THE DAT J MISSIONS LIBI^Y Tale univei iM.»ililiW)ll»aiiiiiiiiiii»ni)Ml>«ww»iiimi-.i>.l A HUNDRED YEARS OF MISSIONS OR THE STORY OF PROGRESS SINCE CAREY'S BEGINNING ' BY REV. DELAVAN L. LEONARD ui Associate Editor of the " Missionary Review of the World." Introduction by Rev. Arthur T. Pierson, D.D. [Printed in the United States.] NEW YORK FUNK & WAGNALLS COMPANY LONDON AND TORONTO 1895 copykight, 1895, by Funk & Wagnalls Company. [Registered at Stationers' Hall, London.} CONTENTS. CHAPTER. PAGE. Preface . . . i Introduction . 3 I. The Christian Idea of Missions ... 5 II. Missions in the Early Centuries ... ia III. Conversion of Northern and Western Europe . x9 IV. The Non-missionary Centuries ... 27 V. Reformation and Discovery of America 32 VI. Roman Catholic Missions ... 36 VII. Preparation for Foreign Missions 40 d VIII. Protestant Missions Before Carey 53 0 IX. The Carey Epoch 6q o X. The Great Missionary Revival . 81 h XI. Genesis of Missions in America . 97