"biographical sketche.s" GENERAL NATHANIEL MASSIE, GENERAL DUNCAN McARTHUR, CAPTAIN WILLIAM WELLS, AND GENERAL SIMON KENTON: WHO WERE EARLY SETTLERS IN THE WESTERN COUNTRY. BY JOHN McDonald, OF POPLAR RIDGE, KOSS COUNTY, OHIO. DAYTON, 0.: PtJBLIBHED AND SOLD BT D. OSBORN di SON. 1852. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1838, BY JOHN McDonald, in the Clerk's Office for the District Coun of Ohio. PREFACE. Is presenting the reader with the following narratives of the dis tinguished men whose characters are attempted to be delineated, no apology is deemed neoessaty. The subject is one in which all men, who love to see portrayed from the stump, the rise, and progressive improvements of our country, must feel a lively interest. Is there a man whose feelings are so obtuse, as not to follow Qeneral Massie and his compatriots, with intense anxiety, through the wilderness, sur veying the country, and forming new settlements in the midst of dangers and difficulties the most appalling 1 if such there be, I envy him not his insensible stupidity. The defects in the composition, none will more sincerely deplore than myself; and I regret, more than any other can, that my attain ments as an author are not more folly equal to the subjects on which I have treated. I have endured more pain, from diffidence and even timidity, in presenting myself to the public as an author, than I have suffered from fear in the most dangerous situation. It must appear novel to see a man over sixty years of age, without any ofthe advantages of education, having but little leisure, and always hard pressed to se cure a living, turn his attention to the labor of composition in the evening of life. Under these disadvantageous circumstances, little eclat is expected ; if humble mediocrity is allowed I will be content. I took up my pen to rescue from oblivion the names of men who " have done some service to the state." In this age of enterprise and intellectual improvement, shall it be said by posterity, that, while the bones of our pioneer fathers are iii IV PREFACE. mouldering into dust, no record of their useful labors shall be pre served to perpetuate their memories 1 " The man dies, but his me mory should live.'' There are certain epochs in the history of every country which indissolubly fix themselves in the memory of its inhabitants, from generation to generation. The war for independence, and the first settling of the western country being simultaneous, these were the starting points, from which we date our national existence. The brilliant achievements performed by our forefathers to effect these memorable objects appear to have formed the critical eua, on which long hung, in doubtful suspense, the destiny of these United States. It will be admitted by all, that the old Indian war was a continuation of the war of the Eevolution. And; as Thomas Paine eloquently said in his Crisis, " these are the times that try men's souls ; the summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will in this crisis shrink from the service of his country — but he that stands it out now de serves the love and thanks of man and woman." In many scenes of the grand drama, were tragedies performed which, for boldness and sublimity of execution, throw romance into shade. The names and characters of some of the actors have found a place in the history of the country — but of many, very many, who in that crisis performed brilliant exploits, the names and memories are lost forever ; whilst the names of others are only remembered in lingering, changeful, traditionary legends. In attempting to describe the awful catastrophes and frightful combats which took place on the western frontier, we sometimes meet incidents to which language Is not equal. " The conception is too bulky to be born alive, and in the struggle for expression every finger tries to be a tongue." When we reflect on the bold assaults, or the ingenious, masterly retreats of the old frontier-men — the patient fortitude with which they endured fatigue and hunger — it is evident, that man little knows till he is tried in the school of ad versity what calamities and hardships are beyond his endurance. The dangers from their enemies, though great, were only an item in the catalogue of their sufferings. They had to travel through thick woods without road or path, scratched with briars, stung by nettles, or torn by thorns. When night approached, no shelter to protect them from the " pitiless pelting of the storm," or comfortable couch on which to repose their weary limbs ; the moist earth was PREFACE. V their bed, the firmament of heaven their covering ; tormented with gnats and musquitoes, their nights were sleepless ; when moming light returniMl, their cares and watchfulness were resumed, to guard against the danger of being surprised by their bold, vigilant and dexterous enemy. It must be remembered that the period is almost at hand, when to speak of the enterprising men who first settled on the banks of the beautiful river Ohio, from, personal knowledge, will be closed forever. Who, and what they were, and what they accomplished, if not immediately recorded, can shortly be known only as tradition ary legends. To cast his mite of information on this subject, to those who may succeed him, is the principal design of the author. When a retrospective glance is taken of the path pursued by the old frontier-men, and the difficulties and dangers encountered and overcome, all will admit, that they performed their fearful duties with a firmness unsurpassed in the annals of history. Many of them bled under the tomahawk of the red men, and to all their existence was one connected period of toil, privation, and watchfulness. Having been an humble actor in many of the scenes described, the incidents which I did not witness were communicated by the actors shortly after the events took place, so that the reader can place the fullest reliance in the truth of the narratives related in the fol lowing pages. The biography of General Massie I had published in the Western Christian Advocate some time since; and, as herewith presented, it has been revised by Henry Massie, (son of the General,) and I have no doubt is much improved on the original draft. Perhaps the work would have pleased better had his friendly pen revised the other parts of the volume. It is unnecessary to inform the reader that the author of the fol lowing pages makes no pretension to the accomplishment of learn ing — this the learned reader will soon discover. My early life was passed with hunters, boatmen, and soldiers, where there were but rare opportunities of associating with men of leaming, or polite ac quirements. I have the most humble opinion of my literary abilities ; and when I engaged in writing and publishing in the newspapers sketches of the lives of some of the old backwoodsmen, with whose history I was well acquainted, it was without the most distant idea of writing a book. The approbation with which my narratives ap- pear to have been received by the public, together with the solicita tion of some of my friends, has induced me to adopt my present course. Having endeavored to present the reader with the manners and customs of the old frontier-men, together with some interesting events which will aid the historian of some future day, in delineating the character of the early settlers as well as the early history of the westem country, I now take my leave of the subject. JOHN McDonald, Of Poplar Ridge, lioss County, Ohio. A SKETCH OF THE LIFE GENERAL NATHANIEL MASSIE. CHAPTER I. The life of every man, of any distinction, is intimate ly connected with many of the events that compose the general history of his country. It is by his connection with those events he is made to display his character, and derive from his companions whatever reputation he may merit. Nor can we, in writing the biography of such a man, strictly confine ourselves to the immediate occurrences of his own time ; but we must be permitted to look back a little, and form a connected chain of events, in order to make plain what would otherwise ap pear obscure, and give a just importance to events which would not otherwise seem to merit attention. These are the reasons I beg leave to urge as an apology for the following digression. A short time previous to, and about the time the Re volutionary struggle commenced, the attention of the citizens of Virginia was drawn to the Kentucky terri tory ; which was, at that time, and for many years after wards, the western portion of that state. This attention was produced by some hardy hunters of the mountains, who accustomed to danger, and always seeking some new and exciting field of enterprize, passed far beyond the pale of civilization, and pushed their discoveries in the riiih bosom of Kentucky. Returning to the settle- 7 8 A SKETCH OF THE LIFE OF ments, the fame of the exuberant richness of tlie soil was spread throilghout the land. They told, that they had passed beyond the wide chain of mountains, that composed, at that time, the middle portion of Virginia, and had reached the valley beyond, and found a beauti fully rolling country, covered by a dense forest of large trees, the ground beneath them carpeted by the luxuriant growth of waving cane, and that the soil was rich be yond any they ever beheld. Besides all this, what gave the greatest joy to the hunter, was the fact, that game of different kinds abounded in profusion ; so much so, that the Indian tribes, from different p'ortions ofthe West, had from time immemorial contested, in long and bloody battles, the occupancy of the soil, during the hunting season ; and, on this account, the country was known among the Indians by the name of Kentucky, " the dark and bloody ground." Such glowing descriptions, in spite of the many and embarrassing difficulties under which Virginia, at that time, labored, soon excited the activity of many of her citizens. That state owned an immense landed territory, and had always been extensively liberal in its disposal. The legislature foresaw, that the only mode to accom plish the early settlement of their vast unappropriated lands, was to be effected by the liberal encouragement to settlers ; and, by an act for that purpose, every one, who made a settlement by clearing a spot of ground, erecting a cabin, and raising a crop of corn, on such lands, was entitled to four hundred acres of land, includ ing the settlement, and the preemption right to one thou sand acres adjoining thereto. The settlement claims were bounties given to settlers by the state ; the pre emption claims were rights given by the state to the settlers, to purchase before others and appropriate one thousand acres adjoining their settlements. These claims to land, in Kentucky, were of high standing and much GENERAL NATHANIEL MASSIE. 9 respected, and generally prevailed beyond other claims, when difficulties did not arise about the location of them. A large portion of the state was quickly settled by this liberal encouragement extended to settlers ; yet a very short time was allowed to them. The unbounded rage for the acquisition of western lands seized the specula tors, and the greater portion of the country was soon more than doubly appropriated by the, military and trea sury warrants, issued in almost' as large quantities by Virginia, as continental paper. The wretched " every one for himself" system of loca ting lands, at that time, gave rise to more than thirty years continued litigation of the land claims. So much, indeed, were they entangled, that in their adjustment, more brilliancy of talent was displayed, and more ab struse learning brought forward and applied, than it could well be conceived possible such a subject could originate. Happily, however, for the country, the rules of our laws, when applied by great and discriminating minds, are rules of reason, and when directed steadily to some great end connected with human transactions, will finally overcome all difficulties, and accomplish the desired ob ject. In Kentucky, a system of land law was soon erected, abstruse indeed, but founded in justice, as it soon relieved their entangled and much litigated titles. But to return. For several years after the Kentucky territory was explored, many difficulties were encountered in making permanent settlements. The settlers were placed, as it were, in a gauntlet, continually exposed to the inroads of the Indians from the northwest of the Ohio, and also from the tribes that bordered the southern part of Ken tucky. These different tribes of Indians meeting yearly, during their hunting and war season, found the country possessed by the whites, who were looked upon by them as a common enemy, who, they justly suspected. 10 A SKETCH OF THE LIFE OF had come to rob them of their possessions. Animated by the wrong which was about to be done them, and also by the thought that they were contending for the country, which had been the glorious field of the warlike exploits of their chiefs and warriors, they fought with that bra very which borders on despair. For these reasons, their warfare with the whites was of an exterminating charac ter on both sides, and the scenes of bloodshed that en sued were most terrific. Another great difficulty, under which the settlers labored, was the distance they were removed from the settlements. Supplies of absolute necessaries were not easily transported so great a dis tance, as no roads were then known, and the only mode of transportation was the pack-horse, and the only guide the compass and the experience of the woodman. Un fortunately, at that time, no remedy could be applied to remove these difficulties, as Virginia with the other col onies were, at that time, engaged in the arduous struggle for Independence, and no protection could, as heretofore, be afforded to the settlers by troops levied for the fron tier service. Under. these and many other difficulties, the pioneers of an early day labored. Is it not surprising that the settlement of the country should have continued to pro gress ? Every returning messenger, too, from the new to the old country, had scenes of horror to relate of the stealthy incursions of the savages, their deadly hatred to the whites, and their indiscriminate and inhuman butcheries of them. The thoughts of such things did not discourage the pioneers. On the contrary, the tide of emigration, year after year, began to swell in larger and more regular streams, and the inhabitants soon commenced a system of offensive, as well as defensive, operations. Hitherto, the hunters and surveyors had adopted, from necessity, the roving habits, the cunning, and hardihood of the savages, and had carried on with GENERAL NATHANIEL MASSIE. 11 them a desultory warfare, in which innumerable instances of personal bravery were displayed, that showed them to be men of more than Spartan courage. Many sad lessons, however, had taught the settlers that their only means of safety could be afforded by combinations of the inhabitants. At their stations, they, therefore, con structed block-houses and walls built of trees, as they were found to be the most secure method of defence, and always afforded a place of retreat from danger. In these stations were placed the wives, the children, and the moveable goods of the settlers, and a sufficiency of land in the immediate vicinity was cleared and cultivated to raise the necessaries of life. The men, during the greater part of the year, were busily employed in locating and surveying land. This subject is so absorbing as to have carried me be yond ray intention. It is impossible, indeed, to reflect on the early settlement of Kentucky without being deeply impressed with interest in its varied scenes, and, at the same time, made to feel an almost unbounded ad miration of the character of its early inhabitants. Enter prize and courage gave to each one the knowledge of his own capacity, while sincere friendship, strict confi dence, and mutual dependence in times of danger cemen ted them together like a band of brothers. They lived at a time, when those manly and ennobling qualities were necessary for their well-being, and a continuation of these qualities among their descendants, have rendered them celebrated, in our land, for their open and manly bearing and other qualities connected with true courage. I have made the above remarks, in order to connect them with the subject of this biographical sketch. It was at an interesting period of the settlement of Ken tucky, that he entered upon the active duties of a sur veyor, and to a man of capacity in that business an im mense field of enterprize was opened. 12 A SKETCH OF THE LIFE OF General Nathaniel Massie was born, in Goochland county, Virginia, on the 28th day of December, 1763. He was the eldest son of Maj. Nathaniel Massie of that county, who was a substantial farmer in easy circum stances. The Major was a man of great plainness, in dustry, and good practical sense, and although possessed of means sufiicient,' he chose rather to give his sons such educations as would prepare them to transact the com mon business of life, than such as would be of no ser vice to them in the employments he intended them to pursue. Besides all this he had a large family of chil dren, and acting rather contrary to the old Virginia sys tem, he thought it better for his sons, that at an early day they., should be placed in a situation to gain their own livelihood. So soon, therefore, as they completed their educations, he" perniitted them to select whatever employment they preferred.. .Nathaniel, the eldest son, chose for his occupation to learn surveying, and go to the western country, which at that time held out great inducements to enterprizing young men. Previously, however, to this, at the early age of seventeen years (1780), he was sent by his father as a substitute -for himself, or some member of the family, in the draft of soldiers,- made about that time, to recruit the army du ring the revolutionary war. What length of time he re mained, or at what post : stationed, is not known to the author. The fact itself shows the confidence reposed in him at that early age by his; father, and the excursion was well calculated to make him better acquainted with men and things, and it is highly probable gave a spring to that latent ambition which distinguished him in after life as a man- of uncommon enterprize. After his return home from the army, he studied sur^ veying, and m'ad_e himself master of that science. In the fall of the year ;1783, in his nineteenth year, he was prepared to set out. in the world on his own footing. He GENERAL NATHANIEL MASSIE. 13 has been described by an intimate acquaintance of his, who saw him a short time previous to his departure for the West, " as an uncommonly fine-looking young man. That his form was slender, well made, and muscular, and was calculated, from his good constitution and un common activity, to endure fatigue, exposure, and priva tions in an eminent degree. That his countenance was open and expressive of great energy and good sense, and well suited to gain favor from men of enterprize." His father furnished . him with a horse well equipped, and all necessary surveying instruments. A small amount of treasury warrants were also placed in his care, together with a letter of recommendation to Gen. James Wilkinson, who was, at that time, a citizen of Kentucky country, and a man of distinction. The author, as he is personally unacquainted with the early history of General Massie, has been obliged to de pend on whatever information his children could afford him, which was but little, as they have lived far away from the home of his " youth and family connections. What information he has derived from them of him> while in Kentucky, is contained in some old letters, from different persons to him. It is well known, how ever, that very shortly after his arrival there he was ac tively engaged in locating warrants and surveying lands ; and from the property he accumulated, it would appear great success had attended his industry. An extract from a letter of his father, of an early date, is given on account of its antiquity. " Goochland, Aug. 24, 178'4. "Loving Son: — I received yours, per Mr. Under wood, wherein you informed me that you were in good healtli : likewise that favored by Mr. Parker; dated May 25, 178'4, wherein youinformed me, that ithe- warrant for two hundred and fifty acres of land was joiiiing the othei 14 A SKETCH OF THE LIFE OF warrant, and that it was rather dangerous to have it surveyed. I am glad to hear that it is the best quality, equal to James river low grounds," &c. The following letter, as it shows the manner in which surveying was conducted, at that time, is worthy of an insertion. " Hanging'forh, April 26, 1786. " Dear Sir : — I am, at this time, unable to come over on the business that I promised you. For my attend ing the surveys it will not make the least difference, as you can do it as well as if I was with you. I wish you to divide the land that is surveyed, belonging to the Dutchmen, and survey the entries that lay joining of those lands, and divide the entries also. Survey that land you purchased of Captain Owing, and survey the one thousand and five hundred acre entry, that is located at Logan's old camp on Bird's trace, about one mile from another large camp. The old camp was made on the first campaign, in the year '80, and the other the next campaign. I wish you to survey the entries that are on the heads of Grassy creek, in the name of Howard Lewis. If you find where Creuss was buried at a camp, you can easily find the entries. You must take the mark ed way from the camp up a ridge, westwardly course, about two miles, and the way is marked all the way of the two miles with a tomahawk ; and then you will turn down a hollow to your left hand, until you cross a branch of Grassy creek, and you will see some stumps, where there has been some fire-wood cut, on the east side of the branch ; and continue the marked way the same course, perhaps two and a half miles, near the heads of said waters, and there you will find some trees marked, as the entry calls for, on the west side of the black oak, and some small trees marked near the said oak ; and you will return down to the same branch to the creek, and general NATHANIEL MASSIE. 15 down the creek to the fork, and cross the forks and go a southeast course about four miles, until you come to a creek ; then up said creek until you find a camp on said creek, in the bottom, where you will see trees peeled, and stumps, and an old camp, and there is Mr. Howard Lewis's entry of two thousand acres. You will find the beginning about fifty rods below the camp in a buffalo trace, on an ash tree, marked M. black with powder, the mark is facing down the creek ; I peeled the bark off with my knife ; and survey Stephen's above Meam- ey's and Young's preemption ; and that, I think, will be as much as you can do at this time. Now, my good friend, if you cannot do it, pray write a letter to me, and direct it to Mr. Nagle, in Danville. But I would be glad if you could do it, and I will give you five pounds besides your fees. Promise your chain carriers goods for their wages, which I will pay on your return ; and am, sir, your friend and humble servant, "JOHN MARTIN." " Mr. Nathaniel Massie." Who this John Martin was is not known, but this let ter of instruction to Mr. Massie shows him to have been a land speculator and a merchant. I have introduced this letter to show the necessity of a surveyor's being, what is termed, a woodsman, and also the manner in which surveyors' fees were paid. Mere surveyors had their fees regulated by law, and were illy paid for their trouble, and as they were men of great enterprize and much information as to good unappropriated lands, they soon became locators of land on the shares. The loca tors who were popular, and in whom confidence could be placed, would get a fourth, a third, and, sometimes, half, when locations could be made on first rate land. Massie, at first, acted as a surveyor, but he soon dis covered that it was a small business, and that the pro- 2 16 A SKETCH OF THE LIFE OF fitable land business fell into the hands of the locators. As he was young and extremely active, and one of the best footmen in the West, he soon became an expert woods man, to be which was an indispensable qualification of a land locator, as the country was then an entire and un broken wilderness. No roads, or even paths, led from one part to the other; and besides these difficulties, the restless Indians were continually on the' alert to surprise and cut off surveying parties. The surveyors, too, had to explore the country, in order to find the most fertile lands, and in doing this they were obliged to traverse the woods in every direction, guess at courses, and judge of distances. Young Massie soon became an expert sur veyor, and it was a matter of astonishment, (as he was raised in the dense population east of the mountains) how soon he acquired the science and habits of the back woodsmen. Although he never practised the art of hunting, he was admitted by all, who knew his qualifi cations as a woodsman, to be of the first order. He could steer his course truly in clear or cloudy weather, and compute distances more correctly than most of the old hunters. He could endure fatigue and hunger, with more composure than the most of those persons who were inured to want on the frontier. He could live upon meat without bread, and bread without meat, and was perfectly cheerful and contented with his fare. In all the perilous situations in which he was placed, he was al ways conspicuous for his good feeling and the happy temperament of his mind. His courage was of a cool and dispassionate character, which added to great cir cumspection in times of danger, gave him a complete ascendancy over his companions, who were always will ing to follow when Massie led the way. The field of young Massie's activity seems not to have been confined, during this period, to the business of locating and surveying lands. In the fall of 1786, GENERAL NATHANIEL MASSIE. 17 we find him interested with Gen. James Wilkinson in speculations in salt, which on account of its scarcity, and the absolute necessity ofthe article, rendered it very valuable. There were then few places in the western country, where salt could be made to any advantage. The art of boring for salt water was then unknown, and the few places where salt was made, were where the water rose to the level of the earth, which from its great mixture with fresh water, generally required eight hun dred or a thousand gallons of the water to make fifty pounds or a bushel of salt, which sold for two to five dollars, per bushel. The principal manufactories in Kentucky, were Bullitt's and Mann's licks near Louis ville, from which the inhabitants of the West were scan tily supplied at an enormous price. From two old let ters from Gen. Wilkinson to Massie, which are inserted below, we learn that Massie was about to start for Nash ville, on the Cumberland river, with a barge load of salt. Gen. Wilkinson, as the senior partner, directed the affairs of the firm, and, from his letters of instruction to Massie, shows hia remarkable cunning, and the means employed, at that day, to keep from being overreached. The Gen eral, at that time, was one of the largest dealers of mer chandize in the West, and one of the most popular men in the country, and was well known to be a man of the first order of talents, and great discrimination as to the character of men. Whether Massie made or sunk mon ey in the salt speculation is not known, and the subject is introduced chiefly to show in what articles of trade the commerce of the country consisted, and the manner in which it was conducted ; and also to show that Massie, young as he was, had rendered his name respectable by his industry and attention to business. The confidence placed in him by Gen. Wilkinson shows the light in which he viewed him. These letters further show the manner in which business was transacted, and informa- 18 A SKETCH OF THE LIFE OF tion communicated between different parts of the country This was done, generally, by means of expresses. It was eight or ten years after that period, before post routes and post offices afforded their facilities to the inhabitants of Kentucky. " Danville, December 19, 1786. " Dear Sir: — I beg you to proceed with all possible dispatch to the falls. You will call by the lick, and urge the provision of the salt ; and prepare some way of conveying it to the river, &c. &c. You will make the best of your way to Nashville, and there dispose of it for cotton, beaver furs, racoon skins, otter, &c. You must always observe to get as much cash as you can. When you have coinpleted your sales, you will yourself move with the horses, &c., by land, and commit the other articles, with the barge, to Captain Alexander, with directions to him to proceed up to the falls, there secure the boat and property, and give me the earliest advice of his arrival, by express or otherwise. The goods which Captain Alexander carries down to the falls, I wish you to exchange for horses, or elegant high blooded mares, if you can get great bargains ; otherwise, sell them for cash, peltry, or cotton. When you receive the salt, take care to have it measured in a proper honest way, with a spade or shovel, and no sifting, &c. One Smith is preparing to go down with two or three hun dred bushels from the lower lick. Endeavor to get off before him, and if you cannot, persuade him to stay for you ; but you must not wait for him a moment, as it will be your interest to arrive before him. You will remem ber you are going amongst a set of sharpers, and there fore must take care of yourself. Write to me by every opportunity, letting me know ho'w you come on. Don't fail in this. God bless you and give you good luck. " Yours sincerely, " J. WILKINSON." general NATHANIEL MASSIE. 19 " Fayette, 29th Dec. 1786, Friday Morning. " Dear Massie : — I approve of your plan to go to the port with two hundred bushels of salt, and sell for cash or furs, but take no deer skins. Be sure and get as many otters as possible. Be cautious in your move ments, guard against the savages, coming and going, and discharge your men the moment you get to the port. The only thing you have to dread is the ice. To be caught in the ice would be worse than the devil's own luck. Act with decision and despatch in whatever you do. God bless you. " J. WILKINSON." CHAPTER IL As much as could be learned of the life of General Massie, while engaged in business in Kentucky, has been related in the last chapter. We have now arrived at a period in his life, when my own information will serve me, instead of the scanty materials from which the nar rative of his early life has' been gathered. The facts, that I shall relate, will be connected with the exploring and settlement of our own portion of the state, and I hope will interest both the old and young. To the old settlers, it will bring to remembrance the privations and hardships endured, and the difficulties and dangers long since passed through, and now almost forgotten in the lapse of time. To the young of the land, it will be a bright example, as it will place before them the hardy virtues of those men, who by their bravery, enterprize, and industry, have astonished the world by the power with which they wrested our country from its savage inhabitants, and have, within a few years, made it almost the garden spot of the land. Mr. Trumbull, in his history of Conneoti- 20 A SKETCH OF THE LIFE OF cut, referring to the early history and settlement of new countries, in his beautiful and appropriate language, says, that " no man of genius, taste, and curiosity, can read the accounts ofthe origin of nations, the discovery, settle ment, and progress of new countries, without a high de gree of entertainment. But in the settlement of his own country, in the lives of his ancestors, in their adventures and heroism, he feels himself particularly interested. He at once becomes a party in their affairs, and travels and converses with them, with a kind of filial delight. While he beholds them braving the horrors of the desert, the terrors of the savage, the distresses of famine and war, he admires their courage, and is pleased with all their escapes from danger, and all their progress in settle ments, population, opulence, liberty, and happiness. While he contemplates their self-denials and persever ance, in surmounting all dangers and enduring all hard ships, in turning the wilderness into gardens and fruitful fields, and transmitting liberty and religion to posterity, he is struck with a pleasing astonishment. The pious man views a divine hand conducting the whole, gives thanks, adores, and loves." Many of the western pioneers were warriors by pro fession and courted danger for danger's sake. These, on account of their daring intrepidity, were welcome guests wherever they went. Others there were, whose views were more enlarged, and who with equal courage put danger at defiance, keeping a steady eye to push forward the bounds of civilization in the vast wilds of the west. Such were the leaders of the hardy woodsmen, who were engaged in making new settlements on the borders of the river Ohio, audits tributary streams. Some one of these master spirits led the way in each settlement which was made, in spite of the Indians, wnose restieas and contin ual incursions caused every cabin to be raised at the risk of life, and every settlement to be made under the most GENERAL NATHANIEL MASSIE. 21 trying and perilous circumstances. The rapidity of the advance of arts and improvements seems so great in later years, that the few weather-beaten pioneers who yet lin ger amongst us look around them with surprise and won der. The change seems so great and so sudden, that it appears to them like the work of supreme creating power. In a few years they beheld the country all laid out in farms and under a high state of cultivation. Instead of the log cabinfe, splendid mansions glitter in the sun ; roads made, over which the traveler glides along in his coach ; towns and cities erected, where the ingenious mechanic displays his arts, and the busy hum of com merce salutes his ear. Railroads formed over which the traveler passes with the speed of the wind ; and to crown the whole, artificial rivers are constructed to convey com merce in every direction. The master spirits, who by their toils prepared the way for changes such as these, have in the history of their lives a degree of originality and interest far beyond common men. The ever varied scenes of their adventures and dangers, will (or should) always render a narrative of their lives acceptable to those who can relish a description of men of merit. Every one should feel an interest to see such names transmitted to latest posterity, and thereby render " honor to whom honor is due." I will borrow a few words from Mr. Doddridge's notes. " Is the memory of our forefathers unworthy of historic or sepulchral commemoration ? No people on earth, in similar circumstances, ever acted more nobly or more bravely than they did. No people of any country or age made greater sacrifices for the benefit of their pos terity, than those which were made by the first settlers of the western regions. What people ever left such noble legacies to posterity, as those transmitted by our fore fathers to their descendants ?" As the scene of the adventures of General Massie and 22 A SKETCH OF THE LIFE OF his companions, is confined to that part of our state, known as the Virginia military district, I thought a brief account of its history would be useful and interesting. The state of Virginia, during the progress of tlie Revo lutionary war, in order to engage the active services of her citizens, and give an ample compensation to those hardy officers and soldiers, who were devoting their lives and fortunes to the good of their country, by several acls of her legislature, granted them liberal bounties in new unappropriated lands for their services. To satisfy these bounties, a large tract of land was reserved in the Ken tucky territory. Shortly after the close of the war, in order to avoid the confusion heretofore attendant on the careless locations of lands, and also to do ample justice to those interested, an act of the legislature was passed, authorizing certain deputations of officers therein named, or a certain number of them, from both the continental and state lines, to ap point superintendents on behalf of their respective lines ; and also nominate two principal surveyors, to be com missioned as other surveyors ; and to contract with the surveyors for their fees, who were authorized to select their own deputies with the consent of the superinten dents. By a further provision of this act, the holders of warrants were required to place them in the hands of the surveyors of their respective lines by a specified day, and that then, the priority in the location of their warrants should be decided by lot. The sur veyors, after these preliminary arrangements, were authorized to proceed to survey all the good land in that tract of country lying between Green and Cumberland rivers, as set apart by law for the officers and soldiers, and then to proceed to survey on the northwest side of the river Ohio, between the rivers Scioto and Little Mi ami, until the deficiency of lands to satisfy all military bounties should be fully and amply made up. GENERAL NATHANIEL MASSIE. 23 Pursuant to this act of the legislature, the deputation of the officers of the continental line, consisting of Major General Charles Scott, Brigadier General Daniel Mor gan, Colonel AVilliam Heth, Lieutenant Colonel Benja min Temple, and Captain Mayo Carrington, elected Colonel Richard C. Anderson to the office of principal surveyor of the bounties of lands to be entered for the officers and soldiers of that line. A contract dated the 17th day of December, 1783, was also entered into be tween Col. Anderson and the deputation of officers, re gulating the fees of the surveyor, and other matters con nected with the business. A copy of that contract, in the hand writing of Col. Anderson, is now before me, and as an old document, of much importance in its time, deserves notice, and is accordingly inserted.* * CoL. Andehson's Conttiact. Be it remembered this seventeenth day of December, in the year of our Lord one thousand, seven hundred and eighty three, that Kichaid Clough Anderson, of the state of Virginia, for and on the part of himself, his heirs, executors and administrators of the first part, and Major General Charles Scott, Brigadier General Daniel Morgan, Colonel William Heth, Lieutenant Colonel Benjamin Tem ple, and Captain Mayo Carrington, a deputation on the part of the officers and soldiers of the Virginia continental troops, for this pur pose duly appointed ; for and on the part of the said officers and sol diers, for themselves and their successors in such deputation of the second part, have covenanted, promised, contracted and agreed, and do by these presents, covenant, contract, promise, and agree ; to and with each other in the manner and form following, that is to say ; First : — The party of the first part being elected the principal sur veyor for the purpose of locating and surveying the several bounties of lands which have been given and granted by the General Assem bly of this state to the said officers and soldiers, shall forthwith pro ceed to obtain the legal qualifications for effectually executing his said office of principal surveyor, and having obtained such qualifica tion shall proceed as early as may be on the business of locating and surveying the bounties of land aforesaid, for the several officers and soldiers entitled thereto, as original grantees of the said state, and for their heirs agreeable to their respective warrants, according to such modes and regulations as have been, or shall hereafter be, establish ed by the General Assembly; faithfully, and effectually, doing and per forming at every stage of the business, whatever it is customary for surveyors to do and perform. Secondly : — The said party of the first 24 A SKETCH OF THE LIFE OF In the spring or summer of the year 1784, Colonel Anderson moved to Kentucky, and purchased a fine farm near Louisville, where he finally established his residence, and gave to it the appropriate name of the " Soldier's Retreat." On the 20th day of July of the same year, he opened his ofiice for the purpose of having entries and surveys made of the lands in the Kentucky reservation. Previous to this, however, on the 1st day of March, 1784, Virginia, by her delegates, had ceded to the United States her territory northwest of the Ohio, as a common fund for the benefit of all the states, reserving the country lying between the Miami and Scioto rivers to be appropriated for the purpose of satisfying the conti nental line warrants, in case the land reserved in Ken tucky, would not be sufficient for that purpose. The deficiency of good land in Kentucky was soon discover ed, and the attention of the holders of warrants and the part shall carry with him, and keep in service during the time of his being on the said business, or until discharged by the superinten dents, four effective men for chain carriers, markers, and hunters, armed and furnished with ammunition, and also equipped with the necessary utensils for performing the duties aforesaid, for each deputy or assistant surveyor, he shall employ ; whose pay shall not exceed three shillings per day to be paid by the said surveyor, and he to be re imbursed therefor by the parties of the second part Thirdly : — The party of the first part shall, out of his own fees, pay the college dues which shall arise on this business, exonerating the said officers and soldiers therefrom. Fourthly : — The parties of the second part, that is to say, the said officers and soldiers, their heirs, executors, or ad ministrators, respectively pay, or cause to be paid to the party of the first part, his heirs, executors, administrators or assigns, the usual surveyor's fees, as by law established ; three shillings whereof for every thousand acres to be paid down at the time of lodging the war rant or warrants, on which the said surveys are to be made. In witness whereof the said parties have hereunto interchangeably set their hands the date above written. RICHARD C. ANDERSON. (A copy.) DANIEL MORGAN, B. G. WILL. HETH, Coi. BENJAMIN TEMPLE, Lt. Coi, M. CARRINGTON, Capt. GENERAL NATHANIEL MASSIE. 25 land speculators was turned towards the reservation north west of the Ohio. This fine portion of our state, known and called as be fore stated by the name of the Virginia military district, possesses from its situation and soil many advantages. On the east and north, its boundary is the Scioto river ; on the west, the greater part of the district is bounded by the Little Miami, -while the entire southern boundary is washed by the Ohio, for upwards of one hundred miles. The soil of this tract of country presents for ils extent, a greater variety than probably any other of the like ex tent in the United States. In the southeastern portion, the uplands extending thirty or forty miles below the mouth of the Scioto, and thirty miles north from the Ohio, are hilly and the land poor, and at this time the greater part of it is vacant. Below the mouth of Brush creek, the hills along the Ohio, for a short distance from the river, are rich and heavily timbered. Farther down the river, the extent of rich land increases to the mouth of the Litde Miami. The bottoms of the Ohio, Scioto, Miami, and the large tributary streams, composed of a rich and dark loamy soil, are celebrated for their fertility, and the heavy crops annually taken from them, for a suc cession of upwards of thirty years without rest or re newal in any way, show that their celebrity is not with out foundation. The middle portion of the country pre sents, however, the greatest variety of soil. Although the extent of bottom land along the streams is consider able, yet the greater portion is upland of good quality, on which wheat is raised in great abundance. A portion of it is level land timbered with beech and sugar trees, which at the first settlement of the country was considered rather too flat and wet for cultivation, but since it has been cleared and cultivated it is justly considered first rate land, alone surpassed by the rich alluvial bottoms. A part of the middle portion consists also of prairie or 26 A SKETCH OF THE LIFE OF barren land, the value of which has been lately discover ed to be greater than ever was expected, as it presented, at the first settlement of the country, a marshy appear ance, whieh it was not supposed could be overcome by cultivation. The industry of our inhabitants has over come this obstacle ; and the barrens are fast becoming very valuable land. The other part of the district consists of barrens, and also of wet and flat land, timbered with sugar and beech trees, and is at this time quite unsettled. From this variety of soil great advan tages arise. In our bottoms, we raise corn in great abundance ; in our uplands, wheat and other small grain ; while our barrens, or prairies, furnish most desirable pastures for grazing. "We have thus a soil, in which an equal portion of the inhabitants are engaged in raising different articles of produce, and greatly assist each other by furnishing a home market for different kinds of stock and the produce of the soil. But to return. In the winter and spring of the year 1787, Major John O'Bannon and Arthur Fox, two enterprising surveyors in Kentucky, passed over into the district to obtain a knowledge of the country, for the purpose of making entries of the land, so soon as the office should be open ed for that purpose. They explored with their com panies the whole extent of country along the Ohio, and passed some distance up the Scioto and Miami rivers, and some of their tributary streams. On the 1st day of August, 1787, Colonel Anderson opened the office for receiving the entries of lands in the district,, at which time entries of the bottoms of the Ohio were made, and also a large portion of the bottoms of the Scioto and Little Miami rivers. About that time, or shortly before, several expeditions from Kentucky made excursions into the district, for the purpose of destroying the Indian towns. Simon Kenton, a name celebrated among back woodsmen, was along in almost all of these expeditions. GENERAL NATHANIEL MASSIE. 27 and returning home attempted some entries of lands, in which he was not successful, on account of his want of sufficient skill in making them. So soon as it was made known to Congress, that en tries had been made in the district northwest of the Ohio, by virtue of the continental warrants, an act was passed in July, 1788, by which it was resolved, that Congress would consider all locations and surveys made on account of the troops, between the Scioto and Little Miami as in valid, until the deficiency on the southeast side of the Ohio should be ascertained and stated to Congress ; and the Executive of Virginia was requested to inform Con gress of the deficiency, if any, and the amount of it. This act, together with the danger apprehended from the Indians, obstructed further entries and surveys in the dis trict until an act of Congress, passed in August 1790, re pealed the act of July 1788, which removed all difficulties as to the entries and surveys, previously made or subse quently to be made. This act also regulated the mode of obtaining patents, and was amended by the act of 1794, and other subsequent acts. The difficulty about the early locations of lands north west of the Ohio in this district, arose from the ignorance of those engaged, as to the extent of jurisdiction ac quired over those lands by the United States, from Vir ginia, by her cession in March, 1784. This is shown from the fact that the governor of Virginia issued patents on a number of surveys in the district. These patents were of course void, and were subsequently cancelled, and patents issued by the President, under the seal of the United States. We will now return. The first excursion made by General Massie into the interior of the district northwest of the Ohio, was in the year 1788 ; but no account of the particulars of this ex pedition or his companions is now known. He was pro bably in company with Arthur Fox, who was at that 28 A SKETCH OF THE LIFE OF time engaged in surveying lands in the district, and a particular friend and companion of Massie. A letter from his father, about this time, refers to this expedition. " Goochland Co. Oct. 4, 1788. Loving Son : — I received yours, favored by Mr. Un derwood, wherein you inform me that you had made a trip over the Ohio ; that you had tarried there but a few days. I am afraid that you venture too much. Should you escape after doing what you have engaged, I would ad vise you to drop venturing too much, &c. By your last, you say that you can finish all you have undertaken by spring. God send you a safe return, &c. I will keep a cask of cider till the first of April expecting to see you, if God is willing. " I am your loving father, " NATHANIEL MASSIE." For some time, during the prohibition of entries made by the act of Congress, of the lands of this district, Massie was engaged in writing in Col. Anderson's ofiice, in order to acquire a complete knowledge of the business of locating and surveying. His character for dispatch in business and enterprize gained him the friendship and confidence of Col. Anderson, who had the control of the warrants, placed in his hands by his brother officers and soldiers. A very large amount of these, so soon as the act of Congress of August, 1790, removed all further obstruction, he placed in the hands of Massie, to enter and survey on such terms as he could obtain from the holders of them. As the risk of making entries was great, and as it was desirable to possess the best land, the owners of warrants, in most cases, made liberal con tracts with the surveyors. One fourth, one third, and sometimes as much as one half acquired by the entry of good lands were given by the proprietors to the sur- GENERAL NATHANIEL MASSIE. 29 veyors. If the owners preferred paying money, the usual terms were ten pounds, Virginia currency, for each thousand acres entered and surveyed, exclusive of chain- men's expenses. These terms cannot appear extrava gant, when we consider, that at that time the danger en countered was great, the exposure during the winter was severe, and that the price of first rate land in the west was low, and an immense quantity in market. The locations of land warrants in this district prior to 1790, were made by stealth. Every creek which was explored, every line that was run, was at the risk of life from the savage Indians, whose courage and perseverance was only equalled by the perseverance of the whites to push forward their settlements. It was a contest for dominion : and the bravery, the stratagem, and the bold ness displayed by the Indians in executing their plans, could only be equalled by their fearless onsets in attacks and their masterly retreats when defeated. The Indians, at this time, had among them a number of master spirits, and it is greatly to be regretted that the history of their exploits is lost forever. The patient re solution and fortitude with which they contended against superior discipline and numbers, the wiles and stratagems displayed by them during their long and bloody wars, proved that they possessed intellectual qualities of the first order. Their fortitude in enduring pain, fatigue, and starvation, was unequalled, except by such of the whites as were long disciplined in the Indian school. Besides exposure to the Indians while surveying, the surveyors in the district had other difficulties to encoun ter. By passing the Ohio, they placed that river between them and their place of retreat, in case they were defeat ed and pursued. The season of the year, too, chosen by them for surveying was the depth of winter, as they were then more secure from interruption ; as the Indians were at that time of the year in their winter quarters, and 30 A SKETCH OF THE LIFE OF when hunting were found in small bodies. Against dan ger and exposure, the surveyors were without shelter in the district. CHAPTER m. It is now believed by many persons, that the men who effected our independence and those who first settled the western country, were more robust and hardy than the present race of men. This is a mistaken notion. It was their constant exercise of mind and body, which braced and invigorated their constitutions to endure the constant draught that was made upon them, that rendered them so hardy. The weak and feeble, and all such as were pre disposed to disease, who ventured on the frontier in those days of peril and privations, soon fell by sickness, or in sudden retreats lost their lives by the Indian's tomahawk, and were no more heard of. The remnant of those pioneers, who still linger amongst us, are the gleaning of the most hardy of the original stock. Their long lives prove much in favor of activity and hardihood, yet for both qualities they were indebted to the circumstances by which they were surrounded : the occasion made them what they were. It is believed that man is, and has been, the same in all ages of the world. He is civilized or barbarous, strong and active, or weak and indolent, as are his companions. The habits and manners of the old frontier-men were a perfect state of nature, where every one was his own judge, and righted his own wrongs and was his own dependence in difficulties. It cannot now be conceived or believed, how soon an active, lively, and enterprizing young man would unlearn to practice the artificial rules of civilized life, and acquire the customs and habita of the frontier-men, or even the more ferocious GENERAL NATHANIEL MASSIE. 31 habits of the Indians. This fact shows how much we are formed by custom, and also that it is only in a dense population, that the arts of civilized life unfold their pro tecting and salutary beauties. With men, such as these, hardy, robust, and daring, and in the situation of the district as described in the last chapter, Massie, in the winter of the year, 1790, de termined to make a settlement in it, that he might be in the midst of his surveying operations and secure his party from danger and exposure. In order to effect this, he gave general notice in Kentucky of his intention, and of fered each of the first twenty-five families, as a donation, one in-lot, one out-lot, and one hundred acres of land, provided they would settle in a town he intended fo lay off at his settlement. His proffered terms were soon closed in with, and upwards of thirty families joined him. After various consultations with his friends, the bottom on the Ohio river, opposite the lower of the Three Islands, was selected as the most eligible spot. Here, he fixed his station, and laid off into lots a town, now called Manchester ; at this time a small place, about twelve miles above Maysville, (formerly Limestone) Kentucky. This little confederacy, with Massie at the helm (who was the soul of it,) went to work with spirit. Cabins were raised, and by the middle of March, 1791," the whole town was enclosed with strong pickets, firmly fix ed in the ground, with block houses at each angle for defence. Thus was the first settlement in the Virginia military district, and the fourth settlement in the bounds of the state of Ohio, effected. Although this settlement was commenced in the hottest Indian war, it suffered less from depredation, and even interruptions, from the In dians, than any settlement previously made on the Ohio river. This was no doubt owing to the watchful band 32 A SKETCH OF THE LIFE OF of brave spirits who guarded the place — men who were reared in the midst of danger and inured to perils, and as watchful as hawks. Here were the Beasleys, the Stouts, the Washbums, the Ledoms, the Edgingtons, the Den- ings, the Ellisons, the Utts, the McKenzies, the Wades; and others, who were equal to the Indians in all the arts and stratagems of border war. As soon as Massie had completely prepared his station for defence, the whole population went to work, and cleared the lower of the Three Islands, and planted it in com. The island was Tery rich, and produced hea-vy crops. The woods, with a little industry, supplied a choice variety of game. Deer, elk, buffalo, bears and turkeys, were abundant, while the river furnished a variety of excellent fish. The wants of the inhabitants, under these circumstances, were few and easily gratified. Luxuries were entirely unknown, except old Mononga hela double distilled. This article was in great demand in those days, and when obtained, freely used. Coffee and tea were rare articles, not much prized or sought after, and were only used to celebrate the birth of a new comer. The inhabitants of the station were generally as playful as kittens, and as happy in their way as their hearts could wish. The men spent most of their time in hunting and fishing, and almost every evening the boys and girls footed merrily to the tune of the fiddle. Thus was their time spent in that happy state of indo lence and ease, which none but the hunter or herdsman state can enjoy. They had no civil officers to settle their disputes, nor priests to direct their morals; yet amongst them crimes were of rare occurrence. Should any one who chanced to be amongst them, prove trouble some, or disturb the harmony of the community, his expulsion forthwith would be the consequence ; and wo be to him if he again attempted to in^de himself upon them. I'M u * 1' 'f ' ^'^^ GENERAL NATHANIEL MASSIE. 33 That " there is a nobility above birth, and riches above wealth," was clearly manifest in the lives of the old pioneers. A distinguished Roman said, " the bravest man was the noblest man." If this position be true, the nobility of the frontier men remains unrivaled. That there " are riches above wealth," was evidenced in the lives of the citizens of the frontier stgitions. There were no rival grades or castes in these small communities, to create envy : in their society all stood on a par. Their minds were buoyant with hope ; and when danger was not apparent, they were the happiest, and of course the richest people on earth. The manners of the frontier men among themselves, were affectionate and familiar. They addressed each other by their Christian names only ; which custom still appears to them, the most friendly and courteous mode of intercourse. To one who looks back on what the world was then, it seems as if " money-making and sel fishness had frozen up the avenues to the heart. That frank, friendly intercourse, which was the delight and honor of this land, is gone, it is feared, for ever; and the cold, calculating spirit of accumulation, or the worth less emulation of show and splendor, has succeeded." When this station was made, the nearest neighbors north-west of the Ohio, were the inhabitants at Colum bia, a settlement below the mouth of the Little Miami, eight miles above Cincinnati, and at Galliapolis, a French settlement, near the mouth of the Great Kenhawa. Look at the map of the State of Ohio, reader. You will there see the long and dreary waste, Massie and his com panions, during their exploring expeditions through the wilderness of the present State of Ohio, had to travel, without roads or paths. They could not hear the agreeable sound ofthe plowman's gee -haw, nor the keen crack of the wagoner's or coachman's whip, nor the clink of the blacksmith's Jiammer, nor the pleasant clitter-datter of 34 A SKETCH OF THE LIFK OF the mill. All was the lonely and solitary gloom of the dark forest. Then, too, could be seen the wide spread prairie, dressed in nature's gayest herbage, where the most beautiful and sweet scented flowers mingled in wild confusion, where neither bush nor tree could be seen, and where the blue sky appeared, in sublime grandeur, to lean on the outer edge of the earth, like an immense crystal bowl inverted. Here silence reigned with the stillness of death, except when broken occasionally by the cries of wild animals, and the appalling yell of the Indian. Massie having permanently established himself in his station, continued to make locations and surveys of land in every direction. It was during this period that many interesting events transpired, connected with the survey ing parties. Great precaution was used while surveying) and the invariable rule with Massie was, to keep spies around him ; and if they came across fresh Indian signs, and the enemy appeared to be numerous, then to de sist from surveying, and, like the terrapins, return to their cover. This precaution, though vigilantly adhered to, did not always prevent the surveyors from meeting with disasters, as will appear by the following incident. Early in the spring of the year 1792, Massie pro ceeded to make some surveys on a small creek, which empties into the Ohio four miles above Manchester, accompanied by Israel Donalson, and two others. They meandered up the river to the mouth of the creek, and sat down on a log, not far from the bank of the river, to eat some junk. As they were eating and amusing them selves with chit-chat, they were not a little startled to see seven or eight Indians walk up the bank of the river without their arms, having left them in their canoe at the mouth of the creek. Massie and his party fled. The Indians, yelling horridly, pursued them. When the sur veying party reached the foot of the hill, they had a deep GENERAL NATHANIEL MASSIE. 3i) ravine to cross, about ten or twelve feet wide, and as many in depth. Massie, and two others of his compan ions, leaped the ravine ; but poor Donalson, being less active in making the leap, plunged into the ditch. Mas sie, and the two others, soon ran to Manchester, and gave an account of their misfortune. He was ignorant whether or no Donalson was killed. Early next morning he col lected twenty men, and went to the ravine, and found that Donalson must have been taken. The trail of the Indians was pursued for some distance, when it was con cluded, that if the pursuit was continued, and the Indians were aware of it, they would immediately kill Donalson ; but that if they were permitted to go off unmolested, they would, in all probability, save his life. The pursuing party immediately returned to Manchester, permitting the Indians to pursue their course. Some time passed before the fate of Donalson was known at the station, and that was made known by his own sudden appearance. From his account ofthe affair, it appears the Indians had been trapping up Big Sandy River, and were on their return to Wapatomaka town (now Zanesfield), on Mad river. That the Indians had passed from the mouth of Big Sandy, down the Ohio, until they reached the mouth of the creek where they landed, with their canoes, and had given pursuit to the party. The foremost Indian, pursuing them closely, saw Donalson make his unfortunate plunge, and before he could recover, leaped upon him tomahawk in hand. Donalson instantly surrendered, and was made a prisoner. It was late in the evening when they took him, and they immediately loaded him with their peltry, and made a rapid march homeward. In a few days they reached the Chillicothe town, on the Little Miami. At this time, he began to think about effecting his escape, although the dif ficulties against which he had to contend were great, owing to the extreme caution and watchfulness of the 36 A SKETCH OF THE LIFE OF Indians. At night they confined him in the following manner. They took a strong tug (a rope made of the raw hide of the buffalo or elk), and fastened it around his body, each end of the tug being tied around the body of an Indian. The tug was tied so tightly, that it could not be slipped, nor could he move to the one side or the other without drawing the Indian after him. It was from such a situation he had to extricate himself. One night, while the Indians were tying him after the usual manner, he puffed up his body to its full extent, by drawing in his breath ; and when they had completed the process, he found that there was a good deal of play in the noose of the tug. He laid very still until the Indians were fast asleep. Then, having partly undressed himself, he began slowly and cautiously to slip from the noose. After a long trial he succeeded in slipping himself out, and found himself once more a freeman. He instantly rushed to the thickets. The night was clear, and he could steer his course by the stars. Striking off in a southern direction, he traveled all night. The next day he fell on Harmer's old trace, and followed its course to the South. In two days he reached Fort Washington, now Cincinnati. Here he remained a few days to recruit himself, and then returned to his friends at Manchester, where he was most joyfully received, as there had been with them great anxiety as to his fate. The creek, at the mouth of which he was taken, was called after him " Donalson's Creek ;" which name it still retains, and will retain when the event which gave birth to its name, will be forgotten. Mr. Donalson is still living, the patriarch of Manchester, and is, I believe, the only one of the first settlers who lives there at this time. He held many public offices. He was a member of the conven tion which formed the constitution for the State of Ohio, and uniformly preserved the character of an honest and useful man. OENERAL NATHANIEL MASSIE. 37 In the early part of the winter of 1791-92, Massie was engaged in locating and surveying the lands on Brush creek, as far up as the three forks, intending, as soon as there was less danger from the Indians, to pro ceed on a larger scale. It was in the spring of the same year, that he was engaged in surveying the bottoms of the Little Miami. He had advanced up the river as far as the spot where the town of Xenia is now situated, with out molestation. Early one morning, the party started out to perform the labors of the day. Massie was walk ing in advance of the party, when an Indian was per ceived by General William Lytle, with his gun pointed at Massie, and in the act of firing. Lytle, with uncom mon quickness, fired, and killed the Indian. After this occurrence they advanced cautiously, and soon found themselves near an encampment of about one hundred and fifty Indians. The party commenced a rapid retreat, and were closely pursued by the Indians. The retreat and pursuit continued without relaxation, until the party safely reached Manchester, or, as it was then called, Massie's station. During the winter of 1792-93, Massie continued to locate and survey the best land within a reasonable dis tance of the station. As the Indians were always more quiet during the winter, he employed two men, Joseph Williams and one of the Wades, to accompany him to explore the valley of Paint creek, and part of the Scioto country. He found the bottoms rich beyond his expec tations, and made entries of all the good land on that creek. During that expedition, Kenton, Helm, and others, who had accompanied the various detachments from Kentucky, which had invaded the country, made a few entries, but the large bulk of rich land was still vacant. , In the spring of the year 1793, the settlers at Man chester commenced clearing the out-lots of the town ; 38 A SKETCH OF THE LIFE OF and while so engaged, an incident of much interest and excitement occurred. Mr. Andrew Ellison, one of the settlers, cleared a lot immediately adjoining the fort. He had completed the cutting of the timber, rolled the logs together and set them on fire. The next morning, a short time before daybreak, Mr. Ellison opened one of the gates of the fort, and went out to throw his logs to gether. By the time he had finished this job, a number of the heaps blazed up brightly, and as he was passing from one to the other, he observed, by the light of the fires, three men walking briskly towards him. This did not alarm him in the least, although, he said, they were dark skinned fellows ; yet he concluded they were the Wades, whose complexions were very dark, going early to hunt. He continued to right his log-heaps, until one of the fellows seized him by the arms, and called out in broken English, " How do? how do?" He instantly looked in their faces, and to his surprise and horror, found himself in the clutches of three Indians. To re sist was useless. He therefore submitted to his fate, without any resistance or an attempt to escape. The Indians quickly moved off with him in the direc tion of Paint creek. When breakfast was ready, Mrs. Ellison sent one of her children to ask their father home ; but he could not be found at the log-heaps. His absence created no immediate alarm, as it was thought he might have started to hunt after the completion of his work. Dinner time arrived, and Ellison not returning, the family became uneasy, and began to suspect some accident had happened to him. His gun-rack was examined, and there hung his rifle and his pouch in their usual place. Massie raised a party, and made a circuit around the place, and found, after some search, the trails of four men, one of whom had on shoes ; and as Ellison had shoes on, the truth, that the Indians had made him a prisoner, was un folded. As it was almost night at the time the trail was GENERAL NATHANIEL MASSIE. 39 discovered, the party returned to the station. Next moming, early preparations were made by Massie and his party to pursue the Indians. In doing this they found great difficulty, as it was so early in the spring that the vegetation was not of sufficient growth to show plainly the trail of the Indians, who took the precaution to keep on hard and high land, where their feet could make little or no impression. Massie and his party, however, were as unerring as a pack of well trained hounds, and follow ed the trail to Paint creek, when they found the Indians gained so fast on them, that pursuit was vain. They therefore abandoned it, and returned to the station. The Indians took their prisoner to Upper Sandusky, and compelled him to run the gauntlet. As Ellison was a large man and not very active, he received a severe flogging as he passed along the line. From this place he was taken to Lower Sandusky, and was again compelled to run the gauntlet, and was then taken to Detroit, where he was generously ransomed by a British officer for one hundred dollars. He was shortly afterwards sent by his friend, the officer, to Montreal, from whence he returned home before the close of the summer of the same year. Another incident connected with the station at Man chester, occurred shortly after this time, which, although somewhat out of order as to time, I will take the liberty to relate in this place. John Edgington, Asahel Edgington, and another man started out on a hunting expedition towards Brush creek. They camped out six miles in a northeast direction from where West Union now stands, and near where Treber's tavern is now situated, on the road from Chillicothe to Maysville. The Edgingtons had good success in hunt ing, having killed a number of deer and bears. Of the deer killed, they saved the skins and hams alone. The bears, they fleeced ; that is, they cut off all the meat 40 A SKETCH OF THE LIFE OF which adhered to the hide without skinning, and left the bones as a skeleton. They hung up the proceeds of their hunt on a scaffold, out of the reach of the wolves and other wild animals, and returned home for pack horses. No one returned to the camp with the two Edgingtons. As it was late in December, no one ap prehended danger, as the winter season was usually a time of repose from Indian incursions. When the Edgingtons arrived at their old hunting camp, they alighted from their horses and were preparing to strike a fire, when a platoon of Indians fired upon them, at the distance of not more than twenty paces. Asahel Edging ton fell to rise no more. John was more fortunate. The sharp crack of the rifles and the horrid yells of the In dians, as they leaped from their place of ambush, fright ened the horses, who took the track towards home at full speed. John Edgington was very active on foot, and now an occasion offered which required his utmost speed. The moment the Indians leaped from their hiding place, they threw down their guns and took after him. They pursued him screaming and yelling in the most horrid manner. Edgington did not run a booty race. For about a mile the Indians stepped in his tracts almost before the bending grass could rise. The uplifted tomahawk was fre quently so near his head, that he thought he felt its edge. Every eflbrt was made to save his life, and every exertion of the Indians was made to arrest him in his flight. Edging ton, who had the greatest stake in the race, at length be gan to gain on his pursuers, and after a long race, he distanced them, made his escape, and safely reached home. This, truly, was a most fearful and well contested race. The big Shawnee chief, Captain John, who head ed the Indians on this occasion, after peace was made and Chillicothe settled, frequently told the writer of this sketch of the race. Captain John said, that " the white man who ran away was a smart fellow, that the white GENERAL NATHANIEL MASSIE. 41 man run and I run, he run and run, at last, the white man run clear off from me." CHAPTER IV. A PERSON engaged in writing. upon a particular subject will, as a matter of course, within the range of his in formation, collect a mass of materials, from which it will be his duty to select the most useful and interesting. To do this, however, with skill sufficient to please the ma jority of his readers, is a difficult task. A person usual ly writes upon subjects about which he has bestowed much thought, and in which he feels a deep interest. Of course, matters which appear to him of great impor tance, he will discover frequently to be overlooked by the generality of readers. Of such treatment he must not complain, but, on the contrary, he must strengthen himself by a lar^e share of independence, which will make him write with a consciousness, that his narrative will meet with a kind reception from the intelligent, and that it will be found useful for the future. Such is my situation in writing this sketch. I know that many things I have written may not entertain, yet I believe them to be useful facts and have inserted them. From this cause, and as I am writing the life of the most extensive surveyor and land speculator with us in early times, I shall take the liberty to describe the method by which the titles to lands in the Virginia military district were acquired and perfected, and also the method by which surveying was actually conducted in our wild country. I have said above, that the lands in this district were entered and surveyed by virtue of military land warrants issued by the state of Virginia to her officers and sol- 42 A SKETCH OF THE LIFE OF diers of the continental line. These warrants were issued to satisfy bounties, promised by various acts of her legis lature to these officers and soldiers, and prescribed the amount of land to which each person should be entitled, according to rank in the army and the time of actual service. Each person after the expiration of the time of service, received from the governor and council a certi ficate of his rank in the army, the length of time of service and the number of acres to which he was entitled, which certificate was filed with the register of the land office, and a warrant on printed paper and under the seal of the office, was issued to the owner. In many cases, war rants issued by virtue of special acts or resolutions of the Assembly, and were usually known, on this ac count, as resolution warrants. A warrant is merely a direction and authority given to the principal surveyor of land to survey and lay off, in one or more surveys for the person entitled, his heirs, or assigns, the given quan tity of acres specified in the warrant. These warrants when issued were delivered to the owners, who were re quired to file them with the principal surveyor, and pay him a certain fee for receiving them. When filed they at first took their legal order in location. The holders of warrants were at liberty to locate them, yet as they were unacquainted with the vacant land, they usually employed the deputy surveyors, as their agents, to enter and survey them, on certain agreed, or well known terms. The first step taken towards the acquisition of land by a warrant is by means of an entry. An entry is the ap propriation of a certain quantity of vacant land by the owner of the warrant. It is made in a book kept by the surveyor for that purpose, and contains the quantity of acres intended to be appropriated, the number of the warrant on which it is entered, and then calls for some specific, notorious, and permanent object or objects by GENERAL NATHANIEL MASSIE. 43 which the locality ofthe land may be known, and usual ly concludes with a general description of the courses to be pursued in a survey of it. This particularity was required, that every person holding a warrant might be enabled, without interfering with the prior locations of others, to locate his own warrant, and this could not be done with safety in a wild country, unless prior entries were made with sufficient certainty as to their notoriety. The defect of entries, in this particular, has given rise to a greater amount of litigation in land titles, than any other cause whatever. Next, in order, came the survey, which is intended to give a certain and regular form to the entry, by metes and bounds actually marked, and established by the sur veyor. The great requisite with the survey was a con formity to a just and reasonable construction of the entry, as to the land intended to be appropriated by it. A want of conformity, in this respect, rendered the survey de fective as to all lands without the calls of the entry. Sur veys, when made, were returned to the general surveyor with a fair plat of each particular tract of land, and a description of the same by metes and bounds, and was signed by the deputies who executed them, together with the names of the chain-men and markers annexed, who made each survey. The surveys were then recorded, and the plats, with a certificate from the surveyor under his seal of office delivered to the owner, together with the original warrant and the assignments, if any, if the warrant was satisfied ; if it was not, then a copy of the warrant and certificate from the surveyor of the fact that the warrant was still unsatisfied. The owner of each survey could then obtain a patent for his land from the President of the United States. The system of entering and surveying lands, in the irregular manner we find in this district, was adopted from ths Virginia and Kentucky land system. In these 44 A SKETCH OF THE LIFE OF States, great inconvenience and litigation, have been the result of it. The unsettled situation of the country, the unbounded rage for speculation, and the immense quan tity of land warrants afloat, and the little value attached by Virginia to her lands, all combined to make land titles hazardous in the extreme, and was the cause of much innocent suffering. In this district, although much liti gation has resulted from this system, yet the surprise is, when we consider the unsettled state of the country at the time entries and. surveys were made, that it has not been greater. This may, in a great measure, be attribu ted to the minute attention, the uniformity, and ability of Col. Anderson in the discharge of his duties, and the ex perience of his deputies, and their great confidence in each other. Yet, under all circumstances, this may be called a defective system, especially when we compare it with the simple, the regular, and admirable system adopted by the United States, in their surveys of public lands. The plan adopted by Massie, in his various surveying excursions at that time, was such as to secure safety to the party. Three assistant surveyors, with himself ma king the fourth, were generally engaged at the same time in making surveys. To each surveyor was attached six men, which made a mess of seven. Every man had his prescribed duty to perform. Their operations were con ducted in this manner : — In front went the hunter, who kept in advance of the surveyor two or three hundred yards, looking for game, and prepared to give notice should any danger from Indians threaten. Then follow ed, after the surveyor, the two chain-men, marker, and pack-horse men with the baggage, who always kept near each other, to be prepared for defence in case of an at tack. Lastly, two or three hundred yards in the rear, came a man, called the spy, whose duty itwas to keep on the back trail, and look out lest the party in advance might be pursued and attacked by surprise. Each man OENERAL NATHANIEL MASSIE. 45 (the surveyor not excepted) carried, his rifle, his blanket, and such other articles as he might stand in need of. On the pack-horse was carried the cooking utensils, and such provisions as could be conveniently taken. Nothing like bread was thought of. Some salt was taken, to be used sparingly. , For subsistence, they depended alone on the game which the" woods afforded, procured by their un erring rifles.-. In this manner was the largest number of surveys made in the district.' But to return. In 'the fall of the year 1793, Massie determined to attempt a surveying tour on the Scioto river. This, at that time, was a very dangerous undertaking; yet 'no danger, unless very imminent, could deter him from ma king the attempt.' For that purpose, he employed about thirty men, of whom he choose three as assistant survey ors'. These were John Beasley, Nathaniel Beasley, and Peter Lee. It was in this expedition, Massie employed, for the first time, a young man by the name of Duncan McArthur as a chain-man or marker. This man had dis tinguished himself remarkably on several occasions, and particularly in Harmer's unfortunate expedition. He was one of the best woodsmen of his age. He was a large, strong, and muscular man, capable of enduring fatigue and privations, equal to the best trained Indians. His courage was unquestioned, to which was added ' an en ergetic mind, which soon displayed its powers. He after wards became a surveyor, and was one ofthe most acute land speculators in the western country. Such - a man Massie desired to have on an expedition of this char acter. In the month of October, some canoes were procured, and Massie and his party set off by water. • They pro ceeded up the Ohio to the mouth of the Scioto, thence up the Scioto to the mouth of Paint creek. While mean dering the Scioto, they made ' some ' surveys on the bot toms. After reaching the mouth of Paint creek, the sur- 4 46 A SKETCH OF THE LIFE OF veyors went to work. Many surveys were made on the Scioto, as far up as Westfall. Some were made on Main, and others on the North Fork of Paint creek, and the greatest parts of Ross and Pickaway counties in the district were well explored and partly surveyed. Massie finished his intended work without meeting with any dis turbance from the Indians. But one Indian was seen during the excursion, and to him they gave a hard chase. He, however, escaped. The party returned home de lighted with the rich country of the Scioto valley, which they had explored. During the winter of 1793-4, Massie, in the midst of the most appalling dangers, explored the different branches to their sources, which run into the Little Mia mi river, and thence passed in a northeastern direction to the heads of Paint and Clear creeks, and the branches that form those streams. By these expeditions he had formed from personal observation, a correct knowledge of the geographical situation of the country composing the Virginia military district. During the winter of 1794-5, Massie prepared a party to enter largely into the surveying business. Nathaniel Beasley, John Beasley, and Peter Lee were again em ployed as the assistant surveyors. The party set off from Manchester well equipped to prosecute their busi ness, or should occasion offer give battle to the Indians. They took the route of Logan's trace, and proceeded to a place called the deserted camp, on Tod's fork of the Little Miami. At this point, they commenced surveying, and surveyed large portions of land on Tod's fork, and up the Miami to the Chillicothe town, (now in Clark coun ty) thence up Massie's creek and Csesar's creek nearly to their heads. By the time the party had progressed thus far, winter had set in. The ground was covered with a sheet of snow, from six to ten inches deep. Du ring the tour, which continued upwards of thirty days, GENERAL NATHANIEL MASSIE. 47 the party had no bread. For the first two weeks, a pint of flour was distributed to each mess once a day, to mix with the soup, in which the meat had been boiled. When night came, four fires were made for cooking, that is, one for each mess. Around these fires, till sleeping time arrived, the company spent their time in the most social glee, singing songs and telling stories. When danger was not apparent or immediate, they were as merry a set of men as ever assembled. Resting time ar riving, Massie always gave the signal, and the whole party would then leave their coinfortable fires, carrying with them their blankets, their fire-arms, and their little baggage, walking in perfect silence two or three hundred yards from their fires. They would then scrape away the snow, and huddle down together for the night. Each mess formed one bed, they would spread down on the ground one' half of the blankets, reserving the other half for covering.! The covering blankets were fastened to gether by skewers to prevent them 'from' slipping apart. Thus prepared, the whole party crouched down together with their rifles in their arms, and their pouches under their heads for pillows ; laying spoon-fashion, with three heads one way and four the other, their feet extending to about the middle of their bodies. When one turned, the whole mess ' turned, or else the close range would be broken and the cold let in. In this way, they lay till broad day light ; no noise and scarce a whisper being uttered during the night. When it was perfecfly light, Massie would call up two of the men in whom he had the most confidence, and send them to reconnoiter, and make ' a circuit around the fires, lest an ambuscade might be formed by the Indians to destroy the party as they returned to the fires. This was an invari able custom in every variety of weather. Self-preserva tion required this circumspection. If immortality is due to the names of heroes who have successfully labored in 48 A SKETCH OF THE LIFE OF the field of battle, no less honors are due to such men as Massie, who ran equal risk of life from danger with less prospect of eclat, and produced more lasting benefit to the country. Massie proceeded to survey up Caesar's creek, nearly to where its waters interlock with the waters of Paint creek. Late one evening, he came upon the tracks of Indians in the snow. Some of his men were despatched to search out the Indian encampment, while others were sent in pursuit of the assistant surveyors, in order to col lect the force into one body, that he might be prepared to attack or defend as circumstances might direct. A short time before sun-down, his force was collected. In a few minutes after, the two men returned who had been sent to discover the Indian camp. They reported, that they had proceeded as near the Indian encampment as they could with safety, and that it consisted of eight or ten tents, and that from the noise about the camp, they had no doubt but that there was a large number of In dians. Massie, thereupon, concluded that it would be too hazardous to attack them while the snow was on the ground, believing it would endanger the whole party if they would be compelled to retreat, encumbered with any wounded. He therefore resolved to desist from sur veying, and make a rapid retreat to his own station, not doubting but that he would be pursued, as the Indians would have no difficulty in tracking them through the snow. The line of march was formed for home by the party, who traveled until ten or eleven o'clock at night, when they halted and remained until morning, when they again resumed their march, moving in a southem direction. About twelve o'clock, they came to a fresh trail, which was made by four horses and eight or ten footmen. This trail was crossed diagonally, and was again struck upon after traveling a few miles. After a consultation with some of the most experienced of his GENERAL NATHANIEL MASSIE. 49 men, Massie concluded the Indians, whose trail had been crossed, knew nothing of them, and determined to pur sue them so long as they kept the direction in which they appeared then to be going. The pursuit of the In dians was kept up as fast as the men could walk, until dusk without overtaking them. The party then halted to consult as to their future operations. In a few minutes, the Indians were heard at work with their tomahawks, cutting wood and tent poles, within a few hundred yards of the place where the party had halted. It was put to vote, whether the Indian camp should be attacked imme diately, or whether they should postpone it to day-light. A majority were for lying by and attacking them in day light. Two or three men were then sent to reconnoiter their camp and bring away their horses. The horses were brought away, and preparations made to lie by for the night. Massie, who was more thoughtful than the rest of the company, began to reflect on the critical situation of the party. He told them, he did not approve of the idea of lying by until morning, as there was no doubt they were rapidly pursued by the Indians from the head of Caesar's creek, and that by waiting until morn ing, the pursuing Indians might come up in the course of the night, and when day-light appeared, they would find themselves between two fires. He said it was true the Indians might be destroyed more effectually in day light, but that it was dangerous to loiter away their time on a retreat, and advised that whatever they did to the Indians should be done quickly, and the march continued towards home. It was resolved to follow his advice. It was about two hours in the night when this occur red. The day had been warm, and had melted the snow which was eight inches deep, and quite soft on the top. At night it began to freeze rapidly, and by this time there was a hard crust on the top. In this situation, the crust when broken by a man walking on a calm night could be 50 A SKETCH OF THE LIFE OF heard at the distance of three hundred yards. Massie, under these circumstances prepared to attack the Indians forthwith. The men were formed in a line, in single file, with their wiping sticks in their hands, to steady them when walking. They then commenced moving towards the Indian camp in the following manner : — the foremost would walk about twenty steps, and halt ; then the next in the line would move on, stepping in the tracks of the foremost, to prevent any noise when breaking the crust of the snow. In this cautious and silent manner, they crept within about twenty-five yards of the Indian en campment, when an unexpected , interruption presented itself; a deep ravine was found, between Massie and the camp which was not perceived by the reconnoitering party.' The Indians had not as yet laid down to rest, but were ' singing and amusing themselves round their fires, in the utmost self-security, not dreaming of danger" in their own country, in the depth of winter. The bank- of the ravine concealed Massie and his men, who were on low ground, from' the light of the Indian fires. 'After halting a few minutes on the bank of the ravine, Massie discovered, a few paces above him, a large log whieh had fallen across the ravine. On this log he determin ed to cross the gully. Seven or eight of the men, on their hands and knees, had crossed, and were within not more than twelve or fifteen paces of the Indians, crouch ing low, and turning to the right and left, wheifi too many men at the same time got on the log ; and as it was old and rotten, it broke with a loud crash. This started the Indians. The whites, who had crossed over before the log broke, immediately fired into the Indian camp, shout ing as they run. The Indians fled, naked, and without their arms.. No Indian was killed in the camp, although their clothing and blankets were found stained with blood. No attempt was made to pursue: them. Their camp was plundered of the horses and arms, making al- GENERAL NATHANIEL MASSIE. 51) together considerable booty. The party, traveled - that night and until noon the next day, when they halted to cook some provisions, and rest . their -'wearied limbs. After taking some refreshments, they loitered about the fires a short time, and again commenced their march through snow and brush^ and about midnight of the sec ond day, arrived at Manchester,' after a fatiguing march of tjvo days and nights from the head'^of Caesar's creek; ' On the last day of their march, about a mile north, of where West Union now stands', . one of the. men who carried a bag of Indian plunder, and, .rode" one of the,- horses, dropped the bag, and did not miss it until they arrived at Manchester. Sometime in the succeeding day, two ofthe men took fresh! horses, and rode! back on the trail, to look for the bag. !They found, the bag some dis-. stance south ofthe brow ofthe hilirand concluded |they would go to the brow and look over , for deei*; ¦ "When they reached it, they were astonished to .'find: the. spot where a large party of Indians had followed';. the trail to the top of the hill, and there stopped to eat their break fast, leaving some bones and sinewy jirk, that was. toO: hard to eat. Had the Indians' pursued the trail one hun-: dred yards farther, they would have found the.bag,"'and laid in ambush for the whites to return, and would .'doubt less have killed or taken the men who' returned for the bag. This was truly a narrow escape. CHAPTER V. The winter of 1794-95 was attended by no disturb- ances from the Indians, as the , defeat they had sustained the summer before from General Wayne, had completely checked them in their depredations. In the spring of 1795, Massie again prepared a party to return to the. 52 A SKETCH OF THE LIFE OF waters of the Little Miami, Paint creek, and the Scioto, for the purpose of surveying. He employed three assistant surveyors, with the usual complement of men. Every man carried, as usual in these surveying tours, his own baggage on his back. No one, indeed, was exempt from this service ; and when the weight is taken into consideration, and the encumbrance from it, there seems to be little ground for the complaints, which have latterly been made, about the inaccuracies of early surveys. In deed, it is really astonishing, how they could be made so accurate as they are found to be. Early in March the party set off from Manchester. The weather was fine, and the spring appeared to have commenced in earnest. Massie commenced surveying on the west fork of Ohio Brush creek. The woods then furnished game in great abundance, such as turkeys and bears, of the finest quality. A description of the method in which bears were taken, although familiar to the old backwoodsmen, will be perhaps interesting to their descendants, as these animals have become scarce since the settlement of the country. It is well known that bears retire to the hollows of rocks or trees, about the last of December, and remain in a dormant state until the winter breaks, be it early or late. When the weather becomes wann, they will bustle out of their holes to the nearest water, once in two or three days. In walking from their holes to the water, they are careful to step in the same track ; and as the earth at that season of the year is soft and spongy, the feet of the bear, in passing and repassing, make a deep impression. These impres sions are called by the old hunters, " the bear's stepping- place." When the hunter finds the stepping-place, he can easily follow the track, until he finds the tree in the hollow of which, or in some cave or hole in the rocks, the animal lies at ease. They are then, by various means used, driven from their holes, and shot. During GENERAL NATHANIEL MASSIE. 53 this expedition, a young man, by the name of Bell, who was very active in climbing trees, exhibited great bold ness in driving them from their holes. When a bear was tracked to a tree, this man, when the tree was not very large and smooth, would climb up and look into the hole, and punch the bear with a sharp stick until it would come out. Bears at this season are very lazy and difficult to move. By punching them, however, for some time, they will move heavily to their holes, and slowly drag themselves out. As soon as they were clear of their holes, some one or two picked marksmen would shoot them. Bell, so soon as be would provoke the bears to come out, would slip out on a limb, and wait with perfect composure until the marksmen would shoot them. These feats are specimens of Bell's daring. He was, altogether, one of the most hardy, fearless, and thoughtless men of danger, I ever saw. In this way numerous bears were found and killed. The fat part of the meat, boiled or roasted with turkey or venison, makes a very luxurious repast. But to return. The weather, for some time, continued quite pleasant, while the party surveyed towards the head waters of Brush creek. They thence passed to the Rocky and Rattlesnake forks of Paint creek ; thence crossing Main Paint, they passed up Buckskin, and across to " the old town," on the north point of Paint creek. While sur veying in this section of the country, the weather became cloudy, and commenced snowing and hailing. The snow continued to fall and drift for two days and nights ; and when it ceased, the ground was covered between two and three feet deep. The camp was on the ground, at this time the farm of Colonel Adam Mallow, four miles above Old town (or Frankfort, as it is now called.) About tbe time it ceased snowing, the weather became warm, and a soft rain fell for a short time. Suddenly it became in tensely cold, accompanied by a frost, which soon formed 54 A SKETCH OF THE LIFE OF a Strong crust on the snow, which had been previously softened by" the rain. The snow, although somewhat settled by. the rain, was at least' two feet deep, with a cmst that would bear about ,half the weight of a man. This was the deepest snow I ever saw, before or since, in the western country. The turkeys, and ' other small game, could run on the crust of snow, which disabled the hunters from pursuing and killing game ; and as the party had no provisions with them, the' doleful prospect of death by starvation stared them in the face. This tour was subsequently called the starving tour; and the remnant of those who are on this side of the grave, yet remember with horror their situation at that time. The prudence exercised by them heretofore, of sleeping away from their fires,"was not attended to. The party lay around their fires by day and night, anxiously praying? for a change in the weather. Some of the strongesi .and most spirited among the party, several times made ineffectual attempts to kill game. Among these hunters. General Duncan McArthur, of Fruit hill, near Chillicothe, and William Leedom, of Adams county, were conspicuous. ' Oil the third day of the storm, they killed two turkeys. They were boiled, and divided into twenty-eight shares or parts, and given equally to each man. This little food seemed ' only ' to sharpen their appetites. Not a particle of the turkeys was left.' ,The heads, feet, and entrails, were devoured, as if most savory food. The fourth morning of the continuance of the snow, Massie, with his party, turned their faces homeward. The ' strongest and most hardy of the men were placed in front, to break through' the snow. This was a fatiguing and laborious business, and was perfoirmed alternately by the most spirited "and strongest ofthe party. They thus proceeded in their heavy, and disconsolate march the whole day, and at night reached the mouth of the Rattle- GENERAL NATHANIEL MASSIE. 55 snake fork of Paint creek, a distance of about ten miles. In the course of that day the sun shone through the clouds, for the first time since the storm commenced, and by its warmth softened the crust on the snow. This rendered the traveling less laborions. As the party descended the sloping ground towards the bank of Paint creek, they came across a flock of turkeys, and killed several. These were cooked, and equally divided among the men. That night the party lay by their fires without guards or sentinels ; and as the night was warm, the snow gradually melted. Early next morning the most of the party turned out to hunt, and killed a number of turkeys, some deer, and a bear. When these were brought to camp, a feast ensued, which was enjoyed with a zest and relish, which none can properly appre ciate, but those who have been so unfortunate as to be placed in a similar situation. The writer of this narrative accompanied General Massie on this tour, and had previously passed through many trying and distressing scenes ; but the hardships and privations' of this tour were the most trying to the firmness, resolution, and fortitude of men, he ever saw or experienced. Only reflect, reader, on the critical situation of twenty-eight men, exposed to the horrors of a terrible snow-storm in the wilderness, without hut, tent, or cov ering, and, what was still more appalling, without provi sion, without any road or even a track to retreat on, and nearly one hundred miles from any friendly aid or place of shelter, exposed to the truly tremendous and pitiless peltings of a storm of four days continuance, and you can fancy to yourself some faint idea of the sufferings of this party. Although more than forty years have passed, I can scarcely think of our sufferings, even at this length of time, without shuddering. The people of the present time, who now inhabit our western country, and are 56 A SKETCH OF THE LIFE OF sheltered from tempestuous storms in comfortable and elegant mansions, and are blessed with peace and plenty, can scarcely appreciate the sufferings and privations of those who led the way in settling our western country. Under all the hardships of this tour, Massie always showed a cheerful face, and encouraged his men to hope for better times. Nothing like despondency ever clouded his brow, nor did his good humor forsake him during the gloom and despair of this trying occasion. The storm being passed, fine weather and plenty ensued, and the party again went cheerfully to work. Massie surveyed all the land he at first designed, and returned to Manchester without any adventure worthy of relation. The summer of the year 1795 passed off without any disturbance from the Indians. This was doubtless owing to the check given them, the summer previous, by Gen eral Wayne ; and also from the fact, that they were at that time stipulating with General Wayne a treaty of peace. Although not much faith was placed in Indian treaties, yet the settlements of the whites began to extend from the town of Manchester into the country. Massie sold a large amount of land to actual settlers upon credit, and many cabins were raised along the Ohio, and on Brush and Eagle creeks ; but they were uninhabited from the fear of the Indians. The fertility of the soil on Paint creek and throughout the Scioto valley, began to attract the attention of many Kentuckians to that quarter of the country. As General Massie had, some years previously, entered and surveyed the land in that section of the country, and was the owner of large tracts of first-rate land, he determined, at all hazards, to attempt a settlement at some spot in the Scioto valley, whether the attempt would result in peace or war. For the purpose of attracting settlers, he issued a notice, that he intended to lay off a town at some ad- GENERAL NATHANIEL MASSIE. 57 vanta'geous site on the Scioto river ; and offered as a donation to the first one hundred settlers, one in-ftft and one out-lot of four acres in the town, provided they would build a cabin on their lot, or otherwise become perma nent settlers of the town or its vicinity. This notice soon attracted the attention of several respectable citizens of Kentucky. Among these were Captain Petty, an old soldier, and the Reverend Robert W. Finley. A party was soon raised to explore the country and select the situation of the town. A short and correct description of this expedition is given by an anonymous writer, over the initials of " F. B." in the Western Christian Advocate, of June 13th, 1834, which is in all probability from the pen of the Reverend J. B. Finley, now or lately a presiding elder of the Methodist Episcopal church, and the son of the Reverend Robert W. Finley. I take the liberty of makmg an extract from that piece, as it is connected with the subject. " In the year 1795, while Wayne was in treaty with the Indians, a company came out from Manchester on the Ohio river, to explore the north-western territory, and especially the valley of the Scioto. General Massie was in this little band. After proceeding several days cau tiously, they fell on Paint creek, near the falls. Here they found fresh Indian signs, and had not traveled far before they heard the bells on the horses. Some of the company were what was called raw hands, and previous to this wanted much ' to smell Indian powder.' One of the company, who had fought in the revolutionary war, and also with the Indians, said to one of these vaunting fellows, ' If you do, you will run, or I am mistaken.' A council was now called. Some of the most expe rienced thought it was too late to retreat, and thought it best to take the enemy by surprise. General Mas sie, Fallenach, and R. W. Finley, were to lead on the company, and Captain Petty was to bring up the 58 A SKETCH OF THE LIFE OF rear. ' The Indians' were encamped on Paint creek, precHlly at what is called'Ree've's crossing. They came .'oh them by surprise,: and out of forty men, about twenty ¦oif them '1 fought, s Those fellows 'who wanted to smell powder so much, ran the other way,'and hid behind logs, 'and Captain Petty reported afterwards that they had the 'ague, they, were so much affrighted. The battle was soon ''ended in favor of the whites,' for the Indians fled across the creek,' and left all they had but their guns. -Several were killed and wounded,' and one white man, a iMr.; Robinson, 'was' shot through the body, and died im- mediately\ .These Indians had- one male prisoner with the detachment destined to attack their rear. They were, however, defeated and dispersed, with the loss in the skirmishes on that day, of one captain and seventeen privates kiUed, nine privates wounded, and three captains, five subalterns, and one hundred and three privates made prisoners ; whilst our loss was only one kUled and six wounded. Early on the 7th instant the enemy was pursued on the road to Dover, many made prisoners, and five valuable miUs de stroyed. 164 A SKETCH OF THE LIFE OF " Apprehensive that the troops could not be supplied on the route to fort Erie, and that difficulties would occur in the passage of Grand river, together with the uncer tainty which existed as to the position of our army be low, I was induced, on the 8th instant, to commence my return to this place, by the way of Talbott street and the Thames ; which was happily effected on the 17th instant, " In this excursion, the resources of the enemy have been essentially impaired, and the destruction of the val uable miUs in the vicinity of Grand river, employed in the support of the army in the peninsula, together with the consumption of the forage, and provisions necessary for the troops, has added to the barrier, heretofore inter posed by an extensive and swampy frontier against any attempts which may be made this winter in the direction of Detroit. " With the exception of nine thousand rations, and eight hundred bushels of forage, the detachment subsisted entirely on the enemy. Gf private property, no more was destroyed than was absolutely necessary for the sup port of the troops, for which regular payments or receipts were given. It is, however, much to be regretted, that there were some partial abuses produced by the unfortu nate example presented by the Indians, whose customs in war impel theiri to plunder after victory ; but for this blemish there was some excuse, in their correct and gal lant conduct before and during the battle. It is also grat ifying to know, that they were forgetful of the atrocious deeds committed by the Indians in the service of the enemy: neither the innocent or disarmed have been massacred or molested. " The honorable deportment of the chiefs Lewi* Wolfe and Civil John, was truly animating to all the troops. " It was essential to the progress of the expedition, that the horses of individuals should be taken to supply Civil John. GENERAL DUNCAN m'arTHUR. 105 the place of those that were disabled and lost on the march : in all cases receipts were given. The Michigan militia were invited to accompany us on the expedition : not more than twenty accepted it. Of those, six deserted near Delaware, and the remainder were permitted to re turn on the next day. Lieutenant Ruland, of Captain Audrain's company of rangers from Detroit, was distin guished for zeal and intrepidity. " The patriotic volunteers under my command have just claims on the gratitude of their country, when it is recollected that they tendered their services with no other assurances than the approbation which always at tends disinterested sacrifices ; that they have performed much severe service duly, at an inclement season, through an extensive and swampy district, frequently intersected with deep and rapid rivers ; that they have penetrated two hundred miles into the enemy's territory, destroyed two hundred stand of arms, together with five of their most valuable mills, paroled or dispersed the greater por tion of the efficient militia of that part of Upper Canada west of Grand river ; and the whole detachment has re turned in safety to this place, with the exception of one kiUed. " The ardor which the troops always evinced when they expected to meet the enemy, was not more con spicuous or praiseworthy, than the cheerfulness with which they conformed to the rules of military propriety. The officers and privates of the detachment, with a very few exceptions, merited my warmest approbation. " I was much indebted to the zeal and intelligence dis played on all occasions by Major Dudley, commanding the Kentucky battalion, and was ably assisted by the zeal and assiduity of Doctor Turner, of the seventeenth infantry. Captain Bradford, of the nineteenth infantry, my brigade-major, already distinguished at fort Meigs and Tehoopcaw, is entitied to my sincere thanks for his 166 A SKETCH OF THE LIFE OF exertions under every difficulty, and I have the support of the troops in assuring you, sir, that to the military talents, activity, and intelligence of Major Todd, who acted as my adjutant-general, much of the fortunate progress and issue of the expedition is attributable ; and I cheerfully embrace this occasion to acknowledge the important services which he has at all times rendered me whilst in coinmand of the district. His various merits jusfly entitle him to the notice ofthe government. " I have the honor to be, very respectfully, " Your obedient servant, " DUNCAN McARTHUR, " Brig. Gen. U. S. Army Com, " To the Hon. James Mosroe, Sec. of War." After returning from this successful expedition, the war languished in the north-west. The Indian tribes had mostiy sued for peace ; but it was still necessary to garrison the exposed posts along our frontier. This was done by a few companies of militia. At Detroit, a few companies of regular troops and a regiment of Ohio mil itia, guarded that place.. At fort Maiden, a regiment of Kentucky militia and a battalion of regular troops were stationed. During the winter 1814-15, McArthur, now com mander of the eighth military district, was straining every nerve to prepare a large force, to be in readiness to take the field as early in the season as the state of the roads would permit the moving of armies. The govern ment had, by fatal experience, discovered the impro priety of sending small detachments (such as General HuU had commanded), to do the work which could only be effected by large armies. War is a trade which re quires experience to learn it, as any other trade. " The greatest masters in the art of war may err : he that wars walks in 'a mist, through which the keenest eyes cannot always discern the right path." The plan in preparation GENERAL DUNCAN m' ARTHUR. 167 by the war department, was that General McArthur should cross from Detroit into Canada, with an army of seven thousand men from Ohio and Kentucky, and sweep Upper Canada to York on lake Ontario; and there unite with the northern army, and proceed down the lake Ontario and the river St. Lawrence, and at one determined sweep break up all the enemy's strong holds to Quebec. While the generals of our armies were ma turing ways and means, to carry these grand and splen did military projects into execution, the news of a treaty of peace, happUy for our country, reached our ears. The bustie, toils, and vexations, incident to preparing armies for the " tented field," were abandoned. The clangor of the horsemen's trampet, the rolling of the drum, nor the shrill whistle of the fife, was scarcely heard in our land. The militia and volunteers were discharged, and returned to their homes ; and peace again blessed our land. Congress being in session, when the treaty of peace was brought from Europe, a law was passed di recting the president of the United States to disband the army. Our country stood in need of repose, especially the north-western frontier. The inhabitants on the shores of lake Erie, on the river Raisin, upon the river Detroit, and up lake St. Clair, and up the river Thames in Upper Canada, had suffered more than the pen can describe. This district of country was alternately occupied by the American and British armies. The suffering soldiers paid little respect to the rightof property: provision, clothing, and shoes, were taken wherever they were found ; and in many instances, the dwellings of the in habitants were torn down by the soldiers and used for fuel ; whilst the miserable inhabitants were left without subsistence, clothing, or even a roof, under which to shelter from the storm. General McArthur represented the sufferings of the citizens of this district of country to 168 A SKETCH OF THE LIFE OP the government of the United States. He stated that the sufferings and privations of these wretched inhabitants, were brought about by causes over which they had no control ; that humanity required of the government to extend to them relief. His representations had the de sired effect : the president directed that half rations should be distributed to these suffering inhabitants. Had it not been for this relief, many of these unfortunate people must have perished of famine during the severe winter of 1814-15. In giving a relation ofthe sufferings of the inhabitants of Detroit, Sandwich, and Maiden, the author is not drawing upon his imagination for fanciful pictures of distress, nor trusting to hearsay: he was upon the spot, a witness to their sufferings ; he com manded a regiment of Ohio troops, that was stationed in Detroit, when the grateful news of peace was sounded in our ears. The inhabitants of the city of Detroit, and the citizens of the town of Sandwich in Upper Canada, before the war took place, although under different governments, were as social, and as friendly in their daily intercourse with each other, as are the citizens of Cincinnati in Ohio, and Covington of Kentucky. The war had for a time estranged them from each other ; but as soon as peace was proclaimed, all antipathy created by the war was dissipated, as if by magic. The inhabitants were seen running in groups across the river Detroit on the ice, and in tears of joy embracing each other in the most affectionate manner. The sound of war, to warm spirits, has something captivating in its thrilling various freaks of fortune ; but let its frightful front come stalking to our homes, and then to witness the horrible sight of dwellings in flames, wives, and children, and feeble old age, fleeing to the woods and swamps, for concealment and protection from the destroying hand of their feUow man. Such scenes GENERAL DUNCAN m' ARTHUR. 169 are the constant companions of war. May our country never engage in any other than defensive War ; and let all the people say, amen. CHAPTER XI. In the course of the summer 1815, the regular army was disbanded, and General McArthur bade adieu to the " tented field," and returned to his family and home, to attend to the domestic affairs of private life. Previous to the war, he had deeply engaged in land speculations, as well as in locating land warrants, and in surveying. During the time he was employed in the army his speculations stood still ; others had taken the field, he now found himself in the rear of other land speculators ; he was now determined; by renewed vigor, to make up, by unceasing industry in that business, for the time he had lost in the war. Although immersed in business, he could not refrain from taking a part in the politics of the day. In the fall of the year 1815, he was again elected a member of the general assembly ; and was upon all occasions the leader of the party with whom he acted. He had now been acting on the public stage for a num ber of years, in various responsible situations, and his talents and business habits were found upon all occasions equal to any draft which was made upon him. What confidence the then administrators of government had in his capacity and integrity, the following letter wUl explain. " Departmmt of War, Uth Feb. 1816. " Sir — Information has beeil received, that the princi pal chief of the Wyandotts of lake Erie, has lately died ; and that the whole nation is disposod to sell their present possessions, and remove into other re;<^ons. 170 A SKETCH OF THE LIFE OF " It is an object of considerable importance to obtain the cession 'of their lands, if, as it has been represented, they will connect the settlements of Ohio with those of the Michigan territory. It is, at the same time, desirable to avoid all appearance of solicitude to make this, or any other purchase from the Indians in that quarter ; as such an impression could not faU to be injurious to the interests of the United States. " Before any attempt to negotiate for the cession of their lands, is made, it is proper that their disposition to sell, should be distinctly ascertained. If they are will ing to sell, it is extremely desirable that the proposition for that purpose should come from them. " As it has been represented to this department, that the person who has been chosen in the room of the late chief, is personally attached to you, I have been induced to believe, that this service can be more effectually ren dered by you than any person. I wUl thank you, there fore, immediately after the receipt of this letter, to adopt the necessary measures to accomplish the views of the government. Information of the situation and extent of their possessions, the manner in which the cession would connect the settiements of Ohio with those of Michigan, will be of great importance in deciding the question of ultimate negotiation upon this subject. " If the limits of their possessions should be found to be indistinct, and require the intervention of other tribes in its adjustment, the presence of those tribes at the con templated treaty, will be necessary. It is also desirable to ascertain where they intend ix> settie, as that fact may have some influence, not ouly upon the price, but the mode in which it shall be ivaid. Should the information which you shall obtain aiid communicate to this depart ment, lead to a treaty hr the cession of those lands, you wiU be appointed Cje of the commissioners, " For any expe uses which you may incur in executing GENERAL DUNCAN m' ARTHUR, 171 the requests contained in this letter, you are authorised to draw on this department, " I have the honor to be, " Your most obedient servant, " Wm, H, CRAWFORD, "Gen, DuNCAJT McAbthuk," In pursuance of the authority delegated in the fore going letter. General McArthur took immediate measures to ascertain the views of the Indians on the subject. The belief was, that the Indians were disposed to make a cession of part of their land. Commissioners were appointed, he being one, to negotiate with the Indians. The treaty was held at a place called Springwell, three miles below the city of Detroit. The commissioners succeeded in confirming former treaties, which were made with the Indians previous to the late war, and in a cession of some of their lands, but not to the extent the government wished. This treaty was approved by the president, and ratified by the senate of the United Slates. During the summer 1817, General McArthut, .3*f?r Qovernor Cass of Michigan territory, were appointed commissioners to hold a treaty with the western Indians. Fort Meigs, at the lower end of the Maumee rapids, was appointed the place tp hold the treaty. An immense number of Indians assembled, and a large scope of country was ceded by them. This treaty was concluded on the 29th of September, 1817. In order to induce some of the principal chiefs to accede to making large cessions of land, the commissioners had stipulated, that these chiefs should hold separate tracts in fee simple, and exclusive of the general reservations around their towns. When this treaty was. laid before the senate of the United States for their ratification, the senate passed the foUowing resolution. 13 172 A SKETCH OF THE LIFE OF " In senate ofthe United States, Feb. 5, 1818. " Resolved by th6 senate, that the further consideration of the treaty, concluded at the foot of the rapids of the Miami of Lake Erie, on the 29th day of September, 1817, with the Wyandotts, Seneca, Shawnee,- Delaware, Potowatimy, Ottaway, and Chippeway tribes of Indians, be postponed ; and that it be recommended to the Presi dent of the United States, to proceed to further negotia tion with the said tribes, or either of them, in order that the provisions, whereby it is stipulated that the United States shall receive from the said tribes a cession of cer tain lands, and grant the same in fee simple to the said tribes, for the uses therein described ; and also the arti cles and schedule of the said treaty, which provide for the division and grant of the said lands, by the chiefs of the said tribes, to individuals thereof, and so that the grantees may convey the same to any person whatever, be expunged from the said treaty ; and that such portion of the lands belonging to the said tribes, as shaU not be ceded to the United States, be reserved to the said tfffees, in like manner as has been practised in other and siraUar cases. "Attest, (Signed) CHARLES CUTTS, Sec" As the consequence of this resolution of the senate was to set aside the late treaty, the president of the Uni ted States again appointed General McArthur and Gov ernor Cass, commissioners to revise the former treaty with the Indians. The Indians were requested to con vene at St. Mary's, early in the month of September. The Indians met the commissioners at the time and place appointed. A treaty was held, and further cession of their land was made, and concluded on the 17th of Sep tember, 1818. This treaty and cession of land, was ap proved by the president, and ratified by the senate of the United States. GENERAL DUNCAN m' ARTHUR. 173 In the faU. of the year 1817, General McArthur was again elected a member of the general assembly in the house of representatives. The competitors for the speak er's chair were General McArthur, and Mr. Charles Hammond, the present able editor of the Cincinnati Gazette. McArthur succeeded by a small majority. The political war against the bank of the United States, commenced this session of the assembly. Mr. Ham mond, who is a man of energy and talents, was the leader of those who were opposed to the United States bank locating branches in the state, without first obtaining the consent of the state. McArthur defended the right of the bank to place branches wherever it should think proper ; as the bank Jiad paid fifteen hundred thousand doUars as a bonus for that privilege. Mr. Hammond was much the best speaker, and assailed the bank and its supporters with every argument calculated to make proselytes to his cause : sarcasm, irony, and ridicule, were resorted to. General McArthur made no pretensions to a display of oratory, yet he was by no means a silent member. He spoke often, and with eflect ; his home-spun speeches thwarted the eloquence of Mr. Hammond. The bill for taxing the branches of the United States bank to death, was defeated this session of Assembly. The summer of 1818, party strife on the bank question was violent. Every man that was able to scribble a par agraph for the newspapers, was engaged on one side or the other of this momentous question. McArthur used his pen and his tongue without avail. He was a candi date for re-election, and was defeated. A considerable majority of the members elected this year, were opposed to the United States bank. Mr. Hammond was again elected a member of the assembly, and by his talents, and readiness in wielding his pen, together with his strong and confident manner of speaking, was able to dictate law to this assembly. A law was passed at this 174 A SKETCH OF THE LIFE OF session of the legislature, taxing each branch. of the United States' bank located in the state of Ohio, fifty thousand dollars. When the time arrived for collecting this tax, the branch banks refused to pay. Mr. Hammond had provided in the law for a case of this kind: the coUetor was authorized, in case the bank refused to pay the tax, to employ armed force, and enter the banking house, and seize on the money ; and this was actually done. The collector, with an armed force, entered the branch bank in the town of ChiUicothe, and took what money he thought proper. The bank brought suit in the United States' circuit court against all the state officers concerned in this forci ble collection. Mr. Hammond, who is a distinguished lawyer, with other eminent counsel, were employed by the state of Ohio to defend this important cause. The district court decided the law of Ohio, levying the tax, unconstitu tional, and, of course, null and void ; and made a decree, directing the state to refund to the bank the money thus forcibly taken. The cause was appealed to the supreme court of the United States. Mr. Hammond defended the suit, in all its stages. The supreme court decided this cause against the state of Ohio. Thus was settled this knotty and vexatious question, which for a time, threat ened the peace of the Union. Although the bank question estranged the majority of the citizens of Ross county against General McArthur, for a time, yet the many important services he had ren dered the country, could not be forgotten : he was again elected, in 1819, a member of the assembly, by his usual majority. In the summer of 1822, General McArthur's friends placed him in nomination as a candidate for a seat in the house of representatives in congress. Some iUiberal and ungenerous efforts were used to prejudice the public GENERAL DUNCAN m' ARTHUR. 175 mind against him, on account of some deserters, whom he had permitted to be shot, in pursuance of the decision of a general court-martial during the late war. These deserters had been previously condemned by a court- martial, and pardoned by General Harrison, and again had deserted, were taken, and brought in to head quarters. General Harrison's disposition was such a mixture of sympathy, kindness, and humanity, that he was like my Uncle Toby — he would not hurt, even a fly, unless it was in self-defense : indeed, the facility with which par dons were procured from him, had a pernicious effect on such soldiers as were discontented with the service. They concluded, if they deserted and effected their escape it was well ; if they should be apprehended and condemn ed by a court-martial. General Harrison would save them by his pardoning power. Under this state of things, the public service suffered, and some examples were called for, to check the daily desertions which were taking place. McArthur was a man of sterner mould. When the command of the western army devolved upon him in 1814, he convened a general court-martial in the town of ChUlicothe, for the purpose of trying the numerous de serters that had been apprehended and brought to head quarters. The court-martial was in session more than a month. At the close of this session, twenty six of the deserters were condemned to be shot. All were pardon ed but four. These four had deserted several times, and were retaken. On these four General McArthur permit ted the sentence of law, as expressed by the court-martial, to be executed. For this, during the canvass of the election, he was bitterly assailed. He was charged with being a cruel tyrant — a monster, thirsting for blood. Although these charges were rung against hira in the bitterest language of malice and envy, and with all the changes that the genius of his opposers could invent — and some of them 176 A SKETCH OF THE LIFE OF were men of talents — yet all their abuse did not avail them : he was elected by a triumphant majority. He now took part in a scene that was new to hira. The congress of the United States was generaUy made up of men of the first talents in the nation. McArthur was a new man, who, without education or influential friends, by the force of his own genius, had slowly but SteadUy wormed his way out of the deepest obscurity to distinction among his fellow-citizens. In his politics, he was an enthusiastic republican of the Jeffersonian school. His oldest son he named Thomas Jefferson. He was an admirer of Presidents Madison and Monroe. In congress, he was a firm, undeviating supporter of what was then termed the American System. This system of policy was mainly introduced and supported in congress by Mr. Henry Clay. The object of those politicians, who sup ported the American System, appeared to be to engage the general government in a system of internal improve ments ; and to carry out those measures, that congress should levy taxes for the purpose of making roads and constructing canals, for the convenience of commercial transport between the states : and secondly, to levy heavy duties on all articles of foreign importation, which could be manufactured within our own country, in order to prevent foreign manufacturers from coming in competi tion with American manufacturers. This was called the high tariff. Of this plan of policy McArthur was a de voted and efficient supporter. Although he was slow and deliberate in forming opinions, when formed, he never yielded to opposition. Whilst General McArthur remained a member of con gress, he had considerable influence in that body. His persevering industry, his energetic mind, his sound judg ment, and practical business habits, rendered him a very efficient member. He would sometimes make short' pithy remarks on the business before the house, but GENERAL DUNCAN m' ARTHUR. 177 made no attempts at those flourishes of eloquence, which tickle the fancy and please the ear. After having served two sessions in congress, he decUned a re-election, being determined to devote all his efforts to arrange his domes tic concerns. He left the field of politics to others, and engaged with an unremitted attention to settie his land business. Having at all times prided himself in the adroitness and dexterity with which he could take the advantage of any defects in the locations or surveys of other land speculators, he was involved in a labyrinth of litigation. He appeared to take as much pride in overreaching other land speculators, as ever ambitious general did in outman- euvering his adversary on the field of battle. Although he has succeeded in amassing a large fortune, mosfly by land speculation, yet, the evening of his days is clouded by turmoil, vexation, and the uncertainty of the law. If wealth, generally, affords no more peace of mind than it has to General McArthur, it is not worth the coveting. Although he has been successful in his land speculations, his conduct in this line of business is not worthy of imi tation, but rather reprehensible, and has created him more vexation and enemies, than all the other acts of his life. The summer of 1830, General McArthur's friends, against his inclination, placed his name in nomination as a candidate for the office of governor of the state of Ohio. At this time. General Jackson had come into power, and his partizans were well organized. It was well known, that General McArthur was a supporter of the internal improvement system ; he was also in favor of what was called the high tariff; and what was more odious to the Jackson party, he was in favor of rechartering the United States bank. The Jackson party assaUed his character with all the animosity and virulence that party strife en genders. The affair of permitting the deserters to be shot, was again brought forward in a new, extended and 178 A SKETCH OF THE LIFE OP frightful edition. The party, in their zeal, depicted Gen eral McArthur, as a monster, whose delight was in blood : they had forgotten, that their own chief was, at least, equally, if not more, obnoxious to censure in this respect. Perhaps both were actuated by a sense of duty for the good of their country. McArthur's land speculations were depicted in the most horrid colors. From these publications, it would appear, that he had dispossessed of their homes almost every widow and orphan within his reach. So far from this being a trae representation of his land law suits — ^he generally contended with none but other land speculators ; and this was a war of " Greek to Greek." All the weapons of the party, though weU aimed and dexterously handled, did not avail them : he was elected by a considerable majority. His duty, as Governor of the state, was discharged Y^ith fidelity. No party clamor was raised against him. The pardoning power, intrusted to the Governor of the state, is a delicate trust. Every criminal has friends, who will use every means to procure pardons — ^by peti tions, letters, and personal applications by mothers, by wives, by fathers, by sisters and brothers. To resist such applications, requires some firmness. Governor McArthur was applied to for the pardon^of two criminals in such a courtly manner, that the petition itself will be interesting. The petition is dated " October 25th, 1832," and reads in the following courtly words : " To his ex cellency, Duncan McArthur, commander in chief of the state of Ohio — Sir, we are sorry that we are necessita ted to address you at present, but your executive acts have been such that compels us to do so. You have pardoned John Murry a most notorious villain, and has left Lawrence Lynch in prison, who is an innocent man who happened to be in company with Murry when he was arrested. To be plain with you, you have been in the habit of pardoning those who were most guilty, and GENERAL DUNCAN M ARTHUR. l79 suffering those who were innocent to remain in prison. We know you to be a soldier, who has risked your life in defence of your country, and some of us was soldiers in the war and fought in the same battles, we are sorry to have recourse to harsh means therefore as you have the power you will release Lawrence Lynch and Owen McCormack, who is another innocent man~-if you do not we are sufficientiy numerous and fully determined and will bring fire and destruction on your property first and if that faUs we will in the end take your life — Remember we are soldiers and swom to do it or die. Remember." It is unnecessary to say this modest peti tion had no effect on a man of McArthur's nerve ; neither did these courteous petitioners make an unmeaning and empty threat. On the night of the tenth of November (only fifteen days after the date of the above letter) about nine o'clock at night, his large barn, being full of grain, was discovered wrapped in flames. As the citizens of Chillicothe had not then retired to rest, and the bam be ing in full view of the town, the citizens, with praise worthy activity, rushed to the fire. As a Mr. John Harly was running to the fire on foot, he saw a horse with a bridle on, near the road side. Harly mounted the horse and rode him to the conflagration. This horse must have belonged to the incendiary who put the fire to the barn. Mr. Harly advertised the horse in several news papers, but no person ever appeared to claim him. Some months after the burning of the barn, an elegant saddle was found in a deep hollow below the barn. The horse was exhibited at public meetings in several counties, but no one knew hira. The incendiary must have come from a distant place, or the horse would have led to his discovery. General McArthur's terra of Governor expired without any thing further occurring worthy of notice. He was again a candidate for a seat in the house of representa- 180 A SKETCH OF THE LIFE OF fives of congress, and lost his election by one vote. Here, then, is closed the history of his public life. ' I have omitted to notice, in its progressive date, a cir cumstance that befell Gen. McArthur, which accident has been the ultimate cause of clouding the evening of his day.s in misery. On the 6th day of February, 1830, as he was passing in the street ofthe city of Columbus, on a side walk with a covering like a porch projecting twelve feet into tho street, the roof of this projection being covered with a heavy fall of snow, the slight frame-work gave way just as McArthur came under it, and crushed him on the pavement. The roof was moved from him as soon as possible. In one of his knees all the joints were broken ; and he was otherwise horridly bruised in every part of the body — so much so, that his life was despaired of for some time. He, at length, partially recovered : the broken knee still remains crippled, and gives way as easy back wards as forward. From the severe Crushing his body received in this melancholy accident, his bodUy powers have been constantly on the decline. His once powerful and energetic mind appears to sink and give way with his bodily strength. The once athletic and ambitious Duncan McArthur, is now neither an object of envy to his enemies, nor much attended to by those who formerly professed to be his devoted friends. Almost ever since the accident happened him, he has been confined to his room, only occasionally taking a little exercise in his carriage. Instead of being that strong, athletic man, that exposure nor hardship could weary, nor danger appal, he is now a helpless old man, that requires assistance to rise or lie down. Such a contrast as is exhibited in this man, should humble the pride of strength and ambition. Although it is but a few years since the fatal accident took place, he appears to be already almost forgotten by all, but more especially by the gay and fashionable, who in the days of health and prosperity, fluttered around him, GENERAL DUNCAN m' ARTHUR. 181 like satellites around a brilliant planet. He is now almost a stranger, where, a short time since, his word was law. Such are the changeful vicissitudes in human affairs. It is in the time of adversity that the value of a real disin terested friendship proves its worth. He had one friend who clung to him in his afflictions, and used every means in her power to sooth his mind and anticipate his wants — his wife, the partner of his fortune, stood by him in his time of suffering ; and diligently watched over his couch, night and day, till her frail frame gave way by constant watching and fatigue. She sickened, and died on the 23d of October, 1836, in the fifty-seventh year of her age. She was an exemplary and religious woman, well versed in business, and whose prudence and care over her husband's domestic affairs, contributed largely to his happiness and interest. No woman, in Chillicothe or its vicinity, more generously relieved the necessities of the poor. By her wealth she was enabled to be libe ral ; and her strong and discriminating mind could clearly discover the proper objects of charity. May her chil dren imitate her moral, prudent, and industrious example, and prove themselves worthy of such a mother ! Since the death of his wife. General McArthur remains with but little change : the lonely occupant of his room, he is indeed " solitary and almost alone." His mind is in such a morbid state, that it presents no picture of what it once was. Absent and indifferent on most subjects, it can only be occasionally roused to reflection on his own affairs. General McArthur's private character, in many respects, was worthy of imitation. His energy and untiring in dustry in whatever pursuit he engaged, deserves the highest praise. Wherever he came across an old frontier man in distress, his purse was open for his relief. His hospitality at his own mansion, was bor- 182 GENERAL DUNCAN M ARTHUR. dering on extravagance ; no one left him hungry or thirsty. Notwithstanding that he was liberal in feeding the hungry, and clothing the naked, he was admitted to be a close and severe dealer. '"" ¦ ^'''m/'f'-m'" A SKETCH OF THE LIFE CAPTAIN WILLIAM WELLS OF GEN. 'WAYNE'S ARMY. IN 1794. CHAPTER I. It is possible that the author claims more merit for the achievements of the old frontier men, than the men of the present day are wiUing to admit. However that may be, he here presents to the reading public a few acts, which took place on the campaign with Gen. Wayne, in 1794. Gen. Wayne had a bold, vigilant, and dexterous en eray to contend with. It became indispensable for him to use the utmost caution in his movements, to guard against surprise. To secure his army against the pos sibility of being ambuscaded, he employed a number of the best woodsmen the frontier afforded, to act as spies or rangers. Captain Ephraim Kibby, one of the first settlers at Columbia, eight miles above Cincinnati, who had distinguished himself as a bold and intrepid soldier, in defending that infant settiement, commanded the prin cipal part of the spies. The writer of this article, and his brother Thomas, were attached to Captain Kibby's company of rangers. This will account for the author's intimate knowledge of the subject of which he is giving a relation. A very effective division of the spies was commanded by Captain WiUiam Wells. 183 184 A SKETCH OF THE LIFE OF Captain Wells had been taken prisoner by the Jndians when quite a youth ; he grew to manhood with them, and consequentiy was well acquainted with all their wiles and stratagems. From causes not now remembered, about eighteen months previous to the time of which I am writing, he left the Indians, and returned to his re latives and friends in civilized life. Being raised by the Indians, well acquainted with the country which was about to be the theater of action, talking several of their languages fluently, and withal desperately brave, such a soldier was a real, effective acquisition to the army. Captain Wells was the same gentleman named by the Rev. 0. M. Spencer, in the narrative of his capture by the Indians, and release from captivity. It was to Capt. Wells that Mr. Spencer was primarily indebted for his liberty. (See Spencer's Narrative, page 105.) I am particular in describing this corps of the army, as they performed more real service than any other. Attached to Captain Wells' command were the follow ing men : Robert M'Lelland (whose name has been since immortalized by the graphic pen of Washington Irving, in his " Astoria"), was one of the most athletic and active men on foot, that has appeared on this globe. On the grand parade at Fort Greenville, where the ground was very little inclined, to show his activity, he leaped over a road-wagon with the cover stretched over ; the wagon and bows were eight and a half feet high. Next was Henry Miller. He and a younger brother, named Christopher, had been made captives by the Indians when young, and adopted-into an Indian family. Henry Miller lived with them till he was about twenty-four years of age ; and although he had adopted all their manners and customs, he at that age began to think of returning to his relatives among the whites. The longer he reflected on the subject, the stronger his resolution grew to make an attempt to leave the Indians. He com- CAPTAIN WILLIAM WELLS. 185 municated his intention to his brother Christopher, and used every reason he was capable of, to induce his brother to accompany him in his flight. All his argu ments were ineffectual. Christopher was young when made captive — ^he was now a good hunter, an expert woodsman, and in the full sense of the word, a free and independent Indian. Henry Miller set off alone through the woods, and arrived safe among his friends in Ken tucky. Captain Wells was well acquainted with Miller during his captivity, and knew that he possessed that firm intrepidity which would render hira a valuable cora- panion in time of need. To these were added a Mr. Hickman, and Mr. Thorp, who were men of tried worth in Indian warfare. Captain Wells and his four companions were confi dential and privileged gentlemen in camp, who were only called upon to do duty upon very particular and interest ing occasions. They were permitted a carte blanche among the horses of the dragoons, and when upon duty went well mounted ; whilst the spies commanded by Captain Kibby went on foot, and were kept constantly on the alert, scouring the country in every direction. The head quarters of the army being at Fort Green ville, in the month of June, Gen. Wayne dispatched Captain Wells and his company, with orders to bring in to camp an Indian as a prisoner, in order that he could interrogate him as to the future intentions of the eneray. Captain Wells proceeded with cautious steps through the Indian country. He crossed the river St. Mary, and thence to the river Auglaize, without meeting any strag gling party of Indians. In passing up the Auglaize they discovered a smoke : they then dismounted, tied their horses, and proceeded cautiously to reconnoiter the enemy. They found three Indians camped on a high, open piece of ground, clear of brush, or any underwood. As it was open woods, they found it would be difficult 14 186 A SKETCH OF THE LIFE OF to approach the camp without being discovered. 'WTiilst they were reconnoitering, they saw not very distant from the camp, a tree which had lately fallen. They returned and went round the camp, so as to get the top of the fallen tree between them and the Indians. The tree-top being full of leaves, would serve as a shelter to screen them from observation. They went forward upon their hands 'and knees, with the noiseless movements of the cat, tUl they reached the tree-top. They were now within seventy of Eighty y«f11s!(|gf . the camp. The In dian's were sitting 'or staiiaih^>ab"0t^'4l^}'.fire, roasting their venisofl, feu^Mng anathialiifig So^er merry'^ntics, littie dreaming .'that'death was (about.st^^ling a march' up on them. , Arrived at the fallen tree, thcirf purpose of at tack was soon settled ; they determined to kill two* of the enemy, and make the third.,j)risoner. McLelland, who it wiU be remembered, was almost. as swift on foot as a deer of the forest, was to catch the Indian, whilst to Wells and Miller was confided the duty of shooting • tht other two. One of them was to shoot the one on the right, the other the one on the left. Their rifles were in prime order, the muzzles of their guns were placed on the log of the fallen tree, the sights were aimed for the Indians' hearts — whiz went the balls, and both Indians fell. Before the smoke of the burnt powder had risen six feet, McLelland was running at full stretch, with tomahawk in hand, for the Indian. The Indian bounded off at the top of his speed, and made down the river ; but by continuing in that direction he discovered that McLelland would head him. He turned his course and made for the river. The river here had a bluff bank, about twenty feet high. When he came to the bank he sprang [down into the river, the bottom of which was a soft mud, into which he sunk to the middle. While he was endeavoring to extricate himself out of the mud, McLelland came to the top of the high bank, and with- CAPTAIN WILLIAM WELLS. 187 out hesitation sprang upon him, as he was waUowing in the mire. The Indian drew his knife — McLelland raised his tomahawk — told him to throw down his. knife, or he would kiU him instantiy. He threw down his knife, and surrendered without any further effort at resistance. By the time the scuffle had ceased in the mire, Wells and his companions came to the bank, and discovered McLelland and the Indian quietly sticking in the mire. As their prisoner was now secure, they did not think it pradent to take the fearful leap the others had done. They selected a place where the bank was less preci pitous, went down and dragged the captive out of the mud, and tied him. He was very sulky, and refused to speak either Indian or English. Some of the party went back for their horses, whilst others washed the mud and paint from the prisoner. When washed, he turned out to be a white man, but still refused to speak, or give any account of himself. The party scalped the two Indians whom they had shot, and then set off with their prisoner for head quarters. Whilst on their return to Fort Green ville, Henry MiUer began to [admit the idea that it was possible their prisoner was his brother Christopher, whom he had left with the Indians some years previous. Under this impression he rode alongside of him, arid called him by his Indian name. At the sound of his name he started, and stared round, and eagerly inquired how he came to know his name. The mystery was soon explained — their prisoner was indeed Christopher Mil ler ! A mysterious providence appeared to have placed Christopher MiUer in a situation in the camp, by which his life was preserved. Had he been standing on the right or left, he would inevitably have been killed. But that fate which appears to have doomed the Indian race to extinction, permitted the white man to live, whilst the Indians were permitted to meet that "fate they cannot shun." 188 A SKETCH OF THE LIFE OF Captain Wells arrived safely with their prisoner at Fort Greenville. He was placed in the guard house, where Gen. Wayne frequentiy interrogated him as to what he knew of the future intentions of the Indians. Captain Wells and Henry Miller were almost constantly with Christopher in the guard house, urging him to leave off the thought of living longer with the Indians, and to join his relatives among the whites. Christopher for some time was reserved and sulky, but at length became more cheerful, and agreed, if they would release him from confinement, that he would remain with the whites. Captain WeUs and Henry Miller solicited Gen. Wayne for Christopher's liberty. Gen. Wayne could scarcely deny such pleaders any request they could make, and without hesitation ordered Christopher Miller to be set at liberty ; remarking, that should he deceive them and return to the enemy, they would be but one the stronger. Christopher was set at liberty, and appeared pleased with his change of situation. He was mounted on a fine horse, and otherwise well equipped for war. He joined the company with Captain Wells and his brother, and fought bravely against the Indians during the continuance of the war. He was trae to his word, and upon every occasion proved himself an intrepid and daring soldier. CHAPTER H. As soon as Captain Wells and company had rested themselves and recruited their horses, they were anxious for another bout with the . red men. Time, without ac tion, was irksome to such stirring spirits. Early in July they left Greenville ; their company was then strength ened by the addition of Christopher MiUer ; their orders CAPTAIN WILLIAM WELLS. 189 were to bring in prisoners. They pushed through the country, always dressed and painted in Indian style ; they passed on, crossing the river St. Mary, and then through the country near to the river Auglaize, where they met a single Indian, and called to him to surrender. This man, notwithstanding that the whites were six against one, refused to surrender. He leveled his rifle, and as the whites were approaching him on horseback, he fired, but missed his mark, and then took to his heels to effect his escape. The undergrowth of brush was so very thick that he gained upon his pursuers. McLelland and Christopher MUler dismounted, and McLelland soon overhauled him. The Indian, finding himself overtaken by his pursuers, turned round and made a blow at Mc- LeUand with his rifle, which was parried. As McLel- land's intention was not to kill, he kept him at bay tiU Christopher Miller came up, when they closed in upon him, and made him prisoner without receiving any in jury. They turned about for head quarters, and arrived safely at Fort Greenville. Their prisoner was reputed to be a Potawotamie chief, whose courage and prowess was scarcely equaled. As Christopher MUler had per formed his part on this occasion to the entire satisfaction of the brave spirits with whom he acted, he had, as he merited, their entire confidence. It is not my intention to give a detailed account of the various actions performed by the spies attached to Gen. Wayne's army, although it would be a narrative most interesting to western readers. I have selected only a few of the acts performed by Captain Wells, and his en terprising followers, to show what kind of men they were. History, in no age of the world, furnishes so many instances of repeated acts of bravery as were per formed by the frontier men of western Pennsylvania, western 'Virginia, and Kentucky ; yet these acts of ap parent desperation were so frequently repeated by num- 190 A SKETCH OF THE LIFE OF bers, that they were scarcely noticed at the time as being any other than the common occurrence of the day. I have no doubt, that during General Wayne's cam paign. Captain Wells, and the few men he comraanded, brought in not less than twenty prisoners, and killed raore than an equal number. Desperate as they were in combat, that bravery was only a part of their merit, is demonstrated by the following circumstance. On one of Captain Wells' peregrinations through the Indian country, as he came to the bank of the river St. Mary, he discovered a family of Indians coming up the river in a canoe. He dismounted, and concealed his men near the bank of the river, whilst he went himself to the bank, in open view, and called to the Indians to come over. As he was dressed in Indian style, and spoke to them in their own language, the Indians, not expecting an enemy in that part of the country, without any sus picion of danger went across the river. The moment the canoe struck the shore. Wells heard the cocks of his comrades' rifles cry, " nick, nick," as they prepared to shoot the Indians ; but who should be in the canoe but his Indian father and mother, with their chUdren ! As his comrades were coming forward with their rifles cocked, ready to pour in the deadly storm upon the de voted Indians, Wells called upon them to hold their hands and desist. He then informed them who those Indians were, and solemnly declared, that the man who would attempt to injure one of them, would receive a ball in his head. He said to his men, " that that famUy had fed him when he was hungry, clothed him when he was naked, and kindly nursed him when sick ; and in every respect were as kind and affectionate to him as they were to their own children." This short, pathetic speech, found its way to the sym pathetic hearts of his leather-hunting-shirt comrades. Although they would have made but a shabby appear- CAPTAIN WILLIAM WELLS. 191 ance on being introduced to a fashionable tea-party, or into a splendid ball-room, amongst polished grandees, or into a ceremonious levee, , to pass through unmeaning becks, bows, and courtesies — the present was a scene of nature, and gratitude the motive ; they all, at once, en tered into their leader's feelings. I never knew a truly brave man, who could hold back the tear of sympathy at the joy, grief, or sorrow of his fellow man : it is the timid coward who is cruel when he has the advantage. Those hardy soldiers approved of the motives of Captain WeUs' lenity to the enemy. They threw down their rifles and tomahawks, went to the canoe, and shook hands with the trembling Indians in the most friendly manner. Captain Wells assured them they had nothing to fear from him ; and after talking with them to dispel their fears, he said, " that General W^ayne was approach ing with an overwhelraing force ; that the best thing the Indians could do was to make peace ; that the white men did not wi.sh to continue the war. He urged his Indian father for the future to keep out of the reach of danger." He then bade them farewell : they appeared grateful for his clemency. They then pushed off their canoe, and went down the river as fast as they could propel her. Captain Wells and his comrades, though perfect des peradoes in fight, upon this occasion proved they largely possessed that real gratitude and benevolence of heart, which does honor to human kind. 192 A SKETCH OF THE LIFE OF CHAPTER HI. Early in the month of August, when the main army had arrived at the place subsequentiy designated as fort Defiance, General Wayne wished to be informed of the intentions of the enemy. For this purpose. Captain Wells was again dispatched to bring in another prisoner. The distance from fort Defiance to the British fort, at the mouth of the Maumee river, was only forty-five miles, and he would not have to travel far before he. would find Indians. As his object was to bring in a prisoner, it became necessary for him to keep out of the way of large parties, and endeavor to faU in with some stragglers, who might be easUy subdued and captured. They went cautiously down the river Maumee, tiU they came opposite the site on which fort Meigs was erected by General Harrison, in 1813. This was two miles above the British fort, then caUed fort CampbeU. On the west bank of the Maumee was an Indian viUage. Wells and his party rode into the vUlage, as if they had just come from the British fort. Being dressed and painted in complete Indian style, they rode through the village, occasionally stopping and talking to the Indians in their own language. No suspicion of who they were was excited, the enemy believing them to be Indians from a distance, coming to take a part in the battie which they all knew was shortiy to be fought. After they had passed the village some distance, they fell in with an In dian raan and woman on horseback, who were returning to the town from hunting. This man and woman were made captives without resistance. They then set off for fort Defiance. As they were rapidly proceeding up the Maumee river, a littie after dark, they came near a large encampment of CAPTAIN WILLIAM WELLS. 193 Indians, who were merrily amusing themselves around their camp-fires. Their prisoners were ordered to be silent, under pain of instant death. They went round the camp with their prisoners, till they got about half a mile above it, where they halted to consult on their future operations. After consultation, they concluded to gag and tie their prisoners, and ride back to the Indian camp, and give them a rally, in which" each' should kill his In dian. They deliberately got down, gagged, and fastened their prisoners to trees, rode boldly into the Indian en campment, and halted, with their rifles lying across the pummels of their saddles. They inquired when last they had heard of General Wayne, and the movements of his army ; how soon, and where it was expected the battle would be fought. The Indians who were standing around Wells and his desperadoes, were very communi cative, ans'wering all their interrogatories without sus pecting any deceit in their visitors. At length, an Indian, who was sitting some distance from them, said in an under tone, in another tongue, to some who were near him, that he suspected that these strangers had some mis chief in their heads. Wells overheard what he said, and imraediately gave the preconcerted signal, and each fired his rifle into the body of an Indian, at not more than six feet distance. The Indian who had suspected them, the moment he made the remark, and a number of others, rose up with their rifles in their hands, but not before WeUs and his party had each shot an Indian. As soon as Wells and his party fired, they put spurs to their horses, laying with their breasts on the horses' necks, so as to lessen the mark for the enenay to fire at. They had not got out of the light of the camp-fire, before the Indians shot at them. As McLelland lay close on his horse's neck, he was shot, the ball passing under his shoulder-blade, and coming out at the top of his shoulder Captain Wells was shot through the arm on which he 194 A SKETCH OF THE LIFE OF carried his rifle ; the arm was broken, and his trusty rifle fell. The rest of the party and their horses received no injury. What confidence, what self-possession was displayed by these men, in this terrific encounter! They beat General Marion and his sergeants hollow ! They had come off unscathed in so many desperate conflicts, that their souls were cStUous to danger. As they had no rivals in the army, they aimed to outdo their former ex ploits. To ride into the enemy's camp, and enter into conversation with them, without betraying the least ap pearance of trepidation or confusion, proves how well their souls were steeled. This action of real life even rivals the fictions, though sublime muse of the Grecian poet. Homer sends forth his invincible hero, protected by the invulnerable panoply of Jupiter, to make a night attack upon the enemy. Diomede makes the successful assault upon sleeping foes. Not so our western heroes ; they boldly went into the midst of the enemy, whUe their camp-fires were burning bright, and openly com menced the work of death. After having performed this act of mUitary superero gation, they rode at full speed to where their captives were confined, mounted them on horses, and set off for fort Defiance. Captain WeUs and McLelland were se verely wounded ; and to fort Defiance, a distance of about thirty miles, they had to travel, before they could rest or receive the aid of a surgeon. As their march would be slow and painful, one of the party was dispatched at full speed to fort Defiance, for a guard and a surgeon. As soon as Captain Wells' messenger arrived at fort De fiance, with the tidings of the wounds and perUous situ ation of these heroic and faithful spies^ very great sym pathy was manifested in the minds of all. General Wayne's feeling for the suffering soldier, was at all times quick and sensitive : we can then imagine how intense CAPTAIN WILLIAM WELLS. 195 was his solicitude, when informed of the sufferings and perils of his confidential and chosen band. Without a moment's delay, he dispatched a surgeon, and a company of the swiftest dragoons, to meet, assist, and guard these brave feUows to head-quarters. Suffice to say, they ar rived safely in camp, and the wounded recovered in due course of time. As the battle was fought, and a brilliant victory won, a few days after this affair took place, Captain Wells and his daring comrades, were not engaged in any further acts of hostUity, till the war with the Indians was aus piciously concluded by a lasting treaty of peace. A new and happy era was about dawning on the west. A cruel and exterminating war, of nearly fifty years' con tinuance, was closed by a general peace with the red men of the forest. The name? and meraories of these brave men, whose march was in the front of danger, should be held in veneration by the millions who now repose in peace and quiet on the territory they acquired at the risk of their lives, in a thousand batties. It is very natural for the reader to inquire, what be came of these men after the war terminated ? What became of Thorp, Hickman, and the two MiUers, I have never learned ; but, if alive, they probably reside in some smoky cabin in the far and distant west, unknown and unhonored. The last I heard of the brave, hardy, and active McLelland, he had just returned to St. Louis, in 1812, from an expedition across the Rocky mountains. He had been to the Pacific ocean, at the mouth of the Columbia river. Such a tour, through uncultivated, un peopled oceans of prairie, and then to labor through the tempestuous bursts of snow and sleet, which whirl in almost continual storms around the heights of the frightful world of rocks which compose the dreary Rocky mountains, where winter eternally reigns — this enterprise was equal to the daring genius of the man. 196 CAPTAIN WILLIAM WELLS. The fate of the brave and lamented Captain Wells was sealed during the late war, on the 15th of August, 1812, near fort Dearborn, at the mouth of the Chicago river, on the bank of lake Michigan, where he was slain in an unequal combat ; where sixty-four whites were at tacked by upwards of four hundred Indian warriors. Then feU as bold a spirit as ever shouldered a rifle or wielded a tomahawk. A SKETCH OF THE LIFE GENERAL SIMON KENTON, OF KENTUCKY. For the benefit and gratification of those who may come after us, it is right to preserve, for future inspection, re cords of the actions of men, who have been instraments to prepare the way for settling the Western Country. To dispossess the barbarous occupants of the alraost boundless wilds of the west, required men of resolute minds ; and whose bodily composition contained more than the usual quantity of lime and iron, to enable them to endure the fatigue and hardships they had to encounter. It is a remarkable fact, of nearly all the old frontier- men, that although their trade was war, their hospitality was boundless. They relieved the wants of the stranger, fed the hungry, and clothed the naked. No traveUer was permitted to pay for meat, drink, or lodging at their cabins. General Simon Kenton was born in the month of March, A. D. 1 755, in the county of Fauquier, state of Virginia. His father was a native of Ireland ; his mother, whose maiden name was Miller, was of Scotch descent, her ancestors being among the first immigrants to Vir ginia. His parents being poor, he was, to the age of sixteen, employed chiefly in the culture of corn and to- 197 198 A SKETCH OF THE LIFE OF bacco. At this period, our country being governed by a kingly aristocracy, which lorded over the laboring classes in all the pride of a superior caste, the poor — having no motive for exertion — were not ashamed to be ignorant. Learning was then alraost exclusively in possession of the clergy, lawyers, and commercial men, or the wealthy farmers, whose estates were entaUed. Common schools were then almost unknown in the southern states. As the Kenton family were poor, Simon grew to manhood without learning his A B C. Notwithstanding man is a free agent, and his future character and usefulness depend on his own choice, yet we see, on some occasions, uncontrollable circumstances fix his destiny : an invisible influence appears to guide his fate. In the sixteenth year of Kenton's age, an inci dent occurred, which gave a new direction to his mind, and apparentiy changed the destiny of his life. The neighborhood in which he was brought up was sparsely inhabited, and implements of husbandry, not re quired for constant use, such as broad-axes, whip and crosscut saws, were purchased and used as common prop erty. As was common, under such circumstances, social intercourse prevaUed, and they were in the constant habit of assisting each other at house-raisings, log-rollings, corn-huskings, &c. Old Mr. Kenton had a neighbor by the name of Veach, with whom he lived on the most friendly terms. At this time, one of Mr. Veach's sons married a girl to whom Simon was much attached. The truth was, although he was only turned of sixteen years of age, he was deeply in love. There are few but know something of the firenzied feelings occasioned by disap pointment in this passion. He, like most unfortunate lovers, felt himself exquisitely injured. Being of a warm temperament, and in his first love, his mind was in a tempest. He thought himself undone, and, in the heat of his passion, unbidden, went to the wedding, where mirth GENERAL SIMON KENTON. 199 and good-humor prevaUed till his intrusion. As soon as he entered the room, he looked round and saw the new- married pair seated on the side of a bed, and without hesi tation, went forward and obtruded himself between the married couple. A brother of the bridegroom saw the intrasion, and inticed Simon away under the pretence of wishing to treat him, and while in the act of drinking, William Veach struck him a blow which laid hira pros trate on the floor — followed it with a severe beating, and sent him home with black eyes and sore bones. As this affair was looked upon as a boyish freak, it did not in terrupt the general harmony and good feeling of the two families ; but Simon, who lost his girl, and got a severe flogging into the bargain, viewed the affair in a different light. He felt his future prospects ruined and his char acter disgraced, and in sullen silence determined on revenge, for which an opportunity soon offered. His fatlier sent him to old Mr. Veach's for a crosscut saw. MrJ V^'bh had rived some timber in boards about one hundre'd atid' fifty yards from his house, and WU liam Veach was' engaged in carrying them to his father, who was covering a small oulhouse. After ^imon had procured the saw, he and Williftm walked tog^her tb the place where the boards had beeh made. Here 'they stop ped, and Simon laid down the saw, and said to". WUliam, " You and your friends had fine sport the otlier night, in beating me at the wedding : now, we are alone, and can have a fair fight." William replied, " fhat they had been raised boys together, and never had a difference, except the one mentioned, which was a foolish, drunken frolic ; that he wished to say no more about it , that he had no desire to fight, and would prefer to live in peace and friendship." But, as Simon would admit of no apology, they threw off their coats and went to work. Victory for some time hung in a doubtful balance. Simon, at length, threw his antagonist to the ground, and as quick 200 SKETCH OF THE LIFE OF as thought, drawing his queue of long hair round a small sapling, had him completely in his power. There he beat him untU his strength began to faU ; then, letting go the hair, he kicked him on the breast and stomach till no further resistance was offered. Simon, having now gratified his vindictive feelings, desisted from further abuse. William attempted to rise, but iramediately sunk, and began to puke blood. As Simon had not intended to kill hira, he now raised him up, and spoke kindly to him, but received no answer, and beheld him sink to the ground, apparently lifeless. After standing by him for some time, without perceiving any signs of returning life, he started for home, under the most poignant and awful sensations. By the time he had traveled half way home, he began to reflect, seriously, on the rash act he had committed. He knew that young Veach would soon be missed, and that his father had seen them walk toge ther; and consequently, it was impossible for him to think of concealing or denying the murder. The horror of being hanged then rushed upon his guilty soul, and he resolved upon immediate flight. He laid down his saw on the path, and without stopping to see or consult parents or friends, he fled to the Voods, and made for the Allegheny mountains. This was on the 6th of April, A. D. 1771. Lying concealed by day, he traveled by night. In this way, he passed over the mountains, and came to a place caUed Ise's Ford, on Cheat river, a branch of the Monongahela. When he arrived at this place, he was nearly exhausted with fatigue and famine. Here he changed his name to that of Simon Butler. While he remained in this neighborhood, his mind was a continual prey to bitter remorse and fear ; fancying that every one he saw was in pursuit of him. What heart could faU to pity the situation of the unfor tunate, youth, who, by one rash act, was driven from his friends and home — a fugitive from justice — under a ficti- GENERAL SIMON KENTON. 201 tions name, a solitary wanderer : illiterate, pennyless and friendless. And the act, too, which had plunged him into this forlorn condition, seems to have been entirely foreign from his nature. In subsequent life, he mani fested a mild and forgiving disposition, and maintained a character entirely the reverse of what his early conduct seemed to prognosticate. That Providence, who so overraled the wickedness of Joseph's brethren, as to make it productive of blessings to him and to them, seems to have used the circumstance above mentioned, for the purpose of forcing into active service, one whose athletic frame and fortitude, and de cision of character, were admirably adapted to the toils and dangers to which he was exposed, and which qual ities were indispensable in preparing the way for the settlement and civUization of the almost boundless West. Well it is for man, that he can only see the present. He is too apt to anticipate evil ; and could he penetrate the veil which conceals the future, how often would despair banish hope, and paralize his efforts. God, in mercy to his creatures, keeps the future out of sight. If it had been possible for Kenton, at this time, to have foreseen the thorny path through which he was doomed to pass, his soul, though large and fearless, would have shrank from the appalling prospect, and the westera country been deprived of the prince of pioneers. I will now return to my narrative. He had been oc casionally laboring and sauntering about Cheat river for some months, when he fell in corapan)' with WiUiam Grills, Jacob Greathouse, and two men by the name of Mahon, who were preparing to descend the river Ohio, on a hunting tour. Having previously, by his labor, pro cured a good rifle, he was willing to go on any expedi tion that would take him farther from home. He joined this party, and assisted in making a canoe. This being completed, they embarked, and went down the stream 15 202 SKETCH OF THE LIFE OF tiU they came to Fort Pitt, (now the city of Pittsburgh). At this place they met with an Indian trader, by the name of David Duncan, who informed the Mahons, that their father (whom the Indians had taken captive some time previous) was still alive, and where and how he could be found, and for what sum he could be ransomed. The two young Mahons immediately left the hunting party, and went in search of their father, to release him from captivity. To the mortification of Kenton, the hunt ing tour was abandoned. As there was then a small garrison maintained at Fort Pitt, Kenton turned in to hunt for that garrison. At this place he first became acquainted with the notorious ren- • egado, Simon Girty. Girty was a man of talents, had great influence in the garrison, and with the Indians, and showed Kenton all the kindness and attention that was in his power, and subsequentiy saved his life. In the fall of the year, he fell in with John Strader and George Yeager, who were going down the Ohio, on a hunting tour. Yeager had been raised by the Indians, and could talk several of their languages. He had pass ed a part of his time on the south side of the river Ohio in the cane land in Kentucky. With these men our wan derer agreed to proceed down the Ohio, he knew not and did not care whither. At that time a small trading establishment with the Indians was kept by one John Gibson, at a place called Log's Town, which was the only settlement of the whites below Pittsburgh. Here they halted a day or two. From thence they proceeded down the Ohio to the Mingo town, which is about sev enty miles below Pittsburgh, and three miles below Steubenville. As it was a time of peace here, they frol icked and danced with the young Indians. From thence they proceeded down the Ohio to a Delaware town, three. miles below the mouth of the Littie Kanawha. Here they GENERAL SIMON KENTON. 203 passed a few days very agreeably, fishing, hunting, and dancing with the Indians. As none of these friendly Indians had been down the Ohio to the cane land, they could afford no intelligence on the subject ; and Yeager, when there, was young, and had gone either from Detroit, or past Vincennes, and did not know at what point he had crossed the Ohio. As the principal object of their expedition was to explore the cane country, and being ignorant at what point to land for this purpose, they descended the Ohio to near the mouth of Kentucky river, stopping occasionally, without finding any. It is a remarkable fact that, though there was abundance of cane in the country, it did not grow near the bank of the river any where above the mouth of Kentucky river. Being disappointed in the main object of their expedition, they commenced a retrograde move ment, and proceeded leisurely up the Ohio. On their return, they examined Licking river, Locust, Bracken, Salt Lick, and Kinnikinnick creek, and Tiger and the Sandy rivers, without finding any cane. By this time, the winter season had commenced. They engaged in hunting, until they arrived at the mouth of the Big Kan awha river, and thence up that river to the mouth of Elk river, where they built a camp, and remained for the winter. During the winter, they had good success in trapping. Beaver, otter, and other game were plenty. In the spring of 1772 they went down the Kanawha to the Ohio, where they met a French trader, to whom they sold their peltry, and procured ammunition, clothing and other articles necessary for hunters. The summer and faU of 1772 were spent by him and his two companions in roaming and hunting along the Ohio, between Big Kanawha and Big Sandy rivers. He describes this as the most happy season of his life. They were blessed with health, found plenty of game and fish ; and free from the cares of the ambitious world, and the 204 A SKETCH OF THE LIFE OF vexations of domestic life, they passed their time in that happy state of ease, indolence, and independence, which is the glory of the hunter of the forest. Late in the faU, they returned to their old camp on the Big Kanawha, and spent the winter in hunting and trapping. About this time the clouds of the American revolution began to appear, and many of the Indians espoused the cause of the mother country, and commenced their depre dations upon the frontier settlements. In the month of March, 1773, as Kenton and his companions were lol ling about their camp, in the dusk of the evening, not thinking of danger, a party of Indians fired upon them, and kUled Yeager. Strader and Kenton fled, with only their lives and their shirts ; and in this naked, and help less condition, they wandered for six days and nights, without fire or food. It will be recollected, that the month of March affords none of the casual subsistence of nuts, berries, or pawpaws, that may be found in the for est at other seasons ; consequently, they were entirely without sustenance. Add to this, their barefooted and naked condition, exposed day and night, to the bleak winds, and " the peltings of the pitUess storms," compel led to travel through briars, and over rough stones and frozen ground, and we have a scene of sufferings that baffles description. Their legs and bodies became lace rated and torn, and their feet cut, bruised, and inflamed to such a degree, that they were more than two days in traveling the last six miles. It seems almost a miracle, that they did not sink in despair, and put an end to their miserable existence. But such is the love of life implant ed in our nature, that we cling to it under the most gloomy and appalling circumstances. " Hope, like the glimmering taper's light, Adorns and cheers the way ; And still, as darker grows the night, Emits a brighter ray." GENERAL SIMON KENTON. 205 Protected by the guardian care of a merciful Provi dence, and still hoping for relief, they reached, on the sixth day a point on the Ohio river, within six miles of the mouth of the Kanawha, where, to their great joy, they met with Joel Rease, Jacob Greathouse, William GriUs, and the two Mahans, who were of the party, it will be recollected, with which Kenton first united on Cheat river. They had returned from searching for their father, and were now descending the Ohio, with a view of exploring the country bordering upon it. When they came in view of the camp of these men, Strader was so exhausted, that it seemed impossible for him to travel an other mile, and Kenton was not in much better condi tion. Friendship and hospitality were, at that time, uni versal among western adventurers : consequently, Kenton and his companion were received with much kindness, and had their wants supplied, and their sufferings aUevi ated as far as circumstances would admit. Under this treatment, their strength returned, and their spirits revived, and uniting with the party upon which they had so fortunately fallen, they began to think of new adventures. After . deliberating some time, it was concluded to return up the Ohio, till Kenton and Strader should meet with some opportunity, of supplying them selves with arms, to enable them the better to meet the danger with which they were threatened by the hostile Indians. The whole party then ascended to the mouth of the Littie Kanawha, where they found a Dr. Briscoe, who was attempting to make a settlement at that place. The doctor was a man of wealth, and had a number of slaves and some white. persons with him. WhUe tiie rest of his party proceeded higher up the river, Kenton bought a rifle, and hired himself as a hunter for Briscoe, till he should pay for it. About this time, settiements were commenced on the Ohio, at Wheeling, Grave creek, and at the head of the Long Reach. 206 A SKETCH OF THE LIFE OF By the time Kenton had paid for his rifle, and procur ed a few other necessary articles, Michael Tyger, and some others, from Virginia, came down the river, on their way to the country below. With them Kenton united, and proceeded to the mouth of Scioto, where they halted, to wait the arrival of Captain BuUit, who had promised to join them at that place. After waiting some time, and seeing nothing of BuUit, who had, probably, passed them in the night, or in a thick fog, they left the Scioto, and returned up the river, surveying, and making tomahawk improvements, as far as the mouth of Big Sandy. At Big Sandy they were overtaken by some men, who in formed them that BuUit had gone down, and was lying at the mouth of the Big Miami, at a place they caUed BulUtsburgh ; that they had gone out with him, and were then on their return. Tyger and his party immediately turned, and proceeded to the place designated, but found BuUit's camp vacated, and could gain no intelligence con cerning him. Concluding that BuUit and his party had been killed or taken by the Indians, and apprehending a similar fate to await themselves, they became alarmed, and commenced an immediate retreat. Halting opposite the Three Islands, they called a councU, whose deliber ations pronounced it hazardous to attempt a return by water. Hence, they destroyed their canoes, and with Kenton as a pilot, took up the line of march through the wilderness, for the settiements on Green Briar, where they arrived in safety, after a fatiguing journey, over mountains, across rivers, and through thickets, where the foot of civiUzed man had never before trod. Thus, was the first trip from Kentucky to Virginia, by land, per formed under the guidance of our young adventurer. At Green Briar, Kenton left the party, and again di rected his steps towards the Monongahela country, where he met William Grills and Jacob Greathouse, two of his former companions, who were subsequently joined by GENERAL SIMON KENTON. 207 Samuel Cartwright and Joseph Lock. Casting in his lot with these, Kenton prepared once more to descend the Ohio, and winter in the wilderness. Having provided themselves with the necessary articles for the excursion, the party embarked and descended to the mouth of Big Sandy, where they continued to hunt and trap till the next spring. This spring, 1774, an Indian war appear ed inevitable. The Indians had robbed some, and kiUed others, and continued to manifest so much insolence, that the hunters and traders took the alarm, and retreated to Fort Pitt. Kenton's party sold the proceeds of their winter's hunt, to a French trader, and following the ex ample of others, ascended the Ohio. All the settlements which had commenced the previous year, were now evacuated. Some of the adventurers took shelter at a place called Thomas's Fort, at the mouth of Ten-mile creek ; others, at Fort Pitt ; so that no settlement remain ed on the Ohio, below the latter place. Lord Dunmore, Governor of Virginia, early this spring, raised an army, to proceed to the Indian country, and chastise the aggressors. Kenton entered the army, and was employed as a spy, to go in front and save the troops from the snares and ambuscades of the enemy ; a service which requires steady nerve, and cool, deliberate cou rage. For this service Kenton was weU qualified, and acquitted himself with credit. The array moved through the wilderness, crossed the Ohio at the mouth of Hock hocking, and cautiously proceeded to the Pickaway towns, on the Scioto river. On approaching these towns, they were met by a flag from the Indians, who sued for peace. A treaty for the restoration of peace was entered into, the troops returned, and were disbanded, and Kenton, with a detachment of the army, proceeded to Fort Pitt, which was then under the command of Major Conley. But the army had scarcely returned, before the Indians began again to harass the frontiers, and hence another 208 A SKETCH OF THE LIFE OP expedition was determined upon. The Virginia troops, commanded by Colonel Lewis, were to come down the Big Kanawha to its mouth, and there to remain tiU they were reinforced. At the time Colonel Lewis was ex pected at that place. Major Conley sent Mr. Kenton and two others with an express to him. Arriving at the mouth of Kanawha, and not finding Colonel Lewis, they concealed their despatch in a hollow tree, and commen ced amusing theraselves by strolling about this delightful point. Here they were surprised and fired upon by a party of Indians, which caused their separation. His comrades got together and returned to Fort Pitt, while Kenton, alone, pushed his way to Lender's fort, on the west fork ofthe Monongahela. Captain Louder, not be lieving the account Kenton gave of himself, had him ar rested on the suspicion of his being a spy from the Indians, and confined hira till he should hear from Major Conley, to whom he sent an express. When the messenger re turned, Kenton, of course, was set at liberty, who imme diately returned to Fort Pitt, received pay for his ser vices, and was discharged from the army. Being now out of employment, and the proper season for hunting having come, he, in company with a young man by the name of Thomas WiUiams, prepared a canoe, and, armed and equipped for the winter, they de scended the Ohio to the mouth of Big Sandy, and thence up that river some distance, where they formed their camp. Here they remained during the winter, and had good success in hunting. Leaving this place early in the following spring, 1775, and proceeding down the Ohio, they met a French trader, who purchased their skins and furnished them with such things as they needed, to enable them to prosecute their search for the cane country. — Passing down the river, they happened to land for the night, at the mouth of a small creek, near the place after wards known by the name of Limestone. The next GENERAL SIMON KENTON. 209 morning, Kenton shouldered his rifle, and went back into the hills to look for game. After traveling two or three miles, to his great joy, he found abundance of cane grow ing upon the richest land he had ever seen. With this intelligence, he returned to his companion ; when they sunk their canoe, gathered up their little property, and proceeded out into the cane lands. Finding a spring of good water, they made themselves a comfortable camp, and with their tomahawks comraenced clearing a small piece of ground. Their clearing was finished some time in May, and from the remains of some corn which they had got from the French trader, for the purpose of parch ing, they obtained seed, and planted, perhaps, the first corn that was ever planted in that country on the north side of the Kentucky river. Here, tending their corn with their tomahawks, they remained the undisputed masters of all they could see, and enjoying as much hap piness as circumstances would admit of, tUl they had the pleasure of eating roasting ears, and of seeing their corn come to perfection. This place, which was called Ken ton's station, was about one mile from where the town of Washington, in Mason county, Kentucky, now stands. When autumn came, and the leaves began to fall, Ken ton concluded to take a ramble to the south, and see the extent of his rich domain. Leaving the camp in the care of Williams, he took a southern direction, and after trav eling ten or twelve miles, came across some large buf faloe roads, and pursuing one of them, was brought, in a few hours, to a salt lick, on Licking river — afterward, from the color of the water, called the Bluelick. This place, now known by the name of the Lower Bluelick, is in sight of where the Lexington and Maysville turnpike crosses Licking. Here, where for ages the wUd beasts of the forest had been in the habit of resorting, Kenton killed a buffaloe, and taking a piece of it to prepare for his supper, encamped on the bank of the river, and spent 210 A SKETCH OF THE LIFE OF the night, or so much of it as was redeemed from sleep, in a train of the most pleasing reflections and anticipa tions. The land appeared to be a paradise. Abundance of salt was now added to an unparalleled fertility of soU, in a country abounding with every variety of game. The hunter could ask for no more — his every wish appeared to be realized. In the moming, he was so occupied in contemplating the visions of bliss that in future prospect dancedbefore his imagination, that it was mid-day before he left his camp, and on approaching the lick, he was much surprised to find a white man standing by it. Knowing that many white men lived with the Indians, and were no less sav age than they, he at first hesitated, but finally marched up to hira, prepared to meet a friend or to encounter an enemy. On saluting the stranger, he found that he had nothing to fear, and learned, for the first time, that he and WiUiams were not the only inhabitants of Kentucky. This man's name was Michael Stoner ; he had come out with Daniel Boon the year before ; had left Boon's station to explore and examine the country, and faUng into a buffaloe road, had foUowed it to the lick. Stoner informed him, that there were several settiements com menced that season near the Kentucky river, and advised him to leave his present camp, and join with one of them. As Kenton relished this advice, Stoner accompanied him to his camp, where they tarried one night ; then gathered up their little property, and bidding adieu to their corn patch, Kenton and Williams took up the line of march, with Stoner, for the south. The settlements referred to above, are the following : The first in order of time, was that of Daniel Boon, now known by the name of Boonsborough, on the Ken tucky river ; which was followed by the station bf Cap tain Harrod, now Harrodsburgh, on the south side of Kentucky river, and ten miles from it ; and on the north [Face 211.] Boon the Hunter. GENERAL SIMON KENTON. 211 side were M'Clelland's settiement, where Georgetown now stands ; Huston's, on the present site of Paris, and Hingston's, afterwards called Ruddle's station. The last two were situated within seven mUes of each other, in the bounds of the present county of Bourbon. The in habitants of these embryo settiements were principally from North Carolina, and had been led to the country by Colonel Boon. After visiting and examining aU the settiements, Ken ton united with Hingston's party, where he spent the win- er, about forty miles distant from his late residence and norn-patch. This year, and throughout the winter, tiie Indians remained quiet ; but early in the spring of 1776, ihe scene was changed. The American revolution was ilien in full progress, and the Indians, stimulated by the British, seemed resolved to break up the infant settle ments of Kentucky. Consequently every station was attacked, and few, if any, escaped without the loss of some of their men. The survivors were alarmed, and re solved to seek security by uniting their forces. Huston's station being more exposed than the others, was the first to break up. They took shelter with Captain M'Clel- land ; and numbers from Hingston, following their exam ple, it was reduced to about ten men, among whom was Kenton — the first to advance, and the last to retreat. But the Indians still continuing to harass them, by kiUing their cattie and stealing their horses, they also concluded to abandon their fort, and fly to M'Clelland's. Kentucky, lying within the chartered limits of Vir ginia, her settlements about this time attracted the atten tion ofthat state, and Major (afterwards General) George Clark, and a lawyer by the name of Jones, were sent from Wheeling with five hundred pounds of powder and lead in proportion. They concealed the ammunition on the lower of the Three Islands, and came through the woods to M'CleUand's fort. As ammunition was grow- 212 A SKETCH OF THE LIFE OF ing scarce, the intelligence of these timely supplies com municated much joy to the inhabitants, and tended to re- give their drooping spirits. Concluding they could not spare from the fort as many men as would be necessary to insure a safe conveyance ofthe amraunition, Maj. Clark and Kenton set off for Harrod's fort to procure assistance. But so soon as they were gone, Mr. Jones iraprudently prevailed on ten men to go with him to the place where the ammunition had been left. This was a rash step, and severely did they pay for it. On the way they were met by a body of Indians, under the command of a celebrated chief called Pluggy ; a battie ensued, and the whites were defeated. Jones and WiUiam Gradon were killed, and Joseph Rodgers and Josiah Dickson taken prisoners. This happened on Christmas day, 1776. When Clark and Kenton returned, they had the mortification to meet the remnant of their defeated friends. And though they were much in need of the ammunition, this unfortunate circumstance frustrated for the present the intended expe dition, and the party from Harrod's fort immediately re turned. On the morning of the first day of the year, 1777, Pluggy with a few of his party came in sight of the fort. McClelland and several of his men rashed forth to give them battle, but were defeated. Capt. McClelland and two others were slain, and four wounded. After this the Indians directed their march homeward ; and Kenton and Bates Collier cautiously pursued their trail to the place where they had crossed the Ohio, near the present city of MaysviUe ; when finding that the Indians had left the country, they went up to the place where the ammuni tion was deposited, found it safe, and then retumed to the fort. About thirty men were then raised, who proceeded to the Three Islands, and brought off the ammunition without molestation. When Kenton and his party returned to the fort with GENERAL SIMON KENTON. 213 the ammunition, they found every thing in gloom. Panic strack, the occupants had resolved to abandon the settie ment ; and soon the whole party, men, women, and chil dren, moved in a body to Harrod's fort. This removal is represented by Kenton as the most affecting sight he ever witnessed. The hardy hunters were evidently alarmed ; despair sat brooding on the countenance of every female ; and the chUdren having caught the infec tion, vented their terrors in waUing cries, which alto gether formed a scene that might have excited the sym pathy of even a savage heart. All the settiements in Kentucky, except Boon's and Harrod's, were given up ; and at this critical period the first legal officers were ap pointed in the country. A commission arrived from Vir ginia, giving the command to Maj. George Clark, with authority to appoint his inferior officers. Consequently, Boon and Harrod, and soon afterwards Logan, were rais ed to the office of captain. By the time the spring arrived, the settiers were so much in need of clothing, that Kenton, John Haggin, and four others, started for Hingston's, to break-out some flax and hemp which had been left at that place. On ap proaching the station, Haggin, riding some distance be fore the rest, discovered a party of Indians encamped around the block-house. With this information, he re turned to his companions. Kenton proposed a retreat, but Haggin rejected the proposal with indignation, and in an insolent tone pronounced that no one but a coward would think of retreating without giving the Indians a fire. To this Kenton replied, that it was not a time for quarreling, that he was ready to prove by his works, a willingness to go as far, and fire as free as any man. The whole party, except a young Dutchman who had sat on his horse listening to the dispute, then dismounted and tied their horses. But it seems that the Indians had observed Haggin when he approached the fort, and cau- 214 A SKETCH OF THE LIFE OF tiously pursued him as he retreated ; for scarcely had the party dismounted, when a column of Indians appeared in front, and another party, which had nearly surrounded them, comraenced a distant and scattering fire through the brush. As further delay would have brought certain destruction, they instantly fled on foot, and thus escaped with their lives, but lost all their horses except the one occupied by the Dutchman. This was early in March, 1777. When this party left Harrod's fort, Maj. Clark had di rected Kenton so soon as the flax and hemp should be dressed, to take two men and pursue a circuitous route through the country to Boon's station. But on com mencing their retreat from Hingston, every appearance induced the conclusion that a large body of Indians were on the march to attack Harrod's fort ; Kenton therefore determined to go to Boon's alone, while the others should return and apprise Capt. Harrod of his danger, and aid in defending that place, should it be assaulted. Ken ton arrived undiscovered by the enemy, in the neighbor hood of Boonsborough ; but knowing that the Indians were apt to lie concealed around the forts, for the pur pose of destroying those who might attempt to pass to or from them, he concluded not to approach till after dark. After lying by for two or three hours, he grew impatient, left his retreat, and approached the fort, and the first thing he saw was the men of the fort carrying in the bodies of two men whom the Indians had shot an hour or two before. These men had been kUled on the very route that Kenton came, and hence it is certain that the pause he had made, had saved his life. The rest of the party, upon their retreat from Hink- ston, made a rapid march for Harrod's fort, and arrived in time to warn the garrison and prepare it for the pre meditated attack. Indeed, it appears that the Indians knowing they could not take the place by surprise, now GENERAL SIMON KENTON. 215 their plans were discovered, moved so leisurely as to give Maj. Clark sufficient time to prepare for defence. Find ing in their march a few whites at a place caUed Shaw nee Spring, the Indians fired upon them, killed some, and took one prisoner ; but the rest, by flying to the fort, gave additional evidence of the approach of the enemy ; so that when the garrison on the next morning was at tacked, it was fully prepared for a vigorous and obstinate defence. The siege continued several days and nights ; and though the Indians succeeded in reducing the num ber of their opponents, they also lost many of their own men, and at last withdrew in despair. Previous to this attack Benjamin Logan had been pre paring to make a settiement near the place where Lin coln court-house now stands, and soon as the enemy re treated, he, with a number of others, left Harrod's and proceeded to the new settlement, which formed the third post at that time occupied in the country. These settle ments, notwithstanding the dangers to which they were continually exposed, were constantly gaining strength by emigrants, through the wUderness, from Virginia and North Carolina. But the Indians still continuing troublesome, each of the stations agreed to furnish two spies, to be selected by their captains, and Maj. Clark pledged the faith of Vir ginia for their payment. This arrangement was carried into effect by the appointment of Simon Kenton and Thomas Brooks, on the part of Boon ; Samuel Moore and Bates Collier, by Harrod ; and John Conrad and John Martin, by Logan. Thus selected, and having their routes and mode of operation left to their own dis cretion, these choice spirits were constantiy on the alert, and by a faithful discharge of their arduous duties proved themselves worthy of the confidence reposed in them. During the summer their constant weekly practice was for two of them to visit the deserted stations of McClel- 16 216 A SKETCH OF THE LIFE OF land, Hinkston, and Huston, from thence by the Upper and Lower Bluelicks, and to the Three Islands on the Ohio, thence down to the mouth of Licking, and then back to the stations. By this vigUance they were always able, except in one instance, to give the forts timely no tice of the approach of the enemy. During the summer three different attacks were made upon Boonsborough. The first came upon them unexpected, and in the follow ing manner: Early one morning Kenton and two others having loaded their guns for a hunt, were standing at the gate, when two men who had gone into a field in sight of the fort to drive in some horses, were fired upon by four or five Indians. Not being wounded, they fled, and were pursued to within sixty or seventy yards of the fort, where an Indian overtook one of them, kiUed hira with his tomahawk, and commenced the operation of taking off his scalp. But by this time Kenton was within a few yards of the spot, and shot the Indian down ; and then in company with his hunting companions, gave chase to the others, and pursued them into the edge of the field. In the meantime Boon having heard the re port of guns, had taken ten men and come forth to their assistance. As these were advancing from the fort, Ken ton casting his eye to the left, discovered an Indian about to fire upon them ; but Kenton shot first, and the savage sunk to rise no more. By the time his gun was reloaded, and Boon had come up, they heard a rush of footsteps upon their left, and discovered that a number of Indians had got between them and the gate. Their situation was now perilous in the extreme. But desperate diseases re quire desperate remedies : Boon, therefore, gave orders to charge through the Indian column, which was done by first firing their rifles upon the enemy, and then beating down all that stood in their way.> But this attempt, though it proved successful, had like to have cost the life of their leader. Boon received a ball through the OENERAL SIMON KENTON. 217 leg, which broke the bone, and left him on the ground ; but when the tomahawk was uplifted to dispatch the fallen captain, Kenton came to his rescue, discharged the con tents of his gun through the body of the Indian, and con veyed his leader safe into the fort. Of the fourteen men engaged in this affray, seven were wounded but none killed. After they had got in, and the gate was closed, Boon sent for Kenton, and said, " WeU, Simon, you have behaved like a man to-day. Indeed you are a fine fel low." This simple eulogium was probably as gratifying to Kenton as any thing could have been ; and certainly the circumstances that caUed it forth were more praise worthy than many acts that have crowned their perform ers with fame and titles of honor. The Indians contin ued around the fort two or three days, and then with drew. As has been intimated, this fort sustained two other at tacks during the year. On both occasions Kenton was in the fort, and at his post ; and though they were ap prised of the approach of the enemy, and consequentiy better prepared for the assault, yet their sufferings were great. Their cattle was kiUed, their horses stolen, and their situation so precarious that neitlier corn nor other vegetables could be cultivated. Meat they must have or perish, and this was procured at the risk and even the loss of many lives. To obtain this, the custom of the hunters was to steal out in the dark, and go to the dis tance of twelve or fifteen mUes from the fort ; then after kUling their meat and drying it over a fire, to load them selves ¦with as much as they could carry, and approach as near the fort as they could in safety by day, then when night came to creep cautiously to the waU, give a signal and be admitted. In this hazardous employment many lives were sacrificed, but it was the only means of pre serving their existence. And even this afforded but scanty subsistence ; for they were sometimes in want 218 A SKETCH OF THE LIFE OF and always compelled to eat their meat without either bread or salt. Kenton was employed as a spy till the close of the year 1777. ' In 1778, Capt. Watkins, with a few men, was sent from Virginia to aid in the defence of Kentucky, and was stationed at Boon's fort. It was agreed between Boon and Watkins that they would go alternately to the Blue lick, and make salt for the settlements. Boon went first, and fell to work with about thirty men ; who while thus employed were dependent upon game from the woods for their support. One day Boon having gone out to hunt, was surprised and taken prisoner by a party of In dians under the command of a chief by the name of Black Fish. As the Indians were several hundred in number. Boon capitulated for his men at the lick, who were all taken but Thomas Brooks and another, who were out on a hunting excursion. Brooks and his companion, hav ing thus escaped, fied for Boon's station, with the dole ful tidings ; and on their way met Capt. Watkins pro ceeding to the lick, who immediately returned to the fort, and the salt scheme was abandoned. Kenton, Haggin; and a few others, anxious for their captured friends, start ed for the lick, found the Indian trail, and cautiously fol lowed it to where they had crossed the Ohio, some dis tance above the mouth of Licking, and then returned to the station. At this time Kenton resumed his occupation of ranging the country as a spy. In the course ofthe preceding winter, Maj. Clark had gone to Virginia to solicit aid in defence of the country ; and having Obtained a few men, he descended the Ohio about the first of June, and encamped on an island at the falls. From thence he dispatched messengers to Boon's and Harrod's stations for as many men as could be spar ed, to join him in an expedition against the British set tiements on the Mississippi, Tliis, with those who had famUies in the forts, was an unpopular movement. They GENERAL SIMON KENTON. 219 were of opinion that no man ought to leave them ; and consequently Kenton and Haggin were all that did go. Clark was mortified at receiving so small a reinforce ment ; but hearing that Capt. Montgomery, with a party of men, was making salt at Drenning's lick, he sent Ken ton to soUcit aid from him. Montgomery was an Irish man, " full of fight," and immediately with his whole party, ten or twelve men, proceeded to the falls. Clark's force now amounted to one hundred and fifty-three men ; and seeing no prospect of increasing it, he left his camp and moved down the Ohio. What a handful of men for an expedition so hazardous. Landing at a place called Cherokee fort, below the mouth of Tennessee, they sunk their boats, and taking their baggage, provisions, and camp equipage upon their backs, marched through the wilderness one hundred and twenty miles, to Okaw, or Kaskaskia. This town and fort, commanded by one who was called the Governor, Clark determined to take by surprise. The first object was to get possession of the fort, and then he concluded the town would make no resistance. The hour of midnight was chosen for the at tack. On approaching the fort they saw a light in a small house near it, and a few men were sent to surround it. They found it occupied by a Pennsylvanian, who disliked the French and was ready to aid in taking the place. He informed them thatthe fort kept no sentinels, and led the way to a place where the pickets were so rotten as to be easily broken down. Here the whole party entered, and being shown the Governor's room, Kenton and a few others went into it, and gentiy waked him out of a sound sleep. Resistance being then use less, he at once surrendered himself and his sleeping comrades, prisoners of war. This conquest, effected without the aid of artillery, wagon, or horse, was main tained to the close ofthe revolutionary struggle, and was of much advantage to our infant settlements in the west. 220 A SKETCH OF THE LIFE OF A few days after the surrender of this place, Kenton and a few others were dispatched with an express to Col. Bowman, who then commanded at Harrodsburg. He was directed to take Vincennes in his way, and endeavor to ascertain whether it could be easily taken ; also, to destroy his papers, and trast to his memory for their con tents, if he should be likely to fall into the hands of the enemy. Approaching Vincennes, he tore up his papers, and lying concealed by day and reconnoitering at night, continued round the town for three days. Having thus satisfied himself of the strength and situation of the place, he sent one of his companions with the intelligence back to Clark, while he and the other prosecuted their jour ney, and arrived at Harrodsburgh in thirteen days. By this time Boon had made his escape from the In dians, aud on Kenton's return he proposed to him to join in an expedition against a small Indian town on Paint creek. The proposal was accepted, and taking nineteen men, they set off for the town. When they had ap proached within five or six miles of the place, they were met by about forty Indians, whom they attacked and put to flight without receiving any injury. Knowing now that the Indians were aware rf their approach, and con sequentiy that the town could not be taken by surprise. Boon thought it advisable to return. But Kenton and another man by the name of Montgomery determined to remain, and learn something more of the Indians, and if possible, secure some of their horses. Hence, conceal ing themselves near the path leading from the town, they watched the whole day without discovering any Indians ; and when night came they approached the town, but could not discover that the Indians were at all alarmed at the affray of the morning. The next day they lay con cealed near a cornfield, but saw no Indians except some children that did not approach near enough to discover them. On the second night they caught two horses and GENERAL SIMON KENTON. 221 made a start for home. Discovering, after crossing the Ohio, a large Indian trail leading in the direction of Boonsborough, they turned their course and went to Lo gan's. They afterwards learned that the Indians whose trail they had seen, were at that time besieging Boon. This siege they kept up for several days ; but after kill ing one white man and a negro, and suffering considera ble loss themselves, they retired in despair ; and on the next day Kenton and Montgomery rode into the fort upon their Indian horses. Kenton lay about Boon's and Logan's stations tUl ease became irksome to him. About the first of September of this same year, 1778, we find him preparing for an other Indian expedition. Alexander Montgomery and George Clark joined him, and they set off from Boon's station for the avowed purpose of obtaining horses from the Indians. They crossed the Ohio, and proceeded cautiously to Chillicothe (now Oldtown.) They arrived at the town without meeting any adventure. In the night they fell in with a drove of horses that were feeding in the rich prairies. They were prepared with salt and halters. They had much difficulty to catch the horses ; however, at length they succeeded, and as soon as the horses were haltered, they dashed off with seven — a pretty good haul. They traveled with all the speed they could to the Ohio. They came to the Ohio near the mouth of Eagle creek, now in Brown county. When they came to the river, the wind blew almost a hurri cane. The waves ran so high that the horses were fright ened, and could not be induced to take the water. It was late in the evening. They then rode back into the hUls some distance from the river, hobbled and turned their horses loose to graze ; while they turned back some distance, and watched the trail they had come, to dis cover whether or no they were pursued. Here they re mained till the foUowing day, when the wind subsided. 223 A SKETCH OF THE LIFE OP As soon as the wind fell they caught their horses, and went again to the river ; but their horses were so fright ened with the waves the day before, that all their efforts could not induce them to take the water. This was a sore disappointment to our adventurers. They were satisfied that they were pursued by the enemy ; they therefore determined to lose no more time in useless ef forts to cross the Ohio ; they concluded to select three of the best horses, and make their way to the falls of the Ohio, where Gen. Clark had left some men stationed. Each made choice of a horse, and the other horses were turned loose to shift for themselves. After the spare horses had been loosed, and permitted to ramble off, ava rice whispered to them, and why not take all the horses. The loose horses had by this time scattered and strag gled out of sight. Our party now separated to hunt up the horses they had turned loose. Kenton went towards the river, and had not gone far before he heard a whoop in the direction of where they had been trying to force the horses into the water. He got off his horse and tied him, and then crept with the stealthy tread of the cat, to make observations in the direction he had heard the whoop. Just as he reached the high bank of the river, he met the Indians on horseback. Being unperceived by them, but so nigh that it was impossible for him to re treat without being discovered, he concluded the boldest course to be the safest, and very deliberately took aim at the foremost Indian. His gun flashed in the pan. He then retreated. The Indians pursued on horseback. In his retreat, he passed through a piece of land where a storm had torn up a great part of the timber. The fallen trees afforded him some advantage of the Indians in the race, as they were on horseback and he on foot. The Indian force divided ; some rode on one side of the fallen timber, and sorae on the other. Just as he emerged from the fallen timber, at the foot of the hiU, one of the Indians GENERAL SIMON KENTON. 223 met him on horseback, and boldly rode up to him, jump ed off his horse and rushed at him with his tomahawk. Kenton concluding a gun-barrel as good a weapon of de fence as a tomahawk, drew back his gun to strike the In dian before him. At that instant another Indian, who unperceived by Kenton had slipped up behind him, clasped him in his arms. Being now overpowered by numbers, further resistance was useless — he surrendered. Whilst the Indians were binding Kenton with tugs, Montgomery came in view, and fired at the Indians, but missed his mark. Montgomery fled on foot. Some of the Indians pursued, shot at, and missed hira ; a second fire was made, and Montgomery fell. The Indians soon returned to Kenton, shaking at him Montgomery's bloody scalp. George Clark, Kenton's other companion, made his escape, crossed the Ohio, and arrived safe at Logan's station. The Indians encamped that night on the bank of the Ohio. The next morning they prepared their horses for a return to their towns with the unfortunate and unhappy prisoner. Nothing but death in the most appalling form presented itself to his view. When they were ready to set off, they caught the wildest horse in the company, and placed Kenton on his back. The horse being very restif, it took several of them to hold him, whilst the others lashed the prisoner on the horse. They first took a tug, or rope, and fastened his legs and feet together un der the horse. They took another and fastened his arms. They took another and tied around his neck, and fasten ed one end of it around the horse's neck ; the other end of this same rope was fastened to the horse's tail, to an swer in place of a crupper. They had a great deal of amusement to themselves, as they were preparing Ken ton and his horse for fun and frolic. They would yelp and scream around him, and ask him if he wished to steal more horses. Another rope was fastened around his 224 A SKETCH OF THE LIFE OF thighs, and lashed around the body of the horse ; a pair of moccasons was drawn over his hands, to prevent him from defending his face from the brash. Thus accoutered and fastened, the horse was turned loose to the woods. He reared and plunged, ran through the woods for some time, to the infinite amusement of the Indians, After the horse had ran about, plunging, rearing, and kicking, for some time, and found that he could not shake off, nor kick off his rider, he very quietly submitted himself to his situation, and foUowed the cavalcade as quiet and peaceable as his rider. The Indians moved towards ChiUicothe, and in three days reached the town. At night they confined their prisoner in the following man ner: He was laid on his back, his legs extended, drawn apart, and fastened to two saplings or stakes driven in the ground. His arms were extended, a pole laid across his breast, and his arm lashed to the pole with cords. A rope was tied around his neck, and stretched back just tight enough not to choke him, and fastened to a tree or stake near his head. In this painful and uncomfortable situation, he spent three miserable nights, exposed to gnats, and musketoes, and weather. O, j,oor human na ture, what miserable wretches we are, thus to punish and harass each other. (The frontier whites of that day, were but little behind the Indians, in wiles, in cruelty, and revenge.) When the Indians came within about a mile of the Chillicothe town, they halted and camped for the night, and fastened the poor unfortunate prisoner in the usual uncomfortable manner. The Indians, young and old, came from the town to welcome the return of their successful warriors, and to visit their prisoner. The Indian party, young and old, consisting of about one hun dred and fifty, commenced dancing, singing, and yelling around Kenton, stopping occasionally and kicking and beating him for amusement. In this manner they tor mented him for about three hours, when the cavalcade GENERAL SIMON KENTON. 225 retumed to town, and he was left for the rest of the night, exhausted and forlorn, to the tender mercies of the gnats and musketoes. As soon as it was light in the morning, the Indians began to collect from the town, and prepara tions were made for fun and frolic at the expense of Ken ton, as he was now doomed to ran the gauntlet. The Indians were formed in two lines, about six feet apart, with each a hickory in his hands, and Kenton placed be tween the two lines, so that each Indian could beat hira as much as he thought proper, as he ran through the lines. He had not ran far before he discovered an In dian with his knife drawn to plunge it into him ; as soon as Kenton reached that part of the line where the Indian stood who had the knife drawn, he broke through the lines, and made with all speed for the town. Kenton had been previously informed by a negro named Czesar, who lived with the Indians and knew their customs, that if he could break through the Indians' lines, and arrive at the council-house in the town before he was overta ken, that they would not force him a second time to run the gauntiet. When he broke through their lines, he ran at the top of his speed for the council-house, pursued by two or three hundred Indians, yelling and screaming like infernal furies. Just as he had entered the town, he was met by an Indian leisurely walking towards the scene of amusement, wrapped in a blanket. The Indian threw off his blanket ; and as he was fresh, and Kenton nearly exhausted, the Indian soon caught him, threw him down. In a moment the whole party who were in pursuit came up, and fell to cuffing and kicking him at a most fearful rate. They tore off all his clothes, and left him naked and ex hausted. After he had laid till he had in some degree recovered from his exhausted state, they brought him some water and something to eat. As soon as his strength was sufficiently recovered, they took him to the council-house, to determine upon his fate. Their man- 226 A SKETCH OF THE LIFE OF ner of deciding his fate, was as follows : Their warriors were placed in a circle in the council-house ; an old chief was placed in tne center of the circle, with a knife and a piece of wood in his hands. A number of speeches were made. Kenton, although he did not understand their language, soon discovered by their animated gestures, and fierce looks at him, that a majority of their speakers wore contending for his destruction. He could perceive that those who plead for mercy, were received coolly ; but few grunts of approbation were uttered when the orators closed their speeches. After the orators ceased speaking, the old chief who sat in the midst of the circle, raised up and handed a war-club to the man who sat next the door. They proceeded to take the decision of their court. All who were for the death of the prisoner, struck the war-club with violence against the ground ; those who voted to save the prisoner's life, passed the club to his next neighbor without striking the ground. Kenton, from their expressive gestures, could easily distinguish the object of their vote. The old chief who stood to witness and record the number that voted for death or mercy, as one strack the ground with the war-club, he made a mark on one side of his piece of wood ; and when the club was passed without striking, he made a mark on the other. Kenton discovered that a large majority were for death. Sentence of death being now passed upon the prisoner, they made the welkin ring with shouts of joy. The sen tence of death being passed, there was another question of considerable difficulty now presented itself to the con sideration of the council ; that was, the time and place, when and where, he should be burnt. The orators again made speeches on the subject, less animated indeed than on the trial ; but some appeared to be quite vehement for instant execution, whilst others appeared to wish to make his death a solemn national sacrifice. After a long de- GENERAL SIMON KENTON. 227 bate, the vote was taken, when it was resolved that the place of his execution should be Wapatomika (now Zanesfield, Logan county.) The next morning he was hurried away to the place destined for his execution. From ChiUicothe to Wapatomika, they had to pass through two other Indian towns, to wit : Pickaway and Machecheek. At both towns he was compelled to run the gauntiet ; and severely was he whipped through the course. While he lay at Machecheek, being carelessly guarded, he made an attempt to escape. Nothing worse than death could follow, and here he made a bold push for life and freedom. Being unconfined, he broke and ran, and soon cleared himself out of sight of his pursuers. Whilst he distanced his pursuers, and got about two miles from the town, he accidentally met sorae Indians on horseback. They instantiy pursued, and soon came up with him, and drove him back again to the town. He now, for the first time, gave up his case as hopeless. Nothing but death stared him in the face. Fate, it appeared to him, had sealed his doom ; and in sullen despair, he determined to await that doom, that it was impossible for him to shun. How in scrutable are the ways of Providence, and how little can man control his destiny ! When the Indians returned with Kenton to the town, there was a general rejoicing. He was pinioned, and given over to the young Indians, who dragged him into the creek, tumbled him in the water, and rolled him in the mud, tUl he was nearly suffocated with mud and water. In this way they amused them selves with him till he was nearly drowned. He now thought himself forsaken by God. Shortiy after this his tormentors moved with him to Wapatomika. As soon as he arrived at this place, the Indians, young and old, male and female, crowded around the prisoner. Amongst others who came to see him, was the celebrated and no torious Simon Girty. It wUl be recollected that Kenton and Girty were bosom companions at Fort Pitt, and on 228 A SKETCH OF THE LIFE OP the campaign with Lord Dunmore. As it was the cus tom of the Indians to black such prisoners as were intend ed to be put to death, Girty did not immediately recog nize Kenton in his black disguise. Girty came forward and inquired of Kenton where he had lived. Was an swered Kentucky. He next inquired how many men there were in Kentucky. He answered, he did not know ; but would give him the names and rank of the officers, and he, Girty, could judge of the probable number of men. Kenton then named a great many officers, and their rank, many of whom had honorary titles, without any command. At length Girty asked the prisoner his name. When he was answered, Simon Butler. (It will be recollected, that he changed his name when he fled from his parents and home.) Girty eyed him for a moment, and imraediately recognized the active and bold youth, who had been his corapanion in arms about Fort Pitt, and on the campaign with Lord Dunmore. Girty threw himself into Kenton's arms, embraced and wept aloud over him— calling him his dear and esteemed friend. This hardened wretch, who had been the cause of the death of hundreds, had some of the sparks of humanity remaining in him, and wept like a child at the tragical fate which hung over his friend. " Well," said' he to Kenton, " you are condemned to die, but I will use every means in my power to save your life." Girty immediately had a council convened, and made a long speech to the Indians, to save the life of the pris oner. As Girty was proceeding through his speech, he became very animated; and under his powerful elo quence, Kenton could plainly discover the grim visages of his savage judges relent. When Girty concluded his powerful and animated speech, the Indians rose with one simultaneous grunt of approbation, saved the prisoner's life, and placed him under the care and protection of his old companion, Girty. GENERAL SIMON KENTON. 229 The British had a trading establishment then at Wap atomika. Girty took Kenton with him to the store, and dressed him, from head to foot, as well as he could wish ; he was also provided with a horse and saddle. Kenton was now free, and roamed about through the country, from Indian town to town, in company with his benefac tor. How uncertain is the fate of nations as well as that of individuals ! How sudden the changes from adversity to prosperity, and from prosperity to adversity ! Kenton beiiig a strong, robust man, with an iron frame, with a resolution that never winced at danger, and fortitude to bear pain with the composure of a stoic, he soon recov ered from his scourges and braises, and the other severe treatment he had received. It is thought probable, that if the Indians had continued to treat him with kindness and respect, he would eventually have become one of them. He had but few inducements to return again to the whites. He was then a fugitive from justice, had changed his name, and he thought it his interest to keep as far from his former acquaintances as possible. After Kenton and his benefactor had been roaming about for some time, a war party of Indians, who had been on an expedition to the neighborhood of Wheeling, returned ; they had been defeated by the whites, some of their raen were kiUed, and others wounded. When this defeated party returned they were sullen, chagrined, and full of revenge, and determined to kill any of the whites who came within their grasp. Kenton was then the only white man upon whom they could satiate their revenge. Kenton and Girty were then at Solomon's town, p, small distance from Wapatomika. A message was immediately sent to Girty to return, and bring Kenton with him. The two friends met the messenger on the way. The mes senger shook hands with Girty, but refused the hand of Kenton. Girty, after talking aside with the messenger some time, said to Kenton, they have sent for us to attend 230 A SKETCH OF THE LIFE OF a grand council at Wapatomika. They hurried to the town ; and when they arrived tiiere the council house was crowded. When Girty went into the house, the Indians all rose up and shook hands with him ; but when Ken ton offered his hand it was refused, with a scowl of con tempt. This alarmed him ; he began to admit the idea that this sudden convention of the councU, and their re fusing his hand, boded him some evil. After the mem bers of the council were seated in their usual manner, the war chief of the defeated party rose up and made a most vehement speech, frequently turning his fiery and revengeful eyes on Kenton during his speech. Girty was the next to rise to address the councU. He told them that he had lived with them several years ; that he had risked his life in that time more frequentiy than any of them ; that they all knew that he had never spared the life of one of the hated Americans ; that they well knew that he had never asked for a division of the spoils ; that he fought alone for the destruction of their enemies ; and that he now requested them to spare the life of this young man on his account. The young man, he said, was his early friend, for whom he felt the tenderness of a parent for a son, and he hoped, after the many evidences that he had given of his attachment to the Indian cause, they would not hesitate to grant his request. If they would Indulge him in granting his request to spare the life of this young man, he would pledge himself never to ask them again to spare the life of a hated American. Several chiefs spoke in succession on this important subject.; and with the most apparent deliberation, the council decided, by an overwhelming majority, for death. After the decision of this grand court was announced, Girty went to Kenton, and embracing him very tenderly, said that he very sincerely sympathized with him in liis foriorn and unfortunate situation ; that he had used all the efforts he was master of to save his Ufe, but it was now GENERAL SIMON KENTON. 231 decreed that he must die — that he could do no more for him. Awful doom ! It will be recollected, that this was in 1778, in the midst of the American revolution. Upper Sandusky was then the place where the British paid their western In dian allies their annuities ; and as time might effect what his eloquence could not, Girty, as a last resort, persuaded the Indians to convey their prisoner to Sandusky, as there would meet vast numbers to receive their presents ; that the assembled tribes could there witness the solemn scene of the death of the prisoner. To this proposition the council agreed ; and the prisoner was placed in the care of five Indians, who forthwith set off for Upper San dusky. What windings, and twistings, and turnings, were seen in the fate of our hero. As the Indians passed from Wapatomika to Upper San dusky, they went through a small village on the river Sci oto, where then resided the celebrated chief Logan, of Jefferson memory. Logan, unlike the rest of his tribe, was humane as he was brave. At his wigwam the party who had the care of the prisoner, staid over night. Dur ing the evening, Logan entered into conversation with the prisoner. The next morning he told Kenton that he would detain the party that day — that he had sent two of his young men off the night before to Upper Sandusky, to speak a good word for him. Logan was great and good — the friend of all men. In the course of the follow ing evening his young men returned, and early the next morning the guard set off with the prisoner for Upper Sandusky. When Kenton's party set off from Logan's, Logan shook hands with the prisoner, but gave no inti mation of what might probably be his fate. The party- went on with Kenton till they came in view of the Upper Sandusky town. The Indians, young and old, came out to meet and welcome the warriors, and view the prisoner. Here he was not compelled to run the gaunt- 17 233 A SKETCH OF THE LIFE OF let. A grand council was immediately convened to de termine upon the fate of Kenton. This was the fourth council which was held to dispose of the life of the pris oner. As soon as this grand court was organized and ready to proceed to business, a Canadian Frenchman, by the name of Peter Druyer, who was a captain in the British service, and dressed in the gaudy appendages of the British uniform, made his appearance in the council. This Druyer was born and raised in Detroit — he was connected with the British Indian agent department — was their principal interpreter in settling Indian affairs ; this made him a man of great consequence among the In dians, It was to this influential man, that the good chief Logan, the friend of all the human famUy, sent his young men to intercede for the life of Kenton, His judgment and address were only equaled by his humanity. His foresight in selecting the agent who it was most proba ble could save the life of the prisoner, proves his judg ment and his knowledge of the human heart. As soon as the grand council was organized. Captain Druyer re quested permission to address the council. This per mission was instantly granted. He began his speech by stating, " that it was well known that it was the wish and interest of the English that not an American should be left alive. That the Americans were the cause of the present bloody and distressing war — that neither peace nor safety could be expected, so long as these intruders were permitted to live upon the earth." This part of his speech received repeated grunts of approbation. He then explained to the Indians, " that the war to be car ried on successfully, required cunning as well as bravery — that the intelligence which might be extorted from a prisoner, would be of more advantage, in conducting the future operations of the war, than would be the life of twenty prisoners. That he had no doubt but the com manding officer at Detroit could procure information from GENERAL SIMON KENTON. 233 the prisoner now before them, that would be of incalcu lable advantage to them in the progress of the present war. Under these circumstances, he hoped they would defer the death of the prisoner tiU he was taken to De troit, and examined by the comraanding general. After which he could be brought back, and if thought advisa ble, upon further consideration, he might be put to death in any manner they thought proper." He next noticed, " that they had already a great deal of trouble and fatigue with the prisoner without being revenged upon him ; but that they had got back all the horses the prisoner had stolen from them, and killed one of his comrades ; and to insure them something for their fatigue and trouble, he himself would give one hundred dollars in ram and to bacco, or any other articles they would choose, if they would let him take the prisoner to Detroit, to be exam ined by the British general." The Indians, without hes itation, agreed to Captain Druyer's proposition, and he paid down the ransom. As soon as these arrangements were concluded, Druyer and a principal chief set off with the prisoner for Lower Sandusky. From this place they proceeded by water to Detroit, where they arrived in a few days. Here the prisoner was handed over to the commanding officer, and lodged in the fort as a prisoner of war. He was now out of danger from the Indians, and was treated with the usual attention of prisoners of war in civilized countries. The British commander gave the Indians some additional remuneration for the life of the prisoner, and they returned satisfied to join their countrymen at Wapatomika. Although Kenton was stiU a prisoner, he was now in no danger from the faggot or the tomahawk ; when he re flected on the many dangers and hair-breadth escapes through which he had passed in such rapid succession, it looked to him like some terrible dream, which made his hair stand on end. He was taken prisoner about the 234 A SKETCH OF THE LIFE OF first of September, and arrived at Detroit about the begin ning of November. During thfe two months he was in possession of the Indians, his life was in perpetual and irarainent danger, and consequently his mind harassed with incessant suspense, and fluctuations between hope and fear ; no situation could be more appalling or dis tressing to the human heart. Notwithstanding the cor poreal abuses and privations which he had so repeatedly to experience, together with the anguish of mind, insep arable from his perUous situation as to life, his health was uninterrupted during his dangerous and severe trials. From the sufferings through which he passed, it is al most miraculous that he had not sunk in despair, or that the privations and exposures he was forced to undergo, had, not, brought on diseases which would put an end to his miserable existence ; but such was his confidence in the protection of an all-seeing eye, that he was buoyed up to bear the sufferings by which he was encompassed, with resignation. As soon as his mind was out of sus pense and at ease, his robust constitution and iron frame enabled his body to recruit in a few days, from the most trying exposures and privations, such as the want of sleep, subsistence, and the many and severe flagellations which he had so repeatedly to undergo during his painful captivity. The next day after Kenton had passed into the pos session of the British at Detroit, the commanding officer sent for him and had a long conference with him, on the subject of the strength and number of the inhabitants in the infant settlements of Kentucky. He next inquired of the, prisoner what he knew of the strength, and de signs of the; movements of. General Mcintosh, who, it was understood, was on the way, or preparing to invade the Indian country. To aU of which interrogatories, Kenton gave such answers as a patriot might be expected to give. He told the trath where the truth would not GENERAL SIMON KENTON. 235 injure his country ; evaded direct answers where the in formation might afford advantage to the eneray. After the British commander had interrogated him as long as he thought proper, he dismissed hira, and gave an order on a Captain McGregor, the commissary of clothing, for two suits of clothes, which were furnished forthwith. He was now permitted the liberty of the city of Detroit, but was charged not to leave the town ; if he did, the In dians, in all probability, would kUl hira. Here he did sorae work, and drew half rations frora the British, and lived pretty much at his ease ; but the town and suburbs of Detroit were too confined a range for a man like him, who thought the vaUey of the grand Ohio too small a theater for his active, enterprising genius. He was like the bird confined in a cage, always longing for more space, that he might take his flight east, west, north or south. Here he passed the winter of 1778 and '79. Early in the spring of 1779, the Indians brought to De troit several prisoners whom they had taken from Ken tucky. Amongst them were some of Kenton's old asso ciates. These prisoners had also the liberty of the town, and Kenton and they strolled about at pleasure. Among these prisoners were Captain Nathan BuUit and Jesse Coffer. With these two men Kenton began to meditate an escape. They had frequent conferences on the sub ject ; but the enterprise was almost too appalling for even these hardy, enterprising pioneers. If they should make this bold push, they would have to travel nearly four hundred mUes through the Indian . country, where they would be exposed to death by starvation, by flood, by the tomahawk, or to capture, almost at every step. But the longer they brooded over the enterprise the stronger their resolutions grew to make the attempt. They could make no movement to procure arms, ammunition, or pro vision, without exciting suspicion ; and should they be once suspected they would be immediately confined.' — 236 A SKETCH OF THE LIFE OF In this situation they could only brood over their wished flight in secret and in silence. Kenton was a fine look ing man, with a dignified and manly deportment, and a soft, pleasing voice, and was everywhere he went a fa vorite among the ladies. A Mrs. Harvey, the wife of an Indian trader, had treated him with particular respect ever since he came to Detroit, and he concluded if he could engage this lady as a confidant, by her assistance and countenance ways and means could be prepared to aid them in their meditated flight. Kenton approached Mrs. Harvey on this delicate and interesting subject, with as much trepidation and coyness as ever maiden was approached in a love affair. The great difficulty with Kenton was to get the subject opened with Mrs. Harvey. If she should reject his suit and betray his in tentions, all his fond hopes would be at once blasted. However, at length he concluded to trust this lady with the scheme of his meditated flight, and the part he wished her to act for him. He watched an opportunity to have a private interview with Mrs. Harvey ; an opportunity soon offered, and he, without disguise or hesitation, in full confi dence informed her of his intention, and requested her aid and secrecy. She appeared at first astonished at his propo sal, and observed that it was not in her power to afford him any aid, Kenton told her he did not expect or wish her to be at any expense on their account — that they had a little money for which they had labored, and that they wished her to be their agent to purchase such articles as would be necessary for them in their flight — that if they should go to purchasing it would create suspicion, but that she could aid them in this way without creating any suspicion ; and if she would be their friend, they had no doubt they could effect their escape. This appeal from such a fine looking man as Kenton, was irresistible. There was something pleasing in being the selected con fidant of such a man ; and the lady, though a littie coy at GENERAL SIMON KENTON. 237 first, surrendered at discretion. After a few chit chats, she entered into the views of Kenton with as much earnestness and enthusiasm as if she had been his sister. She began to collect and conceal such articles as might be necessary in the journey : powder, lead, mocasons, and dried beef were procured in small quantities, and concealed in a hollow tree some distance out of town. Guns were still wanting, and it would not do for a lady to trade in them. Mr. Harvey had an excellent fowling piece, if nothing better should offer, that she said should be at their service. They had now every thing that they expected to take with them in their flight ready, except guns. At length the third day of June, 1779, came, and a large concourse of Indians were in the town engaged in a drunken frolic ; they had stacked their guns near Mrs. Harvey's house ; as soon as it was dark, Mrs, Har vey went quietiy to where the Indians' guns were stack ed, and selected the three best looking rifles, carried them into her garden, and concealed them in a patch of peas. She next went privately to Kenton's lodging, and con veyed to him the intelligence where she had hid the In dians' guns, — She told him she would place a ladder at the back of the garden (it was picketed,) and that he could come in and get the guns. No time was to be lost ; Kenton conveyed the good news he had from Mrs. Harvey to his companions, who received the tidings in ecstacies of joy ; they felt as if they were already at home. It was a dark night ; Kenton, BuUit and Coffer gathered up their littie all and pushed to Mrs, Harvey's garden. There they found the ladder ; Kenton mounted over, drew the ladder over after him, went to the pea- patch, found Mrs. Harvey sitting by the guns ; she hand ed him the rifles, gave him a friendly shake of the hand and bid him a safe journey to his friends and country men. She appeared to Kenton and his comrades as an angel. When a woman engages to do an action, she 238 A SKETCH OF THE LIFE OP will risk limb, life, or character to serve those whom she respects or wishes to befriend. How differentiy the same action will be viewed by different persons : by Kenton and his friends her conduct was viewed as the benevo lent action of a good angel ; while if the part she played in behalf of Kenton and his companions had been known to the commander at Detroit, she would have been look ed upon as a traitress, who merited the scorn and con tempt of all honest citizens. This night was the last time that Kenton ever saw or heard of her. A few days before Kenton left Detroit, he had a con versation with an Indian trader, a Scotchman, by the name of McKinzie, who was well acquainted with the geography of the country, and range of the Indians, be tween the lakes and the Ohio and Mississippi. The Scotchman slyly observed to Kenton, that if he was go ing to Kentucky, and did not wish to meet with the In dians, he would steer more west than the common route, and get into Wabash prairies as soon as possible. Ken ton did not know what to think of the remarks of the Scotchman. He began to think that perhaps Mrs. Har vey had divulged his secret to this man, and that he was pumping Kenton ; or probably he wished to aid him, and this was offering friendly advice. As no more was said, he did not pretend to notice what the Scotchman said, but treasured the remarks in his mind. As soon as Kenton and companions took their leave of their friend and benafactress, Mrs. Harvey, they made their way to the littie store in the hollow tree, bundled up, and pushed for the wood, and steered a more west erly, than the direct course to Kentucky. They had no doubt but every effort would be made to retake them ; they were, consequentiy, very circumspect and cautious in leaving as few traces, by which they might be discov ered, as possible. They went on slowly, traveling most ly in the night, steering their course by tiie cluster, call- [Face 339] itentoB killing the Buck, GENERAL SIMON KENTON. 239 ed the seven stars, till they reached the prairie country, on the Wabash. In this time, though they had been very sparing of their stock of provision, it was now ex hausted, and their lives depended on their guns. In these large prairies there was but little game, and they were days without provision. They, like the Hebrews of old, began to wish themselves again with the flesh pots at Detroit. One day as they were passing down the Wabash, they were just emerging out of a thicket of brush-wood, when an Indian encampment suddenly pre sented itself to their view, and not more than one hun dred and fifty or two hundred yards frora them. No ghastly visit could have set their hair on end sooner. They immediately dodged back into the thicket, and con cealed themselves tiU night. They were now almost ex hausted with fatigue and hunger — they could only travel a few miles in a day. They lay stUl in the thicket, con sulting with each other the most proper measures to pur sue in this their precarious situation. BuUit and Coffer thought the best plan to save their lives, would be volun tarily to surrender themselves to the Indians. The In dians who had taken them had not treated them so rough ly as Kenton had been handled. Kenton wished to lay still till night, and make as littie sign as possible, and as soon as it was dark they would push ahead, and trust the event to Providence. After considerable debate, Ken ton's plan was adopted. As soon as it was dark they made their way farther from the river, into those large prairies. They kept a slow and painful jog till morning. In the morning they made for a piece of timber land, which was not a great distance frora them, Kenton was a small distance in advance. As they entered the wood a fine red buck presented itself close to him. Kenton took deliberate aim — ^his rifle fired clear, and down fell the buck. They immediately made a fire and went to cooking ; and never did food eat more delicious. How 240 A SKETCH OF THE LIFE OF littie do the men of the present age, who live sumptuous ly every day, sympathize with the sufferings of the war worn, weather-beaten pioneers, who braved death and misery in every form which can be imagined — want, fa tigue, starvation, exposure in the night, exposure to the heat and the cold ; added to these, the exposure to the wUy Indian by day and by night. All these difficulties and privations were cheerfully met by a set of men who thought but little of wealth, their whole object appeared to be either prompted by patriotism or love of danger. The sinall remnant of these weather-beaten woodsmen, who are still amongst us, are generally poor, and treated with neglect by their more polished and fortunate suc cessors. Notwithstanding that Kenton and his party were now in the neighborhood of an Indian encampment, they remained at their fire till they roasted the greatest part of their buck. After their feast was over, they again took up their slow, weary, and toilsome march. They made the best of their way to the falls of the Ohio, and arrived there after a painful and tedious march of thirty- three days, frora the time they left Detroit. Here Ken ton remained a few days with his old companions. This was in the month of July, 1779. It required only a fSw days of plentiful living, when his mind was free from sus pense, to recruit both his body and raind. The account of the captivity and release of our hero is now related. It might naturally be expected that after his narrow and providential escapes, severe trials, and his long and pain ful march for freedom, and to again enjoy the pleasure of the company of his countryraen, that he would take some repose ; but not so : danger and fame were the food which afforded him most enjoyment. The many dan gers, trials, and hair-breadth escapes, through which he had passed, only whetted his appetite to engage in more perils. As soon as his health and strength were recruit ed he began to cast his active mind about for further ad- GENERAL SIMON KENTON. 241 venture. The indolence of a stationary life became irk some to our bold adventurer. It was in the clangor of arms, and in the din of battle, that he appeared at home. It will be recollected that in the spring of the prece ding year, 1778, he went with Gen. Clark to the Mis sissippi, and aided in capturing Ocho, or Kaska,skia ; that ' Gen. Clark sent him with dispatches to Kentucky ; that on his way he had reconnoitered Post Vincent, and sent one of his comrades back to inform Gen. Clark of the weak situation, and careless manner in which Post Vin cent was guarded by the enemy. As soon as Kenton's messenger arrived at Kaskaskia with this intelligence. Gen, Clark moved a detachment from Illinois, across the grand prairie, and took Post Vincent by surprise, as cheap as he had before taken the Ocho station. Gen. Clark StiU remained at Post Vincent in 1779, when Ken ton had made his escape from captivity. After loitering about the falls of Ohio some time, he concluded he would now push for Vincennes, and join his old companion in arms, Gen. Clark. There was then neither settlement nor house between the falls of Ohio and Vincennes ; but that did not deter, it rather invited him to the enterprise. Our wandering hero went to Vincennes without meeting any adventure worth relating. As there was no prospect of immediate skirmishes or batties on the Wabash, the times appeared too dull for him to remain long in " in glorious ease." He shouldered his rifle, came back to the falls of Ohio, and then to Harrod's station, on the Kentucky river. The winter, 1779-80, passed off with out any particular occurrence to our hero worth notice. * * * I will now notice occurrences which took place in Kentucky in 1779, whUe Kenton was in captiv ity. During this year a number of new settiements were formed. Some settlements were made on Bear Grass, near the falls of the Ohio. Bashear's and Martin's sta- 242 A SKETCH OF THE LIFE OF tions were settled. McLelland's, Riddle's, and Hink- ston's stations were again occupied ; and every prospect appeared favorable for the speedy fiUing up of the coun try with inhabitants. How deceitful are appearances in times of war ! What short sighted beings we are ! We cannot know what a day may bring forth ! Although in the summer and fall of 1779, every thing appeared favorable to the views of the inhabitants of the infant settlement of Kentucky, the spring of 1780 ushered forth in melancholy forebodings of the future. The Kentuckians were then isolated in the wUderness, some hundred of miles from where any friendly aid could be procured to relieve in their distress. Under these circumstances they had to rely principally upon their own energies for defence. At this time a large British and Indian force invaded Kentucky. The enemy were well equipped for war, having with them several pieces of artiUery from Detroit. They brought their artillery and munitions of war, by water from De troit, up the Maumee, and thence by land to Big Miami ; down the Miami to the Ohio ; up the Ohio to the mouth of Licking, and up Licking to the forks. From thence they proceeded by land; and simultaneously invested Martin's and Riddle's stations. As these stations had only for defence log block-houses and pickets, resistance against artillery would be a useless risk and waste of life, the inhabitants capitulated, and surrendered themselves prisoners of war. When this dissjster took place, Ken ton was at Harrod's station. The news soon spread from station to station. Kenton was ever on the alert ; went in company with Charles Gatiffs, and cautiously follow ed the Indian traU, to ascertain the direction which the enemy had taken, and their probable future movements. They found the enemy encamped at the forks of Licking river. Here they hovered about them for a day or two, when the Indians broke up the camp, and proceeded down GENERAL SIMON KENTON. 243 the river to the Ohio. What urged them to move off without delay, was, the Licking river was faUing very fast, and should they delay much longer they would not be able to take their artillery by water ; and if they should be pursued and beaten they would lose the effect of their successful enterprise. As soon as the Indians commenc ed their retrograde movements from the forks of Licking, Kenton returned to Harrod's station. As soon as Gen. Clark, who was stUl at Post Vincent, heard of the disas ter which had taken place in Kentucky, he returned to the falls of the Ohio, with aU the force that could be safe ly spared ; thence he proceeded to Harrod's station, to consult on ways and means to be revenged on their ene mies. An expedition being determined on against the enemy, all who were able to bear arms were called upon. The mouth of Licking was appointed the place of gene ral rendezvous. Kenton was appointed a captain, and commanded an active and numerous company of volun teers from Harrod's station. At the mouth of Licking river, was now concentrated Kentucky's united strength, amounting to about eleven hundred men, commanded by Gen. Clark, a man of intrepidity and talents ; who was seconded and aided by numerous spirits, no way inferior to himself. They had with them one brass twelve pounder, which the state of Virginia had sent to the faUs of Ohio. The provisions furnished at the expense of the public, was three quarts of corn to the man. In ad dition to this, each man brought with him as much dry jirk as he could conveniently carry. Thus scantUy sup plied, this intrepid band commenced their march. The object of this grand expedition, was the destruction of the ChiUicothe town, on the Littie Miami. Although Kenton was now a captain of a company, as he had been several times at Chillicothe town, he was selected as the pilot to direct their march. This army went through the unbroken wUderness, with Kenton for their guide ; made 244 A SKETCH OF THE LIFE OF their own roads, and moved rapidly for the Indian towns, in order to take them by surprise if possible, and not to afford the eneray time to concentrate all their force at any one point. When the army arrived at the ChiUicothe town, the Indians had just left the place, and set the town on fire. The Indians had retreated to the Pickaway town, and were collecting their force as fast as possible to give the whites battle. Gen. Clark commenced an immediate pursuit. When he arrived at the Pickaway town, he found the Indians embodied and prepared for defence. Gen. Clark immediately made the necessary arrangements, and the battle commenced. The Indians fought like furies, but being overpowered by numbers, were compelled to leave the field of battle, with their d^ad and wounded to the whites. The whites destroyed sev eral of their towns without meeting any further resist ance. A vast quantity of com and other vegetables were consumed, and otherwise destroyed. This was a severe blow on the Indians. It was the first visit the Kentuck ians had paid the Indians in mass. The northwestern Indians were as brave and full of prowess, and skilled in stratagem, as any men that ever lived. The Kentuckians were only their equals. Gen. Clark remained at Pickaway toWn three days, destroying every thing that could be found which might render either aid or comfort to the Indians. In this work of destruction, Kenton's knowledge of the situation of this part of the Indian country was of immense service. Let it be recollected, that while he was a prisoner, he rode with Girty to nearly all the Indian towns on the Miamies and head of the Scioto. The army returned to the Ohio opposite to the moutli of Licking, now the city of Cincinnati, and there disbanded, and every man re turned to his home, without the formality of a written discharge. There was no muster-roll. No pay receiv ed or expected. Every man fought for himself. This GENERAL SIMON KENTON. 245 was a real democratic army, where every man went when he pleased, staid as long as he pleased, and returned when he pleased ; but wo to the man who dodged in time of danger. From the mouth of Licking, Kenton returned to Boon's station, and went occasionally to Logan's and Harrod's, sometimes acting as a spy or ranger, and sometimes on hunting excursions, and sometimes attending with loca- ters and surveyors to land business. In this way he passed off his time till the fall of the year 1783. During all this time his days and nights were passed in tedious sameness, without being once enlivened by the thrilling animation of an Indian fight. Such is the force of habit, that the dull pursuits of civil life soon become irksome to the soldier. About this time he first heard from his parents. His parents or friends could not hear from him, as he had changed his name, and till now had been known by the name of Simon Butler. He now for the first time learn ed that he had not killed Veach ! that Veach had recover ed and was still living. He now for the first time since he came to Kentucky assumed his proper name. In the fall of the year 1782, the Kentuckians deter mined on paying the Indians another visit, and endeavor to overwhelm them in destruction their troublesome neighbors. For this purpose, George R, Clark was again appointed, by general consent, commander of their forces. When we take a retrospect of the intrepidity and fortitude of those pioneer fathers of the west, we are almost lost in astonishment at the daring achievements, and the discouraging difficulties which they so nobly overcame. When we see them coUecting and forming themselves into armies, traversing large tracts of country without roads ; no friendly garrison to retreat to in case of disaster ; with no other subsistence but what every man furnished himself with; where every man found 18 246 A SKETCH OF THE LIFE OF his own arms, ammunition, tents, and baggage, without any of the equipments which constitute the strength of armies, we are lost in wonder at the fortitude and resolu tion of those men, that did not quail or fall into despair at the appalling dangers and difficulties by which they were encompassed. (1782.) The mouth of Licking was again appointed the place of rendezvous. On this expedition Kenton again commanded a company, and was looked upon by both officers and privates as one of the pillars of their force. His knowledge of the country intended to be in vaded, his cautious yet fearless courage, his tact and in vention for forming stratagem, for ambuscading the ene my, rendered him popular with these pioneers. These hardy soldiers would hesitate to obey or execute any plan or order, which did not meet the approbation of Simon Kenton. The troops having arrived on the ground where Cincinnati now stands, they immediately prepared for an expeditious march. Their number was about fifteen hundred men. They directed their march for the Indian towns on the Great Miami. So sudden and secret was the expedition, that they fell upon the first Indian town without being discovered previous to the attack. In this town a large number of Indians were killed, and between thirty and forty made prisoners. The alarm being given, the Indians deserted their other villages and fled to the woods. The whites without further resistance, burnt their towns, destroyed their corn, with every other thing that fell in their way, that could render the Indians aid or comfort. The army then returned to the Ohio, oppo site the mouth of Licking, where they disbanded. On the morning that the troops disbanded theraselves. Col. Floyd, from the falls of the Ohio, made a proposition to the army : that all of them who should be living fifty years hence, should meet at that place, and talk over the affairs of the campaign, and of the various improvements GENERAL SIMON KENTON. 247 which might by that time take place in the country. This resolution was adopted with shouts of acclamation. There was something grand and sublime in the proposal ; and Col. Floyd must have had correct notions of the probable population which might by that time be in quiet, peaceable possession of this, then, western wilderness. He must have observed, too, the probabUity of a large city growing up at, or opposite the mouth of Licking, and the many advantages that this site possessed, from its contiguity to several rivers, together with the fine coun try by which it was surrounded. The revolutionary war was about this time ended ; the colonies were acknowl edged sovereign, independent states, and the prospects of a happy and long peace, was, as they beUeved, dawning upon them. The Indians were the only enemies with whom they had to contend ; and as they had, unaided kept them in check, they hoped now, that as their breth ren of the Atlantic states were relieved from the horrors of war, that they might count upon receiving a helping hand from their fellow citizens east of the mountains. They had some doleful feelings, too, about the small remnant of them who should probably be alive when the fifty years should expire. Although the settiements of Kentucky went on rapidly, they continued to be harass ed by Indian wars much longer than was anticipated by any. Col. Floyd, who brought forward the resolution for the fifty years' meeting, was kiUed by the Indians on Bear Grass, near the falls of the Ohio, a few years after wards. As the fifty years would expire on or about the 10th day of November, 1832, intense were the feelings of the few remaining of those hardy men, as the time of the meeting approached. When the fifty years were about expiring, alraost all the western newspapers gave notice of the expected meeting. It would have been a scene which men indeed would gaze and wonder at with awe and astonishment. To see and converse with the 248 A SKETCH OF THE LIFE OF weather-beaten pioneers who had marched in the front of war fifty years before, would have excited sensations that the pen is unable to describe. The imagination can only picture to itself some pleasant, gloomy, scene, in which the ghosts of some long-gone-by generation were called upon to act a part, in the presence of living men. At the time of the proposed fifty years' meeting, a goodly num ber of those ancient heroes were still remaining upon the stage of action. Amongst others, Simon Kenton. He was as anxious for the meeting as ever a bridegroom was for the wedding night. It was his day and night dream. The ways of Providence are inscratable. When the 10th of November, 1833, came, Cinninnati and the whole surrounding country was covered in gloom. The dread ed cholera had made its appearance, and thousands wer( falling before its awful and pestilential strides. This aw ful visitation postponed the fifty-years' meeting forever. To return to the narrative : When the army was dis banded, Kenton returned to Harrod's station, and attend ed to his private concerns. He had by this time acquirei some valuable tracts of land, and as the country was rap idly filling up with inhabitants, he concluded that he too would make a settiement. For this purpose, he selected a fertUe spot of land on Salt river. During the winter and spring of 1783 and '83, a few families joined him, reared up some block-houses, surrounded with pickets for defence, cleared some land, and planted corn. The woods furnished them with an abundant supply of meat, and he went on for the present, improving his estate, without interruption from the Indians. After having laid by his corn, he concluded to visit his father, mother, brothers, and sisters, who still remained in his native land, Vir ginia. He had now been absent nearly thirteen years, the greater part of which time was passed in perils, pri vations, and sufferings, almost too great for human nature GENERAL SIMON KENTON. 249 to survive ; but his iron frame, and unyielding disposi tion, bore him through his difficulties in triumph. When he returned to the home of his 'childhood, he had the exquisite satisfaction to find his father and all his family living. This meeting had something in it like the meeting of the old patriarch Jacob with his son Joseph, except that Kenton showed himself the most dutiful and filial son of the two, as he went, whilst Joseph sent for his father's family. Kenton now associated with the friends of his childhood. This was to him a real mental feast, as his soul was a storehouse of friendship and sym pathy. Those whom he had left children thirteen years before, were now the active business men and women of the country. As he passed through the country, some hill or hoUow, some tree or rivulet, would recall to his mind some fun or freakish event of his childhood or youth. He visited his old friend Veach, whom he thought he had kiUed. They mutually forgave each other, and buried the tomahawk, and smoked the pipe of peace. Simon Kenton described to his father and famUy, the fertility and the advantages of the new country of Ken tucky, in such glowing colors, that the whole family agreed to accompany him to Kentucky. The whole tribe set off; their baggage was placed on a few pack- horses, and moved to Redstone fort (now Brownsville). Here they made what was called a Kentucky boat. While engaged in constructing their boat, his father sickened and died, and was buried on the bank of the Monongahela. No stone or marble points to the place where lie the bones of the father of the celebrated Simon Kenton. Their boat was soon finished ; and men, women and children, together with the little stock of animals, were crowded on board, and they floated down the stream to the faUs ofthe Ohio. By this time winter was setting in. From the falls they made their way to Kenton's station, on Salt river, where they found themselves at the end of their 250 A SKETCH OF THE LIFE OF wearisome journey. Here Kenton remained till July, 1784. Nothing took place worth noticing. Peace ap peared to bless the country, and immigrants came pouring in. Frora the falls ofthe Ohio up Bear Grass, on Salt river, on Kentucky river up to Boon's and Logan's stations, on Elkhorn, and through the country, as far as the neighbor hood of where Paris now stands, was checkered with stations. It will be recollected by the reader, that Kenton and Thomas WiUiams had cleared and planted a small piece of ground near Maysville, in 1777, and from this place they went and joined Col. Boon and his friends on the Kentucky river. In July, 1784, Kenton once more col lected a party of adventurers, and went to his old camp near Limestone, now MaysviUe. The Indians were then spread over that part of the country. Kenton and his party thought it too dangerous to remain here, and they returned again to his station on Salt river. In the fall of this year, 1784, he returned to his old camp near Lime stone ; built some block-houses ; and, in the course of the winter 1784-5, many famUies joined them. This station was erected about three miles from Limestone, and one mile from where Washington, in Mason county, now stands. This was the first permanent settlement made on the northeast side of Licking river. As the Indians made no disturbance this winter, many new settiements were commenced in Mason county, in the following spring. Limestone, now Maysville, was settied by old Ned Waller. Lee's, Warren's, and Clark's stations were made; and new comers were constantly pouring in. During the whole of the year 1785, no interruption was given by the Indians to this infant settlement. The chas tisement given them on the late expedition by General Clark, had in sorae measure broken their spirits. 1786. The country round Kenton's station continued to receive a throng of emigrants : numerous new stations GENERAL SIMON KENTON, 251 were made, and Limestone (Maysville) became one of the principal landing places. This year Kenton sold, or rather gave, Arthur Fox and WUliam Wood, one thou sand acres of land, on which they laid out the present town of Washington, which town soon received a great number of inhabitants. Although the Indians stole, occa sionally, some horses from this infant settlement, yet they did nothing serious enough to check the growth of the country. As it was supposed that they were the Indians from Mochacheek and Pickaway, who had been stealing their horses, an expedition was resolved upon to chastise them. The inhabitants from all the stations sent on a good many men, and the new town of Washington was appointed the place of rendezvous. Col. Logan had the chief com mand. The detachment consisted of about 700 men, armed and equipped at their own expense, as usual. They crossed the Ohio at Limestone. Kenton com manded a fine company, and was the pilot to direct their march. So secret and expeditious were their move ments, that they arrived at the Indian towns without be ing discovered. These towns were about a mile from each other. The whites were divided into two columns, and attacked both towns about tiie same time. A num ber of Indians were killed, and a number of prisoners made. Their wigwams and other property were des troyed. As some of the Indians escaped, the alarm was given to the other towns, and the Indians made for the woods. This littie army marched through the Indian country without further resistance ; they burnt four other towns, destroyed their corn and every thing which might render the Indians aid or comfort. On this expedition, which had done the enemy a great deal of harm, they lost about ten men. 1787. This year the Indians kept the inhabitants around Kenton's station in perpetual alarm, with their 252 A SKETCH OF THE LIFE OF predatory incursions ; sometimes stealing horses, at other times kUling some ofthe inhabitants. As Kenton's settle ment was a kind of outpost for the settlements around Pa ris and Lexington, the people of the latter settlements al ways lent them a helping hand. Kenton sent word to Col. Tod, that if he would come on with as many men as he could bring with hira, that he, Kenton, would raise what men he could, and that with their joint force, they could destroy the Indian town on the north fork of Paint creek, now Oldtown, then ChiUicothe. This detachment ren dezvoused in Washington. Col. Tod commanded. They crossed the Ohio at Limestone. Kenton, as usual, com manded a company, and piloted the expedition to the Chillicothe town. On their route out, about five miles south of Oldtown, on a place now called poplar-ridge, the advance guard, commanded by Kenton, met four Indians. Kenton and one Helm fired, and killed two of the Indians. The other two were taken prisoners. Had either of those Indians escaped, the Indians in the town and coun try would have been alarmed and fled. Kenton was now surrounded by a set of young men of his own training, and fearful was the doom of enemies of equal numbers who came in their way. From the two prisoners they had taken, they learnt that there was a large Indian en campment between them and old Chillicothe, about three miles from the latter place. On this intelligence the army was halted on poplar-ridge, and Kenton and his company went forward, to reconnoiter the situation of the enemy. Kenton proceeded near the Indian camp, lay by tUl night, and then with a few men reconnoitered the place, and made himself acquainted with the situation of the enemy. He then sent an express to Col, Tod, in forming hira of their probable number and situation. Be fore day Maj, Hinkston came on and joined Kenton. Prompt measures were immediately taken. The Indian camp was surrounded. The whites were too impatient GENERAL SIMON KENTON. 253 for delay ; the attack was made before it was light enough. Two Indians only were killed, and seven made prisoners. Many in the darkness made their escape. Col. Tod, with the main body of the troops, lingered behind, and did not reach the place where the Indians were defeated, till the sun was at least two hours high in the morning. The Indians who escaped from camp, alarmed the town. Their men, women, and children, took naked to the woods, and by the time Col. Tod reached the town, they had all fled. The town was consumed to ashes, and ev ery thing around was destroyed. The army camped on the north fork of Paint creek that night, and next day made their way for home, without the loss of a man kill ed or wounded. 1788. The settlements continued to increase around Kenton's station, although the Indians continued to ha rass them. The scouting parties of the whites occasion ally fell in with straggUng parties of Indians, and fre quent skirmishes ensued during the year. On one occa sion the Indians came near Kenton's station, and stole a great number of horses. Kenton raised a party aud pur sued them. The Indians crossed the Ohio near the mouth of Locust. Kenton and his party pursued them with unerring tact, and the speed of a well trained pack of hounds. They overtook the Indians as they were preparing to camp for the night. As Kenton and party lay concealed some small distance from the camp, one of the Indians straggled to where tiie whites were concealed. The Indian was shot. The whites rushed upon the In dian camp, but a gun bejng fired, the Indians got alarmed, and took to the woods ; and it being the dusk, or twUight of the evening, the rest of the Indians made their escape Kenton recovered all the horses, and some of their guns, and all their camp equipage, and returned in triumph home. During the years 1789, '90, and '91, Kenton was not 254 A SKETCH OF THE LIFE OF engaged in any particular scrape worth detailing. He now became rich in land, and stock of every kind ; rear ed up near Washington, a fine brick buUding, upon the site where his block-house had formerly stood in times of peril. His hospitable mansion was the welcome re treat of his friends and relatives. His hospitality was as boundless as space — ^his manners easy and pleasing. All his visitors (and they were numerous) felt themselves perfectly at home at his friendly dwelling. In the year 1789, the writer of these sketches first became acquaint ed with Kenton ; and although young, was with him on many excursions after Indians. Notwithstanding the many difficulties and dangers which the early settlers had to encounter, they, in the general, were as happy and merry people as ever lived. Their times of security and plenty (they sometimes enjoyed both) was a real feast of body and mind. 1793. In the spring of this year the Indians were very troublesome, occasionally kUling some of the inhab itants, and stealing their horses. In April a party of In dians crossed the Ohio some distance below Limestone, and took off a number of horses. The alarm was given, and Kenton raised a party of thirty-seven men, who im mediately went in pursuit. These were all young men of intrepidity, of his own training, bold, dextrous, and cautious. The Indians took the direction towards the head of the Little Miami. Kenton pursued ; and when near the east fork of the Littie Miami, sUentiy pursuing the Indian trail, he heard a bell at a distance. He imme diately stopped his party, and as was his custom, he went in person to reconnoiter. He took with him three others. Among those he selected, was Cornelius Wash burn, a young man whose nerves and pulse were as steady and regular while taking aim at an Indian, as when he was practicing with his rifle at a target. He had been with Kenton on several expeditions, and always GENERAL SIMON KENTON. 255 distinguished himself as a bold soldier. Kenton and his companions went cautiously forward towards the bell. After they had gone some distance, they saw an Indian riding, nearing toward them. (The Indian was hunting with his bell open, as deer are not alarmed at the sound of a bell ; on the contrary, they stand and gaze at the horse on which the bell hangs.) As soon as Kenton saw the Indian approaching, he concealed his little party, till the Indian came as near them as the direction he was traveling would admit. He selected Washburn to shoot the Indian. When he came into an open space in the wood, Kenton called, or made a noise. The Indian, as was expected, stopped to listen. The moment the In dian stopped his horse, Cornelius Washburn drew his bead upon hira — drew his hair trigger — the rifle fired clear, and down fell the Indian. Kenton then returned to his main party, and a consultation was held on the subject of their future operations. They were satisfied this Indian was not alone in the woods — that his com rades were not far distant. As they were satisfied they were in the neighborhood of the enemy, circumspection in their movements was indispensable. They were stiU on the trail of the Indians who had stolen the horses. Cornelius Washburn, with another choice and confiden tial spirit, moved on the trail some distance in advance. They had not traveled far before Washburn was seen re turning hastily to meet the party. • He gave Kenton in telligence that about a mile ahead, he had heard a vast number of bells, and that he was convinced the bells were near the Indian camp, as they appeared to be scat tered as if the horses were feeding in different directions. A council was iramediately held, to make arrangements for the coming Combat. It was now late in the evening and drizzling rain. Kenton, after placing his detachment in a proper situation to defend themselves should they be attacked, took Cornelius Washburn, and went to ascer- 256 A SKETCH OF THE LIFE OP tain by personal observation the situation of the enemy. About the dusk of the evening he came in view of the Indian encampment. With the stealthy and watchful tread of the cat, he approached as near their camp as pru dence would dictate. The Indians were camped on the bank of the east fork of the Little Miami, about five miles above where Williamsburg now stands. They had a number of tents and marquees, which it is probable they had taken at St. Clair's defeat. The number of Indians he could not ascertain ; but he had no doubt there was three or four times the number there was of whites. Kenton returned and reported to his comrades their situ ation, and probable number; and after consultation, it was determined to trust to fortune and attack them bold ly. Kenton moved on his party near to the enemies' camp, and then divided them into parties of four men each, and each party was to attack a separate tent or marquee. He chose midnight for the attack, lest he might have to retreat, and in that case he wished a good part of the night to get the start, as they could not be pursued in the dark. As soon as his arrangements were made, they moved cautiously forward to the unequal con test. So cautious and noiseless was their approach, that every party was within five or six paces of the line of tents, without being discovered. They rushed upon the Indian tents with tremendous yells, and each fired his rifle against an Indian as they slept. The Indians who were uninjured, broke through the backs of the tents. Kenton's party were so small that not near half the tents were fired into. At the first fire nearly all the Indians who had left the tents, seeing the small number of the whites, boldly raUied, returned to the tents that were not attacked, gathered up their arms, and returned the fire. There was on a lower bottom, a second line of tents, which Kenton had not discovered when he reconnoitered the camp. The Indians from this low ground ran up the GENERAL SIMON KENTON. 257 bank to the aid of their corarades. Kenton perceived this movement, and seeing the Indians attempting to sur round hira, ordered a retreat. The whole skirmish lasted but a few minutes. Just as the retreat was com menced, John Barr (the father of Maj. William Barr, of Cincinnati, and John T. Barr, of New York) was kiUed, and Alexander Mclntire was taken prisoner, and the next day killed. The residue of Kenton's littie band arrived in safety at home. From information received from a Mr. Riddle, a white man, who lived with the Indians, their numbers were two hundred ; some of whom were women. There were about thirty of them killed, and a number wounded. This is very probable, from the ad vantage the whites had in the attack, and while the fight lasted. The celebrated Tecumseh commanded the In dians. His caution and fearless intrepidity made hira a host wherever he went. In mUitary tactics, night at tacks are not allowable, except in cases like this, where the assailing party are far inferior in numbers. Some times in night attacks, panics and confusion are created in the attacked party which may render them a prey to inferior numbers. Kenton trusted to something like this on the present occasion, but was disappointed ; for where Tecumseh was present, his influence over the minds of his followers, infused that confidence in his tact and in trepidity, that they could only be defeated by force of numbers, 1793, As Mason county was fiUing up with inhabi tants very rapidly, they felt theraselves strong in number.'?. They kept spies constantiy ranging the country, and if the Indians crossed the Ohio, they had to do it very slyly, or they would be discovered by these ever watchful spies, Kenton had, this season, made an arrangement with a Col, Enoch Smith, of Strode's station, that should the Indians show themselves in his (Smith's) neighbor hood, that Kenton, with his select corps, would endeavor 258 A SKETCH OF THE LIFE OF to head the Indians about the Ohio, A party of Indians had crossed the Ohio about the raouth of the Scioto, went back, attacked and took Morgan's station. Col. Smith, pursuant to the arrangement, sent an express to Kenton, informing him of the disaster ¦which had befallen Mor gan's station, and the course the Indians had taken. Ken ton iramediately raised a party of about thirty men, cross ed the Ohio at Limestone, and moved rapidly through the woods to endeavor to head the Indians about the mouth of Paint creek, on the Scioto. When he came to Paint creek, at the place now known as Reeve's cross ing, he came on a fresh trail of Indians going down the creek. It was then late in the evening. He pursued the trail till nearly dark : Kenton then left his party, and took Michael Cassady, and went forward to make obser vations. They had not proceeded far before they heard bells. They cautiously went forward to reconnoiter. They found the Indians encamped on the bank of Paint creek. They had three fires ; some of them were sing ing and making other merry noises, showing that they felt in perfect security. Kenton and Cassady returned to their party, and it was concluded to lay still til! day light, and then surround and attack the Indians. Kenton's party were all on horseback. They tied their horses, and laid StUl tUl nearly day, when they moved on for the In dian camp. When they got near the camp, a halt was made, and they divided into three divisions : Captain Baker, with one division, was directed to proceed to the creek above the camp ; Cassady, with another division, was ordered to make to the creek below the camp ; and Kenton, with the remaining division, was to attack the camp in front. Strict orders were given that no attack was to be made till it was light enough to draw a clear bead. The divisions took their several stations promptiy. Daylight began to appear — the Indians had risen, and some were standing or sitting about their fires. Cap- GENERAL SIMON KENTON. 359 tain Baker, seeing the Indians, soon became impatient to commence the action ; and before it was light enough to draw a clear sight, he made the attapk. All the divisions then rushed upon the Indian camp and fired. The Indi ans dashed through the creek, and scattered through the woods, like a flock of young partridges. Three Indians, only, and a white man by the name of Ward, were kUl ed. Ward was taken prisoner by the Indians when young, and in every respect was an Indian. This Ward had two brothers, James and Charles, who were near neighbors to Kenton, and who were respectable men. Kenton's party lost one man in this rencounter, a Mr. Jo seph Jones. The party now returned home without any further adventure. In the course of this summer, the spies who had been down the Ohio below Limestone, discovered where a party of about twenty Indians had crossed the Ohio, and sunk their canoes in the mouth of Holt's creek. The sink ing of their canoes, and concealing them, was evidence of the intention of the Indians to recross the Ohio at the same place. When Kenton received this intelligence he despatched a messenger to Bourbon county, to apprise them that Indians had crossed the Ohio, and had taken that direction ; whilst he forthwith collected a small party of choice spirits, whom he could depend upon in cases of emergency. Among them was Cornelius 'VVashburn, a man who had the cunning of the fox for ambuscading, and the boldness of the lion for executing. With this party, Kenton crossed the Ohio at Limestone, and pro ceeded down to opposite the mouth of Holt's creek, where the Indian canoes lay concealed. Here his party lay concealed four days, before they heard or saw any thing ofthe Indians. On the fourth day of their ambus cade, they discovered three Indians come down the bank, and drive six horses into the river. The horses swam over. The Indians then raised one of the canoes 260 A SKETCH OF THE LIFE OF they had sunk, and crossed over. When the Indians carae near the shore, Kenton discovered that of the three men in the canoe, one was a white man. As he thought the white man was probably a prisoner, he ordered his men to fire alone at the Indians, and save the white man. His men fired : the two Indans fell. The headway which the canoe had, run her on the shore. The white man in the canoe, picked up his gun, and as Kenton ran down to the water's edge to receive the man, he snapped his gun at the whites. Kenton then ordered his men to kill hira. He was immediately shot. About three or four hours afterwards, on the same day, two more Indians and another white man came to the river, and drove in five horses. The horses swam over ; and the Indians raised another of their sunk canoes, and followed the horses across the Ohio. As soon as the canoe touched the shore with the Indians, Kenton's party fired upon them, and kUled them all. The white man who was with this party of Indians, had his ears cut, his nose bored, and had all the marks which distinguish the Indians. Kenton and his men still kept up their ambuscade, knowing there were still more Indians, and one canoe yet behind. Some time in the night, the main body of the Indians came to the place where their canoes were sunk, and hooted like owls ; but not receiving any answer, they began to think all was not right. The Indians were as vigilant as wea sels. The two parties who had been kUled, the main body expected to find camped on the other side of the Ohio ; and as no answer was given to their hooting like pwls, which hooting was doubtless the agreed upon countersign, one of the Indians must have swam the river, to reconnoiter, or discover what had become of heir friends. The Indian, who had swam the river, must have discovered the ambuscade. He went up on a high hUl, or knob, which was immediately in Kenton's rear, and gave three long and loud yells ; after which he in- GENERAL SIMON KENTON. 261 formed his friends that they must immediately make their escape, as there were a party of whites waylaying them. Kenton had several men who understood the Indian lan guage. Not many minutes after the Indian on the hill had warned his companions of their danger, the Bourbon militia came up. It being dark, the Indians broke and run, leaving about thirty horses, which they had stolen from about Bourbon. The next morning some attempts were made to pursue the Indians, but they had straggled and scattered off in such small parties, that the pursuit was abandoned, and Kenton and his party returned home, without this affair making any more noise or eclat, than would have taken place on the return of a party from a common hunting tour. Although Kenton and his party did not succeed as well as they could wish, or was ex pected by their friends, yet the Indians were completely foiled and defeated in their object, six of them were kUl ed, and all the horses they had stolen were retaken, and the reraainder of the Indians scattered, to return home in small squads. This was the last inroad the Indians made in Kentucky ; from henceforward they lived free from alarms. This same season, 1793, Gen. Wayne came down the Ohio with the regular army, and was camped on a piece of ground just below Cincinnati, called Hobson's choice. Gen. Wayne made a requisition for men on Kentucky, which was promptly afforded. Gen. Scott comraanded the Kentucky troops. Of these Kenton was a major, and placed at the head of a battalion of as choice spirits as ever settled on the frontier. Wayne, with his army, went on, and buUt Fort Greenville. By this time the season was too far advanced, and Gen. Wayne concluded to suspend his principal operations for the present. He sent a detachment, and erected Fort Recovery, on the ground where Gen, St, Clair had been defeated. While Fort Recovery was building, Gen, Wayne permitted 19 263 A SKETCH OF THE EIFE OF Kenton of the Kentucky troops, and Maj. McMahan of the regulars, to take an excursion towards the lakes. This Maj. McMahan was one of the first settlers about the Mingo bottom, on the Ohio, above Wheeling, He was about the same age and experience with Kenton. McMahan and Samuel Brady were the admitted chiefs among the frontier men, from Wheeling to Beaver creek. When among the pioneers, McMahan was sure to be obeyed, let who would hold the commission. Kenton and McMahan were both now with Gen. Wayne, and both were majors. These men, though the bravest of the brave, knew nothing about the slow, cautious move ments of armies, whose intention was to maintain the conquest they might make. They bitterly complained of Gen. Wayne's dilatory movements ; declared they might flog the Indians much easier, and with less labor, than build forts. Gen. Wayne apprised of their discon tent, concluded that he would permit these two distin guished and celebrated majors, to have a detachment of about three hundred men, and let them push forward till they would find a fight. Kenton's and McMahan's de tachment consisted of 150 men each — 150 regulars, and 150 volunteers. This detachment went on till they were near the mouth of the Auglaize, near Fort Defiance, where they began to find Indian signs plenty. Though McMahan was equally brave, KentOn was far the most cautious and discreet soldier. The scouting parties from this detachment, found numerous large trails of Indians, coming from different directions, and appearing to center not far from them. Kenton did not like the signs about him, and thought it would be most prudent to retire. McMahan, who was very brave, and very obstinate in his opinion, said he could not think of retiring without fighting. Kenton told hira that he thought it very im prudent and very hazardous to go farther ; but if it were determined to have a fight at all hazards, that he would GENERAL SIMON KENTON. 263 join him ; that all should be done that men could do ; that if a rapid retreat became necessary, he (Kenton) and his men were mounted, and consequently would have some advantage in a rapid retreat. Nothing was con cluded that night. Next morning before day, McMahan went to Kenton, and said, that after weighing all the cir cumstances in relation to the apparent concentration of the Indians, that appeared to be gathering around them, that he thought his (Kenton's) course of proceeding the best, at least the safest. This detachment then returned to Greenville, without having struck a blow. General Wayne said that he thought more of his two majors now than he did before ; that he now found they had some conduct with their courage. Kenton lay at Greenville with Gen. Wayne till winter set in, when he was dis charged, and returned home. Thus closed Kenton's raUitary career, till 1813. Maj. McMahan commanded Fort Recovery when the Indians attacked that place. Not content with defending the fort, he rushed out upon the Indians and was slain, 1794. The Indian war being now happily terminated, the em igration to Kentucky pushed forward in a constant stream. Land became valuable ; and as there was great irregular ity, and want of precision, in the first entries and surveys, the late locaters made their entries and surveys of land very special. Although Kenton was then thought to be one of the richest men in Kentucky, in land, yet one of his land claims failed after another, till he was completely bewildered in a labyrinth of litigation. As Kenton was unlettered, and consequentiy unacquainted with legal proceedings, every advantage was taken of his ignorance, and in a few years the glorious technicalities and uncer tainty of the law, stripped this honest man of his blood- bought earnings, and sent him in the evening of his days, pennyless and dejected, to spend his few remaining years m poverty and want. 264 SKETCH OF THE LIFE OF About the year 1802 he settled in Urbana, Chatripaign county, Ohio ; where he remained some years, beloved and respected by all who had any regard for patriotic worth. While in Champaign county, he was elected a Brigadier-general of the militia. About 1810, he became a member of the methodist church, of which he remain ed a respected member till the day of his death. In 1813, when Governor Shelby came to Urbana, at the head of the Kentucky troops, Kenton would not re main in " inglorious ease," when his country required defenders. He shouldered his rifle, raounted his horse, and joined the army as a private, but a privileged mem ber of the Governor's military famUy. He crossed the lakes, and accompanied General Harrison to Maiden in Upper Canada ; from thence up lake St. Clair and the river Thames. He was present at the glorious battie of the Moravian Town, and played his part with his usual intrepidity. Here ends the military career of the famous Simon Kenton — a man who, it is probable, passed through more hair-breadth escapes than any man living or dead. About 1820, he moved to the head of Mad river, in Logan county, near to the site of Old Wapatomika, one of the places where he passed through scenes of sufl'er- ing, indescribable, while a captive with the Indians in his youth. Here, in the midst of a beech forest, was passed, in humble poverty, the evening of the life of this illustrious man. If a long life of hardy adventures — with a courage that never quailed at danger, and patriotism that never ceased its exertion in his country's cause, de serves the tide of illustrious, then stands the name of General Kenton in the first rank of worthies. About 1824, through the exertions of Judge Burnet of Cincinnati, (then a member of the United States senate) and of General Vance, the present Governor of Ohio, (then a member of the house of representatives, in con- GENERAL SIMON KENTON. 265 gress)"a pension of twenty doUars a month was obtained for him. • This sum, though smaU for such services as he, rendered to his country, secured his declining age fiom actual want. In the month of AprU, 1S36, this great and good man* breathed his last. In the Western Christian Advo cate, of June 24, 1836, I find the following appropriate and graphic notice of his death, by Mr. W. I. Elhvorth. " After the din of war had ceased, and savage barbar ity was no longer dreaded by the peaceful emigrants. General Kenton retired to private life, to enjoy the sweets of domestic happiness. He settled a few miles north of Old Wapatomika, (now Zanesfield) Logan county, Ohio, where he spent the last of a long and, we trust, a useful life. The frosts of more than eighty winters had fallen on his head, without entirely whitening his locks. Dur ing the last few years, he declined rapidly ; not so much from the effects of disease, as by the influence of early hardship and toil. He was for more than eighteen years a respectable member of the Methodist church ; and a regular attendant on the ministry of the word. When his trembling limbs would no longer perform their wont ed functions, he would solicit some kind friend to lead him to the house of God. I visited him a few hours before his decease, and found him perfectiy willing to die. His death, though not triumphant, was peaceful ; and we trust he has exchanged a world of care and grief, for a state of holy and uninterrupted joy." He lived to hear the " din of war hushed," and gen- tie peace returning. He lived to see changes raore ex traordinary. He lived to see farms, towns, and schools of learning, and temples of worship constructed, where * I am aware, that, by too many of the present day, none are considered great, but such as are adepts in procuring and retaining wealth. Such men as Cincinnatus, Epaminondas, or Miltiades, would now be sneered at as poor drivelers. 266 A SKETCH OF THE LIFE OF the solitary hunter in days past pitched his lonely camp ; and in the silent and dark forest pursued his game. What a change ! He was permitted to live a long life as a con necting link, to illustrate the manners of two eras as dissimilar as if they were one thousand years distant from each other. He had lived to see moral revolutions as surprising as these extraordinary changes. These muta tions in manners and in morals have been gradual in their progress, but most important in their results : and they have been introduced in our country in less than fifty years. Every sketch of them, however slight or detached, should be treasured with pious care. General Kenton was of fair complexion, six feet one inch in height. He stood and walked very erect ; and, ill the prime of life, weighed about one hundred and nine ty pounds. He never was inclined to ^le corpulent, al though of sufficient fulness to form a graceful person. He had a soft, tremulous voice, very pleasing to the hearer. He had laughing, grey eyes, which appeared to fascinate the beholder. He was a pleasant, good-humored, and obliging corapanion. When excited, or provoked to an ger (which was seldom the case) the fiery glance of his eye would almost curdle the blood of those with whom he came in contact. His rage, when roused, was a tor nado. In his dealing, he was perfectly honest ; his con fidence in man, and his credulity, were such, that the same man might cheat him twenty times ; and if he pro fessed friendship, he might cheat him still. I Iiave now related the principal incidents in the event ful life of this extraordinary man ; with truth only for my guide. I am aware that my composition will require the indulgence of my readers ; and it is believed that those who know me best, will not hesitate to pardon my want of method, and the coarse style of my writing. Although I am ambitious to please the reader, vanity, or a false estimate of my acquirements, or talents, did not induce GENERAL SIMON KENTON. 267 me to write these sheets. My aim was to be useful, by recording the actions of men, to whom Kentucky and Ohio owe a debt of gratitude. How could the rising generation set a correct estimate on the character of men of whom they had only he.ird by common fame 1 In 1830, I paid a visit to General Kenton, and from his own words, and in his presence, committed to writing the principal incidents related in the foregoing narrative. In a life so long and full of actions, there is no doubt but many interesting events escaped the old hero's recol lection. The writer of this narrative, in his youth, ac companied him on several minor expeditions, of which no notice is taken. But enough is written to show the genius and enterprise of the man, who first planted corn on the north of Kentucky. I will close these narratives, by quoting a few lines from a western bard. " Say, shall the rough woodland pioneers. Of Mississippi's wide-extended vale. Claim no just tribute of our love and tears. And their names vanish with the passing gale? With veteran arms the forest they subdued. With veteran arts subdued the savage foe; Our country, purchased with their valiant blood. Claims for them all that gratitude can do. Their arduous labors gave us wealth and ease ; Fair freedom followed from their doubtful strife; Their well-armed measures gave us lasting peace. And all the social blessedness of life. Then let their offspring, mindful of their claims. Cherish their honors in the lyric band. O save from dark oblivion's gloomy reign. The brave, the worthy fathers of our land." THE END. D.. OSBORN & SON, f |lubU0l)ers, lool^sdkr0, Siatioiurs & Binkr ; ' No. 99. IHaiii .Street, oppos.ite the' Court ,lIoiiae, DAYTOIV, OHIO. HAvnJG enlarged- our stock and made arrangements with Publishers ahd Manufactijrera, bo,th. in the East ¦and West, we ean, offer to th^-Trade, PAPER, BOOKS, & STATIOlirERY, at the lowest prices. We keep constantly oil hand, 'kiNTING & BOOK PAPER, PRINTERS' CARDS & CARD BOARDS, LEDGERS, AND WRITING PAPERS of all sizes and of the Best qualities in the market. FOLIO POST, COMMERCIAL POST, FOOLSCAP, I LETTER PAPER,. BLijNK BOOKS FOR COUNTIES, BANKS, RAIL ROAD COMPANIES, &c., made to order, and of the best materials. AU the SCHOOL BOOKS now in use will be sold at the PubUsher's prices. Country Merchants are respectfully invited to caU and examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere. Orders by mail, or otherwise, attended to 'with promptness and as faithfuUy as though the purchaser were present. WANTED ONE THOUSAND TONS OF RAGS, for which the highest market price will be paid either in cash or trade. D. OSBORN & SON.