"LE UNIVERSIT V LIBRARY 3 9002 06092 7283 A > f*-Vj [*«•-*_ i^Mfe" Wi_ £' ^M|Migf ^^"^ .•* >¦' __? J*«rW*'; vsrs * C ^_? ¦• ^**' ¦ -t^ !__. •" 3* Cb^h.050 ftlir NAMES OF PERSONS who took the \nt\i oi ||llegfrw« to tfyt #tatc of fbttttsglbitnia, BETWEEN THE YEARS 1777 AND 1789. A HISTORY OF THE "TEST LAWS" OF PENNSYLVANIA. THOMPSON WESTCOTT. PHILADELPHIA: JOHN CAMPBELL MDCCCLXV. No. 7v"M Edition of 250 Copies, Of which 75 copies are in quarto, and 25 copies in folio. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1865, by JOHN CAMPBELL, in the Clerk's office of the District Court of the United States for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. Co Xjo HENRT B. ASHMEAD, PRINTER. HISTOEY TEST LAWS" OF PENNSYLYANIA. A HISTORY "TEST LAWS" AND LAWS CONCEENING "OATHS OF ALLEGIANCE " IN FOECE IN PENNSYLVANIA BETWEEN JUNE 13, 1777, AND MAECH 13, 1789. The breaking out of the American Eevolution found the British Colonies in North America under the domination of laws, customs and opinions, which exercised a strong influ ence upon the mass of the people, and which even had their effect upon those patriots who were most sanguine in oppo sition to the measures of the British government. However eager they might have been in the assertion of their independ ent principles, and whatsoever their sympathies in favor of reform, they had to submit in a degree to ancient habits, which, with inveterate mannerism, controlled radical aspirations. Pennsylvania, which was one of'the most important of the colo nies, was under the dominancy of a religious sect which had been at all times opposed to wars and fighting; its meetings had borne frequent testimony upon those subjects, and the sincerity of its members could not be doubted. Added to these conscientious convictions were their political opinions and their interests. They were generally men of substance 2 VI TEST LAWS IN PENNSYLVANIA. and property, who took delight in thrift, and were never so well satisfied as when they were increasing their wealth. They could not anticipate in the agitations of war anything else but a derangement of society, a diversion of the indus try of the country from settled modes, violence, destruction of property, heavy taxation, and an enormous debt. Their religion and their interests therefore rendered them friends of the royal government, and, in consequence of their unwil lingness to take part with the popular party, the reins of power which they had steadily held in Pennsylvania for ninety-four years slipped from their grasp. New men arose to hold the offices of State, and the political power of the Society of Friends in the Colony and State was so thoroughly broken that from that time its members have ceased to be politicians, in the ordinary meaning of that word. With the Quakers, there were joined on the side of the opponents of the American Eevolution native and British born sympathizers with the royal cause, who, with all others of the same manner of thinking, received the party name of "Tories." These men formed a very powerful minority in Pennsylvania, which, however, in consequence of the passive principles of non-resistance entertained by the Society of Friends, gave but little trouble in comparison to what might have been done had the members of the latter been disposed to meddle in public affairs, and to have gone to the lengths which were sought to be reached by their more active and virulent Tory associates. The element of dissatisfaction was, nevertheless, strong, and occasionally very determined measures were necessary in dealing with it. Until after the Declaration of Independence, and the in- TEST LAWS IN PENNSYLVANIA. vii stitution of a new State government, the Assembly of the Province of Pennsylvania occupied somewhat of a subordinate position. There was a general distrust of its members. They were elected under the Eoyal Government, and their enthu siasm in the patriot cause was not extravagant. It is true that they voted permission to defend the Province, and au thorized the raising of troops, but they merely sanctioned what had already been done, which they could not prevent, and the command of the soldiers was in the hands of city and county committees elected by citizens. These committees were generally composed of unflinching Whigs, and their activity, patriotism aud just dealing are conspicuous in the annals of the times. They would allow of no measures hostile to the popular cause, and they kept a stiff curb upon the tongues of Tories, who were inclined to be obstreperous or violent in their attacks upon the prevailing policy. They stimulated the raising of troops, prepared the equipments and supplies, regulated measures for meeting the expenses, and generally managed the affairs of their respective neigh borhoods.* * The following humiliating recantations made in 1775 show the severity of these bodies, and the manner in which they compelled the disaffected to publicly acknowl edge their errors. Philadelphia, July 14, 1775. Whereas I have some time past, frequently made use of rash and imprudent expressions, with respect to the conduct of my fellow-citi zens, who are now engaged in a noble and patriotic struggle against the arbitrary measures of the British Ministry, which conduct has justly raised their resentments against me. I now confess that I have acted extremely wrong in so doing, for which I am exceedingly sorry, and humbly ask pardon, and forgiveness of the public, and I do solemnly promise that I will for the future conduct myself in such a manner, as to avoid giving any offence. And at the same time in justice to myself, must declare that I am not unfriendly to the present measures pursued by the friends of American Liberty, but do heartily approve of them, and as tar as in my power will endeavor to promote them. Amos Wickersham. Philadelphia, July 17, 1775. Whereas I have spoken disrespectfully of the General Congress, as well as of these military gentlemen who have associated for the defence of the Liberties of America. I now take this opportunity of declaring that V1U TEST LAWS IN PENNSYLVANIA. The first troops raised were volunteers, and they bore the general title " Associators," from the fact that they had asso ciated together for general defence. The title was an old one, and had been used to designate the volunteer citizen soldiers who had united to defend the Province before the Eevolution during the British and French wars. These forces were at times considerable. The Assemblies, under Quaker influence, having refused to allow their equipment, they were authorized by the Governors of the Province, act- my conduct proceeded from the most contracted notions of the British Constitution, and of the rights of human nature. I am sorry for my guilt, and am ashamed of my folly. I now believe all assemblies to be legal and constitutional which are framed by the united suffrages of a free people, and am convinced that no soldiers are so respect able as those who take up arms in defence of liberty. I believe that Kings are to be no longer feared or obeyed than while they execute just laws, and that a corrupted British Ministry with a venal Parliament at their heels are now attempting to reduce the American Colonies to the lowest degrees of slavery. I most sincerely wish the counsels of Congress may be always directed with wisdom, and that the arms of America may always be crowned with success, and I pray that every man in America who behaves as I have formerly done, may not meet with the lenity which I have ex perienced, but may be obliged to expiate his crimes in a more ignominious manner. Mordeoai Levy. This humiliating recantation was made in the presence of a large concourse of people, as appears from the following extract from Christopher Marshall's Diary. " llth July. Stayed at home till near six, took a walk to the College yard to see the Dutch butcher ask pardon of one of the companies for speaking disrespectfully of their proceedings." The following was published about a month afterward. Whereas it has been made to appear by the evidence of several of my fellow-citi zens that I, John Bergum, have made use of sundry expressions derogatory to the liberties of this country. I hereby confess myself very much to blame for my behaviour, and do promise that I will for the future conduct myself as a true friend to America and assist those of the inhabitants thereof who are now struggling against arbitrary power, by every means I am capable of, and do freely and without constraint agree that this declaration be published in the newspapers of this city. As witness my hand. John Beegum, Inkeeper, Sign of the Bull's Head, Strawberry Alley. Jabez Maud Fisher was brought before the people at the Coffee House in April, and compelled to acknowledge who was the author of a letter to him from Duck Creek, reflecting on the popular sentiment. Jabez was allowed to go with some reluctance, after giving the name of Eobert Halliday, of Duck Creek, as writer of the letter. A day or two afterward, Thomas Loosley, shoemaker, at the same place was "exalted as a spectacle," and compelled to beg pardon for having villified Congress. TEST LAWS IN PENNSYLVANIA. IX ing under instructions from the Penn family, which, after the decease of its illustrious member, William Penn, had turned aside from Quakerdom -and returned to the Church of Eng land. During the greater portion of the term of the -Revo lutionary War, the Associators, with the local committees, and the committees which administered the government of the State had great influence in county affairs, and shaped them very much to their own liking.* * The following are some notable evidences of the control which was maintained over the disaffected. In Committee, March 1, 1776. Herr Juncken of this City having voluntarily sent to this Committee the following letter which is voted a proper acknowledgement of his own, Ordered that the same be published in all the papers English and German in and near this city. T. Matlack, Sec. Pro Tern. Gentlemen : — Whereas I have been charged before you of being inimical to the noble struggle for liberty in general as well as to the Association in particular : and whereas there may have words dropped in conversation which may be construed as tending to discourage those which otherwise would have associated, the which was never my intention to do. And whereas I value liberty as dear as life, and am sen sible that I shall reap a proportionable benefit in the success of this our noble struggle for the same, my interest and that of the public being inseparably connected. And whereas I am sorry for any unguarded word which may have dropped from my mouth and which may convey even the most distant sense of being mimicably dis posed to this our noble struggle, being also deeply concerned for the displeasure of the public in general as well as my respected fellow-citizens in particular, for whom I nave nothing but good will at heart and with whom I wish to live in peace, harmony and friendship : therefore to appease their minds, and to convince the public in general that this my declaration is sincere, and that I am not insensible of the duty of my country, I do hereby of my own free will and accord and without any persuasion, threat or compulsion whatever ask their pardon for any offence by me to them or any of them given. My future conduct will and shall prove that I am equally with them engaged in the same good cause, and that I am determined (as I have always been) to stand or fall with them in this our noble struggle for libertt. To the Gentlemen of the Committee of Inspection. To the Committee of Inspection and Observation of the City and Liberties of Philadelphia. Philada., April 2, 1776. Gentlemen : — I am very sorry that I have exceeded the limits prescribed by you for the price of coffee. Had I apprehended that advancing one penny per pound more than you had fixed, would have been considered as injurious to the public wel fare I should not have demanded it. As I have thereby given offence, I take this method of acknowledging my error and to declare that for the future I will avoid every occasion of uneasiness to my fellow-citizens. Should you think it necessary to X TEST LAWS IN PENNSYLVANIA. The Society of Friends maintained its hostility to the prin ciples of the Revolution by the promulgation of opinions in which its members, by a non-resistant policy, were quite as powerful as by open opposition. It was a long time before the leading men of this sect could perceive that power had departed from the crown forever. As late as January 20, 1776, the yearly meeting of the Society of Friends assembled at Philadelphia, issued "the ancient testimony and principles of the people, called Quakers, renewed with respect to the King's government, and touching the commotions now pre vailing in these and other parts of America, addressed to the people in general." In that address, among other sentiments unfriendly to the cause of American liberty appeared the fol lowing language. " The benefits, advantages and favours we have experienced by our dependence upon the connection with the King's Gov ernment, under wliich we have enjoyed this happy state, appear to demand from us the greatest circumspection, care, and con stant endeavours to guard against every attempt to alter or publish what is past on this subject, I request you will at the same time let this acknowledgment accompany it, and you will thereby oblige Gentlemen, your most humble servant, William Sitgreaves. To ihe Committee of Inspection and Observation of the City and Liberties of Philadelphia. Gentlemen: — The mistake which I have committed in having bought and sold two barrels of coffee, at a price higher than limited by you, gives me extreme pain. Had I adverted to the fatal consequences of such conduct, the regard I have for the public welfare and the interest I have taken in the present struggle for liberty, would have wholly prevented my having any share in so destructive a measure. I now voluntarily offer to the public through the Committee my sincere acknowledgment for this error, and declare the utmost readiness to acquiesce in any measure that may assure the public of my exact conformity in future, to such regulations as this Com mittee may judge to be for the public benefit — being fully satisfied of their unbiassed attention to the public good. If this Committee should judge it necessary, to publish my case to the world, I shall hold myself extremely obliged if they shall judge it proper, to suffer this declaration and acknowledgment to appear at the same time and order it accordingly. Peter Ozeas. Philadelphia, April 2, [1776.] TEST LAWS IN PENNSYLVANIA. XI subvert that dependence and connection. ***** May we therefore firmly unite in the abhorrence of all such writings and measures, as evidence a desire and a design to break off the happy connection we have hitherto enjoyed with the Kingdom of Great Britain, and our just and necessary subordination to the King and those lawfully placed in authority under him."* * The sentiments of this testimony were more thoroughly illustrated in the follow ing composition, which was not published until Philadelphia was occupied by the British army. AMEFJCAN LIBERTY EXPLAINED. AS UNDERSTOOD IN PHILADELPHIA IN THE SPRING OF THE TEAR 1776. By Philadelphus Tranquillius. What is Congressional liberty ? To violate the public tranquillity. What is Conventional liberty ? To overturn the Constitution. What is Committorial liberty ? To destroy the laws. What is Presbyterian liberty ? To persecute the Quakers and all others in their power who differ in opinion from the Presbyterians. What is the general liberty of the Colonies, which are now under the dominion of Congress ? Extreme anarchy, or the worst of tyranny. Behold, 0 land of boasted liberty, The state to which thy sons 'have hurried thee. Thy Patriots banished and thy Charters torn, Thy cities languish, and thy sages mourn. By thy own hands this misery is brought, By thy own hands are all these evils wrought. By thy own hands thy sons untimely slain, Thy freedom lost, shaft thou lament in vain, Nor less Sylvania, these thy acts declare, Who can remember thee without a tear. Policy, too wise, for savage minds to choose, Freedom, too great, for wicked hands to use. A State more happy never known before, By thy own parracide are now no more.* Remotest nations shall astonished hear, What hellish rage could operate so far. Succeeding ages shall with wonder read, And late posterity shall curse the deed. * The unhappy catastrophe in the State of Pennsylvania appears to have been plainly predicted by the founder of the Province, W. Penn, who, in a letter to one Xll TEST LAWS IN PENNSYLVANIA. The most active friends of liberty were the Associators. They were dissatisfied with 'the proceedings of the Assembly. On the 14th of June, 1776, they addressed a strong remon strance to that body. They averred that it was notorious that many members of the House were opposed to military defence. There were representatives among them, who, since the beginning of the opposition to Great Britain, had refused to concur in proper measures for the safety of the people. The Assembly had never prepared any obligation to bind its own members to the popular cause. They still put at the head of their proceedings, "John Penn, Governor," and seemed to sympathize with the old system. They had shown so little interest in the resistance to ministerial tyranny, as to put a fine of 3s. 6d. per day on non-Associators for every day of neglect to attend muster, and that, too, in so lax a manner that it was doubtful whether the penalties could ever be collected. The members had been elected by those who acknowledged King George. They were not to be trusted with the appointment of Generals to command the Associ ators, lest they would give them such "as would enable a certain party to make up with the enemy at the expense of our lives and liberties." The Assembly received this chiding in meekness; it was powerless to resist insult, and what in calmer times would have been high breach of privilege, was submitted to. The Associators of Philadelphia carried out their measures of defiance by issuing circulars to all the of his friends, respecting it, has the following remarkable expressions, viz: "to con clude it is now in Priends hands. Thro' my travail, faith and patience it came. If Friends here keep to God, and in the justice, mercy, equity and fear of the Lord, their enemies will be their footstools. If not their heirs and my heirs too, will loose all, and desolation will follow." — Penn's Life and Works. TEST LAWS IN PENNSYLVANIA. Xlll Associators in the State, inviting a meeting of delegates at Lancaster on the 4th of July, to choose two Brigadier-generals. Fifty-three battalions participated in that Convention, and they elected Daniel Roberdeau and James Ewing, Generals. Congress had, in May, [1776], upon motion of John Adams, recommended that where no "State Government existed suf ficient for the exigencies of affairs, that such form of govern ment should be adopted, as in the opinion of the majority of the people would best conduce to the happiness and safety of their constituents in .particular, and America in general." The preamble to this resolution declared that it was "irre concilable to reason and good conscience that the American people should take the oaths for the support of government under the crown of Great Britain," and that it was "neces sary that every kind of authority under the crown should be suppressed." A struggle at once commenced as to the man ner in which the new government should be authorized in Pennsylvania. The Tories and Moderates argued that the Assembly was a sufficient government, and that no other was needed. The Whigs insisted that a conference should be held for the adoption of a State Constitution. The Com mittee of Inspection of the City and Liberties boldly attacked the authority of "the Justices of his Majesty, George Ill's Court of Quarter Sessions, and Common Pleas," stating the resolution of Congress against oaths of allegiance and in favor of the suppression of royal governments, "and asking the Justices to surcease the exercise of any authority in the present Courts, and until a new government is framed." The obligation of a Grand Juror they said "is incompatible with the opposition to the King and to the resolves of Congress." 3 XIV TEST LAWS IN PENNSYLVANIA. The Associators of Philadelphia, in five battalions, resolved to sustain the measures for the suppression of the old govern ment. The Committee of Inspection sent out messengers into the counties to stir up their committees on this subject, and the result was that a conference of these committees met at Carpenter's Hall on the 18th of June, and elected Thomas McKean, President, Joseph Hart, Vice President, and Jonathan B. Smith and Samuel Cadwalader Morris, Secretaries. It was voted that it was necessary to call a Provincial Convention to form a new government, on the authority of the people only. It was also resolved, that no person elected to serve as a member of the Convention should take his seat or give his vote until he should have made and subscribed the following declaration : -, do profess faith in God the Father and in Jesus Christ his Eternal Son, the true God, and in the Holy Spirit one God blessed evermore, and do acknowledge the sacred Scriptures of the Old and New Testament to be given by Divine inspiration. This religious test was not well received in some quarters, and gave rise to considerable dissatisfaction. The Convention met on the 15th of July, and during its session it not only discussed and perfected the measures neces sary in the adoption of a constitution, but assumed the supreme authority in the State, and legislated upon matters foreign to the object for which it was convened. Benjamin Franklin was the President, George Ross, Vice President, John Morris, Secretary, and Jacob Garrigues, Assistant Secretary. Among other matters this body appointed a Council of Safety, to carry on the Executive duties of the Government, approved TEST LAWS IN PENNSYLVANIA. XV of the Declaration of Independence, and appointed Justices of the Peace, who were required before assuming their func tions to each take an oath of renunciation of the authority of George III., and one of allegiance to the State of Pennsylvania. The old Assembly, which had adjourned on the 14th of June, to meet on the 14th of August, could not obtain a quorum, and adjourned again to the 23d of September. It then inter posed a feeble remonstrance against the invasion of its pre rogatives by the Convention, but it was a dying protest. The Declaration of Independence had given the old State Government a mortal blow, and it soon expired without a sigh — thus ending forever the proprietary and royal authority in Pennsylvania. The Convention adopted a Constitution on the 28th of Sep tember, which immediately went into operation. It provided for a single Assembly, without a Senate, and the Executive power was reposed in the Supreme Executive Council of twelve members. Members of the Assembly before taking their seats were obliged to take an oath or affirmation to support the Constitution, and to act faithfully, and to sub scribe a declaration of a belief in one God the Creator and Governor of the Universe, the rewarder of the good and the punisher of the wicked, and that the Scriptures of the Old and New Testament were given by divine inspiration. An objection to the test prescribed for members of the Convention was, that it compelled a recognition of the Christian religion; an objection to this, test for members of the Assembly was that it did not. The persons who were dissatisfied with the new obligation, objected, that "a, belief in Jesus 'Christ was not required, which would admit pro- XVI TEST LAWS IN PENNSYLVANIA. fessed Deists, Jews, Mohammedans, and other enemies of Christ into the Assembly, and whether there is not in fact a firmer establishment for anti-Christ, and all damnable errors, than the Quebec bill, for Popery, let the world judge." The Quakers still remained stubborn, notwithstanding the Declaration of Independence and. the accession of the new State Government. On the 20th of December, they issued a new " testimony of Friends in Pennsylvania and New Jersey," in which, among other things, they urged a patient spirit, "that we may with Christian firmness and fortitude with stand and refuse to submit to the arbitrary injunctions and ordinances of men who assume to themselves the power of compelling others, either in person or by other assistance to aid in carrying on war, and of prescribing modes of religions, and laws concerning our religious principles, by imposing tests not warranted by the precepts of Christ, or the laws of the happy Constitution under which we and others long enjoyed tranquillity and peace." Political disputes were renewed in the succeeding year, [1777], but not with the virulence which was manifested imme diately after the adoption of the Constitution. The members of the State Navy Board, appointed by the Supreme Execu tive Council in March, refused to take the oath of allegiance to the State, but declared themselves willing to take the oath of allegiance to the United States. The. Council was unde cided what to do, and no action being taken the recusants remained in their offices. It was now time to make some better arrangements for defence and providing for the service of troops than had yet been authorized in the State. The Association had been tried, and was found not to be reliable. The men being TEST LAWS IN PENNSYLVANIA. XVII volunteers, and not being even bound by law of the State, followed their own desires in serving or withdrawing from duty when called upon. The Pennsylvania Associators, when sent to Amboy in the summer of 1776, had been tried, and, although they were not in action, their strength was con tinually depressed by withdrawals of the men, who went home. At the battle of Princeton, the only Association Com pany which distinguished itself was the City Troop, which, notwithstanding its strength at home, furnished only twenty- six officers and men, at a time of great peril. The Country Associators after this battle deserted in full bodies, leaving only their officers, and in one case spoken of by General Putnam, "only a lieutenant and a lame man." A more stringent system was needed, and this necessity was provided for by the Legislature in a general militia law, which was passed June 13, 1777. This act made full provisions for the enrolment of persons fit for military duty, in districts, each containing enough citizens to form a battalion of not less than 640 men, nor more than 680 men. They were to be com manded by enrolling officers, who were to be sub-lieutenants for the districts, and by lieutenants for each county. There were many details in the law which need not be specified here. But, in addition to the military regulations laid down in this act, there were other provisions of importance to every citizen. These related to the establishment of a test and oath of allegiance, being the first instance in which a test oath had been demanded except of public officers. The measure was considered necessary, to restrain the insolence of the Tories, and the Assembly combined the objects of de fending the State against foreign and domestic enemies in xviii TEST LAWS IN PENNSYLVANIA. the same law. The preamble which introduced the sections concerning the oath of allegiance was in the following words : Whereas, from sordid or mercenary motives, or other causes inconsistent with the happiness of a free and inde pendent people, sundry persons have, or may yet be induced to withhold their service and allegiance from the Common wealth of Pennsylvania as a free and independent State, as declared by Congress : And whereas, sundry other persons in their several capa cities, have at the risk of their lives and fortunes, or both, rendered great and eminent services in defence and support of the said independence, and may yet continue to do the same, and as both these sorts of persons remain at this time mixed, and in some measure undistinguished from each other, and the disaffected deriving undeserved service from the faithful and well affected; and whereas, allegiance and protection are reciprocal, and those who will not bear the former are not nor ought to be entitled to the benefits of the latter. Therefore it is enacted, etc., that all white male inhabit ants of the State, except of the counties of Bedford and West moreland, above the age of eighteen years, shall before the 1st day of the ensuing July and in the excepted counties before the 1st day of August, take and subscribe before some Justice of the Peace an oath in the following form : I, , do swear or affirm, that I renounce and refuse all allegiance to George the Third, King of Great Britain, his heirs and successors : and that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, as a free and independent State, and that I will not at any time do or cause to be done any matter or thing that will be prejudicial or injurious to the freedom and independence thereof, as declared by Congress; and also, that I will dis cover and make known to some one Justice of the Peace of said State all treasons or traitorous conspiracies which I now know or hereafter shall know to be formed against this or any of the United States of America. TEST LAWS IN PENNSYLVANIA. XIX This law which compelled those who took the oath of alle giance to forswear allegiance to the King of Great Britain, and to swear fidelity to Pennsylvania and the United States, was rendered more unpalatable to many persons by the clause compelling the citizen to reveal treasons or conspiracies of which he might have had a present knowledge, or of which he should know thereafter. It compelled him to be faithful himself, and to be an informer against others who were dis loyal. It was therefore highly objectionable to many worthy people, who would have been willing to qualify themselves as to what had past, but were unwilling to bind themselves by oath to pursue any policy in the future which might compel them to either denounce some dear friend or struggle in con science against the self-accusation that they had committed perjury. It was a very severe law, and the Legislature by additional sections added to its stringency. Whoever ne glected or refused to take the oath were declared to be inca pable of holding office, of serving on juries, of suing for debts, of electing or being elected, of buying, selling or transferring real estate, and they were liable to be disarmed by the lieu tenant of the county. Without possession of certificates that they had taken the oath they were liable to be arrested as spies, if they traveled out of the city or county of their, residence. A fine of £50 and a whipping was also menaced against every one who should forge a certificate that the oath had been taken by any person. It was under this act that the oath was taken by the persons whose names occur in the body of this book. The record was lately discovered, and it is a valuable curiosity. Some of the names will be recognized as historical, while in other cases XX TEST LAWS IN PENNSYLVANIA. they will be of interest to some descendant who is well versed in the genealogy of his family. After the passage of this act, the true Whigs flocked to the offices of the magistrates and took the oath, but the disaf fected held out and still uttered their complaints against public measures. A committee of the meeting of Friends for the Northern District complained that leaden weights used for hanging windows were taken from them, and blankets were seized for the use of the soldiers. Their windows were broken, "because they would not join with the present rulers in pretended acts of devotion and conforming to tlieir ordi nances, make a show of that sort by shutting up our houses and shops professedly to observe a day of humiliation and to crave a blessing on their public proceedings, but evidently tending to spread the spirit of strife and untruth." Abuses also and destruction took place "when Friends could not illu minate their houses, and conform to such vain practices and outward marks of rejoicing to commemorate the time of these people withdrawing themselves from all subjection to the English Government and to our excellent constitution under which we long enjoyed peace and prosperity." The continued obstinacy of the Quakers, and of the Tories generally, was borne with patience until near the time when the events of the military campaign were threatening Phila delphia. Measures were then taken to make examples of some of the more prominent men. Congress, early in Sep tember, 1777, upon some information, which, in the cool examination of a later day will not be found to have justified the measure, ordered the arrest of eleven of the principal members of the Society of Friends in Philadelphia, viz: TEST LAWS IN PENNSYLVANIA. XXI Joshua Fisher, Abel James, James Pemberton, Henry Drinker, Israel Pemberton, John Pemberton, John James, Samuel Pleasants, Thomas Wharton, Senr., Thomas Fisher, (son of Joshua,) and Samuel Fisher, (son of Joshua,) with all papers of a political nature in their possession, and the records and papers of the Meetings for Sufferings of the people, called Quakers. The Supreme Executive Council of the State added to the list the names of prominent Tories, some of whom were not Quakers, viz: Miers Fisher, lawyer, (son of Joshua,) Elijah Brown, Hugh Roberts, George Roberts, Joseph Fox, (formerly Barrack Master of the Province,) John Hunt, law yer, (the father of Leigh Hunt,) Samuel Emlen, Jr., Adam Kuhn, M.D., Phineas Bond, Rev. William Smith, D.D., (Pro vost of the College,) Rev. Thomas Coombe, Eector of Christ Church, Samuel Shoemaker, Charles Jervis,. William Drewett Smith, Charles Eddy, Thomas Pike, (dancing-master,) Owen Jones, Jr., Jeremiah Warder, William Lennot, David Len nox, Edward Pennington, Caleb Emlen, William Smith, (broker,) Samuel Murdock, Alexander Stedman, Charles Stedman, Jr., Thomas Asheton, (merchant,) William Imlay, Thomas Gilpin, Samuel Jackson, Thomas Afflick, and John Pemberton. Of these forty-two gentlemen, two, John James and Samuel Jackson, were not found. One of them, Caleb Emlen, took the oath of allegiance to the State, and was released. Dr. Adam Kuhn produced evidence that he had taken the oath of allegiance to the United States on the 2d of June. A few of these persons were ordered to be arrested at once, but the majority were given the privilege of confin ing themselves to their dwelling-houses, if they would refrain from doing anythirig injurious to the United States, and from 4 XXU TEST LAWS IN PENNSYLVANIA. giving intelligence to the commander of the British forces. Several of them would not comply with this request, and twenty-nine of the number were therefore arrested and con fined in the Mason's Lodge, in Lodge Alley, west of Second street. After they had been there two days, they in the meanwhile being assiduous in their petitions for a hearing, which they demanded as a right, they were proffered their liberty upon taking the following oath : I, , do swear (or affirm) that I will be faithful and bear due allegiance to the Commonwealth of Pennsyl vania as an independent State. This privilege was not generally accepted. William Imlay was released upon his parole to go to New York. Eev. Thomas Coombe was permitted to go to Virginia and thence to St. Eustatia, but twenty-one of the prisoners were sent to Virginia, where they remained under banishment for more than seven months. The proceedings against these Tories were hurried, in con sequence of the approach of the British army to Philadelphia, and during the subsequent occupation of the city there was little done by the State authorities in reference to the dis loyal. It was a period of excitement and peril, and to a cer tain degree the functions of civil government were suspended. After the occupation of Philadelphia the Assembly met in Lancaster. In January, 1778, an act was passed suspending the powers of the Trustees of the College and Academy at Phil adelphia for a limited time, by which all the franchises of the charter were taken away. In March, an act was passed "for the attainder of divers traitors if they render not themselves by a certain day, and for vesting their estates in the Common- TEST LAWS IN PENNSYLVANIA. XXU1 wealth and for ascertaining and satisfying the lawful debts and claims thereon." By this act Joseph Galloway and Andrew Allen, late members of Congress, John Allen, late member of the Committee of Inspection and Observation, William Allen the younger, late a Captain and Lieutenant-colonel of a regi ment of foot in the service of the United States of America, James Eankin, of York county, Jacob Duche the younger, late Chaplain of Congress, Gilbert Hicks, of Bucks county, Samuel Shoemaker, late Alderman of Philadelphia, John Potts, of Philadelphia county, Nathaniel Vernon, late Sheriff of Chester, Christian Fouts, late Lieutenant-colonel, Lancaster, Eeynold Keen, of Berks, John Biddle, of Berks, late Excise Collector of said county and Deputy Quartermaster of the United States Army, who had adhered to the King of Great Britain, were required to render themselves on or before the 20th of April to the Justices of the Supreme Court, or to any Justice of the Peace, to abide their trials for high treason. All other persons who had aided or adhered to the enemy, and who did not surrender on or before the same time were declared to be liable to attainder. The act gave to the Supreme Executive Council authority to confiscate the estates of traitors, to compel persons who were indebted to them to pay the amounts due into the treasury of the Commonwealth, and to pay honest debts due by the traitors to loyal men before the forfeiture of their property. The attainder law was followed on the 1st of April by an act "for the better security of Government, which extended until June 1, the time for taking the oaths of allegiance to the State by all who had not subscribed that declaration." This statute specified that "all Trustees, Provosts, Eectors, xxiv TEST LAWS IN PENNSYLVANIA. Professors, masters and tutors of any college or academy, and all schoolmasters and ushers, merchants and traders, and every person who shall act as sergeant at law, barrister, advocate, attorney, solicitor, proctor, clerk, or notary, apothe cary or druggist, and every person practicing Physic or Sur gery, for fee or reward," should not be allowed to act in those capacities unless they took the oath of allegiance. Any one who acted without taking such oath, was liable to a fine of £500. Justices of the Peace were authorized to sum mon persons who had neglected to take the oath and fine them £10, or commit them to prison for three months. Every person who would not take the oath was liable to have all firearms in his possession seized and confiscated. Persons who went into Philadelphia while it was in possession of the British without license from the Supreme Executive Council, were liable to be fined £50 each, with imprisonment, at the discretion of the Court. Persons who held office under the late Provincial Government, who did not renounce the same before the 1st of June, forfeited all their lands and tenements. On the 25th of February, Abraham Gibbons, William Jackson, Jr., Jacob Lindley, Warner Mifflin, Joseph Hus band and James Jackson, members of the Society of Friends, asked leave to lay before the Assembly then sitting at Lan caster, their sufferings under various acts of Assembly. They were ordered to be admitted to the bar of the House, but before they were allowed to speak, answers were required from them to the following questions : 1st. Whether do you acknowledge the present Assembly as the representatives of the people of the State, chosen for the purposes of legislation? TEST LAWS IN PENNSYLVANIA. XXV 2d. Whether the people are not bound in obedience to the laws made by the Assembly agreeably to the Consti tution? The deputation, surprised at these questions, declared that they had not come prepared to answer them, and asked leave to withdraw. The next day they made the following reply : 1st. We do believe the present Assembly to be the repre sentatives of a body of the people of Pennsylvania, chosen for the purposes of legislation. 2d. We believe it to be our duty to obey the principles of grace and truth in our hearts, which is the fulfilment of all laws established in justice and righteousness. Where any decrees are made not having their foundation therein they operate against the virtuous and give liberty to the licentious, and unavoidably bring on general calamity. Although we think ourselves in duty bound to a testimony against all un righteousness, yet it hath ever been our principle and prac tice, actively or passively, to submit to whatever power in the course of Providence we may live under. The House resolved that the answers were "evasive and unsatisfactory," but it was agreed that the Quakers might petition in writing. They did so three days afterward, and asked that such of their members as were exiled to Virginia in 1777 might be released. At the same time they declared that the law requiring citizens of the State to give assurances of their allegiance to the same "infringed upon the liberty of conscience." The persons who had been sent to Virginia were considered as prisoners of the United States and. not of Pennsylvania, although the Government of the latter arrested them and sent them away. In January, the Supreme Executive Council XXVI TEST LAWS IN PENNSYLVANIA. had called the attention of Congress to their condition, and recommended their release. In March, Congress passed a resolution that they be delivered to the State. In April, the Supreme Executive Council ordered that they should be brought to Pennsylvania and set at liberty. Fifteen of them were brought back and were discharged. On the 30th of April, Thomas Gilpin and John Hunt died in exile. On the 9th of September, [1778,] a supplement to the act "for the better security of Government ' ' was passed, which extended the privilege of taking the oath of allegiance to persons who had been prisoners with the enemy at the time of the original passage of the law, and also to soldiers and sailors who had been in the service of the State, allowing them three months after that date or after they should come into the State. In De cember, a further supplement was passed, which gave to any one a right to take the oath of allegiance at any time. James Young, Plunket Fleeson, George Ord and Isaac Howell, were appointed Commissioners for the City of Philadelphia to receive the affidavits under the law, and John Moor, Jona than B. Smith, David Knox, Seth Quee and John Eichards were appointed the same officers for the county. In conse quence of the passage of this act, the Supreme Executive Council issued a proclamation pardoning all persons who were confined in prison, "convicted of pertinaciously refusing to take ihe several oaths or affirmations of allegiance to the State." The evacuation of Philadelphia by the British, the re-occu pation by the American army and the exciting events which followed, were intensified by bitter threats against the Tories, which kept that class quiet as long as the storm raged. The TEST LAWS IN PENNSYLVANIA. XXV11 Quakers, however, went on in their accustomed habits, and, notwithstanding the apparent changes in the aspect of the contest with Great Britain, refused to take notice of them. At one of their religious meetings, held 4th of llth month, 1779, in the testimony which was signed by Isaac Zane, Clerk, they complained of injurious laws, oppressive in their nature and manner of execution, and affecting them in their liberties and privileges. They particularly mentioned a fur ther supplement to the test laws passed in the previous session. They said, after reference to their tenets, "by the same divine principles, we are restrained from complying with injunctions and requisitions made on us of tests, and declarations of fidelity to either party who are engaged in actual war, lest we con tradict by our conduct the profession of our faith." A memorial setting forth these views and complaining of various personal hardships endured by the members of the Society of Friends was presented to the Assembly at the next session [1780]. It was referred to a committee, who, before making a report, addressed the following queries to members of the Society : First. Do you acknowledge the Supreme Legislative power of the State rightfully vested in the present House of Repre sentatives met in Assembly? Secondly. Do you acknowledge the Supreme Executive Power of the State to be lawfully and rightfully vested in the present President and Council? Thirdly. Do you acknowledge and agree that the same obedience and respect is due to these bodies, respectively, that you formerly paid and acknowledged to the Governor and Assembly, respectively, while Pennsylvania was depend ant upon Great Britain ? Fourthly. Are you willing and do you agree to render XXVIII TEST LAWS IN PENNSYLVANIA. them the same respect and obedience you rendered the Governor and Assembly of Pennsylvania before the present war between Great Britain and America? Fifthly. Do you consider yourselves as now living under the laws of this State, with regard to your personal liberty and property? Sixthly. Do you admit it to be the right of the Governed to resist the Governors, where the powers of the Government are used to the oppression and destruction of the Governed? Seventhly. Do you or do you not deem the laws passed by the King and Parliament of Great Britain for taxing this country, prohibiting its trade, sending its inhabitants to Great Britain for trial, oppressive and destructive to the people of America? If you suppose the Continental money to be issued for the purposes of war, and therefore decline paying taxes for sink ing it, or otherwise supporting its credit, you are desired to explain how you discriminate between the application of it to civil government or military purposes. And, also, why you distinguish this species of money from the emissions of paper money heretofore made by the then Province, in which civiL and military purposes are blended precisely in the same manner. And as you are specially associated together, though not incorporated in law, and issue public letters and recommend ations and promulgate opinions, not only on religious but on political subjects, or at least uniting them together, you are requested to communicate the letters and testimonies which have been published from time to time for seven years past, and signed by the clerks of your General and Quarterly Meetings in this city, to be sent to other meetings, or to persons of your Society. The reply of the Committee of Quakers, signed Isaac Zane, Jr., was not responsive to these queries in a direct way. It was suggested that "a weighty and impartial at- TEST LAWS IN PENNSYLVANIA. XXIX ten tion " to the memorial first submitted by them would show the equity and justice of their cause. After a reference to the objects for which their religious meetings were instituted, it was declared that the queries proposed to them in a reli gious capacity were "improper, and a mode of redressing grievances new and unprecedented, and such an inquisition on a religious society" as had never been known or heard of in America. General declarations of the ideas of the Society upon the duty of government, to promote virtue, and protect the innocent from oppression followed. The principles of the Society against war were referred to. The duty of the Society to promote the testimony of peace was declared to be a great obligation. These requirements it was averred prevented Friends from taking part in the present contest, "or joining with any measures which tend to create or promote disturb ance or commotion in the Government." The reply was no answer whatever to any of the queries submitted, and it justi fied the assertion of the Committee of the Assembly that the answer was "couched in language so incomprehensible" that it could be considered only "as an evasion of the questions proposed." The Committee, therefore, determined that any further consideration of the subject was improper, and nothing more was done with it. Thus matters ran on during the whole period of the war and after the negotiation of peace. The law requiring the oath of allegiance remained upon the statute book, and no effort of the Quakers, notwithstanding their numbers and in fluence, was of avail to produce any change. The popular mind was inflamed against the Tories for many years after the end of the war, and some angry manifestations were 5 XXX TEST LAWS IN PENNSYLVANIA. made against them in Philadelphia after the ratification of peace. The preliminary treaty with Great Britain contained a provision in relation to the Loyalists, guaranteeing to them a right to go to any part of the United States, and remain there for twelve months; and another, that there should be no future confiscations or prosecutions for the part they had taken in the war. To the ultra Whigs these stipulations were very unpalatable and they determined to resist them. The militia first took up the subject. At a meeting held at the State House, May 29, 1783, of which Lieut. Col. John Shee was Chairman, the following resolutions were passed : Resolved 1st, That it is the opinion of this meeting that such persons as have joined the enemy or have been expelled from this or any other of the United States ought not. to be suffered to return or remain among us. And, as officers of the City and Liberties of Philadelphia, we are determined to use all the means in our power that they shall not. Resolved 2dly, That to attain this salutary end, we will cheerfully join with others of the community in instructions to our representatives in the Assembly. Resolved Zdly, That persons harboring or entertaining those enemies of their country ought to feel the highest dis pleasure of the citizens of this City and Liberties. Resolved Adhly, That it is the opinion of this Company that a town meeting be called as soon as possible to take into con sideration the mode of instructing representatives and such other measures as may appear necessary, and that a com mittee be appointed to prepare for carrying this resolve into execution. In conformance with the latter recommendation, a general meeting of citizens was held at the State House June 14th. Col. Samuel Miles was appointed Chairman, and Lieut. Col. TEST LAWS IN PENNSYLVANIA. XXXI John Shee, Secretary. The following resolutions were agreed upon: 1st, That we consider it as inconsistent with the interest and dignity of the good people of this State, that any person who hath voluntarily withdrawn himself from this or any of the United States of America since the 19th of April, 1775, and hath joined the armies, or aided and abetted the measures employed by the King of Great Britain against this country, or who hath been legally attainted or expelled by this or any of the United States should be suffered to return to or reside within the State of Pennsylvania. 2d, That we consider it our duty as citizens and indi viduals to prevent any such persons returning into the State, and we do solemnly determine and mutually pledge ourselves to each other to use all the means in our power to expel with infamy such persons who have or hereafter, shall presume to come among us, and that the names of such persons be pub lished in the newspapers of this city by the committee ap pointed to carry these resolves into execution. Sd, That we consider the restoration of the estates forfeited by law as incompatible with the peace, the safety, and the dignity of this Commonwealth. 4th, That the dignity and interest of this State require that funds be provided for the payment and discharge of the public debt. A committee was appointed by this meeting, which con sisted of the field officers and captains of the militia of the City and Liberties. This body met at the City Tavern, and adopted a resolution giving ten days' notice to all persons coming within the description of the resolutions of the town meeting to quit the State, or that they would "be dealt with in a proper manner." A few days afterward they had before them Captain Thomas Eawlings, who was ordered to leave XXxii TEST LAWS IN PENNSYLVANIA. the State by nine o'clock on the following morning. Captain Joseph Crathorne and Thomas Plunket received a peremptory notice to depart also within a specified time. And Thomas Faro, Lancelot Faro, James Mitchell, Lawrence Fenner and Thomas Young were also warned off. The authority of the committee to act in this manner was attacked by various writers as being contrary to the treaty with Great Britain, but the committee was too strongly backed up by public opinion to be compelled to pay any attention to those remon strances. On the 23d of December, [1783,] the Eabbi, Ger Seixas, of the Jewish Synagogue, in Philadelphia, Simon Nathan, the Parnass, or President, Asher Myers, Bernard Gratz, and Haym Salomon, the Mohammed, or Associates of the Council, in behalf of themselves and brethren, addressed the Council of Censors in relation to the declaration required to be taken by each member of the Assembly, which affirmed that "the Scriptures of the Old and New Testament were given by divine inspiration;" and, also, in relation to that part of the Constitution wliich declared that no other religious test should be required of any civil magistrate in the State. They represented that these provisions deprived them of the right of ever becoming representatives. They did not covet office, they said, but they thought the provision improper and an injustice to the members of a persuasion that had always been attached to the American cause, and given a support to the country, some in the Continental army, some in the militia, and some by cheerfully paying taxes and cheer fully sustaining the popular cause. This memorial appeared to have no immediate effect, but it doubtless had its influence TEST LAWS IN PENNSYLVANIA. XXX111 in procuring the subsequent modification of the test clause in the Constitution. In March, [1784,] a petition to abolish the "test laws," as the laws in relation to the oath of allegiance were popularly called, was laid on the table in the Assembly by a vote of 37 yeas to 27 nays. A resolution was then offered declaring that the happy time had come to heal the divisions among the people, and that unanimity and harmony could not exist at a time when one part of the people were deprived of certain benefits which others enjoyed, and that a committee ought to be appointed to revise the law and report one more adapted to the present times. This was lost by a vote of 5 yeas to 50 nays. On the question to postpone all further consideration of the subject of the test laws the vote was 30 to 30, and the Speaker gave his casting vote in the affirmative. A resolution was offered to the Assembly in September, stating that a large number of young men had arrived at the age of eighteen years since the passage of the test laws, who had not taken the oaths of allegiance, and were consequently deprived of interest in and attachment to the State. It was contended in this resolution that all persons should have equal rights, and the proposition concluded with a direction that a committee should be appointed to consider the subject, and, if necessary, to report a law that persons who were under the age of eighteen at the passage of the test laws should be entitled "to the blessings of liberty and citizen ship." This was followed by a petition from the Non-jurors for admission to the rights of citizenship. These petitions were referred to a committee by a vote of 31 yeas to 22 nays. XXXIV TEST LAWS IN PENNSYLVANIA. In the debate which followed, a resolution was offered "that no person who voluntarily joined the British army during the war, or who had been tried or convicted of having aided or abetted the King of Great Britain, his Generals, fleets or armies, having before been a citizen of the United States, shall be capable to elect or be elected into any office of profit or trust." This was carried by a vote of 46 yeas to 4 nays. It was then proposed that a bill should be brought in to alter the test laws so as to entitle all male white inhabitants who had not theretofore taken the oath of allegiance to take the oath according to the directions of the act of 13th of June, 1777, and be thereby entitled to be free citizens: Provided, that no person should be capable of holding any office until he had taken and subscribed the oath directed by the act of 5th December, 1778. On this proposition the vote was, on the 25th of September, [1784,] 29 yeas to 22 nays. This result caused a very great excitement, not only in the Assembly but among the people, and led to a scene of vio lence unparalleled in the history of the State. On the 28th of September, a motion to take up the bill entitled "A further supplement to the Test Laws" was followed by a vote of 25 yeas to 25 nays. The Speaker, George Gray, gave his cast ing vote in the affirmative. Upon this nineteen members arose in great confusion, and left the Assembly without a quorum. There could be no formal adjournment, and the session was thus suddenly and violently closed. The seceders published an address, in which they averred that attempts were made to press the bill through, in despite of the rules and without the usual formalities. They also declared that those who refused to participate in the toils and sufferings of TEST LAWS IN PENNSYLVANIA. XXXV the contest with Great Britain should not be permitted to participate in the benefits of the late Eevolution. If, through motives of timidity, avarice, or attachment to the cause of British tyranny they refused to enrol their names in the honorable list of patriots in the season of danger, they ought not to be allowed to grasp the fruits of a prosperity to which they did not contribute. If they were admitted to citizen ship, "the elections might be carried in the favor of men who execrate the alliance between the United States and his most Christian Majesty, and who still cherish the hope of a reunion with Great Britain." The seceders also objected to the pas sage of the bill restoring the charter of the College, which they looked upon as a precursor of a law to restore the here ditary rights of the Penn family. The latter had by a tem perate memorial signed by John Penn, Senr., and John Penn, Junior, and Eichard Penn, by his attorney, Tench Francis, asked that the Legislature would conform to natural equity, as far as might be, and that they would not heedlessly de prive them of rights which had existed since the foundation of Pennsylvania. The friends of the amendment to the test laws, by the representation of George Gray, the Speaker of the House, published an address censuring the seceders, and declaring that the measure for the relief of the Non-jurors was necessary, in consequence of the coming of age of many persons who were unable to subscribe the test act of 1779. They said, "the good people injured by this law are not only numerous but wealthy. They have paid their full proportion of the expense of the war either directly or indirectly, and the great majority of them have been uniformly peaceable and inoffensive during every stage of the Eevolution. Why, XXXVI TEST LAWS IN PENNSYLVANIA. then, should we oppress them any longer ? Eestore them to the rights of citizenship and they will embrace and support your government." They quoted the provision of the test act, that no person who had joined the army of the British King or who had been tried and convicted of aiding or abet ting the King of Great Britain should be eligible to office, and this provision they insisted was a sufficient protection against any abuse of the privileges granted by an extension of the test act. It was estimated during the controversy that by the law of 1779, nearly one-half of the inhabitants of Pennsylvania were deprived of the privileges of citizens. At the election held in Philadelphia in October, this ques tion entered into the canvass — the ticket for the Assembly headed by Charles Pettit in the City, and William Coats in the County, who were opposed to the Non-jurors was success ful. Pettit had 1,024 votes and Thomas Fitzsimons 781. In the County, Coats had 520 votes and Samuel Ashmead 375. The contest was renewed before the Legislature in 1785, by petitions from the Non-jurors and by movements made by the friends of the repeal. General Anthony Wayne took advantage of the presentation of petitions by the persons deprived of their rights under those laws, to introduce a reso lution to revise or repeal the test laws. The resolution which he offered recited that the principal objection at the previous session to the revision of the test laws was, that such action had not been asked by the persons whom the laws operated upon. This objection the resolution declared was removed by petitions lately presented by the Non-jurors themselves. The expediency of continuing those laws was now obviated TEST LAWS IN PENNSYLVANIA. XXXV11 by the peace, it was contended. General Wayne's resolution therefore directed the appointment of a committee to consider the matter. On the adoption of this preamble the vote was 14 yeas to 39 nays ; but, on motion" to appoint a committee to take the petitions into consideration, it was resolved that the measure should be sanctioned. The committee thus ap pointed brought in a very bitter report against the Non jurors. They said: It does not appear from any of the petitions who the sub scribers are, whether aliens, attainted persons, Non-jurors or disaffected to the Government, but we are in the most charit able construction led to believe that they are the men who, on the 13th day of June, 1777, were required by a positive law of the State (then at open war together with the rest of the United States of America against the King of Great Britain, for the defence of life, liberty and every thing most valuable in the world), to renounce their former allegiance to the said King, and to give assurance on oath or affirm ation of their allegiance and fidelity to this Commonwealth, under the penalty of forfeiting some of the privileges of citi zens, that they refused to comply with this reasonable and necessary requisition, and voluntarily submitted to the pen alty. ***** What the motives of these men were for refusing to give this satisfaction to their countrymen they have not told us. Nor will we positively say, but are con strained to believe that they were owing either to their being professed British subjects or enemies to liberty and the rights of mankind, or cowards, that meanly skulked to screen them selves and their property in the hour of difficulty and danger from the savage cruelties of the British army, while their country was suffering under their depredations. Can such men expect to enjoy all the privileges and advantages arising from our late glorious revolution equally with those heroes, patriots and virtuous persons, who, (next to God,) procured 6 XXXV111 TEST LAWS IN PENNSYLVANIA. them at every hazard of life and fortune, not only without their assistance, but against their efforts or at least their in clinations ? Yes ; they say they expect it, and that they have a right to free citizenship by the Constitution. These peti tioners had no share in the Declaration of Independence, in the formation of our Constitution, or in establishing them by arms. They were not of the people on whose authority only the great structure was erected. It cannot be supposed that any society would, without great caution, receive per sons as members whose wishes and endeavors have been to destroy it. After further arguments the Committee reported that "the Government had an inherent and unquestionable right to exact a test of allegiance fromi all persons in the State," and that "it would be impolitic and dangerous to admit persons who had been inimical to the sovereignty and independence . of the State, to have a common participation in the Govern ment so soon after the war." This report was adopted by a vote of 42 yeas to 15 nays. When the new Assembly met in November, the Non-jurors again presented petitions for the repeal of the test law. So severely did this law operate upon certain districts that the number of freemen who were entitled to all the privileges of citizenship were not sufficient to administer the local govern ment. The freeholders of Byberry, in November, sent a petition to the Assembly, stating that there were only three freemen among all the freeholders in the township. They had not enough to fill the offices, in consequence of which assessors and collectors, etc., had been sent to them from other townships, some of whom were unknown to them and rapacious, having seized their property and distressed them TEST LAWS IN PENNSYLVANIA. XXXIX much. At that time both the collectors for Byberry were residents of another township. The new Executive Council of the State, of which Benjamin Franklin was President, on the llth of November, recom mended a revision of the test laws in accordance with the change made in the circumstances under which the State was placed by the peace. The subject was again referred to a committee by the Assembly. Being equally divided, this committee was discharged and a new one appointed, which, reporting favorably, was ordered to bring in a bill. The manner in which this committee discharged its duty was by presenting the draft of "an act securing to this Com monwealth the fidelity and allegiance of the subjects thereof and for admitting certain persons to the rights of citizen ship." The bill was before the Assembly in March, 1786. It proposed to extend to persons who had not yet taken the oath of allegiance the privilege of doing so. By the terms of the obligation, it was required that the affiant should re nounce fidelity to King George the Third of Great Britain, and bear true allegiance to the State of Pennsylvania. Fur thermore, that he would not thereafter "do any thing injuri ous to freedom, that he should declare that he had not, since the independence of the United States, voluntarily joined, abetted, aided or assisted the King of Great Britain, his Generals, fleets or armies while employed against the United States." Eobert Morris moved to strike out words describ ing this oath to be one of abjuration, but the motion was lost. He also moved to strike out the declaration that the person taking the oath had never assisted the King, his Generals, fleets or armies, but with no better success. The bill was xl TEST LAWS IN PENNSYLVANIA, passed nearly in the form in which it was reported on the 5th of March, by a vote of 45 yeas to 43 nays. The terms of this act gave but little satisfaction to the Non-jurors. At the next session, in February, 1787, citizens of Chester county remonstrated to the House against that por tion of the act of 1786, which required an abjuration and a declaration that the affiant had not "joined, aided or abetted the King of Great Britain, his Generals, fleets and armies." There was still a bitter feeling against the Non-jurors, but it was evident that it was breaking down under the influence of time and reflection. For the first time since the passage of the law requiring an oath of allegiance, a committee of the Legislature reported against the general policy of the Non juror Act, or more properly against the necessity of continu ing its provisions under a condition of affairs entirely different from those which existed during the struggle of the Eevolu tion. The Committee of the Assembly reported in favor of a repeal of the requirements of the law which were supposed to be the most burdensome. It recommended an abrogation of the oath, and the substitution of a simple declaration of allegiance to the Commonwealth. "An act to alter the test of allegiance to this Common wealth, required by the Act of March 4, 1786," was after ward passed. But even this liberality was unsatisfactory to the Quakers. They generally refused to make the decla ration required by the law. In July, two Quakers summoned on the Grand Jury of the County of Philadelphia were found to be disqualified, in consequence of not having made the declaration or affirmation of allegiance. Chief Justice McKean, who was on the Bench, decided that it was their duty to have TEST LAWS IN PENNSYLVANIA. xii subscribed the declaration; that their neglect to do so having disqualified them,, they were in the same condition as if they had wilfully declined to serve. He therefore fined them £6 each as defaulting jurors, and ordered them to be committed to prison until the fine was paid. Norris Jones, one of them, refused to pay, and he was committed. The conduct of McKean was warmly attacked in the newspapers as being arbitrary. Jones remained in prison some days, but was released. It was averred that he did not pay the fine. The succeeding year passed without any strong demon stration against the law of 1787, but the progress of time had softened the hearts of men, and taught them that many fears previously entertained were groundless. The people of the State were now ready for the repeal of the regulations requiring tests and declarations of allegiance, and the opposition to their abrogation had died away. A com mittee appointed by the Assembly advocated the repeal of the law of 1787 in strong terms. In its report, it was said : That however proper it may have been during the late war, when, by the division of a powerful nation it became necessary for individuals to make a solemn declaration of their attachment to one or the other of the contending par ties, to your committee it appears that in times of peace and of well established government they are not only useless but highly pernicious, by disqualifying a large body of the people from exercising many necessary offices and throwing the whole burthen thereof on others, and also by alienating the affections of tender though, perhaps, mistaken minds, from a Government which by its invidious distinctions they are led to consider as hostile to their peace and happiness. The Committee, therefore, recommended a repeal of all test xiii TEST LAWS IN PENNSYLVANIA. laws. In accordance a bill was passed on the 13th of March, 1789, to repeal all laws requiring any oath or affirmation of allegiance "from the inhabitants of the State." Persons disfranchised by former laws were restored to citizenship. Foreigners only were required to take an oath of allegiance upon assuming the privileges of citizens. The names of the latter were to be registered by the Eecorders of Deeds. The adoption of the new Constitution of the State of Penn sylvania, in 1790, disposed of the obnoxious religious test which yet remained in the Constitution of 1776. It also re leased many conscientious persons from the obligation of the oath that they would "not do or say any thing directly or indirectly that would be injurious or prejudicial to the Constitution as established by the Convention." There was thenceforth no State oath of allegiance, except where the same was administered to public officers, and to all such obli gations there were added a pledge to support and defend the Constitution of the United States. The test laws of Pennsyl vania had passed away with the occasion that gave rise to them, and in the progress of time the angry passions engen dered by the Eevolutionary war were mellowed down and forgotten under the softening influence of Peace. FIRST BOOK. We whose names are hereunto Subscribed Po solemnly and sincerely Peclare and Swear, (or affirm,) That the State of Pensilvania is and of right ought to be a free Sovereign and Independent State — and I do forever renounce all Allegiance, Subjection and Obedience to the King or Crown of Great Britain, and I do further swear (or solemnly, sincerely and truely declare and affirm) that I never have since the declaration of Independence, directly or Indi rectly aided, assisted, abetted or in any wise countenanced the King of Great Britain, his Generals, fleets or armies; or their adherents in their claims upon these United States, and that I have ever since the declaration cf the Independence thereof demeaned myself as a faiihfull citizen and subject of this or some one of the United States, and that I will at all times maintain and sup port the freedom, sovereignty and Independence thereof. 1778. Deer. 11, Henry Schwalbah. 12, Benjamin Loxly, Junr., late a prisoner in Europe. 14, David Jones, Farmer. 15, John Crowden (his mark), of Philada., Labourer. John Weyant. 16, John Stone. Adam Hubley, of Philada., Mercht. Jacob Harman, of Philada., Mercht. Affirmed. James McGill (his mark), do. Labourer. ( 2 ) 1778. Deer. 18, John Nixon, } J. M. Nesbitt, V Auditors of Accounts. Benj. Fuller, J Bartholomew Moore, Mariner, lately in the State fleet. 19, Abraham Levering, Eoxborough. Affirmed. Jacob Gilbert, Junr. Jacob Gilbert, the elder. Caspar Sauder. 21, Michael Orner, Labourer. Andrew Brand, Grocer. Leonard Kromer, Northern Liberties. Everhart Geiss (his mark), Northern Liberties. John Eighter, Eoxborough. 22, Benjamin Paschall, Esq. Affirmed. Eobert Jewell. Affirmed. Charles Bower, sworn Dec. 24th. Joseph Eeed, President of the Executive Council. George Bryan, Vice President. Joseph Hart, John Macky, Matthew Smith, James Eead, Jacob Arndt, Thomas Scott, Timothy Matlack, Secy, of the Council. Affirmed. 25, Daniel Eighter, Eoxborough. Michael Eighter, do. John Eighter, do. James Horner, of Philada., Sadler. Members of the Supreme Ex ecutive Council. ( 3 ) 1778. Deer. 27, Joseph Stretch, of Philada., Mercht. Affirmed. Samuel Langdale, do. do. do. George Chandler, of. do. Escort. do. William Matlack, do. Watchmaker, do. 28, Andrew Doz, Philada., Gent. 30, Jacob Conrad, Jr. (his mark), Lower Merrion. 1779. Jan. 1, Frederick Seegez, Shopkeeper. Samuel Lyon, Commissary. James Dunlap, Philada., Physician. 2, Peter Crispin, Eoxbury. JohnTibin,Jr., do. Joseph Leaman (his mark), do. Michael Smith (his mark), Merrion. Farmer. William Kidd, Schoolmaster. 4, Philip Eumble (his mark), Labourer. Michael Metzinger (his mark), Weaver. 5, Nicholas Jacobs, Cordwainer. William Lawrence, Hatter. Affirmed. Philip Truckenmiller, Taylor. Jonathan Draper, Cordwainer. John Gardner, do. Martin Benner (his mark). Peter Sutter, Hatter. George Attkinson, Ship Captain. Adam Myrtelus, Blacksmith. Jacob Eringer, of Philada., Hosier. Miles Hillborn, Mercht. Affirmed. Andrew Tybout, Hatter. Levy Marks, Taylor. ( 4 ) 1779. Jan. 5, Barnaby Dempsey (his mark), Labourer. 9, John Fry (his mark), of Abbendon. James Claypoole Esq., High-Sheriff. John Keble, Clark. Richard Saltar, Shipwright. Thomas Vaughan, do. Nathaniel Green, do. Lewis Hazlewanger (his mark), do. Conrad Lutz, do. John McKim. 13, Jacob Graff, Philada. Jacob Becher, Lancaster Co. John Andrews (his mark), Philada., Waterman. 14, Andrew Mervine (his mark), Cooper. Benjamin Leavering (his mark), Cordwainer. 16, John Kelly, Asst. Bar. Masr., who also took the oath of office. 18, Edward Keran, of Philada., Scrivener. 21, John Weaver, late in the American Military service. 26, Joseph Shriver, of Philada., Butcher. 28, John Amos, Lower Merrion, Shoemaker. Jacob Amos (his mark), Eoxborough. 29, Christopher Baker. 30, Thomas McDowell, of Philada., Soapboiler. Feb. 3, Joseph Sellers, Kingsessing. Affirmed. 4, William Hollinshead Esq. William Albrecht, Philada., Barber. Wendell Kingsfield, Lower Merrion. 10, William Cochran, L. Merrion. ( 5 ) 1779. Feb. 10, James Christy (his mark), of Bucks, on the publick service. 13, George Fisher (his mark), Eoxbury. Joseph Price, Carpenter. Affirmed. 16, John Bell, Shoemaker. Affirmed. 17, Philip Syng, Gentleman. 18, George Ross Esq., Judge of Admiralty. 20, James Russell, of Lower Merrion. 23, William Dunton, late a prisoner. John Daniel, late of Bucks Co. 24, John Conner, in the publick service. 27, Thomas Cannan, Breeches maker. Joseph Kendall, Physitian. Affirmed. Michael Shubart Esq., Member of Assembly. Johann Conrad Brown, of Philada., Cordwainer. March 1, William Fullerton, Lower Merrion, Taylor. 9, Philip Roth, of Philada., Musitian. Benjamin Gorgas, Roxborough. John Gorgas, do. 10, Jacob Sharp, in the publick service. Andrew Sharp (his mark), in the publick service. Samuel Baker, Kensington, Shipwright. 11, Frederick Hitner, of Philada., Tanner. 12, John Lodge, of Passiunk. _ 'I Mariners of the State of Mas- JOSEPH DURLING, > T a „ I sachusetts. John Smith, J 13, Jacob Amos, of Roxborough, Philada. Co. Jacob Fisler, of Merrion. John Holegit, of Roxborough. Affirmed. belonging to the Company of Artificers. ( 6 ) 1779. March 13, Andrew Damm, of Philada., Dealer. John Vestard (his mark), of Philada., Brickmaker. Peter David Hansil (his mark), of Kingsessing. 19, John Rouking, of Philada. 20, Lazarus Pine Esq., of Philada., Capt. of Militia. 24, Andrew Fite, of Roxborough. 26, William Watkins, Jonathan Paul, William Davies, Philip Reffert, James McCotter, Leonard Egen, Jacob Albright, Robert Irwin, David Paul, John George Fox Senr., do. John Harraway, do. 27, Thomas Bourne, of Philada., Gentleman. John Bigony (his mark), of Roxborough, Hosier. David Rittenhouse Esq., State Treasurer. Cornelius Houlgate, of Roxborough. Affirmed. Joseph Bigony, do. Matthew Holeget, do. Affirmed. Joseph Sturgis, do. do. Jacob Lutch (his mark), Lower Merrion, Cord wainer. 29, Peter Taylor, of Philada, Carpenter. Jacob Conrod (his mark), of Lower Merrion. Thomas Nevell, \ Jacob Schreiner, > Street Commissioners. John McCulloh, ) ( 7 ) 1779. March 29, George Dunhower (his mark), Kingsessing. Christopher Elliott, do. Affirmed. John Fajon, of Roxborough. John Walters, Kingsessing. Isaac Grant, do. Robert Rigg, of the Company of Carpenters. William Rose, do. 30, William Chain, of Philada., Tallow Chandler. Neels Jonasson, of Kingsessing. Frederick Holsten, do. Matthias Holsten, do. John Matzinger (his mark), do. 31, Jacob Haass, of Philada. Co., of the Co. of Car penters. William Fians, Kingsessing. Israel Morton, do. Stokely Hossman. (Hon.) John Hambright, Mem. of Ex. Council. Reuben Hall, Philada., Carpenter. Martin Miller, Lower Merrion. Affirmed. John Goodman, do. do. Jacob Caster, Oxford. Henry Katz, Whitemarsh. Jacob Laughlin, George Schlosser, William Rush, Christian Schneider, Robert Curry, William Richards, Asst. Assessor. William Greenway, Measurer of Grain. County Assessors. ( 8 ) 1779. March 31, Benjamin Paschall, Kingsessing. Affirmed. Paul Conner, Roxborough. Affirmed. Rudolph Latch, Lower Merrion. Joseph Stiles, Commissary of Mil. Stores. Af firmed. George Bell, Darby Township. Edward Price. Affirmed. George Morton, Kingsessing. Abraham Holmes, Darby. Samuel Taylor, Kingsessing. Samuel Young, Philada., Carpenter. George Janus, D. M., Philada. Robert Towers Junr., Philada., Cutler. John Henderson, of Philada., Conducr. Mil. Stores. Christian Beackley, Philada., Supt. Artificers. David Davies, Comp. Artificers. Rudolph Sibley (his mark), Lower Merrion. Peter Holsten, Kingsessing. Peter Rose, Blockley. Jacob Rowand, of Philada., Shoemaker. Henry Shoster, Lower Merrion. Gunning Bedford, Philada., Carpenter. George Grotz, of Philada., Breeches Maker. April 7, (Doctr.) Alvery Hodgson, Surgeon Genl. Hos pital. Robt. Wilson, late of New Jersey, now of Philada., Mercht. Jacob Levering, of Roxborough. 13, Henry McGee (his mark), of Philada., Labourer. 14, Josiah Gill, of Philada., Shop Keeper. Affirmed. ( 9 ) 1779. April 24, Seth Willis, of . Philada. 28, Evan Morris, of Philada., Shoemaker. 29, James Davis, of Merrion, Schoolmaster. May 4, John Dumfield (his mark), a non resident, late of the Jersey State. 5, John Roberts, of Lower Merrion, Farmer. Af firmed. Sebastien Houshold (his mark), a non resident. 7, Andreas Fisher (his mark), of Blockley, Farmer. 10, Thomas Carter, of Philada., Taylor. 13, Thomas Hale, Agent for forfeited estates, who also took the oath of said office. 15, William McSparran, of Philada., Spinner. John Horn, of Philada., Spinner. 22, Peter Stout, of Philada., Labourer. Philip Clauzer (his mark), do. do. 24, Wilhelm Friederich, of Passyunk, Farmer. 25, George Young, of Moyamensing, Farmer. Hugh Colvin (his mark), late of Chester Co., in the publick service. Andrew Lemau, of Philada., Harness Maker. Conrad Shaller, Having renounced allegiance to the English, which they were constrained to take. Philip Young, Heinrich Lentz, Johannes Ritiger, , 26, Bastia Venia (his mark). Joseph Meyer, ) ,, • t? ' . n . > Moyamensing Farmers. Jacob Keisler (his mark), J 27, (Mr.) P. E. Du Simitiere, of Philada., Gentleman. Ludwig Taylor, Northern Liberties, Cutter. B ( io ) 1779. May 27, John Daniel, of Philada. John Corbright, do. 28, James Sturgis, of Blockley, Weaver. Henry Gibbons (his mark), of Philada., Labourer. 29, Henry Thiell, of Philada., Blacksmith. 31, John Young, lately residing in the Jersey State. Wm. Rusk, of Philada., late Butcher. Andrew Way, of Philada., Taylor. June 2, Georg Bechtel, of Philada., Labourer. William Wright, of Philada., Sailmaker. 3, John Malone (his mark), of Philada., Taverner and Huxter. 9, Valentine Hasig, of Roxbury, Labourer. 12, William Hansell, Philada., Blacksmith. 19, Hugh Mitchell, Clark to Col. Mitchell. John Murgatroyd, of Philada., Merchant. 23, Henry Hart (his mark), of the City Watch, took the test in 1777. George Hart (his mark), of the City Watch, tes tified in 1777. Joseph Harvey, late of Bermuda. William Sloan, of Cranbury, New Jersey. James Thompson, of Essex Co., New Jersey. July 8, John Starke, of Philada., Wheelwright. Took the test to the States in 1777 & was constrained to Allegiance to the Brittish. John Brittin, of New Jersey. 30, Saml. Crawford, of Philada., Mariner. John McCartney, of Philada., Taylor. Jacob Chrystler, of Philada., Shopkeeper. ( 11 ) 1779. July 30, Edward Young, of Philada., Sadler. William Metay, of Philada., Sadler. 31, Matthew Folk, do. Skindresser. Peter Hutman (his mark), of Philada., Chairmaker. Francis Geisse, of Philada., Silversmith, took the test in 1777, was constrained to swear to the Brittish when here. Ambrose Croker, of Philada. James Lucas, Adjutant in the Artillery of Artificers. John Thornhill Junr., of Philada., Shoemaker. Aug. 2, George Swats, of Philada., Taylor. Henry Hyneman (his mark), do. do. John Lippee (his mark), of Passyunk, Labourer. Christian Chevilier (his mark), do. do. John Hay, of Philada. James Steel, of Philada., Gent. Isaac Course, do. do. Charles Loardan, took the test in 1777. Jacob Facundus, of Philada., Blacksmith. Daniel Morrison (his mark), of Philada., Labourer. John Copple (his mark), of Passyunk. John Barclay, do. Mercht. John Douglass, of Passyunk, Linen Printer. Peter Smallwood (his mark), Shoemaker. Jacob Steinmires (his mark), of Philada., Shoe maker. John Collins, of Philada., Cooper. Heinrich Smaltz, do. Joyner. George Ironring (his mark), do. Labourer. John Moore, do. Butcher. 1779. Aug. ( 12 .) 2, Michael Stanley (his mark), of Thilada., Cord wainer. Pearce Lewis, do. do. John Wyant, of Northern Liberties, Labourer. John Wood (his mark), do. do. George Apt (his mark), do. Pumpmaker. James Caruthers, of Philada., Shopkeeper. Casper Fleisher, do. Skinner. George Sink, do. Labourer. George Hiney, of Northern Liberties, Labourer. Thomas Beck (his mark), City of Philada., Cord wainer. Nicholas Hysmmingle, do. Carpenter. John Ried (his mark), of Northern Liberties, Baker. Christian Kirkhoff, of Philada., Clark. Andrew McIntire, do. Joyner. Daniel Shaw, do. Carpenter. George Hess, do. Smith. Richard Guy, do. Carpenter. Robert Leech, do. do. William Griffith (his mark), do. Labourer. John Spiegel, do. Combmaker Edward Dickens, clo. Painter. James Rothbottom, do. Bricklayer. John Guy, do. Carter. John Beaks, do. ¦ Carpenter. Godfrey Backius, do. Hatter. Richard Hall, do. Carpenter. Abraham Akely (his mark), do. Cooper. Conrad Pigeon, clo. Bricklayer. ( 13 ) 1779. Aug. 2, Peter Boyle (his mark), of Philada., Brewer.- John Deal, do. Labourer. John Keys, do. Hatter. Peter Mellenberger (his mark), do. Labourer. Jonathan Smith, Northern Liberties, Carpenter. Joseph Smith, Northern Liberties, Saddlemaker. Josiah Hazleton, Northern Liberties, Smith. William Thorn, City, Carpenter. George Till, Northern Liberties, Shipwright. Michael Shilling (his mark), City, Combmaker. William Powell, N. Liberties, Sawyer. Richard Taylor, Southwark, Mariner. John Armstrong (his mark), City, Labourer. Henry Perret, City, Soapboiler. John Parkhill, City, Gunsmith. James Humphreys (his mark), N. Liberties, Ship wright. John Rutherford, of Philada., Currier. Benjamin Boulter, do. Carpenter. John Rice, do. Baker. Nicholas Grim, do. Sawyer. John Whiteman, do. Taylor. John Waine (his mark), do. Labourer. Andrew Isinhoot, N. Liberties, Coppersmith. Hugh Ferguson, City, Coachman. Peter Green (his mark), N. Liberties, Currier. - Isaac Causten, City, Founder. Frederick Grisler, do. Innholder. William Lohman, Passiunk, Farmer. William Budden, Capt., Philada. ( 14 ) 1779. Aug. 2, George Cook, inlisted in the Eegt. of Artificers. Michael Fox, City, Turner. John Hoffstedler, City, Cooper. Jacob Maag, City, Wheelwright. Samuel Stern, do. Carpenter. John Shafer, do. Butcher. John McNair, do. Taylor. William Miller, do. Printer. George Stow, do. Turner. 3, Jacob Bost (his mark), Passiunk, Farmer. Jacob Smith (his mark), do. do. George Moser (his mark), Kensington, Smith. Alexander Barclay (his mark), City, Waggoner. John Quain, City, at the Laboratory. 5, Jonathan Clay, do. Blacksmith. George Schneider, do. Farmer. William Baker (his mark), do. Labourer. 6, John Anderson, do. Taylor. 7, Adam Garrett (his mark), Passiunk, Farmer. Edward Cartwright, late of Philada., Blacksmith. 9, Henry Savett, of Southwark, Labourer. 10, John McFarlane, of Philada., late of New York, Mercht. Jacob Bankson the Elder, of Southwark, Yeoman. James Tawney, of Philada., Travelling Dealer. 18, Nicholas Miller, of do. Labourer. 19, Carl Blutzer, a Hessian deserter: oath of June 13, 1777. 20, David Crotty, Seaman, lately discharged from the State Fleet. ( 15 ) 1779. Aug. 20, Johan Umbright, of Philada., Taylor. Terence Donnelly, of the State of Connecticut. Michael Muller, of Southwark, Gun Stocker. Eichard Ludgate (his mark), of Philada., Labourer. 23, James Harris, do. Cordwainer. 30, Solomon Taylor, late of Virginia, Blacksmith. Sept. 3, Joseph Webb, of Philada., House Carpenter. Af firmed. 4, David Hansell, of Kingsessing, Farmer. 6, John Miller (his mark), of Philada., Baker. Af firmed. Andrew Hodge Junr., do. absent in the West Indies until November last. 9, Michael Letts (his mark), of Whitemarsh, Farmer. Eobert Miller, of the N. Liberties, Labourer. (Capt.) John Lawson, of Philada., Mariner. 11, William Nolbrow, do. Taylor. 13, Eobert Cornish, do. Sailor. 17, John Mills (his mark), of the N. Liberties, Labourer. 18, Arthur Hurry, of Philada., Taylor, now near 19 yrs. of age. 25, George Sneling (his mark), of Philada., Weaver. 29, Charles Logan, do. Mercht. Affirmed. 30, Jean Louis Eey, late of Geneva, Mercht. Oct. 4, James Hudson, of Philada., Sadler and Harness Maker. William Warner Junr., of Blockley. 7, Walter Hall, of Philada., Merchant. 9, John Solter, of Philada., Baker. ( 16 ) 1779. Oct. 9, Jesse Jones, of Lower Merrion Township, Philada. co. Affirmed. 11, John Erdman Smith, of Philada., Printer. Charles Meridith, do. Gentleman. Algernon Eoberts. William Jackson, of Philada., Mercht. 12, Eobert Heysham, of do. do. Charles Stedman, do. Gentleman. Carpenter Wharton, of Southwark, Mercht. John Kessler. John Palmer, of Philada., Tavern keeper. Peter Light (his mark), Philada., Labourer. William Collom (his mark), worker in the Armory, Philada. lists of the foregoing returned to Flection at State House. Oct. 13, William Jones, of Philada., Grazier. George Walker, do. Victualer. Abraham Sink (his mark), do. Brassfounder. Peter Eambo, do. Sadler. 14, Joseph Hillborn, do. Mercht. Af firmed. Georg David Sickel, do. Butcher. James Caldwell, of Northern Liberties, Labourer. Charles Knight, of Philada., Miller. John Diamond, do. Eopemaker. James Armstrong, do. Trader. Daniel Benezet, do. Mercht. John Bare, do. Hatter. ( 17 ) 1779. Oct. 14, Samuel Penrose, of Philada., Mercht. 15, George Delaney, Darby, Seaman. 16, Thomas Smith (his mark), Philada., do. John Beck, do. Taylor. John Weaver, do. do. Joshua Jones, Lower Dublin, Philada. co., Farmer. Isaac Wharton, of Philada., Mercht. Affirmed. Charles Wharton, do. do. do. Joseph Hibbard, Blockley, Farmer. Samuel Peters, Philada., Schoolmaster. John Heffernan, do. do. John Otenkerken, do. Labourer. 18, John Porter, do. Student in Phisick. Michael Leib, do. do. Jacob Frank, do. Silversmith. Peter Kurtz, do. Tobacconist. Godfrey Shisler, Passiunk, Farmer. James Kinnear, of Philada., Mercht. Peter Footman, do. do. JonN Grover, Lower Merrion, Farmer. Heinrich Colflesh, Mathias Colflesh, Johannes Walters, Philip Pritner, Israel Jones, do. do. Af firmed. Thomas Morgan, do. do. Af firmed. Robert Bass, Philada., Druggist. Thomas Greswold, Northern Liberties. do. c do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do ( 18 ) 1779. Oct. 18, Jonathan Zane, Northern Liberties, Mercht. John Carns Junr., Darby, Chester Co., Yeoman. Edward Elliott, Philada., Clark. Tench Francis, Philada., Gent. Joseph Palmer, do. Mercht. Affirmed. James Peale, do. Gentleman. John Young, Lower Merrion, Gent. John Steinmetz, Philada., do. Eleazer Levy, late of New York, Trader. John Fegal, Northern Liberties, Shopkeeper. John Williams, Philada., House Carpenter. 19, George Claypoole, of Philada., Cabinet Maker. Andrew Hamilton, of do. Gentleman. Edmond Nugent, of do. Breeches maker. George Forsyth, of do. Innholder. Thomas Humphreys, Merrion, Philada. Co., Black smith. James Carr, do. ¦ Weaver. Ludwick Knoll, do. Farmer. Jacob Bare, do. do. John Bare, clo. do. Alexander Soly, clo. Cordwainer. Christian Lawyer, Philada. Co., Labourer. Conrod Goodman, Merrion, Philada. Co., Weaver. William E. Godfrey, Capt. Lieut. Artillery. David Pancoast, Philada., House Carpenter. John McAlestor, Yorktown, Commissary. John Fryhoffer, Lower Dublin, Phil. Co., Taylor. Wollery Fryhoffer, do. Farmer. George Ratzner, do. do. ( 19 ) 1779. Oct. 19, Joseph Mathias (his mark), Lower Dublin, Farmer. Jeremiah Lynn, Co. Philada., Shipwright. Jacob Baker, Co. do. Shopkeeper. Affirmed. Rees Price, Philada. County, Farmer. Affirmed. William Dellap, Co. Philada., Trader. Affirmed. Francis Jones, Philada. County, Gent. Affirmed. John Llewelyn, Lower Merrion, Weaver, do. Llewelyn Young, do. Farmer. Affirmed. Henry Pugh, do. Weaver. do. Morriss Llewelyn , do. House Carpenter. Affirmed. Joseph Lownes, Co. Philada. , Silversmith. David Riddle, do. Saddler. John Darrach, do. Saddler. John Bryan, clo. Saddler. John Corse, clo. do. Isaac Penrose, clo. Mercht. 20, James Winter, of Lower Merrion, Farmer. Benjamin Holland, do. Weaver. David Zell, do. Farmer. Affirmed. Caspar Whiteman (his mark), do. Farmer. Joseph Bedford, Philada., Gentleman. Peter Bedford, do. do. Lawrence Powell, do. Baker. William Tyson, Blockley, Shoemaker. Affirmed. Matthias Tyson, Darby, Farmer. Affirmed. William Mackenzie, of Philada., Mercht. William Jeffery, Northern Liberties, Labourer. James Delaplaine, Northern Liberties, Taverner. Jacob Gominger, Germantown, Miller. Affirmed. ( 20 ) 1779. Oct. 20, Stephen Blunt, Philada., Shoemaker. Isaac Leech, Cheltenham, Tanner. John Spede, Philada., Baker. Edmond Fagan, N. Liberties, Cordwainer. Michael McMullen, Lower Merrion, Farmer. Samuel Baker, N. Liberties, Ship Carpenter. Joshua Pearson, Co. Philada., Cordwainer. Affd. Willia.m Follwell, Philada., Taylor. Affd. Hugh Knox, of Philada. County, Farmer. Leonard Kessler, of Philada., Joyner. Robert Bell, do. Printer. Thomas Carradine, do. late from Mary land, Mercht. George Clackner, of Kingsessing, Taylor. Joseph Ledra, of Philada., Bricklayer. John Lohra, do. now 18 years of age. Retailer. Robert Chain, made proof that he in March 1778, took the oath to the States before Genl. Green and now before me. 25, Jacob Tren (his mark), of Passiunk, made oath that he in the year 1777 before Justice Young, took the Oath of Allegiance and the foregoing this day. Dec. 30, James Farnsworth, An inhabitant of Philada. in the year 1777, made Oath that in that year he took the Oath of Allegiance to the States before Justice Smithson in the Jersey State and now before me. 1780. March 6, John M. Jackson, now of the age of eighteen years and one month, of Philada., Clark. ( 21 ) 1780. May 6, Peter Ott, of Blockley Township, Farmer, having taken the test to the States in 1777, was compelled to swear allegiance to the Brittish while here, much against his will as he declares, and which he most heartily renounces. John Daw, being a Commissioned Officer in the 4th Pensilvania Regt. in the year 1777. 15, Daniel Appel, lately from the West Indies, Taylor. Hosea Smith, lately come of age, Taylor. June 8, Jacob Rickneal (his mark), lately discharged from the German American Regt. James Cottringer, of Philada., Brushmaker, but lately arrived to the age of eighteen years. 12, Luke Morris Junr., Miller, in his minority. Af firmed. 13, William Douglass, taken prisoner under age and lately returned. Note that Daniel Folt, of Passiunk not taking the test in time desired now to take it, which he did and I gave a certificate according thereto. June 28, Daniel McLean, a Sergeant in the service of this and of the United States the 1st day of June 1778, and since with reputation discharged. Sep. 9, James Kirk, a soldier in the service of the American United States on the 1st day of June 1778, and since discharged. 25, William Due (his mark), Mariner, resident in this city above five years, being a foreigner unac quainted with the time prescribed by law. ( 22 ) 1780. Sep. 30, Matthew Phelps, of the state of Connecticut, lately from the Mississippi, Planter. Oct. 10, Isaac Sheldon, of the State of Connecticut, lately from the Mississippi, Planter. Abraham Hargis, a Lieut, in the Continental Army, 10th Pena. Regt. June 1st, 1778. Robert Kennedy, from South Carolina, Taylor. 21, Nicholas Hinkle (his mark), of Blockley, lived in the Jersey State in the year 1776, where he first proved his allegiance. Dec. 5, Philip Swartz, charged with treasonable practices and discharged after a long confinement. Recom mended by J. C, Sheriff. 13, John Allen, of the state of N. Carolina. 1781. Jan. 29, John Cook (his mark), late of the Jersey state; in Jany. 1779, was qualified to allegiance there before Lemuel Sears in Gloucester County as appears by certificate. June 14, John Johnston (his mark), by trade a painter and Glazier but has followed the sea some years. 29, John Frazer (his mark), late a soldier in the Penn sylvania line. Sep. 7, Samuel Hembel, formerly a servant in Lancaster co., lately free. Oct. 8, James Hampden Thomson, late a citizen of South Carolina and lately arrived in this city from St. Augustine. 9, Adam Gilchrist, an officer in the Penna. Line in 1777. ( 23 ) 1781. Oct. 9, George Bond. John Phile, late a free citizen of Maryland, now of this City, Mercht. Charles Pettit. James Willing. James Montgomery. Francis Donnelly. D. Witherspoon. William Henderson. William Graham, late of Virginia. 13, Benj. Smith (his mark), of Blockley Township, Philada. Co. Nov. 2, James Duffy (his mark), now City Constable, Philada. 21, Andrew Miller, of Towamensing, Philada. Co., Farmer. 20, William Bell, of Philada., Taylor, late of the State of New Jersey. 1782. Feb. 16, Thomas Lake, son of Capt. Thomas Lake; now 18 years old. John Fesmore (his mark), late discharged from the Penna. Line. Apl. 15, Eleazer Oswald, late Lieut. Col. of Arty, of the United States. May 1, Archibald McClarey, formerly a private in the river fleet. 13, Bedford Williams, Surgeon, formerly in the ser vice of the States. 31, Abraham Seixas, formerly an officer in the Militia ( 24 ) 1782. of Charlestown, South Carolina, lately arrived in this city, Mercht. July 1, William Bradford, formerly a soldier in the Vir ginia line, discharged, by trade a Taylor. 13, Joseph Heller, of Merrion Township, lately arrived to the age of 20. Jacob Sibley, of Merrion Township, but lately arrived to the age of 19. Aug. 7, Philip Smith, a German, bred in Philada., a Taylor by trade. » 14, Jonathan Adams, a native of Maryland, by trade a silversmith. 22, Matthew Ballam, a native of New York who re tired on the approach of the enemy. Sep. 14, Levin Langrall, of the State of Maryland, taken prisoner and escaped from New York, Mariner. 21, Robert Pattison, of Charlestown in South Caro lina, Mercht. Oct. 7, Thomas Steel, of Philadelphia, Mariner. Philip Moore, of Philada., Mercht., having taken the Oath of Allegiance in Boston in 1777 and in the Court of Philada. in April 1782. John Ogden, lately arrived to the age of twenty-one years. John Stafford, belonging to the train of Artillery in 1776. Discharged. John Jones, Health Officer, took the test in Vir ginia in 1777. Benjamin Stagg, a private in the 5th Penna. Regt. in 1776, discharged in 1781. ( 25 ) 1782. Oct. 7, Michael Connor, took the Oath at Reading in June 1778. David Porter, an officer in the Penna. Line in 1777. Charles McCarter, Surgeon in the 4th Penna. Regt. in 1777. James McLean, an officer in the Penna. Line in 1777. Lazarus Stow, Lieut, in the llth Penna. Regt. in 1777. 8, James Whitehead. Charles Darragh. Matthew McGuire. William Gray. Alexander Power. John Thompson. Joseph Rice. William Williams. David Elliott. Patrick Owens, took the test in Virginia in 1777. John Cowell, surgeon in the Genl. Hospital of Penna. in June 1778. Patrick Duffy, an officer in the Penna. Artillery in 1777. John Kaworth, a seafaring man. James Hamel, tavern keeper, took the test in Vir ginia in 1777. John Stricker, an officer in the Penna. Line in 1777. Robert Scot, took the test in Virginia in 1777. D ( 26 ) 1782. Oct. 8, James Gilchrist, an officer in the Penna. Line 1779. Andrew Lytle, an officer in do. 1776. John Baker, who took the oath in Virginia, August 1777. James G. Herron, late an officer in Hazen's Regi ment, Pennsylvania. Line. George Hofner, late an officer in the Penna. Line. John Hunn, took the test in Delaware State 1778. 18, John Loge, late of Salem, in the State of N. Jersey. Waterman. Nov. 4, Garret Peters, an inhabitant of this City. Shoe maker. 8, Robert Smock, late of the State of N. Jersey. Clark in the Clothier's Departmt. 19, John Bryarly, some time resident in this city. Sadler. William Patton, formerly of Lancaster, in this State. Sadler. John Stiles, some time resident in this city. Sadler. 1783. Jan. 6, Seth Avered, from Connecticut, last from Chester Co. Mch. 19, Andrew Aitkin, of Philada. Physitian in the Publick service above four years. April 22, John Jamison, of Philada. Sadler. Nineteen years of age. 30, George Mayer, son of Jacob Mayer; a native of Philada., late a prisoner with the enemy, now 19 years old. May 7, Hugh Martin, a surgeon in the Penna. Line in 1778. ( 27 ) 1783. May 30, Adam Steller, Butcher, born in Philada., lately of age. Thomas Bell, late apprentice to Geo. Claypoole, Cabinet maker. June 30, George Tudor, a Major in the Penna. Line. Philip Lauer, having served five years in the Penna. regiment of Artillery. Sept. 17, James Chrystie, Captain in the Penna. Line. John Brice, formerly Captain in the Marine of this State. Oct. 6, Abraham Howell, of Maurice County, State of New Jersey. 10, Joseph Harma, Lieut. Col. 1st Eegt. of Pennsyl vania. Philip Mentges, Lieut. Col. in the Southern Army. J. Moore, Major 1st Penna. Regiment. John Bryce, Captain Co. of Artillery. 13, William Martin, Captain of Artillery. Robert Wallace, proves by certificate that he took the oath of allegiance in the Jersey State in 1777. 14, Edward Whelan, a soldier in the Penna. line. Discharged. Robert Morrell, an artificer in the American Army. Discharged. John Patton, tallow chandler, a native, lately come of age. John Rhea, of Philada., a native, lately arrived to age. Samuel Brady, Captain 3rd Penna. Regt. ( 28 ) 1783. Oct. 14, Thomas Adams, late of Rhode Island, made oath that he took the test of that State in 1777. Paul Jones, Captain in the Navy of the United States. John Smith, late Segt. in the Penna. Line. Dis charged January 1781. Richard Wallace (his mark), a private in the Penna. Line. Discharged 1781. John Adams, late a sergeant in the Penna. Line. Discharged Jan. 1781. Thomas Lavisyler, late Ensign in the Penna. Line. Deranged. Isaac B. Dunn, Capt. 3rd Regt. Penna. James Finley, makes oath that he in 1777, in Vir ginia, took the oath of that State of his allegiance. John Hazlewood, Junr., lately arrived to the age of 21 years. Christopher Kugler, of the Northern Liberties, but now arrived to 21 years of age. L. Keene, late Captain 2nd Penna. Regt. Ephraim Blaine, Commissary General Purveyor. John Read. Alexander .Russell, late Lieut. 7th Penna. Regt. Alexander Bensted, late Lieut. & Paymaster 10th Penna. Regt. Thomas McIntire. Martin Weyland, of Point no Point Northern Liberties, maketh oath which is certified to by Edward Pool, in 1778. Henry Greve, Lieut, in the 4th Penna. Regt. ( 29 ) 1784. Oct. 1 1 , John White, Mate of the General Military Hospital. 12, Robert Gregg, late Captain of the Penna. Line. Jacob Cox, made oath that he took the oath oi allegiance in the Jersey State in 1777. Jno. Donohue, made oath that he gave test of alle giance in the Jersey State, and since agreeable to law in this State. William Honeyman, formerly a lieut. in the Pensyla. Line. William Norton, formerly a private in the Pena. Line. Discharged. Matthew McClentick, took the oath in Maryland in 1780. Patrick Shaw (his mark), a private in the Penna. Line. Discharged. 1785. Feb. 19, Isaac Van Vleck, of the Jersey State, appears to have taken the oath of allegiance in that State in 1777. Apl. 11, Edward Tilghman, Junr., of Dover, in the Dela ware State, Esq., appears to have taken the oath of allegiance in said State. Sep. 29, Francis Knox, Commander of a Vessel under com mission in the American Service in the late war. James Lockwood, a native of Connecticut, a resi dent here near two years. Mercht. Oct. 6, John Mitchell, of Philada. Mercht. John Savidge, a Captain in the Pensilva. Line in 1778. Philip Klein, appears to have taken the oath in ( 30 ) 1785. 1778 ; served in the flying camp, and now before me hath taken the oath. Oct. 6, John Organ (his mark), late a soldier in the Pensyla. Line six years. John McIlench (his mark), a soldier in the Pensyla. Line in 1777. Philip Colewater (his mark), a soldier in the Pena. Line six years. 24, Barnaby Scully, a soldier in the Maryland Line in 1777, since a resident here. William Spottswood, from Ireland, resident here about 2 years. Did not take the oath of 1777. Matthew Carey, from Dublin, Printer, resident here near one year. Did not take the oath of 1777. 1786. Apl. 7, William Bankson, of Philada. Upholsterer, a native of this State, lately arrived to full age. May 10, Andrew Rey, formerly an officer in the service of the United States, and latterly a resident of the Delaware State. Oct. 10, Daniel Garhart (his mark), late a soldier in the American Army, from the commencement of the war. Henry Lipsey, late a soldier in the Artillery oi Penna. Henry McAnally, proves that he took the oath in 1778 before Justice Adcock. Joseph Crawford (his mark), proves that he took the test of 1778 in due time. ( 31 ) 1786. Oct. 10, Henry Harris (his mark), proves that he took the oath of 1778 before me in due time. 1787. Apl. 5, Joseph Anderson (Esq.), Attorney at Law, formerly a Major in the Army of the United States and the Jersey Line. 13, William Montgomery (Esq.), Attorney at Law, formerly a Citizen of the Delaware State. i SECOND BOOK. We the subscribers do swear (or affirm) that I renounce and refuse all allegiance to George the third, King of Great Britain, his heirs and successors, and that I will be faithful, and bear true allegiance to the commonwealth of Pensylvania as a free and Independant State, and that I will not at any time do or cause to be done any matter or thing that will be prejudicial or injurious to the freedom and Independance thereof , as declared by Congress; and, also, that I will discover and make known to some one Justice of the Peace of this State, all treasons or traitorous conspiracies which I now know or hereafter shall know, to be formed against this or any of the United States of America. Plunkett Fleeson. Philadelphia, 1778. 1778. July 11, James Hall. James Thompson. John Righter, John Kook. 14, Johann Christopher Jutter. Johann Conrad Gotthart. George Sharswood. John Crook. Luke Keating. 2d Certificate proved. John Patterson. ( 36 ) 1778. July 14, John C. Kunze. 15, John Halburtat. A 2d Certificate. Thomas Hall. 2d Certificate proved. William Robinson. George Croghan. 20, Johan Georg Miller. Robert Bass. William Matlack. Affirmed. William Pugh. Affirmed. Christian Hansman. Christopher Baker. John Burnes. Thomas Beck. 2d Certificate. Pastorious Wynn. 2d Certificate. 23, William Jones. Caleb Ash. Affirmed. George Stockham. 24, Andrew Brand. 2d Certificate. George Bates. do. Adam Clampffer. do. Jacob Fisler. 25, Jacob Carrick (his mark). Jacob Conrod (his mark). Jacob Latch (his mark). Samuel Tom (his mark). George Kurtz, sworn to have taken the oath of allegiance the 30th June 1777. 2d Certificate. Francis Finley. 2d Certificate. George Fox. 27, Nn. Sellers. ( 37 ) 1778. July 27, Friederich Plack, swore that he took the test and had a certificate from me in June 1777. 2d Certificate. James Neill. Affirmed. William Barns. John Cummings. Conrad Lewetter, attests having taken the oath and had my certificate the 26th day of June 1777. 28, John Brown, Cabinet maker, testifies that on or about the latter end of June 1777, he took the oath, and had my certificate. 2nd Certificate. William Moore. John Smith, of Philada. Breeches maker, sworn, that about the end of June 1777, he took the oath of allegiance, and had a certificate from me, which he hath lost, and now has a 2nd certificate. 29, Rees Price. Affirmed. 30, William Stroud. Affirmed. John Coffman. George Wood. Matthias Nonveller, of Blockly, attests to having in June 1777, taken the test, and had my cer tificate, which he hath lost. 2d Certificate. Jacob Be alert, of Blockly, attests to having in June 1777, or thereabout, taken the oath of alle giance, and that he had my certificate, which he hath lost. 2d Certificate. Thomas Watts. 31, George Chandler. ( 38 ) 1778. July 31, Elijah Coffin. 2d Certificate. James Harris. Richard Price. Affirmed. Aug. 1, Thomas Irwin. W. Hamilton. Jacob Ash, Attests haying taken the test with me about June 1777. 2nd Certificate. Philip Conrad, Attests to have taken the test about July, 1777. Martin Walter. William McElvain. 3, Peter Crass (his mark), Attests to have taken the test in or about the Month of July 1777. Jonathan Draper. John Corman. Edward Richie. Rudolph Sibley (his mark). William Whittington, of Boston. John Overly, Copy from ye Original Sept. 12th 1777. No. 887. Richard Hunt, Attests to have taken the Test of me in July 1777, & now has a 2d. Certificate. 4, Gunning Bedford. George Claypoole. John Keichler (his mark). Isaac Widdos, Attests to have taken the Oath & to have lost his Certificate taken in June 1777. 2d Certificate. John Weaver. Charles Cecil, lately arrived from Europe. ( 39 ) 1778. Aug. 4, John Davis. Affirmed. 5, Isaac Warner, did take the test in 1777;. was con strained to swear allegiance to the King, which he now doth renounce. 2d Certificate. Archibald McKendrick, a Brittish officer, dis charged from parole, and recommended. Ludwick Knoll. Conrod Goodman. Affirmed. Darby Savage. Richard Topliff, Copy from Original June 13 1777. No. 32. 6, James Spinks. Friederich Deshong, took the oath to the States in 1777, was after constrained to swear allegiance to the crown, which he now renounces, and again takes the test to the States. 2d Certificate. Jacob Litchenham (his mark). Benjamin Thaw. 7, Ludwig Falkenstein. Peter Remender (his mark). Samuel Evans. Affirmed. Samuel Langdale. Archibald Watson (his mark). 8, James Davis. William Saunders, Attests to have Attested in July 1777. 2nd Certificate. Hugh Ross, Attests to have taken & subscribed in July 1777. 2d Certificate. 10, John Diamond. Jacob Erringer. ( 40 ) 1778. Aug. 10, Johannes Heller. Charles Stow. Christopher Hart (his mark), took the test from me in June 1777, per qualification. 2nd Cer tificate. Edward McDonnell. Joseph Govett. James Packer. Affirmed. John Allen (his mark), gunsmith. 2nd Certificate. John Yerger., Joseph Williamson. 11, Thomas Fleeson, A 2nd certificate 17th July, 1777. Melchoir Nuff, taken in Augt. 1777. 2d Cer tificate. Samuel Stern. 12, Theobald Ent, Sadler, Attested taking in June 1777. 2d Certificate. Adam Groff (his mark). James Russell. John Heyl, Attests to having taken the Oath in June 1777. 2nd Certificate. Philip Warner, known to have taken the oath in June 1777. 2d Certificate. Benjamin Humphreys. Affirmed. Joseph Leonard. Affirmed. 13, John David. Richard Robinson, who farther attests to have taken the Oath before George Brian, Esq., about the month of July 1777, but lost his Certificate. 2d Cert. ' D* ( 41 } 1778. Aug. 14, William Sowersby. William Lake, renewed his Certificate 27th Augt. 1777. No. 850. 2nd Certificate. George Connell, Carver, renewed his Certificate of 28th June 1777. No. 194. 2d Cert. David Richards, Affirms to have taken the test on or about July 1777. Renewed his Certificate. William Guiney. Jacob Baker. 15, Edward Cavanaugh (his mark). William Robinson. Jacob Hankel, Took the test before me about Augt. 1777. Cornelius Barnes. Peter Mellen. Thomas Roue. 17, William Thomson. Thomas Palmer. Joseph Lisle. Robert Davidson, Took the test in the Delaware State the 2d of June 1778. Jacob Kinnard. Jacob Burklae. 18, James Rasbotham. Robert Moore, Proves having taken the test of John Crugh, Esq., of Carlisle, which he hath lost. Now taken of me. 2d Certificate. John Reiley Junr., Attests to have in 1777 taken test to the States, in Maryland, and lost his cer tificate. F ( 42 ) 1778. Aug. 18, George Young. Robert Bell. 2d Certificate. Johannes Hilarius Baker. 19, James Underwood, Affirms to having taken the test & had my certificate in or about Augt. 1777. Philip Young (his mark). Richard Singelton. Simon Hufty. John Cottman. Thomas Morgan. Affirmed. William Clark. Affirmed. 20, Gerard William Beekman, 2d Certificate & ab jurations. Thomas Thompson. William Graham, known to have taken the test in June 1777, No. 92, Copy. 21, Robert Plunket. John Armitage, took the test in July 1777. 2d Certificate. 22, Jacob Barr. John Lear (his mark). John Eoberts. Affirmed. Samuel Junkin. Nicholas Eice. George Matzinger. Evan Griffith. Francis Jones. Affirmed. Christian Wortzheiser. Gabriel Korn, proves to have taken in July 1777. ( 43 ) 1778. Aug. 24, John Long, proves having taken the Oath in July 1777. Matthew Foy, proves to have taken of me about July 1777. William Kemble. William Moore. William Domiller (his mark). 25, John Gravel, proves to have taken the Oath in July 1777. James Dexter, proves to have taken the Oath in June 1777. 2d Certificate. George Lorden, proves to have taken the Oath in July, 1777. 26, William Beale. William Tustin. William Trempor, proves having taken the Oath in or about July, 1777. Daniel Harar. Joseph Sellers. Affirmed. Adam Metts, proves having taken the Oath in Augt. 1777. John Ford, proves having taken the Oath in July 1777. WlLHELM BASTIAN. Thomas Fitzgerald, proves that he took the Oath on 30th of June 1777. Thomas Francis, at the same time, and now has his first Certificate. No. 426. John Vannost. ( 44 ) 1778. Aug. 27, Christopher Eeid, swore that he took the test in June 1777. John Henderson. Thomas Paschall. Joseph Hillborn. We the Subscribers do swear (or affirm) that I renounce and refuse all allegiance to George the Third, King of Great Britain, his heirs and successors, and that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to the Commonwealth of Pensylvania as a free and Independent State; and that I will not at any time do or cause to be done, any matter or thing, that will be prejudicial or injurious to the freedom and Independence thereof, as declared by Congress ; and, also, that I will discover and make known to some one Justice of the Peace of the said state all treasons or traitorous conspiracies which I now know or hereafter shall know to be formed against this or any of the United States of America. Plunket Fleeson. Philadelphia, 1778. 1778. Aug. 27, John Lennerd, Weaver. 28, John Thomas, Also proves to have taken the Oath from Justice Davis, of Chester Co., in 1777. Michael Ditrich. Jacob Eenno, proves to have taken the Oath in July, 1777. Joseph Parkes, proves to have taken the Oath in Augt. 1777. John Brookes, proves that he had taken the Oath June 28th 1777. ( 46 ) 1778. Aug. 28, John Palmer, proves to have taken the Oath in June 1777. Thomas Craig, proves to have taken the Oath on or about Augt. 1777. Stephen Simons, proves to have taken the Oath in Jany. 1777. William Pinton, proves taking the Oath in June 1777. 29, Jacob Whitman. Felix Bentley. George Kooper (his mark), proves that he took the test in 1777, & now before me renounces the allegiance extorted by the Brittish. William McMichael, proves taking the test in July, 1777. Conrad Stoltz, renounces the Allegiance sworn to the Brittish, and taken by force last winter. Christopher Miller, renounces as above. Edmond Nugent. 31, Edmond Beech Junr., Copy of original July 1st 1777. John Martin, proves to have taken the test in Augt. 1777. Joseph Pemberton. Hoymon Luy, proves that he did take the test in Augt. 1777. James Oellers, proves that in June 1777 he did take the test, but was constrained to Brittish Allegiance, and this day renews his Allegiance to the State. ( 47 ) 1778. Sept. 2, Abraham Gloeding, proves to have taken the test in June 1777. Christian Peterman. George Makemson. 3, Henry Cress, proves to have taken the test to the United States in 1777; was constrained to Brit tish Allegiance, and this day renounces the latter & swears allegiance to the United States. Francis Bower, swears to have taken the test in 1777 before Justice Hull, of Connecocheque, and now before me. Cooper Brethower, proves to have taken the test in Augt. 1777. 4, Michael Clark, sworn to have taken the test to the State in July 1777. Ennion Williams, proves to have taken the test of me in June, 1777. Jonathan Heaton. 5, Anthony Kirk (his mark). Casper Souder, took the test in June 1777; has since been constrained to swear allegiance to the Brittish, and this day renews his first oath. 7, Thomas Eenshaw, proves to have taken the State test in June, 1777. No. 17. 2nd Certificate. Affirmed. John Tomkins. John Everly (his mark). 8, William Davidson, a prisoner and on parole, from the 16th of November to this time. Bartholomew Thayer. ( 48 ) 1778. Sept. 8, Joseph Hibberd. Samuel Penrose. 9, Thomas Welch. Affirmed. Joseph Honeycomb, proves to have taken the State test in 1777. Matthew Hooper, proves to have taken the State test in June 1777. John Coates, proves that he took the State test in June 1777. Joseph Bolter, proves that he took the State test in June 1777. Imanuel Jacob Alborn. 11, James Murdaugh. Edward Flounders, proves to have taken the test of me in August 1777. Affirmed. 12, Benjamin Miller. Thomas Rossiter Junr. John Armet, proves to have taken the test of me in June, 1777. 14, Mathias Cope, proves that he took of me the test in July 1777. John Greble, of Philadelphia, Cooper, before Jus tice Young, in June 1777, took the test, since which he was constrained to swear allegiance to the Brittish, and now renews his former test. 15, Andrew Hamilton. Jacob Zinck, of Moyamensing, took the test of Benjamin Paschal in June 1777; was constrained to that of the Brittish, and now before me re nounces the latter. ( 49 ) 1778. Sept. 17, Benjamin Tottie, proves that he in June 1777, took the test to the State before me. 2nd Cer tificate. David Saldrich (his mark), not 18 years of age the 1st of June last. 18, Peter Grab. William Stoll. 19, James West. Jerom Ingiez, proves to have taken the State test in June 1777. John Mathes. 21, Joseph Palmer, proves his Attestation in June, 1777, before me. 24, Tobias Rudolph, proves his Attestation in Augt. 1777. Jacob Ehrenzeller, proves his Attestation in June 1777. 25, Christian Rudolph. James Walsh, proves his Attestation in June 1777. 26, Solomon Halling, Second Surgeon in the General Military Hospitals. Thomas McDowell. Joseph Wood. 28, George Heyl, took the test of me the 25 th day of June 1777; was constrained to swear allegiance to the Brittish, which he hath this day renounced. William Eckhart. John Ord Esq., took the test July 10th 1777, & was constrained to swear allegiance to the Brit tish, which he this day hath renounced. ( 50 ) 1778. Sept. 28, Charles Phile, 1st Lt. Jacob Lehre, proves to have Attested in June 1777. Robert Fullerton. 29, Andrew George (his mark). James Kinkead proves to have attested in Augt. 1777. Oct. 2, William McClatchie, proves to have attested before me in August 1777. Charles Stewart. 3, Daniel Gosner, proves to have attested in June 1777. Jared Saxton. John Porter, late of Philada., proves to have taken the State test in June 1777. Affirmed. 2nd Certificate. Justinian Fox, proves to have taken the State test of me in June 1777. 2nd Certificate. 5, James Kelley, proves that at Carlisle, in February last, he took the Oath of Allegiance. 6, John Helm, 1st Lieut, of 6th Penna. Regt., late a prisoner. John George (his mark), Schuylkill. John George June, (his mark), Blockley. Christian Dishong. 9, Edmond Tobin. John White, proves to have taken the State test before me in June 1777. 10, David Sellers. Christopher Miers (his mark). ( 51 ) 1778. Oct. 12, John Lawrence, Lieut., late prisoner of War. John Morgan, Lieut., do. do. George George, proves to have taken the State test in Augt. 1777, before me. Charles Greer, a prisoner with the Enemy, while in the City. Christian Sleigh (his mark), proves to have taken the State Test in Augt. 1777. John Kerlin Junr., proves to have taken the State test in Augt. 1777. Benjamin Scull, took the State test before me, the 2d day of Sept. 1777. No. 862. John McKennan. John Stuart. 14, William Glisson. John Koehmle, proves that he in June 1777, did take the Legal test before me. John Calbanan, proves that he was Qualified, before me, in June 1777. John Clazer (his mark), proves that he was Quali fied before me in Sept. 1777. Michael Gitts, proves that he was qualified before me in June 1777. 15, Thomas Booker, pr.oves that he was qualified in June 1777. Philip Hoffer, do. do. Matthias Weiss, do. do. 16, Thomas Wade (his mark). Michael Caner, proves that he was qualified in July 1777, swore allegiance to the Brittish, and now renounces the same. ( 52 ) 1778. Oct. 17, Thomas Dickson, Cutter, renewed his certificate, 27th Augt. 1777. No. 849. John Crook, proves that he was qualified in June 1777. 19, Christian Dame, proves to have taken the test June 30th 1777. John Forster (his mark), Farmer. C. Martin Forster (his mark). Robert Robson (his mark), Mariner, a Brittish Prisoner. David Taggart. 20, William Armstrong, of Philadelphia County, Major. Copy from Original June 30, 1777. No. 327. 21, John Riddle, State Officer. Copy from Original June 30, 1777. 25, John Hignet Keeling. John Campbell, proves taking the test in July 1777. Nov. 2, William Wilson. Charles Ritter, proves to have taken the Oath before me in June 1777, was constrained to swear allegiance to the Brittish, which he hath now re nounced. Andrew Doz, late an Inhabitant of Jersey, where he took the Oath, as required by the law of that state. Michael Gratz, late residing in Virginia, where he took the Oath to that state. Heinrich Kimhel. ( 53 ) 1778. Nov. 7, Jacob Maur, proves to have taken the test in June 1777. William Stanley, schoolmaster, took the test in June 1777. 9, Shewbart Armitage. 10, Peter De Haven, of Philada., Gentleman, produces his Certificate taken of me, 26th June 1777. 13, Isaac Hayes, Blockley. 14, Michael Schmyser, a prisoner lately exchanged. 16, Samuel Humphreys, took the test in 1777. 17, Johann George Degenhart, a Hessian Deserter. 18, Richard Ludgate (his mark). 19, Alexander Tod, took the Oath before me, June 1777. 25, John Stoneman, Bensalem, took the test in 1777, of Col. Kirkbride. Sworn. 26, Frederick Lint, took the Oath in June 1777, was constrained to Brittish Allegiance, which he now hath renounced & renewed the former. Benjamin Chapman Junr. Affirmed. Friederich Ermanberger. Martin Pierie. 27, George Stoute, Northern Liberties, took the test in June 1777. John Linniberger (his mark). Heinrich Katz, Whitemarsh. 28, George Peiss, Passiunk. Godfrey Shisler, do. John White, do. ( 54 ) 1778. Nov. 30, Michael Shiver (his mark), proves to have taken the test of me, in June 1777. George Shaw, proves to have taken the test of me in 1777. Dec. 2, William Guinop, proves to have taken the test before me in 1777. 4, Samuel Coutty, swears to have taken the test before me in the year 1777. 5, Felix Liberstin. Casper Cleigner (his mark). Nicholas Quest (his mark). 7, Frederick Duy. John Hiffernan. John Whiteman (his mark), late of Northern Liber ties, Philada. County, proves by evidence, to have taken the Oath June 13th 1777. Morris Worrel, proves to have taken the Oath in June 1777. 10, Georg Gebheart, swears to have taken the test in June 1777. Joseph Lewis, on oath did take the test before me in July 1777. William Nicholas (his mark), did take the test in June 1777. Samuel Crispin, on oath did take the test on or about June 1777. William Ashton, on oath did take the test on or about June 1777. John Fraley, on oath did take the test on or about June 1777. ( 55 ) According to the Act of 5th Peer. 1778. 1778. Dec. 11, Heinrich Schwallach. Peter Powell, on oath did take the test on or about June 1777, before me. Edward Riffets, on oath did take the test in June 1777 before me. 18, Mathew Knox, Lieut., on oath proves that he was taken prisoner at fort Washington, exchanged the 22d September last, and returned to this State, the 24th of last month. William Clark, on Oath proves that he did take the Oath before me in 1777. Donald McIntosh, foreigner, lately in the Brittish Service. John Everhart, on oath proves that in June 1777, he testified Allegiance before me. 1779. Jan. 1, Johannes Mullek, a foreigner lately in the Brittish army. 5, John Linton, in June 1777 did take the test before me. George Snyder, on oath did take the Affirmation in 1777. 8, Philip Heinrichs, a foreigner lately in the Brittish service. 11, Abraham Wayne, on oath proves that he did take & subscribe the test in 1777. 22, David Everhard, on oath proves that he did take and subscribe the test in June 1777. ( 56 ) 1779. Jan. 25, Samuel Channell, on oath proves that he did take the test before me in June 1777. 27, Andrew Day, on oath proves that he did take the test oath before me in August 1777. Jeremiah Williams, on oath proves that he did take the test before me, in 1777. Feb. 13, Jacob Stettenfield, a foreigner lately in the Brittish service. Christian Overstake (his mark), Northern Lib erties, proves to have taken the test before me in 1777. 23, James Light, did take and subscribe the oath of allegiance before me the 3rd day of September 1777. Copy from Original. 25, John Mitchel, did take and subscribe the oath as by law directed in June 1777. 2d Certificate. Andrew Zeigler, of Swedesford did take the affirmation in June 1777. March 16, John Fisher, proves that he did take the test before me in 1777. 19, John Barnhill Junr., not until now of the age of 18 years. David Bealer proves that he did take the test in the year 1777. Apl. 2, Willi am Lawrence, on oath proves that he did take and subscribe as by law directed in 1777. 6, Benjamin McVeagh, by oath proves that he did take & subscribe as by law directed in 1777. John Jacob Transo, a German. A deserter from the Brittish. ( 57 ) 1779. Apl. 6, Richard Taylor, lately from Britain. May 11, Charles Bitters of Philada. late Breeches maker, made oath that he did take & subscribe before me in or about July 1777. Philip Stock, Gardner, on oath proves that he did take the test before me in June 1777. 17, Thomas Richman formerly a soldier in the Brittish Army. Deserted April 11, 1778. George Stokes, on oath proves that he did take & subscribe in June 1777. William Fecundas, on Oath proves that he took & subscribed the oath in June 1777. 19, Jeremiah Quin, on Oath proves that he took & ' subscribed the Oath of Allegiance in June 1777. 20, Michael Gameber, of Philada., Cooper, proves that he did take the test 27th June, 1777. 21, Johannes Poth, proves that he took the Oath re quired by law, the 22d day of July 1777. Adam Poth June., proves that he took the Oath of Allegiance required, on the 22d day of July 1777. William Hunt, on Oath proves that about August in the year 1777, he did' take & subscribe the oath according to law. 22, Frantz Wilhelm Hettmannkerger, by evidence proves that he took & subscribed in July 1777. John Hain, proves by evidence his taking before me in July 1777. 24, WilliAm Brown, of Philada., Tavern-Keeper, did in June 1777, take the test as appears by his Certificate. No. 447. ( 58 ) 1779. May 26, Richard Skellorn, of Phila., Brass Founder, proves that he in 1777, before me took the Oath. 28, Daniel Spencer, proves that he in July 1777, did then take the test. William Goggin, Mariner, lately in the Brittish Service. June 16, Cornelius Comegys Junr., of Maryland, proves taking the test, according to law, in the year 1777. Jacob Barge, did affirm to the allegiance, accord ing to law, in the year 1777. 17, Adam Lechler, proves that he did take the test, as by law directed in June 1777. 21, William Alexander, Son of Alexr. Alexander of this City, impressed by the Brittish in 1776, and in their service until June 1778. 26, William Weston, by evidence proves having taken the test in 1777. July 30, Peter Baynton, testifies that he did take the test of Allegiance in 1777. James Rogers, testifies that he took the test before me in 1777. 31, Casper Gosner, proves by Philip Wenemon his having taken the test before me in 1777. Christopher Reed, proves by Capt. John Peters, that he took the test in the year 1777. Francis Gusse, of Philada., Goldsmith, as appears by his certificate took the Oath of Allegiance, y" 28th day of June 1777. Was sworn by the Brit tish. ( 59 ) 1779. July 31, Georg Bardeek, of Philada., Silversmith, proves by Francis Gusse, that he took the test y9 28th day of June 1777. Robert Fullerton, of Philada., Painter, proves by Capt. Joseph Wathens that he did take the test in the year 1777. Joseph Boulter, of Philada., Shoemaker, by Cadr. Dickinson, proves having taken the test before me in 1777. Conrad Hans, of Philada., Coachmaker, testifies having taken the test in the year 1777. Aug. 2, Christopher Adams, testifies that he took the test before me in the year 1777. John Pollard, testifies that he did take the test before me, in the year 1777. JonN Nice, proves by Samuel Shrive that he took the test before Henry Chrest of Reading, the 21st day May 1778. Allan McCollin, proves that he did take the test by Affirmation before me in the year 1777. Samuel Honeyman, proves that he took the test in the year 1777. Joseph Robinett, proves to have taken the test in 1777. 4, Peter Grant, now of Philada., proves by Conrad Swetzer, that he in the year 1777 before Joshua Elder of Lancaster, did take the Oath of Alle giance. John Adam Koehler, a deserter from the Brittish Army, now of Philada. Pewterer. ( 60 ) 1779. Aug. 4, George Reinhart, proves to have taken the test, before me in the year 1777. Thomas Deak, proves to have taken the test in 1777, before me. 8, John Hetherington, proves by Ludwick Shuder, that he took the test before Justice Moore, in the year 1777. Charles Lord en, of Philada., proves that he did take the test before me in 1777. George Harly, of Philada., Taylor, proves by Alexander Greenwood, that he took the test before me in the year 1777. Alexander Greenwood (his mark), of Philada., Shoemaker, proves by George Harley, that he took the test before me in the year 1777. 12, Conrad Eckelman, proves by John Smith, that he, before me, in the year 1777, took the Oath. Benedict Sneider, proves that he took the test before me in 1777. John Sutton, proves that he took the test before me in the year 1777. 15, Albright Hazleton, proves that he took the test before me in the year 1777. Casper Stull, proves by Joseph Wathings that he took the test before me, in the year 1777. Andrew Young, proves by certificate that he took the test with me in June 1777. Mattis Pot, proves by Coron Kephard that he took the test before me in June 1777. Abraham Roberts, proves by Certificate that he took the test before me in June 1777. No. 476. ( 61 ) 1779. Aug. 15, Conrad Schin, proves that he did take the test before me in the year 1777. Stephen Fourage, proves that he took the test before me in 1777. George Rutter, proves that he took the test before me in the year 1777. Daniel Craig, of Philada., Hatter, proves that he took the test before me in the year 1777. Michael Krafst, Tanner, proves by David Reshong that he did take the test before me in June 1777. David Reshong, of Philada., Taylor, produces Cer tificate that he did take the test before me, June 30th 1777. No. 404. Joseph Ogden Junr., proves that he took the test, the 1st day of July 1777, by Certificate produced. Edward Huston, by Joseph Ogden Junr., proves that he took the Oath, the 1st day of July 1777. 19, Charles Blatzer. See the other record. We the Subscribers do swear (or affirm) that I do renounce dj- refuse all allegiance to George the Third King of Great Britain, his heirs and successors ; and that I will be faithful and bear true Allegiance to the Common wealth of Pensilvania, as a free and Independent State ; and that I will not at any time do or cause to be done any matter or thing that will be prejudicial or injurious to the freedom cj Independence thereof as declared by Congress; and also that I will discover and make known to some one Justice of the said State, all treasons § traitorous conspiracies, which I now know, or hereafter shall know to be formed against this or any of the United States of America. Plunket Fleeson. Philadelphia, 1779. 1779. Aug. 14, Lewis Nice, State Officer, proves that he in June 1777, before me did take the Oath of Allegiance as by law directed. 21, Jacob Smith, late of this City, Harness-Maker, proves by James Gilingham, that he before me, in the year 1777, took the Oath of Allegiance as by law directed. 27, Joshua Burn, of Philada., Potter, proves by Ori ginal Certificate that the 1st day of July 1777, before me took the test of Allegiance according to Law. Original Certificate produced. ( 63 } 1779. Sept. 1, Christopher Burly, proves that he in the Year 1777, before me took the Oath of Allegiance as by law directed. Israel Mattson, of Philada., proves by James Lyons, that he before me did take the Oath as by law directed, in the year 1777. 2, Andrew Parkhill, proves by Daniel McCarey that he before me, took the Oath as by law directed, 30th June 1777. Daniel McCary, of Philada., by Original Certifi cate proves that he took the Oath as by law directed before me the 30th June 1777. 27, Thomas Mesnard, late a Brittish subject & lately from New- York. 30, Jonathan Stanton, late in the Brittish service, now residing in this City. Breeches-Maker. Oct. 11, James Gamble, lately in the Brittish Sea service, as a Mariner. William Vaughan Hitchings, in the Brittish Mercht. Service, lately taken by an American Privateer. 12, Daniel Barnhill, lately returned from the Brit tish fleet, into which he was pressed. Joseph Rue, made proof that he took the test, the 1st day of July 1777. No. 665. Jacob Schrack, proves by Edward Neffetts, that he took the test before me in June 1777. Thomas Channell, took & subscribed the test .before me, the 26th day of June 1777 as per Original Certificate. ( 64 ) 1779. Oct. 12, Johan Conrad Beckman, late a soldier in the Hessian Army. 13, Jacob Bower, late of Moyamensing, by testimony of Rudolph Feel, took and subscribed the Oath of Allegiance in June 1779. 14, Samuel Smith, on affirmation proves that he took & subscribed the test of Allegiance in the year 1777. 20, Joseph Bulkeley, Mercht., lately arrived in this State from the Island of Eustatia. William Shiell, M.D., lately arrived in this City from the City of .Dublin. Dec. 10, Johan Peter Ahl, Taylor, a Hessian late in the Brittish Service. Casper Loving, Taylor, a Hessian late in the Brit tish Service. Pierre Lemaigre, a subject of France lately from that Kingdom, via N. York. Nicholas Perree, a native of France, lately from Guadelope. 22, Johann Panrert, a Hessian late in the Brittish Service. Yorick Wusman, a Hessian late in the Brittish Service. ; 27, Joseph Ogden Junr., proves by Original Certificate that he took & subscribed the test on affirmation, the 1st day of July 1777. 29, Johann Xhart Mellor, Baker, a Hessian from N. York, late in the Brittish service. 1780. Jan. 4, James Lincoln, late from the City of Dublin. ( 65 ) 1780. Jan. 12, William Prichard, lately from the Island of St. Eustatia. Feb. 7, George Moore, lately from the Massachusetts State where he took the Oath to the United States. 12, Kerence Dowling (his mark), late in the Hessian Army, deserted at the Battle of Monmouth, since a residenter in this State, by trade a woolcomber, & well recommended to me. March 2, James Nugent, formerly a resident in the Jersey State, now of Philada. April 8, John Snelhart (his mark), a Hessian Deserter from the Brittish at N. York. 24, John L. Lear, Baker, a Hessian deserter from New York. Entered the American Service. May 13, William Linnard, made Oath that he took the Oath of Allegiance, according to Law, in the month of June 1777, and hath lately lost his Cer tificate. Martin Christ (his mark), deserted the Brittish Army, being an Anspacher & since the Army left this City. 16, Patrick Reiley, Shoemaker, who says that he deserted the Brittish Service in 1778 & swore Allegiance to the States in that year, at Pitts Grove in this State & has lost his Certificate. 18, John Connor, lately arrived from the Kingdom of Ireland. Mercht. Simeon Meyland, a native of Switzerland, some time a resident in this City ; by trade a Lapidary or Jeweller. ( 66 ) 1780. June 3, Carl Ludewig Baron v. Bilow, a Hessian, some time in the Brittish Service. Christian Von Beck, a Hessian, some time in the Brittish Service. 10, Philip Boutman (his mark), of Southwark, by Thomas Booker proves that he took the test before in the year 1777. William Perkins, late a Volunteer in Col. May- land's Dragoons proves that he took the test about the month of Sept. in the year 1777. No. 900. Francis Colson, House Carpenter, now a trader; lately arrived in this State from Hispaniola. Georg Johner, a Hessian, deserted from the Brit tish Service in 1778. 12, Adam Shetzline (his mark), has made proof by Godfred Gebler, that he took the test 29th June 1777. George Speel, of Passiunk Township, made proof that he took the test before me in 1777. Christian Luts, proves by John Young of Passiunk, that he did take the test in the year 1777. Daniel Barns, of Philada., bricklayer proves from Original, that he took the test 1st day of July 1777. David Naer, of Philada., Nailor, proves by God frey Wetzel that he took the test 30th June, 1777. 14, John Hughes, Practitioner in Physick, lately arrived in this City from Hispaniola. 15, Thomas Simmons, proves by Philip Boatman, that he took the test before me in 1777. ( 67 ) 1780. June 15, William Gray, of Philada., Brewer, proves by Original Certificate that he affirmed to the State test, the 26th June 1777. 27, Thomas Smith, a native of Bermuda, just arrived in this port from thence. 28, James Alenby, of Philada., Cooper proves by Rowland Pritchett, that he took the test before me in or about July 1777. Rowland Pritchett, of Philada., Cooper, produces his Original Certificate No. 202 dated 28th June 1777. 30, William Barber, Captain, late a prisoner in His paniola; admitted to take the Oath of Allegiance (by order of Council). July 11, Johannes Schmitt, a Hessian, deserted from the Brittish in the year 1778, now married & settled in Springfield, Philada. Co. 20, Johan Barnard Simon, a Hessian, deserted from the Brittish army at New York, by trade a tay- lor, now married & settled in this City. 28, George Knoepler, a High German, deserted from the Brittish October 1779; recommended by John Jervis. John Telman, a German, deserted from the Brittish in October 1779, with a pass from the American Camp. 31, Charles Teigh, a Hessian deserted from the Brit tish in 1779, a hair dresser, married & settled in this City ; asserted by John Wallace. Aug. 3, Peter Malone (his mark), formerly of Philada., ( 68 ) 1780. breeches-maker, who hath lived in New York near five years & lately escaped to this City. Aug. 4, Nicholas Eggers, a Brittish Soldier, pressed in England, & deserted from Charlestown. 16, Abraham Forst, Mercht., lately arrived in this City from Eustatia. 17, John Patrick Lynch, Mercht., lately from the Kingdom of Ireland. Sept. 22, William Dewees proves that he took the Oath of Allegiance in the year 1777 before me. Oct. 4, Marcus Ioane (his mark), Seaman, a Venitian by birth, arrived lately from Guadelope & has been some time in the Marine Service of this State. 10, James Smith, of the Forage Department, affirms that he took the test as by law directed in the year 1777, & had a certificate from me, which is lost. Joseph Nourse, of Philada., proved that he took & subscribed the Oath as by law directed in the year 1777. Nov. 13, Alexander Brodie (his mark), Seaman, a native of Scotland lately arrived in this State from the Island Eustatia. Dec. 13, Humphrey Williams, of Northern Liberties, Philada. Co., proves by Original Certificate, that he took & subscribed the Affirmation of Allegi ance, the 1st of July 1777. 1781. Jan. 11, George Hook (his mark), born in Philada., a sea man having been some time a prisoner in New York, from whence he is lately discharged. ( 69 ) 1781. Jan. 27, Michael Cain (his mark), deserted from the Brit tish Service in the year 1779. Labourer. Feb. 3, Thomas Beck (his mark), of Philada., shoemaker, proves that in the year 1777 before me he took and subscribed the Oath as by law directed. March 1, Christopher Clark, Carpenter, lately arrived from a three years captivity in England, being a native of Boston. 3, Conrad Keller, a Switzer, enlisted with the Brit tish, deserted in Philada., & now following the trade of tinker. 12, Heinrich Schmitt, a Hessian, formerly in the Brit tish Service, since in the American Artificers & discharged ; by trade a Joyner. 13, Daniel Beckley, Carpenter, by Original Certifi cate No. 274, proves that he took the test to this State, according to the Act of 13th June 1777, the 30th day of the same month. James Bell, of Philada., Carpenter, by Daniel Beckley proves that he took the test of the 13th of June 1777 before me, in July of the same year. 31, Alexander Louis O'Neill, a native of France, late Captain in Genl. Count Pulaski's Legion. April 19, Isaac Davis, late of Harford Township, Chester County. May 1, Christopher Frederick Dieffenbach, by birth a German, arrived in this City about 18 months since ; by trade a butcher. 15, Powel Adam Gardenok, a German Anspacher, ( 70 ) 1781. tinman & brazier, deserted from the Brittish near New York, about a year past. May 28, John Moylan, a native of Ireland, lately arrived in this City from the Camp of General Wash ington. June 23, John David Crimshew, Attorney at Law, late of New York. 25, John Pleiny, a German by birth, lately arrived in this State and was a prisoner in England; taken on his way, being bound to Boston. 26, Johannes Marcus (his mark), a native of Denmark, by trade an Instrument maker & turner; lately arrived in this state. July 7, James Davidson, proves that about the month of June 1777, then being a professor in the College of Philada., he took the Oath of Allegiance & Fidelity as directed by law. 20, Charles Isaac, arrived in the Brig Burton, from Charlestown. Mariner. 21, Frederick Christian, of Philadelphia, Baker, by Bethenah Hodgkinson, proves that he in the year 1777, before me took & subscribed the Oath of Allegiance. 30, Joseph Dolby, of Philada., Shoemaker, proves by Isabella Rogers that he in the year 1777 before me took & subscribed the Oath of Allegiance. Aug. 28, Henry Hudson, late of Virginia. Wheelwright. Oct. 1, Jasper Alexander Moylan, late from the King dom of Spain. Student in Law. 9, Joseph Gray, proves by William Gray that he took ( 71 ) 1781. & subscribed the Oath as directed by the Act of 1777 & had a Certificate, which is lost. Nov. 5, William Austin Smith. \ "£ f A _ Robert Downs, born in Philada. j -§ £ * £ Benjamin Carr. / & '3 | m Charles Decoster (his mark). ( H1 =8 Jj £ Lewis Desantee (his mark). / « | .. -5 Bryan Hynes. v oo § | | Thomas Murphy. ) § o _ "I William Codd (his mark). / £ p m ^ (John Gilchrist), a blackman. Deferred. 20, Henry Mevins, a soldier in the Brittish service, deserted about two years ago. Dec. 26, John Grimes, formerly in the American Marines, taken prisoner by the Brittish & entered into that service; since taken by the Americans. 27, Nicholas Esling, lately deserted from within the lines of the Brittish at New York. 1782. Jan. 3, Antony Marshal, late a prisoner with the Brit tish, a Seaman, native of Sicily, taken at Sea in an American Privateer. 16, Samuel Montgomery Brown, of the Kingdom of Ireland, lately arrived in this City from the Island of St. Thomas. 22, Marcus McCausland, of the Kingdom of Ireland, Mercht., lately arrived in this City from the Island of St. Thomas. 23, Daniel Ackley, by trade a Carpenter, a native & inhabitant of N. York, deserted from thence and lately come to this City. Jacob Calb (his mark). Johannes Mayer (his mark). ( 72 ) 1782. Jan. 23, Thomas Pettit, a native of New York & an in habitant, deserted from thence & lately arrived in this City; by trade a Silver Smith. 30, Georg Huber, an Anspacher, in the Brittish Ser vice, deserted in the year 1778, when in this City & hath continued in this state ever since ; by trade a taylor. Feb. 12, William Wilson, formerly in the American Army in Canada, taken by the enemy, escaped from them and brought prisoner to this City & discharged by the Board of War; by trade a hatter. Deserters from the Anspach troops, before the sur render of the Brittish Army in Virginia. 21, Benjamin James Marcer, formerly a resident of this State, lately from New York; by trade a Shoemaker. 22, George Larrison of Cohansey in the State of New Jersey; turner. James Collins, Mercht., late of the Kingdom of Ireland, & lately come to this City from New York. Alexander Semple, lately arrived in this City from Jamaica by way of New York. Mercht. March 13, William Atchison, Mariner, a native of Scotland, from the Island of St. Thomas. April 2, Charles Stilwil, a native of New York, lately from Bermuda. ( 73 ) 1782. April 2, John Hamilton, a sea-faring man, born in Ireland; last from Bermuda. 4, James Gentle, now of Philada., Bookbinder, was a prisoner in England & beyond the sea until within about a year last past. Thomas Newark, late an Inhabitant of Salem Co., now of the City of Philada. Taverner. Henry Sparks, late of Salem County, now an In habitant in Philada. City Corder. 5, Nicholas Kirwan, formerly an inhabitant of An tigua, lately of the City of Philada. Nicholas Deering, formerly an inhabitant of An tigua, lately of Philada. Mercht. 5 Three soldiers de serted the Brit- 1 A on the btaten Island, examined by Council and admitted. 15, George Oliver, a Seaman taken prisoner into New York, late a pilot of the river Delaware, deserted the Brittish Service at Charlestown and arrived in Philada. in September last. Deserters from the Brit tish Army at N. York ; recommended by Secty. Matlack. May 4, John Henry, formerly of Philada., taken prisoner in the Brittish Service in South Carolina. John Herbert Grubb. Isaac King (his mark). Joseph Maynard. ( 74 ) 1782. May 8, Luke Thomas, formerly of Philada., latterly of New .York ; returned by permission from the Council of this State. 9, Daniel Montgomery, Taylor, deserted from the Brittish Army in Philada. in 1777. George Hinton, born in Philada., apprentice to John Fox, taken away with the Brittish, taken prisoner and now discharged. 13, George Inglis, lately from Jamaica by way of New York. 15~ Patrick Landerken (his mark), formerly in the Brittish Mercht. Service; by trade a Cooper. June 7, Cornelius Dey, a seaman deserted from the Brit tish Service. Jeremiah Murry (his mark), a seaman deserted from the Brittish Service. 11, Johann Rothmann, deserted from the Brittish Infantry in the year 1778. 12, Robert McCausland, lately from Antigua, by way of New York. Mercht. 29, William Montgomery Brown, Mercht. from Ire land to New York, and to Philada. with a flag. July 2, William Peters Junr., of this City, taken prisoner by the Brittish in the year 1777; taken at sea. (Capt. John McNachtane) took and subscribed the Oath of Allegiance the 30th day of June 1777, as appears by Original Certificate. No. 330. 10, James Steel, formerly in the Brittish Service taken at Yorktown & discharged; by trade a Sadler. ( 75 ) 1782. T -, -,„ T T- "I Deserters from the Brittish, J uly 10, John Kenedy. , . „. ' T _ permitted by (Jouncil to con- JOHN FlTZPATRICK > f. „ . „ - . , N tinue in this State. La- (ms mark). , J bourers. Patrick O'Donnell, lately from New York & per mitted by the president. 16, Silvester White (his mark), lately deserted from the Brittish on York Island; permitted by the Presdt. 29, John Keyser, deserted from the Brittish Army & Hessian line 4 years past. Aug. 3, William Blake, an inhabitant of Boston, on his way to Newburyport, express for Donaldson & Co. Timothy Hickey, says he deserted the Brittish Service about four years ago. 5, John Wright, deserted from the enemy about three years ago; by trade a Hoosier. James Stokes, deserted from the enemy, hath re sided in this City above two years; a dealer in goods. Samuel Read (his mark), deserted from the Brit tish about eighteen months since; a wool card maker. Abraham King (his mark), deserted from the enemy & hath resided in Philada. four years; wool comber. John Moore, deserted from the enemy about a year & followed his trade of Taylor in Philada. Christian Bush (his mark), deserted from the enemy about 4 years. Cheap fitter in Philada. ( 76 ) 1782. Aug. 5, Charles Daniel Boos, deserted from the enemy about 4 years and kept store in Philada. the last year. George Herfford, deserted about nine months from the Brittish Service; by trade a Silversmith. Johannes Loomsbach, deserted above two years from the Brittish Service and hath resided that time in Philada. Hostler. Martin Christ (his mark), deserted the Brittish Service above four years; by trade a Hozier. 6, John Brown, deserted the Brittish Service about 4 years ago from the Hessian line. Charleas Heatly, lately from St. Christophers; Barrister at Law. Peter Kemble, from St. Christophers, Mercht. Hugh Moore, from St. Christophers, Mercht. Jacob Jarvis, from Antigua, Mercht. Thomas McClenney, from Antigua, Mariner. George Read, from Antigua, Clark. Conrad Hankel, late in the Brittish Service, a waggoner & came to this City, about 4 years ago. Francis Kreaning, deserted the Brittish Service & Hessian Line at the Battle of Monmouth; Shoemaker. John Shee, deserted above three years from the Brittish Service; hair dresser. Henry Dewers, deserted the Brittish Service above three years; shoemaker. Valentin Schmitt, deserted the British Service about four years; a barber. ( 77 ) 1782. Aug. 6, Francis Otto, deserted the Brittish Service about 4 years, a Hessian ; by trade a book-binder. Johannes Parkmann, deserted the Brittish Ser vice & Hessian Line about one year; by trade a tanner & currier. Johann Bishop, deserted the Brittish Service & Hessian Line about one year; by trade a Shoe maker. George Todd, deserted the Brittish Service in 1777, by trade a Barber. Fergus McCrea (his mark), deserted the Brittish Service about two years. Labourer. James McMillen (his mark), deserted the Brittish Service near 4 years; by trade a Mason. Peter Bruce (his mark), deserted the Brittish Sea Service about six weeks; seaman. Adam Opperman, deserted the enemy & Hessian line about 4 years ; by trade a Weaver. James Ronals, deserted the enemy about 2 years past; labourer. Francis Reynhart (his mark), a Hessian deserter from Virginia; labourer. William Garman (his mark), a Hessian deserter from New York; Labourer. 7, Caspar Goldschmitt, a Hessian deserter from New York about 4 years past ; schoolmaster. Adam Cullman, a Hessian deserter from New York lately ; Shoemaker. Johan Michael Airhott, deserted the Brittish & line of Anspach 2 years past. ( 78 •) 1782. Aug. 7, Frederick Grunwold, deserted the Brittish & Hessian Line from Virginia above one year; a Baker. Henry Blatterman, deserted the Brittish and Hessian Line about 3 years from New York ; a Baker. Philip Smith. John Durie (his mark), deserted the Brittish & Hessian Line above 3 years; Labourer. Daniel Bender (his mark), deserted the Brittish & Hessian Line above 4 years past ; labourer. Keneth McLean, a Scotchman, deserted the Brit tish at the Battle of Monmouth ; labourer. John Reynard (his mark), deserted the Brittish from Virginia about two years ; Labourer. Richard McGregor (his mark), a Scotchman, de serted the Brittish at Stony Point in 1779. Arthur Barns (his mark), an Irishman, deserted the Brittish at Camden in Carolina in 1780. John Martin Zipolt, deserted the Brittish ^Hes sian Line at the Battle of Monmouth; Barber. George Keidel (his mark), deserted the Brittish on Long Island in April last; Baker. Peter Davis (his mark), deserted the Brittish Army and Hessian line at Kingsb ridge last month. Waldrop Sieman, deserted the Brittish Army & Hessian line at Kingsbridge, 4 years past. Wheel wright. Godfried Wasphal, deserted the Brittish at Gloster, a Hessian; Hozier. ( 79 ) 1782. Aug. 7, Jacob Ranganer (his mark), an Anspacher de serted the Brittish at Kingsbridge near 3 years ; Taylor. John Lewis (his mark), deserted the Brittish at Kingsbridge, February last, a Hessian ; labourer. Bernhard Koehler, a Hessian, deserted the In famous Arnold last year; loom weaver. Anthony George, deserted the Brittish Army & Line of Waldeckers about 4 years past ; a pedler. William Koy (his mark), deserted the Brittish Army in Virginia about one year past; labourer. Timothy Russegue, an American, deserted the Brittish at Gloster in Virginia in 1781; labourer. James Jackson, deserted the Brittish Army at Gloster in Virginia in 1781; labourer. 8, James Boyle (his mark), deserted the Brittish Army in 1778, a Scotchman; by trade a Weaver. John McGregor (his mark), an Irishman, deserted the Brittish Army at Kingsbridge in 1778; labourer. Michael Gehring, deserted the Brittish Army last fall from Canada; labourer. Daniel Vogel, deserted the Brittish Army at St. Johns in Canada about a year past; labourer. Georg Bruner, deserted the Brittish Service & Line of Anspach last fall ; taylor. Johan Hartlan, deserted the Brittish Army & Line of Anspach from Virginia last fall ; brewer. Johan Klein, deserted the Brittish Service & Line of Anspach from Virginia last fall; blacksmith. ( 80 ) 1782. Aug. 8, John Robert (his mark), deserted the Brittisli Service & Hessian Line; labourer. James McMullen, deserted the Brittish Army from York near 3 years past; labourer. Lewis Ilgen, deserted the Brittish Service & Line of Anspach from Kingsbridge; labourer. William Esenbeck, lately deserted the Brittish Service and Line of Anspach; labourer. Gotfred Soytder, deserted the Brittish Service & Hessian Line three years past; wheelwright. Baltus Schunel, deserted the Brittish Service & Line of Anspach in 1778 from Rodessland; House carpenter. 9, Godfrey Rosenberger (his mark), deserted the Brittish & Line of Hessians at Kingsbridge about a year past; butcher. Johann Scheiler, deserted the Brittish at Fort Ann & the Hessian Line at Fort Ann above five years past; labourer. Peter Leech (his mark), deserted the Brittish Army from Jersey in 1778; labourer. Augustus Kaje, deserted the Brittish Service & Hessian Line above two years past; Shoemaker. Ludwig Meayn, deserted the Brittish Service & Hessian Line from Jersey last year ; wheelwright. Friederich Middlehauser, deserted the enemy & Hessian Line at Kingsbridge in Nov. 1779; Skindresser. Edward Ryan, deserted the Brittish Army at Mon mouth in 1778; hairdresser. ( 81 ) 1782. Aug. 9, Christian Muller, deserted the Brittish Service & Hessian Line in Virginia in 1781 ; Gardener. George Eshrick (his mark), deserted the Brittish Service and Line of Anspach in Virginia this year; gardener. George Stear, deserted the Brittish Service & Hessian Line at New York above two years past ; a baker. William McDonald, deserted the Brittish Army at New York in Deer. 1781; Taylor. 10, Christian Kauch, deserted the Brittish Service, a Brunswicker, in the year 1781 ; labourer. Christopher Armstrong, deserted the Brittish Army at Monmouth in the year 1778; labourer. Francis Reed (his mark), deserted the Brittish Army at Virginia, May 17th 1782; labourer. Heinrich Wiest, deserted from the Brittish Ser vice & Hessian Line at Germantown in 1777; Shoemaker. Christian Friederich Reinbott, deserted the Brittish Service & Hessian Line at Kingsbridge in February 1782; Shoemaker. Georg Adam Albert, deserted the Brittish Ser vice & Hessian Line from Virginia last year; Locksmith. Anthony Powell, deserted the Brittish Service & Hessian Line at Kingsbridge in 1781 ; Sadler. Richard Mandry, deserted the Brittish Army in North Carolina in 1781; Shoemaker. ( 82 ) 1782. Aug. 10, William Hook (his mark), deserted the Brittish Army in the Jersey State 1778; Weaver. Charles Hazley, deserted the Brittish Army in Virginia, August 1781; Labourer. Heynrich Heyneman, deserted the Brittish Ser vice & Line of Anspach at York, Virginia in 1781; Potter. Balthazer Dill, deserted the Brittish Service & Line of Hessians at Brandy wine in 1777; Black smith. Johann Valtin Edeling, deserted the Brittish Service & Line of Hessians at Kings Bridge in the year 1781. Wheelmaker. 12, Lewis Price (his mark), deserted the Brittish Ser vice & Hessian Line in Jersey 1778. Labourer. Thomas Williams, deserted the Brittish Army in North Carolina in 1781. Shoemaker. Valentin Buchholtz deserted the Brittish Service & Line of Hessians at New York about two months past. Miller. James Dunbar (his mark), Deserted the Brittish Army in Jersey in 1778. Labourer. Ludwig Dudengoss, deserted the Brittish Service & Hessian Line at Kingsbridge in 1781. La bourer. Henry Heizer (his mark), deserted the Brittish Service & Hessian Line, at Charles Town in 1781. Labourer. Philip Kohr, deserted the Brittish Service & Hes sian Line at Benington in 1778. Skindresser. ( 83 ) 1782. Aug. 12, Lawrence Eddleston, Deserted the Brittish Sea Service from the Renown in 1779. Cheesemaker. Gottlieb Anton, deserted the Brittish Service & Hessian Line at Stony Point in 1779. Labourer. Georg Rumel deserted the Brittish Service & Line of Anspach at Rhode Island in 1778. Thomas Hines (his mark), deserted the Brittish Army in Connecticut about three years past. Labourer. Caspar Miller, deserted the Brittish Service in Virginia about one year, a Hessian; by trade a Weaver. Johannes Giessler, deserted the Brittish Service & Hessian Line at New York March last. Weaver. John Knowles (his mark), deserted the Brittish Army at Virginia in 1781. , Labourer. Michael Daller, deserted the Brittish Army & Hessian Line at Germantown in 1778. Taylor. Johannes Otto, deserted the Brittish Service & Hessian Line in South Carolina in 1781. Weaver. John Muster, deserted the Brittish Service & Hes sian Line at Staten Island about 3 years past. Weaver. Johann Lutz, deserted the Brittish Service & Line of Anspach at Virginia in 1781. Baker. Andreas Kipp, deserted the Brittish Service & Hessian Line at New York about 2 months past. Weaver. Johann Glick, deserted the Brittish Service & Hessian Line at New York last month. Labourer. ( 84 ) 1782. Aug. 12, John Eichhowser (his mark), deserted the Brit tish Army in Virginia Septr. last. Tanner. Ernst Endesruggern, deserted the Brittish Ser vice & Hessian Line at Long Island three months past. Shoemaker. Christopher Tilman (his mark), deserted the Brittish Service & Hessian Line at N. York three years past. Cutler. Hance Killamer (his mark), deserted the Brittish Service & Hessian Line at Kingsbridge last fall. Labourer. Henry Myers, late Surgeon's Mate, deserted in May last from Long Island. 13, Vandel Stoup (his mark), deserted the Brittish Service & Hessian Line at Kingsbridge, January 1781. Labourer. Jacob Francis, deserted the Brittish Army at Monmouth in 1778. Mason. Eobert Melvin (his mark), deserted the Brittish Army at Charlestown in 1781. Labourer. George Walker, deserted the Brittish Army at Kingsbridge in 1779. Labourer. Johann Heinrich Wahl, deserted the Brittish Service at Kingsbridge in 1781. Shoemaker. 14, Christian Keavort (his mark), deserted the Brit tish Service & Hessian Line at Carolina Febr. • 1782. Weaver. George Anderson (his mark), deserted the Brit tish Army at Virginia in 1781. Labourer. John Miller (his mark), deserted the Brittish & Hessian Line in Philada. 1778. Labourer. ( 85 ) 1782. Aug. 14, John Semple (his mark), deserted the Brittish Service in England, came to America & served one year in the American Army. Labourer. Peter Franses, deserted the Brittish Service & Hessian Line at N. York in June last. Barber. George Burnhouse (his mark), deserted the Brit tish & Hessian Line in 1781. Carpenter. John S palter (his mark), deserted the Brittish Service & Hessian Line in Jersey 1778. La bourer. William Berry, deserted the Brittish Army at Statten Island in 1778. Labourer. John Atkinson, deserted the Brittish Sea Service & Ship Hussar at New York in 1779. Felix Plain, deserted the Brittish Service at Georgia in 1781. Baker. Heinrich Albert, deserted the Brittish & Line of Anspach in Virginia in 1781. Taylor. Henry Demd (his mark), deserted the Brittish & Hessian Line in Jersey in 1778. Labourer. Zacarias Pittman (his mark), deserted the Brit tish & Hessian Line at Jersey in 1778. Taylor. Thomas Jackson (his mark), deserted the Brittish Army at New York in 1778. Brass founder. Joseph White deserted the Brittish Army at N. York 1778. Labourer. Henry Harris (his mark), deserted the Brittish Army at New York in July last. Labourer. Peter Shuchard, deserted the Brittish Army & Hessian Line at N. York in 1779. Schoolmaster. ( 86 ) 1782. Aug. 14, Martin Casper, deserted the Brittish Army & Hessian Line in 1778. Baker. Gustav Clarck, deserted the Brittish Service & Line of Anspach in Virga. in 1781. Labourer. John Eundleman (his mark), deserted the Brittish Army & Hessian Line at New London in 1777. Eope Maker. John Harper (his mark), deserted the Brittish Army at New York in 1780. Labourer. 15, John Albert Shove (his mark), deserted the Brit tish Service & Hessian Line in Jersey 1778. Labourer. William Shelvough (his mark), deserted the Brittish Army at Virginia in 1781. Labourer. Friederich Shuman, deserted the Brittish Army in Philada. in 1778. Labourer. Johann Heinrich Frichman, deserted the Brit tish Service & Hessian Line in Jersey in 1778. Labourer. William Connell, deserted the Brittish Sea Ser vice from the Hunter Sloop at Sandy Hook in 1779. Weaver. James Eobinson, deserted the Brittish Army in Jersey in 1778. Weaver. John Blain (his mark), deserted the Brittish Army in Philada. 1778. Labourer. 16, Jacob Shreiber, deserted the Brittish Service & Hessian Line in Jersey in 1778. Labourer. Wilhelm Cassellman, deserted the Brittish Ser vice & Hessian Line in Jersey in 1780. La bourer. ( 87 ) 1782. Aug. 15, Joseph Crook (his mark), deserted the Brittish Army at Kingsbridge in 1780. Weaver. Thomas Hooker (his mark), who deserted the Brit tish Army at Monmouth in 1778. Baker. Matthias Eikhart (his mark), deserted the Brit tish Service & Hessian Line at White Plains in 1778. Taylor. Bernhard Shagert, deserted the Brittish Service & Hessian Line at Philada. in 1778. Taylor. Friederich Bloss, who deserted the Hessian Line in Virginia in 1781. Taylor. 17, Conrad Leitshok, deserted the Brittish Service & Hessian Line in March last from N. York. Weaver. Johannes Sautter, deserted the Brittish Service & Hessian Line at Kingsbridge in July last. Baker. George Vensell (his mark), deserted the Brittish Service & Hessian Line at Kingsbridge in 1779. Taylor. George Stephnon (his mark), deserted the Brittish Service & Hessian Line in Jersey in 1778. La bourer. Jonas Havesstrick (his mark), deserted the Brit tish Service & Hessian Line at Philadelphia in 1778. Labourer. Conrad Gotlib (his mark), deserted the Brittish Army at the head of the Elk in 1777. Labourer. Tictus Huntheimer (his mark), deserted the Brit tish Service & Line of Anspach in Virginia 1781 . Eope Maker. ( 88 ) 1782. Aug. 19, Frederick Deimling, deserted the Brittish Ser vice & Hessian Line at Charlestown S. C. in 1780. Organ Builder. Thomas Sample, a Lieut., formerly in the Brittish Service, from which he was discharged in Phila delphia in 1777. Mariner. John Douglass (his mark), deserted the Brittish Army in Philada. in 1777. Labourer. John Assmus, deserted the Brittish Army in Jersey in 1778. Locksmith. Michael McMahon, deserted the Brittish Horse at Kingsbridge in 1779. Hairdresser. Maurice Barns, deserted the Brittisli Army in S. Carolina in 1780. Taylor. Samuel Casey (his mark), deserted the Brittish Army in S. Car. in 1781. Labourer. Eobert Tiviman, deserted the Brittish Army from Paulus Hook in 1780. Shoemaker. James Boyl, who deserted the Brittish Army at Dobbs' Ferry last month. Seaman. Friederich Korloder, who deserted the Brittish Service and Hessian Line last winter. John Hamilton, deserted the Brittish Army & train of Artillery at Monmouth in 1778. Minor. Abraham Jagger, deserted the Brittish Army in Jersey in 1778. Weaver. John Cove, deserted the Brittish Army on the Sarcy in 1778. Smith. Heinrich Presuhn, deserted the Brittish Service & Hessian Line at Monmouth in 1778. Shoe maker. ( 89 ) 1782. Aug. 21, Joshua Kelsey, deserted the Brittish Army at Stony Point in 1779. Shoemaker. Johann Niemond, deserted the Brittish Service & Hessian Line in Virginia 1781. Baker. Marks McCarty, deserted the Brittish Army at Long Island in the year 1782. Carrier. Jonathan Carlin, deserted the Brittish Army & train of Artilery at Kingsbridge in 1779. Hozier. George Derry (his mark), deserted the Brittish Service & Hessian Line at Paulus Hook the 30th of last month. Labourer. 22, Matthew Balam, took the Oath Decemr. 1778. John May, deserted the Brittish Army at Long Island in May last. Turner. George Huggins, deserted the Brittish Sea Service from New York in April last. House Carpenter. 23, John Eitgie, deserted the Brittish Service & Hes sian Line in Jersey 1778. Carpenter. 24, Daniel Sinket, deserted the Brittish Army in Jersey in 1778. Labourer. 26, Benjamin Dow, deserted from New York 18th inst. Blacksmith. David Howell (his mark), deserted from New York 18th Inst. Blacksmith. 27, Thomas Cox, Escaped from N. York the 18th Inst. Blacksmith. John Midwinter, Escaped from New York the 18th Inst. Blacksmith. 28, JonN Spooner, who deserted the Brittish Army at N. York the 15th Inst. Labourer. M ( 90 ) 1782. Aug. 28, Jacob Zimmerman, deserted the Brittish Service and Hessian Line in Virginia 1781. Weaver. 29, Adam Fritenheiler, deserted the Brittish Service & Hessian line in Virginia in Septr. last. Baker. 30, Henry Queerfort, deserted Burgoyne's Army & Hessian Line in 1778. Carpenter. James Brunton, taken prisoner in the Brittish Service in Jersey in 1781. Surgeon. 31, Peter Bleijer, deserted the Brittish Service & Hessian Line in Virginia Octr. 1781. Butcher. Peter Kemmel (his mark), deserted the Brittish Service & Hessian Line at N. York July 1782. Labourer. Sept. 3, Valentine Bornman, deserted the Enemy & Hes sian Line at Monmouth in 1778. Labourer. 5, William Eoberts (his mark), deserted the Brittish Army in Philadelphia June 1778. Labourer. James Wiear, says he was prisoner with the Enemy 3 years & escaped from N. York 2 Inst. Taylor. 7, George Buch Jones (his mark), says he deserted the Enemy at Canada from Carlton's Army in 1777. Carpenter. Ferdinand Wagner, says he deserted the Enemy in S. Carolina in 1781. Schoolmaster. Gilbert Hunt (his mark), says he deserted the Enemy in Virginia, Inlisted in Maryland & is discharged. Labourer. Conrod Dean (his mark), says he deserted the Hessian Line at Fort Washington in 1771. La bourer. ( 91 ) 1782. Sept. 11, Matthias Hohnersn, deserted the Enemy & Hes sian Line in Georgia in March last. Comb Maker. William Thomas (his mark), deserted the Brittish Army at Staten Island 8th Inst. Nailer. 12, Henry Osmos (his mark), says he deserted the Brittish Army at Billingsport in 1777, a Han- noverian. 13, Samuel Summers, deserted the Brittish Army in Connecticut in 1779. 23, Kenneth Campbell, ") deserted from the Enemy at Thomas Batley (his > Staten Island & from the mark), J 22nd Eegt. Labourers. 24, William Smith, deserted the Brittish Line from Staten Island 17th Inst. 25, Matthew Coulthurst, lately arrived in this City from Nantz. Attorney at Law. James Bowen, an Inhabitant of N. Y. lately made his escape from thence. Joyner. Frederic Graner, deserted the Enemy & Line of Anspach at York Island 15th Inst. Johann Friedelbach, deserted the Enemy & Line of Anspach at York Island 15th Inst. Oct. 3, Philip Lyon, Ship Captain belonging to Phila delphia. 7, William Macpherson, Major in the American Army since Sept. 1779. 8, Joseph Alston, a Native of Philada. in Martina, on publick Service from 1776 to 1781. William Huckel, deserted the Brittish Service in Philada. in the year 1778. Upholsterer. ( 92 ) 1782. Oct. 8, John Duguid June., an Officer in the Pena. Line in 1776, taken prisoner at fort Washington. Kennedy McFarland, deserted the Brittish Ser vice in Novemr. last. George Eddy, lately arrived to the age of eighteen. Affirmed. 10, Daniel Boland (his mark), deserted the Brittish at the White Plains in 1776, served in the Ame rican Navy & lately discharged. 14, David Denny, Midshipman on board the Mede Frigate New York 1st Octor. Inst. 19, William Willson, deserted the Brittish Service into which he was prest when prisoner at New- York as he says. William Downey (his mark), a prisoner at New York, pressed from the prison ship & deserted. Nov. 2, Johan Schneider deserted the Brittish & Hessian Line near Kingsbridge in 1777. Surgeon's Mate. 5, Henry Hammer, deserted the Brittish Service & Hessian Line at Paul us Hook 1st Inst. Weaver. Henry Oill, deserted the Enemy from York Island the 1st Inst. Taylor. Friederich Shmid, a prisoner of War, discharged by the Council of State. 10, Conrod Luther (his mark), deserted the Enemy & Hessian Line in Jersey in 1778. 13, John Andrew Luzer (his mark), deserted the Enemy & Hessian Line at Paulus Hook 2d Inst. Labourer. Carl Beyer, who deserted the Enemy. Surgeon's ( 93 ) 1782. Mate in the Hessian Line 3 years past, now mar ried & settled in Northampton. Nov. 21, Nicholas Downing, a seaman from Maryland on his way to Ehode Island to which he belongs. Daniel Platt, lately from Maryland on his way to Connecticut to which he belongs. 22, Joseph Bidgood, lately arrived from Charlestown. Dealer. 23, John McGouen (his mark), who deserted the Enemy at Staten Island in Octr. last. Labourer. 25, Alexander Murphy (his mark), late Corporal in the 40 Brittish Eegiment, deserted at Staten Island 20th Inst. Labourer. John Burrage (his mark), late Corpl. in above regt., deserted same time. Weaver. 27, James Davis, who deserted the Brittish Service at the head of the Elk in 1777. Labourer. Henry Grant (his mark), says he deserted the Enemy & Hessian Line at York Island 19th Inst. Dyer. 30, Eobert Stewart, Mercht., lately from Ireland. John Miller, who deserted the Brittish Service & Hessian Line in Jersey 1778. Weaver. Dec. 2, Eobert Sim, who deserted the Brittish Army at New York the 13th Inst. 3, John Culnan, from the Kingdom of Ireland, Eesi- dent in America about two years. 5, John Black, formerly in the Waggon Department of this State. ( 94 ) 1782. Dec. 5, William Kelly, well recommended from State of New Hampshire. 7, Andrew Cowie, a prisoner taken by the Brittish at Pensacola. Escaped from N. York. Francis Moussu Delonguay, native of France lately arrived in this City. Mercht. John Coffman, from Maryland with a pass, by trade a tanner & currier. 11, Charles Einaldi, from Boston with a pass, on his way to Baltimore on Station. John Laycock, a Frenchman with a pass, from Boston on his way to Baltimore. 14, Henry Hamilton, lately arrived in this City from St. Kitts Via Edentown, N. Carolina. Mercht. 16, John Mears (his mark), deserted the Enemy in S. Carolina in 1780. Labourer. 17, Caspar Schmidt, appears to have deserted the Enemy & Hessian Line at York Island in 1779. 18, Wilhelm Sitzdorff, of the 60th Brittish Eegt., deserted at Long Island in October last. Jomel Mentz (his mark), of the 60th Eegt., de serted at Long Island in October last. 23, William Scott, taken prisoner by the Brittish at Pensacola, escaped from N. Y. 19th Novr. last. 26, John Shields, deserted the Enemy from on board the Lion Man of War at N. York 29th Novr. last. 1783. Jan. 30, Paul Weaver, who deserted the Enemy & Hessian Line at Charlestown in 1780. ( 95 ) 1783. Jan. 31, Samuel Fraser, deserted the Brittish Army at New York the 25th Inst. Labourer. Daniel McCarter (his mark), deserted the Brit tish Army at New York 25th Inst. Feb. 6, James Anderson, deserted the Brittish from the lines of New York in 1779. Labourer. 17, Henry Miller, a Hessian prisoner liberated. 20, Solomon Pendleton, belonging to the State of New York with a pass from Justice Van Tassel of Winchester, York State. March 3, Magnus Miller, ) just arrived in this City after William Miller, j absence of near eight years. 8, Martin Henry Sholtz, a Prussian, deserted the Brittish Army about 4 years. Breeches Maker. 14, Andrew Albers (his mark), of the Eegt. of Eeidezel, a Prussian, late prisoner of war liber ated. 15, John Pigisson, seaman, made his escape from the Midstone Frigate at N. York. April 1, Jonathan Davis, of the County Cumberland, State of N. Jersey. Turner. Daniel Smith, of said County & State. Car penter. 3, Alexander Shlotman, a Hessian deserted from the Enemy at Ehode Island in 1779. May 12, Martin Shetler \ Germans born, deserted the (his mark), > Brittish Army at Long Island Martin Hager, ) the 25th of April last. 16, John Claude Laodie, deserted the Hessian Army, served with the French General & discharged. ( '96 ) 1783. May 28, Johannes Stain Baugh, \ lately deserted the ene- Justice Floak, > my & Hessian Line Wilhelm Eudolph, j from New York. June 5, John Keys, being taken prisoner & forced into the Brittish Service in 1782, deserted the Man of War last week. James Nevil (his mark), formerly of Maryland, taken prisoner by the Brittish at sea, was forced into the Brittish Service & deserted the man of war last week. r, T ~ ) deserted the Brittish Armv 9, Johannes Shughart, I . TX _ . ^T J T -r, > & Hessian Line at JNew Jacob Baumgart, [ _t , J York. 12, James Delany, lately from Ireland. 17, A. J. Dallas, from the Island of Jamaica. John Bentley, Idem. 19, John Nassau, a native of Philada., but pressed into the Brittish Sea Service. (Thomas Bell, late apprentice), see Oath of 1778. 20, Parry Hall, Printer. 21, Bogen, Doctr. ) Late of the Hessian Line & late]y Grosse, Doctr. f from New York' bemS dls" ) charged. 24, Charles Crawford, Barrister at Law, lately arrived in this City, from Antigua via New York. 25, Johan Martin Henderich, of the Hessian Line, lately from New York. Joyner. July 11, James Macombe, Mercht., late of London last from New York. Aug. 18, Stewart George Dallas, lately arrived from Jamaica. Attorney at Law. ( 97 ) 1783. Aug. 19, James Carroll (his mark), Seaman for some years. 21, John Quinlen, formerly in the Sea Service, late Captain of the Privateer Brigg Halker. Martin Maher, lately arrived in this City from Martinique via Boston. 27, Johann Grobey, of Anspach, lately deserted the Brittish at New York. Sept. 10, Henry Carlisle, lately from Ireland, a house Car penter well recommended. 11, Johannes Ebert, deserted from the Hessian Army & resident in this state three years. 18, Alexander Stewart, lately deserted the Brittifh Army at New York. 24, Henry Weekes, formerly in the Brittish Service. Oct.- 9, John Marsan, a native of France. Mercht. 14, James Johnston, a soldier discharged, made proof that he took the Oath of Allegiance in 1777. George Meade, took the Oath in 1777 as by testi mony appears. Zachariah Lesh, proves that he took the test before me in 1777. Eobert Morrell, an artificer in the American Service, discharged. Edward Whelan, a soldier in Pennsylvania Line, discharged. Eobert Taylor, of Philada. made proof that he took the test in 1777 before me. Eobert Smith, of Philada. took the test June 27 1777 before me. N ( 98 ) 1783. Oct. 14, James Ames, of Philada. Blacksmith, proves that on the 31st July 1777 he took the Oath of Alle giance before me. Nov. 3, Charles Hunter, lately arrived in this City from Hampshire in Britain. Bricklayer. 21, John Veder, lately arrived in this City, a Native of Eotterdam. Mariner. 28, Johannes Cress, lately arrived here from Amster dam, a Baker by trade. Dec. 1, John Adam Seitz, lately from Germany, by trade a Miller. 5, Albert Warnick, deserted the Brittish Army at New York. Sadler. David Turner, late a prisoner of the Brittish Army in this City, discharged. 8, Zeman Thomas Eede, Barrister at Law, lately arrived in this City from London. John Davan, Merchant, arrived in this City with his family about 4 weeks from Dublin. 15, Jacob Lahn, lately at Baltimore from Amsterdam. Linguister. George Bender, a Hessian lately deserted from New York. Taylor. Frederick Molineux, of Philada. Mercht., took the Oath of Allegiance 31st Augt. 1777. 1784. Jan. 23, Lewis Hallam, lately arrived from Jamaica. 31, William Thompson, lately from Ireland. Mercht. Feb. 10, Israel Goette, j Hessians lately Loedwick Huvort (his mark), j from New York. ( 99 ) 1784. March 1, Peter Barriere, a native of France. Mercht. 5, John Hamilton, of Pennsylva., lately from London. Attorney at Law. 22, Peter Markoe, Gentleman, lately arrived in this City from the Island Santa Cruz. April 8, Felix Brunot, native of France & a resident in this City three years. Hair Dresser. 12, Johannes Fisher, a Hessian formerly in the Brit tish Service. Thomas White, formerly of the Brittish Army, now resident in this City. Shoemaker. Eichard Howell, Attorney at Law, a resident of the Jersey State. 14, Thomas Carstairs, lately from London. House Carpenter. 15, Joseph Allenspachern, lately from Germany. Clockmaker. 21, John McIntosh, lately arrived from Scotland. James Williamson, same. May 28, John D. Haussman, a Dantzicker, lately from Lon don. Mercht. June 14, Archibald Bleakly, lately arrived from Ireland, says about 15 months. Mercht. 17, John Eoof, late of the County of Bucks. Black smith. Isaac Frank. Henry Greer, late Lieut, of the 4th Pennsa. Eegt. David Eittenhouse, affirmed that in 1777, he took & subscribed as by law required. 29, Joseph De la Croix, a native of France, arrived here in January last. ( ioo ) 1784. June 30, Charles Van Eckhent, a Hollander by birth, bred in France & resident in America 4 years. (Eev.) John Campbell, of the Episcopal Church, lately arrived in this City from London. July 5, Stephen Sicard, a native of France & a resident in this State 18 months. Jan Christian Bruyn, Cook, of Saxe Gothia resi dent here one year. Frederick William Winckler, Farmer, late of Germany & resident here six months. 8, Gottlieb Kinder, a German in the Brittish Ser vice, deserted from Long Island. 14, Joseph Harrison, formerly a subject of Britain lately from Charlestown. Mercht. Thomas Vickers, formerly in the Brittish Service, lately arrived in Philada. Taylor. 19, Jean Krop, a German discharged from the French Army, by trade a Joyner. Aug. 6, Christian Gottlieb Beme, a Saxon, a resident 3 years in America. 18, Maximilian Louis Alexandre De Cressy, a native of France & resident in Philada. one year. Mercht. 24, Joseph Honaker, of Moyamensing, & a Native of this State. Lately come to the age of 21 years. Sept. 28, Vincenzo Maria Pelosi, arrived in this City about a year past. Mercht. Oct. 1, Edward Allen, Mercht., arrived about five months from Jamaica. John Phillips, hairdresser, left Philada. in 1776 & returned in 1783. ( ioi ) 1784. Oct. 1, Guy Bryan, arrived in this City from England in Septr. 1783. Mercht. William Falkener, Mercht., arrived in Philada. in March last from England. 5, William Stiles, arrived in this City from London above one year. 7, Eoger Prescott, Mercht., arrived in this City from London in Febry. 1784. 8, William Cavenough, Conveyancer, took the Oath in Virginia in 1778. 9, John Lentz (his mark), son of Henry Lentz of Moyamensing, lately arrived to age. Jonathan Worrell, Cabinet Maker, took the Oath in 1777 as appears by Certificate worn out. Caleb Evans, son of David Evans of this City, lately arrived to Age. James Hall, a native of Moreland lately arrived to full age. Daniel Boinod, a foreigner resident of this City a full year. Alexander Gaillard, resident as above. David Everhard, Butcher, made Oath that he took the Oath of Allegiance in 1777. 11, John Guier, son of Adam Guier of Kingsessing, lately come of age. Eobt. Smith Junr., son of Eobt. Smith, lately come to age. Benjamin Eogers, a Native lately arrived to the age of 21 years. Shoemaker. 12, Peter Eeinhard, Son of Martin Eeinhard of ( 102 ) 1784. Passiunk, lately come to age of 21 years. Wheel wright. Oct. 12, Peter Stanley, son of the late Vale. Stanley of Philada., a freeholder. Bartholomew Sims, a native of Chester County, served Apprenticeship in this City, now 21 years of Age. Peter Field, makes Oath that he took the Oath agreeable to Law in 1777. Jacob Garand, of Philada. Taylor. John Sadler, a native of Philada. lately come to age of twenty one years. Andrew Spence, Dentist, arrived in this City from London in July last. James Hoggen, late of the State of New York, a resident in this City above three years. Eobert Watts, of Philada. Cooper, made Oath that in 1777 in Bucks County he gave the test of Allegiance. Frederick Esling, son of Paul Esling of Philada., a native come to age of 21 years. William Levering, son of William of Eoxbury, lately come to the age of 21. Jacob Miller, lately arrived to full age. A native of Germantown. Frederick Dover, a native of Philada. lately come to the age of 21. James Tod, arrived in this City from Edinburgh in Septr. 1783. Teacher of Languages. Thomas Craig, took the Oath in 1777 & had a Cer tificate which is lost. ( 103 ) 1784. Oct. 12, Benjamin Engle, a native of Germantown near 21 years of age. Philip Peltz, a native of Passiunk, now 21 years of age. William Lockhart, arrived from Ireland, resident in this City above one year. T r, n . , x ) natives of Passiunk & Jacob Cubler (his mark), ( --. -tt- ,-,. i \ r lately of the age of 21 Philip Young (his mark), ( J ° ) years. Joshua Vandegrift, a native of Bucks County, lately come to the age of 21. Joseph Keen, a native of Philadelphia lately come to age. Charles Todd, took the Oath in Maryland in 1777, resident 3 years in this City. William Brown, arrived in this City from England near two years past. Nicholaus Dill, formerly a Soldier in the Conti. Army & State of New York, a native of this City. George Deamand, of Philada., Taylor, makes Oath that he took the Oath in 1777. Francis Cumfort (his mark), a Seaman, has resided here two years. Thomas Clark, resident in this city 4 years & lately come to full age. William Miller, a native of Maryland & resident here above two years. James Williams, a native of Philada., took the Oath of Allegiance in Charlestown in 1778. ( 104 ) 1784. Oct. 12, Frederick Jude, a residenter in Philada. from a Child, lately come to the age of 21 years. Alexander Nimmo, resident a full year. Shoe maker from Scotland. Thomas McCulley, makes oath that he took the test of N. Jersey in 1778. Cornelius Bradley (his mark), in servitude in 1778, lately arrived to the age of 25 years. Donald McDonald, a resident of Philada. who neglected to take the test in due time. Peter Victor Dorey, a native of France, resident here above one year. Henry Detterline, a native of Bucks County lately come to the age of 21 years. Isaac Coats, a native of the Northern Liberties, now 23 years of age. John Letchworth, from England, resident here 15 years, lately come to full age. William Young, son of a Freeholder of this City, late come to 21 years of age. Thomas A. Morris, from Ireland, resident above one year. Matthew Brooke, native of Philada. County, resi dent in this City lately. Affirmed. f Joseph Mercier, a Foreigner, resident in this City three years. Mercht. Nov. 22, John Conrad Mits, Wine Mercht. arrived in this City about 2 years past from Lubeck. Dec. 9, JonN Child, house Carpenter arrived in this City near two years past from England. ( 105 ) 1784. Dec. 13, James Berwick, late Lieut, in the Army of the United States, made Oath that in the year 1778 before Justice Hubley of Lancr., he did take & subscribe allegiance as by Law directed. 17, (Capt.) William Pinkerton, of the Ship William & George. 27, Charles Paleske, lately arrived here from Dant- zig. Mercht. 1785. April 30, William Healy, Silver Plater, arrived from Dublin in November last. May 9, William Nathaniel Swain, lately arrived in this City from Ireland. 18, Carl De Deke, lately arrived from Germany, pen- maker. June 17, Henry Kesler (his mark), a German, a resident of this state about six years. 25, Eichard Lake, doctor of Law, lately arrived in this City from the kingdom of Scotland. James Stevens, arrived in this City about ten months from England. Mercht. July 20, James Pride, arrived here from Scotland in August last. Chandler. 25, Zachariah Louriette, Mercht., from France, having resided here above eighteen months. Aug. 9, Joseph Ashworth a native of Virginia. Farmer. 17, Capt. Lewis Garanger, a native of France, resi dent here & in the service of the States nine years. 23, Joshua Byron, from England, Mercht., says he has resided here above two years. o ( 106 ) 1785. Aug. 23, Thomas Seddon, from England, Mercht., says he has resided here above two years. 25, Handy Pemberton, (affirmed,) Barrister at Law, * Lately arrived from Dublin. Sept. William Jackson McKenzie, lately from Ireland. Mercht. Thomas O'Neill, lately from Ireland. Mercht. 15, William Hugh, Breeches maker, from Scotland, says above one year past. 26, John Davis, Upholsterer. James King, from Virginia, late of New York. Mercht. 29, Lloyd Wharton, a native of this City lately come to the age of 21 years. Oct. 8, Patrick Connelly, says he was a Sergeant in the Maryland Line, was taken prisoner & inlisted in the Brittish Service & deserted from them in the year 1781. William Young, Stationer, arrived in this City from Scotland in June 1784. (Annanias Cooper), swore allegiance 30th June 1777 as appears by a broken certificate. Georg Kooper, proves that he took the test in 1777 & hath lost his certificate. Edward Moyston, a foreigner, resident in this City above five years. George Moore, from Ireland, resident in this City near two years. Eichard Parker, a native of this City lately come to full 'age. ( 107 ) 1785. Oct. 8, John Sellers Junr., lately arrived to the age of 21 years. Thomas Steel, son of David Steel, lately arrived to the age of 21 years. Thomas Hood. James Eoney, from Ireland, arrived here about 18 months. 10, Abraham Kintzing Junr., a native of Philada. lately come to age. Ephraim Ferguson, from Ireland, resident in this City above one year. Absalom Thomas, a native of Bucks County, lately arrived in to full age. John Carrin, maketh oath that he took the Oath in Cumberland Co. before Squire Loughlin in the year 1777. Josiah W. Gibbs, came from Boston in the year 1779. Peter Baynton, made Oath that he took Oath before -me in 1777. Matthew Graham, made Oath that he took the Oath before me in 1777. Joseph Thomas, of Lower Dublin, lately come to full age. Affirmed. Wm. Donovan, from Ireland, resident of this City about two years. Peter Scravendyke, Tallow Chandler, from Ire land, resident of this City two years. William Collins, Carpenter, from Ireland, resi dent here near two years. ( 108 ) 1785. Oct. 10, Peter White, a native of this City, tinman, lately come to full age. John Brunstrong from Sweden, resident here about 4 years. 11, Joseph Maffett (his mark), served apprentice in this City, lately of full age. Christopher Spitter, a German, resident here near two years. John Lackrum, makes Oath that he took the test in 1777. James Eyan, from Ireland, resident in this city above one year. Alexander McDonald, from Scotland, resident above one year. Samuel Simes, from London, resident above one year. Martin Kubler, lately come of age. Eccles Buchanan, from Ireland, resident here near two years. Samuel Lowrey, of the Jersey State, lately arrived to full age. James Wade, native of Philada., lately come to full age. Thomas Eandall, from London, resident here two years. Henry Town, a native of Philada., lately come to full age. John Johnson, from Ireland, resident here near two years. George White, from England, resident here near two years. ( 109 ) 1785. Oct. 11, Jacob Eckstein, served apprenticeship here & lately come of full age. Joseph Lambeth, from England, resident here near two years. Eobert Brearly, from England, resident here four years. William McDermott, from the Jersey State, where he took the Oath of Allegiance in 1777. John Willson (his mark), from Ireland, served apprentice in Chester Co. lately come to full age. Frederick Burkhard (his mark), a native, served apprentice in Philada., of age near 4 years. John Walravin, a native of the Delaware State. Jacob Taylor (his mark), a native of Philada., lately come to full age. E. Douglass, of Philada., Mercht., native of Penna., resident here 4 years & lately come to full age. John Godshall, of Philada., now 25 years of age. Samuel Harkness, from Ireland, resident here above one year. Alexander Symington, from Scotland, resident above two years. William Richardson, from Ireland, resident here above one year. Richard Denny, a native of Philada., now 22 years of age. Timothy Ryan, from Ireland, resident here near 27 years. Church Clinton, from Ireland, resident above one year. ( no ) 1785. Oct. 11, Gilbert Gaa, a native, resident in Philada. where he served apprentice, lately of full age. Thomas Maysey, took the test in Jersey in 1777 & now before me. Benjamin McElroy, served apprentice in this City, late come to full age. Christian Tullon (his mark), from Germany when young, since resident of this State & lately come to age. Godfrey Tullon (his mark), same. Conrad Roun, took the test in New York in 1777 & now before me. Daniel Penington, proves that he took the Oath before Justice Denci of Bucks Co. in the beginning of 1778. Ephraim Brown, makes Oath that he took the test in Rhode Island & now before me. Maurice Dickinson. Duncan Montgomery, from Scotland, resident here above one year. John Hudson, from the State of Virginia, resident in this City about 1 year. William Smith, a native of Philada., lately come to full age. John Galvan. James Gardette, from France, a resident in this City above one year. Israel Israel, with Certificate from the Delaware State. James Roberts, took the test in Maryland in 1780 & now before me. ( 111 ) 1785. Oct. 11, Thomas Brehnert (his mark), from England near 2 years. John Baes, a foreigner, resident in this City near two years. George Harman, a native of Philada., lately come to full age. Conrad Garrett (his mark), a soldier in the Penna. Line discharged on the peace. George Harman, a native of this City, now of full age. William M. Biddle, a native of Philada., lately of full age. John Lynch, a native of Virginia, resident in this City 2 years. Marks John Biddle, a native of Philada., lately come to full age. John Goodman, a Native of Philada. Co., resi dent of Philada., lately come to full age. Af firmed. John McKinsey, from Scotland, resident here one year. Jacob Lowden, a native of this City, lately of full age. Philip Defrancquen, from France, resident in this City above one year. Abraham Boyer, a native of Philada. County, resi dent of this City & lately of full age. Joseph Davis, a native of Philada., son of a free holder & of full age. James Mackay (his mark), a native of Philada., lately come to full age. ( 112 ) 1785. Dec. 8, John Richards Junr., Mercht., last from France, resident in this City above three years. 27, William P. Harrison, arrived in this City October 1784. Printer. Carsten Winckel, lately arrived in this City from Amsterdam. Ship Carpenter. 1786. Jan. 7, Peter Ligaux, a native of France, lately from the West Indies. Feb. 3, John Sainton, arrived in this City from Corsica about three years past. Francois Serre, arrived in this City from France above two years. Vincent Ducomb, arrived in this City from France above two years past. Henry Sternbak, a German, arrived in this City near two years past. March 17, Robert Buntin, a native of Ireland, resident in this City about 8 years. April 3, Jacque Sallier, from France, resident here above two years. Taylor. 12, John Crawford, from Ireland, resident here above three years. May 8, David Clark, from Scotland, resident near one year. Coachmaker. Robert Nicol, from Scotland, Coach Maker, resident here near two years. Thomas Lang, from Scotland, resident here near two years. John Fineton, from Scotland, Carpenter, resident here above one year. ( 113 ) 1786. May 8, John Dun, from Scotland, Carpenter, resident here near one year. John Anderson, from Scotland, resident in this State one year. John Nicolson, from Scotland, storekeeper, resi dent in this City near two years. Robert Johnston, from Scotland, Baker, resident of this State near two years. Robert Oswald, from Scotland, House Carpenter, resident here above one year. James Cowan, from Scotland, blacksmith, resident here above six months. Andrew Duffus, from Scotland, Shoemaker, resi dent in this City Eighteen months. Benjamin James, late of London, Mercht., resident in this City above two years. June 6, Andrew Werrebrouek, late of Flanders, Mercht., resident here near one year. 7, Peter L. Cailleau, late of I landers, Mercht., lately arrived in this City. July 11, Robert E. Pine, late of London, Painter, resident here about 2 years. 12, Jean Baptiste Lemaire, Mercht., from French Flanders, resident here above one year. Adrien Joseph Lubrer, from French Flanders, Mercht., lately arrived in this City. Aug. 29, Nicola Mansai, hatmaker, arrived here from France one year past. Sept. 2, Thomas Ryan, breeches maker, from Ireland, arrived in this City about two years. p ( 114 ) 1786. Sept. 23, James Rees, of Philada., lately arrived to full age. 26, Benjamin H. Smith, of the Township of Blockley, lately arrived to full age. Affirmed. 30, Thomas Hurley, arrived in this City from Ireland above two years past. Oct. 3, George Rudolph, of Philada., Rope Maker, lately arrived to full age. Joseph Hodgson, a native of the Delaware State, hatter, now near 20 years of age. Joseph Kresson, of this City, Rope Maker, a free holder, lately come to age. James Stewart, arrived in this City from Ireland about two years, by trade a blacksmith. John Snyder, maketh Oath that in the year 1777 he took the Oath as by law directed before me. Christopher Ford, Wheelwright, a Native of the City, lately come to Age. Robert Paisley, swears that at Bristol in Bucks County, he gave test of his allegiance in 1777. David McCall (his mark), blacksmith, arrived in this City from Ireland about two years. 9, Leonard Altemus, Taylor, a native of Philada., lately come to full age. James Anderson, of Philada. Mariner, proves that he took the Oath in 1777 & had a certificate. Joseph Mussi, from Italy, arrived in this City two years past. John Summers, Shoemaker, arrived in this City from Scotland two years past. ( 115 ) 1786. Oct. 10, Benjamin Harbeson Junr., Mercht., lately come to age. Peter Thomas, Trader, arrived in this City from France above one year past. Frederick Hyneman, by his Certificate shows that he took the test 30 June 1777. Robert K. Moore, of Philada., Mercht., lately arrived to full age. William Forgey, Taylor, arrived in this City from Ireland three years past. Thomas Albertson, of Philada., Skindresser, lately come to full age. Thomas Sisson, Conveyancer, arrived in this City from England above two years. Lewis Evans of this City, silversmith, lately of full age. Christopher. Smith, proves he took the test in 1777. Jonathan Smith Junr., of Philada., Gent., lately arrived to full age. George Smith, Currier, arrived in America from Scotland above one year. Philip Dunn, native of Philada., lately come to full age. Jacob Wonderly, of Philada., Butcher, lately come to full age. William Owens, house carpenter, arrived in this City from Ireland above two years. Jabez Emory, came to this City from Maryland when he took the test, resident here above 2 years. ( 116 ) 1786. Oct. 10, Alexander Grant, House Carpenter, arrived here from Scotland above two years. Robert Blackie, blacksmith, come to this City above two years past. William Sothern, of this City, Mariner, resident here above one year. Robert Lumsden, of Philada., Taverner, proves that he took the test in 1777. Elias Boys Junr., of Southwark, a native lately of full age. Manuel Antony, native of Spain, Mariner, resident here five years. Thomas Wynn, of the Township of Blockley, lately come to Age. John Carothers, taylor, arrived in this City about three years past. Chas. McKiernan, Mercht,, arrived in this City from Ireland full twelve months. Patrick Glyn, Taylor, arrived in this City above two years past. Oliver Pollock, of this City, Gent., arrived here from Havana near 2 years. David Newel (his mark), of Northern Liberties, lately come to full age. Joseph Jordon, ofthe Northern Liberties, Plasterer, a Native lately come to full age. James Hoofman (his mark), of the Northern Liber ties, Turner, lately come to full age. Michael Haines, of the Northern Liberties, lately come to full age. ( 117 ) i 786. Oct, 10, John Mingle, of the Northern Liberties, Black smith, lately come to full age. John Kinsel, of the Northern Liberties, Black smith, native, lately of full age. Cadwalader Griffith, Shoemaker, lately come to full age. Laurence Lotie, barber, arrived in this City from France about 5 years past. Charles De Grofey, Mercht., arrived here from France above three years past. Peter Andrews, Cordwainer, a native of this City, lately come to full age. William Bandonine, a native of New York, resident of this City two years, lately of full age. John Fitzsimons, came to this City from Ireland about two years past. William Ferguson, arrived here where he has resided near three years. Nicholas Hess, Blacksmith, a Native of this State, lately of full age. John Hess, Blacksmith, a native of this State, lately of full age. Elsha Hague, a Native of Philada., lately come to full age. 12, Julius Maner, late a Hessian Soldier who hath served three years in the Army. 1787. Jan. 31, James Yard, a Native of this State, lately of full age. ( 118 ) 1787. March 3, Thomas Craig, arrived in this City from Ireland in the year 1783, by trade a House Carpenter. May 7, William Cunningham, Stone Cutter, came to the City from London in the year 1783. Sept. 6, Angus Taylor, Shoemaker, arrived in this City from Scotland above two years. 1788. Sept. 19, George Greer, arrived in this City from Ireland in the year 1784. 23, John Briggs, Glover, lately from London. 27, Thomas Coats, Clock & Watch Maker, arrived in this City from Scotland in 1788. Oct. 11, William Anderson, of this City, hair dresser, who took the Oath of Allegiance in 1777. 13, Frederick Conyngham, arrived in this City in Septr. 1787. Mercht. 14, John Simter, formerly a Dragoon in the Service of the United States. John Ebalt, late a Soldier in the American Army. INDEX TO HISTORY. Adams, John, his resolution in favor of creating independent State Govern ments . . . xiii Afflick, Thomas, arrested ....... xxi Allegiance — Oaths and declarations of — For the support of British Govern ment denounced by Congress — Grand Jurors' oath incompatible with opposition to the King . . xiii Religious test adopted ...... xiv Justices of Peace oaths of renunciation and allegiance — Religious test for members of the State Assembly — Objections to it sv Testimony of Quakers against the test, December, 1776 xvi State Navy Board refuses to take oath of allegiance to State — Offer to take oath in favor of United States . . xvi Test and oath of allegiance of 1777 . xvii Preanible to the act — Form of the oath . . xviii Penalties against persons who will not take the oath . xix Whigs flock in to take the oath . xx Time for taking oath extended ..... xxiu Persons in certain professions prohibited from following them without taking the oath — Penalty for not taking the oath xxiv Protests of Quakers against the oath . . . xxv Further extension of time to take the oath — Pardon of persons pertina ciously refusing to take the oath, 1778 . xxvi Opposition of Quakers to the test, 1779 .... xxvii Proposition to abolish test laws, 1784, lost — Resolution to allow young men who arrived at 18 years since the passage of the law to take the oath — Referred to a committee ... ... xxxiii Non-jurors petition for rights of citizenship, referred — Proposition to exclude from citizenship all who aided the King of Great Britain in the late war, carried — Proposition to bring in a bill to entitle any one to take the oath of allegiance, carried — attempt to pass the bill — break ing up of the Assembly — nineteen members secede . . xxxiv Protest of the seceders — George Gray's (Speaker) address against seced ers — reasons why test laws should be repealed Petitions by Non-jurors, 1785 — General Anthony Wayne favors them, Committee appointed — Bitter report against the Non-jurors . Arguments in favor of the oath — The report adopted — New petition of Non-jurors, 1785 ....... Executive Council recommends abolition of the test laws — passage of Act of 1786 limited in terms ...... Dissatisfaction of the Non-jurors — Remonstrances in 1787 — Report of committee in favor of unconditional repeal — passage of an amended act — Quakers dissatisfied with it — Proceedings against two Grand Jurors xl Q XXXV xxxvi xxxvii xxxviii xxxix 122 INDEX TO HISTORY". PAOE Allegiance — Report in favor of repeal, 1788 .... xii Final repeal of the test laws — Religious test in Constitution of 1776 re pealed by Constitution of 1790 . . . xiii See also "Quakers," "Tories," "Associators." Allen, Andrew, attainted xxiii Allen, Jno., attainted xxiii Asheton, Thos., arrested ..... xxi Ashmead, Samuel, candidate for Assembly, favorable to Non-jurors, 1784, defeated .... ... xxxvi Assembly of Pennsylvania under the crown — Distrusted at the commence ment of the Revolution — Authorizes raising troops vii Measures taken to supersede it . xiii Its dying protest ..... xiv, xv Assembly of the State under the new Constitution xv Meets at Lancaster . . . xxii Interrogatories to a committee of Quakers . . xxiv Queries to Quakers petitioning against test laws in 1779 xxvii Unsatisfactory reply ....... xxviii Broken up in 1784 upon attempt to pass laws for relief of Non-jurors xxxiv See "Allegiance," "Quakers." Associators — Volunteer militia . . viii, ix Dissatisfied with Assembly in 1776 — Protest against allowing Assembly to choose their Generals — Circulars issued calling Convention at Lan caster . . xii Brigadier-Generals elected ... . . xiii In iavor of suppressing old Provincial Assembly — Conference at Carpen ter's Hall — Provincial Convention to form Constitution recommended — Religious test adopted . . ... xiv Not reliable troops — Desertions when at Amboy — City Troop at Prince ton, N. J. — Superseded by militia under a general law xvii Attainder Act of 1778 xxii Bergum, John, his recantation viii Biddle, John, attainted xxiii Bond, Phineas, arrested xxi Brown, Elijah, arrested ..... xxi Byberry — Scarcity of persons who had taken the oath, 1785 xxxviii Coats, William, elected to Assembly on anti-Non-juror ticket, 1784 xxxvi College and Academy at Philadelphia — Charter taken away . . xxii Committees — City and County — Manage local affairs at beginning of Revo lution ... .... vii, viii Committee of Inspection, Philadelphia, attack the authority of the King's Judges . . xiii Coombe, Rev. Thomas, arrested xxi Permitted to go to St. Eustatia . xxii Confiscation of traitors' estates authorized . . . xxiii Congress recommends formation of State Governments xiii Convention to frame Constitution — Proceedings of, 1776 xiv Council of Safety appointed .... xiv Crathorne, Joseph, a Tory, ordered to leave Pennsylvania xxxii Drinker, Henry, arrested . . xxi Duch6, Rev. Jacob, Jr., attainted xxiii INDEX TO HISTORY. 123 PAGE Eddy, Charles, arrested . . ... xxi Emlen, Caleb, arrested — Took the oath . . . xxi Emlen, Samuel, Jr., arrested . . . xxi Ewing, James, elected Brigadier-General xni xxi Faro, Lancelot, a Tory, ordered to leave Pennsylvania . xxxii Faro, Thomas, a Tory, ordered to leave Pennsylvania . xxxii Fenner, Lawrence, a Tory, ordered to leave Pennsylvania xxxii Fisher, Jabez Maud, compelled to state who wrote a certain letter viii Fisher, Joshua, arrested xxi Fisher, Miers, arrested . xxi Fisher, Thomas, arrested .... . . xxi Fitzsimons, Thomas, candidate for Assembly, favorable to Non-jurors 1781, defeated . . xxxvi Fouts, Christian, attainted xxiii Fox, Joseph, arrested . . ... Francis, Tench, attorney for the Penn family, applies for restoration of thei: rights ....... xxxv Franklin, Benjamin, President Convention to form State Constitution . xiv President Supreme Executive Council — Recommended abolition of the test laws, 1785 ..... xxxix Fleeson, Plunket, Commissioner to receive oaths of allegiance xxvi Friends, see " Quakers." Galloway, Joseph, attainted ...... xxiii Garrigues, Jacob, Assistant Secretary Convention to form State Constitution xiv Gibbons, Abraham, one of a Committee of Quakers xxiv Gilpin, Thomas, arrested xxi Dies in exile in Virginia . . . . . . xxvi Gratz, Bernard, of Jewish Congregation, protests against religious test xxxii Gray, George, Speaker of the Assembly, 1784 — Censures the seceders xxxv Halliday, Robert, of Duck Creek, writes an obnoxious letter viii Hart, Joseph, Vice President State Conference xiv Hicks, Gilbert, attainted . . . xxiii Howell, Isaac, Commissioner to receive oaths of allegiance xxvi Hunt, John, arrested . . xxi Dies in exile in Virginia . . xxvi Husband, Joseph, one of a Committee of Quakers xxiv Imlay, William, arrested xxi Released on parole . . xxii Jackson, James, one of a Committee of Quakers . . xxiv Jackson, Samuel, ordered to be arrested — Not found . xxi Jackson, William Jr., one of a Committee of Quakers xxiv James, Abel, arrested .... xxi James, John, ordered to be arrested — Not found xxi Jervis, Charles, arrested .... xxi Jews — Protest against religious test in acknowledging the New Testament, 1783 ... . xxxii Jones, Norris, Quaker Grand Juryman, fined xii Jones, Owen, Jr., arrested xxi 124 INDEX TO HISTORY. Juneken, Herr, his recantation . . ix Justices of Peace appointed xv Keen, Reynold, attainted .... . xxiii Knox, David, Commissioner to receive oaths of allegiance . . xxvi Kuhn, Dr. Adam, arrested — Produced proof that he had taken the oath — discharged . . xxi Lennot, William, arrested xxi Lennox, David, arrested xxi Levy, Mordecai, his recantation . . viii Lindley, Jacob, one of a Committee of Quakers xxiv Loosely, Thomas, is " exalted" . . viii McKean, Thomas, President State Conference . . xiv Chief Justice, fines two Quakers who had not taken the affirmation of allegiance ... xl, xii Marshall, Christopher, extract from his diary . . . viii Matlack, Timothy, Secretary of Committee of Inspection ix Mifflin, Warner, one of a Committee of Quakers . xxiv Miles, Col. Samuel, Chairman of a meeting against Tories, 1783 xxx Militia law of 1777 ..... xvii Mitchell, James, a Tory, ordered to leave Pennsylvania . xxxii Moderates agree with the views of the Tories ' xiii Moor, John, Commissioner to receive oaths of allegiance xxvi Morris, John, Secretary Convention to form State Constitution . xiv Morris, Robert, his amendment to Act modifying test laws in 1786 xxxix Morris, Samuel Cadwalader, Secretary State Conference xiv Murdock, Samuel, arrested . ... xxi Myers, Asher, of Jewish Congregation, protests against religious test xxxii Nathan, Simon, President Jewish Synagogue, protests against religious test xxxii Oath — See "Allegiance." Ord. George, Commissioner to receive oaths of allegiance xxvi Ozeas, Peter, begs pardon for increasing price of coffee ix Pemberton, Israel, arrested xxi Pemberton, James, arrested xxi Pemberton, John, arrested .... „ xxi Penn, John, Senr., applies for restoration of his rights . xxxv Penn, John, Jr., applies for restoration of his rights xxxv Penn, Richard, applies for restoration of his rights xxxv Pennington, Edward, arrested ...... xxi Pettit, Charles, elected to Assembly on anti-Non-juror ticket, 1784 . xxxvi Pike, Thomas, arrested . xxi Pleasants, Samuel, arrested xxi Potter, John, attainted ...... xxiii Putnam, Gen. Israel, his testimony as to inefficiency of Associators xvii Quakers, opposed to war and favor the Royal cause v Lose their power in Pennsylvania . vi INDEX TO HISTORY. 125 Quakers — Testimony in favor of the King's Government, 1776 — Satire upon American liberty in 1776 . . x Testimony against tests and in favor of the King's Government, Decem ber, 1776 ...... . xvi Complaints of seizures of their goods for military purposes — Their win dows broken because they will not recognize public last days — Abused because they would not illuminate their houses on the 4th of July — Quakers and Tories arrested by order of Congress . xx Sent to Winchester, Va. ..... xxi A committee ask leave to lay their sufferings before Assembly xxiv Queries as to their loyalty — Evasive reply — Protest by, against oath of allegiance .... . xxv Petition for return of exiles in Virginia . . xxv Release and return of the persons who were banished . . xxvi Testimony of 1779 against the test laws — Memorial to the Assembly — Queries put by Assembly to the Quakers regarding their loyalty . xxvii Evasive reply ... . . xxviii Dissatisfied with Act of 1786 — Two Quaker Grand Jurymen fined xl, xii Quee, Seth, Commissioner to receive oaths of allegiance . xxvi Rankin, James, attainted ...... xxiii Rawlings, Captain Thomas, a Tory, ordered to leave Pennsylvania xxxii Richards, John, Commissioner to receive oaths of allegiance xxvi Roberdeau, Daniel, elected Brigadier-General . . xiii Roberts, George, arrested . xxi Roberts, Hugh, arrested . xxi Ross, George, Vice President Convention to form State Constitution xiv Salomon, Haym, of Jewish Congregation, protests against religious test xxxii Seixas, Ger, Rabbi of Jewish Synagogue, protests against religious test xxxii Shee, Lieut. Col. John, Chairman of a Meeting against Tories, 1783 xxx Secretary of another meeting xxxi Shoemaker, Samuel, arrested xxi Attainted ... ... xxiii Sitgreaves, William, begs pardon for exceeding regulation price of coffee ix Smith, Jonathan B., Secretary State Conference . xix Commissioner to receive oaths of allegiance xxvi Smith, Rev. William, arrested xxi Smith, William, (broker,) arrested xxi Smith, William Drewett, arrested . xxi Stedman, Alexander, arrested xxi Stedman, Charles, Jr., arrested xxi Test, Religious, adopted by Conference of Associators xiv Tories — A powerful minority in Pennsylvania vi Kept down by committees Recantations by ...... Favor the continuance of the Assembly of 1775-6, as State Government Insolence of — Test and oath of allegiance demanded in consequence Several Tories arrested by order of Congress — Sent to Winchester, Vir ginia . ...... Certain privileges guaranteed by Provisional Treaty with Great Britain — Resolves of the Philadelphia militia against them — Meetings concern ing the same . ... vn, vm, ix, x xiii xvii 126 INDEX TO HISTORY. Tories — Resolution that certain Tories shall withdraw from Philadelphia in ten days ........ xxxi Tories — See "Quakers," "Allegiance," "Associators," "Assembly." Vernon, Nathaniel, attainted xxiii Warder, Jeremiah, arrested . . xxi Wayne, Gen. Anthony, favors the petitions of Non-jurors for repeal of test laws, 1785 . xxxvi The result . . . xxxvii Wickersham, Amos, his recantation vii Wharton, Thomas, Senr., arrested xxi Young, James, Commissioner to take oaths of allegiance . . xxvi Young, Thomas, a Tory, ordered to leave Pennsylvania xxxii INDEX OF NAMES. Note. — The names in italics are those who did not subscribe to the Oath, but who are mentioned incidentally. PAGE FAOE Ackley, Daniel 71 Armet, John 48 Adams, Christopher 59 Armitage, John 42 Adams, John 28 Armitage, Shewbart 53 Adams, Jonathan 24 Armstrong, Christopher SI Adams, Thomas 28 Armstrong, James Hi Adcock, [Justice) 30 Armstrong, John . 13 Ahl, Johan Peter . 64 Armstrong, William 52 Airhott, Johan Michael 77 Arndt, Jacob 2 Aitken, Andrew 26 Arnold, (Gen.) 79 Akely, Abraham 12 Ash, Caleb 30 Albers, Andrew 95 Ash, Jacob 38 Albert, George Adam 81 Ashton, William . 54 Albert, Heinrich 85 Ashworth, Joseph 105 Albertson, Thomas . 115 Assmus, John 88 Alborn, Imanuel Jacob . 48 Atchison, William 72 Alhrecht, William 4 Atkinson, John 85 Albright, Jacob 6 Attkinson, George 3 Alenby, James . 67 Avered, Seth 20 Alexander, Alexander . 58 Alexander, William . 58 Backius, Godfrey 12 Allen, Edward 100 Baes, John 111 Allen, John 22 Baker, Christopher 4,36 Allen, John 40 Baker, Jacob 19,41 Allenspacher, Joseph 99 Baker, Johannes Hilarius 42 Alston, Joseph 91 Baker, John 20 Altemus, Leonard 114 Baker, Samuel 5 Ames, James 98 Baker, Samuel 20 Amos, Jacob 4 Baker, William 14 Amos, Jacob 5 Ballam, Matthew 24,89 Amos, John 4 Bandonino, William 117 Anderson, George . 84 Bankson, Jacob 14 Anderson, James 95 Bankson, William 30 Anderson, James 114 Barber, William 07 Anderson, John 14 Barclay, Alexander 11 Anderson, John 113 Barclay, John 11 Anderson, Joseph 31 Bardeek, Georg 59 Anderson, William 118 Bare, Jacob, 18 Andrews, John . 4 Bare, John, . 16 Andrews, Peter 117 Bare, John, 18 Anton, Gottlieb 83 Barge, Jacob 58 Antony, Manuel 116 Barnes, Cornelius 41 Appel, Daniel 21 Barnhill, Daniel . 03 Apt, George 12 Barnhill, John, Junr. 50 128 INDEX OF NAMES. PAGE PAGE Barns, Arthur 78 Bishop, Johann 77 Barns, Cornelius 73 Bitters, Charles 57 Barns, Daniel 60 Black, John 93 Barns, Maurice . 88 Blackie, Robt. . no Barns, William 37 Blain, John . 80 Barr, Jacob 42 Blaine, Ephraim 28 Barriere, Peter 99 Blake, William 75 Bass, Robert 17,36 Blatterman, Henry . 78 Bastian, Wilhelm 43 Blatzer, Charles 61 Bates, George 36 Bleakly, Archibald 09 Batley, Thomas 91 Bleijer, Peter 00 Baumgart, Jacob 96 Bloss, Friederich 87 Baynton, Peter 58, 107 Blunt, Stephen 20 Beackley, Christian 8 Blutzer, Carl 11 Beaks, John . 12 Boatman, Philip 00 Beale, William 43 Bogen, (Doctr.) . Boinod, Daniel 90 Bealer, David 56 101 Bealert, Jacob 37 Boland, Daniel 92 Becher, Jacob 4 Bolter, Joseph 48 Bechtel, Georg 10 Bond, George 23 Beck, John . 17 Booker, Thomas . . 51, 66 Beck, Thomas 12,69 Boos, Charles Daniel 76 Beck, Thomas 36 Bornman, Valentine 90 Beckley, Daniel . 69 Bost, Jacob 14 Beckman, Johan Conrad 64 Boulter, Benjamin 13 Bedford, Gunning 8,38 Boulter, Joseph 59 Bedford, Joseph 19 Bourne, Thomas 6 Bedford, Peter . 19 Boutman, Philip 60 Beech, Edmond, Junr. . 40 Bowen, James 91 Beekman, Gerard William 42 Bower, Charles . o Bell, George 8 Bower, Francis 47 Bell, James 69 Bower, Jacob 04 Bell, John 5 Boyer, Abraham 111 Bell, Robert 20,42 Boyl, James 88 Bell, Thomas . . 27, 96 Boyle, James 79 Bell, William 23 Boyle, Peter 13 Beme\ Christian Gottlieb 100 Boys, Elias, Junr. . 110 Bender, Daniel . 78 Bradford, William 24 Bender, George 98 Bradley, Cornelius 104 Benezet, Daniel 16 Brady, Samuel 27 Benner, Martin 3 Brand, Andrew 2,30 Bensted, Alexander 28 Brearly, Robert 109 Bentley, Felix 46 Brehnert, Thomas . 111 Bentley, John 96 Brethower, Cooper 47 Berry, William 85 Brian, George 40 Berwick, James 105 Brice, John 27 Beyer, Carl . Biddle, Marks John 92 Briggs, John . 118 111 Brittin, John 10 Biddle, William M. 111 Brodie, Alexander 08 Bidgood, Joseph 93 Brooke, Matthew 104 Bigony, John 6 Brookes, John 45 Bigony, Joseph . 6 Brown, Ephraim 110 Baron v. Bilow, Carl Ludewig 00 Brown, Johann Conrad 5 INDEX OF NAMES. 129 Brown, John PAGE 37 Carrin, John PAGE 107 Brown, John 76 Carroll, James 97 Brown, Samuel Montgomery 71 Carstairs, Thomas 99 Brown, William . 57 Carter, Thomas 9 Brown, William 103 Cartwright, Edward . 14 Brown, William Montgomery 74 Caruthers, James . 12 Bruce, Peter 77 Casey, Samuel . 88 Bruner, Georg 79 Casper, Martin so Brunot, Felix . 99 Cassellman, Wilhelm SO Brunstrong, John . Brunton, James . 108 Caster, Jacob, 7 90 Causten, Isaac . 13 Bruyn, Jan Christian . 100 Cavanaugh, Edward 41 Bryan, George 2 Cavenough, William . , 101 Bryan, Guy . . 101 Cecil, Charles 38 Bryan, John 19 Chain, William . 7 Bryarly, John 26 Chandler, George . 3, 37 Bryce, John / . Buchanan, FJccles . 27 Channell, Samuel 56 108 Channell, Thomas . 63 Buchholtz, Valentin . 82 Chapman, Benjamin, Junr. 53 Budden, William 13 Chevilier, Christian 11 Bulkely, Joseph 64 Child, John 104 Buntin, Robert . 112 Christ, Martin . 65, 76 Burgoyne, Gen. Burkhard, Frederick 90 Christian, Frederick . 70 . 109 Christy, James 5 Burklae, Jacob . 41 Chrystie, James 27 Burly, Christopher 63 Chrystler, Jacob 10 Burn, Joshua 62 Clackner, George 20 Burnes, John 36 Clampffer, Adam Clarek, Gustav . 30 Burnhouse, George 85 SO Barrage, John 93 Clark, Christopher 00 Bush, Christian 75 Clark, David 112 Byron, Joshua 105 Clark, Michael 47 Clark, Thomas 103 Cailleau, Peter L. 113 Clark, William 42 Cain, Michael 69 Clark, William 55 Calb, Jacob 72 Clauzer, Philip 9 Calbanan, John 51 Clay, Jonathan . 14 Caldwell, James 16 Claypoole, George 18, 27, 38 Campbell, John 52 Claypoole, James 4,22 Campbell, John 100 Clazer, John 51 Campbell, Kenneth 91 Cleigner, Casper 54 Caner, Michael . 51 Clinton, Church 100 Cannan, Thomas . 5 Coates, John 48 Caret, Matthew 30 Coats, Isaac . 104 Carlin, Jonathan 89 Coats, Thomas . 118 Carlisle, Henry 97 Cochran, William 4 Carlton, 90 Codd, William 71 Cams, John, Junr. 18 Coffin, Elijah 38 Carothers, John 116 Coffman, John 37 Carr, Benjamin . 71 Coffman, John 94 Carr, James . 18 Colewater, Philip Colflesh, Heinrich . 30 Carradine, Thomas 20 17 Carrick, Jacob 36 Colflesh, Mathias 17 130 INDEX OF NAMES. Collins, James PAGE 72 Croghan, George . Croker, Ambrose PAGE 36 Collins, John 11 11 Collins, William 107 Crook, John 35 Collom, William . 16 Crook, John 52 Colson, Francis . 66 Crook, Joseph 87 Colvin, Hugh 9 Crotty, David 14 Comegys, Cornelius . 58 Crowden, John 1 Connell, George 41 Cruqh, John Cubler, Jacob 41 Connell, William 86 103 Connelly, Patrick 106 Cullman, Adam 77 Conner, John 5 Culnan, John 93 Conner, Paul 8 Cumfort, Francis 103 Connor, John 65 Cummings, John . Cunningham, William 37 Connor, Michael 25 118 Conrad, Jacob, Junr. 3 Curry, Robert 7 Conrad, Philip Conrod, Jacob . 38 6 Dallas, A. J. 96 Conrod, Jacob 36 Dallas, Stewart George 96 Convngham, Frederick Cook, George 118 Daller, Michael . 83 14 Dame, Christian . 52 Cook, John 22 Damm, Andrew 6 Cooper, Annanius . 106 Daniel, John . 5 Cope, Mathias 48 Daniel, John 10 Copple, John . Corbright, John 11 Darrach, John 19 10 Darragh, Charles 25 Cornman, John 38 Davan, John . 98 Cornish, Robert 15 David, John 40 Corse, John . 19 Davidson, James 70 Cottman, John . 42 Davidson, Robert 41 Cottringer, James . 21 Davidson, William 47 Coulthurst, Matthew 91 Davies, David 8 Course, Isaac 11 Davies, William 6 Coulty, Samuel . 54 Davis, Isaac 69 Cove, John 88 Davis, James 93 Cowan, James 113 Davis, James 9,39 Cowell, John . 25 Davis, John . 39 Cowie, Andrew 94 Davis, John 106 Cox, Jacob 29 Davis, Jonathan 95 Cox, Thomas 89 Davis, Joseph 111 Craig, Daniel 61 Davis, Peter . 78 Craig, Thomas 46, 102 Davis, (Justice) . 45 Craig, Thomas 118 Daw, John 21 Crain, Robt. 20 Day, Andrew . 56 Crass, Peter . 38 Deak, Thomas 60 Crawford, Charles 96 Deal, John 13 Crawford, John 112 Deamand, George . 103 Crawford, Joseph 30 Dean, Conrod . 90 Crawford, Samuel . 10 Decoster, Charles . 71 Cress, Henry 47 De Cressy, Maximilian L. A. 100 Cress, Johannes 98 De Deke, Carl 105 Crimshew, John David 70 Deering, Nicholas 73 Crispin, Peter 3 Defrancquen, Philip 111 Crispin, Samuel . 54 Degenhart, Johann George 53 INDEX OF NAMES. 131 De Grofey, Charles PAGE 117 Ducomb, Vincent PAGE 112 De Haven, Peter 53 Dudengoss, Ludwig 82 Deimling, Frederick 88 Due, William 21 De la Croix, Joseph 99 Duffus, Andrew 113 Delaney, George . 17 Duffy, James 23 Delaney, James 96 Duffy, Patrick 25 Delaplaine, James . 19 Duguid, John, Junr. . 92 Dellap, Williams 19 Dumfield, John 9 Delonguay, Francis Moussu ¦ 94 Dun, John 1 Dunbar, James 113 Demd, Henry . 85 82 Dempsey, Barnaby 4 Dunhower, George . 7 Lend, (Justice) . 110 Dunlap, James 3 Denny, David 92 Dunn, Isaac B. . 28 Denny, Richard 109 Dunn, Philip . Dunton, William 115 Derry, George 89 5 Desantee, Lewis 71 Durie, John . 78 Deshong, Friederich 39 Durling, Joseph 5 Detterline, Henry 104 Du Simitiere, P. E. 9 Dewees, William 68 Duy, Frederick 54 Dewers, Henry. 76 Dewetter, Conrad . 37 Ebalt, John . 118 Dexter, James. 43 Ebert, Johannes 07 Dey, Cornelius 74 Eckhart, William . 49 Diamond, John .... 16,39 Eckelman, Conrad 60 Dickens, Edward . 12 Eckstein, Jacob 109 Lickinson, Cadr. 59 Eddleston, Lawrence 83 Dickinson, Maurice 110 Eddy, George Edeling, Johann Valtin Egen, Leonard 92 Dickson, Thomas 52 82 Dieffenbach, Christopher Frederick 69 6 Dill, Balthazar 82 Eggers, Nicholas OS Dill, Nicholaus . 103 Ehrenzeller, Jacob 10 Dishong, Christian 50 Eikhart, Matthias 87 Ditrich, Michael 45 Elder, Joshua 59 Dolby, Joseph Domiller, William 70 Elliott, Christopher 7 43 Elliott, David 25 Donaldson & Co. . 75 Elliott, Edward 18 Donnelly, Francis 23 Emory, Jabez 115 Donnelly, Terence 15 Endesruggern, Ernst 84 Donohue, John . 29 Engle, Benjamin 103 Donovan, William 107 Ent, Theobald . 40 Dorey, Peter Victor 104 Ermanberger, Friederich 53 Douglass, E. . 109 Erringer, Jacob 3,39 Douglass, John . 11 Esenbeck, William 80 Douglass, John 88 Eshrick, George 81 Douglas, William 21 Esling, Frederick 102 Dover, Frederick . 102 Esling, Nicholas 71 Dow, Benjamin . 89 Esling, Paul . 102 Dowling, Kerence . 65 Evans, Caleb 101 Downey, William 92 Evans, David 101 Downing, Nicholas Downs, Robert . 93 Evans, Lewis, . 115 71 Evans, Samuel 39 Doz, Andrew 3,52 Everhard, David . 55, 101 Draper, Jonathan 3,38 Everhart, John 55 132 INDEX OF NAMES. Everly, John PAGE 47 Francis, Jacob PAGE 84 Francis, Tench 18 Facundas, Jacob 11 Francis, Thomas 43 Fagan, Edmond Fa] on, John 20 Frank, Isaac . 99 7 Frank, Jacob 17 Falkener, William 101 Franses, Peter 85 Falkenstein, Ludwig . 39 Fraser, Samuel 95 Farnsworth, James 20 Frazer, John . . . 22 Fecundas, William 57 Frichman, Johann Heinrich 86 Feel, Rudolph 64 Friedelbach, Johann 91 Fegal, John 18 Friederich, Wilhelm . 9 Ferguson, Ephraim 107 Fritenheiler, Adam 90 Ferguson, Hugh Ferguson, William 13 Fry, John . 4 117 Fryhoffer, John 18 Fesmore, John 23 Fryhoffer, Wollery 18 Fians, William 7 Fuller, Benjamin 2 Field, Peter 102 Fullerton, Robert 50,59 Finley, Francis 36 Fullerton, William 5 Finley, James 28 Fineton, John 112 Gaa, Gilbert 110 Fisher, Andreas 9 Gaillard, Alexander . 101 Fisher, George 5 Galvan, John 110 Fisher, Johannes 99 Gamble, James 63 Fisher, John . 56 Gameber, Michael 57 Fisler, Jacob. 5,36 Garand, Jacob 102 Fite, Andrew 6 Garanger, Lewis 105 Fitzgerald, Thomas 43 Gardenok, Powel Adam 69 Fitzpatrick, John 75 Gardette, James 110 Fitzsimons, John. 117 Gardner, John 3 Fleeson, Plunket 35, 45, 62 Garhart, Daniel 30 Fleeson, Thomas 40 Garman, William 77 Fleisher, Casper 12 Garrett, Adam . 14 Floak, Justice . 96 Garrett, Conrad 111 Flounders, Edward 48 Gebheart, Georg Gebler, Godfred 54 Folk, Matthew 11 60 Folt, Daniel 21 Gehring, Michael 79 Folwell, William 20 Geiss, Everhart 2 Footman, Peter 17 Geisse, Francis 11 Ford, Christopher 114 Gentle, James 73 Ford, John 43 George, Andrew 50 Forgey, William 115 George, George 51 Forst, Abraham 68 George, John 50 Forster, C. Martin 52 George, John, Junr. 50 Forster, John 52 Gibbons, Henry 10 Forsyth, George 18 Gibbs, Josiah "VV. ' 107 Fourage, Stephen Fox, George 61 Giessler, Johannes 83 36 Gilbert, Jacob 2 Pox, John 74 Gilbert, Jacob, Junr. 2 Fox, John George, Senr. 6 Gilchrist, Adam 22 Fox, Justinian 50 Gilchrist, James 20 Fox, Michael 14 Gilchrist, John 71 Foy, Matthew 43 Gillingham, James Gill, Josiah 62 Fraley, John 54 8 INDEX OF NAMES. \ 133 Gitts, Michael PAGE 51 Grisler, Frederick PAGE 13 Glick, Johann 83 Grobey, Johann 97 Glisson, William 51 Groff, Adam 40 Gloeding, Abraham 47 Grosse, (Doctr.) Grotz, George . 96 Glyn, Patrick . 116 8 Godfrey, William E. 18 Grover, John 17 Godshall, John . 109 Grubb, John Herbert 73 Goette, Israel 98 Grunwold, Frederick 78 Goggin, Williams Goldschmitt, Caspar 58 Guier, Adam 101 77 Guier, John . 101 Gominger, Jacob 19 Guiney, William . . 41 Goodman, Conrod . 18, 39 Guinop, William 54 Goodman, John 7 Gusse, Francis . . 58,59 Goodman, John . Ill Guy, John 12 Gorgas, Benjamin 5 Guy, Richard . 12 Gorgas, John 5 Gosner, Casper 58 Haas, Jacob 7 Gosner, Daniel 50 Hager, Martin 95 Gotlib, Conrad . 87 Hague, Elsha . 117 Gotthart, Johann Conrad 35 Hain, John . 57 Govett, James 40 Haines, Michael 116 Grab, Peter . 49 Halburtat, John 36 Graff, Jacob 4 Hale, Thomas . 9 Graham, Matthew . 107 Hall, James . 35 Graham, William 23,42 Hall, James 101 Graner, Frederic . 91 Hall, Parry . Hall, Reuben . 96 Grant, Alexander 116 7 Grant, Henry 93 Hall, Richard 12 Grant, Isaac 7 Hall, Thomas . 36 Grant, Peter . 59 Hall, Walter . 15 Gratz, Michael 52 Hallam, Lewis . 98 Gravel, John 43 Halling, Solomon . 49 Gray, Joseph 70 Hambright, John Hamel, James 7 Gray, William 25 25 Gray, William . 67 Hamilton, Andrew 18,48 Gray, William 70 Hamilton, Henry . 94 Greble, John 48 Hamilton, John 73 Green, Nathaniel . 4 Hamilton, John 88 Green, Peter 13 Hamilton, John 99 Green, Gen. . 20 Hamilton, W. 38 Greenway, William . 7 Hammer, Henry 92 Greenwood, Alexander . 60 Hankel, Conrad . 76 Greer, Charles 51 Hankel, Jacob . 41 Greer, George 118 Hans, Conrad 59 Greer, Henry . 99 Hansell, David . 15 Gregg, Robert 29 Hansell, William . 10 Greswold, Thomas 17 Hansil, Peter David . 6 Greve, Henry 28 Hansman, Christian 30 Griffith, Cadwalader . 117 Harar, Daniel . 43 Griffith, Evan 42 Harbeson, Benjamin, Junr. . 115 Griffith, William 12 Hargis, Abraham Harkness, Samuel 22 Grim, Nicholas 13 109 Grimes, John 71 Harly, George . 60 134 INDEX OF NAMES. Harma, Joseph PAGE 27 Hickey, Timothy PAGE 75 Harman, George 111 Hiffernan, John 54 Harman, George . 111 Hillborn, Joseph 16,44 Harman, Jacob 1 Hillborn, Miles 3 Harper, John 86 Hines, Thomas . 83 Harraway, John 6 Hiney, George 12 Harris, Henry 31,85 Hinkle, Nicholas 22 Harris, James .... 15,38 Hinton, George 74 Harrison, Joseph . . . . 100 Hitchings, William Vaughan Hitner, Frederick . 63 Harrison, William P. 112 5 Hart, Christopher . 40 Hodge, Andrew, Junr. 15 Hart, George 10 Hodgkinson, Bethenah . 70 Hart, Henry . . . . Hart, Joseph 10 Hodgson, Aivery 8 2 Hodgson, Joseph . 114 Hartlan, Johan 79 Hoffer, Philip . . . . 51 Harvey, Joseph 10 Hoffner, George 26 Hasig, Valentine . 10 Hoffstedler, John 14 Haussman, John D. 99 Hoggen, James 102 Havesstrick, Jonas 87 Hohnerson, Matthias 91 Hay, John .... 11 Holeget, Matthew . O Hayes, Isaac . 53 Holegit, John . 5 Hazen, 26 Holland, Benjamin Hpllinshead, William 10 Hazleton, Albright 60 4 Hazleton, Josiah 13 Holmes, Abraham 8 Hazlewanger, Lewis Hazlewood, John, Junr. 4 Holsten, Frederick . 7 28 Holsten, Matthias . 7 Hazley, Charles 82 Holsten, Peter . 8 Healy, William Heatly, Charles 105 Honaker, Joseph . 100 76 Honeycomb, Joseph . 48 Heaton, Jonathan 47 Honeyman, Samuel 59 Heinrichs, Philip . 55 Honeyman, William . 29 Heizer, Henry . S2 Hood, Thomas 107 Heffernan, John . 17 Hoofman, James 110 Heller, Johannes 40 Hook, George 08 Heller, Joseph 24 Hook, William . 82 Helm, John 50 Hooker, Thomas 87 Hembel, Samuel . 22 Hooper, Matthew 48 Henderich, Johan Martin . 96 Horn, John . 9 Henderson, John . 8,44 Horner, James . 2 Henderson, William . 23 Hossman, Stokely . 7 Henry, John . 73 Houlgate, Cornelius Houshold, Sebastian 6 Hertford, George 76 9 Herron, James G. . 26 Howell, Abraham 27 Hess, George 12 Howell, David 89 Hess, John . 117 Howell, Richard 99 Hess, Nicholas . 117 Huber, Georg 72 Hetherington, John 60 Hubley, Adam . 1 Hettmannkerger, Frantz Wilhelm 57 Hubley, (Justice) . 105 Heyl, George 49 Huckel, William 91 Heyl, John 40 Hudson, Henry 70 Heyneman, Heynrich 82 Hudson, James . 15 Heysham, Robert 16 Hudson, John . 110 Hibberd, Joseph . 17,48 Hufty, Simon . 42 INDEX OP NAMES. 135 Huggins, George Hugh, William . Hughes, John Hull, (Justice) . Humphreys, Benjamin Humphreys, James Humphreys, Samuel Humphreys, Thomas Hunn, John . Hunt, Gilbert . Hunt, Richard Hunt, William . Hunter, Charles . Huntheimer, Tictus Hurley, Thomas . Hurry, Arthur . Hurst, James Huston, Edward Hutman, Peter Huvort, Loedwick Hyneman, Frederick Hyneman, Henry Hynes, Brian Hysmmingle, Nicholas Ilgen, Lewis Ingiez, Jerom Inglis, George . Ioane, Marcus Ironning, George Irwin, Robert Irwin, Thomas . Isaac, Charles Isinhoot, Andrew Israel, Israel . Jackson, James Jackson, John M. Jackson, Thomas Jackson, William Jacobs, Nicholas Jagger, Abraham James, Benjamin Jamison, John Janus, George Jarvis, Jacob Jeffery, William Jervis, John Jewell, Robert Johner, Georg Johnson, John Johnston, James Johnston, John PAGE 89 106 664740 13 53 18 26 90 38579887 114 15736111 98 115 11 71 12 80497468 11 6 387013 110 79 20 85 16 3 88 113 26 8 761967 2 66 108 9722 Johnston, Robert Jonasson, Neels Jones, David Jones, Francis Jones, George Buch Jones, Israel Jones, Jesse Jones, John . Jones, Joshua . Johes, Paul Jones, William . Jones, William Jordan, Joseph . Jude, Frederick . Junkin, Samuel Jutter, Johann Christopher Kaje, Augustus Katz, Heinrich Katz, Henry Kauch, Christian . Kaworth, John Keating, Luke Keavort, Christian . Keble, John . Keeling, John Hignet Keen, Joseph Keene, L. . Keichler, John Keidel, George Keisler, Jacob Keller, Conrad . Kelley, James Kelly, John Kelly, William . Kelsey, Joshua . Kemble, Peter Kemble, William Kemmel, Peter Kendall, Joseph Kenedy, John Kennedy, Robert Kephard, Coron . Keram, Edward Kerlin, John, Junr. Kesler, Henry . Kessler, Leonard . Keys, John Keyser, John Kidd, William . Killamer, Hance Kimhel, Heinrich Kinder, Gottlieb . PAGE 113 7 , 1 19,42 9017 16 24 17 28 5 16, 36 116104 42 358053 7 8125 35 84 4 52 103 28 3878 9 6950 4 94 89 76 4390 5 75 22 60 4 51 105 20 1375 3 84 52 , 100 136 INDEX OP NAMES. King, Abraham PAGE 75 Lang, Thomas PAUE 112 King, Isaac 73 Langdale, Samuel 3,39 King, James 106 Langrall, Levin Laodie, John Claude 24 Kingsfield, Wendell 4 95 Kinkead, James 50 Larrison, George . 72 Kinnard, Jacob 41 Latch, Jacob 30 Kinnear, James 17 Latch, Rudolph 8 Kinsel, John .... . 117 Lauer, Philip . 27 Kintzing, Abraham, Junr. 107 Laughlin, Jacob 7 Kipp, Andreas Kirk, Anthony . 83 Lavisyler, Thomas 28 47 Lawrence, John 51 Kirk, James . 21 Lawrence, William . 3 Kirkbride, (Col.) Kirkhoff, Christian 53 Lawrence, William 50 12 Lawson, John . 15 Kirwan, Nicholas 73 Lawyer, Christian . 18 Klein, Johan 79 Laycock, John . 94 Klein, Philip 29 Leaman, Joseph 3 Knight, Charles 16 Lear, John 42 Knoepler, George Knoll, Ludwick 67 Lear, John L. 65 . 18, 39 Leavering, Benjamin 4 Knowles, John . 83 Lechler, Adam 58 Knox, Francis 29 Ledra, Joseph . 20 Knox, Hugh Knox, Mathew 20 Leech, Isaac . 20 55 Leech, Peter 80 Koehler, Bernhard 79 Leech, Robert 12 Koebler, John Adam 59 LehrS, Jacob 50 Koehmle, John . 51 Leib, Michael 17 Kohr, Philip . 82 Leitshok, Conrad 87 Kook, John 35 Lemaigre, Pierre . 64 Kooper, Georg . 106 Lemaire, Jean Baptiste 113 Kooper, George 46 Lemau, Andrew . 9 Korloder, Friederich 88 Lennerd, John . 45 Korn, Gabriel 42 Lentz, Heinrich 9 Koy, William 79 Lentz, Henry . 101 Krafst, Michael 61 Lentz, John . . 101 Kreaning, Francis 76 Leonard, Joseph 40 Kresson, Joseph 114 Lesh, Zachariah 97 Kromer, Leonard 2 Letchworth, John 104 Krop, Jean Kubler, Martin 100 Letts, Michael 15 . 108 Levering, Abraham . 2 Kugler, Christopher 28 Levering, Jacob 8 Kunze, John C. 36 Levering, William 102 Kurtz, George 36 Levering, William Levy, Eleazer . 102 Kurtz, Peter . 17 IS Lewis, John . 79 Laekrum, John 108 Lewis, Joseph . 54 Lahn, Jacob 98 Lewis, Pearce 12 Lake, Richard 105 Liberstin, Felix 54 Lake, Thomas 23 Ligaux, Peter 112 Lake, Capt. Thomas Lake, William . 23 Light, James 56 41 Light, Peter . 16 Lambeth, Joseph . 109 Lincoln, James . 64 Landerken, Patrick 74 Linnard, William . 65 INDEX OF NAMES. 137 Linniberger, John Lint, Frederick Linton, John Lippee, John Lipsey, Henry Lisle, Joseph Litchenham, Jacob Llewelyn, John Llewelyn, Morriss Loardan, Charles Lockhart, William Lockwood, James Lodge, John Logan, Charles . Loge, John . Lohman, William Lohra, John Long, John Loomsbach, Johannes . Lorden, Charles Lorden, George Lotie, Laurence Loughlin, (Squire) Louriette, Zachariah Loving, Casper Lowden, Jacob . Lownes, Joseph Lowrey, Samuel Loxly, Benjamin, Junr. Lubrer, Adrien Joseph Lucas, James Ludgate, Richard Lumsden, Robert Lutch, Jacob Luther, Conrod Luts, Christian . Lutz, Conrad Lutz, Johann Luy, Hoyman Luzer, John Andrew Lynch, John . Lynch, John Patrick Lynn, Jeremiah Lyon, Philip Lyon, Samuel Lyons, James Lytle, Andrew Maag, Jacob . Mackay, James Mackenzie, William Macky, John Macombe, James . PAGE 53 Macpherson, William PAGE 91 53 Maffett, Joseph 108 55 Maher, Martin . : 97 11 Makemson, George 47 30 Malone, John 10 41 Malone, Peter 67 39 Mandry, Richard 81 19 Maner, Julius 117 19 Mansai, Nicola . 113 11 Marcer, Benjamin James 72 103 Marcus, Johannes 70 29 Markoe, Peter 09 5 Marks, Levy 3 15 Marsan, John 97 26 Marshal, Anthony 71 13 Martin, Hugh 20 20 Martin, John 40 43 Martin, William . 27 76 Mathes, John 49 60 Mathias, Joseph 19 43 Matlack, Timothy 2, 73 117 Matlack, William 3, 36 . 107 iMattson, Israel . 63 105 Matzinger, George 42 64 Matzinger, John Maur, Jacob 7 111 53 19 May, John 80 108 Mayer, George 20 1 Mayer, Jacob . 20 113 Mayer, Johannes . 72 11 Mayland, (Col.) Maynard, Joseph 00 15,53 73 116 Maysey, Thomas 110 6 McAlestor, John 18 92 McAnally, Henry MO 66 McCall, David 114 4 McCarter, Charles 25 83 McCarter, Daniel 95 46 McCartney, John 10 92 McCarty, Marks . 80 111 McCary, Daniel 03 68 McCausland, Marcus 71 19 McCausland, Robert . 74 91 McClarey, Archibald 23 3 McClatchie, William 50 63 McClenney, Thomas . McClentick, Matthew 76 26 29 McCollin, Andrew 50 14 McCotter, James . 6 111 McCrea, Fergus 77 19 McCulley, Thomas 104 2 McCulloh, John 6 96 McDermott, William . 109 138 INDEX OP NAMES. McDonald, Alexander PAGE 108 Metzinger, Michael PAGE 3 McDonald, Donald 104 Mevins, Henry 71 McDonald, William . 81 Meyer, Joseph . 9 McDonnell, Edward 40 Meyland, Simgon . 65 McDowell, Thomas 4,49 Middlehauser, Friederich . 80 McElroy, Benjamin 110 Midwinter, John . 89 McElvain, William 38 Miers, Christopher 50 McFarland, Kennedy . 92 Miller, Andrew 23 McFarlane, John 14 Miller, Benjamin 48 McGee, Henry 8 Miller, Caspar 83 McGill, James . 1 Miller, Christopher 46 McGouen, John 03 Miller, Henry 95 McGregor, John 79 Miller, Jacob 102 McGregor, Richard 78 Miller, Johan Georg 36 McGuire, Matthew 25 Miller, John 15 Mcllench, John 30 Miller, John . 84 Mclntire, Andrew 12 Miller, John 93 Mclntire, Thomas . 28 Miller, Magnus 95 Mcintosh, Donald 55 Miller, Martin 7 Mcintosh, John 99 Miller, Nicholas 14 McKendrick, Archibald 39 Miller, Robert . . . 15 McKennan, John . 51 Miller, William 14 McKenzie, William Jackson 106 Miller, William 95 McKiernan, Charles 116 Miller, William . 103 McKim, John . 4 Mills, John 15 McKinsey, John 111 Mingle, John Mitchel, John . 117 McLean, Daniel 21 56 McLean, James 25 Mitchell, Hugh 10 McLean, Keneth 78 Mitchell, John . 29 McMahon, Michael 88 Mits, John Conrad 104 McMichael, William 46 Molineux, Frederick 98 McMillen, James 77 Montgomery, Daniel 74 McMullen, James 80 Montgomery, Duncan 110 McMullen, Michael 20 Montgomery, James 23 McNachtane, John 74 Montgomery, William 31 McNair, John 14 Moore, Bartholomew 2 iBcSparran, William . McVeagh, Benjamin 9 Moore, George 65 56 Moore, George . 106 Meade, George 97 Moore, Hugh 76 Mears, John . 94 Moore, J 27 Meayn, Ludwig 80 Moore, John 11 Mellen, Peter 41 Moore, John . 75 Mellenberger, Peter . Mellor, Johann Xhart 13 Moore, Philip 24 64 Moore, Robert 41 Melvin, Robert . 84 Moore, Robert K. 115 Mentges, Philip 27 Moore, William 37 Mentz, Jomel 94 Moore, William 43 Mercier, Joseph 104 Moore, (Justice) 60 Meridith, Charles 10 Morgan, John . 51 Mervine, Andrew 4 Morgan, Thomas 17 Mesnard, Thomas 03 Morgan, Thomas 42 Metay, William 11 Morrell, Robert . 27, 97 Metts, Adam 43 Morris, Evan . 0 INDEX OF NAMES. 139 Morris, Luke, Junr. PAGE 21 Oliver, George PAGE 73 Morris, Thomas A. 104 O'Neill, Alexander Louis 69 Morrison, Daniel 11 O'Neill, Thomas . 106 Morton, George Morton, Israel . 8 Opperman, Adam Ord, John 77 7 49 Moser, George 14 Organ, John 30 Moylan, Jasper Alexander 70 Orner, Michael .) Moylan, John 70 Osmos, Henry . 91 Moyston, Edward 106 Oswald, Eleazer . 23 Muller, Christian . 81 Oswald, Robert 113 Muller, Johannes 55 Otenkerken, John 17 Miiller, Michael 15 Ott, Peter . 21 Murdaugh, James 48 Otto, Francis 77 Murgatroyd, John 10 Otto, Johannes . 83 Murphy, Alexander . 93 Overly, John 38 Murphy, Thomas . 71 Overstake, Christian 56 Murry, Jeremiah 74 Owens, Patrick 25 Mussi, Joseph 114 Owens, William "•» 115 Muster, John . 83 Myers, Henry Myrtelus, Adam 84 Packer, James . 40 3 Paisley, Robert 114 Paleske, Charles 105 Naer, David Nassau, John JYeffets, Edward Neill, James . Nesbit, J. M. Nevell, Thomas Nevil, James Newark, Thomas Newel, David Nice, John Nice, Lewis Nicholas, William . Nicol, Robert Nicholson, John Niemond, Johann Nimmo, Alexander Nixon, John Nolbrow, William . 66966337 2 6 96 73 116 596254 112113 89 . 104 2 15 Palmer, John Palmer, Joseph Palmer, Thomas Pancoast, David Panrert, Johann Parker, Richard Parkes, Joseph Parkhill, Andrew Parkhill, John Parkmann, Johannes Paschal, Benjamin Paschall, Benjamin Paschall, Benjamin Paschall, Thomas Patterson, John Pattison, Robert Patton, John Patton, William Paul David . 16, 40 18, 4941 18 64 106 45 0313 77 48 S 41 '¦35 2127 20 i; Nouveller, Matthias Norton, William . Nourse, Joseph . 37 29 68 Paul, Jonathan Peale, James Pearson, Joshua 0 18 20 Nuff, Melchoir Nugent, Edmond Nugent, James 40 18,46 65 Peiss, George Pelozi, Vicenzo Maria Peltz, Philip . 53 100 103 Pemberton, Handy . 106 O'Donnell, Patrick 75 Pemberton, Joseph 46 Oellers, James . 46 Pendleton, Solomon 95 Ogden, John . 24 Penington, Daniel . 110 Ogden, Joseph, Junr. Ofll, Henry 61,64 Penrose, Isaac . 19 92 Penrose, Samuel . 17, 48 140 INDEX OF NAMES. PAGE PAGE Perkins, William . 66 Pugh, Henry 19 Perree, Nicholas 64 Pugh, William . 36 Perret, Henry 13 Pulaski, Count 69 Perry, Richard . 73 Peterman, Christian 47 Quain, John . 14 Peters, Garrett . 26 Queerfort, Henry 90 Peters, Capt. John 58 Quest, Nicholas 54 Peters, Samuel . 17 Quin, Jeremiah 57 Peters, William, Junr. . 74 Quinlen, John 97 Pettit, Charles . 23 Pettit, Thomas 72 Rambo, Peter 16 Phelps, Matthew 22 Randall, Thomas 108 Phile, Charles 50 Ranganer, Jacob 79 Phile, John 23 Rasbotham, James 41 Phillips, John 100 Ratzner, George 18 Pierie, Martin 53 Read, George . 76 Pigeon, Conrad 12 Read, James . o Pigisson, John . 95 Read, John 28 Pine, Lazarus 6 Read, Samuel 75 Pine, Robert E. 113 Rede, Zeman Thomas 98 Pinkerton, William . 105 Reed, Christopher 58 Pinton, William 46 Reed, Francis 81 Pittman, Zacarius . 85 Reed, Joseph , . 2 Plack, Friederich 37 Rees, James 114 Plain, Felix . 85 Reffert, Philip 6 Platt, Daniel 93 Reid, Christopher 44 Pleiney, John 70 Reidezel, 95 Plunket, Robert 42 Reiley, John, Junr. 41 Pollard, John 59 Reiley, Patrick 65 Pollock, Oliver . 116 Reinbott, Christian Friederich . 81 Pool, Edward 28 Reinhard, Martin . 101 Porter, David 25 Reinhard, Peter 101 Porter, John . 17 Reinhart, George 60 Porter, John 50 Remender, Peter 39 Pot, Mattis . 60 Renno, Jacob 45 Poth, Adam, Junr. . 57 Renshaw, Thomas 47 Poth, Johannes 57 Reshong, David 61 Powell, Anthony 81 Rey, Andrew . 30 Powell, Lawrence 19 Rey, Jean Louis 15 Powell, Peter . 55 Reynhart, Francis 77 Powell, William 13 Reynard, John 78 Power, Alexander 25 Rhea, John 27 Prescott, Roger 101 Rice, John 13 Presuhn, Heinrich . 88 Rice, Joseph 25 Price, Edward 8 Rice, Nicholas 42 Price, Joseph 5 Richards, David 41 Price, Lewis 82 Richards, John, Junr. . 112 Price, Rees 19, 37 Richards, William 7 Price, Richard 38 Richardson, William 109 Prichard, William 65 Richie, Edward 38 Pride, James 105 Richhowser, John . 84 Pritchett, Rowland 67 Richman, Thomas 57 Pritner, Philip 17 Rickneal, Jacob 21 INDEX OF NAMES. 141 PAGE PAGE Riddle, David 19 Rundleman, John . 86, Riddle, John 52 Rush, William . 7 Ried, John . 12 Rusk, William 10 Riffets, Edward 55 Russegue, Timothy . Russell, Alexander 79 Rigg, Robert . 7 28 Righter, Daniel 2 Russell, James . 5,40 Righter, John 2 Rutherford, John . 13 Righter, John . 2 Rutter, George . 61 Righter, John 35 Ryan, Edward 80 Righter, Michael 2 Ryan, James 108 Rinaldi, Charles 94 Ryan, Timothy . 109 Ritgie, John 89 Ryan, Thomas 113 Ritiger, Johannes 9 Rittenhouse, David 6, 99 Sadler, John 102 Ritter, Charles 52 Sainton, John 112 Robert, John 80 Saldrich, David 49 Roberts, Abraham 60 Sallier, Jacque 112 Roberts, Algernon 16 Saltar, Richard . 4 Roberts, James . 110 Sample, Thomas Sauder, Caspar . Saunders, William 88 Roberts, John . 9,42 2 Roberts, William 90 39 Robinett, Joseph 59 Sautter, Johannes 87 Robinson, James 86 Savage, Darby 39 Robinson, Richard 40 Savett, Henry . 14 Robinson, William 36 Savidge, John 29 Robinson, William 41 Saxton, Jared . 50 Robson, Robert 52 Scheiler, Johann . 80 Rogers, Benjamin 101 Schin, Conrad . 61 Rogers, Isabella 70 Schlosser, George 7 Rogers, James 58 Schmidt, Caspar 94 Ronals, James 77 Schmitt, Heinrich . 69 Roney, James . 107 Schmitt, Johannes . - 67 Roof, John 99 Schmitt, Valentin . 76 Rose, Peter 8 Schmyser, Michael . ¦ 53 Rose, William 7 Schneider, Christian 7 Rosenberger, Godfi ey 80 Schneider, George 14 Ross, George 5 Schneider, Johan . 92 Ross, Hugh Rossiter, Thomas, i 39 Schrack, Jacob . 03 unr. 48 Schreiner, Jacob . 0 Roth, Philip 5 Schunel, Baltus 80 Rothbottom, James 12 Sehwalbah, Henry 1 Rothmann, Johann 74 Schwallach, Heinrich 55 Roue, Thomas 41 Scot, Robert . 25 Rouking, John . Roun, Conrad 6 Scott, Thomas 2 110 Scott, William 94 Rowand, Jacob . 8 Scravendyke, Peter 107 Rudolph, Christian 49 Scull, Benjamin 51 Rudolph, George 114 Scully, Barnaby 30 Rudolph, Tobias . 49 Sears, Lemuel 22 Rudolph, Wilhelm Rue, Joseph . Rumble, Philip . 96 Seddon, Thomas 106 63 Seegez, Frederick . 3 3 Seitz, John Adam 98 Rumel, Georg 83 Seixas, Abraham . 23 142 INDEX OF NAMES. Sellers, David PAGE 50 Sellers, John, Junr. 107 Sellers, Joseph 4,43 Sellers, Nn. 36 Semple, Alexander 72 Semple, John 85 Serre, Francois 112 Shajrert, Bernhard Shaller, Conrad 87 9 Shaper, John 14 Sharp, Andrew 5 Sharp, Jacob 5 Sharswood, George 35 Shaw, Daniel 12 Shaw, George 54 Shaw, Patrick 29 Shee, John 76 Sheldon, Isaac . 22 Shelvough, William Shetler. Martin . 86 95 Shetzline, Adam . 66 Shields, John . 94 Shiell, William, M.D. . 64 Shilling, Michael 13 Shisler, Godfrey . 17, 53 Shiver, Michael . 54 Shlotman, Alexander 95 Shmid, Friederich 92 Sholtz, Martin Henry . 95 Shoster, Henry . 8 Shove, John Albert 86 Shreiber, Jacob SO Shrive, Samuel 59 Shriver, Joseph Shubert, Michael 4 5 Shuchard, Peter 85 Shuder, Ludwick . GO Shughart, Johannes 90 Shuman, Friederich 86 Sibley, Jacob 24 Sibley, Rudolph . 8,38 Sicard, Stephen 100 Sickard, Georg David . 16 Sieman, Waldrop 78 Sim, Robert . 93 Simes, Samuel . 108 Simmons, Thomas . 06 Simon, Johan Barnard 67 Simons, Stephen . 46 Sims, Bartholomew 102 Simter, John 118 Singelton, Richard 42 Sink, Abraham 16 Sink, George . PAUK 12 Sinket, Daniel 89 Sisson, Thomas 115 Sitzdorff, Wilhelm . 94 Skellorn, Richard . 58 Sleigh, Christian 51 Sloan, William 10 Smallwood, Peter 11 Smaltz, Heinrich . 11 Smith, Benjamin 23 Smith, Benjamin H. . 114 Smith, Christopher 115 Smith, Daniel 95 Smith, George . 115 Smith, Hosea 21 Smith, Jacob 14 Smith, Jacob . 02 Smith, James . 68 Smith, John 5 Smith, John 28 Smith, John 37 Smith, John 60 Smith, John Erdman 10 Smith, Jonathan 13 Smith, Jonathan, Junr. . 115 Smith, Joseph 13 Smith, Matthew 2 Smith, Michael . 3 Smith, Philip . 24, 78 Smith, Robert 97 Smith, Robert 101 Smith, Robert, Junr. 101 Smith, Samuel 01 Smith, Thomas . 17 Smith, Thomas 07 Smith, William . 91 Smith, William . . 110 Smith, William Austin 71 Smithson, (Justice) 2(1 Smock, Robert . 20 Sneider, Benedict . 00 Snelhart, John . 65 Sneling, George 15 Snyder, George 55 Snyder, John 114 Softer, John 15 Soly, Alexander 18 Sothern, William 110 Souder, Casper Sowersby, William 47 41 Soytder, Gotfred 80 Spalter, John 85 Sparks, Henry 73 .INDEX OF NAMES. 143 PAGE PAGE Spede, John 20 Stow, George 14 Speel, George . 66 Stow, Lazarus . 25 Spence, Andrew . . 102 Stretch, Joseph 3 Spencer, Daniel 58 Strieker, John . 25 Spiegel, John Spinks, James . 12 Stroud, William . 37 39 Stuart, John 51 Spitter, Christopher . 108 Stull, Casper . 60 Spooner, John . 89 Sturgis, James . 10 Spottswood, William 30 Sturgis, Joseph Summers, John 6 Stafford, John . 24 114 Stagg, Benjamin . Stainbaugh, Johannes Stanley, Michael 24 Summers, Samuel . 91 96 Sutter, Peter 3 12 Sutton, John . 60 Stanley, Peter . 102 Swain, William Nathaniel 105 Stanley, Valentine 102 Swartz, Philip 22 Stanley, William 53 Swats, George . 11 Stanton, Jonathan 63 Swetzer, Conrad 59 Starke, John 10 Symington, Alexander Syng, Philip .... 109 Stear, George Stedman, Charles 81 5 16 Steel, David . 107 Taggart, David 52 Steel, James 11 Tawney, James . 14 Steel, James . 74 Taylor, Angus . 118 Steel, Thomas . 24 Taylor, Jacob . 109 Steel, Thomas 107 Taylor, Ludwig 9 Steller, Adam 27 Taylor, Peter . 6 Steinmetz, John 18 Taylor, Richard . 13, 57 Steinmires, Jacob 11 Taylor, Robert . 97 Stephnon, George 87 Taylor, Samuel 8 Stern, Samuel . 14,40 Taylor, Solomon 15 Sternbak, Henry . 112 Teigh, Charles 67 Stettenfield, Jacob 56 Telman, John . 67 Stevens, James 105 Thaw, Benjamin . 39 Stewart, Alexander . 97 Thayer, Bartholomew 47 Stewart, Charles . 50 Thiell, Henry 10 Stewart, James . 114 Thomas, Absalom 107 Stewart, Robert 93 Thomas, John 45 Stiles, John 26 Thomas, Joseph 107 Stiles, Joseph 8 Thomas, Luke 74 Stiles, William 101 Thomas, Peter . 115 Stilwil, Charles 72 Thomas, William . 91 Stock, Philip Stockham, George . 57 Thompson, James 10 36 Thompson, James 35 Stokes, George . 57 Thompson, John 25 Stokes, James 75 Thompson, Thomas 42 Stoll, William 49 Thompson, William . 98 Stoltz, Conrad 46 Thomson, James Hampden 22 Stone, John 1 Thomson, William 41 Stoneman, John 53 Thorn, William . 13 Stoup, Vandel . 84 Thornhill, John, Junr. 11 Stout, Peter . 9 Tibin, John, Junr. 3 Stoute, George . 53 Tilghman, Edward, Junr. . 29 Stow, Charles 40 Till, George . 13 144 INDEX OF NAMES. Tilman, Christopher PAGE 84 Walsh, James PAGE 49 Tiviman, Robert 88 Walter, Martin 38 Tobin, Edmond 50 Walters, Johannes 17 Tod, Alexander 53 Walters, John . 7 Tod, James . . 102 Warner, Isaac 3!) Todd, Charles . 103 Warner, Philip . 40 Todd, George 77 Warner, William, Junr. 15 Tom, Samuel 36 Warnick, Albert 98 Tomkins, John 47 Washington, (General) . 70 Topliff, Richard 39 Wasphael, Godfried . Wathens, Capt. Joseph Watkings, Joseph 73 Tottie, Benjamin . 49 59 Towers, Robert, Junr. 8 60 Town, Henry 108 Watkins, William . 6 Transo, John Jacob 56 Watson, Archibald 39 Trempor, William . 43 Watts, Robert . 102 Tren, Jacob 20 Watts, Thomas . 37 Truckenmiller, Philip 3 Way, Andrew 10 Tudor, George . 27 Wayne, Abraham 55 Tullon, Christian . 110 Weaver, John 4 Tullon, Godfrey 110 Weaver, John . . 17, 38 Turner, David 98 Weaver, Paul 94 Tustin, William 43 Webb, Joseph 15 Tybout, Andrew 3 Weekes, Henry 97 Tyson, Matthias 19 Weiss, Matthias 51 Tyson, William 19 Welch, Thomas 48 Wenemon, Philip 58 Umbright, Johan . 15 Werrebrouek, Andrew . 113 Underwood, James 42 West, James 49 Weston, William . 58 Van Beck, Christian 66 Wetzel, Godfrey 66 Vandegrift, Joshua 108f Weyant, John 1 Van Eckhent, Charles 100 Weyland, Martin 28 Vannost, John 43 Wharton, Carpenter 46 Van Tassel, Justice 95 Wharton, Charles 17 Van Vleck, Isaac . 29 Wharton, Isaac 17 Vaughan, Thomas 4 Wharton, Lloyd 106 Veder, John . 98 Whelan, Edward . 27, 97 Venia, Bastia 9 White, George . 108 Vensell, George 87 White, John . . 29, 50 Vestard, John . 6 White, John . 53 Vickers, Thomas 100 White, Joseph 85 Vogel, Daniel 79 White, Peter . 108 White, Silvester 75 Wade, James 108 White, Thomas . 90 Wade, Thomas 51 Whitehead, James 25 Wagner, Ferdinand . 90 Whiteman, Caspar 19 Wahl, Johann Heinrich 84 Whiteman, John 13 Waine, John 13 Whiteman, John 54 Walker, George 16,84 Whitman, Jacob . 46 Wallace, John . 67 Whittington, William 38 Wallace, Richard 28 Widdos, Isaac 38 Wallace, Robert 27 Wiear, James 90 Walravin, John 109 Wiest, Heinrich 81 INDEX OE NAMES. 145 Williams, Bedford PAGE 23 Wright, William PAGE .' 10 Williams, Ennion 47 Wusman, Yo'riek 64 Williams, Humphrey 68 Wyant, John 12 Williams, James 103 Wynn, Pastorius 36 Williams, Jeremiah 56 Wynn, Thomas . 116 Williams, John . 18 Williams,. Thomas . 82 Yard, James . 117 Williams, William 25 Yerger, John 40 Williamson, James 99 Young, Andrew 60 Williamson, Joseph 40 Young, Edward 11 Willing, James 23 Young, George . 9,42 Willis, Seth 9 Young, John 10 Willson, John 109 Young, John 18 Willson, William 92 Young, John 66 Wilson, Robert 8 Young, Llewelyn 19 Wilson, William 52 Young, Philip . 9 Wilson, William . 72 Young, Philip 42 Winckel, Carsten 112 Young, Philip 103 Winckler, Frederick William . 100 Young, Samuel 8 Winter, James' 19 Young, William 104 Witherspoon, D. . Wonderly, Jacob 23 Young, William 106 115 Young, (Justice) . 20, 48 Wood, George 37 Wood, John 12 Zane, Jonathan 18 Wood, Joseph 49 Zeigler, Andrew . Zell, David 56 Worrel, Morris . 54 19 Worrell, Jonathan 101 Zimmerman, Jacob 90 Wortzheiser, Christian 42 Zinck, Jacob 48 Wright, John 75 Zipolt, John Martin 78 ^p^&**t >__M____l_i ^*<___ ^* _! - A ^ _¦ ¦\ <<# h %-\ W ^m| \5J v A, & ¦L %f saa A -- : ¦ A, '*A«AA- _*!.__» ¦-:¦?-,¦ -.¦¦,¦; ....- ¦ ' - ,'%'j L^W^i*» ¦¦> ¦¦¦ ¦ .". ^P^ _# <- PV* 3&i&W.A,f, Ho *#*- S*?w; ___,____j___ m wai ¦ s't --*&¦>**" «.~ . • ¦ ' ..:.¦¦: .•¦¦ A AAA; ¦iA-AA