If \<\ The Peacock sunk by Ihc Hornet. HORNET AND PEACOCK. 215 shot, and exchanged broadsides. The enemy was now in the act of wearing, when Captain Lawrence bore up, received his starboard broadside, and ran him close on board on the starboard quarter; from which position he kept up so close and bloody a fire, that in less than fifteen minutes from the commence ment of the action, the British struck their colours, and hoisted a signal of distress. Lieutenant Shubrick instantly went on board, and found that she was cut to pieces, her captain killed, many of the crew killed and wounded, her mainmast gone by the board, six feet water in the hold and sinking very fast. The two ships were immediately brought to anchor, and the Hornet's boats despatched to bring off the wounded; but, although her guns were thrown overboard, the ^hot holes which could be got at plugged, and every exertion made by pumping and bailing to keep her afloat, so completely had she been shattered that she sunk before the prisoners could be removed, canying down thirteen of her crew, as well as three men be longing to the Hornet. Lieutenant Connor and the other officers and men employed in removing the prisoners, narrowly escaped by jumping into a boat, as the Peacock went down ; and four seamen of the Hornet ran up into the foretop at the same time, and were taken off by the boats. The Peacock was deemed one of the finest ships of her class in the British navy. In size she was about equal to the Hornet; but, in guns and men, the Hornet was somewhat, though very little, her supe rior ; and by no means so much so, as to give her any decided advantage. The loss on board the Peacock could not be precisely ascertained. Captain Peake 216 TREATMENT OF PRISONERS. was twice wounded, the second time mortally. Four men were found dead on board. The master and thirty-two others were wounded, three of whom after wards died. The Hornet had only one man killed, and two slightly wounded. Her rigging and sails were much cut, but her hull received very little injury. During the engagement, the vessel which the Hornet had been endeavouring to reach before the Peacock bore down, lay at anchor within six miles, and as she was a brig — the Espiegle — carrying fifteen thirty- two pound carronades and two long, nines, it was supposed that she would attack the Hornet, after the latter had been disabled by the combat. The Hornet was immediately prepared to receive her, and, by nine o'clock at night, her boats were stowed, a new set of sails bent, and every thing ready for action. She, however, declined coming out. The next morning, Captain Lawrence found that he had two hundred and seventy souls on board the Hornet, and, as his creAV had for some time been on short allowance, re solved to steer for the United States. The officers of the Peacock received from those of the Hornet the most humane and honourable treatment; so penetrated with gratitude were they for the kindness which they had experienced, that they could not restrain the ex pression of their feelings till they reached England, but, on their arrival in the United States, published a letter of thanks to Captain Lawrence and his officers, in which they declared that such was the liberality displayed to them, that "they ceased to consider themselves prisoners." Nor was the rough generosity of the Hornet's crew less honourable. As the sailors of the Peacock had lost every thing except APPOINTED TO THE CHESAPEAKE. 217 what they had on their backs, when she went down, the crew of the Hornet united to relieve them ; and made every English sailor a present of two shirts and a blue jacket and pair of trowsers ; a true-hearted liberality, which raises them in our estimation higher than even their victory. Captain Lawrence returned to New York in safety, and, besides the applause which his country lavished upon him for his good conduct, had the satisfaction of learning, as we have already observed, that he had been promoted during his absence, and his rank set tled to his perfect satisfaction. Soon after his return he was ordered to the command of the frigate Constitu tion, with the temporary superintendence of the navy yard at New York. But the next day, to his great regret, he received instructions to repair to Boston, and take command of the Chesapeake frigate, then nearly ready for sea. This appointment was pecu liarly unpleasant, because the Chesapeake was not only considered as one of the very worst ships in the navy, but, in consequence of her disgrace in the rencontre with the Leopard, laboured under that dispiriting stigma among sailors, of being an " unlucky ship." These circumstances, combined with the state of his family, made Captain Lawrence unwilling to go to sea immediately, and he, therefore, requested to retain his situation in the Hornet. Disappointed in this wish, he then took command of the Chesapeake, at Boston, where he had been but a short time, when the British frigate Shannon, Captain Broke, appeared before the harbour, for the avowed purpose of seeking a combat with the Chesapeake. Stung with the re peated disasters of the British frigates, this officer 2E 19 218 THE CHALLENGE. resolved to make an effort to retrieve them ; and, when he deemed his ship perfectly prepared for that pur pose, sent a formal challenge to Captain Lawrence. "As the Chesapeake" — his letter began — "ap pears now ready for sea, I request you will do me the favour to meet the Shannon with her, ship to ship, to try the fortune of our respective flags. To an officer of your character, it requires some apology for pro ceeding to further particulars. Be assured, sir, that it is not from any doubt I entertain of your wishing to close with my proposal, but merely to provide an answer to any objection that might be made — and very reasonably — upon the chance of our receiving unfair support." After observing that Commodore Rodgers had not accepted several verbal challenges which he had given, Captain Broke then proceeds to state very minutely the force of the Shannon, and offers to send all British ships out of reach, so that they might have a fair combat, at any place within a eertain range along the coast of New England, which he specified ; if more agreeable, he offers to sail to gether, and to warn the Chesapeake, by means of private signals of the approach of British ships of war, till they reach some solitary spot — or to sail with a flag of truce to any place out of the reach of British aid, so that the flag should be hauled down when it was deemed fair to begin hostilities. " I en treat you, sir," he concludes, " not to imagine that I am urged by mere personal vanity to the wish of meeting the Chesapeake, or that I depend only upon your personal ambition for your acceding to this invitation. We have both nobler motives. You will feel it as a compliment, if I say that the result of our THE CHALLENGE. 219 meeting may be the most grateful service I can render to my country; and I doubt not that you, equally confident of success, will feel convinced that it is only by repeated triumphs in even combats, that your little navy can now hope to console your country for the loss of that trade it can no longer protect." The style of this letter, with the exception of the puerile bravado about Commodore Rodgers, is frank and manly ; and, if the force of the Shannon were correctly stated, would be such a challenge as might well be sent from a brave seaman to a gallant adver sary. We, however, are but two well satisfied, that Captain Broke studiously underrated the number of his guns and crew; or that, after his challenge, he must have received additions to both. That the Shannon had more guns than the number stated by her commander, we learn from the testimony of the surviving officers of the Chesapeake ; who also assert, that she had three hundred and seventy-six men ; that she had an officer and sixteen men from the Belle Poule ; and that the hats of some of her seamen were marked " Tenedos." Such as it was, however, this letter, most unfortunately, never reached Captain Lawrence. If he had received it— if he had been thus warned to prepare his ship — if he had had an opportunity of selecting his officers, and disciplining his crew — if, in short, he had been able to place the Chesapeake on any thing like equal terms with the Shannon, the combat might have been more bloody — there might have been such an engagement as has not yet been seen between single ships on the ocean ; though we cannot suffer ourselves to doubt the result of it. But he knew nothing of this challenge — he saw 220 THE CHESAPEAKE SAILS. only the Shannon riding before him in defiance ; he re membered the spirit with which he himself had over awed a superior, and he could not brook for a moment, that an enemy, which seemed to be his equal, should insult his flag. Although, therefore, the Chesapeake was comparatively an inferior ship — although his first lieutenant was sick on shore — although three of his lieutenants had recently left her ; and, of the four who remained, two were only midshipmen, acting as lieute nants — although part of his crew were new hands, and all of them had lost some of their discipline by staying in port — yet, as he would have gone to sea in that situa tion had no enemy appeared, he felt himself bound not to delay sailing on that account, and throwing himself, therefore, on his courage and his fortune, he determined at once to attack the enemy. It was on the morning of the 1st of June, 1813, that the Chesa peake sailed out of the harbour of Boston, to meet the Shannon. As soon as she got under weigh, Captain Lawrence called the crew together, and, having hoisted the white flag, with the motto of "free trade and sailors' rights," made a short address. His speech, however, was received with no en thusiasm — on the contrary, signs of dissatisfaction were evident ; particularly from a boatswain's mate, a Portuguese, who seemed to be at the head of the malcontents; and complaints were muttered, that they had not yet received their prize money. Such expressions, at the eve of an action, were but ill bodings of the result of it; but Captain Lawrence, ignorant as he was of the character of his sailors, and unwilling at such a moment to damp their spirits by harshness, preserved his accustomed calmness, and THE BATTLE. 221 had prize checks, at once, given by the purser to those who had not received them. While this scene was passing, the Shannon observing the Chesapeake coming out, bore away. The Chesapeake followed her till four o'clock, in the afternoon, when she hauled up and fired a gun, on which the Shannon hove to. They manoeuvred for some time, till at about a quar ter before six, they approached within pistol-shot, and exchanged broadsides. These broadsides were both bloody ; but the fire of the Shannon was most fortunate in the destruction of officers. The fourth lieutenant, Mr. Ballard, was mortally wounded — the sailing master was killed, and Captain Lawrence received a musket ball in his leg, which caused great pain, and profuse bleeding, but he leaned on the companion-way, and continued to order and to animate his crew. A second and a third broadside was exchanged, with evident advan tage on the part of the Chesapeake ; but, unfortu nately, among those now wounded on board of her, was the first lieutenant, Mr. Ludlow, who was carried below — three men were successively shot from the helm, in about twelve minutes from the commence ment of the action ; and, as the hands were shifting, a shot disabled her foresail, so that she would no longer answer her helm, and her anchor caught in one of the afterports of the Shannon, which enabled the latter to rake her upperdeck. As soon as Law rence perceived that she was falling to leeward, and that by the Shannon's filling she would fall on board, he called his boarders, and was giving orders about the foresail, when he received, a musket ball in his body. The bugleman, who should have called 19* 222 THE CHESAPEAKE BOARDED. the boarders, did not do his duty; and, at this moment, Commodore Broke, whose ship had suffered so much that he was preparing to repel boarding : perceiving, from this accident, how the deck of the Chesapeake was swept, jumped on board with about twenty men. They would have been instantly repelled ; but the captain, the first lieutenant, the sailing master, the boatswain, lieutenant of marines, the only acting lieutenant on the spardeck, were all killed or disabled. At the call of the boarders, Lieutenant Cox ran on deck, but just in time to receive his falling commander, and bear him below. Lieutenant Budd — the second lieutenant — led up the boarders, but only fifteen or twenty would follow him, and with these he defended the ship till he was wounded and disabled. Lieute nant Ludlow, wounded as he was, hurried upon deck, where he soon received a mortal cut from a sabre. The marines who were engaged fought with desperate courage ; but they were few in numbers ; too many of them having followed the Portuguese boatswain's mate, who exclaimed, it is said, as he skulked below, " so much for not paying men their prize money." Meanwhile the Shannon threw on board sixty addi tional men, who soon succeeded in overpowering the seamen of the Chesapeake, who had now no officers to lead or rally them, and took possession of the ship; which was not, however, surrendered by any signal of submission ; but, became the enemy's, only because they were able to overwhelm all who were in a con dition to resist. As Captain Lawrence was carried below, he per ceived the melancholy condition of the Chesapeake, but cried out, " Don't surrender the ship." He was DEATH OF LAWRENCE. 223 taken down in the wardroom, and, as he lay in ex cruciating pain, perceiving that the noise above had ceased, he ordered the surgeon to go on deck, and tell the officers to fight on to the last, and never strike the colours. "They shall wave," said he, " while I live." But it was too late to resist or to struggle longer; the enemy had already possession of the ship. As Captain Lawrence's wounds would not allow of his removal, he continued in the ward room, surrounded by his wounded officers, and, after lingering in great pain for four days, during which his sufferings were too acute to permit him to speak, or, perhaps, to think of the sad events he had just witnessed, or do more than ask for what his situation required, he died on the 5th of June. His body was wrapped in the colours of the Chesapeake, and laid on the quarterdeck, until they arrived at Halifax, where he was buried with the highest military and naval honours; the British officers forgetting, for a moment, in their admiration of his character, that he had been but lately their enemy. His pall was sup ported by the oldest captains in the navy then at Halifax, and no demonstration of respectful attention was omitted to honour the remains of a brave, but unfortunate stranger. Thus prematurely perished, at the age of thirty- two, this gallant and generous seaman. Lost, as he was, in the full vigour of his powers, and with the imperfect measure of his fame, our hopes are for bidden to dwell on the fond anticipation of what he might have been, and we are left to rest with a melancholy pleasure on the qualities which his short life had already developed. Lawrence seems to have 224 CHARACTER OF LAWRENCE. combined all the distinguished and endearing quali ties ; the openness of heart, the manliness of pride, the benevolence of feeling, the chivalrous courage, which our imagination ascribes to the perfection of the naval character. He was devoted to his profession, and to the service. During nearly sixteen years which he spent in the navy, he never had a furlough, except one for about six weeks. The perfect order of his ship bore testimony to his merits as a disciplinarian, while the zealous attachment of his crew, proved that his discipline had not been earned by harshness or severity. His courage was of a daring and desperate cast, but it was still regulated by a calm sobriety of judgment. Indeed, the characteristic quality of Lawrence — that which most distinguished him as an officer, was coolness and perfect self-possession in the midst of danger. Of his kindness, of the warmth and generosity of his heart, which rendered him, em phatically, a favourite of the navy, his brother officers are all willing witnesses. These remembrances are, however, most cherished, where they are now most consolatory — in the bosom of his family; of the two widowed sisters, whose cares, during his infancy, he repaid with the kindest protection; of his afflicted wife, who, with three children — the youngest born since his father's death — is left to lament a loss, which the sympathy of her country may, in some degree, we trust, alleviate. In this sanguinary engagement the destruction was nearly equal on both sides. The Chesapeake lost her commander and forty-seven men killed, and ninety-seven wounded, of whom fourteen afterwards died. Among these were Lieutenant Ludlow, first CAUSES OF THE CAPTURE. 225 lieutenant of the ship, and Lieutenant Ballard, the fourth lieutenant, both excellent officers. On the part of the Shannon, Captain Broke was dangerously wounded, though he has since recovered ; the first lieutenant, the purser, captain's clerk, and twenty-three seamen killed, and fifty-seven persons wounded, besides Captain Broke. The capture of the Chesapeake is to be ascribed wholly to the extraordinary loss of officers, (a loss without any precedent, as far as we can recollect, in naval history ;) and to her falling accidentally on board the Shannon. During the three broadsides, while the officers of the Chesapeake were living, and she was kept clear of the enemy, the superiority was manifestly with the Americans. The Chesapeake had received scarcely any damage, while the Shannon had several shot between wind and water, and could with difficulty be kept afloat during the succeeding night. It was only when accident threw the Chesa peake on board the Shannon, when her officers were unable to lead on the boarders, that Captain Broke himself — contrary, we believe, to the regulations of the British navy — left his own ship, and was able, by superior numbers, to overpower the distracted crew of the Chesapeake. We have heard many accounts which we are very reluctantly compelled to believe, of improper conduct by the British after the capture, and of brutal violence offered to the crew of the Chesapeake. As, however, some allowances are due to the exasperated passions of the moment; something, too, to the confusion of a bloody and doubtful struggle, we are unwilling to 2F 226 ANECDOTES. prolong the remembrance of imputations which may be disproved, and, perhaps, have been exaggerated. But we should wrong the memory of Captain Lawrence — we should be unjust to the officers of the American navy, with whose glory all the aspiring ambition of the country is so closely blended — if we omitted any opportunity of giving the last and fairest lustre to their fame, by contrasting their conduct with that of the enemy ; or, if we forbore, from any mis placed delicacy towards our adversaries, to report circumstances connected with the fate of the Chesa peake, which throw a broad and dazzling light on the generous magnanimity of our countrymen. When Captain Hull took the Guerriere, every chest, trunk, and box belonging to the officers, con taining, it was known, the fruits of a long cruise, much of it against our own country, was delivered to them without examination. The very trifles which the crew of the Constitution saved from the Guerriere, before she was blown up, were scrupulously restored to the English sailors; no article of private property was touched. When Commodore Decatur took the Macedonian, he purchased from Captain Carden upwards of a thousand dollars worth of things in the ship, and Captain Carden was permitted to take the rest on shore. To such an extent was this kindness abused, that every knife and fork — every cup and saucer — every plate and dish — every chair and table — in short, every thing which Captain Carden had used, was taken on shore ; and, before the Macedonian reached New York, the prize'master was obliged to send on ANECDOTES. 227 board the United States for the most common articles of daily use, as the prisoners had taken them all away. At the same time, the wardroom officers of the United States purchased their wine and other articles from the wardroom officers of the Macedonian. When Commodore Bainbridge took the Java, all the property of all the officers and all the passengers, and the plate belonging to a high military commander, were restored instantly. The American officers would have deemed it disgraceful to retain the private property of a brother officer, even though he were an enemy and a prisoner. When Captain Lawrence took the Peacock, and the officers and crew of that vessel were left destitute, the officers and crew of the Hornet fed and clothed them from their own stores. When the Chesapeake was taken by the Shannon, the key of Captain Lawrence's storeroom was de manded of the purser. It was given ; but the purser observed, at the same time, that in the captures of the Guerriere, Macedonian, and Java, the most scru pulous regard was paid to the private property of the British officers ; that Captain Lawrence had laid in stores for a long cruise ; and that the value of them would be a great object to his widow and. family, for whose use he was desirous, if possible, of preserving them. This request was not merely declined — it was haughtily and superciliously refused. Well, then — the enemy captured the Chesapeake — they enjoyed the little private property of Captain Lawrence; but they have not taken from him any of his individual fame, nor of his country's glory. However we may mourn the sufferings of that day, 228 COMPARATIVE FORCE. the loss of the Chesapeake has not, in our estima tion, varied the relative standing of the .marine of the two countries ; nor does it abate, in the slightest degree, any of the loftiness of our naval pretensions. The contest was wholly unequal in ships, in guns, in crews, in officers, in every thing. The Shannon was a better ship ; she had not upon her the curse of that ill-omened name, the Chesapeake. The Shannon was a stronger ship; she mounted twenty-eight eighteeen pounders on the maindeck, twenty-two thirty-two pound carronades, and two long brass nines or twelves, on the spardeck, and a large carronade amidships, in all fifty-two guns, besides this last heavy carronade ; while the Chesa peake mounted twenty-eight eighteen pounders on the maindeck, and twenty thirty-two pound carronades, and one eighteen pounder — chase gun — on the spar- deck, in all forty ^nine guns. The Shannon had a better crew. Besides her complement she had seamen from two other ships. That crew, too, had been long at sea ; long in the ship ; were known ; were tried ; and, as Commodore Broke sent a challenge, were, of course, men in whom — if they were not picked for the occasion — he knew he could confide. The Chesapeake had, on the contrary, in part, a new crew, unknown to their officers, not yet knowing their places, or the ship. The ship had not been more than a few hours at sea, and the landsmen and the landswomen had been dis missed from her on the very day of the engagement. The officers, too, although we should be the last to detract from their merits, and although the manner in which they fought their ship does them the highest GENERAL REMARKS. 229 honour, the officers were young and few in number, and had as yet scarcely any opportunity of disciplin ing or knowing their seamen; yet, under all these disadvantages, the great damage sustained by the Shannon, and the great loss of her crew, all of which took place before the boarding, warrant completely the opinion, that but for the accidental loss of officers, the victory would have been with the Chesapeake. So far, indeed, from humbling our national pride, the stubbornness with which, in spite of its inequality, this combat was sustained, only confirms us in a be lief, not created by the events of that war, though not likely to be much shaken by them — a belief formed on circumstances which even a series of naval losses cannot now control — a belief, too, in avowing which we are quite content to incur the charge of over weening national prejudice — that in all the qualities essential to success on the ocean, the American seamen are not equal, but superior to the British seamen. It is no merit of theirs. Nature and circumstances have made them so. But so it is — they are physi cally superior ; they are morally superior. The warm and variable climate of the United States, has, to a certain degree, melted the original English constitu tion of our ancestors, till, instead of the broad shoul dered and ruddy form of the people of Great Britain, the Americans are a thinner race of men, with less personal strength and stamina, but with more activity, more quickness, more alertness. The lower classes of people in this country, too, derive from their popu lar institutions more intelligence and education, they learn more, they learn easier, while the wider field for exertion, and the perfect freedom of employing 20 230 GENERAL REMARKS. themselves in their own way, gives to the American character a certain play, and vigour, and animation not found in any other nation. The Americans, moreover, are generally younger men, more in the vigour of life. The state of our trade also renders our seamen more adventurous. They make longer voyages, in smaller ships, and brave more dangers than can be experienced in the regular and monopolised, and convoyed commerce of Great Britan. They, be sides, enter into the service voluntarily, and for short periods, and their minds have more of the elasticity of freedom than the seamen entombed on board a British man of war. The effect which these circumstances might naturally be supposed to produce we have often seen. The Americans vanquished the English at sea again and again during the Revolution. In the war with France, the American squadrons were at least as active, as brave, and as vigilant against the enemy, as those of England. While the two navies were together in the Mediterranean, the superiority in ships, crews, and officers was, in the opinion of every stranger, decidedly with the Americans. How that pre-eminence was sustained in the recent war, need not be told. In short, the American seamen have always held that high rank on the ocean from which the casual loss of the Chesapeake, in an ill-matched combat, cannot degrade them, and which, we are sure, with the blessing of God, and a liberal policy from their country, they will always maintain.* Since the close of the war of 1812, the British historians have laboured hard to show that all the naval victories gained by the Americans, during that * Port Folio. GENERAL REMARKS. 231 war, were the result of untoward accidents, or of a greatly superior force on our side. James, in his " Naval History," and Alison, in his recent " History of Europe," have distorted facts, and made wholly unfounded statements for this purpose. But the true state of the case was directly the reverse. Our vic tories were won by superior gunnery and superior discipline, and their only one, where single frigates were opposed, was clearly the result of untoward accidents. By a process of careful analogy, some of our own writers have shown the grounds on which we declare our victories to have been fairly won ; and yet our late enemies pretend to cite American authority for accounts of these victories in which the national vanity of the British is grossly and systemati cally flattered at the expense of truth and justice. 'mm ISAAC HULL. SAAC HULL was born in Derby, near New Haven, Connecticut, in the year 1775. His career on the ocean commenced when he was a mere boy. At the age of twelve years he went on board a prize taken by his father from the British, during the Revolution. His early adventures in the merchant service were of a very romantic character. Before he entered the navy, he had made eighteen voyages to different parts of Europe and the West 232 SERVICE IN THE WEST INDIES. 233 Indies. He entered the navy, as lieutenant, on the 9th of March, 1798. His first active service was in the war with the French Republic, during the administration of John Adams. It will be recollected that the operations of this war were confined chiefly to the extirpation of a species of vermin called French privateers from the West India seas, an exceedingly toilsome, but in glorious service. The most celebrated actions of the war are the two battles of Commodore Truxtun, in each of which he compelled a French frigate of superior force to strike. Hull, however, then first lieutenant of the frigate Constitution, under Commo dore Talbot, was fortunate enough, in May, 1790, to obtain a separate command for a certain piece of service, which he achieved in a very brilliant style. It having been ascertained that a French letter of marque, the Sandwich, was lying in Port Platte, St. Domingo, Commodore Talbot detached Mr. Hull, lieutenant of the Constitution, to reconnoitre in one of the frigate's cutters, and soon after finding the American sloop Sally, employed on the coast of the island, he threw a party of seamen and marines into her, under the command of Mr. Hull, who arrived off the port, with most of his men below, and so ar ranged matters, that no suspicion of his intention was excited. The Sally ran the Sandwich aboard, the party of Mr. Hull went into her, and carried her without the loss of a man. At the same moment, Captain Carmick landed with the marines, entered the Spanish battery, under whose protection the Sandwich was lying, and spiked the guns. The Sandwich was stripped to her girt-line, and every 2 G 20* 234 CAPTURE OF DERNE. thing was below. She was captured at midday, and, before sunset, she had her royal yards across, her guns scaled, her American crew quartered, and soon after she weighed, beat out of the harbour, and joined the frigate. Hull always considered this one of the most creditable of his achievements, and it is so re garded by the best judges of nautical exploits. It turned out, however, unfortunately for the Constitu tion's people; for the legality of the capture in a neutral port being questioned, not only was the Sand wich restored to her owners, but all the prize money of the cruise went to pay damages.* In the Tripolitan war of 1804, Hull's services were more important. It is well known that General Eaton, by taking up the cause of the deposed Bashaw of Tripoli, Hamet Caramalli, and assisting him to capture Derne, came so near overturning the govern ment, and humbling the barbarians to our own terms, that he was only prevented from doing this by the precipitate treaty of Mr. Lear. It is not so well known that it was Hull who aided General Eaton in the most essential manner by furnishing funds, con veying him to Egypt, and, finally, by battering the town and fortifications, while Eaton and his allies were attacking it on the land side. The singularity of this affair — a body of Americans allied with Turks, attacking an African town by sea and land and capturing it — renders it one of the most romantic achievements in which Mr. Hull was ever engaged. At the commencement of the war of 1812, Hull having been advanced in the meantime to the rank of * Cooper's Naval History. ESCAPE OF THE CONSTITUTION 235 captain, was placed in command of the frigate Con stitution, in which he was destined to perform those brilliant actions which have rendered him one of the most celebrated heroes of our navy. His first exploit was the escape of the Constitution from a British squadron, which is justly regarded as one of the most remarkable recorded in naval history. The account of it contained in the official letter of Captain Hull has all the interest of a romance. It is as follows : — " United States'1 frigate Constitution, at Sea, July 21, 1812. Sir : — In pursuance of your orders of the 3d instant, I left An napolis on the 5th instant, and the capes on the 12th, of which I advised you by the pilot who brought the ship to sea. For several days after we got out, the wind was light and ahead, which, with a strong southerly current, prevented our making much way to the northward. On the 17th, at two, P. M., being in twenty-two fathoms water off Egg harbour, four sail of ships were discovered from the masthead, to the northward and in shore of us, apparently ships of war. The wind being very light all sail was made in chase of them, to ascertain whether they were the enemy's ships, or our squadron having got out of New York, wait ing the arrival of the Constitution, the latter of which I had reason to believe was the case. At four, in the afternoon, a ship was seen from the masthead, bearing about N. E., standing for us under all sail, which she con tinued to do until sundown, at which time she was too far off to distinguish signals, and the ships in shore only to be seen from the tops ; they were standing off to the southward and eastward. As we could not ascertain before dark what the ship in the offing was, I determined to stand for her, and get near enough to make the night signal. At ten, in the evening, being within six or eight miles of the strange sail, the private signal was made, and kept up nearly one hour, but finding she could not answer it, I concluded she and the ships in shore were enemy. 236 FROM A BRITISH SQUADRON. I immediately hauled off to the southward and eastward, and made all sail, having determined to lie off til] daylight to see what they were. The ship that we had been chasing hauled off after us, showing a light, and occasionally making signals, supposed to be for the ships in shore. On the 18th, at daylight, or a little before it was quite light, saw two sail under our lee, which proved to be frigates of the enemy's. One frigate astern within about five or six miles, and a line of battle ship, a frigate, a brig, and schooner, about ten or twelve miles directly astern, all in chase of us, with a fine breeze, and coming up fast, it being nearly calm where we were. Soon after sunrise, the wind entirely left us and the ship would not steer, but fell round off with her head towards the two ships under our lee. The boats were instantly hoisted out, and sent ahead to tow the ship's head round, and to endeavour to get her farther from the enemy, being then within five miles of three heavy frigates. The boats of the enemy were got out and sent ahead to tow, by which, with the light air that remained with them, they came up very fast. Finding the enemy gaining on us, and but little chance of escaping from them, I ordered two of the guns on the gundeck to be ran out at the cabin windows for stern guns on the gundeck, and hoisted one of the twenty-four pounders off the gundeck, and run that, with the forecastle gun, an eighteen pounder, out at the ports on the quar terdeck, and cleared the ship for action, being determined they should not get her without resistance on our part, notwithstanding their force and the situation we were placed in At about seven, in the morning, the ship nearest us approaching within gunshot, and directly astern, I ordered one of the stern guns fired, to see if we could reach her, to endeavour to disable her masts ; found the shot fell a little short, would not fire any more. At eight, four of the enemy's ships nearly within gunshot, some of them having six or eight boats ahead towing, with all their oars and sweeps out, to row them up with us, which they were fast doing. It now appeared that we must be taken, and that our escape was impossible — four heavy ships nearly within gunshot, and coming up fast, and not the least hope of a breeze to give us a chance of getting off by outsailing them. In this situation, finding ourselves in only twenty-four fathoms r~ CI Escape of the Constitution from a British Squadron. ESCAPE OF THE CONSTITUTION 239 water, by the suggestion of that valuable officer, Lieutenant Morris, I determined to try and warp the ship ahead, by carrying out anchors and warping her up to them ; three or four hundred fathoms of rope was instantly got up, and two anchors got ready and sent ahead, by which means we began to gain ahead of the enemy; they, however, soon saw our boats carrying out the anchors, and adopted the same plan, under very advantageous circumstances, as all the boats from the ships furthermost off were sent to tow and warp up those nearest to us, by which means they again came up, so that at nine, the ship nearest us began to fire her bow guns, which we instantly returned by our stern guns in the cabin and on the quarterdeck. All the shot from the enemy fell short ; but we have reason to believe that some of ours went on board her, as we could not see them strike the water. Soon after nine, a second frigate passed under our lee, and opened her broadside, but finding her shot fall short, discontinued her fire ; but continued, as did all the rest of them, to make every possible exertion to get up with us. From nine to twelve, all hands were employed in warping the ship ahead, and in starting some of the water in the main hold to lighten her, which, with the help of a light air, we rather gained of the enemy, or, at least, held our own. About two, in the after noon, all the boats from the line of battle ship and some of the frigates were sent to the frigate nearest to us, to endeavour to tow her up, but a light breeze sprung up, which enabled us to hold way with her, notwithstanding they had eight or ten boats ahead, and all her sails furled to tow her to windward. The wind continued light until eleven at night, and the boats were kept ahead towing and warping to keep out of the reach of the enemy, three of the frigates being very near us ; at eleven, we got a light breeze from the southward, the boats came alongside and were hoisted up, the ship having too much way to keep them ahead, the enemy still in chase and very near. On the 19th, at daylight passed within gunshot of one of the frigates, but she did not fire on us, perhaps, for fear of becalming her, as the wind was light; soon after passing us she tacked, and stood after us — at this time six sail were in sight, under all sail after us. At nine, in the morning, saw a strange sail on our weather beam, supposed to be an American merchant ship ; the instant the frigate nearest us saw her, she hoisted American colours, as did all the 240 FROM A BRITISH SQUADRON. squadron, in hopes to decoy her down ; I immediately hoisted the English colours, that she might not be deceived ; she soon hauled her wind, and, it is to be hoped, made her escape. All this day the wind increased gradually, and we gained on the enemy, in the course of the day, six or eight miles ; they, however, continued chasing us all night under a press of sail. On the 20th, at daylight in the morning, only three of them could be seen from the masthead, the nearest of which was about twelve miles off, directly astern. All hands were set at work wetting the sails, from the royals down, with the engine and fire buckets, and we soon found that we left the enemy very fast. At a quarter past eight, the enemy finding that they were fast dropping astern, gave over chase, and hauled their wind to the northward, probably for the station off New York. At half past eight, saw a sail ahead, gave chase after her under all sail. At nine, saw another strange sail under our lee bow, we soon spoke the first sail discovered, and found her to be an American brig from St. Domingo, bound to Portland ; I directed the captain how to steer to avoid the enemy, and made sail for the vessel to leeward ; on coming up with her, she proved to be an American brig from St. Bartholomew's, bound to Philadelphia : but, on being informed of war, he bore up for Charleston, S. C. Finding the ship so far to the southward and eastward, and the enemy's squadron stationed off New York, which would make it impossible for the ship to get in there, I de termined to make for Boston, to receive your farther orders, and I hope my having done so will meet your approbation. My wish to explain to you as clearly as possible why your orders have not been executed, and the length of time the enemy were in chase of us, with various other circumstances, have caused me to make this communication much longer than I could have wished, yet I cannot in justice to the brave officers and crew under my command, close it without expressing to you the confidence I have in them, and assuring you that their conduct while under the guns of the enemy was such as might have been expected from American officers and seamen. I have the honour to be, with very great respect, sir, your obedient humble servant, (Signed) Isaac Hull. The Hon. Paul Hamilton, Secretary of the Navy, Washington." 242 ACTION WITH THE GUERRIERE. 243 Such is Captain Hull's modest account of this truly brilliant exploit. Sailing on a cruise immediately after this, with the same frigate, officers, and crew, on the 19th of August he fell in with His Britannic Majesty's ship Guerriere, rated at thirty-eight guns, and carrying fifty, commanded by Captain Dacres, who, some time before, had politely endorsed on the register of an American ship an invitation to Captain Hull to give him a meeting of this kind. At half past three, P. M., Captain Hull made out his antagonist to be a frigate, and continued the chase till he was within about three miles, when he cleared for action; the chase backed her main-topsail and waited for him to come down. As soon as the Con stitution was ready, Hull bore down to bring the enemy to close action immediately ; but, on his coming within gunshot, the Guerriere gave a broadside and filled away and wore, giving a broadside on the other tack ; but without effect, her shot falling short.. She then continued wearing and manoeuvring for about three-quarters of an hour to get a raking position, — - but, finding she could not, she bore up and ran under her topsails and jib, with the wind on the quarter. During this time, the Constitution, not having fired a single broadside, the impatience of the officers and men to engage was excessive. Nothing but the most rigid discipline could have restrained them. Hull, however, was preparing to decide the contest in a summary method of his own. He now made sail to bring the Constitution up with her antagonist, and, at five minutes before six, P. M., being alongside within half pistol shot, he commenced a heavy fire from all his guns, double-shotted with round and 2H 21 244 CAPTURE OF THE GUERRIERE. grape; and so well directed, and so well kept up was the fire, that in sixteen minutes the mizenmast of the Guerriere went by the board, and her mainyard in the slings, and the hull, rigging and sails were com pletely torn to pieces. The fire was kept up for fifteen minutes longer, when the main and foremast went, taking with them every spar except the bow sprit, and leaving the Guerriere a complete wreck. On seeing this, Hull ordered the firing to cease, having brought his enemy in thirty minutes after he was fairly alongside to such a condition, that a few more broadsides must have carried her down. The prize being so shattered that she was not worth bringing into port, after removing the prisoners to the Constitution, she was set on fire and blown up. In the action, the Constitution lost seven killed, and seven wounded; the Guerriere, fifteen killed, sixty-two wounded — including the captain and several officers, and twenty-four missing. The news of this victory was received in the United States with the greatest joy and exultation. All parties united in celebrating it, and the citizens and public authorities vied with each other in be stowing marks of approbation upon Captain Hull and his gallant officers and crew. Since the war of 1812, Commodore Hull has com manded in the Pacific and Mediterranean, and on the shore stations in the United States. He came to Philadelphia in the autumn of 1842. In the winter he was seized with the sickness which terminated his honourable and useful life. He retained the full exercise of his mental faculties to the last, and died with the composure becoming his character as a man, DEATH OF COMMODORE HULL. 245 and his hopes as a Christian. He departed this life on Monday, the 13th of February, 1843. He had made his will, and purchased the lot at Laurel Hill cemetery, where his remains are now deposited. Commodore Hull's attachment to his profession al ways led him to honour it, and to preserve its dignity in his own character and deportment. He always wore his uniform, and, probably by his own direction, his corpse was laid out in the full dress of a com mander, and thus — " He lay like a warrior taking his rest," and noble warrior he was — a glorious old commo dore — with a soul full of all noble aspirations for his country's honour — a splendid relic of a departed epoch of naval renown. 21* WILLIAM HENRY ALLEN. EW among our naval heroes have had a more brilliant career than the subject of this me- ; moir. He entered the j service at an early age, was actively engaged during the Tripolitan war, was present and bore a conspicuous part in the action between the United States and Macedonian, and finally fell desperately fighting against a superior force, giving, in his last hour, proofs 246 EARLY LIFE. 247 of gallantry which elicited the warmest admiration and the most marked tokens of respect from the enemy on whose soil his remains were buried. William Henry Allen was born at Providence, Rhode Island, on the twenty-first day of October, 1784. His father, William Allen, on the breaking out of our revolutionary troubles, was appointed a first lieutenant in the army. He continued in the army until the restoration of peace, and commanded the Rhode Island line of troops at the battle of Sara toga, when he was advanced to the rank of major. He was present and actively engaged in most of the battles which were fought during our revolutionary war; and in 1786, was appointed by Congress, senior officer of the legionary corps raised in Rhode Island. In the year 1799, he was appointed by the legislature of that State, brigadier general of militia. The mother of William Henry Allen, was the sister of the present Governor of Rhode Island. It was the intention of his parent that Henry should have re ceived a liberal education ; and he went through the preparatory studies. He panted, however, for more active life ; and, notwitstanding the pressing remon strances of his parents, he entered the navy, as a midshipman, in May 1800. In three months after his appointment, he was ordered on board the frigate George Washington, commanded by Commodore Bainbridge, to carry presents to the Dey of Algiers. On his departure, he writes to his father, " I now bid you a short adieu ; but, should it be the last, you shall have the satisfac tion to hear of my good conduct in my station as an officer and as a gentleman." 248 SERVICE IN THE MEDITERRANEAN. This cruise was attended with peculiarity of inci dent. The demand of the Dey of Algiers, that the frigate should be employed in carrying his presents to the Grand Seignior, at Constantinople, and the unavailing reluctance and remonstrances of Captain Bainbridge, are circumstances generally known. It was the first time that the flag of an American frigate had waved in the harbour of Constantinople. The fine order of the ship, and the excellent discipline observed among the officers and men, tended to im press very high ideas of the American character in a quarter of the world where before it was unknown. Commodore Bainbridge returned to America, on the 19th of April, 1801, when a reduction of the navy ensued. In eight days after the return of the subject of the present memoir, and while he was solacing himself in the hope of once more visiting his family and friends, he was ordered on board the Philadelphia, under the command of Captain Barron, to scour the Mediterranean sea again. He bade his friends a cordial adieu, and entered on the service with that promptitude that ever dis tinguished him. Nothing material transpired during the cruise. The ship returned to the United States, on the 27th of June, 1802. For the first time, after his entrance into the service of his country, was he now enabled to enjoy the society of his friends, and to visit his paternal abode. This, however, was but a short repose allowed him from the fatigues of naval service, for in October, 1802, he sailed in the frigate John Adams, commanded by Captain Rodgers, to visit, for the third time, the shores of the Mediter ranean. NARROW ESCAPE. 249 During the voyage, he was informed, by his cor respondent of a report, which afterwards proved to be unfounded, that a younger officer was advanced over his head. This is the manly reply of a boy of seventeen : " I am too well grounded in old principles to mind such, assaults now. If the government de cide thus, I can say — amen, with all my heart." Commodore Rodgers returned from this cruise, in December, 1803. Early in the year 1804, he was ordered on board the frigate Congress, lying at Washington, of which he was appointed sailing master. This frigate sailed on the 1st of July, under the command of Captain Rodgers, for the Mediter ranean. On the outward-bound passage, while the ship was lying to, in a violent gale, Allen was on the foreyard, assisting the sailors in taking a reef. Letting fall that part of the sail on which he had hold, he was precipitated headlong into the sea, to the depth of twenty feet, passing, in his fall, very near the anchor on the bows. Fortunately, he arose near the mizen chains, and, by taking hold on them, narrowly escaped inevitable death, as the ship was then drifting very fast. While cruising off the coast of Tripoli, Captain Rodgers intended, if the command should have devolved upon him, in consequence of the illness of Commodore Barron, an attack on that place. He took Allen with him in the schooner to take the soundings, preparatory to the anticipated assault. They entered the harbour- with muffled oars; and, after taking a sounding, and complete survey, they passed so near the Tripoline gunboats, that they dis tinctly heard the men conversing below. They also heard the sentinels on the walls of the battery con- 21 250 MEDITERRANEAN SERVICE. versing together. As they were returning from the harbour, a heavy gale sprung up, and they had a narrow escape to the Nautilus, which vessel was then in the very act of leaving her position. In the month of October, 1805, Captain Rodgers removed to the frigate Constitution, and assumed the command of the squadron, in consequence of the re turn of Captain Barron to the United States. Mr. Allen was also removed to the Constitution, and pro moted to a lieutenancy. He served as third lieute nant on board the Constitution, and returned in that frigate to the United States, in the year 1806. During these several cruises to the Mediterranean, although nothing transpired on board of the frigates where Lieutenant Allen was stationed, that might fairly be denominated naval glory, still a peculiarity of circumstances gave a lofty and elevated tone to the feelings of all the officers. An American squadron in the waters of the Mediterranean was itself a novelty. That squadron was small, and it was des tined to pass under the review and strict scrutiny of English ships of war occasionally stationed in these seas, and passing the straits of Gibraltar. Personal courage, skill, and correctness of discipline, could alone insure them respect in a company so illustrious ; and to these points all their efforts were directed. They felt the high responsibility attached to their station, and, knowing how important the first impres sion of a national character was, they acted up to that dignity which the occasion demanded. After this long and fatiguing cruise, he was per mitted, for a short time, to visit his friends and relations in Providence. In February, 1807, he AFFAIR OF THE CHESAPEAKE. 251 received orders from Government to join the frigate Chesapeake, commanded by Captain Barron, then fitting out at Washington, for the straits. He re mained at Philadelphia while the ship was preparing for sea, during which time he was busily employed in recruiting men for the service, and then entered as third lieutenant. The attack on the Chesapeake, by the Leopard, succeeded shortly after the former sailing. The unfortunate result of this affair was peculiarly trying to Lieutenant Allen, and his feelings were very warmly expressed at the time in his letters. The only gun that was fired at the Leopard, during the encounter, was touched off by Mr. Allen, by means of a coal held in his fingers. During the operation of the embargo, in 1808, the Chesapeake, to which Lieutenant Allen was still at tached, cruised off Block island, and captured several vessels violating the law. From motives of delicacy, he desired to be excused from boarding any vessels belonging to his native State. Mr. Allen remained in the Chesapeake, in this service, until February 1809, when he was ordered, by government, to join the frigate United States, while lying at Washington, under the command of Commodore Decatur. The Commodore was himself absent, and the equipping of the frigate was a duty that devolved on his first lieutenant, who was not, for a space of two months, absent a moment from the navy yard. This ship lay part of the time at Norfolk, and the remainder of the time was engaged in short cruises on the coast, until the declaration of war against Great Britain, in 1812. Shortly after, the United States frigate sailed upon a cruise; and on the 25th of October, 1812, in 252 CAPTURE OF THE MACEDONIAN. latitude 29, N. longitude 29, 30, W., fell in with His Britannic Majesty's ship, the Macedonian, commanded by Captain Carden. She was a frigate of the largest class, mounting forty-nine carriage guns, and reputed one of the swiftest sailers in the British navy. When this frigate first hove in sight, and while orders were given on board of the United States to prepare for action, Lieutenant Allen mounted aloft; and, after watching her closely for some time, at length dis covered the English pennant. He descended to his comrades, who were impatiently awaiting him below, and jocosely pronounced the frigate a lawful prize. The enemy having the advantage of the wind, fought at his own distance, and the contest was kept up for one hour and fifty minutes. The United States poured such an incessant fire, that the shouts from the crew of the Macedonian were distinctly heard, who, from that cause, apprehended her to be in flames. Her colours were, nevertheless, hauled down shortly afterwards. In the engagement, she lost her mizen mast, fore and main-topmasts, and mainyard. She was likewise much damaged in her hull. Thirty-six were killed and forty-eight wounded. On board the United States frigate five only were killed, and seven wounded. The American frigate received so little damage in this engagement, that she would still have continued her cruise, had it not been necessary for her to accompany her prize into port, on account of the crippled state of the British frigate. Any com ments on this splendid action — an action so glorious to the arms of our countrymen — would surely now be needless. In the United States frigate, Lieutenant Allen was TREATMENT OF THE PRISONERS. 253 most assiduous in exercising and training the crew to the use of the artillery. The accuracy with which the guns were directed, and the celerity with which they could be fired, evince the improvement of their discipline; and, indeed, it could not be surpassed. After Captain Carden had gone on board the United States, Lieutenant Allen requested the other officers to go in a boat which was ready for them. The first lieutenant of the Macedonian surlily said, " You do not intend to send me away without my baggage?" " I hope," replied Allen, " you do not suppose you have been taken by privateersmen ?" " I do not know" — replied the other rudely — " by whom I am taken." Lieutenant Allen sternly ordered him instantly into the boat, and he immediately went. Lieutenant Allen placed a guard over the baggage of the officers, and, as soon as the other duties which demanded his at tention were concluded, he sent the same day all the baggage on board the United States. The surgeon of the Macedonian continued on board ; and he fre quently, in conversation, bore testimony to the kind ness of Lieutenant Allen, towards that part of the crew remaining in the Macedonian, particularly toward the wounded. The wardroom officers of the Macedonian expressed to the wardroom officers of the United States, a deep sense of the civilities which they had received; and wished to give, jointly, another expres sion of their gratitude, in a writing which might be considered as a letter to all British officers, to secure their good treatment, in case the United States should be captured. This certificate of protection was very properly declined. 22 254 ALLEN BRINGS IN THE PRIZE. . To Lieutenant Allen was entrusted the honourable charge of bringing the prize into port, and she safely arrived in the harbour of New York, amidst the enthusiastic gratulations of our countrymen. His share in this glorious action cannot be better ex pressed than in the words of Commodore Decatur himself: " It would be unjust," continues this gallant officer, " it would be unjust in me to discriminate, where all met my fullest expectations. Permit me, however, to recommend to the particular notice of the Secretary, my first lieutenant, Wm. H. Allen, who has served with me upwards of five years ; and to his unremitted exertions, in disciplining the crew, is to be imputed the obvious superiority of our gunnery, exhibited in the result of this conquest." The corporation and citizens of New York honour ed him and his commander with a splendid and superb festival ; and the legislatures of Rhode Island and Virginia presented him with a sword, as a testimonial of their sense of his gallant services. There was every thing in this victory which could gratify the pride of an American. The individual injury done to our enemy by the loss of a frigate, or the advantage to ourselves, by acquiring one, is nothing. It in spires a loftiness of feeling, a confidence, that is communicated to other souls, and introduces a strain of patriotic sensations perfectly novel. It breaks the sea-spell that seemed to surround the navy of England. "When the Macedonian struck, Lieutenant Allen, in taking possession, came alongside. Those on board were so uncivil as to neglect handing him a rope, for the purpose of getting on board, and he had VISIT OF THE GOVERNOR. 255 to clamber up the side by the chains. Arriving at Nantucket shoals, the United States frigate and the Macedonian, which, before, had continually kept to gether, then parted in a gale. The wind was so high, he entertained serious apprehensions that the vessel would founder. He determined, as a last resort, to anchor where she was, putting two or three cables on end. He thought he could ride any gale in that manner, and would not believe the contrary, until it was proved by experiment. The storm, however, abated, and he arrived safe at Newport, to the great exultation of the inhabitants of that place, on the same day of the same month that Admiral Parker arrived there with his fleet, during our revolutionary war. He here received a visit from his uncle, the Governor of Rhode Island, whom he invited down, and saluted with a discharge of nine guns on his arrival on board. While in the Sound, waiting a favourable wind, to proceed to New York, he was visited by people from all parts of the adjacent country. The Sunday previous to the battle, the wardroom officers of the Macedonian toasted an American fri gate. On the following Sunday, they were gratified by the fulfilment of their wishes. After this, Lieutenant Allen was allowed some little respite from the naval service ; he visited his f native land, and received the kind congratulations of his relatives and friends, in the bosom of his paternal abode. This repose was, however, but of short dura tion ; the strong and imperative calls of his country, once more summoned him to active duty. Shortly after the arrival of the Macedonian at New York, the Argus returned to that port, com- 256 TAKES THE MINISTER TO FRANCE. manded by Captain Sinclair. He obtained leave to visit his friends ; and, by order of Commodore De catur, Lieutenant Allen took the command. He thoroughly repaired the vessel, and received an order from the Commodore to go in quest of a British brig of war, reported to be in the Sound. The whole crew of the Hornet, commanded by Lieutenant Shu- brick, volunteered their services. He remained in the Sound for the space of a week, without meeting with the enemy, when he received the orders of the Commodore to return. On the death of Mr. Barlow, our Minister at the court of France, our government deemed it expedient to renew the negotiation. Mr. Crawford was ap pointed as his successor; and the subject of the present memoir, now advanced to the rank of master and commander, was directed to take command of the Argus, and to conduct our minister to the place of his destination. He accepted the appointment with his usual promptitude, and sailed with our new min ister for France. He was so fortunate as to elude the vigilance of the blockading squadron, and arrived at the port of L' Orient, in twenty-three days. He informs the Secretary of the Navy, in his letter, bear ing date June 12th, 1813, that "he shall immediately proceed to put in execution his orders as to the ulte- terior purposes of his destination." The business here, which, from prudential motives, is so darkly hinted at, was, undoubtedly, as appears from the sequel, to sail in the Irish channel, and annoy the English commerce. It was a service, to a man fond of glory, peculiarly invidious. Such con quests were attended with no honour ; and Captain TREATMENT OF THE ENEMY. 257 Allen, in compliance with his orders, seemed pecu liarly solicitous, in the discharge of this unthankful office, to make the enemy feel and confess the motives by which he was guided. The injury which he did to the British commerce is, in some of their papers, estimated to the amount of two millions. While thus employed in burning, sinking, and destroying the enemy's property, Captain Allen was peculiarly care ful to distinguish his character from those who depre dated for selfish purposes only. The property of the passengers was sacred from hostility ; not an article of that kind would he suffer to be touched. The passengers were allowed to go below, and to take what they claimed as their own, and no hands be longing to the Argus were permitted to inspect them while they were employed in so doing. On one occasion, when a passenger had left his surtout be hind him, it was sent after him in the boat; on another occasion, Captain Allen ordered one of his hands, who was detected in the act of some petty plunder of this kind, to be flogged at the gangway. The English papers, while they were writhing under the severe injuries thus inflicted, were unanimous in their testimonials of respect to the conduct of this gallant officer, for the humanity and delicacy with which he performed a service so invidious. Probably no action of his life could more plainly distinguish his character than this ; he loved danger, as much as he abhorred to plunder the defenceless. It appears very evident, that if prudence was con sulted, it was his duty to avoid an engagement. The damage which he might have done the enemy, by another species of warfare, was, beyond all comparison^ 2K 22* 258 CAPTURE OF THE ARGUS. greater than by risking a battle, even if fortune should decide the controversy in his favour. Even a victory ensured capture, for, alone and unsupported as he was, his own ship would, in all human probability, suffer material injury, and both the captured and the captor become the prize of one of the many frigates then swarming in the English channel. These considera tions, however, would have but little weight with him. He declared previously to his setting out, that he would run from no two masted vessel. Anxious to quit himself of a business which he so much disliked, he sought an opportunity to act in a situation more congenial to his feelings. He burned for an encounter with an enemy even of considerably superior force, with whom he might risk an encounter; and the op portunity finally presented itself. By the official letter of Lieutenant Watson to the Secretary of the Navy, dated at Norfolk, on the 2d of March, 1815, it appears that the number of vessels captured by the Argus during the cruise was twenty, and that in latitude 52° 15', N. longitude 5° 50' W., on the 14th of August, 1813, at four o'clock, P. M., they discovered a large brig of war bearing down upon them, under a press of sail, and immediately prepared to receive her. The action commenced at six o'clock, and lasted till forty-seven minutes past six, during a greater part of which time the enemy, having a choice of position which enabled him to rake the Argus repeatedly, and to render her unmanage able from the injury done to the rigging in the early part of the action, reduced the Argus to a complete wreck, and she was finally compelled to strike. This result is not to be wondered at, when we consider MR. HAWKER'S LETTER. 259 the superior force of the enemy's vessel, which was the sloop of war Pelican, of twenty-one carriage guns; viz., sixteen thirty-two pound carronades, four long sixes, and one twelve pound carronade.* The Argus lost six killed in the action, five who subsequently died of their wounds, and twelve wounded. Among the killed were two midshipmen — Messrs. Delphy and Edwards — and among the mortally wounded, was the gallant Captain Allen himself. He was des perately wounded in the early part of the action ; re fused to be carried below, and fainted on the deck from the loss of blood. When he was removed from his berth to the hospital, for amputation, he cast his languid eyes on his faithful comrades, and feelingly pronounced these words : " God bless you, my lads ! we shall never meet again." The following letter will speak for itself. [Copy of a letter from John Hawker, Esq., cidevant American vice consul, dated] "Plymouth, 19th August, 1813. " Sir : — The situation I have had the honour to hold for many years past, of American vice consul, calls forth my poignant feelings in the communication I have to make to you, of the death of your son, Captain Allen, late commanding the United States' brig of war Argus, which vessel was captured on Saturday last, in the Irish channel, after a very sharp action of three-quarters of an hour, by His Britannic Majesty's ship Pelican. " Early in the contest, Captain Allen lost his leg, but refused to be carried below, till, from the loss of blood, he fainted. Messrs. Edwards and Delphy, midshipmen, and four seamen, were killed ; and Lieutenant Watson, the carpenter, boatswain, boatswain's mate, and seven men wounded. Captain Allen submitted to amputation * The Argus rated sixteen, and carried twenty guns ; viz., eighteen twenty-four pound carronodes, and two long twelves. The British state their loss at seven killed and wounded. 260 DEATH OF CAPTAIN ALLEN. above the knee, while at sea. He was yesterday morning attended by very eminent surgical gentlemen, and removed from the Argus to the hospital, where every possible attention and assistance would have been afforded, had he survived ; but which was not, from the first moment, expected, from the shattered state of his thigh. At eleven, last night, he breathed his last! He was sensible, at inter vals, till within ten minutes of his dissolution, when he sunk ex hausted, and expired without a struggle. His lucid intervals were very cheerful ; and he was satisfied and fully sensible that no advice or assistance would be wanting. A detached room was prepared by the commissary and chief surgeon, and female attend ants engaged, that every tenderness and respect might be experienced. The master, purser, surgeon, and one midshipman, accompanied Captain Allen, who was also attended by his two servants. " I have communicated and arranged with the officers respecting the funeral, which will be in the most respectful, and, at the same time, economical manner. The port admiral has signified that it is the intention of His Britannic Majesty's government that it be pub licly attended by officers of rank, and with military honours. The time fixed for the procession is on Saturday, at eleven, A. M. A lieutenant-colonel's guard, of the Royal Marines, is also appointed. A wainscot coffin has been ordered ; on the breastplate of which will be inscribed as below.* Mr. Delphy, one of the midshipmen who lost both legs, and died at sea, was buried yesterday, in St. Andrew's churchyard. I have requested that Captain Allen may be buried as near him, on the right, (in the same vault, if practica ble,) as possible. " I remain, respectfully, sir, " Your most obedient humble servant, (Signed.) "John Hawker. " Cidevant American vice consul. "To General Allen, &c, &c, &c, " Providence, Rhode Island." The following extract from a London paper, shows the order of procession. * A tablet, whereon will be recorded the name, rank, age, and character of the deceased, and also of the midshipman, win be placed, (if it can be contrived,) as I have suggested j both having lost their lives in fighting for their country. THE FUNERAL. 261 " Plymouth, August 24. " On Saturday last, the 21st, was interred with military honours, William Henry Allen, Esq., late commander of the United States sloop of war Argus, who lost his left leg in an action with His Majesty's sloop of war Pelican, J. F. Maples, Esq., captain, in St. George's channel, the 14th inst., whereof he died in the Mill Prison hospital, on the 15th following. ~ " Procession. — Guard of honour. Lieutenant- colonel of Royal Marines, with two companies of that corps. The captains, subalterns, and field adjutant. (Officers with hatbands and scarfs.) Royal Marine band. Vicar and Curate of St. Andrew's. Clerk of ditto. The Hearse — with the corpse of the de ceased Captain — attended by eight seamen, late of the Argus, with crape round their arms, tied with white crape ribbon. Also eight British captains, of the Royal Navy, as Pall-bearers, with hatbands and scarfs. Captain Allen's servants, in mourning. The officers late of the Argus, in uniform, with crape sashes and hatbands, two and two. John Hawker, Esq., late American vice consul, and his clerks. Captain Pellowe, commissioner for prisoners of war. Dr. Magrath, chief medical officer at Mill Prison depot. Captains of the Royal Navy in port, two and two — followed by a very numerous and respect able retinue of inhabitants. " The procession left Mill Prison at twelve o'clock. The coffin was covered with a velvet pall, and the ensign under which the action was fought, and upon that the hat and sword of the deceased were laid. On the coffin being removed to the hearse, the guard saluted ; and, when deposited in the hearse, the pro- 262 CHARACTER OF ALLEN. cession moved forward, the band playing the 'Dead March in Saul.' On their arrival near the church, the guard halted and clubbed arms, single files in ward, through which the procession passed to the church, into which the corpse was carried, and de posited in the centre aisle, while the funeral service was read by the reverend Vicar, after which it was removed and interred in the south yard, (passing through the guard in the same manner from as to the church,) on the right of Mr. Delphy, midshipman of the Argus, who lost both his legs in the same action, and was buried the preceding evening." Thus lived and died, William Henry Allen. By the company and conversation of the elegant and polite, the hard and severe duties of the sailor ac quired a sort of polish, and his character presented that combination of gallantry, grace, and intrepidity, that so irresistibly attracts. In the hour of danger, he was calm, intrepid and persevering; in private in tercourse guarded, affable, and delicate. Entering into the navy with large and expanded ideas of honour, the perils he encountered, and the hard service he endured, consolidated his romantic and floating visions into rules and principles of action. By never lower ing his lofty standard amidst the jostle of so many contending difficulties, he at length arrived at the eminence which he sought, and new trials served only to call into exercise new and unexplored re sources of fortitude. He had so long forsaken every other consideration for glory, that he finally measured his life by this standard, and felt a repulsive anti pathy to whatever fell short of that measure.* * Port Folio. JOHNSTON BLAKELEY. OHNSTONBLAKELEYwas born near the village of Seaford, in the county of Down, Ireland, in the month of October, 1781. ' Two years afterwards his father, ' Mr. John Blakeley, emigrated to this country ; and, after residing at Philadelphia a few months, left it for Charleston, South Carolina, with a view of engaging in business. Meet ing, however, with but little encouragement at Charles ton, he finally removed to Wilmington, North Caro lina, allured by more favourable prospects. Soon 263 234 ENTERS THE UNIVERSITY. after his establishment at this place, Mr. Blakeley was deprived, one by one, of his wife, and a^JnscMdren, except his son Johnston. Ascribing these successive losses to the insalubrity of the climate, which is said to be peculiarly un favourable to children, Mr. Blakeley was induced to send his only surviving son to New York; as well with a view to the preservation of his health, as to afford him an opportunity of acquiring an education. Johnston was, accordingly, in the year 1790, sent to that place, and committed to the care of Mr. Hoope, a respectable merchant of that place, and an old friend of his father. Here he remained five years, assiduously pursuing his studies ; at the end of which he returned to Wilmington, where he remained for some time without any particular pursuit or oc cupation. It was the intention of his father to bring him up to the law, and, with a view to qualify him for that profession, he was placed, in 1796, at the University of North Carolina, — a most respectable institution, situated at Chapel Hill, in the county of Orange. WThile pursuing his studies here, he was deprived of his father, who died the year after young Blakely entered the University ; leaving behind him the cha racter of a good man, equally exemplary as a parent and a citizen. Young Blakeley was now without a relative in this country, to whom he could look up for advice, or protection, or assistance ; and it became necessary for him to choose a guardian. In this choice he was singularly fortunate, in the selection of Mr. Jones, an eminent lawyer, of Wilmington, who most tenderly and generously supplied the place of a ENTERS THE NAVY. 265 father. With occasional intermissions, he remained at college till some time in the year 1799; when, by some misfortune, of which we have never been able to obtain any distinct account, and which, therefore, we will not attempt to detail, he was deprived of the support derived from his father, and compelled to re linquish his studies at the University, as well as his intention of practising the law. Having long had a predilection for a naval life, — which, however, he had, with a self-denial worthy of imitation, concealed from his father, — he solicited, and, through the friendly exertions of Mr. Jones, obtained a midshipman's warrant, in the year 1800. It is but just to state, however, that previous to making this application, Mr. Jones, desirous that his young ward should fulfil the wishes of his deceased parent, kindly offered to take him to his house, and to afford him every facility in his power, to complete his legal studies. Unwilling to accumulate obliga tions he might never repay, and, perhaps, too, stimu lated by a clear perception of the line of life nature had marked out for him, he declined this generous offer. In every subsequent situation, he retained and demonstrated the most grateful recollection of Mr. Jones's friendship, and, to the end of his life, acknow ledged him his benefactor. " As any thing" — writes the gentlemen^whjLjfur- ^jiished usJhe materjahsjor this Biography, and whose p lajnguage_jve_Jiave almost every where followed — " which illustrates the characte'F'of so much departed worth, especially where the qualities of the heart are so well calculated to excite our admiration, cannot but be interesting, I have furnished a few extracts 2 L 23 266 CORRESPONDENCE. from the letters of Captain Blakeley, written to me at various periods. Having been deprived of his father at an age when the desire of knowing something of his family was beginning to be felt, it was not in his power to gratify his inquiries on that subject, in a satisfactory manner, until May 1811, when I had the pleasure of opening a correspondence with him. " In his first letter, dated on board the United States' brig Enterprise, May 9th, 1811, he manifested his anxiety to obtain the wished for information, re lative to his connexions, in the following manner : — ' It would afford me great gratification to hear from you all the information you possess respecting my relations. This trouble your goodness will excuse, when I inform you that for fourteen years I have not beheld one being to whom I was bound by any tie of consanguinity.' In another letter, written soon after, he observes, ' The affection manifested by is truly grateful to my heart. Indeed, I begin already to feel for her a filial regard, and the more so, as it was my lot to lose my mother before I was sensible of a mother's tenderness.' In reply to a letter, in which the solicitude for his professional reputation was cordially expressed by the female above alluded to, he remarks — ' Should I be fortunate enough to acquire any fame, my good old friend will make me debtor for more than half. With her prayers for my success can I doubt it? I hope the last Blakeley who exists will lay down his life ere he tarnish the reputation of those who have gone before him. My father's memory is very dear to me, and I trust his son will never cast a reproach on it.' In another, he observes, ' It is true that in the war in CORRESPONDENCE. 267 which we are engaged, we have to contend under great disadvantages; but this should stimulate to greater exertions, and we have already seen that our enemy is not invincible.' In a letter, dated on board the Enterprise, the 29th of April, 1813, he observes, ' Independent of personal feeling, I rejoice at the good fortune of the navy, believing it to be that description of force best adapted to the defence of this country I confess the success of our sailors has been much greater than I had any reason to expect, taking into view the many difficulties they had to encounter. The charm which once seemed to have encircled the British navy, and rendered its very name formidable, appears to be fast dispelling.' " In a letter, dated Newburyport, 28th January, 1814, he remarks : ' I shall ever view as one of the most unfortunate events of my life, having quitted the Enterprise at the moment I did. Had I remained in her a fortnight longer, ray name might have been classed with those who stand so high. I cannot but consider it a mortifying circumstance that I left her, but a few days before she fell in with the only enemy on this station with which she could have creditably contended. I confess I felt heartily glad when I re ceived my order to take command of the Wasp, con ceiving that there was no hope of doing any thing in the Enterprise. But when I heard of the contest of the latter ship, and witnessed the great delay in the equipment of the former, I had no cause to congratu late myself. The Peacock has ere this spread her plumage to the winds, and the Frolic will soon take her revels on the ocean, but the Wasp will, I fear, remain for some time a dull, harmless drone in the 268 APPOINTED TO THE WASP. waters of her own country. Why this is, I am not permitted to inquire.' " These extracts will strike the reader as being strongly indicative of an amiable and heroic charac ter. There is something touching in his gratitude to the^gooj^olgLlady who_Jiadjnanifested anjnterest in his_s_uccesses. There is something noble in his reference to the memory of his father, as a motive stimulating him in the path of honour ; and there is something heroic, we think, in the unaffected manner in which he expresses his regret at having left the Enterprise. It is not necessary to remind the reader that it was in the action between that vessel and the Boxer that Burroughs conquered, and lost his life. Yet Blakeley regretted he had not been in his place, either because he considered the sacrifice of life as a cheap price for the purchase of glory, or had forgot, in his love of fame, that such a price had been paid. But he was determined before long to acquire at least equal reputation, and to perish equally with the re grets of his country. After various services, which it is unnecessary to particularize, as they afforded no opportunity to ac quire distinction, Blakeley was made a master com mandant, in 1813, and soon after appointed to the Wasp. In this vessel he fell in with, in latitude 48° 36', N., His Britannic Majesty's ship Reindeer, mounting sixteen twenty-four pound carronades, two long nine-pounders, and a shifting twelve pound car ronade ; and having a complement of one hundred and eighteen men. An action commenced ; and, in nineteen minutes, ended in the capture of the Reindeer. The loss of the Americans was twenty-one killed and iiii LOSS OF THE WASP. 271 wounded; that of the enemy sixty-seven. The Rein deer was cut to pieces, in such a manner as to render it impossible to save her ; and she was accordingly set on fire. After this the Wasp put into L'Orient; from which port she sailed the 27th of August, and four days afterwards falling in with ten sail of mer chantmen, under convoy of a ship of the line, she succeeded in cutting off one of the vessels. The evening of the 1st of September, 1814, she fell in with four sail, two on each bow, — but at consider able distances from each other. The first was the British brig of war Avon, which struck after a severe action ; but Captain Blakeley could not take posses sion, as another enemy was now approaching. This enemy, it seems, however, was called off to the as sistance of the Avon, which was now sinking. The enemy reported that they had sunk the Wasp by the first broadside ; but she was afterwards spoken by a vessel off the Western Isles. After this we hear of her no more ; and though her fate is certain, the cir cumstances attending it are beyond the reach of dis covery. The most general impression is, that she was lost by one of those casualties incident to the great deep, which have destroyed so many gallant vessels, in a manner no one knows how — for there are so many uncertainties connected with the unfathom able deep, that even imagination is bewildered in tracing the fate of those who are only known to have perished, because they are never more heard of or seen. Another impression is, that the Wasp, very shortly after being spoken off the Western Isles, had a severe engagement with a British frigate, which put into Lisbon in a shattered condition ; and reported 272 CHARACTER OF BLAKELEY. having had an action, in the night, with a vessel, which was not seen next morning, although the whole night had been calm. But, whatever may have been the fate of Blakeley, this much is certain, — that he will, to use his own expression, "be classed among those names that stand so high." The lustre of his exploits, not less than the interest excited by those who remember how, in his very boyhood, he was left, as he says, without a single being around him with whom he could claim kindred blood, — how, by his merit, he obtained friends, and conferred honour on that country which was not only his parent, but which has become the parent of his only child, — and how, last of all, he perished God only knows how or where, — has all given to his character, his history, his achievements, and his fate, a romantic interest, marking the name of Blakeley for lasting and affectionate remembrance. In his person, Captain Blakeley was rather below the middle stature ; his eyes black, expressive, intel ligent, and animated ; his manners mild, manly, and unassuming; and his person handsome. Notwith standing his professional duties, which were scarcely interrupted from the time of his obtaining a warrant, his literary and scientific acquirements were very respectable ; and among his brother officers he was always considered as a man of uncommon intellect, as well as of great courage and professional skill. He was married, in December, 1813, to Miss Jane Hoope, the daughter of his father's old friend, Mr. Hoope, of New York; and has left an only daughter, who has lately received one of the most noble and substantial and affecting tributes of national gratitude GENERAL REMARKS. 273 which has occurred in the history of this country. The legislature of North Carolina, on the 27th of December, 1816, after prescribing the destination of the sword they had voted to Captain Blakeley, "Re solved, unanimously, That Captain Blakeley' s child be educated at the expense of this State ; and that Mrs. Blakeley be requested to draw on the Treasurer of this State, from time to time, for such sums of money as shall be required for the education of the said child." This, we repeat it, is substantial gratitude. It is classical, too, — and reminds us of those noble eras in the history of some of the illustrious states of Greece, when the offspring of those who had fallen for their country, became the children of that country whose cause had made them fatherless. It is in this way that our states may acquire a sort of parental character, that will endear them still more to the hearts of the citizens ; that will inspire fathers to die in defence of their country, and mothers to educate their children to follow the example. It is in this way, too, that the different members of the union may nobly indulge their local feelings, and display their honest homebred affections. Let them exemplify their desire to appropriate to themselves the fame of their distinguished citizens, by their peculiar care in honouring their memory, and cherishing their help less orphans. It is thus that our sister states ought ever to display their rivalry ; — by being as zealous to reward, as they are to appropriate the achievements of their sons.* * Analectic Magazine, vol. ix. 2M STEPHEN DECATUR. N some families, it would seem that chivalry runs in the blood. The Bayards, Biddies, and Decaturs, are born to a heroic destiny by the right of inheritance. When we meet with their names in history, we feel assured of what is to follow; and their most daring feats hardly excite an emotion of surprise. Among the many members of his family distinguished for their bravery, the most celebrated is the subject of this memoir. 274 EARLY LIFE. 275 Commodore Decatur was of French descent, by the male line. His grandfather was a native of La Rochelle, in France, and married a lady of Rhode Island. His father, Stephen Decatur, was born in Newport, Rhode Island, and, when a very young man, removed to Philadelphia, where he married the daughter of an Irish gentleman by the name of Pine. He was bred to the sea, and commanded a merchant vessel out of the port of Philadelphia, until the esta blishment of the navy, when he was appointed to command the Delaware sloop of war. He continued in her until the frigate Philadelphia was built, when the command of that ship was given to him, at the particular request of the merchants, who had built her by subscription. In this situation he remained until peace was made with France, when he resigned his commission, and retired to his residence, a few miles from Philadelphia, where he resided until his death, which happened in November, 1808. His son, Stephen Decatur, the late Commodore, was born on the 5th January, 1779, on the eastern shore of Maryland, whither his parents had retired, while the British were in possession of Philadelphia. They returned to that city when he was a few months old, and he was there educated and brought up. He entered the navy in March, 1798, as midship man, and joined the frigate United States, under the command of Commodore Barry, who had obtained the warrant for him. He continued for some time with that officer, and was promoted to the rank of lieutenant. The United States at that time required some repairs, and, not wishing to remain in port, he requested an order to join the brig Norfolk, then 278 SERVICE IN THE MEDITERRANEAN. bound to the Spanish Main. He performed one. cruise in her, as first lieutenant, and, on his return to port, resumed his station on board the United States, where he remained, until peace was concluded with France. He was then ordered to the Essex, as first lieute nant, and sailed with Commodore Dale's squadron to the Mediterranean. On the return of that squadron, he was ordered to the New York, one of the second Mediterranean squadron, under the command of Commodore Morris. When he returned to the United States, he was ordered to take command of the Argus, and proceed in her to join Commodore Preble's squadron, then in the Mediterranean, and, on his arrival there, to resign the command of the Argus to Lieutenant Hull, and take the schooner Enterprise, then commanded by that officer. After making that exchange, he proceeded to Syracuse, where the squadron was to rendezvous. On his arrival at that port, he was informed of the fate of the frigate Philadelphia, which had run aground on the Barbary coast, and fallen into the hands of the Tripolitans. The idea immediately presented itself to his mind of attempting her recapture or destruc tion. On Commodore Preble's arrival, a few days afterwards, he proposed to him a plan for the purpose, and volunteered his services to execute it. The wary mind of that veteran officer at first disapproved of an enterprise so full of peril ; but the risks and difficulties that surrounded it, only stimulated the ardour of Decatur, and imparted to it an air of adventure, fascinating to his youthful imagination. The consent of the Commodore having been ob- BURNING OF THE PHILADELPHIA. 277 tained, Lieutenant Decatur selected for the expedition a ketch (the Intrepid) which he had captured a few weeks before from the enemy, and manned her with seventy volunteers, chiefly from his own crew. He sailed from Syracuse on the 3d of February, 1804, accompanied by the United States brig Syren, Lieu tenant Stewart, who was to aid with his boats, and to receive the crew of the ketch, in case it should be found expedient to use her as a fire ship. After fifteen days of very tempestuous weather, they arrived at the harbour of Tripoli, a little before sunset. It had been arranged between lieutenants Decatur and Stewart, that the ketch should enter the harbour about ten o'clock that night, attended by the boats of the Syren. On arriving off the harbour, the Syren, in consequence of a change of wind, had been thrown six or eight miles without the Intrepid. The wind at this time was fair, but fast declining, and Lieutenant Decatur apprehended that, should he wait for the Syren's boats to come up, it might be fatal to the enterprise, as they could not remain longer on the coast, their provisions being nearly exhausted. For these reasons he determined to adventure into the harbour alone, which he did about eight o'clock. An idea may be formed of the extreme hazard of the enterprise from the situation of the frigate. She was moored within half gunshot of the Bashaw's castle, and of the principal battery. Two of the enemy's cruisers lay within two cables' length, on the starboard quarter, and their gunboats within half gun shot, on the starboard bow. All the guns of the frigate were mounted and loaded. Such were the immediate perils that our hero ventured to encounter 24 278 BURNING OF THE PHILADELPHIA. with a single ketch, beside the other dangers that abound in a strongly fortified harbour. Although from the entrance to the place where the frigate lay, was only three miles, yet, in consequence of the lightness of the wind, they did not get within hail of her until eleven o'clock. When they had approached within two hundred yards, they were hailed and ordered to anchor, or they would be fired into. Lieutenant Decatur ordered a Maltese pilot, who was on board the ketch, to answer that they had lost their anchors in a gale of wind on the coast, and, therefore, could not comply with their request. By this time it had become perfectly calm, and they were about fifty yards from the frigate. Lieutenant De catur ordered a small boat that was alongside of the ketch, to take a rope and make it fast to the frigate's forechains. This being done, they began to warp the ketch alongside. It was not until this moment that the enemy suspected the character of their visitor, and great confusion immediately ensued. This en abled our adventurers to get alongside of the frigate, when Decatur immediately sprang aboard, followed by Mr. Charles Morris, midshipman. These two were nearly a minute on deek, before their com panions could succeed in mounting the side. Fortu nately, the Turks had not sufficiently recovered from their surprise to take advantage of this delay. They were crowded together on the quarterdeck, perfectly astonished and aghast, without making any attempt to oppose the assailing party. As soon as a sufficient number of our men had gained the deck to form a front equal to that of the enemy, they rushed in upon them. The Turks stood the assault for a short time, BURNING OF THE PHILADELPHIA. 281 and were completely overpowered. About twenty were killed on the spot, many jumped overboard, and the rest flew to the maindeck, whither they were pur sued and driven to the hold. After entire possession had been gained of the ship, and every thing prepared to set fire to her, a number of launches were seen rowing about the harbour. This determined Lieutenant Decatur to remain on board the frigate, from whence a better defence could be made than from on board the ketch. The enemy had already commenced firing on them from their batteries and castle, and from two corsairs that were lying near. Perceiving that the launches did not attempt to approach, he ordered the ship should be set on fire, which was done, at the same time, in different parts. As soon as this was done, they left her; and such was the rapidity of the flames, that it was with the utmost difficulty they preserved the ketch. At this critical moment a most propitious breeze sprang up, blowing directly out of the harbour, which, in a few moments, carried them out of reach of the enemy's guns, and they made good their re treat without the loss of a single man, and with but four wounded. For this gallant and romantic achievement, Lieu tenant Decatur was promoted to the rank of post captain, there being at that time no intermediate grade. This promotion was peculiarly gratifying to him, insomuch as it was done with the consent of the officers over whose heads he was raised. In the ensuing spring, it being determined to make an attack upon Tripoli, Commodore Preble obtained from the King of Naples, the loan of six gunboats 2 4* N 282 ATTACK ON TRIPOLI. and two bombards, which he formed into two divi sions, and gave the command of one of them to Captain Decatur, the other to Lieutenant Somers. The squadron sailed from Syracuse, consisting of the frigate Constitution, the brig Syren, the schooners Nautilus and Vixen, and the gunboats. Having arrived on the coast of Barbary, they were for some days prevented from making the attack, by adverse wind and weather. At length, on the morning of the 3d of August, the weather being favourable, the signal was made from the Commo dore's ship to prepare for action, the light vessels towing the gunboats to windward. At nine o'clock, the signal was given for bombarding the enemy's vessels and the town. The gunboats were cast off, and advanced in a line ahead, led on by Captain Decatur, and covered by the frigate Constitution, and the brigs and schooners. The enemy's gunboats were moored along the harbour under the batteries and within musket shot. Their sails had been taken from them, and they were ordered to sink, rather than abandon their position. They were aided and covered, likewise, by a brig of sixteen, and a schooner of ten guns. Before entering into close action, Captain Decatur went alongside each of his boats, and ordered them to unship their bowsprits and follow him, as it was his intention to board the enemy's boats. Lieutenant James Decatur commanded one of the boats belonging to Commodore Preble's division, but, being farther to windward than the rest of his division, he joined and took orders from his brother. When Captain Decatur, who was in the leading ATTACK ON TRIPOLI. 283 boat, came within range of the fire from the batteries, a heavy fire was opened upon him from them and the gunboats. He returned their fire, and continued advancing, until he came in contact with the boats. At this time, Commodore Preble seeing Decatur ad vancing nearer than he thought prudent, ordered the signal to be made for a retreat, but it was found that in making out the signals for the boats, the one for a retreat had been omitted. The enemy's boats had about forty men each; ours an equal number, twenty-seven of whom were Ameri cans, and thirteen Neapolitans. Decatur, on boarding the enemy, was instantly followed by his countrymen, but the Neapolitans remained behind. 'The Turks did not sustain the combat hand to hand, with that firmness they had obtained a reputation for. In ten minutes the deck was cleared. Eight of them sought refuge in the hold, and, of the rest, some fell on the deck, and others jumped into the sea. Only three of the Ame ricans were wounded. As Decatur was about to proceed out with his prize, the boat which had been commanded by his brother, came under his stern, and the men informed him that they had engaged and captured one of the enemy ; but that her commander, after surrendering, had treacherously shot Lieutenant James Decatur, and pushed off with the boat, and was then making for the harbour. The feelings of the gallant Decatur, on receiving this intelligence, may be more easily imagined than described. Every consideration of prudence and safety was lost in his eagerness to punish so dastardly 284 ENCOUNTER WITH A TURK. an act, and to revenge the death of a brother so basely murdered. He pushed within the enemy's line with his single boat, and, having succeeded in getting alongside of the retreating foe, boarded her at the head of eleven men, who were all the Americans he had left. The fate of this contest was extremely doubtful for about twenty minutes. All the Americans, except four, were now severely wounded. Decatur singled out the commander as the peculiar object of his vengeance. The Turk was armed with an espon- toon, Decatur with a cutlass ; in attempting to cut off the head of the weapon, his sword struck on the iron, and broke off close to the hilt. The Turk, at this moment, made a push, which slightly wounded him in the right arm and breast. He immediately seized the spear, and closed with him. A fierce struggle ensued, and both fell, Decatur uppermost. By this time the Turk had drawn a dagger from his belt, and was about to plunge it into the body of his foe, when Decatur caught his arm, and shot him with a pistol, which he drew from his pocket. During the time they were struggling on the deck, the crews rushed to aid their commanders, and a most sanguinary con flict took place, insomuch that when Decatur had despatched his adversary, it was with the utmost difficulty he could extricate himself from the killed and wounded that had fallen around him. It is with no common feelings of admiration that we record an instance of heroic courage, and loyal self-devotion, on the part of a common sailor. During the early part of Decatur's struggle with the Turk, he was assailed in the rear by one of the enemy, who had just aimed a blow at his head which RETURNS HOME. 285 must have proved fatal; at this fearful juncture, a noble-hearted tar, who had been so badly wounded as to lose the use of his hands, seeing no other means of saving his commander, rushed between him and the uplifted sabre, and received the blow on his own head, which fractured his skull. We love to pause and honour great actions in humble life, because they speak well for human nature. Men of rank and station in society, often do gallant deeds, in a manner, from necessity. Their conspicuous station obliges them to do so, or their eagerness for glory urges them on ; but an act like this we have mentioned, so desperate, yet so disinterested, done by an obscure, unambitious individual, a poor sailor, can spring from nothing but nobleness of soul. We are happy to add that this generous fellow survived, and long after re ceived a pension from government. Decatur succeeded in getting, with both his prizes, to the squadron, and the next day received the highest commendation, in a general order, from Commodore Preble. When that able officer was superseded in the command of the squadron, he gave the Constitu tion to Captain Decatur, who had some time before received his commission. From that ship he was re moved to the Congress, and returned home in her, when peace was concluded in Tripoli. On his return to the United States, he was employed in superin tending gunboats, until the affair of the Chesapeake, when he was ordered to supersede Commodore Barron in the command of that ship. When the United States was again put in commission, he was removed from the Chesapeake to that frigate. The last war with Great Britain afforded Commo- 286 CAPTURE OF THE MACEDONIAN- dore Decatur another opportunity of adding to the laurels which he had already won. On- the 25th of October, 1812, in latitude 29, N., longitude 29, 30, W., he fell in with His Britannic Majesty's ship Macedonian, mounting forty-nine carriage guns, (the odd gun shifting.) She was a frigate of the largest class, two years old, four months out of dock, and reputed one of the best sailers in the British service. The action we have already described in our notice of Captain Allen, and it is only necessary here to re mark, that after lasting an hour and a half, in conse quence of the enemy being to windward, and having the advantage of engaging at his own distance, it ter minated in the capture of the Macedonian. The British ship lost her mizenmast, fore and main-top masts, and mainyard, and was much cut up in her hull. The damage sustained by the United States was not so much as to render her return into port necessary, and had Commodore Decatur not deemed it important to see his prize in, he would have con tinued the cruise. / The prize was carried into New York harbour and equipped as an American frigate. The whole country hailed the name of the gallant victor with enthusiastic admiration. Congress and several of the State Legislatures voted him costly presents, as testi monials of their high sense of his services. In 1813, he attempted to gain the sea from New York, with the United States, Macedonian, and Hornet, through Long Island Sound ; but a British squadron of superior force, compelled him to run into the Thames river, in Connecticut, and he lay off New London for several months, unable to run to sea. IN COMMAND OF THE PRESIDENT. 289 Impatient of being thus cooped up within sight of the ocean, yet unable to reach it, he sent a challenge to Sir Thomas M. Hardy, commander of the block ading squadron, offering to meet two British frigates with two of his own. But the offer was rejected, and the frigates were at length dismantled. Decatur returned to New York, took command of a squadron for the East Indies, and put to sea in the President, January 14th, 1815. By some mistake on the part of the pilot, the ship grounded on the bar in going out. She struck heavily for an hour and a half, greatly injuring her sailing thereby. The next morning, Decatur discovered the British squadron to be in pursuit, consisting of the Majestic razee, the Endymion, Tenedos and Pomona frigates, and a brig. The Endymion was soon perceived to be the fastest ship, and, on this fact, the American commander projected a plan of escape so bold and daring, that if successful, would have raised him to the summit of naval renown. He designed to lead the Endymion from her companions, board with all his crew, destroy or abandon the President, and es cape in his prize. But the enemy suspected the ruse, and carefully avoided it, by keeping the advantage of his position. Satisfied that he could throw the En dymion out of the combat before the other ships could aid her, Decatur tacked about and made battle, crippled the enemy, silenced her battery, and then pursued his course as before. But by this time the other ships had approached, and opened their fire on the President. Escape was impossible. To strive against the squadron with his single vessel, would 2 0 25 290 CHASTISES THE ALGERINES. have been an unjustifiable risk of the lives of his men. Nothing was left, therefore, but to strike colours, and surrender to the British commander. Soon after this action, Decatur returned to the United States, and was immediately despatched to the Mediterranean, to chastise the Algerines for their ravages upon our commerce, which the war with Great Britain had furnished them so favourable an opportunity of committing. He captured an Algerine frigate bearing forty-nine guns, and a brig of twenty-two guns ; and on the 22d June, 1815, arrived before Algiers, and demanded an instant treaty. He demanded that all yearly tribute, or ransom, for prisoners, should be relinquished ; that all property taken from Americans should be restored or paid for ; that all Americans now in slavery should be liberated, and none ever again held as slaves. The Algerine negotiator demurred on the point of relin quishing tribute, contending that it might be employed as a precedent by the powers of Europe, and prove destructive to the Dey. " Even a little powder," said he, " might prove satisfactory." " If," replied Decatur, " you insist upon receiving powder as tri bute, you must expect to receive balls with it." The Algerine government negotiated in forty-eight hours, and granted to Americans immunities and privileges never before obtained by a Christian power from any Barbary State. Decatur obtained redress in a similarly summary manner at Tunis and Tripoli, and, having thus ful filled his commission, he returned home in the autumn of the same year. DEATH OF DECATUR. 291 At a subsequent period he was created Navy Commissioner, and made his residence in the city of Washington, at Kalorama, formerly occupied by Joel Barlow. We now approach, with painful emotions, the last sad act of Decatur's life, which resulted in an un timely and lamented death. In October 1819, certain expressions said to have been used by Commodore Decatur, disrespectful to Commodore Barron, led to a correspondence between these two officers. The keen sarcasm of Decatur heightened the affront, and though both parties reprobated duelling, yet this con troversy terminated most unhappily in a duel. The meeting took place at Bladensburg, on the morning of the 22d of March, 1820. Both were wounded at the first fire. The wound of Barron was dangerous — that of Decatur, mortal. The unfortunate officer was conveyed to his distracted wife, at Washington, and died the same evening. An immense concourse, consisting of nearly the whole male population of Washington and the adjacent country ; most of the officers of government, members of Congress, and Foreign Ministers resident there, attended his re mains to the grave. Decatur was the favourite of the navy. Since the heroic epoch of the Revolution, no commander has won a more brilliant reputation. In bravery, he had no superior; in native intellectual abilities, few equals. He was beloved by all who enjoyed the advantage of his personal acquaintance, and his popularity with those over whom he was placed in command was un bounded. After his first grand exploit at Tripoli, no 292 CHARACTER. success of his valour ever excited surprise. The most daring achievements were regarded as matter of course wherever he led. Would to Heaven that the gratitude of his country, as evinced towards his family, had been as unmeasured as its confidence in himself ! THOMAS MACDONOUGH. Irifll HOMAS MAC DONOUGH, the father of Captain Thomas Macdo nough, was an eminent physician, SUBlwho resided at a farm called The Trapp, in the coun ty of New Castle, Delaware. In the year 1775, he entered the army, and was appointed a major in a regiment raised by 25* 293 294 SERVICES IN THE TRIPOLITAN WAR. the State of Delaware, of which Mr. John Haslett was colonel, and the late Gunning Bedford, lieute nant-colonel. Major Macdonough, from what cause is not known, retired early from the army, and re turned to the Trapp. After the establishment of our independence, he was appointed a judge, and held that office till his death, which took place in 1796. He left several children, of whom three were sons. The oldest, James, was a midshipman, under Com modore Truxtun, when he took the Insurgente, in which engagement he received a wound from a mus ket ball, that rendered the amputation of his leg necessary. " James" — says the gentleman who fur nished us with these particulars — " was very brave. He was placed in the tops when he was wounded, and he told me that when the men in the tops were lowering him down, he could distinctly see the enemy aiming and firing at him." The amputation of his leg rendered it necessary for him to retire from the service. After the death of his father, young Macdonough, the subject of this memoir, obtained a midshipman's warrant. Of the vessels in which he served, the time of his promotion to a lieutenancy, and other ordinary circumstances of the life of every naval officer, we have not allowed ourselves sufficient space to give a minute detail. He followed the fortunes of our little fleet in the wars of Tripoli, and, like other young officers who, on that occasion, first met " grim visaged war" face to face, was frequently engaged in those conflicts where the Christian and Mahometan prowess was so severely tried. Though, at this time, grave, re- INTREPID CONDUCT AT GIBRALTAR. 295 served and circumspect in a remarkable degree, we are told, he was then remarkable for a daring impe tuosity, an invincible chivalrous sort of perseverance in every kind of adventure. In 1806, he was first lieutenant of the Siren, then lying in Gibraltar har bour, under the late Captain John Smith. A circum stance took place here, which, as it strongly displays that firmness which is the strong feature of his cha racter, we will detail particularly. It is derived from the most undoubted authority; and when we consider what a vast difference is observable in our feelings now and at that time, we cannot help greatly admiring the conduct of the young lieutenant. During the forenoon of a day, in which Captain Smith was on shore, a merchant brig, under the colours of the United States, came into port, and anchored ahead, and close to the Siren. Soon after, a boat was sent from a British frigate then lying in the harbour, on board this brig. After remaining alongside a little while, the boat returned with one man more than she went with. This circumstance attracted the notice of Macdonough, who sent Lieu tenant Page on board the brig to know the particulars of the affair. Mr. Page returned with information that the man had been impressed by the boat from the British frigate, although he had a protection as an American citizen. Immediately on the receipt of this information, Macdonough ordered the Siren's gig to be manned and putting himself in her, went in pursuit of the boat, determined to rescue his country man. He overtook her, alongside the British frigate, just as the man at the bow was raising his boathook to reach the ship, and took out the American by force, 296 AFFAIR AT GIBRALTAR. although the other boat had eight oars, and his only four, and carried him on board of the Siren. When the report of this affair was made to the captain of the British frigate, he came on board the Siren in a great rage, and desired to know how Mac donough dared to take a man from one of His Ma jesty's boats. The lieutenant, with great politeness, asked him down into the cabin; this he refused, at the same time repeating the same demand, with abundance of threats. The Englishman threw out some threats that he would take the man by force, and said he would haul the frigate alongside the Siren for that purpose. To this Macdonough re plied, "he supposed his ship could sink the Siren, but, as long as she could swim, he should keep the man." The English captain said to Macdonough — " You are a very young man, and a very indiscreet young man : suppose I had been in the boat — what would you have done ?" " I would have taken the man, or lost my life." " What, sir ! would you at tempt to stop me, if I were now to attempt to impress men from that brig ?" "I would ; and to convince yourself I would, you have only to make the attempt." On this the Englishman went on board his ship, and shortly afterwards was seen, bearing her in a direc tion for the American merchant brig. Macdonough ordered his boat manned and armed, got into her himself, and was in readiness for pursuit. The Englishman took a circuit round the American brig, and returned again to the frigate. When Captain Smith came on board, he justified the conduct of Macdonough, and declared his intention to protect the American seaman. ADVENTURE IN SYRACUSE. 297 During the continuance of the Tripolitan war, our ships occasionally visited the city of Syaracuse, once so famous, but now mouldering away, under that wretched system of government which has blasted and withered one of the fairest portions of this earth. Robberies and assassinations are the nightly amuse ments of Syracusans, and our officers in their evening rambles, were frequently assailed by soldiers, or fel lows armed with knives or daggers. Their favourite mode of fighting is to blow out the candles, and, in that situation, their knives and daggers are the most dangerous of all weapons. On one occasion, which occurred in Syracuse, Macdonough was attacked by three of these desperadoes ; with his back against a door, he had the good fortune to wound two, and the other took to his heels. He was followed by the lieutenant, who pushed him so hard that he climbed up to the roof of the barracks, whither Macdonough followed him still, and, finding no other means of escape, he jumped off, with the loss of his life. In the interval between the Tripolitan war and that which commenced in 1812, no occasion occurred to our naval officers for signalizing themselves, and we shall pass silently over this period of Lieutenant Macdonough's life, because it furnishes no incident of sufficient importance to be interesting to the reader. Among the younger officers of the navy who were ordered on lake service during the war, was Mac donough. His station was Lake Champlain ; and here he was destined to perform a service which has rendered his name one of the most illustrious in our naval annals. 2P 298 FORCE ON LAKE CHAMPLAIN. Towards the close of the summer of 1814, it be came apparent that the enemy meditated an important movement on the frontiers of New York and Ver mont. Large bodies of troops — veterans who had seen service in the Peninsular war — were poured into Canada, and it was known that a heavy detachment under General Prevost were advancing upon Platts- burg. A regular force quite inadequate to resist the attack were awaiting it, under the command of General Macomb. This able officer made the best disposition of his troops which circumstances would permit ; and the militia from the neighbouring regions were coming in to his support. Simultaneously with their operations on land, the enemy were preparing for a decisive action on the Lake ; and Macdonough put the fleet under his com mand in readiness for receiving him. His force consisted of the Saratoga, twenty-six guns; the Eagle, twenty guns ; the Ticonderoga, seventeen guns ; the Preble, seven guns ; and ten galleys, carrying six teen ; — in the whole, eighty-six guns. The British force was greater ; the frigate Con- fiance, thirty-nine guns; the Linnet, sixteen guns; the Finch, eleven guns ; and thirteen gallies, carrying eighteen guns ; — in all, ninety-five guns ; nine more than were in the American fleet ; their complement of men was much greater. The calmness of this Lake permitted heavy armaments in comparatively light vessels ; and of this circumstance the British availed themselves to the utmost, giving their com modore a ship equal in force to the President or the Constitution, with which he — being a veteran com mander — made sure of capturing the young officer, BATTLE OF LAKE CHAMPLAIN. 301 ranking as lieutenant, who was his opponent in a flag ship of twenty-six guns. But " the race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong." Skill, discipline, address, seamanship and coolness go for something ; and in this battle they were put in re quisition with admirable effect against superior force, and the daring manoeuvre of coming down head on upon an enemy's line. The assaults of the British were simultaneously made by land and water, on the 11th of September. At eight o'clock in the morning, the British fleet was seen approaching; and, in an hour, the action be came general. It is thus described by Macdonough, in his official letter : " At nine," he says, " the enemy anchored in a line ahead, at about three hundred yards distant from my line ; his ship opposed to the Saratoga ; his brig to the Eagle, Captain Robert Henley ; his galleys — thir teen in number — to the schooner, sloop and a division of our galleys ; one of his sloops assisting their ship and brig ; the other assisting their galleys ; our re maining galleys were with the Saratoga and Eagle. " In this situation, the whole force on both sides became engaged ; the Saratoga suffering much from the heavy fire of the Confiance. I could perceive, at the same time, however, that our fire was very de structive to her. The Ticonderoga, Lieutenant com mandant Cassin, gallantly sustained her full share of the action. At half past ten, the Eagle, not being able to bring her guns to bear, cut her cable, and anchored in a more eligible position, between my ship and the Ticonderoga, where she very much annoyed 26 302 BATTLE OF LAKE CHAMPLAIN. the enemy, but, unfortunately, leaving me much ex posed to a galling fire from the enemy's brig. " Our guns on the starboard side being nearly all dismounted or unmanageable, a stern anchor was let go, the bower cable cut, and the ship winded, with a fresh broadside on the enemy's ship, which soon after surrendered. Our broadside was then sprung to bear on the sloop, which surrendered about fifteen minutes afterwards. The sloop which was opposed to the Eagle, had struck some time before, and drifted down the line. The sloop that was with their galleys had also struck. Our galleys were about obeying with alacrity the signal to follow them, when all the vessels were reported to me to be in a sinking state. It then became necessary to annul the signal to the galleys, and order their men to the pumps. I could only look at the enemy's galleys going off in a shat tered condition, for there was not a mast in either squadron that could stand to make sail on. The lower rigging being nearly shot away, hung down as though it had just been placed over the mastheads. " The Saratoga had fifty-five round shot in her hull ; the Confiance, one hundred and five. The enemy's shot passed principally over our heads, as there were not twenty whole hammocks in the net tings, at the close of the action, which lasted without intermission two hours and twenty minutes. " The absence and sickness of Lieutenant Ray mond Perry left me without the assistance of that excellent officer. Much ought fairly to be attributed to him for his great care and attention in disciplining the ship's crew, as her first lieutenant. His place CONSEQUENCES OF THE VICTORY. 303 was filled by a gallant young officer, Lieutenant Peter Gamble ; who, I regret to inform you, was killed early in the action." The Saratoga was twice set on fire during the action, by hot shot from the Confiance ; but the flames were soon extinguished. It is well known that the result of this victory was the utter disheartening of General Prescott and his army, and their instantaneous retreat. So sensible were the people of New York and Vermont of the fact that the good conduct of Macdonough had saved them from the ravages of an invading army, that they, by the action of their representatives, made him large grants of lands in the neighbourhood of the Lake. The cities of New York and Albany followed the example. He was promoted to the rank of post captain, and received from Congress a gold medal, in commemoration of the victory. " From the close of the war to the time of his de cease, he shared the honours of the home and foreign service with his compeers. He was an excellent member of courts martial, for he brought to those tribunals a candid mind, ever ready to find matters that made in favour of the accused as well as against him. We have an opportunity of speaking from an intimate acquaintance with the fact, that on several courts martial, the accused have congratulated them selves, that all that was brought against them was to be considered by such a mind as Macdonough's ; at the same time, they were not wanting in justice to other honourable members. " For several years before his death, he made his home in Middleton, Connecticut, where he had mar- 304 CHARACTER OF MACDONOUGH. ried Miss Shaler, a lady of a highly respectable family in that place. He died of a consumption, on the tenth day of November, 1825. His wife had paid the debt of nature a few months before him. " In person, Macdonough was tall, dignified, and commanding. His features were pleasing ; his com plexion, hair and eyes were light; but there was such a firmness and steadfastness in his look as to take away all appearance of the want of masculine energy, which is often attached to the idea of a delicate com plexion. The great charm of. his character was the refinement of his taste, the purity of his principles, and the sincerity of his religion ; these gave a perfume to his name, which the partial page of history seldom can retain for departed warriors, however brilliant their deeds."* * Portrait Gallery. W> JAMES BIDDLE. ^TjHIS gallant and accomplished officer is the son of Charles Biddle, Esq., of Philadelphia, and was born on the 18th of February, 1783. He was edu- B cated at the University of Pennsylvania, where he made great progress in clas sical studies, and acquired a taste for literature, which, in the intervals of professional duty, he has since assiduously cultivated. In the year 1800, the navy of the United States offered the most brilliant prospects to the aspiring youth of our country. It had acquired fame in the war with France, and, under the favour of the govern ment, was rapidly increasing. The success of Cap tain Truxtun in his actions with the French frigates Insurgente and Vengeance, had conferred glory upon himself and given new eclat to the navy. To this distinguished commander, Mr. Charles Biddle en trusted the care of his two sons, James and Edward. On quitting the University, they obtained midship- 2 26* 305 306 SERVICE IN THE MEDITERRANEAN. men's warrants ; were attached to the frigate Presi dent, then fitting at New York, and sailed for the West Indies, in the month of September, 1800. In consequence of the cessation of hostilities with France, their cruise was of short duration, nor did it afford any opportunity for an engagement. It was rendered fatally memorable, however, to the subject of this memoir and to his family, by the melancholy loss of Mr. Edward Biddle, who died at sea of a fever, after a short illness. The extraordinary genius and acquirements of this young gentleman, had given him an exalted name among his cotemporaries. To his friends he was endeared by the possession of the most amiable and attractive qualities, the kindest feelings, and the warmest sensibility, united with the utmost fearlessness of character, and a disposition the most generous, frank, and high-minded. On the return of the President to the United States, 1801, the navy was reduced to a small peace establish ment, in which Mr. Biddle was retained as a mid shipman. Early in 1802, he sailed to the Mediter ranean in the frigate Constellation, Captain Murray. The object of our squadron in that sea was to protect American vessels chiefly against Tripoline cruisers. In performing this service, the Constellation visited a great variety of places. The islands and shores of the Mediterranean present many interesting remains of antiquity, and Mr. Biddle, availing himself of all his opportunities of observing them, was frequently enabled to indulge the enthusiasm of a scholar when he treads upon classic ground. As the seamen in the United States service were at that time enlisted for one year only, the cruises of SURRENDER OF THE PHILADELPHIA. 307 our public vessels were rarely protracted beyond that period. The Constellation, therefore, returned home in the spring of 1803, was dismantled and laid up at "Washington. Mr. Biddle was transferred to the frigate Philadelphia, Captain Bainbridge, and sailed again for the Mediterranean in July, 1803. The fate of this unfortunate ship is well remembered. On the 31st October, 1803, off the coast of Tripoli, she struck upon a rock not laid down in any charts ex tant, and unknown to anv of our vessels which had previously frequented that coast. After every effort to get her afloat had failed, and all resistance to the enemy's gunboats had become unavailing, the colours of the Philadelphia were hauled down, and Mr. Por ter, the first lieutenant, and Midshipman Biddle were despatched to inform of their surrender. As they approached the Tripoline gunboats they were hailed and ordered by each one to his own vessel. One of them fired a shot at the American boat, and Lieute nant Porter, inferring that he who fired was the commanding officer, rowed towards him, though his gunboat was at a greater distance. The nearer gun boats finding the American barge passing them, manned their boats to take possession of her. As they were coming alongside, Lieutenant Porter and Mr. Biddle were prepared to deliver up their swords, but this ceremony was dispensed with. Nearly twenty men of ferocious appearance, armed with sabres, pistols, and muskets, jumped into the boat, and at once commenced their work of insult and of plunder. Two of them snatched Mr. Biddle's sword, pulled off his coat, and began to fight for it, until at length, probably to decide their dispute, they returned 308 CAPTIVITY. it to him. His cravats were violently torn from his neck, his waistcoat and shirt opened, and his breast exposed, for the purpose, as he very naturally in ferred, of perpetrating their horrid vengeance ; though their intention, it appeared, was only to search for valuables that might be concealed about his person. They searched all his pockets, and took all his papers and money, except twenty dollars in gold, which he had slipped into his boots and thereby secured. The officers and crew of the boat were then carried on shore, conducted amidst the shouts and acclamations of a barbarous rabble to the palace gates, and ushered into the presence of the bashaw, who, seated in state, and surrounded by his ministers and his guards, was ready to receive them in the audience chamber. He asked a variety of questions, principally about the ship and the American squadron. In this situation, ignorant of the fate of their companions, and doubtful of their own, they continued a considerable time, until at length the remaining officers and crew, after being plundered and stripped of almost all their clothes, were hurried in a tumultuous manner from the ship, and having been inspected by the bashaw, were conducted to the place assigned for their safe-keeping. There is scarcely any subject which the imagina tion can present to us more full of horror than that of slavery among the barbarians of Africa. Such was the impression of the prisoners themselves, as well as of their countrymen. It will readily be be lieved, therefore, that no event ever excited more feeling in this country, than the loss of the frigate Philadelphia, and the captivity of her officers and crew. Their story has been frequently told, and CAPTIVITY. 309 although no violence was offered to their persons, yet a close and rigorous confinement, the want of air, of exercise, and of employment — perpetual un certainty in regard to their fate, and occasional threats by the bashaw of his vengeance, were circum stances calculated to impair the health and break the spirits of the strongest and most resolute. Yet they preserved their health and their spirits unbroken. Happily the officers were confined together, and, being strongly attached to their commander and to each other, they lived in the greatest harmony and mutual confidence. It was a point of honour to be firm and cheerful, to disregard the threats of the barbarians, and to sustain by an unconquerable forti tude the character of their country. The solicitude of Mr. Biddle's family induced them to take some steps fof his private ransom, but he discountenanced these attempts, and declared that until his country should wholly abandon them, he would share the fortunes of his fellow prisoners. His opinion uni formly was that their release might and ought to be obtained by a proper exertion of the force of the United States. Among the circumstances which alleviated the condition of the prisoners, it would be unjust to omit the kind and unremitted attentions of the Danish consul, Mr. Nissen, rendered at all times, in every practicable way, and often at a very great per sonal hazard. To Sir Alexander Ball, the British governor of Malta, Mr. Biddle had delivered letters of personal introduction, and, during his confinement, that gallant officer and amiable man was very atten tive to him. He maintained a friendly correspond ence with Mr. Biddle, interested the British consul 310 GUNBOAT SERVICE. at Tripoli in his behalf, and furnished him with occasional supplies from Malta that were highly acceptable. After a confinement of more than nineteen months, the prisoners obtained their liberation in consequence of the peace with Tripoli, and in the month of Sep tember, 1805, Captain Bainbridge and Mr. Biddle, who had not separated since the loss of the frigate, returned together to Philadelphia. They had arrived at Hampton Roads and travelled northward by land, and such was the public sympathy towards Captain Bainbridge and his officers, united with the opinion entertained of their good conduct, that they were re ceived every where on their route with the greatest marks of distinction. A court of inquiry, which had been previously held in the Mediterranean, completely justified the sur render of the ship ; nor is, indeed, any thing further now necessary to satisfy the country that its flag was not weakly defended on that occasion, than to repeat the names of Bainbridge and Porter and Jones and Biddle, who were among the officers of the Phila delphia. Upon his release from captivity, Mr. Biddle was promoted to a lieutenancy, and after remaining at home but a few weeks, he was ordered to the com mand of one of the gunboats, then lying at Charleston. He cruised for some time on the southern coast, which had been infested by privateers, in company with the frigate Adams, and afterwards in company with the brig Hornet; he was also employed by order of the navy department in making a survey of the harbour of Beaufort, South Carolina. The principal GUNBOAT SERVICE. 311 rendezvous was the port of Charleston. Here Lieu tenant Biddle received, besides the usual hospitality of the place, the most distinguished civilities as the nephew of Captain Nicholas Biddle, who had been extensively known and highly respected there during the Revolutionary war, and whose last expedition had been fitted out at that port. He remained on this station during the winter of 1805-6, and until the month of June; when, finding the gunboat service very inactive and irksome, he obtained a furlough and proceeded to Philadelphia. Here he continued until the following spring ; when he made a voyage to China as first officer of a mer chant ship. While absent on this voyage, the em bargo law was passed, and immediately on his return he was placed under the command of Commodore Murray, in the Delaware flotilla, employed to enforce the embargo. The gunboat service was almost the only one in which our officers could find employment at that period, the Chesapeake being the only frigate in commission. But in January, 1809, Congress authorised the equipment of several of the frigates, and Captain Bainbridge being appointed to command the President, selected Mr. Biddle as his second lieutenant. When Captain Bainbridge, in May, 1810, obtained a furlough and relinquished the com mand of the President, Lieutenant Biddle was directed to take charge of the Syren sloop of war, whose commander was sick on shore, and carry her from Philadelphia to Hampton Roads ; he there quitted the Syren on the recovery of her captain, and joined the Constitution frigate, Captain Hull. At this time the minds of our naval officers were strongly excited 312 PRESENTED TO NAPOLEON. against the British, in consequence of the attack on the frigate Chesapeake, and other subsequents events of an irritating nature. A British frigate had been cruising off the capes of Virginia, and, as it was known that the President was about to put to sea, and the impression very generally among the officers was, that in case of meeting a British frigate a battle would take place, Lieutenant Biddle applied to Com modore Rodgers to be ordered to the President, which was then short of her complement of lieute nants. He accordingly went on board that ship, which sailed in a day or two after, but did not meet any British cruiser. The President being laid up at New London for the winter, Lieutenant Biddle left her, and soon after made a voyage to Lisbon. In December, 1811, he sailed as bearer of despatches from our government to the American minister in France, and remained in Paris nearly four months, during which he was presented to the Emperor Napoleon, and attended all the parties given at the Thuileries. In these active and diversified scenes, many oppor tunities occurred, both on public duty and in private life, to display a character of firmness and decision, jealous of personal honour, and aspiring to deeds of enterprise and of fame. Very soon after his return from France, the war took place between the United States and Great Britain. When the news of its declaration reached Philadelphia, Lieutenant Biddle was not attached to any vessel, and being extremely anxious to avail himself of the first chance of service, he repaired immediately to New York, in order to volunteer his ARRIVAL OF THE WASP. 313 services to Commodore Rodgers, who then com manded the frigate President. On his arrival, he found, to his extreme disappointment, that the Presi dent had sailed but a few hours before, and in com pany with all the vessels of the squadron, except the frigate Essex, which was then not quite in readiness for sea. To Captain Porter, Lieutenant Biddle next applied to be received on board the Essex, and this gallant officer readily accepted his services. But, unfortunately for Lieutenant Biddle, he was superior in rank to all the lieutenants of the Essex, who were very naturally unwilling to receive an officer by whom they would be outranked. To their representations on the subject, Captain Porter could not, from motives of justice as well as delicacy towards his officers, be indifferent, and Lieutenant Biddle saw the Essex put to sea without his being able to share in the dangers and glory of her cruise. Disappointed in his most ardent wishes at the moment when he expected to realise them, he now hastened to the city of Washington and solicited employment. But there being no public vessels in commission within the United States, he then re quested from the Secretary an order to join one of the frigates on their return into port : but all of them had their full complement of officers. He therefore returned to Philadelphia, mortified at the failure of all his efforts to get to sea. From this despondency he was relieved by the arrival, in the Delaware, of the sloop of war Wasp, Captain Jones, with de spatches from France. This vessel had not her full complement of officers, and Lieutenant Biddle im- 2R 27 314 CAPTURE OF THE FROLIC. mediately procured an order to join her as first lieutenant. The Wasp went to sea on the 13th of October, 1812, and on the 18th fell in with and captured the British sloop of war Frolic. As we have given a full account of this action, in the life of Commodore Jones, we must refer the reader to page 191, where he will notice the details of the action, and the con spicuous part taken in it by Lieutenant Biddle, who was ordered to take charge of the prize. Soon after the action the two vessels separated, and, in a few minutes more, the Frolic's mainmast and foremast went by the board ; her bowsprit had been carried away by running foul. Lieutenant Biddle was ordered by Captain Jones to rig jury- masts, and make his way, with the prize, to a southern port of the United States. Unfortunately, however, a large ship hove in sight, to windward, which proved to be the Poictiers, a British seventy-four, and as the Frolic was totally dismasted, and the Wasp so dis abled in her rigging, and in her sails, as to be in capable of escaping immediately, both vessels were taken by the Poictiers. Captain Jones and his officers were carried to Bermuda, and after a short detention there, were released upon their parole, and returned to the United States. It is difficult to describe the exultation produced in this country, by a victory so decisive over a British vessel of superior force. Public honours were libe rally, and most justly awarded to Captain Jones. Of the part borne in this memorable action by Lieu tenant Biddle, it is only necessary to add the follow- REWARDS OF VALOUR. 315 ing extract from the official letter of Captain Jones. " Lieutenant Biddle's active conduct contributed much to our success, by the exact attention paid to every department during the engagement, and the animating example he afforded the crew by his in trepidity." The legislature of his native state, voted Lieutenant Biddle a sword, and the thanks of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, for his distinguished gallantry and skill. By a resolution of the legislature of Maryland, the governor of that state was requested to address letters to Captain Jones and Lieutenant Biddle, ex pressive of the very high sense entertained of their conduct and services, in the capture of the British sloop of war Frolic, of superior force. The Penn sylvania Society of Cincinnati, elected Lieutenant Biddle an honorary member of their body. A testi monial still more interesting to the feelings of Lieu tenant Biddle, was offered to him by a number of highly respectable gentleman of Philadelphia. In a letter, addressed to him by their committee, they observe, " Whilst your country confers upon you those dis tinguished marks of approbation, which are ever due to merit and to valour, a number of the personal friends and companions of your youth, are desirous of attesting to you their esteem, and of perpetuating the remembrance of your private worth. With this view, they have directed us, as their committee, to present to you, in their name, a silver urn, bearing upon it an appropriate inscription, and a representa tion of the action between the Wasp and the Frolic, 316 IN COMMAND OF THE HORNET. in which you so conspicuously assisted to exalt the naval character of our country." Congress voted a gold medal to Captain Jones, and a silver medal to each of the commissioned officers of the Wasp, and gave twenty-five thousand dollars to the officers and crew, for the capture of the Frolic. Upon his exchange, Lieutenant Biddle was pro moted to the rank of master-commandant, and re ceived the command of the gunboats, stationed to protect the bay of Delaware from the incursions of the British. But, before the whole flotilla was completed, an opportunity of a more active command was offered by the return into port of the Hornet sloop of war. Captain Lawrence, in consequence of his promotion, having quitted her to command a frigate, Captain Biddle applied for, and obtained the command of the Hornet, then lying at New York. His orders were to join the frigate Chesapeake, then at Boston, and nearly ready for a cruise. These vessels were to meet at sea, and cruise together, for the purpose of intercepting the naval and military stores of the enemy, coming from England, and also their trade to the St. Lawrence. By the capture of the Chesapeake, the enemy became possessed of all the signals, and the instructions from the navy de partment, in consequence of which a frigate and several other vessels were despatched in pursuit of the Hornet. Previously to this, however, as soon as the Hornet was ready for sea, Captain Biddle sailed in company with the frigates United States and Macedonian from New York, through the sound, BLOCKADE OF NEW LONDON. 317 there being a large British force then off Sandy Hook. On the first of June, they were met off the east end of Long Island by a superior force of the enemy, and chased into New London. The Hornet being very deep was nearly overtaken, and was obliged to start her water, in order to lighten. Our ships pro ceeded up the river ; were moored across it to defend themselves, and remained unmolested by the enemy. They continued, however, to blockade the mouth of the river, and a very long and tedious confinement of our little squadron was the consequence. This state of inactivity was peculiarly irksome and vexatious to Captain Biddle, who being now, for the first time, in command of a ship, was extremely anxious to measure his strength with an enemy upon equal terms. Be lieving that, with his small vessel alone, he could elude the blockading squadron, he solicited permis sion to make the attempt a very few weeks after being chased into New London ; but the views of the government for the employment of the ships did not accord with his wishes. It could not be expected that two hostile squad rons should remain long in sight of each other, without some effort to produce an encounter, and, although our officers do not always think themselves justifiable in sending challenges, yet there is no scruple in accepting them. Early in January, 1814, the British force off New London consisted of the Ramilies, seventy-four, Commodore Sir Thomas Hardy; the Endymion frigate, Captain Hope; and the Statira frigate, Captain Stackpole. A conversa tion took place among^ these officers, in presence of an American prisoner of war, who was about to be 27* 318 THE CHALLENGE. landed at New London, which was considered as an overture to a meeting between the two British frigates and the American frigates. The conversation was communicated by the prisoner to our officers, who readily embraced the opportunity. Captain Biddle was the negotiator on the occasion, and had an inter view with Sir Thomas Hardy, on board the Ramilies. Sir Thomas, after taking a day to consider of it, declined the meeting ; because the Endymion's force was inferior to that of the United States ; but offered to permit the Statira to meet the Macedonian ; which Commodore Decatur, for reasons stated in his answer, would not allow. Captain Biddle had volunteered his services to Commodore Decatur, to serve in either of the ships, and, in case of a meeting, would have been on board one of them. In his first visit to Sir Thomas Hardy, on the sub ject of the challenge, Captain Biddle, being desirous that the Hornet might be brought into the combat, made many inquiries respecting the Loup Cervier sloop of war, (formerly the United States' ship Wasp,) which was daily expected to join the British squadron ; when Sir Thomas at length said to him, " I suppose you want a fight with the Loup Cervier." This remark gave Captain Biddle the opportunity which he was seeking of expressing his wishes, and he urged very strongly the importance to the navy of both countries of having a fair, equal challenge fight between two such vessels. On the arrival of the Loup Cervier off New London, Captain Biddle re ceived a communication from Captain Mends, her commander, stating that he also was desirous of meeting the Hornet, provided the commanding officers THE CHALLENGE. 319 of the two squadrons would permit it ; and that if Captain Biddle would inform him of the number of souls he commanded, Captain Mends pledged his honour to limit his number to the same. Commodore Decatur would not permit Captain Biddle to acquaint Captain Mends with the number of his crew, and meet him on the terms stated, because it was under stood, that in that case the Loup Cervier would have a picked crew from the British squadron, and Com modore Decatur would not allow such a selection to be made from his ships ; nor would he suffer Captain Biddle to write to Captain Mends, in order to ascer tain the number of his men, and offer to reduce the crew of the Hornet, if larger, to that number ; because the government having fixed the complement of men to be allowed to the Hornet, he would not be justified in permitting a reduction. Captain Biddle, in his answer, after assuring Captain Mends, that in having expressed a wish to meet the ship under his com mand, he was not in the slightest degree influenced by any feeling of personal hostility towards him, then states, " I have submitted your communication to the perusal of Commodore Decatur. Commodore De catur feels unauthorised to permit that the crew of this ship should be strengthened by a selection from any other ship under his command, since, by so per mitting, he may be disabled from complying with the orders of his government. He is unwilling that an advantage denied to this ship, should be allowed to the Loup Cervier. I have the pleasure, however, to acquaint you, that I am authorised to communicate to you, that Commodore Decatur has given his per mission, that this ship shall meet the Loup Cervier, 320 BLOCKADE OF NEW LONDON. under a mutual and satisfactory pledge that neither ship receive any additional officers or men, but shall go into action with their original crews respec tively. This ship mounts twenty guns; the Loup Cervier, at the time of her capture, mounted eighteen guns ; if the armament of the Loup Cervier is still the same, I will take off two guns, and thus place the two ships on an equality. These terms, I trust, will be acceptable to you." Captain Biddle and his officers of course expected a meeting ; but the day after his letter was delivered to Captain Mends, the Loup Cervier went to sea, and did not again return to her station before New London. The enemy continued throughout the winter a close blockade of New London, and always with a force superior to that of our squadron. When the blus tering weather, and the season most favourable for escaping had passed away, the government ordered the two frigates to be moved as high up the river as practicable, and, after being dismantled, their officers and crews were transferred to other stations, while Captain Biddle was directed to continue at -New London for the protection of the frigates. Although this service was deemed important by the govern ment, yet to Captain Biddle it presented a dreary prospect ; he had languished nineteen months in the prison of Tripoli, while his brother officers were acquiring fame, in the active service of their country, and his present inactive situation appeared equally hopeless and mortifying ; he remonstrated, though in vain, against the arrangement. The demonstration of attacking New London and the frigates up the river, which was made about this period, by a very SAILING OF THE HORNET. 321 formidable British force, rendered it, indeed, impru dent to withdraw the protection of the Hornet. No attempt, however, was made by the enemy, though such preparations were made to receive him as to give every hope of his discomfiture. When the season which was favourable for the operations of the enemy against the ships in the river had passed, and as soon as Captain Biddle thought that the protection of the Hornet was unnecessary to their safety, he again applied for permission to leave New London and proceed to New York. This was granted; he immediately placed the Hornet in the best trim for sailing, passed the British squadron in the night of the 18th of November, undiscovered, and arrived at New York, after having continued in New London river upwards of seventeen months. On the arrival of the Hornet at New York, she was attached to the command of Commodore De catur, destined for a cruise to the East Indies. The frigate President, Commodore Decatur, went to sea on the 14th January, 1815, leaving the sloops of war Peacock and Hornet behind to bring out the store vessel, which was not then in readiness. As soon as she was ready, they all went to sea in a gale of wind on the 23d January. Three days after, the Hornet separated in chase of a vessel which proved to be a Portuguese brig, and then proceeded singly towards the island of Tristan d'Acunha, which was the first place of rendezvous for the squadron. On the pas sage she chased and boarded every vessel that came in sight. They were only four in all, and all of them neutrals. On the morning of the 23d of March, when about to anchor off the north end of that island, 2S 322 BATTLE WITH THE PENGUIN. a sail was descried to the southward and eastward. As 'she was steering to the westward with a fine breeze from the S. S. W., she in a few minutes could not be seen for the land. The Hornet made sail to the eastward immediately, and, after clearing the island and again gaining sight of her, perceived her bear up before the wind. Captain Biddle short ened sail and hove to for her to come down. When she had come down and began to shorten sail, she took in her steering sails in a very clumsy manner, purposely, as it afterwards appeared, to deceive the Hornet. She also came down stem on as nearly as possible, lest, as the officers afterwards stated, the Hornet should perceive her broadside and run. In coming down in this manner, she seemed to steer rather towards the Hornet's stern, so that Captain Biddle thought her intention was to pass under his stern, giving him a raking broadside, and, hauling her wind, engage him to leeward, to prevent which the Hornet wore ship three times. " At forty minutes past one, P. M.," says Captain Biddle's official letter, " being nearly within musket shot distance, she hauled her wind on the starboard tack, hoisted English colours, and fired a gun. We immediately luffed to, hoisted our ensign, and gave the enemy a broadside. The action being thus commenced, a quick and well- directed fire was kept up from this ship, the enemy gradually drifting nearer to us, when at fifty-five minutes past one he bore up apparently to run us on board. As soon as I perceived he would certainly fall on board, I called the boarders so as to be ready to repel any attempt to board us. At the instant every officer and man repaired to the quarter-deck, SURRENDER OF THE PENGUIN. 325 where the two vessels were coming in contact, and eagerly pressed me to permit them to board the enemy; but this I would not permit, as it was evident from the commencement of the action that our fire was greatly superior both in quickness and in effect. The enemy's bowsprit came in between our main and mizzen-rigging, on our starboard side, affording him an opportunity to board us, if such was his design but no attempt was made. There was a considerable swell, and as the sea lifted us ahead, the enemy's bowsprit carried away our mizzen-shrouds, stern- davits, and spankerboom, and he hung upon our lar board quarter. At this moment, an officer, who was afterwards recognised to be Mr. M'Donald, the first lieutenant, and the then commanding officer, called out that they had surrendered. I directed the marines and musketry men to cease firing, and, while on the tafferel, asking if they had surrendered, I received a wound in the neck. The enemy just then got clear of us, and his foremast and bowsprit being both gone, and perceiving us wearing to give him a fresh broad side, he again called out that he had surrendered. It was with difficulty I could restrain my crew from firing into him again, as he had certainly fired into us after having surrendered. From the firing of the first gun, to the last time the enemy cried out he had surrendered, was exactly twenty-two minutes by the watch. She proved to be his Britannic majesty's brig Penguin, mounting sixteen thirty-two pound carronades, two long twelves, a twelve pound car ronade on the top-gallant forecastle, with swivels on the capstern and in the tops. She had a spare port forward, so as to fight both her long guns of a side. 28 326 FORCE AND LOSS OF PENGUIN. She sailed from England in September last. She was shorter upon deck than this ship by two feet, but she had a greater length of keel, greater breadth of beam, thicker sides, and higher bulwarks than this ship, and was in all respects a remarkably fine vessel of her class. The enemy acknowledge a complement of one hundred and thirty-two men, twelve of them supernumerary marines from the Medway seventy- four, received on board in consequence of their being ordered to cruise for the American privateer Young Wasp. They acknowledge also a loss of fourteen killed and twenty-eight wounded; but Mr. Mayo, who was in charge of the prize, assures me that the number of killed was certainly greater." Among the killed of the Penguin was Captain Dickenson, her commander, who is represented to have been a deserving and" favourite officer. Not a. single round-shot struck the hull of the Hornet, but her sides were filled with grape, and her sails and rigging much cut. The Hornet had but one man killed, and eleven wounded. Among the wounded were Captain Biddle severely, and Mr. Conner, the first lieutenant, dangerously. It is always gratifying to notice the attachment of our brave tars to their commanders. Captain Biddje, in the early part of the action, had his face much dis figured by being struck twice with splinters, and, when he received the wound in the neck, from which the blood flowed profusely, the most anxious concern for him was evinced by the crew, two of whom took him in their arms to carry him below. He could scarcely disengage himself from them, and finding that he would not leave the deck, one of them stripped CAPTAIN BIDDLE WOUNDED. 327 off his shirt and tied it tightly about Captain Biddle's neck, so as to prevent his bleeding. Captain Biddle would not have his own wound dressed until after all his men had theirs dressed. We cannot omit a circumstance which marks a striking and characteristic difference between the seamen of the two countries. In conversation with Lieutenant M'Donald, the surviving officer of the Penguin, he mentioned that soon after the commence ment of the action, Captain Dickenson remarked to him, " this fellow hits us every time, we can't stand his fire ; we must run him on board ;" at that instant Captain Dickenson received a grape-shot in his breast, which terminated his life in a few minutes. The command devolving upon Mr. M'Donald, he said he gave orders to board, but that his men would not follow him ; while the seamen of the Hornet were anxious and eager to board the enemy, but were pre vented by their commander. It has been stated that Captain Biddle was wounded after the enemy had surrendered. He was standing upon the tafferel, and had ordered the musketry not to fire, when one of his officers called out to him that there was a man taking aim at him. Captain Biddle did not hear this, as his back was towards the officer ; but two of the marines perceiving the fellow taking aim at Captain Biddle fired at him, and he fell dead the instant after he had discharged his piece. He was not more than ten or twelve yards from Captain Biddle when he shot him ; the ball struck the chin directly in front with much force, and pass ing along the neck, tearing the flesh, went off behind through his cravat, waistcoat and coat collar; 328 ENCOUNTERS A SHIP OF THE LINE. The Penguin being completely riddled, her fore mast and bowsprit gone, and her mainmast so crippled as to be incapable of being secured, and Captain Biddle being unwilling to return into port with his prize, or to spare officers to man her, he resolved to destroy her, and she was accordingly scuttled. A few days after the action he was joined by the Pea cock and the storeship. The Hornet had sustained so little injury in the action, that Captain Biddle, having bent a new set of sails, and knotted and secured his rigging, was completely ready for further service. Captains Warrington and Biddle having waited the time prescribed, without the arrival of Commodore Decatur, the Tom Bowling, storeship, was converted into a cartel to carry the British prisoners to St. Salvador, and the Peacock and Hornet sailed on the 12th April, bound round the Cape of Good Hope. On the 27th April, early in the morning, in latitude 38, 30, S., and longitude 33, E., they discovered a strange sail, to which they gave chase. As it was part of the time calm, and during the other part the wind was quite light, they did not approach the chase until the afternoon of the following day. "At forty-five minutes past two, P. M.," says Captain Biddle's official letter, " the Pea cock was about six miles ahead of this ship, and observing that she appeared to be suspicious of the chase, I took in starboard steering-sails, and hauled up for the Peacock. At twenty-two minutes past three, P. M., the Peacock made the signal, that the chase was a ship of the line, and an enemy. I im mediately took in all steering sails and hauled upon a wind, the enemy then upon our lee quarter, distant THE CHASE. 329 about eight miles. „, At nine, P. M., as he was gaining upon us, and t^^ was every appearance that he would, be enabled to keep sight of us during the night, I considered it necessary to lighten the ship. I therefore threw overboard twelve tons of kentledge, part of our shot, and some of our heavy spars ; cut away the sheet anchor and cable, and started the wedges of the masts. At two, A, M., the enemy being rather before our lee beam, I tacked to the westward ; he also tacked and continued in chase of us. At daylight, on the 29th, he was within gunshot 8gft&, our lee quarter. At seven, A. M., having hoisted English colours, and a rear-admiral's flag, he commenced firing from his how guns. As his shot went over us, I cut away the remaining anchor and cable, threw overboard the launch, six of our guns,, more of our shot, and every heavy article that was at hand. The enemy fired about fhirty shot, not one of which, took effect, though most of them passed over us. While he was firing, I had the satisfaction to perceive that we slowly dropped him, and ait nine, A. M., he ceased his fire. At eleven, A. M., the enemy was.again coming up with us. I now, there fore, threw overboard all our remaining;, guns, but one long gun, nearly all our shot, all our spare spars, cut away the top-gallant forecastle, and cleared every thing off deck„ as well as from below, to lighten as much as possible At noon, the enemy again com menced firing ; he fired many shot, only three of which came on board, two striking the hull, and one passing through the jib. It is, however, extraordi nary that every shot did not take effect; for the enemy, -the, second time he commenced firing, was 2T 28* 330 ESCAPE OF THE HORNET. certainly within three quarters of a mile of this ship, and the sea quite smooth. I perceived from his sails that the effect of his fire was to deaden his wind, an| at two, P. M., he again ceased firing. At thirty minutes past two, P. M., the wind, which had 'f»*$i» viously — and greatly to our disadvantage — backed to the southeast, hauled to the westward, and freshened up. At sundown, the enemy was about four miles astern; the wind was fresh, and we went at the rate of nine knots throughout the night, and at daylight, on the 30th, he was about twelve miles astern; still in chase of us. At thirty minutes past nine, A. M., he took in steering-sails, reefed his !#psails arid hauled to the eastward, and at eleven, A. M., he was entirely out of sight. During the chase, the enemy appeared to be very crank, and I therefore concluded he must have lightened while in chase of us. I did not at any time fire Our stern-chasers, because it was mani fest that the enemy injured his sailing by firing." During this long and anxious chase, Captain die, though still much indisposed and debilitated by his wound, preserved his accustomed fortitude and presence of mind. Though his situation, for many hours, under the guns of a line of battle ship, would have "justified his surrender, yet he could not bring his mind to give up the ship, and his persevering and unyielding spirit was rewarded by the success which it merited, but could scarcely have expected. It- is this gallant and heroic temper, which never despairs and is always master of itself, that gives its possessor a claim to much higher merit, than can be made by the ordinary efforts of courage. As their capture appeared to be almost inevitable, and the minds of M wMm : HI IE BlI I i .V*i' ESCAPE OF THE HORNET. 333 the crew were depressed; Captain Biddle called them together and addressed them : he told them that he was determined not to heave to, but to carry sail from the enemy as long as his spars were unhurt, and that if the enemy continued to fire, he had no doubt that they should escape ; he told them if they were captured, he should expect them to behave properly ; he encouraged them not to fear any ill usage from the eueMy, and assured them that he would continue with them, and never abandon them. The effect of this address was to reanimate the spirits of the crew, and to make them all pleased and proud to resign their fete, confidently and cheerfully, to the direetion of their brave commander.* After escaping from the seventy-four, the loss of her armament and other equipments rendered the Hornet's return into port indispensable ; and as it would have been extremely » hazardous to approach ©iOT- coast, being without guns, boats or anchors, he concluded to go into St. Salvador, for the purpose of refitting and >resusming his cruise. He arrived there on the 9th of June, and on his arrival heard self the peace with Great Britain. He returned to New York, on the 30th of July. Agreeably to the request of Captain Biddle, a court of inquiry was held on the 23d day of August, 1815, on board the Hornet, in the harbour of New York,' to investigate the causes of the return of that ship into port, and to inquire into the circumstances attending the loss of armament, stores, &c. The following opinion was pronounced by the court, of which Captain Evans was President: " The Court, after mature deliberation on the 'testimony adduced, 334 SERVICES SINCE THE PEACE. are of opinion that no blame is imputable to -Captain Biddle, on account of the return of the Hornet into port with the loss of her armament, stores, &c.; and that the greatest applause is due to him for his perse vering gallantry, and nautical skill, evinced in escaping, under the most disadvantageous circumstances, after a long and arduous chase by a British line of battle ship." During his absence, Captain Biddle was promoted to the rank of post captain. On his return, a public dinner was given to him by the citizens of New York; and a subscription Was made for a service of plate, to be presented to him by the citizens of Philadelphia. Other testimonials of respect, not less due to his private worth than to his merit as an officer, were bestowed upon him. s Our limits will only permit a very summary notice of the services of Commodore Biddle, since the peace of Ghent. In 181 7, he was despatched by the govern ment, in the Ontario sloop of war, to the Columbia river, to take possession of Oregon territory. This service and a cruise in the Pacific having been per formed, he returned to this country, in 1819. In March, 1822, he was sent to the West India station, in the frigate Macedonian, ostensibly for the purpose of suppressing piracy, but with special orders to re main for a considerable time in the port of Havana. This order, which, like several that have at various times proceeded from our government, showed a singular want of consideration for the health of the seamen employed in the navy, occasioned the loss of one hundred and three men, with the yellow fever. When it was apparent that the disease had com- WEST INDIA SERVICE. 335 menced its ravages in the ship, Commodore Biddle sailed out of the harbour, and cruised about the islands, in order to restore health to the crew; but it was too late, and he was obliged to return home with this severe loss. . He was immediately sent back to the West India station, in the frigate Congress ; thus silencing the censure bestowed upon him by the newspapers for remaining so long in the port of Havana. lie continued engaged in the arduous and unpleasant service of suppressing piracy until the ensuing spring. It • was about this period that the government made the discovery, that the employment q£ frigate§ on this duty could be preventive only to a very limited extent, on account of the readiness with which the pirates found shelter in the small harbours and creeks of the Spanish islands. Small vessels, of very light con struction*. were subsequently employed with more effect. . Commodore Biddle's next service was the carrying abroad of two ministers, to their several destinations, in the frigate Congress. It will be thought by the reader rather, an odd circumstance, that the same national ship should have been ordered by the govern ment to convey our minister, Mr. Nelson, to Spain, and, at the, same time, should be charged with the service of carrying out Mr. Rodney, as ambassador to Buenos Ayres, a revolted colony of Spain, whose independence -had never been acknowledged by the mother country. . The manifest indecorum of the proceeding was noticed by the newspapers of the time ; but the seryice was, nevertheless, required) and i| was duly performed, -the cruise terminating m De cember, 1824. ,, .j* ; ! »¦¦¦¦ > 336 CHARACTER OF BIDDLE. A subsequent cruise on the South American station, from 1826 to 1828, and another in the Mediterranean*, during which Commodore Biddle went to Constanti nople for the purpose of signing the commercial treaty with Turkey, were his latest voyages; The last ter minated in 183.2. From the year 1838 to 1842, he was in charge of the Naval Asylum, near Philadel phia. Commodore Biddle's residence, when not on foreign service, has always been the city of Philadel phia, where his well known character for courage and ability, and his uniformly frank, affable and gen tlemanly deportment have endeared him to a large circle of friends. It has been the distinguishing character of this gentleman, to exert in the public service an un wearied activity, and an ardent enterprise, which surmounted every obstacle and commanded the events of his life. Notwithstanding the difficulties and dis appointments experienced by him at the commence ment of the war, in procuring a station, and his confinement at New London, almost as long and aS depressing as the captivity at Tripoli, yet his perse vering spirit led him forward, in spite of every unto ward event, in the path of glory, and crowned his exertions with success. He was a party to two of the most decisive actions of the war. The capture of the Frolic by the'Wasp, not only broke the charm of British naval superiority, but showed a decided superiority in favour of America. The capture of the Penguin was not less decisive; and if, at the commencement of the war, the British navy was surprised, from habits of security and contempt for 0* CHARACTER OF BIDDLE. 837 their enemies, they had long before the victory of the Hornet learned their error and corrected their con duct. In this instance, even the enemy was utterly unable to Srame an apology for his defeat, since he had come out prepared, and with unusual means, t$ pursue &nd capture an American ship of war. The chase and escape of the Hornet, under the ex traordinary circumstances which have been related, is considered;, by competent judges, as one of the most honourable acts of which the navy can boast. 2B OLIVER H. PERRY. fNDOUBTEDLY good descent is ari'advantage ; and if a man, who has rendered his name illustrious by services to his country, derives re- ~'&MW '~ fleeted splendour from his ancestry, few have stronger claims on that score than the sub ject of the present biography. His great ancestor, Edmund Perry, was born in Devonshire, England, and was one of the earliest settlers of the then colony of Massachusetts. He was a public speaker' of the society called Friends, and was compelled to quit 338 ANCESTORS OF PERRY. 339 that colony on account of his religious opinions, and to seek- a residence in South Kingston, Rhode Island. He had three sons, Samuel,- James and Benjamin, who inherited the same religious principles with their father. "Benjamin, the great grandfather, wasi born in the year 1673. Freeman, his youngest son, by a second marriage, was born in South Kingston, on the second day of February', in 1732, and in 1756 married the daughter of Oliver Hazard, Esq., brother to the Hon. George Hazard, lieutenant governor of the then colony of Rhode Island. The grandfather, Freeman Perry, was foe many years clerk of the court, mem ber of the legislature, judge, -&c, in his native state, the duties of which various offices he discharged with great Credit' and ability. He died at South Kingston, in October, 1813, in the eighty -second year of his age. Christopher Raymond Perry, the father, was born December 4, 1761. Notwithstanding his youth, at the commencement of the American revolution, he took a very active part, and was often found fighting both by land and sea in the service of his country. He always acquitted himself to the satisfaction of his commanders ; the post of danger was with him the post of honour. In October, 1784, he was married to Sarah Alexander, a lady born in Ireland, but of Scotch extraction ; descended, on the maternal side, from the Wallaces, so celebrated in the annals of Scotland ; — a name which Oliver would have borne had it not been changed to Hazard, in consequence of the sudden death of a beloved uncle. This ex cellent woman devoted herself to the education of her children, and formed their youthful minds to early habits- of virtue and religion. So successful 340 PERRY A MIDSHIPMAN. was she in these attempts, that neither the glare of arms, and the pomp and bustle of a military life were able to seduce the mind of Captain Perry from those salutary impressions which he received in early youth. At the age of seven years, he was placed at Mr. Frasier's school, in Newport, and under that able and excellent teacher he made considerable progress in his studies. In April, 1799, he received a mid shipman's warrant, and was attached to the United States' ship General Greene, under the command of his father, with whom he sailed until the reduction of the navy. At this time, his father received the following letter from the Hon. Secretary of the NaVy: "Navy Department, April %, 1801. "Sir: — The act providing for the peace establishment ,of tl)f navy of the United States, has imposed on the President a pain ful duty. It directs liim to select nine gentleman from amongst the captains of the navy of the United States, and to permit the remaining commanders to retire from public seryice, with the ad vance of four months', extra pay. I have dee^ned.it.a duty, there fore, as early as possible to inform you, that you will b^ amongst those whose services, however reluctantly, will be dispensed with,. You will transmit to the accountant of the riavy a statement of your account, for pay and subsistence, 8tc, to the 20th instant, inclu sive; on receipt of which it will be adjusted, and the balance due you, including the four months'^ extra pay, will be transmitted to you, or paid to your order. Permit me to assure you, that the President has a just sense of the services rendered by you to your country, and that I am, with sentiments of respeci, " Your most obedient servant, " By order of Henry Dearborn, acting Secretary of the Navy, ¦< : "S.Smith. " Captain Chk., R. Pehht." On the breaking out of the Tripolitan war, Mr. Perry was ordered to join the frigate Adams, com- PERRY AiLIEUTENANT. 341 manded by Captain Campbell with whom he sailed for the Mediterranean. This frigate was then lying in the harbour of Newport, and arrived at Gibraltar on the 13th of July, 1802. Here they were met by Comnaodore Morris, in the Chesapeake, and Lieute nant Sterret, of the Enterprise. After waiting a month at this place, they proceeded as far as Malaga, with a convoy of merchant ships, and then returned to watch a Tripolitan ship lying at the rock of Gibral tar, Her© they lay for ten months watching the Tripolitans, at which time they were joined by Com modore Preble, with the Constellation, accompanied by the New York, John Adams, and the Enterprise. Commodore Preble here shifted. his flag from the Constellation to the New York, and ordered the Constellation, then commanded by Captain Barron;, to the United States. On the 7th of April, Mr. Perry sailed from Gibraltar for the United States, in the frigate Adams, with a convoy of ten sail of mer chantmen. They touched at Malaga, Alicant, Bar celona, and, after staying a few days at the latter place, proceeded for Leghorn, and thence to Naples. During this cruise, and on his birth-day, (at seventeen years of age,) he was promoted to an acting lieute nancy. While on the Mediterranean station, Lieu tenant Perry embraced an opportunity afforded by the indulgence of his commander, of visiting many of the capital cities, and examining many of the curiosi ties both -of Italy and Spain. He had also an oppor tunity of seeing, whatever Was worthy, of notice in th6 Italian islands, as Well; as on the Barbary side. He was at Tangiers, Ceuta, Algiers, Tunis, Derne and Tripoli, From Naples the frigate sailed *o Strom- 29* „ 342 ON THE MEDITERRANEAN STATION. boli. Lieutenant Perry remained in the Mediter ranean until Commodore Morris left that station, and with him he returned to the United States. JOtti Lieutenant- Perry's return to Newport; from this long and fatiguing cruise, he strenuously applied him self to the study of mathematics. On the 5th of July, 1804, Lieutenant Perry was again ordered to the Constellation, under his old commander, Captain Campbell. This frigate was then fitting out at Washington, and destined to join our squadron at Malta, then under the command of Commodore Barron. He remained on board the Constellation until he was ordered by Captain Camp bell as first lieutenant on board of the Nautilus, during the time that Captain Evans and Captain Dent assumed the command. He was attached to the Nautilus until Commodore Rodgers assumed the command of the American squadron, by whom he was ordered on board of his own ship, the Constitu tion, where he remained until the conclusion of peace with the regency of Tripoli. Afterwards Commodore Rodgers shifted his flag to the Essex, retained Mr. Perry with him as the second lieutenant, and with him he returned to the United States. After this second Mediterranean cruise, Lieutenant Perry applied himself with redoubled diligence to the study of mathematics, and to the rudiments of navi gation. He had already been conversant with prac tice: and he was thus enabled to read and to compare what he read with his own experience, and to improve himself both by theoretical and practical knowledge. During the embargo, he was appointed to the com mand of seventeen gunboats, stationed at the harbour THE STTRVEY. 343 of New York, the duties of which he executed with his usual promptitude, industry and perseverance. - In all these incidents we may discover rather a narrativer of occurrences, than a- description of the character of Lieutenant Perry. N one of these events have served to throw out his peculiar and distinguish ing characteristics. It is time to come to more spe cific detail, and we shall find an intrepidity which no misfortune could disturb, surpassed only by the modesty with which it is surrounded. In the year 181>0j'Lieutenant Perry superseded Captain Jones in the command of the United States' schooner Re venge, attached to the squadron commanded by Com modore Rodgers. Lieutenant Perry received the orders of his commander to commence a survey, be ginning at the westernmost extreme of Gardiner's bay, on a parallel to extend five leagues south of the south side of Long Island, and north, so as to inter sect the Connecticut shore ; thence as far eastward as to include the whole of Connecticut, as far as the easternmost extremity of Newport, and the harbours adjacent thereto; from which the north and south parallel of the eastern boundary of the chart was to extend so far south that the intersecting east and west parallel, forming the southern margin of the ehart, would take in Gay-head and Block-island. He was, by the orders of his commander, first to survey the harbour of Newport, and then to return to New London. In the execution of this duty, the schooner was wrecked on a reef of rocks, called Watch-hill reef, at thf, entrance of FisheE's island sound. By the indefatigable exertions of the officers and crew, almost every thing of value was saved from the 344 LOSS OF THE REVENGE. wreck, and the life of every person on board was preserved, notwithstanding the heavy swell rendered the approach extremely difficult and hazardous. A court of inquiry was ordered by the Commodore, consisting of Captain Isaac Hull, and Lieutenants Charles Morris and Charles Ludlow; names dear to the memory of Americans. Lieutenant Perry, on his examination before the court, gave a modest and perspicuous detail ; but cautiously and modestly con cealed his own individual agency in attempting tft save the stores and the men. In the examination of the junior officers, this fact is stated, which the court would never have learned from his own lips : " At sunset the wind changed to the northward, and blew heavy on the reef, when the sea increasing,, an4 the vessel going fast to pieces, it was determined to leave her; and the Captain, and such part of the officers as remained on board, landed at Watch-hill — Captain Perry being the last person that left the wreck /' J| seldom happens that an officer is first recommended to the notice and favourable regards of his govern ment by his misfortunes. Such, however^ was the case in the present instance, and Lieutenant Perry, from that hour, became a favourite in, the navy de partment. He laid the foundation of his fulup celebrity in. his misfortune. The following letter ffcan the Secretary of the Navy, to the Commodore, sanctions these ideas, and one particular passage ap pears to be beautifully prophetic. "Mm? Department, February, l8t£ " Sib1: — Your letter of J the 31st ultimo, with the proceedings of the court of inquiry into the Iosb of the- Revenge, has been received. " HaviDg attentively examined the proceedings of the corart, 1 LOSS OF THE REVENGE. 345 derive much satisfaction from perceiving that it is unnecessary to institute any farther proceedings in the case. With respect to Lieutenant Perry, I can only say, that my confidence in him has not been in any degree diminished by his conduct on this occasion. The loss of the Revenge appears to be justly chargeable to the pilot. Tliis accident will no doubt present to Lieutenant Perry considerations that may be useful to him in future command. An. officer, just to himself, will not be depressed by defeat or misfor tune ; but will be stimulated by either cause to greater exertion." "The conduct of the officers generally, and of the crew, meets with my approbation, with only one exception, I mean acting Lieu tenant : , whose concern for himself appears to have rendered him regardless of. his duty as an officer. Such occasions are cal culated to excite the most active exertions for general relief, and afford opportunities of displaying a noble disinterestedness. In stead of cheering those under his command to manly exertions, it grieves me to find that this officer was inflicting unnecessary, per haps unmerited blows upon them. Furlough him as a midshipman, until further orders from this department. " If there should be any situation in the squadron, to which you can appoint Lieutenant Perry, that may be consistent with his just pretensions, and not interfere with the rights of others, you will appoint him to it; if not, he is to be furloughed, waiting the farther orders of this department. "The officers and crew having perhapiS suffered in their private property, may each receive an advance of two months' pay, to afford them relief. This authority is to be exercised according to your discretion. "You will cause this letter to be publicly read to Lieutenant Perry, his officers and crew. " The correctness of proceeding on the part of the court of in quiry is highly approved, and to the members who compose it, you will be, pleased to express thjs approbation. " I am, sir, yours, &c, "Paul Hamilton. " Cora. Rodgers, New London." On the breaking out of the war of 1812, Lieutenant Perry was appointed to the command of the United 2X 346 COMMANDS ON LAKE ERIE. States' flotilla, then lying in the harbour of Newport, with the rank of master-commandant. This place, however, as has been proved by subsequent events, was not destined for the theatre of active service. To a mind so enterprising and active, a mere nominal command, or, what amounts to the same thing, to an office where a brave man is, for want of opposition, in- cable of distinguishing himself, is irksome and destitute of all attractions. It soon became evident, not only from the declarations made on the floor of Congress, but likewise from the movements of General Hull, that the occupation Of Canada was our object; It became then a matter of primary importance to secure the possession of the lakes. Commodore Chauncey was selected for this purpose by the navy department, to whom was intrusted the superintend ence and direction of all our military operations on those waters. Captain Perry was by him appointed to the command of the naval forces of the United States on Lake Erie. So attached were the men who composed his squadron lying in the harbour of Newport, to their commander, that they cheerfully followed his new fortunes, and accompanied him to Lake Erie. At the time that General Dearborn contemplated an attack upon Fort George, Commo dore Perry arrived in the neighbourhood of our army on public business. This fort, it is well known, is situated at the communication between the waters of the Lakes Ontario and Erie, and just above the Falls of Niagara. Commodore Perry immediately volun teered his services, which were as promply accepted by General Dearborn and Commodore Chauncey, and the landing of our troops intended for the attack, PREPARATION Of THE FLEET. 347 was by them confided to him. The result of that action is so well known, that it is conceived unneceS'. sary to occupy the attention of the reader by a more specific detail. When Commodore Perry was appointed to com mand the United States' squadron on Lake Erie, there was no squadron for him to command. The British held the entire and exclusive possession of t these waters; and to this officer was confided the important duty of creating a fleet, in the face of a proud and insolent foe. The Commodore had not only to contemplate the day as extremely dubious and distant when he should meet his enemy on fair and honourable terms on the bosom of the Lake, but likewise to guard against surprise, and to run the risk of having his navy destroyed on the stocks. He had likewise to apprehend every thing from the inexpe rience of his own sailors ; and, it is hoped that it will not be deemed invidious to assert, from the inexpe rience of his officers also. The Commodore himself had never seen a naval engagement ; it is true that he had studied the theory of naval warfare ; but he had known nothing of active operations. He had never been in an engagement where a single ship was op posed to a single ship ; much less could he be pre sumed capable of calculating all the hazards and casualties where one fleet was opposed to another. This was untried ground, and on which'the Commo dore, so far as regards the knowledge resulting from experience, was almost as much a novice as the most ignorant of his crew. In addition to this formidable mass of obstructions, he had to encounter the genius of Captain Barclay, a man who, to an enterprising 348 PREPARATION OF THE FLEET. and active mind, had united the lessons of sober ex perience ; he was conversant with naval science both in theory and in practice: he had served under Nelson ; and in the battle of Trafalgar his wound was an evidence of his courage and intrepidity — these were the apparently unequal terms on which Commo dore Perry was to cope with his gallant competitor. These difficulties, which in ordinary minds would only excite motives of despair, were, in Commodore Perry's, subjects only of active and of persevering energy. His genius seemed to expand beneath the pressure of the foot which was raised for its extermi nation. To guard against the approach of the heavy vessels of the enemy, while his own fleet was upon the stocks, he selected a place denominated the har bour of Erie, which, from the shoalness of the water, was incapable of being approached by vessels loaded with heavy ordnance. This bay, by projecting into the main land, rendered the pass defensible, both by armed boats and by the militia, who, on the requisi tions of the Commodore, were stationed to watch' every motion of the enemy. Here, if Captain Bar clay attempted to enter, he would be compelled to relinquish his maritime superiority — he would be compelled to forego his heavy ships, and to trust his strength in boats, which might be opposed by an equal force on the water, as well as by the militia, who were stationed to prevent his advances. His naval pre-eminence would now avail him nothing. Under such auspices did Commodore Perry com mence the hazardous undertaking of building his fleet; Frequently were alarms excited, and, probably, for nefarious purposes promulgated, that Captain Barclay FORCE OF THE FLEETS. 349 intended an attack, and as often was the vigilance and promptitude of Commodore Perry found equal to the emergency. The militia were, by these false alarms, rendered more expert, and his own sailors were, from the same causes, trained, disciplined, and inured to their duty. These are some, and but faint views of the difficul ties which Commodore Perry had to surmount. Many minds are found capable of comprehending things in the mass, which cannot, at the same time, bear all the tedious minutiae of detail. Commodore Perry, however, was as attentive to the one as to the other. While he was revolving in his mind, and anxiously awaiting for the day when he should meet his opponent on equal terms, he superintended the whole of the preparatory arrangements, and displayed the same persevering zeal as he did in the grander scenes in which he was afterwards called to act. On the morning of the 10th of September, 1813, Commodore Perry's fleet-consisting of the brig Lawrence, of twenty guns; the Niagara, of twenty; the Caledonia, of three ; the schooner Ariel, of four ; the Scorpion, of two ; the Somers, of two guns and two swivels ; the sloop Trippe, the schooner Tigress, and the Porcupine, carrying each one gun only, and making in the aggregate fifty-four guns — were lying in Put-in bay. The British fleet, commanded by Commodore Barclay, were discovered, consisting of the ship Detroit, carrying nineteen guns; the Queen Charlotte, seventeen ; the schooner Lady Prevost, thirteen ; the brig Hunter, ten ; the sloop Little Belt, three; and the schooner Chippeway, one — making a difference of nine guns in favour of the 30 350 BATTLE OF LAKE ERIE. British. Commodore Perry preserving the weather- gage of his antagonist, bore up to the windward, and formed his squadrcn in line of battle. The enemy commenced firing, and as he mounted long twenty-four, eighteen, and twelve pounders, his fire became destructive. The Commodore observing this inequality of fire, and his own ship being the princi pal sufferer, made the signal for close action. The Lawrence was, in this situation, exposed for upwards of two hours to a fire so destructive and tremendous, that every brace and bowline was shot away, every gun rendered useless, and the greater part of her crew either killed or wounded. Commodore Perry lay in the Lawrence between the Queen Charlotte and the Detroit, with the schooners Ariel and Scorpion on his weather-bow. While the battle was thus raging, the gunboats, on which so much depended in such a crisis, and which, from the facility of their management, were capable of such speedy and effectual annoyance of the enemy, did but little or no execution. This is a broad outline of the action, and of the situation of the respective ships at this critical moment. Commodore Perry finding that no more effective hostility could be done in the Lawrence, hastily left her, in the charge of his brave and gallant lieutenant, Yarnall, and immediately proceeded on board the Niagara, bearing the commodore's flag, on which was inscribed the dying words of the brave Lawrence, "Don't give up the ship." He passed the line of the enemy, exposed to the full hazard of their musketry, still standing in the boat, a marked and pointed object, until he was forcibly pulled down by 351 BATTLE OF LAKE ERIE. 353 his own men. When he arrived on board of the Niagara, the crew of the Lawrence — the few remain ing crew — gave three cheers, on account of the safety of their beloved commander. Commodore Perry said, addressing Captain Elliot, " Do you see those infernal gunboats — they have lost us the victory." " No," exclaims his confederate, " do you take com mand of this ship and I will bring up the boats." This was what Commodore Perry so delicately men tions in his letter to the Secretary of the Navy, that Captain Elliot anticipated his wishes, in bringing up the boats. A fresh breeze springing up at this moment, Com modore Perry availed himself of this favourable opportunity, and plunged through the enemy's line, giving them a raking fire from the right and left. Captain Elliot in the mean time, having brought up the gunboats, did vigorous execution, by plying them in different directions, for which kind of naval service they are so admirably adapted. The enemy, over whom victory seemed to hover until this moment, were compelled to strike their flags; and Captain Barclay, who was fainting below, from the loss of blood, being carried on deck, agreed that nothing better could be done. On board the Lawrence twenty-two were killed, and sixty-one wounded. On board the Niagara two were killed, and twenty-five wounded. On board the Caledonia three were wounded; and on board the Ariel two. On board the Trippe and the Scor pion two only were wounded in each-^-making, in the whole, one hundred and twenty-three in killed and 2 V 30* 354 BATTLE OF LAKE ERIE. wounded. The number of the enemy's killed and wounded is not known. During this sanguinary battle, the Lawrence, after Commodore Perry had left her, was compelled to strike her colours, but the British not being able to take possession, the flag was afterwards rehoisted.* It was thought by many persons in the fleet at the time of the battle, that Captain Elliot might have come into close action before Commodore Perry boarded his vessel; and Perry himself expressed this opinion, and called on the proper authorities for an official inquiry into the matter, some time after. This gave rise to a controversy which has not yet terminated, during which much nautical language, much special pleading, and many diagrams have been employed to show that if there was any fault it was Perry's, and not Elliot's. But public opinion chose to regard Perry as the hero of the day, at the time of the battle, and the lapse of nearly thirty years has not served to depress his reputation in public estima tion, notwithstanding the violence with which it has been assailed. If there ever was a victory won by the extraordinary, exertions of the commander-in- chief, it was this on Lake Erie. There were many circumstances against him — such as the superior force of the enemy, the sickness of many of his men, while those of the British are admitted to have been all in health, and the fact that he received no support from the Niagara until his own ship was disabled, and he was compelled to shift his flag. It is upon these broad and undisputable facts, that his countrymen * Port Folio. HONOURS CONFERRED ON PERRY. 355 have assigned him a place in the very highest rank of their naval commanders, from which detraction can never remove him. His memory and his noble character will be cherished to the latest time as a portion of the nation's inheritance of glory. Previous to Perry's victory, there were many and incessant clamours against the war, and many, of both the friends and enemies of that measure, ven tured to prognosticate that the American officers were unable to conduct a fleet in action. Every thing of this kind was now silenced, and friends and enemies of the war all united to do honour to those to whom honour was so justly due. In acknowledg ment of his services in this action, Perry was pro moted, and received the thanks of Congress and many state legislatures ; but he rested not from his toils. The British naval force on the Lake was now sub dued, and Perry quitted naval warfare for the moment, to engage and assist in the enterprises of General Harrison, on land. He assisted at the taking of the Moravian towns, on the 5th of October following his own victory. The President of the United States, Mr. Madison, in his message to Congress, speaks of his conduct in the highest terms of praise, as reflecting honour on the nation. Captain Perry had a command on the Potomac, at the time of the taking of Washington ; hut it was so small as to be inadequate for the pro tection of the town, and no blame can, therefore, be attached to Perry.. After the end of the war, Perry took part in the operations at Algiers, commanding the frigate Java, under Commodore Decatur, who, in June, 1815, captured an Algerine frigate, commanded 356 HEROIC ACTION. by Admiral Reis Hammida, commonly styled " the terror of the seas." After his return to the United States, in midwinter, whilst the Java was lying at Newport, he was told that a merchant vessel had gone to pieces on a reef, five or six miles from that place, and that the crew were still on the wreck, at the mercy of the winds and waves. He manned his barge, and said to the rowers — " Come, my boys ! we are going to the relief of shipwrecked seamen ; pull away." He was most cheerfully obeyed, and, on arriving at the vessel, found eleven men on the quarter-deck, whom they rescued. The fame of this heroic and perilous deed spread far and wide, and the great mass of his countrymen declared Perry to be as worthy of the civic as of the naval crown. In 1819, Perry was sent in the John Adams to the West Indies, with sealed orders. He had the com mand of the squadron on that station. It was a command of importance, for the seas swarmed with pirates, who vexed the commerce and committed the most atrocious murders. He was not long the guardian of those seas. The yellow fever was in the squadron, and of that disease he died, August 23d, 1820, just as he was entering a port of Trini dad. Thus perished, in the prime of life, and in the midst of usefulness, one of the most gallant officers of this or any other country. He was buried on the 24th, with military honours. Every tribute of national grief was paid to his memory, in the United States, and Congress made a liberal provision for his family, including his mother, who depended on him for support. Commodore Perry married, early in life, a daughter CHARACTER OF PERRY. 357 of Dr. Mason, of Newport, and was happy in his domestic ties. He was a man of talents, of great tact in his profession, and every way fitted for a great naval commander. His intrepidity was the effect of nature and art combined. In his early youth he planned in imagination what he would one day be come, and he very nearly fulfilled his boyish predic tions. He always adapted the means to the ends, and never ventured on any thing that was not feasible. His mind was prolific, but well balanced. , He never was swayed from his purposes, or " frightened from his propriety," always acting with a wisdom and gravity beyond his years, and seldom without success. Commodore Perry was in person of a martial cast, tall and well proportioned, yet displaying a fine sym metry of limbs, and graceful movement of the body. The expression of his face was manly and intellectual, with more than ordinary traces of refinement. The remains of Commodore Perry have been brought to Newport, and a monument has been erected to his memory by the legislature of Rhode Island.* * Portrait Gallery. ^ — ^mWm^?^SSSfSSi WILLIAM BAINBRIDGE. I T T L E research is necessary to find the materials of this* commander's life. It has already em ployed some of the ablest pens in the country; and de^ servedly, for among the many who have distinguished themr selves in the youthful noon of the navy of our coun try, few have ranked higher than Commodore William Bainbridge. By his own merit and exertion, he raised himself from the rank of a common sailor, on a merchantman, to the highest rank of the navy, and in this -responsible situation conducted himself in such a manner as to win the approval of every candid mind. The honour of his nation, the dignity of his station, the respect due his own personal character, — these were the interests he ever felt bound to support, and it was the magnanimous maintenance of these that procured him renown among his fellow-citizens. William Bainbridge was born at Princeton, New Jersey, May 7, 1774, being descended from ancestors of high standing, who had for several gene rations resided in New Jersey. His father was a 358 EARLY LIFE. 359 physician of some eminence, who removed to the city of New York shortly after the birth of his fourth son, who is the subject of this memoir. Young Bainbridge was possessed of a bold and generous disposition and an athletic frame, and distinguished himself in every boyish undertaking where danger Was to be encountered. John Taylor, his maternal grandfather, superintended his education, and early impressed on his mind the importance of those high moral sentiments which were subsequently so emi nently ; displayed in his character and actions. At the age of fifteen, he was seized with a sudden desire to go to sea, and his importunities prevailing upon his parents, he was placed on board a merchantman about sailin g from Philadelphia. When only eighteen years of age, he was promoted to the rank of first mate of a vessel in the Holland trade; and during the voyage suppressed a mutiny among the crew, and saved the life of the commander by his own intre pidity and energy of character. For this act of manly conduct, and his great nautical skill, he was appointed captain of the same vessel, at the age of nineteen. In the year 1796, lying off Bordeaux, in command of the Hope, of Philadelphia, he was hailed by the officer of an American vessel, whose crew had risen in mutiny. He hastened on board and quelled the , mutineers, but an accidental explosion of gunpowder had nearly cost him his life. The same year, with an armament of four guns and eleven men, he was fired upon by a British schooner, of eight guns and thirty men : after a brisk action, the enemy struck, being much injured in the hull and rigging, and having 360 IMPRESSMENT. several men killed and wounded: As it would have been illegal to take possession of the prize, Bain bridge contented himself with hailing the captain of the schooner and telling him to " go about his busi ness, and report to his masters that if his ship was wanted they must either send a greater force or a more skilful commander." Some time after this event, while homeward bound, his vessel was boarded by the first lieutenant of an English cruiser, and one of his men impressed, on pretence of his being a Scotchman, despite the as surances of Bainbridge to the contrary. Five days after, Bainbridge fell in with an English brig of a force superior to his own, and having seized and con veyed to his own vessel one of the English marines, he hailed the captain and informed him that "he might report that Captain William Bainbridge had taken one of his Majesty's subjects, in retaliation for a seaman taken from the American ship Hope, by Lieutenant Norton, of the Indefatigable razee, com manded by Sir Edward Pellew." The captured seaman received good wages, and was discharged as soon as he reached an American port, in no way dis satisfied with the service into which he had been thus forced. The bravery and decision of character manifested by Captain Bainbridge, in these little affairs, engaged the notice of the Secretary of the Navy, who ap pointed him to the command of the Retaliation, a vessel lately taken as a prize from the French, by Captain Decatur, father to the renowned commodore of that name. In September, 1798, the Retaliation, in company with the Norfolk and Montezuma, sailed SERVICE I.N THE WEST INDIES. 361 for the West Indies, under the command of Commo dore Murray. Cruising off -Guadaloupe the following November, Jnree sail were discovered to the east, supposed to be English ; and two other vessels hove in sight to the westward, at the same time. Com modore Murray sailed for the. latter, the Norfolk accompanying him ; while Bainbridge was left to examine the cruisers to the eastward, which, instead of being British, as had been supposed, unfortunately proved to be French. One of the frigates, LTnsur- gente, hoisted the French flag, fired upon the Re taliation, and ordered her to strike. The other, Le Volontier, ranging alongside, commanded Bainbridge to repair on board ; who presented his sword imme diately on reaching the deck. The Commodore, St. Laurent, politely declined the proffered submission, observing, "that as he had had no opportunity to defend himself, he should prefer that he would retain his sword." The two frigates immediately made sail in chase of the Montezuma and Norfolk, but as the former was a ship of some size, Commodore St. Laurent felt a little apprehensive of permitting L'ln- surgente — which had far outstripped his own vessel, and was now a long distance ahead of her,— to, engage single-handed with a vessel whose force might be su perior to his own. He, therefore, inquired of Bain bridge as to the size of the American vessels. The shrewd Captain replied, with great coolness, that the ship carried twenty-eight twelve pounders, and the brig twenty nine pounders, thus nearly doubling their real force. This induced the Commodore to recal the Insurgente from the chase, the captain of which returned much chagrined, declaring that he could 2Z 31 362 CAPTIVITY. t have captured both in ten minutes, as there was not on either vessel a gun ofmore than six pounds. St. Laurent manifested great irritation at this ruse de guerre, but considering the deception as one of those frequently practised in war, and justified by the cir cumstances of the case, he recovered his good humour, and treated Bainbridge with great courtesy so long as he remained his prisoner. The prize was carried into Basseterre, and her officers and crew ordered to a loathsome prison : but the humane interference of St. Laurent procured for the officers permission to remain on board the frigate. The governor of the island, General Desfourneaux, wished to treat with Lieutenant Bainbridge as the re presentative of his government, promising to liberate the officers and crew of the Retaliation, if he would consider the island of Guadaloupe as neutral during the war between the United States and France. Bain bridge replied that his powers extended no further than an exchange of prisoners was concerned; that he regarded himself and crew as prisoners of war; and complained deeply of the barbarous manner in which they were treated. The governor admitted the truth of his complaint ; promised again and again to ameliorate their condition, which was truly de plorable ; and finally placed Bainbridge and his crew in possession of the Retaliation, fitted out a cartel to convey other American prisoners, who had been con fined in Guadaloupe, to the United States, and the two vessels set sail in company, with M. Le Blanc, the governor's bearer of despatches to the President of the United States. Here his whole conduct was highly approved by VISIT OF TOUSSAINT. 363 the government, and he was promoted to the rank of master-commandant, and put in command of the Norfolk, which his address had saved from capture. He received orders to join the cruising squadron of Commodore Truxtun, and, while on his way to the » station in the West Indies, he fell in with a large, heavy, three-masted armed schooner, to which he gave chase ; but his topmast being lost by carrying sail, he was obliged to put into St. Kitt's to repair. Here he took under charge a convoy of one hundred and nineteen sail, homeward bound. While on the pas sage, the convoy fell in with an enemy's frigate, and Bainbridge, giving signal to the convoy to disperse, drew off the frigate from the merchantmen, and oc cupied her till nightfall, when he gave the enemy the slip, and succeeded the next day in collecting the whole fleet. In September, 1799, the Norfolk sailed from Sandy Hook for the West Indies, where Bainbridge received orders from Commodore Perry, — father of the re nowned Oliver H. Perry, — to cruise off Hispaniola. At Cape Francois, he waited on General Toussaint, who received him with great politeness, and accepted his invitation to visit him on board his ship. Bain bridge, in return, was invited to dine with Toussaint, and, during the conversation, the General inquired of him how he meant to dispose of the prisoners taken from the brigand Riego ; offering, at the same time, to take charge of them, if Captain Bainbridge were willing. Being asked how he proposed to treat them, he replied that he would drum them out, and shoot them ; upon which Captain Bainbridge assured him that if he were to accede to his wishes he would 364 CAPTURE OF THE REPUBLICAN. be in danger of being shot himself by his own govern ment. On the 31st October, the Norfolk, with her guns housed, and otherwise disguised as a merchant man, was pursued by an armed barge, which Bain bridge permitted to approach till within gunshot, when he turned about and poured into her a deadly , broadside. There being a calm, the barge succeeded in escaping to shore, where the boat of the Norfolk pursued and captured, her, finding six dead or dying in and about the boat. Eight days after, the Nor folk took the French lugger Republican, with her prize, a sloop loaded with coffee. The lugger was destroyed, and her prize sent in. Shortly after, Bainbridge received orders to cruise off Havana, where he was joined by two other sloops of war, the Warren and the Pinckney. The whole force was placed under his command, and was well employed in protecting the commerce of the United States till March, 1800, when his cruise being up, he returned home, and anchored off Philadelphia. His conduct was so favourably regarded by the President, that he was promoted to the rank of cap tain — the highest then existing in the navy ; and in the following May appointed to the command of the George Washington, with orders to carry tribute to the Dey of, Algiers. Having arrived at Algiers and presented the tribute, he was required by the Dey to carry presents to Constantinople, to conciliate the government of the sublime Porte, whom he had offended by concluding a treaty with France, when Turkey was engaged in a war with Buonaparte, in Egypt. Bainbridge remonstrated in vain against this unexpected requisition. The Dey reminded him that VOYAGE TO CONSTANTINOPLE. 365 he was entirely in his power, and threatened, in case of his refusing to comply with his orders, to confine in slavery the crew of the frigate, and to make war on the American trade. Bainbridge finally yielded to his arbitrary demands, being influenced to this de- * cision by Richard O'Brien, the American consul, who had himself been imprisoned in Algiers, and was well aware of the power of the barbarian in his own territory. The passengers, upwards of two hundred in num ber, and the presents, amounting to about half a mil lion of our money, were placed on board, and the vessel ready to sail the 19th of October; when a difficulty arose in regard to the flag she was to carry. The Dey maintained that, as the frigate conveyed his ambassador, the Algerine flag should fly at the main and the American colours be carried at the fore ; and Bainbridge, finding remonstrance vain, was again obliged to yield' his opinion to superior force. No sooner had he passed* the batteries, however, than he gave the precedence to his own national ensign, and the stars and stripes waved proudly from the pinna cle, — the place they so justly deserved. The voyage was a long and boisterous one. Contrary winds im peded their progress^ and the crowded state of the vessel greatly interrupted the performance of its duties. The deck was crowded with cages of wild beasts for the Sultan, and the Mahometan passengers, who five times a day performed their devotions, with their faces towards Mecca, regulating their position by the compass on the binacle, where they stationed one of their own number to give notice of any change incident to the tacking of the ship. Fearing a long 31* 366 ARRIVAL AT CONSTANTINOPLE. detention at the castles, Bainbridge had recourse to an artifice by which to dispense with the necessity of a firman. When about entering the harbour, he fired a salute, at the same time clewing sails as if he meant to anchor. The guns at the castles, on each side, returned the salute, and being enveloped in a cloud of smoke, the frigate crowded all sail, passed the castles, and dropped anchor under the walls of Constantinople, November 9th. A messenger was sent to inquire under what flag Bainbridge sailed : he replied, the flag of the United States, when the mes senger remarked that no such country as the United States had ever been heard of at the Porte, and de sired him to state more explicitly whence he came. He then reported his vessel to belong to the new world, which Columbus had discovered; upon which the messenger returned on shore.* He returned, after the lapse of a few hours, and presented a lamb and a bunch of flowers, emblems of peace and wel come. The governor of the castle had nearly lost his life for permitting the frigate to pass without a firman ; and it was only by the generous representa tions of Bainbridge, — who frankly acknowledged his error, and offered to bear the consequences himself, — that the Capudan Pacha was induced to withhold his signature from the governor's death warrant. This Capudan Pacha, whose office corresponds with that of Lord High Admiral, formed a warm friendship for Bainbridge; and being generous and well informed, and possessing greater influence at court than any other subject, this attachment proved of great service to the commander of the George * Harris. RETURN TO ALGIERS. 367 Washington, during his stay at Constantinople. On his departure, the Pacha furnished him with a pass port, which subsequently procured for himself, and the flag under which he sailed, great respect at the hands of the Turks. While at Constantinople, Cap tain Bainbridge met with Daniel Clarke, the cele- Drated traveller, and with him made several excursions into the neighbouring country, penetrating as far as the Black sea, where were displayed for the first time the stars and stripes of republican America. The George Washington sailed for Algiers, on the 30th of December, 1800, and anchored without the harbour, on the 21st of January folio wing. The commander resolved not again to place himself in the power of the Dey, and refused to anchor within the mole until he should promise to require no further service of himself or his vessel. The necessity of this precaution had been rendered apparent by a re quest which the Dey had sent to Bainbridge to re turn to Constantinople with his ambassador. The pledge was at length given, though with reluctance; and soon after bringing the frigate to her new moorings, Bainbridge and the American consul were invited to wait upon the Dey, in his audience cham ber. They were received with harsh words and a frowning brow, and the rage of the despot soon burst forth with a fury that threatened personal violence. Surrounded with obedient janizaries, a nod from the monarch would have cost the Americans their lives; and had not Bainbridge haply bethought himself of the Capudan Pacha's letter of protection, the re maining moments of their .lives would doubtless have been few. The paper was produced, and it acted as 368 INTERVIEW WITH THE DEY. a charm, changing the furious despot, in a moment, to a mild and even servile dependant. Every pro fession of friendship, and every offer of service were made, and the subject of a second voyage to Con stantinople was never again alluded to. The next day, the Dey caused the flag-staff of the French consul to be cut down, which amounted to a declaration of war against his government; and having no other object upon which to vent his fury, he caused the consul, with all the French residents at Algiers, to be cast into prison. Bainbridge humanely interfered in their behalf, and procured their release on condition that they should leave his territory within forty-eight hours. No other vessel but the George Washington could be procured to carry them from the Dey's power, and, notwithstanding the war then existing between France and our government, Bainbridge undertook to convey them to a place of safety; and by extraordinary exertions the vessel was got ready and sailed from the harbour within an hour of the expiration of the time allowed the French to escape. He landed his passengers at Alicant, and then sailed for the United States, where he found that his conduct was highly approved by the govern ment. In May, 1801, Captain Bainbridge,— who had been retained in the service on the reduction of the number of officers, — was appointed to the Essex, a man of war carrying fifty-eight twelve pounders, with orders to join a squadron about sailing for the Medi- " terranean. Besides the Essex, there were two other frigates, the President and the Philadelphia, and the schooner Enterprise. The squadron was under the COMMANDS THE PHILADELPHIA. 369 command of Commodore Richard Dale, and its ob ject in sailing was to protect the American com merce from the attacks of the Tripolitan cruisers. It reached Gibraltar on the 1st of July, when it fell in with two Tripolitan corsairs, commanded by a Scotch renegade, in the capacity of admiral. The frigate Philadelphia was directed to watch these vessels, while the Essex was despatched to the northern coast to collect American merchantmen, and conduct them through the straits of Gibraltar. While en gaged in this duty, Captain Bainbridge and his officers received frequent insults from some of the Spanish officers at Barcelona, which appear to have been induced by jealousy of the praises bestowed upon the Essex for her beauty and order. The com mander displayed on this occasion his usual spirit and perseverance, and succeeded in obtaining from the offending officers a satisfactory apology. The Essex convoyed merchantmen through the straits during the winter and spring of 1802, when, being in want of repairs, she was ordered home. Bain bridge was soon after appointed to the command of the Philadelphia, to cruise in the Mediterranean, under Commodore Preble. Each vessel sailed as it was ready, and the Philadelphia, with a crew of over three hundred men, entered the straits on the 24th of August. On the night of the 26th, Bainbridge fell in with a ship and a brig in company, both under short canvass. Anxious to know their character, he hailed the ship, and, after much evasion on the part of the captain, ascertained her to be a Moorish cruiser, the Meshtoha, with a crew of one hundred and twenty men ; and was informed that the brig was 3 A 370 THE PHILADELPHIA GROUNDS. an American, which they had boarded but not de tained. This excited the suspicions of Bainbridge, and he sent his first lieutenant to board the Meshtoha. This attempt was resisted till an armed boat was sent, when no farther opposition being made, the frigate was searched. The officers and crew of the brig were found under the hold, having been captured by the Moorish cruiser, nine days before. The ship was taken, and the next day the brig was also captured, and with this prize, Bainbridge put into Gibraltar. He found by the papers of the Moorish commander, that he had permission from the governor of Mogadore to cruise for American vessels, although Morocco was ostensibly at peace with the United States. But this capture was a strong check to Moorish depredations, and prevented any repetition of the offence by that power. A short time after, while cruising off Tripoli, Bain bridge was informed that a corsair belonging to this government had sailed on a cruise the day previous. Lieutenant commandant Smith, of the Vixen, was despatched in pursuit. On the 21st of October, as the Philadelphia was making sail to recover her posi tion before Tripoli, from which she had been driven by westerly winds, at eight o'clock in the morning they perceived a vessel ahead, which proved to be one of the Bashaw's cruisers. All sail was made in pursuit, but, owing to Bainbridge's ignorance of the soundings, and the imperfection of his charts, his vessel struck on a reef, and every attempt to force the ship over the obstacle, or back her by the stern, proved unavailing. The anchors were cut away, the guns — except those aft — and other heavy articles CAPTIVITY. 371 were cast overboard, the foremast cut away, but the frigate could not be moved from her unlucky position. Having been for five hours exposed to the fire of numerous gunboats, and a council of officers having decided that every means to get the ship off had been used, and that there was no hope Of saving her, the flag was struck at four o'clock in the afternoon. Possession was taken about sunset, and the vessel entered at every port. Officers and crew were plun dered, indiscriminately, of every thing valuable they possessed, and almost every rag of clothing. Bain bridge submitted to their pillage, till some barbarian attempted to force from him a miniature of his wife, which he successfully resisted. About ten o'clock they were landed, and conducted to the Bashaw's audience chamber, where, after a brief interview, he ordered them to another apartment, where a supper was provided for them. They were then placed in charge of the minister of state, Sidi Mohammed Dgheis, and conducted to the house of the late American consul, which was for a time to be their prison.* Their confinement was long and irksome, and terminated only with the war. , The Danish consul, Mr. Nissen, proved a warm friend to the American captives ; procured books to relieve the tediousness of their confinement; and devised means for a cor respondence between Bainbridge and Commodore Preble. The Bashaw employed all his captured * Bainbridge was greatly gratified by the receipt, on the following day, of a letter from all his officers, in' which they assured him of thejr warmest sympathies, and their conviction that the charts and soundings warranted his near approach to the shore, — which was the material point. 372 CAPTIVITY. seamen in business connected with their trades, or at work on the fortifications. He allowed them wages for extra work, and, as they were permitted to walk through the streets, two or three at a time, they generally managed to spend the money thus obtained in purchasing grog, and then returned reeling to their prison. They were thus exposed to frequent col lisions with the Tripolitans, and often were punished by the bastinado, which the under slave-driver, — whose humanity greatly favoured them, — administer ed with little severity. During the fast of Ramadan the prisoners were treated with unusual kindness, by the Mahometans, who are required, during this period of thirty days, to show hospitality and mercy to enemies. On the occasion of the Bairam festival, which immediately followed, Captain Bainbridge and his first lieutenant, Mr. David porter, were invited to the Bashaw's palace, where this dignitary received them in great state. Having partaken of sherbet and coffee, they visited the prime minister, who received them in like manner ; and then the minister of state, Sidi Mohammed Dgheis. The kind interposition of this amiable minister procured for the officers per mission to ride out into the country to breathe the pure air, inhale the delightful odour of the orange groves, and forget, in the beauties of nature, the bard lot to which they were condemned. On the 15th of February, 1804, the Philadelphia was destroyed ; and the brave Americans who had devised and achieved this brilliant enterprise, waited but sufficient force to procure their countrymen's release. About the 1st of August, a large fleet was visible in the offing, but, in consequence of a heavy TREATY. 373 gale, it soon disappeai'ed. A few days after, the force reappeared, and then ensued the memorable attack of the 3d of August. On the night of the 14th of September, occurred the terrible catastrophe in which the gallant Somers perished ; and from this time the din of war ceased. The moment of their relief at length arrived. The consul general for Barbary appeared off the coast, as American negotiator ; and the Spanish consul, as agent for the Bashaw, was ordered to confer with him on board the Constitution. Some little difficul ties occurred to the adjustment of the terms, and the minister of state proposed that Bainbridge should go on board the frigate, and that by his endeavours the peace might be hastened. The wily Bashaw scoffed at the proposal, believing no reliance could be placed on the word of a "Christian dog;" and it was not till the generous minister had offered his own son as a pledge for Bainbridge's return, that the chief yielded his consent to the proposals. On the 1st of June, 1805, Bainbridge repaired on board the Constitution, and passed the whole day among the squadron ; but he returned in the evening with little hope of the success of the negotiation. The Bashaw rejected with disdain the terms proposed by him, and Mr. Nissen was sent on board the frigate to confer with the American agent. These agreed upon the basis of a treaty, and on the next day a council was as sembled by the Bashaw, to which was referred the articles for ratification or rejection. Bainbridge was invited to be present, and on his entering the council- hall, the Bashaw informed him that he conferred on him an honour never before received by a prisoner 32 374 RELEASE OF PRISONERS. in Barbary, in thus admitting him to his private divan ; and, in order to enable him to understand the debates, he caused them to be carried on in French. The Bashaw then proposed to the divan the ques tion of " peace or war with the United States. The members were equally divided on the question, and the Bashaw remarked : " Four of you for peace, and four for war; which party am I to satisfy? — how am I to act?" Sidi Mohammed rose and addressed him, " You are our prince and master — you have not called us here to dictate to you, but to hear our opinions. It remains now for you to act as you please ; but let me entreat you, for your own interest, and the happiness of your people, to make peace." The prince drew his signet from his bosom, affixed it to the treaty, and pronounced, "It is peace." The treaty was conveyed back to the frigate ; the salutes of peace followed ; and thus the war terminated. The exchange of prisoners was made, and shortly after the squadron sailed with the rescued captives, who, after nineteen months passed in painful captivity, rejoiced to find themselves free, on the decks of United States' men of war. A Court of Inquiry for the loss of the Philadelphia, was held at Syracuse, in the latter part of June, by which the officers were most honourably acquitted. His country judged fairly of Bainbridge in this affair ; not a word of re proach has been uttered against him, while his suffer ings have procured him the warmest sympathy. The officers of the Philadelphia reached home in the fall of 1805, and Bainbridge hastened to see a loved family from whom he had been so long severed. In a few months he was appointed to the command of NARROW ESCAPE. 375 the Navy Yard at New York; but, as his pecuniary affairs were somewhat embarrassed, he procured a furlough, and for nearly two years engaged in the merchant service. An accident happened to him while engaged in this service, which had nearly deprived his country of his subsequent valuable services, and brought him, in the flower of his age, to a watery, grave. As he was returning from a visit to Captain Hays, in his own vessel, while near the Bahama bank, in the act of stepping from the boat to the Minerva, a wave struck the boat, and he was thrown between it and the ship. Unable to swim, he immediately sunk, but soon appeared at the stern of the vessel. The mate seized the main-brace, and in attempting to jump off with it that he might place it in the hands of the commander, his feet became entangled in it, and he did not reach the water. , Bainbridge sunk a second time, and though various articles were thrown out for him to seize, he failed in reaching any of them, and sunk a third time. While slowly sinking, he perceived the deep-sea line near him, and, by strong exertions, succeeded in drawing himself to the surface with its aid, when he was taken up by the boat much exhausted. The deep-sea line had been cast out by his mulatto servant, Will, on hearing that his master was overboard, and this was the means of saving his life. In March, 1808, he was appointed to the Portland station, and in December following, he received the command of the President, forty-four. A war with England was confidently expected, and the President cruised along our coast, in readiness for war, from 376 IN THE MERCHANT SERVICE. July, 1809, till the following spring, when, as there appeared a likelihood of an amicable adjustment of difficulties with England, Bainbridge engaged again in the merchant service, and sailed for St. Peters burgh. On his way, he was taken by a Danish cruiser, and conveyed into Copenhagen. His friend, Mr. Nissen, was with him in a short time, and his ex ertions soon procured the release of Bainbridge'a vessel. It is mentioned, as a remarkable coincidence, that at the moment the ex-consul was apprised of Bainbridge's arrival, he was actually employed in unpacking a silver urn, which he had just received from the officers of the Philadelphia, as a testimony of their gratitude for his former kindness. Bainbridge, shortly after, sailed up the Baltic, and continued in this trade till the action between the British vessel Little Belt, and his late ship, the Pre sident; on the news of which he crossed to the At lantic coast over land, — a distance of eleven hundred miles. During this journey, he was driven, through the carelessness of the coachman, over a precipice of thirty feet, and though severely bruised, his persever ing spirit enabled him to reach Gotheburg, (Decem ber 20th.) On the 31st, he sailed for England, and twice in the course of the voyage, his energy and presence of mind, in moments of danger, saved the English vessel in which he sailed, and the lives of his fellow passengers from impending destruction. He delivered despatches to the American minister in London, set sail for Boston, and arrived there early in February, whence he hastened to Washington, and reported himself as ready for active service. COMMANDS THE CONSTITUTION. 377 But the cabinet decided against placing our few vessels Of war in contest with the powerful navy of Britain ; and it Was not until Captain Bainbridge and Commodore Stewart had represented in forcible lan guage the evil effects that would result from such a course of proceeding, that their former decision was countermanded, and our men of war permitted to cruise. Having effected this grand abject, Bain bridge returned to Boston, and took charge of the nayy yard at Charlestown. The United States declared war against Great Britain on the 18th of June, 1812, and it is not to be supposed that one so adventurous as Bainbridge could be satisfied to remain on shore, comparatively inactive, when danger and glory were to be courted on the sea. He applied for the command of a frigate, and was appointed to the Oo»etoll «» f i r»n J . tfairty^eigiit, witfcrorders to prepare her for sea with all despatch. His arrangements were not yet completed, when Captain Hull arrived in Boston with the Constitu tion, after achieving his splendid victory over the Guerriere. As Hull was obliged to resign his com mand, on account of some private affairs which re quired his immediate attention, Bainbridge requested to be transferred to his frigate. This request was complied with, and the Essex and Hornet being also placed under his orders at the same time, he hoisted his broad pennant on board the Constitution, Sep tember 15th, 1812. The Essex, then in the Delaware, was ordered to rendezvous at the Cape de Verde isles ; but she was prevented by the events of the cruise from joining the rest of the squadron. The Constitution and Hornet 3B 32» 378 .*;'„' CAPTURE OF THE JAVA. sailed on the 26th October, and arrived off St. Sal vador on the 13th December. On the 29th, in lati tude 13°, 6' southland about ten leagues from the coast of Brazil, the Constitution fell in with an enemy's frigate, the Java, bound for the East Indies, with a number of supernumerary officers and seamen for the Bombay station. The Commodore, finding the frigate fairly within his reach, prepared with alacrity for action. The. stranger showed English colours, and bore down with the intention of raking the Constitution. Bainbridge avoided this, and the enemy having hauled down colours, and left flying a jack only, the Commodore gave orders to fire ahead of the enemy to make him show full colours. This was returned with a full broadside, and a general action commenced, both ships striving to rake and to avoid tsetrrg^ rake^ Soon after the commencement of the action, Bain bridge received a ball in the hip; and a few minutes later a shot carried away the wheel, and drove a small bolt with violence into his thigh. These injuries did not induce him to sit down, and he continued on deck, giving orders, until eleven o'clock at night. The action lasted an hour and fifty-five minutes, when the enemy struck her flag, and the American Commodore sent Lieutenant Parker to take possession. The Java was commanded by Captain Lambert, a distin guished officer, who was mortally wounded, and- died a few days after the battle. The enemy's loss was not less than sixty killed and one hundred wounded. The Constitution lost nine killed, and twenty-five wounded. The two vessels presented a striking con trast in appearance, at the close of the action : the 3:9 JRETURN TO BOSTON. 381 Constitution " actually coming out of the battle as she had gone into it, with royal-yards across, and every spar, from the highest to the lowest, in its place," though some of them were considerably in jured ; while the Java lay upon the water an unma nageable wreck, with every spar shot away, and but a few stumps left standing. Bainbridge displayed great kindness in the treatment of his prisoners, and having destroyed his prize, he landed his captives at St. Salvador, on parole of honour not to engage in hos tilities against the United States, until exchanged.' The Constitution soon returned home for repairs, audi Bainbridge entered Boston harbour in triumph, as cordially greeted for* his present successes, as he had formerly been sympathized with for his misfor tunes. He resumed the command of the Charles- town yard ; and remained in this office till the fitting out of a squadron for i the • Mediterranean* in the spring qfi,1815. This squadron was taken out by Decatur, to act against the Dey of Algiers ; and Bainbridge, who followed as chief commandant, did not arriye until the war had been brought to a suc cessful close : but in the course of the cruise, the latter settled several difficulties with the states of Barbary. He had under his command eighteen or twenty cruisers, being a larger naval force than had ever before sailed under our flag. Bainbridge continued to reside at Boston until 1819,'when be performed the last piece of duty afloat, in another cruise in the Mediterranean, being his fifth. He sailed in the Columbus* eighty, in April, 1820, the principal object of the cruise being to im press the, nations, on the coast with an idea of the 382 DEATH OF BAINBRIDGE. strength of our navy, and the necessity of respecting the rights of the^ republic. Having effected this ob ject, visited the Barbary powers, and spent some time at Naples, he was relieved by Commodore Jones, and returned home. The remaining years of his life were spent in ac tive service on land. He commanded at Charlestown and at Philadelphia; he served for three years at the head of the Board of Navy Commissioners, at Wash ington; and having, finally, been obliged to give up his command at Boston, owing to the decline of his health, and the severity of the climate, he returned to Philadelphia, in March, 1832, with a constitution broken down by disease. He lingered on till the 28th of July, when he calmly yielded up his spirit to its Giver, at the age of fifty-seven years, two months and twenty-one days. His intellect remained unim paired, till an hour or two before his death, when it occasionally wandered. He called for his pistols about this time, and as this demand was not complied with, he raised his once noble frame in his bed, and vehemently demanding these instruments, ordered all hands to be called to board the enemy ! A biographer thus portrays his personal appear ance and character : " Commodore Bainbridge was a man of fine and commanding personal appearance. His stature was about six feet, and his frame was muscular and of unusually good proportions. His face was handsome, particularly in youth, and his eye uncommonly ani mated and piercing. In temperament he was ardent and sanguine; but cool in danger, and of a courage of proof. His feelings were vehement, and he was CHARACTER OF BAINBRIDGE. 383 quickly roused; but generous and brave, he was easily appeased. Like most men who are excitable, but who are firm at bottom, he was calmest in the moments of greatest responsibility. He was hospita ble, chivalrous, magnanimous, and a fast friend. His discipline was severe, but he tempered it with much consideration for the wants and health of his crews. Few served with him who did not love him, — for the conviction that his heart was right was general among all who knew him. There was a cordiality and warmth in his manner, that gained him friends, and those who knew him best, say he had the art of keeping them. * * '* * * * To his dying hour, Bainbridge continued the warm-hearted friend, the chivalrous gentleman, and the devoted lover of his country's honour and interests." CHARLES STEWART. IE ability and eminent ser vices of Commodore Stewart have not only placed him in a very elevated rank among , the naval commanders of the United States, but have been ¦=^S5SS|pfe considered by many of his fellow citizens, as giving him a claim to the highest mark of their confidence which their suffrages can confer. Whatever difference of opinion may exist as to the fitness of the1 commodore for civil stations, it is certain that his abilities have always been found equal to the occasion which called them forth, either upon the land, or upon his favourite field, the ocean. Charles Stewart was born in the city of Phila delphia,' on the twenty-eighth day of July, 1 778, the month after the British army evacuated the city. His parents were natives of Ireland. It was his mis fortune to lose his father before he had attained his second years. He was the youngest of eight children. On the death of his father, his mother was left, in the midst of the revolution, with four children to 384 COMMANDS THE EXPERIMENT. 385 provide for, and with limited means for their support and education. Being, however, a woman of talents and great energy, she was not found wanting in this arduous task. At the age of thirteen, Charles sought and found employment in the merchant service, in which he rose, through the several grades, from the situation of cabin boy, to the command of an Indiaman ; and here, in the full tide of successful mercantile enter prise, he relinquished all that he had toiled for, and offered himself to the service of his country. On the ninth of March, 1798, he was commissioned lieutenant in the navy of the United States, and received orders to join the frigate United States, then in command of Commodore John Barry. He continued in this ship until July, 1800. Part of this time the frigate was employed in the West Indies, to look after and restrain the French privateers, and to protect our commerce against their depredations, in which service she was eminently successful. In the latter part of the year the frigate 'was engaged in transporting the commissioners for treating with France to that country, and was thus deprived of the opportunity which, under other circumstances, might havfe led to other and higher honours. On the sixteenth of July, 1800, Lieutenant Stewart was appointed to the command of the United States' schooner Experiment, of twelve guns, in which he sailed on a cruise to the West Indies. Having arrived on the station assigned him, on the night of September the 1st, he. fell in with the French armed schooner Deux Amis, of eight guns, and brought her to action, which terminated' in ten minutes; the 3C 33 386 EXPERIMENT AND DIANA. Deux Amis having struck her colours, she was sent to the United States for condemnation. Cruising under the lee of Barbuda, at daylight on the thirtieth of September, two' sails were discovered, bearing down on the Experiment, with all sail set, and Eng lish colours hoisted. The Experiment continued lying to, with the British signal of the day flying, until they approached within gun-shot, when, finding one to be a brig of war of eighteen guns, and the other a threeTinasted schooner of fourteen guns, and that they would not answer the signal, Lieutenant Stewart determined to retreat from such superior force, anc( avail himself of any opportunity that might offer for cutting off one of those vessels. It was soon discovered that the Experiment could outsail them, and after a fruitless chase of two hours, on the wind, they gave up the pursuit, hoisted French colours, fired a gun of defiance to windward, and kept their vessels off before the wind. He, being now satisfied of their character and force, manoeuvred to gain their wake to windward, and thus became the pursuing vessel in his turn. Sail was crowded on the Experi ment, and at about eight o'clock at night she came up with the three-masted schooner, and taking a position on her larboard quarter, poured in a broad side ; in a few minutes the enemy struck her colours, and surrendered to the Experiment. She proved to be the French national schooner Diana, commanded by Captain Perandeau; having on board Lieutenant de Vaisseau, with a detachment of thirty invalid sol diers, and a crew of sixty-five men, also General Rigaud, on his way to France, under the convoy of the brig of war, which made her escape, and got into ANOTHER ACTION. 387 Saint Bartholomew. The prize was despatched to the United States, under command of Lieutenant James R. Caldwell, and was restored to the French under an article of: the treaty; but the captors were never compensated by the government for this vessel, as others were in many cases. After disposing of the prisoners at St. Christopher, Lieutenant Stewart continued on his cruising ground, and recaptured a number of American vessels which had been taken by the French, and thus rescued a considerable amount, of property from the grasp of their privateers. On the sixteenth of November, at midnight, he fell in with an armed vessel, and after repeatedly hailing and requesting her to heave to, that a boat might board her, for the purpose of ascertaining her character, and receiving no answer or other satisfaction, he determined to bring her to action. The vessel kept up a running fight with great spirit and determination, for forty minutes, when she became so cut up and crippled by the Ex periment's fire, that she was obliged to strike and submit to be boarded. She proved to be the Louisa Bridger, of Bermuda, carrying eight nine-pounders, with a stout crew of Bermudians. She was so much injured that the officers, and crew of the Experiment were occupied until three o'clock next day in repair ing her damages. Having two shot through her bottom, she was almost in a sinking condition, and when Lieutenant Porter boarded her, was found to have four feet, water in the hold. After putting her in the best repair which circumstances permitted, Lieutenant Stewart dismissed her on her cruise. The Experiment had only one killed and two wounded 388 RESCUE OF THE SHIPWRECKED. slightly. The wind, during the action, was strong and squally, and the Experiment careened so much, that Lieutenant Stewart, to enable his guns to be sufficiently depressed, found it necessary to cut three inch planks into short lengths, and put them under the trucks of the gun carriages, to raise the guns sufficiently from the lower port sills. On the return of the Experiment to St. Chris topher, Commodore Truxtun ordered Lieutenant Stewart to proceed with a convoy from Martinique to the island of St. Thomas, and thence to Curacoa, to look for the United States' brig Pickering, and frigate Insurgent, but nothing could be heard of those vessels at that place; they had both foundered in the equinoxial gale, with a store; ship under their care, and all hands perished. On leaving Curacoa the . Experiment was ordered to proceed to Norfolk. Standing in for the M on a passage, early in the morning, a vessel was discovered in distress, and beating on the reef off Saona Islandi On nearing her, many persons were discovered tQ, be on board. After anchoring the Experiment, at a safe distance from the reef, Lieutenant Stewart despatched Lieu tenant Porter with the boats to their relief, who, with much difficulty and danger from the breakers on the reef, succeeded in rescuing from destruction about sixty women and children, with- seven men of the vessel's crew. They were the families of the most respectable inhabitants of St. Domingo, flying from the siege of that city by the blacks. They had been on the rocks for two days, without any thing to eat or drink; and at the time of their rescue only a small portion of the quarter deck was above water. IN THE MEDITERRANEAN. 389 After the sailors had recovered as much of the pro perty as they could, by diving into the vessel's hold, the Experiment proceeded to the city of St. Domingo with jthe rescued persons, where they were all landed jth$ next day, and restored to their friends. Their gratitude was unbounded, and the Experiment was most liberally furnished, gratis, with every refresh ment the place afforded. The President of St. Do mingo, Don Joaquin Garcia, wrote a letter of thanks to the President of the United States, (Mr. Jefferson,) commending in the highest terms the conducj.^ V" tenant Stewart and his gallant cr*~-- «»*"occasion. On the arrival pf->^ ^Penment, m 1801, at Norfolk*-*11*"'""* ~^ol<1 out °^ — service, under the o**-.jr"C0Tig«5SS fixing the naval establishment. Lieu tenant Stewart was amongst the thirty-six lieute nants retained under that law, and was placed in charge of the frigate Chesapeake, in ordinary, at Norfolk. In 1802, he joined the United States' frigate Con stellation, as first officer of Captain Murray, who was ordered to the Mediterranean to blockade Tripoli, then at war with the United States. This was a short cruise of one year, and afforded no opportunity for distinction. On her return, Lieutenant Stewart was placed in command of the brig Siren, thea being built at Philadelphia, and received orders to superin tend her equipment, which was effected in seven days after she was launched; when she sailed for the Mediterranean to join the command of Commodore Preble. She was engaged in giving protection to our commerce by convoy, and conveying the consular presents to the Dey of Algiers. 33* 390 ARRIVAL OF COMMODORE PREBLE. Syracuse, in the island of Sicily, was the rendez vous of the squadron. From that place the Siren was engaged in the expedition sent under Lieutenant Stewart to destroy the frigate Philadelphia, which had grounded off the harbour of Tripoli, and was surrendered to the Bashaw. Lieutenant Decatur was sent in the Intrepid, ketch, with seventy volun teers, to board and burn the frigate, which he accom plished in the most gallant manner; and with the aid of the Siren's boats, under Lieutenant Caldwell, &K^~teul(rhis retreat out of the harbour. After this successfulc^!^. the gi Lieutenant Stewart, tvith the Vixen, Entefpr^^^^, ali under his command, were employed in xt ^t^va TancTta** of the city of Tripoli and adjacent harbours. ijQriwg this blockade Lieutenant Stewart frequently led in the vessels of the blockade to the attack of the batte ries and flotilla, to accustom the officers and men to the enemy's fire, and to force the Tripolitans to expend their ammunition ; and on one occasion, they attacked and destroyed two batteries which the enemy had erected to the westward of the city, for the protection of their coasting trade. ' On the 21st of July, 1804, Commodore Preble arrived off Tripoli with the frigate Constitution, 44, brig Argus, 18, brig Siren, 18, Scourge, schooner Vixen, 16, Enterprise, 14, two mortar vessels, and six gunboats; with these, in conjunction with the force above mentioned, he determined to attack the town, flotilla, and batteries of Tripoli. On the 3d of August, the wind proving favourable, at meridian the signal was made to prepare for battle; when the whole force, forming- a line a-head, led on by the IN COMMAND OF THE ESSEX. 391 Siren, Lieutenant Stewart, advanced to the attack, and when within reach of the enemy's fire, the gun boats were cast off, and immediately boarded the gunboats of Tripoli, twenty of which were moored in a line, outside of the reef which formed the har bour. Three of them were carried, and brought off under cover of the vessels of war, and added to the American squadron. Lieutenant Stewart for his gallant conduct on this occasion received the thanks of Commodore Preble. For his distinguished services throughout the blockade he was promoted to be master commandant, and placed in command of the frigate Essex, which vessel, after the conclusion of peace with Tripoli, proceeded with the rest of the squadron, commanded by Commodore Rodgers, to Tunis Bay, for the pur pose of cheeking in that regency a rising disposition to commence hostilities on the flag and commerce of the United States. The hostile attitude of the squadron, while there, induced Mr. George Davis, consul of the United States, to leave the city, and seek refuge on board the fleet. The state of our affairs now drawing to a erisis so serious, it appeared to the consul general, Colonel Lear, that the flag officer ought to strengthen his acts with the advice and consent of his principal officers; in consequence of which, the commander-in-chief called a council, consisting of Captains Campbell, Decatur, Stewart, Hull, Smith, Dent, and Robinson, to whom the situa tion of our affairs with the regency was explained, and the opinion of the officers demanded whether hostilities ought not immediately to commence. It was at this council that the opinion of Captain 39$ OPINION OF JEFFERSON. Stewart carried with it the assent of all the officers, and preserved the peace of the country with that regency. It was on receiving that opinion, as deli vered in the council, transmitted by the consul gene ral and the consul, Mr. Davis, to the President of the United States, that Mr. Jefferson expressed to his cabinet the high satisfaction he felt at having an officer in the squadron who so thoroughly compre hended international law, the constitution of his country, and the policy of his government On the termination of this affair with the regency of Tunis, Captain Stewart took command of the frigate Con stellation, and returned to the United States. During part of the years 1806 and '7, Captain Stewart was employed in superintending the con struction of gunboats at New York, and was after wards engaged in prosecuting mercantile enterprises to the East Indies, the Mediterranean, and the Adriatic. On the declaration of war with Great Britain, in 1812, he proceeded, in conjunction with Commodore Bainbridge, to Washington, for the pur pose of seeking service ; but on presenting themselves at the Navy Department, they were informed that it had been decided by the cabinet to place all the ships of war in the harbour of New York for its defence, and thus deprive the marine of all oppor tunity for distinguished service. But, on the 22d of June, 1812, it was determined by the President, in conformity with the suggestions of these officers, that the ships should be sent to sea, and to sea they were forthwith ordered. Captain Stewart was appointed to the command of the brig Argus and the Hornet sloop of war. ESCAPE OF THE CONSTELLATION. 393 In December he was appointed to the command of the frigate Constellation, then repairing at Washing ton. Shortly after, she was equipped, and ready for sea, upon which occasion Captain Stewart gave a splendid entertainment on board that vessel, to all branches of government, and the citizens of the dis trict. He now proceeded to Hampton Roads, prepa ratory to going on a cruise; but unfortunately, the morning after anchoring there, he discovered the enemy approaching his anchorage with a superior force of two seventy-fours, three frigates, and several small vessels of war ; he lost no time in preparing to retreat. It being calm with him, he commenced kedging his frigate towards Norfolk; the enemy's vessels approached rapidly with a fine breeze, which they fortunately lost off Willoughby's point, and they were in consequence of the ebb tide compelled to anchor. The Constellation was kedged up on the flats off Sowell's Point, where she lay aground the rest of the day ; Captain Stewart continued to press the river craft and lighten his vessel. In case the enemy, by kedging up their seventy-fours, or by means of a breeze, had reached his position, he was prepared for burning the Constellation; the night flood, however, made, when about eight o'clock his ship floated, sail was made on her with a fine breeze, boats with lights and pilots were sent to point out the shoals, and at eleven o'clock, P. M., the Constel lation was safely moored between forts Norfolk and Nelson, where she afterwards contributed to defend that place, and with her cannon and her crew repulsed the enemy's attack on Craney Island, and 3D 394 CAPTURE OF CYANE AND LEVANT. defeated the expedition sent to capture Norfolk and its dependencies. In the summer of 1813, Captain Stewart was ordered to assume the command of the frigate Con stitution, then undergoing repairs at Boston. In December following he proceeded on a cruise. After exhibiting that ship on the coasts of Georgia and South Carolina, and about the Bermuda Islands, &c. and destroying the Picton of sixteen guns, a merchant ship of ten guns, the brig Catherine, and schooner Phoenix, he chased several British ships of war, and the frigate La Pique, in the Mona passage, without being able to overtake any of them, in consequence of the worn out state of the sails of the Constitution. Captain Stewart determined to return to Boston, and replace them; in April the Constitution arrived at Marblehead, in Massachusetts, having with great difficulty escaped from the British frigates, the Junon, and La Nymphe, of fifty guns each. In December, the Constitution proceeded on an other cruise, having been refitted with great care, and furnished with new sails. On the 24th, he captured and destroyed, to the eastward of the Bermudas, the brig Lord Nelson; off Lisbon he captured the ship Susan, with a valuable cargo, and sent her to New York; and on the 20th of February, 1815, after a sharp conflict of forty minutes, he captured the British ships of war, the Cyane of thirty-four guns, and the Levant of twenty-one guns, having three men killed, and thirteen wounded, the British ships having in all thirty-five killed, and forty-two wounded. Captain Stewart proceeded with these prizes to the Island of St. Jago, with a view to divest his ship IIS MMBP& • iiiii i i'i >h I RETURN TO THE UNITED STATES. 397 of the numerous prisoners, consisting of the officers, seamen, and marines of both ships of the enemy, amounting to nearly four hundred. While making arrangements for despatching them at Port Praya, for Barbadoes, the British squadron, consisting of the ships of war the Acasta of fifty guns, the New Castle of sixty-four guns, and the Leander of sixty- four guns, under the command of Sir George Collier, reached his position under cover of a thick fog. Not withstanding their near approach, Captain Stewart determined to retreat, and immediately the Constitu tion and her prizes cut their cables and crowded sail to escape. He was fortunate in being able, by his skilful management and manoeuvres, to save from their grasp his favourite frigate Constitution, and the Cyane; the Levant was captured by the squadron and sent to Barbadoes After this escape, he proceeded with the Constitu tion to Maranham, in the Brazils, and landed the prisoners, refreshed his crew, refitted his vessel, and returned to Boston, where he and his officers were received with the usual courtesies by their fellow citizens. On his way through New York, the common council honoured Captain Stewart with the freedom of their city, in a gold box, and extended towards him and his officers the courteous hospitalities of that city, by a public dinner. On his arrival in Philadelphia, the legislature of his native State (Pennsylvania) voted him their thanks, and directed his excellency the governor to cause a gold-hilted sword to be presented to Captain Stewart, in testi mony of their sense of his distinguished merits in 34 398 THE GOLD MEDAL. capturing the British ships of war of superior force, the Cyane, and the Levant. On the meeting of con gress, the assembled representatives of the nation passed a vote of thanks to Captain Stewart, his officers, and crew; and resolved that a suitable gold medal, commemorative of that brilliant event, the capture of the two British ships of war, the Cyane and the Levant, by the Constitution, should be pre sented to Captain Stewart, in testimony of the sense they entertained of his gallantry, and that of his officers, seamen and marines, under his command on that occasion. The war with Great Britain having terminated, the Constitution was put out of commission, and laid up in ordinary. In 1816, Captain Stewart was placed in command of the Franklin ship of the line, of seventy-four guns, and in 1817, she was fitted out at Philadelphia as the flag ship of Commodore Stewart, who was directed to take command of the American squadron in the Mediterranean sea. In November, 1817, he sailed for England, to convey the Hon. Richard Rush as a minister to the court of St. James, who was landed there in the latter part of December, after which the Franklin proceeded to the Mediterranean, and Commodore Steward took command of the forces of the United States in that ^ea. In this station he preserved the glory of his former exploits, and the honour of his country. He was placed in a situation which calls forth an energy and address that few men are fortunate enough to combine. In 1820, the Franklin returned to the United States, and remained in ordinary until the following PUBLfC DlNNES. 399 year, when she was again fitted for service in the Pacific, and Commodore Stewart was placed in com mand. This post, owing to the state of affairs in the South American provinces, called for the exercise of great discretion and prudence in giving protection to his fellow citizens, their commerce and their pro perty, while, at the same time, he had to guard against the representations of malignant enemies. In these trying circumstances the commodore adopted that line of conduct which patriotism, duty and honour alone could point out. On returning to the country he had so nobly served, Commodore Stewart was subject to a degrading ar rest for one year, and to the costs of an expensive court martial. An acquittal, more honourable than the records of any naval tribunal can furnish, was the result accorded him, under the oath of' twelve of his brother officers, distinguished for their patriotism, valour, experience, and fidelity to their country. On his return from Washington, where his trial took place, to Philadelphia, his friends greeted him with a public dinner in approbation of his services in the Pacific. From 1825 to 1830, he was variously en gaged in appropriate duties, such as examining mid shipmen, and sitting on court martials. In August, 1830, he was appointed a member of the Board of Navy Commissioners at Washington, where he remained until August, 1833, he then retired to his farm in New Jersey. In July, 1836, Commo dores Stewart, Dallas and Bolton were appointed commissioners to prepare plans for the improvement of the navy yard at Pensacpla. On the 1st of July, 1837, Commodore James 400 LAUNCH OF THE PENNSYLVANIA. Barron resigned the command of the navy yard at Philadelphia, and Commodore Stewart was placed, in command of that station. By the most strenuous exertions, Commodore Stewart succeeded in launch ing the line-of-battle ship Pennsylvania, on the 18th of July. This ship, the largest and most magnificent in point of model and construction now afloat, was ordered by the Secretary of the Navy to be removed from Philadelphia to Norfolk, to be coppered, and Commodore Stewart was appointed to equip and take her to that place for the purpose. Since that period he has been engaged, as usual, in various ser vices, requiring the ability and experience of a first rate commander. Commodore Stewart is about five feet nine inches in height, erect and well proportioned, of a dignified and engaging presence, and possessed of great con stitutional powers to endure hardships and privations of all kinds. Although sixty-five years of age, he is still as active as if he were but in the prime of life. His complexion is fair, but it bears the weather- beaten marks of naval service. His hair is of a chest nut colour; his eyes blue, large, penetrating, and in telligent. The cast of his countenance is Roman, bold, strong, and commanding, and his head finely formed. He possesses great vigor of mind, a high sense of justice, and inflexible resolution of purpose. His mind is acute and powerful, grasping the greatest or smallest subjects with the intuitive mastery of genius. He not only fully understands his profession as a naval commander, but all the various interests of commerce, the foreign and domestic policy of his country, the principles of government, and the " law CHARACTER OF STEWART. 401 of nations," are as familiar to him as " household words." His control over his passions is truly sur prising; and under the most irritating circumstances, his oldest seamen have never yet seen a ray of anger flash from his eye. His kindness, benevolence and humanity are proverbial amongst those who know him; bqt his sense of justice and of the requisitions of duty are as unbending as fate. 3 E 34* DAVID PORTER. AVID PORTER, tne eldest son of Captain David Porter, was born in Bo.ston, on the 1st February, 1780. His father was an officer in our navy during the revolutionary war, and distinguished himself on various occasions by his activity, enterprise and daring spirit. Being neces sarily absent from home for the greater part of his time, the charge of his infant family devolved almost entirely on his wife. She was a pious and intelligent woman, 402 EARLY LIFE. 403 the friend and instructer of her children, teaching them not merely by her precepts, but by her amiable and virtuous example. Soon after the conclusion of the war, Captain Porter removed with his household to Baltimore, where he took command of the revenue cutter the Active. Here, in the bosom of his family, he would indulge in the veteran's foible of recounting past scenes of peril and adventure, and talking over the wonders and vicissitudes that chequer a seafaring life. Little David would sit for hours and listen and kindle at these marvellous tales; while his father, per ceiving his own love of enterprise springing up in the bosom of the lad, took every means to cherish it and to inspire him with a passion for the sea. He at the same time gave him all the education and instruction that his limited means afforded, and being afterwards in command of a vessel in the West India trade, proposed to take him a voyage by way of initiating him into the life of a sailor. The constitution of the latter being feeble and delicate excited all the appre hensions of a tender mother, who remonstrated, with maternal solicitude, against exposing the puny strip ling to the dangers and hardships of so rude a life. Her objections, however, were either obviated or overruled, and at the age of sixteen he sailed with his father for the West Indies, in the schooner Eliza. While at the port of Jeremie, in the island of St. Domingo, a press-gang endeavoured to board the vessel in search of men; they were bravely repelled, with the loss of several killed and wounded on both sides; one man was shot down clpse by the side of young Porter. This affair excited considerable atten tion at the time. A narrative appeared in the public 404 ENTERS THE NAVY. papers, and much praise was awarded to Captain Porter for the gallant vindication of his flag. In the course of his second voyage, which he per formed as mate of a ship, from Baltimore to St. Do mingo, young Porter had a further taste of the vicissitudes of a sailor's life. He was twice im pressed by the British, and each time effected his escape, but was so reduced in purse as to be obliged to work his passage home in the winter season, destitute of necessary clothing. In this forlorn con dition, he had to perform duty on a cold and stormy coast, where every spray was converted instantane ously into a sheet of ice. It would appear almost in credible that his feeble frame, little inured to hardship, could have sustained so much, were it not known how greatly the exertions of the body are supported by mental excitement. Scarcely had he recovered from his late fatigues when he applied for admission into the navy; and on receiving a midshipman's war rant, immediately joined the frigate Constellation, Commodore Truxton. In the action with the French frigate the Insurgent, Porter was stationed on the foretop, and distinguished himself by his good con duct. Want of friends alone prevented his promo tion at the time. When Commodore Barron was appointed to the command of the Constellation, Porter was advanced to the rank of lieutenant solely on account of his merit, having no friends or con nexions capable of urging his fortunes. He was or dered to join the United States' schooner Experi ment under Captain Maley, to be employed on the West India station. During the cruise they had a long and obstinate engagement with a number of CAPTURES A PRIVATEER. 405 brigand barges in the Bite of Leogan, which afforded him another opportunity of bringing himself into notice. He was also frequently employed in boat expeditions to cut out vessels, in which he displayed much coolness and address. Commodore Talbot, who commanded on that station, gave him charge of the Amphitrite, a small pilot boat prize schooner, mounting five small swivels taken from the tops of the Constellation, and manned with fifteen hands. Not long after taking this command he fell in with a French privateer, mounting a long twelve pounder and several swivels, having a crew of forty men, and accompanied with a prize ship and a large barge, with thirty men armed with swivels. Notwithstanding the great disparity of force, Porter ordered his vessel to be laid alongside the privateer. The contest was arduous, and for some time doubtful, for in the com mencement of the action he lost his rudder, which rendered the schooner unmanageable. The event, however, excused the desperateness of the attack, for after an obstinate and bloody resistance, the priva teer surrendered with the loss of seven killed and fifteen wounded. Not a man of Porter's crew was killed; several, however, were wounded, and his ves sel was much injured. The prize was also taken, but the barge escaped. The conduct of Lieutenant Porter in this gallant little affair was highly applauded by his commander. Shortly after his return to the United States he sailed as first lieutenant in the Experiment, com manded by Captain Charles Stewart. They were again stationed in the West Indies, and afforded great protection to the American commerce in that 406 ON THE MEDITERRANEAN STATION. quarter. They had several engagements with French privateers, and were always successful, insomuch that they became the terror of those marauders of the ocean, and effectually controlled their rapacity and kept them quiet in port. The gallant and la mented Trippe was second lieutenant of the Experi ment at the time. When the first squadron was ordered for the Mediterranean, Porter sailed as first lieutenant of the schooner Enterprise, Captain Stewart. In this cruise they encountered a Tripolitan corsair, of very superior force; a severe battle ensued, in which the enemy suffered great slaughter, and was compelled to surrender, while our ship received but little injury. In this brilliant action Porter acquired much re putation from the conspicuous part he acted. He afterwards served on board of different ships in the Mediterranean station, and distinguished himself by his intrepidity and zeal whenever an opportunity presented. On one occasion he commanded an ex pedition of boats sent to destroy some vessels laden with wheat, at anchor in the harbour of old Tripoli ; the service was promptly and effectually performed ; in the engagement he received a musket ball through his left thigh. Shortly after recovering from his wound he was transposed from the New York to the Philadelphia, Captain Bainbridge, as first lieutenant. The frigate was then lying at Gibraltar, when he joined her in September, 1803. She soon after sailed for the blockade of Tripoli. No event took place worthy of mention until the 31st of October. Nearly a week previous to this ill-fated day; the weather had CAPTIVITY. 407 been tempestuous, which rendered it prudent to keep the ship off the land. The 31st opened with all the splendour of a Sici lian morning: the promise of a more delightful day never appeared. The land was just observed, when a sail was descried making for the harbour, with a pleasant easterly breeze. It was soon ascertained to be an armed ship of the enemy,' and all sail was set in chase. After an ineffectual pursuit of several leagues, Captain Bainbridge had just given orders to haul off, when the frigate grounded. Every expe dient that skill or courage could devise to float or defend her, was successively resorted to, but in vain. The particulars of this unfortunate affair are too generally known to need a minute recital; it is suf ficient to add that this noble ship and her gallant crew were surrendered to a barbarous and dastardly enemy, whose only motive in warfare is the hope of plunder. Throughout the long and dreary confine ment which ensued, in the dungeons of Tripoli, Porter never suffered himself for a moment to sink into despondency ; but supported the galling indigni ties and hardships of his situation with equanimity and even cheerfulness. A seasonable supply of books served to beguile the hours of imprisonment, and enabled him even to turn them to advantage. He closely applied himself to the study of ancient and modern history, biography, the French language, and drawing; in which art, so useful to a seaman, he made himself a considerable proficient: He also sedulously cultivated the theory of his profession, and improved the junior officers by his frequent instructions; representing the manoeuvres of fleets in 408 CAPTIVITY. battle by means of small boards ingeniously arranged. He was active in promoting any plan of labour or amusement that could ameliorate the situation or dispel the gloomy reflections of his companions. By these means captivity was robbed of its heaviest evils, that dull monotony that wearies the spirits, and that mental inactivity that engenders melancholy and hypochondria. An incident which occurred during his confinement deserves to be mentioned, as being highly creditable to Lieutenant Porter. Under the rooms occupied by the officers was a long dark passage, through which the American sailors, who were employed in public labour, frequently passed to different parts of the castle. Their conversation being repeatedly heard as they passed to and fro, some one made a small hole in the wall to communi cate with them. For some days a constant inter course was kept up, by sending down notes tied to a string. Some persons, however, indiscreetly enter ing into conversation with the seamen, were over heard, and information immediately carried to the Bashaw. In a few minutes the bolts Of the prison door were heard to fly back with unwonted violence, and Sassi (chief officer of the castle) rushed furiously in. His features were distorted, and his voice almost inarticulate with passion. He demanded in a vehe ment tone by whom or whose authority the walls had been opened ; when Porter advanced with a firm step and composed countenance, and replied, " I alone am responsible." ' He was abruptly and rudely hurried from the prison, and the gate was again closed. His generous self-devotion, while it com manded the admiration of his companions, heightened LIBERATION. 409 their anxiety for his fate; apprehending some act of violence from the impetuous temper and absolute power of the Bashaw. Their fears, however, were appeased by the return of Porter, after considerable detention; having been dismissed without any further severity, through the intercession of the minister Mahomet Dghies, who had on previous occasions shown a friendly disposition towards the prisoners. It is unnecessary here to dwell on the various in cidents that occurred in this tedious captivity, and of the many ingenious and adventurous plans of escape, devised and attempted by our officers, in all which Porter took an active and prominent part. When peace was at length made, and -they were restored to light and liberty, he embarked withers companions for 'Syracuse, where a court of inquiry was held on the loss of the Philadelphia. . After an honourable acquittal he was appointed to the com mand of the United States' brig Enterprise, and soon after was ordered by Commodore Rodgers to proceed" to Tripoli, with permission to cruise along the shore of Bengazi, and to visit the ruins of Septis Magna, anciently a Roman colony. He was accompanied in this expedition by some of his friends, and after a short and pleasant passage, anchored near the latter place. They passed three days in -wandering among the mouldering remains of Roman taste and grandeur; and excavated in such places as seemed to promise a reward for their researches. A number of ancient coins and cameos were found, and, among other curiosities, were two statues in tolerable preserva tion ; the One a warrior, the other a female figure, of beautiful white marble and excellent workmanship. 3 F 35 410 INTREPIDITY. Verde antique pillars, of large size, formed of a single piece, and unbroken, were scattered along the shores. Near the harbour stood a lofty and elegant building, of which Lieutenant Porter took a drawing. The awning under which the party dined was spread on the site, and among the fallen columns of a temple of Jupiter ; and a zest was given to the repast, by the classical ideas awakened by surrounding objects. While Porter was in command of the Enterprise, and at anchor in the port of Malta, an English sailor came alongside and insulted the officers and crew by abusive language. Captain Porter overhearing the scurrilous epithets he vociferated, ordered a boatswain's mate to seize him and give him a flogging at the gangway. This well-merited chastisement ex cited the indignation of the governor of Malta, who considered it a daring outrage, and gave orders that the forts should not permit the Enterprise to depart. No sooner was Captain Porter informed of it, than he got his vessel ready for action, weighed anchor, and with lighted matches and every man at his sta tion, with the avowed determination of firing the town if attacked, sailed between the batteries and departed unmolested. Shortly after this occurrence, in passing through the Straits of Gibraltar, he was attacked by twelve Spanish gunboats, who either mistook or pretended to mistake his vessel for a British brig. As soon, however, as he was able to near them, they were as sailed with such rapid and well directed volleys as quickly compelled them to shear off. This affair took place in sight of Gibraltar, and in presence of several ships of the British navy; it was, therefore, a COMMANDS THE ESSEX. 411 matter of notoriety, and spoken of in terms of the highest applause. After an absence of five years, passed in unremitted and arduous service, Captain Porter returned to the United States, and shortly after was married to Miss Anderson, daughter of the member of congress from Pennsylvania. Being appointed to the command of the flotilla, on the New Orleans station, he dis charged, with faithfulness and activity, the irksome duty of enforcing the embargo and non-intercourse laws. He likewise performed an important service to his country, by ferreting out and capturing a pirate, a native of France, who, in a small well-armed schooner, had for some time infested the Chesapeake ; and who, growing bolder by impunity, had committed many acts of depredation, until his maraudings be came so serious as to attract the attention of go vernment. While commanding on the Orleans station, the father of Captain Porter died, an officer under his command. He had lived to see his wish fulfilled, in beholding his son a skilful and enterprising sailor, rising rapidly in his profession, and in the estimation of his country. The climate of New Orleans disagreeing with the health of Captain Porter and his family, he solicited to be ordered to some other station, and was, accord ingly, appointed to the command of the Essex frigate. At the time of the declaration of war against Eng land, the Essex was undergoing repairs at New York, and the celerity with which she was fitted for sea reflected great credit on her commander. On the 3d of July, 1812, he sailed from Sandy Hook on 412 CAPTURES THE ALERT, &c. a cruise, which was not marked by any incident of consequence, excepting the capture of the British sloop of war Alert, Captain Langhorne. Either undervaluing the untried prowess of our tars, or mistaking the force of the Essex, she ran down on her weather quarter, gave three cheers, and com menced an action. In a few minutes she struck her colours, being cut to pieces, with three men wounded, and seven feet water in her hold. To relieve himself from the great number of prisoners, taken in this and former prizes, Captain Porter made a cartel of the Alert, with orders to proceed to St. Johns, New foundland, and thence to New York. She arrived safe, being the first ship of war taken from the enemy, and her flag the first British flag sent to the seat of government during the war of 1812.* Captain Porter, after the refitting of his ship, sailed from the Delaware on the 27th of October, 1812. He shaped his course for the coast of Brazil, where, according to arrangements with Commodore Bain bridge, several places were appointed for rendezvous. During his cruise in that quarter he captured his Britannic majesty's packet ship Nocton, from which he took about 11,000 pounds sterling in specie, and then despatched her for America. Upon hearing of the capture of the Java by Commodore Bainbridge, he was obliged to return to port, where he heard that the Hornet had been captured by the Montague, that the British force on the coast had been increased, and that several ships were in pursuit of him. Knowing that he occupied a hazardous place, he determined * Analectic Magazine. CAPTURE OF A CORSAIR. 413 to abandon it, and accordingly he shaped his course southward, rounded Cape Horn, off which place he suffered greatly from the severity of the gales, and proceeded into the Pacific Ocean. From the want of provision it became necessary to put into some port. Accordingly he ran into Valparaiso, where he arrived on the 14th of March, 1813. Having obtained a sufficient quantity of provision, he coasted the shores of Chili and Peru and met with a Peruvian corsair, that had captured two whaling ships on the coast of Chili and had on board the crews of the_two ships, as prisoners, consisting of twenty-four Americans. The commander of the corsair attempted to justify his conduct by alleging himself to be an ally of Great Britain and expecting a war between Spain and the United States. Captain Porter, finding that he determined to persist in his aggressions, lightened him of his armament by throw ing it into the sea, released the, prisoners, and then directed a polite letter to the viceroy, in which he gave his reasons for so doing, Which he delivered to the captain. Upon proceeding to the port of Lima he recaptured one of the American vessels as she was entering the port. He cruised for several months in the Pacific, making great havoc among the English traders, and was particularly destructive to those engaged in the spermaceti whale fishery. He took many with valuable cargoes; one of the captured vessels he retained as a store ship ; he equipped her with twenty guns and called her the Essex Junior, appointing Lieutenant Downes as commander, while some of the others were given up to the prisoners, some sent 35* 414 OPERATIONS IN THE PACIFIC. to Valparaiso and laid up, and three sent to America. Captain Porter, now having a little squadron undei his command, became the terror of those seas. He gained from his prizes a sufficient supply of provi sions, medicines, naval stores, clothing, and money; so that he was able to pay his officers and men with out drawing on the government, and was able to remain at sea without sickness or inconvenience. From the extent of his depredations he spread alarm and anxiety throughout all the ports of the Pacific, and created great disturbance in those of Great Britain. The merchants trembled with appre hension for the fate of their property, which was afloat on those waters, while the nation's pride was humbled, when it beheld a single frigate bearing the sceptre over the whole waters of the Pacific; in defiance to their numerous fleets, destroying their commerce and excluding their merchants from all western ports, and almost banishing the British flag from those climes where it had so long spread its folds to the breeze in proud predominance. The manner in which Gaptain Porter conducted his cruise baffled pursuit. Those who were sent in search of him were distracted by vague accounts, and were entirely unable to discover any traces by which they might be able to encounter him. Keeping in the open sea and touching only at those desolate islands which form the Gallipagos he left no traces by which he might be followed or discovered. Although he was deprived of all intelligence from land, and unable to gain any knowledge of home affairs, he often received a correct account of his enemies from the various prizes which he had captured. Lieutenant AT THE SANDWICH ISLANDS. 415 Downes having returned from conveying the prizes to Valparaiso, brought word of the expected arrival of Commodore Hillyar in the Phosbe frigate, rating thirty-six guns, accompanied by two sloops of war. Loaded with spoil, and sated with the easy and inglorious capture of merchantmen, Captain Porter desired to signalize his cruise by some brilliant vic tory, meeting the enemy on equal terms. From having remained at sea for such a length of time some of the timbers were impaired and needed renewal, while the frigate required some other repairs to enable her to face the foe. For this purpose he repaired to the island of Nooaheevah, one of the Washington group, discovered by Captain Ingraham of Boston, accompanied by several of his prizes. The inhabitants in the vicinity of the harbour received Captain Porter with marks of friendship; and they supplied him with abundance of provision, with which the island abounded. Having calked and completely overhauled the ship, made her a new set of water casks, and taken on board a sufficient supply of provision for four months,.from the prizes, which he secured under the guns of a battery erected for their protec tion, he sailed- for the coast of Chili on the 12th of December, 1813, leaving Lieutenant Gamble of the marines, with twenty-one men, in command of the battery, with orders to proceed to Valparaiso after a certain time. Having cruised off the coast of Chili with the expectation of meeting with Captain Hillyar, without success,, he proceeded to the port of Valparaiso, with the hope of falling in with him there; and, if disap pointed in this wish, he might be able to capture 416 ARRIVAL OF THE PHCEBE AND CHERUB. some merchant ships which were expected from England. While lying in this port Captain Hillyar arrived, having long sought for the Essex, but with out success, and having almost given up all hopes of ever meeting with her. He was accompanied by the sloop of war Cherub, which was strongly armed and manned. Contrary to Captain Porter's expectation, the Phoebe herself was far superior to the Essex. The united force of the Phcebe and Cherub amounted to eighty-one guns and 500 men. While the force of the Essex consisted of but forty-six guns, all of which, excepting six long twelves, were thirty-two pound carronades, only serviceable in close fighting. Her crew having been much reduced by the manning of prizes, amounted to but 255 men. The Essex Junior, being only intended as a store ship, carried but ten eighteen pound carronades and ten short sixes, with a complement of only 60 men. The Phoebe and Cherub, having been sent out expressly to search for and capture the Essex, were in prime order and good discipline, with picked crews, and hoisted flags bearing the motto, "God and our country, British sailors' best rights r traitors offend both." This was in opposition to the American motto of " Free trade and sailors' rights," and the latter part of it being suggested by error tenderly cherished, that our crews were composed of British seamen. In reply to this motto Captain Porter hoisted at his mizen: "God, our country, and liberty: tyrants offend them." On entering the port the Phcebe was brought into the power of Captain Porter, who, on account of the neutrality of the place, did not wish to take advantage of the exposed situation of his enemy. LEAVES THE PORT. 417 This forbearance was acknowledged by Commodore Hillyar, and he gave his word of honour to observe like conduct while in port, which he accordingly followed for a time. On receiving a sufficient supply of provision on board, the Phoebe and Cherub went off the port, where they cruised for six weeks, keeping up a con tinual blockade of Captain Porter ; who from the in feriority of his number was unwilling to risk an action. After repeated endeavours, finding himself unable to bring the Phoebe into single action or into equal combat, or to provoke a challenge from Commodore Hillyar, he determined to put to sea. Finding after repeated trials that the Essex was a superior sailer to either of the enemy's ships, it was determined that he should let the enemy chase her off, and there by give the Essex Junior a chance of escape. On the day following, the 28th of March, the wind began to blow from the south; the Essex having parted her larboard cable, dragged her starboard anchor out to sea. Having all sails set; and per-* ceiving the enemy close in with the western side of the bay, and that there was a possibility of passing to windward and gaining the sea by superior sailing, Captain Porter determined to hazard the attempt. He took in his topgallant sails, and fitted up for the purpose, but unfortunately, on rounding the point, a heavy squall struck the ship, and bore away the main topmast, and threw the men who were aloft into the sea and drowned them. Both ships immediately gave chase, and Captain Porter finding that from the crippled state of his ship it would be unsafe to pro ceed, determined to run into port again and repair 3G 418 COMMENCEMENT OF THE ACTION. damages. But finding it impossible to gain the com mon anchorage which he had left, he put into a small bay about three quarters of a mile from the battery and to the leeward of it, on the east of the harbour, and dropped anchor within pistol shot of the shore. Supposing himself secure, he thought only of repair ing the damages he had sustained, expecting that the enemy would respect the neutrality of the place. The wary and menacing approach of the enemy showed that they had a more important object in view than to exchange kindness with a generous enemy. Their instructions were to crush the noxious foe, that had been so destructive to the commerce of their country; and being furnished with a force com petent to this service, and having the enemy once in their power, they had no desire to wave their supe riority, and give him a chance to escape and continue his work of destruction. Displa)Ting their motto flags and having jacks at all their masts' heads, Captain Porter soon discovered the real danger of his situa tion. With all despatch he prepared for action and endeavoured to get a spring on his cable ; but was unsuccessful, when at fifty-four minutes past 3 P. M. the enemy commenced the action. The Phcebe having laid herself under his stern and the Cherub on his starboard bow, the latter finding herself in a dan gerous place and exposed to a hot fire, bore up, and ran under his stern also, where they both kept up a raking fire, to which Captain Porter was unable to make any effective return. He, however, succeeded three different times in getting springs on his cables, for the purpose of bringing his broadside to bear on the enemy; but they were as often shot away by the PROGRESS OF THE ACTION. 419 excessive fire to which he was exposed. For defence against this tremendous attack he was obliged to rely on three long twelve pounders, which he had run out of the stern ports; and which were worked with such skill and bravery as in half an hour to do such injury to the enemy's ships as to compel him to haul off and repair losses. It was evidently the intention of Com modore Hillyar to risk nothing from the daring cou rage of his enemy, but to take her at as cheap a rate as possible. All his movements were calm and deli berate, while the situation of Captain Porter was distressing; surrounded by the killed and wounded, and from the crippled state of his ship unable to help himself, he lay awaiting the convenience of the enemy to renew the scene of slaughter without any hope of escape or retaliation. The brave crew of the Essex evinced their determination to hold out to the last by hoisting ensigns in their shattered rigging and jacks in different parts, of the ship. The enemy having repaired, placed themselves on the starboard quarter of the Essex, and again commenced their work of destruction, out of reach of her carronades. Captain Porter saw there was no hope of injuring the enemy without bearing up and becoming the assailant; and this he determined to do. From the shattered state of his rigging he was unable to raise any other sail than the flying jib, which he caused to be set, and having cut his cable he bore down upon the enemy with the intention of laying the Phoebe on board. He was now able to close with the enemy, when the firing on both sides was tremendous and destruc tive. The Essex was in a truly deplorable condition; her deck was strewed with the dead and dying, her 420 PROGRESS OF THE ACTION. cockpit filled with wounded; she had been Several times on fire and was in fact a total wreck; still a feeble hope sprung up that she might be victorious, from the circumstance of the Cherub being compelled to haul off by her crippled state ; she, however, did not return to close action again, but kept up a distant firing with her long guns. The Phoebe also being seriously injured began to edge off and choose the distance which best suited her long guns. The Essex was unable, from her shattered state, to take advan tage of single combat with the Phcebe, and for want of sail was unable to keep at close quarters with her. Both ships now kept up a tremendous and destructive fire, which made dreadful havoc among the crew of the Essex, many of whose guns were rendered use less, while many had their whole crews destroyed, and one gun in particular was manned three times; fifteen men were slain at it in the course of the action. Having lost all hope of closing with the enemy, Cap tain Porter determined to run his ship on shore, land the crew, and destroy her. Having approached within musket shot of the shore, and with every prospect of succeeding, the wind shifted and bore her down upon the Phcebe, exposing her again to a dreadful and raking fire. The ship was now totally unmanageable ; but as her head was toward the enemy and he to leeward, Captain Porter conceived a faint hope of being able to board her. At this moment Lieutenant Downes of the Essex Junior came on board to receive orders, expecting that Captain Porter would soon be made prisoner. Finding from the enemy's putting his helm up, that the last attempt at boarding would not succeed, Captain Porter directed him to return PROGRESS OF THE ACTION. 421 to his own ship and prepare for destroying or defend ing her in case of attack. The Cherub kept up a hot fire on him during his return. The enemy still kept up a constant and destructive fire on the Essex, dealing death and destruction among her brave crew. Still her commander persisted, determined to hold out in the unequal and almost hopeless conflict. Every expedient that a fertile and inventive mind could suggest was resorted to, that they might escape from the hands of the enemy. A halser was bent to the sheet anchor, and the anchor cut from the bows, to bring the ship's head around, and bring her broadside again to bear upon the enemy. This suc ceeded; but, from the erippled state of the enemy, they were unable to hold their own, Captain Porter thought she might drift out of gunshot before she discovered that, he had cast anchor. The halser unfortunately parted, and with it the last lingering hope of the Essex. At this moment the state of the Essex was lamentable: She was on fire both forward and aft, the flames bursting up the hatchway, her decks strewed with the mangled corpses of her brave crew, while many of her officers and men lay wounded in every part of the ship. A council of the officers of division having been called, Captain Porter was surprised to find only acting Lieutenant Stephen Decatur McKnight remaining, the rest having either been killed or wounded and carried below. In the mean time the enemy, in con sequence of the smoothness of the water, lay secure at a distance, where she kept up a constant and destructive fire, aiming with coolness and certainty, hitting the hull at every shot. Captain Porter having 422 CAPTURE OF THE ESSEX. despaired of saving the ship, was compelled at twenty minutes past six P. M. to give the painful command to strike the colours. The enemy continued firing, and Captain Porter thinking he intended to show no quarter, was about to rehoist his flag and fight until he sunk, when they ceased their attack ten minutes after the surrender, in which time several men on board the Essex were killed. The loss of the Essex is a sufficient testimony of the desperate bravery with which she was defended. The general conduct of the officers and men bears ample testimony to their heroism. Out of 255 men which composed her crew, 58 were killed, 39 severely wounded, 27 slightly, and 31 missing, making in all 154. She was com pletely cut to pieces, and so covered with the dead and dying, with mangled limbs, with brains and blood, and the ghastly forms of death, that the officer who came on board to take possession of her, though accustomed to scenes of slaughter, fainted at the shocking spectacle. After the affair of the Argus and Pelican, it was asserted that our sailors were brave only while successful and unhurt, but that the sight of slaughter filled them with dismay. This battle clearly proves that they are capable of the highest exercise of courage. From the distance and position of the enemy, this battle was chiefly fought on the part of the Essex by six twelve pounders only, yet the damage sustained by the enemy was severe. Their masts and yards were badly crippled, their hulls much cut up, the Phcebe, especially, received eighteen twelve pound shot below her water line, some three feet under water. Their loss in killed and wounded was not ascertained, but must SYMPATHY OF THE CHILIANS. 423 have been severe ; the first lieutenant of the Phoebe was killed, and Captain Tucker of the Cherub was severely wounded. It was with some difficulty that the Phoebe and Essex were kept afloat until they anchored next morning in the harbour of Valparaiso, This battle was fought so near the shore that the neighbouring heights were filled with the inhabitants of Valparaiso, who were spectators of it; and some of the shot fell among the citizens who had ventured down upon the beach. A generous anxiety ran throughout the multitude for the fate of the Essex; bursts of delight arose when any change of battle seemed to favour her; the eager spectators were seen to wring their hands, and utter groans of sym pathy when the transient hope failed, and the gallant little frigate once more became the scene of delibe rate slaughter. After the battle, as Captain Porter acknowledges, Commodore Hillyar endeavoured as much as lay in his power to alleviate their suffering and distress by the most generous and delicate deport ment towards both officers and men, commanding that the property of every person should be restored. Captain Porter and his crew were paroled and per mitted to return to the United States. Off the port of New York they were overhauled by the Saturn razee, whose commander questioned the authority of Commodore Hillyar to grant a passport. Captain Porter then told the boarding officer that he gave up his parole and considered himself a prisoner of war, and as such should use all means of escape. In con sequence of this threat, the Essex Junior was com pelled to remain under the lee of the Saturn all night; but the next morning Captain Porter put off in his 424 APPOINTED NAVY COMMISSIONER. boat, though thirty miles from the shore ; and not withstanding he was pursued by the Saturn he landed safely on Long Island. Various interesting and ro mantic rumours had reached this country concerning him during his cruise in the Pacific, which had excited the curiosity of the public to see this modern Sinbad ; on his arrival at New York his carriage was sur rounded by the populace, who took out the horses, and dragged him, with shouts and acclamations, to his lodgings. Of the remainder of Commodore Porter's eventful life our scanty limits compel us to give but an imper fect sketch. After the conclusion of the war in 1815, Commo dore Porter was appointed a navy commissioner. He was a member of that board until the year 1821, during which time he devoted the whole of his atten tion to the interests of the navy. In 1821 he volun teered to take command of the West India squadron for the suppression of piracy. A more difficult and hazardous service was scarcely ever undertaken. A long and constant exposure to a tropical sun by day, and deadly chills and damps by night, constantly threatened the lives of the little bands, who were seeking, in open boats and vessels of the smallest size, the haunts of the freebooters, among the rocks and shoals of the uninhabited coasts of Cuba and St. Domingo. They performed .it, however, with such signal zeal and success, that at the end of sixty days from the commencement of his operations, the commodore, in his official despatches, was able to say, " that there was not a pirate afloat in the region of Matanzas, the scene of their greatest depredations, COMMANDS THE WEST INDIA SQUADRON. 425 larger than an open boat ; and not a single piratical act had been committed on the coast of Cuba since he had organized and arranged his forces." He, however, very much regretted that the gazettes of the United States had given publicity to the fitting out of his armament, its destination and object, long before his arrival in the West Indies, which enabled the pirates to change their ground, and prevented their complete destruction; which, otherwise, he should have accomplished. Many of them sought other hiding places in the southern and south-western coasts of Cuba, near Cape Antonio; whence, at an after period, they renewed their depredations.* In October, 1824, Commodore Porter, in resent ment of an insult offered to the flag of the United States, by the authorities of Foxardo in Porto Rico, landed a force at the place and compelled a public apology. For this act he was recalled from the sta tion where he had rendered such eminent service, and in consequence of the action of a court martial was suspended from his command for six months. The commodore felt himself greatly aggrieved by these proceedings. He had voluntarily relinquished an easy and honourable station, as commissioner of the navy, for a very difficult and dangerous service, which he had executed with great zeal and success, resulting in important benefits to his country. For a single error in judgment, in relation to the extent of his powers, which had been attended with no evil, and which fell far short of other cases that had been overlooked, he had been taken from his com- * Perkins' Historical Sketches, chap. 14. 3H 36* 426 DEATH OF" COMMODORE PORTER". mand, ordered home, arrested, tried by a court mar tial, and suspended. Under these impressions he resigned his command in the navy, and entered into a negotiation with the Mexican government, by which he became commander-in-chief of all the naval forces of Mexico, with a salary of twenty-five thousand dol lars a year. In 1829 Commodore Porter left the service of Mexico, and returning to this country received the appointment of consul general to the Barbary powers. After the capture of Algiers by the French, he was appointed charge d'affaires to Constantinople. He subsequently returned to this country, and was sent out as minister to the Porte. All the important negotiations and treaties of our government with that of Turkey subsequent to that period have been con ducted by him; and he still retained this highly honourable and important appointment at the time of his decease, which took prace March 28th, 1843. Commodore Porter was one of the most active, courageous and able officers that have served Under the American flag. With a chivalrous disregard of ease and interest, he always sought the post of greatest danger and difficulty, and was always found equal to any emergency in which he was placed by the de mands of duty and honour. If he was prone to act upon impulse, his impulses were always of a noble and generous kind, worthy of the high-spirited de fender of a national flag. His services were eminent in every station which he filled, and they will ever be remembered with gratitude by his countrymen. WILLIAM BURROWS. T is the laudable desire of every brave man to receive the praises of his countrymen ; but there is a dearer and more cherished wish that grows closer to his heart : it is to live in the recollections of those he loves and honours; to leave behind him a name, at the mention of which the bosom qf friendship shall glow, the eye of affection shall brighten ; which shall be a legacy of honest pride to his family, causing it to dwell on his worthy deeds, and glory in his memory. The bravest soldier would not willingly expose him self to certain danger, if he thought that death were to be followed by oblivion; he might rise above the mere dread of bodily pain, but human pride shrinks from the darkness and silence of the grave. It is the duty, and it is likewise the policy, there fore, of a nation, to pay distinguished honour to the memories of those who have fallen in its service. It is, after all, but a cheap reward for sufferings and death ; but it is a reward that will prompt others to the sacrifice, when they see that it is faithfully dis charged. The youthful bosom warms with emulation at the praises of departed heroes. The marble monu ment that bears the story of a nation's admiration and gratitude, becomes an object of ambition. Death, 427 428 EARLY LIFE. the great terror of warfare, ceases to be an evil when graced with such distinctions ; and thus one hero may be said, like a phoenix, to spring from the ashes of his predecessor. In the gallant young officer who is the subject of the present memoir, we shall see these observations verified; he fought with the illustrious example of his brethren before his eyes, and died with the fune ral honours of Lawrence fresh in his recollection. Lieutenant William Burrows was born in 1785, at Kinderton, near Philadelphia, the seat of his father, William Ward Burrows, Esq., of South Carolina. He was educated chiefly under the eye of his parent, who was a gentleman of accomplished mind and polished manners. It is not known whether he was intended for any particular profession; but great pains were taken to instruct him in the living lan guages ; and at the age of thirteen he was as well acquainted with the German as with his mother tongue ; he was likewise kept rigidly at the study of the French, for which, however, he showed a singular aversion. The dawning of his character was pleasing and auspicious ; to quickness of intellect he added an amiable disposition and generous sensibility of heart. His character, however, soon assumed more distinct and peculiar features ; a shade of reserve began gra dually to settle on his manners. At an age when the feelings of other children are continually bursti ng forth, he seemed to hush his into subjection. He appeared to retire within himself: to cherish a solitary independ ence of mind, and to rely as much as possible on his own resources. It seemed as if his young imagi nation had already glanced forth on the rough scene A MIDSHIPMAN. 429 of his. future life, and that he was silently preparing himself for its vicissitudes. Nor is it improbable that such was the case. Though little communicative of his hopes and wishes, it was evident that his genius had taken its bias. Even among the gentle employ ments and elegant pursuits of a polite education, his family were astonished to perceive the rugged symp toms of the sailor continually breaking forth : and his drawing master would sometimes surprise him neglecting the allotted task, to paint the object of his silent adoration — a gallant ship of war. On finding that such was the determined bent of his inclinations, care was immediately taken to in struct him in naval science. A midshipman's warrant was procured for him in November, 1799, and in the following January he joined the sloop of war Ports mouth, commanded by Captain M'Neale, in which he sailed to France. This cruise, while it confirmed his predilection for the life he had adopted, made him acquainted with his own deficiencies. Instead of the puerile vanity and harmless ostentation which striplings generally evince when they first put on their uniform, and feel the importance of command, it was with difficulty he could be persuaded to wear the naval dress, until he had proved himself worthy of it by his services. The same mixture of genuine diffidence and proud humility was observed in the discharge of his duties towards his inferiors; he felt the novelty of his situation, and shrunk from the exercise of authority over the aged and veteran sailor, whom he considered his superior in seamanship. On his return home, therefore, he requested a furlough of some months, to strengthen him in the principles 430 TRIPOLITAN WAR. of navigation. He also resumed the study of the French language, the necessity for which he had ex perienced in his late cruise, and from his knowledge of grammatical elements, joined to vigorous applica tion, he soon learned to use it with fluency. He was afterwards ordered on duty, and served on board of various ships until 1803, when he was or dered to the frigate Constitution, Commodore Preble. Soon after the arrival of that ship in the Mediterra nean, the commodore, noticing his zeal and abilities, made him an acting lieutenant. In the course of the Tripolitan war he distinguished himself on various occasions by his intrepidity; particularly in one in stance, when he rushed into the midst of a mutinous body, and seized the ringleader, at the imminent hazard of his life. After his return to the United States, in 1807, he was in different services, and among others, as first lieutenant of the Hornet. While in this situation, he distinguished himself greatly during a violent and dangerous gale, insomuch that his brother officers attributed the preservation of the ship entirely to his presence of mind and con summate seamanship. The details of a sailor's life are generally brief, and little satisfactory. We expect miraculous stories from men who rove the deep, visit every corner of the world, and mingle in storms and battles; and are mortified to find them treating these subjects with provoking brevity. The fact is, these circumstances that excite our wonder are trite and familiar to their minds. He whose whole life is a tissue of perils and adventures, passes lightly over scenes at which the landsman, accustomed to the security of his fireside, CHARACTER OF BURROWS. 431 shudders even in imagination. Mere bravery ceases to be a matter of ostentation, when every one around him is brave ; and hairbreadth 'scapes are common place topics among men whose very profession con sists in the hourly hazard of existence. In seeking, therefore, after interesting anecdotes concerning those naval officers whose exploits have excited public enthusiasm, our curiosity is continually baffled by general accounts, or meager particulars, given with the technical brevity of a log-book. We have thus been obliged to pass cursorily over several years of Burrows' seafaring life, though doubtless chequered by many striking incidents. From what we can collect, he seems to have been a marked and eccentric character. His peculiarity, instead of being smoothed and worn down by mingling with the world, became more and more prominent, as he advanced in life. He had centred all his pride in becoming a thorough and accomplished sailor, and regarded every thing else with indifference. His manners were an odd compound of carelessness and punctilio, frankness and taciturnity. He stood aloof from the familiarity of strangers, and in his contempt of what he considered fawning and profession, was sometimes apt to offend by blunt simplicity, or chill by reserve. But his character, when once known, seemed to attach by its very eccentricities, and though little studious of pleasing, he soon became a decided favourite. He had an original turn of thought and a strong perception of every thing ludicrous and charac teristic. Though scarcely ever seen to laugh himself, he possessed an exquisite vein of dry humour which he would occasionally indulge in the hours of hilarity, 432 CHARACTER OF BURROWS. and, without moving a muscle of his own countenance, would set the table in a roar. When under the influence of this lurking drollery, every thing he said and did was odd and whimsical. His replies were remarkably happy, and, heightened by the peculiarity of his manner, and the provoking gravity of his de meanour, were sources of infinite merriment to his associates. It was his delight to put on the dress of the common sailor, and explore the haunts of low life, drawing from thence traits of character and comic scenes, with which he would sometimes enter tain his messmates. But with all this careless and eccentric manner, he possessed a heart full of noble qualities. He was proud of spirit, but perfectly unassuming ; jealous of his own rights, but scrupulously considerate of those of others. His friendships were strong and sincere ; and he was zealous in the performance of secret and important services for those to whom he was at tached. There was a rough benevolence in his dis-. position, that manifested itself in a thousand odd ways; nothing delighted him more than to surprise the distressed with relief, and he was noted for his kindness and condescension towards the humble and dependant. His companions were full of his generous deeds, and he was the darling of the common sailors. Such was the sterling worth that lay encrusted in an unpromising exterior, and hidden from the world by a forbidding and taciturn reserve. With such strong sensibilities and solitary pride of character, it was the lot of Burrows to be wounded in that tender part where the feelings of officers seem most assailable. In his promotion to a lieutenancy ENTERS THE MERCHANT SERVICE. 433 he had the mortification to find himself outranked by junior officers, some of whom he had commanded in the Tripolitan war. He remonstrated to the navy department, but without redress. On Mr. Hamilton's going into office, he stated to him his claims, and, impatient of the slight which he conceived he had suffered, offered to resign his commission, which, however, was not accepted. Whether the wrongs of which he complained were real or imaginary, they preyed deeply on his mind. He seemed for a time to grow careless of the world and of himself; withdrew more than ever from society, and abandoned himself to the silent broodings of a wounded spirit. Perhaps this morbid sensibility of feeling might in some mea sure have been occasioned by infirmity of body, his health having been broken by continual and severe duty; but it belongs to a saturnine character, like that of Burrows, to feel deeply and sorely. Men of gayer spirits and more mercurial temperament, may readily shake off vexation, or bustle it away amid the amusements and occupations of the world ; but Bur rows was scanty in his pleasures, limited in his resources, single in his ambition. Naval distinction was the object of all his hopes and pride ; it was the only light that led him on and cheered his way, and whatever intervened left him in darkness and dreari ness of heart. Finding his resignation was not accepted, and feel ing temporary disgust at the service, he applied for a furlough, which, with some difficulty, he obtained. He then entered as first officer on board the merchant ship Thomas Penrose, Captain Ansley, and sailed on a commercial voyage to Canton. On his return 31 37 434 ENTERPRISE AND BOXER. passage he was captured and carried into Barbadoes, but permitted to come home, on parole. Immediately on his being exchanged, in June, 1813, he was ap pointed to the command of the brig Enterprise, (16 guns,) at Portsmouth. This appointment seemed to infuse new life and spirits into Burrows, and to change his whole deport ment. His proper pride was gratified on having a separate command; he no longer felt like an unim portant individual, but that he had rank and station to support. He threw off a great deal of his habitual reserve, became urbane and attentive ; and those who had lately looked upon him as a mere misanthrope, were delighted with the manly frankness of his manners. On the 1st of September, the Enterprise sailed from Portsmouth on a cruise. On the 5th, early in the morning, they espied a brig in shore getting under way. They reconnoitred her for a while to ascertain her character, of which they were soon in formed by her hoisting three British ensigns, and firing a shot as a challenge. The Enterprise then hauled upon a wind, stood out of the bay, and prepared for action. A calm for some time delayed the encoun ter; it was succeeded by a breeze from the south west, which gave our vessel the weathergage. After manoeuvring for a while to the windward, in order to try her sailing with the enemy, and to ascertain his force, the Enterprise, about 3 P. M., shortened sail, hoisted three ensigns, fired a gun, tacked, and ran down with an intention to bring him to close quarters. When within half pistol shot the enemy gave three cheers, and commenced the action with his starboard CAPTURE OF THE BOXER. 437 broadside. The cheers and the broadside were re turned on our part, and the action became general. In about five minutes after the battle had commenced, the gallant Burrows received a musket ball in his body and fell; he, however, refused to be carried below, but continued on deck through the action. The active command was then taken by Lieutenant M'Call, who conducted himself with great skill and coolness. The enemy was out-manoeuvred and cut up : his maintopmast and topsail-yard shot away ; a position gained on his starboard bow, and a raking fire kept up, until his guns were silenced and he cried for quarters, saying, that as his colours were nailed to the mast he could not haul them down. The prize proved to be his Britannic majesty's brig Boxer, of 14 guns. The number of her crew is a matter of conjecture and dispute. Sixty-four prisoners were taken, seventeen of whom were wounded. How many of the dead were thrown into the sea during the action it is impossible to say ;* the British return only four as killed ; courtesy forbids us to question the veracity of an officer on mere presumption ; but it is ever the natural wish of the vanquished to depre ciate their force ; and, in truth, we have seen with re gret various instances of disingenuousness on the part of the enemy, in their statements of our naval encoun- * In a letter from Captain Hull to Commodore Bainbridge he de scribes the state of the Boxer when brought into port : and observes, " We find it impossible to get at the number of killed ; no papers are found by which we can ascertain it. I however counted ninety ham mocks Which were in her netting with beds in them, besides several beds without hammocks ; and she had excellent accommodations for all her officers below in state-rooms, so that I have no doubt that she had one hundred men on board." 37* 438 CONDUCT OF BURROWS. ters. But we will not enter into disputes of thid kind. It is enough that the enemy entered into the battle with a bravado at the mast head, and a confi dence of success ; this either implied a consciousness of his own force, or a low opinion of his antagonist ; in either case he was mistaken. It is a fruitless task to vindicate victories against the excuses of the van quished— -sufficient for the victor is the joy of his triumph, he should allow the enemy the consolation of accounting for it. We turn gladly from such an idle discussion to notice the last moments of the worthy Burrows. There needs no elaborate pencil to impart pathos and grandeur to the death of a brave man. The simple anecdotes given in simple terms by his sur viving comrades, present more striking pictures, than could be wrought up by the most refined attempts of art. " At twenty minutes past three P. M.," says one account, " our brave commander fell, and while lying on the deck, refusing to be carried below, raised his head and requested that the flag might never be struck." In this situation he remained dur ing the rest of the engagement, regardless of bodily pain; regardless of the life-blood fast ebbing from his wound ; watching with anxious eye the vicissi tudes of battle ; cheering his men by his voice, but animating them still more by his glorious example. When the sword of the vanquished enemy was pre sented to him, we are told that he clasped his hands and exclaimed, "I am satisfied, I die contented." He now permitted himself to be carried below, and the necessary attentions were paid to save his life, or alleviate his sufferings. His wound, however, was DEATH 6F BURROW'S. 439> beyond the power of surgery, and he breathed his last within a few hours after the victory. The commander of the Boxer, Captain Samuel Blythe, was killed early in the action by a cannon ball ; had he lived he might have defended his ship more desperately, but it is not probable with more success. He was an officer of distinguished merit; having received a sword from government for his good conduct under Sir James L. Yeo, in the cap ture of Cayenne. He was also one of the pall-bearers of our lamented Lawrence, when buried at Halifax, It was his fate now to receive like courtesy at the hands of his enemy. His remains, in company with those of the brave Burrows, were brought to Port land, where they Were interred with military honours^ It was a striking and affecting sight, to behold two gallant commanders, who had lately been arrayed in deadly hostility against each other, descending into one quiet grave, there to mingle their dust peacefully together. In concluding the present work, the author cannot but express his regret that the narrow limits, ori ginally prescribed for its extent, have constrained him to omit the lives of many commanders, who have won distinction in the naval service of the country. A considerable mass of materials still remains, although there is not a sufficient quantity to furnish another volume of the same size. It is his intention at some future time to give a second series of lives on the same plan ; and he would esteem it a special favour if the families or friends of deceased commanders, or 440 CONCLUDING REMARKS. any other persons who possess letters or documents which may serve as materials for a future volume of Naval Biography, would permit him the use of them for that purpose. It is due to the merits of several highly distin guished officers to say, that notices of their lives would have been inserted in the present work, but for the difficulty of obtaining the requisite materials. This deficiency, the author hopes, will be supplied, should he ever have it in his power to resume his task. The theme has been found much more fertile than was supposed at the outset of the undertaking. There are many highly deserving officers whose characters and actions are comparatively unknown to fame ; but whose achievements in naval warfare may well bear comparison with those of the heroes who have been so fortunate as to perform their parts on a more conspicuous theatre. Towards these the author trusts that history hereafter will do justice ; and that many noble actions in our naval annals, hitherto unnoticed, may be placed in their proper light, and receive their merited meed of praise from a grateful country. THE END. YALE UNIVERSITY 1 H