L,.- '-j^^wm in/ TT A-' YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY COLLECTIONS OF THE MAINE HISTORICAL SOCIETY SECOND SERIES DOCUMENTARY HISTOEY OF THE STATE OF MAINE VOL. XI. CONTAINING THE BAXTER MANUSCRIPTS EDITED By JAMES PHINNEY BAXTER, A.M., Litt. D. PUBLISHED BT THE MAINE BI8TOBI0AL SOOIBTT, AIDED BT 'I', APFBOPBIATIONS FBOM THE STATE PORTLAND, MAINE LEFAVOR-TOWER COMPANY 1908 Copyright 1908 Bt the Maine Histoeioal Society Pbess of Lbfavob-Toweb Compauy, Pobtland PREFACE ^XTERE it not that a serious error was made by giving the documentary publications of the Maine Historical Society the title given to the papers read at its meet ings, viz : " Collections of the Maine Historical Society," with the addition of " Second Series," I could commence a new series with this volume, but I cannot call it a third series, for the Society is printing a third series under the same title of " Collections ; " in fact, it has already printed another second series under the same title. I therefore think it best to continue future volumes of the "Documentary History " under the misleading title of " Second Series " to avoid further complications. JAMES PHINNEY BAXTER. 61 DeEEING StEEET, POETLAiifD, MaINE. March 1, 1908. CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE OF CONTENTS PASE 1729 Dec. 29 Colonel Dunbab to Mb. Seobetabt Popple, 1 Dec. 30 Colonel Dunbar to the Duke of Newcastle, . 11 1730 Jan. 13 Gov' Belcher to the Lords Commissioners, . 6 May 11 Petition of J. Wellington & als to Govr Shute, . 12 May 15 Gov"" Belcher's Memorial, 9 1730-29 Feb. 23 Thomas Westbrook to Colonel Dunbar, . . IB 1729-30 Mar. 7 Duke of Newcastle to the Lords Commissrs, . IB 1730-31 Mar. B Westmoreland & Others to Duke of Newcastle, . 17 1729-30 Mar. 17 Narative of the People of Londonderry concern ing their boundaries, 18 1730 Apr. IB Order of Committee of Council Referring peti tion of Waldo & als to ths Board of Trade, . 20 19 Deposition of Thos. Pickenden, ... 21 26 Colonel Dunbar to Mr Secretary Popple, . 2B 5 Petition of the Inhabitants of Londonderry, . 23 19 Colonel Dunbar to Mr Secretary Popple, . . 29 6 Colonel Westbrook to Colonel Dunbar, . . 41 6 Complaint of Josiah Grover, .... 44 15 Colonel Dunbar to Mr Secretary Popple, . 47 22 Petition of heirs of Ancient Proprietors of Fal mouth, 52 Sept. 22 Agents of Falmouth their Answer to Petition of Thos. Westbrook & others, .... B4 Oct. 6 Colonel Dunbar to Mr Secretary Popple, . . 69 Oct. 7 Agreement between Henry Hope & Thomas Per kins & John Perkins, 60 Oct. 7 Colonel Dunbar to Mr Jeremiah Dunbar, . . 63 Oct. 9 Indian Deed relating to Lands near Pemaquid, 43 Oct. 21 Colonel Dunbar to Mr Secretary Popple, . . 6B Nov. 12 Order to restrain Govr Belcher from Military Execution against Fredericksfort, ... 66 Dec. 21 Instructions of Govr Belcher to the Lieu* Govr and others, 67 1730-1 Jan. 14 Gov' Belcher to the Duke of Newcastle, . . 86 1731 Apr. 14 Report of Committee on Petition of Sir Bibye Lake Barr* 89 Apr. 23 Petition of S^ Bibye Lake Barrt 90 July ^6 T. Pelham and Others to Gov^ Belcher, . . 94 1730-1 Jan. 1730 May June Aug. 1730-1 June 1730 Sept. Sept. Sept. CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE PAGE 91 97 101106 105108109 110 1731 July 15 Colonel Dunbar to Mr. Secretary Popple, . July IB Affidavit of Weutworth & Atkinson, July 21 Thomas Coram's Affidavit, . . . • 1730 Jan. 13 Affidavit of John Blower and others, Jan. 28 James Alford's Affidavit, . . . • 1731 July 23 Samuel Penhallow's Affidavit, , July 21 William Clark's Affidavit, .... July 26 Affidavit of Ebenezer & W™ Wentworth, Aug. 11 Kennebec and St. Croix Rivers concerning land between, Jeremiah Dunbar's Affidavit, Jeremiah Dunbar's Affidavit, Petition of Some Settlers in Georgia, 1732 Memorial of Mr. Stephen Parker, Sept. 20 Mr Secry Pelham to Colonel Dunbar, Oct. 10 Earl of Westmoreland & Others to Gov. Belcher. Dec. 30 Letter David Dunbar to Josiah Willard, 1732-33 Jan. 26 Ebenr Hinsdell to Gov. Belcher & others, 1734 Apr. 27 Capt. Joseph Heath to L* Gov. W^ Dummer, New Marblehead, Original Grant & List of Grantees, 1734-5 Jan. 10 John Minot to Secretary Josiah Willard, Petition of Roger Kelly & als, . 19 Benja Larrabee to Secretary Josiah Willard, 6 Taxes, Report for regulating the Settlement of Fal mouth, ....... 23 The Memorial of Moses Peirson, 2 Deposition of John Phillips, 3 Declaration of Cyprian Southack, Answer to the Compl* of the Penobscot Indians 5 Petition of Samuel Waldo, .... 6 Petition of Samuel Waldo, .... 26 Petition of Samuel Waldo, .... 27 Petition of Samuel Waldo, .... 7 Letter to Col. Thos. Westbrook, ... 6 Letter from Noah Emery to John Higginson, . 18 Nathl Jones & Nathan Look to Capt. Higginson & Co 20 Letter Noah Emery to John Higginson, . 6 Letter Noah Emery to John Higginson, 17 Proprietors of Falmouth vs. Joseph Plumer, June 13 John Higginson's Petition, .... 1738 June 14 Capt. Jones' Deposition, July 4 Report of Committee on Colonel Dunbar's Petition, 1735 Sept. Oct. Dec. 1736 July July July July July July Sept. 1737 Jan. 1737-8 Jan. 1737 Jan. Feb. Dec. 112 128129129 131134131 134 135 137189146 142143143144 146 149160 151156162164170 172173174 175176 177 179 182183 Letter Secretary Josiah Willard to John Noyes 186 OF CONTENTS ix PAGE 1738 July 18 Letter John Noyes to Secry Josiah Willard, . 186 Aug. 4 Deposition of John Coks Junior, . . . 186 Aug. 4 Letter Henry Wheeler to Hon. Wm. Pepperell, 188 1738 Aug. 7 Letter Col. Wm. Pepperrell to Gov. Belcher, . 189 Aug. 10 Letter Secry Josiah Willard to Col. Wm Pepper rell, 189 Aug. IB Letter Charles Frost to Hon. Wm Pepperrell, 190 Aug. 18 Letter Col. Wm Pepperrell to Gov. Belcher, . 191 Aug. 19 Letter from William Pepperrell, .... 192 1737-48 Falmouth, Support of Schools, ... 192 Answer to the Petition or Complaint of John Higginson, 195 An Act for Erecting a Township in the County of York, 197 1739 May 30 Petition of Proprietors of Marepoint, . . .199 Mar. 13 In re Complaint Heirs David Phipen vs. Saml Moody, 200 Petition of Phineas Jones, 201 Answer to Petition of John Higginson, . . 203 Petition of Proprietors of Neck of Land in Casco Bay called by name of Mereconege Neck, . 206 1740 Petition of Mr. John Dennis, .... 208 Petition of Mr. W™ McClenachan, . . .210 June 9 Constable's Return, 211 Committee Chosen, 212 Letter John Gyles, 212 1740 Aug. IB Capt. Arthur Savage to Secy Josiah Willard, . 214 Aug. 16 Capt. Gyles to Gov. Belcher, .... 216 Copy of Town Record, 216 " The Memorial of Small Point Inhabitants," 216 1741 June 16 Capt. Thos Sanders to Gov. Belcher, . . 217 July 14 Memorial of Proprietors of Lands in North Yarmo , 218 July Petition Inhabitants of Town of North Yar mouth, 219 Report of Committee, 222 Petition of Shubal Gorham Esq., ... 223 Feb. 23 Petition of Arthur Savage, 226 Sept. 14 Benjn Larrabee to Gov. Belcher, . . . 224 Answer of North Yarmouth, .... 226 Mar. 8 Arthur Savage to Gov. W™ Shirley, . . 231 Apr. 1 Petition of Proprs Small Point, . . . .232 Apr. 1 Petition of Adam Winthrop, Joseph Wads worth & others, 234 Petition ' ' April 3. 1742;Ref er'd to May Session, ' ' 236 Vote, 240 1742 June 12 Petition of Settlers of Narrhagansett Grant Number One, 241 x CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE PAGE 1742 June 12 Petition of Inhabitants of Biddeford & Scar borough, 244 June 16 Vote, 246 Petition Inhabitants Town of Berwick, . . 247 Aug. 30 Govr Shirley to the Duke of Newcastle, . . 261 Report of Committee, 253 1742 Sept. 16 Gov Shirley to the Duke of Newcastle, . . 255 Oct. 19 Joseph Plaisted to Saml Waldo, ... 258 Oct. 28 Copy of Record, 259 Nov. 1 Extract of Letter from Gov. Shirley to the Lord President, 260 Nov. 3 Falmouth Petition, 262 Nov. 13 Copies of Record, 264 Nov. 16 Petition, . . 267 Nov. 20 Letter Patt Motley to • , .... 268 Nov. 26 Letter Jos. Plaisted to Saml Waldo Esqr , . 269 Dec. 9 Letter James Littell to Saml Waldo Esqr , . 269 1743 Apr. 9 Power of Attorney, 271 Petition, 272 May 3 Deposition of Robert Speer, .... 276 May 17 Deposition of Robert ffinney, .... 276 Deposition of Robert Spear, .... 276 Deposition of James Dunning & David Dunning, 277 Answer to Petition of David Given, . . 277 Petition of Select Men & Assessors of Town of Brunswick, 281 May 30 Deposition of David Duning, Robert Speer, . 282 June 4 Memorandum, , 283 June 9 Report 284 July 21 Letter N. Sparhawk to Saml Waldo Esqr , . 285 Order relating to Towns not Settled, . . 286 July 25 Hon. W^ Pepperell to Saml Waldo, . . .287 Petition of Inhabts of Mericaneag Neck, . . 287 Sept. 27 Letter John Murphy to Saml Waldo Esq., . 289 Letter Gov. Shirley to Colonels, . . . 290 Nov. 11 Letter John Gaines to Sam'l Waldo Esq., . . 290 Dec. 9 Letters Cols Pepperell Moulton & Waldo to Gov Shirley, 291 Jan. 25 Petition W™ Vaughan & others, . . . .292 Mar. 13 No. Yarmouth, 294 Copy of Record, 295 Protest, 296 1744 June 5 Letter Gov. Shirley to Col. Noble, . . .296 Letter Gov. Shirley to Col. Pepperell & Col. Waldo, 297 Extract from Letter of Mr Kilby, Agt. to Gov. Shirley, .' . 298 OF CONTENTS xl PAGE 1744 Aug. 8 Jo Onlton to Gov. Shirley, .... 298 Aug. 14 Col. John Bradstreet to Gov. Shirley, . . 300 1746 June 19 William Pepperrell to the Duke of Newcastle, 300 William Pepperrell to the Duke of Newcastle, 301 July 30 William Pepperrell to the Duke of Newcastle, 305 Sept. 8 Letter Capt Robt Rutherford to Josiah Willard, 300 Oct. 3 Sir William Pepperrell to the Duke of New castle, 308 Dec. 24 Letter Geni Court to Sr W^ Pepperrell, . . 311 1746 Feb. 27 Govr Shirley to the Duke of Newcastle, . . 312 May 2 Letter Josiah Willard Secry to Capt. W™ Burnes & Capt. David Cargill, 316 May 10 Govr Shirley to the Duke of Newcastle, . . 316324325 327336337340341343 May 21 William Pepperrell to Duke of Newcastle, . June 24 William Pepperrell to Duke of Newcastle, May 31 Govr Shirley to the Duke of Newcastle, June 18 Gov Shirley to the Duke of Newcastle, . Aug. 15 Govr Shirley to the Duke of Newcastle, Sept. 16 Govr Shirley to Paul Mascarene Esqre, . Nov. 15 Letter Lieut Colonel Gorham to Govr Shirley, Nov. 21 Gov Shirley to the Duke of Newcastle, . Extracts from Governour Shirley's Speech to the General Assembly, 356 Paragraphs of French Letters from Menis to Govr Mascarene, 358 1747 Apr. 11 Letter Capt. David Cargill to Gov. Shirley, . 360 Apr. 24 De Ramsay to Deputies of Minas &c., . . 859 Apr. 14 Letter Gov. Knowles to Gov. Shirley, . . . 361 Apr. 29 Govr Shirley to the Duke of Newcastle, . . 362 May 6 Letter Capt. David Cargill to Secy Willard, . 366 June 23 Letter Gov. Shirley to the Selectmen of Boston, 368 Letter to Col. Moulton, 368 May 24 Declaration of French Inhabitants, . . . 370 InhabtB of Minas to Govr Shirley, ... 371 Mr de Ramsay's Declaration, .... 372 Aug. 18 Govr Shirley to the Duke of Newcastle, . . 373 Aug. 19 Mr BoUan to the Duke of Newcastle, . . . 381 Sept. 11 Duke of Bedford to the Duke of Newcastle, . 388 Nov. 10 Extracts of Letter from Governour Clinton to Governour Shirley & Governour Knowles, . 389 Brigadier Dwight to Gov' Shirley, . . . 390 1748 Apr. 2 Letter Simon Frost to Josiah Willard Secry, . 392 Copy of Record, 393 Copy of Record, 394 May 7 Letter James McCobb to Gov. Shirley, . . 396 May 9 Letter Saml Denney to Gov. Shirley, . . . 397 May 10 Answer of Dorothy Cutter, .... 399 xii CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE PAGE 1748 Record, ^^^ May 26 Govr Shirley's Speech, May 26 Deposition of Jonas Mason, . Deposition of Jacob Mitchell, . May 30 Petition Mark H. Wentworth, July 3 Letter Saml Moody, . Commission to Col. Miller, . Aug. 24 Aaron Hinkley to L* Gov. Phips, Sept. 5 Petition, Sept. 26 Warrant, Vote, Petition. Town of Wells, Petition. Berwick, .... 1748 Nov. 10 Petition of the Selectmen of Falmouth, Message, , • • 424 Nov. 18 Letter Sr W™ Pepperrell to Gov. Shirley, . 425 426 401403404 405407408 408 409 411413 414415 423 Nov. 17 List of all the Familys in Barwick above the river, 426 List of Young Men rated below the river, . . 429 Dec. 19 Signers of Petition not qualified, . . . 434 Answer of the Town of Berwick to the Petition of the Inhabitants, 434 Dec. 24 Lists of Inhabitants below Chadbourns River, 440 Action of Council, 441 Report of Committee on petition of inhabitants of Berwick, 442 Jan. 20 Message, 443 1748-9 Jan. 30 Petition of Inhabitants of Merriconeage, . . 445 1748 Feb. 9 Petition Nichs Loring &c., .... 446 Deposition, 447 Requests of Inhabitants of Town of Wells, . 448 1748-9 Mar. 15 Letter Secry Willard to Stroud, Esq., . . .451 The Estate of Mary Smith to the Town of Wells, 452 Message 463 1749 Apr. 14 Report Accepted, 454 Apr. 15 Petition of Inhabitants of Wells & Arundel, . 466 Apr. 19 Answer of the two Houses to His Excy's Message, 458 Petition of Inhabitants of Merriconeag and Islands adjacent, 469 May 9 Govr Shirley to Marquis la Galissoniere, . 461 June 14 Petition of the Selectmen of Falmouth, . . 465 Account of Charge for Preaching, . . . 468 Answer of the Inhabitants of the Town of Arun del to the Petition of Inhabitants of Wells and Arundel, 468 Answer of the Inhabitants of Wells to the Peti tion of Inhabitants of Wells & Arundel, . 471 DOCUMENTARY HISTORY OF THE STATK OK MAINE Colonel Dunbar to M^ Secretary Popple. Boston, New England Dec"^ y« 29"^ 1729. Sir Since My last of the 10*'' instant, I have received information (upon the promise I published of a reward) against a person who has cutt downe TS Mast trees in the Province of New Hampshire. I hope from this man to gett a discovery of a Number of others concerned, and will pros- cecute them with all vigour, there is more reason to hope for justice in that province than in the Province of Maine, which is under this Govemm* Upon this information I sent for M"^ Waldo and M"^ Westbrook, who provides the Masts for the Contractor, and desired they would take those 76 trees, or such of them as should be found fitt, and some which were seized & condemned last year, for his Majesty's use, w*^*" would save the like number standing, M"^ Waldo^ ( the Agent for the contractor) answer was that he had agreed with M"^ Westbrook for his whole number and could not take those in part, I Offered the last parcel to him, without a penny Expence, & those last year onely for paying y^ Court charges in condemnation, w"*' is not above three shillings g tree sterlin*' & for which I have no fund, M"" Westbrooks 2 DOCUMENTARY HISTORY answer was that he had agreed to provide the Numbers in in the Contract, and haveing cutt slay roads near Casco in the Woods where he intended to cutt y" trees could not con sent to take those in New Hampshire as part of them, I urged that they ought to take them, & that I believed if I obliged them to do it before they should cutt any others, it would be thought at home I did no more than my duty, but however I would for the present onely recommend it home, Captain Marwood, who comands the Kings ship on this station, was a witness to all this, w"" I desire because M' Waldo is a man that has not the best character & is uneasy that he is not absolute without controul, and I have heard has taken the liberty to threaten by his interest in England to have me removed, whenever I deserve it I shall desire nothing better, but I can promise myselfe that the severest Judge upon y® strictest Scrutiny shall never find cause for it. the onely reason that I can imagine for their refuseing these trees, is that they are such a distance from their saw Mills that they can make no use of such of them as they would convert that way, M"^ Waldo goes home in the ship w'** this, as agent for a number of the Claimants for Vast Tracts of Land in Georgia ; he is one of the Company con cerned with D"^ Cook & I find dayly so many of those claims that if they are confirmed or allowed at home, his Majesty can have no Nursery reserved there for the Royal Navy, but the Country must remain for ever a wilderness. I have already wrote so full upon this subject that I am very unwilling to trouble My Lords Commissioners for Trade and Plantations any farther until I know their pleasure, but this I beg to add that this Gentleman, M"" Waldo is one of D"^ Cooks Violent ones, has raised a large subscription & undertaken by boasted interest to carry the , point in favour of the claims. OP THE STATE OP MAINE 3 There is one difficulty attending M"^ Waldo's Agency for the Mast contract, where in the Royal Lycence directed to me for the contractors Cutting the Masts he is expresly for bid cutting one tree until viewed by me or my Deputys, and as several gangs of men are imployed to search the woods for those trees, who carry many days provisions with them and live in the woods, they will loose much time if they are obliged to wait to have them viewed ; if my Deputys and I should do nothing more than attend them, we can onely attend so many gangs, and yet there is an absolute Necessity for it, as long as those people are allowed to be concerned in Saw Mills, and I am morever Commanded not to permit them to Cutt more, nor any other trees than are necessary to Com- pleate their contract, I wiU endeavour to discharge my duty as far as possible yet I fear if I keep up to the letter of the order there would be disappointment this Season in provide- ing loadings for the Mast ships, and then the service may be disappointed, and I may be therefore complain'd of ; If the winter holds open much longer without Snow as hitherto they can do nothing but cutt down, for without snow falls in this Country it is soon crusted so hard as to bear carriages of any weight. I humbly beg directions how to behave that I may not have any blame at home. as I was writing M"^ Waldo came to me to desire I would give directions to M"" Slade, one of my Deputys to advise and assist in converting Oak, plank and Timber for the use of the Royal Navy, according to the desire of the Navy Board, and I have accordingly done so. He tells me at the same time that M. Westbrook is unwill ing to enter upon farther contracting with him, as apprehend ing that the Indulgence given by me to the loggers will put him under_^di£ficultys to find Masts, w"'' I think is a forced construction^on it, I asked him whether the people were to be totally restrained from cutting any trees, and what Method 4 DOCUMENTARY HISTORY he would advise and propose to keep them w*^in bounds, for that as I had no view but to study y** Kings Service, I would gladly be informed how I inight best do it; he would have me to order that aU the people belonging to the Saw Mills, which he says are about 150 in Number & 15 or 20 men to each Mill should give me an Account of the Number of the trees intended to be Cutt for each Mill, and the places where, and that then my Deputys should goe into those parts & Mark such trees as should be cutt, and no others ; this Method in my humble opinion would be impracticable, and seems to me onely intended to make me uneasy, and if as he would have noe Saw Mills worked but his own, he may impose upon his principal, M'' Gulston by such pretences and if he should ofi^er any Complaints upon that head, the King will be no Sufferer, when I affirm that I can have the Contract undertaken by men of Substance here at 10^ per ct cheaper, and by such as have allways distinguished them selves in favour of what has been recommended hither from y® Crown, this Gentlemen cannot boast to be of that Number and is remarkable for giveing all the trouble he can wherever he has any concern this is his common character, and is what I should have no occasion to mention but to give an Idea of him in case he should attempt any Complaint. Thus much I have wrote to the Lords of the Admiralty and acquainted their Lordships that Captain Marwood Have ing done me the Honour to CaU on me, I read their letter to him, all w"*" he would have attested but y* it might be thought officious in him, he knows I could have sayd more aggravat ing things of Mr. Waldo's usage of me, I Hope what I have sayd will be sufficient to prove that I have no View but to discharge my duty which must occasion Murmurings and Complaints, from ungovernable people who would be under no Controul, and who never will behave as English Subjects until this Country is under another form of Government. OP THE STATE OF MAINE 5 I this day received a letter from the Indian Chiefs of the Penobscot tribe signed by their Leiv* Governor or Vice King who was not at Eredericksburg with me, and by Loron the Ambassador they had dispatched to Canada to know the french Governours Opinion of the New Settlement, I send the Original now to my Lord Duke of Newcastle, and herewith I send you a Copy ; the french Governour advised them to live well with the English, this will satisfye eveiy body that the settlement will onely be attended with fateague w''^ I am willing to undergo until his Majesty pleases to appoint another, but I camiot appear there agam until I have powers w"''^ should be here in March if possible, and they should be such ( with Submission ) as to enable me to inform a Majes- tracy and Militia. I humbly beg leave to recommend this to my Lords Commissioners consideration, and that any Artil lery, small arms pioneers tools and ammunition may be dispatched at the same time, likewise a Seal for the New Province. Pray Sir lay this before My Lords with My humble duty, and do me the favour to signifye their Lordships pleasure to me. I am with much respect. Sir Your Most Humble and Obedient Servant David Dunbar Grov^ Belcher to the Lords Commissioners for Trade and Plantations. My Lords, Since I had the honour of Writing you last I have met the Assembly of this Province, and after recommending to them what I thought NeedfuU for his Majesty's honour and Service and their Own good, and in a more Especial Manner pressing upon them his Majesty's 27 : Instruction 6 DOCUMENTARY HISTORY for fixing a Salary on me & my Successors I Waited on them in a Session of Eighteen days and finding they would come to No Amendment on the bill they had past before I dis- solv'd them and now I Inclose Your Lordships a Journal of the proceedings at this Short Session — I have Issu'd Writts for a New Assembly to meet the 10 : of Next Month, and hope there will be such a Change as may best of all advance his Majesty's honour & Service, to do Which nothing in my power shall be wanting. But should it be Otherwise I think I have done but my duty to the King in dissolving the late Assembly. I have already Acquainted Your Lordships of the death of the late Lieut" Gov'' of New Hampshire, and that I think Henry Slierburn Esq'^® one of His Majesty's Council there would be a proper Person to Succeed Him, and I should Esteem your Lordships favour to Him in this Matter. The 24 : of last Month I reciev'd from His Grace the Duke of New- Castle, His Majesty's Additional Instruction dated at Windsor 26 : Sepf last being for the better preservation of His Majesty's Woods in Conformity whereto I Issu'd a Proclamation in this Province and ordered Another in New Hampshire, One of the proclamations is now Inclosed to Your Lordships. I have since reciev'd from Coll" Dunbar Surveyor General of His Majesty's Woods, His Majesty's Order in Council Dated at S* James^ 12 : Nov' last mention ing A representation laid before His Majesty in Council That I was preparing a Military Expedition Against Freder icks Fort formerly Call'd Pemaquid In this representation. My Lords, there is not the Shadow of Truth, Nor did I Ever make the least Attempt or preparation of that Nature : Yet I am not at all Surpris'd that Coll" Dunbar had the Folly and Confidence as well as Malice to make such a representa tion against me ~ Because I am lately told he has Wrote many Other palpable falshoods Against me to do me all the OP THB STATE OP MAINE 7 hurt in his power, but if he would Confine Himself to truth I should not give myself much trouble about Him. By this Conveyance I send to be laid before His Grace the Duke of New Castle a number of Papers relating to a Notorious Riott Committed by some People belonging to Frederick's Fort on some of his Majesty's Subjects in this Province - As also an Account of what I directed his Majesty's Lieut" Gov' of this Province to do at Pemaquid, upon a Visitation I ordered him to make to all the fortifications of this Prov ince, In Obedience to his Majesty's Royal Instruction to me for that End. These things. My Lords, are the whole of what 1 have Ever done respecting Frederick's Fort or the Fort formerly call'd Pemaquid. And how was it possible for me. My Lords to do less? I inclose Your Lordships a Memorial I deliver'd into his Majesty's Secretary of State the 15 : May last in Answer to which I should have been Very glad of some Orders or Directions for my Conduct, but Never reciev'd a Word of Answer till His Majesty's order in Coun cil of 12 : Nov' last. According to the Clause of the Char ter Cited in my Memorial these lands My Lords are doubt less a Part of this Province, & Agreeable thereto your Lord ships wiU find in His Majesty's Commission to me for this Govemment these Words - " And the lands lying between the said Territory of Nova Scotia, and the Province of Main " And another Clause Your Lordships will find in the Royal Commission to me ~ " And for your better guidance " and direction We do hereby require and Command You to " do and Execute all things in due Manner that shall belong "unto the Trust We have repos'd in you According to the "Severall Powers and Authorities mentioned in the said "Charter, and in these presents, & such further powers, " Instructions and Authorities as You shall recieve or which " shall at any time hereafter be granted or Appointed you under 8 DOCUMENTARY HISTORY » our Sign, Manual, and Signet, or by our Order in our privy " council in pursuance of the said Charter and According to " such reasonable Laws and Statutes as are now in force or " which hereafter shall be made and Agreed upon in such man- " ner & Form, or by the said Charter is directed," By what I have Cited, My Lords, out of the Royal Charter & His Majesty's Royal Commission to me I Concieve it appears that these Lands are Included in both And His Majesty is pleased to make the Charter by his Commission a great Rule of my Government How dare I then disobey His Majesty or betray the Trust he has repos'd in me by refusing a legal protection to his good Subjects, when they apply to me. These Rioters, My Lords, have been Since legally Convicted in his Majesty's Courts, and must doubtless undergo the penalties of the Law for such a breach of His Majesty's Peace, and so Notorious An Assault and Riott Committed upon the property and Liberty of his Majesty's good Sub jects. I am here, my Lords, his Majesty's Gov'' to see a good Execution of all his wholesome Laws for the Safety of his Subjects under my Care in their lives and Estates, and to this End I will Endeavor Carefully to Use the power the King has delegated to me in his Royal Commission. The' Papers I have sent to his Grace the Duke of New Castle Will make appear what Orders I gave to the Lieu" Gov"" and the Other Gent™ that Went with Him, respecting Pemaquid Coll" Dunbar must found His representation Either upon the Matter of the Riott, or the Visitation I ordered to be made of the King's fortifications in this Province, and sure then Nothing Can Appear more false than his Saying I was preparing a Military Expedition against Frederick's Fort formerly Called the Fort of Pemaquid. Nor have I Ever done any thing of that kind or Nature, Nor has Any thing like it Ever Enter'd into my thoughts. It is also false in Him to say, No private persons have hitherto set up any THE STATE OP MAINE 9 Claim on those lands, Because there have been a great many Claims made, and are made daily, and the people that Claim think they have a just Right ( th6 not by Any Grant of this Province ) And one of the Men whom Coll" Dunbars People Riotted and Assaulted has a Claim there descended down to Him for 105 Years past as may be seen in his Complaint against those Notorious Riotters. My Lords, Every Man's private property &c. &c. I am with great Esteem, and respect. My Lords Y' Lord ships Most Obedient and Most Humble Servant J Belcher Boston Janua: 13: 1780 Reced 23^ Pelfv \ -,,ya,r.i-, Read 9*" June 1731 \ ^'"^^/^ Reced w*" M" Belchers i*" of 13 Jan'^y 1730/1 Re'ced 23'^ Feh'-y ) Read ''''/' Gov'' Belcher's Memorial The Memorial of Jonathan Belcher Esq' His Majesty's Governour of the Province of the Massachusetts Bay in New- England. Humbly Sheweth That he hath lately received Accounts from New England that Col° Dunbar Surveyor of Your Majesty's Lands and Woods in North America hath made Settlements on certain Lands lying between the River of Sagadehoc and the Gulph of S* Lawrence, — which Lands Your Majesties province of the Massachusetts Bay apprehend to be part of 10 DOCUMENTARY HISTORY the Lands of that province and not to be Alienated but by Grant from them according to the Royal Charter granted them by the late King William and Queen Mary of Glorious Memory, being in the words following Vis^ " Provided also " that it may be lawful for the Governour and General " Assembly to make or pass any Grant of Lands within the •'bounds of the Colonies formerly called the Colonies of the "Massachusetts Bay New Plimouth and province of Main " in Such manner as heretofore they might have done by vir- "tue of any former Charter or Letters Patent; Which " Grants of Lands within the bounds aforesaid We do " hereby Will and Ordain to be and continue forever of full force and Effect without Our further Approbation of Con sent, And so as Nevertheless and it is Our Will and pleasure that no Grant or Grants of any Lands lying or Extending from the River of Sagadehock to the Gulph of S* Lawrence and to the Main Sea Northward and Eastward to be made or past by the Governour and General Assembly of Our said Province be of any force validity or Effect until we our heirs and Successors shall have Signified Our or their Approbation of the Same. And Whereas many disputes have already arisen between the said Col° Dunbar and Your Majesties Subjects there upon this Occasion, and Your Memorialists expecting greater difficulties still to Arrise upon his Arrival in the Govemment, thinks it his Duty humbly to pray for Your Majesties plenary Instructions how to Conduct himself in this Affair, and that the said Col° Dunbar may in the mean time be directed to withdraw from those Lands, and forbear any further proceedings, tiU the Right be fully Settled and deter mined, and Your Majesties further pleasure be known therein I am Your Majesties Most Dutiful & Obed* Subject and Servant May 15* 1730. j Belcher OP THB STATE OP MAINE 11 Colonel Dunbar to the Duke of Newcastle. Boston, New England December y" 30"' 1729 My Lord Haveing had the honour of writeing a long - letter to your Grace on the 10*'' instant, I w** not now trouble you again but for a curiosity to send an Original letter w'''' I have received from some Chiefs of the tribe of Penobscott, One of them Espiquet is the Vice King and esteemed the most Sensible man among them, Loren was sent as Ambassa- dour to Cannada to consult the french Governour how to behave towards the New Settlement, and it may be a Satis faction to Your Grace that we are under no apprehensions from them, the interpreter, M' Gyles was a Captive among the Indians from his childhood, and now belongs to a truck house at S* Georges River ten leagues Eastward & farther along shore in Georgia than Fredericksburg, so that from Kennebeck River to S* Georges is about 50 Miles, enough to be settled until I am better Acquainted with the Indians, and doubt not to go as Much farther by fair means as shall be desired, I cannot well appear there again until I receive Powers to form a Majestracy and Militia, with which I hum bly hope his Majesty will order some arms & Amunition to be dispatched as Early as may be, I Have wrote at large upon this Subject to The Lord D. of Newcastle to My Lords Commissioners for Trade and Plantations, and would to your Grace but that I fear being too troublesome, I beg only to add that if this new Settlement be not pre vented by the Malicious pretensions and claims made by the inhabitants of this Province of the Masachusets, who neither would improve the lands themselves, nor lett others do it, I dare answer that in very few years it will be found of more use to England than those same people who now endeavour 12 DOCUMENTARY HISTORY to Obstruct it to w*^" end there now goes to England one M' Waldoe as SoUicitor for the claimants, he is one in Com pany with the noted D' Cook who claims 30 miles square and is equally undeserveing his Majestys favour. I am under the greatest Anxiety until I Have the Honour to receive your Graces Commands and know his Majestyes pleasure relateing to this CoUony, people are Crowding to it so that Early in the Spring there will be a great concourse I am with all possible duty and respect Your Grace's Most Humble and most Obedient Servant David Dunbar R Feb^y 13 Petition of J. Wellington ^ others to Grovernor Shute. May it Please yo' Excellency In as much as sundry the Proprietors of the Town of Scarborough are disposed to resettle there in the Spring ; but not wiUing to attempt any thing of that nature w* out first making application to your Excellency We have sent the bearer on purpose, humbly praying that your Excellency and Councill would please to countenance and direct therein for a more regylar settlem* We being to the Number of between 30 and 40. By the same Messenger we have sent to Wm Burridge of Watertown, who was formerly the Keeper of the Records ; If in case he may refuse to deliver or bring them, wee pray your Excellencys favour therein ; that our proceedings may be more agreeable unto y° whole. * With all due respects, We remaine S' Yo* Excellency's most humble and most obd't Ser'* J : Wentworth, Geo : Vaughan : Sam' Penhallow W" Cotton. OP THE STATE OP MAINE 13 At a leagal town meeting held the : 4 : of May 1730 Voted that Col"® Thomas Westbrook, M' John Tyng, Moses Pear son, Thomas Haskell, Henry Wheeler, John Coy and John East Bee a Com* to take a list of those Persons that Clame an interest in the Common and undivided lands in the town ship of falmouth And make their Return theirof at the next meeting. Voted that M' John East and M' John Tyng shall bee Agents to make answer to the Peticion Exhibited against the town at the Generail Cort A treu Copy of the Above votes Attest Moses Pearson town Clerk. At a leagal town meeting held in falmouth May the : 11 : 1730 Wee the Com* Chosen at a leagal town meeting in falmouth may the : 4 : 1730 to make Report to this Meeting who wee are of opinion fuUfiled the Condition of their admitanc to the Rights through the Commons : Wee are of opinion that the Persons whose names are under writen have fuUfiled the Condition of their admitance and theirby are Becom Intitled to their rights through the Common lands according to the votes of the town of falmouth, Sam" Moody Esq' Thomas Smith Dominicus Jordan, Beniman Learreby, Benjman York John Sawyer, Benj" Ingersell, Isaac Sawyer, Joseph Pride, Peter Walton, Thomas Woodbery, John Perrey, Richard CoUer, Gideon Lowell, Thomas Thoms, Sam" Prock- ter, Jacob Adams, Thomas MilUt, John Coy, Thomas Haskill, Henry Wheeler, Jeremiah Riggs, Sam" Cobb, John Coks, John Mariner, Natheniel Jordan, Joseph Cobb, Jonathan Cobb, John Armstrong, Jacob Sawyer,.Ebenezer Hall, Richard Babson, James Dowty, John Bayley, Joshuay Woodberey, John Millit, Sam" Stone Timothey Woster, Robert Thorn-- dick, Philip Hodskins, Joseph Bayley, Robert Bayley, John White, Stephen Rendal, James Measliti, Joseph Connant, James Brickett, Thomas Mosley, William Davis, Jams Irish, 14 DOCUMENTARY HISTORY Wi" GiUos, Wi" Gimerson, Ebenezer Roberts, Robert Mains, John Doleuer, Andrew Simonton, Moses Pearson, WiUiam ElweU, John Clark, John Graves, Moses Goold, Gorge Clark, Sam" Stapell, Benj"" Blackston, Jams Bukston, Josiah San- ford, John Sawyer: Ju"' , Jams Simson, Simon Armstrong, John Brown, Joseph Wesson, Jams Weebstor, Thomas Hoopper, Joshuay Bracket, Benjman Skiling, Will"" Jacobs John Wass, William White, Steph Plumer, Ebenezer AUin, John East, John Prichard, Mathew Scales, John Danford, Mark Rownds, Adam Marriner, Simon Lovit, Jams Crocker, David Gustin, John Barbor, Ebenezer Gustin : Wee are of opinion that such as can make it apear to the proprietors of falmoth by two Evidences that thay or their, fathers or thay whome thay lawfully Represent were setlers in the Ancient setlement under governer Danforth, have a Right to the Common and undivided lands Eaquel with others Admited by the town of falmouth that now is: Excepting such as have com in alredey and taken a right with the town that now is / and as many more that have Been admited to the Rights through the town as Shall fullfiU the Condition of their admitanc within y"* eight months set By the town: John Tyng, John Coy, Thomas Haskil, Henry Wheler, Moses Pearson Com* dated falmouth May : 11: 1730: Voted that the Report of the Com* Be Accepted and All the Persons names in the Report Aforementioned are proprie tors of the common and undivided land in the township of falmouth. A treu Copy take out of the town Book of Records for falmouth Atte^ Moses Pearson town Clerk OP THE STATE OP MAINE 15 Thomas Westbrook Esq^'^ to Colonel Dunbar. Scarborough Feb'y 23*" 1730/29 Sr Your Brother is just come from Falmouth and we haveing a flying storry that you are dead which surpriseth us very much though we have no reason to beleive it because your Brother have no part of it. Therefore I trust this will find you in good health. Your Brother came down in the nick of time for to preserve the timber at Saco falls which I inform you of when I was at Boston. Saving some trees which was cut about two Months afore we got there and just as we got there there was six teems going up in the road and some of them had just begun to fall and had fallen ten or eleven trees which your Brother mark't and have taken a great deal of pains to preserve the Kings timber which I doubt not will have a good effect on the people in hast I am S^ Your most Obedient Ser* att Command Tho Westbrook The Duke of Newcastle to the Lords Commiss'^ for Trade and Plantations. Whitehall March 7*" 1729/30. My Lords, I send your Lord^^ herewith, by His Majesty's Com mand, Copys of two Letters which I have received from CoP Dunbar Surveyor of His Majesty's Woods in America, giving an Account of the progress he has made in forming the New Settlement between Nova Scotia and New England, and of what he thinks is still necessary to enable him to carry on that Undertaking with Success ; I likewise add an 16 DOCUMENTARY HISTORY Extract of a Letter from M' Dummer Lieu* Governor of New England to me inclosing Copys of several Letters that have passed between him & M' Dunbar relating to this New Settlement; and as M' Dunbar has written to your LordP^ upon the same Subject, His Majesty would have you take the whole into Your Consideration ; and report the State of the several matters therein mentioned, with your Opinion what further Directions are proper to be sent to M' Dunbar upon them. I also inclose a Copy of a Letter that I have received from M' Bradley His Majesty's Attorney General at New York, with a Memorial of the Governor & Council there in his behalf, and a Representation to your Lordi" of several irregular proceedings of the Gen' Assembly of that Province, and of other matters which, he apprehends it is of impor tance to His Majesty's Service should be speedily considered by yo' LordP", upon which you will please to let me have your Opinion to be laid before His Majesty. I likewise send your Lord^" a Copy of a Letter I have received from Col° Philips dated at Annapolis Royal the 25*" of November last ; You will please to Consider the sev eral Matters contained in it, particularly what relates to giv ing new Grants of Land to the Inhabitants of that Colony, the Proposals made to him for a Settlement of French Protestants there, & the necessity of his having a Vessel constantly kept to attend him in his Progresses from one part of his Government to another which by reason of the Situation of the Country must be made by Sea. I am My Lords Your Lord?* most obedient humble servant Holies Newcastle. Rec'i March 7"' 1729/30 Read Sep^" 2: 1730 OP THE STATE OP MAINE 17 Westmoreland ^ Others to Duke of Newcastle Whitehall March 5*" 1730/1. My Lord, We have received your Grace's Letter of the 27"" past, with the several Papers you was pleased to inclose in it, relating to the Disputes between M^ Belcher and Col? Dunbar, which came to your Grace's hands, after we had taken the liberty to beg, your Grace would be pleased to intercede with his Majesty, for the Comm" of Lieu* GovT of "N. Hampshire for Col? Dunbar; And as your Grace is desirous to know, whether we still continue in the same Opinion, with relation to Col? Dunbar, we take leave to acquaint you, that we do not find any thing in the Papers your Grace has sent us that should incline us to alter our Sentiments upon this Subject, for notwithstanding M' Belcher does in his Letter deny that he ever had any Inten tion to march with an armed Force in order to demolish the Fort of Pemaquid and carry away the People prisoners from thence. Yet he does not deny that he ever told Col? Dun bar that some Members of the Assembly had such an Inten tion, And he does likewise acknowledge that the Sheriff of York County did march thither with his Posse about that time, th6 upon a different Occasion which might very justly give Col? Dunbar Reason to be alarmed, and he certainly would have been wanting in his Duty to the King if in that Situation, he had not applied to his Majesty for an Order to prevent Hostilities till such time at least, as his Mat'" Title to that Tract of Land should be determined It is not to be doubted but that Col? Dunbar's Office of Surveyor of the Woods, as well as his Instru"^ for settling the Lands between Kennebeck and S* Croix must have rais'd him many Enemies in the Massachusets Bay where it is but too Evident that every Man who does his Duty to the Crown makes himself liable to the lUwill of ye People, and 18 DOCUMENTARY HISTORY therefore stands in need of all the Support the Govemm* can give him from hence, for which Reason it was that we first beg'd your Grace's Favour on his behalf, and for the same Reason we now take the Liberty to repeat that request as apprehending that the Employment of Lieu*« Gov'» of New Hampshire may give him a Uttle more Credit and Authority than he is at present Possessed of We are. My Lord, Your Grace's Most Obedient & Most humble Serv*» Westmoreland. P. Doeminique. M : Bladen. E. Ashe. O. Bridgeman. March 5*" 1730/1 Mid'^ K: Folio 402. Narative of the People of Londonderry concerning their Boundaries. Honb'fS' You having been So kinde as to Prefere the Petition which Sund'y the Inhabitants of this Town in behalf of the Rest Sent you in order to be Laid before His Majes'^ and Are Still so good as to offer us your Friendship and Assistance to help us out of the Difficulty we now are Under with respect to the Line between the Town of Haver hill & this Town of Londonderry — And that we make your Hon^ Sensable of the Hardships & Difficultys we have been in and Still Labour under we beg leave to make you this short Narrative .^ At our first Arrivall in New EngF alth6 we came in Severall Vessells & Landed in Various parte's of this Country OP THE STATE OP MAINE 19 yet as soon as we had surmounted the difficulties of Our passages which were many & great we Assembled ourselves & petitioned the GovT & Councill of New Hamp' for a Tract of Land Laying to the North West of HaverhiU which Town of Haverill is govern'd by the Massachusetts Govemm* and after the consideration of Gov' Shute then Gov' of Both New Hamp' & the Massachusetts he & the Councill there granted us a Township of Ten Miles Square at the afores** Place upon which we run out our Town Bounds & Laid out our first Divisions & with great Expense and Danger being in the Time of the. Indian war we cleared great parte of our s^ first divition & had Enjoyed the Same for Seven years & Laid out all our substance by building & Improving thereon before HaverhiU Town clamed the Same Yet soit is that the Inhabitants of s"* HaverhiU made great Inroads upon us & Dayly are carrying our people frora their Houses & Labour, Cross the river Marrimack to fourtes far distant in that Gov* & Imprison Judge & Load them with Excessive Charges which besides the Loss of Improvement hath Cost many hundred Pounds. & are dayly perpetrating the Sarae things We could bear the many scandalous & unjust refec tions which they cast upon us by saying we are roraans & not good Subjects to his present Majesty being well assured your Hon' well knows to the Contrary haveing many of us Resolutely oppossed both whUe in our own Country Wittness the Trubles in Ireland at the Comeing in of King William of Blessed meraory, our Present Minister & Severall of our People being at the Seige of Derry & had no sinall shear in that Glorious Defence of Our religion & Country now S' all that we ask y' Assistance in is that you would Use your Intrest Some how or other to obtain Peace for us at once that at Length we may Enjoy the only thing we have Sought Since we came here which we Imagine can be don No Other way than by geting the Line Settled between the two Gov- ernra*' of the Massachusetts and New Harap' 20 DOCUMENTARY HISTORY Dated at Londonderry March y® 17*" 1729/30 James McKeen John Macmurphy Clerk Jaraes Reed John Carnot David Morison John Archbald Williara Cochran James Nesmith Jaraes Leslie John Gregg Matthew Reed James Moor John Richay Abraham Holms In the name of the Rest of y" Proprietors of Londonderry. Reced June 5*^ ) 17 ^n Read ) Order of Committee of Council Referring the Petition of Waldo and others to the Board of Trade. At the Council Chamber Whitehall the 1 S**" day of Aprill 1780. By the Right Honoble the Lords of the Committee for hearing Appeals Complaints &c : from the Plantations. Whereas His Majesty hath been pleased to referr unto this Committee the hurable Petition of Sarauel Waldo of Boston in His Majestys Province of the Massachusets Bay Mer chant, for and on behalf of Elisha Cooke Nathaniel Hubbard Esq'^ and severall others all of New England in Araerica, Setting forth that they hold by Grant from the Crown and by Purchase frora the Natives a Tract of Land in New England upon which they have Erected Blockhouses and severall other Buildings and had begun to make many other Improvements and Settlements, but were prevented from pursueing the same by the Indian Warr That a Peace haviag been lately concluded with the Indians the Petitioners had gott a Minister and One Hundred and twenty Farailys ready to go and Settle one of their intended Towns When to their great Surprise they were interrupted therein by David Dunbar Esq' Surveyor Generail of His Majestys Woods in Araerica, who would not permitt them to carry on their OP THE STATE OP MAINE 21 Settlements upon any other terms but their taking Grants from him. That in regard they have a clear title already to the said Lands and have been at a very great Expense thereon They hurably pray that His Majesty would be pleased to send the necessary Orders to the said David Dunbar not to interraeddle with the said Tract of Land or to interrupt or Disturb the Petitioners in Carrying on their Settlements i^^ The Lords of the Committee are thereupon pleased to order that the said Petition ( a Copy whereof is hereunto annexed) Be and it is hereby Referred to the Lords Commissioners for Trade and Plantations to Examine into the severall Facts therein Contained, and Report their Opinion thereupon to this Committee W Gary Reed April 25 : ) iiyqn Read June 19 : ) Deposition of Thos. Pickenden "^ London Thomas Pickenden of romansgate in the County of Kent Coramander of the Ship New Hampshire lately Arrived in this Kingdom from Falmouth in Casco Bay in the Eastern parts of New England Laden with Masts &c* for His Maj esty's Service Declareth and Saith while he was at Falmouth aforesaid, he met with one of a Sloop or Scooner which had been to some part of the Eastern Country at or near a place caUed Pemmaquid where CoU° Dunbar was about making Settlements, to take aboard a sraaU parcell of Staves to the Quantity of about Three or four Thousand, which they had either bought or was by thera to be taken aboard on Freight, which design the Sloopmen as the Person aforesaid Inform'd this Deponent were prevented frora putting in Execution by the Seizing & forcibly taking away of Said Sloop & Materials by some' of the People Coll° Dunbar had sent into that part of the Country, One of w"'' pretended or said to be his Lieu- 22 DOCUMENTARY HISTORY tenant, without any other pretence than that of the Intent of the Master & Crew of said VesseU to take on board said Staves, which sloop this Deponent was Informed by the per son aforesaid they Stript, unbent her Sails, put them into the Fort by Compulsion and not by a proceeding in Law, and refused to Deliver back the possession of said Sloop & Stores to the Master, the Captors threatning y® Master of said Sloop that in Case he raade any opposition they wou'd immediately shoot him which oblig'd him as this Deponent was informed by one of the Sloops Crew to leave his Sloop in their hands and proceed for Boston in the Province of the Massachusetts Bay for Justice, Whither he accordingly went and Apply'd himself to the Governour of that Province who taking the affair into his Consideration Order'd the Justices of the County of York in the Province of Maine to Assemble and take such Measures as they thought best - The place the said Justices were summon'd to meet at was the Town of York in the County and province aforesaid. The Depo nent being on a journey frora Casco Bay to New Harapshire to Clear his Ship at the Custom House there sometime in y° Month of September being Acquainted with CoU° John Wheelwright One of His Majestys Justices living at Wells in the County aforesaid, called at his House who inform'd this Deponent of what happen'd tc; the aforesaid Sloop at or near Pemmaquid and also of arj Order of the Governour that the Justices shou'd assemT^e on that occasion at the Town of York, which being in^his Deponents way to New Hampshire and Coll" Wheelwright ready to proceed he had the Opportunity of going witi him .io York, on which Jour ney said Coll° Wheelwright met with a letter deliver'd Viim either by a Messenger sent with the same or a TraveUer, which said Coll° Wheelwright Inform'd this Deponent was from the Secretary of the Massechusetts Province by the Governour's Order pressing him to Excite the Justices to a Speedy Resolution on the affair. This Deponent from York OP THE STATE OP MAINE 23 proceeded to New Hampshire where after having dispacht his Business he returns for York where he saw the Sherriff of the County Major Moulton who was Order'd by a full Bench of Justices with a Company of Men to protect him from Insults, to proceed to the Eastward and Sumraons or take into Custody the said Coll° Dunbar's Lieutenant, in Effecting which if he raet with opposition the said Sherriff was to make his Report and wait for further Orders this Inforraation of the Order of the Governour and the resolu tion of the Justices was Confirra'd to him by the afores^ Sherriff Moulton and one Major Hammond another of the Bench of Justices — from York this Deponent proceeded for Falmouth, in Casco Bay where this Deponent further Says that a httle time before he sail'd from thence which was on the Eighth day of October last the Aforesaid sherriff of York with some men under his Command on board a Sloop bound for Pemmaquid put in by Contrary Winds to Casco Bay and that by the best Information he could gitt both from the Sherriff, and the aforesaid Justices he was Assur'd there was not any Intent, resolution or Order given to Drive off the People which Coll° Dunbarr had Settled or was about to Settle there and that those People had given out they would be the death of Sherriff Moulton if he came to Pemmaquid or to their Settlement, and further this Deponent Saith not. Jurat 19 die Janry Tho^ Pickenden 1730 Coram W"' BiUers Reed 27*^ ] r - -,r^^n/i Read 28^^ \J<^^ry 1730/1 Petition of the Inhabitants of Londonderry. To the Hon'"^ CoU : Dunbar The Humble Petition of the under Subscribers. Humbly Sheweth that y" Petitioners Inhabitants of London- 24 DOCUMENTARY HISTORY derry in Newharapshire originally from north Britain but Last from Ireland some tirae in the year 1728 sent a Memorial to y' Hon' when in England together with another to be preferred by your Hon' to His Majesty for a certain tract of Land in Nova Scotia and y' Petitioners are Credibly inforraed y* y' Hon' is Impowered to Lay out the same for y' Petitioners use. Wherefore we humbly Supplicate y"" Hon'' to grant us such tract of Land as you shall judge proper for us on Damascota River a near y® Town of Fredericksburg as possible and please to allow us sorae Respite of time to settle the same Because yT Petitioners cannot dispose of our free holds in Londonderry at present without great Loss for we are as we presume is known to y' Hon'' perplexed with vexatious Lawsuits by the Incrochments of y® Massachusets and y' Petitioners being about twenty four as in duty bound shall ever pray Jo" Wallace James Gregg John Archbald James Rodgers Mathew Kid John McNeill Rob* Adaras James Reid Thomas Mace Rob* Frost Arch. Clark Alexander Reid Ma** Clark David Calgik David McGregor Jaraes Clark Alex' McGregor William Gregg Jas Nesmith Sara" Greg Jas Moore Jo" Gregg Robert Campbell Thos. Gregg Ja^ Gilmor Jo" Carnot Ja» Clark Reced June ecm'-5i»«17 Proprietors — OP THE STATE OP MAINE 179 York ss Falmouth Decem' the 17'" 1787 — Pursuant to this writ I have summoned the within named Joseph Plumer to appear at the Place & tirae within raentioned by reading the within writ to him. Attest Barnabas Seabury Dep'y Sheriff The within & above written is a true Copy of y* writ return and Plea attest Jn° ffrost Clerk York ss. At y* Infer' Court of Common Pleas held at York within and for the County of York on the first Tues day of January A. Dora 1737 — The Proprietors of the Com mon & undivided Lands within y* township of Falmouth withm Mentioned recovered Judgm' upon y* writ ( of which y* within is a True Copy ) agamst Joseph Plumer for Pos session of y* Premises sued for & Costs Attest Jn° ffrost Clerk John Higginson' s Petition. To His Excellency Jonathan Belcher Esq' Captain Gen eral & Govern' in Chief in and over His Majestys Province of the Massachusetts Bay in New England and to the Honb'* His Majestys Council & to the Honb'* House of Representa tives in General Court Assembled, - The Petition of John Higginson in behalf of the heirs and Representatives of the heirs of David Phippen late of Fal mouth Dec" most humbly Sheweth — That the s" Heirs and Repre'^*' on the first of February 1786 being Seized of a Tract of Land in Falmouth with a Dwellmg house & Saw Mill thereon Demised the Same to one Nath*' Jones to hold to the first of June A. D. 1738 ~ That Joshua Moody & Sam*' Moody of Falraouth afores" on the first day of Decerab' A. D. 1737 contrivmg to Defraud 180 DOCUMENTARY HISTORY and Oust the s" Heirs &c, brought Ejectment in the name of the Prop" of Falmouth for the s" House and Mill and about One hund" & Twenty five acres of land against one Joseph Pluraraer who was not nor had ever been in possession of the premises And by his consent obtained Judgment (at the Court of Comon pleas held in York on the first Tuesday of Jan'y A. D. 1737 ) for possession of the premises Sued for & costs And Accordingly had possession given them immedi ately after the Court before the s" Heirs &c* or Their Tenant had notice thereof and under that colour of Law have cut near One hundred Thousand feet of pine Boards & destroyed great Quantitys of Timber there growing against all wMch irregular & extraordinary proceedings Your Petitioner most humbly prays that the s" Heirs &c* raay Obtain such Relief as upon bearmg the Cireurastances of the Case in your Hon ours Great Wisdora and Justice Shall Seera raeet And yo' Petition' as in Duty bound shall ever pray June 13, 1738 John Higginson for Self & others In CouncU June 15'" 1788 Read & Ordered that the Pet" Serve the Adverse party Joshua Moody & Sara' Moody with Copys of this Petition that they Shew cause ( if any they have ) on the first Fryday of the next Session why the prayer thereof Should not be granted — Sent down for Concurrence J Willard Sec'y In the House of Rep^*' June 23" 1738 Read & Concurred, J. Quincy Sp"' 28 Consented to J Belcher In CouncU Decern' 9'" 1788. Read again together with the Answer of M' Sarauel Moody & M' Moses Pierson Attorney for Josua Moody Esq' & Ordered that the further Consideration of this Petition be refer'd to Wednesday the tenth of January next that so the Prop" of Falraouth raay have Time to make Answer to it; OP THB STATE OP MAINE 181 And that the Petitioner do forthwith Serve the Clerk of the Proprietors or Some Principal Proprietor with a Copy of the Petition accordingly. Sent down for Concurrence. Siraon Frost Dep. Sec'y In the House of Rep^*' Dec' 11'" 1738. Read & Concur'd with the Amendment viz'. Dele Wednesday the tenth of January — and add the first thursday of the Session of this Court in May, Sent up for Concurrence J Quincy Sp'^' In CouncU Decem' 12, 1788. Read & Concur'd with the further Araendraent viz' Dele the tenth of January & add Wednesday the Seventeenth of January next if the Court be then Sitting if not, &c. Sent down for Concurrence Siraon Frost Dep' Sec'y In the House of Repres^*' Dec 14, 1738 Read and Non concurd and the House adhere to their last vote. Sent up for Concurrence J Qumcy Sp"" In CouncU Decern' 14, 1738. Read & Concur'd Siraon Frost Dep' Sec'y Consented to, J Belcher In Council June'_^16, 1739 Read again & it not Appearmg to the Court that the peti tioner had served any of the Proprietors of Falraouth with a coppy of this petition since the last order of this Court Ordered that the further Consideration of this Petition be refferred to the Second Tuesday of the fall Session & that in the raean tirae the Petitioner to Serve the Clerk of the Pro prietors or sorae prmcipal Proprietor of Falmouth with a Coppy of this Petition & orders thereon Sent down for Concurrence J Willard Secry 182 DOCUMENTARY HISTORY In the House of Rep™ June 16, 1739 Read & Concurd J Quincy Sp''^' 18: Consented to J Belcher York ss/ June 26'" 1739 by the Desier of the within Named John Higginson I have served Moses Pearson who is the Clerk of the Proprietors of the town of faUnouth with a Coppy of this Petition and orders thereon By Reading the same to him g Jereraiah Moulton : ter' Und' Sheriff In CouncU Jan'y 5'" 1739. Order" that the Consideration of this Petition be iurther referr'd to the first Tuesday of the next May Session. Sent down for Concurrence Simon Frost Dep' Sec'y House of Rep'^*' Jany 5, 1739. Read and concur'd Eben : Poraroy Speak' Pro temp' 9. Consented to, J Belcher In CouncU July 11, 1740. Ordered That the Consideration of this Petition be further referr'd to the first Thursday of the next Session. Sent down for Concurrence J Willard Secry In the House of Repr™' July IT" 1740 Read and concur'd J Quincy Sp'^' 11 Consented to J Belcher " Cap* Jones' Deposition." Nathaniel Jones of Falmouth in the County of York Tes tifieth & saith that in the Year 1786 he took a Lease of a Saw Mill and a parcel of Land in Falmouth afores" from John Higginson & others heirs & Assignes of David Phippen late of said Falm* deced & that on Monday the 16 of January OP THE STATE OP MAINE 188 last he was by virtue of an Exon on a Judgraent against Joseph Pluraraer of said Falra" bro't by some of the Prop" of Falraouth put out of Possession & Iraproveraent of said Saw MiU which he had put into repair in order to proceed in saw ing & has ever smce been kept from his said business. And further saith that since his being put out as aforesaid the Mill has been Improved by some of the prop" of said Falm" & near 100,000 foot of Boards cutt and saw'd there as he has been Inforraed. The said Jones further saith that the afores" Joseph Pluraraer nor any one under him has to his knowl edge for six Years past ever possessed or Improved said Mills or any Lands thereabouts nor has he any house or habitation near the same. And as the said Jones has been informed never was a prop' Claimer or Occupant or so much as a Ten ant at Will of the aforesaid Saw MiU. Nath" Jones Boston 14 June 1788. Suffolk Sc' Boston June 14, 1738 — Nathaniel Jones made Solemn oath that the above written Declaration was the Truth & the whole Truth relating to the premises, taken in perpetuam rei raemoriam, Edw" HutcMnson ) Justices Corara c i ixr n r °^ ^^^ peace Samuel WeUes j q^^^^^ ^^^^^^ To the R' Hon"'* The Lords of the Coraraittee of His Majtys Most Hon"'* Privy Council. My Lords Pursuant to Y' Lordi" Order of the 27th of May last, we have had under our Consideration the hurable Petition of CoU" Dunbar Lieu' Gov' of N Hampshire & Survey' Gen' of the woods in N America, setting forth, " That he has been at great Expenses in building Forts & settling people on some 184 DOCUMENTARY HISTORY Lands deera'd to be the Westem Parts of N* Scotia for w*" he had receiv'd no Recorapense & praying to be reUeved therein." On this Occasion We have been several tiraes attended by M' Dunbar, & have had frequent discourses with him & exarained into different Papers he has lay'd before us in relation to the Subject Matter of his Pet", Whereupon We shall take Leave to observe to Y' Lordp' That in the Year 1729 it being apprehended, that the Crown had a right to all the Lands lymge between the Rivers Penob scot & S' Croix, & it being at that Time represented, tbat Several Persons were disposed to settle in those Parts, CoU" Dunbar was impowred by His Maj'y Instr"' Ijearing date the 27'" day of April 1730 to lay out Lands for all Persons so desirous under certain Conditions & Restrictions That upon the said CoU's arrival m those parts, he took possession of an old Fort call'd Pemaquid, w*" the Crown had frequently rec ommended to the Massachusetts Gov' to be taken Care of, & repair'd the sarae at a very Considerable Expense : That after wards sev' Persons applying for Lands m those parts, the said CoU* Dunbar did sett out six different Townships, in the Neighbourhood of the said Fort & in most of the said Town ships, as we have been inform'd by Mr. Henry Tripsack, Lieutenant in Col* PMlipps's Regiment and M' George MitcheU, Deputy Surveyor of the Woods & Lands, there were about 50 Familys, w*" were settled. Houses bmlt & Lands cleared for them chiefly at the said CoU'' Expense, w*" the said ffamilys were to have repay'd Mra, by certain proportions, as they sh" have been enabled by the produce of their Settlerat' But upon application sorae tirae after, to His Maj'y in Council, It was found, that some other Persons claim'd the Lands, whereon these Settleraents were made, & upon hearing the Matters by them aUedged, It was order'd by His Maj'y m Council, that the possession sh" be restored OP THE STATE OP MAINE 185 to such Claimers, & the Colony dislodged. Whereupon the said Persons so settled, being dispersed, were rendred inca pable of makmg any Satisfaction to CoU* Dunbar, who by his zeal, in making the aforesaid settlement has been a very great Sufferer. On which account tho we cannot recomraend Coll. Dun bar's Pretensions, as a direct Claim from the Crown, we nevertheless thmk hira a proper Object of His Maj*y* Bounty & Compass", and deserving of such favour as His Maj*y m his great wisdom shall tMnk raeet. We are. My Lord, Your Lordships most obedient & most hurable Serv" Monson Ja. BrudeneU M. Bladen R. Plumer. WhitehaU July 4th, 1738. Letter Secretary Josiah Willard to John Noyes Sir I ara directed by the Gov' & Council to acquaint you that the Indians of the Penobscot Tribe now in Town have made divers Corapl" ag" you as to your Conduct as Truck master. Particularly that you made them pay for Bread Tobacco & other Things that were wet & damnified by the Sinking of the Boat the same Price as if the Thmgs were good and merchantable & that when some of their People brmg small Quantities of Feathers & small Pieces of Fur, you throw their Things away & refuse to trade with them & bid thera to trade with the French, & in general that you treat thera with great Roughness & III Teraper. To these Complamts the Board expect y'* Answer, & that m the mean time you do every thing consistent with the other Parts of your Duty to raake the Indians easy & well satisfied in their Trade with you. 186 DOCUMENTARY HISTORY Letter John Noyes. to Secretary Josiah Willard S' Georges July 18 1738 M' Secy WiUard I reed yours of July 6 And note the Contents, and Should have had great Satisfaction to have ben pres- sant, with the Indians when in Boston, The bread was wet when their was 64 Indians pressant, I was not desirous to have thera take it, but it was Concerted by Cap' Gyles, and the Indians, that it would Serve them for their prssant Spending, The bread was counted soe none was wrong'd The Tobacco they had by the Fathum not by weight, I immediately sent for other Tobacco ( They mention other things ) Their was notMng more wet, I have not at no time refused the Sraallist quantity of ffeathers nor the SmaMst peices of Fur But frequently have acquamted them that they would be as well delt with If they brought their Beaver to Georges, as with the priveat Traders, and that Feathers & peices of fur was what the Traders refused, I have Strickly Observed his Excey Instructions w*" is Two quarts of rum in Twelve dayes. The Indians by their ffrequent urging me for more rura, and ray Adhearing to ray Instruct, They term it ruffness and ill Teraper, And as I have allwaies treted them with the greatest Sevility Soe Shall contmue to doe. This with Subraishion I offer to his Excelleny and the Honour" Councell — and reraain their raost Obedient hurable Servant John Noyes [ Superscribed ] Deposition of John Coks Jun'' Aug 4^ 1738 The Deposition of John Coks Jun' of fuU Age Testifyeth and saith that he was at Mackerbedudus Soraetime y* last OP THE STATE OP MAINE 187 Month and that he was there told by sundry Indians and French men that they beleiv'd and that We ( raeaning English ) might Depend upon it there would be a Warr with y* Indians for that they tho' that neither y* Governor nor M' Samuel Waldo would pay them y" land Down there, and perticularly that one french man told Mm that he was Sure there would be a warr with y* Indians for that the Indians were continually posting from one place to another giving the Watch word to be In Readiness at an hour's warning and that they had Declared there was five hundred Indians Ready at Canada waiting only for orders to fall upon y* English and that y" Indians at the Aforesaid place had bro' Considerable Quantitys of Ammunition from Canada w''" was gave them as he understood by the French. the aforesaid Frenchman further Declar'd to y* Deponent that if there was not a Warr witMn a month he might Cutt his throat y* next time he saw Mm for that he was sure the Indians would very shortly make Warr — The Deponent further Declared that he heard an Indian and an English Man say that the Indians abo' y* aforesaid time Tore up a Considerable quantity of Come & burnt y" fencmg stuff ^ of the English Settlers there — Who ask y* s" Indians y* Reason of their so doing — they Replj^ed they had done it because that y* English had not paid them for their land and that they would Burn y* fencing stuff w*" was their wood and further Saith not — Aug' 4'" 1738 — John Coks J' York ss Aug' 4'" 1738 Then the above John Coks Jun' personaUy Appear'd before me y" Subscriber and Made Oath to y* Truth of the above Deposition — Henry Wheeler : J : Peace 188 DOCUMENTARY HISTORY Letter Henry Wheeler to Hon W^ Pepperell falmouth August the 4 : 1738 Honoure" Sur After ray Servis to you these are to aquant you that Eversins I Receved a Captains Comraishon I have Desiered Cap' Moodey to Divide the raen which he never denied but Always Neglected m order to have it Done about five Months agoe I begun at both Ends of the town and made a List and Showed to Cap' Moodey and Desiered a Divishion and for him to take his Choise Which he Neglected to Doe or Call the people to geather frora the tirae you ware here till about a fortnight Agoe and on the raornmg of the muster Day i went to his house and shewed Mm the List which i had Showed him before and asked hira if he would Divide by that or had thought of any Way of Dividing According to youer order but he told me he Expected that I should have as forraerly on Which i left him and When he and the Company Was in the fold I went with the Lieuten ant and Insign and Demanded a Divishion According to youer order he told rae he knew notMng about it the Reason he gave for it was that you Never Consulted with Mm About the New Ofisers ) he kept the raen in the fold about two hours and then Led them into the town and Dismised them without Ever veiwmg arras or Amunishon I should have Sent before but Expectmg youer Self Down to falmoth Every Day for these five months past which i pray you will Exsept of for an Excuse fOr my not sending no sooner till I have the hapynes to se youer honour wMch will much Oblige Youer hurable Servant to Command Henry Wheeler Post Scrip Sir I have here Inclosed an Evedence taken at the Request of Sundry persons as yool excuse [ Superscribed J To the Honourable W" Peprel Esq' m Kitrrey OP THE STATE OP MAINE 189 Letter Col. F™ Pepperrell to Gov. Belcher Aug 7. 1738 May it Please yo' Excellency Inclosed is some Letters & an affidav' w*" I received this day from Falmouth dont think it proper to make any Great stur Least it might frighton some that Live in y* Frontears frora their implyments but desire to write to y* sever" Cap" in y* Regiment that they take particular care that their men be well provid" with arras & Amraunition. by yo' Excell^y* direction Cap' Wheeler was to take y* Comraand of one of y* Corapannys in Falmouth, & Last Octob' when L' CoU* Moulton & I was there we had a Gener' muster & offer" to assist in dividing y* raen but their answer was that they would do it araong" thera Selves at amore Leisure time Since find there is a dispute among" them, but I desire to goo there in afue days & then hope to accomadate y* affaire I am with Duty Yo' Excellencys Most DutyfuU & Hum"'* Serv' W"" Pepperrell Kittery August 7'" 1738 [ Superscribed ] On His Majs'y* Service To His Excellency J Belcher Esqr Cap' Gener' & Coraraande' m chieff of His Majs*y* Provinces In New England att Boston. Letter SecrV Jonah Willard to Col. If™ Pepperrell Aug 10. 1738 Sir, I am directed by His Excellency to acquaint you that he has rec" your Letter of the 7'" instant with the mclosed 190 DOCUMENTARY HISTORY Deposition & Letters : And desire that you would repair to Falraouth as soon as possible & put the Militia at Falm* & the other Towns into a proper Disposition & raore especially that they be sufficiently furnished with Arms & Amraunition accordingly to Law, That you likewise endeavour to get what further Intelligence you can of the Motions of tbe Indians and send by to the Commanders of the Forts at S' Georges Richmond, Brunswick & Saco & to the Officers in the new Settlem" to put them upon the guard & when there is no Officer to some of the principal Persons which you raust do in so prudent a Manner as not to impress them with any unnecessary Terror, And His Excellency expects to be advised from you of the State of Things frora the [ sic, no signature.] Letter Charles Frost to Hon. W"' Pepperrell Falraouth Aug' 15'" 1738 Hono" Sir This I send by Enoch Moody who I understand is sent up to informe you that there is great suspition of a War w'" y* Indians there is a great body of y"" above us who threaten much what they will shortly do — and we are in a very poor Condition of Defence by Reason of y* Indolence of y" Officers — by what I can learn, not above one quarter of y* men have annumition So that th6 we have got a parcel of brave young fellows — we shall ( if y* Indians so incline ) be knock'd in y* head like fools — for want of proper care y' Chief officer here will neither haugh nor Gee, as I suppose you will be fully inform'd by y* bairer who I suppose has sev eral Letters for you on that head, therefore shall not inlarge but should be glad there was such officers as would do their OP TELE STATE OF MAINE 191 Duty — on such occafions or on any one occation — but he is such a Supine Retch that there is no Dependance on him — and beleive It would be as proper to have one of y* Chief officers out of y* Town ( I mean y" Neck ) Colonel West brook Gives Ms Service and Impatiently waits to see Whether y* Gentle" Referrees will be down here or Whether they will act upon y" affair at Boston — I remain w'" Duty love and Service to all Respectively Due Yo' Du" N''^ & very Humble Serv* Cha. ffrost The Hono"'* W" Pepperrell Esq' Letter Col. W" to Gov. Belcher Aug. 18. 1738. May it Pleas Yo' Excellency pursuant to yo' Comraand of y* 10'" Ins' ara now in this Town to inquire mto y" State of y* Millitia and am pleased to find they are better provi'd" w'" Arras & Amraunition then Expect" there is but fue Garrisons in these parts ; as y* peo ple seera to be carefull hope if y* Indians had any ill desine they will be discouraged ; here is no further news in these parts but this day Cap' Robert Marthous arriv" here in a sMp bound for Piscataqua he bro' Stors for the Garrison at Canso took them out of aman of warr in Cadiz bay and m his Passage here put into aharbor on the Cape Sable Shoare & meet with as he saith what he hath here related by y* inclosed Deposition I ara Yo' ExceU'=y* raost DutyfuU & Obed' Hum"'* Serv' W"" PepperreU Falmouth August 18'" 1738 I have sent tMs acco' to y* several Forts at S' Georges, Richmond, Brunswick & Saco 192 DOCUMENTARY HISTORY August 19'" May it Please Yo' ExceU<=y Yesterday Morning we took y* Inclosed Deposition Cap' Marthous then seem" to be Soiled, by y* afternoon we pro cured aman & horse to proceed as an Express to you, but y» s" Captain hath smce acted Like acraisey raan & by his taulk we cannot Credit what he hath sworn too before y" Justices, so conclud" it was not best to put y* Provmce to any need less charge & y* People in afright ; but I tho' it adviseable to let y° know the State of y" Affaire, the Ship is gon for Piscataqua he saith he desires to tarey afue days there & then to proceed to New York. We could not com to discourse any of his men I am as above W" Pepperrell Falmouth, Support of Schools. 1737-1748 May 20'" 1737 — Voted That there be granted and paid out of the Town Treasury of Falmouth Twenty Pounds towards the Grammar School Masters Salary for the Present Year and that the first Parish have the Liberty of Settling s'' School Master where they see fitt They paymg Him the Remainder of his Salary And that the second Parish be cleared frora any further Charge Excepting their Proportion of s" Twenty Pounds. Recorded g Sam*' Moody Town Clerk A true Copy taken from Lib" 2"* Fol. 157 Attest Step" Longfellow Town Clerk September 11'" 1738 - Voted There be Fifteen Pounds Laid on the Polls & Estates in the Town of Falmouth to pay a School Master for six Months Service after this Day, and OP THE STATE OP MAINE 193 that the Select Men are Impowered to provide a School Mas ter & Asses s" Money & pay s" School Master. A True Copy Lib* 2° Fol. 161 : Att' Step" Longfellow Town Clerk March 13'" 1788/9 Voted that the Sura of One Pound five Shillings be aUowed and paid out of the Town Treasury to Jonathan Lincoln for y* Use of his House ( for the School ) Ten Weeks as g Account on File - A True Copy Lib* 2° Fol : 164 : Att' Step" LongfeUow Town Clerk Septeraber 17'" 1739 Voted Fifty Pounds for a School Master the Year Ensuing Lib* 2: Fol* 172: March 20: 1789 Voted That there be granted & paid out of the Town Treasury of Falraouth Twenty Pounds towards the Graramar School Masters Salary for this present Year and that Messrs John Waite Isaac Ilsley Sarauel Moody David Stickney James Gooding & Thomas Bolton Have the Liberty of setling s" School Master where they see Fitt, They paying hira the Remainder of Ms Salary and that the Town be Cleared from any further Charge Excepting their Proportion of s" Twenty Pounds s" John Waite Isaac Ilsley Samuel Moody David Stickney Jaraes Gooding & Thomas Bolton To have the whole Benefit of s" School Master Lib* 2: Fol" 178. Decerab' 24 : 1740 Voted Twenty Pounds be Assessed to pay the School Master as forraerly voted by this Town this Year- Lib* 2 : Fol : 180 March 10'" 1740 Voted that the Tax of two Pence g' 13 194 DOCUMENTARY HISTORY Acre (which was Ordered by the General Court) on the unimproved Land in Falraouth for tMee Years for the Use of the Ministers and School in s" Town be paid in the follow ing Proportion - viz' - Fifty Pounds a Year for the Use of the School Lib* 2: Fol: 185. Decb'-21: 1741 Voted That M' Nicholas Hodge be Graramar School Master for the Town till next March Meet ing, and that He be paid by the Town in the same Propor tion as He was in the Year 1789 Lib' 2" Fol: 187 May 17'" 1748 Voted That there be Twenty Pounds Old Tenor Raised on the Polls & Estates in this Town to pay a Grammar School Master for the Year Ensuing Lib' 2 : Fol : 202. May 17'" 1745 Voted that there be drawn out of the Town Treasury £130 old Ten' to pay the School Master now Among us — viz' out of the Money raised last Year to defrey Town Charges And that the Select Men shall propor tion the Tirae the s" Schoolraaster shaU keep School Accord ing to the Taxes paid in Each part of the Town where he raay be pleased by the said Select Men as they raay think proper - Lib' 2" Fol : 219 August 26: 1745 Voted that there shaU be Fifty Pounds Old Tenor paid toward the Support of the Grammar School Master now araong us for this present Year Out of the Money raised last Year, And in Case the People on the Neck will pay s" School Master the Remander of his Salary this present Year, they shall have the Benefit of Mm. Lib* 2 : Fol 220 August 24 ; 1747 Voted that there be allowed and paid OP THE STATE OP MAINE 195 by the Town out of the Treasury Forty Pounds Old Tenor to pay a Gramraar School Master for a Year to Come from this Twenty fourth Day of August. Lib* 2. Fol 233 January 7'" 1747 Voted That there be a Tax of Three Hundred & Seventy Pounds old Tenor, Laid on the Inhabi tants in the Town of Falmouth and that the Assessors are directed to Assess the same to defray the Town Charges Including Seventy Pounds heretofore Voted to pay a Gram mar School Master & the Repairing Stroud Water great Bridge — Lib* 2 : Fol : 285 May 16: 1748 Voted That Sixty Pounds old Tenor be raised on the Poles and Estates of s" Town and paid to that part of the Inhabitants of s" Town that will keep a Grammar School Master by the Direction of the Select Men of s" Town this present Year. Lib' 2: Fol: 289: The fore gomg are true Copies of the Votes as Recorded in the Town Book Att' Step" Longfellow Town Clerk Answer to the Petition or Complaint of John Higginson. To Ms Excellency Jonathan Belcher Esqr Captain General and Governour in Chief the Honourable the Council and the Honourable House of Representatives of His Majestys Province of the Massachusetts Bay in General Court assembled at Boston Noveraber 29'" 1738 — The Answer of Sarauel Moody and Moses Peirson attomey for Joshua Moody to the Petition or Coraplaint of John Hig- 196 DOCUMENTARY HISTORY gmson for himself and on behalf of the heirs of David Phip pen late of ffalmouth dece" Most hurably Sheweth That the Peti" have Set forth in their said Complaint to your Excellency & Honours That the heirs & Representatives of the said Phippen on the first day of February 1786 were Seized of a Tract of Land in Falmouth with a Dwelling house &c. and that the said Respond" on the first day of Decem ber 1787 contriving to defraud and oust the said PMppens heirs of the preraises brought an Action of Ejectraent in the narae of the Proprietors of Falmouth for the said Land and premises Which is a misrepresentation to tMs Great and Honourable Court For that the said Samuel & Joshua Moody Did not bring an Action of Ejectment as is insinuated for upon the fface of the Writ it self it is plain and Evident That the Proprietors of Falraouth brought the said action in their own names & Capacity as by a Copy of the Writ herewith Exhibited may appear And the Respond" only Endorsed the Said Writ to secure the Costs And the Present Petiti" or Respond" hum bly conceive tMs Great and Hon"'* Court has been misled by the unfair misrepresentation of the Complamants And there upon were pleased to pass a vote upon the said Petition to serve the said Samuel & Joshua Moody with a Copy of the Petition and Order thereon when the Proprietors were over lookt who were principals in the said action and so have no legal notice to make answer to the said Petition. Wherefore the Respond" most hurably pray That the hear ing on the said Petition ordered by this Great and Honour able Court raay be Suspended until the proprietors of ffal- raouth may be Served with a Copy of the Complaint that so they may make a proper Defence for theraselves And that the said Sarauel & Joshua Moody may not be held to make OP THE STATE OP MAINE 197 answer thereto and that they raay be allowed their Reasonable Costs. And yr Peti" as in duty bound shall ever pray Sam" Moody Moses Pearson Atfy for Joshua Moody. Anno Regni Regis Georgii Secundi Duodecimo. An Act for Erectmg a Township in the County of York to be called by the name of X Whereas there is a competent number of Inhabitants already setled upon a Tract of Land lying within the County of York hitherto called, and known by the Name of Bruns wick contaming the Quantity of about six Miles square and lymg convenient for a Township, and whereas said Inhabit ants have humbly petitioned this Court that in Order to provide a suitable Maintenance for the Mmister setled among thera they raay be erected into a TownsMp, and Vested with the Powers and Authorities belonging to other Towns ; exceptmg only the Power of Granting and disposing of Land wMch they Acknowledge to be A in the Proprietors who placed them there Therefore for Encouragement of the said Settleraent Be it enacted by Ms Excellency the Governour, Council and Representatives in General Court asserabled and by the Authority of the same ; That the said Tract of Land described in- a Piatt now retumed to this Court as follows : Beginning at the Mouth of a Brook or Rivulett called Bungamunganock running into Maquoit Bay where it touches upon North Yarraouth Lme and from the mouth of said Brook to run upon a Course North North West half West erly five mUes into the Wildemess leaving a Wedge or strip 198 DOCUMENTARY HISTORY of Land between said Lme and North Yarmouth, and from thence upon a Course North East four railes to the Second Falls of Amascoggin alias «!^ndroscoggin River from thence down said River by Fort George, and down Merryraeeting Bay so far as Stephen's carrying place, including several small Isletts lymg in said River above said carrymg place, and over said carrying place to the head of the Creek or River that runs up to the other side of the said carrying place thence down said Creek or River to tbe Mouth thereof including an Island therein, and from the mouth of said River to run by the Water side south westerly to the south west point of a place called the New Meadows thence to strike across the Cove, upon a Course North North West 'till it meets and intersects the upper end of Merryconeeg Neck four Rods above the Nar rows of said Neck comraonly called the carrying place thence to run along the shore tb a Neck of Land called Mair Point about a- Mile and a quarter down said Neck thence to cross over said Mair point and Maquoit Bay upon a Course North west till it comes to the Place first above mentioned : Be and henceforth shall be a Township to be called and the Inhabitants thereof shall have and enjoy all such Immunities, Priviledges and Powers as generally other Towns in this Province have and do by Law enjoy. _ Excepting only the Power of Granting and disposing of Land which the Inhabitants acknowledge to be in the Pro- ^ A prietors who placed them there. With a savmg for any and A all other Grants, Titles, Interests, or Estates, that maj' be found within the sarae. In the House of Rep™ Dec' 12, 1738. Read a first time 13'" Read a second tirae. 14'" Read a third time & passed to be Engrossed. Sent up for Concurrence J Quincy Sp:'" OP THE STATE OF MAINE 199 In CouncU Dec' 14, 1738 Read a first time 19 Read again & Pass'd a Concurrence with the amendra* viz. Dele A Sent down for Concurrence. J WiUard Secry In the House of Representatives Deceraber 19'" 1738. Read & Concurd with the further Amendment at X Dele to be called - Sent up for Concurrence J Quincy Sp:*' In CouncU Decem' 20, 1738 Read Petition To Ms Excellency Jonathan Belcher Esq' Captain General and Governour in Chief the Hon"'* the Council and Hon"'* House of Ropresentatives of His Majestys Provmce of the, Massachusetts Bay m New England in General Court Asserabled May 80'" 1789 The Petition of the Proprietors of the Pomt of Land in Casco Bay m the County of York Called by the name of Marepomt — Hurably Sheweth That Whereas the said Point of Land is One Half part of it witMn the Bounds of the Township of North Yarraouth and having paid Rates and Taxes to said TownsMp both to Church and State Alth6 the Inhabitants there live Twenty MUes Distant by Land frora the Meeting house and Ten Miles by Sea a Cross Two dangerous Bays Especially in the Winter tirae being also raany tiraes Irapassable in Canoes with their Familys Thereby Depriving them of the PubUck Worship of God for a Great part of their tirae is a great discourageraent to the Tenants. And Whereas this Hon"'* Court have been pleased this last Year to Invest the Township of Brunswick with aU Privi- 200 DOCUMENTARY HISTORY ledges as the other Towns in tMs Province Enjoy and that Brunswick meeting house is but two Miles Distance from the Upper End of said Point makes it Easy to Repair thereto without the Danger and Difficulty of the Winter and Tem pests and the very Great length of way by Land. — May it please Your Excellency and Honours We humbly pray that you would be pleased for the prevention_the afore said Inconveniencys to sett off the farailys that may Inhabit said Point of Land frora the Town of North Yarraouth and Annex thera to the said Town of Brunswick Especially Since One half part of said point of Land is witMn the said Town ship of Brunswick already as by the plan thereof now on the files of this Court for making Brunswick a Township may appear — And Your Pet" as in duty bound shall ever pray &c. — Tho: Palmer And for John Wentworth of piscaqua & by his Desire, proprietors — Geo. Mmot for himSelf & as attourney to his Bro' John Minot EUs* White adran^ In the House of Rep'*' June 16, 1789 Read & Ordered That the petitioners Serve the town of North Yarraouth with a Copy of the Petition that they shew Cause if any they have on the first friday of the next sitting of the Court why the prayer of the petition should not be granted, & the peti tion is referred in the raean time for Consideration Sent up for Concurrence J. Quincy Sp^' To the Honourable Board There lymg at pr*sent before your Honours A Complaint signed by Jn* Iliggerson OP THE STATE OP MAINE 201 Esq' in Behalf of the Heirs of David Phipen Deces", against Joshua Moody Esq' & M' Sarauel Moody & upon their Answer there pass'd an Order on s" Coraplaint that the Pro prietors of Falra'" should be Notified to raake Answer thereto, who havmg appointed me to Answer y* Same, Which is Refered for A hearing untill Tuesday next at which time I ara in hopes to be at the Court, but haveing been Detained for Sorae tirae by An affair of Iraportance & Storraey weather & being in A poor State of health, & it being likely to be Bad Traveling, So that probabely I may be Detained on my Journey & not get to Boston by the Tirae Sett for hearing the s" Coraplaint. And if it should so happen I Beg the Favour of your Honour the Same to defer for A few Days untiU I shaU be able to Corae, I propose this Day to Set out on my joumey for Boston ~ I am your Honours Humble Serv' Falm'" March 13'" 1789. Phmehas Jones Petition To His ExceUency Jonathan Belcher Esq' Captain General and Governour m Chief in and over His Majesties Province of the Massachusets Bay m New England To the Hono"'* His Majesties Council & Hono"'* House of Representatives m General Court Assembled by Prorogation at Boston Sept' 1789 — Phineas Jones of Falraouth on behalf, and by order of the Inhabitants of the said Town — Humbly Sheweth That about three years agone the Great & General Court or Assembly of this Province in Consideration of the charge the Inhabitants of Falmouth had then bm at, were pleased to order that the Wast Lands in the sd Town should be taxed 202 DOCUMENTARY HISTORY a penny g Acre towards Defraying the sarae but thro the delay of the Persons Concerned in Committing to the Consta ble the Warrant for the Assessment m due time, the Inhabi tants have had no benefit by the General Courts order. And m this present Year 1789 the Inhabitants have been at near twenty hundred pounds Charge in building a Meeting house & Bridges in the said Town & wUl be obliged to fortify their houses & also to pay about five hundred pounds more for the Support of their Mmisters and Schoolmaster, if the Proprie tors & owners of the Unimproved Lands are not obliged to help thera defrey that Charge And in Regard the unim proved Lands are Defended and bettered by the Inhabitants Who Venture their Lives in this time of Apprehended Dan ger and meet with raany Difficultys in their new settlements & the Wast Lands raake up near nine tenths of the whole TownsMp & are ranch more Valuable by the Improvem" & Industry of the Inhabitants — Your Pet' m behalf of the setlers & Pursuant to their Vote hurably prays Your Excel lency & Honours to take the p'raisses into Your Wise Con sideration — And to Assess the Wast or Uniraproved Lands in the s" Town two pence g Acre at least for three years yet to Corae the better to Enable the Inhabitants of the s" Town to Defrey the great Charge of supportmg their Ministers & Schoolmaster during that tirae — And Your Pet' ( as m duty bound ) shall Pray &c — Phmehas Jones In the House of Repr'*' Oof 2, 1789 Read and Ordered that the Petitioner give publick notice to the Nonresident Proprietors of the Uniraproved Lands in said Town by inserting it in the Boston Newspapers four Weeks successively at least that they shew cause (if any they have ) why the Prayer of the Petition should not be granted on the first tMrsday of the next sitting of this OP THE STATE OP MAINE 208 Court and the Petition is referred in the raean tirae for Con sideration. Sent up for concurrence J. Quincy Sp"' In CouncU Oct' 2 1789 Read and Concurr'd Siraon Frost Dep' Sec'y Consented to J. Belcher In the House of Repr™' Dec' 22" 1789 Read again . And in answer thereto Ordered that the Unimproved Lands in said Town be Subjected to a Tax of two pence g Acre g annum for three Years next Ensumg, and that no Difficulty may arise about the said Uniraproved Lands, Ordered that all lands not withm Lawful Fence be Sub jected to said Tax, Sent up for concurrence J. Quincy Sp'" In Council Decera' 28, 1739 Read and Concur'd Siraon Frost Dep' Sec'y Consented to J. Belcher Answer to the Petition of John Higginson. To His Excellency Jonathan Belcher Esq' Cap' General and Governour in CMef in and over His Majesty' Province of the Massachusetts Bay in New England and To the Hon"'* the Council and to the Hon"'* the House of Representatives m General Court Assembled at Boston May 1740 ~ The Answer of the Proprietors of Falmouth to the Petition of John Higgmson m behalf of the Heirs and Representatives of David Phipen late of Falmouth Deced - The Respondents say that true it is that your Respond" on the first day of December 1737 bro't their Action of Eject- m' agamst one Joseph Plumer for the Possession of One Hundred Twenty five Acres of Land & of a Dwelling House 204 DOCUMENTARY HISTORY & Saw Mill thereon Standing which Action was prosecuted at the Inferiour Court of Coraraon Pleas held at York for the County of York on the first tuesday of January foUowing where the s" Plumer appeared by his attorney & after A fair hearing of the Case it was Comraitted to the Jury who found for your Respond" the Preraises sued for & Costs, frora wMcb Judgraent tbe s" Pluraer moved for an appeal but failing to give Bond to prosecute his s" Appeal — Your Respond" obtained Execution for possession of the Premises Sued for as afores" & accordingly received the possession of it, & have ever Since iraproved the Same wMch your Respond" tMnk they have good Right to both by Law & Equity, but not by Cuttmg & Destroying the Timber as Complained of that being ( to your Respondents great Daraage ) alraost if not wholly Destroyed before. But what is Coraplained of that it was with Design to Defraud & Oust the Complainants is without Grounds for the Design was without fraud by Course of Law to Oust the s" Pluraer, & thereby to Obtain Our Just Right wMch was unjustly withheld he bemg the Person who had for some Years been in the actual possession And improvement thereof & had often declared that he had a Bond from the Complainants to indemnifie Mm against any Action your Respond" should brmg against him for the Premisess, & the Lease mentioned in the Coraplaint your Respond" then & yet are ignorant of Except what they know by the Corapl" The Leasee keeping his Lease Concealed if he had one ( at least from your Respond") & not making the Least iraproveraents upon the preraises so that your Respond" Could not lay an Action agamst him — And as the Law is Open for the s" Plumer if he be agrieved at the Judgement Obtained against hira by Reviewing the Action before the sarae Court, & thereby brmg it into A Course of Law, as likewise the Complamants have the Law open on their Side & no way foreclosed by any Action of your Respond" or any OP THB STATE OP MAINE 205 Judgment by them Obtained So that if they have any Claira to the premises your Respond" humbly Conceive that the matter ought according to Law & Custom to be heard & tryed in a Court of Judicature according to the Course of Common Law where each party may produce their Evidences & be heard & tryed by a Jury & your Respondents humbly Conceive it would be without President where the Law is open for all partys, for your Excellency & Honours to enter into the Consideration of the Merits of the Cause & therefore pray that the Complaint be Dismissed as groundless & Liti gious & your Respond" have their Reasionable Costs allowed them — But if your Excellency & Honours shall in your great wisdora Judge raeet to take the premises into your wise & Equitable Consideration and Determin & Judge thereon your Respond** doubt not but that upon a fair hearing of the matter they shall produce such Evidence to prove both the justness of their Title & the fairness of their Obtaining the possession thereof, that your Excellency & Honours will then Judge the Coraplaint ought to be Dismissed as groundless & Litigious & your Respond** have their Reasionable Costs aUowed them as afores" All which is humbly Offered in the name and on the Behalf of the Proprietors by Isaac Ilsley Sam" Moody Phinehas Jones Petition To His Excellency Jonathan Belcher Esq' Captain General and Governour m Chief The Hon"'* the CouncU and Hon"'* House of Representatives of his Majestys Province of the Massachusetts Bay m New England in General Court Assembled May 28, 1740_ 206 DOCUMENTARY HISTORY The Petition of the Proprietors of the Neck of Land in Casco Bay in the County of York CaUed by the Name of Mereconege Neck — Humbly Sheweth That Whereas the said Neck of Land, is one half part of it, within the line of the TownsMp of North Yarmouth and having paid Rates and Taxes to said Township, both to Church & State, Alth6 the Inhabitants there, live above Thirty Miles Distant by Land, from the Meeting House and Twelve Miles by Sea a Cross Two very Dangerous Bays, (Especially in the Winter tirae) being Also Many times Irapasable in Canoes, with their Farailys, Thereby Depriving thera of the Publick Worship of God, for a great part of their time, which is a very Great Discuragement to the Setlers, And Whereas this Hon"'* Court have been pleased. Two Years Since, to Invest the TownsMp of Brunswick, with all Priviledges as the other Towns in this Province Enjoy, And that Brunswick Meeting House is but Three Miles Distant, frora the upper end of said Neck Adjoyning to Brunswick Town, & no Water to pass over, wMch Makes it Easy to Repair thereto. Without the Danger and Dificulty of y* Winter, & Tempests by Water, And the very Great length of Way by Land — May it please your Excelency & Honours We Humbly pray, that you Would be pleased for the prevention of the afores" Inconveniency, To Sett off the Farailys, that may Inhabit said Neck of Land, from the Town of North Yarmouth, And Annex thera to the Town of Brunswick, Especially Since but a part of said Neck of Land is Couched within the line of Northyarmouth Towns Ship, — And as in Duty bound your Petitioners shall ever pray Adam Winthrop Joseph : Wadsworth Henry Gibbs Belcher Noyes Job Lewis for our selves & partners We the Inhabitants of the said Neck of Land — Most Humbly pray. That your Excelency & Honours would be pleased to Grant the prayer of the above naraed proprietors, OP THE STATE OP MAINE 207 of s" Neck of Land, that we raay be releved under our very Great heard ships. And as in Duty bound shall ever pray — Jaraes Brewer Richard Jaques John Mathews John Stover WiUiam Magray Elisha Allen Edward Quingham Isaac Hall William Gibson Samuell Standwood Moses Gacell David Standwood Joshua Cromeck John Stevens Sara" Winchell bis John Ross Jn' John A Orr Seth Toothaker mark William Macknees Job Moulton Thomas Mc Abiel Sprague. John Smart Wait Webber John Lindsey Ebneazer Toothaker Benj" Denslow In the House of Repr'*' June 3 - 1740 Read and Ordered that the Pet" Serve the Town of North Yarraouth with a Copy of this Pet" that they Show cause if any they have on Tuesday the 24'" Instant if the Court be then Sitting if not on the first tMrsday of the next Sitting of this Court Why the Prayer thereof should not be Granted. Sent up for Concurrence J. Qumcy Sp"' In CouncU June 4 : 1740 Read & Concur'd Siraon Frost Dep' Sec'y Consented to J. Belcher In CouncU June 27, 1740 Read again and it appearing that the Town of North Yar mouth has been duly Served with a Copy of the Petition but no Answer given in ; Ordered that the Prayer of the Peti tion be granted. And that that part of the Neck of Land within raentioned which heretofore belonged to the Town of North Yarra* together with the Inhabitants thereon, be and hereby are Set off from the Said Town of North Yarmouth, 208 DOCUMENTARY HISTORY and annexed to & accounted a part of . the Town of Bruns wick, there to do Duty & receive Priviledge accordmgly Sent down for Concurrence Siraon Frost Dep' Sec'y In the House of Rep"'*' June 28. 1740 Read and concur'd J Quincy Sp'" Consented to J Belcher In Council August 1, 1741. Read again together with the Answer of Ammi Ruhamah Cutter Agent for the Town of N* Yarmouth, & the Matter bemg fully considered. Voted that the Order of this Court within pass'd the 27'" of June A last, be & hereby is superseded & set aside, and that such of y* Inhabitants of the Neck of Land within mentioned, B as are consenting thereto, & shall give in their Names to the Town Clerk of Brunswick, for that Purpose, be & hereby are set off to the Town of Brunswick so far as relates to the Ministry 'till the further Order of this Court, to do duty & receive Priviledge accordingly. Sent down for Concurrence J Willard Secry In the House of Rep'^*' Aug' 5, 1741 Read and concurd with the Amendra" viz At A -dele last and insert 1740, At B - insert with their Estates. Sent up for concurrence J Hobson Sp*' In Council, Aug. 5, 1741 Read & Concurred J Willard Secry Consented to J Belcher Petition of Mr. John Dennis To Ms Excellency Jon* Belcher Esq Govern, m chief the hon' Council & Representatives of his majestys province of the Massachusets Bay m General Court assembled May 28° 1740 OP THE STATE OP MAINE 209 The humble petition of John Dennis late Chaplain at S' Georges Fort Sheweth That your ExceUency & Honors were pleas'd m answer to his petition offer'd to this hon' Court the last Year to make hira a grant of Fifty pounds for which he returns Ms raost hearty thanks And did also further grant & allow the sura of TMrty pounds to provide Furniture & necessary Utensils for the Chaplains roora at said Fort but there being no raoney m the publick Treasury said Furniture & necessarys were never provided & your Petitioner was necessitated to procure the sarae hiraself wMch as he is now oblig'd to quit the Service, proves much to his damage. That your Petitioner during his abode & being in the Ser vice at S' Georges has contracted a very hazardous distemper wMch incapacitates Mra from being further serviceable there & obliges him to be at great Expence on physicians & having a considerable Faraily & being redue'd to very low Circum stances humbly apprehends himself to deserve the Compas sion of this hon' Court And prays you Excellency & Hon. to take Ms said Case into y° wise consideration & to make him a grant of a smaU Tract or ParceU of y* unappropriated Lands of the Prov. or to grant him such other relief as to y° Wis dom shall seem meet And y° Petitiofi) shall ever pray John Dennis In the House of Repr'*' June 21" 1740 ~ Read and Ordered that the Sum of fifty pounds Equivalent to Bills of the Old Tenor be paid out of the Publick Treas ury to the Petitioner John Dennis,) 'and also a Grant of two Hundred Acres of the Unappropriated Lands of this Provmce adjoyning to Some former Grant is hereby Granted B to the said Petitioner His Heirs And Assigns He to return a Plat thereof to this Court within twelve .Months for Confirmation. Sent up for concurrence, J Quincy Sp'" 14 A Dele-; 210 DOCUMENTARY HISTORY In Council June 28, 1740; Read & Concur'd with the araendm* viz. Dele A. Sent down for Concurrence J Willard Secry In the House of Repr-"' June 30, 1740. Read and Non concur'd and the House adhere to their own Vote with the Amendment at B. viz. within the County of York. Sent up for concurrence. J Quincy Sp"" In CouncU July 2" 1740. Read & Concur'd Siraon Frost Dep. Sec'y Consented to, J Belcher Petition of M'' W"' M" Clenaohan in behalf of the Presbyterian. To Ms Excellency Jonathan Belcher Esq' Capt" Generail and Goven' m Chiefe in and Over Ms Majesties Province of the Massachusetts bay in New England The Honble Ms Majesties Councill and house of Representatives for said Province in Generail Court Asserabled the 28'" day of May Anno Doraini 1740 The hurable Petition of Williara M*Lenechan Clerk in behalfe of Mraselfe & his hearers of the Denora" of Presby terians in the Town of Falraouth m the County of York - Sheweth That your Pet' being regularly initiated mto the Ministery of the Gospile According to the Kirk of Scotland and haveing been Installed to preach to a Number of People of the denom" of Presbiterians m s" Town of Falmouth, Who have hitherto Endeav" to Support your Pet' in his said Ministry and who notwithstanding are obliged to pay Taxes towards the Support & Mamtenance of the Congregationall Ministers of s" Town which your Pet' & his hearers of the denom" of Presbyterians apprehend to be a great hardship in their present infant Settlements — OP THB STATE OP MAINE 211 Your Pet' further shews that by the Royall Charter granted to this Province Toleration is granted to all denora"' of Chris tians Except Papists And this Honble Court pursuant thereto has raade sev" Acts for the relief of Sev" denom' of Chris tians to Ease them frora paying towards the Support of any other clergy but Their own to Which your pet' humbly Apprehends his hearers of the Denora"' of Presbyterians are Equally Intitled — May it therefore please your Excellency & Honors to take the Case into your Consideration & to make such Law for the Ease and reUefe of those of the Denom" of Presbyterians inhabittmg s" Town as has been heretofore done for the reliefe of other denom' of Christians or to appoint a day at the Next Meetmg of this Great & Generail Court for your Pet' & Ms hears of the Denom" afores" to be heard upon the Merritts of their Case ~ And y' Pet" m duty bound wUl Ever pray William M Clenachan Constable's Return York ss. Brunswick June 9'" 1740. This raay certify His Excellency the Gov' the Hon"'* CouncU & the Hon"'* House of Representatives of the Province of the Massachusetts Bay m New England That I the Subscriber on the ninth day of this Instant June did serve John Powell Esq' & others the Select Men of the Town of North Yarmouth with a Coppy of the Petition of Adara Winthrop Esq' & Others the Proprietors of Merry coneeg Neck within the County of York & delivered thera the Coppy of said Petition with the Order of Court thereon 212 DOCUMENTARY HISTORY which was at their Town Meeting and the Moderator read it to the Town while I was present Attest ('Constable of the John M*farland-| Town of (^ Brunswick. Committee Chosen At a Town Meeting of the Freeholders And other Inhab itance of the Town of North Yarraouth Convened Held at the Meeting House In s" Town on Monday the 23 of June 1740 — Voted That there be a Coraraitty of three raen Chosen to answer the Petition of Adara Winthrop and others Relating _ Merricaneage Neck : Voted that Mes*' Ammi Ruhamah Cutter Barnabas Seabury & John Orr be the Coraraitty to answer the aforegoing Petition — And if the s" Petition shall be Granted in Favour of the s" Petitioners before the Coraraitty Can Answer the sarae : Then the s" Coraraitty to Petition the Great & General Court for a Rehereing of the same And that any one of s" Coraraitty be Impowered to Answe_ & Prosecute the same when Present — A True Coppey Exarained g Barnabas Seabury Town Clerk May it Plese your Ex*y On y* 6*" Currant Edewakeuk & sund' Indians Came to aquaint rae that he a Riv" 4 Days Past to Panobcut from Canadey. and also to quaint rae y' Reason of thire Going to Canaday & Prosedings which was to Discours y* Ercegon- tog Indians Concerning y* hatchet for y* answer they had OP THE STATE OP MtUNE 213 sent them, y* Ercegontogoges thought not sufficient, so they went Perconaly & after sum Discours, they said they were not so vneasy on account of y* English settling thire Lands vp Caneti- River & Elsewhere as sum Indians that Liu" nearer y* English, & Cald thera selves Ercegontogog Indians & Did not Realy belong to thera, Ercegontogog and that they would now Leve y* affare wholy to the Panobcuts to act for thera & what they Did they would Concent to and a bide by for tirae to Com. then they went to Pay thire Duty to y* Gouern' of Canadey and tould hira what they had Concluded on w'" y* Ercegonto goges, & he said he a Prone" Very well thire not yet Ingage- ing in a war w'" y* English, but be on thire Guard, & they new how thire Land Lins Run and that they had no men of war yet from franco but Expected Dayly, & they should have a new friar and they that fetcht Mra should not Return Emty handed, & y* Indians ar now sending to Canadey for him, and as to y" french & Indian forcses, y* Indians all Returnd well and y* french Excepting one sar' kild & 1 raan wounded, & sura of the Officers thought it to Long a Jorny to Com back by Land took a nearer way by shiping to franco, and they have Don Gret Exploits a mong y* southern Indians &c I tould said Indians I took it kindly of them, thire Glueing me an account of all affares, & I was thankfuU that we had an appartunity to Relate affares to each other & to Propose what may be for Peace & y* Publick Good for y* future, then they Proposed to write to your Excellency. I tould y* said Indians I beliu" if 3 or 4 Princable Indians were appointed by y* Rest to Go to boston & Pay thire Respects to Gouern' Belcher & y* Gret Councill, & Relate all affares to them, it would be Plesing & Exceptable, & they would be welcom, for Gouern' Belcher had Rate to rae if sura of Ms old frmds had a mind to Cora he should be Plesd to see thera, they said if I would Go with thera they would 214 DOCUMENTARY HISTORY have a meetmg in few days who should Go : I tould them I was Vnwell but Re ther then such a weighty affare should be frustrated I would Go w'" thera if my health would any ways a Low of it. May it Plese your Ex*y Pursuant to your Ex*y' order by Cap'" Storer I have acted to y* best of my skill for ser**, S' Georges Au" 7'" 1740 I am your Ex*y' raost DutyfuU ser* John Gyles I thought it raight be of service to have y* Parusul of y* a boue notwithstandmg they should have a Confurrance w'" your Ex*y at boston. Capt. Arthur Savage to Secy Josiah Willard Fort Frederick August 15'" 1740 S' Your favours of the 15'" Ultimo I duly received. Note the Contents, & should be heartily glad could I make an Estima tion of the Charge of putting our Garrison into a proper pos ture of defence but as I am entirely unacquainted w'" Masonry I cannot do it. All I can do is to send you the length of the Walls which are one hundred & thirty two feet square besides the Bastions, which are not in the proper manner they should be, in case the Fort be rebuUt w*" is very requisite to be done. The walls are five feet thick fronting the Sea, & three & a half to the Land, & should be at least Eleven or twelve feet high, so that it will be an easy matter for a Workman to compute the Charge of rebuilding. The Barracks will not nead a great Deal of repairs. I am with all due regards S' your raost hurable Servant Arth' Savage To The Hon"' Josiah Willard Esq' Secratary for His Majes tys Province of the Massachusets Bay In New England. g Cap Sanders OP THE STATE OP MAINE 215 Letter Capt. Giles to Gov. Belcher Aug. 16, 1740 May it Plese your Ex*y Since my other Lins of 7'" Date, the Indians have had many meetmgs sum Drunken ons sum sobar and Desirous of seemg your Ex*y haveing sumthing of moraent to Relate, so Pursuant to your Ex*y' Order I thought thire Visett raight be for the Prouince seruice they haueing Concluded on four to Go. on y* 12'" Currant I Rec" your Ex*y' Letter of July 29'". on y* 16'" Currant a Princable Indian that went to Canadey a bout 25 Days Past a quaints rae y' he a Riud to Panobcut two Days smce. and at his a Riual to Canaday y* Gouern' a Riud thire frora Morial, and y* same Day a man of war a Riu" frora franco w'" fine hundred men on bord, & had a very seuere sickness on bord, that fiuety s" Dyed on tMre Passeg & a Jesuitt, but no nues of moraent the Gouern' bed him tel y Indians y' it was aU Peace yet w'" y* English, & a Letter to the Casteens of y* same account, I am S' Georges fort Your Ex*y' most Dutyfal Ser' Au" 16'" 1740 John Gyles Copy of lown Record At a Town Meeting of the Freeholders and other Inhab itance of the Town of North Yarraouth Convened held at the Meetmg House In s" Town on Monday the twenty fifth of May: 1741: — Upon Hearing the Petition of Adam Wmthrop and others Stilmg them Selves Proprietors, & the Memoral of Ebeneser Hall & others S tiling thera Selves Inhabitance of Sraall Point preferred to the Great & General Court praying to be 216 DOCUMENTARY HISTORY Set off from the Town of North Yarraouth & Annexed to George Town & Considering the Distance of s" point of Land frora North Yarmouth Meetmg House & the Dificulty of the pasage : Voted That the Inhabitance of that part of the Neck of Land Called Small Point now lying within the s" Town of North Yarraouth have the free consent of the Town to pursue their s" Memorial & to be Set of from s" North yar raouth & annexed to & accounted Part of the Town of George Town Provided the s" Grant or Resolve shall not in any wise affect the property of y* Lands there — Voted Also That M' Ararai Ruhamah Cutter be appointed & fully impowered to appear at the Great & General Court at their Next Sessions to make answer to the Petition of Adam Winthrop & others Relating to the Islands of Great Sebashadegen & Little Sebashadegen & also to pray the Governour and General Court for a Rehearing of a Late petition of Adam Winthrop & others And one other petition of Richard Jaques & others relating to Seting off that part of Merricaneage Neck frora s" North Yarraouth and annex ing it to Brunswick And to pray for a Reconsideration of the Resolve of that Honorable Court there on A True Coppey Examined g Barnabas Seabury Town Clerk " The Memorial of Small Point Inhabitants. " To His Excelency y* Govenour & the whole General Court of the Massachusetts Bay — Humbly Sheweth That We the Scubscribers being Inhabitants of a Place Called Small Point on the West Side of Sagadahoc River, & are Tennants to Adam Winthrop Esq' & Compy and the OP THB STATE OP MAINE 217 Grater part of the Land that we pos'ess is within North Yarmouth Lme But at so great a Distance that we can't Receive any benefit at all fron said Town, for that the s" Point of Land that we Posess of s" Winthrop & Compy is 46 Miles Distant frora North yarmouth Meeting House by Land & through George Town & Brunswick & there is no other way but tMough s" Towns, which way is new and very bad, and to go by Sea, the nearest way is 20 miles to y* meetmg House and a Cross several very Dangerous Bays, and we can never attend y* Publick Worship of God without great hasard of our Lives by Sea & Land And We do con stantly attend y* Publick Worship at George Town Upon Arrowsick Island, when the weather will admit of it, which is but about 5 Miles Distant from the places where we Uve & adjoyns to George Town where we Desier to do Duty ( for the above reasons ) We Humbly Pray your Excelency & Honours will pleas to annex the s" Point of Land to George Town as it adjoyns thereto, where we can enjoy the Preachmg of the Gospel, & have Releaf in time of Danger wMch we can not from North Yarraouth & as m Duty bound your MemorUist's Shall ever Pray &c Ebenezer Hull ) Small his _ , . T f . , David () Thoraas Joseph Anderson ) pmt j^^is. JohnG Sarauel Wells C Day Thomas Day Darnel Green ^.^.^^ ^ ^^^^^^ John Pearce WilUara Campbell mark Letter Capt. Tho' Sanders to Gov. Belcher June 16, 1741' Please your Excellency, Yesterday the Fifteenth of this Instant Coraing into broad Sound the man of war boat Came on board and Took out Two of ray men W" Lithgo mate 218 DOCUMENTARY HISTORY and John Elder Searaan I shoed the master my Commission he told me that was nothing to him but if I would save my men I must go on board to Cap' Scott wMch Likewise I did and Shew Mm ray Coraraission and Told hira that the Sloop was in the pay of the Province and the Sailors Likewise but he said he had no regard to Coraraissions but must have men and would and please your Excellency I should be glad if you would give me orders or Instructions so that I may have my men again and I shall Take it a great Favour done Yo' Exelly very hum Serv* to Command Tho' Sanders P S On board the massachusetts June 16, 1741 Memorial To his Excellency Jonathan Belcher Esq' Capt" Gen eraU Govern* m Chief, In and Over Ms Maj' Province of the Massachusetts Bay in New England To y* Hon"' his Maj' Council & the Hon"' House of Repre sent' m Generail Court Assembled July 8'" 1741- The Meraorial of us the subscribers bemg Propriet" of Lands in North Yarra* Hurably Sheweth That Whereas sundry Taxes have been Levyed on — Propriet"' of y* Comon & Undivided lands in North yarm* Several of whom / as Delinquents / have been retum'd to the Assessors who proceeded to the Sale of their Lands as the Law Directs — But have neither rendred an Account to y" Proprietors Treasurer nor paid the Overplus to the Delinquents but deliver'd s" Money & papers into the Possession of M' Ami Ruhama Cutter /as their Clerk/ — S" Cutter tho Often requested by the Proprietors Treasurer to Render an Account OP THB STATE OP MAINE 219 Neglects & refuses so to do ; By which Means the Propriet" have Been Obliged to Levy a Tax of £5 : — , — g Right to support the Necessary Charges w*" is now in Collection — Wherefore Your memoriallists hurably pray that y' Excelly and Hon" will by an Act of Asserably Enable Propriet" Treasurers to Call to Ace* Deraand & Receive all Moneys belonging to thera in as full & araple raanner as Town Treasurers by Law have And y' Pettition" shall Ever pray- John Hill Job Lewis Row" Houghton - Tho* HiU John Dabney Jaraes Pitson John Powell Jno Calef In Council; July 11, 1741, Read & Ordered that the Prayer of the Meraorial be so far granted as that John Read Esq' with such as the Hon"'* House of Represent* shall join be a Coraraittee to prepare a Bill for the Relief of the Peti tioners & others that are or raay be in the like Cireurastances Sent down for Concurrence In the House of Rep*y«* July 14, 1741 Read and concur'd and Coll Dwight and M' Williaras are Joyned m the Affair J Hobson Speaker In Obedience to the within & above Order We have pre pared the Bill desired & here-withal present it Jn° Read m behalf of y* Cora*** Petition. To Ms Excellency Jonathan Belcher Esqr Cap* Gen' & Gov' in CMef in & over his Majesty's Province of the Massachusetts Bay in New England, To the Hon' Ms Majesty's Council & the Hon' House of Representatives, in Gen' Court assembled, July, 8, 1741. Hurably Shew 220 DOCUMENTARY HISTORY The Inhabitants of y* Town of North Yarmouth, in the County of York. That on y* 28'" of May 1740, The Hon' Adara Winthrop Esq : & Others Stiling theraselves Proprietors of the Neck of Land in Casco Bay in y* County of York, called by the Name of Merricaneag Neck, & Richard Jaques & Others, StUeing theraselves Inhabitants of the S" Neck of Land, did pray this Hon' Court " to sett off the FaraUies that Might mhabit S" Neck of Land, " from the Town of North Yarmouth & annex thera to y* Town of Brunswick " for Reasons therein men tioned ; & on the Fourth of June following. This Hon' Court order'd the S" Petitioners, to serve y* Town of North Yar raouth with a Copy of y" s" Petition, That They raight shew Cause ( if any they had ) On Tuesday y* 24'" of June ( then ) instant, why the Prayer of s" Petition should not be granted, & on y* 9'" of s" June, Y* Pet' were servd with a Copy of s* Petition & Order, & y* Select men of North Yarraouth forth with Issued their Order to call a Town Meeting on s" Affair, & Y° Pet' iraraediately applyed Ourselves to prepare our Answer. But the Exaraination of y* Several Facts alledged in the s" Petition, Procurmg of Evidences, Records & Planus, Relating thereto, & Measurmg of Sundry Distances therein laid down, which were absolutely necessary to forra our s" Answer, Expended so great a Part of y* Tirae set for Appear ing in this Hon' Court ; & the Distance from North Yarmouth to Boston being not Less by Land than 130 Miles: That Y* Pet' fearing it was too late to Send, by Land, tho't it safest to send, on Board a Sloop, as proraesing the quickest Dispatch ; But were so unfortunate That the s" Answer did not arrive in Boston, till Four Days after this Hon' Court, ( doubtless presummg Y°' Pet' were consenting, or had Noth ing Material to alledge agamst y° Prayer of y* s" Petition ) had granted the Same & Order'd y* s" neck of Land shou'd be annex'd to y° Town of Brunswick. Otherwise Y° Pet' OP THE STATE OP MAINE 221 doubt not we shou'd have offer'd such Strong & weighty Considerations to this Hon' Court, respectmg the Proprietors in Gen' as well as Y° Pet in particular, as wou'd have given abundant Evidence to this Hon' Court, That y* Prayer of y* s" Petition ought not to have been granted. Y° Pet' there fore humbly pray Y' Excellency & Hon' wou'd be pleased to set aside, the Order of this Hon' Court on y* s" Petition of Adam Wmthrop & Others & Richard Jaques & Others, of y° 28'" of May 1740, & aUow Y° Pet' a new Day to make answer thereto. And Y° Pet' ( as in Duty bound ) shaU ever pray &c g Ararai Ruhamah Cutter In Behalf of y* s" Inhabit' of North Yarmouth To his Excellency the Gov' & y* Gen' Court Assembled July. 8. 1741. We the Subscribers approving y within Petition, & bemg Proprietors of Lands in s" North Yarmouth, humbly beg Leave to joyn in y* Prayer thereof John Hill Jos Calef Row" Houghton Jaraes Pitson Middlecott Cooke ATailer Thomas GiU Tho' Hill John Dabney Benj" Edwards In the House of Rep'™ July 21. 1741 Read and sent up. In CouncU July 21 1741 Read and Ordered That the Petitioners Serve Adara Wmthrop Joseph Wadsworth and Job Lewis Esq" M' Henry Gibbs and Belcher Noyes with a Copy of tMs Petition, that they may Shew Cause if any they have on Friday the twenty fourth of July Inst' why the Prayer thereof should not be granted — Sent down for Con currence J- Willard Secry In the House of Rep^*' July 22 1741 Read and Concur'd J. Hobson Speaker 23 : Consented to J Belcher 222 DOCUMENTARY HISTORY In Council July 24. 1741 Ordered that Jereraiah Moulton & John Gushing Esq" with such as shall be jomed by the Hon"'* House of Repre sent^*' be a Coraraittee to consider the several Petitions now depending in this Court frora the Proprietors of North Yarraouth & the Proprietors of Merriconeag Neck & of Sabasca-Degan Islands ( as they style themselves ) That the Coraraittee hear the Parties & report to this Court their Opmion what raay be proper for this Court to do upon the said Petitions Sent down for Concurrence J. Willard Secry In the House of Rep*^** July 24. 1741 Read and concur'd and Col Gerrish Cap' Choate and Cap' Pierson are Joyned in the Affair. J Hobson Speaker Report The Coraitte to whorae was Referrd the Petitions of the Prop®* of North Yarmouth & the Prop^* of Merriconeag Neck & of Sabasca Degan Islands ( as they Style themselves) Having Mett & fully heard the Parties are of Opinion y' the Prop" of North Yarmouth Realy Design'd to Make Answer to the Petition of Adam Winthrop Esq' & others preferred to the Gen' Court y* 28'" of May 1740 Praying y" s" neck raight be Annext to Brunswick as Sett forth therein — And altho they had prepared their Answer, by Accident It mis carried & So y* Hon"' Court proceeded & annext s" Neck with y* Inhabitants to Brunswick. ~ Wherefore we Apprehend the Orders of Court Relating Thereto ought So far to be Superseaded as That y* Town of North yarraouth be Admitted by their Agent Now to make OP THB STATE OP MAINE 228 Answer to s" Petition & be heard thereon, so y' a full Con sideration raay be had by this Court And That y* Considera tion of the other Petitions afores" which have a near Relation thereto be Suspended in ye raean time — The s" Prop'* agent first notifying Adara Winthrop Esq' of this report & Order thereon All which is Hurably Subraitted By Jer. Moulton by order In Council July 81. 1741 Read & Ordered that this Report be accepted J. Willard Secry In the House of Rep*y«* July 31. 1741 Read and concur'd J Hobson Speaker Consented to J Belcher Petition To his ExceUency WiUiara Shirley Esq' Cap' Gen' & Gov' m CMef the honbl the Council & Representatives in Gen' Court Asserabled 11 Aug** 1741. The petition of Shubal Gorham Esq' for himself & rest of y* proprietors of the Narraganset Township N° Seven joining to Fahnouth & Presurascot river in the County of York Humbly Sheweth That on the Fifth of July 1786. by an Order of the Gen' Court the s" Shubal was irapowered in sorae suitable place as soon as might be to Convene the Grantees of the s" Town ship for divers purposes & araong the rest to agree upon some regular raethod how to call proprietors raeetings for the future That he then accordingly called the s" raeetmg & did Sev eral tMngs & adjourned to a future day when they should have proceeded upon future busmess & particularly to agree on y* method for calling future meetings, but that adjournment 224 DOCUMENTARY HISTORY failed by the Clerks casual Absence & so they are disabled to call any raeetings as their present occasions necessarily require. Wherefore Y*' petitioner hurably prays he may be anew impowered to Convene the Grantees & proprietors afores" to do what their present occasions require & agree on some proper method to call proprietors Meetings for the future, & your petitioner as m duty bound &c Shuball Gorham In CouncU Oct' 7'" 1741 Read and Ordered that the Prayer of the Petition be granted and that the Petitioner be and hereby is impowered to convene the Grantees and Pro prietors within mentioned for the Purposes mentioned in the Petition — Letter Benj" Larrabee to Gov. Belcher Fort George Sep' 14'" 1741 May it Please your Excellency Yesterday I Reed your Excellencys Letter Directing me to Lay before you the Condition of Fort George and in Obedience to your Comraand I have as exactly as Possibly I can. The Fort it self Wants but Little Repairs only Shutters to the Gun Ports & a Sraall raatter Done to the Lodgings to raake them tite and Comfortable But we have 4 Carriage Guns and 4 Swivels and the Carriages of them all are partly Rotten and out of Repair. I would Hurably beg leave to inforra your Excellency fur ther that the greatest Difficulty We Should Labour Under in Case of a Sudden Rupture Would be the Want of Soldiers my number of Soldiers allowed this Fort is but Six and not only so the Wages of Soldiers is so small that good able men OP THE STATE OP MAINE 225 will not inlist in His majestys Service I havemg no orders to Impress raen ara obliged to take men not fit for Service. upon the Whole your Excellency Will See that We shall soon become an easy Prey to an enemy if they should attack us in our Present Circumstances this is the true State of the Garrison now Under the Command of your ExceUencys Dutiful and most obedient Humble Servant Benj* Larrabee Petition of Arthur Savage Feb. 23'^ 1741. Province of the Massachusets Bay To His Excellency WUUam Shirley Esq. Captam General, and Governour in Chief m & over said Province. — Arthur Savage Coraraander of His Majestys Fort Freder ick at Pemmaquid humbly Sheweth. - That Frederick Fort is very well scituated to guard and defend the People who Inhabit this part of the Country, as well as the Fishermen and Coasters who resort hither in great nurabers for Harbour. Pemmaquid having one esteeraed very convenient and safe. That there are but Six Men posted at said Fort under your Petitioner, who are well disposed to do the duty of the Gar rison, but there being so few, are so frequently call'd upon to WatcMng, Wardmg, & perforraing the other Services, incumbant on thera as Soldiers, (in a Place that requires there bemg some always on duty ) that their said Service is very grievious & burthensom to them, especially in the Wm ter Season, wMch must be very discouragemg, considering the poor low Wages, allowed to the Officer, and Soldiers at this Garrison. Wherefore Your Petitioner humbly prays that Your Excel lency in Justice & goodness to the poor Soldiers, as well as 15 226 DOCUMENTARY HISTORY in tender concern for the lives and Estates of His Majestys good Subjects resideing & resortmg here, would be pleased to order a larger number of Men to be Posted in said Garri son, and also allow so much Wages as that the Officers & Soldiers may live, and Serve their Kmg and Country in a comfortable as well as honest manner. And your Petitioner as in duty bound will ever pray &c — Fort Frederick February 28" 1741 Arth' Savage Answer of North Yarmouth To His Excellency Jonathan Belcher Esq' Cap' Gen' & Gov' in Chief in & over his Majesty's Province of y* Massachusetts Bay in New England To the Hon' his Majesty's Council & y* Hon' House of Representatives in Gen' Court Assembled July 24, 1741. The Answer of y* Inhabitants of North Yarmouth, To y" Petition of Adam Winthrop Esq' & others Stiling Them selves Proprietors of Sebescodegan Islands near Brunswick, of March y* 26'" 1741 Humbly Shews That the s" Adam Winthrop Esq' & Others in their s" Petition concerning Sebescodegan Islands alledge. That Part of Great Sebescodegan Island, is taken into y* Town of North Yarm'" but do not ( as they ought ) inform this Hon' Court That the Remaining Part of s" Island, about 3000 Acres is without the Bounds of any Township, & lies between the North East Line of North Yarraouth & the South Westerly Line of Brunswick, which Lines in that Part are near Two Miles asunder. Yet y* whole of y* s" Island, as well as Little Sebesdegan, are cautiously & care fuUy contain'd in y* Prayer of s" Petition, & this Hon' Court OP THB STATE OP MAINE 227 pray'd to " anex thera both to Brunswick, " AUedging That They " lye contiguous to s" Town. " But Y* Respond* Hurably beg Leave to observe. That there is a large Salt River or Gutt, with a Good Ship Channel, running between Great Sebescondegan, & y® Town of Brunswick, & that Little Sebescodegan lyes at Least Five Miles distant South West, frora y® South Westerly Bounds of s" Brunswick, So that Y* Respond* are at a Loss to conceive what y« Peti tioners Mean by inforraing this Hon' they are contiguous ; unless it be to cause tMs Hon' Court, as y® s" Pit'* in their Petition of May 28, 1740, did, — introducing Richard Jaques & Comp* [ Twenty Three in Nuraber ] Stilmg Themselves Inhabitants of Mericaneag Neck, & praying That y® Prayer of y* Petition of y® s" Adara Winthrop Esq : & others, of May 28. 1740. might be Granted, vis: That y« Inhabitants, that might inhabit Maricaneag Neck raight be annex'd to Brunswick. Whereas at that Tirae there were only Nine of y® s" Twenty three Petitioners, Inhabitants of Merricaneag in North Yarraouth, — The Other Fourteen — being — Sorae Inhabitants of Brunswick — Sorae of y* Provmce Lands, between North Yarraouth & Brunswick — & the Rest Resid- mg on the Islands adjacent, or being Transient Men. — As also y* s" Peti'* in their s" Petition of May 18, 1740 inform'd this Hon' Court That " One Half of y« Neck of Land called Maricaneag, was within y* Line of y" TownsMp of North Yarmouth but did not acquamt this Hon' Court that y® Remainmg Part of s" Neck, & Four Rods above the Narrows of it, called y* Carrying Place, were without the Bounds of any Township. — & that y" Bounds of North Yarmouth & Brunswick were in that Place, near Two Miles apart, havmg the Intermediate Part of s" Neck, of y' Length, between Thera, — & also alledged — said Neck was Twelve raUes dis tant from North Yarraouth Meeting House across Two 228 DOCUMENTARY HISTORY dangerous Bays : Whereas — Center of s" Neck is not above Ten Miles & y* nearest part not above Eight MUes distant by water from North Yarm'" Meeting House, & only across a Part of Casco Bay, so guarded with Islands, That People commonly pass in Floats & small Canoes. — As to y® s* Petitioners & « Others their Partners, being Proprietors of Sebescodegan Islands " Y* Respon''* beg Leave to observe, — That y* s" Petit' & their Partners, do by a Deed from Robm Hood & Others, claim not only, Sebescodegan Islands & Merriconeag Neck, but all y® Lands from Small Pomt, on y* Westerly Side of s" Kennebeck River, up to Norridge- wock & from s* Sraall Point along Casco Bay to Maquoit & thence Four Miles Westward of Androscoggin or Aramoros- coggin River above y® Uppermost Fall thereof, being a Tract of Land equal to about 100 Miles long & 20 Miles Wide, their Title to which is so very slender & precarious ( as y° Respon" conceive ) That it can by no Means be Sup ported, without y" Aid of this Hon' Court which y" Pet" Themselves seera to be sensible of as appears by sundry Clauses in the BUI They bro't into this Hon' Court, 1737 or 1738, for Erecting Brunswick mto a Town, which Clauses the Hon' Court Saw fit to blot — before it pass'd into a Law — They Said Petitioners not being wUling to run the Risq : of Givmg Deeds of Warranty even to y® settlers of Brunswick, which lyes quite clear of North Yarmouth : & altho y® s" Settlers in their Petition to this Hon' Court in 1737 desired to be exempted from any Power from this Hon' Court of Grantmg Lands there & acknowledged them to belong to y® Proprietors that plac'd Them there, & thereby lay'd themselves under great Disadvantages in ever after attempting to acquire a better Title : yet are the Settiers fain to rest satisfyed with Quit claim Deeds, as y* only Security for their Purchases from the Petitioners & their Partners, & all their costs in settlmg & improving s" Lands : OP THE STATE OP MAINE 229 As to y* Present Inhabitants of Sebescodegan Islands, being about TMee or Four FaraUies, Y° Respond" are willing to release Thera frora paying to y* Ministry at North Yarraouth provided & as long as they shall attend y* Publick Worship at Brunswick ; but can't by any Means consent. That y° s" Islands be annexed to Brunswick. — For that — The s" Sebescodegan — New Capeborowaggin — New Damaris Cove - Great Whale Boat Island — & Sundry Other large Islands, adjacent to Merricaneag Neck, Which Y° Respon"' doubt not this Hon' Court will see fit to restore again to North Yarmouth; do contain about Ten or Twelve Thousand Acres of Land, being sufficient in Quantity, & finely Situated to make a Seperate Parish, as soon as y* few Inhabitants, shall increase their Numbers & enlarge their Iraproveraents so as to be able to Support the Charge of it. — But should tMs Hon' Court be of Opinion That a Part or the Whole of Merricaneag Neck & Sebescodegan Islands, be annexed to Brunswick ; The Rest of S" Islands before raentioned lymg so convenient to Merricaneag Neck wUl doubtless m a Few Years be added to it. Whereby much more of y* Respondents Property which we have held Time out of Mmd under the Province, will be transferred out of y* Town, where we & our Predecessors have been above Sixty years Inhabitants & Proprietors, & our North East Line next to what is now Brunswick, was settled by this Hon' Court A. D. 1731, & run out as far as the Sea in 1735. by a Cofnittee of tMs Hon' Court, whereof y* Hon' y* Speaker of y* Hon' House of Representatives, was One. It being Three Years before Brunswick was invested with the PrivUedges of a Town in that imperfect Manner in which They now Enjoy Them — They having divested Themselves from all Right to y* Common Lands within their Town by their Petition before mentioned, not desiring or pretending to hold their Lands frora or under the Province ; But from 280 DOCUMENTARY HISTORY y* s" Adam Winthrop Esq' & Partners by Virtue of y" s" vast & exorbitant Claira, which if once Countenanced or aided, by this Hon' Court will take away such a large & valua ble Tract of y* Lands of this Province, enough to raake Twenty or Thirty large Towns. That it will exceedingly hurt y* Interest of y* Province in Gen' as well as y° Respond' in particular. Either by keeping the s" Lands ( near adjacent to y® Respond') unsettled, & thereby leavmg it to be as we were till y" year 1788, y* Remotest Frontier Town in that Part of y* Province, or Else by introducmg Inhabitants into that Frontier, who will hold their Lands mdependent of y* Province's Title & whose Interest it will be to undermine, undervalue &, if possible, invalidate. The Provmce's Title, to that whole Tract of Land, formerly called y® Province of Main, & to disturb &, if possible. Eject Y° Respon* from their ancient Rights & Possessions under the Province: Whereby that Ancient & Remote Frontier Town [ North Yarraouth ] that has been so often broke up, & great Num bers of its Inhabitants, the Predecessors of y" Respondents, slain on y® Spot & their Blood spilt upon y® Land, in defending their just Possessions, that ancient Town, will loose a large & handsome Parish, to have it become a Parish in the Town of Brunswick, that is but Three years old ; And y° Respon''* raany of us the Heirs & descendants frora those first Settlers, who dyed in Defence of y® Provinces Right there, shall be obliged to quit our Rights to Foreigners that have lately entered Thera in Defiance of y® Provinces Title, which y° Respond* are anxiously soUicitous to raaintain & support, & therefore doubt not y* Just & seasonable Aid of y° Excellency & Hon' & pray y' y* s" Petitions of Adam Winthrop Esq. & Others may be disraiss'd & the Lines of Ancient North Yarraouth, reraain as formerly Settled, by this Hon' Court, & y° Pet'* as in Duty bound shall ever pray &c p Ararai Ruharaah Cutter In Behalf of y® Respond" OP THB STATE OP MAINE 231 Mem* : Ararai Ruhamah Cutter by Leave of y" Hon Comittee on North Yarraouth Affairs Araends y® Passage foregoing [ * a Deed frora Robin Hood & Others j to be read thus [ a Deed frora Werurakee & others ] & y* words before [ a Good SMp Channel ] to be altered thus [a good Channel] A R Cutter Letter Arthur Savage to Gov. W"' Shirley March 8, 174-1. May it please Your Excellency Smce my arrival here, the Solders posted in Garrison have desired me to supplicate Your Excellency, that their Wages raight be advanced that there raight be a larger Nuraber of Men aUowed to tMs Fort, And I now erabrace this Opportu nity g Cap* Sanders to Inclose Your Excellency a Petition for that purpose & must humbly beg leave to observe to Your ExceUency the Impossibility of my being able to Sub sist upon the poor Wages the Governraent is pleased to allow rae at present, & Your Excellency raust be Sensible there can be but Uttle perquisites, where there is but Six Men, & do assure Your Excellency I do spend raore in a Year than I can possibly get m a Just manner ; AU which thought proper humbly to lay before your Excellency, begmg Your Excel lency's thoughts concernmg us. And as I should be proud of Serving my Kmg & Country under so good a Captain General as Your Excellency, I would promise my self great hopes of the Prayer thereof bemg granted. There is nothing material happen'd to advise Your Excellency of. So that con clude ; begging Your Excellency's leave for commg to Boston w*" Cap* Sanders next Trip, & with wishing Your Excellency health & happmess. I am & always shall remain Your Excellency's Most Obedient Servant Fort Frederick March 8'", 1741 Arth' Savage 282 DOCUMENTARY HISTORY Petition. To His Excellency Jonathan Belcher Esq' Governour & Commander in Cheif in and over His Majesty's Province of the Massachusetts Bay in New England The Hon"'* His Maj esty's Councill and the Honourable the House of Representa tives in General Court assembled this 26'" of March Anno Domini 1741 — The Petition of the Proprietors of a Point of Land adjoyn ing to George Town in the County of York called by the Name of Sraall Point, lying on the Westerly Side of Saga dehoc River — Hurably Sheweth. That by reason of the South Easterly line of North Yar raouth Township running out from the Main many Leagues into the Sea, sorae part of said sraall point is couched within the Bounds of said TownsMp by means whereof the Inhabi tants settled there tho' dwellmg distant frora North Yarmouth Meeting house above Twenty Miles by Sea & passage very Dangerous unless in large Vessells, & above Forty five Miles by Land, Yet have been obliged to pay Rates & Taxes to said Town both to Church & State altho' by their remoteness they can receive no Benefitt from them either m case of a War, or Otherwise, on which Accounts they labour under great Difficultys & Discouragements for remedy whereof, they have humbly applyed to this Honourable Court as g their Meraorial herewith Presented will appear, and we hum bly Jom with them, in entreatmg that inasmuch as they border upon George Town, being parted only by a Supposed Line, and are but about Five Miles distant from the Meeting house, m said Town, where they can with convenience attend (except in bad Weather) that Your Excellency & Honours will be Pleased to compassionate them under their Present Difficultys and to Sett the Land off from North Yarmouth And annex it to George Town, OP THE STATE OP MAINE 233 And your Petitioners as m Duty bound shall ever pray &ca Adam Wmthrop Joseph Wadsworth Job Lewis Belcher Noyes Isaac Royall Henry Gibbs John Watts Lydia Watts In the House of Rep™ AprU 1. 1741 Read and Ordered that the Pet*' serve the A Town of North Yarraouth with a Copy of this Pet" that they shew cause if any they have on the first fryday of the Next Ses sion why the Prayer thereof should not be granted Sent up for concurrence A Propriet'* J Quincy Sp"' In CouncU, April 3, 1741 ; Read & Concur'd with the Amendra' at A. Sent down for Concurrence J WUlard Secry In the House of Rep*^** April 3, 1741 Read and con cur'd J. Quincy Sp"" 6 : Consented to J Belcher In Council July 21. 1741. Read again & upon a motion made by the Memorial of Adara Wmthrop Esq' & others to this Court Ordered that this Pet" be revived, & that the Pro prietors of North Yarmouth give in their Answer thereto on Fryday the twenty fourth Instant, the Pet'* forthwith serving them with a Copy of this Order — Sent down for Concurrence J Willard Secry In the House of Rep*''** July 22 1741 Read and concur'd J Hobson Speaker 23 : Consented to J Belcher In CouncU August 1** 1741. Read again together with the Answer of Ammi Ruh : Cutter, Agent for N° Yarmouth, and the Matter being fully considered Ordered that the Prayer of the Petition be so far granted, & that such of the Inhabitants of the said Pomt of Land as are consenting thereto, & shall give in their Names to the Town Clerk of George Town, for that Purpose, be & hereby are set off from 234 DOCUMENTARY HISTORY the said Town of North Yarmouth & annexed to the Town of George Town so far as relates to the Ministry, till the fur ther Order of this Court to do duty & receive PrivUedge accordingly — Sent down for Concurrence. J Willard Secry In the House of Rep'^** Aug' 5 1721 Read and noncon- cur'd and Ordered that the Prayer of the Pet" be granted, and that the Pet" the Inhabitants there with their lands and Estates be and hereby are sett off from the Town of North Yarmouth and Annexed to the Town of George Town there to do duty and receive Priviledge accordingly. Sent up for concurrence J Hobson Sp"' In CouncU Aug. 5 1741 Read & Concur'd J Willard Secry Consented to J Belcher To His Excellency Jonathan Belcher Esq' His Majesty's Governour and Coraraander in Cheif m and over His Maj esty's Provmce of the Massachusetts Bay in New England To the Honourable His Majesty's CounciU and the Honoura ble the House of Representatives in General Court assembled this 26'" day of March Anno Domini 1741 The Petition of Adara Winthrop, Joseph Wadsworth, Job Lewis, Belcher Noyes & others their Partners Proprietors of Sebasco degin Islands lying near to the Town of Brunswick in the County of York Hurably Sheweth That by North Yarraouth line running far distant from the Main mto the Sea little Sebasco degin Island and part of Great Sebasco degin Island have been taken into that Town ship and the Lands have been rated towards paying the Charges of said Town tho' they lye far remote at the distance OP THE STATE OP MAINE 235 of Twelve Miles by Water and much raore by land which putts thera out of a capacity of receiving Benefitt frora thera on any Account, whereas some part of the said Islands lye within a few Rods of Brunswick Land and within five Miles of the Meeting house where the Setlers raay with convenience Attend the Publick Worship but the Land Passage to North Yarraouth Meetmg house is Brunswick Meeting house & Twelve Miles beyond Wherefore we entreat Your Excel lency & Honours to take the above mentioned Circumstances into your Wise & Just Consideration and be pleased to sett off from North Yarmouth the little Island & that part of the Great Island which falls within their Line & annex both the said Islands to the Town of Brunswick to which they lye so Contiguous And your Petitioners as in Duty bound shall ever pray &ca Adara Winthrop Joseph Wadsworth Job Lewis Belcher Noyes Isaac Royall Henry Gibbs John Watts Lydia Watts In the House of Rep'™ April. 1. 1741. Read and Ordered that the Pet" serve the Town of North Yarraouth with a Copy of this Pet" that they shew cause if any they have on the first fryday of the next May Session why the Prayer thereof should not be granted Sent up for concurrence J Quincy Sp'" A Proprietors In Council April 3. 1741 : Read & Concur'd with Amendra' at A Sent down for Concurrence J Willard Secry In the House of Rep'^*' April 3. 1741 Read and concur'd J Quincy Sp*' 6 : Consented to J Belcher In Council July 21 1741 Read again and upon a Motion made by the Memorial of Adam Winthrop Esq' &c to this Court Ordered that this Petition be revived ; And that the Proprietors give in their Answer thereto on Friday the 286 DOCUMENTARY HISTORY twenty fourth Instant ; The Petitioners forthwith serving them with a Copy of this Order. Sent down for Concurrence J Willard Secry In the House of Rep^*' July 22. 1741 Read and concur'd J Hobson Speaker 23 : Consented to, J Belcher In Council August. 1. 1741. Read again together with the Answer of Ara : Ruh : Cutter Agent for the Town of N* Yarraouth, & the Matter being fully considered Ordered that the Prayer of the Pet" be so far granted as that such of the Inhabitants of the little Island, withm mentioned which falls within the bounds of North Yarraouth as are consenting thereto, & shall give in their Naraes to the Town Clerk of Brunswick, for that purpose, be & hereby are set off from the said Town of North Yarraouth & annexed to the Town of Brunswick, so far as relates to the Ministry, till the further Order of this Court, to do duty & receive priviledge accord ingly. Sent down for Concurrence J Willard Secry In the House of Rep^*' Aug' 5 1741 Read and Non con cur'd and Ordered that the Pet" be disraiss'd Sent up for concurrence J Hobson Sp"' In Council; Aug. 5, 1741 ; Read & Concur'd J WUlard Secry Consented to Petition. " April 3. 1742 Refer'd to May Session." Province of the Massachusetts Bay To His Excellency Williara Shirley Esq' Captain General and Governour in Chief in and over the said Province To the Honourable the Council and House of Representatives in General Court asserabled, March, 17. 1741. OP THE STATE OP MAINE 287 The Petition of Jaraes GiUraore Richard Copley, Richard Falley, WiUiara Scott, Thomas Martin, WiUiam Pearson, Henry Handy, Richard Lamb, Thomas Procter Thomas Howard Robert Young Benjamin Burton Charles Procter John Burton John Gorman John Newburn Thomas White Edward Lamb Samuel Lamb WilUam Everson WiUiam Lamb William Howard John Hopkens John Mouren Peter Bemet WUUam Burns John McKewn Robert McKewn John Gwin David Rood WUUam Hickey Sarauel Clark Hugh Boyd James Bams Jaraes Little ArcMbald Little Henry Lean John Lean Jaraes Morton James Norton John Vass Jereraiah Vass JoMi Vass Jun' Dinith Kenny Williara Carter Jaraes Yets Inhabitants of a Certain Tract of Land lying on S' Georges River in the County of York in the Eastern parts of the Province aforesaid - Hurably Sheweth, That your Petitioners and their FaraUies for raany years past, have Dwelt on the aforesaid Tract of Land Con taining about seven Mile and an half Square by Grants from M' Samuel Waldo of Boston Merchant who was then Sole Owner and Proprietor thereof and have had a Minister of the Gospel Constantly Preachmg among them for some Years And Whereas the Number of Inhabitants on said Tract is daily increasing, and having never been set off by the Govemment as a distmct and Separate Township, and Consequently not vested with the Rights & Priviledges of other Towns in the Provmce, Your Petitioners often find for want thereof great Difficulties & Inconveniences Attendmg their Affairs Especially those of a Publick Nature, And as your Petitioners are much greater in Number than many other Towns that heretofore upon Application raade, have been set off into distinct Townships Your Petitioners therefore hurably Pray Your ExceUency and Honours will be pleased to Allow thera (by their 238 DOCUMENTARY HISTORY Attorney the said Mr Samuel Waldo Specially Appointed and Ipowered by Your Petitioners to Act for thera in this Affair) to brmg in a BiU for Erecting the said Tract of Land into a distinct and separate Township that so Your Petitioners may enjoy the same Powers Priviledges and Iraraunities as other Towns in the Province, And your Petitioners as in Duty bound shall ever pray &c. - S* Waldo - Atory for the Petitioners In the House of Rep™' March 29. 1742 Read and Ordered that Cap' Leonard M' Prout and M' Pierson with Such as the Hon"'* Board shall Joyn be a Corara** to consider this Petition and report what they Judge proper for this Court to do thereon Sent up for concurrence J Hobson Sp*' In CouncU March 29, 1742. Read & Concur'd & Era' Fox- croft, Jacob Wendell & John Read Esq" are joined in the Affair J Willard Secry The Corara** appointed to consider of the aforegoing Peti tion have attended that Service ; and are of Opinion That the Prayer thereof be granted ; and that the Petitioners have Leave to bring in a bill accordingly, agreeable to the form of one herewith presented g Ord' of the Com** Boston AprU 2 1742 . Fra: Foxcroft In CouncU AprU 2" 1742 Read and Ordered that this Report be accepted and that the Petitioner be and hereby is allowed to bring in a bill accordingly J. WiUard Secry To His Excellency Williara Shirley Esq' Captam General & Governour in cMef in & over His Majesty's Province of OP THE STATE OP MAINE 239 the Massachusetts Bay in New England, & House of Repre sentatives in General Court assembled & holden by Adjourn ment this Twentyeth Day of April A. D. 1742 — The Petition of Shubal Gorhara one of the Proprietors of the Narraganset Tow^nship Nuraber 7. — humbly sheweth — In behalf of hiraself & the other Proprietors of s" Town ship, That pursuant to an Order of this Hon"'* Court in October 1741, — He issued a Warrant for calling a Meeting of s" Proprietors, who accordingly convened at the time assign'd in November last, made choice of M' Moses Pearson for the Moderator of said Meeting, transacted sundry Mat ters, And then adjourned for further Business to Tuesday next being the 27'" of April currant ~ But it so happening, that the Moderator of said Meetmg - having been obliged as a Member of the Hon"'* House of Representatives - to attend his Duty in this Court — so long as that there is not now Tirae sufficient left ( might he obtain Liberty therefor ) for him to Travel to Falmouth by the Time of s" adjournment ; So that s" Meeting will be discontinued to the great Prejudice of s" Proprietors ( no one being author ized as yet — to call any other meeting ; ) unless this Hon ourable Court shall be pleas'd to interpose for their Relief in the Premises - Wherefore your Petitioner humbly prays that your Excel lency & Honours would be pleas'd to Order s" Meeting to stand adjourn'd to such further Tirae as to You in your Wis dom shall seem meet And, your Petitioner, as in Duty bound, shall pray &c Shuball Gorham In CouncU — April 28" 1742. Read— and Ordered — that the Prayer of this Petition be granted and that the Meeting of the Proprietors of the Township within men tioned—which was to be held (by Adjournment) on Tues day next, be continued to Wednesday the nineteenth Day of 240 DOCUMENTARY HISTORY May next at ten of the clock beforenoon — then to be held at the Dwelling House of M' Moses Pearson at Falraouth; — The Petitioner causing the s" Proprietors to be notified of this Order — by Publishmg the same in the next PubUck Prints, & by Posting a Notification hereof in sorae Publick Place in Falmouth — fourteen Days before the Day hereby assign'd for holding s" meetmg Sent down for Concurrence Fra : Foxcroft g Order In the House of Rep^*' April 23, 1742 Read and Concur'd J Hobson Sp"' Consented to W Shirley At a Legal Town Meetmg held at Berwick May y« 20'" 1742 Voted that there shall be a Meeting house built above the River to accomraodate the People in General. / Voted that the Meeting house shall be built betwixt Humphry Chadbourns house and Roger Plaisteds house. / Voted Roger Plaisted Deacon Libby and Williara Keey Shall be a Committee to appomt a place and to agree for the Land for to Set the Meeting house upon at the Towns charge if need be. / voted the charge of building the raeeting house Shall be paid in boards Shingle Clapboard and Staves at a convenient Landing place. Voted one thousand pounds Shall be Raised to defray the charge of building the Meeting house. Voted the above Sum is raeant old Tenor. Berwick may y* 20'" 1742 Wee the Subscribers do enter our Decent against the building a Meeting house in s" Town : Unless S" house is Set where it will accommodate the upper when we Shall devide, and if that vote can be obtain" we are ready and willing to Joyn our proportion, for we apprehend that If S" house is Set to accomodate the whole OP THE STATE OP MAINE 241 Town as they Say. In our opinion it will in a few years be the raeans to make three parishes when two is Sufficient and therefore pray that a minute be raade by the Clerk of this offer : Elisha Plaisted John Hill Richard Lord Sarauel Lord Joseph Hodsden WUliam More Thoraas Goodwin Elisha HiU John Frost John Thomson John Lord John Hooper jun. Abraham Lord Samuel Nason Benjarain Nason Daniel Wadlin Philip Hubberd Samuel Lord jun John Hooper Richard Shackley jun Jonathan Abbot Aaron Abbot Ichabod Goodwin William Hight Samuel Abbot Timothy Davis Uriah Page The above persons appear" in the Town meetmg held at the meeting house this day and enters their Desents against all the votes Relating to the buildmg a meeting house in Said Town Attest Hump Chadbum Town Clerk A true Coppy of Record Attest Hump. Chadbum Town Clerk Petition. To His Excellency WiUiara SMrley Esq ; Capt : Gen' & Governour in Chief m & Over Ms Majesty's Provmce of the Massachusetts Bay m New England, To the Hon' his Majesty's Council & the Hon' House of Representa tives in Gen' Court Assembled. May 26, 1742. The Petition of Us the Subscribers, being Settlers of the Narrhagansett Grant Nuraber One Humbly Shews That Whereas the Township Nuraber One of the Narrha gansett Grants, Lying on the Back Scarborough & Biddeford & on the North East Side of Saco River, was granted to sorae of your Petitioners, & those whora y* Rest of Us repre sent, together with a Number of Others, who were all equally 16 242 DOCUMENTARY HISTORY with Us obliged to fulfill certain Terras & Conditions of Set tleraent witMn the Terra of seven Years from the Date of s* Grant; As by a Copy thereof, hereto annexed may appear; Which Sd Term of Years is long since expired. Yet none of sd Grantees have fulfiUed y* sd Conditions of the sd Grant, except such of y° Pet" only as were Grantees, & those whom the Rest of Us Represent — Who have by Reason of the Negligence, & Default of the sd Delinquent Grantees been put to very extraordinary Costs & Charges in Carrying on Our Settlements thus far, — have been obliged to live without any Settled Publick Worship of God araong Us — School for our Children — Publick Buildmgs or Necessary Fortifica tions : Whereby Our own Lives & the Lives of our Famihes with our Substance have been in continual Jeopardy, in this exposed Frontier, & our Children under the Disadvantage of a Wilderness Education: Which y° Pet: shou'd in no wise have Submitted to, had we not expected, that the Rest of the adraitted Settlers wou'd have been obliged to fuMl the Sd Terras of their sd Grants ; Yet after our repeated Invitations & Intreaties, Y° Pet have not had the Happmess of seeing any of our sd Partners making any Iraprovements on, or attempt to coraply with y* Terms of their s" Grants ; And they living mostly at a Distance, & having so long refused. — Y° Pet have no Reason to think They will by any Means be compell'd to it — And unless there be Other Settlers admitted in their Room, We shall be obUged to leave Our Habitations very soon, & yield up our Iraproveraents to the wild Beasts or Salvage Natives. ~ Y° Pet" therefore hurably pray Y* Excellency & Honours wou-d take the Case of Y° Distressed Petit' under Y° Wise & Irapartial Consideration, & Order the Lots of the sd Delinquent Settlers to be declared for feited — And that Others raay be admitted in their Stead — who raay be compelled to Settle in as Short a Time as pos sible. Or Otherwise grant Us Such ReUef as to Your Great OP THE STATE OP MAINE 248 Wisdom & Goodness shall seem meet — & Y° Pet. ( as in Duty bound ) shall ever pray &c Robert Brooks Magnes Redlen M [obUterated] John Davis Jun' Nathanael Durel John Brooks Ichabod Auston Nathan Whitney Jaraes Jun' Joseph Woodman Sarauel IngaUs Samuel Chase In the House of Rep™ June 12 1742 Read and Ordered that the Pet" serve the Clerk of the Prop" or Grantees with a Copy of this Pet" that they shew cause if any they have on the second tuesday of the next fall Session why the respective Rights of the delmquent Gran tees should not be declared Void Sent up for concurrence T. Gushing Spkr In Council June 14, 1742 Read & Concur'd J Willard Secry Consented to W Shirley In Council, Dec. 16, 1742 Whereas this Court is mforraed that there is a Meeting appomted .of y* Grantees or Propriet" of the new TownsMp mentioned m this Petion in order to their proceeding effectually to fulfill the Conditions of the Grant, Ordered that this Petition be refer'd to the second Tues day of the next May Session for further Consideration Sent down for Concurrence J Willard Secry In the House of Rep™' Dec' 16 1742 Read and Concur'd T Gushing Spk' Consented to, W Shirley To his ExceUency WUliam Shirley Esq Cap' Gen' Govern our in CMef, in & Over his Majesty's Province of the Massachusetts Bay in New England To the Hon' his 244 DOCUMENTARY HISTORY Majesty's Council & the Hon' House of Representatives in Gen' Court assembled. May. 26. 1742. The Petition of Us the Subscribers, Inhabitants of Bidde ford & Scarborough Humbly Shews That whereas this Hon' Court did in the Year 1733 grant to a Company of Naragansett soldiers a Township, lymg on the Easterly Side of Saco River, adjoyning partly to Bidde ford & partly to Scarborough afores", called Narrhagansett TownsMp, Number One, under certain Conditions of Settle ment to be compleated, withm the Term of seven Years from that Date ; As by a Copy of sd Grant & Plann annex:d may appear, wMch Term of Years is long ago expired : Yet not above Ten or a Dozen of the sd Grantees, have raade any Beginning towards Settling their Lotts in sd Township, & sundry of those who did seasonably begin to Settle & improve the Same ; have left their Settleraents, by Reason ( as You_ Pet' humbly conceive) of the Backwardness of the Other Grantees. And whereas the Land contain'd in sd Grant, is capable of Making a Good Town ; were there People adraitted & encouraged to go upon & improve the Same — The Want of which is a Great Detriment, not only to the Towns whereto we belong, but also to all the Rest of y* Towns, & Settle ments, m this Eastern Frontier — And Y° Pet' havmg been for some Years past employ'd in gettmg Masts for his Maj esty's Service, were necessitated to expend considerable Costs & Labour, in Clearing Roads, making Bridges & Causeys &c in & near sd Township, which will be of great Advantage in Settling the Sarae ; And Y° Pet" having raet with considerable Losses & Discourageraents in the Business of Mastmg; & being desirous to assist in bringing forward a regular & defen sible Town, in this Exposed Frontier — We beg Leave to pray — That Y° Excellency & Hon" would in Y° Great Wisdora & Goodness take effectual Care, That the Grantees OP THE STATE OP MAINE 245 admitted into sd Township, who have not Settled their Lots according to the Conditions of their Grant raay be declared deUnquents & their Lots forfeited — & that Y° Pet' or as raany of Us, as there may be Roora for, raay be adraitted as Settlers in their Steads, under such Conditions, as raay effect ually secure the Speedy Settlement of the sd Township. — And Y° Pet' ( as in Duty bound ) shall ever pray &c Joseph Fabyan Sam" Hames Edward MiUiken Sara" Car Edmund Ward Abraham Tyler John Babb John Norraan Nath" MUliken Timothy Hames Robert Munson Jaraes Tyler RoyaU Tyler Samuel Walker Joh Starbird Timothy Caril Jonathan Libby George Parcher John Harmon John Thompson John Eldon John Fabyan Jethro Starbird John bragg Benjraen Foss Robert Au_ [sic] Joseph Munson Nathan Knights Job Bwrnwn Juner John R [sic] Elisha Berre Jacob Davis Elliot Vaughan Dommicus Scamraan Benjarain Joy Richard Berry Jaraes Berrey William Berey Job Roberts Thomas Burnom Martyn Jose Daniell Bumum Rich'd Dresser John Coulbroth Sam" Small Jun' Daniel FeUd NathanieU Harmon Paul Thorapson Joseph Foss Forgus Haggen Edward Rarary Moses Durel Charles Ha [sic] Sara" CarU Josiah Libby Nathnel Finlayson Samuel Harmon Ban Richards Walter Foss WilUam Goold Thomas [sic] Hannah Pitman In the House of Rep™ June 12, 1742 Read and Ordered that Cap' Samuel Hames Serve the Clerk of the Proprietors or Grantees with a Copy of this Pet" that they shew cause if any they have on the Second tuesday of the next ffaU Session why the Respective Rights of the 246 DOCUMENTARY HISTORY delinquent Prop" or Grantees should not be declared forfieted. Sent up for concurrence. T. Gushing Spk'r In CouncU June 14, 1742. Read & Concur'd J WiUard Secry Consented to W Shirley In Council, Dec. 16 1742. Whereas this Court is inforraed that there is a Meetmg appointed of the Grantees or Proprietors of the new Town ship raentioned in tMs Petition, in order to their proceeding effectually to fulfill the Conditions of this Grant, Ordered that this Petition be referd to the second Tuesday of the next May Session for further Consideration. Sent down for concurrence. J Willard Secry In the House of Rep™ Dec 16, 1742. Read and Concur'd T Cushmg Spk' Consented to W Shirley Vote. In the House of Representatives June 16, 1742 Voted that the foUowing Message be sent up to his Excel lency the Capt General Viz* May it please your Excellency The House have Considered your Excellencys Message of yesterday concerning the Strengthening the Garrison of Brunswick, but they do not apprehend that the Advantages of that Garrison to the Government, or the Burthensomeness of the Services required of the Soldiers do at present demand any Augraentation thereof T Gushing Spk"r OP THE STATE OP MAINE 247 Prov : of the Mass*' Bay To his ExceUency W" Shirly Esq' Cap' Gen" & Govern' in Chief m & over said Provmce and to y* Hon"'* y* Council & House of Representatives in Gen" Court Assembled May 1742 The Petition of y* Subscribers Inhabitants of y* Town of Berwick in y* County of York within y' Province aforesaid humbly sheweth That y" said Town is so situated as that One Meeting house Cannot long Accommodate the whole town & when y* Lands shaU be raore Settled & Subdued it will be Convement & Necessary that the Town should be Divided into two Par ishes, EspeciaUy if Peace be Continued & people Settle the out Lands as they have done smce y* last Indian Warr the Greatest Number of Inhabitants wUl be at such a Distance from the Place of PubUck worship where it now is or that they Cannot Attend y* Publick worsMp without great Diffi culty many living at this time five six seven & sorae near about Eight MUes Distant as y* roads are frora y* Meeting house The Petit" Pray leave further to State that the Meetr mg House Now Standing is on y* Mmistry Lands very Con veniently placed for y" Inhabitants of y° first or Lower parish whenever y* Town shaU be divided into two Parishes and another Meeting house if Built in s" Town Ought ( as your Petit" think ) to be built at Least four or five Miles Distant frora that which now is, that So it raay be Convenient not only for y* New Settlera" that now are but also such as will be made & are DaUy Makeing — Your Peti" being mostly Inhabitants of that part of y* Town wMch must be y* Lower Parish ( if ever there be two in y* Town ) and are wilUng to build a Meeting house amongst y* New Settlements & sup port a Mmister of y* Gospell at the Towns Charge untill there shaU be a Sufficient Nuraber of Inhabit" able to Support A Minister by & amongst theraselves yet so it is that a 248 DOCUMENTARY HISTORY Number of the Inhabitants have prevailed at a Town Meeting in said Berwick on y* 20*" of May Ins* to have a Vote Passed to have a Meeting_built to Accomodate the People in Gen eraU to be built betwixt y* house of Hump : Chadbourne Esq' & M' Roger Plaisted House wMch Must be within about one Mile & half or two Miles Distant from y* Meetmg house that Now is and will be at least five or six Miles from Many New Settlem" that now are in Said Town & wiU not Accom odate either Parrish — (if ever there should be two ) and will utterly Destroy y* Meeting house that now Stands in y* Most Convenient place & where y* Publick worship has been performed for fifty Years or more & where y* Most Publick place is & y* Antient Settlera" in y* town are & to which y* Ministry Lands are Most near & Convenient — Moreover as y* Cost of building A Meeting house is very Considerable & should be Contrived as to Accomodate y* people & place for many years to Corae Yet the place where tMs House is appointed to be built will not be Convenient for y* New Set tleraents or for y* Old Settlem" but Contrived by some whose Conveniency ( and they may think y* Publick Good of y' Town ) will be thereby Suited — But Certainly it will be to y* Great Hurt of both Ends and General Good of y* Town as your Petit" Conceive And it being a Matter of Great Iraportance & Consequence to y* Town it tends Much to y" Peace & welfare of y* Inhabitants that Now are & will be in tirae to Corae to have a Meeting house placed where it can not Possibly be Otherwise but Most convenient your Petit" therefore Most humbly pray that this Great & Gen" Court out of their Great wisdora and Justice will be pleased to take y* Preraisses & y* dangerous State and Condition of the Town into their Compassionate Consideration & in order to prevent that Evil wMch our Brethren intend and are about to do ) Th6 Perhaps they may think best for ) the Town — that this Court will be pleased to Interpose in this affair & OP THE STATE OP MAINE 249 send a Com'** to view y' Town & y* Situation roads & rivers & report their Opmion Concerning y" Same to this Hon"'* Court at what time this Court shall order both as to y* places suitable for Meeting houses & Dividmg lines ( or to Divide y* Town into two Parishes if y Gen" Court shall thmk best ) or grant to your Petit" reUef m y* Premises as this Great & Gen" Court shall in their Great Wisdora & Justice think fit — And that any further Proceedmgs relateing to the buildmg A New Meetmg house raay be Stayed in the raean time and your Petit" as in Duty bound shall pray &c We Desire that M' Noah Emery May be Accepted m our Names to prefer this Petit" to y* Great & Gen" Court at Boston — John Cherryson PhiUip Hubbard Jn* ffrost bis Nathan X liOrd WiU Goodm Dan" Wadlin mark Joseph Hubbard Simon Lord Tho' Lord John Hupper jun' Tho' Goodin jun' Benj* Lord F Spencer Abr* Lord Jn° Goodin Jun' John Cooper Job Emery Sam" Hodsdon j' Jos : Hodsdon John Cooper j' Jabez Emery Rich" Hodsdon Rich" Lord Moses Goodin jun' John Lord Sara" Hodsdon John Lord Tho' Hodsdon his Tho' Hearl ^ Rich" Shackerly j' John HiU mark Sara" Nason John Tompson jun' 'hia Ills Tho' X Bragdon mark Aaron Abbot W"" Moore his Daniel X Hunt HIS Eben' Abbot X mark Tho' Goodin Step" Wood mark Sam" Gatchel Walter Abbot Ich" Goodin Adam Lord Benj* Chadboum John Hodsdon j' Elisha HiU Aaron Lord W"' Hight John Stockbridge EUsha Plaisted his Taylor Goodin x Aaron Goodin his mark John Nason x Moses Gray mark Benj* Nason his Sam" Lord L mark 250 DOCUMENTARY HISTORY W" Spencer Benj*" Lord his Rich" Nason x mark Rich" Shackerly John Hupper his James Plaisted Sam" Abbot Uriah Page Elias Grant Sam" Lord jun' Atherton Hearl X Moses Spencer mark Joshua Plaisted GUbert Hearl Jaraes Lord hia Nathan x Goodm mark Joseph Jelleson In the House of representatives June 4. 1742, read & Ordered that M' Clark & M' Perkins with such as the Hon"" Board shall joyn be a Com"* to repair to y* Said Town inquire into the Situation & Circumstances thereof & report what they Judge proper for this Court to do thereon at their next Session and that the Town be Directed to Suspend in y" Mean time any further Proceeding in bmlding a Meeting house. The Cost and Charge of said Com'** to be Defrayed by the Petitioners Sent up for Concurrence T Gushing Speak' In Council June 4 1742 read & Concur'd & Jer: Moulton Esq' is Joyn'd in y* affair J Willard Sec' Consented to W Shirley Copy Exam" g J. WiUard Sec' York ss June & July 1742 1 have read y* foregoing Order of Court to Mess" Peter Grant Jos : Hart & GUbert Warren Selectmen of Berwick & to Mess" Benj* Libby & W"" two of their Com'"* E Caleb Emery Dep' Sheriff N. B The whole Petit" was read to two of y* said Select men viz' Jos. Hart & Gilbert Warren g Caleb Emery Copy. OP THB STATE OF MAINE 251 Gov'' Shirley to the Duke of Newcastle. Boston N. Engl" Aug' 80. 1742 My Lord Duke Since I had the Honour of writing my last to your Grace, I have visited the Eastern parts of this Provmce at the distance of about sixty Leagues by Sea with the sev eral Forts there, and have had an Interview and Treaty with the Penobscott and other Indian Tribes bordermg on those Settleraents - These Tribes by means of some Intermarriages of the French among 'em and French Missionaries bemg con stantly resident with 'em at their Head Quarters in the Woods, who thereby gain an Influence over 'em frora their Childhood, are always so far in the French Interest as to take their part in time of War, and sometiraes by their Instigation enter into War with the English in a tirae of peace between the two Crowns, upon which Occasions they have ever broke up our Frontier Eastern Settleraents and destroy'd raany Farailies, and kept the Province in a con tinual Alarra ; And as the only hold which this Governraent has had upon 'em, has been to supply 'em with a Trade upon cheaper Terms than the French can, it has ever been its PoUcy to maintam Truck or Trading Houses in their Neigh bourhood in order to keep 'em dependent upon us for their Cloathmg, Corn Rum and other Provisions and Necessaries ; These Cireurastances have made it thought advisable upon the Accession of a new Governour that a good Understand- mg and Friendship should be renew'd and cultivated with 'em by Ms having an Interview and Conference with 'em, and bearmg and redressing their Coraplaints, wMch I thought the raore necessary at this Crisis, when an Expecta tion of a French War had in a great raeasure prepared 'em for a Rupture with us, and the EngUsh Settlements there, which had before begun to grow very fast, had been of late at a stand thro' sorae Discourageraents from this Govemment 252 DOCUMENTARY HISTORY in the latter part of M' Belcher's administration, which had made 'em doubtful of the protection of the Government, and had prevented M' Touberbhuker ( who had then lately carried 500 Families out of the Swiss Cantons to Georgia) from transporting 100 protestant Farailies raore of 'em to raake a Settlement m these parts, as he had in 1785 con tracted with M' Waldo to do. At former Interviews, and particularly in the times of Gov' Shute, Lieuten' Gov' Dumraer and M' Belcher, these Tribes have taken the State upon 'em of makmg the English Governours stay two or three Days before they would wait upon 'em after their arrival at the places of Treaty, and constantly raade Attempts to treat under French Colours at their first appearance ; but I had the satisfaction to have the Chiefs of the several Tribes wait upon rae, as soon as they could asserable, after notice of my Arrival in S' George's River, on board the Province Galley before my Landing, with a British Union Flagg at the Head of their Canoes, under which they continued to treat all the tirae of the Con ference ; and to receive from 'era as strong Expressions and assurances of peace and FriendsMp to the English as they could profess : All which together with a persuasion, which the Settlers in those parts now have : that the Government of the Provmce will afford 'em equal protection with its other Inhabitants, raay, I hope, have a good Effect upon the Eastem Settleraents, which were before in danger of being abandon' d, and wMch if well peopled and cultivated will in time prove the raost valuable part of the province, as they have a richer Soil and raore capable of producing all manner of Gram and most kmds of Naval Stores than the Westem parts of the County, and will be a considerable Curb upon the French Settlements. After the Treaty with the Indians I view'd the several Forts in those parts, three of which, viz* the Forts at S' OP THB STATE OP MAINE 253 Georges, Richraond, and Fort Frederick at Peraraaquid, which last had been disraantl'd for three or four years in Gov' Belcher's tirae, are now near being well repair'd in a very strong, defensible raanner, particularly the Fort at peraraaquid, the Rebuilding of which has been given in charge to all Ms Maj'y Governours in his Royal Instructions almost ever smce it was demolish'd by the French, is now rebuilding with Stone. And the whole Country, in which are many strong, Garrison'd private Houses, will, I hope, be soon m a Condition to defend themselves in case of a War. I should have raentioned it to your Grace m my last that in Obedience to his Maj'y 7'" Instruction to me the Stile of the Acts of the General Court is now alter'd frora - Be it enacted by Ms ExceUency the Governour Council and House of Representatives in General Court asserabled and by the Authority of the sarae to - Be it enacted by the Governour CouncU and House of Representatives ; which StUe will be duely observ'd in aU future Acts : But some few were pass'd at first in the old StUe thro' Inadvertency, which are trans mitted home for his Maj'y Approbation, and I hope will not be disallow'd on that Account. I am with the most DutifuU Regards My Lord Duke Your Grace's most Obedient & most Devoted, Humble Servant W. SMrley Report. In Obedience to the Order of the General Court of the fourth of June 1742, We the Committee to whora was Referred the Petition of Several of the Inhabitants of the Town of Berwick Relating to their Meeting house having Repaired to the said town and Viewed the Several parts thereof & the Situation of the Inhabitants & heard all the 254 DOCUMENTARY HISTORY parties therem Concerned. Agree Humbly to Report 1. That the Old Meeting house now standing being in the place where the Publick Worship of God has hitherto been per formed in said Town & so Conveniently Situated as that the Ancient Setlers Inhabitants who Built & kept it in Time of War and Dificulty ought Still to keep it since if they shou" but go but One Mile & half to North of the said Meeting house are Sufficient of themselves for a parish We therefore Judge it Unreasonable that the same shou" be Demolished but that it Ought still to be mamtained in the sarae place 2. We find that smce the last Indian Warr and said Town hath made very Considerable Improvements with great Pains & Industry & Settled so farr towards the Upper End of the Town in the Several parts & Roads thereof that We appre hend the said Town may in Time be S operated into Two parishes But at present We are Hurably of Opinion its best to Continue in One Body. And if the Inhabitants shall agree so to do & keep together & the Lower part of the Town do as they have and still Offer to do, that is to Assist the Upper part in Building a Meeting house & Supporting a Minister to Accoraodate the new Settlements or Upper End of the Town we think and Judge their Offer to be very Rea sonable And inasmuch as the Now Meeting house will not hold all the Inhabitants of said Town & Since Sorae of the Upper part of the Inhabitants thereof Travil a great Way to Meeting as has been Represented in the Petition We are Hurably of Opmion that their be another Meeting house Built m said Upper part of the Town where it will best accoraodate the Inhabitants of the said Upper part of the Town so that it be above Capt Chadbourns in a Convenient place where they shall agree. Wherefore upon the whole We humbly Conceive it will be much for the future peace & well being of the Town that the said Town be Directed to keep the Now Meeting house in Repair & Build a New One OP THE STATE OP MAINE 255 where it will best Accomodate the Inhabitants above Capt Humphry Chadbourns in the Spot where they shall agree All which is Humbly Submitted By Order of the Committee Jer Moulton In CouncU Sept 9'" 1742 Read & Ordered that the Con sideration of this Report be referred to the next Session; and that all proceedings relating to the Building a Meeting house be further Suspended till that Time Sent down for Concurrence J Willard Secry In the House of Representatives Sept 9*" 1742 Read & Concur'd T Gushing Spk' Consented to W Shirley In Coimcil December 24, 1742 Read & Ordered that this Report be Accepted - Sent down for Concurrence J Willard Secry In the House of Representatives Decera 24. 1742 Read & Concurred T Gushing Spk' Consented to W Shirley Copy Exam" g J Willard Secry Gov'' Shirley to the Duke of Newcastle. Boston New England Sep*' 15'" 1742. My Lord Duke, In my Letter to your Grace of the 30'" of Aprill I mention'd the Consternation and Distress, wMch the Effects of the Act of Parliaraent lately made for suppressing the Land Bank or Manufactory Corapany had occasion'd to such of the Directors and Partners, as had in Obedience to the act brought in their Quota of Manufactory Bills, to be consuraed ; inasrauch as they still reraain'd exposed by the Act to satisfy the Demands of the Possessors of all the other BUls, and for want of doing it to mcurr the penalty of a 256 DOCUMENTARY HISTORY premunire, without having any Remedy agamst those dis honest Partners, who stood out in defiance to the Law ; And that to relieve such persons as much as may be without interfering with the Act of Parliaraent, I had upon their earnest Petition forra'd and proposed an Order, wMch after wards pass'd the General Court, and I hoped would con tribute towards bringing m the other Partners to do their Duty by a Corapliance with the Act : Smce which that Order has had the Effect to reduce the Outstanding BUls, which amounted to the Sum of £49250 Lawful Money, to about £11000, and brought in upwards of six hundred of the Part ners to Comply with the Act of Parliament ; and in order to give the finishing Stroke to the whole Scheme by compelling the Delinquent partners to redeem and bring in the Remain der of the Outstanding Bills to be consumed, I have this day given Orders to those Partners, who have done their duty, to cause Demands to be made and Actions comraenc'd against the most Refactory of the Delmquent partners, in order to bring 'era witMn the penalties of the Act of Parha- raent upon their persisting to stand out agamst it, and caus'd » an Order of Council to be pass'd directing the Attorney General to prosecute 'em forthwith; wMch Steps will, I doubt not, now put an End to this pernicious Scheme ; thd they might some Months ago have probably been attended with Disorder and other ill Consequences. To apprize your Grace fully of the late dangerous Ten dency of this Scherae it will be necessary to observe to your Grace that the late Land Bank Corapany consisted of between eight and nme hundred partners, chiefly Country men, and of some landed Estate ; That the Merchants, whilst the Company was forming, made Application to M' Belcher then Governour to prevent it ; But upon Ms not taking those Steps which he had promis'd 'era to do, they applied to his Majesty in Council for Redress against the OP THB STATE OP MAINE 257 Scheme ; M' Belcher being alarra'd at this proceeding of the Merchants exerted Mmself by turning many of those, who were concern'd in the Scheme, out of Publick Posts; But these Efforts of his coming too late after large Quantities of the Bills were emitted and dispers'd all over the Province, and when those Persons, whom he turn'd out, were really so engaged by Covenants and Arguments ( which the other partners would not release 'em from ) that it was not then in their power to extricate themselves, serv'd only to exasperate the People, and begot so Malignant a Spirit in 'em that the Company and other Abettors of the Scheme became almost formidable to this Government. But as the Quantity of the Outstandmg Manufactory BUls is now so much reduced, and the Currency stopp'd and the Partners so divided and broke among theraselves that the Delmquent ones are not an inconsiderable party, a rigorous Execution of the Act of Parhament grounded upon the Complaint of those, who have comply'd with it, against their DeUnquent Partners is now the best Method to subdue those, who have hitherto stood out against the Act, and wiU, I doubt not, effectually do it - And, I think, I raay now assure your Grace that this Scherae wiU have been so tiraely destroy'd, that not one honest Man wiU suffer ranch by it, And m the mean time, I have had the Satisfaction to find those Merabers of the House of Representatives, whose Relation to the Land Bank Scheme made it expected that they would have been in opposition to the Measures of the Government, have been brought to concurr in and promote Ms Maj'y Service in several considerable points, wMch had never been before gain'd from former Asserablies ; And that the Difficulties of the Province, which the House of Repre sentatives in their Address upon ray first coraing mto the Chair tell rae they were ranch concern'd that ray accession to the Government should be attended with - But that they must 17 258 DOCUMENTARY HISTORY not despair of the Commonwealth are surmounted; and a gen eral TranquiUty and Satisfaction to which tMs Province has been an utter Stranger for these many years past, seems to be happily establish'd among the People. Smce my last to your Grace I have obtain'd further Grants of Money frora the General Courts for finisMng the Forts in the Eastern Parts of the Province, and have prevaU'd on thera to take sorae steps towards providmg for the Mainten ance of a Chaplam m Fort Frederick at Pemmaquid, which I hope will be compleated at their next Session, and will per fect the Establishment of that Fort — And upon being inform'd that the French Governraent in Canada have lately refus'd to permit any English to walk their Streets at Que bec, but had confined some to their Rooms, who attempted to come there, I gave Orders for the like Confinement of the French Men, who were in this Town, and for their Departure out of the Province m five days ; Before wMch I prohibited those only frora coraing mto the Provmce, who were sus pected to come with a View of Illicit Trade or sorae other ill purpose. M' Pluraptre has coraraunicated your Grace's Commands to rae concernmg M' Willard the Secretary of this province; I had before taken the liberty to write in Ms Favour to your Grace ; and your Grace's Commands will add to the Attach ment wMch Ms own Merit had given me to him. I am with the raost DutifuU Regards My Lord Duke Your Grace's raost Obedient & raost Devoted, Humble Servant W SMrley. Letter Joseph Plaisted to Sam* Waldo Esq. Sir York October 19'" 1742 According to your Disier I have ben with M' Eraraery and it is his opmion that thare Dont by any acion OP THE STATE OP MAINE 259 on y* accorapt of y'' BiUs of sale against y* men Nither doth he thinke by y« Laws of y* Seas you have any Just Rite to y* Bots so as to Come at thara because thay Niver ware Disposesd of tham and he sas not with standmg y* Bills of sale if you ware a mind to have held tham you should have raade a Deraand of thara within three years ) he think it will be best to sue by your notes, or accounts I have Sent to Gams I have aUso bm with Stapels y* Nowells and others hold thare best high Prise : I am a fraid we shan' be able to Git it under Eight pence p' pound and for that I do tMnk we Can Git five or six yoke of oxen : y* Buter I was spekmg to you about ra' Gibbs Carae while I was with you and Got it a way and bough* raore at other plases and offer" three shiUmgs p' pond bu' I have Go* sura of yours and think I Can Git y* Res' and that which is Good Sir I Desire a line frora you as sune as raay be : and m y* raene tirae I shall do y* best I Can m y* whole afare for you ) I have seen raorrUl and have Re" Thirty Pounds of him on y* account of y* Bond which is aU he Can pay at Presan' y* Bond is no' ou* this ten days this is wha' ofers at Presant from your Humble Sarvn' Joseph Plaisted To Sam" Waldo Esq' Copy of Record. At a LegaU Meeting of y" Proprietors of the Narraganset TownsMp : no : one held at Cap' Joseph Hales Inholder at Newbury on y* 20'" day of October A D : 1742. M' Darnel Hale was Chosen Moderator for said raeeting. Joseph Gerrish & John Greenleaf Esq's were Chosen and impower'd a Com'** to Represent y* Proprietors of sd Town ship at the next sitting of the Great & GeneraU Court or asserably of Ms majesties Province of y* Massachusetts bay 260 DOCUMENTARY HISTORY in New England then & there offer reasons in Behalf of said Propri's why the prayer of s" Petition Signed by Eliot Vaughan & others ( Relating to a Township Called no- one Lying on Saco river Dated May y* 26'" 1742) Should not be granted, A true Coppy taken out of the Propri's book on October the 28'" A. D. 1742 attest Joseph Coffin Prop' Clerk These are to Sertify any pearson to Whom it raay Concearn that the subscriber was the week before Last on the townsMp which was Layd out to the narrowgansit Soulers Cauled num ber one Lying on the East Syde of Soco Riuer and I Saw a SawmUl Erected on sd tounship wMch the raillrights informed me that thay Desined to get it to go in three or fore Days and I saw five Houses Erected and I was inforraed that there where Sever el More Scattering a Bought in the township. Dated Rowley Noveraber : 17'" 1742 Nath" MigMU Essex ss Noveraber 18'" 1742 Then the within Naraed Nathanael MigMU Personaly apeared and made Oath to the Truth of the within writen before rae John Hobson Justice of Peace Extract of Letter from Gov. Shirley to the Lord President. Boston Nov' 1" 1742. As M' Kilby has inform'd me that the Lords of the Com raittee of Council have consider'd province's petition to his Majy for Cannon &c* to supply the New Battery at Castle William, ( without which that Castle will not be a sufficient protection to y* Province against an Eneray ) and that y' chief Irapediraents to the Success of y* petition are y' province's Neglect to repair Pemmaquid Fort, ( the doing of which has indeed been particularly given in charge ever OP THE STATE OP MAINE 261 smce its Demolition by the French to every one of his Majy Governours here by his Royal Instruction) to pay 600 for y sarae Number of Fusils sent to y* province in 1704 ; I would beg leave to inform your Lordship as to Pemmaquid Fort, that I have taken effectual Care concerning the Repairs of it, which upon a view I find are already near two thirds cora- pleated with Stone work m a very defensible manner, & will be finished early m the Suramer, I havmg obtaind a sufficient Sum at y* last Session of y* Gen' Court for that particular Service, & made sorae Advance towards getting a Chaplain Settled there, so that I dare undertake for the fmishing of the Works at the Fort & the thorough EstabUshment of the Garrison by Summer, which I hope will induce their Lord ships of y* Comraittee to overlook past Neglects in this Matter — As to y* Non payment of y* 500 Guineas, I have ( in the present Recess of y* Gen" Court ) orderd y* Secry to search the proceedmgs of y* Court in that Affair, & to make his Report to rae thereupon, wMch I shaU transrait to the Agents, that they may give their Lordships the best Acco' they can of it. And if I might be allowd to be an Intercessor with your Lordship & the other Lords of y* Council for the provmce in tMs particular ; I would observe in it's Favour that it has been at avery considerable Expence this last Year by several Grants for repairmg not only Peraraaquid Fort, but three other of his Majy'' Forts in the Eastern Parts of y* province for it's Defence against y* Indians & French of Canada, as also for erectmg Batteries in all the Sea port Towns, all which as well as the Fortifications of Castle Williara were a few Months ago in avery defenceless Con dition, & will require further large Sums of Money to cora- pleate 'em : I would presume further to observe to your Lordship that y* Gen' Court has by their remarkably free Grants for his 262 DOCUMENTARY HISTORY Majy'* Service in the Expedition ag' y* Spanish West Indies considerably increas'd y* Taxes of his Massachusetts Subjects within these three Years, & which was done with great Zeal & CheerfuMess : I would lastly urge m their favour that y* great Fishery carried on by the Inhabitants of this province only & y* Importance of the Harbour of Boston to his Maj'y'' Service, in case a large Armament should be ever sent from Great Britain against any of y* French settlements in North America, ( as that port is look'd on by y* French & really is the most convenient & Advantagious if not only place of Rendezvous in his Maj'y'* Northern Colonies for a consider able Number of Ships & Troops ) would, in case of a Rupture with France, expose it raore to a visit frora the Enemy, on acco' of it's Iraportance to the Interests of Ms Maj'y British Dorainions than any other of his Northern Colonies, wMch therefore requires that Harbour to be secured in y* best man ner, & raay I hope recoraraend it to his Maj'y Favour. Falmouth Petition. Nov. 3, 1742. To his Excellency WilUara Shirley Esq' Cap' general & governour of Ms Majesties Province of the Massachusets Bay in New England And The Honourable house of representatives In General Court now Assembled the Petition of the Second or South Parish in Falmouth In Casco Bay hurably Sheweth That whereas your petitioners by long Tryal and Experi ence do fmd raany difficulties and Inconveniences In being but a parish and so part of the Town of Falmouth more par ticularly upon these Two accounts In attending upon the Publick raeetings of the Town we being Oblidged to pass over a river or Arm of the Sea near a mile wide without any Ferry or Sufficient nuraber of boats to Convey us Over so OP THB STATE OP MAINE 268 that it is next to an IrapossibiUty for the body of our people to attend on s" meetings and the difficult- is almost as great to go by land it being fourteen or fifteen raUes travail In a bad Road for maney of us and yet we very often find great damage accrue to us for want of bemg present at s" publick raeetings. On the Account of a School The Town is large and we bemg the lesser parish have not had One months School kept araong us At the Towns cost for these last Seven year past and what Little learnmg any of Our Children have Obtained is by Our Subscriptions when yet at the same time we are ObUdged to help Support the Towns School for these And Sundry Other reasons that we forbear to raention (seemg there is a Competency of Good land In Our parish & a num ber of Inhabitants to Support Town Charges ) we Earnestly pray that we raay be Erected into a distinct and that the bounds of Our parish may be the bounds of the sarae and we your poor Petitioners Shall as In duty bound Ever pray Falraouth Nov"' y* Doraini Jordan ) ^0°^"" ^°\ ^J^ ^ ^ , ^ , . > second parish ot 8" 1742 E^' Gushing j Falmouth In the House of Rep"'*' Dec 4 1742 Read and Ordered that the Pet" serve the Town of Falmouth with a Copy of this Pet" that they shew cause if any they have on the first fryday of the next May Session why the Prayer thereof should not be granted Sent up for concurrence T. Gushing Spk' In CouncU Dec' 6, 1742 Read & Concur'd J Willard Secry Consented to In the House of Rep'^*' June 8" 1743 On A Motion made and seconded Voted that this Petition be revived and that the Pet" serve the Town of Falmouth with a Copy of this Pet" that they shew cause (if any they have) 264 DOCUMENTARY HISTORY on the first tuesday of the next Sitting of this Court why the Prayer thereof should not be granted Sent up for concurrence T CusMng Spk' In Council June 3, 1748 Read & Concur'd Consented to Copies of Record. At a LegaU raeeting of y* Proprietors of Narragansett Township Lying on y* Easterly side of Saco river Called No : one s" raeeting was held at Cap* Joseph Hales in Newbury on y* fifteenth day of June A. D : 1742 Dea" Aaron Potter was moderator for said meeting Voted that their should be Eighteen hundred pounds ra biUs of credit of y* old tenor raisd on y* Proprietos of said Township to defrey y* charges in brmging forward said Township more Especially to Encourage thirty men of said Proprietors to Settle on said township accordmg to the true meaning of the Great & GeneraU Courts act m that case made and provided as by Charter may appear y* aforesd Eighteen hundred Pounds ( in bills of credit ) shall be assessed Collected & paid in to whom it shall be ordered withm y* space of six months next after y* date hereof & y* person or Persons to whora said raony shall be paid shall give sufficient Bond to pay out y* sarae according to the Proprietors order - Dea" Sam" Moody of Newbury Dea" Aaron Potter of Ips wich & Dea" Francis Pickard of Rowly are Chosen assessors for said Proprietors. Whereas there hath been & is raised Eighteen hundred Pounds of y" old tenor to be paid to thirty of y* Propr" of said TownsMp that shall appear & give Bonds to fulfiU y* Courts order on tMrty Propr' shares in sd TownsMp within y* space of six months tirae next Expiring y* date hereof OP THE STATE OP MAINE 265 the payments to be as followeth ( viz ) one third part at their beginmg to settle & one third part more when they have half done their settlement & there other third part when they truly fuUfiUed y* Great & Generail Courts order to all intents & purposes it is to be understood that when y* aforesd tMrty have built their houses & cleared & raan''ed their Land according to y* Courts order then they shall be Entituled to their Last payment upon their giving bonds to keep a faraily in Each house untill the Township be raade a town & invested with town Priviledges or when & so soon as they thera or either of thera have done & fmished their settlement he & they shall their mony as aforesd they Each of them keeping a famUy in each of their houses untill said township be made a town & invested with town Priviledges as aforesaid - Voted Stephen MighUl & others in Company Shall build a Saw MiU at said Plantation as so as shaU be agreed upon by y* said undertakers & a Com** Chosen for that servise & are to have two hundred Pounds in bUls of credit ( old tenor ) for their so M' Sara" Moody Leiu* Nath' Dumer Leiu' Joseph Coffin are Chosen a Com** to agree with Stephen MigMU & others about said saw mill both on y terms of buUdmg & sawmg & when to Resign up said raiU to y* Proprietors. A true Coppy taken out of y* Proprietors Book Novera' y* 13'" 1742 Attest Joseph Coffin Pro' Cle' At a LegaU Meetmg of y* Proprietors of - Narragansett TownsMp No : one held at Cap' Joseph hales Inholder m Newbury on y* 20'" Day of October 1742 M' Daniel Hale was Chosen Moderator for said meeting Whereas their was a Com** Chosen Some tirae passd to build a Meetmg house at y* Township Laid to the Narragan sett Soldiers Called No : One and by reason of y* talk of a french war it is not yet built : it is now voted that the said 266 DOCUMENTARY HISTORY Comraittee shall forthwith go on and fully build & Compleat said meeting house A true Coppy taken out of y* Prop' Book on nov' y* 18'" A D 1742 Attest Joseph Cofim Proprietors Clr At a LegaU Meetmg of y* Proprietors of the Township Granted to y* Narragansett Soldiers Livmg in the County of York held the 11'" day of AprUl 1739 ( CaUed No. 1 -) Cap' Nathaniel Myghill was Chosen Moderator Voted that the Said Meeting be adjourn'd to Monday to y* Eleventh day of June next at one of y* Clock in y* affter- noon At said meeting held the 11'" day of June 1739 by adjourn ment, it was voted that Cap' Nath" MigMU M' Isaac Appleton & M' Sam" Chase or the major part of thera be a Committee to agree with some person or persons to clear sorae Land on the Westerly End of y* first or second Lotts known by y* Letter D in y* fift Division in said Township to build a meetmg on, for y* Publick Worship of God, of y* Contents of thirty feet Long & twenty six feet wide & nine feet stud of hued tim ber & y* roof to be horded & short sMngled & the said Com** are to have said house well finished fitt to Preach m by the Last of Septeraber which will be in the year 1740. Voted that the said Proprietors shaU pay twenty sMllings a Right for every Right in s" Township unto y* Proprietors Treasurer on or before the first day of January next after y' date hereof & said raony ( or what shall be needfuU ) to be drawn out by said Comraittee to the buildmg the meeting house - Voted to the Coraraittee that went to state a place for a meeting house fifteen Pounds in full for their service. A true Coppy taken out of the Propr' Book Novemb' y' 13'" A: D: 1742 Attest Joseph Coffin Prop' Clerk OP THE STATE OP MAINE 267 Petition, Nov. 16, 1742. To his Excellency WUliara Shirley Esq' Captain General and Governour m chief, in, and over his Majesties Province of the Massachusetts Bay : &c To the Honourable his Majesties CouncU ; and Represent atives In General Court convened May it please your Excellency, and your Honours. The Petition of us the Subscribers humbly sheweth. That whereas the General Court granted a TownsMp to Sixty Petitioners of Glocester five years past ; last June ; on the Conditions thereon expressed. Pursuant to s" Grant we the grantees had a TownsMp adjoyning to North Yarmouth, on the back of the Town quantity according to sd Grant ; And in complyance with the Order of the great and general Court ; Sixty three lotts have been laid out. And last ApriU was three years we went to settle s" Town. And built y* frame of a Saw mill, and cleared eight pieces of land, contain ing about twenty acres. And built a bridge over the River ; and cleared a way about twelve miles in length, and twelve feet wide: And the Spanish war broke out that Summer, wMch greatly discouraged Us m gomg on to settle s" Town. We were under great fears of a French and Indian warr; But this last Septem' and October have built another great Bridge, the Cost of both araounts to two hundred and fifty pounds, and in building fifteen lesser bridges the way is so good as to go up with a team at y* charge in all about five hundred pounds ; We have buUt a Sawmil wMch is just ready to go ; and have built ten houses, but not covered : and have mdented for five houses more which were to be done by tMs tirae ; have cleared some more land, have got several small fields of Rye. And fully intend to settle s" Town with all convenient speed. Our humble request to the General Court is that your ExceUency, and your Honours would please to give us three years more to compleat the Settlement : with 268 DOCUMENTARY HISTORY Sufficient and lawfuU Power to raise money to carry on the Settleraent, and defraying all manner of charge that shall arise, or has arisen fully to answer the demands of the gov ernraent or condition of the grant, as your Excellency and your Honours in your great wisdom shall see needfuU. WMch will ever oblige us to pray as m duty bound. Dated at Gloucester PMle Wamer ^ November 16 Sam" Stevens V Comittee 1742 Joseph Allen J In the House of Rep^*' Nov 28, 1742 Read and m answer hereto Ordered that the Pet" with their associates be allowed the further Space of three Years to compleat the Settlement herein raentioned Sent up for concurrence T CusMng Spk' In CouncU Nov' 25, 1742 Read & Concur'd J Willard Secry Consented to Letter Patt Motley to S' Georges River November y* 20'" 1742. S' I could not make out but six days worke before we wear dismissed y* sum being soe small my present necesity Called for it I am Resolute to make y* best progress in leabour this winter possible I can in ordor Scotts part of y* timber should be paid without drawing of what has been delivered S' if your Hon' would please to send rae an Insines Bearth in this fort I should Gladly turn my leabour hear upon this fort and yearly pay into your hands untill I had sattisfied your Hon' to y* utraost and would proraise to beheave my selfe as becoming my Steation S' it is y* want of prouision y' hinders a Great deal of leabour in those parts OP THE STATE OP MAINE 269 which makes rae in my surcumstance at present Begg y* feavour of this request as soon as your Hon' thinks proper S' you promised to send me a few Bushels of meal which I shall be m Great want if not sent by y* first opportunity S' your Coraplyance to this request will dureing life be Acknowledged by your Hurable Ser' Patt : Motley Letter Jos. Plaisted to Sam* Waldo Esq'' York Nov"' y* 26 : 1742 Honor" Sir according to your Desier I have ben with ra' Holt and ra' Cole about y* Prise of Salt I Can : git for Four Pounds ten ShiUmgs p' hogist and not under you may have five or ten or fifteen if you se Cause : Sir I have Sent you one Hundred and two pound of But ter by ra' Sam" Black: I have bought y* other ox of y* NoweUs that I was speking to you about: Sir you may Remember I was speking to you about a Coroner in York and I raade mentition of m' Hanery Simpson Sir if you will Think of it you wiU much oblige your Hura"'* Sarvn' Jos Plaisted To Sam" Waldo Esq' write by y* Sloop about the Hides & Tallow Letter James Littell to Sam* Waldo Esq. Broadbay Dec"' 9'" 1742 S' This is to Lett Know my Missfortuin Since you wass with vs Last y* Ingeneares man Hass Kilt a Steere of raine & SetteUed with y* Ingnear aboute Itt he feU a tree on him & 270 DOCUMENTARY HISTORY Broake his back they Killed Mm & Kept him for nine Days & Sent y* 4 Quarters & hide to my House with a Gard of men thru them in & went thire way now body a tome but my wife I would Doo nothing to Mm vntill I sent to you and Lett you Know about It I had y* Seere Vallewed by tree men & they ware Conted vntiU the Steares Carae If there is not Method taken with them they May Kill all y* Creators wee have Worthy S' if you please I wood wiUingly have a Line or too from you S' your most Humble Serv' James Littell To the Select men of the Town of Arundel Gentlemen. Inasmuch as a Considerable number of the Inhabitants of our Town : Labours under a great Diffeculty in attending the Publick Worship : by Reason that the Meetinghouse ( as we Conceive ) Does Not Stand so Con- veniant for the Bigest Part of us as we Could wish : The Diffeculty Bemg so great That Women and Children Cannot attend y* Publick worship so often nor so Seasonable as they might Do In Case the Meetinghouse stood more Conveniant for us — This Is Therefore to Desire you Gentlemen that you will In your Notification for our Annual Meeting Sig nifie to y* town our Dificulties and that We the Subscribers Desire that the Town will agree upon sorae Measures To Redress the sarae : Either by Removeing the meetinghouse or by Building another raeetmg house More Conveniant for us : in our Town where y* meetinghouse may be set that may Better accomodate y* Inhabitants of y* same than where It Now Stands : Gentlemen We Subscribe our selves Yours &c. the 17*" 1743/4 Samuel Jameson Robert Smith Joseph MiUer Dauid huchings Brorja Major Jabez Dorman Charles White Jacob Curtis PMUip dorreU Ju OP THE STATE OP MAINE 271 Joshua Walker Abel Merrill John Burbank John MerriU Simeon Hvtchings John Whitten Williara Waterhouse Jeremiah Miller William Darlmg A True Copy of the Origenall Petetion attest by me Thomas Perkins Town Cler. This may Certify that there is not any Record in Bruns wick Town Book of any Select raen or assessors being Sworn in s" Town for the year 1742 Brunswick AprU 8'" 1743 Attest Benj* Larrabee T C Power of Attorney. Know all raen by these presents that we Capt William Woodside Gentleman, Liv' Jaraes Dunieng Gentleraan, Sam uel Clarke Husbandman, David Dunieng yeoman, Robert Spear Inholder, Robert ffinney Weaver, all of Brunswick in the County of York and provience of the Macheshesetts Bay m New England haveing for Sundry good Causes and Weighty considerations nominated. Constituted, ordained and apointed, and by these presents do nominate. Constitute and appoint and m our Stead and place, put our trusty and well Beloved friend David Given of the same Brunswick And Sarae County of York and provience aforsd, Husband man our true and Lawful! Attorney ; to Demand or ask for us, pettion for us. Giving and by these presents granting, to our said Attomey full power to sue, or isue out writs or proses ; as the Case may Require, to appear for us and in our narae m any Court, Spiritual or temporal!, before any Judge or Justice and m our name to raake one or raore attor ney or attomeyes under hira, to Substitute or appoint and again at Ms pleasure to Revoke and further to do Execute 272 DOCUMENTARY HISTORY preform and finish for us and in our narae all and singular tMng or things. Which shall or raay be necessary touchmg or Concerning the premises, as fully thoroughly and Entirely as we the said William Woodside, Jaraes Dunieng, Samuell Clark, David Dunieng, Robert Spear, Robert ffinney, in our own persons might or Could do, in or about the sarae Ratify ing, Confirming and AUowing, whatsoever our Said attorney shaU do or Cause to be Done in the premisses, by these pres ents in Wittness whereof we the said William Wodside, Jaraes Dunieng, Samuell Clark, David Dunieng Robert Spear, Robert ffinney, have hereunto sett our hands and seals tMs Eight Day of Aprill Anno : Dorarain : 1743 Signed, Sealed and Delivered W™ Woodside Seal In the presence of J* Dunmg Seal WiUiam Vmcent Sara Clark Seal Jaraes Douglass David Duning Seal Rob Speer Seal Robert ffinney Seal York ss/ Brunswick AprU 9'" 1743 William Woodside Jaraes Duning Sarauel Clark David Duning Robert Spear & Robert fBnny Personally appeared and acknowledge the above written Instruraent to be there free act and Deed — Before me Benj* Larrabee J Peace Petition. To his Excy W" Shirley Esq' Capt" Gen' & Gov' in CMef in & over his Majesty's Province of the Massachusetts Bay in New England, The hon"'* his Majesty's Council & House of Repres"'*' in Gen' Court asserabled the 18*" of AprU 1743 The humble Petition of David Given of Brunswick m the County of York Husbandman in behalf of himself & WiUiam OP THE STATE OP MAINE 273 Woodside, James Duning Sam' Clark, David Duning, Robert Spear & Robert Fmney & raany others Inhabitants of the Town of Brunswick afores" Sheweth that at an annual Meeting for said Town on the 29'" of March 1742 Mess" Benj* Larrabee, Wyraond Brad bury & Samuel Hmkley were chosen Select Men of said Town & also assessors, and proceeded in the Office of Assessors without ever taking the Oath by Law required for assessors to take on their entering into Office ; That on the 12'" of March last the said Select Men in order to have an Annual Meeting on the 29'" of said Month issued a Notification for that purpose, & the Constables mstead of warning the Inhab itants of said Town as usual, posted up said Notification on the inner Side of the Meeting House door, so that there being no Divine WorsMp or other pubUck Meeting in said Meetmg House frora the time of putting up said Notification, & said Town Meetmg very few of the Inhabitants of said Town had any Notice thereof. That on said 29'" of March said Select Men bemg also Assessors but not under Oath as aforesaid, met at said Meeting House, & before choosing a Moderator took upon them to purge said Town Meetmg of such as they pretended had no Votes therein, tho' as it can be made plamly appear to your Excy & Honours that most of the Persons whose Votes they refused were well qualified by Law to vote in said Town Meeting, & at the same time they received & took the Votes of several Persons no ways entitled to vote at said Town Meetmg, Upon w*" your Pet' & his Constituents entred their Protest against the Proceedings of said Select Men &c. That then said Town Meeting proceeded & chose Benj* Larrabee Town Clerk & Moderator, Mess" Isaac Snow, Sam' Hinkley & Wyraond Bradbury Select Men for said Town of Brunswick, wMch said Wyraond Bradbury was Treas' for said Town for the Year 1742, & has considerable of the Towns Money in his hands, & not yet made up his 18 274 DOCUMENTARY HISTORY Accounts with said Town for said Year : And the Pet' m behalf of Mraself & Constituents hurably apprehend for the Reason aforesaid is not by Law to be chosen a Select Man or Trustee for said Town it bemg contrary to Reason that he should sue hiraself, & the Tax Money bemg m his hands for the Support of the Ministry of said Town can't be provided for as usual, & the People are Uke to lose the Benefit of the same. May it therefore please your Excy & Honours that not- withstand* the usual tirae prefixed for preferrmg Petitions to this Great & General Court is elapsed, that in Consideration of the great distance of your Pet' & his Constituents from said Court to accept this petition, & to order the said Select Men & Assessors for said Year 1742 to raake Answer thereto, & said Town Meetmg on said 29'" of March last bemg done by Contrivance as afores" your Pet' humbly prays m behalf of hiraself & Constituents that by the Order of this Great & Gen' Court the Townsraen of said Town of Brunswick may be enabled to call another Town Meeting for electmg officers for said Town for the present Year. And as the Assessors for said Town m the Year 1742 were not under Oath accord ing to Law, that the Inhabitants of said Town may be rated as by the Assessors under Oath in the Year 1741. And your Pet' & his Constituents will ever pray David Given In CouncU April 18, 1748 Read & Ordered that the Peti tioner serve the Select raen & Treas' of the Town of Bruns wick with a Copy of this Petition, that they shew Cause if any they have one the second Thursday of the next May Ses sion why the Prayer thereof should not be granted — Sent down for Concurrence, J Willard Secry In the House of Represent^*' April 19. 1748. Read & Concur'd - Att' Roland Cotton Cler : Dora : Rep : Consented to W Shirley Copy examined g J Willard Secry OP THE STATE OP MAINE 275 Thomas Skofield of Brunswick in the County of York of Lawful! Age testifieth & Saith that on the fiveth day of may 1743 he served Benjarain Larrabee Esq' Wyraond Bradbury, Samuell Hinkly Selectmen for the Town of Brunswick for the year 1742 & also Wyraond Bradbury affores" Treasu' of s" Town for s" year, & also served Isaac Snow, Samuell Hinkly, & Wyraond Bradbury present select raen & treasurer for said Town with the within Copy by readmg the same to them — Brunswick May y* 5'" 1743 Thomas Skofield York ss. Brunswick May 5'" 1748 Thomas Skofield personaUy appeared before rae One of his Maj"*' Just Peace for the County aboves" and made Oath to the above deposition John Minot Deposition. The Deposition of Robert Speer of Brunswick in the County of York of LawfuU Age declares & saith That he was chosen Constable for s" Town of Brunswick in y* year 1742 and that all the time the Declarant was m s" Office he never did wam any Selectmen or Assessors to be Sworn : nor was he ever Order'd so to doe at any time durmg his s" ConstablesMp & further saith not Robert Speer Suffolk ss Boston May 3 1743 Robert Spear appearing made Oath to the Truth of the above Declaration by Mm subscribed Jurat coram me Habijah Savage Just Pac 276 DOCUMENTARY HISTORY Deposition The Diposition of Robert ffinney of full age testifieth and Saith that he went unto meetting house in Brunswick m the County of York and Saw the Warrant for the annual march meetting Dated March 12'" to be held March the 29'" 1743 posted in the iner sid of the meetmg House Door and Remerabers of no raeetting or publick Worship tiU the time the raeetmg was held and further saith not Robert ffinney Brunswick May 17'" 1743 York ss Robert ffinney personally appeared & made Oath to the Above deposition before me John Minot J Peace Deposition The Deposition of Robert Spear Constable for the Year 1742 for the town of Brunswick in the County of York being of Lawful! age testifieth & saith — that having a warrant sent to Mm by the select men of s" town, for the afores" year for an Annual! Meeting to be held the 29'" of March followmg, he suposeing that ther might be Divine WorsMp kept at the Meeting House put the warrant on the Inside of the Meeting house door but havmg no Divme WorsMp there for the tirae to the best of Ms knowl edge the warrant lay Conceald the whole time prefixed & farther saith not Robert Speer York ss Brunswick May 17'" 1743 Robert Spear per sonally appeared & raade Oath to the truth of the Above Deposition before me John Minot J Peace OP THB STATE OP MAINE 277 Deposition The Deposition of James Dunning & David Dunnmg both of Brunswick m the County of York being both of full age, Testifyeth & saith that at a town raeeting wMch was CaUed at the request of twelve of the freeholders of s" town to Call the treasurer to account for the three years past, in which town Meeting, when he was required as affores" he said he would not nor Could not give account of the year 1742 James Duning David Duning Brunswick May 17'" 1743 York ss Jaraes Dunnmg & David Dunmng personally appeared & made Oath to the above Deposition before me John Minot J Peace M' Bradbury objects Agamst the word required Answer to Petition of David Given. To His ExceUency WiUiam Shirley Esq' Captam General and Governour in cheif the Honourable the CouncU and the Honourable House of Representatives of Ms Maj estys Province of the Massachusetts Bay in New Eng land in General Court Asserabled May 25'" 1743 The Answer of Benjarain Larrabee Wymond Bradbury and Samuel Hinkley aU of Brunswick m the County of York late Select raen of the said Town to the Petition of David Given of Brunswick aforesaid m Behalf of Mmself and Williara Woodside James Dunmng David Dunning Robert Spear and Robert Finney and many others Inhabitants of the Town of Brunswick preferred to this Honourable Court on the 18'" day of April 1748 wherein they Complained of Irregular proceedmgs at the Town Meeting held at Brunswick on the 29'" day of March last — 278 DOCUMENTARY HISTORY In which Petition the Complainant Set forth That m Stead of the Constables wammg the Inhabitants of said Town as Usual he posted up said Notification on the Inner Side the Meeting house door So that there being no Divme Worship or other Publick Meeting at said Meeting house from the tirae of putmg up s" Notification of said Town Meeting very few of the Inhabitants of said Town had any Notice thereof — To tMs we the respondents Say that it has been our Prac tice ever Since we have been a Town to wam Town Meetings by posting up Warrants ( for that purpose ) on the Meeting house door And as we have had Preaching every third Sab bath at the South east part of the Town ever smce we have been a Town when we had a Minister we posted up another Warrant of the sarae Tenor and date of that at the Meeting house upon the door of that house where the people use to Meet in Order that the whole Town Might be fully Apprized of the said Annual Meeting and in so doing we Answered the end proposed for every person in Town QuaUfyed to vote m Town Affairs was seasonably at Meeting except two or three whose private Affairs detained thera — It's Also Complain'd of m said Petition that on the 29'" of March the said Select raen bemg Also Assessors but not Under Oath as aforesaid Met at said Meeting house and before Choosing a Moderator took upon thera to purge Said Town Meeting of Such persons as they pretended had no Right to Vote therein tho' as it can be made plamly to Appear to Your Excellency and honours that raost of the persons whose votes they refused were well Qualified by Law to Vote in said Town Meeting and at the sarae tirae they Received and took the Votes of several persons no ways Intitled at said Town Meeting upon which Your Petitioner and hig Constituents entred their Protest against the Pro ceedings, - To this we Answer that said Town Meeting was purged by OP THE STATE OP MAINE 279 the List of said Town Lodged with the Town Clerk for that purpose for the Year 1742 and we are ready to make Oath ( if need be ) that the list is true According to the Estates the Inhabitants of said Town gave an accorapt of and we further beg leave to Say that altho* it be Suggested in said Petition or Coraplaint that Upon purging the Meeting they entred their Protest Against the proceedings of said Meet ing, it's a Mistake for the Meeting went on peaceably till the Moderator Town Clerk the two of the Select Men were Chose and no body Objected Agamst the Legality of the Meeting till then. We further observe that it is set forth in said Petition that Wymond Bradbury was Treasurer for said Town for the Year 1742 and has Considerable of the Town's Money m his hands and not Yet raade up his Accompts with said Town for said Year and the Tax Money being in his hands for the Support of the Mmistry of said Town and he Evadeing Accompting for the Sarae the Mmistry of said Town Can't be provided for as Usual and the People are like to loose the benefit of the Sarae. To tMs we Answer that, that Assertion cannot be true for that the said Treasurer laid his Accompts Before the Select men Cap' John Mmot and M' David Dunmg being Chosen At a Meeting held the 28'" of February last to joyne the Select raen to Exarame the aforesaid Accorapts raet for that purpose on the 7'" day of March last It appeared that he had Received of the Constables but £106-9-4 and that he had paid of the Towns Debts £111-13-6 so that instead of his having Considerable of the Towns raoney in Ms hands he is in Advance for the Town £5-4-2 which plainly Appears by the Several Receipts which he produces. We further Observe in the Petition it's said The Town Meeting on said 29'" March last being done by Contrivance as aforesaid your Petitioner hurablys prays in behalf of hiraself and Constituants 280 DOCUMENTARY HIST9RY that by the Orders of this Great and General Court the Town raen of said Town of Brunswick raay be Enabled to Call another Town Meeting for Electing Officers for the said Town for the present Year and as the Assessors for Said Town in the Year 1742 were not Under Oath Accordmg to Law that the Inhabitants of said Town may be Rated as by the Assessors under Oath m the Year 1741. — To this we Answer there Could be no Contrivance in Warning that Meeting Unless it be in one of the Petitioners Constituants Robert Spear who being the Constable that posted up Said Notification on the inner side the Meeting house door without any Order for so doing from the Town Clerk And in as ranch as the Assessors for the Year 1742 in Making the Assessraent for that Year have Acted Uprightly and truly without the least partiality in raaking the Taxes lay'd on the Inhabitants of the said Town of Brunswick and that According to their best SkiU and Judgment, which they are ready to make Oath thereunto Altho" they did not take the Assessors Oath for that Year two of them havmg been Sworn heretofore. And that Notwithstanding the Complain ants Protest against the lUegallity of the said Town Meeting in March last Yet they Readily Joyned with the respondents in Choosing a person to Represent them in this Great and General Court which was a manifest Approbation of the proceedings at that Meeting And as the Complamt raade by the said David Given and his abettors is in the Greatest part thereof A raisrepresentation — Therefore the Respondents Subscribers hereunto humbly pray Your Excellency and Honours the said petition or Com plaint raay be disraissed as Troublesorae and Vexatious. And Your Respondents as m duty bound shaU ever pray Benj* Larrabee Wymond Bradbury Sara" Hinkley OP THE STATE OP MAINE 281 Petition To His Excellency WUliam Shirley Esq' Captam General & Governour in CMef in and over His Majties Province of the Massachusetts Bay. To the Hon"'* his Majesties Council & House of Representatives in General Court Asserabled at Boston May 1743 — Benjaram Larrabee Wymond Bradbury & Samuel Hinkley Select Men and Assessors of the Town of Brunswick for the Year 1742 Humbly Sheweth That Brunswick was Erected mto a Town January 1738 & that by order of the General Court Benjamin Larrabee a Principal Inhabitant was ordered to warn the Inhabitants to meet the first Monday of March following to Chuse Town officers, which Warning he Made, was by puting up a Notifi cation upon the Meetmg -House Dore, & the Town have been in the sarae practice ever smce. And in the year 1742. They assessed upon the Inhabitants of Brunswick their respective proportions of the Town, County & Province Taxes and lookt upon themselves Obliged by their Oaths taken the year before to Act faithfuU & ImpartiaUy in what they did But inasmuch as your Petioners thro inadvertency neglected taken the Oathes of assessors for the year 1742. Sundry of the Inhabitants of the s" Town Endevour to over- tMow the Anual Meeting of the Town in March last, which ff they should so do. Your Peti"*" apprehend it would put the Inhabitants of s" Town to very great Dificulty in Many respects, perticulerly the Taxe's which have been made and Levied, Collected & Disposed off, by order of the Town, would be Called m Question & unravelled & the Town put to such Dificultys, that they could not Overcome thera, in this their Menorety, And in regard None of the Inhabitants have suffred by your petion" neglect or madvertence in not renewmg their Oaths, they actmg in their proceedmgs as 282 DOCUMENTARY HISTORY faithfully as if they had been Sworn a New — Wherefore your Petion" Earnestly pray That the proceedings of your Petion", in 1742 And also of the Town at the Town Meet ing on the 29'" of March last may be Confirmed and Estab lished and Your Petion" (as m Duty bound) shall ever pray &c Benj* Larrabee Wyraond Bradbury Sara" Hinkley Deposition. Suffolk ss/ Boston 80'" May 1743 David Duning Gent" and Robert Spear Innholder both of Brunswick in the County of York of LawfuU Age Testifie and Say That They were Sworn Assessors for s" Town of Brunswick for the Year 1741 and That M' David Given and sev" others were rated after the rate of Twenty pounds rata ble Estate besides Their pole And the Assessors for the last Year did not rate said David Given and others so Much as they were rated in said Year 1741 Whereby the said David Given and sev" others Were deprived of Voteing for Town Officers for said Town at the Annuall Meeting in March last and after said Meeting was over They increased the rate of said David Given, And The said Assessors rated severall and perticularly Wyraond Bradbury who has no land in s" Town and but One Cow ( so high as to qualleyfie Them for Voters David Duning Robert Speer Suffolk ss Boston May 80'" 1743 David Dunmg & Robert Spear appearmg made Oath to the truth of the above Declaration by them Subscribed Jurat coram me Habijah Savage Just Pac OP THE STATE OF MAINE 283 In Council June 2, 1743; Read again together with Answer of Benjamin Larrabee Esq' & others, & Ordered that George Leonard & Joseph Dwight Esq" with such as the Hon"'* House shall join be a Committee to con sider this Petition & Answer, hear the Parties, & report what they judge proper for this Court to do thereon. Sent down for Concurrence. J Willard Secry In the House of Rep''*' June 2, 1748 Read and Concur'd and M' Prout Col Miller and M' Royal are Joyned in the affair T. Gushing Spk' Memorandum The Disadvantages y* town of Brunswick is likely to sus tain by y* town Meetmg being Confirra'd besides y* Complamt in y* Petition Arises Prmcipaly frora the behaviour of those persons Chosen as town Officers In y* Last Anual Meetmg, for Notwithstandmg their being serv'd with A Coppy of y* Petition Laid in to y' General Court and y* Courts Order to Answer to it they proceeded Most Unjustly in A town meet ing to Confirra former Acts of y* town and to vote According to their Usual Method when More than A Majority of said Meetmg Protested Against their Proceeding to Act at all at said Meetmg and Agamst y* Votes they passed from this and sundry other things too tedious to Mention and y* Com plaint Laid in Our Petition we Are perswaded that NotMng Less than the Acts Passed in y* Anual Meetmg with y* Meeting it self bemg declard UnlawfuU and y* town Irapow- erd to Proceed to a New Election of Officers as Pray'd for in Our Petition can set us on a Proper footing to Cary on our Affairs m tirae to Corae David Giveen David Duning June 4*" 1748 284 DOCUMENTARY HISTORY Report. June 9, 1743. The Comitee to whorae was Referd the Pet" of David Given of Brunswick have attended that Busines and Heard the -Parties and are of the Oppinion that the raeeting of the Inhabitance of the tonne of Brunswick on the twenty ninth day of March Last was not Legally warned nither were the assessors who tuck the valuation of sd toune by which they Regulatad the voters in s" Meeting under oath, tharefore the Corai*** are of Oppinion that the said toune meeting with all the Proceedings thereon ought to be sett aside : and the select men of the said toune of Brunswick for the year 1742 ordered to Call another meeting of the Inhabitance of s'* toune of Brunswick to make choice of all toune officers which tonnes are obliged to make choice of AnuaUy m the month of March and that they Regulate the voters in sd raeeting by the Last valuation which was taken in s" toune by assessors under oath all which Hurabelly submited by order of the Comitee June 19'" 1743 George Leonard In Council June 21. 1743 ; Read & Voted that this Report be accepted & that the Town Meetmg at Brunswick held the 29'" of March last with all the Proceedings thereon, be & hereby is set aside And the Select men of said Town for the year 1742 are hereby irapowered & ordered to call an other Meeting of the Inhabitants as soon as may be for the Choice of such Town Officers as are annually to be chosen; the voters to be such as are qualified according to the List of Valuation made by the assessors under Oath Anno 1741; And that the Rates made by the Assessors Anno 1742 & the Proceedings in collecting & paying the sarae be held good & valid notwithstanding; Provided the said Assessors make OP THE STATE OP MAINE 285 oath that the said List of Rates was raade faithfully & according to their best skill & Judgment. Sent down for Concurrence. J WiUard Secry In the House of Rep™ June 21. 1748 Read and Concur'd T CusMng Spk' Consented to, W Shirley Letter N. Sparhawk to Sam* Waldo Esq'' Kittery July 21° 1743 Dear Sir A bo' a fortnight ago one M' Pratt deliver'd rae y' fav' of the 80'" March last frora S' Georges's the Contents of w*" was chiefly to desire me to deliv the boat that was Elenwoods & which the Sheriff put m my Father Pepperells dock; to one Tiraothy Foye, first getting her mended &c Moreover I was desired to Assist s" Foye in getting the Cables &c w*" you Imagmed Elenwood had concealed frora the Sheriff, The letter herewith Pratt to me at the same tirae Open ; - Smce I have had a letter from M' Henderson, desiring rae to send the said boat g M' Pratt, _ Now if you desire me to fitt Out the boat Accordmg to yo' Intention at that time, & will Signify it, & to whom y" w" have her deliv" - & the Methods, you w" Advise to for the recovery Of the Cables & Anchors from Elenwood, or vfho soever may have them ; in case you think of any Other then y° wrote Elenwood you would take, w*" letter I have, I shall be glad to Serve y" — if we fail of the Cables &c & you w" have new ones, I know not but I could furnish them here, I am sorry y" would not be so kind as to look on yo' ffriends at Kittery, as y° passed twice lately ; you were once ready to Assure rae y" w" not fail us a Visit when y° had so fair an Opp° — My regards Attend y' faraily & I ara D' Sir Y' Most Hum' S* N Sparhawk The Hon"" Sarauel Waldo Esq' 286 DOCUMENTARY HISTORY Order relating to Towns not settled. In the House of Rep^*' June 21, 1748 Whereas Sundry Grants of Townships lying in the Prov mce of Mam have at different times been made by this Court on Condition the said Townships should be Settled within a Liramitted Time and the Terra for Settling many of them is already Expired and the Present Proprietors neglect or refuses to perform the Conditions of their Grant — It is therefore Ordered that M' Butler and M' Sole with such as the Hon"'* Board shaU appoint be a Coraraittee fully Authorized and Irapowered at any Time after the first day of February 1744 to make Sale of aU the Lands & Interest in said TownsMps of all or any of the Proprietors who on the said first day of February 1744 shall be delinquent and have faUed of Performing the Conditions of their several or respective Grants or otherwise to Admit any other persons as Settlers upon such forfeited Grants on Terras of Speedy Settlement that so the good End and design of this Court in the first Grant of said Townships may be Effected. The said Comraittee to be Accountable to this Court for their Proceedings herem. Sent up for concurrence T CusMng Spk' In CouncU, June 21, 1748 Read & Non Concur'd J WUlard Secry In Council June 22, 1743 On the Motion of the Hon*" House the Board Voted a Reconsideration of the within Vote — And after Debate thereon The Question was put Whether the Board Concur the afores" Vote Which pass'd in the Negative Unanimously. OP THE STATE OP MAINE 287 Letter Hon. TT™ Pepperell to Sam* Waldo Esq July 25, 1743. Honor"'* S' I beleive you have forgot that Sheriff Plaisted left aboat belonging to you in my Dock, I have directed my people to Secuer from gomg adrift, but if She is not graved in aShorte tirae, She will not be worth ranch. She has no Anchors nor cables & Scarce any riging, my best wishes attend your Selfe & family I ara Your Very Hura"'* Serv' W"' PepperreU Kittery July : 25'" 1743 Petition of Inhab*' of Mericaneag Neck. Massathusets s, c / To his Excellency Williara Sherrly Esq' Captam Generail Commander in Chief in & over his Majesties Province of y* Massathusets Bay m New - England and To y* Honourable Ms Majesties Councill & house of Representatives in Generail Court Assembled September 8'" 1748 The Petition of y* Inhabitants of Mericaneag Neck & some Islands Adjacent in Casco Bay, in the TownsMp of North- Yarmouth; humbly sheweth y' we your Petitioners labour exceeding hard from one end of y° year to y* other, at curing of wood, & notwithstand_all our hard labour we & our poor Families are often great Sufferers for want of y* necessaries of life ; haveing most of us little or nothing to Support our FamUies with but what comes from Boston to us ; & y' very dear y* land is exceding hard to Clear & raany of us are but lately sat down upon our Lots & but few of us are yet capa ble of paymg for thera ; others of us have no land nor are yet capable of buymg any, our Scituation is coraodious for y* fishery but our Indigent Cireurastances will not allow us to 288 DOCUMENTARY HISTORY follow it, or raake business of it ; we doubt not but m a few years ( if peace continues ) we shall be a fruitf uU branch of this our Province but at present our Cireurastances calls for coraraiseration, because we cant raise our provision nor yet Hay for y* Cattle ; Another great difficulty we labour under is, y' till of late we & our Farailies have been altogether depriv'd of y* publick Worship of God ; North- Yarmouth being about 30 Miles distant by land & about three Leagues by water, Brunswick about eight railes frora sorae, & ten or twelve distant frora raany of us, & a Bay to Cross of about three quarters of a raile; So y' unless we have preacMng upon y* Neck we can Seldora have any unless Some of us men travell for it more than a Sabbath days Journy & now y' we & our poor Families may not be discouraged in our Labours to clear this good Land, nor look upon ourselves as excluded y* Inheritance of y* Lord & as it were abandon'd to Serve other Gods. - Our prayer is that this great & Generail Court would take our Indigent Circumstances into your wise Consideration & m your great Charity & goodness will please to exempt us from paying any publick Taxes for some time & in y* mean time will allow us out of y* publick Treasury, money for Supporting our Minister & buildmg for us a Small House to worship in & we your Humble petitioners as in duty bound wiU ever pray hia John Storer Joshua X Crurawell John Otis mark his W [sic] Nathaniel -< Barns Edward Ward Jun mark Abiel Sprague Edwd Qumighara Sam" WincheU his Job Moulton Richard x Hays Eb' Huraphry his mark WUUam X Magrah George Beckraore John Phelan mark Thoraas McGregor Joshua Lincoln John WincheU OP THE STATE OF MAINE 289 his his WUUara W Black WilUara Tarr WiUiara W Black Ju' his mark mark John X Hamond Richard Jaques Robert Watts mark his his Patrick A WhaUne Elisha Allen Francis X Carraan mark his mark John Mathews Williani X McNees Jacob Graffara mark In the House of Rep™ Sep' 10. 1743 Read and Ordered that the Pet" serve the Towns of North Yarraouth and Bruns wick with copys of tMs Pet" that they shew cause if any they have on the first tuesday of the next sitting of this Court why the Prayer thereof should not be granted Sent up for concurrence T CusMng Spk' In Council Septeraber 10. 1743 Read & Concur'd J Willard Secry Consented to W Shirley Letter John Murphy to Sam* Waldo Esq. Arundel Septeraber y* 27'" 1743 S' these Lines are with my Harty Love and Servise to your Honour hopeing that they raay fiend your Honour and all yours In Good health as I am at Present thanks be to God S' the under taker of all our Mischief by Name m' frost has Got a writ for Cap' Bangs and my self but they had not the happyness to Get it Served for this Cort sent by m' Noah Emery to s" frost I have been Down araongst thera no Less than tMee times since your Honour Come frora thence once my Bridle was Stole of ray Horses head and Gone Clean and all Look upon rae with an Evil Eye but Dam them all I care for none of them. S' I have sent that Note Your Honour Gave rae by the Bearer of the Letter by Name Jaraes Deshon and would be Hartily Glad if your Honour Could Send rae the money at this tirae for I have Ingaged raoney and I stand 19 290 DOCUMENTARY HISTORY in Greate Need of it S' no raore at Present but I am Ready to Serve your Honour by Night or by day and also I Remame your Humble Servant to Command John Murphy [ Superscribed ] To Samuel Waldo Esq' in Boston p' M' Jaraes Deshon Letter Gov. Shirley to Colonels Sir Having rec" Advices frora Great Britain that there is great danger of a Rupture with France, I thmk it necessary and accordingly direct you forthwith to advertize the exposed Towns & Settlements within your Regiment hereof, & to take proper Care that the Inhabitants secure, them selves & families against any Sudden Assault from the Indians, & that they do not expose them selves by bemg too far from home in this tirae of Danger & that the Companies m your Regiment that are not much exposed be in readmess to relieve any of the neighbouring Places in case there sh" be occasion for it. Col* Jn° Stoddard Sam' Willard Eleazer Tyng Rich" SaltonstaU Col° Pepp Col° Noble Letter John Gaines to Sam* Waldo Esq Ipswich Novera' 11'" 1743 M' Waldo Sir I have Sent you by M' Start Eight Barrils of Syder and one tub of butter and would pray you to Send up your tubs for your pork fatt and butter in the VesseU as also OP THE STATE OP MAINE 291 a bushel and halfe or 2 bushels of Salt for I Canot gitt any hear with my Service to you I Rest Sir Your raost Hura"' Serv' John Gaines Letters Col' Pepperell Moulton ^ Waldo to Gov Shirley Dec. 9, 1743. May it Please Yo' Excelly In Obedience to Yo' ExceUencys Comands to us directed. We have consider'd of the most proper Persons to Comand four severall Corapanys within the County of Yorke of Fifty Men each to be furnished with Arms, Ammunition, Snow Shoes, Moggosons & Hatchetts to be ready to march for the Imediate Defence & relief of any Place that may be assaulted by an Eneray, and for pursuing, & destroymg such Enemy. And We begg Leave to recomend to Yo' Excelly the Per sons underraentioned as proper Officers to Coraand such Companys, & to Inform Yo' Excelly that their respective Residences are so situated as to be most likely to answer the ends of their Appointment. John Harraan of Yorke Captain ^ Lieu' Y Ensign j Cap' Dorainions Jordan of Falraouth Cap* M' George Berry of D° Lieu* M' [sic] Ensign Cap* Patrick Druraond of Georgetown Cap* M' [sic] Lieut M' [sic] Ensign Cap' John Lane of St Georges Captain M' Tho' Kirkpatrick of D" Lieut M' Benj* Burton of D° Ensign 292 DOCUMENTARY HISTORY We have not may it Please Yo' Excelly been able to deterrame upon suitable Persons, for the vacant Posts in the above four Companys, but if its not Yo' Excellencys pleasure to Lett the Captains recomend them we will as soon as raay be give Yo' Excelly such furthur Inforraation as raay appear to us raost consistant with yo' Excelly pleasure & His Majestys Service. We are with aU possable Respect Yo' Excellencys Most Duty full Serv" Scarbord 9'" Dec' 1743 W" Pepperrell Jer: Moulton S* Waldo Petition of W" Vaughan ^ others inhabitants ^ residents at " Damriscotty. " To His Excellency William Sherley Esq' Gov' and Coraraander in Cheif in and over his Maj"*' Province of the Massachusetts Bay — To the Hon'* Councill and Hon'* House of Repre sentatives In Gen" Court Asserabled — The Petition of William Vaughan of Damriscotty in the County of York and Provmce aforesaid Gent : and Sundry others Inhabitants and Residents at said Damriscotty , and subscribers hereunto Humbly Sheweth That for Twelve years past unto the present day they have Many of them liv'd at said place and some a Shorter time and have for great part of the time been destitute of a Gospel Preacher araongst them They desire also to represent with proper subraission to the Gen" Court the Unpleas antness of living in want of Order and due Regularity araongst thera. Wherefore priraarily and prmcipally with a View to the Glory of God — and with a view of having the Gospel preached and good order and quiet Amongst them and that they raight have it in their power to act consistent OP THB STATE OP MAINE 293 with the Rules of Governraent They pray the favour of Your Excellency and of this great and Honoured Court that a Law may be made incorporating thera into a Township by the foUowmg Bounds viz., Begining Southward on Damriscotty River at a Noted Place called the Ledge of Rocks; from thence extending Northward ten Miles Bounded westward by a line Runing North North East of an equal Distance between said Dararis- cotty River and Sheepscutt River. The Measureraent to be half way between the Salt-water falls of Each River the Distance between said Rivers bemg about four Miles — Bounded Easterly by Pemaquid freshet River and Ponds of said extent and lying about three Miles East of Damriscotty River. Or however Your Excellc'y and Honours in Your great Wisdom shall think proper and your Petitioners as in Duty bound shall ever Pray Damriscotty January 25'" 1743 W"' Vaughan John Campbell Donnel M" MoUl Nathaniel Winslow James Longly James Rivis David Condon Kenelra Wmslow WiUiara Racklif Bray D earing Josies Clark William Mathews John Richart John Gray Denis Downmg Ichabod Linscot David Ring John Bradford WiU Gloss Nath" Winslow John porraon John Mscok Anthony Still Comilus Jones David Ring Ju' In the House of Rep^*' March 1, 1743 Read and Ordered that the Pet's msert the Substance of tMs Petition in the Boston Gazette with this Order thereon ¦* three Weeks successively that so all Persons interested or concerned therein may give answer thereto if they see cause the second Wednesday in May next to which time this Pet" is refer'd. Sent up for concurrence. A six T Gushing Spk' 294 DOCUMENTARY HISTORY In CouncU March 2" 1743. Read & Concur'd with the Araendm' at A Sent down for Concurrence J WUlard Secry In the House of Rep™ March 3, 1743 Read and Concur'd Att' Roland Cotton Cler. Dom. Rep Consented to W. Shirley York ss / To the freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Brunswick Qualified to Vote in Town affairs - Greeting These are therefore in His Majestys name to Notify and wam you to asserable togeather at the meeting house in Brunswick afor s" on tuesday the 29'" Instant at ten of the Clock in the fore Noon to Chuse Town officers as the Law Directs to Serve Said Town in there several offices the Ensuing Year and also to Consider whether it wUl be best to hire the Consables or Choose them as Usual Brunswick March~12'" 1742/3 By order of Selectmen Wyraond Bradbury Town Cleark A true Copy Exammed g Benj* Larrabee T C North Yarmouth. In the House of Rep^*' March 18 1748 Voted that the sum of One hundred pounds be allowed to be paid out of the publick Treasury and put into the hands of the Select Men and the Officers of the Militia within the Town of North Yarm'" the sum of One hundred pounds to be applyed in such Manner, as may be most for the defence of the Inhabi tants of that Town, accordmg to such Directions as they OP THB STATE OP MAINE 295 shall receive from the Captain General, They to be account able for the said Sum. Sent up for concurrence Att' Roland Cotton Cler. Dom. Rep. In CouncU March 13. 1748 Read & Concur'd J WiUard Seciy Consented to, W Shirley Copy of Record. At An Annunal Town Meeting held in Brunswick upon Tuesday the Twenty ninth Day of March 1743 the following Persons were Chosen officers to Serve the Town of Bruns wick aforesaid m their Respective offices the ensuing year viz Benj* Larrabee Town Clark mr Isaac Snow \ mr Samuel Hinckley > Select raen mr Wymond Bradbury ) Voted that the Constables have fifteen pounds old tenor each for CoUecting the Rates this year ensuing and they to make up with the Select raen for y* same Ebenezer Stanward i ^ c , TT^. , , T t Constables Samuel .Hmckley Jun' ) Aaron Hmckley ) * tt- i, Robert Smart ! ^^^^^^'^ «* ^igh ways Tho' Skofield J ^ , - Shubal Hinckley S • John Whitney Ebenezer Stanward Sam" Whitney John Smart fence Viewers hog Constables A true Copy taken out of Brunswick Town Book Exara ined g Benj* Larrabee T. Clerk 296 DOCUMENTARY HISTORY Protest. Cap* William Woodside ra' Jaraes Duning m' Robert ffinny ra' Robert Spear ra' David Duning ra' David Giveen & m' Sara" Clarke have entered their Protest against the annual Town raeeting held at Brunswick upon the 29*" Day of March 1743 — A true Copy taken out of the Brunswick Town Book Exarained g Benj Larrabee T Gierke Letter Gov. Shirley to Col. Noble June 5, 1744- S' You are hereby directed to receive frora the Several Colonels of the Regira" of Militia the foUow^ Detachm" of Soldiers and to post them at the Garrison hereafter raentioned viz' From Col* Phips Fifty From Col° Plaisted fifty & from Col° Berry five, with twenty five by Virtue' of my Warrant of the third Instant, to be enlisted or impress'd witMn your District of the County of York which you are to post as follows, Viz' Men At Capt Woodsides Garrison at Maquoit 4 At Topsham 6 At George Town 10 At Witchcasset 10 At Sheepscot 10 At Capt Vaughans at Walpole 5 at at Capt Larmous at D° 5 10 50 At Madoraock & Broad Bay viz. 10 At Martins at the Falls 10 At y* new Block House on y* River ) being the Duch Church ( At M' Zuberbuhlers Garrison 10 At Capt Lanes at the Point 6f Broad bay 10 40 OP THE STATE OP MAINE 297 At S' Georges River to be proportioned to the" Several Garrisons between the Falls & pleas' Point and to the Block House by !> 40 the Lime Kilns and the Garrison at the MiUs I have appointed Captains over the two East Companies who I woud have to Scout thr6 the two Settlem" over which they are appomted a guard at least once a Week. Letter Gov. Shirley to Col. Pepperell ^ Col. Waldo 1744- Sir The General Court having Voted Subsistence for Two Hundred Soldiers only of the Five hundred first raised for the Defence of the Frontiers whose Establishm' for Subsist** ends the 29'" Instant I have deterrained that the remainmg TMee hundred should be forth dismiss'd from the Service, & accordingly order that you do imraediately discharge One hundred & one Men from those Places that are withm your District m such proportion as you will find in the Schedule herewith inclosed ; The Men to be dismiss'd by you raust be out of the Inhabitants which are now retained in the Service ; The rest of the Inhabitants wMch will be continued - upon Pay m those Places raust be of such as are most likely to be serviceable & will most need this Encouragement to contmue upon their Settlem" A proper Proportion of Officers must be discharged What raen may be wantmg of your first Complera' must be reckoned araong those that are to be dismiss". Let no time be lost in tMs Affair. Con Noble o It) O a V B'-g 298 DOCUMENTARY HISTORY Extract from Letter of M'' Kilby, Agent, to Gov. Shirley Extract from M' Kilby's Letter to his Excy I have been able to say so much respectmg the Fort, of our having extended our Frontier & built & maintained other Forts, that I don't apprehend much if any Difficulty reraains in clearmg our Way of that Impedira' But that other of pay^ the £550 Sterling as the Grant was absolutely upon that Condition, the Arms rec" under the Force of it, & a Receipt given at the Tower in Consequence thereof is such an unsurraountable Obstacle that I don't see any possible Way of getting the better of it. But if there ever have been Reasons given to excuse the Province, I earnestly wish they raay be collected from the Records, that if there be any Weight in thera they raay be iraproved, & if not I confess I shall be of their Lordships Opinion that it ought to be deem'd a just Debt as th6 it had been contracted between two private Individuals — Lord Harrmgton in particular & Many of the other Lords of the CouncU are very sensible of the Risque of neglecting this Affair, till Answers can be had from Boston, & I own I could not avoid Saying to his Lord ship upon finding that Objection was not to be got over by Possibility that I had a strong Inclination to back the Peti tion by a Memorial subjecting ray self to the Paym' of the £550 when the Cannon were sent, & mdeed I have no other Objection to it, than fears that the Province May have sent Excuses they thought available, & by finding thera, tho' I am entirely ignorant thereof, my Conduct may be censured. J" Oulton to Gov. Shirley, Aug. 8, 1744- May it Please y' Excellency. / Sir I did not give y' last Letters a gticuler answer having a Dependance On y* Gentlemen Commission" y' waited on y' Dellegates, leting y' Excy know my Conduct therein. I hope OP THB STATE OP MAINE 299 they Returned w'" an agreable Conclusion of y' affair w'" y* Indians. The small Nuraber y" here seems to be very well Satisfied w'" whats agreed On. But I know not what raay be expected frora Canada, by those Indians y* Carried y' Lett' thre their Return being about Six weeks, last past, expected every day & yet no News of thera, as y* Indians tells me : it looks a little Dark, & what will be y* Isues of Such a delay I know not. If any Indians belonging to Canada or to y* French, comes here w'" our Indians, shall they be used as friends, or as Enemies, y' Coraes as Spies ? I am Sorry The Gen' Court Delayes y' Giving a Grant for y* finishing of y* Works of this Fort ( y' Stands Next to Castle William in their Acts ) Agreeable to what I praid for, when I last waited on y' Excy about 12 mo'"' agone. Soon after I heard of a French War I began to Dig a Well & have had good' Success therein, by blowing & burning y° Rocks, ( y' others before me was discouraged at ) & have water enough, w*" gives us no small encouragra* in Case of an Attack, this I do not expect, except y* French over Comes y* Indians, w'" their way of Reasonmg, & by y' engaging thera to joyn w'" era, m their Actions against us. If these 2 Powers Coraes togather, we shall have more than enough to Stand them. Except we are raore fully SuppUed w'" Men, Araraumtion & Stores. In a few lines to my good friend M' Sam' Waldo, I have beg'd hira to pray y' Excy to give me leave to wait on you at Boston, y' goodness therin I doubt not of. I send tMs g my son John, who will wait on you, he's to Return g y* Sloop he goes in, so y' I hope he wiU be here again in 10 or 12 days, w'" y' farther Coraands ( if y* Publick affairs requires it ) to Y' Excellencys Most Duty fuU & Most Obliged Hurable Serv' J° Oulton Richmond Fort Aug' 8'" 1744. 300 DOCUMENTARY HISTORY y* 8'" Afternoon. Sir just now I am Inform" y' two of y* Indians y' Carried y' Letter to Canada, is Returnd to Naridgawalk y' they say theres no news there, only y' its a Sickly time w'" thera, haveing y* Sraal Pox. Y" as afors" J 0. Letter Col. John Bradstreet to Gov. Shirley Aug. 14, 1744. May it Please Your Excellency As I was sent from Louisburg by the Gov*' of that place to bring a number of English prisoners which the flag of Truce was not able to transport here ; & w*" I undertook with a View to Sarve the poor prisoners as to secure my Own Effects and ray Brother Officers, by bringing thera here; which prisoners I was orderd to leave here taking Your Excellency Rec' for the sarae or Other prisoners in their room if any here ; Some of which I oblig'd my self to retum or others in there roora, which I expected would be able to Carry the VesseU back againe, & as they have ben deUvered here & I now find ray self without SaUours sufiishent to Navegate the VesseU back againe wMch I am ObUg'd to doe by my Perole of honour, & the prisoners that are to be deliver'd to rae to be retum'd are not Suffishent for that purpose, & I hope Your Excellency will give rae leave to ship two hands on board said VesseU as English Marinours, which two men I shall Return as soon as possible, which will greatly Oblige Your Excellency's Most Obed' & most hum : Serv' Jn° Bradstreet Boston Aug' 14. 1744 To His Excellency Will" Sherley Esq' William Pepperrell to the Duke of Newcastle. My Lord Duke Tho upon my first takeing the Command of the new Eng land Troops upon this Expedition I had no other vew then OP THE STATE OP MAINE 801 y' of serving my Country, yet as I believe your Grace wUl think it necessary to Establish a strong Garrison of regular Troops here and that sorae of the Regiments upon tMs Expe dition bee Established in the Kings pay, I beg y* Comraand of my own Regiment & that his raajesty would be graciously Pleased to apoint Coll° Broadstreet who was the first Pro jector of the Expedition and who has distinguish'd hiraself upon all occasions to be ray Lieu' Coll° and as ray Private affairs will call me to new England shoud his raajesty be pleased to gratify me. I must beg his leave to be there when ray absence frora my Regiment and the Kings Service can be dispensed with. I beg leave to assure your grace notMng woud have Contributed raore to the success of his majestys array then the coramand of the Squadron being given to a gentleman of Comadore Warrens distinguished Character, he is of such a disposition as makes him greatly beloved by the People in new-England, and in the Colonys in General, and is highly worthy of the Trust reposed in him & of Ms majestys favours. I am with the greatest respect My Lord Duke Youi- Graces most Obedient and most humble Serv' Lewisburg the 19'" June 1745 WiUiara Pepperrell To his Grace the Duke of Newcestle. William Pepperrell to the Duke of Newcastle. My Lord Duke I have already had the Honour to transmit to your Grace, in Conjunction with Comraodore Warren, an Account of the Success of his Majesty's Arms, in the Reduction of Louis burg, and Territories adjacent, to his Majesty's Obedience ; which was happily effected on the sixteenth Instant, by an Army of Ms Majesty's New England Subjects, whora I have 302 DOCUMENTARY HISTORY the Honour to be at the Head of, assisted, on the Sea Side, by a Squadron of his Majesty's Ships under the Command of Mr. Warren, said Fortresses & Territories being Surren- dred, on Terms of Capitulation, of which a Copy was for warded to your Grace, with our Letter, and Duplicate is herewith inclosed. On the 17'" Instant his Majesty's Ships entered the Harbour, and the sarae Day part of the Troops with my self, marched into the City, since which have used the utmost Diligence, in raaking the proper Dispositions, for the Security and good Regulation of the place, and the Speedy Evacuation of it, agreable to the Terras of Capitulation. I have now the Honour to inclose to your Grace, an Account of what Troops were raised in each of his Majesty's Govern raents in New England, which were aidmg in this Expedition and the present State of them. And I flatter myself his Majesty will be graciously pleased to approve of their Zeal, in voluntarily engaging in so expensive, and hazardous an Enterprize even before they had Notice of any other Naval force than the private Vessels of War, fitted out by them selves, and I humbly beg your Grace's leave to say, that I should not do ray fellow Soldiers justice, if I oraitted this opportunity to assure your Grace that they have with the utraost chearfuUness endured almost incredible HardsMps, not only those necessarily incident to a Carap, in such an incleraent Climate, where their Lodging and accommodations could not be but of the poorest Sort, but also m landing and transporting with infinite Industry and Pains, our heavy Artillery ( some of which were 42'" Cannon ) several Miles, in cold foggy Nights, over almost impassible Bogs, Morasses, and rocky Hills ; also in landmg the Warlike Stores and Pro visions, in doing which they were extreamly exposed, and, at the same time. We were obliged to keep out large Detach ments to range the Woods, in order to intercept and disperse parties of the French and Indian Eneray, who were gathering OP THB STATE OP MAINE 303 together behind us, with whom we had several Skirmishes, in all which we routed the Enemy, killed and wounded many of them, and took above two hundred prisoners. Several Sallies were also made from the Garrison, in all which we repulsed the Enemy with very Uttle Loss on our Side ; and we have been so happy, through God's Goodness, as not to lose above One hundred Men, by the Enemy in the whole of tMs great Enterprize. They held out against a close Siege of forty nine Days, during which tirae. We raised five fascme Batteries, from whence, and a large Battery deserted by the Enemy on our landing. We gave thera above Nine thousand Cannon Balls, and about Six hundred Bombs, wMch greatly distressed them, and much damaged their Fortifications ; and in particular rendered useless the most considerable Battery of the Town ( called the Circular Battery ) wMch mounted Sixteen large Cannon, and very much commanded the Har bour. The Fatigue of our Men in aU these Services was so great, that We had near fifteen hundred sick at a Time ; not withstandmg all which they not only contmued to express the greatest Zeal to go on Vigorously agamst the Eneray, but in general, generously acquiesced in the Loss of the Plunder they expected frora the Riches of the City: and though undisciplin'd Troops, I'ra persuaded his Majesty has not in his Dorainions, a Number of Subjects more universally Loyal, or that could possibly express greater Readmess to spend their Lives ui the Cause they were embarked m, for His Majesty's Honour, and the good of their Country. I esteera it a peculiar Favour, and of the happiest Consequence that His Majesty's Ships sent so timely to our assistance, were under the Coramand of a Gentleman of such distm guished Merit, and so universally beloved in New England, as Comraodore Warren, he has constantly exerted hiraself to give the Army aU possible Assistance ; and the Same Day that a Suspension of Hostilities was desired by the Enemy, 304 DOCUMENTARY HISTORY We had determined upon a general Assault by Land and Sea, and for the better Manning the SMps for that purpose, it was agreed to spare them Six hundred Men out of our Troops. I have the Honour, also, to inform your Grace, that in our Way frora New England, We stopt at Canso, and began to rebuild the Fortification there, which the French destroyed last Year, and left light Cannon with the necessary Stores, and Eighty Men of the Troops, to corapleat and defend the Sarae ; which hope will meet with His Majesty's Gracious approbation. We have also destroyed the Town and Fort of St. Peters, and Several other considerable Settlements upon this Island ; and raay the happy Success of tMs Expe dition against Louisbourg (The pride of the French) whereby His Majesty has the Key of the great River S' Lawrence, and by which the absolute Command of the Fish ery, and mdeed very much of the whole Trade of North America is secured to His Majesty's Subjects, be a happy prelude to the Reduction of all the French Settlements in America, in which will your Grace permit me to Say I am confident, His Majesty's New English Subjects wUl at all Times be ready to contribute their utmost assistance, as far as their Cireurastances will adrait of, and His Majesty's great Goodness leaves no roora to doubt but that he will be gra ciously pleased to express his Royal Favour toward those who engaged m this Expedition, in Such Manner as will ani- raate them, and their Country to proceed further, with the greatest ChearfuMess. I must not omit to acquaint your Grace that the French in Conjunction with the Indian Enemy, had prepared to besiege the Garrison of Annapolis Royal; tMs Summer Seven or eight hundred of thera havmg gath- er'd together there expecting as 'tis said, an Armaraent from France to join thera ; but were called off from thence to the Relief of Louisbourg, but did not arrive in Season. It appears that there were notwithstandmg, about Two thousand Men OP THE STATE OP MAINE 305 able to bear Arras in the City when it was Surrendred. I have now the Honour to inclose, also, to your Grace an Account of the State of this Fortress, and of the Stores found here ; and beg your Grace's Leave to raention that the Incleraency of this Climate will render it absolutely necessary that particular Care be taken for the warm CloatMng and Lodging of the Troops posted here. I presume His Majesty will be pleased forthwith to make known His Royal pleasure relating to this Important Place, till which Tirae I shall endeavour, with the utmost Loyalty, and ray best Discression to proraote the Security and good Regulation thereof, and beg Leave to Subscribe rayself with all possible Duty and Respect May it please your Grace, Your Grace's most Obedient and most humble Servant William Pepperrell Louisbourg June 28'" 1745 William Pepperrell to the Duke of Newcastle. My Lord Duke DupUcate I beg Leave to trouble yo' Grace to request yo' favour in my behalf to His Majesty that if my Services in y* Expedi tion agamst tMs place have merit'd His Majestys Gracious Notice I may obtain His Royal Coraraission for y* Governra' hereof w*" hon' should His Majesty condecend to grant me I shall at all tiraes Use ray utraost Endeavors for y* defence & good regulation of it and I humbly conceive it might be of Service to y* Settlement of this Island if I might have Leave to repair to New England when His Majestys Service would allow of it Your Graces favour herein will Lay the highest Obliga tion on Yo' Graces Most Obed' & Most Hura"'* Serv' Louisbourg July 30'" 1745 WUUara Pepperrell 20 306 DOCUMENTARY HISTORY Letter Cap* Rob* Rutherford to Josiah Willard S' Georges Sep' 8*" 1745 S' Y' universal and Established character, viz, a pure patriot of the civil & religious rights & Interests of y* Coun try gained & maintained with aprobation, tho' various periods of tirae, & vicissitudes of providence turned the Eyes of the subscribers of the adress that comes herewith by Cap' Saunders to his Excelly & hon"'* Council & therefore Importuned rae. In their narae to, y' hon" concurrence, assistence & Interest in proraoting & securing to us, one of the two petitions contained in the Adress : viz. Either Cap' Bradbury's Contmuation in his gsent post of Command in this fort : Which is y* unanimous desire of officers, soldiers, & adjacent Inhabit" m these present settlera*', as apears by their voluntary subscriptions, to wMch a double number raight been added, had not the first raotion been the Act of a few, a secret unknown to Cap* Bradbury hiraself, and so y* M [sic] Acted raore secretly, and now are prevented by Cap* Saunders Arival whora all designed as their Messenger and trusty Agent at Court. But if this petition to our great loss and sorrow, should drop, by Cap* Bradburys declining, or resigning his present Command : The second petition or prayer in y* Adress is of Considerable Importance, and great Consequence to us & Equally deserves & requires y' Hon" particular regard & assistence : viz That his Excell** and hon" may promote to that post a person whose MiUtary Endowments & Experi ence, may be Adorned with the principles and practice of true revealed Religion And godliness, which are not incon sistent qualifications : tho the latter is often overlookd if not neglected in the choice & promotion of officers, wMch go's more & oftner by affection & Interest; than proper quahfi- OF THB STATE OF MAINE 307 cations & Just desert, to the grate disappointm' of the State, and disgrace of Religion. The Press is pressed, and the pulpits ring, with the Just Complaints, of y* decay of Religion and vile degeneracy from the pure and piouss principles of Ancesstors: Among y* many jued causes of this growing grievouss & dangerouss defection : I have often wondard that, [ the ] ill priples of many officers with their Influence upon their pupills, have passed unobserved ; Which to rae apears a proUfick cause of Arminianism, the side wmd which brigs mto our harbours, the self pleasing Comodities and traffick of Diesm and liber- tinesra w" are paint in vit^ a religion^ MUiteri, to cover the Coarse Canvass of Athisra from the eye and cognisance of civil law, but this paint proves too thmn to cover from Judgeiciouss eyes, the lurking serp' full of catching and deadly poison. This observation I humbly submit to y' Hon" deeper pen etration, with tMs remark, that the scripture Aphorism, like priest like people, is Equally true if thus Apply", Like Cap' like soldiers : And as many of „ youth of N : England, in the respective forts & service of the provmce happen to fall under such officer-tutors ; they too fondly Imbibe, in that state & day of youth the deadly poison, and spreads it in the respective townships on their return. If Cap' Bradbury should resign, raany will use their Interest & suceed Mm, & tho' there may be sorae expectants here, yet there are none, I could in Conscience, recoraend and therefore raust y* care & Interest in such noraination and promotion with which concludes Y' Hon" Most Obed' Hum ble Serv' Rob' Ruth*ford [ Superscribed ] To the Hon"'* Josias WUlard Esq' Secret' to his Excell** the Gov At his house in Boston g Cap' Saunders 308 DOCUMENTARY HISTORY Sir William Pepperrell to the Duke of Newcastle. My Lord Duke A copy I have the Honour of your Grace's Favour of the 10'" of August by the Shirley Galley, w*" carae to hand the 23'" of Sept' — I beg leave to assure your Grace that it gives me the highest pleasure to fmd thereby that the News of the Reduction of Louisbourg and the Territory thereto belongmg was received with so much Satisfaction by his Majesty, and their ExceUencies the Lords Justices, and that they have done me the Honour to signifie their Approbation of my best Endeavours for the Service of my Royal Masters Interest, and the Good of my Country, in tMs Enterprize, and I would beg Leave especially with the utmost gratitude to acknowl edge and render my most hurable Thanks to his Majesty for his Royal Favour in the great and unexpected Dignity he has been graciously pleas'd to conferr on ray Family by cre ating me a Baronet of Great Brittain ( for your Grace's Con gratulations thereon I beg sincerely to thank you ) I hope I shall always be ready to express a just Sence of his Majesty's Royal Goodness to rae therein, by improving all Opportunities in my power to cultivate and confirra in the Hearts of all his Majesty's New English Subjects those Principles of Loyalty and Attachraent to his Royal Family wMch are already so universally erabraced by thera and by exertmg my self on all occasions for the Honour of Ms Majesty's Arms. It is also peculiarly gratefuU to me to find that his Majesty has been graciously pleasd to express his Royal Approbation of the officers and Soldiers engaged with rae in the Expedi tion against this place ; and I esteera it very happy that such speedy Measures are concertMg for the effectual Support and Encouragement of this Acquisition, as appears by the Troops and Stores ordered here, raentioned in your Graces Letter, and by the other particulars which M' Warren and my self took the Liberty to recommend, bemg under Consideration & OP THE STATE OP MAINE 309 intended to be determin'd upon without Loss of Time and it was with pleasure that I received your Grace's Inforraation that the Governraent of this place is given to a Gentleman so qualified & dispos'd to promote the Welfare and prosperity of it as M' Warren, and that the good Agreeraent which hitherto has and I'ra persuaded always will subsist between us is so acceptable to Ms Majesty and their Excellencies : and as nothmg induced me to engage at first in this Enter prize but the Honour of his Majesty's Arras and the Good of my Country, I deterram'd possitively not to let any punctilio's of Cereraony with the Chief coramanding Sea Officer in Regard of Precedency or Superiority in Coramand prejudice his Majesty's Service, as has been the Case in several Expe ditions ; and I shall with Satisfaction leave this place under his protection as soon as his Commission and the Troops nec essary for the Security of it shall arrive here. Your Grace will be mforrad by Mra of the Capture of a rich South Sea Ship, Two East India Ships, and several other valuable prizes that were taken in sight of the Troops sorae Weeks after we had possession of this Fortress, and which they think it will be a HardsMp for thera not to share in, whilst it will be so great a Reward to the Sea Officers and Saylors. Your Grace's Directions m Respect of the Drafts and Accounts for the Repairs and other necessary Charges here will be carefully regarded, also that, no Opportunity be oraitted of cultivating a good Agreement with the Indians now in the Interest of the French : And I beg leave to assure your Grace that I shaU contmue my best Endeavours whilst there, in Conjunc tion with M' Warren ( and also with Governour Shirley ) to promote the good Settleraent and Security of this Conquest which we have been so happy as to be instruraental in gain ing to his Majesty at tMs critical juncture : and I beg leave to observe to your Grace that it is with the greatest Justice to Governour SMrley that their Excellencies are pleasd to 310 DOCUMENTARY HISTORY express their Assurance of his hearty Concurrence and Assist ance herem : His great Zeal, intire good Conduct, and inex pressible Application in forraing and carrying into Execution the Expedition agamst this place raust be in sorae Measure known to his Majesty, and needs not my mention of it at this Time, which otherwise I could not omit. I had Opportunity immediately to deUver to him here the Packets inclosed for hira in your Grace's to rae; he having been at Louisbourg for sorae tirae past, in order to contribute Ms and the Massa chusetts province's best assistance in regard to the Measures necessary to be taken for the Support of this place ; and as he will by this Opportunity transrait to your Grace a partic ular Account of affairs here, I need not trouble you with a Repetition of thera ; only beg Leave further to observe to your Grace that when Gov' SMrley first proposed it to me to take the Command of the Troops raised for this Expedition I declin'd it upon Account of the Circumstances of my Fam ily and Business which I thought were such as would not admit of ray leaving thera ; and that it was by his Importu nity that I was prevaU'd upon to take the Coraraand of them, he urging as a Reason therefor that the Expedition would not go on without Mraself or I should go at the Head of it, and that if he was to go, ( besides his Doubt whether he could possibly justifie his leaving his Governraent without special Leave from his Majesty ) tMs Expedition might not be prop erly Supported from New England in his absence ; and since the Reduction of this place he has desired me to remain here untill it is effectually secured by his Majesty, but hope I shall have Liberty to visit ray Faraily very soon. I ara with all possible Esteera & Regard May it please your Grace Your Grace's raost obedient and most humble Servant WiUiam Pepperrell Louisbourg Oct' 8" 1745 OP THE STATE OP MAINE 311 Letter Gen* Court to S'' TP" Pepperrell Provmce of the Massachusetts Bay Boston Dec' 24. 1745 Sir As Ms Excellency's wise Choice and Appointraent of you to the Chief Coraraand of the Land Forces, on his first form ing the Design to reduce Cape Breton, gave us great Satis faction and hopes, so your brave and successful Execution of this important Trust, has given us the highest Joy and Pleasure : And we do with the greatest Sincerity Congratu late you on the Approbation and favour your great and good Services met with from Our raost gracious Sovereign, by his creating you a Baronet of Great Britain, an Honour never before conferred on a Native of New England, and we heartily rejoice, that as a farther Assurance of his Majestys Satisfaction in your Conduct, Courage and Fidelity, His Majesty has Appomted you Colonel of a Regiraent designed for the Preservation of the important Acquisition you so bravely obtained: We have no Occasion now to debate, whether it be a greater Glory to procure or preserve a Con quest, you have done both. You first reduced a strong and alraost impregnable Fortress and then chearfuUy subraitted to the Difficulties and Inconveniences of continuing on the Place for the Quiet and Satisfaction of the Officers and Soldiers who you had so happily led on to Victory. And we cannot forbear mentioning what every one pro claims to your Honour, that no mercenary or vam Consider ation induced you to Accept of this difficult and hazardous Service, nothmg but a Zeal for his Majesty's Interest and an ardent Affection to the good of your fellow Subjects, could have carried you from the most affluent Fortune among us, and from the head of his Majesty's Council, the highest Honour your native Country could put upon You. 812 DOCUMENTARY HISTORY We heartily congratulate you that so brave a Coraraander as Adrairal Warren had the Direction of His Majesty's Ships of War, and on your and his mutual, wise and harmonious Conduct in this important Affair which has proved so bene ficial for the producing this great Event. We earnestly pray that the sarae kind Providence which has hitherto reraarkably attended and crowned your faithful ser vices with Success, may still preserve and long continue you in favour of your King and an Honour and Blessing to tMs your Native Country. In the Narae and by Order of the Council Josiah Willard Secretary In the Narae & by Order of the House of Representatives Thoraas CusMng Sp'ker Gov''' Shirley to the Duke of Newcastle. Boston New England B'ebruary 27'" 1746 My Lord Duke, I ara sorry that I ara now to Acquaint your Grace with the Advices I receiv'd last Night by Express from Nova Scotia giving me an Account that the Detachment of Troops under the Coramand of Lieu' Colonel Noble, which I Inform'd your Grace in my last of the 21" instant had taken possession of Minas, and had kept it near two Months, was for want of a proper Security for the Men and InteUigence from the Inhabitants surpriz'd on the 31" of January last at three o'clock in the raorning by between 5 & 600 Canadeans and Indians, in which Lieu' Col* Noble with four officers more and about 80 men were killed, and three officers and about 60 men were wounded and taken prisoners before it was light enough for our people to get together ; they however oblig'd the Enemy, upwards of 20 of whom were killed, and about OP THE STATE OP MAINE 813 15 wounded to allow 'em an honourable Capitulation, a Copy of which I Inclose to your Grace together with the Account given of this Affair by the Officer who was Coraraandant of the Detachment at the time of the Capitulation, & Extracts from Lieu' Governour Mascarene's Letter to rae upon this Subject, from whence I choose your Grace should receive the Acco' in the sarae Ught it has been Convey'd to rae in, and which upon the best Inquiry I can make, seems to be a just one - I also Inclose to your Grace an Extract frora Col° Noble's Letter to rae dated two days before his death, giving me an Account of the Situation of Affairs then at Minas ; from whence your Grace will perceive that even then he was ra Expectation of bemg jom'd by the Rhode Island Forces, & the Corapany from this Province, which had the Misfor tune to be Shipwreck'd, and that, had they arriv'd at Annap oUs, and the New Hampshire Companies had not retum'd home without acting, the Enemy would m all probability ha' been drove out of Nova Scotia, and every good purpose which I had propos'd been answer'd before this tirae as it is, I shall use ray best Endeavours forthwith to fit out a Suffi cient force by Sea to destroy M' Rarasay's Vessells at Schieg- necto, and recover our own by Sprmg, & to send M' Mascarene such a Reinforceraent of Troops as raay still drive the Enemy out of Nova Scotia by the sarae time and prevent any bad Consequences from the late accident there, which seems necessary to be done ( if possible ) and I shall hope to Succeed in, if the neighbourmg Governments of New Eng land will assist in which I shall urge 'em to do. I likewise inclose the Answer of the Inhabitants of Minas to the French Letter which I sometirae ago Inforra'd your Grace I sent M' Mascarene last Fall, and a Paragraph out of one of his Letters to rae upon the same Matter, whereby your Grace wiU perceive that that Letter seems to have had an happy Effect upon the Inhabitants at a raost critical Conjuncture. 314 DOCUMENTARY HISTORY The late Seer esy of the Inhabitants of Minas with regard to the Enemy's motions, and the very certam Intelligence which the Enemy gain'd of the particular Quarters of the EngUsh officers, notwithstandmg their Supplying the Kings Troops with provisions, and the Curtesy of their Behaviour to 'em before this Surprize, and their professions of being sorry for it afterwards, seeras to show the necessity of His Majesty's keeping a strong Blockhouse there with a garrison of 150 Men; And the constant ill behaviour of the Inhabi tants of Sehiegnecto seeras to make another Blockhouse with a like Garrison there equally necessary, as I at first propos'd to your Grace from Louisbourg, and these two with a Fort and Garrison at Chebucto of 300 Men at least, and the con- tmuence of a Garrison of 800 at AnnapoUs Royal as it is at present, with a strong Blockhouse at Canso garrison'd with a 100 Men would through the constant Correspondence that might be kept up between the several Garrisons be an effect ual Security to the Provmce against the Enemy, and oblige the Inhabitants in a little time to Contribute towards the protection & Expence of the Government, and forever frus trate any hope the French could Entertain of making them selves Masters of it, by their constant Endeavours to Seduce the Inhabitants from their Allegiance ; All which would make Nova Scotia really His Majesty's, which it seems scarcely to have been yet: And I would submit it to your Grace's Consideration, whether this raight not be done by Augraenting General PMUips's Regiment to 100 men each Corapany, and posting 'era in Nova Scotia, & detacMng some Companies from Louisbourg to garrison what places may be thought proper in Newfoundland, where four Companies of PMUips's Regiment are now employ'd - And I would further Submit to your Grace's Consideration whether a Corapany of Rangers consisting of 100 Indians, or rather two Corapanies consisting of 50 each, one to be posted at the Blockhouse at OP THE STATE OF MAINE 315 Minas, and the other at Sehiegnecto would not be of the greatest Service, in Scouting thrd every part of the Provmce and in the Woods upon every Emergency (for which the Regular Troops are by no means fit ) and particularly m pre venting the French from Introducing raen frora Canada into the Provmce by the Bay Vert ; I thmk the great Service, which Lieu' Colonel Gorham's Corapany of Rangers has been of to the Garrison at Annapolis Royal, is a deraonstration of the UsefuMess of such a Corps, besides that it raay be a means of bringing Indians out of the French Interest into His Majesty's Service, and go far towards reclaiming 'em in general, especially if ( as I have before propos'd for your Grace's Consideration ) two Trading or Truck houses were to be maintain'd one at Minas, and the other at Chiegnecto, for Supplying the Indians with all necessaries in exchange for furrs, and proper presents were made to 'em m the manner which the French use, to keep 'em m their Interest. And if your Grace would allow rae the Freedora to offer my Sentiments concerning what appears to me to be farther necessary for putting this important Province of Nova Scotia ( I think I may justly call it the most important to the Crown of any upon this Continent ) m Security, I sho'd propose one of His Majesty's Arra'd Sloops ( or Snows ) with a Tender to be constantly employ'd in the Bay of Fundy for visiting all parts of it upon every Occasion, as well as the several Har bours on the Cape Sable Coast ; And one of His Majesty's Frigates to be employ'd for the protection of the Fishery at Canso ( as was always usual m tirae of peace ) which together with a Tender would also be of great Service m duly attend ing the Bay Verte, upon every occasion, and likewise visiting the Coast of Accadie ( or Cape Sables ) besides protecting the Fishery. Since writing the last Paragraph I have heard of some other particular Circumstances, wMch raake it very suspicious 816 DOCUMENTARY HISTORY that several of the Inhabitants at least of Minas knew of the Eneray's Motions, & I find that it is the general opinion of the officers that they did. • I ara with the most dutiful Regard My Lord Duke, Your Grace's raost devoted & raost humble Servant W. Shirley LetUr Josiah Willard Sec''y to Capt W" Burnes ^ Capt. David Cargill Boston, May 2, 1746. Sir, I ara directed by the Govern' to acquaint you that he has had AppUcations made to hira frora the House of Repre sent^*' Importing that tbe Soldiers were uneasy under your Command ; and therefore his Excellency expects that you do Justice to your Soldiers & give them no Ground of Com plaint. His Excellency also orders that you take special Care for the guarding the Inhabitants m bringing their Cord wood to the Water, & in the loading of it aboard the Ves sels, so far as is possible without neglect of the more iraraediate and necessary Defence of the Inhabitants Cpf W" Burnes Capt David Cargill Gov'' Shirley to the Duke of Newcastle. Boston May 10'" 1746 My Lord Duke Since I had the honour of writing to your Grace, I am inform'd by M' Warren that between the last day of Novem ber and the beginnmg of April upwards of 890 men had died OP THB STATE OP MAINE 817 at Louisbourg ; but have the Pleasure to hear now that the Mortality & Sickness are intirely ceas'd in the Garrison, and that the People are in very good health & Spirits, and that there are now remaining there 1700 of the New England Troops, so that those which I left there at ray departure, & those which arriv'd frora New England soon after, made up about 2600 Men, a Number raore than sufficient for their defence m the Winter Season — - This MortaUty, which has destroy'd one third Part of 'em must not be imputed to any unhealthiness of Chraate ; for Louisbourg is agreed by all to have a very healthy one ; and the State of health in the Gar rison at Annapolis Royal iraraediately after the Reduction of that Place was, I am inform'd, worse than that at liouisbourg, tho' there is not a raore healthful Cliraate under the Heavens than Annapolis Royal is : But the irregular Method of the Soldiers living in their Barracks, which with their Change of Diet produc'd a scorbutick habit of Body, as that did a depression of Spirits, their want of sorae Necessaries in tirae, & above all the raixture of the sick & well, the living & dead under the same Roof, with other Irregularities, which increased instead of bemg reformed since my departure frora Louis bourg, and mdeed were almost irapossible to be rectify'd very suddenly in such a Garrison as that was, will sufficiently account for the sweeping Sickness they had among them - I mform'd your Grace in my last that upon hearing of the Arrival of seven of the Transports with part of the Gibraltar Regiraents at Virginia, under Convoy of two of his Majesty's Ships, and their want of Pilots acquamted with the Cape Sable & Cape Breton Coasts, I imraediately sent 'em round seven skilful ones by Sea an Express by land to appoint Lieu* Governour Gooch, & the coraraanding Officers of the Ships and Troops of it, and to hasten their departure for Louisbourg: Since which Capt" Collins (the Coraraodore) has wrote word that the Pilots, which he says were necessary 318 DOCUMENTARY HISTORY , to 'era, were arriv'd safe and that he should sail with his Convoy ( the Soldiers being m good health & Spirits, as M' Gooch also informs me, and that but few have deserted ) by the first Week in April, and I have reason to think that they are by this tirae arriv'd at Louisbourg: And indeed it is remarkably happy that these Troops were blown off to Vir ginia : had they arriv'd at Louisbourg in the last FaU, they would probably have shar'd in the Sickness of the New Eng land Troops ; and a want of sufficient Barracks ( wMch is still too much the Case ) Fuel and other Necessaries during the Winter, of which now they will I trust have good Supplies frora hence, would have greatly distress'd 'em ~ I raay like wise hope that his Majesty's SMp Kingsale will Pay for the four Regiraents and the Ordnance Store SMp, with great Artillery for Louisbourg & S* John's in Newfoimdland, and officers & Matrosses belonging to the Train, aro arriv'd by this tirae at Louisbourg with Adrairal Townsend & Part of his Squadron frora Antegoa, which I hear was blown back thither off the Northern Coast about two raonths ago in his Passage for Louisbourg by a violent Storm of Wmd, which so shatter'd the Admiral's Ship as to raake her unserviceable, and forced the Prmcessa & another ship of his Squadron from him, wMch we have not yet heard of, nor of the Vessel a Snow which had the small arms for the two American Regi ments and the Powder for the Garrison. The late ravaging Sickness araong the New England Troops at Louisbourg, the Uncertamty of what was becorae of the Troops sail'd from Gibraltar for the Garrison there, the abso lute Proraise I was oblig'd to lay ray self under to the New England Soldiers, that upon their desire they should be dis charged by the End of May, and the settled opmion of every Person in these Parts, especially the General Assembly's, M' Warren's & Sir William Pepperrell's as well as ray own, that the raising of raine and Sir William's Regiraents here m any OP THE STATE OP MAINE 319 time for his Majesty's Service was impracticable, and the declining of the other Governments round about us to raise Men to relieve the New England Troops at Louisbourg, 'till a sufficient Garrison could be otherwise provided, gave rae no small Uneasiness about the fate of his Majestys new Acquisi tion for some time : I had indeed prevaU'd on the Assembly of tMs Province to pass a Vote for the Encouragem' of eight hundred Men to be continu'd after the latter End of May in the Garrison, 'till the first day of October next ; But as I dislik'd many Circumstances in their Scherae, & particularly that ray Acceptance of the Vote would have been attended with an extraordinary Expence to the Crown ( as they sup pos'd ) of £17000 SterUng, and that it would take away all Possibility of either Sir WilUara Pepperrell's or my self's raising a Man for Ms Majesty's two Regiments under our respective Coraraands for sorae Months at least ; and I thought I discover'd a better Disposition araong the People to enlist into 'em than was at first generaUy imagin'd, I rejected this Vote, and trusted intirely to the Success of enlisting Men into the two Regiraents ; in which I have the Pleasure to acquaint your Grace I have prosper'd so far beyond ray Expectation that I have rais'd for my own Regi ment about 400 in this Provmce, 150 more m Pensilvania, & 70 in New York and the Jerseys, & 150 more at Louisbourg And Sir WUiam Pepperrell ( who is at Louisbourg ) had rais'd for his Regiraent about 150 Voluntiers there, before ray Officers could begin to mUst, & 150 more there since ; and one of Ms Captains a Native of Connecticut about 50 more in that Colony, and another Captain in Ms Regiraent a Native of New Hampshire about 50 more in that Provmce, and two of his Officers in New York & the Jerseys about 20 more there ; and I have reason to depend upon all or much the greatest Part of 'era being upon Duty at Louisbourg by the End of this Month, allowance being raade for unfit Men, 820 DOCUMENTARY HISTORY Deaths & Desertions which usually attend the Service in like Cases : And I am m hopes Sir William & I may compleat our Regiments in good time for his Majesty's Service at Lou isbourg; which with the Arrival of the Gibraltar Troops, and Protection of Adrairal Townsend's Ships & the others which I hear are destin'd for the sarae service, will I dare say, sufficiently secure Louisbourg against any Irabarcations which may reasonably be expected from France, unassisted by the Inhabitants of Nova Scotia, the Indians in these Parts, & the People of Canada, wMch might be transported to Louisbourg by the Way of Bay of Vert, all which must depend upon the Enemy's Reduction of Nova Scotia ; For so large an Imbar- cation of Land Forces from France directly to Louisbourg, as would yield a sufficient Nuraber of serviceable Men upon their Arrival there to raake themselves Masters of the Garri son, seeras to be very difficult for 'era to succeed in ; and as to the Sea Side we raay defy the Power of France to possess theraselves of the Harbour, if properly defended by the Land Batteries, and the Ships design'd at present for the Protection of it Havmg before express'd to your Grace my Apprehensions of the danger there may be to Louisbourg, and indeed to New England & the British Colonies in general, 'till the Fidelity of the Inhabitants of Accadie ( Nova Scotia ) shall be better secur'd to his Majesty's Governm' than it now is, and the proper Method for doing that, I will not trouble your Grace with a Repetition of it - The more I consider this raatter the greater Iraportance it seems to rae to be of to his Majesty's Service ; and from the Informations I have receiv'd, I am persuaded nothing has hinder'd the Accadians frora taking up Arras against his Majesty's Garrison at Annapolis, but the Terror which the frequent Visits of the arra'd Vessel & Suc cours sent frora this Place two Years ago, and the Reduction of Louisbourg the last Year struck 'era with ; But the Court OP THE STATE OP MAINE 321 of Versailles can't possibly sleep long upon it, since the late Intendant & other principal Inhabitants of Louisbourg are transported to France, & wiU doubtless apprize the Ministry there of the invaluable Advantages that would accrue to the Crown of France frora the french King's Recovery of Nova Scotia, which I have a few days since found so strongly rep resented by Mons' de Frontenac an Intendant of Canada in a Letter frora hira to Monsieur de Pontchartram then Minister of France, and published in an History of seeming Authority at Paris in 1744, that I could not forbear transcribing a Par agraph out of it & inclosing it for your Grace's Perusal, as it falls in with what has long been my own setled Opinion in the Matter ; And I think it my indispensable Duty to suggest again to your Grace ray Fears that the Enemy will soon fmd an Opportunity of snatchmg Accadie by some sudden Stroke from his Majesty's Governraent unless the danger is reraov'd out of the Heart of it there by a Removal of the most dan gerous of the french Inhabitants from thence, & transplanting English Farailies there m their room, which I think very practicable frora hence, having lately found raeans of trans- plantmg upwards, I believe, of an hundred Families from this Province to Louisbourg towards the Settlement of it, which yet I don't esteera of such Iraportance to be iraraediately done as the Settleraent of Nova Scotia with faithful Subjects. In the mean wMle 'till this can be happily effected, & the Indians m those parts secur'd to the English Interest, I have propos'd to M' Warren that a Detachment of 100 Men should be sent frora Louisbourg to reinforce the Garrison at Annap olis Royal, since the late Miscarriage of 182 out of 302 of the Recruits design'd for Annapolis in their Passage frora Eng land to the Garrison there - Ninety six of the Reraainder of 'em, which came in here, I with difficulty have got recovered in his Majesty's Castle WiUiara & at the Hospital at Boston, & sent a month ago to Annapolis, where I hear they are 21 322 DOCUMENTARY HISTORY safely arriv'd, and twenty more who are in a fair way of being serviceable, I shall send from the Hospital withm three days ; but the Garrison will still be weak, as M' Mascarene has dis raiss'd most of the New England Auxiliaries, and they have not, I ara inforra'd, 220 effective private Men left besides their Artificers & Workraen : I have also recommended to M' Warren the frequent sendmg of a Ship of War in order to prevent a Surprize ; & by Ms Opmion in Concurrence with Sir W™ Pepperrell's, M' Mascarene's & my own a Sloop has been hir'd & employ'd for about these last four Months to attend upon that Garrison, & carry Intelligence between Annapolis Royal, Louisbourg & Boston concernmg the State of it & the Eneray's Motions, which we conceiv'd necessary to be done for it's Security, & hope your Grace will not disapprove of. What M' Frontegnac observ'd some Years ago to M' Pont- chartrain concernmg the french King's recovering of Accadie, & makmg Mmself absolute Master of the great Bank (of Newfoundland) as in the inclos'd Extract of his Letter, seeras so seasonable to be consider'd at this time, that I would beg leave to observe to your Grace upon it, that Ms Maj'^ holding the possession of Annapolis Royal & Newfoundland (already conceded to his Crown by the Treaty of Utrecht) with his late Acquisition of Cape Breton, will put the whole Cod Fishery more in his Power than M' Frontegnac's Scheme could have put it into the French Kings ; & that besides what M' Frontegnac caUs a Commerce more advantageous than the conquest of the Indies, & coraputes the Returns of at twenty Millions ( I suppose french Livres ) g annura it would furnish Ms Majesty with as good a Nursery of Searaen for the Royal Navy as the Colliery in England does, not to mention the great Consumption of British Manufactures which must be occasioned in carrying the Fishery on ; that the holding of Annapolis Royal m particular will be establisMng to his OP THE STATE OF MAINE 828 Majesty the Mastery of the Northern part of the Continent against the French, secure to hira inexhaustible Nurseries of Masts, Yards, Bowsprits & other Stores for his Na vy, & Tun- ber for SMp-building witMn Ms Northern Colonies indepen dent of any foreign State, to be purchased with British Manufactures & transported in British Vessels - that the Inhabitants of the Northern Colonies would in tirae make such an addition of Subjects to the Crown of Great Britain as would make their Nuraber superior to that of any Prince's upon the Continent of Europe ; and m the mean while the Vent of Woolen & other British Manufactures, & all kinds of European Commodities iraported into the Colonies frora Great Britain, raust increase m Proportion to the Increase of their Inhabitants : by all wMch means the main Sources of Wealth, & a larger Extent of Power by Sea & Land than any State in Christendom at present enjoys, seem capable of bemg secur'd to his Maj'y Dominions ; But which will in the End otherwise be in all human Probability the Lot of the french Dominions ; And I would in particular observe to your Grace the raost practicable Step the Enemy can atterapt making towards their obtaining that seems clearly to be their rendring themselves Masters of Nova Scotia, the consequences of which would give 'em so strong an hold upon this Continent as would make it difficult to dislodge 'em, & put it very much in their Power to harrass & annoy his Maj'y'' Colonies both by Land & Sea, in such manner as to weaken 'em extremely, if not by degrees finally subdue 'era. I ara with the most dutiful Regards Your Grace's most devoted and obedient Servant W. SMrley. 324 DOCUMENTARY HISTORY William Pepperrell to Duke of Newcastle My Lord Duke The Last I did myself the Honour of writing your Grace was in conjunction with Gov' Warren of the 18'" of January Last to apprise your Grace of the weak condition of this Gar rison owing to a fever that was then very rife among the Troops w*" proved fatall to about 1200 and addmg thereto the Great scarcity of fuel and the want of raany other Neces sarys Your Grace will Easily Judge of the Difficultys, those that reraain'd to corapose the Garrison had to Encounter throughout a tedious winter. I have y* pleasure to inforra your Grace that (through God's goodness ) the Spring has opened a raore agreeable Scene to us, and that the Troops that have Survived the Late fatall sickness. Enjoy now a good State of health and likewise that on the 21" Ultirao the Garrison was reinforced hy the Safe Arrival frora Virginia of all the Troops sent frora Gib raltar Except one Transport which got into new York, and raoreover that on y° 8'" Inst, arrived here Admiral Townsend with Two more of His Majestys Ships and in company with thera the Kinsale & two SMps Loaded with warlike Stores for this Garrison that came from England under her convoy By the Kmsale I had the Honour of a Letter from your Grace of y* 11'" of Sept. Last mforming rae His Majestys Royal goodness to rae in appointing rae a Colonel of one of the Regiments to be raised in His Araerican Colonys for the defence of this Acquisition of His Majestys pleasure relating to the other officers of that Regiraent. I ara extrearaly sorry that it has not been in ray power to proraote raore of those that Served under rae in the Expedi tion, and behaved bravely therein not only on their Accounts who are unprovided but as it has rendered it more difficult to Govern' Shirley and ray Self to fill up our Regiraents, there are however inlisted here ; 150 for his Regiraent, and 304 for OP THB STATE OP MAINE 325 mine and : 200 : are already arrived frora the Colonys, and T beg Leave to assure your Grace that nothing shall be wanting in ray power to make up the Deficiency Your Graces Letters relating to our Regiment arrived first with Gov' Shirley, who Enlisted for 3 : 5 : & 7 years, I hope my following the Example, w*" m many instances was unavoidable, will not be disapproved If it be consistent with His Majestys pleasure, it would be Singular Sattisfaction to rae, that I raight have y" Appoint ment of a Chaplin for ray Regiraent and great would be my Obligations to your Grace for your favour herein, as M' Warrens Coraraission for this Governraent is Arrived & a great accession of Strength to the Garrison, by the Gibral- ter Forces we have Concluded to discharge such of the New England Troops as have not Enlisted with M' Shirley & my Self as soon as Vesels can be had to Transport them to the Respective Colonys they belong to, and I propose then ( dependmg upon my Royal Masters indulgence to me ) to return to New England to Visit my Family in hopes of recovermg ray health, w*" is greatly irapaired by my fategues in y* Carap & the Sickness that has prevaild m the Garrison, and this I ara the raore desirous of, as ray being present in New England will I flatter ray Self not a Little facilitate the duty of my recruiting officers and promote their Success And now will your Grace perrait me to add that I shall ever retain amost gratefuU Sence of His Majestys, and your Graces favours to me, and assuring your Grace that I ara most firmly Attach" to the Intrest of ray King & Country, I beg Leave w'" the Most DutifuU regard to Subscribe &c &c &c Louisbourg: 21" raay 1746 My Lord Duke the above & foregoing is a copy of ray Last to your Grace from Louisbourg, I am now to inform your Grace that I saild from thence, the 6'" Inst, and Arrived here this day 826 DOCUMENTARY HISTORY that the Garrison was healthy when I left it, and the Trans port from New York with the Troops, was safe Arrived there. I have the Honour now to reply to your Graces Letters of the 14'" of March & 9'" of April, and beg Leave to Assure your Grace that His Majestys commands Signifyed to me by your Grace, both as to the filling up of ray Regiraent, to the highest Establishraent and for contributing what lyes in my power to Encourage and proraote the intended Expedition against Canada, will have all possible regard paid to them. I need not acquant your Grace that while I ara using my Utraost influence to Levy Troops for the Latter, that it must necessarily impede in some measure the Service in the former, but nothing for those great Ends that I can possible Effect, shall be wanting It is with the greatest gratitude I observe His Majestys Gracious intentions of approving my Reccommendations, as any Vacancys raay happen m my Regiraent and I can most Sincerely assure your Grace that his and Every privUedge my Royal Master may be pleased to grant me. Shall be iraproved in the best raanner for his Service, could it be thought Expedient that two hundred of the Rebell Prisoners, who may have been unwarily seduced, should be sent over for M' Shirleys and my Regiraent, it might be a raeans of making good Subjects of them, w*" 1 mention to your Grace with all Submission. I hope shortly to transmit to your Grace an agreeable Account of my Success in Executing His Majestys afore mentioned Commands and assuring your Grace that I shall herein, and on Every occasion Endeavour to demonstrate the utmost Zeal, for His Service, I ara with all possible defer ence My Lord Duke Your Graces Most obedient and Most Hurable Serv' William PepperreU Boston: 24 June 1746 OP THB STATE OP MAINE 327 Gov'' Shirley to the Duke of Newcastle. Boston May 31" 1746 My Lord Duke A Fortnight ago I had the honour of your Grace's Letter dated Septeraber 11'" ; and on monday Evening last by his Majesty's Sloop Hinchingbrook I receiv'd that of the 9'" of April containing the general Plan for the Reduction of Can ada, & his Majesty's Coraraands to rae thereupon, w*" together with your Grace's Letters to the other Governours of his . Majesty's Colonies, as far southward as Virginia, upon the same Subject ( as signifyed by your Grace ) were deliver'd to me by the commander of the Hinchingbrook, all w*" last men tioned Packets I directly forwarded by Land Expresses to those several Governours Your Grace's Letter of the 14'" of March to inforra me that Major General Frarapton's Regi ment was imbark'd for Louisbourg is not yet come to hand. I beg your Grace now will be pleas'd to give his Majesty the strongest assurances that in Obedience to his Commands I shaU exert ray utmost Endeavours to raise as large a Body of men within this Government for the present important Service, as the shortness of the time will perrait, & to make the necessary Dispositions for carrying his Royal Pleasure into Execution, as far as it depends upon rae, in the raost successfuU manner ; for doing wMch I shall immediately fur nish myself with the best IntelUgence & Information to be had in New-England from persons most knowmg of the dif ferent Passages into Canada by Land, the Situation of the Enemy's Country & of the Forts & settlements within it, as also of the Navigation up the River S' Lawrence as high as Montreal with the Settlements & fortifications upon it, & especiaUy of the most advantageous manner of entring the Country, & carrying on the War on the Land side, as far as Montreal ; with the proper numbers for that part of the Ser vice ; and shall frora tirae to tirae Comraunicate my Senti- 328 DOCUMENTARY HISTORY ments to Lieutenant General S' Clair & Rear Admiral War ren in all material points necessary to be consider'd of by 'em, before my Arrival at Louisbourg ; where I shall go pursuant to his Majesty's orders with the Troops w*" I shall be able to raise here as soon as possible ( I hope by some time in July ) & concert with them the raost practicable & adviseable raeas- ures for executing his Majesty's Coraraands ; in doing w*" I shall hope for the sarae success w*" attended the Counsels forra'd here m the late Expedition against Cape Breton, & notMng on my part shall be wanting to procure it. In the raean tirae I have recommended every thing to the Assembly & Council of this Province, w*" I ara commanded to do in your Grace's Letter; and in consequence thereof they have passed a Vote to enable me to raise 3000 men in his Majesty's Service for the present Expedition, by offering each man thirty pounds in biUs of Credit of the old Tenour ( equal to about four Pounds SterUng ) with a Blanket & Bed, to encourage 'em to Inlist, a Nuraber I shall set about raising forthwith, if it is possible to do it, after the province's being much exhausted of men by the late raortality at Louis bourg, & Nurabers of their fighting men still there, & their other Losses of men by Sea & Land in the late Expedition, & the number still retain' d on board his Majesty's SMps ~ And I hope this Vote will be a good example to & influence the other Colonies upon the present great Occasion, & y' the four Governments of New-England may produce his Majesty about 5000 raen m time for his present Service ; And I should thmk the other southward Colonies concern'd in the Expedi tion against Canada ought in proportion to furnish about seven thousand raen, especially as none of 'era have contrib uted one raan either by Land or Sea towards that against Cape Breton ; And I hope that a Nuraber ( tho' it may be uncertain what ) will be rais'd there for his Majesty, espec ially at New York, where in answer to one of my Letters to OP THE STATE OF MAINE 829 Governour Clinton about three months ago, w*" he layd before the Assembly pressing thera to Contribute their Assistance for the Defence of Louisbourg, & preservation of Nova Scotia against any early Attempts in the Spring, they say in answer to it, y' the Situation & Circumstances of their Colony will not perrait 'em to do that. But if his Majesty shou'd be pleas'd to set on foot an Expedition for the Reduction of Canada, they will most readily contribute their proportion ; w*" I have taken the Liberty to reraind 'em of. The Assistance of the five Nations of the Iroquois, w°" your Grace takes notice of as depended upon in tMs Expedi tion, will be of the utmost Consequence to the Success of it, by greatly terrifying the Indians in alUance with the French, & discouraging the French themselves, & ought to be secur'd to Ms Majesty by aU possible means ; w*" I shall endeavour to do in Conjunction with Governour Clinton, & for w*" pur pose I have already sent 'era a Letter to be transraitted to 'em thr6 his hands & w*" I have reason to hope frora their former Declarations & Messages to rae raay have sorae weight with 'era. I mention'd in a Letter to your Grace about a Year ago, y' these five Nations had been then lately upon the Point of going over to the French Interest upon sorae Jealousies w*" have been mstiU'd mto 'em of the People of Albany's having a design to destroy 'em ; But tMs was prevented by Gov ernour CUnton's having an Interview with 'era in company with the Comraissioners for the Massachusetts Bay, & other neighbouring Governraents ; and the Indians were brought to proraise to take up the Hatchet ( an expression used by them for raaking Warr ) agamst the French Indians whenever Governour Clmton should order 'em to do it. It happened that during this Treaty with 'era news carae to the Massachusetts Commissioners that the Eneray Indians had attack'd sorae of the expos'd Settleraents on the Frontiers 330 DOCUMENTARY HISTORY of this Province, & kill'd sorae people there, whereupon they propos'd this as a good Opportunity for iraraediately engagmg the five Nations generally in the Warr against the French ; and even desir'd Liberty, if that was not thought proper, to engage a number of 'era in the Pay of tMs Governraent ag' the Enemy Indians on the Frontiers of tMs Provmce ; But both proposals were over rul'd by the Council of the Govern raent of New York w*" attended Govemour Clinton upon this Occasion, & pursuant to their advice were deny'd by hira Soon after M' Clmton discover'd the strong Biass w*" prevaU'd in his Government, & particularly among the Com raissioners for Indian Affairs at Albany, who are all of 'em Dutch, towards preserving a NeutraUty with the French Indians for the sake of carrymg on the same Trade with 'em, w*" they did durmg the last french Warr to the great preju dice of his Majesty's other Colonies, & upon ray return from Louisbourg I found a Letter from him signifymg tMs to me, & proposing y* we should concert measures between ourselves for engaging the five Nations m the Warr, & defeatmg the Dutch Scheme for a NeutraUty ; I readily jom'd with him in it, & propos'd that for securing the five Nations agamst the Artifices of the French to draw 'em over to their Interest & breaking thr6 the Neutrality projected m his Government we should forthwith employ proper persons of Influence among the Indians to draw 'era into an iramediate Rupture with the Eneray by makmg 'em parties in sorae Skirmish or Attack upon the Enemy's Settlements, wherein blood might be drawn on one side or the other, a sure way found by experience of the Temper of the Indians to engage 'em for the whole Warr ; M' Clinton agreed with me m Opinion, w*" he assur'd me was determin'd by himself in the sarae way before, & Eraploy'd a Person on his part to carry the Scherae into Execution ; And I eraploy'd one M' Lydius a Person of gen eral acquaintance & good repute among the Indians to engage OF THE STATE OP MAINE 331 'era in a Quarrell with the Eneray, & prevaU'd upon the Asserably of this Province to advance 500'" new Tenour to hira (of the value of about 850'" Sterling) towards giving 'era Bounty money for the Enemy's Scalps, & Defraying the charges of their outsett with a promise of whatever Sums should be necessary for their & his own support in the Warr ; M' Lydius accordingly engag'd in this undertaking 'till the Commissioners for Indian Affairs at Albany discover'd his proceedings, and upon the Alarm (as I am inform'd by M' Clinton ) raade grievous complaints ag* him ; and the Council have prevaU'd so far as to obtain a proMbition to Lydius not to act farther in this matter, & I believe to cite him to answer for his past acting before their Board ; However he has proceeded so far as to engage several of the Iroquois to go out on scalping ( the term for destroymg 'em & cutting off their Scalps ) ag' the French Indians ( in w*" I hope he wUl succeed) upon the Bounty & support promis'd by rae, w*" is the main Dependance we have at present, for engaging 'em in the Warr ~ This strong Desire of the Dutch witMn the Government of New York still to keep up a Neutrality with the French Indians & prevent the five Nations frora entring into the Warr is the raore surprizing, as they have not only had the whole VUlage of Sarahtoga cutt off by the French Indians in the most cruel raanner, but their whole frontier of Albany ever since harrass'd with Depredations and Murthers witMn half a raile of the City of Albany itself, from whence I ara told the Inhabitants dare not stirr out, but suffer the Eneray's Insults within sight of their Walls, in so much that great Part of the Country is broke up ; And indeed they have been so much distress'd for some tirae, y' I receiv'd a Petition near three raonths ago frora Nurabers of 'em Imploring the protection of the Massachusetts Govern raent ag' the French Indians ; But did not thrak proper to take notice of so irregular a thing, hopmg there would be no 332 DOCUMENTARY HISTORY occasion for it. And knowing Governour Clinton would do every tMng possible to be done with his Assembly for their safety However I hope upon this occasion as M' Clmton has ever been spirited to the utmost for engagmg the five Nations in the Warr & the Assembly of New York have pub lickly declar'd their readiness to enter into an Expedition for the Reduction of Canada, & I have let 'era know y' his Maj esty Depends on the Assistance of those Indians in the pres ent intended one, y' they will heartily join with this & the other Neighbouring Governraents in proper raeasure for securing this Pomt, w*" I shall use my utmost Endeavours to unite his Majesty's Colonies in effecting As I likewise shall the several Governours m publishing a Declaration to all the Indians in general promismg 'em his Majesty's pro tection & favour, in case they shall observe a Neutrality m the present Expedition, w*" I ara not without hopes would have a proper Effect upon 'era in the Alarra & Consternation, w*" the appearance of his Majesty's Armaments- by Land & Sea & the fear of our Resentment m case o^ success may probably produce in 'em ; & tMs falling oft frora the French would very ranch dishearten them too. It is a great satisfaction to rae upon tMs occasion that I find the Levies for my Regiment answer the prospect, I had when I last wrote to your Grace ; there being now, I believe, six hundred of 'em at Louisbourg, & 100 more ready to imbark ; And I shall use ray utmost diligence to compleat it to the Mghest Establishraent as I doubt not Sir WUliam Pepperrell will do the sarae for Ms, towards w*" nothing can possibly contribute raore than his Majesty's perraitting us to recommend to the Vacancies in our respective Regiments: But the sudden raising of so large a body of men m all the Governments for his Majesty's Service in the present Expe dition & the Encouragement for Enlisting mto it, with the short time of the Service will unavoidably obstruct us ( in OP THE STATE OP MAINE 333 some Degree ) in compleating our Regiments at present ; when they are both compleated I hope they may, tho' new rais'd, be equal to the Duty expected frora 'era this Summer, whilst so considerable a naval force as is intended, is kept in these Seas, and w*" may be, as your Grace is pleas'd to observe a considerable protection, to Nova Scotia too ; it not being probable that the French will then venture up with their Ships into Annapolis Bason ; But I would beg Leave to observe to your Grace, y' the Danger to his Majesty's Garri son arises cheifly from within the heart of the Government itself, the Inhabitants & neighbourmg Indians whose Num bers are sufficient of themselves with a sraall Assistance frora Canada, & the help of a proper Train of ArtiUery, slipt up the Bay in smaU Vessells ( w*" would give 'era great Encour- ageraent to take up arras ag' the Garrison ) to reduce it. How ever whUst the atterapt ag' Canada is depending, that will certainly go far towards holdmg the Inhabitants of Nova Scotia in suspence till the success of it is known ; & I hope by next Spring they raay either be put upon a better foot of Subjection, or the raost dangerous araong 'era remov'd. I will use my utmost Diligence to procure all the good Pilots, w*" are to be had m tMs Province for his Majesty's service in the present Expedition : and give M' Hutchenson all the Assistance I can, in contracting for any Quantity of Provisions he may thmk necessary to lay in for the use of his Majesty's Troops upon their Arrival in North America. I congratulate your Grace upon the favourable turn w*" the RebelUon in Great Britam has taken, and the Prospect there is that the disturbances lately occasion'd by that of the threaten'd Invasion from France to his Majesty's Governraent at home are near an End — And tho' I should have been glad y' the Colonies could have had longer Notice given 'em to make the necessary Preparations for this Expedition yet as I am mform'd y' the Proclamation issu'd here upon the 884 DOCUMENTARY HISTORY present occasion will be earlier by ten days than that issu'd on the like in 1711, and that the Fleet then rendezvous'd in this Harbour did not sail from hence in that year for the River of St. Lawrence till the month of September, whereas I expect that the Fleet may sail from Louisbourg this year by August, I hope we shall not be too late in the Season. No Diligence shall be wanting on my Part to forward this Enterprize, nor Endeavours to keep up a proper harmony and Spirit araong the several Governments here for promoting it, and an Union of Counsels & agreement between General S' Clair, Adrairal Warren & rayself, w*" I hope will afterwards subsist between those two Gentleraen in carrying the Scheme w*" shall be finally settled, into Execution; and that Ms Majesty's Arras in tMs Expedition will be crown'd with success. I am with the raost DutifuU Regard, My Lord Duke, Your Grace's raost Oblig'd and raost Devoted Hurable Servant W. Shiriey. P. S. Since finishing this I have receiv'd a Letter from Governour Clinton ; wherein he says " Since the Noise about " Lydius the Coramissioners ( at Albany ) have fall'n into the " same method, that I was pursuing, w*" is offering a sum of " money in Dollars to any person, that will go & get a Scalp " of a French Indian so y' they find theraselves oblig'd to Lay aside their Scherae for a Neutrality. The inclos'd Extract is from the Secretary of the Province of Nova Scotia. Extract of a Letter from Secretary Shirreff to M' Kmg Gould Agent for General Phillipss Regiraent dated in March 1745 sent open to Governour Shirley for his perusal. Besides in the Circumstances we are m if the Bay Vert & Chicknecto be not well attended & secur'd by .proper Cruizers, OP THE STATE OP MAINE 835 the Canadians may even send Parties with Cannon shells & other warlike Stores to Chicknecto, as they did the Indians presents last FaU, from whence, as our Inhabitants have Sloops & Shallops, they can bring them from thence, & Land them here in the River within sight of the Garrison without being hurt, so that without Shipping to defend our entry, ( where we have had hints the Enemy intend if they return to build a Battery) we are in Danger not only from Old France, but even from that our Neighbouring Province ; if our Inhabitants are not reraov'd, w°" I humbly submit to Gen : Phillips's, to whora ray raost DutifuU Respects, & to your Consideration Exarain'd W. Shirley Gov'' Shirley to the Duke of Newcastle. Boston June 18'" 1746 My Lord Duke, ( Copy ) Since I receiv'd your Grace's Letter dated the 9'" of Aprill, I have the honour to receive that of the 14'" of March inforramg me of the Irabarkation of Major General Frarapton's Regiment for Louisbourg the appointment of Mr. Knowles to succeed Admiral Warren in the Government of Cape Breton, & of Ms Majesty's Commands to the Admiral & rayself for concerting raeasures for his Service at Boston & transnutting our Opinion toucMng the Number of Forces necessary to be rais'd in North America for the reduction of Canada : And I am particularly oblig'd to your Grace for the Assurance, that you are therem pleas'd to give me y* you wUl recommend me to Ms Majesty for the Command of Lieutenant General PMUips Regiraent, when it shall become vacant, w*" addi tional Instance of your Grace's Goodness to the favours con- fer'd upon rae I shaU ever retain a most gratefuU Sense of : 386 DOCUMENTARY HISTORY And I may assure your Grace y* one of the principal motives, I had to desire I raight succeed General Phillips in his Com raand, was the hopes I have of it's putting it in my power to promote his Majesty's Service m his Province of Acadie, or Nova Scotia by securing the fidelity & allegiance of the Inhabitants there to His Majesty's Government in the best raanner, and thereby preventmg the French frora making theraselves masters of it the acquisition of w*" to thera with the help of the Indians would likewise endanger the Loss of the Province of New Hampshire & the Mast Country to his Majesty with the Fishery of the Acadie or Cape Sable's Shoar, including that of Canso, to his Subjects here in pres ent; &, should not Canada be redue'd would enable the Enemy to harrass & Dirainish all his Majesty's Colonies on the Contment, & have an mevitable Tendency to make them selves masters of the whole of it in time ; not to mention the continual Danger, w*" their possession of Nova Scotia would at the same time expose Cape Breton & even Newfoundland to. These Considerations have induc'd me to take the Liberty of submitting it to your Grace, whether it might not be for . his Majesty's Service, that before the six Regiments to be employ'd ag* Canada return to England, orders may be given that such part of them, as shall be thought necessary to assist in removing the raost obnoxious of the French Inhabitants of Nova Scotia frora thence, should be employ'd in that Service, w*" would not take up much tirae ; I am not certain whether a sufficient Strength might not be spar'd frora the Garrison at Louisbourg a short tirae for this purpose, w*" if it could, would raake the Assistance of any other Troops needless. And I would particularly submit it to your Grace's Con sideration, whether in case of any Disappointraent m the present attempts for the reduction of Canada, the immediate removal of some at least of the French Inhabitants of Nova OP THE STATE OP MAINE 837 Scotia, & securing the province in the best raanner would not be adviseable and even necessary. If your Grace should think this deserves so much of your Attention there will be time enough for transraitting his Majesty's Commands to rae upon it before the present Expe dition is over I ara with the raost Dutiful! Regard My Lord Duke Your Grace's raost Devoted & most Obedient Servant W. ShMey Gov'' Shirley to the Duke of Newcastle. Boston August 15*" 1746 My Lord Duke ( Duplicate ) I have endeavoured to represent to your Grace so fully in former Letters the great Iraportance of Ms Majestys holdmg the possession of Nova Scotia, and the Danger his Garrison there at Annapolis is in from the General Attachment of the Inhabitants of that province, and of the Indians under tbeir Influence, to the Interest of the French, that I shall not trouble you with repeating it : But beg leave to lay before your Grace the Copy of ray last Letter to Adrairal Townsend, which will discover to your Grace that my Apprehensions concerning Annapolis Royal are not groundless; that the Spirit of the French Inhabitants stiU continues thO same, as before the taking of Cape Breton : and that notwithstanding that Acquisition Nova Scotia will be in danger of being lost by some sudden stroke from Canada m Conjunction with the Nova-Scotians unless a method is Spedily taken for better Securing their Subjection and Fidelity to the Crown of Great Britain. I must acknowledge ray fears of such an Event increase, as the more I consider what is the most practicable method for the French to Attempt the Recovery of Louis bourg, either by force of Arms or gaining from his Majesty 22 388 DOCUMENTARY HISTORY what raay raost probably be deeraed an Equivalent m exchange for it, the more clearly it appears to me that making them selves masters of Nova Scotia ( wMch seeras at present to be the easiest Acquisition they can make ) must be their Scheme : nay it may adrait of sorae doubt whether they would be fond of Exchanging Nova Scotia for Cape Breton, as the former has between 5 & 6000 fighting raen in it, besides a consider able nuraber of Indians Dependent upon it, abounds with provisions, has a great nuraber of raost Coraraodions Har bours for large Ships, and exceeding plenty of the best of Fish along the Cape Sable Coast, and at Canso, & ( which seems to be a principal Consideration and to be guarded against as a matter of the most dangerous Consequence) would greatly strengthen 'em upon this Continent & probably put it immediately into their power at least to ruin his Maj estys Woods in this and the provmce of new Hampshire, from wMch two nurseries his Royal navy is at present wholly Sup pUed with masts, yards &c* besides all wMch it would so much faciUtate their Recovery of Cape Breton as perhaps to make 'era not so soUicitous about having it given up to 'em as otherwise they would be, since their being masters of Nova Scotia might raise their hopes of regaining Louisbourg by Force, or Surprize, if the war should continue any time, which without their gaining of nova Scotia they could not reasonably entertain and by this means the loss of that prov ince raight be attended with more Difficulty & perplexities, than may be at first sight perceived. I am sorry to hear from the Garrison at Annapolis Royal that there is a great Spirit of Desertion araong their last Recruits, sorae of whora have actually deserted, and gone over to the French, by which raeans the Enemy will have intelligence of the State of the Garrison : This happens from the Recruits being taken (as I ara mforraed) out of the Refuse & Drags of the Jayls in England, and some of 'em OF THE STATE OP MAINE 889 being Irish Papists: and the Evil (which may be of bad Consequence ) seeras easy to be Reraedy'd if those Companies of PMlUps's Regiment, wMch are posted at Annapolis Royall were permitted to Recruit with new England men, who are Stanch in their Fidelity to his majesty's Service, and have a great aversion to the French. I shall fiLnish my troubling your Grace upon the affairs of Nova Scotia with this Letter after having once raore Sub mitted it to your Grace's Consideration as a proper Scheme for better Securing the Subjection of the French Inhabitants and Indians there ; that the Governour & Councill or such other person or persons as his majesty shall think fitt to join with 'em, should have a special Authority and directions frora his majesty forthwith to Apprehend & Examine a convenient number of such of the French Inhabitants, as shall be by thera Judg'd to be raost obnoxious & Dangerous to his raajestys Government, and upon finding 'era guUty of holding any treasonable Correspondence with the Enemy &c* to dispose of them & their Estates in such manner, as his majesty shall order by Ms Commission and to proraise his Majestys Gra cious Pardon & a General Inderanity to the Rest for what is past upon their taking the Oaths of Allegiance to his Maj esty : And to Cause either two strong Blockhouses ( or sraall Forts ) capable of holding 100 raen each to be Built, one in Menis & the other in Schignecto wMch raay be Garrison'd out of PMUips's Regiraent when Corapleated ; or else that at least one Blockhouse (or small Fort) should be Built at Menis capable of holdmg 150 raen, and a trading house be kept at the Fort at Menis or some other part of the Provmce well Stock'd with all proper Supplies for the Indians to be sold or barter'd to 'em for Furrs &c* at the most reasonable Rates, and sorae presents annually distributed to 'era : by which means and reraoving the Romish Priests out of the province, & mtroducing protestant English Schools, and 340 DOCUMENTARY HISTORY French Protestant Ministers, and due encouragement given to such of the Inhabitants, as shall Conform to the Protestant Religion, and send their Children to the English Schools, the present Inhabitants might probably at least be kept m Sub jection to his Majestys Government, and from treasonable Correspondencies with the Canadians ; and the next Genera tion in a great raeasure become true Protestant Subjects ; and the Indians there soon Reclaira'd to an intire dependance upon & Subjection to his Majesty ; which raight also have an happy Influence upon sorae of the Tribes now in the French Interest. Your Grace will be pleas'd to excuse all Incorrectness in this rough Sketch. I am with the raost DutifuU Regard, My Lord Duke, Your Grace's most Devoted & most Obedient Servant W. ShMey. Gov'' Shirley to Paul Mascarene Escj/'^. A Letter frora his Excellency Williara Shirley Esq' Cap tain General & Governour in Chief of the Provmce of the Massachusetts Bay to the Honourable Paul Mascarene Esq' Coramander in Chief of the Province of Nova Scotia for the time being. Sir, Having been inform'd that the french Inhabitants of Nova Scotia entertam some Jealousy of a Design in the EngUsh Government to remove them with their Farailies frora their Settlements, & transport them to France or elsewhere; I desire ( if you tMnk it raay be for his Majesty's Service ) that you would be pleas'd to signify to 'em, that it is probable if his Majesty had declar'd such Intention I might have heard of the sarae, but that I ara perfectly unacquainted with any such Design, and ara perswaded there is no just Ground for tMs Jealousy ; And be pleas'd to assure 'era, that I shall us® OP THE STATE OP MAINE 341 my best Endeavours by a proper Representation of their Case to be laid before his Majesty, to obtain the Continuance of his Royal Favour & Protection to such of thera, as shall behave dutifully & peaceably, & refuse to hold any Corre spondence with his Eneraies ; and I doubt not but that all such of 'em will be protected by his Majesty in the possession of their Estates & Settlements in Nova Scotia. And I desire you would also be pleas'd to inforra 'em that it is expected from his Maj'y'' french Subjects m that Prov ince, who have for so long tirae enjoyed the same Privileges with his natural born Subjects there, & have been under a much easier Government than any of the french Kmg's Sub jects are m the neighbouring Province of Canada & other Parts of the french King's Dorainions, that their Interest as well as their Duty and Gratitude should bind them to a strict Fidelity & Obedience to his Majesty and His Govern ment ; But on the contrary if any of the Inhabitants of the said Province shall join with the Enemy ( especially those that have been sent from Canada to seduce them from their Duty to Ms Majesty & Attachment to the English Interest ) they raust expect to be treated m the same raanner as his Majesty's English Subjects would be under the like Provoca tions. I ara with great regard Sir, Your raost Obedient hurable Servant W. Shirley Boston Sep' 16. 1746. Copy of a Letter from Lieut* Colonel Gorham to Govemour Shirley. Annapolis Royal Nov' 15. 1746. May it please your Excellency, This corae to inform you that on Account of Bad Weather, 842 DOCUMENTARY HISTORY and the Reinforcement not arriving from New England, our Expedition up the Bay by Water is over for this Year ; and according to Custora, all intelligence and Expresses from thence are Stopt, tho many schemes are put in Execution to gain intelligence by Sea & Land, I have in Conjunction with Governour Mascarene used all endeavours with these Inhab itants and their Priest to get Intelligence and to forward a number of your ExceUencys Letters to Minas and to let them know that they raay depend on bemg treated agreeable to your Excellencys Letter thd the Canadeans and sorae guilty and disaffected Inhabitants are using all measures to raake the others believe that the Letter is only to raake thera easy until we can get thera in our power to Reraove them ; which Report of Removing thera has so Alarra'd thera, that they hardly know what to trust to, I think there is no doubt the greater part of the Inhabitants up the Bay have us'd their endeavours ( by fair raeans ) to get the Canadeans to Return home and not to Winter amongst thera as they expect to have Open war declar'd against thera provided the Enemy keeps amongst thera ; Tho I can't well understand how the Enemy can leave the Country till all is frose up. As it is already too late to go by water and their Sick and Prisoners & Baggage they cant well Transport by Land in the Winter makes one think they will keep possession of this Country except we have a Superiour Force to drive them out and their keeping this provmce is of no small Consequence to Canada not only in having all advices from New England by the way of these Inhabitants, but from Old France any Ship may put into any of the Cape Sable Harbours, when they could not Venture up the River of Canada by reason of the Wmter and by this Method Convey a Packet and have an Answer in a fortnight or three weeks from Quebeck. Therefore in my humble Opinion it will be of the Utmost Consequence to get possession of Minas this Winter or in the OP THE STATE OP MAINE 348 Spring provided the Canada Expedition goes on ; and in Case a sufficient Force arrive not this Fall to go to Mmas, I should tMnk it much the surest and best way to send direct from N England early in the Spring to Minas without ever touching here or even letting this place have any knowledge of the same for they will soon know at Minas what we are about here, tho we cannot know what they are about there As to what advices we have about sorae large raen of Wars bemg up the Bay, and a large Reinforceraent of men and Stores by the Bay of Vert, I hardly know what to think about the Shiping, but the Reinforceraent & Stores by the Bay of Vert may be probable they at Canada thinking this place was taken & accordmgly raight send the above men tion'd raen & Stores to reinforce the Garrison & Country & I believe it is true. Some Conjecture the Ships are some retum'd back from the Fleet with the Governour on board, and that he wUl go to Canada by Land or fortify at Minas and raake a tryal against this place m the Winter, but hope we shall by some of the Aforementioned Scheraes soon get some better intelligence frora thence than what we have at present till wMch tirae raust beg leave to referr your Excel lency to those raore knowmg in these affairs, I ara Sir, Your most Obedient & hurable Servant John Gorham Gov'' Shirley to the Duke of Newcastle. Boston November 21" 1746 My Lord Duke, I am afraid your Grac6 will think, from ray incessant Rep resentations of the State of Nova Scotia, that I imagine that Province should be the sole Object of your Attention : Noth ing could induce me to be so importunate with your Grace upon tMs Subject, but the fullest Perswasion of the very great 844 DOCUMENTARY HISTORY Iraportance of that Place to the Crown, & the British Sub jects, of the iraraediate bad Consequences of the Loss of it to his Majesty's Service, & the irarainent danger of it's being lost, unless soraetMng is forthwith done for the effectual Security of it. The mclos'd Extract from M' Mascarene's Letter & Copy of Lieut' Gorham's will disclose in a great Measure to your Grace their Apprehensions, & the Condition of the Provmce : The Number of the Enemy are mcreas'd at Menis ; they have again stopt all Coraraunication between the Inhabitants & the Garrison, & are likely to keep footmg there this Winter ; and particularly frora Col° Gorham's Letter your Grace will perceive what Pains the Canadeans and Malecontents among the Inhabitants take to prevent my Letter lately dispers'd araong 'era, m order to setle the Minds of the Inhabitants, ( a Copy of which I have before sent your Grace ) from hav ing its proper Influence ; & how the Nova Scotians are alarra'd at the Rumour of a design to reraove 'era from their Settleraents : And it appears to rae by what I farther learn frora Captain Fotheringhara to whom M' Mascarene refers me in his Letter, that unless somethmg vigorous, as that Letter intiraates, is done by the Middle of April at farthest, the greatest Part of the Province at least wUl be in the hands of the Canadeans, and it will be too late then to atterapt to reclaira the Inhabitants. To prevent tMs danger, six hundred of the Men, which I have sent from this Province, are, I hope, before now arriv'd at Annapolis, & near tMee hundred more, I expect, will arrive there from hence in two or three days at farthest, with a sufficient Quantity of Snow Shoes, which will make their marcMng practicable, th6 a deep Snow should suddenly fall. One hundred & eighty Men more, I hope from Gov' Went- worth's assurances to me, are sail'd before now from New Hampshire for Annapolis ; But the Transport Vessels of the OP THE STATE OP MAINE 345 three hundred from Rhode Island were drove on Shore, I hear, in a Storm at Martha's Vineyard, & when they will reimbark I dont know. However I hope the other Succours may, tho the Rhode Islanders should not proceed ( which I shall yet press their doing with all Speed) be a sufficient force to drive the Canadeans from Menis this Winter ; which would have a most happy Effect indeed for the Security of the Province in every respect, & seems worth while to be push'd for ; And I hope M' Mascarene's Difficulties about their car rying of Provisions by Land, may by some Method or other ( especially Sleds when the Snow falls ) be got over : Capt" Fotheringham assures me that very credible accounts of the sickness's having destroy'd two tMrds of the Cape Sable Indians are given by sorae of the french Inhabitants, & that they are still dying. The Cape Sable Indians were before computed to have about six hundred fightmg Men. For the securmg Nova Scotia frora it's present danger I would further hurably propose it as ray Opinion to be con sider'd by your Grace, that if his Majesty should be pleas'd, as soon as possibly raight be after the Receipt of this, to cause it to be signified to the Inhabitants of Nova Scotia, that the assurances lately given 'era by me of his Royal Pro tection to such of 'em, as should behave dutifully and avoid all traitorous Correspondence with the Eneray at this Junc ture ( or to that Effect ) were approv'd of by hira, and should be raade good to 'em, it would have a great Tendency to remove their present apprehensions of bemg sent off with their Farailies frora their Settleraents m Nova Scotia, which seems to distress & perplex 'em ; & effectuaUy to prevent 'em frora being drawn over to take up Arras against his Maj esty, unless it should be sorae of the most obnoxious of 'em ; wMch, if his Majesty would be pleas'd to send over at the same time Ms special directions to apprehend, and proceed against, such a Proceedmg against the Delinquents and gra- 346 DOCUMENTARY HISTORY cious Declaration towards the others, would I dare say have a proper Effect for securing the general Fidelity of the Inhab itants, at least so far as to keep 'era frora joining with the Eneray ; And least the Succours now sent to Annapolis should not be a sufficient force to dislodge the Eneray this Winter, I would farther hurably propose it for your Grace's Consid eration, that his Majesty's Orders should be forthwith sent to ray self and the other three Governments of New England, that in Case the Canadeans should not be withdrawn out of Nova Scotia, they should immediately cause the Soldiers rais'd in their respective Colonies & Provinces for his Maj esty's Service in the Expedition agamst Canada to be trans ported to Annapolis Royal, as their place of Rendezvous instead of Louisbourg, & to be imployed in driving the Cana deans out of Nova Scotia, and be farther subjected to such Orders as his Majesty shall be pleas'd to signify in those Directions ; and if this Order was to extend to the Governour of New York, it raight not be an unnecessary Caution. I am apprehensive if such Orders are not sent, that the Attention of the several Governra" to the Reduction of Crown Point might very much interfere with the Preservation of Nova Scotia, which is of infinitely more Consequence. These are the things wMch occur to me at present, & which I would subrait to your Grace's Consideration, as what seem to require raore iraraediate Dispatch : As to the danger of the french Fleet's early Return frora the West Indies to Nova Scotia, and what Strength of Ships raay be necessary to pro tect that Province, Cape Breton, and the other Colonies against that Fleet, or any other french Armament which may be sent from Europe in the Sprmg to visit these Parts, I leave to Admiral Warren, who now goes to England in the Chester, and with whora, pursuant to the Directions of your Grace's two Letters to rae, in March & AprU last, I have acted in Concert upon all such occasions as requir'd ray con- OP THE STATE OP MAINE 847 sultmg him, with the greatest Satisfaction and Harraony, having had the pleasure to find ray own Sentiraents agreable to his in all Matters of Consequence, and a most hearty Dis position in him for his Majesty's Service, and to whora I have often talk'd over the affairs of Nova Scotia. 1 find ray self oblig'd to point out to your Grace the Para graph m M' Mascarene's Letter concerning the Necessity of Bay Verte's being sufficiently guarded, which would have most effectually prevented the Introduction of any Forces & Stores frora Canada into Menis in Nova Scotia this j'car ; the Copy of the Letter which I wrote to Adrairal Townsend near four Months ago upon that Subject, and which I inclos'd to your Grace, will show how ranch I had that matter at heart in the beginning ; and joint Letters were wrote afterwards by M' Warren and my self to the Admiral upon that head ; It would be for his Majesty's Service I believe if particular Directions were given to the next Commander of the Squad ron that shall be sent to Louisbourg or elsewhere upon this Coast to have a particular Eye to guardmg this inlet of the Canadians into Nova Scotia the next Spring ; th6 I have the utmost Reason to think that Governour Knowles, so far as it may be m his Power, will be as warraly dispos'd to do it without any particular Directions, as is possible. I will avoid repeating what I have particularly mention'd to your Grace in late Letters concernmg the fortifying of Chebucto Harbour, and building a Blockhouse or sraall Fort for 150 Men at Mems, with a Trading House there for the Indians, and a Blockhouse only at Canso for 100 Men, instead of new building and enlargmg that at AnnapoUs Royal, and erecting a larger Fortification at Canso, wMch in my hurable Opmion would greatly strengthen that Province, and together with the mtroducing of French Protestant Ministers, and English Schools, & some small Encouragement by Privileges to such as should conform to the Protestant Religion, or send 348 DOCUMENTARY HISTORY their Children to the EngUsh Schools, and Presents to the Indians with Supplies of all Necessaries for 'era at the raost reasonable Rates, in Exchange for their Furrs &c% the Dis allowance of the publick Exercise of the Roraan Catholick Religion, at least after a short Terra of Years, & forbidding Roraish Priests under severe Penalties to corae into the Country either araong the Inhabitants or Indians ; and if it raight be consistent with his Majesty's Pleasure, a Civil Gov emment to be in due time introduc'd among the Inhabitants ; These things I say, ray Lord, together with raaking Exam ples of the most obnoxious among the Inhabitants, and his Majesty's extending Ms Clemency and the Contmuance of his Protection to the rest upon taking the proper Oath of Allegiance, seera to rae to have the raost proraising Aspect for making good Subjects of the present Generation of Inhab itants, at least better than they are now, and good Protestants of the next Generation of 'era ; especially if there was to be a Mixture of English or other Protestants introduc'd among 'era, which the Invitation of a Civil Governraent to be set up araong 'era would bid fair for domg : and the Tradmg House would create in the Indians a firm Dependance upon, and Attachment to Ms Majesty's Government, especially if a proper Protestant Missionary or two was supported to live among 'era at their head Quarters, as is the Method of the french Priests ; by w*" means they gain so great an Ascend ancy over them. Just as I had finished the last Paragraph a Letter from Govern' Knowles to Adrairal Warren and ray self, dated the 10'" Instant, was deUver'd to me, m wMch he mforms me that " he has given his Opmion m his Letters to your Grace, " that it will be necessary to drive all the French ( I suppose "he raeans Inhabitants ) out of Accadie (Nova Scotia) in the " Spring, and that he hopes he shall have Orders to assist in " domg it, if Adrairal Warren does not go upon the Expedi- OP THE STATE OP MAINE 349 " tion to Quebeck, which he apprehends is rendred more diffi- " cult than it was, by such a Number of Ships being got safe " up to Quebeck tMs Year, as no doubt they have carried all « manner of warlike Stores." And in his Letter to me of the 24'" of October he says, "if his Majesty should be pleas'd to " transport the Rebels who are the Objects of his Mercy, & " encourage other Highland Families to come over, he thinks " the Colony of Nova Scotia would soon be repeopled ; " which it is possible he may have also propos'd to your Grace, as in his Opmion the best raethod for peopling that Colony, after the present french Inhabitants are drove off. As the Sentiraents, wMch I have taken the Liberty to offer to your Grace upon this Subject, happen to be something dif ferent from M' Knowles's, I think it may not only be proper but my Duty to mention the Reasons of ray preferring the Scheme for atteraptmg to raake the present french Inhabit> ants good Subjects to Ms Majesty, and keeping 'em in the Country to that of driving 'era off & introducing sorae of the Rebels and other Highlanders m their Room. It seeras very difficult to drive aU the Inhabitants of Acca die out of so large a Province as that is, and which consists cMefly of Woods ; It is raost probable that raany of their hardiest Men, would retire ( for some time at least^ with their Cattle mto the Woods, & form Parties with the Indians ; and the remainder would doubtless retreat with their Fami lies to Canada : Those, who are acquainted with the Indian Manner of Life & making War, know that one hundred of 'em under cover of the Woods, can confine a very large Frontier withm their Garrisons, even th6 they have Cora- pames continually scouting between one Garrison and another ; tMs is at present the Case of this Province & the other Colo- mes of New England & New York, th6 the People there are us'd to the Woods, & the skulking of the Indians beMnd the Bushes & in Ditches with their other Wiles, & have large 350 DOCUMENTARY HISTORY Numbers of the MiUtia constantly upon Guard for their Pro tection ; their Cattle is continually destroy'd ; if any of 'em venture out into their Feilds, they are frequently kill'd & scalp'd ; and soraetiraes not only single FamiUes or Garrisons are surpriz'd and cut off, as has happen'd lately in this Prov ince, but even whole Villages, as was the Case of Sarahtoga in New York a few Months ago ; so that those of the french Inhabitants, who should mix with the Indians in the Woods, would have it in their Power to put his Majesty's Garrison under such Circumstances, as that it could not possibly sub sist longer in the Country then they could do it without fresh Provisions, Wood & other materials and Supplies frora thence ; frora all which they would be wholly cut off, when the Inhab itants were drove away ; And as to such of the Inhabitants, who should go with their Farailies to Canada, it raust be expected that a very large Body of the Men would return arra'd next Spring with sorae Canadeans to join the Indians ; frora all which it seems justly to be apprehended that an attempt to drive all the french Inhabitants from their Settle ments, should it succeed, would in Effect be drivmg 5 or 6000 men to take up Arras agamst His Majesty's Govemm' there every Year during the War ; raake the reclaimmg of the Indians of Nova Scotia irapracticable, & render it impos sible for his Majesty's Garrison there to subsist long in the Country in time of War even with the Indians only ; Besides, the Addition of about 6000 fighting Men with their Families to Canada, which would greatly strengthen the French upon this Continent, and would entail upon the Posterity of those who are thus expell'd (for several Generations at least) a Desire of recovering their former Possessions in Nova Scotia, seems to be no inconsiderable Matter, but what next to the Loss of the Country it self should be avoided on the Part of his Majesty, & is I dare say, an Event, which the French next to their Acquisition of this Colony would desire : It is OP THE STATE OP MAINE 851 indeed now to be wish'd that General Nicholson had upon the first Reduction of the Colony to the Obedience of the Crown of Great Britain, remov'd the french Inhabitants, when they were but a few, out of the Country, as was done at Louisbourg ; and that during the Interval of Peace the Col ony had been planted with Protestant Subjects ; But after their havmg reraain'd so long in the Country upon the foot of British Subjects under the Sanction of the Treaty of Utrecht, and raaking Iraprovements upon their Lands for one or two Generations, and being grown up into such a Nuraber of Families, to drive 'era all off their Settleraents without further Inquiry seeras to be liable to many Objections — Among others, it may be doubted, whether under the Cir cumstances of these Inhabitants it would clearly appear to be a just usage of 'em ; it is true that the Notion of their Neutrality ( which seeras to have been entertain'd for sorae time by the EngUsh as well as theraselves ) is ill grounded, and does not coraport with the Terras of their Allegiance to his Majesty, to which such of 'era as chose to reraain in the Province are bound by the Treaty of Utrecht ; whereby the french King yeilded up the Inhabitants as weU as the Soil of Accadie, and together with their Persons transferred their Allegiance to the Crown of Great Britain ; But if it is con sider'd, that this Notion was founded upon an Act of the late Lieut' Governour Arrastrong then the residing Commander m Chief of the Province, whereby he took upon himself to grant 'era by a Writing under Ms Hand an Exeraption frora bearing Arms upon any Account whatever, on their consent ing to take an Oath of Allegiance to his present Majesty ; which, whether it was done by him with, or without Author ity, appear'd at least to thera to be authentick, it raay per haps be deera'd too rigorous a Punishra' for their behaviour grounded on such a Mistake, to mvolve the innocent with the Guilty in the Loss of their Estates, and the Expulsion of 352 DOCUMENTARY HISTORY their FamiUes out of the Country ; it is not improbable but that there may be many araong 'era, who would even prefer Ms Majesty's Govemm' to a french one, & have done nothing to deserve such a Forfeiture ; Some Allowances raay likewise be made for their bad Situation between the Canadeans, Indians, & English, the Ravages of all which they have felt by turns m the Course of the War; during which they seem to have been continually plac'd between two fires, the force and Menaces of the Canadeans & Indians plundering 'em of whatever they wanted, & deterring 'em m the strongest man ner frora having any Coraraunication with his Majesty's Gar rison, on the one hand ; and the Resent" of the Garrison for their witholding their Intelligence & Supplies on the other; th6 at the same tirae it was not in a Condition to protect 'em from the Enemy: Wherefore it seems a Matter worthy of your Grace's Consideration, whether under such doubtfuU Cireurastances the drivmg all the French Inhabitants of Nova Scotia off their Settlements, and thereby very greatly strength- ning the Eneray upon this Contment, not only against the Garrison m present, but finally against all the British Colo nies there, and depopulatmg one of Ms Majesty's Provinces for sometime ( how long may be uncertam ) is more eligible than treating 'era as Subjects, confming their Punishra' to the most guilty & dangerous among 'em, & keeping the rest in the Country, and endeavouring to make them & their Pos terity useful Members of Society under his Majesty's Gov ernment : I can't omit likewise observing to your Grace, that it would be exceedmg difficult to fill up the Chasm which driving off the Inhabitants would make in the Country ; Dur ing the Rupture with France it would certainly be imprac ticable, and I doubt whether it would not be so when Peace shall be made with France, if the Indians should continue at War with us ; For what Nuraber of FamiUes can be propos'd to begin a Settlera' in the Country, after the Expulsion of OP THE STATE OP MAINE 353 the french Inhabitants, with Safety against the Indians, & which would be contmually expos'd to be destroy'd by 'em, whilst they were carrying on their Settlements ; They must expect no Protection against the Indians from within the Garrison, out of the Reach of their great guns ; the Company of Rangers, which live without the Walls of the Fort, would afford more of that than a thousand Garrison Soldiers would do : Whereas if the Stock of french Inhabitants was contm ued in the Country, an Accommodation with the Indians would be raore easily brought about and preserv'd, they would be a Cover for any Nuraber of Farailies that raight be intro duc'd araong 'em whilst they were carrying on Settlements ; & secure to the Garrison it's necessary Supplies of fresh Pro visions, Fuel, Materials for repairing the Works, & Stores of all Sorts that the Country affords. As to repeopling the Province with some of the late Rebels and other Highland Farailies, it seeras much to be doubted whether it raight not be hazardous to fill that Colony, w*" should be the Barrier of all his Majesty's Colonies upon this Contment, with a Set of poor, ignorant, deluded Wretches just come out of a raost unnatural RebeUion ; that frora their Neighbourhood to Canada would be continually expos'd to the Artifices and Attempts of french Roraish Priests upon 'em, who it is reasonable to think would not fail to mstill the same Notions mto 'em in America, which seduc'd 'em from their AUegiance in Great Britain, with a Proraise of raore effectual Support & Protection frora the French here, than they had m the HigMands ; Indeed, my Lord, this seeras to be a dangerous Experiment, and what might produce the worst of Consequences. I beg leave to subrait it to your Grace's Consideration, whether the most staunch Protestants, & Families the most zealously affected to his Majesty's Governraent, a Number at least of such should not rather, if possible, be transplanted 23 354 DOCUMENTARY HISTORY there as soon as may be ; I could wish four or five hundred of 'em could be induc'd to go frora sorae Part of New Eng land ; I think from the Experience I had of the Inhabitants of this Province at least upon the late Alarra given by the french Fleet, I raight safely venture to be answerable to his Majesty, that if I had suggested in ray late Orders for assem- blmg a Body of 'era under Arms in Boston from all parts of this Province to oppose any Attempt of the Eneray, that there was a design of landing a Son of the Pretender's here, it would not have been possible to have kept any one Man, who was capable of raarching Mther, frora appearmg under Arms with the raost deterrained Resolution of hazardmg his Life to the utmost in defence of his Majesty's Govemm'; And as the late Appearances of a fondness for removing from hence to Cape Breton seem to be quite vanished at present, I should not be without hopes of some families removing from these Parts to Nova Scotia upon due Encouragement ; Prot estants likewise from araong the Swiss Cantons & other Northern Parts in Germany, who are generally bred up in the Exercise of Arms and raake sober industrious Settlers, raight be safely trusted in Accadie ; Great Nurabers of 'em Yearly flock into Pensilvania, whereby the Inhabitants in that Province are almost mcredibly increas'd witMn these twenty Years ; And frora the behaviour of the Irish coming out of the Northern Parts of Ireland hither, a Nuraber of which is setled m the Eastem Parts of this Provmce, I should think they too might be safely trusted in Nova Scotia ; and it is certain that these poor unhappy Highlanders ( I mean such of 'em as may be design'd to be transported into the Plantations ) would be more safely dispos'd of among the four Governra" of New England, or in New York & the Jerseys, where they would not be in danger either of corrupting the Inhabitants, or bemg again seduc'd themselves, but might make useful Subjects to his Majesty. OP THB STATE OP MAINE 355 I hope, my Lord, I shaU be excus'd if I have gone beyond my Line in submitting these Observations to your Grace, at a time when the fate of one of his Majesty's Northern Colo nies, the raost iraportant of 'era all to the Crown in raany respects, as I apprehend, and which will be m the hands of the french the key to all the other British Colonies upon this Continent, & even to Cape Breton, and m his Majesty's Pos session the Barrier of 'era against the Enemy seeras to be come to a Crisis. M' Mascarene has lately transmitted to me the State of a Dispute between himself & all his Subaltern Officers, wMch I believe he has forwarded to the Secretary of War ; I would not trouble your Grace about it farther than to say, that Con federacies among Subaltern Officers to dispute Orders happen at an ill time ra that Garrison, especially when a Disposition among the coraraon Soldiers to desert to the Enemy very much prevails in it ; a long Residence there, & the Civil Part of the Constitution, by which I am told, if M' Mascarene should die or leave the Garrison, the Surgeon's Mate in the Regira' would as President of the Council have the cMef Command m the Province, seems to have in some raeasure swallow'd up the Notion of Military Discipline, & of obeying Orders among 'era. I have only to add that I am obUg'd to trouble your Grace with the inclos'd Message to me frora the Asserably, which they took Occasion from the mclos'd Paragraph of my last Speech to 'era, to send rae ; Having represented fully before to your Grace what they desire of rae in their Message, I shall say notMng raore about it, than that I hope your Grace will pardon any Hyperbole of Expression in it with regard to my self. I ara with the raost dutiful Regard, My Lord Duke, Your Grace's raost Devoted and most Obedient Servant W. Shirley. 356 DOCUMENTARY HISTORY [ Inclosed in previous Letter.] Extracts from Governour Shirley's Speech to the General Asserably on the 7'" Day of November 1746. In the raean while. Gentlemen, It must be a sensible Pleas ure to you, to reflect how much the seasonable Succours sent frora hence, have already contributed to the Preservation of Nova Scotia from its late impending Danger ; the great Value & Iraportance of which Province to the Crown, & all the English Colonies upon this Continent as their Barrier against the French, you are so well acquamted with, that I need not apprize you of it ; And I doubt not but you will always be aniraated with a proper Spirit for Succourmg it in any future Emergency, which may require your Aid. Examined by J. Willard Secry. In the House of Represent^*' Nov' 14. 1746, Voted that the foUowmg Message be sent up to Ms ExceUency the Gov ernour. Viz' May it please your Excellency, It is with great Pleasure we observe that you have once & again been the Instrument m the hands of divme Providence of preservmg the Garrison of AnnapoUs, & Provmce of Nova Scotia from the French, more especially in the Year 1744, when by the Forces your Excellency sent from this Province, it was snatch'd out of their hands, then just in Possession of the Fort, & again in the Year, 1745, when they were broke up in their Seige of it, by your surprizing & successful Attempt on Cape Breton, & now again when there was such a Nuraber of Canadeans & others going against it by Land & Sea. But these thmgs, alth6 they have been the Effect of great Wisdora, Care & Application m your Excellency, for which every good Englishraan rejoices & is thankful ; yet they have been perform'd at a great Expense ; more especially to this OP THE STATE OP MAINE 357 Province, & therefore we cannot but be ranch concern'd at the frequent Return of this danger not only because of the great Difficulties in reraoving it from Tirae to Tirae, but also by reason of the doubt, whether by sorae Surprize, impossible to be foreseen, this Barrier of his Majesty's American Domin ions, of such mighty Consequence, may not sorae time or other be lost, if it continues in its present expos'd Condition. We would therefore beg Leave of your ExceUency, to con sider and represent soraething of the Source, whence this almost constant Danger arises ; And tMs we apprehend to be the Traitorous Disposition and practices of the native Inhab itants of that Province, a People who have all the Priviledges of his Majesty's other Subjects, have mcreased in wealth & Numbers vastly since they have been under the English Gov emment, Uve almost or quite without publick Taxes, while we their Neighbours ( & greatly by their means ) are burden'd almost to ruin, by the necessary Charges of the Governraent for the Defence and Protection of his Majesty's good Subjects the Inhabitants of tMs Province And yet they are taught by their Priests to call themselves his Majesty's Neutral Sub jects, a Contradiction m Terms, a Set of People who have a right to Protection, but no Obligation to Obedience, who are his Majesty's Subjects, & yet raay rebel against him & do what they please, have a Right to be defended by the King, & yet not bound to defend the King, whose Subjects they were born, but may continually supply his Majesty's French & Indian Enemies with Provisions, & give them all Aid, Comfort & Assistance ; Sad & unhappy the State of Ms Maj esty's Interest & Garrison there ! that what raight be hoped & expected to proraote their Safety & Prosperity, the great & growmg Nurabers of his Majesty's natural bom Subjects, is their highest & alraost only Danger ; nor can it be supposed there has been one Atterapt tMs War agamst his Majesty's Garrison, but for the Assurance the Eneray had, they should 358 DOCUMENTARY HISTORY be welcorae, & find all raanner of Encourageraent & Aid, which they have this last Summer & at all other Times met with from those Inhabitants accordingly. And all this with out the least Foundation or Colour, for by the Treaty of Utrecht not only the City ( as it is called ) of Port Royall, then also said to be call'd Annapolis Royall, but all Nova Scotia, or Accadie with its ancient Boundaries, & all other things with the Lands & Islands, but the Inhabitants of the sarae also are yeilded, & raade over to the Queen of Great Britain and to her Crown forever, without any the least Exception, Condition or Reservation. We would therefore with all Earnestness intreat your ExceUency to represent to our most gracious Sovereign the perfidious Behaviour of these Inhabitants with the sad Effects which have already arisen, & the Danger that worse may ensue, That his Majesty in his great Wisdom & Goodness may suppress & prevent this Traitorous Spirit & Conduct for the future. T. HutcMnson Spk' Copy Examined g J. Willard Secry. Paragraphs of French Letters from Menis to Gov'' Mascarene in Answer to Gov'' /Shirley's Printed Letter Viz* Touts les Habitants de nous lieux et Paroisses ont une Obli gation Eternelle a Mons' Le Gouvemeur de Boston pour Sest Sentiraents Charitable a Nostre Favour a nous connu par une Lettre Inprira^ noissons et nous voulons de plus en Plus garder nostre fidelity par nostre Serment Inviolable cest a quoi nous esperont Sur la protection de son Honneur et 1' Honorable Conseil du Roy par votre Justice ordinaire que nous vous deraendons en toute Hnrailitd &c - OP THE STATE OP MAINE 859 Nov' 1746 N: S: Signed by 3 of the Deputies of the River Canard and Nine more of the Inhabitants in behalf of themselves and the rest of that parish Touts les Habitants en General ont une ObUgation EterneUe a L'honorable Gouverneur de Boston pour Sest Sentiments de Compassion Charitable a nostre favour que nous a este Commumqu6 que nous avous Recu corame des Graces GeneraleNov' 1746 N : S : Signed by nine of the Inhabitants of the Grand Pre6 of whom Four are Deputys & also by four of the Inhabitants of Pisiquit of which one a Deputy m behalf of theraselves & the rest of their Community By Order of His Hon' the President & Command' in CMef, the above two Paragraphs are true Copies of their Originals. W" Shirreff Sec'y A Baubasin Le 24 Avriil 1747 A toutes les deputez des Mines Grandpr^e Riviere au Canard Pizaquit et Cobaquid. Jai ordre de Monsieur le Marqius de Beauchamois de vous anoncer quon ne vous abandonera point et que puisque nous possedons le haut de la Bay francoise comma U long par la Capitulation et que vous Scavoir que nous lavons aquis par la force des armes vous devez vous regarder comme reautrez Sous la Domination du Roy de france qui aidira a conserver votre Religion qui doit vous aitre plus chare que touts les biens de la Terre. 360 DOCUMENTARY HISTORY Cest a vous autre maintenant a Secondaire les Intentions du Roy et a travaille vous meme a maintenir la Liberty que nous venous de vous procur^e parle Coup qui Sest fait Je corapte bien Surs vou au cas de Besom et je vous exhorte entretenir dans la Sentiraents de bons francois ; et ne vous pas fier trop a Langlois qui au raoins vous fera toujours perdre la ReUgion Sii ne fait pas davantage. Je suis en attendant un pronto Reponce de votre Part avec un Attachraent mviolable Votre tres humble et tres obeiss' Serviteur de Rarasay Colasion6 a Loriginal que nous reste au Gref des Mmes le 29°" Jum 1747. Rene le Blanc qui Sous le bon Plaiser de Mons' Mascarene Notoire au Mines et autre Lieux. Copy of a Copy by Order of his Hon' the Presid' & Command' m Cheif 25 June 1747. W. Shirreff Secy A true Copy W. SMrley Letter Capt. David Cargill to Gov. Shirley. Boston Ap' 11'" 1747 May it Please y' Excelency As I have been much longer detain'd here, than I expected, by the want of raoney to pay off ray Men, I Gratefully Acknowledge your Excelencys goodness. In Indulgmg me m tarrying until now, when I hope to get my mens Wages soon, and Retum with it, to them, I trust your Excelency Remembers what the Settlments where I am Posted suffered by the enemy last year ; and as all the set tlments Eastwards of us, are broke up, we are now more OP THE STATE OP MAINE 361 expos'd, to be destroyed than ever. And as my Corapany wMch Consists of fourty Eight raen are Posted In y" Settl ments of Damerescoty, Shepscot, Witchcasick, and Mounsweig, I would hurably beg leave to Inforra your Excelency, that if there is not Another Company Posted in those Settlments or a large Adition made to Mine, the Inhabitants cannot follow any labour, to suport theraselves and faraelys, without being Uable, every day to be Inhuraanly Butcher'd by the Enemy, Nor can we guard the Vessels Trading in our harbours for wood, staves, &c. And as the seed time is now at hand I would pray that your ExceUency would speedily order somethmg to be done to Cover the Inhabitants in Planting, Otherwise they will loose the Season, and so have no Crops, I hope the Necesity of what I have Mentioned wiU Apologize for my troubUng you at tMs time, who am your Excelencys Dutiful and Most Obed' Hurable servant David Cargill To His Excely Govemour Shirley Letter Gov. Knowles to Gov. Shirley Boston April 14'" 1747 Sir As the Hmd Sloop by sorae Misfortune or other was forced away to the West Indies last fall and thereby pre vented destroying the Enerays Vessels I had InteUigence of m several of the Ports in Accadia and tMough some unfore seen Accident the Norwich and Canterbury are not yet returned frora the West Indies ( where I was Order'd to send them durmg the Winter Season ) and I havmg information that the Enemy are now fitting several Arra'd Vessels with design to Annoy the Fishery and Trade of this Colony and cut off the Coraraunication between this and Louisbourg and I having no Ship or Vessel at present of His Majesty's to send to destroy or prevent their designs ( Except the Coraet 362 DOCUMENTARY HISTORY Bomb who is just come in to fitt and Clean, I beg the Favour your Excellency will represent to the Legislature the press ing necessity there is of sendmg out sorae Cruizers in Quest of the Eneray and prevaile upon them to fitt out the Provmce Frigate and let her be employ'd on that Service till some of my Squadron shaU Arrive or sorae SMp from England. As the Mast SMps are not yet ready I have directed Captain Gayton of the Merraaid to go and Cruize for the present between tMs Place and Louisbourg and Search aU the Harbours in Accadia and destroy every Vessel, Boat or Bark of the Enerays he may meet and as it wUl be requisite to have a sraall Vessel Arnt'd go along with Mm least the Eneray's Vessels should Run into Shoal Water out of the Reach of his Guns I pray the Favour of your ExceUency wUl spare the Province Brigg for that Service and what ever Expence for Wages and Victuals shaU Attend Navigating either her or the Massachusetts Frigate I'l take care it shaU be Bom by His Majesty during the time they shaU be Employ'd by Your ExceUency on this Service. I am with great respect Sir Your ExceUencys most Obedient Humble Servant Cha' Knowles P. S. As the Massachusetts Frigate — and Brigg wUl be kept in the proposed Service no longer than you shaU think proper and wiU take their Orders from you I should hope the Asserably wiU have no Objection to it. Gov'' Shirley to the Duke of Newcastle. Boston April 29'" 1747 My Lord Duke, Since finishing Governour Knowles's & my joint Letter to your Grace, I have learn'd from one of the English prisoners OP THB STATE OP MAINE 363 just Arriv'd from Sehiegnecto m Exchange for one of the French Prisoners sent by me from Boston, and who was car ry'd Captive frora Mmas, where he was taken by the Eneray in the late Surprize, that when the Canadeans went frora Minas to Sehiegnecto they raarch'd out of the Grand Pr^ about 500, but were redue'd to about 350 before they reach'd Sehiegnecto by several of their party's leaving 'era at every great Village in Mmas, thr6 which they pass'd which raakes it Evident that 150 of the Inhabitants of that District had join'd the Canadeans in their late Attack upon the English at Grand Pr^, and raay Serve farther to shew your Grace the imminent Danger of all the Inhabitants of Minas's still join ing the Enemy, unless speedy raeasures are taken in driving the Canadeans out of the Country, and Securing the fidelity of the Inhabitants in some better manner than it is at pres ent ; and how opportunely the forces sent last Winter frora hence to Annapolis, and the Assurances I took the liberty of sendmg the Nova Scotians that those, who behav'd as good Subjects, sho'd have Ms Majesty's protection in their Estates, arriv'd there for savmg the whole District of Mmas from an open Revolt. This fluctuating State of the Inhabitants of Accadie seeras, my Lord, naturally to arise frora their finding a want of due protection from His Majesty's Governraent ; and their appre hensions that the French will soon be Masters of the Prov ince, which their repeated Attempts every year for the Reduction of His Majesty's Fort at Annapolis Royal, And the Appearance of the late Duke d'Anville's Squadron from France upon their Coast with that View strongly Impress upon 'em, as does also the Residence of the Eneray ia the Province, and the SoUicitations of their own Priests ; and to this, I beUeve, may be added sorae Jealousy, which the Eneray and Priests are forever instilling into 'era, that the EngUsh want only a safe Opportumty of driving all the French 864 DOCUMENTARY HISTORY Inhabitants off their Settieraents ; which thd M' Mascarene Assures me that his communicating to 'em ray printed Letter promising 'era His Majesty's protection, had so far aUay'd, as together with the Arrival of the late Detachraent of Soldiers sent frora hence in the Wmter for the Defence & protection of the Province, to disappoint M' de Ramsay's Attempt upon the Inhabitants of Minas for bringing 'em to an open Revolt. and to make him retire from Mmas to Sehiegnecto, yet as the hopes, my Letter may have made 'em entertain, have not been yet Confirra'd by Assurances of His Majesty's Royal protec tion directly from England I cant but thmk, there is a most apparent danger of Nova Scotia's being soon lost, if the Expedition against Canada should not proceed this year, nor any Measures be taken, or particular Orders be sent by His Majesty for Securing the Province against the Enemy, & Strengthnmg his governraent among the Inhabitants, For I perceive that the General Asserably of this Province, from whence only all the Succours & Support which His Majesty's Garrison at Annapolis Royal has Mtherto receiv'd for the protection & Defence of Nova Scotia, have been sent, are tired of having 'era drawn only from their own people, and despair of it's being effectual without His Majesty's more immediate Interposition for the protection of that Province ; And look upon it as a very happy Incident, that I had it in my power to send M' Mascarene the Support, I did the last Winter, and beginning of the Spring, out of Levies rais'd for the Expedition against Canada, which I insisted upon doing as they were in his Majesty's pay ( th6 rais'd for another Ser vice ) but should not have been able to do it (I beUeve ) had it depended wholly upon the Consent of the Asserably, th6 generally well dispos'd for His Majesty's Service. I cant orait raentioning here to your Grace the Disappoint ment, His Majesty's Service in these parts is likely to suffer by the absence of His Majesty's SMps Norwich & Canterbuiy, OP THE STATE OP MAINE 865 one of 50, the other of 60 Guns, and which M' Knowles had in the beginning of last Winter sent from Louisbourg, where they must otherwise have remain'd without doing any Service 'till Spring, upon a Cruize to the West Indies with orders to return to Boston by the 20'" of March at farthest. These were the Ships of Force, which Admiral Townsend left with him upon his going to England in the fall of the year, and they are now detain'd, as we hear, by the Commander in Chief of His Majesty's Ships at the Leaward Islands upon a Cruize there, so that M' Knowles is now Oblig'd to Eraploy the Merraaid, which has Orders frora the Lords of the Admiralty to Convoy the Mast Ships horae in Conjunction with a Brigantme belongmg to this Government, which he has borrow'd of me, and a Schooner which he has hir'd, to Search the several harbours on the Coast of Accadie, and go in quest of four French Store Ships in Bay Vert ; and in the mean time all M' Knowles's Scheraes for Acting early in the Spring with the Norwich & Canterbury (which I ara per swaded must have been greatly for his Majesty's Service in many respects ) are defeated, the Trade on these Coasts raust be without protection, and the Mast SMps raay possibly be delay'd : And I raention it to your Grace under an Appre hension, that if the Oomraanders of Squadrons in the West Indies are perraitted to detain Ships, upon a Cruize only, from His Majesty's Service in these parts, for which they are design'd by the Lords of Admiralty, and contrary to the Orders they receive from their proper Commanders here, (which I raust acknowledge seeras to rae like raakmg Use of His Majesty's Ships as their private property ) The Conse quences of it will in all probability be fatal to the publick Service in these Seas : But I suppose M' Knowles will raake a due Representation of this to the Lords of Admiralty that it may be redress'd for the future. I likewise take the liberty in pursuance of your Grace's 366 DOCUMENTARY HISTORY Commands signify'd in your first Letter to me after the Reduction of Cape Breton Viz' that I should let your Grace know from tirae to time, what I conceiv'd might contribute towards Securing that Acquisition to His Majesty, to men tion to your Grace that as I hear M' Bastide the Engineer for Cape Breton has desir'd leave to return home to England, I think, so far as I am a Judge in the Case, frora the Accounts I have had of Governour Knowles's reraarkable Activity & Judgraent in carrying on Fortifications, and the particular Iraprovements, he has made in those of Louisbourg whilst he took the business of Engineer upon himself before the Arrival of M' Bastide's Coraraission, that if M' Bastide should be permitted to quit his post, it would be for His Majesty's Ser vice that M' Knowles should have the direction of the Works at Louisbourg as Engineer there. I am with the most DutifuU Regard, My Lord Duke, Your Grace's most Devoted, and most Obedient, Humble Servant W. SMrley. Letter Capt. David Cargill to Secy Willard. Shepscot May 6'" 1747 Hon" Sk Being cal'd away the next morning after I was with You, had not an oportunity to wait on you Conceming the swivel Guns and Ammunition which His Excelency sent me to you about, and Concerning which he told me he had given You ray letter, if it is not slip'd y' Memory I should be much oblig'd to You to forward it, I cant sufficiently Express the Deplorable state this part of the Country is In, bemg Almost Every Day Alarra'd with Discoverys of the Enemy, and our Garisons so scattered with so few men In them that we are OP THE STATE OP MAINE 367 in no Condition to help one Another, And our people Almost worn out w'" Duty, O that he who brings light out of Dark ness may Dispell those Clouds, the Instructions I had from Coin : Waldo for a Reinforceraent, weakened rae very rauch for I was Ordered to give Cap' niCobb half my Western soldiers and to Enlist Inhabitants In their Room w'" ten more W I told y* Coin : was Orders Iraposible to Comply with, and which I am now farther asur'd of for I cant find so many Inhabitants here that their Circumstances will admit of their Enlisting, tho their is twenty men kept at S' Georges More than y* Court Voted a suply for at y' place, which I told him of I mean Coin : Waldo when at Boston but found it did Not Relish he told rae he tho' Ms Instructions would Justify his keeping thera there, I ara far frora desirrag that any one of our Infant settlments should be Hurt, but I" Asur'd y* Court Never Intended to suply raen where there Is no Inhabitants at y Expence of Breaking up those settl ments where Iraprovments are Made I Mention the Court in tMs Because I know y* Governour gave Instructions Agre able to y* Vote of y* Court, I have Endeavoured to Procure your Wood and have y* Proraise of it If I find it to be as good when I see it as its Cal'd. M' Sraith has prorais'd me that he' Cary it I shall Take an oportunity of seemg this soon and will let you know if it will Answer, I ara w'" Duti fuU Respects Hon" Sir Y' Most Obed' Hble Ser' David Cargill yo igth J Since I wrote y* above I have heard y' y* wood I mentioned would not Answer You and I have prevailed with M' Smith to let you have About Eight Cord of what he has now on board wMch I know to be very Good and w" I know of any more y' will suit I' let you know it Y" D — C To y* Hon"'* Josiah WUlard Esq' 368 DOCUMENTARY HISTORY Letter Gov. Shirley to the Selectmen of Boston. Boston June 23" 1747. Gentleraen, I send you the inclos'd Extract frora Gov' Knowles' Letter, that you may Communicate it to the Town in such manner as you shall think proper. And as I have reason to Apprehend from Accounts I have receiv'd, that the Fuel Already bespoke in sorae Country Places for the Supply of this Town in the present Year, will be raised before the Winter is over to a Most excessive Price, unless it is prevented by the iraporting a Considerable Quantity of Wood frora the Eastern Parts which may be very ruinous to the Poor of this Town in particular, I would recomraend it to You to Consider of some Method for the Encouragement of brmging in a large Supply of Wood from the Eastern Parts, at as Moderate a Rate as raay be in which if I can Assist you by granting protection for safeguarding the Men that shall be eraploy'd m Carrying the Wood to the Vessells & loading it on board of 'em I shall be very ready to do it, or Any thing else in my Power that raay be pro posed to rae for the forwarding of this Affair Your raost Assur'd Friend & Servant W Shirley To the Selectraen of the Town of Boston. Letter to Col. Moulton. Sir, I have herewith inclosed a Coraraission to you to take upon you the chief Command of all the Forces m the East ern Parts ; And therefore I desire & direct you to proceed forthwith so far as Falraouth & to make the Disposition of the forces accordmg to the inclosed List. What number OP THB STATE OP MAINE 369 may be wanting more than the Soldiers now in the Service I desire you would inform me thereof as soon as raay be. You must get perfect Lists frora the Commanders as well of the Garrisons as in the several Forts & Block houses as of the other Corapanies & Parties of the Officers & Soldiers now in the Service whenever they must note the Regiments of Militia out of which the men were drawn the Tirae they entered mto the Service. And send those Lists to rae with out Delay that I may know how to raake up any Deficiencies that may happen & give order for the Exchange of such Men as have been above a year m the Service. In placing the Men you raust have a particular Regard to the Forts & Block houses that they raay not be left too weak for defence ; And as I perceive there is a discontented & Mutinous Disposition in the Garrison at Richmond, I desire you would see that a few among them who are most mutinous be exchanged for other Men ia the Corapanies posted nearest to them. A Lhonorable Monsieur Paule Mascarene Escuyer Lieutenant Gouverneur D' Annapolis Royal Coraraandant en Chef pour le present la Garaison de sa Majesty Britanique President du Conseil D'annapolis Royal. Monsieur nous prenons la Liberte de vous recrire celle icy pour vous assurer de nos tres hurable Respect et d' un enticre Soumission a vos Ordres il est vray que il y a longtans que nous nous point este randre nos Soumission au Gouvemement mais nous vous prions de vouloir considre comrae nous sorae et toujours Les jean de Guerre che nous passe et repasse et meme nous faire march^ ou bon leur Semble a fait que nous es pen prandre ancune Mesure Les un avec les autres pour cet Efet Mais Monsieur Soyer persuade que nous soraraes toujours les memes que nous onte estre par le passe et nous 24 370 DOCUMENTARY HISTORY ne Deligueront point dun Seule point a nostre Sermant de fideUt6 et meme Mons' si vous juge a propos que nous aliens randre Conte de nos Actions au Gouvemement nous prete de marche a vos Ordre, voila Monsieur avec Smcerite nostre Sentimant et de Garde mviolablement de vostre Nous soraraes de vostre honneur vos tres hurable et Obeissant Serviteur Les Deputez de Cobequit Marque X de Longope Marque X de pierre Goudot Cobequit 27 Juin N. S. Francois Michel Francois Jernot Copy by Order of Ms Hon' the Presid' & Comraand' in Cheif Compar'd with the Origmal 25 June 1747. W. Shirreff Secy A true Copy W. SMrley. Declaration of French Inhabitants. Monsieur Les Habitants des Mines de different Departeraents en gen erale prenne la Liberter de vous reraercier des Sentiment Charitable quU resolve de vostre par dans letat et la Situation ou ils se trouve a present et des veritable Sentiment ou ils sont de ne jamais changer eux ou les Posteritez envers leur Patry, quil ont a Coeur de ne en Rien changer il prenne la Liberter de vous representez a quoy il ce voyent exposer il voiye la Conquestes qu a este faite par vos armes quil a plus a dieu de bennir, leur Serment envers la Gouvemement qui leur lie les bras -jusque a ce quil soit relever de leur Serment de fidelity qui leur doive qui leurs lie les Bras jusque a ce quil en Soit relever U se voyant eux et leur Famille exposes a une Ruines entiere les dermer raois U sont venu derechef avec OP THE STATE OP MAINE 371 des force a nous raiduire en nous Soraraent de nous declarer obUgeans les Habitants dambarques dans leurs Navire pour rasurer la Continuation de nostre fidelity que nous ne pouvous faire autreraent que dobeire par des force major avant et apres Serraent prester nos Superieurs tans de Louisbourg que de Canada nous on toujour exorter de nous raenager ce que nous orion bien Besom par nostre foible genis ainsis Mon sieur nous vous prions de regarder nostre bon Coeur et en meme Temps nostre Impuisance pauvre Peuple chargez la plus part de farailies norabreuse point de Recours Sii falois evacuer a quoy nous Somrae raenacez tours les jours qui nous tien dans une Crainte perpetuelle en nous voyant a la prox- imeter de nos Maitre depuis un Si grand nombre darraes nous pauvre Habitants si peu eclaires nous ne pouvous que Suivre les idez que la Nature nous a fournig ainsi nous esperons que vous entrerez dans nos peines en deraandant I'honneur de nous dire en generelle d'un Respect tres profond. Mons' Vos tres humble et tres Obeissant pon Copis Serviteur le sous Signez des Minas rene Blancher Ce 24 May Jos X leBlanc M x de francois 1747 Granger M O de Batiste daigre Francois Caudry A l'honorable gouverneur au fort d anapolisse royal Les Habitants des diferant departement Suply tre humbleraent tous les puissance qui voudrons en Reconoitre corabien il nous est d iraportance de raipondre aux francois et aux Anglois toutes alafois ce que ne peuvent faire Sans peutaite faire de la penne, la nous prions de vouloire bien consider nostre fidelitez depuis la guaire coraraancer jusque a present que nous avons a Coeur 372 DOCUMENTARY HISTORY de bien garder voyez aussy les Ordre que Mons' de Ramsay nous a anvoyer a quoy il nous a fallu raipondre. Copy by Order of his Hon' the Presid' and Command' m Chief Compar'd with the Origmal 25 June 1747 W. Shirreff Secy A true Copy with the Mispellings. W. Shirley. A Lhonarable Gouverneur Nous deputez Soussignez nous navons pas raanque d'anvoyer vos ordre a Mons' de Rarasay aussitot refus il m'a point de Nouvelles dans nostre pay appresant a vous informez nous Somrae avec tous le respect qui vous est du Monsieur Nostre humble et tres Obeissant Serviteur le Deputez Aux Mte^s Rene Blanchair Ce r" de juillet Ma X de francois granger 1747 M X de Joseph le Blanc Monsieur faites nous lamitier de nous anvoyer du papier Sy vous plais nous non navons plus. Copy by Order of his Hon' the Presid' and Coramand' in CMef compar'd with the Origmal 25 June 1747 W. Shirreff Secy A true Copy W. Shirley M'' de Ramsay's Declaration. Nous Capitaine et Coraraandant Le Detacheraent du Canada. En Vertu des ordres, que j'ay recu de Monsieur le Marquis Beauchamois, Gouverneur General de toute La NouveUe france, qui rae Coramende de vous ordonner de prendre les arraes contre les Enneraies de Majesty tres CMetienne, OP THB STATE OP MAINE 373 dont voicy ses paroUes ;" nous nous regardons aujourdhuy Maitre de Baubassin et des Mines puisque nous en avons Chass^ les anglois ; ainsi il ny a aucune Difficult^ de forcer les Accadiens a prendre les Arras pour nous, et de les y Con- traindre ; leur declarons a cet Effet, qu' ils sont decharg^ du Serment prete, cy devant, a L' Anglois, auquel ils ne sont plus oblige corarae il a et^ decide par nos puissances de Canada, et de Monseigneur notre Evesque ce Consider^, nous ordonnons a tous les habitants de Memerara conque, de se rendre icy, avec leurs Arraes sitot quils veront les feux AUumez, ou quils auront Connoissance de L'enerais sous peine de la vie, de Confiscation de tous leurs biens, de faire bruler leur Maison, et d'estre punis comrae rebelles a nos ordres du Roy; fait a Beaubassin le 25'" May 1747 Origuial sign'd D* Rarasay. AnnapoUs Royal 18 July 1747. Copy corapar'd with the Original brought by the Deputys from Chicanecto. W" SMrreff. Sec'y True Copy W. SMrley Gov'^ Shirley to the Duke of Newcastle. Boston New England August 18'" 1747 My Lord Duke, 1 have the honour of receiving by his Majesty's SMp Scar borough your Grace's Letter of the 30'" of May, with several Papers inclos'd, and a Packet frora your Grace directed to M' Knowles, wMch I immediately forwarded to hira at Louis bourg ; And I beg leave to assure your Grace in general, that I shall employ my utmost attention & DUigence in Concert with M' Knowles, as soon as we shall meet, for carrying into 874 DOCUMENTARY HISTORY Execution his Majesty's Commands signified to us by your Grace, in the raost effectual raanner. I perceive by the iraperfect News, which your Grace at the time of writmg your Letter had receiv'd of the Surprize of the Detachment of New England Troops by the Canadeans at Menis last Winter, that none of ray Letters givmg an Account of it to your Grace were then arriv'd, and lest all of thera should have miscarried I shall briefly recount it here: M' de Ramsay had retir'd with his Party from the District of Annapolis, where he had incamp'd at about a Mile's distance frora his Majesty's Fort, upon the Arrival of the three first Corapanies, I sent these m September or within a day or two after, and fix'd his Quarters at Menis the Granary & most populous District of Accadie ; after this the sending of the remainder of the Levies, which I design'd for M' Mascarene's Reinforcement, was stop'd upon the Arrival of the French Armament under the Coraraand of the late Duke d' AnviUe in the Harbour of Chibucto, that being m appearance so strong as to raake us give up in our Expectations his Maj esty's Fort and the Whole Province for lost ; But upon that Squadron's quitting the Coast I sent another Detachment of five hundred Men to Annapolis Royal, four Companies of wMch arriv'd there in November, upon wMch M' de Ramsay after having in vain raade his utraost Efforts to bring the Inhabitants of Menis into a Revolt, upon a Suggestion that the Force lately arrived was design'd to drive 'em from their Settleraents, and therefore exhorting 'era to join with Mm and stand on their defence, quitted that District & retir'd with his Party to Sehiegnecto ; and soon after a Detachment of about five hundred of the New England Levies march'd into Menis, and there expected the Arrival of three hundred Levies from Rhode Island, and of one raore Corapany from this Province to join 'em in order to go in pursuit of the Eneray to Sehiegnecto, & drive 'em out of the Province. But OP THE STATE OP MAINE 375 being by tempestuous Weather disappointed of that Rein forcement it was judg'd that they were too weak to venture after the Enemy into Sehiegnecto, but that it was necessary they should winter in Menis to keep the Enemy out ; which they accordingly did 'till February, when the Canadeans & French Indians after a very hazardous March of nmeteen days thro' the Woods, at a Season of the Year when it is thought irapracticable, havmg the Advantage of Support & InteUigence from the Inhabitants, carae by Surprize in their Snow Shoes upon the New England Troops at Midnight, immediately after a violent Storm of Snow, which lay deep on the Ground, and having surrounded every House m Menis, where the prmcipal officers were quarter' d, attack'd 'era, kill'd the Coramander in Chief and his Brother after exchanging several Shot with 'era, and rushmg mto many Houses kill'd 60 Men, and raade 80 Prisoners ; But being repuls'd at sev eral Houses with loss, amounting in the whole to about that of our own Men, (who at day break recover'd their main Guard) and growing sick of their Enterprize, they first propos'd a Cessation of Arms for two hours, and afterwards offered to permit the King's Soldiers to march out of the Place and retire to Annapolis Royal with their Arras, Druras beatmg and Colours flymg ; to have Liberty to bury their Dead & carry off what was necessary to support 'em in their March; the French to take care of the sick and wounded EngUsh, and send 'em to his Majesty's Fort at Annapolis at their Expence ; which Terms our Men who were cut off from their Ammunition, Provisions & Snow Shoes in a Country weU affected to the Enemy, accepted, and agreed to quit Menis, & to bear arras witMn that District for 12 Months: TMs was the Issue of that Action; after wMch the Can adeans, who it was expected would have kept possession of Menis, did not think fit to venture to stay there, but within a few days withdrew to ScMegnecto. 376 DOCUMENTARY HISTORY Upon advice of this Surprize, imagining that the Enemy might endeavour to make an Advantage of Ms Majesty's Troops quitting Menis by Capitulation, as they reaUy after wards did, to prevent any Claira from 'em on that Account, I immediately sent M' Mascarene another Detachment of the Levies frora hence, which with others in the Garrison, who were not restramed frora bearing Arras, might be a sufficient force to take repossession of Menis, & oblige the Inhabitants to renew their Oaths of Fidelity to his majesty, wMch was accordingly done, and, as I apprehend takes away all the Enemy's pretence of Title to Menis grounded upon their Advantage gained in the late Surprize there. Ever after this the Canadeans confin'd themselves within ScMegnecto, where they reraain'd 'till about ten Weeks ago, and then abandoned the Provmce & return'd to Canada, after being baffied m aU their Atterapts, both against his Majesty's Garrison & upon the Inhabitants to brmg 'era into a Revolt, by being first obUg'd to quit Annapolis Royal, and afterwards Menis ; so that thr6 the before raention'd Accidents the Detachraents of Levies which I sent over to protect the Gar rison & Province did not imraediately drive the Enemy off the last Year, yet they finally oblig'd 'era to quit it; by which raeans I hope it may be more practicable to put the Province mto a better State of Security before the Canadeans renew their Visit, wMch raay be expected every Year during the War. I shall m pursuance of Ms Majesty's Commands, issue a Proclamation m his Name for settling the Minds of the Acca dians ; I did the last Fall publish a Declaration m French, assurmg 'em that the Report spread among 'era of a Design to drive 'em off their Settlements, was groundless, and that I was perswaded such of 'em, as should keep their FideUty and AUegiance, would be protected by Ms Majesty m the Enjoy ment of their Estates, for wMch Purpose I should raake a OP THE STATE OP MAINE 377 favourable Representation of 'em, and recomraend 'em to his Majesty &c* ; which had a very good Effect to frustrate M' de Ramsay's before raention'd Attempt in Menis to work 'em up to a Revolt, under the Narae of standing upon their own defence; and produc'd the strongest professions of fidelity from 'em and thanks to me for my Declaration; so that I doubt not but a Proclamation in his Majesty's Narae will absolutely confirra the best dispos'd among 'em in their fidel ity, & have a good Tendency to fix the Dispositions of others that may be wavering. About three Months ago Governour CUnton advis'd me that the New York Levies, and those of the several Colonies Westward were grown mutinous for want of their Pay, that they had deserted in Bodies, and he fear'd the worst of Con sequences from their present Disposition, that to pacify 'era he had promis'd 'em part of their Pay, but the coramandmg officer of the New Jersey Levies havmg paid those Troops their full Pay, he was oblig'd to do the same to the others. Your Grace will easily imagine that this necessarily begat a general Discontent in the Levies of my own Governraent, and the Asserably thereupon requested me to advance their Pay to them ; However I have not yet exceeded the rate of two pence a day in what I have advanc'd to the Men ; which leaves room for aU possible Stoppages to be raade. But if the Levies of the Colomes, I have mention'd, have actually receiv'd their full Pay, I am afraid, my Lord, it wUl tMow an insuperable Difficulty upon M' Knowles and ray self to curtaU the Pay of the others ; However I shall shun no Diffi culties in tMs or any other Part of the Service enjom'd me ; As to the Officers, I have hitherto resisted all SoUicitations for advancing any of their Pay, as also for givmg second Year's CloatMng to the Men; which is not, I believe, the Case m every other Colony. I shall observe your Grace's Orders as far as it is possible 378 DOCUMENTARY HISTORY for drawing no more BiUs ; My drawing of Bills for Arras & Cloathmg for purchasing of which the Money has been advanc'd here above fifteen Months by the Merchants, who receiv'd no Commissions for transactmg the Business, was unavoidable ; and I had no other raethod of executmg his Majesty's Commands in providmg the Arras and Cloathing but by taking up Money of the Merchants to be repaid in Bills of Exchange — The Assemblies in the Colonies have conceiv'd a Jealousy of some standmg, that greater Difficul ties attend the Repayment of Money advanc'd for his Maj esty's Service by a Government, than those advanc'd by private Persons : and it has been a Maxira in tMs Province m coraraon Cases for the Governraent (where they have advanc'd the Money on his Majesty's Account, & run the Risque of re-payraent of it) to transact it by private Mer chants, and have the Bills on the Governraent at home drawn in their Naraes: But I shall use my best Endeavours to induce the Assembly in this Province to comply with what his Majesty orders me to recomraend to 'em in this Case ; and if I can effect it, that may possibly influence those of the other Governments. It was also unavoidable for me to draw BiUs for the extraordinary charge of transporting & VictuaUmg the Levies, which I eraploy'd in the Protection of Nova Scotia; The Assembly absolutely refus'd to bear it, and it was with diffi culty that I engag'd the Soldiers rais'd expressly for another Service, to go into it ; But it was necessary to be done for the immediate preservation of that Province, and therefore I hope it will rather raeet with his Majesty's Royal Approbar tion, than be disapprov'd, & that the Bills, which I have thus been oblig'd to draw for his Majesty's Service, will be paid. I may in particular assure your Grace, that the French Armament under the Command of the late Duke d' AnviUe arriv'd in Chibucto Harbour in a shatter'd & weak Condition, OP THE STATE OF MAINE 379 yet if I had not happend imraediately before that to have reraforced the Garrison at Annapolis Royal with three Com- pames, and Admiral Warren, then at Boston, sent his Maj esty's Ship Chester into Annapolis Basin, Upon wMch M' de Ramsay decamped from before the Fort, and retir'd to Menis, the Eneray might, & doubtless would have immediately equipp'd & sent round to Annapolis Royal sorae Frigates with Artillery & Troops, to have join'd M' de Ramsay & redue'd the Garrison ; But they were discourag'd ( as we were assur'd by sorae English Prisoners who were carry'd into Chibucto whilst the french Squadron was there ) frora attempt ing it, upon Intelligence of the reinforceraent I had sent there, (the Nuraber of which was Ukewise increas'd to 'era by M' de Ramsay ) and by the Basin's bemg guarded by his Maj esty's Ships Chester & Shirley — M' Mascarene's Last letter to M' Fox, I find, attributes the Preservation of the Garrison & Province from falUng mto the Enemy's hands to these sea sonable Succours sent 'era by rae ; as does, I believe, one or more of M' Knowles's Letters to your Grace ; And I hope there can be no room for your Majesty to doubt of it — And as to the Iraportance of the Service, it has ever been, ray Lord, my fix'd Opmion, to which aU persons whora Ms Maj esty's Service has led me to consult upon tMs Pomt, particu larly Adrairal Warren & M' Knowles, have agreed, that the Loss of Nova Scotia would not only greatly facilitate the Recovery of Cape Breton to the French, but, if held by 'era, forthwith give 'em the Mast Country, the Fishery & chief Navigation of these Seas : And in one word, my Lord, if any thing valuable can arise to the British Doramions frora the Northem Contment's bemg in the Possession of the Crown of Great Britam, the Province of Nova Scotia, which ought to be made the Barrier of it agamst the French, should be preserv'd at any rate frora falUng into their hands, wMlst Canada remams in their Possession. 380 DOCUMENTARY HISTORY The Money for paying the two pence a day, which I have advanc'd to the Men, and for which I have drawn Bills, was taken up of the Merchants some Weeks ago, and not to be recall'd; But I stood out before I made that pajonent to any of the Levies, except those sent to Menis, 'till the Mutinous Spirit was grown high in the Western Levies, and had begun to infect those of tMs Provmce, & I was constrain'd to it by the Practice of other Governraents. I shall observe to the utraost of ray Power his Majesty's Commands for compleating my own & the other Regiments at Louisbourg, with that of Phillips's, out of the American Levies, and retaining such a number of 'era, as shaU be thought necessary to be eraployed in Ms Majesty's Service for the Security of Nova Scotia; But as part ofthe Terms of my Proclamation, and I beUeve of those of the other Govern raents founded upon his Majesty's Orders contain'd m your Grace's Letter of the 9'" of April 1746, for encouraging Men to enlist for an Expedition agamst Canada, were that they should be discharg'd at the End of it, I would submit to your Grace's Consideration whether any of 'em, that shall not vol untarily enlist de novo, can be retain'd at the End of the Expedition for another Service, against their WUl. I have only to add, that upon my comraunicatmg to the Assembly such Parts of your Grace's Letter to rae of the 30'" of May, as it was proper to lay before 'era, I had the Pleasure to observe that the Account there given of his Majesty's paternal Care for the Protection & Welfare of his Northern Colonies, and the late Vigillance at Sea so happily exerted therein, fiU'd their hearts with a grateful Sense of his Maj esty's Goodness, and gave 'era extreme Satisfaction. I have the honour to be with the raost dutiful Regard My Lord Duke Your Grace's most Devoted and most Obedient, Humble Servant W. Shirley OP THE STATE OP MAINE 381 P. s. By a french Flag of Truce just arriv'd here frora Quebeck with 171 English Prisoners, I have an Account that 9 Ships, most, if not aU of 'era french Transports that had escap'd Admirals Anson & Warren, were arriv'd there, with one Swiss & one, if not two french Corapanies of Troops. iHf Bollan to the Duke of Newcastle. Westrainster Aug' 19'" 1747 My Lord Duke The province of Nova Scotia being, in ray humble Opinion, in a much more dangerous Condition than seeras to be gen erally Apprehended, I think it ray Duty to Represent to your Grace it's present state, together with such Matters as I tMnk any wise relates to its preservation. Upon the Defeat given to the New England Troops at Minas the Eneray becarae possessed of the whole province, savmg that the English Contmued to hold the Fort of Annapolis — Mmas is the principal settleraent m the prov ince, & seated m the Heart of it, and Annapolis is as it were in a Corner, having by no means the Comand of the Country. The Defeat we receiv'd at Mmas was given by a party whom Mons' Ramsay Detach'd from his head Quarters at Chignecto, a place convenient for Ms receiving succours, and which afterwards retum'd thither to hira, where he still Continues, and doubtless has been fortifying himself, unless his appre hensions of Danger have been so smaU as to raake hira think that unnecessary. All the Indians in the province Are at open Enmity with us, and m strict alUance with the Enemy, the whole Trade of the Country is, and for a considerable time past has been, in the Enemy's hands ; the Inhabitants taking all their Iron, Salt, & other Necessaries from them, 382 DOCUMENTARY HISTORY and givmg them in Exchange all their product. And as the Fort at Annapolis is the only strength whereby the English hold any possession in this Country, if it be Consider'd that the Governor by Ms absence or otherwise is incapable of tak ing proper Care of it — that the Comander in Chief on the Spot and the other officers are not so well United as all well- wishers to his Majesty's Services would Desire for the Secu rity of it — that this Garrison has not always behav'd in the best manner — that of the Soldiers wMch during the War have been sent to strengthen the Garrison but few have arriv'd, and sorae of them on Declarmg themselves roraan Catholicks have been sent away — that of those who are there Many are aged & Infirm, and the rest so Dispos'd to Desert that it has been a standmg order given to the New England Troops to Watch & prevent it — that the Enemy from the Circumstances of the Garrison & Country gett con stant Information of aU our Measures, whereas we have little or no Intelligence of their Motions, so that when Mons' Duvierer Came to lay Siege to the Fort the first Knowledge the EngUsh had of an Enemy's being in the Country was by their kilUng several of the Garrison, whom they found m the Gardens near the ffort, if these tMngs, my Lord, together with the Weakness of the ffortification, and the Dispositions of the Inhabitants in general be Consider'd ( without weighmg other dangerous Circumstances too raany to be here Enumerated) it will then appear what a slender hold we have of this prov mce. It must also be observ'd that the ffrench, according to their wonted policy & Diligence, Use aU methods to Encrease their Influence over the Inhabitants ; by burning their houses, & other like Methods, they Distress to the utraost such as have on any Notable occasion serv'd the EngUsh; and by kindness. Justice & prudence they labour to Gain the Affec tions of the rest already too rauch IncUn'd to them, when Mons' Duvierer laid siege to Annapolis, he gave Bills to the OP THB STATE OP MAINE 383 Inhabitants for the Supplies he had of them, upon Mons' Bigoe, late Intendent at Louisbourg, and when Duke D'En- ville went last year to reduce that province to the ffrench Kmg's Obedience, Mons' Bigoe went with him, & paid off these Bills in ffrench Crowns, as they were brought to Mm by those to whora they belong'd. And the Bills given for Supplyes by the other ffrench Comanders are daily Negotiated between the Inhabitants and the ffrench Traders frora Can ada, Whereas on the other hand, when the English lately went to Dislodge the ffrench at Mmas, ffive hundred of our people were obUg'd to live upon the Inhabitants near six weeks, for wMch not a farthmg has yet been paid them : and the Indiscreet raention that has been frequently raade by our Officers of Extirpating all the Inhabitants ( a raost dangerous if not irapracticable scheme ) with other motives, had before our Defeat at Minas so far Influenced the mmds of the Inhabitants, that had not M' Shirley's preventive Letter Come seasonably araong them, they would very probably have Declared themselves openly for the ffrench, and taken up Arms m Conjunction with them. As to the Importance of tMs provmce, so much has already been laid before Your Grace on that head, that I shall now only Observe, that a part of it is Equal to the whole Island of Cape Breton — that the Eneray's protection of the forraer wiU render the latter very Insecure to us — that this prov ince when entirely gain'd by the Eneray will be to them a stable foundation whereon to build that powerfuU Dominion, wMch they Endeavour to raise in & form that Quarter of the World ; and the Loss of it will have terrible Effects upon our fishery, our possessions upon the Continent, and the Comerce of all our Colonies, And, under your Grace's favour, I apprehend this Loss must give such a Wound to the British Interest as no Tirae or poUcy can cure, without a very great Expence of Blood & Treasure, if at all. ffor these reasons. 384 DOCUMENTARY HISTORY ray Lord, the French have Ventur'd so rauch and so often in trymg for it. And as the price is so great, then present hold of it so Considerable, and their Chances of gaming it so many, it must, m my Opinion, my Lord, be Expected that they will Continue their utraost Endeavours to Coraplete their Designs. Part of the Mast Country is already lost to England, and the reraainder raust be either lost in Nova Sco tia, or soon follow it, the Enemy not long smce had it m Consultation, as I ara credibly Inform'd, to Destroy by the Indians our growmg Masts, a few strokes of an Ax bemg sufficient to spoil the finest Mast the King has, but they determin'd to forbear it, upon the prospect they had of gain ing the Country for theraselves ; which prospect their great Vigilance & Application have since Mended — Fortune has hitherto been agamst them m the Course of War in this Quarter, they have lost their Fishery, that great source of wealth & Naval power, they have lost Cape Breton, & ten or twelve sail of Men of War in trying for Nova Scotia ; And yet they hold up their heads, they Support their Colonies, keep up the Spirits of their Indian AlUes, And together with them make daily Incursions into the English Territories, pen etrating deep into several of their cMef provinces, killmg sorae. Carrying others into Captivity, and driving away the rest of the Inhabitants, burning & Destroying their Habita tions, laying waste great part of the Country, Hoping thereby, araong other advantages, to prevent succours being sent to Nova Scotia, over which they keep a Constant Eye, looking upon it as the prmcipal pomt, which must one Day Deter mine the power & Dommion in the Contment of Araerica to the English or ffrench. Under these Cireurastances the Spirits of the English Colonies languish & Decay, while the ffrench daily grow bolder, so that by Dint of perseverance & pubUok spirit, they bidd fair for Carrying their main point at last, against a superior fforce. Nay, even against Fortune herself. ¦ OP THE STATE OP MAINE 385 Enough, My Lord, I beUeve, has been said on the forego ing Heads, I hope not more than the occasion requires or Deserves, wherefore I shall hasten to Consider, what I am sensible wUl be more Agreeable to your Grace, the Means of preventing this Irapending Mischief ; And for the better Dis cernment thereof I begg you will Consider how this provmce has been hitherto saved. Upon a review of the Means of it's past preservation, you will doubtless see that the Succours sent by the Massachusetts province have divers times saved it, when in imment Danger, The Massachusetts people now make, I Believe, the cMef strength of the Garrison ; and I think the aid of that provmce wiU Continue very usefuU if not necessary to preserve the other ; Your Grace will there fore please to Consider their Condition, And how they Came into it. in order to Judge whether farther assistance can rea sonably be expected from thera ; they are m that Distressed State which has been already Described, or rather m a rauch Worse, for they are not only so harrassed on every side by the Indians, that their Settleraents both Eastem & Western are daily breakmg up, but the Country is draind of raen, is greatly in debt, it's Trade daUy Decreasing, it's Currency constantly ffaUing, and that so IntoUerably fast that no Man hving can TeU how to Carry on Ms Business, and not to dwell upon particulars, the Cireurastances are so wretched, that unless sorae Alteration be speedily raade in thera, they must be quite ruined and broke up ; and what raakes Miserj' itself more grievous to thera is the Consideration that theirs is Owing to their publick spirit and their publick services, I mean in taking & securing Cape Breton, and preservmg Nova Scotia, and to their want of that support wMch they Expected from hence. Had they not taken Cape Breton it must, I think, have remam'd in the hands of the ffrench. And the Enghsh must long smce have lost Nova Scotia, with a great part of their Cod-ffishery, at least, and the Security of all 25 386 DOCUMENTARY HISTORY their possessions on the Continent must have been Shaken, And their Trade to the East as well as the West Indies must have suffered — There is one particular I raust also begg leave to observe, the Governour of Canada some time ago sent a Message to the Six Nations of Indians wherein he told thera that " he took pity of their Brethren at Albany and "would frora that tirae Tum his Indians frora that place " on their raost Inveterate Enemyes of New England." Now when the Eneray turn the Edge of the sword against this Colony in particular, in Consequence of their special services, will not the Colony want, ray Lord, special Support & pro tection, instead of bemg able to give it ; I ara sensible they Are in a short tirae to be reirabursed the Expence they were at in taking & securing Cape Breton, tMs when Discharg'd will be some Considerable relief to their present Distress, but will by no means Redress all their Grievances; And the Delay of this partial reraedy has already Multiplied, and still Multiplies greatly their Distress ; they are now Unable to stand their own Ground, so that I TMnk it cannot be sup posed They will Atterapt to support others, without being first strengthen'd themselves, wherefore, for the good of his Majesty's "service, as well as other reasons, in my humble opinion. Justice should be done that province as soon as may be, and a tender regard had for thera, so that by recovering their spirits they may be able to hold up their heads against those Eneraies, which their publick spirit & good behaviour have raisd up against them ; and to go on to Assist m pre servmg Nova Scotia. As to the other Measures proper to be taken for that End, I submit it to Your Grace's Considera tion, whether after the Manner of the Romans of old, it may not be right to Comrait this provmce to some person, equal to the Undertaking, Granting Mm sufficient authority, Force & Money to Drive out the Eneray, secure the Country effectually, and settle it upon a proper Foot, IVj^aking it ( as OP THE STATE OP MAINE 387 it is Capable ) to become, mstead of a Gangreen, a sound & UsefuU part of the Body politick leaving particulars to his Discretion to be Exercised upon the Spot. If this should not be thought proper, as the Country must soon be wholly lost in the Judgement of every Man I believe, who is Acquainted with its Circumstances, if sorae proper Expedient be not soon found out to preserve it In order to this I submit it to be Consider'd, whether it be not necessary that Mons' Ramsay and the party under his Comand be imediately driven out of the Country, he havmg now been there a Year and half or upwards ; and that the various proposals that have been made for securing the province raay be review'd partic ularly those made by M' Warren, M' Clark & my Self ; and those since made by M' Shirley & M' Knowley, who propose among other things a ffort at Chibucto, a Block house at Minas, and a ffort at the Isthmus, near Bay Vert ; if neither of these setts of proposals shall be Approv'd, then I would humbly propose that a ffort be built at the Isthmus, which will be of service to Comand the Indians, & other Inhabitants in the province, and to prevent the Eneray's Entrance into it. Cutting off their Trade & Communication with the Inhabitants. And by a well regulated Trade, and other proper Measures, I think it not Improbable that the Indians may be brought into an AUiance with Us, which, if obtamed, I apprehend would at any rate be better & Cheaper than to Contmue at War with them — that the Garrison of Annap- ohs be fiU'd up with a proper Compliment of Men, & put in the best order possible — that Capt Gorham's Corapany of rangers be Corapleted & kept on Foot, Because, without such a Body of Men it will be in the power of a few Enemy- Indians to Block up, m a great measure, the ffort of Annap olis, even when full of regular soldiers. And, because they wiU be necessary for marching thrd the Woods, and among the Inhabitants, to whora they are far raore terrible than 388 DOCUMENTARY HISTORY European soldiers, and whose services Experience has prov'd so great, that nothmg farther need be said of them — that some Measures be taken to Appease the Minds of the Inhab itants, & Attach thera as far as raay be to the English ; let what will be done in other respects, with Subraission, I think it absolutely necessary that Care be taken in this particular, and that as soon as may be ; ffor as there are at least ffive or six thousand of thera. All to a Man well Acquainted with Arms, if they once draw the Sword for the Enemy, the whole Affair will soon be at an End. And as this is a point of the last Consequence, it is also Attended with raany Difficulties, arising frora a Variety of Matters too many to be here related ; After giving all possible Attention to it, and frequently talk ing with Capt. Gorhara upon it, whora I have found perfectly well Acquainted with the Country m general, and with the Teraper and Dispositions of the Inhabitants in particular, in my humble opinion, it will be for his Majesty's Service to pardon every one all past offences, except those who have taken up Arms ; and to assure thera of the Enjoyraent of their Estates, and, as far as can well be done, of their Religion likewise. I have the honour to be with the greatest respect. My Lord Duke, Your Grace's most Devoted and most Obedient servant W Bollan Duke of Bedford to the Duke of Newcastle. St. Albans Sept: 11'" 1747 My Dear Lord I have read over the letters your Grace sent rae by M' Clevland, and do think the proposal raade by Governour Shirley in his letter of the 8'" of July last, a very good one OP THE STATE OP MAINE 889 and the most likely to preserve Nova Scotia from fallmg into the Enemies hands. But it is still lyable to two very great objections, the one the great expence of raising 2000 Men out of the Massachusetts bay, who are designed to be left at Shegnectoo, in the roora of the French inhabitants, to w*" must be added the great expence w*" will be incurred by the reciprocal moving of the faimlies of the two nations to their respective Settlements, and w*" will I apprehend deter M' Pelham from coming mto a measure, w*" must unavoidably bring on so great a publick expence, all w*" must be paid ( if undertaken ) by the Government here. The other objection is the lateness of the Season, w*" I fear is too far advanced, to admit of any operation to be begun, m those Countries, especially as y* orders for putting it in execution are not yet sent from hence. As this last equally holds agamst M' Boland's proposal for the whole to be effected by the Garri son of Louisbourg w'"*"' having recourse to the Levies frora New England, I shall not raention any others concerning it. I hope your Grace will think proper to give all due encour agement to Capt" Gorhara, whose Service now with his Body of Rangers, is raore than ever absolutely necessary for the immediate preservation of the Provmce of Nova Scotia. I am with the truest regard My dear Lord Your most faithfuU humble Servant Bedford. Extracts of a Letter from Governour Clinton to Govemour Shirley ^ Governour Knowles dated Novem'' 10*'' 1747. The Asserably having refus'd to advance any Money or give Credit for the Pay due to the Forces levy'd in this Province, I have try'd the other Method propos'd by Your Excellencies of getting Money of the Merchants but I can 390 DOCUMENTARY HISTORY procure not one farthmg from thera on the Terras mention'd m your Excellencies Letter, so that nothmg now remams but to give Certificates of the Pay due, unless I venture to draw upon the Crown in the usual Manner I have done. Upon this Occasion I raust observe to your Excellencies that all the Forces posted at Albany, those of this Provmce as well as others, have ever smce they march'd to Albany been upon actual Duty, & frequently Duty of as great Fatigue & Danger, as any of the Forces in Flanders, & perhaps greater, as they had to deal with Indians in thick Woods & Swamps, such as are not in Europe, besides the Hardships they have been expos'd to for want of regular Quarters, whereby they were oblig'd to encamp in the coldest Weather, which prejudic'd their Healths. Therefore I think there can be no Pretence to make the Abatement in their Pay : Indeed I ara perswaded that such a Proposal raust have a very bad Effect upon the Minds of both Men & Officers. I have sent your Excellencies the Forra of a BUI of Exchange, whereupon I raay have sorae hopes of getting Money to discharge this Service, & w*" I conceive will be a sufficient Reason for drawing, if your Excellencies concur with me therein, otherwise raany People must be Sufferers for what they have advanc'd & disburs'd by my Orders m the Course of this Service, & which in Honour I cannot see done. Examin'd W. SMrley. Brigadier Dwight to Gov'^ Shirley. Sir, I beg leave to lay before your Excellency the Representa tion of the several Captains in the Regiment raised for Ms Majesty's Service for an Expedition against Canada wMch I OP THB STATE OP MAINE 391 have had the Honour to Coraraand, a Copy whereof is Inclosed, and which I pray your Excellency to take into Consideration — And Suffer rae to observe that the Non Commission Officers & private Men of this Regiment were stout and able bodied Men well Enured to Hardships, & used to their Arms, and thereby render'd equal at least for the Service they were destin'd to any Veteran & well disciplin'd Troops, many of thera having distinguished theraselves as well at Cape Breton as at N° 4 Fort : And in Loyalty to the best of Sovereigns Inspired with a Spirit of Resolution and fairness of Mmd freely offered themselves to tMs Service with a principle View to contribute their part towards putting down the Power & Pride of France the Kmg's most Invet erate Eneray, and to Enlarge his Doramions m North Araer ica thereby to Extend Ms power, and raake Mra great as he is Good ; tho they knew at the sarae time that 6" Sterling g day clear of Stoppage was not a third part of what is paid m this Country for common and ordmary Services, no way pro portionable to the Fatigues of a Camp. Now I pray your ExceUency to Consider whether the Advantage of the Crown in punctually paying off at a good Rate, Men of such Loyal, Generous & Good Dispositions wUl not Outweigh that of saving a few 4"' with the Discourageraent & Loss of such a Temper m the King's Subjects, Whereby it will be rendered impracticable upon any the best Concerted Measures ( be the Emergency what it wUl ) to raise the like Number of brave Men m New England. — As to their Arras when some of the Men moved the Question whether they were given them as part of the King's Royal Bounty for their Encourageraent to Enlist themselves in His Service ; I had so much Confidence in His Gracious Intention it should be so, I told the Men that if they were ever required of thera even if I ray self should do it they were not to obey rae, but as the Officers were to be Accountable for thera m Case they be not re-deUver'd, I 392 DOCUMENTARY HISTORY stand ready to Account at what tirae I ara caUed. And as to the probability of the several Captams recovermg the Arms from their respective Corapanies you are not unapprized that since the raen have been call'd off from the Frontiers they havmg no Subsistence AUow'd them were under Necessity to repair to their several Homes ; and I know of no method for an officer now to possess hiraself of the Arras but by calling the Men together frora all parts of the Province at his own or their Expence drawing the Men up into a Body, ordering their groundmg & laymg down their Arms, facing to the Right about and March, when they have so done, the officers raay possess theraselves of their Arras, & read their dismis sion, and the Consequence of that, arismg from the Enraged Spirits of the Men is not difficult to foresee. Wherefore I pray with the Officers of ray late Regiment that the Non Coraraission Officers & private Men may be Allowed to retain their Arras and have their Pay augmented. I am Sir, your Excellency's raost Obedient and raost humble Servant Joseph Dwight Copy Examin'd W. SMrley Letter Simon Frost to Josiah Willard Sec''y Kittery April 2, 1748 Hon" S' Since my Return home, have been inform'd by an Attorney Concern'd m the Action pending at the next Super' Court to be held at York between the Proprietors of North Yarra* & others unknown to rae. That John Hill Esq' and his Brother who are ray Cousins German, are also Pro prietors of Said Town, wMch will render it mconvenient to me to Sit in Said Action : Shall be glad if yo' Hon' wou'd OP THB STATE OP MAINE 393 acquaint His Excellency therewith, that so another person may be Seasonably appointed on that Affair, if His ExceUency pleases. I ShaU not be against Serving the Publick in any Such Capacity when there lyes no just Objection against me. ~ Shou'd not have troubled you with this Letter, but York Court will prevent ray attending the Gen" Assembly till the Middle of tMs Month. - I am with my Duty to His ExceUency, ~ Yo' Hon" most Obedient hurable Servant Siraon Frost M' Secretary Copy of Record. At a Legal Town Meetmg held at Berwick May y 2" 1748 Voted M' Peter Grant Moderator Voted the Reveren" M' Jeremiah Wise Shall have five hundred Pounds in Publick Bills of the Old Tenor for Ms Support in the work of the Mmistry among us the ensu ing year. Voted that there Shall be a Meeting house built above the River according to the former vote to accoraraodate the whole Town m General. / Voted one Thousand Pounds in Pub Uck BiUs of New Tenor to carry on the building the said Meeting house. Voted M' Roger Plaisted Decon Benjarain Libby M' William Keey Cap' Moses Butler M' Benjarain Hodsdon and M' Stephen Harris shaU be a coraraittee to carry on the building the said Meetmg house Voted the Coraraitte for buildmg the Said Meeting house ShaU provide the Land to Set the Said Meeting house upon at the Towns Charge. Entred by Hurap. Chadboum Town Clerk 894 DOCUMENTARY HISTORY Berwick May 2" 1748. We the Subscribers do enter our Desents against - building a Meeting house m said Town : Unless Said house is Set where it will accommodate the uper end when we Shall Devide and if the vote can be obtamed we are ready and willmg to Joyn our proportion: for we apprehend that If Said house is Set to accoraraodate the whole Town as they Say, in our opinion it will in a few years be the raeans to make three Parrishes when two is Sufficient and therefore pray that a rainete raay be raade by the Clerk of this offer. / Berwick May 2" 1748 We the Subscribers do enter our Desents against all the votes that has been past excepting the Ministers Sallery. John Hill Elisha Plaisted Nathan Lord Abraham Lord WilUam More Richard Nason Benjamin Nason Samuel Nason James Plaisted John Lord jun. Joseph Emery John Lord John Cooper John Cooper jun. Samuel Lord Richard Shackley Joseph Hubberd Samuel Lord jun Thomas Hodsden Moses Goodwin Elisha Hill Phillip Hubberd Humphry Chadboum jun. Ichabod Goodwin John Thomson Thoraas Abbot Thomas Goodwm jun. Aaron Goodwm John Hodsden Benjamin Chadboum Entred according to the Origenal By Hump. Chadboum Town Clerk A true Coppy of Record Attest Hurap. Chadboum Town Clerk Copy of Record. To the Select men of the Town of Berwick: We the Subscribers being Inhabitants of Said Town Request you that a Meeting of the Inhabitants of the afore Said Town may be called as Soon as may be in Some publick place m said Tovra, Then and there if they See cause to vote OP THE STATE OP MAINE 395 an addition to the mmisters Sallery for the year Ensuing, And to Raise money to defray Town charges. Also to pass any vote or votes for the going on with the Building of a new meeting house to accommodate the whole Town as for merly Voted : and to Raise money to Carry on the Sarae and to chuse a Committe to carry on the Building of the Said Meetmg house and to get a Conveniant place to Set the Same upon. Also to pass any vote or votes to remove any Incumbrances that Lyes on the Towns Land or priveliges or anyways discoramoads the Same. Berwick March 29'" 1748 Benjamin Libby John Smith Nathaniel Gubtail Thoraas Butler John Keey Miles Thorason Benjarain Hodsden Jona than Stone John Pray Peter Keey Tilly Haggens Elezer Clark Nath' Joy Thoraas Goodwin Daniel Libby Jun'. / York ss. To m' Williara Holmes Constable of the Town of Berwick Greetmg Whereas application is made to us the Subscribers by a Lawful number of Inhabitants of the Said Town of Berwick for calUng a Town Meeting you are hereby required to wam and give Notice to all the freeholders and other Inhabitants of Said Town that are quallified to vote in Town Meetmg. That they assemble and meet at the Meeting house m Said Town on monday the second day of May next at one of the clock on Said day : Then and there to vote Some addition to the Mmisters SaUery for the year ensuing: And to Raise money to defray other town charges. Also to pass any vote or votes to go on with the Building of a new Meetmg house to accommodate the whole Town m General as was formerly voted in said Town and to raise money for the carrying on the Buildmg the Said house : And to choose a committe to carry on the work and to get a Suteable place to Set the Said Meeting house upon: Also to pass any vote or votes to remove all Incumbrances off of the Towns Land or Minestry Land m said Town. Dated Berwick April 18'" 1748 And 396 DOCUMENTARY HISTORY in the Twenty first year of his Majesties Reign g Jos Hart Moses Butler Moses Hodsden Samuel Bracket jun. Select men of Berwick A true Copy of the Origenal writings Attest Hurap. Chadbourne Town Clerk York ss Berwick May 2" 1748 Pursuant to the within warrant to rae Directed I have warned all the freeholders and other Inhabitants of Berwick to appear at tirae and place within raentioned. g WUliara Holmes Constable A true Coppy of the return of the aforegoing Warrant. Attest Hump. Chadboum Town Clerk Letter James Mo Cobb to Gov. Shirley. Georgetown, May 7'" 1748 May it Please Your Excellency I take tMs oportunity to Inforra Your Excelly that on the 26 : of April two of the Inhabitants of this Town had the raisforton to be Captivated by the Indian Eneray. viz : Job Philbrook and Sarauel Malune as they were Plowing about two hundred yards frora M' Philbrooks Gari- son I Iraraediately Sent an Express to Your Exce" upon it but it unfortunatly fell mto the Enemy's hands When Cap' Burns was Killed Which I Supose you have had an account of. I would Inforra Your Excelly SoraetMng of the Defenceless Condition that town is in we have Seventeen Garisons wMch we have Defended hitherto and but fifty raen alowed us by the Government of WMch fortey two is to be Inhabitants I have not been able to this Day to Inlist above one half OP THB STATE OP MAINE 397 of said Inhabitants they are so Discouraged and had a Great Deal Rather have raore Aded to their nuraber. I Humbly Conceive that nothing but Your ExceU*y' Speedy Corapationate Regard Will Prevent tbe Breaking up of this Place the Inhabitants would fain hold their Ground and nothing but bare Necessity will Induce them to Leave it the Enemy seeras to be vastly raore in number then they have been Smce the War began and more bold and our num ber is so Small that we are not able to act in an offenceve way nor Indeed to Defend the Inhabitants about theire Labour nor the Coasters in Carrying of our Lumber I leave our Case to Your Exce"y' wise and gracious Concideration I am Your Excelpy DutifuU Ser-" James M° Cobb Letter Sam* Denny to Gov. Shirley. Georgetown May. 9. 1748 May it please your Exelency tMs waits on your Exelency to inform you that by a letter to your Exelency with other letters in cap' Burnses pocket when Killed by the Eneray on or about 4 Instant the ineray is fully inforraed of the naked and defensless condition that tMs pore town is in wich indead is very malancoUey the few raen that are here are posted at the most Exposed garasons in the town to incourage them to hold those garasons a little longer notwith standmg which I Expect Euery rainut to hare they hey have desarted s" plases many of the garasons have no raen the Inhabitants thmkmg it better not to be tyed to mlistin but that they may be clear that they raay not be hindered frora runing when raatters com to Extremity wich will be the case quickley unless by your Exelencies Kinde interposision we can be further 898 DOCUMENTARY HISTORY covered can it be thought that 20 garasons wich is not the hole nuraber now kept in this too can be kept by the number of men if we can git thera that are allowed to this town in the presant Establishraent we beg your Exelencies favour for our protection. plese your Exelency what the letter taken as above was designed to in forra you of was that on y* 27 of April larst 2 raen ware taken captive by the Eneray within gun shott of one of our garasons and raight bave taken the garason and would no doubt had they then known as they do now that there was only a number of woomen and children in it and alsou to inform you that on the 28 of said april an Indian canno was found within sight of my garason laid up by . the side of the river in the woods brought there the night before supposed not to have been made more then 3 or 4 days the seams stoped with mud made of spruse bark the sliramoss wich is on new pealed bark not washed of nor Dryed up by which I think it may resonably be conjectured that there is more of the Enemy on our borders then they have cannoos to transport themselves with and there have hardly of late ben Either a day or night whom in sum Damage have not ben done or Indians discovered. the said taken letter mform the Enemy thow mtended to have inforraed your Exelency that the western and Canada raen detained here are so uneasy that they talk of running away or turning to y* Indians and an other letter they took inform them how porely the few men we have are of with respect to arms which was intended for rar whelewright to desire him by all means to send some provmce arras to this place so that s' you se from the premises how our nakedness is Exposd and we are in grate distress this being the nedful I beg leve to subscribe rayself your Exelencies dutiful sar' to coraraand Sarauell Denny OP THE STATE OP MAINE 399 Answer of Dorothy Cutter May 10, 1748. To His Excellency William SMrley Esq' the Honor able his Majesties Council & House of Represent^*' of the Provmce of the Massachusetts Bay in New Eng land in Generail Court Asserabled — The Answer of Dorothy Cutter to the Petition of the Rev"" Nicholas Lormg m behalf of himself and Jeremiah Powell Esq' in behalf of the Town of North Yarmouth Humbly Sheweth — That whereas the Petitioners Sets forth in their Petition, that my Des" Husband was often requested to fuffiU the Proposialls that he Mmself had raade -the Reason that he Did not was - as I was Inform'd by him m Ms Life Tirae & by others that are now Living — That after he had Made the Proposiall to give up the Lott N° 16 if the Town would raake the Lott N° 14 Secure to him -he found that Severall of the Town had a mind to keep him out of Both Lott — and he having Possession of Lott N° 16 Endeavoured to Keep Till they would give him a proper Deed of the Lott N° 14 — And as the Matter was not Set tled in my Husbands Life Time, and I being Adrainistx of what he Died Possest off — I Could not Do any thing as to Settling of it but keep Possession by Improveraent of the Same — the People have Strove very hard to get me out of Possession by force Since my Husbands Deth-and have gon on the same & Destroyed a Great deal of the Tiraber. As I am not able to Do any Thing about setting, I must Leave it to Your ExceUency & Hon" to Do what You Think Proper Trusting I shall have Justice Done me & ray Father less CMldren Your ExceUency & Hon" Most Obedient Hurab" Ser' North Yarraouth May 10'" 1748 Dorothy Cutter 400 DOCUMENTARY HISTORY To M' John Goodale for Keepmg M" Mary £ s d Sraith four raonths and ten days 17 0 0 To M' John Cusons for takeing Care of M" Mary Smith 1 12 0 To M' Sam' Emery for takeing Care of M" Mary Smith 10 0 To M' Sam' Littiefield for takeing Care of M" Mary Sraith 10 0 To M" Hannah Littiefield for Keepmg Mar garet Sraith frora March 13'" 1744/5 to March 18'" 1745/6 30 0 0 To M' Moses Stevens for Keeping M" Mary Sraith frora the 29'" of March 1746 to the 29 of June following 15 0 0 To M" Hannah Littiefield for Keeping Margret Smith frora the 18'" of March 1745/6 to the 13 of March 1746/7 80 0 0 To M' Moses Stevens for Keeping M" Mary Sraith frora the 29 of June 1746 to the 29 of ' December 1746 30 0 0 To M' Moses Stevens for Keeping M" Mary Smith from the 29'" of December 1746 to tbe 29'" of Deceraber 1747 60 0 0 To M" Hannah Littiefield for Keeping Mar gret Sraith frora the 13'" of March 1746/7 to the 18'" of March 1747/8 30 0 0 To M' Moses Stevens for Keeping M" Mary Sraith from the 29'" of December 1747 to the 29'" of March 1748 15 0 0 Old Tenor 230 12 0 A True Accorapt Erors Excepted g Nath' WeUs Town Treasurer OP THE STATE OP MAINE 401 Record. Att a Leagal Meetmg of the freeholders and other Inhab itants of the Town of Wells the 16'" Day of May 1748 — Voted That John Storer Esq' be Chosen to Prefer a Peti tion to the Grate and General Court of this Province In behalf of the Town of Wells that the Intaile on the Estate of M" Mary Smith May be taken of and to Exhibet an accompt with the s" Petition of the Charge s" town has been at in maintainmg s" Mary and her two Daughters Elisebeth and Margret and to Do aU he may find Necessery to be Done to git the Intaile taken of that s" Estate may be Lyable In Law for the Charge s" Town has bin at in Maintaining s" Mary and her CMldren A True Copey of Wells Town Book Attest Nath' WeUs Town Clerk Gov" Shirley's Speech, May 26, 1748. " Gentleraen of the CouncU & House of Represent^*' " " I have lately had advices frora the Eastern Frontiers of Mischiefs w*" the Indians have done in those parts, by KiU ing some Persons, & captivating others & of the great Terror the Inhabitants are m, raany of whora are already reraoved & others commg off : The Supposition of two hundred Volun tiers mlisting upon the encouragem' you have given m the last Establishm', & a great number of the Inhabitants entring mto Pay ( both w*" have failed ) has occasioned the weak state of that Frontier : As to the inlisting of Voluntiers, I cannot find that there are any m the Eastern Parts disposed to do it for three Years ; but if they were allowed to inlist for one year only, 'tis likely that most of thera would be retained for the whole three Years : And therefore I would 26 402 DOCUMENTARY HISTORY recommend it to you to make that Alteration in the Terms for Voluntiers enlisting, as well m the Westem Parts, (where there is wanting almost one half of the destined Nuraber) as m the Eastern, And it will be absolutely necessary for you to raake some new Provision for compell ing impress'd Men to serve for the Protection of the Front iers: For the Fine establish'd by Law at present for that purpose, is grown so sraall thr6 the Depreciation of the Bills, that the several Colonels of the Militia assure me, my Impress Warrants produce raore Fines than raen out of the Com- pames m their respective Regiraents; and that two of the fines in raost Places will scarcely hire one man to enter mto the Service, especially upon the Eastern Frontier. " " But there is one thing, Gentleraen, w*" I would in par ticular observe to you, and recoraraend to your Considera tion in the strongest Terms, as what would not only be the most effectual Provision for the Security of the Eastem Frontier, on the Support of w*" the Welfare of Boston & the other raaritirae Towns rauch depends, but be very beneficial also to the Provmce in other respects ; I mean the erecting & garrisoning a Blockhouse on the River Penobscot ; This, if the Indians in that Quarter are not hereby soon brought to Terms, may at least prevent the frequent Incursions & Hostilities, not only of the Indians of that Tribe, but of others from Canada upon the Settleraents in those Parts, and be a means of keeping them from the Sea Shore, to w*" at certam Seasons they repair for fishing & fowling, on w*" their Subsistence for a Considerable Part of the Year depends ; It would raoreover be a Security to our Fishery, which at the Expence of the Lives & fortunes of raany of his Majesty's Subjects, has in the former War been greatly annoyed by Indian Cruizers frora that River — And in time of Peace that Block House might be raade of great Advan tage to the Province, by usmg it for a Truck house, w*" being OP THE STATE OP MAINE 408 put under a proper Regulation would not only draw all the Furr Trade of the Penobscot Indians to center there, but that of the S' John's & Cape Sable Indians ; and possibly no small share of the other Indian Trade which is now negoti ated at Canada ; It might in tirae have a tendency to secure all those Indians in our Interest, & a dependence on tha Crown of Great Britain, by w°" this Provmce would mfallibly reap happy Consequences. " «W SMrley CouncU Chamber May 26. 1748 " Deposition. The Deposition of Jonas Mason Testifieth & Saith that sometime about the year 1785 he y* Deponant with some others was appointed a Coraraittee ( by y* proprietors of y* Common Lands m y* Township of northyarmouth ) to recti- fye some Mistake raade in y" Entries in said proprietors Book of Records : and among other we found a Rong Entry of the Ministerial Lot N° 16 in the 120 Acre Division on y* west Side of Royalls River ; The mistake appear'd Evident Thus viz it was order'd by the Committee of the General Court for s" Town that the Surveyor & Lot Layers should in the first place set apart one Lot in this s" Division for the Ministry after which the Remaining Lots were to be Coupled together & Drawn for by Lot -And m the s" Book the Lot N° 16 was Entred Smgle by it self & wrote Ministers, and the Lot N° 14 in s" Division was as appear'd to us by the first Entry Recorded to the Mmister m partnership with the heirs of WiUiam Scales & Samael Baker, it plainly appearing that both y* Lots N° 16. & 14 were Entred Ministers by the first writing but the word Ministers at Lot N° 14 was altered & made Mmisterial by the [ s ] being turn'd into an [ i ] & 404 DOCUMENTARY HISTORY y" Letters a : 1 : bemg added with a plain differing Ink from y* other, which s" Lot N° 14 being m partnersMp with other proprietors «& Sundry persons affirming that to their own knowledge N° 16 was y* Lot set apart for y* Ministry y* Mistake was Evident to us. M' Ammi Ruhamah Cutter was one of y* aforesaid Com"** & prop' of y* Ministers Lot then offered to give a Quit Claira of his Right in Lot N° 16 by virtue of s" Record provided that the Ministry of s" Town or rainister for y* time being would give to him a Quit Claim of their Right to y* 8" part of the Lot N° 14. Sorae time after this Depon* bemg Requested by y* Select men of s* Town drew two Quit Clairas one from s" Cutter & y* other from y'= Rev* Nicholas Loring the minister of s" Town agreeable to y* proraise of y* s" M' Cutter upon Record & with reference thereto & deliver'd thera to y* s" Select raen & they inforra'd rae afterwards that y* s" Cutter refused to sign it because it was not frora y* Mmistry of s" Town & this Depon' further saith that y' s" Cutter has frora time to time Employ'd people ( as he y' Depon* was well Inform'd ) to Cut & Carry of y* wood till he had got of y* most valuable part thereof to y* great Damage of y* Lot & further saith not — Jonas Mason York ss: Northyarmouth May 80*" 1748. Jonas Mason above named appearing made oath to the Truth of the above Deposition by him subscribed -Before me Samuel Seabury J' Peace The Deposition of Jacob Mitchell Testifieth that he y' Depon' being in company with others Select men, of North Yarmouth Sorae years ago Carryed two Quit Clairas to m' Ararai Ruhamah Cutter which were draw'd m order to Right a mistake raade in y* Records of y* proprietors about the Ministerial Lot in s" Town & he upon perusal of them Refus'' OP THE STATE OP MAINE 405 to sign it & some tirae after heard him say he would never do any thing about it. Jacob Mitchel The Diposion of Sara" Fisher Testefyeth and saith that he was present at the Drawing of the 120 acer Lots and that N° 16 was not Drawed by any bodey but was picked & set apart for the use of the rainistry of North yarraouth for Fier wood & he further testefieth that he was Desiered to go to m' Cutter with some others to ask him what he would Do about sid Lott & Ms answer was that he would Do nothing about it Sam' Fisher York ss: North Yarraouth May 30'" 1748 Jacob Mitchell & Sarauel Fisher above naraed appearmg made oath to y* Truth of y* above Deposition by them sev erally subscribed Before me Samuel Seabury Justice of y° Peace. Petition To His ExceUency WiUiara SMrley Esquire Captain General, Governour and Coramander in CMef in and over His Majestys Provmce of the Massachusetts Bay m New England - The Coraplamt of Mark Hunting Wentworth of Ports mouth in the Province of New Hampshire Esquire, Agent to John Henniker of London Contractor with His Majestys Commissioners for Supplying Masts &c. for the use of the Royal Navy, Humbly Sheweth, That your Complamant as Agent to the said John Henniker, And by Virtue of a License frora His Majesty for that purpose, in the raonth of Noveraber Last Caused a 406 DOCUMENTARY HISTORY Number of Trees of the Dimensions of twenty four Inches, upwards of twelve Inches frora the Ground, and Suitable for the use of the Royal Navy, to be cutt down and felled, which Standing and growing witMn the bounds of the Town of Towwon in the County of york, in a Tract of Land within the said Provmce, and wMch has not been granted to any private person, at the tirae of the Royal Charter of their late Majestys Kmg William and Queen Mary's, bemg granted to the Inhabitants of the aforesaid Province, That when your Complainant by his Workmen proceeded to bawl said Trees away, and float them down the Freshetts to the proper places the Inhabitants of said Towon, and divers other persons Combining with them, assembled them selves together in a body, and hindred and prevented the Complamants workraen frora floating Away said Trees, or in any wise meddling with them - That when your Complainants workmen Endeavoured all they could to float said Trees away, they were greatly Insulted by these persons who had Assembled theraselves together as aforesaid, and threatned the said Workraen. if any of them Should meddle with said Trees, to float thera away, or in any wise proceed m that affair, that they would take their bodys into Custody on Mesne processes, they had got out, and would bring them away Prisoners to York Goal without Bail or Mainprize. which threatmngs So terrifyed the Comp'" workmen, that they did not dare venture to pro ceed any further. All which Actings and doings of the Inhabitants of the Town of Towwon, and the other persons Combmmg with them. Your Complainant apprehends to be a great Indignity Offered to His Majesty, and if not prevented may tend to render of no effect the Reservation Contamed m the Provmce Charter, of all trees of such certam Dimensions to the Use of the Crown- OP THB STATE OP MAINE 407 Whereupon your Complainant humbly prays your Excel lency to take this Complaint into Consideration, and to afford him such Assistance in the premisses, as will Effectually Suppress the Actings and doings of the persons aforesaid, and bring thera to Justice, or Otherwise to Order therein, as the Nature of the Case requires. And as to your Excellency Shall Seera raeet - And Your Coraplamant will ever pray &c* Mark H Wentworth In the House of Rep. 11 June 1748. Ordered that the Coraraissary General do forthwith cause the Sloop Massachusetts to be unladen & the Stores now on board her to be reshiped on sorae suitable Vessel or Vessels, that may be bound Eastward for the service of the Forts & Garrisons & other Forces on the Frontiers and that he cause said Sloop Massachusetts to be fitted as soon as raay be for the accomodation of Ms Excellency m his passage to New York & AlbanySent up for Concnrrence T Hutchmson Spkr In Council June 11 1748 Read and Concur'd J Willard Secry Consented to W Shirley Frederick Fort July y* 3" 1748 May it Please your Excellency — As in Duty Bound I ara now to Accquaint You' Excellency that Last Saturday y* Second Instant the Indians Carried Away one of My Men Williara 408 DOCUMENTARY HISTORY Kent by Name who Contrary to my Possetive Orders went out of the Garrison, They Took Him without Fireing a Gun or Makeing the Least Noise as to what Number of the Eneray there was is Uncertain there was but Two Appeared. I must Beg Leave to Accquaint you' Excellency that Not withstanding the Courts allowing rae Thirty Men I never as yet have had Twenty I raust Therefore Hurably Pray that your Excellency would be Pleased to Take our Case into your wise Consideration for we are very Weak Handed I ara You' ExceUency's Most DutyfuU & Hurable Servant Sara" Moody Commission to Col. Miller Prov'. of the ) M. Bay I ^J ^^ ^^^y the Gov' To Col* MUler Greeting You are hereby irapowered & directed to irapress or cause to be irapressd out of the Reg' of MiUtia under your Comm" Seven Able bodied Men whom you are to cause to be sent to the foUowmg Forts & Garrisons, viz' tMee to be sent to Fort George under Cpt Bradbury in the room of Sara' Thorason, Dan' Robbms & Jeremiah Man, one to be sent to Brunswick Fort under Coram" of Cpt Burns in the Room of EUsha Morse one to Fort Frederick under Cpt Moody m the room' of Gamaliel Lyon one to Arrowsick under Cpt Cobb m the room of Christ" Monk, one to under Cpt Oulton in the Room of Peter Sears ; And the said Cpt' are Ordered to dismiss the above-named Soldiers Aaron Hinkley to L* Gov Phips Honour" S' inasmuch as I have had the Care of tMs Garison ( Since the Death of Captain Benjamin Larrabee ) and no OP THB STATE OP MAINE 409 Damage has Happend through ray Carelessness. I hope your Honour will be So Good as to use your Intrest, with His Excelency for rae, in order to ray obtaining His Excelencies favior which raay conduce, rauch to my advantage and Safty, in this tirae of War. for I understand that sorae Designing Persons, have wrote and Sign/d a Petition to His Excelency, for one to Have the Coraraand of this fort, who is But a Lad of a bout Eightteen years old ( Nathaniel Larrabee by narae ) which may not only Hurt rae. But hira also, as He is young. So leaving it to your Honour's wise Consideration, I Beg Leave to Subscribe ray self your Honours most obedient Humble Serv' Aaron Hinkley fort George in Brunswick Aug' 24 1748 Petition Sept. 5, 1748 To Cap' Richard Lord M' Joseph Hart Cap' Moses Butler M' Samuel Bracket jun. And M' Moses Hodsden Select men of the Town of Berwick in the County of York. / We - Subscribers freeholders and Inhabitants of the said Town for and m behalf of our Selves and others, who have been at the Expence of Bmldmg a new Meeting house m Berwick on the Minestry Land where two Meeting houses have been before this Built and the only place where the Publick worship of God has been Carried on ever Since any PubUck worship has been performed in tMs place. Which is now about four Score years. It being also the place where the General Court Lately ordered the Same Should be continued Considering that the old Meeting house is now So rotten and Leakey and broken that neither Mmester nor people can Sit dry and comfortable in any part of the Same in a tirae of Rain or 410 DOCUMENTARY HISTORY Snow or Strong wind but are frequently disquieted thereby in the tirae of publick Service and the winter Season draw ing on in which Season you very well Know the old House is not Sutiable and fitted Corafortably for to meet in and the new house will very Soon be So far fineshed as to be much more commodious for the Inhabitants of the Town : Three quarters or more of whora live within tMee or four railes of Said house and may be therein very well accomodated : It is our desire that they may be So, And if any of the Inhabitr ants that have not Subscribed towards the buildmg this house are rainded to give any thing towards the buUding and have pues in the Same as others who have Subscribed they are welcome So to do & those who are not dispossed to give any thmg towards it are nevertheless welcome to the free use and Enjoyraent of it as if they had paid their rate able part to it, the house is So large and convenient as that we Suppose it will accommodate raore people Excusive of the pue privilidges then the old raeeting house would in all the Seats of every Sort : and altho there has been a vote passed to build a raeeting house with in about a raile and a half of this house wMch will cause great differance and as we concieve, be very hurtful to the Town if proceeded m not only m respect to place proposed to build it but also with respect to Circum stances of many of the Inhabitants who wiU find it hard enough to pay their parts of more then two Thousand pounds to the Parish Rates tMs year to Town County Rates which will amount to aboute one Thousand pounds raore they wiU be unwiUing that Sura Should be doubled upon thera at Such a time as this, when all other Taxes are So very heavy. Our request to you is that you'l Call a Town meeting to be held at old Meeting house as Soon as raay be, and Incert in your warrant for that Meeting that the Town raay vote first to accept of tMs house for a place for the PubUck worship of God, and that as Soon as the Same ShaU be made thyte OP THE STATE OP MAINE 411 and corafortable the publick worship Shall be perf orra" therein and that this Application and these proposals raay be read to the Town in Said raeeting 2"'y To vote to reconsider their forraer votes about build ing a meeting house past in may last and if the Town will vote to Raise and apply any Sura towards the buildmg and finisMng this house the Same Sum ShaU be raised on the Town in General and applyed to the building a raeeting house in the uper part of Said Town where it raay be placed more then tMee railes distant frora this house 3"'y That when it Shall be agreed upon to build a new meetmg house at Such a distance as before raentioned to accommodate the uper part of the Town and new Settleraents a Minester Shall be Supported for that place with the Minester m the Lower part of the Town by one General Rate or Tax through the Town. / Berwick Sep' 5 : 1748 Samuel Nason Nathan Lord Abrahara Lord Moses Goodwm Benj* Nason Sarauel Lord jun. Sam' Lord John Lord PhUUp Hubbard John Lord jun. John Hill Elisha HiU Ichabod Goodwin Thomas Goodwm Timothy Davis Joseph Emery John Cooper jun. A true Copy of the Origenal : Attest Hump. Chadbourn Town Clerk Warrant. York ss / To M' Tilley Heggens Constable of the Town of Berwick within the County of York Greeting Whereas Application is made to us the Subscribers by a Law fuU Number of Freeholders Inhabitants of the said Town of Berwick for the Calling a Town Meeting : these are In His 412 DOCUMENTARY HISTORY Maj'y Name to Require you to Notifie the said Freeholders other Inhabitants of said Town Quallefied by Law to Vote in Town Meetings that they Assemble and Meet at the Meeting House in Said Town on Munday the Twenty Sixth Day of September Instant at ten of the Clock in the fournoon then and there 1" first to See if the Town will pass any Vote for to Accept of the New Meeting House Lately Set up in Said Town on the Ministrey Land by a Number of Freeholders and Inhabitants of Said Town to be a place for the Publick Worship of God and that as Soon as the Sarae Shall be Made tite and Comfortable the Publick Worship Shall be Performed therein — 2'y to Vote to Reconsider their former Votes about Build ing a Meeting House passed m May Last. 3'y To Vote to raise and apply any Sum towards the Build ing and fmishmg this House — 4'y To Vote the Sarae Sura Shall be raised on the Town in GeneraU and AppUed to the BuUding a Meetmg House in the upper part of Said Town where it may be placed more than tMee Miles Distant frora this House — 5'y To Vote that when it Shall be agreed upon to Build a New Meeting House at Such a Distance as before mentioned to accoraodate the upper part of the Town And New Settle ments a Minister Shall be Supported for that place with the Minister in the Lower part of the Town by one GeneraU rate or Tax through the Town — g Samuel Bracket^ Moses Hodsdon Richard Lord Joseph Hart Moses Butler York ss / Berwick Septeraber : 26'" 1748 Persuant to this Warrant to me Directed I have Notified Select Men OP THE STATE OP MAINE 413 and Warned all the freeholders and Inhabitants Qualified to Vote in Town Meetings that they Meet at time and place within Mentioned by Posting up a Notification at the Meet ing House Door in Said Town it being the Usual Meathod of Warning Meetings in Said Town — g TUly Haggens J- Constable A True Coppy taken from the Origenal Attest Hump. Chadbourn Town Clerk At a Legal Town Meeting held at Berwick September 26'" 1748 Voted ra' Peter Grant Moderator. Put to vote whether the New Meeting house in this Town of Berwick Shall be for the whole Town to raeet in for the Publick worship of God it past in the Negative. Put to vote whether the vote in May last for the building a new meeting house Shall be reconsidered it past in the Negative put to vote whether money Shall be raised to finish this new meeting house it past in the negative. put to vote whether a Sura Shall be raised to build a meet ing house more then three miles above tMs Meetmg house it past in the Negative. put to vote whether when it shall be agreed upon to build a new meetmg house at Such a distance as before mentioned to accomodate the uper part of tbe Town and new Settle ments a Minester Shall be Supported for that place with the Minester in the Lower part of the Town by one General Rate or Tax through the Town it past M y* Negative A true Coppy of Record Attest Hump. Chadbourn Town Clerk 414 DOCUMENTARY HISTORY Petition. 1748. To His Excellency WilUara Shirley Esq' Cap' General Governor & Coraraander in Chief in & Over His Majesty's Province of the Mass* Bay The Hon"'* His Majesty's Council & House of Representatives for said Province in General Court Convened the 26 Day of October 1748 The Hurable Petition of John Storer Esq' as Agent for the Town of Wells in the County of York in said Province Shews That the said Town of Wells have for many Years past had the Care, & Sustain'd the Charge & Expence ( at least in. a Great Measure ) of Maintaimng one Mary Smith of said Town, a Person Naturally wanting of Understanding so as not to be able to Provide for herself, and having no Relations who would Voluntarily, or who could be Obliged to take care of her — That she is the Daughter of Samuel Wheelwright late of Wells afores" Deceased, who by his Last WiU, gave to the said Mary One Quarter part of the Farm where he Dwelt ( Exceptmg twenty Acres out of the whole ) in Tail General, and in Default of Heirs of her Body, then to the Heirs of the Late Hon"'* John Wheelwright Esq' Deceased. That the said Mary has been Married ( tho' now a Widow ) whereby she has Several Children ( tho' none able to Support her, ) and the Income & profits of her Estate, fall vastly short of a Sufficiency for that purpose, as your Petitioner is Ready to Evince by Regular Acco" thereof kept, & Especially too as the said Town is also Obliged to Support One of her Chil dren, whereby the said Estate is now Several hundred Pounds m debt to the said Town — That your Petitioner hurably Conceives it is not Consistent with Natural Justice, that the Support of the said Mary & faraily should be the Burthen of Strangers while she has an Estate abundantly Sufficient, as to the Charge hitherto Arisen, and to Suffer that to Remain Secure from the payment of a Debt Contracted by Necessity and to be as it were a Bounty OP THE STATE OP MAINE 416 to her Issue, or others of the same Faraily, while her Honest Creditors ( for in that View the said Town is to be Consid ered ) are Defrauded — Wherefore your Petitioner in behalf of his Principals Humbly Prays That the Intail afores" raay be Dockt & the Estate afores" ( or so rauch thereof as may be necessary ) Sold under the Care of Some proper Person, & the debt due to the said Town discharged. That what Remains raay be appUed as Occasion shall Require to the future Accrewing Charges of the said Faraily — And that Your Petitioner raay have Leave to brmg m a Bill for these Purposes and Your Peti tioner as in duty bound shall Ever Pray &c — John Storer In the House of Rep^*' Nov' 15 1748 Read and Ordered that Cap' Spurr Cap' Williaras and Cap' Thorapson with such as the Hon"'* Board shall Joyn be a Corara** to take this Pet" under consideration and report what they Judge proper for this Court to do thereon Sent up for concurrence T Hutchinson Spkr In Council, Novera' 15 1748. Read & Concur'd and James Minot & John Otis Esq" are jomed m the Affair J Willard Secry In CouncU Nov' 18 1748 Read and Ordered That the Consideration of tMs Pet" be referr'd to the next sitting of the Court Sent down for concurrence J Willard Secry In the House of Rep^*' Nov' 28 1748 Read and Concurd T Hutchinson Spkr Petition. Berwick. To his Excellency Williara Shirley Esq' Captain General & Govemour in CMef m and Over the Province of the Mas- 416 DOCUMENTARY HISTORY sachusetts Bay and to the Honourable y* Council and House of Representatives in Gen' Court Asserabled October 1748 The Petition of the Subscribers freeholders & Inhabitants of the Town of Berwick in y* County of York within said Province Hurably Sheweth — That in y* year 1742 a vote was passed by y* Inhabitants of said Town for y* building a Meeting House in said Town between the Houses of Humphry Chadbourne Esq' & M' Roger Plaisted to Accomraodate the People of Said Town in General — wMch place being but a Small Distance about a Mile or two frora y* place where the Meetmg house then was & now is for y* Public worship A meeting house there would not ba Convenient for y* Inhabitants either of the uper part or lower part of the Town — which being represented to the Gen" Court all further proceedings thereon was forbidden and a Comraittee Sent to View y" Situation of the Inhabitants & y° several parts of y* Town & report thereon which Comit tee After Viewing y* Town reported — " that the Old Meetmg house bemg y place where y* Publick " worship of God had to that tirae been perforraed in said " Town and so Conveniently Situated as that the Antient " Setlers and Inhabitants who built & kept it in time of Warr " & Difficulty Ought stUl to keep it Since if they should go " but one Mile & half to y* North of said meeting house were " sufficient of themselves for a Parish — the s" Comittee "therefore did judge it reasonable that y' sarae should be " deraolished but that it ought stUl to be Maintam'd m the " same place — They also reported that smce the Indian war such Iraprove raents and Settleraents were made towards the uper end of the Town that they might in time be divided into two Par ishes but for the Present to Continue in one body and y* Lower part to assist y* Uper part in building a Meeting house to Accommodate the New Settlements or Uper End of the OP THE STATE OP MAINE 417 Town (as was then proposed) was very reasonable - that a New Meeting house raight be built to Accommodate the Inhabitants of the Uper part of the Town — wMch report bemg Accepted by the Gen" Court y* Town in Conformity thereto have hitherto kept m one body Per formed y° PubUc worsMp of God m y* old Meeting house which stands upon y* Ministry Lands in the place where a former Meeting house stood & the pubUc worship carryed on ever since the Inhabitants ever had a place for pubUc worship which is now about Eighty or Ninety years — The Petitioners pray leave further to Observe that the old Meeting house not being so good & Commodious as that y" people may Attend y* Public Worship with Corafort & Safety in Stormy weather A Number of the Inhabitants of the Town have Contributed About four thousand Pounds Old Tenor & have built a New Meetmg house on y* same lot of y* mmis try Lands where y* Old Meeting house is which will soon be fit for y* PubUc worship & will Accommodate all the Inhab itants of the Town ( if they please to use it for that Purpose ) which buUding by way of Contribution or subscription was supposed to be most for y* Ease of the Poor of the Town who have great taxes to pay and being on the Ministry Land where y* Gen" Court Ordered y* same to be Maintaind and by y° General Consent and Subscription of the Inhabitants hving withm the Imes proposed by the Gen' Courts Corarait tee for y* first Parish the Contributors proposed notMng but the Public good of y* Town — And at a Town Meeting held at Berwick on y* 26'" day of Septem' 1748 Called at their desire & request they Proposed to y* Town that y* Town would Accept of tMs New Meeting house for a place for y* Public WorsMp & if any Person or Persons who had not subscribed or Contributed anything towards the buildmg this New House were disposed to subscribe they might yet do it & those who would not were Nevertheless welcome to y* use 27 418 DOCUMENTARY HISTORY of it — it being much more tite & Commodious than y* old meeting house now is & m y° place where the Inhabitants Must attend the Publick worship there being no other place m the Town for that purpose — It was also proposed that if the Town would Vote Any Sum to be raised on the Town & applyed towards finishing this New Meeting house a Vote also might pass for y* like sura to be raised on the Town y* lower part as well as y* Uper part — to be Applyed towards y* building a Meeting house to Accoraraodate the New Set tlements in the uper part of the town in any place more than three Miles Distant from this house It was also proposed that when a Minister should be Calad for y* uper part of- the Town y* Support of both Ministers should be by one General vote or Tax through y* Town but all these Proposals raade by y° Inhabitants of the Lower part of the Town were rejected — Thus the Inhabitants of the Lower part of y* Town & of the Most Antient Settlements in it have m all respects Observed y* Order of the General Court Agreeable to y* report of their Coraraittee Offered to Assist y* Inhabitants of the New Settleraents in buildmg a Meeting house and are still ready & willmg to do it ( if they will have one Conven ient for themselves ) & in the Mean tirae to Provide a Suita ble house for y* Public worship for thera Either with, or without their assistance that is — the New Meeting house now built — Yet so it is that notwithstanding the Gen" Court in y* year 1742 forbid y* proceeding of y* said Town with respect to their building a Meeting house so Near y* Old Meeting house as they were then about to do — the Town have at their Meeting on y* Second day of May last past Voted to buUd a Meetmg house According to that Vote which was then Com plain'd of and Adjudged to be Unreasonable by the Gen" Court — the place where they now propose to build the same OP THB STATE OP MAINE 419 being within One Mile & half of y* Old Meeting house And within the short liraits of the line proposed for y* first Parish in said Town whenever y* same should be Divided & at a place where tha Inhabitants of the uper part of y* Town even those who are not broken up or reraoved by y* present war Must Travil sorae five six or seven Miles to Meeting & it Cannot be Convenient for y* New Settlements but Contrived & Intended to break up & Demolish the old meeting house & alter y* place of Public Worship frora the place where it has ever been in y* Middle of y* Old Settlements where y* Gen' Court ordered it to be Continued & from y* Ministry Lands to a place where the Town have no lands for a Minis ter nor for a Meetmg house & wUl be utterly Destructive for both Ends of the Town & none thereby Accommodated but y* Middle part And m order tg Effect their Purpose the Town at said Meeting in May last Voted to raise one thousand Pounds New Tenor to Carry on Said Buildmg & have Chosen a Committee to Manage the affair who are Proceeding therem ; wMch your Petitioners humbly Conceive will be of very ill Consequence even for Many of those who Joyn m the affair as also very Injurious to the Petitioners and Lower part of the Town — Your Petitioners therefore Most Hurably pray that tMs Honourable Court will be pleased in their Great Wisdom and Justice to take the Preraisses & Dangerous State & Condition of the Town into their Compassionate Consideration Espec iaUy of y* Lower part of y* Town — & prevent their ruin. Inasmuch as they have ever for y* space of about fourscore years last past Maintained Defended & Enjoyed the Public Worship of God in y* place where it is now Performed & in aU times of Difficulty & Danger & Provided Lands Conven ient for & supported y* ministry and are still wilUng to be at y* Cost to Support y* sarae forever ( even if they cannot have more than one Mile & half distance North from the old Meet- 420 DOCUMENTAllY HISTORY ing house ( as y* Gen' Courts Coraraittee reported ) that they raay be allowed to Enjoy y* sarae Still and not be Broken up Merely because A Major Vote of y* Town is or raay be Obtain'd to do it y* Greatest Number of which Voters Never knew y* Dangers and Difficulties wMch y* Antient Inhab itants Laboured under in Supporting & Defending y* sarae & Consequently have not a Just regard thereto. Your Petitioners hurably pray that they raay be Exempted frora paying any Part of y* Money Voted to be raised for y° building the Meeting house proposed to be built by y* Town or that y° Proceedings of the Towns Coraraittee raay be Stayed & y* votes of y* Town about y* sarae may be made Void or that there may be a Division of y* Town into two Parishes that y° Lower Part May Enjoy y* Meeting house which they have built by y* old Meeting house on y* Ministry Lands and at y* uper Part of y* Town ( who Pretend to be Superiour to y* lower part) take Care to Suit themselves with a house where they please to have it — and if any one Person in y* lower Part of y* Town is unwUUng to Joyn with y* lower part of y* Town he raay be PoU'd off to y* uper part if he So Desire — Or Grant to your Petitioners such other relief in the Premisses as m your Great Wisdora & Justice shaU Seem Meet — That if any thing in this Petition shaU Seera doubtful as to y° reasonableness thereof your Petitioners pray that a Coraraittee May be Appointed by this Court to raake further Inquirey into y* Situation of y* Town & report if they can think reasonable that this which is y* most Antient Settle ment of & for y* Ministry in said Town should be broken up to y* Great hurt & Grievance of y* raost Antient Settlers for no other reason than this a Major Vote to do it wMch is all y° reason they have for y' & that m Contempt of a former order of the Gen" Court And your Petit" shall pray &c Sep' 1748 Richard Lord John Coopper Elisha Plaisted OP THE STATE OP MAINE 421 Nathan Lord Benj* Nason EUsha HiU Ichabod Goodwin Joseph Emery Samuel Lord Samuell Abbot Samuell Gartsheal John Hodsdon John Lord James Plaisted Samuel Lord J' Abraham Lord Benj* Chadbourn John Goodwin Timothy Davis Stephen Wood John HiU Elisha Goodwm W"" Tebbets Thoraas Lord Sarauell Gethe_ Sarauel Plaisted his Jaraes Gray Aaron Goodwm his Job X Eamery mark Simon Emery Juner Moses Goodwin his Paler X Goodwme mark Thomas Hodsdon Williara Hight Samuel Gatchel Etherinton X Hearl his mark Thomas S Hearl mark Nathan Lord Juner John Coopper Jos : Hodgdon Thomas Wallingford John Shackley Joseph Hubbard Richard Hinkley jr Elias Grant Philip Hubbard Henry Goodwin HumpMey Chadbourn j' John Thorapson Abrahara Lord Tartus Jaraes Lord Nathaniel Nason James Goodwin Patrick Manning Daniel Libbey John Lord Jun John Jones Jun' his Theodore Simpson Thoraas x Gillison Nathan Lord tarrtias his mark Noah X Nason John Andros Nills Goodin mark hia his his William X Goodwm Nathaniel X Goodwin W" X Goodwin j' mark hia mark marck hie John Bennett Elija X Goodwm Richard X. Nason marck his mark John Thompson juner F X Spencer WiUiara Moore mark William Nason Daniel Gray Heard his EpMaim Joy Thoraas x Hearl jun' Ebenezer Abbot hia mark Walter Abbot Jos : x Nason mark Thomas Goodm jun' Daniel Wadlin John Lord third Moses Gray Thomas Pike Thoraas Abbott Joseph Richer Joshua Eraery Aaron Lord About 88 In CouncU Oct' 28. 1748 Read & Ordered that the Pet" 422 DOCUMENTARY HISTORY serve the Select Men of the Town of Berwick with a Copy of this Petition, that they may shew Cause if any they have A on Fryday the 18'" of Nov"^ next if the Court be then sitting, if not, A on the 2" Wednesday of the next Sitting of the Court why the Prayer thereof sh" not be granted ; And all Proceed ings relatmg to - Building of a Meetmg House or collecting any Tax for that Purpose be & hereby are staid - & the raean tirae — Sent down for Concurrence J Willard Secry In the House of Rep™ Oct' 29, 1748 Read and Nonconcurrd and Ordered that this Pet" be disraiss'd Sent up for concurrence T Hutchmson Spkr In Council Nov' 1. 1748 Read & Nonconcurr'd, And the Board adhere to their own Vote Sent down for Concurrence J Willard Secry In the House of Rep^*' Nov' 1. 1748 Read and Concurr'd with the amendra' Viz Dele at A. Sent up for concurrence T Hutchmson Spkr In CouncU Nov' 1. 1748 Read & Concur'd J Willard Secry Consented to W Shirley In Council; Decern' 29. 1748. Read again together with the Answer of the Committee of the Town of Berwick & Ordered that Sir Williara Pepperil with such as shall be joined by the Hon"'* House of Represent^*' be a Coraraittee to repair to the Town of Berwick; view the same, & hear the Parties & report what they judge proper for this Court to do in Answer to this Petition. Sent down for Concurrence J Willard Secry In the House of Rep™ Dec' 81. 1748 Read and Concur'd and Col° Gerrish and Col° Titcomb are Joyned in the Affair Att' Roland Cotton Cler. Dom. Rep. OP THE STATE OP MAINE 423 Petition of the Select men of Falmouth. Nov. 10, 1748. To His Excellency Will™ Shirley Esq' Cap' Gen" & Com mander in Chief m & over His Majesties Province of the Massachusetts Bay in New England & to the Hon"'* His Majesties Council m Gen" Court Assembled Humbly Sheweth The Select men of the Town of FaUn'" that WiU" Forde an Indigent Person ( as he Saith ) came from the west of England on the seventeenth day of Ap" last, to New found Land & frora thence to Piscataqua, from thence to Boston where he Uved about two months frora thence he Travailed to the Eastward, as far as Biddeford Intending to have Kept School there but raeeting with no Incourageraent, he being informed that there was a Mast Ship at Falm'" he Travailed from Biddeford to Falm'" Intending to get a passage horae in s'' SMp, s" Ford havmg no raoney to pay his Passage with, the master of s" Ship refused to Carry hira, upon which s" Forde bemg in a Strange Land, having neither Friends nor money he was tempted by the Divel to KUl hiraself he was so far prevaUed with by the Terapter to Cutt Ms own Throat with a Razor he had in his Pockett, which he Cutt very Badly, this was done the Second Night after he carae to Town, wMch was the Second day of Sept' last, S" Wound Occasioned a very high Fever, which raade his Case very Dangerous, AppUcation havmg been made to us to take care of him & to provide a place for him we prevaUed with Cap' Moses Pearson to take Mm into his House & to Look after him, where he was well taken care off, untill Ms wound was Healed We Eraployed Doctor Wise both as a Chirurgion & Physician to look after him : One of Ms own Country men belonging to North yarmouth offered to give him his Board the winter Ensuing if he would go & Live with him, accord ingly we Sent him there the third day of this Instant Nov' wMch was as soon as he was fitt to be reraoved. 424 DOCUMENTARY HISTORY Your Petitioners prays your Excellency & Honours, that Cap' Pearsons acco" for Nursing & Tendance & M' Jaraes MiUis acco" for trasporting the s" Will"" Forde to North Yar raouth & the Doct" acco" for medicme & attendance which are herewith Exhibited to the amount of Sixty one pounds ten sMllings old Tenor may be p" out of the Treasury of the Province as by Law in Such Cases made & provided and your Petitioners as in Duty Bound shall ever pray Falm'" Nov 10 1748 Jaraes Milk \ Select raen Joseph Torapson > of the Town John Snow ) of FaUn'" 61-10-0 old Tenor abate 3 58 10 0 N. Tenor £14 12 6 To be p* to Cap' Moses Person & by him to be p" to y° Several persons Message. Gentlemen of the House of Representatives. I observe that in the EstabUshment of the Pay and Sub sistence of the Forces this Winter, you have not mcluded Fort Dumraer : I cannot suppose that this Omission is from any Intention to slight it, especially at this Juncture, while our Application to his Majesty for a reimburseraent of Our Charges in the maintaining of it, is now depending: And therefore I desire you would make Provision for the Support of the Garrison there as soon as raay be. I desire also that you would consider, whether it raay not be for the Security of the Frontiers, to provide for a few OP THE STATE OP MAINE 425 men, for the Defence of M' Hinsdalls Fort below Fort Dum mer for the Winter Season. CouncU Chamber Nov' 10. 1748 Letter S'' IT™ Pepperrell to Gov. Shirley Nov. 18. 1748. Having been absent the beginning of this Session I had no Opportunity to kiiow what was deterrained by the General Court, relating to the buUding a Fort at Penobscott, & raust own I was very sorry when I heard on ray Commg to Town, that the Court did not think favourably of it — I hope. Sir, it wfll not give Offence for rae to declare that I have far other Sentiments of that Affair, especially when I inforra You of the reasons wMch prevail with rae, which my Acquaintance with that part of the Country give rae an Advantage of knowmg, wMch raany others are not favoured with — Give me leave to offer to your Excelhy that as I thmk it will be of very great Iraportance to have such a Fort, so the present Season is the only Tirae to erect it m — When we shall have a Peace with the Penobscott Indians ( whora we raay dayly expect for that Purpose ) it will be accounted Injustice to erect a Fort on their Lands, without their Leave, which they will never give, not only because the French will instigate them to y* Contrary, but as they will readily perceive it design'd as a Check upon thera — The only Objection that can be raade against such a Fort, that occurs to me is the Charge — But I should think the Advantage which raight arrise frora a Truck Trade carry'd on there added to the sav ings that might be raade by the slighting Saco & Richraond Brunswick & Georges Forts, & (by carrying our natural Enemies so far off, m a few years perhaps ) Peraraaquid also would so far exceed the Expence as would turn the Ballance much ra our Favour — Many other Arguraents might be 426 DOCUMENTARY HISTORY us'd wMch besides that they would take up too rauch of your ExceUy Tirae are quite unnecessary — I only wish that on so iraportant an Occasion the Rules of the Court might be so far dispensed with, as that it might be bro* under a Consid eration a second Time m the same Session, when such as are not already mforraed of the Consequences of the Affair may have an Opportunity therefor. I am Sir Your Excellencys Most obedient & Most Humble Servant Boston Novem : 18'" 1748 W" PepperreU His Excellency W" Shirley Esq' Cap' General and Governour in Chief &c &c &c Message. Gentleraen of the House of Representatives I ara Concerned to hear that you have detennined not to provide for the building of a Fort on Penobscot River, agre able to Recommendation I raade thereof in my Speech to both Houses at the Begmnmg of this Session. But having just now received a Letter upon that Subject, from Sir William Pepperell ( who was absent from the Court, in the Beginning of the Session, & is well acquainted with this affair) which, I tMnk, is worthy of your Consideration, therefore I desire you would reconsider this Matter before you rise W SMriey CouncU Chamber Nov' 18. 1748 A tme List of all the Famileys in Barwick above Chaborns River. Barwick Desera' 17'" 1748 Joshua Abbot Huraphrey Chadborn Cap' Joseph Chadborn Sam" Gartsheal Noah Thompson Efrum Joy Moses Abbot Israel Hunewell Benj Lord OP THB STATE OP MAINE 427 Benj Chadborn John Lord Jun John Cartor Terah Sprague Tho' Butier m' Joseph Hartt Joseph peney Joshua Nason John foard John pray Abiall Hamblton John Sraith Jun Peter Keeys Samuell Wintworth John parce Banj Horsmer Charles Goodwm Banj Aston John Woster John faU Jos ; Nock Joshua Robords John Sutevant Ezeeke' Wintworth WilUam Clark lachabod Tibbots James foy Moses Spencer Charles Libbey Joseph Woodsum Jeremiah ffrost Joseph Hendrson Banjaman Gubtal Edward Clarey Robert furnish Nathan Lord Thoraas Nobell Tilley Higgon Cap' Moses Butler William Garrish m' Sara" Lord ra' Thoraas Abbot John Lord Moses Lord Josiah Guttridge John Tucker Joseph Woodsura J' John Quint Henrey Sloraan ra' Thoraas Goodwm Joshua Qumt Samuel pray Abraham Lord James Garrish Benjaraun Harablton El" John Smith Joshua Smith John Keeys Williara Keeys Jaraes Garrish Jun Sarauell Wintworth j' Ebenezer Parce Isreal parce John Hursora Elezor Clark ra' Moses Hosdon Williara Hupper Joshua Nock Thoraas Dowms Ebenezor Lord Trostura fall Nathanel Downs Moses abbott Moses Goodwin Nathanel Joy Joshua Hosdon Sara" Woster Zackria Nock John Grindall John Whitt Sara" faU Joseph Hamblton WiUiam Clark Jun' Trustum Ward John Connor William Downs Jaraes MackneaU Sara" Downs Doc' Benjarain Libbey Daniel Libbey Jos Libbey Banjaraan Gutredge John Woodsum Charls Garrish Joseph Allen Stephen frost Lei' Roger Plaisted Nathanell Gubtal Richard ChUs Richard Hearl Paul Ston Joseph Ston 428 DOCUMENTARY HISTORY Gidon May m' John Holraes Sarauell Holras Gor ay Br on Mily Thorapson Liu' Pittor Grant Daniel Grant John Knight Richard Thirall WiUiam Abbot EdworThoraas Hobbs John ffrost Patrick Gowin James ffrost m' Sara" Brackut John Shorey John Murrey Pettor pray HenereyJoshua Andros Aron Goodwm Samual Huppor John Walker Antoney C Siraon Ston Joseph Welsh Thomas Homes William Holmes Jonathan Ston Bartloraew Thompson Banj Wordon Landon Grant Andrew Walker John Harablton Abial Hamblton Thoraas Gubtal Ruben Hays Backor ra' Stephen H Nathanell Libbey WiUiam Goodwm Jaraes Brackot Sam" Shorey StilUn Nathanel ffrost Jaraes Chadborn John Brackett Alexander Grant John Knight Garbid Hamblton WiUiam Chadborn Joseph Richards WilUam Goodwin WilUam ChUs William ffrost John Andros WiUiam Goodwm jun John Brackut Thomas Shorey WiUiam Davice Thomas Tibbots Thomas Lord Sam" Gubtal Hugh Ross Addon Goodwin Joseph Chadborn Jun John Jones 192 famileys : above Chadborns River at this Day Berwick Desera' 17'" 1748 further Israel parce Moses Abbot Valentin Seal John Sea which raakes 196 Ace* of Young men Rated for them Selves & under their fathers above Chadborns River Joshua Goodshel Theodath Sirapson Aron Abbot John Butler Thoraas Goodwin Sara" Pray Jun' Philo C ffall Ephrora Grant Humphrey Spencr Moses Butier Jr Caleb Mackorty Jonathan Clark OP THE STATE OP MAINE 429 Isreal Hodsdon Banj Nock Gorage Bran Stephen Hardsom Joshua Brackott Abial Harabton James Thurnell Thomas Hobs Stephen Hodsdon Thomas Sanders Micheal Woodsum John Parce James Brackot Eligor Goodwin Joshua Hamblton John Gubtal Garbrel Hamblton Wintworth Stuart Park S Marraon Jonathan Stirason John Hardson Sara" Brackot Nicklos Thorapson Jonathan Thurnel Noah Rickords Henrey Hobbs 38 Ratebell Yong raen above Chadborn River Broght over yong men James Perrey Siraon Clark Goarg Clark which m the H pols above y* river below — — 38 41 196 237 183 870 104 A list of Young Men reated below the river Viz. Joshua Lord 1 Jereraiah L Edward Nason 1 W" plastd Row 1 John Erary Sam' C 1 Jaraes Lord Jr Jos Lord 1 Jabes Lord Jos Brown 1 Stephen Lord Moses Abbot Jr 1 Timothy Davis Thoraas Good Jr 1 Benja Chadbourn 0: 11:0 Huraphry Chadbourn j' 0: 10: 0 m' John Lord Ju' 0: 10: 9 Joshua Emery 0: 5: 6 430 DOCUMENTARY HISTORY Joseph Recker 0: 14: 0 Nathan Lord 3" 0: 6: 0 Noah Recker 0: 4: 9 Patrick Maning 0: 5: 0 ra' Sara" Lord 0: 17: 0 Thomas Picke 0: 7: 0 Thomas SoUngford Eq' 0: 12: 9 WilUara Goodwin 0: 11: 2 Williara Goodwin j' 0: 5: 9 Theod' Sirason 0: 5: 0 Eligea Goodwin 0: 4: 6 Thomas Goodwin 1: 6: 0 In Constable Lords List below 125-0-0 58-8-7 7: 15: 11 50: 12: 9 58 : 8 : 7 66 11 : 5 Joshua Emery Noah Nason Thoraas JUlison James Hearl John Hupper J' John Bennet James Goodwin Soloraan Goodwin Moses Spencer Richard Nason Ju' Timothy Davis Sam" Plaisted William Hight Ethernton Hearl John Thomson jr Danil Libbey Joseph JUlison Thomas Hearl Ju' Daniel Gray Benony Bragdon Freethy Spencer Miles Goodwin Sam" GatcMU Jaraes Lord EUsha Goodwin John HiU Esq' W™ Moore Benja Nason Jaraes Warrun j' Joseph JilUson Ju' Solomon Walker Gilbort Hearl Viriah Page Daniel McCanny Nathn" Goodwin Daniel WodUn Richard Nason John Thomson Elisha Plaisted Esq' John Wise Ichabod Goodwin William Nason OP THE STATE OP MAINE 431 Stephen Wood Cap* Richard Lord Aaron Lord WiUiara Tibbetts Aron Abbot Sara" Nason Joseph Nason John Cooppur John Cooppur J' Joseph Goodwin Joshua Grant ElUas Grant Peter Grant Jn' Sara" Abbot Daniel Grant Tayler Goodwm Thoraas Abbot Ju' Walter Abbot Ebanz' Abbot Nathan Lord 3" John Goodwin Ju' John Goodwin Moses Goodwin Aaron Goodwin Richard Shackley John Shackley Thoraas Goodwin Daniel Goodwin m' John Huppar Soloraan Huppar Phillip Hubbard Joseph Hubbard Joseph Hodsdon J' Sam" Hodsdon Richard Hodsdon Joseph Eraery Joseph Hodsdon Abaram Lord Abarara Lord Son Nicholas Lord Nathan Lord John Lord John Lord Ju' Simon Eraery Ju' Sam" Lord J' Richard Shackley Ju' John Hodsdon Thoraas Hodsdon Thomas Thomson Jonathan Harailton Henery Goodwin these below Chadbourns River 93 Faraalys Thomas Lord Jobe Emery Joshua Abbot Above y* River Elisha HiU Sam" GatchUl Ju' Jaraes Plaisted Ephram Joye Humphry Chadbourn Ju' ' Benj* Chadboum Sam" Lord John Lord Ju' Nathan Lord Ju' Patrick Maning WilUam Goodwin Joseph Recker Thomas Picke 14 96 110 Humphry Chadbourn Esqr Humphry Chadbourn Ju Cap' Joseph Chadbourn Joseph Chadbourn Ju' Patrick Maning Benja Chadboum Benja Lord Sam" Lord Ju' Iseral HunuiU Robert Furniss Sam" Lord John Lord Ju' Nathan Lord 3" 482 DOCUMENTARY HISTORY Moses Abbot Thoraas Noble Tilley Hoggan Josiah Goodrige John Tucker Moses Spencer John Woodsura Jer: Frost Stephen Frost Benja Libby Charles Libby Edward Clarey Thoraas Abbot John Lewis Thoraas Butler Joseph Hartt John Cartar Terah Spreage Moses Lord WilUam Gerrish John Quint Joseph Peney Joseph Woodsura Jur Joseph Woodsum Charles Gerrish Joseph Allen Joseph Hendrson Henery Rimes Lef Roger Plaisted Benja Goodrige Joseph Libby Daniel Libby Nathn" Gubtail Benja Gubtail Richard Hearl Noah Thomson these above Chadbourns River to the Porpos" Line about 76 and 16 makes 92 Paul Stone ra' Sam" Hupper John Walker Sam" Holmes S Stone m' John Holmes Antony Arely Thomas Holraes ra' Miles Thomson m' Jonathan Stone Thomas Roberts m' Benja Hodsdon Landas Grant Andrew Walker John Hamilton Moses Butler Henery Sloman Sam" Pray Jaraes Gerrish John Smith Jur W" Keey Ebenz' Peirce Charles Goodwin Daniel Grant jr Grindel Knight Gabriel Hamilton VoUentine Scatts John Foard John Pray Benja Hamilton John Keey Sara" Wentworth John Peirce Nathn" Joye ra' Moses Hodsdon Joshua Hodsdon Gideon May George Brawn Joseph Welch Joseph Stone Bartlerao Thomson m' Peter Grant AUexd' Grant jr John Knight Richard Thirrel John Scatts Joshua Quint Abaram Lord Ju' El" John Smith Peter Keey Sam" Wentworth J' ra' Moses Goodwin Elezer Clark Benja Asting OP THB STATE OP MAINE 433 John Woster W"" Hupper Benja Harsman Sam" Woster John Faul Zackrey Nock Joseph Nock Benj* Nock Thoraas Downs John Grindel Joshua Roberts Ebenz* Lord Trustum Faul . Ezeekel Wentworth Sara" Faul Nath" Downs John SoUeuan Joseph Harailton W"' Clerk W"' Clerk Ju' Nath" Nock Thomas Shorey John Shorey Sara" Shorey W" Davis John Murrey Ruke Stilling m' Sam" Brackit Isaac Brackit Adara Goodwin Aron Chick Sam" GubtaU John Brackit Joshua Andros James Chadbourn Peter Pray Nath" Frost W"" Goodwm James Frost Patrick Gowin Nath" Libby W" Frost James Mackill These above y* Porposd Line in the upper part about 80 10 above y* line 90 between y* river & y* lme 82 172 Petioners & within y* Lemets 110 282 162 120 42 Stephen Hardison John Frost W"- Childs Hugh Ross Joseph Recker Thoraas Picke John Jones Hateuel Conen John Connor 28 434 DOCUMENTARY HISTORY Signers of Petition not qualified. This may Certifie the Honorable Gener" Court that the Signours that Signed the Petition that was Sent into Court in Septeraber last by a Nuraber of Inhabitants of the Town of Berwick in behalf of themselves Relating to the Building a New Meetmg House m Said Town and being Sett off by thera Selves a Parrish in Said Town that there is more then forty of the said Signours to said Petition that are not Qual lified by Law to Vote in Town and parrish Meetings Berwick Deem"' 19'" 1748 attest g Sara" Bracket jr \ Sessors of the Moses Hodsdon > Town of Moses Butler > Berwick At a Legal Town Meeting held at Berwick December the 5'" 1748 Voted that a Comraittee Shall be Chosen to answer to the Petition Relating to a new Parrish to be Set of in this Town./ Voted Cap' Moses Butler Cap' Joseph Chadbourn ra' Peter Grant Huraphry Chadbourn and m' Moses Hodsden a Comraette to answer to Said Petition. A true Coppy of Record Attest Hurap. Chadbourn Town Cler To his Excellency WilUara Shirley Esq' Captain General and Governour m Chief m and over his Majesty's Prov ince of the Massachusetts Bay The Hon'"'* the CouncU and Hon'"^ House of Represent*' of the said Province in General Court Asserabled at Boston Deceraber 21" 1748 The Answer of the Town of Berwick m the County of York to the Petition of Sundry of the Inhabitants of said Town. — Most Hurably Shew That the Pet" have Set forth in their Petition to your Excellency and Honours that the New Meeting house voted OP THE STATE OP MAINE 435 to be built in said Town between the House of Humphrey Chadbum Esq' and M' Roger Plaistead about a Mile and half Distant from the Old meeting house so Called will not be Convenient for the Inhabitants of Either the Upper or Lower part of the Town to wMch your Respondents Reply That the place where the Town have Voted the new meeting house should be built is very near the Center of the Inhab itants of the Town and %vill Accoraodate the whole Town in General in such a Manner as that the prmcipal part of the Inhabitants of said Town and by far the Greater part of the pet" m particular will not have above two Miles and an half to Travell to Meeting Except sorae few of the Inhabitants that Uve in the outscirts of the Town. — As to all further proceedings in Building a raeetmg house being forbid by this Hon*"® Court Your Respond" Say that they were only Suspended and that for no longer time than the Com"* Appointed by this Great and General Court should Report their Opinion what they Judged proper for the Court to do on their petition in June 1742 And the said Cora'** Accordmgly in Septera' 1742 Reported it as their opinion " That Another Meeting house should be built in the Upper "part of said Town where it would best Accoraraodate the Inhabitants of the said upper part of the Town above Cap' Chadbums in a Convenient place as the Town should Agree and that it would be for the future peace and well being of the Town to keep the Old Meeting house m Repair and build a New One where it would best Accommodate the Inhabitants in the spot above Cap' Humphrey Chadbums, which Report was Accepted by this Great and Hon*"'® Court And the said Town in Obedience thereto in March last Voted to Repair the Old Meetmg house at the Charge of the Town as usual And m May last Voted at the Charge of the Town to Build a New Meetmg house Agreeable to the said Report above Cap' Chadbums house about Midway to M' Roger Plaisteads 436 DOCUMENTARY HISTORY house where they have Carried their Tiraber Stones and Materials to proceed in the said Building which place takes m and Encludes Most of the large Rhodes and best Settle raents in the Town Runing about five Miles North East by East to the Utmost liraits of the Town and the other Rhodes are from North East and North and from North West by North So that all the Rhodes in the Town like the Several Branches of a Tree all Center in One place where the New Meetmg house is Voted to be built which will be Exceedmg Convenient for the Town but a Small Distance for a few Inhabitants to Travell to and from Meeting to what the Greater part now have to the Old Meeting house — The Pet" go on and say that the Old Meeting house is not Coraraodions by Reason that the people with Corafort and Safety in Storray Weather can't Attend Upon the publick Worship of God Your Respondents Reply that they have not only made the sarae Corafortable hitherto so that there is not any Danger in Attendmg Divine Service as they would Insm- uate in their petition but have also Employed a Nuraber of persons to Repair and Strengthen the sarae in a Suitable Manner and do everythmg Necessary to make the sarae raore safe as well as Comfortable in the Worst of Weathers so that there can be no just Grounds for such Representations And the Town being Sensible that a larger Meeting house would better Acoraodate all their Inhabitants have Ordered the New one to be of such Deraentions and so Extensive as to Contain a Greater Number of Inhabitants that at present Dwell in the Town So that under what Colour or pretence the pet" could Raise of their own heads the sum of Four Thousand pounds old Tenor and proceed to BuUd a New Meeting house on the Ministry Lands near the old Meeting house in Opposition to the Vote of the Town and Directly Contrary to the said Com'**' Report after they were forbid by the Select men of the Town And then petition your Excel- OP THE STATE OP MAINE 437 lency and Honours to Oblige the Town to Accept thereof is what your Respondents are not Able to Conceive or Imag ine And Can't think it will be any Inducement to this Hon'''* Court to ObUge them to Receive the Same but Rather Inclme Your Excellency and Honours to Disraiss their peti tion wMch will be a means of preservmg to the Town their Invaluable Rights and Priviledges which the pet" have unwarrantably Endeavoured to Invade — The pet" further say That they are of the Most Antient Settlements and have in all Respects Observed the Orders of this Court Agreeable to the said Report which is a Gross Misrepresentation to your Excellency and Honours for that the Greatest part of the Antient Settlers and maintainors of the Ministry &c live to the Northard of the Old Meeting house and have always defended and kept the sarae in tiraes of Difficulty and Danger And the said pet" have not m the least Complyed with the Orders of this Hon'''* Court but in direct Contradiction thereto have Erected a raeeting house on the Mmistry Land where the old one now stands So that it is the Town and not the pet" that have duly and truly Observed the Orders of tMs Hon'''® Court as wiU fully appear by their Votes Copys whereof are herewith presented Notwithstanding the Unjust Charges of the pet" to the Contrary and the said Town are Still willing and Desirous to Comply with the said Report And therefore they Flatter themselves that your Excellency and Honours will not perrait or Suffer A few of their Inhabitants to Irapose a Meeting house upon thera Con trary to their Votes when it can't be of any Service but Rather a burthen to the Town — The Pet" go on to Inform this Hon"'® Court that the upper part of the Inhabitants of said Town even those who are not broken up or Removed by the War must Travell five Six or Seven MUes to Meetmg at the place Voted by the Town should the said House be built to which Your Respond" 438 DOCUMENTARY HISTORY say that this is of a peice with the Rest of their Groundless Insinuations for that there is but a very few of the Inhab itants that live five Miles Distant frora the proposed place and they very scattered and those who live in the lower part of the Town even at the Greatest Distance will not have more than three Miles to Travell to the place of publick worship Except about Eight or ten of the pet" who wiU have but about four Miles to corae So that it cannot in the least be Destructive or prejudicial to Either Ends of the Town who are not large Enough for two Parishes nor able to Maintain two Ministers And should the pet" have their Request Granted Your Respond" Apprehend it will Tend Greatly to the Disadvantage if not the Rum of the Town The pet" rauch Insist upon it and would fam perswade Your Excellency and Honours that they are the only persons that have provided Lands Convenient for and Supported the Mmistry when it is well known that they have done but Uttle to what the other part of the Town have done and that Upwards of forty of the pet" who boast so much of their doings are not even qualified to Vote in Town or Parish Meetings so that much could not be Expected from them — Your Respond" beg leave to Inforra Your Excellency and Honours that Upwards of Forty of the Pet" have Joined with a Number of persons belongmg to the Upper part of Kittery and Enter'd into Bonds with each other to Oppose all the Votes and Orders of the Town and at all Hazards to Act in direct Contradiction thereto by which it plamly Appears that the pet" have no Real Regard to the Interest of the Town as they would Suggest but are only Seeking their private Senister Advantages and Opposing the Town m their proceedings for little else than Opposition sake and Endeav ouring to foment Divisions and Contentions m the Town as fully appears by their very Extraordinary and Unheard of Management in Erecting a Meeting house quite near the old OP THE STATE OP MAINE 439 one and that upon the Ministry Lands in Contempt of the Town as aforesaid which Doubtless your Excellency and Honours will thmk Worthy of Notice. And should these persons be Encouraged in their proceedings your Respond" Apprehend it will be of Dangerous Consequence to the Towns in the Province — And as Your Excellency and Honours forraerly Appointed a Com'** to Inquire into the Situation and Circumstances of the Town who Reported their Opinion which the Town are wUling to Coraply with Your Respond" humbly Conceive that it can't be of any Advantage to Appoint a new one for that purpose — And for as rauch all the Inhabitants of the Town Except ing the pet" are very Desirous of having a New Meeting house built where the Town have Voted the sarae and are Inclined to Continue together and proraote peace and Unity among theraselves Your Respond" therefore Most hurably pray your Excel lency and Honours would not oblige thera to Accept of the Meeting house buUt by the Pet" but that the petition be Dismiss'd as Groundless and Unreasonable that the said Town may proceed as soon as may be to Compleat the said Meeting house Agreeable to their Vote and Collect the Tax assessed for that purpose. But should Your Excellency and Honours m your Great Wisdora not see Cause to Grant the Towns Request they beg leave to Observe the unreasonableness of the pet" Request to be a Seperate Parish so as to take m a Mile and an half North frora the Old Meeting house for should this Hon'''* Court order the same it would Include raore that two third parts of the Inhabitants of the Town and leave the poor Out skirts thereof who are alraost Continually Annoyed by the Enemy to shift for theraselves which in a short tirae would oblige the Inhabitants to leave the Town Your Respond" 440 DOCUMENTARY HISTORY beg leave further to say that if the pet" are Desirous to be a Distinct Parish by theraselves they shall Readily Consent thereto provided no other of the Inhabitants be sett off with thera — And your Respond" will ever pray &c Moses Butier -j Cora'** of the Jos : Chadbourn I Town of Peter Grant / Berwick Coppy taken from tUe Constable Lists of the Inhabitants below Chadbourns River Decmbr 24 1748 viz Abrahara Lord Alexander Greay Abrahara Lord juner Aaron Goodm Andrew: Walker Aaron: Abbot Aexander Gilleson Aaron Lord Benja : Nason Benjarain Lord Benjarain Goodm Benjamin Brgdon Charells Lord Daniell Greant Daniell Mackeney Daniell Libby Widow Charety Erary Daniell hodsdon Daniell Greay widow Deliverance Goodin Daniell Wadlin Elisha plasted EUsha HUl Ebenr abbot Elias Greant Widow Elisebeth abbot Widow Elisebeth Greay Ephraim Joy Etherington Hearl frethey Spencer Gilbert Hearell HurapMy Scaraons Henry Goodin Hezeciah JUlison Jo : Hill Esq' Jos : JUlison John thorason Jaraes Goodin Joshoua abbot Jaraes abbot Jaraes Greay John Cooper John Cooper juner John Hooper Jo : hooper juner Jos Nason .lonathan hamelton James Lord John hodsdon John thorason juner John Lord Joseph Erary John Bragdon John Bennet Widow Judeth hamelton John Goodm James Greant juner Joseph Habard Joseph hodsdon Jabzes Erary John Goodin juner Ichobad Goodin Jaraes plasted OP THB STATE OP MAINE 441 John Geatchell John Lord 3" Joseph Jileson jun' Joseph Goodin Jose Erary Joseph hodsdon Jr Moses Goodin jun' Moses Green Noah Nason Nath Lord juner Petter Greant James forgison Joshoua Greant John Hubard MUls Goodin Noah thorason Petter Greant Jr Richard Lord Richard Shakly juner Richard Nason Nathan Lord Nath Nason philip Habbard Richard Shakly Richard Nason jun' Sam" Geatchell Sam" Lord jun' Sam" hodsdon juner Sam" Abbot Solomon Walker Stephen Wood Thomas Hearell Thomas abbot juner Thomas Jilleson Tealor Goodin Timothey Davis Thoraas Goodin jun' Thomas Hearell juner Thoraas Hodsdon Tobias Lord Richard hodsdon Sara" GeatcheUjun' Sam" Shorey Sara" Plasted Siraon Erary Sara" hodsdon Sam" Nason Thoraas Thorason Thomas Lord WilUam Moore WUl"" Nason InaU Taylor Greay Williara Moore Waltor Abbot 118 Vriah page Williara Hight Ditto young raen 15 133 Action of Council. In CouncU Decerab' 24'" 1748 Read again together with the Answer of Dorothy Cutter Adm^ of the Estate of the within naraed Ammiru" Cutter. And Ordered That upon the Pet" procuring and Delivering to the said Dorothy a good Deed of Release and Quit Claira to Lott N° 14 referrd to m the Pet" for the use of the Heirs of the said Arairuharaah, the said Dorothy be and hereby is Authorized And Irapowered to give a Deed of Release of 442 DOCUMENTARY HISTORY Lott N* 16 in the sarae Division to the Petit Loring for the use of the Ministry in the Town of North Yarmouth Sent down for Concurrence J WiUard Secry In the House of Rep''*' Dec' 26. 1748 Read and Concur'd T Hutchinson Spkr Consented to W Shirley Report of Committee on the petition of inhabitants of Berwick. In obedience to the Order of the General Court of the 31" day of Decera' 1748 we the Coraraittee to whom was refer'd the Petition of Several of the Inhabitants of the Town of Berwick relating to their raeeting House having repaired to the Said Town & Viewed the Several Parts thereof and the Situation of the Inhabitants and heard aU the Parties therein concern'd agree hurably to Report That the said Town of Berwick be Divided in two Distinct and Separate Parishes and that the Lower Parish bounds run North from the old raeeting House one mUe and a half, & from thence South west and by west to SaUnon fall river and frora said river North East & be East to the Extent of the Township, and in as rauch as the Petitioners have by Subscription Erected a commodious House near where the old one Stands w*" is the raost Suteable place to accomraodate the Lower Parish we are Hurably of opinion that the Said House be thera Estab lished for the Publick worship of God, and that the Peti tioners ought not to pay any part of the tax w*" the s" Town has raade for the building another Meeting House in y' Upper Part of the Town nither will the place where the s" Town has Voted to Erect another raeeting House be conven ient for the Inhabitants in the upper part of the s" Town. but are of opinion that if a meeting House for the Upper OP THE STATE OP MAINE 443 Parish was Erected neare y* House of Thomas Gubtale it would be y* raost Suteable place to Accoraraodate the upper Parish, and that alth6 the afore, mentioned Line should take in Lieu' Peter Grant, Benj* Hodgdon, George Brawn, Grindal Knight, Noah Torapson, John Knight, Andrew Walker, Lan ders Grant, Alexander Grant, Daniel Grant, Joseph Chad boum jun' Gabrel Harablton, John Harablton, Richard Tharla w°" will be rauch nearer the place proposed for the Meeting House to be built in the upper Parish - we are of Opinion that they and their Estates where they now dwell Should have Liberty if they see cause to joyn with the upper Parish and there pay the Parish Taxes, and that if the aforesaid proposed Devidmg Line should Seperate any raans Land that he pay to that Parish the whole of his Parish Tax in w*" his House Stands and that the Rever" M' Jereraiah Wise the present Mmester of said Town have Liberty to be the mmes ter of w*" of the Parishes in s" Town he shall chuse and that the Passanage Land in the bounds of the Lower Parish shall remaine to that Parish — and that the Town at their cost shall procuer for the Upper Parish one hundred Acres of the comon and Undivided Land belonging to the Propriet" of said Town where it can best Accommodate thera for a Parsonage all w*" is Hurably Sub mitted by order of y* Coraraittee Berwick the 21" day of February 1748 W"" Pepperrell Message Jan. 20, 1748. Gentlemen of the House of Represent"^*' I would now remind you of your having refer'd over to this Sitting of the Court the Consideration of my Messages 444 DOCUMENTARY HISTORY recomraending to you to provide for the building of a Fort near the mouth of Penobscot River ; And as I am still of Opmion that such a Fort would be of great Advantage to the Province both m Peace and War ; and as this seems to be the raost proper Season for effecting tMs Matter, I desire you would proceed upon it before you rise, and consider my several Messages and the Papers sent you with thera, which I suppose are lymg m your Files W Shiriey CouncU Charaber Jany 20, 1748 In the House of Rep^*' Jany 25. 1748 Read and Ordered that Cap' Little Col° Miller and Cap' Collins with such as the Hon"'* Board shall Joyn be a Coram" to take this Mess* and the papers accompanying it under consideration and report what they Judge proper for this Court to do thereon as soon as may be. Sent up for concur rence T. HutcMnson Spkr In CouncU Jan. 26, 1748 Read & Concur'd, and Samuel Welles, Joseph WUder & Andrew Oliver Esq" are jomed in the Affair J Willard Secry The Comittee appointed as above, having twice met & con sidered the affair, were equally divided on the Question whether it was proper to proceed on this undertaking, at this session of the General Court or not & therefore would not proceed. By order of the Com'** Samuel Welles. In CouncU Jan. 31. 1748 ; Read & Voted that the Affair above mentioned be referd to the next Sitting of this Court Sent down for Concurrence J Willard Secry In the House of Rep"' Jany 31. 1748 Read and Concurd T HutcMnson Spkr OP THB STATE OF MAINE 445 To the Selectraen of the Town of North Yarmouth To be communicated to the Inhabitants of the s" Town at their first Town Meeting GentleraenWe the Subscribers Inhabitants of the neck of Land Called Merriconeage and Islands adjacent within the Township of North Yarraouth, Bemg sensible that we are Required by the Laws of God and of the Province to attend the PubUck Wor ship on the Lords Day and Enjoy the Privilages of the Gos pel and by reason of our Living at so great a Distance frora the Stated place of Worship in the Town or any Neighbour ing Town both by Land and Water as to Deprive us of the privilages of the Gosple. And being Desirous to Support the Gosple araong our selves where we raay with Convenience and Comfort Enjoy the advantages of it : And not being able to Effect this unless we are set off as a Distinct Precinct. Do Request of the Inhabitants of the s" Town of North Yar mouth That you would at Your Next Town Meetmg Vote to be a District and seperate precinct all that Tract of Land CaUed Merriconeage Neck and all the Islands within two Miles Westward of s" Neck and all the Islands and main Land Lymg Eastward of the s" Neck withm the Township of North Yarmouth : and as far as it is m your power Invest us the Inhabitants with the Privilages of Distict & Seperate Precmct, and your Granting this Request We Shall esteera as a great favour Merriconeage January 30'" 1748/9 John Stover Wait Webber Seth Toothaker WiUiam Macgray Richard Hase Elisha Ailing William Alexander Nathaniel Barns Benjamin Barns William Tarr Patricks Phalen James Doyle John Matthews Jonathan Webber of New Capenewaging Timothy BaUey WiUiara Black of Little Sebescodagen William Black jun' 446 DOCUMENTARY HISTORY Petition Nich' Loring ^c. Feb. 9. 1748 To His ExceUency Will"' Shirley Esq' &c The Hon ourable His Majestys Counsel & House of Represent atives of the Province of Massachusetts Bay in New England in General Court Assembled — The Petition of Nich' Loring in behalf of himself and Jer Powell in behalf of the Town of North Yarmouth — The Petitioners Hurably Sheweth, that in the resettleraent of the Town of North Yarmouth there was by order of the Great and General Court Two allotments of Lands to be laid out in s" Town, one to be for the first Minister as Ms own property for ever the other for his & his successors improve ment for the time Being and that in recording s" allotments of Land Lots Nu' 16 & Nu' 14 where both recorded Mm isters Lot. in the west division of one Hundred & twenty Acre Lots by a mistake in the Proprietors Clerk (as is supposd ) alters Lot Num' 14 to ministerial as appears by the face of the records inadvertently makping the aditional araendraent to the rong Nuraber That the Lot N' 16 & not N' 14 is the rainisterial Lot be raade to appear from the original Tickets. That s* Lot was a Pitcht Lot as may be raade to appear by the Testiraony of those who were appointed to pitch the same. The Petitioner further Sheweth That in Sep' 4 1735 the Proprietors of s" Town appointed a Committe to rectify the mistakes to March 9'" 1735/6 The Committe repots to the propriety and there accepted & put upon record and among raany other things the Coraraitte reports, that Lot Nu' 16 was through a mistake recorded to the Rev* M' Ararai Ruharai Cutter, all which may be raade to appear by attested Copeys frora the Proprietors Clerk. And tho the said Committe reports ( of which ra' Cutter was one and sign'd the same with his own hand ) that he the s" Cutter offers to give a quit Clame of Lot Nu' 16 provided OP THE STATE OP MAINE 447 the present rainister for the time Being give him a quit Clame of Lot Nu' 14, as the report raay be Seen, and yet he refused tho often requested but enter'd upon s" Lot and made great waste of the tiraber & since Ms death his Heirs persist in the same which has already been hundreds of pounds damage of s" Lot. The Petitioners therefore Hurably request Your Excellency and the Honourable Court to mterpose in the affair : And if it raay be thought fit put a Sanction upon the proceedings of s" Proprietee and their Coraraitte respecting s" Lot of Land or give sorae further Conforraation of the Towns Title to the sarae and give orders to M" Doratte Cutter admmistratix of the late Cap' Cutter to desist frora takeing any raore timber off s" Lot. In so Dewing you will much oblige your most obed' and very Humble Petitioners Nich' Lormg 1 Agent for the Town North Yarraoth Feb' 9'" 1748 Deposition. Feb. 27, 1747. Barnabas Seabury of LawfuU age testifieth and said That when the Coraraitty Appointed by the Great and General Court for the Resetleraent of the Township of North Yar mouth came to North Yarraouth m order to Draw the Lots in the Hundred and Twenty acre Division in s" TownsMp this Deponent was then present with s" Coraraitty when s" Lots were Drawn for. And then the s" Coraraitty appointed or Desired Cp' Stephen Larrabe Mr Frances Wyraan and this Deponent with M' Edward King the Surveyor to pitch or make Choice of one Lot m the Division for the Ministeral Lot wMch was then Done and Lot No" Sixteen was the Lot as agreed on for s" Ministeral Lot and for that Reason was 448 DOCUMENTARY HISTORY Excluded from being Drawn for with the other Lots and this Deponent also saith That He well Remembers that the Lot wMch fell to M' Ammi Ruhamah Cutter m the Right of the Minister as being the first Setled Minister in s" Town was m partnership with the Heirs of WiUiara Scales Dec" and Sarauel Baker and This Deponant further saith That he has No Reraerabrance of any other one lot in said Division that was allowed for these Rites but that wMch Cutter Scales & Baker Drew and further Saith not. Barnabas Seabury North Yarraouth Febuary the 27. 1747 York ss North Yarraouth Febuary the 29 1747 Barnabas Seabury appearing Made oath to the truth of the within Declaration by Mm subscribed before me Sarauel Seabury J Peace The foUowmg is the Petitions or Requests of a Nurabrer of the Inhabitants of the Town of Wells Liveing between Ken nebunk and Mousora Rivers put in to Sundary warnt for town Meetings and what was Voted there upon at the several Meetmgs for the town of Wells Warrant March 1748/4 and to consider what to alow the Inhabitants of Kenebunk out of the Ministeral and School Rates the year past and also to Do what shall be thought proper and Convenant towards seeting them of as a parrish Voted thirty Pounds old tener be alowed to tha Inhabitants of Kenebunk toward Defraying tha Charge of their Minister and School the year past March 1743/4 Warrant March 1744/5 And also to Consider what to alow Kenebunk People toward their having the Gosple Preched araong them the winter past OP THB STATE OP MAINE 449 Voted twenty Pounds old tener toward Defraying the Charge of PreacMng araong them the wmter past March 1744/5 Warrant March 1745/6 And also by a petition of teen or more of the Inhabitants of Kenebunk and Mousom their Petition is to see what the town will give them toward their winter Preaching araong them or sect them of as a Parrish by thera selves. Warant Novem' 1746 Whereas teen of the freeholders Livmg between Kenebunk River and Mousom River have applyed to us the Subscribers to Call a town Meeting to see if the Town wUl allow them and the other Inhabitants Livemg betwen s" Rivers aney thing to help them Toward the Suport of the Gosple araongst them the last winter 2'y to pass a Vote if the Town tMnk proper to set them of_to Joyn with part of Arundel as a Parrish m order to Settle the Gosple araongst them thay Liveing at a grate Distance from the Publick Worship 3'y the Parrish to begin at the Mouth of Mousom River and so to Run back on a North West Line to the head of the Town Voted that twenty Pounds old tener be allowed to tha Inhabitants Liveing betwen Kenebunk and Mousom Rivers toward the Defraying the Charge of Preachmg among them the winter season Novem 1746. Warrant March 1746/7 And also to Consider what to alow the Inhabitants Liveing betwen the Rivers of Mousom and Kenebunk toward their Charge of Supportmg tha Gosple among tham the winter 29 450 DOCUMENTARY HISTORY season agreable to a petition of teen of the freeholders of the Town of Wells Liveing betwen s" Rivers Voted that Thirty Pounds old tener be alowed to the Inhabitants of Kenebunk toward the Defraying of the Charge of Preaching among thera the winter season March 1746/7 Warrant March 1747/8 8'y To Do what may be thought proper in answer to a Peti tion of a Number of the Inhabitants Liveing betwen Mousom and Kenebunk. Rivers I'y to See what the Town will alow them toward the Support of the Gosple araong them the winter past 2'y to see whether thay will give them aney thing toward BuUdmg a Meeting House and If not whether thay will Grant them Liberty to buUd one among thera selves 3'y to see whether the Town will sect thera of In order for the Settlement of the Gosple amongst them. Voted that fifty Pounds old tener be alowed to the Inhab itants of Kenebunk toward Defraying the Charge of Preach ing araong them the wmter season March 1747/8 Warrant March 1748/9 5'y To see what the Town will Do in answer to a Petition of a Number of the Inhabitants Liveing in Wells Betwen Kene bunk River and Mousora River I'y to see what the town will alow them towards the Support of the Gosple among them the last winter 2'y to Se whether the town will sect them of accordmg to their petition Dated Kenebunk in Wells feby 25'" 1748/9 Voted that Sixty Pounds old tener be alowd to the Inhab itants of Kenebunk toward the Defraying the Charge of preaching among them the winter season. March 1748/9 Taken out of WeUs Town Book Examined g Nath' Wells Town Clerk OP THB STATE OP MAINE 451 Letter 8ec''y Willard to Stroud Esq. Boston March 15, 1748/9 Sir A Discovery having been lately raade of a Gang of ViUains in the Colony of Connecticut who have made a great Quan tity of Counterfeit Bills in Imitation of the Bills of Credit of this Province and the said Colony of Connecticut ; Many of which have been uttered by sorae of the Accomplices in this Province ; And it being strongly suspected that some of the said Bills are carried into the Province of Main„ & particu larly to the Town of Scarboro to be put off among the Inhab itants there ; I ara directed by the Govern' & Council to inform you hereof & to sigmfy their Pleasure that you forth with use your utraost endeavours for finding out & appre hending all Persons that raay be concerned in raaking pass ing or uttering the said BiUs who raay be m your County that so they may be proceeded against accordmg to Law, as also to give tha People warning lest they be cheated and imposed upon by the said Counterfeit Bills Which are in Imitation of the £3. & £1 Bills of Connecticut & 10/ of this Province all new Tenor; One of each I herewith mclose. And for the better discovering these Counterfeit Bills You may observe among other Distinctions frora the true Bills, this remarkable one. The Printing on the Back is not by Types ( as in the true Bill ) but frora a Plate which is easily perceived by the Smoothness on the Face as well as the Back of the Bill, it bemg otherwise on the true Bill. You raust get aU the Assistance you fmd necessary frora other Justices in your neighbourhood in this Affair I am Sir Your most humble Servant J Willard P. S. There is one Rob' Henry gone to Scarboro who it is said, shew'd sorae of these Counterfiet BUls, & is veheraently suspected, bemg Brother in Law to Briant who has confessed 452 DOCUMENTARY HISTORY his being guilty ; & there is one Smith who is likewise sus pected ; It is thought best you sh" examine them as soon as may be. The Estate of Mary Smith to the Town of WeUs for her Self & ChUdren 1782 To Keeping EUz* Smith bv Peter Rich ; Dr 17331734 1785 1736 1736/7 March 5, 1736/71737/8 1788 1789 1789/40 Nov. 18 1741 To Nov' 18 1742 To Ditto for Eliz* To Peter Rich Towards Eliz* To Peter Rich To Peter Rich To Peter Rich for EUz* Smith To Pater Rich for Eliz* Smith To Peter Rich for Eliz* Smith To Peter Rich for Eliz* Smith To Sundries boding ClotMng &c 15 To George Jacobs for Margret Sraith To Peter Rich for Eliz* Smith To George Jacobs for Margret Sm„ 03 To Zachariah Goodale for Mar gret 12 To Peter Rich for EUz* Smith 27 To boding for EUz* Smith 01 To Peter Rich for EUz* Smith 22 To M" DalzaU for EUz* Smith 01 To Zachariah Goodale for Mar gret 31 To Sundries burying Eliz* Smith 04 To M' Fran' Littiefield for Mar gret 26 ;i8 10 7 13 09 0 33 10 0 02 18 6 00 19 8 28 10 0 10 13 7 16 10 8 27 00 0 15 10 11 12 00 0 24 05 0 12 0 00 0 15 0 04 6 00 0 00 0 06 8 10 0 00 0 413 06 01 Cr 21 10 0 24 0 0 12 0 0 5 0 0 4 0 0 OP THB STATE OP MAINE 453 Dec' 16 1743 To M' Fra' Littiefield for Mar gret 80 00 0 To Joseph Sayer Esq' ClotMng for Margret 05 00 0 1746 To Moses Stevens for Margret 15 00 0 1744/5 To Mrs Hannah Littiefield for Margret 35 00 0 The Estate of Mary Sraith by the Town of Wells 1733 by a note of hand of Sam" Stewart 1787 & 1738 ^^ Cheney Kimbal & others 1739 by John Wheelwright Esq' 1739/40 by a note of hand paid by Sam" Eraery 1 742 by a note of hand paid by Sam" Emery 66 10 0 Errors Excepted g John Storer Town Treasurer Message. Gentlemen of the CouncU & House of Represent"' Durmg tha Recess of the Court I received an Account of the Designs of the French to make Settlements m the coun trey between Crown Point & our Western Frontiers ; WMch I shall lay before you. • If the French should be perraitted to carry this Design mto Execution, In all Probability it will prove of fatal Consequence to all the English Plantations in North America ; and therefore I have thought it proper to inform tha Neighbourmg Governors as far as Pensilvania of this Affair, That thay may Consider what Measures raay ba taken by these Colonies for their Security against the Encroachments of so dangerous a Neighbour. I also thought 454 DOCUMENTARY HISTORY it ray Duty to give the earUest Intelligence to his Majestys Ministers of this Matter & have shewn thera how rauch Ms Majestys Rights & Interests as well as tha Safety of these Colonies will ba affected if this Design should [ be carried out]. That so I may ba instructed how to act in such a Case. By my last Advices from Cpt Bradbury Commander of the Fort at S' Georges River that the Indians are still disposed to Peace, & are desirous that some of their Chiefs should treat with me here for that Purpose, and I shaU therefore order Cp* Saunders who will sail frora hence m a few days to bring sorae of them up hither at his Retum. In both these important Affairs I shall be glad to have the advice of the two Houses as Occurrences may Require. CouncU Chamber ApriU 6'" 1749 W SMriey In tha House of Rap™ April 7. 1749 Read and Ordered that M' Speaker Col" Choate Col° Heath Col° Otis and Col* MUler with such as tha Hon"'® Board shaU Joyn be a Coram** to take His ExceUencys above raessage under consideration, and report what they Judge proper for this Court to Act thereon. Sent up for concurrence T Hutchinson Spkr In Council April 7, 1749. Read & Concurd & Samuel Welles, Sam' Danforth, John Qumcy & John Chandler Esq" are jom'd in the Affair J Willard Secry Report accepted. In CouncU AprU 14. 1749 Read & Ordered that this Report be and hereby is accepted. And the Town of Berwick is divided into two distmct & seperate Precincts accordingly, to do duty & receive Privilege as other Precincts within this Provmce do, or by Law ought to enjoy. Sent down for Concurrence J WUlard Secry OP THB STATE OP MAINE 455 In the House of Rep"' AprU 18. 1749 Read and Concur'd T. Hutchinson Spkr Consented to, W Shirley Petition of inhabitants of Wells ^ Arundel. To His Excellency WiUiam SMrley Esq' Cap' Gener' and Govern' in chief in and over His Majesty's Province of the Massachusetts Bay The Hon"'* Ms Majesty's Council & The Hon"'* House of Representatives in Gener' Court Asserab" April 5'" 1749 - The Inhabitants of that part of the Town of Wells which Live at the place called Kennebunk consistmg of about Thirty FamiUes and those of the Town of Arrundel who Live upon the West side of Goff's Brook or Middle River so called in Arrundell next Wells consisting of about Twenty Families ~ Most Hurably Shew That frora their first settleraent of those places thay have Laboured under the Greatest Difficulties in attending the PubUck Worship of God in the Stated places of the said Towns in respect to the great Distance they severaUy Live from the sarae viz' those of Arrundell Four and Six Miles And those of Wells sorae Eight or Nine Miles and the nearest Six Miles and the Difficulty also of Wadmg Two Rivers Mousam & the Little River which if the Tide be up raust Travel round Thirteen MUes by reason of wMch their chil dren especially those in their Youth have not the Advantage of that TeacMng & Instruction of Gods Word Preach" which is so necessary to their well being And their Wives m great measure viz' raost of tha Year depriv'd also of that Enestira- able Priviledge — For the redress of wMch they have Erected a Meetmg House by a Liberal Contribution among thera- 456 DOCUMENTARY HISTORY selves and in the same manner Supported Preaching &c in the Wmter Seasons for this six Years last past — Notwith standing which they pay their Proportionable part of the Taxes to the several Mmisters of the said Towns which now in their Infant Setlement much discourages Oppresses & Burthens them & which if they were reUeved of and setoff as a Distinct Parish they Humbly conceive and hope by the Blessing of God on their Endeavours to be Able corafortable And constantly to Support a Minister araong thera selves — Wherefore Your Petitioners Most Hurably pray This Hon"" Court's Corapassion And consideration of the Preraisses and of their Wisdora and known Paternal Affection & Care Grant and Order thera a Distinct Parish by these Meets and Bounds viz' the Western Bounds to begm at tha Mouth of Mousam River by the Sea and to run up North West to the Extent of the Bounds of WeUs Township And the Easterraost Bounds to begm at the Mouth of Kennebunk River wMch is the Bounds between tha Two TownsMps & so to run up by the s" River till it comes opposite to the Mouth of Goffs Brook or Middle River so called in Arrundell aforesaid where it erapts it self into the Kennebunk River and to run from the Mouth of tha s" Brook or river mto the said Town of Arrun dell as the said Brook or River runs or by such other Meets and Bounds as this Hon"'* Court in their Wisdom shall tMnk fit And Your Petitioners as m duty bound shaU ever pray Phillip Dorrel Stephen Webber John Webber Jacob Curtis Jonathan Webber John MitcheU Joshua Walker John Webber Jur Rich" Boothby his hl9 John Sinklef John A Burkes Jaems M Waakefeld hia mark mark Banjman S Goodon John Wakfield Juny John Wakfeld mark his Jhm** Ml Richard thoson lacebod 3 Cussens his mark Charls X wcMt Thomas Cusens Nathaniel KimbaU mark OP THB STATE OP MAINE 457 John X Pilasen Joseph Cussens Richard Kimball Jonathan Thomson Jeridiah Wakfield Jesse Town Joseph Credifor Thomas Toune Samuel Shackley his Benj* Downing Ichabod J Cosens Juner John GiUpatrick mark John Durrele Joseph Town Jaraes GiUpatrick Benj* Durrill Benj* Coussens John GUlpatrick juner his Benjamin Lord Mathew V Lesuse Thomas Kimball mark Robert Patten John Maddock James Ross James Burnham Joseph Worrawood John Culland his John Merrill Stephen Larabe Nathaniel < Wakfield mark Samuel LittlefeUd GUbert Wakfild The Subscribers in the two right Hand Columns belong to the Town of Wells the other to Arrundell In the House of Rep"' AprU 15. 1749 Read and Ordered that the Pet" serve the Towns of Wells and Arundell with copys of this Pet" that they shew cause if any they have on the first fryday of the next May Session why the Prayer thereof should not be granted. Sent up for concurrence T HutcMnson Spkr In Council, April 15. 1749 ; Read & Concur'd J WUlard Secry M CouncU June 3. 1749 Read agam with the answers of the Towns of Wells & Arundel ; And the Matter bemg fully considered Ordered that the Petition be dismiss'd Sent down for Concurrence J Willard Secry In the House of Rep"' June 9. 1749 Read and Concur'd Joseph Dwight Spkr Consented to W Shirley 458 DOCUMENTARY HISTORY " Answer of the two Houses to his Ibfy'' Message of the 6"» Inst. Apnl 19, 1749. " May it please Your Excellency. The two Houses have carefully consider'd your Message of the 6'" Ins' & observe with great satisfaction, your Care of his Majestys Interest & subjects in North America and fully concur with your Excellency in your apprehensions from the french encroachments at Crown point, we think it a very wise & Just step, that the Neighbouring Governra" have been mform'd of tMs Comon danger ; and we very rauch rejoyce that your Excellency has apprized his Majestys Min isters of this french Manageraent and are mtirely of your Excellency's opmion, that his Majestys subjects & Interest m North America are greatly mdangered by this insolent intrusion, And we beg leave to move to your Excellency, to represent to his Majesty how absolutely necessary it is that some strong fortress should be Erected and Mamtained by his Majesty, as near as may be to Crown point fort, as weU to prevent the farther incroachraent of the french m time of peace and to cover any settlements which raay be raade here after on the lands m those parts belonging to tha Crown as to Curb «& check the french if there should happen to be a war, and his Majestys subjects have the greatest reason to be concerned at their danger, here westward, because of our exposed state to the Eastward upon giving up Cape Breton to the french. It is notorious, that the whole Province of Nova Scotia are in the french Interest, except a Sraall num ber in the Garrison of Annapolis, we cannot therefore but apprehend that his Majesty's subjects & Interest, that way, will be in the utmost Danger of being lost & destroyed, if some strong fort or place of security & defence ba not also built at Chebucto, or some where near Louisburgh, And y' the Prov. of N. Scotia be sufficiently fortified & peopled with good Protest' subjects to Curb our Enemys on that side encourage OP THE STATE OP MAINE 459 & animate those who adhere heartily to his Majesty's Interest, & intimidate our false & raost dangerous friends. The Two Houses have also considered the application of the Eastern Indians for peace, and We are glad, the treaty is propos'd to be at Boston. We apprehend it not for the Hon' of the Province that the treaty sh" be at the Eastward & when it has been so we have always been Expos'd to rauch expense by it. However as it is probable, the Indians will scarcely be arriv'd here, before the Session of the Great & General Court in May next, we apprehend it unnecessary for the two houses to be raore particular at tMs tirae. In Council April 18; Read & Ordered that this Report be accepted as an answer to his Excellencys Message of the sixth Instant, & that Sir WilUam Pepperil with such as shall be jomed by the Hon"'* House of Represent"' be a Coraraittee to wait on Ms Excellency with a fair draught thereof. Sent down for Concurrence. J. Willard Secry In the House of Rep'"' April 18, 1749. Read and Concur'd and Col* Richards and Col° Miller are Joined m the Affair. T Hutchinson Petition of inhabitants of Merriconeag and Islands adjacent in North Yarmouth. To His Excellency WiUiam SMrley Esq' Governour of the Province of tha Massachusetts Bay in New England. To the Honourable His Majesties Council, And The Honourable House of Representatives, in General Court assembled. We the Subscribers inhabitants of the neck of Land CaUed Merriconeag and the Islands adjacent lying m the TownsMp of North Yarmouth, Bemg sensible that we are 460 DOCUMENTARY HISTORY required by the Laws of God and tMs Province to attend on the Publick Worship of God on the Lords Day and Enjoy the Priviledges of tha Gospell : Not being able with any Convenience to give our attendance at the stated Place of Worship in the Town of North Yarmouth or m any neigh bouring Town by reason of our great distance from them both by Land and Water, the most of us living more than ten Miles from any stated place of Worship And on tMs account We are Deprived m a great measure of Enjoymg the Priviledges of the Gospel; and bemg Desirous to Support the Gospell among our selves at a place where wa have unanimously tho't it proper to attend it, and not being able to Effect this of our selves : Wa have petition'd to the town of North Yarmouth to Vote us to be a Distinct and separate Precmct, with all that tract of Land caUad Merriconeag Neck and the Islands adjacent lying within two Miles West ward of the afores" neck and all tha Islands and Main land lymg Eastward of the s" neck in the Township of North Yarmouth afores" The Prayer of the petition was granted at the annual Town meeting. The Coppy of the vote wUl be laid before the Honourable Court : and still not enjoying the Priviledges of a Distinct Precinct. We Humbly request of your ExceUency and the Hon"'* Court to mvest us with aU tha Powers and PrivUedges of a distinct and seperate precinct in concurrance with tha vote of the Town of North Yarmouth afores" . Gentlemen Wa tha subscribers belongmg to merriconeag & y* Islands adjacent by reason of the inhabitants of a tract of land CaUad the Gore lymg between the Towns of North Yarmouth and Brunswick bemg a part of Merriconeag Neck afores** and part of an Island on the Easterly side of the s" Neck called great Chebeschodegan being able to attend the publick Worship at Merriconeag with much more Convenience than where there OP THB STATE OP MAINE 461 is any stated place of Worship and we standing in raore need of their help than any Town or Precinct adjoining, do further Humbly request of your Excellency and the Honourable Court to grant them to be adjomed to us and m a Precinct with us, with aU that Tract of Land called the Gore Between the Towns of North Yarraouth and Brunswick afores" Tha inhabitants of the s" Gore joining with us in our request. Gentlemen // Your grantmg tha above Petitions we shall esteem a raost tender regard for our spiritual good and shall always sub scribe our selves your Hurable and most obedient servants. Merriconeag May 8'" 1749 John Stover James Alexander Wait Webber Timothy Baily Abiah Cobb EUsha Allen William tarr William Alexander nathal Bams Robarts Wats John Mathews Patrick Phelan Joshua Cromwell Williara Weeks Caleb Curtis Richard Hays Edward Cunninghara Williara Magrat WUliam Black Thoraas Heagarty William Black Junior Benjimen Webber Joanthen Webb Beniaman barns Seth Toothaker Sam" Wmchell Alexander Willson John Phelan James Doyle In all 29 Gov* Shirley to Marquis la Galissoniere Boston May 9. 1749. Sn, Two days ago I received from M' Mascarene a Copy of your Letter to him, dated at Quebec 15'" January, wherem ( among other Demands ) you call upon Mm to acquamt you whether he intends to comprehend the Abenaqui Indians in the Peace, without requiring any kmd of Submission frora 462 DOCUMENTARY HISTORY e'ra, and desire that in such case he would engage me to let e'ra resettle in their Village, and their Missionaries reraam there with e'm unmolested, as they did before the War; observing to hira that those Indians enter'd into the War, only as your AlUes and therefore, when the War was fibaished with you, it ought to be so with regard to them ; and You Proceed to say. Sir, that if they thought otherwise in New England, You shall be Obliged to Assist those Indians, intimatmg that it is of iraportance to tha safety, and Tran quillity of the Frontiers of the Massachusetts Bay, that you should have a speedy and Positive Answer, and that you shall not be surpriz'd, if the Indians should proceed to Acts of Violence To this. Sir, which is the fourth Demand m your letter, M' Mascarene having referr'd you to ma upon it, I shall com ply with your request in giving as speedy and Positive an Answer, as raay be. The Village of the Abenaqui Indians by which I at present understand only those, who are seated on S* John River has been ever deem'd by the English to be situated within the heart of Nova Scotia, and consequently that Tribe of Indians, together with the French Inhabitants upon the same River to be Resident within his Majesty's Territories ; and accordingly. Sir, tha latter have acknowledged them selves, ever smce the Treaty of Utrecht, to be Subjects of the Crown of Great Britain, by taking the Oaths of FideUty and Allegiance to it ; and have had the protection of his Majesty's Governraent in coramon with his other Subjects in that Province. This bemg the case; these Indians, when the advice of a Rupture between Ms Majesty, and the Kmg your Master was hourly expected, under the pretext of sending a Deputation to M' Mascarene to desire that they might reraam in Peace & Amity with the English, notwithstanding War should happen between the two Crowns, gain'd Admis- OP THB STATE OP MAINE 468 sion into Annapolis Royal for some of their Tribe, who were in reality ( as it afterwEfrd prov'd ) spies ; and having obtain'd M' Mascarene's Agreeraent to what they pretended to pro pose m behalf of their Tribe, and being honourably treated and disraiss'd bj- hira, return'd in three Weeks after, araong others of their Tribe with their Missonary DeLoutre at their head, Surpriz'd and kUled as raany of the English at AnnapoUs Royal, as they caught without the fort, destroyed their cattle, burn'd their houses, and contmued their Acts of Hostility against the Garrison 'till the arrival of two of the four first Companies, I sent from New England, for the Remforceraent of it; such was the entrance of these Indians, Sir, mto the War with us, and their Alliance with you. For this Perfidious behaviour I caused War to be Declared in his Majesty's name against these Indians at Boston in November 1744, and, so far as it depends on me, they shall not be adraitted. Sir, to Terras of Peace till they have raade a proper Submission [ To His Majesty's Governraent ] for their TVeachery ; unless they should be already comprehended in the I Definitive Treaty of Peace and Friendship, lately concluded at Ais la Chapelle, which I shall on ray part strictly observe on every Point. As to what you have thought fit. Sir, to declare in Your letter conceming your intentions to support the Indians in Acts of HostUity against us, unless we give e'ra Peace upon the Terras there prescribed by you, and the Danger, the Frontiers of the Massachusetts bay m particular raay be in ; unless you have a speedy and positive answer upon this bead ; What I have to say in Answer is, that I shall be sorry for a new Rupture between us, and am very desirous to have perfect tranquillity restored to the provmce under my Gov emment; but if the latter is not to be the case, and you think fit to raake yourself a party in an Indian War against us ; I doubt not, but Ms Majestys Subjects upon tMs con- 464 D0CX7MENTARY HISTORY tment will be able to make just Reprizals upon Canada, when it shall be his majesty's Pleasure to have e'm do it. I can't avoid now. Sir, expressing great Surprize at the other parts of your letter, whereby you take upon you to call M' Mascarene to account for expellmg the Missionary from Minas, for being guilty of such treasonable Practices within his Majesty's Government, as raerited a much severer punish- raent, than that of Expulsion frora the Provmce. The Right you claim. Sir, of sendmg missionaries from France to reside araong his majesty's Subjects of Nova Scotia as their Priests, and, in consequence of that, Your forbidding his majesty's Governour to raake any Alteration m tha State of Religion and its Ministers there is still more extraordm ary ; and I must not omit on this Occasion to remark to you, that I think the letter, which the Bishop of Quebec lately wrote to M' Mascarene concerning his intended Visitation of Ms raajestys Subjects in that Government, in such Terms, as shew'd, he looks upon e'ra as part of his cure of Souls, and within his Jurisdiction, was likewise an extraordmary Atterapt and can't be Adraitted. Your interfering. Sir, in his maj esty's punishraent of his Subjects m Nova Scotia inflicted for RebelUous and Treasonable Practices agamst Ms crown, and he requiring others of them to Renew their Oaths of Fidelity ; and, in one word, your treating the Subjects of the crown of Great Britain in that Provmce, as if you look'd upon e'm as Subjects of his most Christian Majesty, and bemg under his Allegiance, is, if Possible, still more surprizmg; and as these Attempts ara manifest Invasions of the undoubted Right, wMch every Prince has over his Subjects : I can't but look upon e'm as Insults upon his majesty's Gov ernraent, which require no further Answer. After these Atterapts, Sir, upon his Majesty's Right of Government over his Subjects in Nova Scotia, I am less surprized at Your Encroachments upon the Umits of Ms OP THE STATE OP MAINE 465 Province, wMch you are pleas'd to call in your letter Dependencies of the Government of Canada. As to your Deraand for the release of the two Indians carry'd off by Cap* Gorhara, I can't allow. Sir, that you have a right to interpose m that Affair; and M' Gorhara has satisfy'd me that he comraitted no breach of Publick faith in doing it. I can't conclude without making use of this opportunity to acquaint you. Sir, that we look upon Fort S* Frederic at Crown Pomt as an Encroachment upon his majestys Terri tories ; and in case you proceed to settle the Country round it, shall Esteera those settlements so too, unless that Tract has been ceded to you by the late Definitive Treaty at Aix la Chappelle. I am sorry. Sir, that the first fruits of y* Peace on Your part have so unproraismg an Aspect ; and beg you wiU be perswaded that nothing shall be wantmg in me to preserve that right understandmg, which subsisted between us during the War, havmg the honour to be with the raost perfect regard. Sir, Your most hurable, and most Obedient Servant W. Shiriev Petition of the Selectmen of Falmouth, 1749. Province of the Massechusets Bay To Ms Excelency William SMriy Esq' Commander in CMef of his Majestyes Province of the Massachusetts Bay, The Honorable his Majestyes Councel, and the Honorable House of Representetives In General Court Asserabled May, 1749 The Petition of the Subscribers Selectmen of The town of Falmouth Humbly Sheweth, That In or about the year 1784 By the Interest of Thoraas Westbrok Esq' late of Falmouth 30 466 DOCUMENTARY HISTORY Decs" there was a bridge Erected over fore River In said Town In length 640 feet with a Casway at Each End of said bridge. In length 70 feet, on or about y* year 1738 by the force of The tide and Ice a great part of s" Bridge was Broaken up, the Repairs of Which amounted to upwards of 300 Pounds old Tener, and In the Several Years Smce the Repairs have amounted to Upward of 2000 Pounds old Tener. Said Town have raade application to the Court of General Session of the Peace for the County of York for their assist ance. In the Repairs and maintainace of s" Bridge, But have had no Relief; other Charges of s" Town Beaing at least Equal In Proportion to any other Town In the government their bemg a great Number of large Expensive Bridges in s" town Exclusive of s" Bridg : Said Bridge bemg Equal to If not the most Expencive Bridge In tha Government, the Inhabitants of s" Town are Not abel any longer to bare up under said Burthen, therefore Your Petitioners Hurably Pray your Excelency and Honours, to take the Same Into your Wise Consideration, and order the County of York to Repair and Maintam the Same or order a vote on s" Bridge, or otherwise Relieve your Petioners as you In your wisdom Shall see meet. And your Petitioners as In duty^^Sball Ever Pray Falmouth June y* 14 1749 Ezekiel Gushing John Snow Joseph Tompson William Cotton Christo Strout Select raen for Falraouth In the House of Representatives Aug* 14*" 1749 read and Ordered that the Clerk of the Court of Sessions for the County of York be served with a Copy of this Pett" that he raay Notife the Justices of s" County at least fourteen Days before the Court of Sessions meet, that they shew Cause if OP THE STATE OP MAINE 467 any they have on the 2" Wensday of the next sittmg of this Court why the Prayer thereof should not be granted Sent up for Concurrence J Dwight Sp"' In Council: Aug. 15. 1749 Read «& Concurred J Willard Secry In Council Dec' 13 1749 Read again with the Answer of the Court of General Sessions of the Peace for the County of York, and the Matter being fully considered Ordered that this Petition be dismiss'd Sent down for Concurrence Sam' Holbrook Dep Secry In the House of Rep"' Dec' 29, 1749 Read and Noncon- cur'd and Ordered that Col* Otis Col* Heath and M' Hubbard with such as the Hon"'* Board shall appoint be a Coraraittee to Consider tMs Pet" and Answer, Hear the Parties, and report what they Judge proper for tMs Court to do thereon Sent up for concurrence J Dwight Sp'" In Council Dec' 29 1749 Read and Concurr'd and Joseph WUder and Sarauel Watts Esq'^ are jom'd in the affair J Willard Secry At a Town Meetmg Held at y* Town house in Falra'" May y* 22" 1749 M' James Gooding Chosen Moderator for s" Meeting Voted the Select men of The Town of Falmo'" for y" time Being Prefer a Petition to y* Great & General Court to Take into there wise Consideration the Extreordenary Charge s" Town is Anuely in Mamtaining the Great Bridge over the fore river & order a toll on s" Bridge or order the County of York to support & Maintain y* s" Bridge or some other way Ease s" Town of the Extreordenary Expence of said Bridge as Thay in there Wisdom TMnk Fit — Recorded g Moses Pearson To Cler A True Coppy from y* second Book of y* Records for Fal mouth page 248 attest Moses Pearson town Clerk 468 DOCUMENTARY HISTORY Kenebunk in WeUs May 24. 1749 Acco'of our Charge for Preaching in the year 1748 ,£89 18 2 Ditto in the year 1744 128 Ditto in the year 1745 166 1 4 Ditto in the year 1746 132 Ditto in the year 1747 207 12 6 Ditto in the year 1748 275 old Tenour £998 12 0 Rec" g a Vote of the Town of Wells in the year 1743 ^615 Ditto in the year 1744 20 Ditto in the year 1745 20 Ditto in the year 1746 30 Ditto in the year 1747 50 Ditto in the year 1748 60 old Tenour X195 Answer of the Inhabitants of the Town of Arundel to the Peti tion of Inhabitants of Wells and Arundel. To his Excellency William Shirley Esq' Captam General and Govemour m cMef in and over his Majestys Prov ince of the Massachusetts Bay The Hon"'* the CouncU and Hon"'* House of Representatives of the said Prov mce in General Court Assembled at Boston May 31, 1749 — The Answer of the Inhabitants of tha Town of Arundell to the petition of about TMrty Familys belonging to the Eastern part of Wells and about twenty farailys of Arundel in the County of York — Most hurably Shew That as to tha Difficultys raentioned by the said Twenty Farailys in Attending the Publick Worship at the Meeting OP THE STATE OP MAINE 469 house in said Town, they are not greater nor so great by far as people Generally undergo in other Country Towns in this Province and th6 the aforesaid Farailys in the Eastern part of Wells in order to be set off plead their distance and the Difficultys of Wading two Rivers to get to their Meetmg house our Farailys have no such difficultys no River between them and the Meeting house erected in Arundel, nor are they at a greater distance frora it than raany other Familys m said Town, they being one with another about four Miles or a httle raore frora the Meeting house as Your Respond" Imd by Measuring with a Good and LawfuU Chain, while people in other Towns go much further as in York Wells Biddeford and every Town in the County of York that your Respond" know of So that they have not as your Respond" hurably Conceive any Reason to be Disraiss'd on Account of their Distance or Difficultys they havmg no River to Wade but a good fair and Open Road no ways Incurabred Neither with Gates nor barrs Moreover as the said Town of Arundell is but very Sraall, as to their Inhabitants and of but Slender AbiUtys as by the valuation Given to this Great and Hon"'* Court will fully Appear, instead of partmg with the said Twenty Farailys which would Reduce the Old Parish to but forty Familys and araong them raany in very poor and low Circumstances Scare able Corafortably to Support themselves much less to bear any considerable part in the necessary Charges of a Parish Your Respond" apprehend they need Rather to have the said Thirty farailys annexed to them than twenty familys taken of to make a Parish for thera Further more your Respond" beg leave to Inform your Excellency and Honours that the Parish Una petitioned for if Granted will take off full half the Township of Arundell and alraost all their Tillage lands and Includes Several Farailys which th6 one or raore of them are at the very greatest distance from Meetmg are Utterly Averse to the Intended parish; 470 DOCUMENTARY HISTORY nor do they desire a Parish because of their distance which is all the plea mentioned by the pet" they as well as the Town Consenting to and approving of the place Stated Among us for the PubUck Worship of God nor do they in their peti tion intiraate the least desires of moving the Meeting house the better to Accoraodate thera - And as the Setting up a Parish by taking off a fuU third part of the Farailys of said Town would alraost Ruin and Destroy it which as it now is, is one of the poorest & Smallest of any in the Province of its Age, and would Render them incapable to Undergo the Support of the Ministry and other necessary Parish Charges which they Engaged in, ever Expecting and Depending on the help and Assistance of the said Twenty Farailys which have always had their voice with them in all Expensive Obligations laid upon the Parish And as the taking Twenty farailys from thera to set up a new Parish and thereby Ruin the Old is what has never yet been done by this Great and General Court Your Respondents therefore take Encourageraent to aske your further Care of thera in this tirae of Difficulty wherein raany are Declaring the Methods they will have Recourse to, to ease theraselves from any further Charge to the Mmistry in Case the said Familys are set off and as your Respondents have no Depend ance on a sufficient Nuraber to Abide with thera therein as there will be but a few farailys left and that on a Cape of Rocky broken land but a Sraall Gore for a Parish in forra of a Wedge extending but about three miles back from the Sea and affords scarce any Arable lands in it And the Minister that carae to them in Corafortable Circumstances and hath a large faraily would be Constrained to leave thera or suffer Greatly, The Taxes of Several araong the Inhabitants being now alraost as rauch as their places would Rent for And as the taking away a third part of their farailys and by far the better half of the Lands and almost all their Saw Mills to OP THE STATE OP MAINE 471 make a Parish for the petitioners would be the utter destruc tion of those that dwell by the Sea — Your Respondents Therefore raost hurably pray Your Excellency and Honours to take these their Distressed Cir cumstances mto Consideration and be pleased in your Great Wisdom and Justice to Continue the said Twenty farailys with them and Dismiss their petition as Groundless — And as m Duty bound Your Respond" wiU ever pray &c Jonathan Stone, Agent for Arundel. Answer of the Inhabitants of Wells to the Petition of Inhabi- itants of Wells ^ Arundel. To His ExceUency WilUara Shirley Esq' Captain General and Governor in chief m and over the Provmce of the Massachusetts Bay m New England And To the Hon"'* his Majestys CouncU and House of Representatives of the said Province m General Court asserabled at Boston May 31" 1749 — We the Inhabitants of the Town of Wells being notified by thirty of Our families in the Eastern part of said Town laying on Kenebunk River to appear before tMs Hon"'* Court and give m our reasons why the Prayer of their Petition to be Sett off a distmct Parish should not be granted, by our Agent Cap' Sarauel Wheelwright, fully Irapowered to appear for us, beg leave to Answer as follows Viz' — That by rea son of some difficulties the pet" Labour Under because of the distance of way and also the Wading of two Rivers in Order to attend the publick worship of God, the respondents have at the pet" request m tha Annual March Meetmgs yearly Considered tha Case of said thirty farailies - and as the respond" do not Stand in real need of the pet" help and assistance to Support the Ministry with us have always 472 DOCUMENTARY HISTORY approved of advised and allowed the pat" preaching every year during the Winter Season and Money to defray the Expence thereof till the days lengthen — That the pet" havmg a very good road to tha Meeting house can weU enough the other part of the year attend with the respond" at their Meetmg house, and as to the Rivers which the pet" represent as if they all in general were obliged to wade the respond" answer that but 5 faraUies only are put to any dificulty thereby, and that but only every other Sab bath by reason the Tide Suits every other Lord's day to ride through thera & the road is then pleasant & good bemg on plain beaches along by the Sea, and when the Tide is m, by crossing Kennebunk ferry where there is a good boat kept, they raay Easily get to Arrundel Meeting House wMch is not at a greater distance from them than people usually go m Country Towns it being rauch nearer than it is to the Meet ing house in Wells but about four or five raUes ; Notwith standmg all which the Respond" ara ready as Soon as we tMnk we are a People able and Sufficient of themselves to Support the Ministry among them, without perswadmg and drawing off, the twenty families of Arrundell, that they have got in with thera to be Sett off, w*" as the respond" are well acquainted with the Low CUcumstances and State of that Sraall Township we apprehend cannot be parted with by said Arrundel, without merely disablmg thera to Support the Ministry of the Gospel m the Old Town there — That your Respond" hurably Conceive tha Welfare of the Towns of this Province depends on the Care and Wisdora of this Hon"'* Court, which never yet as we know off destroyed an Old Parish to Sett up a New one, nor gratifyd tha request of a Party when it airad to rum the whole, and your Respond" therefore doubt not your Excellency and honours wiU reject the Petition and Contmue the petitioners with us till they are able to go off, of theraselves, without tearing off the bet- OP THE STATE OP MAINE 473 ter half of the Lands and Valuable Interests of s" ArrundeU, And the respond" shall Continue to assist said faraUes ( the petitioners ) with Winter preaching, We bemg well assured by Valuation of the pet" Estates, that they are not able at present to Encounter with the Expence of Settling the Min istry araong theraselves, and are Sorry we have Occasion to remark to this Hon"'* Court, the reflection Cast on the Town of Wells, when the pet" by their petition would represent to y' Ex*y and honors, that they have all along paid their respect ive Quotas to Our Rev" Pastor of Wells, which is entirely wrong, as appears by the yearly allowance granted thera, an Authentick Copy whereof is herewith Exhibited And the Pet" as if fully Satisfied of their Insufficiency to go through what they are about, are Unreasonable m the Limits pre scribed m the Petition on the respond" Side as well as on the side of Arrundell, they Petitionmg for a North West Line from the Mouth of Mousam River - which Includes a Tract of Land, by Adraeasurraent ( Occasioned by means of their petition ) two miles taken from the respond" on the Sea board, and four raUes up at the head in the Country, So that near a third part of the respond" Lands and Interests, which the pet" dont own. We find not a tenth part off, but the Inhabitants of the Old Parish that are Owners of the Lands and Saws mcluded in the bounds proposed, there being no less than ten Saws m Number, of which the Pet" altogether are not interested m more than One and without any right in the Grist MUl, w*" Mills pay great taxes. So that the pet" dependance in going to the Change of a Meeting House and other Accomodations for a Minister, Y' Ex*y and Hon" may plainly perceive is out of the Taxation of the respond" Estates and not their own. One of said mills being better than all the mills in the Western part of the Town of WeUs. So that m fact if the Petition be Granted, the respond" will be ObUged to Support the Gospel Ministry in our Own and also in their Parish too, which the Respond" look upon Such 474 DOCUMENTARY HISTORY an hardship, as that your Excy & Hon" will not they trust Lay upon them. Upon the whole tharefore as we think, thd the Pet" plead the Promoting Religion in their petition. It rather will Starve the Cause and hurt the Welfare of it both in Arrundell and araong themselves. And as to the pet" alle gation that they Supported the Ministry with themselves and without Us, it is wrong and false So We beg leave to Inform y' Ex*y & Hon" that of the thirty six families of Wells which are put down, they have to SweU tha Petition, we Conceive rauch Iraposed on this Hon"'* Court as they have put down the Naraes of twelve Young persons in their petition w*" names in the Copy Served on the respond" are Crossed that they may be known, who are all in a Smgle Capacity, have no families, the Chief of thera if not all no raanner of Estate, the bigger part we apprehend are under Age living w*" and under the Care and Coraand of their fathers, and never may attain to be Masters of farailys, or not disposed to Settle with thera as well as the other, being notoriously wrong and false, and the Estates of Persons m Wells not among themselves, must sup port two thirds of their Charges, Arrundell be rumed — The respond" therefore humbly Pray their Petition may be dismissed, three men puting in their three Sons yet under their Care, and other persons among them transient, that may go when they wUl, down as So many families, when if they would join the Town of ArrundeU, all would only add to thera Sixty, but about twenty four raore Wherefore the Respond" leavmg and Submitting the Premisses to your Excellency and Honours Judgment and Consideration doubt not, but under So many Wrong repre sentations of the Petitioners you will see Causa to dismiss the Petition aforesaid as groundless — And y' Respond" ( as in duty bound ) Shall Ever pray &c Signed m behalf of tha Town of Wells by Sam' Wheelwright Agent June 1" 1749. — INDEX. Abbot, Aakon, opposed building meeting house, 241; signed petition of Berwick, 249; re sided at Berwick, 428, 431, 440. Ebenezer, signed petition of Ber wick, 249, 421; resided at Ber wick, 431, 440. Elizabeth, widow, of Berwick, 440. James, of Berwick, 440. Jonathan, opposed building a meeting house, 241. Joshua, of Berwick, 426, 431, 440. Moses, of Berwick, 426, 427, 428, 432. Moses, Jr., of Berwick, 429. Samuel, opposed building meet ing house, 241 ; signed petition of Berwick, 230, 421; resided in Berwick, 431, 441. Thomas, signed petition of Ber wick, 421; resided in Berwick, 427, 432. Thomas Jr., of Berwick, 431, 441. Walter, signed petitions of Ber wick, 249, 421; resided in Ber wick, 432, 441. William, of Berwick, 428. Abenaqui Indians, the, 461, 462. Acadia, 104 113, 315, 320, 322, 336, 348, 349, 354, 361, 362, 363, 365, 373, 376. Granary of, the, 374. Acadians, the, 320, 369; see also under French. Act for erecting a township in York County, 197. Adams, Jacob, entitled to land in Falmouth, 13. Robert, of Londonderry, 24. Admiralty, Lords of, see Trade, Lord Commissioners of. AfSdavits, of Alford, James, 105, 106. Atkinson, Theodore, 97. Blower, Capt. John, 106, 107. Clark, William, 109. Coram, Thomas, 101. Affidavits, continued. Dunbar, Jeremiah, 128, 129. Erskine, Lieut. James, 106, 107. Penhallow, Samuel, 108. Wentworth, Benning, 97. Wentworth, Ebenezer, 110, 112. Wentworth, William, 110, 112. Agreement, between Henry Hope and John Perkins, 60. Aix-la-Chapelle, 463, 465. Albany, N. Y., 32, 329, 330, 331, 334, 386, 390, 407. Alexander, .fames, signed petition of Merriconeag, 461. William, signed petition of Mer riconeag, 445, 461. Alford, James, merchant, born in Boston, 105; never heard of French settlers on the Kenne bec, 105; said that Sagadahoc yearly chose a councillor, 105; reported constant wars be tween English and Indians, 106; affidavit of, 105, 106, 107. Allen 1 David, signed petition of Allin f St. Georges, 130. Ebenezer, entitled to land in Fal mouth, 14. Elisha, signed petition of Merri coneag, 207, 289, 445, 461. Jeremiah, a grantee of New Mar blehead, 141. Joseph, signed petition of Gloucester, 268; resided at Berwick, 427, 432. Robert, signed petition of Geor gia, 130. AmascogginAmmerscogginAmmiscogin }¦ Palls, 198, 228. AmoscogginAndroscoggin Indians, 143. River, 73, 173, 198, 228. Ammunition, needed by Col. Dun bar, 11; at Richmond, 72; at Fort George, 73, 74; at Port Mary, 80; at Saco Trading house, 81; at Fort Anne, 82; at Marblehead, 82; at Castle William, 83; at Charlestown, 476 DOCUMENTARY HISTORY Ammunition, continued. 84, 85; needed at Isle of Shoals, 142; the French furnish the Indians with, 151, 187; people should be well provided with, 189, 190; at Falmouth, 190, 191; needed at Sheepscot, 366; needed at Georgetown, 398. Amsterdam, 37. Anderson, Joseph, signed memo rial for Small Point, 217. Andros, John, signed petition of Berwick, 421; resided at Ber wick, 428. Joshua, resided at Berwick, 428, 433. Androscoggin, see Amascoggin. Annapolis, N. S., 16, 30, 32, 39, 52, 78, 106, 304, 313, 322, 339, 341, 344, 346, 358, 363, 369, 374, 375, 376, 382, 463. Basin, 333, 379. Garrison, 315, 317, 320, 321, 333, 337, 338, 347, 356, 363, 864, 371, 379, 381, 382, 387, 458, 463. Anne, Queen, 103, 154 Anson, Admiral, 381. Answer, Cutter, Dorothy, 399, 441. to Penobscot Indians, 151. to petition of Given, David, 277. to petition of Higginson, John, 203. to Wells and Arundel, 468, 471. Antegoa "loig Antigua / Anville, N. de la Rochefoucauld, Due d', 363, 374, 378, 383. Appleton, Isaac, 266. Joseph, associated with John Leveret, 120; his rights trans ferred, 120. Archbald, John, of Londonderry, 20, 21. Arely, Antony, of Berwick, 432. Armenianism, 307. Armourer, at Falmouth, an, 138. Armstrong, John, entitled to land in Falmouth, 13. Lawrence, Lieut. Gov., 351. Simon, entitled to land in Fal mouth, 14. Arrowsic, 27, 91, 92, 108, 109, 110, 408. Arundel, 289, 457, 468, 471, 472, 473, 474; petition of the peo ple of, 270, 465. Meeting House, 270, 469, 472. Asher, E., 18. Asting, Benja., of Berwick, 432. Aston, Benj., of Berwick, 427. Atkins, Capt. , of the Bland ford, 47. Atkinson, Mr. , merchant, 48. Theodore, collector, went with Col. Dunbar to Fort William Henry, 98; refused admission, 99; his oath to affidavit, 99; his oath to his deposition, 99; his affidavit, 99; his deposi tion, 99. Au , Robert, signed petition of Township No. One, 245. Auchmuty, Robert, king's advo cate, 51. Augusta, Penhallow in command at, 108. Auston, Ichabod, signed petition of Township No. One, 243. B Babb, John, signed petition of Biddeford, 245. Babson, Richard, entitled to land in Falmouth, 13. Backor, , resided in Berwick, 428. Bailey 1 John, entitled to land in Bayley/ Falmouth, 13; a grantee of New Marblehead, 141. Joseph, entitled to land in Fal mouth, 13. Timothy, signed petition of Mer riconeag, 445, 461. Baker, Samuel, 403, 448. Ballantine, John, 63. Bane, Lewis, signed Falmouth re port, 145. Bangs, Capt. , 289. Bank of Newfoundland, 322. Bant, Gildert, associated with Lev eret, 120. Baptism of Indians, 136. Barbor, John, entitled to land in Falmouth, 14. Barns, Benjamin, signed Merri coneag petition, 4&, 461. James, signed petition of Town ship No. 7, 287. Nathaniel, signed Merriconeag petitions, 288, 445, 461. Baronet, a New England native, 311. Bartlett, Nathaniel, a grantee of New Marblehead, 141. Thomas, a grantee of New Mar blehead, 141. Bastide, Jean Prancjois, engineer at Cape Breton, 866. INDEX 477 Baudowin, James, 54. Bay FranQois, 359. Bay of Fundy, 28, 30, 32, 51, 815. Bay Verte, 815, 320, 334, 343, 347, 365. fort at, 387. Beacher, 74. Beaubassin, 878. Beauchamp, John, 118. Beauchamois, Marquis de, 359, 372. Beckmore, George, signed Merri coneag petition, 288. Bedford, Duke of, 388. Belcher, Governor Jonathan, his salary not settled, 6, 35, 40, 41, 50, 60, 94, 131, 132; dissolved the old and ordered a new assembly, 6; received orders to preserve the woods, 6; Col. Dunbar sent a false report concerning, 6, 8, 17; ordered the forts to be examined and the rioters to be punished, 7, 8, 67, 68, 76; desired instruc tions concerning Col. Dunbar's settlement, 9, 10, stopped in England because of his relig ion, 29; arrived, 29, 77; greet ings of the people to, 35; visited by Col. Dunbar, 35; went to New Hampshire, 35, 37, 40, 48, 132; his speech in New Hampshire, 40, 48; his treatment of Col. Dunbar, 47, 48, 66; brought over a note against Col. Dunbar, 48; insti gated Atkinson against Col. Dunbar, 48; accused of send ing a force to destroy Freder icksburg, 60, 63, 64, 65, 87, 96, 100; claimed jurisdiction to the St. Croix, 64, 78; Col. Dun bar sought advice against, 64; persecuted Dunbar, 66; ordered to abstain from military expe dition to Fredericksburg, 66, 67; his instructions to Lieut. Gov. Tailer to examine forts and harbors, 67, 68, 76; de clined to examine Col. Dun bar's instructions, 77; should have asked questions of the governor of Nova Scotia, 79; Col. Dunbar will report treach ery to, 79; took leave of New castle, 86; Dunbar had suffi cient grounds to doubt, 95, 133; his friends deny facts, 96; gave commission to Capt. Wal ton, 98; Col. Dunbar not to Belcher, continued. be admitted in fort, 98, 99; ordered expedition to proceed to Pemaquid, 100; insinuated hard things against Col. Dun bar, 133; settlers doubtful of his protection, 252; asked to prevent the Land Bank, 256; turned out of office men con cerned in the bank, 257; in structions to Lieut. Gov. and others, 67; letters of, 5, 85; mentioned, 37, 44, 52, 54, 70, 71, 72, 76, 77, 79, 94, 131, 135, 137, 140, 146, 149, 156, 162, 164, 170, 179, 180, 181, 182, 189, 191, 195, 199, 201, 203, 205, 207, 208, 210, 212, 215, 217, 219, 221, 223, 224, 226, 232, 233, 234, 235, 236, 252. Bellomont, Earl of, 103, 165. Bennett, J., 106, 110. John, signed petition of Ber wick, 421; resided at Berwick, 430, 440. Tho., 105, 129. Bemet, Peter, 237. Berey 1 U Berre Col. -, 296. Berrey ; Berry J Elisha, signed petition of Town ship No. One, 245. George, appointed lieutenant, 291. James, signed petition of Town ship No. One, 245. Richard, signed petition of Township No. One, 245. Thomas, to examine fortifica tions, 68; to inquire into the complaints of Indian dele gates, 156. William, signed petition of Township No. One, 245. Berwick, the people of desired to build a new meeting house, 240 ; a portion of the town dis sented, 240, 241, 247, 248, 249, 418, 419; the building of meet ing house is suspended, 250, 255; copy of petition served on selectmen, 250, 422; report of committee of legislature, 252, 254; town improved after the last Indian war, 254; another meeting house needed, 254. 434, 435, 436, 437, 439; appropria tion for minister, 393; town voted to build above the river. 478 DOCUMENTARY HISTORY Berwick, continued. 393,395; the building commit tee appointed, 398, 895, 434; old meeting house dilapidated, 409, 410, 417, 436; a new meet ing house would help the town, 410, 420 ; warrant to call town meeting, 410, 411, 412; shall the money be raised for a meeting house, 411, 412, 417; a general tax to be levied, 411, 412, 418, 488, 448; a second house should be built, 412, 417, 420; lower part of the town desired exemption from tax, 419, 420; answer of committee, 422; list of families above Chadbourn' s River, 426, 428, 432; list below the river, 429, 431, 440; some of the signers of the petition not qualified voters, 434; a second parish would ruin the town, 438; divided into two parishes, 442, 454; the dividing line of par ishes, 443; answer to petition, 434; petitions of, 247, 409, 415, 4.34; report of committee, 442; record of town meeting, 398, 394. Bible, the, polluted by Book of Common Prayer, 29. Biddeford, Petition of, 244; men tioned, 178, 241, 428, 469. Bitot } ^°''^- ^""^n^ois, 383. Rev. George, a grantee of New Marblehead, 140. Billers, Wm., 23. Bills, Counterfeit, 451. of Credit, 95, 828. of Exchange, 378, 380. see also Currency. Birchet, Mr. , 33. Black, Samuel, 269. William, signed Merriconeag petition, 445, 461. William Jr., signed Merriconeag petition, 289, 445, 461. Blackstone, Benjamin, entitled to land in Falmouth, 14. Bladen, M., 18, 96, 183, 185. Blanc, Jos. la, 871, 372. Rene le, 360. BSr}^-e,371,372. Blay, Jedediah, a grantee of New Marblehead, 141. Joseph, petitioned as a repre sentative of Marblehead, 139; Blay, continued. a grantee of New Marblehead, 141. Blockhouses, to be built, 122; protected the country, 124; built by proprietors of Merri coneag, 155; needed at Sehieg necto, 314. at Canso, 314, 347. at Minas, 814, 815, 839, 387. at Schignecto, 315, 339. see also Garrisons. Blower, Capt. John, affidavit of, 106, 107; in Col. Walton's regi ment, 107. Bollan, W., letter of, 881; men tioned, 389. Bolton, Thomas, to settle school master at Falmouth, 193. Boothby, Richard, 456. Boston, 1, 9, 11, 15, 20, 25, 29, 30, 87, 46, 47, 59, 60, 62, 63, 65, 69, 70, 72, 75, 77, 79, 82, 88, 89, 90, 91, 97, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 188, 148, 144, 151, 156, 162, 164, 170, 172, 175, 183, 186, 189, 191, 201, 218, 214, 220, 281, 237, 238, 251, 255, 260, 275, 282, 287, 290, 298, 299, 300, 311, 812, 816, 827, 835, 337, 841, 843, 354, 358, 359, 360, 363, 365, 367, 368, 873, 379, 402, 426, 434, 451, 459, 461, 463, 468, 471. Castle Island, 70. Gazette, 79, 298. Harbor, 262, 334. Hospital, 321, 322. State House, 307. Bowden, Francis, a grantee of New Marblehead, 141. Michael, a grantee of New Marblehead, 140. Bowdoin, James, entitled to land in Falmouth, 54. Bowen, Nathan, a grantee of New Marblehead, 141. Boyd, Hugh, signed petition of Township No. 7, 237. BraS|l^^^«'.'^rf«datBer-Brackut J ^"=^^' ^^S- James, resided at Berwick, 428, 429. John, resided at Berwick, 428, 433. Joshua, entitled to land in Fal mouth, 14 ; resided at Ber wick, 429. INDEX 479 Brackett, continued. Samuel, selectman of Berwick, 409, 412; resided at Berwick, 428, 429, 433. Samuel Jr., selectman of Ber wick, 396; signed petition of Berwick, 434. Bradbury, Capt. Jabez, petitioned to be continued in command at St. Georges, 306, 408, 454; concerning his successor, 807. Wymond, of Brunswick, 273, 275, 277, 279, 280, 281, 282, 283, 294, 295. Bradford, John, associated with Leveret, 120; signed the peti tion of Damariscotta, 293. Perez, entitled to land at Fal mouth, 54. Bradley, Richard, attorney gen eral of New York, 16. Bradstreet, Col. John, projected Louisbourg expedition, 301; to command in place of Pep perrell, 301 ; letter of, 300. Bragdon, Benj., of Berwick, 440. Benony, of Berwick, 430. John, of Berwick, 440. Thomas, signed petition for Berwick, 249. Bragg, John, signed petition of Township No. One, 245. Bran ") George, Gorage, Goray, Brawn [ of Berwick, 428, 429, Bron J 432, 443. Brenton, lahaleel, associated with Leveret, 120. Brewer, James, signed Merri coneag petition, 207. Briant, , counterfeiter, 451. Brickett, James, entitled to land in Falmouth, 13. Bridgeman, O., 18. Bridges, 80, 195, 202, 465, 466. Brimblecome, Samuel, a grantee of New Marblehead, 14i. Broadstreet, see Bradstreet. Brooks, John, signed petition of Township No. One, 243. Robert, signed petition of Town ship No. One, 243. Brousden, Benjamin, associated with Leveret, 120. Brown, John, entitled to land in Falmouth, 14. John, of New Harbor, pur chased land at Pemaquid, 43; sold land to Grover, 44. John, a kinsman, insulted, 44, 45, 46. Brown, continued. ,Ias., resided at Berwick, 429. Samuel, associated with Lev eret, 190. BrudeneU, Ja., 96, 133, 185. Brunswick, Fort George at, 69, 73; people of Mare Point desired to be annexed to, 200; people of Merriconeag desired to be annexed to, 206, 220, 222; Merriconeag annexed to, 208, 216; erected into a town (1737- 8), 228, 229, 281; boundary line, 229; a young town, 230; petitioned that the Sebasco- degin Islands be attached to, 234, 235; situation of the islands, 235; islands annexed, 236; irregular proceedings at the town meeting of, 273, 274, 275, 276, 277, 278, 280, 283, 284; selectmen of, summoned, 274, 275; desired to have an other town meeting, 280, 281; regularly assessed, 281; peti tioned that the town meeting be confirmed, 282; new town meeting to be held, 283, 284; distance of the church from Merriconeag, 288; selectmen summoned, 289; order for town meeting, 294; list of town officers, 295; protest against town meeting, 296; soldiers sent to, 408; a propo sal to supplant the com mander at, 409; act of incor poration, 197; petition of town officers, 281; return of the constable of, 211; men tioned, 190, 191, 199, 216, 226, 227, 229, 230, 271, 275, 276, 277, 282, 460, 461. Fort and Garrison at, 69, 78, 246, 408, 409, 425. Meeting House, 235, 278, 276, 278, 281, 288. Broad Bay, 269. Bay Garrison at, 296. Bay Point, 296. Bukston, Jams, entitled to land in Falmouth, 14. Bull, Robert, a grantee of New Marblehead, 141. Bungamunganock Brook, 197. Burbank, John, signed petition of Arundel, 271. Burgess, Col. , 29. Burkes, John, 456. Burnet, Gov. William, 27, 128, 165. 480 DOCUMENTARY HISTORY Burnham, James, 457. Burnon, Thomas, signed petition of Township No. One, 245. Burns, James, messenger for Col. Dunbar, 76, 77. William, signed petition of Township No. Seven, 237. Capt. William, his soldiers un easy, 316; killed, 396, 397; in command at Brunswick, 408. Burnum, Daniel, signed petition of Township No. One, 245. Job, signed petition of Township No. One, 245. Burridge, William, of Watertown, keeper of Scarborough rec ords, 12. Burton, Benjamin, signed the peti tion of Township No. Seven, 237; appointed an ensign, 291. John, signed petition of Town ship No. Seven, 237. Butler, Mr. , 286. Capt. Moses, to attend to build ing the new meeting house, 398; as selectman, 896, 409, 412; resided in Berwick, 427, 432; signed petition of Ber wick, 434, 440; to set off the new parish, 484. Moses Jr., resided at Berwick, 428. Thomas, signed the call for town meeting, 395; resided in Ber wick, 427, 432. Butter, 259, 269, 290. Byfield, Judge Nathaniel, 28, 97. Sarah, associated with Leveret, 120. Cadiz Bay, 191. Caesar Moxus, Penobscot chief, met delegation from Massa chusetts, 74. Calef, Jno., signed petition of North Yarmouth, 219, 221. Calgik, David, of Londonderry, 24. Cambridge, 47. Campbell, Robert, signed petition of Londonderry, 24. William, signed memorial of Small Point, 217. Canada, 6, 11, 102, 137, 187, 212, 215, 258, 299, 300, 315, 320, 321, 326, 327, 328, 329, 832, 833, 335, 336, 337, 338, 341, 342, 343, 347, 349, 350, 353, 354, 371, 372, 373, 379, 380, Canada, continued. 386, 390, 402, 403, 464, 466. Canadians, the, 312, 335, 840, 842. 344, 345, 346, 847, 350, 356, 368, 374, 375, 376, 383, 398; see also under French, the. Caneti River, 213. Canso, 32, 39, 304, 315, 828, 336. blockhouse at, 314, 347. Capboard Island, 146. Cape Ann, 81. Cape Breton, 88, 311, 317, 322, 328, 836, 337, 338, 346, 354, 355, 366, 379, 383, 384, 385, 386, 391, 458. Cape Gasp^, 104. Cape Sable, 191, 815, 317, 386, 342, 345. Indians, 345, 403. Car, Samuel, signed petition of Township No. One, 245. Cargill, Capt. David, his soldiers uneasy, 316; letters of, 860, 866. CarU, Samuel, signed petition of Township No. One, 245. Timothy, signed petition of Township No. One, 245. Carman, Francis, signed Merri coneag petition, 289. Carnot, John, of Londonderry, 20, 24. Carrying Place, a, 198, 227. Carter "I John, resided at Berwick, Cartor | 427, 482. Nehemiah, signed petition for Georgia, 180. William, signed petition of Township No. Seven, 237. Casco, roads at, laid out, 2; Gov. Phillips at, 30; masts can be sent from, 33; Grover escaped to, 46; French sloop and In dians at, 97. Bay, 21, 22, 23, 25, 88, 144, 166, 199, 206, 220, 228, 262, 267. garrison at, 80. Caswell, John, agent for Belcher, 85. Caudry, FranQois, 371. Certificates used to pay soldiers, 890. Chadbourn, Benj., signed petitions of Berwick, 249, 421, 431; ob jected to building meeting house, 394; resided at Ber wick, 427, 429. Humphrey, new meeting house to be built near his home, 240, 248, 254, 255, 416,435; as town clerk, 241, 398, 894, 896, 413, INDEX 481 Chadbourn, continued. 484; a resident of Berwick, 431; to set off the new parish, 434. Humphrey, Jr., objected to building a new meeting house, 394; signed the petition of Berwick, 421; resided in Ber wick, 429, 431. James, resided at Berwick, 428, 438. Capt. Joseph, resided at Ber wick, 428, 431 ; signed petition of Berwick, 440; to set off the new parish, 484. Joseph Jr., resided at Berwick. 431, 443. William, resided at Berwick, 428. Chadbourn's River, 426, 428, 481, 432, 440. Chandler, John, 156, 454. Charlestown, Mass., 149. fort at, 84, 85. Charter, of Massachusetts, 118, 114, 115, 118, 125, 126, 127; of Plymouth, 127; of Duke of York, 25. Chase, Samuel, signed petition of Township No. One, 243; to en gage men to clear land, 266. Chebucto, 374, 878, 379, 458. fort at, 314, 387. Harbor, 347. Cherryson, John, signed Berwick petition, 249. Chicanecto "1 Chicknecto \ 815, 334, 835, 373, 381. Chiegnecto J see also Sehiegnecto. Chick, Aaron, resided at Berwick, 433. Childs \ Richard, resided at Ber- Chils /wick, 427. William, resided at Berwick, 428, 433. Choate, Capt. , 222. Col. , 454. Chubb, Lieut. John (Pasco), in command at Pemaquid, 102; surrendered, 102. Church Island, 142. Chute, Thomas, a grantee of New Marblehead, 141. Cider, 290. Clapboard Islands, to be included in Falmouth, 144. Clarey, Edward, resided at Ber wick, 427, 432. Clark, , Ensign, 137. Mr. ,'^250, 387. Clark, continued. Arch., of Londonderry, 24. Eleazer, signed call for town meeting, 395; resided at Ber wick, 427, 432. George, entitled to land in Fal mouth, 14; resided at Ber wick, 429. James, of Londonderry, 24. John, entitled to land in Fal mouth, 14; associated with Leveret, 120. Capt. John, in command at Fort Ann, 81 ; gave report of ammu nition at fort, 82. Jonathan, resided at Berwick, 428. Josies, signed petition of Dam ariscotta, 293. Matt., of Londonderry, 24. Samuel, signed petition of Town ship No. Seven, 237; gave power of attorney, 271, 272; petitioned for Brunswick, 273; protest of, 296. Simon, resided at Berwick, 429. Maj. Thomas, ancestor of E. Hutchinson and J. Walcot, 90, 91; driven from his land, 91; attempted to resettle, 91; set tlement again destroyed, 91. William, associated with Lev eret, 120; a resident of Ber wick, 427, 488; affidavit of, 109, 110. William Jr., resided at Berwick, 427, 433. Clevla:nd, Mr. , 388. Clinton, George, governor of New York, letter of, 389; men tioned, 329, 830, 331, 832, 334, 377. Coal from Newcastle, 51 ; from Bay of Fundy, 51. Cobb, Capt. , in command at Arrowsic, 408. Abiah, of Wells, 461. Jonathan, entitled to land in Falmouth, 18. Joseph, entitled to land in Fal mouth, 13. Samuel, entitled to land in Fal mouth, 13. Cobequit, 359, 870. Cobham, Lord, 32. Cochran, William, of Londonderry, 20. Cod-fishery, the, 322, 385; see under Fisheries. 31 482 DOCUMENTARY HISTORY Coffin, Lieut. Joseph, clerk of Nar ragansett Township, 260, 266; to make an agreement con cerning saw mill, 265. Cogswell, Nathaniel, a grantee of New Marblehead, 140. Coks, John, entitled to land in Falmouth, 13. John Jr., deposition of, 186 ; oath of, 187. Cole, Mr. , 269. Coleman, Capt. Peter, a grantee of New Marblehead, 141. Coller, Richard, entitled to land in Falmouth, 13. Colley, Moses, a grantee of New Marblehead, 141. CoUins, Capt. , 317, 444. Colors, French, Indians attempt to treat under, 252. Commerce, 383; see under Trade. Commission of Miller, Col., 408. Common Prayer Book, the, pol luted the Bible, 29. Condon, David, signed petition of Damariscotta, 293. Conen, Hateuel, resided at Ber wick, 438. Connant, Joseph, entitled to land in Falmouth, 13. Connecticut, 819, 451. River, 32. Conner, John, resided at Berwick, 427, 438. Cook j Elisha, in opposition to Cooke J Col. Dunbar, 2, 12, 26; his claim at Georgia, 12, 20; inter rupted by Col. Dunbar, 20, 21, 26, 27; sought confirmation of his title, 28; defended himself in log causes, 38; persecuted Col. Dunbar, 66; sent to exam ine forts, 68; signed report of examiners, 86; petitioned that Col. Dunbar his land, 90, 113; an associate of Leveret, 120. Middlecott, signed petition of North Yarmouth, 221. Cooper \ John, signed petition of Cooppur / Berwick, 245, 420, 421; objected to building new meet ing house, 394; resided at Ber wick, 481, 440. John Jr., signed petition of Ber wick, 249, 411; objected to building new meeting house, 394; resided at Berwick, 431, 440. Copley, Richard, signed petition of Township No. Seven, 237. Coram, Thomas, a petitioner, 25; carried artificers and merchan dise to New England, 101; affi davit of, 101, 107. Cosens, Ichabod Jr., 457. Cotton, Roland, clerk, 274, 294, 295, 422. William, 12, 466. Coulbroth, John, signed petition of Township No. One, 245. Councillor, a, yearly chosen at Scarborough, 106, 106. Counterfeit Bible, in circnlatiou, 461. Courts, people of Maine preferred them held at Portsmouth, 97. Coussens, Benj., 457. Cox, William, witness to signa tures, 44. Coy, John, to take list of claim ants to land at Falmouth, 13j entitled to land, 13; signed report, 14. Craddock, Mr. , merchant, 48. Credifor, Joseph, 457. Crocker, James, entitled to land at Falmouth, 14. Cromeck, Joshua, signed Merri coneag petition, 208. Cromwell, Joshua, of Wells, 461; see Crumwell. Crown, the, can be addressed directly by the people, 95. Crown Point, N. Y., 346, 453, 458, 465. Orumwell, Joshua, signed Merri coneag petition, 288; see Crom well. Culland, John, 457. Cunningham, Edward, 461. Currency, 28, 38, 39, 95, 132, 255, 266, 257, 328, 380, 385, 401, 451. Curtis, Caleb, 461. Jacob, 270, 466. Gushing, Ezl., 263, 466. John, 156, 222. Thomas, speaker, 243, 246, 250, 255, 268, 264, 268, 283, 286, 286, 289, 293, 312. Susslns}B-^-45^- Ichabod, 456. Ichabod Jr., 467. John, 400. Joseph, 457. Thomas, 456. Cutter, Ammi Ruhamah, agent for North Yarmouth, 208, 212, 216, 218, 221, 280, 231, 288, 236, 404, 405, 441, 446, 447, 448. INDEX 483 Cutter, continued. Dorothy, 399, 441, 447. C , Anthony, of Berwick, 428. 0 , Samuel, of Berwick, 429. 0— ffall, Philo, of Berwick, 428. D Dabney, Job, signed petition of North Yarmouth, 219, 221. Daigre, M. O. de Batiste, 371. Dalzell, Mrs. , bill for care of Eliza Smith, 452. Damariscotta, destitute of a preacher, 292; people of de sired to be incorporated as a town, 293; proposed bounda ries, 293; soldiers posted at, 361; petition of, 292. River, 24, 293. Dana, Richard, a grantee of New Marblehead, 141. Danford, John, entitled to land in Falmouth, 14. Danforth, Samuel, 454. Gov. Thomas, Falmouth settled when he was governor, 14; his deed of Falmouth destroyed, 53; conveyed lands to Capt. Tyng and others, 55, 56, 59. Darling, William, signed Arundel petition, 271. Davis, Hannah, associated with Leveret, 120. Jacob, signed petition of Town ship No. One, 245. John Jr., signed petition of Township No. One, 248. Capt. Sylvanus, as a witness, 160. Timothy, opposed building a meeting house, 241; signed petition of Berwick, 411, 431; resided at Berwick, 429, 430, 441. William, entitled to land at Fal mouth, 13; resided at Berwick, 428, 433. Day, C, signed Small Point memo rial, 217. Thomas, signed Small Point me morial, 217. Bearing, Bray, signed Damaris cotta petition, 293. Declarations, of Minas, 870. of Ramsay, 372. Deed, Indian, relating to lands near Pemaquid, 43. De Loutre, , 463. Dennis, John, chaplain at St. Georges, 209; petitioned for pay, 209; petition granted, 207; petition of, 208. Denny, Samuel, letter of, 397. Denslow, Benj., signed Merrico neag petition, 207. D'Enville, Due, see Anville, Due d'. Depositions : — Atkinson, Theodore, 99. Ooks, John Jr., 186. Duning, David, 277, 282. Finney, Robert, 276. Fisher, Samuel, 405. Jones, Nathaniel, 182. Mason, Jonas, 403. Mitchell, Jacob, 404. Packer, Thomas, 99. PhiUips, John, 149. Pickenden, Thos., 21. Seabury, Barnabas, 447. Southack, Cyprian, 150, 151. Spear, Robert, 275, 276, 282. Derry, Ireland, 19. Deshon, James, 289, 290. Deverux, Humphrey, a grantee of New Marblehead, 141. Devon, County of, 91. Dodd, Benjamin, a grantee of New Marblehead, 141. Doeminique, P., 18. Doleuer, John, entitled to land in Falmouth, 14. Dongon, Col. Thomas, land to be given to, 104; to settle tract with Roman Catholics, 104. Dorman, Jabez, signed petition of Arundel, 270. Dorrell, Philip, signed petition of Arundel, 270, 456. Douglass, James, 272. Dowins, Thomas, resided at Ber wick, 427. Downing, Benj., 467. Dennis, 293. Downs, Nathaniel, resided at Ber wick, 427, 433. Saml., resided at Berwick, 427. Thomas, resided at Berwick, 483. William, resided at Berwick, 427. Dowty, James, entitled to land at Falmouth, 13. Doyle, James; signed Merriconeag petition, 446, 461. Dresser, Richard, signed petition of Township No. One, 245. Drumond, Capt. Patrick, 291, Duch Churph, 296. Dudley, Gov. Joseph, 103, 115, 165. William, 140. 484 DOCUMENTARY HISTORY Dummer, Lieut. Nathaniel, 265. Lieut. Gov. William, 16, 109, 137, 138, 166, 166, 252. Dunbar, Col. David, had trouble about cutting masts, 1, 2, 3 disliked Waldo, 2, 8, 4, 12, 40 desired directions, 3, 4, 5, 52 at Waldo's request he advised Slade, 3; could cheapen con tracts, 4; received letter from Indian chiefs, 5, 11; desired to form a majestracy and militia, 5, 11; sent false reports con cerning Belcher, 6, 8, 17; his settlers rioted, 7, 8, 9; his set tlement under the government of Massachusetts, 7, 8, 9, 10, 64, 67, 78; preceded by many claimants, 9; asked to wait till home government can settle disputes, 10; would not extend settlement till better acquaint ed with Indians, 11 ; reported dead, 16; his iDrother saved timber, 15 ; Newcastle forward ed his letter, 15, 16; inter rupted settlers, 20, 21; his people prevented the taking of staves from Pemaquid, 21, 22; his lieutenant arrested, 28; no order given to drive away his settlers, 28; encumbered and embarrassed, 25, 26, 27, 28,31,34,36; received instruc tions, 29, 30, 36; gave presents to Indians, 80; entertained In dians, 31; informed in regard to trees, 32; proposed to build a vessel, 34; hoped to leave New England, 85; proposed bribery, 36; called on Belcher, 35; many intended settlers applied to, 36, 52; despicable, 36; desired a successor, 36; unable to defend palatines, 37 ; in debt, 37, 48; cause against Cooke, 88; might have had a flourishing settlement, 40; re called declaration, 40; West- brook's opinion of, 42; going to new settlement, 47, 51, 64, 66; Belcher's treatment of, 47, 48; suit brought against, 48; tells how Massachusetts should be governed, 50, 51, 97; may be a prisoner, 51; ac quainted Col. Phillips of threats against Fredericks burg, 51, 62; uneasy about force sent to Fredericksburg, Dunbar, continued. 60, 68, 64; persecuted by Belcher and Cooke, 66; to winter at Fredericksburg, 66; not to be molested, 67; sent letters to Capt. Gyles, respect ing settling and trade, 75; asked Tailer why he came to Fredericksburg, 75; objected to the delegation coming to the fort, 76; plain talk to Tailer, 76; accused the dele gation of setting the Indians against him, 77, 79; Belcher refused to see his instructions, 77; named his settlement, 78; to defend his fort, 78; will not converse with the delegation, 79; will report treachery at Boston, 79; founded his com plaints on errors, 87; managed unwisely, 88; settled on land belonging to others, 90, 162; hindered the rightful owners, 92, 93, 124, 166; claimed right to set up separate government, 92 ; his claims discouraged set tlers, 93; owners of the land asked that he be kept away, 93, 94, 124, 125; had sufficient grounds to doubt Belcher, 95; lieutenant governor of New Hampshire, 95, 97; Belcher's friends deny facts, 96; report ed his meeting with Tailer, 96; his opinion of New Eng land, 97; went to examine Port William and Mary, 97, 98; refused admission, 98, 99; threatened, 99; could enter only as a private man, 99; would not enter, 99; claimed to have been the only success ful settler; 128; unless lands are soon allotted his settle ment will fall, 129; his people desired a township laid out, 129, 130; his conflict with Bel cher to iDe settled by the king, 133; Belcher insinuated, 133; will leave Fredericksburg as soon as possible, 136, 167, 168; quitted Waldo's land, 153; claimed land by right of con quest, 160; ordered to quit possession, 163, 166, 184, 185; his petition being considered, 188; desired recompense, 184; date of instrument, 184; took possession of Pemaquid, 184, INDEX 486 Dunbar, continued. set out six townships, 184; not a direct claimant but de serving of favors, 185; letters of, 1, 11, 26, 29, 47, 59, 68, 65, 76, 76, 77, 96, 134; mentioned, 16, 23, 41, 45. Jeremiah, deputy, offered for office, 36; unfit for the posi tion, 42; sent home, 59, 60, 65, 66; letter from his brother, 63; surveyor, 128; resided in Lon don, 128; visited no houses ex cept those of his brother's friends, 128, 129; affidavit of, 128. Dungon, see Dongon. Dunieng "1 David, signed petition Duning /of Georgia, 130; gave power of attorney, 271, 272, 277; deposition, 277, 282; ap pointed to examine accounts, 279; protest of, 296; memo randum of, 283. James, signed petition of Geor gia, 130 ; gave power of attor ney, 271, 272; petitioned for Brunswick, 273, 277; deposi tion of, 277; protest of, 296. Durrm}^^''^-, of Wells, 457. John, of Wells, 467. Moses, signed petition of Town ship No. One, 145. Nathaniel, signed petition of Township No. One, 248. Dutch, the, 330, 331. Duties proposed, 50, 61. Duvierer, Mons. , 382. Dwight, Col. , 219. Brigadier Joseph, letter of, 390. Joseph, speaker, 283, 467, 467. Eameey, see Emery. East Greenwich, Eng., 114. East India, 309. East, John, to take a list of Pal- mouth land claimants, 13; to make answer to petition against the town, 13; entitled to land in Falmouth, 14; agent for Falmouth, 65, 59. Edewakeuk, 212. Edgcome, Nicholas, a grantee of New Marblehead, 141. Edger, Henry, signed petition of Georgia, 131. Edger, continued. William, signed petition of Geor gia, 131. Edwards, Benj., signed petition of North Yarmouth, 221. Elder, John, impressment of, 218. Eldon, John, signed petition of Township No. One, 245. Elenwood, , 285. ElweU, William, entitled to land in Falmouth, 14. Emery, Mr. , 258. Caleb, deputy sheriff, 250. Charity, widow, of Berwick, 440. Jabez, signed petition of Ber wick, 249; resided at Berwick, 440. Job, signed petition of Berwick, 249, 421; resided at Berwick, 431. Joseph, objected to building new meeting house, 394; signed petition of Berwick, 411, 421; resided at Berwick, 431, 440, 441. Joshua, signed petition of Ber wick, 421; resided at Berwick, 429, 430. Noah, to prefer the petition of Berwick, 249; letter of, 173, 175, 176 ; mentioned, 289. Samuel, had the care of Mary Smith, 400, 453. Simon, resided at Berwick, 441. Simon Jr., signed petition of Berwick, 421; resided at Ber wick, 431. England, 2, 11, 12, 87, 41, 47, 48, 51, 104, 128, 158, 321, 822, 386, 338, 346, 364, 365, 366, 384, 423. English, the, Indians advised to live well with, 5 ; Indians con tinually at war with, 91, 106, 111, .386; Nova Scotia surren dered to, 107; Indians pre pared to fall upon, 107; In dians not uneasy on account of, 213; Indians not to go to war with, 213, 215; the French set the Indians against in time of peace, 251, 886; not per mitted to walk in the streets of Quebec, 258; people of Nova Scotia dislike the gov ernment of, 340; attacked at Grand Pr6, 863; French jealous of, 363; Acadians told to take arms against, 373; Acadians absolved from oath, 373; 486 DOCUMENTARY HISTORY English, continued. French stir up revolt against, 372, 373; prisoners from Que bec, 381; the only stronghold of, in Acadia, 382, 384, 385, 886; their flrst knowledge of the French at Annapolis, 382; the French annoy all who fa vor, 882; soldiers obliged to live on the inhabitants, 383; harrassed by French and In dians, 384, 386; their colonies languished, 384; value of Cape Breton to, 385 ; trade in West Indies, 386; governor of Can ada to turn Indians against, 386; people to be attached to, 388; Indians desired peace with, 462; killed at Annapolis, 463; mentioned, 116, 136, 155, 159, 187, 321, 348, 851, 352, 380, 871. 373, 462. Eps, Daniel, 139. Ercegontogoges, the, 212, 213. Erskine, Lieut. James, ensign wlthCol. Taylor, 107; affidavit of, 106, 107. Espequeadia vice-king of the Espiquet / Penobscots, 11; met a delegation from Massachu setts, 74. Essex County, Eng., 105, 111. Evans, Nathaniel, a grantee of New Marblehead, 141. Everson, William, signed petition of Township No. Seven, 237. Eyre, Mr. Kingsmill, 48. Fabyan, John, signed petition of Township No. One, 246. Joseph, signed petition of Town ship No. One, 246. Fairweather, Thomas, associated with Leveret, 120. Pall, John, resided at Berwick, 427. Samuel, resided at Berwick, 427. Trostnm, resided at Berwick, 427. Falley, Richard, signed petition of Township No. Seven, 237. Falmouth, a list of land claimants to be made out, 13; the suc cessful claimants, 13, 14; claimants to prove their rights, 14; Jeremiah Dunbar came from, 15 ; Pickenden at, 21, 28; petition of heirs and Falmouth, continued. assigns, 52; answer to petition long deferred, 58; destroyed, 53,55; deed given by Danforth lost, but counterpart saved, 53, 54; answer to petition of Westbrook and others, 54, 55; land in, to be placed in hands of trustees, 55; laid out and settled, 56; people driven from, 55; lands in given to more families, 56; many came without consent, 56; the peo ple acled justly, 57; pretended proprietors presented claims after real owners had saved the settlement, 58; a former town clerk witholds town book, 59; treaty of, 72; Nut ting the armourer at, 188; re port on regulating the settle ment, 144; bounds of, 145, 146; number of families at, 145, 146; an agreeable place for a settle ment, 145; should be a town ship, 145; had two parishes, 147; settlers obliged to leave land which they thought they owned, 147, 148; unimproved land to be taxed to support ministry and school, 148, 194, 201, 202, 203; Indians threat ened the people of, 172; pro prietors of brought action against Joseph Plumer, 173, 174, 175, 177, 179, 183, 196, 203; Higginson's petition against, 179; proprietors of, summoned to court, 180, 182, 201; militia at to be divided, 188, 189, 190; in poor condition for defence, 190; resolutions in regard to schools, 192, 193, 194, 195; Phineas Jones to represent the town in Boston, 201; cost of building bridges and meeting house, 202; non-resident pro prietors summoned, 202; an swer to Higginson's petition, 203; Presbyterians petitioned to be released from church tax, ^10, 211; proprietors of Township No. Seven met at, 240; second parish desired to be a township, 262, 263; pro prietors summoned to General Court, 263; forces at to be dis posed of, 368; desired to be reimbursed for care of William Ford, 423, 424; mast ship at, INDEX 487 Falmouth, continued. 423; desired assistance in maintaining a bridge, 465, 466; town meeting, 467; petition of second parish, 262; petition in regard to Forde, 423; petition of selectmen, 465; mentioned, 139, 160, 166, 177, 179, 182, 183, 188, 189, 190, 191, 196, 201, 223, 239, 240, 291, 424, 466. Book of Records, 14, 467. Bridge, 195, 465, 466, 467. Harrow House, 41, 172. Neck, 191, 194. Town House, 467. Faul, John, lived at Berwick, 422. Samuel, lived at Berwick, 433. Trustum, lived at Berwick, 433. Feild, Daniel, signed petition of Township No. One, 246. Felton, John, a grantee of New Marblehead, 141. Finlayson, Nathaniel, signed peti tion of Township No. One, 246. Finney, Robert, gave power of at torney, 271, 272; petitioned for Brunswick, 273, 277; dep osition of, 276; protest of, 296. Fisher, Samuel, deposition of, 406; oath of, 406. Fisheries, 38, 80, 112, 123, 142, 145, 178, 262, 287, 304, 315, 322, 336, 838, 301, 379, 383, 384, 402. Fitch, Thos., associated with Lev eret, 120. Five Nations, the, 329, 330, 331, 332. Flag, see Colors. Flanders, 390. Floating masts on, 33. Forces, see Soldiers. Ford, John, of Berwick, 427, 432. William, of Falmouth, 423. Fore River, 466, 467. Forgison, James, of Berwick, 441. Forts, to be examined, 63, 68, 69, 76, 86; the erection of holds the territory, 126, 426; the Assembly answerable for maintaining, 132; at Pema quid being improved, 167, 260; Massachusetts recommended to repair Pemaquid, 184; at Brunswick not to be strength ened, 246; visited by Gov. Shirley, 252; grants to finish, 258; much money needed for, 261; concerning repairing, 298; Forts, continued. delay in finishing, 299; reduc tion of Louisbourg, 301, 302; rebuiltat Canso, 304; improved by Gov. Knowles, 366; list of the commanders to be ob tained, 369; proposed, 377; stores to be sent to, 407; needed at Penobscot, 426, 426, 444; needed near Crown Point, 468; needed at Chebucto, 458; see also Garrisons and Block houses. Fort, at Annapolis, 374, 381, 382. at Arrowsic, 408. at Augusta, 108. at Boston Harbor, 66. at Bay Vert, 387. at Brunswick, 408, 425. at Canso, 304. at Charlestown, 84, 85. at Chebucto, 314, 387. at Falmouth, 22, 146. at Fredericksburg, 31, 79. at Louisbourg, 305, 309, 311. at Marblehead, 70, 82, 86. at Minas, 247. at Pemaquid, 7, 8, 22, 45, 46, 67, 75, 88, 101, 102, 103, 115, 116, 117, 150, 167, 168, 260, 261. at Penobscot, 426, 426. at Richmond, 69, 70, 72, 110, 425. at Saco River, 63, 425. at St. Georges, 68, 69, 163, 209, 215, 263, 268, 306, 425, 454. at St. Peters, 304. at Salem, 70, 81, 85. Anne, 81, 82. Castle WiUiam, 82, 83, 84, 260, 261, 321. Dummer, 137, 424, 425. Frederick, 7, 8, 51, 65, 134, 135, 214, 225, 226, 231, 253, 268, 407, 408. George, 69, 73, 143, 198, 224, 408, 409. HinsdaU, 425. Mary, 69, 80. No. Pour, 391. Richmond, 131, 141, 263, 299. St. Frederick, 465. William and Mary, 97, 98, 99. Foss, Benjamin, signed petition of Township No. One, 246. Joseph, signed petition of Town ship No. One, 245. Walter, signed petition of Town ship No. One, 245. Fox, Mr. , 379. Foxcroft, Fras., 238. 488 DOCUMENTARY HISTORY Foy, James, 427. Timothy, 286. Frampton, Maj. Gen. , his reg iment, 327, 835. France, 118, 151, 218, 215, 262, 290, 804, 320, 321, 333, 335, 340, 342, 852, 369, 363, 391, 464. Franklyn, Henry, an associate with Leveret, 120. Fransoi, Saveur, Penobscot chief, 74. Fredericksburg, ( New Settle ment), Indians not at, 5; In dians desired to know the opinion of the French concern ing, 5, 11; Dunbar desired to form a government at, 5, 11, 31; formerly Pemaquid, 6, 7, 8, 68, 69, 78, 86, 87, 100; Bel cher did not send expedition to capture, 6, 8, 87, 96; riot of the people at, 7, 8; 9, 66, 86, 87; claimed as a part of the Province of Massachusetts Bay, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 64, 67, 86, 88, 92, 93, 118, 127, 134; many claimants before Dunbar, 9; boundaries, of, 9; distance from St. Georges River, 11; Massachusetts did not improve it or allow others to improve it, 11, 12, 78; its future value to England, 11; prosperous outlook, 12, 15; people of Lon donderry desire to move to, 24; a wilderness, 26, 27; im provements at, 27 ; fort at de scribed, 31, 79: named, 31, 78; a defense against Indians, 31; provisions sent to but not paid for, 37, 48; Dunbar going to, 47, 51, 64, 66; men from annoy Grover, 45, 46, 61, 64, 65; peo ple of stigmatized, 51; fear it will be taken, 61; under the jurisdiction of Philips of Nova Scotia, 62, 64, 88, 103, 118; Dunbar uncertain about de fending it, 52, 64; armed force to be sent against, 60, 78, 79, 100; the disputes at related only to private property, 64; the stay of the schooner only a pretence for quarrelling, 64, 65 ; four of the rioters arrested, 65, 87; Dunbar to winter at, 65; Belcher ordered to ab stain from sending expedition against, 66, 67; the govern ment of under consideration, Fredericksburg, continued. 67; Belcher sent delegation to, 78, 86; Dunbar to defend it, 78; Belcher's friends say no military force was sent against, 96; Tailer asked improper questions, 96; Dunbar to leave as soon as possible, 185; men tioned, 70, 76, 77; see also under Georgia and Pemaquid. Fredericksport, 37; see Fredericks burg. French, the ( including Acadian and Canadian ) ; advised the Indians to live well with the English, 5; purchased vessels in New England, 37, 66; gave grant to Winnit, 39; sent coal to Massachusetts, 51; a sloop at Casco, belonging to, 97; Indians in the interest of, 101, 309, 315, 829, 337; tract of country left to, 102; Pema quid surrendered to, 105, 115; built a church near the Ken nebec River (1698), 108, 115; Massachusetts ordered to re gain the land from, 103; held the tract fourteen years, 104, 107, 116; surrendered to Nich olson, 104, 105, 116, 118, 126; did not attempt to settle on the Kennebec, 105; destroyed Pem aquid a second time (1696 ), 115, 118; hindered Leveret's associates, 122; attacked blockhouse, 122; gave Indians ammunition and presents, 151, 187, 336, 357, 462, 463; Indians told to trade with, 185; re ported that the Indians were prepared for war, 187; inter married with the Indians, 251; their missionaries among the Indians, 251; influence over Indians, 262, 384, 425; the eastern settlements a curb to, 252; would not permit the 'English to walk the streets of Quebec, 258; retaliation at Boston, 268; demolished fort at Pemaquid, 261; in the rear of Pepperrell's troops, 302, 303; Louisbourg their pride, 304; a prelude to the reduc tion of their settlements, 304; to besiege Annapolis; 304; plan to frustrate their hopes, 314, 815; a port to hold the mastery over, 323; will be INDEX 489 French, continued. discouraged if the Indians as sist the English, 329, 332; generally at war with the Five Nations, 380; will not venture to Annapolis Basin, 333; may send war-like stores Chicknecto, 335; on their being removed from Nova Scotia,337, 340, 341, 345, 348, 849, 360, 352, 853, 363, 364, 371, 376, 377, 888, 389; will attempt to recover Louisbourg, 337; and be masters of Nova Scotia, 338; deserters among, 338; on the subjection of, 339; if exiled will go to Can ada or join the Indians, 349; removed by Nicholson, 861; allowance for their discon tent, 352; would have a bad influence over English rebels, 353; one settlement a key in the hands of, 366, 356; those in Nova Scotia were traitors, 357, 358; are advised to hold to their religious faith, 369, 360; prisoners exchanged, 368 ; fear of the mastery of, 363; their influence over settlers in Nova Scotia, 363, 372, 373; vessel sent to find ships of, 365; will not retract oath and will submit to orders, 370; declaration of Minas, 870; summoned to renew oath, 371; fidelity of, 371, 372; need paper, 872; masters of Beau- basin and Minas, 873; advise the Acadians to take up arms against the English, 873; dis charged from oath, 378; arma ment arrived, 874, 878, 379; tried to stir up the people of Minas, 374, 376, 377, .382; cap tured Minas, 375, 381; with drew from Minas, 875, 876; lost the pretence of title to Minas, 376; returned to Can ada, 376; a raid expected, 376; the capture of Nova Scotia, no help to recover Cape Breton, 879; Nova Scotia a barrier to, 379; troops at Quebec, 381; how they paid soldiers, 382, 883; Acadians inclined to declare for, 388; often ventured to regain lost territory, 384; kept up the spirits of the Indians, 384; French, continued. annoy the English, 384; ever had an eye on Nova Scotia, 384; their colonies become bold, 384; value of Cape Breton to, 885; designed to settle on western frontier, 453, 458, 466; Cape Breton de livered to, 458; as subjects of Great Britain, 462; mentioned, 155, 177, 213, 261, 266, 267, 299, 321, 323, 336, 345, 350, 853, 354, 356, 360, 371, 383; see Acadians and Canadians. Indians, 329, 380, 831, 834, 875. Protestants, 16. Friar, a, for Indians, 213; see Priests. Frontenac, Louis de Baude, Comte de, 321, 322. Frost, Mr. , 289. Charles, letter of, 190. James, resided at Berwick, 428, 438. Jeremiah, resided at Berwick, 427, 482. John, opposed building meeting house, 241; signed petition for Berwick, 249; resided at Ber wick, 433. Jno., clerk ofthe Court, 178, 179. Nathaniel, resided at Berwick, 428, 438. Robt., signed petition for Lon donderry, 24. Simon, letter of, 392; mentioned, 162, 170, 172, 181, 182, 208, 207, 208, 210, 218. Stephen, resided at Berwick, 427, 482. Thomas, resided at Berwick, 428. William, resided at Berwick, 428, 433. Fotheringham, Capt. . 344, 345. Frothingham, Thomas, a grantee of New Marblehead, 141. Fuel for Boston, 367, 368. Fulerton, Wm., signed petition of settlers of Georgia, 130. Fulham, Francis, 166. Furniss, Nathan, resided at Ber wick, 431. Robert, resided at Berwick, 427. G John, signed memorial of Small Point, 217. 32 490 DOCUMENTARY HISTORY Gacell, Moses, signed petition of Merriconeag, 207. Gains, John, letter of, 290. Galissoniere, M. R. Barrin, Mar quis de la, 461. Gallison, Joseph, a grantee of New Marblehead, 141. Garrish, see Gerrish. Garrisons to be examined, 69, 76; few, 191; to be repaired, 253; needed at Louisbourg, 300; at times, of no protection, 353; dispute among officers, in the, 855; soldiers disposed to de sert, 355; surrounded by French traitors, 267; can not assist each other, 366, 367; list of commanders wanted, 369; those at Richmond mutinous, 369; at Annapolis, 382; the Massachusetts soldiers the chief strength of, 385 ; at An napolis to be supplied, 387; men needed at Georgetown, 396, 397, 398 ; needed at Penob scot River, 402; stores to be sent to, 407; see also Ports and Blockhouses. Garrison, at Annapolis, 282, 287, 304, 814, 315, 317, 320, 321, 833, 337, 388, 347, 366, 364, 879, 387, 453, 463. at Arrowsic, 108, 109, 110. at Broad Bay, 296. at Brunswick, 246. at Canso, 191. at Casco, 30. at Frederick, 214. at Georgetown, 296, 396, 397, 398. at Louisbourg, 308, 317, 319, 324, 326, 826, 386, 389. at Madomock, 296. at Maquoit, 296. at Martins, 296. at Minas, 344. at New Blockhouse, 296. at Nova Scotia, 108. at Point of Broad Bay, 296. at Richmond, 369. at St. Georges, 297. at Sheepscot, 296. at Topsham, 296. at Walpole, 296. at Witchasset, 296. Lane's, 296. Larmous, 296. Leverett's, 155, 169. Philbrook's, 396. Vaughan's, 296. Garrisons, continued. Woodsides, 296. Zuberbuhlers, 296. ^^'^*^f'®f,M John, resided at Ber- Samuel, signed petition of Ber wick, 249, 421; resided at Ber wick, 426, 430, 441. Samuel Jr., resided at Berwick, 431, 441. Gayton, Capt. , 362. George I, 39. II, 79, 165, 177. Georges, see St. Georges. Georgetown, 108, 110, 216, 217, 282, 234, 291, 396, 397. garrison at, 296, 396, 897, 398. Georgia, Province of, proprietors send agent to England, 2, 12; distance from St. Georges, 11; name changed, 31; government of, 33; petition of the settlers of, 129 ; desired to be a town ship, 130; families from Swiss cantons come to, 252; see Fredericksburg and Pema quid. Germany, 354. Ssh}«°l-— '^^^- Charles, resided at Berwick, 427, 432. James, resided at Berwick, 427, 432. James Jr., resided at Berwick, 427. Joseph, a representative of Township No. One, 259. William, resided at Berwick, 427, 432. Gethe, Samuel, signed petition for Berwick, 421. Gibbs, Mr. , 269. Henry, signed petition of Merri coneag, 206, 221; signed peti tion of Small Point, 233; signed petition for Brunswick, 235. Gibralter Regiments, the, 317, 318, 820, 324. Gibson, William, signed petition of Merriconeag, 207. Gill, Thomas, signed petition of North Yarmouth, 221. Gillison, see Jillson. Gillmore, James, signed petition for Londonderry, 24; signed petition for Township No. Seven, 287. INDEX 491 GiUos, Will, entitled to land in Falmouth, 14. GiUpatrick, James, 457. John, 457. John Jr., 467. Gimerson, Will, entitled to land in Falmouth, 14. Gin, 88. Given, David, to represent people of Brunswick, 271; misrepre sented facts, 280; deprived of voting, 282; petition of, 272; answer, 277; memorandum, 283; protest, 296, mentioned, 284. Gloss, Will., signed petition of Damariscotta, 293. Gloucester, 267, 268. Goff's Brook, 455,-456. Gooch, Gov. Sir WiUiam, 317, 318. Good, Thomas Jr., resided at Berwick, 429. Goodale, John, had care of Mary Smith, 400. Zachariah, had care of Margaret Smith, 452. Goodin "j Aaron, objected to Gooding [¦ building meeting Goodwin J house, 394; signed pe tition of Berwick, 249, 421; resided in Berwick, 428, 481, 440. Adam, resided at Berwick, 428, 433. Benjamin, resided at Berwick, 440. Charles, resided at Berwick, 427, 432. Daniel, resided at Berwick, 431. Deliverence, a widow, resided at Berwick, 440. Elijah, signed petition of Ber wick, 421; resided at Berwick, 429, 430. Elisha, signed petition of Ber wick, 421; resided at Berwick, 430. Henry, signed petition of Ber wick, 421; resided at Berwick, 431, 440. Ichabod, opposed building meet ing house, 241, 394; signed pe tition of Berwick, 249, 411, 421 ; resided at Berwick, 440. James, to settle the school mas ter, 193; signed petition of Berwick, 421; resided at Ber wick, 430, 440. John, signed petition of Ber- Goodwin, continued. wick, 421; resided at Berwick, 431, 440. John Jr., resided at Berwick, 481, 440. Joseph, resided at Berwick, 431, 441. Miles, resided at Berwick, 430, 441. Moses, objected to building new meeting house, 394; signed petition of Berwick, 411, 421. Moses Jr., signed petition of Berwick, 249, 441. Nathan, signed petition of Ber wick, 250. Nathaniel, signed petition of Berwick, 421; resided at Ber wick, 430. Nills, signed petition of Ber wick, 421. Paler, signed petition of Ber wick, 421. Solomon, resided at Berwick, 430. Taylor, signed petition of Ber wick, 249; resided at Berwick, 431. Tealor, resided at Berwick, 441. Thomas, opposed building new meeting house, 241; signed pe tition of Berwick, 249, 396, 411; resided at Berwick, 427, 428, 430, 481. Thomas Jr., signed petition of Berwick, 249; objected to building new meeting house, 394; resided at Berwick, 441. William, signed petition of Ber wick, 249, 421; resided at Ber wick, 428, 430, 481, 483. WiUiam, clerk of New Marble head, 140; a grantee of New Marblehead, 141. William Jr., resided at Berwick, 428, 430. Goodon, Benjamin, 456. Goodridge, Benj., resided at Ber wick, 482. Josiah, resided at Berwick, 432. Goodshel, Joshua, resided at Ber wick, 428. Goodwin, see under Goodin. Goold, Moses, entitled to land in Falmouth, 14. William, signed petition of Township No. One, 246. Gordon, James, signed petition of Georgia, 130. Gore, the, 460, 461. 492 DOCUMENTARY HISTORY Gorges, Sir Ferdinando, 56. Gorham, Capt. , 387, 388, 389, 466. Lieut. Col. John, letter of, 341; mentioned, 816, 844. Shubal, petition of, 223, 239. Gorman, John, signed petition of Township No. Seven, 237. Goudot, Pierre de, 370. Gould, King, 334. Gowin, Patrick, resided at Ber wick, 428, 488. Graffam, Jacob, signed petition of Merriconeag, 289. Granary of Acadia, the, 374. Grand Pre, 859, 363, Granger, Francois, 371, 372. Grant "(Alexander, resided at Greant / Berwick, 428, 443. Alexander Jr., resided at Ber wick, 432. Daniel, resided at Berwick, 428, 431, 440, 443. Daniel Jr., resided at Berwick, 432. Elias, signed petition of Ber wick, 250, 421; resided at Ber wick, 431, 440. Ephrom, resided at Berwick 428. James Jr., resided at Berwick, 440. Joshua, resided at Berwick, 431, 441. Landers, resided in Berwick, 443. Landon, resided in Berwick, 428, 432. Lieut. Peter, selectman of Ber wick, 250; as moderator, 393, 413; resided in Berwick, 428, 432, 441, 443; to set off the new parish, 434; signed peti tion of Berwick, 440. Peter Jr., resided at Berwick, 431, 441. Graves, John, entitled to land in Falmouth, 14. Gray, Daniel, signed petition of Berwick, 421; resided in Ber wick, 430. James, signed petition of Ber wick, 421. John, signed petition of Damar iscotta, 298. Moses, signed petition of Ber wick, 249, 421. Greant, see Grant. Great Island, 81. Great Sebascodegin, 1 216, 226, Great Sebashadegen, j 227, 234, Great Sebascodegin, continued. 235, 460. Great Whale Boat Island, 229. Greary, Alexander, resided a^ Berwick, 440. Daniel, resided at Berwick, 440. Elizabeth, widow, resided at Berwick, 440. James, resided at ^Berwick, 440. Taylor, resided at Berwick, 441. Green, Daniel, signed memorial of Small Point, 217. Moses, resided at Berwick, 441. Greenleaf, John, representative for Township No. One, 259. Greg "1 James, signed London- Gregg / derry petition, 24. John, signed Londonderry peti tion, 20, 24. Samuel, signed Londonderry petition, 24. Thomas, signed Londonderry petition, 24. William, signed Londonderry petition, 24. Griffen, Joseph, a grantee of New Marblehead, 141. Grindall, John, resided at Ber wick, 427, 438. Grist Mill, 473. Grover, Josiah, of New Harbor, purchased land of John Brown, 44; insulted, impris oned and vessel captured, 45, 46, 51, 64, 87, 88; carried to Pemaquid, 45, 46; escaped, 46; complaint of, 44; his oath, 47. Gubtail \ Benjamin, resided at Gubtal J Berwick, 427, 432. Nathaniel, signed call for Ber wick town meeting, 395; re sided at Berwick, 427, 432. Samuel, resided at Berwick, 428, 433. Thomas, resided at Berwick, 428, 443. Gulf of St. Lawrence, 9, 10, 115. Gulston, Ralph, contractor, 4, 41, 42. Gurimson, Elihu, shipwright, 111. Gustin, David, entitled to land in Fahnouth, 14. Ebenezer, entitled to land in Falmouth, 14. Gutredge "(Benjamin, resided at Guttridge J Berwick, 427. Josiah, resided at Berwick, 427. Gwin, John, signed petition of Township No. Seven, 287. INDEX 493 Gyles, Capt. John, once a captain, now an interpreter, 11, 163, 170, 171; in command at St. Georges, 11, 68, 74, 163, 170; received letter from Col. Dun bar, 76; in Boston, 138; knew Madocowando, 170; on Prov ince galley, 170, 171; sailed eastward, 170, 171; had con ference with the Penobscots, 171; to make a declaration, 171, 172; formally refused to answer questions, 171; his office no restraint to giving afadavit, 172; letters of, 212, 214, 216; mentioned, 186. Ha , Charles, signed petition of Township No. One, 245 Habard, see Hubbard. Haggens 1 Forgus, signed petition Higgons J of Township No. One, 245. TiUy, signed call for Berwick town meeting, 395; constable of Berwick, 411, 413; resided at Berwick, 427, 432. Haines, Capt. Samuel, signed peti tion for Biddeford, 245; clerk of the proprietors, 245. Timothy, signed petition of Township No. One, 245. Hale, Daniel, moderator, 259. Hales, Capt. Joseph, innholder, 269; town meeting at his house, 259, 264, 265. Halifax, see Chebucto. Hall, Ebenezer, entitled land in Falmouth, 13; resided at Small Point, 215. Isaac, signed petition of Merri coneag, 207. Hamble, Samuel, leader of vio lence, 47. Hamilton "j Hambleton V , a soldier, 45. Hambton J Abial, resided at Berwick, 427, 428, 429. Benj., resided at Berwick, 427, 482. Gabrial, resided at Berwick, 428, 429, 432, 443. John, resided at Berwick, 428, 432. Jonathan, resided at Berwick, 431, 440. Hamilton, continued. Joseph, resided at Berwick, 427, 433. Judith, widow, resided at Ber wick, 440. Hammond, Maj. , 23. John, signed petition of Merri coneag, 289. Handy, Henry, signed petition of Township No. Seven, 237. Hardison "( John, resided at Ber- Hardsom / wick, 429. Stephen, resided at Berwick, 429, 433. Harmon, John, signed petition of Township No. One, 245. Capt. John, of York, 291. Nathaniel, signed petition of Township No.. One, 245. Samuel, signed petition of Town ship No. One, 245. Harnden, Samuel, signed petition for Georgia, 180. Harrington, Lord, 298. Harris, Stephen, to attend to build ing a new meeting house, 393. Harsman, Benj., resided at Ber wick, 433. Hart, Jos., selectman of Berwick, 250, 396, 409, 412; resided at Berwick, 427, 432. Haskell, Thomas, to take a list of the Falmouth claimants, 18; report of, 14. HaverhUl, 18, 19. Hawkes, Ebenezer, a grantee of New Marblehead, 141. Ebenezer Jr., a grantee of New Marblehead, 140. Hays, Richard, signed petition of Merriconeag, 288, 445, 461. Ruben, resided in Berwick, 428. Heagarty, Thomas, 461. Heard, , signed petition of Ber wick, 421. Hearl, Atherton, signed petition for Berwick, 250. Etherington, signed petition for Berwick, 421; resided at Ber wick, 430, 440. Gilbert, signed petition for Ber wick, 250; resided at Berwick, 430, 440. James, resided at Berwick, 430. Richard, resided at Berwick, 427, 432. Thomas, signed petition of Ber wick, 249, 421 ; resided at Ber wick, 441. 494 DOCUMENTARY HISTORY Hearl, continued. Thomas Jr., resided at Berwick, 480, 441. Heath. Col. , 454, 467. Capt. Joseph, in command at Richmond, 69, 70, 110; as a messenger for Tailer, 76; re ported Dunbar's answer, 76, 77; letter of, 187. Henderson, Mr. , 285. Joseph, resided at Berwick, 427, 482. Hendly, Benj., a grantee of New Marblehead, 140. Henniker, John, mast contractor, 406. Henry, Robert, 451. Hickey, William, signed petition of Township No. Seven, 237. Hides, 269. Higginson, John, petition of, 179; answer, 195, 203; mentioned, 173, 174, 175, 176, 182, 200. Higgon, see Haggens. Highland families to be brought over, 349, 353, 354. Hight, William, opposed building new meeting house, 241; signed Berwick petitions, 249, 421; resided at Berwick, 430, 441. HiU, , brother of John, 892. Elisha, opposed building new meeting house, 241, 894; signed petition of Berwick, 249; resided at Berwick, 481, 440. John, disqualified, 176; signed North Yarmouth petition, 219, 221; opposed building new meeting house,241, 394; signed petition of Berwick, 249, 411, 421 ; proprietor in North Tar- mouth, 392; resided at Ber wick, 430, 440. Jhme, 456. Joseph, signed report concern ing Falmouth, 145. Thomas, signed North Tar- mouth petition, 219, 221. Hinckley ) Capt. Aaron, surveyor, Hinkley )296; in command at Fort George, 408; letter of, 408. Richard Jr., signed petition of Berwick, 421. Samuel, selectman of Bruns wick, 273, 275, 277, 280, 281, 282, 295. Samuel Jr., constable, 295. Hinckley, continued. Shubel, tything man of Bruns wick, 295. Hinsdell, Ebenezer, missionary to Indians, 186, 187. Fort, 426. Hiscock, John, signed Damaris cotta petition, 298. Hobbs, Henry, resided in Berwick, 429. Thomas, resided in Berwick, 428, 429. Hobby, Sir Charles, 197. Hobson, John, speaker and justice of the peace, 208, 219, 221, 222, 223, 283, 234, 236, 238, 260. Capt. John, to lay out land for a new town, 139. Hodgdon, see under Hodsdon. Hodge, Nicholas, 194. Hodsdon ) Benjamin, to attend to Hosdon 5 building a new meeting house, 398; signed call for town meeting, 395 ; resided at Berwick, 482, 448. Daniel, resided at Berwick, 440. Isreal, resided at Berwick, 429. John, objected to building new meeting house, 394; signed Berwick petition, 421; resided at Berwick, 431, 440. John Jr., signed Berwick peti tion, 249. Joseph, opposed building new meeting house, 241; signed Berwick petition, 249, 421; re sided at Berwick, 431, 440. Joseph Jr., resided at Berwick, 431, 441. Joshua, resided at Berwick, 427, 432. Moses, selectman, 896, 409, 412; resided at Berwick, 427, 432; signed petition, 434. Richard, signed petition, 249; resided at Berwick, 431, 441. Samuel, signed petition, 249; re sided at Berwick, 431, 441. Samuel Jr., signed petition, 249; resided at Berwick, 441. Stephen, resided at Berwick, 429. Thomas, signed Berwick peti tions, 249, 421; objected to building new meeting house, 394; resided at Berwick, 431, 441. Hodskins, Philip, entitled to land in Falmouth, 13. Hog Island, 142. Holbrook, Saml., 467. INDEX 495 Holies, see Newcastle, Duke of. Holmes \ Abraham, of London- Homes / derry, 20. John, of Berwick, 428, 432. Samuel, of Berwick, 428, 482. Thomas, of Berwick, 428, 432. William, constable of Berwick, 395, .396, 428. Holt, Mr. , 269. Holyoke, Rev. Edward, a grantee of New Marblehead, 141. Homan, John, a grantee of New Marblehead, 141. Hooper, John, opposed building new meeting house, 241; re sided at Berwick, 440. John Jr., opposed building new meeting house, 241; resided at Berwick, 440. Robert Jr., a grantee of New Marblehead, 141. Thomas, entitled to land at Fal mouth, 14. Hope, Henry, agreement with John and Thomas Perkins, 60, 61, 63. Hopkins, John, signed petition of Township No. Seven, 237. Horsmer, Benj., resided at Ber wick, 427. Hosdon, see Hodsdon. Houghton, Row'd., signed North Yarmouth petition, 219, 221. Howard, Abraham, petitioned for Marblehead, 139; a grantee of New Marblehead, 141. Joseph, a grantee of New Mar blehead, 141. William, signed petition of Township No. Seven, 237. Hubbard, Mr. , 467. John, of Berwick, 441. Joseph, signed Berwick petition, 249,421; objected to building new meeting house, 894; re sided at Berwick, 431, 440. Nathaniel, claimed land in Geor gia, 20; associated with Lev eret, 120. Philip, opposed building new meeting house, 241; signed Berwick petitions, 249, 411, 421; resided at Berwick, 431, 441. Huchings, see Hutchings. Hudson's River, 32. Hull, Ebenezer, signed memorial of Small Point, 217. Humphry, Ebr., signed Merrico neag petition, 288. Hunewell, Isreal, of Berwick, 426. Hunt, Daniel, signed Berwick pe tition, 249. Hupper, John, signed Berwick petition, 250; resided at Ber wick, 431. John Jr., signed Berwick peti tion, 249; resided at Berwick, 430. Samuel, of Berwick, 428, 432. Soloman, of Berwick, 481. William, of Berwick, 427, 483. Hursom, John, of Berwick, 427. Hutchings, David, of Arundel, 270. Simeon, of Arundel, 271. Hutchinson, Mr. , 45, 338. Col. Edward, claimed land, 89; heir of Maj. Thomas Clark, 90; Dunbar on land belonging to, 90; sent Watts as agent to set tle his land, 91, 108; advanced money to 'SVatts, 92; Dunbar prevented settlement of, 92, 98; his land purchase con firmed by charters, 93; asked that Dunbar be instructed not to meddle, 98, 94; settlers held land by a grant from, 108, 110; as justice of the peace, 183. T., speaker, 858, 407, 415, 422, 442, 444, 454, 455, 457, 469. Ibbbbat, Pbteb, signed petition of Georgia, 130. Ilsley, Isaac, to settle school mas ter, 193; signed answer to Higginson's petition, 205. Impressment of seamen, 217, 218. India, 51. Indians, the, sent letter to Dun bar, 5, 11; sent to Canada for opinion about new settlers, 5, 11; advised to live well with the English, 5; Gyles learned their language, 11; Dunbar desired to be better acquainted with, 11; trade with, 27, 71, 75; better to give presents to, than to reduce them, 30; Dun bar gave presents to, 31; Fred ericksburg a barrier to, 81; had a right to sell land, 89, 40; objected to settlements near Penobscot, 41; destroyed Falmouth, 53, 55; Belcher sent presents to, 69, 72; at Georges River, 70; met the delegation from Massachusetts, 70, 71, 74, 496 DOCUMENTARY HISTORY Indians, continued. 75, 77; desired blankets, 71; house for the reception of, 72 ; Dunbar sent letter concerning trade with, 75; reported the Richmond meeting to Dunbar, 77; attempts to set them against Dunbar, 77, 79; invad ed county of Devon, (1676), 91; KiUed Thomas Lake, 91; destroyed the settlement a a second time, 91 ; continually at war with the English, 91, 106, 111, 381, 384, 385, 886; drove the settlers from Ar rowsic (1722) but left houses standing, 92, 110; land titles from confirmed by charters, 93, 120, 127; with the French at Casco, 97; drove people from Pemaquid and destroyed the fort, 101, 115; in the interest of the French, 101, 309, 315, 329, 837, 462; the country left to, 102; Dummer's treaty with, 109; destroyed house at Georgetown, 110; destroyed Sheepscot, 112; set tlements repeatedly destroyed by, 112; Pemaquid no bridle to, 116; land titles from invo- coble, 120, 127; hindered Lev eret's settlers, 122, 127; at tacked (1721) a block house and burnt a sloop, 122; Steph en Parker a missionary to, 131; few at Fort Dummer, 135; religious meeting with Hins dale, 136; a child of one to be baptised, 136; go to Canada for religious instruction, 137; house being built for the Mohawks, 137; desired sup plies, 138; for commissioners, 141, 142, 143; witnessed sale of land to Phipp, (1694), 149, 154, 157, 158, 159, 160, 166; well known to Southack, 150; received ammunition, assist ance, and presents from the French, 151, 187, 335, 357, 462, 463; claimed that Madoka wando had no right to sell land, 154; Nicholson's con quest a good title against, 154; to be assured of governmental protection of the settlers, 155; land shall be rightfully pur chased from, 156, 157; glad to have seen Madocowando's Indians, continued. deed, 166; confirmed the deed, 166; to be notified to attend the General Court, 169; con ference with Gyles, (1736), 171; satisfied with proposed settlements, 171; threatened Falmouth, 172, 173; complain ed of obstructions in the river, 173; complained of Noyes, 185, 186; allowance to run to, 186; dissatisfied with the gov emor and Waldo, 187; pre pared for war, 187, 190; to be watched, 190; will be discour aged, 191; why they went to Canada, 212, 213; not uneasy because of English settle ments, 213; not to have war with the English, 218, 215; to have a friar from France, 213; advised to send representa tives to visit Belcher, 218; met by Shirley, 251; inter married with the French, 251; French infiuence over, 251, 252, 384, 386, 426; a trading house to hold their good will, 261, 339, 348, 387, 402, 403; delayed treaty making, 252; attempted to treat under French colors, 252; carried letter to Canada, 299; small pox among, 800; in the rear of PepperreU's forces, 302, 303; at Annapolis, 304; at Minas, 812, 375, 381; to assist the English, ,329, 382; the Iro quois, on the point of joining the French, 329, 330; attacked the frontier, 329, 830; proposal to pay, 330; attempt to em broil them in a quarrel, 330, 331 ; depended on Nova Scotia, 338; the subjection of, 339, 340; mortality at Cape Sable, 346; priests to be kept for, 348; French exiles would join, 849; attacked Minas, 375, 381; open enemies of the English, 381, 386; will destroy growing masts, 384; harrass the Eng lish, 384, 385; the Six Nations receive message from Canada, 886; turned against the Eng lish, 386; could be controlled by a fort near Bay Vert, 387 ; a few could block a fort, 387; more terrible than soldiers, 387; difficulty in dealing with. INDEX 497 Indians, continued. 390; captured men at George town, 896; hung about the garrisons, 397, 398; Canada men talked of joining, 898; depredations on the frontiers, 401; hostilities of Penobscots and those from Canada, 402; captured William Kent, 407, 408; a fort should be built while at war with, 426; dis posed tox peace, 454, 469, 461, 462; to be bought to Boston, 454, 469; allied with the French, 462; may proceed to violence, 462; subjects of Great Britain, 462; treacher ous, 463; captured by Gor ham, 465; mentioned 69, 119, 120, 122, 150, 153 156, 158, 161, 163, 165, 212, 215, 261, 267, 290, 299, 320, 336, 340, 349, 350, 852,358; see also under Tribes. Cape Sable, 345, 403. Eastern, 69, 123, 165, 469. French, 329, 380, 831, 334, 876. Southern, 213. Indies, the, 322. IngaUs, Samuel, signed petition of Township No. One, 243. William, a grantee of New Mar blehead, 141. Ingersoll, Benjamin, entitled to land in Falmouth, 13. Ipswich, 264, 290. Ireland, 19, 24, 51, 104, 117, 177, 354. Irish, the, disturb New Harbor proprietors, 46, 46; name given to people of new settlement, 51; not to be removed from Fredericksburg, 67; expected as settlers, 169; in the army, 339 ; could be trusted in Nova Scotia, 354. James, entitled to land in Fal mouth, 13. Iron, 35, 41, 61, 381. Iroquois, the, 329, 331. Isles of Shoals, people of very poor, 142; ammunition needed at, 142; can't pay tax, 143. Iveamy, Giles, a grantee of New Marblehead, 141. Jacobs, George, had care of Margaret Smith, 452. Jacobs, continued. William, entitled to land in Fal mouth, 14. Jacques, Richard, signed petition of Merriconeag, 207, 289; men tioned, 216, 220, 221, 227. Jaffrey, Geo., justice, 97, 99, 100. Jamaica, 38. James I, 127. II, 101 ; see also York, Duke of. Benj. Jr., a grantee of New Mar blehead, 140. Jameson, Samuel, signed petition of Arundel, 270. Jeffries, John, an associate of Lev eret, 121. Jekyl, John, collector, 52. JeUison, see Jillison. Jenner, Thos., justice of the peace, 150. Jernot, FranQois, 370. Jerseys, the, 819, 354, 377. Jesuit, 215; see also Friars and Priests. Jillison, Alexander, of Berwick, 440. Joseph, signed petition of Ber wick, 260; resided at Berwick, 480, 440, 441. Joseph Jr., of Berwick, 430. Thomas, signed petition of Ber wick, 421 ; resided at Berwick, 430, 441. Jones, Capt. , an Indian, 70. Cornelius, signed Damariscotta petition, 293. ' John, of Berwick, 428, 433. John Jr., of Berwick, 421. Nathaniel, land demised to, 179; letter of, 174; deposition of, 182; oath of, 183. Phineas, to go to Boston, as representative of Falmouth, 201, 205; presented petition for Falmouth, 201, 202; letter of, 201. Jordan, Dominicus, entitled to land in Falmouth, 13; signed petition of Falmouth, 263; captain of Falmouth Com pany, 291. Natheniel, entitled to land in Falmouth, 13. Josap, an Indian, 143. Jose, Martyn, signed petition of Township No. One, 245. Joy, Benjamin, signed petition of Township No. One, 245. Ephraim, signed petition of Ber- 33 498 DOCUMENTARY HISTORY Joy, continued. wick, 421; resided at Berwick, 426, 481, 440. Nathaniel, signed call for Ber wick town meeting, 395; re sided in Berwick, 427, 432. K Kbes 1 John, signed call for Ber- Kbby J wick town meeting, 395; resided in Berwick, 427, 482. Peter, signed call for Berwick town meeting, 396; resided in Berwick, 427, 482. William, to select site for meet ing house, 200; to attend to building meeting house, 393; resided in Berwick, 427, 432. Kelly, Roger, petition of, 142; en tertained soldiers, 142; desired ammunition, 142. Kennebec, 33, 64. River, 11, 27, 37, 79, 101, 103, 104, 105, 108, 109, 113, 116, 117, 118, 125, 128, 129, 130, 131, 168, 228. Kennebunk, 60, 448, 449, 455, 468. Ferry, 472. River, 448, 449, 450, 456, 471. Kenny, Dinith, signed petition of Township No. Seven, 237. Kent, County, Eng., 21. William, captured, 407, 408. Kid, Matthew, of Londonderry, 24. Kilby, Mr. , 260; letter of, 298. Kimball, Cheney, 453. Nathaniel, 456. Richard, 467. Thomas, 457. King, Edward, surveyor, 447. Kittery, 176, 188, 189, 285, 287, 892, 438. Knight, Grindel, of Berwick, 432, 443. John, of Berwick, 428, 432, 443. Nathan, signed petition of Township No. One, 246. Knowles, Gov. Sir Charles, letter of, 861; mentioned, 335, 347, 348, 849, 362, 365, 866, 868, 373, 377, 379, 387, 389. L , Jeremiah, of Berwick, 429. Laborde, Capt. , 25, 27. Lake, Sir Bibye, claimed land, 89; Dunbar on his land, 90; peti- Lake, continued. tion of, 90; sent Watts to re settle his land, 91, 108, 109; advanced money to Watts, 92; Dunbar interfered with, 92, 93; his purchases confirmed by charters, 93; desired that Dunbar be restrained, 93, 94; settlers held land by his sale, 108, 110; expense of, 127; men tioned, 113. Mary (Goodyear), widow of Capt. Thomas, assisted Maj. Clark in resettling, 91. Capt. Thomas, ancestor of Sir Bibye, 89, 90; killed by In dians, 91; his widow assisted • Maj. Clark, 91. Lamb, Edward, signed petition of Township No. Seven, 237. Richard, signed petition of Township No. Seven, 2.S7. Samuel, signed petition of Town ship No. Seven, 287. William, signed petition of Township No. Seven, 287. Land Bank, the, 255, 256, 257. Lane, Capt. John, 291; garrison of, 296. Larmous, Capt. , 296. Larrabee "( Capt. Benjamin, enti- Larreby / tied to land in Fal mouth, 18; in command at Brunswick, 69 ; gave report of ammunition at Fort George, 73; town clerk of Brunswick, 271, 272, 273, 294, 295, 296; moderator, 273; summoned to court, 275; petitioned for Brunswick, 281; to warn the people of town meeting, 281, 282; death of, 408; letters of, 143, 224; mentioned, 277, 280, 283. Nathaniel, proposed for com mander at Brunswick, 409. Capt. Stephen, of WeUs, 447, 467. Lean, Henry, signed petition of Township No. Seven, 237. John, signed petition of Town ship No. Seven, 237. Learreby, see Larrabee. Leaward Islands, the, 366. Lee, Samuel, a grantee of New Marblehead, 140. Leighton, John, 145. Leonard, Capt. , 238. George, 283, 284. Leslie, James, 20. INDEX 499 Lesuse, Mathew, 457. Letters of, Bedford, Duke of, 388. Belcher, Jonathan, 5, 85. Bollan, W., 381. Bradstreet, John, 300. Cargill, Capt. David, 360, 366. Clinton, Gov. George, 389, Denny, Samuel, 397. JDunbar, Col. David, 1, 11, 25, 29, 59, 68, 65, 76, 76, 77, 96, 184. Dwight, Joseph, 390. Emery, Noah, 173, 176, 176. Frost, Charles, 190. Frost, Simon, 392. Gaines, John, 290. General Court, the, 311. Gorham, John, 341. Gyles, John, 212, 214, 215. Heath, Joseph, 137. Hinkley, Aaron, 408. Hinsdell, Ebenezer, 135. Jones, Nathaniel, 174. Jones, Phineas, 201. Kilby, Mr. , 298. Knowles, Charles, 361. Larrabee, Benjamin, 143, 224. Littell, James, 269. Look, Nathan, 174. McCobb, James, 396. Minas, 358. Minot, John, 141. Moody, Samuel, 407. Motley, Patt, 268. Moulton, Jer., 291. Murphy, John, 289. Noyes, John, 186. Oulton, Jo., 298. Pelham, T. and others, 94, 184. PepperreU, WiUiam, 189, 191, 192, 287, 291, 300, 301, 305, 308, 324, 425. Plaisted, Joseph, 258, 269. Ramsay, 359. Rutherford, Robert, 306. Saunders, Thomas, 217. Savage, Arthur, 214, 231. Shirley, William, 251, 255, 260, 290, 296, 297, 312, 816, 327, 343, 362, 368, 373, 461. Shirreff, 334. Sparhawk, N., 286. TaUer, WUliam, 76. Waldo, Samuel, 291. Westbrook, Thomas, 15, 172. Westmoreland, Lord, 17, 181, 132 Wheeler, Henry, 188. Willard, Josiah, 185, 189, 316, 461. Leveret, John, heir of Thomas, 118, 119; his heir, 119; his land sold by Madakowando to Phipps, 119; purchased of Phipps, 119, 120; formed an association, 129; offered his garrison to the government, 155, 159. Thomas, entitled to grant, 118; his heir, 119. Levies, see Soldiers. Lewis, Job, signed petition of Mer riconeag, 206; signed petition of North "Yarmouth, 219; signed petition of Small Point, 283; signed petition to include Islands to Brunswick, 284, 235; mentioned, 221. John, of Berwick, 432. Lewisburg, see Louisbourg. Libby, Benjamin, (Deacon), to at tend to building new meeting house, 240, 250, 393; signed call for town meeting, 396; re sided at Berwick, 482. Benjamin, (Dr.), resided at Ber wick, 427. Charles, of Berwick, 427, 432. Daniel, signed petition of Ber wick, 421; resided at Berwick, 427, 430, 432, 440. Daniel Jr., signed call for Ber wick town meeting, 895. Jonathan, signed petition of Township No. One, 245. Joseph, of Berwick, 427, 432. Josiah, signed petition of Town ship No. One, 246. Nathaniel, resided at Berwick, 428, 433. Lighthouse, J., 109. Limehouse, Eng., 105, 111. Limerick, Lord, same as Dongon, Col. Thomas, 104. Limestone, 74. Lincoln, Jonathan, school kept in his house, 193. Joshua, signed Merriconeag pe tition, 288. Lindall, James, 54. Lindsey "1 John, signed petition of Linsay /settlers of Georgia, 130; signed petition of Merri coneag, 207. Linscot, Ichabod, signed petition of Damariscotta, 298. Lithgo, William, impressment of, 217. Little, Capt. , 444. 500 DOCUMENTARY HISTORY Little, continued. Archibald, signed petition of Township No. Seven, 237. James, signed petition of Town ship No. Seven, 237. River, 456. Sebascodegin Island, 216, 226, 234, 235, 236, 445. Littiefield, Francis, had the care of Margaret Smith, 452, 463. Hannah, had the care of Marga ret Smith, 400, 453. Samuel, 400, 467. Livermore, Mr. , 176. Logs, 88, 176. London, 28, 29, 38, 47, 101, 105, 106, 108, 109, 110, 128, 405. Court of St. James, 66. Kensington, 163. New Castle, 86. Whitehall, 15, 17, 20, 89, 94, 131, 134, 185. Londonderry, narrative concerning the boundaries of, 18; inroads of the people of Haverhill, 19; petition of the inhabitants of, 23; people from Ireland at, 24; people of desired to go to Fredericksburg, 21 ; Massachu setts encroached upon, 24. Longfellow, Stephen, town clerk of Falmouth, 146, 192, 193, 196. Longly, James, signed petition of Damariscotta, 293. Longope, de — , 370. Look, Nathan, letter of, 174. Lord, , constable, 480. Mr. , 38. Aaron, signed petition of Ber wick, 249, 421 ; resided at Ber wick, 431, 440. Abraham, opposed building a new meeting house, 241, 394; signed petition of Berwick, 249, 411, 421; resided at Ber wick, 427, 431, 440. Abraham .jr., resided at Ber wick, 431, 432, 440. Abraham third, signed petition of Berwick, 421. Adam, signed petition of Ber wick, 249. Benjamin, signed petition of Berwick, 249, 250; resided at Berwick, 426, 431, 440. Benjamin, of Wells, 457. Charles, of Berwick, 440. Ebenezer, of Berwick, 427, 433. Jabez, of Berwick, 429. Lord, continued. ' James, of Berwick, 250, 421, 430, 440. James Jr., of Berwick, 429. John, opposed building meeting house, 241, 394; signed peti tion of Berwick, 249, 411, 421; resided at Berwick, 427, 431, 440. John Jr., objected to building new meeting house, 394; sign ed petition of Berwick, 411, 421; resided at Berwick, 427, 429, 431. John, third, signed petition of Berwick, 421; resided at Ber wick, 441. Joseph, of Berwick, 429. Joshua, of Berwick, 429. Moses, resided at Berwick, 427, 432. Nathan, signed petition of Ber wick, 249, 411, 421; objected to building a new meeting house, 394; resided at Ber wick, 427, 431, 441. Nathan Jr., signed petition of Berwick, 421; resided at Ber wick, 431, 441. Nathan, third, signed petition of Berwick, 421; resided at Berwick, 430, 481. Nicholas, of Berwick, 431. Capt. Richard, opposed building new meeting house, 241; signed petition of Berwick, 409, 412, 431, 441. Samuel, opposed building new meeting house, 241, 394; sign ed petition of Berwick, 249. 411,421; mentioned 427, 430, 431. Samuel Jr., opposed building a new meeting house, 241, 394; signed petition of Berwick, 431, 441. Simon, of Berwick, 249. Stephen, of Berwick, 429. Thomas, signed petition of Ber wick 249, 421; resided at Ber wick, 428, 481, 441. Tobias, of Berwick, 441. Loring, Rev. Nicholas, 399, 404, 446. Loron, an Indian, 5, 11, 74. Lonisbourg, 300, 301, 304, 306, 309, 310, 814, 817, 318, 319, 320, 821, 322, 325, 327, 828, 329, 832, 334, 886, 337, 347, 361, 362, 365, 366, 371, 374, 380, INDEX 601 Louisbourg, continued. 388, 468; expedition, 301, 305. Circular Battery, 803. Garrison at, 317, 319, 324, 326, 326, 336, 389. Intendent, 821. Lovit, Simon, entitled to land in Falmouth, 14. Lowell, Gideon, entitled to land in Falmouth, 13. Loyd, Roberta, an associate of Leveret's, 120. Lumber, 38, 176. Lydius, John Henry, employed by Shirley, 330, 331, 334. Lyon, Gamaliel, soldier, 408. L— , Jeremiah, of Berwick, 429. M M, , signed petition of Town ship No. One, 243. Maberry, William, a grantee of New Marblehead, 141. Mace, Thomas, of Londonderry, 24. McCanny, Daniel, of Berwick, 430, 440. McClenachan, William, petitioned on behalf of the Presbyterians, 210. . McCobb, James, letter of, 896. Samuel, signed petition of Geor gia, 130. McFarland, James, signed petition of Georgia, 130. John, constable of Brunswick, 212. McGomery, Col. , dead, 29, Macgray, "William, of Merriconeag, 446. McGregor, Alex., of Londonderry, 24. David, of Londonderry, 24. Thomas, of Merriconeag, 288. McKeen, James, of Londonderry, 20. Mackeney, Daniel, of Berwick, 430,440. Mackerbedudus, 186. McKewn, John, signed petition of Township No. Seven, 237. Robert, signed petition of Town ship No. Seven, 237. Mackill, James, of Berwick, 483. McKinney, Matthew, signed peti tion of Georgia, 130. MackneaU, James, of Berwick, 427. Macknees, William, signed peti tion of Merriconeag, 207, 289. Mackorty, Caleb, of Berwick, 428. Macmurphy, John, of London derry, 20. McNeill, John, of Londonderry, 24. Mcphetres, John, signed petition of Georgia, 180. Mc , Thomas, signed peti tion of Merriconeag, 207. Maddock, John, 467. Madocawando "( sold Leveret's Madakowando / land to Phipps, 119, 120, 149, 151, 157, 162, 165; chief of the Penobscots, 149, 150; paid in silver, 150, 168, 159,160; well known to South ack, 160; date of his death, 160; his successor, 150; re ceived arms and other pres ents from the French, 161; his daughter married St. Castine, 151; not chief of the Penob scots, 154; had no right to sell land to Phipps, 164; no other sagamore pretended to be chief, 154, 169; had right to sell land, 167, 168; well known to Gyles, 170; sold captives to Gyles, 171; Gyles to make a declaration concerning, 171, 172. Madomock, garrison at, 296. Maghill, Stephen, 265. Magrat, William, 461. Magray. WiUiam, 207, 288. Maine, Province of, under the gov ernment of Massachusetts, 1, 113, 114; a boundary of Fred ericksburg, 7; order relating to land grants in, 10; mast trees of, 33; the proprietors of to forward settlements in, 55; the people of preferred that courts be held in New Hamp shire, 97; a place of pine trees, 97; counterfeit bills in, 461; mentioned, 22, 65, 101, 108, 230, 286. Mains, Robert, entitled to land in Falmouth, 14. Majestracy, Dunbar, desired to form, 5, 11. Major, Brorja, of Arundel, 270. Majory, Joseph, a grantee of New Marblehead, 141. Makan, David, signed petition of Georgia, 130. Makiam, Michal, signed petition of Georgia, 180. Malcome, John, signed petition of Georgia, 130. 502 DOCUMENTARY HISTORY Malune, Samuel, captured by Indians, 396. Man, Jeremiah, a soldier, 408. Manning, Patrick, signed petition of Berwick, 421; resided at Berwick, 430, 481. Mansfield, Isaac, a grantee of New Marblehead, 141. Manufactory Company, the, 266. Manufacturers, 85, 41, 61, 822, 823. Maples, 74. Maquawomba, 142. Marblehead, the inhabitants of straitened, 189; people of form a new township, 189. Fort at, 70, 82, 86. March, Capt. John, in command at Pemaquid, 102; desired to be discharged, 102. Mare Point, 198, 199. Mariner "(Adam, entitled to land Marriner / in Falmouth, 14. James, entitled to land in Fal mouth, 54. John, entitled to land in Fal mouth, 13. Marks of. Abbot, Ebenezer, 249. Barns, Nathaniel, 288. Black, William, 289. Black, William Jr., 289. Blanc, Jas. C, 871, 372. Bragdon, Thos., 249. Burkes, John, 466. Carman, Francis, 289. Cosens, Ichabod Jr., 457. Crumwell, Joshua, 288. Cussens, Ichabod, 466. Emery, Job, 421. Gillison, Thomas, 421. Goodin, Nathan, 250. Goodin, Taylor, 249. Goodon, Benjamin, 466. Goodwin, Elijah, 421. Goodwin, Nathaniel, 421. Goodwin, Paler, 421. Goodwin, WiUiam, 421. Goudot, Pierre, 370. Granger, Francois, 371, 372. Hamond, John, 289. Hays. Richard, 288. Hearl, Atherton, 260. Hearl, Etherington, 421. Hearl, Thos., 249, 421. Hunt, Daniel, 249. Lesuse, Mathew, 457. Longope, , 870. Lord, Nathan, 249. Lord, Samuel, 249. McNees, WUliam, 289. Marks of, continued. Magrat, William, 288. Mason, John, 249. Mason, Jos., 421. Mason, Noah, 421. Mason, Richard, 260, 421. Orr, John, 207. Pilasen, John, 457. Spencer, P., 421. Thomas, David, 217. Thomas, WiUiam, 217. Wakefield, James, 466. Wakefield, Nathaniel, 467. Wchit, Charles, 456. Whaline, Patrick, 289. Marmon, Park S., of Berwick, 429. Maquoit, 228. Bay, 197, 198. Garrison, 296. Marshall, Grace, entitled to land in Falmouth, 54. Martha's Vineyard, transports driven ashore on, 345. Marthous, Capt. Robert, 191, 192. Martin, Thomas, signed petition of Township No. Seven, 237. Marwood, Capt. , 2, 4. Mary, Queen, 101, 102,125, 127, 406. Mascarene, Gov. Paul, 818, 322, 340, 342, 844, 346, 347, 356, 3B8, 360, 864, 369, 374, 376, 379, 461, 462, 463, 464. Mascongus. see Muscongus. Mason, Capt, David, witnessed Phipps purchase, (1694), 149. Jonas, deposition of, 403; oath of, 404. Thad., (deputy surveyor), 140, 149. Massachusetts Bay, Province of, 9, 17, 19, 20, 22, 24, 27, 44, 50, 53, 64, 60, 66, 67, 68, 71, 76, 78, 88, 92, 93, 97, 99, 101, 102, 103, 104, 106, 107, 108, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 116, 116, 118, 119, 123, 124, 125, 131, 134, 138, 139, 142, 144, 146, 149, 152, 162, 164, 170, 179, 184, 195, 199, 201, 203, 206, 208, 210, 211; 216, 218, 219, 225, 226, 232, 234, 239, 241, 243, 259, 262, 267, 271, 272, 277, 281, 287, 292, 811, 329, 331, 340, 886, 389, 399, 408, 414, 415, 428, 434, 446, 466, 459, 462, 463, 466, 468. Masts, 21, 28, 41, 42, 61, 62, 101, 323, 405, 406; see also Timber. Mast Country, 326, 379, 384. Roads, 42. INDEX 503 ,}878. Mast Country, continued. Ships, 3, 25, 362, 366, 423. Swamp, 49. Trees, 1, 2, 8, 33, 88. Mathews, John, of Merriconeag, 207, 289, 445, 461. William, of Damariscotta, 293. May, Gideon, of Berwick, 428, 432, Maylem, Jos., entitled to land in Falmouth, 54. Measlin, James, entitled to land in Falmouth, 18. Memorandum of Given, David, 283. Memorial of, Belcher, Gov. Jona than, 9. Falmouth Schools, 147. Parker, Stephen, 131. Proprietors of North Yarmouth, 218, 220. Small Point, 216. MemramcookMemeram Conque j Menis, see Minas. Merriconeag, people of desire to be a part of Brunswick, 206, 220, 222, 227, 445, 459, 460, 461; set off from North Yarmouth, 207; annexed to Brunswick, 222; reported distance from meeting house, 227; true dis tance, 228; people poor, 287; meeting house wanted at, 288; desired exemption from taxes, 288; petitions of, 206, 207, 445, 459; mentioned, 198, 211, 212, 216, 222, 227, 228, 229. Merrill, Abel, of Arundel, 271. John, of Arundel, 271, 457. Merrimac River, 19, 88. Merry Meeting Bay, 73, 198. Messages of Shirley,- Gov., 356, 424, 426, 443, 453. Michael, Pramjois, 370. Middle River, 455. Middlesex County, 149, 150. Mighill, Nathaniel, 260, 266. Militia, Dunbar desired to form, 5, 11; Dunbar would not raise, 99; well supplied, 191; see also under Soldiers. ¦ Milk, James, selectman of Fal mouth, 424. Miller, Col. , 288, 444, 454, 459; commission of, 408. Jeremiah, of Arundel, 271. Joseph, of Arundel, 270. MiUiken, Edward, signed petition of Township No. One, 245. Millit, John, entitled to land in Falmouth, 13. Millit, continued. Thomas, entitled to land in Fal mouth, 13. Mills built, 92; see grist mills, saw mills and slitting mills. Minas, 48, 812, 313, 314, 315, 816, 858, 869, 360, 368, 364, 371, 372, 873, 874, 376, 376, 377, 879, 880, 381, 383, 387, 464; declarations of, 370, 372. Blockhouse at, 314, 315, 339, 887. Port at, 844, 347. Truckhouse at, 315. Ministers, lots set apart for, 121, 403, 404, 405; engaged by Lev eret's associates, 123; settled in new townships, 139, 140; maintenance of in Brunswick, 197; to be sent to Nova Scotia, 340, 847; salary of at Berwick, 393, 394, 395. Ministry, the, Falmouth found it difficult to support, 147; un improved land and the people taxed for the support of, 148, 194, 201, 202, 203, 448, 449, 450; an offer to release part of a parish from the support of, 229; at Brunswick cannot be provided for, 274, 279; appro priation of Berwick to sup port, 398; part of Berwick dis sented, 394; meeting house in Berwick on land belonging to, 409, 417, 419, 420, 436, 437, 439; the land of in North Tar- mouth, 446, 447, 448; cost of preaching, 468, 470, 471, 472, 478, 474. Minot, George, of Mare Point, 200. James, 415. John, owned land in Mare Point, 200; as justice of the peace, 275, 276, 277, 279. Capt. John, forgot Larrabee's message, 143; letter of, 141. Stephen, associated with Lev eret, 120. Missionaries, French, among In dians, 251; expelled from Min as, 464; to be sent from France, 464. Mitchell, George, deputy survey or, 184. Jacob, deposition of, 404; oath of, 405. John, 466. Mohawks, the house being built for, 137; desired supplies, 188; 504 DOCUMENTARY HISTORY Mohawks, continued. to march with soldiers, 138. Moill, Donnel, of Damariscotta, 293. Molasses, 37, 50. Monk, Christopher, 408. Monson, , 185. Montreal, 215, 327. Moody, Enoch, 190. Joshua, 178, 179, 180, 195, 196, 197, 201. Samuel, 13, 176, 178, 179, 180, 192, 198, 196, 197, 201, 205, 264, 265. Capt. Samuel, in command at Fort Frederick, 188, 407, 408; letter of, 407. Moore "t James, of Londonderry, More (20, 24. William, opposed building a new meetinghouse, 241,394; signed Berwick petitions, 249, 421; resided at Berwick, 480, 441. Morison, David, of Londonderry, 20. Morrill, , 259. Morse, Elisha, a soldier, 408. Marton, James, signed petition of Township No. Seven, 237. Moseley, Thomas, entitled to land in Falmouth, 18. Motherwell, Thomas, signed Geor gia petition, 130. Motley, Patt, letter of, 268. Moulton, Col. Jeremiah, sheriff, led expedition to Pemaquid, 99, 100; letter of, 291; men tioned, 28, 176, 182, 189, 222, 223, 255, 369. Job, of Merriconeag, 207, 288. Mounswack"(g ,„» Mounsweig / ^^^' ^'^^• Mountfort, Edmund, entitled to land in Falmouth, 54. Mouren, John, signed petition of Township No. Seven, 237. Mousom, 449. River, 448, 449, 450, 465, 456, 478. Moxus, Caesar, Penobscot chief, 74. Munson, Joseph, signed petition of Township No. One, 245. Robert, signed petition of Town ship No. One, 245. Murphy, John, letter of, 289. Murrey, John, of Berwick, 428 433. Muscongus, 43, 162. River, 43. Muster, William, signed Georgia petition, 130. N Nailerys, built, 61. Narragansett grantees, the, 189, 244. Township No. One, proprietors of met at Newbury, 259, 264, 265, 266; saw mills erected in, 260; to build a meeting house, 265, 266; petition of, 241, 245; mentioned, 260. Township No. Seven, Shubal Gorham to call a town meet ing of the proprietors, 223, 224; petition of, 286, 239. Narrative of the people of Lon donderry, conceming bound aries, 18. Nason, Benjamin, opposed build ing a new meeting house, 241 ; signed Berwick petition, 411, 421; resided at Berwick, 430, 440. Edward, of Berwick, 429. John, of Berwick, 249. Joseph, signed petition of Ber wick, 421; resided at Berwick, 431, 440. Joshua, of Berwick, 427. Nathaniel, of Berwick, 421, 441. Noah, of Berwick, 421, 430, 441. Richard, signed petitions of Ber wick, 250, 421; objected to building meeting house, 394; resided at Berwick, 430, 441. Richard Jr., of Berwick, 430, 441. Samuel, opposed building new meeting house, 241, 894; signed petitions of Berwick, 249, 411; resided at Berwick, 431, 441. William, signed petition of Ber wick, 421; resided at Berwick, 430, 441. Navigation Acts, how evaded, 66. Navy, Royal, nursery for the, 32, 388. Nelson, Mr. , 82. Benjamin, of Berwick, 249. Nesmith, James, of Londonderry, 20, 24. Nettmaker, Jno., witnessed signa ture, 68. New Capeborowaggin, 229, 445. New Damaris Cove, 229. INDEX 505 New England, 15, 16, 18, 20, 35, 44, 63, 60, 97, 100, 101, 102, 103, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 118, 119, 125, 139, 144, 149, 164, 168, 179, 199, 203, 206, 210, 214, 218, 219, 226, 282, 234, 239, 241, 243, 251, 255, 260, 262, 271, 272, 277, 287, 300, 301, 302, 303, 304, 307, 808, 310, 311, 312, 313, 317, 318, 319, 820, 322, 325, 327, 328, 342, 846, 349, 354, 878, 874, 381, 382, 386, 389, 891, 899, 406, 423, 446, 469, 463, 471. New Prance, 372. New Hampshire, Province of 1, 2, 6, 17, 18, 19, 22, 23, 24, 33, 36, 37, 40, 48, 81, 88, 95, 96, 97, 99, 100, 105, 106, 108, 110, 111, 132, 183, 183, 818, 336, 388, 344, 405. New Harbor, 43, 44, 45. Proprietors, the, 46. New Jersey, 377; see Jerseys, the. New Marblehead, original grant and grantee, 139. New Meadows, 198. New Plymouth, 113; see Plymouth. New Settlement, see Fredericks burg. New York, city, 29, 192, 824, 326, 407. colony, 319, 328, 330, 331, 846, 849, 360, 354, 877. Newburn, John, signed petition of Township No. Seven, 237. Newbury, 259, 264, 265. Newcastle, coals from, 51. Thomas HoUes-Pelham, Duke of, letter of, 15 ; mentioned, 6, 6, 7, 8, 11, 16, 17, 34, 85, 251, 256, 300, 801, 305, 308, 312, 324, 327, 385, 337, 343, 373, 881, 388. Newfoundland, 102, 314, 318, 336, 423. Bank of, 322. Newman, Mr. , 133. Matthew, witnessed signature, 44. Nicholson, Gen. Sir Francis, cap tured Pemaquid and Nova Sco tia, 104, 160; forces in expedi tion under, 106, 107; the French surrendered to, 107, 116, 118, 126, 127, 154, 351. Noble, Col. Arthur, 290, 297, 312, 313 Thomas, 427, 432. Nock, Benjamin, resided at Ber wick, 429, 438. Jos., resided at Berwick, 427, 488. Joshua, of Berwick, 427, 433. Zachariah, of Berwick, 427, 433. Noise, Oliver, associated with Lev eret, 120. Norman, John, signed petition of Township No. One, 245. Norridgewock, 228, 300. Indians, 70. North- Yarmouth, 66, 143, 144, 197, 198, 199, 200, 206, 207, 208, 211, 212, 215, 216, 217, 218, 220, 221, 222, 226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 233, 234, 235, 267, 287, 288, 289, 294, 399, 403, 404, 405, 423, 445, 446, 447, 448, 459, 460, 461. Book of records, 215, 403. Meeting house, 206, 227, 228, 235. Memorial of the proprietors, 218, 220. Proprietors of, 392. Norton, James, 287. Nova Scotia, 7, 15, 24, 32, 38, 49, 78, 79, 101, 108, 104, 105, 107, 118, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 128, 184, 312, 813, 314, 315, 320, 321, 323, 829, 333, 334, 836, 337, 338, 339, 340, 341, 348, 845, 846, 347, 350, 352, 354, 878, 379, 380, 381, 384, 385, 386, 389, 458, 482, 464. Nova Scotians, the, 337, 844, 868. NoweUi, , 259, 269. Noyes, Belcher, signed petition of Merriconeag, 206, 221; signed petition of Small Point, 233; signed petition to include islands in Brunswick, 234, 235. John, of St. Georges, Indians complained of, 186; answer to the complaint, 186. Nurseries for seamen, 82, 388. Nutting, Ebenezer, armourer at Falmouth, 138. O Oak, 3. Oakes, Urian, speaker, 104. Oliver, Andrew, 444. Orders, committee of Council re ferring to Waldo's petition, 20. Relating to towns not settled, 286. Restraining Belcher's expedi tion, 66. 83 506 DOCUMENTARY HISTORY Ore, Daniel, signed petition of Georgia, 130. Orr, John, signed petition of Mer riconeag, 207; to answer a netition, 212. Otisi^ Col. , 454, 467. John, signed petition of Merri coneag, 288; on a committee, 416. Oulton, John, associated with Lev eret, 120; a grantee of New Marlalehead, 141; letter of, 298; mentioned, 408. John Jr., 299. Packer, Thomas, deposition of, 99; oath of, 100. Page, Uriah, opposed building new meeting house,241; signed petition of Berwick, 250; re sided in Berwick,, 480, 441. Palatinate, the, 117. Palatines, the, arrived, 37; sold, 37; to be sent eastward, 37; not to be landed in Boston, 38; destitute and many perish, 6B, 66; to be sent to resettle, 117. Palmer, Col. John, a grantee of New Marblehead, 141. Tho., proprietor at Mare Point, 200. Panobcut, 212, 215. Paper Money, see Currency. Needed by the French, 372. Papists in the army, 389. Parce, Ebenezer, of Berwick, 437. Israel, of Berwick, 427, 428. John, of Berwick, 427, 429. Parcher, George, signed petition of Township No. One, 245. Paris, 321. Parker, Stephen, acted as chap lain, 131; desired pay, 131. Wm., attorney, 178. Parramore, Capt. Robert, a gran tee of New Marblehead, 140. Patent to Duke of York, 25. Patten, Robert, 457. Paxton, Mr. , solicitor, 125. Pearce, John, signed memorial of Small Point, 217. Pearson \ James, a grantee of New Peirson j Marblehead, 141. Moses, as town clerk, 18, 14, 467; to make out a list of Falmouth land claimants, 18; entitled to land in Falmouth, 14; report of, 14; as representative of Pearson, continued. Falmouth, 147; cared for a stranger, 423; to be paid, 424; mentioned 142, 182, 195, 197, 239, 240. WiUiam, signed petition of Township No. Seven, 237. Peirce, Ebenezer, of Berwick, 482. John, of Berwick, 432. William, entitled to land in Fal mouth, 64. Pejepscot PaUs, 73. Pelham, T., 94, 134, 389. Pemaquid, also called Fredericks burg, 6, 7, 8, 67, 68, 78, 86, 87; examined by Tailer, 7, 8; Pick enden at, 21; Dunbar's people prevented the taking of staves from, 21; sloop seized at, 22; sheriff to go to, 23; threats of the people of, 23; Dunbar eager to begin settlement at, 31; the lieutenant governor to call at, 63; Belcher sent a del egation to, 68, 75, 78, 86; a part of Massachusetts, 86; a well equipped force sent against, 100; few soldiers at, 101; Mas sachusetts repaired the fort at, 102; Chubb in command at, 102; surrendered to the French, 102, 115; depopulated, 103; Massachusetts ordered to repossess, 103; Massachusetts refused, 103, 104, 116; designed for Dongon, 104; held by the French, 104; recaptured by Nicholson, 104; situation of, 115; fort at built by Duke of York, 115; Indians destroyed, 116; fort rebuilt, 116; again destroyed, 115; not a bridle to the Indians, 116; lost by treachery, 116; under French government till 1710, 116; Shute recommended rebuild ing the fort at, 116; people still refused, 117; laid waste, 117; claimed to be under the government of Massachusetts, 118; Phipps' purchase (1694), 149; money paid, 150; the pur chase of known to Southack, 161; Dunbar removing from, 167, 168; Dunbar took posses sion of, 184; has a safe and convenient harbor, 225; fort being repaired, 258; a chaplain to be maintained at, 258, 261; concerning the repairing of, LNDBX 507 Pemaquid, continued. 260, 261 ; a boundary of Dam ariscotta, 298; mentioned, 33, 48, 69, 111, 225, 425; see also Fredericksburg and Georgia. Deed relating to, 48. FaUs, 48. Harbor, 68, 225. Peney, Joseph, of Berwick, 427, 432. Penhallow, John, a justice, 63, 100. Capt. John, married the widow of John Watts, 92, 108, 109; in command at Arrowsic and Augusta, 108, 110; visited va rious places with his brother, 108. Samuel, resided in London, 108; visited Augusta and other places, 108; to settle the ac counts of his brother, 109; af fidavit of, 108; petition of, 12. Pennsylvania, 37, 65, 819, 354, 453. Penobscot, Dunbar to begin a set tlement at, 30, 31, 36; land at to be reserved, 82; Dunbar could not give titles, 36; gov ernment of, 86 ; Phillips should spend time there, and confer titles, 36; new claims to land at the east of, 39; Indians ob ject to settlements in, 41; un der jurisdiction of Phillips, 64; Edewakeuk arrived at, 212, 215. Fort at, 425, 426. Indians, 5, 11, 74, 123, 149, 150, 151, 166, 157, 158, 159, 163, 164, 166, 166, 169, 170, 171, 185, 213, 251, 402, 425. River, 32, 184, 402, 425, 426, 444. PepperreU, Sir WUliam, inquired into the state of the militia, 191; boat left at his dock, 285, 287; to put the towns in a state of defense, 290; proposed officers for the army, 291; why he took command, 800; pro posed that Bradstreet should succeed him, 301; described the siege of Louisbourg, 801, 303, 308; desired to be govern or of Louisbourg, 305; created a baronet, 808, 811; Shirley proposed his taking command, 310, 311; considered the rais ing of men impracticable, 318, 319; Shirley hopes regiment will be ready, 320; desired the Pepperrell, continued. appointment of a chaplain, 825; desired to go home, 325; sailed from Louisbourg, 325; to visit Berwick, 422; advised building a fort at Penobscot, 425, 426, 442, 443; letters of, 189, 191, 192, 287, 291, 300, 801, 305, 308, 324, 425; report of, 443; mentioned, 176, 188, 189, 190, 191, 297, 322, 332, 459. Perkins, Mr. , 260. John, to bring masts to Ports mouth, 61, 62; pay for masts, 61, 62; agreement with Henry Hope, 60, 68. Thomas, town clerk of Arundel, 271. Perry^ [ J^^^s, of Berwick, 429. John, entitled to land in Fal mouth, 13. Perriman, James, a grantee of New Marblehead, 141. Petitions of, Arundel, 270, 465. Berwick, 247, 409, 415, 434. Biddeford, 244. Brunswick, 284, 281. Damariscotta, 292. Dennis, John, 208. Falmouth, 52, 201, 262, 423, 466. Georgia, 129. Given, David and others, 272. Gloucester, 267. Gorham, Shubal, 289. Higginson, John, 179. Isles of Shoales, 142. Londonderry, 28. Loring, Nicholas, 446. Mare Point, 199. Merreconeag, 206, 287, 445, 459. Narraganset Township No. One, 241, 245. Narraganset Township No. Seven, 228, 236. North Tarmouth, 446. Powell, Jer., 446, 447. Presbyterians, 210. Savage, Arthur, 225. Scarborough, 244. Small Point, 232. Waldo, Samuel, 156, 162, 164, 170. Wellington, J. and others, 12. WeUs, 414, 448, 455. Wentworth, Mark H., 405. . Phelan, John, signed petition of Merreconeag, 288, 445, 461. Philadelphia, 37, 89. 508 DOCUMENTARY HISTORY Philbrook, Job, captured, 396. Garrison of, 396. Phillips, John, disposition of, 149; , witnessed the sale of land to Phipps, 149, 150, 168, 161; at the building of the fort, 150; acquainted with Madocowan do, 158. Col. Richard, governor of Nova Scotia, 16, 27, 32, 86, 49, 51, 64, 106, 184, 314, 834, 335, 336, 339, 880. Phippen, David, 173, 175, 179, 182, 196, 201, 203. Phipps, Spencer, to examine forti fications, 68; signed report of the examiners, 85; heir of Sir William and sold his interest to John Leveret, 119, 120; an associate with Leveret, 120; as a Lieutenant Governor, 408; mentioned, 296. Sir William, erected a fort at Pemaquid, 75, 150; appointed governor of Massachusetts, 115; unknowingly purchased land belonging to Leveret, 119, 120; purchased land in the eastern parts, 149, 160, 151; paid money for the land, 160, 158, 159, 160; his right to purchase not disputed, 151; claims made that Madoka wando had no right to sell land to, 154; land was fairly purchased, 157, 158, 166; well acquainted with the state, 159; mentioned, 142, 165. Pickard, Francis, of Rowley, 264. Pike^ } Samuel, of Berwick, 480. Thomas, signed petition of Ber wick, 421; resided at Berwick, 430, 481, 433. Pickenden, Thomas, his sloop seized, 21, 22, 23; deposition of, 21. Pierpont, Thomas, chaplain at St. Georges, 76. Pierson, Capt. , 222, 288. Pilasen, John, 467. Pines, 32, 169. Pine swamps, 37. Pinfold, Dr. , 25. Piracy, 51, 65. Piscataqua, masts to be brought to, 61; men from receive no justice in Boston, 37; Capt. Marthous arrived at, 191; Marthous left, 192; home of Piscataqua, continued. John Wentworth, 200; Forde at, 428. River, 33, 177, 178. Pisiquit, 329. Pitman, Hannah, signed petition of Township No. One, 245. Pitson, James, signed petition of North Yarmouth, 218, 221. Plaisted "( Elisha, opposed build- Plasted / ing a new meeting house, 241, 394; signed petitions of Berwick, 249, 420; resided at Berwick, 430, 440. James, signed petitions of Ber wick, 260,421; opposed build ing new meeting house, 394; resided at Berwick, 481, 440. Col. Joseph, letters of, 258, 269; mentioned, 258, 287, 296. Joshua, signed petition of Ber wick, 250. Roger, meeting house to be built near his home, 240, 248, 416, 436; to attend to building the meeting house, 393; resided in Berwick, 427, 432. Samuel, signed petition of Ber wick, 421; resided at Berwick, 441. William, of Berwick, 429. Plank, 3. Pleasant Point, 297. Plission, 142. Plumer, Joseph, action brought against, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 179, 180; put out of his estate, 183, 203, 204; the only one who improved the property, 183. R., 185. Stephen, entitled to land in Fal mouth, 14. Plymouth, Mass., 10, 106, 113, 114. Council, The, 127. Pomroy, Ebenezer, 156, 182. Ponchartrain, Monsieur de, 321, 322. Popple, William, secretary, 1, 25, 29, 47, 59, 65, 95, 112, 113. Pork, 290. Pormon, John, signed petition of Damariscotta, 293. Porter, 38. Port Royal, 106, 107, 142, 358. Portsmouth, 61, 62, 63, 81, 99, 105, 110, 175, 405. Potter, Aaron, 264. Powell, Jeremiah, 399, 446, 447. John, 211, 219. INDEX 509 Pratt, Mr. , 285. Pray, John, signed call for Ber wick town meeting, 396; re sided at Berwick, 427, 432. Peter, of Berwick, 428, 433. Samuel, resided at Berwick, 427, 432. Samuel Jr., resided at Berwick, 428. Prayer Book, the Common pol luted the Bible, 29. Preble, Abraham, 145. Presbyterians, the, desired to be exempted from paying church tax, 210. Presumpscot River, the, 178, 177, 178, 228. Pretender, the, 354. Prichard, John, entitled to land in Falmouth, 14. Pride, Joseph, entitled to land in Falmouth, 18. Priests, forbidden in Nova Scotia, 339, 348, 464; infiuence of the, 853,363; deception of the, 867; see Friars and Jesuits. Probb, Jonathan, signed petition of Georgia, 130. Prockter 1 Charles, signed petition Proctor J of Township No. Seven, 237. Jonathan, a grantee of New Marblehead, 141. Samuel, entitled to land in Pal- mouth, 13. Thomas, signed petition of Township No. Seven, 287. Prosoway, 143. Protestants, to be sent as settlers, 16, 117, 169. Prothers, Capt. , 64. Prout, Mr. , 238, 283. Pumery, John, signed petition of Georgia, 130. Q Quebec, 268, 342, 349, 381, 461, 464. Quenois, 142. Quincy, Edmund, 166. John, 68, 464. Josiah, 146, 149, 162, 180, 181, 182, 198, 199, 200, 202, 207, 208, 209, 210, 233, 286. Quingham, Edward, 207, 288. Quinn, John, 85. Quint, John, 427, 432. Joshua, 427, 432. R R , John, signed petition of Township No. One, 245. Racklif, William, signed petition of Damariscotta, 298. Ramry, Edward, signed petition of Township No. One, 245. Ramsay, Jean Baptiste Nicholas Roch de, declaration of, 872; letter of, 859; mentioned, 313, 364, 372, 374, 377, 379, 381, 889. Rangers, Capt. Gorham's, 387, 389; see Soldiers. Bead, John, 238. Joseph, 219. Rebels as settlers, 349, 853. Reckor, see Rickor. Record, of Berwick town meeting, 393, 894. of Wells town meeting, 401. Redlen, Magnes, signed petition of Township No. One, 243. Reed ) Alexander, of Londonderry, Reid 5 24. James, of Londonderry, 20, 24. John, a grantee of New Marble head, 141. Matthew, of Londonderry, 20. Richard, a grantee of New Mar blehead, 141. Regiments needed, 50; from Gib raltar, 317, 318, 320, 324. Religion, cause of the decline of, 307. Rendal, Stephen, entitled to land in Falmouth, 13. Rene le Blanc, 360. Reports of, Leonard, George, 284. Pepperrell, Sir WiUiam, 442. Talbot, C, 112, 128. York, P., 112, 128. Return of the constable of Bruns wick, 211. Revolution of 1688, 101, 102. Rhode Island, 313, 345, 374. Rich, Peter, had the care of Eliza Smith, 452. Richards, Col. , 459. Ban, signed petition of Town ship No. One, 245. John, signed petition of Damar iscotta, 293. Joseph, of Berwick, 428. Richay, John, of Londonderry, 20. Richmond, 70, 71, 72, 76, 77, 79, 187 190 191. Fort at, 69, 70," 72, 369, 426. 510 DOCUMENTARY HISTORY Ricker, Joseph, signed petition of Berwick, 421; resided at Ber wick, 480, 481, 433. Ricker, Noah, of Berwick, 429, 430. Riggs, Jeremiah, entitled to land in Falmouth, 13. Rimes, Henry, of Berwick, 432. Ring, David, signed petition of Damariscotta, 293. River of Canada, 104, 115, 342; see also St. Lawrence River. Riviere au Canard, 369. Rivis, James, petition of Damaris cotta, 293. Roads, Mast, 42. Slay, 2. Robbins, Danl., 408. Roberts, Ebenezer, entitled to land in Falmouth, 14. Job, signed petition of Town ship No. One, 245. Joshua, of Berwick, 488. Thomas, of Berwick, 482. Robin Hood, 228, 281. Robords, Joshua, of Berwick, 427. Robsen, Charles, signed petition of Georgia, 130. Rodgers "1 George, signed petition Rogers / of Georgia, 130. James, of Londonderry, 24. Mary, heir of Leveret, 119. Patrick, signed petitions: Of Georgia, 130. f ^, Tho., signed petition of GeojJgiay 130. '\ /\ Wm., signed petition of GeotjgiE 130. Romansgate, 21. Rood, David, signed petition of Township No. Seven, 237. Ross, Hugh, of Berwick, 428, 433. James, of Wells, 467. John Jr., signed petition of Mer riconeag, 207. Row, , resided at Berwick, 429. Rowley, 260, 264. Rounds, Mark, entitled to land in Falmouth, 14. Roxbury, 77. RoyaJ, Mr. , 283. Isaac, signed petition of Small Point, 233; signed petition to add islands to Brunswick, 285. Royal's River, 403. Rum, 87, 50, 66, 186, 251. Rutherford, Capt. Robert, letter of, 806. S Saco, 190, 191. Palls, 16, 172. Fort, 425. Harbor, 69. River, 42, 63, 80, 164, 241, 244, 260, 264. Truck House, 69. Sagadahoc, yearly chose a council lor, 105, 106. River, 9, 10, 113, 114, 115, 117, 118, 232. St. Albans, 388. St. Castine, Jean Vincent, Baron de, married a daughter of Madocawando, 151; received letter from the governor of Canada, 215. St. Clair, Lieut. Gen. James, 328, 334. St. Croix, 30, 64. River, 17, 32, 78, 101, 108, 118, 116, 117, 118, 126, 128, 129, 184. St. Georges, 63, 135, 163, 186, 190, 191, 209, 214, 285, 291, 306, 367, 425. Palls, 156, 157. River, trading house at, 11, 74, /¦^^ 186 ; distance of, from Georgia j and Kennebec River, 11; dele- ' ; gation sent to, 68, 70, 73; fort /. at to be examined, 69, 297; a , * . township to be laid out near, U 121, 152; land near, sold, 149, if 151, 165; two towns on, 156, 161, 164; a flne harbor, 168; Capt. Gyles went to, 171; Capt. Bradbury in command at, 454; mentioned, 27, 32, 287, 252, 268. St. Johns, 818. Indians, 403. River, 32, 462. St. Lawrence River, 104, 304, 327, 834; also called River of Can ada. St. Peters, 804. Salem, 87, 176; fort at, 70, 81, 85. Salary of the governor, trouble concerning, 6, 35, 40, 41, 60, 60, 94, 181, 132. Salmon Fall River, 442. Salt, 269, 291, 881. SaltonstaU, Richd., 290. Sanders, Thomas, of Berwick, 429. Sanford, Josiah, entitled to land in Falmouth, 14. Thomas, of London, 109. INDEX 511 Sarahtoga, 331, 350. Saunders, Capt. Thomas, master of the Endeavor, 68 ; delivered letter to Dunbar, 134; to bring Indians to Boston, 254; letter of, 217; mentioned, 214, 231, 306, 307. Savage, Arthur, in command at Fort Frederick, 214, 225; let ter of, 281; petition of, 225. Habijah, justice of the peace, 276, 282. Saveur, PranQois, a Penobscot chief, 74. Saw Mills, 2, 3, 4, 40, 77, 92, 121, 122, 162, 178, 174, 175, 177, 178, 179, 180, 182, 183, 204, 260, 265, 267, 470, 473. Sawyer, Isaac, entitled to land in Falmouth, 13. Jacob, entitled to land in Fal mouth, 13. John Jr., entitled to land in Falmouth, 14. Sayer, Joseph, (Judge), 176, 458. Scales, Mathew, entitled to land in Falmouth, 14. William, 403, 448. Scalps, a bounty for, 331, 834. Scamman, Dominicus, signed peti tion of Township No. One, 245. Scamons, Humphry, of Berwick, 440. Scarborough, to be resettled, 12; sent for the records, 12; deed lost but counterpart saved, 54; petition of the people of, 244; mentioned, 15, 145, 241, 292, 451. Scatts, John, of Berwick, 482. VoUentine, of Berwick, 432. Sehiegnecto, 313, 314, 316, 334, 335, 363, 864, 874, 875, 376, 389; see also Chicanecto. Blockhouse, 815, 339. Trading house, 315. Schools, land to be set apart for, 121, 139, 140; unimproved land taxed to support the, 148, 194, 201, 202, 203; resolutions con cerning those at Falmouth, 192, 193, 194; second parish at Falmouth to have one month's schooling, 262, 263; to be opened in Nova Scotia, 339, 840, 347, 348; rates at Kenne bunk, 448. School Masters, pay of, 192, 193; to be settled, 198. Scotland, the kirk of, 210. Scott, Capt. , impressed sea^ men, 218. William, signed petition of Township No. Seven, 287. Seabury, Barnabas, town clerk and sheriff, 176, 179, 212, 216; re port of, 143, 144; deposition of, 447. Samuel, justice of the peace, 404, 405, 448. Sea coal, 51. Seal, John, of Berwick, 428. Valentine, of Berwick, 428. Seamen, a nursery of, 82, 338. Sears, Peter, 408. Sebago Ponds, 173. Sebascodegin 1 Islands, 222, 226, Sebashadegen / 228, 229, 284. Sewall, Saml., entitled to land in Falmouth, 54. Shackley, John, signed petition of Berwick, 421; resided in Ber wick, 431. Richard, signed petition of Ber wick, 250; objected to build ing new meeting house, 394; resided at Berwick, 481, 441. Richard Jr., opposed building new meeting house, 241; signed petition of Berwick, 249; resided at Berwick, 431, 441. Samuel, of WeUs, 457. Sharrar, James, a grantee of New Marblehead, 141. Sheepscot, home of Elihu Gurim son, 111; burned by Indians, 112; soldiers at, 861; CargiU at, 361, 366; garrison at, 296; proprietors of, 49. Sheepscot River, 37, 298. Shegnectoo, 389; see Sehiegnecto. Sherburn, Henry, proposed as gov ernor of New Hampshire, 6; went with Dunbar to examine Fort William Henry, 98; not permitted to enter the fort, 99. Shillings, see Currency. Shipbuilding, 323. Ships, see Vessels. Shirley, Gov. William, letters of, 251, 255, 260, 290, 296, 297, 312, 327, 335, 387, 340, 343, 862, 368, 878, 461; messages of, 424, 426, 443, 453; speeches of, 356, 401; mentioned, 223, 225, 231, 236, 238, 241, 243, 246, 250, 255, 262, 267, 272, 274, 277, 281, 285, 287, 289, 512 DOCUMENTARY HISTORY Shirley, continued. 292, 294, 295, 298, 300, 309, '" 316, 324, 325, 826, 334, 358, 360, 361, 370, 872, 383, 387, 388, 389, 390, 396, 897, 399, 405, 414, 422, 423, 425, 426, 484, 455, 467, 459, 465, 468, 310,341,878,392,415,446, 471. Shirreff. W., letter of, 834; men tioned, 359, 360, 370, 872, 878. Shorey, John, resided at Berwick, 428, 433. Samuel, resided at Berwick, 428, 433, 441. Thomas, resided at Berwick, 428, 433. Shove, Edward, to examine forti fications, 68; signed report of examiners, 85. Shute, Gov. Samuel, recommend ed rebuilding Fort at Pema quid, 116; gave the associates a letter to Indian chief, 123; mentioned, 12, 19, 146, 165, 252. Silks, 66. Simonton, Andrew, entitled to land in Falmouth, 14. Simpson 1 Henry, for coroner, Simson / 269. Theodore, signed petition of Berwick, 421; resided at Ber wick, 430. Sinkler, John, 466. Six Nations, the, 386. Skiling, Benjamin, entitled to land in Falmouth, 14. Skinner, James, a grantee of New Marblehead, 141. Skofield, Thomas, 275, 295. Slade, Mr. , deputy, 3. Slitting Mills, 51. Sloman, Henry, resided at Ber wick, 427, 432. Small Point, 108, 215, 216, 228, 232, 233, 234. Small, Samuel Jr., signed petition of Township No. One, 245. Smart, John, signed petition of Merriconeag, 207; constable, 295. Robert, surveyor, 295. Smith, , suspected of counter feiting, 462. Mr. , 367. Colam, signed petition of Georgia, 130. Elizabeth, 401, 452. James, attorney, 54. Smith, continued. John, an associate of Leveret, 120. John, signed call for Berwick town meeting, 395. Elder, John, lived in Berwick, 427, 432. John Jr., resided in Berwick, 427, 432. Joshua, resided at Berwick, 427. Margaret, 400, 452, 453. Mrs. Mary, 400, 414, 452, 453. Robert of Arundel, 270. Thomas, entitled to land in Pal- mouth, 13; an associate with Leveret, 120. , Capt. Thomas, in command at Saco, 69, 80, 173; gave report of ammunition on hand, 81. Smitherst, Joseph, a grantee of New Marblehead, 141. Smutty Nose Island, 142. Snow, Isaac, selectman of Bruns wick, 273, 275, 296. John, selectman of Falmouth, 424, 466. Soldiers, two under arms at Fort WiUiam Henry, 98, 99; Dun bar will not raise the militia, 99; a few at Pemaquid, 101, 102; forces engaged under Nicholson, 107; the same paid and supplied by New England, 107; at Arrowsic, 108, 109; at Richmond,110; hired andsus- tained by the Leveret asso ciates, 122; died of fever, 138; entertained and the Isles of Shoals, 142; to be divided, 188, 189, 190; to be well provided with arms, 189, 190; number at Fort George, 224; number at Fort Frederick, 226; more needed, 226, 231; desired that their wages be higher, 231; at Brunswick, 246; number in each garrison, 296; subsist- ance voted for, 207; dismissed, 297; commanded by Pepper rell, 300; raised in New Eng land for Louisbourg expedi tion, 300, 301; left to rebuild a fort, 304; clothing needed, 805; ill principles of the officers, 807; the king's approbation of those at Louisbourg, 308; capitulation at Minas, 312, 313; uneasy under Captains Burns and Cargill, 316; num ber of at Louisbourg, 817, 332; INDEX 513 Soldiers, continued. illness at Louisbourg, 317, 318, 824; the Gibraltar regiments, 317, 318, 319, 324; desire to be discharged, 318; to be relieved at Louisbourg, 319; enlisted from several provinces, 319, 326; those from New England dismissed, 322, 325; more to be raised, 828; bounties and sup plies for, 828; desertions, 388; why recruits were poor, 338, 339; delay, 341, 342; sent to Annapolis, 344, 374; officers dispute, 355; little discipline among, 365 ; needed by Cargill, 361; sent to Acadia, 364; divi sion of Cargill's men, 367; at Falmouth to be disposed of, 868; the number wanted, 369; mutinous at Richmond, 369; surprised at Minas, 374, 375; sent to Mascarene, 874, 376; marched to Minas, 874; capit ulation at Minas, 375, 376, 381; finally drove the French from the territory, 376; those of New Jersey and New York were mutinous, 377, 380; pay advanced for those of Massa chusetts, 877; not to have the second year's clothing, 877; how paid, transported and fed, 878, 380, 389, 390; difficult to engage recruits for Nova Sco tia, 378; French and Swiss at Quebec, 381; those at Annap olis not always well behaved, 382; tardy, 382; Roman Cath olics, 882; how the French paid, 382, 383; obliged to live on the people of Minas, 888; those from Massachusetts saved Nova Scotia, 385; at Annapolis, 463, 487; designed for Shegnecto, 389 ; necessary in Nova Scotia, 889; the As sembly of New Tork refused to raise money for, 389; con stant duty of those at Albany, 390; compared to those in Europe, 390; if their pay should not be abated, 390, 391; their endurance and patriot ism, 891; should retain their arms when discharged, 391, 392; volunteers don't enlist, 401, 402; regulations for en listments should be changed, 402; impressment not success- Soldiers, continued. ful, 402; needed at Frederick Fort, 408 ; to be sent to various forts, 408; needed at Hins- dall's, 425; see also Militia. Sole, Mr. , 286. SoUngford, Thomas, of Berwick, 480. SoUeuen, John, of Berwick, 483. Somerset, Capt. John, sold land to John Brown, 48, 44. Southack, Capt. Cyprian, master of provincial galley, 160 ; well acquainted with eastern In dians, 150, 168, 163; witnessed Phipps's purchase at Pema quid, 151, 158, 161; sailed with Capt. Gyles, 170; went east ward, 170, 171; his deposition, 150. Spaniards, the, purchase vessels in New England, 37. Sparhawk, N., letter of, 285. Speeches of Shirley, Gov. WiUiam, 356, 401. Spear 1 Robert, gave power of at- Speer J torney, 271, 272; petitioned for Brunswick, 273, 277; as constable, 280; an assessor, 282; depositions of, 276, 276, 282; protest of, 296. Spencer, Preathy, resided in Ber wick, 249, 421, 430, 440. Humphrey, of Berwick, 428. Moses, signed petition of Ber wick, 260; resided at Berwick, 427, 430, 432. William, signed petition of Ber- wick^ 250. Sprague, Abiel, signed petition of Merriconeag, 207, 288. Terah, of Berwick, 427, 432. Spurr, Capt. , 415. Spurwink River, 145. Stacey, Ebenezer, a grantee of New Marblehead, 141. John, a grantee of New Marble head, 141. Samuel, a grantee of New Mar blehead, 140. Standwood "(David, signed peti- Stanwood /tion of Merriconeag, 207. Ebenezer, fence viewer, 296. Samuel, signed petition of Mer riconeag, 207. Stanyan, Temple, 90. Stapels, , 259. Starbird, Jethro, signed petition of Township No. One, 245. 34 514 DOCUMENTARY HISTORY Starbird, continued. Joh, signed petition of Town ship No. One, 246. Stepell, Samuel, entitled to land in Falmouth, 14. Stephen's Carrying Place, 198, 227. Stevens, John, signed petition of Merriconeag, 207. Moses, had care of Margaret and Mary Smith, 400, 453. Samuel, signed petition of Gloucester, 268. Stewart, Samuel, 463. Stickney, David, to settle the school master, 193. Still, Anthony, signed the petition of Damariscotta, 293. Stillin, , resided at Berwick, 428. Stilling, Ruke, resided at Berwick, 488. Stimson, Jonathan, resided at Berwick, 429. Stinson, James, signed the peti tion of Georgia, 130. John, signed the petition of Georgia, 180. Thomas, signed the petition of Georgia, 180. William, signed the petition of Georgia, 130. Stockbridge, John, signed the pe tition of Berwick, 249. Stoddard, Anthony, an associate with Leveret, 120. John, 156. Col. Jno., 290. Ston ¦( Jonathan, signed call for Stone / Berwick town meeting, 895; resided in Berwick, 428, 432; agent for Arundel, 471. Joseph, resided at Berwick, 427, 432. Paul, resided at Berwick, 427, 432. S., resided at Berwick, 432. Samuel, entitled to land at Pal- mouth, 13. Simon, resided at Berwick, 428. Storer, Capt. , 214. John, of Merriconeag, 288. John, of Wells, presented peti tion for Wells, 401, 414; town treasurer, 453. Stoughton, William, 165. Stover, John, signed petition of Merriconeag, 207, 446, 461. Strout, Charles, selectman of Fal mouth, 466. Stuart, Charles, signed petition of Georgia, 130. Winthrop, resided in Berwick, 429. Stutevant, John, resided at Ber wick, 427. Subercase, Daniel Auger de, gov ernor, surrendered to Gen. Nicholson, 104, 107. Submission of the Acadians, the, 369. Suffolk County, 275, 283. Sugar, 50. Islands, the, 88. Swanpond Creek, 80. Swett, Joseph, a grantee of New Marblehead, 141. Swiss, Cantons, to furnish settlers, 252, 354. Swiss soldiers, 381. T Tailer, A., signed petition of North Yarmouth, 221. William, Lieut. Gov., to ex amine fortifications, etc., 68, 88; had a conference with Indians, 71; received a letter from Dunbar, 76; answered the same, 76 ; in command at Castle "William, 82; signed report of delegation, 85; asked improper questions, 96; com manded a regiment under Nicholson, 107; letters of, 76, 112, 128. Tallow, 269. Tarp, John, signed petition of Georgia, 130. Tarr, William, signed petition of Merriconeag, 289, 445, 461. Tarrant, Mr. , 46. Taxes in North "Yarmouth, 143, 144; for the support of the ministry and schools, 148, 194, 201, 202, 203, 448, 449, 450. Tebbets, see Tibbets. Tharla, Richard, of Berwick, 443. Thaxter, Samuel, to examine for tifications, 68; signed report of examiner, 85; an associate with Leveret, 120. Theruel, Jonathan, resided in Ber wick, 429. Thirall, Richard, resided at Ber wick, 428, 432. Thomas, David, signed memorial of Small Point, 217. William, signed memorial of INDEX 515 Thomas, continued. Small Point, 217. ?&r} Capt. —.415. Bartholomew of Berwick, 428, 432. John, opposed building new meeting house, 241, 894; sign ed petition of Township No. One, 246; signed petition of Berwick, 421; resided at Ber wick, 430, 440. John Jr., signed petition of Ber wick, 249, 421, 430; resided at Berwick, 440. Jonathan, of Wells, 457. Joseph, selectman of Falmouth, 424, 466. Miles, signed call for Berwick town meeting, 395; resided at Berwick, 428, 432. Nicholas, resided at Berwick, 429. Noah, resided at Berwick, 426, 432, 441, 448. Paul, signed petition of Town ship No. One, 245. Samuel, a soldier, 408. Thomas, resided at Berwick, 481, 441. Thoms, Thomas, entitled to land in Falmouth, 13. Thorndick, Robert, entitled to land in Falmouth, 18. Thoson, Richard, 456. Tibbets \ Ichabod, resided at Ber- Tibbots/wick, 427. Thomas, resided at Berwick, 428, 481. William, signed petition of Ber wick, 421. Timber, 3, 15, 42, 180, 204, 268, 823, 399; see Masts. Titles, manner of deducing, 128. Tqleration for all but Papists, 211. Tonne, Thomas, 467. Tools made in New England, 36, 41, 61. Toothaker, Ebenezer, signed peti tion of Merriconeag, 207. Seth, signed petition of Merri coneag, 207, 446, 461. Topsham Garrison, 296. Town, Jesse, 457. Joseph, 457. Towns of eighty families each, 121; order relating to resettling, 286. Townsend, Admiral Isaac, 318, 320, 324, 337, 347, 365. Township No. One, see Narragan sett Township No. One. Township No. Seven, see Narra gansett Township No. Seven. Towwon, 406. Toxus, 142. Trade, with Indians, 27, 71, 76, 185, 186, 251; would suffer by BiUs of Credit, 96; iUicit, 258; importance of Louisbourg,304; vessels fitted out to annoy, 361; vessels needed to protect, 865 ; in the enemy's hands, 881, 383; decreasing, 384; Nova Scotia, a help to, 386; a fort to cut off the enemy's 387; if, well regulated would influence the Indians, 387, 402, 403, 425. The Lords Commissioners of, 5, 11, 15, 16, 20, 80, 81, 85, 87, 39, 40, 41, 49, 51, 62, 60, 64, 66, 90, 97, 103, 112, 183. Trading Houses, will hold the good will of Indians, 251, 815, 348; needed at Penobscot River, 402. at Minas, 815, 847. at Richmond, 70, 71, 75, 77, 79. at Saco, 69, 80, 81, 172. at St. Georges, 11, 27, 68, 74, 75, 166, 170. at Sehiegnecto, 815. Treaties of, Aix-la-Chapelle, 468, 466. Casco Bay, 72, 154. Dummer's, 109. Eastern Indians, 119, 251, 252. Falmouth, 166. Pemaquid, 160, 161. Ryswick, 108, 115. Utrecht, 91, 106, 116, 118, 119, 322, 851, 358, 462. Trees, see Masts and Timber. Tripsack, Henry, 184. Troops, see Soldiers. Truck Houses, see Trading Houses. Truth, the, not regarded in New England, 97. Tucker, Andrew, a grantee of New Marblehead, 141. John, of Berwick, 427, 432. William, flsherman, li2. Turnell, James, of Berwick, 429. Turner, Isaac, a grantee of New Marblehead, 141. Tyler, Abraham, signed petition of Township No. One, 245. James, signed petition of Town ship No. One, 245. 616 DOCUMENTARY HISTORY Tyler, continued. Royal, signed petition of Town ship No. One, 245. Tyng, Capt. Edward, trustee for Falmouth, 55. Eleazer, 290. John, to take list of land claim ants, 13; to make answer to General Court for Falmouth, 13; his report, 14; an agent for Falmouth, 66, 59. U Unnonooit, sold land to John Brown, 43, 44. Utrecht, 91, 105, 116, 118, 119, 322, 361, 858, 462. Vass, Jeremiah, signed petition of Township No. Seven, 237. John, signed petition of Town ship No. Seven, 237. John Jr., signed petition of Township No. Seven, 287. Vaughan, Capt. , garrison of, 296. Elliot, signed petition of Town ship No. One, 246, 260. Geo., signed petition of Scar borough, 12. Wm., letter sent by, 175, 176; signed petition of Damaris cotta, 292, 293. Vernon, .las., 67. Versailles, Court of, 320, 321. Vessels, needed by the govern ment, 16, 30, 34, 49; of war expected, 29; Dunbar pro posed to build one, 34; from Amsterdam with palatines, 37 ; how built and sold in New England, 37, 66; a true registry of, should be sent home, 38; how manned, 38; Grover's seized, 45, 46, 51, 64; at Casco with French and Indians, 97; built in New England by Co ram, 101; supplied by New England to transport troops, 107; bought by Leveret's asso ciates, 122; needed at Bay of Fundy, 816 ; fitted out to annoy the fisheries and trade, 361; should be sent out to protect trade, 361, 362; the Mermaid sent out to destroy those of the enemy, 362, 366; a tender Vessels, continued. needed, 362; the province suf fered because of the lack of, 364, 365; to bring wood to Boston, 368; people summoned to renew oaths on, 871; French transports at Quebec, 381; to be sent eastward with stores, 407. Blanford, 29, 47. Canterbury, 361, 364, 365. Chester, 846, 379. Comet Bomb, 361. Endeavor, 68, 69, 70. Hichingbrook, 327. Hind, 361. Kingsale, 318, 324. Massachusetts, 218, 362. Mermaid, 362, 365. New Hampshire, 21. Norwich, 361, 364, 365. Princess, 318. Scarborough, 373. Shirley, 308, 379. Villebone, Chevalier de, gave presents to Indians, 151. Vincent, Anthony, signed petition of Georgia, 130. William, signed petition of Georgia, 130; as a witness, 272. Virginia, 317, 318, 324, 327. Volunteers, see Soldiers.W W. , signed Merriconeag peti tion, 288. Wadlin, Daniel, opposed building new meeting house, 241; sign ed petition of Berwick, 249, 421; resided at Berwick, 440. Wadsworth, Joseph, signed peti tion of Merriconeag, 221, 226, 260; signed petition of Small Point, 238; signed petition of Brunswick, 234, 235. Wainwright, John, 139. Waite, John, to settle a school master, 193. Wakfield, Gilbert, 457. James, 456. Jeridiah, 457. John, 456. John Jr., 456. Nathaniel, 457. Walcot, John, claimed land, 89; heir of Clark, 90; Dunbar on land belonging to, 90; petition INDEX 617 Walcot, continued. of, 91; prevented from settling by Dunbar, 92, 93; his pur chase confirmed by charter, 98; desired that Dunbar be instructed to quit, 93, 94; set tlers held land by grant from, 110. Josiah, ancestor of John, 89, 91 ; sent John Watts as agent, 91; advanced money to Watts, 92. Waldo, Cornelius, entitled to land at Falmouth, 54; an associate with Leveret, 121. Jonathan, an associate with Leveret, 121. Samuel, contractor for masts, 1; not of the best character, 2; went to England as an agent, 2, 12, 90, 166; a violent, 2, 12; difficulty attending his agency, 3; called on Dunbar, 3; his usage of Dunbar, 4, 48; order of committee refering to his petition, 20; stopped the settling of new colony, 25; hindered by Dunbar, 27, 152, 166; sought confirmation of title, 28, 90; sent no account of his success, 31 ; would mis represent, 32, 40; his company purchased palatines, 37; his agent improved the grant, 40; ill office toward Dunbar, 48; entitled to land in Falmouth, 54; asked that Dunbar cease disturbing his tenants, 90; held deed of the land which Phipps had purchased, 149; answered the complaints of the Penobscots, 151, 155; began to settle two towns, 152, 166, 161, 164; his titles con firmed, 152, 153; Dunbar quitted the land of, 168; to resettle towns, 153, 154; treat ed the Indians with amity, 154; he can prove he has not ex ceeded his limits, 164; desired protection for self and set tlers, 155 ; hindered by wars, 166; Indians dissatisfied with, 187; grants from, 237; attor ney for Township No. Seven, 288; contracted for Swiss set tlers, 252; petition of, 166, 162, 164, 170; letter of, 291; mentioned, 40, 42, 113, 258, 269, 285, 287, 289, 290, 297, 299, 367. Walker, Andrew, of Berwick, 428, 482, 440, 443. Benj., entitled to land in Fal mouth, '54. John, of Berwick, 428, 432. John, of Falmouth, 54. Joshua, of Arundel, 271, 456. Samuel, signed petition of Town ship No. One, 246. Solomon, of Berwick, 430, 441. Thomas, signed petition of Geor gia, 130. Wallace, J., Londonderry, 24. Wallingford, Thomas, signed peti tion of Berwick, 421. Walpole Garrison, 296. Walton, Peter, entitled to land in Falmouth, 13. Shadrach, commander at Fort William Henry, 98; would not permit Dunbar to enter the fort, 98, 99; threatened, 99; his orders read, 99; his regiment went to Nova Scotia, 107. Ward, Capt. Edmund, to cut tim ber, 42; signed petition of Township No. One, 246. Edward Jr., signed petition of Merriconeag, 288. Joshua, 173. Trustum, of Berwick, 427. Warner, Phile, signed petition o^ Gloucester, 268. Warren, Gilbert, selectman of Ber wick, 260. Sir Peter, 301, 302, 303, 308, 309, 812, 316, 318, 321, 322, 824, 825, 828, 334, 835, 346, 347, 348, 879, 881, 887. Warrun, James Jr., of Berwick, 480. Wass, John, entitled to land in Falmouth, 14. Waterhouse, "William, of Arundel, 271. Watertown, Mass., 12. Watts, Eliza, widow of John, mar ried Penhallow, 92, 108. John, as agent to settle Arrow sic, 91, 108; money advanced to, 92; his widow married, 92, 108; employed by Lake, 108; built a house at Arrowsic, 108; signed petition of Small Point, 233; signed petition of Bruns wick, 285. Lydia, signed petition of Small Point, 288; signed petition of Brunswick, 235. 518 DOCUMENTARY HISTORY Watts, continued. Robert, signed petition of Mer riconeag, 289, 461. Samuel, 467. Wchit, Charles, 456. Webber, Benjamin, 461. John, 456. John Jr., 456. Jonathan, of Merriconeag, 445, 461. Jonathan, of WeUs, 456. Stephen, 456. Wait, of Merriconeag, 207, 445, 461. Weebster, James, entitled to land in Falmouth, 14. Weeks, WiUiam, 461. Welch, Joseph, of Berwick, 428, 432. Wellington, J., petition of, 12. Wells, home of John Wheelwright, 22; expenses of the town in caring for Mary Smith and daughter, 400, 401, 414, 415; stores to present a petition for, 401; desired permission to sell part of Mary Smith's es tate, 414, 415; the estate of the Smiths, 452, 453; charges for preaching in, 468; men tioned, 457, 468, 469, 471, 478, 474; petitions of, 414, 455. Nathaniel, town clerk, 400, 401, 450. Samuel, justice of the peace, 183, 444, 454; signed memorial of Small Point, 217. Wendell, Jacob, 238. Wenoggonott, 160. "Wentworth "1 Benning, Governor, Wintworth /went with Dunbar to Fort William Henry, 98; re fused admission, 99; sent sol diers to Annapolis, 344; affida vit, 97; oath, 99. Daniel, 111. Ebenezer, said a councillor was yearly chosen from Sagada hoc, 106, 106; well acquainted with Massachusetts, 110, 111; affidavit of, 110, 112. Ezekiel, of Berwick, 427, 433. John, 12, 200. Mark H., petition of, 406. Samuel, of Berwick, 427, 488. Samuel Jr., of Berwick, 427, 438. WiUiam, shipwright, said that a councillor was yearly chosen in Sagadahoc, 106, 106; well acquaintedS with Massachu- Wentworth, continued. setts, 110, 111; reported what he heard, 112; affidavit, 110. Werumkee, 281. Wesson, Joseph, entitled to land in Falmouth, 14. West Indies, 34, 38, 128, 262, 346, 361, 366, 386. Westbrook, Col. Thomas, con tractor for masts, 1, 28; or dered to secure trees, unlaw fully cut, 1; would not con tract with Waldo, 8; to take a list of Falmouth land claim ants, 13; wanted masts, 41; doubted Dunbar, 41; entitled to land in Falmouth, 54; friv olous pretensions of, 65; in troduced settlers in Falmouth, 57; an associate of Leveret, 120; ordered Capt. Heath to dismiss part of his men, 138; wanted as a commander, 191; built a bridge, 465; letters of, 15, 41, 172. Westminster, 881. Westmoreland, Earl of, letters, 17, 131, 182. Whalin, Patrick, signed petition of Merriconeag, 289. Wharton, W., 107. Wheeler, Henry, entitled to land in Falmouth, 13; to take a list of Falmouth land claimants, 13; report of, 14; as justice of the peace, 187; to take com mand of a company, 189; let ter of, 188. Wheelwright, Capt. John, of Wells, 22, 144, 145, 414, 463. Samuel, of Wells, 414, 471, 474. White, Charles, of Arundel, 270. Elias, signed petition of Mare Point, 200. John, entitled to land in Fal mouth, 18; witnessed Phipps' purchase, 149. Thomas, signed petition of Township No. Seven, 237. William, entitled to land in Fal mouth, 14. Whiting, Col. , 107. Whitney, John, 295. Nathan, signed petition of Township No. One, 243. Samuel, 295. Whitt, John, of Berwick, 427. Whitten, John, of Arundel, 271. Wibird, R., 99. WUder, Joseph, 444. INDEX 619 Willard, Josiah, secretary, letters of, 185, 189, 316, 451; men tioned, 47, 134, 135, 141, 143, 146, 149, 180, 181, 182, 186, 199, 208, 210, 214, 221, 222, 228, 233, 234, 235, 236, 238, 248, 246, 250, 255, 258, 203, 268, 274, 283, 286, 289, 294, 295, 806, 307, 312, 356, 358, 392, 407, 415, 422, 442, 444, 454, 455, 467, 459, 467. Saml., 290. Wniiam III, 19, 101, 102, 125, 127, 157, 406. Williams, Capt. , 415. Mr. , 219. Willson, Alexander, 461. James, signed petition of Geor gia, 130. WincheU, John, signed petition of Merriconeag, 288. Samuel, signed petition of Mer riconeag, 207, 288, 461. Windsor, Eng., 6. Wines, 06. Winnit, Mr. , 39. Winslow, Kenelm, signed petition of Damariscotta, 298. Nathaniel, signed petition of Damariscotta, 298. Nathaniel Jr. , signed petition of Damariscotta, 298. Winter Harbor, fort at, 69, 80; deputation arrived at, 79, 81; good harbor for fishery, 80. Winter Island, 82. Winthrop, Adam, an associate of Leveret, 120; signed petitions of Merriconeag, 206, 211, 212, 216, 220, 221, 222, 227, 230, 233; resided at Small Point, 215; signed Brunswick petition, 2.34, 235; mentioned, 216, 223, 230, 235. Wise, Dr. , of Falmouth, 423. Rev. Jeremiah, 893, 443. John, of Berwick, 430. Witchasick "I „„„ „„, Witchcasset 1 296. 361. Wodlin, Daniel, of Berwick, 480. Wood, Stephen, signed petition of Berwick, 2-49, 421; resided at Berwick, 431, 441. Thomas, a grantee of New Mar blehead, 141. Wood, see Fuel. Woodbery ) Joshua, entitled to Woodbury ) land in Falmouth, 18. Thomas, entitled to land in Fal mouth, 18. Woodman, Joseph, signed petition of Township No. One, 243. Woods to be preserved, 6, 35, 40, 42, 48, 65. Woodside, Capt, James, in com mand at Saco, 63; information given him, 64; had command at Winter Harbor, 69, 80; gave report of ammunition, 80; signed petition of Georgia, 130. Capt. William, signed petition of Georgia, 180; gave power of attorney, 271, 272; signed petition of Brunswick, 273, 277; protest of, 296. Woodsum, John, resided in Ber wick, 427, 432. Joseph, resided in Berwick, 427. Joseph Jr., resided in Berwick, 427, 432. Michael, resided in Berwick, 429. Woolens, 323. Wordon, Benj., resided at Ber wick, 428. Wormwood, Joseph, of Wells, 457. Woster, John, of Berwick, 427, 433. Samuel, of Berwick, 427, 433. Timothy, entitled to land in Falmouth, 13. Wright, Cawley, grantee of New Marblehead, 140. Wyman, Francis, 447. Tarmouth, 178. Tets, James, signed petition of Township No. Seven, 287. Tork, 22, 23, 65, 173, 175, 180, 255, 269, 291, 392, 393, 395, 469. Goal, 406. County, 17, 22, 23, 56, 61, 99, 100, 189, 147, 148, 167, 177, 179, 182, 187, 197, 199, 204, 206, 210, 211, 220, 232, 284, 287, 247, 250, 266, 271, 272, 275, 276, 277, 282, 291, 292, 296, 395, 396, 406, 411, 412, 414, 416, 434, 448, 466, 467, 468. Benjamin, entitled to land in Falmouth, 13. James, Duke of, 25, 101, 115; see also James II. P., letters of, 112, 128. 620 DOCUMENTARY HISTORY Toung, Robert, signed petition of , Edwor, of Berwick, 428. Township No. Seven, 237. , Henerey, of Berwick, 428. ~ , James Jr., signed petition ¦^ of Township No. One, 248. ZuBEBBUHLER, Mr. , garri- , Thomas, signed petition son of, 296. of Township No. On?, 245. ¦M- -a¥: m 'M- Wi :^' f||i^ •W'