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Madison County,
Having all my life been unable to reconcile to myself the propriety
of long prefaces, I no^w intend to write but a short one; and, in fact,
yield to this more from custom than from any apparent necessity.
The author first conceived the idea of writing this work from reading
the early history of Indiana, by 0. H. Smith. And if I shall be able
to merely imitate that great sketch-writer, my ambition ¦will be more
than subserved. Let me here say that I entered the work with many
misgivings as to my ability in placing a book before an enlightened
people, worthy of the name it bears. And would, in fact, have failed
bad it not been for the unbounded help from many quarters. And
here I wish to retum thanks to the county officials, who have univer
sally given the information sought, and to many private citizens in
the county. The author is not vain enough to think he has brought
out a book faultless, and without mistakes. It would be singular
indeed if these did not occur. He is also aware that many incidents
and statistics have failed to appear which should have found a place
in this work. But when the reader reflects for a moment the vast
amount of work, to gather material, originating as it does from inci
dents extending over a period of more than fifty years, he wDl, to
some extent, overlook the seeming as well as real imperfections. The
author has visited in person all parts of the county, picking up here
and there facts and figures as best he could, writing many letters for
information, which have been universally responded to. How well
the author has succeeded in placing before the people a readable and
reliable book, is for them to decide.
Ths Authob.
Mabexgville, Ind., December, 1874.
Adams To^wnship 30
Anderson Township 32
Anderson City 67
Alexandria 70
Alfont 71
Anderson Crossing 72
Allen Jolyi, Sketch of ~ 207
Anshultz P. P., Sketch of 208
Adamson Enos, Sketch of 208
Allen W. B., Sketch of. 209
Allen, William 209
Atherton, W.G 211
Boone Township 34
Biddle E., Sketch of 210
Berry, John 211
Berry, Colonel 212
Brickly, Dr. W. P 213
Eronenburg, F, sr 214
Beckwith, T. L 214
Bell, Thomas 215
Boram, G. E 216
Busby Family 217
Bray, Andrew 255
Band at Anderson 301
Band, Perkinsville 302
Bar at Anderson 306
City Council Proceedings. 68
Chesterfield 73
County Fair 159
Cemeteries of the County 205
Clark, E. N 219
Clark, T. G '. 223
Cookman, John 224
Conrad, David 225
Crossley, Coonrod 225
Cook, Dr. Daniel 226
Cole, Warren 227
Cook, Dr. J. H 227
Craven, Judge H 228
Collier, Eev. James 229
County Officers 304
County Commissioners 306
Church, Baptist, Anderson 315
Church, Baptist, Lilly Creek 313
Chiirch, Baptist, New Columbus 313
Chttrch, Baptist, Union , , 314
Chttreh, Baptist, Mt. Pisgah 315
Church, Baptist, Bethel 7.... 316
Church, Baptist, Boone Township 316
Church, Baptist, Pendleton 317
Church, Christian, Anderson.. 318
Church, Christian, Van Buren Township 319
Chutch, Christian, Lilly Ceeek 320
Chtitch, Cristian, Forrest Chapel..... 321
Church, Christian, White Chapel 321
Church, Catholic, Anderson....! 322
Church, Friend , 323
Church, Busby M. E 324
Church, Pendleton M. E 325
Church, Frankton M. E 326
Church, Pleasant Valley M. E 326
Church, Eichmond Chapel M. E 327
Church, Elm Grove 337
Church, Mt. Tabor M. E 328
Class, Mannering M. E 329
Church, Asbury Chapel M. E 329
Church, Mt. Carmel M. E 33O
Church, Tennessee M. E 33O
Church, Fishersburg M. E 331
Churcb, Anderson M. E„ 33I
Church, Florida M. E ;. 333
Church, Chesterfield M.E „ 334
Church, Wesley Chapel M. E 334
Church, Menden M. E ; 335
Church, Markleville M. E „ 335
Church, Perkinsville M. E 336
Church, First Presbyterian, Anderson „... 333
Church, United Brethren, Menden 339
Church, United Brethren, Union Township 339
Church, Universalist, Pendleton 340
Duck Creek Township 36
Diltz, William and wife 230
Davis, Judge John 231
Dunham, George i 231
Deinocratic Central Committee 299
Elwood.. 74
Exports from Pendleton 83
Eastman, Lorana 232
Fall Creek Township 37
Franklin, David 233
Festler, Peter 234
Franklin, Joseph 236
Fisher, Charles 237
First Court House 27
First Divisioirof the County in Districts 27
First Grand Jury 29
First Traverse Jury 29
First Jail 29
Frankton 74
Fishersburg 75
Florida Station 76
Fall Creek Agricultural Society 294
FaUs of Fall Creek 309
General Outlook 17
Green Township 39
Gregory, B. F 238
Gillmore, Morris 239
Grange Move 368
Grange, Boston 369
Grange, Eichland. 369
Grange, Markleville 370
Grange, Eichmond Chapel 370
Grange, Butonwood 371
Grange, Pleasant Grove 371
Grange, Anderson 372
Grange, Adams 372
Grange, Normal 373
Grange, Fall Creek 373
Grange, Union 373
Grange, Dageon 374
Grange, Huntsville 374
Grange, Oceolo 374
Grange, Mannering 374
Grange, Charity 375
Grange, Fishersburg 375
Huntsville 77
Hamilton 78
Hope and Faith — a poem 151
Hardesty, J. O 240
Hayes, John 241
Hardy, Neal 242
Hollingsworth, James 243
Hodson, Eli 244
Hollingsworth, Elias 245
Holston, J. E 245
Hunt, Dr. John 246
Holliday, Samuel 247
Henry, Samuel 248
Huston, Samuel 252
Hollingsworth, Elizabeth '. 253
Hydraulics 299
Indian Murders 53
Indian Mounds 143
Irish, S. D .' 254
Jackson Township 41
Jackson, Andrew ¦ 256
Keller, Philip 256
La&yette Township .'. 42
Letters from Prominent Men 90
Letters from J. E. Holston 91
Letters from J. W. Forrest 98
Letters from J. W. Harmon 100
Letters from D. W. A. Hunt 102
Letters from P. H. Lemon 115
Letters from E. H. Cree 118
Letters from P. H. Lemon 122
List of Heavy Tax Payers 145
Lewis, J. B 257
Monroe township 44
Markleville ...„ 78
March of life — a poem 154
May — a poem 155
Management of Common Schools, by C Free 188
Mobbing of Fred Douglass at Pendleton : 203
Moreau, W. C 221
Maynard, Moses '.-. 258
Moore, George 259
Mershon, W. H 260
Markle, Jobn 261
McCallister, Thos 262
McCallister Family 263
Makepeace Family 264
Meeting of Mexican Soldiers 286
Murder of Hoppis by White 287
Murder of Miss Williamson i 290
Murder of the Isnagleboys 293
Medical Society at Pendleton 297
Mill, Saw, Lukens 348
Mill, First National 348
Mill, Saw, Florida Station 348
Mill, Saw, NewColumbuB 349
Jtill, Saw, Markleville 349
Mill, Planing, Alexandria 349
Mill, Grist, Perkinsville 350
Mill, Grist, Summitville 350
Mill, Saw, Summitville 351
Mill, Grist, Frankton 351
Mill, Saw, Frankton 351
Mill, Saw and Grist, Chesterfield 351
Mill, Flax, Pendleton 852
Mill, Planing, Pendleton 352
Mill, Sa^«r, Perkinsville 352
Mill, Dickson & Sons, Anderson 353
Mill, Sparks', Anderson 353
Mill, Germania, Anderson 354
Mill, Moss Island 354
Mill, Flax, Anderson 355
Mill, Cataract, Pendleton 355
Mill, Huntsville 356
Mill, Grist, Chesterfield 357
Mill, 'Grist, Alexandria 358
Masonic Lodge, Ovid 358
Masonic Lodge, Chesterfield 359
Masonic Lodge, Quincy .' 359
Masonie Lodge, Markleville i 359
Masonic Lodge, Chapter, Pendleton 360
Masonic Lodge, Frankton 361
Masonic Lodge, Alexandria 361
Masonic Lodge, Pendleton 361
Masonic Lodge, Anderson .'. 362
Masonic Lodge, E. A., Anderson 362
Masonic Lodge, Mt. Moriah, Anderson 363
Masonic Lodge, Perkinsville 363
New Columbus 79
Osceola 80
Old Settlers Meeting v 157
Odd Fellows Lodges—
Frankton 364
Pendleton 364
Perkinsville .367
Anderson 367
Alexandria 368
Pipe Creek To^wnship 46
Pendleton 81
Perkinsville 87
Poem by D. C. Markle 152
Premiums Awarded for 1874 168
Prigg, William, sen '. 266
Plummer, Henry 267
Poindexter, E. E 267
Pratt, Dr. Joel 268
Physicians, Anderson 302
Poor House 303
Pork Packing, Anderson 309
Pendleton Eegister 312
Post Offices in the County 341
Eichland Township 47
Eeadiness for Action, W. S. Tingley 178
Eeger, Saul 269
Eyan, Dr. T 269
Eoblnson, Col. U. S 270
Eichmond, Nathaniel 271
Eichards, Manley 271
Eichards Catherine 272
Eepublican Central Committee „ 298
Stoney Creek towhship 49
Summitville 88
Sly Fork Station 89
Synopsis of the Sunday School 126
StilweU, Col. T. N 273
Swain, J. T 275
Smith, Wright, sen 27*
Silver, J.E 277
Shaul Family 278
Shanklin, Andrew 279
Shanklin, W. V 280
Schwim, Jacob '. 291
Soldiers, List of, from Madison county in the late war 378 to 411
Turnpike, Pendleton and Newcastle 341
Turnpike, Anderson and Fishersburg 342
Turnpike, Anderson and New Columbus 342
Turnpike, Anderson and Lafayette 343.
Turnpike, Pendleton and Eden 343
Turnpike, Kill Buck 343
Turnpike, Madison and Hancock 344
Turnpike, Lick Creek 344
Turnpike, Pendleton and Fall Creek 345
Turnpike, Pendleton and Fishersburg 344
Turnpike, Anderson and New Columbus 345
Turnpike, Anderson and Perkinsville 346
Turnpike, Anderson and Alexandria 346
Turnpike, Anderson and Hamilton 346
Turnpike, Pendleton and Noblesville 347
Tbe Big Lick, by J. Borane , 112
Tbe Press 120
Thompson, W. A 281
Temperance Alliance 300
Table of Distances 307-308
Temperance 310
Union Township 50
Van Buren Township 52
Variety Chapter 196
Vote of County-for tbe Year 1873 ..........' 376
Woolen Factory, E. Adams 354
Westerfield, J. W 282
Williams, E. N 283
Winchell, Adam 284
Windall, Fred 285
Woolen Factory, Broadbents 347
Madison county is situated a little to the northeast of
the center of the State. One-third lies in forty and two-
thirds in forty-one degrees north latitude. From its central
position, its natural advantages, among which are abundance
of timber, mill streams, productive soil, intelligent and
industrious inhabitants, growing interests in educational
matters, our numerous pikes and churches, it at once takes
rank with the foremost counties in the State.
Reader, let us go back to the year 1820, from which time
our history dates. What do we find? An unbroken
wilderness. Perhaps all told, not more than one hundred
citizens, and these with scanty means, surrounded by native
Indians. This handfull of pioneers settled near the Falls
of Fall Creek, about the year 1820. Among this number
we find the names of Elias Hollingsworth, Samuel Holliday,
Thomas and William McCartney, the Richmond family,
Thomas Scott, Israel Cocks, Saul Shaul, followed soon
after by Adam Dobson, Parmer Patrick, William and
Thomas Silver. From this infant settlement we have
grown to a population of 25,000. The Indian has faded
away. The church bell has taken the place of the war
whoop. What changes have taken place! Scarcely one
pioneer, who first settled Madison county, remains. Our
progress has cost toil, privations, hardships untold, and not
fully appreciated by the present generation. This book is
written in part that their names and the hardships they
underwent, to some extent, may be remembered. It will
show step by step, decade by decade, the progress we have
made. Statistics will be introduced in their proper place as
we proceed, as we only intend this as a general survey,
intending hereafter to take up the townships alphabetically,
and give a histpry of ^ach separately. We find Madison
county fifteen miles in width and twenty-nine an^ three-
fourths in length, and containing an area of four hundred
and foi;ty-six and one-fourth square miles. It is divided
into fourteen civil" townships, named as follows, and each
containing the annexed area :
Adams, thirty-five ; Anderson, thirty-six ; Boone, thirty ;
Duck Creek, thirty-four ; Greene, twenty-four ; Fall Creek,
forty-two; Jackson, twenty-eight ; Monroe, fifty-one ; Pipe
Creek, forty-two ; Richland, twenty-seven and a fourth ;
Union, nineteen and a half; Vanburen, twenty-five ; Lafay
ette, thirty-four and a half ; Stoney Creek, twenty-eight.
The streams which attract our attention are first, White
river, entering the county in Union township, one mile and
a h"alf northeast of Chesterfield, traversing the whole width
of the county, leaving it about the center of Jackson town
ship and just west of Perkinsville. Its general course is
west, one-third of the county being on the south and two-
thirds on the north of the river. Its entire length through
the county, counting its meanderings, is not far from twenty
miles. The next we shall notice is Fall Creek. Entering the
county on the east in Adams township, and two miles from
the northeast corner of the same, running nearly west to
New Columbus, thence to Pendleton, bearing a little to the
south, where it takes a southwesterly course, leaving the
county two miles west of Alfont, in Green township ; its
entire length being twenty-two miles.
Next in size to the latter is Pipe Creek. It takes its rise
in Delaware county, entering Monroe and Vanburen town
ships. From its tributaries it assumes a considerable size
at Alexandria, running southwest to Frankton, and leaving
the county one mile north of Perkinsville. Its general
course is southwest and its entire length is twenty-five miles.
Next in importance is Lick Creek, taking its rise in
Heni^ county. Its general course is west, running through
the entire width of the county, emptying into Fall Creek
near the Hamilton county line. The length of this stream
is very nearly that of Fall Creek, that is within the county,
its course comparing with that of the latter, being rather
more abrupt in its turnings. It derives its name from the
" Big Lick," which we have described in another part of this
work. Kill Buck is next under our notice. It derived its name
from an Indian Chief of the Delaware tribe. It takes its
rise in Delaware county, flows southwest through the county
and empties into White river at the railroad bridge near
Anderson. Its length in the county is about twelve miles.
Little Kill Buck, a branch of the above, will be spoken
of in proper order.
In the northwest part of the county we find Duck Creek.
The main branch takes its rise in Boone township, enter
ing Duck Creek township near the center of its east line.
Flowing south into Pipe Creek township, past Elwood,
leaving the county at its west line. Length, fifteen miles
within the county.
Next is Indian Creek, which has its source in Lafayette
township, flows southwest and empties into White river a
short distance above Hamilton. Length, twelve miles.
Next is Stony Creek, rising in Jackson township, running
southwest, past Fishersburg, leaving the county three-
fourths of a mile southeast of this place. Its length is about
ten miles, and derives its name from the stone found in its
bed. We will now notice Mud Creek, and we think it properly
named. It rises in Grant county, flows south past Summit
ville, across the southeast corner of Boone township, where
it enters Monroe, bearing: little west of south, emptying into
Pipe Creek, one mile and a half west of Alexandria.
Tjcngth, eleven miles.
Little Kill Buck has its Source in Monroe township, two
prongs having their junction just north of Prosperity, run
ning south, emptying into Kill Buck just above Robert
Adam's Woolen Factory, and near the Alexandria pike
bridge. Prairie Creek drains the prairie lying between Pendleton
and Anderson, is about eight miles in length, flows south
west, entering Fall Creek just above the Falls. It derived
its name from the prairie above alluded to.
Sly Fork rises in Union township, and near the Henry
county iine, running south, ent«rs Fall Creek one-fourth of
a mile west of Franklin's Mill, in Adams township.
Mill Creekalso takes its rise in Union township, near the
source of the stream, just described, runs in an opposite
direction and empties into White rives one-half mile north
of Chesterfield. Length, three miles.
Foster's Branch, a little stream rising in Jackson town
ship, passing through the northwest corner of Fall Creek
township, entering Green, running south, empties into Fall
Creek, three miles below Pendleton.
Winsell's, or Spring Branch has its source near the
Adams and Fall Creek township lines, runs west near the
Pendleton and New Castle pike line, emptying into Fall
Creek one-half mile east of Huntsville. Length, four
miles. Mud Branch rises in Stoney Creek township, flows south
west into the corner of Green, crossing the Pendleton and
Noblesville pike, near Bock's Mill, continuing southwest
two miles, where it leaves the county. Length, seven miles.
This completes the description of all the rivers and creeks
of any importance. Nearly all, in times past, afforded pro-
.pelling power for mills, but since the country has been
cleared up and steam introduced, the smallest of them are
not now used for that purpose. The county, as a rule,
might be called level ; there are, however, on White river
and Fall Creek, hills of considerable size. There is, com
paratively, little waste land in the county. The prairie,
between Pendleton and Anderson, for many years considered
as waste land, is gradually being subdued, and will soon
become the garden spot of the county, instead of being the
home of miasma and noxious weeds. A main ditch has
been put through, side ditches will soon be added, when it
will yield a hundred bushels of corn to the acre for years
without any restorative agencies. The forests of this
county, in its early history, must have been grand, judging
from what we see at this late day. There has been burned
and wasted enough valuable timber to pay for' all the land
in the county, at fifty dollars per acre. But it could not be
otherwise. There was no demand, no mills, the pioneer had
to clear his land, and the way most expeditious was the best.
This necessity has, to a great extent, passed away. We are
learning to take care of our timber. >%
Since pine, to a great extent, is used, and the railroad
eompanieikare using stone coal, let us hope that our much
abused forests may have a season of rest in the future.
There have been some grand trees which are worthy our
special notice as they are no longer standing to tell their
own story, save perhaps their stumps, which still linger,
loth to yield the place of their nativity. The first we will
mention is a poplar tree which grew on the land now owned
by Thornton Rector, in Adams township. The writer
went for himself, and measured the stump, which is yet
standing, two miles northeast of New Columbus, on the
east pike, leading to Anderson. It is nine feet in diameter,
and sixty feet from the stump it was five feet in diameter.
The tree was cut in 1870, and sold to W. R. Pierce, of
Anderson, for thirty dollars. It was all hauled away
except the third cut, which was longer than the rest, could
not be hauled, eight horses having pulled at it with no
effect. It was still there in 1874. Near it were other fine .
trees but net so large. Also we have an account of a
sycamore, growing in Lafayette township, cut down many
years since. A ten foot pole was turned with ease in its
hollow. There was an oak tree in Boone township, said to
be the finest tree in the north part of the county. It was
eight feet in diameter, seventy feet to the first limb.
Another, a poplar, growing in Lafayette township, from
which 7,500 shingles- were made ; it was said to be eighty
feet to the first limb, and the finest of its species in the
county. Another fine tree, an oak, grew just west of Mar
kleville, on the land originally owned by John Markle,
but now owned by C. G. Mauzy, just south of the pike. It
was seven feet in diameter. This tree was cut down and
worked up into boards and rails in 1855. You can see its
stump as you pass along the pike. Another, a whiteoak,
stood on the land originally owned by George Sebrell.
This tree was ten feet in diameter, and by far the largest
oak tree in the township, and perhaps in the county. It
grew on section thirty-two, east half, town 18, range eight.
We will speak of another white oak which grew on the land
of George Sebrell, which was six feet in diameter, eighty
feet without any defect, carrying its size well, n has been '
acknowledged, by all who have looked upon this tree, as
being the grandest representative of its kind in this vicinity.
We will further say. of this tree, that, it seemed to stand
entirely perpendicular, reaching far above the neighboring
trees, looking down upon them, as it were, as a monarch
upon his subjects, glorying in his power to rule. It grew
in section five, town seventeen, in Adams township.
Near the above tree and on the same land, was a poplar
tree, nine feet in diameter. It was a very valuable tree and
was worked up into rails in 1836, by Isaac Creason. Its
stump is yet seen near Solomon Creason's residence, and one
mile north of the Hancock county line.
We will add that the last two oak trees described were
consumed by a fire which swept through that locality in
1856. We are indebted to J, J. Justice for information in
regard to the last three trees described. Similar trees to
the above dots the county over. We give only a few to
show those in the future that this was once a well timbered
county. The demand for walnut lumber, of late years, has
nearly stripped us of this kind of timber. But few valuable
trees are left to remind us of their past glory. The same
may be said of other valuable timber.
In looking over our history during a period of fifty
years, what wonders have taken place in our county.
Excellent mills, near fifty in number, and worth thousands
of dollars, have taken the place of one little corn cracker at
the Falls Over one hundred school houses dot our county,
worth over $100,000, and with about the same number
of churches worth $300,000, with our two hundred miles of
pike, costing $250,000. Our land has grown to be worth
on an average, of fifty dollars an acre, worth in the aggre
gate $12,000,000; besides the city and town property,
worth, perhaps $1,000,000. The railroads enter and form
almost a net work in our county, without which we would
be poor indeed.
The telegraph and other improvements, unthought of by
the pioneer, have been introduced; but as the poet has
beautifuUy expressed it —
"There is aDivinity which shapes our ends
Eough hew them how we will."
In 1823 we find our county was organized. There were
twelve civil townships, Lafayette and Duck Creek having
been since created. The county seat \^as originally at Pen
dleton, where it continued until 1836, when it was removed
to Anderson, where it now is and doubtless will remain. It
is a little to the south of the center of the county, near
enough, however, for all practical purposes. We find the
geographical center of the county to be near Florida, in
Lafayette township. Its distance from the center of the
county, when at Pendleton, was doubtless the cause of its
removal. It was the occasion at the time of some little
jealousy, which still lingers to some extent.
Our growth, while it has not been of the mushroom order,
has been gradual and satisfactory, as the statistics will show.
With a productive soil which responds to toil in a fitting
way, we can draw the contrast with the pioneer with satis-
fiiotion. While theirs was a life of privations and sacrifices,
ours is, comparatively, that of ease and plenty. It has, as
has bee^i said in another part of this work, cost toil and
privations. Many have been called away since our county
was first settled, as our cemeteries will attest. The Author
has passed many of their silent homes while gathering these
items, and never without respect mingled with sorrow.
Could some of these revisit us again, what strange sights
and sounds would greet them. Beautiful fields have taken
the place of the silent woodland. Churches and school
houses are found on every hand. The same may be said of
us also, when we too, shall have gone hence, as onward and
upward seems to be written on everything, and we need not
be surprised at anything. A flying machine, brought to
perfection, would not be any more of a wonder, fifty years
hence, than the present telegraph would be to one, could he
now rise and see with natural eyes, having been sleeping
in the grave for the same length of time.
The genius of man is unbounded. There are men to-day
wearing away their lives, bringing out and perfecting
balloons and ships to navigate the air, flying apparatuses,
talking devices, etc. We may not live to see these perfected ^
but time will bring them out in its own good season, for it
is a law of nature, written in unmistakable letters, that the
supply will be equal to the demand. In other words, man's
ingenuity, assisted by a higher power, will develop and
bring out what the times demand ; they keep pace and are
inseparable. STATISTICS.
We will now proceed to give some statistics in relation to
the county, which are taken from reliable sources, and are
thought to be correct :
The population of the county in 1830 was 2,238, in 1840
it was 8,874, in 1850 it was 12,375, in 1860 it was 16,518,
in 1870 it was 22,770, and at this writing, 1874, is estima
ted, in round numbers, at 25,000, with a voting population
of 5,272.
The colored population in 1850 was 14, in 1860 it was
60, in 1870 it was 91, and at this writing, 1874, it is
estimated at 125.
' The number .of citizens living in all the towns in 1850
was 1,733, in 1860 it was 3,814, in 1870 it was 5,769, and
at this writing, 1874, estimated in round numbers at 8,000.
The number of acres of improved land in 1870 was
133,190. The number of acres of woodland was 87,521 ;
other impj-oved land, 1,173.
The cash value of farms in 1870 was $9,399,441, value
of farm implements and machinery $242,571, value of
orchard products, $70,262.
Value of all live stock, $1,229,996. The number of
horses was 7,677, of cattle, 12,882; of sheep, 22,820; of
swine, 29,885.
The number of bushels of wheat was 541,669 ; of rye,
3,804; of corn, 1,028,150; of oats, 74,637; of barley,
2,650 ; of buckwheat, 904.
The number of pounds of tobacco was 4,930, the number
of pounds of wool was 73.475, the number of bushels of
potatoes was 62,184, the number of tons of hay was 10,385,
the number of pounds of butter was 322,487, the number
of bushels of flaxseed was 15,537, the number of pounds of
maple sugar was 18,493, the number of gallons of sorghum
was 30,782, the number of pounds of honey, 12,160.
In 1870 there were 2,288 farms of all sizes in the county.
The number of farms over 500 and under 1,000 acres, was
1 ; over 100 and under 500 acres, 356 ; number over 50
and under 100 acres, 741 ; over 20 and under 50 acres, 965 ;
number ever 10 and under 20 acres, 175 ; under 10 acres, 49.
The number of school houses in the county in 1872 was
132; the total value of grounds, houses, maps, charts,
globes, etc., $93,430. The number of volumes in the town
ship libraries, 3,733 ; the number of teachers employed, 115
at an average compensation in the primary department,
male, $2.12; female $1.75; in the graded schools, males,
$2.89 ; females, $1.87. The amount paid out to trustees for
managing educational matters, $1,265.50; the number of
school children in 1870 was 8,319.
The number of miles of railroad finish'.ed, 46; number
of miles in progress, 48 ; the number of miles of pike, 200
at an average cost per mile of $1,400.
I^umber of Masonic lodges, 11, and total membership,
566. Number of Odd Fellows lodges, 6, with a total mem
bership of 279. Number ot Granges, 50, membership
1,200. Number of local preachers, 28.
Number of grist mills, 15, valued at $125,000, with a
capacity for making 624 barrels in twenty-four hours.
Number of saw mills, 60, valued at $160,000, with a
capacity for makifag 240,000 feet of lumber per day.
Church membership, 6,000; physicians, 51; lawyers, 31;
banks, 4 ; harness shops, 16 ; shoe shops, 29 ; carriage
shops 5; wagon shops, 15; express offices, 5; photograph
galleries, 4 ; dry goods storfes, 31 ; drug stores, 1 5 ; hard
ware stores, 11 ; general assortment stores, 40; shoe stores,
8 ; marble shops, 2 ; chair manufactiires, 2 ; founderies, 1 ;
pump shops, 5; tile factories, 8 ; hotels, 11; postoffices, 16;
printing offices, 3 ; precincts, 18 ; planing mills, 4 ; tan-
yards, 4 ; jewelry stores, 4 ; tailor shops, 5 ; warehouses,
12 ; woolen factories, 2 ; spoke and hub factories, 1 ; agri
cultural warehouses, 3.
The number of Sabbath schools, 60^ with an average
attendance, including officers and teachers, of 3^274 ; amount
paid out for books, papers, , etc., in 1872, $731.25.
The taxable property in the county is put down at $12,-
000,000, but its real value will fall a little short of
$20,000,000, including railroad companies, corporations, etc.
These statistics, of course, are general, and many of
importance are left out. Enough is given, however, to give
a general idea of our wealth and prosperity. We will
dwell more minutely on some of the above under different
subjects or heads, as this is only intended as a general out
look of the county.
Ordered by the Board that the agent of the County of Madison sell
to the lowest bidder the building of a Court House, to be built on lot
No. 17, in the N. E. square in Andersontown, to be bult on the
following Plan, to-wit : One story high, thirty-six feet long and
twenty feet wide, to be elevated one foot from the ground and
underpinned with stone; the story to be ten feet between floors; the
building to be well weatherboarded and covered with good joint
shingles; to have a good brick chimney in the west end with a large
fireplace therein ; ten feet of the end to be partitioned oflf and the
rooms to be partitioned as to make two ten feet jury rooms; all the
partitions to be run of good seasoned plank — each of said jury rooms
to have a door to open into the large room — ^the said house to have
three twelve lite windows in the S. Side and three in the N. Side; the
windows to be so placed that'the large Eoom shall have four and each
of the Jury Eooms one; the under floor to be laid in a good work
manlike manner, the upper floor tabe laid of loose planks; house to
have one door in the front to open near the partition; the windows
to be in, the outside door hung and the house enclosed on or before
the second Monday in May next, and the whole work completed
according to the above plan on or before the second Monday in Nov.
next; the sale to take place at Anderson town on the 3d Saturday
Jany. Inst.; the said agent taking bond of the contractors in double
the amount for which the work is taken, conditioned for the comple
tion of the work against the 15 day of Nov., 1831.
At the Jan. Session, 1832, the viewers ap-pointed to view the new
Court House, make a report discounting the contractors $30 for failing
to fulfill the contract. / _ w, » /v *
1st District, Union and Adams townships.
2d District, Anderson and Jackson townslups.
3d District, Fall Creek and Green townships.
Ordered by the Board of Commissioners at the September Session,
1831, that the hcense to vend wooden clocks, be six dollars per
At the January session, 1832, John Berry was appointed by the
Board Agent to borrow $100 of the Commissioners of Marion county
for a period not exceeding one year, with the privilege to Madison
county to pay it sooner if so much money be in the treasury before
that time. SESSION SEPTKMBBE IST, A. D. 1828.
1. " At a meeting of -^ the Board of Madison County Justices
began and held in the house of John Berry, in Anderson Town, on
the first Monday in September, Anno Domini, 1828, Present of said
Board, as follows, To-wit: William Curtis, John Busby, Amasa
Makepeace, Jacob Hiday, Thomas M. Pendleton, Willi3.m Nelson,
Daniel Wise and William S. Penn."
2. "And the Board now proceed to appoint a president, and
William Curtis is Elected accordingly, without opposition, to serve
the following year."
5. " Ordered by the Board that Jesse Lain,, Dickinson Burt, George
Hodgins, Abraham Adams, Stephen Corwin, John Wynn, (com
monly called Short John Wynn) and William Perkins, be, and they
are hereby exempted from paying a poll tax for the present year."
15. " Ordered that William Eamsey have a Usance to vend foreign
groceries, for six months, for the sum of two dollars and flfty cents,
he haviijg complied with the requisitions of the law." <
16. "Ordered that Samuel Cory be allowed the sum of five dollars
as an additional allowance for whisky and crying the sale of lots in
Anderson town."
(At this term they made an order for a new Court House, but
revoked it in July, 1829. WILLIAM CUETIS, Pes't.
"Present, William Curtis, William S. Penn, Amasa Makepeace,
John Busby, Thomas M. Pendleton, Daniel Hardesty, Daniel Wise
and Eichard Kinnaman."
(At the same session the county agent was instructed to sell let 12
in the S. E. sqr. of Anderson to Dickinson Burt, for five dollars, to
be paid in three years or to revert to the county.)
(On the 13th day of December, 1828, Morgan Shortridge ahd Zenas
Beckwith reported the route of a road running from New Castle to
LaFayette. They were appointed commissioners to do that by the
legislature of 1828.)
(Jan. session, 1829, Bicknel Cole was appointed treasurer of Madi
son Co. for the year ending on the first Monday in January, 1830.)
" Ordered by the Board that ttie S^e^ ^glay H a^rvefof^tolurvey '
the donation made to Ife^clunty, by Cap^t. Berry, and elstablish the'
east line of the donaticmand then Ito dell ^th6 remaining lots belong
ing to the county, on tae Ist ftfj, Agril, i830, and give notice by post
ing three written nol8*E(^lJhe 'ibiirity afid three notices in three
adjoining counties." _ . - v ^
"The clerk was ordered topnake!.oiit and'put up at the caurtshousef
door of the county, a fair statement of the expenses of the county foil
the present year." f, , v - -' • ' ' ' "
" And the Board now selected the following persons from the
assessment Eolls to serve as Grand Jurors at the October term of the
Madison Circuit Court, for the year 1829, To-wit : Thomas Snider
Jonathan Stanley, CoUings Tharp, Eobert Virtue, I. N. Elsberry,
Henry Eees, Stephen Noland, William Stanley, Adam Elsworth,
John Martin, Elias Hughs, William McCarty, John Cookman,
Samuel Bodle, Elisha Layton, John Markle."
" Peter Chodrick, John Shimer, Jesse Shelton, Moses Mills, Elijah
Gardner, Samuel Lambert, Henry Eussell, John Drury, Solomon
Adamson, Charles McCarty, Henry Hughes, Joseph Carpenter,
Samuel Shimer, Isaac Drury, Moses Shawl, Thornton Eector, Eli
Hodgins, John Davis, Elisha Cpnner, Daniel Poe, William WiUiams,
John Hoover, Samilton D. Boyle, Philip, Van Devender."
" Bicknel Cole was granted an order for $3. 12 J for crying sale and
furnishing whisky at the last sale of Anderson lots."
Jail. — The Board of Justices at the July session, 1829, ordered the
county agent to let the contr3.ct for a Jail in Anderson, and agreed to
appropriate $200. The rest was raised , by subscription as the record
shows — at least that was the agreement.
(At the Septemljer special session, 1829, Thomas McCartney,
Henry Sybert and John Berry produced certificates of elections and
were sworn in as Commissioners of Madison County, being the first
Board of commissioners.)
"Ordered, that for the purpose of raising a County Eevenue for the
present year, the following rate of taxation be laid, to-wit: On every
liundred dollars worth of Tewn property, exclusive of improvements,
0.75; on Polls, 0.37J; on work over, 0.25; on horses, over 3 years old>
0.50;. on land, at the rate of fifty cents on 100 acres of first-rate land
40 cts.; on 100 acres of 2nd-rate land, and 30 cts. on the 100 acres
of 3rd."
This township is situated in the southeast corner of the
county. It is seven miles from north to south and five from
east to west, and contains thirty-five square miles. The
township derived its name from Abraham Adams, who was
one of the first settl'ers, coming here in 1823, and locating
near New Columbus. Among the other first settlers we find
the names of John Adams, Reason Sargent, William Penn,
John, Andrew, and David Ellsworth, Levi Brewer, Thorn
ton Eector, WilHam Nelson, Manly Eichards, Stephen and
James Noland, Peter Jones, Bridge, Sawyer and Hudson,
(the three latter of the Indi^iU murder.) Of those who
came soon afterward, and located in different parts of the
township, we find the names of Thomas Bell, Hiram Birch,
Joseph Smith, David Eice, John Coopman, John and Moses
Surber, John Blake, William Sloan, Stephen Norman,
Isaac Cooper, Thomas, William and Garrett McCallister,
Ealph Williams, John Markle, James Collier, Stephen and
Henry Dobson, Morris Gillmore, Thomas Shelton and
William Stanley.
The election was first held at the house of Abraham
Adams then at the house of Manly Eichards. About the
year 1830, the precinct was permanently located at New
Columbus. The second precinct was established at Mar
kleville in 1870. The following have served as trustees :
William Sloan, Jacob Festler, John Boram, J. H. Dailey,
Eandall Biddle, Nelson Prichard and John Justice. There
are ten school houses in the township, eight frame and two
brick ; the former are twenty-two by thirty, and cost $600
apiece ; the latter are twenty by forty, and cost $1,200 each.
The total number of school children in 1858 was five
hundred and eighty-four, and the total number in 1874 was
five hundred and thirty-eight. The number of polls in
1872 was three hundred and twenty-three, of which one
hundred and forty-one were cast at New Columbus, and one
hundred and eighty-two at Markleville. The population
of the township in 1850 was one thousand three hundred
and nine ; in 1860 it was one thonsand four hundred and
fifty-three, and in 1870 it was one thousand five hundred
and seventy-six.
The number of acres of improved land in 1870 was ten
thousand nine hundred and seventeen. The total value of
farms and farming implements for the same year was §759,-
257; value of live stock, $117,282; and value of all
productions, $208,969. The number of bushels of corn
raised in 1870 was ninety-one thousand one hundred and
sixty-three. The number of miles of pike finished is
fifl«en. The number of Masonic lodges is two, with a total
membership of sixty-nine. The number of Granges is four,
with a membership of one hundred and ten. The number
of post offices two ; the number of saw mills, three ; grist
mill, one; physicians four; churches, seven; local preachers,
four. Fall Creek and I^ick Creek pass through the township.
Among the prominent men that have filled county offices
from this township are Thomas Bell, Thomas McCallister,
Joseph Peden, Peter Festler, John McCallister and G. W.
Hoel. The hilliest part of the county is in this township, on
Fall Creek, between Columbus and the Henry county line.
In this township lives the oldest man in the county, John
Coopman, aged ninety years. It was in this township that
the noted Indian murder occurred in 1824, which caused so
much trouble to the infant settlement. The first marriage
that took place in the township was in the year 1825, the
parties being Adam Ellsworth and Sally Eector. The first
school teacher was C. Hudson; the first physician Dr.
Horn. The , first meetings were held at the private houses
of Abraham Adams, Peter Jones, and Eeason Sargent.
There was a meeting at the house of Peter Jones on the day
the Indian bodies were discovered. Among the first
preachers were James Havens, Mr. Hoel, Saul Eeger and
D. F. Stright,
Those serving as Justices of the Peace, are as follows :
Hiram Birch, William Nelson, Moses Surber, J. M. Zeke,
M. ^-riiistrong, Thomas McCallister, Joseph Peden, Jose
phus Poindexter, Andrew Bray, Samuel Williams, G. W.
Hoel, John Justice, Edgar Poindexter, James Moneyhun,
and J. A. Sebrell. The last two are now serving.
We omitted to mention in the proper place the names of
George and William Sebrell, who also served as justices.
Otherwise the list is thought to be nearly or quite correct.
There are but very few of the early settlers of the town
ship now remaining in it. Among those few are Kitty
Williams, daughter of Abraham Adams, John Coopman,
John Blake, Ealph Williams, Thornton Eector, William
Sloan, J. F. Collier, and Morris Gillmore.
This township is six miles square, and Jis the only square
township in the county, excepting Van Buren. The number
of inhabitants in 1850 was one thousand three hundred and
forty-six; in 1860 it was two thousand five hundred and
thirty ; in 1870 it was four thousand seven hundred and
thirteen, and in 1874 estimated at five thousand five hun
dred. In 1870 it had three hundred and seventy-one
foreigners and ninety-one colored persons. The number of
acres of improved land, in 1870, was one hundred and six
thousand six hundred and eleven ; the value of farms and
farming implements, $1,049,974; value of live stock,
$97,053 ; total value of all products, $207,899. The num
ber of bushels of corn raised in 1870, was ninety-six thous
and one hundred and forty one. It has fourteen school
houses, five of which are brick. The total value of school
property, including grounds, houses, etc., is $14,300 ; value
of school property in the city of Anderson, $8,000. The
number of school children in 1858, including Anderson, was
eight hundred and fifty-four. The number in 1874, including
Anderson, was sixteen hundred and forty-four. It contains
five grist mills, eight saw mills, three planing mills, two
heading and stave factories, three cooper shops, four wagon
shops, two chair manufactories, one spoke and hub factory,
two furniture rooms, two lumber yards, three harness shops,
two tanyards, two hardware stores, three hotels, eight dry
goods stores, fourteen groceries, four drug stores, four shoe
stores, eight general assortment stores, five churches, one
post office, twelve physician.s, eighteen lawyers, five local
preachers, one telegraph office, two express offices, three
stove stores, three agricultural warehouses, three grain ware--
houses, two printing offices, six shoe shops, one carriage shop,
one wagon and carriage shop, three wagon shops, one foundry
one pump shop, one marble shop, two photograph galleries,
two bakeries, three banks, one flax mill, five blacksmith shops,
two jewelry stores, one revenue office, two Masonic lodges,
one Odd Fellows lodge, six Granges, three building and
loan associations, three millinery establishments, one gun
smith shop, one wholesale liquor establishment, three livery
stables, four butcher shops, one temperance society, I. O. G.
T., and one book store.
This township was settled about the year 1820. Among
the first settlers were William and John Allen, John Berry,
Alford Makepeace, Dr. Wyman, William Curtis, N. Berry,
Andrew Jackson, Joseph Howard, E. N. Williams, W. B.
Allen, G. T. Hoover, William Beard, John and Thoma.s
Haruiison, W. G. Atherton, William Eoach, Judge Mer-
shoon, J. W. Westerfield and Joel Blackledge.
Among those who have served as Justices of the Peace,
wc find the following : John Berry, John Allen, J. M.
Zeke, Oren Todhunter, Henry Wyman, Joel Blackledge
J. P. Sharp, David Williamson, John Eenshaw, P. H.
Lemon, G. W. Bowen, Henry Whitmore, W. H. Mershoon,
Andrew Jackson, Asa Pratt, William Eoach and Edward
Schlater. Among the first merchants in Anderson were Connor &
Makepeace. The first lawyer was C. D. Henderson. The
first blacksmith was Mr. Bane. The first hotel was kept
by John Berry.
White river passes through this township from east to
west. Kill Buck comes into the township at the north and
empties into White river near the railroad bridge. Prairie
Creek has its source in this township, and flows south into
Fall Creek, near Pendleton. There are three miles of the
hydraulic canal in this township, which terminates at Ander
son. It contains twenty-five miles of pike and seventeen
miles of railroad. In this township is Anderson, the county
seat, which will be spoken of more fully in another place.
The general surface of the county is level, with the excep
tion of a few bluffs along White river and Kill Buck.
The fact that this township contains the county seat will
keep this ahead of the other townships as far as population
and business is concerned; the soil, however, is no better
than is found elsewhere.
This township derived its name from Daniel Boone, of
frontier notoriety. It occupies a central position in the
north tier of tovvnrhips. It is six railes from east to west,
and five from north to south, and contains an area of thirty
square miles.
Among the first settlers were Thomas Brunt, Wright
Smith, John W. Forest, John Tomlinson, Dudley Doyle,
John Moore, William Eieves, Peter Eaton and Eobert
Webster. The population of the township in 1850 was two hundred
and ninety-nine ; in 1860 it was six hundred and seventy-
eight; in 1870 it was ten hundred and seventy-eight ; and
iu 1874 estimated at twelve hundred. It contains eight
school houses vp,lued at $3,150, including grounds, maps,
etc. In 1,858 it contained two hundred and ninety-six
school children ; in 1874 in had three hundred and ninety.
The number of acres of improved land in 1870 was seven
thousand three hundred and eighteen; value of farm and
farm implements, 81,049,974; value of live stock, §83,240.
The number of bushels of corn in 1870 was fifty-four
thousand seven hundred and forty-eight; number of
churches, two ; of Sabbath schools, two ; of physicans, two ;
steam saw mills, three; blacksmiths, two; tile factories,
one ; local preachers, three.
Among those who have served as Justices of the Peace,
we find the following : John Tomlinson, B. Carver, W.
Doyle, J. W. Forest, Thomas Clark, A. J. Seward, and E.
H. Peters.
The surface of Boone township is level, and when prop
erly ditched this township will be one of the most fertile in
the county. Duck Creek passes through the southeast
corner. Lily creek has its source in this township. Boone
was originally one of the finest timbered townships in the
county, and here some of the finest oak trees are yet stand
ing. It also has had some fine walnut and poplar groves,
but they have disappeared to a great extent. Forestville is
near the center of the town.ship and was named in honor of
•Tohn W. Forest. There was a post office here kept by
J. W. Forest, but it has been discontinued. The elections
are held here in school house No. 7. The people of Boone
are somewhat destitute of merchants, mechanics and a post
office. Forestville should maintain a good store, a post
office and five or six mechanics. This would materially
add to the convenience of the citizens of the township.
The pioneers of this township had a hard time to make
a start and nothing .short of heroism and untold persever
ance would have succeeded. The land was naturally low
and wet and covered with a dense forest. There were
no roads no mills or other conveniencies. In this gloomy
picture a few pioneers pitched their tents about the year
1842. Little by little the forest has been removed and the
water has been confined to ditches. Eoads have taken the
place of bridle paths and Indian traces, school houses and
churches have multiplied and other conveniences have been
introduced as the times would seem to demand. Boone,
however, is not yet finished. Thousands of acres yet remain
to be ditched and put under proper cultivation. When
this is done Boone will take rank with .some of her other
sister townships. The presentt rustee is William D. Brunt.
This township is situated in the northwest corner of the
county. It is six miles from north to south and four from
east to west, and contains twenty-four square miles. This
is perhaps the newest township in the county. There yet
remains a large amount of uncultivated land which is
covered with excellent timber. Duck Creek, from which
this township derived its name, passes through the south
eastern part. About two-thirds of this township was
originally embraced in the Miami Eeserve. Independence
is situated on the north line adjoining Grant county. This
township was originally embraced in the territory of Pipe
Creek, but was made an independent township in 1851.
The population in 1860 was four hundred and ninety-eight ;
in 1870 it was seven hundred and eighty-nine, and in 1874
estimated at one thousand. It contains six school houses
valued at $2,500. In 1858 it had two hundred and five
school children, and in 1872 it had two hundred and sixty-
two. The number of acres of improved land in 1870 was five
thousand eight hundred and twenty-four. The number of
bushels of corn raised in 1870 was forty-three thousand
seven hundred and twenty, value of live stock, $61,415.
Among the first settlers of this township we find the
names of David Waymire, Amasa Clymer, James Gray
Elliott Waymire, Thomas Castell, Fielding SampsOn, D. B.
Newkirk, Arthur Purtie, Isaac Doughty, John Quick,
Samuel Purtie, Isaac Wann, and A. Minnick.
Among those who have served as Justices of the Peace
we find the names of Elliott Waymire, Amasa Clymer, D.
V. Newkirk, J. C. Wardwell, David Trambarger and A. J.
Eoss. A vast amount of lumber has been shipped from Elwood
and Independence, which was sawed at the mills of William
Hedrick and Henry Cochran.
Duck Creek township, though wild, and to a great extent
uncultivated, will in time make a good farming country.
With its inexhaustible soil and valuable timber, nothing is
needed but time to make it an average township. Already
good barns and dwellings are found here, as in older settled
localities. We omttted in the proper place the name of John Har
mon, who has been a prominent citizen of this township for
raany years. We have, however, a communication from
Mr. Harmon, which will be found in another part of the
work and will doubtless be read with interest. In this
communication Mr. Harmon dwells at some length on the
early history of Duck Creek, which will account for this
short and imperfect sketch.
This township derived its name from the Falls of the
creek. It is seven miles from north to south and six trom
east to west, and contains flprty-two square miles. The
number of inhabitants in 1850 was two thousand one hun
dred and twenty- eight ; in 1860 it was two thousand one
hundred and seventeen; in 1870 it was two thousand four
hundred and eighty-three, and in 1870 estimated at two
thousand six hundred.
The number of acres of improved land iu 1870 was four-
teen thousand seven hundred and five ; value of farms and
farm implements, $1,235,870; value of live stock, $124,829 ;
value of all products, $270,937. The number of bushels
of corn raised in 1870 was one hundred and fifteen thous
and nine hundred and fifty ; nuraber of school houses, four
teen; total value of school property, including grounds, etc.,
$8,000. The number of school children in 1858 was six
hundred and seventy ; in 1874 it was seven hundred and
sixty-nine. There is in the township four grist mills, four saw mills,
one planing mill, one flax mill, seven blacksmith shops, four
harness shops, one tailor shop, one printing office, one bank,
one photograph gallery, two hardware stores, six dry goods
stores, four groceries, two drug stores, one tin shop, two
cooper shops, three wagon shops, one telegraph office, five
churches, four Sunday schools, one Masonic lodge, one Odd
Fellows lodge, six Granges, four local preachers, one dentist,
two post offices, two lawyers, three warehouses, one hotel,
two livery stables, twentj^-eight miles of pike, two butcher
shops, eight carpenters, seven miles of railroad, two milli
nery shops and one stone quarry.
Pendleton and Huntsville are both in this township.
Among the first settlers of this township, commencing in
1820, were James Pendleton, Judge Winchell, Thomas
Bell, Thomas and Jaraes Scott, Dr. Bordwell, Elias Hol
lingsworth, the Eichmond family and Israel T. Cox.
Coming soon after were George Nicholson, Adam Dobson,
Martin Chapman, William Williams, Eaos Adamson,
William and Thomas Silver, Isaac and John Busby, Palmer
Patrick, J. T. Swain, B. F. Gregory, Judge Walker,
William and James Brown, John H. and Ward Cook, A.
M. Ulin, John J. Lewis and Neal Hardy.
The first physician was Lewis Bordwell. The first store
keeper was Israel T. Cox. The first church was organized
in 1823 by the Eev. Cotton of the Ohio Conference. The
first preacher afterwards was James Eeader. The first
white child born was at the house of Jacob Shells; the
second was at the house of Elias Hollingsworth. The first
wedding was that of Stephen Corwin and Hanna Ellsworth,
and occurred in the year 1821 or 1822. They had to go to
Connersville for their license. After the ceremony the door
was taken ofi^ of its hinges to serve as a table. Around
this humble board the first wedding cake was broken and
metheglin flowed in abundance. A good time was had gen-
rally, in one small room, which served for kitchen, dining
room and parlor.
Among those who served as Justices of the Peace were
James Pendleton, Mr. Birk, Thomas Barnes, Thomas Silver,
J. W. Walker, J. T. Swain, P. E. Maul, A. B. Caroll, T.
B. Mitehell and E. O. Chapman.
The history of Fall Creek is interesting. It was here the
first pioneers of the county settled, here the first court was
held, the first white child born and the first wedding was
celebrated. With Fall Creek township cluster many remi
niscences, pleasant to those who survive of the early band.
This township is situated in the southwest corner of the
county, and is six miles from north to south, and four from
east to west, and contains an area of twenty-four square
miles. The Bellefontaine Eailroad passes through the
southeast corner. Fall Creek and Lick Creek pass through
the south end of the township, and unite near the west line.
Among the first citizens of Green were Judge Samuel
Holliday, Thomas and .James Scott, Henry Hiday, Samuel
Gibson, Abraham Cotrell, William McCarty, James and
Isaac Jones, Saul Shaul, and Elias Ellis. Following soon
after we find Wesley '\A'hite, Washington Pettigrew,
William A. Williamson, John Shaul, William Alfont, O.
B. Shaul and Samuel Nicholson.
Among the first Justices were Samuel Gibson and Evan
Ellis. The present ones are C. Goodrich and N. West.
The Noblesville and Pendleton pike passes through the
north end of this township. The pike leading from the
Hamilton county line to Pendleton also passes through the
southern part of the north side on Fall Creek. The total
length of both roads is nine miles. Foster's Branch flows
through the eastern part and empties into Fall Creek three
miles southwest of Pendleton.
The township has six school houses, valued at (including
grounds, etc.) $2,550. It contains three churches, two post
offices, one blacksmith shop, one store, one physician, two
saw mills, and in 1874 three hundred and twenty-eight
school children.
The population in 1850 was seven hundred and forty-four ;
in 1860 it was seven hundred and nine; in 1870 it was nine
hundred and fifty-four, and in 1874 estimated at eleven
hundred. The number of acres of improved land in 1870
was seventy thousand and seventy; value of farms and
farm implements, $482,303; value of live stock, $65,560;
value of all productions, $1,938,000. The number of
bushels of corn in 1870 was forty- seven thousand five hun
dred and seventy.
Among the prominent men who have filled county offices
from Green, are Saul Shaul and Andrew Shanklin. It was
also the home of Judge Holliday, of whom a personal
sketch will be found in another place. Alfont is in the
southeastern part, on the Bellefontaine Eailroad, of which a
full account will be given elsewhere.
In the southern part of Green township on Lick Creek
and Fall Creek we find some of the finest cultivated farms
in the township. With its wide spreading fields and green
pastures it presented an inviting prospect when I was there
in June last. It is now over half a century since it was
first settled, and few, if any of the sturdy pioneers remain.
The storms of time have swept them one by one away.
The only one we call to mind is Thoraas Scott, left solitary,
like a strong tree after a tornado has swept over it.
This township was named in honor of Ex-President
Andrew Jackson. It is six miles froin north to south, and
is iri the shape of an L, and contains twenty-eight square
miles. White river runs through this township from east
to west, and Pipe Creek through the northwest corner.
Stony Creek has its source in the southeast corner. Per
kinsville and Hamilton are in this township, both of which
are voting places.
The population in 1850 was nine hundred and fifty; in
1860 it was one thousand and seven, and in 1874 estimated
at twelve hundred. The number of acres of improved land
in 1870 was ten thousand one hundred and twenty -seven ;
value of farms and farm implements, $724,539 ; value of
live stock, $89,749 ; value of all productions, $141,676.
The number of bushels of corn in 1870 waS sixty-six
thousand four hundred seventy-five; number of school
houses, ten ; the total value, including grounds, etc., $5;800.
The number of school children in 1858 was three hundred
and ninety-eight; the number in 1874 was four hundred
and eighty-nine. The nuraber of grist mills is one, of saw
mills, four; physicians, five; post offices, two; churches,
five; blacksmith shops, three; harness shops, one; drug
stores, one ; general assortment stores, two ; tile factories,
one ; local preachers, three ; Granges, five ; Masonic lodge,
one; Odd Fellows lodge, one; shoe shops, three; wagon
shop, one ; miles of pike, eight.
Among the first settlers, we find the following, who came
here about the year 1825. James Perkins, T. L. Beckwith,
A. B. Cole, Solomon Neese, Dr. Douglass, Joel White,
John Ashby, Dr. Godell, Jacob Zeller. Coming soon after
we find the families of McClintock's, McCoy's, Benefield's and
Lee's. The Anderson and Perkinsville pike passes through
this township on the north side of the river. The pike
from Hamilton to Anderson extends throngh part of the
township. Among the first Justices were Henry Shetterly and J.
N. Berreman. The present one is J. M. Garrettson.
Among the first ministers we find the names of Nathaniel
Eichmond, Jaines Perkins, H. Smith, James Havens and
John H. Hull. Among the first merchants were Beckwith
& Cole, and Hedrick & Bristol. Among the first physi
cians were Dr. Douglass, T. L. Carr and Dr. Clark. The
trade of this township is divided between Anderson,
Noblesville and Perkinsville. The northern and southern
parts of this township are level ; the central portion is
inclined to be a little broken and is excellent land.
Among the prominent men who have filled county offices,
are T. L. Beckwith and Jaraes H. Snell. The present
Towuiship Trustee is Martin Pruett. The township library
is kept by Moses Genner.
This township was named in honor of LaFayette, whose
name every American citizen reveres. It occupies a central
position in the county. It is six miles from east to west,
and five and three-fourths frora north to south, and contains
an area of thirty-four and one-half square miles. It is the
only township that corresponds with the congres.sinnal town
ships, that is, beginning with section No. 1 in the northea.'^t
and ending with section No. 36 in the southeast. The first
house built in this township was by H. Eye in 1830.
This township was originally embraced in the territory of
Eichland, but in the year 1836 LaFayette was created in
corapliance with the petition of the following :
James Hollingsworth, Samuel Moore, Enos Mustard,
William Curtis, George Moore, George Wilson, John Ma-
gart, Isaac Jones, Jaraes Finny, Sarauel Felty, Jourdan
Ootan, Eead Wilson, John Croan and Matthew Taylor, who
were among the first citizens of the town.ship.
Among those who have served as Justices of the Peace we
find the following: John Magart, J. B. Peniston, Isaac
Jones, Isaac P. Snelson, Lewis I. Bailey, John Eidgeway,
James Hollingsworth, John Ootan, Jacob Newton, J.' W.
Hillegoss, Hamilton Scott and George D. Thompson.
The following have served as Trustees : .Jame.s Hollings
worth, John Cowan, Jourdan Ootan, Enos Mustard, P.
Miller, Eobert Goodwin, Allen Sims, Thomas Stanley, Zail
Eaines, Thomas G. Clark, George Craighead, James
Matchet, J. L. Jones and John Guston, now acting.
The nuraber of acres of improved land in 1870 was nine
thousand seven hundred and fifty-six; value of farms and
farm implement, $665,146; value of live stock, §95,104;
value of all productions, $181,370. The nuraber of bushels
of corn in 1872 was seventy-six thousand two hundred and
two. The population of the township in 1850 was six
hundred and ninety-four; in 1860 it was one thousaod; in
1870 it was one thousand four hundred and fifty-two, and
in 1874 estimated at one thousand six hundred.
In 1858 it had four hundred and thirteen school children;
in 1870 it had six hundred and nine. It contains nine
school houses which cost $-100 each, excepting school hou.fe
No. 4, built in 1873, which cost $650. The total value of
all school property, including grounds, etc. is $3,800. The
Cincinnati and Chicago Eailroad passes through this town
ship frora southeast to northwest, a distance of ten miles.
It has nine miles of pike. The number of stores is one ;
nuraber of post offices, one; churches, three; saw mills,
two ; physicians, two ; local preachers, one.
Indian or Eich Creek passes through this township from
northeast to southwest, and empties into White river near
Harailt^m. Araong the prominent men of this township
who have beea more or less noted, are Thomas G. Clark,
Dr. John Hunt, Isaac P. Snelson and G. W. Harris.
Florida station is in this township, a full account of
which will be found in another part of thiri work. The
surface of this township is very level, and is called, in jest,
" lay- flat " township. Frora its central position, its railroad
facilities and numerous other advantages, it is, notwith
standing its flatness, a very desirable place to live.
This township derived its name from Ex-President
Monroe, and is the largest in the county, extending more
than half way across the entire width of the county and
containing an area of fifty-one square miles. In point of
population it ranks third in the county.
Araong the first settlers of this township were Joseph
Hall, Peter Cassell, Baxter Davis, John Chitwood, Stephen
Norris, Elija Snodgrass, Hildria Lee, John Brunt, Evan
Ellis, John Cree, Jacob Price, Morgan and Jaraes James,
John Banks, Elijah Williarason, Macajah Chanless, David
Pickard and Lorenzo Carver.
Araong those who have served as Justices of the Peace
we find the names of Aaron Williams, David Pickard, Jesse
Ellis, Williara Wilson, Daniel King, Moses Harris, Stephen
Norris, Jesse Williaras, Jacob Cassell and James Eussell.
The population of the township in 1850 was twelve hun
dred and forty-four; in 1860 it was one thousand seven
hundred forty-one; in 1870 it was two thousand two hun
dred and twenty-one, and in 1874 estimated at two thousand
four hundred.
The number of acres of improved land in 1870 was
sixteen thousand seven hundred and seventy-seven ; value
of farms and farm implements, $1,095,463; value of live
stock, $161,596 ; number of bushels of corn, one hundred
and thirty-four thousand five hundred and forty-seven;
school houses, eleven ; value of school property, including
grounds, houses, maps, charts, globes, etc, $8,000. The
number of school children in 1858 was seven hundred ; the
number in 1873 was nine hundred and sixty-one, and in
1874 it was nine hundred and thirty-one.
Monroe contains two towns, Alexandria and Osceola, both
spoken of in separate places. Pipe Creek passes through
and flows in a southwesterly direction, and several of its
smaller tributaries take their rise in this township.
The LaFayette and Muncie Eailroad passes through from
the southeast to the northwest. The township contains one
grist mill, four steam saw mills, five churches, five physi
cians, eight stores, one tan yard, one planing mill, one
harness shop, four shoe shops, two lawyers, two post offices
one hotel, four local preachers, eight Sabbath schools and
four railes of pike.
Among the public men who have filled county offices are
Williara Wilson, Evan Ellis, Frederick Black, Dr. Pugh,
D. K. Carver and Eobert Cree. The first brick house
was built in 1835 by Peter Edwards on the farm now
owned by Abram Miller, south of Alexandria. In the year
1836 some small mills were built on Pipe Creek by Jaraes
James, Peter Cassell, Daniel Franklin and Henry Hough.
They are all numbered araong the things of the past
with the exception of one, three miles west of Alexandria,
and now owned by David Festler. It does a small custom
work. In the year 1866 William Daniels built an extensive
distillery at Alexandria, but it is not now in operation.
Within this township lived and died the oldest man in the
county, Moses Maynard, an account of whom will be given
in another place.
Among the first physicians were W. F. Spence, David
Perry and Cyrus Westerfield. Among the first ministers
were Eevs. Craig, H. Smith, James Havens, James Eobie,
M. G. Beeks, Wade Posey and J. H. Hull. The first school
teachers were Henry Shark and P. H. Lemon. The first
blacksmith was Joseph Finnemore. The first merchant was
N. Berry. The present trustee is Daniel M. Scott.
Monroe township ranks among the first in the county and
will most likely keep its position. On the completion of
the LaFayette and Muncie Eailroad it will have a market
at home in place of hauling their produce to Anderson, of
which they are getting tired. When this road is completed
Alexandria will not only coramand its own trade but that of
Boone and of Van Buren townships.
We have hastily glanced over the history of Monroe
township. During a period of forty years it has grown
from a few pioneers to a prosperous population of twenty-
four hundred.
This township, with the addition of Monroe, occupies the
entire width of the county. It contains forty-two square
miles, and has nine in-and-out corners. Araong its first
settlers were Jacob Sigler, Isaac Mills, James Beason, Eli
jah Dwiggins, Williara Taylor, Joseph Miller, John Gough,
Jacob Shepherd, Henry Plumraer, and John Quick.
Among the Justices who have served we find the names of
James Beeson, Jonathan Eeader, Francis Sigler, Henry
Mills, Henry McElfresh, Eichard Miner, M. Mills, J. M.
Doughty, Treraelous Beason, Eudolph Brown, Alexander
Wood and John Little. The population, in 1850, was
one thousand five hundred and twelve; in 1860 it was one
thousand six hundred and ninety ; in 1870 it was two
thousand three hundred; in 1874 estimated at two thousand
five hundred. In 1870 it contained thirteen thousand five
hundred and forty-six aores of improved land. The value
of farms and farm implements was $835,170; value of live
stock, $125,442; value of all products, $238,179. The
number of bushels of corn in 1870 was one hundred and
thirty-four thousand five hundred and forty-seven ; number
of school houses, eleven. The total value, including grounds,
etc., $11,900. The number of grist mills, three; sawmills,
five; post offices, two ; blacksmith shops, five; harness
shops, two ; shoe shops, five ; physicians, six ; drug stores,
four ; dry goods stores, five ; groceries, three ; wagon and
carriage shops, one ; local preachers, four ; sabbath schools,
six ; voting precincts, two ; carpenters, eight ; Granges,
five.; Masonic Lodges, two; Odd Fellow Lodges, two.
Frankton and Elwood are both in this township. Pipe
Creek and Duck Creek both pass through the township.
The Cincinnati and Chicago Eailroad passes through the
central part, and the Lafayette and Muncie Eailroad, now
in progress, passes through the northern part, and is, at this
writing, graded and ready for the ties. The first town
started in this township was New Madison, and was built
in 1835. Among the first ministers was Eev. Beach, who
preached at the house of Jacob Sigler in 1825. The first
school house was built at Frankton ia 1830. The first Sun
day school was organized by John Snell in 1832. A sab
bath school was organized at Elwood, in 1855, by Joseph
Anderson. The New Light Society first met at Hagerty's
School House, in 1859, when there was preaching by J.
Depboy. Among the first members of this society were
William King and" wife, Lewis Bailey and wife. Berry
Etchison and wife, S. Hurst and Malinda Etcherson. The
first United Brethren Church was organized in 1832, at the
house of William Montgomery. Among the first members
were Williara Montgoraery and wife. It will be seen by
the above figures that Pipe Creek is araong the foremost in
the county, and its soil will compare favorably with the rest
of the townships.
This township derived its name from the rich land within
its borders. It is well named, for there is no township in
the county containing as much good land proportionally.
It contains twenty-seven square miles. It joins Delaware
county on the east. It was settled in the year 1830, when
we find the following were its pioneers : William Curtis,
who built the first house in the township ; John Beal, B. F.
Walker, Sarauel Stephens, William McClosky, Solomon
Nelson, J. W. Westerfield, Jaraes and Williara Maynard
and John Hunt. These were followed by J. E. Holston,
Eandolph Chambers, Jonathan Dillon, John Coburn, Weems
Heagy, Thomas Thornberg, and Madison and Samuel
Falkner. Big Kill Buck passes through this towuship from the
northeast to the southwest. Little Kill Buck flows along
the eastern side and empties into Big Kill Buck in the
southwest corner of the township.
The Anderson and Alexandria pike and the Anderson and
Kill Buck pike both pass through this town.ship. The
county poor farm is located in the southern part of this
township. Among the first physicians were John and William A. Hunt
and Andrew McNear. It contains two excellent churches
and seven school houses. In 1858 it had four hundred and
one school children, and in 1872 it had three hundred and
eighty-six. The total value of school property in 1872 was
$4,500. The number of acres of improved land in 1870 was
eleven thousand two hundredand ninety-eight. Value of
farms and farm implements, $884,578. Value of live stock
$96,203. Value of all products, $219,641. Number of
bushels of corn, ninety-five thousand eight hundred and
ninety-four. The population of the township in 1850 was
eight hundred and fifty. In 1860 it was nine hundred and
twenty-six. In 1870 it Was one thousand and fifty-six, and
in 1874 estiraated at one thousand two hundred. It has a
foreign population of twenty-six.
Among the first Justices were Christian Lower and Jacob
Beals. The present Trustee is David E. Croan. It has two
woolen factories, two saw mills, one blacksmith and two
physicians. Prosperity is in this township, and formerly a place of
some trade. It contained a Post Office and store, but these
have been discontinued. This township has furnished sev
eral prominent men who have served as county officers. They
are as follows : John Hunt, John Coburn, David Croan,
and Weems Heagy. Among those who have been more or
less prominent we may mention B. F. Walker, William
Parris, Samuel Falkner, Jacob Bronnenberg and William
A. Hunt.
The general surface of this township is level, and as inti
mated above, very productive. The farm houses in this
township are noted for being not only substantial, but taste
ful, and ia many cases elegant. Thus surrounded, the citi
zens of Eichland should be a happy and contented people.
This township contains an area of twenty-eight square
miles. Among the first settlers were Thomas Busby, D. E.
Studley, Charles Fisher, John Anshultz, John Anderson,,
George Eeddick, Henry Studley, and David Bodenhorn.
Among those who have served as Justices of the Peace we
find the follovring : Thomas Busby, Henry Shederly, John
Anshultz, Edwin Lemon, W. A. Fisher, Jacob Kellem,
Phillip Anshultz, and Clinton Welch. The population of
the township in 1850 was two hundred and ninety-one; in
1860 it was five hundred and ninety-seven; in 1870 it was
one thousand and eighty-two, and in 1874 estimated at
one thousand three hundred. The number of acres of land
in cultivation in 1870 was eight thousand seven hundred
and twenty-four; value of farms and farm implements,
$602,413; value of live stock, $67,911; number of " school
houses, nine; total value of school property, including
grounds, etc., $4,400, The number of school children in
1858 was three hundred and seven; in 1874 it was four
hundred and thiriy. There are in this township one post
office, three churches, four physicians, two stores, two pre-
cincts, twelve mil^s of pike, two blacksmith shops, two saw
mills, three local preachers, four Granges. The pikes from
Anderson to Fishersburg, and from Pendleton to Fishers
burg, pass through this township. The railroad now in prog
ress from St. Louis to Anderson, by way of Noblesville,
passes through Stoney Creek. The length of the line
within the township is six miles, Stoney creek passes
through the northwestern part. This and the township
derived their naraes frora the large amount of stone in the bed
of this stream. The first merchant was Charles Fisher ; the
first physician, James Barrett; first minister, Charles Bon
ner ; first smith, William Stanley.
This township is the smallest in the county. It is six and
one-half miles from north to south, and three miles from
east to west, containing nineteen and one-half square miles.
It derived its name from the fact that it joins Delaware and
Henry county on the east. Although the smallest in the
¦county, its history is interesting. Within its borders are
the famous Indian mounds. The Bellefontaine, and the
Oincinnati and Chicago Eailroads, the White river, and the
hydraulic canal pass through this township, Chesterfield is
the place of voting. Among the first settlers were Allen
Makepeace, Frederick Bronenburg, Sr,, Daniel Noland,
Amasa Makepeace, William Diltz, John Suman, Brasleton
Noland, Henry and Jacob Shimer, Dr. Godwin, Wil
liam Johns, John Eichardson, and George Makepeace.
Among, the first merchants were Allen Makepeace, Jacob
¦Shimer, and George Makepeace. The first postmaster was
Amasa Makepeace, The first physicians were Dr, Godwin,
Samuel Weddington and G. W. Beninggall, The first
blacksmith was John Eozell. The . first shoemaker was
Solomon Sawyer, The first grist mill was built at Chester-
field by Amasa Makepeace, in the year 1827. A tan yard
was started at Chesterfield about the same time by Eussell
¦& Brother, and was afterward owned by Amasa Makepeace ;
next by Mr. Williams, and in 1869 was discontinued. In
1848, the school house in Chesterfield was built. It is a
frame two stories in hight, and at that time was avery cred
itable house. The lower story has been used for a school
room, and the upper one for a Masonic hall. It is now old
and dilapidated, and is not considered safe to meet in it.
Among the first justices were Amasa Makepeace and Lewis
Shroyer. The present ones are George Carpenter and Wil
liam T, Trueblood, On the completion of the Bellefontaine
railroad, in 1852, an impetus was given to Chesterfield ; a
depot was established ; a warehouse was erected, and a large
amount of wheat shipped from here. Soon after B, Noland
built the grist mill near the railroad, and J. B, Anderson built
the steam saw mill, both of which ^id a large business.
The latter was moved away in 1870, Union township has
at present two grist mills, one saw mill, eight miles oi rail
road, two churches, one Masonic Lodge, one Grange Lodge,
and five school houses, which cost six hundred dollars each.
The number of school children in 1858 was two hundred
and 14, and in 1874 it was two hundred and eighty-eight.
The population in 1850 was six hundred and twenty-three;
in 1860 it was eight hundred and fifty -eight; in 1870 it was
eight hundred and fifty-one. It has a sraall swamp prairie
•extending south from Chesterfield, and containing several
hundred acres. It is being redeemed, a,nd soon will be the
best land in the township. About one-third of this town
ship lies north of the river, and the other two-thirds south.
Within this township were committed two of the most dia
bolical murders that have ever occurred in the county, of
which a separate account will be given in another part of
this work. The general surface of the township is level,
with the exception of the bluffs of White river. It is well
adapted to the raising of wheat, and the prairie spoken of
above is one of the best corn-raising regions in the county.
"There is yet in the southern part a large body of excellent
This township occupies the northeast corner of the county..
It is five miles square, and contains an area of twenty-five
square miles. It was naraed in honor of Van Buren on the
suggestion of George Moore, who was one of its earliest
settlers. The population of the township in 1850 was four
hundred and six. In 1860 it was six hundred and seventy-
two. In ] 870 it was eight hundred and seventy-four, and
in 1874 estiraated at one thousand.
The number of school children in 1858 was two hundred
and fifty-six. In 1874 it was three hundred and eighty-
six. The nuraber of school houses at the present is six.
The total value of school property including grounds, houses^
maps, etc, is $2,550,
Among the early settlers of this township were Johtt
Shields, George and Aquilla Moore, Samuel Finnemore^
Zacharlah Eobinson, Harrison Allen, J, M, Zedaker, Hiram
Palmer, Thomas Gordon, Jacob Davis, and James Blades.
Among those serving as Justices of the Peace we find the
following : Hiram AUen, David Culberson, Zacharlah Eob
inson, J. S, Moore, P, Baker, A. M, Williams, J. D, Marsh,
and G. M, Painter, The first Trustee was George Moore.
The present one is J, N, Inglis, There are in the township
one post office, one grist mill, three saw mills, one drug
store, two general assortment stores, three blacksmith shops,
one wagon maker, two physicians, two churches, two Sab
bath-schools, two local preachers, one harness shop, one shoe
shop, and one tan yard,
Summitville, is in this township, a separate account of
which will be given in another place. The general surface
of the township is level. It is comparatively new but is
improving rapidly, and will soon compare favorably with
other townships. The proposed railroad from the lakes to
Anderson will pass through this township, and will give
them a much needed market. Mud Creek passes through
the eastern part and near Summitville.
From 0. H. Smith's *' Early Bemlniscences of ladiaoa.^'
At the time of the Indian murders on Fall Creek, the
country was new and the population scattered here and
there in the woods. The game was plenty, and the Indian
hunting grounds had not been forsaken by several of the
tribes. The white settlers felt some alarm at the news of an
Indian encampment, in the neighborhood, and although
they were all friendly, a watchful eye was kept on all their
movements. The county of Madison had been organized
but a short time before. Pendleton, with a few houses at
the falls, was the seat of the new county. Anderson, on
White Eiver, was a small village. Chesterfield and Hunts-
, ville were not then heard of. There were only a few houses
hetween Indianapolis and the falls, and still fewer in other
uses, her
schools and churches, her raagnificent residences and cora
raodious business blocks; and above all, and beyond allj the
stirring, energetic, indomitable spirit of her citizens renders
Pendleton a desirable place to locate, either for business or
a residence. Through the kindly favor of Mr. J. E. Page, agent ot
the Bee Line Eailroad Company, we are enabled to present
sorae statistics in support of the clairas above set forth.
These figures, in part, show the araount of the export trade
of Pendleton during the nine raonths iraraediately preceding
June 30th, 1874. It will be observed, however, that this
list only includes the full cars of the articles raentioned, and
has no reference to the mixed freight wherein more than
one class of articles were shipped in a car. ' The report
shows a considerable increase over the corresponding
months of 1872-3, and is a most flattering exhibit of our
manufacturing and industrial enterprise: Luraber, sixty-six
car loads; saw logs, twenty- four car loads; heading and
stave bolts, twenty-eight car loads ; stone bowlders, thirty-
.six car loads ; building stone, seven car loads ; draining tile,
five car loads; flax tow, twelve car loads; hay, twenty-two
car loads; grain, one hundred and five car loads; flour,
nineteen car loads ; cattle, twenty-seven car loads ; sheep,
two car loads ; hogs, one hundred and thirty-three car
loads ; wool, three car loads ; raaking a total of four hun
dred and eighty- nine car loads within nine months. Mak
ing an estimate from this for the reraaining three months
we would have a yearly export trade by this one line, of
more than six hundred full car loads. No town in the
State, of twice its size, can make a better exhibit.
This town derived its narae from William Perkins, who
came to the county in 1825, The site of the town is good,
being on the north bank of White river, near the Ham il-
tou county line. The population in 1850 was one hundred
and fifteen, and in 1860, fhree hundred and fifteen,
and in 1870, three hundred and eighty-five. It
is one of the oldest settled places in the county. It now
contains an excellent school house, churches, mills, stores
and manufactories. The following are among its raerchants
and mechanics : T. L, Beckwith, Warren Cole, A, J.
Applegate and Luther Lee, merchants; Fisher Bonner,
Daniel Lee and Webb, blacksmiths ; Daniel Eewark,
wagon-maker; Moses Jenner, harnessmaker ; Gideon
Eichwine, J. W. Etsler, A, F, Armstrong, and Samuel
Sinkle, shoemakers; Samuel Garrison, gunsraith, and
Christopher Hemm, cabinet makers. Its physicians are C.
N, Branch, J, M, Garretson, J, S, Houghman, and Charles
Diven. Among its first merchants were T. L. Beckwith,
and Hedrick & Bristol, The first physicians were Dr.
Douglass, T. L. Carr, Dr, Clark, and Thos. Cook, Its first
and only postraaster is T, L. Beckwith. There are also
Masonic and Odd Fellows lodges at this place, a separate
account of which will be given in another part of this
work ; also, of its churches and mills. There is at this
writing, 1874, a bridge being erected over White river, on
the county line, just at the western part of the village, the
expense of which is to be borne equally by the two coun
ties. The work is being superintended by T, L, Beck
This town is located in Van Buren township. It was
laid out in the year 1868, The first merchant was Henry
Eoby, who continued in business four raonths. He was suc
ceeded by Aquilla Moore, who is at present one of the mer
chants. A. M, Williams commenced business in 1872.
Both keep general assortment stores. The first postraaster
was John Kelsey, the present one is Aquilla Moore. J. D.
Marsh established a drug store in March, 1874, It has a
flouring mill, built by Williams, Moore & Dove. Its cost
was $4,000. It is now "owned by Bratton & Finnemore.
The first blacksmith was .Jasper Webb. The present
smiths are Webb and Hacker. The first shoemaker was E.
Snelling. The first doctor was C. V. Garrett, who was fol
lowed by John Wright, AV. V. McMahon, and AI. L.
Cranfield. The present harnessmaker is Aaron AVilliaras.
There is a tan yard owned by A. AI. AVilliaras, and a wagon
shop by Charles Eay. Summitsville, though a new place,
is quite a lively town. There is no town near to injure its
local trade. The prospective railroad from Marion to An
derson, will doubtless make this a station, when it will
make a town of some importance. It already contains
some tasteful private residences. The population at present
is about two hundred. It has an excellent school room, and
at this writing a school is being taught by AV. M. Croan.
Summitville is a pleasant place, and we wish for it a bright
This place was formerly a station on the Cincinnati and
Chicago Eailroad, and is in Union township. It sprang up
on the completion of the above road and flourished fbr a
short time. The cars, however, do not stop there at the
present time. It contained at one time a store, kept by
Beninggall & Tucker ; a ware house, kept by James Eoss,
which was consumed by fire April, 1871, and a postoffice,
kept by G. W. Tucker, which has been discontinued. The
store room referred to above was consumed by fire, contain
ing goods belonging to Burr & Windell. At this writing
there is nothing here to indicate a town, except a few empty
houses, and it may be numbered among the things of the
past. A sad accident happened here in the year 1863, in
which a young man by the name of Judd lost his life in
attempting to get on the cars. The station is about mid-
way between Anderson and Middletown, and three miles
south of Chesterfield, It is located in a very good part of
the county, but as a town and station it has proved a fail
ure. A short distance northeast Sly Fork and Mill creek
take their rise. The former flows south into Fall creek,
the latter north into White river near Chesterfield.
We will now introduce the nuraber of letters received
frora diflferent parts. Those letters have been written by
request, thinking they would lend an additional interest to
the work. They are given here as they were presented, and
each speak for themselves. And we think we will not be
presuming too much, when we say they wilLbe read with
interest. In each case the writer's name will be given. In
making this request, the Author was particular, in writing
to none except those who had considerable experience in the
early history of which we write. They will be recognized
at once as intelligent and worthy men. The reader will be
assured that he is not reading fiction, but facts, as they
occurred. A place is gladly given in this work for these
letters. The writers of these incidents will soon pass away.
It is fitting they leave a line behind, telling of the hardships
of by-gone days. Sorae of these may not live to 'see these
letters in print, as our pioneers are fast passing away.
Even since the Author coraraenced the preparation of this
Book, the following have died, viz : Isaac Busby, J. T.
Swain, B. F, Walker, E, N, Clark, Judge Marshon, Thoraas
Silver, David E, Studley, and Moses Maynard, all of which
will have an appropriate notice elsewhere.
Having been solicited to contribute whatever of interest
from this part of the countj-, to to the forthcoming history,
I now proceed to comply with the request. I deem the
subject of great importance, not only to the present, but
to all future generations of the county. In this communi
cation I desire to approximate and combine brevity and
accuracy, so far as facts of history are concerned. As to an
accurate and reliable history of our county there is not the
least doubt ; but of course we can not expect every particu
lar in detail.
AA'^e fondly hope to be able in some, though faint, degree
to refer to some of the facts and incidents connected with
our county, and point out with pride some of its past and
present developments, ,.
Madison county is bounded on the north by Grant, on
the east by Delaware and Henry, on the west by Hamilton
and Tipton, and on the south by Hancock, The county
was surveyed in townships in 1821, and in 1822 it was
divided in sections. It is twenty-nine and three fourths
miles in length and fifteen railes in breadth, containing an
area of four hundred and forty-six and a fourth square
miles. It originally had but twelve towtiships, but at pres
ent contains fourteen, with a population of twenty-five
thousand, nearly five thousand three hundred of whom are
voters. Early in the spring of 1820 a company of some six or
eight left Springfield, Ohio, and came out and pitched their
tents on Fall creek, some three miles southwest of where
Pendleton now stands, forming a kind of pioneer colony.
The names of those " braves" were Elias Hollingsworth
and AVilliam Curtis, his brother-in-law. The rest of the
company I have forgotten. They were joined by Mr, Lin
sey and Mr, Eichmond, of Indianapolis.
They cultivated a little corn, and in May Mr, Hollings
worth went back and brought out his wife. She was the
first white woman ever in Madison county, and E, P. Hol
lingsworth, now of Iowa, was the first white child born in
the county. Suffice it to say that this country was a vast
dreary wilderness where naught was seen or heard save the
hideous yells of the Indian.s, the scream of the panther, the
insidious wolf, the wild deer, etc. Such were some of the
incidents connected with the early history of the county.
For a series of years subject to the innovations of the
Indians, incident to a new country, they had trials and
hardships of which we know nothing.
I hope the reader will indulge me while I relate an inci
dent showing the genuineness of friendship and kindness
which characterized the early pioneers. Mrs. Hollings
worth was taken quite sick, and after she became con
valescent she thought if she could get sorae " store" tea she
would soon get well and be able to attend to her dora^stic
affairs. Upon this being made known to Mr. Coonrod
Crossly, one of their colony, he started upon horseback for
Newcastle for this much coveted article. AVhen he arrived
at that place he found that there was none to be had, but
nothing daunted, he pushed on to Eichraond, where he met
with no better success. The next morning he mounted his
horse for Eaton, Ohio, where he obtained the desired
object. So he faced about for his sick woraan's log cabin,
where a cup of the wholesome beverage was administered
with eminent success.
Mrs. Hollingsworth lived to raise a large faraily, all
members ofthe M. E, Church; she, with her kind hu.f-
band, raoved to Missouri in 1849, where they both crossed
over to " that better land." Mr. Crossly died a few years
since not far from where he first settled.
The first sermon, preached in Madison county was by the
Eev. Elias Hollingsworth, in the winter of 1820 and '21, in
his own log cabin, to this pioneer colony. In 1821 the
Eev. M. Taylor, of BrookviUe, Ind., was sent out by Bishop
Asbury as a raissionary to collect the alraost " lost sheep of
the House of Israel," and to organize thera into some kind
of society, which he did with success. These pioneer mis -
sionaries were regarded and received as a kind of " angels'
visits" or "heavenly messengers;" such was their eagerness
for the gospel.
Pendleton was for some years the place where the civil
and criminal courts were held, but at some subsequent
period they were reraoved to Anderson, and Anderson
becarae permanently the county seat. The courts were held
in an old rickety frame building until about the year 1835,
when the present Court House was built. AYe fondly hope
the day is not far distant when our city will be honored
with a first-class Court House.
Madison county for its tertility of soil, good timber and
water privileges can not be surpassed in any locality in cen
tral Indiana ; hence the great surplus of products which is
annually shipped to northern and eastern cities. We ship
annually some five hundred thou.sand bushels of wheat, a
large amount of corn and twenty-five or thirty thousand
head of fat hogs.
Having thus far given a very brief synopsis and ostensi
ble sumraary view of the early settling of this county, I
now propose giving a brief, though somewhat imperfect
sketch of our towns and villages, which may be of sorae ira
portance to the readers of our County History :
Anderson is the largest town in the county, situated on a
high bluff on the south side of White river, and contains at
present sorae five thousand inhabitants. It is one of the
most flourishing and business like cities of its size in the
State. When I first saw Anderson in 1833 it was but a
small town. The people vfere void of any spirit of enter
prise or ambition. There was nothing at all flattering —
nothing but an element of idleness and dissipation; but
since or about the close of the late rebellion it has sprung up
as if by magic. It has three first-class edifices, the M. E,
church, the Presbyterian and the Christian church, one
Baptist church of fair dimensions and one Catholic church,
all having fine congregations and good Sabbath schools.
There are published two weekly newspapers, the Anderson
Herald and the Anderson Democrat, both of which have a
respectable circulation. It has seven dry goods stores, sell
ing annually $270,000 worth of goods ; has seventeen gro
ceries, one wholesale, Skehan & Co., sell alone some
$50,000 worth annually; three drug stores selling about
$75,000 worth; three hardware stores selling $70,000
worth ; two tin and stove shops selling $60,000 worth ; five
boot and shoe stores — ara not advised as to the araount they
sell; two carriage shops turning out very fine work; five
smith shops, two planing mills, two chair manufactories,
one foundry, one spoke and hub factory, two grist mills,
two banks, three harness shops, three graded schools,
four warehouses, three agricultural warehouses, two mar
ble shops, one stone cutting, two tanneries, two daguer
reotype galleries, a number of tailors, three dentists, one
first-class hotel and two second-class, four livery stables,
two railroad depots, one book store, one grain cradle manu
factory, two cabinet shops and furniture stores, two pump
manufactories, several boot and shoe shops, and a large sup
ply of rainisters, doctors and lawyers — " enough ana to
spare." AVe have two first-class railroads, Cleveland, Colum
bus, Cincinnati & Indianapolis and the Cincinnati & Chicago,
both doing a very large business ; also two more prospective
roa^s, the Anderson, Lebanon & Bloomington, III., and
the White Pigeon & Anderson, all centering at the latter
place. We also have the Lafayette. & Muncie Eailroad,
which is about ready for the iron. It runs through the
north part of the county via Alexandria and Elwood, cross
ing the Cincinnati & Chicago at the latter place. The
aggregate length of all the roads, when corapleted, will be
about ninety-two miles within the county.
Pendleton is eight miles southwest of Anderson, located
at the- falls of Fall creek. It is quite a business town, in a
very rich part of the county, and is proverbial for its
morals ; has fine lime stone for building purposes and the
best water power in the county,
Elwood is eighteen railes northwest of Anderson, on the
Cincinnati & Chicago Eailroad, and is quite a flourishing
and business little village.
Alexandria is twelve miles north of Anderson, located on
Pipe creek, in a fine part of the connty. It contains some
fine business rooms, a brick church, school house and an
excellent grist mill,
Perkinsville is eleven railes west of Anderson and located
at the junction of Pipe creek with AVliite river, and near
the Hamilton county line. It is a town of sorae note, io a
fine agricultural district,
Chesterfield is six railes east of Anderson and is an old
town situated near the Indian* mounds, and was the horae
of the late Allen Makepeace,
Markleville is eleven miles southeast of Anderson, located
on the Pendleton and Newcastle turnpike, and is rather a
lively little village. It contains a neat church and a brick
school house.
New Columbus is six miles south of Anderson, on the
south bank of Fall creek, and contains rather a good
Lutheran church ; is an old town on the " down hill grade."
Alfont is fourteen miles southwest of Anderson, on the
bank of Lick creek.
Huntsville is seven miles south of Anderson and one
mile northeast of Pendleton.
Fishersburg is nine miles west of Anderson, located on
Stony creek,
Frankton is nine miles norfhwest of Anderson, located on
Pike creek, and is quite a business place. It has two good
churches, Methodist and Christian. A two story brick
school house and some fine business houses and residences.
Suramitville is nineteen miles north of Anderson, on the
road to Marion, in Grant county, and is a new town of some
importance. Independence is twenty-five miles northwest of Ander
son, located on the line between Boone and Duck Creek
townships, and also on the line dividing Madison and Grant
counties. With the above summary view the kind reader will neces
sarily arrive at the conclusion, that with such facilities our
county will be one of the first in the State, Our educational
and Sunday school causes are not surpassed ; they are what
they never before have been— a " grand success,"
With a well regulated system of education, and the Sun
day school cause properly developed, the state of society
will be as a grand palladium of our country, and which will
secure to us the perpetuity of civil and religious liberty,
which will be transmitted through the annals of history,
unimpaired to future posterity.
This (Eichland) township was formed, or cut off from
Anderson township, about th% year 1831 or '32; it is only
five and three-fourths miles long and five miles wide — it
being a fractional township on the north side. Big Kill-
buck runs diagonally through the township, on the east,
and Little Killbuck on the west side, the former affording
.sufficient water for mill and machine purposes, all the year,
and the latter, a good supply of stock water.
Williara Curtis was the first white raan, with his family,
that settled in what is now Eichland township, in the spring
of 1829, and his log cabin was on the spot where Mr, Eob
ert Adams' barn now stands. The first eighty acres of land
entered, was by him, in 1830, and is now owned by the
above Mr. Adams, The next was John Shinkle and fam
ily, in the spring of 1830, on the land where Thos, Thorn
burg lives ; the next a Mr. Barker, Joseph Barnes, Isaac
Jones and Archibald Parker, in 1830, on Big Killbuck ;
also, Joseph Brown and family, settled on the land now
owned by Harrison Canady. A mile or so above there,
Eichard and Timothy Parsons and families, also settled in
1830, then all a dreary wilderness, inhabited only by the red
man and wild animals. These pioneers had to get their bread,
etc., from Wayne county, and other places, as best they
could, until they could raise it themselves. They knew
nothing about luxuries, but dined upon " corn dodgers,"
"Johnny cake," opossom, coon, wild turkey, venison, etc,
without salt or raolasses. Their drink consisted of "Adam's
ale," pure and unadulterated, as it flowed from the fountain
head, down the hill-side, or tinctured with a little sassafras
or spice wood.
Thefirst school house or cabin erected was in 1831, on the
ground where one of H. Canady's frame houses now stands
near the pike, and the first school was taught by an Irish
man, in the spring of 1832,
The land in this part of the county was offered for sale
by Congress, and by 1836 or '37 was nearly all taken up,
and preparations made for cultivating it,
AVhen I first visited this township, in August, 1833, I
found it very wild and dreary, but the few inhabitants were
reraarkably hospitable and kind in every way; yet they
were not of the most refined and cultivated, for, although they
had large, generous souls, they were very limited in educa
tion. " They were the right men in the right place "
My brother-in-law, Christian Lower, and myself, moved
from Wayne county, Indiana, to where I now live. AVe
had to cut out our road as we carae, and arrived here Janu
ary 5th, 1839. I had hired a cellar dug and a hewed log
house built, 18x22 feet, with a clapboard roof; also, an acre
of land, cleared and fenced, the latter costing $15. There
were but four or five houses between here and Anderson,
and no roads only as we cut them out, except the one from
Anderson to Pipe creek, which is now a turnpike. Had no
church edifices, but held religious services in private houses,
" Log rollings and house raisings " were novel scenes to us,
for we had not witnessed the like in Wayne county. We
rolled logs thirty-one days, in the spring of 1839. The first
thing was to divide the logs, or the ground, as nearly equally
as possible, then each one take a dram of the " O, B, Joy
ful " and all " pitch in." We fancied ourselves as but boys,
by the side of those stalwart Virginians and Kentuckians,
How every thing has changed since then ! Eeligion, the
light of science, and the temperance cause, have dissipated
the moral gloom, and banished the "little brown jug" from
our public gatherings ; and to-day we have good churches
and school houses, nice houses and' barns, fine farms, rail
roads, telegraphs, turnpikes, etc., enough to make any com
munity contented and happy.
AVell, gentle reader, I must bring my article to a close,
and it is already longer in detail than I expected or antici
pated when I began. May the blessing of civil and relig
ious liberty ever stand out as a beacon light to cheer us on
to ultimate success.
FoEESTViLLE, Aug. 20, 1874.
Feiend Haeden : — Your,favor requesting a sketch ofthe
early history of Boone township is received and in com
pliance with the same I now proceed to give a brief outline.
In the fall of 1847 I first .set foot in this township and in
that part known as the Miami Eeserve. There was nearly
one-half of the above township in this reserve. This land
was not at that time in the market, but could be secured by
actual settlers by pre-emption. The greater portion of the
township was one unbroken wilderness; no traces of civili
zation in the western part save hunters' caraps, an abund
ance of wolves, deer, squirrels, etc. There was at that time
a sraall settlement in the eastern part ofthe township.
The first election held there were but eighteen votes
cast, and the tickets were deposited in the inspector's hat.
All was satisfactory so far a^ I know. I will give the
names of those who voted as they recur to my mind, most
of whom, however, are dead: James and John Tomlinson,
Wright Smith, John James, Williara and Thomas Brunt,
AVilliara Bevis, Morgan McMahan, Eobert Webster, Dud
ley and George Doyle, Jesse McMahan, Peter Eaton, Samuel
Moore and David Jones — the names of the others I have
forgotten. The first house raising I was at there were but
two hands the first day, three the second, four the third,
and the fourth day we finished. At the first log rolling
there were but eight hands " all told."
The first school house erected was about the year 1846.
The second one I helped raise was a rough log house, with
one end open for a fire place and a log cut out instead of a
window and a wide puncheon serving for a writing table —
the teacher agreeing to teach only as far as the " single
rule of three."
The first preaching was by Samuel Purtee, ofthe United
Brethren faith; the next was by AVm. Boyden, of the
Mcthodi.st faith, and the third by Wm. Golden, a Baptist.
These meetings were held, generally, in private houses.
The first Sabbath school was organized in the year 1854,
with J. W, Forrest superintendent.
The first settlers were men of limited means, their first
object was to secure horaes and then convert thera from
a wilderness to a state of cultivation. They were raen of
industrious habits and had due respect for raorality. You
would scarcely hear an oath at the house raisings and log
rollings of that day. I knew of no bottles of whisky being
at any ofthe public gatherings the first few years after set
tling in the township. The Eeserve was settled very fast;
the sound of the ax and maul were heard throughout the
land. Enough land was soon cleared on which to raise our
own provision, and then we felt as though we were at
horae. The principal part of the milling was done at
Jackson's mill, near Anderson, which required two or three
days to make the trip. Our trading was done at Enos
AVright's, Anderson, and Nathan Tomlinson's, Alexandria.
With industry, strict economy and perseverance our
improvements marched on rapidly. The people were
neighborly and social i 1 the extreme. Churches and school
houses soon sprang up in proportion to other improve
ments. Our land was naturally productive and soon
increased in valuation. We now have a good township and
with more ditching will favorably compare with older parts
of the county. Of course it has taken toil and sacrifices to
accomplish this. Many have fallen by the way, but a few
have been permitted to live to see what then looked impos
sible. AVe yet lack a railroad, which we hope soon to
have, for it would be of great advantage to us in getting
our surplus to market. We are also deficient in gtavel
with which to make good roads, for our land is low and
of such a nature that it is impossible to make good roads
without it.
Your humble writer is one of the last surviving pioneers
who settled here as early as 1847, spared for sorae cause, I
hardly know what. Although I have passed through the
" flint raill," so to speak, I still enjoy good health, for
which I am truly thankful, I came from Virginia when I
Avas thirty-seven years of age, and have now lived in
Indiana twenty-seven years ; have tried to preach the gospel
in my poor stamrnering way for many years, laboring to
build up Zion, not only in Boone, but in different parts of
the country ; have served my township in the capacity of
Justice of the Peace for twelve years; acted as Swamp
Land Comraissioner, and have of late been acting with the
Grange raovement, which I think will accomplish good, but
of course I can not see what is in the future.
You are at liberty to use this imperfect sketch, which I ,
would gladly extend, but I find my raeraory deficient of late
in giving dates, names, etc, with many other incidents-
connected with our early history.
Yours fraternally,
Duck Ceeek township was organized in 1852, by
Anthony Minnick, Henry Cochran and l''ielding Sampson,
who were then Trustees, or Directors, as they were called
by law. The first election took place in August, 1852, in
the little United Brethren log church, on the bank of the
creek, at the present site of the Waymire grave yard. This
continued to be the voting precinct until 1856, when a
school house was erected two and one-half miles northeast,
on Anthony Minnick's land, to which place it was removed.
As the time of holding elections was changed, the first
regular election was held in April, 1853.
The first Trustees elected were John Adair, John Hosier
and Thomas W. Harmon. Hosier and Harmon were
re-elected. The first Treasurer elected was David Way
mire; the first Secretary, Daniel B, Newkirk; the first
Assessor, Anthony Minnick ; the first Justices of the Peace,
Elliott Waymire and Massey Clymer, the latter serving
acceptably fbr sixteen years.
The first Sunday school organized was at what then was,
and still is, known as the Minnick school house, in the
summer of 1857. Thomas W. Harmon was elected Super
intendent. The first and only resident minister was Samuel
Purtee, of the U, B. Church, He was a man of considera
ble ability and great zeal, but lacked culture and refine
ment. Owing to the negligence of his person and the affairs
of his family, his influence was not what it otherwise would
have been. But he continued a zealous minister and labored
in various parts of his country until his death, February
21st, 1872,
During the early history of the township wolves and
other wild animals were in abundance, but the last trace of
the wolf was seen in the western part, near Tipton county,
where a den of them was killed by Aquilla and James
Purtee, in the year 1859. Deer were numerous, but the
last was killed a few years later.
The township, generally speaking, is flat and is inter
sected from southwest to northeast by two branches of Duck
creek. The soil is good and the country well tirabered,
occasionally there being a swarap, A mile and a half north
of the center are the dividing waters of the White and
Wabash rivers, the water flowing south into Duck creek and
thence into AVhite river, while on the other hand it flows
north into AVild Cat creek, thence into Wabash river.
September 24th, 1874.
When mankind wander in the realms of fancy, outside of
the domain of demonstrative fact, the theories thus con
structed amount only to speculation. In the infancy of
nations, it was the custom ot their writers to attempt to give
an account of the world, its cosmical development and hi.s-
tory, in a few pages of a book. Tirae sanctified these tradi
tions, and in proca.ss of tirae they becarae incorported with
the sacred legends of the country; a part of its faith, that
araounted to skepticism to doubt. In the decomposition
and recompcsition of States, the most cherished of these
traditions were carried into the new. The wreck of old
ideas was the material out of which the new was to be con
structed. Every idea of the structure of earth or of the
origin of man, has had its antecedent idea in opinions that
have had their youth, their manhood, and their age and
decay, in systems long since forgotten. In our day, two
theories are occupying the attention of the learned world,
that of Creation, and that of Develo'pment.
The Creation theory is the more orthodox, as it is older.
Old opinions are sound, as long as they have the pupular
sanction ; opinion may err in the present, as it has in the
past, hence the necessity for investigation before we give
ourselves away to any threadbare whim, because it is old,
or mount the whirlwind of fancy, because it is new. It con
cerns man more to be in possession of fact, than it does to
construct theories to prop up the traditions of by-gone ages.
The six days of creation and the seventh of rest, is looked
on by educated raen more in the light of allegory
than of literal, cosmical history. Geological har
raony is attained by the following solution, corapared
with the cosraology of Moses : The morning and
evening of the first day constituted the Azoic epoch of
indefinite time. The second day of Biblical creation was
the age ofthe earliest appearance of animated existence;
the age of Molusks, or Silurian age. On the third day, the
Devonian age, or fish epoch, was ushered in. The fourth
day represents the carboniferous period pf geology. The
fifth day is the period of the great culmination of those
huge reptiles, whose remains are found only in the rocks ;
among which are found the Ichthyosaurians , whose frame was
enormous, and length not less than thirty feet at maturity.
The Flesiosaurias, with snake-like head and feet that were
u.sed in water as fins, and on dry land as organs of locomo
tion, xi^lso, to this period belongs the Ftesodactyl, or bird
like reptile, in consequence of its ability to fly in the air by
means of bat-like wings. In the latter part of this period,
first appears raammals, or beasts who suckle their young. On
the sixth day, or age of maramals, many of the lower order
of living existents disappeared from the earth, and gave
place to a higher order of animated nature. This is the
quaternary period of geologists. The aniraals of note that
belonged to this epoch, which have since disappeared from
the earth, are the paloeatherium, the dinotheriuni, the mas
todon or American fossil elephant, the mam-moth and the
magatherion, the latter a gigantic sloth, exceeding in size
anything now living, the elephant alone excepted.
The most rational and natural divisions of the existence
of the earth are, first, when it was purely mineral, in its
second stage it was mineral and vegetable, the third, min
eral, vegetable and animal, the fourth', mineral, vegetable,
animal and raan. There is no discrepancy of opinion as to
the advent of raan, being the last introduced upon this
planet. But the time of his introduction has puzzled arch
aeologists, both sacred and profane, in all ages of the world.
The ]\Iosaic chronology has been tortured by skepticism and
the rationalists for the last two hundred years. Every
advantage of its weak points has been taken by its enemies,
by giving a literal interpretation to the six days of crea
tion. Enough to say, the literal six thousand years, since
all things were chaos, and disembodied nonenity is no longer
considered tenable by educated men anywhere. It, perhaps,
marked a very important revival in. the history of man, in
which he-began to record the traditions of his ancestors.
But to say that man has had an existence on earth coex
istent with its first inception and development, and that the
planet vras habitable in a short week, and that this infant child
and his mate were fitted for the duties of their station, and
that all created things were of the same age, belonged to
the sarae epoch, and started together in this early morning
of tirae, taxes our credulity beyond endurance. It suits
our purpose to accept the Mosaic chronology as an elucida
tion in part of the historic age. Geology has a record in the
rocks, in the drift, in the change of season, as indicated in
tropical flora preserved in iramense beds of carbon, all over
the country. Palaeontology, or the science of fossils, shows
a succession of living existents in each physical change or
revolution, that the material substance of the earth past
through, from the Palaeozoic period to the present time.
Animal forms, belonging to certain stratum of the earth,
and not being found in older deposits, and their continued
existence arrested in newer formations, we are led to sup
pose that the conditions upon which life depended, no long
er existed, and death was the result.
Such is the trlobite found at the falls of Fall creek,
imbedded in the solid rock. This little three lobed animal
properly belongs to the upper and lower Silurian. None
are known to exist at the present, and the rocks are the sole
record of their being. The stratum is thus named from
its cropping out in AVales, the ancient seat ©f the Silures,
who gave the Eomans, under Julius Cesar, so much trouble
to conquer. Their name, almost forgotten, comes up in geo
logy, and by it, is immortalized.
This little creature is much sought after by students at
school, as a representative of the long distant past. Untold
ages have roled away since a tropical sun warmed the
lagoons in which they dwelled. We introduce them here
as they once had a home in Madison county, with hundreds,
perhaps thousands of other fossils, the names of which are
known only to those who raake their reraains a study. The
trilabite dwindles into in.significance when corapared with
another fossil of our county, found in the limestone depos
its, plentifully distributed in the vicinity of Anderson.
Orthoceratite, thus naraed frora two Greek words, signi
fying a straight horn, is found in fragraents a^ they are gen-
erally broken in disengaging them frora their firm stony
case. It is remarked by M. Figuier, that they were the
tyrants of the ancient seas. Their epoch is more recent than
the trilabite. Their burial place is principally in limestone
rock, secure from everything save the rude violence of man.
It has never been our fortune to come across a complete fos
sil of this fillibuster ankong reptiles. The head and poste
rior extremity is generally wanting. What were its habits,
its food and its social relation with the monsters of its day,
are questions that will remain unanswered. It suited the
divine economy of the Supreme Architect of the Universe,
to bring into life the lowest order of animated nature, first,
and from this, build the pyramid of creation, placing man
at the top, as the completing capstone and perfection of his
work. Did man and the higher order of animals make
their appearance on earth as soon as vegetable existence?
We think not for many plausible seasons. The igneous
period of earth's history had disengaged so many noxious
gasses that it would have been impossible for an air-breather
to perpetuate an existence in such a mediura. It is an
axiora in philosophy, that matter is inannihilable ; what
has become of those noxious gasses ? They have been crys-
talized in the imra use vegetation, that in aftertirae consti
tuted the coal beds that underlie so much of the surface of
Indiana, and formed carbonates and carburets with other
simples, until the gasseous fluid surrounding the earth was
so far freed from carbon, that the lowest order of air-
breathers could begin to exist. Nature makes no mistakes ;
life was introduced as soon as the physical conditions of the
universe would adrait of it. Well may we suppose, and
prove by parity of reasoning, that a low order of physio
logical conditions proved an unperfected state of physical
conditions; that progression and gradation in one, prove the
sarae in the other. But to take Mr. Weeks' experiment of
developing animalculse from vegetable albumen, that they,
in turn will overleap the type of their organization, and in
time become a fish ; that the fish will become an air-breath
ing reptile; that the reptile iu process of time, develops wings
and feathers, and assumes all the characteristics of a bird;
that the feathers of the bird is changed into hair and the
wings into feet, and this aeriform animal drops to earth as a
quadruped ; that this quadruped learns the habit of walk
ing on, its posterior extremities erect, and that the front feet
are developed into hands, and assumes the station of man.
We are prepared for many wonders in nature, but do not
urge those extrerae opinions of the law of development, or
else, our credulity, being overtaxed, might revolt. Palaeon
tology fails to furnish those links by which all created living
things are thus rendered homogeneous ; one aud the same ;
but, only, in different stages of development. Type of
being has its law, and, in the present state of our knowl
edge, the bonds have not been broken and the line of
demarkcation swept away. The hog has never become an
elephant, neither has the lion ate grass as the ox. Yet this
does not argue that raan is a mechanical machine ; that he is
the same, mentally, that he was during the Lacustrin
settlements in Switzerland, the formation of the Kitchen-
middens ot Denmark, or during the period of Mound-building
in Araerica. He was unpolished, ignorant and unrefined
then, but, nevertheless, he was raan. He is a " little lower
than the Angel," still. His improvement is mainly due to the
civilizing influences of society, the habitual exercise of
mental pursuits, and the accumulated experience of untold
ages. It is as improbable, for one type of existence to
invade another by assumption of form and character, as it
would be for raan to become a God, The idea may be illus
trated by a diagram. Each tj'pe of animated existence is a
point within a circle. It has a play frora center to circum
ference, but never passes the bounds of the circle, neither
does one circle encroach upon another.
AVith regard to man three opinions are prevalent in the
world. The first is that he was created an angel and fell to
be a devil. The second that he was originally a devil and
that he has been growing better ever since. The third is
that he is now, what he always has been, with the modify-
ing influences of his s|i[|'|w|[m|is5^^ abp.tf aniP^y lefween'
angel and devil.' iP'^PiiP^r' " ¦ '' ' ' *• ' |' { '
It is the opinion orThriaest eminent archiaeblogists that
man antedates the Glacial epocli, that he was coteraporary
with the cave bear, the raaramoth, the mastadon and many
other extinct species of auikials, that ceased to exist during;
this transition state. - Specma!iion'"is°tfot hilttfr'ifca? fefetf arid-
much of the investigation on this subject has failed to con
vince either for or against the extreme antiquity of raan.
The era of man's existence on earth is divided into three
ages. That of iron, covering a period of four thousand
years; bronze, that. of two thousand years, and the stone age
seven thousand, in all thirteen thousand years. What
length of time man wandered in the infiancy of his exist
ence before he became a worker in stone implements none
have ventured to guess. Sir Charles Lyell, when he
visited the United States in 1846, gave the subject of the
co-existence of man and the mastadon on this continent a
careful investigation. He expresses hiraself guardedly by
saying that in " other parts of America, which I myself
have not visited, I have not as yet been able to obtain
authentic proofs of the co-existence of man with the masta
don, though it is highly probable that such proofs will even
tually be brought to light. Professor AA^hitney, indeed,
points out that, ' amid the foot hills of the Sierra works of
man have been frequently found among the recent deposits
of auriferous gravel, in close connection with the bones of
the mastodon and elephant,' but I have not yet had an
opportunity of examining fully into the evidence."
Dr, B, Dowler described a human skeleton exhumed in
the delta of the Mississippi, to which he ascribed an
antiquity of fifty thousand years. Figures are easily made,
but it is another thing to estimate their numerical value.
He failed to give enough of the thread of his reasoning to
enable us to judge of its accuracy. Four superimposed for
ests were interlocked above the remains, which had a depth
of sixteen feet beneath the surface.
We have somewhat wandered from the purposes of this
article, but to preserve a logical connection, it may be
remarked that the co-existence of man with the mastadon is
relative to the ' subject as the bones of the latter
have been found in Madison county in two or more places.
Human remains have never, in this locality, claimed any
great antiquity. Two thousand years ago the bones of this
fossil elephant was as much of an enigma as they were to
the workraen who brought them to light on the farm of
Mr. John Harmason in the year 1871. While constructing
a ditch to drain a marsh of several miles in length, the
workmen carae upon the huge bories of an extinct species of
animals belonging to the class called paohidenus, or thick
skinned animals. The word mastadon is a compound of
two Greek W'>rds signifying nipple-tooth. When did these
huge monsters rove in herds in Madison county, shaking
the solid foundations of the earth with their tread ? Ask
the everlasting hills and they are silent ; inquire of the for
ests, and ths answer will be that a hundred generations have
passed away since one of these browsed upon its branches;
interrogorate the marshes in which they are found, and the
silence of death that reigns there gives no information of
the rolling years and cycles of time that bars us frora the
date of their existence. The winds have no pen to record,
or tongue to tell of the thousand ages that have passed in
the dim twilight of the early raorn of time, when the mas
tadon, monarch ofthe land, shook his hoary mane in the
wintry wind. Fossil remains of several species of this
huge beast have been exhumed in all countries of the known
world except in southern India and Africa, the home of the
living elephant. There may be a relative proportion
existing between the size of the teeth of an animal and the
animal itself. If this rule is even proximative, and in the
vicinity of truth we attain all that is expected by the com
parison. We have in our possession a tooth of an ox that
had a living weight of eighteen hundred pounds. As the
ox's tooth is to its living weight so is the mastadon's to its
live weight. The rule, if correct, makes the weight of the
living mastadon, whose bones were found as aforesaid in
the vicinity of Anderson, forty thousand one hundred and
twelve pounds. It is not claimed that there is any great
degree of accuracy in the calculation, but as good as any
from the kind of material we have to reason frora. The
workmen that found the bones in question inforraed us that
there was also a reddish brown hair mixed with the muck,
but it was carelessly thrown aside and we failed to find any
of the clothing of the beast on the day following the dis
covery. If man, on this continent, ever beheld a living
uiastadon, it is so far in the distant past that the physical
records of time have grown illegible. The Indians have a
tradition that goes back" to the epoch of the mastadon, but
it is not trustworthy. It is too silly to recapitulate, but
nevertheless it might amuse. It is related that once upon a
tirae the Great Spirit felt himself much aggrieved by the sad
havoc committed by the mastadon on the deer, elk and buf
falo that were created for the Indian ; that he resolved to
destroy thera, and for that purpose seated hiraself upon a
high hill and hurled thunderbolts at thera until they were
all destroyed save one old bull, who, facing the divine
wrath, shook off the electric fluid as it fell on his forehead,
until failing to catch and turn it aside, he was wounded in
the side, when, with a mighty roar, he bounded across the
Ohio and the great lakes in the north, and at last took up
his abode in a far distant country, where he is living to
this day.
Their bones are much larger than those of the elephant,
the hight of some skeletons, about thirteen feet, with body
much longer in proportion to hight. They seldom have
more than eight teeth in use at one tirae, thus, § § • The front
grinder is about two-fifths sraaller than the one back of it.
Its food was plainly vegetable, as proved by the remains of
twigs, leaves and other vegetable matter found between its
ribs. It was probably like other pachydenns, fond of vis
iting marshy places, in search ot more abundant food,
where it became mired in the place where its bones are so
frequently found. About thirty species of mastadon have
been described by palseontologists. Those wishing further
inforraation on this subject are referred to the works of Dr-
Warren. Madison county, like every other point in the State,
presents its relics of a by-gone age, Flint arrowheads,
spearheads, scrapers, raullers, rollers, and raany other stone
implements are found, the uses of which, we at this distant
time, can scarcely guess at. It is thought that no metal ic
substance of high antiquity has been found. These things
have the impress of a European origin, and in no wise
attributable to the ancient inhabitants of the country. In
M'=^xico and Peru the civilization at, the tirae of the con
quest, had advanced to the bronze epoch, while in Euro])e
that point had been passed four thousand years before. In
the northern part of North America, there is no satisfactory
evidence that bronze irapleraents had ever come into gen
eral use; that they were at least six thousand years behind
their European neighbors, allowing four thousand years for
the age of iron, and two thusand for that of bronze. Stone
implements found here belong to the two ages of stone — the
rough, and the polLshed. There is not a vestige of evidence
that would prove the existence of man in the central parts
of Indiana over two thousand years ago.
He raay have been here ten thousand, but the evidence of
this high antiquity is not present, Flint irapleraents have
no date, they leave no record; the tirae of their use is
shut out by the dead ages of the past, without leaving their
marks on the wings of time. The mounds near Chester
field, the work of the ancient inhabitants, present many
features that are interesting as food for reflection. Their
regularity suggests the idea of mathematical accuracy. The
circuit of the larger is about three hundred paces. The
length of one step is a unit of measure, with all rude or
uncivilized people. Why three hundred; did they have
the use of the Arabic numerals ? Perhaps not, but they
had the same suggestive idea of the Semitic races, in count
ing by tens, on the digital extremities of the hands. The
pace made a unit of measure, and the fingers suggested its
multiplication by tens.
Those who have given the mounds the greatest attention
in trying to decipher their object and uses, have divided
them into three classes : First, military or defensive; second,
that for the interment of the dead ; and third, that for adora
tion or worship. Our principal mound at Chesterfield coraes
under the denomination ofthe latter. The ditch is on the inner
side ; the elevation of earth in the center is what is usually
denominated the sacrificial altar ; the opening in the embank
ment, frontng the south, may have reference to the sun at meri
dian hight, and an object of wor.ship by alraost all nations iu
a certain stage in their civilization. The ancient Egyptians
were worshippers of the sun, and the Incas of Peru called
themselves the children of the sun and the Aztecs of
Annihuac adored that lurainary and poured out libations of
praise to the other hosts of heaven. There is too rauch spec
ulation in the whole subject to say positively what the com
plete object was in tlie minds of the architects. The work,
as well as the people that did it, is a mystery tliat tirae will
never unfold. AVhenee carae they, whither have they gone,
how long did they remain, and what were the causes of their
taking off? This ancient people, the Mound Builder,s, might
have been destroyed by war and conquest ; faraine is more
terrible to a half civilized people than it is to an enlight
ened nation ; pestilence folows in the train of other disasters.
AVar, famine and pestilence are the three principal causes of
the destruction of all the ancient States. When they had
filled the measure of their existence, and their purposes and
objects were complete, it would not bother the mind of the
Infinite to get rid of them. AVhen knowledge and virtue
walk hand in hand, the prosperity of the people is secure;
when these become stationary, prosperity is on the retrograde ;
when knowledge and virtue decline, the spectacle becoraes
contemptible, and the blot is generally wiped out with the
the existence of nationality. If the Mound Builders once
had an existence in Madison county, there was a purpose
in it. If they had fulfilled the objects of existence,
they would, no doubt, be here to-day; but wherein their
shortcomings consisted is a mystery locked in the prison-
house of the past.
If some of the pioneer views of the antiquity of raan are
objectionable, I can apologise better by making a quotation,
a saying of Prof Agassiz, " that whenever a new and startling
fact is brought to light in science, people first say, ' it is not
true,' then that 'it is contrary to religion,' and lastly, 'that
every body knew it before,' "
If the foregoing article suits the character of your book,
it is respectfully submitted, asking the patient indulgence of
the public Eespectfully yours,
Anderson, Oct. 26, 1874.
The author is indebted to Mr. John Boram for the fol
lowing account :
The source of Lick Creek, proper, is what is generally
called the Big Lick. Many an incident occurred here
which gave much merriment and laughter among the old
settlers, then living, in this part of the county. It was a
great place of resort for the wild garae of the woods at that
tirae, especially deer. (My inforraant states he saw seven
one morning before breakfast, a pretty fair sight on an
empty stomach indeed,) which would come and sup of the
water that oozed from the sides of the low banks, water
which seemed everlasting , and many an one was shot down
by sporting men who then lived in this vicinity. Scaffolds
were built in the branches and forks of the trees which sur
rounded the basin or pool. Then at hight or at early dusk
ascend the tree, conceal themselves^ having a little fire on
some boards covered with dirt. Here would each one sit on
his own tree, with his old flint lock in hand awaiting the
arrival of the deer, which would generally soon make their
appearance, not suspecting their enemies who were perched
above them. When the raan nearest the deer, would
brighten up his light with sorae dry kindling, which was
always prepared for that purpose, the light would blind the
deer, then a charge was let loose from the old trusty gun
then a general charge was made by the entire party often
killing several. Crippling on such occassions was not con
sidered a good shot.
This place is somewhat noted in other respects. It was
here that Bacy's trace crossed; the first emigrant train
that pas.sed through this part of this country, traveling west.
In fact this route was taken by the traveling public tor some
time, emigrating West. Also much had been said in refer
ence to mineral deposits here.
Iron ore exists in small quanties. It was thought by
some that the Indians made salt here at one time. It is
said that a man by the name of Tigaret in the year 1850,
made some experiraents in reference to the discovery of salt.
But it was a grand failure. My inforraant states that he
carae with mattock, spade, pumps, etc, and to work he
went, where tradition had pointed out, as he said, the exact
spot for operations. His first part of the work was to sink
a shaft if possible to the briny liquid. It was soon found
impossible to continue this part of the work successfully,
unless a curbing of some kind to keep out the falling mud
could be procured. Consequently a large sycamore gum
was obtained, about ten feet long and four feet in diameter.
At last the gum was placed in position, the salt raan did the
work of excavation and again commenced in earnest. By this
time the gum is lowered, only leaving about one foot above
the ground. In a short time the men above became some
what discouraged, but a few words of encouragement from
the man below set them to work with renewed energy ; for
they had now reached a place where the precious liquid lay
awaiting the removal of the alluvial deposits, which was
now almost done. Great anxiety was now manifested by
the intent party, and others of the neighborhood who had
assembled to witness that which was to give untold wealth
to these men, and a new impetus to business in this part of
the country.
As the anticipated depth was about reached, where treas
ure would be revealed, all eyes were strained to their utmost
to catch the first view of what would perhaps make this
day memorable for generations to come ; and to give.advan-
tages here of which few places could boast. Sure enough
just at this moment the vein is tapped ; all is excitement
above and below ; it is rising rapidly up the legs of the man
below. He is in danger of being submerged before relief
can be afforded him. But our faithful friend above was
equal to the task. All was now safe and each ready to test,
by tasting the relative qualities of the new discovery, which
was by this time flowing over the top of the gum in great
sluces, " Sulphur," says one, " coperas" says another," iron "
says a third. Now we can not imagine the surprise and
disappointment of these men when they found this fluid to
be merely good drinking water, perhaps only slightly
impregnated with iron. The water has been flowing over
the top until recently. The flowing over of the gum caused
the filling up with sediment.
This place is one and one-half miles north of the line
between Madison and Hancock counties, and two and one-
half miles west ofthe Henry county line. A great change is
observed in the vicinity of the spring compared with its
appearance forty years ago. It has lost much of its wild
and romantic scenery.
It was near this place where Mary Ann Afford was
killed by lightning in the year 1855. And on his farm,
lying a short distance west of the spring, is where John
Slaughter becoming weary of life took the fatal dose of mor
phine, which terminated his existence in about forty-eight
hours. He was a German by birth, had moved from Penn
sylvania in the year 1834, where he settled in the woods
and cleared up a large farm and accumulated a great deal
of wealth ; the management or control of which seemed to
give him much trouble, hence he sought relief by his own
efforts to free himself of the turmoils of life. In the year
1833 or 4, Mrs. Surber, wife of James Surber, hung herself
in her own house, cause unknown. This house stood but a
short distance west of the Big Lick. In the sarae neigh
borhood, still a little farther west, Josephus Poindexter
committed suicide by cutting the jugular veins of his neck
with a razor, causing almost instant death. This occurred in
1858. He was much respected by all who knew him. He
had been Justice of the Peace for several years ; was fifty
years of age. He had raised a large family of children
which had grown up to respectability. In 1858, Thomas
Shelton an old citizen of this neighborhood was found dead
on his own preraises. The decision of the Jury was that he
died of apoplexy.
Just a little further southwest a youth by the name of
John Padgett, was found dead in the woods, cause of death
unknown. And down Lick creek a little way, Frederick
Windell shot himself accidently. A full account of this
matter will be found elsewhere in this work. He was
highly respected by all who knew him. It seems that cas-
ualities of this kind have been much greater in this neigh
borhood than in other localities in this county.
Indianapolis, Ind., August 19, 1874.
S. Haedin, Esq.,
Markleville, Madison county, Ind. :
Deae Sie : Your favor of the 14th instant is before me,
and contents noted. By it I am informed that you are hunt
ing up materials for a history of Madison county. In it
you solicit me to contribute something for your proposed
work, I can sincerely assure you it gives me very great pleasure
to comply with your request, and should I, by my feeble
pen, contribute any thing which may add any interest to
your forthcoming book, I shall feel myself most happy
I now proceed to give you a short biographical sketch of
my versatile career :
First : I was born on Saturday morning, November 13th,
1813, in Knox county, then in the territory of Indiana
(now Sullivan county, taken from Knox), in a very small
log cabin in a little "picket fort" erected to defend the
whites against the hostile Indians,
I was born of poor but respectable parents. My fath
er's name was Friend Lemon, born in Virginia. My moth
er's maiden name was Mary Hansbrough, daughter of Peter
Hansbrough, for whom I was named. My parents carae to
the then territory of Indiana, and settled near Vincennes,
My father was by profession a miller and a farmer. His
farra is located on Willard's prarie. Gill township, Sullivan
county, four miles north and west from Carlisle. He was
born March 10th, 1782, died August 17th, 1862, aged eighty
years, five months and seven days. My mother died when
I was only some three or four weeks old.
I was bred on the farra, and worked on the farra until I
was seventeen years of age when, Septeraber, 1830, 1 went to
learn the blacksraith trade in Carlisle, with Alonzo Coulton^
The volcanic art proved too hard for my physical powers, so
I abandoned it and turned my attention to books. The old
log school house, common in this country in that early day,
was the kind in which my first ideas were " taught to shoot."
I mastered Webster's American Spelling Book, Pike's Arith
metic, the English Eeader, and Introduction to the same
by Lindley Murray, and with the old goose quill I had
learned to write a tolerably fair hand. Thus far finished in
my education, in the spring of 1832 I began the occupation
of a pedagogue, taught a nine months' school near Bruce-
ville, Knox county. In the spring of 1833 I went to Vin
cennes and went to school to the Eev. Henry Moore Shaw,
an educated Episcopal clergyman. With him I learned the
art and mystery of " speaking and writing the English lan
guage with propriety," according to Murray. In 1834 I
taught a school in Palestine, Crawford county, Illinois, and
commenced reading medicine with Dr. Nortouj became
dyspeptic, and to cure the same farmed it in 1835. In 1836
went to Alabama and lived with an uncle, who was a law
yer. Studied law, was licensed April 10th, 1839, at
Merom, Sullivan county, Indiana. July 4th, 1874, was
the " orator of the day " at Merom. I forgot to mention
that on the 26th of March, 1839, I was married, in New
Lebanon, Sullivan county, Indiana, to Miss Sarah Ellis,
daughter of Jesse Ellis, of Madison county. Left Merom
March 8th, 1841, for Madison county, Indiana, moving in
a two horse wagon. Arrived at Alexandria, Madison county,
on March 17th, 1841, Delivered the Fourth of July ora-
ation at Alexandria. Practiced law. Left Alexandria for
Anderson May 5, 1845. In 1848 edited the True Dem
ocrat, published by the brothers, John Q. & Wm, Howell.
In 1849, with Dr, Townsend Eyan, bought the printing
press and started the Weekly Democrat. " Busted up."
Now as to my office holding: I was elected Justice of
the Peace for Anderson township in September, 1847, for five
years. Ee-elected, in 1852, for four years (new Constition).
In October 1855 was elected Clerk of the Madison Circuit
Court, My opponent was the late Judge Jaraes N, Starkey,
at that time the deputy Clerk for James Hazlett, Esq., my
predecessor. Judge Starkey was a Democrat, but ran inde
pendently. The Whigs ran no candidate for Clerk that
year, I served my term out. Was not a candidate for
re-election, Eemoved from Anderson to Indianapolis October 24th,
1863, so that my life spent in Madison county was a little over
twenty-two and a half years — four at Alexandria and eigh
teen and a half in Anderson,
It is a sad pleasure to me, as I to-night have hurriedly
brought up to my recollection, the many trying scenes and
the struggles with poverty and adversity, through which I
passed in Madison county. But when memory reverts to
those scenes, and to the dear old friends — many of whom
have passed off the stage — with whom I so long mingled,
and by whom I was honored, I feel pleasure commingled
with sadness.
I may again return to Madison county, and then, when my
time comes, "draw the drapery of my couch around me,
and lie down to pleasant dreams " by the side of my son and
two daughters who now rest in the beautiful little cemetery
near Anderson, Yours very truly,
Addenda, — I omitted to mention that I became a mem
ber of Mount Moriah Lodge, No. 77, Free and Accepted
Masonsat Anderson, in 1851, 1 believe. Served as Secretary,
of said Lodge, some two or three years. I became a Eoyal
Arch Mason in Muncie Chapter No. 30, in 1857, I think.
In 1858, I believe, I became a Eoyal and Select Master, in
Indianapolis Council, No. 2.
During the late rebellion, I enlisted in the forty-seventh
Eegiment, Indiana Volunteers, and was appointed by Col
onel James E. Slack, Commissary Sergeant served ten
months, when I received my discharge on account of disa
bility from chronic diarrhoea.
BY EOBEET CEEE, Home, July 29, 1874,
Aftee so long a time I attempt to, give you a sketch of
spiritual manifestations which occurred about the year 1852.
The facts we find about as follows : A man by the name of
Oliver Branch, an old bachelor, who possessed a considera
ble amount of money, unceremoniously left for parts
unknown. After being gone some time it was whispered
about that he had been foully dealt with ; that one Henry
Huff was suspected of being guilty of the crime. The
neighbors became excited to a considerable extent, placing
Mr. H. in a precarious situation. He, however, cleared the
matter up by procuring evidence from Fort Wayne that
Mr. B. had there sickened and died a natural death. This
set the matter at rest until Spiritualism was introduced into
the neighborhood, led by one Ward McNear, who professed
to be a medium ; and at a meeting of persons of this faith the
spirit of Mr, Branch was said to be present, confirming the
first suspicion that Mr, B, had been murdered, and that
Huff was the guilty party. The indignity of the people was
now aroused to its highest pitch, and preparations were made
for investigation. The spot had been located through the
medium where the bones of the murdered raan could be
found. The day was set ; tools were prepared, including
picks, shovels, grabing hooks, etc. Headed by McNear
some forty or fifty persons began the work in earnest, labor
ing all day. Late in the evening Wilson More pointed out
the exact spot ih the edge of a small branch. By this time
the day had closed; the water coraing in to the excavation
operations were suspended until puraps and other necessa
ries were procured. In the mean time, however, the nura
ber had increased from fifty to seventy-five persons, the
excitement running higher and higher. Thus prepared
with these necessaries work again coraraenced. Finally by
dint of hard labor bones were actually found. Now the
excitement became intense, but to any rational raind not
wrought up by this delusion it was readily decided that they
were the bones of the deer, so admitted by this deluded set,
who had been led by designing raen into this foolish move
without anything whatever save the sudden disappearance
of Mr, B. to found their suspicions of crime upon. Here
ends this little narrative. The spot is to this day called
"The Bone Diggings," traces of which may be seen near
the southeast corner of Van Buren township.
The author was induced to insert this merely- to show
how far, from the raost trifling occurrence, human folly can
be led. Thi-s, however, has been the case from tirae imme
morial, and there is but one way of successful escape, and
that is through a proper education, which is a safeguard to
all classes. It will serve to keep down superstition and
bigotry ; it will act as an equalibrium to thought an action,
and will develop to our natural understanding what some
have been pleased to call mysterious. Spiritualism is either
a grand humbug or a grand science. If the former, let it
be hoped it is exploded forever ; if the latter, it will in time
result in good, when God in his own good time, through
His agent, man, will see fit to commit it to us. In the case
referred to above by Mr. Cree these deluded folks were
doubtless led by some crazy brain with selfish ends in view,
who would have them believe something was about to be
ushered in regardless of science and natural laws.
Some one has said that the Press is a raighty lever, the
truthfulness of which is conceded on all hands. Since this is
so, how important that it should be wielded in the right
direction and by raen of principle, who are not looking and
waiting to float out on some popular idea that may seize on
the people who do not do their own thinking. This evil
might be to some extent avoided, if our press was more
independent and outspoken, and not so rauch of the bread-
and-butter order. A free, independent press, fearlessly
edited, is certainly a power in the land, if not edited by a
secular or a one idea man, who looks no farther than his
own sanctum.
We are inclined to think that there are but few of this
class, and to-day the press throughout the country is taking •
high moral grounds. The press of our county seems no
exception to this rule. We have three weekly papers pub
lished in the county ; there are two at Anderson and one at
Pendleton, In style, tone and mechanical skill they will
compare favorably with other papers throughout the State.
•We are proud of them. Long may they continue their
usefulness. Their circulation is about as follows : Herald,
1,200; Democrat, 1,000; Eegister, 800— making 3,000
copies issued weekly, two-thirds of which remain in the
oounty. The Anderson Democrat and the Pendleton Eegis
ter are both partially printed at Chicago. The department
printed at Chicago contains general news ; that part printed
at the offices is composed principally of local news. The
Anderson Herald is entirely printed' at Anderson. The
Herald and Deraocrat are published at two dollars per
annura ; the Eegister at one dollar per annura.
As to the early history of the press of the county, we
have only been able to get a vague account. In fact, it has
been the most difficult task connected with this work to get
anything like a respectable chain. The first press intro
duced at Anderson was about the year 1834, when a small
paper was issued, called the Western Telegraph, Its editor
was Charles D, Henderson. It is hardly necessary to say
that this was a small, dingy sheet, and would illy compare
with the city papers of to-day. It, however, served its day
of usefulness, when it gave place to a paper called the
Atheneum. This was in the year 1837, Its editor was
Thomas Sims, who is represented to have been a man of
fine attainments. His paper was mainly devoted to the
science of phrenology, which at that day was not very well
understood in Madison county. He was in advance of the
times, and we at this day perhaps occupy about the same
ground the paper advocated at that tirae. The people at
the time were illy prepared to receive what to them
appeared of doubtful existence. Their minds were more
occupied with matters of raore immediate importance, and
his paper did not prosper, and was discontinued in the
course of a few years.
Soon afterward. Dr. Eyan started a paper, the name of
which we have been unable to obtain. He was assisted by
Peter H. Lemon. Just how long this paper was conducted
we are not able to say.
About the year 1850 the Anderson Gazette was published
by Mr. Osborn, of Muncie. It was afterwards conducted
by J. F. Henry. It continued to the year 1854,
In 1855 the Democratic Standard was started by Thomas
W. Cook, of Huntsville. A year later Ira H. Cook became
associated. This firm continued up to November, 1856,
when Charles I, Barker undertook the management Of the
paper for about two years. It was afterwards conducted by
O, C. Willets, F. M. Eandall and Fleming T. Luce, in
whose hands it ceased to exist in 1872.
In 1868 the Anderson Plain Dealer was started by Wil
liam E. Cook. It was afterwards conducted by Edwin
Schlater, George D. Farrer and William C. Fleming.
In 1870 the Anderson Democrat was started by William
C. Fleming. It was afterwards conducted by Charles Zahn
and M. Y. Todysman. It is now under the management of
Todysman &Pyle.
About the year 1860, J. F. Henry again became associ
ated with the Anderson press, and continued about two
years, when J. C. Hanson took charge of the paper. It
soon passed into the hands of J. O. Hardesty, and assumed
the name of the Anderson Herald, which has become a
household word in the county. It was conducted by him
for about three years, when Stephen Metcalf became associ
ated with the firm. This firm continued one year, when
Mr. Hardesty retired, in August, 1873. Mr. Metcalf is now
sole owner and proprietor.
Since the above was written, the following, from the pen
of P. H. Lemon, was received :
Indianapolis, Oct. 17, 1874 — 2 o'clock a. m.
S. Hardin, Esq.,
Markleville, Madison County, Ind.:
Deae Feiend : Your favor of the 25th ultimo was
received by me some days ago, and but for my vocation,
which has required my entire time, should have answered
yours at an earlier moment.
In reterence to your inquiry for information in regard to
the history of the press in Madison county, I will furnish
you (from memory alone, as I have no written meraoranda
to aid me) all that I can in the case, namely :
In March, 1841, when I settled in Madison county, there
was being published at Anderson a weekly newspaper, called
the Atheneum, edited by a Mr. Sims. It was a literary
paper, I remember, and advocated tne science of Phrenol
ogy, which at the time was " agitating the public mind "
somewhat. I recollect it was publishing a series of letters,
from the pen of Prof. Samuel K. Hoshour, a minister of the
gospel and teacher at Cambridge City, Indiana, then in his
prime. Said letters purported to be written " by a friend
in the Orient to a friend in the Occident," and nearly every
word in which they were written was a "jaw-breaker."
The object of the Professor was to attract the attention of
his readers to the use and meaning of words in our language.
He is now living in this city, and, although advanced in
years, is one of the Professors in the Northwestern Christian
University. But excuse my digression. The Atheneum was short
lived. It was in advance of the civilization in Madison
county in those pioneer days, and for want of sufficient pat
ronage it died early.
About the same time, I think, there was a small weekly
newspaper published in Anderson, called the Madison
County Journal, by one Gardner Goldsmith, a very little
man in stature, a printer by trade. I can not, at this dis
tant day, vouch for what I have said of such a paper.
In 1848, John Q. and William L. Howell, brothers,
brought a press from Marion, Grant county, Indiana, and
began the publication of the True Democrat. Both these
gentlemen were printers, but neither of them could edit.
They employed me to write their editorials ; I was, in fact,
the brains of the paper, if it could be said it had any of
that ingredient. My name did not, however, appear " at
the head of the editorial column ;" the " publishers and
proprietors " stood responsible for all libelous matter that
might drip from my prolific pen. But no lawsuits, per
consequence, were ever instituted.
The next year, 1849, Dr. Townsend Eyan and myself
purchased of the above named the aforesaid press, fixtures,
€tc., together with the " good will " ofthe proprietors, which
last was a good deal (" in a horn "), as the sequel subse
quently verified.
We threw our Democratic banner to the breeze, under the
firm name of " Lemon & Eyan," — the Doctor, however,
simply being a nominal party, to give prestige and credit to
the concern. We changed the cognomen of the paper from
the True Democrat to the Weekly Democrat, and set sail on
the great political ocean, with our sails all spread, antici
pating a prosperous and profitable voyage. But, alas ! we
little dreamed that in one short year our noble and gallant
•craft would be doomed to shipwreck on the rocks and reefs
of the political archipelago !
The Democracy of Madison county being at that period
in the majority, and having the only "organ," we got along
swimmingly for a time. Politics ran high, and as editor I
fanned the flame that made the political cauldron boil and
bubble. I kept our political opponents in a constant broil;
said many things I now would be glad I never had said.
When we gained a Democratic victory, I would display our
rooster and cannon in the paper, with doggerel and com
ments calculated to irritate and worry the Whigs, I remem
ber the canvass of 1848 (when I was editing the True
Democrat), Evan Ellis was pitted against Eobert Newell
Williams for the House of Eepresentatives of our Legisla
ture. Ellis was the Democratic candidate and Williams
the Whig candidate ; Ellis a farmer and Williams a lawyer.
The race was bitterly contested. Ellis, however, finally
triumphed, but with only thirty-ttjoo raajority. Still, it was
a victory, and I put my game chicken at the head of a
" double leaded " column, and began my doggerel chant in
this wise :
" Let Chanticleer proclaim the day from every towering
That Democracy has gained the day and put Whiggery to
flight," etc., etc.
Horace Greeley never felt larger than I did when occupy-
ing the " tripod" of the True and Weekly Democrats. I
see the matter in my old days in a different light, without
such vanity.
In 1850 the Weekly Democrat died of a broken heart,
and I ceased to be a " little one-horse country editor."
The Anderson Gazette followed, edited by Dr.. James W.
Mendenhall, a young man of some parts. It was neutral
in politics. Afterwards one J, Fennick Henry, I believe
(the ugliest man in town), took the Gazette and turned it
into a Simon-pure Deraocratic sheet. Then afterwards I
think it was bought by Charles J, Barker, who run it some
time under its old name in the interests of the " unterrified
Democracy" of Madison county. Following the Gazette
sprang up the Democratic Standard, under the auspices
of a cracked-brained fellow by the name of Thomas W.
Cook. Not long frora that tirae the Whigs, or " People's
Party," started the Madison County Eepublican, under
the management and editorship of Mr. Wm. H, H. Lewis,
a practical printer and very clever gentleraan. Then later
the Plain Dealer appeared, but had, as I learned, a very
brief existence. I was living here when it was running..
I believe I have omitted another- paper, the exact name of
which I have forgotten, published by one Luse, in the inte
rest, also, of the Democracy. The Herald, also, I had
omitted to mention, started and edited by one John O.
Hardesty, alias " Eed Hot," who sold it out and came to
this city and started the Sun. Hardesty was a violent
" Black Eepublican." The Sun, as to him, has risen and
set for the last time.
This hasty and imperfect sketch, now already too long,
is all I can think of in relation to the " Press" of Madison
county. In many particulars you may be able to justify it
from other sources, I did hope to find time to write you
up some other matters — " incidents and anecdotes" of the
early judiciary of your county, but business will prevent.
Hoping you may gather from all sources enough to make-
your " History of Madison County" an interesting volume
to the reader, I remain, with esteem.
Yours truly,
Below we give a glance at this organization. The time
has been when the propriety of Sunday Schools was doubted,
and some contended that they were not only useless, but
productive of harm. That day has passed; and we now
point with pride to their noble work. The Church raay
well say, " These are our helpmates ; these are our nurse
ries," in which are prepared and trained vines that will
flourish and adorn our vineyard in the future.
The work within our county has been successful. Schools
have multiplied and increased until we have sixty schools
in good working order, with an aggregate attendance of
three thousand two hundred, whose merry voices are heard
in songs of praise every Sabbath day. Let no one say that
this is not better than hunting, fishing, and desecrating
God's holy day.
Beside the above schools we have a "County Sunday
School Union," which has been organized over five years,
and has held quarterly, semi-annual, and now annual meet
ings, which have been universally attended with interest.
Their influence for good has gone out, and to-day the work
of the Sunday School is not regarded as an experiment, but
a living test of what was at one time regarded as of little
or no importance.
The mode of teaching has been improved until it is
almost reduced to a system. With the " Uniform Lesson
Leaves," teachers' meetings, and other helps that have been
introduced as the times have demanded, the work has been
made more efficient and successful.
IN JUNE, 1869.
The Indiana Sunday School Union met in Convention at
When the delegates from this county were called upon for
a report, they answered " that Madison county had no organ
ization, but that it should be organized," and to aid the same
the delegates then elected J, W. Bomgardner, President, and
E. C. Stone, Secretary, of the embryo organization. Arrange
ments were perfected and a Convention called at Anderson,
September 8th and 9th, 1869, which proved successfiil beyond
the expectation of the most sanguine. The Union was
organized and the following officers elected:
President— E. N. Clark.
Eecording Secretary— W. E. Myers.
Corresponding Secretary — H. D. Thompson.
Treasurer— S. C. Martindale.
Anderson township — J. T. Smith, Mrs. James Hazlett, Mrs E. B.
Holloway and Mrs. Wm. Brown.
Adams — Morris Gilmore.
Boone— D. G. 'W. Smith.
Dnck Creek— D. H. Clymer.
Fall Creek— J. W. Hardman.
Green — Burrell Wilhams.
Jackson — T. L. Beckwith.
Lafayette — Edward Eoss.
Monroe — N. O'Bryan.
Pipe Creek — Wm. Suman.
Eichland — ^John Mattus.
Stony Creek— Wm. V. Shanklin.
Union — John E. Corwin.
Van Buren — Mr. Williams.
M. E. Sunday School.
E. N. Clark, Edward Bowden,
J. T. Smith, Belle Mattox,
W. E. Pierse, A. J. King,
J. 0. Lucas (colored), Mrs. W. E. Pierse,,
Eebecca HoflP, E. B. Holloway,
E. H. Sparks, Annie Conwell,,
Annie Cain, Mattie Cross,
Mrs. Edgerly, A. Taylor,
Katie Clark.
Presbyteriaii Sv/nday School.
Mary Myers, Lue Silvers,
J. E. Silvers, Mrs. Geo. Nichol^
Mrs. -James Hazlett, Jennie Eobinson,,
A. S. Eeid.
M. E. Simday School.
J. W. Bomgardner, E. M. Baker,
"A.B. Corroll, M. Corroll,
J. W. Hardman, Laura Brathane,
Jennie Ebright, M. J. Carter,
S. B. Adkins, H. Beans,
M. Chapman, jr., Delia Clark,
A. M. Bomgardner, W, A. Bomgardner,
W. P. Baker, I. N. Zenblin,
E. O. Chapman, E. E. HoUowbash,
Joseph Stephenson, Josephine Stephenson,,
A. S. Hardman, James Silver,
Mrs. Hienes, Mattie Cottey,
Nora Chapman, Deda Walker,
Sallie Huff, Fannie Beans,
J. H. Hicks, Ward Cook,
Jennie Silver, Lou. McKee,
J. C. Wiseman, J. 0. Hardy,
E. S. Hardy, J. W. Lewark,
M. Todd.!
Dnion Simday Sohool,
Amanda Silvers, O. W. Brownback,,
John Lindsay, Mrs. Darlington,
J. T, Jones, David Bausman,
M. E. Sunday School.
Dora Baker, Sarah Baker,
Clara Kerr, Mary Shanklin,
N. Anderson, Eoss Anderson,
J. V. Kerr, W. A. Baker,
M. E. Kerr, Lou, Shanklin.
Union Sunday School,
William Huntsinger, James Huntsinger,
Sarah Prather, Eebecca Prather,
Prather, Andrew Samuels,
James Prather, James Foster,
N. Samuels.
Friends' First-Day School.
Benjamin Eodgers, Jno. Samuels,
W. V. Shanklin.
M. E. Simday School.
J. E, Odere, James Woodward,
Samuel Busby, i E. M. Jones,
Thomas Aldred.
Umon Simday School.
Mattie Bradford, J. G. Cook.
M. E. Sunday School.
W, F, Hardy, M. S. Hardy.
M. E. Simday SchopU
S. T. Stout.
M. E. Simday School.
J. W, McMahan.
M. E. Sunday . School,
S, W, McMahan.
M. E. Simday School,
E. L. Lukins.
The Madison County Sunday School Union met at its flrst quar
terly meeting in the M. E. Church at Pendleton, 2 o'clock p, m.,
December Sth, 1869.
The convention was called to order by the President, E. N. Clark,
the Eev. E. M. Baker conducting the devotional exercises, the special
subject of prayer being " Our Convention."
The Eecording nor Corresponding Secretaries neither one being
present, J. T. Smith was elected Secetarry pro tem.
The convention proceeded with the enrollment of delegates. (See
tbe list at the end of these minutes.)
The President then appointed the following committees .
On Finance— I. N. Zenblin, J. Coor, and Martin Chapman.
On Publication— J. T. Smith, J. E. Silver, and J. W. Bomgardner.
J. W. Hardman was then elected Assistant Secretary pro tem, after
which the townships were called, and answered as follows : Ander
son, Boone, Fall Creek, Green, and Stony Creek. The remaining
nine, not being represented on the first day, the calling of townships
for reports was dispensed with until the next day.
The Convention then proceeded to discuss " The relation of the
Pastor to the Sunday School, and his duties therein,'' opened by J.
E. Silver, Esq.
The discussion was then followed up by Eev. E. H. Sparks, Eev.
Odem, Eev. E, M. Baker, Eev. S. T. Stout, J. T. Smith, and J. W.
Bomgardner, all agreeing that the relation of the Pastor to the Sun
day School is nearly the same as his relation to the church, although
it is not thought to be his duty to superintend, yet he sliould always
be present to assist and advise the Superintendent when needed, and
instruct and exhort the school as opportunity offers, remembering
that when Jesus said to Peter, " Feed my sheep," he also said, "Feed
my lambs."
The Convention then sang "The Water of Life,'' on sixteenth page
of "Fresh Leaves," which was followed by a question drawer,
answered by Eev, E. H. Sparks. At, 4:40 the Convention adjourned.
Children's Meeting. Devotional exercises conducted by Eev. S. Ti
Stout. Eev. N. H. Phillips had been selected to address the children, but
failing to be present, Eev. E. H. Sparks occupied the time, taking as
a foundation the- sentence, "God is good," demonstrating the same
by the growing grass, the opening flower, the falling rain, the rippling
brook, and lastly by the death of Christ.
After singing a song, Eev. S. T. Stout spoke for a short time, on the
protection of Sunday Schools, and was then followed by Eev. Oden ;
discussing the question, " what was I made for ? "
At 8:30 Convention adjourned.
Thursday 9th, 9:15 A. m. Prayer by Eev. A. S. Eeid.
Then followed reports from townships, viz :
Anderson — Eeported by J. T. Smith. Has six Sunday Schools in
successful operation, with about ninty-three offlcers anid teachers, and
flve hundred and thirty-two scholars. Total in all the schools about
six hundred and twenty-flve.
Adams — Eeports no school.
Boone — Eeported by S. W. McMahan. Has two schools, one con.
ducted by the M. E. Church and one by the United Brethren. ' Offi.
cers and teachers, eighteen ; scholars, one hundred and thirty-three .
Total both schools, one hundred and fifty-one.
Duck Creek — ^No report and no school.
Fall Creek — J. W. Hardman. Has five schools in successful opera
tion, with officers, teachers and scholars, in all about flve hundred
.and twenty flve.
Greene^— J. V. Kerr. But one school, now in operation, with nine
officers and teachers ; thirty scholars. Total, thirty-nine.
Jackson — No report, but said to have two schools.
Lafayette — No report and no school.
Monroe — No report, but has one school.
Pipe Creek — J. W. McMahan. Has flve schools ; two conducted
by the M. E. and two by the Christian Church, with a total number
belonging to all the schools of about three hundred and seveiity-
flve. Eichmond no report and no school.
Stony Creek — Eev. Oden. Two schools ; officers and teachers,
about twenty ; scholars, about one hundred seventy-five. Total one
hundred and ninety-five.
Union — No report, aud no school. ¦
Van Buren — No report and no school.
The above reports are not presumed to be entirely correct, but as
nearly so as we can now make them. They show that out of the
fourteen townships of the county, but seven were represented, and
six have no schools at this season of the year. The other eight have
twenty-four schools, to which belong about two hundred and fifty
officesj; and teachers, and 1,850 scholars. Total, 2,100. There are
enrolled in the county, for common school purposes, between six
and twenty-one years of age, 7,129, and one fourth in our Sunday
Schools are under six and oyer twenty-one, which added, make in
our county, that ought to be in the Sunday Schools, 8,911.
The reports show that our schools average less than ninty, which
shows the necessity of organizing at least seventy-six new schools,
which should be, and with proper effort can be, done before the
next meeting of this Union.
The Convention then proceeded to the discussion of the question?
" Why am I a Teacher ? " Each teacher then wrote his answer to the^
question. The same being gathered up and after a brief discussion
by Eev. E. H. Sparks, the answers to the question were read by the
Secretary, some of which were as follows : " Because I feel it to be
my duty ;" " Because I want to lead children to Christ ; " " Because
I want to do all the good I can, and think this the best fleld for me
to work in ; " " Because I love Jesus," etc., etc.
This was then followed by a very interesting and impressive Bible
lesson, given by Miss Annie Conwell, arranged and placed upon the
blackboard as follows :
Lesson — John xvi, 1-13.
Golden text— "I will not leave you comfortless: I will come
again." Jesus.
Central thought — The gift of the Holy Ghost and His work in the
heart. Topics :
1st. The comforter promised.
2d. The safe guide.
3d. The competent teacher.
4th. The witness for Jesus.
5th. The reliable testimony.
In the course of the lesson the teacher referred to the following -
scriptures under their appropriate heads :
1st. Eomans, 8-14.
2d. Isaiah xlix, 10-63 ; x, 14^
3d. I Corinthians ; II Corinthians x and xi ; I John, ii, 27 ; Isa--
iah Ixviii, 17.
4th, Acts V, 32 ; Ezra xxxvi, 27,
5th. I John iv, 1, 2 and 3.
J. T. Smith then gave a blackboard lesson, first calling attention to
the use of the board, which must vary with circumstances, but the
lesson should always appear on the board, so all can see where it is
without inquiring, and generally the board should contain the golden-
text and central thought. He then called attention to the board (see
above) and had the Convention repeat the golden text in concert.
Quite a number of other illustrations were given, which can not be-
introduced here, for want of space.
I, N. Zenblin being called away, Jos. O. Hardy was appointed in
his place on the Committee on Finances,
Met, 2 o'clock, p. m.
Devotional exercises, conducted by Eev. S. T. Stout.
Then followed the discussion, " How to increase the spiritual inter
est in the Sunday School," opened by Eev. S. T, Stout, and partic
ipated in by Eev, E. M. Baker, Eev. Oden J. E. Silver, J. T. Smith
W. E. Pierse and Eev. A. S, Eeed, The means recommended are-
prayer system, qualifled Christian teachers, and direct individual
application to each scholar.
Mrs. E. B. Holloway had been selected to teach an infant class at
this hour, but was unable to attend, and J. T. Smith occupied the
time in giving an object infant lesson, illustrating the characteristics
¦of a good and a bad heart —the flrst being soft, warm and alive ; the
second being hard, cold xand dead. And at the close the question
-drawer was again introduced, and answered by Eev. E. H. Sparks.
Adjourned, 4.-30 p. m. EVENING SESSION,
Met at 6:30 p. m.
Devotional exercises conducted by Eev. E. H. Sparks.
The question, " How to retain our young folks in the Sunday
Sohool," was then discussed, Eev. A. S. Eeed opening the discussion
who was followed by W. IE. Pierse, E. H. Sparks, E. M. Baker and
J. W. Bomgardner. J. T. Smith then gave an object lesson, illustrat
ing the text, " Ye shall know them by their fruits."
The Finance Committee took up a collection, asking for twenty dol
lars, which was promptly raised.
It was then decided that the next meeting of this Union should be
rheld at Elwood, on the last Tuesday and Wednesday of May, 1870.
The following resolution was then passed :
Resolved, That the members of this Convention tender to the citi
zens of Pendleton their sincere thanks for the very hospitable man
ner in which the delegates have been entertained.
The President then addressed the Convention for a short time,
urging on every Sunday School worker, and especially on those who
have pledged themselves to work for the cause, the importance of
buckling on the armor aud going to work in earnest, and not ceasing
until every neighborhood in the county has a good Sunday School
After a gCQeral shaking of hands the Convention adjourned.
The Second Annual Convention was held in the Christian Chapel,
.Anderson, November 1st, 1870.
At this meeting twelve townships were represented, as follows :
,Boone, three schools— officers, teachers and scholars 150
Adams, two schools — officers, teachers and scholars 85
Pipe Creek, 7 schoole— officers, teachers and scholars 700
Anderson, nine schools — officers, teachers and scholars 800
:Stony Creek, five schools— offlcers, teachers and scholars 375
Monroe, seven schools — offlcers, teachers and scholars 339
Duck Creek, three schools — officers, teachers and scholars 100"
Eichland, two schools — officers, teachers and scholars 120
Lafayette, five schools— offlcers, teachers and scholars 250
Jackson, three schools — officers, teachers and scholars 200
Union, one school — officers, teachers and scholars 50
Fall Creek, four schools — offlcers, teachers and scholars 300
Greene, two schools — officers, teachers and scholars 150
Making a total of fifty-three schools, and three thousand- six hun
dred and nineteen oflicers, teachers and scholars.
The number of delegates present from the different townships was
one hundred and fifty-six.
Interesting remarks were made during the various sessions by
Eevs. W. H. Goode, E. H. Sparks, Joseph Frankhn, Oden, E. S.
Preston, D. D. Powel, J. Benny, James Hazlett, T. D. Eyan, J.
T. Smith, Jacob Schwinn, H. D. Thompson, Enoch McMahan, J. W.
Bomgardner, Drs. Bowman, Cheever, Suman, Mr. E. N. Clark,
D, C. Chipman, C. G. Mauzy, J. W. Hardman and Eev. E. McCaig.
The following ladies and gentlemen were appointed on Finance,
viz.: Mrs. A. J. Makepeace, Mrs, Lafe Cross, Miss Allice Jones, Mr.
H. D. Thompson, Mr. J. W. Bomgardner, Mr. S. C. Martindale.
The Treasurer, S. C. Martindale, reported as having received....$17 58
Disbursed for printing, postage, etc 17 50
Balance on hand 8
A mount collected at this session 19 62"
Balance on hand $19 70
The following were the officers elected for the Madison County
Sunday School Union for the year ending September 20, 1871 :
President — Townsend Eyan.
Eecording Secretary — J. W. Hardman.
Corresponding Secretary — H. D. Thompson.
Treasurer — Uriah Bell.
Vice-Presidents — Van Buren, Lewis Ward ; Boone, Enoch McMa
han; Duck Creek, Anthony Minnick; Pipe Creek, William Suman;
Monroe. Jacob Schwinn; Eichland, John Mathews; tafayette, M.
Clem; Jackson, A. F. Armstrong; Stony Creek, W, V. Shanklin;
Anderson, James Hazlett; Adams, C, G. Mauzy; Fall Creek, J. W.
Hardman; Greene, Burwell Williamson; City, Mrs. William Brown,
Mrs. E. B. Holloway, Mrs. George Nichol.
The Third Annual Meeting of the County Sunday School Union
was held at Fishersburg. September 19th and 20th, 1871, at the M. E-
The President being absent, the Convention was called to order at
2 p. M., by Dr. Suman, of Pipe Creek.
Song — "All Hail, the Power of Jesus' Name."
Devotional exercises byE. S. Preston.
On the call of townships, the following responded : Anderson,
Boone, Fall Creek, Green, Jackson, Lafayette, Monroe, Pipe Creek
Eichland and Stony Creek.
The address of welcome was delivered by W. V, Shanklin, and
responded to by Jacob Schwinn.
The following committee was appointed to revise the Constitution :
J. T. Smith, J. W. Bomgardner, W. V. Shanklin and Jacob Schwinn.
On motion, a Finance Committee was appointed, as follows: W.
V. Shanklin,' Samuel Busby and E. N!, Clark.
Devotional exercises by Jacob Huntsinger.
Dr. Suman in the chair.
Addresses were naade by the following: Mrs. J. W. Bomgardner,
E. H. Clark, J. T, Smith and Wm. Suman.
After devotional exercises, the flrst thing in order was " Qnaliflca-
tions of Superintendents."
Eemarks were made by S. E. Preston, E. H. Sparks and E. N.
Clark. The next was a Bible lesson, conducted by Dr. Ward Cook ; after
which the reports of townships were called, and thirteen reports
were read from the Secretary's desk.
The following is the exhibit for the year ending September 19th,
1871: No. of townships reported, 13 ; No. of schools, 55 ; No. of officers
and teachers enrolled, 611 ; average attendance of the same, 426; No.
of scholars enrolled, 3,711 ; average attendance, 2,776. Total, 4,322.
Amount expended by the schools for books, papers, etc., $802.10.
On motion, the Convention went into the election of officers, with
the folio wiiig result:
President— E. N. Clark.
Vice-President — W. V. Shanklin.
Eecording Secretary — J. W. Hardman.
Corresponding Secretary--J. T. Smith.
Treasurer — M. S. Eobinson.
The Fourth Annual Meeting of the County Sunday School Union
was held in the M. E. Church at Pendleton, October 29th and 30th,
The Convention was called to order at 2 o'clock, p. m., by E. N.
Clark, President.
Devotional exercises, consisting of singing and prayer, at 2:20 p, m.
Address of welcome by Charles L. Henry, Esq,; responded to by
J. T. Smith — ^bCth of which were able and interesting speeches.
After a song by the Convention, the following question was pro
pounded :
""What are the leading hindrances in your school,, and what are
you doing to remove them?"
Answered by H. D. Thompson, Jacob Schwinn, W. V. Shanklin, C
Hall, C. G. Mauzy, G. S. Jenkins, J. T. Smith, G. W. Miller and E. N.
Clark. The Eev. W.M.Grimes spoke a few words of cheer to the Con
vention; saw nothing discouraging in the Sunday School work.
Song — " Jesus will Carry me Through."
Discussion — "What means should be used to interest the community
more generally in the Sunday School work?"
James Hazlett, who was to have opened the discussion, being
absent, the subject was passed over.
At 4:20, p. M., the question drawer was opened, and answered by
J. T. Smith,Jof Anderson.
Song, and benediction by W. M. Grimes.
Devotional exercises by Eev. J. C. Mahan.
Song — "All Hail, the Power of Jesus' Name."
The Convention was then favored with an address by J. H, Bayless,
D. D., on " Sunday School Work."
Song—" Hold the Fort."
The following were appointed a Committee on Finance : I. N.
Zeublin, J. 0. Hardy and J. E. Silver.
E. ^. Clark spoke a few moments, when J. T. Smith concluded the
answers to question drawer.
Song—" Hold the Light up Higher, Higher," and benediction by J.
H, Bayless, D. D.
At 8:40 adjourned. WEDNESDAY, OCT 30, 1872.
Convention met — ^President Clark in the chair.
Devotional exercises.
At 9:40 call of townships by the Secretary, and the following
responded :
Anderson, Adams, Boone, Fall \Creek, Green, Lafayette, Monroe,
Pipe Creek and Stony Creek,
Question— " Should uniform lessons be used throughout the
Discussion opened by Eev. M. A. Teague, who opposed to some
extent the " Lesson Leaves " now used in the county, while J. T,
Smith favored their adoption.
10:25 — An excellent address was delivered by W. M. Grimes, on
" Encouragement to Sunday School Workers."
Song—" I Love to Tell the Story."
11 o'clock — This time was set apart for the transaction of miscel
laneous business, -when Bro. Smith read and answered a few questions
from the drawer.
11:30 — Song. Benediction by Eev. Geo. S. Jenkins.
1 :45 — Devotional exercises by the President.
Song— "I Will Sing for Jesus."
^ 2 p. M. — Annual Address, by President Clark, who, in a brief and
clear manner, summed up the results of the year.
2:20 p. M. — Election of officers for the ensuing year was set for this
hour, and the following were chosen :
President — H. D. Thompson.
Vice President, North — Wm. Suman.
Vice President, South — J. W. Bomgardner.
Eecordipig and Statistical Secretary — J. W. Hardman.
Correspondirig Secretary — Jos. T. Smith.
Treasurer — C. L. Henry.
Township Vice Presidents — Anderson, E. N. Clark ; Adams, C. G.
Mauzy ; Boone, G. W. Smith ; Duck Creek, Anthony Minnick ; Fall
Creek, J. E Silver; Green, G. W. Miller; Jackson, A. F. Armstrong;
Lafayette, James Hollingsworth; Monroe, Jacob Schwinn; Pipe
Creek, J. M. Overshiner ; Eichland, Eichard Thornburg ; Stony Creek,
G. W. Sears ; Union, A. J. Eichardson ; Van Buren, J. W. Thorn.
3:00 — Superintendent's Exercises. — Wm. Baker, Superintendent of
the Fortville Sunday Schools, clearly and in an interesting way
reviewed the four lessons for the month as arranged in the Berian
Series. 3:30 — Discussion : "How to cultivate reverence in the Sabbath
Schools.'' Opened by M. A. Teague. Next in order was infant class
lesson, conducted by W. M. Grimes, after which the Secretary made
the following report for the year ending October 30th, 1872.
Eeports have been received from but few townships up to noon
to-day — seven in all — as follows: Adams, Boone, Fall Creek, Green,
Lafayette, Union and Stony Creek.
Number of schools in same 31
Number not included in the above 4
Total number reported 35
Numberof scholars enrolled 3,459
Number of officers and teachers 367
Total enrollment ; 3,826
Average attendance of officers and teachers 248
Average attendance of scholars 1,849
Total average attendance 2,097
Amount expended during the year $462 33
Eespectfully submitted,
J. W.'HAEDMAN, Secretary.
7:00 P. M. — Devotional Exercises : Singing and prayer. An excel
lent address was delivered at this hour by G. S. Jenkins, on " Duty
of Parents to Children,'' after which the Convention united in sing
ing " Keep on Praying." The Finance Committee reported a col
lection of $10.56. The following claims were presented and allowed:
For printing programmes $6 00
Amount allowed J. W. Bomgardner for expenses while attend
ing National Sunday School Convention 5 00
Amount paid J. T. Smith for expenses of Dr. Bayless 1 00
J. T. Smith then answered questions in drawer.
On motion of E. N, Clark, a vote of thanks was tendered the citi
zens of Pendleton for their hospitahty and kindness during the Con
vention. Convention united in singing "O, Tell the Joyful Story." After bene
diction the Convention adjourned to meet at Elwood April, 1873, in
semi-annual Convention. Attest : J. W. HAEDMAN, Secretary.
The Fifth Annual Convention of the County Sunday School Union
was held at Markleville, September 16th and 17th, 1873.
Convened at 2 o'clock p. m., President H. D. Thompson in the
chair. Address of welcome by J. F. PierciB. Eesponded to by J. W. Lov-
ett, of Anderson, in a very appropriate speech ; after which the Pres
ident delivered the annual address, « * »
On motion of J. W. Hardman, the following were appointed a
Finance Committee: B. L. Fussell, Samuel Harden and Ealph
Wilhams. On motion of W. V. Shanklin a Committee on Nominations was
appointed : W. V. Shanklin, E. H. Cree and L. D. Eeger.
After a song (doxology) and benediction. Convention adjourned to
meet at 7 o'clock p. m. EVENING SESSION.
Convention met pursuant to adjournment. President Thompson in
the chair.
Song, by the Choir — " We are Coming," under the leadership of
Prof. George Brown ; Mrs. Meeks accompanying with organ.
Devotional exercises by Eev. J. F. Pierse of Middletown. After
which a very interesting discourse was delivered by Eev. Joseph
Franklin of Anderson on the motto " Let us Work," and also on the
progress of the Sunday School work.
After singing several songs, and benediction by L. D. Eegar the
Convention adjourned. SECOND DAY.
Wednesday Morning, Sept. 17, 1873.
The Convention was called to order by the President. Devotional
exercises, singing " Sweeping Through the Gates " and prayer by the
Eev. J. F. Ehoades of Perkinsville.
Next in order was Sunday School lesson, conducted by Eev. J. F.
Pierse, assisted by J. F. Ehoades, John Huston and Wm. V. Shank
lin ; after which the Convention sung " We Shall Meet Them Again,"
Disscussion. — Progress of the Sunday School in the United States,
opened by A. E. Edwards of Anderson, in a very interesting speech
of half an hour ; followed by J. C. Mahan.
Song — " Bright Forevermore," followed with speeches by J. T.
Smith, J. F. Collier and H. D. Thompson. J. T. Smith proceeded to
review the lessons of the last quarter, which was done in a very able
and interesting manner.
Convention sung " Open the Door for the Children."
Discussion. — "What has the Sunday School accomphshed," opened
by J. C, Mahan of Anderson, followed by H. D. Thompson, Jae.
Schwinn and J. F. CeUier.
Next in order was Infant Class Iicsson, conducted by Mrs. Boher
of New Castle, to a class of twenty-flve. This was a very interesting
exercise and listened to with great attention.
A collection was made amounting to $9.35. Convention then sung
" I love to tell the Story." Then came question drawer which was
answered by J. T. Smith, occupying about flfteen minutes.
Eesolution of thanks was tendered the citizens of Markleville for
the hospitable manner in whicih the members had been entertained
during this Convention.
On motion of J.F. Ehoades the next semi-annual meeting be held
at Perkinsville in April, 1874, which was carried, and the following
appointed a Committee on Programme : Jae. Schwinn, J. T. Smith
and Warren Cole.
"Convention sung " Over in the Promised Land."
Benediction by A. C. Edwards.
Adjourned. evening session — 7 o'clock, p. M. 1
¦Called to order by President Shanklin,
Devotional exercises conducted by J. F. Ehoades.
Song — " Sweeping Through the Gates."
, This session was held principally for speaking and the following
--availed themselves of the opportunity : B. Carver, G. W. Sears, J.
W. Hardman, Mrs. J. F. Ehoades, Ealph WiUiams, A. J. Delph and
Samuel Harden.
President Shanklin then delivered his inaugural address, and the
Secretary made the following report :
To the Madison County S. S. Union. Number of townships
reported, eight, viz : Anderson, Adams, Boone, Duck Creek, Jackson,
Monroe, Pipe Creek and Eichland.
Number of Schools reported, 42 ; number of officers and teachers,
¦390; number of schools enrolled, 2,884; total membership, 3,274.
Amount expended during year, $731.25.
Eespectfully submitted,
Convention adjourned to meet at Perkinsville aa^per previous
arrangements. J. W. H.
The annual Convention of the Sunday School Union of Madison
county convened at Asbury Chapel, Eichland township, September
29, 1874, at 2 p. M. President Shanklin in the chair. In the absence
of the Secretary, Mt. Barney Carver was chosen Secretary pro tem.
Devotional exercises were conducted by Mr. John Matthis.
That soul-stirring song entitled " All hail the power of Jesus' Name,''
was sung with so much earnestness that it told at once the interest
manifested in the meeting. The address of welcome by Eev. E. B,
Smith was in every way appropriate to the occasion, and it no doubt
made the many who were from abroad feel that they were thrice
welcome to the hospitality and the homes of the good people of Eich
land. The President's annual address, by W, V. Shanklin, was good
and well received. That earnest worker, Howell D. Thompson,
being present, was loudly called for, and promptly responded in his
usual telling manner.
J. T. Smith, Jacob Schwinn, and John Matthis were appointed a
committee to draft resolutions on the death of E. N. Clark.
Frank Watkins, D. Tappan, and N, O'Bryant were appointed a
Committee on Finance, After a song the Convention adjourned
until 7:30. EVENING SESSION.
The Con vention was called to order at precisely the time appointed.
Eev. E. H. Smith offered a fervent invocation. In the absence of
Eev. Wm. Van Slyke, Dr. W'n. Suman addressed the Convention in a
fpw chosen remarks, and was followed by an address byH. C. Jordan.
His remarks were to the point, and no doubt did much good for the
cause.' Adjourned until Wednesday morning at nine o'clock.
was fully attended, with an increasing interest. Several new dele
gates and visitors arrived, while the community at large, generally
speaking, were there. The President called the meeting to order
and announced that Elder E. H. Clifford would conduct the devo
tional exercises. After reading a selection he offered a fervant invo
cation. Mr. H. 0. Jordan gave a very interesting Bible Class lesson
to supply the vacancy caused by Mr. Jonathan Noble's absence.
After this Mr. Grimes came forward and said he was glad to meet so
many Sunday School workers. Many of those who had met in con
vention last year had departed from earth and gone to the great
Sunday School above. He welcomed those present as Ijtborers in
God's vineyard. A year of toil and labor was before them, but by
God's aid they would succeed.
Discussion. — " Importance of the Sunday School Work." Opened
by Mr. D. C. Chipman, of Anderson.
Call of Townships. — The reports show quite an increase over last
year's labors. Yet while so much good has been done this year, a
¦ very great deal remains yet to be accomplished. The Committee on
Nominations consisted, of Messrs. Dr. Suman, W. M. Grimes and J,
Schwinn. Adjourned for dinner.
Now the people seemed to enjoy the full fruition of their hopes.
The weather being favorable the preparations were complete for a
good old fashioned basket dinner. A noticeable feature in this per
formance was the partiality of Mr. Grimes for "pumpkin pie."
Should you be at a loss to know how to get him to the country, just
whisper " pumpkin " to him, aad I assure you he will answer the
summons with all desirable alacrity.
Devotional exercises conducted by Elder W. S. Tingley. Music,
" Morning Light is Breaking." Short addresses by Messrs. Smith
and Grimes. Cornelius Quick, of Frankton, delivered an address.
Beview of the quarter's lessons, by Dr. William Suman, of Frankton.
The question drawer was found to be full. Mr. Grimes, in his
usual witty, humerous, yet perfect manner, promptly answered all
•the questions.
The Committee on Eesolutions presented a resolution on the death
of E. N. Clark, which was unanimously adopted. A motion that
when the Convention did adjourn, that it do so to meet at Alexan
dria on the last Tuesday and Wednesday, of September, 1875, was
unanimously adopted.
Committee to prepare programnje : J. Schwinn, N. O'Bryant, J.
Matthis and C. Quick.
The following offlcers were unanimously elected to serve the ensu
ing year :
President— Dr. T. Eyan.
Vice President, South-^H. D.Thompson.
Vice President, North — John Hanna.
Treasurer — Wm. Suman.
Eecording Secretary — S. Harden.
Corresponding Secretary — Joseph T. Smith.
Adams — C. Mauzy.
Fall Creek — Joseph E. Silver.
Green — G. Miller.
Stony Creek— G. W. Sears.
Anderson — J. Hazlett.
Union— W. Heath.
Eichland— Will. M. Groan.
Jackson — Wm. Freeman.
Pipe Creek — George Shipley.
Monroe — W. Bell.
Van Buren^Dr. Littler.
Boone — B. Carver.
Duck Creeek — A. Minnick.
Among the many visitors present, we noticed Mr. and Mrs. D. C
Chipman and daughter, Mr. Jos. T. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. W. M-
Grimes, Howell D. Thompson, Dr. E. H. Menefee, E. H. Clifford,
Eld. Tingley, W. V. Shanklin, Mr. B. Carver, Mr. Palmer Thurston.
Miss Nannie Thurston, Eobert H. Cree, N. O'Bryant, Eev. Peck J,
Schwinn, Evan Schwinn, Dr. Wm. Suman and daughter Josie, Cor
nelius Quick, Dr. J. Dillon, Miss Allie Shoemaker, Peter Suman, Miss
Saunders, Mr. H. C. Jordon and Mr. Osborn.
Much good was no doubt accomplished by the Convention in the
great work of the moral culture of the youth.
May the good work go bravely on is the prayer of him who was
once a Sunday school scholar.
Are situated in an open piece of woods in Union township,
midway between Anderson and Chesterfield, north and in
sight of the wagon road, and one-half mile north of the
Bellefontaine railroad, on tne land of Fredrick Branenburg.
These mounds are annually visited by pleasure seekers frora
different parts of the State. Many picnics and celebrations
are held here. It is a beautiful place in May. An hour
can be profitably passed here, seeing and reflecting. The
query natnrally coraes up. When and by whom were these
mounds built? The author does not propose answering
either of these. One thing, however, is apparent : it has
been many hundred years since this vast work was done;
for we find large trees, three and four feet in diameter, which
have flourished, fallen and decayed upon the wall. It is
said that the Indians who inhabited the county at the time
of its settlement by the whites knew nothing of their origin.
The largest ot these mounds (for there are three) we will
undertake a description of: It is of circular form, three
hundred and forty yards in circumference. The wall is fif
teen feet high, with an open gap or^space at the south,
twenty feet wide, which seems to be a doorway, or place of
ingress and egress. The interior of this wall is not scooped
out, as one might suppose. There is, however, a deep trench
extending along on the inside of the wall, leaving the cen
ter beautifully rounded up, being a little higher than the
outer wall itself. It must originally have been very uni
form in its finish, as it still has this appearance. The trench
above alluded to must have been at one time quite deep, for
the annual dropping of leaves, decayed vegetation, washing,
etc., must have filled it up materially. A few years ago a
few persons made an opening in the center of this mound,
for the purpose of making some discovery, as the supposition
had long existed that the remains of some ancient race lay
buried here. The result of this undertaking seems to have
confirmed the above supposition.
In addition to what we have ventured to say, we will
quote from a description given in an early history of Indi
ana. It will perhaps give the reader as good an idea as
anything we may say in regard to this raatter, for we can at
best Ijut conjecture ; and for fear of saying too much, we
will say but little. The author from whom we quote
does not speak ot these particular mounds,, but what he
says will apply to all throughout the State. He says :
" Mounds, sirailar to those in Ohio and other Western States,
are found in considerable numbers in this State ; but there
are none that have attracted much attention, except three in
the neighborhood of Vincennes. These at a distance resem
ble immense hay stacks, and on being approached, each
appears to cover about an acre of ground, and to rise grad
ually to a point, probably from eighty to one hundred feet
high. " It i^ impossible to conceive, at the present day, for what
object thtse immense piles were erected; Their situation is
not Such as to lead us to suppose that they were constructed.
for any purpose connected with war or defense, and as they
were built without the aid of iron tools, it would not be sur
prising if, among a sparse population, their erection required
the labor of many years.
"Human bones have been found in such as have been
opened, and in some of them are strata of earth composing
the mound which difier from each other and from the earth
in the immediate vicinity. The different layers of earth
were about a foot in thickness, and between them charcoal
and ashes were found, in which human bones lay in a hor
izontal position.
" From these facts it has been conjectured that when the
monuments were erected, it was customary to burn the dead,
and then cover the bones with earth, and that probably from
time to time this process was repeated, until the mound was
finished; Eeligious ceremonies and superstitious rites may
also have been connected with these works. They are most
frequent in the vicinity of alluvial bottoms, and where even
in early times, the abundance of game and other advan-
tages would accommodate the most population. There are
none of these works which can not claim a great antiquity,
for the trees on them do not differ in any respect, as regards
age, from those in the venerable forests around. While
these memorials of an age long past are so distinct, the large
establishment of the Jesuits, Quiteanon, and the various
military works of the State, formerly so important for
defense against Indian hostilities, scarcely show any remains
of what they once were,
" On the bottora of Big Flat Rock, in the northwest cor
ner of Decatur county, is a mound about eighty feet in
diameter and eight feet high, originally covered with trees,
like the other forests around. An excavation was made into
it a few years since. First, there was a mixture of earth,
sand and gravel for one foot ; then dark earth, charcoal,
lime and burnt pebbles were cemented together, so as to be
penetrated with difficulty ; then a bed of loose sand and
gravel, mixed with charcoal ; then were found the bones of
a human being, in a reclining position, with a flat stone over
the breast and another under the skull. Most of the bones
were nearly decomposed, but some of them, and the teeth,
were quite sound. From the size of such of the bones of
the skeleton as remain, it must have once been of gigantic
size. "A short distance from this mound is a much smaller one,
which contains a great many skeletons. The mounds and
other monuments that remain were constructed so long since
that even tradition does not pretend to give any certain
information respecting the people who made them."
Booram, Gideon tax for 1873 $90 78
Bray, Francis M. tax for 1873 55 74
Biddle, Jaraes tax for 1873 62 24
Baker, John tax for 1873 $65 43
Booram, John tax for 1873 94 26
Collier, J, F, tax for 1873 49 17
Crowell, Devault tax for 1873 52 la
Clark, Wm. sen. tax for 1873 90 90
Davis, John tax for 1873 76 91
Davis John S. tax for 1873 87 57
Aimen, B. F. tax for 1873 $129 41
Allen, Wm, tax for 1873 62 00
Boston, John R. tax for 1873 210 70-
Brown, Elwood tax for 1873 100 16
Cox. Wm. tax for 1873 82 41
Crossley, Conrad H. tax for 1873 91 63-
Davis, Bailey tax for 1873 142 44
Fussell, Joshua L. tax for 1873 54 95-
Garrettson, Joel tax for 1873 105 89
Hardy, Joseph O. tax for 1873 122 13
Bock, Benjamin tax for 1873 $ 50 08
Cottrell, Abram tax for 1873 84 52
Faussett, John K. tax for 1873 93 10
Huston, John tax for 1873 190 48
Kinnamon, Hirara tax for 1873 161 29
Pettigrew, John tax for 1873 117 90
Pettigrew, Washington tax for 1873 125 10
Shanklin, W. V. tax for 1873 76 77
Shaul, O. B. tax for 1873 69 77
Scott, Thoraas tax for 1873 178 20
Bodenhorn, David tax for 1873 $ 69 84
Busby, Samuel tax for 1873 71 49
Conrad, David tax for 1873 65 08'
Gwihn, Harvey tax for 1873 66 OQ
Huntzinger, Noah tax for 1873 69 49
Millburn, Isaac tax for 1873 83 39'
Schuyler, George tax for 1873 57 96
Shaul, W. W. tax for 1873 $44 43
McClintock, Daniel tax for 1873 73 10
Woodward, W. sr. tax for 1873 44 51
Anderson, Henry tax for 1873 $130 50
Beckwith, Thomas tax for 1873 77 65
Coy, Matthew tax for 1873 124 50.
Epperly, JoeL tax for 1873 118 10
Gill, Geo. C. tax for 1873 54 80
Harless, James tax for 1873 94 60
Kempt, Henry, tax for 1873 72 20
Lee, John tax for 1873 60 05
McClintock, A. P. tax for 187,3 182 95
Wise, Daniel tax for 1873 98 80
Allen, John tax for 1873 $ 82 73
Blacklidge, H. J, tax lor 1873 165 83
Crim, William tax for 1873 130 13-
Davis, John (Judge) tax for i 873 149 84
Eggman, E. tax for 1873 76 43
Franklin, Benjarain tax for 1873 72 38
Goodykoontz, Daniel tax for 1873 130 80
Hughel, M. E. tax for 1873 174 22
Kindle, .lohn Y, tax for 1874 70 69
Lemon, Andrew tax for 1873 50 99
Adams, John, tax for 1873 $ 46 85
Brownenberg, Henry tax for 1873 92 05-
Brownenberg, Carroll tax for 1873 185 23
Cummius, Henderson tax for 1873 95 69
Dilts, Martin tax for 1873 88 09
Hurley, Joshua tax for 1873 51 95
John, Wm. tax for 1873 70 53
Makepeace, Ammasa tax for 1873 93 78
Myers, Soloman tax for 1873 81 30-
Shafer, Benjamin tax for 1873 96 09-
Barnes, John P. tax for 1873 $ 92 68
Hickey, John tax for 1873 65 14
Hazlett, Jaraes tax for 1873 63 08
McGraw, John tax for 1873 74 56
McCullough, N. C. tax for 1873 74 90
Pence, Sarauel tax for 1873 59 06
Ryan, Michael tax for 1873 64 72
Saunsberry, J. W. tax for 1873 97 22
Swank, D. W. tax for 1873 91 72
Westerfield, J. W. tax for 1873 136 62
Adaras, Robert tax for 1873 $235 00
Black, McFarland tax for 1873 137 00
Charabers, John H. tax for 1873 123 75,
Dillon, Joseph tax for 1873 '. 75 86
Funk, Joseph, .sr. tax for 1873 88 77
Forkner, Madison tax for 1873 101 00
Garrison, Siras tax for 1873 100 28
Holston, J. R. tax for 1873 96 71
Heagy, Weeras tax for 1873 102 22
Verraillion, Chauncy tax for 1873 84 61
'Closser, James tax for 1873 $129 19
Davis, John H, tax for 1873 67 37
Gooding, Lenox tax for 1873 79 56
Kimmerling, Lewis tax for 1873 74 16
Kirk, Wm. tax for 1873 134 15
Peniston, Allen tax for 1873 57 89
Roadcap, Henry tax for 1873 89 68
Stanley, Jacob taxes for 1873 52 77
Thomas, D, E, R. tax for 1873 88 63
Webb, Miner tax for 1873 90 59
Barton, William tax for 1873 $146 29
¦Calloway, B, F. tax for 1873 148 90
Daugherty, J. M. tax for 1873 118 65
EtchLson, L. D. tax for 1873 $85- 95
Frazier, Jesse tax for 1873 102 40
Hays, John tax for 1873 50 60
Kidwell, Ir-a tax for 1873 77 75-
Kidwell, Milton tax for 1873 114 15
Little, Jacob tax for 1873 108 60
Quick, Cornelius tax for 1873 90 55
Bowers, David tax for 1873 $99 64
Baker, Bi-axton tax for 1873 70 32
Cree, Robert tax for 1873 75 92
Davis, Eli sr. tax for 1873 72 85
Gordon, James taxes for 1873 80 70^
Hughes, William tax for 1873 53 70
Hall, Jesse tax for 1873 98 14
Lee, James tax for 1873 ¦ 113 97
King, Daniel tax for 1873 94 67
Tomlinson, N. E. tax for 1873 187 25
Allen, Harrison tax for 1873 $ 97 09
Creamer, Philip tax for 1873 57 10
Heretage, W, E. tax for 1873 77 80
Inglis, Alex, tax for 1873 54 76
Thurston, Joseph tax for 1873 60 37
Webster, R, W. tax for 1873.. 60 22
Walker, James tax for 1873 51 29
Zedaker, J. M. tax for 1873 54 14
Williams, A. M. taxfor 1873 49 96
Vinson, Wm. taxfor 1873 71 29
all, Stephen tax for 1873 $ 52 39
Brunt, A. J. tax for 1873 183 95
Dickey, Samuel G. tax for 1853 71 20
Francis, Micajah taxfor 1873 57 56
Greenlee, Wm. tax for 1873 65 02
Jones, L.K. taxfor 1863 58 35
Keaton, A. taxfor 1873 75 9S
Peters, E. H. taxfor 1873 $51 82
Sullivan, Jeff, taxes for 1873 69 73
Thurston, J. F. taxes for 1873 59 10
Hancher, Hiram tax for 1873 $58 56
Hedrick, Wm. taxfor 1873 133 32
Minnick, Anthony tax for 1873 56 59
•Clymer, D. H. tax for 1873 43 68
Noble, -Jonathan tax for 1873 112 84
Shafer, James tax for 1873 55-20
Wann, Isaac tax for 1873 80 58
Wright, Isidell tax for 1873 ¦ 58 90
Parsons, J. W. taxfor 1873 51 89
HcConnell, Jesse tax for 1873 48 26
[Prize Poem.]
Two ships have I, with masts of gold,
And sappharine sails, fold on fold.
The one with the tapering silver spars.
That reach to Heaven beyond the stars —
Is Hope. On her decks are crimson lights
Burning forever thro' the days and nights.
The one with the tapering silver stem.
Sailing from me to the hearts of men —
Is Faith. On her decks, from stem to stern.
Are crimson lights that will ever burn.
Once they both sailed away from me
With the ebbing tide, to the winter sea.
They sailed away thro' the twilight gray.
And it was night where it had been day.
I sent for them on the southern gales.
And I sat and watched for their sappharine saUs
Till the winds blew cold and tbe seas ran high
And other ships went sailing by.
And the sailors came home from the sea in glee,
But not one of my ships came back to me. /
And I wandered on, seeking all ;
I heard but unheeded a low, sweet call.
But once I sent for my ships again,
And they came to me thro' the ways of men ;
But their sails were torn and their decks were worn,
For heavy and sad were the loads they had borne.
But on their decks were the crimson lights
Still burning thro' the days and nights;
And Hope, with the tapering silver spars.
That reached to Heaven beyond the stars,
SaUs on; sails on with a vague unrest
Into the heart of every breast.
And Faith, with the tapering silver stem.
Still sails from me to the hearts of men.
And now they sail safely over the main.
For never, ah ! never again
Will they sail away from me
With the ebbing tide to the winter sea.
Pendleton, Indiana, 1874.
Sam Harden is writing a history
Of Madison County, they say;
And he oflfers as premium, a copy.
Unto the best bard of the day.
Our county we know is productive,
In regard to oats, wheat, hogs and corn;
But her poets, alas ! are so scat'ring.
In fact, I believe they're not born.
You may write biographical sketches.
And talk of the fame of the dead;
Or sing all you please your love ditties:
I'll tell you what we have instead.
Then first we have lots of " war-horses,"
Of a pusillanimous kind.
Wh^o run every year for some office.
And " go it as though they were blind."
,We also have salary grabbers
Who loan money at fifteen per cent;
In advance they hint they would take it.
Oh pshaw ! will they never repent?
We have Granges — a new institution !
We want reformation of late;
They buy hogs for flve cents of their brothers.
And sell them for seven and eight.
Still they want no men in the " middle,"
Would go to Congress themselves;
Their bills might be like this poem,
Either "tabled" or laid on the shelves.
We have railroads, turnpikes and hydraulic
With bridges both iron and wood ;
And coaches of every description.
All of which are pronounced very good.
We have schools both graded and common.
And teachers conducting them too;
Who do very well with their pupils;
But visitors make them feel " blue,"
We have institutes county and Normal,
Where teachers are taught in a class;
The first requisite there among youngsters,
Is a goodly supply of the " brass."
A word for our Superintendant;
The people all like him as such.
But some will look wise as they mumble,
" I know he is costing too much."
We have belles as fair as the fairest.
And beaux as polite as you please ;
But they all love to ride in " pa's carriage,"
And live every day at their ease.
We have judges who sit on the benches,
And lawyers that do as they please ;
They'll keep all your money they handle,
Like the monkey dividing the cheese.
WeU now a good word for the merchants:
"They'U Ue," and they'U "chate," and they'U "stale."
I tell what I've learned by experience ;
(We once offered dry goods for sale.)
We have a few honest old farmers !
Poor souls ! how they'll carry the swill ;
Then drive their hogs straight to the market.
And laugh in their sleeve, " What a seU !"
I had almost forgotten the doctor ;
He rides with a hearty good will,
But before you can scarcely be buried
He'll claim your estate for his bill.''
We have had a crusade by the women,
On brandy, old bourbon, and gin,
Which freed Anderson city from rum holes,
And prevented a great deal of sin.
We once had retailers of whisky.
But since that " crusade" by the fair
They have gone to Hades— or Chicago :
I never inquired just where.
Of course I respect all the preachers;
They are very good teachers 'tis true.
But I've seen some who smiled on the sisters
A queer kind of — how do you do.
We have no Ward Beechers I reckon.
But not a few Tiltons I'm told,
Who risk their eternal salvation
To flll up their coffers with gold.
We have had a First National " break up,"
By men who were up with the times ;
They squandered their money in riot.
And a great many other men's dimes.
We have a small interest in Congress,
That "grabbled" its thousands to use,
' But the reason we grumble about it.
We can not step into their shoes.
I believe I'll leave out the mechanics,
Although a great many we spy.
Who paste, paint, putty, and varnish.
To cover their faults from the eyeT
We never speak ill of tbe miller.
For he's always just ready to laugh ;
He will grind out your grist in a jiffy,
But manage to keep about half.
The butcher I can not do justice; ¦
His steelyards you never see break;
He will give you the neck or the shoulder
At what he should sell you the steak.
And last, but not least, we have babies,
Methinks I have heard a few squall ;
God bless the sweet creatures, we love them,
For " mine are the dearest of all."
Home, Oct. 10, 1874.
There's something in the march of life
That calls fair scenes to view;
That lays aside our worldly strife,
And makes our hearts more true.
Eemembrance is the golden chain
That links us with the past,
And binds us in one social strain,
That nothing e'er can blast.
Childhood days are here once more,
Though years have passed away;
Eembrance keeps them still in store,
And makes us long for play.
The dead are called to life again —
How cherishing the thought,
To see them here with us, as then,
Unchanged and unforgot!
Thus we live o'er our lives again.
In visions of the past;
Clinging to all those happy scenes,
Through eternity to last.
And when our days are spent on earth,
From toil and pain set free,
We realize that worldly wealth
Brings oft-times misery!
Markleville, Ind., Nov. Ist, 1874.
Forever from the past unsought
Ee-echoes the rebounding thought;
And often when departing day
Looks back upon the face of May,
I seem beside a rill again.
As in the West I rested then
To watch the waters in their play.
Across a westward traveled way.
The tiny ships of fairy braves
Flasheiin the sunlight on the waves.
The dark green valley swept away
Calm as the waters of a bay.
And from the West on either hand
EoUed in the heavy tide of land.
The May was then as bright as flame,
But passing then a fairer came.
The chosen ideal name of one
I saw before the setting sun.
Go out from sight like visions when
They vanished from the sight of men.
One of an unknown happy band
Who passed perchance to that fair land
Where homes are free and prairies sweep
Awakened from their winters sleep.
They knew not the contending thought
Then woven with my life for naught,
The firm belief, the need to know,
The will t6 wait, the wish to go.
And often when the Western breeze
Whispers among the forest trees
It seems to me it knows full well
Only it will not, ¦must not tell.
Pendleton, Ind., Aug. 15, 1874. S.-8.
These somewhat popular meetings throughout the State
have been introduced into our county with good results,
binding together as it does the old and young in different
parts of the county, keeping alive as it were the associations,
binding the past and the present. These rejunions must be
pleasant to those who are spared to enjoy them, and to recall
the early toils and hardships.
They seem, for a short season, to live over again, and to
pass through the stirring scenes of times gone by. At this
time, more than any other perhaps, they call up the events
of that day, and no doubt the silent tears will flow as their
minds wander to the turf which covers their fellow
pioneers, and, it may be, the partners of their youthful
days, when hopes ran high. At these meetings there must
be the blending of joys and sorrows, which are calculated
to make us better ; and I wonder that these meetings are
not more generally kept up, not only in our county, but
throughout the State. The first meeting that I ever
attended of this kind, was midway between Pendleton and
Huntsville, in 1858. This meeting was ot unusual interest
and well attended.
Among those who participated in that meeting, the fol
lowing have since been called away : John Markle, Abel
Johnson, Samuel D, Irish, John H. Cook, Conrad Crossley,
Thomas Silver, and Isaac Busby. Since this meeting,
numerous others have been held in different parts of the
county. The one at Alexandria, in 1873, was perhaps, the
largest of any. The one at Perkinsville, in 1874, was also-
well attended. , Following will be found an article taken
from the Herald :
Perkinsville, September 17.
To the Editor of the Herald :
The Old Settlers' Meeting at Perkinsville, on last Thurs-
day, was a "high day" for the old folks. Contrary to the
general expectation, the day proved to be a pleasant one.
The meeting was held in Zellers' Grove, adjoining town..
Quite early in the morning the people began to come in, bring
ing their well filled baskets. The old folks looked happy in
anticipation of what was to come, while the younger people
were promising themselves a good time in listening to the
reminiscences of the past, and especially to those connected
with the early settling of Madison and Hamilton counties.
At eleven o'clock the nuraber assembled was quite large,.
at which time the meeting was called to order by M.
Andrew McKenzie, General John D. Stephenson was
elected President, and J. F. Rhoades, Secretary. Prayer
was offered by Rev. A. Davis, after which the meeting
adjourned tor dinner. The old pioneers seemed to under
stand this raoveraent perfectly, and the way eatables disap
peared, ;ind especially chickens, was alraost wonderful to
behold. At 1 p. m. the raeeting was again called to order,
to listen to the addresses. ^ Rev. John W. Forrest carae to
the front and told what he knew about early times.
At the close of Mr. Forrest's remarks, the Perkinsville
Silver Cornet Band put in an appearance and entertained
us at intervals with excellent rausic. Speeches were made
by Judge Jonathan Colburn, James Hollingsworth, W. W.
Conner, Noah Waymire, H, G, Finch, and T, L. Beckwith.
Mr. Finch very gravely informed the neople that, in his
judgment, the country would be better off without minis
ters or churches, etc.
Many interesting anecdotes were related bearing upon
the raanners and customs of early times. Some things
were related which sounded rather indelicate to ears polite.
Various relics of bygone days were exhibited, and araong
them a shot pouch and powder horn worn by Mr. Fisher at
the time he was killed by Indians. These were shown by
Mr. William Roach, of Anderson. A permanent organiza
tion as an Old Settlers' Society for Hamilton and Madison
counties, was effected. T. L. Beckwith was elected Corres
ponding Secretary, The meeting adjourned to meet again-
one year from to-day. M.
The first fair held in the county was at Huntsville, about
the year 1839, It was as a matter of course but slimly
attended. But little stock, and that of the scrub order, was
present. Among those who were interested in this fair were
John J. Lewis, Isaac Busby, Conrad Crossley, William
Roach and John H. Cook.
This infant organization did not continue aqd the next
we hear of a county fair was at Anderson in the year 1850.
A piece of land was leased of John Davis one-half mile west
of the city for a term of years where several successful fairs
were held. Quite an interest was taken and the stock had
greatly improved since the Huntsville fair. About the year
1855, the lease expired and the fair again went down. In
the year 1867, the society was reorganized, a piece of land
containing twenty acres and immediately north of the one
described was bought and enclosed with a substantial fence.
On this ground fairs have been held ever since.
William Crim was elected President and served six years.
H. J, Bronenberg is now President, and E. P. Schlater Sec
retary. The average receipts yearly have been about $2,800.
The premiums have been paid and everything has been sat
isfactory. There are good halls and sheds sufficient for all
the demands, a commodious amphitheater, a good time track,
etc. In connection with this we will give the report of this
society to the Indiana Agricultural Society for the. year
1873, also, a full report of the premiums for 1874.
" The sixth annual exhibition of the Madison county Joint
Stock Agricultural Society, was held on the 2d, 3d, 4th and
5th days of September, 1873, in their beautiful ^ove of
twenty acres, immediately west of and adjoining the city of
Anderson. We had very bad, stormy weather, until about noon of
the second day, when the clouds commenced breaking away,
and all nature was bathed in the glad sunlight. The ave
nues leading to the grove at once became animated with life.
and the crowds wended their way to the grounds by the
hundred. It was soon apparent that the exhibition of 1873, was
destined to eclipse any former display, and prove itself to be
the crowning success of the Society, The last exhibition
gave such general satisfaction to its patrons that additional
interest was awakened throughout the entire county, as was
shown by the fa>.,t that the sale of tickets this year exceeded
that of 1872, by over one thousand. Upon the third day of
the fair more than one-third of the entire population of
Madison comity were present upon the grounds.
During last years' exhibition the directors became satis
fied that the number of the halls for the accommodation pf
exhibitors, should be increased, and accordingly a new hall
was erected at an expense of over $500. This hall was
devoted, in part, to the display of farm products, and a
platform, 20x25 feet, built upon each side of the main
entrance for the display and operation of sewing machines
and musical instruments. The new hall was filled .to its
utmost capacity, and proved to be as great an attraction as
was Floral Hall,
Six sewing machine agents aspired to the red ribbon,
whilst three styles and raakes of organs competed for the
first premium.
Floral Hall was, as usual crowded with almost every
imaginable article of ladies' handicraft, A prominent and
attractive feature of the Floral Hall display was the large
number of paintings in oil, executed and exhibited by ama
teur artists. All of the paintings exhibited unusual talent
and skill, aud the thanks of the Society are due to the ama
teur artists for their countribution to the attractions of the
hall. The entries in the live stock department were in excess of
the previous year, and it was noticeable that many of the
exhibitors were new men, who had never before entered the
list as competitors. This fact was of the most encouraging
character, for the success of all our exhibitions, whether
State or local, is mainly due to the interest which our farm
ers and mechanics manifest in them.
In the display of horses, cattle, sheep and swine, no finer
exhibition has ever been made in this county ; and if the inter
est in fine stock, already awakened among our farmers and
breeders, is properly encouraged and fostered, not many
years will elapse ere Madison county will be quoted as one
of the best stock counties in the State.
The mechanical department was unusually well repre
sented, not only by articles of foreign manufacture, but by
the products of home labor and skill. Large and elegant
displays of carriages, buggies and wagons attracted general
attention. The products of the farm, the garden and the orchard were
represented in almost every variety. The grains, see|ds,
potatoes, apples, pumpkins and melons exhibited on this
occasion, would convince the most skeptical that Madison
county was second to no other in the class and character of
her productions.
The premium list for 1873 amounted to $2,000, and pre
miums for the entire list were competed for, awarded and
paid. At this exhibition the Executive Committee rigidly
enforced the rules adopted by the Society relative to gamb
ling and the exclusion of intoxicating liquors. On every
side printed placards met the gaze of visitors, " Gambling
of every kind and character strictly prohibited."
The Society is out of debt, with a surplus of almost
$1,200. The receipts for 1873 amounted to $3,114. The expend
itures, including new hall, repairs, etc, $3,123,
In conclusion, anticipating changes in the management of
the Society, the present officers look with pride and gratifi
cation upon the success achieved at their sixth annual, and
trust that those who follow them may be as earnest, watch
ful and devoted in advancing the interests of the Society as
they have been.
An organization has been built up of which our county
and State may justly feel proud, and it behooves the Soci
ety to select as its guardians those only whose energies and
abilities will contribute still further to its advancement,
general prosperity and extended usefulness.
t_ . „ Secretary."
Third Day Thursday, Sept. 3.
Our last week's report ended with Wednesday, the sec
ond day of the fair. This morning the weather is clear,
cool, and pleasant. The dust is deepening on the ground
and thickening in the air. The managers had the track
and principal roadway through the grounds sprinkled dur
ing the night, which makes getting about much more toler-"
able than it would have been otherwise.
There is to be seen, in the stalls this morning, the finest
lot of horses ever brought together in Madison county.
Jerry Brown, of Muncie, has four head, two of which will
be put on the track to-morrow. Jonathan Sutton has two
stable horses for general purposes.' They are two years
old, Madison county horses, and do much credit to our
home representation.
Mr. W, E. Tindall, of Greenfield, has nine head. One
is a general-purpose horse, Norman blood, four years, blood
bay, and weighs sixteen hundred. We have seen very few
as good horses. There are two other Normans alraost as
good. John Huntzinger has a stallion of Morgan blood, entered
for heavy draft and general purpose. He is a beau
tiful black and deserves well the consideration of the pub
lic. F. B. Keller has two — a young stallion and dam,,
English Glory, well proportioned for draft and general
purpose. Color, dark roan. Samuel Parson has one two
years old. Stock, Clydesdale. Weighs over a thousand,
which tor beauty and symmetrical proportion is hard to.
beat. The last three mentioned are citizens of Madison county,.
Their stock is not inferior to that from a distance. Thomas.
J. Kiraraerling has a three-fourths Norman blood. Took
first premium for heavy draft. Aged four years. A beau
tiful dark iron dapple gray. Blood and pedigree unmis
takable, and is to be for future stock of Madison county.
A. W. Ross, of Delaware county, has nine beautiful
specimens of the swine, and from their docility we suppose
they are not of the stock into which Mary's devils entered..
Elijah Miller has five head from Delaware county.
Joseph Heaton, of Delaware county, has on exhibition
seven head not inferior to the best in the hog line.
Benjamin Lukins has Poland and China hogs, twenty-
two in number. He is from Stony Creek township, Madi
son county. His nuraber is only equalled by the fineness
of quality. Hogs to keep and hogs to sell. The utmost
care is taken to make the appropriate crosses to insure the^
best development of the porkers. Orin Walker, of Fall
Creek Township, has twelve head of Berkshire stock. He
can boast of having the heaviest hog on the ground.
Thomas Wilhoit & Son, Henry county, have four head of
thoroughbreds, the quintessence of symmetrical beauty.
His hogs will demand the careful attention of the judges..
W. W. Ross, of Delaware county has five head of hogs._
And now we find ourselves among the fine cattle. We
have just come among the lords of the lowing herds,.
Messrs. Wilhoit & Son's big bull. These gentlemen have
seventeen thoroughbreds upon the ground. The patriarcL
of the tribe weighs 2,560 pounds. This herd is well known.
throughout the State, and the proprietors deserve the red,
ribbons which they carry away from every fair for their-
enterprise. Mr. James Jackson, of Wabash county, formerly of Mad
ison, shows eleven head of Short Horn cattle. The lord of
the head, four years old, weighs 2,280 pounds. All thor
oughbred and pedigreed, Mr. Jackson manifested much
taste in the selection and cross of his cattle. We have but
one objection to him — he ought to be a citizen of Madison
county. His stock ought to be developed from grass and
grain grown with us.
Mr, Lewis Gwinn, of Hamilton county, has nine head of
highly graded stock, which compare favorably with the best
on the ground. Mr. G, took all the premiums on his class
of cattle.
Back to the horses again.
Mr. George Frampton, of Fall Creek township, has five..
One light harness stallion, three light harness mares and one
general purpose mare.
John Lewark, of Fall Creek township, has two. One
stallion, pedigree, Kentucky Whip, a beauiiful black, eight
years old, hight, sixteen and a half hands, compares favor
ably with stock of his class. Also a gelding for light har
ness and general purpose.
J. G. Trees, of Warrington, Hancock county, shows two,
one a horse and the other a mare. Speed is their traits.
Both young and of sufficient beauty to make a city dandy
proud of such a team,
D, P. Shawhan, of Rush county, has two for speed.
Time, 2:45 ; trot.
Helms, of Huntington county, has three horses noted for
speed, all young, in fine trim for the turf. One pacer and
two trotters. Best time of Hoosier Tom, 2:19, pacing.
The others respectively are 2:51 and 3:02.
Isaac Smith, aged seventy-seven years, with all the life and
vivacity of a boy, has two horses, both of which are noted
for speed. Their time is respectively 2:26 and 3:00. We
like the old man for his spirit, snap and gentlemanly
deportment. L, V. Caldwell, of Henry county, shows two horses.
Speed is their distinguishing characteristics ; both trotters.
Time respectively 2:34 and 2:30. Blue Ball stock ; good as
the best.
Martin Dilts, of Union township, has one pair of fine
mules and two Legal Tender colts. The latter two are fine
animals. L, L. Lawrence, of Wayne county, has the champion grey
and prince of stallions, aged six years, stock of the purest
blood. Noted for speed and general purpose. Intended for
stock raising business. Has a record of 2:41^. Trotting
is his only gait. We think him the raost valuable horse on
the ground.
Our fellow townsman, Sam Pence, has five horses. The
favorite is Dolly, of course. She has been raaking sorae
pretty fair time this summer.
R. H. Hunt has eight horses, six of which are noted for
speed. He took third premium in the three-minute trot.
One other took second premium in three-minute pace. All
the remainder compare favorably with the best horses of
like class on the ground. He has charge, also, of Mr, John
E. Corwin's Midland Hambletonian, the best blooded stallion
in Madison county. His pedigree is perfect.
Q,. Makepeace sports two raatch teams.
Isaac Hodson has one noted for speed, took second pre
mium in pace. His horse is of Eclipse blood. " Blood will
tell," Hosts of other horsemen with stock are on the groundi
and equally entitled to notice, among which we mention Mr.
M. Black, with running stock intended for half-mile
heats. Many others we could only see on the wing and failed to
get account of the merits of their horses.
Mechanical Hall is filled with representative material
from the shops of Newman, Skehan. Wagoner & Fisher,.
Raber & Co., and D. C. East & Co., in the trunk line.
The latter deserve special notice, as they have introduced a
new industrial enterprise in Anderson, Their work will
compare well with the best material of the kind found in
other markets. Give them a call. •
The old and reliable firm of Raber, Foland & Co., in the
manufacture of cabinet work need never be ashamed to com-
pare their work with any other in the State of Indiana.
Young married men that wish to please a pretty wife,
should give them a call.
Jas, Quinn & Son have a fine exhibit ofthe far famed " Vic
toria Jump-seat Buggy." There is mechanical skill here
that does honor to Anderson and to the county and State.
An appreciating public can not fail to reward such polished
workman. Give thera a call, ye pleasure-loving young
bloods. Elias Falkner & Son, are in the trade of buggies and car
riages. Their work is put up at Middletown, Ohio. They
defy corapetion in cheapness and durability. The South
.Bend plow is on trial for preraiura. It has merit.
The Miller Carriage Company are here in the happiest
¦display of their art. From the nuraber of ribboned vehi
cles of their raake, we presume they are in excellent humor*
Hank Conrad is on the tapis with his work. It deserves
well. Nearly everybody knows Hank as the honest Dutch
man. Good workmanship is his fort, honesty his boast, and
faithful integrity his recommendation.
It is reraarked by my young friend that the present
assemblage of citizens present the most respectable appear
ance of any that he ever witnessed. We admire the young
man's taste and judgment. It is our opinion too. It is a
happy thought that the race of professional roughs is grow
ing beautifully less. God speed the day when they are
reformed or happily housed in eternity. The world is none
the better for their having lived in it.
A hay rake and loader patented by G. W. Kidwell, of
Ellwood, Madison county, June 2, 1874, has had the field
test and does the work of five hands with the labor of only
two. The patentee feels confident that his machine posesses
^very advantage that is possible to gain in anything of the
When in Art Hall on Wednesday, we overlooked some
¦«f its attractions that were pointed out to us this morn-
ing. Miss Bertha McCullough, the accomplished daughter
of N. C. McCullough, of this city, has on exhibition a fine
drawing, which is worthy of remark. The subject is an
historical one, taken from an incident in Napoleon's retreat
from Moscow. It represents an old soldier bending over
Ms son, faint and weary, and shielding him from the rude
winds and driving snow of that severest of Russian winters.
The work is a very creditable delineation, and gives prom
ise of future excellence.
Miss Anna Walden, daughter of our fellow townsman,
Elijah Walden, has several pictures on exhibition, "The
Ship Wreck," possesses considerable raerit, and received
profuse ecomiums, from the visitors at the hall, for its
beauty and harmony of design, and naturalness of repre
sentation. In Floral (more properly agricultural) Hall, Mrs. O. W.
Huston's family of birds adds much to its attractiveness.
Out among the stock men again we find Mr. -lames L.
Blacklidge, of Richland township, with his handsome span
of mules. Did we say " handsome ! " Well, if it is pos
sible for a mule to be pretty, these mules are pretty.
We might extend these personal notices rauch further,
but the Fair, when this account reaches the eyes of the
reader, will be a thing of the past.
We have done what we could to bring to popular notice
some of the most worthy things that we saw. Of course?
every article, and every exhibitor's name, could not be men
tioned. Wherein we have failed to give satisfaction, remember
the difficulties of such an undertaking, and be lenient in
criticism which —
" If 'pon one canvass broad and high.
Could be with painter's pencil hurled,
That canvass hung unto the sky.
Would with its margin sweep the world.
List of Premiums awarded at the Eight Annual Exhibi
tion of the Madison County Joint Stock Agricultural Soci-
ty held at Anderson, Ind., September 1, 2, 3 and 4, 1874.
L. D. CaldweU, flrst $10 00
D. P, Shawhan, second 5 00
Gus, Gliddon, flrst 10 00
Joseph Heaton, second 5 00
Stallion 4 years old and over, L. L. Lawrence, first 10 00
Geo. W. Harris, second , 5 00
Stallion, 3 years and under 4, George Heath 5 00
Stallion, 2 years and under 3, Wm. E. Tindall 5 00
Stallion, suckling colt, A. W. Eoss 3 00
Mare, 4 years and over, Joel Garretson, flrst 10 00
George Winton, second 5 00
Mare, 3 years and under 4, Thomas Lemon 7 00
Mare, 2 years and under 3, Wm. E. Tindall, flrst 6 00
John Hickey, second 3 OO
Mare, sucking colt, T. B. Keller...., 3 00
Gelding, 4, years and over, Sam. Pence, first 10 00
W. H. Peniston, second 5 00
Gelding, 2 years and under 3, Wm. E. Tindall, 5 OO
Pair matched horses or mares, Sam. Pence, first 15 00
Joel Garretson, second 5 00
Pair roadsters, Sam. Pence, first 15 00
Joel Garretson, second 5 00
Yearling colt. Hutch Stanley, flrst and second 7 00
Stallion, 4 years and over, T. Kimmerling, flrst 10 OOi
W. E. TindaU, second 5 00
Stallion, 3 years and under 4, A. E. Eussell, first 10 00'
John Huntzinger second 5 oO
Mare, 4 years and over, A. E. Eussell, first and second 15 00'
Mare, 3 years and under 4 ; A. E. Eussell 10 00'
Farm team, A. E. EusseU, first 10 00'
Brood mare and Colt, A. E. Eussell, first 10 00*
Joel Garrettson, second $5 oO'
Gelding, 4 years and over. Wash. Black, first 10 00
Sam. Pence, second 5 oo
S, McWilliams, second 5 oo
Stallion, 2 years and under 3, F. B, Keller, flrst 7 00
W. E. Tindall, second 3 oo
Stallion, lyear and under 2, A. E. Eussel 5 00
Mare, 2 years and under 3, W. E. TindaU, first 7 00
George Saunders, second 3 oO
Sweepstakes— StaUion, any age or blood, L. L.Lawrence 15 00
Pair mules, 3 years and over, O. L. Walker, first 7 00
M. P. Diltz, second, 4 00'
Mule, 2 years and under 3, J. M. Blacklidge, first and second... 8 OO
Mule colt, under 6 months, S. McWilliams 3 00-
Pair matched mules, George Heagy, flrst 5 00
O. L. Walker, second 2 00-
Mule, 3 years and over, Martin Forkner, flrst 5 00
George Heagy, second 3 00'
Thoroughbred Cattle.
Bull, 3 years and over, second 15 00'
Bull, one year, and under 2, second 7 00
Bull calf, under 1 year, flrst 7 00-
Cow, three years old and over, first 20 00
Heifer, 2 years and under 3, first 15 00
Heifer 1 year old and under 2, first 10 00
Heifer calf, under 1 year, first 7 00
Fat COW, second 3 00
Herd of cattle 10 00
Bull, with three calves 15 00
Bull, any age or blood, flrst 10 00
Milch cow, any age or breed, second 5 00
Bull 3 years old and over, first 25 00
Bull 2 years and under 3, first 15 00
Bull, 1 year and under 2, first 10 00
Bull calf, under 1 year, second 5 00
Bull, any age or breed, second 5 00
Cow, 3 years and over, second 12 00
Heifer, 2 years and under 3, second 10 00
Heifer, 1 year and under 2, second 5 00
Heifer calf, under 1 year, second 4 00
Fat cow, flrst 5 00
Graded Cattle.
Bull, 3 years old and under 4, first ^^ ^
Bull calf, under one year, first 3 00
BuU calf, under 6 months, flrst 2 00
Cow, 4 years and over, flrst 7 00
Cow, 2 years old, first ^ ^^
Heifer, 1 year and under 2, flrst, 4.00
Heifer calf, flrst 2 00
Milch COW, any age or breed, flrst 10 00
Fine Wool Sheep.
Buck, 2 years and over, flrst - 5 00
Buck, 1 year and under 2, first 3 00
Buck lamb, first and second 4 00
Ewe, 2 years and under 3, first and second 9 00
Ewe lamb, first 3 00
Long Wool Sheep.
Buck, 2 years and over, second 3 00
Buck lamb, second 1 00
Ewe lamb, first 3 00
Buck, 2 years and over, first 5 00
Buck lamb, first 3 OQ
Ewe, 2 years and over, flrst 5 00
South Down Sheep.
Buck, 2 years and over, flrst 5 00
Buck 1 year and under 2, first 3 00
Buck lamb, first and second 4 00
Ewe, 2 years and over, first and second 8 00
Ewe lamb, first and second 4 00
Sweepsteaks, buck and 3 lambs 8 00
Buck, 2 years and over, second 3 00
Boar, 2 years and over, first 8 00
Sow and five sucking pigs, second 3 00
Sow, 2 years and over, second 3 00
Boar, 1 year and under 2, first '. $5 00
Sow, 6 months and under 12, second 1 00
Five fat hogs, second '. 1 00
Boar, 1 year and under 2, second 3 00
Sow, 2 years and over, first 6 00
Sow, 1 year and under 2, second 2 00
Sow and five sucking pigs, first 6 00
CoUection of hogs 5 00
Five fat hogs 8 00
Boar, 6 months and under 12, second 2 00
Sow, 6 months and under 12, first 3 00
Boar, 6 months and under 12, flrst 4 00
Boar pig, under 6 months, second 1 00
Boar, any age or breed 5 00
Sow 1 year and under 2, first 4 00
Sow pig, under 6 months, second 1 00
Pair pigs, under 6 months, second 1 00
w. W. ROSS.
Boar pig, under 6 months, first 3 00
Sow pig, under 6 months, flrst 3 00
Pair pigs, under 6 months, first 3 00
George W. Hughel, Spanish fowls 2 00
D. N. Hodson, Brahma fowls 2 00
Mrs. Silas Hughel, Poland fowls 2 00
J.E. Stephenson, Bantam fowls 2 00
J. E. Stephenson, pair chickens any kind. 2 00
Collection green house plants, flrst 6 00
Basket cut flowers, flrst 2 00
Pyramid boquet, first 2 00
Largest collection roses in bloom, first 3 00
Largest collection annuals, first 5 00
Sweepstakes on flowers 15 00
Hanging basket, flrst 1 00
Collection green house plants, second 3 00
Collection roses in bloom, second 1 00
oUection annuals, second 2 00
Eound boquet, first I2 OO
Mantle boquet, first 1 60
Floral cross of fresh flowers 2 00*
¦ Fruits.
Martin Brown, apples, first 3 00
Wm. Johns, apples, second 1 00
Eebecca Pittsford, pears, first 3 00'
John Probasco, pears, second 1 00
Eebecca Pittsford, grapes 3 00
Eebecca Pittsford, peaches 3 OO
Eebecca Pittsford, plums 3 00'
Alfred Walker, collection and variety of fruits 7 00
Mrs. D. Hodson, pomegranates 1 OOi
Jellies, Preserves, Butters, Etc.
Amelia Pittsford, jellies, first 3 00-
Ella J. Lowman, second $1 OO
Mrs. Silas Hughel, fruit butter, first 2 OO
Mrs. J. E. Stephenson, fruit butter, second 1 00
Mrs. E. G. Vernon, pickles, flrst 1 00'
Mrs. Johanen Hurley, pickles, second 50'
Lewis Gwinn, dried fruits 50
Mrs. Silas Hughes, canned fruits, flrst 3 00
Mrs. Johanan Hurley, canned fruits, second 1 00
Mrs. Silas Hughel, collection of jellies, preserves, butters, pick
les, etc., first 5 00
Mrs. E. G. Vernon, collection as above 1 00
Farm Products, Etc.
Five pounds butter, first 2 00
Collection eakes, second 1 00
Gallon apple butter, first 1 00
Carrots 50
Collection vegetable crops, second 1 00
Collection wines, first 1 00
Half bushel Irish potatoes, first 2 00
'Collection potatoes, all kinds, second 3 00
Collection watermelons, second 2 00
Collection grass seeds, all kinds, first $4 00
HaU bushel timothy seed, first 2 00
Half bushel clover seed, flrst 2 00
Half bushel flax seed, flrst 2 00
Half bushel oats, second 1 00
Half bushel white corn, second 1 00
Half bushel white wheat, flrst 2 00
Half bushel yellow corn, second 1 00
Catharine Hartman, 5 pounds butter second 1 00
T. Wilhoit & Son, box honey in comb, first 2 00
Mrs. A. Garretson, loaf wheat bread, yeast rising, flrst 2 00
jNIrs. Laura Scribner, loaf wheat bread, first 2 00
Mrs. E. N. Clark, loaf wheat bread, second 1 00
Mrs. J. E. Stephenson, collection cakes, first 2 00
Samuel Tappan, half bushel white wheat, second 1 00
J. E. Stephenson, half bushel red wheat, first 2 00
Silas Hughett, half bushel red wheat, second 1 00
John Cummins, half bushel oats, flrst 2 00
M. Longacre, half bushel white corn, first 2 00
Wm. Johns, half bushel yellow com, first 2 00
John Noland, collection corn, first 3 00
LewislGwinn, collection vegetable crops 3 00
Lewi's Gwinn, collection sweet potatoes 2 00
Lewis Gwinn, collection beets 50
Lewis Gwinn, collection onions 50
-John Noland, half bushel Irish potatoes, second 1 00
-John Noland, collection tomatoes 1 00
Elizabeth McWilliams, collection cabbage 1 00
Mrs. Silas Hughell, collection peppers 1 00
A.Jackson, collection squashes 50
Martin Brown, collection pumpkins 1 00
Martin Brown, collection watermelons 3 00
Sewing Machines.
Singer Manufacturing Co., sewing machine, first diplomaand... 5 00
Collection sewing and samples, first diploma and 3 00
Estey organ, (parlor), first diploma and 2 00
Estey organ, (church), first diploma and 2 00
Pme Arts, Paimlings, Ete.
•Ollie StilweU, landscape painting in oil, first 6 00
Portrait painting in oil, first 5 00
Animal painting in oil, first $5 00>
Fruit painting in oil, first 3 00-
Byron Scribner, fancy painting in oil, first 3 00
Annie Waldon, flower painting in oil, flrst 3 00
Picture in water colors, flrst 2 00
Henderson & Searle, sign painting, first 2 00
Philip Hawk, display of oil paintings, first 5 00
Display plain photographs, first 1 00
Display colored photographs, flrst 2 00
Chas. C. Thompson, collection by picture dealer, first 5 00
J. M. Jackson, India ink portrait, flrst 2 00
Mrs. E. G. Vernon, picture medley, first 2 00
Louisa Jackson, pastel painting, flrst 2 00
Bertha McCullough, crayon picture, flrst 2 00
Home Manafactures, Ete.
Anna Dipboye, pound of stocking yarn, flrst 1 00
Ada Harter, 10 yards rag carpet, flrst 1 00
Mary East, double woolen coverlet, flrst 2 00-
Mrs. W. E. Pierse, double cotton coverlet, flrst 2 00
Elizabeth McWilliams, pair woolen stockings, first 50
Mary East, pair woolen socks, first 50
Mary East, pair cotton stockings, first 50
Amelia Jackson, pair cotton socks 50
Eebecca Cummings, ten yards toweling, first 1 00
Eebecca Cummins, ten yards jeans, first 2 00
Elizabeth McWilliams, ten yards satinet, first 2 00
Elizabeth McWilliams, ten yards plain flannel, first 2 Oo
Mrs. J. Hurley, ten yards plaid flannel, first 2 00
Anna Dipboye, home made blankets, first 2 00
Charles Lipfert, pair boots, first diploma 1 00
Display of Drvgs, Chemicals, Fancy Goods and Perfumeries, etc.
Elden B. Pierse, first 15 00
Carriages, Buggies, etc.
Miller Carriage Company, family carriage, first diploma and... 1 00
Miller Carriage Company, top buggy, first 1 00
Miller Carriage Company, open buggy, first 1 00
Miller Carriage Company, Shifting seat buggy, first 1 00
J. E. Patton & Co., spring wagon, first diploma and 1 00
J. E. Patton & Co., display and variety buggies, first diploma and 5 00
George Mathes, farm wagon, first diploma 1 00
Furniture, etc.
Collection Furniture, first diploma and 6 00
Collection Parlor Furniture, first diploma and 5 00
Collection Chamber Furniture, first diploma and $1 00
Best bureau, first diploma and 1 00
Best bedstead, flrst diploma and 1 OO
Best extension table, flrst diploma and 1 00
Best book case, flrst diploma and 1 00
Best sofa lounge, flrst diploma and 1 00
Mechanical, Agricultural, Etc.
Portable cider mill, flrst diploma and „ $1 OO
General purpose plow, flrst diploma and 2 00
Trash plow, flrst diploma and 1 00
Single shovel plow, flrst diploma and 2 00
Eoad plow, flrst diploma and 2 00-
One horse plow, first diplomaand 2 00
Churn, first diplomaand 1 00
Clothes wringer, first diploma and 1 00
Grain cradle, first diploma and 2 00
Collection of wheat drills, etc., first diploma and 3 00
Three horse plow, first diploma and 2 00
Alluvial soil plow, flrst diploma and 2 00
Stubble plow, flrst diploma and 2 00
Sod plow, first diploma and 2 00
Display and variety plows, first diplomaand 2 00
Two-shovel plow, flrst diploma and 2 00;
Corn fender, flrst diploma and 2 00
' WM. p. NEWMAN & CO.
Wood or coal cooking stove, flrst diploma and 2 00
Wood cooking stove, flrst diploma and 2 00
Parlor stove, flrst diploma and 2 00
CoUection stoves, tin and sheet iron ware, flrst diploma and.... 10 00
Mitchell & Brother, fancy marble work, flrst diploma and 5 00
C. C. Miller, woeden pump, flrst diplomaand 2 OO
Wea^ring Apparel, Embroidery, Etc.
Fine suit"gents' clothes, flrst 5 00
Buisness gents' clothes, flrst 5 00
Display of bead work, first 2 00
Cotton or linen emjsroidery, first 1 00
Needle case, first 50
Morning wrapper, flrst 2 00
Plain night dress, first 1 0*
Display of millinery goods, flrst $5 00
Chair tidy, first 2 00
Silk embroidery, first 2 00
Worsted embroidery, flrst 1 00
Display of worsted work, first 2 00
Chair cover, first 2 00
Chenille embroidery, first 2 00
Embroidered chemise, second 1 00
Neatest-made suit of ladies underwear, second 2 00
Hearth rug, first 2 00
Log-cafcin quilt, flrst 5 00
Embroidered handkerchief, flrst 2 00
Lady's collar and cuffs, first 1 00
Picture in embroidery, first 3 00
Worsted flowers, first 3 00
Mrs. James McKeown, bead basket, first 50
Hattie Blacklidge, tuft work, first 1 00
Mrs. George C. Forrey, pin cushion, first I 00
Watch case, flrst 50
Embroidered chemise,flrst 3 00
Embroidered night dress, first and second 4 00
Baby quilt, flrst 1 00
Preserved leaves and flowers, first 1 00
Lamp map, flrst 1 00
Specimen tatting, flrst 1 00
Mrs. Phoebe Irwin ; ornamental hair work, first 2 00
Best made skirt, second 1 00
Neatest pair pillow slips, flrst 2 00
Neatest made suit ladies underwear 3 00
Neatest made ladies skirt, first 2 00
Worsted quilt, flrst 5 00
SheU work, flrst 1 00
Mrs. W. C.Emerson; Best made shirt, first 2 00
Mrs. A. Huston ; crochet chemise, first 3 00
Ollie K. StilweU ; best Afghan, first , 3 00
Mrs. Jennie Conwell ; best baby Afghan, first .• 2 00
Mrs. D. Hodson ; crohet shawl, first , 2 00
Mrs. Byron Scribner ; neatest made ladies shirt, second 1 00
Mrs. Eebecca Miller ; home-made tablecloth, first $2 00
Emma Eussell; specimen tapestry, flrst 2 00
Silk quilt, first 5 00
Infanta suit, first 2 00
Mattie Bliven ; Pair mittens, first 50
Libbie Makepeace; Silk cradle cover 2 00
Mrs. E. N. Clark; specimen stocking darning, first 1 00
Mrs. E. G. Vernon ; gents' crochet scarf, first 1 00
Mrs. James Mohan ; knit quilt, first , 2 00
Mrs. Philip Hawk, agricultural wreath, first 2 00
Nellie Brown ; wax boquet first 2 00
Mrs. O. W. Huston, cage of living birds' first 2 00
Mrs. N. Armstrong, Ottoman, first « 2 00
Josie Adams, pair slippers, flrst 1 00
Annie Conwell, sofa pillow, flrst 2 00
Mary Duchane, wax flowers, first 2 00
Mary East,-calico quilt, first .- 1 00
Mrs. J. L. Willetts, zephyr shawl, flrst 1 00
Lucinda Philpot, puzzle quilt, flrst 2 00
Virgie Dering, toilet set, first. 2 00
Hester Hughel, patch quilt, first 5 00
Articles entered by exhibitors, for which no class was published,
and which are entered in the " Miscellaneous " list, will be passed
upon by the Executive Commitee and appropriate premiums awarded
where such articles may merit the same, and such awards will be
published in the next issue of the Herald.
Premivmis Awarded on Speed Horses.
D. Brown, " Belle Eich," first 60 00
L. M. Hiatt, " Gray Dan," second 45 00
E, J. Hunt, "Pet," thhd 20 00
W. E. Pierse, " Lady," first 40 00
E. J. Hunt, " Flora Jenkins," second 20 00
J.N. Hodson, " Hoosier Girl," third 10 00
L. D. CaldweU, " James L.," first 100 00
D.P. Shawhan, " Phoebe C," second..... 50 00
Gus Glidden, "Eoan George," third 25 00
Thomas Nugen, "Tom Hendricks," first 75 00
Isaac Smith, " Crazy Sam," second 50 00
A. D. Helm, " Hoosier Tom," third 25 00
Sam Pence, "B. M. Dolly," first $125 00
L. L, Lawrence, " St. Lawrence," second 75 00
Gus Gliddon, "Norma," third 25 00
Obed Kilgore, " Lazy Jane," first .•: 50 00
, J. Brown, "" Bay Jun," second 25 00
J.Williamson, " Betsey," third 15 00
There are but few great questions that excite international
interest. The principal employment of the great masses of
the people of any nation, is to secure home interests and to
make valuable home products. The few great interests of
the human race that have become, or are becoming univer
sal may be enumerated as the commercial, th::; postal, the
telegraphic, the scientific, the religous, and the educational.
While some of the above mentioned departments of human
activity are of less general importance than the others, they
all more or less find their developments among the great
sisterhood of nations. These great undertakings are calcu
lated to bring them into closer intimacy with each other, and
to elicit the most thorough discussion and careful advise
ment. Commerce through its various avenues of exchange, such
as railroads, canals, rivers, lakes and oceans, produces a
chain which interlinks the various peoples of the globe.
The iron horse acknowledges no State lines or national
boundaries. He stops not at the almost insurmountable
obstacles that would impede his progress in his trans-con-
tinental journey. His shoes of steel follow their serpentine
path through thick forests, over vast breadths of prairie,
along the winding courses of proud rolling rivers, up the
sides of craggy, precipitous mountains, till he is the wonder
of the world. " Swift Commerce spreads her wings,
And tires the sinewy sea-bird's as she flies,
Fanning the soUtudes from clime to clime."
The men " that go down to the sea in ships that do busi
ness in great waters," do not seem to be trammeled by the
lines that have been laid in the deep, but transfer the pro-
¦ducts of every clime under the sanction of universal law.
The machinery of the postal departments of the world
while much complicated, performs its duties with almost
noisless harmony. So perfect and effective are the workings
of this, the nearly crowning one of modern improvements,
that in a few days or weeks an individual can communicate
*n writing with the roost distant parts of the globe.
The wonders of the telegraphic system I need not stop to
speak of at length. They multiply daily. Over our heads,
under our feet, under the rolling oceans — everywhere —
sparkling thought flies with lightning speed. Time is noth
ing. We annihilate space. The markets of London at 2
P. M. we know at 11 A. M. of the same day. It has been but
a few days since I read a very singular paragraph in the
Indianapolis Journal. Judge Newcomb, of that city,
desired a bit of information from a man in London. He
sent a dispatch at 11:30 a. m., and at ten minutes past two
o'clock he had an answer. The time of the transaction was
just two hours and forty minutes. This dispatch had trav
eled a distance of 10,000 miles in an incredibly short time,
if we view the matter from the times previous to the inven
tion of telegraphy. But now the transaction passes under
the eye of the casual reader with no more surprise than he
would manifest on reading the price of pork in Cincinnati.
The point I wish especially to impress in the reference to
the things just mentioned, is the readiness and efFectivenesg
with which they do their work. Every effect must have an
adequate cause. The truth of this proposition will at once
strike any one, though he be not versed in the language of
the logician. Natures own logic leads him through the
premises to the conclusion. If we ask, then, wherein lies
the effectiveness of these great international enterprises, we
shall find the answer to be systematic, perstvering work.
Let us now pass from these general observations which
have helped us to bring to view and to illustrate a great
principle of action, to some more particular matters affect
ing the great question of education. Like the others, it is
becoming, in a sense, an international question. But like all
great mental problems the solution is a slow process. Deep
water rnns still ; but its force is none the less effective. It
will finally become like the surging deep, whose tides are
irresistible, carrying the remains of shattered and sailorless
vessels to dismal and uninhabitable shores ; so the surging
tides of popular, liberal education are driving to certain
destruction the false and tyrannical opinions of men who
have thought that ignorance and slavery are the just and
proper conditions of man. This grand scheme of universal
education is not pushed forward alone by the supposed
" lords of creation," but the gentler sex, by the tender dis
tillation of her influence, consisting of strong intellectual
power and tender affection, is raaking glad and fruitful the
cheerless desert of human ignorance. May the good work
be pushed forward till the boundaries of its influence be
co-extensive with the race of raan.
But leaving these stateraents, which are of so general a
character, let us devote a few words to the elucidation of the
theme announced at the beginning of this address. View
ing the system of liberal education in its different aspects,,
we find three distinct classes of work to be accomplished.
First the mere acquirement of knowledge, comprehending
every department of instruction. We may be permitted to
call it a kind of cramming process — a gathering together of
materials from widely separated sources, into the compass
of the mind. How slowly the boy of outdoor and rugged
habits, becomes reconciled to this kind of intellectual medi-
i3ation, although it may be administered in "broken doses! "
But it seems that the condition to which fate has assigned
us, demands this, and so we must be contented. Second, it
is prosposed to make the things acquired definite and pre
cise, assuming that what we remember is what we know,
and not simply what we learn. Concentration of mind is
essential to any successful raental effort. Attention lies at
the base of all mental activity. " If we closely analyze the
process of our rainds in the exercise of this power," says
Mr. Haven, we shall find, I think, that it consists chiefly in
this : the arresting and detaining the thoughts, excluding
thus the exercise of other forms of mental activity, in con
sequence of which the mind is left free to direct its whole
¦energy to the one object in view." It may take long training
to learn how to fix things in the mind, but it must be done
before we have found the " philosopher's stone, or have in
our possession the " key of knowledge." Third, and by
far the raost valuable acquisition, if it raay indeed be
placed in the category of attainments, is to become skillful
and ready in the use of the things learned. On this, more
than anything else, will depend our success in the great
issues of life. A high price is set on skill in any under
taking. He who has it, has the lever whose potency will
move the world.
The three phases of education, of which I have just spoken,
are beautifully and tersely expressed by another, in one sent
ence : " Eeading makes a full man, writing a correct
man, conference a ready man." One may read till his
appetite is sated — till his intellectual store house is filled to
overflowing, and yet accomplish but little in the busy, hur
ried scenes of a progressive age. He may allow the ink on.
many a well dipped pen to dry up, in seeking the proper
word to turn advantageously some lingering thought; or
weigh each word in scientific scales, nicely poised, and yet
lack one of the essential attributes which make up the true
man, that is, the conference — the preparedness — which
makes him a ready, trusty, efficient actor in the great drama
«f human existence.
Aristotle used to say to his pupils, " I don't teach yoi*
philosophy, but how to philosophize." " To philosophize is
to think." It is to reason into the nature and causes of
things. One hour of vigorous, diligent thought is worth
days of careless reading. It makes a man feel that he has
control of his own intellectual activities, and gives him the
means of studying more carefully the operations of men
about him. Here, then, is the first great lesson to be
learned by the true instructor. Bring " beaten oil " into
the sanctuary. Like the High Priest under the Jewish law,
who took the purest prepared oils into the tabernacle, so-
when you enter the sacred profession of the teacher, and lead
pupils to the shrine of mystic lore, bring lessons well pre
pared though it may have cost hours of labor or the con
sumption of "midnight oil." It will make you ready,
commanding, efficient, instructive. It will inspire your
pupils with vigorous exertion, and laudable ambition in the
performance of their respective duties. You may think the
process is slow, but it is sure. Be like the man who said if
he were going to be hanged at the expiration of four min
utes, or present the solution of a certain problem, he would
consume two minutes in thinking before he would begin the
operation. But the talent demanded by this age is that which does
its work with great rapidity. It must be done at railroad
speed or by telegraph. The man who stops too long to cal
culate is left, to his surprise, among the things that were.
The age says, " You are too slow. You do not understand
what we mean ; * we mean business,' " We have, as it
seems, no place now for the good old country schoolmaster
who taught all day — and part of the night — to please his
patrons. We move on, however, quite nicely without him.
The preacher who prolongs his discourse to exceed thirty or
forty minutes, for the remaining time will address restless
and anxious auditors. Prayers and songs must be corres
pondingly short, if the worshippers are expected to remain
upon the hights of Mount Zion. The train of cars that
does not make twenty-five or thirty miles an hour is too>
slow. Impetuosity seems to be the watchword. While
extremes are not to be recommended, there is a reasonable
alertness that should be found among the qualifications for
any work.
Readiness for action is one of those rare gifts which nature
in her bestowment of faculties has but sparingly distributed.
I call readiness a faculty of the mind ; and a " faculty of the
mind," says Mr. Haven, " is the mind's power of acting."
And he further says, " the mind has as many distinct fac
ulties as it has distinct powers of action, distinct functions,
distinct modes and spheres of activity." I call readiness a
rare gift or faculty, " because the ready man is born, not
made." No amount of cultivation, however close and rigid
it may be, will enable a man to say and do the best things on
the " spur of the moment." It is not practice but tact that
enables a man to dash off a masterly newspaper or review
article on some memorable event iraraediately after it occurs,
or take instant advantage of an enemy's blunder, like
Napoleon or Marlborough. Readiness is a faculty lying
outside the arena of acquirement. Those possessing it may
highten it by cultivation for the ordinary occurrences of life,
but for the extraordinary occasions, if it comes at all, it will
come without being bidden. "It is a ' natural tact or intu
ition ' — an inspiration — a kind of presence of mind which
enables one to meet a crisis, parry a thrust, strike a blow, or
say the right word in the very ' nick of time ' without reflec
tion or delay."
Some men stand thunder-struck at the quickness and
effectiveness with which men do some things, while there is
nothing in the surroundings that appears to give them the
advantage over themselves. An anecdote is told of Colum
bus that on a certain occassion while dining with some
friends, to amuse themselves they tried to stand an egg on
one end. After the other guests had made several fruitless
attemps to accomplis the feat, Columbus picked up the egg,
and striking the table with sufficient force to break the shelly
was acknowledged the triumphant contestant. "Oh!" say they,
" any of us could have done that !" "Yes," said Columbus
" you could if you had known how." " The knowing how "
was just the thing they did not know. That tact which
Columbus possessed was what discovered the American con
tinent. It was the lever that moved the world toward
America. There is scarcely a direction in which one may
turn his eyes or his thoughts, where this happy faculty is
not in demand. In war, politics, journalism ; at the bar
and in the senate, in social intercourse — it is a great power.
Nothing adds so much to conversation as the apt hits that
are so frequently made that point out their author as the
center of attraction. In all kinds of tongue-fence — the nice
balancing of powers with powers — the close hand-to-hand
encounter of intellects, where the horae thrust is often so
suddenly given, this rare faculty is indispensable, Patrick
Henry in the Virginia convention, while all others were
waiting and doubting, and their hearts were failing them,
seized the moment — struck the blow — which plunged the col
ony into the depths of revolution. There was but one Pa,trick
Henry — there could be but one. He was born for that
hour. He said just the right thing, at the right time, and
in the right place. It produced the desired effect by its
opposite utterance. It fired the spirits, it stirred the blood
of the noble sons of Virginia, and they made bare their
arms in defense of right and liberty, and to meet a sturdy
foe, rushed into the thickest»of the bloody contest.
Aaother incident ofthe Revolutionary struggle will further
illustrate the point in hand. The night before the battle of
Trenton, the chances of war were against the American
forces. The English were waiting for the morning light
to come — for the river to become solid with ice — that they
might cross, surprise and capture the little army of Revolu
tionary heroes ; but there was one with apparently more
than human sagacity who was ready for the emergency.
He with his little army, in the face of a driving snow, of
plunging ice, of stinging cold and of opposition of subor
dinates, crossed the river and conquered the proud enemy.
And when golden morning sunbeams revealed in the drifted
snow a thousand sparkling crystals of magic beauty, victory
perched in triumphant glory on the emblem of our common
country since made more glorious by a thousand splendid
victories. Readiness for action — a mastery of the circum
stances — conquered. It will conquer often where studied pru
dence and protracted calculation will utterly fail of the pur
pose. While school teachers may not be very properly compared
to generals, or pupils to armies, they may be viewed as such
in .miniature, fighting battles that involve more important
issues than the bloody contests which aim to secure a fleet-
. ing supremacy. Have you tact as teachers ? If so, you will
frequently find emergencies in which you will find suitable
places for its use. It will require a good deal of general
ship at times on your part to so muster vonr forces as to
keep out the invader, and to drill them for effective service.
Right here I might drop one or two words respecting the
true process in education. The word education is derived
from two Latin words — e, the Latin preposition from, and
duco, to lead. Its literal import, then, is to lead out of, or
from. The real work of the educator is to develop the latent
powers of the intellect where they exist ; but no amount of
leading out will show striking results where there is nothing
to lead. Tact in the teacher will not give capacity to the
student. You will find the student constantly mustering
antagontistic forces in his own mind. A true and a false prin
ciple will take possession of the mind at the same time, and
for you to instruct the student how to retain the true one
and to extirpate the other will be your first obligation.
Not that you should commence cramming him with some
thing else, but to briig into play his own powers, so as to
effect a solution himself. Coraparisons of words and ideas
will occupy a considerable portion ofthe student's life. In
some of these word contests, which come within the range
of our experience, and which are very entertaining and
amusing, we find the most perfect exhibitions of ready wit.
It is not the amount of knowledge, the number of facts or
statistics which a man has in his cranium, that makes him
a dangerous antagonist, but his ability to marshal them and'
bring them to bear instantly on any point. This thought
may be illustrated by reference to the "wit combats"
between Ben Johnson and Shakspeare. "The two were
like a Spanish great galleon and an English man-of-war.
Master Johnson, like the former, was built far higher in
learning; solid, but slow in his performances. Shakespeare,.
with the English man-of-war, lesser in bulk, but lighter in
sailing, could turn with all tides, tack about, and fake
advantage of all winds by the quickness of his wit and
invention." Johnson expressed his weight of character in'
his extensive book learning ; Shakspeare, in his quick
perception of the varied phases of life. Johnson could talk
fluently and lengthy upon abstract propositions ; Shakspeare
of the passions, impulses and wanderings of the human
heart. The one was masterly in counsel ; the other brave
in the field. Shakspeare, like the skillful, ready general,
when the lines of the enemy would waver at any point, or
were broken, would thrust in a batallion or brigade, and
thus pave the way to speedy victory. So the ready disput
ant will make a telling thrust with his strongest points
where no one else would perceive the faintest glimmer of
hope. His two-edged sword will cut " fore and aft " quick
as thought ; the opponent will sink under it, and as a fallen
foe, will " bite the dust."
I presume every man has some power in his individual
make-up, which gives him a special influence in the direc
tion of that power, but he fails in many instances because
he does not use it just when he ought to do so. He is like
Artemus Ward respecting oratory. " I have the gift of
oratory," says he, " but I havent it about me ! " How
often do we have splendid opportunities to immortalize our
selves in oratory, or to astonish the world by some intel
lectual effort, but our power don't happen to be about
when we want it. What a telling speech that young law
yer would have made before the court in an important case
it he could have had one more day for preparation. How
he could have swayed the jury ! How he would have
touched the hearts of a sympathetic audience, could he have
had time to have constructed a few well rounded periods.
And how he would have exposed the sophistries of the
opposition if he could have had a little time to consult his
logic and refresh his memory in syllogistic statement.
Alas ! how important, how unprepared for an emergency.
I could multiply references to such cases, but let this one
suffice as representative of all the others.
As teachers in the common schools of our country, you
have a laborious work entrusted to you. You are training
undying spirits for usefulness in this world, and eternal,
beatiflc joys in the boundless fnture. Your work is to
dignify our natures. You, so to speak, take the rough
unshapely rock from the quarry, and by sawing, chiseling,
smoothing, you fit it for the stately edifice. So by the
inimitable chiselings of the school curriculum, the rubbings
against the rough edges of society, and the meliorating influ
ences of the refined and polite, are we prepared for work
and responsible positions. The diamond taken up from the
river's bed by the pale diver, when properly cleansed, will
sparkle with dazzling brilliancy in the princely crown. So
the human intellect, when freed from the encumbrances to
which it is frequently subjected, may sparkle among the
constellations a star of the first magnitude. Work — con
stant, effective, unceasing work, is the watchword. As the
poet expresses the thought :
"We live in deeds, not years; in thoughts, not breaths;
In feelings, not in figures on a deal.
We should count time by heart-throbs. He most lives.
Who thinks most, feels the noblest, acts the best.
Life is but a means unto an end ; that end.
Beginning, mean, and end of all things — God,"
An Essay Prepared a^nd Submitted Under the Rules and Regulations Adopted
by the "Herald Prise Essay Committee," which was Chosen at the last
session of the Madison County Teachers' Institute.
The subject of school governraent is one which, though of
much importance, has been discussed from time imraemorial
to the exclusion, frequently, of matters of far greater
moment. Fortunately, the more comprehensive term,
"school manageraent," is now engrossing the attention of
educators ; " and, even this has, heretofore been mainly
discussed by teachers engaged in the highest grade of
schools, adapted to the necessities of those who propose to
spend their entire lives in the acquisition of knowledge, and
make their superior attainments a basis for their entire
pecuniary employment ; hence, many of the finest essays are
only in part applicable to our common schools, established
for the benefit of the laboring masses.
" Management," according to Webster, consists in the
" manner of conducting or carrying on," hence, when
applied to schools, includes the entire duty of the teacher ;
which should be conceived and executed in accordance with
the dictates of wisdom ; the first, best, noblest attainment of
man ; and which is defined by our great American author
to be " the proper use of knowledge ; the choice of laudable
ends, and of the best raeans of accomplishing them."
The subject, then, of school manageraent, viewed from
this standpoint, is fully included in the answers to the fol
lowing interrogatories : First, what are the laudable ends
to be attained by our common schools? Second, what are
the best means of accomplishing those ends ? The answers
to one of which is evidently so connected with and depend
ent on the others that no rational rules can be laid down with
reference to the latter, without well fixed and compre
hensive views, of the former ; and here, we fear, is where
many educators make the first grand mistake, whioh inevit
ably leads to many gross errors in practice.
Every day experience teaches us that relics of the past,.
the education of our childhood, and impressions handed
down to us by our forefathers, are difficult things of which to
divest ourselves. They cleave to us and influence us, when
we are the least aware. We read with a pride, almost akin
to veneration, ofthe palmy days of Greece and Rome, of ancient
oratory and lore, and imbibe the impression that a school is a
great success, because it turns out one such scholar as Plato,
Demosthenes, or Cicero. For at that time such men ruled
the nation, judged for the nation, spoke for the nation ;
hence, we judge the nation by them as models, and are
mutually inclined to call that nation great and intelligent
because it is in possession of such men. Our colleges and
high schools are frequently conducted on this basis. The
supposition being that a diploma is of but litle consequence
to the medocre, the design being to manufacture statesmen,.
politicians, philosophers, or some other prominent pro
But the United States have created a new era in politics^
and a new era in education is a necessary concomitant. The
object of our common schools is not to rear up here and
there a great man to speak for and be venerated by the
nation, but to make a great, moral, high toned, intelli
gent nation. This thought is beautifully expressed in the
following extract from a speech of Daniel Webster :
" We hold every man subject to taxation in proportion to-
his property. We regard it as a wise and liberal system of
police, by which property, life, and the peace of society are
secured. We hope to excite a feeling of respectability and
sense of character by enlarging the capabilities and increas
ing the sphere of intellectual enjoyment.
" By general instruction, we seek to purify the moral
atmosphere. We hope for a security beyond the law, and
above the law, in the dissemination of enlightened and well
principled moral sentiment. We hope to reach and prolong
the time when, in the villages and farm houses of this coun
try, may be undisturbed sleep within unbarred doors."
And since, as we have seen, it is not the design of our pub
lic schools to educate and manufacture political demagogues
and traveling huml)ugs, but to educate, to refine, and to
elevate to a proper standard the masses ; that intelligence
may be made to yield its fruits in the more necessary pur
suits ; that the most expanded intellects may exercise their
talents in contending with the natural elements that impose
themselves in the way of man's profession and happiness.
Such, for instance, as turning the soil with the plow-share
to make it yield under a more enlightened system of hus
bandry a more bountiful supply of its luxuries ; or, in
wielding the heavy sledge at the forge, where the most
scientific designs will be futile without an energetic nerve
and strong muscle to put those plans into execution. The
hygiene of the school room is, necessarUy, one of the first
prerequisites for a good school.
The room should be kept well swept to avoid injury to
the eyes and lungs from dust. No student should be so
seated that the light on entering the room can directly pen
etrate the eye ; but it should be made to fall first upon the
book, thereby making objects more distinct, and entering
the eye after the rays have been softened by reflection.
The teacher should devote the strictest attention to the
temperature of the roo'm. And when a proper temperature
has been reached, the fire should be replenished frequently
with but a small amount of fuel at a time, that a regular
temperature may be maintained ; never allowing the fire to
burn so low that a sense of chilliness warns him that it re
quires his attention, which will inevitably result in the build
ing at once of too hot a fire in order to expel the
chill, whereby the opposite extreme is reached, pro-
ducing the very deleterious result of a constant alteration
of heat and cold. From a half an hour to an hour before
dismissing at night the fire should be systematically reduced
as low as it is at all consistent with comfort. All perspi
ration will then have ceased, the pores of the skin con
tracted, and the pupil not be subject to so sudden a change
in passing from the room into the bleak winds, or, perhaps,
the chilly rains of winter.
Pure air is one of the indispensable supports of every
physiological function of our economy. Hence too much
stress cannot be laid on the subject of ventilation, which
should never be procured at the bottom of the window,
but always at the top for the double purpose of avoiding a
direct current of cold air on any student, and to permit the
escape of the impure air which has become rarified by be
ing warmed in the lungs and ascended to the top of the
room. During recess the teacher ought to encourage a reason
able degree of hilarity and physical exercise, not only as a
respite to the mind, but to educate and invigorate the mus
cles, to qualify them for the varied duties of life, and ren
der them competent for any duties assigned them.
One of nature's first laws, ought not to be neglected in the
school room ; though that death like stillness, so much
boasted of by some teachers, which borders on gloom, and
produces a feeling of restraint ; a fear to change position
when the limbs have become restless and weary, lest the
ever watchful eye of the teacher observe and frown with
disapprobation, is not, in our opinion, consistent with the
laws of physiology, conducive to mental activity, or in any
respect necessary. Nevertheless, we are of the opinion that
such a degree of silence should be maintained, as will enable
each student to pursue his or her study and indulge in the
most abstruse thought, without being confused or having
his mind divided by unnecessary noise ; more than this is
not advantageous. But quieiis only a modicum of order in
a school room ; since it is the design of our schools as here
tofore seen, to introduce culture araong every class of com
munity, and do away with that dislike which attaches to
rural pursuits on account of the lack of mental and social
culture that has heretofore prevailed among the laboring,
classes, all that makes the
(not the flirt or fop, but the real), comes within tbe domain
of order in the school room. The pupil should be taught
loyalty to just and and wholesome laws; such as the prohi
bition of acts low and groveling ; the interferance in, or
trespasses upon the rights of a fellow pupil; of impertinence
to each other, in short, of everything not dignified and
worthy ; for the farmer or mechanic, though dressed in the
garb suitable for labor, may be as genteel and companion
able as the professional man ; hence, all awkward positions
in sitting or standing, calculated to deform the spine or
make the pupil appear awkward or bungling, such as sitting
at the desk with the spine arched until the shoulders form
the summit of the person, standing cross legged and leaning
against the wall to recite a lesson ; and many others of, per
haps, less importance, should claim their share of attention
Thus far, perhaps, nearly all will agree; but on the man
ner of enforcing obedience to these rules; there is more
difference of opinion, more wrangling, even bitterness,
and anger displayed, than upon any other one sub
ject connected with our coramon schools, and in my
opinion, more impediments thrown in the way of gen
eral progressien than by all other means combined.
Some advocate brutality. Others claim that all punishment
is degrading, and demand its abandonment. The teacher
may render himself popular with some by being tyrannical
and abusive ; with others, by being good, easy, good-for-
nothing ; by letting matters pursue their own course ; flat
tering the pupils and telling them that they have done welt
whether that is consistent with the facts or not. But it is
not the province of the teacher to make the discovery of
public opinion, and then acquiesce, thereby lending his
influence to the propagation and confirmation of error,
which would certainly contravene and render abortive every
laudable end to be attained by our school system ; but, to
have well defined, comprehensive views, based on investiga
tion and experience, and then put in practice as well as
teach correct principles, and thus be an instrument in the
hands of the friends of progression, instead of a lickspittle
in the hands of ignorance and prejudice.
Punishment properly applied, instead of being degrading
has a divine origin. Diety has attached a penalty to every
law throughout his wide domain. A law without penalty
is like a vacuum, repugnant to nature's every revelation.
If we place our hand in the fire, nature at once inflicts the
penalty, severe pain, thereby admonishing us of the viola
tion of law and warning us to desist. If we leap from too
high an elevation, in defiance ofthe law of gravitation, the
death penalty is at once inflicted; not that our Maker
delights in our destruction, but to warn others not to
follow our exaraple of disobedience." And these penalties
will never be repealed. Wisdora saw from the beginning
that from the nature of man a restraining influence would
be necessary as long as man inhabited the earth; hence,
made these laws perpetual.
And it is our opinion that we never will arrive at a period,
when we can entirely dispense with penalties for the
restraint of youth, either in the school room or faraily, or
of adults in society. But the teacher should discriminate
The latter has its origin in a depraved nature ; it is the
spirit of a fiend that would drag a saint down. The former
springs from a bosom filled with philanthropy, love toward
the child, a desire to correct his errors, and to make him a
more respected and a happier man. But with regard to
the manner of punishment, no positive rules can be laid
down. The cases are too varied to allow of dogmatical rules.
The teacher is compelled to act in each case in view of all
the circumstances, guided by a cultivated judgment and
sound discretion.
Some pupils require no punishment. Some may be
reached by an appeal to their judgment, by showing them
that it would be to their own advantage to pursue a differ
ent course. Some, by an appeal to their pride. To some
a look of disapprobation is a severe punishment, and is
sufficient to keep them under proper restraint ; some may
be of low degree, perhaps sordid ; and then it is the teach
er's duty to tax his ingenuity to its utmost, in the endeavor
to discover some chord in his nature which may be made to
vibrate, whereby his better nature may be made to assume
control, and he be elevated in the moral scale as far as prac
tical. But, if after mature deliberation and the teacher's
best endeavcr, it is discovered that his deleterious influence
upon the general average, more than counterbalances the
personal benefits to himself, then expulsion from the school
might be advisable. But it should be fully appreciated
under all these circumstances, that no penalty of law is, or
should be, inflicted with intent to punish or cause pain for
what has been done ; but with reference to future good, by
preventing a repetition of the culpable acts; farther, that
the school-room government can not be divided after the
manner of our republic, into a law making, a judicial and
an executive department; but all three departments must be
exercised at once by the teacher ; in other words, that the
school is necessarily an absolute monarchy, and the teacher ^
the sole mdnarch ; yet We must not confound the word mon
archy with tyranny it is not the posession of power, but the
abuse of power, that constitutes tyranny.
Such, then, are the laudable ends to be attained by our
common schools. To present to the world the as yet
unknown phenomena of a nation of cultivated, intelligent
farmers and mechanics. In short, to pervade every sphere
of life with such a degree of intelligence and high-toned
moral integrity as will render every useful avocation both
honorable and pleasant, and thus remove not only the
necessity but every incentive which has heretofore induced
every individual who was so fortunate as to acquire a reason
able amount of mental culture, to forsake the plow or shop
of the mechanic and turn political trickster, or something
else, where he imagined that he could sustain himself off the
labor of the less cultivated classes, and* to enable such to
find a more laudible appreciation of their talents in the use
ful avocations of life. THE FIRST LESSON.
And the first lesson to be learned from the above is that
ihe school ought not to be conducted with special reference
to the interests of any particular scholar or class of schol
ars ; but in that way that will result in the greatest amount
of good to the greatest possible number, independent of the
financial or social standing of parent or pupil. If the pupil
be a natural genius give him a full share of your attention
and care that his ten talents be multiplied, and that he
become a light in the world and a useful member of society ;
if he be below mediocrity, do as much, for you will thereby
make him more useful to his race, and give an impetus to
general progression; if he be rich, strive to make him
intelligent, for wealth in the hands of the intelligent philan
thropist is a great blessing to society ; if he be poor, strive
none the less ; for then on his intelligence and moral integ
rity will depend his usefulness to society and his own hap
piness ; if he be low, base, or even sordid, then, on his
nroper culture alone will depend, not only his own temporal
and eternal welfare, but the peace and safety of society
Under the above view of the subject it becomes the duty
of the teacher to study well the natural temperament of each
and every pupil in his school ; and for each violation to
adopt such penalty as will produce the very best effect upon
the violator, with strict reference at the same time to the
moral effect on the school as a mass ; and here is a field
large enough to exercise all the wisdom of a Solomon or a/
Solon, and no outside interference can be of any service, ou'
the contrary, every attempt thereat will but throw obstacle*.
in the way of the successful management of the school.
What, then, it may be asked by many honest patrons of
schools, shall we do if we have a teacher who, from lack of
age, experience, or from any other cause is not competent to
exercise such absolute authority ? To this we would say,
emphatically, there is but one answer. Give him your cor
dial support, but watch narrowly his proceedings, and when
you, without prejudice, have honestly determined that the
teacher is incompetent, dismiss him and make a better selec
tion next time. The principal controlling power to he-
depended upon, in fact, the only one allowable for the mass
of the school, is the respect the pupil has for the teacher ;.
the subject of penalties applying only to the exceptions, who
are incapable of being controlled by their finer feelings ;.
hence, when the parent commences fault finding in the pres
ence of the pupils, they render it at once impossible for the
teacher to retain the respect of the child against the influi-
ence of the parents, and thus disarm and totally disqualify
him for a proper discharge of his duties.
jg.lsln the following chapter will be found a number of inci
dents within themselves not considered of sufficient irapor
tance to form separate articles. The Author has concluded
to group them together, thereby forming, as he hopes, a
chapter worthy the perusal of the reader. The day and
date will not in every case be vouched for, but they are
thought to be correct.
In 1860, Able Johnson was found dead near Huntsville.
He had been in usual health. He was in his seventy-first
year. In 1855, Peter Runnels fell through the railroad bridge
at Anderson. Was killed.
In 1866, a terrible accident occurred at the railroad bridge
at Frankton. Two persons were killed and three wounded.
In 1864, John Burk, an Irishman, was killed by a blow
of a hatchet, in the hands of another Irishman, on Ohio
avenue, Anderson.
In 1866, young Traster was killed near the Moss Island
mills in a dispute with some young men who were intoxi
cated. In 1852, Morris Gilmore's son, aged eighteen, was acci
dentally shot at a shooting match in Adams township.
In 1859, Sheriff David Watson was stabbed in a house in ¦
Anderson, and killed.
In 1855, Alfred Riggs hung himself in Adams township.
Cause unknown.
In 1850, a boy, aged twelve years, son of Mr. Antrim,
was drowned in Fall creek, near Huntsville.
In 1860, James Shuman, was killed by the falling of a
limb, three miles north of Pendleton,
In 1854, a plot was made to rob Benjamin Snodgrass, a
wealthy citizen of Huntsville, who had a large amount of
gold in his house. It was arranged to burn Abel Jonson's
barn to attract attention while they plundered the house.
The plot was discovered before the time arrived. John
Jones, a very respectabte man apparently, was implicated,
and others whose names I failed to get.
In 1873, Elizabeth Crowel, of Adams township, cut her
throat with a razor. She, however, recovered.
On July 4th, 1874, water was let into the hydraulic canal,
near Chesterfield.
In the year 1855, Kiser, Hill, and Alford started the
first foundry at Anderson.
In 1850, Jackson and Holaway started the raarble or stone
4cuttery at Anderson.
In 1872, the depot at Anderson was burned. A man by
the name of Walters was arrested, tried, and sentenced to
the State Prison. On his way there he eluded the vigilance
of Sheriff Ross, jumped off the train and escaped.
In the year 1873, John Blazier, of Fall Creek township,
died under suspicious circumstances. After being buried
several days his remains were taken up and his stomach sent
to Cincinnati, but nothing was disclosed to indicate poison.
In 1864, the bridge over White River, at Anderson, was
built at a cost of $11,000.
In 1871, the StilweU House at Anderson, was built at a cost:
of 840,000.
In 1850, the United States Hotel was built in Anderson
by Alford Makepeace.
In 1873, the walls of the new brick building of Seth
Hinshaw, in Alexandria, fell, causing a loss of $2,000.
In 1873, the iron bridge over Fall Creek, at Pendleton,
was built, superintended by J. B. Lewis.
In 1870, Jacob StilweU was found dead in his garden. He
was the father of Colonel StilweU.
In 1874, Henry Rector was found dead in Adams town
ship, supposed to have been sun-struck.
In 1867, Thomas Davis, near Pendleton, was found dead
in his woods. He was an old citizen, aged near seventy
years In 1867, the Commercial Block, at Pendleton, was built.
About the year 1850, the brick business and dwelling house,.
in Chesterfield, was built by George Makepeace.
In 1865, the barn on the poor farm, south of Anderson,.
was struck by lightning and consumed.
About the year 1852, the seminary was built at Anderson.
In 1859, Arnold Drury cut his throat with a razor, near
the south line of Fall Creek township.
In 1871, five brick school houses were built in Anderson
township, by Samuel Myres, trustee.
In April, 1872, J. T. Swain's house was consumed by
fire, near Huntsville ; loss $2,000.
In 1866, a son of W. W. Noland, aged eighteen years,.
fell out of an up-stairs window in Anderson, and was
killed. In 1873, the brick school houses of Markleville and New
Columbus were built at a cost of $1,200, by John J, Jus
tice, trustee.
In 1866, E. J. Culipher comraitted suicide at his home
in the east edge of Fall Creek to vnship, aged sixty-five
years. In 1867, William Sloan, jr., undertook to ride a horse over
the railroad bridge at Anderson. The result was that he
fell through and broke his leg, and lay there until the fol
lowing raorning. The first passing train carried the poor
horse over the bridge. It need scarcely be added that
William was somewhat intoxicated.
In 1829, Moses Whetstone was appointed justice. The
same year Moses Surber was appointed justice of the peace
for Adams township.
In 1830, Thoraas McCallister was elected justics for
Adams township.
In 1831, James P. Irish was elected coroner.
In 1834, WiUiam McKain was elected justice of the
peace. In October, 1834, R. N. Williams was elected clerk and
recorder. In 1830, Hiram Burch, acted as justice of the peace for
Adams towniship.
In 1825, Elijah Ellis was appointed county surveyor.
In 1824, Samuel Cory was coraraissioned the first sheriff
in the county.
In 1825, Saul Shaul was commissioned coroner.
In 1823, Ansal Richmond was appointed clerk for a per
iod of seven years.
In 1827, Jaraes Campbell was appointed county sur
veyor. The foUowing were commissioned as justices in the
year 1826 : Elisha Chapman, Abram Miller, Jacob Hiday,
Richard Kinnaman, John Snodgrass; and in 1827, A.
Makepeace, William Young, Charles Clark, Daniel Wise,
Daniel Hardesty ; and in 1828, William Curtis, S. Penn.
In 1829, James P, Irish was appointed surveyor.
In 1829, Jaraes Scott was coraraissioned probate judge.
In 1826, John Busby was commissioned justice of the
In 1823, Moses Cox was commissioned the first clerk of
the county.
In 1834, Hugh Gillmore was killed near New Columbus
while falling a tree for the purpose of clearing the ground
for a grave yard. He hiraself was araong the first to be
buried there. He was the father of Morris Gillmore, spoken
of in another place.
In ] 874, the brick school house was built in Fishersburg.
In 1874, J. R. Silver built his residence near Pendelton.
In 1872, Decatur McCallister shot himself on his father's
porch in Adams township and died immediately, and was
buried by the Masonic fraternity at Pendelton. His age
was twenty-two years.
The first ferry over White river at Anderson was kept by
a man by the narae of Klutter. It was afterward kept by
•G. T. Hoover.
The bridge over Wtiite river was swept away by high
water in the year 1848.
The south side of the public square was burned in 1852.
James Tharp was killed by Edward .Cox by a blow over
the head with a gun, at a shooting match just east of Ander
son, in the year 1847.
T. J. Langdon, the .first printer in Anderson, edited a
small paper called the Federal Union, in the year 1834.
The Court House was built in 1838 by Ballard Craw
ford. William Myres' house was burnt down in Anderson in
1865. Jacob Hubbard had an arm blown off at a ratification
meeting, by the premature discharge of a cannon, at Ander
son, on July 10th, 1868.
In 1825 Caroline Holliday was lost in the woods, four
miles southwest of Pendleton, It was the occasion of a
great excitement throughout the neighborhood. This little
girl, aged four years, proved herself a heroine. After
spending the night surrounded by howling wolves, she
responded calmly to a call of her frantic mother on the
following day.
Mrs. Larcher died in Markleville, in 1873, aged ninety-
five. She was buried at New Columbus.
Elizabeth Boram died at Markleville, in 1874, aged ninety.
She was the mother of George, John and Gideon Boran.
In 1826 a terrible tornado swept over a portion of our
btained. Mr. C. returned, and a cup of tea was made to-
gladden the heart of Mrs, Hollingsworth, who lived tO'
remember that act of humanity, which had few equals a*
that day. Mr. C. died in 1869, aged seventy years ; and
was buried on his farm described above. Mr, C. was tall
and of light complexion.
Mr. C. was bom in Virginia in 1826 > came with his
parents to the State when a youth. I first became acquainted
with Dr. Cook in 1855. He was then living in Hunts
ville, having just retumed from Kansas. In February,
1856, he removed to Markleville where he continued to live
up to the year 1868, when he again moved to Fishersburg,
whei-e he now resides. While in Markleville he had an
excellent practice and was generally successful. He waa
generous to a fault. He would walk that he might loan a
horse to a friend to ride. I have received many kind acts
from him which I gratefully recall to mind. He was a
strong war man and gave liberally to the boys in blue witb
whoin'he was very popular. He built a large business
hoiise in Fishersburg which proved to be a bad investment.
With his generous nature he has necessarily proved a poor
financier. He is in possession of a good name which is fer
better than riches. It is understood that the Doctor has a
fair practice at Fishersburg. He has been married twice;
first, to a Miss Shelton, and last to Miss Walker, both of
whom are buried at McCallister's cemetery.
Mr. C. was born in Noblesville, Hamilton county; came
to Perkinsville in 1856 and engaged in the mercantile bus
iness with T. L. Beckwith, in which he still continues. On
the breaking out of the war his patriotism was stirred, and
he enlisted as a private in Co. E, 34th Ind. Vol. He was
soon promoted to corporal, then to orderly sergeant, then to
second and first lieutenant, and was elected captain June 1,
1865. He was in thirteen different engagements. He
was at Cairo, Illinois, with his company and went from
there to New Orleans. Mr. C. crossed the Gulf four times.
He was in the Vicksburg campaign, and was in the engage
ments at New Madrid, Fort Pillow, Port Gibson, Champion
HiUs, and at Palmetto Ranch, May 13, 1865. Mr. C.
re-enlisted as a veteran, December 14, 1863. He was in
Texas on duty when the war closed, and was discharged
February, 1866. Mr. C. is about thirty years of age,
rather under the medium size, with black eyes and hair and
fine features. His wife died in June, 1874.
Dr. Cook was born in Virginia and came to Madison ;
county when comparatively a young man. He located at.
Pendleton and commenced the practice of medicine, in
which he was eminently successful. His practice extended
over the southern part of Madison and into the adjoining
counties of Hancock and Hamilton. He was generous
almost to a fault, especially to the poor, who will kindly
remember him in time to come. He was public spirited
and was an earnest advocate of the Bellefontaine rail
road. He was a candidate for the legislature against
Andrew Jackson, and was defeated by ojly a few votes.
He proved rather a poor financier and did not accumulate
much property to rear a costly monument above his grave,
but over his humble resting place the silent tears may flow
as well, in remembrance of this good man. The last few
years of his life he devoted to some extent to the practice ^.f
law in which he gained some notoriety. He lived a few
years in Anderson in the practice of his profession. He
returned to Pendleton and died there in 1864, aged fifty-six.
He is a brother of Dr. Ward Cook, of Pendleton.
Mr. C. came, some twenty years since, to Pendleton.
He engaged in the practice of law and has been very suc
cessful, npt only at, the bar of our county but at those of
adjoining counties. He has served two years in the State
senate. He represented the counties of Madispn and
Grant. He is a prominent member of the Universalist
church at Pendleton. He has taken great interest in the
agricultural development of the country, and in the
improvement of stock. Mr. C. is one of the encouragers
and stockholders of the Fall Creek Agricultural Fair. In
fact he is one of our best citizens. At the breaking out of
our late war he went into the service as lieutenant colonel
of the 89th regiment and was promoted to colonel. He
served through the war with distinction and was very pop-
ular with the 89th Doys. In 1872 Mr. C. Was elected judge
of the circuit court which was composed of the counties of
Madison and Hamilton, and is at this writing serving with
credit to himself and to the people. He seems well fitted
for the place and is noted for possessing decision and good
judgment. In person Mr. C. is about five feet and nine
inches in hight, has feir complexion and brown hair, and
good features. Politically he is a staunch Republican and
you know where to find him at all times. Previous to his
election to the judgeship he was practicing law in connection
with Charles Henry, Esq., at Pendleton. Mr. C. is about
forty-five years of age.
Mr. Collier came from Ohio in 1830, and settled in
Adams township, where he has resided ever since. He
joined the Baptist church when he was twenty-one years of
age, continuing an earnest and faithful teacher up to the
present time. It was through his instrumentality that a
society of this kind was organized in Adams township. He
gave a spot of ground and also other means for the erection
of both old and new churches which will be desjribed here
after. Mr. Collier may be classed among the old-style
preachers ; and though he has been preaching to the people
of this locality for many years, he is ever able to have a
proper hearing and to command the attention of those who
have listened to him so often with interest and profit. He
has lived to see this society rise from its infancy, and take
a stand among the most influential churches of this order in
the county. Mr. Collier is a strictly moral and upright
man, and a strong advocate of temperance. He has per
haps preached more sermons, joined more in marriage, and
administered immersion to more candidates than any man of
which we may write. Mr. Collier has, through a long
series of years of toil and economy, accumulated consider
able property. He owns a large farm one and one-half
miles south-east of Markelville, where he now resides.
Politically, Mr. Collier was an old line Whig, but of late
has acted with the Republican party. He has lived to see
the freedom of the slave, an object he nourished from his
very boyhood, ever reflecting upon it as a blot upon our
national honor.
Prominent among the early settlers of Union township
was Mr. D., coming here in 1820; settled just east of Ches
terfield, near the Henry county line. In 1835 he built a
large brick hotel, three-fourths of a mile east of the above
town, the cost of which was $3,000. This hotel in early
times was known as one of the best in this part of the State;
Mr. D. was a member of the United Brethren Church, as
was also his wife, who is worthy of special mention. The
Author has had occasion to speak but seldom of those
worthy females who were wives of those early settlers of
whom he has given a life sketch ; however, under existing
circumstances, he feels it a duty to speak of Mrs. D. in par-?
ticular. She is living in Chesterfield ; is in her eighty-sec
ond year. What thoughts must come up for utterance when
she reviews the past ! Alone in the world, as far as early
associates are concerned. They have passed off the stage of
action. Mr. D. died in February, 1874, aged eighty-one
years. They lived together fifty-seven years — trod the
rough journeys of life together; saw the Indian driven
away; thefirst settlers arrive ; Chesterfield laid out; the
railroad built, and our ooifnty grow from a handful to one
ofthe most populous in the State. Mrs. D. will soon be
called to join her husband and associates in another world.
where the toils and hardships incident to this will be for-
-ever unknown. Mr. D- was bom in Pennsylvania in 1793;
died as above stated, and was buried at the cemetery just
west of Chesterfield.
Mr. D. was bom in Maryland in 1812 and came to
An4erson in 1^37, and immediately commenced the prac
tice of law. He arose rapidly and gained a wide reputation
in the adjoining counties and ia the Supreme Court as an
attorney. He was elected to the legislature as a Whig in
1842, over his competitor, Thomas McCallister. In 1850
he was elected a member c€ the Constitutional CoBventioa
over his competitor, Wiilaam C. Fleming. In 1867 he was
elected circuit judge of the counties of Madison, Hamilton,
Howard, and Tipton, but he failed in health and did not
«erve his time out. He went to Italy for his health, and
while at Aquia was stricken with palsy, from which he has
never recovered, and at this time he is quite helpless, so much
so as to reqaire the constant attention of his family. Mr..
D. came to the county a poor young man with knapsack in
iiand, but since that time he has accumulated - eoosiderable
property, and filled some of the highest offices in the county.
As a private citizen and as a public officer he has always
maintained a high standard. He is the father of Mrs. A.
C Burr, of And^-son. In pt rson Mr. D. is large, weigh
ing near two hundred pounds, with large square face,
florid complexion, dark hair and strongly marked features.
Mb. Dunham came from Hancock county, Ind., to Fish-
cersburgh, in 1866^ and engaged in the mereantile business,
ahd in connectron with Dr. Cook, built an excellent business-
house, consisting of twO' store-rooms below, each 18 by 5&
feet, weirfihished, and a large ro&m above, 30 by 50 feet, at
present used by the Grange Lodge of Kshersburgh. The
building cost about four thousand dollars. Mr. D. has-
bought the interest ot Dr. Cook. Mr. D. was elected just
ice of the peace in 1869, and re-elected in October, 1872L
Be has been postmaster since 1867, and through hi& infiu<-
ence will have a semi-weekly mail after July, 1874. Mr,
D. was a t ember of Company G li2th Regiment Indiana
Volunteers, and discharged July 22d,. 1865. He was in the
battle of Missionary Ridge ; was through Georgia ; also in
the battle of Atlanta, Georgia, July 22d to 28th, 1864, and
was slightly wounded on the chin at Ezra's Church, Georgia,
June 6th, 1864. Mr. D. is yet in tht goods business, enjoys
the confidence of the people, and sells ten thousand dollars^
worth per annum. In person, Mr. D. is rather under size,.
of fair complexion, and auburn hair. He is thirty-one
years of agie, and is a member of the M. E. CkuBch and
Masonic Order.
Mrs. E. is the daughter of Nathaniel Richmond, sen.y
aad sister ofthe Reverends Nathaniel and F. M. Richmond.
She was born in New York State in 1808 ,- came with her
parents to this county in 182(X In 1830 she was married
to Joseph Eastman. After a brief stay there she returned
to Pendleton, where she has made it her home ever since.
She is, perhaps, the oldest lady eitiaen in the county, having
been here fifty- four years. She is a very intelligent woman —
attends all the old settlers' meetings, where she is listened
to with interest while she rehearses the incidents of early
times. She has a vivid recollection of the Indian murders,.
and Sawyear and Bridges. The a^uthor is indebted to> heir
fl • * -
iQ]| mm^% :y. \. ¦; :• 23S
for much information ^s regards Jhe settlemenY* of Pen
dleton. She is the UMther' pf ja larg4 lajbiiy of, children.
But few women have mni»t6e^ experience or sustained the
trials which have been upbourn byMrSh E._ i^Sheiseemed.to
possess the necessary characteristics which the times seemed
to demand. Her dispr sition seemed to portray more intel
ligence, bravery, and hardihood, than usually met with in
one of her sex. Her memory will ever live in connection
with the early history of the county.
Her husband was a very intelligent man ; was a devoted
Baptist ; labored to build up that society at Pendleton. He
was an active and zealous Mason, having taken the highest
.degrees taken in the county. He was born in New Hamp
shire in 1805. In person, he was a fine looking man, high
forhead, dark hair, being in hight six feet, with general
good features. His occupation was, for many years, that
of coopering. He died in 1866. Is buried at the Pendle
ton cemetery. His funeral was largely attended by the
Masonic Fraternity, of which he was an honored member.
Elder Franklin was bom in Morgan county, Ohio, in
1824; came to Henry county, Indiana, in 1833; remained
there until 1861, when he became a citizen of Madison
county, first settling one and one half miles below Pendle
ton, on Fall . creek, where he lived four years, when he
removed to Adams township, two miles north of Markle
ville, where he now lives.
He has been an elder of the Christian church for twenty-
five years. He is considered an able defender of the doc
trine he teaches ; has had several debates of note, among
which we may mention one with B. F. Foster, Universal
ist, at the old Bell Meeting House in 1849. Another with
T. S. Lyons, a prominent Baptist minister of Henry county.
The third with M. P. Armstrong, a Methodist, at HUls-
borough, Henry county, Indiana, in 1854. Mr. Franklin
is one of the strong men of the Christian church; spends
much of his time in preaching. In person Mr. Franklin is
a large and powerful man and is not afraid of work. I saw
him to-day ditching and preparing his ground for planting-
He is a brother of Benjamin and Daniel Franklin, and an
uncle of Joseph Franklin of Anderson,
Peter Festler was born in Pennsylvania in 1805 ; came
to New Columbus in this county in 1840. He worked at
blacksmithing at this place seven years. He th«i bought a
farm just north of town, where he lived until his death in
18 . He built a brick house, which was at that time one
of the best buildings in the township. At his death he was
the owner of four hundred and twelve acres of land on the
north bank of Fall creek. Mr. Festler was elected on the
Democratic ticket as county commissioner in 1862. Serv
ing in the most critical period of the war, at a time when
the questions of the county bonds were at issue, requiring
some financial skill and firmness, which was at the time of
no little importance; was a devoted member of the German
Baptist or Dunkard Church; the annual meeting of this Church
often being held in his bam previous to building the new
Church near his house, of which he was one of the first to
move in favor of its erectiou. He gave largely of his time
and means to forward the work, but did not live to see it
completed. The memory of Mr. Festler will long be cher
ished, especially by those connected with this Society, for he,
with his own hands, commenced the work which resulted in
the erection ot a substantial Church house, of which we will
speak mpre particularly hereafter. He was a large stock
holder in the Anderson and New Columbus turnpike. He
died November 13th, 1872 ; was buried at the old Baptist
Church cemetery, just west of Columbus.
Mr. F. was born in Virginia in December, 1810, and
located in the above township in 1847, in what was then
known as the Miami Reserve. Although Mr. F. is npt in
every sense of the word a pioneer, he arrived in that part
of the county when it was quite new. There were no
roads, no mills or other conveniences. He went as far as
Pendleton to mill, the few first years after his arrival there.
Mr. F. was blessed with a strong constitution, well fitted
for pioneer life ; he one spring was at no less than twenty-
six log roUings, which required no small amount of physi
cal ability. He has been a member and minister of tbe
Baptist church for inany years, and gave the land and con
tributed largely of his means to erect a church, near his
house. He served twelve years as justice of the peace, and
acted as swamp land commissioner, and is, at this writing a
candidate for the Legislature on the grange ticket. He has
always taken a strong temperance stand, and fought the
introduction of ardent spirits into his township. He was
the founder of Forestville, and was the first postmaster in
the township. As a public speaker Mr. F. can not be said
to be eloquent, yet he is listened to with attention, not only
as a minister, but also as an advocate of the grange move
ment Previous to this movement, Mr. Forest had acted
with the Democratic party. In person, he is rather under
the medium size, heavy built, low forehead, heavy e}e-
brows, and in hight about five feet seven inches.
Mr. Franklin was born in Ohio in 1820; settled on
Fall creek, two and one half miles north of Markleville, in
1843, where he now resides. Mr. F, was a candidate for
the legislature in 1864 but was defeated by David Croan by
a reduced majority. In 1865 Mr. Franklin removed to
Mechanicsburg, in Henry county, and engaged in the mer
cantile business for a period of three years a portion of
which time he served as postmaster. Returning again to
Madison county he remodeled his mill which he had built
in 1845, making it a first class mill valued at $3,500. Itis
propelled by water from Fall creek, has two run of stone
and does only a custom work. In connection with the mill
Mr. Franklin owns a fine farm of some two hundred acres.
He is one of the substantial men of the county, thoroughly
posted on political matters, and in faith is a Universalist.
He is the father of John and Calvin Franklin, of Adams
township. Mr. F. is a member of the Republican Central
Committee for 1874. He was the foreman of the jury that
tried the famous Makepeace and Stillwell bond suit.
Mr. Franklin is the eldest child of Benjamin Frank
lin, He was born September 13, 1834, near Middtetown,
Henry county. At the age of twelve he went into his
father's printing office in Centreville, Wayne county, where
he worked at the printing business till sixteen. About this
time his father moved to Cincinnati, where Joseph still set
type, stopping sometimes for months to go to school. His
best schooling, however, was received at the printing office.
At the early age of nineteen he was married to Miss S. E.
Planhook, of Covington, Kentucky. The following year
he moved to Warren county, Indiana, where he was
appointed county examiner, and also received the charge of
the Christian church at West Lebanon. He was here five
years, when he was called to the city of Lafayette, by his
brethren, to preach fof them. In 1860 he was called to
Covington, Kentucky, his old stamping grounds, to preach
for the brethren there. He preached acceptably for
eighteen months, when the city was put under martial law.
Mr. Franklin procured a pass and got as far north of the
Ohio river as Madison county, where he has become identi
fied with the church and schools of this same magnificent
county. He has preached for the congregation at Anderson for
nine years, occasionally traveling into other parts of the
State. He has acted, part of the time, as superintendent of
the public schools. For five years he taught the Anderson
Normal and Graded schools, during the week, and preached
on Sunday. In June, 1873, he was elected county superin
tendent of public schools, an office he has thus far filled
with honor and ability. The standard of education has
been so much elevated under his administration that Madi
son county now begins to rank with the highest in the State.
Mr. Franklin is an able defender of the doctrine he pro
claims. He is a good speaker and debater. In person Mr.
Franklin is tall and slender. He is exceedingly fair in
complexion, with light hair and good features, and benign
expression of countenance. Mrs. Franklin is a lady of fine
attainments. She is the mother of eleven children, ten of
whom are living, yet she finds time to cultivate, not only
her mind, bnt her flower gardens. She has a choice collec
tion of plants and flowers, which she delights to care for
herself. She was the president of the " Ladies' League " dur
ing the temperance crusade. I am much indebted to Mr.
and Mrs. Franklin for valuable assistance in the prepara
tion of this work.
Mr. F. was born in Ohio, in 1819, and came with his
parents to Madison county the following year. His father
located where Fishersburgh now stands, and founded the
town which bears his name. Consequently Mr. F. is one
of the oldest settlers of his township. He was the first
merchant in Fishersburgh ; served as postmaster as early as
1844; and it was through his influence that the postoffice
was established there. Mr. F. served as townsliip trustee
tor several years, and was a candidate for county commis
sioner in 1872, in the Democratic primary convention. He
was, however, defeated by G. W. Hoel. Mr. F. has always
been an uncompromising Democrat, and has served his
township on the central committee. He is a member of the
M. E. Church at Fishersburgh, and was among the active
movers towards building the present church. He is a
director and stockholder in the Pendleton and Fishersburgh
turnpike. He owns a fine farm just east of Fishersburgh,
on the banks of Stoney creek. He is the father of Dr. J.
M, Fisher, of Fishersburgh, and Mrs. J. H. Harter, of
Pendleton. Since writing the above, Mr. F. has shaken
the dust of the farm off his feet, and become a citizen of
Mr. G. came when a boy from Virginia, settling in Fall
Creek township, where he worked with J. F. Swain at the
carpenter trade. Huntsville was his headquarters, living
just north of town for many years. In 1868 he bought a
farm two miles north of Pendleton, where he now lives.
Mr. G. began to exhort about fifteen years since in the
Christian Church. He has devoted much time to the study
of the Scriptures; and, considering his advantages through
life, is a man of ability. He has much of the Scriptures by
heart, and is able to tell what he knows in a plait straight
forward way if not as eloquently as some others. Mr. G.
is regarded as a number one man, splendid mechanic^ a
kind and generous neighbor, and perhaps a little too sec
tarian to suit many. In politics he is a Republican and
gave his oldest son to defend the flag of his country. In
person Mr. G. is tall, rather stooped, rough featured and
careless about his dress, but underneath those rough exteri
or^ lies a warm and genial heart. He gave of his time and
means to build a church near his house, and occasionally
pfeaches there as well as many other points throughout the
county. He is fifty years of age and has buried six of his
children. He is now engaged in erecting a dwelling house
on the farm above described. He is identified with the
Grange movement and is one of its ablest defenders in the
Morris Gillmore came to Madison county in 1728, and
settled one mile east of Columbus. Mr. G. was born in
West Virginia, in 1807. Columbus contained but one house
when Mr. Gillmore settled in the vicinity, and all the sur
rounding country was new, Anderson being but a very small
place. Mr. G. owns a large farm on the south bank of Fall
creek, where he built a brick house in 1838. He has always
been a devoted Methodist, joining the church when a young
man ; and has been one of the main stays of the church ever
since. He is regarded as one of the best men in the county,
and has accumulated considerable property. He met, how- .
ever, with quite a misfortune in the fall of 1873, lightning
striking his barn, killing a valuable horse, and burning
wheat, hay, etc., his entire loss being $1,500, on which there
was no insurance. He is, at this writing, preparing to
build again. For several years after Mr, G. arrived in the
county there was no Methodist society near him. He and
'his wife attended church in Henry county, seven miles dis-
tant. He has always been a strong temperance man, and
was one of the leaders of the Good Templars Society at New
Columbus. He was an Old Line Whig untU that party
ceased to exist, since which time he has been acting with
the Republican party. He was a strong war man and gave
two of his sons to defend the old flag. Oae fell in battle,
the other returned home and is now on the farm. They
both will be noticed in the proper place. I took dinner
with Mr. G. to-day. He and his wife dwelt at . length on
early times, and I am indebted to them for valuable infor
mation. Mr. G. is in his sixty-seventh year.
Mr. H. was born in Indianapolis in 1^43; removed to
Anderson in 1868 and commenced the publication of the
Anderson Herald, in which capacity he continued till 1873,
when he retired, and started the Indianapolis Sun in Sep
tember of the same year, editing that paper for a period of
eleven months. As editor of this and the Anderson Herald
he won for himself a high reputation as editor and writer.
He was elected Pn the Republican ticket over N. R.
Elliott to the Legislature iu 1872, as joint representa
tive from the counties of Madison and Henry, serv
ing with creditable distinction as chairman of the com
mittee on the affairs of the State Prison. On the breaking
out of the rebellion he entered the army in the 34th
Regt. Ind. Vols, as private, in 1861 ; was promoted to
the captaincy of Company H, serving to the close of the :
war. On becoming editor ofthe Sun he became a citizen
of Indianapolis again, where he now resideis. During his
five year's residence in Madison county he made many warm
friendsy both politically and socially; was an active Repub
lican, and did much to reduce the Democratic majorities.
His paper, the Herald, received, during the time that he yras
stances attending his death were gloomy, causing intense
grief to his wife and aged mpther, he went to the grave
highly respected by all. In person Mr. H. was tall, of thin
visage, with auburn hair, light complected. He was buried
by the Masonic order, of Ayhich he was a member, at the
Gilmore graveyard, east of new Columbus.
"M^R. iH. vWAS bonn in j^ialadelphia in the year 1803 ; came
ifirst to Indiana in J.832.; returned, and came again in 1833.
He came the ffirst !time:all tbe way on foot; on his arrival
ithe second time he settled on his fanm two and a half miles
-east of Pendleton, where ihe continued to ;live up tb the time
of his death, which occurred November the 16th, 1869.
He was engaged for several years in the mercantile business
in Pendleton, beginning in 1851. In 1861 he was elected
to the office of township trustee, in which capacity he served
for a period of eight years, to the entire satisfaction of all.
He was the first President, as well as a large stockholder
in the Newcastle turnpike, in which enterprise he took a
lively interest. In early life he was a Free Soiler, but in
later life he acted with the Republican party. He was at
Pendleton at the mobbing of Fred. Dpuglas, and took him
under his roof for protection, afterward receiving a letter
from Mr. D. thanking him for his unlimited kindness on
that occasion. This letter will be published if it can be
obtained. Mr. H. was a member of the Odd Fellows' lodg©
at Pendleton. He was the father of T. F. Hardy, of Mar
kleville, and Morris Hardy, of Fallmewhat stubborn and unruly, having cut
off two of his fingers for the purpose of getting rid of
labor. Previous to this murder it is stated that his habits
were low, groveling and cruel in the extreme, having a book
in his posession giving instruction in the art of killing, or
teaching the exact point to strike in order to make it fatal.
It seems that he had studied this matter to perfection, for
the knife entered the body of both at the same place, caus
ing death immediately. What a comment on human
nature, to know that there are persons studying how to kill
their fellows with skill and dispatch ! But so it is, and so it
will be in all time to come. Cain committed a fe«ul act in
murdering his brother ; but we find the same spirit ruling
in many at the present time. However, we still hope for
the day to arrive when the condition of society will change^
when the youth of our country will cast aside everything
selfish, and properly appreciate a virtuous sensibility.
This society was organized in the year 1867. Among
those who were first to move in this enterprise were J. R.
Silver, J. O. Hardy, Harvey Craven, David Catren, Joel
Garrettson, Robert Blakely, John H. Kinnard, Thomas
Wilhoit, M. G. Walker, and others, whose names. I do not
call to mind. Soon after its organization a piece of land
containing some twenty acres was purchased, three-fourths
of a mile south of Pendleton, on the pike leading to Eden..
This was improved and good commodious sheds were
erected, a time track prepared, and everything put in good
order. The grounds are well located and easy of access.
The society has held its annual fairs ever since with gen
eral success and satisfaction. The average amount taken in
cach year being about $1,200, which is sufficient to pay the
premiums. The society has made, from time to time, great
improvements in their grounds, and the result is that ihey
have as good a fair ground as any in the county. Although
the fairs are open to the world the patronage is mainly con
fined to the counties of Madison, Hamilton, Hancock and
Henry. Below we give the names of those who were suc
cessful in obtaining premiums at the fair held in September,
1874. The presidents have been J. R. Silver, J. O. Hardy,
Thomas Lenon, Robert Blakely, M. G. Walker, and
Thomas Wilhoit. The secretaries have been J. B. Lewis,
S. F. Tyler, Frank Galloway, and O. W. Brownback, pres
ent one for 1874.
seventh annual fair.
The exhibition given by the Fall Creek Agricultural
Society last week will compare favorably with former ones,
both iri attendance and the number of entries. The receipts
were larger than last year, and the amount of premiums
offered was also in excess of those last year. The company
will probably get entirely out of debt and have a handsome
surplus after paying the premiums in full. Next year
affairs will be in such a condition that the society can add
largely to their premiums, and offtr extra inducements to
exhibitors. Hardly sufficient attention was given to the
stock departments this year, and they suffered in conse
quence, though nearly all the entries made were prime
specimens. The society is on the right track, if it will only
venture on.
The following is a partial list of the exhibitors, together
with the amounts each received as premiums on entered
articles :
LN. Hudson $11 00
Martin Pring 7 00
Peter Urich , $2 50
George Parsons 2 00
William Clifford 3 50
Benjamin Hill 2 00
James E. Silver 1 00
Amanda Silver 2 00
William Cox 7 00
Amos Garretson 4 50
Thomas M.Hardy - 1 00
David Catren 22 00
Joel Garretson 28 00
William Baker 50
Z. Piper 50
Dr. G. N. Davidson 50
J. Jenkins 7 00
Chalkly Tyson 2 50
Robert Blakeley 4 00
John Turne ~ 50
L. H. Pickering 8 00
S. T, C. Phelps ; „ 10 00
Thomas Wilhoit 66 00
Josephine Stephenson 12 00
Amos Wright 4 00
William E Tyndall 41 00
Ryer Smith ; 1 00
Sophia Hicks 14 00
Malissa Hicks » 4 00
William T. Stuart 7 50
Kate Clark 2 50
Josie Jackson 5 50
Emma Russell 50
Lucinda Hardin...,.,..., 3 00
Maggie Huston 1 00
A.M. Gregory 1 50
Mary Jane Carter 1 50
Alice Carter , 50
Eva N. Henry 2 50
Emma Lewark 50
Josephine Stephenson _ 2 00
Mittie Bennett 5 00
Linnie Brattain 5 00
DoraBrattain „ 1 00
LoUie Irish 50
Lizzie Taylor 1 00
Eebecca Carter 2 00
JuliaA. Buser 1 50
R. J, Rogers „ 60
Florence Hardin $2 00
M. J. Cockayne 6 50
Maggie J Hardy 7 75
Mrs. Franklin 1 00
E. M. Lewis 50
Caroline Cook 5 00
D. W. Rockenfield 2 00
A. B.Taylor ' 2 00
Walter Hardin 1 00
William Perry 9 00
Benjamin Lukens 20 00
Wesley White 2 00
George W. Sears 2 00
Peter Mingle 5 00
O.B. Shaul 5 00
Thomas Collins 9 00
James W.Bates 1 00
Dora Baker 2 00
Joel Clark 5 00
William Gray 2 00
Robert Lukens 5 00
George Frampton 13 00
Thomas Lennen 4 00
John W. Lewark 16 00
R. Hunt 5 00
James Mayes 5 00
William Ashley 3 00
Samuel Wisehart 10 00
The green trot race, for horses that never went, was won
by W. J. Fox ; second money, W. E. Tindall.
Fast pace, free for all, best three in five, J. G. Trees ;
second money, W. E. Tindall.
Three minute trot, Bonner & Fox ; second, R. J. Hunt ;
third, J. G. Trees.
Fast trot, free for all, best three in five, R. J. Hunt;
second, Harry Bronenburg ; third, Bonner & Fox.
Running race, half mile dash, best two in three, Elmer
Fort; second, Wm. Brown.
. At a preliminary meeting at Pendleton, October, 1 873,
composed of Drs. Ward, Cook, O. W. Brownback, T. G.
Mitchell, J. H. Harter, and W. H. Lewis, it was deter
mined to take the proper steps to organize a medical society.
Accordingly, Dr. Cook was chosen temporary president,
and Dr. W. H, Lewis temporary secretary, and invitations
were sent to all regular physicians in the county to meet at
Pendleton on Thursday, November 13, 1873. At that time
the society was organized with sixteen members as follows :
From Pendleton, Drs. Ward, Cook, O. W. Brownback, T.
G. Mitchell, J. H. Harter; from Markleville, Drs. B. L.
Fussell, and W. P. Harter ; from Fortville, Drs. Hiram
Duncan, Simeon Yancey, S. A. Troy, J. M. Jones, and T.
K. Saunders; Fishersburg, Drs. J. M. Fisher, H. G.
Fisher, and Daniel Cook; Huntsville, Dr. W. H. Lewis;
New Columbus, D. H. Myers. Drs. Joseph Stephenson
and Ira Irish have since become members. The following
officers were elected: President, Hiram Duncan, of Fort
ville; secretary, W. H. Lewis, Huntsville; treasurer, G.
H. Harter, Pendleton ; censors. Ward Cook, Pendleton, O.
W. Brownback, Pendleton, Simeon Yancey, Fortville.
The society holds its regular meetings semi-annually on the
first Tuesday after the second Monday of May and Novem
The following are the names of the Republican Central
Committee for the county, appointed April, 1874:
Adams township — Samuel Harden, Isaac Franklin.
Fall Creek township — Elijah Williams, Joel Garretson.
Green Township — Nehemiah West, C. E. Goodrich.
Stoney Creek township— David Conrad, George Dunham.
Union township — Willard Makepeace, M. P. Diltz.
Richland township— John Mathes, Frank Watkins,
Lafayette township— J. P. Osborn, W. C. Quick.
Jackson Township— J. S. Hougham, G. C. Gill.
Pipe Creek township — Harrison Quick, John Hannah.
Monroe township— D, K. Carver, Jacob Schwinn,
"Van Buren township — J. D. Marsh, Aaron M. Williams.
Boone township — John A. Noble,, J. W. Call.
Duck Creek township — James A. Shater. Thomas Harmon.
Anderson township— Stephen Metcalf, Chairman, J, R. Conwell,
Members of the Democratic Central Committee who were
appointed March the 7th, 1874 :
Adams Township — ^Randal Biddle.
Anderson Township— John Allen.
Duck Creek Township — Anthony Minnick.
Boone Township — E, H. Peters.
Pipe Creek Township — J. C. Montgomery.
Monroe Township — B. F. Piper.
Van Buren Township — James Thurston.
Lafayette Township — G. W. Harris.
Richland Township — Levi Connor.
Fall Creek Township — Miles Madron.
Jackson Township — Silas Busby.
Stoney Creek Township — Harvey Hollenbeck.
Green Township — James K. Fossett.
Union Township — William John. J. W. SANSBURY, Chairman.
E. P. ScHLAiEB, Secretary.
The Anderson hydraulic company was organized on the
19th of December, 1868. The following named persons
were elected directors : Peter Suman, William Crim, H. J.
Blacklidge, N. C. McCullough, George Nichol, Samuel
Hughel and James Hazlett. The board of directors organ
ized by electing N. C. McCullough president, William
Crim treasurer, and C. D. Thompson secretary. The canal
constructed by the company is about eight miles in length,
and extends from a point on White river opposite the town
of Daleville in Delaware county, to the city of Anderson,
and has a net fall of forty feet. The amount of capital
stock subscribed at the time of organization was sixty-four
thousand dollars, and afterwards Anderson city subscribed
twenty thousand doUars. The water was let in on the
fourth of July 1874. The company has been troubled
more or less by the banks washing out or giving way ; this
will be remedied by time when the banks will become set
tled. C. D. THOMPSON, Secretary.
We reproduce this week, for the benefit of all concerned,
the articles of association of the Anderson Temperance
Alliance. The names of all persons who have become mem
bers of the Alliance are also given.
]. This organization shall be known as " The Anderson Temper
ance Alliance."
2. The objects of this organization shall be to encourage every
effort in favor of temperance, and to oppose intemperance in every
form, and especially to prevent the sale of intoxicating liquors in the
city of Anderson.
3. Any person may become a member of this organization by
pledging himself or herself to abstain from tbe use of intoxicating
liquors as a.beverage, and to use all their efforts to further the objects
of this organization.
4. The ofBcers of this organization shall consist of a president,
vice-president, treasurer and secretary, who shall be elected by the
members of the Alliance, and shall hold their offices for one year, and
until their successors are elected.
6. This Alliance shall meet when and where each previous meet
ing shall designate,
6, The officers of this Alliance shall perform the duties generally
performed by officers of similar organizations.
Milton S Robinson, Rev W M Grimes, J T Smith, Geo C Forrey,
B F. Jackson, J F Wildman, Mrs J F Wildman, Mrs G C Forrey, Mrs
8 J Jackson, Mrs D W Swank, Mrs J B Boring, S C Martindale, Mrs
E M Hazlett, W E Ethell, Mrs M Charman, D W Bussard, R Constan
tine, H J Blacklidge, Mrs Mary E Bain, Cora E Bain, James Bain, B
C Harter, J H Boddlin, Mrs F Hilligoss, A A Siddall, Mrs M Spann,
M J Knight, J F Morrison, Mrs T J Tomson, Mrs Mary Boddling,
Anna Binns, W A Hunt, J G Coy, Nettie Ethell, A J King, William
Learned, Mrs A B Learned, Mrs Phebe Irwin, J Stewart, Hattie
Knight, Jas Hazlett, Clara A Coop, Mrs E Walden, Kate Chipman,
Geo Nichol, A Walker, Rev E J Puckett, Mrs H G Bushong W M Wag
oner, H J Brown, A Alford, Mrs A Harriman, C W Cadwalder, Mary A
Ray, Mrs C A Hilligoss, Mrs S Hodson, Mrs B Falkner, Mrs M Sigler,
Mrs R Charman, B N Clark, Mrs E J Ethell, N L Wickersham, Mrs
S J Sparks, Anthony Suitre, R H Thurston, Mrs E J Grey, Mrs E G
Kernon, J G Smith, Mrs M J Markt, Mrs L Wolf, Mrs E M StilweU,
Mrs M E Robertson, Mrs E Myers, A Taylor, Isaac Bosworth, Jas B
Anderson, Hugh Stump, Mrs Anna Brown, Mrs Carrie Metcalf, S
Bennett, Mrs C Heath, Elder W S Tingley, Mrs M Heinold, Mrs Ida
Demott, Mrs M Hughel, Silas Hugel, B F Alford, W G Hayes, D
Hodson, Mrs M A Alford, John W Foland, G W Hugel, Robt Raper,
Mrs George Nichol, Mrs M S Robinson, Mrs Mary Rhoads, H N
Macomber, Huston Begein, W P Brickley, N Stark, Rufus Williams,
Lena GilflUan, H M Keltner, Mrs A B Chittenden, L Branham, Mrs
E Goodykoonts, Mrs E MiUer, Mrs S A SiddaU, W W Williams, E H
Clifford, Mrs Jane W Brown, T A Wickersham, Annie Falkner, Mrs
Kate Raber, B Rhoades, M D. Webb, Mrs M Bennett, Mrs Jennie
Ross, Miles M Rozell, Mrs SaUie Ethell, Mrs M Johnson, Stephen
Metcalf, E Ewing, Fred K Bell, Mrs S Graham, Chas Falkner, Y C
Fisher, Mrs J Harter, Lew EtheU, Mrs S Grove, D C East, Wm P
Baber, Dr L Harriman, Mrs T N Jones, Mrs M J Ilsley, Rev J B
Mahin, Mrs N Teal, J R ConweU, Jas M Jackson, R P Falkner, E B
Goodykoonts, J F Brandon, Dr G F Chittenden, Lue Jackson, M
Doll, M A Chipman, H C Ryan, A W Thomas, N E Cadwalader, J R
Ilsley, F M Keltner, John Graham, D KUgore, TM Ware, A R EgUn^
Frank Ethell, Mrs J Watkins, Mrs Sarah Ware, M Y Todisman, H W
White, E B Hughel, A H Pratt, Mrs A T Alford, H S Brown, Mrs M
Keltner, Chas Dunham, Mrs L Grimes, W S Robertson, L M Cox, T
Ryan, L P Keltner, J E Knight, David Pittsford, J C Bennett, Mrs
Maria Peden.
This band was first organized in June, 1854, with the
following members : G, W. Kline, leader, A. J. Make
peace, J. M. Jackson, H. B. Makepeace, James Van Ort,
Samuel Van Pelt, William Baker, Isaac May and Jaraes
Willetts. This organization has existed most of the time
since 1854. It has had its seasons of prosperity and adver
sity like everything else, and there have been times when
its existence was debatable. Of the above, but two belong
to the present organization, G. W. Kline and A. I.. Make-
peace. Two have died, William Baker and Isaac May.
The following are the present merabers of the band : D. K.
Elliott, leader, A. I. Makepeace, G. W. Kline, L, Vernon,
B. W, Castator, L. J. Swank, B. Rhoads, Ed. Lake, Frank
Makepeace, Eddie Julius, Thomas Fisher and I. C. Sharp.
The value of instruments is $700. This band has a wide
reputation and is one of the best bands in the State and
there is no reason why it should not continue as it has a
wide-awake set of bo^s and good instruments.
This band was organized in August, 1872, with the fol
lowing members : William Wise, leader, George Richwine,
Mat Lee, James Lemon, William Zeller, Z. M, Beckwith,
Francis Shively, Elliott Lee, William Kurtz, and William
Etchison. The cost of their instruments was $620. This
band 's composed mostly of young men and reflects credit
on the town and the men which compose it. We hope their
notes will sound many days hence.
Below we give a list of the physicians of Anderson for
the year 1874. They will be preceded, however, by those
who have formerly practiced here, but have either died,
moved away, or abandoned the profes.sion. In this list we
do not pretend to give all, but glance at a few names as we
recall them to mind. These are, Henry Wyman, Dr. Car-
mean, E. R. Roe, J. W, Westerfield, Andrew Robb, T.
Ryan, John Hunt, Dr. Crampton, W. A. Hunt, John H.
Cook, William and Benjamin Parris, Dr. McMahan,
Joseph Pugh, and Dr. Brandon. The following are now
practicing medicine in the city : T. N. Jones, N. L. Wick
ersham, George F. Chittenden, L. Harriman, B. F. Spann,
S. C. Burr, John C. Cullen, W. P. Brickley, Jonas Stewart,
Horace Jones, Z. Hockett, and Dr. Adamson. Of the last
named physicians, T. N. Jones is the senior doctor.
Somewhere in the Bible we find the following :
" The poor ye have always with you." Perhaps a truer
sentence is nowhere to be found ; and since this is true,
what a credit to the county that we have had for years an
asylum for the poor and indigent.
Just when a move of this kind was made, I am unable to
say. Possibly as far back as 1850, when a small piece of
land a half a mile south of Anderson was bought, and a
comfortable house fitted up for this unfortunate class of our
citizens. This was used for such till the year 1866, when a
large farm was bought in Richland township. The poor
were then transferred to this new purchase, where they have
remainded up to this writing. The poor farm is now in
charge of John Nelson, who lives on the farm and receives
a specified sum for their maintainance.
The poor have been kept from time to time by WiUiam
Roach, O. P. Stone, David Festler and William Nelson ;
and I think to the general satisfaction of the people at
large. It is a serious charge to the county, but is the best
that can be done until some better plan can be devised.
The exact number on the farm I am unable to say. It has
been as high as sixty, and from that number all the way
down. It seems with a good farm that is paid for, it might
be self-sustaining, or nearly so. However, the poor must
be cared for, whether it is self-sustaining or not.
The first bank started in Anderson was by N. C. McCul
lough, in the year 1855. It was called the Citizens Bank,
and continued for two years when it fell into the hands of
T. N, StilweU in 1857. It continued under the same name
for several years when it was converted into a national
bank with fifty thousand dollars capital, T. N. StilweU,
president; A. B, Kline, cashier. This continued till
November, 1873, when its doors were closed and Thomas
McCullough was appointed receiver. At this writing its
liability is not known. A few months later this bank was
reorganized as a citizens bank with Neal C. McCullough,
president, and in the same room formerly occupied by the
national bank in the StilweU building. The Exchange
Bank was organized May the 1st, 1866. William Crim,
president ; Joseph Fulton, cashier, with a capital of $35,000.
It does a general banking business. This bank is on the
north side of the square. The Madison County Bank was
organized in April, 1874, under the laws of the State of
Indiana, with a paid up capital of $100,000, It does a gen
eral banking business. The officers are: John E. Corwin,
president; N. R. Elliott, vice president; John H. Terhune,
cashier, and John W. Pence assistant cashier. The direct
ors are as follows : C. Quick, Frankton ; Thomas L. Beck
with, Perkinsville; Edgar Henderson, Anderson; George
Hazzard, New Castle; N. R. Elliott, Mechanicsburg; J.
P. Barns, Anderson; Lafe J. Burr, Anderson; John W.
Pence, Anderson ; John E, Corwin, Anderson,
The following are lists of the county officers from its
organization down to the present time. They may not be
entirely exact, or in rotation, as they should be, but are
thought to be nearly correct. The last named in each case
is the present officer, that is for 1874.
Thomas Bell, Thomas McCaUister, Evan EUis, R. N.
Williams and T. Ryan, W. G. Atherton, Elijah Long,
John Davis, Andrew Jackson, Thomas G. Clark, T.
N. StilweU, W. A. Thompson, Frederick Black, John Hunt,
John Hays, Richard Lake, David E. Croan, J. F. Mock.
James Sansbury, T. N. Jones, J. O. Hardesty, George W.
Harris. CLERKS.
Moses Cox, Ansel Richmond, ' Andrew Jackson, James
Hazlett, James Starkey, Peter H. Lemon, Joseph Peden, W.
C Fleming, T. J. Fleming, Robert Hannah.
Nineveh Berry, Mr. Kinnick, James W, Thomas, Cyre-
nius Free, W. R. Myers, Martin Ryan, Carlton Reed.
Ansel Richmond, William Curtis, R. N. Williams,
Andrew Jackson, Joseph Howard, J. W. Westerfield, W,
H. Mershon, Joseph Sigler, J, M. Dickson, George Nichol,
J, L. Falkner. TREASURERS.
Joseph Howard, B. Noland, James Kindal, Armstrong
Taylor, Ninevah Berry, John Hunt, W. W. Noland, Joseph
Pugh, James W. Thomas, Weems Heagy.
Samuel Cory, William Young, Benham Wilson, Andrew
Jackson, J. C. Berry, J. H. Davis, William Roach, Bur
kett Eads, David H. Watson, Benjamin Sebrell, James H.
Snell, David K. Carver, A. J. Ross, J. W. McCallister.
Joseph Howard, R. N. Williams, J. W. Westerfield ^
Burkett Eads, S. B. Mattox, Ninevah Berry, James Mohan,
Jacob Hubbard. CORONERS.
WiUiam Allen, John Allen, WiUiam Pugh, V. C,
George, H. B, Miner, J. J. Longnecker, Edmund W.
Shaul, James A. Shawhan, Washington Maynard, David B.
Simms. 20
William Curtis, Jobn Busby, Amasa Makepeace,
Jacob Hiday, Thoraas M. Pendleton, Williara Nelson, Wil
liara S. Penn, Daniel Wise, Daniel Hardesty, Richard Kin
namon, Moses Surber, Thoraas McCartney, Henry Sibert,
John Berry, Jacob Shaul, Daniel Harpold, Saul Shaul, Wil
liam Curtis, John Renshaw, Micajah Jackson, Isaac J.
Sharp, Henry Plummer, Archibald Cooney, William Wil
son, Jaraes L, Bell, Williara Sparks, Brazelton Noland,
Bassil Thoraas, WiUiam Shaul, Samuel Myers, William
Busby, F. Bronenberg, sen., Hezekiah Kidwell, John McCal
lister, F. L. Beckwith, John M. Zedeker, Benjamin Shafer,
Isaac U. Cox, George R. Boram, Eli Hodson, Thomas
Brunt, William Crim, W. A. Thompson, Peter Fesler, John
Coburn, Isaac W. Jones, John McCallister, jr., James Haz-
let, Elraer Wright, Joseph Funk, George W. Hoel, Henry
Plumraer. The last three are now coraraissioners.
Below we give the naraes of the attorneys coraposing the
bar at Anderson, They will be preceded by the naraes of
former members as far as can be called to mind, who have
previously practiced here, but have either died, moved away,
or abandoned the profession. Of this number, we find the
following: C. D. Henderson, John Davis, R. N, Williams,
William R, O'Neal, J. M. Wallace, S. H. Bratton, Seth
Smith, J. P, Siddal, N. R. Linsey, Peter H. Lemon, A. V.
Lbng. The present members are as follows: Richard
Lake, J. W. Sansberry, M. S. Robinson, S. C. Martindale, W.
R. Pierse, H. D, Thorapson, A, D, Williams, J. A. Harrison
E. B, Goodykoontz, J. T. Smith, O. P. Stone, C. D. Thomp
son, J. H. McConnell, W. R, Myers, D. C. Chipman, J. E,
Corwin, T. H. Fausett, B. H. Dyson, C. L. Henry, A. W.
Thomas, W. L. Roach, Charles Nation, F. S, Ellison, J. W.
Lovett, J. W. Hardman, L. C. Burk, M. A. Chipman, David
Killgore, H. C. Ryan, William R. West, and W. A. Kit-
tinger. Of the latter number, the following have for many
years been connected with the bar at Anderson; Richard
Lake, J. W. Sansberry, M. S. Robinson, William R. Pierse,
and John A. Harrison.
Below we give a table of distances from one point to
another in the county. It is copied from the county map
and is thought to be correct. It will be found useful in the
future lor reference. To find the distance from one place
to another, for instance, take the distance frora Anderson to
Elwood, follow the colurans of each to where they intersect,
and you will find the distance fifteen miles. This rule fol
lowed will give the distance in each case. The greatest
distance between any two towns is twenty-eight and a half
miles ; the shortest distance is one mile, that being from
Pendleton to Huntsville.
The table referred to above will be found on the page fol
New Columbnsi
Perhaps no other point in the county cluster around so
many interesting incidents as at this point. It was here the
first pioneers pitched their tents. It was here the first child
was born, the first couple married. It was here that Bridge
and Sawyer was tried and executed in 1824 and 1825, a
full account of which wUl be given in another part of this
book. Here the first grist mill was erected, from which
has grown one of the best mills in the State. Here the
first stone quarry was developed, now known far and wide.
Here the first sermon was preached, and perhaps the first
person buried. And it was here the first court was held ;
in fact, we may well claim for it as being the mother of
events in the early history of the county. The falls from
which the creek derives its name has a natural decent of
nine feet over solid rock. This was increased three feet in
1864, by Bomgardner, Walker, and Zeublin, to give them
better water power for their mills, situated just below.
This was also of solid rock. Consequently the falls are now
eleven feet; and when the creek is full it is a beautiful
sight to see the foaming current as it dashes over.
Below the falls the creek is spanned by a beautiful iron
bridge, from which an excellent view of the falls and mill is
had. After crossing the bridge frora Pendleton, the right hand
road leads te Anderson, the left hand road to Fishersburg,
The slaughter house was built by Ellis & Son, three-
fourths of a mile southeast of the crossing of the Bellefon
taine and the Cincinnati and Chicago raUways, near the line
•of the former. The cost of the building including fixtures,
was ten thousand dollars. This firm kill annually twelve
thousand head of hogs and pay out for the same, including
killing, cooperage, ete., three hundred thousand dollars.
They eraploy sixty hands, in buying and packing, for thirty
days. The corapany has also in connection a brick house
near the crossing, used for the purpose of storing meat, lard,
salt, etc. The cost of the latter building was two thousand
dollars. The introduction of this branch of business is of
no sraall importance to our county, making us a market at
home, as they pay as much or more, everything considered,
as can be obtained in Cincinnati, besides giving employ
ment to numerous hands, coopers, etc. The first few years
the entire supervision of the above establishraent was given
in charge ot Mr. Levi Hunter, Messrs. Ellis & Son live in
Boston, Mass., and are represented as men of considerable
capital, and both they and their agents have given general
satisfaction in their deaUngs with the people. The slaughter
house is so situated as to give little offence to the city, and
its existence may be regarded as an advantage. ThiS) as
well as other establishraents in our county, should be
encouraged, making as they do a home market, and build
ing up our own county. Strip us of them and we would
be poor indeed.
There is no subject that should more interest us than
that of temperance, since seven-tenths of crime and misery
eome directly or indirectly from the use of spirits. It has
always engrossed the attention of thoughtful men and
woraen; but, more especially of late, woraen. They are
arousing to a sense of their duty. Men have trifled with
it already too long ; handled it with gloves, until legislation
on the subject is regarded as a farce. It is to be hoped
that this day is passed and the monster evil will be handled
as it justly deserves. In times past in our county as well as
in other parts of the State, societies have been organized to
combat its influence. They in turn have served their day
and have given place to more efficient remedies. We will
first notice the Washington! an society, which was introduced
sorae forty years since. It doubtess did a good work it its
day, the tiraes however, deraanded a more thorough and
stringent organization.
The sons of temperance was substituted in its place, and
behold what a wonderful work that order established.
Thousands of our fellow citizens joined its ranks and were
rescued from a drunkard's grave. Perhaps in our own
county fifty lodges were in operation. So earnest was the
work, that sufficient strength was obtained in our Legisla-
lature halls to actually pass a healthy teraperance law; but
our officials were too weak to carry out its provisions. Thus
foiled to some extent the temperance advocates again arose
in their strength and the Good Templars society was
brought into existence.
Lodges were instituted in every town and village in the
county, and many in the country. Everything indicated
that the devil and his eraissary were about to be captured
when a similar failure was witnessed as the one described
above. Thus, a series of building up and tearing down has
been going on in our county for the past forty or filty years
without seeming at first sight, to have accomplished much
good. But underneath the turbulent current, there has been
a silent wave at work, and gathering strength, ready at the
proper time to carry the ship of temperance safe into a sober
harbor. That day, in God's own time, came at last. The
current bearing the noble vessel, not with cowardly raan
at the helra, but' injured woman, whose husband had been
lost overboard. She was aroused by just indignation, and
summoned a gallant crew to her aid ; success was written
on the topmost mast. The tidal wave has reached our
shores, and while woraen lead the van, or crusade, they are
joined by thousands of men, who say, on with the work,
your work shall be my work, your ship shall be my ship,
sink or swim, survive or perish, we will make this one great
effort. The effort has been made, public sentiment has
undergone a revolution. Let us come a little nearer home
to our own county, dear to us all, whose history, though the
record of frequent failures, we are proud of. Especially do
we look with pride on the history of the past few months,
even since the present year began. The noble band of
women in our county whose names will live in connection
with the crusade instituted a labor in this direction.
Their labors continued day and night, nor ceased praying
and singing till their work was accomplished. The result
is that there is not a licensed saloon in the county to-day.
What a glorious work ! What will not tears and prayers
and songs accomplish, especially when in such a cause?
Let the temperance folks take courage. God is on our side
— and woraen too. Who can be against us ? There is a
silent current at work, not only in the temperance cause,
but, thank God, in every good work. Though hidden from
us it will break out to gladden the heart of man, who, at
times, is ready to exclaim, we are doing no good. Let us
be encouraged to rally for the right and " work, for the
night is coming when man's work is done."
The Pendleton Register was started at Pendleton in
May, 1871, by T. B. Deem, of Knightstown. The enter
prise has succeeded beyond the expectation of all. It now
has a circulation of eight hundred, and is gaining in circu
lation. It is understood that the outside is printed at Chi
cago, Illinois, which contains general news. The remainder
is published at Pendleton, and is mostly local news, mar
kets, etc. Its general " make up" denotes ability and skill.
It is published promptly on Thursday of each week, at one
dollar per annum. It was originally a thirty-two coluran
paper, but early in 1874 it was increased to thirty-six col
urans, Pendleton, and in fact the whole of the county,
should be proud of this enterprise. We hope the Register
has corae to stay, and that it may continue to grow in inter
est and usefulness until its influence may be felt for good
throughout the county. It is Republican.
This Church is located in Monroe township, four miles
northwest of Alexandria. It was built in 1871, and cost
$1,100. The trustees are B. Carver, R. Hasty and L,
Carver. This Society was first organized in 1858, The
number of members when first organized was thirty one.
The first pastor was James E. Ellison, The present mera
bers nuraber twenty-eight. The present pastor is J. E.
Ellison, and the church clerk B. Carver. J. W. Forrest
has labored for this Society occasionally since its organiza
tion. The Sabbath school is very well atteneded ; is doing
a good work ; the average attendance is thirty. Araong
those instrumental in organizing was B. Carver, who has
been its superintendent for a term of years.
The society which meets here was organized in 1830, It
first met at the houses of Ira Davis and Caleb Biddle, alter
nately, until the year 1834 when it built the church one-
half raile west of Colurabus. The first preachers were
Morgan McQuary, Nathaniel Richmond, William Judd,
and W. A. Thompson. The present preacher is Benjamin
Zion. The old house is still standing. This was at une
time a popular point for this denoraination. Here Wilson
Thompson was wont to display his power and here his pop
ularity was unbounded. The society has of late retrograded
and meetings are only occasionally held. It is known as
the " Pewee Church " and near it is the old graveyard where
many ofthe pioneers are buried. It. is hardly necessary to
add that this society is ofthe Anti-Means faith as any one
at all acquainted with the above naraed persons would
readily infer.
This society was organized in 1834, First met in pri
vate houses with bijit few members, and these very much
scattered. In 1837 steps were taken to build a meeting
house, and in the fall of that year it was completed. Its
size was twenty-four by thirty-six feet ; cost, about $500.
Was built on the land of J, F. Collier, At the dedication
of the above house a revival sprang up, when the meraber>-
ship was increased to sixty. Previous to this there were
only eighteen members, among whom we find J. F. Collier,
Mary Collier, Jaraes Noland and wife, William and Mary
Judd, William Trueblood, John and James Judd, Mrs,
Stephenson, After the church was well organized they went to work
under favorable circurastances. Continued to increase in
raerabership until the house proved too sraall for their
aceoraraodation. In the spring of 1872 preparations were made to build
a larger house. J. F. Collier again, as before, gave the
ground upon which the church was to be built. This site
is one half mile north of the old meeting house, and one
raile and a half southeast of Markleville. This house was
completed in October, 1872, and on the third day of the
same month was dedicated by the Rev. Joseph M. Brown,
of Indianapolis. This house is of frame, thirty-eight by
fifty feet, sixteen feet ceiling, seated in good style, with
arch windows. Tbe entire cost of which was $2,800.
The present trustees are Michael Mann, John- Collier,
WiUiam Judd, Joel McCarty, and WiUiam Noland. Dur
ing all this time the Rev. J, F, Collier has administered and
had the oversight of this society, a period of forty years.
He has been assisted by James E. Ellison, O, P. Hankins,
T. S. Lyons. Present raembership, one hundred and ten.
Clerk, Joseph Garette. The carpenter work on this house
was done by J. R. Lakey, Benjamen Mogal.
This society meets at school house No. 4, four railes
northeast of Alexandria, in Monroe township. It was
organized in 1856, by the Rev. John W. Forest. Among'
the first raembers were Joel Jaraes and wife, James Powell,
J. H. Jones and P. S. Baker and wife. This society is
weak, but continues to hold regular meetings once a
month. The present minister is J, W. Forest, who has
labored with this society ever since its organization.
I AM indebted to Charles M. Hervey for the following
statement of the above church. On the 29th day of April,
1860, F. D. Bland, Superintendent of Missions, and cer
tain brethren of Muncie, Indiana, and the Rev. J. C. Skin
ner, raet at Chesterfield, Brother Bland baptized five per
sons, and thirteen brothers and sisters united in covenant
relation as the First Baptist Church at Chesterfield. On
July 16th; 1836, a nuraber of brothers and sisters at Pen
dleton, -Indiana, united in covenant relation as a regular
Baptist church. Brother Nathaniel Richmond acted as
moderator. On October 23d, 1871, certain brothers and
sisters united and formed the First Baptist Church at
Anderson. On January 2d, 1872, the church at Chester
field, being in a very low condition, consolidated with the
Baptist church at Anderson. On the 23d day of January,
1872, the church at Pendleton, being coraposed of only a
few members, consolidated with the Anderson Baptist
Church. On June 15th, 1872, the church was publicly
recognized as the First Baptist Church, Anderson, Indiana,
Rev. J. B. Shaff" being clerk of the council, and Rev. Sam
uel Hervey moderator. October 19th, 1872, the building
committee of the Baptist church raet and purchased of the
trustees of the Presbyterian church their house of worship
for two thousand dollars. The society numbers thirty
merabers. J. B. Anderson is senior deacon, and Charles M.
Hervey clerk.
This church is located three railes north of Markleville.
The society was first organized about the year 1836. They
occupied a log school house up to the year 1853, when a
frame house was built, twenty-six by thirty-six, and which
cost them $1,000, The first trustees were Silvey Clark,
Jackson Judd and James Ellison, The first rainister was
James F. Collier, Among the first members we find Jack
son Judd, Elizabeth Judd, Silvey Clark and wife, William
Judd and wife, Martin Brown and wife and Polly Adaras.
At one tirae this church was very prosperous and had over
one hundred members. It continued prosperous up to the
year 1862, when trouble and division arose and its useful
ness was destroyed. They db not, as a society, meet at the
present time. After the discontinuance of the Baptist soci
ety a sect calling themselves the Church of God sprang up
and hold occasional meetings in the house, which is open
also to other denorainations. The principal minister of the
latter society was the Rev. Blinkenstaff". The Baptist
society referred to above was of the Anti-Means faith.
The ministers who served this society from time to time
were J. F, Collier, W. A. Thompson, John Sparks, Thomas
Lyons and James E, Ellison. We may venture to say the
division in this chnrch, which led to its downfall, was upon
the subjects of means and anti-means and war and anti-war.
There is little hope of Bethel flourishing again ; it has
served its purpose and may be reckoned among the things
of the past.
The society that meets in the above church is the Mis
sionary Baptist. It was organized in the year 1850, The
following are among the first' members that composed this
society : John W. Forrest and wife, Jaraes Snelson and
wife, and Amanda Ross. The first ministers were James
Smith and Elder Waters. This society met in private and
school houses until the year 1858, when they built the pres
ent frame church, which is thirty by fortv feet, and cost
$1,400. The above church is located in section twenty-one,
near the centre of Boone township, four miles southeast of
Independence. This church has a membership of twenty-
five. The following are the trustees : John W, Forest and
John Coffman, There is a Sabbath school in connection
with the above church, with John Forest as superintendent.
Perhaps to Mr. F. rest more than any one else belongs the
credit of building .up this society. He has been a constant
nderaber and an occasional minister. He has given of his
time and means to the erection of the above church.
This church has a peculiar history from first to last. At
times it had bright prospects before it ; at other times, dark
clouds overshadowed it. It at last tottered and fell. Its
hisi ory, in short, is about as follows : About the year 1 830,
a few of this faith met in private houses in Pendleton and
vicinity ; araong whose names we find, Nathaniel Richmond
and wife, J. L. Richmond and wife, Elizabeth Irish, Mar
tin Brown and wife, Susannah Richmond. They continued
to meet at private houses, until 1834, when steps were
taken to build a church and organize. This house was 32
by 40 feet. The first preacher was Nathaniel Richmond.
This house stood until 1854, whenitwas torn down andthe
present house built, which is 35 by 45 feet, costing about
$1,400, and was at that time considered an ornament to
Pendleton. The trustees were, Joseph Eastman, P. R.
Maul, John McCallister, sr. The following ministers have
labored with this society : Nathaniel Richmond, Abijah
Whitman, Rev. Mr. Wedge, M. D. Gage and F. C. Buchanan.
During the administration of Mr. Wedge, and when Mr.
Maul was clerk, a difficulty arose in thechurh which finally
led to its overthrow, literally spliting it in twain by a
Maul and Wedge. For several years previous to the sell
ing of their house to the Friends, which occurred in 1872,
they had met but seldom. The last acting trustees, were
James E, French, Philip Dickey, and WiUiam Allen.
Some of the society have their membership at Anderson.
On the discontinuance of the society's meetings, the house
was sold to the Friends, who now occupy it. On their buying
it, the spire was taken down, the house repainted, and other
wise improved. It now presents a neat appearance.
This congregation was formed in an old school house
east of the railroad junction about the year 1858. The
meetings were held in this school house generally known as
the "Ci.estnuti Grove school house," until the suraraer of
1861, when the chapel on the corijer of Main and Lane
streets was corapleted. Most prorainent among its first
membership were Joseph Sigler, Burkett Eads John Kin
dle, John R. Stevenson and William Mustard, with their
wives. At the opening of the chapel a protracted meeting
was held which resulted .in the addition of about thirty
members. There was no resident minister until 1862,
when Joseph Franklin moved from Covington, Kentucky,
to Anderson. Before that time the preaching was monthly
or irregular, and mostly by elders Jameson, and New, of
Indianapolis. Excepting fourteen months of time, including the year
1870, Mr. F. has been the regular preacher until the past
year. By his continued connection with the schools of
Anderson, Mr. F. succeeded in gathering many young
people into the church. At one time one hundred out of
two hundred raembers were single persons.
Mr. F.'s father, Benjamin FrankUn, (brother of David
Franklin, elsewhere alluded to in this book), moved to
Anderson, and has since been a resident of the city. The
present membership is about one hundred and fifty. , The
preacher this year, 1874, is Walter S. Tingley,
This house is situated three fourths of a mile southwest
of Summitville. It was built in 1873, and cast .§1,500.
This church is a frame building, thirty-two by forty-four
feet. The trustees are Byron Vinson, James Hudson, and
Henry Vinson. The society has a membership of eighty.
This new and beautiful church is an honor to the society
that built it. Among the first members composing this
society were James Hudson, Thoraas and Ellen Hudson,
and Byron Vinson and wife. The present preacher is J.
H. Vinson. They have a Sabbath school, organized in
1873, with an average attendance of thirry, and with Byron
Vinson, superintendent, and Thomas Ingliss, secretary.
Previous to the building of the above church, the society
met at the Allen school house, a short distance east. This
is one of the strongest societies in the county, and in its
present fiourishing condition, new church, and Sabbath
school, certainly will exert a good influence in the coraraun-
This church is situated in the southern part of Eichland
township, and near the Union township line, five miles
northeast of Anderson, and two and one-half railes north
of Chesterfield. The society first met at the school house
in the neighborhood, and was organized about the year
1856. The following are araong the first raerabers com
posing this society: Hiram Chambers, his wife, Nancy
Scott, Susan Chambers, George Listen and wife, G. W.
Charabers ana wife, and Sraith Chambers. In 1866 the
society built a frame church, in size thirty-four by forty
feet, k It will seat about four hundred persons. Its cost
was one thousand two hundred dollars. The trustees are
G. W. Chambers, Smith Chambers, Stephen Broadbent,
and William Chambers. The first elder was Ebenezer
Thompson ; the present one is 'Ihoraas Mason. They have
a merabership of seventy ; have regular meetings, and its
influence for good is 'being felt, which we hope will con
tinue for tirae to come. They have a Sabbath school opened
there, which if properly conducted will be a power in the
neighborhood. These Sabbath schools are bright lights
dotting our county. Debased indeed would be the one who
would drive them out. They are helps to the church ; a
nursery, so to speak, which no church can well afford to do
without. They should go hand in hand ; they both have
work special and alone, and yet are closely allied together.
This church is situated one mile north of Osceola, five
miles northwest of Alexandria, and on the line dividing
Boone and Monroe townships. The society that meets in
the above house was first organized in the year 1840.
They first met in a log house. Among the first members
were WiUiam Cole, Daniel Black, Jaraes Jaraes, Philander
Thoraas, Jacob and Peter Cassell, Thomas and Sallie Brunt,
L. D, Carver and wife, Eliza Cole, Euncie Black, Hester
Thomas, Joshua Stroud and wife, James Ellis, Josiah Athen,
Elizabeth Perry, John McMahon and wife, William and
Catharine Nipes, and Caroline Ellis. They continued to use
the above house until the year 1849, when a larger and
more comfortable house was erected, with the following act
ing as trustees : Daniel Black, Jacob Castle and James
James. This house they continued to occupy up to the
year 1873, when the present house was built. It is a frame
thirty by forty, vijpll seatpd. and .finished, costing $1,800.
The following are the trustees : L. D, , Carver, W. H,
Black, Ipaac Stroud, This society is now in a fiourishing
cqndition; has a membership of seventy, jand) prosperous
Sabbath school in conii^ction therewith. Among the first
preachers were David Holt and Daniel and David Frankliui.
Perhaps I would not do injustice to others to say that L. D.
Carver has done much tpward the erection, of this beautiful
hpu^e. To him I am indebted for the above informatiop.
The , above house was dedicated Oratober ,1873, by J. O.
Cutts, of Indianapolis. ,
iThis ehurch is located in the southeast corner of Stoney
Creek township, four miles north of Pendleton, and six
miles southwest of Anderson. This is a frame church
erected in the year; 1861 and dedicated> in the fall of that
year. The size of the ¦building is twenty-eight by forty
feet.'' It cost $1,200. ¦. The ifirst trustees were William
Gomes, John Blazier, Bi F, Oregotry, John Hawkins, and
WiUiam Cecil, This society meets regularly once a mOnth.
Its presenti pastor is B. F. Gregory, who has done much to
organize and keep up thi& society ; cofatributed more, per
haps, than any othor one man toward the erection of the
above house. This society has a membership of fifty, and
their influence for good is felt in the community. For a few
years previous to the building of the above 'hoise the society
met in Shaul's school house. ,, ;,, .
ADAMS t6\^NSHIP, '" ,\ ,
Thi^ church is situated two miles northeast of Markle
ville, and near the line dividing this and Henry: county.
This , society .first met at private houses previous to the
building of the First church, which was built in 1853.
This was a framed building, thirty-five by forty-five feet,
and cost one thousand one hundred dollars. It was con
sumed by fire in January, 1856. It was, however, soon
replaced by a larger and better building, which cost one
thousand six hundred dollars. Among the first members
we may mention those of William McCallister, Andrew
Bray, Eli Hodson, Jesse Van Winkle, G. W, Hoel, Joseph
I, Seward, This society has had the following elders to
serve them : John Brown, L. H, Jamison, Daniel Frank
lin, David Franklin, K. Shaw. The local preachers have
been Eli Hodson, J. I. Seward and John Huston, The
trustees are C. G. Mauzy, G. W. Hoel and J. I. Seward.
This society here is large, and have their meetings regu
larly; had at one tirae a membership of one hundred, but
is now reduced somewhat. The house has a very neat
appearance inside, being comfortably seated, and will accom
modate about four hundred persons. Connected with it is
a Sunday school. Prominent in this work is C. G. Mauzy,
A. J. Cunningham and John Huston. Among the names
above in the list of merabership death has removed Andrew
Bray, Jesse Van Winkle and William McCallister. The
present minister is the Rev. Mr, Blackman ; bishops. Revs,
David Franklin and John Huston ; deacons, Hiram Cooper
and John Van Winkle ; clerk, Dewitt C, Markle.
This church was finished in the fall of 1856. It is a
brick building, thirty-five by forty-five feet, and cost one
thousand five hundred dollars. It has a membership of
seventy-five. They have mass and other religious ceremo
nies every Sabbath day. The ministers, or priests, who-
have been in charge over this society since its organization,
have been Fathers Walker, Fitzmorris, Fitzgibbon, McMa-
an, and Crowley, the last, the present minister. This soci
ety has purchased a lot immediately south of the present
church, on Williaras street, where they intend to erect a
splendid edifice, which will be an ornament to the city of
In the summer of 1834 several Friends, whe had come
from Eastern Pennsylvania, and settled in Fall Creek town
ship, convened and held their first meeting at the residence
of Jonathan and Ann Thomas. The society continued to
meet here until 1836, when they built a log house well
adapted to their limited means and numbers. The meeting
house yard and graveyard include three acres of ground,
given and deeded to this meeting by Jonathan Thomas.
The society is composed of birthright members, and uses no
organized influence to add to its numbers, though its doors
are always open to receive others into membership. The
ministers are not employed, but preach professedly by a
commission from on high. The first preacher was Jehu
Middleton, and during the forty years since the organization
of this society, many men and women have served as rainis
ters and teachers. This society was a branch of Millford
monthly meeting until 1839, when it was itself changed to a
monthly meeting. In 1857 they built a frame house, neat
but very plaib, at a cost of $800, and have since torn down
and removed the first one The meetings are held twice a
week. Whitewater Quarterly meeting also meets here once
a year. The present trustees are Caleb Williams, Edward
Roberts and Allen Lukens. Three ancient elms give to
this quiet church and churchyard the dignity of years.
This society was organized in 1847. The first members
were William Sanders, John Mowery and wife, J. B. Cro
mer and wife, and John Baker. They first met in an old
log school house, till the year 1861, when preparations were
commenced to build a new house, which was completed in
the fall of that year and appropriately dedicated. The
house is a frame, forty by fifty feet, well finished, with
neat cupola and window shutters, and is in every way a
good and substantial house. Its cost was eighteen hundred
dollars. It was repainted in the sumraer of 1873, and is
certainly a credit to the denomination that built it. The
present trustees are William Sanders, Michael Hess and
John Baker. Its ministers have been, J, B. Cromer, Wise-
hop, Wiseman, . Stinewalt, and Smith. It i has a member
ship of thirty, holds regular .meetings semi-monthly, and
has also in connection a Sabbath school, which is kept up
the greater part of the year. The corner stone of this
house was laid with the usual ceremonies, and contains
copies of the county papers, names of State and county
officers, trustees, etc. , , The hight, ©f the cupola frpjn the
ground to the top is seventy feet.- It contains a bell. The
church is surrounded by a substantial fence, and on the
west, adjoining, is a cemetery, used mainly by the members
of thi? denoraination.
The 1 M. E. society^ which formerly met at the above
meeting, house, was organized about the year 1835; and
was for a nnmber of years in a very prosperous and flourish
ing conditioii ; and was a very popular preaching s point.
It is located on the pike, leading from Anderson to War
rington, a mile and a half from the county line, in Fall
Creek township, and on the south bank of Lick creek.
Among the first preachers, were F. M. Richmond and Saul
Roger, The society has not met since 1865, the merabership
having become scattered and associated with, other societies.
The old church is yet standing^ but time is fast telling upon
it, and it will soon be numbered among the things of the
past. Around it, however, cluster many pleasant recollec-
tions ; here the pioneer was wont to meet and worship in
times gone by. Mr. Richmond and Mr. Reger have both
passed away, besides rttany others, who met here in early
times. Araong the last to I'eave these sacred walls, was the
Rev. L. D. Reger^ who was an active meraber of the above
^ This is the raother of churches in the county. Its exist
ence dates back to the year 1823. Araong the first mem
bers were Thomas Pendleton and wife and daughter, Mrs.
McCartney, Mrs, Samuel Holliday, Elias and Elizabeth
Hollingsworth Samuel Hunley and wire, and James Scott
and wife, , They first met in private houses for several
years, when a log house was built and used until the year
1839, when the present church was built. This is a large
frame house forty by sixty and cost $1,800 and was, when
it was built, the best church in the county. Although it
will not compare fiavorably with the church architecture of
1874, it is nevertheless corafortably arranged and will seat
six hundred persons. Among the first preachers who
labored for this society, we find the names of Jaraes Reader,
James Havens and Edward' Ray^, father of John W. Ray,
of Indianapolis. This society has grown to be one ofthe
strongest in'the county, and flourished till the year 1870,
when it lost to some extent its prestige' by the financial
difficulties of Bomgardner' and Walker, both prominent
members Among the ministers who have labdred here
since the above naraed are : F. M. Richraond, .1. H. Hull,
^. ''h: Goode, A. Eddy, O. V. Leraon, Sarauel Latnb, H.
Srhith, L. W. Munson, V. M. Beraer, N, H. Phillips, E.
Hasty, E. M. Baker and C. G, Hudson. This society has
had 'for years a flourishing' Sabbath school. I. N. Zeublin
has acted for 'many years as its superintendent. The aver
age attendance is near one 'hundred. '
This church was built in 1867, and cost $1,500. It is a
frame building, thirty by forty-five ; is a substantial house
house, with a neat cupola, and will seat five hundred per
sons. The first trustees were John Townson, Jonathan
Sutton, James French, B. Dwiggins and J. C. Montgomery,
The society is flourishing and has a merabership of a hun
dred and twenty. The organization of this society dates
back to the year 1837, when it was organized at the house
of Joseph Miller. The first preacher was Williara Curtis.
The first members were Joseph Miller and wife, William
Taylor and wife, Robert Irvin and wife, Reuben Kelly and
wife, John Goff and wife, John Chamless and Katy Mills.
Thus, from a few members, it has grown to be one of the
largest Churches in the county. It has a splendid Sabbath
school, with an average attendance of seventy-five. The
present superintendent is William Suman, the secretary
Louisa Edson, and the treasurer Russell Cramer.
This church is two and a half miles west of Pendleton,
on the Noblesville turnpike, on the west bank of Foster's
Branch, This has been a preaching point for many years,
and was a branch of the society at Pendleton up to the year
1865, when a class was formed and steps taken to erect a
church, which was done the same year, the size of which
is thirty by thirty-six feet, costing about $1,200. It is a
neat church, and will seat about three hundred persons.
The trustees are O. B. Shaul, George Williamson and Wil
liam A. Baker. Among those who formerly met and wor
shipped here, we find the names of Andrew Shanklin
and wife, William Williamson and wife, and John
Shaul. The ministers have been F, M, Richmond, Heze
kiah Smith, N, Gillem, L, W. Munson, V. M, Beemer, J.
C. Medsker, H. N, PhUip.s, M, A. Teague and Mr. Baker.
The present minister is Mr. Hudson. The society has a
Sabbath school, which has been in operation nine years. C.
Goodrich is superintendent, and T. A. Baker, secretary.
Previous to the building of the above house this society was
known as the Shanklin Class, from the fact of its having
met at the house of Andrew Shanklin, who was among the
first to organize and build up this society. A personal
sketch of Mr. S. is given in another place.
The above chapel is situated on Foster's branch, in the
southern edge of Stoney Creek township, and three miles
north of Pendleton. The house is a frame building, thirty-
four by twenty-four feet, cost one thousand dollars, and was
erected in 1858. The following are the trustees : William
Shaul, G. W. Pavey, John Shuman and William Snell.
Of those who coraposed the first class we find G. W. Pavey
and wife, Williara Huntsinger and wife and William Shaul,
The first preacher was F, M. Richmond, from whom the
house derived its name. The names of the preachers suc
ceeding Richmond are N. Gillum, L, W. Munson, V. M,
Bemer, J. C. Medsker, N. H. Phillips, and M. A, Teague.
The society is week, meeting only occasionally. We find
that the first class leader was G. W. Pavey. In 1860 the
Sabbath school was organized, and has been kept up in the
summer seasons almost ever since. The first superintendent
was A. M. Ulin, who is an active member, not only of the
Sabbath school, but of the church also.
This society has been organized for many years, perhaps
since 1840. "The first church was built in 1843, and is yet,
.standing. It is twenty-four by forty-eight feet, and cost
$800. The first trustees ' were William Wilson, Ji E. D.
Smith, V. C. McNear. ¦ lAmong the first preachers were J.
W. Bradshaw, Jacob Cblcazier, J. H. Hull, and Abraham
Hazely. The society is- now erecting a new and splendid
house which twas commenced in 1873, and' will be finished
by Christmas, 1874. The size of the house is forty by sixty
feet, with high ceiling^i arched: : windows and cupola, and
when finished, wiU bea credit to Alexandria and the 'society
that built it.. The estimated cost of the builbing, which is
of brick, is $7,000. The present trustees are A. Birtehey,
Thomas Norris, E. H. Menafee, N, E, Tomlinson, A, J,
Lee, and Nathan O'Bryant. The .society has a membership
of fifty, and has a Sabbath school with an avera.ge. attend
ance of seventy. The superintendent. G. W. Bailey; sec
retary, L, Buck; treasurer, Kate Zimmerman.
''" '^' ship:' ' ','.¦ " ' '
¦ I .11' ./If:
I This, house is located fiye miles. northwest of , Alexandria.
The society that meets at this house is the iMethodist, the
organizationi(bf whi.ch dat.Ks back to 1838. The society
first inetip. private houses; then in a log .schpbl house up
to the year 18.50j when the present .house was built. This
house js thirty-eight by forty-eight and cost twelve hundred
dolkrs, .Ainongthe first members composing thi^, society
were: Saipuel McMahan,, David Osburn, Wright Smith,
Lidia ,Sfliith, David Austin and wife, and Louisa McMahan.
The first ministers w^re James Havens,, Hezekiah; Smith
and John Hull. The present preacher is W. Peck. This
society has had ups and. downs and is not now in a very
prosperous condition. The merabership is small; they,
however, k^ep ijp, regular meetings and have a Sabbath
school in connection. Just east' and in sight is the Mt.
Tabor cemeitery' where many sleep' who formerly belonged
? to this church. All 'the petsonM 'referred to afcove Wve died
with the eibepfibn 6f Lidia' Smith atid ' Mrs. Austin,"tb the
latf^r of whom I am iridebted for this church history^ She
Uves near the churdh'and has seen' it in its prosperity and
adversity; has seen the hoUse crowded and sigain has seen
only' the faithful few ' who have formed a nucleus here as
elsewhere throughout the land. 'We hope therfe are yet in
atbie brighter days for Mti Tabor, and that its 'femdlderinig
fires 'will burn With their wonted fer vehcjr' as in da^s past.
This class meets at school house No, 5, two miles east of
Alexandria, in Monroe township. It was first organized in
lS!54, as' a'brahoh ofthe Aleiandria M. E. Church.
Among the first meihbers we find the names of George and
Rachel Hammond, James and Mary Mannering, William
Manrierihg and wife, Nancy Kelly, John and Susanna Wil
son.' The first minister was A. Greenman. The present
minister is Rev. W. Peck. This society at bhe time, was
-*^ei^ strong With a membership ' of near sefV^nty, but has
been reduced, however, by delath and" removals tfo twenty-
five. They keep up regular meetings and have preachiifg
every three weeks.'
This church is on the bank of Kill Buck, four miles
northeast of Anderson, in Richland to)fnship. The house
is a neat frame, thirty-four by forty-six feet, and will seat
comfortably foUfhundred persons. It was dedicated Sep
tember 13tb, 1870, by Dr, BoWmani Previous to the buUd
ing bf the above house the sOriietymet at the school 'house
in'the vicinity; Among thfe first merabers were Daniel
Goodykoontz* and. ' wife, - James HollingsWorth 'and wife,
Thomas Thornberg and David- 'Taiijiin. ' This fehurch hajS a
membershljj of thirty-^five. It has' a Sabbath school, 'With
an average attendatnce bf thirty ; John Matherey'superin-
tendent ; Albert Dillon, secretary, and H. Tapin, treasurer.
Among the first preachers were Hezekiah Smith and John
H, Hull, The church was naraed in honor of Bishop
Asbury, whose raemory will live as long as Methodism is
preached in the land. May Asbury chapel long continue
to be an honor to this good raan. The present trustees of
the church are Sarauel Falkner, David Tapin and Frank
Watkins. The present preacher is R. H, Smith. R. N.
McCaig was on the circuit when the present house was built.
The above house is located near the line dividing Fall
Creek and Green townships, and on the Bellefontaine rail
road, four miles from Pendleton, This society dates back
to the year 1828, They first met in private houses, then in
a log school house, until the year 1848, when the present
house was built. Among the first merabers comprising this
society, we find the following: William McCarty, John
Marsh and wife, Samuel Gibson and wife, James Jones, and
James D. Honley, This society is yet kjept up, though it
has lost much of its former prestige. Adjoining is the cem
etery, where lie buried Saul Shaul and Samuel Gibson, two
honored pioneers, who, in days of yore, contributed much to
the upbuilding of the society at Mt. Carmel.
This church is situated in Monroe township and was
organized in 1870, The first members were John and
Elizabeth Reaves, Catherine Childs, J, H, and Nancy
Maynard, J. M, Reaves, Martin and Roda Waymire,
Abram and Rhoda Devault, Elisha Sraith, Margret Curtis,
and J. W. and Ellen and Mary Mannering. The name of
the fir.st preacher was George Jenkins; the present one is
R. H. Smith, The first class leader was J. H. Maynard
The total membership is thirty. They have a Sabbath
school, organized in 1869, The first superintendent was J,
H, Maynard ; the first treasurer, Martin Waymire ; the
first, secretary, William Reaves. This school keeps up its
organization the year round and has an average attendance
of sixty. The house which the above society raeets in was
formerly occupied by the United Brethren and is a log
This society dates back to the year 1827. It met at pri
vate houses a short tirae, but steps were soon taken to erect a
small log house twenty feet square. This was used until the
year 1834, when a larger house was required. This was also
a log houise and was occupied until 1853, when the present
house was built, which is a frame building thirty-eight by
fifty and cost $1,600. ^his church has a raerabership of
near one hundred. The house is well finished and will seat
six hundred persons, and is in every way a respectable
building. The trustees are Charles Fisher, Samuel Busby
and Thomas Aldred. The present preacher is John Harri
son, They have an excellent Sunday school with an aver
age attendance of seventy scholars. Among the first
preachers were Charles Bonner, W. C. Smith, and L. W.
Berry. Araong the first members we find Thomas Busby,
D. E. Studley and wife, Charles Fisher and wife, John
Anderson, Z. Rogers and wife, Mrs. Thoraas Busby, Sarauel
Busby and David Conrad,
The society was organized in 1827. Previous to that time
it had raet in the private houses of Collins Tharp, William
Curtis and Elias Hollingsworth. In the year 1839 Collins
Tharp gave the ground on which to erect the church, of
which a portion was to be used as a cemetery. This is the
ground known as this Old Cemetery, just east of the Stil
weU Pa!rk. Soon after the ground was given, the society
commenced the erection of a church. This house was never
entirely finished. It was, hoWever, used by them for sev
eral years. It was finally sold to J- E, D. Smith and used
by him as a carpenter shop. A few years later it was
consumed by fire. Among the first members were Collins
Tharp and wife, Enoch Donahue and wife, WiUiam Curtis
and wife, Mrs. Harpold, Matilda Shannon, E, Merrill and
wife, and Hfenry Russell. Amon^i the first ministers were
John Strange, James Havens, Rev. Van Clevc, G. C. Beeks,
Rey. Vance, C. Bonner, and D, F. Stright., The society had
become so numerous about the year 1849 that preparations
were raade fpr building a new church. A lot was obtained
of , R. N. ^iUi£ips on the northeast, cor ner of Williams and
Meridia-i streets, and in the year following a house thirty-
six by fifty ,)yas completed at a cosltof about $1,200, This
house was ijsed.by the socie,ty. until the year 1870, when it
was sold to D. W. Swank for $1,000. It was reraoved by
him, to the Ipt nqr,t;h of thje.post office, where it is now used
for .a jmillinery establishment. The proqeedg were applied
to,the erectiqn of ,t.he present house. The new church is
situate;^ imji;e(ii^tely south .of the old site; This house is
a, bricls; building , fifty by eighty with a tower one hundred
and ^orty, feet high, and a steeple one hundred and seventy.
The, house has,,, high larched Ayidows and doors, capped; with
stone .and. ornam,eiii^d with beautiful stained glass. The
exterior of the church has a massive and tasteful appearance.
It is covered with a slate roof. The basement or lecture-room
below will comfortably accoraraodate about five hundred
per.sons. Having hastily glanced at the ^j^ternal appearance, we
will enter the main audience roOra ' by a flight of stairs on
the west. We' find a main and two side aisles. The inte
rior is beautifully frescoed. The seats are arranged in a
semi-circUlar forra. The entire room presents a harmonious
appearance. It has a commodious igallery, and is lighted
by elegant chandeliers. It is fumished with an organ, both
above and below. This church' is a Credit to the society
that built it, and an ornament to the city of Anderson. It
cost $28,000. The basement was dedicated Npvember,
1870, by Dr. Read, of Ciiicago. The main,, or audience
room, was dedicated December 31st, 1871, by Dr. Andrus,
of Green Castle, on which occasion an ample amount was
subscribed and pledged to pay all indebtedness. The soci
ety now nurabers two hundred and fifty, and is by far the
most numerous and prosperous of any in the county. The
following are the trustees : D. W. Swank, Alfred Walker,
B. Rhoads, B. F. Alford, WiUiam R. West, A. J, King and
H. J. Blackledge. The society has in connection a flour
ishing Sabbath school, which has kept pace with the church
and been in operation fbr years. It has a merabership of
two hundred and fifty, an^ an average attendance of two
hundred. Its superintendent is J. T, Smith ; secretary, M.
A Chipman.
This society was organized and first raet at the house of
William Lowe ; then at Groan's school hou^e. The first
members were : James Hollingsworth and wife, Allen Gor
don, Milton Longley, and Sexton Hilligoss, The first
preachers were Robert Burns and J. H. Hull. In 1867 the
society built the present house at Florida Station. It, is a
firame, thirty-two by forty-six^ and costing $1,400, and wjll
comfortably seat about four hundred persons. This society
now numbers fifty-two members and has p-eguljn* pi^eaching
every two weeks. The present pastor is R. H, Smith,
They have a Sabbath school with an average attendance of
thirty-five. This Sabbatlj school, has jbeen organized a
number of years. Its first superintendent was Elizabeth
Hollingsworth, since which time it has never ceased to
exist. Mrs. H, was also one of the original members of this
The above house was built in 1872, and dedicated in
December of that year by Dr. Andrus, of Greencastle.
This house is a frarae, thirty-six by forty-eight feet ; is
adorned with a cupola ; cost $1,600, and when thoroughly
painted will present a neat appearance. The trustees are :
Robert Goodwin, B. French and David Tapin. The mem
bership is sraall and they have beeu greatly aided by other
societies in the building of this house. The society is, at
this writing, laboring under embarrassment by having
incurred a debt of $800 in its erection. Previous to the
erection of this church the society met at the school house
in Chesterfield. The society has lately raade arrangements
for regular preaching and are to be supplied by the Rev.
R. H. Smith, ofthe Anderson circuit.
This house is situated in Richland township, and was
built in 1860. It is a frame building, thirty-four by forty-
eight feet; comfortably seated, and will accommodate
about five hundred persons. It is in every way a neat
church, worthy of the society that built it. The church is
lit with chandeliers, and is surrounded with a neat fence,
which also encloses a fine cemetery. The cost of the house
and furniture was $1,800. The trustees are B. F. Walker,
A. H, McNear, J. R. Holston, Alfred Walker, and Rich
ard Jackson. This society dates back to 1842, and for
merly met in an old log school house. The naraes of those
who composed" the society are, B, F. Walker and wife, J.
R. and Nancy Holston, WUliam Noble, A, H, McNear,
Christian Lower, and B. Lower. Among the first preach
ers, we find the names of B. H. Bradley, Isaac King,
Joseph Marsee, H. Smith, J. H. Hull and J. R, Lacy. The
present preacher is R. H, Smith. The society numbers
fifty members, and has a Sabbath school with an average
attendance of forty, of which the superintendent is Addison
Holston; secretary, Ellen Holston, and treasurer, J. W.
Stephens. The above chapel was dedicated June llth,
1860, by J. H. McElwee, who was on the circuit at that
This society was organized about the year 1831. Their
first meeting place was a log house used for meeting and
school purposes. Among the first members were Manly
Richards, Joseph Carter, Andrew Bragg, James W. Mani
fold, Jacob and John Lambord, and John Russell. The
first preachers were J. N. Elsbury and Asa Beck. In 1842
a frame house was built, twenty-six by thirty-six feet,
which was occupied until 1868, when the present churcb
was built. This is also a frame, forty- six by fifty-six feet,
good foundation, well finished, and is in every respect a
good house. It cost three thousand dollars. It is beauti
fully located just west of the town of Menden, on the bank
of Lick creek. Near it stand a United Brethren church
and a scl^ool house, spoken of in another place. The pres
ent trustees are J. W. Manifold, Eli Patterson, J. E. Car
ter, J. W. Scott, and J. P. McCarty. The present mem
bership is fifty. In connection is a Sabbath school which
has been in progress for several years. The average attend
ance is fifty scholars. Their superintendent is J. W. Mani
fold; G. C. Cook, secretary. The school is kept up during
the whole year. This is one of the best houses in the county
outside of Anderson. A Uttle south, and on the bank of
the creek, is the cemetery, where are buried several of the
pioneers of the county, among whom are Ralph Williams,.
senior, one of the first citizens of Adams township, and
father of Ralph Williams of MarklevUle.
The first meetings held in this locality was at the pri
vate houses of Stephen Norman and Ralph Williams, sr.;
afterward in a log school house near where the present
house now stands. Among the first preachers were Saul
Reger, Daniel Stright, Augustus Eddy. In the year 1856, a
new house was built just south of town on the land donated
by John Markle and George McCulough, The size of the
house is thirty-six by forty-eight feet, fourteen foot ceiling ;
hiis a cupola and a bell, and with the exception of the foiiW-
ation is a v'ery good house. It has Walnut 'seafs,' lighted
with chandelier^; cost of house^ $1,400, The trustees are:
R. Williams, L. D. Reger, J, M. Small.' The society is
wea,k and was aided greiitly by members of other denbihi-
nations and' outsiders ih building. The house is used b^
other denominations when not occti|pied by the Methodists,
who hav^ at all time^'the preference. It was d'edicafed
Oef ober, 1856, by O, P, Lemon and named in honbr c(f
him, consequently' is known as Orange Chapel. 'Among
those who Contributed largely" to its erection we 'find are:
Ralph Wil]iam§, Samuel Huston] L, D. Regef", Daniel
Cbok, John Bdran. The preSeht preacher is J.F". Pierce!
A Sabbath school has been Successfully orgahize'd* here iahd
is kept up th^' year round. Its present superintendent is
C; G. Mauzy ; Secretary, Bell Harden ; treasurer, J. M.
Small, Average attendance, forty-five, i ¦
Tni-society is among the oldest in the county i with the ex
ception of those' at Pendleton and Anderson, It was organ
ized about the year 1828. The members met in private
houses until a small frame house was built, which they used
till about the year 1850, when the present house was
erected. This house is a brick building, thirty by forty feet
and cost $1,500. It is a very comfortable house and will seat
about four hundred persons. This society is strong and
infiuential, including some of the best citizens of Jackson
township. Among the first ministers were, James Havens,
J. H. Hull, H. Sraith, and F. M. Richmond. The present
minister is, J. F. Rhoads. It has in connection also a Sab
bath school, which has been in operation for years, and a
full account of which was furnished by F. M. Armstrong.
This account is to long for insertion, but nevertheless Mr.
Armstrong has our thanks.
This is a New Light Church, situated in the Western part
of Lafayette Township. It was built in 1873, and dedi
cated in October of that year by Rev. McCoUough, of Day
ton, Ohio. It is a neat frame house with a cupola, and is
thirty-two by forty-six, and cost $1,600. The carpenter
work was done by James Thompson, of Anderson. As the
name would indicate, it is situated in a very beautiful grove,
its snowy whiteness contrasting with the green boughs
which overhang. Who is it that does not regard the beau
tiful churches and school-houses as omens of good ? They
act as a kind of magnetism holding society together. Strip
us of these, and society would soon be like a ship without
a rudder. Pardon the digression, and we will close up the
history of Elra Church. The trustees are Alexander
Smith and George Thompson. The society has a meraber
ship of thirty. Several of the members of the above
society formerly belonged to the Kill Buck Church in the
eastern part of the township, and on its going down they
attached themselves to this society. Elm Grove Church is
five miles northwest of Anderson, and two railes southwest
of Florida Station. Dr. Raynes is superintendent, and J.
M, Bodkins secretary of the Sabbath school that meets
here. 22
The First Presbyterian Church, of Anderson, was organ
ized by Rev, Edward Schofield, September 4, 1851 consist
ing of eleven members, six of whom are still living. The
first house of worship, a plain brick building thirty-six by
sixty feet, costing $2,500, was built on Meridian street in
1855, and was sold to the First Baptist Church in 1872,
for $2,000. The new church building, on the corner of
Jackson and Washington streets, was comraenced in 1872,
It is of brick and when finished will be a beautiful struc
ture forty-six by seventy-four feet. The lecture room is
finished and plainly but elegantly furnished, and pronounced
by public speakers to be a perfect gem. When finished and .
furnished the church will cost about $18,000, and will be
an ornament to the city. Since the organization of the
church the Revs. E. Schofield, J. S. Craig and A. S. Reid
have supplied the pulpit. Rev. W, M Grimes, the present
pastor, commenced his labors in January, 1871. The
church has on its roll about one hundred and twenty mem
bers, the Sabbath school about the same. The following are
the present officers of the church :
Pastor — Rev. W. M. Grimes.
Session — Thomas Barnes, James Hazlett, M. S. Robin
son, E. B, Goodeykoonts, Dr. E. J. Chittenden, Dr. B. F,
Spann. Deacons— J, Raber, J. F. Wildman, A. W. Thomas, W.
R. Myres.
Trustees — George Nichol, M. S. Robinson, J, Hazlett, H.
D. Thompson, W. M. Wagonner.
Superintendent of Sabbath School — Amzi W. Thomas.
The above church is situated in the southwestern part of
FaU Creek township, on the bank of Lick creek. The
present house was built in 1844, and cost about $1,000.
It is a frame building thirty by forty feet. Previous tothe
erection of this house, the society met at private houses and
in a log school house in that vicinity. The first preacher
was the Rev. Steward, This society was at one time in a
very fiourishing condition and had a membership of sixty.
It has been reduced by death and removals until the society
now is in a weakly condition. They hold however, occa
sional meetings. This house is four miles southwest of
Pendleton and two and a half east of Alfont. A few rods
to the north is Antioch M. E. church, spoken of in another
place. Immediately west of the church is the cemetery
where Mrs. Manly Richards and Mr. Ralph Willianis, sr.,
are laid, and many other of the old pioneers whose naraes
I failed to get.
This house is situated one-half mile west of Chester-
field. The society dates back to the early settlement of
this part of the county. As early as 1835 it built a brick
church, which was at that time an honor to the cause and
to the society. Among the first members were John
Suman, Daniel and Brazleton Noland and wives, William
Diltz and wife, N. Sands, J. C. Guston and Henry Russell.
This ^as for many years a very popular place for meeting.
It has, however, for several years been numbered among the
things of the past, the house being regarded unsafe to meet
in. Death has claimed raany of its former members, while
others are scattered so widely that an organization has
ceased to exist. Araong those formerly belonging to the
society, and are buried near the church, are Daniel Noland
and wife, William Diltz and John Suman.
This society was first organized ai Huntsville, February
the 20th, 1859, but was soon afterward removed to Pendle
ton. The first merabers were John Tillson, John Huston,
Thoraas G, Mitchell, Isaac Busby, Jaraes and Lewis Cassi-
day, David Bousraan. In March, 1859, preparations were
made to build a house of worship in Pendleton, which was
completed the following fall. The size is thirty-five by
forty feet. It is a frame building, finished in good style,
with belfry, and will seat about four hundred persons com
fortably, the cost of which was $2,500. The trustees are
as follows : J, R. Silver, Harvey Craven. Among the
ministers who have preached for this society are Rev. Mr.
Gibson, J. M. Westfali, W. W. Curry, J, D, H, Corwin, W.
C. Brooks, This society is not in as prosperous a condition
as formerly. Those who have donated most for the erection
of this church, and have been the greater instruraents in the
organization of this society, have passed away, but their
memories live, and will continue to live, as noble and
worthy men, of whom we will speak, hereafter, separately.
In connection with the above church has existed for several
years a flourishing Sabbath school. The superintendent is
J. R. Silver, secretary, WiUiam Mills. Average attend
ance, forty. This church is now, and has always been, open
to all denominations, public lectures, when not occupied by
the Universalists. This house is located on North Main
Below we give a list of the post-offices in Madison county,
with a list of the post masters and their salaries, and the
number of periodicals and papers taken at each office. Also
the number of times they are supplied with the mail.
Anderson and Pendleton are money-order offices, and the
only ones in the county. The post office at Prosperity has
lately been abandoned.
li o
Post Masters.
i¦< <
1,011 720 185
110 82
135185 75
135150 95
8550 45
H. J. Brown
W. M. Morris
James Johnson...
F. M. Hunter
C. A. Star
W. T. Trueblood...
Tri-weeklv ...
T. L. Beckwith....
S M lifiwis
Semi-weekly.. Daily
Joseph Cohen
George Dunham...
S. F.Hardy
A Moore
Semi-weekly.. Weekly
Tri-weekly ...
New Columbus
Levi Patterson
G. B.More
Wesley White
Elijah Ring
This pike was commenced in the year 1859, and the first
three miles from Pendleton were completed the same year.
The road, however, was not finished to Markleville until
1865 and the two miles east of Markleville to the county
Hne not until 1867. The entire length of the line is^ nine
miles and a fraction, running a little south of east from
Pendleton. It cost fifteen hundred dollars per mile. The
first officers were : President, Neal Hardy ; treasurer, L.
W, Thomas ; secretary, J. T, Wall ; directors, C. G. Mauzy,
Elwood Brown and Ralph Williams. The receipts for the
past year have been $1,550.43 ; the amount paid out,
$938,80, The pike is in good order. The company have
built the last two years two iron bridges, one over Spring
branch, costing $525.00, the other over Lick creek, five
miles east of Pendleton, costing $1,415.00, which was paid
by the county. The bridges were superintended by J. B.
Lewis and John H. Kinnard. The company have two
gates, costing each $390.00, The stockholders the past year
have received a dividend of six per cent. The present
officers are : President, John H. Kinnard ; treasurer,
Woolson Swain ; secretary, J. B. Lewis ; directorsj John
Kinnard, J, B. Lewis, C. G, Mauzy, John McCallister and
Dr. Walker. Length of the county nine miles.
The Anderson and Fishersburg turnpike company was
organized in August, 1 865. Elias Brown, John Cunning
ham, Samuel Moss, William Woodward and David Conrad,
were the first directors. David Conrad was chosen presi
dent, C. D. Thompson, secretary, and Samuel Moss, treas
urer. The road is nine and one-fourth miles in length, of
which seven and one-fourth miles are corapleted. This
road cost two thousand dollars per raile, and pays six per
cent. The present directors are, Elias Brown, Noah Hunt
zinger, D. B. Davis, Sarauel E. Busby and David Conrad.
President, David Conrad, secretary, Jaraes B. Woodward,
treasurer, Samuel E. Busby.
This read was built in 1868 ; is five miles in length, and
cost $1,100 per raile. It intersects the Anderson and Ches-
terfield road, from which point it runs due south, parallel
with the Short Line pike, and about one mile east of the
same. The following were the first directors : Eph-
riam Clem, Henry Keller, Michael Stohler, George
Chittetiden and George Nichol. The following are the
present directors : Wilson Cory, Isaac Hoppis, W. Stan
ley, Alfred Hoppis and Michael Stohler. The officers are :
W. Stanley, president, Wilson Corey, secretary, George
Nichol, treasurer. This road is in good order, with the
exception of one-fourth of a mile along the farm of George
Coopman, which has never vbeen graveled. This road has
two gates.
This pike was built in 1867, at a cost of $1,800 per
mile. The points connected are Anderson and Florida sta
tion. Its length is six miles and runs in a northwesterly
direction. The officers and directors are as follows : Jaraes
HoUinsworth, J. L. Jones, N. L. Wickersham and Henry
Roadcap. This road has two gates.
This pike was built in 1862, at a cost of fifteen hundred
dollars per mile. Its direction is a little to the west of
south from Pendleton, passing through the village of Men
den, and crossing Lick creek just north of the town. The
directors are J. W. Manifold, James Jones, J. P. McCarty,
M, C. Cook and Rollin Moore. The president is James
Jones ; the secretary aad treasurer, J. W. Manifold, The
distance frora Pendleton to Eden is eight miles. This pike
has two gates four miles in this county.
This pike intersects with the Anderson and Alexandria
turnpike near Robert Adams' woolen factory, and extends
into Richland township in a northeasterly direction. Its
entire length is six and three-fourths miles, and cost twelve
hundred dollars per raile. This pike crosses Kill Buck
near the Asbury church. The first directors were Jonathan
Dillon, Sarauel Falkner, John Coburn, Weems Heagy and
Madison Falkner. The president was H. D. Thorapson ;
the secretary, Jonathan Dillon. It has two gates.
This pike intersects the Pendleton and Newcastle pike
four miles east of Pendleton, and runs south to the Hancock
county line, and from there to Warrington. The length
within this county is three miles. It was built in 1870, and
cost $1,200 per mile. The first directors were : M. G.
Walker, J, R. Boston, Robert Blakely, Lewis Copeland and
Joseph Stanley. The present officers are : President,
Joseph Stanley, secretary, J. L. Fussell ; treasurer, Seth
Walker. The present dirctors are : Lewis Copeland, Joel
Garrettson, Edward Roberts and John W. Trece.
This pike has its northern terminus three miles east of
Pendleton, on the Pendleton and Newcastle turnpike, and
extends south to the county line. The length of the road
is three and one-fourth miles. It was built in 1867, and
cost $1,500. The first directors 'ere : J. P. James, J, L.
Thomas and Jacob Kennard, The president was Jacob
Kennard ; the secretary, J. L. Thomas. It has no gates.
This road was commenced in 1865, at Pendleton. The
first four miles cost $3,000 per mile. That part of the road
next to Fishersburg was built rauch cheaper and cost
$2,000 per raile. This pike runs in a northwesterly direc
tion and is eight miles in length. The first directois were.
J. A. Taylor, Harvey Craven, David Bodenhorn and David
-Conrad. The treasurer was J. O.Hardy. The following
are the present directors : Charles Fisher, J. A. Taylor, J.
V. Kerr, W. V. Shanklin, Benjamin Wise and G. W.
This pike extends from Pendleton down the northwest
bank of Fall creek to the Harailton county line. The
length is seven mUes. That portion of this road lying
next to Hamilton, county is not completed. The
work on this road was commenced in 1870, but was soon
after discontinued. The first directors were, Judson
Learned, Thoraas Scott, Joseph Shaul, John Petegrew and
James Williams. About two-thirds of this road lies in
Green township and one-third in Fall Creek township.
This pike was begun early in the spring of 1866, with
the following board : President, N. C, McCullough ; treas
urer, George Nichol; secretary, A. D. Williams; directors,
Stephen Carr, Samuel Walden and Peter Festler. This
road is nine miles in length, and runs southeast and inter
sects the Pendleton and Newcastle pike two miles west of
Markleville. Its cost was twelve hundred dollars per mile.
The last two railes south of Colurabus was not finished untU
the year 1872. The receipts in 1873 were $1,241.64, and
the amount paid out for the sarae year was $844.40. The
company declared a dividend in 1873 of six per cent. The
following are the present board of directors : Frank Pence,
Samuel Festler, Jacob Festler, L. D. Regor, Merideth
Stanley and George Nichol. There are three gates on the
road, one having been built the present year. Preparations
are being made to erect an iron bridge over Fall creek at
New Columbus at this time, the expense of which will be
partially paid by the county. This road has the most travel
of any in the county, if we except, perhaps, the Alexandria
pike. ^
The corapany was organized May, 1866, with the follow
ing directors : T. L. Beckwith, Jacob Zeller, George
Nichol, James Clauser, and James M, Jackson, T. L.
Beckwith was elected president, and J. M, Jackson secre
tary. The road is eleven miles in length. The cost per
mUe was $1,400. The road is on the north side of the
river. The present officers are William Crira, president,
and Townsend Ryan, secretary. The directors are William
Whitehead, George Nichol, Jacob Zeller, T, Ryan, and
William Crim,
This pike was built in 1855, The first directors were
William Crira, Neal McCoUough, George Nichol, James
Hazlett, and Dr, Hunt, The road is ten miles in length.
It runs nearly north, crosses Kill Buck, near Adams'
woolen factory, and passes through Prosperity in the west
edge of Richland township. The two miles next to Alex
andria is not yet finished. The road is in good repair, and
is used raore than any other road in the county. The
directors are N. C. McCoUouirh, Williara Crira, A. J.
Brunt, and E. J. Walden. The officers are William Crim,
president; N. C. McCoUough, treasurer, and Joseph Fulton,
This pike was built in 1772, The directors are Sam'l Moss,
M, Moss, Isaac Moss, Thomas Shannon, Joel White and Allen
Lee, with Samuel Moss, president, and Jacob Harless, secre
tary. The cost per mile was fifteen hundred dollars. This
road intersects with the Perkinsville and Anderson pike at
the Moss-Stone Quarry, and extends three and a half miles
west to Harailton, and its terminus is one mile and a half
west of Hamilton. It is only finished from Hamilton to the
stone quarry, a distance of three and a half miles. This pike
bears a little north of west, and is on the south side of White
river, and on an average of about half a mile distant from the
same. The present directors are : Jacob Harless, James
Johnson, Robert Carter, Allen Lee and William Baker.
The officers are : Jacob Harless, president ; Samuel Wil
liams, secretary, and Silas Busby, treasurer.
This road was built in 1866. Its direction is a little
north of west, and its length within the county- six miles.
The original directors were A. B. Taylor, Williara A. Baker,
Samuel Nicholson, James R. Silver and Burwell William
son. The following are the present directors : James R.
Silver, Elijah Williams, Anderson Bolinger, W. A. Baker
and O. B. Shaul. The officers are : J. R. Silver, president ;
J, O. Hardy, treasurer ; C. E. Goodrich, secretary. The
cost per raile was $2,242.00. The corapany has within the
last few years erected an iron bridge over Fall creek, just
west of Pendleton, at a cost of fifteen hundred dollars.
This mill is located on Kill Buck, in Richland township,
five miles north-east of Anderson, A sraall mill was erected
here by F. Walker and J. B. Purcell. Six years later the
present building was erected. It is twenty-four by forty,
and three stories high. The carpenter work was done by
J, T. Swain in 1846. It ha^ one hundred and fifty spindles
and one loom, and manufactures seventy-five pounds of
wool per day. It is supplied with water from Kill Buck
by means of a race, on the south side of the creek. This
mill is now owned by Stephen Broadbent, and valued at
This mill is situated in the southeastern part of Fall
Creek township, on Lick creek. It was built by Charles
Jacobs and J. L, Fussell, in 1852, at a cost of $1,800, It
is a sash mill, and owned by Allen Lukens, and valued at
$1,500. This mill has done a large amount of work in
tiraes past, but of late, owing to the scarcity of timber,
only runs a part ot the time.
The first national grist mill at Pendleton, known as the
lower mill, was built by Samuel Irish in 1848, at a cost of
$8,000. It is three stories high, has three run of stone,
and is supplied with water from Fall creek by a race on the
south of this stream. The mill is situated one-half mile
southwest of Pendleton, and a little south of the pike lead
ing to Noblesville. It is at present owned by Andrew
Taylor, and has been since he bought it repaired and
improved greatly. At this time it is considered to be worth
$12,000. It is capable of making seventy-five barrels of
flour in twenty-four hours, beside doing the custom work.
This mill gets a great araount of custom from Hamilton
county, and does a large shipping business with merchants
in Philadelphia, Cleveland and Indianapolis. The present
miller is Mr. Youst. There is in connection with the
mill a saw mill running by the same power.
This mill was built in 1867 by Roadcap and Van
Winkle, at a cost of $2,000. They ship lumber to Ander
son and other points along the railroad after supplying the
horae deraand. They employ four hands, and are capable
of making 4,000 feet of lumber per day. On the third day
after this mill was put in operation, the boiler bursted, kill
ing instantly C, R, Wolf and Perry Mo«:,re, and seriously
injuring several others. This sad accident cast a gloom
over the village and vicinity for some tirae. The raill is
now owned by Van Winkle, Tucker and Clauser, and
valued at $2,500.
This mill was commenced by Bailey Jackson in 1843,
but was abandoned by hira, and finished by Jaraes Peden, in
the year 1835. This mill is supplied with water from Fall
creek, by means of a race on the south bank of the creek..
This mill is at present owned ,by the heirs of Samuel Hess.^
It does only a local trade, and is in operation only about six
months in the year.
This raill was built in 1870, by Abisha Lewis and John
Huston at a cost of $2,900, including a shingle raachine,
which was added in 1872, This mill has done a large
amount of work. The owners ship their lumber to New
Castle and Pendleton. They shipped at one tirae over a
hundred thousand feet of walnut lumber to New Castle.
The mill is now owned by John Huston, Mr. Lewis retiring
in 1874 This mill is capable of making three thousand
feet per day, and employs four hands.
This mill was buUt in 1872 by Perry & Co., at a cost of
$5,000. It is now owned by Perry, Painter & Co. This
mill is in good working order, and employs eight hands.
This firm is also engaged in the furniture business. Their
building is two stories high, thirty-five by forty-five, and
situated south of the line of the Lafayette and Muncie Rail
road and on the pike leading to Anderson. The mill is
valued at $5,000, and it is the only mill of the kind in the
northern part of the county. Its proprietors deserve great
eredit for the enterprise they have manifested in building
this mill.
This mill was built in 1859 by Jacob Zeller, at a cost of
f 10,000. It is four stories high ; has three run of stone,
and is capable of making fifty barrels in twenty-four hours.
It does besides the custom work, a large merchant business,
and ships flour to Philadelphia and Baltimore, as also to
Anderson and other local points. It is perhaps the third best
mill in the county, running almost constantly the year
round. Near the site of this mill, William Perkins built
the first mill in the township in 1826, This was a very
small imperfect mill ; but, however, served its day, and
gave place to a better one about the year 1835. This mill,
though a better one than the old corn cracker, fulfilled its
time, and gave place to the present raill. These mills have
all been supplied with water from White river, by means of
a dam, a few rods above . This mill has for the past two
years been rented to L. R. Webb; it, however, is owned by
Jacob Zeller, and is valued at $12,0Q0.
This raill was built in 1870 by Williams, Moore & Dove,
at a cost $5,000. It has two run of burs, is two stories
high, and does only a custom work. It is now owned by
Bratton & Finnemore, Since tha above was written we
have understood that an interest in this mill has been bought
by William Daniels, This is the only grist mill in Van
Buren township.
This raiU was built in 1871 by J. P. Safibrd, at a cost of
$2,500. It is now owned by Stone & Fear. They employ
four hands, and are capable of making four thousand feet of
lumber in twenty-four hours. Besides supplying the home
demand they ship a large amount of lumber to Jonesboro,
Alexandria and Elwood.
This mill is situated one mile northeast of Summitville,
"Van Buren township. It was built in 1873 by Cramer &
Robb, and cost $5,000. They employ eight hands. They
are capable of making a large amount of lumber and coop
ers' material. They ship mostly to Chicago and Pittsburg.
This is an enterprising firm, and has been the means of con
verting a large amount of .surplus timber into money.
This mill was buUt in 1859 by John Quick. It is a large
frame, three stories high, situated in the south part of town,
nearjhe raUroad. It has three run of burrs, and is capable
of making about forty barrels of flour per day. It does
mostly custom work, but ships some flour to near points on
the railroad. This mill is now owned by John Townsend,
and is valued at $8,000.
This miU was erected in 1871 by W. H. Cochran and
Bro., and cost $2,500. It is located a short distance north
east of Frankton ; employs four hands, and is capable of
making five thousand feet of lumber per day. They deliver
a large amount of lumber on the railroad.
These mills are situated a short distance northeast of
Chesterfield, on Mill creek. The grist mill was originally
built by Amasa Makepeace in 1824, It was a small mill
when first built, but has since been enlarged and improved
by the addition of machinery. The building is three stories
high, and has three run of stone, and does mostly cu.stom
work. It is supplied with water from Mill creek, which
turns a ponderous overshot wheel, twenty feet in diameter.
Adjoining is the steam saw mill, which has been built but a
few years, and is capable of making three thousand feet of
lumber per day. These mills are now owned by A, and A.
W. Makepeace, and are valued at $6,000.
This mill was built by J. Caseley & Son at a cost of
$5,000, and is well adapted to the purpose for which it was
built. It has run a greater part of the time with the excep
tion of one year, when the flax crop was nearly a failure.
They have paid on an average about seven dollars per ton
for straw, an article which before was almost useless, and
which now makes an itera in the revenue of the township.
This was the second mill of the kind built in the county.
It is located half a mile southeast of town, and immediately
north ofthe fair ground. It was built in 1869,
This mill was built by James and Martin in 1872. It is
located a short distance below the Falls, on the south bank
of the creek, near the iron bridge. It has only one single
planing machine, and matches and dresses all kinds ot lum
ber. The engine is a twenty-horse power. It is the only
mill of the kind in the south part ot the county. The
entire cost of this mill was $2,500. The work done in 1873-
amounted $2,500,
This miU was buUt in 1871, at a cost of $3,200, by
Houghman and Lee, and is situated in the northwest part
of Perkinsville, near the Hamilton county line. This mill
is capable of making five thousand feet of luraber per day,
and employs six hands. They ship luraber to Boston and
San Francis JO, and have cut near one million feet of walnut
lumber since they .started.
This mill was completed in September, 1874, and within
ninety days from the time the work was first commenced.
It is a frame, three stores high, with a rock foundation, and
is covered with a slate.roof. It has three run of burrs,
capable of raaking seventy-five barrels of flour in twenty-
four hours. This mill is supplied with an engine frora the
Machine works at Anderson. It is also furnished with all
the modern improvements of milling. Mr. Dickson, the
proprietor, buys all kinds of grain, and ships flour to Cleve
land and Philadelphia, besides supplying some home trade,
and doing custom work. This mill is located at the foot of
Meridian street, near the Bellefontaine railroad. The
entire cost of this mill was eleven thousand dollars.
This mill is situated three-fourths of a mile north of
Anderson, on the north bank of White river and between
the raouth of Kill Buck and the Cincinnati and Chicago
Railroad bridge. This mill was built in 1863, by Spark
and Siddall. It is three stories high. Three run ot stone
are propelled by water from Kill Buck. There is also a
saw-mill in connection. They are owned by John Hall,
who bought them in 1866. These mills do a large amount
of work, mostly confined to the custom of the vicinity.
The patrons live generally north of the river. The mills
are valued at $6,000. The grist mill is capable of making
thirty barrels of flour per day.
This mill was originally a warehouse, built by Willis
G. Atherton, and was used for that purpose until the year
1868, when new machinery was put in by P. Carl & Son.
J. E. Young was soon afterwards associated with the firra.
In 1871 G. D. Schalk becarae proprietor. This mill has
two run of burrs, is capable of making fifty barrels per day.
The owner buys grain of all kinds and ships flour, and has
a very heavy custom work. The mill is a frarae fifty by
eighty feet, two stories high, and valued at $12,000. This
mill is located near the Cincinnati and Chicago depot.
This factory is in the southeast corner of Richland
township, on the Kill Buck, and a little below where the
Little and Big Kill Buck unite. It is also on the Ander
son and Alexandria pike, two and one-half miles from the
former place. This factory, originally a very sraall one,
was built by Curtis & Bond about the year 1835. In the
year 1848 it came into the possession of Alfred Makepeace,
who added to the building and raachinery. A few years
later it became the property of the present owner, Robert
Adams, wbo from time to tirae has added to the machinery,
until it is known far and wide as a first-class factory, doing
work equal to any in the State, This factory is capable of
working one hundred and twenty pounds of wool per day.
It h£s two hundred and forty spindles ; has one first-class
loom and four of the Stafford pattern. They employ eight
hands. The entire property is valued at fourteen thousand
dollars. Mr, Adams is a Scotchman, thoroughly under
stands his business, and by fair dealing and promptness has
won for this factory a good narae.
These mills were built about the year 1836, by Joseph
3Iullanix. They have since been owned by Frank Davis, L,
Brown, Van Pelt and Wyman, John Garrettson, James Hol
lingsworth, I. P. Snelson, Nichol and King, Robert Traster,
and A. E. RusseU. It is now owned by W. B. Allen.
This mill was consumed by fire in 1873. It has since been
rebuilt. It is three stories high ; has three run of burrs,
and does a large custom work, besides supplying Anderson
and other points east. This mill is located two miles west
of Anderson, and is supplied with water from White river.
The mill derived its name from a sraall island in the river.
It is valued at $15,000, and is capable of making seventy-
five barrels of flour in twenty-four hours. It is at present
rented by L. R. Webb, formerly of the Perkinsville mill.
This mill was built in the year 1871 by Harailton and
Brothers. It is located just south of the corporation line
and near the Catholic cemetery. It is a frame building,
and cost $2,600. It has two breakers, and otherwise very
well fixed for work. It did a large amount of business
until 1873, when but little fiax was raised, and it conse
quently did but little work. During the year of 1872 the
firm employed six hands and used two thousand dollars
worth of straw, at six dollars a ton, thus making a consid
erable item of what was considered a worthless material.
The first grade was used for gunny bags and the second
for upholstering.
The first mill built here was by WUUam and Thomas
McCartney, in 1825. It was a small log mill. It, how
ever, filled the demands of the day, and was a great conven
ience to the early settlers who had previously went twenty
or thirty miles fot- their grinding. Mr, Thoraas Bell was the
second owner of this mill. James Irish was the third
owner of this property. He built a much larger one on
the south side of the creek, which is yet standing, but was
abandoned as a mill some years since. A woolen mill was
erected by Samuel Irish on the north side and just below
the falls. On the death of S. D. Irish this entire property,
including several acres of land, was sold to Bomgardner,
Zueblin, Walker, and French. Soon after the woolen fac
tory was consumed by fire ; loss three thousand dollars.
Steps were taken to rebuild, which was done on a grand
scale._ This last building was of stone and brick, costing
sixteen thousand dollars. This was in the year 1865. It
continued to run as a woolen factory for five years, when it
was converted into a grist mill, with an additional cost of
sixteen thousand dollars, making, when ready to run, thirty-
two thousand dollars. It is by far the best mill in the
county, has five run of stone, four stories high, and is capa
ble of making one hundred and fifty barrels of flour in
twenty-four hours. This mill is supplied by water from
the falls, by which it is run except when in a low stage,
when steam is applied. About a year after the organiza
tion of this firm Mr. J. E. French retired. Mr. I. N.
Zueblin retired in 1870, and J. W. Bomgardner in 1873.
The firra now consists of O. L. Walker (son of M, G.
Walker referred to above) and A, W. Howe. They ship
flour to New York, Cleveland, Boston and Indianapolis,
beside doing a large local trade and the custom work.
Adjoining, a few yards east, is a saw mill and heading fac
tory, the cost of which was six thousand dollars, built by
Bomgardner, Walker and Zueblin, and is now owned by
Walker & Howe.
The first mill was built at Huntsville near where the
present mill now stands, perhaps a little farther up the
creek or race. This was adequate for all purposes until the
year 1830, when it was replaced by a large three-story mill
with three run of stone. Attached to this was an oil and
a saw mill ; also, a woolen factory, all of which was des
troyed by fire in 1848, This was a severe blow to Hunts-
viUe and also to Mr. Adamson. However another was
built soon by Nathan Wilson, Thomas Koeuin, Jonathan
Wynn. This was four story high, four run of stone and is
in every respect a first class mill, having went through thor
ough repairs by B. F. Aimen, It -does a large amount of
merchant work, shipping to Philadelphia and Indianapolis.
Just a few rods east is a saw mill which has been running
for several years, lately repaired by Cook and Aimen. Mr.
Cook sold his interest in the latter, also in the grist raill in
1872, to Mr- Aimen. These mUls are valued at $12,000.
Mr. Aimen employs six hands in his mills. They are
supplied with water from Fall creek by a race on the north
side. These mills are frame, with solid rock foundation.
The grist mill has also a solid rock fore-bay and is pro
pelled by the improved Turban wheel. The principal
miUers have been : Peter Helvey, Harvey Sweet, James
Elsworth. Present miller, George A. Phipps. The car
penter work and mill-wrighting was done by J. T. Swain,
R. J. Hues, Mathias Simmons, Mi-. Armstrong and B. F.
This mill was erected in the year 1850, by B. Noland, at
a cost of $8,000. It is three stories high, has three run of
burrs, and is capable of making seventy-five barrels of flour
in twenty-four hours.
This mill, during the first few years, did an extensive mer
chant business, especially while in the hands of J. W. Vose,
who ran it to the utmost capacity. He bought grain and
shipped flour very extensively. It has, however, of late,
lost its high reputation, and is not, at this writing, in oper
ation. Its seeming owners and renters have become
involved, so much so, that its real owners can not be found.
It is located south of Chesterfield, near the Bellefontaine
This mill was built in 1862-3, by F. M. Daniels, and is
the second best mill in the county. It is four stories high,
has three run of burrs, and is capable of making one hun
dred and twenty barrels of flour in tweuty-four hours. It
has an extensive merchant trade, beside doing tbe customi
work. This mill was bought by S. E. Young, at an assign
ee's sale, in January, 1873, it having been for a few months
idle, Mr. Young has fitted up this mill in tiptop order,
having supplied it with all the modern improveraents. He
ships flour to Baltimore and other points East. This mill
is valued at $15,000, and is located in the south part of
Alexandria, near the line of the Lafayette and Muncie
Located at New Columbus, Adams township, was organ
ized May 24, 1854. First met in the second story of a log
house on north side of street. The first officers weres B,
W, Cooper, W, M; Joseph Peden, S. Wi; Williara Malone,
J. W. The names of chartered members are as foUows :
R. E. Poindexter, John McCallister, Hiram Peden, John
Hicks, James Biddle, David Fesler, Joel Pratt, William
Sebrell, John Slaughter, Garrett McAUister, Joseph Poin
dexter, John J. Justice. In 1860 the members built a new
room ; this is also in the second story ; tbe lower portion is
also owned by the lodge. It is rented and used as a store
room. Their hall was dedicated July 14, 1860. Brothers
Eastman, Roach and Boram officiating, followed with an
out- door dinner, speaking, etc. The cost of entire building
$1,500. The entire membership is 33. Officers as follows:
A. T. MoAUister, W. M.; WUUam Carmony, S, W,; Lewis
Johnson, J. W.; George Fesler, treasurer; Randal Biddle,.
secretary; Peter Cline, S. D.; Adam Forney, J. D.; Miles
Gray, tyler ; William Rumler and John Pane, stewards.
Several of the chartered members of this lodge have also
died, whose names are as follows : B, W. Cooper, Joseph
Peden, Garrett McAllister, Joel Pratt. Originating from
this lodge, we have the Rural Lodge at Markleville, No.
324. In the proper place we have omitted to give the size
ofthe building, which is twenty-four by thirty-six feet. Stairs
leading up on jutside ; room comfortably furnished, and in
good working order; out of debt, and a small fund on
Date' of charter, May 24th, 1844. Charter members
were : G. W. Ballengall, W. M. ; G. W, Godwin, S. W. ;
John Percell, J. W. ; Newel WUliams, secretary. This
lodge occupies their old hall over the school house, built in
1850. It has served them long and well. This lodge at
one time was very strong and was the second one in the
county. It has lost by death and removal many of its
former members. An effort was made some time since to
remove it to Dalesville, two miles east in the edge of Dela
ware county, but hav e thus far failed. The present officers are
as follows: G. W. Tucker, W. M. ; John Hurley, S. W. ;
William Scott, J. W. ; F. W. Shimer, treasurer ; W. T.
Trueblood, secretary; Henry Bronnenburg, S. E.; Berriam
bhafer, J. D. ; Joseph Smith, tyler.
Date of charter, March 25, 1858. The names of the first
officers are as follows : Andrew J. Griffith, W. M. ; James
M. Dehority, S, W. ; David Barton, J. W. The names of
the present officers are as foUows: Adolphus B. Laughlin,
W. M. ; A. B. Wilson, S. W. ; C. L. Savage, J, W. ; Henry
Cochron, treasurer; Joseph A. Moore, secretary. The
membership of Quincy lodge is, at present, sixty-nine. The
hall belonging to the lodge is estimated at one thousand
dollars. EUEAL LODGE NO. 324, P. & A. M.
Located at MarklevUle; date of charter. May 24th,
1864. The charter members were: J. J. Justice, John
Boram, F, L, Seward, David Johnson, E. B. Garrison,
Daniel Cook, W. B. Markle, Samuel Cory, Levy McDaniel,
Samuel Harden. First officers were : J, J. Justice, W. M,;
John Boram, S. W.; F. L. Seward, J. W.; David Johnson,
treasurer ; E, B. Garrison, secretary. During the first year
the lodge labored under great disadvantages, having no suit
able room in which to meet. The second year a small room
was built, eighteen by thirty feet, the second story of what
now is Lynch's shoe shop. This was occupied by them till
October, 1873, when their new hall was completed. This is
a good hall, twenty-four by forty feet, with araple ante-
roora ; stair on the inside. This is over the store-room of
Hardy & Lewis,- It was built at a cost of $1,000 by
Hardy & Lewis, and was bought of them by tbe lodge at
the above figures. Since its organization the following have
died : David Johnson, F. L. Seward, W. B. Markle. The
following are its present officers : Allen Boram, W, M.;
Albert Lewis, S. W,; Reuben Wilkinson, J. W.; W. Sum-
merville, treasurer ; John Franklin, secretary ; A. J.
Delph, S. D.; Joseph Blake, J. D.; J. D. Judd, tyler ;
Maxey Davis and Andrew J, Cunningham, stewards. The
regular night of meeting is Saturday, on or before the fulling
of the moon. The total membership is thirty-six.
Date of charter. May 18,1865, Charter members were
Joseph Eastman, J. R. Silver, D. H. Roberts, F, L. Walker,
George R. Boram, B. F. Aimen, W. D, Eastman, George
Nickelson. The present members are John Hick,s, George
Nickelson, B, F, Aimen, R. E, .Poindexter, Daniel Cook,
John J. Justice, James Wynan, J. A. McDaiiiel, William
P, Clark, Ross Wilkinson, Gavin Morrizson, Seth Hays,
John Boram, John F, Cook, J. W. Shimer, James Biddle,
R, R. Gibbons, Henry Mingle, Solomon Kinnaman, O. L.
Walker, Miles Madron, Allen Boram; James R. Silver, D.
W. Roberts, W. H. Roberts, J. W, Perry, D. R. Franks,
George Biyant, William Iford, George A, Phipps, J, D.
Johnson, Lundy Fuzsell, George Wingle. The present
officers are John J. Justice, H. P. ; George Bryant, king ;
R. R. Gibson, scribe; J, H. Hicks, capt. host.; B. F.
Aimen, prin. sojourner ; B. L. Fuzsell, R, A. capt. ; Allen
Boram, G. M. 3d vale, ; J. D. Johnson, G. M. 2d vale. ;
Henry Mingle, G. M. 1st vale.; J. F. Cook, treasurer;
George A. Phipps, secretary ; William Iford, guard. Stated
comraunications first Saturday evening after full moon.
Chapter meets in Masonic building with lodge occupied by
master masons. FEANKTON LODGE, NO. 290, F. AND A. M.
Date of charter. May 27, 1863, The first officers were:
A. G. ToraUnson, W. M, ; Williara R. Stoker, S. W.;
Lafayette Osburn, J. W. ; A. B, Laughlin, S. D. ; W. L.
Philpott, J. D. ; B. F. Beason, treasurer ; R. C. Quick,
secretary, and A. C. Williams, tyler. The present officers
are : W. R. Stoker, W. M, ; John B. Mabit, S, W, ; Allen
Richwine, J. W. ; Jaraes C. Montgoraary, treasurer ; A. H.
MulhoUand, secretary ; J, L, Lane, S. D. ; Jaraes E. Prew
ett, J. D. ; A, J. Callahan, tyler. Noah Wayraire, chap
lain. Total merabership, forty-two. Stated communica
tion Saturday night on or before the full moon in each
Date of charter, May 25, 1858. Charter members: R.
H. Hannah, W. M. ; Orrison Free, S. W. ; A. G. Tomlin
son, J. W. ; F. S. Sherraan, treasurer ; D, M. Scott,
secretary ; T. G. Pickard, tyler. The present officers are:
Solomon Perry, W, M. ; Peter Schwinn, S. W. ; Thomas
McCown, J. W, ; Nathan O'Bryan, S. D. ; W. R. Perry, J.
D. ; W. H. Miller, treasurer ; W. R. Bailey, secretary ; N.
A. J. Lee, tyler ; Elias Fink and Robert Hughs, stewards.
Nuraber of merabers, eighty. This lodge owns their hall
which is very neat and well furnished ; valued at $1,200.
Located at JPendleton. Date of charter May 24, 1842.
List of first officers : Sarauel D. Irish, W. M.; Joseph
Chitwood, S. W.; William Roach, J. W.; Archibald
Cooney, treasurer; W. H. Mershon, secretary; Coradon
Richraond, S. D.; John W. Walker, J. D.; George W.
Poisal, tyler. Corner stone of hall laid 24th June, 1853,
The hall is of brick ; the second story 24 by 36 ; is well
carpeted and furnished. Has a raerabership of 62. The
following are its present officers : G, N. Davidson, W. M.;
John D. Johnson, S. W,; R. R. Gibbons, J. W,; W. F.
Morris, treasurer; Martin Chapraan, jr., secretary; John
H. Hicks, S. D.; J. W. Kennaman, J. D.; Andrew Els
worth, tyler. This is the oldest Masonic lodge in the
county, and has had upon its roll many excellent men,
among whom we may mention Joseph Eastman, S, D.
Irish, W. H, Marshon, Coradon Richmond, all of whom
have been summoned to the Grand Lodge above. Araong
those living, who have been co-workers in tiraes past, are
William Roach, J. W. Walker, William Silver, Ninevah
Berry. ANDEESON LODGE, No. 114, P, AND A. M.
This lodge, after working a year under dispensation, was
granted a charter on May 30th, 1866. The following were
its first officers : H. J. Blackledge, W. M.; J. W. Smith,
S. W.; William MitcheU, J, W,; W. R. West, treasurer ;
J, N, Conwell, secretary ; Alford Walker, S. D.; J. W,
Miller, J, D,; E. B. Holloway, tyler. This lodge is in a
flourishing condition, and has a membership of forty-one.
They meet in the sarae hall as the other Masonic lodges of
Anderson, in the third story over L. M. Tree's store, on the
east side of the public square. The following are the pres
ent officers, elected on December 27th, 1873 : J. P. Barrts,
W. M.; James Carpenter, S. W.; C. C. Cain, J. W.; F. W.
Shelley, treasurer ; R. P. Falkner, secretary ; H. J. Black
ledge, S. D.; C. F. WiUiams, J. D.; M. M. Rozell, tyler.
This lodge was organized November the 3d, 1864, with
the following officers : A. D. WUliams, H. P. ; William
Roach, king ; E. J. Walden, scribe ; Samuel Forkner, C. H. ;
M. Forkner, P. S. ; John Nelson, R. A. C. ; N. Perry, G.
N, 3d vaU; D. A. Clark, G. N. 2d vaU; J. T. Makepeace,
G. N. 1st vail; Samuel Kiser, guard. The present officers
are A. D.Williams, H. P. ; N, Berry, king ; H. D. Thompson,
scribe ; Williara Roach, C. H, ; Thomas J. Stephens, R. A.
C; W. A, Hunt, G. N. 3d vail; A. Doyle, G. N. 2d vaU;
L. R. Webb, G, N, 1st vail; R. V, Atherton, guard. The
total membership is sixty-nine. It meets in the sarae hall
as the Blue lodges, in the third story, over L. M, Trees'
store, on the east side of public square,
This lodge was organized at Anderson on June 1, 1849,
with the following officers : Henry Wyman, W. M. ; Adam
Reed, S. W, ; Robert Woster, J. W. ; R. N. Williams, sec
retary ; Richard Lake, treasurer ; T. Ryan, S. D, ; Burkett
Eads, J. D, and Gary T. Hoover, tyler. They met in the
court house until the year 1852, when they met up stairs in
the U. S. hotel for a few years. They then met over Hen
derson's drug store until the year 1866, when they rented
the hall of T. N. Stillwell, which they now occupy, together
with other Masonic lodges of the city. This is a splendid
hall, twenty-four by eighty, with ample ante-rooms and is
in the third story over L. M, Trees' store, on the east side
ofthe square. This hall is well fitted up and finished in
good style. The present officers are : James A. Thomp
son, W. M. ; M, Atherton, S. W.; J. W. Falkner, J. W.;
E. J. Walden, treasurer ; R. V. Atherton, secretary ; Wil
liam Kittinger, S, D.; George Hughel, J, D. ; Thomas Gee,
tyler. The total membership is one hundred.
This lodge was organized under dispensation, June 3d,
1858, with the following list of charter members : G. B.
Grubbs, W. M.; F. H. Douglas, S. W.; J. C. Peck, J. W.;
Z. Leaming, treasurer; J. M. Garretson, secretary; M.
Davis, S, D.; George House, J. D.; E. Hubbard, tyler.
Charter granted May 25th, 1859. The present membership
of this lodge is sixty-two. The naraes of the present officers
are as follows : Levi Benefield, W. M.; L. R. Webb, S. W.;
W. H. Johnson, J. W.; M. Prewett, treasurer ; C. M. Du-
Bois, secretary; George Banner, S. D. ; John Hend ron, J,
D.; George Sparrow, tyler. This lodge owns a comfortable,
well furnished hall, and is, financially in a good condition.
The stated comraunication of this lodge is Saturday, on or
before the full moon .n each month.
This lodge is working under a legal charter granted by
the Grand Lodge ofthe State of Indiana, January 19, 1872.
The following is a list of chartered raembers : W. S, Phil
pott, Wm. Lee, F. M. Hunter, I. S. Boyden, H. Clenden,
W. H. Quick. Names of the first officers : W. S, Philpott, N.
G.; J. M. Wagner; V. G.; R. R. Cramer, sectretary ; C.
C. Mays, treasurer. Names of the present officers: J. H.
Van Valkenburg, N. G.; W. H. Quick, V. G.; W. J.
French, secretary; John D, Gooding, treasurer. The
present membership of this lodge is forty-eight.
The author is indebted to J. W. Hardman for the fol
lowing history of
Was instituted at Pendleton on the llth day of December,
1850, by especial Deputy Grand Master William Henderson,
of Fidelity Lodge, No. 59, at Newcastle, assisted by a number
of brethren of that lodge. The charter merabers of this lodge
were: Grand Representative George Brown, and Bros. G. W.
Bailey, J. H. Tatraan, Jaraes Calvert and Peter Shroyer. Af
ter the ceremonies of institution were over the following offi
cers were elected and installed : G, W. Bailey, N. G.; Jas.
Beck, V. G.; W. M. Lummus, secretary ; George Brown,
treasurer. . The following brethren were initiated on the
same evening: H, B. Franks, Joseph Bowman, Mose W-
Harailton, A. E. Russell, S. S. Ellis, W. M. Lummus, John
W. Cassiday, S. D. Irish, J. T. Wall and James D, Irish.
Tbe first officers appointed were : S. D. Irish, right, and
Joseph Bowman, left supporters of the N. G.; John T.
Wall, warden ; John W. Cassiday, conductor ; A. E. Rus-
sell, inside guardian ; Moses W. Hamilton, outside guar
dian ; S. S. Ellis, right, and Harvey Sweet, left scene sup
porters ; H. B. Franks, right, and James Irish, left sup
porters. On the 21st day of January, 1851, the Grand
Lodge of the State met in annual communication, when
the dispensation under which this lodge had been working
was displaced by a charter, containing, in addition to the
names on the dispensation, those of J. C. Beck and Harvey
Sweet. On the 3d day of January, 1851, the N. G. secre
tary and treasurer resigned their offices, and W. N. Lum
mus, A. E. Russell and S. D. Irish were elected to succeed
them. Of the subsequent history of the charter members
and those who were admitted to membership on the even
ing of its institution, the records give the following : P. G.
R. George Brown withdrew by card March 24, 1851 ; P.
G, G. W. Bailey withdrew March 10, 1851 ; John C. Beck
withdrew his merabership March 17, 1851 ; Brothers Tat
man, Calvert and Shroyer were members of Fidelity Lodge,
and reunited with it ; Harvey Sweet remained a meraber
until his death. ,
Of the raerabers admitted on the evening of the first
meeting, but two are active members of the order. A, E.
Russell, M. W. Hamilton, H. B. Franks, were suspended
for non-payment of dues, August 9, 1858. Joseph Bow
man withdrew by card September 4, 1851. M W. Hamil
ton withdrew his card June 10, 1853, and is now a member
of Greenfield Lodge. A. E. Russell withdrew January 7,
1867, and is now a member of Anderson Lodge, S. S. EUis
/withdrew March 6, 1854. William Lumraus withdrew
July 17, 1858. J. W. Cassiday's connection with us ceased
May 21, 1852. Samuel D. Irish was a faithful and con
sistent member of this lodge until the time of his death,
which occurred April 14, 1864. His remains were borne
to their last resting place by the members of the order.
John T. Wall died July 11, 1873 — his funeral being one of
the largest ever witnessed in the county. Mr. C. C. Gale,
superintendent of the C, C, C. & I. R. R., in whose
employ brother Wall was at the time of his death, caused
special trains to be run for the accommodation of neighbor
ing lodges. Brethren were in attendance from the follow
ing lodges : Anderson, Fortville, Noblesville, McCords
ville, Perkinsville and Indianapolis. There have been
admitted to raembership in the lodge since its organization
240 members. There are at present 80 contributing mera
bers on the roll. The degree of Rebecca has been conferred
upon 43 ladies. The oldest meraber of the lodge is John
D. Cottey, who was initiated January 17, 1853. William
Chestnut was admitted by card May 23, 1853, and is sec
ond oldest member, Bros. Craven, Shanklin, J. R, Clark,
and J, L. Ireland's connection with the order dates from
June, 1853, Harvey Craven is the oldest past grand in the
lodge. A, J. Scott and J. D. Johnson, come next in seni
ority. Promptness and accuracy have characterized the
reports of this lodge to the Grand lodge of the State. There
have been but two occasions when the reports have come
too late to be placed in the report of the Grand lodge, and
never has the lodge been reported delinquent since its
organization. Since its organization, the lodge has disbursed from its
treasury the sum of $3,031.52, up to the 31st, 1873,
for the relief of brothers, funeral benefits, educating orphans,
and other charitable purposes. The smallest sum paid in
any one year, four dollars, while the greatest amount paid
in the same length of time, was $592.20. The resourses of
the lodge on the 31st day of December araounted to the
sum of $3,244.27. This is the oldest lod^e in the county.
Anderson lodge No, 131, has upon its record the names of
A. E. Russell, S, D. Ives, S. S. Ellis, and Eli Franks, for
mer member of this lodge. The charter of Perkinsville
lodge bears the names of John R. Boston, George Arm
strong, and M. C. Howard, of Pendleton lodge. Edwards
lodge, No. 178, at Fortville, was organized by members
entirely from this lodge ; sorae of which organized the lodge
at McCordsville, While sorae again, set up for themselves, at
Lawrence, Pendleton lodge, therefore, justly claims to be
the great grandmother of lodges in this locality. The fol-
lowing officers were installed on the evening of July 6, 1874
by D. G. Lewis, deputy grand master, of district No. 99.
WiUiam Perry, N. G.; Willian' Iford, V.G; recording
secretary, A. J. Scott ; permanent secretary, W. S. Carter ;
treasurer, John D. Johnson ; Samuel McKee, sitting past
grand. The fire of friendship, love and truth, is kept burn
ing brightly on her alter. This lodge owns a hall well fur
nished. Their regular stated meetings are Monday even
ings of each week.
This lodge was instituted October 5, 1859, with the fol
lowing charter members : T. S. Beckwith, J. H. Hough
man, Jacob Zeller, W. W, Boydon, J. M. Garretson, and
F. M. Boydon. The present members are : T. L. Beck
with, J. M. Garretson, Warren Cole, John S. Houghman,
James A. Perkins, J. E. Cook, J. T. Anderson, Luther Lee,
T. H. C. Beal, A. S. Fisher, Greenberry Freeman, C. P.
Albright, George Young, Jaraes H. Lewark, John E. New
ton, J. F. Rhoads, Joseph Earlywine, W. H. Lewark and
E. C, Stephenson. This lodge has a hall of its own over
Applegate & Lee's drug store. By some mishap we have
failed to'get the original and present officers of this lodge.
This lodge was instituted at Anderson, on the 18th day
April, 1853, by a dispensation, and consisted of the follow
ing brothers and charter members : A. E. Russell, William
Wilson, G R. Diven, J. N. Dickson, David Ryan, R, N.
Clark, J. F. Hathaway and A. McWilliams. A charter
was granted by the Grand Lodge on July the 3d, 1853.
This lodge now numbers one hundred members, and has a
finely finished hall of its own, twenty-four by seventy feet.
This hall was dedicated on January 7th 1874. The cere
mony was conducted by Schuyler Colfax, assisted by John
McQuiddy, B. F. Foster and other Grand officers. The
hall is finely finished and well supplied with fine jewels,
regalias, and other emblems of the Order. They are
entirely out of debt, and have everything in good working
order. The lodge is twenty-one years old, and has in that
time admitted by initiation one hundred and thiity- eight, by
card deposited seventy-two, as Ancient Odd Fellows thirty-
eight ; total, three hundred and eight ; and have buried eleven
members. The present officers are : H, IT, Conrad, N, G.;
John B, Taylor, V. G.; T, A, Howard, recording secretary ;
G. W, Kline, perment secretary; Joseph Fulton, treasurer.
The trustees are : G. W. KUne, R. N. Clark and J. P.
Ellis. The represeptatives to the Grand Lodge : B. F.
Spann and A. C. Davis.
Necessity Lodge, No. 222, I. O. O. F., at Alexandria,
was instituted on Noveraber 21st, 1860, with the following
charter ^merabers : B, Herairaan, Jaraes Reader, Fred
Cartwright, R. H. Cree, John Heagy, G. W. Kline, George
Nichol, W. B. Makepeace, Hilt Myers and G, T. Hoover.
The foUowing are the present officers : W. H. Miller, N.
G.; W. D, Lyons, V. G.; Frank Williaras, secretary ; W.
D. Kelley, treasurer ; J. E. Inlow, permanent secretary.
The lodge owns an excellent room, well fitted up and car
peted, upon the walls of which hang emblems of the order.
This lodge is in a flourishing condition, and bidS fair to
become one of the best lodges in the county.
Below we give an account of the Granges as far as
they have been received, giving date of charters, names of
officers, tirae of raeeting, etc.
We at first intended to give the names in full of this and
others in the county, but soon found this almost impossible
considering the space it would require. The above order
has swept down upon us like an avalance. It is yet too
soon to judge of its results. There is at the tirae of this
writing about twelve hundred enrolled in the county, conse
quently as far as nuraber is concerned, a formidable order.
And if conducted on jiroper principles will certainly result
in good. There is a disposition of some to divert it from
its original design, the elevation of the farmer, to that of
degrading politics. This has been conducted by persons
who have joined it with the hope of riding into office.
These are designing men who have failed to be recognized
as deserving men by the Deraocratic and Republican parties.
It is to be hoped that the honest thinking men will go
back to the first intentions bf the order. This done they
will have a grand work before them, that of intelligent
farmers meeting together to exchange ideas, to discuss the
best way to plow and plant, raise the standard of agricul
ture ; for certainly it occupies too lew a position. If the
order will apply itself to a labor of this kind, it will have
done a good work. Better this than floundering in the
pool of politics where some would drag it.
This grange was organized on December 23, 1873. The
following were the officers : J. R. Boston, master ; F. Gal-
liger, overseer ; J. A. Hardy, lecturer ; Theodore Hudson,
steward ; James Collins, assistant steward ; Aaron Nibar-
ger, chaplain ; Lewis Stickler, treasurer ; J. L. Fussell,
secretary ; J. Cranfield, gate keeper ; Sarah Nibarger,
Ceres ; Lucinda Stickler, Flora ; Ellie McPhearson, lady
assistant steward ; Rachel Cranfield, Pomona. The num
ber of fourth degree members is forty-three. The times
of meeting are the first and third Saturday's of each month.
This grange was organized on September 29th, 1873, by
G. W. Lewis. The original officers were : David Croan,
master ; J. C. Mathis, overseer ; Jonathan Dillon, secre
tary ; Joseph Keicher, lecturer ; Augustus Gardner, stew
ard ; Chancy Vermillion, assistant steward ; William Per
cell, gate keeper ; W. L. Mathis, chaplain ; Jane Bronen
berg, Ceres ; Bell Bronenberg, Flora ; Elizabeth Mathis,
Pomona; Amanda Blackledge, lady assistant steward.
This grange raeets at College Corner school house, in Rich
land township. 24
This grange was organized January 13, 1874, and at
present numbers twenty-nine fourth degree members. The
following are the naraes of the present officers : W.N.
Hankins, raaster; B. F. Lukens, oVerseer ; G.P.Flanagan,
steward ; A. M. Gregory, assistant steward ; C. Downham,
lecturer; Z. Rogers, chaplain; W. F. Huntzinger, treasurer-
B. Wise, secretary ; S. M. Volen, gate-keeper ; Hester A.
Wise, Ceres ; Sarah Huntzinger, Poraona ; M. J. Lukens,
Flora; Elizabeth Gregory, lady assistant steward. The
following is a list of members : J. A, Jones, W. A. Bow-
yer, S. Wynant, J. Huntzinger, D. Bowyer, J. Wise, J. S.
Adams, I. Rogers, J. M. Pavey, Cordelia E. Huntzinger,
Sarah Adams, Nancy Bowyer, Polly Rogers, Martha E.
Downham, Mary E. Wise, Malinda J. Pavey.
This grange was organized October 12th, 1873, by Wm.
G. Lewis, of Grant county, with thirty-seven charter mera
bers. At the last annual election the following named
officers were elected: Benjarain F, Ham, master; William
D, Judd, overseer ; Joseph R. Lakey, lecturer ; Eli Small,
steward ; Williara Blake, assistant steward ; Joel McCarty,
chaplain; James M. SmaU, treasurer; John Collier, secre
tary; William Noland, gate keeper; Louisa Collier, Ceres;
Nancy J. Blake, Pomona; Caroline Noland, Flora; Mary
A Small, lady assistant steward.
After the organization of this grange, the members
thereof held their meetings in the church, one and one-half
miles southeast of Markleville, generally known as the
" Collier Church," in which they met till early spring, when
they saw fit to remove their place of meeting, to a more
desirable place. They immediately appointed a committee
to confer with the trustees of Rural Lodge No. 324, of F.
and A. Masons, for the purpose of ascertaining and pur
chasing of them the hall in which they formerly met, but
failed, and at present hold their meetings in Markleville,
which is the center of their jurisdiction.
White Chapel Grange No. 989, consolidated with Mar
kleville grange, August 10th, 1874, giving Markleville
grange an additional membership of thirty-five, making the
total number of merabers sixty-two.
After consolidating, a new election was held in which the
following officers were elected :
.lames M. Lewis, master; James F. Mauzy, overseer;
David Franklin, lecturer; Alonzo Brown, steward; Wm.
Blake, assistant steward ; Abisha Lewi.s, chaplain ; James
M. SmaU, treasurer; Allen Boram, secretary ; Albert Coch
ran, gate keeper; Miss Laura Cunningham, Ceres; Mrs.
Lou Ann Mauzy, Flora; Nancy J. Blake, Pomona,
Mrs. Mary A. Small, lady assistant, steward.
This grange was organized November 6th, 1873, with
sixteen charter members. The names of the present offi
cers are as follows : Andrew J. Delph, master ; George
Sebrell, overseer; Carshena McAllister, lectorer; John
Campbell, steward; John Jones, assistant steward; Jesse
Shimer, chaplain ; Henry Davis, treasurer ; William A.
Justice, secretary ; Saul Creason, gate keeper ; Mrs. Mary
Johnson, Ceres ; Mrs. Sarah Jones, Pomona ; Mrs. Catherine
Campbell, Flora; Mrs. Jane Hardman, lady assistant steward.
Since the organization of this grange there have been initia
tions to the number of twenty-nine, making the total mem
bership to May 25th, 1874, forty-five.
This grange was organized by brother D. Tranberger, on
the 21st day of October, 1873, by the enrollment of twenty-
one charter members ; fifteen males and six females.
Names of charter members: Jasper Huffman, Alfred
Valentine, C. M. Kynett, Christian Bodenhorn, Alexander
Moore, Jacob Bodenhorn, William Bright, W. J. Passwa
ter, Jonathan Moore, J. W. Moore, Philip Schuyler, Will
iam Kynett, J. W. Hersberger, Isaac Stone, Noah Cook,
Mrs. Betsy A. Bodenhorn, Mrs. Jane Stone, Mrs. Mary
Passwater, Mrs. Calista F. Huffman, Mrs. Maria Kynett,
Mios Amanda Hersberger.
The officers chosen at the annual election, on the 26th
day of December, 1873, are as follows : Jasper Huffman,
master; Alexander Moore, overseer; J. W. Hersberger,
lecturer; Jacob Bodenhorn, steward; James Valentine,
assistant steward ; Christian Bodenhorn, chaplain ; Alfred
Valentine, treasurer; WUliam Kynett, secretary; Mrs. B.
A. Bodenhorn, Ceres; Mrs. M. Kynett, Pomona; Mrs. C.
F'. Huffman, Flora ; Mise A. Hersberger, lady assistant
steward. Committee on finance : C. Bodenhorn, A. Moore, J. W.
Hersberger. Committee of relief: J. W. Hersberger, Isaac Stone, A.
Moore, Mrs. B. A. Bodenhorn, Miss A. Hersberger, Mrs.
M Passwater.
Trustees : W. Bright, J. Bodenhorn, I. Stone.
Since the Organization of this grange, twenty-seven mem
bers have been received ; sixteen males and eleven females,
making the total number fortj -eight. Two raerabers have
been received by dimit. No members have withdrawn or
dimitted from this grange. No deaths have occurred. The
sick have been cared for. The quarterly dues have been
promptly paid to the State grange. So it may be said that
this grange is in a healthy, prosperous condition, and that
they are determined to work on till the great objects of the
organization are accomplished.
This grange was organized on the 10th day of October,
1873. There were then enrolled twenty charter members,
and by the first day of September, 1874, we increased our
membership to forty-five. The officers chosen at the last
annual election in December were as follows : William
Vandevender, W, master ; Wilson Cory, secretary.
This grange was organized on the 9th day of October,
1873, by Wm. G. Lewis. There were then enrolled 15
charter members, 11 males and 4 females; since which
time there have been additions made by initiation to the
number of 28, 18 males and 10 females, and 3 admitted by
dimit ; 4 have withdrawn to join other granges, and 1 has
died, so that the present membership is 41 members in good
standing. Names of charter members : Jeremiah Hicks,
James P. Moneyhon, William Fort, William Carmany,
John Somerville, Albert T. McAllister, David Stinson,
John W. Alshire, Enoch Adams, Randal Biddle, John W.
McAllister, Mrs, Ida M. Carmony, Mrs. Emzetta Hicks, Mrs.
A. E. Somerville, Mrs. Catherine Moneyhon. The present
officers are as follows : James P. Moneyhon, master ; Adam
Forney, overseer; Seth Hays, lecturer; Randal Biddle,
steward; Albert T. McAllister, assistant steward; Michael
Stohler, treasurer; William Carmany, secretary; William
Fort, gate-keeper ; Miss Susan Hays, Ceres ; Miss Jennie
Catron ; Pomona ; Mrs, Catherine Moneyhon, Flora ; Miss
Evaline Gilmore, lady assistant steward.
Committee on Finance — Adam Forney, Randal Biddle,
John A. Sebrell. NOEMAL GEANGB, NO, 218, P. OP H.
This grange was organized by Wm. G. Lewis. The date
of charter is July 3d, 1873. The officers elected at time of
organization were : F. M. Wood, master ; A. E. Swain,
secretary. Normal grange at present numbers thirty-eight
members. The names of the present officers are : Robert
Gallaway, master ; F. M. Wood, secretary.
The present membership of this grange is thirty-four.
James F. Jones, master ; James C. Jordan, secretary.
The present membership of this grange is fifty. The
names of the present officers are as follows: John Jester,
master ; Daniel Noland, overseer ; J. S. Diltz, lecturer ;
Silas Shimer, steward; John Shimer, assistant steward;
Joseph Smith, chaplain ; G. W. Tucker, treasurer ; Henry
Bi-onenberg, secretary ; R. L. Gaines, gate keeper ; Sirena
Noland, Ceres ; Lydia Smith, Pomona; Mary E. Jester,
Flora; Hettie Shimer, lady assistant steward. Union
grange meets on Friday night on or before the full moon in
each month, at the Folkner school house in Union town
ship, two miles southwest of Chesterfield.
Organized July 12th, 1873, by the enrollment of thirty-
three charter members, twenty-three males and ten females,
since which time there have been eleven initiated, making
the total membership at present forty-four. The following
are the officers : P. S. Baker, master ; S. P. Painter, over
seer ; William Miller, steward ; George Morris, assistant
steward; J. W. Cox, lecturer; J. H. Thurston, treasurer;
M. H. Hannon, secretary , Henry Fay, gate keeper ; Mrs.
Hattie Hannon, Ceres ; Mrs. D. C. Painter, Flora ; Mrs,
Susan Cox, Pomona ; Mrs. M. E. Thurston, lady assistant
steward. HUNTSVILLE GEANGE, NO. 1,166,, P. OF H.
This Grange was organized January 9th, 1874, by Benj.
F. Ham, with an enrollment of thirteen charter members,
since which time there have been additions made to the
number of twenty-five, making the total membership thirty-
eight. The names of the present officers are as follows :
Ben. F. Aiman, master ; James Quinlan, overseer ; Robert
Hileman, lecturer; Alexander Rumler, steward; B. B.
Tillson, assistant steward ; Livi Miller, chaplain ; Theodore
Hileman, treasurer ; Charles R. James, secretary ; P. A.
Helvy, gatekeeper; Amy Miller, Ceres; Almira Rumler,
Pomona ; Barbary A. Helvry, Flora ; Martha Zion, lady
assistant steward. Received dispension April 10th, 1874,
This grange was organized on the 7th day of August,
1873, by Wm. G. Lewis, of Grant county, Indiana. The
names of the present officers are as follows : W. H. Black,
master ; W. C. Stephen, overseer ; J. R. McMahan, secre
tary ; A. J. Gilliam, treasurer.
This grange was organized August 28, 1873, by Kilby
Ferguson, at Manring school house, district No. 5, Monroe
township, at which time thirty-five candidates for initiation
were enrolled. The officers elected were Jesse H, Hall, W.
M.; John Cassell, treasurer, and N. H, Manring, secretary.
The date of charter is September 11, 1873. The number
of charter members is twenty-nine, and the total member
ship forty-five. The times of meeting are the first and third
Thursdays of each month. Charter members : Winford
Walker, John M. Walker, Jesse H. Hall, Samuel Cassell,
S. H. Buck, Noah A. Adams, Elijah Beck, H. H. Markle,
John Cassell, John M. Cree, John D, Markle, G. L. Cun
ningham, A. J. Bowers, N. H. Manring, John W. Markle,
Laban Dobson, A. A. Manring, W. W. McMahan, John
Day, Joseph Draper, Louisa J. Hall, Mary A. Cassell,
Martha C. Manring, Ruth Sloan, Mary J. Babbitt, Lucretia
WUson, Elizabeth HaU, Sarah F. Cassell, Mary E. Buck.
Was organized October the 6th, 1873, by deputy master
W. G. Lewis, with tbe following officers: Master, J. S.
Guysinger ; overseer, George Free ; steward, P. A. Childers ;
assistant steward, George W. Keller; lecturer, William H.
Funk; chaplain, William M. Wilson; treasurer, Lenox
Gooding; secretary, H. C. Bodkin; gate keeper, James
Comer; Ceres, Amelia Comer; Flora, Libia Hannah;
Pomona, Margarette Gooding ; lady assistant steward,
Amanda Guysinger. Total membership, fifty. Regular
meeting Thursday evening on or before each full moon.
Date of charter October the 8th, 1873. Names of
officers, Harvey Gwinn, master ; Charles Abger, overseer ;
Matthias Conrad, lecturer; Albert J. Gibbs, chaplam;
Barnard Crogson, steward; Robert Gibbs, assistant stew
ard- Henry Anderson, gate keeper; Zacariah Hoffman,
treasurer; Harrison Quick, secretary- Sarah A. Busby,
Ceres - Melisa Gentry, lady assistant steward. Total mem
bership, twenty-four.
Secretary of Btate.
W. W. Curry, Rep '
J. E. Neff, Dem
C. J. Bowles, Ind „.,
Auditor of State. -v*
Jae. A. Wildman
Eb Henderson
1. J. Trusoott Treasurer of State.
J. B. Glover
Benjamin C. Shaw
Norris S. Bennett
Attorney Generic.
James 0 Benny .-.
Clarence A Buskirk
W. A. Peelle
Sti^ifrinlendent Pvblio InstruoUon.
J. M. BloBS
J. H. Smart
A. H. Graham „
Judge Supreme 'Court.
A. L. Osbopn..-.
Horace P. Biddle
Congressmen — Gtjt Diatriei.
Milton S. Robinson ;
Edmund Johnson
A. V. Pendleton......
Prosepviing Attorney — 24(A- District.
J. S. Losey ....,...,..,
A. 8. UcAllister »...„.„„..„„„.„.,.,
405 697 41
446 643
403 684 67
413 669 60
404 689 49
721 431 669 36
»H .S
28 31
86 43
1 79
27 31
86 24
25 31
86 41
28 81
8(i 42
2325 31
86 42
27 31
110 120
26 34
86 34
26 84
27 61
f8 37
169 3361
149 33
157 3444
166 3446
163 3340
192 46
° d £
49 119
: 263
^ Wi
36 105
210 3S 69
21CI 40 68
210 40
208 4068
207 42
189 176
187 167
190 173
188 173
187 178
217 178
62 69
27 62
62 69
27 51
62 68
27 62
63 68
27 61
27 6129
82 69
27 79
64 67
28 60
62 67
26 51
71 6842 71
104 71 67
105 6668
104 6686
lot SO68
104 66 66
106 64 66
lao 49
108 6342
91904692 88
47 92
134 83906167
16762700 631
2614 490
16652681 438
16842663 476
1674 2662 496
2628 671
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The author would do great injustice to the soldiers of the
late war who went from Madison county, if he did not give
their names a place in this work. A more extended notice
would be given, but the number of them, and many other
matters, forbid. We will, therefore, simply give the com
pany and regiment, date of muster, when and where
wounded, when and where killed, when and where
discharged. Of course there will be some mistakes
among so many names. We copy from the adjutant
general's report. In looking over this report, we find the
names of some soldiers of this county, charged with deser
tion, which in some cases are doubtless correct, and properly
reported. On the other hand, there are many who are not
deserving of this grave charge. These have been set in
proper light since, by the proper authorities, and have
drawn their back pay, and some placed upon the pension
roll. And for fear of doing anyone injustice, none will be
reported as deserters, in this work. While we regard deser
tion as a grave charge, we are inclined to be lenient to the
soldiers, some of whom doubtless left their comrades in the
field without leave, expecting in good faith to return. In
^ this way we are inclined to think the charge of desertion
should be omitted, as we would rather ten would go free
than charge one innocent soldier with this infamous act.
Then with all honor to the boys in blue, we will try and
place you all in the right roll of your country's defence.
B .
lat Lieut
K ....
Private ....
Privaie .. ..
Date of Muster.
AndrewB, Moses
?Id^rman, Washington
AUen Benjamin F
Atkins William
Adams, Watson
Alderman, James
Annshoot, David
Annshoot, Philip P
Anushoot, George
Atkins, William
r Alfont, Kobert
Alfont, Ruben M....,
UAlfont, Blcbard
Alexander John W
Allen, Wallce
Adams, Gli
Armfleld, Solomon
Ashby, Jerry
Adams, Oorb
Alderman, James W
Akers, Timothy
Allen, Ethan M...
Allsup, John R
Allsup, John W
Adams, Enoch
Adams, Stephen
Adams, John ,
Alton, Benjamin F ,
Allen, Jona. P
Archer, James
Athen, Henry
Abney, Wm
Anderson, Andrew
Apgor, Charles
Andersen, Samuel
Ashby, Daniel
Alden, J. W. H
Anderson, GeorKo B
Sth Infantry.
Sth Infantry..
8tU Infantry..
Sth Infantry..
8lh Infantry..
Hth Infantry..
Sth Infantry..
Sth Infantry,
Sth Infantry.
Sth Infantry
12th Infantry
12th Infantry
12th Infantry
12th Infantry
13lb Infantry
16th Infantry
16th Infantry
I6th Infantry
16th Infantry
16th Infantry
17th Infantry
17th Infantry
17th Infantry
19th Infiintiy
19th Infantry
34th tufiintrj
34tti Infantry
34th Infantry
34th Infantry
31th Infantry
34th Infantry
34th Infantry
,34th Infantry
47th Infantry
47th Infantry
S9th Infantry
SOth Infantry
April 22, 1861
April 22, 1861
April 22, 18U1~
April 22, 1861
August 30, 1862
September 6, 1861..
September 6, 1861..
September 6, 1861..
September 5, 1861..
September 5, 1861..
April 29, 1864
July 6, 1862
August 8, 1862
Angust 8, 1862
March 23, 1S66
July 21, 186-2
August 7, 1862
August 19, 1862
August 19, 1862
August 19, 1862
November 23, 1864
January 8, 1862
June lis, ISOl
June 12, 1861
February 14, 1862..
February 14, 18«2..
Septeaiber 21, 1861
September 21, 1861
September 21, 1861
Soptembor 21, 1861
September 21, 1861
October 10, 1861....
October 10, 1861....
October 10, 18ii1....
December 9, 1801...
December 9. 1861...
August 9, 1862
July 31, 1862
Mustered out August 6, 1861, term expired.
Mustered out August 6, 1861, term expired.
Mustered out August 6, 1861, term expired.
Mustered out August 6, 1861, term expired.
Transfered to 18th Uuitnd Slates Infantry,
Died at Otterrille, Missouri, December 14, 1861.
Appointed Corporal, discharged, disability.
Record not good.
Discharged, disability.
Promoted Captain.
Mustered ont as private June 8, 1866.
Mustered ont as private, June 8, 1866.
Mustered out as private, June 8, 1865, accidental wound.
Mustered out September 6, 1866.
Mustered out June SO, 1866.
Disoharged November 16, 1862, disability
Mustered out June 30, 1865.
Record not good.
Resigned December 17, 1862.
Discharged August 6, 1861, disability.
Veteran, mustered out August 8. 1865.
Veteran, transferred to 20th Regiment.
Vftenin, transferred to 20th Regiment.
Mustered out September 21, 1864.
Discharged March 10, 1861, disability.
Dk'd at Camp Wicklllfe, Kentucky, February 6, 1861.
Discharged February 6, 1862, disability.
Veteran, Mustered outFebruory 3, 1866, as Sergeant.
T.ansferred to the 16th Ohio Battery.
Discharged August 28, 1863, disability.
Transferred to Signal Corps.
Veteran, mustered out October 23, 1865,
Discharged- December 2, 1863,
Mustered out July 19, 1866.
Mustered out July 19, 1866'.
Date of Muster.
Private......Sergeant ....
Private ...
a!!"!! K
89th Infantry
Sth Cavalry...
lOlst Inf'y
105th Inf y
130th Inf y
130th Inf y
130th Inf y
155th Inf y
Sth Infantry..
Sth Infantry..
Sth Infantry..
Sth Infantry.,
Sth Infantry..
Sth Infantry..
Sth Infantry..
Sth Infantry..
llth Infantry
llth Infantry
llth Infantry
llth Infantry
12th Infantry
13th Infantry
13th Infantry
13th Infantry
Mth Infantry
13ih Infantry
16th Infantry
16th Infantrv
16th Infantry
16th Infantry
I6th Infantry
letb Infantry
16th Infiintry
I7th Infantry
17th Infantry
17th Infantry
17th Infantry
I7th Infantry
Mustered out July 19, 1866.
October 27, 1864
Transferred to 58th Eegiment.
Mustered out July 18, 1865.
Died September 26, 1864— wounds.
July 9, 1863
December 29 1863..
March 11, 1864
March 11 1864
March 11, 1864.
March 21, 1866
Mustered out August 4, 1865.
Killed at Rich Mountain, Virginia, July 11, 1861.
Mustered out August 6, 1861. Term expired.
Committed suicide, Syracuse, Missouri, October 20, 1861.
Veteran, mustered out Angust 28, 1866.
Veteran, mustered out August 28, 1865.
April 22 1861
April 22, 1861
September 6, 1861
September 5, 1861
September 5; 1861.........
Veteran, mustered ont June 14, 1865.
Veteran, mustered out July 26, 1866.
Veteran, mustered ont July 26, 1866.
Veteran, mustered out July 26. 1865.
Vettran, mustered out July 26, 1865. •
March 21, 1865
March 14, 1866
March 5, 1865
March 11, 1865
April 1, 1866
Record not good.
Mustered out April 5, 1865.
Mustered out September 5, 18^.
Mustered out September 5, 1865.
Mustered out Septembers, 1865,
March 23, 1866
March 23, 1865
March 23 1865
March 23, 1866
August 19. 1862
Wounded Bichmond, Kentucky ; discharged March 18, 1863.
Record not good.
Mustered out June 30 1865
Brown Geo. W
August 19, 1832
Bettis, Daniel W
August 19, 1862
August 19, 1863
Missing, Richmond, Kentucky, August 30, 1862.
Mustered out June 30 1865
Bradif-v Paschal
August 19 1862
Banks, William
June 12, 1861
Becord not good,
Becord not good.
Becord not good.
Record not good.
Becord not good.
June 12, 1861
June 12, 1861
June 12, 1861
Boyd, John T
June 12, 1861
Bennefield, Wm. H .<,
Burke, Clinton A
Banner, George
Brown, Ammassa H
Brown, John A
Bell, James
Boyden, Francis M
Bouzeman, Thos J
Berry, Ninevah
Berry James M
Barrlclis, And. J
Bell, Thomas M
Bohjer, Godfrey
Balmrd, Thomas F
Biddle, George W
Bonneilcld, Robert S
Bodkins, Wm
Baxter, Geo. W
Beck, James M
Bennefleld, Isham
Berryman, Benj. A
Boyden, David F
Bratton, Jonathan
Brown, Vardman
Brown, Wm. B
Burns, George W
Beck, Samuel M
Bnay, John
Brown, James
Brokaw, Isaac
Boone, Colonel D
Boyet, John B .'.
Bowers,!. M
Bowsman, John A ^...
Bradley, Wm. H ,
Bryant, HcOlnre H
Beard, Wm. S ,
Benneiiold, Johnson
Botryman, Hugh ,
Bird, WillettB
Bodlcins, W. W
Brown, Wm ,
Blake, Josiah
Bronnenburg, Carroll C-.
2d Lieut
2d Lieut
Oo. Sergt
Hosp. Stow.
Private ;
Private :
2d Lieut
17th Infantry
19th Infantry
20th Infantry
20th Infantry
20th Infantry
19th Infantry
34th Infantry
34th Infantry
34th lufantry
S4th Infantry
84th Infantry
34th Infantry
34th Infantry
34tli Infantry
34th lufantry
S4th Infantry
34ih Infantry
34th Infantry
34th Infantry
84th Infantry
34th Infantry
34th lufantry
34th Infantry
3'lth lufantry
34th Infantry
34th Infantry
34th I»fantry
34th Infantry
34th Infantry
34th Infantry
34th Infantry
Sth Cavalry...
Sth Cavalry...
Sth Cavalry...
Sth Cavalry...
47th Infantry
47lh Infantry
47th Infantry
47th lufantry
47th Infantry
47th Infantry
47th Infantry
69th Infantry
69th Infantry
June 12, 1861
March 12.1862
January 1, 1864 ....
Maroh 10, 1864
January 1, 1864 ....
July 29, 1861 ..:
October 10, 1861....
April 20, 1366
October 12, ISiU....
October 12, 1861....
September 21, 1861
November 12, 1864.
October 12, 1864....
October 13, 1864....
October 27, 1864....
October 10, 1861....
October 10, 1861....
October 11, 1861....
October 10, 1861....
October 10, 1861....
October 10, 1801....
October 10, 1861....
October 10, 1861....
October 10, 1861....
October 10, 1861...,
October 10, 1861....
April 6, 1864
May 4, 1864
October 24, 1862....
October 21, 1862....
September 26, 1861 .
April 6, 1863
November 23, 1863.
December 11, 1860.
January 28, 1864....
December 9, 1861...
December 9, 1861...
December 9, 1861...
December 9, 1861...
December 9, 1S61...
December 9, 1861...
December 9, 1861...
August 19, 1862 ....
Augugt 19, 1862....
Mustered out June 20, 1864.
Veteran, ti\ans'fered to 20th regiment.
Veteran, captured Wilderness, mustered out Juno 13, 1866.
Mustered ^out July 12, 1866.
Mustered out July 12, 1866.
Mustered out August 9, 1802.
Resigned Febry 11, 1862.
Discharged, disability.
Died at New Haven, Ky., March, 1862.
Died at Louisville, Ky, January 10, 1862.
Mustered out November 11, 1866.
Mustered out October 12, 1865.
Mustered out October 12, 1865.
Mustered out October 26, 1866.
Died at New Madrid, Mc, April 10, 1862.
Discharged May 1, 1862, disability.
Transfered to, Company "K " February 11, 1862.
Mustered out September 21, 1864.
Discharged Febrnary 6, 1862.
Discharged Jnne 19, 1 862, disability.
Discharged June 26, 1862, disability.
Discharged January 3, 1863, disability.
Mustered out September 21, 1864.
Mustered out September 21, 1864.
Veteran, mustered out Fel)ruary 3, 1866,
Mustered out February 3, 1866.
Mustered oot February 3, 1866.
Discharged February 27, 1863, disability.
Transfered to V. R. C, June 18, 1864.
Veteran, mustered out February 3, 1866.
Promoted 1st Lieut, to Captain Dec, 12, 1863, must'd out with regm't.
Mustered out Jnly 20, 1865, as Sergeant.
Mustered out July 20, 1865.
Mustered out July 20, 1865.
Died at Indianapolis, May 16, 1SG2.
Discharged Jitne 26, 1862.
Dird October 23, 1863.
Veteran, mustered out October 23, 1866.
Veteran, mustered ont Otitober 23, 1866.
Mustered out.
Veteran, record not good.
Died ot MilUkeo's Bend, A pril 2, 1863.
Browning, William...
Boyden, B. T
Burress, \.Q
Briggs, John A
Briggs, Thomas
Bartlett, Robert A
Bowden, Edward
Bock, Samuel
Biddle, Atemus... ,
Brittinham, Joseph.,
Bowsman, B. T
Brown, Preston L
Brown, George H
Bailey, Bobert „.,
Baker, John A
Baughman, William.,
Bogart, Jacob
Beard, William J
Baker, Philip
Beacb, W. B.
Brown, William G... .
Brown, Edward
Bates, Charles A
Buser, John
Boyden, David L
Brothers, Richard H.
Brown, William M....
Brown, Elijah L
Bratton, Jonathan...,
Baker, Theodore
Bratton, Samuel.......
Bolinger, Elijah
Bolinger, Anderson ,.
Bolinger, Henry
Bock, Joseph
Burditt, Alexander...
Brattin, Andrew
Brown, William
Baldwin, Newton M..
Corporal ....
2d Lieut ....
69th Infy
76th Inf'y
7,5th Inf'y
75th Inf'y
761h Inf'y
75th Inf'y
75th Inf'y
75th Inf'y
76th Inf'y
76th Inf'y
89th Inf'y
89th Inf'y
89th Inf'y
89th Inf'y
S9th Inf'y
89th Inf'y
89th Inf'y
S9th Inf'y
89th Inf'y
89th Inf'y
89th Inf'y
89th Inf'y
5th Cavalry ...
5th Cavalry ,„
lOlst Inf'y.. ..
101st Inf'y
lOlst Inf'y
101st Inf'y
I06th Inf'y.,,,
105th Inf'y,,,.
105th Inf'y
105th Inf'y
106th Inf'y....
106th Inf'y....
105th Inf'y.,,,
105th Inf'y.,,,
I06th Inf'y....
105th Inf'y..,,
130th Inf'y,,,.
Date of Muster.
August 19, 1862,.
July 30, 1832
July 30, 1862
August 11, 1862.
August 11, 1862.
July 26, 1862
July 26, 1862
July 14, 1863
July 14, 186-2
July 14, 1862
April 28, 1863,..
Angust 6, 1862..
July 23, 1862
August 5, 1862...
August 9, 1862..
August 10, 1862,
August 9, 1862...
August 8, 1862...
August 6, 1862...
August 8, 1862...
August 7, 1862...
August 7, 1862,,.
August 4, 1862,.,
Angust 4, 1862,,,
October 27, 1864.
August 12, 1862.
August 12, 1862;
August 12, 1862.
July 9, 1863
July 9, 1863
July 9, 1863
July 9, 1863
July 9, 1863
Jnly 9, 1863
July 9, 1863
July 9,1863
July 0,1863
July 9, 1865
March 11, 1864,,.
Died at Milliken's Bend, 1863.
Mustered ont June 8, 1866.
Mustered ont June 8, 1866.
Mustered out June 8, 1866.
Mustered out June 8, 1865.
Discharged February 27, 1863.
Discharged May 17, 1863.
Died at Andersonville, April 17, 1864.
Died at Murfreesboro, July 18, 1863.
Discharged February 14, 1863,
Promoted 1st Lieutenant, September 1, 1863.
Mustered out July19, 1865.
Promoted to 2d Lieutenant.
Mustered out July 19, 1865.
Mustered but July 19, 1865.
Mustered out Jnly 19, 1866.
Mustered out July 19, 1866.
Must->red out July 19, 1866.
Mustered out July 19, 1865.
DiscbargSd October 7, 1864, wounds.
Mustered out July 19, 1866.
Died at Vicksburg, March 12, 1864.
Mustered out, Jnne 16, 1865.
Mustered ont June 16, 1866.
Transferred to 58th Regiment.
Discharged May 19, 1866.
Mustered out June 24, 1865.
Mnstered out June 24, 1865.
Mustered out July 18, 1865.
Mnstered out July IS, 1865.
Mustered ont July 18, 1865.
Mustered out July 1 8, 1865.
Mustered out Jnly 18, 1805.
Miistered out July 18, 1865.
Mustered out July 18, 1866.
Mustered out July 18, 1865.
Mustered out July IS, 1866.
Mustered out July 18, 1865.
Mustered ont December 2,1865.
aI— I
O wc
Bevelhamor, S. G ...,.,
Braddrlck, Ezra
Bowers, Samuel
Black, Wm
Brothers, Abner
Bellville, Gilbert
Brown, AlfVed ,
Baydan, 0. P
Black, 6. W
Baker, Enos
Buck, Daniel P
Bird, Isaac T
Blazer, George W ,
Bepky, Andrew ,.,
Brown, Wm. H
Baldon, Samuel
Baldon, Elisba J
Bear, George ,
Brickley, Kobert ,
Clutter, George
Curtis, Benjamin
Cummings, Thomas...
ChatmiiD, Abijah W..,
Clark, Samuel
Condo, William
Cummings, Thomas..,
Cummiugs, tiimon
Cannon, Lewis......
Crampton, Calvin G.„
— Cooper, Ralph
Copper, Nathaniel.,..
Coterell, John U
Oox, James
Carpenter, John
Chittenden, George F..
Clark, Thomas J
Clifford, Wm. W
CbamuesB, Anthony...
Carter, Lorenzo J)
Carpenter, Joseph N..
Cole, Benton...
Chapin, G. W. D
Cunningham, J, L
2d Lieut
As't Sutg...
130th Infant'y
l.'JOth Infant'y
l:l0th InfautV
130th Iiifuiit'j
UOtb Infaut'y
130lh Infant'y
130th Infant'y
I30th lufaiit'y
1311th Infant'y
laoth Infant'y
130th Inlaut'y
130th Infaut'y
147th Infiint'y
l47th Infant'y
147th Infant'y
149th Infant'y
149ih lulunt'y
154th Infant'y
2d Battery....
Sth Infantry,
Sth Infantry,
Sth Infanery.
Sth Infantry.
Sth Infantry.
Sth Infantry,
Sth Infantry.
Sth lufaot.iy.,
Sth Infantry,,
llth Inlunlry
12th Infantry
lath Infantry
12th Infantry
lath Inlantry
13th Infantry
i:Uh Infantry
16th Infantry
imh Infantry
10th Infantry
loth Infantry
Kith Infantry
10th Infantry
Kith Infantry
loth Infantry
10th Infantry
March 11, 1804
March 11, 18ti4
March 11, 1864
March 11, 1864
March 11, 1864
March 11, 1864
Docomber 29, 1863,.
Decembor 29, 1863,.
March 1, 1864
December 29, 1863..
arch 1, 1864
March 1, 1864
February 23, 1865..
Jannary 25, 1866....
Febrnary 23, 1865 ..
Felirnary 15,1866..
February 16, 186B ..
March 27, 1865
.September 1, 1861 ..
April 22, 1861
April 22, 1861
April 22, 1861
Soptembor 5, 1801..
September 6, 1861..
September 6, 1861..
Si-ptembor 6, 1861,.
September 5, 1861..
Angust 30, 1802
March 9, 1866 ,
April 29, 1864 ,
August 1, 1862
August 1, 1862........
August 8, 1862
March 23, 1866
March 23, 1S6S
Jnnell, 1861
August 19, ,1862
August 19, 1862
August l:>, 1862
August 19, 1862
Augnst 19, 18iJ2
Angust 10, 1862
August 19, 1862
August 10, 1862
Mustered out December 2, 1866.
Mnstered out December 2, I860.
Mustered out December 2, 1866.
Mustered out December 2, 1865.
IVIustered out December 2, 1866.
Mustered out December 2, 1866.
Mustered out December 2, 1865.
Mustered out December 2, 1865.
MuBtered out December 2, 1866.
Mustered out June 6, 1865.
Discharged March 10, 1866.
Died in North Carolina, July 7, 1866.
Mustered out August 4, 1866.
Record not good.
Mustered out August 4, 1865.
Mustered out May 29, 1865.
Mustered out September 27, 1865,
Mustered out August 4, 1865.
Discharged November 20, Kii'Z.
Mustered out August 0, 1861, term expired.
Mustered out Aug. 6 1861, term expired. Wounded at Rich Mount.
Mustered out August 6, 1861, term expirej,
Mustered out September 4, 1864.
Died in Itebel prison, Salsbury, N. C, Jannary 1, 1866.
Vet., appointed sarg., reduced^ must, out as absent without leave.
Veteran, appointed corporal, mustered out June 14, 1866.
Mnstered out July 26, 1866.
Promoted 1st Lieutenant.
Mustered out June 8, 1805.
Mustered ont June 8, 1805.
Mustered out as private June 8, 1866.
Mustered out September 6, 1865.
Mustered out September 6, 1865.
Must, out with reg., re-entered throe years servioo, promoted surg.
Died 1865.
Mustered out Jnne 30, 1866.
Mustered out March 7, 1863, wounds received Richmond, Ky.
Appointed sergent, mu^^tored out June 30, 1865.
Mustered out June 3u, 1865.
Discharged March l", 1863, disability.
Discharged January 10, 1864, disability.
Discharged November 10, 1862, disability.
Date of Muster. -
Corwin, Stephen
Corporal ....
2ii Lieuten't
Ist Lieut'nt
Quar'mas'er Private
Corporal ....
g ::;::.
16th Infantry
16th Infantrv
16th Infantry
17th Infantry
17th Infantry
17th Infantry
17th lufantry
17th Infantry
17th Infantry
17th Infantry
17th Infantry
19th Infantry
19th Infantry
33d Infantry,,
34th Infantry
34th Infantry
S4th Infantry
34th Infantrv
34th Infantry
34th Infantry
34th Infantry
34th Infantry
34th Infantry
3)th Infantry
34th Infantry
31th Infantry
34th Infantrv
34th Infantry
34th Infantry
Sth Cavalry,..
47th Infantry
47th Infantry
47th Infantry
47th Infantry
47th Infantry
47th Infantry
47th Infantry
47th lufantry
47th Infantry
November 10, 1862 .
Transferred to 13th Cavalry.
Transferred to 13th Cavalry.
Transferred to 13th Cavalry.
Promoted to 2d Lieutenant, then 1st Lieutenant.
Discharged May 1, 1862, for disability.
Record not gsod.
Record not good.
Veteran ; mustered out August 8, I86I, as sergeant.
Mustered out June 20, 1864.
Discharged September 1, 1861, for disability.
Discharged Juno 24, 1863, for disability.
Transferred to 20th Regiment.
Mustered out August 9, 1862.
Mustered out July 21, 1865.
Promoted lo Ist Lieutenant May 2, 1866 ; Captain, June I
Promoted to Quartermaster ; mustered out May 31, 1865.
Promoted to Caplain of Company H.
Veteran ; mustered out February 3, 1866.
Veteran ; mustered out February 3, 1866.
Veteran ; mustered out February 3, M66.
Mustered out October 21, 1865.
Mustered out October 14, 1865.
Mustered out August 24, 1865.
Mustered out September 12, 1866.
Died at Riddle's Landing, April 10,1862.
Died at New Madrid. Mo,, March 11, 1862.
Mustered out September 10, 1864.
Transferred to Signal Corps, September 16, 1863.
Mustered out September 10, 1864,
Died at Pendleton, Ind., September 22, 1864.
Veteran ; record not good.
Veteran ;. -mustered out October 23, 1865.
Discharged November 20, 1863.
Record not gi>od.
Died at Bardstown, Jannary 1, 1862.
Transferred to V. R C.
Disoharged October 8, 1862.
Died at Indianapolis, November 24, 1862.
Veteran ; mustered out October 23, 186?.
Claud, Pendleton
November 10, 1864
CavinB,_B&njamiu F
November 2 1864
Cliffcrd, Emery W
June 12, 1861
Cook, James B J
June 12, 1861
June 12, 1861
June 12, 1861
June 12, 1861
June 12, 1861
Childs, John
Conner, William H
June 12, 1861
Clem, Simeon J
February 4, 1864 .. .
Cole, Wellington
July 29, 1861
Cassell, John
June 2, 1863
Cole, 'ffarren
Carver, David K
October 1, 1862 .
Campbell, Benjamin B
April 7, 1862
September 21, 1861
September 21, 1861
September 21, 1861 ,.
October 24, 1864
Craven, William A
Christopher, Bdward
October 12, 1804 . . .
Cassell, Andrew J
October 16, 1804 ... .
October 10, 1861
Caylor, Isaac S
October 10, 1861 .,.
October 10, 1861
Cochran, G. W
Conrad, William
October 10, 1861
Carroll, Rollin
Cannon, Moses
December 9 1861
Carroll, William
Childers, Franklin
Corn-'lius, John P
Cook, Abrahams
Decembers 1861
Gaiter, Jahn M
December 9, 1861
Clark, William C
Clymor, D. H
CuBtar, G. W
day, Eliman
Childers, F. M
tjT, Call,S. U
Qi Carpenter, Simpson,...
Carroll, B. S
Craven, 8. W
Castle, Samuel
Craven, Lawronce
Grossly, Andrew
Crossly, Ueury
Crump, Elmore B
Cruij], WiUiam_E
Cook, James W~
Combs, James W
Cummins, Perry 0
C}i;nmins, Geo. W
Cummins, Simon
Cartwright, Frederick
Curoy, Jonathan
Carpenter, W. P
Ouuk, Jumes E...
Cook, Jesse M
Creamer, Elias
Clark, Joseph
Cunningham, R. K ....
Cremer, Wm
Cremer, John W
Cunningham, W. T
Colvin, 0. D
Carty, Lewis
Carty, Leander
Cannon, John
Carroll, James P
Crook, Patrick
Dula, George U
Doll, Ephraim
Daniels, Isaiah
Daunis, Goo. W
Diila, Larkin £
Dula, George H
Douglass, S. E
let Lieut
K,. ..
2d Lieuten't
69th Infantry
70th lufantry
75th Infantry
75tli Infantry
75 h Infantry
75th Infantry
76th Infantry
SOth Infantry
89th Infantry
89th Infantry
89th lufantry
89th Infantry
SOth Infantry
SOth Infantry
6th Cavalry.,,
Olh Cavalry,,,
5th Cavalry,,
5th Cavalry.,.
5th Cavalry.,,
oth Cavalry.,
lOlst Infant'y
101st Infant'y
lOlst Infant'y
101st Infant'y
101st Infaut'y
130th Infan'y
1.30th Infan'y
130th Infan'y
ISOlh Infan'y
130th Infan'y
130th lufan'y
130th Infan'y
147ih Intan'y
147th Infan'y
147th Infan'y
147th Infan'y
147th Infan'y
81 h lufantry..
Sth Infantry,,
8ih Infantry..
Sth Infantry.,
Sth Infautiy,.
Sth Infantry,,
llth Infantry
August 19, ist.a
Jnly 30, 1862
August 6, 1862
August 6, 1S62
July 28, 1862
Jnlv 28, 1862
August 6, 1862
AUjiust 6, 1862
August 8, 1864
August 5, 1862
August 12, 1863 ,
Augnst 9, 1862
January 2, 1861
Anguht 6, 1862 ,
August 1, 1862
August 5, 1862 „.,
August B, 1862
August 6, 1862
March 21, 1863 „
September 23, 18&3
August 18, 1862
August 18, 1862
August 29, 18..2
Augnst 12, 1862
December 29, 186»
March 11, 1864 „
March 1, 1864 „
M arch o'.'VsVi.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.IZL!
March 6, 1864
March 6, 1864
January 25, 1866
January 25, 1865
Jam, ary 25, 1865
February 13, 1865
February 13. 1806
April 22, 1861
April 22, 1861
September 6, 1861
September 5, 1861
September 6, 1861
September 5, 1861
March 14, 1865
Died on hospital boat Marcti 18, 186,'!.
Mustered out June 8, 1866, as private.
Mustered out June 8, 1866.
Mustered out June 8, 1865.
Discharged Nov. 9, 1862.
Mustered out June 8, 18ii5.
Mustered out June 8, 1865.
Discharged November 25, 1862, civil anlhoritf.
Died at Memphis, April 21, 1864.
Discharged February 1, 1863.
Mustered out July 19, 1865.
Mustered out July 19, 1865.
Discharged Febiuary 11, 186I.
Died at St. Louis, January 3, 1865.
Mustered out May 22, 1865.
Mustered out Jnne 16, 18t>5.
Mustered out June 15, 186S>
Died at Knoxville, Janaary t, I8C4.
Mustered out Jane I&, 1865.
Mustered out June 16, 1865,
Promoted Captain.
Discharged March 7, 1866,
Mustered ewt June 24, 1865^
Discharged April 13, 1861.
Died December 25, 1862.
Died at Louisville,. Kentueky^ Feb. 16, 186}).
Died January 24, 1863'.
Died at Coliuubia, Tennessee', January 6, 1864.
M Hstered out December 2, 1965.
Mustered out December 2, 18^'.
Mustered out December 2, 1865.
Mustered out Augnst; 4, 1865.
Mustered out August 4, 1866.
Miwtered out August 4, 1865.
mustered out August 4, 1866.
Musteved. out June 10, 1865l
Mnst.ved'out August 6, 1861. Term' expired'.
Mustered out August 6^ 1861. Term ex-plretU
Died s.t St. Lofiiis, November 16, 1862..
Mustered ont September 4, 1864L
Veteran. lleeigned Deeeinber 7,. 1862..
Mustered out ,luly 26^ 1.865-^
Date of Muster.
Dewitt, Sam S Private ...
Dougherty, Michael Private ..
Davis, Charies H Private ...
Dotty, Williani Private ..
Dunham, George ,¦,.,.„ Private ...
Donahuo, Thomas M Curporal.
Davis, James M .-. ¦„„. Private ..
Darlington, Siba Private ..
Dexey, Charles T...... Captain...
Dexey, Edwin 0 Ist Lifut,
Davis, Oliver C ., 2d Lieut ,
Davis, Oliver C Sergeant,
Daze> Christopher Private ,.
Dove, Geo. W Private ..
Doyle, Michael Private ..
Davis, Jonathan Private ..
Dickey, Joseph Private ..
Downs, Montgomery Private ...
Downs, Thomas Private ..,
Doxey, William Private ..,
Davis, Albert C Sergeant,,
Dove, Milton Corporal,.
Dunley, John Private ...
Daniels, Hiram J 2d Lieut,,
Daniels, Daniel Private ,.,
Daniels, James M.... Private ..,
Dove, Levi Private ..,
Davis. Jose]>h A Private ...
Davis, Win. B: Private ...
Day, Aquilla Private ...
Dewitt, Barnett Private ..
Dwiggins, Addison Private ...
Dwiggins, Wm Private ...
~Doty, Edward Private ...
Davis, John P Private ...
Davis, Doctor B Private ...
Davis, Marion Piivate ...
Davis, Meredith Private ...
Davis, Nathaniel Private ...
F.,K.,G ,.
G „
I.... A ..
K., K ,
K,K ,.
K,.K.,K., K..
K,. Unas
A ....
G ,
Sth Infantry.
Sth Infantry.
Sth Infantry.
12th Infantry
12th Infantrs
13th Infantry
13th Infantry
16th Infantry
16th Infantry
Kith Infantry
16th Infantry
16th Infantry
16th Infantry
16th Infantry
16th Infantry
16lh Infantry
16th Infantry
16th Infantry
16th Infantry
16th Infantry
16th Infantry
16th Infantry
17th Infantry
17fh Infantry
17th Infan^try
Wth Infantry
33d Infantry
34th Infantiy
34th Infantry
.34th Infantry
34th Infantry
.14th Infantry
34th Infantry
.S4th Infantry
47th Infantry
47th Infantry
47th Infantry
47th Infantry
April 22, 1866
April 1, 1805
February 25, 1865
August 3, 1862
April 1, 1861
March 23,1865
April 4, 1866 .V...
July 21, 1862
August 19, 1862
August 17, 1862
May 31, 18li.3
Augnst 19, 1862
August 19, 1862
August 19, 1862
August 19, 1862
August 19, 1862
August 19, 1862
Angust 19, 1862
August 19, 1b62
Augnst 19, 1862
August 19, 1862
August 19, 1862
October 31, 1864
April 24, 1861
June 12, 1861
June 12, 1861
March 16, 1862
September 21, ISM
October 13, 1864
October 28, 1861
October 10, 1861
October 10, 1861
October 10, 1861
October 11, 1861
September 25, 1861 ...t.
December 9, 1861
December 9, 1861
Deceml-er 9, 1861
December 9, 1861..........
Mustered out August 6, 1861, term expired.
Mustered out August 6, 1861, aerm expired. ^
Appointed Corporal, mustered out July 26, 1865.
Mustered out June 22, 1365.
Transfered 'o 48th regiment.
¦Mustered out September 5, 1866.
Must ered out September 6, 1866.
Died November 16, 1862.
Honorably discharged, September 23, 1861, wounda.
BoBigned February 22, 1863.
Discliarged as Sergeant July 1, 1864,
Discharged for promotion July 1, 1864, never reported.
Difcharged February 20, 1863, disability.
Record not good.
Record not good.
Record not good.
Discharged as a minor, November 11, 1862.
Mustered ont June 30, 1865.
Transfered to 13th Cavelry.
Mnetered ont June ,30, 1885.
Discharged November 4, 1862, disability.
Mnstered out as private June 30, 1866,
Resignjed January I, 1862.
Mustered out June 20, 1964.
Veteran, Mustered out August 8, 1866.
Transfbred to 20th regiment.
Mustered out July 21, 186B.
Mnstered out October H, 1865.
Mustered out October 26, 1866.
Veteran, mustered out February 3, 1806.
Veteran, mustered out February 3, 1866.
Discharged September 9, 1862, disability.
Died at Louisville, Ky., March 24, 1862.
Mustered out September 21, 1864.
Veteran, mustered out October 2:5, 1865.
Discharged January 27, 1863.
Record not good.
Veteran, mustered ont October 23, 1865.
Dwiggins, OyrUB
Doan, Courtland
Davis, Amos J
Delawtefj John B
Delawter, Jacob
DavlB, Andrew
Davis, Enoch
Davis, Charles
Dobson, Calvin
Doll, E. B
Dyer, John
Davidson, Joseph
Dobson, H. J
Dennis, George W
Delph, Allen
Ellis, Hampton
Eider, John N
Ellis, Hampton
Eastman, Frankliu,.
ElliB, Hampton
Elliott, Benjamin
Evans, Noah B..,.,
Edwards, Daniel .i
Edwards, Thomas J ...
Emmett, Peter
Ellison, James R
Elliott, Hiram
Evans, Elijah
Evans, William S
Edson, William A
Ellis, John D
Egliu, John F
Ellis, Bartholomew ...
Eaker, Jacob
Bverliug, Chnrles
Everliog, George 0
Eaton, Thoraas W
Euglish, William
Eastman, Charles R...
Ellsworth, W. W
Ebert, John
lEverctt, William
"Hills. J, P
Earls William H
1st Sergeant
2nd Lieut ...
B ....
76tli lufantry
76th Infantry
8uth Infantry
SOth lufantry
SOth Infantry
lOlst Infant'y
lOIst Infant'y
101st Infant'y
lOIst Infant'y
130th Infant'y
ISOthlnl'ant'y130thlnfant'y130th Infant'y
147th Infant'y
Sth Infantry,,
Sth Infantry.,
Sth Infantry.,
Sth Infantry.,
Sth Infantry.,
llth Infantry
llth Inlantry
I3th Infantry
loth Infantry
loth Infantry
loth Infantry
17th Infiuitry
17tli Infantry
17th Infantry
33d Infantry..
Oltll Infantry
47th Infantry
47th Infantry
75lh Infantry
"TOtb Infantry
75th Infantry
75th lufantry
89th lufai'try
SOth Infantrv
S'Jth Infantry
SOth Infantry
Jnly 28, 1802
July 28, 1862
August 7', 1862
Augnst 11,1862
Angust 11, 1862
August 12,1862
August 12, 1862
August 12,1862
August 12, 18'i2
March 10, 1864
December 29, 1863 .
March 11, 1864
March 1, 1864
January 26, 1865....
Januaty 26, 1865....
April 22, ISiil
Augusi 30, 1862
SepLumber 6, 1861...
Septembers, 1801..
'May 24, 1803
Febrnary 27,1866,,,
Fi bruary 28, 1865..
March 23,1865
August 19, 1862
¦ ctober 21, 1864...
December 6, 1864,,,
June 12, ISUt
,lune 1/, ISbl
June 12, IS'il
June 4, ISli;:
Septembor 21, 1861
l''obruaiy2, 1863....
December 9, 1861...
July 28, 1862
,luly 30,'1862
August 7, lSil2
July 20,1862
July 30, 1863
Augnst 6, 18 2
Augusts, 1862
March 4, 1804
July 9,1863
December 29, 18113 .
December 29, 1803 .
Veteran, mustered out JuneS, 1866.
Veteran, mustered out June 8, 1805.
Mustered ont July 19, 1866.
Mustered out July 19, 1866.
Mustered out July 10, 1865.
Mustered out June 24, 1865.
Died at Murfreesboro April 27, 1663.
Discharged October 24, 1862.
Died at Bridgeport, Alabama, November 12, 1863, wounda,
Discharged August 14, 1804.
Mustered out December '2, 1865.
Mustered out December 2, 1365.
Mustered out December 2, 1866,
Mustered out August4, 1S65.
Mustered out May 27, 1805.
Mustered out August 6, 1861, term expired.
Record uot good.
Promoted to 2nd Lieutenant.
Mustered out as Sergeant September 4, 1864, term expired.
Mustered out July 26, 1865.
MuBiered out July 26, 1866.
Mustered out September 5, 1866.
Mustered out June 30, 1805.
Transferred to 13tli Cavalry.
'Transferred to 13th t.'avalry.
Record not good,
Translerred to 4th United States Artillery, December, 1862.
Veteran, killed at Ebenezer Church, April 1, 1865.
Mustered out July 21 , 1865.
Veteran, mustered out B'ebruary 3, 1866.
Resigned July 31, '2863,
Discharged July 1,1862,.
Died at .Murfreesboro, March 4, 1863.
Mustered out June 8, 1865.
Mustered out JuneS, 1866.
Discharged May 8, 1863.
Discharged February 9, 1863.
Died April 30. 1863.
Killed by accidental sliot August 28, 1864.
Died at Menip'iis July 5, 1864.
Mustered out July 18, 1803.
Muatered out September 13, 1865.
Died at Jofl'erson, Indiana, Novembers, 1864.
Ferris, Edmund
Fisher, William F.,
Fiant, Elijah
Fry, Bohertv
Fesler, John A
Fesler, William H..
Fergus, James. ,
Freeman, G. L
Folftnd, Nelson
Foland, John G
Fisher, John
Fitzgerald, John R,
Foreman, Joseph...
Fisher, John T
Fletcher, Thomas...
FusRel, Joshua L...
Fisher, Hiram G."..,
Foland, John W....,
FlEiming, A. J
Falconherg, B. 0...,
Folaind*, Isaac P
Foland, George W..
Fisher, Thomas L..
Fullei*, Nathan ,
Ferris, Edward ,
Foland, Thomas
Foland, BliaB
Fuller, John H
Fuller, William B..
Ford, John
Forkner, Jesso
Giles, James A
Godwin, Henry C ..
Geik, Joseph
Gardner, Job
George, Madison ....
Gilee, John
Graham, Marion....
Gregory, Shannon..
2d Lieut
B .
2d Lieut
Ist Lieut
2d Lieut
Corporal ....
Sth Infantry,.
Sth Infantry.,
Sth Infantry,.
Sth Infantry,,
Sth Infantry,.
Sth Infantry,,
8th Infantry,,
llth In'autry
llth Infantry
llfh Infantry
llth Infantry
13th Infantry
16th Infantry
17th Infantry
I9th Infantry
34th Infantry
34th Infantry
34th Infantry
34th Infantry
34th Infantry
31th Infantry
34th Infantry
Sth Cavalry
Sth Cavalry
47lh Infantry
101st Infant'y
101st Infant'y
lOlst Infant'y
101 st Infant'y
Sth Infantry,.
Sth Infantrv..
Sth Infantry..
Sth Infantry..
Sth Infantry..
Sth Infantry ,.
Sth Infantry,.
8tll Infantry..
Date of Muster.
April 22, 1861
September 6, 1861
August SO, 1862
September 6, 1831
March 18 1862....
August 30, 1862
April 26, 1861
March 14, 1860
March 14, 1866
March 21, 1865
March 14, 1865
April 4, 1865
August 19, 1862
June 12, 1801
February 4, 1864
Febrnary 5, 1862
October 10, 1861
oSoberisi'lSM!!.".'.!!."."! October 10,1861
October 10, 1861
May 4, 1864
November 23, 1863... _^,
December 10, 1863...^.
December 9, 1861
Angust 18, 1862
August IS, 1862
August 12, 1862
August 12, 1862
July 9, 1803
February 4, I860
April 22,1861
April 22, 1801
September 5, 1861
September 5, 1861 ,
September 5, 1861
September 6, 1861
September 6, 1861
September 5, 1861
[April 19, 1865.
Musfered out August 6, 1861, term expired.
Veteran, mustered out August 28, 1865.
Died at Vicksburg, May 28, 1863.
Discharge i December 14, 1863.
Veteran, mustered out August 28, 1865.
Veteran, discharged, June 2, 1865.
Mustered out, term expired.
Mustered out July 26, 1866.
Mustered out Jnlv 26, 1805.
Mustered out July 26, 1865.
Mustered out July 26, 1865.
Musfered out July 18, 1865.
Discharged February 20, 1865, disability.
Veteran, Record not good.
Transferred to 20th Regiment.
Promoted to 1st Lieut. April 20, and Captain Aug. 2," 1862, resigned
Resigned July 14, 1803.
Promoted to 1st Lieutenant,. June 1, 1865.
Mustered out October 14, 1865,
Discharged December 20, 1862, disability.
Veteran, mustered out February 3, 1866.
Mustered out February 3, .1866. .
Mustered out May 10, 1865, as Commissary Sergeant.
Died at Nashville, Tenn,, June 28, 1864.
Discharged by order.
Mustered out June 24, 1866.
Mustered ont June 24, 1865.
Died at Lebanon, Kentucky, January 14,1863.
Mustered out June2(, 1865.
Mustered out July 18, 1865.
Mustered out August 4, 1866,
Mustered out August 6, 1861, term expired.
Musteted out August 6, 1801, term expired,
Mustered out September 4. 1864, term expired.
Died at Otterville, Missouri, November 16, 1861.
Died at St. Louis, January 3, 1862.
Veteran, wonnded at Pea Ridge.muslered out August 28, 1865.
Veteran, mustered out Angust 28. 1865.
Died at Huntsville, Indiana, chronic diarrhoea, November, 1862.
I— t
Guthery, Clinton J
Gilmore, John H
Giles, James A
Gray, James
Garnis, Presley 0
Gage, Moses D
Gossett, William ,
Godwin, Smith ,
Giardon, Francis ,
Gustin, Ghai-1- s
Gillaspie, James ,
Gossett, Blchard S.........
Gilmore, Morris ,
.Gilmore, John..: ,
Gambriel, John B
;Gipe, Jacob
Goul, John W
Griffee, Oliver
Griffee, John
Garner, W. L. B
Gross, Jacob
Gross, Enos
Groes, Harvey
.Gwinn,: Harvey
^Guinn, John C ,
Guinnup, Charles
Guinn, James
Gearhardt, Wm
Gray, Jeremiah
Gilmore, Jaraes
Galaspie, Michael
Good, Moses
Gwinn, Joseph ,
Gage, Moses D
Gilbrath, Bobert
Given, Jacob
Goul, James W ,
Grass, Thomas L..
Griffith, Martin
Griffey, Oliver
Garrett, J. P ,
Gustin, Samuel
George, Sylvester ,
Gustin, Allen,
Private ......
8th Infantry..
9th Infantry,,
Sth Infantry,,
8th Infantry..
llth Infantry
12th Infantry
13th Infantry
16th Infantry
16th Infantry
I7th Infantry
I7th Infantry
17ih Infantry
19th Infantry
19th Infantry
34th Infantry
34th Infantry
34th Infantry
34th Infantry
34th Infantry
34th Infantry
34th Infantry
34th Infantry
34th lufantry
34th Infant y
34th lufantry
34th Infantry
Sth Cavalry...
Sth Cavalry...
57th Infantry
67th Infantry
76th lufantry
75th Infantry
76th Infantry
S9th Infantry
89th Infantry
89th Infantry
S9th Infantry
89th Infantry
lOlst Infant'y
101st Infant'y
130th Infant'y
130th Infant'y
130th Infant'y
130th Infant'y
September 6, 186I ...
August 30, 1862 ......
August 30, 1802
August 30, 1862
February 24, 1865,..
August 17, 1862 . ...
March 22, 1866
Augnst 19, I80-2
November 3, 1864
June 12, 1861
June 12, ISjI
June 12, 1861
July 29, 1861
July 29, 1861
September 21, 1861,.
September 21, 1861.,
September 21, 1861_
October 12, 1864
October 13, 1864
OctobjrlO, 1861
October 10, 1861
October 10, 1861
October'lO, 1861
October 10, 1861
October 10, 1861
September 26, 1801..
November 24, 1863...
January 22, 1864
December 18, 1861...
December 18, 1861...
July 30, 1802
July 20, 1862
July 14, 1862
August 8, 1862
August 6, 1862
August 9, 1862
July 26, 1862
August 8, 1862
August 18, 1863
Angust 12, 1862
December 29, 1803...
December 29, 1863...
December 29, 1863...
December 29, 1863 ..,
AVounded at Pea Bridge, drowned in Mississippi river Sept. I6, 1662.
Died at St. Louis, November S, 1862.
Died at St. Louis, October IS, 1863.
Mustered out July 26,.1865.
Mustered out June 8, 1865.
Mustered out September 6, 1866.
Mustered out June 30, 1866.
Trausferred to 13th caval.y.
Discharged December 13, 1862, disability.
Record not good.
Veteran, mustered out August 8, 1866.
Killed at Antietam, September 19, 1862.
Wounded. Veteran, mustered out February 3, 1866.
Mustered out September 21, 1864.
.Mustered out Septembor 21, 1864.
Mustered oiit Odtbber"12, 1865.
Mustered out October 12, 1865.
Mnstered out December 14, 1864.
Discharged July 9, 1864,
Discharged July 9, 1864.
Mustered but September 21 , 1864.
"Veteran, mustered out February 3, 1866.
Veteran, raustered out February 8, 1866.
Discharged November II, 1861.
Mustered out July 20, 1865;
Record not good.
Died February 5, 1803.
Dischaiged December 31. 1863.
Mustered out June 8, 1S05.
Mustered out June 8. 1865.
Promoted 1st Lientenant
Promoted Chaplain 12th Indiana Volunteers.
Discharged March 9, 18'')6:
Mnstered out July 19, 18^5.
Mustered out July 19, 1865.
Mustered out July 19. 1866.
Discharged October 28, 18u2.
Discharged March 24, 1863.
Mustered out December 2, 1865.
Mustered out December 2, 18.65.
Mnstered out December2, 1865, /
Discharged May 31, 1 866.
Com pany.
Goodwin, Geo
Gordon, Sylvanus
Gardner, Henry
Hall, Richard J
Hardin, John
Hnllabaugh, J, H
Hawhey, Nathniel
Helvie, Lewis K
Henry, Samuel
Hossman, Michael
Hulbi rt, David
Hunt, John H
HlckB, John H
Hair, Benj
Hicks, Jeremiah
Hicks, Samuel
^Huston, David
,,^Hn8ton, Wm. G
Helvie, Lewis K
^'Huston, Thos. W
Hunt, John M
Hurlbert, Daniel R
Heagy, Geo.W
Hale, Alexander
nicks, John H
Bern, Dennis
Hoover, Enos
Hoover, Emsley
Houghman, John S
Howard, Alvin W
Hedges, Abraham
Harding, Wm H
Hardin, Charles V
/'Huston, Thomas S
.'^-Hiday, John H
Hnphryes, John
„, 1801..
8lh Cavalry ...iDeoember 18, 1863...
47th Infantry December 9, 1661
47tli Infantry'Deceinber 9, 1861
47th Infantry December 9, I8.il
MuBlered out September 5, 1866,
Mustered out September 5, 1806.
Mustered out July 18, 1866.
Appointed Sergoaat. Mustered out Jui-e 30, 1866.
Appointed Serg't ; wounded Arkansas post ; mustered out June S, *6S.
Mustered out June SO, 1865.
Discharged November 11, 1862. Wounded Richmond, Kentucky.
Discharged March 13, 1863. Disability.
Record not good.
Record not good.
Died J niy 15,1862
Died November 16, 1862,
Mustered out as sergeant with regiment.
Record not good.
Record not good.
Mustered out February 16, 1865.
Veteran, mnstered out August 8, 1866, as sergeant.
Record not good.
Veteran, died April 25, 1866, wounds.
Mustered out June 20. 1864.
Died at Reverly, Virginia, Septeraber 19, 1861.
Veteran. Mustered out Angust 8, 1865.
Veteran. Transferred to 20th Rutjiment
Mustered out July 31, 1865.
Resigned January 30, 1862;
Resigned January 9, 1863.
Veteran. Discharged October 4, 1866. Disability.
Killed at Magnolia Hills, May 1, 1863.
Mustered out October 14, 1865,
Killed at Vicksburg, May 97, 1863.
Killed on picket. Fort Pillow, May 23, 1863.
Veteran, drowned Lake Ponchartraln, Sep. 30,1604.
Mustered out February 3, 1806, as sergeant.
Mustered out September 21, 1864.
Veteran. Musteied out February 3, 1866.
Died at Buffalo, Kentucky, March 1, 1862.
Died at New Orleans, July 8, 1864.
Mustered out November 25, 1865.
Transferred to I6th Ohio Battery.
Mustered out June 17, 1865.
Transferred to fleld and staff duty, July 4, 1864.
Record not good.
Record not good.
Hardcastle, William..
Hensley, Joseph
Hinkle, Henry
Hodgson, Reuben
Holloway, Isaac
Hour, Dorsey M
Ham, Samuel
Ham, Jao. H.
Ham, William J
Ham, George W
^^..^Hnston, Joseph
Hardin, Samuel
Hankins, Williara D
Hankins, William N
^ Huston, William H„„
Billigoss, William J..
Harman, L, C
Haucker, John A
Hosier, T. H. D
Hiliis, George
Hosier, .Chancey
' Helm,^ Francis
Hillis, David E
Hilligoss," George H..
Holloway, Elisha
Helvie, Leones
Harder, J. H
/Huston, Davies B
^Huston, Samuel C
Hayes, Thoraas L. B..
Hollingsworth, John
House, John R
Harris, David
Hughes, Thoinas
Hughes, James
Helm, William
Hass, Godfrey
Hedrick, John
Hunt, John M
Private .,
Private ..
Private ..
Private .,
Private .,
CorporalPrivate .
Private .
Private .,
Private .,
CorporalPrivate .,
Private .,
Private .,
Sergeant Private .,
Private .,
Private .,
Private .,
Private ..
Private ..
I?rivate .,
CorporalPrivate .
Private ..
Private .,
Private .,
Private .,
Private .,
Private ..
Private ..
Private .,
Private .,
Private ..
Private .,
Sergent ..
Private .,
2d Lieut .
47th Infantry
47th Infantry
47th Infantry
47th Infantry
47th Infantry
47th Infantry
67th Infantry
67th Infantry
67th Infantry
67th Infantry
67th Infantry
69tb Infantry
69th Infantry
69th Infantiy
69th Infantry
76th Infantry
75th Infantry
76th Infantrv
75th Infantry
75th Infantry
75tli Infantry
75th Infantry
76th Infantry
75th Infantry
75th Infantry
S9th Infantry
89th Infantry
5th Cavalry...
6th Cavalry,.,
5th Cavalry...
101st Infantry
101st Infantry
lOlst Infantry
lOIpt Infantry
inlst Infantry
101st Infantry
lOfithlnfantry ISOtblnfantry
Date of Muster.
December 18, 1861..
December 18, 1861..
December 18, 1861'..
December 18, 1861..
December IS, 1861..
Deceraber 18, IS'il..
December IS, 1861..
December 18, 1861 .
Deceraber 18, 1861..
December 18, 1861..
December 18, 1861..
August 19, 1862
Angust 19, 1862
August 19, 18,62
Augusi 19, 1862.
July 30, 1862...
July 30, 1862 '.
July 30, 1862
July 30, 1862
July 30, 1862
July 30, 1862
July 30, 1862
August 7, 1862
July 2'i, 1862
July 16,1862
July 17, 1862
Jannary 2, 1864
August 4, 1862
March 21, 186S
November 10, 1804..
August 18, 1862
August 18, 1862
Angust 12. 1862
Augnst 18, 1862
August 12, 1862
August 12, 1862 ....
Jnly 9, 1863
July 9. 1863
September 17, 1864,
Transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps.
Mustered out October 23, Ifeos. '
Mutteied out October 23. 1865.
Discharged October 19, 1862.
Di6chargt>d April '22, 1S62,
Killed at Champion Hilts, May 16, 1863.
Ditcharged Deceinbei' 23, 1861, disability.
Discharged Decembei-3l, 1663, disability.
Discharged September II, 1863, disability.
Veteran, raustered out December 14, 1866, as Quartermaster Serg't.
Died at NashviUe, Tenn., February 6, 1863, lung fever.
Discharged Noveraber 24, 1862, wounded at Richmond, Ky.
Discharged November 24, 1862, wounded at Richmond, Ky.
Mustered out July 6, 1865.
Died at Young's Point, February 20, 1863. '
Promo'edto 1st Lietitenaht.
Died at Gallatin Tenn., Febrnary 27, 1863.
Killed at Chicamauga, September 19, 1863.
Mustered ont Jnne 8, 1865.
Died at Murfreesboro, April 13, 1863.
Discharged February in, 1863.
Mustered ont June 8,' 1865.
Died at Murfreesboro, February 15, 1863,
Discharged March 20, 1864.
Mustererl owt June 8, 186S.
Mustered out July 19, 1865.
Died at New Orleans, May 25, 1864.
Mustered ont June 15, 1865.
Mustered oiit June 15, 1865,
Mustered out June 15, 1865,
Mustered ont June 24, 1865,
Mustered out June 24, 1865.
Discharged Febrnary 19, 1863.
Discharged Deceraber 28, 1862.
Discharged DeeeAber '28, 1868.
Mustered out June 24, 1864.
Mustered out J^ty'M, 1865.
Mustered out July 18, 1865,
Promoted 1st Lieutenant),
H&rpole, Sam
Harris, David
Hendrix, D. A
Hendrix, D. L
Harrison, GIbert....
HHrltiSfl, John
Hackleman, G. W...
Harris, John
Hamilton, John ,
Bamricic, Johu
Hawk, David C
Hollowell. W. il
Hopper, Isaac
Hytield, Harrison ..
Hardin, John
Irish, Jamps M
Irish, Oliver ,
Irish, Voluey B ,
Irish, Oliver
Ingram,^ Wm
Ingram, Wiley.!,
Ingram, Clement.....
Itert, G. W..
Irish, V, P
Ifert, Wm...i
Ingram, Leonard....
Irish, J. M
' Jones, Philip
Jones,' John
' Jenkins, Jeremiah .
.Jordan, James.
Jaitaes, Joseph
James, Charles ,
'Jennings, Geo. W....
Jennings, Wm. A....
'Jonesy Collins
Jenkins, James
Johnston, Geo. T....
Jones, Wm. Tl
Jones, Jontithali
Jones, Isaac P
James, Blias
Jackson, Sarauol
Jackson, Robert
ISOthlnfant'y ISOlh Infant'y
I30thlnfant'yl.Wtblnfnnl'v l:!Oth Infaui'y
147th Infant'"!
H7th Infant'y
147th Infant'y
147th Infiint'y
149tli Infant'y
164thlnfant'yIR'ith Infant'y
156tli Infant'y
2d Battery
Sth Infantry,.
Sth Infantry,
19th Infant'y
I9th Infant'y
17tli Infant'y
76th Infant'y
76th Infaut'y
S9th Infantrv
89th Infantrv
SOth Infantry
130lh infant'y
2d Battery,.,,
&th Infantry.
Sth Inlantry.
Sth Infantry.
12th Infantry
lOlh Infantry
10th Infantry
16tli Infantry
Kith Infantry
16lh Infantry
17th Infantry
17th Infantrv
17th Infantry
34th Infantry
34il! Infantry
34th Infantry
34th Infantry
34th Infantry
March 11, 1864
March 11, 1864
March 1, 1864
March 1, 1804
March 1, 1864
Januiry26, 1805
January '25, 1865
January 25, 1865
January 31,1865
February 3, 1866
March 31, 1865
April 5, 1866
March 21, 1866
March 21, 1865
September 1, 1861 ...
April 22, 1861
April 22, 1861
July 29, 181
July 29, 1801
December 9, 1861
August 1.3, 1862
July 30,1862
Augnst 6,1862
Jnly 2 i, 1802
February 6, 1864 ....
March 1, 1864
September 1, 1861.,
September 5, 1861 ..
September 6, 1861 ...
Muy 24, 1864
August 11, 1862
Jnly 21, 1862
August 16, 1862
August 10, 1862
August 19, 1862
Augnst 19, 1862
June 12, 1861
June 12, 1861
June 1-2, 1861
September 21, 1861..
jSeptember 21, 1861.,
September 21, 1861.,
September 21, 1861 .,
September 21, 1861 ,,
Mustered out DtJSembor 2. ISO'S.
Mustered out December 2. 1865.
Died at. Knoxville, Jnly 14, 1861.
Died at Logansport, January 25, 1863.
Mustered out. December 2. 1865.
Mustered out August 4, 1865.
Mustered out Augnst 4, 1866.
Mustered out Augnst 4, 1866.
Died at home, March 12, 1866.
Mustered out February 27, 1865.
Mustered out August 4, 1866.
Mustered out A igust24, 1865.
Mustered nut Angust 4, 1865.
Mustered out May 17, 1865.
Promoted 2d Lieutenant.
Mustered out Angust 6, 1861, term expired.
Mustered out August 6, 1861, term expired.
Mustered ous Septeraber 19, 1862.
Mustered out Angust 9, 1862.
Discharged October 9, 18i3.
Mustered ont June 8, 1866.
Discharged May 1, 1*^63.
Mustered out July 19, 1866.
Mustered out .Inly 19,1866.
Transferred to 26th Regiraent.
Died at Quincy, Indiana, October 10, 1864.
Mustered out Septeraber 1, 1864.
Veteran, mustered out Augnst 28, 1866.
Mustered out August 28, 1865.
Mustered out June 8, 18i'.6,
Discharged July 2, 1^63, disability.
Mustered out June 30, 1865, as Corporal.
Transferred to V. R. C.
Died March 2, 1863.
Killed at Richmond, Kentucky, August 30, 186
Veteran, inustured out August 8. 1866.
DlscbargedJnly 22, 1861, disability.
Mustered out June 20, 1804.
Resigned, August 2, 1863.
Died at Buffalo, Kentucky, Febrnary 16, 1862.
Veteniu, mustered out February 3, 1866.
Mustered out, September 21, 1864,
Veteran, transferred to Company *' C."
Johnson, Wm. L
Jones, Morris H
Jerrell, Wm
Johnson, Henry
Jones, Thomas N
Jackson, Harrison
Jarrett, Owen ...
Jay, Alhert
Judd, James
Johnson, Wm
Jackson, M.irtin
Jarrt-tt, John R
Jarrett, J. W
Jackson, Steph. J
Jackson, F. M
Jarrett. James W
Jackson, George
Jarrett, A.J.
Jackson, Thomas B..
Jones, Davis
Jones, Paul G
Jones, Philip
Jarrett, Wm. F
Johnson, David C
James, Thomas. 1
Jenkins, George..;
Jones, Lemon
Jones, Spicer
Johnson, Franklin....
Johnson, Milton
Johnson, A. Y
Johnson, Samuel
Kelly, Charles
Kelly, John
Keller, Philip
Kraner, Andrew F.. .
Kurtz, William
Kinnamon, Sach
Kelly, George W
Private ..
As't Surg...
Sergent ....
34th Infantry
y4tTi Infantry
34th lufantry
Sth Cavalry...
2d Cavalry
47th Infantry
47th Infantry
47th Infantry
69th Infantry
75th Infantry
75th Intantry
75th Infantry
75th Infantry
89th Infantry
89th Infantry
89th Infantry
89th Infantry
89th Infantry
8i)th Infantry
89th Infiintry
89th Infantry
89th Infantry
89th Infantry
Sth Cavalry...
101st Infant'y
I30th Infant'y
13Uth Infant'y
130th Infiint'y
130th Infant'y
130th Infant'y
2d Battery....
2d Bat;ery....
Sth Infantry.
8th Infantry,
Sth Infantry.
Sth Infantry..
llth Infantry
12th Infantry
12th Infantry
Dale of Muster.
September 21, 1861..
September 21, 1861...
October 10, 1861
December 14. 1863....
December 20, 1861....
December 9, 18G1 ,
Deceraber 9, 18G1
December 9, 1861 ,
August 19, 1S62
August 8, 1862 ,
August 8, 1862
August S, 1862
July 28, 1862 ,
August 8, 1862
August 6, 1862
August 14, 1862
July 19, 1832 ,
August 14, 1861
August 6, 1862
August 12, 1862
April 13, 1864 ,
January 2, 1864 ,
January 13, 1864
August 4, 1802
August 12, 18^62,
Itecemher 29, 1S63...
December 29, ISiiS...
December 29, 1863...
December 29, 1863...
December 29, 1863...
September 1, 1861...
November 21, 1864...
August 30, 18G2
August 30, 1862
September 5, 1861...
September 5, 1861...
March 14,1865
Augnst 11, 1862
August 8t 1862
Died at Camp Wickliffe, Ky., Febrnary S, 1862.
Died at Anderson, Ind., October 12, 1861.
Veteran, mustered out February 3, 1866.
Discharged February 1, 1865.
Resigned December 11, 18b2.
Discharged June, 1862.
"Veteran, mustered out October 23, 1865.
Veteran, mustered out October 23, 1865.
Mustered out July 5, 1865.
Mustered out June 8, 1805, as sergent.
Died at Chattanooga, October 4, 1863.
Record not good.
Mustered out June 8, 1865.
Mustered out July 19, 1865.
Mustered out July 19, 1865.
Mustered out July 19, 1865.
Discharged November 26, 1862.
Discharged December 23, 1862.
Killed at NashviUe, December 16, 1864.
Mustered out July 19, 1865, as corporal.
Tiansferred to 26th regiment.
Transferred to 26th regiment.
Transferred to 26th regiment.
Discharged, 1864.
Discharged October 11, 1862.
ttlustered out December 2, 1865.
Mustered" out December 2, 1865.
Mustered out December 2, 1865.
Mustered out Dectmber 2, 1865.
Mustered out December 2, 1865.
Mustered out September 1, 1864.
Mustered out July 3, 186.*;.
Died at Helena. Ark., Septembor 23, 1862.
Died at St. Louis, November 6, 186-2.
Veteran, mustered out August 28, 1865.
Appointed musician, mustered out August 24, 1865.
Discharged as private February 20, 1863, disability.
Killed at Mission Ridge* November 26, 1863.
Kinnaman, tovi M
Kinnaman, Jaraee M
Kaufman, jphn ,.
Kelly, Michael
Kimberley, JameB S
KribB, Jacob
Kiiigbt, Francis M
Kokoanider, Geo
Kindell, Wm, A
Kinnaman, John W
King, Augustine
KurtK, Wm. I!
Kidwell, Robert M
Klepfer, Lewis.....
Keller, John
Keller, John B
Kellum, T. H...
Kesler, ' John ..— .
Koons, Elijah
Kerr, James
Keesling, Johu
King, Henry N
Kelly, Wm. J
Kelly, Eli
King, James 0
KirBcy, Wm. W ;
Koeniger, Lewis
Lewark, James H
Loyd, Johu
Lanahan, Joseph
Lewark, Xldward
Lewark, Jamea
Lewark, Francis lil
Lemon, Albert E
Lyons, John
LawBon, Charleg...
Lowe, John
Lewis, AsaT
Lennen, Peter B
Lee, Culpepper
Lippold, Edward
Lee, John
Luck, Abner J
Layman, Milt P
Private ....
Private .,,,
Private ....
Private ....
Private ....
Private ....
Private ....
Private ....
Private ....
Private ....
Private ....
Mnsioian ,
Private ....
Private ... .
Private ....
Private ,..,
Private ,..,
Priva.te ....
Private ....
Private ....
Corporal...Corporal...Private ....
Private ....
Private ....
Private ....
Private ....
Private .,,,
Private ,..,
Private .,,
Private ....
Private ....
Private ....
Private ....
Private ....
Corporal ..
Private ....
Private ...
Private ....
Corporal.,Private ...
¦ivate ....
Private ...
Corporal ..
I2th Infantry
12th Infantry
16th Infantry
16th Infantry
16th Infantry
1 6th Infantry
17th Infant ry
17th Infantry
20th Infantry
34th Infantry
34th Infantry
34th Infantry
34th Infantry
Sth Cavalry...
47th Infantry
76th Infantry
SOth Infantry
S9th Infantry
89th Infantry
105th Infant'y
130th Infant' V
I30th Infant'y
laoth Infant'y
130th Infant'y
130th Infant'y
147th Infant'y
2d Battery
Sth Infantry,.
8th Infantry..
8th Infantry.
8tli Infantry.
Sth Infantry.
8th Infantry.,
Sth Infantry.
Sth Infantry,
8th Ini^ntay,,
Sth Infautay,
llth lufantry
12th Infantry
16th Infantry
16tli Infantry
16th Infantry
I6th Infantry
l7th Infantry
August 8, 1861
August 11, 1862
August 19, 1S62
August 19, 1862
October 10, 1864
September 27, 1864
June 12, 1861
Jnne 12, 1861
February 4, 1864
September 21, 1861
Ociober28, 1864
October 10, 1861
October 10, 1861
December 19, 1863
December 9, 1861
August 11, 1862
July 26, 1862
August 7, 1862
Augusts, 186'2
July 9, 1862
December 29, 1863
March 1, 1864
December 29, 1863
March 1,1864
Maroh 1, 1864
February 23, 186.3
January 4, 1864
April 22, 1861
September 5, 1S61
September 5, 1861
Septembor 5, 1861
September 5, 1861,..
September 5, 1861
September 5, 1861
Septoniber 5, 1861
September 6, 1861
April 17, 1862
February 23, 186.5
September 24, 1862
August 10, 1S62,.,„
Angustia, 1862,,,.,
November 22, 1864
Angust 29, 1861....
June 12, 1861
Died at Louisville, Ky., September 10, 1862.
Mustered out June 8, 1865.
Appointed Svrgeant, mustered ont Juno 30, 1866.
Record not good.
Transfered T;o 13th Cavalry.
Mustered out June 30, 1866.
Transfered to 4lh V. S. Artillery.
Record not good.
Transfered to V. R, C, June 1, 1865.
Veteran mustered ont February 3, 1866, as Ist Sergeant.
Mustered but October 26, 1865.
Discharged June ,24, 1862, disability.
Died in Indiana May 11, 1862.
Mustered out July 20, 1866.
Record not good.
Mustered out Jnne 8, 1865.
Died at Vicksburg Angust 3, 1864.
Mustered out July 19, 1866.
Transfered to Y, R. C.
Mustered out July 18, 1865.
Mustered ont May 27, 1865.
Died Nashville, April 26, 1864.
Mustered our December 2, 1866.
Mnstered out December 2, 18^5.
Discharged March 12, 1865.
Mustered out August 4, 1865.
Muatered out July 3, 1865.
Mustered out August 6, 1861, term expired.
Veteran, wagoner, mustered ont August 28, 1865.
Veteran, mustered out August 28, 1865.
Appointed corporal, discharged, diaahility.
Veteran, mnstered out June 12, 1865.
Veteran, app'iinted sergeant, mustered out August 28, 1865.
Mustered out August 28, 1865.
Must" red ont July 26, 1865.
Died at Grand Junction, Tenn., February 10,1863.
Disch.nrged September 17, 1863, disability.
Mustered out Juno 30, 1865.
Transfered to 13th Cavalry.
Transfered to 13th Cavalry.
Reduced, discliarged December 13, 1862, disability.
Lamb, Patrick
Lott, Jacob
Leamy, James
Lynch, Patrick ,
Lewark, John W
Love, Byram
Lee, Daniel F
Lee, H. W.G
Lee, Samuel
Legg, Thoraas B
Lee, Joseph
Larue, Samuel B ,
Lee, John H
Lust, Hugh C
Lyst, Henry C
Lewark, Elijah
Lyst, -Thomas J
Lyst, Samuel
LawsQU, Henderson.
Lawsbu, George
Lilley, A. R
Lane,.\V. D. F
Lemon, Orange
Landphire, William
Lanfeaty, Joseph
Little, Jesse
Litlie, Gambrel
Lindley, John
Lane, P, Z, T
Laydon, Quintom,...
Lee, William F
Martin, Williara H...
Madden, Thoraas
Maul, Charles A
Maulf Corydon W....
McCallister, John G.
McSinnan, Joseph...
McGraw, James W...
McGraw, George W.
Private .. ..
2d Lieuten't
G.... G.... A....I ....
U .,.,
E.„.B ....
E..„E ...
G,,.. G,..,
G ,.,.
r. .,„
A.... E
K ....
K ,„.
K.„. B ....
B ....
E....E....B....B,... B ...
Regi inent.
Date of Muster.
17tli Infantry
17th Infantry
Wth Infantry
20th Infantry
341 h Infantry
34th Infantry
34th Infantry
34th Infantry
34th Infantry.
34th lufantry'
a4th Infantry
.14th Infautry
47th Infantry
¦i7th Infantry
7i)th Intantry
76th Infantry
7oth Infantry
7oth Infantry
76'h Infantry
7.5th Infantry
76th lufantry
SOth Infantry
S9th Infantry
5th Cavalry,,,,
lOlst Infantry
lauth lufantry
130th Infantry
I30th Infantry
130th Infan'y,.
1 SOth Infan'y..
154th Infan'y..
Sth Infantry,.
Sth Infantry.,
Sth Infantry,,
Sth Infantry,.
Sth Infantry,,
Sth Inlantry,.
8th Infantry.,
Sth Infantry,.
June 12, 1861
June 12, 1861
March 12, 1862
Jannary 1, 1864
.September 21, 18^1...,
September 21, 1861...
October 24, 1864
October 16, 1864
October 10, 1S61 ,
October 10, 1861
February 2, 1864
October 16, 1864
December 9, 1861
December 9, 1861
July 30, 1862
Jnly 28, 1862
August 30, 1862
August 30, 1862
August 30, .1862
Angust 30, 1862
August 16, 1862
July 19, 1862
August 8, 1862
August 5, 1862
February 16, 1863 ....
Maroh 11, 1864
March 1'., 1864
December 29, 1863...,
March 1, 1864 ,
March 1, 1864
March 21, 1865
April 22, 1861
April 22, 1861
April 22, 1861
April 22, 1861
April 22, 1861
April 22, ISiil
April 22, 1861
April 22, 1861
OS CO0:>
Veteran ; mustered out Angust 8, 1865.
Record not good,
Veteraji ; transferred to 20th Regiment.
Musleri'd out July 12, 1865,
Veferan; discharged..Novem.ber 6, 1865, for disability.
Veteran ; .miistered out February 3,' 1866.
Died at Braios, Texas, May 26, 1865.
Died at New Orleans, Jnl^ 11, 1865.
Veteran ; mustered out February 3, 1866.
Transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps, October 12, 1863.
Mustered out February 3, 1866.
Mustered out September 6,1865,
Veteran ; nrnstered out October 23, 1865.
Veteran; mustered out October '23,1866.
MuBtered out June 8, 1865.
Died at Vinings, Ga,, August 22, 1864.
Mustered ont June 8, t865.
Mustered out June 8, 1866,* as sergeant.
Mnstered out June 8, 1866.
Die* at Gallatin, Tenn., March 29, 1863.
Died at Gallatin, Tenn., January 19. 1863.
Died at Memphis, Tenn., March 12, 1863.
DlBCharged October 23, 1863.
Discharged May— ,1866;
Promoted to 1st Meutenant, January 11, 1864,
Record not good.
Mustered out Deceraber 2, 1865.
Mustered out'Iieceraher 2, 1866.
Discliarged Novembei 12, 1864.
Mustered out Deceraber 2, 1866.
Mustered bnt August 4, 1866,
Musteri'd out August 6, 1861, terra expired.
Mustered out August 6, 1861, term expired.
Mustered out August 6, 1861, term expired.
Mustered out August 6, 1861, terra expired.
Mustered ont August 6, 1861, term expired.
Mustered out August 6,- 1861, term^xpired.
Mustered ont August 6, 1861, term expired.
Mustered out August 6, 1861, term expired.
a tn
McGuire, Thomas Private
McGuire, Michael Private
MelrosB, Andrew H Private ,.,.
Moore, John Privste
Mershon, William B Private
Melross, Andrew Corporal
Mathews, Sanford Private
Maul, George K Private ....
Mansfield, John T Private
McCallister, William H Private
McCallister, Robert J Privaie
McCarthey, John W Private
McCabe. James Private
McCarthey, William S Private
Moworv, George Private
McCallister, James G Corporal
McCallister. Corydon Musician
McCallister, William M Private
McCormac, Thomas Private
McGuire, James Private
McCoUough, George Private
McCallister, Charles Private
Manning, Joel Private
McCallister, Clifton Private
McPnllister, L. D Captain
Myric, John W Privaie
Marvan, D.C Private
Miller, William N Private
Mouiaeu, Jiunes Private
Moulden, William T Private
Moulden, W. H Private
McGuire, James Private
McGuire, Ralph Privaie
McVoy, John Private
Michael Lewis Private
Morton, Davis . — Piivate
McCardle, James T Musician
Mfthoney, Daniel, Priviite
'^'McColltiugh, Patrick Private
'¦'Murray, Thoinas Private
Mcljiiilliau, Lewis Private
Minnick. Isaac Private
Mason, William Private
Moore, Lewis Private
Sth Infantry.,
Sth Infantry,,
Sth Infantry.,
Sth Infantry..
Sth Infantry,,
Sth Infantry,,
Sth Infantry,,
Sth Infantry,.
Sth Infantry,,
Sth Iiifanlry.,
Sth Infantry..
Sth Infiintry..
Sth Iiifiinry.,
Sth Infantry..
Sth Infantry,,
Sth Infantry,.
K Sth Infantry,,
K 8th Infantry,,
K Sth Infantry,,
K 8th Inrantry,,
K..y,.l8th Infantry,,
Sth Infantry,,
Sth Infantry,,
Sth Infantry,,
Sth Infantry,.
llth Infantry
llth Infantry
llth Infantry
12th In antry
12th Infantry
12th Infantry
12th Infantry
12th Infantry
12th Infantry
l^tli Iiifantr>
11 th Infantry
16th Infantry
IBth Iiifrntry
16th Infantry
16th Infantrv
16th Infautry
16fh Infantr.\
16th Infantry
IC ....
E ,
G... G,.,G,..O...G,.. A,.,
K.., K„.
K... K...
K... K„,
K 16th Infantry
April 22, 1861
April '22, 1861
April 22, 1861
April 22, 1801
April 22, 1861
September 5, 1861
September 5, 1861
September 5, 1861
Soptiinber 6, 1861
September 5, 1801
September 6, 1861
September 6, 1861.
Sei.'tember 5, 1861.'
Si'pteniber'6, 1861
September 5, 1861
September 6, 1861
Septembor 5, 1861
April 17, 1864:..;
August 30, 1862
August 30, 1862
August 30, 1862
August ;iO, 1862
August 30, 1862
August 30, 1862
July 1, 1863
February 24, 1865
March 4. 1866,:
March 31, 1865
August 3, 1862
August 3, 1862
Angust 7, l862
Angust 11, 1862
August 11, 1862
August 8, 1862
August 12, 1802
July 21, 1862
August 19, 1862
August 19, 1802 ¦
AuRUSt 10, 1862
August 19, 1862 ;.....
August IS), 1862
August 19, 1862
December 6, 1864
September 18, 1862
Mustered out August 6, 1861, term expired.
Mustered out August 6, 1861, term expired.
Mustered ont August 6, 1861, term expired.
Mustered out August 6, 1861, term expired.
Mustered out August 6, 1861, term expired.
Record not good.
Wounded at Pea Ridge.
Veteran, appointed Sergeant, discharged August 2, 1865, disability.
Veteran, mustered out August 28, 1865.
Murdered at Helena, Arkansas, i^epteraber 16, 1862.
Transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps, September '20, 1863.
Died nt St, Louis, October 21, 1801.
Veteran, mustered out August 28, 1865.
Veteran, mustered out August 28, 1865.
Veteran, mustered out August 14, 1866.
Mustered out Angust 28, 1806,
Died at Vicksburg, May 21, 1863.
Died at Alexandria. Virginia, February 16, 1865.
Died at St, Louis, Missouri, Deceraber 12, 1862.
Veteran, mnstered out 21, 1865.
Discharged November 26, 1863.
Mustered out July 26, 1866.
Mustered out Jnly 26, 1866.
Mustered nut July 26, 1865.
Killed at Atlanta, Georgia, July 22, 1864.
Transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps.
Died nt Rome, Georgia, September 12, 1864.
Mustered ont June 8, 1866.
Died at Indianapolis, October 6, 1862.
Died at Grand Junction, Tenn,, March 6, 1863.
Died at Grand Junction, Tenn., February 23, 1863,
Appointed Sergeant, mustered out June 80, 1866,
Mustered out Jnne 30, 1865
Mustered out Jnne 30, 1865.
'•¦'Bischarged March 10, 1863, wounds received at Ark. Post.
-'fiup'd killed at Richmond, Kentucky, August 30, 1862,
Died Sej.tember 28, 1802, wounds received at Richmond, Kentucky.
Discharged, Jnly, 1863, frora wounds received at Richmond, Ky.
Transferred to 13th cavalry.
Mustered ont June 30, 1865.
Date of Muster.
Moore, John W
Private ,
2d Lieut
2d Lieut
2d Lii-nt
1st Lieut ,„
2d Lieut,,,,
Musician ,..
Musician ,„
Musician ,,.
1 :::::;
16th lufantry
October 10, 1862 ..
ReccrJ not good.
Itecord not good.
Veteran, mustered out Angust 8, 1865.
Discharged October 26, 1861, disability.
Record not good,
Musterea out Jnne 20, 1864.
Transferred to V, R. C, November 25, 1863 ; wounds.
Discharged June iO, 1864.
Veteran. Mustered out August 8, 18°5,
Veteran. Mustered out Angust 8, 1865, as sergeant.
Died March 27, 1862.
Veteran. Discharged June 20, 18ij4.
Discharged July 21, 1861. Disability.
Mustered out August 8, 1866.
Veteran. Mnstered out August 8, 1866.
Promoted Major, Killed in battle.
Promoted 1st Lieut, then Captain,
Killed at Gainesville, August 28, 1862.
Wounded- Wilderness, Mustered out August '28, 1864 as
Trausferred to 20th Regiraent
Promoted 1st Lieut. April 20, 1865,
Resigned Octobers, 1862.
Resigned Oct. 23, 1804,
Promoted Captain May 1, 1863. Assigned (luatrermaster.
Mnstered out September- 21, 1864.
Discharged December 12, 1862. Disability.
Mustered out October 12, 1865.
Mustered out October 26, 1865.
Died at New Haven, Kentucky, December 15, 1861
Died at New Haven, Kentucky, March 1. 1862,
Veteran, Mustered out February 3, 1866,
17th Infantry
17th Infantry
17th Infantry
17th Infantry
17th lufantry
17th Infantry
17th Infantry
17th Infautry
17ih Infantry
17th Infantry
17th Infantry
17th Infantry
17th Infantry
ITth Infantry
17th Infantry
Juue 12 1861
June 12, 1861
June 12, 1861
Jnne 12 1861
June 12, 1861
McMIUen, Jas. P
June 12, 1861
McMillan, Silas
June 12, 1861
Meddee, Wm ,
June 12, 1861
June 12 1861
June 12, 1861
Miller, Wm. C
June 12 1861
Miller, William 0
Juue 12, 1S61
Murphy, Chas. W
June 12 1861
Myers, Wm. H
June 12,1861 „
Martin, Isaac J....
November 23, 1864
Octobers, 1864
19th Infantry
19th Infantrv
19th infantry
19th Infantry
19th Infantry
3itb Infantry
34th Infautry
34th Infantry
31th Infantry
S4th Infantry
,34lh Infantry
34th Infantry
34th Infantry
34th Infantry
.34th Infantry
34th Infantry
34th Infiintry
34th Infantry
34tU In antry
July 29 1861
Makepeace, A.I
Jtlly 29, 1861
Miller, Wra
Jnly '29, 1861
July 29, 1861
February 12 1864
Ist serg't.
Modlln, Elias
June 20, 1864
Moore, C. W
April 20, 1862
Miner, Wra. J
Makepeace, Samuel D
October 12 1861 .. .
Mays, Joseph H
October 12 1861
September 21, 1861
September 21, 1861
Septeraber 21, 1861
Moore, Davis M
McMullen, Jno. W
September 21, 1801
October 10 1861
Moiire, John H
McGuire, John W
October 10,1861
Martin, Oliver F
McConneha, John T
Miller, Wm. N
Milhr, Joseph
Mills, Wm
Mooro, Wm
Moulder, Wm. P
Miner, Jabez E
Mays, Jacob
Miller, Wm. P
McGraw, Jhmes W...
Myers, Win. R
Mabbltt, Jaraes B...
Maynard, Wm. A....
Miller, John
Moses, Justice
McMullen, J. C
Markle, Dewitt C...
McMahan, J. W
Metcalf, Stephen
Mather Win
McKee John D
Miner James M
McMaban, James
McMahan, Samuel S
McKinney, Robert..
Morse, Elijah
Mullen, Wm. J
Mingle, Madison
Morris, John,,.',
Mingle, Wm. S
McCarty, Charles II
Mills, P, E, J
Morse, 0, H
McClintock, Alex „..
Manning, Richard J
McMtillen, Thos, J,.
Maine, Henry
McClese, John
Mayes, Wm. II
Moore, John A
Melton, P, M, G
Makepeace, E. A
Moler, Wm
2.1 Lieut
Private .,.. .
let Lieut
IMusiciau '
GG O I..
Bb' B
34th Infantry
34th Infantry
S4tli Infantry
S4th Infantrv
34th Infantry
34th Infantry
34th Infantrv
34th Infantry
34th Infantry
8th Cavalry, "
Sth Caviiliy...
47th Inlantry
47th Infantry
47th Infantry
47th Infantry
47th Infantry
47th Infantry
67tb Infantry
75th Infantry
76th Infantry
76{li Infautry
75th Infantry
7.5th Infantry
75th Infantry
76th Infantry
7fith Infantry
75th lufantry
89fh Infantry
SOth Infaniry
SOth It.fantry
89th Intantry
89th Infantry
6th Cavalry,..
6th Cavalrv...
101 st Infantry
lOlBt Infantrv
105th Infaut'v
instil Infant'v
130tlilnf:iut'y i:i0tlilnfniit'yKiOth Infaut'y
October 10, 1801
October 10, 1861
October 1(1, 1861
October Itl, ISOl
October 10, 1801
October 10, 1S6I
October 10, 1801
October 10, 1861
September "25, 1861,
December 4, 1863.,..
December 12, 1863..
January 24, 1862 ...
December 9, 1861....
December 9, 1861,...
December 9, 1861.,..
December 9, 1861....
Ileccmbcr 9, 1881....
December 18, 1861..
July 20, 18i;2
July 26, 1862
Jnlv 28, 1802
August 13, 1802
August 13, 1?62
August 13, 1862
August 6, 1862
July .30, 1862
July 16, 1862
August 6, 1862
August 6, 1862
August 9, 1802
Augusts, 1862
Augusts, 1862
August 4, 18i2
August 4, 18';2
October 27, lSli4
August 16, IS 3
August 10, lbC2
.Inly 9, 1813
July il, 1803
March 10, 1861
Maroh 11, 1864
December 29, 1863,,
Poconibpr 29, 1863..
March 11 "1864
Veteran, mustued out February 3, 18fi«.
Veteran, mustered i.ut February 3, 1866.
Discharged June 24, 1862, disability.
Died at New Orleans, September 10, 1864.
Discharged December 20, 1802, dlBabiiity.
Discharged October 21 , 1862, disability.
Discharged February 6, lt62, disability.
Traiisferrt d to Signal Corps.
Veteian, discharged November 20, 1864, blindnt'SB.
Mustered out Jnly 20, 1806.
Musterid ont Jnly li, 1865.
Promoted 1st Lieutenant, March 1, 1803, and Cuptaiu, Nttv. 16, ISSIi.
Record not good.
Record not good.
Killed nt Champion Hills, May 16, 1863,
Must.wcd out.
Diocliargod April 'i'i, 1862,
Woumled at Stone Kiver, Dec, 31, 1862, discharged Nov. 18, 1864.
Mustered out J une 8, 1865, as Ist Sergeant.
Transferred to ISnrinoer Cnrp, Jnly 29, 1861.
Killed at Chiciiniangn, September 2ii, 1863.
Missing at Chicanianga, September 19, 1863.
Died of wounds received at Chicamauga, September 22, 1863.
Mustered ont June 8, 1805.
Mustered out June 8, 1805,
Mustered ont June 8, 1865,
Died at Bridgeport, Alabama, November 24, 1863.
Mustered ont July 19, 186), as Sergeant.
Mustered ont Jnly 19, 186.5.
Mnstered out July 19, 186.5,
Discharged March 27, 1863,
Discharged December 19, 1862.
Muttered out Jnne 13, 1S0,5.
Musli'i-eil ont June 10, ISliB,
TransfLM-rt'd to5Sth Rcgiinent,
Mustered out June 24, 1806.
Discbarjicii Felirnary 10, 1*^61,
MnBtcreii ont July IS, ISOfi.
Mustered out Jnly IS, 1865,
Pruuioted Ciipliiin,
Mnstered out December 2, I8t'6,
Mustered out Dccenibir 2, 1866.
Music red nut Doci-inbcr 2, 1866.
Died lit AtUinta, Georgia.
McCarty, Dennis
McCoy, John H
Maler, John.....
Matha'g, Wm ,
Mills, Philip
Madclen, John
Mathews, J. C
Moulden, M.B
Maut, Cha rees A
Maul, Corydon W
McNeer, "Valentine...
Nicholas, Abraham..
Nash, Abram V
Neal, John A
Neese, Wm
Newton, John W
Nfwland. S. S
Noble, James A ,
Norris, .John ,
Norris, Wm ,
Newland, John W..,.
Nickum, Robert A.. .
Nichol, George
Nelson, John \V
Norris, John W,... ...
Nicholson, George A...
Newman, Albert
Niclcelson, Abraham
Nicltelson, W. F
Noble, James K
Noble, Wm. D
Newhouse, G.W
Orr, Thomas ,
O'Roke, MicbueJ
Osborn, Isaiah J
O'Brien, Wm
Ober, John
Olivpr, Thomas
Overman, Levi M,„..
2d Lieut
Musician ,.,
K,,. .
106th Infant'y
lOoth Infant'y
lC,5th Infant'y
lO.-ith Infant'y
147tli Infant'y
147th Infant'y
14-'th Infant'y
151 th Infant'y
2d Battery
2d Batterj
2d Battery
Sth Infantry,,
Sth Infantry.,
Sth Infantry,,
11 ih Infantry
16th Infantry
34th Infantrv
34ih Infantry
34th Infantry
34th Intantry
34th Infantry
34th Infantry
47th Infantry
75th Infantry
76th Infantry
89th Infantry
6th Cavalry,.,
10.»ith Infant'y
lUoth Infant'y
130th Infant'y
130th Infant'y
130th Infant'y
Sth Infantry,,
16th Infantry
16th Infantry
16th Infantry
17th Infantry
17th Infantry
17th Infantry
Date of Muster.
March 11, 1804
March 1, 1804
.March 1, 1804
March 1, 1864
January 25, 1866
February 7, 1865
January 25, 1865
March 27, 1866
September 1, 1861...
October 6, 1801
July 29, 1863
April 2i!, 1861
September 5, 1861...
September 5, 1861,,,
March 31, 1866
August 19, 1862
June 12, 1804
September 21, 1861..
October 13, 1864
October IS, 1864
October 10, 1861
October 10,1861
December 13, 1861...
Augnst 8, 1862
July 16, 1862
January 2, 1864
August 4, 1862
Julys, 1863
July 9, 1863
Deceraber 29, 1863...
December 29, 1863.,.
December 29, 1863,.,
April 22, 1861
Anjust 19, 1862
August 19, 1862
Augnst 19, 1862
June 12, 1861
June 12, 1861
JuEO 12, 1861
Mustered out December 2, 1865.
Mnstered ont December 2, 1865.
Mnstered out December 2, 1806.-
Discharged June 10, J 866,
Mustered ont Augnst 14, 1865.
Mnstered out August 4, 1865.
Mustered out August 14, 1866.
Mustered out August 4, 1865.
Mustered out September 1, 1864.
Mustered out September 1, 1864.
Mnstered out July 3, 1866.
Mnstered ont Angust 6, 1861, terra expired.
Died at St. Louis, November 16, 1861.
Mustered out July 26, 1865.
Missing at Richmond, Ky., August 30, 1862.
Promoted 1st lientenant January 1, 1866, died May 2, 1865.
Record not good, returned, mustered out September 21, 1864
Mustered ont October 12, 1866.
Mustered ont October 12, 1866.
Died at Nelson's Barracks, Ky., March 1, 1862.
Veteran, raustered ont February 3, 1866.
Resigned January 20, 1S04.
Killed at Chicamauga, September 20, 1863.
Died at Castillian Springs, Tenn., December 11, 1863
Died at Memphis, Jnne 26, 1864.
Mustered out June 23, 1806. . ,;
Mustered out July 18, 1865.
Mustered out July 18, 1805.
Muslered out Jnne 10, 1865.
Mustered out June 10, '1865.
Mustered out May 30, 1865.
Mustered out Angust 6, 18fjl, term expired.
Discharged November 11 , 1862, wounds received at Richmond, Ky.
Musteredout June 30, 1805. ''
Died February 27, 1803.
Veteran, mnstered out Angust 8, 1805.
Transferred to V. R. C. April 6, 1884.
Veteran, mustered out August 8, 1805.
a H
Olvey, Jefierson Private*
Udam, Michael Private
Overshiner, Geo, M Sergeant
Owen, ICn.anucl Private
Owen, Geo, VV Private
•to Overshiner, Jas, M ..., Private
Qi Otiinger, Rufus Private
Otinger, Martiu Private
O'Bryant, John Private
O'Neal, Thos. U Private
Pidcard, Jos. G Private
Pitkard, Nalh, W Private
Price, James E /. Piivate
Painter, Lewis M Private
Pugh, Robert Private
Piper, Beiij. F Private
Poore, John H Private
Poore, George „ Private
Poore, J'oseph Private
Poore, Washington... ,,,,, Private
Prather, Nathan Private
Patterson, Jas, H Private
Piersol, Elijah W Private
PhiilipB, W. II. H Private
Phillips, Josepli Private
Prillinuiu, .lohn Private
Padgett, Gideon II Privatti
Powell, Jas E Corporal
Perkins, C'liapman Private
Perkins, Isaac ii Private
Perry, Jas 11 Privaie
Penniston, (ieo, T Private
Peters, Jae Private
Patterson, Thos. L Private ....
Piper, Silas G Private
Price, J. M Private
Pardue, Wra. H .llusiciau.,,,
Pavev, Samuel Private
Prater, Wm, II Private
Perry, Geo. W Private
Pritchard, Samuel Private
Paul, John Private
Parson, Joseph W Privi'te
Puckett, Elisha J Private
,34th Infantrj
47th Infantry
76th Infantry
75th Infantry
75th Infantry
75th Infantry
lOlst Infant'y
lOoth Infant'y
130th Infan'y
UOtli Infan'y
34tli Infantry
34tli Infantry
34ih Infantry
31th Infantry
34th Infantry
34tli Infantry
:i4th Infantry
34th Iiifuutry
34th Infant ty
34th lufantry
34th Infantiy
34th Infantiy
34th Infantry
47th Infantry
47th Infiintry
47th Infantry
09th Infantry
75th Infantry
75th Infautiy
76th Infantiy
76th Infantry
76th lufantry
76th lufantry
76th Infantry
76th Infiintry
89th Infantry
89th Infantry
89tli Inlantry
89th Infantry
101st Infim'y
101st Infan'y
130th Infan'y
Sth Infantry..
Sth Infantry,,
October 10, 1361
December 9, 1862
Jnly 30, 1662
Jnly 26, 180J
J'uly 20, 18ii"j
August 13, 1802
August 16, 1802
July 9, 1863
March ll, 1864„,..v....
March 11, 1804
September 21, 1861.,..
September 21, 1861....
October 13, IsW
October 16,1804
October 27, 1864
Octi.ber 13,1864
September 21,1861,...
September 21, 1861,,,.
Sejrtombor 21, 1861,,..
September 21, 1S6I..,,
Suptoinber 21, 1861.,.,
October 10, 1861
October 10, IStjl
December 9, iSoi
December 9, 1861
December 9, 1861
Angust 19, 1862
Jnly 30, 1S02
July '20, 1862
July 26, 1862
July SO, 1862
August 13, 1862
August 13, 1862
July 30, 1862
July 30, 1862 .., ,
August 9, 1S6'2
Jnly 21, 1802
July 17, 1802
Ani:nst 7, 1802
August 10, 1862
AuiiUfit 16, 1862
December 29, 1863
April 22, 1801
April 22, 1801
Vetoraii ; Clustered out F6nriiary 3, 1866;
Record not good.
Mustered out May 19, 1866.
Died at Murfreesboro February 22, 1803.
Mustered out June 8, 1866.
Mustered out June 8, 1866.
Died at Munfordsville, Ky., November 29, 1862;
Mastered ont .Inly 18, 1866.
Kiiied nt Atlanta August 6, 1804.
Mustered ou< December 2, 1866.
Mustered out September 21, 1S64.
Veteran ; mustered otit February 3, 1806.
Mustered out October 12, 1865.
Mnstered ottt October 14, 1866.
Mustered oilt Octi.bir '2G, 15(65.
Mtfsterod out October IS,' 1806.
Discharged Febrnary 20,- 1864 i disabili'tv;
VeferaA ; *uslered out FobVimiy S', 1S66.
Veteran } mn'Stei'ed out February 3,- ls60;
Veteran , transfbrred to Co. C.
Veteran ; Blustered uiitFobrttary 3, 1866.
llocord not go\3d.
Discharged Decenibeif 22,' 1S6S ; disability.
Died Augnst 20, 1868.
Died at 'I'iptonville, ToAin'., May 24', 1862.
Record not good,
Died at Keokuk, Iowa. January 13,-1863-.-
Mustered out Juue 8, 1866.
Record not good.
Musteied nut June 8,1865.
Died at Gallatin January 1, 1863.
Mustered out .luue 8, 1865, ,
Killed lit Mission Ridge November 2.'i, 1863.
Mustert-il out June 8, 1865,
Transferred to ¦Engineer Corps,
Died Ap ril 10, 1804 ; wounds.
Died at Memphis, Tenn., May 16, 1863,
Mustered out July 19, 1865.
Mnstereil ont July 19, 1806.
Muatered out June 24, 1806.
Mustered out Jnne 24, 1865.
Muslered out June 9, 1805.
Musteredout Augusi 6, 1861, term expired.
Mustered out August 6, 1861, term expired.
Dat''^ of Muster.
Sergeant. ...
Corporal .,„
Corporal .„.
Sergeant.... Private
K. ...
Sth Infantry..
Sth Infantry,,
Sth Infantry.,
Sth Infantry,,
Sth Infantry..
Sth Infantry,.
Sth Infantr.i,,
Stii Infantry,^
Sth Infantry.
Sth Infantry,,
Sth Infantry,,
Sth Infantry,,
llth Infantry
12th Infantry
12th Infantry
12th lufantry
ISth lufantry
16tli lufantry
lath Infantry
16th Infantry
16th Infantry
16ilt Infantry
liith Infantry
16th Infantry
17th Infantry
17th Infantry
19th Infantry
19th Infantry
20th Infantry
34th Infantn
130tb Infant'y
130th Infant'y
ISOtli Infant'y
154th Infant'y
iSith Infant'y
154th Infant'y
16th Infantry
34tb Infantry
Sth Infantry,,
April 23, 1861
Mustered out August 6, 1861, term expired.
Mustered out August 6, 1861, term expired.
Mustered ou' September 4, 18li4.
Captured at Bhick River Bridge, May 17, 1863.
Veteran, promoted tu 1st Li'iutenant.
Veteran, appointed Corporal, mustered out August 28
Veteran,, appointed Corporal, mustered out Angust 28
Mustered out September 4, 1864.
Veteran, mustered ont August 28, 1865.
Mustered out Augnst 28, 1865, term expired.
Mnstered out July 26, 1806.
Mustered out June 8. 186B.
Mustered nut June £, 1865.
Killed at Richraond, Ky., Angust 30, 1863.
Mustered oui September 6, 1866.
Mustered out June 30, 1865.
Mustered out June 30, 1866,
Appointed Hospital Steward, mustered out JtinoSO, 18
Reotird Qot good.
Record not good.
Mustered out June 30, 1866,
Transferred to United States Cavalry.
Muslered out Juue 12, 1864.
Died of wounds, Cleveland, Tenn., November 23, 1863.
Killed at Gainsville, August iS, 1862.
Veterani wounded in Wilderues.s, transferred to 20th
Mustered out July 12, 1865.
Veteran, muBtered out February 3, 1864, as Sergeant.
Mustered ont Deceraber 2, 1866, aB Corporal.
Mustered ont December 2, 1865.
Died in Georgia July 19, 1864.
Mustered out August 4, 1866.
Mustered out July S, 1865.
Mustered out Angust 4, 1866.
Translerred to United States Cavalry, November 10, 1
Discharged Jannary 20, 1863, disability.
Mustered out Augustjie, 1801, term expired,
April 23, 1861 .-.
Painter Alfred.* .. . .
September 5, 1861
Augnst 30, 1862
September 6, 1861
Scptembr 6, 1861
September 5,-1861
September 6. 1861
Septimber 6, 1861
September 6, 1861
Septeni' er 6, 1861
July 19, 1866
February 4, 1865
Augusts, 1862
Augnst 11, 1862
April 4,1861
Angust 19, 1862
August 19, 1862
August 19, 186^2
August 19, 1862
Parris, James R
Augnst 19, 1862
August 19, 1862
June 12. 1861
June 12, 1861
Pade'0tt Stenhen D
July 29, 1861
February 20, 1862
March 10, 1864
September 21, 1861
March 11, 1864
Plow Jae M
Powell, Wm
January a9, 1864
March 1, 1864
Pratt, H H
April 13. 1866
March 27, 1866
PpniHfpr Tnaac W
March 23, 1865
Angust 19, 1862
October 10, 1861
Redding, Joseph W
April 22, 1861
Rinavalt, Jonathan B....
Roach, Sinoch M
Biggs, Alfred
BiggB, Avery
Rutherford, Jasper
Robinson, David N
Bochenfield,^ Andrew K...
Roberts, Daniel ;....
RobinBon, John T
Richwine, John
Roberts, George W
Ridenour, Isaac
Bumler, Vantley
Baushottom, William....
Rausbottom, Robert
BigBby, Jaraes
Rigsby, Wm. L....,
Bigshy, Henry
Roan, John
Eeed, Wm
Rltchliart, Sam B
Berairiick, Sarauel
Beid, Bobert C
Eyan, John W
Bipley, Jaraes....,
Beid, Bobert W
BigBby, Nathaniel
Byan, TowuBend
Ryan, John W
Beid, John A
Bogers, Beujamin F
Bumler, Joseph
Beeves, John
Byan, Allison J
Ryan, Thomas
Keudor, Lewis V
Reddick, L. W
Ricliwine, Wm
Ratclifr, Amos
RoMnson, Milton S
Robinson, John T
Bent. Frederick
Boeder, G W
Ralph, Wilson
Corporal,,,. Private
IM Lieut....
Musician.. ..
Private .....
Private .....
Captain....,2d Lieut ...
Private ....
Private ....,
Lieut. Col,
Adjutant,,., Private i,..
Private ....
Private ....,
Lieu.. Col.
Captain.... Corporal...Private ....
Private .„,
S Sth Infantry,
Sth Infantry.
Sth lufantry..
Sth Infnnlry..
Sth Infantry..
Sth Infantry..
Sth Infantry..
Sth Infantry,.
8th Infantry..
llth Infantry
llth Intantry
12th Infantry
12th Infaniry
I6th Infantry
16th Infantry
16th Infontry
Wth Infantry
16th Infantry
16th Infantry
16th Infantry
I6th Infantry
16th Infantry
17th Infantry
17lh Intantry
17th Infantry
17th Infantiy
20th Infantry
31th Infantry
34th Infantry
34th Infantry
34th Infantry
34th Infantry
34th Infantry
24th Infantry
34th Infintry
34th Infantry
34lh Infantry
34th Infiintry
8th Cavalry ...
47th Infsutry
47th Infaniry
47th Infaniry
47th Infantry
47th Infantry
April 22, 1861
April 28, 1861
August 30, 1862
August 30, 1862
August 30, 1862
August 30, 1862
April 22, 1861
Septembers, 1861...
April 25, 1861
March 21, 1866
February 24, 1866...
August 8, 1862 .......
August 14, 1862
August 19, 1862
August 19, 1802
August 19, 1862
August 19, 1862 .. ..
August 19, 1862
August 19, 1862
August 19, 1862
Ahgust 19, 1862
Angust 19, 1862
April 24, 1861
January 8, 1862
Juno i2, 1861
June 12, 1801
March 10, 1864
September 21, 1861..
March 23, 1802
September 21, 1861,,
September 21, 1861..
September 21, 1861,,
.-September 21, 1861,.
September 21, 1861..
September '21, 1861..
October 10, 1861
October 10, 1861
October 10, 1861
December 10, 1863...
December 13, 1861...
October 10, 1861
December 9, 1861
December 9, 1861
December 9, 1861
Mustered out August 6, M61, term expired.
Mustered ont August 6, 1861, term expired.
Veteran, Muateredi out Juuel4, 1866. term expired.
'^"eteran, died at Markleville, April 14, 1866.
Discharged, dlBabiiity.
Mustered out June 14, 1H0S.
Mustered out August 6. 186I, term expired.
Transfered to V. B. C.
Mustered out, ter.m expired.
Mustered out July 26, 1865.
Mustered out July 26, 1866,
Mustered out June 8, 1865.
Musteredout Juue 8, 1865.
Kill, d at Richmond, Ky., August SO, 1862.
Discharged November 10. 1862, wounds received BicbmoDd. Ky.
Record not good.
Discharged March 13, 18>3, disability.
Discharged Jnne 16, 1863, disability.
Mustered out June 30, 1865.
Mustered out June 30, 1865
Mustered out June 30, 1865,
Discharged February 20, 1863, disability.
DlBcharged December 23, 1861.
Promoted Adjutant 34th Ind.
Veteran, mustered out August 6, 1866.
Discharged October 22, 1861, disability.
Discharged November 21, 1664, woUnds.
Promoted Colonel January 16, 1862.
Resigned June 26, 1862.
Discharged December 6, 1862, disbility.
V ^eran, mustered out February 8, 186ii.
Veteran, mustered out February 3, 1866.
Veteran, mustered out.February 3, 1866.
Died on Transport " Lancaster" Janhary 20, 1863.
DrbVned, Pass Cavalloo, Texas, January 2, 1864.
Veteran, mustered out Februarys, 1866.
Discharged October 12, 1862, disability.
Killed at Champion Hills Aiy 16, 1861.
Mustered out July 20, 1863.
Proihoted Colonel 75lh Ui>giment.
Resigned Febrnary 2, 1863.
Veteran, mustered out October 23, 1865.
Veteran mustered out October 23, 1865.
Drowned August '22, 1862.
Biley, G. W
Reeder, Jamea
Robins, John
Boss, Albert J
Trains, George W.
Rinewalt, George
Rogers, J. M
Reed, John A
Russell, A.E
Richart, David ,
Robertson, John B ,
Ranck, David A
Rains, Wm. D
Rector, Jacob......
Ray, James T
Reader, Philip „
Robinett, George
Roberts, W. W
Scott, Wm
Shannon, Smith D
Shimer, John A
Shimer, Jesse W
Shelly, Wm. H
Snelson, Mathias
Sargeant, Reason
Savage, Charles A
Scott, Wm. E
Scott, Wm....
-Sharits, Isaiah ,
Shaiyver, James
Smith, John
Stevenson, Anderson
Spencer, Lawson
Shaw, JamesC
Scott, Joseph
Shultz, Samuel
Sullivan, Timothy
Smith, Wm. T
Somers, Frank ^....<
Corporal.... Private
2d Lieut ....
1st Lieut ..
Sergeant ....
Pr vate
Private -...
Private ....
Private...... Private
Private ....
G....G ....
G.... B ....
A ....
E....C... B....
B....B ....
Unass 'daass
47th Tnfautr.v
75th Intantry
7Sth Infantr.v
75th Infantry
75th Infantry
75th Infantry
75th Infantry
75th Infantiy
5th Cavalry...
101st Infantry
llGth Infaut'y
130th Infant'y
130th Infant'y
130th Infant'y
130th Infiint'y
130tb Infant'y
154th Infiint'y
ad Battery.. ..
Sth Infantry..
Sth Infantry
8th Infantry
Sth Infantry,
Sth Infantry
Sth Infantry„
Sth Infantry..
Sth Infantry..
Sth Infaniry..
Sth Infantry..
Sth Infantry..
ath Infautry.,
Sth Infantry..
Sth Infantry..
Sth Infiintry..
Sth Infantry..
Sth Infantry..
llth Infantry
llth lufantry
igned ....„
Date of Muster.
December 9, 18«1
July 28, 1S62
July 26, 1S61
Augnst 7, 18(32 ,
August 13, 1862 ,
Augusts, lSij2
August S, 1862
January 2, 1864 ,
August 22, 1862
September 23,- 1S62..
July 10, 1863
December 29, 1863...
March 11, 1864
Marcn U, 1864
March 1, 1864
March 1, 1S64
Marcli 21, 1865
September 1, 1861...
April 22, 1861
April 22, 181)1
AjWl 22, 1861 ,
April 22, IShl ,
April 22, 1861 ,
April 22, 1861
September 5, 1801...,
September 5, 1861...,
Sepjember 6, 1861....
September 5, 1861...,
September B, 1S61...,
September 5, 1861-..,
September 5, 1861...,
September B, 1861...,
September 6, 1861...,
August 30, 1863
March 14, 1865..,
March 6, 1865...
March 1, 1865...
March 30^ \m»
Record not good.
Mustered out June 8, 1865, as commission sergeaAt^
Died October 15, 1S63, wounds Chicamauga.
Discharged January 12, 1863.
Died at JrffersoTiville, Ind., February 16, 1865^
Mustered out July 19, 1865, as sergeant.
Mustered out July 19, 1865.
Vetunui, transferred to 26th regiment.
Resigued November 13, 1863.
Promoted captain January 11, 1864.
Mustered out July 16, 1863.
Mustered out December 2, 1865,
Mustered out August ao, 1866.
Discharged Jnlv 10, 1865.
Killed at Atlanta, Ga., July 23, 1864.
Mustered out January 28, 1864.
Mustered out May 23, 1S65.
Mustered out September 1, 1854.
Mustered out August 6, 1861, terra expired.
Mustered out August 6, 1861, term expired.
Mustered out August 6, 1861, term expired.
Mustered out August 6, 1861, term expired^
Mnstered out August 6, 1861, term expired^
Mustered out August 6 ISfil, term expired.
Veteran, mustered out AugustSS, 18f5,
Veteran, mustered out August 28, 1865.
Died at Vicksburg, July 24, 1863.
Veteran; mustered ont August 28, 1865.
Veteran, muslered out August 28, 1865.
Died at St. Louis, October 21, 1861.
Transfefred to V. R. C.
Veteran, mnstered out June 24, 1865^
Discharged, disability.
Mustered out July 26, 1865.
Mustered out July 26, 1865.
Steele, Thomas*
Slade, Clark P-„
Smart, Zacharioli
Stoker, George
Speany, Willis ¦.
Smitb, Prank
Slim, Franklin
Sellers, James
Seymour, Wm
'Steward, Chas. J
Sharp, Isaac C
Smith, Wm. W
Scbraufer, Charles....
Schnider, John
' Scott, Martin L..'
Simpson, George D....
Skinner, Andrew J..
Smithy Samuel B
' Stapleton, Janies M..
Streets, Samuel...
Sullivan, Charles D .
Stultsl Henry
Surber, John H
Six, Albert
Scribner, Byron
Six, Barney
StilweU, Thomas N..
Sexton, .John B
Stover, Elijah
Suffield, Charles S
Sexton, Enoch
Starr, Mark A
Schuyler, Jesse
Sears, Isaac
Shaw, Thomae
Shaw, John
Sheward, Wm. A
Simpson, Jeremiah .,
Sloan, Harvey
Studley, Calvin W ...,
Studley, Datus B
Simpson, Joseph
Shaw, Wm
Shobo, Joseph
Private ......
Musician ...
Private ... .
Private ,
Musician .,
Quartern! ..
Private ....
K ....-
D ,
E ......
12th Infantry
16th Infantry
16th Infantry
I6th Infantry
16th Inlantry
16th Infantry
16th Infantry
i6th Infantry
16th Infantry
17.th Infantry
nth Infantry
ITlh lufantry
17th InfaJitry
17th, Intantry
17tb Infantry
17th Infantry
I'Jth Infantry
1*7 Ir Ifiiantry
17th Infantry
17th Infantry
17th Infantry
17th. Infantry
20th Infantry
20th Infantry
19lh lufantry
19th Infantry
.S4th Intantry
34th Infantry
31th Infantry
34th Infautry
34th Infantry
34th Infantry
34th Infantry
34th Infantry
34th Intantry
34tli lufantry
34th Infaniry
34th Infantry
34th Infantry
34th Infantry
34th Infantry
34th Infantry
34th Infantry
8th Cavalry.
Angust 8, 1862
August 16, 1862
August 19, 1862
Augnst 19, 1862
Augnst 19, 1862
August 19, 1862
December 17, 1862..,.
November 22, 1864..,
November 22, 1864 ,„
Januaj^y 1, 1863.
June 12, 1861
June 12, 1861
Jnne 12, 1861
June 12, 1861
Ju eia, 1861
June 12, 1861
June 12, 1861
June 12, 1861
June 12, 1861
lune 12, 1861
June 12^1861
June 12, 1861
January 1, 1864 .......
January 1, 1864
July 29, 1861
July 29, 1861
September 13, 1861,,,
September 21, 1861.,,
September 21, 1861.,,
September 21, 1861-,
October 27, 1861
October 26, 1864
October 10,1861
October 10, 1861
October 10, 1861
October 10, 1861
October 10, 1861
October 10, 1801
October 10, ISia
October 10, 1861
October 10, 1861
February 17, 1864,,..
October 24, 1864
December 21, 1863 „.
Mustered out June 8, 1866.
Promoted 1st Lientennnfi.
>lustered ont Jnne 30, 1865..
Record not good'.
Mustered out June 30, 1866.
Record not good.
Record not (iood,
Transfered to 13th Cavalry.
Transfered to 13th Cavalry.
Mnstered out Januai y 10, 1865.
Veteran, mnstered out August 8, 1865..
Died at home February 14, 1864".
Discharged October 29, 1861, disability.
Discharged October 29, 1861, disability.
Record not good.