§". > YALE ? VNIVERSITY ? | £-"• 'LIBRARY' i Great American Historical Classics Series History of the Late War in the Western Country By Robert B. McAfee 1816 Historical EyMjcations Company C. S. vJBgTasael. Manager (Home OfficeSfeowling Green. Ohio Copyright 1919 by C. S. Van Tassel PUBLISHER'S INTRODUCTION. Considerably over one hundred years have passed since this story of the war of 1812 was written. Peace was pro claimed February 18, 1815. This work came from the press in 1816, and in preparing the manuscript Captain McAfee had the direct assistance of General Harrison, Colonels Croghan and Todd and many others and had access to the journal of Colonel Wood, the engineer who built Fort Meigs and who kept a remarkable diary of an important period of these events as they transpired. With such an array of material and backed by the ability of the author himself to portray events and movements of troops, Captain McAfee has undoubtedly given the most valuable, authentic and close-up narrative, especially of the western operations in this struggle ever written. Franklin would have called it the War of Independence, for it is related that when he heard some one speak of the "War of Inde pendence" (1776) he said, "Sir, you mean the Revolution, the War of Independence is yet to come." It is with a view of perpetuating this valuable work to the people that the publisher is lead to reproduce the same complete, and in full with some explanatory field notes, as the original copies of the book are fast passing out of existence. And while many later historians, per haps nearly all, have used the work as a basis for their writings, historians and readers, we believe, will welcome the complete narrative. In commenting on the same, Dr. Kendric Charles Babcock in his bibliography in Albert Bushnell Hart's "American Nation" puts McAfees's work 4 HISTORY OF THE LATE WAR in a high and distinct class and says "the History of The Late War In the Western Country is one of the very best accounts of the conditions of the army on the frontier and of the methods of organization, transportation and hand ling of troops during the war." Captain McAfee was a Kentuckian. He was born Feb ruary 17, 1784, and died March 12, 1849. One writer calls him a "soldier, statesman, historian and banker." He enlisted in the service of 1812 along with some of the most prominent citizens and best blood of Kentucky. He was captain of a company in the first battalion of a mounted Kentucky regiment organized by Col. R. M. Johnson under orders of Governor Shelby. Captain McAiee served throughout the campaign with honored distinction and, as stated, writes much of his story from personal knowledge. He was Lieutenant Governor of Kentucky 1820-1824 and was connected with one of the first banks at Harrodsburg, Ky., in 1818. PREFACE. The author of the following history will not detain the reader with many prefatory remarks. It was written during those hours of leisure which he was able occa sionally to reserve from other necessary occupations ; and he -therefore wishes to be regarded, not as advancing any lofty pretensions to literary merit. His object has chiefly been, to give a plain and correct statement of the facts, and to make only such reflections upon them, as they would obviously authorize; and he can conscientiously say, that he has in no - case intentionally distorted or concealed anything. He has no private friendships or enmities to gratify — nothing but a rational attachment to his country and hos tility to his enemies according to their deserts. Being a native of Kentucky and having lost many of his friends in the Indian wars, during the first settlement of this country, he has necessarily imbibed an abhorrence of those principles and practices of the savages, and their British allies, by which the western settlements have suffered so much in both wars. If any of his expressions should be deemed too acri monious and intemperate for dignified and impartial his tory, the reader will excuse them on this account, together with the consideration that the feelings excited by the occurrences described are still fresh and vigorous in his bosom. He believes, however, that he has said nothing which is not strictly true and just, though perhaps not entirely agreeable to the taste of every reader. In procuring the material for this work, the author is greatly indebted to General Harrison and Governor Shelby, 6 HISTORY OF THE LATE WAR (Kentucky) for the many valuable documents they fur nished, particularly their correspondence with the war de partment and with each other. He is also indebted to Governor Edwards for his correspondence but it unfor tunately arrived too late to be used. Colonels Croghan and Todd with many other officers of the northwestern army have also laid him under great obligations by the cheerfulness with which they furnished and assisted him in collecting all the information within their power. To the latter he is indebted to the journal of Colonel Wood of the engineers, who justly attained a lofty character for military genius and service before his untimely but glorious fall. Most of these papers will remain in the possession of Colonel C. S. Todd, subject to be examined by any person who may wish to see the authorities on which any state ment in this history is founded. In preparing this work for the press I have to acknowl edge the assistance I received from Dr. Joseph Buchanan, who first undertook it's publication. He carefully examined and compared all the materials from which it has been compiled, and in fact attentively revised it in every respect. In some instances he has made alterations, on the propriety of which I have differed with him in opinion ; however, there is no material fact which I am not satisfied is correctly stated; and as for reflections, the reader will no doubt judge for himself. In describing the operation against the Creek Indians I have had to rely chiefly on official reports, which, how ever correct, are insufficient for fullness for a complete history. As to the campaign at New Orleans, besides the com mon sources of information I have had recourse to Major Thomas Curry and I acknowledge with pleasure the assist- IN THE WESTERN COUNTRY 7 ance he has given me. He served in the Kentucky militia in that campaign and was able as an eye witness to furnish important matter. In justice to our late enemies as well as to myself, it may be proper to add that much information with respect to them has unavoidably been very imperfect and hence I may have made erroneous statements respecting them in many instances. Their own official reports which they published are so notoriously false that no reliance can be placed in them and the unofficial anonymous reports which circulated in our public prints concerning them were not much better authority. But with respect to our own opera tions I have authentic documents or the evidence of highly respectable witnesses to substantiate every statement I have made. Robert B. McAfee. HISTORY OF THE LATE AYAR IN THE WESTERN COUNTRY. CHAPTER I. PRELIMINARY VIEWS — CAUSES OF THE WAR BATTLE OF TIPPECANOE At the close of the American revolution, many persons in England entertained an opinion that the American col onies were not irretrievably lost to the mother country. They hoped that Great Britain would be able, at some favor able moment, to regain the sovereignty of these States ; and in this hope it is highly probable the British ministry participated. From calculations and sentiments like these, as well as from the irritation caused by the failure of their arms, may have proceeded their unjustifiable conduct on the in terior frontiers of the new States. The military posts of Niagara, Detroit, and Mackinaw were detained under various pretences, for many years, in violation of the treaty of peace. The Indian tribes on our borders were at the same time supplied with munitions of war, and instigated to commit depredations and hostilities on the frontiers of Kentucky, and the settlements northwest of the Ohio. This fact is fully established by the letters of Colonel M'Kee, the British commandant of Fort Miami at the foot of the Rapids, written previous to the visit of General Wayne to that place in '94, and published during 10 HISTORY OF THE LATE WAR the late war in the American journals, the originals having then fallen into the hands of our Government. This unwarrantable interference with the Indians re siding within the limits of the United States was continued by the British from the peace of '83, quite down to the com mencement of the late war. During a great part of that time, they kept the Indians in hostility with our western settlements; and when the probability of a new war be tween the two countries became very strong, they so ex cited the savages, as to make a battle with them the neces sary prelude to general hostilities. Although this interfer ence with the Indians was not an obvious and ostensible cause of the war, yet it may fairly be considered as a very efficient cause. Much of that resentment against the Brit ish, which prevailed so strongly in the western States, the principal advocates for the war, may fairly be attributed to this source. President Washington was apprised of the intrigues of the English agents, and endeavored by negotiation to obtain redress; and nothing but the exhausted state of the country after the revolutionary war, prevented that great man from resorting to arms to punish British per fidy. His policy however was wise ; it was consistent with the genius of our government, and the condition of our country. It would certainly have been hazardous, to ven ture on a new war, so soon after we had established our independence, and instituted an untried form of govern ment. Several campaigns, however, wrere conducted against the Indians northwest of Jhe Ohio. General Harmer commanded one, in the year 1790, against the Miami vil lage, at the junction of the rivers St. Marys and St. Jos ephs, where Fort Wayne was subsequently built. It eventuated in burning the town; and afterwards in the IN THE WESTERN COUNTRY 11 defeat of several detachments of his army, with the loss of many of his men. In the following year another army was conducted in the same direction, from Kentucky and the back parts of Pennsylvania and Virginia, by General Arthur St. Clair. The object of this expedition, was to destroy the Miami and Shawanoe settlements, on the Auglaize and Miami rivers ; but it was late in the season before the necessary arrangements were made, and the Indians having received intelligence of his march, and anticipating his views, advanced and met him near the place where Fort Recovery now stands. On the 7th of November, they attacked his army in its encampment, when a total rout ensued, and the greater part of the army was destroyed. The Indian mode of warfare was not well understood by this general, and the panic produced by the savage yells in the time of action, threw the whole into confusion. For several years previous to this disastrous campaign, the people of Kentucky had remonstrated against the manner in which the general government was conducting the war against the Indians; and President Washington had so far regarded their representations, as to authorize certain eminent citizens, Messrs. Scott, Innes, Brown, Logan, and Shelby to send expeditions against the Indians in their own way. Accordingly in the spring and summer preceding the defeat of General St. Clair, two expeditions of volunteer militia from the district of Kentucky, were ?ent by those gentlemen against the Indians on the Wabash — the first under the command of general Charles Scott, and the other under general James Wilkinson. They were both completely successful. The Indian country was laid waste, many lives were destroyed, and many prisoners were taken, without much loss on the part of the Ken- tuckians. Yet in,* the autumn of the same year, the old 12 HISTORY OF THE LATE WAR method of sending regulars, under a general unskilled in savage warfare, was again employed in the case of St. Clair's campaign, with the disastrous consequence of a total defeat. After this disaster, affairs with the Indians wore a gloomy aspect. It was extremely difficult to procure supplies from the scattered settlements of the frontiers, to subsist a regular army sufficient to humble the savages. General Washington hence determined to attempt a negotiation with them; and Colonel Hardin was accord ingly sent to them with a flag. All that is known about him after his departure, is that he was met and massacred by the Indians. A predatory, skirmishing warfare was then continued for several years, without any important and decisive action being fought, until in the year '94 a formidable and successful expedition was. conducted against the savages by General Anthony Wayne, a distin guished revolutionary officer from Pennsylvania, who was then commander-in-chief of the American army. He was accompanied by Generals Wilkinson and Scott of the same character from Kentucky. The principal part of the troops were assembled at Cincinnati in the month of June, and thence marched by the way of Forts Hamilton, Greenville, Recovery, Adams, and Defiance, which had been built by the regulars under Wayne, during several preceding years of preparation for this decisive campaign. In the meantime, the British commandant at Detroit had seized a commanding spot in the American territory on the north side of the Miami of the lakes, below the Rapids, where he had erected a strong fort, from which the Indians were notoriously fed and supplied with ammu nition, under the pretense of paying them annuities. They also were secretly counselled in relation to their manage ment of the war. The following extracts from the letters IN THE WESTERN COUNTRY 13 of Colonel M'Kee, the superintendent of Indian affairs for the districts of Detroit and Mackinaw, which were ad dressed from this fort to Colonel England, the military commandant at Detroit, are worthy to be preserved as evidence of the conduct of the British government in this case. The letters were written from one British officer to another, and were endorsed "on his Majesty's service." "Rapids, July 2d, '94 "By the same channel I learn that a large body of troops, supposed to be 3000, with wagons, etc., crossed the Ohio some days ago and marched towards the forts in the Indian country. "I am much pressed for tobacco and ammunition (for the Indians) which I hope I may receive by the return of the boat." "Rapids, July 5th, '94. "Sir — I send this by a party of Saganas, who returned yesterday from Fort Recovery, where the whole body of Indians, except the Delawares, who had gone another route, imprudently attacked the fort on Monday, the 30th of last month, and lost 16 or 17 men, besides a good many wounded. "Everything had been settled, prior to their leaving the Fallen Timber, and it had been agreed upon to confine themselves to taking convoys, and attacking at a distance from the forts, if they should have the address to entice the enemy out; but the impetuosity of the Mackinaw In dians, and their eagerness to begin with the nearest, pre vailed with the others to alter their system, the conse quences of which, from the present appearance of things, may most materially injure the interest of these people; both the Mackinaw and Lake Indians seeming resolved on going home again, having completed the belts they carried with scalps and prisoners, and having no provision there, or at the Glaze to subsist upon ; so that his Majesty's post will derive no security from the late great influx of In dians into this part of the country, should they persist in their resolution of returning so soon. 14 HISTORY OF THE LATE WAR "Capt. Elliott writes that they are immediately to hold a council at the Glaze, in order to try if they can prevail on the Lake Indians to remain; but without provisions, ammunition, etc., being sent to that place, I conceive it will be extremely difficult to keep them together." "Rapids, August 13th, '94. "Sir — I was honored last night with your letter of the 11th, and am extremely glad to find you are making such exertions to supply the Indians with provisions. "Captain Elliott arrived yesterday; what he has brought will greatly relieve us, having been obliged all day yesterday to take the corn and flour which the traders had there. "Scouts are sent up to view the situation of the army, and we now muster 1,000 Indians. All the Lake Indians from Sagana downward, should not lose one moment in joining their brethren, as every accession of strength is an addition to their spirits.' "Camp near Fort Miami, August 30, '94. "Sir — I have been employed several days in endeavoring to fix the Indians, (who have been driven from their vil lages and corn fields ) between the fort and the bay. Swan Creek is generally agreed upon, and will be a very con venient place for the delivery of provisions, etc." As General Wayne advanced, the Indians retired, leav ing their villages and corn, on the Miami and Auglaize rivers, to be burned and destroyed. Through the medium of his spies, the general often tendered them terms of peace, which they as often rejected. They at length determined on making a stand about two miles above the British gar rison to give Wayne battle. An engagement accordingly took place on the 20th of August, '94 — the result was a complete discomforture of the Indians. A number of British Canadians fought with the Indians in this battle. On the next day, the general reconnoitred the British fort, and demanded in peremptory terms the reasons for their intrusion. The British officer commanding, replied that IN THE WESTERN COUNTRY 15 he was there by the orders of his government, and would abandon the place as soon as he was ordered to do so by his superiors; and that he hoped the general would not proceed to extremities till their respective governments were consulted. General Wayne then retired up the Miami and erected Fort Wayne. This victory over the Indians laid the foundation of a general peace with them. They had believed, that the British wrould protect them, but they found themselves ampaign attempted? The orders of the government to Geieral Harrison were indeed not positive on this head ; but His impossible that he could hesitate to believe that their A\ishes and expectations were decidedly in favor of recovering Detroit and taking Alalden during the winter. Their letters afford ample evidence that such were their views; and their having ordered 10,000 men to the field, many of whom were from the Alleghany moun tains, whose terms of service would all expire by the end of winter, was an unquestionable evidence of their inten tions. The force was much greater than was necessary merely for the defense of the frontiers. After the most mature reflection the general determined to endeavor to surmount all the difficulties Avhich would oppose the winter campaign. He was fully apprised of their extent, and had even given a decided opinion to the government before his appointment, that in the event of the capture of Hull's 264 HISTORY OF THE LATE WAR army, it would be impracticable to re-establish our Affairs in that quarter until the following year. After bong in vested with the command, he had altered his opinion so far only as to believe, that a season favorable to hii opera tions, combined Avith some address, and with mueh labor and expense, might possibty enable him to advance, either before the swamps became impassable in the fal/ or in the middle of winter when they were hard frozen ;and he be lieved that the uncommon solicitude of the goA^nment ard the people made it necessary to attempt it. /he prepara1 tions for the advance of the army, however.could not be completed in time for advancing in the fall&nd the open ness of the winter, with other unfavorable Recurrences, de feated him in that season. / Alany persons were impatient at the dyay of the north western army, who did not know, that beff e it could arrive at Detroit, it had to pass a Avilderness if 180 miles, and many who knew that circumstance, did not know that the greater part of that desert was a f rightfd swamp, and that the best of it Avould be considered inip^sable for carriages of any kind, by the people of the Atlintic States. With the knowledge which the general possessed of the country, he could not for a moment have thought of passing, in the latter part of the fall or beginning of winter, the swampy district which crosses every approach to the lake, even if his preparations for the march had been complete. But this was far from being the case. At a time when it was supposed by many, that he might have been in full march upon Alalden, some of the pieces of artillery, Avhich were intended to reduce that fortress, had just been forwarded from AVashington City, and a. part of the timber for the carriages of the latter Avas still standing in the Avoods near Pittsburgh. The very unexpected surrender of Hull had thrown all the western arrangements of the government IN THE AVESTERN COUNTRY 265 into confusion. Reinforcements had been ordered for his army, and during the excitement produced by his surrender, additional reinforcements were ordered into the field, be fore any arrangements had been made to furnish them with provisions and clothing, and to supply the place of the ar tillery which Avas lost in Detroit. After the termination of the campaign, the attention of General Harrison Avas directed to the fortifying of his position at the foot of the Rapids; to the distribution of the troops, Avhich would remain after the discharge of the Kentucky and Ohio corps; and to the accumulation of pro visions at his present post for the next campaign. In the latter business, very little could be effected at present. It was necessary, to Avait for the opening of the rivers in the spring, to bring down the immense stores accumulated on the St. Alarys and Auglaize by Avater conveyance. From Lower Sandusky there wTas some progress made in trans portation, by going 'round on the ice of the Sandusky and Aliami bay and border of the lake. A battalion of Ohio troops, recently called into service, together with a com pany of regulars, were distributed in the forts on the Auglaize and St. Alarys; in each post on Hull's road, a subaltern's command was stationed ; at Upper Sandusky a company wras placed, and another at Lower Sandusky. The balance of all the troops Avere collected at the foot of the Rapids, where they amounted to 1500 or 1800 men, which was deemed by General Harrison to be too small a force for that important post. The direction of its forti fication was entrusted to Colonel Wood, who Avas then captain in the corps of engineers. "So soon as the lines of the camp Avere designated, large portions of labor were assigned to each corps in the army, by which means a very laudable emulation was easily ex cited. Each brigade or regiment commenced the particu- 266 HISTORY OF THE LATE WAR lar portion of work allotted to it with great spirit and vigor. The camp was about 2500 yards in circumference, the whole of which, with the exception of several small in tervals left for batteries and blockhouses, was to be picketed with timber fifteen feet long, from ten to twelve inches in diameter, and set three feet in the ground. Such were the instructions of the engineer. To complete this picketing, to put eight blockhouses of double timbers, to eleArate four large batteries, to build all the storehouses and magazines required to contain the supplies of the army, together with the ordinary fatigues of the camp, was an undertaking of no small magnitude. Besides an immense deal of labor was likeAvise required in excavating ditches, making abatis, and clearing away the wood about the camp; and all this was to be done too at a time Avhen the weather was inclement, and the ground so hard frozen that it could scarcely be opened with the mattock and pick-axe. But in the use of the axe, mattock and spade consisted the chief military knowledge of our army; and even that knowledge however trifling it may be supposed by some, is of the ut most importance in many situations, and in ours was the salvation of the army. — Colonel Wood." The position thus fortified and denominated Camp Aleigs, was deemed the most eligible that could be selected, for the protection of the frontiers and the small posts in the rear of it. As a depot for the artillery, military stores and provisions, it was also indispensably necessary to main tain it, for it was now impossible to bring them away. It will be proper in this place, to notice some transac tions, which occurred after the defeat at the river Raisin, in the States which had troops in the northwestern army. When General Harrison at LoAver Sandusky, received the information from General Winchester, that the Kentucky troops were not disposed to remain in service after their six months had expired, he immediately addressed a letter to Governor Shelby, in which he appealed to the patriot ism of that chief and the people of his State for reinforce- IN THE AVESTERN COUNTRY 267 ments. He requested that a corps of 1500 men might be raised and marched to the army Avith all possible dispatch, to supply the place of the Kentuckians then in the field. The legislature of Kentucky Avas in session, and the govern or in a confidential message, communicated the informa tion and request, which he had received from General Har rison. A law wTas immediately passed, offering the addi tional pay of seven dollars per month, to any 1500 of the Kentucky troops, Avho would remain in service, till a corps could be sent to relieve them. This law with an address from the legislature to the troops, was immediately dis patched to them by Colonel Anthony Crocket, who arrived at the northwestern army about the 8th of February. The men had suffered so much, by the unparalleled privations, which they had to encounter in a Avinter campaign, in that rigorous climate and unfavorable country — and they were now so anxious to return to their friends at home — that they partially resisted the strong appeal to their patriot ism in the address of the legislature, supported by the offer of additional pay. They would not engage for any speci fied length of time — but if their general was ready to ad vance against the enemy, they would not hesitate to accom pany him without any pecuniaiy inducement. A similar offer was made about the same time by the State of Ohio, and afterwards by Pennsylvania, to their respective troops, which was attended with similar success. In the meantime the legislature of Kentucky was en gaged in passing an act, to authorize the governor to detach a corps of 3,000 men from the militia, of Avhich 1500 were intended to march immediately to General Harrison. On the 2nd of February, they received intelligence of the vic tory obtained at FrenchtoAvn by Colonel Lewis, which pro duced the liveliest joy at the capitol — but a sad reverse was at hand. In the evening the Theatre was unusually 268 HISTORY OF THE LATE WAR crowded, and the hearts of the people teemed with gratula- tion at the victory obtained by their fellow-citizens in arms — Avhen Colonel Wells arrived about 8 o'clock in the night, with information of the defeat and massacre at the river Raisin. AA7hat a shock to the feelings of the people! The flower of the Kentucky troops, and of the citizens of that State, were totally defeated and barbarously cut to pieces. The sad reality filled every mind with horror — the fictitious scene of public amusement, was quickly abandoned for the private firesides, to mourn the loss of friends and the mis fortunes of the country. But the public spirit did not sink under the pressure of this calamity. Though many widows and orphans Avere left to mourn the loss of husbands and fathers ; yet the monstrous outrage of the 22nd only roused the indignation of the yeomanry, and one universal call for vengeance on the unprincipled fee, Avas heard from one ex treme of the State to the other. On the next day the governor put his approving signa ture to the laAv for calling out 3000 militiamen; and the legislature, placing the utmost confidence in the patriotism, energy, and military talents of that veteran, passed a re solve, in conformity Avith the Constitution, "advising him to command personally in the field," at any time when he could best promote the public interests by such personal service. At the Rapids on the 13th, the fragments of the regiments, originally commanded by Colonels Allen, Scott, and LeAvis, Avere honorably discharged ; and about the same time the original troops from Ohio were also permitted to retire. The Kentucky regiments under Barbee, Poague, and Jennings terminated their period of service on the 1st of March and returned home. The Virginia and Pennsyl vania troops still formed a competent force at the fort, but their time was also draAAdng to a close. IN THE AVESTERN COUNTRY 269 The commanding general, considering the destruction of the enemy's vessels at Maiden, as an object of the great est importance, and as one which might be accomplished by an expedition on the ice of the lake, prepared in the latter part of February for an enterprise of that kind, Avhich he entrusted to the command of Captain Langham, a young officer of great promise. The detachment with which he was to execute it, consisted of 170 volunteers, from the dif ferent corps at the Rapids, who were capable of any enter prise that valour and perseverance could effect. They Avere provided with all the combustible materials and instru ments necessary for such an undertaking ; and the particu lar party charged with setting fire to the vessels, was placed under the immediate direction of Mr. Aladis, conductor of artillery, a young French gentleman who had been an officer of the navy in his native country, and who was dis tinguished for his great zeal in our cause, and for his knowl edge of all the duties of the artillery service. Sleighs Avere provided for the whole detachment, and they were directed to go doAvn the lake to the Bass Islands, and proceed from one island to another in the chain running towards Maiden, managing their movements so as to set out from the Aliddle Sister about dark, that they might reach the destined scene of action some hours before day. When they came near to Maiden, the sleighs were to be left and the party to proceed on foot, being all provided with moccasins or cloth socks to prevent their feet from making a noise on the ice. Hav ing completely fired the vessels they Avere to return to their sleighs, which it was supposed would convey them so rapid ly away, as to render pursuit perfectly nugatory. On the second day after their departure, General Harrison ad vanced with a considerable detachment for the purpose of meeting any party which might pursue them. But at the mouth of the Aliami bay, he had the infinite mortification to 270 HISTORY OF THE LATE AVAR meet Captain Langham returning. He had proceeded but a short distance from the Bass Islands, when he found the whole lake open, which of course put a stop to his progress. In most winters the passage of the lake on the ice is prac ticable at this period. Had it been so at this time, there is good reason to believe that the scheme would have suc ceeded, and have illuminated the setting darkness of the campaign with a blaze of glory. The subsequent conduct of Captain Langham has proved, that a better choice for the leader of such an enterprise could not have been made; nor could a more proper person have been selected for firing the Aressels than Air. Madis, from his intimate acquaintance with everything relating to them, and his acknowledged bravery which he had displayed in the campaign of General Hull. ' As soon as the dispatch of General Harrison, dated on the 11th of February, in which he informed the government of the termination of the campaign, and of his consequent arrangements, was received at the war department, the present secretary, General Armstrong, sent him instruc tions in several successive letters, for the future conduct of the war on the northwestern frontiers. He was instructed to continue his demonstrations against Alalden, as a diver sion in favor of the attempts to be made on Canada below; but no real movement against Alalden was to be made, until the government had obtained the command of Lake Erie, Avhich it expected to accomplish by the middle of May. The vessels of Avar for this purpose noAv building at Presque Isle in Pennsylvania, Cleveland was fixed upon, as the depot for the troops to be employed in the expedition. Those troops were to consist of the 17th and 19th regiments now in the northwestern army, and but very partially filled — the 24th regiment now at Massac, and three new regi ments of regulars, two of which were to be raised in Ohio, IN THE WESTERN COUNTRY 271 and the other in Kentucky. If these regiments were not filled in time, the deficiency was to be made up from the militia. To curtail the enormous expense of militia ser vice, some general rules were adopted in relation to their employment. No requisition was to be made, but by some officer regularly authorized — and was then to be for a definite number, in which the officers and privates should bear the same proportion, as in the regular army — and until so organized, they were not to be received into service. The general was instructed to maintain the post at the Rapids, unless by possibility he should be unable to sub sist a sufficient force there for that purpose; and to insure him the possession of a sufficient force, he was authorized to employ the two regiments to be raised in Ohio, or so many of them as would answer his purpose. He was also instructed to promote the recruiting service, in order to have the regiments filled in time for the expedition. Such were the plans of the new secretary for the approaching campaign ; and with these nominal forces was the general required to maintain the northwestern posts, with the pro visions and military stores now accumulated in them ; and to protect the frontiers against the Indians, and make demonstrations against Maiden. Fortunately, General Harrison, before he received these instructions, had called for reinforcements of militia from both Kentucky and Ohio, but the Avhole number expected would not be suffi cient to garrison the different posts completely. In answer to these instructions, the general remon strated against abandoning the use of militia, and leaving the frontiers in such a defenseless situation. He repre sented the numerous Indian tribes, residing contiguous to our outposts, who were either hostile, or would soon become so, when not overawed by an American army. As soon as the lake became navigable, the enemy from Maiden could 272 niSTORY OF THE LATE WAR also make a descent with the utmost facility on Fort Meigs, the important deposit of the artillery and military stores, from Avhich they could not be removed through the swamps, and to which it Avas necessary to carry, on the high waters in the spring, the immense supplies deposited on the Au glaize and St. Marys. The works at the Rapids had been constructed for a force of 2,000 men, for the general had thought it necessary to maintain a force at that place, Avhich would be able to contend in the field wdth all the dis posable force of the enemy, in order to prevent him from getting into its rear, and destroying the weaker posts which more immediately protected the frontiers. The govern ment Avas assured, that the regular force on which they relied, could not be raised in time, even for the intended expedition; and that as large supplies were not prepared, at points where they lay could be transported by water, the surest plan Avould be to march a large militia force, which not being delayed and dispirited for the Avant of supplies, wonld behave well aud effectually accomplish the objects of the campaign. The probability that the force on which the government relied, Avould be too small to effect its object, was represented as a great obstacle in the Avay of the recruiting service, which at best was found to be very tedious. In the folloAving extract from a letter of General Har rison to Governor Shelby, the general expressed himself more explicitly on the subject. "My sentiments upon the subject of the force necessary for the prosecution of the war, are precisely similar to yours. It will increase your surprise and regret, when I inform you, that last night's mail brought me a letter from the secretary of war, in which I am restricted to the em ployment of the regular troops raised in this State to re inforce the post at the Rapids. There are scattered through this State about 140 recruits of the 19th regiment, and with IN THE WESTERN COUNTRY 273 these I am to supply the place of the two brigades from Pennsylvania and Virginia, whose terms of service will now be daily expiring. By a letter from Governor Aleigs I am informed, that the secretary of war disapproved the call for militia, which I had made on this State and Ken tucky, and was on the point of countermanding the orders. I will just mention one fact, which Avill shoAV the conse quences of such a countermand. There are upon the Au glaize and St. Marys rivers, eight forts which contain within them property to the amount of half a million dol lars from actual cost, and worth noAV to the United States four times that sum. The Avhole force Avhich would have had charge of all these forts and property, would have amounted to less than twenty invalid soldiers." The determination of the government to rely on raising regulars, was caused in part by the inefficiency of the militia. This species of troops on the northern frontier had in many instances refused to pass the limits of the United States, under the pretence that it was unconstitu tional ; and in the western country, where they had in gen eral behaved well, the campaign had been enormously ex pensive, and had accomplished no important object. On the other hand, it was hoped that the recruiting service would now be more productive, under a laAV whicli had recently passed in Congress. This law authorized tAventy regiments to be raised to serve only twelve months ; and at the same time the pay and bounty were greatly enhanced. The plan, however, was not well suited to the western country. The recruiting of regulars Avill always be slow, where a superabundant population had not rendered the army a place of refuge from hard labor, low wages and starvation. Hence by the time a regiment of twelve months men can be filled, one-half the number on an average will have served half their time, so that neither in respect , of economy nor discipline, can such troops be much prefer able to militia; and such proved to be the case in the present 18 274 HISTORY OP THE LATE WAR attempt. Colonels AI'Arthur and Cass were appointed brigadier-generals, to command the troops destined to form the northwestern army; and Governor Howard was ap pointed a brigadier, and assigned to the command of the Indiana, Illinois, and Missouri Territories. In the meantime General Harrison had left the fron tiers, and repaired to Cincinnati, where his family resided, having entrusted the command of Fort Meigs to General Leftwich. Upon the failure of the expedition under Cap tain Langham, he saw that it was now impossible to annoy the enemy in any manner, and that until the lake became navigable, it would be equally impossible for the enemy to make any formidable attack on his posts. He was equally confident, that as soon as the lake became completely open in the spring, an attack Avould be made on some of his ad vanced positions, and most probably on Fort Meigs, on the safety of which depended the success of our operations in the next campaign ; at the conclusion of the last, that place had become from inevitable necessity as well as from choice, the grand depot of nearly all the artillery, military stores, and provisions belonging to the northwestern army; for unless the provisions in the posts on the waters of the Miami were taken to Fort Meigs, while the waters Avere nav igable in the spring, they Avould be rendered useless for any operations in advance of those places, until midsummer, when the roads would become sufficiently dry and firm for their land transportation. Before the period when the attack on the place was to be expected, its garrison would be reduced to insignifi cance by the discharge of the militia; the general hence deemed it his duty to repair to the interior, and hasten out with reinforcements to take their place ; and this was par ticularly necessary, as it was probable that they would be too late, unless their march were hastened, by those extra- IN THE WESTERN COUNTRY 275 ordinary and expensive measures, to which a commander- in-chief can with propriety resort, but of which few subor dinate officers will take the responsibility. The general had also a powerful motive for visiting Cincinnati, in the State of his family — they had suffered and were still suffer ing the most unexampled afflictions of disease. Governor Aleigs had ordered two regiments to be or ganized, which rendezvoused at Dayton and several other points in Ohio, in the early part of March, and were placed under the command of Brigadier-general John Wingate, who proceeded with one of the regiments under Colonel Mills to St. Alarys, to garrison the posts in that quarter. The number of men in his brigade, however, proved greatly deficient. From one division of militia, from which 250 men were to be detached, only forty appeared in the field ; and the whole amount obtained was insufficient to garri son the small posts only. The governor of Kentucky acting under the law recent ly passed in that State, had on the 16th of February, or dered 3000 men to be drafted and organized into four regi ments under Colonels Boswell, Dudley, Cox and Caldwell, to be commanded by Brigadier-general Green Clay. The two former rendezvoused at NeAvport about the 1st of April, at which place General Harrison had Avaited till the first three companies arrived, which he furnished with a packhorse for every two men, and sent them on by forced marches. He had received letters from the Rapids inform ing him, that the Virginia and Pennsylvania brigades would leave that place the moment their time was out, which would be on the 2nd of April— and as the openness of the season would soon render the lake navigable, and the enemy had learned, from a prisoner they had taken, the situation of our affairs, an immediate attack upon Fort Meigs was anticipated. This state of affairs was communi- 276 HISTORY OF THE LATE WAR cated to the war department, and the propriety of calling out the balance of the Kentucky draft, to be placed at Fort Wayne to keep the Indians in check, was pressed on the attention of the government. The general immediately set out for the Rapids, leaving the Kentucky regiments to fol low him with the utmost expedition in their power. In the meantime the Virginia and Pennsylvania troops returned home, except about 230 of the latter, who had volunteered under the influence of patriotic sentiments and the elo quence of their chaplain, Doctor Hersey, to remain till the reinforcements had arrived. When the general afterwards arrived, these patriotic men informed him through their officers, that upon reaching home in the course of a few weeks, depended their raising crops in the ensuing season, but that they were determined never to abandon him, until he thought their services could be spared without danger to the fort. The general dismissed them on the arrival of the advanced companies of the Kentucky militia. While General Harrison was in the interior, he ad dressed several letters to the commanders of the Penn sylvania and Virginia brigades, Avhich were read to those troops, setting forth the exposed situation of the camp, the probability of an attack, and the awful consequences of leaving the camp, almost to the mercy of the enemy. "Those letters did honor to General Harrison, but they proved of no avail as respects the Virginia troops. They were calculated to 'rouse the feelings, and excite the ener gies of him, who had the smallest regard for his country's welfare ; but Lef twich had determined on leaving the camp as soon as possible, and cared not what became of those who remained. Nor did he do or say anything to get a part of his men to remain a few days. His conduct during the absence of General Harrison was highly reprehensible, in deed, for instead of completing the unfinished works, he pre tended that the men could not be made to work, said they IN THE WESTERN COUNTRY 277 were sickly, that the weather was bad, and what was most vexatious indeed, permitted them to burn the picketing timber for fuel, instead of getting it from the woods. After General Harrison left camp, not a single thing towards finishing the works was done, until Captain Wood returned on the 20th from Sandusky, to Avhich place he had been sent to give directions for its fortification. He had the extreme mortification to find nothing at all done in his absence, ex cept the destruction of the unfinished lines. This was most perplexing to him indeed, as the ultimate responsibility in case of an attack, would in a great measure attach to him, the fortifying of the camp having been solely com mitted to his charge. Alany young officers, Croghan, Brad ford and Langham, were extremely chagrined and vexed at this old phlegmatic Dutchman, who was not even fit for a packhorse master, much less to be entrusted Avith such an important command.— Colonel Wood." After the departure of Leftwich, the command devolved on Major Stoddard, who had only the remaining Pennsyl- vanians, a battalion of twelve month's volunteers under Major Alexander, a company of artillerists, and small fragments of the 17th and 19th regiments of infantry, amounting in all to 500 men— with which to maintain an unfinished fortress, calculated for an army of 2000. But Stoddard was an excellent officer, and made every exer tion in his power to complete the fortifications. Little skirmishes now frequently took place in the vicinity of the camp with reconnoitering parties of Indians ; and about the last of AIarch a party of citizens arrived from Detroit with information that Proctor had issued orders for assembling the militia at Sandwich on the 7th of April, to assist in an expedition against Camp Meigs. One of them, a respectable inhabitant of Detroit, stated that he had frequently heard Alajor Aluir, with whom he was inti mate, speak of the plan of attack, on Avhich Proctor had already determined. It was to erect strong batteries on the 278 HISTORY OF THE LATE AVAR north side of the river to be manned and played upon the camp by the regulars, while the Indians completely invested the camp on the south side — and in the opinion of Major Muir, it would require but a feAv hours of cannonading and bombarding, to smoke out our troops into the hands of the Indians. Various other persons soon afterwards arrived from the same place, and confirmed this information. They frequently stated, that Proctor had said he would march the northwestern army to Alontreal by the first of June. The utmost exertions were noAV made, and every possible means were taken to render the camp impregnable as the situation of things would admit. "On the 8th of April, Lieut. Col. Ball arrived with 200 dragoons, as fine felloAvs as eArer dreAV a sword — they were cordially received, and their presence seemed to give new life to some of the old veterans, who were almost broken down with colds and hard work. — Wood." On the 12th, General Harrison arrived at the camp, having brought AAdth him all the troops, being about 300 men, which could possibly be spared from the posts on the Auglaize and St. Alarys. He descended by AA^ater from Fort Amanda, expecting from the information he had re ceived, that Fort Aleigs Avas already invested. Had that been the case, he intended to storm the British batteries in the manner, in which he afterwards ordered Colonel Dudley to do it. On his way from the interior, he wrote back to Governor Shelby for the balance of the Kentucky draft. This Avas in direct violation of his instructions from the secretary of war; but the critical situation of affairs in his opinion authorized the measure; and if the secretary disapproved it, he would still have time to coun termand the march of the troops. The most vigorous exertions were now made in the fort to prepare for a siege ; and scouts were constantly sent out to Avatch for the ap- IN THE WESTERN COUNTRY 279 proach of the enemy. A vigilant eye was directed down the river, and reconnoitering parties were frequently sent in boats to the mouth of the bay to survey the lake. On the 19th, a scouting party brought in three Frenchmen from the river Raisin, who stated that the British were still making active preparations for an attack, and were assem bling an immense Indian force. The Prophet and Tecum seh had arrived with 600 warriors from the country be tween Lake Michigan and the Wabash. This intelligence convinced the general that no attack by the Indians was to be expected on the posts in his rear, or on the settlements of the Big Miami and Wabash. He, therefore, sent an express to Governor Shelby to countermand the march of the troops which he had recently requested. General Clay had still not arrived with the detachment under his command. His progress was very much impeded by the deepness of the roads, and the fullness of every little stream he had to cross. The companies which Har rison had dispatched in advance, by the way of Forts M'Arthur and Portage, unencumbered with heavy bag gage, constituted a battalion of Boswell's regiment, under the command of Major Johnson. They were so fortunate as to reach the camp at the Rapids before the arrival of the enemy. When the rest of the detachment arrived on the waters of the Miami, the regiment of Colonel Dudley was ordered to descend the Auglaize with boats containing provisions and baggage, and to wait at Defiance for the general, who. embarked on the St. Marys with the balance of Boswell's regiment, in boats also freighted with baggage tod provisions.. They had all arrived at Defiance on the 3rd of May, where the general was met by an express from Camp Meigs, with intelligence that it was already invested by the Allies.. . 280 HISTORY OF THE LATE WAR Towards the latter part of April, the enemy was fre quently discovered in small parties about the fort, by the scouts sent out by the general; on the 26th his advance was discovered at the mouth of the bay ; and on the 28th as Captain Hamilton was going down the river with a small reconnoitering party, he discovered the whole force of the British and Indians approaching within a few miles of the fort. An express was now sent to General Clay, with let ters also for the governors of Ohio and Kentucky. This perilous journey was undertaken by Captain Oliver, the commissary to the fort, a brave and intelligent officer, who possessed every necessary qualification for such an enter prise. He was accompanied by a single white man, and an Indian, and was escorted some distance from the camp by Captain Garrard with 80 of his dragoons. The troops in the fort Avere paraded, and the general addressed them in animated terms on the approaching crisis. His popu lar eloquence reached the hearts of his brave companions, and was answered with shouts of applause and devotion. Presently the gunboats of the enemy came in view down the river, and approached to the site of the old Fort Aliami, on the opposite side from Camp Aleigs. There the British began to land and mount their guns, and as soon as their ordnance was on shore, their boats were employed to carry the Indians to the southeast side of the river, where they soon completely invested our camp, and nothing but their hideous yells and the firing musketry was noAV to be heard. The general was indefatigable in his attention to all the operations required by the situation in which he was placed. On the next morning after the arrival of the enemy he issued a general order from Avhich the following is an extract : i . "Can the citizens of a free country who have taken arms to defend its rights, think of submitting to an army com- IN THE WESTERN COUNTRY 281 posed of mercenary soldiers, reluctant Canadians goaded to the field by the bayonet, and of wretched, naked sav ages? Can the breast of an American soldier when he casts his eyes to the opposite shore, the scene of his coun try's triumphs over the same foe, be influenced by any other feelings than the hope of glory? Is not this army com posed of the same materials with that which fought and conquered under the immortal Wayne? Yes, fellow sol diers, your general sees your countenances beam with the same fire, that he witnessed on that glorious occasion ; and although it would be the height of presumption to compare himself with that hero, he boasts of being that hero's pupil. To your posts then fellow-citizens, and remember that the eyes of your country are upon you." The British had established their main camp about two miles down the river at the place of their landing ; and in the night they had commenced three batteries opposite the fort, on a high bank about 300 yards from the river, the in tervening low ground being open and partly covered with water. Two of them were gun batteries with four em brasures, and were situated higher up the river than the fort; the other was a bomb battery situated rather below the fort. They had progressed so far in the night, that they were now able to work at them in daylight. A fire however, was opened upon them from the fort, which con siderably impeded their progress. It was under the direc tions of Captain Wood, the senior officer of the engineers, Captain Gratiott, being unwell, but able occasionally to take charge of a battery. "The enemy's mode of attack being now thoroughly un derstood, a plan previously arranged and suggested to the general, to counteract such an attack as the one already commenced by the enemy, was adopted and directed to be earned into execution as soon as possible. The whole army was warned out subject to. the orders of the engineer, aaa the general seemed impatient for the new works to be 282 HISTORY OF THE LATE WAR in a state of progression. Scarcely time was allowed the engineer to lay out his works — however, he had matured and digested his plan well, and nothing of consequence need occasion much delay. "The works went on extremely well ; never did men be have better on any similar occasion, though some thought the immense trenches commenced entirely unnecessary. . . Orders had been given for them all to be kept in the trenches through the night, but it was so extremely dark, and the rain poured down in such torrents. . . . Next day one-third only of the army Avas on duty at a time, and was relieved every three hours. The Indians were getting to be very impudent, and it became necessary for us to keep an eye on them, and occasionally give them a few shells and grape.- — Colonel Wood." The ground had been covered by a heavy forest of oak and beech trees, which had been cleared aAvay by immense labor to the distance of 200 or 300 yards from the lines. Some scattering trees still remained and the trunks of others were lying on the ground. Behind these and the stumps, the Indians would creep up within shooting dis tance, and in several instances Avere able to do some exe cution, but in general they suffered most themselves. On the left the trees had not been felled to so great a distance, and there the savages mounted into their tops AAith the ut most agility, and from those elevated stations were able to send forth tremendous volleys of musketry. The dis tance, however, was so great that but feAv of their balls took effect. Their ethereal annoyance, however, proved a great stim ulus to the militia; for although they did their duty with alacrity and promptitude, yet their motions were much accelerated by it — and let who will make the experiment, it will be invariably found, that the movements of militia will be quickened by a brisk fire of musketry about their ears. IN THE WESTERN COUNTRY 283 The enemy continued diligently to labor on their bat teries. On the morning of the 30th, they were ready to fix their cannon, which they accomplished under a warm fire from the fort, by which they lost several lives. A number of boats loaded with British as well as Indians were then seen crossing to the southeast side, Avhich led the general to suspect that they intended to amuse him Avith their bat teries, while they would attempt to storm his works in the opposite direction. Orders were given for the troops who were not on duty, to rest with their muskets in their arms, so as to be ready at a moment's warning to take their posts. On the morning of the 1st of May, it Avas discovered that the British batteries were completed ; and about 10 :0O o'clock they appeared to be loading, and adjusting their guns on certain objects in the camp. By this time our troops had completed a grand traverse, about twelve feet high, upon a base of twenty feet, 300 yards long, on the most elevated ground through the middle of the camp, cal culated to ward off the shot of the enemy's batteries. Or ders were given for all the tents in front to be instantly re moved into its rear, Avhich was effected in a few minutes — and that beautiful prospect of cannonading and bom barding our lines, which but a moment before had excited the skill and energy of the British engineer, was now en tirely fled, and in its place nothing was to be seen but an immense shield of earth, which entirely obscured the whole army. Not a tent nor a single person was to be seen. Those canvass houses, which had concealed the growth of the traverse from the view of the enemy, Avere now pro tected and hid in their turn. The prospect of smoking us put, was now at best but very faint. But as neither Gen- eral Proctor nor his officers were yet convinced of the folly and futility of their laborious preparations, their batteries were opened and five days were spent in arduous cannonad- 284 HISTORY OF THE LATE WAR ing and bombarding to bring them to this salutary convic tion. A tremendous cannonade was kept up all the rest of the day, and shells were thrown till eleven o'clock at night. Very little damage, however, was done in the camp ; one or two were killed and three or four wounded — among the latter was Major Amos Stoddard of the 1st reg iment of artillery — a revolutionary character, and an offi cer of much merit. He was wounded slightly with a piece of shell, and about ten days afterwards died Avith the lockjawr. The fire of the enemy was returned from the fort Avith our 18-pounders with some effect, though but sparingly — for the stock of 18-pound shot was but small, there being but 360 of that size in the fort when the siege commenced, and about the same number of the 12-pounders. A proper supply of this article had not been sent with the artillery from Pittsburgh. The battery of the enemy supplied us Avith 12-pound shot, but they had no eighteens, all their large guns being twenty-fours. On the second day they opened their fire again with great fury, and continued it all day, but without any better effect. It had been apprehended in camp, that the enemy, find ing he could not effect his object by his first plan of attack, Avould transfer his guns to the other side of the river, and establish batteries upon the centre or flanks of the camp. AArorks calculated to resist him in such an event had, there fore, been undertaken, and were already in a state of for wardness. On the 3rd, about 11 o'clock, our expectations were verified. Three pieces and a howitzer were suddenly opened on the camp from the bushes on the left. But they were soon silenced, and compelled to change their position by a few 18-pound shot from our batteries. They resumed their fire again on the same side, but with no important ad vantages. On this day, hoAApever, they did rather more exe- IN THE WESTERN COUNTRY 285 cution from their fire on every side than they had done before. On the 4th their fire was again renewed, but with less vehemence and vivacity. Those who were serving their guns appeared to move as if they were executing orders which they disapproved, and making exertions which they knew would fail — and to depress them still more, the troops in camp, when their fire was not very brisk, Avould show themselves above the intrenchments and give them three cheers, swinging their hats in the air. On the first three clays the fire of the enemy Avas inces sant and tremendous; five and eight-inch shells and 24- pound shot had fallen in showers in the camp. Our bat teries at different times had been served with great effect, as was afterwards acknowledged by some of the principle officers of the enemy. But the scarcity of ammunition, and not knowing how long the siege might continue, had compelled us to economize our fire. "With a plenty of ammunition, we should have been able to have blown John Bull almost from the Aliami. . . . It was extremely diverting to see with what pleasure and delight the Indians would yell, whenever in their opinion considerable damage was done in camp by the bursting of a shell. Their hanging about the camp, and occasionally coming pretty near, kept our lines almost constantly in a blaze of fire; for nothing can please a Kentuckian better than to get a shot at an Indian— and he must be indulged. —Colonel Wood." The approach of General Clay at this crisis, with a re inforcement of 1200 Kentuckians, requires our attention. Captain Oliver, the express sent from camp, found him at Port Winchester, at which place the cannonading at the siege was distinctly heard. On the 4th the general was ready to descend in eighteen flats, the sides of which were raised high enough to cover his men from the fire of Indians on the banks— Major David Trimble who had accompanied 286 HISTORY OF THE LATE AVAR him from Kentucky, voluntarily tendered his services to precede the detachment in a barge with fifteen men, accom panied by Captain Oliver, to apprise General Harrison of their approach. To penetrate to the camp, thus exposed in an open boat, was deemed extremely hazardous. Such an attempt had already been made by Captain Leslie Combs, who was sent down in a canoe with five or six men, by Colonel Dudley on his arrival at Defiance. The captain had reached within a mile of the fort, when he was attacked by the Indians, and compelled to retreat, after bravely con tending with superior numbers till he had lost nearly all his men. It was the intention of General Clay to leave Defiance about 12 o'clock, and to reach Camp Meigs in the night, or at least by daylight in the mdrning ; but it was late in the evening before he got in motion, and when he arrived at. the head of the Rapids, eighteen miles above the camp, the moon had gone down, and it was so dark and rainy, that his pilot refused to conduct him through them before day — he was, therefore, compelled to encamp till morning. Major Trimble reached the fort about midnight, and informed General Harrison that the detachment 1100 strong, would probably arrive about daylight. Harrison immediately determined to make a general sally against the enemy on General Clay's arrival, for which he made preparations at camp, and dispatched Captain Hamilton and a subaltern, with the necessary orders to General Clay. Captain Hamilton proceeded up the river in a canoe, and met the detachment five miles above the fort after daylight, in consequence of their pilot having detained them till morning instead of descending in the night as at first was intended. The captain immediately delivered the follow ing orders to General Clay : IN THE WESTERN COUNTRY 287 "You must detach about 800 men from your brigade, and land them at a point I Avill show you, about a mile, or a mile and a half ..above Camp Meigs. I will then conduct the detachment to the British batteries on the left bank of the river. The batteries must be taken, the cannon spiked, and carriages cut down ; and the troops must then return to their boats and cross over to the fort. The balance of your men must land on the fort side of the river, opposite the first landing, and fight their way into the fort through the Indians. The route they must take will be pointed out by a subaltern officer now with me, who will land the canoe on the right bank of the river, to point out the landing for the boats." The general was also informed, that the British force at their batteries was inconsiderable, the main body being at their camp a mile and a half further down — and that the Indians were chiefly on the same side with the fort. Gen eral Clay's order of descending the river was the same as in the line of march in solid column, each officer taking position according to his rank. Colonel Dudley being the oldest colonel led the van. As soon as Captain Hamilton had delivered the orders, General Clay who was in the 13th boat from the front, directed him to go to Colonel Dudley, with orders to take the twelve front boats and execute the plans of General Harrison on the left bank, and to post the subaltern with the canoe on the right bank, as a beacon for his landing. General Harrison intended, while the detachment under Dudley was destroying the batteries on the north side, and General Clay was fighting the Indians above the fort, to send out a party to destroy the batteries on the south side, but his plans were marred in the execution. General Clay ordered the five boats remaining with the one he occupied, to fall into a line after him ; and in at tempting to do it, they were driven on shore and thus 288 HISTORY OF THE LATE WAR thrown half a mile in the rear. The general kept close to the right bank, intending to land opposite to the detach ment under Dudley, but finding no guide there, and the Indians having commenced a brisk fire on his boat, he attempted to cross to the detachment. The current, how ever, was so swift, that it soon carried him too far down for that project; he, therefore, turned back, and landed on the right bank further down. Captain Peter Dudley with a part of his company was in this boat, making in the whole upwards of fifty men, who now marched into camp without loss amidst a shower of grape from the British batteries and the fire of some Indians. The boat Ayith their baggage and four sick soldiers, was left as the general supposed, in the care of two men who met him at his landing, and by whom he expected she would be brought down under the guns of the fort. In a few minutes, however, she fell into the hands of the Indians. The attempt which he had made to cross the river induced Colonel Boswell with the rear boats to land on the opposite side ; but as soon as Captain Hamilton discovered the error under which he acted, he instructed him to cross over and fight his way into camp. When he arrived at the south side his landing was annoyed by the Indians ; and as soon as his men were on shore he formed them and returned the fire of the enemy; at the same time he was directed by Captain Shaw from the com manding general, to march in open order through the plain to the fort. As there was now a large body of Indians on his flank, General Harrison determined to send out a rein forcement from the garrison to enable him to beat them. Alajor Alexander's battalion, composed of the Pitts burgh blues, the Petersburgh volunteers, etc. ; Alajor John son with a part of his battalion, and the companies of Captains Nearing and Dudley were ordered to prepare for this service. They were ready to join the Kentuckians as IN THE WESTERN COUNTRY 289 they arrived at the gates of the fort. Colonel Boswell then formed his men on the right ; Alajor Alexander on the left ; and Johnson in the centre. In this order they marched against the Indians and drove them at the point of the bay onet, though much superior in numbers, to the distance of half a mile into the woods. The greatest ardor was dis played by the troops, and when it became necessary to re turn, it was with the utmost difficulty that the officers of the Kentucky detachment could restrain their men from the pursuit. General Harrison had taken his position upon a battery to watch with a glass the various operations which at this moment claimed his attention. He discov ered a body of British and Indians filing along the edge of the woods to fall on the rear and left of the corps under Boswell. He immediately dispatched John T. Johnson, Esq., his volunteer aide, to recall them from the pursuit. His horse was killed under him before he could reach the detachment. The order was then repeated by Major Graham, and the reluctant though necessary retreat was at last commenced. The Indians then rallied and pursued them some distance, doing more execution while our men were retreating, than they had done in all the rest of the contest. The detachment under Colonel Dudley in the meantime had made their appearance at the batteries on the other side of the river, and were performing their share in the operations of this eventful day — but before we direct our attention to them, we will go through the occurrences on the south side. General Harrison noAV ordered a sortie from the fort, under the command of Col. John Aliller of the regulars, against the batteries which had been erected on that side. This detachment was composed of the com panies and parts of companies commanded by Captains Langham, Croghan, Bradfore, Nearing, Elliott, and Lieut- 290 HISTORY OF THE LATE AVAR enants Gwynne and Campbell, of the regulars ; the volun teers of Alexander's battalion, and Captain Sebree's com pany of Kentucky militia. The whole amounted only to 350 men. Colonel Aliller accompanied by Alajor Todd, led on his command with the most determined bravery ; charged upon the British and drove them from their batteries; spiked their cannon, and took fourteen prisoners including an officer, having completely beaten and driven back the whole force of the enemy. That force consisted of 200 British regulars, 150 Canadians, and 500 Indians, being considerably more than double the force of the brave de tachment which attacked them; but our troops charged with such irresistible impetuosity that nothing could with stand them. In this sortie, in Avhich all the troops engaged were dis tinguished for their good order and their intrepid, impet uous bravery, the militia company of Captain Sebree was particularly noticed by the general for its uncommon merit. With characteristic ardor the Kentuckians rushed in to the thickest ranks of the enemy, and Avere for some time entirely surrounded by the Indians — they still bravely maintained their ground against more than four times their number — but they must ultimately have been cut to pieces, had not Lieutenant Gwynne of the 19th regi ment boldly charged upon the Indians with a part of Cap tain Elliott's company, and released them from their des perate situation. The British and Indians suffered severe ly, and Avere routed in great confusion — and a few more men would have enabled the general to disperse and cap ture the whole force of the enemy remaining on the south side of the river. Colonel Aliller noAV returned to the fort with his prisoners, having lost many brave men on the field, and had several of his officers wounded. As he retired the IN THE WESTERN COUNTRY 291 enemy rallied and pressed hard on his rear, till he arrived near the breastwork. The operations on the north side of the river will now claim our attention. The detachment under Dudley effected a landing in tolerably good order, considering the roughness of the Rapids and the swiftness of the current, and were immediately marched off through the open plain to the hill, which was covered with timber. No specific orders were given by the colonel ; even his majors were left to conjecture the object of the enterprise. After marching some distance, the troops were formed into three columns : Colonel Dudley commanded at the head of the right ; Alajor Shelby on the left, and Captain Aiorrison, acting as major, in the centre. The right column kept the edge of the Avoods on the brow of the hill, which Avas in some places half a mile from the river, across the open bottom. The centre column marched parallel to the first, at the distance of 150 yards in the woods; and the left, a similar distance still further out. The distance to the batteries of the enemy was two miles, but they were in full view from the ridge on which Winchester had encamped, and above which the colonel marched unperceived by the enemy into the woods. When the detachment arrived within half a mile of the bat teries, which were cannonading the camp, Alajor Shelby was ordered on the suggestion of Captain Hamilton, to march the left forward as expeditiously as possible, till its rear passed the head of the other two columns, and then to wheel to the right and march towards the river. The bat teries were thus to be surrounded, and the whole of the British force captured and destroyed ; but while the other columns were still several hundred yards from the bat teries, they raised the Indian yell, charged upon them at full speed, and carried them without the loss of a man, 292 HISTORY OF THE LATE WAR having frightened off the few artillerists who Avere serving them, almost without knowing by whom they were assailed. The most complete success was thus achieved as re spected the great object of the enterprise. The Britsh flag Avas cut down, and the shouts of the garrison an nounced their joy at this consummation of their wishes. General Harrison was standing on the grand battery next the river, and now called to the men, and made signs to them, to retreat to their boats — but all in vain — they re mained at the batteries for some time, viewing the curiosi ties of the place, and without destroying the carriages, magazines, or even spiking the whole of the cannon. The general at last offered a reward to any person, who would cross the river and order them to retreat. Lieutenant Campbell undertook to perform this service, but before he could get over, the fate of the detachment was decided. About the time the batteries were taken, a body of Indians lying in ambush had fired on a party of spies under Cap tain Combs, who had marched down on the left of Alajor Shelby. Presently, Colonel Dudley gave orders to rein force the spies, and the greater part of the right and centre columns rushed into the woods in confusion, with their col onel among them, to fight the Indians — whom they routed and pursued near two miles from the batteries The left column remained in possession of the ground till the fugi tive artillerists returned with a reinforcement from the main British camp and attacked them. Some of them were then made prisoners at the battery, others fled to their boats, and a part who were rallied by the exertions of their major, were marched by him to the aid of Colonel Dudley. The Indians had also been reinforced, and the confusion in which Major Shelby found the men under Dudley, was as great as to amount to a cessation of resistance, while the savages skulking around them, continued the work of de- IN THE WESTERN COUNTRY 293 struction in safety. At last a retreat commenced in dis order, but the greater part of the men were either captured by the Indians, or surrendered to the British at the batter ies. Colonel Dudley after being wounded was overtaken and dispatched by the tomahawk. The number of all those who escaped and got into the fort from the whole detach ment, was considerably below 200. Had the orders which Colonel Dudley received been regarded, or a proper judg ment exercised on that occasion, the day would certainly have been an important one for the country, and a glor ious one for the army. Everything might have been accom plished agreeably to the wishes and instruction of the gen eral, with the loss of but few men. When the approach of the detachment under Dudley was reported to Proctor, he supposed it to be the main force of the American army; from which he was apprehensive that he might sustain a total defeat, he therefore, recalled a large portion of his troops from the opposite shore. They did not arrive in time, however, to partake in the contest on the north side. Tecumseh wras among them. The prisoners were taken down to headquarters, put into Fort Aliami, and the Indians permitted to garnish the surrounding rampart, and to amuse themselves by loading and firing at the crowd, or at any particular individual. Those who preferred to inflict a still more and cruel and savage death, selected their victims, led them to the gate way, and there under the eye of General Proctor, and in the presence of the whole British army, tomahawked and scalped them. This work of destruction continued nearly two hours, during which time upwards of twenty prisoners, defenseless and confined, were massacred in the presence of the magnanimous Britons to whom they had surrendered, and by the allies too with whom those Britons had volun tarily associated themselves, knowing and encouraging 294 HISTORY OF THE LATE WAR their mode of warfare. The chiefs at the same time were holding a council on the fate of the prisoners, in Avhich the Potawatamies Avho were painted black were for killing the whole, and by their warriors the murders Avere perpetrated. The Aliamies and Wyandots were on the side of humanity and opposed the wishes of the others. The dispute between them had become serious when Colonel Elliott and Tecum seh came down from the batteries to the scene of carnage. As soon as Tecumseh beheld it, he flourished his sword and in a loud voice ordered them "for shame to desist. It is a disgrace to kill a defenseless prisoner." His orders were obeyed, to the great joy of the prisoners, who had by this time lost all hopes of being preserved. In this single act, Tecumseh displayed more humanity, mag nanimity, and civilization, than Proctor with all his Brit ish associates in command, displayed through the whole Avar on the northwestern frontiers. The prisoners were kept in the same place till dark, during which time the wounded experienced the most ex cruciating torments. They Avere taken into the British boats and carried down the river to the brig Hunter and a schooner, where several hundred of them were stowed away in the hold of the brig, and kept there for two days and nights. Their sufferings in this situation are not to be described by me ; I leave them to be imagined by those who can feel for the wrongs of their country. They were finally liberated on parole and landed at the mouth of Huron river below the Sandusky bay. General Proctor made a propo sition to exchange the Kentucky militia for the friendly Indians residing within our frontiers — men who were not prisoners to us, but our friends who had taken no part in the war. Whether he made this proposal by way of insult, or for the purpose of recruiting his allies, is known only to himself. General Harrison through courtesy told him IN THE AVESTERN COUNTRY 295 he would refer the subject to the consideration of the President. After the termination of the fighting on the 5th, no more occurred worthy of notice while the enemy continued the siege. Immediately after the firing had ceased on that day, General Proctor sent Major Chambers over to demand the surrender of the fort. Harrison' replied to the propo sition, that he considered it an insult, and requested that it might not be repeated. The demand was made as a finesse, to prevent us from molesting him in the retreat which he meditated. Intelligence of the capture of Fort George by the American forces under General Dearborn, was now received at the British camp, which considerably alarmed General Proctor. His situation appeared to be hazardous — for the wind now blew constantly up the river — Harri son's forces he expected Avould soon be reinforced, and the Indians began to desert his standard in great numbers. He had flattered them with the hopes of splendid success and rich rewards. The Prophet and his followers were to have the Michigan territory for their services in cap turing the fort ; and General Harrison was to be delivered into the hands of Tecumseh. But their prospects were now completely reversed ; and it is a rule with them to folloAV the fortunate and adhere to the strong. Proctor now saw, that if he was delayed much longer he would probably be captured, and leave Upper Canada unprotected, as rein forcements were not to be expected there, while the Amer ican arms were successful below. He, therefore, made his arrangements to retreat as soon as possible. Nearly all the Indians had left him very much dissatisfied; and during the night of the 8th a considerable stir was ap parent in his camp — early next morning his troops were seen to be moving off. A sloop and several gunboats were near the camp receiving the artillery and baggage, and on 296 HISTORY OF THE LATE WAR them our batteries were opened as long as they remained in that situation. Major Chambers had promised on the part of General Proctor to furnish us with a list of pris oners in his possession; but he retreated with too much precipitation to comply. He left a quantity of cannon ball, with a fine sling carriage, and several other valuable articles. He had, however, shared with the Indians in the plunder of the boats, in which the Kentucky militia had descended, after a few of them had been brought over to the fort by those who escaped from the defeat. The whole force of the enemy at the siege was about 600 regulars, 800 Canadian militia, and 1800 Indians. The force in the fort did not much exceed 1200, and per haps not more than 1000 effectives, Avho had to defend a for tification large enough for three times that number. On the day after the enemy had retreated, a detach ment was sent over the river to collect and bury the dead. After a diligent search, 45 bodies were found on the battle ground and buried ; among them Avas Colonel Dudley, who was very much cut to pieces. Beside these, there were a few found in other places, which wdth those massacred at the old fort, would make the number of killed upAvard of 70. The Indians had also kept between thirty and forty pris oners, having concealed them on the evening after the bat tle, and hurried them off next day to prevent them from be ing delivered up. In the two sorties from the fort, and in the fort during the siege, our loss Avas eighty-one killed, and 189 wounded — among the latter were Alajor Stoddard, who afterwards died of a locked jaw, and the gallant Captain Bradford, shot through both thighs, of which he recovered; also Major Hukil, slightly. An unusual number of the Avounded were carried off, in consequence of exposure dur ing the siege ; and from the same cause, a considerable de gree of sickness began to prevail among the troops. IN THE WESTERN COUNTRY 297 The loss of the British and Indians could not be ascer tained; but it was undoubtedly very severe. In the romance, which Governor Prevost styled a general order, he stated the loss of regulars and militia at fifteen killed, and forty-six wounded ! In the same Gulliverian produc tion, he says : "The commanding general has great satisfaction in announcing to the troops, the brilliant result of an action, which took place on the banks of the Miami river, on the 5th inst. with part of the northwestern army of the United States under Major General Harrison, and Avhich termi nated in the complete defeat of the enemy, and capture, dispersion, or destruction of thirteen hundred men, by the gallant division of the army under General Proctor. Five hundred prisoners were taken, exclusive of those who fell into the hands of the Indians." The defeat of Colonel Dudley very naturally became the subject of much speculation in Kentucky, and a consider able diversity of opinion existed, respecting the causes of the disaster and the actors concerned in it. The subject, however, appears very plain. Those who were in the de feat, commonly attribute it, very justly, to their own im prudence and zeal, which were not properly controlled and directed by the orders and example of their leader. There was nothing difficult or hazardous in the enterprise — the whole misfortune resulted from the imprudent man ner of its execution. The batteries were easily taken, and the retreat was perfectly secure; but the detachment wanted a head to direct and restrain its Kentucky impet uosity to its proper object. "It rarely occurs that a general has to complain of the excessive ardor of his men — yet such appears always to be the case when the Kentucky militia are engaged. It is, indeed, the source of all their misfortunes ; they appear to think that valor alone can accomplish everything" — says> 298 HISTORY OF THE LATE AVAR General Harrison in his orders after this battle had been fought. The following letter from General Harrison, dated at Franklinton on the 18th of Alay, to Governor Shelby, of Kentucky, to whom he was accustomed to communicate his sentiments without reserve, Avill throw much additional light on the plan of this battle and the manner of its exe cution. "In the extra Gazette of this place you will find Gen eral Clay's report to me, of bis proceedings on the morning of the 5th inst. by which you will perceive that my orders Avere clearly delivered to him ; and I have no doubt were well understood by Colonel Dudley; and nothing could be more easy of execution. I had no less than four 18- pounders, a 12, and a 6, so placed as to cover their retreat effectually for two-thirds of their Avay to their boats. But it appears that no disposition Avas made for a retreat ; and some of those who got off assert, that neither of the majors knew the object, or the manner it Avas to be exe cuted. Nothing can prove more clearly the ease with Avhich the whole party might have retired to the boats, than the circumstance of upAvards of 180 having effected Avith the encumbrance of some Avounded. They Avere pur sued by some Indians who dared not enter the open plain Avhich skirted the river, and did our men little or no injury. Never was there an opportunity more favorable to strike a brilliant stroke, than was presented on this occasion, if the plan had been properly carried out. AVhen Colonel Dudley made the attack on the north side of the river, ten boats loaded with troops were crossed a mile and a half below, but did not get to the scene of action till it was over. Had Colonel Dudley retreated after having taken the bat teries, or had he made a disposition to retreat in case of defeat, all Avould have been well. He could haAre crossed the river, and even if he had lost one or two hundred men, he would have brought me a reinforcement of 600, which Avould have enabled me to take the whole British force on this side of the river. The Indians would then have aban- IN THE AVESTERN COUNTRY 299 doned General Proctor; and as the wind blew up the river, so that he could not get off, the whole of his regulars and militia must have been captured. If I could have spared a reinforcement of 200 men only to Colonel Miller, the British regulars and militia would have all been taken, be fore they could have crossed the river. But I had not a single company to spare, as at the suggestion of General Clay I had sent off under his command, all that part of his brigade, which had reached the fort, and all the dragoons I could mount, to assist Colonel Dudley in recrossing the river, and was thus deprived of their services at a most critical moment. That the Indians would have abandoned the British that very night, in case they had not succeeded against Colonel Dudley, is evident from numbers having left them with that circumstance in the favor. "I can say with confidence, that the plan of the attack was approbated by every officer that witnessed the scene. Even the British officers acknowledge, that they were com pletely surprised, and that they had not the least idea of our intention, until it burst upon them, by the commence ment of the firing on this side, after they had weakened themselves by making detachments to the other, that were of no use as they did not arrive in time. I believe every candid man in both armies will admit, that an unlucky blunder saved that of the enemy from destruction." All the troops engaged in the defense of Fort Meigs distinguished themselves by their unexampled good con duct. The intrepid bravery and skill with Avhich the sortie Avas executed by the regulars commanded by Colonel Aliller, were not surpassed on any other occasion in the whole war. The battalion of volunteers under Alajor Alexander were equally distinguished in the same sally. That battalion consisted of a small company of riflemen, raised in the neighborhood of Greensburg in Pennsylvania, and origin ally commanded by Alexander as captain — a company of light infantry from Pittsburgh, under the command of Captain James Butler, a Avorthy son of General Butler 300 HISTORY OF THE LATE WAR who fell in St. Clair's defeat — and a company of light in fantry from Petersburg in Virginia commanded by Cap tain M'Rae, who had requested the government to send them to the northwestern army, that they might serve under their countryman General Harrison. The privates in this battalion were mostly young gentlemen of affluence, or at least in easy circumstances, and of the most respect able families — who had volunteered their services from motives of patriotism. Having been tenderly raised, they were not well qualified to sustain the hardships of a norttr- western campaign in the winter season; but on all occa sions they distinguished themselves by their gallantry and good conduct. The Pittsburgh company in the opinion of the general was equal in discipline, particularly in the precision with which it performed its evolutions, to any regulars he had ever seen. He was also entirely satisfied with the conduct of the Ohio regiment under Colonel Mills. General Harrison having ascertained, that the enemy had abandoned his hopes of reducing Fort Meigs for the present, and had retreated from the American territory, deemed it unnecessary for him to confine himself to that place any longer, as his attention to the recruiting service and other matters would be more important. He, there fore, left General Clay in the command of the garrison, having much confidence in his abilities ; and proceeded with an escort of Major Ball's squadron, whose horses had been preserved in the fort during the siege, to Lower Sandusky where he arrived on the evening of the 12th. His business there was to provide for the better protection of that place and Cleveland ; and for the security of the prisoners; who were to march from Huron through the wilderness to Mansfield. He sent them arms and ammunition to pro tect themselves against the Indians, and had the country IN THE WESTERN COUNTRY 301 reconnoitered between Lower Sandusky and the lake through which the Indians must pass to attack them. "He thought these steps proper, although he had the solemn promise of General Proctor, that the Indians should not be suffered to go in that direction." The prisoners were landed at Huron agreeably to the stipulation with General Harrison, from which place some of them proceeded by the most direct route to Chilli cothe, while others went by the way of Cleveland for the sake of keeping in the settlements for the convenience of subsistence. General Harrison also Avent into the interior from Lower Sandusky. The reader will recollect, that General Harrison on his way to Fort Aleigs, had called on the governor of Ken tucky for the other two regiments, which has been or ganized in that State; and that he afterwards directed them not to be sent. Before the second dispatch was re ceived, they had rendezvoused at Frankfort, and were waiting for further orders. Governor Shelby then dis banded them ; and as they had already been put to consid erable inconvenience, in arranging their private affairs and equipping themselves for a tour of six months, it was deemed too burdensome still to hold them in readiness to march, and they were, therefore, exonerated from further service under the law in pursuance of which they had been organized. These measures produced considerable fer ment in the public mind, as it was known a few days after wards that the British had invested Fort Meigs. The people were very anxious to overwhelm Upper Canada in the approaching summer, and were impatient at anything which looked like delay and imbecility. They did not well understand the policy of the government, in merely acting on the defensive, till the command of the lake should be 302 HISTORY OF THE LATE WAR obtained ; and they did not perceive that any efficient prep arations were making for another campaign. In the State of Ohio the most active exertions had been made to raise reinforcements for the relief of Fort Meigs. When apprehensions of an attack on that place had first been excited, the governor of Ohio had taken precautionary measures, having on the 19th of April detached two com panies of militia to Lower Sandusky, four to Upper San dusky, and two to Franklinton, to relieve the garrisons at the former places, and be ready to perform such other ser vices as the occasion might require. And when the dis patch from General Harrison was received, in Avhich he informed the governor, that "the heads of the enemy's columns Avere in sight, and the Indians in view on both sides of the river," he commenced the most active exertions to call out a mounted force, to repair immediately to the scene of operations. He issued a proclamation, calling on the patriotism of the citizens, for the defense of this coun try. In a few days a number of companies and detach ments rendezvoused at Franklinton, dreAV arms and other necessaries, and marched toAvards Upper Sandusky. Scout ing parties were sent on, to ascertain if possible the situa tion of the fort. The governor on the 3rd of Alay addressed a letter to General AI'Arthur, requesting him to use his influence to raise volunteers, and suggesting the propriety of employing to the best advantage, the twelve month's regulars under him and General Cass. He stated that his object was, to force his way to Fort Aleigs if necessary, and in any event to protect the stores at Upper Sandusky, and relieve the frontier inhabitants from the panic Avhich had seized them. Great alarm, indeed, prevailed throughout the whole State, and great exertions were made in every place by men of patriotism and influence. A mounted force, upwards of three thousand strong, was thus raised In the avestern country 303 Avithin five days from the time these exertions commenced. By the 8th of May some of the infantry companies, detached in April, arrived at Lower Sandusky ; and at the same time 500 mounted men reached Upper Sandusky — on the next day they were one thousand strong — Governor Aleigs was in the front, and marched Avith them towards Lower San dusky, where they arrived on the 11th, and would have proceeded next day to the Rapids. But information now reached them, that the enemy had retreated; and on the ¦ next day General Harrison arrived at Lower Sandusky himself. Aleasures Avere immediately taken to stop those who were advancing in the rear; and on the 14th, those who had arrived at the headquarters of the governor, were disbanded by a general order, in which they received the thanks of the Commander-in-chief, and were justly ap plauded for the patriotic ardor and alacrity, with which they had repaired to the standard of their country. It was fortunate for the American cause, that the en terprise of General Proctor against Fort Aleigs was delayed so long. Had he been ready to sail as soon as the lake became navigable, and so timed his movements as to arrive at the fort during the first Aveek in April, immediately after the last militia of the winter campaign were dis charged, and before General Harrison arrived with rein forcements, he must have succeeded against that post. The garrison was then left very weak, being considerably less than 500 effectives. The w7orks, too, were then very incomplete, and entirely too large for that number, as the fortified camp included seven or eight acres of ground. The place was still Avith propriety denominated Camp Aleigs, more frequently that it was styled a fort. Its cap ture Avould have been a most serious loss, as it contained nearly all the artillery and military stores of the north western army, besides a large amount of provisions. Gen- 304 HISTORY OF THE LATE WAR eral Harrison repeatedly in the winter had pressed on the attention of the government, the necessity of preparing a force to take the place of the militia then in service; but instead of doing this, we have seen, that the neAV secretary, at the critical moment Avhen the last of those troops were disbanded, restricted General Harrison to the use of regu lars, which were still to be levied in a country, where it is almost impossible to raise a regiment of regulars through the whole year. Without the aid of the Ohio and Ken tucky militia, which the general called into service with out the authority, and contrary to the views of the war department, it is highly probable, that the important post at the Rapids would have been lost. When General Proctor returned to Maiden, the militia Avas disbanded, and his Indians Avere distributed in differ ent cantonments. The Chippeways returned home; the Potawatamies were stationed about 6 miles up the river Rouge, where old Five-Medal and Knoxas lived ; the Miam ies were encamped round Brownstown with the Wyandots, and also up the river Detroit as far as Alagauga. They were employed by the British as scouts, a party being sent regularly once a week into the vicinity of camp Aleigs. Some of them hunted a little, but none of them pre tended to plant corn, as they were regularly supplied with rations from Alalden and Detroit. The naval preparations to obtain the ascendency on the lake, were in the meantime progressing with rapidity, though still far from being complete at the middle of May, the period fixed for their completion by the war depart ment. Captain Perry of the navy, who had for some time commanded at Newport, Rhode Island, was designated in March for the command of the naval forces on Lake Erie, by Commodore Chauncey, Avho was commander-in-chief on the lakes. He came on to the town of Erie soon after- IN THE AVESTERN COUNTRY 305 wards, having assisted on his way in the capture of Fort George by General Dearborn, and took upon himself to superintend the erection of the navy which he was destined to command. The harbor of Erie is an excellent place for the business he had to accomplish. The bay is nearly sur rounded by land, and its narroAV entrance is so shallow, that heavy armed vessels cannot pass it. Hence, the enemy could derive no advantage from his naval superiority in an attempt to destroy our vessels on the stocks. A regi ment of Pennsylvania, militia Avas stationed there for their protection. Captain Jessup Avas also directed by the Avar department, early in AIarch, to repair to Cleveland and su perintend the construction of boats, to aid in the transpor tation of the northwestern army; and 200 of the Ohio mili tia were stationed there to protect the work. CHAPTER VII. Colonel Richard M. Johnson's Mounted Regiment,- with Various Other Incidents. In the early part of the campaign of 1812, Colonel B. Al. Johnson had personally witnessed the great effi ciency and usefulness of mounted riflemen, employed against the Indians — and was hence induced, Avhen he re turned to Congress, to lay before the war department, a plan for a mounted expedition against the Indians during the ensuing winter. The object of the expedition Avas to destroy the subsistence of the Indians and otherwise dis able them, so as to prevent their committing depredations in the spring to revenge the destruction of their villages on the Wabash and Elk Hart rivers. The good effect to be expected from its execution Avere more distinctly stated to be — security to the northwestern frontiers from Fort Wayne to the Alississippi — safety to the convoys of provi sions for in the spring — and the neutrality of the savages in future, from the powerful impression that would be made on their fears. It Avas believed that the Avinter sea son would favor the enterprise, by enabling the horsemen, while snow was on the ground and the leaves off the bushes, to hunt up and destroy the skulking Indians. The force to be employed, and its organization, were proposed to be two regiments, including in each eight com panies of eighty privates, and making altogether 1,280 men. This was deemed amply sufficient to traverse the Avhole In dian country, from FOrt Wayne past the lowrer end of Lake 307 308 HISTORY OF THE LATE WAR Michigan, round by the Illinois River, and back to the Ohio near Louisville; and to disperse and destroy all the tribes of Indians and their resources to be found within that com pass. The proposition Avas also communicated by Colonel Johnson to the governor of Kentucky, and Avas submitted by the secretary of Avar to General Harrison, in a letter dated 26th of December, 1812, from which the following is an extract. "The President has it in contemplation, to set on foot an expedition from Kentucky of about 1,000 mounted men, to pass by Fort Wayne, the lower end of Lake Alichigan, and round by the Illinois back to the Ohio near Louisville, for the purpose of scouring that country, destroying the provisions collected in the Indian villages, scourging the Indians themselves, and disabling them from interfering with your operations. It is expected that this expedition will commence in February ; and it will terminate in a feAv Aveeks. I give you the information, that you may take it into consideration in the estimate of those arrangements, you may find it necessary to make, for carrying into effect the objects of the government. I send you a copy of the proposed plan, on Avhich I wish to hear from you without delay. You will particularly state, whether you can effect these objects in the manner which is suggested, by adequate portions of the force now in the field; and in' that case, AVhether it will be better to suspend the movement of this force until the spring." — Alonroe. General Harrison had already anticipated in part, the objects of the proposed expedition, by sending Colonel Campbell to Mississiniway, and was dissuaded by that ex periment from attempting any thing more extensive dur ing the winter. It was also already so late in the season, that the hard freezing would be over, before the proposed force could be raised and marched through the Indian country ; and its progress would, therefore, be arrested by impassable SAvamps during the Avet weather in the spring. IN THE WESTERN COUNTRY 309 The general intended, hoAvever, to folloAv up the blow on the Mississiniway, by striking at the main village farther doAvn that river, and had visited Chillicothe to engage gov ernor Aleigs to organize neAv corps of mounted men, to act with the dragoons then in service. The governor promptly co-operated in the measure, but on ascertaining the situa tion of the dragoons, they were found to be so frost-bitten, and their horses so reduced, that they were Avholly unfit for further service during the winter; and the intended stroke was afterAvards abandoned. The following are the views of General Harrison, respecting the proposition of Colonel Johnson, which are extracted from letters to the war department of the 4th and 8th of January : "I am sorry uot to be able to agree with my friend, Colonel Johnson, upon the propriety of the contemplated mounted expeditions. An expedition of this kind directed against a particular town will probably succeed. The In dian towns cannot be surprised in succession, as they give the alarm from one to the other with more rapidity than our troops can move. In the months of February, March, and April, the towns are all abandoned. The men are hunting, and the women and children, particularly to the north of the AA'abash, are scattered about making sugar. The corn is in that season universally hid in small parcels in the earth, and could not be found. There are no con siderable villages in that direction. Those that are there, are composed of bark huts, Avhich the Indians do not care • for, and which during the winter are entirely empty. The detachment might pass through the Avhole extent of coun try to be scoured, without seeing an Indian, except at the first town they struck, and it is more than probable that (hey would find it empty. But. the expedition is imprac ticable to the extent proposed. The horses, if not the men, would perish. The horses that are now to be found, are not like those of the early settlers, and such as the Indians and traders now have. They have been accustomed to corn, and must have it. Colonel Campbell went 70 or 80 310 HISTORY OF THE LATE WAR miles from the frontiers, and the greater part of his horses could scarcely be brought in. Such an expedition in the summer and fall would be highly advantageous, because the Indians are then at their toAvns, and their corn can be destroyed. An attack upon a particular town in the win ter, Avhen the inhabitants are at it, as we know they are at AlississiniAvay, and which is so near as to enable the de tachment to reach it without killing their horses, is not only practicable, but if there is snoAV on the ground, is perhaps the most favorable." January 8th — "The expedition contemplated from Ken tucky' may supercede the necessity of that AArhich I Avas proposing. But I am still of the opinion given in my last, that no attempt on the enemy beyond Alississiniway Avould be attended with any advantage, if it did not end in the destruction of the detachment employed to execute it. I repeat that the Indians are not at this season to be found in their toAvns, that they invariably take their families with them upon their hunting excursions, and that their provi sions are always buried in small parcels, each family hid ing its own." In consequence of these suggestions, the winter expedi tion Avas abandoned, and the attention of the goArernment was directed to the organization of a mounted corps for the spring. Accordingly, General Armstrong, who was noAV secretary of war, gave the folloAving authority to Colonel Johnson, on the 26th of February, 1813 : "Sir, you are hereby authorized to organize and hold in readiness, a regiment of mounted volunteers — the organi zation as to the number of officers and men, to be conform able to the military establishment of the United States. The governor of the State of Kentucky Avill be required to commission the officers wdien selected, to serve four months after being called into actual service ; and six months if re quired by the United States— the pay of the officers and men to commence from the actual service and march of the corps, under the direction of the war department. After marching orders, the contractors' and commissaries' agents IN THE WESTERN COUNTRY 311 in the different districts through Avhich it passes, Avill sup ply the regiment Avith forage for the horses, and provision for the men, if required so to do. The keepers of military stores Avill also furnish said corps AA'ith ammunition on regular returns of the effective force of the regiment. If any difficulty arises as to rank, the commanding general will settle the same, after the corps shall have reached its place of destination." — Armstrong. As soon as Congress adjourned, Colonel Johnson hast ened to Kentucky with feelings of indignation at the cruel ties inflicted on his felloAV-citizens at the river Raisin; and on the 22nd of AIarch published the above authority, ac companied by an address on the subject of raising the men, in which he appealed to the patriotism of the citizens, and detailed the terms, equipments, and prospects of the serv ice. He immediately selected individuals to raise companies in different parts of the State — the platoon and other offi cers to be chosen by the men who enrolled themselves, as this mode was deemed most consistent with the principle of volunteering. The service was exactly of that kind, which suited the habits and views of the Kentuckians ; and as much zeal to avenge the wrongs they had endured, was now prevalent among the people, the regiment was soon filled, and in a few weeks Avas ready to take the field, al though the personal enemies of Colonel Johnson, and the opposers of the administration, made considerable opposi tion to the measure, wliich they represented as an irregular and unconstitutional exercise of authority. The organiza tion was submitted to Governor Shelby, who aided in pro curing the necessary funds to enable the colonel to accom modate his men. Captain James Johnson, his brother, a man of sterling merit and undaunted bravery, received the appointment of lieutenant colonel of the regiment — the honorable Samuel M'Kee, a representative in Congress, 312 HISTORY OF THE LATE AVAR and Colonel Duval Payrne, were selected as majors. Mr. Al'Kee declined the appointment, and Colonel D. Thomp son accepted it. They Avere all men of high standing and genuine patriots. After the discharge of the regiment under Cox and Caldwell, the public attention was fixed on the mounted regiment, as the only efficient corps in Kentucky, by which Fort Aleigs could be relieved and the frontiers protected; and Colonel Johnson, young, ardent and enterprising, anxiously wished for a theater, on which he might dis tinguish himself in the cause of his country, and was much pleased, soon after the intelligence of the siege had arrived, to receive a letter from Governor Shelby, from which the following are extracts : "The information received from various sources, of an attack on Fort Meigs, by a large body of the British and Indians, justified a belief that a reinforcement ought to be sent to the aid of General Harrison. The enemy can be met only by horsemen, and as you have a regiment of mounted infantry nearly organized, the crisis Avill, in my opinion, justify its immediate march to the scene of operations. You have my entire approbation aud sanction to do so. I Avill, in conformity with the Avishes of the secretary of Avar, expressed in his order of the 26th of February, under which the regiment Avas raised, issue commissions to the officers; and as far as depends on the executive of this State, the men avIio inarch under you shall be alloAved tours of duty, according to the time they may be in service. Captains Whitaker, Coleman, and Payne, have each raised a com pany7 of cavalry, they have my approbation to join your regiment, and in case they do so, Avill be commissioned ac cordingly." "The officers and men must look to the general govern ment alone for a compensation for their services." — Shelby. Upon the authority of the above letter, Colonel Johnson immediately issued au order for his regiment to assemble. IN THE AVESTERN COUNTRY 313 "The regiment of mounted volunteers was organized under the authority of the Avar department, to aAvait its call, or to meet any crisis which might involve the honor, the rights and the safety of the country. That crisis lias arrived. Fort Aleigs is attacked. The north\vestern army is surrounded by the enemy, and under the command of General Harrison, is nobly defending the cause of the coun try against a combined enemy, the British and Indians. They will maintain their ground till relieved. The inter mediate garrisons are also in imminent danger, and may fall a bleeding sacrifice to savage cruelty, unless timely re inforced. The frontiers may7 be deluged in blood. The mounted regiment will present a shield to the defenceless; and united with the forces now marching, and the Ohio volunteers for the same purpose, will drive the enemy from our soil. Therefore, on Thursday', the 20th of Alay, the regiment will rendezvous at the Great Crossings in Scott County, except the companies, etc., which Avill rendezvous on the 22nd at Newport — at which place the Avhole corps will draw arms, ammunition, etc." — R. M. Johnson. In pursuance of this order, the companies of Captains Stucker, AI'Afee, Davidson, Ellison, and Combs, and sever al small fractions, rendezvoused in Scott on the 20th ; and Captains Alatson, Coleman, Payne, Warfield, and Craig, met at Newport on the 22nd. As the former companies were marching on the 21st towards NeAvport, they met John T. Johnson esq. volunteer aid to General Harrison, with the folloAA'ing general order : "Headquarters, Franklinton, Alay 16th, 1813. The com manding general has observed Avith the warmest gratitude, the astonishing exertions, Avhich have been made by his ex cellency, Governor Aleigs, and the generals and other mili tia officers of this State, in collecting and equiping a body of troops for the relief of Camp Meigs. But the efforts of these men would have been unavailing, had they not been seconded by the patriotic ardor of every description of citi zens, which has induced them to leave their homes, at a most critical season of the year, regardless of eA'ery con- 314 HISTORY OF THE LATE WAR sideration, but that of rendering service to their country. The general found the road from Lower Sandusky to this place literally covered Avith men, and amongst them many Avho had shared in the toils and dangers of the revolution ary war, and on whom, of course, there existed no legal claims for military services. The general has every reason to believe that similar efforts have been made in Kentucky. He offers to all these brave men from both States his sin cere acknowledgments; and is happy to inform them that there is at present no necessity for their longer continuance in the field. The enemy has fled with precipitation from Camp Meigs, and that is in a much better situation to re sist an attack, than when the last siege was commenced. "Bv order of the general, "R. Graham, Aide." This order excited considerable murmurs in the State of Ohio. The A'olunteers had marched under the expecta tion of being led immediately against the enemy ; and they reflected on General Harrison and the government for be ing too tardy in their movements. Those who understood the situation of the country, and the difficulty of supplying a large army through a swampy wilderness of 140 miles in extent, were, however, satisfied that nothing better could be done. There being a necessity in the first instance for obtaining the command of the lake, for which the greatest exertions were making, it would have been extravagant folly to retain so large a mounted force in service at Fort Aleigs, or to have led them through the Avilderness against the enemy. When the order met the front companies in Johnson's regiment, it was understood as disbanding that regiment also, and produced much depression and chagrin among the men. Some of the companies turned back a few miles, and at length a halt was called till Colonel Johnson should arrive, who had been detained a feAV hours in the rear. When he came up, he did not consider the order as even dis- IN THE WESTERN COUNTRY 315 charging the regiment from present service, and deter mined to march on, at least, till he received the positive orders of General Harrison on that subject. This deter mination restored harmony and cheerfulness to the ranks, and the march Avas resumed with new devotion to their leader. Colonel Johnson Avent on before them to NeAvport, to organize the balance of the regiment, and receive orders from General Harrison, who had returned to Cincinnati on a visit to his family ; and on the next day these compan ies were ordered by the lieutenant colonel to proceed by way of the north bend of the Ohio River, above the mouth of the Big Aliami, where they arrived on the 24th, and re ceived information that the regiment Avas received into the service of the United States by General Harrison. Their colonel was ordered by General Harrison to take command of Fort Wayne and the posts on the Auglaize, to scour the northwestern frontiers, to make incursions into the coun try of the Indians, and if possible to cut off small parties, who might infest the forts, or be marching from the Illinois and Wabash towards Maiden and Detroit; and never to remain at one place more than three days. As the regiment Avould be employed in this manner for some time, before the expedition against Alalden could be put in motion, Colonel Johnson now gave his captains permission to send back an officer from each company, to raise more men. They7 Avere to meet the regiment at Fort Winchester on the 18th of June, at which time it was believed the fleet would cer tainly have command of the lake. Three lieutenants re turned on this recruiting service, and the balance then crossed the river and marched up the Big Miami on the 26th. They arrived and formed a junction with the other part of the regiment on the 28th, at Dayton. 316 HISTORY OF THE LATE WAR The organization of the regiment Avas here finally com pleted as follows: R. M. Johnson, colonel. James Johnson, lieutenant colonel. First Battalian — Duval Payne, major; R. B. AI'Afee, Richard Alatson, Jacob Elliston, Benjamin AVarfield, John Payne (cavalry) ; Ellijah Craig, captains. Second Battalion — David Thompson, major; Jacob Stucker, James Davidson, S. R. Combs, W. AL Price, James Coleman, captains. Staff — Jeremiah Kertly, adjutant; B. S. Chambers, quartermaster; Samuel Theobalds, judge advocate; L. Dickinson, sergeant-major. James Suggett, chaplain, and major of the spies; L. Sandford, quartermaster-sergeant. Afterwards was added Doctor Ewing, surgeon; Doctors Coburn and Richardson, surgeon's mates. From this place the regiment proceeded in a feAV days toAvards St. Alarys, and arrived there on the 1st of June. This march was very much incommoded by high Avaters and bad roads. At this season of the year there are marshes and quagmires in every quarter of the country, Avhich are extremely difficult to pass. As soon as the troops had all arrived, the colonel issued a general order, establishing the police of the camp, requiring the companies to be regularly mustered and drilled and appointing a clay for their in spection. From St. Marys Colonel Johnson went to the village of Wopoghconata on the Auglaize, to procure some Shawanoe Indians to act as guides and spies. During his absence the regiment was employed in training under the superintend ence of the lieutenant-colonel, and in making other neces sary arrangements for their future service. In a few days the colonel returned with 12 or 13 Indians, among whom IN THE WESTERN COUNTRY 317 was the celebrated Anthony Shane, a half-blood, whose father was a Frenchman. In his integrity and fidelity to our cause, the utmost confidence Avas placed. He had been an active partisan in the Avar against General Wayne, but since the treaty of Greenrille, he had become unalterably attached to the Americans. An order of march and battle was not issued, and it Avas enjoined on the officers to understand it as soon as pos sible, and be able to execute it correctly. It is certainly the duty of every general, or commandant of an independent corps, to give his men an order of battle as early as possible after taking the field, Avhich may afterwards be followed as circumstances may require. The officers and men of every army ought to be well acquainted with the manner of form ing and with the duty of each corps previous to their being led into action. It will tend to preserve them from confu sion and consequent disaster. Hence, the general who fails entirely to give an order of battle, or who defers it until a few minutes before a battle, is guilty of the most criminal neglect. This is particularly the case in militia and other raw troops, where the state of discipline does not enable the commander with facility and certitude, to throw his army on any emergency into the necessary form. Colonel Johnson seemed to be well apprised of its importance, and faithfully discharged his duty in this respect. On the 5th the regiment marched towards Fort Wayne, with a view to protect some boats loaded with flour and bacon, which had been sent down the St. Marys by General Wingate, of the Ohio militia, who was stationed with a small guard at St. Alarys. AVhen the troops arrived at a handsome prairie about half way to Shane's crossing, they were halted and practiced in forming the line of battle, till every man was well acquainted with his place and his par- 318 HISTORY OF THE LATE WAR ticular duties. The men were also abundantly supplied with ammunition, and well prepared for action. A very heavy rain having fallen to-day, the St, Alarys was found impassable when the regiment arrived at Shane's Crossing in the evening. On the next day, by felling trees into it from both banks, a rude bridge was constructed, over which the men passed with their baggage, while their horses were crossed by swimming. The rest of the way to Fort Wayne was found very difficult, all the flats and marshes being covered with water, and the roads very miry. They arrived on the evening of the 7th, and found that all the boats had reached the fort in safety but one, which had struck on a bar in sight of the fort. While the boatmen Avere endeavoring to get her off, a party of Indians fired on and killed two of them, and the other, in attempting to SAvim over the river, was drowned. Colonel Johnson, with his staff and a few men, had just arrived at the fort and stript their horses. As soon as they could make ready, they mounted and crossed to the boat. The Indians fired upon the advance and then retreated. The spies being of opin ion, that the party of Indians Avas much stronger than that Avith the colonel, he deferred the pursuit till the regiment all arrived. He then took a strong detachment and pur sued them about ten miles, Avhen a rainy night coming on, be returned to the fort. Next morning, the 8th, a council of officers was held, whicli determined, after collecting all the information they could from the spies, to make an ex cursion towards the southeast end of Lake Alichigan, and visit the Indian villages in that direction. In the evening the regiment deposited their heavy baggage in the fort, drew ten days' provisions, and crossed the St. Alarys to en camp in the forks. The stream Avas noAV just beginning to rise at the fort, though on the evening of the 5th, it had been at the top of its banks at Shane's Crossing; but 40 IN THE AVESTERN COUNTRY 319 miles from its mouth by land. Hence, if Ave suppose the current to run three miles an hour, which is near the truth, the distance by water would be upwards of 200 miles, so extremely crooked is the course of the river. On the next day the regiment marched early on the trail of the Indians, which led towards the village of Five Medals, that had been destroyed last year, but which it Avas believed had been rebuilt. They had marched forty miles before night, and the colonel intended, after grazing and resting a while, to resume the march and attack that vil lage at daylight in the morning. But a heavy rain came on, and prevented him from executing this plan. In the morn ing they proceeded, and after encountering many obstacles in crossing high waters and marshes, they arrived at the Elk-Hart River, before it had risen so as to be impassable, and in half an hour afterwards the village of Five Aledals was again surrounded. But it was not occupied at present. Colonel Johnson now determined to visit a tOAvn called Paravash, on the other side of the St. Josephs of the Lake; and in the morning of the 11th, the line of march was re sumed in that direction ; but on arriving at the St. Josephs, it was found to be impassable, and the intention of reach ing that place was abandoned. The colonel then deter mined to advance with rapidity to the White Pigeon's town, at which place he arrived in the afternoon, having seen a few Indians on his route, who made their escape in a canoe over a stream which the horsemen could not pass. The village which had been the most considerable in that region of the country was also unoccupied at present. The main trace of the Indians, from Chicago and the Illinois country to Detroit, passes through this town. It appeared to have been but little travelled this spring. The regiment remained encamped near it till next day, and as Colonel Johnson had now fulfilled his instructions to visit this 320 HISTORY OF THE LATE WAR trace, and intercept the enemy if now making use of it; and as the provisions of the troops had been much damaged by the rain, he determined to return to Fort Wayne. There is an Indian path leading directly to that place from the village, on which the regiment returned, and reached the fort on the 14th, having performed a march of nearly 200 miles, with heavy rains every day, and in a region never before traversed by so large a force of Americans. By this excursion, our knowledge of the country Avas enlarged, and it Avas ascertained that all the Indians in the British serv ice, who had been at the siege of Fort Aleigs, were still kept in the vicinity of Alalden, as no considerable body of them bad returned to their country. In the meantime the savages Avere committing many depredations on the Illinois and Missouri territories, Avhere a skirmishing Avarfare was carried on, very much to the annoyance of the frontier settlers. It would be too tedious to enter on a detail of all the little transactions of this kind in that quarter; we shall only mention a few of the most prominent incidents. Aluch apprehension was entertained, that all the Indians on the Alissouri and Alississippi rivers Avould be induced by the intrigues of the British and Te cumseh to join in the general confederacy against us. In April the Alississippi Indians invested Fort Madison, though many of the tribes professed to be friendly. They did but little execution there, and soon afterwards formal ly besieged Fort Mason, a post which had been established on the Alississippi by Governor Howard, about 80 miles above St. Louis. Captain Boone, who commanded a com pany of rangers, succeeded in getting into the fort, by Avhich it Avas rendered completely secure against their forces. They remained before it for 8 or 10 days, and suc ceeded once in setting fire to some of the cabins, Avhich were burnt doAvn, and at the same time a violent assault was IN THE WESTERN COUNTRY 321 made on the fort, which Avas gallantly repulsed by the gar rison without much loss. A war with the powerful Osage nation was now appre hended. During the winter Governor Howard had been absent at the City of Washington, and before his return, authority had been given to raise three companies of rang ers in his territory. This being known to the Osage In dians, they applied to Mr. Secretary Bates for permission to furnish one of the companies, which was granted; and on their appearance at St. Louis, they were supplied Avith arms and ammunition for the service. But when the gov ernor returned he disapproved of employing the Indians in any way, and sent them home. Anxious to engage in the war, they showed evident symptoms of displeasure at this treatment, and said they would have satisfaction of the Americans for it. It was hence supposed that they also would be induced to attack the frontiers. Fort Aladison had already been evacuated, as too remote from the settle ments to be maintained ; and under the apprehension of an attack from the Osages, the officers at Fort Alason held a council, and determined to abandon that place also, and retire to Fort Howard, within 40 miles of St. Louis, which they effected about the 1st of Alay. A chain of posts was then established from Fort Howard across the country to the Missouri; and about the same time the governor re ceived the appointment of brigadier general in the army of the United States, and was succeeded in the former office by William Clarke esq., who had explored the country west ward to the Pacific Ocean with Captain Lewis. Early in the spring the celebrated Robert Dickson, a British trader and emissary, had been sent among the In dians on the frontiers of those territories, to excite them to war, and raise recruits for the service under Proctor and Tecumseh. He visited all the tribes on the Illinois ami 322 HISTORY OF THE LATE WAR Alississippi rivers from Prairie de Chien to Green Bay, and in the neighborhood of Chicago, at Avhich place a general rendezvous Avas to be held, professedly for the purpose of descending the Illinois River and attacking that territory. By making great promises of presents and plunder, he suc ceeded in collecting nearly one thousand Avarriors at Chi cago early in June; and after exciting considerable alarm in the mind of Governor Edwards, of the Illinois territory, he led them in separate detachments towards Detroit, along the main trace which passes by the White Pigeon's town. They passed that village but a feAV days after the regiment of Colonel Johnson had left it, by which the latter missed a glorious opportunity to meet the enemy and distinguish themselves. The folloAvers of Dickson were a horde of as Avild and cruel savages as ever disgraced human nature. They were the most Avorthless and abandoned desperadoes from all the tribes he had visited ; and were Avorthy to be the accom plices of the humane and honorable Proctor, by Avhom Dickson had been sent to collect them. Among the chiefs who commanded them Avas the great Potawatamie, Aiai- Pock, a monster who Avas distinguished by a girdle, sewed full of human scalps, Avhich he Avore round his waist, and strings of bear's claws and the bills of owls and hawks round his ankles — as the trophies of his prowess in arms, and as a terror to his enemies. It is remarkable that after these savages joined the British standard, to combat for the "defender of the faith," victory never again declared for the allies in the north- Avest, For the cruelties they had already committed, and those which were threatened by this inhuman association, a just God frowned indignant on all their subsequent operations. IN THE WESTERN COUNTRY 323 It is a fact, that in July and August, the British, by their unparalleled exertions, had collected nearly all the warriors of the north and northwest into the neighborhood of Maiden, where they were regularly supplied Avith rations by their employers. Their camps extended from BroAvns- town to Detroit, besides a number on the east side of the strait. As they neither hunted nor labored for their sub sistence, their support was a heavy burden on the British contractors and commissaries. The number of warriors was about 2,500— but including the subsistence of the women and children, they had brought Avith them the amount of rations issued exceeded seven thousand. As the British expected an attack from the American army, and as this assemblage of savages constituted their main force, it was necessary to keep them well supplied with the means of subsistence and the munitions of war. Dickson, who had been so instrumental in collecting this horde of barbarians, was a Scotchman by birth, and certainly proved his loyalty, and deserved Avell of his employers, by his great zeal, in dustry and address in this service. After the return of the mounted regiment to Fort ' Wayne, they remained there a few days and then proceeded down the river with an escort of proA'isions to Fort \ATin- chester. A sufficient number of men AA-ere put in the boats containing the provisions to man them well, and the bal ance of the men proceeded down the road opened by AVin chester on the north side of the Aliami, encamping every night with the boats. After they had arrived at Fort Win chester, Colonel Johnson received a dispatch from General Harrison, recommending him to make an attack on the ene my at Raisin and BrownstoAvn. Although the general only recommended this movement, yet it was done in such a Avay that Colonel Johnson as a gallant soldier felt himself bound to execute it. General Harrison had just heard of 324 HISTORY OF THE LATE WAR the success of our arms against the enemy beloAV, and that General Proctor was ordered in that direction to assist in repelling the invaders. Believing that Proctor had left Alalden with a considerable portion of his force, the general supposed that an excellent opportunity had offered, to at tack his savage allies in the Alichigan territory, by a coup de main with the mounted regiment. Colonel Johnson, however, was unable to execute this plan immediately. His horses were so exhausted by their late expedition, that some rest Avas necessary before they could perform another march so difficult as that to Brownstown. A considerable detachment of his men were also engaged in escorting pro visions from St. Marys, and could not be collected for this service immediately. A strong reinforcement was also daily expected from Kentucky, the expedition Avas there fore deferred for a few days. The service recommended by the general was considered extremely hazardous. For a mounted regiment about 700 strong, with worn-doAAn horses destitute of forage, to march at least 100 miles through SAvamps and marshes, and over difficult rivers, with guides not very well acquainted with the country, to attack a body of Indians who could in a few hours raise more than double the force of the regi ment, would have been a bold and perilous enterprise, and might have ended in their total discomfiture. For had they succeeded in battle, it is very doubtful whether they could have made good their retreat encumbered with wounded and obstructed by swamps, Avhile a strong force of the ene my could have pursued and been ready at every advantage ous place to attack them. Colonel Johnson, however, re solved to attempt it, as soon as bis troops could be put into a condition, which promised vigorous exertions. But fortunately for the regiment, on the next day an express arrived from General Clay, commanding at Fort IN THE WESTERN COUNTRY 325 Meigs, with information that the British and Indians threatened to invest that place again, and with a request that Colonel Johnson would march his regiment there im mediately for its relief. Orders to march were given with out delay ; and such was the zeal and promptitude of both officers and men, that in half an hour they wrere all ready to inarch, and commenced crossing the Miami opposite the fort. The provision boats were manned, and those who were unfit for duty, or had horses unfit to travel, were left Avith the garrison. That night they proceeded no farther after crossing the river, than Winchester's old camps, but in the morning they advanced in order and celerity, and arrived at the head of the Rapids at five in the evening, where Colonel Johnson was met by another express from General Clay, advising him to be very cautious in his ad vance to the fort. The heads of the columns were then drawn up in close order, and the colonel in a short and im pressive address, instructed them in their duties. If an enemy were discovered, the order of march Avas to be in two lines, one parallel to the river, and the other in front, stretching across from the head of the former to the river on the right. He concluded with saying : "We must fight our way through any opposing force, let what will be the consequences, as no retreat could be justifiable. It is no time to flinch — we must reach the fort or die in the attempt." Every countenance, responsive to the sentiments of the speaker, indicated the same desperate determination. The ground on which the enemy had gained their barbarous tri umph over Dudley, was again to be traversed ; and the al lies would doubtless hope to realize another 5th of May, in another contest with Kentucky militia. The march was again resumed, and the regiment arrived at ten o'clock in the night opposite Fort Aleigs Avithout molestation, and en- 326 HISTORY OF THE LATE WAR camped in the open plain between the river and the hill on Avhich the British batteries had been erected. The boats Avere left at the head of the Rapids, as it Avas deemed haz ardous in the present state of the water to bring them down in the night. At daylight, when the morning gun fired, the horses of the regiment were frightened, and ran through the camp, running over several of the men and hurting them badly. They proceeded doAvn the river a considerable distance, and with much trouble and risk to the men, were caught and brought back. About 10 o'clock the regiment crossed to the fort, and encamped aboAre it in a handsome plain clothed Avith blue grass. General Clay, A\ho commanded in the fort, was very cautious and vigilant, and daily sent spies down the river to reconnoitre and watch for the enemy. Since he had been in command, he had repaired all the injuries, Avhich the fort had sustained during the siege, and had cleared off the timber to a greater distance from it, burning that which Avas lying down, and erasing the works where the British batteries had stood. He had also assisted in bringing doAvn a considerable portion of the provisions from the posts on the Auglaize and St. Alarys. His troops at the same time had suffered excessiA'ely by sickness. Dur ing the month of June and a part of July, a most fatal epi demic prevailed in the camp, which carried off from three to five, and sometimes as many as ten in a day. It was computed that nearly 200 fell a sacrific to it, within the space of six weeks, which was a dreadful mortality for the number of men in the garrison. The disease had been caused in the commencement, most probably by the expos ure of the men during the siege ; but the bad water which they had to use, and the flat, marshy, putrescent condition of all that region of country, was Avell calculated to destroy IN THE WESTERN COUNTRY 327 an army of men, Avho were alike unused to such a climate and to the life of a soldier. The apprehension of an attack at this time, was caused by information Avhich General Clay had received from a Frenchman and a private of Colonel Dudley's regiment, who came to Fort Aleigs on the 20th of June from Detroit. The latter had been a prisoner Avith the Indians. They stated that the allies had determined to renew the attack on the fort, and were to march about the time they had ar rived. From the circumstantial information Avhich they possessed, no doubt, was left on the minds of the officers in the garrison, but that an attack was in preparation. The force of the Indians was estimated at near four thousand — and reinforcements of regulars from the Niagara were ex pected to the amount of one thousand. The Canadian mili tia had been disbanded as unfit for the service. When this information was received, it was immediately communicat ed by an express to General Harrison, and duplicates of the dispatch were sent to the governors of Ohio and Ken tucky. General Harrison was at Franklinton Avhen the intelli gence reached him. He determined to set out the next morn ing for LoAver Sandusky, and immediately addressed a let ter to the Avar department and another to Governor Aleigs on this subject, in which he stated that he did not believe Fort Meigs to be the object of the attack, but that it would be Lower Sandusky, Cleveland, or Erie. The 24th regi ment, United States' infantry, under the command of Col onel Anderson Avas now at Upper Sandusky, and was or dered to proceed immediately to Lower Sandusky. Major Croghan, with a part of the 17th, Avas ordered to the same place, and also Colonel Ball with his squadron of cavalry, who had been stationed at Franklinton. 328 HISTORY OF THE LATE AA- AR Immediately before General Harrison was called to the outposts by the impending attack, he held a council at Franklinton, Avith the chiefs of the friendly Indians, con sisting of the DelaAvare, Shawanoe, Wyandot, and Seneca tribes. He informed them that circumstances had come to his knowledge, which induced him to suspect the fidelity of some of the tribes, Avho seemed disposed to join the enemy in case they succeeded in capturing Fort Meigs — that a crisis had arrived, which required all the tribes who re mained neutral, and who were Avilling to engage in the war, to take a decided stand either for us or against us — that the President wanted no false friends — that the proposal of General Proctor to exchange the Kentucky militia for the tribes in our friendship, indicated that he had received some hint of their willingness to take up the tomahawk against us — and that to give the United States a proof of their good disposition, they must either remove with their families in to the interior, or the warriors must accompany him in the ensuing campaign and fight for the United States. To the latter condition the chiefs and warriors unanimously agreed ; and said they had long been anxious for an invita tion to fight for the Americans. Tahe, the oldest Indian in the western country, who represented all the tribes, pro fessed in their names the most indissoluble friendship for the United States. General Harrison then told them he would let them knoAV Avhen they would be wanted in the service — "but you must conform to our mode of warfare. You are not to kill defenceless prisoners, old men, women, or children." He added that by their conduct he would be able to tell, AVhether the British could restrain their Indians from such horrible cruelty. For if the Indians fighting with him would forbear such conduct, it would prove that the Brit- IN THE WESTERN COUNTRY 329 ish could also restrain theirs if they Avished to do it. He humorously told them he had been informed that General Proctor had promised to deliver him into the hands of Te cumseh, if he succeeded against Fort Meigs, to be treated as that warrior might think proper. "Now, if I can succeed in taking Proctor, you shall have him for your prisoner, provided you Avill agree to treat him as a squaw, and only put petticoats upon him ; for he must be a coward who would kill a defenceless prisoner." The government of the United States at last reluctantly agreed to employ Indians in their army, against the savages employed by the British. The thing Avas perfectly justifi able, as a measure of self-defence ; yet there is only one rea son which reconciles me to it. We thus demonstrated that the North American savage is not such a cruel and feroci- ious being, that he cannot be restrained by civilized man within the bounds of civilized warfare. In several in stances, subsequent to the present period, strong corps of Indians fought under the American standard, and were uniformly distinguished by their orderly and humane con duct. Had the Indians been employed by the British on the condition that they must conform to the rules of civil ized warfare, no instance of savage cruelty in this war would now be recorded against them, in the page of history, and in the celestial register of human crimes ; but they em ployed the savages on a different principle — and I repeat that if the British officers in Upper Canada did not directly instigate, they at least very willingly permitted the savages to massacre the prisoners,' who had surrendered, not to the savages, but to themselves after receiving a solemn promise of protection. On the evening of the 26th, General Harrison overtook the 24th regiment on its way to Lower Sandusky, and im mediately selected all the men who were able to make a 330 HISTORY OF THE LATE WAR forced march. They amounted to 300, and were pushed forward for Fort Aleigs under the command of Colonel Anderson. The general arrived at the fort on the evening of the 28th, and in a few hours afterwards the detachment under Anderson also made its appearance. As no farther information had been received, respecting the designs of the enemy, General Harrison ordered a detachment of Johnson's regiment to proceed the next day to the river Raisin to procure intelligence. Colonel Johnson took com mand of the detachment himself, and was accompanied also by the lieutenant-colonel, the whole being 150 strong. They left the fort about 11 o'clock, and although the high water obliged them to go considerably out of their way to get over some of the creeks, they reached FrenchtoAvn that night after 12 o'clock, and searched the Avhole tOAvn in hopes of taking a prisoner, but none of the enemy could be found. All the inhabited houses Avere visited by the col onel, and inquiry made respecting the enemy. The intelli gent part of the citizens all agreed in stating that they had heard of no reinforcement of regulars arriving at Alalden, nor any considerable number of Indians since the siege of Fort Aleigs — that the Indians had pressed General Proctor to make another attack, and were much dissatisfied at his putting it off — that the success of our arms below had been kept from their knowledge some time, but were at last divulged to them by a trader, for which he was seized by Proctor, but afterwards released at the demand of the In dians — that they held councils, the proceedings of which were kept secret from the British — and that 100 Avarriors of the Ottawa tribe had passed the riA7er Raisin iu boais to take scalps in the vicinity of Lower Sandusky. Colonel Johnson on the next day returned to Fort Aleigs, taking with him tAvo Frenchmen, one of them a citi zen of Alichigan, and the other a British subject. He had IN THE WESTERN COUNTRY 331 learned that about 20 Indians had proceeded towards Fort Aleigs with a view to steal the horses of the army ; and on his return he struck their trail and pursued them. But in a few miles he found that they had altered their minds and changed their course, having probably got intelligence of his excursion. On his arrival at the fort his regiment was reinforced by 100 men, brought by lieutenants CardAvell, White, Branham, and Lapsley from Kentucky. General Harrison noAV deemed it unnecessary for him to remain any longer at Fort Aleigs, and on the 1st of July proceeded to LoAver Sandusky Avith an escort of 70 mounted men commanded by Captain AI'Afee, at Avhich place they arrived by dark, although the road Avas a continued and deep sAvainp. General Harrison expected with this escort and Colonel Ball's squadron, to be ready to oppose the party of Indians, of whose expedition Colonel Johnson had brought intelligence ; but on the morning of that day they had been in the vicinity of the fort and had killed at a farm house 3 men, a woman, and two children, and then made their escape in view of the garrison. Colonel Ball had not yet arrived, and there was, of course, no troops at; the place, who could move with sufficient speed to intercept them, nor was the whole number there sufficient to make the at tempt. Colonel Wells commanded, and the garrison con sisted of 140 Ohio volunteers, whose term of service having expired, they AArere anxious to go home. General Harrison, however, prevailed upon them to remain some time longer. On the evening of the 2nd, Colonel Ball's squadron ar rived at Lower Sandusky, and on the next day proceeded with General Harrison to Cleveland. The object of the general in going to that place, was to make arrangements for the better security of the provisions, and of the boats which were constructing at that post. They were now guarded by a feAv regulars, and a small but excellent com- 332 HISTORY OF THE LATE WAR pany of militia called the Chillicothe guards. General Harrison caused a small fort to be erected on the bank of the lake, drew a company of artillery, and another of 12 months' infantry from the interior, directed the boats to be sunk in a deep part of the Cayago river as fast as they Avere finished, and had the magazine of provisions, which was at some distance from the town, prepared for confla gration, should the enemy land Avith a force, which our troops could not meet in the field. When the general after wards left the place, Colonel Ball remained there in com mand. The mounted regiment had been ordered to proceed by Lower Sandusky to the river Huron, where it Avas intended that they should remain a while to recruit their horses. They marched on the 2nd from Fort Aleigs, but did not ar rive at Sandusky until the evening of the 3rd. The Fourth of July, the anniversary of independence, was celebrated by the garrison and mounted men together, in great har mony and enthusiasm. Colonel Johnson delivered an ap propriate address and a number of toasts, breathing senti ments of the republican soldier, were than drank, and cheered by the shouts of the men, the firing of small arms, and the discharge of a six-pounder from the fort. The mili tia soldier, whose patriotism Avas satisfied with going to the boundary line and looking at the enemy, while he refused to cross and fight them, was strongly reprobated in one of their toasts. Considerable exertions were noAV making to finish the Avorks of Fort Stephenson, which had been planned and commenced in April by Major Wood. They were soon afterwards completed, so as to contain a larger garrison and make a more formidable resistance. On the 6th, Col onel Johnson's regiment proceeded in detachments to Huron, and encamped on the shore of the lake, where they IN THE AVESTERN COUNTRY 333 were supplied with forage by boats from Cleveland on the next day; and on the 8th, Lieutenant-Colonel J. Johnson returned in the boats with a party of 50 men to procure more forage. On the morning of the 9th a dispatch Avas re ceived from General Harrison, which the colonel immedi ately answered, sending Captain Payne for that purpose in a barge with a few men, though the lake was at that time extremely rough. The object of these expresses not being explained at the time, considerable curiosity and uneasi ness were excited among the men, by the bastes and secrecy observed. General Harrison had just received the folloAving letter from the war department, which he enclosed to Colonel Johnson with orders to act accordingly. The letter had been delayed by being sent to Cincinnati and from thence following the movements of the general. "War Department, June 9, 1813. "Sir, General Howard and Governor Edwards urge the necessity of more troops in that quarter ; and there being no other disposable force for that purpose at this time, the President directs that you order Colonel Johnson with his regiment of mounted volunteers directly to Kaskaskias, to report to General Howard. "I have the honor, etc., "John Armstrong." "General Harrison." In reply, Colonel Johnson remonstrated against the order — he did not insist on the wishes of his men, which, however, to be indulged among friends in social life, were not to be mentioned against a military command ; but rep resented his inability to comply, with any advantage to the country, or honor to the corps. He stated that his horses were in such a situation that it would require ten days to put them in a condition for a journey of 400 miles to Kas kaskias — that it would require 30 days to perform it 334 HISTORY OF THE LATE WAR through the swamps they must traverse — that allowing 20 days more, to recruit the horses after arrival, and to reach the frontiers, they would then have but 20 days left for service till their time would expire — that so many of his men were already dismounted, he could not expect, after leaving Captian Payne's cavalry as directed, to reach that place with a reduced corps too late for the service — that Governor Edwards was unnecessarily alarmed, his terri tory not being in danger, as the greater part of the Indians were collected at Maiden — that the present position and circumstances of the regiment could not be known to the President at the time the order was given — that they would have an opportunity of rendering important services and acquiring laurels by remaining in the North-western army and would be rendered wholly useless by going to the west. On these grounds he entreated the general to detain him, or to leave to him the responsibility under existing circum stances of disobeying the order. In addition to these, many other considerations were pressed by Lieutenant Colonel Johnson, Avho was at headquarters. But the general re plied that the order from the Avar department was. so per emptory, that he could not authorize the suspension of the march even for a day ; although he regretted extremely that the regiment would be separated from him in his contem plated movements against Upper Canada. The following letter from Colonel Johnson to General Harrison, Avhich Avas written on the 4th of July, will ex hibit the condition, the sentiments, and vieAvs of the regi ment, from Avhich the reader may imagine their feelings on this occasion, recollecting that the colonel Avas a distin guished partizan of the administration in Congress, and that his regiment included a number of prominent char acters in Kentucky: IN THE AA'ESTERN COUNTRY 335 "Camp Lower Sandusky, July 4, 1813. "Dear Sir — I arrived at this place last evening with a part of the mounted regiment, after tAvo days' march from Camp Aleigs, leaving two companies four miles in the rear, who were unable to reach this place ; besides about twenty horses left on the way, which I am in hopes will be able to get back to Camp Aleigs or come to this place in a few days, where we can keep them together and recruit them. Hav ing been in the most actiA'e service for upwards of forty days, and having travelled upwards of 700 miles, much of it forced marching, it is natural to conclude that most of the horses are weak ; and wre feel great pleasure and obliga tions to you in finding your arrangements such as to en able us to recruit the horses of the regiment. To be ready to move with you to Detroit and Canada, against the ene mies of our country, is the first wish of our hearts. Two great objects induced us to come — first, to be at the regain ing of our own territory and Detroit, and at the taking of Alalden ; and secondly, to serve under an officer in whom Ave have confidence. We could not have engaged in the service without such a prospect, when we recollected what disaster has attended us for the want of good generals. We did not want to serve under cowards, drunkards, old grannies, nor traitors, but under one Avho had proved himself to be wise, prudent and brave. The officers of the mounted regi ment had some idea of addressing you on their anxiety to be a part of your army in the campaign against Canada, and of giving you a statement of the importance of having an opportunity to make the regiment efficient for such a campaign by recruiting their horses. As to the men, they are active, healthy and fond of service. This morning I have sent out 100 on foot to scour the surrounding country ; and wherever we are, we wish continual service. Our regi ment is about 900 strong when all together. I have left 100 at Defiance to regain some lost horses, and to guard that frontier. "You have not witnessed the opposition I encountered in raising the regiment. Every personal enemy, every trai tor and tory, and your enemies, all combined — but in vain. Nothing but the hurry Avhich attended our march prevented 336 HISTORY OF THE LATE WAR me from having 1,500 men. Nothing but the importance of the service, which I thought we could render, Avould have justified my absence from the present catch penny Con gress. (The great object of the session was to raise a revenue. ) My enemies, your enemies, the enemies of our cause, would exult if the mounted regiment should from any cause be unable to carry a strong army against the sav ages and British, when you strike the grand blow. "It is with much diffidence I Avrite you anything touch ing military matters; but the desires of my soul and the situation of the regiment, have induced me thus freely and confidentially to express myself. In the morning we shall leave this place for Huron, ready to receive your orders, Avhich will always be cheerfully executed at every hazard. "Your obedient servant, "EH : Al. Johnson." Little did the colonel expect, when Avinding up this let ter, that he was going to Huron to receive an order of ban ishment to the wilds of the Avest. When he did receive it finally, however, by the return of his express, it was "cheer fully executed at every hazard," and without a murmur. His men Avould "not disgrace him and themselves by any unsoldierly opposition to the orders of the president," how ever contrary to their views and wishes. The only service they were expected to render by this counterplot movement, was to aid Governor Edwards Avho was continually repre senting to the government that Dickson would certainly invade his territory Avith several thousand Indians; when, in fact, Dickson had been recruiting only for General Proc tor, and was now at Alalden wTith all the Indians he could raise, intending to fight General Harrison as soon as Proc tor could make his arrangements. Both the secretary of war and General Harrison had constantly been of the opinion, that while the enemy had Maiden to protect and the northwestern army to destroy, they would attempt no considerable movement against the Avestern territories ; and IN THE WESTERN COUNTRY 337 their opinion proved to be correct. General Harrison im mediately informed the war department of the situation of Colonel Johnson's regiment, and of the great anxiety which they had shown to remain in the nortliAvestern sendee. After receiving the final orders of the general on the 13th, and having selected the route by Upper Sandusky, Fort M'Arthur, St. Alarys, Greenville, Delaware towns on White River, Forts Harrison and Arincennes, as the most eligible of those recommended by the general, the troops marched by detachments and arrived at Upper Sandusky on the 16th. Some of the companies passed by LoAver San dusky, at which place Alajor Croghan had arrived with part of the 17th regiment and taken command of the fort. At Upper Sandusky, Colonel Johnson ascertained that it was indispensably necessary to change his route so as to pass Urbana, for the purpose of procuring grain and other neces saries for the regiment. They proceeded again in detach ments and arrived at that place in a veiy unfavorable con dition on the 19th and 20th. A considerable number of horses had been lost already, and many of the men were sick with the measles and other feArers. The prospect of marching through the wilderness to Vincennes became every day more gloomy; and it was now evident, that if that route was pursued, but a small portion of the regiment could be expected to reach their destination, on account of sickness and the loss of horses. A meeting of the officers was, therefore, held, and an address drawn up and pre sented to the colonel, in which they solicited him to change their route and alloAv them to pass through Kentucky. They represented the cheerfulness and promptitude, Avith which the regiment had to this moment, executed the orders of the government and their commandant; and had per formed a march of nearly 800 miles in the Avhole, over roads of the worst description, swimming the numerous streams 22 338 HISTORY OF THE LATE WAR they had to cross, and generally proceeding by forced marches from thirty to fifty miles a day — that the regiment was very much reduced and scattered by the loss of horses; and by the time it reached Kaskaskias would be rendered wholly inefficient, and perhaps entirely useless — and that by going through Kentucky they Avould be able to raise more men, and remount those who had lost their horses, or had rendered them unfit for the expedition, and would ulti mately reach their destination as soon as by the more direct route through the wilderness, and be in a condition to render efficient service. In reply the colonel remarked, that "It was not until the arrival of the regiment at this place, that the entire impracticability of carrying to Kas kaskias one-half the horses Avere certainly known, without recruiting many days, or changing the route to Kentucky. Under the whole view of the subject, no hesitation exists as to the propriety and evident necessity of granting the re quest of the officers." The regiment was, therefore, ordered to march through Kentucky for the above purposes, and to rendezvous at Vincennes on the 20th of August. To justify this step in violation of his positive orders, the colonel relied on its evident propriety ; and it proved in fact to be the salvation of the regiment. While the regiment was at Urbana, intelligence was re ceived that Colonel William Russell was preparing an ex pedition against the Indians from the Indian Territory; and he was at this time marching through their country with a strong mounted corps of rangers and volunteer militia. An excursion had also been previously made by Colonel Bartholomew, which it will be proper in this place to notice. In the spring, the Indians had committed many depredations on the frontiers of Indiana, in the way of IN THE WESTERN COUNTRY 339 murdering the inhabitants and stealing their horses and cattle. The Delawares were strongly suspected of either secretly aiding in the mischief, or of committing it them selves. Colonel Bartholomew of that territory hence de termined to visit their toAvns on AVhite river Avith a military force, and if any proofs of their hostility could be discov ered, to retaliate and chastise them effectually for it. He accordingly assembled three companies of mounted men at Valonia, commanded by Captains Peyton, Biggers and Dunn, and amounting to 140 men. Having selected Majors Tipton and Owen for his aides, he proceeded up the country till he had reached the upper Delaware towns, which he found uninhabited ; and returning by the lower towns he found them in the same condition. Some Indian sign was discovered, but only one Indian was seen during the whole excursion. Those who had not gone to reside in the interior of the State of Ohio, had left the villages where they formerly resided for some other region. Soon after this excursion, Colonel Russell, of the United States Army, who commanded the rangers of Indiana, which had been raised under the act of Congress, authoriz ing ten additional companies for the protection of the west ern territories, projected another expedition to penetrate as far as the Mississiniway villages. He requested Joseph Allen, Esq., of Kentucky, to raise a company and join him at Valonia early in July ; and also invited Major General Thomas, and Brigadier-General Cox, of the Kentucky militia, to join in the expedition. They repaired accord ingly to that place, which is about fifty miles from Louis ville, near White river, and carried about 100 volunteers to the standard of Colonel Russell, Avhose whole force then amounted to 500 men. The colonel determined to march this force in five lines with an officer having the rank of major at the head of each line. General Thomas and Cox, 340 HISTORY OF THE LATE AArAR Colonels Evans and Wilson, and Alajor Zach. Taylor, were assigned to these posts; and the corps then proceeded directly to the Delaware towns which were found still un occupied. He then marched to Alississiniway, intending if possible, to surprise any Indians Avho might be found in the villages on that river. In five days he reached the main village at the mouth of that river, Avhich he found vacant; and from every appearance, it was supposed the Indians had been gone about tAvo months. There Avere nearly two hundred houses in this village, which extended about a mile in length; and two miles farther up the river, there were the remains of a large encampment, and a block house with several port holes large enough for a six pounder. This had been erected by Tecumseh in the preceding autumn Avith a view to resist the progress of General Hopkins, and had been a place of general rendezvous for the concentra tion of his forces. The encampment had apparently been large enough to contain one thousand Indians. It was noAV abundantly evident, that all the Indians of the' Wabash were gone to Maiden to serve under the banners of General Proctor. Colonel Russell, therefore, proceeded down the 'Wabash by Tippecanoe to Fort Harrison, having taken a circuit of more than 400 miles through the Indian country, without having seen an Indian or lost a man. CHAPTER VIII. The Second Siege of Fort AIeigs — Repulse of the Brit ish at Loaa'er Sandusky by AIajor Croghan — and Perry's AriCTORY on Lake Erie. Arery early in July the Indians had begun again to in fest the vicinity of Fort Aleigs. A small party of fourteen footmen Avere permitted by Captain Craig to return home from that place by the way of Fort Winchester. They had proceeded but a few miles up the river, before they were attacked by a party of Indians, and totally de feated, but two of them being able to make their escape. A party of eighteen horsemen commanded by Lieutenant Craig, were going up the river to guard down some flour which had been left in the Rapids, and Avere but two or three hundred yards from the former party when the attack Avas made upon them. Ad vancing toAvards the place of attack, they met one of the footmen who had escaped, and at the same time were fired on by three Indians, who were ambuscading the road to intercept the retreat of the footmen. Lieutenant Craig immediately ordered a retreat, and was obeyed by all but three of his men, Avho pursued the little party of Indians — one of whom, Air. Wiant, having Avounded an Indian, dis mounted, pursued him 200 yards, killed him, and returned in safety Avith his scalp and his gun. On their return to the fort, Colonel Gaines was detached Avith a party of reg ulars to reconnoitre the ground. Before his arrival the Indians had dispersed, and made their escape in different directions, and only one of our men was found dead at the place of the encounter. Lieutenant Craig was arrested for 311 342 HISTORY OF THE LATE WAR his conduct in this affair, and was sentenced by a court- martial to be cashiered. Wiant was promoted by General Clay to the rank of ensign, and was presented with the best SAVord in the depot of that place. This occurrence inspired the garrison with more caution in their excursions ; but it Avas now generally believed that the enemy had abandoned their intention of attacking the fort. The storm, howeArer, had not passed by ; it was only restrained with a vieAV to accumulate more force, and burst upon us Avith more suddenness and effect. The Indians of the northwest, who had been urging General Proctor to reneAv the siege, became still more importunate on the arrival of Dickson with his Avild savages from the west; and the expedition was noAV delayed only in consequence of the prisoner and Frenchman having escaped with the intelligence of their intention to execute it immediately. General Clay, however, Avas A'ery vigilant, and daily sent scouts down the river to Avatch for the enemy. This service fell chiefly on the company of Captain Craig, of Johnson's regiment, Avho had been left at the fort by the orders of General Harrison, Avith 140 men and about ninety horses. The captain being of opinion, that this service was too much to be performed by his men alone, remon strated against it, but without effect, and finally deter mined to leave the fort and follow his regiment. This caused the general to arrest him, and ultimately he re signed. On the 20th of July, a party was sent down towards the lake by land, and another in boats Avhich proceeded out a few miles on the lake, but all returned without making any discovery, excepting hearing the firing of cannon towards Alalden. On the same evening, however, Lieutenant Peters, conductor of artillery, who was returning with a few men from Lower Sandusky, was pursued by a party of Indians ; IN THE WESTERN COUNTRY 343 and late in the evening the boys of the British army could be distinctly seen down. the river. Early next morning a picket guard, consisting of a corporal and ten men, Avas sent to a point about 300 yards below the fort, where it was soon surprised by the Indians, and seven of them killed and captured. A large army of British and Indians Avere now seen encamped below the old British Fort Aliami on the north side of the river; and soon afterwards the Indians had possessed themselves of the Avood in the rear of the fort. They carried off some horses and oxen, and through the day occasionally fired into the fort, but entirely Avithout effect, as they were frequently warned by our grape and cannister to keep at a respectful distance. In the night Captain M'Cune was sent express to Gen eral Harrison to apprise him of the siege ; and the men in the fort Avere diligently employed in making the necessary arrangements. As it was expected, that the British would erect batteries during the night, and commenced a cannon ade next day, great exertions were made to throw up new traverses, to deepen the trenches, and to cover the maga zines. The men who were permitted to rest, Avere required to sleep on their arms. General Clay and his staff were incessant in their attentions going on in the camp. After midnight Lieutenant Alontjoy came into the fort from Portage blockhouse, with a party of twenty regulars, hav ing made an extraordinary escape in penetrating through a large body of Indians with the loss of but one man. On the 23rd a large body of mounted Indians, supposed to be 800 strong, were seen passing up the river under the command of Tecumseh, with the intention, it Avas supposed, of attacking Fort Winchester. On the evening of the next day, as everything still remained quiet round the fort, Col onel Gaines went out as far as the edge of the Avoods with 200 men, and made the circuit of the fort, with a view to 344 HISTORY OF THE LATE WAR ascertain whether any batteries had yet been commenced by the enemy. A stronger detachment Avas sent over from the British camp to attack him, but it did not arrive in time to intercept his return to the fort. On the 25th, the enemy removed their camp over the river to the south side, and encamped behind a point of Avoods, Avhich partly concealed them from the garrison. This movement connected with their other conduct, induced a belief in the fort, that they Avould make an attempt to carry it by storm; but the project they had in view Avas not of such a desperate char acter. Care was still taken by General Clay to keep the Commander-in-chief Avell informed of occurrences at the fort. General Harrison had returned from Cleveland to Lower Sandusky several days before the arrival of the enemy, and received at that place from the express, the in formation that Camp Aleigs was again invested. He then immediately removed his headquarters to Seneca town, about nine miles up the Sandusky river, where he con structed a fortified camp, having left Alajor Croghan with 160 regulars in Fort Stephenson, and taken with him to Seneca about 140 more, under the immediate command of Colonel Wells. A few days afterAvards he was reinforced by the arrival of 300 regulars under Colonel Paul, and Colonel Ball's corps of 150 dragoons, which made his whole force at that place upwards of 600 strong. He was soon joined also by Generals AI'Arthur and Cass, and Colonel Owings with a regiment of 500 regulars from Kentucky, Avas also advancing to the frontiers ; but he did not arrive at headquarters before the siege of Fort Aleigs had been abandoned by the enemy. From the position at Seneca, the general would be able to fall back for the protection of his principal depot at Upper Sandusky, should the enemy endeavor to turn his left flank and attack that place; or he IN THE WESTERN COUNTRY 345 would be able, should the safety of Fort Aleigs require it, to proceed there undiscovered on a secret route, and cut his Avay into the fort AA'ith a reinforcement ; or as soon as his force be competent to cope Avith that of the enemy in the field, he would be favorably situated to make a descent upon them and raise the siege. Fort Aleigs and Upper Sandusky were the objects to be defended — LoAver San dusky was comparatively nothing. It Avas the opinion of General Harrison that the move ment of the Indians tOAvards Fort AVinchester, Avas intended as a feint to draw his attention in that direction, Avhile an attack Avould be made on Lower Sandusky or Cleveland. The former had been pronounced untenable, and as it con tained nothing valuable except 200 barrels of flour, and was in no respect an important post, arrangements had been made to evacuate and destroy the fort, in case the British should approach it in force from the lake. Alueh industry was used to reconnoitre the route to Upper San dusky, as avcII as to Avatch the lake for the approach of the enemy to Lower Sandusky or Cleveland. The express from Fort Aleigs was sent back with information, that the general had not a sufficient force with him to justify his advancing immediately to that place; that he Avould col lect his troops at Seneca, and be ready as soon as possible to relieve the garrison ; that the governor of Ohio would be advised of the situation of our affairs, and if the enemy per- seA'ered in his attempt, a sufficient force would be collected in a short time, to overpower and destroy him at once. The express arrived at the fort Avith this intelligence on the morning of the 26th, and on the eA'ening of that day, a heavy fire commenced on the Sandusky road, about the distance of a mile from the fort. The discharge of rifles and mus- quetry, accompanied by the Indian yell, could be clearly distinguished; and by degrees the apparent contest ap- 346 HISTORY OF THE LATE AVAR proached tOAvards the fort, though sometimes it appeared to recede. It lasted about an hour, and came in the end near the edge of the woods. The general pronounced it a sham battle, intended to draAV out the garrison to relieve a supposed reinforcement, A feAV discharges of cannon at the fort, and a heavy shower of rain, at length put an end to the scheme, no doubt to the great mortification of its projectors. The express from General Harrison had provi dentially arrived in time, to preserve the garrison from the possibility of being deluded by this artifice of the enemy. On the next day the British moved over to their old encamp ment, and on the 28th embarked in their A'essels and aban doned the siege. The force which Proctor and Tecumseh brought against us in this instance, has since been ascer tained to have been about 5000 strong. A greater number of Indians Avere collected by them for this expedition, than ever was assembled in one body on any other occasion dur ing the whole war. Having raised the siege of Camp Aleigs, the British sailed round into Sandusky bay7, Avhilst a competent number of their savage allies inarched across through the swamps of Portage river, to co-operate in a combined attack on Lower Sandusky, expecting no doubt that General Harri son's attention Avould be chiefly directed to Forts Win chester and Meigs. The general, hoAvever, had calculated on their taking this course, and had been careful to keep patrols down the bay, opposite the mouth of Portage, Avhere he supposed their forces Avould debark. Several days before the British had invested Fort Aleigs, General Harrison with Alajor Croghan and some other officers, had examined the heights Avhich surround Fort Stephenson ; and as the hill on the opposite or south east side of the river, was found to be the most commanding eminence, the general had some thoughts of removing the IN THE AVESTERN COUNTRY 347 fort to that place, and Alajor Croghan declared his readi ness to undertake the work. But the general did not authorize him to do it, as he believed that if the enemy in tended to invade our territory again, they would do it be fore the removal could be completed. It w7as then finally concluded, that the fort which Avas calculated for a garri son of only two hundred men, could not be defended against the heavy artillery of the enemy; and that if the British should approach it by water, which would cause a pre sumption that they had brought their heavy artillery, the fort must be abandoned and burned, provided a retreat could be effected Avith safety. In the orders left with Alajor Croghan it was stated : "Should the British troops approach you in force Avith cannon, and you can discover them in time to effect a re treat, you will do so immediately, destroying all the public stores. "You must be aware, that the attempt to retreat in face of an Indian force would be vain. Against such an enemy your garrison would be safe, hoAvever great the number." On the evening of the 29th General Harrison received intelligence by express from General Clay, that the enemy had abandoned the siege of Fort Meigs ; and as the Indians on that day had SAvarmed in the woods round his camp, he entertained no doubt but that an immediate attack Avas intended either on Sandusky or Seneca. He, therefore, immediately called a council of Avar, consisting of AI'Ar thur, Cass, Ball, Paul, AVood, Hukill, Holmes, and Graham, Avho were unanimously of the opinion — that Fort Stephen son Avas untenable against heavy artillery — and that, as the enemy could bring with facility any quantity of battering cannon against it, by which it must inevitably fall, and as it was an unimportant post, containing nothing the loss of which would be felt by us, that the garrison should, there- 348 HISTORY OF THE LATE WAR fore, not be reinforced but Avithdrawn and the place de stroyed. In pursuance of this decision the general immed iately dispatched the following order to Alajor Croghan : "Sir — Immediately on receiving this letter, you will abandon Fort Stephenson, set fire to it, and repair with your command this night to headquarters. Cross the river and come up on the opposite side. If you should deem and find it impracticable to make good your march to this place, take the road to Huron and pursue it Avith the utmost circumspection and dispatch." This order was sent by7 Air. Connor and two Indians, who lost their Avay in the dark, and did not arrive at Fort Stephenson before 11 o'clock the next day. AVhen Alajor Croghan received it, he aa as of opinion that be could not then retreat Avith safety, as the Indians Avere hovering round the fort in considerable force. He called a council of his officers, a majority of whom coincided with him in opinion, that a retreat would be unsafe, and that the post could be maintained against the enemy, at least till further instructions could be received from headquarters. The major, therefore, immediately returned the following answer : "Sir — I have just received yours of yesterday, 10 o'clock, P. AL, ordering me to destroy this place and make good my retreat, Avhich Avas received too late to be carried into exe cution. AATe have determined to maintain this place, and by heavens we can." In Avriting this note, Alajor Croghan had a view to the probability of its falling into the hands of the enemy, and on that account made use of stronger language than would otherwise have been consistent with propriety. It reached the general on the same day, who did not fully understand the circumstances and motives under which it had been dictated. The folloAving order Avas, therefore, immediately IN THE WESTERN COUNTRY 349 prepared, and sent Avith Colonel Wells in the morning, es corted by Colonel Ball with his corps of dragoons. "July 30th, 1813. "Sir — The general has just received your letter of this date, informing him that you had thought proper to dis obey the order issued from this office, and delivered to yon this morning. It appears that the information Avhich dic tated the order was incorrect; and as you did not receiAe it in the night as was expected, it might have been proper that you should have reported the circumstance and your situation, before you proceeded to its execution. This might have been passed over, but I am directed to say to you, that an officer presumes to aver, that he has made his resolution, and that he will act in direct opposition to the orders of his general, can no longer be entrusted with a separate command. Colonel Wells is sent to relieve you. You will deliver the command to him, and repair Avith Colonel Ball's squadron to this place. By command, etc. "A. H. Holmes, Asst. Adjt. Gen." The squadron of dragoons on this trip met with a party of Indians near Lower Sandusky and killed eleven out of twelve. The Indians had formed an ambush and fired on the advanced guard consisting of a sergeant and five privates. Upon seeing the squadron approach they fled, but were pursued and soon oA'ertaken by the front squad of Captain Hopkins' troops. The greater part of them were cut down by Colonel Ball and Captain Hopkins with his subalterns, whose horses being the fleetest overtook them first. The loss on our part was two privates Avounded and two horses killed. Colonel Wells being left in the command of Fort Stephenson, Major Croghan returned Avith the squadron to headquarters. He there explained his motives for writing- such a note, which were deemed satisfactory, and having remained all night with the general who treated him polite ly, he was permitted to return to his command in the morn- 350 HISTORY OF THE LATE AVAR ing, with written orders similar to those he had received before. A reconnoitering party which had been sent from head quarters to the shore of the lake, about twenty miles dis tant from Fort Stephenson, discovered the approach of the enemy by water on the evening of the 31st of July. They returned by the fort, after 12 o'clock the next day, and passed it but a few hours, when the enemy made their ap pearance before it. The Indians showed themselves first on the hill over the river, and were saluted by a six-pounder, the only piece of artillery in the fort, which soon caused them to retire. In half an hour the British gunboats came in sight, and the Indian forces displaced themselves in ev ery direction, with a view to intercept the garrison should a retreat be attempted. The 6-pounder was fired a few times at the gunboats, which Avas returned by the artillery of the enemy. A landing of their troops with a 5|-inch howitzer, Avas effected about a mile below the fort; and Major Chambers, accompanied by Dickson, was dispatched towards the fort Avith a flag, and Avas met on the part of Alajor Croghan by Ensign Shipp of the 17th regiment. After the usual ceremonies, Alajor Chambers observed to Ensign Shipp, that he was instructed by General Proctor, to demand the surrender of the fort, as he was anxious to spare the effusion of human blood, Avhich he could not do, should he be under the necessity of reducing it, by the powerful force of artillery, regulars, and Indians under his command. Shipp replied that the commandant of the fort and its garrison were determined to defend it to the last extremity ; that no force, however great, could induce them to surrender, as they were resolved to maintain their post, or to bury themselves in its ruins. Dickson then said, that their immense body of Indians could not be restrained from massacring the whole garrison in case of success — of which IN THE AVESTERN COUNTRY 351 we have no doubt, rejoined Chambers, as we are amply pre pared. Dickson then proceeded to remark, that it was a great pity so fine a young man should fall into the hands of the savages — sir, for God's sake surrender, and prevent the dreadful massacre that will be caused by your resist ance. Mr. Shipp replied, that when the fort Avas taken there would be none to massacre. It Avill not be given up, while a man is able to resist. An Indian at this moment came out of the adjoining ravine, and advancing to the ensign, took hold of his sword and attempted to wrest it from him, Dickson interfered, and having restrained the Indian, effected great anxiety to get him safe into the fort. The enemy now opened their fire from their 6-pounders in the gunboats and the howitzer on shore, which they con tinued through the night Avith but little intermission, and with very little effect. The forces of the enemy consisted of 500 regulars, and about 800 Indians commanded by Dickson, the whole being commanded by General Proctor in person. Tecumseh was stationed on the road to Fort Meigs with a body of 2,000 Indians, expecting to intercept a reinforcement on that route. Major Croghan through the evening occasionally fired his 6-pounder, at the same time changing its place occas ionally to induce a belief that he had more than one piece. As it produced very little execution on the enemy, and he was desirous of saving his ammunition, he soon discontin ued his fire. The enemy had directed their fire against the northwestern angle of the fort, which induced the com mandant to believe that an attempt to storm his Avorks would be made at that point. In the night Captain Hun ter was directed to remove the 6-pounder to a blockhouse from which it would rake that angle. By great industry and personal exertion Captain Hunter soon accomplished this object in secrecy. The embrasure was masked, and 352 HISTORY OF THE LATE WAR the piece loaded with a half charge of poAvder, and double charge of slugs and grapeshot. Early in the morning of the 2nd, the enemy opened their fire from their howitzer and three 6-pounders, which they had landed in the night, and planted in a point of woods about 250 yards from the fort. In the evening, about 4 o'clock, they concentrated the fire of all tlieir guns on the northwest angle, Avhich comdnced Alajor Croghan that they would endeavor to make a breach and storm the works at that point; he, therefore, immediately had that place strengthened as much as possible Avith bags of flour and sand, which were so effectual, that the picketing in that place sustained no material injury. Sergeant Weaver with five or six gentlemen of the Petersburg volunteers and Pitts burgh blues, who happened to be in the fort, was entrusted AA'ith the management of the 6-pounder. Late in the evening when the smoke of the firing had completely enveloped the fort, the enemy proceeded to make the assault. Two feints Avere made towards the southern angle, Avhere Captain Hunter's lines were formed; and at the same time a column of 350 men were discovered ad vancing through the smoke, within twenty paces of the northwestern angle. A heavy, galling fire of musquetry Avas noAV opened upon them from the fort, Avhich thre\v them into some confusion. Colonel Short who headed the prin cipal column soon rallied his men, and led them Avith great bravery to the brink of the ditch. After a momentary pause he leaped into the ditch, calling to his men to follow him, and in a few minutes it Avas full. The masked port hole Avas noAV opened, and the 6-pounder, at the distance of 30 feet, poured such destruction among them, that but few' Avho had entered the ditch were fortunate enough to escape. '< A precipitate and confused retreat was the immediate con- 1 sequence, although some of the officers attempted to rally IN THE WESTERN COUNTRY 353 their men. The other column, which was led by Colonel Waburton and Major Chambers, was also routed in con fusion by a destructive fire from the line commanded by Captain Hunter. The whole of them fled into the adjoin ing wood, beyond the reach of our small arms. During the assault, which lasted half an hour the enemy kept up an in cessant fire from their howitzer and five 6-pounders. They left Colonel Short, a lieutenant, and twenty-five privates dead in the ditch, and the total number of prisoners taken was twenty-six, most of them badly wounded. Major Muir was knocked down in the ditch, and lay among the dead, till the darkness of the night enabled him to escape in safety. The loss of the garrison was one killed and seven slightly wounded. The total loss of the enemy would not be less than 150 killed and Avounded. When night came on, which was soon after the assault, the wounded in the ditch were in a desperate situation. Complete relief could not be brought to them by either side with any degree of safety. Alajor Croghan, hoAvever, re lieved them as much as possible — he contrived to convey them water over the picketing in buckets, and a ditch was opened under the pickets, through which those who Avere able and willing, were encouraged to crawl into the fort. All who were able preferred of course to follow their de feated comrades, and many others were carried from the vicinity of the fort by the Indians, particularly their own killed and wounded; and in the night about 3:00 o'clock, the whole British and Indian force commenced a disorderly retreat. So great was their precipitation, that they left a sail-boat containing some clothing and a considerable quan tity of military stores ; and on the next day seventy stand of arms, and some braces of pistols were picked up round the fort. Their hurry and confusion was caused by the apprehension of an attack from General Harrison, of Avhose 354 HISTORY OF THE LATE WAR position and force they had probably received an exag gerated account. It was the intention of General Harrison, should the enemy succeed against Fort Stephenson, or should they endeavor to turn his left and fall on Upper Sandusky, to leave his camp at Seneca and fall back for the protection of that place. But he discovered by the firing on the evening of the 1st, that the enemy had nothing but light artillery, which could make no impression on the fort ; and he knew that an attempt to storm it without making a breach could be successfully repelled by the garrison ; he, therefore, de termined to wait for the arrival of 250 mounted volunteers under Colonel Rennick, being the advance of 700 who were approaching by the way of Upper Sandusky, and then to march against the enemy and raise the siege, if their force was not still too great for his. On the 2nd, he sent several scouts to ascertain their situation and force ; but the woods were so infested with Indians, that none of them could pro ceed sufficiently near the fort to make the necessary dis coveries. In the night a messenger arrived at headquarters with intelligence, that the enemy Avere preparing to retreat. About 9 :00 o'clock, Alajor Croghan had ascertained from their collecting about their boats, that they were preparing to embark, and had immediately sent an express to the com mander-in-chief with this information. The general now determined to wait no longer for the reinforcements, and immediately set out Avith the dragoons, Avith which he reached the fort early in the morning, having ordered Gen erals M'Arthur and Cass, Avho had arrived at Seneca sev eral days before, to folloAv him Avith all the disposable in fantry at that place, and which at this time \vas about 700 men, after the numerous sick, and the force necessary to maintain the position, Avere left behind. Finding that the enemy had fled entirely from the fort so as not to be IN THE WESTERN COUNTRY 355 reached by him, and learning that Tecumseh was some where in the direction of Fort Meigs Avith 2,000 warriors, he immediately ordered the infantry to fall back to Seneca, lest Tecumseh should make an attack on that place, or in tercept the small reinforcements advancing from Ohio. In his official report of this affair, General Harrison observes that, "It will not be among the least of General Proctor's mortifications, to find that he has been baffled by a youth, who has just passed his twenty-first year. He is, however, a hero AA7orthy of his gallant uncle, General George R. Clarke. "Captain Hunter of the 17th regiment, the second in command, conducted himself with great propriety; and never was there a set of finer young feiloAvs than the subal terns, viz: Lieutenants Johnson and Taylor of the 17th, Anthony of the 24th, Aleeks of the 7th, and Ensigns Shipp and Duncan of the 17th." Lieutenant Anderson of the 24th Avas also noticed for liis good conduct. Being without a command,, he solicited Major Croghan for a musket and a post to fight at, which he did with the greatest bravery. "Too much praise," says Major Croghan, "cannot be be stowed on the officers, non-commissioned officers, and privates under my command for their gallantry and good conduct during the siege." The brevet rank of lieutenant-colonel was immediately conferred on Major Croghan by the President of the United States, for his gallant conduct on this occasion. The ladies of Chillicothe also presented him an elegant sword, accom panied by a suitable address. Among the scouts sent down the bay, after the enemy had retreated, was a little party of Wyandot Indians, who surprised and captured a few British soldiers, who had been left behind in the retreat. The Indians brought them 356 HISTORY OF THE LATE WAR to camp, without doing them any injury; and, conscious that they had done their duty, they Avere frequently seen telling the story to their brother warriors, and laughing at the terror which had been manifested by the soldiers, who, no doubt expected to be massacred or carried off and de stroyed by torture. But the Indians Avho followed the American standard had not, like those in the British serr vice, been encouraged to commit the most horrible bar barities. This second invasion of Ohio like the former, brought the patriotism of that State into action. As soon as Gov ernor Aleigs received certain information, that the enemy had entered his territories, he issued his orders in which he called on the militia to rise en masse and repel the in vaders. The division lately commanded by General AI'Ar thur literally obeyed the call. Every man prepared him self to march against the enemy; and through the State generally the greatest military ardor and activity prevailed. It was supposed that at least ten thousand men were under arms and marching to the frontiers. The enemy, however, did not wait for their arrival. The foremost corps of mounted volunteers was not able to reach headquarters be fore General Proctor had rendered their services unneces sary by his precipitate flight from Lower Sandusky. It then became necessary, as in the former case, to disband them again, without their having an opportunity to fight; which again produced much discontent and chagrin among them. Alany of them Avere even highly exasperated against the general, for not retaining and employing them efficient ly against the enemy. They had volunteered not only with the expectation of being opposed to the invaders of their State, but also of being employed in the main expedition against Upper Canada, which it was noAV evident would soon be carried IN THE WESTERN COUNTRY 357 into execution. When a considerable number of them arrived at Upper Sandusky, and the retreat of the enemy was known, Governor Meigs addressed a letter to General Harrison, respecting the course to be pursued Avith them. The general immediately repaired to that place for the pur pose of explaining his situation and views to the governor, and reconciling the volunteers to the measures he would be obliged to adopt. After a personal interview with the gov ernor, he committed his explanations to writing, on the 6th of August, which he addressed to that officer, as follows : "Your excellency's, letter of the 4th inst. was handed to me yesterday morning by Colonel Brush. The exertions which you have made, and the promptitude with which your orders have been obeyed, to assemble the militia to repel the late invasion, is truly astonishing and reflects the highest honor on the State. Believing that in a personal interview, I could best explain to you the intentions of the government and my own views, I determined to come to this place to see you. I now have the honor to repeat to you in this way, the result of my determination on the em ployment of the militia, and most of the facts on w7hich my determination is founded. It has been the intention of the government, to form the army destined for operations on Lake Erie, exclusively of regular troops, if they7 could be raised. The number was limited to 7000. The deficiency of regulars was to be made up from the militia. From all the information I at present possess, I am convinced there will be a great deficiency in the contemplated number of troops, even after the militia noAV in service, and whose time of service Avill not expire immediately, have been added to the regulars. I have, therefore, called on the governor of Kentucky for two thousand effective men. AArith those there Avill still be a deficiency of about 1200. Your excel lency has stated to me, that the men who have turned out on this occasion, have done it Avith the expectation of being effectually employed, and that should they be sent home, there is no prospect of getting them to turn out hereafter should it be necessary. With my utmost exertions, the em- 358 HISTORY OF THE LATE WAR barkation cannot be effected in less than fifteen or eighteen days, should I even determine to substitute them for the regular troops which are expected. To keep so large a force in the field, even for a short period, would consume the means which are provided for the support of the cam paign, and which are only provided for the number above stated. Under these circumstances, I would recommend a middle course to your excellency, viz : to dismiss all the militia but tAvo regiments of ten companies, each of 100 men, and the usual proportion of field, platoon, and non commissioned officers, etc., that the corps be encamped at or near this place, until it is ascertained whether their ser vices will be wanted. A short time will determine the question. Permit me to request your excellency to give your countenance and support to the exertions which Gen eral M'Arthur will make to fill the 26th regiment of twelve month's troops. It appears that the venerable governor of Kentucky is about to take command of the troops of that State. Could your excellency think proper to follow his example, I need not tell you Iioav highly grateful it would be, dear sir, to your friend. "W. H. Harrison." Governor Meigs soon afterwards proceeded to disband the volunteers from his State, very much to their dis pleasure and motiflcation. They believed that their ser vices were slighted, and that General Harrison intended to stigmatize them as unfit to be led against the enemy. His explanations were deemed unsatisfactory ; and persons inimical to him, were ready to encourage the popular dis content, by misrepresenting his motives in this case, and his conduct in relation to the affair at Lower Sandusky. A considerable number passed resolutions, in Avhich they depreciated his military talents, and declared that they Avould never repair to his standard again. The publication of these resolves, produced an explanatory letter from Major Croghan, in which be contradicted the misrepresen tations Avhich had been made, and declared his high respect IN THE WESTERN COUNTRY 359 for the general and confidence in his military talents. A meeting of the general and field officers of the regular troops at Seneca was also held, and a public address pre pared by them, in which they declared their confidence in the general, and their entire approbation of his conduct; and that his late plans and movements had been taken with the advice of all the general and field officers under his com mand. The public confidence in the general, so necessary to the commander of militia troops, was thus preserved at a critical moment, against the attacks of those who were discontented and inimical to his fame. The retained regi ments of the Ohio volunteers were encamped at Upper Sandusky, but Governor Meigs did not think proper under all the circumstances of the case to continue to command them in person. General Harrison returned again to Seneca, to super intend the arrangements for the expedition against Upper Canada. On the 9th of August at Lower Sandusky, a British boat was discovered coming up the river with a flag. When it landed below the fort, Captain Hunter was sent to meet the commander, who proved to be Lieutenant Le Breton, accompanied by Doctor Banner, with a letter from General Proctor to the commandant at Lower San dusky, their object being to ascertain the situation of the British wounded and afford them surgical aid. Captain Hunter invited them to the fort, Le Breton seemed to hes itate as if he expected first to be blindfolded, as usual in such cases; but Captain Hunter told him to come on, that there was nothing in the fort which there was any occasion to conceal ; and when he introduced him to Major Croghan as the commandant of the fort, he appeared to be astonished at the youthful appearance of the hero, who had defeated the combined forces of his master. 360 HISTORY OF THE LATE WAR As the letter of General Proctor also contained a pro position for the paroling of those prisoners, who might be in a condition to be removed, the flag was sent by Major Croghan to headquarters at Seneca. General Harrison re plied to the letter of Proctor, that "Alajor Croghan conformably to those principles which are held sacred in the American army, had caused all pos sible care to be taken of the Avounded prisoners, that his situation would admit — that every aid Avhich surgical skill could give was afforded," And that he had already referred the disposal of the prisoners to his government and must Avait for their deter mination. Doctor Banner, in the meantime, had examined the situation of the wounded, and Avas highly gratified with the humane treatment they had received. He informed Alajor Croghan that the Indians were highly incensed at the failure of the late expedition, and Avere kept together Avith the utmost difficulty. The principal object of our attention will now be the preparations for the expedition against Maiden. The progress of the naval preparations had been very slow — the building of the fleet was not completed, till a much later period than that originally fixed by the war department; and after its completion, still farther delay was caused by the want of seamen. Yet, after all this delay on the part of the fleet, the regular forces enlisted for the expedition, were very far short of the calculations made at the war office. The wrhole regular force of the northwestern army in July, did not much exceed two thousand men; and it was not until the 20th of that month, that General Harri son was authorized by the government, to make his call on the adjoining States, for the militia necessary to complete the intended army. On that day at Lower Sandusky, he received a letter from the secretary of war, informing him IN THE WESTERN COUNTRY 361 that Commodore Perry was instructed to communicate with him, respecting naval movements and co-operation, and that he was authorized to take of the militia, what in his judgment would be necessary. He then immediately addressed the following letter to the governor of Kentucky. "My Dear Sir — I have this moment receiAred a letter from the secretary of Avar, in Avhich he authorizes me to call from the neighboring States, such number of militia as I may deem requisite for the ensuing operations against Upper Canada. It was originally intended that the army should consist of regular troops only; but is now ascer tained that the contemplated number cannot be raised. It is indeed late — very late — to call our militia; but still it Avill be better to do this, than to enter upon operations on which so much depends w7ith inadequate forces. I am not informed, as to the difficulties your excellency may have to encounter to organize another detachment of militia. I believe, however, it will not be impossible for you to reani mate your patriotic fellow-citizens, and once more to bring a portion of them into the field. What that portion will be, your OAvn judgment must determine. I have sent Major Trimble my aide-de-camp, to inform you of many circum stances which I have not time, nor indeed, would I like to commit to paper. Send me as many good men as you can conveniently collect, or as you may deem proper to call out —not less than 400 nor more than 2,000. The period has arrived, when with a little exertion, the task assigned to this section of the Union may be finished and complete tranquility restored to our frontiers. "To make this last effort, why not my dear, sir, come, in person? You would not object to a command, that would be nominal only. I have such confidence in your wisdom, that you in fact should 'be the guiding head, and I the hand.' The situation you would be placed in, would not be without its parallel. Scipio the conqueror of Carthage, did not disdain to act as the lieutenant of- his younger and less experienced brother Lucius. I refer you to Major Trimble, Avho is instructed to communicate many particu lars to you." 362 HISTORY OF THE LATE WAR This letter Avas delivered to Governor Shelby on the 30th day of July by Alajor Trimble, Avho further detailed the plans of General Harrison to the governor ; and stated that the general would expect 1500 men from Kentucky at least, if that number could be furnished conveniently by the State. GoA7ernor Shelby proceeded Avithout delay to make arrangements for raising the men ; and being con fident that the delays necessarily attendant on a draft, and on the marching of foot troops so great a distance, Avould prevent a drafted corps of that description from reaching headquarters in time, he determined on his own responsi bility to rely on raising the necessary number of mounted volunteers. Neither the government nor the general had intended to employ this kind of troops ; but the experienced governor of Kentucky well knew, that no other species of force could be raised and marched from his State Avith suffi cient promptitude to ansAver the purpose, and he knew that a great many of his fellow-citizens were anxious for an opportunity to proceed in this manner against their in veterate and merciless enemies. AVith a degree of energy and decision characteristic of his whole life, he, therefore, immediately appealed to the patriotism of his fellow-citi zens to join him in an expedition of this kind. The follow ing circulars, addressed to individuals of military preten sions and popularity, and to the militia of the State, Avere published on the next day : "Frankfort, July 31st, 1813. "Dear Sir — The folloAving address to the militia of Ken tucky Avill inform you of the call that has been made upon the governor of Kentucky for a reinforcement to the north- Avestern army, and of my vieAvs as to the mode of complying with it. I forward one to you particularly, sir, under the hope that yrou will exert your influence to bring into the field all the men in your poA\rer. Be so good as to acknowl edge the receipt of this letter, and apprise me of the calcu- IN THE WESTERN COUNTRY 363 lations which I may make of the number of men that can be raised in your county — and whether it will suit your con venience to go with us. I shall at all times take a pleasure in acknowledging the public spirit by which you will be actuated — and the obligations you will lay me under. "I have the honor to be, very respectfully, sir, your obedient servant, "Isaac Shelby." "Colonel A.— Z. "TO THE AHLITIA OF KENTUCKY "Fellow Soldiers — Your government has taken meas ures to act effectually against the enemy in Upper Canada. General Harrison, under the authority of the President of the United States, has called upon me for a strong body of troops to assist in effecting the grand objects of the cam paign. The enemy in hopes to find us unprepared, has again invested Fort Meigs, but he Avill again be mistaken, and before you can take the field he will be driven from that post. "To comply with the requisition of General Harrison, a draft might be enforced ; but, believing as I do, that the ardor and patriotism of my countrymen has not abated, and that they have Avaited Avith impatience a fair oppor tunity of avenging the blood of their butchered friends, I have appointed the 31st day of August next, at Newport, for a general rendezvous of KENTUCKY VOLUNTEERS. I will meet you there in person. I will lead you to the field of battle, and share with you the danger and honors of the campaign. Our services will not be required more than sixty days after we reach headquarters. "I invite all officers, and others possessing influence, to come forward with what mounted men they can raise ; each shall command the men he may bring into the field. The superior officers will be appointed by myself at the place of general rendezvous, or on our arrival at headquarters ; and I shall take pleasure in acknoAvledging to my country the merits and public spirit of those Avho may be useful in collecting a force for the present emergency. 364 HISTORY OF THE LATE WAR "Those who have good rifles, and know how to use them, Avill bring them along. Those who have not, will be furnished with muskets at Newport. "Fellow-citizens ! Now is the time to act, and by one decisive blow, put an end to the contest in that quarter. "Isaac Shelby." "Frankfort, July 31st, 1813." The reader will observe, that the governor cautiously avoids calling any specific number of men, or even hinting what force Avas required by General Harrison. He was Avell convinced that the number Avanted would rally at his call, and he did not wish to let the enemy have a chance to knoAV what force he was about to bring into the field against them. Colonel Johnson's regiment was also ordered to return to the northwestern service. He had scarcely reached Kentucky, before General Harrison had been authorized to recall him, by a letter from the Avar department, in which the secretary expressed his regret, that the order for his march had ever reached General Harrison; and that the latter, knoAving impropriety of the order, had not on that ground delayed its execution. An express was immediately sent after the regiment, but was unable to overtake it, be fore the men had dispersed and proceeded to their respec tive homes. Colonel Johnson then ordered his regiment to rendezvous again at the Great Crossings on the 15th, and at NeAvport on the 17th of August. The officers were par ticularly requested to make every exertion to march com plete companies, by recruiting volunteers to serve sixty days after the 20th of August, or ninety days if required. Their exertions were attended with the,most complete suc cess — the companies Avere not only filled, even beyond the limit of the law, but in many instances more offered their services than the officers deemed it prudent to accept. The zeal and abilities of Colonel Johnson, together with his tin- IN THE WESTERN COUNTRY 365 remitting attention to the interests of his men, inspired his fellow-citizens with confidence in him as a military leader, and securing the universal esteem of his troops, united them as a band of brothers in the common cause. But such was now the ardor of the Kentuckians, at the flattering prospect of finishing the war in the northwest, that the filling of one regiment was but a very small part of the forces they were ready to furnish. The address of the governor, like an electric spark, set fire to all the com bustible spirits of the State, and with one consent they were heard to say — come, let us rally round the eagle of our country, for old King's mountain will certainly lead us to victory and conquest. Alen of influence in every part of the State came forward, and were generally followed by most of their neighbors who could make it convenient to leave their homes. With a view to apprise the government of the measures he had taken, and to secure their approbation of his course, the governor on the 1st of August, addressed a letter to the war department, from which the following is an extract. "Much delay would have been the inevitable conse quence of ordering out the militia in the ordinary mode of draft. As mounted volunteers, a competent force can, I feel confident, be easily raised. I have, therefore, ap pointed the 31st of this month, at NeAvport, in this State, for a general rendezvous of mounted volunteers. I have the honor of enclosing for the information of the President, a copy of my address to the militia of this State on the occasion. The prospect of acting effectually against Upper Canada, will, I have no doubt, call forth a large force to our standard, and they will be immediately marched to the headquarters of the northwestern army, in such bodies as will most facilitate their movements. When there they can act as footmen, or mounted, as circumstances may re quire. I shall take great pleasure to hear from the Presi dent on this subject, previous to my departure from this 366 HISTORY OF THE LATE WAR place, and I request the favor of you to lay this letter immediately before him for his consideration, and that you will be pleased to apprise me of the result by the earliest conveyance." The following are extracts of letters from the governor to General Harrison. On the 2nd of August, after stating the measure he had taken, he proceeds : "I need not observe to you, how important it will be to have rations and forage provided on the way. It will he impossible to move on without the latter. Indeed, a supply must be laid in, at Georgetown in this State. Alen who travel from the southern parts of it, will require both rations and forage at that place to enable them to proceed. I beg you may attend to this subject, and let me know what is to be expected. Seeing that you cannot be reinforced in any other way, the government must not stickle at the trifling expense of a little forage, to obtain an efficient force for the main objects of the campaign. No apology was necessary to invite me to your standard. Had I more age and much greater experience, I would not hesitate to fight under your banner, for the honor and interest of my beloved country. "August 8. — I have received information from various parts of the State, that the volunteer scheme will succeed ; but it is impossible to speak with any kind of certainty at so early a stage of the business. I flatter myself, that I shall be able to bring into the field from two to three thous and or upwards. Aly present view is, that all these men will ride to the margin of the lake, and if they cross over, leave about one-tenth to bring the horses back some dis tance, and herd them in parcels in the best range, until the campaign expires. Many of the volunteers, that will com pose this corps, will be gentlemen who care less about emoluments than their own ease and convenience, and must have their horses taken care of, to ride home again. A great proportion of the volunteers will come from the southwestern part of the State, who will have to travel from two to three hundred miles, before they arrive at the point of rendezvous. Alany of them, too, will be poor men, IN THE WESTERN COUNTRY 367 who will not be able to proceed, unless forage and rations are both supplied. Indeed I shall expect, that forage will be directed to be furnished at Georgetown in this State. Horses will otherwise become so weak, that it will be im possible for them to proceed further. "Your aide-de-camp, Major Trimble, has stated that you would not guarantee the pay of more than 2,000 men, but would accept the services of a much larger number. Were I to make this public, I am confident it would dampen the ardor of the volunteers. Even gentlemen of fortune, of whom there are many that will go in the ranks, could not with any confidence encourage their poorer neighbors, to hazard their lives and lose their time for nothing. It is at any rate a great sacrifice, for a citizen of Kentucky to make for the mere pay of a common soldier for the service of himself and horse. I hope you Avill reflect on this subject and authorize payment for all that go, at least for 4,000 men, should that many turn out ; for I shall otherwise not be able to draw the distinction between those that will be entitled to receive pay and those that will not." These extracts exhibit the solicitude of Governor Shelby to raise a force sufficient to give a decisive blow, and to take care that such a force should be received into service, and should not be disappointed and defeated by the want of accommodations on their way. To these letters General Harrison replied on the 18th of August at Seneca, that "Every arrangement has been made for the proper ac commodation of the volunteers agreeably to your sugges tion. I am so well persuaded that the government will approve the measure of receiving the men, whom you may bring with you above the contemplated 2,000, that I will not hesitate to say that I will accept them. Everything is m a fair train for the commencement of operations on your arrival. Our fleet is now off Sandusky bay. I shall go down to it to-morrow morning, and take with me seventy men to act as marines. I wish the commodore to go immed- 368 HISTORY OF THE LATE WAR iately to Maiden, and endeavor to bring the enemy to action. Colonel Bartlett says, that you shall have forage. "I have been much disappointed in the number of regu lar troops. HoAvever, we are daily adding a little to them. The Pennsylvania regiment of militia, which were stationed at Erie, and which were to have joined me, have refused to march. This circumstance has determined me to accept your surplusage. I am determined not to have it believed again, that I am at the head of an army, wThen I have only the amount of a regiment, as was the case lately." When the war department authorized General Harrison to proceed in completing his army from the militia, he was informed that the regiment stationed at Erie was placed under his command, but when he called upon them, they declined the service. Some of them volunteered to go in the fleet, and "The rest," says the general in a letter to the war de partment, "have resolved that they will come on to join this army as ordered, provided they get two months' pay before hand." However, like the disobedient son, in the parable, they afterwards repented and came, bringing with them the boats from Cleveland to Sandusky bay for the embarka tion of the other troops. Alajor Trimble having arrived at headquarters from Kentucky, addressed a letter to Governor Shelby on the 18th, in which he says : "Everything here looks like invasion, and you may rely on seeing the Canada shore soon after you arrive. Should Kentucky fail to do her duty at this time, she will be damned for ever. She will have to hide her head, and pray for the mountains to fall upon her and cover her." The major Avas a Kentuckian, and the sentiment here expressed was common to his patriotic fellbw-citizens. They were determined in this last effort, to sustain the IN THE WESTERN COUNTRY 369 reputation of their State, and to inflict a signal punish ment on the enemy, by whose barbarities they had suffered so much. We must now turn our attention to the naval affairs on the lake, which at an early period this year claimed the attention of both governments. The British, hoAvever, had already the command of the lake, being in possession of a considerable fleet on its bosom ; whilst the Americans had not a. single armed vessel above the falls of Niagara. Great industry and exertion were hence necessary on our part, to enable us to meet the enemy on equal terms in the present campaign. With this view, workmen Avere employed and the keels of two brigs and several schooners were laid early in March at Erie, to which place Commodore Perry as we have noticed already, wras sent to superintend their con struction and equipment. There was abundance of timber convenient, but every other article bad to be transported from other places, mostly from Pittsburgh and Philadel phia; and such were the difficulties which had to be en countered, that the progress in fitting out the fleet, did not keep pace with the expectations formed by the government. One regiment of militia and a few regulars were employed for the protection of the workmen and the vessels they were building. No attempt, however, was made to molest them, till the 20th of July, when the undertaking was nearly com pleted. The enemy had this season built a twenty gun brig at Alalden, and Avith this addition to their force, they probably deemed their naval superiority so decided, as to be careless about the progress of our labors; or perhaps it was their policy to let us spend our time and labor in the completion of our vessels, before they paid them a destroy ing visit. The manner in which they conducted the cam paign, however, appears to us reprehensible. Had General Proctor proceeded with his regulars, militia, and Indians, 370 HISTORY OF THE LATE WAR supported by a train of heavy artillery, against our prepa rations at Erie, instead of wasting his time and strength in vain attempts on Fort Aleigs, he might have done us much greater injury, and perhaps have defeated us in the present campaign, by preventing the erection of a navy competent to the command of the lake. If he had only destroyed the boats prepared at Cleveland, he would have caused us more serious difficulties than any we experienced from his for midable invasions. But it has been stated that his Indians were not disposed to leave terra firma, and hazard them selves in a cruise so far down the lake. However, about the 20th of July, while the land forces were sent on a demonstration against Fort Meigs, the larger vessels of their fleet proceeded down the lake to re connoitre at Erie ; in sight of which they remained1 two or three days, apparently threatening, and perhaps really in tending, to attack the place ; but without having made an attempt, they at last stretched over the lake towards Long Point. Their menace excited a considerable hustle and alarm at Erie, lest the vessels in their present advanced state should be destroyed, and the flattering prospects of the campaign be thus blasted. Major General Aleade, Avho commanded the militia of the adjacent country, immediate ly issued an order to the contiguous brigade of his division, to repair en masse to Erie for the protection of the fleet. The order was promptly obeyed, and in a few days upwards of fifteen hundred men were assembled at the place ap pointed. Captain Perry, in the meantime, in order to amuse the enemy, had sent out two of his gunboats, which gave them a few shot ; but they kept at so great a distance that no damage was done. Commodore Perry now redoubled his exertions to finish his equipments, which he at last completed about the 2nd of August, and on the two following days succeeded in get- IN THE WESTERN COUNTRY 371 ting his heaviest vessels over the bar at the month of the harbor. The water being but 6 or 7 feet deep, it was nec essary to buoy them up with his light vessels and scows ; all of which was accomplished in the face of the enemy, who had returned in his fleet on the evening of the 3rd, and re mained in sight all the next day, but without offering any molestation to the progress of this work. As soon as our fleet was completely over the bar, the enemy again left us and sailed towards Long Point. A sufficient number of sailors, not having yet arrived to man our vessels, the com modore now proposed to receive volunteers for 48 hours from the Pennsylvania militia, and a sufficient number ac cepted his invitation to enable him to sail next morning in pursuit of the enemy. He crossed the lake to Long Point, and then proceeded up the British shore some distance without discovering their fleet, which had, in fact, returned to Maiden, for their new brig and other reinforcements, on discovering the force which Perry wras able to bring against them. Our fleet then returned to Erie, to discharge the militia volunteers, that were on board, and supply their place with sailors. In the meantime, General Meade had discharged all the militia, who had come forward at his call, to meet the menaced descent of the British. The fleet being equipped for action, and able to give the enemy chase, their services were no longer required in the field of Mars, but were much needed in their harvest fields at home. Lieutenant Elliott was bringing ninety sailors, from the fleet under Commodore Chauncey on Lake Ontario, to man the fleet on Erie. Boats were sent down the lake to meet them, which brought them up in safety, and enabled our commodore to spread his canvass again, and proceed up the lake. He arrived off Sandusky Bay on the 5th, and Cap tain Richardson, who had been sent by the general to Erie, and had now returned in the fleet, came out immediately to 372 HISTORY OF THE LATE WAR headquarters to announce its arrival and request a com pany of soldiers to act as marines. General Harrison ac companied by several officers, went down to the fleet, tak ing with him a company, commanded by Captain Stockton, of the 28th regiment of 12 months' regulars under Colonel Owings from Kentucky, including all the seamen that could be found in the army ; and also about 20 volunteers under Lieutenant Coburn from Payne's company of Johnson's regiment. The Kentuckians, some of whom had probably never seen a ship before, relying on their skill to shoot, were thus ready to meet the enemy on any element, how ever novel the intended enterprise might be to them. In the consultation between the land and naval commanders, it was agreed that the commodore should proceed immedi ately off Maiden, to brave the enemy's fleet, and if possible bring them to action, before he should take our troops on board to transport them over the lake. It was apprehended, however, that the enemy would be prudent enough to de cline the contest, until our fleet was encumbered with our land forces. As soon as our commodore had displayed his canvass before Alalden, a considerable bustle took place on board the British fleet, but no attempt was made to come out and engage him, although he did not fail to challenge them to the combat. Finding that they did not intend to fight, he sent the Ariel as near as she could proceed with safe ty, to examine them more narroAvly. Their new brig, which they called the Detroit, wras launched ; and the two fleets ' were apparently of equal force. The British, however, had the superiority — their vessels were larger than ours, were better manned, and carried a greater number of guns. The following were the vessels, and number of guns in each fleet: IN THE WESTERN COUNTRY 373 American. Guns Brig- Lawrence . .^ 20 Niagara 20 Caledonia 3 Schooner — Ariel 4(1 burst) Scorpion 2 Somers 2, and 2 swivels Tigress 1 Perenpine 1 Sloop — Trippe 1 Total 54, 2 swivels British. Ship- Guns Detroit 19, and 2 hwt's. Q. Charlotte 17, and 1 hwt's. Ser.- Lady Prevost 13, and 1 hwt's. Brig- Hunter 10 Sloop — Little Belt 3 Schooner — Chippeway 1, and 2 swivels Total 63, 4 hAvt's., 2 swivels American 54, 0 hwt's., 2 swivels Superiority . . . _ 9, 4 hwt's., 0 swivels 374 HISTORY OF THE LATE WAR The commodore did not remain long off Alalden, but finding the enemy not inclined to meet him, returned to Putin-Bay, in Bass Island, Avhere we shall leave him a few days, to watch the sailing of the British fleet under Commodore Barclay, whilst we notice some other occur rences. General Harrison, having learned that much dissatis faction prevailed among the British Indians, since the re pulse of the allies at Lower Sandusky, determined to make use of means to detach them completely, if possible, from the British cause. He sent some friendly Wyandot chiefs, in whom he had confidence, to confer with the warriors of their tribe, who had joined the British under Walk-in-the- Avater, and also with the other hostile tribes in general, with a view to negotiate a peace and reconcile them to a neutral course in the approaching contest. When these commissfioners arrived at Brownstown, information Ipf their business was immediately communicated to Elliott, and they were obliged to deliArer their talk, which should have been addressed to the Wyandots alone, to a general council of all the hostile chiefs, at which Elliott and M'Kee Avere present. They were answered by Round Head, who was entirely in the British interest, and who spoke what Elliott pleased to dictate. A private message, however, was sent by Walk-in-the-Avater, that he would use his best exertions to detach the Indians from the British, and that he had determined not to fight us, but on the advance of our army, to seize the Huron church at Sandwich, with all the warriors he could engage to assist him, and defend him self there against the British and their adherents. The general was thus convinced that no material defection was to be expected among the allies of the British. General M'Arthur was sent about this time to take the command at Fort Aleigs, with instructions to draw in the IN THE WESTERN COUNTRY 375 pickets and construct a fortification on a smaller scale, and to make arrangements for embarking the heavy artil lery Avith such military stores as might be found neces- The mounted regiment, under Colonel Johnson, assem bled in pursuance of his orders at the places appointed for their rendezvous, bringing with them a great accession of strength in new recruits. Every company in the regiment had more than its legal complement of men. Captain M'Afee had 152, including officers and privates ; Captains Combs and Davidson had each upwards of 130. The colo nel received orders from General Harrison, to march imme diately to the frontiers, for the purpose of escorting provi sions from the posts on the St. Alarys and Auglaize to Fort Meigs, preparatory to the embarkation of the troops for the main expedition. The regiment marched by companies, and on the 20th arrived at Dayton, where the colonel re ceived information, that the Indians had recently killed two men and a woman, some distance within the frontiers near Piqua, and that the citizens, much alarmed and en raged, had assembled in considerable numbers, with a de termination to take revenge on the friendly Shawanese and Delawares, residing near that place, Avhoni they accused of committing the murders. Colonel Johnson immediately pushed forward in advance of the regiment with Captain Coleman's company, and on arriving at Piqua, was in formed by John Johnson, Esq., the Indian agent, that he had called on the chiefs for an explanation, and had been assured by them with much candor and promptitude, that the British were attempting to embroil them with their white brethren, by sending hostile Indians to commit dep redations in their vicinity, in the expectation that the whites would charge it to them. Two murders had also been committed near Manary's blockhouse, and the Shaw- 376 HISTORY OF THE LATE WAR anese at Wapoghconata had informed the agent that a hostile party had previously passed that place, by whom it was evident the murders must have been committed. It was with great difficulty, however, that the citizens could be pacified. The circumstances being made known to Gen eral Harrison, he published an address to the frontier in habitants, assuring them that he had received satisfactory evidence that the murders were committed by the hostile Indians, and entreating the people not to take redress into their own hands, but to rely on the government which would certainly inflict exemplary punishment for any ag gressions committed by the friendly Indians. This address with the arrival of the mounted regiment quieted the minds of the people, and reconciled them to trust for safety and satisfaction to the army and the government. As the means for transportation were not yet in readi ness, the regiment was separated into several detachments, and stationed at different posts, where the companies were all diligently drilled under the superintendence of the field officers. Much credit is due to Lieutenant Colonel James Johnson, for the ability and diligence with which he attended on all occasions to the training of his men. To him they were greatly indebted for that proficiency in the knowledge of their duties, which rendered them terrible to the enemy in the day of battle. The good conduct and ardor of the troops were also much promoted by the prac tice of addressing them publicly on their duties, which was pursued by the colonel and some other officers, who were possessed of talents for extemporary speaking. Colonel Johnson had taken particular care at all times, to have his men completely familiarized with appropriate order of battle. In his orders of this description he provided for two very important matters in Indian fighting — for out flanking the enemy, and for charging through their lines IN THE WESTERN COUNTRY 377 and forming in their rear. The following are extracts on these points : "The balance of the tA\7o columns, (in the order of march), viz. : Captains Alatson and Ellison shall join and extend the line of battle on the right and in line Avith Cap tain Al'Afee; and the right flank (in the order of march), on the same principle shall extend the line of battle by fil ing to the right, Avith positive orders on each flank to out flank the enemy, Captain Craig's company remaining on horseback until he turns his flank and gets in his rear ; and so of the left column and left flank, Captain Combs extend ing the line of battle on the left, and Captain Rice uniting with him, but being on the extreme left, he shall not dis mount until he outflanks and gains the rear of the enemy." In an order of the 3rd of September, he directs that "Captain Warfield will march on the right of Captain Ellison, and form with him a column of double files. Cap tain Rice will march on the left of Captain Combs, and Captain Hamilton on the right of Captain Coleman, each forming a line of double flies. These double lines are to form the charging column, and are to charge through the line of the enemy, and form in their rear, by wheeling to the right and left, at a moment when a general and ex hausted fire of the enemy may render it practicable. But should a general retreat of the enemy render this impos sible, each column will deploy to the right and left, and fall upon the flanks of the enemy. Alajor Payne Avill lead the right column ; Alajor Thompson the left ; and the colo nels the center. The charging columns are to act princi pally on horseback." These orders were much approved in the regiment, as being well adapted for Indian fighting ; for in contending with savages, the only chance to save the men is to make a bold dash at the enemy in the beginning, and never turn your back upon them afterwards. To stand and fight them in regular order, only exposes the man and hazards the victory; for in such a case they will kill tAvo to one of the 378 HISTORY OF THE LATE WAR best marksmen that can be opposed to them. The best method is to outflank them, rush upon them, drive them from their lurking places, and pursue them closely. About the 1st of September, the troops were enabled to proceed in the business of transportation, about 20 wagons, and a brigade of packhorses, having arrived for that pur pose. The greater part of the regiment had arrived at Fort Winchester on the 9th of September, a day which had been appointed by the President at the request of Congress, as a day of fasting, humiliation, and prayer. Those who chose to observe it in that manner Avere encouraged to do so; and although there is in general but little religion to be found in an army, yet on the evening of this day, a num ber of little parties were seen in different parts of the lines, paying their devotions to the God of armies, and chanting his praises with plainness, sincerity, and zeal; whilst their less pious, but moral and orderly compatriots, preserved around them, the strictest order and decorum. A pleasing tranquillity pervaded the ranks, and the patriot soldier seemed to feel a cheering confidence, that the God of battles would shield him in the hour of danger. The author of this history could not but feel that the special protection of heaven would be enjoyed by the American army, while nobly fighting in the cause of justice and humanity. Such Avere the harmony and good order con stantly prevailing in this regiment, and the mutual confidence and good will betAveen the officers and men, that there is scarcely an individual among them, who does not look back to those days as the happiest of his life, and who did not love and respect his commandant as an elder brother. The next day, the 10th of September — an important and memorable day in the present campaign — was spent by the regiment iu training, and in fighting sham battles, the IN THE WESTERN COUNTRY 379 exact miniature of that Avhich they were soon to fight in reality. A line of infantry Avas formed, and the horses were practiced to charge through it at full speed ; and such Avas the tractability and the force of custom in this noble animal, that in a little time there was scarcely a horse iu the regiment that would flinch at a line of infantry envel oped in a blaze of fire and smoke. Those Avho are unac quainted Avith the docility of this animal, Avould scarcely believe that he could be brought to have so much contempt for danger, to understand so Avell the different sounds of the trumpet, and seemingly to participate in the sentiments and views of his rider. The beautiful description of the horse, which is given in holy writ, was fully A7erified in our trainings. "He paAveth in the valley, and rejoiceth in his strength : he goeth on to meet the armed men. He mocketh at fear, and is not affrighted; neither turneth he back from the sword. The quiver rattleth against him, and the glitter ing spear, and the shield. He swalloAveth the ground with fierceness and rage; neither believeth he that it is the sound of the trumpet." A few days afterwards the regiment proceeded towards the Rapids, using the precaution to march in a body, as several straggling parties of Indians had lately been dis covered, and it was known that Tecumseh had a consider able mounted force, with which it Avas probable he might attempt some enterprise in that quarter of the country. Governor Shelby Avas also now advancing tOAvards the frontiers Avith a strong corps of mounted volunteers. Early in August he had selected General John Adair, of Mercer, for his first aide — a gentleman Avhose military talents were universally acknowledged and respected. In the latter part of the month instructions were issued for all officers commanding volunteer corps, to draAV arms and ammuni tion on their arrival at Newport, and then proceed towards 380 HISTORY OF THE LATE AVAR the headquarters of the northwestern army by slow marches; and Alajor George Walker was dispatched in the capacity of brigade major and quartermaster to super intend the business at NeAvport, On the 1st of September, about three thousand five hundred men, all sturdy Ken- tuckians, had crossed the Ohio, Avith their venerable gov ernor at their head, like an ancient oak, still green, strong, and majestic; for although he had now reached the 63rd year of his age, yet the vigor of his person, and the decisive energy of his mind, were such as are rarely found in those who have numbered half his years. The arsenal at Newport was drained of all the arms fit for use, and still there was a deficiency of 700 or 800. The governor immediately wrote to General Harrison advising him of this circumstance. "I have ordered (he continues) all my forces to con centrate at Springfield, where I shall halt a day or tAvo for some ammunition and hospital stores, and endeavor to organize the army, after which not a moment shall be lost till we join you. We are about 3,500 strong, as nearly as I can at present judge, and all mounted. In a letter I had the honor to address you before I left Frankfort, I took the liberty to recommend the calling on Governor Aleigs for an additional force of his militia, to enable you to make a sure stroke on the enemy. I am still of the same opinion; for although you may be restricted to a particular number, to make the descent into Canada, you ought to put nothing to hazard. Should you eA7en transcend your powTers, if we are fortunate, your country Avill approve the measure, and if otherwise, she cannot complain. I shall be sorry to see any attempt made to invade the enemy's country, until we are prepared to hold every inch of ground that Ave may con quer. I shall be highly gratified to hear from you on my march, and to be apprized of so much of your views, as it may be proper and safe to communicate." — Shelby. IN THE AVESTERN COUNTRY 381 The organization Avas not entirely completed at Spring field; forage being scarce, it became necessary to move on towards Urbana, to which place Alajor Walker and Colonel Joseph AI'DoAvell were sent in advance to make prepara tions, the former being appointed quartermaster general, with the rank of colonel, and the latter adjutant general with the same rank. At Urbana the organization Avas com pleted. The troops were formed into 11 regiments, to be commanded by Colonels Trotter, Donaldson, Poague, Montjoy, Rennick, Davenport, Taul, CalloAvay, Simrall, Barbour, and Williams. Out of these regiments five brig ades were formed a division under Major General William Henry; the other two formed a division under Major Gen eral Joseph Desha. John Crittenden, Esq., was appointed 2nd aide to the governor; W. T. Barry, Esq., secretary ; and Thomas T. Barr, Esq., judge advocate general. Each com mandant of a regiment appointed his own staff and sur geons, and the office of hospital surgeon Avas given by the governor to Doctor A. J. Alitchell. About the 9th of September the volunteers marched from Urbana, and on the 12th arrived at Upper Sandusky, where Tahe, the ancient Wyandot chief, was introduced to Governor Shelby ; he had expressed a great desire to see the governor of Kentucky. The following letter from General Harrison was received at this place : "Headquarters, Seneca, 12th September, 1813. "You will find arms at Upper Sandusky; also a con siderable quantity at Lower Sandusky. I set out from this place in an hour. Our fleet has beyond all doubt met that of the enemy. The day before yesterday an incessant and tremendous cannonading was heard in the direction of Maiden by a detachment of troops coming from Fort Aleigs. It lasted two hours. I am all anxiety for the event. There will be no occasion for your halting here. Lower San dusky affords fine grazing. AVith respect to a station for 382 HISTORY OF THE LATE WAR your horses, there is the best in the world immediately at the place of embarkation. The Sandusky Bay, Lake Erie, and Portage River form between them a peninsula, the isthmus of which is only one mile and a half across. A fence of that length, and a sufficient guard left there, would make all the horses of the army safe. It would enclose fifty or sixty thousand acres, in Avhich are many cultivated fields, which having been abandoned, are now grown up with the finest grass. Your sick had better be left at Upper Sandusky or here. "Harrison." Within half an hour after the above letter was written, the general received the following laconic note from the commodore, by express from Lower Sandusky: "U. S. Brig. Niagara, off the Western Sister, etc., "September 10, 1813, 4 P. M. "Dear General — We have met the enemy and they are ours — two ships, two brigs, one schooner and a sloop. "Yours Avith great respect and esteem, "Oliver Hazard Perry." This exhilarating news set Lower Sandusky and Camp Seneca in an uproar of tumultuous joy. The general im mediately proceeded to the former place, and issued his orders for the movement of the troops, and transportation of the provisions, military stores, etc, to the margin of the lake, preparatory to their embarkation. An encampment had already been formed there, which was now enlarged and some blockhouses commenced. Governor Shelby, on the receipt of the letter from Harrison at Upper Sandusky, had proceeded with his unit in advance of his troops, and met the news of the naA7al victory at Fort Ball ; from which place he addressed a hasty note to Alajor General William Henry, who had been left in command at Upper Sandusky, informing him of the glorious result on the lake, that the army would consequently pass into Canada without loss of IN THE WESTERN COUNTRY 383 time, and that he must use his best exertions to reach the point of embarkation as soon as possible. General Henry, a veteran of the revolution, well knew the importance of despatch, and pressed forward on bad roads, through deep swamps, at the rate of thirty miles a day, with all the forces, until arrived at headquarters on the margin of the lake, on the 15th and 16th of September; at which place the governor had previously arrived on the 14th, a few minutes before the fleet had made its appearance, return ing from its victorious battle. On the 15th, upwards of 300 British prisoners were landed from the fleet, and placed under the care of the infantry. A few days afterwards they were escorted by a guard of Kentucky militia under quartermaster Payne to Franklinton and Chillicothe. Victory on the Lake. — We must now turn our atten tion to the particulars of the naval battle. After remain ing a few days at Put-in-Bay, Commodore Perry had return ed in full view of Maiden, and offered battle again to the British fleet, which they again declined ; but they now ap peared to be making great exertions to get ready for a con test. The commodore then withdrew, and came down the lake off Sandusky Bay, in hopes that the enemy would fol low him, or at least come out on the lake. While at this station, three American citizens, who had made their es cape from Detroit, arrived at the fleet in an open boat, from whom it was ascertained that the enemy had been greatly straitened for provisions since our fleet had been on the lake. They had previously brought up a considerable por tion of their supplies on the lake from Long Point. By the same persons the force of the enemy was stated to be 800 regulars, 1,000 militia, and nearly 2,000 Indians. On the 5th of September, the commodore informed General Harri son in a letter from Sandusky Bay, that his men were suf fering very much by sickness, and that his fleet could not 384 HISTORY OF THE LATE WAR transport more than 3,000 men, with which number he would be so crowded as to be unable to use any of his guns. A few days afterwards he returned to Put-in-Bay to wait for sailing of the British fleet. At sunrise on Friday morning, the 10th of September, the enemy were discovered standing out from Maiden. The American squadron immediately weighed anchor, and pro ceeded to meet them. It was the intention of commodore Barclay to engage his opponent before he could clear the islands near the head of the lake; and the wind, being in the southwest, was favorable to his plan; but before 10 o'clock the American fleet had gained the open lake, be tween the islands and the mouth of the river Detroit. About the same time the wind changed to the southeast, and thus brought the American squadron to the windward. Our commodore then formed his line of battle, and bore up against the enemy. An hour of awful suspense ensued. All hands stood ready, as soon as the winds could bring the hostile fleets together, to commence the desperate conflict, Avhich Avas to decide the command of the upper lakes, and sink or save a British province. The fleets were new, and traversed a neAV theater of war. The British commodore, however, was old in experience and well advanced in years. He had bled in the battle of Trafalgar, and had imbibed the naval tactics of Nelson. The American was young, and had never heard the thunder of a hostile ship; but skilled in the theory of naval Avar, and teeming Avith the courage and enterprise of an American freeman, he was ready for the contest with a foe superior in force and experience. At 15 minutes before 12, the enemy opened his fire, but it was not returned for 10 minutes by the American fleet, which was much inferior in long guns. The battle then commenced on both sides ; but owing to the superiority of the British in long guns, their fire was found to be the most IN THE WESTERN COUNTRY 385 destructive, and being chiefly directed against the Law rence, the foremost ship, in which the commodore sailed, he was induced to make every exertion to close with the enemy, directing the other vessels to follow his example. In a short time every brace and bowline of the LaAvrence was shot away, and she became unmanageable, notwith standing the great exertions of her sailing master. In this situation she sustained the conflict with the Detroit and Queen Charlotte, upwards of two hours within cannister distance, until every gun was rendered useless, and the greater part of her crew either killed or wounded. The commodore, now finding that she could no longer annoy the enemy, conceived the bold design of leaving her, and passing in an open boat to the Niagara, which the lowness of the wind had long prevented, with the lighter vessels from coming into close action. At half past 2 the wind increased and enabled Captain Elliott to bring up the Niagara in gallant style. The commodore then consigned the Lawrence to the command of Lieutenant Yarnall, whose bravery already displayed was a sure pledge that he would do everything in his power for the honor of the flag ; and proceeded towards the Niagara, standing erect in an open boat, a fair mark for the musketry of the enemy, within the range of Avhich he had to pass, bearing his flag with the motto "Don't Give Up The Ship." His men, more careful of his life, pulled him doAvn by force from the dangers of an incessant fire, directed at him by the enemy. When safe on board the Niagara, the remnant of his crew in the LaAvrence gave three cheers for joy at his success. He then expressed his fears to Captain Elliott, that the victory was lost, by the lighter vessels remaining at so great a distance in the rear. The captain replied that he hoped not, and immediately tendered his services to 386 HISTORY OF THE LATE WAR bring them up to a position where they could render more effectual service. The Niagara Avas now at the head of the lines, and Captain Elliott had to proceed on this service, down the whole line of the enemy, in a small boat exposed to their incessant fire; yet he accomplished the perilous enterprise uninjured, though completely soaked with the water thrown upon him by the balls which struck around him. He brought up the remotest gun boats, and placed them under the sterns of the heaviest vessels of the enemy, where they were enabled to do much execution. In the meantime the commodore in the Niagara, which had been but little injured, made the signal for close action, and de termined to pass through the enemy's line. He bore up and ran ahead of their two ships and a brig, giving a rak ing fire to them from his starboard guns, and to their large schooner and sloop on the starboard side, at half pistol- shot distance. By this bold project of breaking through the line of the enemy, all the guns of the Niagara were brought, at the same moment, to bear on his vessels in the most effectual manner ; and at the same time the gun boats were brought by Captain Elliott, to pour destruction into the sterns of his large ships, and the other small vessels to play upon them within grape and cannister distance. Such a galling, destructive fire could not be long sustained by the British — their two ships, a brig and a schooner, quickly surrendered. The sloop and the other schooner attempted to escape by flight, but the American schooners soon com pelled them to strike. The whole squadron was thus cap tured, not a vessel having escaped to carry the dismal news to Maiden. Soon after Commodore Perry had left the Lawrence, he had the extreme mortification to see her flag come down. But he was perfectly satisfied that she had been defended to the last extremity, and that a show of further resistance IN THE WESTERN COUNTRY 387 would have been a wanton sacrifice of the remains of her brave crew. The enemy, however, Avere so shattered at that time, that they were unable to take possession of her, and her brave commander soon hoisted her flag again. Though several times wounded, he refused to quit the deck, and had the satisfaction to see the whole fleet of the enemy surrender, while his flag was flying over the shattered hulk of the Lawrence. Alany other instances of individual hero ism were displayed — too numerous, indeed, to be noticed in a general history. On the evening after the battle, the commodore an nounced his victory to the secretary of the navy, by the following modest and much admired letter. "Sir — It has pleased the Almighty to give the arms of the United States, a signal victory over their enemies on this lake. The British squadron, consisting of two brigs, two ships, one schooner, and one sloop, have this moment surrendered to the force under my command, after a sharp conflict. "Perry." It was indeed a sharp conflict, and even late in the battle the victory was extremely doubtful. During the first two and a half hours, the American squadron fought to a great disadvantage, the action being chiefly sustained all that time by the Lawrence. The fresh breeze which sprung up, about the time that vessel was entirely disabled, turned the fortune of the day in our favor, by enabling all our vessels to press on the enemy, break through his line, and rake him effectually in every direction. The loss on board the Lawrence was 22 killed and 64 wounded; and the vessel was so completely cut up, that it was absolutely necessary to send her immediately into a safe harbor. The loss in the whole fleet was 27 killed and 96 wounded. The Niagara had only 2 killed — the Cale- 388 HISTORY OF THE LATE WAR donia, Somers and Trippe had none. The loss of the enemy was 72 killed, about double that number wounded, and upwards of 300 prisoners. Commodore Perry, in his first accounts of the battle, in the above letters to General Har rison and the secretary of the navy, committed a trifling error in styling the Lady Prevost a brig — he afterwards reported her a schooner. Her commander, Captain Bar clay, the senior officer in the British fleet, was severely wounded. The captain of the Queen Charlotte Avas killed, and also the 1st lieutenant of the Detroit. After the battle, Avith fire arms, was over, "Another engagement took place — it Avas a Avar of po liteness and humanity. The British officers refuse to re tain their swords, and the magnanimous Perry declines re ceiving them. They pass repeatedly back and forward be tween the tAvo commodores. American generosity finally triumphs. The British officers are forced, by his over whelming kindness and humanity7, to retain those very swords which his superior skill and bravery had compelled them to surrender. And as an additional mark of his lib- . erality, the commodore advanced them $1,000 on his OAvn , .account, to defray their expenses in travelling to such; places as might be assigned them." Every exertion was also made to render the prisoners :-i and wounded of the enemy, as comfortable in their cap-'* tivity as our OAvn troops. Such generous conduct made a;'* lasting impression on the gratitude of the brave and gal\j| lant Captain Barclay. J On the clay after the battle the funeral obsequies of th()(1 British and American officers, Avho had fallen in thrift action, were performed in an appropriate and affectinj% manner. An opening on the margin of Put-in-Bay waN selected for the interment of their remains. The crews o,, ° both fleets attended. The day was fine and pleasant. N* ture seemed hushed in silence, and a dead calm prevailed ':. IN THE WESTERN COUNTRY 389 on the lake. The solemn looks of the officers and men, the procession boats keeping time with their oars to the solemn dirge that was playing, the mournful Avaving of the flags, the deep-toned peals of minute guns — all together gave the scene a melancholy grandeur which may be felt, but can not be described — How different from the scene of yester day. Now all united as brothers, to perform the last honors due to the departed brave of both Nations. Three Britons had fallen, Captain Finnis and Lieutenants Garland and Stockoe — and two Americans, Lieutenant Brooks and Mid shipman Lamb. They lie on a lonely beach, where the future traveller will scarcely find their humble graves. The American people who delight to honor their brave and magnanimous defenders, bestowed many marks of their gratitude and admiration, on Commodore Perry and his brave associates. The following resolves w7ere passed in Congress and carried into execution : "Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America, in Congress assembled, That the thanks of Congress be, and the same are hereby presented to Captain Oliver Hazard Perry, and through Mm to the officers, petty officers, seamen, marines, and infantry, serving as such, attached to the squadron under his command, for the decisive and glorious victory gained on Lake Erie, on the 10th of September, in the year of 1813, over a British squadron of superior force. "Resolved, That the president of the United States be requested to cause gold medals to be struck, emblematic of the action between the two squadrons, and to be presented to Captain Perry and to Captain Jesse D. Elliott, in such manner as Avill be most agreeable to them ; and that the President be further requested to present a silver medal, with suitable emblems and devices, to each of the coinmis- ; sioned officers, either of the navy or army, and a sword to ieach of the midshipmen and sailing masters, Avho so nobly distinguished themselves on that day." 390 HISTORY OF THE LATE WAR This brilliant victory at once immortalized the heroes Avho achieved it, and opened Upper Canada to the American arms. The captured vessels were safely towed into Put in-Bay, the LaAvrence was sent to Erie to be dismantled, and Commodore Perry Avas ready, after he had landed his prisoners at the mouth of Portage, to transport the north- Avestern army to Alalden. CHAPTER IX. Invasion of Upper Canada and Capture of the Army Under General Proctor. On the evening of the 16th of September, General M'Arthur received orders at Fort Meigs to embark the artillery, military stores and provisions at that place, in vessels which were sent from headquarters to receive them, and to march the regulars of the garrison across the coun try to the rendezvous at the mouth of Portage, preparatory to their embarkation with the rest of the army. He had already reduced Fort Meigs to a small post, in the upper corner of the old works, and quickly executed the orders for his removal. The remaining Kentuckians at that place, under General Clay, had determined to accompany General Harrison though their term of service had nearly expired ; and the general himself had particularly solicited the gov ernor for leave to accompany him, in case his men were not permitted to go. He now embarked with his suite, and a number of his men, in the transport vessels which had come for the stores. The mounted regiment under Colonel Johnson, which was now also at Fort Aleigs, received orders from General Harrison to encamp under the guns of the fort and wait for further orders. The company of Captain Warfield had gone from Piqua Avith the governor's troops to Portage, and the captain had obtained permission from General Harri son for his company to cross with him to Canada. This circumstance connected with some others, and with the 391 392 HISTORY OF THE LATE WAR orders received from the general, produced much uneasi ness in the balance of the regiment, lest it might have been determined at headquarters, to leave them on this side of the lake. In concentrating his forces for the invasion of Canada, General Harrison had notified the AVyandot, Shawanee, and Seneca Indians near Upper Sandusky, that they would be received into his service; and about 260 had in conse quence joined him at Seneca and accompanied him to the point of embarkation, under their chiefs Lewis, Blackhoof, and Snake. The tAvo regiments of Ohio militia, which had been left at Upper Sandusky, Avere subsequently discharged. In bringing doAvn the military stores and provisions from the posts on the Sandusky River to the vessels in the lake, a short land carriage became necessary to expedite the embarkation. The peninsula formed by the Sandusky Bay on the right, and by Portage River and Lake Erie on the left, extended between fifteen and twenty miles from the anchorage of the shipping in the mouth of Portage, at Avhich place the isthmus on which the army was encamped was less than two miles across from one river to the other. The boats have to travel upwards of forty miles, and to be exposed to the dangers of the lake navigation. It was therefore deemed the most safe and expeditious to trans port the stores and drag the boats across the isthmus, which was accomplished between the 15th and 20th of the month, whilst the army was detained in making other nec essary arrangements. The Kentucky troops were encamped across the narroAV- est part of the isthmus, above the place of embarkation; and each regiment was ordered to construct a strong fence of brush and fallen timber in front of its encampment, which extended, Avhen finished, from Portage to Sandusky River. Within this enclosure their horses wer.e turned IN THE WESTERN COUNTRY 393 loose to graze on ample pastures of excellent grass. The preparations for the expedition being nearly completed, it became necessary to detail a guard to be left for the pro tection of the horses. The commandants of regiments were ordered by the governor to detach one twentieth part of their commands for this service; and Colonel Christopher Rife was designated as their commander. In furnishing the men, many of the colonels had to resort to a draft, as volunteers to stay on this side of the lake could not be ob tained. The Kentuckians had no constitutional scruples, about crossing the boundary line of the United States, and no greater insult could be offered to one of Shelby's volun teers, than to insinuate that he did not desire to cross into Canada. This, hoAvever, was not exactly7 the case Avith all the militia assembled at the mouth of Portage. AVhen the order for embarking was issued, the gentlemen of the Penn sylvania regiment from Erie, Avere unfortunately seized with constitutional scruples. General Harrison personally addressed them, and requested the officers for the honor of their State, to endeavor to prevail on their men to embark. After making an attempt to persuade them, one of the captains returned to General Harrison, and observed in a pusillanimous tone — "I believe the boys are not willing to go, general." Harrison eyed him Avith contempt and replied, "The boys, eh ! I believe some of the officers, too, are not willing to go. Thank God, I have Kentuckians enough to go with out you." However, about 150 of them Avere prevailed on to embark, under the lieutenant colonel and major, the commandant of the regiment being sick. On the 20th, General Harrison embarked with the regu lar troops under Generals AI'Arthur and Cass, and arrived 394 HISTORY OF THE LATE WAR the same day at Put-in-Bay, in Bass Island, about 10 miles distant from the point of embarkation. Next morning the governor sailed with a part of his troops, having ordered Alajor General Desha to remain at Portage and bring up the rear, which he performed with great alacrity and vigilance. On that and the succeeding day all the militia arrived at Bass Island. Colonel Rife was left in command at Portage, with Doctor Alaguffin as his surgeon, and with instructions to pay particular attention to the bashful Pennsylvanians, Avho ought for their backAvardness to be disowned by their State. The whole army remained on Bass Island on the 24th, waiting for the arrival of all the nec essary stores and provisions at that place. The winds and the weather were as favorable for this movement as Heaven could make them. It seemed as if all the elements had conspired to favor the expedition. The felicity of the troops in this respect was the subject of general remark, and indeed the finest season had been enjoyed for all the pre liminary movements and preparations. During the stay of the army at this place, the Ken tuckians left by General Clay at Fort Aleigs arrived at headquarters to join the expedition. Their services not being wanted, they Avere here discharged and returned home, except the general, Alajor Dudley and a few others, Avho proceeded with the army as far as Sandwich. Some of the Pennsylvanians, who had ventured as far as this island, were now permitted to indulge their scruples and retire also from the service ; the others continued as far as Sandwich. On the 25th, the whole army moved to the Aliddle Sister, a small island containing about five or six acres of ground, Avhich was now crowded with men, having about four thou sand five hundred upon it. Whilst the transport vessels were bringing up the military stores and provisions on the IN THE WESTERN COUNTRY 395 26th, General Harrison sailed with Commodore Perry in the Ariel, to reconnoitre off Alalden, and ascertain a suit able point on the lake shore for the debarkation of his troops. They came in view of Amherstburg, but could not examine the fort, the position of which was on the river above the town, by which it w7as concealed from their sight. The blockhouse on Bare Point, three miles below Maiden, had been destroyed. A dead silence and tranquillity pre vailed along the coast, and the inhabitants appeared to vieAV the reconnoitering vessels with extreme indifference. These circumstances induced the general to suspect that the enemy had made arrangements to surprise him in the act of landing the forces, or possibly that he might have destroyed his works and retreated. The army, however, approached the shore on a subsequent day in full expecta tion that the enemy would meet them on their landing. Late in the evening the general returned to the army on the Middle Sister. The following general order was now issued, prescribing the order of debarkation, of march, and of battle : "As it is the intention of the general to land the army on the enemy's coast, the folloAving will be the order of de barkation, of march, and of battle. The right wing of the army will be composed of the Kentucky volunteers under command of his excellency, Governor Shelby, acting as major general — the left wing, of the light corps of Lieuten ant Colonel Ball, and the brigades of Generals M'Arthur and Cass. This arrangement is made with a view to the localities of the ground, on which the troops will have to act, and the composition of the enemy's force, and is cal culated in marching up the lake or strait, to place the regular troops in the open ground on the lake, where it is probable they will be opposed by British regulars, and the Kentucky volunteers in the woods, which probably will be occupied by the enemy's militia and Indians. When the signal is given for putting to shore the corps of Lieutenant 396 HISTORY OF THE LATE WAR Colonel Ball aa ill precede the left wing, and the regiment of volunteer riflemen under Colonel Simrall the right wing. These corps Avill land with the utmost celerity consistent with the preservation of good order, and as soon as landed, will seize the most favorable position for annoying the enemy, and covering the debarkation of the troops of the line. General Cass' brigade Avill follow Lieutenant-Colonel Ball's corps, and General Calmes' the regiment of Colonel Simrall. The other regiments will follow and form in suc cession after those Avhich precede them, the right wing with its right in front deploying to the left. The brigades of Generals King, Allen, and Caldwell, will form successively to the right of General Calmes. The brigades of Generals AI'Arthur and Chiles will form the reserve, under the im mediate command of General AI'Arthur. The general will command in person the brigades of Cass and Calmes, as sisted by Alajor General Henry. His excellency, Governor Shelby7, Avill have the immediate command of the three brigades on the right, assisted by Alajor General Desha. As soon as the troops disembark, the boats are to be immedi ately sent back to the fleet. It will be observed that the order of landing here prescribed is someAvhat that of direct echelon, deployed into line upon the advanced corps of the right and left Avings. It is the intention of the general, however, that all the troops which are provided Avith boats, should land in as quick succession as possible; and the gen eral officers commanding tOAvards the extremities of the line are authorized to deviate from this arrangement, to counteract any movement of the enemy, by landing any parts of their commands previous to the forming of the corps which are herein directed to precede them. The corps of Lieutenant-Colonel Ball, and the volunteer regi ment of Colonel Simrall Avill maintain the position they occupy on landing, until the troops of the line are formed to support them ; they Avill then retire through the intervals of the line, or to the flanks and form in the rear of the line. A detachment of artillery Avith a six-pounder, four-pounder and howitzer, will land Avith the advanced light corps. The rest of the artillery will be held in reserve and landed at such points as Alajor Wood may direct. The point of IN THE WESTERN COUNTRY 397 landing for the reserve under Brigadier General M'Arthur cannot now be designated. It will be made to support any part of the line Avhich may require aid, or be formed on the flanks as circumstances may require. The arrangements for landing the troops will be made entirely under the direction of an officer of the navy, whom Commodore Perry has been so obliging as to furnish for that purpose. The debarkation of the troops will be covered by the cannon of the vessels. The troops being landed and the enemy driven off, or not opposing the landing, the army will change its front to the left, and form in order of battle in the follow ing manner : The two brigades of regular troops, and two of the volunteers, to be formed in tAvo lines at right angles to the shore of the lake. The brigades of Generals M'Arthur and Calmes to form the front line, and those of Cass and Chiles the second line, the regular troops still on the left, and that flank resting on the lake shore. The distance be tween the tAvo lines Avill be three hundred yards. The remaining three volunteer brigades will be draAvn up in a single line of two ranks, at right angles to the lines in front, its head on the right on the right of the front line, forming a crotchet en potence with that line, and extending beyond the second line. The corps of Lieutenant-Colonel Ball will form the advance of the left wing at the same dis tance of 300 yards, and Colonel Simrall's regiment that of the right wing at the same distance. Some light pieces of artillery will be placed in the road leading up the lake, and at such other points as Alajor AVood may direct. When the order is given for marching, the first and second line will advance by files from the heads of companies, or in other words those two lines Avill form two columns marching their flanks by companies at entire distances. The three brigades on the right flank will be faced to the left and marched forward, the head of this column still forming en potence with the front line. It is probable that the two brigades of the front line Avill extend from the lake some distance into the woods on the right flank, and it is desir able that it should be so : but should it be otherwise, and the crotchet or angle be at any time in the open ground, Governor Shelby will immediately extend the front line to 398 HISTORY OF THE LATE WAR the right by adding to it as many companies of the leading brigade of the flank column, as wall bring the angle, and consequently the left column itself completely Avithin the woods. It is to be presumed that the enemy will make their attack upon the army on its march, that their regular troops will form their right upon the lake, their militia occupy the ground between their regulars and the woods, and that the Indians will make a flank attack from the woods. The formation herein prescribed is intended to re sist an arrangement of this kind. Should the general's conjecture on this subject prove correct, as it must be evident that the right of the enemy cannot be turned, as on that wing the best of his troops will be placed, it will be proper to refuse him our left, and direct our principal effort to uncover the left flank of his regulars, by driving off the militia. In the event here supposed, it will therefore be proper to bring up a part, or the whole, of General Cass's brigade, to assist the charge to be made by General Calmes, or that the former should change positions with the brigade of volunteers in the second line. Should the general think it safe to order the whole of Cass' brigade to assist the charge to be made by General Calmes, or that the former should change positions with the volunteers in the second line, or should the general think it safe to order the whole of Cass' brigade to the right, without replacing it Avith another, General Cass will march it to the right, formed in oblique echelons of companies. It will be the business of General AI'Arthur, in the event of his wing being refused, to watch the motions of the enemy, and with the assistance of the artillery, prevent his front line at least from inter cepting the progress of our right. Should the enemy's militia be defeated, the brigade of ours in advance, will immediately wrheel upon the flank of the British regulars, and General M'Arthur will then advance and attack them in front. In the meantime his excellency, Governor Shelby, can use the brigade in reserve of the second line, to extend the flank line from its front or left, or to reinforce any weak part of the line. In all cases where troops in advance are obliged to retire through those which are advancing to support them, it will be done by companies in files, Avhich IN THE WESTERN COUNTRY 399 will retire through the intervals of the advancing line, and immediately form in the rear. The light troops will be particularly governed by this direction. The disposition of the troops in the right flank, is such as the commanding- general thinks best calculated to resist an attack from the Indians, which is only to be expected from that quarter. His excellency, Governor Shelby, will, however, use his discretion in making any alteration which his experience and judgment may dictate. "Lieutenant-Colonel Ball, Colonel Simrall, and the officers commanding on the flank line, are to send out small detachments in advance of the two former corps, and to the flank of the latter. Should they discover the enemy in force, immediate notice will be sent to the lines. The gen eral commanding on the spot, will immediately order the signal for forming in order of battle, which is the beat, to arms. All signals will be immediately repeated by all the drums of the line. The signal for the whole to halt is, the retreat. Drums will be distributed along the line at the heads of companies, and taps occasionally be given to regu late their march. Lieutenant-Colonels Ball and Simrall are to keep the general constantly informed of the dis coveries made by the advanced parties, and when it shall become necessary for their corps to retire, they will form on the flank, or in the rear of Generals M'Arthur and Calmes' brigades, and receive the orders of their brigadiers respectively. "William Henry Harrison." Such were the directions given for the debarkation, the marching, and the fighting of the troops ; in which we find all that lucid minuteness, so necessary in the orders given to an army composed emphatically of raw troops, and whose officers in general were but little superior in the knowledge of tactics to the men they commanded. After this perspicuous development, however, of the operations to he performed, the debarkation was subsequently effected with surprising celerity and good order, not indeed under 400 HISTORY OF THE LATE WAR the opposition of a hostile force, but in the momentary expectation of an attack. On Monday, the 27th, the whole army was embarked early in the day, and set sail from the Middle Sister for the Canada shore, General Harrison, having previously circu lated a general order among the troops, in which he ex horted them to remember the fame of their ancestors, and the justice of the cause in which they Avere engaged. To the Kentuckians he said: "Remember the river Raisin; but remember it only, whilst victory is suspended. The revenge of a soldier can not be gratified on a fallen enemy." The winds were propitious, and the Avhole army ap proached the shore, in an oblique direction, and in good order, aiming to land in an open field about four miles be low Alalden. The signal to land was given, and the whole flotilla in succession pulled to shore in elegant style. Not an enemy was to be seen. Some Indians had made their appearance on the coast, a few minutes before, but the fire of the fleet had driven them off. It was about three o'clock in the evening when the army landed ; the line of march was soon formed, and in less than two hours the advanced corps under Ball and Simrall arrived at the Ruins of Maiden. The whole army came up, the American flag was hoisted, and possession was taken of the town of Amherstburg. General Procter had burnt the fort and navy yards and re treated up to Sandwich, under the impression that there were at least ten thousand Kentuckians coming against him. Immediately after the capture of the fleet, General Proctor had sent spies to reconnoitre the forces of General Harrison. They had viewed the Kentuckians, while en camped on the plains of Sandusky, and had reported their IN THE WESTERN COUNTRY 401 number to General Proctor, as being from ten to fifteen thousand men. This information had determined him to burn Maiden and make his escape by retreating up the rivers Detroit and Thames, and pursuing the back route to the lower parts of the province. No doubt his guilty fears, lest he should fall into the hands of men, whose friends he had suffered to be massacred by the savages, had also much influence on his mind in bringing it to this de termination. It is only from such fears, and from his mis conception of our force, that we can account for his con duct, for the army of regulars, militia, and Indians, which it was in his power to have concentrated against us, was nearly equal to all the forces of General Harrison ; and the country above Alalden abounded with provisions for their support. The inhabitants were probably not very willing to contribute their substance or the sustenance of the In dians, but General Proctor had the power and it was his duty to collect adequate supplies as long as the country could furnish them; and on the 13th he had proclaimed martial law, to "Take effect as far as supplying the Avants of the troops under his command, or the sending away or apprehending all traitorous or disaffected persons might render it ex pedient." To supply the great assemblage of Indians at that place, however, consisting of warriors, squaws, and children, was by no means an easy task. Before the retreat 15,000 rations were issued daily — a fact which proves that Proctor had a very powerful auxiliary force of Indians. As soon as he had ascertained the loss of the fleet, he had commenced his preparations for retreating. About the time martial law was proclaimed, he had embarked a con siderable quantity of nrilitary stores in boats, and sent them up to Sandwich. On the 17th, he had given orders to 26 402 History of the late war collect and bring away all the cattle and provisions on the coast below Maiden. He now kept his headquarters at Sandwich, having left Colonel Warburton in command of Maiden, to whom he gave orders on the 20th to destroy the public property and buildings, and retreat to Sandwich, but in the indecisive confusion of a guilty mind, the execu tion of this order was again suspended, till the morning of the 26th, when the place, being finally evacuated, was at length destroyed. General Tecumseh, whose conscience could not accuse him of so many crimes, and whose Indian heroism knew how to endure their consequences, was entirely opposed to the retreating measures of General Proctor. On the 18th of September, in the name of all the Indian chiefs and warriors, he addressed the following speech to General Proctor, as the representative of their great father, the king: "Father, listen to your children! You have them now all before you. "The war before this, our British father gave the hatchet to his red children, when our old chiefs were alive. They are now dead. In that war, our father was thrown on his back by the Americans, and our father took them by the hand without our knowledge; and we are afraid that our father will do so again at this time. "Summer before last, when I came forward with my red brethren, and was ready to take up the hatchet in favor of our British father, we were told not to be in a hurry, that he had not yet determined to fight the Americans. "Listen J When war was declared, our father stood up and gave us the tomahawk and told us that he was IheD ready to strike the American ; that he wanted our assist ance; and that he would certainly get us our lands back, which the Americans had taken from us. "Listen ! You told us, at that time, to bring forward our families to this place, and we did so ; and you promised to take care of them, and they should want for nothing, IN THE WESTERN COUNTRY 403 while the men would go and fight the enemy ; that we need not trouble ourselves about the enemy's garrisons ; that we knew nothing about them, and that our father would attend to that part of the business. You also told your red children that you would take good care of your garrison here, which made our hearts glad. "Listen! When we were last at the Rapids it is true we gave you little assistance. It is hard to fight people who live like ground-hogs. "Father, listen! Our fleet has gone out; we know they have fought ; we have heard the great guns, but we know nothing of what happened to our father with that army. Our ships have gone one way, and we are much astonished to see our father tying up everything and preparing to run away the other, without letting his red children know what his intentions are. You always told us to remain here and take care of our lands ; it made our hearts glad to hear that was your wish. Our great father, the king, is the head, and you represent him. You always told us that you would never draw your foot off British ground, but now, father, we see you are drawing back, and we are sorry to see our father doing so without seeing the enemy. We must com pare our father's conduct to a fat dog, that carries its tail upon its back, but when affrighted, it drops it between its legs and runs off. "Father, listen ! The Americans have not yet defeated us by land ; neither are we sure that they have done so by water; we therefore wish to remain here and fight our enemy, should they make their appearance. If they defeat us, we will then retreat with our father. "At the battle of the Rapids, last war, the Americans certainly defeated us, and when we retreated to our father's fort at that place, the gates were shut against us, We were afraid that it would noAV be the case, but instead of that, we now see our British father preparing to march out of his garrison. "Father! You have got the arms and ammunition which our great father sent for his red children. If you have an idea of going away, give them to us, and you may go and welcome for us. Our lives are in the hands of the 404 HISTORY OF THE LATE WAR Great Spirit. We are determined to defend our lands, and if it be his will, we wish to leave our bones upon them." Had Proctor followed the advice of Tecumseh, and fought the American forces before he retreated, the result must have been more glorious at least, if not entirely favor able, to the British arms. On the night of the 27th, the American forces encamped round the ruins of Maiden, their general having determined to pursue the enemy in the morning. In a letter to the war department, written on the evening of the 27th, he says : "I will pursue the enemy tomorrow, although there is no probability of overtaking him, as he has upwards of 1,000 horses, and we have not one in the army. I shall think myself fortunate to collect a sufficiency to mount the general officers. It is supposed here, that General Proctor will establish himself upon the river Trench, or Thames, 40 miles from Maiden." Proctor had pressed into his service all the horses of the inhabitants, which they had not effectually concealed. One only, and that a very indifferent one, could now be pro cured. On it the venerable governor of Kentucky was mounted, and proceeded with the army towards Sandwich, where they arrived on the 29th, without meeting any ob struction from the enemy, except that the bridge over the Aux Canards River had been torn up, but was soon re paired again. There had been considerable expectation among the commanding officers, that a formidable resist ance would be made at this bridge, but no enemy was to be seen ; and on arriving at Sandwich, it was ascertained that General Procter had retreated from that place early on the preceding day. The Indians, however, were in considerable force in the suburbs of Detroit, the inhabitants of which, who had already been very much plundered, were in great apprehension of an immediate massacre, but a few dis- IN THE WESTERN COUNTRY 405 charges of grape shot from the fleet, which had come up the river, soon compelled them to fly to the woods for safety. General M'Arthur went over with his brigade and took possession of the town, and the same evening General Har rison issued his proclamation for re-establishing the civil government of the territory. All persons who had been in office at the time of the capitulation, were directed to re sume their functions, and administer the laws which had then been in force. On the 30th, which was a very wet day, the troops con tinued in Sandwich. The few inhabitants who remained in the town were requested to drive in beef cattle for the sub sistence of the army, and being informed that if this was not done, foraging parties must be sent into the country, who would probably commit depredations on the people, Avhich it was the Avish of the general to prevent, they com plied and brought in a plentiful supply. Complaints, how ever, were made to Governor Shelby, by some of the citi zens, that his soldiers had in some instances violated their property, upon Avhich the following general order was issued, which effectually checked such misconduct. It is preserved in this place as a precedent for the benefit of British commanders: "The commander-in-chief of the Kentucky volunteers had heard with extreme regret, that depredations have been committed upon the .property of the inhabitants of this town, by some of the troops under his command. He did not expect that it would ever be necessary for him to ad monish citizens, Avho are proud in the enjoyment of prop erty at home, of the impropriety of Avantonly injuring that of others. Violations of this kind, whilst they disgrace the individuals who are guilty of them, will tend to injure the character of the army, and detract from the merit which the success of the present campaign Avould entitle them to claim. While the army remains in this country, it is expected that the inhabitants will be treated with justice 406 HISTORY OF THE LATE WAR and humanity, and their property secured from unneces sary and wanton injury. The commander-in-chief of the Kentucky volunteers enjoins it upon the officers of every grade, to use their exertions to prevent injury from being done to the private property of the inhabitants. He is determined to punish, with the utmost rigor of martial law, any one who shall be guilty of such violation." The inhabitants of Canada had fled from their houses and hid their property, on the approach of the American army, fully expecting that the Kentuckians, like the Brit ish, would plunder and massacre all before them, but they found themselves very happily disappointed in these ex pectations. We have now arrived at a point, where it becomes nec essary to advert to the advance of the mounted regiment under Colonel Johnson, which now became an important corps in the operations of the army. We left the mounted regiment encamped at Fort Aleigs about the middle of September, very uneasy lest they should not have an opportunity of participating in the perils and glories of the campaign. On the 20th, Lieutenant Griffith, who had been sent Avith a scouting party to the river Raisin, returned to camp with an Indian prisoner called Misselemetaw, who was a chief counsellor to Tecum seh, and uncle to the celebrated Logan, but a man of very different principles and conduct. He had been the leader of the Indians at the massacre of the Pigeon Roost in the Indiana territory. Griffith had caught him asleep in a house at the river Raisin. He told Colonel Johnson that the Indians had been watching the movements of his army, had examined his encampments, and seen him arrive at Fort Meigs; and that they estimated his forces to be at least 2,400. He further stated that the Indians about Brownstown, amounting to 1,750 warriors, had determined to give him battle at the river Huron — and that they were IN THE WESTERN COUNTRY 407 still ignorant of the fate of the British fleet. He Avas an Indian of excellent information, and had been the constant Companion and friend of Tecumseh. Being under the im pression that he would now certainly have to die, he gave Colonel Johnson a long and apparently very candid ac count of past transactions, since the treaty of Greenville to the present day. He said the British had supplied the Prophet's party with arms and ammunition before the bat tle of Tippecanoe; that Tecumseh's plan for a' common property in their lands had been strongly recommended and praised by Colonel Elliott; and that the British had used every means in their power, since the year 1809, to se cure the friendship and aid of the Indians, in the event of a war with the United States — having often invited them to Maiden and made them presents for that purpose ; and hav ing also represented to them that they would receive Brit ish aid to drive the Americans over the Ohio River, after which they should live in the houses of the inhabitants and have their daughters for wives. He said he was now con vinced that the British had again deceived them, and that the Great Spirit had forsaken him in his old age for his cruelty and wickedness. Captain Coleman, who had been sent to headquarters to ascertain the destination of the regiment, now returned to camp, having left the army on its way from Bass Island to the Middle Sister. He brought information from the general that the regiment would certainly be called upon in a few days to co-operate with the army in the direction of Detroit. This news, together with the probability of hav ing a brush with the Indians at least, once more raised the hopes and animated the spirits of the men. On the evening of the 25th, orders were received by express from General Harrison, for the regiment to march immediately to the river Raisin, as it was probable the 408 HISTORY OF THE LATE WAR army would land the next day on the Canada shore. Early next morning the regiment marched, fully expecting that they would have to encounter a strong Indian force in the neighborhood of BrownstoAvn. The colonel took with him from Fort Aleigs four light pieces of artillery, which he placed under the command of Captains E. Craig, Turner, Gist, and Sandford, each Avith a command of 10 men. On the second day they reached the river Raisin. Frenchtown was generally abandoned, only a few French families re maining in it. The fine orchards of peach and apple trees were loaded with excellent fruit. The bones of the massacred Kentuckians were scattered over the plains for three miles on this side of the river. The detachment which had visited that place under Colonel Johnson in June, had collected and buried a great many of them, but they were noAV torn up and scattered over the fields again. The sight had a powerful effect on the feel ings of the men. The wounds inflicted by that barbarous transaction Avere again torn open. The bleaching bones still appealed to heaven, and called on Kentucky to avenge this outrage on humanity. We had heard the scene de scribed before — Ave uoav witnessed it, in these impressive memorials. The feelings they excited cannot be described by me — but they will never be forgotten— nor while there is a recording angel in heaven, or a historian upon earth, will the tragedy of the river Raisin be suffered to sink into oblivion. Future generations will often ponder on this fatal field of blood, and the future inhabitants of French- toAvn Avill long point out to the curious traveller, the garden where the intrepid Aladison for several hours maintained the unequal contest of four to one, and repulsed the bloody Proctor in every charge. Yonder is the wood, Avhere the gallant Allen fell! Here the accomplished Hart and AAroodfolk were butchered .' There the brave Hickman was IN THE WESTERN COUNTRY 409 tomahawked and throAvn into the flames! That is the spot where the lofty Simpson breathed his last ! And a little farther Doctors Alontgomery, Davis and Al'Illvain, amia ble in their manners and profound in science, fell in youth and left the sick to mourn their loss ! The gallant Aleade fell on the bank in battle, but his magnanimous Lieutenant Graves, Avas reserved for massacre; for a massacre per petrated by savages under the influence of British — a nation impiously styled "the bulwark of our religion." At this place an express arrived from the main army, which he had left on the Middle Sister on the morning of the 26th. He Avas sent while Harrison was reconnoitering off Maiden, by the attentive and prudent governor of Ken tucky, to apprise Colonel Johnson of the progress and pros pects of the army, that he might regulate his march accord ingly. Next morning, before the regiment marched, their faithful guide, Anthony Shane, of the Shawnee tribe, ob served that he knew the spot where Captain Simpson had been killed. The colonels, with Captain M'Afee and Doc tor Ewing, went with him to the place, and found the bones, which they buried. The frame of Captain Simpson Avas easily known from the others by its length, the captain hav ing been upwards of six feet and a half high. A detach ment of 100 men Avas now sent in advance to the river Huron, to throw a bridge over that stream for the passage of the troops, who arrived, and partly crossed it in the evening; and the balance, with the baggage wagons and artillery, crossed in the morning, on the floating bridge which had been prepared for them. Soon after the passage of this river, an express arrived from General Harrison, with information that the enemy had burned Maiden and fled up the river Detroit, and that the army had reached the Petit Cote settlement in full pursuit. This news put the regiment at half speed, which was continued all day. 410 HISTORY OF THE LATE WAR They passed through Brownstown, now evacuated, and the Alagauga village, from both of which the Indians had fled, and had likewise deserted all their huts on the Detroit river. Arriving at the river De Corce, they found there a part of the company of Captain AVarfield, which had been sent over by the general to repair the bridge. The Indians bad formed an ambuscade at this place, behind a long row of pickets on the opposite side of the river, where they had waited for the regiment all the preceding night, in the ex pectation that Colonel Johnson would march by night into Detroit. Disappointed in this, they had retired. Captain Warfield had brought boats to take up the artillery by water, with a view to expedite the march ; but on consulta tion the colonel determined to keep them with him, as they Avere not much encumbrance. At the river Rouge the regi ment encamped, and after dark received intelligence, that 500 Potawatamies were lying about six miles up that river. While the officers were consulting on the propriety of at tacking them, Alajor Trigg arrived with a reinforcement of four companies of regulars and one of militia, from head quarters at Sandwich, where some uneasiness had been felt for the safety of the regiment. In consequence of the infor mation brought by Major Trigg, the project of attacking the Indians was dropped, and some apprehension was felt, that an attack Avould be made by them in the night. This, however, did not happen ; but while the troops were cross ing the river in the morning, a Frenchman came down and stated, that a party of Indians were crossing above, for the purpose of giving them battle. The battalion of Major Trigg, and the volunteers who had crossed, were immediate ly formed in front to cover the passage of the balance. No attack, however, was made, and the whole detachment arrived in Detroit, before 12 o'clock on that day, which was the last of September. IN THE WESTERN COUNTRY 411 When General Harrison saw the regiment passing up to Detroit, he sent Alajor Charles S. Todd with orders for them to cross as soon as possible to SandAvich. As the men had not dismounted when he arrived, they marched down to the river immediately, but no boats could be pro cured to carry them over. They returned and encamped, while Lieutenant-Colonel Johnson went over to procure boats. Late in the evening he returned with a few, having made arrangements for procuring others in the morning. On the 1st of October, Governor Shelby went, a little after daylight, to the quarters of General Harrison, in pur suance of an appointment to consult with him respecting the further pursuit of the enemy. He found the general alone, and directly mentioned the appointed subject of con sultation. The general, as if his mind was entirely occu pied with it, immediately replied — we must not be heard ; and led the governor into a private room, into which he had directed his aides to conduct him. Here they soon came to the conclusion, that Proctor might be overtaken in three or four days of hard marching ; and it Avas deter mined not to lose a moment in preparing for the pursuit. The governor was requested to collect his general officers at headquarters in the course of an hour, that their opin ions might be taken on the occasion. They were convened accordingly at the room of the general ; and he there stated his design of pursuing the enemy, observing that there were but two ways of doing it — one of which Avas to follow him up the strait by land — the other, to embark and sail down Lake Erie to Long Point, then march hastily across by land twelve miles to the road and intercept him. "But the governor thinks, and so do I, that the best way will be to pursue the enemy up the strait by land." The general officers unanimously concurred in the same opinion, together with General Adair, first aide to the gov- 412 HISTORY OF THE LATE WAR ernor, who had been invited to the council. I have been thus particular in stating the facts, relative to the deter mination to pursue the enemy, because it has been reported and believed, that General Harrison never would have pur sued farther than Sandwich, had it not been for Governor Shelby7, and that he differed Avith the governor, respecting the route to be taken; but the fact is, there never was a difference of opinion betAveen them, neither on the pro priety of the pursuit nor the manner of performing it. The determination and preparations of the general to pur sue, had never been suspended; and the chief object of the councils was to obtain the approbation of the governor and general officers for the route he preferred. Colonel Johnson having been ordered to bring over his regiment with the greatest dispatch, Governor Shelby went over immediately after the council, to communicate the re sult to the colonel, and apprise him of General Harrison's determination to pursue the enemy next day. Every pos sible exertion was made by Colonel Johnson and his officers to get over the river, but they were so obstructed by the wind and waves, that the Avhole of their men and horses Avere not gotten over till late in the evening. The march ing of the army, hoAvever, had been unavoidably delayed till next day by other causes. It was necessary that a considerable detachment should be left at Detroit, to protect the citizens of Alichigan from the depredations of the Indians, with which General Proc tor had threatened them before his retreat. It was ascer tained that Five-medal, Alaipock, and other chiefs, had re mained on the west side of the Detroit river, with the Miamies, and a large portion of the PotaAvatamies, and of some other tribes. General Al' Arthur's brigade Avas, there fore, left at Detroit to keep them in check ; and its place in the line was supplied by that of General Calmes, now IN THE WESTERN COUNTRY 413 commanded by Colonel Trotter, in consequence of the indis position of the general. The brigade of General King took the place vacated by that under Trotter. The corps of Col onel Ball was attached to the command of General Cass. The mounted regiment formed the front guard, with in structions to cover the whole front of the army, with small parties one mile in advance, and at least half that distance on the right flank. Colonel Simrall's regiment constituted the rear guard. Such Avere the arrangements made for an early march on the morning of the 2nd of October, the bag gage, provisions and ammunition wagons in the meantime being sent up the river in several vessels of the fleet. At sunrise on the 2nd, the foot troops were in motion, except the brigade of General Cass, who had to wait for their knapsacks and blankets, which had been left at the Middle Sister, with a view to disencumber these troops for the expected contest at the point of debarkation. A vessel had been sent back for them, but she had not yet arrived. The mounted regiment was also detained aAvhile, drawing provisions; but General Harrison halted the foot troops about twelve miles in advance, whilst the mounted men came up and took their place in front, in which order the army pushed forward, the governor frequently observing. "If we desire to overtake the enemy, Ave must do more than he does by early and forced marches." The bridges across the ravines and creeks which empty into Lake St. Clair, had all been left unimpaired, which seemed to prove that the enemy did not expect to be pursued on that route. About twenty miles up the road, six British deserters met the regiment of mounted men, who said they had left Proctor with his army about fifteen miles up the Thames, at 1 :00 o'clock on the preceding day, and that he had between 600 and 700 regulars, some dragoons, and about 1,200 Indians. This information infused new 414 HISTORY OF THE LATE WAR life into the troops, and they pushed on with increased ardor till dark, having traveled about twenty-five miles the first day. On the 2nd day of the pursuit, an early and forced march was made, which soon brought the army to the mouth of the river Thames, below wdiich a small party of dragoons were discovered by the spies under Major Sag- gett, who pursued and captured them, together with a lieutenant and eight privates of the infantry, who had just begun to destroy a bridge over a creek, a small distance above the mouth of the river. Captain Berry, of the spies, made five of them surrender, and bring back their boat, after they had crossed the Thames. All the men were cap tured, but one of the horses belonging to the dragoons made his escape and went up to the British army, from which circumstance General Proctor received the first hint of the near approach of his enemy. This little affair, the first fruits of the pursuit, had a very great effect in animating the pursuers. The campaign was not without auspicious omens, which in the superstitious times of ancient history, Avould have had a more poAverful effect on the minds of both officers and men, than the circumstance of capturing a small de tachment of the enemy. AThen the army arrived at the mouth of the Thames, an eagle Avas seen hovering over it, which General Harrison observed was a presage of success, as it was our military bird. Commodore Perry, who had condescended to act as volunteer aide to the general, re marked that a similar circumstance had occurred to the fleet, on the morning of the 10th of September. There was another singular occurrence in the animal creation. A sow shoat had followed a company of mounted volunteers from the interior of Kentucky. As she kept constantly with the army, she became generally known to the soldiers, who called her the governor's pig, and were IN THE WESTERN COUNTRY 415 careful to protect her, as they deemed her conduct an aus picious omen. At the margin of the lake she embarked with the troops and Avent as far as Bass Island. She was there offered a passage into Canada, but obstinately re fused to embark the second time. Some of the men attrib uted her conduct to constitutional scruples, and observed that she knew it was contrary to the constitution to force a militia pig over the line. In consequence of this remark, they gave her leave to stay, and return to the regiment at Portage. About 250 yards above the first bridge, where the little party of infantry was taken, there Avas another bridge, of which the front guard took possession, and in a few min utes were informed by a guide, on whom the general re lied for information respecting the country, that he had discovered a party of British and Indians coming down to the bridge. The mounted regiment immediately formed in order of battle, but no enemy appeared, and the bridge being repaired by the infantry, the army passed over and proceeded on their march. The vessels with the baggage had kept up with the army, and now crossed the bar at the mouth of the Thames, and sailed up that river. In passing the bridge, the mounted regiment was thrown in the rear, in which place it continued a few miles, till the spies in front were fired on by a few dragoons of the enemy. The regiment was then ordered by General Harrison to the front, with instructions to march briskly, but to be careful not to fall into an ambuscade. For several miles the dragoons continued to skirmish with the front guard, till night came on, and the army encamped about ten miles from the mouth of the Thames. Next morning the march was resumed at daylight in full confidence that the enemy would be overtaken on that day. The order of march was altered in some respects. The front guard and foot troops 416 HISTORY OF THE LATE WAR vvere permitted to march in the road near the river, while the balance of the mounted regiment marched about a mile distant on the right flank, in a succession of prairies, which ran parallell to the river. Some skirmishing presently oc curred between the spies, and the rear parties of the Brit ish ; the mounted regiment several times formed the line of battle, and while in this situation a Canadian woman came to the front line, and informed Lieutenant-Colonel Johnson, that the main body of the Indians were at the forks of the river, about three miles in advance, where she supposed they intended to give us battle. The march was resumed, and the skirmishing continued, till the spies reached the bridge at the fork of the river. The planks had been torn off the bridge, and some of the spies having attempted to cross on the naked sills, a heavy fire was opened upon them from an adjacent wood, and from the opposite bank of the main river. Major Wood was ordered up, with tAvo 6-pounders, and the foot troops began to form the line of battle, as it was expected that an obstinate resistance would be made at this place. The fork on the right, which the army had to cross, is much the smallest stream.. There were two bridges over it, one at the mouth, and the other about a mile higher up. The Indians were posted in the fork near the lower bridge, with their left wing extending to the upper bridge; and also on the opposite side of the main stream. While the army was forming, and the artillery was playing on the Indians at the mouth of the river, Colonel Johnson was directed to secure the bridge above. He brought up his troops in order of battle to that place, and had a warm skirmish Avith the Indians across the stream. They soon fled, however, from all points, having previously torn off the planks of the bridge, and set fire to M'Gregor's mill, which was near it. The regiment lost two men killed, IN THE} WESTERN COUNTRY 417 and six or seven wounded — among the latter were Captain Craig and Lieutenant Griffith. The Indians had thirteen killed and a considerable number wounded. Nor was this all the loss their ranks sustained on this day. The Wyan dot chief, Walk-in-the- Water, had left them in the morn ing with sixty of his warriors. He had visited General Harrison on the preceding day with a flag, desiring to make peace. The general told him he had no time to make treaties, and that if he wanted peace he must abandon Tecumseh, and get out of the way of the American army, and with these terms he had hastened to comply. The bridges were soon repaired, the lower one under the immediate superintendence of the governor and General Cass, and the other under the direction of Lieutenant-Col onel Johnson ; and in two hours from the time the skirmish commenced, the whole army had crossed. About half a mile above the forks, the British had set fire to a schooner freighted with military stores and a house just below it was saved from the flames, in which there were nearly a thousand stand of arms. After marching about five miles farther, our troops were obliged to encamp another night, without having overtaken the British army. But certain intelligence was now received, that the enemy Avere only a few miles in advance. Opposite to the place of encampment, there was an other vessel and a large distillery in flames, which con tained ordnance and naval stores to an immense amount. Two 24-pounders, with a large quantity of shells and balls were also taken at this place. A breastwork Avas formed round the encampment and General Harrison continued on horseback till 10 o'clock, superintending and inspecting all the arrangements of the camp. During the night Gen eral Proctor and Tecumseh came down the river and recon noitred the encampment, with the intention of making an 27 418 HISTORY OF THE LATE WAR attack before day, but on seeing its strength and size they were discouraged, and abandoned the scheme. During the night governor Shelby was also on the alert, going round every part of his lines to see that proper vigilance was preserved, till exhausted with fatigue he took up his lodg ing in that part of the camp nearest the enemy, where he shared the blanket of one of his soldiers. In the morning on the 5th of October, the troops were raised very early, and as the day dawned the Avhole army was put in motion. The mounted regiment took the front, with General Harrison and his staff at its head, and the infantry followed after, as expeditiously as possible under the command of Governor Shelby. By 9 o'clock the ad vance reached a mill, near which there is a rapid in the river, where it is practicable to ford it on horseback ; and at this place General Harrison intended to cross, that he might reach the enemy who were known to be on the north side. Twro gun boats and several bateaux, laden with military stores and other property, together with several prisoners, had already been captured this morning, and at the mill a lieutenant and 8 privates Avere taken, from whom information was received that the enemy had determined to give us battle at no great distance from that place. The infantry in a feAV minutes came up with the mounted men, and the passage of the river was effected by 12 o'clock. Each horseman took up one of the infantry behind him, and the balance crossed1 in canoes, some of which were found at that place, and the others caught floating down the river. As soon as the whole were over, the line of march was resumed in the former order, and at every place where the road touched a bend of the river, boats and canoes were found, with military stores, clothing, and pro visions, which the enemy had abandoned in the precipita tion of their retreat. After advancing about 8 miles, an IN THE WESTERN COUNTRY 419 encampment was discovered, where Colonel Warburton had lain the night before, with a part of the British troops, and it was ascertained that General Proctor had reached the Moravian town, 4 miles from this place with a detach ment on the preceding day. As it was now certain that the enemy was nearly overtaken, the general directed the advance to the mounted regiment to hasten their march, with a view to procure the necessary information for regu lating the movements of the main body. When they had proceeded about 2 miles, they captured a British Avagoner, who informed them that the enemy were lying in order of battle about 300 yards before them, wraiting for the arrival of our army. Colonel Johnson, with Alajor Suggett and his spies, immediately advanced within sight of their lines, and acquired by his own observations, as well as from the statements of the wagoner, every information that was at tainable, respecting the place and order in which the enemy were posted, all of which was communicated with out delay to General Harrison, agreeably to his directions. The regiment at the same time was halted and formed in order of battle. The place selected by General Proctor to resist the progress of our army Avas A\7ell calculated for his purpose. The ground along the margin of the river, through which the road passed, was covered chiefly with beech, intermixed with sugartree and oak timber, and tolerably free from undergrowth. At a small distance there was a marsh run ning nearly parallel Avith the riA7er about 2 miles, the dis tance between them becoming less as you proceed up the river. Where the enemy was posted, there was a narrow swamp, between 200 and 300 yards from the river, after which there was some solid ground, before the main swamp commenced. The British regulars were formed in two lines, with their left on the river and their right extending 420 HISTORY OF THE LATE WAR to the first swamp, their artillery being planted in the road near the bank of the river. The Indians were all posted beyond the first swamp. Their left, where Tecumseh com manded in person, occupied the isthmus between the swamps, on which the undergrowth was tolerably thick; and their right extended a considerable distance down the main marsh, the margin of which at this place receded very fast from the river, and formed a very obtuse angle Avith the lines of the army. The mounted regiment in its present order of battle, occupied the ground between the river and the first swamp. General Harrison immediately came up to it, on being informed that the enemy was discovered, and having satis fied himself as to the situation and views of his adversary, he directed Colonel Johnson when the infantry approached, to take ground to the left, and forming his regiment on that flank, to endeavor to turn the right of the Indians. He then returned to give orders for the formation of the infantry, who were but a short distance in the rear of the horsemen when the enemy was first discovered. While engaged in this business, he was informed by Alajor Wood that he had approached very near the lines of the enemy and discovered that his regulars were drawn up in open order. This information, with the suggestion of Colonel Johnson, that the thickets and swampiness of the ground on the left, would render it impracticable for his mounted men to act efficiently in that direction, immediately in duced the general to change his plan of attack. He deter mined to refuse his left to the Indians, and to try the novel experiment of breaking the British lines at once, by a charge of mounted infantry. He therefore directed the mounted regiment to be formed in two charging columns in short lines, and on receiving the enemy's fire, to charge IN THE WESTERN COUNTRY 421 through his ranks, form in his rear, and act as circum stances might require. The kind of enemy to be fought rendered it necessary that the rear and flanks should be well secured against his attacks. The foot troops, consisting of five brigades, which averaged but little more than 300 men each, were therefore disposed in the following order : The brigade commanded by Trotter constituted the front line, at a convenient dis tance in the rear of the mounted regiment, with its right on the river and its left extending a short distance over the first swamp. The brigade of General King formed the second line, 150 yards in the rear of the former, and that of General Chiles was posted in the road, and still further in the rear, to act as a corps of reserve. These three brigades formed the command of General Henry. The division of General Desha, consisting of the brigades of Allen and Caldwell, and the regiment of Colonel Simrall, was formed on the left, in a line fronting the outer swamp, to protect the left flank against the Indians in that quarter. The right of this line joined the left of the front line under Trotter, with which it formed an abtuse angle or crotchet between the two swamps, whilst it extended on the left to a considerable distance parallel with the margin of the swamp. A small corps of regulars under Colonel Paul, about 120 strong, was posted between the road and the river, for the purpose of advancing in concert with a few Indians under the bank, and seizing the artillery of the enemy. The governor of Kentucky was directed to take his posi tion at the angle between the swainp, which was considered as a very important point in these arrangements for the contest. General Harrison placed himself at the head of the front line, from Avhich he would be able to observe the 422 HISTORY OF THE LATE WAR charge of the horsemen, and to give them any support which might be required. When Colonel Johnson proceeded to form his regiment, agreeably to the orders of General Harrison, he found there Avas not room for all his men to act against the British between the river and the nearest SAvamp, and having as certained that he could cross the latter, he concluded to exercise the discretion Avhich had been given him, and to carry his battalion through the swamp to attack the In dians. The first battalion was therefore formed, according to orders, by Lieutenant Colonel J. Johnson and Alajor Payne, opposite to the British lines, in four columns of double files, Avith Alajor Suggett and his spies in front. Its right Avas placed about fifty yards on the left of the road, that it might be in some measure out of the immediate range of the British artillery. The second battalion was marched through the SAvamp, and formed in two columns on horseback, with a company on foot in front, the right column being headed by Colonel Johnson and the left by Alajor Thompson. These columns, of course, AA7ere imme diately in front of the angle where Governor Shelby was stationed. Everything being in readiness for the onset, the whole army advanced in the order now described, until the front of the first battalion received a distant fire from the British lines; this somewhat frightened the horses, and caused a little confusion at the heads of the columns, and thus re tarded the charge, giving the enemy time to prepare for a second fire, Avhich soon folloAved the first. But the columns in a moment were completely in motion, and rushed upon the British Avith irresistible impetuosity. Their front line immediately broke in every direction, and their second about thirty paces in its rear, after giving us a fire, was also broken and thrown into confusion. Our columns, IN THE WESTERN COUNTRY 423 having passed through, Avheeled to the right and left, and began to pour a destructive fire on the rear of their dis ordered ranks — but in a moment the contest Avas over. No sooner had our horsemen charged through their lines and gained their rear, then they began to surrender as fast as they could throAV down their arms. And thus in a moment the whole British force, upwards of eight hundred strong, was totally vanquished and the greater part of it captured by the first battalion of the mounted regiment, under Lieutenant Colonel James Johnson. Before the front line of our infantry had gotten fairly in vieAV of them General Proctor, however, made his escape, escorted by a small party of dragoons and mounted Indians, who Avere imme diately pursued as far as the Aloravian town, by a party of the mounted regiment consisting chiefly of officers. The contest with the Indians on the left AA7as more obstinate. They reserved their fire till the heads of the columns and the front line on foot had approached within a few paces of their position. A very destructive fire was then commenced by them, about the time the firing ceased between the British and the first battalion. Colonel John son, finding his advanced guard, composing the head of his column, nearly all cut down by the first fire, and himself severely wounded, immediately ordered his columns to dis mount and come up in line before the enemy, the ground Avhich they occupied being unfavorable for operations on horseback. The line was promptly formed on foot, and a fierce conflict was then maintained for seven or eight min utes, Avith considerable execution on both sides, but the Indians had not sufficient firmness to sustain very long a fire which was close and warm and severely destructive. They gave way and fled through the brush into the outer swamp, not, however, before they had learned the total dis comfiture of their allies, and had lost by the fall of 424 HISTORY OF THE LATE WAR Tecumseh, a chief in whom were united the prowess of Achilles and authority of Agamemnon. As soon as the firing commenced between the Indians and the second battalion, Governor Shelby, who was posted at the crotchet in its rear, immediately ordered that part of the front line of infantry, which lay between the first swamp and the crotchet, being a part of Colonel Donelson's regiment, to march up briskly to the aid of the mounted men. They rushed up accordingly into Colonel Johnson's lines, and participated in the contest at that point. This was the only portion of the infantry which had an oppor tunity of engaging in any part of the battle. The governor also dispatched General Adair, his aide-de-camp, to bring up the brigade of General King to the front line, but before this could be accomplished, the enemy had fled from Colo nel Johnson, and a scattering, running fire had commenced along the sAvanip in front of General Desha's division, be tween the retiring Indians and the mounted men in pursuit, who were now commanded by Major Thompson alone, Colonel Johnson having retired in consequence of his wounds. This firing in the swamp continued, with occa sional remissions, for nearly half an hour, during which time the contest was gallantly maintained by Major Thompson and his men, who w7ere still pressing forward on the Indians. Governor Shelby in the meantime rode down to the left of General Desha's division, and ordered the regiment of Colonel Simrall, which was posted on the extreme left, to march up on the right flank of the enemy, in aid of Alajor Thompson, but before this reinforcement could reach the scene of action, the Indians had given up the contest. Soon after the British force had surrendered, and it Avas discovered that the Indians were yielding on the left, General Harrison ordered Major Payne to pursue General IN THE WESTERN COUNTRY 425 Proctor with a part of his battalion, which was promptly done, and the pursuit continued, by the greater part of the detachment, to the distance of six miles beyond the Mora vian town, some Indians being killed and a considerable number of prisoners, with a large quantity of plunder being captured in their progress. Majors Payne, Wood, Todd, and Chambers, Captain Langham, and Lieutenants Scrogin and Bell, with three privates, continued the pur suit several miles further till night came upon them — but Proctor was not to be taken. His guilty conscience had told him that his only chance for safety from the vengeance of those whose countrymen he had murdered, lay in the celerity of his flight. The pursuers, however, ajt lasjt pressed him so closely that he was obliged to abandon the road, and his carriage and sword were captured by the gallant Major Wood. The prisoners, about 50 in number, were brought back to the Moravian town, where they were left in charge of Captain Al'Afee with 100 mounted men, until Major Gano arrived about midnight with a reinforce ment of 150 infantry. At the head of the town six pieces of brass artillery were taken, three of which had been cap tured in the revolution at Saratoga and York, and sur rendered again by Hull in Detroit. The exact loss which either side sustained in this battle has never been correctly known. According to the best information, however, which has been received, the total loss of the mounted regiment on that day Avas 17 killed and 30 wounded. The loss of the infantry wras much less, though considerable also, at the point where they rein forced Colonel Johnson, which was the principle theater of our losses. The Indians left thirty-three dead on the battle-ground, and had ten or twelve killed in different places by their pursuers. The British had 18 killed and 2fi wounded, besides 600 prisoners captured, including 25 426 HISTORY OF THE LATE WAR officers. Among our killed was Colonel Whitley, a veteran who had been a distinguished soldier in former Indian wars, and had been no less conspicuous and serviceable in the present campaign, in which he accompanied Colonel Johnson. Captain Craig and Lieutenant Logan died of their wounds a few days after the battle. Colonel Johnson and Captains Davidson and Short were also wounded severely, but recovered. The colonel Avas shot through his thigh and in his hip, by7 the first fire of the Indians, and shortly afterwards he was shot through his left hand, by a ball which ranged up his arm, but did not enter his body. He continued, however, in front of his men, gallantly fight ing the enemy, as long as the action lasted at that place. The white mare on which he rode was also shot so severely that she fell and expired soon after she had carried her rider within the lines of the infantry. Tecumseh Avas found among the dead, at the point Avhere Colonel Johnson had charged upon the enemy in person; and it is generally believed that this celebrated chief fell by the hand of the colonel. It is certain that the latter killed the Indian with his pistol, who shot him through his hand, at the very spot where Tecumseh lay, but another dead body lay at the same place, and Air. King, a soldier in Captain Davidson's company, had the honor of killing one of them. From the best information that has been received, it appears that there was no material difference in the strength of the two armies in this battle. The troops under Harrison had been greatly reduced in numbers, by detach ments left as guards and for other purposes, and by those who Avere sick and otherwise unable to keep up on forced marches. The distance from Sandwich to the Aloravian town is upwards of eighty miles, which our army marched in three days and a half, though frequently harrassed by IN THE WESTERN COUNTRY 427 skirmishing and forming in order of battle, and delayed by repairing bridges and procuring supplies. A body of un disciplined militia, urged along and regulated alone by their patriotism and military ardor, would necessarily be much reduced by such a journey. The Avhole of the regulars had been left behind, except the small fragment of a regi ment under Colonel Paul. The brigade of General M'Arthur had been left at Detroit to protect the inhabi tants against the Indians, and that of General Cass had been left at SandAvich, waiting for the baggage of the men, which delayed them so long that they were unable to come up with the army before the battle had been fought. The whole way from Sandwich to the battle-ground was filled Avith scattering parties of the militia. Hence, our force at the place of action was believed to be less than 2,500 men, Avhich was very little more than the force actually engaged on the part of the enemy. The British part of that force appears to have been about 845 strong. Its loss in killed, wounded and captured was 645; and the adjutant-general of the British forces soon afterwards officially acknowl edged that 204 of those who escaped, had assembled at Ancaster on the 17th of October. This calculation is also confirmed by the official return of the troops at Alalden on the 10th of September, which made them 944 in number — affording an excess of 100 above our estimate, to meet the losses experienced on the retreat before the battle. As for the amount of their Indian force, when it is shoAvn by their own official papers captured with the army, that 14,000 rations were issued daily to the Indians before the retreat, and that the greater part of them accompanied Proctor up the Thames, it is certainly a reasonable calculation to estimate them at 15, 18, or even 20 hundred warriors in the battle. The whole force of the allies must, hence, have been at least considerably aboA7e 2,000 — yet a large portion of 428 HISTORY OF THE LATE WAR that force was captured and the balance entirely driven off by the single regiment under Johnson, aided at one point only by a portion of the infantry, and making altogether, it is believed, much less than half the army. But had our force been greatly superior, the nature of the ground and position of the enemy would have rendered its superiority useless, for a larger force than his could not have been brought efficiently into action, had his resistance been so great as to render it necessary. The mounted regiment had but 950 men in the battle — hence, the force of the first battalion, which was led into action by Lieutenant-Colonel James Johnson, could not have been much more than half as great as the British force, Avhich it shattered in a moment by its impetuous charge. Our important and glorious victory, it is evident, was principally achieved by the novel expedient of charging through the British lines with mounted infantry. "The measure," says General Harrison, who conceived it at the moment of its execution, "was not sanctioned by any thing I had seen or heard, but I was fully convinced that it would succeed. The American backwoodsmen ride better in the woods than any other people. A musket or rifle is no impediment to them, being accustomed to carry it on horseback from their earliest youth. I was per suaded, too, that the enemy would be quite unprepared for the shock, and that they could not resist it." The shock was indeed so unexpected and impetuous that all the resistance they were able to make amounted to nothing. Two or three killed and a feAV more wounded was all the execution done by upAvards of eight hundred vet erans, many of whom surrendered Avithout giAing a second fire. "It is really a novel thing," says Colonel Wood, "that raw militia stuck upon horses, Avith muskets in their hands IN THE WESTERN COUNTRY 429 instead of sabres, should be able to pierce British lines with such complete effect, as did Johnson's men in the affair upon the Thames; and perhaps the only circum stance which could justify that deviation from the long established rules of the art military, is the complete suc cess of the result. Great generals are authorized to step aside occasionally — especially when they knoAV that their errors will not be noticed by the adversary." The preservation of the following testimony of General Harrison, to the merits of his officers on this occasion, will doubtless be gratifying to many persons who will read this history. It is an extract from his letter to the secretary of war. "In communicating to the President through you, sir, my opinion of the conduct of the officers, who served under my command, I am at a loss how to mention that of Gov ernor Shelby, being convinced that no eulogium of mine can reach his merits. The governor of an independent state, greatly my superior in years, in experience, and in military frame, he placed himself under my command, and was not more remarkable for his zeal and activity than for the promptitude and cheerfulness with which he obeyed my orders. The major-generals, Henry and Desha, and the brigadiers, Allen, Caldwell, King, Chiles, and Trotter, all of the Kentucky volunteer militia, manifested great zeal and activity. Of Governor Shelby's staff, his adjutant- general, Colonel M'Dowell, and his quartermaster-general, Colonel Walker, rendered great services; as did his aides- de-camp, General Adair and Majors Barry and Crittenden. The military skill of the former was of great service to us, and the activity of the two latter gentlemen could not be surpassed. Illness deprived me of the talents of my ad jutant general, Colonel Gaines, who was left at Sandwich. His duties, however, were ably performed by the assistant adjutant general, Captain Butler. My aides-de-camp, Lieutenant O'Fallon and Captain Todd of the line, and my volunteer aides, John S. Smith and John Chambers, Esqrs., have rendered me the most important services from the 430 HISTORY OF THE LATE AVAR opening of the campaign. I have already stated that Gen eral Cass and Commodore Perry assisted me in forming the troops for action. The former is an officer of the highest merit, and the appearance of the brave commodore cheered and animated every breast. It would be useless, sir, after stating the circumstances of the action, to pass encomiums on Colonel Johnson and his regiment. Veterans could not have manifested more firmness. The colonel's numerous wounds prove that he was in the post of danger. The Lieutenant-Colonel, James Johnson, and the Aiajors Payne and Thompson, Avere equally active, though more fortunate. Alajor Wood, of the engineers, already distinguished by his conduct at Fort Aleigs, attended the army with two six-pounders. Having no use for them in the action, he joined in the pursuit of the enemy," etc. — Harrison. It has already been stated that only a small detachment of regular troops under Colonel Paul were in the action, the balance of the brigade under Cass, which was com posed of the regiments of Paul and Owings, and the bat talion of light infantry under Lieutenant-Colonel Ball, having been left behind waiting for their baggage. They were about 30 miles in the rear at the time of the battle, and were much mortified at not having an opportunity to come in contact with the enemy and participate in the glory of the victory. Their officers had made great exer tions to discipline them, for which they had received the highest encomiums of General Harrison; and the gallant Perry had expressed his admiration of the skill and promp titude with which they performed their evolutions, particu larly in debarking from the boats and forming the order of battle. The merit of furnishing the means by which this im portant victory was achieved, belongs almost exclusively to Kentucky. Without her resources, under the skillful management of Governor Shelby, it is highly probable that the general government would not have brought the cam- IN THE WESTERN COUNTRY 431 paign to a successful issue, although they had obtained the command of Lake Erie. The small force of regulars, with which they had been able to furnish General Harrison, was wholly incompetent to the invasion of Upper Canada, and it was so late in the season, before they authorized him to call on the militia, that the time usually consumed in drafting and marching foot troops, including the delays unavoidable in procuring the supplies and transportation they would require, must have thrown him once more into the difficulties of a winter campaign. By raising mounted volunteers, Governor Shelby not only furnished the nec essary number of men with promptness, but he also fur nished in their horses the means of transportation, by which they were enabled to reach the lake in good time ; and when the government had carried them over the lake, they proceeded again upon their OAvn resources and those of the enemy, Avithout much assistance from the govern ment through the balance of the campaign. The unauthor ized but judicious and successful course pursued by Gov ernor Shelby in this instance, however, was afterwards approved not only by the legislature of Kentucky, but also by the executive of the Union and the voice of the nation. On the 6th our troops continued to occupy the battle ground, and the Aloravian town about 2 miles above it, being employed in burying the dead and collecting the public property of the enemy, of Avhich a considerable quantity was found in different places. In addition to the artillery already mentioned, and a great variety of military stores, there were at least 5,000 stand of small arms cap tured by our troops and destroyed by the enemy on this expedition. A large proportion of them had been taken from us at the surrender of Detroit, the massacre of the river Raisin, and the defeat of Colonel Dudley. Early on the 7th, General Harrison left the army under the imme- 432 HISTORY OF THE LATE WAR diate command of Governor Shelby and returned to Detroit, and in the course of the same day the different corps commenced their return home, having embarked the greater part of the property they had captured in boats on the Thames, and set fire to the Moravian town, which was a nice inconsiderable village, occupied chiefly by Dela ware Indians, who professed to be of the Aloravian sect of religion. On the 10th all the troops arrived with their prisoners at Sandwich. It had now began to snow, and the weather was extremely cold and stormy. For two or three days the wind blew down the strait with such violence that it was impracticable to cross it, and the vessels bring ing down the public property were greatly endangered and much of it was lost. In the meantime an armistice Avas concluded by Gen eral Harrison with the Indians. Before he marched in pursuit of the British, a deputation of the Ottawas and Chippewas had sued for peace, which he had promised them on condition that they would bring in their families and raise the tomahawk against the British. To these terms they had readily acceded, and before his return the Miamies and Potawatamies had solicited a cessation of hostilities from General M'Arthur on the same conditions. Even the ferocious and inveterate Maipock of the Potawat amies now tendered his submission, and an armistice was concluded with seven of the hostile tribes, which was to continue till the pleasure of the President was known. They agreed to deliver up all their prisoners at Fort Wayne, and to leave hostages in security for their good behavior. Separated from their allies by our victories on the lake and the Thames, from whom they had received subsistence and council, they were now glad to accept our friendship on any terms, which would save them from extermination by famine and the sword. IN THE WESTERN COUNTRY 433 On the 12th the storm had so far abated that the mounted regiment crossed over the strait to Spring Wells ; and on the next day the Kentucky infantry crossed at the mouth of the river Rouge. Some dissatisfaction and com plaint now prevailed among the latter, at not being fur nished with water transportation to carry them back to Portage, but General Harrison came into their camp, and in a public address assured them that the vessels of the fleet were required for other important services. This satisfied and reconciled most of them to return on foot along the lake shore. The greater part of the fleet was still in lake St. Clair, many of the boats were lost, and Commo dore Perry had positive orders from the government to carry an expedition in the fleet against Alackinaw, which General Harrison was now preparing to execute with the regulars. The foot troops arrived at the river Raisin on the 15th, where they found the bones of their massacred countrymen still bleaching in the village of Frenchtown and its en virons. Governor Shelby directed the regiment of Colonel Simrall to collect and bury them, but they were so numer ous and widely scattered, that he found it necessary to employ the brigade of General King in the same business. They collected 65 skeletons, which were interred with the honors due to them by their brethren, returning from the conquest of their murderers, over whom they had tri umphed more signally in honor and humanity than in arms. On the next day they continued their march and arrived at the Miami Bay, where they received a very reasonable supply of provisions, which were sent down to them by Major Trigg from Fort Aleigs. On the 19th they arrived at Portage, where their horses had been left, having performed a hard and laborious march of seven days, since they crossed the strait, in which they suffered greatly from 434 HISTORY OF THE LATE WAR hunger, fatigue and cold. The beach along the edge of the water afforded them a good road for a considerable portion of the way, but they had often to wade through deep waters in passing creeks and arms of the lake and to penetrate through horrible swamps and difficult thickets. The care of the prisoners had greatly added to the difficulties, which his excellency, the governor, had to encounter, in super intending the homeward march, until the army arrived at Sandwich ; at that place General Trotter voluntarily took charge of them, and notAvithstanding the extreme difficul ties of the journey, thence to Portage, his management was so judicious and vigilant that he Avas able at the latter place to account for every man who had been confided to his care. The horses were collected from the enclosure in which they had been left, by forming a line of 1,500 men across the lower end of the peninsula, before which they were driven up on the isthmus and each delivered to its proper owner. Colonel Rife had not only taken good care of the horses, but he had also built a fort at Portage, and had opened and bridged a road to Lower Sandusky, for which he received the thanks of his returning countrymen. On the 20th a general order Avas issued, directing. the return of the troops to Kentucky in detachments, passing by Frank linton, w7here they were to deposit their arms. The gov ernor concluded this order by observing — "although in the course of this campaign, you neces sarily encountered many difficulties and privations, yet they were met with that cheerfulness and sustained with that manly fortitude which the occasion required. The uninterrupted good fortune which has attended us, is a source of the most pleasing reflection, and cannot fail to excite the warmest feelings of gratitude towards the Divine Being, who has been pleased in a peculiar manner to favor IN THE WESTERN COUNTRY 435 us and to crown with success the exertions we have made for our country. "In the course of the very active operations Avhich we have performed, it is possible that expressions may have dropped, tending to irritate and Avound the feelings of some who were engaged1 in them. The commanding general hopes, that with the campaign will end every unpleasant sensation, which may have arisen from that source, and that we shall return home united as a band of brothers, with the sweet solace of having served our country from the purest motives, and with the best of our abilities." In pursuance of this order the troops returned to Ken tucky and were discharged by Alajor Trigg at Limestone on the 4th of November. The mounted regiment was de tained a few days at Detroit, till the Indians had dispersed after the armistice, and then returned home without any remarkable occurrence. Its colonel was left at Detroit in consequence of his wounds, where he was attended by his brother, the lieutenant-colonel, who brought him a few days afterwards over the lake in a boat to Lower Sandusky. He was thence carried in a wagon to Cincinnati, where he met his own carriage coming for him. After he had arrived at home, he was confined to his bed several months ; he was able, however, to resume his seat in Congress about the middle of February. Though at last recovered of his wounds, they have left a permanent lameness behind them. The expedition against Mackinaw, for which General Harrison and Commodore Perry were preparing, when the Kentuckians left them, was soon afterwards abandoned. They intended to have sailed on the 12th, but the weather was then so stormy that they could not venture to embark ; nor had they yet received a supply of provisions and bag gage, which they were expecting up the lake for the expedi tion. Those supplies were on board the schooners Chippewa and Ohio, the former from Bass Island, and the latter from 436 HISTORY OF THE LATE WAR Cleveland. They had arrived at the mouth of the strait, when they were met by the storm, by which they were so greatly distressed that the mariners threw all the baggage and provisions overboard. The vessels were then driven down the lake, and finally run aground near Buffalo. Some of the baggage being found on shore near the upper end of the lake, it was believed at headquarters that the schooners were entirely lost. A consultation was then held by Gen eral Harrison, with M'Arthur and Cass of the army, and Perry and Elliott of the fleet, at which it was determined unanimously that the season was then so far advanced that the expedition ought not to be undertaken, unless it could sail immediately, and that it Avould be impossible to pro cure the necessary supplies for a considerable length of time. It was also believed that General Proctor had or dered the commanding officer at Mackinaw to destroy that post and retreat by the way of Grand River. The enter prise was, therefore, abandoned without hesitation. The Indians being subdued, and the expedition to Alack- inaw abandoned, General Harrison determined to proceed down the lake in the fleet, with General M' Arthur's brigade and a battalion of regular riflemen under Colonel Smith. He had not for several months received any instructions from the w7ar department, and knew not what the govern ment wished him to do, on the close of the campaign in the northwest. Believing, however, that General Cass would be able with his brigade to keep the Indians in subjection, and hold our conquests in that quarter, he left him in com mand at Detroit, and sailed doAvn the lake with the rest of the troops. Orders to this effect had been sent from the war department by Captain Brown, who w7as in one of the schooners, and was lost when she grounded at the lower end of the lake. IN THE WESTERN COUNTRY 437 The secretary of war Avas at Sackett's Harbor when he received the first intelligence of Perry's victory, and on the 22nd of September had dispatched Captain Brown Avith orders for General Harrison to secure Maiden, proceed down the lake Avith his forces and throw himself in the rear of De Rottenburg, who was then investing Fort George. A reinforcement of 3,000 men, on both sides of the Niagara, was to be ready to join him on his arrival, and he was then expected to drive the enemy from the country between lakes Erie and Ontario. On the 22nd of October General Harrison arrived at Erie, where the fleet had been built, and soon pursued his voyage again to Buffalo, where he arrived on the 24th, with an aggregate of 1,300 men, which afforded, however, but 1,000 effectives. He had still received no communication from the war department, and was entirely uninformed as to the situation of affairs where he was going. He deter mined, however, to proceed down the Niagara to Fort George. De Rottenburg had long since abandoned that place, and retired to Burlington Bay. General M'Clure, of the New York militia, was commanding at the fort when General Harrison arrived; and as the enemy was still at Burlington, they determined to march against him and drive him from that position. The troops in the meantime were marched down by the falls and stationed at Newark. A communication was noAV opened with the secretary of war at Sackett's Habor, and to obtain a sufficient force for the intended enterprise, a call was made on the militia of the adjoining counties. But before an adequate force could be collected, and the necessary arrangements made, a letter was receiA7ed by General Harrison from the secre tary, informing him that the brigade of M'Arthur was re quired at Sackett's Harbor, and that he Avould be permitted to make a visit to his family, which he understood as an 438 HISTORY OF THE LATE AVAR order to retire to his own district. The letter Avas dated on the 3rd of November, and on the 16th of that month, Commodore Chauncey arrived at Newark, the headquarters of General Harrison, with vessels to transport his troops to the harbor. The troops were accordingly embarked, and the general set out immediately for Washington City, which he included in his route on the visit to his family at Cincinnati. On his journey he received all those marks and demonstrations of public confidence and gratitude, with which the American people were accustomed to greet their distinguished defenders : and as the campaign on the northern frontier soon terminated in a copious harvest of disgrace to all the generals immediately concerned in it, General Harrison soon had the additional satisfaction of being designated by public opinion, for the chief command on that frontier in the campaign of the ensuing summer. The judgment of the war department, however, was at variance with the expectations of the people on this sub ject. Early in January the general arrived at Cincinnati, which continued to be his headquarters as long as he thought proper to retain his commission in the army. General Cass, being required to attend the trial of General Hull at Albany, the command at Detroit devolved on Colonel Butler, and the former before his return to the western country was appointed governor of the Alichigan territory. The greater part of the fleet was stationed for the winter in the harbor of Erie, some of the larger vessels being left in Putin-Bay and the necessary precautions Avere taken to guard the whole against any enterprise for their destruction by the enemy. The campaign on the northern frontier, under the im mediate superintendence of Armstrong, Wilkinson and Hampton, having terminated very unfavorably to our cause, apprehensions were entertained by the government IN THE WESTERN COUNTRY 439 in December, that the British thus encouraged, Avould make great exertions to re-establish their affairs in the north west, and particularly to regain the friendship of the In dians, and perpetuate their influence among them. With the latter views, it was ascertained that Dickson had been sent up from York with a large quantity of goods. Our government hence determined to take the most effectual and rigorous measures to counteract these designs of the enemy. Instructions were therefore sent after General Harrison on his return home, that the settlements on the Thames, which would afford the enemy the means of ad vancing towards Detroit, and intermeddling Avith the In dians, must be entirely destroyed and converted into a desert; that peace must be made Avith the Indians on the most liberal terms, supplying all their wants and allowing them to retain all the lands they had held before the war; and that they must be engaged to take up arms on our side, and let loose on the British frontier early in the spring, so as to drive away every British settler to be found on the west of Kingston. "A question may occur," says the secretaiy of war, "under what restrictions, as to their mode of warfare, we ought to employ them? The question has in it no difficulty. Under what justification do we employ them at all? The example of the enemy. It was not our choice but theirs, and is but an appeal made to their fears, after having un successfully made many to their justice. The experiment should therefore have fair play. All the horrors brought to our firesides ought to be carried to theirs. Nor is this a policy of mere retaliation. The settlements in Upper Canada abandoned, their posts cannot be supported, and will, of course, also be abandoned." When these instructions were issued, the cruelties of the savages, now threatened to be renewed, wrere not the only atrocities which merited this retaliation. The enemy 440 HISTORY OF THE LATE WAR had recently crossed into our settlements on the Niagara frontier, and laid the whole country in ruins, destroying everything before them in the most wanton and barbarous manner. The humanity of the President, however, would not permit him to persist in the rigorous measures he had authorized. The instructions from the secretary were speedily countermanded, and the general was merely authorized "to make prisoners and remove to our settlements, so many of the male British settlers as might be most dis posed to do us harm." It appears, howeA-er, from a correspondence between General Harrison and the British Generals Proctor and A7incent, after the battle on the Thames, that the former had firmly resolved to take upon himself the responsibility of a rigorous retaliation, should a renewal of Indian bar barities render it necessary. Immediately after the battle of the Thames, Proctor sent a flag with a letter to General Harrison, requesting that the private property and papers, Avhich had been captured with the army, might be respected and restored to their proper owners. As General Harrison was on the eve of sailing doAvn the lake, Avhen he received the letter, he declined ansAvering it until he had arrived at Fort George, and then directed his reply to General Vin cent, the senior officer at Burlington Heights. As for his treatment of the prisoners, and his disposition of private papers and property, he referred General A^incent to the accompanying letters from the captured officers for infor mation; at the same time assuring him that his conduct had proceeded from motives of humanity alone, and not from any claim which the enemy could make on the score of reciprocity of treatment ; for, of the American prisoners Avho had fallen into the hands of Procter, those who IN THE WESTERN COUNTRY 441 escaped from the tomahawk had suffered all the indignities and deprivations which human nature was capable of enduring. There was not a single instance in which the private property of the officers had been respected. After enumerating many instances, in which families comprising men, Avomen, and children, had been most inhumanly butchered by Indians, who came direct from the British camp and returned to it, and after assuring general Vin cent that "The savages who had sued for mercy, would gladly have shown their claims to it, by reacting on the Thames the bloody scenes of Sandusky and Cold Creek," that "a single sign of approbation Avould have been sufficient to pour upon the subjects of the kind their whole fury " he concludes his letter with the following paragraph : "I deprecate most sincerely the dreadful alternative which will be offered to me, should those barbarities be continued, but I solemnly declare that if the Indians who remain under the influence of the British government, are suffered to commit any depredations on the citizens, within the district that is committed to my protection, I will remove the restrictions Avhich have been imposed on those who have offered their services to the United States, and direct them to carry on the Avar in their own way. I have never heard a single excuse for the employment of the savages by your government, unless Ave may credit the story of some British officers having dared to assert, that 'as we employed the Kentuckians, you had a right to make use of the Indians.' If such injurious sentiments have really prevailed, to the prejudice of a brave, well-informed and virtuous people, they will be removed by the represen tations of your officers, who were lately taken upon the river Thames. They will inform you, sir, that so far from offering any violence to the persons of their prisoners, these savages would not permit a word to escape them, which was calculated to wound or insult their feelings — and this, too, with the sufferings of their friends and relatives at the 442 • HISTORY OF THE LATE WAR rivers Raisin and Aliami fresh in their recollection."— Harrison. General Vincent promised in his reply, that "no effort of his should ever be Avanting to diminish the evils of a state of warfare, as far as might be consistent Avith the duties which Avere due to his king and country" — a promise which portended butcheries and devastation without measure, as the history of "his majesty's reign over his dutiful subjects" most amply demonstrates. But for tunately the progress of the war did not afford an oppor tunity again for the performance of those duties. CHAPTER X. Expedition of Captain Holmes — Resignation of Gen eral Harrison — Expedition to Mackinaw — Treaty with the Indians — Affair of Prairie du Chien — Expedition of General AI'Arthur. Although the enemy did not think proper during the winter to send up any formidable force to the northwest, yet Colonel Butler, the commanding officer at Detroit, was scarcely in a condition to contend with their advanced posts, and the individuals of the militia who were disposed to be troublesome. The brigade of General Cass, which was left at Detroit, was originally very weak, and during the month of December, it suffered extremely from a violent epidemic, which resisted all the skill of its physi cians. At one time its whole effective force did not amount to 300 men. A small corps of the Ohio and Pennsylvania militia, were hence kept in service through the winter, to assist in garrisoning the different posts, and in protecting the vessels of the fleet. About the first of January, the enemy posted a corps of observations at Delaware on the Thames, thirty miles above the Aloravian town, under the command of Captain Stewart, who frequently sent foraging and reconnoitering parties down the Thames, and into the vicinity of Sand wich. Colonel Butler was hence induced to place a corps for similar purposes, and as a check to the movements of the enemy, on the Thames at Dobson's some distance below the Moravian town. It consisted of 30 men under the 413 444 HISTORY OF THE LATE AVAR command of Lieutenant Lowell. The British, being ap prised of the situation of this corps, descended the Thames from Delaware and surprised it in the night, capturing the whole party without much loss in killed and Avounded on either side. The colonel did not think proper to re-estab lish the post, but occasionally sent reconnoitering and foraging parties up the Thames, one of which, under Cap tain Lee, who commanded a company of Alichigan rangers, captured and brought aAvay Colonel Bagby, Captain Springer, and several others of the Canadian militia, who were the most active in the cause of the enemy. Captain Springer was a native of the United States, having been born near Albany in NeAV Y^ork, and had been naturalized by the British and made a magistrate as well as a militia officer. Captain Lee some time afterwards caught Major Townsley, a native of Connecticut, who had been the most active and vindictive partisan of the British in Upper Canada. In February Colonel Butler determined to make a stroke at some of the advanced posts of the enemy. The execution of the enterprise w7as confided to Captain Holmes, with a detachment of regulars and some Alichigan rangers and militia. He was directed to march against a small post called Fort Talbot, situated about 100 miles down the lake below Alalden, or if he should deem it more eligible to make an attack on the enemy at Delaware, he was authorized to change his destination to that place. He marched from Alalden about the 20th of February, with two six-pounders in his train, but he soon found it impos sible to proceed down the lake Avith artillery, he was so much obstructed by fallen timber, thickets, and swamps. He was obliged to leave them and depend on his small arms. Captain Gill, who had pursued some Canadian militia up the Thames, with a small company of rangers, IN THE WESTERN COUNTRY 445 was to cross the country and form a junction with Holmes. After this had been effected, the route down the lake was found to be so difficult that Captain Holmes determined to leave it and go to the Thames, with a view either to attack the enemy at Delaware, or to intercept any detachment that might be sent doAvn the river. He struck the Thames below the Aloravian town, and immediately marched to wards the enemy's post. AVhen he had arrived Avithin fif teen miles of it, he learned that a detachment about 300 strong was coming to meet him. As the force which he commanded was much Aveaker, he determined to retreat till he could find a strong position to resist them. He fell back five miles to TAventy Alile Creek, a stream which runs into the Thames from the north. Having crossed it on a bridge, he posted his men on the summit of an adjoining height, and began to strengthen his position with a breastwork. The enemy soon appeared on the opposite heights over the creek. The captain now called a council of officers, to determine whether they should endeavor to maintain their position, or retreat still further. On this question there was much difference of opinion. Alany of the detachment had suffered so much from cold and fatigue that they were now unfit for duty, and others had been permitted from the same causes to return home, so that the whole effective force did not exceed 160, while the force of the enemy was believed to be double that number. Captain Holmes and his adjutant, Ensign Heard, a grandson of the celebrated General Morgan, were strenuously opposed to a retreat, and it was at last determined that they would perish or triumph in their present position. The enemy did not pretend to annoy them that evening, but early in the morning a party of British regulars came to the bank of the creek, fired a few times at the camp and then retired. After waiting some time for a more formid- 446 HISTORY OF THE LATE WAR able attack, Captain Holmes sent out Lieutenant Knox with some of the rangers to reconnoitre. He returned in a few minutes and reported that the enemy had fled with precipitation, leaving their baggage scattered along the road, and that they did not appear to have been more than seventy in number. Mortified at the idea of having re treated from such diminutive force, Captain Holmes imme diately pursued them, with a determination to attack their position at Delaware next morning. Having pursued them about five miles, Captain Lee, of the advanced guard, re ported that he had come up with the enemy in considerable force, and that they were forming in order of battle. Cap tain Holmes now apprehended that they had retreated to draw him from his position, with a view to gain his rear with a superior force, which would compel him to advance towards their post at Delaware, or to cross the wilderness towards Fort Talbot without forage or provisions. It was not their plan, however, to intercept his retreat, and in a short time he regained the position he had left on Twenty Alile Creek. Some of his officers again insisted on a retreat, but the captain determined to wait at this place for an attack from the enemy. He continued to strengthen his camp Avhich was a hollow square, and post his regulars on the north side, and on the brow of the hill without breastwork. His rangers and militia were posted on the west and south, the horses and baggage being placed in the center. Late in the evening the enemy appeared again on the opposite heights, upwards of 300 strong, under the command of Captain Basden. Their militia and Indians immediately crossed the creek above the road, surrounded the camp, and com menced an attack on the north, west and south. Their regulars crossed on the bridge and charged up the hill within 20 paces of our front line, which had been ordered IN THE WESTERN COUNTRY 447 to kneel so as to be effectually protected by the broAV of the hill. The fire of that line was now opened with such effect that the front section of the enemy was immediately cut down, and those which followed w7ere very much in jured. He then displayed his column along the hillside and took open distance behind trees, in which order a warm contest was maintained for a considerable time. On the other lines the nulitia and Indians fought behind trees at a more respectful distance, but were also much thinned by the deliberate fire of our men. Finding it impossible to make much impression on the camp, the enemy at length retreated under cover of the night, having lost in the action, according to their own account, no less than sixty- seven killed and w7ounded, but in the opinion of Captain Holmes, their loss was between eighty and ninety. Captain Basden and Lieutenant M'Donald were wounded, and Cap tain Johnson and Lieutenant Graham were killed. The loss on our side was but seven in killed and wounded. The brave detachment under Holmes received much applause for this victory, which formed a fine counterpart to the brilliant affair of Sandusky. The commanding offi cer, who was ahvays remarkable for his zeal, activity, and knowledge of his duty, was immediately promoted to the rank of major, for his singular gallantry and good conduct on this occasion. Soon after this affair Colonel Butler obtained leave to return to Kentucky chiefly with a view to superintend the recruiting of his own regiment in that state, and the com mand of Detroit devolved on Lieutenant Croghan. As the government still expected, that the f [British would make considerable exertions in the approaching summer to regain the ground they had lost in the north west, and particularly to re-establish their connections and influence with the Indians, a plan of counteracting opera- 448 HISTORY OF THE LATE WAR tions was adopted early in April, and Commodore Sinclair and Major Holmes were selected to carry it into execution. The view of the government Avill be best understood by the folloAving extract of a communication from the commodore to Colonel Croghan : "Erie, 28th of April, 1814. "Sir — The government having thought proper to sep arate the command of the upper lakes from that of Ontario, they have appointed me to the former, and in my instruc tions I am directed to open a communication Avith the commanding officer at Detroit. That you may be better informed of their views, I give you the following extract from the instructions of the honorable secretary of the navy on this subject: Extract— 'April 15th, 1814. 'You w7ill immediately on your arrival at Erie, open a communication with the military commander at Detroit, asking of him all the information he may possess, relative to the passage into and navigation of Lake Huron, and all the circumstances connected with your expedition, the nature and extent of which you will explain to him. You Avill also request him to have in readiness to join your force, a body of 300 hardy, intrepid volunteers, one-half of which should be riflemen, for which I have, no doubt, the secretary of war will have directed the necessary measures to be taken. 'The information we possess, relative to the designs and movements of the enemy, rests upon report, and is rather probable than certain. There is, hoAvever, reason to be lieve, that the enemy have sent two small detachments of seamen, and perhaps mechanics to Lake Huron, where they are constructing some sort of naval force — rumor says two brigs, but if the last is so, they must be of small force. They are also said to be building a number of boats on lake Simcoe, and have recently transported considerable quan tities of naval and ordnance stores to York, the distance from which to Lake Simcoe is not above 40 miles over a good road. The boats are doubtless intended to convey IN THE WESTERN COUNTRY 449 those stores, through the waters emptying from Lake Simcoe into Lake Huron at Gloucester Bay, on the south east extremity of Lake Huron. It is on the shores of this hay they are constructing their naval force. For this place you will make a prompt and vigorous push, destroy or capture whatever they may have prepared, and proceed, before the alarm can be extended, to St. Joseph at the mouth of French River, which place it is expected you may readily reduce and get possession of all the property and stores deposited there, and leaving a force to protect that post if tenable, or not likely to be attacked by a superior force, you will thence proceed to Alackinaw, with which the communication of the enemy being entirely cut off, and the place being destitute of provisions, it will doubtless prove an easy conquest. Having accomplished these objects, you will be governed by the season, the state of your provisions, and the information you may receive, whether to leave a small garrison at that place and a part of your squadron on that lake, during the ensuing winter, or return to Erie with the Avhole.' " After requesting Colonel Croghan to dispatch some active spies, to ascertain the situation and forces of the enemy, and also to secure a passage into Lake Huron, by erecting a military post in some eligible situation on the strait between lakes St. Clair and Huron, the commodore proceeds — "It appears to me that the military force mentioned by the secretary of the navy is by no means adequate, as my ships will be badly manned, owing to the great difficulty of procuring seamen ; and if I am not misinformed, the land force will have in every instance to co-operate on shore, as their batteries are so situated as not to be reduced by the shipping."— Sinclair. About the time these instructions were communicated to the commodore, the secretary of war thought proper to send a corresponding order directly to Alajor Holmes, entirely passing by Colonel Croghan, the commandant at 450 HISTORY OF THE LATE WAR Detroit, and merely notifying General Harrison the com mander of the district through Avhom the arrangements for the expedition should have been made. This course of the secretary was a violation not only of military etiquette, but also of the most important military principles — which require that the commander of a district, or of a separate post, especially when situated on a distant frontier, should have the supreme direction of minor matters, within the sphere of his command. The interference of the govern ment in such matters must inevitably derange his plans and produce confusion and disaster in the service. The general should be furnished with the object and outlines of the campaign or expedition, and with the necessary sup plies of men, money, and munitions, for accomplishing that object, and then be made responsible for their proper man agement. But the secretary in this instance issued his orders to Alajor Holmes under the nose of his colonel, whereby the rank and authority of the latter Avere super ceded and the resources of his post were to be clandestinely withdrawn from his power. This was highly resented by- Colonel Croghan, who communicated his sentiments on this subject without reserve to Commodore St. Clair and Gen eral Harrison. He assured the commodore that he had already taken every means to reconnoitre the upper lakes and country, AAdth a view to obtaining such information as he requested, and that he would be happy to co-operate and assist him in the enterprise, but could not pledge himself in the present state of his resources, to furnish any impor tant assistance. To the general he wrote : "Alajor Holmes has been notified by the war department that he is chosen to command the land troops which are intended to co-operate with the fleet against the enemy's force on the upper lakes. So soon as I may be directed by you, to order Alajor Holmes on that command, and to fur- IN THE AVESTERN COUNTRY 451 nish him with the necessary troops, I shall do so, but not till then shall he or any other part of my force leave the sod- — Croghan." In answer to a second letter from the commodore, written in the latter part of May, he proceeds : "I much fear, sir, that in your expectation of being joined at this place by a battalion, or corps of regulars under Major Holmes, you will be disappointed. Major Holmes it is true has been notified by the war department that he is selected to command the land troops on the expe dition up the lakes. But this notification, even did it amount to a positive order to the major, could not be con sidered as an order to me, nor can I deem it in itself suffi cient to justify me in weakening the present reduced strength of my command. Aly objection to co-operate with you at this time, is not I assure you, moved by anything like chagrin at this departure from military etiquette, but is bottomed on a thorough conviction that nothing less than a positive order could justify or excuse my detaching a part of the small force under my command, from the immediate defense of this frontier. I agree with you, that the promised force under Alajor Holmes appears too Aveak to effect the desired end. I cannot speak positively on the subject, as my knowledge even of the geographical situa tion of that country is but limited ; yet, my belief is, that if resistance be made at all, it will prove too stout for 1,000 men. The position of Alackinac is a strong one, and should the enemy have determined on holding it, he has had time enough to throw in reinforcements. The Engages in the employ of the N. W. Company, generally get doAvn to Mack inaw from their wintering grounds, about the last of May in every year. Will those hardy fellows, whose force ex ceeds 1,000, be permitted to be idle? Will it not be the interest of the N. W. Company to exert all its means, in the defense of those posts, in which it is so immediately concerned? I send you a few queries on this subject, Avith the answers as given by an intelligent gentleman, formerly an agent to the N. W. Company, and Avell acquainted with the geographical situation of that country. Every arrange- 452 HISTORY OF THE LATE WAR ment is made for securing the entrance into Lake Huron. I am under no solicitude about the passage up the strait. "Croghan." Although the colonel appears to consider the order to Holmes, as a mere notification of his appointment, yet it was certainly intended by the secretary, to be sufficiently positive and ample to put the expedition in motion, Avith out any other communication from the Avar department, except the instructions to the commodore. Soon after the above was written, the colonel addressed another letter to General Harrison, from which the f olloAving is an extract : "I know not hoAV to account for the secretary of Avar's assuming to himself, the right of designating Alajor Holmes for this command to MackinaAV. Aly ideas on the subject may not be correct, yet for the sake of the principle, were I a general commanding a district, I wTould be very far from suffering the secretary of Avar, or any7 other authority, to interfere with my internal police. "I have not yet been able, even by three attempts, to ascertain whether the enemy is building boats at Alacke- dash (Gloucester Bay.) None of my spies would venture far enough, being either frightened at the view of Lake Huron, or alarmed at the probability of meeting hostile Indians. — Croghan." This letter Avas Avritten in the latter part of Alay. Gen eral Harrison actuated by similar sentiments had already resigned his commission of major-general in the army, which he had received about the time his appointment in the Kentucky militia had expired. He believed that the secretary of war disliked him, and had intentionally en croached on the prerogatives of his rank to insult him, by corresponding with the officers under his command, and giving them orders direct, which ought, at least, to have been communicated indirectly, through the Commander-in- chief of the district. He had remonstrated in a spirited IN THE WESTERN COUNTRY 453 manner against this interference, and finding it again re newed in the present case, he resigned his commission by the following letters to the secretary and President. "Headquarters, Cincinnati, Alay 11th, 1914. "Sir — I have the honor through you, to request the President to accept my resignation of the appointment of major-general in the army, with which he has honored me. "Lest the public service should suffer, before a succes sor can be nominated, I shall continue to act until the 31st instant, by which time I hope to be relieved. "Having some reasons to believe, that the most ma licious insinuations have been made against me at Wash ington, it was my intention to have requested an inquiry into my conduct, from the commencement of my command. Further reflection has, however, determined me, to decline the application — because, from the proud consciousness of having palpably done my duty, I cannot believe that it is necessary either for the satisfaction of the government or the people, that I should pay so much respect to the sug gestions of malice and envy. "It is necessary, however, that I should assure you, sir, that I subscribe implicitly to the opinion, that military officers are responsible for their conduct, and amenable to the decisions of a court martial, after they have left the ser vice, for any improper act committed in it. "The principle was established in England, in the case of Lord George Sackville after the battle of Minden ; it was known and recognized by all the ancient republics ; and is particularly applicable I think to a government like ours. I, therefore, pledge myself to answer before a court mar tial, at any future period, to any charge which may be brought against me. "I haAre the honor, etc., "Harrison." "The Hon. J. Armstrong, Etc." "Headquarters, Cincinnati, Alay lltb, 1914. "Dear Sir — I have this day forwarded to the secretary of war, my resignation of the commission I hold in the army. 454 HISTORY OF THE LATE WAR "This measure has not been determined on, without a reference to all the reasons which should influence a citi zen, who is sincerely attached to the honor and interests of his country ; Avho believes that the war in which we are engaged is just and necessary ; and that the crisis requires the sacrifice of every private consideration, which could stand in opposition to the public good. But after giving the subject the most mature consideration, I am perfectly convinced, that my retiring from the army is as compatible Avith the claims of patriotism, as it is with those of my fam ily, and a proper regard for my own feelings and honor. "I have no other motive for writing this letter, than to assure you, that my resignation Avas not produced by any diminution of the interest, Avhich I have always taken in the success of your administration, or of respect and attach ment for your person. The former can only take place, Avhen I forget the republican principles in AAdiich I have been educated ; and the latter when I shall cease to regard those feelings, Avhich must actuate every honest man, who is conscious of favors that it is out of his poAver to repay. "Allow7 me, etc., "Harrison." "James Aladison, Esq., President U. S. A." AAHien Commodore Sinclair had made every preparation to sail from Erie on the expedition up the lakes, and was waiting only for more men in w7hich he was still deficient, he received on the 1st of June, a dispatch from the secre tary of tho navy, countermanding the intended enterprise. This determination of the government was produced by a belief, founded on the intelligence they had received, that the enemy were not making much exertion to re-establish their affairs in the northAvest. The plan of our operations in that quarter, Avas, therefore, iioav to be substituted by that, which is developed in the following letter from the secretary of Avar to the President. "AVar Department, April 30th, 1814. "Sir — So long as Ave had reason to believe, that the enemy7 intended, and was in a condition to re-establish him- IN THE WESTERN COUNTRY 455 self on the Thames, and open anew his intercourse with the Indian tribes of the Avest, it was no doubt proper to give our naval means a direction, whicli Avould best obstruct and defeat such movements and designs. An order was accord ingly given by the navy department, to employ the flotilla in securing the shores of the western lakes, destroying the enemy's trading establishment at St Josephs, and in re capturing Fort Alackinaw. As, however, our last advices show that the enemy has no efficient force westward of Bur lington bay, and that he has suffered the season of easy and rapid transportation to escape him, it is evident that he means to strengthen himself on the peninsula, and make Fort Erie, which he is now repairing, the western extremity of his line of operations. Under this new state of things, it is respectfully suggested, whether another and a better use cannot be made of our flotilla. "In explaining myself it is necessary to promise, that the garrisons of Detroit and Alalden included, it will be practicable to assemble on the shores and navigable Avaters of Lake Erie, 5,000 regular troops, and 3,000 volunteers and militia, and that measures have been taken to produce this result by the 10th day of June next. Without, however, naval means, this force will be necessarily dispersed, and comparatively inoperative — with their aid, competent to great objects. "Lake Erie on which our dominion is indisputable, fur nishes a way scarcely less convenient for approaching the heart of Upper Canada, than Lake Ontario. Eight or even six thousand men, landed in the bay between Point Aubino and Fort Erie, and operating either on the line of the Niagara, or more directly, if a more direct route is to be found, against the British post at the head of Burlington bay, would induce the enemy so to weaken his more eastern posts, as to bring them within our means at Sackett's Har bor and Plattsburg. "In choosing between this object, and that to wrhich the flotilla is now destined, there cannot I think be much hesi tation. Our attack carried to Burlington and York, inter poses a barrier, which completely protects Alalden and Detroit, makes doubtful and hazardous the enemy's inter- 456 HISTORY OF THE LATE WAR course with the Avestern Indians, reduces Mackinaw to a possession perfectly useless, renders probable the aban donment of Fort Niagara, and takes from the enemy half his motives for continuing the conflict on Lake Ontario. On the other hand, take Alackinaw, and what is gained but Aiackinaw itself? If this plan is adopted, no time should be lost in countermanding the execution of the other. "I have the honor, etc., "J. Armstrong." "The President." The adoption of this plan for the campaign of 1814, Avas not, hoA\Tever, to produce a total abandonment of the expedition up the lakes. Commodore Sinclair was in structed to send a small detachment of the fleet in that direction, not exceeding three small vessels, to be accom panied by a co-operating force of 150 men from Detroit. He, accordingly dispatched that number under Lieutenant Woodhouse to Detroit, where he Avas to receive the land forces and then proceed up the strait. On the very day, however, that the order for abandoning the original expedi tion into the upper lakes, Avas received by Commodore Sinclair, the government determined again to carry it into execution in its full extent. This change was produced by news of a more alarming complexion, respecting the naval preparations of the enemy on Lake Huron; and, in part, perhaps, by a conviction, that the army of 8,000, to be draAvn from the western country, would be found greatly deficient in the field. It is believed, that a report of great naval preparations being made on Lake Huron, was prop agated by the enemy on purpose to draAV our flotilla in that direction. However, Commodore Sinclair was informed by a letter from the navy department, dated on the 1st of June, that the expedition to Lake Huron, agreeable to the original design, must proceed Avithout delay ; and that the war office IN THE AVESTERN COUNTRY 457 would direct Colonel Croghan to accompany him, with as many troops as he could accommodate on board his squad ron. The war department addressed Colonel Croghan as follows : "Information has been received, that the enemy is mak ing a new establishment at Alackedash on Lake Huron, and that from 500 to 1,000 seamen, mechanics, and others are now employed there, in the construction of armed vessels, etc. This establishment must be broken up. The safety of Detroit, the command of the lakes, the general security of that frontier depends upon it. Captain Sinclair will, accordingly receive orders to pass into Lake Huron, Avith part of the flotilla, and to carry such troops as may be destined to co-operate Avith the fleet, in the reduction of this and other places. His means of transportation Avill prob ably not accommodate more than 800 ; but the safest rule will be to embark as many as can be accommodated, taking yourself the command, and leaving behind you a competent force, to guard against Indian attacks, which at present are alone to be feared. If on reaching and reducing the place, it he found to be important, as I believe it will, it ought to be fortified and garrisoned, and become the left of a new line of operations, extending by the Avay of Lake Simcoe from Gloucester bay on Lake Huron, to York on Lake On tario. In this last view of the subject, supplies of cannon, ammunition, and provisions ought to be carried with you. —Armstrong." While on the subject of plans for the operations of the campaign in the present year, it will, perhaps be interesting to some readers, to see the following full exhibition of the present vieAvs of the government, by the pen of Air. Secre tary Armstrong, in a letter to General Izard. "War Department, June 10th, 1814. "Sir — I avail myself of the return of Colonel Snelling, to communicate to you the general objects of the campaign. "Captain Sinclair will repair to Detroit with a part of the fleet under his command. He will there embark Col- 458 HISTORY OF THE LATE WAR onel Croghan and as large a number of troops, with the necessary supplies of ammunition and provisions, as his vessels will accommodate. He will then enter Lake Huron, and proceed to Gloucester bay, w7here the troops will de bark, attack and carry the enemy's neAv establishment at Alackedash, fortify and garrison that place, and open a communication Avith General Brown, if another part of the plan, to be next detailed, shall have succeeded. This effected, the fleet will go on to the mouth of St. Josephs and to Alackinaw, etc. "What remains of the fleet at Buffalo, Avill be put under orders to transport General Brown's division to the Can ada shore. The place of landing will be selected by the discretion of the general, under the best information of Avhich he may be possessed. Burlington Heights will be his first object. There he will fortify, and as soon as Com modore Chauncey will be in a condition to co-operate with him, say the first of July, he will proceed to attack the enemy's posts on the peninsula in succession, etc. "A number of armed gallies, such as those employed on Lake Champlain, will be immediately constructed at Sack ett's Harbor, and Avhile we have the ascendency on Lake Ontario, these will be pushed into the St. Lawrence, with orders to occupy the rapids of that river, and thus inter cept the water communication between Montreal and Kingston. The better to effect this object, a post will be established on the south bank of the St. Lawrence, strongly fortified and garrisoned by a competent force, say 1,500 men, and sustained by the 1st division of the right. The moment for beginning this establishment will be that which opens to us the command of Lake Ontario. An engineer will be employed by the war department to select the site. "Another post on Lake Champlain, adapted to the pur poses of co-operating with and covering our fleet on that lake, and of excluding the enemy's flotilla therefrom, will be immediately selected, established, and garrisoned. This post you will please to select. "Armstrong." That portion only of these various plans, which was to be executed by Sinclair and Croghan on the upper lakes, IN THE AVESTERN COUNTRY 459 is embraced within the limits prescribed for this history. As soon as Commodore Sinclair received his instructions on the 9th of June, he dispatched a messenger after Lieu tenant Woodhouse to arrest his progress with the detach ment under his command, and immediately prepared to sail with his whole squadron. He was soon able to proceed, and arrived at Detroit after the 20th of that month. Col onel Croghan had been making the most vigorous prepara tions on his part, and Avas ready to embark about the first of July. The expedition, however, was disapproved by him, and still more the manner in which the secretary had ordered it, having passed by General AI'Arthur, on whom the command of the district had devolved since the resig nation of General Harrison. The following is an extract from his letter to General AI'Arthur on this subject, dated on the 3rd of July : "You will have heard, that an expedition commanded by myself, against the enemy's posts on the upper lakes, is on the eve of sailing. The order for this expedition was issued by the secretary of Avar on the 2nd ultimo, most probably without advising you of the step. I could wish for many reasons, that this order had passed through the regular channel. This manner of interfering with the in ternal police of officers commanding districts, will sooner or later prove as destructive as it now appears unmilitary. To enable me to meet the wishes of the secretary of war, I was forced to take upon myself the responsibility of doing many things, to be justified only on the score of necessity. I ordered on from Lower Sandusky, a point without my limits, Captain Sanders and Lieutenant Scott of the 17th infantry, with their respective commands. I have also or ganized a company of Canadians, 120 in number, to act until the return of the expedition, pledging myself to have them paid at the rate of one dollar per day each. I hope you will approve this step. I am enabled by acting thus, to embark 500 regulars and 250 militia. Aly troops are all on board, and part of the fleet is now under way. I 460 HISTORY OF THE LATE WAR disapprove the expedition against AlackinaAV, because if it be taken, we are not at all benefitted. — Croghan." The fleet advanced but slowly through Lake St. Clair, Avhich is so shallow, that there Avas some difficulty in find ing a channel deep enough for the largest vessels. It was the 12th, before they had passed Fort Gratiot, on the west side of the river St. Clair, at the entrance into Lake Huron. That fort had recently been built by Captain Gratiot, who had been sent up by Colonel Croghan on that service, with a few regulars early in Alay, and had aftenvards been joined by Colonel Cotgrove Avith a small regiment of Ohio militia, on whom the completion and maintenance of the post had devoh7ed. Colonel Cotgrove now embarked with a feAV of his men in the expedition under Croghan. Having entered Lake Huron, the fleet agreeably to the instructions of the government, steered directly for Macke- dash or Gloucester bay, Avhich communicates through Lake Simcoe, Avith York the capital of Upper Canada. The en trance of the bay is closed by a chain of islands, through which our commodore had no pilot to conduct him, and the navigation is extremely difficult and dangerous. A whole Aveek Avas spent in searching for a channel, through which the fleet could safely reach the establishment of the enemy, the destruction of Avhich was the principle object of the ex pedition ; but no such channel could be found, and the com mander was at last compelled to proceed Avithout visiting the place against which the government had principally- sent him. This failure, hoAvever, was in reality unimport ant, for the enemy bad no such establishment at Macke- dash, as the expedition Avas intended to destroy. The fleet noAV sailed to St. Josephs, where they arrived on the 20th of July. That post had been evacuated by the enemy, apparently several months ago. A detachment Avas sent on shore to burn the fort. Alajor Holmes was then IN THE WESTERN COUNTRY 461 detached with two small vessels under Lieutenant Turner of the navy, and a small force of regulars and artillery, to visit the strait of St. Marys Avhich forms the communica tion between Lakes Huron and Superior, for the purpose of destroying a trading establishment belonging to the enemy at that place. The balance of the fleet steered for Mackinaw. Alajor Holmes reached his destination in two days, and immediately attacked the trading house of the northwest company. It was easily taken, for the agent and the Indians immediately fled into the wilderness. They had previously carried a great quantity of their goods into the woods, as soon as they had been apprised of our ap proach ; those goods, hoAvever, were soon found by our men. They were deposited Avithin the limits of our territory, and were claimed as American property, by a felloAv who had been a citizen and magistrate of the Alichigan territory, but was noAV in the service of the company, for Avhom he was thus endeavoring by false pretexts to save their property. Alajor Holmes, howrever, was not to be gulled in this man ner. A schooner was also found above the fort, Avhich the enemy had abandoned and set on fire. She was saved from the flames by Lieutenant Turner, but in bringing her through the rapids, she bilged and Avas then voluntarily destroyed. The fleet arrived off Mackinaw on the 26th of July, and some prisoners being taken, from whom information wTas obtained, that the schooner Nancy, a vessel which the enemy had kept on the upper lakes, was daily expected from the Natawasauga river, Commodore Sinclair immed iately stationed his vessels in a manner to intercept her. On the next day Colonel Croghan made a demonstration towards a landing on Round Island, about three-quarters of a mile from Alackinaw. This being observed by the enemy, two batteaux of British regulars, and twenty or 462 HISTORY OF THE LATE AVAR thirty canoes filled with Indians Avere immediately sent to the island; and a number of other boats were held ia readiness at the beach to reinforce this detachment, should it become necessary. As Commodore Sinclair did not think it prudent to station his vessels, so as to cut off the communication between the islands, on account of the difficult anchorage which he would have to occupy, the attempt to land Avas abandoned. From every appearance in these manoeuvres, and from the best information that could be obtained, it was believed, that the force of the enemy Avas at least 1,000 including Indians, and that he had determined on making an obstinate resistance. It was ascertained that the garrison had lately been rein forced by Colonel R. M'Dowell, who had strengthened the fort and occupied the heights which command it, with a strong fortification. Colonel Croghan hence determined to postpone any further operations, until Alajor Holmes should arrive with the detachment under his command, which happened on the next day after the attempt to land. Colonel Croghan noAV resolved to effect a landing on the island of AlackinaAV, and to seize some strong position and fortify it, from which he could annoy the fort. He was in hopes, that the enemy would be tempted to meet him and risk a battle in the open plain; or provoked by the annoyance, and anxious to terminate the seige, that he would be induced at last to make a sortie and attack our entrenchments. Without some fortunate occurrence of this kind, our commanders had but little hope of succeed ing against a superior force strongly fortified. A landing on the east end of the island would have been preferred, as being near the position of the enemy ; but the height of the bank Avas there so great, the batteries of the enemy being upwards of 100 feet above the water, that no material ad vantage could be derived from the guns of the fleet at that IN THE WESTERN COUNTRY 463 place. It was, therefore, determined to sail round the island and land on the west side, wThere the ground was so low that the debarkation could be effectually covered by the fleet. Having ascertained, that a strong position could be had for a camp in that quarter, the commodore sailed round the island in the night, and on the morning of the 4th of August, a landing was effected without opposition. The troops were formed in two lines with a corps of re serve. The front was composed of the militia, 250 strong, formed in open order under Colonel Cotgrove. A battal ion of regulars 420 in number formed the second line un der Major Holmes. The reserve consisted of eighty regu lars and marines posted on the rear of the flanks. In this order our troops advanced towards a small field, about three-quarters of a mile from the place of landing ; but be fore they had proceeded far, Colonel Croghan ascertained, that the enemy were waiting for us in order of battle, at the opposite side of the field, in the edge of the woods. A fire was soon afterwards opened upon us from a battery, covered by a temporary breastwork, in front of their line, which extended the Avhole length of the field. Colonel Cotgrove returned their fire with a 4-pounder, which was attached to his line, as soon as he could uncover it in the edge of the field ; and Colonel Croghan now determined to push forward the battalion of regulars on the right under cover of the woods, and while Cotgrove amused the enemy in front, to turn their left flank writh the regulars, or by a sudden charge break through it, and thus gain their rear. Alajor Holmes was gallantly advancing in the execution of this plan, when a fire from an advanced party of the enemy unfortunately killed him, and at the same moment wounded Captain Desha, the second in command. This unlucky occurrence produced a halt, and caused some confusion in the line; but Captain Desha, not being disabled by his 464 HISTORY OF THE LATE WAR wound, soon had his men again in motion ; and finding the woods impenetrably thick on the left of the enemy, he immediately charged them in front Avith great bravery, and drove them from their position. Being exposed to the fire of the enemy for some time in advancing upon them while they lay secure behind their breastwork, we neces sarily sustained some loss, which Ave had not an oppor tunity to retaliate. Though driven from their position, they still kept up a warm fire for some time in the woods, and particularly on our left, till they were driven in that quarter by a piece of artillery under Lieutenant Alorgan. Being in complete possession of the ground, Colonel Croghan immediately examined the advantages of the position, and found it so weak, that he deemed it impru dent to attempt to occupy it for any length of time. The heights wbich he first intended to occupy, Avere yet two miles in advance, and were only to be reached by march ing through a thick wood, over ground with which he was entirely unacquainted. In performing such a march, the enemy would annoy him excessively, and perhaps, be able to defeat him, and even capture his whole force. He, therefore, prudently determined to retire to the fleet, and abandon an enterprise in which there was so little pros pect of final success. Preparatory for the retreat, the militia were formed on the route tOAvards the shipping; and the battalion of regulars under Captain Sanders, the severity of his wound having forced Captain Desha to retire, was then ordered to fall back through the field in line, and as it reached the woods to file off to the rear through the militia by the heads of divisions, the intervals betAveen which were to be covered on the rear by the militia, who retreated in line. In this order Colonel Croghan safe ly withdrew his forces, in the face of an enemy superior in numbers, and embarked them again without molestation. IN THE WESTERN COUNTRY 465 Two of our wounded, and the body of Major Holmes, were unfortunately left on the ground. Our total loss was twelve killed and thirty-eight wounded. The loss of the enemy was much less. On the next morning after the battle, Colonel Croghan sent Captain Gratiot with a flag to the garrison, to ascer tain the situation of the wounded, who had been left on the island, and to request the body of Major Holmes. The following is an extract from the answer of Colonel M'Dowell: "The wounded of the United States troops, left upon the field of battle yesterday, have been brought into the garrison, where they have received the required medical assistance, and every possible attention and comfort, which their respective cases required. I had flattered myself that you had been enabled to carry off the body of Alajor Holmes, and regret exceedingly to add, that in consequence of his being stripped by the Indians (a circumstance, however unpleasant to my feelings, it was out of my power to prevent) his rank was not discovered, which unfortu nately prevented his being interred with those military honors, which were so peculiarly due to his rank and character. I personally superintended the decent inter ment of the dead previous to my quitting the field. "I beg leave to send you some of our latest papers. I should have been happy to have accompanied them with such little luxuries as might have been acceptable in your situation; but fruit and vegetables being the principal we have to offer, Captain Gratiot informs me you are already supplied with them." Such conduct and complaisance, as are indicated in this letter, would have been a great novelty in the British northwestern service, and would have signally illustrated the name of Colonel M'Dowell, amid the host of British barbarians who served in that quarter, had not the letter been a piece of gross hypocrisy and misrepresentation. It 466 HISTOBY OF THE LATE WAR Avas afterwards ascertained, that the Indians in this case, Avere permitted in the presence of the British officers, to eat the hearts of the Americans Avho fell in the battle, and that one of the prisoners was actually murdered by a mili tiaman, who was screened from punishment by the author ity of M'Dowell. In his letter to the war department, Colonel Croghan bears the folloAving testimony to the merits of his officers and men on this occasion. "This affair has cost us many valuable lives, and leaves us to lament the fall of that gallant officer, Alajor Holmes, Avhose character is so Avell knoAvn to the war department. Captain Vanhorne of the 19th, and Lieutenant Jackson of the 4th, both brave intrepid young officers, fell mortally wounded at the head of their respective commands. The conduct of all my officers merits my approbation. Cap tain Desha of the 24th, though severely wounded, continued with his command, till forced to retire, by faintness from loss of blood. Captains Sanders, Hawkins, and Sturgis, with every officer of that battalion, acted in the most exem plary manner. Ensign Bryan, acting adjutant of the battalion, actively forwarded the orders of the command ing officer. Lieutenants Hickman of the 28th, and Hyde of the marines, who commanded the reserve, merit my par ticular thanks for keeping their commands in readiness to meet any exigency. Lieutenant Morgan was active, and his two assistants, Lieutenant Pickett and Mr. Peters, de serve the name of good officers. The militia were wanting in no part of their duty. Colonel Cotgrove, his officers and soldiers, deserve the warmest approbation. Aly acting assistant adjutant-general, Captain N. H. Aloore, of the 28th, with volunteer adjutant Al'Comb, wrere prompt in delivering my orders. Captain Gratiot of the engineers, who volunteered as adjutant on the occasion gave me valu able assistance. — Croghan." Every idea of continuing the operations against Macki naw was now abandoned ; and the commandants of the ex- IN THE AVESTERN COUNTRY 467 pedition determined, to discharge the militia and send them home in some of the vessels, together with a portion of the regulars, who were to proceed down Lake Erie to join the army under General Brown. The Lawrence and Caledonia were dispatched on this business under Lieuten ant Dexter, and Colonel Croghan with Commodore Sinclair and the remainder of the fleet and regulars, proceeded towards the mouth of the NataAvasauga river, in search of the schooner Nancy, AA7hich was freighted with supplies for Alackinaw. Immediately after the arrival of our flotilla off Mackinaw, Colonel M'Dowell had sent an express, a single individual in a canoe, who made his escape in the night, to meet the Nancy and apprise her of the blockade, which induced her to return within the mouth of the Natawa- sauga river. On the 13th, Commodore Sinclair anchored off its mouth, and the troops were immediately landed on the peninsula between the river and the lake, for the pur pose of forming an encampment. On reconnoitering up the river, a blockhouse was discovered with the schooner Nancy under its guns. As it was late in the evening and none but 4-pounders had yet been landed from the fleet, Colonel Croghan determined to wait till morning before he would commence an attack. Early in the morning Commodore Sinclair opened the fire of the fleet on the blockhouse; but a feAV hours ex perience proved, that the object Avas too distant, and too much covered by the timber on shore, to be much affected in this Avay. Two large hoAvitzers Avere then landed, and placed in a position selected by Captain Gratiot, They were fired but a few times before a shell was thrown into the magazine of the blockhouse, Avhich immediately blew it up, and set the schooner on fire. The enemy then fled precipitately, and Commodore Sinclair dispatched several boats to extinguish the flames of the ATessel; but several 468 HISTORY OF THE LATE WAR explosions took place on board, which prevented the sailors from approaching her. A supply of flour with various other stores, sufficient to subsist the garrison of Alackinaw for six months was thus consumed. Before the explosion of the magazine, Lieutenant Worsley who commanded the enemy, resisted the attack Avith great spirit; and the In dians occasionally fired at our men from the opposite side of the river, which was a narrow stream, with a forest al most impenetrable on its banks. Several articles of prop erty were found on the premises, and among them the desk of Lieutenant Worsley with all his papers, from the con tents of which it appeared, that the garrison at Mackinaw were so scarce of provisions, that the supplies on board the Nancy were deemed of the utmost importance. Two 24- pounders were taken in the blockhouse, together with a 6-pounder, and a new boat large enough to carry a 24- pound carronade was found in the river. The communication from York into Lake Huron, lies through Lake Simcoe and the Natawasauga river, the mouth of Avhich is immediately below Mackedash, or Gloucester bay, on which Colonel Croghan had received discretionary instructions to establish a post, with a view to form a new line of operations from that place to York, as soon as the enemy could be driven from all the penin sula above such a line. The colonel was not of the opinion, however, that it would be advisable at this time to establish such a post; for the distance to York was too short, and the communication so easy, that while the latter remained in the possession of the enemy, they would be able to seize a favorable moment and capture any garrison he could establish without much difficulty. He determined, how ever, to leave a part of the squadron at the mouth of the river, to cut off the communication between York and Mackinaw during the present season. As the garrison of IN THE AVESTERN COUNTRY 469 Mackinaw were already short of provisions, and their ex pected supply in the Nancy Avas now destroyed, it Avas not doubted but that a blockade of the pass through Avhich their supplies must be brought, until its navigation Avas closed by the winter season, would certainly produce the evacuation or surrender of Alackinaw. Lieutenant Turner was therefore left at this place with tAvo of the smaller vessels, and with instructions to keep up a rigid blockade of the river, not suffering a boat nor canoe to pass, until the inclemency of the season should render it unsafe to remain any longer. Trees were felled into the river to interrupt its navigation ; and the lieutenant was cautioned to watch the coast for some distance on both sides, and to guard particularly against a surprise. The troops being again embarked, the fleet sailed doAvn the lake for Fort Gratiot; but it was overtaken by a heavy, gale, by which it was greatly endangered. All the boats, including the commodore's launch, and the new gun boat lately taken from the enemy, Avere entirely lost; and the Niagara with 450 men on board was for several hours in the most imminent danger. The commodore was compelled to throw some of his guns overboard, and at last was saved by a sudden change of the wind. "There is nothing," says Commodore Sinclair, "like an chorage in Lake Huron, except in the mouths of rivers, the whole coast being a steep perpendicular rock. In this extremely dangerous navigation, entirely unknown to our pilots except direct to AlackinaAV I have several times been in danger of total loss, by suddenly falling from no sound ing into three fathom water, and tAvice into less over a craggy rock. Those dangers might be avoided from the transparency of the water, were it not for the continued thick fogs, which prevail almost as constantly as on the Grand Bank." 470 HISTORY OF THE LATE WAR On the 21st of August they reached Fort Gratiot, and In two days more arrived at Detroit. Without any un necessary delay at that place, Commodore Sinclair pro ceeded to Erie, and thence sent several of his vessels to Buffalo, to render any assistance whicli might be practic able to the army of General Brown at that time besieging Fort Erie. Lieutenant Turner continued to blockade the mouth of the river agreeably to his instructions, for a week or more after the departure of the fleet and then made several excursions in one of his vessels, as he had been authorized to do, among the islands along the northwest coast of the lake. Lieutenant AVorsley and the crew of the Nancy, about twenty in number, after their escape from the block house, had fortunately found a boat on the lake shore, probably one of ours w7hich had been lost in the storm, in which they crossed the lake in safety to Alackinaw. Colonel M'Dowell in the mean time had closely Avatched the movements of the fleet under Commodore Sinclair, and Avas wTell apprised of the situation and objects of the de tachment under Turner. On the arrival of Worsley at Alackinaw, an expedition Avas therefore immediately plan ned, and the execution entrusted to him, for the capture of that detachment. To open the communication with York immediately, was an object of so much importance, that the most intrepid and hazardous exertions would be made to effect it. Lieutenant AVorsley with his marines and sixty or seventy men from the Newfoundland regiment, accordingly embarked at Alackinaw on the first of Septem ber, in four batteaux each commanded by a lieutenant. Haying received information, that one of our vessels, the Tigress, was then lying off St. Josephs, near a place called the Detour, he steered directly for that place and arrived near it on the evening of the third. A reconnoiter- IN THE AVESTERN COUNTRY 471 ing party was sent in advance, by which the precise situa tion of the Tigress was ascertained. The night came on cloudy and dark, and about nine o'clock Lieutenant Wors ley brought up his batteaux against her with the utmost silence. Her commander, sailing master, Champlain, did not discover them until they had arrived within a few yards of his vessel. He then called all his men to their quarters, and for a considerable time repelled the attempts of the enemy to board, untU himself and all his officers being wounded, and his men greatly overpowered by numbers, he was compelled to give up the contest. The Tigress carried a twenty-four-pounder, and had thirty men on board. Three of her men were killed and several more wounded — the enemy had two killed and seven or eight wounded. Dick son, the celebrated emissary of the British among the Indians, was a volunteer under Worsley in this affair. Next day Lieutenant Worsley sailed down the lake in the Tigress to look for the Scorpion, the vessel in which Lieutenant Turner was embarked. The latter carried a long twelve in addition to her twenty-four-pounder; yet Worsley determined to risk an attack upon her in the Tig ress alone. Having described her on the evening of the fifth he came to anchor at a considerable distance from her without passing signals, it being then too late to make an attack before night, in which he did not wish to engage her. Early in the morning he got under way, and ran down along side of the Scorpion, when there were but four or five men on deck. As he came up close, he fired into her, and immediately boarded her, before the crew could get to their quarters, so as to make an efficient resistence. And thus Lieutenant Turner and his two gunboats fell an easy prey into the hands of the enemy, both being captured by surprise and without much fighting. In a few days Lieutenant Worsley arrived in triumph at Alackinaw, to 472 HISTORY OF THE LATE WAR the great joy of the allied forces of that place. To them it was an important victory, for it opened at once their com munication with York, and furnished them vessels for the safe transportation of supplies across the lake. The Brit ish also made it a very great affair on paper — when offi cially announced by Adjutant-General Baynes he stated that the captured vessels "had crews of three hundred men each." He only exaggerated 570 in stating the forces of tAvo gunboats — such is the roy7al contempt for truth, which is constantly observed in the British officials. In this in stance, hoAvever, the exaggeration Avas excusable ; for John Bull was in great need of something to raise his spirits, after the severe drubbings he had recently received on the Niagara frontier and at Plattsburg. And thus terminated the operations on the upper lakes \vith the results decidedly in favor of the enemy. Colonel Croghan and Commodore Sinclair, however, conducted the expedition, as far as it depended on them, with great pru dence, skill, and bravery, effecting every thing Avhich it was possible to effect with the forces under their command ; and had Lieutenant Turner managed the business on which he was left, with equal prudence and good fortune, the result of the whole would have been greatly in our favor ; for the communication -with Alackinaw being cut off, that post must have fallen in the winter, or early in the spring, for the want of adequate supplies. It is now time we should notice a treaty with the In dians, which Avas negotiated about the time Colonel Crog han sailed on his expedition from Detroit. Some time in June, the President constituted a com mission to treat with the northwestern Indians at Green ville; it consisted of General Harrison, Governor Shelby, and Colonel Johnson. The two latter declined the appoint ment and Generals Cass and Adair were nominated to sue- IN THE WESTERN COUNTRY 473 ceed them, but at a period too late for the latter to attend. The treaty was expected to commence on the twentieth of June ; and at that time the Indians began to assemble and continued to arrive until the first of July. The greater part of those tribes Avho had been engaged in the war, made their appearance at the council, or Avere amply rep resented by their deputies. A large portion of the Potawat amies, Winebagoes, and Chippewas, hoAvever, preferred to adhere to the British and continued hostile. The whole number present, men, women, and children, was about 4,000 — of whom not more than a fourth were warriors. The negotiation Avas opened early in July, and eventuated about the middle of that month, in a renewal of the treaty of Greenville, a treaty concluded at the same place with General Wayne in 1895; and an engagement on the part of the Indians, to take up the tomahawk against the Brit ish. To the latter condition two of the Miami chiefs ob jected. They were then reminded that at the commence ment of the Avar the American government had used its best endeavors to prevail upon them to remain neutral ; and as they had then refused to do so, and had joined the Brit ish, they could not now be indulged in an equivocal course. They at last agreed to engage on our side; and the treaty being signed, the assemblage broke up in a war dance. A considerable portion of the warriors were detained, tHl the pleasure of the war department was known, in relation to their employment in our service. Some of them Avere then carried to Detroit by Governor Cass, with a view to em ploy them against the enemy, should a suitable opportunity occur. The pacification thus confirmed at Greenville did not, however, entirely relieve us from Indian hostility, as we have already seen in detailing the occurrences of the ex pedition under Croghan. The savages residing to the 474 HISTORY OF THE LATE WAR northwest beyond Lakes Huron and Alichigan, and those still more westAvardly beyond the Illinois River who had not felt the force of our arms, and who were still accessible to the intrigues of the British from their posts on Lake Huron, continued to oppose us wherever they had an op portunity to strike. Even many of those residing within the Michigan territoiy, on the borders of Lakes Huron and Alichigan, also continued hostile. After their defeat on the Thames, a number of their chiefs had visited Quebec, where they received the most con ciliating treatment, and in return gave assurance in their speeches to the governor-general that the British might still rely on their friendship. Dickson was soon after- Avards sent up, loaded with presents for them, and in structed to carry7 his intrigues to the westward. He went to Mackinaw in the winter and thence among the western Indians about Prairie du Chien, from which place he brought reinforcements for the defense of Alackinaw in the spring. Governor Edwards being appraised that he was among the Indians in that quarter, Avas again exceedingly alarmed for the safety of his territory; but the British emissary once more disappointed him, and conducted his recruits to a more northern theatre. Early in the spring Governor Clarke, of the Alissouri territory, was instructed by the AATar Department, to as cend the Alississippi to Prairie du Chien and establish a garrison at that place. He left St. Louis about the first of Alay, and proceeded up the river in several armed boats with 200 men under Captains Yeiser and Sullivan and Lieutenant Perkins. He reached his destination without difficulty, all the Indians he met being friendly, or at least not disposed to engage him. Captain Drace, of the Brit1 ish service, had been posted at the village of Prairie du Chien with an inconsiderable corps, with which he fled on IN THE AVESTERN COUNTRY 475 the approach of Governor Clarke. The Indians, most dis posed to fight, had gone about a month before with Dick son to Alackinaw, and those Avho remained Avould not agree to fight for Drace. The inhabitants of the village, mostly French people, also fled from their homes, but were soon induced to return. Lieutenant Perkins with sixty regulars took possession of the house formerly occupied by the Brit ish Mackinaw company, and immediately began to build a fort, about 200 yards from the bank of the river, which was called Fort Shelby. As soon as the post was toler ably strengthened, Governor Clarke returned to St. Louis, leaving Captains Yeiser and Sullivan with a gunboat and armed barge and a creAV of 100 men to co-operate with Lieutenant Perkins in maintaining the post. Captain Sul livan's company in the barge, and a part of the crew be longing to the gunboat, Avere militia Avho had engaged only for sixty days. AArhen their time expired they re turned home in the barge, leaving about 100 men at the Prairie. No indications of hostility had yet appeared ; but early in July, Lieutenant Perkins was informed that prep arations for an attack Avere in progress among the In dians. As soon as the British at AlackinaAV received intelli gence, that Governor Clarke had occupied the post of Prairie du Chien, Colonel Al'Dowell determined to send an expedition against it. He Avas uncertain at that time, whether an attack would be made on his own post, and ven tured to detach Colonel M'Kay with twelve men, and some light pieces of artillery on this enterprise. They proceeded in boats by the way of Green Bay, and having dragged their watercraft and artillery across the portage to the Ouiscon- sin River, they embarked again and continued their voy age down that river for Fort Shelby. On their way they were able to engage upwards of a thousand Indians in the 476 HISTORY OF THE LATE WAR enterprise. AVith this force the colonel made his appear ance before the fort about the middle of July. Lieutenant Perkins had made every practicable arrangement for for midable resistance. Captain Yeiser had anchored the gun boat in the river opposite to the fort. As soon as Colonel M'Kay's forces had surrounded the fort, and he had planted his artillery in a situation to play upon the gunboat, he sent in a flag to demand a surrender. This was promptly refused by Lieutenant Perkins, Avho assured his adversary that he was prepared to defend himself to the last ex tremity. A general attack noAV commenced Avith the artillery and small arms, the former being directed at the gunboat, but at so great a distance that no execution was done. Having changed their position, they compelled Captain Yeiser to change his also, by going higher up the river, opposite tho upper end of the village. From a contiguous island which Avas thickly covered with timber, and from the houses of the village, the Indians noAV annoyed his crew in safety. Hence he was induced to retreat down the river, which he effected under a heavy fire on both sides for several miles. His loss, hoAvever, Avas very7 inconsiderable. Lieutenant Perkins Avas now left with sixty regulars to oppose the combined forces of the enemy, amounting at least to 1,200 men. A brisk fire Avas kept up on both sides, but with very little effect, as the garrisons were protected by their walls, and the enemy by the houses in the village. The British began to approach the fort by regular en trenchments, and in tAvo or three days had made very con siderable progress, having reached within 150 yards of the pickets. Ammunition by this time had also become very scarce in the garrison. Lieutenant Perkins was hence in duced to call a council of his officers to consult on their critical situation. Satisfied that it Avould be. impossible to IN THE AVESTERN COUNTRY 477 maintain the post much longer, a capitulation was advised under a belief that the chance to escape a massacre was better if they surrendered than it would be if they were captured. A flag was accordingly sent to Colonel AI'Kay, with whom the terms of capitulation were soon settled. He agreed that private property should be respected, that the Americans should be protected against the Indians, and that they should be sent dowrn the river to the nearest American post, not to serve till regularly exchanged. How ever incredible it may appear to our readers, we can as sure them that these terms were honorably fulfilled on the part of Colonel M'Kay. Though a British officer, and acting in concert as usual with a great body of Indians, yet he wonld not suffer them, however anxious they might be to murder a single prisoner, nor to maltreat them in any man ner. With a degree of firmness and humanity, which would have been honorable to a Kentuckian, he restrained the savages and fulfilled his engagements. AA'ith pleasure we record the solitary instance. After Governor Clarke had arrived at home, General Howard, who had just returned to St. Louis from a visit to Kentucky, thought it advisable to send up a reinforcement with supplies to the garrison at Fort Shelby. Lieutenant Campbell with forty-three regulars and sixty-six rangers under the command of two other subaltern officers, Avere accordingly embarked in three boats, with a fourth in com pany belonging to the contractor's department, and includ ing in the whole upwards of one hundred and thirty souls. When they had reached near the head of the rapids, and not expecting any hostility, were at a considerable distance apart, a furious attack was made by the Indians on the near boat under Lieutenant Campbell, which was then grounded on a lee shore. As soon as the others were appraised of the attack, they came down to her assistance and gallantly 478 HISTORY OF THE LATE AVAR defended themselves for several hours. But by this time five or six hundred savages had collected on the banks and concealed themselves behind trees and other objects from wliich they could fire at the boats in safety. The boat first attacked had also taken fire and was abandoned by her crew. Under these circumstances a retreat Avas com menced, after sustaining a loss in the whole of twelve killed and tAventy or thirty wounded. At the time of the battle, Captain Yeiser in the gunboat from Fort Shelby, had arrived at the head of the rapids where he met the contractor's boat still in adA7ance, and was fired on by the Indians while lying at anchor near the shore in consequence of an unfavorable Avind. The attack of the Indians induced him to haul off and anchor beyond the reach of their small arms, where he lay till the next morn ing. Having in the meantime ascertained the defeat of the other boats, he now proceeded down the river also, and ar rived soon after them at St. Louis. And thus terminated in defeat the expedition to Prairie du Chien, which was commenced Avith flattering prospects of success. It failed through the inadequacy of our resources and chiefly for the want of men — the great cause of all our failures in the war. Wherever the American forces had an equal chance, in point of numbers and equipment, the victory was al most invariably on their side. In a few instances, the for tune of the way was turned against us by the base coward ice or gross stupidity of an unworthy commander; but in general when the difficulty of bringing an adequate num ber of men into the field had been surmounted, heaven crowned the invincible bravery of the freeborn American and the justice of his cause with success. After the expedition of Prairie du Chien had failed, the Indians continued to commit depredations on the frontiers of our territories. Success encouraged and rendered them IN THE AVESTERN COUNTRY 479 insolent and daring. To keep them in check, several small expeditions were sent out against them, on the Missouri and Mississippi rivers, and several skirmishes were fought with them, in which a g^ood many lives were lost on both sides. It would be too tedious to enter into details — we, therefore, hasten to the mounted expedition, led into Upper Canada by General AI'Arthur in the fall of this year, with which the operations of the war in the northwest were fin ally closed. It being conclusively ascertained by the treaty of Greenville that the Potawatamies residing on the borders of Lake Alichigan had determined to adhere to the British, our government immediately resolved to send an expedition to chastise them into peace. The following order was there? fore issued to General AI'Arthur from the AVar Department on the second of August : "Sir: — The President has determined to carry an ex pedition of mounted men and friendly Indians against the Potawatamie tribe inhabiting the country on both sides of Lake Alichigan. It is his wish also, that you should take command of the expedition. AVith these views, you are authorized to raise a body of 1,000 mounted men, within the district noAV under your command. The auxili ary Indian force will be seen in the enclosed extract of a letter from Generals Harrison and Cass. Besides destroy ing the town and crops of this hostile tribe, it is desirable to establish a post and raise one or more blockhouses at such places near the mouth of St. Josephs as may be best calculated for covering during the winter, the whole or apart of the fleet under the command of Commodore Sin clair. — Armstrong." The latter part of the order was penned in the expecta tion that Colonel Croghan would succeed completely in his expedition on -Lake Huron. As soon as General AI'Arthur received the order, he called on the governors of Ohio and 480 HISTORY OF THE LATE WAR Kentucky to furnish 500 mounted men each to rendezvous at Urbana on the twentieth of September. It was the twentieth of August before the requisition was received by the governor of Kentucky, but such was the patriotism and zeal of that State that seven volunteer companies were raised and marched to the place of rendezvous in due time. Similar exertions were attended with equal success in the State of Ohio. Their destination was still left to conjec ture. In the meantime the failure of the expedition under Croghan was ascertained ; and General AI'Arthur then de termined to abandon that, which he was directed to lead against the Indians. An order for disbanding the volun teer militia was accordingly issued on the seventeenth of August. Those from Kentucky, however, forming a bat talion under the command of Alajor Peter Dudley, contin ued their march and reached Urbana on the twentieth, without having received the order; and on the same day General AI'Arthur received a dispatch from Governor Cass, at Detroit, informing him that the Indians had committed several murders in the vicinity of that place, and request ing assistance to chastise them. The general was induced by these occurrences to countermand his order for disband ing the volunteers, and sent expresses in different direc tions to recall the Ohio companies which had returned home. Many of them had dispersed, and having given up the idea of going, could not be induced to come forward again. A small battalion of three companies, and some fragments of companies, were all that appeared; so that the whole force collected did not exceed 640 men, of whom about tAvo-thirds wrere Kentuckians. In a few days the whole was properly organized and prepared to march. Major Charles S. Todd, assistant inspector general of the United States Army, accompanied the detachment as ad jutant general, and Captain William Bradford, of the 17th, IN THE WESTERN COUNTRY 4si as brigade major — both gallant young officers, zealously devoted to the cause of their country. On the 28th they arrived in the open plains above Upper Sandusky, where a portion of the day was spent by Major Todd and Adjutants Berry and Wood in training the troops. On the next day the detachment was left under Major Todd with orders to move down slowly below San dusky, occasionally training the men, while General M'Ar thur, Captain Bradford, and Doctor Turner visited old Take, the Wyandot sachem, to procure some of his war riors for the expedition. That venerable chief agreed that as many of his young men as could be mounted might join our standard, and seventy-four Shawanese, Delawares, Wyandots, etc., were accordingly equipped under their chiefs Lewis, Wolf, and Civil John. Some delay having taken place about Lower Sandusky for the purpose of resting the horses, etc., it was on the fifth of October before the detachment arrived at the river Kaisin. In the meantime, General M'Arthur had twice re ceived dispatches from Governor Cass informing him that the Indians continued to commit depredations and murders in the vicinity of Detroit. At the river Raisin the general was informed by some of the inhabitants that a body of 300 or 400 Potawatamies were assembled at an old trading house on the river Huron, about forty-five miles distant, near which it was said there was a village of that tribe. With a view to attack them and destroy the village the de tachment was marched up the river Raisin some distance and then conducted across the country to the place where the enemy was expected ; but there was no appearance at the old trading house, of any large number of Indians in that quarter ; and on searching up the river no village could be found. Some prisoners were captured, consisting chiefly of squaws, who contradicted the statements received at the 482 HISTORY OF THE LATE WAR river Raisin. The general then marched his men directly towards Detroit, at which place he arrived on the ninth of October. The critical situation of the army under General Brown at Fort Erie now induced General M'Arthur to change his. destination and march towards Burlington Heights at the head of Lake Ontario, with a view to form a junction in his favor, by destroying the mills in the neighborhood of Grand River, from which General Drummond drew the principal support of his troops. To accomplish such an enterprise, secrecy and despatch were required ; but before it could be commenced, it was necessary to refresh the horses by a few days rest. In the meantime, to prevent in telligence of the intended movement from being conveyed to the British by traitorous citizens of Detroit, and to pre vent even the apprehension of such an enterprise from be ing excited in the enemy, the real object was concealed and a report was circulated as a secret, that an expedition was to be carried against an Indian village on the Saganaw River, which empties into Lake Huron on the southward side, about 120 miles above Detroit, In a general order the troops were entreated "to take special care of their horses, and to prepare for a short, rapid, and it is believed a brilliant expedition — one which may be attended with some danger, and may require all their fortitude to produce a successful issue." On the twenty-second, the preparations for the enter prise were deemed sufficient, and on that day five pieces of artillery were sent up the river in boats, under the pre tense that they were intended to batter a fortification which the Indians had erected on the Saganaw River. The Kentucky battalion also marched up the west side of the river Detroit, and on the next day was followed by the other, under the command of Captain Al'Cormick of IN THE AVESTERN COUNTRY 483 the rangers, who had joined the expedition with his com pany and a few Alichigan volunteers. The whole force was now estimated at 720 men. On the twenty-sixth, after encountering many difficulties in crossing swamps, rivers, and arms of Lake St. Clair, the whole detachment arrived about six miles up the river St. Clair, where the general intended to cross into Canada and proceed direct on his enterprise. The object of the expedition was now explained to the troops, together Avith the necessity of taking this route, to prevent intelligence of their march from being sent to the enemy by their friends in Detroit and Sandwich. The boats with the artillery having ar rived, the troops proceeded to cross the strait, which was completed next morning; and on the same day they marched up to the Belldoon settlement, on the north side of Bear Creek. This settlement is a little colony of sev enty-five Scotch families, which was planted here in 1806 by Lord Selkirk. They were supplied with horses and a stock of merino sheep which rapidly increased, while the people and horses were gradually diminishing. The boats having ascended Bear Creek, and set the troops across it at this place were now dismissed and returned home with the artillery, one only being retained to carry the am munition up the creek; and that one was unfortunately lost on the following day. The detachment now marched rapidly on their way towards the Moravian town, Delaware, etc., through which they intended to pass. Above the Moravian town the front guard fortunately captured a British sergeant, who was proceeding with intelligence of the expedition directly to Burlington Heights. A detachment of the rangers was then sent forward under Lieutenant Ray- burn, to get in the rear of Delaware and guard every to prevent intelligence from being sent forward from 484 HISTORY OF THE LATE WAR that place; which he effectually accomplished. When the troops reached the lower end of the DelaAvare settlement, where it became necessary to cross the Thames to the north side, they Avere detained a considerable portion of two days in effecting its passage, which they accom plished Avith great difficulty in consequence of its being raised by late rains. On the fourth of November, the detachment entered the village of Oxford, very much to the astonishment of the inhabitants, Avho had received no credible information of its approach. The general promised the inhabitants protection, and paroled the militia of the place after hav ing disarmed them. He threatened destruction, however, to the property of any person Avho should send forward intelligence of his advance. But two militia men, who had been paroled, were not to be deterred in this Avay from carrying the news to Burford, where a body of the militia had collected and Avere constructing a breastwork. The escape of those felloAvs from Oxford being ascer tained, their property was instantly destroyed agreeably to promise. On the fifth the troops proceeded to Bur- ford, from Avhich the militia fled precipitately a few hours before their arrival, spreading consternation through the country. The inhabitants believed that General AI'Ar thur had a force of 2,000 men, at least ; for they could not conceive that he would dare to venture so far into their country with less than that number. The general had information that a body of militia Avere collecting to oppose him at Malcolm's Mill, about twelve miles from Burford ; but he determined to push ¦ on for Burlington without paying any attention to them, i When he arrived near the crossing of Grand River withi these views, he was informed that a force of some Indians, i militia, and dragoons, were posted on the opposite heights ;. IN THE WESTERN COUNTRY 485 to contest the passage of the river; and as soon as the advance of the rangers entered the open ground on the bank of that stream, the enemy began to fire upon them from the opposite side. Some of our men crept up be hind the ferry house and returned the fire with so much effect that the Indians were compelled to fall back. Dur ing the skirmish General M'Arthur was consulting what course should be taken, when a prisoner was fortunately captured from whom he ascertained that Alajor Muir had crossed the river that morning on his way from Kentucky to join the British army, having recently been exchanged and sent home after his capture on the Thames ; and that a large body of Indians Avith some regulars and three pieces of artillery were stationed at a very dangerous de file on the road to Burlington, and but a few miles from the river. The distance to Burlington was twenty-five miles. This information combined with the difficulty of crossing the river, determined the general to turn down the Long Point road for the purpose of attacking the militia at Malcolm's Mill. The project of joining Gen eral Brown was now obviously visionary, and was left entirely out of his calculations. A plan was conceived to mask his design from the enemy at Grand River. Only a few of his troops had come up so close to the river as to be seen from the opposite side ; the balance remained con cealed by the woods in the rear. Captain Wickliffe was therefore directed to remain on the ground with 100 men, and to make as great a show of encamping as possible, while the main body Avas secretly marched off towards Malcolm's mill, in which direction he was to pursue them, after remaining two hours at Grand River. This manoeu vre had the desired effect. A party of the men left on the ground kept up a galling and efficient fire on the In dians from the ferry house, while the other pretended to 486 HISTORY OF THE LATE WAR be forming an encampment, by which means the enemy were kept from pursuing and harrassing the main body. General M'Arthur arrived in sight of the enemy near Malcolm's Mill about four o'clock in the evening. They Avere about 550 strong; under the command of Colonels Ryason and Bostwick; and were well posted in a forti fied camp on a hill, before which there was a deep and rapid creek about 120 yards from their breastwork. The mill pond effectually secured their left, and in front the only chance to cross was on the frame of a narrow bridge from which the planks had been torn. From two prison ers, who had been taken, the force of the enemy Avas ascer tained, together Avith the practicability of fording the creek some distance below. The detachment was now dismounted, and their horses placed in the rear under the protection of a guard. The general determined to cross the creek below with the Ohio battalion, surround the camp of the enemy, and attack it in the rear; while Major Dudley crossed with the Kentuckians on the bridge and attacked it in front at the same moment. The Ohio battalion was accordingly marched off by the rear, un discovered by the enemy, and taking a circuit through the Avoods arrived at the creek, where it still appeared too deep to be forded. General AI'Arthur being at the head of the line on foot, immediately plunged into the water, which in a few steps came up to his shoulders, and con vinced him that his men could not cross there and keep their ammunition dry. Further down a pile of driftwood Avas discovered, Avhich reached quite across the stream, and on that the battalion soon crossed in safety. In a few minutes more the rear of the enemy was gained, where he had but slightly fortified his camp. Our In dians had crossed with the general and as soon as they came in sight of the enemy they raised their usual hideous IN THE WESTERN COUNTRY 487 yell which produced such a panic in the Canadians that the whole of them fled in confusion at the first fire. On hearing the approach of our troops in the rear, the Ken tuckians crossed the bridge with the utmost expedition to attack the enemy in front; but before this could be ef fected and the breastwork gained, there was no enemy to be seen. General M'Arthur pursued them, and captured a considerable number, but their escape wras favored by the approach of the night. Their total loss was one cap tain and seventeen privates killed and nine privates wounded who were taken — three captains, five subalterns, and 123 privates taken prisoners. General AI'Arthur lost one killed and six wounded. The detachment recrossed the creek and encamped near it for the night, taking care to place out strong pick ets. The wounded of the enemy were brought to camp and well attended by our surgeons. In the morning Cap tain Murray was sent two mHes back to burn a mill which he promptly accomplished ; and Malcolm's Mill being set on fire the march was commenced at eight o'clock in pur suit of the enemy towards Dover. At Savareen's Mill, sixty-five of the militia, Avho had again collected after their dispersion last night, surrendered themselves and were paroled. All their arms were destroyed and the mill burnt. In the evening the detachment encamped in the neighborhood of Dover, having captured and paroled thirty more of the militia, and burnt two other merchant mills, which were employed in manufacturing flour for the army under Drummond. The detachment had drawn no flour until this day since they left Beldoon. Authentic information was now received that General Izard had abandoned Fort Erie and retired to Buffalo. The situation of the detachment had become extremely critical. It was now 225 miles within the enemy's coun- 488 HISTORY OF THE LATE WAR try, and was entirely destitute of provisions for the men and forage for the horses. It might also be expected that the enemy Avould make the most vigorous exertions to ef fect its destruction. Such circumstances were calculated to dampen the ardor of the most undaunted spirits ; but the volunteers under M'Arthur were possessed of too much firmness and enterprise to be discouraged by common difficulties and dangers. A retrogade movement was now made, leaving Dover a short distance on the left, and keeping parallel with the shore of Lake Erie. The coun try was barren and destitute of resources. A few sheep furnished a scanty subsistence for the troops. A journey of eighteen miles Avas performed this day from the en campment near Dover. In the meantime the enemy was in pursuit, and this night a regiment of 1,100 regulars encamped on the ground Avhich was occupied last night by the mounted volunteers. The pursuit, however, was continued no further. On the twelfth, the troops arrived, after a fatiguing march through the settlements of the enemy and a por tion of wilderness at the river Thames opposite an old Indian village called Muncey town, where rafts were con structed and the sick placed upon them in the care of the Indians. The march was again resumed, and on the seven teenth, the troops reached Sandwich, where they were honorably discharged on the eighteenth and returned home. And thus terminated an expedition which Avas not surpassed during the war in the boldness of its design, and the address with which it was conducted. It was at tended Avith the loss of one man only on our part, while that of the enemy Avas considerable in men, as Avell as in the injury done to its resources. It was Avith great diffi culty that General Drummond could subsist his troops IN THE AVESTERN COUNTRY 489 with the aid of all the mills in his vicinity; and Avithout them, his difficulties must have been greatly increased. General AI'Arthur who conceived and conducted the expedition, displayed great bravery and military skill. No one could have managed his resources Avith more pru dence and effect. His officers and men were also entitled to the praises and gratitude of the country, for their firmness in danger and the cheerfulness and fortitude with which they obeyed his orders and endured the great est hardships. Major Todd Avas particularly distinguished. "I have the support of all the troops", says General M'Arthur, "in assuring you that to the military talents, activity, and intelligence of Major Todd, who acted as my adjutant general, much of the fortunate progress and is sue of the expedition is attributable; and I cheerfuHy embrace this occasion to acknowledge the important serv ices which he has at all times rendered me Avhilst in com mand of the district. His various merits justly entitle him to the notice of the government. — AI'Arthur." Major Dudley and Captain Bradford were also highly commended by the general for their zeal, activity, and intel ligence; together with most of the other officers who served on the expedition. CHAPTER XI. THE WAR WITH THE CREEK INDIANS IN THE SOUTH. Having brought our detail of the operations in the northwest to a conclusion, we propose in the last place to give some account of those transactions in the southwest, in which the militia from the States of Tennessee and Kentucky were chiefly concerned. We have seen in the early part of this history, that the intrigues of the British before the war Avere not con fined to the northwestern Indians alone, but were also extended to those residing south of Tennessee and west of Georgia in the Mississippi territory and the Floridas. When the battle of Tippecanoe was fought, Tecumseh was absent from his own country on a journey of intrigue among the southern Indians, for the purpose of engaging them in the British interest. It is probable that but few of the British agents in Canada were so enterprising as to traverse our extensive frontier from the northern lakes to the Mexican gulf in person; but they did not fail for many years before the war, and during its whole continu ance, to keep up a constant intercourse from the north west with the Creeks and other nations in the south, through the medium of the most active and influential chiefs in their employment. These intrigues, however, were attended with but very partial success. The Chicka- saws, Cherokees, and Choctaws remained friendly through the whole war; and only a few individuals the most abandoned and vicious of the Creek nation could be in- 491 492 HISTORY OF THE LATE WAR duced at an early period to take up the tomabaAvk against us. In the spring of 1812, a party of five Creeks attacked and massacred two families in the frontier settlements near the Tennessee River, and made their escape un molested. Several other depredations were also com mitted in all the southern country during the same sea son by other lawless renegadoes of the same nation; and much apprehension Avas felt by our people, lest these mur ders and barbarities by scattering and inconsiderable par ties, should be the prelude to general hostilities ; and prep arations to meet such an event and avenge our wrongs were anxiously desired. The continuance of the evil at last excited the utmost indignation in the people of Ten nessee, and their legislature in the month of October had under consideration a preamble and resolutions on this subject, from which the following are extracted: "Resolved, That the governor of this State be directed to order into service on the frontiers, 10,000 of the militia of this State, that is, 5,000 on the frontier of West, and 5,000 on the frontier of East Tennessee, for the purpose of preventing a repetition of those horrid scenes of sav age barbarity; and to punish Avith death the savage foe Avho dare make the attempt. "Resolved, That the governor be directed to send a messenger to the Creek nation forthwith, and demand a prompt surrender of all the murderers of the citizens of Tennessee; and if not delivered within twenty days after the return of said messenger, to order out a sufficient force to exterminate the Creek nation." It was not deemed necessary, however, to carry these exterminating resolutions into effect. About the time they were under consideration a grand national council was held by the Creeks in Avhich nearly all their tribes IN THE AVESTERN COUNTRY 493 were amply represented. It terminated in a resolution to punish those who had committed hostilities upon us, to gether with an address of the most pacific character to Colonel Hawkins, the agent for the United States in the Creek nation. A considerable number of the murderers accordingly suffered for their crimes, some of them being executed and others punished in different ways. About the same time also an expedition upon a small scale- was conducted by Colonel Newman, of Georgia, against some of the Seminole Indians residing further to the south, who were not considered by the Creeks as an intimate part of their nation. The colonel was successful in his enter prise, having beaten the enemy in several skirmishes in which they lost about fifty of their warriors. It was the opinion of Colonel Hawkins, and also of General Hamp ton, who passed through the Creek country during these transactions, that we might now safely rely on the peace ful conduct and friendship of all the Creeks with the ex ception of the Seminoles. Late in the fall, a detachment of 1,500 militia in fantry and 600 mounted volunteers were marched from West Tennessee, by order of the War Department, for the defense of the lower country. The foot troops de scended the river in boats under the immediate command of Major-General Andrew Jackson,, of the Tennessee mili tia, whilst the mounted men under Colonel Coffee marched by and to Natchez, where both parties arrived and formed a junction early in February, 1813. In the latter part of the following month, they commenced their march home again, no occasion for their services having occurred in that quarter. Another small detachment of Tennessee volunteers in the meantime had marched under Colonel Williams, of East Tennessee, in search of adventures on the frontiers of Georgia. This party was 200 strong, and 494 HISTORY OF THE LATE WAR marched early in December from Knoxville. Having reached St. Marys and formed a junction with a corps of 200 mounted men in that place under Colonel Smith, the whole marched in February against the nearest towns of the Seminole Indians, Avho still continued hostile. Their expedition was completely successful. In three suc cessive battles the enemy were defeated with the loss of thirty-eight warriors killed and a considerable number in wounded and prisoners. The houses of their toAvns were burnt, all their corn was destroyed, and about 400 horses with an equal number of cattle were brought away; nor did the detachment leave their country as long as an enemy could be found or any property remained which could be useful to reinstate their shattered fortunes. The Spanish provinces of East and West Florida hav ing for some years past been in a revolutionary insurrec tional state; and the government of Spain being unable from its embarrassments in Europe to maintain its au thority over them; the American government now deter mined to occupy the toAvn of Alobile, to which it had ac quired a title by the purchase of Louisiana, but which still remained in the possession of the Spanish authori ties. On the same grounds, that part of West Florida which lies on the Alississippi River and Lake Pontchar- train had already been taken, and incorporated with the State of Louisiana. To seize upon the balance of our rightful property by force had now become a necessary measure of precaution, lest that important place should fall into the hands of the British. Accordingly General Wilkinson, Avho still commanded at New Orleans, was ordered about the first of AIarch, 1813, to wrest Mobile from the Spanish garrison at that place, unless its com mandant should voluntarily surrender it to us. Prepara tions were immediately made for an expedition against IN THE WESTERN COUNTRY 495 it, which was carried into execution with so much ad dress that the fort was invested about the middle of April, before the Spanish commandant had received any intimation of our approach. The general had taken with him a detachment of troops from New Orleans in our flotilla under Commodore Shaw and on the Bay of Mobile had formed a junction with another detachment under Lieutenant Colonel Bowyer from Fort Stoddart. With these he intended to take measures for reducing the fort, while Commodore Shaw was to prevent with his gun boats the approach of reinforcements by water from Pensacola. A1 summons to evacuate the place was immediately sent to the Spanish commandant with which he thought it most prudent to comply. About the same time a small Span ish garrison was driven from the Perdido by Colonel Car son which placed the most eastern extremity of the pur chased territory in our possession. It would doubtless have been good policy on the part of the American government, and it would certainly have been a justifiable course, to have seized and occupied the whole of the Floridas during the war; for as the Britsh were closely allied with the Spaniards, for whom they were then fighting against the French on the Spanish peninsula, the officers of Spain in the Floridas very ami cably afforded every assistance in their power to our enemies. In many instances they departed in the most flagrant manner from the character of a friendly neutral, even going so far as to embody their militia to fight with the enemy against us. But that of which we had most to complain was their instrumentality in exciting the Creek Indians to hostility. Although the British agents in Up per Canada were unable, through the medium of the northwestern Indians to excite those of the south to take up the tomahawk ; yet the Spaniards in the Floridas, co- 496 HISTORY OF THE LATE WAR operating with the British agents in that quarter, were able at last to bring nearly the whole of the powerful Creek nation into the field against us. Whenever the British and Spaniards began to enforce their intrigues, by presents of arms and ammunition, and such articles of merchandise as either pleased the fancy, or gratified the wants of the savage, they soon became successful. Finding from their experience in the early part of the war that this would be the only effectual course with the southern Indians, they did not hesitate long in resorting to it. Had there been no other inducement, the mere gratification of that savage ferocity, which is such a con spicuous feature in the character of the modern British, would have impelled them to adopt it. The gold of that degenerate people is now always lavished freely, as the price of innocent blood. But by employing the Creek In dians, they doubtless expected also to derive much bene fit from drawing our troops and resources into the wilder ness, and producing a diversion in favor of any expedi tion, which might be attempted against the southern sec tion of the Union. At the very time of Wilkinson's expedition to occupy Alobile, the Spanish governor was intriguing with the In dians and proffering them supplies for engaging in the Avar with the British. A considerable number of Semi- noles and chiefs of the Creek nation were collected at Pensacola in April for the avowed purpose of receiving arms from the Spanish authority; but the governor being anxious to extend his influence over a greater number and to effect a more formidable combination, informed them that he had been instructed to arm the whole nation, and could not therefore supply those who were present until a majority of the nation could be induced to join them. The chiefs were then immediately despatched to the dif- IN THE AVESTERN COUNTRY 497 ferent toAvns with the instructions to hold councils with the other chiefs and warriors on this subject, and to in duce them if possible to accept the proffered bribe, which was at once the price and the means of committing bar barities on the American people. The emissaries were but too successful. A large proportion of the Creeks agreed to accept the tempting boon, and were accordingly supplied as speedily as practicable with arms and am munition from the British stores at Pensacola. A very powerful minority, however, still continued friendly to the United States and refused to have any participation with the British and their partizans. This led, in the present season, to a civil war in the Creek nation, and no doubt delayed the perpetration of barbarities on the American frontiers, for which they were noAV effectually excited by the British and Spaniards. Having Avitnessed the powerful effects of fanaticism on the northwestern Indians under the management of that miserable vagabond, the Wabash Prophet, the Brit ish agents from Canada had already been careful to in spire some of the Creek worthies with prophetic and mira culous powers. These prophets were now the leaders of the war party, being the most active and influential par tizans of the British ; while those chiefs who had been the most active in procuring the punishment of the renega- does, who had murdered the American citizens were at the head of the party which was for peace in the nation and friendship with the United States. Colonel Hawkins, our agent, in conjunction Avith these chiefs, made every effort in their poAver for the preservation of peace; but a it was all in vain ; the most ferocious of the nation had accepted the British price and the implements for shed ding the blood of their best friends ; and nothing but the carnage of a bloody war could now satiate their fury. Skir- 498 HISTORY OF THE LATE WAR mishes and murders ensued among themselves; and the friendly party, which was much the weakest, implored the aid of the American arms to protect them and subdue their opponents. "If we are destroyed," said their chiefs to Colonel Hawkins, "before you aid us, you will then have the work to do yourselves, which will be bloody and attended with difficulties, as you do not know as well as we do the SAvamps and hiding places of those hatchers of mischief." The information given and the requests made by the friendly chiefs Avere not disregarded by the American peo ple. As soon as the proper authorities in the neighbor ing states and territories, and the government of the Union Avere apprised of the advancing hostility, prepara tions Avere made to meet the storm, and if possible to al lay it before it had burst on our defenseless frontiers. But sufficient time was not left to perfect our arrange ments and march to their towns before the dreadful havoc had commenced in the settlements of the Mobile country. The settlers in that quarter, well apprised of the Brit ish and Spanish intrigues, and of the supplies which the Indians had received from Pensacola, as well as of the progress of public sentiments and of hostile movements in the Creek nation had prepared themselves for the storm by collecting together and establishing temporary forts for their protection, according to the long estab lished custom of our people on every frontier exposed to savage incursions. Not less than twenty of those forts had been erected in the settlements above Fort Staddart, on the Tombigby and Alabama rivers. But from their number, many of them were necessarily weak; and the s people in the latter part of the summer had so long ex pected an incursion into their settlements, that they began to be less apprehensive and vigilant; nor were they to be IN THE AVESTERN COUNTRY 499 roused from this apathy by the most definite intelligence of approaching danger. About the twentieth of August, 1813, the Choctaw In dians brought information to the forts that within ten days, attacks would be made by three separate parties of Creek Indians on Fort Mims in the Tensaw settle ment which lies on the east side of the Alabama, nearly opposite to Fort Stoddart; on the forts situated in the forks between the Tombigby and Alabama rivers ; and on the forts situated more immediately on the Tombigby. Fort Mims, however, in which there Avas a great number of people, and a large amount of property collected, ap pears to have been the primary object of attack. It con tained about twenty-four families and upwards of 130 volunteer militia of the Mississippi territory under the command of Major Beasley — making altogether about 400 souls, including nearly 100 negroes and some half-breed Indians. Notwithstanding the intelligence communicated by the Choctaws, and the frequent discovery of Indians, in the neighborhood of the fort a few days before the at tack by negroes who were sent out on business; yet an unpardonable and most unaccountable degree of negli gence prevailed in the garrison. The commanding officer disbelieved the reports of the negroes and probably had but little faith in the information given by the Choctaws. To his incredulity and supineness must the success of the enemy be chiefly attributed. On Monday morning about eleven o'clock, the enemy had approached in a body through an open field within thirty paces of the gate, which Avas standing wide open before they were discovered by the garrison. A sentry then gave the alarm and the Indians raising their hideous warwhoop rushed in at the gate without opposition. 3r Beasley was near the place of entrance and was im- 500 HISTORY OF THE LATE WAR mediately shot through the body. He Avas still able, hoAV- ever, to give orders to his men to retire into the houses and secure their ammunition and then retired himself and either died of his Avound or was destroyed in the de vastation, which ultimately7 closed the scene. By enter ing the gate the enemy had not completely gained the in terior of the fort. Its limits had lately been extended by- erecting a neAv line of pickets on one side about fifty feet in advance of the old one Avhich Avas still standing with the former gate-Avay through it unclosed. By entering the gate the Indians got possession only of the outer court, enclosed by the neAv pickets, and then fired through the gateway and port holes of the old pickets on our people Avho held possession of the interior. On the other sides of the fort the A7olunteers held the port holes and fired on the Indians who still remained on the outside. In this manner a fierce and bloody contest Avas maintained for several hours. The enemy in the meantime gained the summit of a blockhouse at one corner, but our troops suc ceeded in dislodging them before they could effect any thing important. At last, hoAvever, they succeeded in fir ing a house Avhich stood near the pickets, and from that the flames were successively communicated to the other buildings in the fort. Despair now seized on the stout est hearts; destruction by the tomabaAvk or the flames seemed ineAdtable ; the only possible escape lay in the pro ject of cutting an opening through the pickets, rushing through the ranks of the enemy and securing safety by celerity of flight. This hopeless project Avas accordingly undertaken by the remains of the garrison and was exe cuted with so much gallantry and vigor that upwards of twenty succeeded in saving their lives. The rest of the people in the fort all perished by the flames and the toma hawk, except a feAv of the negroes and half-breed Indians. IN THE AVESTERN COUNTRY 501 Most of the women and children had taken refuge in the upper story of the principle dwelling house Avhere they were consumed in the conflagration to the great joy of the savage spectators. The whole number of persons de stroyed was considerably upAvards of 300. The force of the enemy was not less than five, and was probably as high as 700. It has rarely happened, hoAV- ever, in the annals of savage warfare, that a force of that superiority has succeeded in capturing any fort, where the works and the garrison had only a tolerable degree of strength and perseverance. The advantages, gained by the surprise at the onset no doubt contributed essentially to their success; yet Avith all those advantages in their favor it required a degree of bravery and perseverance to succeed, which have rarely been displayed by savages in any similar attack. They fought closely and desperately for about four hours and sustained a loss it is believed of nearly 200 warriors. Such conduct could proceed only from their inordinate thirst for British presents, a fur ious fanaticism excited by their prophets, and a sanguine hope of success inspired by the surprise they effected at the commencement of the attack. After the fall of the fort, they roamed through the settlement, destroying the houses and farms and carrying off all the movable prop erty of the inhabitants to Avhich their means of transpor tation Avere competent. In the meantime the preparations for marching into the Creek country were actively progressing in the states of Georgia and Tennessee. From the former the confines of the enemy were entered, about the middle of September, by an army upwards of 3,000 strong consisting chiefly of militia infantry under the command of General Floyd; from the latter an army still stronger, and chiefly com posed of volunteers, soon afterwards entered their couri- 502 HISTORY OF THE LATE AVAR try in two divisions, one from AYest Tennessee under Alajor General Jackson, and the other from East Ten nessee under Alajor-General John Cocke. The legislature of Tennessee was in session when the ne\vs of the mas sacre at Fort Alims reached that State; and a laAV Avas immediately passed authorizing the governor to detach a corps of 3,500 men for the Creek campaign in addition to those Avho had been detached under the authority of the general government. It was thus that so large a force Avas sent into the field from that patriotic State. Meas ures Avere also taken in the Alississippi territory after the massacre at Fort Mims to assemble a more formidable force in the Alobile country; and about 1,500 men were accordingly collected at Fort Stoddart as speedily as prac ticable, consisting chiefly of the local militia and t\vo regiments of volunteers from other parts of the territory — all under the command of Brigadier General Flournoy of the U. S. army. The Choctaw Indians also declared Avar against the Creeks and tendered their services to co-operate Avith us in the commencing campaign. Early in November General Jackson had arrived and encamped with his army at a place called the Ten Is lands, on the Coosa River. Here he despatched General Coffee with 900 men from his brigade of cavalry and mounted riflemen to destroy the Tallushatche towns about eight miles distant at which place he had ascertained there was a collection of hostile Creeks. On the morning of the third of November, General Coffee arrived within a mile and a half of the principal town where the enemy were posted and divided his command into tAvo columns, the right being cavalry under Colonel Allcorn, and the left mounted riflemen under Colonel Cannon. The for mer was ordered to cross a creek which ran before them and to march up on the right of the town so as to en- IN THE WESTERN COUNTRY 503 circle it on that side ; while the latter Avas to perform a similar movement on the left until the heads of the col umns had joined on the opposite side of the town which would thus be completely enclosed within our lines. This plan was executed correctly, each column keeping at such a distance from the town, which was situated in the woods, as not to be immediately discovered by the enemy. However, the Indians soon ascertained that our troops were approaching, and with drums beating and the war- whoop resounding prepared themselves for action; which was brought on in a few minutes by Captain Hammond, who had been sent within the circle of alignment to draw them from their houses. As soon as the Captain had shown his detachment near the town and had given the savages a distant fire, they rushed out against him in a furious manner. Retiring agreeably to the plan of battle adopted by the general, he soon led them out to the right column which gave them a general fire, charged upon them, and drove them back into their town. They now found themselves completely overpowered and cut off from the possibHity of retreat; yet they still bravely maintained the contest with desperate valor. "They made all the resistance that an overpowered soldier could do — they fought as long as one existed — but their destruction was very soon completed. Our men rushed up to the doors of their houses and in a few min utes killed the last warrior." They "met death with all its horrors, AAdthout shrinking — not one asked to be spared, but fought as long as they could stand or sit, In conse quence of their flying to their houses and mixing -with their families, our men in killing the males without in tention killed and wounded a few of the squaws and children, which was regretted by every officer and soldier of the detachment, but which could not be avoided.— Coffee." 504 HISTORY OF THE LATE AVAR It was believed that not one Avho was in the town es caped to carry the news of their signal defeat to their friends in other places. The whole number killed and counted Avas 186 — but there Avas probably as many more killed and not found in the Aveeds as Avould make up the number of 200. The squaAvs and children captured amounted to eighty-four, many of Avhoni Avere wounded. The loss in General Coffee's detachment Avas five killed and forty-one Avounded, none of them mortally. The In dians fought a considerable part of the battle Avith the boAv and arrow, each Avarrior being provided with arms of that description Avhich he used after discharging his gun till a favorable opportunity for reloading occurred. This destruction at the Tallushatche toAvn was con sidered, and not without reason, as a retaliation for the massacre at Fort Alims. The result in this instance Avas more complete, however, and accompanied Avith much less barbarity in the execution than in the former case where the enemy triumphed. There is also this striking differ ence betAveen them, that at the Tallushatche the enemy compelled us to the unsparing carnage by the obstinacy and the manner of his resistance. No warrior was saved because none would accept life at our hands; but all the women and children were spared as far as it was practic able. Not so at Fort Alims — indiscriminate massacre and conflagration was there the universal doom. In five days after the affair of Tallushatche, the enemy received another signal chastisement from the hands of General Jackson. On the evening of the seventh, the general was informed by a friendly Indian, who Avas sent express from Talladega, a fortified establishment of our friends, about thirty miles below the camp at Ten Is lands, that a large collection of hostile Creeks were en camped near that place, and were momently expected to IN THE AVESTERN COUNTRY 505 attack and destroy it, The general immediately deter mined to march that night Avith all his disposable force and give them battle as quick as possible. ~ Leaving every thing in his camp Avhich could retard the rapidity of his march, he crossed the Coosa at Ten Islands and moved with such celerity that he Avas able to encamp in the night and give his men some rest and refreshment Avithin six miles of the fort Avhich he avus marching to relieve. Before day the march was again resumed, and about sun rise the army was Avithin half a mile of the hostile en campment. The order of battle Avas noAV formed; the in fantry Avere disposed in three lines, the militia on the left, and the volunteers on the right ; the cavalry formed the extreme wings, thrown forward in a curve, Avith instruc tions to keep the rear of their columns, or interior end of their lines, connected Avith the flanks of the infantry, with a view to encircle and destroy the Avhole force of the enemy. A corps of caA7alry Avas also held in reserve under Lieutenant Colonel Dyer. In this order the troops pro ceeded leisurely7 tOAvards the enemy, Avhile the advanced guard was pushed forAvard to engage them, and by re tiring to draAV them Avithin the wings of our army. The advance performed its duties in an excellent manner, en gaging the enemy very bravely, and giving them four or five destructive rounds before it began to retreat. This had the desired effect; the Indians no doubt believed, from the intrepidity of the attack, that the main part of our force was before them, and they pursued it with alacrity and vigor. The front line was nowT ordered to advance briskly and meet them; but a few companies of the militia in that line preferred the backAvard movement and began to retreat. The general to supply the vacancy immediately ordered the reserve to dismount and form in that line Avhich Avas executed Avith much promptitude and 506 HISTORY OF THE LATE WAR effect. The retiring companies, finding the progress of the enemy thus arrested, were emboldened to rally and return to the onset. The fire soon became general, along the whole of the front line, and the contiguous portions of the Avings. Our force, however, was too strong, and our fire too effectual for the contest to be long maintained by the savages; they soon began to retreat, though they found but little safety in such a measure. In their flight they were met at every turn and pursued in every direc tion. The right wing chased them with a most destruc tive fire to the mountains at the distance of three miles; and it was the opinion of the general that if he had not been compelled to dismount his reserve, scarcely one of the enemy could have escaped destruction. The victory, hoAvever, was very decisive; 290 bodies were counted, and no doubt many more were killed who were not dis covered. Our loss was fifteen killed and about the same number wounded. General Jackson noAV inarched back without delay to his camp at Ten Islands, lest the enemy should discover its weakness in his absence and destroy his baggage, which he had left entirely unprotected. At the time of march ing from that place, he had momently expected the arrival of a detachment under General White, from the division of East Tennessee commanded by Alajor-General Cocke. It was originally intended, that the two divisions from Tennessee should form a junction in the Creek country, and act together under the immediate direction of Gen eral Jackson ; and a detachment from the eastern division had arrived near the camp at Ten Islands with this view, and had apprised General Jackson of its approach. On the evening of the 7th, relying on its advance, the gen eral sent an express to inform its commandant, General White, of the intended movement, and to order him to IN THE WESTERN COUNTRY 507 come on by a forced march for the protection of the bag gage. This order was received ; but soon after it another arrived from General Cocke, ordering the detachment back to his headquarters. General White thought proper to obey the latter, and immediately sent an express to inform General Jackson of this determination. The object of General Cocke in recalling White w7as to send a detachment under that officer against the Hill- abee towns of the hostile Creeks. On the 11th of No vember, General White was accordingly detached on this enterprise, with a regiment of mounted infantry under the command of Colonel Burch, a battalion of cavalry un der Major Porter, and 300 Cherokee Indians commanded by Colonel Alorgan. He had to march upwards of 100 miles through a rough country, to reach the object of his des tination. On the way he passed three towns belonging to the hostile Creeks, which were now evacuated — two of them he burnt, and preserved the other in the expectation that it might be useful in the further operations of the army. Having arrived on the 17th, Avithin six miles of the Hilla- bee town, where there was an assemblage of the enemy, the detachment was halted and arrangement made for the attack. Colonel Burch, with a considerable portion of the troops dismounted, and accompanied by Colonel Morgan with the Cherokee Indians, was sent forward in the night, with instructions to surround the town before day, and as soon as the light appeared, to commence the attack upon it. The night, however, was so extremely dark, that this detachment did not reach the town before daylight; yet they succeeded so completely in surprising and surround ing it, that the whole assemblage it contained was killed and captured by the troops on foot alone, without losing a drop of blood on their part. About sixty warriors were killed; and 250 warriors, squaAVS, and children were cap- 508 HISTORY OF THE LATE AVAR tured. General AVhite arrived with the mounted reserve, in time to have decided or improved the victory, had the resistance or flight of the enemy rendered his co-operation necessary7. The troops subsisted themselves and their horses, on the supplies procured in the country of the en emy, during the greater part of this expedition, which lasted about two weeks. In the latter part of this month, a fourth victory was obtained over the Creeks, by the army of Georgia under the command of General Floyd. Having obtained infor mation, that a considerable force of the hostile Creeks Avere assembled at the tOAvn of Au-tos-see, on the south bank of the Talapoosa river, about twenty miles above its junction with the Coosa, General Floyd proceeded against them in the latter part of September, with a corps of 950 militia, and about 400 friendly Indians. He arrived on the 28th near the town, and the daAvn of the 29th, found his army arrayed in order of battle before the town, which Avas situated at the mouth of Caulebee creek. His plan had been, to surround the town completely, by extending his right to the creek above it, and his left to the river below it, while the friendly Indians occupied the opposite bank of the Talapoosa. For this purpose, the corps of Indians had been detached with instructions to cross the river above, and fall down so as to occupy the bank op posite the toAvn, Avhen the attack Avas made at daylight. But owing to the difficulty of crossing, and the coldness of the season, this part of the plan Avas not executed; and Avhen the day daAvned, another town was discovered about 500 yards below that which the army was prepared to at tack, which still further disconcerted the arrangements originally made. A portion of the troops were now de tached against the lower town, and the friendly Indians were sent over the creek, to prevent a retreat up the river. IN THE WESTERN COUNTRY 509 A vigorous attack Avas then made on the upper town, which was resisted with desperate bravery by its inhabitants. The deluded fanatics had been taught by tlieir prophets to be lieve, that Au-tos-see was a sacred spot, on Avhich no Avhite man could assail them without inevitable destruction. They were now soon convinced, however, by the fire of our artillery and the points of our bayonets, that their sacred houses, Avith the utmost bravery7 they could display in their defence, would be wholly unavailing. They accord ingly began to fly in every direction, where there was any prospect of escape. By nine o'clack they Avere completely driA'en from the plain, and both of their toAvns enveloped in flames. The exact amount of their killed Avas not as certained, but it was believed to be about 200. On our part there were eleven killed, and fifty-four Avounded — among the latter, General Floyd severely and his Adjutant- General Newman, slightly. As there were many other populous toAvns in this vicinity, which could send into the field a large number of warriors, General Floyd thought it most advisable to retire again to the Chatahoochee. After these signal defeats of the enemy in the month of September, the operations against the hostile Creeks experienced a temporary suspension. This was owing in a great measure, to the reduction of the Tennessee troops, by the citizens of that State returning home as their terms of service expired. The intrepid Jackson endeavored in vain to keep up a formidable force in the hostile country —his fellow -citizens who were Avith him in the field, wrould not volunteer the second time and join him in a winter campaign. He still, however, kept a sufficient force to gether to maintain his position and hold the barbarians in check, and exertions were soon made with success by the patriots of Tennessee, to reinforce him with new levies of volunteers. Before the middle of January, he was 510 HISTORY OF THE LATE WAR joined by a brigade of 800 mounted infantry, which en abled him again to commence active operations. But in the meantime an affair occurred in the Alobile country, and another with the army under Floyd, which it will be proper to notice in this place. About the middle of December, General Claiborne of the Alississippi volunteers, marched up the Alabama from Fort Claiborne, on an expedition against a new town, which had lately been built upwards of 100 miles above him on that river by Witherford, a chief who commanded at the massacre of Fort Alims. The force of General Claiborne was composed of regulars, volunteers, militia, and some Choctow Indians. Having arrived near the town, he prepared to attack it on the morning of the 23rd, with his troops divided into three columns. The enemy were apprised of his approach, and had chosen a position in advance of their town to give him battle. As our troops came in sight of their houses, they made a vigorous at tack on the right column, consisting of volunteers under the command of Colonel Carson. The centre was ordered to support the right, but before it could reach the point of action, the volunteers had gallantly driven the enemy from their position. Flying in every direction through the SAvamps and deep ravines, by which the town was en vironed, they soon completely eluded their pursuers, and gained the opposite side of the Alabama, where they had secreted their women and children on the first intelligence of our approach. They had left all their property however in the town, which contained about 200 houses — the whole was now committed to the flames. In the house of Wither- ford, a letter wras found, from the Spanish governor at Pensacola to the heroes of Fort Alims, in which they were congratulated on their success in destroying the fort, and assured that he had used his best endeavors to procure IN THE WESTERN COUNTRY 511 more arms and ammunition for them from the Havanna. The enemy left thirty killed. Our loss was one killed and six wounded. The Creeks in the eastern section of the Nation at last conceived themselves sufficiently strong to commence of fensive operations against the troops under General Floyd. On the 27th of January, a formidable attack was made before day on his camp, about fifty miles west of the Chatahoochee, by a large assemblage of warriors, they stole up near the sentinels, fired upon them, and then rushed furiously against the lines of the camp. In a few minutes the action became general on the front and flanks, which were closely pressed by the savages, who boldly approached within thirty paces of the artillery. They were unable, however, to make any serious impression, and were soon compelled, by the well directed fire of the artillery and riflemen, followed at daylight by a charge of the bayonet, to fly in every direction for safety. The cavalry pursued them, and destroyed many in their flight. Thirty-seven dead bodies were found, and a great number of wounded made their escape. General Floyd lost seventeen killed, and one hundred and thirty-two wounded. When General Jackson was joined by the new brigade of volunteers from Tennessee, he immediately prepared himself for an excursion against the enemy. The volun teers combined with the force which had remained in the field, the most efficient part of which Avas an artillery company, with a six pounder, and a company of officers commanded by General Coffee, who had remained in serv ice after their men had left them, amounted in the whole to 930 exclusive of Indians. The general had received intel ligence, that the hostile towns on the Tallapoosa, were col lecting their forces into one body, to make an attack on Port Armstrong, where the remains of the eastern divi- 512 HISTORY OF THE LATE AVAR sion Avere stationed ; and he now determined to anticipate them by inarching into their country, and giving them bat tle on their own ground. Having previously crossed the Coosa, he marched from the vicinity of Ten Islands on the 17th of January, 1814, and on the next day reached his old battle ground at Talladega, Avhere he Avas joined by a reinforcement of 300 Indians, chiefly of the friendly Creeks. Understanding that the enemy were concentrated, to the amount of 900, in a bend of the Tallapoosa, near a creek called Emucfau, he directed his march without de lay for that place. On the evening of the 21st, he arrived in the vicinity of Emucfau, and having discovered several Indian paths, that had lately been much travelled, from which he kneAV there must be a large force of the enemy in his neighborhood, he determined to encamp and recon noitre the country in the night. A strong position was selected, and an encampment formed in a hollow square, with every necessary arrangement to receive a night at tack. Spies were sent out, Avho returned about eleven o'clock in the night with information, that they had dis covered a large encampment of the enemy at the distance of three miles ; and that from their whooping and dancing they seemed to be apprised of our approach; and that in the opinion of an Indian spy, who saw them conveying aAvay their women and children, they intended either to attack our camp or make their escape before day. Pre pared either to receive an attack, or to commence an early pursuit if the enemy retreated, our men had noth ing to do but wait the result of their determination. Of this they were apprised about six o'clock in the morning, by a vigorous attack on the left flank. Our troops main tained their ground with much firmness, and effectually repelled the onset of the savages. General Coffee, the Ad jutant-General Colonel Sittler, and the Inspector-General IN THE WESTERN COUNTRY 513 Colonel Carroll, were particularly active in encouraging the men to the performance of their duties. The battle raged on the left ffkhk and left of the rear for half an hour, when the dawn of day enabled the general to prepare for a charge, which was gallantly led by General Coffee, and Colonels Carroll and Higgins. The enemy were com pletely routed at every point, and the friendly Indians having joined in pursuit, they were chased about two miles with great slaughter. The pursuit being over, General Coffee was detached with 400 men and the friendly Indians, to destroy the en campment of the enemy, unless he should find it so strong ly fortified, as to render it necessary to carry the six pounder against it. On examining its strength, he con cluded that the latter would be the most prudent course, and accordingly returned for that purpose. But he had been in camp a short time, when the enemy appeared in some force on the right flank, and began to fire on a party, who were looking for dead bodies, where some Indians had engaged them on guard in the night. General Coffee was immediately authorized at his request, to take 200 men and turn their left flank ; he Avas followed, however, by no more than fifty-four, chiefly officers of the dis banded volunteers. With these he bravely attacked the left of the enemy; and 200 of the friendly Indians were ordered, at the same time to assail them on their right. It Avas now discovered, however, that this attack was a feint on the part of the enemy, by which they designed to draw our attention and troops to the right, while their main force attacked the camp on the left, where they expected of course to find nothing but weakness and confusion; but General Jackson anticipating their scheme, had ordered the left flank to remain prepared in its place, and as soon as the alarm was given, he repaired to that quarter himself 514 HISTORY OF THE LATE WAR Avith a reinforcement. The whole line received the enemy with astonishing firmness, and after giving them a few fires were ordered to the charge, which Avas gallantly exe cuted under the direction of Colonels Carroll and Higgins. The Indians now fled precipitately, and were pursued to a considerable distance with a close and destructive fire. The friendly Indians who had been ordered to co-op erate with General Coffee on the right, had returned to the left when the attack commenced in that quarter; and the general was still contending with his fifty men, against a very superior force of the enemy, after the main contest had terminated. A hundred of our Indians were then sent to reinforce him, with which he Avas able to charge the foe, and rout them completely with very considerable destruc tion. General Coffee was wounded, and his aide Avith three others was killed. The balance of this day was spent in burying the dead, taking care of the wounded, and fortifying the camp, lest another and more formidable night attack should be made : and General Jackson now determined to return the next day towards his former position on the Coosa river. "Many causes concurred," says the general, "to make: such a measure necessary. As I had not set out prepared, or with a view, to make a permanent establishment, I cons sidered it worse than useless to advance and destroy ar' empty encampment. I had indeed hoped to meet the enemy there, but having met and beaten them a little sooner, I did not think it necessary, or prudent, to proceed ami further — not necessary, because I had accomplished all \ could expect to effect by marching to their encampments, and bcause if it was proper to contend Avith, and weaken their forces still further, this object would be more cei tainly attained by commencing a return, which having to them the appearance of a retreat, would inspire theri to pursue me — not prudent, because of the number of m wounded; of the reinforcements from below, which th IN THE WESTERN COUNTRY 515 enemy might be expected to receive; of the starving con dition of my horses, they having had neither corn nor cane for two days and -nights ; of the scarcity of supplies for my men, the Indians who joined me at Talladega hav ing drawn none, and being wholly destitute ; and because, if the enemy pursued me, as it was likely they would, the diversion in favor of General Floyd would be the more complete and effectual." The return was accordingly commenced the next day, and at night the camp was again fortified. On the morn ing of the 24th, an attack was expected, not only from the occurrences of the night, but because there was a danger ous defile not far from the camp, at the Enotachopco creek on the route on which the army was marching. The gen eral hence determined to cross the creek at a different place, where it was clear of reeds except immediately on its margin. Having issued a general order, prescribing the manner in which the men should be formed, in the event of an attack on the front, rear, or flanks ; and having lormed the front and rear guards, as well as the right and left columns; the general moved off his troops in regular order from the encampment. The creek was reached; the front guard with part of the flanks columns had crossed, the wounded in the center were over, and the irtillery was entering the water, when the alarm gun was keard in the rear. Confidently relying on the firmness of his troops, the general heard it with pleasure. Colonel Carroll was at the head of the center column of the rear guard; its right column was commanded by Colonel Per ils, and its left by Colonel Stump. Having selected the ground on which he was attacked, the general expected he *°nld he able to cut off the assailants completely by wheel ing the flank columns on their pivots, recrossing the creek *l>ove and below, and falling upon the flanks and rear of toe enemy. But when the order was given by Colonel 516 HISTORY OF THE LATE WAR Carroll, for the rear guard to halt and form, and the en emy began to fire upon it, instead of forming, it fled precipitately into the center of the army, carrying con sternation and confusion into the flank columns, and leaving but twenty-five men with Colonel Carroll to ar rest the progress of the pursuers. The militia appeared,! as well as the enemy, to have considered the return of the! army as a retreat from a superior conquering foe, with' whom it was dangerous to contend. The confusion was not easily restored to order ; but in the mean time Colonel Carroll with his handful of men bravely maintained their- post, as long as it was possible to resist such superior numbers ; and being then joined by Lieutenant Armstrong' with the artillery, and Captain Russell Avith a company of spies, the contest was stHl continued Avith success. They now advanced to the top of the hill, in the rear creek, amidst a most galling fire from their numerous enemies, and maintained that commanding position, till the six pounder was dragged up, and discharged a few rounds oi grape shot on the opposing host. The impression thuf made, was followed by a charge, which put the enemy tc' flight; and by this time the frightened militia, having regained their spirits, had recrossed the creek in consid erable numbers, and were ready to join in the pursuit which was vigorously pressed for the distance of two miles The Indians appeared in their turn to have experiencec a panic, for they fled in great precipitation, throwing away whatever might retard their flight . Too much prais<( cannot be bestowed on the brave little band of heroes, wh< arrested their progress and actually defeated them, afte: the main body had fled over the creek in confusion. Lieu tenant Armstrong fell mortally wounded immediate! after the first fire from the six pounder. IN THE WESTERN COUNTRY 517 "My brave fellows," he exclaimed as he lay, "some of you may fall, but you must save the cannon." Several of them did fall at the same spot, covered with glory like their brave commander. The rest of the return march of the army, was effected without molestation. Although the signal success which attended every prior descent Upon the enemy, was not ex perienced in this instance, yet the general had the satis faction to know, that he had accomplished in substance the principal objects of the expedition. The attack on Port Armstrong was averted, a diversion was produced in favor of the Georgia troops, the numbers of the enemy were reduced, and they were taught that the ardor and perse verance of Jackson, would give them no respite from the toils of war, not even in the dead of winter, until they were totally subdued to peace and tranquillity. On the whole expedition, Jackson lost twenty-four men killed, and seventy-one wounded. The loss of the enemy was not exactly known, but it was ascertained that 189 warriors at least were killed. This excursion in January, Avas in fact but the pre cursor of another, and more decisive expedition to the same place, which was executed in the latter part of March. After the return of the general to the Coosa river, he was joined by large reinforcements from Tennessee, consisting of two brigades of volunteer militia under the command of Generals Dougherty and Johnson, and the reg iment of regulars under the command of Colonel Williams, besides several other smaller corps of different descrip tions. With these, combined with his former forces, Gen eral Jackson found himself in a condition to advance against his enemy about the 20th of March. Having changed his position since the former expedition, he now proceeded by a new route, and of course had a new road 518 HISTORY OF THE LATE WAR to open, upwards of fifty mHes over the hills between the two rivers. On the morning of the 27th, he reached the bend of the Tallapoosa where the enemy was stationed, and which had before been the object of his destination. It is but three miles from the ground on which the battle was fought on the 22nd of January. The bend is in the form of a horse shoe, and has received that appellation from our people. The situation is remarkably strong by nature, and the savages had fortified it with a degree of skill and industry, which were not to be expected from the untu tored sons of the forest. Across the neck of the bend, where it opens towards the north, they had erected a breastwork of logs from five to eight feet high, possessing great compactness and strength, and extending to the river on both sides. Through this they had cut two ranges of port holes, suitable for the small arms with which they had to defend themselves. The direction of this wall had also been so contrived that an army could not approach it, without being exposed to a cross fire from the enemy ly ing in safety behind it. The enclosure contained about eighty acres of ground, and in the farthest extremity of the bend, there was a village of a moderate size. From the breastwork on the neck, a ridge of high land extended about half way to the village, the summit of which was comparatively open ground: but on its sides, and on the flat ground along the margin of the river, there had been a heavy forest, the large trees of which were now felled in such a manner, that every one formed a breastwork, from which the Indians could in safety assail their enemies in crossing the river, which was upwards of 100 yards wide and very deep, so that on every side, the position strong by nature, was rendered still stronger by art. IN THE WESTERN COUNTRY 519 Within this fortification the enemy had collected all their warriors from six towns on the Tallapoosa river, amounting in the whole to 1,000 men. Among them were several of the greatest prophets and chiefs in the nation, who had been the principal instigators of the war. Re lying on the strength of their position, their strength in numbers, and the prophetic assurances of success, which their fanatic leaders had liberally given them, they enter tained no doubt of repulsing our army with the utmost ease. The large force with General Jackson, and the spirit which animated his men, inspired him with an equal and better founded confidence, that he would be able to give them a signal defeat. Before the army reached the consecrated spot, General Coffee, was detached with 700 mounted men and 600 In dians, mostly Cherokees, under the command of Colonel Morgan, with instructions to cross the river at a ford about three miles below, and coming up on the opposite side, to surround the bend in such a manner, as to prevent any of the enemy from escaping over the river. General Jackson with the balance of the army, then advanced slowly down the declining ground which led to the breastwork, and at half past 10 o'clock, was ready to commence the attack. Two small pieces of cannon, a six and a three-pounder, under the direction of Captain Bradford, who had already distinguished himself in the northwest, were planted on a small eminence, within eighty yards of the breastwork at the nearest point, and 250 at the most distant. The in fantry were also formed for action, and a brisk fire com menced which was continued for two hours with but little intermission and not much effect. The artillery was directed at the breastwork, and the infantry fired upon the Indians, wherever they ventured to expose themselves to view ; but the artillery was too light to batter down the 520 HISTORY OF THE LATE WAR Avorks, and the insidious foe Avas too prudent to expose himself to unnecessary destruction. General Coffee had nearly completed the circuit, which he had been directed to take, when the firing commenced at the breastwork. He had already sent forward his In dians under Colonel Alorgan to occupy the bank of the river, and uoav halted his mounted men about a quarter of a mile of the bend, with a view to intercept a reinforcement, which he expected would be sent up from the Oakfuskee village, about eight miles down the river. This precau tion, however, was unnecessary, for all the warriors of Oakfuskee were already in the bend. The Indians under Colonel Alorgan occupied the Avhole extent of the exterior bank, in a few minutes after the first gun was fired, so as to render it impossible for an enemy to cross the river in safety. All the cowardly fugitives Avho attempted it at this stage of the battle, met with certain destruction. In the village which Avas situated in the remotest part of the bend from the breastwork, about 100 warriors were stationed, apparently to protect the women and children, and to prevent the passage of the river at that exposed point, Our Cherokees who occupied the opposite bank in A7iew of them, at last became so impatient to engage them, and to participate in the thundering combat, that some of them plunged into the water, swam over, and returned with the canoes of the village, Avhile their companions covered the enterprise, by firing over the river so as to keep off the enemy. The first who crossed in the canoes, remained under cover of the bank, till others had joined them to the amount of 200, Colonel Morgan and Captain Russell with the spies being of the number. They marched up then to the high ground in the middle of the fortifica tion, where they were assailed on every quarter but their rear, and that was kept open only by hard fighting, and IN THE WESTERN COUNTRY 521 the constant approach of reinforcements, which were still crossing the river at the village. By this lodgment of the Cherokees, in the camp of the enemy, a considerable por tion of the river being left unguarded, General Coffee ordered up a sufficient number of his men, to preserve the chain unbroken round the bend. Captain Hammond with a company of rangers occupied the upper side, while Lieutenant Bean with forty men took possession of an island on the lower side, when their hopes of success had fled. The battle having raged about two hours, without much execution being done at the breastwork by the artillery and infantry; and the river being effectually guarded by the Cherokees and mounted men, General Jackson at last determined to carry the breastwork by storm. This de termination was received with acclaim by the troops, by whom it was to be executed. They had entreated to be led to the charge with the most pressing importunity, and received the order which was now given with the strongest demonstrations of joy. The result was such as this temper of mind foretold. The regular troops led on by their intrep id and skillful commander Colonel Williams, and the gal lant Major Montgomery, Avere soon in possession of the out side of the breastwork; to Avhich they were accompanied by the militia, with an intrepidity and firmness which could not have been excelled, and which has seldom been equalled by troops of any description. An obstinate con test was now maintained for a few minutes through the port holes with muzzle to muzzle in which many balls of the enemy Avere welded to the bayonets of our muskets. Our troops at last bravely mounted over the breastwork, and took possession of the opposite side. The event was no longer doubtful. A dreadful carnage and slaughter of the enemy ensued in every direction. Though many of them 522 HISTORY OF THE LATE WAR defended themselves with that bravery which desperation inspires, yet they were all at last entirely routed and cut to pieces. The whole margin of the river which surrounds the peninsula was strewed with the dead bodies of those Avho fled there in hopes they could effect their escape. But all who attempted to cross met inevitable destruction — "not one escaped," says General Coffee; "very few ever reached the bank, and those few were killed the instant they landed." It was believed by those who had the best opportunities of knowing the fact, that not more than twenty escaped during the whole battle. Five hundred and fifty-seven dead bodies were counted — and General Coffee estimated the number killed in the water to be at least 250 and probably nearly 300. These calculations, how ever, do not account for the number 1,000, which was de clared by the prisoners to have been the number of war riors on the peninsula. It appears to be certain that up wards of 800 were killed ; and it is probable that the whole number present was less than 1,000 and that more than twenty of them escaped. The slaughter continued till dark, for many concealed themselves in hiding places and were not immediately found by our men — even on the fol- loAving morning, sixteen were hunted up and destroyed — from which it is extremely probable that a considerable number made their escape in the night. Three of their prophets, and one of them the most revered in the nation, were among the slain ; and about 300 women and children with a few warriors were made prisoners. Such was the signal destruction which the British had bribed and in stigated these deluded fanatics to bring upon themselves from the Americans, Avho had for many years endeavored, with much labor, expense, and trouble to promote civiliza tion among them. We cannot forbear to compassionate their misfortunes, while we execrate with indignation the IN THE WESTERN COUNTRY 523 brutal barbarism of the British, whose cold-blooded policy could doom this nation to inevitable ruin, merely in the hope that it would produce some temporary and incon siderable benefit to the unhallowed cause in Avhich they Avere engaged. Our loss in the battle of the Horse Shoe was twenty-six \vhite men kHled and 107 wounded — of whom seventeen of the killed and forty-five of the wounded Avere regulars, Ma jor Montgomery being among the former. Our Cherokee friends lost eighteen killed and thirty-six wounded — and the friendly Creeks, five killed and eleven wounded — total, forty-nine killed and 154 wounded. This decisive battle effectually broke the power of the hostile Creeks and convinced them that it was in vain to persist any longer in the war. Alany of their chiefs soon afterwards came in voluntarily and surrendered them selves to General Jackson, supplicating peace on any terms, which the United States might please to grant them. Among those who surrendered was the celebrated Wither - ford, whose name has already been mentioned. In an in terview with General Jackson, he bodly addressed him in the following terms : "I fought at Fort Alims; I fought the Georgia army; I did you all the injury I could. Had I been supported as I was promised, I would have done you much more; but my warriors are all killed; I can fight you no longer. I look back with sorrow that I have brought destruction on my nation. I am in your power, do with me as you please — I am a soldier." While the chiefs were thus supplicating peace, the greater part of the remaining warriors fled to their friends in the Floridas, where they Avere soon afterwards met by an arrival of some British troops, the number not known, with a fresh supply of arms and ammunition which were 524 HISTORY OF THE LATE WAR distributed among them. Every artifice and means of ex citation were then used by the British and Spanish agents to reanimate the fugitives and induce them to continue the war ; but all their diabolical labors and expenditures were in vain; they could do nothing more than to preserve a spirit of hostility in those who remained there and excite them occasionally to trivial depredations on the nearest of our settlements. The hostile party indeed felt them selves too weak to continue formally at war as a nation unless a more poAverful co-operating British force had joined them. It is beHeved that all the hostile towns were now unable to raise 1,000 fighting men. After the battle General Jackson returned with his army to the Coosa River, and soon afterwards went down to the junction of the Coosa with the Talapoosa and was joined by Major General Pinkney of the United States Army, the commandant of the southern district, who had exercised a general superintendence of the Creek wars. As it was noAV evident, from the shattered condition of the enemy, and the number of their principal chiefs who had surrendered and been captured, that no effective hostility could be continued on their part, General Jackson was permitted to return home with his troops, merely leaving a few to garrison the forts he had built on the Coosa and to preserve a line of safe communication with the nearest settlements of Tennessee. Corps of militia had lately been marched into the Creek country from the Carolinas, and on them alone General Pinkney now relied to keep the country in subjection during the period of their service. Through Colonel Hawkins, the Creek agent, General Pink ney soon communicated to the Indians the terms on which the United States would grant them peace. Those terms were, that our government would retain as much of the conquered territory as would be a just indemnitv for the IN THE WESTERN COUNTRY 525 expenses of the Avar and for the injuries and losses ex perienced by our citizens and the friendly Creeks; that it would reserve the right of establishing such military posts, trading houses, and roads in their country as might be deemed necessary, together with the right of navigating all their waters; and that on their part they must sur render their prophets and other instigators of the war, and submit to such restrictions on their trade with foreign nations as our government might dictate. The hostile chiefs without much difficulty agreed to meet the commissioners on the part of the United States in a grand council, to embody these conditions in a treaty of peace. In the meantime a corps of 1,000 militia was raised in West Tennessee and sent into the Creek country to relieve those who had been left in the garrisons and more effectually to overawe the hostile feelings of the en emy; and General Jackson was sent back by the govern ment as a commissioner to dictate the intended treaty. It was ultimately concluded on such terms as he thought proper to prescribe, nearly all the country through which our troops had marched being retained to the United States. Within seven months from the massacre of Fort Alims, which may be considered as the commencement of the war, the Creek nation was thus completely subdued and their power broken forever in their final battle with General Jackson at the Horse Shoe. Many causes contributed to the rapid progress and decisive termination of the con test. In the first place the enemy was completely over powered by numbers. In almost every engagement it is obvious that the American arms had an overwhelming su periority in this respect. The only instance, in which the Indians had any thing like an equal chance, was in the battle fought on the 22nd of January in the neighborhood 526 HISTORY OF THE LATE WAR of the Horse Shoe. The force under Jackson in that case Avas about 1,200 ; and as the enemy soon afterwards mus tered 1,000 warriors near the same place, it is not to be doubted but that their force on that occasion was nearly equal to ours. We had also as great a superiority, in the aggregate of our troops in every quarter over the whole number of the enemy, as we had in any single engagement. Immediately after the commencement of hostilities we had probably not less than 10,000 men in arms, including the troops from Tennessee, Georgia, and the Mississippi terri tory, together with the Cherokees, Choctaws, and Creeks who joined our standard ; whilst the whole number of hos tile warriors according to the best accounts did not ex ceed three thousand. It Avas believed that not less than one-fourth of the Creek nation continued friendly. In the Indian wars of the northwest we had to oppose a much more formidable foe. In the south, 1,000 warriors was the largest force ever collected in one place; in the northwest it was believed by General Harrison from the best information he could collect, that Proctor had as sembled nearly 5,000 warriors for the siege of Fort Meigs ; and before that renowned barbarian ran away from Mai den he was issuing 14,000 rations daily to his savage as sociates. Among the American people, who double their numbers every twenty years by natural propagation, the proportion of men able to bear arms appears to be about one-sixth of the whole population. Among the Indians, who instead of increasing are rapidly diminishing in num ber, the proportion of fighting men to the women and chil dren must be much greater — at least one-fourth to the whole. Hence the assemblage at Maiden afforded prob ably about 4,000 warriors. In the northwest also, when the nearest tribes were destroyed or thinned, the British had a boundless range of tribes more remote, from which IN THE WESTERN COUNTRY 527 they could bring fresh recruits. The Creek Indians on the contrary were surrounded on all sides of the interior by enemies, and had no outlet of unmolested country to furnish them allies and recruit their Avasted strength. A second circumstance which contributed to their speedy subjugation was the neglect of their British insti gators to furnish them with adequate supplies and effi cient co-operation. They had to fight all the battles by themselves, without the aid of artillery, and in many in stances with the bow and arrow as a part of their armour. The northwestern Indians had constantly with them, a strong co-operating force of British regulars and Canadian militia, well supplied with artillery and all the necessary munitions of war ; and they were themselves not only sup plied with arms of the best quality, but they also regularly drew rations for their whole families from the British stores. A third disadvantage on the part of the Creeks was their imprudent manner of conducting the war. They suf fered themselves to be repeatedly surprised, surrounded, and cut to pieces in small parties at their towns ; and their rule neither to give nor receive quarter produced the anni hilation of every corps, which came within the grasp of our army. They should have concentrated their forces in larger bodies, have carefully guarded against surprise, and have thus never suffered a defeat to be the annihilation of the corps. Knowing their inferiority of numbers, and their determination never to surrender, it was madness and folly to expose themselves to the possibility of having their retreat cut off. Their proper course would have been to harrass our troops on their march and by attacks in the night so as to worry out the patience of our militia and protract the war till the British were ready to give them 528 HISTORY OF THE LATE WAR more efficient assistance. Tecumseh knew better how to manage his affairs in the northwest. A fourth cause which hastened the termination of the Avar is to be found in the character of the principal gen eral, who was employed in conducting it. The combining skill, the persevering energy, and the intrepid bravery of General Jackson, probably contributed more than any other circumstance to the speedy success of our arms in that quarter. The reader must already have remarked and admired the clear and comprehensive views and skillful plans which guided every movement to the most success ful result; but what has been detailed displays not half the merits of the man. His military skill and intrepidity in the field were less important and honorable to the gen eral than the unrelenting perseverance and irresistible energy with which he struggled against difficulties, in superable to any other person, in keeping and supplying an imposing force in the country of the enemy from the moment the war commenced to the period of its termina tion. The want of an accurate knowledge of details pre vents us from doing justice to General Jackson in this respect. CHAPTER XII. MILITARY OPERATIONS AT MOBILE AND NEW ORLEANS. While the treaty Avith the Creeks was on hand, General Jackson dispatched a messenger to the Spanish governor at Pensacola to demand tAvo of the hostile chiefs, Francis and M'Queen, who had taken refuge in the Spanish terri tory; and to know why the governor, wTho Avas the func tionary of a neutral power, had presumed to aid and abet the Indians, and to afford them a sanctuary in his domin ions. The governor seemed to be highly exasperated at the demand, affected to know nothing of the hostile chiefs, and returned a verbal answer of an ambiguous but rather men acing character. The treaty being at last concluded, and General Jackson in the meantime having been appointed a major-general in the army of the United States and in vested with the command of the 7th military district, he determined early in August to fix his headquarters im mediately at Mobile and concentrate at that place all the disposable force of his district, where he would be con venient to the remaining enemies of the United States, and ready to meet any irruption which the British might attempt from the Gulf of Alexico. He had not been long at Mobile, where he had concentrated nearly 2,000 men, chiefly regulars, when he received information by a citizen of Pensacola that on the 25th of August, three large Brit ish armed vessels had arrived at that place with a large quantity of arms, ammunition, etc., that they had been per- 529 34 530 HISTORY OF THE LATE WAR mitted to take possession of the Spanish fort in which they had placed 200 or 300 men under the command of Colonel Nichols, and that thirteen sail of the line with a large number of transports and 10,000 troops were expected soon to arrive. A number of other reports of an alarming character, but not so Avell authenticated, were also re ceived from all which it appeared evident that the enemy had determined to make a formidable invasion with a view to conquest of Louisiana. This information was immediately communicated by the General-Governor Blount, of Tennessee, with a re quest that he Avould Avithout delay cause to be brought into the field, all the militia of that State which the govern ment had authorized to be detached for actual service. Corresponding intelligence of the intended expedition of the enemy was about the same time received in the United States from a variety of other sources, and the government itself was advised on the subject by its commissioners, who had been sent to Europe to negotiate a treaty of peace with Great Britain. The governor of Tennessee immediately complied with the request of General Jackson, and an ad ditional body of 2,000 mounted volunteers were also raised in that patriotic State and marched for Alobile under the command of General Coffee. The war department, taking the formidable preparations of the enemy into considera tion, also ordered for the defence of the lower countries, 2,500 of the detached militia of Kentucky, an equal num ber from the State of Georgia, and an additional draft of 500 men from the State of Tennessee. The whole number thus ordered and volunteering for the service in Tennessee, Kentucky, and Georgia, amounted to more than 12,000 men, which constituted with the regulars now under Jack son, and the militia resources of Louisiana and the Aliss issippi territory, the whole force Avith which he had to IN THE WESTERN COUNTRY 53l meet the approaching storm and repel the haughty, plun dering, and barbarous invader. The force of the enemy which had already arrived at Pensacola appears to have been a corps of observation, sent forward to take possession of certain important points on the coast and islands of the gulf, to foster the hostility of the Creeks and Spaniards in the Floridas, and to feel the public sentiments in the State of Louisiana. Colonel Nich ols, after taking possession of the fortress Avith the appro bation of the Spanish governor, immediately commenced his intrigues with the Indians and supplied them with mu nitions of war and a variety of other presents. He met with but poor success, however, in enlisting them in his service. The remnant of the Creeks remembered too well the dread ful exterminating chastisement which they had so recently received from General Jackson, as well as the base perfidy with which the British had left them to their fate after exciting them to war and promising them an effectual support. On the day after his landing, this renowned and brave colonel issued a general order to his troops, intended, how ever, less for them than for the world, in which he spoke in as pompous swaggering terms of the duties and pros pects of the expedition as if he had been at the head of an invincible army, with which he was just going to overrun the whole Union. Yet this, like his diminutive force of two or three hundred British and about as many Indians, was but the vanguard, the mere precursor of an act of more consummate extravagance and folly. On the 29th of Au gust he issued a proclamation to the people of Louisiana and Kentucky calling upon them to join his standard. To the former he said : "Natives of Louisiana! on you the first call is made to in liberating from a faithless and imbecile govern- 532 HISTORY OF THE LATE AVAR ment your paternal soil. The American usurpation in this country must be abolished and the lawful owners put in possession. • I am at the head of a large body of In dians well armed, disciplined, and commanded by British officers ; and a good train of artillery with every requisite, seconded by the powerful aid of a numerous British and Spanish squadron of ship and vessels of war," etc. His appeal to the Kentuckians was consumately ridic ulous. "Inhabitants of Kentucky ! You have too long borne Avith grievous impositions. The whole brunt of the war has fallen on your brave sons; be imposed on no longer; but either range yourselves under the standard of your forefathers, or observe a strict neutrality. If you comply Avith either of these offers, whatever provision you send doAvn the river wUl be paid for in dollars, and the safety of the persons bringing it, as well as the free navigation of the Alississippi guaranteed to you. Men of Kentucky! let me call to your view, and I trust to your abhorrence, the conduct of those factions which hurried you into this cruel, unjust, and unnatural war, at a time when Great Britain was straining every nerve in defence of her own, and the liberties of the world; when the bravest of her sons were fighting and bleeding in so sacred a cause; when she was- spending millions of her treasure in endeavoring to pulL down one of the most formidable and dangerous tyrants^ that ever disgraced the form of man, etc After.; the experience of twenty-one years, can you any longer sup-5 port those brawlers for liberty, who call it freedom and( know not when themselves are free? Be no longer their1 dupes; accept my offer; every thing I have promised in' this paper, I guarantee to you on the sacred honor of a^ British officer (a thing Avell understood in Kentucky)." ': That any man of common sense and information should11 have addressed such nonsense to Kentuckians, is truly' IN THE AVESTERN COUNTRY 533 astonishing. He had some ground, hoAvever, for making his call to the people of Louisiana — for there were British spies, partizans, and traitors in New Orleans who did not fail to communicate every possible information to the enemy, and to assure them that the people of Louisiana were dissatisfied with the government and ready at a moment's warning to come under the British yoke. How much they were deceived in the great majority of that peo ple, and how glorious for them the contrast between the northeast and southwest was visibly displayed in the sequel. But the armed negotiators at Pensacola, who were sent in advance of the expedition to seduce the people of Louis iana from their allegiance, and to fan the embers of the Creek war and if possible procure a few more scalps of women and children, had still another and more degrad ing task to perform for their master — to solicit an alliance with a nest of pirates on the island of Barrataria, situ ated to the west of New Orleans, The British being them selves nothing more than a great nest of pirates on a large island, found no difficulty nor felt the lest degradation in stooping to this measure. On the last day of August, Cap tain Lockyer, of the navy, and Captain M'Williams, of the army, were dispatched on this embassy in the brig Sophia with letters from both Colonel Nichols and Sir AVilliam H. Percy, the naval commander, to Lafite the captain of the pirates, in which they solicited him to join the British cause with his armed vessels and troops, and tendered him the rank of captain in the British service, together with a bounty in land to all his followers on the return of peace. They had the mortification, however, to meet with a re fusal. Lafite disdained to associate himself with the Brit ish marauders against his adopted country, although he 534 HISTORY OF THE LATE WAR had raised his rebellious hands to rob and murder her citizens. The assemblage at Barrataria was composed of rene gades from all nations, who had established themselves on that island, and robbed the commerce of the gulf for several years past, smuggling their plundered goods into New Orleans where they had many friends and associates. Their commander, Lafite, Avas originally a captain in "the French service, and their whole force at this time was about 800 men and tw7enty7 pieces of cannon mounted in eight or ten small vessels. Immediately after the British overture, the whole establishment was broken up by an expedition sent against it from New Orleans under Com modore Patterson and Colonel Ross, which sailed from the Balize about the middle of September in the schooner Carolina and eight gun vessels and succeeded in capturing the greater part of the pirates Avith their armed and un armed vessels, dispersing the balance and destroying their little village on the island, without the loss of a man on our part. The capture and possession of Alobile appears from the instructions of Commodore Percy to his plenipotentiary at the court of Barrataria, to have been one of the primary objects of the Britsh van at Pensacola. They deferred the attack, however, until the result of the mission to Barra taria was known, as they expected to derive from the alli ance of the pirates very important assistance in the en terprise. Disappointed in this expectation, and appraised that General Jackson wTas at Alobile with a considerable force, their prospect of success was very much darkened. They determined, however, to make an attack on Fort Bowyer at Alobile point, a fortress w7ell calculated for the defence of the town and country of Alobile against invas ion by a rnaval force. It was built when General Wilkin- IN THE WESTERN COUNTRY 535 son took possession of the country in 1813 by Lieutenant- Colonel Bowyer on the neck of land Avhich bounds the en trance of the bay on the east side and commands the only channel through which large vessels can pass into the bay. The town of Mobile is situated near the head of the bay, thirty miles from its entrance. When General Flournoy was in command on that frontier he had ordered Fort Bow yer to be evacuated, but on the arrival of General Jackson it was immediately reoccupied and repaired by Major Lawrence. On the evening of the 15th of September, a combined attack was made on the fort by the land and naval forces of the allies. The naval armament consisted of two ships, carrying each from twenty-four to twenty-eight thirty-two pound carronades, and three tenders — all under the com mand of Commodore Sir William Henry Percy. The land forces consisted of 100 marines, 200 or 300 Indians under the British Captain Woodbine and a small corps of artil lerists with a twelve-pounder and howitzer. The force of the garrison was but 160 men. As soon as the foremost ship, the Hermes, with Commodore Percy on board, had arrived within the range of our guns, the fire of our bat teries was opened upon her which was returned by the whole of the squadron as fast as they could come into ac tion. At half -past-four o'clock the action became general, not only with the squadron but also with the land forces in the rear of the fort where the tAvelve-pounder and howitzer were brought into play. The allies under Woodbine, how ever, were soon put to flight, and their battery silenced by a few discharges of grape and cannister from the fort. The Hermes anchored nearest to the fort and was soon so much disabed that her cable being cut by our shot she drifted on shore within 600 yards of our battery. About sunset the others were compelled to cut their cables and 536 HISTORY OF THE LATE WAR make off under a very destructive fire from our guns. The Hermes being now the only object in view, our fire was concentrated upon her and at ten o'clock her magazine was inflamed and blew her up. The loss of the enemy in this attack Avas very great. The Hermes with the whole of her crew, 170 in number, were totally destroyed, excepting only the commodore and twenty men, who made a timely escape in the boats of the other vessels which were sent to their relief. On board the other ship called the Charon there was eighty-five killed and wounded. The loss in the smaller vessels was not as certained, but it was also very considerable. The brig Sophia, Captain Lockyer, Avas particularly observed to be very much damaged. Our loss was four killed and five wounded. Every officer and soldier in the garrison per formed his duty well and acted with the most determined courage, coolness, and intrepidity. For his admirable and gallant defence, Alajor Lawrence was promoted to the rank of lieutenant-colonel by the president of the United States. The expedition against Fort Bowyer having sailed di rectly from Pensacola and returned again immediately to that place; and the conduct of the Spanish governor hav ing at last become intolerable, in harboring and aiding the British wTith their red allies, and encouraging their dep redations on the nearest American settlements, General Jackson at length determined to return the compliment of their visit at Mobile, by giving them a call at Pensacola as soon as the advance of reinforcements would authorize him to move. He accordingly marched for that place in the latter part of October with all his disposable force, con sisting of the 3rd and detachments of the 39th and 44th United States regiments, about 500 Tennessee militia, Major Hind's squadron of Mississippi dragoons and a few Choctaws, and was joined on his march by General Coffee, ±N THE WESTERN COUNTRY 537 with a part of the new brigade of mounted volunteers from Tennessee, which rendered his effective force about 3,500 strong. On the evening of the 6th of November, he arrived at Pensacola and sent Major Peire with a flag to communi cate the object of his visit to the Spanish governor. As the flag approached the fort it was fired on by the guns of the fort and obliged to return. The British no doubt dreaded the consequences of a communication being opened between Jackson and the governor and warmly promoted this wanton act of hostility with a view to involve us in an unrelenting Avar Avith the Spaniards, lt appeared by the issue, however, that the combustible materials of the gov ernor were consumed by7 a flash, and that he wanted firm ness to persist in the decisive part he now had taken. General Jackson immediately reconnoitered the fort in per son, and finding it defended by British and Spanish troops he retired Avith a determination to storm the tOAvn in the morning, for which every necessary arrangement was made during the night. In approaching Pensacola, Captain Kempt with his troop of Alississippi dragoons had cap tured a small Spanish guard about ten miles from the town. General Jackson being anxious, notwithstanding the perfidy of the Spaniard to prevent bloodshed, liberated one of the prisoners with a letter to the governor reproach ing him for having violated the rules of war in refusing a flag and requesting that negotiation might be opened. A Spanish officer arrived in the American camp about mid night with a communication from the governor. Alajor Peire was then admitted into the tOAvn and to a confer ence with the commandant, who refused to capitulate on the terms proposed. Being encamped on the west of the town, the general supposed that the enemy would expect the assault in that direction, and he prepared to rake his advancing columns 538 HISTORY OF THE LATE WAR from the fort and British armed vessels in the bay. To encourage such an expectation, he ordered a portion of the mounted men to show themselves on the west, while he marched with his main force undiscovered round the rear of the fort to the east side of the town. At the distance of a mile on that side his troops came in full view of the des tined theatre as they supposed of a bloody conflict. They advanced, however, with the most undaunted firmness and bravery. On the right three Avas a strong fort ready to assail them ; on the left, seven British armed vessels ; and in front before the town, strong blockhouses and batteries of cannon. Though possessed of these commanding ad vantages, the allies did not think proper to interrupt the firm and steady pace of our advancing columns until the town was entered. The center column, composed of the regulars, was then assailed by a battery mounting two pieces of cannon and a shower of musketry from the houses and gardens. The battery was immediately carried by Captain Levall's company assisted by the column of regu lars, and the musketry soon silenced by their steady and well directed fire. The Spanish governor now resorted himself to a flag, the sanctity of which he had so recently violated, and approached Colonels Williamson and Smith at the head of the dismounted volunteers, begging for mercy and tendering an unconditional surrender of the town and fort. Alercy was granted by the general, and the citizens protected in their persons and property; yet the treacherous Spaniard withheld the possession of the fort till midnight. It had been evacuated on the night be fore by Colonel Nichols, who fled with Captain Woodbine and their red allies to the shipping and to the south side of the bay for safety, after our army had appeared before the town in the evening. IN THE WESTERN COUNTRY 539 At the mouth of the bay, there was a fortress called the Barancas, which commanded the entrance to the harbor of Pensacola. On the morning of the 8th, General Jackson prepared to march against it with a view to carry it by storm; but his march was prevented by tremendous ex plosions, which announced the destruction of that place. The British had obtained possession of that, as well as of the fortress at the town, and now blew it up to prevent its being turned upon them. Had General Jackson obtained possession while their ships remained in the harbor, he would have been able greatly to injure, if not to destroy them entirely in attempting to escape; but the Barancas being destroyed they proceeded to the sea unmolested. The loss of their fortress was not the only injury which the Spaniards sustained from their retiring friends. The Brit ish very honestly and honorably carried off a number of negroes, with a variety of other property, and behaved to the inhabitants in a very insolent manner. While Jackson occupied the town, the exemplary conduct of his troops, and his liberal and generous treatment of its inhabitants, formed a perfect contrast to the British and drew from the deluded Spaniards an acknoAvledgment that even his Choc taws were more civilized than the British. After remain ing a few days in the town, the British and Indians being driven off, and the Spaniards very favorably impressed with our friendly intentions and honorable deportment, the general delivered up every thing again into the hands of the lawful Spanish authority, except the cannon of the battery that opposed the entrance of the regulars, and then evacuated the place. Having returned to Mobile, he im mediately made arrangements for marching to New Or leans, the destined theatre of the approaching contest. Before we detail the immediate operations of the con tending armies, in the attempt of the enemy to get posses- 540 HISTORY OF THE LATE WAR sion of New Orleans and subdue the State of Louisiana, it will be proper to take a preliminary Ariew of the preceding situation of our affairs in that quarter, and of the prepara tions on foot both to make and to meet the invasion. The late pacification in Europe had placed at the dis posal of the British government a large body of their choic est troops. Animated by their extraordinary success in subjugating France and in capturing Washington City, where with Gothic barbarism they burnt and destroyed our capital, our national library, and every other monument of the civic arts; and having not only prepared a powerful land and naval armament for the expedition, but also placed it under their most able and experienced commanders ; they expected to give new tone to the Avar in America, and cal culated with the utmost confidence on the conquest of Louisiana. According to the advices from our commission ers in Europe, a large armament was to sail from Great Britain in September, carrying out from 12,000 to 15,000 troops for the intended conquest. The armament which had captured Washington City was also now directing its course to the south, where its rapacious commanders were allured by the spoil of a rich and luxurious city, and fav ored in their designs by the climate, the season, and situa tion of our affairs. We had no army of veterans led by long experienced generals to oppose them in that quarter. The indispensible munitions of war, and the militia men destined to use them, were still in the arsenals and at their houses, more than a thousand miles distant, on the route they had to traverse to the scene of action. It hence became the duty of our government and its military functionaries to make the most active prepara tions for a vigorous defence ; nor w7as the pressure of this duty in the least alleviated by adverting to the internal condition of Louisiana, both in regard of its population IN THE WESTERN COUNTRY 541 and the facility with which it could be invaded from the ocean. Its situation in the union was remote in the ex treme ; its coasts were intersected by numerous bays, lakes, rivers, and bayous, through which the enemy could pene trate to the interior in his small vessels ; the banks of those avenues being marshy and uninhabited, they could not with any facility be guarded by our militia ; and the population in general was composed of Frenchmen and Spaniards, who had, whether foreigners or natives, been bred under the most despotic forms of government, and had not yet be come familiar with our institutions and completely assim ilated in their sentiments and views to the American peo ple. The militia of the country had on a late occasion, re fused to comply with the requisitions of the governor ; and a great many European Frenchmen had entered their ad hesions to Louis XVIII, and through the medium of the French consul, claimed exemption from military service. Local jealousies, national prejudices, and political fac tions, dividing and distracting the people, prevented that union and zeal in the common cause, which the safety of the country demanded. Hence there was a general de spondency and want of preparation for the approaching crisis. The disaffected and traitorous, however, were on the alert, and carefully communicating the earliest intelli gence and every species of useful information respecting the country to the British. The legislature was protract ing its session to an unusual length, without adopting such measures as the alarming situation of the State required. It was represented as being politically rotten ; and partic ularly that in the house of representatives, the idea had been advanced, advocated, and favorably heard, that a con siderable portion of the State belonged of right to the Spanish government — and that too, at a time when the co- 542 HISTORY OF THE LATE WAR operation of the Spaniards with the British in the ex pected invasion was the prevailing opinion. Such was the character of the population, and the sit uation of our affairs at NeAv Orleans, as represented by the highest authority to the government and the com mander of the district. A vast majority of the people, however, consisting of the natives of that country, and emigrants to it from other parts of the union, were well disposed to our cause, and willing to acquiesce and co operate in the necessary measures of defence. By these General Jackson was hailed, on his arrival at New Orleans, with acclamations of unbounded joy as a deliverer sent by heaven to save their country from approaching ruin. In the meantime the militia from Tennessee, Kentucky, and Georgia were in motion. The orders of the war de partment Avere received by the respective governors about the 20th of October, and about one month afterwards the militia of Kentucky and Tennessee were embarked in flats and ready to descend to New Orleans. The Ken tucky detachment of 2,500 men was commanded by Alajor General John Thomas, who was accompanied by General John Adair as adjutant-general to the division, an officer of tried valor and known military talents. Three thousand of the Tennessee militia were sent down the river under the command of Major-General William Carroll and Briga dier Byrd Smith, the former having recently been elected to succeed General Jackson in the militia when he was translated into the regular service. The other 2,000 of the Tennessee draft were sent toward Mobile under the com mand of General Taylor, and the Georgia detachment were ordered for the same place under the command of Major-General John Al'Intosh and Brigadier-General Blackshear. Artillery, musketry, and ammunition were also embarked at Pittsburgh and other points on the Ohio IN THE WESTERN COUNTRY 543 for the use of these troops and the fortifications at New Orleans, the greater portion of which did not arrive until the contest terminated. Before General Jackson left Alobile he made arrange ments for transferring nearly the whole of his troops in that quarter to New Orleans. The corps of the army brought from that quarter were the mounted brigade of Tennessee volunteers, two companies of the 44th United States regiment and Hinds' squadron of dragoons. About the first of December, General Jackson arrived with his infantry at the city and immediately commenced the most active preparations for defence. His lofty character as an energetic, intrepid, and skillful general had gone before him, and having secured him the unbounded confidence of the people, enabled him to exercise an unlimited influence over them. The governor had ordered the militia of his State en masse to hold themselves in readiness to march at a moment's warning, and several corps were already in actual service. To guard the different avenues through which the enemy could approach the city, so as to prevent a surprise and be ready at every point to meet them, was an object of primary importance. The general hence immediately reconnoitered the country in person to ascertain the places at which it was most necessary that guards should be posted. He accordingly stationed a detachment of regu lars on the bayou Vienvenue, which led from Lake Borgne into the plantation of General Villere, on the bank of the Mississippi about six miles below the city. A guard was also posted on the Chef Mentiere, a bayou Avhich leads from Lake Borgne into Lake Pontchartrain. The enemy would be able to come up these natural canals in their boats and on foot along their banks which would greatly facilitate their approach to all the country around New Or- 544 HISTORY OF THE LATE WAR leans except where there is a pass of this description, being an impenetrable morass. Strong batteries and a garrison were at the mouth of the bayou St. John, which forms the chief communication, and common highAvay from the city into Lake Pontchartrain. Between the latter and" Lake Borgne, which lies below it, there is a communication called the Rigolets, through which vessels of some burden can pass ; on which was a fortification on an island called the Petit Coquille. The general also visited and strength ened the old fortress on the Mississippi below New Orleans, called Fort Plaquemine or St. Philip. A flotilla com manded by Lieutenant Jones, and consisting of five gun boats, a schooner, and a sloop, was stationed at the bay of St. Louis, about fifty or sixty miles east of New Orleans. On the 12th of December, intelligence was received at the city that the hostile fleet had made its appearance in the gulf between the Balize and Mobile point, to the num ber of thirty-five or forty sail. Having selected Ship Island off the bay of St. Louis as a place of rendezvous, they began to concentrate at that place, and on the 12th they had ar rived in such force that Lieutenant Jones thought it most prudent to retire from their vicinity to the Malhereux Is lands at the entrance of Lake Borgne, from which he could again retire if necessary to the Petit Coquille and dispute the passage into Lake Pontchartrain. On the morning of the 13th he discovered a large flotilla of barges leaving the fleet and steering westward, obviously with the intention of attacking his gun vessels. He had that morning sent the schooner into the bay of St. Louis to bring away the public stores from the position he had evacuated. The enemy having discovered her sent three barges against her, Avhich were driven back by a feAV discharges of grape shot untU they were joined by four others; a sharp contest was then maintained for half an hour, when they were again IN THE WESTERN COUNTRY 545 forced to withdraw with a considerable loss. But the com mander of the schooner, Air. Johnson, finding it impos sible to escape with his vessel, now blew her up, set fire to the store-house on shore, and escaped with his crew by land. Lieutenant Jones, in the meantime, had gotten under sail with the intention of retiring to the Petit Coquille, but the water being unusually low in those shallow bays, lakes, and passes, and the wind and tide being unfavorable, neither the pursuers nor the pursued could make much progress. At midnight the gunboats came to anchor at the west end of the Malhereux pass, and in the morning of the 14th the enemy's barges were discovered within a few miles of them. A calm with a strong current against him, now obliged Lieutenant Jones to prepare for action, though the force of the enemy was vastly superior. They had forty-two launches and barges, with three gigs, carry ing forty-two carronades, 12, 18, and 24-pounders, and 1,200 men, all commanded by Captain Lockyer, the ex- minister at the court of Barrataria. Our five-gun vessels carried 23 guns and 182 men — the sloop carried only one 4-pounder and 8 men. The enemy came up in line of battle, and at 11 o'clock the action had become general, warm, and destructive on both sides. Three barges presently made an attempt to carry the nearest gunboat by boarding, and were repulsed with dreadful slaughter, two of them being sunk. The attempt was renewed by four others with nearly the same result. The enemy, however, persevered, and finally suc ceeded in capturing the whole, having carried most of them by boarding. The action lasted about two hours and was uncommonly severe and bloody. The loss of the enemy was estimated at 300 killed and wounded, and several barges sunk. Our loss in killed and wounded was com- 35 546 HISTORY OF THE LATE WAR paratively very small, being only five killed and thirty wounded. Both Jones and Lockyer were wounded severe ly. A resistance so obstinate, and destructive to the enemy against a force so superior, reflects the highest honor on the American officers and seamen. They had formerly been under the command of Captain Porter, who immor talized Valparaiso by the obstinate and desperate resist ance which he made at that place against a superior force of the enemy, and they now proved themselves worthy pupils of that invincible naval hero. On the day after the battle, intelligence of the result was brought to New Orleans by the commander of the schooner, who had escaped by land from the bay of St. Louis. The city already alarmed, distracted, and de spairing, was thrown into consternation and confusion by the event. A powerful, Avell disciplined, and well ap pointed army Avas on the coast, and the only feeble barrier which prevented its approach through the lakes, within a few miles of the city, was now entirely swept away. The whole force under Jackson, on which the salvation of the State depended, did not exceed 4,000, of which only 1,000 were regulars. The greater part of this force was kept at the city, that it might be ready to meet the invaders in any pass, which they might select for their approach. The mounted volunteers under Coffee had not yet arrived from Mobile. At such a crisis and in such circumstances, the utmost exertions of every patriot, and the most rigorous and effi cient measures for the public security became indispensible. The general had not forgotten the representations which he had previously received from the highest authority, concerning the general character of the population, the number of disaffected persons in the city, and particularly the want of confidence in the legislative representatives of IN THE WESTERN COUNTRY 547 the people, which their conduct in the present session had inspired. With a view, therefore, to supercede such civil powers, as in their operation might interfere with those, which he would be obliged to exercise, in pursuing the best measures for the safety of the country ; and under a solemn conviction, after consulting with the best patriots in the place, that the measure was proper and required by the situation of our affairs, he determined to place, and on the 16th did proclaim, "the city and environs of New Orleans under strict martial law." This decisive measure received the approbation and cordial acquiescence of every friend to the safety of the country. It was accompanied by suitable regulations, which required every person enter ing the city, to report himself at the office of the adjutant- general, and every person or vessel leaving it, to procure a passport from the general, one of his staff, or the com manding naval officer. The street lamps were to be ex tinguished at 9 in the night, and every person afterwards found abroad without permission in writing, was to be apprehended as a spy. The whole of the citizens, sojourn ers, passengers, and persons of every description, who were capable of bearing arms, were pressed into the land and naval service. The general, at the same time, published the following address to the people : "The major-general commanding his learned, Avith astonishment and regret, that great consternation and alarm pervade your city. It is true the enemy is on our coast, and threatens an invasion of our territory ; but it is equally true, that with union, energy, and the approba tion of heaven, we will beat him at every point, where his temerity may induce him to set foot on our soil. "The general with still greater astonishment has heard, that British emissaries have been permitted to propagate a seditious report amongst you, that the threat- 548 HISTORY OF THE LATE WAR ened invasion is with a view of restoring the country to Spain, from a supposition that some of you would be will ing to return to your ancient government — believe no such incredible tales — your government is at peace with Spain. It is the vital enemy of your country, the common enemy of mankind, the highway robber of the world, who threat ens you, and has sent his hirelings amongst you with this false report, to put you off your guard, that you may fall an easy prey to his rapacity. Then look to your liberties, your property, and the chastity of your wives and daugh ters. Take a retrospect of the conduct of the British army at Hampton, and other places where it entered our coun try — and every bosom which gloAvs with patriotism and virtue, will be inspired with indignation, and pant for the arrival of the hour, when Ave shall meet the enemy and revenge these outrages against the laws of civilization and humanity. "The general calls upon the inhabitants of the city, to trace this unfounded report to its source, and bring the propagator to condign punishment. The rules and arti cles of war annex the punishment of death, to the crime of holding secret correspondence with the enemy, supplying him with provisions, or creating false alarms ; and the gen eral announces his unalterable determination, rigidly to execute the martial law, in all cases w7hich may come within his province. "The safety of the district entrusted to the protection of the general must and will be maintained with the best blood of the country; and he is confident that all good citizens will be found at their posts with arms in their hands, determined to dispute every inch of ground with the enemy, and that unanimity will pervade the whole country. But should the general be disappointed in this expectation, he will separate our enemies from our friends. Those who are not for us are against us, and will be dealt with accordingly. "Th. L. Butler, A.D.C." The traitors Avell knew, from the character of General Jackson, that the threatening parts of this proclamation IN THE WESTERN COUNTRY 549 were not mere sound and fury, but that they would be carried into execution with the utmost rigor and prompti tude. Disaffection was thus awed into silence, and the friends of the country were inspired with unbounded con fidence, harmony and enthusiasm. The militia of the city and all its environs were armed, accoutred, and drilled twice every day. On the 18th an address from the general was read to those of the city, by his volunteer aide, Mr. Livngston, the following extract form which will exhibit the spirit of the times. "The general commanding in chief, would not do justice to the noble ardor that has animated you, in the hour of danger — he would not do justice to his own feelings — if he suffered the example you have shown to pass without pub lic notice. Inhabitants of an opulent and commercial town, you have by a spontaneous effort, shaken off the habits which are created by wealth, and shown that you are resolved to deserve the blessings of fortune by bravely defending them. Long strangers to the perils of war, yon have embodied yourselves to face them with the cool coun tenance of veterans — and with motives to disunion, that might operate on weak minds, you have forgotten the dif ference of language, and the prejudices of national pride, and united with a cordiality that does honor to your un derstandings, as well as to your patriotism." Information was now received that the enemy, after the capture of our brave flotilla, was pressing to the west ward, through the islands and passes of Lake Borgne, in his boats and light vessels, but the point at which he would attempt to debark, or the pass through which he would endeavor to reach the city, was still unknown. With a view to great security, in guarding the numerous bayous and canals, which lead from the lake through the swampy district, to the high land on the margin of the river, the superintendence of that service was entrusted to Major 550 HISTORY OF THE LATE WAR General Villere, Avho commanded the militia between the river and the lake, and who, being a native of the country, was presumed to be best acquainted with its topography. He kept a picket guard stationed at the mouth of the bayou Bienvenue, which led into his own plantation on the bank of the river ; but contrary to the orders of General Jackson, he left the navigation of the bayou unobstructed. On the 23rd of December, the enemy having selected this pass for their approach, succeeded in surprising the guard at the mouth of the bayou, and in capturing a company of militia, stationed on the plantation of General Villere. Their troops were then conveyed up the bayou to the amount of 3,000, and an encampment formed between the river and the marsh, on the premises of Alajor Lacoste. The intelligence of their approach was brought to head quarters at the city about 1 o'clock on that day, and Gen eral Jackson immediately determined to attack them with out delay in their first position. In the meantime, General Coffee had arrived with his brigade of mounted men from Alobile; and also General Carroll with part of his division of militia infantry from West Tennessee. The latter had descended the rivers with a degree of celerity unparalleled in the history of military movements. His troops had embarked on the 24th ultimo at Nashville, and on the evening of the 22nd instant, it being the 29th day of their voyage, they arrived very op portunely near the city of New Orleans. They were now encamped with the mounted men, who had also recently arrived, about four miles above the city, and were all immediately ordered down by General Jackson, to super induce the dangers of the battle on the toils of the march: The general expected that the troops which the enemy were debarking by the pass of Bienvenue, did not constitute their principal, or at least their only force, but that a IN THE AVESTERN COUNTRY 551 simultaneous attack Avould be made by the way of Chef Mentire. He, therefore, posted the division of General Carroll, with the city militia, on the Gentilly road leading to Chef Mentire, to meet such an event; and at 5 o'clock he was ready to march down against the enemy, with the rest of his troops, consisting of General Coffee's brigade, a corps of dragoons under Major Hinds, a battalion of uniformed volunteers under Major Blauche, 200 men of color under Major Daquin, a detachment of artillery with two 6-pounders under the direction of Colonel M'Rea, and parts of the seventh and forty-fourth regiments of regulars under Alajor Peire and Captain Baker. The whole force was very much inferior to that of the enemy, which was commanded by Major General Keane. About seven o'clock, General Jackson arrived near the British encampment, where all was quiet, his advance upon them being concealed under cover of the night, while their fires in the camp fully exposed them to his view. Their right extended to the swamp, and their left which was the strongest part of their lines, rested on the bank of the river. Arrangements were immediately made for the attack; General Coffee was ordered to turn their right, whilst Jackson with the regulars attacked their strongest position on the left. Commodore Patterson had been or dered to drop down the river in the schooner Carolina, and commence a fire on their camp, which was to be the signal for a general charge. At half -past eight the commodore opened his fire, and General Coffee's troops then rushed upon the right of the enemy, with great impetuosity, and entered their camp, while Jackson engaged their left with equal ardor, sup ported by the fire of the schooner and the two field pieces. The action soon became general, and was obstinately con tested on both sides, the hostile troops being frequently 552 HISTORY OF THE LATE WAR intermixed Avith each other in the conflict. About 10 o'clock, after the battle had raged more than an hour, a thick fog came over them, which caused some confusion among our troops, and rendered it necessary in the opinion of our general, to desist from the contest. Had it not been for this unfortunate occurrence, he woidd no doubt have gained a decisive victory, and have blasted at once the pre sumptuous hopes of the rapacious invader. He lay on the field of battle in the face of the enemy, till four o'clock in the morning, and then withdrew his army with so much address, as to elude their vigilence, and conceal the weak ness of the force by which they had been so boldly attacked. Having retired up the river about two miles, he encamped his troops, on the firm, open ground between the river and the swamp, at a narrow point between the enemy and the city, where their progress could be arrested with less labor and fewer troops, than at any other position he could have selected. When General Keane first reached the banks of the Mississippi, he felt supinely confident, that the conquest of the city would be an easy achievement for his Welling ton invincibles ; but the uncivil greeting, which he received the first evening on our shores, convinced him of his error, taught him to respect our prowess and enterprise, and made him contented with maintaining his first position, till the Commander-in-chief of the expedition, the Lieut- Gen. Sir Edward Packenham, could arrive with the balance of the forces. The most important advantages were thus derived to our cause, by this bold, decisive, and judicious movement of our general. The progress of the enemy was arrested, which gave us time to fortify and entrench our lines, in the most eligible position for defense; and our success in th battle inspired our troops with the confidence of veterans. The loss of the enemy was computed at 100 IN THE WESTERN COUNTRY 553 killed, 230 wounded, and 70 prisoners captured, including among them one major and several other officers of less rank. Our loss was 24 killed, 115 wounded, and 74 miss ing. Among the dead were Lieutenant-Colonel Lauderdale, of the Tennessee mounted men, and Lieutenant M'CleUand of the 7th infantry, and several other officers were wound ed. General Jackson now determined to fortify his posi tion, act on the defensive, and wait the arrival of the Ken tucky detachment. The interests committed to his care were too important, to be exposed to any unnecessary hazard by offensive and premature operations against the enemy. The care of Chef Mentire pass being entrusted to Colonel Alorgan of the city militia, the division of Gen eral Carroll was brought down to the lines, and the forti fications commenced with the utmost vigor and dispatch. They consisted of a straight line of works extending from the river on the right of our troops to the swamp on their left. A breastwork was thrown up, from four to five feet high, with a wet ditch close in front, about four feet deep and eight feet wide. Several heavy pieces of artillery were mounted on the works, with thier embrasures lined with bales of cotton. On the right the works terminated in a bastion, with a battery calculated for raking the ditch. Such were the fortifications now completed with the utmost expedition in the power of our troops, aided by the labor of a number of negroes from the plantations. The open ing of the ditch was also facilitated by the presence of an old canal, which had been dug to convey the water to the river, down to a mill at the edge of the swamp. On the 26th the ship Louisiana, Commodore Patterson, and the schooner Carolina, Captain Henley, dropped down the river, took a position near the enemy's camp, and opened a brisk, destructive fire upon them, from the sever- 554 HISTORY OF THE LATE WAR ity of which they were glad to shelter themselves by retir ing into the swamp. In the night, however, they erected a furnace and battery at a convenient distance on shore, and were ready at daylight on the 27th, to commence a fire of red-hot shot on the assailing vessels. The ship was out of their reach, but the schooner being becalmed within the range of their guns, and prevented from ascending by the strength of the current, Captain Henley was compelled to abandon her, and she soon afterwards took fire and was blown up. Sir Edward Packenham, lieutenant-general and Com mander-in-chief, having now arrived and brought up large reinforcements to the British camp, they resolved on mak ing a demonstration against our works, with a view to effect something important and decisive. On the 28th they advanced with their whole force, and commenced a tremendous cannonade and bombardment on our lines. Balls, shells, and congreve rockets were thrown in showers on the breastwork, and over the heads of our troops, and their columns were formed and brought up, apparently with the intention of storming our works on the left. But their fire was returned with great spirit and vivacity by our batteries, which compelled them after three hours of incessant cannonading, and fruitless exposure of their lives, to retire with disappointment and mortification to their camp. Their expectations appeared to be, that their tremendous cannonade, and great quantity of combustibles thrown on our works, would frighten away the militia, or throw them into confusion, and thus afford a favorable opportunity for making an assault. But the firmness and cool intrepidity of our troops, combined with the destruc tive fire of our batteries, kept them at a respectful distance and at last compelled them to abandon the enterprise. Their loss on this occasion was considerable — not less than IN THE WESTERN COUNTRY 555 120 killed, Avhilst ours was but seven killed and eight wounded. Lieutenant-Colonel Henderson, of the Tennessee militia was among the slain. For several days after this af fair, nothing important occurred. Skirmishes occasionally took place between the picket guards, and the enemy's camp was sometimes annoyed by the ship Louisiana. Though disappointed in their expectations on the 28th, they did not abandon the project of forcing our lines, but prepared for a more formidable attack on Sunday morning the 1st of January. Admiral Cochrane, the naval com mander, had sent us word on his arrival off the coast, that he would eat his Christmas dinner in New Orleans, and General Packenham now resolved at least to spend his New Year in the city. Under cover of night, and a heavy fog, which continued till 8 o'clock in the morning, the enemy advanced within 600 yards of our works, being con siderably nearer than they had come before, and there erected three different batteries, mounting in all fifteen guns, from six to thirty-two pounders ; and as soon as the fog had cleared away in the morning, they commenced a heavy and incessant fire, throwing shot, bombs, and rockets in show7ers at our works. They also essayed again to advance to the assault in column, but the steady and skillful fire of our batteries, soon arrested their progress and put them to flight. An incessant cannonading, how ever, was continued through the day, till late in the even ing, when our balls had dismounted and silenced nearly all of their guns; and under cover of the night,. they again withdrew from the unprofitable contest. Our loss on this day was eleven killed and twenty-three wounded, whilst that of the enemy, from their very exposed situation, must have been extremely great. The opposite side of the river, or the right bank, now became an object of attention with both armies. Commo- 556 HISTORY OF THE LATE WAR dore Patterson had landed some of the guns of the Louis iana, and erected a battery on the bank, opposite our main w7orks on the left side, for the purpose of co-operating with the right of our lines, and flanking the enemy in his ad vance up the river to attack them. After the affair on the 1st of January, the battery was enlarged by landing and mounting more guns, and a furnace was prepared to heat shot, with a view to fire the houses between the two armies, which were occupied by the British. The Louisiana mili tia, and New Orleans contingent, were also stationed at that place under General D. B. Morgan, for the purpose of repelling any attack on the battery, or any attempt to move up, on that side, and annoy the city across the river, which the enemy might make. On the 4th, General Mor gan began to throw up a breastwork, and mounted three 12-pounders, for the defense of his troops. On the 4th, also, the Kentucky detachment, under General Thomas arrived at the city. Being nearly destitute of arms, for they had brought but few with them from home, and those which had been shipped in trading boats at Pittsburgh had not yet arrived, they were ordered to encamp at the canal of Madam Piernass, one mile above the American lines, till they could be equipped for service. The city was now ransacked for arms to supply the Kentuckians, and by the 7th a sufficient number was collected and repaired, together with a loan obtained by General Adair from a corps of exempts, to arm the regiment commanded by Colonel Slaughter, and the battalion under Major Harrison. These corps, 1,000 strong, were then marched down to the lines under the command of General Adair, Major-General Thomas being unwell ; and were posted immediately in the rear of General Carroll's division, to support the centre of our works. IN THE WESTERN COUNTRY 557 The enemy in the meantime were engaged, on the sug gestion of Admiral Cochrane, in enlarging a canal which connected the Mississippi with the bayou Bienvenue, to enable them to draw their boats through it into the river, and make an attack on our establishment under Patterson and Morgan. On the 7th their operations were reconnoi tered across the river by the commodore, who ascertained in the evening, that they had nearly completed the under taking, and immediately communicated this information to Jackson, with a request that reinforcements might be sent over, to assist in the defense of his position. The general accordingly ordered 400 of the unarmed Kentuck ians, to go up to the city where they would be supplied with arms, and then come doAvn on the opposite side to Morgan. It was in the night when they marched, and a supply of indifferent arms could be procured for no more than 200, who proceeded to their place of destination while the balance returned to camp. About 1 o'clock in the morning of the 8th, the commodore discovered that the enemy had gotten their barges into the river, and that an uncommon stir was prevailing in their camp, of Avhich the commanding general was duly notified. No doubt now existed in the American camp, but that another formidable attack was on the point of being car ried into execution on both sides of the river ; and as the enemy had already been twice repulsed, it was reasonable to expect that his third attempt would be desperate and bloody. Our main army, however, was well prepared to receive him, and anxious for an assault to be made. The whole extent of our works, about 1800 yards from the river to the swamp, was well finished, well manned with brave soldiers, and well-defended with artillery. The regulars with a part of the militia from Louisiana, occupied 600 yards on the right next the river; General Carroll's di- 558 HISTORY OF THE LATE AVAR vision occupied 800 yards in the centre; and General Cof fee defended the balance of the works on the left. The Kentuckians formed in tAvo lines, occupied 400 yards in the centre, close in the rear of General Carroll's command. As soon as the daAvn of day enabled us to see some distance in front of our lines, the enemy were discovered advancing in great force, formed in two powerful columns on the right and left, and prepared with fascines and scal ing ladders to storm our works. Their left column which was the least, was led up the bank of the river by Alajor- General Keane, whilst their main column was conducted against the center of our Avorks by Alajor-General Gibbs. A third column was held in reserve under the command of Alajor-General Lambert. The ground over which they had to march to the assault was a perfect level, beautifully over grown with clover, and without any intervening obstruc tion whatever. The signal for the onset was the discharge of a rocket from the head of their column next the river, when their Avhole force rent the air with a shout and advanced briskly to the charge. A tremendous cannonade Avas at the same time opened on our works from their mor tars and field artillery, and from a battery of six 18- pounders, which they had erected within 500 yards of our lines. Their attack was received by our troops with the utmost firmness and bravery, and their fire immediately returned by the artillery on our works, under the direction of de liberate and skillful officers, who tore their columns as they approached, with a frightful carnage; and as soon as the heads of their columns had arrived within the range of our small arms, they were assailed in a manner still more destructive, by the steady, deliberate, well-aimed fire of our rifles and musketry. Though they advanced under this havoc with astonishing firmness and intrepidity, yet b IN THE WESTERN COUNTRY 559 ere they could reach our works they Avere thrown into con fusion and repulsed ; but the brave officers who led them soon rallied their flying troops, reformed their shattered columns, and led them the second time to the charge, with renewed vigor and fury. In vain was their bravery — in vain the utmost exertion of their powers — they only renewed the charge to suffer a neAv repulse with redoubled carnage. Their principal column advancing against the centre of our works, was opposed by the strongest part of our lines, consisting of Tennessee and Kentucky marks men, at least six men deep, who literally poured forth a sheet of fire, which cut down the ranks of the enemy, like grass by the scythe of a mower. Yet their heavy columns pressed on with such force and desperation, that many of their men at last entered the ditch in front of our breast work, where they were shot down in heaps at the very muzzle of our guns. Slaughtered, shattered, and disor dered, they were again forced to retire. Their leaders, however, apparently resolved on victory or total destruc tion, again rallied and brought them up a third time to the charge ; but their principal officers being now slain and disabled, and their strength greatly broken and spent, this last effort was less successful than the former, and they were soon forced to fall back in disorder on their column of reserve, with which they pursued a precipitate and dis orderly retreat to their camp, under a galling fire from our batteries, leaving the field literally covered with the dying and the dead. Lieutenant-General Packenham was killed, and Alajor-Generals Keane and Gibbs were both se verely wounded, the latter of whom died a few days after wards. Colonel Rannie was also killed — a brave and in trepid officer, who in the second charge entered the bastion on our right, at the head of his men, but was immediately slain and his followers repulsed by our brave regulars and 560 HISTORY OF THE LATE WAR Beale's company of city riflemen. The action lasted about an hour, and terminated in a decisive and total defeat of the enemy. On the other side of the river our arms experienced a reverse. The battery erected by Commodore Patterson was constructed for annoying the enemy across the river, and raking the front of our works on the left side ; and during the attack this morning it was employed in that way with considerable effect. But before action ceased on the left, an attack was also made on the right bank. The 85th regi ment with some seamen and marines, having crossed the river opposite the British camp, and led by Colonel Thorn ton, advanced under cover of some field pieces, and put to flight a corps commanded by Major Arno, who had been sent down to oppose their landing. Continuing their march up the river they next attacked the 200 Kentuckians under Colonel Davis, who had been sent half a mile in front of our works to oppose them. After a sharp skirmish, Colo nel Davis retreated by order of General Alorgan with the loss of about thirty men in killed, wounded, and missing; and having reached the entrenchment, he was ordered to post his men on the right of the Louisiana militia. The guns in the battery could not be employed against Colonel Thornton until they were turned in their embrasures, Avhich was not undertaken till it was too late to accom plish it before the charge was made. General Morgan had 500 Louisiana militia safely posted behind a finished breastwork, which extended 200 yards from the battery at right angles to the river, and was defended by three pieces of artillery. The 170 remaining Kentuckians on his right were scattered along a ditch 300 yards in extent ; and still further on the right there were several hundred yards of open ground entirely undefended. IN THE AVESTERN COUNTRY 561 In this situation of things, the enemy with steady pace continued advancing to the charge in two columns under the cover of a shower of rockets. Their right column ad vancing to the river was thrown into disorder and driven back by Morgan's artillery ; the other advancing against the Kentuckians was resisted by their small arms till a party of the assailants had turned their right flank and com menced a fire on their rear. Overpowered by numbers in front, assailed in their rear, and unsupported by their com panions in arms, they were at last compelled to retreat from their untenable position. The Louisiana militia then retreated also from their breastwork and artillery before they had felt the pressure of the enemy. Commodore Pat terson, perceiving how the contest would issue, spiked his cannon and was ready to join in the retreat with his ma rines. The enemy pursued them some distance up the river and then returned to destroy the battery and other works. Patterson and Morgan, conscious that they had acted badly, the former in not turning his guns in time, and the latter in leaving his right flank weak, uncovered, and un supported, whilst his main force was uselessly concen trated behind the breastwork, determined to throw the whole blame of the defeat on the handful of Kentuckians who had the misfortune to be present and to do all the fighting that was done, except a feAV discharges from the artiUery. They induced General Jackson to tell the war department that "the Kentucky reinforcements inglori- ously fled, drawing after them by their example, the re mainder of the forces" — and the commodore in his report to the navy department stigmatized them in terms still more offensive. A court of inquiry was demanded by Colo nel Davis before which the facts were proved as above de tailed. The court, however, merely pronounced the Ken- 36 562 HISTORY OF THE LATE WAR tuckians excusable; which being deemed unsatisfactory, General Adair again pressed the subject on the commander- in-chief, and at last obtained a dry, reluctant sentence of justification. The detachment did all, at least, that could be expected from brave men, if it was not entitled to the praise of uncommon gallantry. Our victory on the left bank of the river Avas very com plete and decisive. The inequality of loss in the opposing armies was probably unparalleled in the annals of warfare — ours being only six killed and seven wounded in the main battle, while that of the enemy was estimated at two thous and six hundred in killed, wounded, and prisoners. Im mediately after the action an armistice for a few hours was craved and obtained by the enemy, for the purpose of bury ing their dead and taking care of their wounded. A line was then designated across the field of battle to which they were allowed to come ; and between that line and the breast work 482 dead bodies were counted and carried out,"while it was estimated that upwards of 200 lay on the outside of it ; the killed was therefore set down at 700 ; and suppos ing as usual, that twice that number Avere wounded, the whole killed and wounded would be 2,100; and 500 pris oners were captured — making a total of 2,600. Lieuten ant-General Packenham, who was killed, was an officer of great distinction. He was brother-in-law to the celebrated Lord Wellington, under whom he had been trained; and most of -the troops he commanded had fought and signal ized themselves under that commander in Spain. Our ef fective force engaged at the works, according to the offi cial returns, was a little upwards of 4,000 — of which about 2,000 were Tennessee militia, 1,000 Kentucky militia, and upwards of 1,000 regulars and Louisiana militia. The force engaged on the part of the enemy was not known ; but his whole force present was believed to be between eight IN THE WESTERN COUNTRY 563 and ten thousand — the original force of the expedition hav ing been much above that number. Though the enemy succeeded in their enterprise on the right bank of the river, yet they met with a considerable loss on that side also — their killed and wounded in that affair being about ninety-seven, among the latter Colonel Thornton severely; whilst our loss was comparatively small, perhaps, not half that number. After setting fire not only to the platform and carriages of the battery, but to all the private dwelling houses and destroying all the private property they could find for several miles along the river, the detachment retreated over to their main camp, carrying with them two field pieces and a brass howitzer. The object of the enterprise was to wrest the battery from Patterson before the main attack was made, with a view to employ it in raking Jackson's lines, instead of flanking their OAvn columns; but from some cause the detachment did not get over the river as soon as they intended, and of course did not prevent the battery from answering the pur pose for which it had been erected. Morgan and Patterson immediately reoccupied their old position when the enemy retreated ; began to drill the cannon and repair the works ; and in a few days were again ready for efficient service. On the day after the great battle, an attack was made by the enemy on Fort St. Phillip, commanded by Major Walter H. Overton, with a view to bring their armed ves sels up the river to co-operate with the land forces in the capture of the city. Major Overton received intelligence of their intentions as early as the 1st of January, and was well prepared to sustain the attack. They doubtless had intended to carry the fort and get up the river in time for the main contest, but were prevented by the difficulty of ascending the river. On the 9th, two bomb vessels, a brig, a sloop, and a schooner, came to anchor about two miles 564 HISTORY OF THE LATE AVAR below the fort and commenced an attack with sea mortars of ten and thirteen inches calibre, which they continued nine days without intermission, and without molestation, for their position was beyond the range of the guns in the fort. In this period they threw upwards of 1,000 large shells; besides a great many small ones with round and grape shot from boats under cover of the night, A large mortar in the meantime was sent down to the fort and in the evening of the 17th was brought to bear upon their ves sels, which induced them to withdraw at daylight next morning. All the loss in the fort was two killed and seven wounded — so judicious had been the preparations and po lice of Major Overton to meet the attack. As soon as intelligence of the attack had been brought to headquarters, a battery mounting four twenty-four pounders with a furnace to heat shot had been erected to burn the shipping of the enemy, should they succeed in capturing the fort or in pasisng it with their armed vessels. Preparations were now being made by General Lambert and Admiral Cochrane for a retreat. An exchange of pris oners took place on the 18th, by which all our men who had been captured and not sent to the shipping were recov ered and restored to their country ; and in the night of that day, the enemy made good their retreat from the banks of the Mississippi to their boats and small vessels and com menced embarking their troops and baggage for their large vessels still lying off Ship Island in the Gulf of Mexico. In their camp they left fourteen pieces of heavy artillery, a quantity of shot, and eighty of their wounded with a surgeon to attend them, all of whom had been so disabled in their limbs that a recovery from their wounds would not render them fit for service. The retreat was not ac complished without molestation. Such was the situation of the ground which they abandoned, and through which IN THE AVESTERN COUNTRY 565 they passed, protected by canals, redoubts, entrenchments, and swamps, that General Jackson did not think proper to press upon them in the rear with his whole force; but an enterprise was successfully conducted against their light vessels on the lake by Mr. Shields, the purser of the navy. After the battle of the gunboats "Air. Shields had been sent down under a flag of truce to ascertain the fate of our officers and men, with power to negotiate an exchange, es pecially for the wounded. But the enemy would make no terms — they treated the flag with contempt, and himself and the surgeon who was with him as prisoners." Before they retreated, however, "they lowered their tone and begged the exchange that we had offered. Defeat had thus humbled the arrogance of an enemy, who had promised his soldiers forty-eight hours of pillage and rapine in the city of New Orleans." When the intention of the enemy to re treat was discovered, Mr. Shields was sent out through Pass Chef Alentire in five armed boats and a gig, manned with fifty sailors and militia, to annoy their transports on Lake Alorgne, a service which he undertook with great alacrity, as he was anxious to avenge the personal insults and injury he had experienced. He succeeded without loss on his part in capturing and destroying a transport brig and two boats, and bringing in seventy-eight prisoners, be sides capturing several other boats and a number of pris oners whom he was obliged to parole. And thus the projected conquest of Louisiana, and the siege of New Orleans, which was vigorously prosecuted for twenty-seven days by a powerful army, terminated in the total discomfiture of that army, and a most complete vic tory for the American arms, which illuminated the closing scenes of the war with a blaze of American glory. So con fident had the British government been that the expedition wonld be successful — that they would be able to take and 566 HISTORY OF THE LATE WAR to hold Louisiana — that Sir Edward Packenham was pro vided with a special commission as governor of the pro vince, and was accompanied by all the necessary civil magistrates, custom-house officers, etc., etc., to make a per manent governmental establishment in the city of New Orleans; and that no excitement to the most desperate exertions might be wanting among the soldiers, to make them secure such a valuable prize for Sir Edward, he prom ised them an unrestrained pillage of the city; and as a memento and confirmation of his promise, gave them beauty and booty for a watchword on the morning of the great battle. How mistaken were the calculations of the government, and how greatly disappointed the hopes of its vandal army! Instead of enjoying the beauty and booty of a rich commercial city, they experienced the severest privations and hardships, and met the most signal and ignominious defeat. From the time they arrived in that quarter till they retreated, their loss was not less than 4,000 by the sword and the privations they endured; for they were sometimes scarce of suitable provisions and the season was the most cold and inclement which had been known in that country for ages. The enemy being entirely driven from our soil, the lines which had been maintained with such astonishing success were broken up, and the different corps composing the army, after receiving the thanks of the general in the most lively and expressive terms, were distributed and encamped in such places as were most convenient for the comfort of the troops and the safety of the country. Strict discipline, however, was still preserved, and martial law enforced with all its vigor; and no exertions were omitted to keep suit able guards on the different passes to the city, and to watch every movement of the enemy. The general moved his headquarters to the to\vn, Avhere he was received with the IN THE WESTERN COUNTRY 567 greatest marks of attention, respect, and gratitude by its inhabitants, by whom he was universally acknowledged as the saviour of their city. As a testimony of their respect, and of the high sense they entertained of his great and distinguished exertions, in defence of their persons and property, their rights and liberties, their wives and their daughters, against a rapacious and mercenary soldiery, whose avowed intention was beauty and booty, they crowned their adored general with laurels — an honor never conferred on any chieftain in this country since the simHar coronation of the illustrious Washington at Princeton. The ceremony was attended by a numerous concourse of people, and conducted in a very splendid manner. There were many citizens in New Orleans, however, and still more in many other parts of the Union who con demned this regal pomp, as inconsistent with that republi can simplicity, which ought always to be preserved in our country, and as tending to corrupt the minds of our citizens by inspiring them with sentiments of false glory and sinis ter schemes of ambition. When our country was invaded, the pirates of Barrat aria, as well as those who had escaped and those who had been captured, requested to be employed in defence of the city, against "the common enemy of mankind, the highway robber of the w7orld" — and were accordingly posted on our lines, where they acted with great fidelity and courage— in consideration of which, and at the intercession of the legislature of Louisiana, they obtained a free and full par don for their piratical offences from the president of the United States, who declared in his proclamation, that "Offenders who had refused to become the associates of the enemy in the war, upon the most seducing terms of invita tion; and who had aided to repel his hostile invasion of the territory of the United States, could no longer be consid- 568 HISTORY OF THE LATE WAR ered as objects of punishment, but as objects of a generous forgiveness." During the operations at New Orleans, the British, un der the famous Cockburn, who was a full match on the Atlantic frontier for Proctor in the interior, took posses sion of Cumberland Island off the coast of Georgia near the Florida line, from whence they landed and plundered the town of St Marys, in Georgia, of every article of value belonging to that place, which they could carry away, and destroyed much of that which was immovable. Only a part of the armament, which had burnt Washington City, and robbed Alexandria, had joined the expedition under Sir E. Packenham, and the balance was thus employed in rob bing every assailable town and farm-house on the south ern coast. By a parcel of letters found on board the schooner St. Lawrence, captured by the privateer Chasseur of Baltimore, on her passage from Cumberland to the Brit ish fleet off New Orleans, which purported to be a corres pondence between the officers of Rear Admiral Cockburn's fleet and those under Vice Admiral Cochrane, their rapa cious conduct and meanness of spirit Avas exhibited in glowing terms, in which they congratulated one another on their success in plundering and tlieir shares in prize money, and seemed to be intent on nothing but the dirty gains of an infamous pillage. The enemy in their retreat from New Orleans also carried aAvay a number of negroes and a va riety of other property; and Air. Edward Livingston, vol unteer aide to General Jackson, being sent after them with a flag to demand redress and reparation for such injuries, inflicted on private persons contrary to the rules of honor able warfare, he Avas detained in their fleet while they pre pared and executed an expedition against Alobile. General Winchester, who had lately been exchanged and returned home from Canada, Avas now entrusted with IN THE WESTERN COUNTRY 569 the command at Mobile for the protection of which he had an ample force, consisting of the Georgia militia, the Tenn essee militia under Taylor, and several other smaller corps. On the 8th of February, the enemy invested Fort Bowyer Avith a formidable armament by land and water under the immediate command of Cochrane and Lambert. They made regular approaches by land and had advanced within thirty yards of its ditches, when Colonel Lawrence by the advice of his officers determined to capitulate as there was no possibility of maintaining the post much longer. Though he obtained highly honorable terms for his troops, and was perfectly justifiable in making the sur render, yet such an event was painful to a gallant soldier who had been accustomed to victory. General Winchester was much blamed for the result; for although he had a sufficiency of soldiers at the town of Mobile, and had been apprised of the intentions of the enemy previous to their landing, yet he delayed to send a reinforcement to Law rence until the siege had commenced. A detachment was then passed over the bay and sent to his assistance, but it did not arrive until twenty-four hours after the capitula tion. Winchester soon afterwards resigned his commis sion in the army, and the command of Mobile devolved on General M'Intosh, of Georgia. Our loss in the surrender was 360 prisoners ; and the loss of the enemy in capturing the fort was between thirty and forty in killed and wounded. Mr. Livingston now returned from the enemy, and ar rived at New Orleans on the 20th of February, bringing with him a rumor that a treaty of peace had been signed by the commissioners at Ghent, the ratification of which by both governments was expected to follow. This intelli gence, though not official, had an astonishing effect on the militia troops at New Orleans. Inspired by their unpar- 570 HISTORY OF THE LATE WAR alleled success with great confidence in the safety of that country, Avhich was defended by their prowess, and believ ing that peace was at hand, the discipline of the camp be came irksome, and they began to murmur at the hardships of military duty. They began to consider of their rights as free men, and to complain against rigors of martial law. General Jackson, however, supposed that this report of peace might have been invented by the enemy to put us off our guard, and give them a chance to effect by stratagem and surprise what they could not effect by force — or al though the intelligence might be true, yet that such bar barians, if an opportunity should offer, wrould probably make a sudden incursion to the city and burn it through mere wantonness and revenge — he therefore determined to continue and strictly enforce all his measures of vigi lance and precaution until peace should be officially an nounced, or the British fleet had entirely gone from that quarter. The desire of relaxation on the other hand became so great in some of the corps, as even to excite apprehensions of mutiny. Tavo points at which it was necessary that guards should be stationed, were actually deserted by the city militia. The spirit of insubordination was most ap parent and formidable among the European Frenchmen, who had entered their adhesions to Louis XVIII, in the consular books of the chevalier De Tousard. General Jackson hence determined by a rigorous measure in rela tion to them to put a stop to the progress of discontent, and ensure that strict discipline and viligance which he still deemed necessary. All French subjects whose foreign citizenship had been regularly authenticated, were there fore ordered to leave the city before the 3rd of March, and to proceed to the interior at least as far as Baton Rouge. This order instead of suppressing discontent and silencing IN THE WESTERN COUNTRY 571 opposition, had rather a contrary tendency. It was deemed tyrannical and unnecessarily rigorous. The French troops and citizens could not see, or would not acknowledge the necessity of remaining in statu quo, as long as the war continued and a formidable hostile fleet was hovering on the coast. Several unpleasant acts ensued, the motives and propriety of which we shall not stop to discuss as we briefly mention them. On the day fixed for the departure of the French aliens for the interior, a piece was published in a newspaper in which the course of the general was censured, and the serv ices of those persons during the siege highly extolled. Viewing this piece as intended to counteract the execution of the order, and excite mutiny among the troops, General Jackson demanded of the printer, the name of the author who proved to be Mr. Louillier, a member of the house of representative from Opelousas. He had him arrested and confined in the barracks. On the petition of Air. Morel, attorney-at- law, in behalf of Mr. Louillier, Judge Hall, of the United States district court, granted a writ of habeas corpus for the enlargement of the prisoner. On the same evening Hall was also arrested and carried to the barracks. Mr. Dick, the attorney of the United States for the district, then applied to Judge Lewis, of the Louisiana district court, for a writ in favor of Judge Hall, and was himself immediately taken into custody by the military. Lewis, however, issued the writ, and was threatened but not ar rested for doing it. Another general order was now is sued in which it was enjoined on all officers and soldiers to arrest forthwith all persons whatever who had infringed the former respecting the aliens, or were in any manner concerned in seditious practices. A general court martial, of which Major General Gaines was president, was ordered to try Mr. Louillier, the jurisdiction of which he denied, 572 HISTORY OF THE LATE AVAR and Avould not plead before it. The court, however, pro ceeded to tiy him as if he had plead not guilty ; and aftei examining witnesses, and deliberating on the subject, they gave a sentence of not guilty, which was disapproved by General Jackson. Mr. Louillier was, however, liberated. Judge Hall and the French consul were sent a few leagues' up the coast, and Air. Dick was permitted to Avalk the1 streets. In this state of things, the news of peace was officially- announced. A national salute was fired from Fort St.; Charles, followed by a federal salute from the dockyard.1 A very splendid illumination of the city took place in the evening, diversified by the discharge of sky rockets, and enlivened by the shouts of the populace, proclaiming "peace5 on earth, and good will toward men." Martial law was now annulled and a free pardon of all prisoners pro claimed. The glorious intelligence, with the measures it1 produced came very opportunely to allay all the discon tents prevailing among the people of the town and the1 troops of the army. Judge Hall having resumed the functions of his office,1 cited General Jackson to appear before him for an al leged contempt in refusing to obey the process of his court in the case of the writ of habeas corpus in favor of Mri Louillier. The general accordingly appeared, attended by his counsel, and tendered a written defence, in which he excepted to the proceeding against him as illegal, uncon stitutional, and informal; relied on the existence of mar< tial law for his justification; and gave the reasons which had induced him to proclaim it, The judge being apprisedl of the nature of the defence, decided that part which re-i lated to martial law to be inadmissable, and refused to heat it read. The general on his part refused to make any! other; and the judge then told him that for the contempt IN THE WESTERN COUNTRY 573 he had shown the civil authority, he must pay a fine of $1,000; which was immediately done. Although there was a strong faction opposed to the general and the mass of the people had been uneasy under the restrictions he had imposed, yet on the return of peace, and more particularly when Judge Hall undertook to pun ish him for his military measures, it was found that there was an immense majority of the people who approved his conduct, and were grateful for his services. No one who knew the state of the country and the situation of our af fairs when martial law was proclaimed could doubt the pro priety of that measure; and as long as the same state of things continued without much alteration, the general was certainly not to be blamed for continuing the measure; and as long as it was necessary to continue it, he was cer tainly justified in taking care that it should be enforced. With a little more address and temporizing however, its rigors might have been rendered more palatable, and many unpleasant circumstances have been avoided; but such a course did not suit the temper of General Jackson. In the case of the prosecution against him in the district court, his cause was so popular in New Orleans that the check on the bank with which he paid his fine to the mar shal was immediately redeemed by the citizens, who limited the contribution for that purpose to one dollar from each individual, in order that a greater number might be grati fied with the honor of being a part in the expense. The general on the return of peace had the pleasure of restoring to Tennessee, Kentucky, Louisiana, and the Aliss issippi territory, those brave troops who had acted such a distinguished part in the close of a war which terminated te honorably for the American arms. The Tennessee and Kentucky troops commenced their return to their respec tive States on the 18th of March. They had a long, pain- 574 HISTORY OF THE LATE WAR ful, and fatiguing journey to perform, and were nearly destitute of the necessary transportation for their baggage and provisions, of which they had but a scanty supply on many parts of their journey. The patriotism of the people of Tennessee was still conspicuous. They met the famished soldiers far in the wilds of the Indian country with com fortable provisions for their sustenance and refreshment. The majority of the troops at last arrived in their respec tive States in the latter part of April and first of May, after having suffered incredible hardships from disease and fatigue. Their sufferings and losses from disease, after the termination of the war, were much greater than those they experienced from the toils and dangers of the tented field. The following extract from the address of General Jack son to the militia, before they left New Orleans, will show in what light he viewed and in what manner their country ought to estimate the services of those patriotic men. "In parting with those brave men whose destinies have been so long united Avith his own, and in whose labors and glories it is his happiness and his boast to have partici pated, the commanding general can neither suppress his feelings, nor give utterance to them as he ought. In what terms can he bestow suitable praise on merit so extraor dinary, so unparalleled. Let him in one burst of joy, gratitude, and exultation, exclaim — 'These are the saviours of their country — these the patriot soldiers, who triumphed over the invincibles of Wellington, and conquered the con querors of Europe.' "With what patience did you submit to privations — with what fortitude did you endure fatigue — what valor did you display in the field of battle. You have secured to America a proud name among the nations of the earth — a glory which will never perish. "Possessing those dispositions which equally adorn the citizen and the soldier, the expectations of your country IN THE WESTERN COUNTRY 575 will be met in peace, as her wishes have been gratified in war. Go then my brave companions to your homes; to those tender connections and those blissful scenes, which render life so dear, so full of honor and crowned with laur els which wHl never fade. With Avhat happiness will you not, when participating in the bosoms of your families the enjoyments of peaceful life, look back to the toils you have borne — to the dangers you have encountered. How will all your past exposures be converted into sources of inexpress ible delight. AVho that never experienced your sufferings, will be able to appreciate your joys? The man who slum bered ingloriously at home during your painful marches, your nights of watchfulness and your days of toil, will envy you the happiness which these recollections will af ford — still more will he envy the gratitude of that coun try which you have so eminently contributed to save. "Continue, fellow-soldiers, on your passage to your sev eral destinations, to preserve that subordination, that dig nified and manly deportment, which have so ennobled your character. "While the commanding general is thus giving indul gence to his feelings towards those brave companions, who accompanied him through difficulties and dangers, he can not permit the names of Blount, of Shelby, and Holmes to pass unnoticed. With what a generous ardor of patriotism have these distinguished governors contributed all their exertions to provide the means of victory. The memory of these exertions, and the success with which they were attended, will be to them a reward more grateful than any which the pomp of title or the splendor of wealth could bestow. "What a happiness it is to the commanding general that while danger was before us, he was on no occasion com pelled to use towards his companions in arms either seve rity or rebuke. If after the enemy had retired, improper passions began to show their empire in a few unworthy bosoms, and rendered a resort to energetic measures neces sary for their suppressions, the commanding general has not confounded the innocent with the guilty — the seduced 576 HISTORY OF THE LATE AVAR with the seducers. Towards you fellow-soldiers, the most cheering recollections exist, blended, alas ! with regret, that disease and war should have ravished from us so many worthy companions. But the memory of the cause in Avhich they perished, and of the virtues which animated them while living, must occupy the place where sorrow would claim to dwrell. "Farewell, fellow-soldiers! The expression of your general's thanks is feeble; but gratitude of a country of free men is yours — yours the applause of an admiring world." FIELD NOTES. General Winchester's camp was located on or near what is known as Presque Isle Hill on the west bank of the Maumee River just above the old site of Turkey Root rock and the site of the battle of Fallen Timbers. (See page 221.) General Harrison's camp when he retreated from the "rapids twelve miles to the Portage" was located on the east bank of the Portage River at Pemberville, Ohio, and on what is known as the Hoodelbrink farm. (See page 258.) "The rapids" spoken of in many places in the operations along the Miami (Maumee now) would begin some dis tance above the town of Waterville, Lucas County, and the foot of the rapids is at Perrysburg and Maumee, Ohio. "Lower Sandusky" is now Fremont Upper Sandusky and Sandusky retain their original names. Hulls' camp or stockade at the Portage was located on the south bank of this stream in the southern edge of the town of Portage, Wood County, Ohio, and just west of the "Dixie Highway." ( See page 188. ) Fort Stevenson (war 1812) enclosed about one acre of ground and was at the head of navigation on the San dusky River. It was on a high piece of ground and almost in the center of what is now the city of Fremont, Ohio, (Lower Sandusky). The Burchard City Library stands on its site, some three blocks west of the river. 577 578 HISTORY OF THE LATE WAR Fort Winchester was located on the west bank of the Auglaize River and beginning about eight rods south of Fort Defiance, extended some 600 feet along the Au glaize further south. The mobilization of Perry's fleet, the embarkation of Harrison's army for his Thames River campaign, was at the mouth of the Portage River at Port Clinton, and the fort was just east of the mouth of the Portage River on the lake or bay there. The brush and log fence built across the Isthmus by Harrison's troops to infield on the penin sula the horses of the army while Harrison was on his campaign against Proctor and Tecumseh, had its northern terminus at the mouth of the Portage at Port Clinton. ( See page 392.) Maiden referred to in the work in many places was on the Canadian side of the Detroit River just above Am herstburg and it was at Alalden that a part of Commodore Barclay's fleet w7as built and was mobilized for the battle of Lake Erie. The battle of the Thames where Proctor was defeated and Tecumseh killed took place near Thamesville, Canada, and on the north bank of the Thames River about eighteen miles from Chatham. (See page 422.) , Fort Findlay (war 1812), a small stockade about fifty yards square, was on the south side of the "Blanchards Forks" on the west side of where Main Street of Findlay, Ohio, crosses that river. At each corner was a blockhouse. The soldiers' quarters and the palisades protecting the other portions. Fort Amanda ( war 1812 ) , a stockade, was on the west bank of the Auglaize near the west line of Auglaize County, Ohio, and on the site of an Ottawa Indian town. Fort AlcArthur (war 1812) was on the Scioto River in Hardin County not far from Kenton, Ohio. IN THE AVESTERN COUNTRY 579 Fort Ball (war 1812), built by a detachment of Har rison's army, was on the west bank of the Sandusky River, now in the city of Tiffin, Ohio. Fort Seneca (war 1812) was built by a force of Har rison's army as a supply depot. It was a stockade includ ing several acres and was on the right bank of the San dusky River about half way between Fort Stevenson and Fort Ball. Fort Wayne, first built in the fall of 1794, was located at the head of the Maumee River at the bend of that river just below the junction of the St. Mary's and St. Joseph's Rivers. It was completed by AVayne October 22, after his retirement from the victory of Fallen Timbers. It was rebuilt during the operations of 1812. Lossing says : "It was not on the site of the old French stockade known as Fort Miami, nor on that of the one which was occupied by an English garrison, consisting of a captain's command, at the time of Pontiacs conspiracy in 1763. At that time the old Fort Miami was a ruin and the stockade to which reference is here made was in perfect order. It was about half a mile from the present bridge across the Maumee on the east bank of the St. Josephs." The stockade was sit uated near the St. Mary's and near the old canal aqueduct. Fort Miami, pronounced the oldest fortification in Ohio, was built by an expedition sent by Frontenac, gov ernor of Canada in 1680, as a military trading post. It is about fifteen miles from the mouth of the Maumee River (referred to continually by McAfee as the Miami) and on its west bank on the northern edge of Maumee. It was occupied by Proctor during the war 1812, and his army camp was just below the fort during the siege of Fort Meigs. Fort Defiance, occupied by Harrison and others dur ing the war of 1812, was built by General Wayne's army in 580 HISTORY OF THE LATE WAR August, 1794. It stood in the angle formed by the junction of the Maumee and Auglaize Rivers at the city of Defiance. Fort Meigs (war 1812) as will be seen by McAfee's story, was one of the most important posts during this war. The location on the right bank of the Maumee (Aliami) River at the foot of the rapids, is just above the town of Perrysburg in Wood County, Ohio. It comprised about ten acres and the outlines of the fort on the bluff are still plainly discernible. Fort Harrison was located on the left bank of the Wabash River about two miles from the central part of Terre Haute, Indiana. It was completed October 28, 1911. The Tippecanoe battle-ground is about seven miles in a northerly direction from the town of Lafayette, Indiana, on "Burnet's Creek." The dangerous passes of Pine Creek are from fifteen to twenty miles from its mouth. The blockhouse for the stores for Harrison's troops was on the west bank of the Vermillion, (Indiana), River. Lossing says : "The place of the early rendezvou of the Ohio volunteers was on the north side of the Mad River two miles above Dayton. Fort Mackinack "stood upon a bluff overlooking the fine semi-circular harbor a mile in extent with an unin terrupted view into Lake Huron to the northeast and Lake Michigan on the west," says Lossing. Frenchtown, referred to in several places in this vol ume, is practically where is now the site of Monroe, Michi gan. In publishing this work the spelling used in the origi nal copy is generally followed. Some names of indi viduals as well as places are spelled two and occasionally three different ways. Proctor is spelled both Proctor and Procter, and what we know now as Wapakoneta is spelled OPERATIONS WAR or 1812 582 HISTORY OF THE LATE AVAR three different ways, and Colonel Findlay (Findley) is not ahvays spelled the same. In fact there is much dispute as to the original spelling of this latter name. In a way these differences lend a value to the work, as in many cases at that period there was no doubt no established rule for spelling names and places. THE END. INDEX AMANDA, FORT, 170, 578. AMERICAN COLONIES, Great Britain's hope to regain, 9. ARMSTRONG, SECY., his letter to the president, 454. BALL, COL., goes with Harrison to Cleveland, 331. BALL, FORT, news of Perry's victory received, 382; location, 579. BARBER, FORT, 170. BARCLAY, CAPT., his surrender, 388. BATTLES, of Tippecanoe, 38; Success at River Raisin, 225; Winchester's defeat and River Raisin massacre, 231; Winches ter's capture, 234; British re port on River Raisin, 246; Siege of Ft. Meigs, 283; Second siege of Ft. Meigs, 341; Perry's vic tory, 383; Mackinaw, 463; Mal colm's Mill, 485; Horseshoe Bend, 518; New Orleans, 558. BRITISH (see Great Britain) movement of Queen Charlotte, 79; Gen. Brock demands- Hull's surrender, 99; Attack Ft. De troit, 102; Their connection with Indians shown, 147; Reach Ft. Defiance, 153; Muir plans to meet Winchester, 153; English officer captured in Wood Coun ty, Ohio, 187; Defeat Winches ter, 231; Proctor's inhumanity, 235; Prepare to attack Ft. Meigs, 277; Appear at old Ft. Miami, 280; Besiege Ft. Meigs, 283; Proctor's retreat, 296; Re port on Dudley's defeat, 297; Second attempt at Ft. Meigs, 341; Raise siege, 346; Attack Ft. Stephenson, 350; Retreat in disorder, 353; Proctor burns Maiden, 401; Proctor's defeat at Thames, 422; Show further ac tivity, 439; Success at Prairie du Chine, 475; Defeated at Mal colm's Mill, 485; Intrigue with Creek Indians, 497; Operations at Mobile, 529; Col. Nichol's famous proclamation, 531 ; Their defeat at Mobile, 534; Fleet ap pears at New Orleans, 544; Cap ture flotilla, 545; Their over- confidence, 552; Sir Edward Packenham, commander at New Orleans, 554; Crushing defeat at New Orleans, 558; Unsuc cessful attack on Ft. St. Phillip, 563; Retreat at New Orleans, 564; Peace announced with, 572. CASS, GEN., at trial of Hull at Albany, 438. CLAY, GEN., arrival at Ft. Meigs, 285; His orders to Col. Dudley, 287; In command at Ft. Meigs, 300; Repairs Ft. Meigs, 326. CLEVELAND, supplies deposited at, 208; Depot for troops, 270; Harrison protects boats building and supplies there, 331; Harri son builds small fort there, 332. COCHRANE, ADMIRAL, British naval commander at New Or leans, his famous boast, 555. CONGRESS lays embargo on ship ping, 61. CROGHAN, COL. GEORGE, as major ordered to Lower Sandus ky, 327; Ordered by Harrison to abandon Ft. Stephenson; His reply, 348; Relieved and rein stated in command, 349; His de fense of Ft. Stephenson, 350; Duly honored, 355; Resents or ders of Secy. Armstrong, 450; Writes Gen. Harrison, 452; His letter to Gen, McArthur, 459; His engagement at Mackinaw, 462; Letter to war department, 466. 583 584 HISTORY OF THE LATE WAR DAYTON, rendezvous of Ohio troops near, 580. DEARBORN, FORT, 113. DEFIANCE, FORT, 160, 579. DETROIT, 71. DUDLEY'S defeat, 291. EDWARDS, Gov. of Illinois, 174. ELLIOT, CAPT. JESSE D., his part in battle of Lake Erie, 385. FINDLAY, FORT, 68, 578. FORTS: Letter written by Col. McKee at Miami, 9; Miami seized and rebuilt by British, 12; Fort Harrison, 29; Piqua, 37; Fort McArthur, 66; Fort Necessity, 66; Fort Findlay, 68; Fort Dearborn evacuated, 113; Fort Wayne, 144; Winchester's fortifications, 156; Col. Jen nings builds blockhouses, 157; Fort Defiance, 160; Upper San dusky, 160; Lower Sandusky (Fremont), 161; St. Marys, 160; Fort Winchester, 170; Fort Barbee, 170; Fort Amanda, 170; Fort Jennings, 170; "Camp" Meigs built, 265; Small fort built at Cleveland, 332; Fort Stephenson finished, 332; Fort Seneca built, 344; Fort Bell, news of Perry's victory, 382; Fort built at Portage (Port Clinton), 434; Fort Shelby, 475. FRANCE, her maritime orders, 16. FRENCHTOWN (Monroe). 225; Location, 580. GIBSON, GEN., acting governor of Indiana, 174. GREAT BRITAIN (see British), her connivance with the In dians, 9; Letters showing con duct, 13; Treaty with Jay, 15; Continue their intercourse with Indians, 15; Interfere with maritime rights of neutrals, 16; Orders regarding American ves sels, 16; War declared against by U. S. June 18, 1812, 17; Peace announced with, 572. HARDIN, COL., his massacre, 12. HARMAR, GENERAL, campaign ing against Miami Village, 10. HARRISON, FORT, 29, 580. HARRISON, WM. H. (see also military campaigns), meets Tecumseh, August, 1810, 21; Another meeting, 25; First cam paign against Indians, 27; March up the Wabash, 27; Bat tle of Tippecanoe, 38; Harri son's narrow escape, 43; Return to Vincennes, 46; Harrison commended, 48; His letter on Indian conditions, 53; Commis- sined maj. general, 124; Begins new campaign, 135; Appointed brig, general, 136; Order show ing his tactics, 141; Arrives at Fort Wayne, 143; Transfers command to Winchester, 149; Proceeds to Piqua, 158; Given command of Northwestern army, 158; Ordered to retake Detroit, 158; Plan of campaign, 159; Orders road cut from Fort Jen nings to Defiance, 163; Arrives at Winchester's camp, 163; Ad dresses troops, 164; Orders ar rest of Gen. Tupper, 169; Goes to Franklinton, 170; Address to government on situation, 183 ; Orders road opened from Lower Sandusky (Fremont) to the Rapids, 185; Commends troops of Mississiniway campaign, 201; Statement as to difficulties and delays of campaign, 206; Given free hand by government, 209; Quarters at Upper Sandusky, 209 ; . Visits Gov. Meigs at Chilli cothe, 210; Letter from Secy. Monroe, 210; His reply as to plans, 210; Advises control of lake, 217; Dispatches Todd to Winchester's camp, with orders, 219 ; Arrives at the Rapids, 228 ; Earlier, orders support for Win chester, 229; Receives news of Winchester's movements, 230 ; News of attack on Winchester and his defeat, 231; Council with his field officers, 257; Burns block houses and aban dons camp at the Rapids and re tires to Portage River (now site of Pemberville), 258; Returns with reinforcements to the Rapids, 260; Abandons proposed advance on Maiden, 262; Orders Col. Wood to build "Camp" Meigs, 265; Letter to Gov. Shel- IN THE WESTERN COUNTRY 585 by, 272; Visits Cincinnati, 274- Returns to Fort Meigs, 278; Is sues general order, 280; Report to Gov. Shelby on Dudley, 299; Leaves Clay in command at Fort Meigs, 300; Goes to Lower Sandusky and the interior, 300; Returns from Franklinton, to Lower Sandusky, 327; Prepares to receive British, 327; holds council with Indians, 328; From Fort Meigs to Lower Sandusky, again, 331; Apprised of second siege of Fort Meigs, 343; Orders Fort Seneca built, 341; Rein forced by Col. Ball and others, 341; Carefully watches British movements, 345; Holds council of war, 347; Orders Croghan to abandon Fort Stephenson, 348; Croghan's reply, 348; Report on Croghan's defense, 355; Letter to Gov. Meigs, 357; Letter to Gov. Shelby, 361; Shelby raises troops, 362; Cannonading on Lake Erie heard, 381; Perry's victory dispatch, 382; Embarks at mouth of Portage river (now Port Clinton) for Maiden cam paign, 393; Army at Put-in- Bay, then Middle Sister, 394; Reconnoiters Maiden, 395; His general order to troops, 395; Lands below Maiden, 400; En camps at Maiden, 404; Pursuit of Proctor, 411; Proctor makes stand, 419; Battle of Thames, 422; Aftermath of Thames bat tle, 428; Goes to Detroit, 432; Armistice with the Indians, 432; At Erie and Buffalo and Fort George, 437; Goes to Wash ington, then Cincinnati, 438; His resignation from army, 453; His camp at Portage river, 577. HOLMES, MAJ., receives orders from Secy. Armstrong, 449; Killed at Mackinaw, 463. HOWARD, GOV., assigned com mand Indiana, Illinois and Mis souri territories, 274. HULL, GEN. WM. (see also mili tary campaigns), appointed brig, gen., 62; Arrives at Day ton, 62; Congratulates troops, 65; Receives confidential or ders, probably of declaration of war. 68; His army arrives at Miami of the Lake (Maumee river), 68; Orders baggage by water from below Fort Miami to Detroit, 69; Schooner cap tured by British, 69; Arrives at Detroit, 71; Informs troops of declaration of war, 70; Reaches Canada, 73; His famous procla mation, 73 ; Detachment to river Thames for provisions, 76; Mys terious mission of Capt. Brown to Maiden, 78; Hull distrusted by his officers, 78; Gives a dis reputable order, 79; leaves his troops for Detroit, 82; suspends operations in Canada, 84; Or ders attack on Maiden, 89; Or ders whole army to Detroit, 90; Flag of truce sent to Sandwich, 95; Hull's officers ask Gov. Meigs of Ohio to depose him, 96; Hull's reply to demands for sur render, 100; British attack De troit fort, 102; The surrender, 103; His court-martial, 112; Camp at Portage river, 577. INDIANS, their hostility to west ern settlements, 10; Harmar's campaign against 1790, 10; St. Clair's campaign against, 11; Attitude of British government with, 13; Little Turtle and Blue Jacket, their attitude, 17; Sub sidized by British, 18; Tecum seh, 17; The Prophet, 18; Pro test of Miami's against the Pro phet, 19; Supplied by Gov. Har rison, 20; Receive supplies from Maiden, 24; Villages at Tippe canoe destroyed, 45; Receive their annuities at Fort Wayne, 48; Condition of, 53; Collected at Maiden, 67; Massacre, Fort Dearborn evacuators, 114; Fur ther alliance with the British, 117; Council at Piqua, 127; Logan, a Sawanoe half-blood, 139; Siege of Fort Wayne aban doned, 143; Fort Wayne's im portance to, 144; Their Wabash towns destroyed, 145; Little Turtle's rights respected, 148; Attack party under Ensign Leg- gett, 152; Collect again near 586 HISTORY OF THE LATE WAR Fort Wayne, 169; Attack Fort Harrison, 171; Pigeon Root massacre, 173; Depredations in Missouri and Illinois, 174; Mes sage of Round Head and Walk- in-the-Water, 191; Tragedy of Chief James Logan, 191; Indians still hostile, 195; Winemac shot by Logan, 193; Inform Maiden of Winchester's position, 223; Apprise Frenchtown (Monroe) Indians of Winchester's ap proach, 225; Their conduct at River Raisin, 236; Capture dis patch bearer to Maiden, 260; Arrive for Fort Meigs attack, 280; at Fort Meigs, 293; Te- cumseh's humanity, 294; Their disposition after siege of Fort Meigs, 304; Their operations in Illinois and Missouri, 320; Their forces at Maiden, 323; Harrison holds council with, 328; British intrigue again, 376; Join Harri son at Fort Seneca, 392; Armis tice with U. S., 432; Renew Greenville treaty, 472; Cam paign against northern tribes, 479; Friendly Indians assist Americans, 481; Creek Indian campaign, 491; Seminoles de feated, 494; Slaughter at Fort Mims, 499; Creek country in vaded, 501; Their slaughter, 503; Creek chiefs sue for peace, 523 JACKSON, GEN. ANDREW, takes command in Creek Indian cam paign, 493; His invasion, 502; Victory at Horseshoe Bend, 518; His demands upon Spanish gov ernor of Pensacola, 529; Opera tions at Mobile, 529; Defence of Mobile, 534; Victory at Pensa cola, 536; Arrives at New Or leans, 543; His address to New Orleans people, 547; Attacks British forces, 551; Fortifies his defences, 553; His great victory, 558; Difficulty in maintaining discipline, 566-570; Arrested and fined by a civil judge, 572; citi zens pay his fine, 573; Farewell address to his troops, 574. JENNINGS, FORT, 157, 170. JOHNSON, COL. RICHARD M., raises mounted regiment, 307; Personnel of officers, 316; Oper ations of the forces, 317; Cele brates fourth of July, 1813, at Fort Stevenson, 332; His Troops ordered west, 333; His remon strance, 335; His troops called again, 364; Arrives at Dayton, 375; Drills troops, 379; At Fort Meigs, 391; Marches to River Raisin and joins Harrison, 406; Buries victims of River Raisin massacre, 408; Wounded at the Thames, 426; Returns to Ken tucky, 435. LOGAN, CAPTAIN JAMES, a Shawanoe chief, his tragic end, 191. LOWER SANDUSKY (Fremont), 161; Road ordered opened to- Rapids, 185; Stockade at, re paired, 209, 577. M'ARTHUR, FORT, 66, 578. M'ARTHUR, GEN., in command at Fort Meigs, 374; Supersedes Harrison, 459 ; Campaign against northern Indians, 479; Arrives at River Raisin, 481; Changes to relief of Fort Erie, 482; En gagement at Malcolm's Mill, 485; Returns to Sandwich, 487. M'AFEE, CAPT. ROBERT B.r (writer of this work), 313; His position in Col. Johnson's regi ment, 316; Goes with Harrison to Upper Sandusky, 331; His ' command, 375, 377, 409, 425. MACKINACK, FORT, surrender of, 84; Engagement at, 463; Lo cation of, 580. MALDEN, reports from, 68; Re connoitre of, 77; Hull orders attack on, 89; Attempt to burn British vessels at, 269; Harri son's forces land below, 400; Burnt by Proctor, 401; Harri son's troops at, 404; Location of, 578. MEIGS, FORT, 265, 274, 277, 281, 283, 285, 289, 330, 341, 345, 346; McArthur reduces size of forti fications. 374; Location, 580. MEIGS, GOV., 162; Consults with Harrison, 210; Calls big force. IN THE AVESTEKN COUNTKY 587 356; Letter from Gen. Harrison, 357. MIAMI, FORT, 9, 12, 579. MIAMI OF THE LAKE (Maumee river), rapids of, 577. MILITARY CAMPAIGNS: 100,000 militia called out, 61; Ohio troops ordered to Dayton, 61; Gov. Meigs addresses troops, 62; Hull's address, 63; March to Urbana, 64; Road cut to Scioto, 65; Fort McArthur built, 66; Hull's order of march, 67; Col. Findlay cuts road to Blan- chard's Fork (Findlay), 66; Ar rival Hull's army at Blanchard's Fork, 68; Fort Findlay built, 68; Reports from Fort Maiden, 68; Col. Cass cuts road from Fort Findlay to Rapids (Mau mee river), 68; Hull's army ar rives at Miami of the Lake (Maumee river), 68; Encamp ment "below Fort Miami, 68 ; Hull arrives at River Raisin, 69;, At Detroit, 71; Hull pre pares to invade Canada; Re port of Col. Cass' reconnoitre of Maiden, 77; Movement of British vessel Queen Charlotte, 79; Maj. Denny's skirmish with the Indians, 83; News of Fort Mackinaw surrender, 84; Lieut. Hank's report on same, 85; Maj. Vanhorne meets force of British and Indians near Brownstown, 88; Hull orders attack on Mai den, 89; Orders whole army to Detroit, 90; Attempt to open communication with River Rais in, 91; Gen. Brock demands Hull's surrender, 99; Hull's re ply, 100 ; British attack De troit Fort, 102; Hull's sur render, 103; British procla mation, 110; Hull's court- martial, 112; Capt. Heald evacu ates Fort Dearborn, 113; occu pants massacred, 114 ; More U. S. trooDS called, 117; News of Hull's surrender received at Newport, 121; Harrison takes command, 124; 7,000 Kentuck ians join service, 126: Gov. Shelby, Kentucky, recommends war board, 127; Shelby's letter to war department 128; Secy. Eustis' reply, 134; Harrison be gins new campaign, 135; Troops arrive at Dayton, 136; Piqua, 137; Relief of Fort Wayne, 137; Reconnoitre Fort Defiance, 139; Relief of Fort Wayne, 139 ; Har rison arrives at Fort Wayne, 143; Wabash towns of Indians invaded, 145 ; British-Indian connection shown, 147; Gen. Winchester arrives at Fort Wayne, 148 ; British and Indians in force reach Fort Defiance, 153; Maj. Muir, plans to battle Winchester, 153; Muir retreats down the Maumee, 154; Harri son takes command of north western army and ordered to retake Detroit, 158; Plan of campaign, 159; Troops at St. Marys, 162; Troops ordered to join Winchester, 162; Harrison orders road cut from Fort Jen nings to Defiance, 163; Gen. Tupper ordered to the Rapids, 166; Tupper fails to obey orders, 167; Tupper goes to Urbana, 168; Capt. Tayler defends Fort Harrison, 171; Tayler promoted to major, 172; Pigeon Root mas sacre, 173; Encampments above St. Louis and on Illinois river, 174; Gov. Shelby asks for more troops, 175; They arrive at Vin cennes, 175; Movement towards Illinois river, Indians 177; Charges against Gen. Hopkins for its failure, 178; Another ex pedition destroys Prophets and other towns, 180; Return to Vincennes, 181; Successful ex pedition by Gov. Edwards and Col. Russell above Peoria, 181; The right, center and left wing of the northwestern army, 182; Forwarding supplies, 183; Har rison addresses government on situation, 183; Orders road oDened from Lower Sandusky to the Rapids, 185; Difficulties of transportation, 186; Tupper's snies reconnoitre the Rapids, 187; British officer Caotain Clarke caotured (in now Wood county), 187; Tupper's expedi- 588 HISTORY OF THE LATE WAR tion to the Rapids, 188; Arrives at Portage river (town of Port age), 188; Result of Expedition, 189; Expedition against Missis siniway, 196; Return to Green ville, 200; Kentucky ladies clothing for troops, 202; Troops sickly and destitute, 202; Diffi culties in transportation of sup plies, 204; Stockade at Lower Sandusky repaired, 209; Penn sylvania troops reach Upper Sandusky with artillery, 209; Winchester selects camp near head of Rapids (on the Mau mee), 221; Winchester's ad vance to River Raisin, 224; Troops arrive at Frenchtown (Monroe), 225; Success of first troops, 225; Winchester's de feat and the massacre, 231; Proctor's inhumanity, 235; Prisoners taken to Amherst burg, 242; Reflections on River Raisin, 248; Harrison retreats to Portage River (now Pember- ville), 258; Returns to Rapids, 260; Abandons proposed ad vance, 262; News of Winches ter's disaster reaches Kentucky, 268; Langhane's attempt to burn British vessels at Maiden, 269; Prepare to defend Fort Meigs, 274; Reprehensible conduct of Leftwich, 276; British prepare for attack on Fort Meigs, 277; Troops arrive over old Hull trace, 279; British appear at old Fort Miami, 280; Col. Wood strengthens defences of fort, 281; Wood's great strategic work, 283; British open their batteries, 283; Arrival of Gen. Clay, 285; Clay's orders to Col. Dudley, 287; Indians attempt to cut off advance to fort, defeated, 289; Dudley's success and final defeat, 291; Proctor's retreat, 296; British report on Dudley's defeat, 297; Harrison's letter to Gov. Shelby on Dudley, 298; More Ohio troops called out, 302; Col. R. M. Johnson organ izes mounted regiment, 307; Johnson's operations, 317; In dian troubles in Illinois and Missouri, 320; Indian forces at Maiden, 323; British prepare an other demonstration, 327; Fort Meigs re-enforced, 330; Fourth of July, 1813, celebrated at Fort Stephenson, 332; Col. Johnson ordered west, 333; His letter of remonstrance, 335; Second siege of Fort Meigs, 341; British and Indians attempt to draw forces from Fort Meigs by sham battle, 345; Second siege of Fort Meigs raised, British and Indian forces there, 346; Harrison orders Croghan to abandon Fort Stephenson, Croghan's reply, 348; Croghan relieved and re instated in command, 349; British attack on Fort Stephen son, 350; Croghan's victory, 352; British disorderly retreat, 353; Harrison's report, 355; Croghan honored, 355; Ohio militia criticize Harrison, 358; Croghan's explanation, 358; pre parations against Maiden, 360; Col. Johnson's mounted troops called again, 364; Shelby's let ter to war department, 365; Mc Arthur commands Fort Meigs, 374 ; Cannonading on lake heard, 381; Fence across isthmus from Portage river (at now Port Clin ton) to Sandusky river to en close horses, 392; Harrison's troops embark at mouth of Portage for Canadian expedi tion, 393; At Put-in-Bay and Middle Sister, 394; General or der to troops, 395; Land below Maiden, 400; Proctor burns Mai den and retreats up the Thames, 401; Harrison's troops encamp at Maiden, 404; Pursuit of Proc tor, 411; Order of battle at the Thames, 421; The battle and Proctor's defeat, 422; Proctor escapes, 423; Death of Tecum seh, 426; Aftermath of battle, 428; Credit given Kentucky, 430; Command left to Shelby, 432; Troops return to mouth of Portage via Maiden and shore of lake, 433 ; Skeletons of River Raisin victims reburied, 433; Horses collected again at penin- IN THE WESTERN COUNTRY 589 sula, 434; Proposed expedition to Mackinaw abandoned, 436; Failure of Armstrong, Mekin- son and Hampton, 438; British show more activity, 439; Re taliation with Indians against British threatened, 440; Expedi tion of Capt. Holmes, 444; Mc Arthur supersedes Harrison, 459; Engagement at Mackinaw, 463; Col. Holmes killed, 463; Croghan's letter to war depart ment, 466; Close of Upper lakes campaign, 472; Renewal of Greenville treaty, 472; Fort Shelby, 475; British successful at Prairie du Chine, 475; Cam paign against northern Indians, 479; McArthur arrives at River Raisin, 481; Changes to Relieve Fort Erie, 482; McArthur at tacks Malcolm's Mill, 485; Re turns to Sandwich, 481; Creek Indian campaign, 491; Tennes see orders out 10,000 militia, 492; Gen. Andrew Jackson takes command, 493; Plan to occupy Mobile, 494; Trouble with Spain, 494; Laxity of settlers' defense, 498; Slaughter at Fort Mims by Indians, 499; Georgia and Ten nessee troops invade Creek country, 501; Indian forces des troyed, 503-518; Victory over Creeks at Horseshoe Bend, 518; Creeks sue for peace, 523; Oper ations at Mobile, 529; Col. Nichols' (British) famous proc lamation, 531; Jackson's defense of Mobile, 534; Jackson's vic tory at Pensacola, 536; Prepara tions for defense of New Or leans, 540; Jackson arrives at New Orleans, 543; British cap ture flotilla under Lieutenant Jones, 545; British forces at tacked, 551; Gen. Kean's (Brit ish) confidence shaken, 552; Jackson fortifies defences, 553; First British land attack, 554; the great battle, 558 ; British re treat, 564; Jackson maintains discipline in New Orleans, 566; British plundering in Georgia, 568; captured papers show Brit ish rapaciousness, 568; British invest Fort Bowyer, 569; Win chester resigns from army and command at Mobile, 569; Jack son's difficulty at New Orleans, 570; Peace announced, 572. NAVAL CAMPAIGNS, prepare to build fleet at Presque Isle (Erie), 270; Lake naval pre parations proceed, Perry placed in command, 304; Perry takes charge of building fleet at Erie, 305; Slow progress, 360; Cam paign begins, 369; British fleet menaces Erie, 370; Perry launches fleet, 370; Sails toward Maiden, 372; Strength of the two fleets, 373; Perry's victory dispatch to Gen. Harrison, 382; Story of Perry's victory, 383; Burial of the fallen, 388; Con gress thanks Perry, 389; British fleet taken to Put-in-Bay, 390; Prisoners landed at mouth of Portage (Port Clinton), 390; Commodore Sinclair's campaign, 456; Secy. Armstrong's letter, 457; Fleet in Lake Huron and Gloucester bay, 460; Fleet at Mackinaw, 461; Croghan's en gagement at Mackinaw, 462; Fleet at Fort Gratoit, 469; British capture gun-boats, 470; Naval participation at New Or leans (see military campaigns); place of Perry's mobilization, 578. NECESSITY, FORT, 66. NEW ORLEANS, Gen. Jackson's arrival at, 543; British capture flotilla, 545; Jackson attacks British forces, 551; Jackson fortifies defense, 553; First British land attack, 554; The great battle, 558; British re treat 564 PACKENHAM, SIR EDWARD, British commander at New Or leans, 554. PERRY, CAPT., appointed to com mand lake fleet, 304; Goes to Erie, 305; Launches fleet, 370; Appears off Maiden, 372; Dis patch to Harrison, 382; Story of his victory, 383; Dispatch to naval secretary, 387; Thanks of congress, 389. 590 HISTORY OF THE LATE WAR PINE CREEK, passage, 580. PIRATES OF BARRATARIA, their loyalty to America, 567. PORTAGE RIVER, mouth of, place of embarkation of Harri son's army, 392, 578; Fort at, 578. PRESQUE ISLE, provisions de posited at, 208. PROCTOR, his conduct and in humanity, 235; His proclama tion to Michigan, 245; Demands surrender of Fort Meigs, 295; Promise to the Prophet and Te cumseh, 295; Burns Maiden and retreats up the Thames, 401; Tecumseh's speech to, 402; Makes stand on river Thames, 419. PROPHET, the Indian, proclaims his power, 18; Removed to the Wabash, 1808, 19; His conduct at battle of Tippecanoe, 41. SENECA, FORT, 344 ; Blockhouses commenced, 382; Location, 579. SHELBY, GOV. ISAAC, recom mends war board, 127; Letter to war department, 128; Asks for more troops, 175; Letter to Gen. Harrison, 366; Harrison's reply, 368. SINCLAIR, COMMODORE, move ment up the lakes, 454; At Mackinaw, 461. SPANISH, intrigue with Indians, 496; Jackson's victory at Pensa cola, 536. SPRINGFIELD, Col. Johnson's troops at, 380. ST. CLAIR, GEN. ARTHUR, his Indian campaign, 10. STEPHENSON, FORT, 161, 332, 348, 350, 352, 577. ST. MARYS, depot for army pro visions, 160. TAYLER, CAPT. ZACHARY, de fends Fort Harrison, 171; Pro moted to major, 172. TECUMSEH, advocated Indian confederacy, 17; His growth in power, 21; Meets Gov. Harrison. 21 ; Continues his campaign, 23 ; Second meeting with Harrison, 25; Visit to Fort Wayne, 50; Occupies Tippecanoe, 51 ; Ap pointed brig. gen. by British, 81; At Dudley's defeat, 293; His humanity, 294; Feint against Fort Winchester, 343; Speech to Proctor, 402; Death at the Thames, 426. TREATIES, Greenville 1794; Jay with British govt., 15; Fort Wayne, with Indians 1809; Re newal of Greenville treaty, 472; Ghent, 569. TUPPER, BRIG. GEN., 162; Or dered to the Rapids, 166; Dis obeys orders, 167; Goes to Ur bana, 168; Charged with Mis conduct, but acquitted, 169; His spies reconnoitre the Rapids, 187. THAMES, battle of, 422; Location of, 578. TIPPECANOE, battle of, 38; Loca tion, 580. UPPER SANDUSKY, depot for military and artillery supplies, 160. VINCENNES, interview of Harri son and Tecumseh, 21; Troops arrive at, 176. WASHINGTON, PRESIDENT, ne gotiations with the English, 10; Authorizes expeditions on the Wabash; Col. Hardin's negotia tions, 12. WAR, declared by U. S. June 18, 1812, 17; Active campaign be gins, 61. WAYNE, GEN. ANTHONY, his campaign, 12; Victory at Fal len Timbers, Aug. 20, 1794; Treaty at Greenville, 15. WINCHESTER, FORT, 156, 170, 578. WINCHESTER, GEN. JAMES (see also military campaigns), arrives at Fort Wayne, 148; Takes charge of troops, 149; Marches toward Fort Defiance, 150; His tactics, 151; Prepares to meet British under Maj. Muir, 154; Takes command of left wing, 165; Marches to Rapids, 220; Disregards Harrison's ad vice, 221; His camp at the Rap ids, 221; Blunders in forward ing dispatch to Harrison, 222; Builds storehouse, 223; Orders advance troops to River Raisin IN THE WESTERN COUNTRY 591 (near now Monroe), 224; Troops Maiden, 259; In command at first score success, 225; Win- Mobile, 568; Resigns his com- chester arrives at River Raisin, mand, 569; His camp on Mau- 228; His defeat and the mas- mee river, 577. sacre, 231; His capture, 234; At