STORIES FROM THE CHRISTIAN EAST Divinity Library rfpa4 STEPHEN GASELEE YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY THE LIBRARY OF THE DIVINITY SCHOOL *{U V~e^4 ^e^rMA^A SeA yh mi Stories from the Christian East Stories from the Christian East, by Stephen Gaselee . London : Sidgwick & Jackson, Ltd. 3, Adam Street, Adelphi, W.C. 2. 191 8 MP24 #2 1. Is TO M. E. G. Preface THE note beneath the title of each story merely indicates the version from which it was translated for the present volume, and not the original language in which each was first written, which is often a matter of doubt. The pictures were drawn by my friend Mr. John Mavro- gordato, to whom I here tender my best thanks. S. G. Contents The Story of EusTATHiust Placidus and his Wife Theopiste Abbot Gerasimus and the Lion The Story of the Faithful Lawyer The Story of Saint Menas and the Egg The Reward of Charity The Story of Dorotheos and Theopiste The Little Priests Takla Haymanot and the Tree Devil Saint John Damascene PAGE 3 21 27 35 43 4961 6775 THE STORY OF EUSTATHIUS PLACIDUS AND HIS WIFE THEOPISTE From the Coptic The Story of Eustathius Placidus and his Wife Theopiste IN the days when the Emperor Trajan ruled Rome and the world, there lived a certain general named Placidus. He was a heathen, for he had never heard of the good tidings of Christ, but he lived a good life according to his lights : not only was he so strong and successful in war that the barbarian enemies of Rome trembled at the mention of his name, not only did he exceed all the other nobles of the Emperor's Court in wealth — gold, and silver, and troops of slaves — but he shewed himself a very father of the poor and protector of the weak. He clothed the naked, he helped the oppressed, he relieved those who were in distress, he fed the hungry, he redeemed those who had been condemned to be sold into slavery ; and he had a wife, as good as she was beautiful, though a heathen like himself, who was not behind him in good works ; she had borne him two sons, and these were being brought up in the same paths of virtue as those in which their parents walked. Now , Placidus, like all good gentlemen, was a good sports man ; and «he knew no greater pleasure than to hunt wild beasts in the mountainous country near his home. One day he was out a-hunting with many of his friends, his soldiers, and his slaves, and came upon a herd of deer feeding ; he ordered chase to be given them, and rode forward himself upfront of all his company. Soon he picked out a stag that 4 STORIES FROM THE CHRISTIAN EAST seemed to stand out as the biggest and finest of the herd, and began to ride it down: the stag broke. away, and presently took refuge in a large thicket on the side of the mountain. By this time Placidus was far ahead of his companions, and without further thought of them he put spurs to his horse and rode into the wood : and he rode on and on alone until he came through to the far side of it, his horse tired and weary ; and when he was through he saw the stag standing on the top of the hill above him. Long he watched the animal from below, wondering what stratagem to adopt in order to reach him ; and as he watched with fixed eyes, lo, a very marvellous thing happened : for between the stag's antlers there began to glow a cross, and on the cross that very figure in which the Son of God took human shape to dwell among us. And the figure cried out to Placidus in a human voice, saying : " Why dost thou hunt Me, Placidus ? I am Jesus, whom thou didst serve without knowing it, and thy kind and charitable deeds have come before Me : therefore now. have I become the hunter, and I have snared thee by means of this unreasoning animal, I have netted thee with the nets of My God-head." At these words Placidus was so greatly terrified and as tonished that he fell down prostrate on the ground ; and then, when he had a little recovered, he murmured : " What is this sight that I have seen, this voice that I have heard ? Make Thyself manifest to me, O Thou who speakest with me, and I will believe in Thee." Then the Lord told him who He was, and explained to him the mysteries of our creation and our redemption : and when Placidus answered THE STORY OF EUSTATHIUS PLACIDUS 5 that he believed indeed, and only wished to know how to enter the Christian faith and to join the Church, He bade him go to the Bishop of Rome, and ask from him that great gift that is given freely and without price, the adorable gift of baptism, and to ask the same for his wife and all his family. So Placidus hurried home: and when he had bathed and rested, and evening was come, he related what he had seen to his wife and his" two sons ; and to his still greater wonder his wife cried out : " This is He, the crucified, the God of the Christians ! Last night in my sleep I saw a vision of One whom I could not but worship : and when I asked Him who He was, He answered, ' To-morrow do thou and thy husband and thy two sons come unto Me,' -and now you have shewn me how we may be saved indeed. So let us quickly seek the fountain of Salvation." Then, as night drew on, they took their two sons and those familiar slaves whom they could best trust, and went secretly to the Bishop of Rome, and told him all the story, and prayed him for the gift of baptism : and he consented, and baptised them all, and gave them new and Christian names ; to Placidus he gave the name of Eustathius or " he that stands fast," and he called his wife Theopiste, "she that puts her trust in God," and the elder son Agapius, or " the loving one," and the younger son he called Theopistus, after his mother. And when he had baptised them, he gave them the great Sacrament of the Lord's Body and Blood, and sent them away with his blessing. Now Eustathius, for so we must now call him, could not rest until he could visit again the place where he had seen the wondrous stag, hoping to speak again with his God ; and 6 STORIES FROM THE CHRISTIAN EAST it was not long before he came again to the mountain which had been the scene of his vision. There he sent away all his retainers and servants, and knelt down and prayed, and besought that the vision might come to him again. Nor had he long to wait: for soon he saw the stag. again, with the cross and the Crucified between its horns ; and the Saviour addressed him in loving words : " Well done, Eustathius, because thou hast received the washing of grace, and life eternal is thine. But I have somewhat to tell thee : the enemy of mankind is exceedingly furious and envious against thee, because thou hast cast him behind thee : and even now he plots against thee, and although thou must become a second Job, to go through trials arid sorrows manifold, yet endure, and in the end thou shalt come to thy former estate and more." " Even so, Lord," answered Eustathius ; " for Thy sake I am ready to undergo every trouble and trial." And he went home, and told the divine message to his wife, and both fell on their knees, praying in those words which Christ Himself did teach us : " Thy will be done." Now after a few days the Enemy began to have his wicked will. First a pestilence broke out in the house of Eustathius, and all his slaves died : and soon it spread to all else that belonged to him, and in like manner perished all his horses and cattle and sheep ; and he thought it better to leave the tainted house, so that he took his wife and his two sons, and moved to another. And when thieves came to know that the former splendid palace was empty, they broke in by night and robbed it and left it bare, leaving nothing behind, neither gold nor silver nor raiment. And all these troubles Eustathius THE STORY OF EUSTATHIUS PLACIDUS 7 and Theopiste bore with a tranquil and untroubled mind, only thanking God that He. had left them their children unhurt. In those days the Emperor Trajan returned from fighting with the Persians : he had gained a great victory over them, and he ordained rejoicings throughout Rome, and he gave a splendid feast to all his nobles. Eustathius, as one of his chiefest generals, should have gone to it : but in his state of poverty and misfortune he thought that it would be un seemly to be present : and he and his wife decided that it would be better not to stay in Rome, where all had known them, to be a laughing-stock to those who remembered their former greatness ; and they took their two sons and went aboard a ship bound for Egypt. At the feast the Emperor missed him, and sent to what had been his palace, and enquired after him : and when he and his nobles heard that in so short a space of time his estate had been turned from wealth and happiness to poverty and misery, and that he was now nowhere to be found, they were both astonished and sorry, and mourned for his misfortunes. We left Eustathius and Theopiste on ship-board, for Egypt bound. Now when the shores of that country came in sight, the captain of the ship went to Eustathius, and asked him for the money for his passage ; and Eustathius answered with tears and sighs that he was a poor man, and had no money, and asked that the debt might be forgiven him for the love of God. When the captain heard this he was secretly pleased, for he had cast longing eyes on Theopiste, who was a woman of most exquisite beauty, and he saw that this was a 8 STORIES FROM THE CHRISTIAN EAST chance of getting her for his own ; so he pretended to be furiously angry, and said to Eustathius that he would take his wife instead of the passage money : and when Eustathius implored his mercy and protested against this cruel and shameful action, he bade two of his sailors take up Eustathius as if to cast him into the sea, unless he would remain quiet and promise him not to make any complaint when he came ashore. So poor Eustathius was obliged to go alone, leaving Theopiste behind : and he landed, and wandered through Egypt, leading his two little sons one by each hand, begging just enough bread for the three of them to live upon. Once when he had reached the upper part of Egypt, he found that it was necessary to cross the Nile, for the path on the side where he was going came to an end and only went on upon the other bank. He was a good swimmer, but the Nile was high in flood and flowing very 'swiftly, so that he could not swim over with the two boys together: and he decided to leave one on shore and swim over with the other, and then to return and fetch the first. He began to do so, and had safely brought across the first boy, and was just swimming back to fetch the second, but what was his horror when he saw, while in mid-stream, a lion bound up and carry off the waiting child ! His tears and groans were unavailing, but he comforted himself with the thought that he at least still had one son left, and turned back towards him ; but oh, worse horror still, long before he could reach the bank a great wolf rushed up and seized the second boy, and carried him off before his father's agonized eyes! Then indeed he was in despair, and he thought of letting himself go beneath the THE STORY OF EUSTATHIUS PLACIDUS 9 waves and drown ; but he knew that self-murder was a sin before God, and he decided that he must bear whatever was sent him : so he swam to the shore, and struck off, the most miserable man on earth save for his faith, into the desert ; and presently he came to a village, where he hired himself out to work in the fields for a pitiful wage. Now let me interrupt the story of Eustathius for a few minutes to tell you what became of the two boys. The lion went off into the country, and was there seen by some shep herds running along with the child in his mouth ; and they saw that the child was alive and seemed to be unhurt, and thought that God's providence had ordained that he should be saved from the beast ; so they threw great stones at it, and at last the lion dropped the child and ran away, and the shepherds picked up the lad, and took him home to their village. And nearly the same kind of thing happened to the other boy ; for some men who were ploughing saw the wolf dragging him along, and gave chase, and the wolf dropped him, and they too took him home to their wives to be reared. It happened that the shepherds and the ploughmen lived near the same town, so that the two brothers were brought up quite close to one another : but shepherds and ploughmen live different kinds of lives, so that the two boys never saw one another until they had forgotten most of their early adventures — they never knew that they were brothers. And in like manner all this time the protection and shadow of the Most High was over their mother, the wife of Eustathius ; for though the cruel ship's captain carried her off to his own barbarian land, yet some mysterious power seemed to be over 10 STORIES FROM THE CHRISTIAN EAST her and he was never able to take her to wife : she lived there alone, admired and respected by all, and at last the captain died. Now after many days the people of that barbarian country where Theopiste lived rose in revolt against the Emperor of Rome : and at first their warfare was successful, and it seemed as if the Empire must soon be hard pressed. Then the Emperor Trajan remembered his former general Placidus, and bethought him how he used always to be victorious in his wars against barbarous peoples, and he wished that he had him again to set him. at the head of his armies : and as he had never heard of his death, he thought that he might be living in some distant land, and he promised great riches and honours to any of his servants who should find him and bring him back to Rome to the Emperor's presence. Two officers in the Emperor's army decided to under take this search : and this not only for the great rewards promised if they were successful, but because in old times they had been among Placidus' most faithful servants, and had loved him dearly, and they hoped eagerly that they might be lucky enough to find him again. So they departed to seek after him : ; and very thoroughly they searched the whole kingdom, every town and hamlet, until at last they came to the village where Placidus (whom we must now call Eusta thius) was living. When they entered it, Eustathius saw them from afar off, and his heart was moved within him, and as he worked he prayed thus : " O Lord God, since Thou hast let me see these my old servants and friends, Thou hast surely allowed hope to rise again within my heart. I know that both THE STORY OF EUSTATHIUS PLACIDUS u my children are dead, the prey of savage beasts : do Thou grant me to see them in the Resurrection at the last day. But as for my wife, is it possible that Thou wilt allow me to look upon her in this life as well ? " And as he prayed a voice seemed to answer within him : " Be of good cheer, Eusta thius ; thou shalt be raised to the great estate which thou didst have formerly, and shalt see both thy wife and thy children ; and if thou do not deny Me, in the Resurrection thou shalt see all that is good for ever and ever." Comforted by these words, Eustathius came down into the village and approached the two soldiers ; he knew them well, but they did not recognise him, so changed was he by his years of toil and sorrow. They spoke to him first : " Hail, good sir ! " said they ; and when he had greeted them in return, they continued : " Do you know if there lives a stranger in this place with wife and children, named Placidus ? If you can tell us where he lives, and how to find him, we will reward you well." " Why do you want him ? " said Placidus. " He was a fellow-soldier of ours," they answered, " and we have been looking for him for a very long time." " I do not know him," said Eustathius ; " but at any rate come into my cottage and rest ; you look tired, and it is late in the day : you are strangers here, and I am a stranger too." They suffered themselves to be persuaded by Eustathius and entered his cottage and sat down : and first he brought them water to wash off the stains of their long journey, |and then he went out to his master, and begged of him some food- and wine, for which he promised to pay when his wages were due ; and this he set before them, and they ate gladly. Now! 12 STORIES FROM THE CHRISTIAN EAST while he sat talking with them, they were struck with some thing in his face that seemed familiar: and little by little they began to recognise in him the lineaments of their old master. At last one of them whispered to the other : " Do you remember how many years ago, fighting against the savages, Placidus was wounded on the neck by a spear, and the wound left a scar ? By this we shall be able to know for certain whether we have found the object of our search or no." So they made some pretext for standing up and looking from behind at Eustathius as he sat ; and there they saw the old scar ! Then both could no longer control themselves : they fell upon him and kissed him, crying : " You are the General Placidus, for whom we have been seeking so long " ; and although at first he persisted in his denial, yet they insisted, until he was forced to admit that it was indeed he. But when they asked him : " Where are your wife and chil dren ? " he answered sadly : " They are dead," and hearing this, they wept, and lamented their good mistress with so loud a cry that all the village came running together to see what had happened. Then the soldiers told the villagers who was the man who had served among them, unbeknown, as a hireling ; and they clad him in a rich robe, and after they had rewarded the villagers, at his request, for the kindly manner in which they had treated him during his servitude, all three set out on the homeward journey to Rome. And as they travelled, Eustathius told them of all his adventures, and how he had been bereaved of all that he had loved. After fifteen days' journey they came to the place where the Emperor was encamped : and he came out to meet his THE STORY OF EUSTATHIUS PLACIDUS 13 old general, and kissed him, and asked him the reason of his long absence and what had happened to him while he was away ; and Eustathius told him his whole story. The Emperor made him his commander-in-chief, and showered upon him every honour that he could give, wishing to comfort him for his great losses ; but Eustathius could never really be happy, when he thought upon his wife and children and his happy family life in former times, and then upon his present bereavement. Eustathius, in the duties of his new office, made a thorough inspection of Trajan's army: and comparing it with the size of the barbarian army, of which he was well informed, he came to the conclusion that it was not sufficiently strong to bring the war to a successful end. He informed the Emperor of this, and he advised him to adopt some form of universal service, and to enlist recruits throughout the Empire : and the Emperor listened gladly to his counsel, and sent letters to every town and village, ordering that all the young men most fit to serve should be trained as soldiers and should be enlisted in the army. Now in time these letters came to the far village where Eustathius' two sons, unknown to each other and to their father, were growing up, and the men of the village bore witness concerning them, that they were the finest and strongest among the youths of the place, and they would make the best soldiers : so both of them were enlisted and sent to the Emperor's head-quarters : and there Eustathius saw them, and although he knew not who they were, his heart yearned towards them, and seeing by their carriage and manners that they must be of good birth, i4 STORIES FROM THE CHRISTIAN EAST he appointed them both to be his personal attendants ; so they waited upon him and executed all his commands, and he grew to love them more and more, and finally he ordered that they should eat with him at his own table. When the recruits had all been enrolled and the army of the Roman Empire brought up to great strength, Eustathius began to move forward against the barabarians : and he was wholly successful in the war, and invaded their country, driving the enemy before him ; and at last it happened by accident, or rather by the good providence of God, that he came to the town where his wife, all unknown to him, was living. As I told you, the wicked sea-captain who had carried her off was dead, and after his death she had gone to lodge with some people of the town ; and desiring to be much alone, she had built herself a kind of hut or booth in the garden, and there she lived, working by day, and dividing the night between sleep and prayer. Now it chanced that Eustathius pitched his camp almost at this very house : and his two young attendants put up a tent in the garden of it, only a yard or two away from the booth in which their mother lived, so that when they talked loud she could hear every word they said, v One day, their military work being done, they were sitting in their tent talking : and they began to tell each other all that they could remember about their early life ; and their mother was sitting in her booth only a few feet away, listen ing. And the elder of the two said to the other : " It is little indeed that I can remember of my childhood : but I know that my father was a general, and that my mother was a very THE STORY OF EUSTATHIUS PLACIDUS 15 beautiful woman : there was another child, younger than myself — a lovely boy, with light hair. I remember us all leaving our house one dark night, and going on board ship, and sailing away ; and when we arrived at the end of our journey, my mother remained aboard, though I never knew why, and my father took the two of us and led us away on shore, weeping the while. I remember that he came to a river and left me on the bank and swam across with my little brother : and while he was coming back to fetch me, a lion sprang out and seized me in his mouth, and went off with me into the desert ; but before he could do me any harm, some shepherds drove him off and saved me, and they brought me up among them : but I never knew what happened to my little brother and to my father." No sooner had the elder of the* two young men finished speaking, than the younger leapt up and fell upon his neck and kissed him crying : " You are my brother, my dear, dear brother. I too was seized by a wild beast, a wolf, and some ploughmen saved me from him, and brought me up in the same village " ; and so they stayed, hugging each other and weeping for joy, because each had found a brother whom he had believed to be lost. Who can imagine what Theopiste thought, while all this was going on ? She could not help believing that these were her two sons, when she heard their stories, and yet she could not believe the evidence of her ears : you cannot be surprised that her eyes told her nothing, for they were now grown youths, and she had never seen them since they were quite babies. But more and more she became certain that they 16 STORIES FROM THE CHRISTIAN EAST were her sons indeed, but she would not do anything rash, but decided to wait until the next day and to make up her mind at leisure how to act. The next day she asked for and obtained an audience with the General; and she began thus: "Although I have now lived long among these barbarians, I am not one of them : I am a woman of Rome, carried off here into captivity. So now I ask, since the Roman arms are victorious, that I may be sent off back to my own country." She would have said more, but her voice failed her : for while she was speaking she had looked attentively at the General, and she had begun to recognise in him the look and lineaments of her long-lost husband. Eustathius was of course surprised at her sudden silence and at last she could contain herself no more and broke out : " Tell me, I pray you, tell me true : are you the general that was once called Placidus, but whose name was changed to Eustathius after a vision of Christ and holy baptism ; who set out with wife and children on ship-board ; whose wife was carried off by the cruel ship's captain to a barbarous land ? That woman am I : but here I swear to you that I am now just as when I was parted from you, for the Shadow of the Most High was about me, and the captain was never able to make me his wife, and since his death I have lived all alone in a booth in the garden of this house." She had hardly begun to speak when Eustathius began to look closely at her, and by the time that she had finished, he had recognised her for certain, and had her in his arms. What a scene of joy when that parted pair met again ! Yet there was still some sorrow in his heart, for he thought of his two THE STORY OF EUSTATHIUS PLACIDUS 17 little sons. He told his wife how wild beasts had carried them off, but she smiled, and said : " Let us give thanks to God ; for even as He has brought you and me together, so He may bring back our sons to us." Eustathius again told her how, as he thought, they had perished ; and then she recounted to him all that she had heard in her booth in the garden ; and he sent for the two young men, and bade them tell him all that they could remember of their early lives ; and no sooner had they done so than he was sure that they were his sons indeed, and he gathered them to his arms, and kissed them : and so was this whole happy family united in one again. And very soon Eustathius finished the war, and went back to Rome with his wife and his sons, and great quantities of wealth, both gold and captives, that he had taken from the barbarians, and Trajan gave him all his former honours and added even more unto them, so that he was still more prosperous and happy than he had been of old. And thus they lived long and well, and when, after Trajan's death, another Emperor came to the throne and tried to make them give up the worship of Christ, they were not afraid after a happy life to bear a good witness before God and before men, and ended their days constantly with the glorious and imperishable crown of martyrdom. ABBOT GERASIMUS AND THE LION From the Greek Abbot Gerasimus and the Lion IN the Holy Land, about a mile from the river Jordan, stood a famous monastery ; and the head of it was a good and saintly man, called Gerasimus. He was one day walking by the river bank, when he was astonished, and not a little frightened, to see a lion coming towards him, roaring : but when the lion had approached nearer, he saw that he was roaring from pain, and not from anger, and that he was holding up one paw, as if asking him to look at it, and to help him if he could. The Abbot plucked up courage to look more closely at it, and then he saw that a sharp thorn had gone right through the pad of the paw ; it was bleeding, and the wound had made the flesh fester, so that it must clearly be hurting him badly. He took the paw in his hands, opened up the wound, drew out the thorn, and cleaned the place of all the festering matter that had collected there ; and then tying it up carefully with a piece of rag, told the lion to be off. But the gentle beast, when he found himself cured, refused to go away, and treated the Abbot as his master : he followed him wherever he went, and soon the monks, though at first they had been frightened of so savage a visitor, became quite used to the new disciple : and what showed more than anything else his changed nature was that he no longer wanted his former diet of flesh and bones, but was quite con tented with the simple food, bread and boiled vegetables, which Gerasimus gave him* 22 STORIES FROM THE CHRISTIAN EAST Now the brothers of this monastery lived, as all monks should, a very poor and simple life : and to help them in the work of the place th'ey had only one beast of burden, a single donkey. The monastery itself was in rather a barren spot, and the grass which served for the donkey's food was some way off: and every evening, after the day's work was done, they used to take the donkey's harness off and lead it away to feed. After a time, seeing that the lion was so good and tame, they did not see why they should not make use of him, and so they used to send him out in charge of the donkey : the lion took it out every evening to the grass, waited there while it ate its fill, and then brought it back safely to the monastery. But one dreadful day the lion, while the donkey was feeding, went some distance off: and while he, was gone, a camel-driver from Arabia passed by, and seeing a handsome donkey without anybody to look after it, stole it and took it away with him. The lion looked long and fruitlessly for his charge, and then was obliged to go home sadly and alone ; he went to the Abbot and stood there before him, his tail between his legs, and his face cast doWn to the ground, a picture of misery. Gerasimus not unnaturally thought that the lion had gone back to his old habits and had killed the donkey, and asked him sternly, " Where is the donkey ? " Of course the lion could not tell him, not being a man, but stood there with eyes fixed on the grqund, and remained silent. " I believe you have eaten it," the Abbot went on. " Very well, now you will have to do all the work that the donkey used to do before." So the donkey's harness was put on the lion, and every day he went down to the river with a kind of frame on ABBOT GERASIMUS AND THE LION 23 his back, on which were four large jars, and he had to bring them back to the monastery full of water for the use of the monks ; and this he did regularly until one day a soldier, who had come to get Abbot Gerasimus' blessing, took pity at the sight of so noble a beast engaged in such menial toil, and gave the monastery enough money to buy another ass to do the work. Not so very long after this had happened, the camel- driver who had gone to Jerusalem in order to sell his dates, came back again on his homeward journey: and soon after he had crossed the river, he met the lion, which frightened him so greatly that he left all his camels and the rest of his train, and ran away. The lion at once recognised his old donkey, and ran up to him, and bega'n to lick, him for pleasure ; and then he took hold of the bridle between his teeth, and led him, together with the three richly laden camels the driver had left, to the Abbot, and by his roaring and frisking, and wagging his tail, showed the old man how pleased he was to have found the stolen property, and thus to be cleared of the charge of having eaten the donkey that belonged to his masters. I need hardly tell you that he was taken back into full favour by the Abbot, who was sorry for having misjudged him, and that after that time he lived an honourable life with the monks, helping them in their toil and edifying all by the gentleness and docility of his behaviour. So five years passed, five happy years, and then it happened that in God's good providence Gerasimus fell suddenly sick, and after only a few hours' illness was called to the glory of his Lord : and all this happened at a moment when it so ?4 STORIES FROM THE CHRISTIAN EAST chanced that the lion was away from the monastery for a short time, When he came back, he went round looking for his old master ; and he met Father Sabbatius, who had been Gerasi mus' disciple, who said to him, " Dear lion, our father has left us orphans, and has departed to the Lord : cheer up as best you may, and take something to eat." But the lion went on searching every nook and corner for Gerasimus : and at last, as Sabbatius and the other monks could not make him understand what had happened, they led him out to the old man's grave, which was a few paces outside the monastery in the churchyard, and they pointed to the mound, and then showed by their grief and tears that the mortal remains of their dear father were beneath it. At last the lion under stood, and with a great roar dropped on the grave, beating his head on the ground ; and there he stayed, refusing to take food or drink, until at the end of three days he died, right over his master's body. May God grant that we may show ourselves as faithful to our heavenly Master, as did this poor, dumb, soulless beast to the man who had been kind to him upon earth ! Amen. THE STORY OF THE FAITHFUL LAWYER From the Latin The Story of the Faithful Lawyer MANY years ago, when the good Emperor Maurice ruled over Constantinople, there lived in that city a good and pious young lawyer : and one day when he was sitting in his office, in came a man richly dressed and of grave mien, who seemed by his appearance to be a merchant or banker, and asked the lawyer if he would act for him in an important piece of business. The lawyer said that he would be glad to do so, and the stranger told him to be ready that evening to take a journey with him to the place where the business was to be carried out. Now this stranger was a wicked magician, and he really wanted the lawyer to become his assistant and help him in his black arts ; and he hoped to gain his services in the way that you will see. The lawyer prepared himself for a journey, and met the stranger, as he had arranged, at one of the gates of the city : there they found a couple of fine horses waiting for them, which they mounted, and they trotted out through flat, open country until about midnight, when they found themselves on the outskirts of a large city. In they rode until they came to the gate of a magnificent palace, where they tied up their horses and knocked at the door, which was opened to them at once by black servants ; and as they passed through the long corridors and waiting- rooms the lawyet.noticed that eyerybody in the palace was as 27 28 STORIES FROM THE CHRISTIAN EAST , black as coal ; and all that met the stranger seemed to know him well and to salute him with great respect and deference. At last they came to a great hall, bigger than any room you ever saw in your life. Hundreds of golden lamps hung from the ceiling, and thousands of candlesticks stood all about on the ground and on the tables, all with lighted candles in them : and at the far end of the hall was a very high golden throne studded with all kinds of precious stones, on which sat a black man — but the very ugliest, foulest black man you could possibly imagine. Lower down, on each side of the throne, were smaller stools, on which other blacks were sitting. When the black man on the throne saw the stranger, he seemed greatly pleased, and made him welcome. " How do things go with you ? " he said. " Are you satisfied and find that you can do everything you want ? " " Yes, Sire," said the stranger. " And for that reason I have come to pay my respects, and bow down before you, and worship you : and to thank you for all the great benefits I have received from you." " Good," said the black man. " And in the future you shall receive from me even handsomer gifts and greater power. Come and sit down near me here." Now the lawyer, much frightened at all he saw and at the black king and courtiers, had been standing behind the stranger: and when the stranger moved away to take the seat of honour which was offered him, the black king saw him, and turned to the stranger, asking : " Who is this that has come with you, my good friend ? " " He is your servant, Sire," answered the stranger. So the black man turned to THE STORY OF THE FAITHFUL LAWYER 29 the lawyer, and asked him : " Is that right, young sir ? Are you my servant ? " But the lawyer gave him a very different answer from that which the black man expected, for he signed himself with the life-giving sign of the Cross, saying : "lam the servant of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Ghost." No sooner had the words left his lips than there was a terrific crash, as of thunder : the black man fell from his throne, and then the throne itself disappeared ; the lights went out, and all the black courtiers vanished howling. The walls began to totter and crack : the earth rocked and then opened, swallowing down not only the hall and the palace, but the whole city : the stranger who had brought him thither was also no more to be seen, and at last the lawyer was left standing alone in a great waste without sound of human voice, and with nothing near him except the two horses standing at the place where they had been tied up. • So you may guess that he did not waste any time looking for his companion, but jumped up on horseback and galloped back towards Constantinople, where he arrived just before daybreak. For some time he felt the effects of his frightening adventure, and he stayed much at home, giving thanks to God for his deliverance from his great danger, and going constantly to church and re doubling his ardour in the performance of his religious duties. Now some time after all this had- happened, the lawyer was employed by a rich and pious nobleman as his agent : he managed for him his many and splendid charities, and they would often go together to relieve the necessities of the poof and to perform other good works. 30 STORIES FROM THE CHRISTIAN EAST One day, towards evening, tired with a long walk they had taken on an errand of mercy into the poor part of the town, they turned into the churchyard of St. Sophia, the great cathedral of Constantinople, and went up to the fountain on the east side of the church. This was enclosed under a roof, for it was much used by the faithfiil for washing before they entered the cathedral, and there was a famous picture of the Saviour there, renowned for many miracles that had been performed by it : it was even said that one day a wicked Jew, angry at the grace and edification which it had afforded to so many Christians, had plunged a sword into its side, and that blood had flowed out — indeed, traces of it might still be seen on the picture. So thither they came, the lawyer and the nobleman, and before they sat down to rest, they both stood in prayer before the picture, each of them praying for God's favour and mercy. And then the nobleman saw a very strange thing, which at first frightened him greatly ; the eyes of the picture seemed to be looking straight at the lawyer. First of all, he thought it might be only an illusion due to the failing light, so on some excuse he asked the lawyer to move over to another part of the room : but the same thing happened, and'still the .Saviour's eyes seemed to be fixed steadfastly on his companion. Then the nobleman was greatly afraid, thinking that some gin he had committed was causing the Saviour's tender gaze to be turned" away from himself ; and he fell upon his f acej weeping and crying but : " O my Lord; and,; Saviour, Thou alone knoWest how I have done wrong ; yet, I beseech Thee, turn not Thy face away from my sins, but have mercy upon THE STORY OF THE FAITHFUL LAWYER 31 me and look upon me once more. ' I know too well that I am a sinner, and wretched and defiled above all other men ; but Thy mercies are infinite, and I have no other God but Thee, my Saviour, who didst die for us sinful men, and desirest not the death of a sinner, but rather that he should turn from his wickedness and be saved." After many prayers and cryings of this sort the nbbleriian rose up from the ground, and began to wipe away the tears from his streaming cheeks and from his eyes : and when he dared once more to look upon the picture, to see if his prayers had been heard, he saw that its gaze was still fixed on the lawyer, and that on the face in the picture was a mild and cheerful expression, and it seemed to smile on the lawyer. And then he heard a grave, gentle voice that seemed to come from the picture, and it said : " Nobleman, thy charities shall be repaid thee an hundred fold. Of all the riches that I have given thee thou hast given freely to the poor, clothed the naked, fed the hungry, visited the sick, taken in the orphans and widows, helped the prisoners and poor debtors, given rich offerings to My churches: and thou shalt be rewarded as is meet for all thy good works. But to this lawyer / am in debt — I owe him thanks. How can that be, thou wilt ask ? In a time of great danger, affliction, and fear, he did not deny Me, but confessed that I was the Son of God — God of a Virgin born ; wherefore I will confess him before My Father that is in heaven, and make him a reward meet for the confession of Me which he con fessed." Just think how great and wonderful a thing was this : that 32 STORIES FROM THE CHRISTIAN EAST the great God and ruler of all should say to a man, His poor slave and servant, that He was in debt to him, and owed him thanks, and would repay him a meet reward ! When these two good and pious men understood the purport of the divine voice, they were filled with great fear and joy : they fell on their faces, lifting up their hearts in thankfulness for the great reward in heaven which had been foretold to them. Then they returned home ; and from that day onward they persevered more abundantly yet in watchings, and prayers, and fastings, and attended more diligently than ever at public worship and in good deeds of charity : and so at last they attained to a ripe old age in the favour of God, until at last on the selfsame day they both departed to their eternal rest. THE STORY OF SAINT MENAS AND THE EGG From the Nubian The Story of Saint Menas and the Egg LONG, long ago, when Egypt was a Christian country, there were still a few people who had not been con verted, but remained heathens and believed in their own false gods. One of these was a woman who lived near the great city of Alexandria : she had every thing in the world, except one, to make her happy ; a good husband, no lack of money, fine health, a well-stocked farm, plenty of servants, women and men too : but that one thing spoilt everything for her ; and it was that she had no child. What was more, everything to do with her seemed to suffer from the same complaint : the maidservants who were married to the men- servants had no children, the cows no calves, the sheep no lambs, the goats no kids, the cats no kittens ; even the fowls would not lay any eggs. Now the woman was a good woman as far as her heathen faith would let her be : and from her house, which was not far from the river, she used to see the people going up to worship and praise in the great church of St. Menas, which was in the desert on the other side of the river. She had heard of St. Menas, who years before had died for his religion in Egypt, though he was born a Greek, and she had heard of the many miracles that God had done at his shrine ; and although she was not a Christian, she could not help half believing in some of the stories about him and his power which her neighbours had told her ; and one day, when she was thinking 35 36 STORIES FROM THE CHRISTIAN EAST about her great grief, and how nothing about her house would increase and multiply, she said : " If only one of my hens would lay, I promise that I will send the -first egg over to St. Menas' church." Well, so it came about : to her great joy one of her fowls laid an egg ; so she took a maid with her and went down to the river to go across and leave the egg for the Saint at his shrine. She was just getting into the boat when she began to talk to the ferryman. " Good day," said he. " Good day," said she. " Where can I take you to ? " he said. " Up the river and across," she answered, " to the landing-place for St. Menas' church." "But why should you want to go there?" said the ferryman ; " you are not a Christian." So she told him all about the egg which her fowl had laid, and how she was going to take it to the church : and she hoped that if she offered up this egg at the Saint's shrine, perhaps some of her other animals might have children, and then perhaps her servants, and last of all perhaps herself ; and if that should happen, she would surely become a Christian too. " But don't you trouble to go across yourself," said the ferryman. " It is a long journey, and you don't look strong, and' your husband will be wondering what you are about. Give me the egg ; I am going across very soon, and I will take it to the church for you, and put it in the shrine." So she gave him the egg, and went home : and he took it down and put it in a safe place in the hold of the boat where it would not get broken — and then I am sorry to say he forgot all about it. Three or four days afterwards the ferryman was sailing his boat in mid-stream, and went down into the hold to fetch SAINT MENAS AND THE EGG 37 a rope, and there he came across the egg. " What is this egg doing here ? " he said to his son, who was on board with him. " Don't you remember, father ? " said the boy. " That is the egg you said you would take to St. Menas' church for the woman who lives the other side of the river." But the ferry man was hungry ; it was long since he had had his breakfast, and the sight of the pretty little white egg was too much for him ; and instead of performing his trust he told his son to cook it for him : and he ate it, and very good he found it ; and he thought no more of the poor woman and the promise he had made to her. Now about three months later the ferryman, after plying his trade up and down the river, came back to his own village : and when it was Sunday, he went to the church — it was St. Mary's church, the dear Virgin's church, in his village — and he meant to take the Holy Sacrament during the service. But just after the priest and the choir had sung the great hymn, " Holy, Holy, Holy," the ferryman saw a dreadful sight : in front of him, charging straight at him, came St. Menas, in full armour, mounted on a white horse ; and he held a spear of flame, which he pointed full at the ferryman's breast. The poor man remembered all of a sudden the wrong he had done, and rushed to the picture of St. Mary on the screen of the church in front of the chancel, crying : " Save me, save me, dear Mother of God : I have done very wrong, I have sinned greatly." But St. Menas came nearer and nearer, and soon he stood above the ferryman's head, and frowned and looked sternly upon him, saying : " What shall I do to you ? If it were not for my Mistress, the dear Mother of God, I would 38 STORIES FROM THE CHRISTIAN EAST be the end of you altogether." And as he stretched out his hand above the ferryman's head, the egg inside him seemed to begin to swell and move ; he felt a rending, tearing feeling ; he seemed to be split open in agony, and out of him came a live fowl, about as big as a chicken of three months would be ; and it jumped to the ground, and stood up, and crowed as loud as ever it could, " Cock-a-doodle-doo." Then St. Menas, still on his white horse, stooped down and picked up the fowl, and rode off out of the church, while all the people there stood amazed or sang his praises ; and he rode on and on, down and over the wide river, until he came to the woman's door, and there he called out her name ; and when she came running out, he handed her the fowl, and said : " Woman, take this fowl and let it run about with the others in your farmyard : and then your cattle too will have little ones, and your maidservants, and last of all you too ; and when that happens see that you have your child baptized and . call him Menas after me, and be baptized yourself at the same time." When he had said this he disappeared in a flash of glory : and the woman took the fowl and put it in her farmyard. The very next day all her hens began to lay eggs ; and soon her cats' had kittens, her goats had kids, her sheep had lambs, and her cows had calves ; and then her maidservants began to have bonny children, and last of all she herself had a baby boy. So she went, she and her husband,, and took him to St. Menas' church: and there the priest baptized him, calling him Menas after the Saint, and baptized her and her husband as well : and ever after that they lived in all happiness, SAINT MENAS AND THE EGG 39 going often to service at the church and taking their little son with them, and making many rich presents at the Saint's shrine ; and the. story became known through all the country round about, and all the people praised St. Menas and hon oured him, because he had been found worthy that God should do such great miracles through him : and as for the ferryman, because he had flown to the protection of our Lady, the glorious Virgin, he recovered again ; but he was long ill and weak from the wound where the fowl had burst out, and never again was he forgetful or broke a promise or failed to fulfil a charge entrusted to him. THE REWARD OF CHARITY From the Latin The Reward of Charity JUST outside the city of Nisibis there once lived a poor man and his wife ; she was a Christian — he, though a good man, still a heathen ; and all the money they had was a little stock of fifty crowns. One day the man said to his wife : " Let us spend all our fifty crowns at once, and just for this one time enjoy our selves — eat, drink, and be merry. It is of no use spending them one by one, getting no real enjoyment from them, and being only paupers still at the end." " Very good," said his wife : " but a better plan is to invest them and get a good return : invest them with the God of the Christians." " Where is He ? " answered her husband. " If you will show Him to me, I will invest them with Him as you suggest." " I will show Him to you," answered the wife. " And I am willing to assure you that if" you invest them with Him, not only will you not lose them, but He will give you good interest and double your capital." " Good," said the man. " Let us go and find Him." Now in the city of Nisibis was a great church with fine doors, and thither the woman took her husband : and out side the greatest door was a kind of gallery covered in, where many beggars sat : she pointed them out to him, and said : " If you give the money to these beggars, it is investing it with the God of the Christians." So he distributed among them the whole fifty crowns, and home again they went rejoicing. 43 44 STORIES FROM THE CHRISTIAN EAST Now when three months had passed, the man and his wife were reduced to the utmost straits of poverty ; they had nothing to eat, and no money at all left with which to buy food. So the man said to his wife : " Will not the God of the Christians let us have some of that money which we invested with Him, or we must needs die ? " " Yes," said she. " Go to the place where you paid it in, and I am sure that you will receive it promptly." So he went back to the church and looked all round it most carefully, hoping to find somebody who would render him his account and pay him his money : but he could see nobody except the beggars, who were still begging, and he was very sorrowful and anxious, and thought that his journey to the church was going to be without result. Just as he was taking a last look round before starting for home, he saw lying at his feet on the ground one of the crowns which he had given to the beggars when he was there before: so he picked it up and went home. When he had arrived there, he shewed it to his wife, and said to her : " I went to your church, and I could not see the God of the Christians anywhere, and I could not find anybody to render me my account : all I found was this crown, lying just at the place where I gave away the fifty crowns before." " This is clearly the handiwork of my God," said the woman. " He is invisible and works invisibly, and this is His gift to you. You had better go and buy with it something for us to eat, and He will give us more presently on some other occasion." The man went to the shop, and there he spent his crown on some bread, some wine, and a fish: the fish he handed. THE REWARD OF CHARITY 45 over to his wife to cook. She began in the usual way to cut it open so as to clean it before putting it into the pan, and there in the middle of its body she found a precious stone, so lovely that she was quite dazzled with its beauty ; and when they sat down to have their dinner, she told him what she had found, and he too was delighted at the pretty thing. Neither of them knew its value, for they were but simple people ; but he said to her : " Give me the stone when I go out this after noon ; I may find somebody who would care to buy it." So when he next went out that afternoon, he took the stone with him and went to the shop of an old man who was a jeweller and a money-changer, and showed him the stone. " What would you care to give me for this pretty stone ? " said he. " How much do you want ? " said the jeweller. " Oh, you can give me what you like," said the man. " I'll give you five crowns," said the jeweller. " What, all that ? " said the man, who was really astonished at the idea of getting so much for something that he thought was no more valuable than a piece of glass, and feared that the jeweller was only joking ; but the jeweller thought that he was speaking sarcastically, and offered him ten. The man still thought he was joking, and said nothing : so the jeweller offered him twenty ; again he returned no answer, and the jeweller went up to thirty, and forty, and fifty crowns : and while he was swearing and vowing to him that he would really pay the money, the man came to his senses, and argued with himself that no jeweller would offer fifty crowns for a stone unless it was really valuable ; and he went on putting up the 46 STORIES FROM THE CHRISTIAN EAST price and by bargaining they finally arrived at an agreement that the jeweller should give him three hundred crowns for it ; and these he took and went home to his wife with great joy- " Well, husband," said she, seeing him thus rejoicing, " for how much were you able to sell the stone ? " She hoped that he had perhaps been able to get ten or twenty pence for it : and you may imagine her amazement and delight when he pulled out the three hundred crowns and said : " Look, this is what I got for it." Then she greatly wondered at the good ness of God, and said to her husband : " You see then, husband, how good and generous is the God of the Christians. Not only has He given you back with interest the fifty crowns which you lent to Him, but in this short time He has in creased your capital sixfold ; by this you may know that there is no other God in heaven or in earth save Him alone." For a short time he was silent after hearing these words of his wife ; but then, when he thought again of this great miracle that had been done for him, he could not but acknow ledge the truth, and he pronounced that he was converted and would become a Christian ; and all his neighbours came to his house, greatly rejoicing at the good news of the worthy couple's fortune and of the husband's turning to the true faith; and he was baptized as soon as might be, and lived with his wife a happy, good, and Christian life until extreme old age came to them both. God do the same for us ! Amen. THE STORY OF DOROTHEOS AND THEOPISTE From the Coptic EL — h" o vt» (r i >*