of Christopher Pattison weaver. Anne Dun, d. to Dorothy Dun, basse-begot. Nicholas Thompson, s. of George Thompson of Broome, labourer. John Hutchinson, s. of Nicholas Hutchinson carpenter. John Hopper, s. of Eobert Hopper of Shinkley, yeoman. Joseph Proud, s. of John Proud cordwainer. Bartholomew Sikes, s. of John Sikes whitesmith. Elizabeth Arrowsmith, d. of Henry Arrowsmith white-smith. Margarett Beckels, d. of Mr Eichard Beckels. Smith, d. of Thomas Smith labourer. Anne Smith, d. of William Smith of Fencola, labourer. Anne Eden, d. of Mr Henry Eden of Shinkley. Elizabeth Walton, cl. of Eaiph Walton of Burne Hall, yeoman. Jane Nesum, d. of George Nesum of Shinkley, weaver. John Thompson, s. of George Thompson white-smith. William Bewick, s. of William Bewick yeoman. Ellinor Dodsworth, d. of Mr Anthony Dodsworth. John Menchforth, s. of John Menchforth of Shinkley, yeoman. John Eichardson, s. of Francis Eichardson free-mason. Amy Martin, cl. of Mr John Martin. Eichard Graham, s. of George Graham of Burne-hall, yeoman. Fairlesse, s. of John Fairless sadler. Nicholas Anderson, s. of William Anderson labourer. 1684. March 23. 1684. April 6. 15. „ 27. June 3. July 5. 29 jj -•&¦ Jan. 1 1 . Feb. 18. Thomas Parkinson, s. of Thomas Parkinson singing-man. MAEEIAGES. 1684. April 4. 15. 17. 23. May June jjjj July 28. 1. 6. 8. 13.17. 17. 16. 20.20. 6. 16. 20. 3. Nicholas Eumforth and Margarett Hall, both of this parish. David Borra and Anne Purde, both of this parish. John Stokeld and Elizabeth Simp son, both of this parish. Mr George Eden and Mrs Thomasin Brass, both of this parish ; with lycence. Nicholas Smith and Dorothy Hinkes, both of this parish. Mr John Gordon of the parish of S* Nicholas, marcer, and Mrs Anne Smith spinster ; with lycence. Christopher Watson and Isabel Turner, both of this parish. William Conyers of the parish of Middleham and Margery Eutter of this parish ; with lycence. BUEIALLS. Mrs Thomasin Morland, wife of John Morland Esq. Matthew Foster, s. of Matthew Foster of Shinkley, draper-taylor. A nameless man child, s. of Matthew Hutchinson. George Hickson, s. of James Hick- son. Jane Steward widow. A nameless child of Eichard AUons of Sunderland. WiUiam Booteman of Sunderland. Katharine Newton widow. Anne Heton of the parish of Len- chester, widow. Katharine Elwood of Broome. John Mayson blacksmith. Jane Eichardson, d. of John Eichardson of Shinkley, labourer. Ellinor Foster, wife of Eichard Foster of Shinkley, yeoman. Anthony Farless, s. of John Farless. Margarett Barcouss of Arber-house. Mrs Frances Collingwood widdow. Mrs Dorothy Green widdow. Mr John Errington. CHEISTENINGS, MAEBIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 159 1684. July 11. 11. Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. 22.22. 7. 12. 15.17. 24. 25. 25. 26. 18. 9. 9. 15. 6. 14. 15. 24.30. •2 2G. 28. 31. 2, 10. 10. 26. Feb. 25. „ 27. „ 27. March 7. Alice Gooden spinster. Eobert Webster, s. of Mr Bobert Webster of the parish of S' Nicholas. John Kirby, s. of Mr John Kirby of the parish of S* Nicholas. Margarett Thornton. A nameless child of William Awdes of Sunderland. Edward Parkinson, s. of Thomas Parkinson. Mrs Margarett Cooper, wife of Mr Isaac Cooper. Baiph Davison Esq. Bobert Asslabie. Isabell Allon of Sunderland. Elizabeth Thompson, d. of George Thompson white-smith. Mre Mary Brass, d. of Mr Thomas Brass. John Eobinson, s. of Thomas Eobinson rough-mason. Mary Horsman spinster. Margarett Beckels, d. of Mr Eichard Beckels. Anne Smith, wife of Thomas Smith labourer. Isabell Greenwell sinster (sic). Anne Eichardson widow. Elizabeth Sowerby, d. of James Sowerby labourer. Cuthbert Martin, s. of Mr John Martin. Sarah Nichols, d. of Mr Thomas Nichols. A nameless woman child, d. of George Jackson yeoman. MrB Isabell Humes, wife of Mr George Humes Jaylor. Mary Horsman widow. Dorothy Worthy spinster. William Shefeild, s. of Mr Chris topher Shefild. WUliam Blakiston Esq. Thomas Page of Fencola. Michael Downes, s. of Matthew Downes. EUinor Fawswett of Shinkley, widow. Eichard Graham, s. of George Graham of Burne-hall, yeoman. George Eidley of the parish of S' Nicholas, pewterer. John Blackee of Broome. Anne Eichardson, d. of Fracis Eichardson cordwainer. 1684. March 9. 22. 1685. April 3.7. „ 12. „ 12. „ 23. „ 26. 26. May 10. „ 17. „ 20. „ 26. „ 28. June 2. 14. „ 22. „ 28. July 5. 7. „ 27. Aug. 3. 9. Sept. 27. „ 27. Oct. 11. Mr Christopher Peacock, s. of Mr Simon Peacock. William Evre Esq. CHEISTNINGS. John Borrow, s. of David Borrow draper taylor. Thomas Paxton, s. of Mr Thomas Paxton of Shinkliffe. James Foster, s. of Phillip Foster of Shinkliff, yeoman. Elizabeth Pattison, d. [of] Edward Pattison of Fencola, yeoman. James Lisle, s. of Mr Maurice Lisle Master of Arts. Thomas Stokeld, s. of John Stokeld yeoman. John Browne, s. of Christopher Browne of Broome, labourer. Thomas Lax, s. of Thomas Lax yeoman. Francis Appelby, s. of William Appelby of Aldernage, labourer. William, s. of Mary Bradley, base begoten. Hawdon Eaw, s. of John Eaw Esq. Henry Blakiston, s. of Mr Francis Blakiston Master of Arts. Eowland Tempest, s. of William Tempest Esq.; borne at Old Durham 29th ApriU. John Mitchell, s. of John Mitchell of Broome, yeoman. Hannah Eggelstone, d. of William Eggelston of Shinkley, labourer. Thomas Smith, s. of John Smith of Broome, taylor. John Dugless, s. of William Dugless labourer. Thomas Phillipson, s. of Mr John Phillipson attorney. Thomas Brass, s. of Mr Thomas Brass. George Andrew, s. of George Andrew of Shinkley, weaver. Eichard Lowdon, s. of Eichard Lowdon naUer. Anne Atkinson, d. of William Atkinson whitesmith. John Palmer, s. of John Palmer free- mason. Anne Fothergill, d. of William Fothergill labourer. 160 CHEISTENINGS, MAEEIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 168 168 5. Oct. 13. Elizabeth Eichardson, d. of William Eichardson butcher. Nov. 10. Thomas Foster and Dorothy Hunter of Shinkley in this )J 27. John Brough, s. of John Brough of parish. Shinkley, yeoman. jj 10. William Meaburne and Mary Hun 5J 29. Anne Farra, d. of William Farra ter, both of this parish. of Farwell house, yeoman. jj 12. John Smith and Elizabeth Brignall, Nov. 8. Anthony Speed, s. of Anthony both of this parish ; with lycence. Speed labourer. jj 18. Eobert Ebdon and Elizabeth Stout, JJ 8. Anne Stobbs, d. of George Stobbs both of this parish. cooper. jj 23. George Humble of Kelloe parish 55 15. Judith Keinlaside, d. of Eichard Keinlaside skinner. and Anne Browne of Eead- marshall; with lycence. Dec. 8. John Beckels, s. of M1' Eichard Beckels attorney. jj 29. Thomas Stout and Jane Leigh, both of this parish. J5 19. Hendry Hopper, s. of Eobert Hopper of Shinkley, yeoman. u 29. Andrew Penny and Mary Lee, both of this parish. Jan. 3. Mary Eichardson, d. of Francis Eichardson cordwainer. BUEIALLS. jj 13. John Eichardson, s. of Gabriell Eichardson of Shinkley, labourer. 55 24. Anne Eales, d. of Eobert Eales 168 5. skinner. March 25. Anne Foster spinster. 55 31. Anne Atkinson, d. of Thomas 11 31. Mr Charles Salvin of Tudhaw. Atkinson yeoman. April 7. Nicholas Smith of Broome, yeoman Feb. 7. Thomas Gainforth, s. of William it 15. James Hunter. Gainforth mason. 11 22. Anne Eichardson, d. of Francis 55 21. Mary Willen, d. of John Willen of Eichardson free-mason. Broome, labourer. May 5. Euth Neesum, d. of Tho: Neesum Marcl i 3. Matthew Thompson, s. of Francis of Shinkley. Thompson of Old Durham, yeo J! 12. Mary Browne, d. of Mr "William man. Browne Doctor of Physick. JJ 7. Christopher Penniten, s. of Eobert Penniten labourer. 55 15. Thomas Allon, s. of Eichard Allon of Sunderland. JJ 14. Anne Downes, d. of Matthew Downes dier. June 5. Elizabeth Steele of Aldernage, widow. jj 25. Elizabeth Parkinson, wife of MAEEIAGES. Thomas Parkinson singm^man. jj 26. Muriel Bishabrige, wife of George Bishabrige of the Bent House, 1685. yeoman. May 5. Eichard Padman of the parish of S' Nicholas and Margaret 55 5. Jane Craw, d. of Christopher Craw of Burne Hall, yeoman. Nattress of this parish. 14. Humes Hickson, s. of James Hick- jj 12. Gabriel Eichardson and Jane Hall, son. both of Shinkliffe within this J5 26. Elinor Johnson of the parish of parish. Whitburne. June 20. Eobert Williamson and IsabeU Arrowsmith, both of this parish. J5 26. A . nameless woman child of Nicholas Dixons. jj 24. Eichard Browne of this parish and Jane Williamson of the parish of JJ 29. A nameless man child of Mr Edward Beckwithes. S* Nicholas. Aug. 24. William Story, s. of Eobert Story July 12. Eaiph Eobinson of this parish and labourer. Susanna Nicholson of the parish 11 29. Thomas Maugham yeoman. of Chester ; with lycence. 11 30. Jane Hunter, wife of William Hun Aug. 4. Matthew Browne and Mary Dar- ter of Shinkley. bishire, both of this parish. Sept. 17. Thomas Speede of Sunderland. CHEISTENINGS, MAEEIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 161 1685. Sept. 14. Oct. 29. 2. Nov. 13. 16. „ 16. „ 17. Dec. 6. 21.22. 23. 2. 14. 14.19. 21. 23. 3. 5. 15. Jan. Feb. March 4. 8. „ 12- „ 15. „ 21. 24. 1686. April 11. „ 11. 25. Elinor Jurdison, wife of George Jurdison. Anne Atkinson, d. of William Atkinson whitesmith. Mra Thomasin Eden, wife of Mr George Eden. Mr Anthony Dodsworth. Cicely Dodshon. Christian Hall, d. of Eobert Hall. Bobert Farrow of the parish of S' Nicholas, barber. William Hall of Outon Feild, yeo man. Anne Coats spinster. Mr John Morland of the parish of S* Nicholas, marcer. John Menchforth, s. of John Menchforth of Shinkley. George Thompson. John Eichardson, s. of Gabriell Eichardson of Shinkley, labourer. Dorothy Foster, d. of Matthew Foster of Shinkley, draper taylor. Thomasin Foster, d. of John Foster draper taylor. John Andrew, s. of George Andrew of Shinkley. Mabell Phillipson, wife of George Phillipson mason. James Speed carpenter. Thomas Keinlaside skinner. Ellinor Gainforth, d. of William Gainforth mason. Matthew Thompson, s. of Francis Thompson of Old Durham, yeo man. Anne Coffering, wife of David Coffering of Shinkley. Bobert Eobinson, a brother at Shearburne House. Mrs Mary Eden, wife of Mr Henry Eden of Shinkley. WiUiam Eeed labourer. Marmaduke Thompson, an agged man. CHEISTNINGS. Eobert Nesum, s. of Thomas Nesum of Shinkley, yeoman. Cuthbert Pearson, s. of William Pearson of Broome, yeoman. Anne Browne, d. of Matthew Browne rough mason. 1686. May 2. Mark Clarke, s. of John Clarke weaver. „ 6. Katharine-Bridget§ Tempest, d. of William Tempest of Old-Durham, Esq. „ 16. Anne Sikes, d. of John Sikes white smith. „ 30. Bobert Eeed and Margarett Eeed, two twins, sonne and daughter to Mathew Eeed of White house, yeoman. 30. Mary Hall, d. of William Hall of Auton FeUd, deceased. June 1. Ellinor Salvin, d. of Mr Anthony Salvin. „ 29. Mary Craw, d. of Christopher Craw of Burne Hall, yeoman. July 11. George Jackson, s. of George Jack son yeoman, late deceased. „ 18. Susanna Atkinson, d. of William Atkinson whitesmith. „ 25. Margarett Thompson, d. of John Thompson mason. „ 25. James Davison, s. of WiUiam Davison Esq. Aug. 8. John Young, s. of Eobert Young naler. „ 8. Mary Briggnall, d. of John Briggnall carpenter. „ 8. Anne Foster, d. of Matthew Foster of Shinkley, taylor. „ 14. Anne Peacock, d. of Mr Simon Peacock of BurnhaU juniour; born 8 August. ,, 29. Elizabeth Eichardson, d. of John Eichardson of Shinkley, labourer. John Eaw, s. of John Eaw Esq. Anne Bell, d. of Arthur Bell of Broome taylor. John Smith, s. of John Smith carpenter. Mary Hutchinson, d. of Nicholas Hutchinson carpenter. William Browne, s. of Eichard Browne mUler. Anne Eobinson, d. [of] Thomas Eobinson mason. Elizabeth Phillipson, d. of Mr John Phillipson. Dorothy Martin, d. of M1' John Martin. „ 21. EUinor Foster, d. of Thomas Foster of Shinkley, yeoman. § The first occurrence in the Eegister of a double christian name. 10 JJ Sept. 31. 5. jj 12. 5J 19. Oct. 3. jj 3. jj 5. Nov. 2. 162 CHEISTENINGS, MAEEIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 1686. Nov. 21. Dec. 26. Jan. 1.9. „ H. „ 15- 18. „ 25. „ 25. „ 30. Feb. 9. „ 24. March 6. „ 15. 13. 1686. April 13. „ 18. May 4. 9. 31. June 16. July 11. Aug. 17. Oct. 26. 28. Mary Blakiston, d. of Mr Francis Blakiston Master of Arts. Anne Wright, d. of George Wright of Belley, carpenter. Ellinor Walton, cl. of Eaiph Walton of Shinkley, yeoman. Joseph Bradley, s. of Joseph Brad ley labourer. Hylton Buttler, s. of Mr Thomas Buttler. Charlton Vain, s. of George Vain Esq. Dorothy Eichardson, d. of Eaiph Eichardson of Shinkley, yeoman. William Clarke, s. of Henry Clarke labourer. Hannah Hesslop, d. of Matthew Hesslop taylor. Elizabeth Nesum, d. of George Nesum of Shinkley, weaver. Anne Thompson, d. of George Thompson whitesmith. John Menchforth, s. of John Mench forth of Shinkley, yeoman. Elliner Moss, d. of Eobert Moss labourer. Thomas Sisterson, s. of WUliam Sisterson labourer. Thomas Morreson, s. of Humphrey Morreson labourer. MAEEIAGES. George Pearson and Jane Lamb, both of this parish. Joseph Bradley and Elizabeth Eeadhead, both of this parish. George Bishabrige and Mary Chip- sches, both of this parish. John Thompson and Anne Sikes, both of this parish. Humphrey Morison and Jane Barraclugh, both of this parish. Thomas Joblin of Yarum and Elizabeth Cooper of this parish; with lycence. Hugh Dixon of this parish and Margarett Errington of the parish of S* Nicholas. Eichard Bradley and Margarett Davison, both of this parish. George Jurdison and Margarett Simpson, both of this parish. William Hunter and Susanna Liddel, both of this parish. 1686. Nov. 6. 9. 15. 20. 24. Jan. 15. 1686. March 25, 26. April 1. 7. 10. „ 15.29. May 13. 16.16. 31. June 55 July 10 2 55 5 55 15 5J 28 Aug. 5 JJ Sept. 5) 12 7 10 John Hudspeth and Sisala Walker, both of the parish of S* Andrew Auckland. Philip Sudwick and Elizabeth Madgeon, both of this parish. John Simpson and Anne Dickinson, both of this parish. Edward Andrew of this parish and Mary Knaggs of the parish of KeUo. Matthew Marshell of ye parish of S' Margarets and Jane Eea of this parish. Cuthbert Clarke and Muriel Walker both of this parish. BUEIALLS. Anne Stobbs, d. of George Stobbs cooper. Eichard Eickaby. Mary Weames spinster. John Andrew of Shinkley Moore house, yeoman. John Fareless, s. of John Fareless sadler. Eaiph Menchforth, s. of Edward Menchforth of Shinkley. Elizabeth Flawarth spinster. Anne Burnop, d. of John Burnop. Mr George Blakiston. A nameless man child of Mr William Brownes. Bobert & Margarett Eeed, two twins, son and daughter to Matthew Eeed. Mrs Anne Eden of Shinkley, spinster. George Jackson yeoman. Elliner Salvin, d. of Mr Anthony Salvin. Jane Craw, wife of Christopher Craw of Burne-hall, yeoman. Anne Smith, d. of John Smith of Broome, taylor. Susanna Atkinson, d. - of WiUiam Atkinson white-smith. Margarett Gastell, wife of George Gastell hatter. Margarett Lowther spinster. Mr George Humes javeler.§ George Jackson, s. of George Jack son, deceased. § Jailor. CHEISTENINGS, MAEBIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 163 1686. Sept. 12. Oct. 27. 5. 17.25.27. 28. 6. „ 28. Dec. 13. Nov. Jan. 25. 3. 4. 23. 25.29. Feb jj 6. 24. 28. March 20. 1687. April 26. „ 30. May 5. „ 18. „ 24. Aug. 4. Nov. 1. 26. Elizabeth Lowdon, d. of Eichard Lowdon nailer. Mary Hall, whe of Eobert Hall braizer. Anne Allon, d. of Eichard Allon of Sunderland. Hannah Philip of Sunderland. Gerard Liddel of Sunderland. Bernard BeU, s. of Eichard Bell of Shinkley, yeoman. John MUler of Shinkley Mill, yeoman. Mary Clarke, wife of Cuthbert Clarke weaver. Mary Blakiston, d. of Mr Francis Blakiston Master of Arts. Mrs Mary Burnop, wife of Mr William Burnop. Mary Burnop, d. of the abovesaid Mr William Burnop. Barnard Harrison. Eobert SkirfeUd carpenter. Eichard Beckels. Mr Thomas Eevely. Mrs Elizabeth Witham, wife of Mr Anthony Witham. Mary Farrow widow. Mr Thomas Tempest. Bobert Nichols. Judith Keinlaside, d. of Bichard Keinlaside skinner. MAEEIAGES. 1687. Jan. 3. John Paterson and Anne BeU, both of this parish. Thomas Walton and Joan Steel, both of this parish; with lycence. Christopher Craw and Janne (or Jaune ?) Wolfe, both of this parish; with lycence. Samuel Joplin and Anne Atchinson spinster, bothe of the parish of Lanchester; with lycence. Eobert Menchforth and Ellinor Pey of Shinkliffe within this parish. John Feetum and Jane Hickson, both of this parish. WUliam Donne and Ehzabeth Sudwick, both of this parish. Boger Thornton and Catherine SkirfeUd, both of this parish; with lycence. 1687. March 27. 55 29. April 17. 55 3. 5J 21. 55 26. May 8. jj 16. jj 22. J5 30. June 19. „ 19. jj 19. 5J 19. July 10. JS 10. JJ 17. JJ 18. JJ 26. Aug. 7. )J 7. J5 28. JJ 28. John Gibson of this parish and Anne Hutchinson of the parish of S' Giles; with lycence. CHEISTNINGS. Ehzabeth Stokeld, d. of John Stokeld yeoman. John Eggleston, s. of William Eggleston of Shinkley, labourer. George Stobbs, s. of George Stobbs cooper. Dorothy Pringle, d. of Eaiph Pringle labourer. Eichard Foulthrop, s. of John Foulthrop of Farewell Hall, yeo man. Denis Browne, s. of Mr William Browne Doctor of Physick. George Phillipson, s. of George Phillipson mason. Anne Thompson, d. of Thomas Thompson mason. Katharine Anderson, d. of WUham Anderson labourer. David Borrow, s. of David Borrow draper-taylor. John Dentt, s. of John Dentt of Shinkley, wooll-man. Stephen Dixon, s. of Hugh Dixon mason. William Dansey, s. of Mr Edward Dansey. William Harper, s. of John Harper of Bent-house, weaver. Thomas Bewick, s. of William Bewick labourer. Jane Browne, d. of Christopher Browne of Munk Arber, labourer. Jane Barker, d. of Bobert Barker of Broome, weaver. Elizabeth Salvin, d. of Mr Anthony Salvin. Fitz-Heirbert Tempest, s. of WUham Tempest Esq. John Andrew, s. of Edward Andrew of Shinkley Moorehouse, yeo man. George Eichardson, s. of Francis Eichardson cordwainer. William Bell, s. of Mr Eobert Bell merchant. William Whitfeild, s. of William Whitfeild of Belley, yeoman. 164 CHEISTENINGS, MAEEIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 1687 Sept. ' 4. 5J 4. Oct. 4. jj 4. jj 9. jj 16. Nov. G. „ 22.30. Dec. 27. Jan. 15. 26. „ 31. Feb. 11.15. „ 21. „ 24. March 4. 4. 5. 1687. AprU 1. Jane Briggs, d. of Gabriel Briggs of Shinkley, labourer. Anne Dixon, d. of Nicholas Dixon mason. Anne Thompson, d. of Francis Thompson of Old-Durham, yeo man. Margarett Downes, d. of Matthew Downes dier. Elizabeth Simpson, d. of Nicholas Simpson blacksmith. John Feetum, s. of John Feetum labourer. Thomas, s. of Susanna Simpson, suposed to be the sonne of Bobert Alinson, base begoten. Bobert Apdell, s. of Eobert Apdell yeoman. Mary Phillipson, d. of Mr John Phillipson. John, s. of Cicely Wright, supposed to be the sonne of John Dickin son, base begoten. John Keinlaside, s. of Eichard Keinlaside skinner. Elizabeth Nesum, d. of Thomas Nesum of Shinkley, labourer. William Lowdon, s. of Eichard Lowdon naler. IsabeU Lax, d. of Thomas Lax yeoman. Anne Blaikston, d. of Mr Francis Blaikston Master of Arts. Elizabeth Peacock, d. of Mr Simon Peacock of Burne Hall, junior. Jane Potts, d. of Matthew Potts of Oton Feild, yeoman. Thomas Whitfeild, s. of Peter Whitfeild of Shinkley, yeoman. Mary Shacklock, d. of Christopher Shacklock barber. John Andrew, s. of George Andrew of Shinkley, weaver. George Sikes, s. of John Sikes whitsmith. Margarett Butler, d. of Mr Thomas Butler. Thomas Hutchinson, s. of Thomas Hutchinson glover. John TindeU, s. of John Tindell labourer. BUEIALLS. Thomas Stokeld, s. of John Stokeld yeoman. 1687. April 6. Elizabeth Elwood spinster. „ 1 5. Eobert Allon of Shinkley, labourer „ 23. Bobert Hall brazier. „ 29. Nicholas Foster draper taylor. May 4. Mrs Elizabeth Crosby, wife of Mr John Crosby. ,, 5. John Smith, s. of Thomas Smith. ,, 5. Thomas Parkinson, s. of Thomas Parkinson. „ 6. Mrs Ellinor Hildyard widow. „ 6. John Shefild, s. of Mr Christopher Shefild. „ 8. Eobert Aud, s. of Cuthbert Aud of Sunderland. „ 8. George Aud, s. of Cuthbert Aud of Sunderland. „ 13. Dorothy Huntley widow. ,, 20. Susanna Jackson widow. June 4. John Beckels, s. of Mr Eichard Beckels. „ 5. Mr Francis Carr. „ 6. Bellha Salvin. „ 11. Mary Baister, wife of Jo: Baister. ,, 11. John Wood of the parish of S' Margarets. „ 22. Mra Dorothy Feaster widow. ,, 24. Eichard Fisher, s. of Bichard Fisher fuller. July 10. Elizabeth Walton of Shinkley. „ 24. John White singingman. Sept. 18. Anne Wilburne. „ 28. Mr Thomas Nichols exsiessman. Oct. 4. Margarett Downes, d. of Matthew Downes. „ 18. Isabell Smith of Broome, widow. ,, 22. George Pickman, a poore man who died at Sunderland. „ 30. Hilton Butler, s. of Mr Thomas Butler. Nov. 12. Michel Atkinson. „ 28. Mary Biggings, wife of George Biggings of Sunderland. „ 28. Mary Phillipson, d. of Mr John Phillipson. Dec. 6. Margarett SkirfeUd. „ 10. Mr Thomas Salvin of Owton was buried in this parish Church. „ 26. Katharine Walton of the White House, widow. Jan. 10. William Lowdon. „ 10. Jane Gainforth of the parish of S* Nicholas. „ 15. Elizabeth Nesum, d. of Thomas Nesum of Shinkley. „ 27. John Morland Esq. Feb. 4. George Phillipson, s. of George PhUlipson mason. CHEISTENINGS, MAEEIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 165 1687. Feb. 10. 12. 13.14.19. 26. 28.28. 9. 12.17. 19. 20. March 1688. AprU 16.22. „ 22. „ 24.29. „ 29. May 1. 1- 13. 7. 15. „ 27. 20. June 12. „ 12. 24. Eichard Padman, s. of Mr Eichard Padman of the parish of S* Nicholas. Thomas Whitfeild, s. of Peter Whitfeild, Barbara Whitfeild, wife of Peter Whitfeild. Anne Taylor, wife of John Taylor mason. Mary Hirst, wife of James Hirst. Elizabeth Eowell. Dorothy Dixon widow. Barbara Stobbs widow. A nameless child of Henry Havers. Jane Arrowsmith widow. Isabell Watson. Thomas Hutchinson glover. Elinor Blakey of Broome. CHEISTNINGS. s. of Bobert Shinkliffe, s. of John Mary Eales, d. of Bobert Eales skinner. John Menchforth, Menchforth of labourer. Thomas Patterson, Patterson of Broome, labourer. Frances Eeed, d..of Matthew Eeed of White-house, yeoman. WUliam Arrowsmith, s. of Henry Arrowsmith whitesmith. Eaiph Marshell, s. of Matthew Marshell miller. George Atkinson, s. of Thomas Atkinson yeoman. Elizabeth Fairless, d. of John Fairless sadler. Alice Pattison, d. of Christopher Pattison weaver. Matthew Foster, s. of Matthew Foster of Shinkliffe, taylor. Anne Brough, d. of John Brough of Shinkliffe, yeoman. William Potts, s. of Michell Potts of Aldernage, yeoman. Anne Blakiston, d. of Mr Francis Blakiston Master of Arts. William Eichardson, s. of William Eichardson butcher. Farrow, s. of William Farrow of FarweU Hall, yeoman. Bichard Browne, s. of Eichard Browne mUler. IP 1688. July 8. Aug. 19. „ 26. Sept. 9. „ H.18.18. Oct. 4.9. 16. Nov. 22. 13. „ 17. Dec. 21. Jan. 6. 20. Feb. 24. March 3. 10. 10. 24. 24.24. 1688. May 17. Abraham Smith, s. of John Smith carpenter. Mary Pattison, d. of Edward Pattison of Fencola, yeoman. Anne Gainforth, d. of William Gainforth mason. Thomas Thompson, s. of John Thompson mason. Thomas Browne, s. of Matthew Browne mason. Elizabeth Fothergill, d. of William Fothergill yeoman. Francis Tempest, s. of William Tempest of Old Durham, Esq. Anne Endick, d. of Petter Endick butcher. Eichard Foster, s. of Thomas Foster of Shinkley, yoman. Anne Eaw, d. of John Eaw Esq. Gerrard Salvin, s. of Mr Anthony Salvin. Philladelphia Eeveley, d. of WUliam Eevely Esq. George Nesum, s. of George Nesum of Shinkliffe, weaver. Prudence Vain, d. of George Vain Esq. Mary and Thomasin Coulson, two twins, daughters to Christopher Coulson skinner. Philipa Atkinson, d. of William Atkinson whitesmith. Mary Dixon, d. of Hugh Dixon mason. John Sisterson, s. of William Sister son yeoman. George Browne, s. of Christopher Browne of Munk Arber, labourer. William Anderson, s. of William Anderson. Thomas Havers, s. of Henry Havers chandler. Eobert Briggnall, s. of John Brigg nall carpenter; borne March 18th. Katharine Eobinson, d. of Thomas Eobinson rough mayson. Anne Penniten, d. of Eobert Penni ten labourer. MAEEIAGES. George Herison of Trimdon parish and Dorothy Sharpe of this parish. 165 CHEISTENINGS, MAEEIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 1688. June 5. July 31. Aug. 2. Oct. 9. Feb. 3. 10. 21. John Short of this parish and Catherine Smith of Flass in Esh Chappellery, spinster ; with lycence. Eichard Smith and Barbara Lax, both of this parish. Petter Whitfeild and Anne Bontin, both of this parish. Eobert Smith of the parish of Croxdale and Katharine Browne of this parish. John Crisp and Anne Steward, both of this parish ; with lycence. John Foster and Mary Byerley, both of this parish ; with lycence. Mr John Eaw of this parish and Mrs Catharine Lisle of the parish of Litel S* Maries ; with lycence. BUEIALLS. 1688. Mar. 27. April 7. 13. 30. May 6. „ 17. „ 24. 29. June 13. „ 17.20. 55 26 July 2 55 13 JJ 15 JJ 21 55 22 JJ 2G Aug. 3 5J 2G Sept. 17 55 19 Margarett Hopper widow. George Davison, s. of John Davison. John Newby, s. of Mr Thomas Newby of the parish of S' Nicholas. Barbara Mason widow. Margery Eales, wife of Eobert Eales. Mrs Mary Wormley spinster. John Joplin mason. Mr Thomas Bellingham. Isabell Loxon of Burne-hall, spin ster. Isabell Hickson, d. [of] James Hickson exsissman. Dorothy Anderson, wife of Eichard Anderson. William Eichardson, s. of William Eichardson butcher. William Brockett baliffe. Joseph Arkley, s. of Mathew Ark ley. The Lady Susanna Hodson. Mrs Mary Jackson widow. Susanna Graham. Mary Lamb, d. of John Lamb Esq. George Heighington of the parish of S' Nicholas. Eichard Thompson. Anne Bell spinster. Margarett Kirkley of Belley, widow. Anne Endick, wife of Petter Endick butcher. Sept. 55 Oct. 20 21 4 5?55 55 5 15 16 55 11 16. 23. Nov. 14 Dec. 2 11 7 25 Jan. Feb. 5.5. G. 11. 11.12.14. 25. 26. 9. 15. Mar. 13. 14. 1*7. 1689. May 1. Aug. Jane Lamb spinster. Eichard Eeadhead. William Mawer. Anne Eeadhead widow. Anthony Eidley taylor. Mrs Annablla Eaw, wife of John Eaw Esq. Mr Eobert Blakiston. George Biggings, s. of George Bigings of Sunderland, yeoman. John Eobinson, s. of William Eobinson. Anne Citching spinster. Elizabeth Bewick. Mary and Thomasin Coulson, daughters of Christopher Coul son. Dorothy Pringell, d. of Eaiph Pringell. Anne Eals. Mrs Bridget Foster. Mrs Dorothy Martin, wife of Mr John Martin. Eichard Sudwick. MrB Anne Davison spinster. James Steele of Shinkliffe. PhUlis Atkinson. Mrs Elizabeth Alinson spinster. Henry Blakiston, s. of Mr Francis Blakiston Master of Arts. Margarett Padman of the parish of S' Nicholas. George Nesum, s. of George Nesum of Shinkley. Eichard Keinlaside skinner. Eobert Blakiston, s. of Mr Francis Blakiston Master of Arts. Margarett Foster. Christopher Biggins. Nicholas Anderson. Francis Crosby, s. of Mr John Crosby. Isabell Lax, d. of Thomas Lax. MAEEIAGES. Eichard Slater of the parish of Branspeth and Dorothy Walton of this parish ; with lycence. Thomas Eichardson of Northfeild in the parish of Startford in the County of Yorke and Jane Whorlton of this parish, spinster; with lycence. CHEISTENINGS, MAEEIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 167 1689. Aug. 24 Nov. 7. 55 12 JJ 17 55 26 JJ 30 Dec. 1 jj 26 Jan. 28 Mar. 1 1689. April 7.7. 7. 14. 5J 21 JJ 30 May 1 jj 20 5J 2428. Martin Mills of the parish of Easington and Elizabeth Crags of this parish. Eichard Lowes and Margarett Eobinson, both of this parish. William Bilton and Mary Hunter, both of this parish. Charles Dixon and Anne Hunter, both of this parish. George Nicholson and Isabell Bussey, both of this parish. John Hull of the parish of Lan- chester and Ursula Wills of the parish of S' Margarets; with lycence. Walter Kirby of this parish and Dorothy White of the parish of S' Margarets. Baiph Whitfeild and Margarett Grasan widow, both of the parish of Ackhf e ; with lycence. Eobert Smith and Elizabeth Ander son, both of the parish of S' Margarets ; with lycence. John Edger of the parish of Lan- chester and Mary Elstobb of this parish. CHEISTNINGS. June John Bradley, s. of Joseph Bradley labourer. George Nesum, s. of Thomas Nesum of Shinkliffe, labourer. Margaret, d. of Dorothy Arrow- smith ; suposed to be daughf to Thomas Story, base-begot. Thomas Eichardson, s. of John Eichardson of Shinkliffe, labourer. William Eggelston, s. of William Eggelston of Shinkliffe, labourer. Barbara Hutchinson, d. of Nicholas Hutchinson carpenter. Anne Morrison, d. of Humphrey Morrison labourer. Thomas Smith, s. of Eichard Smith mason. Sarah Gill, d. of Mr John Gill. Thomas Eichardson, s. of Bobert Eichardson butcher. Eobert Carrett, s. of John Carrett nailer. 1689. June 18. jj 20. July 22. JJ 20.* Aug. 21. J5 27. Sept. 1. 55 8. 55 15. Oct. 1. JJ 8. 17 20. 11 20. JJ 20. J- 27. 17 27. 11 28. Nov. 5. Dec. 18. 5J 29. Jan. 12- 5555 14.19. JJ 28. Feb. 2. 55 2. Anne Menchforth, d. of John Menchforth of Shinkliffe, yeo man. Elizabeth Smith, d. of Mr Eichard Smith chiurgion. William Phillipson, s. of Mr John Phillipson; borne 11th July. Simon Peacock, s. of Mr Simon Peacock of Burnehall, junior ; • borne 18th July. Anne Lowdon, d. of Eichard Low don labourer. Margaret Joplin, d. of Cuthbert Joplin mason. Mary Stokell, d. of John Stokell vintner ; borne 26th Aug. Eobert Eichardson, s. of Eaiph Eichardson of Shinkley, labourer. Elizabeth Dugles, d. of William Dugles labourer. Mary Borrow, d. of David Borrow draper taylor. Eobert Beckels, s. of Mr Eichard Beckels. Mathew Willon, s. of John Willon of Broome, labourer. Mary Thompson, d. of Thomas Thompson mason. Elizabeth Dun, d. of William Dun whitesmith. Bichard Anderson, s. of Bichard Anderson junior. Henry Andrew, s. of Edward An drew • of Shinkliffe Moore house. William Miller, s. of Ambrose Miller of Old Durham, yeoman. Matthew Downes, s. of Matthew Downes dier. Anne, d. of Mary Barraclugh, base begot. Katharine Tindell, d. of John Tindell yeoman. Mary Moss, d. of Bobert Moss labourer. Eichard Baw, s. of John Baw Esq. Baiph Speed, s. of Anthony Speed labourer. Mary Gibson, d. of John Gibson weaver. Dorothy Smith, d. of Bobert Smith labourer. Isabell Lax, d. of Thomas Lax yeoman. * Sic. 168 CHEISTENINGS, MAEEIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 1689. Feb. Mar. 8. Eobert, s. of Alice Biram, supposed to be the son of Bobert Jamison, base begot. 9. Eaiph Whitfeild, s. of Petter Whit feild yeoman. 10. John Parkinson, s. of Thomas Parkinson singingman. 11. Mary Gainforth, d. of William Gainforth mayson. 11. Mary Thornton, d. of Eoger Thorn ton taylor. 16. Eobert Young, s. of Eobert Youne nailor. 16. Bartholomew Browne, s. of Eichard Browne mUlner. 18. Thomas Foster, s. of Thomas Foster draper-taylor. 23. George Barker, s. of Eobert Barker of Broome. 27. Elizabeth Smith, d. of John Smith carpenter. 9. Katharine Sikes, d. of John Sikes white-smith. 9. George Nesum, s. of Thomas Nesum of Shinkliffe, labourer. 4* Elizabeth, d. of Mr William Browne Doctor of Physick. 14. Edward, s. of Barbara Barraclugh base begoten. 23. John Eichardson, s. of Gabriel Eichardson of Shinkley, labourer. 23. Bobert Pottes, s. of Michell Potts of Aldernage, yeoman. BUEIALS. 1689. April 17.§ Anne Gainforth, d. of William Gainforth. „ 22. Margarett Walton of Whitehouse, spinster. May 12. Margarett Eeed, wife of Thomas Eeed. „ 24. Mary Palmer spinster. June 2. John Baister. „ 8. John Briggnall, s. of John Briggnall carpentor. ,, 12. Anne Smith spinster. „ 21. William Haward gardinor. „ 26. Mr William Humes. „ 21. Mary Eales, d. of Eobert Eales. „ 23. John Dickinson, s. to Jo : Dickin son. „ 25. William Arrowsmith. * Sic. § Might be 11, 1689. June 30. July 1. 1. 7. 9. 11. 11. 11. 15. 19. 30. 7. 10. 24. Aug. ij jj Sept. Oct. 21. Nov. 10.17. 18. 24. 5. Dec. Jan. 17. 18. 3. 3. 5. 11. 15. 15.17. 17.21. 21. 22. 25. Feb. 17. Andrew Craggs of Croxdale Mill. John Smith, s. of John Smith carpenter. Elinor Moss, d. of Bob' Moss labourer. William Collire soldier. Margarett Browne of Arbor-house. Margarett Wood, d. of Bobert Wood. Bobert Padman, s. of Eichard Pad- man barber. Mrs Ellinor Hodgshon. Mary Hall, d. of William HaU, of Outonfeild, deceassed. John Andrew, s. of George Andrew of Shinkliffe. William Herison, who was drowned in Shinkliffe water. Katharine Murry spinster. Anne Eaw, d. of John Baw Esq. Thomas Burden. Gerrard Salvin, s. of Mr Anthony Salvin. Anne Lowdon. Margarett Ellwan of Old Durham. James Bobson. Mr3 Elliner Midford of Burne-hall, widow. Eobert Nesum, s. of Thomas Nesum of Shinkley. Bridget Meaburne. Margary Graham spinster. MIS Joan Davison, wife of WUliam Davison Esq. Pexel Padman, s. of Eobert Padman of parish of S1 Nicholas, deceased. John Wedell, a poore man who in the Allmas house. Anne Morrison. Petter Evers Esq. Anthony Vasey. Thomas Joplin. Isabell Gastell, an aged widow. Barbara Hutchinson. Philip Mitchel of Baxterwood. Margarett and Anne Craggs, two twins. Mr Ambrose Simpson. Mrs Hannah Marshell. Anne Bradley of Broome, widow. Dorothy Thompson widow. Mathew Downs, s. of Mathew Downs dier. Eichard Eeadhead butcher. Elizabeth Arkley, wife of Mathew Arkley. CHEISTENINGS, MAEBIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 169 1689. Feb. 25.27. Mar. 6. 9. 11. 12. 19. 1690. May 1. 1- 4. 6. 6. „ 10- 20. Sept. 11. 16. Nov. 20. Jane Willan, d. of John Willan of Broome. John Eeadhead blacksmith. Margaret Hedley, wife of Eobert Hedley. Thomas Sisterson.' John Grundey. Nicholas Hutchinson. Mra Anne Middelton. John Phillipson. MAEEIAGES. Thomas Charlton and Margarett Hall, both of this parish. John Eowell and Ellinor Eobinson, both of this parish. Mr Thomas Dixon and Elizabeth Brice of the parish of S' Nicholas; with lycence. Eaiph Metcalph and Mary Joplin, both of this parish. Thomas Eickaby of this parish and Elizabeth Frame of the parish of S' Margaretts. Christopher Watson and Jane Punchon, both of this parish. George Chapman and Bridgett Saukeld, both of this parish. Eichard Lowdon and Cicely Wright, both of this parish. John Brice and Jane Eowell, both of this parish ; with lycence. John Hudson of the parish of Pittington and Elizabeth Ease- beck of this parish. CHEISTNINGS. 1690. May 11. John Slater, s. of Eichard Slater of White-house, yeoman. „ 25. Elizabeth Harper, d. of John Harper of ' the Bent-house, weaver. June 1. Mary Nesum, d. of George Nesum of Shinkliffe, weaver. 2. Thomas Plumber, s. of Mr John Plumber. 3. Jane Feattum, d. of John Feattum yeoman. lQ 16£ June 0. 8 55 9 55 10 5) 15 J) 15 July 13 jj 13 jj 13 55 15 55 20 55 29 Aug. 10 15J5 1731 Sept. 9 Oct. 5 JJ 12 55 14 55 26 Nov. 9 55 16 Dec. 9 55 14 )5 16 55 21 Feb. 18. Jane Lowes, d. of Eichard Lowes mason. William Eowell, s. of Eobert Eowell of Broome, cordwainer. Eobert Blaikston, s. of Mr Francis Blaikston Master of Arts. Mary Farrow, d. of William Farrow of Farwell Hall, yeoman. Elizabeth Phillipson, d. of Cuthbert Phillipson mason. Thomas Andrew, s. of George Andrew of Shinkliffe, weaver. Peter Bewick, s. of WiUiam Bewick laborer. Eichard Clarke, s. of Henry Clarke labourer. Dorothy Bell, d. of M1' Bobert Bell marchant. Ellinor Eichardson, d. of William Eichardson butcher. Margarett Tempest, cl. of William Tempest of Old Durham, Esq. Anne Marshell, d. of Mathew Mar shell miller. Baiph Bilton, s. of William Bilton. Mary Crisp, d. of John Crisp of Shinkley, labourer. Bryan Salvin, s. of Mr Anthony Salvin. Nicholas Dixon, s. of Charles Dixon rough-mason. John Kirby, s. of Walter Kirby of Broome, taylor. Joseph Smith, s. of Eichard Smith freemason. Anne Atkinson, d. of William Atkinson white-smith. William Sisterson, s. of WiUiam Sisterson yeoman. Barbara Dixon, d. of Hugh Dixon rough mason. Margaret Miller, d. of Ambrose Miller of Old Durham, yeoman. Mary Arrowsmith, d. of Henry Arrowsmith white smith. Elizabeth Brough, d. of John Brough of Shinkley, yeoman. Elizabeth Nicholson, d. of George Nicholson blacksmith. Jane Postgate, d. of William Post- gate, seam an. James Morrison, s. of Humphery Morrison. John, s. of Margrarett Arrowsmith, suposed to be the sonne of John Dick, base begot. 170 CHEISTENINGS, MAEEIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 1690. Feb. 15.* Edward Fairewether, s. of Edward Fairewether of Old Durham. „ 26. Anne Dixon, d. of Mr Thomas Dixon apothecary. Mar. 10. Frances Phillipson, d. of Mr John Phillipson. 10. Elizabeth Conyers, d. of Mr Thomas Conyers. 8.* Christopher Browne, s. of Chris topher Browne of Arber House, labourer. 22. WiUiam Charlton, s. of Thomas Charlton of Aldernage, yeoman. 22. Matthew Browne, s. of Matthew Browne mayson. 17.* Ellinor Watson, cl. of Christopher Watson carpenter. 0. BUEIALS. 169 Mar. 25. Dorothy Foster, wife of Thomas Foster of Shinkliffe. 11 25. John Heighington of Sunderland. j) 26. Mrs Jane Martin of Shinkliffe. JJ 31. Eaiph Pringell. April 1. Jane Pickering spinster. 55 11. Mr Francis Crosby junior of the parish of S* Nicholas. 55 15. M1' George Phillipson. J5 21. Mary Edcar of Sunderland. 51 23. John Moss, s. of Eobert Moss. May 8. Elizabeth Darnton. 11 8. Elizabeth Howard widow. 5J 15. Mr John Kirby of the parish of S* Nicholas. )J 18. Elizabeth Lowdon. 55 21. Bridgett Sheeles, who died at Robert Stobberts. 55 23. Jobn Ingleby, s. of Mr Simon Ingleby of the parish of S' Nicholas. June 17. John Eobinson of Sunderland. jj 29. Elizabeth Watson wife of Fran. Watson. July 1. Thomas Trumbell, a poore man who died at Old Durham. His dwelling was in Sandgate in NewcasteU. 55 3. Mary Man widow. 5J 4. Anne Sickes. 55 26. Jane Taylor spinster. 55 27. Jane Bradley widow. Aug. 13. John Middelton of Croxdale Mill. 1690. Sept. 29. Oct. 9 55 13 51 15. 5J 28 55 30. Nov. 3. 51 7. 55 15 Dec. 3 55 9. 55 9. 55 18 "5 19 55 25 Jan. 2. ii 21. 51 23 51 21. Feb. G 55 8. 15 11. 55 24. Mar. G 55 13 51 1G 55 17 55 18 Sic. Pexall Padman, s. of Richard Pad- man of the parish of S1 Nicholas, barbar. Margarett Thompson. Anne Palmer. Stphen Teasdale. Elizabeth Dugless. Christopher Collson. Dorothy Arrowsmith, William Dugless. Anne Clarke of Shinkliff. Mary Moss, d. of Eobt. Moss. Margarett Gastell widow. Anne Graham widow. James Clement. George Nesum, s. of Thomas Nesum of Shinkley. Mary Johnson spinster. Anne Endick, d. of Petter Endick. A nameless woman child, d. of Jonathan Herd. Mr Robert Bell marchant. Eaiph Edgar. (Pexallo Forster vicario.) John Drisdall. Dorothy Lamb widdow. Anne Wood of the parish of S' Margaretts. Mrs Elizabeth Ashmall, wife of Mr Thomas Ashmall. Simon Ingelbie of the parish of S' Nicholas. Bryan Salvin, s. of Mr Anthony Salvin. Philip Atkinson miUner. Isabell Stoutt widow. Elliner Eowell widow, agged 98 years. Md that upon Friday y" ninth day January; Anno Dni 1690, Pexall Forster, Clerke, Master of Arts, was by vertue of a mandate in that behalfe directed from y6 E* Worpp11 WUliam Graham, Doctor of Divinity, officiall of the E* Worpp11 ye Dean & Chapter of Durham, quiettly and peaceably inductedg into ye reall, actuail & corporall possession of ye Vicarage & Parish Church of S' Oswalds in Durham & of all & singular ye righte members and appurtenances thereunto belonging & apperteining. By me, Jo Milner vicar of Heighinton. § He read himself iu Sunday 8th Feb. 1G90. Witnesses George Eaine, John Wood, Eobert Young. CHEISTENINGS, MAEBIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 171 Witnesses Chr:Sheffeild 1 Churchwardens. Thomas Peckton j John Wood. Jo : Eowell, Noforie Publiq. MEMOEANDUM. That the Vicaridge of S* Oswalds, Durham, was, March 27, 1666, by an Act of the Chapter of the Cathedrall of Durham, bestowed upon John Cock, clerk, Master of Arts, who held the same Vicaridge under the notion of a Curacy as severaU of his Predecessors had done, but in the year 1673 hee was collated by the Dean & Chapter (sede Dunelmensi vacante) & inducted by Thomas Cartwright [one of the Prebendaryes, Doctor of Divinity & Omciall to ye Dean & Chapter of Durham] July ye 23, 1673, & continued Vicar untill the year of our Lord One thousand, six hundred, eighty & nine, when hee was first suspended, the first day of August, & 'six months after was deprived for not swearing Allegiance to William & Mary, as King & Queen of this Realm. Deo Gloria per Jesum christuin. Amen. CHEISTNINGS. 1691. Mar. 29. 31. „ 81. April 19. 26. May June 5. 10. 10. 17. 7. 21. 25. Barbara Stokeld, d. of Mr John Stokeld vintner. Margaret Mitchell, d. of William Mitchell of Broome, yeoman. Ellinor Marley, d. of George Mar ley painter. Thomas Clarke, s. of John Clarke weaver. Eichard Mills, s. of Martin Mills labourer. Jane Proud, d. of John Proud cordwainer. Mary Atkinson, d. of Thomas Atkinson yeoman. Dorothy Anderson, d. of William Anderson labourer. Ellinor Eichardson, d. of Francis Eichardson cordwainer. Isabell and Mary Peacock, two twins, daughters to Mr Simon Peacock of Burne-hall, junior. James Patterson, s. of John Patter son of Broome, labourer. Anne Foster, d. of John Foster labourer. 1691. June 29. July 2. 15 12. 55 14. 5J 26. Aug. 4. 11 30. Sept. 20. J5 20. 5J 29. Oct. 11. 55 12. Nov. 1. 55 1. 5J 15. 55 15. Dec. 6. Jan. 15. 27. 5.6. 10. 10. 12. 19. Eobert Hedley, s. of Eobert Hedley carpenter. Joseph Joplin, s. of Thomas Joplin seaman. Jane Eickabie, d. of Thomas Rickabie labourer. John Brice, s. of John Brice draper- taylor. William Bradley, s. of Joseph Bradley labourer. Christopher Downes, s. of Matthew Downes dyer ; borne 26th July. Bartholomew Tindell, s. of John Tindell labourer. John Thompson, s. of John Thomp son mason. Ellinor Weames, d. of Thomas Weames skinner. Ellinor Richardson, d. of Robert Richardson butcher. John Sikes, s. of John Sikes whit- smith. Christopher Pattison, s. of Chris topher Pattison weaver. Thomas Smith, s. of John Smith carpenter. Phineas Moss, s. of Eobert Moss labourer. Gilbert Thornton, s. of Roger Thornton yeoman. Aune Pringell, d. of Ralph Pringell labourer. Mary Smith, d. of Robert Smith labourer. Robert Kirby, s. of Walter Kirby of Broome, yeoman. Nicholas Conyers, s. of Mr Thomas Conyers. Ellinor Slater, d. of Richard Slater of White House, yeoman. Senry Raw, s. of John Eaw, Esq. John Pennyten, s. of Eobert Peny- ten labourer. Grace Dun, d. of William Dun whitesmith. William Browne, s. of WiUiam Browne Doctor of Physick. Elizabeth Joplin, d. of Cuthbert Joplin rough mason. Katharine Salvin, d. of Mr Anthony Salvin. Elizabeth Eiddley, d. of Arthur Eiddley cordwainer. William Parkinson, s. of Thomas Parkinson singing-man. 172 CHEISTENINGS, MAEBIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 1691. Jan. 19. „ 28. 31. Feb. 16. „ 23. „ 28. Mar. 6. 1691. April 19. 21. May 4. June 24. July 3. J5 21. Oct. 1. 51 6. 11 6. Nov. 15. ii 17. Dec. 24. Anne Lowdon, d. of Eichard Low don naler. Margery Fothergill, d. of William Fothergill gardiner. Eobert Browne, s. of Eichard Browne miller. Anne Tempest, d. of William Tem pest of Old Durham, Esq. Elizabth, d. of Margary Smurfutt, suposed to be the daughter of William Humble base begott. John Gibson, s. of John Gibson weaver. Margarett Crisp, d. of John of Shinkliffe, labourer. MAEEIAGES. Crisp Eaiph Steel of Houghall, yeoman, and Elizabth Hendry spinster, both of this parish ; with lycence. John Craw of the parish of Hough ton and Katharine Clarke of this parish. Thomas Foster and Jane Walker, both of this parish. Michael Eicabie of this parish and EJlmor Corner of the parish of Croxdale. Thomas Midelmas and Elizabeth Spane, both of this parish ; with lycence. John Eea of this parish and Mary Thompson of the chappelrey of S* Margaretts. Mr John Richardson of the parish of Easington and Mrs Mary Maddison of this parish. Eobert Parkin and Margery Eobin son, both of this parish. Thomas Stobbert and Mary Whissons of the parish of Houghton. Eobert Thompson and Elizabeth Softly, both of this parish. Eobert Green of the parish of Washington and Margerett Briggs of this parish ; with lycence. Francis Cooper of this parish and Margarett Dobson of the parish of S' Giles ; with lycence. 1691. Dec. 31. Mar. 19. April 3. 1691. April 16. „ 20. „ 29. May 1. 5. 16.16. 16. 29. July Aug. 3. 17. 18. 28. 11 13 51 15 15 18 55 21 5J 22 55 25 Sept. 3. 11 5 11 23 55 24 55 29 Oct. 2 55 15 Joseph Wall of this parish and Ellinor Sidgwick of the parish of Merrington ; with lycence. Thomas Towers and Elizabeth Herrison, both of the parish of Ackliffe ; with lycence. Eobert Thompson of the parish of Sedgefeild and Elizabeth Jack son of Old Durham in this parish ; with lycence. BUEIALS. John Turner of the parish of St Nicholas, peuterer. Elizabeth Eeed. John Murrey. Margarett Michell, d. of WiUiam Mitchell of Broome. Mrs Frances Porter. Mary Padman widow of the parish of S' Margaretts. Anne Wilson, wife of Wilm Wilson of the parish of Easingtom Mary Atkinson, d. of Thomas Atkinson yeoman. Mary Taylor, wife of Lancelot Taylor peuterer, Mary Borrow, d. of David Borrow. Mary Eea, wife of William Eea. Anne Sikes. Mrs Ellinor Salvin of the Chappellery of S* Mararetts (sic), spinster. Adelin Swinney of the parish of S* Nicholas. Elizabeth Pie, d. of Mr Timothy Pie. Mary Harper. Thomas Phillipson of Stot-gate. Margarett Thompson. Mary Peacock, d. of Mr Simon Peacock of Burne-hall, junior. Elizabth Steward, a poore travoler. William Eea. Mrs Margarett Shefeild, wife of Mr Christopher Shefeild. Elizabeth Brough, d. of John Brough yeoman. Adelin Milburne of Aldernage. Mra Isabell Witham widow. Frances Aud spinster. Margarett Hoidon spinster. Isabell Andrew of Shinkley Mill. CHEISTENINGS, MAEEIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 173 1691. Oct. 19. Christopher Pattison. Nov. 8. John Turner of the parish of S' Nicholas. „ 20. Eobert Todd weaver. „ 23. Mary Hirst spinster. ,, 25. George Jurdison. , 28. Mary Edger. Dec. 1. Christopher Foster laburer. „ 3. Anne Brough of Shinkliffe. „ 7. Eobert Kirkby of Broome. ,, 10. Nicholas Conyers, s. of Mr Thomas Conyers. „ 16 Mrs Alice Wilkinson spinster. „ 26. Nicholas Crookes, the Clarke of Croxdale. ,, 31. Mary Craw, d. of Christopher Craw of Burnehall, yeoman. Jan. 19. George Head of Sunderland. „ 20. Ann Lowdon. „ 23. Margarett HaU of Stotgate. „ 27. Thomas Turner of ye parish of S' Nicholas. „ 29. Mr Christopher Sheffeild. Feb. 4. Eobert Hall of Stottgate. „ J 2. William Edgar of Sunderland. „ 14. Eaiph Pringell labourer. „ 14. Cicely Colling. „ 17. John Evans, s. of John Evans blacksmith. „ 20. Alice Wilkinson widow. „ 27. Anne Marshell, d. of Matthew Marshell. „ 29. Thomas Pattison, s. of Christopher Pattison. Mar. 9. Eichard Foster of Shinkliff, yeoman. ,, 21. Katharine Thornton, wife of Roger Thornton yeoman. f CHRISTNINGS. 1692. April May 3. James Eickabie, s. of Michael Eickabie labourer. 3. Mary Whitfeild, d. of Peter Whit feild yeoman. 3. Cuthbert Steele, s. of Eaiph Steele of Hough-Hall, yeoman. 17. Margary Midelmus, d. of Thomas Midelmus labourer. 24 Phillip Foster, s. of Phillip Foster of Shinkliffe, yeoman. 1. George Mills, s. of William Mills of Shinkliffe, labourer. 22. John Eobinson, s. of Thomas Eobinson rough-mason. IB 1692. May 29. June 5. 6. July 17. 19. 55 24 5» 27 15 31. Aug. 22. 15 28 Sept. 4. 11 6 55 11 55 13 Oct. 12 JJ 25. 11 30 Nov. 6 51 15 Dec. 29 Jan. 10 jj 19 Feb. 7. JJ 19 Mar. 7 u 12 11 19 Joseph Phillipson, s. of Mr John Phillipson. Elizabeth Thompson, d. of Thomas Thompson rough mason. Mary Dixon, d. of Mr Thomas Dixon apothecary. Katharine Gainforth, d. of William Gainforth mason. Elizabeth Farrow, d. of William Farrow of Farewell HaU, yeo man. Thomas Mitchell, s. of William Mitchell of Broome, yeoman. Elizabeth, d. of Susana Simpson base begot. Eichard Stobbs, s. of George Stobbs cooper. Katharine Borrow, d. of David Borrow draper taylor. Jane Dixon, d. of Hugh Dixon rough-mason. Eobert Anderson, s. of John Ander son talor. Nicholas Feetum, s. of John Feetum. Dorothy Nicholson, d. of George Nicholson blacksmith. William Brough, s. [of] John Brough of Shinkley, yeoman. Thomas Conj-ers, s. of Mr Thomas Conyers. Mary Menchforth, d. of John Menchforth of Shinkliffe, yeo man. Mary Wall, d. of Joseph Wall blacksmith. Judith Lowes, d. of Richard Lowes rough-mason. Elizabeth Graham, d. of George Graham draper-taylor. Thomasin Thompson, d. of George Thompson whitswith (sic). Nicholas Raw, s. of John Eaw Esq. Frances Blakiston, d. of Mr Francis Blakiston Master of Arts. Thomas Pattison, s. of Christopher Pattison weaver. Arthur Smith, s. of Eichard Smith mason. Anne Miller, d. of Ambrose Miller of Old Durham, yeoman. John Kidness, s. of John Kidness of Farewell Hall, labourer. John Anderson, s. of Bichard Anderson labourer. 174 CHEISTENINGS, MAEEIAGES, AND BUEIALS. MAEEIAGES. BUEIALS. 1692. May 1. 55 1. TJ 23. 55 24. July 24. Sept. 7. 55 10. 29. „ 24/ Nov. 1. 15. 8. 24. Jan. 14. Feb. 5. 6. 21, Thomas Walkington and Isabell Hutton, both of this parish. George Maugham of the parish of Dalton and Margarett Smith of this parish. George Graham of this parish and Joyce Perkinson of S' Ehlen Auckland parish. Phineas Sim and Jane Glen, both of this parish. Thomas Hodgshon and Margarett Arrowsmith, both of the parish of Cockfeild ; with lycence. John Wilson of the cnappelry of S' Margarets and Mary Lister of this parish ; with lycence. Mr Eichard Huntley of the parish of S' Nicholas in NewcasteU and Mrs Mary Eden of this parish ; with lycence. Mr William Forster apothecary and Susanna Padman, both of the parish of S* Nicholas ; with lycence. '" George Chapman of the parish of S* Nicholas and Barbara Coocke of this parish. Eoger Thornton of this parish and Margarett Harrison of the Chappeldrie of S' Margaretts ; ' with lycence. William Thompson of the parish of Witon and Jane Hall of this parish. ' David Borra and Elinor Wood, both of this parish. Eobert Parkein and Margery Mea- burne, both of this parish. John Smith and Jane Stout, both of this parish. Edward Hopper and Barbara Barraclugh, both of this parish. James Browne and Margarett Binks, both of this parish ; with lycence. William Sureties of the parish of S* Nicholas and Jane Ingleby of this parish ; with lycence. William Harrison and Chatherine Hynkes, both of this parish ; with lycence. 1692. Mar. 26. April 8. jj 13. 51 15. May 1. 55 20. J5 22. J5 25. June 3. 55 15. 55 19. 11 21. 15 27. July 14. 55 15. 55 23. 5' 27. 5J 29. 55 30. Aug. 27. 51 30. 15 31. Sept. 1. V 8. Oct. 20. Nov. 15 jj 19 Dec. 2. 55 5. 51 13 11 23 11 27 15 31 Jan. 4 51 15 11 16 55 19 Feb. 8 jj 13 Mar. 2 Alice Butyman, wife of Edmund Butyman of Sunderland. Mary Gainforth. John Tindell. Mary Allon. Christian Hall. Eichard Allon of Sunderland. Eichard Anderson. John Padman, s. of Richard Pad- man of the parish of S' Nicholas. George Eichardson. Isabell Johnson. William Johnson. Anne Hinkes spinster. Anne Edger spinster. Winifred Eea. William Atkinson. William Bradley. Eobert Marley painter and Eobert Chilton cordwainer were drown ed beside the New Bridge 26th July. Jane Commin spinster. Bridget Wilkinson. Eichard Stobbs. Anne Edgar of Sunderland. Mrs Fare of the parish of S' Nicholas. Anne Borrow, wife of David Borrow draper -taylor. Jane Brice. Katharine Borrow. Nicholas Feetum. Joseph Phillipson, s. of Mr John Phillipson. William Eeadhead. John Heighington. Christopher Lamb. Nicholas Johnson. Mary Brockett. Eobert Meaburne carpenter. Thomas Hedden. George Pickering yeoman. Barbara Chapman of the parish of S* Nicholas. Katharine Gainforth. Margarett Eidley widow. Isabell Milburne of Aldernag. William Hunter. Mary Burden of the parish of S' Nicholas. Thomas Howard, s. of Mr Charles Howard. CHEISTENINGS, MAEBIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 175 1692. 1693. Mar. 6. John Poison. May 7. 10. Thomasin Eichardson. „ 11. Elizabeth Gent widow. „ H. „ — •§ Elizabeth Sbacklock. „ 18. William White, s. of Andrew White of Croxdale. „ 21 „ 22. Thomas Walters. June 1 1 „ 23. Margrett Drisdall widow. 21 * „ ^x. Eobert Craw of Burne-hall. MAEEIAGES. „ 18 July 9 1693. April 23. William Burden and Dorothy ifl May 11. 20. July 18. 27. Sept. 14. 28 jj -,o> Oct. 26. 1693. Mar. 26. 30. April 18.19. 19. 25. Nicholson, both of this parish. Thomas Eales and Anne Eobinson, both of this parish. Eobert Kirton of the parish of Merrington and Mary Ward of this parish. John Dickinson and Anne Eggels ton, both of this parish. William Gowland of the parish of Stranton and Isabell Langstaffe of the parish of BUlingham. John Archer and Anne Suddick, both of this parish ; with lycence. Eobert Hall and Jane Watson, both of this parish. Eobert Addison and Anne Bore, both of the parish of Darlington ; with lycence. Michael Linsley and Jane Todd; with lycence. CHEISTNINGS. Eobert Thompson, s. of Eobert Thompson carpenter. Pexall Forster, s. of Mr Pexall Forster, Master of Arts and Vicar of the parish of S' Oswalds ; borne 29 th March. Bridget Lowdon, d. of Eichard Lowdon nailer. Anne Browne, d. of Christopher Browne of Arber- house, labourer. Anne Andrew, d. of George An drew of Shinkliffe, weaver. Mary Eobson, d. of Eobert Ejbson, nailer. Jane Walton, d. of Eaiph Walton of Shinkliff, yeoman. Aug. § Affidavit of being buried in woollen 20th March. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 16.30. 6. 13. 21. 27. 4. 26. 8. 11. 22. 22.29. 1. 2. 12. 5. 7. 14. 16. Matthew Kirby, s. of Walter Kirby of Broome, yeoman. Jane Stockell, d. of John Stockell vintener. Thomas Charlton, s. of Thomas Charlton of Broome, yeoman. Mary Browne, d. of Matthew Browne rough mason. Katherine (' Dorothy ' erased) Slater, d. of Richard Slater of White House, yeoman. Christobell Richardson, d. of Francis Eichardson cord wainer. Mary Smith, d. of John Smith carpenter. Anne Pearkin, d. of Robert Pearkin carpenter. Eobert Walton, s. of William Wal ton of Bpp. Ackland, taylor. Wilson, d. of John Wilson glover. Eobert Mills, s. of Martin Mills of Shinkliffe, labourer. Dina Evans, d. of John Evans blacksmith. Elizabeth Stobbs, d. of George Stobbs cooper. Conrad Charles, s. of a Dutchman. Anne Hendry, d. of Mr Haman Hendry of Shinkliffe, attorney ; borne 5th September. Michaell Bradley, s. of Joseph Bradley labourer. Eichard Feetum, s. of John Feetum yeoman. Thomas Anderson, s. of William Anderson labourer. Margarst Thompson, d. of William Thompson of Stotgate, yeoman. Dorothy Dixon, d. of Charles Dixon rough mason. Mathew Palmer, s. of John Palmer freemasou. Thomasin Phillipson, d. of Mr John Phillipson. Simon Smith, s. of John Smith rough-mason. Elizabeth Steele, d. of Eaiph Steele of Hough-hall, yeoman John Conyers, s. of Mr Thomas Conyers. Borrow, d. of David Borrow draper taylor. Elizabeth Parkinson, d. of Thomas Parkinson singing-man. 176 CHEISTENINGS, MAEEIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 1693. Dec. 31. Jan. 7. „ 14. „ 25. „ 28. » so. Feb. 11. 11. „ 13. 13. 20. Mar. 4. 18. 1693. Mar. 25. May 2. June 55 11 15 16 11 23 July 7 15 14 11 29 Aug. 8 JJ 20 Sept. 13. 51 14 55 25 Oct. 14 J1 17 15 27 William Moss, s. of Eobert Moss labourer. Johnathan Brice, s. of John Brice draper-taylor. Mary Sikes, d. of John Sikes nailor. Mary Errington, d. of William Errington taylor. Matthew Bilton, s. of William Bilton weaver. Elizabeth Eichardson, d. of Eobert (' William ' erased) Eichardson butcher. Matthew Marshell, s. of Matthew Marshell miller. Eobert Lax, s. of Thomas Lax yeoman. Marmaduke Thompson, s. of Thomas Thompson whitesmith. Peregrina Emerson, d. of Mr William Emerson. John Wall, s. of Joseph Wall blacksmith. William and John Atkinson, two twines, sonnes to William Atkin son labourer (' labourer ' erased, & ' smith ' written in a later hand). Anne Sim, d. of John Sim cord wainer. BUEIALS. Anthony Cook of Sunderland. Mrs Elizabeth Heighington. Mary Wall. Christopher Watson. William Wheatly of Shinkliffe, yeoman. Margary Midelmas. Anne Horsman. Elizabeth Archer. Elizabeth WTalton. M™ Elizabeth Emerson. Mary Bentley. George Wilkinson. George Chapman. Thomas Conyers, s. of Mr Thomas Conyers. Isabell Lax. Thomasin Atkinson. Anne Forster of the parish of S* Nicholas. Mary Craggs of Sunderland. Anne Mayland spinster. 1693. , Nov. 3. Mathew Palmer. 15 10. Eobert Speed. 11 10. Thomas Smith. 15 2G. Mr William Dentt of the parish of S* Nicholas. 51 27. Thomasin Philipson. Dec. 9. Thomasin Williamson. 1^ 18. Mr Eichard Ellis. 11 19. George Rea. 55 30. John Tinmouth taylor. Jan. 1. Eobert Anderson. 51 6. One Kell, a poore woman who died at Sunderland, being a travolor. 55 13. Julyan Eidley widow. 55 16. Jonathan Ord junior. JJ 19. John Bradley blacksmith. 51 28. George Tinmouth. Feb. 9. Margarett Banckes. 55 15. Mr Nicholas Crosby of the parish of S' Nicholas. Mar. 3. Margarett Collingwood. n 6. George Thompson whitsmith. 55 14. Elizabeth Farintine. 11 19. 4. Jane Moss, wife of Eobert Moss labourer. MAEEIAGES. 169 May 1. Thomas Thompson of parish of Stainwick in Yorkshire and Anne Miller of this parish. „ 29. Nathaniel Eippon of Manfield in the County of Yorke, gen', and Ellinor Hartley of the parish of Heighington, spinster ; with lycence. June 23. Eobert Trotter and Jane Darneton spinster, both of the parish of S' Andrew Awckland ; with lycence. July 11. John Clarke and Elizabeth Thomp son, both of this parish. Sept. 25. Cuthbert Oliver and Sarah Wheat- ley, both of the parish of Hainsterly ; with lycence. Nov. 9. Alexander Millene and Mary Sheeles, both of this parish. 1694. Mar. 25. April 1. CHRISTNINGS. Margarett Browne, d. of Richard Browne millner. Elizabeth Harrison, d. of George Harrison labourer. CHEISTENINGS, MAEEIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 177 1694. April 12. Elinor Tempest, d. of Colonel William Tempest of Old Durham. „ 29. Anne Edger, d. of John Edger labourer. 29. Margarett Dun, d. of William Dun laborer. May 20. Anne Smith, d. of Eobert Smith labourer. „ 30. Johnson Ingelbie, s. of Mr Simon Ingelbie of Shinkliffe, merchant. June 17. Mary Browne, d. of James Browne chapman. „ 21. Katharine Baw, d. of John Baw Esq. 1. Eichard White, s. of Andrew White of Burnehall, yeoman. 1. Jane Eickaby, d. of Michael Eickaby labourer. 15. Eoger Thornton, s. of Eoger Thornton yeoman. 5. John Smith, s. of Mr Bichard July Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. 1694. Jan. 13. Smith chirurgion. 9. Elizabeth Eickaby, d. of Thomas Eickaby labourer. 11. John Nicholson, s. of George Nicholson blacksmith. 16. William Gibson, s. of John Gibson weaver. 17. John Eales, s. of Thomas Eales glover. 28. Gervas, s. of Elizabeth Hirst, base begot. 14. Nicholas Gainforth, s. of William Gainforth mason. 14. James Walkinton, s. of Thomas Walkinton white-smith. 14. Bartholomew Morrison, s. of Humphrey Morrison labourer. 21. Mary Smith, d. of Eichard Smith mason. 4. Mary Bewick, d. of William Bewick laborrer. 6. Elizabeth Brough, d. of John Brough of Shinkliffe, yeoman. 18. Francis Blakiston, s. of Mr Francis Blakiston Master of Arts. 25. Anne Crisp, d. of John Crisp of Shinkliffe, labourer. 2. Mary Joplin, d. of Cuthbert Joplin mason. 9. Elizabeth Lowes, d. of Eichard Lowes mason. 1. Baiph Eggelston, s. of William Eggelston of Shinkliffe, labourer. 2. John Fairwether, s. of Edward Fairwether of Old Durham. Is 20. 23. Jane Hopper, d. of Edward Hopper carpenter. Thomas Nesume, s. of George Nesume of Shinkliffe, weaver. Catherine, d. of Elizabeth Heviside, suposed. to be the daughter of Christopher Colson, base-begot. Feb. 5. EUinor Paterson, d. of John Pater son of Broome, labourer. „ 24. Mary Burden, d. of William Burden white smith. „ 24. Margarett Dixon, d. of Hugh Dixon rough mayson. „ 12.* William Haswell, s. of Marke Has well. Mar. 24. John Graham, s. of George Graham draper-taylor. BUEIALS. 1694. April 3. 20. May 1.4. 18. Elizabeth Simpson. Eobert Fisher of the parish of S* Nicholas, who was drouned above Elvett Bridge. Margery Gastell. Frances Anderson, d. of Eichard Anderson. Eichard Eidley, s. of Arthur Eidley. June 13. WUliam Pattison of Fencola. ii 15. Mrs Isabell Hodgshon spinster. 11 22. Anne Tong of Sunderland. July 6. Francis Johnson. 11 17. John Spence. 71 24. Mary Hardy, wife of John Hardy of Sunderland, mason. Aug. 1. Martha Eobinson. 51 6. William Dickinson. Sept. 14. Katharine Brice. 51 17. Mrs Dorothy Bacon. 71 24. Ellinor Watson. 15 29. Jane Hinkes widow. Oct. 11. John Anderson, s. of Eichard Anderson. 11 17. Anne Andrew of Shinkliffe. 11 19. Ellinor Eichardson. Nov. 16. Jane Parkin. n 17. Mr Charles Eaine of the parish of S' , attorney. 51 23. John Hopper, s. of Edward Hopper. Dec. 1. William Atkinson. JJ 2. Dorothy Dowfoott. 55 6. Mary Joplin. JJ 13. Elizabeth Eichardson. Sic. 178 CHEISTENINGS, MAEEIAGES, AND' BUEIALS. 1694 Dec. Jan. jj Feb. jj March 14. 21. 27. 28. 6. 17. 5. 17. 25. 2. 15.16. Jane Knaggs of Shinkliff. . Margarett Thompson. John Lamb butcher. Mrs Elizabeth Shuttelworth of this parish was buried in the Abbie Churchyard. Cuthbert Hendry of Shinkliffe, yeoman. Eoger Thornton. Alice Thompson, d. of George Thompson of Broome, labourer. Cuthbert Awde of Sunderland, labourer. Elizabeth Fawswett widow. Mary Dickinson widow. Eobert Young Sexton of this parish. John Dowfutt. MABEIAGES.S 1695. March 30. Mr Patrick Boss and Mrs Elizabeth Shacklock, both of this parish ; with lycence. April 23. Thomas Harding and IsabeU Hedley, both of this parish. „ 30. Mr William Innis and Margaret Grey widow, both of the parish of S' Nicholas ; with lycence. May 6. Eaiph Watson yeoman and Mary Bell spr., both of this parish ; with lycence. „ 19. William Nichols weaver and Anne Clavering spr., both of this parish. „ 22. Thomas Dixon labourer and Dorothy Hall spr., both of this parish. June 25. William Troupe and Anne Maddi son, both of this parish. Aug. 6. Peter Bell of the chappelry of All Saints and Anne Byerley of the chappelry of S* Anderues, both of the Toune of NewcasteU upon Tine ; with lycence. Oct. 5. WiUiam Paxton carpenter and Anne Hutchinson spinster, both of this parish. Nov. 5. Hugh Peverell and Anne Slayter, both of the parish of Sf Andrew Awckland ; with lycence. „ 9. Eaiph Harrison and Elizabeth Brittan, both of the parish of S' Margarets ; with lycence. § There is a duplicate Begister, on parchment, of Marriages, Baptisms and Burials, the entries commencing May, 1695, and ceasing July, 17013. The two Registers vary occasionally in the fulness of detail. The Transcriber during these years will com bine the information of both. 1695. Nov. 12. 27 Jan. 14. Feb. 2. 1695. March 25.28 April 14 jj 23 •i 28 May 19 J5 23 15 30 June 9 J5 29 July 7. 12. 16. 21. Aug. 1. George Man of the parish of S' Nicholas and Anne Harrison of this parish ; with lycence. Thomas Thompson of this parish and Ellinor Martis of the parish of S' Nicholas, spinster; with lycence. Bichard Fisher and Dorothy Smith, both of this parish. Nicholas Thompson and Anne Simpson, both of this parish. CHEISTNINGS. Margaret Weames, d. of Thomas Weames skinner. William Forster, s. of Mr Pexall Forster Master of Arts and vicar of the parish of S' Oswalds ; borne 25th March. Margaret Thompson, d. of Eobert Thompson carpenter. Bichard White, s. of Bichard White of Burne Hall, yeoman. John Eidley, s. of Arthur Eidley cordwainer. William Lowdon, s. of Eichard Lowdon labourer; borne in May. Bridget Tempst (sic), d. of William Tempst of Old Durham, Esq. ; borne 8th May. Nicholas Smith, s. of John Smith carpenter ; borne 30th May. Jane Dickinson, d. of John Dickin son blacksmith; borne 31st May. Dorothy Watson, d. of Eaiph Watson yeoman ; borne 21Bt May. Jane Eea, d. of Henry Eea mason ; borne 24th June. Anne Clarke, d. of John Clarke weaver ; borne 24th June. Thomasin Wilson, d. of Mr Thomas Wilson attorney; borne 30th June. Cuthbert Andrew, s. of George Andrew of Shinkliffe, weaver. Anne Mitchell, d. of William Mitchell of Broome, yeoman ; borne 25th June. Elizabeth Evance, d. of John Evanoe blacksmith deceased ; borne 1 Aug. CHEISTENINGS, MAEBIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 179 1695. Aug. 4. Sept. 1. Nov. Dec. Jan. 15. Jl 22 JJ 24. JJ 29 JJ 30 Oct. 6. JJ 6 JJ 13 JJ 15 JJ 20 jj 29 10.14. 1. 10. 1. Eowland Harrison, s. of Thomas Harrison blacksmith ; borne 24th July. Anne Jackson, d. of John Jackson yeoman ; borne 17th Aug. Cuthbert Hendry, s. of Mr Hamon Hendry of Shinkliffe ; borne 31st Aug. Mary Marley, d. of George Marley painter ; borne 20th Aug. Cuthbert Penniten, s. of Bob' Penniten labourer ; borne 4th Sept. Elizabeth Sim, d. of Phineas Sim mason ; borne 14th Sept. Cuthbert Arrowsmith, s. of Henry Arrowsmith whitsmith ; borne 4th Sept. Ursley Pattison, d. of Christopher Pattison weaver; borne 19th Sept. Anthony and George Kidnas, two twins, sonns to John Kidnas labourer ; borne 30th Sept. Anne Wilson d. of Marke Wilson taylor ; borne 24th Sept. John Sim, s. of John Sim cord wainer; borne 25th Sept. Eoger Whitfeild, s. of Peter Whit feild ; borne 2nd Oct. Mary Wilson, d. of John Wilson glover ; borne 27th Sept. Michael Brice, s. of John Brice draper taylor ; borne 29th Sept. John Poison, s. of Francis Poison cordwainer ; borne 4th Oct. Elinor Foster, d. of Mathew Foster of Shinkliffe, draper taylor ; borne 1st Oct. Mary Browne, d. of Christopher Browne of Arborhouse, labourer; borne 20th Oct. William Hutchinson, s. of Thomas Hutchinson of Shinkliffe Mill ; borne 20th Oct. John Hendrick Eacod, s. of William Eacod a Duch soldgier; borne 6th Nov. Nicholas Foster, s. of John Foster labourer ; borne 27th Oct. Henry Havers, s. of Henry Havers chandler; borne 21s" Nov. Eichard Phillipson, s. of Mr John Phillipson ; borne 1st Dec. William Harding, s. of Thomas Harding labourer; borne 22nd Dec. 1695. Jan. 6. 9. 6.* 21. 23. 26. 2. 2. 13. 16. March 15. 23. Feb. 1695. AprU 2. 3. 4. 4.8. 10. 20.23. 28. 2. May John Young, s. of Thomas Young weaver ; borne 27th Dec. Dorothy Slater, d. of Bichard Slater of White House, yeoman ; borne 22nd Dec. Thomas Didsbery, s. of Mr Godfrey Didsbery ; borne 1st Jan. Baiph Holmes, s. of Frances Holmes of Broome, yeoman ; borne 2nd Jan. Margarett Parkinson, d. of Thomas Parkinson singing-man ; borne 15th Jan. Elisabeth Thompson, d. of William Thompson of Shereburne House gate, yeoman ; borne 10th Jan. Thomas Briggnall, s. of Ambrose Briggnall of Shinkliffe, weaver ; borne 13th Jan. John Charlton, s. of Thomas Charl ton of Broome, yeoman ; borne 12th Jan. John Stokeld, s. of John Stokeld yeoman ; borne 19th Jan. George Martin, s. of Mr John Martin ; borne 1st Feb. John Browne, s. of Mathew Browne mason ; borne 3rd Feb. Bobert Bradley, s. of Joseph Brad ley ; borne 2nd March. Margarett Smith, d. of Mr George Smith ; borne 16th March. BUEIALS. 17. Elizabeth Eichardson, d. of Bobert Eichardson. Dorothy Johnson. Humphrey Arrowsmith, s. of Baiph .Arrowsmith of Sunderland. Elizabeth Eeed widow. John Evance blacksmith. Mary Walton of White-house. Margaret Browne, d. of Eichard Browne. Mrs. Mary Eichardson spinster. John Hutchinson. John Sikes s. of John Sikes white smith. Thomas Hunter, one of the poore of this parish. Margarett Gibson, a poore widow. * Sic. 180 CHEISTENINGS, MAEEIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 1695. May 20. 55 JJ 20.26. 55 27. 55 31. June 5. 1555 9. 17. JJ 22. July 4. 55 10. Aug. 4. JJ 55 7. 16. 55 22. 5? 55 23. 23. Sept. 12. jj .23. 55 24. 55 24. 55 27. 15 27. 55 28. 55 29. 11 Oct. 29. 2. 6. Anne Turner spinster, who was very poore. Elizabeth Lamb widow. Margaret Speed, d. of Anthony Speed. Elinor Eichardson, d. of Eobert Eichardson butcher. Nicholas Smith, s. of John Smith carpenter. John Patterson of Broome, a poore labourer. Mrs Mary Smith widow. Jane Dickinson, d. of John Dickin son blacksmith. Mrs Prisca Bolmer, wife of Mr Tylly Bolmer. Mary Watson, wife of Baiph Wat son yeoman. Fortune Phillipson widow, one of the poore of this parish. Anne Aud, d. of John Awd of Sunderland. John Feetum labourer. Bichard Belli taylor, one of the poore of this parish. Margarett Donne, d. of WU1 : Donne labourer. Francis Williamson glover. Anne Hutchinson widow, one of the poore of this parish. Anne Dickinson, wife of John Dickinson blacksmith. Mathew Browne, s. of Mathew Browne mason. Michell Aud, s. of Cuthbert Aud of Sunderland, deceased. Elizabeth Arrowsmith, whe of Henry Arrowsmith. John Wilson, s. of John Wilson of the parish of S' Nicholas, butcher. Mary Dixon, d. of Hugh Dixon mason, Jane Brewhous spinster, one of the poore of this parish. Catharine, d. of Elizabeth Heviside, suposed to be the daughter of Christopher Colson, base- begot. Mrs Timothea Davison widow. Edward Hopper, s. of Edward Hopper, carpenter. Anne Whitfield, wife of Peter Whitfeild labourer. , § 19th in one register. 1695. Oct. 8. 10.12. „ 15. 20.20. 21, 21. 21. 25.25.26. 28. Nov. 5.7. 13.13. 16.25. 25. 28.29. 29. Dec. 1. 9. 11. Mary Kidnas, wife of John Kidnas labourer. Anthony Kidnas, s. of John Kidnas labourer. George Kidnas, s. of John Kidnas labourer. Elizabeth Juhnson, d. of Bobert Johnson draper taylor. Margarett Moss, wife of Bobert Moss labourer. Jane Hopper, d. of Edward Hopper carpenter. Bobert Thompson, s. of Bobert Thompson carpenter. Katharine Tindell, d. of John Tindell deceased. Thomas and James Morrison, sonnes of Humphrey Morrison labourer. Joseph Ord, s. of Jonathan Ord of Sunderland. Katharine Eggelston widow, one of the poore of this parish. Elizabeth Brough, d. of John Brough of Shinkliffe, yeoman. Anne Suertus, d. of Mr WiUiam Suertus of the parish of S* Nicholas. Margarett Thompson, d. of Eobert Thompson. Elizabeth Donne, d. of William Donne labourer. Thomas Eichardson, s. of Eobert Eichardson butcher. Bartholomew Morrison, s. of Humphrey Morrison labourer. Thomas Bewick, s. of WUliam Bewick labourer. Sarah Colson, a poore widow. Elizabeth Browne, d. of Mr WiUiam Browne Doctor of Physick. Eichard Anderson, s. of Eichard Anderson labourer. Thomasin Graham, whe of Thomas Graham draper taylor. Thomas and Dorothy Anderson, sonne and daughter of William Anderson labourer, both in one grave. Johnson Ingelbie, s. of Mr Simon Ingelbie of Shinkliffe. Gerrard Salvin, s. of Gerrard Salvin, Esq. John Lambton, s. of Mr Eobert Lambton of the parish of S« Nicholas. CHEISTENINGS, MAEBIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 181 1695. Dec. 31. Jan. Feb. Mar. 3. 11. 3. 5. 9. 11.14.15. 20. 22.22.27. 3. 12. 15.20. 21. 1696. May 12.11. ¦¦ June 7. Elizabeth Eickaby of Sunderland. Anne Dixon, wife of Charles Dixon rough mason. John Brice, s. of John Brice draper taylor. John Thompson free mason. Cuthbert Arrowsmith, s. ^of Henry Arrowsmith. Mathew Lister miller. Mra Euth Ward spinster. John Nicholson, s. of George Nicholson blacksmith. John Gibson, one of the poore belonging to S* Nicholas parish. Mr Thomas Asqu, late of the parish of Darlington. Jane Eeadhead, d. of John Bead- head, deceased. Mary Walton, wife of George Wal ton of the parish of S' Nicholas. Mrs Anne Lamb spinster. Marke Hopper, s. of Marke Hopper wheelright. Eichard Smith, s. of Thomas Smith draper-taylor. Anne Eichardson widow, one of the poore belonging to this parish. Eobert HaU brazer, one of the poore belonging to this parish. Mary Lamb widow. Mr John Ashman. MAEEIAGES. 1696. July 5. Eaiph Foster and Anne Browne, both of this parish. Mr Gilbert Matcham§ of the parish of S' Mary-le-Bow and Mra Anne Salvin of this parish, spinster; with lycence. Samuel Horramund of the parish of S' Nicholas and Barbara Simpson. John Lister and Margarett Eickaby, both of this parish. Thomas Atkinson and Anne White, both of this parish. Mr John Smart of the parish of Jarro and Mra Barbara Eden of Shinkliffe. John Young and Anne Pringle, both of this parish. 12. 20. Aug. 4. Nov. 17. 17. 24. Jan. 19. IT § Machon. Sic. 1696. March 26. May 10. 17. 17. 24. WiUiam Hodgson of the parish of S' Nicholas, cordwainer, and Alice Wood of this parish, spinster. John Dickinson and Anne Wilkin son, both of this parish. George Mills of the parish of Wear- mouth and Filizabeth Allinson of the parish of S* Margarets ; with lycence. Charles Dixon and Elizabeth Fogon, both of this parish. George Arrowsmith of the parish of Cockfeild and Mary Martin- dale of the parish of Standrop; with lycence. Thomas Wears of the parish of S' Nicholas and Mary Eobinson of this parish. John Kidnas of this parish and Frances Stephenson of the parish of S* Nicholas. M1' John Olard and Philopeny Pey spinster, both of the parish of Lamesley ; with lycence. William Watson and Frances Gibson, both of this parish. CHEISTNINGS. Dorothy Eobinson, d. of Gerrard Eobinson carpenter ; borne 26th March. Mary Lamb, d. of Mr John Lamb ; borne 27th March. Thomas Jenison, s. of Mr John Jenison ; borne 4th April. Anne Dawson, d. of Mr Joseph Dawson of Shinkliffe; borne 26th March. Muriel Ditchburne, d. of Philip Ditchburne labourer; borne 20th April. Thomasin Eales, d. of Thomas Eales glover ; borne 2nd May. Elizabeth Smith, d. of John Smith mason ; borne 7th May. Mary Eickabie, d. of Michael Eickabie labourer ; borne 8th May. § N.B. — One of the two registers now being transcribed usually gives birth dates only, the other baptismal dates only. Several entries may be found in the former which are not in the latter. It may be presumed that these children did not live to be baptised. 182 CHEISTENINGS, MAEBIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 1696. May 24. 31. June l. 17. July 5. jj 9. Aug. 16. J5 16. JJ 23. 5J 22. Sept. 8. 5J 16. JJ 27. J* 27. Oct. 1. JJ 21. JJ 24. 26 Nov. 8. Thomas Thornton, s. of Eoger Thornton yeoman ; borne 14th May. Matthew Smith, s. of John Smith carpenter ; borne 28th May. Dorothy Farrow, d. of William Farrow of Farwell Hall, yeoman ; borne 8th May. Elizabeth Eaw, d. of John Eaw, Esq. ; born 27th May. Mary Geding§, d. of Mr Joseph Ged- ing fraime-worke kniter ; borne 24th May. Eichard Anderson, s. of William Anderson labourer ; borne 22nd June. James Anderson, s. of Eichard Anderson yeoman ; borne 25th July- Katharine Kirby, d. of Walter Kirby of Broome, yeoman ; borne 24 July. Elizabeth Edger, d. of John Edger yeoman ; borne 3rd Aug. William Foster, s. of Eaiph Foster of Shinkliffe, labourer ; borne 14th Aug. * Jane Newam, d. of Eaiph Newam currier; borne ll"1 Aug. Nicholas Haswell, s. of Marke Has well yeoman ; borne 2nd Sept. Joseph WaU, s. of Joseph Wall blacksmith ; borne 9th Sept. Eobert Paxton, s. of William Paxton carpenter; borne 13th Sept. Marke Hopper, s. of Edward Hopper carpenter; borne 20"1 Sept. Dorothy Forster, d. of Mr Pexall Forster Master of Arts and Vicar of the parish of S* Oswalds ; borne 27th Sept. Thomas Marshall, s. of Mathew Marshall labourer; borne 21st Oct. George Nicholson, s. of George Nicholson blacksmith ; borne 23rd Oct. George Wilson, s. of Mr Thomas Wilson attorney; borne 15th Oct. Margarett Lister, d. of John Lister whitesmith ; borne 1 2th Oct. I Qedling in one Beg. Sic. 1696. Nov. 8. 15. 24. Feb. 30. Dec. 6 55 10 11 13 55 27 Jan. 1. 9. 17. 17. 24. 18. March 23. Bobert Smith, s. of Eobert Smith labourer ; borne 25th Oct. Mary Thompson, d. of William Thompson of Stottgate, yeoman ; borne 27th Oct. Katharine Brough, d. of John Brough of Shinkliffe, yeoman; borne 4th Nov. Thomas Errington, s. of William Errington draper taylor ; borne 20th Nov. Mary Jopling, d. of Cuthbert Jopling mason ; borne 24th Nov. Elizabeth Lampton, d. of Eobert Lampton late deceased ; borne 8th Dec. Eobert Archer, s. of John Archer draper taylor ; borne 28th Nov. John Crisp, s. of John Crisp of Shinkliffe, labourer ; borne 20th Dec. Mitford Hendry, s. of Mr Hamon Hendry of Shinkliffe ; borne 31Et Dec. WUliam Whitfeild, s. of Peter Whit feild labourer ; borne 7th Jan. William Burdon, s. of William Burdon whitesmith ; borne 2nd Jan. Mary Etherington, d. of Christopher Etherington of Shinkliffe, yeo man ; borne 7 th Jan. John Parkin, s. of Eobert Parkin carpenter ; borne 1 3th Jan. Anne Thompson, d. of Nicholas Thompson whitesmith ; borne 27th Jan. Anne Ingelbie, d. of Mr Simon Ingelbie of Shinkliffe ; borne 30th Jan. Eobert and William Henderson, two twins, sonnes of William Henderson mason; borne 18th Feb. Anne Thompson, d. of Thomas Thompson whitesmith ; borne 7th March. Elizabeth Jackson, d. of John Jackson of Aldernage, yeoman ; borne 14th March. BUEIALS. 1696. March 28. Elizabeth Smith, d. of Mr George Smith. CHEISTENINGS, MAEEIAGES, AND BUEIALS. .183 1696. March 28. April 3. jj 4. April 16. J5 May 16. 29. 8 jj 9. jj 12. jj 16. 5J JJ 19. 19. JJ JJ 24. 27. June 13. 15 July 28. 1. jj 30. Aug. 1. JJ 5. JJ 13. Sept. 55 25. 5. 11. JJ 30. Oct. 15. jj Nov. 24. 9. Dec. 9. J5 15. Jl 17. Susanna Forster, d. of Mr William Forster of the parish of S' Nicholas, apothecary. Jane Sharp, wife of David Sharp. Eichard Phillipson, s. of Mr John Phillipson. Edward Bowron, servant to Gerrard Salvin Esq. Margarett Arrowsmith. William Davison Esq. Eichard Middelton of the township of Broome, yeoman. Elizabeth Swan, wife of Eobert Swan of Broome, yeoman. John Cartor, servant to Gerrard Salvin Esq. Eobert Fawdon of the parish of S' Nicholas, butcher. William Glen draper taylor. William Dixon, s. of Mr Thomas Dixon of the parish of S' Nicho las, apothecary. Lancelot Donne labourer. Mr Eobert Lambton of the parish of S' Nicholas. John Bidley, s. of Arthur Eidley cordwainer. Jane Speed of Sunderland, widow. Mr Thomas Crosby, s. of Mr John Crosby attorney. Nicholas Gray, late of the parish of Medomsley, yeoman. Anne Edger, d. of John Edger yeo man. George Eggelstone labourer, one of the poore of this parish. Mary Arrowsmith, d. of Henry Arrowsmith blacksmith. Jane Newam, d. of Eaiph Newam. Julian Dawson of Broome. Mary Barton, wife of Bobert Bar ton cordwainer. George Bishoppbrige of the parish of Sl Nicholas, yeoman. Mary Banckes, d . of Thomas Banckes of the parish of S' Margarets. Elizabeth White widow. Bobert Bradley, s. of Joseph Bradley labourer. Cuthbert Peniten, s. of Eobert Peniten labourer. Thomas Fenwick, s. of John Fen- wick of Sunderland, labourer. John Peniten, s. of Eobert Peniten labourer. 1696. Dec. 21. Jan. 25. 1. 2. 6. 13. 15. 21. Jan. 31. Feb. 4. 5. 19. 26. 1.5.7. 11. Mar. 11. 15. 1697. Mar. 28. 28. April 4. John Hopper of Shinkliffe, yeoman, and very aged. Mary Colling spinster. Eichard Anderson, s. of WiUiam Anderson labourer. Christopher Wilkinson of the parish of S' Nicholas, butcher. Anne Chapman of the parish of S' Nicholas, widow. Margarett Butry spinster. William Whitfeild, s. of Petter Whitfeild labourer. John Harrison, s. of George Harri son labourer. Elizabeth Green widow. Mr WUliam Burnop of the parish of S' Nicholas. Michael Eickaby of the parish of S' Nicholas, butcher. Mary Kirkley, d. of Thomas Kirk ley of Sunderland. Alice Boswell, one of the poore belonging to this parish. William Harrison of Sunderland, taylor. George Bird of Shinkliffe, black smith. John Pickering, s. of John Picker ing of Sutheran Closes. Mr Nicholas Salvin of the parish of S' Nicholas. Anne Allon of Shinkliffe, widow. Eobert Henderson, s. of William Henderson mayson. CHEISTNINGS. „ il ls. John Sikes, s. of John Sikes white smith ; borne 1 3th March. Jane Stobbs, d. of George Stobbs cooper; borne 15th March. William Smart, s. of John Smart weaver ; borne 19th March. Thomas Eickaby, s. of William Eickaby of Heards House, labourer ; borne 1 9th March. Elizabeth Thompson, d. of Eobert Thompson joyner; borne 21Bt March. Samuel, s. of Margarett Meabourne, suposed to be the sonne of Samuel Wood, base begott ; borne 4th April. John Brice, s. of John Brice draper taylor ; borne 4th AprU. 184 CHEISTENINGS, MAEEIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 1697. April 18. „ 24. „ 25. May 9. 16. May 23. June 13 jj 21 July 25 Aug. 22 jj 22 Sept. 1 Oct. 3. 11. 12. 17. Samuel Martin, s. of Mr John Martin ; borne 6th April. Henry King, s. of Henry King staymaker ; borne 1 5th April. Jane Sim, d. of John Sim cord wainer ; borne 1 5th April. Elizabeth Dixon d. of Charles Dixon rough mason ; borne 28th April. Katharine Palmer, d. of John Pal mer mason ; borne 5th May. Thomas Eickabie, s. of Thomas Eickabie line whelle (1) maker ; borne 3rd May. Eobert Graham, s. of Thomas Graham draper taylor; borne 1 1th May. George Eaw, s. of John Baw Esq. ; borne 9th June. Joseph Phillipson, s. of Mr John Phillipson ; borne 7 th June. Hannah White, d. of Andrew White of Burne Hall, yeoman ; borne 24th June. John Holmes, s. of Francis Holmes of Broome ; borne 14th June. Margarett Harrison, d. of Thomas Harrison blacksmith ; borne 12th July. Isabell Gainforth, d. of William Gainforth rough mason ; borne 5th Aug. Alice Dickinson, d. of John Dickin son blacksmith ; borne 5th .A.us- William Gedling, s. of Mr Joseph Gedling fraime worke kniter ; borne 31st July. William Eutlige, s. of William Eutlige of Shinkliffe Mill, miller ; borne 14th Aug. Jane Burdon, d. of Thomas Burdon taylor ; borne 30th Aug. Mary Lax, d. of Thomas Lax yeo man ; borne 13th Aug. Jane Smith, d. of Eichard Smith rough mason ; borne 1 8th Sept. Mary Bell, d. of John Bell of the parish of S' Nicholas ; borne 6th Oct. Eobert Baley, s. of Eobert Baley of the parish of Aldersgate in Lon don, ship-carpenter, wife's name Margarett; borne 10th Oct. John Wilson, s. of John Wilson glover ; borne 4th Oct. 1697. Oct. 17. Nov. 1. Dec. 12 Dec. 12 jj 23 Jan. 2 23. 55 27. Feb. 14. March 20. — . 1697. April 11. May 1. Bobert Young, s. of John Young smith ('nailer' erased); borne 9th Oct. Anne Walkington, d. of Thomas Walkington whitesmith ; borne 19th Oct. Sith Anderson, d. of William Anderson labourer; borne 2nd Nov. Thomas Young, s. of Thomas Young weaver ; borne 6 th Dec. Mary Low, d. of Bichard Low mason ; borne 23rd Nov. Judith Trotter, d. of Mr Leonard Trotter ; borne 11th Dec. Thomasin Lowdon, d. of Eichard Lowdon labourer; borne 18th Dec. John Forster, s. of M1' John Forster; borne 26th Dec. James Briggnall, s. of Ambrose Briggnall of Shinkliffe, weaver ; borne 11th Jan. Eaiph Hall, s. of Eaiph Hall of Benthouse, labourer; borne 18th Jan. Thomas White, s. of Eichard White of Burne Hall, yeoman; borne 29th Dec. Mary Wears, d. of Thomas Wears cordwainer; borne 13th Feb. Jane Smith, d. of Mr Eichard Smith chirurgion ; borne 12th Feb. Mary Ousman, d. of Mr John Ousman limner; borne 19th March. Elizabeth Jenison, d. of Mr John Jenison ; borne 23rd March. MAEEIAGES. 25. John Marr and Anne Sowerby, both of this parish. Gerrard Wheatley of the parish of Witton Gilb' and Frances Wal ton of this parish. Joseph Eaine of the parish of Stan- hoppe in Weardale and Ellinor Eichardson of this parish. John Walker and Anne Weemes spinster, both of this parish; with lycence. CHEISTNINGS, MAEBIAGES,' AND BUEIALS. 185 1697. Nov. 20. 28. March 7. 24. 1697. March 26. 26. April May 28. 2. 13.23.24. 26. 4. 10. „ io. „ 12. „ 31. June 10. „ 17. 19. 20. Eaiph Smith and Frances Hodgshon, both of the parish of Sedgfeild ; with lycence. Bichard Widdison of the parish of S' Nicholas and Jane Lodge of this parish. Eaiph Donne of the parish of Branspeth and Susana Bowron of this parish. John Unthank and Abigail Addi son, both of the parish of Wearmouth ; with lycence. BUEIALS. July 27. 5. 11. 15. 22. 24. 25. Anne Inglebie of Shinkliffe, spinster. Mary Smith, d. of Eichard Smith mason. Dorothy Farrow of Farewell Hall, widow. Margarett Clement widow of the parish of S* Mary le Bow. Thomas Thompson labourer. Samuel Martin, s. of Mr John Martin. Gilbert Maddison mason. Henry King, s. of Henry King. Alice Sisterson, late of the parish of Sedgfeild, spinster. Katharine Palmer, d. of John Palmer mason. William Gibson, s. of John Gibson weaver. John Eowell weaver. Ursley Pattison, d. of Christopher Pattison weaver. Isabell Donne, whe of John Donne labourer. Mary Borrow, d. of David Borrow draper taylor. Ehzabeth, d. of Susanna Simpson. Thomasin Errington, d. of William Errington draper taylor. MrB Anne Swale. Mr Isaac Cooper. Margarett Bowron, d. of Edward Bowron deceased. John Clarke weaver. George Browne, s. of Christopher Browne of Stott Gate. Muriell Ditchburne, d. of Philip Ditchburne. Joseph Wall, s. of Joseph Wall blacksmith. 1697. Aug. 19. Sept. >5 2. 3. J) 5J 16.19. JJ 25. 5J 26. Oct. 5. )J 14. 51 17. Nov. 1. jj 13. n 18. 11 24. Dec. 2. JJ 55 Jan. 22. 30. 3. 51 U51 11 4. 6. 7. 13. Feb. 14.19. 24. 6. 20.22. „ 27. March 4. 12. Elizabeth Eickaby, d. of Thomas Eickaby of Sunderland. Jane Dobson spinster. Isabell Aud, d. of. John Aud of Sunderland. Elizabeth Briggnall widow. David Borrow, s. of David Borrow draper taylor. Anne Penniten, d. of Eobert Penniten labourer. Lance Carrett, s. of John Carrett labourer. Margery Johnson widow. Bridgett Lowdon, d. of Eichard Lowdon labourer. Anne Browne, d. of Christopher Browne of Stot gate, labourer. Margarett Bell spinster. Mr William Forster apothecary in the parish of S* Nicholas. Sith Anderson, whe of William Anderson labourer. Thomas Lax, s. of Thomas Lax yeoman. Frances Widdifeild, d. of John Widdifeild of Sunderland, yeo man. Eaiph Wilkinson butcher. Mathew Eidley draper taylor. Mrs Anne Peacock, wife of Mr Simon Peacock seanior. John Black fraimework-kniter. Mathew Foster of Shinkliffe, taylor. Ambrose Hutchinson blacksmith. Matthew Chambers, who died at Mr John Forsers in this parish, was buried at Harber house. Margarett Colling of Shinkliffe, widow. Bichard Eowntree Walker. Eaiph Hall, s. of Baiph Hall of Bent House, labourer. John Dickinson blacksmith. Bichard Dickinson of Shinkliffe, servant. William Elder, s. of Eobert Elder, a poor traveler deceased, who died at Sunderland. William Loftus spurrier. Elizabeth Joplin, wife of Cuthbert Joplin rough mason. Jane Lickbara§, d. of Eaiph Lick- bara mason labourer. s This name, rightly Loughborough, often occurs in the Dur ham Eegisters under various foi-mB— Lifbarrow, Lufborougb. Lickbarrow, &c. 1U 186 CHEISTENINGS, MAEBIAGES, AND BUEIALS. CHEISTNINGS. 1698. March 26. Eobert Whitfeild, s. of Peter Whit feild, base begot ; borne 24th March, 1697. ,, 27. William Ditchburne, s. of Philip Ditchburne labourer; borne 13th March, 1697. „ 27. Averill Browne, d. of Eichard Browne miller; borne 14th March, 1697. ,, 27. William Herrison, s. of George Herrison labourer ; borne 1 5th March, 1697. „ 27. Godfrey Didsbery, s. of Mr Godfrey Didsbery attorney at law ; borne 18th March, 1697. April 7. Elizabeth Atkinson, d. of Thomas Atkinson blacksmith ; borne 28th March. „ 11. Stephen Borrow, s. of David Borrow draper taylor ; borne 3rd April. — . Henry Witham, s. of Mr Lawrence Witham; borne 10th April. Hugh Dixon, s. of Hugh Dixon rough mason ; borne 6th April. Mary Mitchell, d. of William Mitchell of Broome, yeoman ; borne 30th March. Matthew Poison, s. of Francis Poison cordwainer ; borne 9th April. 26. Hammond Thornton, s. of Eoger Thornton yeoman ; borne 9th April. Marke Haswell, s. of Mark Haswell yeoman ; borne lBt May. John Walker, s. of Mr John Walker ; borne 7th May. James Martin, s. of Mr John Martin; borne 18th May. Lancelot Donne, s. of William Donne labourer ; borne 24th May. Thomas Katnas§, s. of John Kat- nas labourer ; borne 10th June. Eaiph Lamb, s. of Mr John ; borne 30th June. July 10. John Smith, s. of John Smith carpenter ; borne 22nd June. § ' Kidnesse ' written over it later, by Vicar Eud. „ 17. „ 17.24. May 15. 5J 17. June 5. 55 26. 1698. July 10. 10. „ 25. Aug. 16. » 28 Sept. 4 JJ 11 13 29. Anne Arrowsmith, d. of Henry Arrowsmith trunkmaker ; borne 27th June. Sarah Eobinson, d. of Garrard Eobinson joyner ; borne Is' July. Elizabeth Baxter, d. of John Baxter of Arber-house, yeoman ; borne 7th July. Thomas Parkinson, s. of Thomas Parkinson singingman ; borne 12th Aug. Margarett Foster, d. of John Foster labourer ; borne 10th Aug. Ellinor Wall, d. of Joseph Wall blacksmith ; borne 4th Sept. Mary Sim, d. of Phineas Sim mason ; borne 1st Sept. Jane Farrow, d. of William Farrow of Fairwell Hall, yeoman ; borne 24'n Aug. Mary King, d. of Henry King ; borne 7th Sept. George Bea, s. of Henry Bea mason; borne 24th Sept. Frances Palmer, d. of John Palmer mason ; borne 24th Sept. John Browne, s. of James Browne chapman ; borne 19th Sept. Hutton Baw, s. of John Baw, Esq. ; borne 3rd Oct. Mary Slater, d. of Bichard Slater of White House, yeoman ; borne 8'fl Oct. John Errington, s. of William Errington draper taylor ; borne 13th Nov. Isabell Smith, d. of John Smith rough mason ; borne 4'n Nov. William Nicholson, s. of George Nicholson blacksmith ; borne 23rd Nov. Margaret Thompson, d. of George Thompson gardiner ; borne 24th Nov. William f TnomPson> s' °f William Thompson of Sherburne House gate, yeoman ; borne 20th Nov. William Brice, s. of John Brice draper taylor ; borne 29th Nov. John Burdon, s. of William Bur don whitesmith ; borne 30th Nov. t George in one register, William in the other. Oct. 6. Nov. 1. 18. 17 20. Dec. 4. 55 4. 11 6. 11 18. 18. CHEISTENINGS, MAEEIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 187 1698. Dec. 26. William Hopper, s. of Edward Hopper whele-right; borne 15"1 Dec. Jan. 8. John Thompson, s. of Nicholas Thompson whitesmith ; borne 27th Dec. „ 10. Eobert WidifeUd, s. of Mathew Widifeild of White House, labourer ; borne 21st Dec. „ 16. Margarett Paxton, d. of William Paxton joyner ; borne 10th Jan. „ 23. Benjamin Phillipson, s. of Mr John Phillipson ; borne 23rd Jan. „ 29. Susanna HaU, d. of Baiph Hall of Bent House, yeoman ; borne 17th Jan. Feb. 5. Mathew Morrison, s. of Humphrey Morrison labourer ; borne 23rd Jan. „ 16. Mary Cooper, d. of Francis Cooper barber-chirurgion ; borne 26th Jan. „ 26.* Eichard Sim, s. of John Sim cord wainer ; borne 20th Feb. March 5. Andrew Comin, s. of Andrew Comin labourer; borne 14t]l Feb. „ 19. Bobert Jefferson, s. of Bobert Jefferson of Shinkliffe, black smith ; borne Is' March. „ 19. Deborah Donn, d. of Mr WiUiam Donne, Curate of this parish, was borne and baptized. MAEEIAGES. 1698. May 2. George Chilton and Elizabeth Eea, both of this parish. „ 2. Bobert Bea of the parish of Heart and Elizabeth Inglish of this parish. „ 6. William Dugles and Anne Perry. „ 8. Bobert Anderson of the parish of Croxdale and Alice Johnson of this parish. „ 21. Henry PaUaser and Hester Mason, both of the parish of Witton Gilbert ; with lycence. „ 23. Mr Thomas Errington and Mrs Anne Sutton. July 24. John Wilkinson of the parish of S' Nicholas and Margarett Pecton of this parish ; with lycence. * March 26 in register, but no doubt an error, and rightly February. 1698. July 24. Mathew Bidley and Mary Bobin- sonf, both of this parish, were marryed with lycence in the ¦ parish of S* Giles. Sept. 8. John Clement of the Colledge and Elizabeth Moss of the parish of Branspeth ; with lycence. Nov. 29. William Anderson and Mary Browne, both of this parish. Jan. 21. Thomas Holmes and Mary Coates of the parish of Dalton; with lycence. BUEIALS. 1698. March 31. Eobert Whitfeild, suposed to be the sonne of Petter Whitfeild. April 3. Michael Brice, s. of John Brice draper taylor. „ 3. Godfrey Didsbery, s. of Mr Godfrey Didsbery attorney at law. „ 4. Thomas Smart, s. of John Smart of the parish of S' Nicholas. „ 5. Thomasin Croft, wife of Eichard Croft yeoman. „ 11. MrB Margarett Witham, wife of Mr Laurence Witham. „ 17. Isabell Softly, wife of Tobias Softly. „ 18. John Morrey, s. of Henry Morrey of Shinkliffe. „ 20. John Brice, s. of John Brice draper taylor. „ 26. Mathew Poison, s. of Francis Poison „ 30. Dorothy BeU, d. of Mrs Dorothy Bell. May 5. Mrs Jane Wickcliffe spinster. „ 5. Judith Trotter, d. of Mr Leonard Trotter. „ 22 Sith Anderson, d. of William Anderson labourer. „ 24. Thomas Thornton, s. of Eoger Thornton yeoman. „ 29. Christopher Browne labourer. June 2. Margaret Lickbara, d. of Baiph Lickbara of Shinkliffe Mill, labourer. „ 4. James Martin, s. of Mr John Martin. „ 17. Elizabeth Tychicus, an ageed widow§. „ 22. Elizabeth Heighington of the parish of S' Nicholas, widow. t Robin in one register. 5 See burial of 16 April, 1648 ; also note on, and memorandum attached to, p. 137. 188 CHEISTENINGS, MAEEIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 1698. July 2. 9. Aug. 8. 12. 55 515J 16 2021 1111 2127 Sept. 6 JJ 20 Oct. 4 51 4 55 20. JJ 24 Nov. 13 11 18 11 25. 11 28. Dec. 3. 21. Jan. 17. 28. Feb. 11. March 3. Anne Loftus widow. Anne Card of the Chappelry of S' Margarets, widow. Margarett Davison, wi'e of John Davison whitesmith. Mrs Elizabeth Vickers of the parish of S* Nicholas, widow. Martin Mills of Shinkliffe, labourer. Margarett Jurdison widow. Lydia Paxton, wife of Thomas Paxton of Shinkliffe, draper. George Gastell hatmaker. Anne Nichols wife of William Nichols weaver. Edmund Butiman of Croxdale Mill, yeoman. John Smart, s. of John Smart of the parish of S* Nicholas, weaver. Joseph Gedling of the parish of S' Nicholas. John Thompson, s. of George Thompson gardiner. William and Mary Gedling, sonne and daughter of Joseph Gedling of the parish of S* Nicholas, de ceased. MrB Anne Errington, wife of Mr Thomas Errington. M1S Ellinor Sanderson widow, who died at Alderman Hodgshons in the parish of S' Nicholas. PhUlis Walton, one of the poore of the townshippe of Broome. ' Jane Flatherle§, a poore traveler who was goeing to Gateshead by pass from Hull. Edward Moore, servant to Gerrard Salvin, of Croxdale, Esq. A poore traveler who died at Shinkliffe. Anne Wilkinson, wife of Thomas Wilkinson of the parish of S' Nicholas. Elizabeth Aud, d. of John Aud of Sunderland, labourer. Margarett Paxton, d. of William Paxton joyner. Phillis Atkinson widow. Ellinor Palmer widow. Anne Wall, d. of Christopher Wall of the Chappelry of S' Mar- 4. Mary Sim, d. of Phineas Sim Fathere in one register. 1698. March 6.6.8. 9. 18. 1699. March 26. April 16.10. 10. 30. May 7. 14. June 4. 15. 25. July 2. Ellinor Clarke, wife of Henry- Clarke labourer. Hammond Thornton, s. of Eoger Thornton yeoman. Anne Leigh, wife of John Leigh labourer. Anne Arrowsmith, d. of Henry Arrowsmith whitesmith. William Loftus spuryer. Bobert Graham, s. of Thomas Graham taylor. CHEISTNINGS. Mary Kirby, d. of Walter Kirby of Broome, yeoman; borne 16th March. William Holmes, s. of Francis Holmes of Broome, yeoman ; borne 18th March. Margarett, cl. of Anne Eichardson, suposed to be d. of Petter BeUward, baise-begot ; borne 10'11 April. Mary Poison, d. "of Francis Poison cordwainer ; borne 24th March. Margarett Crisp, d. of John Crisp of Shinkliffe, labourer ; borne 14th April Mary Brough, d. of John Brough of Shinkliffe, yeoman ; borne 11th April. Elizabeth Smart, d. of John Smart weaver ; borne 22nd April. Anne Henderson, d. of William HendersonMay. Thomas Bonnynge, s. Bonnynge joyner ; May. Eichard Thompson, s. Thompson joyner ; May. John Thornton, s. of Eoger Thorn ton yeoman ; borne 5th June. Browne, s. of Mathew Browne rough mason ; borne 12th June. Anne Smith, d. of Eichard Smith rough mason ; borne 18th June. Nicholas Charlton, s. of Thomas Charlton of Broome, yeoman ; borne 21s' June. mason ; born l8t of Eober borne 31 of Bobert borne 19th George CHEISTNINGS, MAEEIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 189 1699. July 13. 30. Aug. 13. Sept. 3 55 3 5J 10 J5 10 24. Oct. 29. Nov. 1. Dec. 17. jj 27. Jan. 23. Feb. 6. of John 11. Iv Charles Didsbury, s. of Mr Godfrey Didsbury attorney at law; borne 16th June. Hannah Pattison, d. of Christopher Pattison weaver ; borne 12th July. George Graham, s. of George Graham draper taylor ; borne 26'h July. Charles Dugless, s. of William Dugless malster ; born 31s' July- John Archer, s. of John Archer draper taylor ; borne 14lh Aug. Jane Kirton, d. of Mathew Kirton of Shinkliffe, yeoman ; borne 24th Aug. John Anderson; s. of William Anderson labourer; borne 14th Aug. Bichard Smith, s. of Bobert Smith labourer ; borne 25th Au Frances Housman, d. Housman pickter drawer ; borne 26th Aug. PhUlis Lee, d. of William Lee of Broome, yeoman ; borne 29th Aug. Michaell Jackson, s. of John Jack son of Aldernage, yeoman ; borne 29th Sept. William Gibson, s. of John Gibson weaver; borne ll1* Oct. Anne Jennison, d. of Mr John Jennison ; borne 21Bt Oct. Katharine Palmer, d. of John Palmer mason ; borne 2Ga Oct. , Bridget Frances Forser, d. of Mr John Forcer ; borne 28th Oct. Elinor Hutchinson, d. of George Hutchinson joyner ; borne 21st Oct. John Morrey, s. of John Morrey of Shinkliffe ; borne 3rd Dec. Cuthbert Thompson, s. of William Thompson of Stotgate, labourer ; borne 14th Dec. Phcebe Martin, d. of Mr John Martin; borne 218' Dec. William Walker, s. of Mr John Walker ; borne 15th Jan. Anne Sedgwick, d. of Henry Sedgwick yeoman; borne lBt Feb. Bobert Jackson, s. of John Jack son labourer ; borne 28th Jan. 1699. Feb. lc March 3. 12. 1699. April 16. 17. 11 23. 55 29. May 7. June 4. J5 4. 55 29. Aug. 15. 1J 24. Oct. 12. Nov. 5. 55 9. 19. John Morland, s. of Mr John Morland, born 18th February, & privately baptized that night. Nicholas Paxton, s. of WiUiam Paxton joyner ; borne 18th Feb. Margarett Sikes, d. of John Sikes naler ; borne 22nd Feb. Anne Baxter, d. of John Baxter of Munke Arber, yeoman ; borne 25th Feb. MAEEIAGES. WiUiam Lee yeoman and Hanna Anderson spinster, both of Broome towne-shipp in this parish. Humphrey Pickering of the parish of Brancepeth and Anne Hinde of the parish of Lanchester, spinster ; with lycenpe. John Maugham of this parish and Elizabeth Harrison of the parish of S' Margarets. Eobert Huntley and Anne Colling wood spinster, both of the parish of Seaham ; with lycence. William Hutchinson and Katharine Jackson, both of this parish. Eobert Appelby of the Chappehey of S' Margarets and Anne Cooke of this parish. Eobert Hall and Mary Fawell, both of this parish. Michell Stobbert of the parish of S' Andrew Auckland and Jane Smayles of this parish ; with lycence. Eobert Bell of Shinkliffe and Sarah Walton of the parish of S* Nicholas. Eobert Eeed of the Chappellry of S* Margarets and Isabell Welch of the parish of S* Giles. John Grenewell of the Chappelry of S' Margarets and Sarah Inglish of this parish. John Hutson and Isabell Bruce, both of this parish. John Davison and Katharine Nicholson, both of this parish. Mr Henry Busby and Thomasin Fowler, both of the parish of S' Nicholas ; with lycence. 190 CHEISTENINGS, MAEEIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 1699. Nov. 10.* William Forster and Mary Michael, both of this parish. „ 28. Bartholomew Kead and Anne Thompson, both of this parish. „ 28. Cuthbert Brass and Anne Forster, both of this parish. „ 30. Benjamin Taylor and Barbara Harrison, both of this parish. Dec. 26.f Thomas Stelling of the parish of Bishoppton and Jane Stainsby of the parish of Haughton§. Jan. 4. John Frizell and Elizabeth Ladler spinster, both of the parish of S* Nicholas. ,, 5. Eobert Jefferson and Anne Worthy, both of Shinkliffe in this parish, were married with lycence in S' Giles parish. Feb. 13. John Hodshon and Winifrid Tem pest spinster, both of this parish; with lycence. BUEIALS. 1699. March 28. 29. May Christopher Banckes joyner. Mary Jefferson, wife of Eobert Jefferson of Shinkliffe, black smith. April 8. John Leigh labourer. „ 10. Eobert Armestrong, s. of Eaiph Armestrong of the parish of S' Nicholas. Mary King, d. of Henry King stay- maker. Mr William Browne Doctor of Physick. Mr Eaiph Davison. Jane Bell, d. of Eichard Bell of Shinkliffe. Jane Foreman, wife of John Fore man of Shinkliffe, labourer. Dorothy Prockter, late of the parish of Lanchester, spinster. Cuthbert Hendry, s. of Mr Hamon Hendry of Shinkliffe, deceased. Jane Speed, wife of Anthony Speed labourer. Elizabeth Tinmouth widow. Pexall Padman, s. of Eichard Padman of the parish of S' Nicholas, barber. WiUiam Troulas, being a poore servant in this parish. Sic, and only in one register. § Houghton in one register. t 28th in one register. 21.28. 5. 5. 16.20.21. 23. June 8. 12. 18. 1699. June 28. July 4. John Thornton, s. of Eoger Thorn ton yeoman. Mrs Martha Browne, late wife to Mr Eichard Browne, Doctor of Physick, deceased. John Sedgwick Esq. Martha Ballance, wife of Christopher Ballance. John Keinlaside, s. of Eichard Keinlaside deceased. Anthony Lax of the parish of S' Nicholas. Mra Grace Sedgwick widow, late wife to John Sedgwick Esq., deceased. Joseph Corner, s. of Matthew Corner of Sotheran Closes, labourer. George Craggs, s. of George Craggs of Sunderland, whele-right. Charles Didsbury, s. of Mr Godfrey Didsbury. Thomasin Lowdon, d. of Eichard Lowdon labourer. Thomas Wood, late of Lomley, a poore traveller who died at Sunderland. Margarett Burell, d. of Cuthbert Burell deceased. Anne Falwell spinster. Mary Bradley spinster. Eobert Moss labourer. Anne Eickaby widow. Elizabeth Joplin widow. Lance Donne, s. of William Donne labourer. Elizabeth Bradley, wife of Joseph Bradley labourer. Michael Bradley, s. of Joseph Bradley labourer. Jane Farrow, d. of William Farrow of Fairwell Hall, labourer. Elizabeth Bradley widow. Nicholas Simpson blacksmith, who did at Durham Castell. Nov. 8. Dorothy Colling of Shinkliffe, 6. 9. 15. 22.28.29. 31. Aug. 3. 5.9. 10.18. „ 24.§ „ 31. Sept. 6. „ 11.12-16. 24. Oct. 22.28. 13. 13. 17. 17. widow. Elizabeth Smith, d. of John Smith mason. John Clarke of the parish of S' Nicholas, draper taylor. Mr Eobert Tatam of the parish of S* Nicholas. Anne Mawer, wife of John Mawer yeoman. § 22nd in one register. CHEISTENINGS, MAEBIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 191 1699. Nov. 19. 29. Mr John Phillipson. Thomas Jenison, s. of Mr John Jenison. Dec. 9. Samuel Eden of Shinkliffe. " 10' Anne j Young spinster. „ 12. Benjamin Michel**. „ 21. Jane Sim, d. of John Sim cord wainer. „ 24. Elizabeth Clarke widow of the parish of S' Nicholas. „ 27. Mary Jopling, d. of Cuthbert Jop ling mason. Jan. 2. Jane Prockter spinster. ,, 6. Grace Dun widow. „ 8. Mr Francis Sutton, of this parish, was buried in the Chappelry of S' Margarets in Durham. ,, 9. George Graham, s. of George Graham draper taylor. „ 18. Petter Bewick, s. of William Bewick labourer. ,, 22. Mary Brough, d. of John Brough of Shinkliffe, yeoman. Feb. 10. Jane Boyes, an aged poore widow. 12.ttEdward Menchforth of Shinkliffe, labourer. ,, 14. Anne Eden of Shinkliffe, spinster. „ 14. Anne Henderson, d. of William Henderson mason. March 1. James Sowerby. „ 8. Anne Sim, wife of Eichard Sim labourer. ,, 9. Prisca Peacock, Peacock late S' Nicholas. ,, 10. A poore traveler, who died at the Constabls. „ 16. Mrs Tabitha Eden, wife of Mr Henry Eden of Shinkliffe. 19. Elizabeth Forster of Shinkliffe, spinster. CHEISTNINGS. 1700. March 25. wife of Francis of the parish of April 11. George Jefferson, s. of Eobert Jefferson of Shinkliffe, black smith ; borne 14'n March. Mary Hutchinson, d. of William Hutchinson carpenter ; borne 10th March. Anne Keidnas§, d. of John Keidnas labourer ; borne 29 th March. * Mary in one, Anne in other register. Michael in one register. tt l*'h in one register. § ' Kidness ' written over by Mr. Bud. 1700. April 28 51 28 JJ 28 May 12 11 1G 11 20 1i 26 June 2 5) 16 July 21. 14.* 23. Sept. 1. „ 16- „ 22.22. Oct. 6. 13. 15. Nov. 10. 10. Daniell Fraziallt, s. of John Fraziall, a poor traveler; borne at Old Burne Hall 22nd March. Mary Walkington, d. of Thomas Walkington whitsmitb ; borne 12th April. Eachel Elstobbe, a young woman, d. of Daniell Elstobbe, Quaker, deceased. Alice Young, d. of Thomas Young weaver ; borne 5th May. Leonard Baine, s. of John Eaine of Houghall, yeoman ; borne 27th April. Ellinor Etherington, d. of Cristopher Etherington of Fencola, labourer; borne 11th May. Margaret Wall, d. of Joseph Wall blacksmith ; borne 9th May. Eobert Dixon, s. of Hugh Dixon mayson ; borne 1 9th May. Anne Dixon, d. of Charles Dixon mayson ; borne 30th May. Elinor Dodshon, d. of Nicholas Dodshon of Shinkliffe Moore- house, yeoman ; borne 6th June. John, s. of Bobert BeU of Shinkliffe, weaver ; borne 24th June. Elizabeth, d. of Jerard Eobinson joyner ; borne 26th June. Thomas, s. of Mr Thomas Wilson attorney at law ; born 3rd July. Grace, cl. of William Forster ; born 26th Aug. Jane, d. of Eichard Anderson labourer; born 17th Aug. Margaret, d. of Eichard Lowdon labourer ; born 27th Aug. Anne, d. of John Hudson mason ; born 9th Sept. Elizabeth, d. of Cuthbert Brasse joiner; born ll"1 Sept. Jane, d. of Will™ Eickabie labourer; born 11th Sept. John, s. of John Brice taylor ; born 6th Oct. Bernard Westby Burdon, s. of Thomas Burdon taylor; born 3rd Oct. Sarah, dau.ofMr. Godfrey Didsbury attorney at law ; born 17th Sept. Philip, s. of Wm Mitchell of Broom, yeoman ; born 1 6th Oct. George, s. of Wm Burdon black smith ; born 22nd Oct. t 'Frizell' written over by Mr. Eud. 192 CHEISTENINGS, MAEBIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 1700. Nov. 17. Dec. 1. 1. 8. 17. 22.22. Jan. 2. 14.19. 25. 25. 31. • Feb. 16. jj 24. March 4. jj 4. jj 13. 16. Nicholas, s. of Nicholas Thompson whitesmith ; born 31Bt Oct. Elizabeth, d. of Mr John Martyn ; bom 11th Nov. Barbara, d. of Edward Hopper joiner ; born 10th Nov. Eichard, s. of Eichard Low mason born 11th Nov. Henry, s. of Philip Ditchburn labr born 16th Nov. Jane, d. of M1' Wm Dunn§ clerke born 16th Dec. Jane, d. of Benjamin Taylor cord wainer ; born 9th Dec. Luke, s. of Wm Neasome of Shin kliffe, labr ; born 10tht Dec. Anne, cl. of Mr John Forcer, born 30th Dec. Thomasine, d. of John Smith carpenter ; born 19th Dec. Jonathan, s. of Eich : White of Burn haU, yeoman ; born 27th Dec. Mary, d. of Eobert Hall of Shin kliffe ; born 7th Jan. Anne, cl. of Eobert Hixon of Old Durham, yeoman, privately bapt.; born 5th Jan. John, supposed s. of Thomas Hastings and Anne Dickinson, base begot, privately bapt. Elizabeth Douglas, d. of Wm Douglas; born 18th Jan. George, s. of William Anderson labourer, born and privately bapt. same day. John, s. of John Housman picture drawer, born 9th Feb. Anthony, s. of William Henderson mason ; born 1 5th Feb. Isabell, d. of Thomas Graham taylor, privately bapt.; born 22nd Feb. John, s. of John Baxter of Monke- harbour, yeoman; born 22nd Feb. Mary, d. of Matthew Marshall of Shinkliffe Mill ; born 22nd Feb. Eobert, s. of Eobert Bonning joiner, born 1 3th March ; privately bapt. same morning ; recd into ye Church April 6th, 1701. Elizabeth, d. of Eichd Brown junr, miller ; born 1 4th March. William, s. of John Simme shoe- makertt ; born 8th March. Donne in one register. f 13th in one register. tt Cordwainer in one register. March 12. William, s. of Eoger Thornton, born and privately bapt. same day. „ 22. Mary, d. of Mr Joseph Alport, Survey1' for Births, born 10th March ; privately bapt. 22nd ; publickly certified 23rd. Memdm. That upon ye death of Mr Wood, I appointed Matthew Eidley to be Parish Clarke, and signified to ye Parishoners my choice of him ye next Sunday following, in ye time of Divine Service, as ye Canon directs. Pexall Forster, Vic. 1700. April 30. May 30. 28. June 16. Aug. 3. 13. Jan. 13. 1700. March 26. April May 29. 2. 5. 16. 23.23. 5. MAEEIAGES. William Wilkinson and Elizabeth Lightly, both of this parish. Lanclot Sokeld§ of the parish of Branspeth and Mary Whitfeild. Joseph Bradley and Mary Barra clugh, both of this parish. Eaiph How and Elizabeth William son, both of this parish. John Buckley and Anne Buckley spinster, both of the parish of Haughton ; with lycence. William Nicholls and Mary Taylor; both of this parish. Eichard Simme and Elizabeth Mills, both of this parish. Cuthbert Joplin and Frances Smith, both of this parish. BUEIALS. Frances Housman, d. of John Housman pickter-drawer. Nicholas French, s. of Nicholas French fuller. Thomas Shephard upholster. Andrew Commin labourer. Anne Keidnas, d. of John Keidnas labourer. Mary Sheeles, wife of Henry Sheeles skinner. George Phillipson mason. Mary Arkley, wife of Mathew Arkley. Mrs Mary Eden of Shinkliffe, widow. Jane Young spinster. § Altered to ' Salkeld ' by Vicar Rud. CHEISTNINGS, MAEBIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 193 1700. May 15. 20. 17.* 26. June 12. 13. „ 17.20. July Aug. Sept. Oct. 6. 8.t 10. 20. 28.29. t 2. 13.13. 17. 21.26.29. 30. 7. 11. 18. 11. 23.27. 29. Eichard Wilson, a traveler, late of the parish of Brough under Staine Moore. John Hopper skinner. Easter Sudwick widow. James Hirst labourer. Jane Kirton, d. of Mathew Kirton of Shinkliffe, yeoman. William Nicholson, s. of George Nicholson blacksmith. MrB Margaret Emerson, whe of Mr William Emerson of the parish of Stanhopp in Weardale. George Wate, a child who died at Mra Wrayes, sonne of Widow Wate. Jane Elrington, a poor widow. Bich : Holmes of Broom, taylor. Anne Eobinson, wife of Thomas Eobinson mason. John Forster taylor. Margaret wife of Hugh Dixon mason. Anne, wife of Bob* Appleby. Margaret wUe of Eich : Brown, one of poor. Mathew Arkley glazier, one of the poor of this parish. Anne wife of John Ingleby of Shinkliffe. Mary, d. of John Sikes blacksmith. Anne, wife of George Stobbs cooper. Thomas Eobinson mason. Susanna Padman, d. of Mr Eichard Padman barber. Mr John Wood parish clerke. Thomas Walkinton whitesmith. George Hutchinson of Trimdon, butcher; slain in ye Hallgarth- street by a fall from his horse. Mary, wife of Wm Eobinson labr. John Twentyman, serv* to Mr Morland. Mary, d. of John Wilson glover. Anne, wife of Mr Francis Crosby attorney at law. Andrew White of BurnhaU, yeo man. Mr Francis Crosby attorney at law. Judith Kynliside widow. Jane, wife of Luke Neasome of Shinkliffe, yeoman. 1700. Nov. 19. * Sic. t 7th in one Eegister. J 28th in one Eegister, but both entries inserted later. lw Dec. Jan. 23.29. 3. 6. 6. 10. 10. 10. 18.•28 Feb. 3. 16. 18. 24. March 10.10. 14. 1701. March 30. April 27. 55 27 •1 29 May 18 55 25. 26. Jane, wife of John Darnton of Sunderland Bridge, yeoman. John Jackson labr. Bob* Eales skinner, one of ye poor. Mr Joseph Hellier officer in ye Excise. Mr Amcotts Sheffield apothecary. Elinor Trotter, an orphan. Elizabeth Crone, an infant. William, s. of Philip Ditchburn labourer. Thomas Smith taylor. Thomas Bainbridge taylor. Baiph, s. of Thomas Kirkly of Sunderland Bridge, yeoman. Anne, wife of Eobert Hixon of Old Durham, yeoman. Katherine, wife of Thomas Pecton sadler. Mary, d. of Matthew Holmes of Aldernage, yeoman. Mary, d. of Thomas Walkington whitesmith, deceased. Bridget-Frances, d. of Mr John Forcer of this parish, was buried at Harbourhouse Chappell. Eichard, s. of Eichard Brown junr mUler. Mary Gainforth widow. CHEISTENINGS. Ehzabeth, d. of Eichard Brown junr miller ; born 14th March. John, s. of Marke Haswell, serv* at Old Durham ; born 17 April. Isabell, d. of George Nicholson blacksmith, born 17th Ap. Wm, s. of Lancelot Salkeld of Broom, yeoman, born 14th Ap. Eaiph, s. of Eaiph How labr ; born 27th April. Thomas, s. of Wm Nichols weaver ; born 3rd May. Mary, d. of Lancelot Hardcastle ; born 12th May. Hannah, d. of John Lumsdon, base begot ; born at ye Ancorage 20th May. Mary, d. of Mr John Hodgson; born 4th April. 194 CHEISTENINGS, MAEBIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 1701. June 6. Jane, d. of George Wood dyer, born 6th June, & privately bapt. ye same day ; recd into ye church 1st July. „ 22. Wm, s. of John Kidnesse labr ; born 4th June. July 6. Dorothy, d. of Thomas Eickaby labr ; born 1 6th June. „ 6. Mary, d. of John Smart weaver ; born 20th June. ,, 6. William, s. of Francis Poulson shoemaker ; born 26tb June. June 30. John, s. of John Davison white smith, born 30th June, & privately bapt. y6 same day ; recd into ye Church 13"1 July. July 20. John, s. of John Smith mason ; born 1st July. „ 29. Thomas, s. of Mr John Walker attorney at law; born 16th July. Aug. 5. Anne, d. of George Graham taylor ; born 24 July. „ 17. Jane, d. of Joseph Bradley carpr ; born 3rd Aug. ,, 24. Barbara, d. of Eichard Smith mason ; born 10th Aug. „ 24. Anne, d. of William Eagleston labr; born 12th Aug. Sept. 14. Bichard, s. of Bichard Wybart*, labr ; born 29th Aug. ,, 14. Margaret, d. of Henry Arrowsmith smith ; born 3rd Sept. „ 28. Thomas, s. of Eobert Anderson labr; bom 13th Sept. Oct. 5. Martha, d. of George Thompson gardiner; born 17th Sept. „ 7. Abraham, s. of Thomas Parkinson singingmanf ; born 26th Sept. „ 8. William, s. of Matthew Eidley parish clerk, born 25tn Sept., privately bapt. 8th, rec1* into ye Church 10th Oct. „ 19. Anne, d. of John Gibson weaver; born 30th Sept. „ 19. Anne, d. of Henry Morrow of Shinkliffe ; born 4* Oct. Nov. 2. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Charlton of Broom, yeoman ; born 4th Oct. ,, 11. Wm, s. of Wm Paxton joiner ; born 31s' Oct. „ 23. Thomas, s. of Francis Holmes of Broom, labr ; born 31s' Oct. * Altered to Wybridge by Vicar End. t Smith in one register. 1701. Nov. 23. Dec. 7. 14. 29. Feb. 5. March 1. 1701. April 27. „ 27. „ 27. May 6. June 24. Aug, 3. ji 12, jj 26. Sept. 23. Oct. 12.* Nov. 2.* Thomas, s. of John Crisp of Shinkliffe, labr; born 1 1th Nov. John, s. of Cuthbert Joplin mason ; born 27th Nov. Ursula, d. of Henry Sedgewick malster ; born 7th, privately bapt. 14th, recd into ye Church 23rd Dec. Thomas & Thomasine, twins of Bartholomew Kidd labr, born 29th Dec, privately bapt. same day, publickly ll"1 Jan. Mackan Jennison, d. of Mr John Jennison ; born 2nd Jan. Elinor, d. of Mr James Salvin ; born 29th Jan. Isabel, d. of Bob* Mosse labr ; born 15th Feb. MAEEIAGES, Benjamin Clarke of ys parish of S* Nicholas & Elizabeth Eumford of this parish. Wm Eobinson & Elizabeth Heavi side, both of this parish. George Craggs of ye parish of Easington & Margaret Whitfield of this parish. Christopher Bell & Margaret Cooll- ing, both of this parish. John Crooks of this parish & Mary Crosier of yB parish of Branspeth. Samuel Eain of ye parish of Stan hope & Jane Greenwell of Wolsingham parish. Nicholas Herkles of this parish, taylor, & Anne Perkin. Mr Henry Dalston of ye Chappelry of All Saints, Newcastle, and MrB Katherine Martyn of this parish. Wm Moor & Anne Neevie, both of this parish. John Baty & Thomasine Croft, both serv's to ye Bishop, at ye Castle. Mr Brown, a Scotch man, & Mrs Amcots of this parish. George Smith & Elizabeth Smith- son, both of this parish. * These entries occur in one Eegister only. CHEISTENINGS, MAEEIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 195 17 Jan. 31. 13. ^ 13. 55 29. 5J 31. parish of Bishop Anne Forster of John Bilton of y Weremouth & this parish. Thomas Allen & Alice Edge, both of this parish. Thomas Belly blacksmith & Marg' Horn, both of this parish. Anthony Speed & Isabell Bunn, both of this parish. Chr. Donkin & Anne Bowntree. BUEIALS. 1701. March 25. 27. JJ )J 28. 31. April 10. ji 10. 55 15.* 55 29. May 5. jj jj 19. 25. June 6. jj jj jj 23.29.29. July 6. Aug.Sept. JJ 6. 21. 8. 14.* 11 14.* William, s. of John Simme cord wainer. Averall, d. of Mr PexaU Forster, Mr of Arts and Vicar of this parish. William, s. of Eoger Thornton. John Gibson, serv' to Dr Bowes, one of ye Prebendaries. Thomas, s. of Bobert Bonning carpr. Barbara, d. of Edward Hopper carpr. Elinor, wife of Alexander Shaw organist, was buried at the Cathedral. George, s. of Wm Thompson yeo man. Thomas, s. of Christopher Wall shoemaker in ye parish of S' Margaret's. Mary Kidd spinster. Mary Thompson widow, one of y° poor. Hannah, d. of John Lumsdon, base begot. Alice, d. of Thomas Young weaver. Mr Thomas Wilson attorney at law. Elizabeth, wife of M1' Patrick Bosse schoolmr. Eobert BeU, a very aged parishoner, one of ye Bishop's Hospital. Elinor, d. of Joseph Wall smith. Mary Sedgwick spinstr. Anne, d. of Charles Dixon mason. Margaret, d. of Henry Arrowsmith smith. Margaret, d. of John Sikes smith. These only oecnr in one Eegister. 1701. Sept. 15.* Oct. 1. 4.5. 10. Dec. 14. 23. 3. 12. 22. Jan. Feb. 2. 29. 4. 16.25. March 5. 13.22.* Anne, d. of Mr John Forcer, was buried at Harbour-house. William, s. of Francis Poulson cordw1'. Bob', s. of Hugh Dixon mason. Wm, s. of John Kidnesse labr. Mary, wife of Matthew Eidley parish clerke. Thomas Shepherd. Marg', cl. of Bichd Lowdon labr. John Eichardson, a very old man. MrB Margaret King. Ursula, wife of John Freer of Broom, yeoman. Elizabeth Spence widow, one of ye poor. Bernard- Westby, s. of Thomas Burdon taylor. John White, miller, a very old man. Mr8 Elinor Jackson widow. Elizabeth Wall spinst., servant to Alderman Hall. Giles Eain yeoman, a very aged & credible housekeeper. John Anderson, a beggar, a Scotch man; died at Sunderland Bridge. MrB Margaret Hudleston wid. was buried at the Cathedral. CHEISTNINGS. 1702. March 26. April 1. 14. May 3. 10. Eaiph, s. of John Fisher fuller ; born 15"1 March. Anne, d, of Thomas Eales, privately bapt. 1st, publickly 7th April ; born 26th March. Elizabeth, d. of William Taylor of Shinkliffe ; born 14"1 March. Phineas & Margaret, twins of John Simme cordwr, born & privately bapt. 14th & publickly 19th April. Thomasine, d. of Wm Errington taylor ; born 14th April. Anne, d. of Thomas Young weaver; bom 15th April. Marke, s. of Matthew Brown mason ; born 23rd April. These only occur in one Eegister. 196 CHEISTENINGS, MAEEIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 1702. May 10. 24. . June 7. jj 14. jj 29. July 19. Aug. 7. „ 18. 20. 30. Sept. 6. 10. 19. 27. Bichard, s. of John Archer taylor ; born 27th April. John, s. of John Hixon Quaker, born 3rd May. Basil, s. of Mr John Forcer ; born 5th May. John, s. of Christopher Bell lab1 was born 3rd May, & bapt. 24th being Whitsunday. Elizabeth, d. of Nich : Herkles taylor ; born 3rd May. Nicholas, s. of Nicholas Dodgson Quaker; born 22nd May. Elizabeth, d. of Edward Hopper carpinter ; born 27* May. Bobert, s. of Gerard Eobinson joiner ; born 4th June. Anne, d. of John Brice taylor ; born 10th June. Eaiph, s. of Mr John Seaton ; born 27th June. Benjamin, s. of W"> Forster ; born l8' July. Thomas, s. of Thomas Bell, of Shinkliffe, & Elizabeth Hirst, of Elvet, base begot ; born 4th July. Thomas, s. of Thomas Bell, of Shinkliffe, & Anne Eichardson, of Elvet, base begot ; born 2nd, privately bapt. 7*, recd into ye Church 30th Aug. Anne, d. of Cuthbert Brasse joiner, born 6th, privately bapt. 18th, & publickly 23rd Aug. Charles, s. of Charles Alexander, a travel1, ; born 12th Aug. George, s. of Bobert Thompson, carpr ; born 19th Aug. Thomasine, d. of John Eichardson yeoman ; born 27th Aug. Eobert, s. of Eobert Bell of Shinkliffe, weaver, born & privately bapt. 10th Sept., recd into ye Church 4th Oct. Lydia, d. of Mr John Martyn; born 9th Sept. Christopher & Margaret, twins of Eobert Smith labourer, born & privately bapt. 19th Sept.; Marg' was recd into Church 4th Oct. Eobert, s. of Mr Godfrey Didsbury attorney ,borne 25th, & privately bapt. 27th Sept., publickly 25* Oct. 1702. Oct. 1. 11 J5 21 JJ 25 Nov. 3 3 29. Dec. 9. 10.15 J5 27 55 29 Jan. 19 u 18 jj 25 jj 28 Feb. 8 JJ 23 Jane, d. of Phineas Simme mason, born & privately bapt. 1st Oct., recd into y° Church 11th Oct. George, s. of George Smith skinner ; born 28th Sept. James, s. of Thomas Dixon of Shinkliffe, labr ; born 2nd Oct. George, s. of Wm Douglas; born 14* Oct. John, s. of Mr Thomas Lewin attorney at law; born 16th Oct. Jane, d. of Francis Poulson ; born 15th Oct. Margaret, d. of Eoger Thornton ; born 24th Oct. Isabel, d. of Anthony Speed labr, born & privately bapt. 3rd Nov., publickly 1 5th Nov. Anne, d. of Eob* Jefferson of Shinkley, smith ; borne 24th Oct. Elizabeth, d. of Wm Eobinson labr ; born 25* Oct. George, s. of Mr John Morland, born & privately bapt. 29* Nov., recd into ye Church Is' Jan. John, s. of George Wood dyer ; bom 15* Nov. Samuel, s. of Mr John Walker attorney at law ; born 5th, privately bapt. 10*, & buried 12* Dec. Francis, s. of Eaiph How labr, born 5* & privately bapt. 15* Dec. Frances, d. of William Mitchel of Broom ; born 4* Dec. Frances, d. of Mr Wm Dunn, clerke; born & privately bapt. 29*, publickly 31s' Dec. Anne, d. of Eichard Elwood glover ; born 1st Jan. Barbara, d. of Eobert Bonning joiner, bom & privately bapt. 18* Jan., publickly 14* Feb. Barbara, d. of John Hudson mason ; born 10* Jan. Margaret, d. of Geo. Oard labr ; born 25* privately bapt. 28th, publickly 31Bt Jan. Elinor, d. of Joseph Bradley joiner, born 31st Jan., privately bapt. 8* & publickly 9* Feb. Elizabeth, d. of Brian Forster drummer* ; born 7* Feb. * ' Taylor ' in one register. CHEISTENINGS, MAEEIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 197 1702. March 14. 16. 21. Margaret, d. of John Nichols taylor & Elizabeth Bedhead, base begot ; born 14* Feb. James-Matthias, s. of John Hous man painter ; born 24tn Feb. John, s. of John Heward labourer ; bom 11* March. John, s. of Henry Arrowsmith whitesmith ; bom 4* March. Mary, d. of John Baxter of Monke- Harbour, yeoman ; bom 25* Feb. Henry, s. of Adam Waters yeoman; born 8* March. Catherine-AJethea, d. of Mr John Forcer ; born 23rd March. MAEEIAGES. 1702. April 6. Mr Francis Salkeld of All Saints parish, Newcastle, & MrB Eliz abeth Eden of this parish. ,, 14. John Frier & Anne Holmes, both of this parish. „ 16. Eichd Elwood & Elinor Lumley. „ 23. Brian Forster & Anne Troop. „ 26. Christopr Ebdon & Anne Ballant. May 5. George Oard & Elizabeth Com- min. June 2. Adam Waters & Isabel Great- head. ,, 13. JohnWrightofLangley & Elizabeth Jackson of Helmdon-Baw, both of Branspeth parish. July 4. Mr William Eden of S*. Nicholas parish, apothecary, & MrB Jane Martindale of this parish. Patrick Eosse of this parish, schoolmaster, & MrB Elizabeth Brocket of ye South Baily. 24. Mr Errington & Mrs Errington. 24. Henry Arrowsmith & Anne Jordon, both of this parish (after they had been several years clande stinely married & had two children), were publickly married. Feb. 4. Francis Holmes & Marg' Mitchell, both of this parish (after they had been several years clandestinely married), were publickly married. lx Sept. 5. Mr Oct. BUEIALS. 1702. March 28. April 5. „ 17.25. May 1. 6. 13.15. June 5. 9. 11.19. 21.28. 2. 29. 7. 20. July 55 Aug. „ 28. Sept. 20. 23.25. Oct. Nov. jj Dec. 1. 1.9. 11. 23. 24. 27. 8. 22.10. 12.13. MrB Mary Dakers. John Sikes whitesmith. Luke Neasham of Shinkliffe. Jane Neasham, d. of ye sd Luke. Isabell, d. of Thomas Graham taylor. Mrs Dorothy Bell widow. Marke, s. of Matthew Brown mason. John Crooks yeoman. Anne, wife of Mr Lancelot Erring ton. George Williamson, glover (slain by a fall from his horse between Sunderland Bridges). Eaiph Simpson. Barbara, wife of George Dickinson pewterer. Thomas Banks miller, a very aged man. Baiph Arrowsmith miller of Crox dale Mill. Margaret, d. of George Stobbs cooper. George Andrew of Shinkliffe, weaver. Mr Henry Eden of Shinkliffe. Thomas Dods of Shinkliffe, labr. Dinah, d. of Wid. Evans & John Evans, deceased. Marg', wife of Wm Mason taylor. Bichard Clarke of Shinkliffe, labr. Mr Eichard Beckles attorney. Marg' Curtis, a very old woman, one of ye poor. Mr Eichard Crosby. Christopr, s. of Bob' Smith labr. Wm Forster. Mr Lancelot Errington. John, s. of Mr Lewin. MrB Mary Mohun* oculist. Jane Eagleston, an old widow. Mr Simon Peacock. Mr Thomas Paxton draper. MrB Mary Blakiston, an ancient & credible housekeeper. Samuel, s. of Mr John Walker attorney. Mary, d. of Wm Burdon smith. * Moon in one register, shewing that this name waB then, as now, so pronounced. 198 CHEISTENINGS, MAEBIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 1702. Dec. 15. 55 5J 19.20. 55 21. 55 29. Jan. 2. )5 15. IJJJ 22.22. J J Feb. 25. 5. JJ JJ 23.28. March i 2. j»55 JJ 2.3. 7. JJJJ 15. 22. 23. 1703. March 29. „ 30.23. April 18. 18. A poor man found dead near Shinkliffe. Francis, s. of Eaiph How labr. Hannah, wife of Wm Lee of Broom, labr Margaret, d. of John Simme cord wainer. John, s. of Mr Bichard Smith chirurgeon. Eichard Brown millr, an old man. Benjamin, s. of Mr Eichd Eichard son deceased. James Lee taylor. Anne, wife of Mr Eaiph Middleton of ye parish of S' Nicholas, chyrurgeon. Jane, wife of Henry King weaver. Anne, d. of Cuthbt Brasse joiner. John Eickaby labr. MrB Eichardson wid., one of y" poor. Bobert Bonning joiner. Wm Arrowsmith of Broom. John Allen of Shinkliffe, labourer. Elizabeth, wUe of George Oard labourer. Anne, d. of George Graham taylor. Mary, wife of Bartholomew Brown smith. John, s. of John Baxter yeoman, of Monke-Harbour. CHEISTENINGS. 22. May Henry, s. of Thomas Parkinson singing-man ; born 25* Feb. WUliam, s. of Wm Wheatley of Shinkliffe ; born 8* March. Eichard, s. of Bichd Smith mason, born & privately bapt. 23rd March, recd into ye Church 4* April. Edward, s. of Daniel Bell of Broom, yeoman ; born 30* March. Christopher, s. of Christopr Ebdon; born 7* April. Johnson, s. of Mr Simon Ingleby of Shinkliffe ; born 6* April. Wm, s. of Wm Hutchinson joiner ; born 18* April. 1703. May 16.23.23. „ 20. June 20. „ 22. July 18. 28. Aug. 22 JJ 24. Sept. 13. JJ 28. Oct. 14 Nov. 14. jj 23 Dec. 5. J) 5 JJ 20 Jan. 1. 1. 2. Baiph, s. of Christr Etherington labr ; born 22nd April. James, s. of Wm Henderson mason; bom 8* May. John, s. of John Peachy; born 15* May. Bernard- Westby, s. of Tho: Bur don; born 19th May. Alice, d. of Eobert Whitfield of Belly, born 19* & privately bapt. 20* May; publickly 7th June. Isabel, d. of William Burdon smith born 9* June. Mary, d. of Mr James Salvin born 7* June. Margaret, d. of Bichard Wybar bom 4th July. John, s. of John Smart weaver, bom and privately bapt. 28* July, recd into ye Church 15th August. Magdalene, d. of Mr John Jenni son ; born 22nd July. Margaret, d. of Eichard Low mason ; born 5th Aug. Anthony, s. of Eichard Lowdon labr ; born 5* Aug. John, s. of Henry Smith of Auton Field, yeoman ; born 23rd Aug.. Anne, d. of Chrispr Donkin labr; born 5* Sept. Lisle, s. of Mr John Eaw; born 28* Aug. Mary, d. of Wm Nichols weaver; born 26* Sept. Anne, d. of John Mason ; born 28* Oct. Judith, d. of John Wilson glov1' ; born 28* Oct. Jane, d. of Wm Thompson of Stot- gate, labr ; bom 7* Nov. Elizabeth, d. of Wm Eickaby labr ; born 19* Nov. Thomas, s. of Mr Thomas Lewin attorney; born 16* Nov. Catherine, d. of Mr John Morland, bom 19* & privately bapt. 20* Dec, recd into y° Church 20th Jan. Eichard, s. of Francis Holmes of Broom ; born 9* Dec. Wm, s. of John Smith mason ; born 17* Dec. Thomasine, d. of Wm Eagleston labr; born 21Bt Dec. CHEISTENINGS, MAEEIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 199 1703. Jan. 13. Feb. 19. 22. 27. 23. March 12. 12. 19. Jane, d. of Thomas Hardy of Shinkliffe, labr ; born 2 Jan. Elizabeth, d. of John Crisp of Shinkliffe, labr; bom 9* privately bapt. 19* died 22nd Feb. Dinah, d. of Anthony Evans black smith ^ born 31st Jan. Charles, s. of Charles Dixon mason ; born 19* Feb. Anne, d. of Mr John Walker attorney* born 23rd Feb., privately bapt. at midnight; publickly 28* March, 1704. Hylda, d. of Tho : Dods, bom ye 5* Novbr, but no notice given (tho' desired) tUl yB 4* of March. Bobert How, s. of Baiph How labr ; born 28* Feb. George, s. of John Simme shoe- makerf ; born 5* March. Alexander, s. of Wm Anderson labr ; born 6* March. Henry, s. of Chr Bell; born 15* March. Mary, d. of John Hixon of Fencola ; bom 15* Sept. Edward, s. of Nich : Harkles taylor; born 21« Feb. MAEEIAGES. 1703. — . Wm Kirkley & Anne Eeadhead. April 24. John GreenweU of Wolsingham parish & Elizabeth Atkinson of ye parish of Branspeth. „ 29. Jonathan Etherington & Alice French, both of this parish. May 1. Eaiph Stainbanke of ye parish of Merrington & Isabel Walkington of this parish. June 17. Mr Thomas Pearson of Sunderland by Sea & MrB Isabel Burdett of Whitby in Yorkshire. July 5. Stephen Eagleston of this parish & Hannah Jopling of y6 parish of Lanchester. Aug. 5. George Oard & Margaret Waters, both of this parish. * Corr in one register ; probably free^of that Company. t Oordwr in one register. 1703. Aug. 24 Mr Sept. 11. M: Nov. 1 27 jj -j ' Jan. 8. Nicholas Shuttleworth of Sl Nicholas parish & MrB Lucy Blakiston of this parish 25. Mr William Featherston of S* Nicholas parish & Mrs Thoma sine Crosby of this parish. Loving Esqr ('Mr' crossed through, and ' Esq1 ' inserted in a later hand) & MrB Amcots. Charles Martindale & Elinor Greggs. Tho. Catton & Sarah Unthanke. George Smith of y6 parish of Sedgefield & Magdalene Hutch inson of Eedmarshall parish. Anthony Curry of Wolsingham & Mra Mary Eichardson of this parish. John Smith of Sunderland by Sea & Jane White of BurnhaU. Cuthbert Adamson of S' Nicholas parish & M™ Jane Eowland of this parish were married Sun day. Bobert Wilkinson of Middleham & Jane Woodifield of Garmonsway. Michael Bobson of ChesteT parish & Elizabeth Eeed of this parish. Thomas Mainsforth of this parish & Isabel Walker of ye parish of BUlingham. Memdum That on ye 27* Novbr 1703 was ye greatest Hurricane & Storm that ever was known in England, many Churches and Houses were extreamly shatter 'd, & Thousands of Trees blown down ; Thirteen or more of Her Maj&'B Men of War were cast away, & above Two Thousand Seamen perished in them. N.B. The Storm came no further North than Yarmouth. JJ 23 5) 30 Feb. 5 jj 10 March 17 BUEIALS. 1703. March 30. Mary Cooke of Shinkliffe, widow. 31. April 5. John Hixon, bur. at Merrington. Margaret Eowntree widow, one of 15. ye poor. Anne Borrow, infant. 15. Isabell Dunce widow, one of ye „ 28. poor of Crosgate. John, s. of John Stokeld. 200 CHEISTENINGS, MAEEIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 170 3. May 9. June 3. jj jj July 16. 24. 2. Aug. 7. Sept. J5 31. 2 12. Oct. 13. 5555 1418. Nov. 13 55 24. Dec. 2. 5511 4 8. 111111 23 2326 Jan. 10 55 19 55 19 Feb. 1 55 4 55 5 5511 9 14 11 15. 11 16. 55 55 J5 21. 22. 24.29. March 8. Thomas Graham taylor, one of ye poor. Eobert Peniton laborer. Johnson, s. of Mr Simon Ingleby. Thomas Burdon taylor. Mary, wife of Mr Godfrey Dids bury attorney. William, s. of John Smart weavr, an infant. Mr George Eden. Edward Wilson. Anthony, s. of Anth. Eickaby of Sunderland Bridge. Bernard-Westby, s. of Tho. Burdon, decd, an infant. John, s. of Wm Atkinson sexton. Barbara, d. of Wid. Bonning and Eobert Bonning, decd, infant. Mra Frances Jennison spinster. Catherine, wife of John Palmer mason. Henry, s. of Thomas Parkinson singing-man. Mr Alexander Davison. A beggar child from Sunderland Bridge. M13 Frances Swinbum widow. Nicholas French fuller. Tobias Softly, an old man, one of ye poor. Elizabeth Forster, an antient widow, one of ye poor. Cuthbert Eichardson fuller, an aged man, one of ye poor. Margaret Pattison of Fencola, spinster. Katherine, d. of John Brough. Anne Meeburn, one of ye poor of Framwelgate, widow. Eachel, d. of Thomas Eickaby of Sunderland Bridge. Elizabeth, d. of Wm Douglas. Merril, wife of Henry Morrow sen1 of Shinkliffe. M1 John Paxton of S' Nicholas parish, batch1. Isabel, widow of Nich. Sheffield, a very old woman, one of ye poor. Mary, d. of John Stokeld. Elizabeth, cl. of John Crisp. Mr John Housman picture -drawer. Mary, d. of Mr James Salvin, an infant. Eobert Ebdon shoemaker, Church Warden. 1703. March 15. 15. 23. 1704. April 15. „ 29. May 4. 11. JJ 18 June 15 Sept. 14 Oct. 19 30. Nov. 28. Jan. 2. 7. „ 21.30. Nov. 11. Phineas, s. of John Simme cordwr. Jane, d. of Eichd Smith mason. Henry, an infant, s. of Christopher Bell lab1. MAEBIAGES. Baiph Thompson of ye parish of Stanhope in Weardale & Barbara Martin of ye parish of Seaham. Wm Lee of Broom in this parish & Mary Crooks of ye parish of Branspeth. Baiph Smith & Margaret Eeed, both of this parish. John Wratson of this parish & Mary Burton of ye Chappelrie of Croxdale. John Eutherford of ye parish of Ayckliffe & Anne Teasdale of Broom in this parish. John Ladler of ye parish of Simon- burn in Northumberland & Jane Whitfield of this parish. Wm Viccars of Whitfield in North umberland & Sarah Walton of this parish. Kirkby Blennerhasset of ye Chappelry of S' Hylda & J, oice Anderson of ye parish of S' Andrew Awklancl. David Johnson councellor at law of S' Nicholas parish & MrB Marg* Salvin of this parish. John Pearson & Ellinor Dixon, both of Broom in this parish. Wm Alderson & Mary French. John Whitfield of Shinkliffe Moor- house & Marg* Denton, both of this parish. M1' M-ichael Brabin of S' Nicholas parish, apothecary, & Mrs Jane Hutchinson of ye North Baily were married in ye Cathedral by me Pexall Forster, Vic. S' Oswald. Gilbert Trotter & Jane Mason, both of ye parish of Sedgefield. Wm Pratt of Eyton parish & Sarah Chambers of this parish. George Dickinson & Margery AUinson, both of this parish. Tho. Thompson & Anne Bellamy. M M: CHEISTENINGS, MAEEIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 201 CHEISTENINGS. 1704. April 2. Henry, s. of Henry Morrow junr; born 14th March. „ 17. Anne, d. of Jonathan Etherington, bom 6th & bapt. 17* April, being Easter Munday. May 1. Catherine, d. of John Brice taylor ; born 9* April. „ 7. Nicholas, s. of Eobert Anderson labr; bom 18* April. — . Henry, s. of Mr John Forcer; born 9* April. April 12. Henry, s. of Mr Henry Busbie attorney, born 10*, privately bapt. 12th April, recd into ye congregation 9* May. May 17. Alice, d. of Francis Cooper, barber- chyrurgeon ; born 10th May. June 4. John, s. of Bob* Heron of Broom- close house, labr, born 3rd May & bapt. 4th June, being Whit sunday. „ 5. John, s. of George Nicholson smith; bom 13* May. ,, 6. James & Mary, twinns of Mr James Salvin, were born 19* May ; James privately bapt. 30*, both of them publickly 6* June. „ 5. Jane and Elizabeth, twinns of Bobert Jefferson of Shinkliff, born 4* June, privately bapt. next day, publickly 18* June. May 5. Eichard, s. of Mr Nicholas Shuttle- worth, born and privately bapt. 5* May, recd into ye congre gation 19* June. June 25. James, s. of Thomas Eickaby ; born 7* June. July 8. Troth, d. of Gerard Eobinson joiner, born 2nd, privately bapt. 8* July. „ 16. Hannah, d. of John Fisher fuUer, bom 23rd June, privately bapt. 16* July. — . Jonathan, s. of Mr John Martyn ; born 1st July. „ 16. Edward, s. of Edward Hopper carpinter ; born 3rd July. „ 23. Eobert, s. of Eobert Mosse labr ; born 8* July. „ 23. Isabel, wife of Thomas Mainsforth (being born of Quaker parents & brought up in y* monstrous opinion). 1y 1704. Aug. 6. 16. Sept. Oct. 27. 29. 22. 15. 16. 29. 16. 29. Dec. 10 JJ 26. jf 27 Jan. 1. j> 28 Feb. 5. Jan. 28. Feb. 13 19 Ehzabeth, d. of Henry Taylor beer- brewer ; born 23rd July. A child, found in ye Church porch ye 5th 0f Nqv^ eariy in ye morn ing, & supposed to be then above a year old, was bapt. by the name of William.* John, s. of Wm Paxton joiner; born 15th Aug. George, s. of George Graham taylor ; bom 4th Aug. Anne, d. of Bob* Bell of Shinkliffe, weaver; born 9th, privately bapt. 22nd, publickly 24* Sept. Isaac, s. of John Heward ; born 29* Sept. Isabel, d. of Eaiph Stainbanke born 30* Sept. Wm, s. of Mr John Eaw, born 12*. privately bapt. 16* Oct., pub lickly 9* Nov. John, s. of Christopher Ebdon born 11* Oct. Ehzabeth, d. of Marke HasweU. born and privately bapt. 16*. recd into ye congregation 29* Oct. Bichard, s. of Matthew Brown mason ; born 18* Oct. Augustine, s. of Mr John Jennison; born 24* Nov. Barbara, d. of Cuthb* Jophng mason ; born 26* Nov. John, s. of Charles Markindale ; bom 19* Nov. Mary, d. of Mr Charles Bain excise- officer ; bom 28* Nov. Cuthbert, s. of Thomas Parkinson singingman ; born 1 3* Dec. Jane, d. of Eichd Brown mUler ; born 19* Dec. Wm, s. of Brian Forster -drummer ; born 19* Jan. John, s. of Daniel Bell of Broom, yeoman ; born 15* Jan. George, s. of John Bain of Houghall, yeoman, born 26*, privately bapt. 28* Jan., recd into ye congregation 13* Feb. Bhtheman, s. of Cuthbert Adamson feltmaker ; born 23rd Jan. Henry, s. of Henry Smith of Awton Stile, yeoman ; bom 8* Feb. See his probable burial, 21 Dec., 1705. 202 CHEISTENINGS, MAEEIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 1704. Feb. 13. 25. March 8. 12. 18. John, s. of Mr Thomas Lewin attorney, born 28* Jan., privately bapt. 13* recd into ye congregation 26* Feb. Nicholas, s. of Wm Burdon smith ; born 8* Feb. John, s. of William Wheatley of Shinkliffe, yeoman ; born 1 3th Feb. Penniman, s. of Mr John Morland, born 11* privately bapt. 12* March, recd into ye Church 12* April, 1705. Margaret, d. of Adam Waters ; born 3rd March. BUEIALS. 1704. March 25. 31. April 4. 5.6. 16. 16.25. 27. 27. 27. 1. 31. 1. 3. 15. 20.24. 16. 28. 3. 5. 6. 10. May jj June July 53 Aug. George, s. of Wm Douglas, an infant. Mr Charles Howard of Sunderland Bridge. George Appleby, a poor man slain in a cole pit. John Hutchinson plumber. Marg* Wilson. Anne, wife of Eichd Eliot of Sun derland Bridge. Elizabeth Forster of Shinkliffe, widow. A poor beggar woman. John Freer of Broom, yeoman. Nicholas Eowell plaisterer. Jane, wife of Bob' WUhamson labr. Eoger Beckles of Sherebourn Hospital. M1 Thomas Dixon of Shinkliffe. Ann Bee, serv* to Mrs Hixon. Mrs Davison, widow of Mr Alex ander Davison. Elizabeth, d. of Tho. Biggins of Sunderland-bridge. Isabel, wife [of] Thomas Neashom of Shinkliffe. Mra Mary Hales. Jane Brown spinster. Isabel, wife of Thomas Mainsforth. Henry, s. of Adam Waters of Shinkliffe-moor house. Mary, d. of Francis Poulson. Elizabeth, wife of Christopher Wall shoemaker of Crosgate. Mr John Philipson jun. 17 D4. Sept. 2. 55 12. 55JJ Oct. 17. 22. 2. J5 9. JJ J5 Nov. 25 29 7 jj SJ 19 22 JJ Dec. 29 6 Jan. 2 55 55 44 Feb. 7. 8. 11. 14. 21.31. 2. 13. 25. 25. March 3. 16. 21. John, s. of Wm Thompson of Shere- bourn-house gate. Alice, wife of John Whitfield of Shinkley- moor house. Phineas Simme mason. John s. of Henry Arrowsmith smith. Mr Bichard Shuttleworth buried at ye Cathedral. Mr Francis Blakiston, Bector of Whitburn. Anne, d. of Bob* Bell of Shinkliffe. Mrs Flora Eichardson widow. Mr Eichd Padman of S* Nicholas parish, barber. Mary Walker of Shinkliffe, widow. Bobert Barton taylor, a very antient inhabitant, one of ye poor. Isabel Humble, an old woman. Troth, d. of Gerard Eobinson, an infant. Cuthbert, s. of Thomas Parkinson, an infant. Thomas Moor of Broom, yeoman. Anne, whe of Eichd Allen of Sun derland Bridge. Anne Lindel, one of ye poor of ye parish, at almes. George Palmer carpinter. Elizabeth Loftus, an antient widow & credible housekeeper. Elizabeth, d. of Marke Haswell, an infant. Wm, s. of George Harrison labourer, an infant. Elizabeth Eidley widow. Thomas, s. of Thomas Parkinson singingman, an infant. Margaret, wife of John Eaine of Houghall, yeoman. Barbara, d. of Cuthb* Joplin mason, an infant. of Wm Eichardson of George Harrison Elinor, wife butcher. Elizabeth, d. labourer. David Sharp, an old man, at almes. Edward Loving, s. of Mr Loving painter, an infant. MAEBIAGES. 1705. May 1. Bobert Carrot & Barbara Graham, both of this parish. CHEISTENINGS, MAEBIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 203 1705. May 1. „ 29. June 3. Aug. 6. Sept. 2. Nov. 6. „ 27. „ 30. Dec. 2. Jan. — . 1705. March 12. April 22. 12. May 1.1. „ 22. „ 13. June 1. 17. Christopher Bromfield & Elinor Gelson, both of this parish. John Dixon schoolmaster & Tomasine Kinlyside spinster, both of this parish. Eobert Greenwell & Marg* Morgan, both of Wolsingham parish. Thomas Shipley & Anne Crookes, both of this parish. WUham White and Mary Wright, both of Merrington parish. Eobert Punshon of Chester parish & Anne Stobbert of this parish. Mr Eichard Heslop of Newcastle & MrB Emma Martyn of this parish. Henry Bateson of ye parish of Bywell & Anne Freer of this parish. Thomas Johnson of ye Chappelry of S* Marg* & Anne Burliegh of this parish. John Fairlamb of this parish & Marg* Wright of S* Nicholas parish. Wm Whittingham & Mary Forster. CHEISTENINGS. Pennyman, s. of Mr John Morland; bom 11* March, 1704. Sarah, d. of Nich. Dodgeson Quaker, born 14* May, but no account brought to me till ye 21st of April, 1705. Jane, d. of John Hudson mason ; born 31st March. Anne, d. of Eichd Wybar, bom 3rd, privately bapt. 12* April, recd into ye Church 1st May. Bobert, s. of John Crisp of Shink liffe, labr ; born 19* April. Ehzabeth d. of Mr Nicholas Shuttle- worth, born 24* AprU, privately bapt. 1st, publickly 22nd May. Anne, d. of Bichard White of BurnhaU ; born 24* April. Bobert, s. of Eobert Perkin carptr ; born 27* April. Ehzabeth, d. of Thomas Craggs lab1, born 28* May, privately bapt. 1st, recd into ye congregation 10th June. WUliam, s. of Wm MitcheU of Broom; bom 18* May. 1705. June 17. „ 24. 5. July 3. J5 15. J5 7. JJ 22. JJ 22. 5J 29. Aug. 12. jj 19. u 20. Sept, 6. Oct. 21. Nov. 8. 25. Dec. 2. 10. 26. Frances, d. of Wm Alderson fuller; born 6* June. Mary, d. of Wm Eobinson labr; born 2nd June. John, s. of Eichard Smith mason, born and privately bapt. 5* June, recd into ye congregation 1st July. Wm, s. of John Young of ye Hall- garth Street, basebegot ; born 1st July. Wm, s. of Eichard Elwood glover ; born 26* June. Mary, d. of Mr Simon Ingleby of Shinkliffe, born 3rd, privately bapt. 7* recd into ye congre gation 19* July. Peter, s. of Cuthbert Brasse joiner; born 29* June Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Dixon of Shinkliffe, labr ; born 9* July. Margaret, d. of Thomas Young weaver ; born 15* July. John, s. of John Brotherston of Chester, basebegot; born 8* Aug. Henry, s. of William Henderson mason ; born 13* Aug. Bichard, s. of Bobert Bell of Shinkliffe, privately bapt. Elinor, d. of Mr David Johnson, barter at law ; born 1 6* Aug. Peter, s. of Mr Forcer; born 13* Sept. Anne, d. of John Hixon Quaker; born 29* Aug. Wm, s. of Anthony Caward of Arbour- house, labourer ; born 2nd Oct. Bichard, s. of Bobert Bell weaver ; born 20* Aug. Bobert, s. of Bob* Whitfield of Belly, yeoman ; bom 22nd Oct. William, s. of George Chilton ; born 12* Nov. Andrew, s. of John Brice taylor ; born 30* Nov. Joan, d. of Gerard Eobinson joiner; born 16* Nov. William-Henry, s. of Eichard Smith chyrurgeon ; born 9th Nov. Anne, d. of Edw. Loving painter ; born 12* Dec. Stephen, s. of Joseph Bradley deceased, born and privately bapt. 26* Dec, recd into ye Church 6* Jan. 204 1705. Jan. 15. „ 17. 27. CHEISTENINGS, MAEEIAGES, AND BUEIALS. Feb. 28 March 3 5' 3 55 10 17.17. 16. Thomas, s. of Benjamin Clarke painter ; born 29th Dec. Eichd, s. of Eichard Metcalf labr, born 13*, privately bapt. 15* recd into ye congregation 27* Jan. Barbara, d. of Geo. Dickinson labr, born 12* privately bapt. 17th Jan., recd into ye congregation 3rd Feb. Mary, d. of Cuthbert Adamson of Shinkliffe, feltmaker, born 17*, privately bapt. 27* Jan., recd into ye Church 26* Feb. Anne, d. of Tho. Thompson inn keeper ; born 31s' Jan. Wm, s. of Mr George Statham, supervisor in ye Excise ; born 19* Feb. Marke, s. of John Wilson glover ; born 2nd Feb. John, s. of Eaiph Lickbarrow labr ; born 14* Feb. Anne, d. of Henry Taylor beer- brewer ; born 21s' Feb. Wm, s. of John Davison smith ; born 2nd March. Thomas, s. of Christopher Brom field of Shinkliffe, lab1, born 20* Feb., privately bapt. 3rd, publickly 17* March. Benjamin, s. of Mr John Martyn ; born 25* Feb. Elizabeth, d. of John Dixon schoolmaster ; born 25* Feb. Anne, d. of Jonathan Etherington journeyman-dyer; born Is* March. Elizabeth, d. of Mr James Salvin, born 9th-, privately bapt. 16* publickly 26* March. BUEIALS. 1705. April 4. 5. 11. 27. May 10. 22. Wm, s. of William Hutchinson joiner, an infant. Matthew Davison butcher of S* Nicholas parish. Charles Stuart, a beggar infant. Elinor Clarke, a beggar infant. Thomasine, wife of Mr Thomas Shadfoorth (gaol). Andrew Parkhurst, serv* at Crox dale Hall. 1705. May 25. Eobert, s. of John Crisp of Shink liffe, labr, an infant June 1. James, s. of Bobert* Dixon of Shinkliffe, labr, an infant. „ 3. Margaret Hedley, a poor old woman. „ 7. Jane Eowell, widow of Nicholas Eowell mason. „ 17. Jane, daughter of Bob* Jefferson of Shinkliffe. ,, 25. Mary Kinlyside spinster. „ 30. Wm Brocket plumber of ye South Baily. „ 30. John, s. of Mr John Walker attorney. July 9. Anne, d. of Mr John Walker attorney. „ 11. James, s. of Mr James Salvin, an infant. ,, 11. Philip Forster of Shinkliffe, yeo man. „ 14. Bichard, s. of Mr Nicholas Shuttle- worth, an infant. „ 16. Isabel Dixon spinster, d. of Bob' Dixon of Broom. „ 22. Hugh Dixon mason, at almes. Aug. 6. Francis, s. of Francis Poulson, an infant. „ 12. Mr Eaiph Salvin of Tuddoe, an old batch11. ,, 13. Jane, wife of Matthew Hutchinson plumber. „ 16. John Woodifield of Sunderland Bridge, yeoman. „ 19. Anne, wife of Nicholas Palmer of Sunderland Bridge, mason. „ 26. George, s. of Nich : Palmer of Sunderland Bridge, mason, an infant. Sept. 10. Fortune Haward, at almes, wife of Barth : Haward. „ 10. Marg*, d. of Eichd Wybar, an infant. „ 13. Mr Nicholas Shuttleworth grocer, v' „ 18. Tomasin, d. of Barth : Kidd labr, an infant. Oct. 20. Elinor, d. of Mr David Johnson, infant. „ 21. Sarah, wife of Bob* Bell of Shink liffe, weaver. „ 24. Baiph, s. of Chr. Etherington of Fencola, labr, an infant. „ 31. Jane Woodifield, a very old poor widow. * Thomas in one register. CHEISTENINGS, MAEEIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 205 1705. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. 4. 7. 17.17. 20. 23. 5. 11. 12. 14. 15.18.19. 21.23.24. 3. 4. 2. 3. 9. 1011.12. 15. 15.18. 18. 24. A beggar from Shinkliffe Moor house. Anthony Eickaby of Sunderland Bride (sic), at almes. Katherine Walton, at almes one of ye poor. Valentine, s. of Eaiph Lickbarrow. Frances French, wid : of Nich : French decd. Margaret, wife of Nicholas Wood of S' Nicholas parish, glover. Andrew, s. of John Brice taylor, an infant. Troth Eobinson of Sunderland Bridge, widow, an old woman. Joseph Bradley, carptr. Henry, s. of Mr Forcer. Frances, cl. of Wm Alderson fuller. Stephen Eagleston, S* Nicholas. Elizabeth, d. of Mr Thomas Newby. Anthony Speed, labr, an old man, at almes. Wm Porch, an infant, at almes. Dorothy, wife of George Harrison labr. Elizabeth, d. of John Eichardson. Thomas, s. of Benjamin Clarke painter, an infant. Wm, s. of Mrs Waite. Mrs Mary Waite widow. Wm, s. of Mr Wm Featherston bar ber in S' Nich. parish, an infant. Cuthbert Clarke weaver, a very antient inhabitant. Elinor Bain widow, a very old parishoner. Elinor Weams widow, a very aged parishoner. Mrs Isabel Peacock, d. of Mr Simon Peacock. Sarah, wife of John Brignell joiner. Mrs PhUlis Bromley, at ye Cathedral. Marg* Henderson, serv* to Boger Thornton. Mary Bradley widow, an old in habitant, at almes. Jane, wife of Cuthb' Adamson feltmaker. Elinor, wife of Mr Anthony Salvin. Peter, s. of Mr Forcer. Anne, d. of Cuthb* Liddle of Kello. Anne, d. of Thomas Thompson. Joseph, s. of Eaiph Hutchinson decd. Anne, d. of Francis Wilkinson. Mary Pattison of Fencola, widow, an old woman, at almes. 170 Feb. 5. 25. March 3. jj 4. jj jj 7. 10. jj 11. jj 12. jj jj 14. 19. 1706. March 31. April 6. 22. 27. 27. May 19 jj 19 June 6 24 Barbara, d. of Geo. Dickinson lab1, an infant. Jane, d. of Anthony Watson malster, an infant. Benjamin, s. of Mr John Philipson decd. Eoger Thornton innkeeper. Elizabeth, wife of Thomas Simpson, of very great age. Anne, d. of Jonathan Etherington, an infant. Wm, s. of John Davison smith, an infant. Eobert Blissence labourer. Anne, wife of Eaiph Middleton surgeon. Anne, wife of George Spurr, buried at Branspeth. MAEEIAGES. Thomas Kinlyside & Margaret Hutchinson, both of this parish. James Cooper of Houghton le Spring & Barbara Graham of this parish. Kob* Pattison of Fencola & Marg* Welbanke in the Chappelry of S* Margaret. John Cooke & Elizabeth Brack, at Merrington. Bobert Cooke of Shinkliffe & Anne Turpin, both of this parish. John Humble & Eliz. Hutchinson, at Bp Midlam. Eichard Pattison of Easington parish & Mary Andrew of this parish. Bartholomew Brown & Frances Emerson, both of this parish. Bob* Hall & Mary Eickaby, both of this parish. Bob' Bell of this parish & Marg* Corner of MerriDgton parish. John Bewes of ye parish of S* Nicholas, butcher, & Mary Jopling of this parish, spinster. Eaiph Middleton surgeon & Marg* Crosby. John Tempest of Old Durham, Esq., of this parish & Mrs Jane Wharton of S* Nicholas parish were married at Giligate Church by me, Pex : Forster, Vic. S' Oswald. lz 206 CHEISTENINGS, MAEBIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 1706. Sept. 11. 55 29. Oct. 25. Nov. 5. Dec. 1. Jan. 19. 1706. March 31. April 2. May 5. 10. 12. June 30. July 6. 21. Christopher Eales & Elizabeth Anderson, both of this parish. Thomas Liddel of Chester & Elizabeth Pearson of this parish. William Lawson & Mary Harris, both of this parish. John Gainforth & Isabel Bankes, both of this parish. William Bulkingcheer & Mary Willan, both of this parish. William Henderson of ye parish of Branspeth & Elinor Spurr of this parish. CHEISTENINGS. Elizabeth, d. of John Walker ; born 29* March. Anne, d. of Eobert Thompson joiner; born 16* March, 1705. John, s. of Mr John Crosby junior attorny, born and privately baptized 5* March, recd into ye congregation 2nd April. William, s. of John Pearson of Broom labr ; born 11* March. Humphrey, s. of M1' Humphrey Doubleday ; born 22nd April. Elizabeth, d. of William Hutchin son joiner ; born 18* April. Nicholas, s. of Mr Nicholas Shuttle- worth decd, bom 2nd (being Ascension-day), privately bap tized 8*, recdinto ye congregation 26* May. Elizabeth, d. of John Crisp of Shinkliffe, labr, born 9* May, baptized ye next day. Sarah, d. of Wm Nichols weaver, born 17* April, baptized 12* May, being Whitsunday. Charles, s. of John Archer taylor ; born 1 2* June Thomas, s. of Mr Henry Busbie attorney* & Coroner, born 5* privately baptized 6th July, recieved into ye congregation 5* August. Cuthbert, s. of Cuthbert Joplin mason ; born 1 3* July. Mary, d. of Nich: Dodgson Quaker; born 10* June. * Maltman in one register, 1706. July 28 JJ 28 Sept. 55 29. 29 Oct. 6 11 13 Sept. 21. Oct. 20 Nov. 10. Dec. 1. jj 19 Jan. 5 12. J5 Dec. 12 24 Jan 14 55 14 57 19 Feb. 4 5J 9 JJ 11 5J 20 55 23 JJ 23 11 23 Wm, s. of Eobert Baker skinner; born 14* July. Mary, d., of Henry Morrow of Shinkliffe, joiner; born 2nd July. George, s. of Eaiph How labr. Margaret, d. of Francis Holmes of Broom, yeoman. Anne, d. of William Alderson fuller; born 20th Sept. Margaret, d. of Nicholas Thompson whitesmith ; born 29th Sept. Frances, d. of Mr John Morland, born 15*, privately baptized 21s* Sept., recd into ye Church 17* .Oct. Eichard, s. of John Fisher fuller, born 13*, privately baptized ,20* Oct., publickly 10* Nov. Mary, d. of George Oard lab1 ; born 30* Oct. Eobert. s. of John Watson lab1" ; born 3rd Nov. Thomas, s. of William Wheatly of Shinkliffe, yeoman; born 7th Dec. John, s. of William Eickaby lab1' ; born 14* Dec. Stephen, s. of Thomas Craggs lab1', born 26* Dec, privately baptized 9* publickly 12* Jan. Wm, s. of Eobert Weddel lab1', born 6* Jan. John, s. of John Pearson of Whitby. Elizabeth, d. of Bichd Wybar inn keeper, born 18* privately baptized 24* Dec, publickly 14* Jan. Mary, d. of Mr David Johnson lawyer; born 18* Dec. Katherine, d. of Henry BeU labr ; born 29* Dec. Jane, d. of Thomas Kinlyside; born 8* Jan. John, s. of Thomas Hardy of Shinkliffe, labr ; born 8* Jan. Eobert, s. of Christopher Ebdon shoemaker ; born 24* Jan. Mary, d. of John Cooke of Shinkliffe, weaver ; born 1 5* Jan. Jane, d. of John Humble miller ; born 31s' Jan. Jane, d. of John Brice taylor ; born 23rd Jan. Cuthbert, s. of Cuthbert Brasse joiner ; bom 30* Jan. Isabel, d. of Thomas Parkinson singingman ; born 11* Feb. CHEISTENINGS, MAEBIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 207 1706. March 9. 9. 23. 1706. March 28. 30. April JJ JJ 9. JJ 16. JJ 19 JJ JJJJ 19. 24. 25. JJ 29 JJJJ 30 30. JJ 30. May jj 2. 10. jj 10. jj 11. 21. jj 21. jj Mar. 21. Michael, s. of Daniel BeU yeoman ; born 8* Feb. James, s. of Marke Haswell ; bom 12* Feb. Barbara, d. of Christopher labourer ; born 27th Feb. BUEIALS. Bell June 15. Isabel, d. of Geo. Chilton lab1', an infant. Baiph, s. of Geo. ChUton labr, an infant. Abraham, s. of Tho. Parkinson singing-man. Mary, d. oi Nich. Palmer of Sun derland Bridge, mason. Elizabeth, d. of Mr Jo. Walker attorny, an infant. John, s. of Matthew Woodifield yeoman. Eichard, s. of Mr Eichard MascaU alderman. Baiph s. of John Eeah. Brian, s. of Lancelot Trotter. Jane Andrew of Shotton, an old widow. Wm, s. of John Woodifield decd of Sunderland Bridge. Anne, wife of James Doothwaite. Anne, wife of Lancelot Carrot labourer. Wm-Henry, s. of Eichd Smith chyrurgeon. Clement, s. of George Wood dyer. Anne, wife ('Elizabeth, daughter' erased) of John Crisp labourer. Bobert Bishoprick of S* Nich : parish, joiner. Anne Kidd spinster. Mr Oswald Commyn mercer, an old man. Margaret, d. of Benj. Taylor cord wainer.* Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Dixon lab1'. Humphrey, s. of Mr Humphrey Doubleday. Anne, wife of Marke Hopper wheel-wright. Thomas, s. of John Wilkinson chandler of S' Nicholas parish. Mrs Jane Philipson, widow of Mr John PhUipson. * Shoemaker in one register. 1706. July 22. A child from Boger Thornton's. „ 23. Mr Alexander Shaw musician. „ 30. Jane, d. of Francis Cooper barber- surgeon. Aug. 13. Cuthb*, s. of Cuthb* Joplin mason, an infant. „ 14. John, s. of John Smart weaver, an infant. Sept. 20. Joseph, s. of Wm Thompson of Stotgate, an infant. Oct. 12. Thomas, s. of Matthew Brown mason. 23. Anne, d. of Eichd White of Burn- hall. Nov. 3.- Eichard Simme labourer, an old inhabitant. ,, 19. Elizabeth Eickaby spinster, aged 97 years & upwards. „ 20. Nicholas Wood, S* Nich. parish, skinner, an old man. ,, 22. Margaret, wife of Anthony Watson. ,, 22. Elizabeth, widow of John Forster taylor. „ 29. Barbara Awde of Sunderland Bridge, widow. Dec. 31. John, s. of Mr John Crosby junior, an infant. Jan. 3. Elizabeth Cowle spinster. ,, 12. John Thompson taylor & singing- man at ye Cathedral. ,, .24. Henry, s. of John Chilton of Arbour-house, an infant. Feb. 14. Anne Davison wid., an antient & credible Housekeeper in ye parish of S* Nicholas. „ 26. A beggar child from Farewell Hall. „ 26. Margaret, d. of Mr John Maire. March 5. Isabel, d. of Tho. Parkinson, an infant. ,, 24. Eobert Cooper barber chyrurgeon. The Births of the children of Humphrey Doubleday, Quaker. Martin, son of Humphrey Doubleday, was born Febr. 16, 1711. Humphrey, s. of Humphrey Doubleday, was born May 29, 1713. Thomas, son of Humphrey Doubleday, was born July 16, 1714. John, son of Humphrey Doubleday, was born August 27, 1715. End of duplicate register, referred to in footnote on page 178. 208 CHEISTENINGS, MAEEIAGES, AND BUEIALS. MAEEIAGES. 1707. April 23. William Brown of S* Giles's parish & Elizabeth Hixon of this parish were married at ye Cathedral. „ 27. Mr Daniel Midwinter, stationer in London, & Mrs Anne Peacock of this parish. „ 27. George Harrison labr & Margery Commin. „ 28. John Adamson of y° parish of Darlington & Elizabeth Andrew of Chester parish. May 18. Eobert Sober of Darlington parish & Mary Hutchinson of this parish. June 9. Matthew Story & Elinor Forster, both of this parish. ,, 14. George Andrew & Tryphena King, both of this parish (after they had been clandestinely married), were married in our parish Church, by me P. F. „ 25. Mr Eobert Brasse & Mrs Elizabeth Burton, both of this parish. July 17. Mr Eichard Newhouse, Curate of Sherebourn Hospital, & Hannah Heslop of Eichmond in Yorke- shire. „ 22. Thomas Thompson of yB parish of Bishop Wearmouth & Barbara Hopper of this parish. „ 29. Thomas Mitchel & Mary Hutchin son, both of this parish. Aug. 2. John Armstroug & Elizabeth Simme, both of this parish. „ 23. William Breeks & Catherine Blessence, both of this parish (after they had been clandes tinely married), were published three Lord's daies in our parish Church & married. Sept. 2. Oct. 4. Jan. 29. Wm Brown mason & Marg* Hopper, both of this parish. John Armstrong & Jane Eickaby, both of this parish. Eobert Clarke of this parish & Elizabeth Bateson of the parish of S* Nicholas. CHEISTENINGS. 1707. March 27. George, s. of Edward Hopper carp*1; born 11* March 1706. 1707. April 13. „ 20. „ 20.20. 21. May June July Aug. Sept. Nov. 27. 20. 25. 27. 27. 3. 7. 17.19. 25.27. 14. 22.18. Dec. 18. John, s. master George, joiner ; James, Francis, s. of Francis Poulson, born 5*, privately baptized 13*, publickly 14th April. John, s. of Wm Henderson of Broom; born 21s* March, 1706. Bichard, s. of Thomas Eickaby ; born 29* March. Mary, d. of John Simme shoe maker ; born 29* March. John, s. of Edward Smith souldier ; bom 17* April. Elizabeth, d. of Eobert Mosse labr. William, s. of William Dodgson souldier ; born 6* May. Elizabeth, d. of Edward Downes labourer; born 27* April. Adam, s. of Adam Waters of Shinkliffe Moor house ; bom 2nd May. of John Dixon school- born 16* May. i. of William Paxton born 19* July. of Mr James Durant phisician ; born 4* privately baptized 8th, recd into ye con gregation 29th July. Thomas, s. of John Hornsby of Stand-alone, labourer ; born 17* July. Mary, d. of John Hudson mason, born 22nd July, privately baptized 7* recd into ye Church 10* Aug. Margaret, d. of Christopher Eales glover ; born 5th Aug. Gordon, s. of Mr Thomas Lewin attorney ; born 17* July. Elizabeth, d. of John Kidgil serj* in Lieut* Gen1 Earl's regim*. Thomas, s. of George Dickinson, born 15* privately baptized 27* publickly 31s* Aug. Jane, d. of Eichd Metcalf lab1; born 29* Aug. John, s of Mr John Walker attorney, born 14* privately baptized 22nd Nov., recd into ye congregation 4* Dec. Thomas, s. of Thomas Lowther skinner, born 17* privately baptized 18th Nov., recd into y° Church 15* Dec. Jane, d. of Wm Mitchell of Broom yeoman; born 16* Nov. CHEISTENINGS, MAEEIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 209 1707. Dec. 27. Cuthbert, s. of Mr John Morland born and privately baptized 27* Dec, publickly 2nd Feb. „ 28. George, s. of George Harrison labr; born 1 i* Dec. Jan. 6. Lively, s. of Mr Henry Busbie ; born 20* Dec. ,, 27. John, s. of Bichd Elwood glover ; bom 7* Jan. Feb. 12. Eichard, s. of Eichard Johnson of Shinkliffe Moor House, labr ; born 19* Jan. „ 15. Thomas, s. of Thomas Dixon, of Shinkliffe, lab1 ; bom 5* Feb. ,, 29. George, s. of George Andrew of Shinkliffe, weaver ; born 13* and baptized 29th Feb., being Leap-Year. ,, 29. William, s. of Matthew Story, bom 19*, privately baptized 29* Feb., publickly 14th March. March 21. John, s. of John Bradley smith; born 25* Feb. BUEIALS. 1707. March 27. April >j jj 1. 3.5. JJ 13. JJ 18. May jj 2.4. jj 6. JJ 8. JJ 9. June 17. jj 23. jj5) 28. 28. July 10. Dorothy, cl. of Mr Thomas Paxton, an infant. Margaret Douglas widow. Eobert Eichardson butcher. Wm, s. of Bob* Baker glover, an infant. Catherine, wife of John Brough of Shinkliffe, yeoman. Nicholas, s. of Nicholas Thompson whitesmith. Anne Bainbridge widow. Lancelot Taylor, a very antient housekeeper. John, s. of Wm Hodgson of S* Nich. parish, shoemaker. George, bastard son of Marg' Craggs, an infant. Elizabeth, d. of Mr James Salvin, an infant. John, s. of Baiph Lickbarrow miller, an infant. Alice, wife of William Kirkley taylor. John Baty apparitor. Mr" Bridget Gerard, wife of Dr Gerard. Mary, d. of Wm Eobinson labr, an infant. 1707. July 10. Nicholas Wood of Shinkliffe, weaver. J) 20. Mary, d. of Henry Eichardson smith, an infant. Aug. 5. Elizabeth Bainbridge spinster of Branspeth parish. 55 7. James, s. of Mr James Durant physician. Sept. 2. Thomas, s. of George Dickinson, an infant. 55 19. Jane, d. of Eichd Metcalf labr, an infant. 55 23. Anne, d. of George Floater, an infant. Oct. 2. Nich : Oliver of Sunderland Bridge. 55 6. Mary, d. of John Hodgson of Sun derland Bridge. 55 16. Barbara, wife of Bob* Clarke y8 baker. JJ 22. Eichd How, serv* to Eob* Hixon of Old Durham. 55 24. Clement Wood butcher, of S* Nich: jiarish. JJ 26. Anne, widow of Cuthb' Hendry, an old woman. Nov. 8. Mary, d. of Mr Simon Ingleby. 55 12. Eichard, s. of Bob* Thompson Dec, Jan. Feb. 1708. April 26. 28. carp" 5. Jane Oliver widow, an old woman. Elizabeth, wife of Franc. Eichard son. Benjamin Clerke painter. 21. Margaret, d. of Martin Brown of Sunderland Bridge. 23. Thomas Jackson of ye parish of S' Nicholas, innkeeper. 27. Mr Simon Peacock. 29. Thomas, s. of Martin Brown of Sunderland Bridge. 4. Thomas Colingwood taylor. 8. Eichard Croft skinner. Martin Brown of Bridge, yeoman. MAEEIAGES. 12. Sunderland 2a 5. Mr Giles Bain merchant of S* Nich. parish & MIB Elizabeth Stokeld of this parish. 13. Gilbert Stott & Mary Wilson, both of this parish. 13. Henry Lister of Heighington parish & Marg* Kirkby of this parish. 210 CHEISTENINGS, MAEEIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 1708. April 19. 23. May 1. 1. 2. 8. June 26. July 6. Aug. 8. „ 19. Oct. 3. Feb. 26. Mar. 8. 1708. March 30. April 11. „ 25. May 2. James Potter of All Saints parish in Newcastle, glasier, & Eliz abeth Kinlyside of this parish. Thomas Worster, Serj* in ye Eight jjonbie ye linter ; bom Is' March. BUEIALS. 1709. Oct. 21. ., 27. Nov. Sept. 13.. Francis, s. of F'rancis Poulson soul dier. Isabel Dunn widow. Wm, s. of George Andrew of Shin kliffe, an infant. Christopher Ballant, an aged man. Thomas Pecton, an antient house keeper. Isabel, d. of Wm Gainforth mason. Wm, s. of Wm Hood pedlar, an infant. John, s. of Mich. Wilson souldier. Mr. Eobert Adamson, curate of Trimdon. Dorothy, wife of Mr Wm Salvin. John Emerson, an old man. Marg*, wife of Chr. Watson labr. Eaiph Eichardson of Shinkliffe. Christ1, s. of Chr. Bell labourer. Thomas Forster of Shinkliffe. Dorothy, d. of Matt: Story of Shinkliffe. Mary, d. of Thomas Thompson, mason. Mr Anthony Salvin. Mary, d. of Thomas Newby of Sunderland Bridge. Mrs. Thomasine Baty widow. James, s. of Christr Bromfield of Shinkliffe, lab1. Lancelot Carrot, an old man. John, s. of Mr Giles Eain mercer. Margaret, wife of Mr Bichard Smith surgeon. A beggar child from BurnhaU. John Hutchinson of Broomhall, batch11. Mary, whe of Wm Alderson fuller. Thomas, s. of Thomas Craggs labr (an infant). Anne Shields spinster. 30. 6. 16. 27. Dec. • 2. 55 6. 55 9. 5J 11. 5J 13. 11 1G. 11 24. Jan. 10. 55 12. 5-j 20. 55 23. 55 28. Feb. 3. 55 15. 55 22. 11 27. Marc h 3. '5 3. 55 10. 5? 12. 11 15. Elinor, wife of John Pearson of Broom. John, s. of Joseph WaU white smith. Wm Wood of Yarm (kill'd by a fall from his horse). Alice, d. of Wm Alderson fuller. Mr George Marshall attorney at law. Barbara, wife of Benjamin Taylor shoemaker. Eaiph Entick, s. of Mr Entick of S* Nicholas parish, silversmith. Margaret, wife of Mr Godfrey Dids bury attorney. John, s. of Cuthb' Cowney of ye Chappelry of S' Marg*'s. Mr George Crosby mercer of S* Nich. parish. John Dodds, serv* to Eob* Hixon at Old Durham. Barbara, wife of Mr Eaiph Salvin of Tuddo. Henry Clarke, a poor old parish oner. Dallariver Ellis, wid. of Mr Eichd Ellis decd. John, s. of Thomas Charlton of Broom. Wm Whitfield of Kelly, yeoman, an old parishoner. John Darnel of Croxdale Chap pelry, labr. Anne, d. of Mr George Crosby decd, an infant. Wm, s. of Wm Burdon decd. Elizabeth Eobinson, an old beggar. Thomas, s. of Wm Mitchell of Broom, yeoman. Francis, s. of Mr Wm Featherston of S' Nich., barber. Mls Mary Metcalf. Margaret Wood, an old credible wido vv. Margaret, wife of James Brown pedlar. Nich : Parker, apprentice to Mr Wm Featherston of S* Nich. Mary, d. of John Hodgson of Crox dale chappelrie. Nicholas, s. of Eob* Baker glover. ("Oxford" is inserted before "Nicholas," and initialed "P.F." — Pexall Forster). 214 CHEISTENINGS, MAEEIAGES, AND BUEIALS. MAEEIAGES. 1710. April 20. „ 25. „ 29. May 1. „ 11- „ 15. July 19. Nov. 28. „ 28. Jan. 3. 1710. April 2. „ 23. „ 30. 24. May 14. 14. June May 18. John Kinlyside taylor of this parish & Elizabeth Ebdon. Willm Suddick & Anne Atkinson, both of this parish. Thomas Mitchell of S* Nich : & Anne Dunn of this parish. George Mitchell of this parish & Elizabeth Thornton of ye parish of S' N icholas. John Beah and Elinor Potts, both of this parish. Henry Lanchester of ye parish of Manfield in ye County of Yorke & Anne Pool of ye Chappelrie of Bernard Castle. John Mosse & Marg* Ingram, both of Pittington parish. Eobert Hedley junr of this parish and Jane Forster of ye parish of S* Mary le Bow. John Bankes & Anne Atkinson, both of this parish. Eob* Fell & Elinor Bain, both of Kello parish. CHEISTENINGS. William, s. of William Eickaby lab1. Jane, d. of Will™ Nichols weaver ; born 26 March. John, s. of John Hudson, mason ; born 2nd April. Elizabeth, d. of Arthur Collin, born 16th, privately bapt. 24* recd into ye congregation 30* April. Jane, d. of Eichd Johnson of Shin- kliffe-Moor House, lab1; born 27* April. John, s. of Eichd Lowdon labourer ; born 13* April. Thomasine, d. of Mr Henry Busbie attorny at law, born 26* April, privately bapt. 14*, publickly 22nd May. Tryphena, wife of George Andrew of Shinkliffe (educated a Quaker), was bapt., being Trinity Sunday. George, s. of George Andrew of Shinkliff, weavr, privately bapt. Congrega- June 4. 51 11. July 9 15 24 Aug. 17 55 20 Sept. 10 55 10 JJ 17 55 4 J5 24 Oct, 3 18th May, recd into ys tion 4th June. 15. 15. 1G. 22. 27. Nov. 12. 11. Feb. 18. March 4. Feb. 23. March 19. Anne, d. of Jacob Eobson of Monke Harbour, labourer. Anne, d. of Dan1 Bell of Broom, labr; bom 12* May. Elizabeth, d. of Wm Mitchel of Broom, yeoman; born 11* June. Lancelot, s. of Lancelot Salkeld, yeoman ; born 3rd July. WiUiam, s. of William Cowin soul dier ; born 20* July. Henry, s. of John Brice taylor; born 23rd July. William, s. of Eichd Eeah yeoman ; born 11* Aug. Mary, d. of Eob' Mosse labr; born 13* Aug. Eaiph, s. of John Bradley smith ; bom 21s' Aug. Eoger, s. of Eeuben Thornton, born 27* Aug., privately bapt. 4* recd into ye Church 21s' Sept. Marg*, d. of Henry Murray junr of Shinkliffe ; born 30* Aug. Catherine, d. of John White parish clarke, born 13* Sept., privately bapt. 3rd, recd into ye congrega tion 10* Oct. Elizabeth, d. of Eichd Elwood glover ; born 1 3* Sept. Eichard, s. of Eaiph How lab1; born 24* Sept. Elizabeth, d. of Wm Buck painter ; born 29* Aug. Dorothy, d. of Matthew Story of Shinkliffe, lab1; born Is' Oct. Frances, d. of Brian Forster drum mer ; born 17*, privately bapt. 27* Oct., recd into ye Church 5* Nov. George, s. of Gilb' Stot tanner; born 14* Oct. Mary, d. of John Harramonrl shoe maker, bapt. privately 11* Nov., recd into ye congregation 3rd Dec. Mary, d. of Thomas Craggs labourer ; born 8* Feb. Sarah, d. of Humphrey Doubleday Quaker, was born February 11*. Mary, d. of Nicholas Thompson smith; born 4th Feb. Elizabeth, d. of Mr John Leech, a Cheshire gentleman, born and privately bapt. 23rd Feb., recd into ye congregation 19* March. Bob', s. of Thomas Hull of Shin- kliffe-Moor House ; born 28* Feb. CHEISTENINGS, MAEEIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 215 BUEIALS. 1710. March 28. April 5. 5J 5. 55 10. JJ 11. JJ 28. tfay G. J555 19. 31. une 21. 22. July 30. JJ SJ 55 55 13. 13.18.20 Aug. 9 Sept. 5J 2429 Oct. 10. 15 28 55 Nov. 29.20 55 29 Dec. 2 J5JJ 89 11)1 9 12 17. Averal Bell, an old widow of S* Nich. parish. William Middleton of S' Nich. parish, one of ye Serjeants to ye Major of Durham. Bal|>h, s. of John Wilkinson of S' Nich., chandler. Elizabeth, wife of Mr George John son. Marg' Morrison, a beggar who died at Houghall. Jane Bidley widow, an old inhab itant. Anne, d. of Mr Simon Ingleby of Shinkliffe. Mr John Crosby attorney at law. Margaret, widow of Mr John Carr, late of Whitburn, decd Margaret, wife of Anthony Watson innkeexier. Bobert, s. of John Hopper of Shink liffe, an infant. Mrs Anne Brandling spinster. George Thompson of Broom,. labr, an old man. Jane, wife of Bob' Baker glover. Mr Henry Grey. John, s. of Bob' Heron labourer. Eobert Smith labourer. Mary, d. of Anthony Watson inn keeper. Thomas Carnaby, serv' to Mr Haggerston at Croxdale. Joseph Joplin. Katherine, cl. of Thomas Greenwell, an infant. MrB Mary Thornton spinster. Mr William Heighington, formerly supervis1 in ye Excise. Mra Marg* Paxton widow. Mr Thomas Dixon apothecary of S* Nich. parish. Frances, wife of Wm Grainger glover. George, s. of Wm Burdon decd. Margaret H etherington wid. George Eobertson, a mendicant travellr. Wm, s. of Eobert Mosse labourer. Marke Hopper carp*1, an antient housekeeper. Sarah, wife of Henry Havers chandler. 1710. Dec. 19. 27. Feb. 27. 27. 11. 14. 18. 26. 5. 10. March 4. 4- 7. 12.14- 17.18. 21. 1711. March 31 April 29 „- 29 May 29 July 2 Sept. 11. Oct. 23. Elizabeth, wife of Thomas Eickabie. Jane, d. of Mr Hendry Hopper attorney, an infant. Isabel, an infant dau. of John Gainforth mason. Thomas Eichardson, formerly a serving man. Philip Ditchburn labourer. Mary, wife of John Wilson glover. Mary, d. of Mr Wm Whittingham, an infant. Mary, wife of Mr Wm Whittingham. Edward, s. of Michael Eickaby sailor. John Arker, prison1 in ye Goal. George Busbie (a lunatick). Mary, wife of John Partis of Bernard Castle. Isabel, wid. of John Bedhead whitesmith, decd. Bob* Jefferson, an old man casually drown'd in a ditch. George Wilson, a beggar who died at BurnhaU. Mr George Johnson. William Meeburn carpinter. Mary, d. of Thomas Leng of Butter bie wood-head. Anne Kirkly of Sunderland Bridge, widow. Jane HaU widow, one of yc poor. Elinor Biggins spinster. MAEEIAGES. Eobert Postgate & Jane Elstob, both of Seclgefield x>arish. Matthew Taylor & Isabel Watson, both of this parish. Matthew Forster & Anne Walker, both of this parish. Wm Bewick junr & Jane Tod, both of this parish. James Hinston of ye chappelrie of S* Margaret's & Anne Crisp of this parish. T. Eud, vicar. Thomas Gainforth & Mary Brignal, both of this parish. Thomas Dixon and Mary Thomp son of Shincliff. 216 CHEISTENINGS, MAEEIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 17 Oct. 11. 23. Nov. 27. H 27. 11 30. Feb. 28. Marc h 1. 1710. March 3. 1711. April 2. May 20 June 21. 3. 3 10. 10. 17. 11. July 15. John Walker of Brandon and Elis. Clarke of Shincliffe miln. Mr John Blundevil, a singingman in the Cathedral, and Margaret Belly widow ; by licence. Eobert Ebdon of this parish & Frances Middleton of S* Nich olas parish ; by licence. Pexal Pringle and Elisabeth Apple- ton, both of this parish. Mr Eichard Hendry of Easington & Mrs Joanna Wilson of this parish; by licence. Bartholomew Sikes, a smith, & Elisabeth Walton both of this parish. CHEISTENINGS. Esther, d. of Wm Suddick shoe maker; born 1st, privately bapt. 3rd March, publickly 2nd April. George Mitchell of Jacob, s. of Broom. Geoige, s. of Thomas Parkinson singingman; born 11* March. Elizabeth, a bastard d. of Mary Spurr & Wm Henderson, both of Broom. John, s. of Adam Waters of Shink- liffe-Moor House ; born 1B* May. George, s. of John Crisp of Shink liffe, labourer ; born 7* May. Eichd, s. of Thomas Kinlyside dyer; born 19* May. Nicholas, s. of Matthew Eidley grocer; bom 22nd May. Maigery, d. of Eichd Wyburn inn keeper ; born 1 4* May. Anne, cl. of Cuthbert Joplin mason ; born 15* May. Ositha, d. of Christopher Eales glover ; born 24* May. John, said to be ye son of Joseph Kingston & Mary Neasome, supposed to be base begot, born 31 May, privately bapt 11* June, recd into ye congregation Is' July. John, s. of Christopher Peniton lab1 ; bom 20* June. Tho Bud, Vicar. 1711. July 31. Oct. 23. i8. Nov. 1 8. Dec. 8. 29. Jan. 13. Feb. 23. 29. 10. March 7. 1711. March 26. Helen, d. of Bobert Hixon of Old Durham, yeoman, having been before privately bapt. by Mr Forster, was brought into the Church July 31 ; born July 13* An, d. of Bobert Kelly joyner, born Sept. 4th, reciev'd private baptism from Mr Leke, myself being absent, and was reciev'd into the Church, Oct. 1. An, d. of M1' Henry Busby attorney ; born 6th Oct. Gabriel, s. of Francis Holmes of Brome ; born Sept. 26*. John, s. of Mr Euben Thornton of Hallgarth Street, born Nov. 14* bapt. priv. 18, brought to Church Dec. 13. Thomas, s. of Mr Eich. Wilkinson of New Elvet, born Dec. 7, bapt. priv. 8*, brought to Church Jan. 1. Thomas, s. of Will. Brown mason of Hallgarth streat, born Dec. 21, bapt. priv. 29* brought to Church Jan. 6. Mascal, s. of M1' Tho : Brasse of New Elvet; born Dec 11. George, s. of George Graham of BurnhaU, yeoman; born Dec. 31, bapt. priv. Jan. 13, br. to Ch. Jan. 29. Simon, s. [of] Wm Wheateley of Shincliffe, yeoman; born Dec. 22. John, s. of William Breakes milner of Hallgarth streat, born & bapt. priv. (dy'd same day). An, d. of John Cooke of Shin cliffe, weaver; born Jan. 1. Mary, d. of James Hinston of New Elvet, laborer; bom Jan. 19. Martin, s. of Humphrey Doubleday Quaker of Church streat, was born Feb. 16. Eobert, s. of Eobert Cooke of Shin- cliff, taylor, bom Feb. 20, bapt. priv. Mar. 7, br. to Cb. March 18. BUEIALS. George Morland Esq., Justice of Peace. CHEISTENINGS, MAEBIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 217 1711. March 31 April 4 51 8 11 8 55 10 55 April 13 16 55 23 55 28 May 13 11 25 11 26 55 27 11 27 June July 16. 18. 19. 20.23. 27. 4. 13.16.18, 20. 2c Two children from Sunderland Bridge. Wm, s. of Bob* Hall innkeeper an infant. Thomas Simpson (aged an hundred & seven). Mary, d. of Mr Wm Whittingham, inkeeper, an infant. Margaret, wife of Bartholomew Sikes smith. John Smith carpinter. Clem* Wood, s. of Clem' Wood butch1, decd, an infant. Elizabeth, d. of Bich : Elwood glover, an infant. Wm, s. of Wm Eickaby labourer, an infant. John, supposed to be ye son of John Eutledge & Adeline Tay lor (both strangers), base begot, was bapt. & buried. Dorothy, wife of Thomas Dixon of Shinkliffe lab1. Henry, s. of John Brice taylor, an infant. Wm Hodgson of S* Nich. parish, cordwainer. Henry Bowlands, son in law of Cuth : Adamson of Shinkliffe, an infant. Mr Henry Eden, Dr of Divinity & Fellow of Trinity College in Cambridge. Dorothy, cl. of John Eichardson of Tuddo, yeoman. Anne, d. of Mr Hendry Hopper attorney, an infant. Thomas Belly blacksmith. Thomas, s. of Christopher Brom field of Shinkliffe, lab1. Jane, cl. of Geo. Neasome of Shin kliffe, weaver. Anne Smith, serv* at Shinkliffe. Margaret Belly widow, an old woman. John & Mary, twinns of John Norman of Croxdale. John, s. of Anne Young, base begot. Eob* Bell, an apprentice in S' Nich. parish. Magdalene Butterie spinster. Mr. John Gerard, physician. T. Bud, vicar. 1711. Aug. 9. 27. 27. t Sept. 3. 13. 20. Oct. 8. 16. 22. 28. 55 31 Nov. 4 JJ 6 71 17 11 20 11 Dec. 30 6 Dec 9 Dec. 17 11 31 Jan. 4. 55 8 55 9 11 10 Sarah, d. of Edward Nichols of Newcastle. Elisabeth, wife of Bobert Whit field of Belly. Madame Margaret Jennison of Old Elvet. Eleanor, d. of Tho : Vesey currier of S' Nicholas par. Elisabeth, wife of Bich. Bell of Shincliff, weaver. Lucretia Stobs, wife to Gabriel joyner, Old Elvet. Charles Byerly, servant to M1 Haggerston (dyed at Croxdale), papist. William Walker, s. of Mr John Walker, attorney in New Elvet. Thomas Hardy of Shincliff, laborer. Elisabeth, wife of Thom. Winter gardiner, dau. of Nic. Dixon mason. M1 John Morland protonotary of the Common Pleas, of Old Elvet. Elisab., wife of M1' Wm Salvin of Old Elvet, papist. Elisabeth Hutchinson widow, of New Elvet. John Kinlyside taylor at Elvet Bridge end. Thomas, s. of Mr Cockson gentl. of Old Elvet, papist. Matthew, s. of Matthew Marshal cooper of Hallgarth streat. A lice Willans of Brome, widow. William Padman, s. of Padman of S* Nicholas. Mr Tho : Paxton of Clapeth in S* Nicholas's j>arish. His widow, being Dorothy, daughter to Mr John Martin of this parish, was married to Mr Bob. Adamson, Feb. 2 following. Elisabeth, d. of Bobert Hixon of Old Durham, yeoman. Elisabeth Wilkinson, a stranger, who died in Hallgarth streat. Isabel, wife of Christopher Vicars of Brome hall. Isabel Malyn, a papist; dyed in Old Elvet. John, said to be the son of Joseph Kingston & Margaret Neasom of Shine. Isabel, d. of Widow Jane Smith of Old Elvet, an inf. Margaret 218 CHEISTENINGS, MAEBIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 1711. Jan. 11. 19. 20. 23. 29. 29. 30. 30. Feb. 1. 55 3. 55 10. 55 13. 55 16. 51 17. 17 22. 11 23. 11 March 28. 1. 10.12.14. 24. Mary, wife of Tho : Dixon of Shin cliff [she was married but Oct. 23J. Gerard, s. of M1 James Salvin of Sunderland-bridge, an infant. Gervase, s. of Elis. Hurst of Hall garth streat, base begot. John, s. of Wm Breakes milner of Hallgarth streat, an infant. Dealtera, s. of Mr Westhrop, a lodger in New Elvet, an infant. Eleanor, wife of Jos. Wall smith, at the bridge end. Barbara Smith widow, in Old Elvet, very old. George, s. of John Allen of Sunder land by the Bridge, a papist, an inf. Hen. Sheelcs of New Elvet, skin ner, almost 90. Mary, cl. of Gilbert Stote tanner upon the bridge, a child. Simon, s. of Widow Jane Smith of Old Elvet. Michael Eickaby of Sunderland by the Bridge, papist (old). Mary Litster, an aged widow in Hallgarth streat. Elisabeth Blessence, an aged widow in Hallgarth streat. Barbara, wife of Eichard Smith mason in Church streat. An, d. of John Sim shoemaker in New Elvet. Mary, d. of the same person. John, s. of Adam Walters of Shin cliff, laborer, an infant. William, s. of William Bewick of Hallgarth streat, laborer, an infant. Bedel, cl. of Dr Brown j>hy- sician in Old Elvet, an infant. Jane Solby, an aged widow in Church streat. Clement Eea mason in Hallgarth streat, an aged papist. Philip, s of Wm Mitchell of Brome, yeoman. Tho : Eud, Vicar. ( Mr Henry Busby \ for Elvet [ Joseph Wall n, L - Church-wardens Shinclif G oo : Nicholson Eob. Hopper 1711. Memdmn That upon Tuesday the five & twen tieth day of September, Anno Dni 1711, Thomas Eudd, Clerk, Master of Arts, was by Virtue of a Mandate in that behalfe directed from the E' Worpp11 Sr George Wheler Kn', Dtor of Divi nity, Official of the Officially of the E* Worpp11 the Dean & Chapter of Durham, quietly & peaceably Inducted into the real, actual & corporal possion of the Vicarage & parish Church of S* Oswald's in Durham, & of all & singular the rights, members & Apji'8 thereunto belong ing & appertaining, By me, John Bowes, D.D. & Prasbendary of ye Cathedral. Witnesses : John Stokeld, Jo : Walker, Pat : Eoss, W. Crosby, Nicho. Paxton, Eob* Blakis ton; Eobert Hopper, Jos. Wall, Geo : Nichol son, Churchwds. [Then follows a record of the new vicar having read himself in, 7* Oct., 1711], 1712. April 29. May 3. 20. 25. July 13. 1712. March 31. MAEEIAGES. Eobert Applegarth of Kirk-Limp- ton in Yorkshire & Margaret Harper of this parish. John Slater of the White-house and Jane Palmerin of the Col lege. Stephen Hudson and An Thomp son, both of this parish. William Marshall and Elis. Arrow- smith. John Whitfield of this parish and Frances Carr of S* Nicholas parish ; by licence. BAPTISMS. 22. May June 9. Agnes, d. of John Story of Shin cliff More-houses, yeoman, born March 20, bapt. priv. 31 dit., br. to Ch. April 13. John, s. of Matthew Atkinson of Shincliff miln ; born March 25. An, d. of Jacob Walker of New Elvet, joyner, born Apr. 30, bapt. priv. May 2, brought to Church May 25. Thomas, s. of Arthur Collin of Old Elvet, inkeeper ; bom May 22. CHEISTENINGS, MAEEIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 219 1712. June 13. July 1. Aug. 12. 10.10. Sept. 3. Oct. 26. Nov. 1 0. „ 23. 25. „ ^5- Dec. 8. 14. 15. Matthew, s. of Matthew Forster of Shinclif, taylor, born 3rd, priv. bapt. 13* brought to Church 24* June. Margaret, cl. of George Floter, born June 12, bapt. priv. July 1, brought to Church July 10. Catherine, d. of Tho : Eud, Vicar of this parish; bom July 15. Helen, d. of Matthew Story of Shincliff, laborer, born 3rd, bapt. priv. 4* br. to Church 24* Aug. Thomas, s. of Thom. Gainforth of Church streat, mason, born July 26, bapt. priv. by M1 Eandolph 1st, br. to Church 10* Aug. An, d. of John Banks of Hallgarth streat, yeoman ; born July 22. Michael, s. of Michael Eobinson of Newcastle, deceased ; born, & bapt. in the Church 10* Aug. Alice, d. of Tho : Mitchel glover at the bridge end, born Aug. 30, bapt. priv. 3rd, brought to Ch. 28* Sept. William, s. of John Walker of Brandon, yeoman ; born at Shincliff MUn Aug. 13. Elisabeth, d. of William Nicols of Hallgarth streat, weaver ; born Sept. 29. William, s. of Henry Murray jun1 of Shincliff, born 5th, bapt. priv. 10* br' to Church 30* Nov. William, s. of William Suddick shoemaker of Church streat ; born Nov. 5. Simon, s. of Eichard Eea yeoman of Elvet more ; bom Oct. 28. Cuthbert, s. of John Hudson mason of Hallgarth streat; born Nov. 9. John, s. of Bartholomew Sikes of New Elvet, bom 5*, priv. bapt. 8* Dec, recd in ye Church 6th Jan. John, s. of Matthew Eidly grocer of Church streat; born Nov. 21. Anna-Maria, d. of Dr Tho : Davison of New Elvet, born 8* bapt. priv. 15* Dec, recd in ye Church Is* Jan. Elizabeth, d. of Tho : Hull of Shin- chff-more houses, born & bapt. Jan. 5* & dy'd before rec'd in ye Church. . 1712. Dec. 13. 20. Jan. 25 Feb. 8 55 8 March 10 55 15 55 22 1712. March 27. April 4. 55 4 55 10 5) IS 11 27 May 3 June 1 jj 25 July >1 1 3 Frances, d. of Mr Eich. Hendry of Hallgarth streat, born 4*, priv. bapt. 1 3* and rec'd in ye Church 27* Jan. Eleanor, d. of John Gainforth of Hallgarth streat, mason; born Dec. 29*. An, d. of Will. Eickaby of Hallgarth streat, laborer ; born Dec. 30*. Eaiph, s. of Pexal Pringle of Church streat, smith; born Jan. 18* William, s. of WiUiam Marshall currier at the Bridge end ; born Jan. 30*. Margaret, d. of Bend.§ Eain of Houghal, yeoman, born 8*, priv. bapt. 10* March, brought to Church April 9. Elizabeth, d. of John Harramond of New Elvet; born Feb. 17* Jane, d. of Matthew Taylor of Shincliff, bom & bapt. priv. March 22d and brought to Ch. April 6. BUEIALS. 10. Aug. 30. Christopher Bell of New Elvet, maltmaker. Mr Ferdinando Ashmole, a popish priest living w* the Lady Mary Eatcliff in Old Elvet. Mr William Eden apothecary of S* Nicholas parish. George Taylor of Butterby wood head in Croxdale x>arish, an aged yeoman. Thomas, s. of William Whately of Shincliffe, yeoman. James Pattison, a young man of Brome, a papist. William, s. of Thomas Greenwell of Old Elvet, a papist. Elizabeth, d. of Dr Davison of New Elvet. Susanna Padman, an aged widow of S*. Nicholas's parish. John Edgar of New Elvet. Margaret, d. of George Dickison pewterer of Hallgarth streat, an infant. Margaret, d. of Thomas Lax, a stranger, an infant. Helen, wife of Nicholas Dixon of Hallgarth streat, mason, aged. § Bendlows. J20 CHEISTENINGS, MAEBIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 1712. Aug. 31. Sept. 5. 9. 12. Oct. 12. 13. 1«- „ 13.* 28. Nov. 1. 10. 16. 16. 51 17. )ec. 21. 11 23. 11 27. an. G. 11 12. 28. Feb. 3. 14. 28. March 2. Mary, wife of George Nesom of Shincliff, weaver, of a middle- age. Tho : Brignall, a singing man in the Cathedral, grandson to Ei. Bell of Shincl. Nicholas Hodgson of S' Nicholas parish, silver-smith. Eic. Awd of Sunderiand-bridge, a very aged man, a papist. George, a young son of Mrs Morland (widow of M1 John Morland) of Old Elvet. Mr Henry Busby, attorney in New Elvet, one of the Churchwardens. Catherin, wife of John Davison white-smith in New Elvet. Margaret, wife of Thomas Young weaver in Church streat. M1 Thomas Butler of Old-Akers in Sedgefield parish. He dyed in a public house here. Eobert Clerk, the Bake-house man. Margaret, wife of Francis Cooper of New Elvet, chirurgeon ; dy'd in ye fields. M1' James Wilkinson of Kirk-bridge in Yorkshire, sometimes of the 6 Clerks Off. Margaret Heighington, dy'd in the house of Correction. William Gibson weaver, an aged man. An, d. of Jacob Walker of New Elvet, joiner, an infant. Eobert Anderson of streat, laborer. Elizabeth Eobson of Brome. Mary, d. of John Thomson of Butterby, an infant. Elizabeth, an infant d. of Tho : Hull of Shincliff Moore houses. Tho : Middleton of S* Nicolas parish, tobacconist. Jane, d. of Mr Giles Eain of S* Nicolas parish, merchant, an infant. Eleanor Smith, a poor stranger, who dyed at Sunderland by the Bridge. Jane, d. of Nicolas Head of Sun derland bridge, a papist — infant. James Pennycugh, an old beggar, a Scotchman. Hallgarth 1713. April 9. May 9. 14. MAEEIAGES. 55 29 11 31 11 31 June 22 July 6 ii 14 Oct. 1. 13.14. 15. Jov. 7 11 10 55 24 neb. 2 William Bousefield & Jane Cope- land widow, of the parish of Bowes in Yorkeshire ; by license by Mr Bobert Blakiston, in my absence. George Eobinson & An Dixon, both of this parish. Tho : Wanlesse of Houghton parish & An Hugil of Chester parish ; by license. John Kirton of Pittington parish & An Brough of this parish ; by license. John Lax & Margery Anderson, both of this parish. M1' Charles Wall and Mrs Frances Blakiston ; by license. Joseph Wood & An Wan, both of this parish. John Donald of S* Nicolas parish and Isabella Dowthwait of this par. ; w*h licence. Bichard Suddick and Mabel Thom son, both of this parish. Mr Thomas Philipson & Mrs Lucy Shuttleworth widow ; with li cense. Eichard Fawdon et Margaret Cowper of the parish of Brance- peth ; by license. John Gibson weaver and Dorothy Nicolson, both of this parish. Christopher Vicars yeoman and Mary Stainsby, both of this parish ; w* lie. Thomas Hutchinson yeoman & Catharin Slater of this parish ; by licence. Henry Eain of S' Nicolas parish and Susanna Harrison of this parish. Eobert Young whitesmith and Mary Pickering, both of this parish. Eaiph Marshal of this parish & Jane Milburn of S' Nicolas parish. M1 John Garth of Heedlam & Mrs Margaret Burrel of North Bayly were marryed by me, w* licence, in Bow Church. Eichd Feetham weaver, a youth ab' 20, and Mary Meeborn, a widow ab' 59 ; with licence. CHEISTENINGS, MAEBIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 221 1713. April 6. 12. 19. 19. May 4. 17. BAPTISMS. June i. jj 9. jj 14. 14. July 7. „ 19- 19. „ 26.26. Aug. 2. „ H. 16. Thomas, s. of Stephen Hudson of Hallgarth streat, freemason ; born March 13. Eaiph, s. of George Andrew of Shincliff, weaver, born 7*, priv. bapt. by Mr Waring 12* April, recd in ye Church May 3. William, s. of Gilbert Stote of Elvet-bridge end, tanner; born March 25. Mary, d. of George Mitchel of Brome ; born March 25*. John, s. of John White weaver, ye Parish Clerk ; born April 3d, being Good-Friday. George, s. [ of ] John Bradly of New Elvet, blacksmith ; born April 27. Frances, d. of George Wood dyer upon the Bridge ; born May 3d. Nicolas, s. of Jonathan Etherington dyer of Church Streat ; born May 13*. Joseph, s. of WUliam Thomson of Stotgate ; born May 22nd. Thomas, s. of Thomas Shipley of Bent-house, laborer ; born May 19. Humphrey Doubleday, s. of Humphrey Doubleday, was borne the 29th day of May. Dorothy, d. of John Slater of Alton stile ; born June 9*. Nicolas, s. of Nicolas Thomson of New Elvet, whitesmith; bom June 19*. Elizabeth, d. of Christopher Peniton of Hallgarth streat, laborer ; bom June 19. John, s. of Tho. Kinlasyde of New Elvet, dyer; bom July 16. Eichard, s. of Mr Eichard Wilkin son of New Elvet, born & bapt. priv. July 26* recd in ye Ch. Aug. 10. Eobert, s. of Eobert Hedly of Hallgarth streat, carpenter ; born July 5*. Abraham, s. of John Oliver of Aldernage, yeoman ; born July 15. Barbara, d. of Tho : Crags of Old Elvet, laborer ; bom Aug. 1st. 1713. Sept. 22. „ 27. „ 28. Oct. 4. Sept. 9. Nov. 3, „ 22. „ 24. 29. Jan. 17. „ 22. 24. Feb. 21 jj 28 March 9 1713. March 25. April 6. „ 13. May 3. 23. An, d. of Tho : Shadforth of Aldernage, yeoman, born 11th, bapt. priv. 22d Sept., recd in y8 Ch. Oct. 8*. John, s. of Eichard Metcalf of New Elvet, laborer ; born Sept. 10*. Mary, d. of Mr Tho: Brasse of New Elvet ; born Aug. 31s*. Eobert, s. of Eichard Johnson of Shincliff More houses, yeoman, born Sept. 26* bapt. priv. 4* recd in Church Oct. 25*. John, s. of Adam Waters of Shin cliff, yeoman, born Sept. 9*, bapt. priv. by Mr Leek sameday, recd in ye Chur. Oct. 11. Nicolas, s. of Nicolas Whitfield ; born Oct. 4. Gilbert, s. of Gilbert Bourn of Old Durham, gardiner; bornNov.7*. John, s. of Eich. Wybridge of Old Elvet, inkeeper ; born Oct. 25. James, s. of James Hinston of New Elvet, laborer; born Nov. 11*. Matthew, s. of Thomas Mitchel of Brome, yeoman ; born Dec. 18*. William, s. of William Brown of Hallgarth streat, mason, born 15* bapt. priv. 22nd Jan., recd in ye Church Feb. 7. Margery, d. of Christopher Eeles of New Elvet, glover ; born Jan. 10*. Helen, d. of George Eobinson of Hallgarth streat, laborer; born Feb. 7*. John, s. of Thomas Gainford of New Elvet, mason ; born Feb. 5. William, s. of William Farrow of the Hall-garth, yeoman ; born Feb. 13* BUEIALS. Jane Eickaby of Hallgarth streat, a widow aged, as her daughter in law sayes, 91 years. Thomas, s. of William Brown of New Elvet, rough mason, a child. Jane, d. of William Nicols weaver of Hallgarth streat, a child. Jane Oliver of Sunderland Bridge, an aged widow, a papist. Elis. Lambton, a lodger at John Dixon's in New Elvet. 2d 222 CHEISTENINGS, MAEBIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 1713. May 31. June 24. July 14. 20. Aug. JJ 10. 11 28. Sept. 55 7. 18. JJ 19. Oct. 2. 55 22. J5 25. 55 30. Nov. 7. 55 9. 55 22. 55 27. Dec. 1. 55 11. 55 23. Jan. 12. jj 28. Feb. 10. 55 10. WiUiam, s. of Hen. Murray jun. of Shincliff, an infant. A poor traveller who dy'd at Sunderland bridge. Mr William Salvin, who dyed at Brandon of the palsy. An, d. of M1' Middleton of Offerton in Houghton parish, dyed in ye Market place. Bobert, s. of John Hopper of Cassop, yeoman, dy'd at Shin cliffe at nurse. John, s. of Bobert Hall of New Elvet, laborer. Bartholomew Brown of New Elvet, blacksmith. Thomas Andrew of Shincliff. Mary Heron, servant to Mre Heron, in the Lady Mary Badcliffe's fam. Elisabeth, wife of Matthew Hunter of Church streat, wheel-wright. Mary Awd of Sunderland bridge, a papist. Mr Christopher Tod, dyed at Croxdale, a papist, a priest. M18 Lamb (widow of Mr John Lamb), a papist living in Old Elvet. John, s. of John Kidnesse of Hallgarth Streat, laborer. Jane, d. of William Whitfield of Saint Nicolas's parish, an infant. William, s. of Gilbert Stote of the Bridge-end, tanner, an infant. Margaret, wife of John Pattison of Fenckly. Catherin Greenwell, a papist, of Old Elvet. George, s. of John Wilkinson of Sadler streat, chandler, an infant. Mr Eobert Hopper of Shincliff (baptiz'd Octob. 17, 1654). Mra Hodgson of S* Nicolas parish, a papist. Elis. Palmerin, a young woman who dy'd at her sister's at Alton stile. Margaret Wilson, an old widow living on the Bridge. M1 John Martin of New Elvet, one of the 24. Mary, d. of Eich. Low, a mason of New Elvet. 1713. Feb. 10. 13. 15.19. 20.22. 2. 2. 9. 18. 19.24. March Henry, s. of Henry Henderson, a mason of New Elvet, a child. Margaret Dixon, servant to Mr Bosse, schole-master at the Bridge end. William Perkinson, a singing man in the Cathedral. Barbara, widow of George Grahm yeoman, an aged woman. John Palmer of the Church streat, mason, a papist. Mr James Metcalf of Old Elvet, writing-master, a papist. James Mackay, a traveller. Baiph, s. of George Andrew of Shincliff, weaver, a child. George Grahm of Old Elvet, taylor. Bobert, s. of Humfrey Darlington of Sunderland bridge. Gabriel Stobs of Old Elvet, joiner. Elisabeth Bird of Shincliff, widow. an aged Mr Patric Bosse, Mr John WUson, Mr John Walker, Mr Wheatly (for Shincliffe), Church wardens^ MAEEIAGES. 1714. May 8. Eobert Chipchase of S* Nicolas parish & Elisabeth Eichardson of this parish ; w* lie ,, 25. John Hunter and Elisabeth Tod. They were servants at Shincliff. „ 25. Nathan Alderson shoemaker and Elisabeth Clerk widow, ye bake house woman. ,, 27. John Solby and Mary Oliver. June 7. Tho : Havers & An Heath. „ 27. Abraham Smith joyner and Mar garet Ingledew. July 4. Eichard Lowdon laborer and Mary Liddel. Sept. 28. Bobert Farrow of BUlingham parish, weaver, & Elis. Brown of this parish. Oct. 10. Thomas Forster of this parish, laborer, & Margaret Eobinson of the par. of Brancepeth. ,, 21. Thomas Newby of Houghton parish & Mary Stott of this parish, widow ; w* licence. § The names of the Churchwardens appear at the end of each year, but they will only be printed when they change. It will not be out of place here to record the admirable way in which the Eegieters at this period were kept by Vicar Rud. His neat, beau tiful caligraphy is perfectly wondrous. CHEISTENINGS, MAEBIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 223 1714. Nov. 6. 11. 13. 23. Gabriel Mitchel and Frances Gold- land of Baxter Wood. Thomas Young weaver & Catherin Davison a servant in the College. Thomas Weems skinner & Frances Brown widow. George Hercules glover and Frances Simkin servant to Mrs Burton. 1713 Jan. 11. M1 Eobert Blakiston & Mre Elisa beth Peacock ; with licence. Feb. 21. Mr John Elliot of Hexham & M™ Elisabeth Brown of this parish ; w* licence. „ 26. Mr Antony Salvin and M19 Elisa beth Tempest ; with licence. BAPTISMS. 1714. March 28 Mary, d. of Mr Tho : Philipson, bom & bapt. priv. March 28, brought to Ch. April 22. April 8. Jane, d. of Henry Murray of Shin cliff, laborer, born 5*, bapt. priv. 8th April, recd in the Church May 2. 6.* Thomas, s. of Tho. Hull of Shin cliff Moore houses, yeoman; born March 17*. John, s. of John Hopper of Shin cliff, yeoman, born 9*, bapt. priv. ] 0* April, recd in ye Ch. May 11. Alice, d. of Joseph Wood of Church streat, laborer ; born March 22d. Matthew, s. of Bichard Elwood of Church streat, glover; bom March 29*. Bichard, s. of Bichard Suddick of Church streat, shoemaker, born 9* bapt. priv. 18* April, br. to Ch. May 9. Bichard, s. of John Dixon of New Elvet, schole - master ; born March 28*. Frances, d. of Cuthbert Joplin of Hallgarth Streat, mason; born April 9*. An, a. of John Story of Shincliff Moore houses; born April 18*. Dulcibella, d. of Bobert Hixon of Old Durham, yeoman; born 11th, bapt. priv. 13th May, recd in ye Ch. June 8. 10. 18. 18. 18. 25. May 9. 11. 13. 1714. June 8. 2024 Aug. 22. 26. Sept. 5. Oct. 4. u 24. jj 26. Nov. 11. „ 12. „ 18. Nov. 21. Dec. 12. Jan. 23. John, s. of John Havers of Old Elvet, chandler; bom May 19th Joseph, s. of John Crisp of Shin cliff, laborer ; born May 21rt. Jonathan, s. of Dr Thomas Davison of New Elvet, physician; born June 3d. Thomas Doubleday, s. of Hum phrey Doubleday, borne the 16 day of July. William, s. of Daniel Bell of Brome- close house, laborer ; born July 9*. Elisabeth, d. of Mr Wall of Old Elvet, apothecary; born July 11*. Elisabeth, d. of Bobert Young of Hallgarth Streat, smith ; born Aug. 8*. Christophor, s. of Christophor Vic ars of Brome HaU, yeoman ; born July 27*. John, s. of Tho. Eobson of Stotgate, laborer ; born Aug. 17. Eobert, s. of Pexal Pringle of Church streat, smith, born 3rd, bapt. priv. 4*, receiv'd in Ch. Oct. 318'. George, s. of John Gibson of New Elvet, weaver; born Oct. 8, George, s. of Barth. Sikes of Old Elvet, white-smith, born 25*, bapt. priv. 26* Oct., recd in the Church Nov. 21. Mary, d. of John Hunter of Shin cliffe, laborer, born 6th, bapt. priv. 11th Nov., recd in the Church Dec. 5. Mary, d. of Ben. Eain of Houghall, yeoman, born 11* bapt. priv. 12th, recd in the Church Nov. 30. Elisabeth, d. of Mr Eich. Wilkin son of New Elvet, born 16*, bapt. priv. 18* Nov. [received into the Church], Dec. 14. Philip, s. of William Suddic of Church streat, shoemaker ; born Nov. 4. Henry, s. of Wm Marshal shoe maker, born & bapt. priv. Dec. 12*, receiv'd into ye Church Dec. 27. John, s. of Wm Cowin maltmaker ( sometime a soldier ) ; born Jan. 3d. 224 CHEISTENINGS, MAEEIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 1714. Jan. 30. Stephan, s. of Stephan Hudson mason, born 15*, bapt. priv. 30* Jan., receiv'd into ye Church Feb. 6. Feb. 13. Thomas, s. of Matthew Atkinson milner of Shincliff miln ; born Jan. 24*. March 6. Jane, d. of Catharin Lickbarrow al. Loughborough, base begot, sup- pos'd to be the daughter of Mr Gervase Booth; born Feb. 13*. March 13. Elisabeth, d. of Tho. Mountain taylor ; born Feb. 28. ,, 18. William, s. of Nathan Alderson baker; b. Feb. 18*. — — Thomas, s. of John Forcer Esq., a papist, was born March 23. [Eaiph Steel appears as churchwarden, vice Wheatly.] BUEIALS. 1714. April 1. Mary, d. of Dr Brown of Old Elvet, physician, an infant. 13. M1 Michael Johnson of Church Streat (his seat was at Twisel), a papist. ,, 17. James, s. of John Dowsey of Shin cliff, yeoman, an infant. May 5. A woman traveller, who dyed at Sunderland bridge. ,, 6. Mary, wife of George Crags of Sunderland bridge, wheel-wright, a papist. 14. Mr Eobert Eeed of S' Nicolas parish, an apothecary. „ 18. Mary, d. of Tho : Thomson of But- terby, yeoman, an infant. „ 20. Isabel, wife of William Atkinson of Finkley, yeoman. ,, 31. Gilbert Stote, a tanner upon the bridge. „ 31. Henry, s. of Dr Brown, a physician of Old Elvet, a child. June 1. John, s. of John Hopper of Shin cliff, yeoman, a child. ,, 6. An Bell, a young woman of S* Nicolas's parish. ,, 29. Eleanor Smith, an aged woman of Butterby. July 1. William Anderson of Hallgarth Streat, laborer. Aug. 4. John Mackintosh, a traveller. ,, 8. Frances, the infant daughter of Mr Fourville of New Elvet, a popish recus'. 1714. Aug. 15. Sept. 6. 29. Oct. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 10.15.16. 22 24. Nov. 13. 29. Dec. 1. 55 51 12. 20. 11 26. 11 28. ^an. 10. 55 12. 55 12. 55 18. 55 21. Elisabeth, widow of George Thom son whitesmith, an aged woman. Elisabeth, d. of M1 Wall of Old Elvet, apothecary, an infant. An, wife of Wm Kirkly junr of New Elvet, tayler. An Thomson, a young woman, daughter of Elis. who dyed in August. Mrs Nicols, an aged midwife, dyed suddenly Oct. 2d. Thomas, s. of Thomas Gainforth of New Elvet, mason, an infant. Mr William Jones (al. John Crowe, his true name) of Old Elvet. Mary, d. of ye late Mr David John son counsellor at law, a child. Jane, an infant d. of Henry Murray of Shincliff, laborer. Frances, d. of Bryan Forster of Hallgarth streat, an infant. An Fenwic, an infant nurs'd at Bent house. Mr Pexal Padman of S' Nicolas parish, an attorney. An Norman, an old woman of Hallgarth streat. Nicolas, a young son of Matthew Eidley of Church streat. Margaret Smith of Old Elvet, an old maid almost 83. George, s. of Tho. Perkinson, a singing man in ye Cathedral, an infant. An Hull, an aged widow, mother to Eichd Eea's wife, of the White- house. Tho : Spur of Brome, laborer. Tho : Lax, an old housekeeper in Hallgarth streat. Mrs Frances Philipson, a young woman of Church streat. John, s. of William Hood pedlar of New Elvet, an infant. Thomasin, widow of Mr George Wilson attorny (burd Jan. 7*, 1682). Arthur Collin of Old Elvet, in- keeper. Barbara, d. of Edwd Hopper of Hallgarth streat, carpenter, a child. William, s. of William Suddick shoemaker, an infant. Helen, d. of Widow Palmer, a child. CHEISTENINGS, MAEEIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 225 1714. Feb. 9. 13. 24. 25. March 13. 1715. Margery, d. of Christopher Eales glover, an infant. Eaiph, s. of Pexal Pringle black smith, an infant. John, s. of Thomas Gainforth mason, an infant. Elisabeth, d. of Tho. Perkinson, singing man in ye Cathedral. M18 Elisabeth Howard of Tudhoe in Brancepeth parish. An, d. of An Jackson widow. MAEEIAGES. June 13. 7.* 16. 25. July — Aug. 6. 20. Sept. 11. Oct. 13. 30. Eaiph Arrowsmith of Croxdale Chapelry & Elisabeth Smith of this parish. The bans were pub- lish'd here before Easter, but they were marryed by Mr War ing Curat of Croxdale. Joseph Thomson of S* Nicolas parish & An Walkinton of this parish. The bans were pub- lish'd here at Easter, but they were marryed at Brancepeth. George Wetherel joiner and An Bradly, al. Baraclugh. Cuth Busby of S' Nicolas parish, tailor, & Adelin French of this parish ; w* licence, in S* Nicolas Ch. Thomas Thomson black-smith & Margaret Emmerson of the Col lege ; w* licence. John Pickering taylor & Margaret Joplin. John Gregson of the parish of Bp Weremouth and Jane Simson of this parish. The bans were publish'd here, but they were marryed at Bp Weremouth. Eobert Stout of the parish of S* Nicolas, shoemaker, & An Stout of this parish. Edward Lumsden of the parish of Morpeth & Maiy Boutflour of the parish of Bywell S' Andrew ; with license, by Mr Parkinson. Thomas Taylor blacksmith and Catharin Veisey. George Walker weaver & Thomasin Thomson. George Mills weaver & Margaret Wood, both of Shincliff. 1715. Nov. 16. 20. Dec. 20. Jan. 21. 29 Francis Thomson of Chester parish and Jane Atkinson of this parish, Eobert Pattison laborer & Frances Epples widow. George Stuart & Jane Eeed of Bp Weremouth parishi ; with licence. Eobert Clerk mariner & Elisabeth Edger. George Goldland, a servant at Aldernedge, & Elisabeth Bam- shaw, a serv' at Brome. BAPTISMS. 1715. April 10. 25. May 15. 24.30. June 31. 14. William, s. of John Banks laborer; bom March 18*. Jane, d. of Matthew Eidly ; born March 30*. Elisabeth, d. of Bichd Lowdon laborer, born 4* bapt. priv. 15* & dy'd 31st May. George, s. of John Clark of New BurnhaU, yeoman ; born April 30*. John, s. of Mr Tho. Philipson, bom 28* bapt. priv. 30* May. He dy'd June 5*. Jane, d. of Eobert Farrow yeoman ; bora May 7*. Isabel, d. of Christophor Peniton laborer; born May 15*- Thomas, s. of Thomas Havers gardiner, born 4*, bapt. priv. 14* June, receiv'd into ye Church July 3. Thomas, s. of Thomas Kinlaside§ dyer ; born June 5*. An, d. of Eichard Eea of the White-house yeoman; born June 15*. Joseph, s. of Elizabeth Farnton, base begot, as is suppos'd, by Tho. Brown. Elisabeth, d. of Eaiph Mitchel glover ; born July 29. An, d. of Eichard Metcalf laborer ; born Aug. 4*. John, s. of John Solby laborer; born Aug. 8*. John, s. of John Gainford mason ; born Aug. 16. § Above the letters " la " are written the letters " die," so as to make the name read either Kinlaside or Kindleside. July 3. 12. Aug. 30 Sept. 4 jj 4 11 2e 226 CHEISTENINGS, MAEEIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 1715. Sept. 16. 23. Oct. 10.16. 16. 16. 19. Nov. 3. 14. 20. „ 22. Dec. 24. Jan. 10. 20. 22. WiUiam, s. of Eobert Chipchase butcher, born 2nd, bapt. priv. 16* receiv'd in ye Church 27* Sept. Eobert, s. of Thomas Newby, bom 13* bapt. priv. 23d Sept., receiv'd into the Church Oct. 9. Mary, d. of Mary (possibly "Marg") Cuthbertson ; born at Alton stile Sept. 30*, supposed to be base begot, ye father unknown. John, s. of John Bennet, born & bapt. priv. Oct. 9*, receiv'd into the Church Nov. 10. Matthew, s. of Matthew Taylor of Shincliff, yeoman, born 3rd, bapt. 10* receiv'd into ye Chur. Oct. 30. Bridget, d. of Eichd Wybridge inkeeper, born Sept. 30* bapt. priv. Oct. 16, & recd into the Church Nov. 1. Martha, d. of George Andrew of Shincliff laborer ; born Sept. 21. Bobert, s. of Henry Murray of Shincliff, laborer ; born Sept. 25. Buben, s. of Buben Thornton ; born Oct. 3d. He dy'd the 22nd Bartholomew, s. of Eobert Farrow weaver ; born Oct. 6* Annabella, d. of Mr Tho. Brasse ; bom Oct. 13*. Isabel, d. of John Hudson free mason ; born Oct. 20*. An, d. of John Gibson weaver ; born Oct. 25*. Baiph, s. of Eaiph Arrowsmith milner, lately dead, born & bapt. Dec. 24, recd into ye Church Jan. 22. Eobert, s. of Christopher Eales glover; bom Dec. 10. An, d. of John Hopper of Shincliff, yeoman, born 6*, bapt. priv. 7* Jan., recd into the Church May. Margaret, d. of Thomas Shadforth of Aldernedge, yeoman ; born Dec 13*. John, s. of Abraham Smith joiner, born & bapt. priv. Jan. 20. He dy'd Feb. 1. Gabriel, s. of Gabriel Mitchel of Baxterwood, yeoman, born 8*, bapt. priv. 22nd Jan., recd in Ch. Feb. 7. 1715. Jan. 31. Feb. 2. ». 5 JJ 11 JJ 14 JJ 28 March 2 1715. March 27. 28. 29.29. April 1. 18. 19. 21.28. May 1.2. 5. 3.0. Elisabeth, d. of Bobert Cook of Shincliff, taylor; bom Jan. 14*. Mary, d. of Christophor Vicars of Brome Hall, yeoman ; born Jan. 4*. Jane, d. of James Hinston laborer ; born Jan. 20. Antony, s. of Mr Antony Salvin, born 9*, bapt. priv. 11*, & recd into the Church 25* Feb. Elisabeth, d. of John Havers chan dler ; born Feb. 1. Elisabeth, d. of George Wood dyer, born & bapt. priv. Feb. 28* & - recd into ye Church April 2. An, d. of Bobert Mosse laborer, born & bapt. priv. March 2d. She dyed ye 14*. Isabel, d. of Adam Waters of Shin cliff, laborer, born 2d, bapt. priv. 3d, recd into ye Church 18th March. Lydia, d. of John Bradly black smith ; born Feb. 10. Elisabeth, d. of Henry Sanders of Shincliff Moore houses, yeoman, born and bapt. priv. Mar. 4* rccd in Ch. April 3. BUEIALS. Barbara, I daughters of Thomas Mary, j* Crags laborer, both in fants. Nicolas, s. of Nicolas Head of Sun derland Bridge, a papist, a child. Helen, wife of David Borrow tayler. Helen, d. of George Eobinson, an infant. John Davison of the parish of S' Nicolas, whitesmith. Frances, wife of Mr Eichard WU kinson, was buryed in the chapel in Crossegate. Bobert Green of S* Nicolas parish, inkeeper, an old man. Thomas Chapman of Midredge, drown' in the Brown 15 weeks ago. John, s. of WiUiam Farrow yeoman. John Vicars, nephew of Christophor Vicars of Brome hall, yeoman. Bichard Appleby carrier. Stephan, s. of Stephan Hudson free mason, an infant. CHEISTENINGS, MAEEIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 227 1715. June 1. 2. 6.6. 8. 15. ») 5) 16. 26. 55 28. July J5 4.5. 'J 10. »5 21. Aug. 11. Sept. 15. J) 26. Oct. 2. JJ 22. 11 26. J)JJ Nov. 27.28. 4. 55 11. Jt 29. Dec. 2. JJ 15. 15 21. Elisabeth, d. of Bich. Lowdon laborer, an infant. WiUiam, s. of Francis Holms of Brome, yeoman. An, d. of John Story of Shincliff moore houses, yeoman, an infant. John, s. of Mr Thomas Philipson, an infant. Christophor, s. of Christophor Vic ars of Brome-hall, yeoman, an infant. Jane Turpin, an aged widow of Shincliff, lately of Quarrington. Gerard Eobinson joiner. Isabel, wife of William Mills of Shincliff, laborer. An, wife of George Eobinson lab orer. Mary Smith, an aged widow. John, s. of Eichard Lowdon black smith, a child. M18 Joan Simson, a very aged widow, near 110 years old. Mr George Cummin, an old decay'd mercer, a papist. Eleanor, d. of Thomas Weems skinner. Alice Hodgson of S' Nicolas parish, widow. Eaiph Arrowsmith of S* Nicolas parish, milner. Bichard Fisher fuller, an aged house-keeper. Buben, s. of Buben Thornton, an infant. An, d. of John Banks yeoman, an infant. Mark Clark taylor. Mr Samson Lever of Aldernedge. Charles, s. of George Biggins of Sunderland by ye Bridge, yeo man, a papist. William, s. of John Banks laborer, an infant. Elisabeth, d. of D1 Brown of S* Nicolas parish, physician, an in fant. Eleanor, d. of John Gainford mason, an infant. Mrs Joan Hixon of Old Elvet, a papist, very aged. Margery Mills, a stranger who dy'd in this parish, & John, her infant son. Dec. 26. J» 28. Jan. 2. 5' 3. 55 7. 5J 10. 11 19. 11 23. 71 27. 55 28. 28. Feb. John Clerk weaver (brother to Mark, who was buryed out of ye same house, Oct. 27). Cuthbert Adamson of Shincliff, hatter. Mary, wife of Edward Pattison of Finkley, yeoman. Mary, wife of Thomas Veisy of S* Nicolas parish, currier. William Pearson of Brome, a very aged man. John, s. of Bobert Cook of Shin cliff, tailor, an infant. An Bently, an aged widow, a papist. Mr Geo. Cockson of Old Elvet, a papist. Katharin Williamson, a very aged widow. Elisabeth, d. of D1 Brown, of S' Nicolas parish, physician, a papist. Jane Morison widow. 2. John, s. of Abraham Smith joiner, an infant. 18. Jane Wilkinson, an aged widow living lately near Sherborn house gates. 23. Margery Heighington, a poor woman of Brome, a papist. M18 Elisabeth Salvin, wife of Mr Antony Salvin (dyed in child bed, &) was buryed. MrB Marg* Lever of Aldernage, widow, very aged. Mrs Isabel Witham, unmarryed, a papist. 15. An, d. of Eobert Mosse laborer, an infant. John, s. of John Havers chandler, an infant. William Mason laborer, a decrepit old man. MAEBIAGES. 1716. AprU 26. Nicolas Burdon white-smith & Elisabeth Stephenson. May 6. Thomas Dixon of Shincliff, laborer, & Mary Fogan. June 3. George Wright laborer & Jane Humphreys. „ 17. Edward Hall butcher & Margaret Wills ; with licence. „ 25 March 4. 11 1718 228 CHEISTENINGS, MAEBIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 1716. Sept. 18. Oct. 13. Nov. 25. Dec. 26. 29 jj wi/' Jan. 1. 16. 17. March 5. 1716. March 25. April 5. 17. 22. 24.24.28. May 13. 15. „ 20. „ 26. 27. 28. Thomas Brown of Newcastle, mar iner, & Mary Borrow of this par ish ; w* lie James Foster of Shincliff, yeoman, & Mary Mainsforth ; with licence. Eobert Whitfield of Belly, yeoman, & Elisabeth Pritchard. WiUiam James of Sunderland, mariner, & Eleanor Alderson of this parish. Mr Thomas Charleton of ye parish of Biwell S' Peter's & Barbara Stokeld of this parish ; with licence. Andrew Morton wheel-wright & An Eeynoldson widow. George Jeffreyson of Bp Were mouth parish & Elisabeth White of this parish. John Young weaver & Grace Lam- bard. Stephen Borrow taylor & Mary Whitton. BAPTISMS. William, s. of Joseph Wood laborer; born Feb. 22d. Dulcibella, d. of Dr Thomas Davi son ; born March . Francis, s. of M1 Bobert Blakiston, M.A.; born April 6*. Mary, d. of Stephen Hudson mason ; born March 23d. Bobert, s. of William Wood Ser jeant ; born March 27*. Eaiph, s. of Thomas Gainforth mason, born & bapt. Apr. 24, receiv'd into ye Church May 21. An, d. of An Jurdison, base begot (as was supposed) by WiUiam Farrow. George, s. of John Pickering taylor; born April 17. Mary, d. of Eobert Young junr. Mary, d. of Jacob Bobson of Stot- gate, yeoman ; born April 21. Mary, d. of Mary Brown, base begot (as was suppos'd) by Judson joiner. Elisabeth, d. of Eichard Suddick shoemaker ; born April . James, s. of John White, ye parish clerk ; bom May Is*. 1716. June 17. May 29. June 22. July 22 Aug. 16. Sept. 9. Aug. 26. Sept. 15. 30. Oct. 11. 28. Nov. 4. 12. „ 17. Dec. 2. 13. Alice, d. of Thomas Young weaver ; born May 24. Mary, d. of Thomas Taylor black smith, born & bapt. May 29* & receiv'd into ye Church June 24. Margaret, d. of William Brown mason, born & bapt. June 22, & receiv'd into ye Church July 22. Mary, d. of WiUiam Lowdon laborer; born June 3d. Elisabeth, d. of William Farrow laborer ; born June 3d. Baiph, s. of Thomas Hutchinson ot Alton Stile, yeoman, born June 19, bapt. priv. July 4, recd in Ch. July 16. Lucy, d. of Mr Tho. Philipson, born 3d, bapt. priv. 5* July. Mary, d. of Nicolas Burdon white smith; bora June 30*. George, s. of William Hedley mariner, born 6th, bapt. priv. 16th Aug., dy'd ye same day. George, s. of George Walker weaver; born Aug. 14*. Margar*, d. of Thomas Bobson of Stotgate, laborer, born July 29. Thomasin, d. of George Little in keeper, born 9* bapt. priv. 15*, dy'd 17* Sept. John, s. of Thomas Forster laborer, born & bapt. priv. Sept. 30*, dy'd Oct. 3d. Bichard, s. of John Sisterson laborer, born 3d, bapt. priv. 1 1* receiv'd into ye Ch. 28* Oct. Mary, d. of Bobert Pattison of Finkley, laborer; born Oct. 2. Cuthbert, s. of Mr Cuthbert Heron, born 1st, bapt. priv. 4th, recd into ye Church 29* Nov. Elisabeth, d. of WiUiam Marshall shoemaker, born 2d, bapt. priv. 12* recd into ye Church 18* Nov. John, s. of William Banks laborer born 11* bapt. priv. 17* Nov., recd into ye Church Dec. 2d. Joseph, s. of Eobert Hedley joiner ; born Nov. 8. Nicolas, s. of Jane Eea, base begot (as suppos'd by Nicolas Gain- forth), born & bapt. priv. 13, & recd into ye Church Dec. 1 8. CHEISTENINGS, MAEEIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 229 1716. Dec. 16. Jan. Feb. 13. 14. 23. March 5. 15. 21. 24. 1716. April 1 . 6. 14. 18. 18. 27.30. 9. May 13. 15. 22. Thomas, s. of John Dixon schole- master; born Nov. 16* John, s. of Eobert Farrow of Fare well-hall, yeoman, born 15*, ! bapt. priv. 27* dyed 30* Dec. I William, s. of William Bewick jersey-comber ; born Jan 2d. Elisabeth, d. of Pexal Pringle nail- ' maker ; born Jan. 5*. Bartholomew, s. of Bartholomew Sikes white- smith, born 3d, bapt. priv. 14* Feb., receiv'd into ye Church March 3. Helen, d. of Thomas Dixon of Shincliff, laborer, bom 20*, bapt. priv. 23d Feb., receiv'd into ye Church March 4. Eobert, s. of John Clark of Burn- hall, yeoman ; born Feb. 8th. Thomas, s. of Thomas Francis, a foot-soldier; born March 5*. Mary, d. of Arthur Morgan, a dra goon soldier, born March , bapt. priv. 21s*, recd into ye Church April 17. Antony, s. of Nathan Alderson shoe maker ; born Feb. 24th. Sarah, d. of Thomas Havers chan dler; bom Feb. 218*. Nichol, son 1 son (sic exactly) of Humphery Doubleday, was born the 5 clay of November.§ BUEIALS. Elisabeth Eickaby of Sunderland Bridge, an old widow, a papist. Thomas Thomson mason. William Atkinson, sexton of the parish. John Mainsforth of Shincliff, yeo man. M1' Thomas Greenwell. William Farrow yeoman. William Eggleston laborer. Elisabeth Dods of Shincliff, an aged widow. An, wife of Tho. Lawes shoemaker of S* Nicolas parish. William Whitfield butcher of S* Nicolas parish. Eaiph, an infant son of Thomas Newby of Butterby Woodhead. Mrs An Crow, an aged widow. § All the entries relating to the Quaker's children are in an illiterate handwriting, not the Vicar's. 2f 1716. June 4. 5. 28.29. July 11. 24. Aug. 17. 17. Sept. Oct. Dec Jan. Feb. 55 March 26. 6. 12.18.19. 20. 25. 3. Nov. 1: 12. 19. 4.7. 25.28. 31. 1. 15.16.19. 30. 22. 26. 3. Mary, an infant dau. of Mary Brown. An, wife of John Nicols taylor. John Brignal joiner. Henry Morray of Shincliff, wiight, an old man. Eobert Ebdon cheese-monger. John Etherington of Shincliff, fuller. Eaiph Trotter drover. George, an infant son of William Hedley mariner. Jane, wife of Mr William White apothecary of S* Nicolas parish. Thomasin Ovington, an aged widow. John, s. of Thomas Eales inkeeper. Mary, an infant dau. of Thomas Taylor black-smith. Thomasin, an infant dau. of George Little inkeeper. Elisabeth, wife of — Wolf yeo man. John Wheatley, lately of Shincliff, an idiot. John, an infant son of Bartholomew Sikes white-smith. John, an infant son of Thomas Forster laborer. John Bellamy mason, an old man, a papist. Elisabeth, d. of Mr Eichard Smith chirurgeon. Eichard Lowdon laborer. Elisabeth, wife of Andrew Morton spinning wheel-maker, an old woman. James Hinston laborer. Edward Lamb, a poor child. Eichard Low mason. Dorothy Johnson widow. John, an infant son of Eobert Far row of Fare-well Hall, yeoman. Frances Flaward, an aged widow. Isabel, d. of Andrew Morton wheel wright. old Mrs Dorothy Blakiston, an maiden. Elisabeth, wife of John Harrow- mond shoemaker. Samuel Walker, an old housekeeper. John Park of Croxdale. Eichard, s. of John Sisterson lab orer, a child. Elisabeth Pearson of Brome, an aa;ed widow. 230 CHEISTENINGS, MAEEIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 1716. March 15. 23 1717. May 4. June 8. 11. July 16. 20. Oct. 16. Nov. 3. 5. 9. Feb. 4. 1717. March 26. Ax>ril 7 . May 6. „ 23. June 2. 12. 19. 23. Alice Middleton of S* Nicolas par ish, inkeeper, an aged widow. Nicolas, the bastard son of Jane Eea, an infant. MAEEIAGES. Christophor Airson grocer & An Shaw. Eichard White yeoman & Margaret Parkinson. Eobert Teasdale & Alice Colin widow, inkeeper. John Welsh of Houghton parish, butcher, & An Harper of this parish. Francis Bainbridge of the parish of S* Andrew's, Aukland, & An Young ; w* licence. Christophor Tout, a foot soldier, & Margaret Taylor. Eowland Harrison whitesmith & Jane Forster. Bobert Smith shoe-maker &Bebeoca Gibson. William Lowdon of this parish, brick-maker, & Frances Addison of Brancepeth par. Thomas Welsh of Houghton parish, butcher, & Elisabeth Harper of this parish. BAPTISMS. John, s. of Abraham Smith joiner, born & bapt. March 26*, & receiv'd into ye Church April 22. William, s. of George Mills of Shin cliff, weaver; bom March 10*. William, s. of William Suddic shoe maker; born April 5*. An, d. of Dr Thomas Davison, born 21st, bapt. priv. 23d May, receiv'd into ye Church June 13. Samuel, s. of Bryan Stoddart glover & skinner; born May 14. Phcebe. d. of Thomas Tone of white- house, yeoman, born May 19* bapt. priv. 12* dyed 15* June. William, s. of Tho. Tayler black smith, born 12*, bapt. priv. 19*, dyed 23d June. Margaret, d. of George Mitchel of Brome, yeoman ; born May 20. 1717. June 25. July 1. Aug. 11. July 25. Aug. Sept. Jan. 23. 19. Oct. 15 Nov. 21 Dec. 10 1G 19.22.27. 29. 4.7. 26. Elisabeth ('Mary' erased)," d. of Mr Eobert Blakiston, clerk; born June 4*. James, s. of George Atkinson bar ber; born June 23d. William, s. of Nicolas Smith lab orer ; bom July 1 8*. Eobert, s. of Christophor Peniton laborer, bom & bapt. priv. July 25* & recd into ye Church Aug. 28. An, d. of Mr John Ingleby attorny, born & bapt. priv. Aug. 23, & recd into ye Chur. Sept. 19. Thomas, s. of Jane Tayler of Shincliff, base begot, as suppos'd, by Tho. Neesom ; born Aug. 15. Margaret, d. of Thomas Newby smith, born Aug. 2 2d, bapt. priv. Sept. 2d, dyed . John, s. of James Foster of Shincliff, yeoman ; born July 30. Christophor, s. of Christoph1 Vicars of Bromehall, yeoman, born 13, bapt. priv. 19* Sept., recd into y Chur. Oct. 14. John, s. of John Gibson jun1, weaver; born Sept. 27* Thomas, s. of John Mitchel butcher; born Oct. 23d. Mary, d. of Eobert Whitfield of Belly, yeoman; born Nov. 21s*. Eobert, s. of Eobert Farrow weaver, bom & bapt. priv. Dec. 16*, receiv'd into ye Chur. Jan. (date altered from 17 to something uncertain, perhaps 12). Thomas, s. of Thomas Kindleside dyer ; born Nov. 20*. John, s. of John Hunter of Shincliff, laborer, born 8, bapt. priv. 22d Dec, recd into ye Church Jan. 1 9. Sarah, d. of Thomas Gainforth mason : bom Dec. 9* Mary, d. of William Cowy malt maker; born Dec. 11*. Eichard, s. of M1 Cuthbert Heron, born 2d, bapt. priv. 4*, recd into ye Church 28 Jan. Thomas, s. of John Snowdon of Baxter Wood; born Dec. 21s*. George, s. of Nicolas Thomson white-smith ; bom 8*., bapt. priv. 26*, [publicly] Feb. 6. CHEISTENINGS, MAEEIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 231 1717. Feb. 4. 10. 15. 26. March 16. 1717. March 25. April 1. 13. 15. „ 17. „ 17. „ 21. „ 26. May 3.5. 5. „ H. 19. „ 21. „ 23. „ 28. „ 28. „ 29. June 5. 16. Jane, cl. of Eichd Metcalf laborer ; born Jan. 4*. An, d. of Mr Francis Flower, supervisor of ye Excise, born Jan. 17*. George, s. of George "Wetherel joiner, born & bapt. 15* & dyed 16* Feb. Jane, d. of M1 Thomas Philipson ; born Jan. 24*. Isabel, d. of John Gainforth mason ; born Feb. 22. BUEIALS. Mr John Parkinson, M.A., one of the Minor Canons, & Curate of Croxdale. David Borrow tailer. Hugh Alexander, a dragoon of Gen1 Evans's regiment. Mabel Sharp, a riapist, many years bed-rid. Elisabeth Wheatley of Shincliff, an aged widow, was buryed in the Church. Thomas Charleton of Brome, laborer. Thomas Mitchel of Brome, laborer. William, s. of Nicolas Hercules tailer, infant. Eleanor, d. of John Dixon schole- master, a child. An, d. of Mr Featherston barber of S' Nicolas parish, a child. Mr John Baxter of Baxter wood, woodmonger. Elisabeth, d. of Adam Waters of Shincliff, laborer, infant. John Darlington of Sunderland bridge, blacksmith, aged 95. Elisabeth, wife of Nicolas Burdon whitesmith. Elisabeth, d. of John Harrowmond shoe-maker, a child. Mary, the infant d. of Nicolas Burdon white-smith. Frances, d. of Cuthbert Joplin mason, a child. Elisabeth, d. of George Wood dyer, infant. Bridget, d. of Bichd Wybridge inkeeper, infant. Phoebe, d. of Thomas Tone of White-house, yeoman, infant. 171 June 7. 14* 55 16. 11 22. 11 24. 55 28. July 7. 53 15. 55 21. 55 27. Aug. 8. '5 9. 11. 55 51 24. 28. Sept. 55 3. 7. )) 55 8. 20. Oct. 10. Nov. 1. jj 20. jj 21. u 23. Dec. Jan. 10.14. 22. 4. 13. 14. Jacob, s. of Timothy Henzy glasse- maker, infant. Jane Sim, widow of Phineas Sim mason. Isabel, d. of John Hudson mason, a child. William, s. of Thomas Taylor blacksmith, infant. Eichard, s. of John (altered from ' Eichard ') Slater bayliff of S* Nicolas par. Margaret, wife of Thomas Forster laborer. Hutton, s. of Zadok Smith taylor, a child. M13 Margaret Pudsay, an old maid, a papist. Thomas, s. of Thomas Kindleside dyer, a child. Michael, s. of Charles Martendale cobler, a child. John Snaith peuterer. Isabel, widow of Sam. Walker, very aged (see above Jan. 30). Benjamin Taylor, a poor shoemaker. Thomas, s. of John Dixon schole- master, infant. Margaret, d. of Tho. Newby, infant. Mary, wife Thomas Newby; dy'd in child-bed. John Baraclugh laborer, aged 88. An, wife of Humphrey Arrowsmith yeoman. An, wife of John Trear glazier of S' Nicolas parish. Elisabeth, d. of Bichard Suddic shoemaker, infant. Mr Matthew Gill, a papist, was buried in ye Church. Isabel, wife of Nicolas Burdon white-smith, an old woman. M1 William Fetherston of S' Nicolas parish, barber & wig- maker. Margaret, d. of Eaiph Harrison of S*Nicolas parish, butcher, infant. Thomas Eales inkeeper. Jane Lawson widow. George Nicolson blacksmith. Joseph, s. of William Atkin, a stranger, infant. Thomasin, wife of John Dixon sehole master. Elisabeth, wife of George Jeffreyson yeoman. » Sic. 232 CHEISTENINGS, MAEEIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 1717 Jan. 27. 30. Feb. March 3. 12. 15. 17. 18. 23. 25. 25. 9. 12. 16. 21.21. William Mills of Shincliff, laborer. Elisabeth, d. of William Marshal shoe-maker, infant. An Young, a papist. Mary, cl. of John Snaith pewterer (burd Aug. 9*), infant. Susan, wife of Eobet Hedly joiner. George, s. of George Wetherel joiner, infant. William Eickaby laborer. Eichard, s. of John Dixon sohole- master, infant. Elisabeth, d. of Eobert Cook of Shincliff, taylor, infant. John Dixon schole-master. Eobert, s. of Christophor Peniton laborer, infant. Pheobe, wife of Michael Pickering of Gily-gate parish, yeoman. Cuthbert Joplin mason. Anne, widow of Mr Simson schole- master. Catharin, wife of William Harrison pewterer. Mr Henry Sedgwic, Bend Eain, Wm Alderson, M1 Tho. Philipson, for Shincliff, church- wardens. 171 July 8. BAPTISMS. 1718. March 28. April 14. 15. 5? 20 May 4 jj 21 June 3 jj 15 jj 29. June 30. July 20. Michael, s of Jn Sisterson, laborer, bom 26* bapt. priv. 28* March, recd in Ch. April 14. James, s. of Eichard Suddic shoe maker ; born March 15*. Mary, d. of Eichard White yeoman, born 14* bapt. priv. 15* April, recdinCh. May 12. Mary, d. of Eichard Lowdon laborer, born April 6th. John, s. of Matthew Tayler of Shincliff, laborer ; born April 3d. Jane, d. of Alice Heron, base begot, as suppos'd, by Eob' Heighley. Stephen, s. of Stephen Hudson ; born May 5*. Deborah, d. of Humphrey Double- day, was born the 23 day May. Nicolas, s. of Tho. Shipley of Bent- house, laborer ; bom May 30. Hendry, s. of Mr John Hopper of Shincliff, born 26*, bapt. priv. 29* June. He dy'd — . Jane, d. of Bend Eain of Hough well ; born June 6*. William, s. of Eowland Harrison whitesmith ; born June 26th. Sept. 28. Nicholas, s. of Matthew Eidly sexton ; born June 28*. 28. Eobert, s. of John White parish clerk ; born July 3rd Aug. 10. Lcetitia, cl. of Zadok Smith taylor, born 6* bapt. pri. 10* Aug., recd into ye Ch. Sept. 7. ,, 19. George, s. of John Bewes butcher; born 12* bapt. priv. 19* & buryed 21 Aug. ,, 23. Eobert, s. of Thomas Taylor black smith, born 20*, bapt. priv. 23rd Aug., buryed Sept. 5. John, s. of William Hedley car- pentar, bom 18*, bapt. priv. 28* Sept., recd into ye Church Oct. 12. Oct. 5. Elisabeth, d. of Joseph Wood laborer ; bom Sept. 3d. ,, 12. Isabel, d. of Tho. Young weaver; born Sept. 17*. ,, 21. Elisabeth, cl. of Eobert Farrow of Farewell hall, yeoman ; born Sept. 19* ,, 26. Jane, d. of Eobert Smith shoe maker ; born Oct. 8*. ,, 28. William, s. of William James mariner, born 25*, bapt. priv. 28* Oct., recd in Church Nov. 25. Nov. 2. William, s. of Joseph (altered from ' John ' ) Alderson fuller ; born Oct. 4. ,, 2. William, s. of George Walker weaver ; born Oct. 7. ., 2. Jane, d. of Eobert Young white smith; born Oct. 10. Fiances, wife of George Hercules was church'd ye same day ; ye Father being a Papist, ye Child was not baptiz'd by me. Elisabeth, d. of , a traveller; born at Belly, Nov. 1 . Mary, d. of D1' Tho. Davison, was bom & bapt. priv., dyed & was buried Nov. 9. Thomas, s. of Christophor Eales glover; born Oct. 19*. Ealph, s. of Thomas Tone, of the White-house; bom Oct. 14*. Sarah, d. of William Eobinson gardiner ; born 1 9* bapt. priv. 25* Nov., recd into Ch. Dec. 21. Mary, cl. of Bryan Stodart skinner and glover; born Dec. 8*. J5 3 55 9 5J 9 )5 11 55 25 Dec. 21 CHEISTENINGS, MAEEIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 233 1718. Dec 23. Mary, cl. of Eichd Treneman soldier, born 11* bapt. 23d Dec, & recd into ye Church Jan. 6*. Jan. 10. John, s. of Jacob Walker joiner, born 9th, bapt. priv. 10* Jan., recd into ye Church Feb. 8. ,, 18. Alice, d. of William Brown mason; born Jan. 1st. „ 19. Katharin, d. of Mr Cuthbert Heron, born 18* bapt. 19* Jan., recd into Church Feb. 16. Feb. 8. Jacob, s. of Jacob Bobson laborer ; born Jan. 10*. ,, 27. WiUiam, s. of John Jameson tayler ; born at Belly ye 9*. ,, 21. Bichard, s. of Sarah Humble base begot, bapt. priv. Feb. 21s', recd in Church March 12. I recd afterwards, May 5, 1720, a certificate from Mr Godfrey Didsbury y* he was married to y8 Sarah Humble in ye beginn? of June, 1718. March 1. Bobert, s. of Tho. Eobson laborer ; born at Stotgate Feb. 3d. „ 1 An, d. of William Wood laborer ; born Feb. 4*. 7. Thomas, s. of M1 Tho. Charleton, born Feb. 19, bapt. priv. 7*, recd into ye Church 19 March. ,, 16. Bobert, s. of Jn Lovegrove, a traveller ; born at Belly March pt 22. Sarah, cl. of John Crisp of Shincliff, laborer ; born Feb. 24*. Eichard Hendry, Oliver Paxton, Eobert Hixon, James Foster, for Shincliffe, churchwardens. BUEIALS. 1718. March 25. „ 30. April 5. 6. 6. 11. „ 14. 20.20. 2k An, d. of John Gibson weaver. Mary, wife of Eichard Feetham weaver. William Eobinson laborer, very aged. Catharin, wife of Peter Bruce of Brome, carrier. Mary, wife of William Errington taylor. Edward Hughes. Thomas Kindleside dyer. George, s. of Nicholas Palmer of Sunderland-bridge, mason. M18 Car, formerly of Cocken, a papist, very aged. 171 April 8. 25 11 May 28 2 J5 4 5555 6 14 55 15 30 June jj 5 27 55 11 July 29.30 3 5? 5 JJ 13 J55J 16 18 Aug. Sept. 20.22. 23. 27. 1. 3. 6. 12.14. 21. 5. 7. 15. Elisabeth, d. of Wm Mitchel of Brome, yeoman. An Howden, an aged widow. Elisabeth, wife of Nicolas Whit field. Margaret, widow of Thomas Kind leside (burd Apr. 14*). An, wife of John Young nail-maker. William Clerk of the paper miln near Croxdale. John Fisher fuller. James, s. of Mr James Salvin, a child. Mrs An Hopper of Shincliffe, widow. Jane, wife of Wm Thomson of Stotgate, yeoman. Henry Holmes of Brome, yeoman. William Bewick, an aged laborer. Thomas Perkin nailmaker, aged above 80. Esther, d. of William Suddic shoe maker, a child. M1 William White of S* Nicolas parish, an apothecary. An Jurdison. Tho. Wilkinson of Crosgate, meal- man. Tho. Wood schole-master (son of Jn W., parish clerk, grandson of Jn W., Vicar of ye par.). Elisabeth, d. of John Havers chandler, infant. Mls An Dixon of Shincliff, widow, aged 91 \ (she was baptiz'd 1626, Jan. 7). Margaret Low widow (her husband was buryed Dec. 25, 1716). Alice Thomson, an old woman of Brome. Mary, cl. of Jacob Eobson of Stot gate, a child. Mary, cl. of Stephen Hudson mason, infant. Mary Hughes widow (of Edward, buryed April 11). Jane Walker of Sunderland Bridge, a papist. George, s. of John Bewes, infant. Eobert, s. of Thomas Taylor black smith, infant. Thomas, s. of Leonard Davison of S* Nicolas parish, tinman, inf. Eobert Wood of this parish was buryed in S* Margaret's Chapel m Crossegate. 234 CHEISTENINGS, MAEBIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 1718. Sept. 17. 25. 30. Oct. 2. 3. Eaiph Lickbarrow, alias Lough borough, milner. 11 10. 55 10. 5) 13. j: 18. jj 19. 55 28. 55 29. JJ 30. Nov. 4. 55J5 55 9. 19. 27. J5 28. 55 30. 55 30. Dec 11. 55 15. 55 21. 55 23. 55 31 Jan. 1 55 8 1J 11 ¦55 14 1718. Jan. William, s. of William Farrow laborer, a child. Thomas Eickaby of Sunderland Bridge, laborer. Lydia, wife of John Bradly black smith. Frances, d. of Mr Endick silver smith, infant. Mr Thomas Mitford chirurgeon. M1 John Stokeld. Hendry, s. of M1' John Hopper of Shincliff, infant. Jane, d. of Eichard Metcalf laborer, infant. William, s. of John Sisterson laborer, a child. Margaret, d. of Eobert Moury of S' Nicolas parish, butch1, inf*. William Harrison of Sunderland- bridge, taylor, a papist, aged. Mary, d. of Dr Huddleston, infant. Eobert, s. of Eobert Whitfield of Belley, yeoman. James, s. of George Atkinson barber, infant. Mary, d. of Dr Tho. Davison, infant. Henry Bell laborer. John Trear of S* Nicolas parish, glazier. Mary, d. of Isabel Trotter widow, a child. An, d. of Dr Davison, infant. M1 Ancotel Bulmer, a papist, aged 84. An, d. of Mr Franc. Flower, super visor of the Excise, infant. Bartholomew, s. of Bartholomew Sikes white-smith, infant. Jane, wife of Mr David Dixon attorny. William Wood of S* Margaret's Chapelry, barber. Jane, d. of M1 Christo. Thornton of S' Nicolas parish, merch', inf. Peter Trear of S' Nicolas parish, potter. Mary, d. of Bichard White yeoman, infant. Thomas, s. of Zadok Smith taylor, infant. Peter, s. of David Shene, a poor traveller, infant. 55 5J 19.22. 55 28. Feb. 7. 55 10. 55 55 23.25. March 1. 11 7. 7. 10. 16. 21.24. James, s. of John, grandson of George Biggins of Sunderland bridge. Joseph Lawson laborer. Nicolas Burdon white-smith, aged ab* 80. Alice, d. of Thomas Young weaver, infant. Henry Cranston of Burn-hall, gardiner. Thomas, s. of John Mitchel butcher, infant. Mr Baiph Middleton chirurgeon. Isabel, d. of John Harper of S' Margaret's Chapelry, child. Eobert Stobart whitesmith, aged 82. Mary Peniton, an aged widow. Frances, an infant daughter of M1 Cha. Wall of S* Nic. parish, apothecary. Mr Eaiph Jennison, a Popish priest, aged about 80, was buryed in Harbor-house Chapel. Eobert, s. of John White parish clerk, infant. Antony, s. of Mr Antony Smith mercer, infant. Mary, cl. of Eaiph Bilton spinning wheel maker, infant. MAEEIAGES. 1718. April 26. May 8. Aug. 2. Sept. 16. Nov. 11. 15. 25. Feb. 5. 1719. March 28. 31. Antony Fruid of Houghton le Spring parish & An Mitchel of Brome. John Eenwic of Whickam parish & Mary Bruce of this parish; with licence. Tho. Foster laborer & Jane Stobs. Tho : Harl of Pittington parish & Margaret White of this Par8'1. Cuthbert Steel of Hough-well and Frances Wilson; with licence. John Brown and Jane Feetam. James Sharp fuller and Mary Annes. George Spencer of S* Nicolas parish, shoemaker, & Jane Eeed. BAPTISMS. Thomasin, d. of Thomas Brown fuller, born 20* bapt. priv. 28* Mar., recd in Chur. April 20. Elisabeth, d. of Barthol. Sikes whitesmith; born Feb. 2 18'. CHEISTENINGS, MAEBIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 235 1719. April 20 jj 26 jj 26 May 10 jj 31 June 23 July 12. „ 12. 26. „ 26. 30. Aug. 9. 11 16 5J 16 JJ 28 Sept. 10. Oct. 4 JJ 18 Nov. 8 5) 10. JJ 19 Elisabeth, d. of Willm Suddic shoe maker; born 6* George, s. of George Mills of Shin- cliff, weaver; born March 26* WUliam, s. of John Gibson weaver ; bom 3d. John, s. of John Pickering taylor ; born April 10*. Mary, d. of Mr John Ingleby attorney, born 22d, bapt. priv. 318* May, recd in Chur. June 18. John, s. of John Havers, chandler & gardener, was born & bapt. June 23d, recd into Chur, July 21. Thomas, s. of John Young weaver ; born June 14*. Sarah, d. of William Lowdon laborer; born June 15. Isabel, d. of John Hudson mason ; bom June 24. Helen, d. of John Banks laborer ; born 1st. An, d. of Thomas Havers chandler, born 20* bapt. priv. 30* July, recd in Church Aug. 16. Henry-John, s. of Dr Huddleston, a papist, was born June 24*. James, s. of Eichard Metcalf laborer ; born July 14*. Bartholomew, s. of Eob* Farrow weaver ; born July 9*. Bobert, s. of Eobert Whitfield of Belly, yeoman, born 13*, bapt. priv. 16* Aug., recd in Ch. Sept. 10*. Michael, s. of Timothy Henzy glasse- maker, bora & bapt. priv. Aug. 28*, recd in Ch. Sept. 28. Philip, s. [of] James Foster of Shincliff, yeoman; born Aug. 12*. Jane, d. of Thomas Tayler black smith ; born Sept. 4*. Bobert, s. of William Farrow laborer ; born ye 1st. Matthew, s. of John Brown mason ; born Oct. 17*.* Isabel, d. of Eichard White yeoman; bom Oct. 218'. Mary, d. of John Hopper of Shincliff, yeoman, bom 17*, bapt. priv. 19* Nov., recd in Church June 29 [1720]. ' Might be 7th (date altered). 1719. Nov. 25. Dec. 9. 13. 13. 17. 18. 5J 27. 55 27. 55 29. JJ 29. Feb. 2. 55 12. 25. „ 29. March 1. Elisabeth, d. of Mary Smart, base begot. Mary, d. of Thomas Gainforth mason ; born Nov. 22nd. George, s. of George Spencer shoe maker ; born Nov. 15*. An ('Mary' erased), d. of Wm Bewic wool-comber ; born Nov. 14*. 16. Isabel, i daughters of Jacob Ander- ) son of Brome, laborer, born Alice, \ & bapt. priv. Dec. 16* recd ( in Church Jan. Is*. Thomas, s. of George Atkinson barber, bom & bapt. priv. Dec. 17* recd in Church Jan. 12*. Phyllis, d. of Jane Pickering, base begot (as suppos'd) by Tho. Weems jun1. Jane, d. of John Snowdon of Baxter- wood ; born Nov. 25. Philip, s. of George Mitchel of Brome ( ' Aldernage ' erased) ; born Dec. 9*. An, d. of Eichard Suddic shoe maker ; born Dec. I8'. An, cl. of Christoph1 Vicars of Brome hall, yeoman ; born Dec. 7*. Jane, cl. of Joseph Alderson fuller ; born Jan. 5.* Thomas, s. of Mr Thomas Philipson of Shincliff, born Jan. 24* bapt. priv. 12*, recd in Church 25 Feb. John, s. of Thomas Thomson black smith, born & bapt. priv. Feb. 25th, recd in Church March 22. Bobert, s. of John White parish clerk ; born Feb. 6*. Henry, s. of James Sharp fuller; born Feb. 16*. BUEIALS. 1719. March 31. April May 12. 28. 7. 12. 22. William, s. of Joseph Alderson fuller, infant. Nicolas, s. of Tho. Shipley of ye Bent house, laborer, infant. Bryan Foster drummer. Mary, wife of Eobert Wood of Margaret's Chapelry, barber. Katarin, wife of Wm Breaks milner. Elisabeth Hurst. John, s. of Nicolas Thomson white smith. S' Might be 17th. 236 CHEISTENINGS, MAEBIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 1712 . May JJ 25.25. June 20. 55 23. July 13. J! 11, J. 15 JJ 16 1 J 20 Aug;. Sept. 7. 15. 17. 23. 28. 28. 2. 11.17. „ 20. 25. Oct. 13. Nov. 9. 15. 16. 21 jj -jA- „ 24.24. 29. 30. Dec. 10. 12. John Bradley blacksmith. Mary, wife of William Wood laborer. M1 William Middleton of S* Nicolas parish. Jane, d. of Eobert Smith shoe maker, infant. Eichard BeU, of Shincliff, weaver (baptiz'd June 7* 1635). Elisabeth, d. of Mr Francis Flower, supervisor of ye Excise, a child. Francis, s. of ye same M1 Flower, a child. Alice Spark, one of Bp Cosin's becles- women, aged near 80. Helen, cl. of M1 Antony Smith merch*, a child. Mary Shafto, an old maid, a papist. Frances, wife of George Hercules glover. Bichard Brown milner. aged. Katharin, d. of Mr Shadforth barber of S* Nicolas parish, inf. Matthew Eidly sexton of ye parish. Thomas, s. of John Garry of S* Nicolas parish, butcher, infant. Elisabeth Burton of Sunderland- bridge, spinster. Christophor Ebdon cobler. Muriel Clark, an aged widow. Jane, wife of Wm Taylor, a beggar, John Biding, a soldier of ye Lord Cobham's regim* of Dragoons. Alice, d. of Frances Joplin widow, infant. An, d. of Alexander Moor, a vag rant beggar, infant. John Anderson, a young man, a papist. Bichard Smith mason, a papist. Matthew Hunter sjiinning wheel maker, an old man, a papist. An, widow of Thomas Thomson mason, an old woman. Christophor, s. of An Ebdon widow. Jane Tayler spinster, aged about 80. George Marlay, house-painter. Isabel Corner of Southern houses near Croxdale, a very aged widow, 93. William, s. of William Kirtley taylor, infant. Mary Maddison, an aged widow. M1 John Ingleby of Shincliffe. (Baptiz'd Mar. 22d, 1635). 1719. Dec 14. 15. 20. 22. 23. 27. Jan. 7. 10. 15. An Hopper, an aged widow. An, widow of Bobert Stobart (buryed March l8*), aged above 80. An Bruce widow, aged above 80. Bend Eain of Houghwell, yeoman. John, s. of George Bowes, a child. Jane, wife of John Pickering of Stand-alone house, yeoman, aged 87. George, s. of Eobert Allen of Sunderland by ye Bridge, tayler, a papist. M1 Antony Salvin. Mary, d. of M1 Bryan (grand- daught1 of Mr Gerard) Salvin of Croxdale, infant. Thomas Eickaby spinning-wheel maker. Margaret, wife of Abraham Smith joiner. Nicolas, s. of Margaret Charlton of Brome, widow, a young man. M1' Henry Porter, Minister of S' Nicolas parish, was buryed by me at Kello w. Elisabeth Arrowsmith of Sunder land Bridge, an aged widow. March 16. Eoger, s. of M1 Christophor Thorn ton of S* Nicolas parish, mer chant, infant. Feb. 23. 30. 12. 24. MAEEIAGES. 1719. March 30. AprilMay 13. 6. June 1 3. JulyAug. Nc 26. 13. 12. Antony Eeed of Norton & An Walker of this parish ; w* licence, on Easter Monday. Bichard Sedgemore weaver (form erly a soldier) & An Byers. Peter Chapman & Elisabeth Wilkinson of Egglescliff parish ; w* licence, by Mr Blakiston. John Perkin joiner & Thomasin Eales. John Young of Trimdon parish & Margery Corner of this parish. Mr Bichard Stonehewer & MIS An Hendry (my niece), both of this parish, were married with licence at Washington, by Mr Stone hewer, ye Bector. (I gave her in marriage). George Laws taylor & Dorothy Nelson. CHEISTENINGS, MAEBIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 237 1719. Nov. 12. Jan. 14. 16. 1720. April 3. 24. Mav July 29. 1. 1. 5. 15. 29. June 11. 3. 11. 21. 1720. Eobert Lax of this parish, black- July 25. smith, & Dinah Fenwic of S* Margaret's, were marry'd at S' Aug. 8. Marg*8. John Young nail-maker & An Brown. George Hugil of Kello parish & Sept. 1. Elisabeth Corner of this parish ; with licence. ! ,, 4. BAPTISMS. ! " 4' 2h Jane, cl. of George Eobinson yeo man, born Is', bapt. priv. 3d ; April, receiv'd into ye Church May l8'. John, s. of John Clark of Burn hall, yeoman ; born March 7*. Mary, d. of Nicolas Smith laborer; born March 25. Margaret, d. of Gabriel Mitchel of Aldernage, yeoman, born 23d, bapt. priv. 29 April, receiv'd in Church May 23. Bend, the postumous son of Bend Eain of Houghwell, yeoman, born Apr. 27* bapt. priv. May 1st, recd in Church Sept. 20. Thomas, s. of John Perkin joiner, born Afir. 24, bapt. priv. May Is*. He dy'd May 26. Margaret, d. of M1' Godfrey Dids bury attorney; born Mar. 18. Jane, . d. of Eichard Lowdon laborer; born Apr. 21. Thomas, s. of Thomas Winter gardiner, born 15th, bapt. priv. 29th May, receiv'd in Church June 12. John, s. of Elisabeth Dixon, base begot, as supposed, by Tho. Eickaby. Margaret, d. of John Eobinson of Shincliff, yeoman ; born May 29*. Thomas, s. of John Sisterson laborer; born June 13*. An, d. of Andrew Scot gardiner, born 10*, bapt. priv. 11* July, receiv'd in Church Aug. 8. Thomas, s. of Thomas Holmes of I Brome, yeoman; bom June 21. John, s. of Mr Eobert Blakiston, Vicar of Berwic upon Twede, , born June 24, bapt. priv. 21, > recd in Church 25 July. J5 21 Oct. 2 55 31 Nov. 16 Dec. 4 55 12 55 13 55 26 Jan. 14. 25.31. Feb. 19. 1720. May 1 . 14. 26. Elisabeth, d. of M1 Thomas Charl ton ; born June 27. Mary, d. of Thomas Hutchinson of Alton Stile, yeoman, born 10*, bapt. priv. — July, recd in Ch. Aug. 8. Katharin, d. of Mr John Ingleby attorney ; born Aug. 2. Isabel, d. of Eobert Lax black smith ; bom Aug. 1 6. An, d. of WiUiam Kirkley taylor; born Aug. 19. Thomas, s. of Thomas Tone of the White house, yeoman ; born Aug. 19th. John, s. of Nicolas Thomson white smith ; born Aug. 20. Mary, d. of William Marshal shoe maker ; born Sept. 8. George, s. of M1 William Collin, born 30, bapt. priv. 31 Oct., recd in Church Dec 21. Elisabeth, d. of Mr Cuthbert Heron, bom 14, bapt. priv. 16th Nov., receiv'd in ye Church Dec. 13. Mary, d. of William Brown mason ; born Nov. 5*. Elisabeth, cl. of John Gainforth mason; born Nov. 16. Bach el, d. of Mr James Nevil chirurgeon ; born Nov. 1 2. John, s. of Stephen Hudson mason, born 16, bapt. priv. 26* Dec, reud in Church Jan. 15. Stephen, s. of John Solby laborer, born 26, bapt. priv. 27* Dec, recd in Church Jan. 23. An-Elisabeth-Eebecca, cl. of Mr Antony South, bom Jan. 10. Mary, d. of Wm Cowen laborer ; born Dec. 28. Jane, d. of John Bewes butcher; born Jan. 3. Eobert, s. of Eobert Young smith; born . MAEEIAGES. Abraham Smith joiner, of this parish, & Isabel Walton of S' Nicolas x>arish. George Anderson, a country ser vant, & Helen Busby. William Breaks laborer and An Eobinson. 238 CHEISTENINGS, MAEEIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 1720. June 1 1 . 29. Aug. 30. 6. Sept. 18. Nov. 1.9. 12. 12.22. Feb. 13. 14. 1720. April 16.25. J5 25 May 5 J5 8 5? 14 55 16 JJ 17 "5J 21 11 22 this parish, Peart of S* Matthew Smith of joiner, & Mary Nicolas parish. Henry Parkinson of S* Nicolas parish, barber, & Margaret Merret of this parish. Thomas Mason and Elisabeth Nattrasse ; with licence. Thomas Shipley weaver & Mary Smith (the pen put through the word ' spinster'). Eoger Simson mariner & Elisabeth Nicolson. Abraham Crow & Elisabeth Edger widow were marryed at Kellow. Thomas Simson tayler & Elisabeth Wilkinson ; with licence. Mark Hopper carpentar & Emma Leadbeater. Samuel Glendennin of Houghton parish & Debora Gibson. William Lough weaver & Margaret Neesom, both of Shincliff. Thomas Waddington of Stockton & Margaret Shipperd ; with licence. WUliam Davison of Norton & An Allen. BUEIALS. 1720. May 26. Hannah, d. of Mr Tho. Brasse, infant. Thomas Parkinson, singing-man in ye Cathedral, & Church warden elect. Henry Havers chandler & garden er, an old man. Mr Cuthbert Morland, captain of a foot company ; from S' Nicolas parish. Sarah Hercules, an aged widow, a papist. Christophor, s. of Christo. Wall of S' Nicolas parish, shoemaker, infant. Christophor Bromfield of Shinclif, laborer. Mary Peacock, a young woman, a papist. Margaret Story, a young woman, a servant. Thomasin, widow of Clement Eea, aeed above 90. June July Auu Oct. Nov. Dec. 29. 10. 19. 1. 26. Sept. 18. 30. 3. 4. 19. 30. 16. 24. Thomas, s. of John Perkin joiner, an infant a month old. Eobert Teasdale inkeeper. Thomasin, wife of John Perkin joiner; dyed in child-bed. Henry-John, s. of Dr Huddleston (papist), infant; Ch. An, cl. of Thomas Young weaver, a young woman. Christophor Eickaby, a servant. Eobert, s. of William Haswel tailer, infant. John, second son of Thomas Eud, Vicar of this parish, in ye 22d year of hs age. George Heighington of the parish of S' Nicolas. Jane, wife of Christophor Wall of S' Nicolas parish, shoemaker. Dulcibella, d. of DT Tho. Davison (baptiz'd 1716, Apr. 5*). Ch. Elisabeth, d. of Brunskill butcher, deceas'd, a girl; dy'd at Belly. William Eichardson butcher. Ch. M1 Simon Ingleby of Shincliff, in ye 58th year of his age. His fath1 John was bury'd Dec. 12* 1719. Ch. An, d. of Mr John Hopper of Shincliff, a young child, was buryed (after 6 others). Ch. Mr Will™- Johnson, a papist. George Eeed, an aged poor man of Sunderland Bridge, a papist. William Awd of Sunderland Bridge, weaver, a papist. Georae Bi£?°;ens of Sunderland Bridge, yeoman, a papist, aged above 80 ("near ninety," written above). Ch. Frances, wife of Eobert Darling ton of Sunderland Bridge, yeo man. Isabel Pearson, a servant in Sun derland Bridge. Percival Hall of Sunderland by ye Sea, a tayler, drown'd in Old Durham beck. Jane, d. of Mary Brown of Sun- derland-bridge, widow. Mls Thomasin Fetherston widow. Margaret Graves, a Scots woman of Edinburgh, who dy'd in ye high road. CHEISTENINGS, MAEEIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 239 1720. Dec. 16. 16.18. Jan. 19. 7. 12. 14. 26. 30. Feb. 10. JJJJ 12 12 JJ 14 JJ 16 JJ 18 JJ 19 March 2 13.16. 20. 21. 1721. April 2. Eobert White of Bruntoft, yeo man, died in S' Nicolas parish, & was buryed here. Elisabeth, wife of Eobert Farrow of Fare-well hall, yeoman. John Wilkinson of S* Nicolas parish, chandler, & one of ye Mayor's Sergeants. Thomas, s. of John Stoddart of Fare-well hall, yeoman, infant. John Harper of South-streat in S* Margaret's chapelry, brewer. Elisabeth, d. of John Gainfoith mason, infant. Elisabeth Py widow of S* Nicolas parish. Lydia More, a stranger. Charles, s. of M1 Charles Wall apothecary in S' Nicolas parish, infant. Mrs Mary Morland, widow of Mr George Morland, aged about 80. Jane Eickaby widow. Elisabeth, wife of Abraham Crow yeoman ; from Bow parish. Eobert Heron laborer, aged. Mary, d. of John Kirtly of Sun derland by ye Bridge, weaver, infant. Elisabeth, wife of Eoger Simson mariner. Elisabeth, d. of William Brown mason, infant. Thomas, s. of John Gibson weaver, infant. Thomas, s. of Mr Thomas Philip son of Shincliffe, infant. M1S Mary Haggerston, wife of Mr Edwd Haggerston, daught1 of Mr Gerd Salvin of Croxdale. An, d. of Mr Antony South, infant. Helen Bland, aged about 80, unmarried. Elisabeth Armitage. Mary Mitchel of Brome. Mrs Mary Burton, widow of ye Eevd Mr Eichd Burton. BAPTISMS. 172] April 4 >» 8. jj 30. 55 30. May 14. 55 15. June 4. Aug. Sept. Oct. John, s. of John Young nailmaker; born Mar. 4. Elisabeth, d. of Abraham Smith joiner ; born March 2. 8. 12. 18. 25. 25. 8. 8. 10. 3. 10. 17. 8. 8.8. 15. 15. 22.24. Gilbert, s. of George Laws taylor ; born Feb. 22. Mary, cl. of George Anderson laborer. Thomas, s. of George Little laborer; born Mar. 30. Margaret, d. of Bartholomew Sikes white-smith ; born Mar. 30. John, s. of John Wilson laborer, lately come from Tuddow ; born Apr. 23. Katharin, cl. of Thomas Young wever; born Apr. 18. Eaiph, s. of John Crisp of Shincliff, laborer ; born May 6. Mary, d. of John Snowdon of Baxter Wood, yeoman ; born May 11. William, s. of Eobert Whitfield of Belley, yeoman; born May 11. Edmund, s. of Mark Hopper car- pentar ; born May 20. William, s. of Christophor Eals glover ; born May 27. Andrew, s. of WUliam Stobs cooper ; born June 4. John, s. of William Suddic shoe maker ; born July 4. An, d. of William Haswel taylor ; born July 31. William, s. of William Hedley laborer, born 1, bapt. priv. 10*, recd in Church 27 Aug. Elisabeth, d. of Bichard Maugham joiner ; born Aug. 5. Michael, s. of Jacob Walker joiner ; born Aug. 11. William, s. of William Kirkly, junior, taylor; born Aug. 23. Mary, d. of George Walker labor er ; born Sept. 1 2. Susanna, d. of Augustin Jordan, a stranger ; born Sept. 29. John, s. of John Stoddart of Fare well-hall, laborer, born 2d, bapt. priv. 8, rec'd in Church 24 Oct. Thomas, s. of Thomas Taylor blacksmith; born Sept. 17. Thomas, s. of Eichard White yeo man, born 5th, bapt. priv. 15, recd in Church 22d Oct. Alice, d. of Joseph Alderson f ullev ; bora Sept. 23. John, s. of Mr Godfrey Didsbury attorney ; born Sept. 1 9. >40 CHEISTENINGS, MAEEIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 1721 Oct. Nov. March 29. 31. 1(1. Dec. 18. 31. 21.28. 17. 18. 3. 4. 19. 19. 19. Francis, s. of Thomas Havers gardiner ; born Oct. 1. Eobert, s. of William Lough of Shincliff, weaver; born Oct. 1. Eebecca, d. of Eobert Smith shoe maker; born Oct. 8. Mary, cl. of William Atkinson laborer ; born Oct. 10. Eobert, s. of M1 Eob' Blakiston, Vicar of Berwic upon Twede, bom Oct. 18*, bapt. priv. 16, recd in Ch. 27 No. Frances, cl. of WUliam Lowdon laborer, born 17, bapt. priv 18, recd in Ch. 31 Dec. Thomas, s. of Thomas Thomson black-smith born & bapt. priv. Dec. 20, recd in Church Jan. 22. Edward, s. of Timothy Henzy glasse-maker born 7* bapt. priv. 31 Dec, recd in Church Jan. 27. Francis, s. of Elisabeth Dixon of Brome, base begot (by Eob* Malam). C postumous children of William, | Christoph1 Vicars of ' KvAmo.riQii born & Jane, Brome-hall, bapt. priv. Jan. 5, recd in Church Feb. 1. Mowburn laborer ; George Stoddert Mary, d. of W" bom Dec. 25. James, s. of Eobert Young weaver, born 13* bapt. priv. 28 Jan., recd in Church Feb. 4. An, d. of George Spenser shoe maker ; born Jan. 3. William, s. of laborer ; born Jan. 1 7 Margery, d. of Eich. Lowdon, laborer, born & bapt. priv. 17 Feb., dy'd 20. Jane, cl. of John Brown mason ; born Jan. 21. John, s. of John Chilton of Harbor- house, yeoman, born 2d, bapt. priv. 3d March, recd in Ch. Ap. 1. Mary, d. of George Mills of Shin cliffe, weaver ; bom Feb. 4. John, s. of William Farrow laborer : born Feb. 19. Dorothy, cl. of John Gibson weaver ; born Feb. 19. Talbot-Mountagu, s. of Zadok Smith tayler ; born Feb. 1 6. WiUiam Errington, Steph" Hudson, Thomas Thomson, Mr Ingleby's Ten*, for Shincliff, Churchwardens. MAEEIAGES. 1721. April 9. John Lemmon of the Chapelry of S* Margaret & An Harrison of this parish. „ 10. Eobert Young weaver & Elisabeth Aaron. ,, 23. Eichard Brownbridge mariner & Isabel Haswel. ,, 27. Simon Hobson of Egglescliffe & Elisabeth Dixon of this parish. May 1. John Chilton of Harbor house & Elisabeth Whitfield. ,, 1. George Neesom of Shincliffe, weaver, & Elisabeth Thomson. ,, 1. Leonard Eichardson of Langley in Brancepeth par811, serv*, & An Eotherford of Brome in y8 par811, widow. ,, 29. John Ivyson iaborer & Hannah Harrison. 30. George Chilton & Mary Marshall. June 22. Elias Grahm blacksmith & An Man. ,, 23. Bartholomew Brown & Hannah Hobson. „ 24. M1' David Dixon & Mls Elisabeth Steel ; with licence. Oct. 16. George Stodart & Mary Hardy. Dec. 28. William Wood & Elisabeth Wilkinson. Jan. 4. William Michel of Brancepeth parish & Hannah White of this parish ; with licence. BUEIALS. 1721. April 10. Helen, wife of George Anderson laborer. ,, 11. Mr John Blundevil, one of the singing men in the Cathedral ; from S' Nic. par. „ 20. Helen, wife of William Banks laborer. ,, 24. Thomas Johnson spinning-wheel maker. „ 28. Mary, d. of George Anderson laborer, infant. May 8. Nicholas Dixon mason, aged above 70. CHEISTENINGS, MAEEIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 241 172] May 10. J5 11 18. 24. JJ 28. June 5. n 6. July 25. 2. JJ 3. JJ JJ 11 6. 18. 20. Katharin, d. of Mary Eichardson wid. of Shincliff. Sarah Kinclleside, an aged widow. Mr John Owen of Oxmancroft ; dyed here ; papst. George, s. of Mr William Collin, infant ; in Church. John Kirkly of Sunderland Bridge, weaver, paps'. Margaret, d. of John Car laborer, infant, papst. Edward Hopper, a carpentar. Mrs Howard, widow of M1 Charles Howard ; in Chh ; pap8'. Helen, wife of Thomas Wilkinson ; from S' Margaret's Chapelry. Eobert Mitchel, a Scots traveller. Mary, cl. of James Brown pedlar. Katharin, cl. of Mr John Ingleby attorney ; in ye Church. M1** Dorothy Crosby, an old maid ; from S' Nicolas parish; in ye Church. John, s. of Mr Eobert Blakiston, Vicar of Berwic upon Twede, infant ; in ye Quire. Jane, d. of M1 Thomas Eeed of S* Nicolas parish, apothecary, infant. Jane, d. of Phyllis Eickaby widow. Eleanor, widow of Edward Lamb butcher, a papist. Elisabeth, wife of Eobert Smales of Shincliffe, laborer. George, s. of Nicolas Palmer of Sunderland-bridge, jDapist. An, d. of Mrs Cockson widow, a papist. David Edwards of Shincliffe, ser vant to James Foster. Mary, d. of William Atkinson of Belly, laborer, infant. „ 22. Bartholomew Kid laborer. ,, 22. Margaret, wife of Eichard White yeoman. Nov. 15. An, wife of Eichard Waring, a stranger. „ 18. Elisabeth, wife of Mr Eobert Blakiston, Vicar of Berwic upon Twede. „ 20. Matthew Hutchinson plumbar, aged 84. „ 22. John, s. of George Mires of South ern Closes, yeoman, inf. „ 22. Susanna, wife of Thomas Wood shoemaker. 2i Aug. 8. 18. Sept. 13. 23. 25. 25 jj *j°' 26. 30. 15. 17. Oct. 1721. Nov. 29. Dc 10. 21. Jan. Feb. 22. 30. 1. 11. 19. 23. 28.30. 2. 5.9. 13. 21. 28. March 4. 15. 17. 23. 1722. March 26. 26. April 7. Bichard Avison, one of the New castle Waits ; dyed here. Christophor Vicars of Brome-hall, yeoman. William, s. of John Boddom of Butterby-Wood head, laborer, infant. John Greenwell, a papist. Elisabeth, wife of John Hercules. John, s. of Jacob Walker joiner, infant. Eobert, f infant twin-children of George, ( Jane Stobbs, base-begot. Elisabeth Eeed of Sunderland- bridge, a papist. Thomas, s. of Arthur Smith mason, infant. Mrs Nelson, widow of M1 Peter Nelson schole-master, dy'd here, & was bury'd in ye Cathedr1. Eebecca, d. of Eobert Smith shoe maker, infant. Alice Sedgewic, mother to Mr Henry Sedgewic, an aged widow. Elisabeth Wilkinson, a papist. Thomas, s. of John Young weaver, infant. An, d. of William Haswel taylor. Margery, d. of Eichard Lowdon laborer, infant. Jane, wife of John Slater bayliff'e ; from S* Nicolas jiarish. Helen Burton, an aged widow of Sunderland by the Bridge. Mary, wife of Eichard Lowdon laborer. Muriel Baraclugh widow, aged above 90. John Lawes shoemaker; from S* Nicolas parish. BAPTISMS. Thomas, s. of Eichard Suddic shoemaker ; born Feb. 20. Elisabeth, d. of George Chilton junior, born & bapt. priv. Mar. 26, recd in Ch. Apr. 22. Edward, s. of Thomas Shipley weaver born & bapt. priv. April 7; it dy'd April 12. Cuthbert, s. of Thomas Middleton hostler, born 20 Mar., bapt. priv. 7, reod in Ch. 22 AprU. 242 CHEISTENINGS, MAEEIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 1722. April 17. 22. May 5. March 27. May 20. JJ 20 JJ 23 June 24 July 1 Sept. 2 23. Oct. 27. Nov. 4. j? 12. jj 17. jj 25. Dec. 9. 11. 21. 9. Mary, John, s. of Jacob Anderson of Brome; born March 19. Elisabeth, d. of John Pickering tayler ; born March 23. James, s. of Dr Tho. Davison, bom & bapt. priv. 5th, recd in Chur. 29 May. twin-daughters of Thomas Hall of Shincliff-moor house, blacksmith, born & Jane, | bapt. priv. 9 May; Jane dy'd M. 24. George, s. of William Wood sexton, born & bapt. priv. March 27th, receiv'd into ye Church May 14. Mary, d. of George Andrew of Shincliff, weaver; born April 20*. Christophor, s. of Eichard Metcalf laborer ; born April 24. John, s. of John Ivyson laborer, born 13* bapt. priv. 23 May, recd in Ch Jun. 10. William, s. of Henry Arrowsmith, junior, laborer; born May 28. Mary, d. of John Young, sen1, nail-maker; born June 13. Eobert, s. of William Hoggart of Brome Close house, nail-maker; born Aug. 5. Peter, s. of Thomas Tone of the Wbite house, on Elvet moore, yeoman, born 14, bapt. priv. 23, recd into Ch. 0c 16. George, s. of Thomas Tayler black smith ; born Sept. 28. An, d. of William Stobs, cowper ; born Oct. 4*. An, d. of Stephn Hudson mason ; born Oct. 27*. Eales, s. of Humfrey Norton, born 10, bapt. priv. 17 Nov., recd in Church Dec. 18. Eaiph, s. of John Gainforth mason; born Oct. 25. Dorothy, cl. of William Brown mason; born Nov. 21. Thomas, s. of John Hunter of Shincliff, born 2d, bapt. priv. 11, rec'd in Church 23d, dy'd 28* Dec j f twin daughters of Mr Tho. ' ) Charlton, born & bapt. Mirv ' Priv- 21 Dec-> recd in Mary, I Church Jan. 22. 1722 Jan. 9. 55 22. 55 24. Feb. 11. 16. 17. 26. March 10. 24 jj -jT- 1722. April 5. 24.24. 30. May 15. Aug. 2. Oct. 23. Nov. 20. 20. 25.27. 30. ! Dec 30. William, s. of Edward Tiplady yeoman, was bapt. priv. He dy'd Feb. 17*. Eobert, s. of William Atkinson of Brome laborer ; born Dec. 25. Thomas, s. of Mr Cuthbert Heron, born 22d, bapt. priv. 24 Jan., recd in Chur. Feb. 19. Thomas, s. of George Hardy of Shincliff, tayler, born 8* bapt. priv. 11 Feb., recd in Ch. M. 7. John, s. of Mr John Hopper of Shincliff, born & bapt. priv. 16th Feb. William, Eobinson yeoman ; Thomas, : of George born Jan. 16*. . of Antony Buttery tailer; born Feb. 16*. Eobert, s. of Eobert Smith shoe maker; born Feb. 16*. James, s. of John Sisterson laborer; born Mar 13*. MAEEIAGES. Mr George Sandiford Crow & M™ Anne Burton ; with licence. Mr George Cooper & Elisabeth Stephenson ; with licence. James Nicolson of Houghton-le- Spring parish & Margaret Harle widow of ys parish. John Pots and An Spour, both servants in this Streat. George Charleton & An Tod, servants. Joseph Stag joiner & Margaret Fowles servant. Francis Flood, a dragoon soldier, & Isabel Stainbank ; with licence. Matthew Woodifield weaver & Isabel Nicolson. Edward Nixon of Whickham parish & Elisabeth Dixon of Brome. Eaiph How, junr, tayler, & Alice Wood of S' Margaret's Chapelry were marryed in S' Marg'6 Chapel, Crosg*e. William Hopper mill-wright & Jane Woodyfield. Henry Ditchboum laborer & Frances Leighton. Thomas Wilson of Tanfield Chapelry & Isabel Kirkby of Brome. CHEISTENINGS, MAEEIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 243 1722 Jan. 3 Feb. 2 JJ 3 J) 16 11 23 1722. March 28. 30. AprU 10. 11. 12.12.16. 16.16. 19. 22.24. May 26. 1. 1. William Atkinson and Elisabeth Pattison of Fenkly. James Hills weaver & Jane Oliver servant. Phineas Mosse mason & Jane Gregory widow. John Brown of Brancepeth parish, & An Farro w ; with licence. Joseph Dumell & Isabel Cloyd, servants in Shincliff; with licence ; by Mr Perkin. BUEIALS. Mary, d.- of Eobert Young junr, nail-maker, a child. Francis-Mark, s. of Dr Henry Huddleston, pap3*, infant; in ye Church. Elisabeth, wife of Bobert Allen tailer, from Sunderland bridge. Francis, s. of Francis Steel, infant ; from Sunderland-bridge. Isabel, d. of John Hudson mason, a young child. Edward, s. of Thomas Shipley weaver, infant. Elisabeth, d. of Margaret Charlton of Brome, widow, ayoung woman. An, d. of Bobert Beckles shoe maker, infant; from S* Nicolas par. Mary, d. of Thomas Gainforth mason, infant. John, s. of John Pickering tayler, infant. Margaret, d. of Antony Buttery tayler, infant. Baiph Crooks tayler, dark of Croxdale Chapel. Isabel Clark, an aged widow. Margery Calvert, an aged widow. An, d. of Christophor Donkin, papist. Elisabeth, d. of Mr Thomas Shirley, infant. Matthew Brown, an aged mason. Abraham Smith of Littleburn, yeoman, drown'd in the Brown about half a year ago, was found & buryed. Bobert Dixon of Brome, laborer, aged above 80. Sarah, d. of Thomas Gainforth mason, a young child. George Chilton 1722. May 9. Bobert, s. of John Eobinson of little Stainton, an infant; dyed at Sunderland br. „ 10. Katharin, d. of Mr Cuthbert Heron, a young child. „ 12. Elisabeth, d. of jun1', infant. „ 19. An, d. of Wm Wood sexton, a young child. „ 22. James, s. of Eobert Young wever, infant. „ 24. Jane, d. of Thomas HaU of Shin cliff- more houses, infant. June 6. Thomas, s. of Eichard White yeoman, infant. „ 7. Eobert Whitfield of Belly, yeoman. „ 9. George, s. of William Wood sexton, infant. „ 11. Jane Sisterson, an aged widow. „ 14. Ahce, widow of Bobert Teasdale inkeeper. „ 22. Edward, s. of Timothy Henzy glasse-maker, infant. July 2. Christophor Watson, formerly a laborer, but long craz'd. „ 8. John Slater, one of the Baylifs; from S* Nicolas parish. Memord — Ye Biver was risen so high, y* they could not bring the Corps up New-Elvet, but were oblig'd to carry it by Old-Elvet & ye Batton-row. It was ye greatest flood y* had been in ye memory of man. July 9. William Gibson weaver, s. of John Gibson. ,, 13. James, s. of Thomas Palmer, a . dragoon soldier, infant. „ 14. Martha, d. of William Hood pedlar, infant. ,, 29. Elisabeth, wife of Eobert Ashwood, ¦ a dragoon soldier. ,, 31. Susanna Eobinson of Sunderland- bridge, servant. Aug. 2. Mary, wife of Tho. Middleton, hostler at ye half-moon. „ 2. Cuthbert, her infant son, in the same grave. ,, 7. An, d. of Thomas Havers gardiner, infant. ,, 11. John, s. of William Henderson of Brome, laborer. „ 26. Thomas, s. of Thomas Tayler black smith, infant. Sept. 4. Nicolas Best, a worker in Shincliff Colliery. „ 5. Humphrey Darlington of Sunder land-bridge, black -smith. 244 CHEISTENINGS, MAEEIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 1722. Sept. 8. 10. Oct. 7. 9. 10. 11, Nov. 14. 30. J! 12 5J 15 57 26 27 'J Dec 3 JJ 6 JJ — 55 19 J5 29 Jan. 13 11 13 n 25 55 25 Feb. 4 13. 13. 19. Mary, d. of John Hudson mason. Eobert, s. of William Hoggart of Brome-close house, infant. An How widow, aged above 80, Gilbert, s. of George Lawes tayler, infant. Christophor Pickering of Stand alone house (near Sherborn Hosp1). Thomas, s. of Matthew Atkinson, the milner of Shincliff miln, a child. M18 Anne Beckles, an aged widow. George, s. of Thomas Tayler black smith, infant. Jane Poison, an aged widow, a papist. An, d. of Mr Thomas Eeed apothecary of S' Nicolas par., a young child. Jonathan, s. of Edward Gare of Aldernage, yeoman. Talbot Mountagu, s. of Zadok Smith tayler, infant. Mary, wife of Thomas Crags laborer. Elisabeth, wife of Pexal Pringle nail-maker. Elisabeth Wood, an aged widow Helen Mensforth of Shincliff, an aged widow. Margaret, wife of William Crags. Jane Smith widow. Jane, d. of Mr Tho. Charlton, infant. Henry, s. of William Wheatly of Halywel, yeoman, infant. Sarah, cl. of John Garry of S' Nicolas parish, butcher, infant. An, wife of Henry Arrowsmith sen1, whitesmith, aged. William Banks yeoman, aged. George, s. of George Spenser cobler, infant. Gerard Salvin, of Croxdale, esquire, aged 69. William, s. of Edward Tiplady of the heards-house, yeoman, an inf. MrB Elisabeth Hutchinson spinster, aged 86, was buryed in S* Marg*s Chapel. Michael, s. of John Sisterson laborer, a child. William; ye postumous son of Christo1 Vicars, late of Brome hall, inf. 1722. Feb. 23. March 3. 6. 10. 19. 1723. March 25. April 28. May 12. 28. June 3. 9. 10. 10. July 8. 14. 31. Aug 4. 4. 18. 28.31. Thomas Holmes, inkeeper in Sunderland; dy'd here. Brian, s. of Brian Stodart glover, a young child. Alice, wife of Mr Eichard Mascal, Alderman of the City, aged 72. John. s. of William Suddic shoe maker, infant. Dorothy Gibson widow, aged above 80. BAPTISMS. Sept. Cuthbert, s. of William Wood sexton, born 20*, bapt. priv. 25 March, recd in Ch. 16 Apr. Martha, d. of John Best of Shin cliff, laborer ; born March 29. Thomas, s. of William Brasse watch-maker ; born April 1 4. Bartholomew, s. of Bartholomew Brown mill-wright; born April 25. Elisabeth, d. of John White parish- clerk ; born May 4. An, d. of Eobert Young weaver; born May 17. Eichard, s. of James Foster of Shincliffe, yeoman; born May 1 1. Thomas, s. of Thomas Gainford * mason ; born May 16. George, s. of George Charleton laborer, born 7* bapt. priv. 8 July, receiv'd in Church Au. 4. Margaret, d. of Eobert Young jun1, whitesmith ; born June 20. Anne, d. of Eobert Eobinson laborer ; bom 27*, bapt. priv. 31 July, recd in Church Aug. 25*. George, s. of Matthew Woodifield weaver ; born July 3d. Mary, d. of Mark Hopper car- pentar ; born July 14th. John, s. of D1 Huddleston physician, a papist, was born (as the Dr told me) April 4. Nicolas, s. of Nicolas Smith laborer; born July 22d. Katharin, d. of Bartholomew Sikes whitesmith ; born July 28*. Thomas, s. of Eobert Lax black smith, born 15th, bapt. priv. 31 Aug., recd in Church Sept. 14. Isabel, d. of John Gibson jun1, weaver; born Aug. 4*. CHEISTENINGS, MAEEIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 245 1723. Sept. 24. Oct. 6. 13.15. 20. Nov. 17. 21. Dec. 1. 1. 26. Jan. 8. 19. Feb. 9. 9. 12. JJ 16. JJ 24. JJ 25. March 5. An, d. of Simon Hobson laborer ; , born Aug. 27th. William, s. of John Havers gard iner ; born Sept. 7th. Mary, d. of Phineas Mosse rough- j mason; born Sept. 13^. Jane, d. of Mr Godfrey Didsbury attorney ; born Sept. 1 2* Jane, d. of George Chilton jun1, laborer ; born Sept. 26*. William, s. of William Lowdon laborer ; born Oct. 23. An, d. of George Lawes tayler ; j born Oct. 24. An, d. of William Kirkly junr, tayler ; born Nov. 2. Jane, d. of Clement Mills shoe maker; born Nov. 17. John, s. of James Wetherley yeoman of Shincliff, born 24* Nov., bapt. priv. 8, recd in Chur. 26 Dec. John, s. of Thomas Scot beggar ; born at Brome Dec. 12. An, cl. of Margaret Davison widow, a beggar; born at Shincliff Jan. 2. Frances, d. of Cuthbert Steel of Houghall, yeoman, born 18th bapt. priv. 19 Jan., recd in Church Feb. 17. 'of John Ivison of I y° White house, 'laborer, born 19*, bapt. priv. 20 Jan., 'recd.inCh.Feb. 16. of William Hopper mill- wright ; born Jan. 25. Isabel, d. of Eichard Suddic shoe maker; born Jan. 27*. Mary, d. of Eaiph How jun., tayler, born & bapt. priv. 12, dyed 27 Feb. Elisabeth, d. of Eichard Walton tayler; born Feb. I8'. . , /twin daughters of Joseph Mary, I Alderson fullei.; bom ™ ) 23rd, bapt. priv. 24 Feb., EleonoHrecdinCl/Mar.24. John, s. of Thomas Holms of Brome, yeoman; born Jan. 25. Dorothy, d. of Percival (altered from "Percy") Wheatley tayler, born 28* Feb., bapt. priv. 5, recd in Church 22 Mar. 20. Hanworth, s. Dorothy, d. Gertrude, d. 1723. March 10. An, d. of John Bewes butcher, born 4th, bapt. priv. 10, dy'd 19 March. Eobert Chipchase, Antony Watson, William Hutchinson, Eob' Jeffreyson, for Shincliff, Churchwardens. Memorandum. 1723. January 15*. S1 George Wheler Kn*, DD., Prcebendary of ye 2d Prasbend, & Official of the Dean & Chapter's Peculiar Jurisdiction, dyed. February 14*. Thomas Eden DCL„ Pragbendary of ye 7* Prsebend, was admitted Official in ye Chancel of this Church, by reading & delivering to him ye Dean & Chapter's Patent : after which he took ye Oaths for duly executing ye Office; & of Allegiance & Supremacy ; & subscribed ye 39 Articles of Eeligion. This was clone in y" presence of M1 Eob' Eden, Broth1 to ye D1, M1 John Py, Notary Public, Tho. Eud, Vicar. MAEEIAGES. 1723. April 28. May 7. July 9, Auk. 27. Sept. 17. Oct. 17.19. 27. Nov. 10. 14. Dec. 26. Thomas Shiply laborer, widower, & Eleonor Bromfield widow. Eichard White of Burn-hall, yeoman, & Mary Arrowsmith of Bishopton. M1 Eobert Blakiston, Vicar of Berwic upon Twede, & Mrs Margaret Tempest of this parish, with licence, at S' Giles's Church. William Bell of ye parish of S* Andrew Aukland & Anne Smith of this parish. George Brown of this parish, mason, & Mary Foster of S* Margaret's Chapelry. Pexal Pringle nail-maker, widower, & An Gray spnnster. William Marshal shoemaker of this parish & Elisabeth Collison of Eyton were marryed at Eyton. William Harrison pewterer, widow er, & Jane Clark, his servant ; with licence. Bichard Lowdon laborer, widower, & Margaret Thomson, a servant. Henry Buston of this parish, laborer, & Alice Wilkinson of S* Nicolas parish. Thomas Crags laborer, widower, & Eleanor Musgrave, servant in ye College to S1 Ge. Wheler. William Furbank & Jane Pearson of Kellow Parish; w* licence. 2j 246 CHEISTENINGS, MAEEIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 1723. Jan. 1. Feb. 18. 1723. March 31. April 4. George Skelton of Brancepeth parish & Elisab. Johnson of this parish. John Smith mason & Faith Winship servant. BUEIALS. 11 JJ 9. ¦55 10. 11 11. 71 14. 11 19. 55 20. 17 20. 55 20. 11 25. May 3 n 4. ?j 5. ii ii 17. 17. 5) 20. June 3. 17 12. JJ 30. July 55 17 2, 10. 25 Mary, widow of M1' Francis Blakiston, Eector of Whitborn. Mary, d. of M1' Charles Wall of S* Nicolas par11, apothecary, her grand daught1", an infant. Samuel, s. of Bryan Stodart glover, a young child. Mary, d. of William Mowborn laborer, infant. Mary, d. of Bryan Stodart glover, a young child. Thomas, an orphan son of Thomas Kindleside dyer, a young child. Isabel, d. of Thomas Thomson of Butterby, yeoman, a young child. Thomas, s. of George Hardy of Shincliffe, tayler, infant. Mr Thomas Pudsay ; dy'd at Crox dale, aged ab* 70. Mary Oliver, a widow, aged above 80. Margaret Jackson wiclow ; from S* Nicolas parish. Margaret, d. of Nicolas Thomson white-smith. Thomas, s. of George Eea mason, infant. Frances, wife of Mr Thomas Entick silver smith & inkeeper. William Macgomery, a servant in Shincliff. M18 An Clifton, an aged widow. Mrs Elisab. Blacket, wiclow of M1' John Blacket of YVilam in North- umberld. Elisabeth, wife of William Marshall shoemaker. John, s. of Mr John Hopper of Shincliffe, infant. William, s. of George Mills of Shincliffe, a young child. Martha Starking, servant to yB late Mrs Blacket. John Martindale, a young man. Jacob Walker joiner. Margaret, widow of John Wilkin son of S* Nicolas parish, chandler. 1723. Aug, 5. 26. 28. Sept. 6. Oct. 7. 9. 9. 22 24 24. 30. Nov. 9. 11. Nov. 17. 29 jj ^v- Dec. 20. 31. Jan. 8. 12. 24.24. 28. Feb. 9. 12. 23.27. Elisabeth, wife of Mr Eobert Lever of Aldernage (or Alding-grange). Daniel Wilkinson, coach-man to ye Honble Mr Sanderson-Lumley. George, s. of George Charlton laborer, infant. Isabel, wife of Adam Waters of Shincliff, laborer. Andrew Cummin, a young man drown'd in ye river. Henry, s. of George Standish chirurgeon (now absent), infant, John Chisholm, apprentice to a tayler in Shincliff. John, s. of John Tayler shoemaker, infant. Mary. Loftus spinster. John Wilson butcher & farmer, aged 77. Jane, widow of Mr Eobert Eead apothecary of S' Nicolas parish. John, s. of John Bodom of Butter- by, laborer, infant. An Clark of BurnhaU, widow, aged 84. Elisabeth, widow of Mr John Stokeld inkeeper, aged 73. Edward Hall butcher, late of Alton stile, aged 77. Mr John Collingwood, an aged gentleman, a papist. M1' Thomas Ord, steward to Mr Salvin of Croxdale, a papist, aged near 70. John Pickering of Stand-alone house (father to ye tenent there), aged 89. Baj)hael Crags, servant to Mr Salvin of Croxdale, a papist. Eobert, s. of John Pickering, ye late tenent of Stand-alone house, aged above sixty. Barbara, wife of John Eichardson of Shincliff, laborer, aged about 80. Eichard White of Bishopton, yeo man, son of Ei. White of BurnhaU, wre he dy'd. Eobert Williamson laborer. Margaret, d. of John Baxter, late of Baxter-wood, yeoman. Elisabeth, d. of John Gibson junr, wever, infant. Eaiph Dalton, drown'd at Bp Auk- land Jan. 6* found near Crox dale Feb1. 27*. CHEISTENINGS, MAEEIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 247 1723. Feb. 27. March 4.5. 14. 19. 1724. March 25. April 7. 12. May 3. jj 16. June 21. Aug. 17. 18. 30. Sept. 13.19. 22 Oct. 2. 5. 11. Mary, d. of Eaiph How jun1", tayler, infant. Mary Bell, an aged woman of S* Nicolas parish. Jane Foster, widow of Shincliff, aged 76 years. Jane Liddle, a travelling beggar, who dy'd at Sunderland bridge. An, d. of John Bewes butcher, infant. BAPTISMS. Joseph, s. of John Stodart of Fare well hall, laborer, born 23d, bapt. priv. 25 March, recd in Ch. Apr. — . Thomas, s. of WiUiam Lough of Shincliff, weaver. John, s. of Joseph Stag joiner; born March 13. John, s. of John Snowdon of Baxter-wood, yeoman, born & bapt. priv. April 28* recd in Ch. Ma. 29. William, s. of George Gowland of Shincliff, laborer; born April 7th. George, s. of George Spenser cobler, born 7*, bapt. priv. 16 May, recd in Church Jun. 7. Elisabeth, d. of Arthur Smith mason ; born May 24. William, s. [of] Elisabeth Hopper, base begot (as suppos'd) by George Aislaby. Isabel, d. of Matthew Woodifield weaver, born & bapt. priv. by M1 Piggot 18, dy'd ye 19* Aug. Elisabeth, d. of Thomas Shipley weaver; born Aug. 16*. Margery, d. of Christophor Eales glover; born Aug. 17*. Eoger, s. of Henry Buston of Shin cliff, laborer, born 2d, bapt. priv. 19, recd in Church 20* Sept. John, s. of Eowland Harrison white smith, born 12th, bapt. priv. 22 Sept., dyed Oct. 2d WUliam, s. of Henry Moore mar iner, born Sept. 26* bapt. priv. & dyed Oct. 2d. Eobert, s. of ye Eeverd Mr Bob' Piggot, a Minor Canon; born Sept. 1'. Thomas, s. of John Brown mason ; bom Sept. 13* 1724 Oct. 25 11 26 Nov. 1. 55 15 JJ 17 De Jan. Feb. 13 24. 27. 14. 9. 9. 16. 28. March 7. 1724. April 22. Thomas, s. of John Young sen1, nail-maker ; Sept. 30*. Matthew, s. of Jacob Anderson of Brome, laborer ; born Sept. 28. Elisabeth, cl. of William Adamson laborer ; born Sept. 30*. John, s. of George Walker laborer; born Oct. 22. Jane, ye postumous daughter of Eich. Metcalf laborer; bom Nov. 9. William, s. of John Smith mason ; born Nov. 19. An, d. of Margaret Sisterson of Shincliff, base begot by Geo. Jeffreyson; b. No. 15. Sarah, d. of Humphrey Norton organist, born 8* bapt. priv. 24 Dec, recd in Ch. Jan. 6. Cuthbert, s. of John Pickering tayler; born Dec. 16. An, d. of Edward Heslop laborer ; born Dec. 22. Thomasin, d. of William Marshal shoemaker, born 21 Dec, bapt. priv. 4, recd in Ch. 24 Ja. Jane, d. of Mr WUham Forster chirurgeon, born 5*, bapt. priv. 6 Jan., recd in Ch. Feb. 2. William, s. of William Wood, ye parish sexton, born 3d, bapt. priv. 14, recd in Ch. 25 Jan. Jane, d. of Eobert Alder inkeeper ; born Jan. 28. George, s. of Joseph Dummel of Shincliff, laborer; born Jan. 27. William, s. of Bobert Paxton joiner, born 8* bapt. priv. 9 Feb., recd in Church Mar. 2. John, s. of Daniel Preston, a carver in wood, a stranger; born Feb. 10. Mary, d. of George Anderson mason ; born Feb. 2d. Luke, s. of John Clark of Burn haU, yeoman; born Feb. 28* MAEEIAGES. John Perkin joiner & Hannah Fisher, both of this parish, were marryed w* licence in S* Giles's Church. 248 CHEISTENINGS, MAEEIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 1724. April May 55 July 55 Aug,Sep. Nov. 26. 30. 4. 26. 14. 19. 11. 28. 6. 15.16.26. 23.* 27. Dec. Jan. 1724. April 7. Eaiph Scot, servant in this parish, & Frances Palmer, of Houghton- le-Spring, were marry'd at Houghton. George Anderson mason & Mary Lax. William Eichardson of Sunderland by ye Sea & An Darnton of Sunderland bridge ; w* lie. John Proctor & An Holmes of S* Andrew Aukland ; with licence. Nicolas Adcock of S' Nicolas parish, barber, & An Mitchell of this parish. John Sikes whitesmith & Mary Eeed, a servant in ye parish. Thomas Kid tayler & Elisabeth Lowther. William Milner & Mary Brunton, servants at Belly. Michael Thomson of Lanchester parish & Mary Cooke of Shin- clif ; with licence. Thomas Cuthbertson of S* Mar garet's Chapelry & Dorothy Bell, a servant. Thomas Wood cobler & Helen Elstob. Antony Bulmer of BUlingham parish & Jane Calvert of Shinclif. John Eamsay laborer & Margaret Adams of Shinclif. Eobert Smales of Shincliff, laborer, & Mary Ashons widow ; w* licence. George Eaw miller & Hodshen ; with licence. BUEIALS. Margaret May 24. 30. 23. 3. John, s. of James Foster of Shin cliff, yeoman, a child. Eobert Hedley sen1, joiner, a brother of Sherborn Hospital, aged above 80. Elisabeth, wife of Eobert Farrow inkeeper. Captn Fits-herbert Tempest dyed in this parish, & was buryed in S' Giles's Church. Dr Thomas Davison, a physician, anno aetatis 80. John Sharp, a young man, lately servant to D1 Huddleston. * Sic. 1724. May 16. 17. June 7. 14. July 2. 11.12. 24.25. Aug. 55 G. 14. 55 20. 11 24. Sept. 1. 55 Oct. 15. 3. jj 3. Nov. 3. 9. 12. 18. 24. Dec 1 jj 25 Jan. 2 Martin Hall, a petty scholemaster. George Hopper, s. of ye late Edwd Hopper, apprentice to a carp- en tar. Elisabeth, wife of George Bowes, a papist. M1 William Bradshaw, formerly of Bp Midlam, a papist, aged 80. Mr Frevil Lambton jun1 dyed here, & was buryed at Sedgefield. An Appleby widow. Thomas, s. of George Harrison laborer, a young boy, smother'd in a sand-hole. An, wife of Wm Eichardson of Sunderland by ye Sea, butcher ; dy'd at Sunderland bridge. Mrs Elisabeth Brocket, inkeeper in South Baily was bury'd near her husband Wm B1. (ob* 1705). Eichard Metcalf laborer. Mary Nicols midwife, wife of Wm Nicols wever. Isabel, d. of Matthew Woodifield wever, infant. Thomas, s. of Thomas Gainforth mason, infant. Henry, s. of Dr Huddleston physician, papist, an infant ; in ye Church. Mary Huntly, an old maid, a papist. John, s. of Eowland Harrison whitesmith, infant. William, s. of Henry Moor mariner, infant. M1 Francis Tempest, s. of Mr Tempest of Old Durham, was buryed at S* Giles's Church. John Pickering, late tenent of Stand-alone house, aged 94 (born Candlem. 1630). Eichard, s. of Bartholomew Brown mill-wright, a child. Mary, d. of Mr Edward Debord inkeeper, infant. John, s. of Tho. -Waugh of S* Nicolas parish, pewterer, a child; dy'd at Sunderld br. Mr William Bains, a papist, aged above 80. John Harrowmond laborer. Margaret, d. of Mr Charles WaU of S' Nicolas parish, infant. Elisabeth, wife of M1 Eaiph Steel, aged 63. CHEISTENINGS, MAEEIAGES, AND BUEIALS. !49 1724. Jan. 6. Mary Eichardson of Shincliff, widow, aged near 80. ,, 8. Mr Eichard Mascal, merchant inning-wheel-maker ; born Sept. 12*. ,, 10. John, s. of Eobert Smales of Shincliff, laborer, coal-pit-man ; born Sept. 23d. ,, 24. Dorothy, d. of William Mowburn, laborer ; born Sept. 23d. ,, 31. An, d. of John Gainforth mason ; born Sept. 27. ,, 31. Mary, d. of Steph'n Hudson mason ; born Oct. 3d. Nov. 3. Edward, s. of Mark Hopper car- pentar, born Oct. 9* bapt. priv. 3, receiv'd in church 7* No. ,, 4. Sarah, cl. of Mr Godfry Didsbury attorney ; bora Oct. 5*. „ 7. Mary, d. of Eobert Young junr, white -smith ; born Oct. 8*. ,, 28. John, s. of Thomas Eickaby, hostler of an in ; bom Oct. 27. Dec. 5. Bobert, s of Eobert Young weaver; born Nov. 16. ,, 8. Edward, s. of William Atkinson of Finkhall, laborer, born 5th, bapt. priv. 8 Dec, bury'd Jan. 1. „ 28. Eleonor, d. of James Foster of Shincliff, yeoman ; born Dec. 3d. Jan. 9. Stephen, s. of Thomas Kid tayler; bom Dec. 26*. ,, 12. William, s. of George Charlton laborer, born & bapt. priv. Jan. 12*. [Vicar Kud's exemplary caligraphy ceases here. The Eev. William Forster now Vicar, who also keeps the Eegister carefully and neatly]. Jan. 17. William, s. of Stephen Murray miller, bapt. priv. 17, recd in Ch. 30 Jan. ,, 30. John, s. of Tho. Havers gardiner. Feb. 8. John, s. of Geo. Nicholson smith ; born Jan. 13*. ,, 13. George, s. of Geo. Wrangham shoe-maker ; born Feb. 6. 20. Edward, s. of Wm Hopper mill wright ; born Feb. 5. „ 20. Elisabeth, d. of Geo. Chilton jun1, laborer. „ 21. Thomas, s. of John White parish clerk ; born Feb. 4. „ 22. John, s. of Wm Adamson laborer. 250 CHEISTENINGS, MAEBIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 1725. March 11. Eaiph, s. of Pexall Pringle nail maker, born 18 Feb., bapt. priv., recd in C. March 11. „ 13. An, d. of Wm Lowdon laborer; born Feb. 28. W. Forster, vicar, Eichd White, Tho. Gain- forth, Jn Sikes, Wm Eobson (for Sh.), Churchw118. 1725. March 30. 30. April 20. May 18. June 1 1 . 19. Aug. 8. Sept. 18. 29 Oct. 10. 21. Nov. 27. 30. 1725. March 30. MAEEIAGES. William Pinkney servant & Jane Bradley . Charles Eobson laborer & Isabel Eaisbeck servant. Thomas Hewet yeoman & Mary Vicars widow, both of Brome. Nicolas Best laborer & Eleonor Foster servant, both of Shincliff. James Smith & Elisabeth Eain, w* licence by Mr Newh. [New- house], both servants. James Eickaby spinning-wheel- maker & An Elwood servant. Stephen Murray milner & Isabel Atkinson, both of Shincliff miln. Thomas Errington tayler & Eleonor (written above is ' Helen, v. baptisms 1681, June 21 ') Hutch inson. Bobert Farrow weaver & Elisabeth Thomson were marry'd at Sherborn house Chap1 by M1 Newhouse. Thomas Welburn mouth parish, Bridget Brigs servant. Eobert Eobinson of this parish, spinning-wheel-maker, & Debora Eobinson of Simondburn parish (lately a servant here) were marry'd at Simondburn, as appears by certificate. Thomas Appleby skinner & glover & Elisabeth Eickaby. Thomas Eickaby spinning-wheel- maker & Grace Dun, a servant in Framwelgate. BUEIALS. of Bp Were- keel-man, & of this par., M18 Elisabeth Davison, widow of Dr Tho. Davison, who dy'd Apr. 30th last. 172E April 15 jj 19 55 20. 55 23. May 2. 11 3. 11 12. 5J 22. 5J 30. Jur Jane, ye postumous daughter of, Bichd Metcalf laborer, infant. Henry, s. of Mr Debord inkeeper, infant. George Stobs cooper, aged above 80. Barkhurst, s. of John Sikes white smith, infant. Dorothy Wright widow, aged above 80. Anne, wife of Matthew Holmes of Brome, aged about 80. Eobert, s. of James Plumton sadler infant. Christian, d. of Mr George Smith of Burn-hall, infant. Thomas Collins, a foot soldier of Col. Cadogan's regiment ; dy'd in ye march. Mary, wife of Mr John Hopper of Shincliff; dyed in child-bed. The day following all communication between Shincliff and ye Town was stopp'd by a great flood, wch yet rose not so high (by near a yard perpendicular) as y* of July 8, 1722, commonly call'd Slaters flood. June 19. Eobert Farrow of Farewell-hall, yeoman. ,, 21. Mary Eickaby of Sunderland bridge, an aged widow. The same day (towards night) there was another flood, very near as high as ye former, but did not last so long, for y' kept to ye heigth near 12 hours. But ye brooks did more harm yn in ye former flood. The public news gave an account y* most counties of England have suffer'd as much or more by waters yn we : & y' a great part of Europe have been equall sufferers by rain & (wh we felt not so much of) hail & lightning. July 14. Elisabeth, wife of Mr Thomas Smith attorney of S' Nicolas parish ; dyed in child-bed. William, s. of George Mills of Shinclif, weaver, infant. Margaret, wife of Eobert Allgood laborer. Aug. 11. William Hutchinson, joiner. Margaret, d. of Eobert Allen of Sunderland-bridge, tayler, a child. George, s. of Eaiph Shadforth of S' Nicolas parish, barber, infant. 16. 28. 11. 16. CHEISTENINGS, MAEEIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 251 1725. Aug. 24. Sept. 11. 16. JJ 23 Nov. 30 Dec. 8 JJ 13 JJ 20 Jan. 1. Dec. 28. Jan. 9. Feb. 15. 20. 25. 26 March 8. 12. 13. Mary, wife of Baiph Shadforth of S' Nicolas parish, barber ; dy'd in child-bed. Mr Patric Bosse, a Scots-man, schole-master in this parish for 36 years. Sarah, d. of Mr Godfrey Didsbury, a servant in Claypath. Mr John Walker, attorney at law. Mrs Elisabeth Greenwel, an old maiden, a papist : 9 weeks aft1 ye last burial. Cuthbert Busby tayler. Jane Catcheside, a stranger. William Hardy of Shincliff, a servant. Edward Andrew, formerly a farmer; dy'd in S* Nicolas parish. Edward, s. of WiUiam Atkinson of Finkhall, laborer, infant. Mr John Forcer, a papist, dyed in this parish, & was bury'd in Harbour house Chapel. Mrs Mary Wharton, widow of Dr Tho. Wharton, was bury'd in S* Mary's, South Bailey. An, wife of Thomas Thomson horse-rider. Eobert, s. of Eobert Kirton of Cassop, yeoman, infant, from Sunderland bridge. Matthew Atkinson, ye miller of Shincliff miln. Adam Waters of Shincliff, labourer. An He wit widow. John Harper of Bent-house, weaver. Margaret, wife of Henry Morray of Shinckliff, laborer. Jane, wife of Mr Wm Suretees of S* Nich8 parish. Elisabeth, d. of M1 Tho. Eeed of S* Nich8 parish. Alice, wife of M1 Tho. Eeed of S' Nich8 parish. Wm, s. of Edwd Debord innkeeper, infant. BAPTISMS. 1726. April 18. Hollis, s. of yc Eevd Mr Bob' Pigot; born Mar. 30. 17. Eichard, s. of John Young of Trimdon ; born Apr1 17. 1726. April 27. May 1. 8. 15.22. 22. June 19. 26 jj -"U- July 6. 17. Aug. 7. 8. Sept. 4. 5. 16. 25. Oct. 29. Nov. 13. 13.20. 27. 27. Dec. 27. Jan. 12. 10*25. Feb. 8. 19. March 24. Mary, d. of Joseph Stag joiner; bom . Frances, d. of James Plumbton sadler; born May 1. George, s. of Thomas Brown labourer ; born May 7. Dorothy, ye postumous d. of Simon Hobson laborer. Elisabeth, d. of Nich8 Smith laborer ; born Ap. 24. Elisabeth, d. of Wm Kirkley junr taylor. Matthew, s. of Matthew Woodi field weaver ; born May 18. William, s. of Wm Walton tayler. Elisabeth, d. of Wm Marshall cordwain1 ; born June 29. Mary, d. of Thomas Shipley weaver ; born July 3. John, s. of Nicholas ('John' erased) Best of Shinkliffe, laborer. Mary, d. of Bartholomew Sikes smith ; born July 10. Ann, d. of Phineas Moss mason ; born Aug. 7. Cuthbert, s. of George Mills of Shincliffe, weaver born & bapt. Euth, d. of Eobert Eobinson spinning- wheelmaker. Thomas, s. of John Adamson of Shinckliffe, labor1. Mary, d. of Mr Mitford Hendry; born Oct. 28. William, joiner. Margaret, keeper. Ann, d. of George Hardy of Shinckliffe, tayler. William, s. of John Hubback labr. George, s. of Wm Stobbs cooper. Ann, 3. of Henry Ditchburn lab1. Mary, d. of Matthew Pattinson of Brome, yeoman. Nathan, s. of Elias Smith. Margery, d. of Joseph Dummel of Shincliffe, labr, born & bapt. Joseph, s. of Wm Pinkney labr; born Febry 4. Ann, cl. of Thomas Taylor smith ; born Febr^ 10. Isabella, d. of John Bamsay of Shinckliffe, labr. * Sic. s. of Bobert Hedley d. of Bobert Alder in- 252 CHEISTENINGS, MAEEIAGES, AND BUEIALS. MAEBIAGES. 1726. May 12. June 30. Sept. 29. Oct. 2. Nov. 30. Dec. 15. Jan. 28. 1726. April 2. 11. 15. 24. 26. John Hubback & Isabella Speed. Baiph Curry of Chester & Ann Dalton of this parish. Mr Eobert Hilton cursitor & Mrs Ursula Sedgwick. William Parkinson & Mary Murray. Eobert Marley & Margaret Nichol son. Paul Owen of Chester & Jane Thompson. William Sedgwick & Dorothy Dixon. BUEIALS. May Aug Sept. 55 Oct. jj Nov.Dec. jj jj Jan. 9. 18.2G. 4.9. 11.12. 25. 7. 19. 7. 10. 15. •2 22. 6. 1726. Jan, Ellinor, wife of Wm Thomson of Sherburn-house gate, yeoman. John Brough of Cassop, yeoman. Sarah, d. of M1 Tho. Eeed of S* Nich8 parish. Sarah ('Susanna' erased) Eobinson. Margaret, wife of John Young of Trim don. Abraham Smith joiner. George Hostler of Brome, labourer. Mr Humphrey Norton, organist of Sedgefield. George, s. of Thomas Brown labourer, infant. Barbara, wife of George Newton of Brome Hall. Moses Middleton of Fink-hall (ten weeks aft1 ye List burial). George Wetherell joiner. Jane Heddon widow. Mr Edward Harrison. Jane Scurfield widow. Wm Harrison pewterer. Nicholas Boper laborer. Joseph, s. of Joseph Dumell of Shincliffe, lab1. Thomas, s. of John Adamson of Shinckliffe, lab1. Thomas Leighton of Sunderland bridge, yeoman. Unity, wife of Edward Bound. Bartholomew, s. of Bartholomew Brown. Mr Christopher Thornton merch'. Dorothy ('Margaret' erased), d. of Simon Hobson lab1. Margaret, d. of Thomas Young Feb. 9. 10. 12. 17. 20. 20. 22. 25.25. 10. 15. 16.26. March 10.11.23. Elisabeth, wife of Thomas Appleby glover. Hollis, s. of ye Eevd M1 Pigot. Mary, d. of Mr George Smith of Burn-hall. Sarah, d. of Mr Godfrey Didsbury. Mls Margaret Saunderson spinster. Mr Andrew Fenwick, a papist. Elisabeth, d. of Eaiph Harrison of S* Nich8 parsh. Francis Cowper barber. Thomas Dobinson tanner. Elisabeth, d. of Nich8 Smith lab1, infant. Wm s. of Wm Farrow labr, infant. George Dickinson, an aged hous- keeper. Dorothy, d. of Wm Brown mason. Mary, d. of Stephen Hudson mason. Matthew Smith joiner of S* Nich8- parish. Frances, wife of Henry Ditchburn lab1. Margaret, wife of James Nicholson of Farewell-hall, yeoman. BAPTISMS. 1727. March 25. 27. April 9. 13. May. 8. June. 2. July. 14. 25. 30. Aug. 20. Sept. 11. 55 Oct. 16. 1. 15. Nov. 20. 6. Thomas, s. of Thomas Air of Stone- bridge house. Mary, d. of John Sikes whitesmith. Matthew, s. of Stephen Murray of Shinckliffe-miln. Jane, d. of George Spencer cord- wain1 ; born Ap. 4. Catherine, d. of Bobert Paxton joiner. Hannah, d. of Thomas Hewet of Brome, yeoman. William, s. of Henry Buston of Shinckliffe, lab1. Baiph, s. of Bichd Loughborough cordw1. Elisabeth, d. of George Walker labr. William, s. of George Anderson mason. Thomas, s. of Thomas Eickaby wheel-wright. John, s. of Eobert Young weaver. Eichard, s. of John Brown mason. Mary, d. of John Ambleton of Aldinridge. Ellinor, bastard d. of Hannah Eoper of Farewell-hall. Christopher, s. of Mr Forster, Vicar; born Oct1 16. CHEISTENINGS, MAEEIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 253 1727 Nov. 17. JJ 23. )5 24. Dec 3. JJ 24. JJ 26. 55 3* Jan. 6. jj jj 14. 31. Feb. 2. J) 4. J» 6. 5J JJ 55 11.11.23. March 2. jj 55 3. 5. 24. 1727. April 6. 29. May 29. 22. 28. July 29. Nov. 2. Ann, d. of Mr Jn Hopper of Shinckliffe ; born Nov1 1 6. Ann, d. of Nich8 Currey of Shinckliffe, yeoman. James, bastard s. of Elisabeth Hopper. Ann, d. of Joseph Stagg joiner. Frances, d. of Mr Mitford Hendry ; bom Dec1 19. Joseph, s. of Stephen Bradley joiner. Ann, d. of Francis Arrowsmith sadler. Andrew, bastard s. of Ann Thomp son. Jane, d. of Wm Farrow labourer. Ann, d. of John Hunter of Shinckliffe, lab1. George, s. of Wm Wood sexton. Bobert, s. of Bartholomew Brown wheel-wright. William, s. of Thomas Eobinson joiner ; born Feb. 5. Mary, d. of John Pickering tayler. Mary, d. of Thomas Bell painter. Joan, d. of Mary Tiplady, base begot by Jn Thompson labr. John, s. of Bobert Marly of Alton Stile, pitman. Thomasin, d. of John Iveson lab1. Elisabeth, d. of Thomas Kid tayler. Mary, d. of Eobert Smales of Shinckliffe, lab1. MAEEIAGES. Thomas Waugh of S* Nich8 parish, pewterer, & Jane Harrison. Henry Murray of Shinckliffe & Elisabeth Palmer. PhUip Forster of Shinckliffe, tayler, & Ann Wetherell. Jeptha Wilson of S' Margaret's Chappelry & Margaret WUson. Eichard Loughborough & Elisabeth Forster. Thomas White & Isabella Moffe of Houghton parish. Wm Dodds & Mary Chater, both of Darlington parish. Stephen Bradley & Mary Lee, both of this parish. Christopher Lupton soldier & Ann Eeadshaw. * Sic. 1727. Nov. 4. Edward Atkinson yeoman & Mar garet Biundevill. „ 18. Henry Ditchburn & Ellinor Fleeburn. Dec. 23. Bobert How of this parish & Jane Moor of S' Margar*8 Chap1'*. „ 31. Edward Hopper & Alice Palmer, both of this parish. Jan. 1. Wm Wilson of this parish & Eliz. Mann of S* Nich8 parish. „ 11. Wm Clark lab1 & Hannah Eoper widow. „ 23. Christr. Wilson of S* Andr. Auckld & Mary Walker. Feb. 26. William Thompson & Mary Bip- pon, both of ys parish. March 4. Eichard Lowe mason & Margaret Smith. BUEIALS. 1727. March 28. Frances, d. of M1 Cuthbert Steel of Houghall. 31. Mr John Jackson of S' Nich8 parish, merchant. April 8. George Nicholson smith. ,, 8. George, s. of Henry Arrowsmith smith. „ 9. Jane Snowdon widow of Baxter- wood. ,, 17. William Errington tayler. „ 19. Thomasin, d. of Nich8 Lambton Esq.; from S' Nich8 par. „ 20. Francis, s. of Mr Tho. Dunn of S' Nich8 par., merch*. „ 21. Ann, d. of George Hardy of Shinckliffe tayler. Catherine Boll spinster. WiUiam, s. of George. Stoddert lab1. George, s. of George Wrangham cordwan1. James, s. of James Dawson malt- maker. Ann Bewick widow. John Hudson mason. Mary, wife of Peter Craggs of Sunderland-bridge, labr. July 8. John, s. of Mr Godfrey Didsbury. „ 19. John Dawson malt-maker. 2. Wm, s. of Wm Scrowther soldier. 6. John, s. of Eichard Feetam weaver. 29. M1 Eaiph Steel. 7. Bichard, s. of John Young of Trimdon. May June 21. 3. 23.26. 4. 6. 8. Aug. 11 Sept. 2l 254 CHEISTENINGS, MAEBIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 1727. Sept. 12. 27. Oct. Nov. jj Nov. jj Dec. 30. 3. 9. 14. 30. 6. 7.9. 10. 27. 9. 16. 25. Jan. 1 5. 18. Feb. 16. 18. March. 10, 20. 1728. AprU. 1. May. 12. 14. 26. June. 2. 4. 10. 14. 30. Mr Wm Brocket plummer. Ellinor, wife of John Fenwick of Sunderland-bridge, labr. Mr Charles Wall apothecary. John, s. of Eobert Young weaver. William Galley of Shincliffe, pit man. Bichard, s. of James Foster of Shincliffe, yeomn. Matthew Holmes of Brome, weaver. Dorothy Fisher widow. Margaret, wife of Mr John Pye. Margaret, whe of Henry Lowther joiner. Ellinor Hall, a very aged widow. Ann, d. of M1 Jn Hopper of Shinckliffe. Ann Pecten. Elisabeth, wife of Bobert Mitchel yeoman. Lawrence Lyddall, a papist. Isabella Banks spins1 & papist. Mary, d. of Matthew Pattinson of Brome. M1B Ann Fowler. Dorothy, d. of ye late Jn Slater bailiffe. Mrs Mary Salvin, widow of ye late Gerard Salvin of Croxdale, Esq. Mrs Elisabeth, wife of Giles Eain, Esq., Mayor of ys City. Margaret, widow of Peter Trear of S' Nichs par., potter. William Cowen lab1. BAPTISMS. » fc July. 2. Jane, d. of Eichard Feetham weaver. Thomas, s. of George Wrangham cordwainer. Ann, d. of John Keith tayler. Ann, d. of Thomas Avis gardiner. John, s. of Wm Marshall cord wainer. Elisabeth, d. of Henry Murray of Shinckliffe, lab1. Jane, d. of Bichard Sudwick cord wainer. Jane, d. of John Smith mason. John, s. of WiUiam Thomson yeoman. Jane, d. of George Hardy of Shin ckliffe, tayler. 1728. July 3. 31. Aug. 20. 25. Sept. 1. 8.8. 15. Gerard, s. of Bob' Eobinson wheel wright. d. of Thomas Tayler Elisabeth, smith. Emma, d. carpenter. Ann, d. of of Mark Hopper Oct. 20. 11 26. 11 26. 51 27. 11 27. Nov. 13. 55 22. Dec. 1. JJ 8. J5 22. )J 29. Jan. 1. jj 11. n 12. n 17. Feb, 2. )5 2. 11 10. 11 17. » 21. 55 28. March 4. J5 9. 55 11. JJ 16. Edward ('WiUiam' erased) Hopper carpenter. Thomas, s. of Thomas White of BurnhaU, yeoman. George, s. of George Chilton lab1. Jane, d. of Nich8 Smith lab1. Eichard, s. of James Eickaby wheel-wright. Matthew, s. of John Young smith. Martin, s. of Nicholas Best of Shinckliffe, lab1. Jane, d. of James Foster of Shinckliffe, yeoman. Mary, d. of Henry Ditchbum labourer. Elisabeth, bastard d. of Ann Brown. John, s. of James Smith lab1. John, s. of Mr John Hopper of Shinckliffe. Elias, s. of Elias Smith. Mary & Frances, daught18 of Wm Lowden lab1. George, s. of John Sikes white smith. George, s. of John Lawry labr. Anthony, s. of John Hubback lab1. William, s. of Thomas Tayler of Shinckliffe, yeoman. Thomas, s. of Eichd Lowe mason. Anthony, s. of Matthew Pattinson of Brome, yeoman. William, s. of Thomas Eickaby lab1. Ann, d. of Bartholomew Sikes smith. Mary, d. of John Newton of Brome hall, yeoman. Charles, s. of Mr David Westrop. Ann, d. of Mr Forster, Vicr of yB parish ; born Febr? 13. Eichard, s. of Anthony Lowden weavr. Elisabeth, d. of Andrew Mellross cord wain1. Joseph, s. of Joseph Hobson cordwain1. Jane, d. of Eobert Marley of Alton- stile. Mary, d. of Eobert Alder carrier. CHEISTENINGS, MAEBIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 255 MAEEIAGES. 172* j. AprU 27. John Newton of Branspeth parish & Margaret Salkeld. May 5. Simon Allinson & Ann GaUey. jj 7. Jonathan White & Grace Pattin jj 21. son. Baiph Spencer & Ann Morton, both of ye parish of Gainford. jj 31. Andrew Mellross & Thomasin Eggleston. June 8. Peter Stephenson & Martha Mac- donald. July 4. Thomas Pattinson & Ccecilia Dawson. Oct. 19. William Oyston ('Mileston' erased) & Elisabeth Walker. Nov. 2. William Mills joiner & Isabella Burdon. Dec. 31. John Beah & Elisabeth Moss. Jan. 17. Eobert Woodifield weaver & Ann Pringle. jj 27. Oliver Brown & Ann Harrison. BUEIALS. 1728 » March 26. Francis, s. of ye late Mr Charles Wall apothecary. jj 29. George ChUton yeoman. jj 30. Edward Atkinson, late of Shad forth, yeoman. AprU 14. M18 Cowling, widow of M1 Cowling, late Vic1 of Bedlington. jj 15. Mary, wife of Mr Wm Pye, Eegister to ye Chapt1. jj 27. Alice Young, a very aged widow. May 2. M18 Jane Middleton of S* Nich8 parish. 5J 12. M1 David Dixon, attorney at law. JJ 16. William, s. of ye late Mr Christ1 Thornton. JJ 21. Martha, d. of George Andrew of Shinckliffe, labr. J) 21. Thomas Wood cordwainer. JJ 31. Lcetitia, d. of Zadock Smith tayler. June 16. M1 George Cummin. jj 18. Mr Wm Boper, attorney at law. jj 19. Hannah Bidley widow. u 14.* Henry Arrowsmith smith. July 2. Bichard Hutchinson of Sunderland- bridge, labr. jj 9. PhUlis, wife of Stephen Arrow- smith sadler. j> 9. William Douglass, papist. Sic. Aug. 19. Margaret, d of Henry Ditchburn lab1. JJ 23. Jane, d. of William Farrow lab1. Sept. 2. Mrs Elisabeth Todd papist. 55 4. Elisabeth, d. of Thomas Tayler smith. J) 5. Mary, d. of Eobert Young smith. )5 8. Isabel, wife of Bob* Marston of Burn-hall, lab1. 11 15. Margaret, wife of Wm Wheatley of Shinckliffe. 1) 17. John Wilson glover. 11 27. M1E Frances Wilson widow. 11 28. Baiph Hirdman yeoman. Oct. 13. Thomas Bidley butcher of S* Nich" Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. 17. 17. 18. 20.22. 1. 29. 10. 12. 23. 22.* 31. 7, 19. 21. March. 4. 16.23. 1729. April 17.18. par11. Isabella, whe of Bichd White yeoman. Emma, d. of Mark Hopper carpenter. M1S Eeed, widow to Dr Turner. William Henderson mason. John, s of Mr John Sheild of S' Nic" par11. Sarah, wife of John Heavyside yeoman. Isabella, wife of George Hardy tayler. Ann, wife of Nicholas Hercules tayler. Wm Charlton of Sunderland-bridge, lab1. Philip Hildraith of Sunderland bridge, lab1. John Wilson, an old beggar. Margaret, wife of George Oard lab1, Mr Eobert Lever of Aldernage, a Dissent^ teachr. Margaret, widow of Wm Henderson mason. John Orde of Shinckliffe, an old beggar. Christopher Errington of Shin ckliffe, lab1. Thomas Noble labr. Thomas, s. of Thomas Holmes of Brome, yeomn. BAPTISMS. Hugh, s. of Hugh Dixon tayler. Eichard, s. of Jonathan White of BurnhaU, yeoman. 1 Sic. 256 CHEISTENINGS, MAEEIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 17 lay 29. 18. 5J 25. 71 26. 26. June Feb. 11. JJ11 29. 30. July 1. 5J 11 6. 18. JJ Aug. 20. 19. 55 25. Sept. 31. 21. 55 29. Oct. 5. 5J5) 12. 19. Nov. 22. 55 2.* 11 23. Dec. 5. jj Jan. 23.20. 25. JJ 8. JJ 10. JJ /fare 22. h 6. Eichard, s. of Eobert Woodifield weaver. Susanna, d. of James Usman serj' of dragoons. Eobert, s. of John Gibson weav1, born, baptd & died. Mary, d. of Mr Godfrey Didsbury attorney. Ann, d. of Christopher Eales glover. John, s. of George Mills of Shinckliffe, weaver. George, s. of Wm Kirkley tayler. Peter, s. of Thomas Eickaby wheelwright. William, s. of Wm Lough of Shinckliffe, weaver. Elisabeth, d. of Samuel Eichardson. Mary, d. of John Eeah mason. Mary, d. of Willm Mowbray lab1. Elisabeth, d. of Mr Eobert Hilton attorney. Elisabeth, d. of John Hymers servant. Dorothy, d. of William Mills joiner. Thomas, s. of Thomas Eobinson joiner. Alice, d. of William Oyston of Shinckliffe, lab1'.' Elisabeth, d. of Joseph Stagg joiner. Elisabeth, d. of Edward Hesloplab1. Hendry, s. of M1 John Hopper of Shinckliffe. Thomas, s. of Henry Murray of Shinckliffe, lab1. Thomas, s. of Eichard Lough borough cordw1. Emma, d. of Mark Hopper carpenter. Eaiph, s. of Thomas Air innkeeper. WUliam, s. of Wm Pinkney lab1. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Hall of Aldinridge. Elizabeth, d. of Eobert Smith cordwain1. William, s. of James Anderson taylor. Elisabeth, d. of Eobert Howe cord wainer. Bobert, s. of Matth. Woodifield weaver ; born Jan. 20. Mary, d. of Stephen Murray miller. John, s. [of] Thomas Bell painter. * Sic. 1729. March 16. 16. Brabin, s. of Mr Bichard Tayler merch*. William, s. of John Bamsay of Shinckliffe, labr. MAEEIAGES. 1729. April 30. Thomas Talfoot of Kelloe parish & Susanna Eobinson. May 10. James Anderson tayler & Ann Ducket. June 28. Himo Sweedman & Mary Scarlet of Bernardcastle. Sept. 25. Nicholas Shuttleworth, Esq., & Mrs Elisabeth March. Oct. 28. Francis Johnson of Merrington & Mary Wood of Sunderland, widow. Dec. 2. Thomas Tayler & Eliz. Suddick. jj 27. Bobert Ebdon & Margaret Eales. Jan. 10. George Hardy & Hannah HaU. Feb. 2. James Wilkinson & Mary Peniton. BUEIALS. 172< March 31. Elisabeth, d. of ye late Wm Watson lab1. April 10. John Johnson, serv' to Lancer* Salkeld of Belly. jj 15. Mrs Mary Errington, a papist. jj 25. Joseph Bell of Alton-stile, yeoman. jj 26. Isabella Speed widow. May 1. James King, corporal in Gen11 Grove's regim* of foot. 5J 4. Elisabeth, bastard d. of Ann Brown. JJ 11. Joseph, s. of John Stothard of Alton-stile, yeomn. >J 30. Ann, wife of Bryan Salvin of Croxdale, Esq. June 9. Ann, d. of Wm Emerson of Shinckliffe, pitman. 55 15. Edmond Bawden barber. JJ 21. Christopher Horn. 55 24. Eichard Foster of Shinckliffe, yeo man. 55 30. John Tate smith ; drown'd nigh Sunderland bridge 29 June. July 13. MrB Peacock widow. jj 14. Ann, d. of Mr Forster, Vicar. j» 20. William Henderson of Brome, yeoman. jj 30. Francis Eichardson cobler. / CHEISTENINGS, MAEBIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 257 1729. JulyAug. Dec. Jan. 31. 15.17. 29. M18 Eliz* Lever of Aldernage. Elisabeth Harper. Mr Eaiph Salvin of Tudhoe. Wm, s. of M1 Wm Suretees of S* Nich8 par. Sept. 26. John Brown, a stranger. „ 28. Esther Horsely, a stranger. Oct. 2. The Eevd M1 Thomas Walker. „ 10. Thomas Orde, a stranger. 17. M1 John Shield. Nov. 9. Thomas Smith mason. „ 10. Margaret, wife of Henry Eeah mason. „ 11. Thomas Eead of Shinckliffe, lab1. „ 13. Mr Wm Dixon, attorney at law. „ 14. Mary White widow of Houghall. „ 16. Ellinor, wife of Nichs Best of Shinckliffe, lab1. „ 18. Susan Simpson. „ 19. M18 Mary Hayues widow. „ 20. Thomas Eickaby wheel-wright. „ 23. Barbara, wife of Mr Joseph Porter. „ 25. William Dunn labr. „ 26. James Brown pedlar. 2. Edward Pattinson of Fink-hall. 3. Sarah Gedling widow. 19. George, s. of George Smith, Esq. of Burn-hall. 21. Ann, d. of Thomas Hall tayler. 23. Wm Mitchel of Brome, yeoman. 28. Margaret, widow of Mr Eichd Pad- man barber. 1. Andrew Morton wheel-wright. „ 2. Isabella Simpson, an old maid. „ 21. Jane Brown widow. „ 24. M18 Mary Swaile, an old maid. ,, 28. Hannah Fisher widow. „ 30. Bichard Lowden smith. „ 31. Bobert Young smith. Feb. 1. Mr Bullock, a popist priest. 1. Stephen Hudson mason. „ 16. Margaret Dawson widow. „ 19. Bobert Wood barber; from S* Marg'8 Chappelry. ,, 24. Thomas Harrison smith. 19. Bobert Moss labourer. 20. George Crooks ; from Sunderland bridge. Swalwell, Joseph Alderson, John Snowden, Bob' Jeffreyson, for Shinckliffe, Churchwardens. March W- BAPTISMS. 1730. AprU 2m Mary, posthumous Young smith. d. of Bob' 1730. April 13 JJ 22. May 11 ii 12. jj Aug. 5J 31. 2. 2. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. 30. 13. 20. 11. 15. 1. 5. 15.29. 1. 6. 6.6.8. 10.19.24. 31. 31. 7. 7. 9. 14.15. 21. March 17. Lambton, s. of Bartholomew Brown millwright. Ann & Elisabeth twin daught18 of Joseph Alderson fuller. Shaftoe John, s. of John Brown mason. Margaret, d. of John Newton of Brome-hall, yeoman. John, s. of Bobert Ebdon cordwain1. Ann, d. of Pexall Pringle smith. Thomasin, d. of John Dixon cordwainer. Elisabeth, d. of Bichard Lowe mason. Ann, d. of Nicholas Shuttleworth, Esq. ; bom Aug8' 10. Mary, d. of John Smith mason. Ellinor, d. of Thomas Shipley weaver. Isabella, d. of Thomas White of Burn-hall, yeoman, Mary, d. of Anthony Skelton of Brome, lab1. Ahce, d. of Edward Hopper carpenter. Joan, bastard d. of Isabella Moss. Margaret, d. of Stephen Bradley. Elisabeth, d. of Henry Ditchbum lab1. Christian, bastard d. of Judith Wilson. Thomas, s. of George Anderson mason. Ann, d. of Thomas Kid tayler. Mary, d. of William Mills joiner. Ann, d. of George Walker labr. Bobert, s. of Eobert Eobinson wheel-wright. Eichard, s. of John Smith mason. Jane & Elisabeth, twin daughters of Wm Hopper carpenter. Elisabeth, d. of Bobert Smales of Shinckliffe, lab1. Ann, d. of Wm Launders yeoman. John, s. of Wm Cowen malt-maker. Hannah, d. of John Iveson lab1. John, s. of M1 Forster, Vicar; born Jan? 17. Bichard, s. of Wm Farrow lab1. EUinor, d. of John Sikes white smith. Ann, d. of Andrew Melross cord- wain1. Elisabeth, d. of ye Eevd Mr Brian Turner. 258 CHEISTENINGS, MAEBIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 1730. March 23. 23. 1730. April 21. May 2. 5. 28. June 29. JulySept.Nov. Feb. 29. 20. 5. 14. 25. 26. 30. 4. 1730. April 19. 26. May June 28. 7. 9. 12.19. 22. 3. 10. 21. 30. John, s. of Jonathan White of Burn-hall, yeoman. John, s. of Wm Lowden labr. MAEEIAGES. Eichard Holmes & Mary Scot. Bichard Bell & Dorothy Dobson. William Smith & Elisabeth Pattin son. Thomas Green of Houghton parish & Jane Metcalf widow of this. WiUiam Elwood glover & Jane Brown. William Young smith & Margaret Dobson. Francis Whedrill of Newcastle & Ann Whitfield widow. Cuthbert Brass & Grace Walker, both of this parish. Wm Pattison of Sedgfield & Isabella Beed of Hart parish. Nicholas Best& Margaret Seymour. William Co wen & Mary Bambrough. John Brown & IsabeU Hind. Eobert Sowerby & Mary Farthing. Nicholas Lambton, Esq. of South Biddick & M18 Eliz. Nicholson, widow of ye late James Nichol son, Esq. of Eainton. Bobert Moss & Ann Bewick. BUEIALS. Anthony Harrison tayler. Thomas Wiseman, serv* to M1 Salvin of Croxdale. Mary Teasdale widow of Brome, aged an 106. Thomas Thomson, horse-pacer. Mr Thomas Harrison of S* Nich8 parish, merch*. Peter Craggs of Sunderland- bridge, lab1. John, s. of George Mitchell of Brome lab1. Jane, d. of Joseph Hobson cordwainer. Mrs Elisabeth Padman of S' Nich" parish. George, s. of George Smith of BurnhaU, Esq. Eobert Parkin joiner. Margaret, wife of Sinclair, an old beggar. 1730. July 4. Lady Margaret, widow of S Eob* Eden, Bar', died here, July 1, and was buried in ye chancell at S' Helen Awckland July 4. 55 5. John, s. [ of ] Wm Marshall cordwainer. J? 8. Mary, d. of Wm Lowden labr. 55 13. Thomas, s. of James Eickaby wheehight. 51 28. Ann, d. of Edward Heslop lab1'. 55 30. Margaret, wife of Eob* Young nailor. Aug. 6. Elisabeth, d. of Edward Heslop lab1. 5) 7. Ellinor Metcalf, serv* to Mr Ingleby. 11 8. Mr Eichard Padman of S* Nich8 X>arish, barber. Sept. 1. Thomas Tayler smith. jj 6. William, s. of Eobert Chipchase butcher. J5 28. Ann, wife of Nicholas Thomson smith. 55 25. Eichard, s. of Anthony Lowden weav1. Oct. 8. Margaret, wife of John Cook of Shincliffe, weav1. JJ 8. George Stoddart yeoman. J5 12. George Chilton laborer. 55 13. Ann Chilton. JJ 26. Ann, d. of Christopher Eales glover. „ 27. Mary, d. of Mr Godfrey Didsbury. Nov. 1. George Marlowe painter. 3. Jane, wife of Tho8 Waugh of S* Nich8 parish, pewtr. ,. 4. Elisabeth Smith widow of S' Nich8 parish. „ 6. John, s. of Bobert Ebdon cordwain1. „ 8. Eichard Taylor, footman to Mrs Betty Bowes. „ 14.§ Ann, d. of Christopher Wall cordw1 „ 21. Elisabeth, d. of Mr Thomas Kirkley. ,, 23. Susan, wife of John Dixon labr. „ 23. Mary, d. of Eob* Alder carrier. ,, 28. Joan, whe of Mr Bichard Hendry. „ 28. Alice Anderson widow. „ 28. Isabel Moss. „ 28. Ann, whe of John Gibson sen1, weavr. Dec. 3. Christian, bastard d. of Judith Wilson. { Altered from 13, or vice verail ; might be either. CHEISTENINGS, MAEEIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 259 1730 , Dec. 6. jj jj 7. 8. jj 12. jj 17. jj 19. jj 27. jj 28. jj 28. jj 28. jj 29. Jan. 2. jj jj jj 2.4.6. Feb. 18. 20. 21. 28. 29. 14. 15. 16. 18. 24. March 5. 10. 11.15. 18. 1731. March 26. Elisabeth, d. of Bichard Lowe mason. Elisabeth, d. of Joseph Stag joiner. Mary, d. of George Anderson mason. Mr Thomas Kirkley of S* Nich8 parish. Henry, s. of Henry Arrowsmith smith. Eobert, s. of Mr John Padman upholster. Isabella, d. of Matthew Woodifield weaver. Susan Bullock widow of S' Nich8 parish. Elisabeth, d. of John Hymers servant. Ann, d. of Samuel Mac-muckle mason. Thomas, s. of ye late Thomas Eickaby wheelwright. John, s. of John Stoddart of Alton- stUe, lab1. Mary, d. of Thomas BeU painter. Anthony, s. of John Hubback lab1. John, s. of James Housman of S' Nich8 parh, barb1. John, s. of John Middleton of Fink-hall, yeoman. Elisabeth Air. Barbara Surtees of S* Nich8 parish. Elisabeth, d. of Mr Cuthbert Steal. AJexius Toket, a popish priest. Charles Dixon mason. Mrs Elisabeth Marlowe widow. Elisabeth Eoper of S' Nich8 parish. Bobert Moss glover was married Feb? ye 9* & bur3 Feby 15. Mary, wife of Cuthbert Taylor joiner. Eichard, s. of Wm Farrow labr. Elisabeth, wUe of Tho8 Dunn of Shinckliffe-moor-house. Margaret, d. of John Newton of Brome-hall. Elisabeth, d. of Wm Hopper carpenter. Mary, d. of Thomas Tayler of Aldernage. Elisabeth Simm widow. Mary Blissance. BAPTISMS, Mary, cl. of Bichard Smith mason. 1731. March 28. April 4. 5J 15 55 27 May 3. ii 10 ii 15 55 1619 J? 25 55 June 30 5 55 11 July iiii Aug. 11. 18. 19. 7. JJ 20 55 22 Sept, JJ 19 21 Oct. Nov. 3. 5. 8. 19. 25. 8. 7, 14.17. 21. 28. William, posthumous s. of George Chilton lab1. John, bastard s. of Sitha Eales. William, s. of Henry Murray of Shinkliffe, lab1. William-Nicholas, s. of Cuthbert Thomson of Stotgate. Elisabeth, d. of Joseph Hobson cordwain1. Mary, d. of Wm Oyston of Shin ckliffe, lab1. Hannah, d. of Wm Smith of Shin ckliffe, lab1. Dorothy & Jane, twin-daught8 of Wm Hornsby of Shincliffe- moor house. Bobert, s. of Bobert Langstaffe lab1. John, s of Mr Peter Blenkinsop innkeeper. Eaiph, s of Mr John Hopper of Shinckliffe. John, s. of John Pickering taylor. Judith, d. of Wm Marshall cord wr. John, bastard s. of Elisabeth Hopper. John, s. of John Keith tayler. John, s. of Elias Smith. John, s. of Bichard Fleatham. Mary, d. of Thomas Eobinson joiner. Mary, d. of Bobert White cordwain1. Elisabeth, d. of James Eickaby wheel-wright. Isable, d. of Joseph Stag joiner, Eichard, s. of Nicholas Shuttle- worth, Esq. Mary, d. of Thomas Taylor of Aldernage. Ann, d. of Eobert Newham bread- baker. Ann, d. of George Jeffreyson smith. Ann, d. of Cuthbert Brass singing man. John, s. of John Eales glover. Alice, d. of John Adamson of Shinckliffe, labr. Ann, d. of Eobert Woodifield weaver. Jane, d. of Anthony Stevenson cordwain1. Jane, d. of John Eeah mason. George, s. ef Wm Carnaby innkeeper. Bartholomew, s. of Bartholomew Sikes whitesmith. 260 CHEISTENINGS, MAEEIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 1731 Dec. Jan. Feb. 7. 12. 16.18. 18. 26. 2. 3. 7. 16. 20. 25.28. of Edward Heslop Armstrong of Elisabeth, d. lab1. Mary, d. of Wn Shinckliffe-mill. John, s. of Eobert Ebdon cord wainer. Eaiph, s. of Wm Pinkney labourer. Mary, d. of Mr Eobert Chipchase. Ann, d. of Wm Clark of Herd- house, lab1. Bichard, s. of Eichard Lowe mason. Jane, d. of Thomas Orde of Shin ckliffe, yeoman. Hannah, d. of Thomas Bell painter. Mary, d. of Hugh Dixon tayler. Elisabeth, d. of Mr Eobert Mills. George, bastard s. of Elisabeth Craggs widow. Cuthbert, s. of Wm Watson of Arbor-house, lab1. George, s of George Oard lab1. Elisabeth d. of James Henderson tayler. ,, 29. Eobert, s. uf Eobert Alder carrier. March. 9. Alice, d. of Wm Kirkley tayler. Bobert Beckles, John Thompson, John Hubbethorn, Bobert Jeffreyson, Church- wardens. MAEEIAGES. 1731. April 24. May Aug. Sept. JJ Dec. 4.6. 6. 20.25. 30. 12. 26.30. Arthur Johnson of Chester parish & Margaret Harl, James Henderson tayler & Isable Paxton. John Eobinson & Hannah Craggs. Mark Carr & Mary Acklan. Thomas Garbut & Thomasin Busby. George Davison & Jane Wilson. Arthur Featenby & Isable Miller. William Maddison & Ann Potter. Eobert Marston & Susan Harrison. Anthony Stevenson & Ann Bell. John Pert & Jane Sikes. BUEIALS. 1731.' March 29. April 13.18. 20. 23. Bobert Pattinson of Fink-hall. Marmaduke, s. of Bryan Salvin of Croxdale, Esq. Thomas Weemes sen1, skinner. Mrs Davison, widow of Alexander Davison, Esq. John, bastard child of Sitha Eales. 1731. April 28. 30. May June Aug. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. jj Feb. 4. 11.17. 20. 6. 25. 28. July 26. 30.31. 1. 10. 10. Sept. 6. 11. 18. 21. 27. 5. 15. 18. 21. 4. 7. 14. 17. 27. 3. 16.18. 22. 14. 20. 4. 5. 9. 23. March. 3. 5. 6. Ann Atkinson widow. Nicholas, s. of ye late John Dixon schoolmaster. George Spur of Brome, labr. Elisabeth Dowsey spinster. Anthony Lowden weaver. John Bewes butcher. Judith, d. of Wm Marshall cord wain1. Edward Wilson lab1. William Gainforth mason. William, s. of Wm Arrowsmith sadler of S* Nic par. John Hall lab1. Mrs Downes of S' Nic8 parish. M1'8 Susan Forster of S* Nic8 parish. Elisabeth, widow of John Jackson of S' Nic8 parish. Mr Wm Delaval. Mary, wife of John Ferry of Easington. Nicholas Paxton taylor. John Kidness labourer. Mary Mitchel spiDster. Ellin or, wife of Mr Bobert Hickson. Mary, d. of John Pickering tayler. Alice, wife of Mr Eobert Beckles. Elisabeth Cook; kill'd by a fall from her horse. James, s. of James Wetherell sadler. Jane, wife of Wm Elwick glover. Dorothy Wood of S' Marg''8 Chappelry. Cuthbert Heron Esq. Nathaniel Bawe watchmaker of S' Nich8 par. Jane, d. of John Beah mason. Elisabeth, wife of Bob' Allen taylor of Sunderland bridge. Elisabeth, d. of John Hymers. Eaiph, s. of Wm Pinkney lab1. Thomas Blackburn of Shinckliffe- mill. Mary Baines widow. Cuthbert Taylor joiner. Margaret, wife of Eaiph Hall. Ml" Thomas Pearson, a popish priest. James Wilkinson labourer. Eichard White yeoman. Elisabeth, d. of James Henderson tayler. Watkin Williams servant. John Dixon labourer. CHEISTENINGS, MAEEIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 261 BAPTISMS. 1732. March 26. 26.26. 5. 12. 5. 10. April jj May 55 11 June )5 JJ July 29. 4.7. 18. 7. 9. Aug. 27 Sept. 19 Oct. 5 55 5 5511 15.15. )551 JJ Dec. 16. 22. 23. 3 11 11 10. 25. Jan. 16. jjJ5n 17. 27. 29. March 1. 4. 19. 2n Mark, s. of Mark Hopper carpenter. Jane, d. of John Hubback lab1. Ann, d. of y" late James Wilkinson lab1. Jane, d. of John Newton of Brome hall, lab1. Barbara, d. of Samuel Mac-muckle mason. Elisabeth, d. of George Mills weaver. Bobert, s. of Josex>h Dumell of Shinckliffe, Jab1. John, s. of John Dixon cordwainer. Elisabeth, d. of Matthew Woodi field weav1 ; born May 9. Sarah, d. of Bichard Bell lab1. William, s. of Wm Smith of Shin kliffe, lab1. John, s. of John Lyddal labourer. Margaret, d. of Wm Marshall cord wain1. Margaret, d. of Cuthbert Thompson of Stotgate. Stephen, s. of Stephen Bradley joiner. George, s. of George Hardy of Shinckliffe, taylor, born & bapt. Eobert, s. of M1 John Hopper of Shinckliffe; born Sep. 16. Michael, s. of James Smith lab1. John, s. of John Eamsey ('Adamson' erased) of Shin ckliffe, lab1. John, s. of John Eeah mason. Bobert, s. of Eobert Marston lab1. Ann, d. of John Pert barber. Thomas, s. of Thomas Kid tayler. William, s. of John Allen lab1. Andrew, s. of Andrew Melross cordwain1. Ann, d. of Wm Mills joiner. Elisabeth, d. of Nicholas Shuttle- worth, Esq. Mary, d. of Wm Pinkeney lab1. Jane, d. of Eichard Smith smith. George, s. of John Nicholson smith. Elisabeth, d. of Nicholas Lambton, Esq. ; born Dec. 31. Ann, d. of John Davison of Shinckliffe-mill. William, s. of Wm Hutchinson taylor. Catherine, d. of AUen Brown lab1. Thomas, s. of Mr Godfrey Didsbury attorney. MAEEIAGES. 1732. March 25. April 15. May 1. 4. June July Aug. 5! Oct. Nov.Dec. Feb. 22. 28. 31. 31. 23. 10. 4. 23. 5. 13. March 4. 1732. March 28. 29. 3. 12. 2. 3.7. 13. 20. 20. 11. 12.13. 30. 2. AprilMay June July 13. 17. 19. John Ebdon cordwainer & Alice Kemp. Francis Smith & Ann Shipley. Eichard Smith & Jane Morison. John Nicholson & Ann Holden. M1 Eob* Clifton & M18 Ann Norton widow. Wm Farnaby & Mary Parkin. Eichard Brown & Mary Orde. Mr Thomas Hornsby & Mr8 Thomasine Forster. Joseph Smith & Elisabeth Tittersea of Sunderland. Eobert Eemmer & Esther Eeed. John Hudson feMargaret Sheraton. Eobert Coulson & Ann Watson. Eichard Stoddart & Ann Harper of Washington parish. Thomas Teasdale & Ann Waller of Sunderland parish. Thomas Lyddall & Alice Carr. BUEIALS. Mre Frances Wall widow of S* Nic8 parish. Eobert Wall of S* Nich8 parish, cordwainer. Elisabeth Newton of Butterby- wood-head, widow. John Thompson jun1, sadler. Elisabeth, d. of Mr Tho. Dunn of S' Nic8 par., merch*. M1 Bichard Smith surgeon. Mls Mary Hutchinson. Bobert, s. of Joseph Dumell of Shinckliffe, lab1. Isabella Dixon spinster. John, bastards, of Elisabeth Hopper. Ellinor Hall, infant, base begot. Mr Wm Surtees of S* Nich8 parish. Joseph, s. of Mr Ingleby Thorp. Jane, d. of M1 Godfrey Didsbury. Frances Hebdon of S* Nich8 parish, widow. Christian, d. of Geo. Smith, Esq. of Burn-hall. Mrs Ann Thompson, widow of ye late M1 Christoph1 Thompson, Vicar of Hall-garth. Thomas Dods yeoman. Mary, wife George Corner of Sunderland bridge, mason. Ellinor, wife of Bobert Beah of S' Marg*'8 Chapplfy. 262 CHEISTENINGS, MAEEIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 1732. Sept. 6. Oct. Nov. jj Dec. Jan. Feb. 22. 4. 5. 23. 27. 29. 1. 23. 3. 10. 13. 17. 20.24. 29. 29. 4. 7. 8. 11. 12.13. 15. 15. 16. 20. March 6. 11. 19. 1733. March 25. 26 jj -ju- April 1 . 15. 15.20. Thomasin, wife of George Walker lab1. John, s. of Wm Lowden lab1. William, s. of Charles Martindale cordwain1'. Ann, d. of Nicholas Smith labr. Eichard Wybridge innkeeper. Bichard Anderson labourer. Mls Jane Fowler widow. Wm, s. of John Allen lab1. Ann, wife of Eichard Hutchinson. John Cook weaver. Ann, d. of Wm Clark labourer. Elisabeth, d. of Matthew Woodi field, weav1. Mr Cuthbert Steele. Elisabeth, wife of Eaiph Howe lab1. Mls Strickland widow. Mary Lax widow. Mr John Mensforth of S' Nich8 parish, attorney. Ann Hopper of S' Nich8 spinster. Ann Cook of Lanchester spinster. Barbara Hutchinson widow. Mary Bulmer. John, s. of ye late Wm Cowen malt- maker. M1 Thomas Errington of Croxdale, a popish priest. Elisabeth, wife of James Dawson lab1. Catherine, d. of Edwd Deboard innkeeper. Elisabeth, wife of John Baxter deceasd. Margaret Shields, an old maid. Elisabeth, wife of John Garry of S* Nich8 par., butcher. Frances, wife of George Stout lab1. Margaret, d. of James Nicholson yeoman. BAPTISMS parish, parish, Ann, d. of James Henderson taylor. Peter, s. of Thomas Taylor yeoman. Hannah, d. of Eobert Eobinson wheel-wright. Mary, d. of George Anderson mason. James, bastard s. of Elisabeth Hutchinson. Elisabeth, d. of George Vane, Esq. ; born Ap. 19. 1733. April 20. Jane, d. of Henry Murrah of Shin ckliffe, lab1. „ 29. Margaret, d. of Eobert White cordwain1. May 6. Bobert, s. of Eobert Woodifield weaver. ,, X5. Jane, d. of Jonathan White of BurnhaU, yeoman. ,, 23. John, s. of Thomas Shipley weavr. June 8. Elisabeth, d. of Joseph Stagg joiner. ,, 17. Susan, d. of George Jeffreyson of Shincliffe, smith. ,, 23. Margaret, cl. of Bichard Brown mason. ,, 23. Eichard, s. of Thomas White of Burn-hall. „ 24. John, s. of John Smith mason. July 15. John, s. of Edward Hopper carpenter. „ 22. Michael, s. of Michael Eickaby lab1. „ 24. Barbara, d. of Eichard Smith mason. ,, 29. Margaret, d. of Thomas Lyddal lab1. „ 30. John, s. of Edward Smith taylor. Aug. 14. Elisabeth, d. of Wm Carnaby innkeeper. „ 17. William, s. ofM1 John Hopper of Shinkliffe ; bom Aug8* 9. „ 17. Martin, s. of Eobert Mills tayler. ,, 17. James, s. of James Foster of Shin ckliffe, yeoman. ,, 19. Grace, d. of Nicholas Curry lab1. ,, 21. James, s. of Thomas Pattinson weaver. Sept. 4. Eobert, s. of Anthony Hall cordwain1. ,, 16. Jane, d. of Wm Young smith. ,, 19. Jane, d. of Thomas Eobinson joiner. Oct. 2. Catherine, d. of Joseph Dummel of Shinckliffe. ,, 4. Mary, d. of Cuthbert Brass singing man. „ 7. John, s. of Cuthbert Thompson of Stotgate. ,, 12.§ Ann, d. of Eichard Arrowsmith lab1. „ 28. Eobert, s. of W» Angle, serv* to Mr Vane. Nov. 7. Jane, bastard d. of Ann Eickaby. Dec. 23. John, s. of Matthew Woodifield weaver. „ 28. Mary, d. of Eobert Newham bread- baker. Feb. 26. Margaret, d. of Nich8 Lambton, Esq.; born Dec. 29. t § Might be 11 ; date has been altered. t Might be 20 ; date, at bottom of page, is worn. CHEISTENINGS, MAEEIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 263 1733. Dec. 30. Eobert, s. of Eichard Lowe mason. 30. Wm, s. of Wm Oyston labourer. Jan. 27. Elisabeth, d. of Eobert Ebdon cordw1. Feb. 24, Nicholas, s. of Nich8 Best of Shin kliffe, lab1. „ 24. Hannah, d. of Wm Lowden lab1. March 22. John, s. of John Newton of Brome hall, yeoman. „ 24. Bichard, s. of Bichard Lough borough cordwainer. MAEEIAGES. 1733. March 27. April May Thomas Embleton & Elizabeth Eden. Bobert Taylor & Joan Wilkinson of Witton parish. William Hudson & Elisabeth Fogget. Eobert Noble & Margaret Wheatley. George Carr & Mary Cock. Thomas Ebdon cordwain1 & Margaret Kay. Adam Dunlop barber & Frances Wybridge. George Eichardson & Ellinor Eobinson. John Crow & Ellinor Walker. John Chipchase & Elisabeth Shepherd. Adam Waters & Jane Eutlass. John Thompson & Esther Simpson of S' Helen Auckland. George Dobinson & Buth Young. John French & Mary Oharnley widow. § Edward Addison & Jane Henderson widow. M1 Eichard Smith, Thomas White, Eaiph Fisher, Eobert Cook, Church-wardens. June Aug. Sept.Oct.Nov.Dec. Jan.Feb. 31. 9. 2. 7. 16. 27. 15. 6. 24. 21. 27. 12. 1733. BUEIALS. 1733. March 30. Ann Ebdon widow. 30. Jane, d. of Wm Hornsby yeoman. April 2. Ellinor, wife of Eichd El wick glover. 17. Matthew, s. of Bichard El wick glover. 22. Elisabeth, wife of M1 Thomas Shirley. 23. Bichard, s. of James Eickaby wheel-wright. { Probably been i!4 ; edge of page worn. April 27. James Stokeld labr. jj 30. Jonathan Etherington dyer. May 2. Elisabeth, wife of Christopher Eales glover. jj 3. Elisabeth, d. of Geo. Vane, Esq. jj 18. Ann, wife of M1 John Byerly. June 15. Jane, wife of M1' Eaiph Shadforth barber. Aug. 6. John, s. of Edward Smith taylor. 55 14. John Eichardson of Shinckliffe, lab1. 55 23. Ccecilia, wife of Thomas Pattinson weaver. 55 26. James Dunn, an old beggar. 55 28. Cuthbert Jopling smith. Sept. 4. Mary Webster of S' Nich8 parish, widow. JJ 5. Mary, wife of Dr Wm Howard. Oct. 2. John Morland, Esq. 5J 3. Ann Barber, a stranger. 55 13. Euth, d. of Eobert Eobinson wheel-wright. JJ 28. Eobert Squire ; drown'd near Butterby. 55 30. Mary, d. of Eaiph Hedley. Nov. 20. Jane Southern widow. 11 26. Elisabeth Teasdale of Brome. Dec. 10. Ann, wife of M1 Shirley sen1. Jan. 12. Margaret, wife of Bob* Bell of Shinckliffe. 55 20. Barbara Poulson widow. 55 29. WiUiam, s. of Wm Hutchinson tayler. Feb. 7. Mary Hildraith of Sunderland- bridge, widow. 55 15. Bobert, s. of M1 John Hopper of Shinckliffe. 55 19. Margaret, d. of Eobert White cordwain1'. 11 20. John Stout butcher. )) 21. Dr Charles Ashenden. 55 24. Jonathan, s. of John Hubbethorn of Old Durham. 51 28. Frances, wife of Thomas Weemes jun1'. March 3. Hannah, wife of John Hubbethorn of Old Durham. 55 3. Matthew, s. of John Hubbethorn of Old Durham. 11 3. Thomas Weemes jun1 11 4. John Hodshon. 11 9. Jane Anderson widow. 11 10. Mary, cl. of ye late Mr Jn Baxter. [This entry erased, which the next- entry appears to explain.] 55 10. Mary, d. of John Snowden of Baxter-wood. 264 1733. March 15. CHEISTENINGS, MAEEIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 1734. April 12. 13.15. 16. 21.21. 26. 28. 28.28. 29. May June July Aug. Sept. 55 J5 Oct. 555i Nov. William Smith, singing-man inye Cathedral. BAPTISMS. William, s. of Hugh Dixon tayler. George, bastard s. of Hannah Thompson. Elisabeth, d. of John Brown cordwain1". Margaret, d. of John Allen labourer. Elisabeth, d. of John Duffield sadler. John, s. of Joseph Hobson cordwainer. Margaret, bastard d. of Elisabeth Hopper. John, s. of Thomas Orde of Shin ckliffe, lab1'. William, s. of Wm Cowen malt- maker. James, s. of James Turner mariner. Anthony, s. of Anthony Skelton of Brome-head, yeoman. 2. Samuel, s. of Samuel Bawkins soldier. 14. Frances, cl. of John Pickering barber. 2. Alexander, s. of Eichard Eobinson soldier. 3. Jane, d. of John Sikes whitesmith. 23. John, s. of Wm Marshall cordwain1. 30. Thomas, s. of Thomas Bell painter. 3. John, s. of Bobert Eamshaw malster. 7. Barbara, d. of George Simm soldier. 5. Nicolas, s. of Nicolas Shuttle- worth Esq. 5. Bobert, s. of Eobert Marston labourer. 11. James, s. of James Eickaby wheel wright. 11. Ann, d. of Wm Dixon taylor. 11. Elisabeth, d. of Wm Attock soldier. 31. Ann, d. of Thomas Ebdon cord wain1-. 1 . William, s. of John Dodds labourer. 14. John, bastard s. of Jane Pickering. 18. Mary, d. of John Dale baker. 10. Jane, d. of Mr Eobert Chipchase. 20. Mary, bastard d. of Jane Tayler. 24. Ellinor, d. of Wm Thompson of Shin ckliffe, lab1. 3. Thomasin, d. of Andrew Mailross cordwain1. 14. Jane, d. of Eobert White cordwain1. 17. Ann, d. of Thomas Shipley weav1. Nov. 29. 55 30. Dec 1. 55 14. 55 22. 55 27. Jan. 5. J5 5. 11 20. 11 21. Feb. 16. 22 March 3 1 Elisabeth, d. of John Davison of Shinckliffe mill. William, s. of Wm Mills joiner. Ann, d. of John Hubback lab1. Ann, d. of Wm Carnaby innkeeper. Ann, d. of Samuel Muckle mason. Stephen, s. of Bobert Paxton joiner. Thomas, s. of Stephen Murray labourer. Jane, d. of Pexall Pringle smith. George, s. of Mark Hopper carpenter. James, s. of John Duffield sadler, John, s. of Thomas Kidd tayler. 3.* Jane, d.of Thomas Tayler of Alder nage, yeoman. Eobert, s. of Bob* Marley of Alton- stile, jiitman. Helen, cl. of Henry Murray of Shin ckliffe. William, s. of Godfrey Didsbury attorney. 1734. MayJune jj Oct. 9. 4. 11. 6. 20. Nov. 14. Jan. 28. 1734. March i April 31. 1. 5. 9. 13. 15. 17. 18. 21. 22. MAEEIAGES. Wm Lilly & Margaret Hopper. Thomas Lax & Elisabeth Vasey. Edward Hercules & Barbara Bell. Eobert Hedley joiner & Jane Eobinson. John Mackinhem Scotsman & Jane Gordon. Eobert Bell of Shinckliffe, weav1, & Hannah Blakelock. Thomas Eashell & Margaret Brown. Thomas Grey & Margaret Preacher. BUEIALS. John Bradley. John Atkinson miliar. Thomas Newby schoolmaster. Eichard, s. of Bichard How cord wain1'. Ann Lyddall. Eichard, s. of Bobert Marston lab1. Elisabeth, d. of Nicolas Lambton, Esq. Barbara, d. of Samuel Mac-muckle mason. Hannah, d. of John Iveson labourer. William, s. of Hugh Dixon tayler. Ann, d. of Joseph Alderson fuller. * Sic. CHEISTENINGS, MAEEIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 265 1734. April 22. May 9. 9. 24. June 10.10.13. 16. July Sept. Oct. Nov. De Jan. jj Feb. 24. 7. 10. 19. 20.30. 2. 9. 11.14. 17. 24. 30. 14. 23.27. 28. 15. 24.26. 2. 10. 13.17. 26. 13. 19. 2. 6. Elisabeth, d. of John Duffield, sadler. John, s. of James Sewell of Shinckliffe-moorhouse. WiUiam Paxton joiner. Jane, d. of Nich8 Lambton Esq. George, s. of George Vane Esq. Sarah, d. of Abraham Hilton tayler. William Davison whitesmith William Pinkney labourer. Tryphena, wife of George Andrew of Shinckliffe. Eobert Darnton of Sunderland- bridge. M18 Wainwright widow. Nicolas Marshall cordwainer. Elisabeth Taylor. Eosamond, wife of John Nelson. Mary Walker of Shinckliffe. Ann, d. of Thomas Ebdon cord wain1. Mary Hixon widow. Hannah, d. of Bob' Eobinson wheelwright. Jane Pickering. Elisabeth, d. of Eobert Ebdon cordwain1. Elisabeth Eeed widow. Helen Paterson spinster. William Kirkley sen1, tayler. John Crisp of Shinckliffe, thatcher. William, s. of Geo. Smith of Burn- hall, Esq. Ellinor, wife of Charles Martindale cordw1. Ellinor Gainforth widow. Jane, d. of Eobert White cord wain1. M1 John Wilkinson. M18 Forcer, widow of ye late John Forcer, Esq., was buried in ye Chappel at Harbour House. Mrs Elisabeth Midford. WiUiam Boper of S' Nic8 parish. George, s. of George Hardy tayler. Margaret Park, housekeeper at Croxdale. M18 Elisabeth Dixon, widow of ye late Mr David Dixon, attorney at law. Bobert Withrop of S' Nich8 par* cordwain1. Bobert Waterman cordwain1. Elisabeth GreenweU widow. Nicholas, s. of Nicholas Best lab1. 1734. Feb. 9. 19. 22. March 17. 1735. April 6. 7. 8. 13. 13.14. 19. 29. 6. 10. 26. 1. 3. 29. 6. 10. May June July 12.16. Aug. 10.19. 17. Sept. 10.11. 17. 20. 21.23. M18 Morland, widow of John Mor- ' land, Esq. John Young weaver. Hannah, d. of Wm Lowden labr. Elisabeth Bulmer. WiUiam, s, of Wm Oyston labr. BAPTISMS. Thomas, s. of James Sewell of Shinckliffe-moor-house. Margaret, d. of Hugh Dixon tayler. Jane, d. of Thomas Embleton of Shinckliffe. Margaret, d. of Wm Angle, servant to Mr Vane. William, s. of William Farrow labr. William Lilley, s. of Wm Lilley innkeeper. Margaret, d. of James Nicholson yeoman. Ann, d. of John Wheeler black smith. John, s. of Eobert Bell jun1 of Shinckliffe, lab1. Elisabeth, d. of Edward Hercules taylor. John, s. of John Pert barber. Jane, d. of John Smith mason. Baiph, s. of John Bamsay of Shinckliffe, labourer. Margaret, d. of Joseph Stagg joiner. Elisabeth, d. of John Beah mason. Lancelot, s. of Lancelot Salkeld jun1. Ann, d. of Edward Heslop lab1. John, s. of John Nicholson smith. Bobert, s. of George Jeffreyson of Shinckliffe. John, s. of Bobert Eobinson wheel-wright. George, s. of William Smith of Fare-well-hall, lab1. Margaret, d. of Eobert Ebdon cordwainer. George, s. of George Anderson mason. John, s. of John Saunders soldier. Thomas, s. of Bobert Bell sen1. Elisabeth, d. of Anthony Lyons soldier. George, s. of John Iveson labourer. Ann, d. of George Temple, a stroller. 2o 266 CHEISTENINGS, MAEBIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 1735. Sept. 22.* Isable, d. of M1 Anthony Wilkin son. Nov. 9. Mary, d. of Eob* Salkeld of Belly. „ 21. Each el, d. of Thomas Marvel soldier. 23. Jane, d. of Thomas White of Old Burn-hall. Dec. 8. Thomas, s. of Eichd Smith mason. Jan. 3. Bobert, s. of Michael Morpeth lab1. „ 6. Ann, d. of Thomas Eobinson joiner. „ 20. Isable, d. of Wm Matherson labourer. „ 22. Eobert, s. of Thomas Ebdon cord wainer. 23. Mary, d. of Eobert Mills of Shin ckliffe, tayler. „ 25. Mary, d. of Nich8 Best of Shin ckliffe. „ 26. EUinor, d. of Cuthbert Brass singing-man. Feb. 8. Edward, s. of Edward Hopper carpenter. ,, 10. John, s. of Eichard Lowe mason. ,, 13. Eobert, s. of Mr Eobert Chipchase. ,, 15. Adam, s. of Wm Oyston of Shin ckliffe, lab1. „ 17. Margaret, bastard d. of Ann Thomson. March 2. Humphrey, s. of Nicholas Shuttle- worth, Esq. ,, 3. John, s. of Cuthbert Andrew of Shinckliffe, weaver. 13. Elisabeth, d. of M1 John Hopper of Shinkliffe. „ 13. Eleonor, d. of James Smith lab1. „ 19. William, s. of William Chilton smith. ,, 23. William, s. of Andrew Matherson lab1. „ 24. Ann, d. of William Young smith. John Sikes, Thomas Hewitt, Thomas Embleton, Churchwardens. MAEBIAGES. 1735. May 3. Alexander Maxwell & Elisabeth Bradford. „ 25. John Euffatt & Margaret Foster. „ 26. William Chilton smith & Jane Brown. June 3. Mark Brough & Ann Ushaw of Monk- wearmouth. * Sic. 1735. June 12. Nov. Feb. 8. 15.20.29. 9.* 6. 1735. March 29. April 8. 9. MayJune Aug. Sept. Oct. Nc 11. 1. 2. 10. 15. 9. 17. 18. 28. 30. 5. 9. 22. 13.18. Mr Thomas Maddison of Sunder land & Ann Moor. Thomas Grainger & Frances Bip- pon of Ash parish. John Adamson & Ann Brown of Auckland parish. Thomas Pratt & Mary Bell, both of Chester parish. Thomas Holmes & Jane Eowell. Michael Morpeth & Margaret Eeah. John Jackson & Eleanor Wood, both of Hesleden parish. BUEIALS. Matthew Marshall labr. John Shield skinner. Frances Wybridge widow. 11. Sarah, d. of Wm Taylor of Shin ckliffe. 12. Ann, d. of William Henderson tayler. 13. George, s. of George Spencer cordwain1. 20. Elisabeth Dixon widow. 24. Eobert, s. of Mr Eobert Dixon apothecary. 29. Ann Harrison widow. 21. Eichard Wybridge junr, innkeeper. 1. Isabella, d. of Joseph Thomson of S* Nic8 parish. 10. Isable, wife of Charles Douglass tayler. Eobert, s. of Mr John Hopper of Shinckliffe. Ann Shotton. Jane, wife of Eobert Hedley joiner. Mary, wife of Wm Crake lab1'. John, s. of Elias Smith soldier. Dorothy Hutchinson of Sunder land bridge. Hannah, wife of John Dixon cord wainer. Thomas, s. of Eichd Lowe mason. George Nesom of Shinckliffe, lab1. Ann Kidd widow. Ann, d. of ye late James Wilkin son lab1'. Michael, s. of James Smith lab1. Thomas, s. of Thomas Bell painter. Jane, d. of John Dodds lab1. Thomas Hopper of S* Nich8 parish, dyer. CHEISTENINGS, MAEBIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 267 1735. Nov. 20. Henry Trear of S' Nich8 parish, pewterer. Dec. 3. Ann, d. of Joseph Thompson chandler. „ 4. Margaret, widow of yc late Mr Wm Thompson, Vicar of Pittington. „ 17. WiUiam, s. of Wm Farrow lab1. Jan. 4. Eobert, s. of Michael Morpeth lab1. 7. Hannah, wife of Wm Clark labr. „ 16. Margaret, d. of Andrew Mellross. „ 18. Elisabeth, d. of John Brown cord wain1. ,, 22. Isable Nicholson widow. Feb. 1. Elisabeth, wife of Bobert Bam- shaw innkeeper. „ 2. Baiph Marshall currier. ,, 25. John, s. of Eobert Marston lab1. ,, 25. Bobert Young nail-maker, aged above 80. „ 26. Thomas Craggs lab1'. 27. William Thomson of Shinckliffe, lab1. March 2. Wm, s. of Wm Tayler of Shinckliffe, lab1. ,, 10. Ann, wife of Nich8 Currey lab1. „ 10. Mary, d. of Eobert Salkeld. „ 25. Elisabeth, d. of Eobert Salkeld. John Sikes, Tho. Hewitt, Tho. Embleton, Churchwardens. BAPTISMS. 1736. March 20. April May June July 3. i . 14. 16. 25. 9. 22.26. 30. 6. 11. 28. 18. Thomas, s. of Matthew Woodi field weaver. John, s. of John Euffat labourer. Elisabeth, d. of Alexander Donkin soldier. Mary, d. of Stephen Bradley joiner. Lancelot, s. of John Newton of Brome-hall. Jane, d. of Joseph Slater white smith. William, s. of M1 Jonathan Tyzack of Newcastle. Eleanor, d. of George Vane, Esq. Eichard, s. of Thomas Bell painter. Edward, s. of Wm Lowden lab1. Mary, d. of Eichard Brown mason. Margaret, d. of Andrew Mellross cordwain1. Elisabeth, d. of John Brown cord wain1. John, s. of John Dodds labourer. 1736. July 18. Jane, d. of John Adamson of Shin ckliffe, lab1. „ 20. John, s. of John Crow labourer. „ 29. Mary, d. of Andrew Burnet of Shinckliffe-miln. Aug. 13. John, s. of John Dale baker. ,, 14. Eichard, s. of Richard Holmes of Brome. Sept. 6. Thomas, s. of Eobert White cord wainer. „ 13. Margaret, cl. of John Bell tayler. „ 15. Elisabeth, d. of William Gordon vagrant. „ 21. Sarah, d. of M1 Eichard Hirdman merchant. „ 26. Margaret, d. of Wm Kirkley tayler. Nov. 16. Elisabeth, d. of Michael Morpeth of Brome, lab1. ,, 27. Luke, s. of Lancelot Salkeld jun1, yeoman. Dec. 8. Jane, bastard d. of Margaret Walker. ,, 10. William, s. of William Carnaby innkeeper. 12. Isable, d.'of Wm Mills joiner. ,, 27. Joseph, s. of Joseph Watson of Farewell-hall, yeoman. Jan. 6. Charles, s. of Thomas Orde of Shinckliffe, yeoman. ,, 9. Barbara, d. of' Edward Herculas tayler. ,, 12. Elisabeth, d. of Eichard Lough borough cordwain1. ,, 1 6. Thomas, s. of James Sewell of Shinckliffe-moorhouse. „ 31. John, s. of Benjamin Cowper lab1. Feb. 3. Elisabeth, cl. of Anthony Skelton of Brome. 3. Thomas, s. of Thomas Grey of Brome. „ 6. Stephen, s. of James Nicholson of Farewell-hall. „ 6. Thomas, s. of Thomas Taylor of Aldernage. „ 13. Daniel, s. of John Mackinhem Scotsman. „ 19. Joseph, s. of Joseph Smith of Stotgate, yeoman. ,, 24. Eobert, s. of Eobert Eamshaw inn keeper. „ 26. Thomas & John, twins, sons of James Eickaby wheel-wright. „ 27. Jane, d. of Bob' Lamb of Shin ckliffe-moorhouse. 268 CHEISTENINGS, MAEEIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 1736. March 2. 23. Thomas, s. of Mr MascaU Brass. George, s. of John Little tayler. MAEEIAGES. 1736. May jj June July Aug. Sept. 1111 Dec Feb. 20.27. 8. 30. 9. 29. 4. 16. 23. 27.20. 1736. April 18. May 26. 11. 12. 15.15. 23.24. June July Aua 20.21.23. 14. 17.19. 25.30. 12. 17. 22. William Gainford & Margaret Harrison. Francis Blackett & Jane Tate. Bob' Lamb of Shinckliffe-moor- house & Eliz. Todd. Mr John Matthews & M18 Frances Addison. George Floter cordwain1 & Eliz* Young. Edward Preston & Eliz. Spur widow. James Watson joiner & Isable Dodds. Samuel Sheels & Margaret Wright. Mr Thomas Hunter & M18 Frances Morland. John ("Thomas" erased) Hind & Margaret Delicate of Stockton. John Mitchell & Ann Hutchinson. BUEIALS. John Morpeth of Brome, labr. Mrs Elisabeth Paxton. Eliz. Best of Shinckliffe, widow. Thomas, s. of Thomas Sewell of Shincliffe. Elizh, d. of Mr Hopper of Shin ckliffe. Wm, s. of M1 Jonathan Tyzack, Eliz., d. of M1 MascaU Brass. George, s. of Wm Lough of Shin ckliffe. Alice, wife of Eobert Salkeld yeoman. William Kell of Sunderland bridge, lab1. Mary Dods widow. Ann Atkinson widow. Mary Hood spinster. Mary, wife of W skinner. Mary Perkins spinster. Thomas, s. of Luke Salkeld butcher. Eobert Parkin nailor. Ann, wife of Eaiph Bilton wheel wright. Mary Clark. Elisabeth Smith widow. John, s. of John Dale baker. Grainger 1736 Aug. 27. Sept. 55 Oct. 21. 26. 5. 55 Nov. 31. 2. 55 '5 16. 29. Dec 19. 5555 23. 24. 55 Jan. 25. 9. 55 55 10.11. 55 14. *5 19. 55 26. 55 29. Feb. 2. ii 4. 5555 5 5 4. 11. 13. 55 22. 5) 25. March 1. 11. 11. 18. 1737. March 28. April 10. 10. 21. 24. John Davison, from Sunderland bridge, lab1. Henry Avis labourer. Nicholas Thompson white smith. Mrs Jane Carnaby spinster. Elisabeth Harper widow. Jane, d. of John Adamson of Shinckliffe, labr. Elisabeth, d. of Michael Morpeth. John Brown cordwainer. Frances Todd spinster. Margaret Brown widow. Mary Brown, widow of Matthew Brown mason. Jane, wife of John Dale baker. M1 Francis Panton. George Harrison labourer. Ann, d. of John Hunter of Shin cliffe, lab1'. John Ghent, servant to M1 Smith of Burn-hall. William Breekes lab1. M18 Elisabeth Forster widow, aged 95. Jane Wellford widow; from Butterby. M18 Elisabeth Boper spinster of S' Nic8 parish. Bobert Jeffreyson of Shinckliffe, yeoman. Sarah, wife of Benjamin Cowper. John, s. of Benjamin Cowper. Bobert Stobbert smith. George Orde labourer. Margaret, wife of Eobert Bamshaw innkeeper. John Pickering of Southern Closes. Thomas & John, twin-sons of James Eickaby. Ann, widow of Wm Douglass yeo man. Ann, d. of Joseph Stagg joiner. Catherine, d. of John White parish-clerk. BAPTISMS. John, s. of Henry [Marshall singing man. Thomas, s. of William Gainford mason. Jane, d. of John Eeah mason. George, s. of George Floter cord wainer. Mary, d. of John Pert barber. CHEISTENINGS, MAEEIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 269 1737 May 15. jjJ5 22. 22. J5 JJ 29. 30. June 19. 55 19. July 3. 11 55 Aug. 7. 15. 8. »5 55 14. 28. JJ Sept. 29. 11. Oct. 8. 55 9. 1111 9. 11. 1111 Nov. 55 17. 19. 4. 6. JJ 6. 55 15. 11 19. 11 27. Dec. J5 Jan. 22. 27. 6. 55 15. Feb. 11. March 9. 17. Margery, d. of George Harrison labourer. John, s. of George Hewitt taylor. Dorothy, d. of Bartholomew Brown mill-wright. Dinah, d. of Thomas Kid tayler. Ann, d. of M1 Godfrey Didsbury attorney. Mark, s. of Mark Ainsley of Aldernage, yeoman. Ann, d. of Willm Humble of Old Durham, recd into Church. Elisabeth, d. of Eobert Marston labourer. Jane, d. of Nich8 Burdon weaver. Margaret, d. of John Fairbarn lab1. Jonathan, s. of Jonathan White of BurnhaU. Mary, d. of Pexall Pringle smith. Margaret, d. of Francis Blackett joiner. Ann, d. of John Sikes whitesmith. John, s. of Mark Hopper car penter. Eleanor, d. of Bob' Bell jun1 of .Shinckliffe. Elisabeth, d. of Francis Middleton mason. William, s. of Wm Williamson lab1. Ann, d. of Cuthbert Andrew of Shincliffe, weav1. Mark, s. of John Euffett ostler. Arthur, s. of John Smith mason. John, s. of Wm Eowell, a stranger. James, s. of Andrew Matherson lab1. Mary, d. of Bob' Stephenson of Brome. Palmer, s. of Henry Murray of Shinckliffe. Elisabeth, d. of John Nicholson smith. George, s. of George Jeffreyson of Shinckliffe, smith. Thomas, bastard s. of Jane Hedley. Mary, d. of James Watson joiner. Anthony, s. of Michael Morpeth lab1. John, s. of Thomas Hunter, Esq., born & bapt. Mark, s. of Edward Hopper carpenter. James, s. of John Heslop barber. George, s. of Joseph Ayre smith. 2p 1737, March Oct. John 17. Miriam, d. of John Adamson of Shincliffe. 19. Margaret, d. of Bob' Bell sen1 of Shincliffe. 8. Mary, bastard d. of Alice Preacher. Marshall, Wm Carnaby, Churchwardens. MAEEIAGES. May 2. George Cairns labr & Joan Eobinson. 5J 31. William WUhamson & Isable Peniton. June 8. John Dale baker & Mary Maud. )5 16. Mr John Barrass & Mre Frances Hendry. Sept. 8. Matthew Foster tayler & Mary Punshon. 55 24. Cuthbert Ord & Mary Dickins of Bishopton parish. Dec. 13. John Eichardson & MaryButledge. Jan. 3. Peter Brass joiner & Thomasin Smith. Feb. 173 22. 7 Wm Smith of Newcastle & Sophia Starfoot. BUEIALS. March 29. 30.30.30. April Faith Bell of Shinckliffe, spinster. M18 Lydia Martin, widow of M1 Jn Martin. M1 Thomas Shirley sen1. Elisabeth, widow of John Smith joiner. Jane, wife May June 10. 24.25. 1. 11. 12. 13.15. 5. 10. 10. 11. Henry Marshall of Shinckliffe, John Thompson of singingman. James Foster yeoman. Mary, whe of silversmith. John Gladson, a stranger, from Sunderldbridge. George, s. of John Little taylor. John, s. of John Snowden yeoman. Jane, d. of John Eeah mason. Eobert Smales labourer. Arthur Smith mason. EUinor Weemes widow. William, s. of Wm Lough of Shinkliffe. Edward, s. of Edwd Debord innkeeper. Ann Jefferson of Shinckliffe, widow. 270 CHEISTENINGS, MAEBIAGES, AND BUEIALS. June 27. July 2. j» 18. 55 18. JJ 20. 11 20. 11 21. JJ 22. 5J 22. J5 24. JJ 26. 55 28. 55 30. 5J 31. Aug. 6. 55 10. JJ 29. Sept. 9. JJ 11. 5J 19. 5J 23. JJ 26. Oct. 1. 55 1. 5J 10. »J 10. 17 10. 11 14. 11 14. 11 14. 11 23. 17 23. J5 24. J) 24. 55 26. 11 26. Elisabeth, wife of Wm Taylor of Shinckliffe, lab1. Lucy, d. of Mr Tho. Philipson. Elisabeth, wife of Mr Tho. Brasse. Thomas, s. of Eichard Smith mason. Jane, d. of John Newton of Brome hall. Wm, s. of Wm Carnaby, infant. Margaret, bastard daught1 of Ann Thomson. John, s. of John Bird painter. John, s. of Eichard Fleetam weaver. George, s. of Wm Carnaby inn keeper. Ann, wife of John Wybridge cordwain1. Wm, s. of Godfrey Didsbury attorney. Sarah, d. of Baiph Harrison butcher. Mary, d. of Cuthb' Winter glazier. Bobert, s. of Thomas Ebdon cord wain1. Margery, d. of George Harrison lab1. Margery, widow of Bob' Parkin naylor. Dinah, d. of Thomas Kid tayler. Elisabeth, d. of ye Bevd M1 Bob' Blakiston. Ann, d. of ye Eevd M1 Salkeld. Mls Margaret Middleton widow. Ann Ditchburn widow. M18 Ellinor Jackson widow. Frances Kidness widow. Ann, d. of ye late Simon Hobson lab1. Wm, s. of Wm Williamson lab1. James Buchanon, an infant & stranger. M18 Shield, widow of Mr John Shield. George & Eoger, twins of Elias Graham. John, s. of Wm Mowbray lab1. Elisabeth, wife of Matthw Woodi field sen1. George, s. of George Floter cord wain1. Elisabeth Dunn, an aged widow. Isable, wife of Wm Williamson labr. Margaret, wife of M1 John Busby. Alice, d. of Mr James Lambton barber. 1737 Oct. 27. 5J 27. 55 27. Nov. 1. jj 4. 55 10. J) 14. 11 28. 11 30. Dec 4. 55 5. 11 11. 11 16. Jan. 1. 55 13. JJ 18. Feb. 2. JJ 4. 5J 8. 51 9. 55 9. 11 14. 55 14. Mary, wife of John Foster, tayler. John Foster tayler. Elisabeth, wife of Mark Haswell. Buth, d. of Thomas Bowman gard'ner. Alice, wife of Wm Hood pedlar. Fenwick, s. of Edwd Foster of Sunderld bridge. Dorothy, wife of Andw Burnet of Shinckliff-miU. Samuel Muckle mason. John Brice taylor. Nicholas Palmer mason. Elisabeth, wife of Philip Young barber. John Hardy labourer. M18 Catharine Smith, widow of John Smith of Leckford, Esq, Wm Dodds clerk of Croxdale. Dorothy Baimbridge widow. Mary, d. of Pexall Pringle. John ('Thomas' erased), s. of Thomas Hunter Esq. M1 Nicho! as Paxton attorney at law. Dorothy Jobling. William Crake lab1. Thomas Dawson cordwainer. Mary, d. of Philip Pearson labr. Elisabeth, whe of Bobert Farrow weav1. Mary, d. of Bob' Stephenson of Brome, lab1. Humphrey, s. of Humphrey Darn ton smith. Elisabeth Eickaby spinster. John Lamb Esq. died at Shin ckliffe & burd at Chester. Emma, wife of Mark Hopper car penter. John Marshall, Wm Carnaby, churchwardens. March 10. 10.16. 16. BAPTISMS. 1738. March 25. April 4. 12.19. 21. 26. May 3. George, s. of John Little tayler. John, bastard son of John Watson yeoman. Elisabeth, d. of Wm Dixon taylor. Eobert, s. of Eobert Ebdon cord wainer. Thomas, s. of Eichard Smith mason. Adam, s. of John Bamshaw of Shinckliffe, labr. Elisabeth, d. of Thomas White of BurnhaU, yeoman. CHEISTENINGS, MAEEIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 271 1738. May 10. »j 10. jj 10. jj 17. jj 21. jj 21. 11 28. June 18. jjjj 25.26. jj 27. July J5 10. 30. Aug. 6. JJ 13. 11 15. JJ 18. JJ JJ J5 20. 22. 30. Sept. 24. 55 24. Oct. 17. Nov. 26. 5J 28. JJ 29. Dec. 4. JJ 8. JJit 8. 10. Jan, Charles, s. of Charles Just of Shin ckliffe. WiUiam, s. of Thomas Lister of Shinckliffe. Elisabeth, d. of Eobert Lamb of Shinkliffe. George, s. of Eobert Eobinson wheel-wright. Thomas, s. of Thomas Turner hardware-man. George, s. of James Bowman of Aldernage, gard'ner. William, s. of Thomas Salkeld of Brome, lab1. Joseph, s. of Joseph Stagg joiner. Ann, d. of Matthew Foster taylor. WUliam, s. of Cuthbert Brass singing-man. Ann, d. of John Ebdon cordwain1. John, s. of John Bulmer labourer. Thomas, s. of Thomas Ebdon cord wainer. Peter, s. of Wm Mileston of Shin kliffe, lab1. Hamilton, s. of Isable Savage, a stranger. Elizabeth, d. of John Wheatley of Shinckliffe. William, s. of Wm Matherson labourer. Jane, d. of Thomas Smith labourer. Ann, d. of William Clark labourer. Dorothy, d. of ye Eevd M1 John Salkeld. Eobert, s. of Eobert White cord wainer. Ann, d. of George Anderson mason. Elisabeth, d. of John Eichardson joiner. Elisabeth, d. of Lancelot Salkeld yeomn. Thomas, s. of Bichard Heathart of Brome-hall. Jane, d. of Henry Marshall singing man. Ambrose, s. of John Featherstone joiner. Elisabeth, bastard d. of Ellinor Hodgson. John, s. of Peter Brass joiner. Mary, d. of Andrew Mellross cord wain1. James, s. of James Sewell of Shin- ckliffe-moor-house. Mary, d. of Thomas Bell painter. 1738. Jan. Feb. March 1738. April MayJune jj JulySept. Dec. Jan. March 14. 21. 28. 30. 7. 13. 18. 1. 4. 1. 2. 9. 27. 28. 12. 13. 31. 2. 17. 25. 3. 30. 14. 3. 6. Margaret, d. of Nich8 Best of Shin kliffe, lab1. William, bastard s. of Jane Nichol son & John Hutton. Eobert, s. of George Floter cord wainer. Jane, d. of John Mackenham vagrant. Eaiph, s. of Eobert Stephenson of Brome, lab1. Joseph, s. of William Gainford mason. William, bastard s. of Eliz. Franklin. Ann, d. of Wm Chilton smith. John, s. of Henry Wilson lab1. Ann, d. of Gilbert Burn gardiner. MAEEIAGES. Andrew Burnet miliar & Mary Hodgson. Christopher Gibbons & Barbara Eobinson. William Jubb & Jane Noble widow of S' Nich8, Newcastle. Eobert Salkeld & Jane Greenside of Dalton. John Lightfoot & Mary Watson. Samuel Bateman & Sarah Brumell. Henry Wilson & Mary Laing. Thomas Lane & Frances Mitchell. John Eickaby tayler & Ann Muckle. John Wilson & Thomasin Tayler, both of Houghton par*. Edward Mounteney & Elisabeth Forster. Thomas Grieve of Whitburn par* & Ann Frett. Eaiph Linton & Elisabeth Maria, both of Newcastle. John Lawson & Mary Thompson. Baiph Smith & Dorothy Wood. William Eobinson & Eliz* Francklin. BUEIALS. 1738. March jj April 25. 27. 3.4. George Jeffreyson smith. Ann, widow of John Simpson smith. Elisabeth Thompson, infant. Hannah, d. of Joseph Eyre of y" Paper mill. 272 CHEISTENINGS, MAEEIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 1738 April 10. 11 21. n 23. n 23. ii 26. 51 30. May 7. 55 8. 55 17. :i 17. 11 2/ JJ 21. 55 21. 55 23. tl 26. 55 31. June 2, 51 18. J5 20. 55 24. 55 27. July 22. 55 29. Aug. 1. JJ 1. Jl 13. 55 26. 55 26. Sept. 1. '5 7. 51 8. 11 10. 11 19. 11 30. Oct. 9. M 15. 15 20. 11 20. ?) 21. 15 23. 11 27. Nov. 13. »i 25. Mary, d. of John Peart barber. William Wheatley, late of Shin ckliffe, yeom11. Mary, d. of Joseph Eyre of ye paper mill. Eobert, s. [of] John Eichardson cordwainer. Elisabeth Frett of Stotgate, spinster. Elisabeth, d. of Wm Dixon tayler. Mary, wife of Wm Lee of Brome. Esther, wife of John Little tayler. Elisabeth, d. of John Pickering tayler. Margaret, d. of Francis Blacket joiner. Ann, wife of Tho. Simpson of Shin ckliffe. Thomas Simpson of Shinckliffe. George, s. of John Little tayler. Grace, wife of Jonathan White of BurnhaU. Jane Crisp of Shinckliffe, widow. Eobert Eoper of S* Nich8 parish. Elisabeth, wife of Tho. Kid lab1. John, s. of Mark Hopper joiner. Arthur, s. of John Smith mason. Elisabeth, d. of Francis Middleton mason. John Smith mason. Ann, wife of Philip Foster taylor. Jane Todd spinster. Lucy, d. of M1" Wm Darnell. Matthew, s. of Wm Oliver lab1. Martin Best. Ann Pattison spinster. Jane, d. of Tho. Smith lab1. Dorothy, d. of Mr Alderman Dunn. Elisabeth, wife of Charles Winter of Awckld. Robert Mills of Shinckliffe, tayler. Mary, d. of John Dale baker. Ann, d. of John Eales glover. Catherine, widow of Cuthbert Heron Esq. Ann, d. of Wm Carnaby innkeeper. M18 Eliz* Hutchinson widow. William Oard mason. Ann Eichardson of Brome, widow. Eobert Smith cordwainer. Lancelot Salkeld yeoman. John Dansey, serv' to Mr Salvin. Thomas Dods, a taylor's apprentice. Elisabeth, wife of M1 Wm Darnell. ? Sic. Dec 19. Ann Paxton widow. 55 20. Mr Giles Eain, alderman. JJ 20. Elisabeth, wife of Thomas Middle - ton labr. 11 22. Ann, d. of Bob' Lamb labr. 11 25. Dorothy Bell widow. 11 25. John Mariner tayler. a 28. Jane Marshall widow. ii 30. Isable Andrew of Shinckliffe, widow. ii 30. Jane Whitfield widow. Jan. 9. Ann Paterson widow. Feb. 8. Mrs Jane Youick widow. n 26. M1 George Conyers of Laton. jj 27. Dorothy, d. of Mr Salkeld. March 2. Elisabeth, wife of Bob' Wilkinson innkeeper. 5J 8. Thomas Holland cobler. BAPTISMS. 17QQ April 8. Matthew, s. of John Bland of Shinckliffe, lab1. 11 11. Eobert, s. of John Eeah mason. 11 22. Bryan, s. of Bichard Loughborough cordwain1. 11 29. Jane, d. of Wm Mills joiner. May 4. Dorothy, d. of Wm Young smith. J5 4. Mark, s. of John Lawson of Shin keliffe. J5 6. Mary, d. of Wm Dixon tayler. Jt 9. Elisabeth, d. of Thomas Tayler of Aldernage, yeom11. 55 13. William, s. of Stephen Bradley joiner. 11 13. Frances, d. of George Harrison lab1. 71 13. Margery, d. of George Hewitt taylor. 55 14. John, s. of Thomas Turner hard ware-man. 55 20. John, s. of William Lowden lab1. 55 20. Baiph, s. of Thomas Atkinson of Herd-house, yeoman. 55 27. Bichard, s. of Bichard Brown mason. June 11. Elisabeth, d. of John Lightfoot of Shinckliffe, weav1. 5) 17. Barbara, d. of Christopher Gibbons lab1. >» 17. Mary, d. of Thomas Charlton lab1. 55 20. Thomas, s. of Thomas Hunter, Esq. July 6. William, s. of John Eickaby tayler. Aug. 8. John, s. of James Swan gardiner. CHEISTENINGS, MAEEIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 273 1739. Aug. 19. William, s. of Hugh Dixon tayler. Sept. 10. Sarah, d. of George Cairns labourer. „ 13. Cuthbert, s. of Cuthbert Andrew of Shinkliffe, weaver. „ 22. Eobert, s. of Thomas Gray labourer. „ 24. Barbara, d. of William Walton lab1. Oct. 23. Maiy, d. of John Brass carpenter. „ 24. Ann, d. of Mr Bichd Hirdman merchant. Nov. 4. William, s. of James Henderson tayler. 11. Mary, d. of Thomas Smith lab1. „ 13. Thomas, s. of M1 Eobert Chip chase. ,, 25. Ann, d. of Bobert Lamb of Shin ckliffe. i, 26. Elisabeth, d. of Francis Blackett joiner. Dec. 9. Isable, d. of James Watson joiner. „ 9. Andrew, s. of Andrew Matherson lab1. „ 14. Dorothy, d. of Ambrose Millar of Shinckliffe. Jan. 1. Stephen, s. of John Nicholson smith. „ 19. Edward, s. of Edward Hercules tayler. „ 20. Margaret, d. of Bobert Mawson lab1. „ 20. Jane, d. of John Kirkley tayler. „ 22. Stephen, s. of Cuthbert Brass singing man. Feb. 12. Michael, s. of Michael Eobinson cordwainer. „ 17. Bobert, s. of John Buffatt ostler. 22. Eobert, s. of Eob' Salkeld of Belly, yeoman. „ 25. Bichard, s. of Eobert Bell jun1 labourer. March 3. Catherine, d. of Anthony Skelton of Brome, labr. „ 3. Matthew, s. of ye late Henry Morrice of Shinkliffe. John Marshall, Wm Swalwell, Tho. Eobinson, Jn Wheatley for Shincklffe, Churchwardens. 1739. Sept.Oct.Nov. Dec.Jan. Feb. 17. 20. 13. 26. 11. 14. John Walker & Mary Thompson, both of Chester par*. Clement Hall & Mary Chilton widow. Thomas Taylor & Martha Light foot. Thomas Briggs & Elisabeth Grey. Eobert Story & Magdne Gregson, both of Easington par*. Eobert Pringle & Mary Wilson. Eaiph Coxon & Grace Young. BUEIALS. 1739 March April MAEBIAGES. 1739. April 7 Michael Humble & Ann Saunders, both of Gateshead par811. May 6. John Kirkley tayler & Jane Pickering. 28. James Smith labourer. 5. John Dowsey labourer. 7. Ann, d. of William Chilton smith. „ 13. Baiph, s. of Eichard Loughborough cordwain1. „ 17. Nicholas, s. of Wm Oard mason, deceasd. „ 29. Jane Pinkney widow. May 3. M18 Elisabeth Beckwith widow. „ 9. Eobert Lough, s. of Wm Lough of Shinckliffe. „ 15. Mr Thomas Witham. ,, 30. M1 George Dale alderman. — — .f Eichard, s. of Eichard Brown mason. June 12. Michael, s. of Eaiph Loughborough cordwain1. ,, 17. Mary, d. of Eobert White cord wain''. ,, 21. John, s. of Anthony Lowden deceas'd. July 2. Thomas, s. of Thomas Hunter Esq. „ 22. John, s. of John Dowsey lab', deceas'd. Aug. 8. Elisabeth, wife of M1 Jonathan Martin. „ 22. Margaret, d. of Eobert Bell sen1. ,, 29. Margaret, wife of Eobert Ebdon cordwain1. ,, 30. John Winter joiner. Sept. 17. Alexander Armstrong of S' Nich8 par*. „ 26. Margaret Hood, a stranger, who dyed at Sunderland-bridge. Oct. 11. Frances, d. of George Harrison lab1. ,, 12. William Bussey, formerly belong ing to ye coal works. Nov. 14. Pexall Pringle smith. § A blot over date, bat probably 11th. t The space left blank, but apparently meant for 30th. 2Q 274 CHEISTENINGS, MAEBIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 1739 Nov. 14. 55 15. 11 15. JJ 25. Dec. 4. itii 5. 29. Jan. 20. »» 21. jj jj Feb. 23. 31. 1. >5JJ11 2.4. 5. JJ 5. >t 19. 55 11 22. 25. JJ March 25. 5 jjj) 12.17. Ann Awd spinster, Mary Arrowsmith widow of Crox dale. Dorothy, d. of Francis Peacock taylor. Wm Salkeld ; drown'd near Stone- bridge. John, s. of John Smith of S' Nich8 par., joiner. George Charlton lab1. O1 Wm Gibson, physician at Stock ton. Joseph Wood labourer. Eichd Allen of Sunderland bridge, yeoman. Eobert Beckles innkeeper. Jonathan Appleby lab1. Elisabeth Sober, an old maid. Philip Suddick cordwainer. John, s. of Peter Brass joiner. Henry Morrice of Shinkliffe, wright. Elisabeth Mills of Shinckliffe, widow. John, s. of James Lambton of S' Nics par., barber. Elisabeth Brass spinster. Joseph, s. of M1 Geo. Smith of BurnhaU. Barbara Sober spinster. Mary, widow of Wm Mitchel of Brome. John Bell horse-rider. John, s. of ye late John Smith mason, who was drownd in ye Eiver. BAPTISMS. 1740. April 1 4. 17.20.21. 27.27. May 9. 19. 20. George, s. of Eaiph Loughborough cordwain1. Elisabeth, d. of John Sikes smith. Martha, d. of Jesse Foster lab1. Thomasin, d. of Andrew Mellross cordwain1. Bobert, s. of Edward Hopper car penter. Francis, s. of John Eichardson cabinet-maker. Eichard, s. of Eichard Smith mason. Mary, d. of Henry BeU miller. Bobert, s. of Thomas White of BurnhaU, yeoman. 1740. May June July Aug. Oct. 26. 26. 2. 22. 14. 20. 3. 14. 24. 29.29. 5. 5. 12. 19. 23. 9. 9. 24. 30. f>. 13. 8. 8. 10. 22. March 1. 1- 7.8. 12. Nov. 55 17 Dec. Jan. j> Feb. Isable, posthumous d. of Pexall Pringle. Ann, d of Henry Marshall singing man. Elisabeth, bastard d. of Margaret Walker. Hannah, d. of'Barthol. Brown mill wright. Mary, d. of Thomas Turner hard ware-man. EUinor, d. of James Eickaby wright. John, s. of William Hewson labourer. Joshua, s. of Joseph Stagg joiner. George, s. of Eichard Brown mason. Joseph, s. of Joseph Slater smith. Catherine, d. of John Ebdon cord wainer. Thomas, s. of John Bulmer lab1. Margaret, bastard d. of Eliz. Spur of Brome. Thomas, s. of Thomas Potts gard'ner. Elisabeth, d. of AYm Matherson lab1. Mary, d. of Eobert White cord wainer. Margaret, d. of Joseph Stoddome smith. Eichard, s. of Eichard Smith soldier. Jane, d. of Wm Kirkley tayler. Mary, d. of Bob' Jeffreyson of Shinckliffe. Mary, d. of Ambrose Millar of Shinckliffe. Eliz*, d. of Henry AUinson of Shinckliffe. Elisabeth, d. of Mr MascaU Brass. Elisabeth, d. of John Eichardson cordwain1. Thomas, s. of James Nicholson yeoman. George, s. of George Eobinson jun1, yeoman. Charles, s. of John Eeah mason. Elisabeth, d. of Thomas BeU painter. Ellinor, d, of John Mackinhem Scotsman. Margaret, d. of James Swan gardiner. George, s. of George Andrew iunr lab1. CHEISTENINGS, MAEEIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 275 MAEBIAGES. 1740. May 1. George Eobinson jun1 & Frances Potts. „ 3. Joseph Cuthbert of Chester & Jane Mitchell of ys parish. ,, 10. John Elwood glover & Margaret Allinson. ,, 18. Simon Wheatley butcher & Ann Pearson. June 21. Wm Brown jun1 & Ellinor Davison. July 13. George Mills jun1 & Thomasin Humble. ,, 29. Humphrey Ward tanner & Cath erine Kirton. Aug. 4. Thomas Eobson of Eomald Church & Catherine Langstaff Sept. 1. Eaiph Hutchinson & Elisabeth Sikes. „ 4. William Herbert & Elisabeth Mountain. Oct. 29. Henry Allinson & Grace Carr. Nov. 20. Nicolas Thompson smith & Isable Young. „ 30. Eaiph Gainford barber & Hannah Dobson. Dec. 12. William Borrow & Jane Shaw. 2-.(1)Wm Carr of Etal, Esq., & Miss Bell Bacon. BUEIALS. 1740. April 16. 19. May 22. 1. 5. 6 12. 13.14.17. 20. 28. June 8. 22. 24. 27. Aug. 2. 4. 10. Euth, wife of M1 James Salvin. Margaret ('Elisabeth' erased), wife of George Briggs wright. Matthew Foster of Shinckliffe, tayler. Charles, s. of Charles Bell. Jane Alderson spinster. Jane, d of Nich8 Burdon weaver. WUliam Carnaby innkeeper. Ann Hineston widow. Eichard, s. of Eichard Smith mason. Benedict, s. of ye late John Winter join1. John Hunter of Shinckliffe, labour1. John Eamshaw of Shinckliffe, labour1. Margaret, wife of John Awd of Sunderland bridge. Catherine Cowper. Mrs Eliz. Marley of S* Nich8 par*. Mary Darling widow of Sunder land-bridge. Isable Hudson widow. Hannah Thomson spinster. Thomas Holiday, an old beggar. 1740. Aug. 16. j j 27. u 27. Sept. 2. 55 11. »5 27. Oct. 2. 55 15. >5 9. 11 16. Nov. 12. ji 14. Dec. 2. 5) 13. JJ 15. JJ 16. »J 21. 55 31. Jan. 4. jj 5. jj 7. 71 10. 11 11. 11 18. JJ 18. 11 19. JJ 25. 55 25. 11 26. Feb. March 24. 7. 14. 15. 17. 20. 20.20. 1741. April 5. John, s. of Nich8 Foster tayler. Stephen Bradley joiner. Mr George Jackson, an officer in y* Excise. Hugh, s. of Hugh Dixon tayler. Mary, widow of George Kirkley tayler. D1 Henry Huddlestone, a very eminent physician. William, s. of Wm Chilton smith. M1 Godfrey Didsbury, an attorney at law. William, s. of Thomas Eobinson joiner. Thomasin Walker of Shinckliffe, widow. Nicholas Currey of Shinckliffe, labour1. Mr Thomas Smith, attorney at law. Dorothy Dunn widow. Mr Cuthbert Heron. Wm, s. of Hugh Dixon tayler. John Walker of Fink-hall, lab1. Elisabeth Marshall widow. Eobert Allen of Sunderland bridge. Ann, d. of M1 Eichd Hirdman. Mrs Dorothy Kitching of Eggscliffe, widow. Jane Marshall widow. Elisabeth, d. of Nich8 Foster tayler. Will™, s. of John Eickaby tayler. Mary, d. of Thomas Smith labr. Elisabeth, wife of Wm Mead joiner. Charles, s. of George Smith, of Burn-hall, Esq. Thomas Wheatley of S' Nich8 parish. Isable, wife of Nich8 Smith lab1. Mary Brown widow of S* Giles's parish. Ann, wife of Eowland Harrison smith. Eichard Burton Esq., who died at Ellimorehall, was buried here. Elisabeth, d. of ye late Eob* Smales. Ellinor, d. of Eichard Slater. Sarah, d. of Francis Peacock tayler. Ann Jackson widow. Thomas Foster labourer. John, s. of M1 Wm Dunn mariner. WiUiam, s. of Wm Mills joiner. BAPTISMS. EUinor, d. of John Elwood glover. 276 CHEISTENINGS, MAEBIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 1741 ApriJ 14. j> jj M 16. 25. 26. 27. May 3. II 4. n 8. M 8. June 14. 15 14. 11 21. If 22. July 1. t ' 15. n 17. Aug. 11 22.15. 29. ii 30. 5) Sept. 30. 2. 6. 6. ii 6. 17. ( >ot. 6. .. 17. M 20. Nov. n Dec. 1. 23. 6. s. of yB Eevd Mr John 13. Mary, d. of William Clarke labourer. Ann, d. of Eobert Paxton joiner. James, s. of Eobert Hunter, lab1. Mary, d. of Wm Chilton smith. Thomas, bastard, s. of Isable Naseby. Eobert, s. of Thomas Atkinson yeoman Thomas, Salkeld. George, s. of George Harrison labourer. Ann, d. of Eichard Atkinson of Bent-house, lab1. Stephen, s. of'M1 Eobert Chipchase, born & bapt. Thomas, s. of Robert Eobinson wheel-wright. Margaret, d. of Bichard Smith mason. Elizabeth, d. of y Honle Willmott Vaughan Esq. Thomasin, d. of John Charlton of Shinckliffe, lab1. Margaret, d. of Wm Mileston of Shinckliffe, lab1. Elisabeth, d. of Nich8 Best of Shinckliffe, lab1. Ann, d. of Eaiph Pinkeney lab1. John, s. of George Cairns lab1. Thomas, s. of Nich8 Thompson smith. Mary, d. of John Lightfoot of Shinckliffe. Jane, bastard d. of Mary Simm. John, s. of John Turner pit-man. John, s. of Wm Gainford mason. Isable, d. of John Hubback labourer. Mary, d. of Clement Hall shiller. Isable, d. of John Wheatley of Shinckl" Isable, d. of Eichd Arrowsmith of ShinckF moor-house. Matthew, s. of Tho. Taylor of Aldernage. Ann, d. of Wm Denant of Shin ckliffe moorhouse. William, s. of James Lithgow lab1. George, s. of George Hewitt taylor. George, s. of George MUls jun1 of Shinkl". John, s. of John Eichardson cabinet-maker. 1741. „ 21. Jane, d. of Thomas Barker excise man. Dec. 21. Elisabeth, d. of John Adamson of ShinckF. ,, 27. Thomas, s. of John Blackbird of Shinckliffe. Jan. 3. Jane, d. of Eichd Lowe mason. „ 18. Ann, d. of Edward Tiplady labr. „ 23. Mary, d. of Thomas Ebdon cord wain1. Feb. 7. Bichard, s. of John Featherstone joiner. ,, 14. Bobert, s. of Bobert Lamb of Bent- house. „ 21. Mary, d. of Wm Walton gard'ner. „ 22. James, s. of Wm Walton . March 7. Clement, s. of Wm Mills joiner. ,, 10. Samuel, s. of M1 Samuel Burton. „ 11. Thomas, s. of James Watson joiner. Kichd Hirdman, Geo: Little, Jonathan White, Tho : Millar, Churchwardens. MAEEIAGES. 1741. March 31. AprU 9. May 21. 25. JuneJuly Aug. 15. Sept. 17. Nov. 10. Feb. 16. March 2. Edward Tiplady & Mary Moss. Mr Samuel Burton & M™ Ahce Blackett. John Nixon & Jane Wright. Benjamin Hayes & Elisabeth Carnaby widow. John Eickaby & Mary Hinstone. Mr Fenwick Stow of Berwick & Miss Margaret Watson. Wm Brimer taylor & Mary Wood- worth. John Eippon & Mary Hutchinson. Eobert Bell & Mary Milburn. James Whitfield & Mary Hutchin son. Thomas Kidd & Abigail Lowden. BUEIALS. 1741. March 26. April 4. 15. 21.24. 24. 28. Phyllis Eickaby widow. Mary, d. of Tho. Turner hardware- man. Ann Eales widow. Wm s. of Andrew Matherson labour1. Mary Anderson widow. Bichard, s. of Eichard Smith soldier. Thomasin, d. of Andrew Mailross cordwain1. CHEISTENINGS, MAEEIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 277 April 29. May 3. J5 4. 55 14. 55 15. )5 23. 55 25. 55 26. 55 26. J5 26. 5) 27. June 1. 2, J5 J5 5. 55 13. JJ 13. 55 14. 55 17. 55 21. JJ 26. 5) 29. July Aug. 10. 12. 23. 25. 25. 1. 4. 14. 26.26.28. 31. 2r M1S Mary Midford spinster. Charles, s. of John Eeah, mason. Thomas Eobinson, joiner. Eobert, s. of Michael Eobinsonj cordwain1. Eichard White, Coachmaker. John, s. of Cuthbert Andrew of Shinckliffe. Henry, s. of ye late Henry Hugill. Dorothy, wife of Bichard Slater, yeoman. William Hardy, Labouror. Dorothy Huntley, of Sunderland Bridge, Spinst1. Dorothy Burdon, widow. John, s. of ye late Tho. Eobinson, Joiner. Elisabeth, wife of Thomas Smith, lab1. M18 Francis Ashenden. Elisabeth, wife of Nich8 Lambton Esq., who dyed in London May 29, was brought & buried here. Dorothy, d. of Ambrose Millar. Dorothy Eowell. Hannah, wife of John Iveson, lab1. Ellinor, d. of Tho. Shipley, Weaver. Meryll Pallaster, from Shinckliffe. Mark, s. of Eob' Stephenson of Brome-hall, lab1. Elisabeth, d. of Tho. Taylor of Aldernage. Thomasin, d. of John Charlton, lab1. George Eobinson of Fink-hall, yeoman. Humphrey Darnton of Sunderland, Smith. Dorothy, d. of Ant. Skelton, of Brome. Ann, d. of ye late Thomas Humble, sailor. Joseph, s. of Joseph Slater, Smith. Mary, bastard d. of Isable Arrow- smith. John Muckle, mason. Christian, d. of Tho. Barker, Excise- man. M1 Anthony Jackson, a Popish Priest. John Herculas, Taylor. John Smith of S* Nich8 parish, Joiner. Henry Allinson, of Shinckliffe, lab1. 1741. Sept. 1. Elisabeth Atkinson, widow. ,, 2. Wm, s. of Christopher Eales, glover. „ 10. George Gibson, weaver. ,, 23. Bobert Herbert, Clog-maker. „ 28. George, s. of Richard Brown, mason. Oct. 15. Baxter, s. of Wm Johnson, Coach man. Nov. 1. John Eobson, an old beggar. 7. Elisabeth, wife of Anthony Harle, Soldier. ,, 8. Isabella, wife of John Donald, Pedlar. ,, 9. Ellinor Wood, widow. 14. Thomas, s. of ye Eevd Mr Salkeld. ,, 15. John, s. of John Turner Pit-man. Dec. 3. Jane Foster. ,, 6. George Spencer cobler. „ 9. Jane Kirkhouse, an old maid. „ 11. John, s. of Sibley Harvey. „ 22. Esther, widow of Wm Bippon, Bailiff. Jan. 1. Ellinor Palmer, of Sunderland Bridge. ,, 1. James, s. of James Eickaby, wheel wright. ,, 9. Ann, d. of Eobert Paxton, Joiner. 13. David Ellison, a stranger. „ 17. M1 Eobert Widdrington, a Popish Priest. „ 17. Nicholas, s. of Thomas Winter, lab1. ,, 20. George, s. of Eaiph Loughborough, cordw1. , , 21. Thomas, s. of Wm Foreman, yeoman. „ 15. Jane Brice, widow. ,, 25. Eichard, s. of Thomas Bell, painter. Feb. 8. Cuthbert Todd, an apprentice. „ 8. Isable, d. of Eobert Law, smith. „ 17. M18 Deborah* Nelson, spinster. ,, 24. Elisabeth Brockeff, widow. Mar. 2. Isable, wife of Eobert Newham, Baker. ,, 10. Bichard Allen, of Sunderland- Bridge, weav1' „ 12. Joseph Scot, coachman to Mr Forcer. „ 13. Elisabeth Hunter, widow, of S' Nich8 Par811. „ 16. Elisabeth, d. of Edwd Hercules. „ 21. Thomas, s. of Thomas Jolly Butcher. „ 22. Mary Salkeld, of Brome, widow. ,, 24. Christopher Wall, cordwainer. Eichd Hirdman, Geo. Little, Jonathan White, Amb. Millar for Shine, Churchward118. * Dorothy erased and Deborah written above. 278 CHEISTENINGS, MAEEIAGES, AND BUEIALS, BAPTISMS. 1742. March 28. April 19. 55 55 May 21.25.25. 9. 11 31. June 0. I? 8. 55 July 13. 2. 55 13. 11 27. 11 11 26. 28. Sept. 14. ii iiii 20. 21. 25. ii 25. n 27. Oct. 9. 11 11. 11 Nov. 24. 18. Dec. 3. Jan. 16. 55 17. 11 17. 55 19. Feb. 13. Margaret, d. of John Euffatt, Ostler. Isable, d. of Cuthbert Andrew of Shinckl**. Elisabeth, d. of Cuthbert Brass, Singing-man. Elisabeth, d. of Peter Brass, Joiner. Jane, d. of Eobert Salkeld of Belly. James, s. of John Nicholson, Smith. Hannah, d. of Andrew Mellross, Cordwain1. Elisabeth, d. of Henry Marshall, singing-man. Eobert, s. of John Brass, Joiner. John, s. of Anthony Skelton, Labour1. John, s. of John Allen, Gardiner. Isable, d. of William Clark of Shinckliffe. Ann & Jane, Twin-daught1'8 of Eichd Brown, Mason. Faith & Sarah, daught18 of Bob' Bell, Junr, of ShinckF. James, s. of John Eickaby, Tayler. Ambrose, s. of Ambrose Millar of Shinckliffe. Elisabeth, d. of Eichd Colling, Stocking weav1. . John, s. of Francis Blackett, Joiner. Barbara, d. of Hugh Dixon, Tayler. Ann, d. of Thomas Gray of Alton Stile, lab1. Mary, d. of Michael Morpeth, labour1. Dorothy, d. of Thomas Potts, gardiner. Margaret, d. of Eobert White, cordwainer. Ann, d. of Tho. White of old BurnhaU. John, s. of John Elwood, glover. Margaret, d. of Henry Wilson, lab1. John, s. of John Pearson, cord wain1. William, s. of John Gainford Jun1, Mason. Margaret, d. of George Eobinson Jun1. Henry, s. of James Darcey, cord wainer. William, s. of James Nicholson, yeoman. George, s. of Edward Hopper, Carpenter. 1742. Feb. 20. Mary, d. of William Hewetson, labour1. ,, 24. Isaac, s. of Thomas Griffith, Hair- cutter. „ 24. Elisabeth, d. of Charles Just. March 7. Eobert, s. of Thomas Turner, Coachman. ,, 15. Ann, d. of Lancelot Salkeld, yeo man. , , 18. Jane, d. of George Andrew, labourer. Eichard Hirdman, Geo. Little, Jonathan White, Tho. Millar, Churchwardens. 1742. April 4. May June Sept.Oct. jj Nov. o. 15. 26. 29. 11. 13. 2. 12. 14.14. 27. Dec. 18. Jan. 8. 19. Feb. 14. 1742. March 26. April 27. 5. 5. 5. 6. 12. 14. 17. 17. 29. MAEEIAGES. William Clark & Elizabeth Mad dison. William Mowbray & Ann Hodgson. James Darcey & Isable Arrowsmith. John Gainford & Jane Hindstone. John Elder of Newcastle, & Mary Thompson. James Crake & Mary Cowen. John Palmer, weaver, & Jane Eobinson. James Henderson & Mary Hall. Frances Sayer & Mary Carter. John Watts & Elisabeth Carnaby. John Wake & Martha Stephenson. Eichd Bowman & Isable Cockburn. James Eickaby & Alice Hope. Phillip Young, barber, & Mary Marshall, widow. George Crissop & Margaret Carter. Michael Eddy & Elisabeth Dobson. George Eeavely & Alice Burn. Eobert Paxton & Frances Wood, BUEIALS. Mr Cuthbert Burrell, a Proctor. Elisabeth, d. of Eobert Lamb. Mary Littlefair, widow. William Arrowsmith, miller. Jane, d. of Wm Mills, joiner. Bobert Dickinson, piper. Ann, wife of Cuthbert Andrew. James Dawson, labourer. Elisabeth, wife of M1 Henry Sedge- wick. Thomas, s. of James Watson, joiner. Barbara, wife of Christopher Gibbons. CHRISTENINGS, MAEEIAGES, AND BURIALS. 279 174 2. May 2 11 6 75 6 J5 23 55 24 J5 24 55 29 JJ 30 June 7 55 15 JJ 17 » 18 JJ 21 JJ 21 JJ 24 July 5 55 6 55 7 5J 13 14. 15. 55 19 55 22 55 23 J5 25 5? 27 5J 27 JJ 28 JJ 28 J5 30 J5 30 JJ 30 Aug. 2 J5 5 JJ 9 11 13 11 19 55 22 11 23 Elisabeth, d. of Willm Hamilton. Richard Slater of Whitehouse, yeoman. Mary, d. of Michael Morpeth lab1. Joseph Watson of Farewell-hall, yeoman. Mary, d. of Wm Palmer of Sunder land bridge. Jane, d. of Joseph Slater, smith. Thomas Kidd, Taylor. M18 Mary Ingleby of Shinckliffe, widow. Ann, d. of Ralph Pinkney, lab1. M1 Bobert Shadforth, merchant. Eobert Newham, baker. Barbara, wife of Sibley Harvey. William Walton, gardiner. Jane, d. of Henry Eeah. Sarah Addison, widow. Cuthbert, s. of Cuthbert Winter, Glasier. Brian, s. of Bichd Loughborough, cordwainr. Nicholas Foster, taylor. Matthew, s. of Thomas Taylor, of Aldernage. Ann & Jane, daught18 of Bichd Brown, mason. Bichd, s. of Eichd Loughborough, cordwain1. Sibley Harvey, yeoman. Henry Beah, mason. Ann Bidley, wiclow, of S' Nich8 parish. Elisabeth, d. of Peter Brass, joiner. Jane, widow of Mr Thomas Witham. William Hopper, Carpenter. Thomas Hall, Taylor. Ann, d. of Baiph Nicholson, Traveller. Elisabeth, widow of Thomas Hall, Tayler. Elisabeth, wife of Wm Haswell, Tayler. Dulcibella, d. of Mr Eob* Hickson. Mary, wife of Matthew Foster, Tayler. James, s. of John Eickaby, Tayler. William Haswell, Tayler. M" Elisabeth Johnson, Spinster. Dorothy, wife of Thomas Cuthbert- son, lab1. Bobert Marston, Labourer. Bobert, s. of Bob' Allen of Sun derland. Weav1 1742. Aug. 23. 55 30. JJ Sept. 55 31. 1. 4. JJ5J55 5.5.7. 11 13. 55 15. JJ55 55 17. 18. 18. 55 18. 5555 Oct. 23. 30. 1. JJ5J 3.5. 75 10. JJ 11. 55JJ 18. 18 55 24. Nov. 4. ii ii 4. 5. 19. nn 26.26. ii 28. Dec 9. 555J555) 11 10. 10. 18. 21.21. Jan. 4. ii 19. Dorothy, wife of Henry Marshall, Singing man. Ann, wife of James Eickaby, Wheelwright. John Bulmer, labourer. John Sowersby Jun1, cordwainer. Faith, d. of Eob* Bell Jun1, of Shinckl38. Edward Tiplady, labourer. Mary Briggs, spinster. Ann, d. of M1 John Byerley, Excisem". Ann, widow of George Craggs, of Simd°ld bridge. Elisabeth, d. of Eichd Colling. Mary, d. of James Watson, joiner. George Andrew, of Shinckliffe. Francis Brockett, plummer & goaler. Mark Hopper, carpenter. M1 Eobert Hickson. Eaiph Bilton junior. Elisabeth Appleby, widow. Thomas, s. of George Smith, Esq. Hannah, widow of Mr George Dale, Alderman. Mary, wife of Thomas Shipley, weaver. Margaret, d. of Eob' White, cord wain1. Eobert Noble. Margaret, widow of George Gibson, weav1. Alice, d. of James Lambton, Barber. William Mowbray, labourer. Margaret, d. of Mark Taylor. Eichard Elwood, glover. Margaret, wife of John Elwood, glover. Jane Lowe, Spinster. William, s. of Geo. Eobinson, yeoman. Margaret, wife of Eob* Cook, of Shinckliffe. Eobert, s. of James Brown of Southern Closes. Ann, wife of Christoph1 Donkin. Thomas, s. of John Eales, glover. Isable Moor. Dinah, wife of Eobert Lax, smith. John, s. of Mr John Byerley, Excisem11. William Thomson, of Sherburn- house. M18 Ann Hodshon, spinster. 280 CHEISTENINGS, MAEBIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 1472. Jan. 18. Wm, s. of John Gainford Jun1, mason. ,, 21. Margery Dickinson, widow. 24. Eobert Bell, of Shinckliffe. „ 25. William, s. of James Nicholson. „ 27. Teresa, cl. of Geo. Biggins. ,, 27. Eliz* Dale, spinster. „ 30. Elizabeth, wife of James Nicholson. ,, 30. M1S Hendry, widow of M1 Ham mond Hendry. „ 31. Henry, s. of James Darcey, cord wain1. Feb. 10. Mary Bradley, widow. „ 18. Ann Morton, widow. „ 21. Mark Haswell. „ 24. Elisabeth Thompson, spinster. 25. Hannah, widow of Eob* Bell of Shincliffe. „ 26. Thomas Green, Inn-keeper. March 18. M1 Francis Eutledge, Officer in ye Excise. „ 19. George Thomson, smith. „ 24. Susan, widow of George Jeffreyson of Shinckliffe. Eichd Hirdman, Geo. Little, Jonath" White, Amb. Millar, Churchwardens. BAPTISMS. 1743. April 16. Henry, s. of Henry Bell of Shinckliffe-Miln. „ 19. Barbara, d. of William Wilson, Horse-rider. May 17. Frances, d. of Bichd Loughborough, cordwain1". ,, 29. Mary, d. of Thomas Atkinson, yeoman. ,, 30. John, s. of M1 John Jackson, writing-master. June 3. Jane, cl. of John Palmer, weaver. 12. Margery, d. of Tho. Taylor of Aldernage. „ 27. Frances, cl. of ye Bevd Mr John Salkeld. July 24. Eobert, s. of Eobert Hunter labour1. Aug. 1. Margaret, d. of John Wheatley of ShinckF. 17. Mary, d. of M1 Eichd Hirdman was born & baptd. „ 22. William, s. of George Mills Jun1 of ShinckF. Sept. 11. Isable, d. of William Gainford, mason. ,, 27. George, s. of George Foreman, of Shinckliff. 1743. Oct. 2. John, s. of John Buchanon, lab1. ,, 9. Eobert, s. of George Cairnes, lab1. ,, 11. Lancelot, s. of Thomas Nichols, weav1 ,, 11. George, s. of George Simpson of Sherburnhouse. 21. Eobert, s. of Eobert Dover, sadler. ,, 26. Ann, d. of Thomas Bell, painter. Nov. 2. Ingleby, s. of Ambrose Millar, of Shinckliffe. „ 21. Elisabeth, d. of Michael Eddy, pedlar. Dec. 7. Sarah, d. of Joseph Slater, smith. ,, 11. Ann, d. of Eichard Brown, mason. ,, 18. George, s. of Andrew Hall, labr. 23. Elisabeth, d. of Francis Mitchell, tayler. Jan. 7. James, s. of James Darcey, cord wainer. „ 1 5. John, bastard s. of Elisabeth Smith. ,, 16. Mary, d. of George Hewitt, taylor. ,, 30. Elisabeth, cl. of George Harrison, lab1. Feb. 5. James, s. of James Eickaby, wheel wright. ,, 6. Edward, s. of Jesse Foster, labourer. „ 17. Isable, bastard d. of Catherine Young. ,, 26. Ann, d. of Clement Hall, shiller. John Dale, John Grainger, Eob' Salkeld, Eob' Jeffreyson, Churchward113. MAEEIAGES. 1743. April 4. M1' John Brabant & M18 Ann Thompson. ,, 9. John Elwood, glover, & Ann Pringle, widow. ,, 30. George Sikes, smith, & Elisabeth Brignall. May 1. Francis Mitchell, taylor, & Mary Hall. „ 4. John Proud & Frances Eidley. June 9. M1 John Scafe & Miss Ann Ingleby. „ 30. Bichard Iveson & Jane Ellison. July 4. John Stockell & Eleanor Younger. „ 5. Isaac Saunderson & Ann Johnson. ,, 8. Benjamin Bass & Martha Pearson. ,, 31. George Summers & Margaret Murray. Aug. 1. George Wilson & Mary Butherford. ,, 2. John Iveson & Margaret Haythorn. „ 11. Charles Blenkinsop & Mary Slater. ,, 15. Thomas Cuthbertson & Jane Hudson. CHEISTENINGS, MAEEIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 281 1743. Aug. 22. Oct.Nov. Dec.Feb. 30.10. 15. 15. 4. 7. 1743. March 26. 27. 8. 12. 17. April 18. 20. 20.20.20. JJ 21. >J 21. JJ 26. Jl 29. May 1. u 4. >j 4. jj 6. jj 6. jj 9. 55 23. JJ 26. June 1. jj 9. jj 22. jj 29. July 4. Aug. 1. »j 1. jj 4. jj 6. u 29. John Dixon & Dorothy Paxton. Eobert Eobson & Dorothy Slater. Mr John Morgan & M18 Mary Salvin. Thomas Emmerson & Hannah Loadman. John Morrison* & Mary Tiplady. Stephen Sowlsby & Jane Barkas. Thomas Brown & Eliz* Doweson. BUEIALS. Margaret Harbottle, widow. Ann, d. of Eobert Salkeld. John White, of Shinckliffe, yeoman. Elisabeth Shafto, widow. Ann, wife of Cuthbert Brass, joiner. Ann, wife of John Eales, glover. Henry Buston, labourer. Mary, d. of Joseph Alderson, fuller. Elisabeth, wife of Benjamin Hayes, innkeep1. John, s. of y" late John Bulmer, lab1. Jane Sikes, widow. Mrs Dorothy Delavall, an old maid. John, s. of James Nicholson, yeo man. Margaret, d. of James Nicholson, yeom™ Thomasin Agar. James, s. of ye late Wm Walton. Ann, widow of Eobert Moss, glover. Christopher Donkin. John Farrow. Margaret Borrow. Elisabeth, d. of Henry Marshall. Mr Thomas Charlton, of Houghall. Thomas Cuthbertson Junr, labour1. John, s. of Thomas Biggins, of Sunderland Bridge, kill'd by a fall from his horse. James, s. of Isaac Lane, printer. Dorothy, d. of Thomas Potts, gardnr. John Gibson, sen1, weaver. Cuthbert, s. of John Pickering, tayler. Thomas Kidd, drown'd in ye Eiver. M™ Ashenden, a very aged widow. Mr Henry Sedgewick. John Soulby, carrier. * The letters ce crossed out and son written above. 2s 1743. Sept. 18. 26. Oct. 21. Nov. jj Dec. Jan. 4. 8. 30. 4. 8.9. 9. 15. 17.23. 31. 4. 5.6. 8. 15. March 7. 14. Feb. 16. 18. 1744. March 26. 27.31. April 10.12. May June 24. 3. 6. 13.17.27. 7. Elisabeth, d. of Lancelot Salkeld. M1 John Hopper, of Shinckliffe. Dorothy, wife* of Mr Tho. Dunn, Alderm11. Margaret, wife of Wm Bacon Esq. John Fenwick, of Sunderland Bridge, lab1. Mary, wife of Cuthb' Cowney, lab1. Marg* Stobbs, widow. James, s. of James Darcey. Ann, widow of Mr John Walker. Elisabeth, widow of Christ1 Pattin son. M1 Eob' Didsbury, cordwainer. John, s. of Humphrey Ward, tanner. John, s. of George Hewitt, tayler. Ann, d. of John Eeah, mason. William, s. of John Perrot, labr. Bobert, s. of John Eeah, mason. Elisabeth, widow of ys late Ambrose Millar. Maxwell, wife of Gerard Andrews Esq. Philip, s. of Philip Shafto, of Brome. Ann, wife of Joseph Smith, joiner. Margaret, d.f of Christoph1 Eales, glover. Ann, widow of Thomas Eobinson, joiner. Caecilia Lowden, widow. BAPTISMS. Ann, d. of John Nicholson, smith. Ann, bastard d. of Mary Lowden. Elisabeth, d. of George Wilson, smith. WiUiam, bastard s. of Wm Eobin son of Alton Stile lab1. Alice, bastard d. of Margaret Antum. Jane, d. of John Eickaby, tayler. James, s. of James Watson, joiner. Isable, d. of Wm Borrow, labourer. Pexall, s. of John Elwood, glover. Margaret, bastard, d. of Ann Eichardson. Ann, d. of Thomas Potts, gardiner. George, s. of Andrew MeUross, cordwain1. * Daug. crossed out and wife written above. t Wife crossed out and daughter written above. 282 CHEISTENINGS, MAEBIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 1744, June jj July Aug. 15.16.18. 15. William, s. of Wm Clark, labourer. 17. Cuthbert, s. of John Brass, joiner. 1. Mary, d. of Thomas Griffith, hair- 8. John, s. of Wm Todd of Shinckliffe- moorhouse lab1. Elisabeth, d. of Eob' White, cord wain1. George, s. of Donkin Been, servant. Ann, d. of Eichd Suddick Jun1, cordwain1. 22. Eobert, s. of Eaiph Hull, yeoman. 30. John, s. of WmDenantof Shinckliffe- moor-house. 6. Thomas, s. of Cuthb* Brass, singing man. Hannah, d. of John Adamson of Shinckliffe. Eobert, s. of Anthony Skelton of Brome, lab1. James, s. of James Lithgoe, lab1. Mary, d. of John Eichardson, cabinet- makr. William, s. of Bobert Eobinson, wheel-wright. George, s. of John Euffatt, ostler. Elisabeth, bastard d. of Elisabeth Lawes. Christopher, s. of Thomas Ebdon, cordwain1. Thomas, s. of Jn Errington, of Arbour-house. Mary, d. of Stephen Soulby, carrier. Henry, s. of James Darcey, cord wain1. George, s. of John Morrison, lab1. Elisabeth, bastard d. of Eliz* Oliver. Eobert, s. of Bobert Bell of Shinckliffe. Tryphena, d. of George Andrew, lab1. Jane, d. of Hugh Dixon, tayler. Eaiph, s. of John Eeah, mason. John, s. of Tho. Huntley of Stone- bridge-house. George, bastard s. of Isable Pattison. John Dale, John Grainger, Churchwardens. J) 12. „ 14. Sept. 19. 1G. Oct. 7. 17 11 21. 23. 11 24. 11 28. Nov. 7. !J 28. Dec 23. Jan. 4. jj 22. Feb. 3. JJ March 26. 8. jj IS. n 24. MAEBIAGES. 1744. May jj June 14. Benjamin Hayes & Isable Eeeveley. 15. Eobert Donnison & Elizabeth Air. 1 7. James Sanderson & Elisabeth Smith. 1744. July 8. George Briggs, wright, & Isable Holland, widow. „ 26. John Baffell & Jane Johnson. Aug. 9. Edward Blenk & Ann Archer. Oct. 19. William Cairnes & Mary Potts. ,, 25. George Fielding Esq. & Miss Ann Swainston. Nov. 22. William Curry & Elisabeth Chilton. Dec. 13. Mr Eichd Wilson & Miss Bridget Tempest. „ 22. Thomas Beale of Sundeland & Ann Lane. Feb. 5. Thomas Bowes & Ann Westmorland. ,, 24. John Bickaby& Dorothy Wheatley. BUEIALS. 1744. March 30 April Jane, d. of George Wood, dyer. 8. Elisabeth Hood, Spinster. 26. Eichard Hills, lab1. ,, 29. Michael Pickering of Moorsley, yeom11. May 9. John Eeah, weaver. ,, 10. John, s. of Edward Heslop, lab1. June 9. Elisabeth, wife of Jesse Foster, lab1. „ 22. George, s. of Andrew Mellross, cordw1- „ 30. William Jackson, of St. Nich8 parish, butcher. July 28. George, s. of Donkin Been, servant. Aug. 4. Philip, s. of ye late James Foster of Shinckliffe. Sept. 6. Elisabeth, wife of Wm Hewetson, lab1. ,, 8. Ann Foster, widow. ,, 18. John Lawson, labourer. Oct. 12. Margaret Eggleston, widow. „ 13. Ann, d. of ye late MrWm Thompson, Vicar of Pittington. ,, 26. Eobert Donnison, of Shinckliffe. „ 28. Adam Oyston, a very old Scots-man . „ 31. Eobert, s. of Thomas Turner, coachman. Nov. 3. Mary, d. of Henry BeU of Shin ckliffe Mill. „ 7. Charles Just, of Shinkliffe, labour1. „ 8. Dorothy, wife of John Sisterson, labour1. „ 15. Jane Moss, widow. „ 21. Eaiph Harrison, of St. Nich8 parish, Butch1. Dec. 2. AnnPickering, of Sundeland Closes, widow. ,, 5. Margaret Walker. „ 5. Mary, wife of John Eobson, of Brome, lab1. CHEISTENINGS, MAEBIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 283 1744. Dec. 6. 9. 11. Jan. 27. 6. 17. 17. 21. Feb. 10. 10.19. 26. March 3. 12.15. Cuthbert, s. of John Brass, joiner. WUliam Best, who was drown'd in crossing ye Ford at Butterby. George, s. of Tho. Biggins, of Sundeland bridge. Jane, d. of John Eickaby, tayler. M1 Eichd Wright, of St. Nich8 parish. Joseph Thompson, of St. Nich8 par* chandler. Elisabeth, wife of John Procter. Elisabeth Spence, widow. Isable, wife of Baiph Stainbank. Ann, bastard d. of Mary Lowden. Mr Rob* Blakiston, Vic1 of Mer rington. Thomas Biggins, of Sundeland Bridge. Ann Norman, of Sundeland Bridge, Spinst1. John, s. of ye late Stephen Hudson, mason. Ann Simpson, widow. BAPTISMS. 1745. March 25. Cuthbert, s. of Henry Bell of Shinckliffe-Mill. AprU 10. Mary, d. of Geo. Robinson Jun1, yeoman. „ 13. Mary, d. of John Johnson, Soldier. ,, 1 6. Thomas, s. of Edwd Hopper, Carpenter. ,, 17. Eobert Ruby, a negroe. ,, 29. Frances, d. of John Featherson, join1. „ 29. William, s. of Thomas Gray, of Alton-Stile. May 8. George, s. of George Cairnes, lab1. „ 16. Robert, s. of Henry Wilson, lab1. „ 19. Thomas, s. of John Rickaby, cordwainer.* „ 22. Eobert, s. of George Sykes, white smith. „ 26. Eobert, s. of John Mackinhem, Scotsman. June 8. Elisabeth, d. of Simeon Bailey, roper. „ / Jonathan ) Twins of Bob* Mead- " " j Mary J owes, labr. „ 30. Thomas, s. of John Allen, gardiner. July 1. John, s. of Edward Eobinson, inn keeper. „ 13. George, s. of George Fielding Esq. * Tayler crosaed out. 1745. July 55 Aug JJ JJ JJ Sept. Oct. 5J Dec.Jan, 20. Mary, d. of Michael Eddy, pedlar. 31. Thomas, s. of Michael Morpeth, of Brome, lab1. 5. Thomas, s. of Thomas Barker, exciseman. 15. William, s. of John Carlton, lab1. 24. Mary, d. of William Curry, miliar. 31. Grace, d. of Alice Lyddall, widow. 7. William, s. of Henry Marshall, singingman. 8. Joseph, s. of Thomas Waller, miliar. 14. Sarah, d. of Tho. Nichols, weaver. 27. Andrew, s. of Thomas Herd, Soldier. 17. John, s. of James Eickaby, wheel wright. John, s. of WUliam Snowball, labour1. Mary, d. of Francis Mitchell, Tayler. Jane, d. of Michael Walker, & Mary Eobson. Joseph, s. of James Byerley, 20. 6. Feb. 20. 21. 2.6. Dragoon. of John Palmer, March Eleanor, d. weaver. Margaret, d. of Eaiph Arrowsmith, chandler. Miriam, d. of John Wheatley of Shinckliff. 13. John, s. of James Murray, lab1. 18. Jane, d. of John Buchannon, lab1. 27. Mary, d. of Eichd Eobinson, miliar. 1. Ann, d. of George Wilson, smith. ,, 2. Mary, d. of Tho. Jameson* of Brome-hall. „ 2. Ann, d. of Eichard Bacon, lab1. „ 9. John, s. of Eobert Hunter, labour1. ,, 14. Thomas, s. of Eobert Clerk, coach- maker. John Grainger, John Dale, Churchwardens, Vide infra March 23. Catherine, d. of John Parker, Dragoon. MAEBIAGES. 1745. May William Salvin & Elisabeth Smith. Bichard Eobinson & Eleanor Sun derland. Thomas Hackworth & Eleanor Dent. * Jennison underlined and JameBon written above. 284 CHEISTENINGS, MAEEIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 1745. Mav June July 14. 28. 6.9. Sept. 13.23. Nov. jj Dec.Feb. 9. 17. 22. 10. Eobert Breekes, & Jane Lowden. John Wiley & Elisabeth Golds- borough. The Eevd Thomas Smith & Miss Dorothy Scafe. M1 Bichd Eowe & Miss Jane Philipson. William Hewetson & Ann Grieve- son. James Gordon, soldier & Ann Eickaby. Andrew, s. of Thomas Herd, soldier, were married.* William Ayer & Sarah Hall. M1 Matthew Eichardson & Mrs Mary Hobbs. Bobert Eichardson & Ann Hamil ton. Eichard Hobson & Ann Clark. William Marley & Barbara Mills. BUEIALS. 1745. April 5. Benjamin Hayes of S* Nich8 par*. 6. Jane, wife of Matthew Corner of Sundeld brigdge. „ 16. Dorothy, wife of Henry Bell of Shinckliffe Mill. „ 21. Mary, d. of Stephen Sowlby. May 14. John Banks, labourer. „ 18. John, s. of John Buchannon. — . Thomas, s. of John Eickaby, tayler, was* „ 27. John, s. of Francis Blackett, joiner. June 5. Catherine, wife of John Taylor, cordwain1. „ 13. Elisabeth, widow of Mr Patrick Eoss. July 24. Mary, wife of Wm Cowen, labourer. „ 31. William Smith of Framwelgate, tanner. Aug. 4. George Wood, Dyer. „ 6. Thomas, s. of Tho. Barker, Excise man. „ 17. Sarah, d. of Joseph Slater, smith. 18. M1 Eichard Hendry. Sept. 7. Margaret, d. of Brian Salvin Esq. 14. Grace, d. of Alice Lyddall, widow. ,, 16. John, s. of George Sowler, yeoman. „ 18. Luke, s. of George Peacock, dance mast1. Oct. 4. Andrew, s. of Thomas Herd, soldier. „ 16. Mary, d. of M1 Geo. Peacock, dancs mast1. * The above entries are partially rubbed out and not numbered. 1745. Oct. 17. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. 13. 20. 21.22. 4. 4. 5. 20.20.21. 1. 7. 13.15.19. 20.28. 55 5. 6. 10. J) 15. J) 16. JJ 17. 18. 22. JJ 23. 24. March 1. 10. 11. 14. 15.15. 24. 1746. April 13. 15. Joseph Shield, joiner. Elisabeth Graham, spinster. Mary, d. of Michael Eddy, labour'. Bobert Dover, inn-keeper. Mr John Donald of S' Nich8 parish. Bobert Thompson. Eaiph, s. of John Gainforth, mason. Henry Bell, of Shinckliffe-MUl. Elisabeth, wife of Mr Joseph Hayes, inn-keep1. Thomas, s. of John Eickaby, tayler. Jane Millar, widow. M18 Ellinor Eichardson, spinster. Frank Swa Martine, a Swiss officer. Mary, d. of M1 Bichd Hirdman. Isable Parkinson, widow. Philip, s. of John Pearson of Sundeland bridge. Mary, d. of Tho. Nichols, weaver. Ann, wife of Simon Wheatley, butcher. Edwd Edge, soldier in Ld Semple's Eegim'. Eobert, s. of Henry WUson, labr. Margaret, wUe of Eaiph Arrow- smith, chandl1. Jane Musgrave, spinster. Helen, d. of John Carlton, lab1. Mary, d. of George Smith of Burnhu Esq. Ann, widow of Nich8 Foster, tayler. WUliam Hopper, smith. Mary, d. of Eobert Meadows, lab1. Jane, d. of Geo. Davison, lab1. John Horsman, mason. Elisabeth, d. of ye late Mr Geo. Mickleton. Bartholomew Sikes, smith. Wm Eoper, of S' Nich8 par* hardware-man. Deborah, d. of Ea. Bates Esq. Eaiph, s. of John Eeah, mason. Mary, d. of Joseph Stagg, join1. Eobert Greenwell, yeoman. Frances, wife of M1 James Deboard. Thomas, s. of John Allan, lab1. Bichd White of BurnhaU, yeom". BAPTISMS. Hutchinson, s. of Eobert Salkeld, yeomn. Jane, d. of Cuthb' Brass, singing CHEISTENINGS, MAEEIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 285 1746. April 21 May 30. 18.19. 19.16. June 1 . Feb, Peter, s. of John Brass, joiner. Thomas, s. of Thomas Bowes, cabinet-maker. Mary, d. of George Mills jun1, of Shinckliffe. John, s. of Thomas White, of BurnhaU. Elisabeth, d. of George Hewitt, taylor. Barbara, bastard d. of Barbara GUes. William, s. of John Eickaby, tayler. Thomas, s. of Thomas Winter, joiner. John Philipson, s. of Mr. Bichard Eowe, of Plawsworth & grandson of M1 Tho. Phihpson, was born at Plawsworth ApriU ye 11* & baptd by M1. Nelson. Ann, d. of Joseph Deighton, dyer. Ann, d. of John Gainford, jun1, mason. Thomas, s. of Wm Wilson, lab1. Elisabeth, d. of Stephen Sowlby Carrier. Ann, d. of ye late Solomon Cheek, ingraver. David, s. of John Eichardson, cabinet-maker. Mary, d. of Tho. Hackwith, of Shinckliffe. Baiph, s. of Tho. Ladler, of Shin ckliffe. Elisabeth, d. of John Euffatt, ostler. George, s. of John Thacker, cook. George, s. of Thomas Herd, labr. Henry, s. of Michael Eddy, lab1. Dinah, bastard d. of Ann Nicholson. WUliam, s. of Eob* Breekes, lab1. Ann, d. of Thomas Huntley of Stone-bridge. Margaret, d. of Tho. Ebdon, Cord wain1. Bichard, s. of John Eickaby, cord wain1. Eaiph, s. of Edward Eobinson. Ann, d. of Geo. Andrews, lab1. Dorothy, d. of Henry Marshall. Jane, d. of ye Eevd Mr. Tho8. Smith. John, s. of Jesse Foster, labourer. Wm Augustus, s. of George Field ing Esq. Frances, d. of Tho8 Cuthbertson, lab1. Jos. Deighton, Tho. MUlar, Churchwardens. 2t March JJJ) 12.14. JJ 55 25.29. July 14. JJ 20. JJ 21. Aug. 12. Sept.Nov. 14. 19. 13. jj jj Jan. 30. 31. 10. JJ 10. 7. 10.17. 22.23.26. 2. 21. 1746. March 30. 31. May 8. 13. June 16. July 12. 23. Aug. 17. Sept. 24. 4. 15.11. 15. 7. 28. MAEEIAGES. Oct.Nov. Jan. jj Feb. 1746. March 25. 28. April 2. 14. 19. 22.24. 29.30. 1. May June 21. 23.28. 2. 2. 3. 12. 15.17. Thomas Winter, joiner & Ann Swan. Eobert Dees and Elisabeth Cook. John Potts & Elisabeth Story. John Young, mason & Ann Sher wood. Mr Wm Waring & M18 Jane Smart, were married by me at Croxdale Chappel. William Walton & Elisabeth Blenkinsop. Thomas Brough & Margaret Gill. James Middleton & Ann Lawes. Joshua Foster & Margaret Bell. Henry Ferguson & Ann Taylor. Thomas Marshall & Jane Thom son. George Eailton & Jane Atkinson. Andrew Stobbs & Elisabeth Arrow- smith. Thomas Avis & Elisabeth Coxon. George Garry & Mary Dover. BUEIALS. Henry Corner, Horse-rider. Solomon Cheek, ingraver. Joseph Foster, of Shinkliffe, yeoman. Joseph Smith, of Stotgate, yeoman. Mr Anthony Watson, inn-keepeer. Joseph Smith of St Nich8 parish, joiner. Mrs Jane Bowes was burd at the Cathedral. William, s. of Charles Oard, yeomn. Ann, wife of Thomas MarshaU, cordwain1. John, s. of John Smith, labour1. Jane, bastard d. of Mary Eobson. Peter, s. of John Brass, joiner. William, s. of John Smith, lab1. Jane, d. of Cuthbert Brass, jun1. Jane, d. of Abigail Kidd, Widow. Barbara, d. of Wm Wilson. Margaret, d. of Wm Loomsdale. Mary, widow of Baiph Harrison, Butcher. Jane, d. of Wm Loomsdale. M18 Jane Housman, Widow. Francis Harrison, serv' to . Dr Howard. Eaiph, s. of Mr John Sibbalds. Isable, d. of Wm Gainford, mason. Mary, d. of Eobert Jeffreyson. 286 CHEISTENINGS, MAEEIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 1746. June 18. July Aug. Oct. Nov. Dec. 21. 21. 20. 1. 11. 23.28. 29. Sept. 24. 30. 2. 7. 12.13. 27.30. JJ JJ 10.10. JJ55 22.25. Jan. 15. 55 16. Feb. 6. 55 21. 10. 27. March 8. 20. 22. 24. 1747. March 29. 29.30. Thomas, s. of Thomas Winter, joiner. Mary, wife of Jn Lightfoot of Shinck". Elisabeth Brown, Widow. Margaret, wife of John White, Clerk. M1 Bobert Chipchase. Caris, wife of M1 Geo. Peacock, dance mast1. Nicholas Etherington, Exciseman. Eliz* d. of ye late Thomas Lyddal. Thomas Johnson, of Croxdale. Matthew Corner, of Croxdale. Gerard, s. of Bob* Eobinson, wheelwright. George Craggs, joiner. Mark, s. of Thomas Wilson, lab1. James Housman, Singing-man. Jane, d. of Eichd Lowe, mason. Hannah Boyd, a Stranger. John, s. of Tho. White of Burn haU. John, s. of Wm Allen of Sundeld bridge, weav1. George, s. of Tho. Herd, lab1. Elisabeth, wife of Wm Salvin, lab1. Elisabeth Biggins, of Sundeland bridge. William Horn, labourer. Winifred Bobson, of Brome, spins ter. Margaret Bell, widow. Dorothy, widow of Jn Horsman, mason. William Henderson, barber. Wm, s. of Geo. Mills, jun1 of Shincklfle. William, s. of William Taylor Esq. of Swinhoe in Northum berland. Margery Parkin, widow. Margery Harrison, widow. Mls Francis Steele, widow. Mary, wife of Peter Sanderson, station1. Bichard Fisher, Fuller. BAPTISMS. Jane, d. of Sam1 Dodson of Bent house. John, s. of Bosamand Mickleton base begot. Mary, d. of Baiph Hutchinson of Baxter wood. 1747. April 8. John, s. of Wm Charlton of Bent house, lab1. „ 20. Margaret, d. of Thomas EUet, labr. „ 20. Matthew, s. of Andrew HaU, lab'. May 3. Eobert, s. of John Morris, an old beggar. „ 10. George, s. of Anth. Skelton, of Alton-stile, lab'. „ 11. James, s. of Eob* Bell of Shin ckliffe, lab'. „ 18. Ann, d. of Cuthb' Brass, singing man. June 13: William, s. of Eaiph Loughborough, cordw1. „ 21. Thomas, s. of Matthew Dent of Brome. „ 24. Mary, d. of Geo. Garry, tayler. „ 27. Peter, s. of George Eobinson, inn keeper. Elisabeth, d. of Thomas Turner. John, s. of George Sikes, whitesmith. Ann, d. of Thomas Winter, joiner. Jane, d. of John Eeah, mason. John, s. of Thomas Potts, gardiner. Eobert, s. of Eob* Paxton, singing man. Jane, d. of John Balse, of Brome, lab1. 16. Mary, d. of John Eickaby, tayler. 21. Tenturier, s. of John Featherston, joiner. „ 25. Frances, d. of Wm Snowball of ShinckF6. ,, 27. Nicholas, s. of Nich8 Streaker, cordwain'. „ 28. Mary, d. of James Lithgoe, lab1. ,, 29. Ann, d. of John Brass, joiner. Nov. 13. John, bastard, s. of Jane Hall. „ 15. Thomas, s. of Tho8 Ladler of Shinckliffe. „ 15. Ann, d. of Joseph Slater, smith. Sept. 12. Hawdon Philipson, s. of Mr. Bichd Eowe of Plausworth & grandson of M' Tho. Philipson of this parish was born at Plausworth Aug8' the 24* 1747 & baptd by M1 Nelson. Nov. 18. Thomas, s. of Thomas Herd, soldier. „ 30. Thomas, s. of Tho8 Jameson of Alton-stile. Dec. 5. William, s. of James Middleton, cordwain'. ,, 15. John, s. of John Charlton, labourer. „ 17. James, s. of James Darcey, cord wain'. July 8. 11.16. 19. Aug. 16.28. Sept. 10. Oct. CHEISTENINGS, MAEEIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 287 1747. Jan. 26. Feb. 19. 22.28. March 3. 18. 1747. May 4. 28. June 16. Aug. 1. Sept. 24. 17. 7. 13. 21. 7. 27. 14.16. 18. Oct. Nov. Jan. Feb. 1747. March 25. 26. 27. AprU 2. 8. 12. 12. 17. 3. 17.19. May July James, s. of Bichd Eobinson, lab'. Joseph, s. of Joseph Hedley, taylor. George, s. of George Eeavely, lab'. George, s. of George Wilkin, lab'. Thomas, s. of Wm Hall, of Shin ckliffe, lab'. Nicholas, s. of Nich8 Thompson, smith. MAEEIAGES. Nicholas Streaker & Marg'Tindall. John Whitfield & Jane Young. George Ovington & Margaret Fisher. Thomas Eichardson & Alice Dent. John Troughhear & Isable Crosby. Eaiph Clark & Dorothy Bippon. Robert Richardson, soldier & Cath. Young. Wm Clayton of Eggslcliffe & Mary Robertson. Joseph Jopling of Satley & Lucy Rain. John Lawes & Mary Alder of Newcastle. Christopher Vicars & Mary Harrison. John Thompson & Hannah Hewitt. William Eaven & Ahce Branson. John Stobbs & Elisabeth Beck. BUEIALS. Margaret, d. of Tho. Ebdon. Baiph Wall, cooper. M' Oliver Paxton. Thomas Barker, late an officer in ye Excise. Cuthb', s. of Cuthb' Andrews, of Shinckliffe. Mary Hunter, Spinster. Joseph, s. of ye late Joseph Smith of Stotgate. John Bowman,of Sundeland Bridge. Mrs Elisabeth Orde, Widow. Mary, wife of John Adamson of ShinckF. Ellinor Errington of Shinckliffe. The Bevd M1 John Charlton, Curate of Bernard-Castle was burd here from thence. Samuel Thompson, silversmith. M' Wm Swallwell. Thomas Shipley, weaver. Elisabeth Carr of Sundeland-bridge. Aug. 1747. July 6. 18.18. Sept. 5. 18. 25. 27. Oct. 12. 25. Nov. 10.19.28. 1. Dec. Jan. Feb. 19.29. 2. 9. 11.24,21. 29. March 4. 6. 10.12. 22. 23. 1748. April 3.5. 10. 27. May 19. 21. Wm Oyston of Shinckliffe, labourer. Mary, d. of ye late Joseph Smith. James Watson, joiner. Elisabeth, Widow of Eob' Thomson. Alice, wife of Mr John Marshall, Innkeep1. Peter Brass, joiner. Martha, wife of John Wake of Shinckliffe. Mary, d. of Tho. Jamesonof Brome. Mark & ) Twin - sons of Mark George j Taylor of Croxdale. Alice Brown, widow. Barbara, wife of John Stoddart. Elisabeth, wife of Eob* Young, weav1. Margery, wife of John Laxe, lab'. Mary Collingwood, widow. John, s. of Tho. Charlton, lab'. Cuthbert, s. of Cuthb' Winter. John, s. of John Charlton, lab1. Catherine, wife of Barth. Brownlass, tanner. John Willey of St. Nich8 parish, cooper. M18 Lcetitia Ward, Spinster. Eobert, s. of John White, parish clerk. Margaret, Widow of ye Eevd M' Eob* Blakiston. John Proctor,an Ancient Blind man. Thomas, s. of Wm. Hall of ShinckF6, lab'. Margaret, widow of Mr Geo. Marlowe, painter. Elisabeth, d. of Wm Cairns, lab1. Barbara Hopper, widow. Thomas Marley, labourer. Eobert, s. of Eob' Paxton, singing- BAPTISMS. June 22. 2. George, s. of Eobert Hunterjlabour1. Thomas & I Twinsons of Francis Francis j Mitchell, taylor. Tamar, d. of Wm Gordon, barber. Agnes, d. of Edwd Hopper, carpenter. Matthew, s. of John Whitfield, barber. Thomas 1 s. & d. of James Eickaby, & Ann J wheelwright. William, s. of Wm Gainford, mason. Elisabeth, d. of Thos Ebdon, cord wainer. 288 CHEISTENINGS, MAEBIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 1748. June 2 1 . July Oct. Dec. Jan. Feb. 28. 8. 19.19. Aug. 16. Sept. 1. 4. 14. 6. 23.27. Nov. 1. 6. 7. 20. 5. 6. 8.9. 23. 1.4. 15.18. 7. 12. 13. March 18. 21. 21. 24. 1748. April 10. 30. Elisabeth, d. of Eichd Brown, mason. Mary, d. of Isaac Clement, lab'. Mary, d. of D' Thomas Wharton. Cuthbert, s. of George Mills, jun1, weaver. Sarah, d. of Tho8 Bowes, cabinet maker. Ann, d. of Mary Miller, traveller. John, bastard s. of Frances Wheatley. Jane, d. of George Harrison, labourer. Eobert, s. of Eobert Clark, coach- maker. John, s. of Joseph Deighton, dyer. John, s. of Tho" Winter, joiner. Miriam, d. of Jn Wheatley of Shinckliff. John, s. of John Gainford, Jun1 mason. George, s. of George Mowbray, joiner. Jane, d. of M1 John Brabant, merch'. Margaret, d. of Henry Marshall, sings man. John, s. of John Carlton, labour1. Margaret, d. of Thos. Hackwith, taylor. Bichard, s. of Eobert Breekes, labourer. John Charles, s. of John Craven, a stranger. Christopher, a Foundling. Sarah, d. of John Eichardson, cabinet-maker. George, s. of John Anderson, stay-maker. Michael, s. of Michael Eddy, lab1. John, s. of Wm Hedley, weav'. William, s. of Christoph' Vickars of Brome. Mary, bastard d. of John Heavy- side & Elizabeth Armstrong of Shinckliffe. Ann, d. of John Eickaby, cordwain'. John, s. of John Smith, labourer. John, s. of John Palmer, weaver. Camilla, d. of John Swan, servant. Stephen, s. of George Wilson, smith. MAEEIAGES, George Wray & Elisabeth Lawson. John Baynes & Mary Dobinson. 1748. May June jj Nov. jj Dec. 16. 21. 29. Henry Wright & Mary Tuten. Joseph Ayers of Croxdale & Mary Hamilton. William Hedley, weaver & Gertrude Hopper. Eobert Taylor & Isable Forster. John Lax & Margaret Stoddert. William Clark & Hannah Dixon. William Heslop & Alice Wilson. Hugh Hills & Catherine Eobinson. BUEIALS. 1748 March April May June 27. Margaret, d. of Wm Gordon, Barber. 28. Mary, d. of Bob' Mills of Shin ckliffe, lab'. 1. Ann, wife of Henry Ferguson, mason. 1. Christopher Lupton, tayler, from St. Nic8 par. 7. Samuel Dobson, labourer. 26. Francis, s. of Francis Mitchell, tayler. 30. Margaret Mileston, widow. 5. Bichard Huntley from Shinckliffe. 8. Margaret, wife of Francis Holmes, of Brome, yeom11. 21. Miriam, d. of M' Jn Wheatley of Shinckliffe. 24. Margaret, whe of Mr Hendry Hopper. 4. Matthew Woodifield, a very aged man. 5. Elisabeth, d. of Tho8 Ebdon, cord wain'. 14. Eobert, s. of ye late Eevd M' Eob' Blakiston. 15. Mary, wife of Wm Wharton, the Charity Scholemaster. 23. Ann, d. of James Eickaby. 24. George Wats, Bread-baker. 29. Thomasin, wife of Tho. Wilson, glover. 28. Mary, wife of James Calbreath of Houghtn 14. Ann \ Foster, of Shinckliffe, widow. 23. Cuthbert Andrew of Shinckliffe, yeoman. 28. Margaret White, widow. 6. William, s. of Wm Gainford, mason. 12. Thomas Hutchinson, of Brome. „ 14. Elisabeth, wife of Abraham Burdon. „ 19. Catharine, d. of John Ebdon, cordw' Sept. 14. Mary Shotton, spinster. July Aug. CHEISTENINGS, MAEEIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 289 1748. Oct. 4. H. 18. Nov. Dec.Jan. Feb. 23. 17. 6.7. 15.29. 5. 7. 11.12. 14. 22. 24. 26. March 2. 13. 14. 17. 21. 22. 1749. March 26.27. AprU May jj June 2.9. 12.13.25. 28.16. 27. 4. 18. Francis Blackett, joiner. John Thackeray of Old Durham. Ann, widow of Mr John Hopper. Francis Holmes of Brome, yeoman. James, son of ye late James Watson, join'. Eichard Ellison, labourer. Mary, wife of George Brown, mason. George Pickering of Flass, found dead in Hallgarth Street. Jane, d. of Cuthb' Winter, glazier. John, s. of George Sykes, white smith. Ann Bricks, widow. John Norman, of Sundeland Bridge. Edward Todd, servant at Old BurnhaU. Ann Wood, widow. John, s. of Wm Allison, cordwain'. Ann, widow of John Eowe, Esq. Ann, d. of ye late Geo. Pickering of Flass. Christopher Eales, skinner. Esther, d. of Francis Peacock, tayler. William Eipley, weaver. Elisabeth, wife of Tho. Taylor of Alton-stile. Mls Elisabeth Inman, widow. M18 Ann Eeade, spinster. Camilla, d. of John Swan. BAPTISMS. Ann, d. of John Hull, labour1. George, s. of George Sykes, smith. Thomas Lax & Elisabeth Watt* George, s. of Joseph Airs, yeoman. John, s. of Wm. Wilson, Horse- rider. Mary, d. of Baiph Clark of Brome. Cuthbert, s. of John Grainger, lab'. Ann, d. of James Middleton, cordwain1. Jane, d. of Thorn8 Cuthbertson, lab'. Ann, bastard d. of Ann Morton. Mark, s. of Nich8 Streaker, cord wain1. Ann, d. of John Eeah, mason. John, s. of George Andrew, labourer. * This entry is partially rubbed out and not numbered. 2u 1749 June July Aug. Sept. Oct. 22 jj 29 Nov. 3 Dec. 17 Jan. Feb. March Isaac 19. Eobert, s. of Eobert Taylor, taUor. 5. Henry, s. of George Eobinson, jun1, yeoman. 13. Elisabeth, d. of Willcox Wall. 25. John, s. of Eob* Cook, jun', of Shinckliffe-moorhouse. 25. Jane, d. of Tho. Huntley of Shinkliffe, lab1. 28. Charleton, s. of John Bewis, butcher. 4. Jacob, s. of Eob* BeU of Shin ckliffe, lab'. 18. Nicholas, s. of Joseph Thwaits, weaver. Ann, d. of Tho8 Laidler of Shinckliffe, yeom11. William, s. of William Curry, miliar. Thomas, s. of Anthony Skelton, lab'. James & ( sons of George Hewitt, Nicholas ( taylor. 21. George, s. of Eob* Paxton, singing man. 22. Barbara, d. of Henry Wilson, lab'. 8. Thomas, s. of Tho8 Avis, jun', gardener. 11. Jane, d. of Wm Snowball of Shinckliffe. 23. Dorothy, d. of Geo. Eamsey of ShinckF0- 25. Ann, d. of Charles Fleer, gardener. 25. Henry, s. of Henry Marshall, singing-man. 11. Mary, d. of Wm Hornsby, labourer. 11. Nicholas, s. of John Balse of Brome. 17. Dorothy, d. of Geo. Mowbray, join'. 17. Hannah, d. of Bob' Moodey of Brome, lab1. 18. Elisabeth, d. of John Smith, tayler. 24. Anthony, s. of Baiph Gainford Barber. Lane, John Eichardson, Churchward118. MAEBIAGES. 1749 MarchApril MayJuneJuly 28. Thomas Laxe & Elisabeth Watts. 27. Bobert Cook & Mary Eobinson. 23. Christopher Chambers & Christian Bowey. 4. Edward* Thwaites & Jane Blackett. 6. Eichard Vasey & Lucy WUhamson. Edward underlined and Joseph written above. 290 CHEISTENINGS, MAEEIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 1749. July 8. 17. 31. Sept. 12. Oct. Nov.Dec. 14. 10. 19. 22. 18. 2. 20.25. 26. 29.29.13. 22. 4. 17.27.27. 1749. April 4. 22. 23. May 18. June 17. 27. 4.5. 5. 6. 12. 13. Jan. Feb. July Margaret Charles Armstrong & Effie Stod dart. William Brown of Carlton, York shire & Ann Page. Thomas Palmer of Hesleden & Elean1 Walker. Thomas Stout, butcher, & Mary Halliman. John Wardell, barber, & Ann Eichardson. Joseph Oliver of St. Helens Auck land & Dinah Linsley. Thomas Bambrough & Eleanor Wood. Edward Green & Alice Lyddall. Bichard Coulson & Sanderson. George Brown, mason & Margaret Eenkey. Henry Barker & Elisabeth AUan. Solomon Voak & Ann Jackson of S' Nich8 parish. Bobert Eippon & Mary Young. William Crathorn & Hannah Milboum. Benjamin Thurston & Grace Mason of S' Nic8 par*. John Hutchinson of Sundeland & Ann Grieve. John Elliott of Stockton & Eliz* Dale. Eob' Smith of Grindon par* & Mary Smith. Anthony Walton of Chest' parish & Mary Bailey. Peter Clark & Elisabeth Willis. Henry Brown & Isable Errington. BUEIALS. John, s. of John Smith, labourer. Mary, wife of Bob' Ellet, yeoman. George, s. of George Mowbray, join'. Peter, s. of Peter Craggs of Sund6- land, join'. Ellinor, wUe of Bryan Stothert, skinner. of James Bobson, of Brome lab1. Mr Eales Norton, merchant. Baiph Arrowsmith, chandler. George Dunn, labourer. Wm Waterman, cordwain'. Elisabeth, wife of Michael Wilson. Wm Ellwood, glover & soldier. George, 1749. July 20. 27. 29.31. 11. 23.15. 16. 6. 18. 18. 21. 24. 2. Aug. JJ Sept. jj Oct. Dec. 2. Oct. 18. Dec. 24. Jan. 5. 14. Feb. 23.27. 28. 29.31. 3. 10. 20. 25. March 16. 15. 21.23. 1750. AprU 2. Hannah Hobson, widow. Edward Heslop, labourer. William Taylor, of Shinckliff, lab'. Jane Darnton, widow. John Beah, King's Beads-man. Judith Lowe, spinst'. Isable Hood, spinst'. Mary, wife of Thomas Turner. Mary, d. of Wm Eidley, lab'. William Craggs of Sundeland bridge. Jane Green, widow. John Sisterson, labourer. Abraham Taylor, singing-man. Thomas Bell of S' Nich8 parish, smith. John, s. of John Brass, joiner. Wm Craggs of Sundeland bridge. Ann Charlton, widow. John, s. of George Hewitt, tayler. Jane, d. of George Smith of BurnhaU Esq. Wm Lee of Brome. Eachal Armstrong. Jane, d. of Tho. Hull of Sundeld bridge. Jane, d. of Wm Foreman of Sundeld bridge. Joyce Graham, widow. John Ebdon, cordwainer. M' Jacob Grieve of Fryar-side. Ann, widow of M' Bob' Clifton. John Coulson of Sundelandbridge, lab'. William Nichols, weaver. Thomas, s. of Matthew Denton of Brome. Philip Pearson of Sundeland bridge. Joseph Stagg, joiner. Jane, d. of Wm Storey, lab'. George Graham, tayler. Dorothy, d. of Geo. Mowbray, join'. Thomas Thompson, smith. M18 Lucy Leyburn, widow was buried Octob' ye 2d 1749. BAPTISMS. Margaret, d. of John Jones of Aldernage. 15.27. Alexander, s. of John Featherstone, joiner. Elisabeth, d. of Oswin Dodds, lab'. Thomas, s. of John Eickaby, taylor. CHEISTENINGS, MAEBIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 291 1750. May 2. u 20. June 10. jj 13. jj 13. jj 20. July 17. JJ 22. JJ 29. JJ 29. JJ Aug. 29. 3. jj Sept. 26. 26. 11. 23. JJ 30. Oct. 16. JJ 24. JJ 28. JJ Nov. 31. 1. JJ 4. JJ 10. JJ 15. JJ 22. JJ 26. Dec. 10. jjj. j jj Jan. 12. 26. 31. 5. jj 10. Ann, d. of James Hanning, hat- dresser. Joseph, s. of Thomas Potts, gardener. Mary, d. of Matthew Denton of Brome. Ann, d. of Edwd Eobinson, inn keeper. Thomas, s. of Thomas Stout, butcher. Magdalene, d. of Baiph Hutchin son of Brome. Ann, d. of Christoph' Jurdison of Old Durhm. Mary, d. of Thomas Pearson, inn keeper. John, s. of Eaiph Hutchinson of Baxter wood. Ann, d. of Wm Bichmond of BurnhaU. Jane, d. of John Brass, joiner. Edward, s. of Bobert Clark, coach-maker. Ann, d. of Edward Eobinson, lab'. James, s. of James Eobinson, lab1. Eaiph, s. of Baiph Gray, roper. Dorothy, d. of Wm Borrow of Belly, lab'. Eachel, d. of James Eickaby, wright. Joseph j twin-sons of Eaiph Mit- Ealph } chell, glover. William, s. of Joseph Hedley, tayler. Francis, s. of Francis MitcheU, tayler. Ann, bastard d. of Ann Foster. George, s. of Tho. Jameson of Alton-style. Jammes, s. of Matthew Stokeld of Shinckl**- John, s. of Jn Wheatley of ShinckF, yeom11. Isable, d. of John Gainford jun', mason. Elisabeth, d. of Michael Eddy, lab'. Hannah, bastard d. of Mary Andrews. Mark, s. of Edmund Hopper, joiner. George, s. of George Eeavely, lab'. Mary, d. of Bob* Bippon, smith. Jane, d. of George Cannes, lab1. John, s. of Edwd Hercules, taylor. Margaret, d. of John Hunter, lab1. 1750. Jan. 13. 27. Feb. 30. 3. 11.18. 20. March 6. 8. 18. Ann, d. of John Turner, lab'. Mary, d. of George Summers, joiner. Hannah, d. of Wm Clark, lab'. Joseph, s. of Joseph Deighton, dyer. Isable, bastard d. of Isable Johnson. Alice, d. of Geo. Mills of Stone- bridgehouse, weav'. Wm, bastard s. of Wm Dobson & Ellinor Stoddart. Frances, d. of Nich8 Streaker, cordw'. Thomas, s. of Tho8 Winter, joiner. Jane, d. of John Bank, lab'. MAEEIAGES. 1750. April 23. Eobert Marshall & Mary Fogg. May 5. John Jeffreyson & Mary Bell. „ 7. George Lakin & Margaret Cock. „ 12. Thomas Parker & Margery Lamb, widow. „ 24. John Banks & Ann Elder. „ 29. D1 John Smith & Miss Ann Shuttleworth. July 17. David Fernie & Ann Scarth. August 6. John Bawling & Ann Eobinson. „ 7. William Harrison & Isable Hen derson. 2. Edmund Hopper & Jane Lyddle. 4. Eobert Young & Margaret Middle- ton. 28. Jane Forster & Ann Cowbum. 3. M1 Sam1 Stephenson & Mls Mary Atkinson. 3. M1 Eob* Orde & M18 Barbara Lambton. 6. Nathan Smith & Eliz* Moody. 1. Matthew Brown & Ann Young. 3. Bob' Gardiner & Mary Gainford. 7. Thomas Dodds & Ann Cumming. 11. James Burton & Margaret Small- wood. — . *George Brownless & Elisabeth Brownless. BUEIALS. Sept. Oct. Nov. Jan. jj Feb. 1750. AprU 8. Margaret Hudson, widow. 12. M1 t Tho. Smith, late of Shap in Westmoreland. 17. Johnson, of Eichd Woodifield, yeom11. * Date torn away. t Tho. crossed out & Henry written above. 292 CHEISTENINGS, MAEEIAGES, AND BUEIALS,. 1750 AprU jj 26. 28. May 4. 55JJ July 20.29.12. 55 20. Aug. 5) 17. 19. Sept. 1. 55 G. 55 17. J5 23. 55 23. 'J 24. 55 30. Oct. 2. 15 14. 5511 15. 19. Nov. 11. j>5511 11 15. 21.21. 26. 11 Dec. 25. 5. 15 " 7. >5 15. »5 55 Jan. 19. 21. 3. 55 1) 3.9. 15 21. 55 31. Feb. 1. 51 2. March 25. •2. Thos Archer of S* Nich8 parish. Eaiph Ord of S* Marg*8 Chappelry, butch1. Winefred, wife of Thomas Brown, tayler. M18 Elisabeth Orde, spinst'. George Thompson, smith. Wm Strother, coachman to Mr Salvin. Mark, s. of Nich8 Streaker, cord wain1. Ann Pearson, widow. Eichard, s. of ye late John Smith, mason. Mary, bastard d. of Alice Preacher. Margaret Wilson, widow. John Pickering, tayler. Mary, d. of Wm Dixon, weav'. Edward Hills, horse-rider. Martha, widow of John Eeah, weaver. Margaret, d. of Bichd Jopling. James, s. of James Darcey, cord wain'. Jane, d. of Tho. Huntley of Shinckl**- Mary, wife of John Dale, baker. Marg*, wife of Tho8 Gray, of Brome. Edward, s. of Tho8 Winter, weav'. Ellinor Craggs, Widow. Catherine Stevenson, Widow. Jane, d. of Thos Cuthbertson, lab'. Hannah, bastard d. of Mary Andrews. John Simm, a traveller. John, s. of John ? Tayler chandler. Dorothy, wife of Tho8 Carlton, lab'. Elisabeth, wife of Nich8 Shuttle- worth Esq. John Laing of Shinckliffe, lab'. John Gainford, mason. Eowland Maughan, roper. John Morris, jun' lab'. Mary Leadbeater, widow. Dorothy, widow of ye late Thomas Lambton of Hardwick, Esq. Eobert, s. of S1 Eob* Eden, Barron*. M'8 Catherine Eiddall. Frances, wife of Bob* Paxton, sings-man. Bryan Stoddert, skinner. Bryan Salvin of Croxdale Esq. 1750. March 11. Wm Floyd, servant to Eob* Smith, Esq. 11. Frances,- a Foundling in ye Cathe dral. 10. Thomas Awd of Sundeland-bridge. 21. Ann Norman, of Sundeld bridge, widow. 22. William Chilton, smith. BAPTISMS. 1751 MarchAprilMay June July Aug. Sept. Oct. 28. 23. 7. 11.15. 26. 26. 10. 16. 17. 23. 10. 14. 14.15. 4.6.7. 28. 10.15. 29. 4. 4. 12. Mary, d. of Christoph1 Vickars of Brome. William, s. of Wm Wilson, horse- rider. Samuel, s. of Samuel Thompson, silver-smith. Francis, bastard s. of Phoebe Linsley. George, s. of John Palmer, weaver. Mary, d. of John Buffet, ostler. Baiph, s. of Baiph Hull of Bent- house. Hannah, s. of George Mowbray, join'. Henry, s. of Henry Wilson, lab'. Eliz*, d. of George Sykes, white smith. *William, s. of James Lithgoe, lab'. Sarah, d. of Eaiph Gainford, barber. WUliam, s. of William Ferguson Esq. Elisabeth, d. of Eobert Ellet of Wall- house. James, s. of James Middleton, cordwainer. Moses, s. of Adam Thwaits, weaver. George, s. of George Brown, mason. Mary, d. of John Bewes, butcher. Alice, bastard d. of Alice Crosby. Eobert,' s. of Matthew Brown, mason. William, s. of John Philport, taylor. Jane, d. of Joseph, Thwaits, weav'. ' Elias, s. of Nathan Smith. Mary, d. of WA Harrison, lab'. Eob* & f sons of Geo. Bamshaw, of George ( Shinckliffe, lab'. John, s. of John Stag, joiner. Elizabeth, d. of John Bawling of Fink-hall. 6 * Crossed out and John written above. CHEISTENINGS, MAEEIAGES, AND BUEIALS. 293 1751. Oct. 13. Nov. Dec. 16. 17." 18. 2. 4. 10. 30. George, s. of Anthony Jameson of ShinckF9, lab'. George, s. of George Ashton, barber. Mary, d. of John Whitfield, barber. Jane, d. of John Nicholson, mason. Martha, d. of Tho. Avis, gardiner. Eobinson, s. of Eob* Cook of Shinckliffe-moorhouse. Jane, d. of Henry Eobinson, lab1. Dorothy, bastard d. of Dorothy Mowbray. George, bastard s. of Isable Bam- shaw of ShinckF6- MAEEIAGES. 1751. AprU jj May June jj July Aug. Sept.Oct. Nov. 9. 2. 3. 4. 12. 16. 2. 5. 2. 9. 20. 4.6. 15. 9. 10. 24. Alexander Eobinson & Mary Windle. John Martin dale & Ann Lynn. George Spark & Mary Bewick. John Hornsby & Ann Scorer. John *Etherington & Eleanor Eichardson. HeDry Eobinson & Ann Hopper. Bobert Sturges & Margaret Whit field. George Oliver & Ann Dixon. Bichard Woodifield & Phoebe Lindsey. George Ashton & Eleanor Sykes. M' Patrick Sanderson & Miss Sally Norton. John Loansdale of Staindrop & Isable Gascoigrl. William Smith & Eebecca Allinson. John Eliot & Mary Andrew. Thomas Wetherell & Grace Atkinson. John Willey & Eliz. Ellison. Bob* Eeah & Jane Bowen. John Hamilton & Margaret Eeah. • Etherington underlined & Errington written above. 1751. Nov. jj Dec. 26. 28.10.27. 1751. April 8. 20. May 2. 11. 28. June 4. 11. July 13.11.19. 24.31. Aug. 8. Sept. Oct. Nov.Dec. 11.12. 25. 17. 17. 26. 19. 25. 1. 9. 7. 11. Wm White & Margaret Pearson. Wm Smith, soldier & Isable MUls. Baiph Jennison Esq. & Miss Susan Allan. Wm Potts & Margaret Anderson. BUEIALS. Thomas Laxe, smith. Thomas, s. of James Eickaby. Jane, d. of John Eickaby, cord wain'. Elias Smith, Fidler. M's Jane Jopling, widow. Hannah, wife of M' Jn Sibbalds. Eliz. Fawden of Shinckliffe-moor house. Bobert Paxton, singing-man. James, s. of M1 Jn Sibbalds. John Thompson, silver-smith. Ann, d. of Eichd Eobinson, miUer. Mary Morris, widow. Elisabeth Whitfield of Brome, widow. Jane Bowran, an old maid. John Eickaby, cordwainer. George, s. of George Brown, mason. Thomas Appleby, glover. George, s. of George Sykes, white smith. *Eliz* wife of George Basnett. George, s. of George Eamshaw, lab1. Thomas, s. of Tho. Avis, jun', gardin'. Mr John Boper of S' Nich8 parish. George Atkinson, barber. Grace Foster, widow. Ann Hardy, widow. Wm Forster, Isaac Lane I Church- Vicar. Jn Eichardson J wardens. * Elizth. crossed out & Margt. written below. THOMAS CALDCLKTJGH, PRINTER, DURHAM. 'Y^LE°¥MH¥EIESinrY' ILIIMf&&I&T • m& V