YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY 3 9002 06422 8704 «(<>- In this proclamation. Gov. Bramlette notifled the va rious sympathizers, where guerrilla outrages occurred, that they must "reap the just fruits of their complicity 48 Union Eegirnents of Kentucky. with the enemies of our state and people." Collins calls- this "unwarrantable." Yet it was the proclamation ot Gov. Bramlette, who was noted for his great moderation and leniency. " , ^ , At a later date. May 13, 1864, Gox-. Bramlette seenaed roused to desperation by guerrilla outrages and issued a call in these words: "Kentuckians! To the rescue! I want 10,000 six-months' troops at once. Do not hesitate to come. I will lead you. Let us help to finish the war and save our govemment. Thos. E. Bramlette, Govemor of Kentucky." ^ ^ , . ^ .^ + That the state was full of these bands of Confederates is shown by the fact that in January, 1865, Gen. John C. Breckinridge sent an officer (Col. Robert J. Breckin ridge), into Kentucky, secretly, to require all Confeder ates in the state to report to him, under the penalty of not being recognized when captured, as prisoners of war- Col Breckinridge was captured with this order in his pos session. (Records of the Rebellion, No. ,103, pages 764, 770.) The following letter from Gen. N. B. Forrest to the Confederate Secretary of War throws light upon the sit uation : Headquarters Forrest's Cavalry Corps, "West Point Miss, March, IS, 1865. Hon. John C. Breckinridge, Secretary of War, Richmond, "Va.: General: I take the liberty of addressing you relative to the state of affairs in the district of Southern Kentucky, and to bring to your notice and knowledge existing evils which can alone be corrected by yourself as the chief of the war department. It is due to myself to state that I disclaim all desire or intention to dictate. So far from it I hesitate even now to make known the facts or to suggest the remedies to be applied. No other motive than the "good of the service" prompts me to address you. A military district was formed in Southern Kentucky, including a small portion of West Tennessee, and Brig.-Gen. A. R. Johnson assigned to the command of it. The object in creating this district was doubt less for the purpose of raising and organizing troops for our army. Its permanent occupation by any force raised within its limits was not ex pected or calculated upon. If it was the sequel shows that both in raising troops or holding the territory the experiment is a complete failure. Gen. Johnson was often reported to have from 1,200 to 1,800 men, was finally wounded and cap tured and his men scattered to the four winds. Brig.-General Lyon then succeeded him and was driven across the Tennessee river into North Alabama with only a handful of men. Noth ing has been added to our army, for while the men flock to and remain with Gen. Johnson or Gen. Lyon, as long as they can stay in Kentucky, as soon as the enemy presses, and they turn southward, the men scatter, and my opinion is, they can never be brought but organized until we send troops there in sufflcient numbers to bring them out by force. So far from gaining any strength for the army, the Kentucky brigade now in my command, has only about 300 men in camps (3d, 7tti and Sth Kentucky regiments). They have deserted and attached themselves to the roving bands of guerrillas, jayhawkers, and plunderers who are the natural offspring of authorities given to parties to raise troops within the enemy's lines. Military Campaigns. 49 The authorities given to would-be colonels and by them delegated to would-be captains and lieutenants, have created squads of men who are dodging from pillar to post, preying upon the people, robbing them of their horses, and other property, to the manifest injury of the country and our cause. The same state of affairs exists in West Tennessee. The country is filled with deserters and stragglers, who run away and attach them selves to the commands of those who have the authorities referred to. They never organize, report to nobody, are responsible to no one, and exist by plunder and robbery. There may perhaps be a few exceptions, but as a general thing, men who besiege the department for such author ities are offlcers without position or command, who by flattering rep resentations, recommendations and influential friends, avoid the ranks by obtaining authorities to raise troops within the enemy's lines. I ven ture the assertion that where one succeeds and organizes a command ninety-nine fail, and that they take twenty men out of the army to one placed in it. I therefore unhesitatingly recommend that all parties holding such authorities, or are acting under orders from those who do hold them, be ordered to report with what men they have to the nearest department commajider, within a Umited period, for consolidation and organization, and those failing so to report, to have their authorities revoked, and themselves subjected to conscription whenever caught. Do not understand me as reflecting on Gen. Johnson or Gen. Lyon, they did all they could, no doubt, to carry out the objects of the depart ment in their district. They have failed, and the fact to my mind is demonstrated most clearly that^ the conscripts and deserters in West Tennessee and Kentucky will never come out until brought out by force. If all the authorities to raise troops in enemy's lines are revoked, and the mustering officers ordered out, troops can be occasionally sent in under good and reliable officers, to arrest and bring out deserters, and break up tbe bands of lawless men who not only rob the citizens them selves but whose presence in the country gives a, pretext to Federal authority for oppressing the people. I am. General, very respectfully your obedient servant, N. B. FORREST, Maj.-General. In order to protect the state, the presence of a large force was necessary for guard duty, especially along the railroads, and for this purpose many Kentucky regiments were so employed; in this duty, while the pomp and circumstances of the greater movements at the front were wanting, yet these regiments were none the less fighting the great battle of the Union. Across Kentucky supplies and reinforcements had to be sent to the front, and the immunity from the actual presence of war in the states immediately north- of the Ohio river was enjoyed because the hostilities were kept conflned to the state of Kentucky. Great consideration was shown to Kentucky by the authorities at Washington during the war in the selec tion of Kentucky officers for command in the state. Gen. William Nelson and Gen. Eobert Anderson were both Kentuckians. July, 1862, Gen. J. T. Boyle was placed in command of the District of Kentucky. He was a distin guished citizen of the state, well acquainted with the people and most highly esteemed. Gen. E. H. Hobson 4 50 Union. Eegirnents of Kentucky. and Gen. S. S. Fry were kept on duty in Kentucky. Also Col. Charles H. Hanson, Col. T. B. Fairieigh, Col. Marc Mjindy, Col. Cicero Maxwell, Col. John Mason Brown, Col. John H. Ward, (Jol. Sanders Bruce, Gen. Eli H. Mur ray were, at different times, on duty in the state. Feb ruary 15, 1864, Gen. S. G. Burbridge was placed in com mand of the district. He had made a flne reputation in the fleld and was highly esteemed as a soldier. - The se vere criticism of his administration has been answered by himself. The conditions surrounding him demanded a severe policy, and he insists he only carried out the orders he was under. There was niuch bitter sentiment against the Union cause at the time, and it was not pos sible to deal with it without arousing violent opposition. It is certain that the presence of active Union sympa thizers would not have been tolerated at all, anywhere in the Confederacy, as the disunionists were in Kentucky. Gen. Burbridge was succeeded in February, 1865, by Gen. John M. Palmer, also a native Kentuckian. Palmer's course was also severely condemned, and he was indicted by a state court upon the charge of assisting slaves to obtain their freedom. In the spring of 186S, Gen. Eli H. Murray was assigned to the command of a department in Kentucky. It thus appears that as a general rule the authorities at Washington and the Federal commanders manifested a desire to have on duty in Kentucky officers who were citizens of the state and identifled with the people. The foregoing sketch shows that the service of the Kentucky regiments was marked by great activity, long marches, severe campaigns and almost numberless en gagements. From enlistment to discharge they were on constant duty. Their campaigns extended over the states of Kentucky, Tennessee, Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, Louisiana, Texas, ^Vi-kansas, North and South Carolina, and the western parts of Virginia. They par ticipated in the great battles of Donelson, Shiloh, Perry- , ville. Stones Eiver, Antietam, Chickasaw Bluffs, Cham pion Hills, Big Block, Vicksburg, Chickamauga, Mission Eidge, Knoxville, Eocky Pace, Eesaca, Dallas, Kenne saw, Peach Tree Creek, Atlanta, Utoy, Jonesboro, Franklin, Nashville, Savannah, Averysboro, Benton- ville, besides numberless others of lesser note. Their marches extended over thousands of miles. They were exposed to the cold of four winters, and the heat of four summers, on the march, in camp and bivouac, and in bat tle. The soldiers of these regiments were faithful, patient. Milita'i~y Campaigns. 51 brave, heroic. No duty did they ever shirk; no orders did they ever hesitate to obey. As the adjutant-general says in the preface to his report: "There is not a blemish upon the escutcheon of a single organization from Ken tucky." The story of the service of these Kentucky sol diers is imperishably embalmed in the offlcial records, and from these records the regimental histories in this volume have been written. 52 Union Eegirnents of Kentucky. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. By Ma.jor Alfred Pirtle. The task of preparing short biographical sketches of general and staff offlcers was assigned to the writer, as well as making prominent the history of the offlcers who represented Kentucky in the regular navy. It was also contemplated enrolling the enlisted men from the state who served in the navy (regular and volunteer), but that proved to be im practicable without a large expenditure of time and money; therefore it was not carried out. A list of the volunteer officers is given. The history of the gallant services of the officers from Kentucky in the navy will be interesting to most readers, as Well as entirely new, for though few they well upheld the honor and reputation of the sons of the Commonwealth on every sea, as her soldiers have done on every fleld. Had there been space, much could have been written of the details, but such mention must be condensed, in order to come within the size of this .volume. It is unfortunate that no material for sketches could be found in the case of some staff officers, whose names and bare records are given under that heading, but time has placed obstacles in the way of gather ing items of their individual histories. These officers, in order to have proper mention in this work, must be noticed in the manner here adopted, since they were commissioned from Washington and did not serve with. any particular regiment. ALFRED PIRTLE. GEN. EOBEET ANDEESON, brigadier and brevet major-general, U. S. A., was born near Louisville, Ky., June 14, 1805; graduated at West Point, brevet 2d lieu tenant, 1st Artillery; same year appointed full 2d lieuten ant; spent a few months at Santa Fe de Bogota as private secretary of United States Minister May 9, 1832, ap pointed assistant inspector-general of Illinois Volunteers with a rank of colonel in Black Hawk War, and was con spicuous for bravery; in 1835-6, instructor at West Point; 1837-8, in Florida war; 1838-41, aid-de-camp to Gen. Win- field Scott, commander-in-chief; October 23d, captain of artillery; September 8, 1847, wounded at battle Molino del Eey, Mexico, and brevetted major; July 11, 1853, gov ernor of military hospital, at Harrodsburg, Ky.; October 5, 1857, promoted to major of 1st Artillery; I860, com manded United States forces in harbor of Charleston,- headquarters at Fort Moultrie; December 26, 1860, trans ferred his entire command of 80 in all to Fort Sumter; April 12, 1861, attack on Fort Sumter; Sunday afternoon^ April 14, 1861, surrender of Sumter; assumed command in Kentucky, September 12, 1861; relinquished his com mand in Kentucky, October 14, 1861; 1865, he was se lected to again hoist the flag which he had before floated over Fort Sumter; appointed brigadier-general in regu lar army March 15, 1861; October 27, 1863, retired on Biographical Sketches. 53 account of ill health; February 3, 1865, was brevetted major-general for "gallant and meritorious service in the defense of Fort Sumter"; October 26, 1870, died in the southern part of France, where he had gone for his health. Buried at West Point. GEN. WILLIAM NELSON was born in Mason county, Kentucky, in 1825. At IS years of age, entered the naval academy at Annapolis, and reached rank of lieu tenant before the war. Established Camp Dick Robin son, in Garrard county, Kentucky, August 15, 1861; ap pointed brigadier-general September, 1861; fought the battle of Ivy Mount, in Kentucky, November 8, 1861; reached the fleld of Shiloh with his division April 7, 1862, in time to relieve the pressure of the enemy's lines on Gen. Grant, and turned the fide of battle. Was promoted to major-general July 17, 1862; August 30, 1862, with mostly raw troops, fought the battle of Richmond, Ky., and was wounded and his army retreated to Louisville. To prevent parties of the enemy from penetrating to the city, he fortifled it by a long line of entrenchments in the rear of the place. He was relieved by the arrival of Maj.-Gen. Buell and army, September 2Sth. On Septem ber 29th, in an unfortunate alfair with Brig.-Gen. Jeff. C. Davis, the latter shot Nelson at the Gait House, in Louisville, and he died during the day. Gen. Nelson was a man of culture and literary attain ments, but brusque and rough in his language. As an officer in the navy he had high standing and great skill; as a military officer he was strict and brave. His edu cation and life in the navy had made him inclined to be harsh in his discipline and overbearing to his officers. To his men he was considerate and sometimes even kind, always appearing solicitous for their comfort, as far as the good of the service permitted. His death was la mented by the ranlk and flle more than by the higher grades. Of his courage and ability in battle there can be no question, and his sudden taking off was a decided loss. GEN. THOMAS LEONIDAS CRITTENDEN, second son of John J. Crittenden, long a senator from Kentucky, Avas born at Russellville, Logan county, Ky., May 15, 1 819. The family soon after removed to Frankfort, where Mr. Crittenden was building up an extensive law practice. Of the earlv education of Thomas L., not much is recorded. 54 Union Regiments of Kentucky. But he was imbued with the martial spirit which had been exhibited in his father, who had served in two cain- paigns, war of 1812. In 1836, President Jackson called on Gov. Morehead for 1,000 mounted Kentuckians to go to Camp Sabine, La., to protect the southwestern boundari'^, in response to this call so many responded that ten companies were selected, and accepted, one each from the counties of Franklin, Henry, Shelby, Madison, Harri son, Oldham, Gallatin, Woodford, Jefferson and Fayette. The governor appointed Leslie Combs, of Fayette, colonel; Thos. A. Russell, of Fayette, lieutenant-colonel; and Geo. Boswell, of Shelby, major. In this regiment Thos. L. Crittenden, at the early age of 17, enlisted as a private in August, and served till September 18th, when the regi ment was discharged, not having marched from Frank fort, its camp He then studied law and entered the practice of his profession with great success. Volunteering early in the Mexican war, was aid to Gen. Zachary Taylor at the battle of Buena Vista, February 23, 1847, when he carried to Gen. ^ Santa Anna the message, "Gen. Taylor never surrenders." Returning to Kentucky he was appointed lieutenant-colonel of the 3d Ky. Inf.', April 4, 1847, and went to JMexico, where he was distinguished for gallantry; was honorably mustered out July 21, 1848; some time later he was made consul at Liverpool, by President Tay lor; again he returned to Kentucky and went into mercan tile business; in 1861, he succeeded Gen. Simon B. Buckner (who had resigned and gone south) as inspector-general of the Kentucky State Guard; appointed brigadier-general, volunteers, September 27, 1861; for gallant conduct on the field at Shiloh, promoted to major-general of volun teers, July 17, 1862; was subsequently in command of a division in the army of Tennessee; "then became com mander of a corps in the army of the Ohio; commanded the left wing of the army of the Cumberiand until after the battle of Chickamauga, under Gen. Rosecrans. After the battle of Chickamauga, Avhere his corps had been detached by piecemeal, and ordered to report to Gen. Thomas, in the heat of the engagement, he was without command for a few days, but was granted leave of absence Not being appointed to a command at once, he asked for a court of inquiry, which was held in the latter part of 1863, by which he was honorably acquitted of any dereliction of duty at that battle; his conduct being highly commended. In the spring of 1864 Gen Sherman suggested to Gen. Grant that he be tendered active service, and after such a request from Gen Biographical Sketches. 55 Grant, Gen. Halleck mentioned to Gen. Grant that Gen. Crittenden had been ordered to repor-t to Gen. Burnside, and accordingly on April 28, 1864, he was ordered to report to the 9th Army Corps. On May 12, 1864, he assumed command of the 1st division of the 9th Army Corps. This division Avas in the midst of the very bloodiest flghting of that memor able campaign; its commander behaA'ed with his usual coolness and skill; but he did not feel at home in the Army of the Potomac, and June 7th, at his own request he Avas relieved of his command, and ordered to report to the adjutant-general at Washington. Asst. Sec. of War C. A. Dana Avas then with the army, and said in his cor respondence with the ^^'ar Department: "Cold Harbor, June 7, 1864. ( 'rittenden has asked to be relieved for the reason that his division is not equal to his rank, many of his juniors being in higher command." Waiting until December 13, 1864, and not being as signed to command, he resigned. In January, 1866, he was appointed treasurer of the state of Kentu^cky, but resigned this, in the next year, to become a colonel in the regular army, being commissioned colonel of the 32d U. S. Inf., to date from July 28, 1866; was transferred to the 17th U. S. Inf., March 15, 1869, and AA^as retired from active service. May 19, 1881. He Avas brevetted brigadier- general, U. S. Army, March 2, 1867, for gallant and meri torious services in the battle of Stone's river, January, 1863. He made his home at Annadale, on Staten Island, N. Y., where he died, October 23, 1893. The next day, when his remains reached New York, they were escorted through the lower part of the city by his old comrade, Maj.-Gen. O. O. Howard (then in command of the depart ment), with his staff; a detail from the garrison on Governor's Island, as a military guard of honor, and several Kentuckians, resident in NeAV York and vicinity; among them Logan O'. Murray, Crittenden Marriott, H. C. Watson and J. Watson. The cortege moved up Broad way; thence to the raihvay station in Jersey City, where the body Avas placed on the cars and borne to Frankfort, Ky., where it uoav lies. GEN. WILLIAM THOMAS WARD, brevet major- general, Avas born in Amelia county, Va., in 1808. His father, William W^ard, removed with his family from that county and settled in Green county, Ky., about 1814. The family had been in Henrico and adjoining counties, Va., since 1635, or earlier. 56 Union Regiments of Kentucky. Wm. T. Ward attended St. Mary's college, near Leba non, Ky., and studied law at Greensburg, Ky.; he was prominent and successful in practicing his profession in that part of the state. In the war with Mexico he was major of the 4th Ky. Inf., and entered the city of Mexico with Gen. Scott in 1847. After peace was made^ he resumed the practice of law in Green and several of the adjoining counties. ' He repire- sented his county in the state legislature in 1850, and his district in Congress of the United States' in 1851-1853, and afterward practiced his profession in the Green river part of the state, until the breaking out of the war be tween the states in 1861. The governor of Kentucky (Magoffin) was known to be a sympathizer AAith the Southern cause, and he not only took no steps to raise troops for the Union army, but remained quiet while many of the State Guard and others flocked to the South, taking away with them the arms of the state. The Union men were without an offlcial head in Kentucky, and it looked for a time as though the whole populafion would be forced into the Southern cause. Gen. Nelson established Camp Dick Robinson, and .Maj. Ward visited it, and then went to Washington, D. C, and Avas commissioned brigadier- general of volunteers by the Secretary of War, and also given commissions for the field offlcers of three regiments that he undercook to raise. The state of Kentucky was then not commissioning anyone in the Union cause. The offlcers of these three regiments were as follows: Col. E. H. Hobson, Lieut.-Col. John B. Carlisle, and Maj. Wm. E. Hobson, raised the 13th Ky. Inf. Col. C. D. Pennebaker, Lieut.-Col. Jno. H. Ward, and Maj. James Carlisle, raised the 27th Ky. Inf. Of the third of these regiments only one officer was commissioned, Lieut.-Col. Wheat. He raised a large part of a regiment that Avas later consolidated Avith troops from about Lex ington tinder Col. Dudley and became 21st Ky. Inf. These regiments Avere largely recruited at Greensburg, Ky., when the Rebel forces were at ^Munfordville, only 24 miles down Tireen river Nearly all the while flght ing was going on between the two camps. Gen. Ward lost men in killed, wounded and prisoners, before there was an armed company in his camp. Many of the recruits were Union men who came from inside the rebel lines. They brought their own rifles, or shot guns, with them, and it was an event when 30 or 40 Home Guards brought in with them their old style muskets. Biographical Sketches. 57 It was very difficult to arrange so that the men wishing to enlist could leave with their families even the f 13 of advanced pay, that other states gaA^e their recruits. At first it could only be done by the offlcers furnishing it, or borrowing it from soldiers in camp, and repaying them after the state arranged through its military commission to advance one month's pay to recruits on enlistment. This first attempt to raise Union troops on Kentucky soil south of Camp Dick Robinson and before the state had taken a step to assist in the AVork, was an undertaking with difficulties perhaps nowhei^e else encountered and overcome. The men who enlistee! under such conditions, and their offlcers, deserve unusual gratitude for their patriotism. Many of these men were fighting six months before they were mustered into the United States service, then were mustered for three years, and so served three years and six months: It Avas flnally determined that state troops should not be placed in brigades and divisions together, hence these regiments were separated and ordered to different com mands. Gen. Ward was placed in command of camp of in- .strucfion at Bardstown, Ky., the only one perhaps in Kentucky, ahd became a flne tactician. When the 11th and 12th Corps from the Army of the Potomac came West, some of the troops with Gen. Ward, all W^estern men, and none from Kentucky, were added to them, and the 20th (]orps formed, commanded by Gen. Jos. E. Hooker. In th^ 3d Division Gen. Ward commanded a brigade. These veterans instructed the Western soldiers and made a fine reputation in the fighting on the Atlanta campaign. At the battle of Resaca, Ga., May 15, 1864, after un successful attacks on the rebel fortifications, the 3d Division, 23d Corps, charged them and effected the first lodgment inside the works. This charge, in which Gen. Ward was wounded in the arm and chest, was one of the most fatal assaults made during the war, considering numbers and times engaged. In about 20 minutes 963 men were lost, only equaled by Pickett's charge at Gettys burg, and Cleburn's af Franklin. It was successful and captured 4 brass Napoleon cannons, more than taken at any other place on the Atlanta campaign. Soon after this Gen. Butterfield gave up the command of the 3d Division, 20fh Corps, and Gen. Ward took command and held it to the end of the v-ar. Gen. Benj. Harrison succeeded to the command of Gen. Ward's brigade. A very severe and critical battle 58 Union Regiments of Kentucky. was fought at Peach Tree Creek on the 21st of July, 1864,. largely by this division. Gen. Johnson had just beeu superseded, by Gen. Hood in command of the rebel army, and both armies knew that he intended to force the fight ing. The space Gen. Ward's division was ordered to oc- «'upy, on the fiank of the 20th Corps, Avas found too great for him to cover in the usual form, with two lines of battle and a reserve force. It could only be occupied by a single line of battle vAdth no second line and no reserA^e, and what was worse, the shortest line where he could join his right and left flanks with the remainder of the army placed his line on Ioav ground Avith a hill in his front, AA^hich Avould give an attacking force an advantage over his single weak line. Soon it was seen that Hood was about to attack right at this point. But as the enemy advanced. Gen. Ward's division moved forward also, and met them on the top of the high ground and drove them from the fleld. Again and again the enemy formed in the woods and returned bravely and stubbornly to the attack, and three times they were defeated and forced f o retire, until they gave up the attempt on that part of our line. Perhaps the fact that tAvo or more regiments were armed AA-ith the repeating Spencer rifle enabled the divis ion to hold its line. It was the flrst time they had been used in a considerable battle. After the many battles around Atlanta, it Avas at last surrendered to Gen. Ward by the mayor of the city. Gen. Ward Avas a brevet major-general and continued with his division on the march to the sea, thence to Wash ington, D. G, and was in command of his division at the grand revieAv at that city at the end of the war in 1865. Not only Gen. Ward, but his family did its full duty for the Union cause. Col. Jno. H. Ward, of 27th Ky. Inf., and Maj. Edw. W. Ward, major 3d Ky. Cav., his sons, served through the war, and his son-in-law, Lieut. Thos. E. Miller, 2d X\ S. Art., served in the Army of the Potomac, and only one son OA^er the flghting age was left at home with the mother and a small qhild. ' After the war, Maj. Edw. W. Ward joined the regular army and was in active service over twenty vears and Avas retired on account of bad health brought about by flghting Indians in the West, and is now on the retired list at Lincolnston, N. C. Gen. Ward practiced law for years in LouisAdlle after the Avar and died October 12, 1878. GEN. THOS. J. WOOD was born in Kentuckv, at Mun fordville, September 25, 1823. Cadet at military acad- Biogrnphicitl Sketehcf. 59 emy from July 1, 1841, to July 1, 1845. Promoted to brevet 2d lieutenant topographical engineers July 1, 1845. Served in Texas, 1845; in Mexico, 1846-48; in bat tles of Palo Alto, Monterey and Buena Vista. Trans ferred at his own request to 2d Dragoons, October 19, 1846. Second lieutenant, December 2, 1846. Brevet 1st lieutenant, February 23, 1847, "for gallant and meritori ous conduct at Buena Vista." On frontier duty in Texas, 1849 to 1851. First lieutenant, June 30, 18S1. On duty in Texas (scouting and recruiting) to 1855. Captain 1st Cavalry, .March 3, 1855. Quelling Kansas disturbances, ISSgj:.;^ Utah expedition, 1858; Fort Wahita, Ind. Ter, 1858-9. Scouting Indian Territory, 1859. Leave_Qf_ab- sence in Europe, 1859;61. Served during Civil War, 1861-1 866. '"^Maj or 1st Cavalry, March 16, 1861. Lieu tenant-colonel, May 9, 1861. Brigadier-general U. S. Volunteers, October 11, 1861. Colonel 2d Cavalry, No vember 12, 1861. In command of division in the Tennes see and Mississippi campaign to June 26, 1862; guarding ancl repairing railroads to September, 1862. Command of division (Army of the Ohio), October, 1862, to Novem ber, 1862. In command of 6th Division (Army of the Cumberland), December, 1862. Wounded at Stone's River, December 31, 1862. Disabled to February 15, 1863. In command of 1st Division, 21st Corps (Army of the Cum berland), in the Tennessee campaign to September 22, 1863. In command of 3d Division, 4th Army Corps, to April 16, 1864. In command of division (Army of the Cumberland), May 3d to September 27, 1864. , Severely wounded at Lovejoy's Station, September 2, 1864. In command of division of Army of Cumberland to Decem ber, 1864, and of 4th Army Corps, December, 1864, to Feb ruary, 1865. Major-general U. S. Volunteers, January 27, 1865. Brevetted general U. S. Army for gallant serv ices at Chickamauga, March 13, 1865. Brevetted major- general U. S. Army for gallant services at Nashville, March 13, 1865. In command of division in East Ten nessee, March to April, and at Nashville to June, 1865; in Texas to August, 1865. In command of Central Dis trict of Arkansas, September 9th to November 3, 1865; Department of Mississippi, November 14, 1865, to August 13, 1866; District of Mississippi, August 13, 1866, to Jan uary 17, 1867. Mustered out of volunteer serAdce Sep tember 1, 1866. Eetired from active service as major- general, June 9, 1868. Changed to brigadier-general by law of March 3, 1875, for disability from wounds re ceived in battle. Resides at Dayton, Ohio. 60 Union Regiments of Kentucky. GEN. LOVELL H. ROUSSEAU was born in Lincoln county, Ky., in 1818. He left home with a limited educa tion, and acquired the French language while employed at daily labor. Studied law and began practice soon after reaching manhood, at Bloomfleld, Ind., 1841. Became a member of the Indiana Legislature, 1844. Was in the Mexican War; captain of a company, distinguishing him self at Buena Vista. About 1850, removed to Louisville to become quite prominent at the bar and in politics. Served in both branches of the General Assembly; was in the Senate at the breaking out of the war. In the summer of 1861, recruited a large force at Camp Joe Holt, in Indiana, opposite Louisville. The Sth Ky. Infantry, a battery, a battalion of infantry, which became part of the 6th Ky. Infantry, and two companies of cavalry, AA^ere enlisted at Camp Joe Holt. On the advance of Buckner, from Bowling Green to ward Louisville, September 17, 1861, Rousseau, with his command, crossed the river and moved to Lebanon Junc tion, preventing the anticipated move on Louisville. , Was promoted to brigadier-general, October 1, 1861; served during the war in Kentucky, Tennessee, Georgia and Alabama; made major-general for bravery at Perry ville, Ky., October 8, 1862; distinguished himself at Shi loh, Stone's River and Chickamauga; in 1865 was elected to House of Representatives and left the fleld, took sides with the Democrats in Congress. In 1867, was sent to Alaska to take formal possession of the country in the name of the United States; was appointed on his return to the command of the Gulf Department, and died sud denly in New Orleans, January 7, 1869. Of an uncommonly handsome personal appearance, and tall, well proportioned flgure, he attracted attention at all times. His personal popularity was immense with the men of the army, whether of his own command or not, and his progress through the camps was usually ac companied with the cheers of Avhole regiments. He pos sessed great braAery and considerable executive ability. MAJOE-GENEEAL WALTEE C. WHITAKER was born in Shelbyville, Ky., August 8, 1823. He received a classical education at Bethany College, and was a orad- uate of the Lexington Law School. In the Mexican *War he was lieutenant of the 3d Kv. He was twice state Senator from the Sixth District; the second time from 1861 to 1865. Among the flrst to declare allegiance to the Union, he at once began to raise volunteers, with tbe Biographical Sketches. 61 energy that inspired his entire life. He was commis sioned colonel of his regiment, the 6th Ky. Infantry, Aug ust 9, 1861. He was officially complimented for his gal lantry in the battle of Shiloh and Murfreesboro, and in many others. June 25, 1863, he was commissioned brig adier-general and placed in command of the 1st Brigade, 1st Division, Army of the Cumberland. This brigade was conspicuous at Chickamauga. Gen. Whitaker received a wound eariy in the action, which unhorsed him, but he remounted 'and re'maiiied to the last with his men. Gen. Thomas gave Whitaker's brigade the name of "Iron Brigade." This brigade had the honor of fighting "above the clouds" at Lookout Mountain. The official mention of its first planting the flag on the summit is shown in the account of the Sth Ky. Infantry. Whitaker's brigade was afterward conspicuous in the Atlanta campaign and Middle Tennessee campaign, in the battles at Rocky Face, Resaca, New Hope, Kennesaw, Atlanta, Spring Hill, Franklin, Nashville. March 13, 1865, Gen. Whitaker was made major-gen- erial by brevet for gallant service, he having commanded a division for some time previous. After the war, he re sumed the law practice in Louisville. He died at his home, Lyndon, Ky., July 9, 1887. GEN. JEREMIAH TILFORD BOYLE, son of Chief Justice John Boyle, of Kentucky, was born in Boyle county, Kentucky, May, 1818; graduated at Princeton College, New Jersey, and at Transylvania, Lexington, Ky. Practiced law at Danville, from 1841 to 1861. When the war broke out, he showed the quality of his manhood by promptly announcing that he would raise a brigade of four regiments, which were soon put into the fleld, being the 9th, ISth, 19th and 23d Ky. Infantry. He was made brigadier-general November 9, 1861, and went into active service under Brig.-Gen. Geo. H. Thomas. Having served through the winter in Kentucky, he led his brigade, under Gen. Buell, in the campaign which ended with the battle of Shiloh, where he Was attached to Nelson's division. ".June 16, 1862, Gen. J. T. Boyle was placed in com mand of District of Kentucky, with headquarters a^; Louisville. He was a distinguished citizen of the state, well acquainted with the people and highly esteemed. He discharged the duties of his arduous position with great ability and moderation. His leniency caused some complaint on the part of his associated officers, yet he (i2 Unimi Regiments of Ke,ntucky. has been subjected to criticism for alleged severity. Such a criticism in Shaler's Kentucky is wholly unjust. Gen. Boyle was an upright and just officer, and none could have discharged his delicate duties with more fair ness." At the coming of Gen. Boyle into command in Ken tucky, the conditions of affairs in the state had under gone great changes as compared with those obtaining when he so gallantly volunteered and raised his brigade. He Avas well known personally to hundreds of men of place and influeuce, and he had also an extensive con nection, by birth, marriage and law practice. A large number of these had become tired of the war, soured against the government or secretly aiding the enemy. Most of them Avanted to use the general to advance indi vidual interests, and sought to carry out their plans by personal interviews. As his military duties compelled him to carry out the orders of his superior officers, it was not possible for him to oblige many of these visitors of his, and coiisequently trouble and friction developed ere long. John .Morgan, the summer of 1862, was particularly annoying, from a military point of view, keeping the troops guarding the lines of railroad in very active oper ation. His successful raid into the center of the state, and subsequent moA^ements, kept the command of Gen. Boyle aroused and moving very often. Gen. Boyle car ried himself creditably through the campaign of 1862, 1863, into 1864, but the cares of his offlce and its unpleas ant conditions became so burdensome that he was com pelled, by its effect upon his health, to resign in , 1864. Entering into business affairs at once, he interested himself in, and became the president of the flrst street railway in Louisville. Afterward, he revived and com pleted the long talked of railroad from Nashville to Hen derson, Ky. He died of apoplexy in Louisville, July 28, lo I 1. GEN. SPEED SMITH FEY was bom September 9, i£ 1.' Jii^^^ercer county, Kentucky. Graduated at Wabash College, Crawfordsville, Ind., 1841. Practiced law at Danville, Ky. At outbreak of Mexican War was in command of a militia company, and soon raised men ?r?^f^ i^"" ?¦ <^«™Pany for service, and was attached to Col McKee's regiment, in which he bore a conspicuous part at the battle of Buena Vista; mustered out in 1847 Under Gen. Wm. Nelson, who had been ordered to Ken- Biographical Sketches. 63 tucky by President Lincoln, he, on August 6, 1861, opened, with a handful of men, "Camp Dick Robinson." October 6, 1861, his regiment, the 4th Ky. ^'oluntee^ In fantry (see account 4th Infantry), was mustered into the service by Brig.-Gen. Geo. H. Thomas. Januarv 19, 1862, at the battle of Mill Springs, he shot Gen. Zollicoffer, of the Confederate Army, Avith his pistol. March 21st, by sickness of Brig.-Gen. Schoepff, he commanded a division and held that position until next spring. May 26, 1863, made commander of the Eastern Division of Kentucky; had charge of Camp Nelson winter of 1864-5; honorably mustered out, August 24, 1865. Through all his career he sustained the character of a sincere and eamest Christian, holding the office of rul ing elder in the Presbyterian church. He was a man of perfect simplicity of manners, warm in friendships and dignifled in carriage. He was in charge of the Soldiers Home near Louisville, where he died August 1, 1892. GEN. JAMES S. JACKSON, son of David Jackson, a farmer, was born in Fayette county, Kentucky, Septem ber 27, 1823. Graduated at Jefferson College, Cannons- burg, Pa.; also studied law and graduated at Transyl vania, 1845. In 1847, volunteered and served a brief time in 1st Ky. -Cavalry as a lieutenant, but having had a duel with Capt. Thomas^F. -Marshall, of the same regi ment, fearing a court martial, he resigned. While serv ing in Congress, as a member from the Second District of Kentucky, President Lincoln authorized him to raise a cavalry regiment, and he accordingly recruited and or ganized the 3d Ky. Cavalry (see account of that regi ment), and remained connected with this body until he was promoted brigadier-general, August 13, 1862, serv ing in that rank until he was killed in action at Perry ville, Ky., October 8, 1862, being cut off in the beginning of a career that promised unusual brilliancy. Of his death, Col. Forney, the great Philadelphia editor, wrote: "To die such a death, and for such a cause, was the high est ambition of a man like James S. Jackson. He was the highest type of the Kentucky gentleman. To a com manding person he added an exquisite grace and suavity of manner, and a character that seemed to embody the purest and noblest chivalry. He was a Union man for the sake ofthe Union; and now, with his heart's blood, he has sealed his devotion to the flag. He leaves a multi tude of friends, who will honor his courage and patriot ism and mourn his untimely and gallant end." 64 Union Regiments of Kentucky. His remains were flnally buried, March 24, 1863, at Hopkinsville, Ky., which was his home at the commence ment of the war. GEN. EDWARD H. HOBSON flrst entered the serv ice of the United States as a private in Company "A," 2d Ky. ^^olunteer Infantry, May, 1846, for war with Mexico ; promoted to 2d lieutenant May, 1846; to 1st lieutenant September, 1846; mustered out with the regiment, June, 1847; commissioned colonel 13th Ky. Infantry, Septem ber 18, 1861; promoted to brigadier-general, March 13, 1863; mustered out, August 24, 1865.' In the war with Mexico, he participated in the battle of Buena Vista, February 22 and 23, 1847; was at Shiloh, Corinth and Perryville, 1862. Was placed in command of the specially selected brigade which pursued. the rebel Gen. Morgan's troops through Kentucky, Indiana and Ohio, in July, 1863, and broke up his command at Buffing- ton Island, Ohio, after a pursuit of twenty-one consecu tive days and nights in the saddle. Was wounded at the battle of Keller's Bridge, Kentucky, June 10, 1864; afterward commanded 1st Division, Department of Ken tucky, which was continually flghting raiding parties and guerrillas. Broke up and destroyed the rebel Gen. Johnston's command in Western Kentucky, in 1864, at Princeton, Ky., capturing the general. After the Mor gan raid, was assigned to the command of Burnside's cavalry corps, but the surgeon forbade his assuming the command on account of the shattered condition of his health, caused by exposure during the Morgan raid. He lives at Greensburg, Ky. Since the war. Gen. Hobson has taken deep interest in all the enterprises inaugurated for the welfare of the soldiers, and has been commander of the Kentucky Department of the Grand Army of the Republic. GEN. JAMES M. SHACKELFORD. Mention is made of this officer in connection with the 25th Ky. In fantry and Sth Ky. Cavalry. He raised the 25th at the beginning of the war, and was with it during^the siege and capture of Fort Donelson. After that, he retumed to Kentucky and raised the Sth Ky. Cavalry. While commanding this regiment he fought with a force under Col. Adam Johnson, at Geiger's Lake, Union county, Ky., September 1, 1862, and was severely wounded by a slug fired from a cannon. It passed directly through his foot, Biographical Sketches. 65 and, though exceedingly painful, he never relinquished command. He was made brigadier-general January 2, 1863. From that time until August he was on duty in Kentucky, and pursued and captured Gen. John Morgan, as is mentioned in the account of the Sth Cavalry. He went with Gen. Burnside to East Tennessee in the sum mer and fall of 1863, being in command of a division of cavalry. Upon reaching Tennessee, he was sent with his command to take Cumberland Gap, which duty he skillfully and promptly performed. He then led his force into the border of Virginia, having many flghts with the enemy in that section. Being ordered back to KnoxA^ille, he moved rapidly to that place, and, with his command, fought the advancing. columns of Longstreet. In one of these engagements, near Knoxville, Gen. Sand¦^ ers was killed, and the entire command on the field de volved upon Gen. Shackelford. During the siege of Knoxville he commanded all the forces on the south side of the river, and successfully de fended his lines against all assaults. The siege being over, he pursued Longstreet up the Tennessee valley, be ing in command of all the cavalry. At Bean's Station he fought a hard battle with Long-street's infantry, be ing attacked. He successfully defended his position, but fell back after the battle to the infantry lines during the night. Gen. Shackelford resigned in 1864, his wound contin uing to give trouble, and, after the war, lived at Evans- ville, Ind., engaged in the practice of law. He was ap pointed United States Judge at Muscogee, I. T., where he is now residing. GEN. GREEN CLAY SMITH was born at Richmond, Ky., July 2, 1832. His early education was had in that town. At flfteen years of age he volunteered and served in the Mexican War, rising to 2d lieutenant in 1st Ky. Cavalry, Col. Humphrey Marshall. In 1850, graduated at Transylvania University, at Lexington; subsequently studied law and graduated in that in 1853, when he re turned to Richmond to practice, removing in 1858 to Cov ington. Elected to the legislature, 1860-61. At the out break of the war, assisted in raising the 3d Ky. Union Cavalry; was offered the position of major in that regi ment; resigned ij: to return to his seat in the legislature. In May, 1862, was appointed colonel of the 4th Ky. Cav alry; served with distinction in the several engagements 5 66 Union Regiments qf Kent-ueky. in Tennessee, and was promoted to brigadier-general, June 11, 1862, for "gallant and meritorious conduct in the engagement with Gen. John Morgan, at Lebanon, Tenn., May 5, 1862;" In June, 1863, he was placed in command, for the time being, of Covington and Eastern Kentucky. While holding this position he was elected to Congress from the Covington District, which caused him to resign from the army, December 1, 1863; was re-elected to Congress in 1865. President Johnson appointed him govemor of Montana at the close of his Congressional term, which office he held until the fall of 1868. He entered the ministry of the Baptist Church, April, 1869. He became distinguished in his church, and was deeply interested in temperance, and, in 1876, Avas the candidate for President on the ticket of the Prohibition Reform party. He be came a prominent leader in his denomination, and finally was called to take charge of the Metropolitan Baptist Church at Washington, D. C, where, after several years' residence, he died, June 29, 1896. GEN. W. E. WOODRUFF was a soldier in the Mex ican W^ar, and, having a military turn of mind, (;'ontinued afterward in command of a military company at Louis ville. In 1861 he was very active in organizing the Home Guard companies at Louisville. In .July he took two companies to Camp' Clay, opposite Newport, Ky., and there formed a regiment, which became the 2d Ky. In fantry (see account of that regiment). He was ordered to West Virginia that summer, and in a short time was taken prisoner. Being exchanged, he returned to Louis ville, and the city council passed a resolution welcoming him, and rejoicing that he could further defend the cause of the Union. He was then promoted to brigadier- general. ' After the battle of Perryville he Avas with >- Buell's army in pursuit of Bragg, in command of a di vision in McCook's corps. In the battle of Murfreesboro he was in command of the 3d Brigade, 9th Division. Being wounded in that battle, he remained for a time in Nashville, and was then ordered to report to Cincinnati. He was then detailed on detached duty, being unable to take the fleld. After the war. Gen. Woodruff practiced law in Louisville, where he still resides. GEN. CASSIUS M. CLAY, son of Gen. Green Clay, was born October 19, 1810, in Madison county, Ky., where Biographical Sketches. 67 he now resides. In 1846 volunteered in the Mexican War as captain; was taken prisoner at Encarnacion, 1847. At the outbreak of the Civil War was one of the very earliest defenders of W'ashington City, as a volunteer. Was com missioned major-general April 11, 1862, but served only till March 11, 1863. In 1861 was minister to Russia; re called in 1862; served as above, 1862; reappointed minister to Russia 1863, and served under Lincoln, Johnson and Grant until the fall of 1869. He has been associated with all the political movements of his daj^, and through out a great part of his life. Was the boldest of all the enemies of slavery; and has taken rank among the most noted political reformers of his age. GEN. S. G. BURBRIDGE Avas a citizen of Logan county, Ky., and began his military career as colonel of the 26th Ky. Inf. He was made brigadier-general, June 12, 1862, and commanded a brigade under Gen. Buell during Bragg's invasion of Kentucky, and immediately after Avas assigned to command of a division. In the f^ll of 1862 he was sent to Sherman's army on the ex pedition against A'icksburg. He remained in that depart ment until the capture of Vicksburg, being in the engage ments at ChickasaAv Bluff', Port Gibson, Champion Hills, Big Black and Siege of Vicksburg. He also served under Gen. McClernand, at Arkansas post, and under Gen. Banks, in the Red RiA'er campaign. He made an excellent record as an officer in the fleld and for meritorious service Avas brevetted major-general. February 15, 1864, Gen. Burbridge was assigned to command in Kentucky. His administration of affairs Avas during a mo.st difficult and distressing period and he received much censure. He has published his own de fense to the charges against him (Louisville Commercial, February 5, 1882), in which he copies the orders under which he acted. He also copies from the reports of vari ous Confederate officers, showing that they charged one another with conduct similar to his own. February 10, 1865, Gen. John :M. Palmer was assigned f o the command of Kentucky, and on the 18th of February he took charge, relieving Gen. Burbridge. He, like Bur bridge, received severe censtlre, and in a short time was indicted in the state court upon the charge of running slaves across the Ohio river. Gen. Burbridge's administration in Kentucky was at a most 'turbulent time, and violent language was very general, and somewhat indiscrimate. 68 Union Eegime7its if Kentucky. GEN. WILLIAM P. SANDERS was born at Frank fort, 1833. He was educated at West Point Military Academy, being a cadet from July 1, 1852, to July 1,1856; promoted brevet second lieutenant of dragoons July 1, 1856; second lieutenant, 2d Dragoons, May 27, 1857; flrst lieutenant, 2d Dragoons, May 10, 1861; captain, 6th Cav., May 14, 1861. He served in the Civil War flrst on the defenses of Washington, August 1, 1S61, to March, 1862; with the Army of the Potomac to February, 1863. He was then made colonel of the 5th Ky. Cav., March 4, 1863. In the summer of 1863 he went with Gen. Burnside on the East Tennessee campaign; October 18, 1863, made brigadier- general. Gen. Sandei-s greatly distinguished himself in this campaign, and was much relied on by Gen. Burnside. Having led his command most efficiently in a number of engagements, he was mortally wounded in a severe battle near the "Armstrong House" near Knoxville, November 16, 1863. He fell about one mile in front of fhe celebrated Fort Sanders, which was so named for him. He died November 19th, in the city of Knoxville, during the siege, and was buried in a church yard in the city. Gen. San ders A\'as a typical soldier; remarkably fine looking; trained in the military art; brave to rashness. His un timely death was greatly lamented by the army. GEN. ELI LONG was bom in Woodford county, Ky., June 16, 1837; graduated at the Kentucky Military In stitute in 1855, and was appointed second lieutenant, 1st U. S. Cav., in 1856. By 1861 he had risen to the rank of captain, having seen active service against hostile Indians in the far West. He entered the service as colonel of the 4th Ohio Cav., being in the campaigns of the Armv of the Cumberland, of 1861, 1862, 1863 and 1864. During'^the At lanta campaign he was constantly in the front, in com mand of a brigade, having reached the rank of brigadier- general August 18, 1864. He had won numerous brevets in the regular service by this time. He commanded a divis ion of cavalry in the famous Wilson cavalry expedition of the spring of 1865, into Alabama. At the attacks ou Selma, March 1.3, 1865, he led his division in the assault upon the town with reckless bravery, which he communi cated to his men, making the charge a success, but he was severely wounded at the moment of the taking of the place. For this he was brevetted major-general of volun teers. He was also brevetted major-general of the regular army, and having been mustered out of the volun- Biographical Sketclies. 69 teer service, January 27, 1866, he was retired with the rank of major-general in August, but was reduced to brigadier-general through the operation of the act of March .3, 1875. He now resides in Plainfleld, N. J. GEN. WILLIAM JENNINGS LANDRAM was bom at Lancaster, Ky., February 11, 1828; was educated at the best schools in Garrard county; entered the service of the United States first as a private in Company A, of Col. Humphrey Marshall's 1st Ky. Cav., in the Mexican War, being mustered in June 9, 1846; promoted to orderly sergeant; wounded by saber cut on the shoulder at Buena Vista; mustered out June 8, 1847. In 1861 entered .the service at Camp Dick Robinson and was commissioned colonel, 1st Ky. Cav., which he soon resigned on account of his dislike to the cavalry service. Later he raised the 19th Ky. Vol. Inf., and was commissioned colonel. The history of his regiment, in another part of this volume, will give his record while in command of it; though colonel, he afterward commanded the 2d Brigade, 4th Division, 13th Army Corps; finally, at the battle of Sabine Cross Roads, La., he commanded the 4th Divis ion, 13th Army Corps. In 1865 was promoted to brig adier-general and commanded the Baton Rouge, La., district for some time. Was mustered out at the end of the war, while on duty near New Orleans. Was ap pointed collector of internal revenue under President Johnson, and held it till 1885. He then entered the practice of law at Lancaster, Ky., Avhere he resided per manently. For forty-two years he Avas an elder in the Presbyterian church. He died October 11, 1895. GEN. ELI HUSTON MURRAY was born at Clover- port, Ky., February 10, 1843. His father was Hon. David R. Murray; his mother was the daughter of Col. John Allen, who was killed at River Raisin, and granddaughter of Col. Benjamin Logan. She first married Hon. Henry Crittenden, brother of Hon. John J. Crittenden. When 18 years of age, Eli H. Murray was commissioned major in the 3d Ky. Cavalry, which he helped to raise. He was a tall, handsome young man and his fine character and position, united with the fire and dash of youth, made him an ideal soldier, and it developed that he A^^as peculiarly gifted for active field service. One month after he A\^as commissioned major, on the 28th of December, 1861, he commanded his battalion of the 3d in the field at 70 Union Eegimente of Kentucky. Sacramento, Ky., against Forrest, and received the highest encomiums of his commanding officers for his gallant conduct. August 13, 1862, at the age of 19, he was made colonel of the 3d Ky. Cavalr-y, and led that splendid regiment throughout the war, either in im mediate command or in command of the brigade or divis ion to Avhich it Avas attached. Very soon after he was commissioned colonel he Avas placed in command of the 1st Brigade, 1st Division, Army of the Cumberland. He led his command at Shiloh, and to Corinth, and many other points in Mississippi, Alabama and Tennessee; was with Buell's army in Kentucky; fought at Murfreesboro, where he was especially commended for his service. Col. Minty saying in his report: "Col. Murray with a hand ful of men i>erfornied service that would do honor to a regiment." He Avas Avitli Eosecrans' army in all its movements in 1863. Then under den. Grant that year. In the Atlanta campaign he commanded a division of cavalry, and part of the time a brigade. He led his command through to the sea under Sherman, and March 25, 1865, was brevetted brigadier-general, Avhen he Avas assigned to the command of a military district in Kentucky. In April, 1865, he was with the caA'alry expedition which capfured Selma, Ala., aud Avas mustered out of service July 15, 1865, at the age of tAventy-tAvo. Gen. Murray's military record was remarkable. Though young in years, he displayed singular ability as a leader and commander; ahvays cool, self-possessed, keenly alive to the situation and equal to every emerg ency in Avhich he Avas placed. Gen. Sherman said : "What ever I told Murray to do, I kneAA^ it would be done." He had the' confldence of every general under Avhom he served. Gens. Grant, Sherman, Sheridan, Thomas, Critten den, Negley, Elliott, Kilpatrick, and others. In 1866 he Avas appointed United States marshal for Kentucky, a position he held for ten years.. In 1881 he was appointed governor of Utah by President Hayes. In 1886 he re moved to California. He died in Kentucky, November 1 8, 1896. In the memorial of the California Commandery of the Loyal Legion it is said : "Companion ^Murrav was a man of magnificent physique and very handsome features, a cultured, high-bred gentleman, a finished speaker, and a most genial and lovable companion." His comrades in Kentucky have a vivid and loving raemory of this brilliant young soldier. Biographiml Sketclies. 71 GEN. RlCHAED W. JOHNSON born in Livingston county, Ky:, February 7, 1827. Graduated at West Point July 1, 1849. Brevetted second lieutenant, 6th U. S. In fantry, July, 1849. Promoted second lieutenant, 12th Infantry, June 10, 1850; became adjutant of that regi ment March, 1853; became first lieutenant of 2d Cavalry, June 12, 1855. December 1, 1856, promoted captain in same regiment, employed in scouting among the Indians in Texas till the spring of 1861, Avhen he escaped with his company, at the time Gen. Twiggs surrendered all his troops to the Confederates, and proceeded to Carlisle Barracks in April. Served Avith Gen. Patterson in West Virginia, in 1861; by order of Gen. Eobt. Anderson as sumed command of the Home Guards of Louisville, at Lebanon Junction, September 19, 1861; appointed lieu tenant-colonel of 3d Ky. Federal Cavalry, before the regi ment was fully, organized; was appointed brigadier-gen eral of volunteers about October 25, 1861. After the capture of Nashville, was absent on sick leave until after Shiloh; joined in the siege of Corinth; December 31, 1862, commanded a diAdsion at Stone's river; remained with the Army of the Cumberland in all its battles, distinguishing himself at Chickamauga. He was wounded at New Hope Church, in the Atlanta campaign. May 27, 1864; was in command of division of cavalry on extreme right at Battle of Nashville. After the close of the war he Avas assigned to duty as provost marshal of the military division of the Missis sippi, and when the necessity no longer existed for a provost marshal, was transferred to and discharged the duties of judge advocate of the same military division, and afterward of the Department of the Cumberland. In 1867 he asked to go before the retiring board, and was placed on the retired list October 12, 1867, on account of wounds received May 28, 1864. In 1862 he had been pro moted to lieutenant-colonel in the regular army for services at the battle of Chickamauga. Gen. Johnson Avas military professor in the University of Missouri in 1868-69 and in the University of Minnesota in 1869-70, and in 1870 he took up his residence in St. Paul, which was his home during the remainder of his life. He was at one time president ofthe chamber of commerce and long a member of the historical society, fhe Loyal Legion, the Masonic fraternity, etc. From his boyhood he had been a consistent and earnest member of the Presbyterian church, and for many years he never missed a service at the House of Hope church, to which he belonged. Gen. .Johnson died at St. Paul, April 21, 1897, after an illness of about one week. 72 Union Eegiments of Kentucky. GEN. JOHN THOMAS CROXTON was born in Bour bon county, Ky., November 20, 1837. The eldest son of Henry Croxton, a well-to-do farmer of that county. At Paris, Ky., he prepared for Yale College, where he grad uated with honors in 1857. He studied law at George town, under Judge Jas. F. Robinson, and began the prac tice in Paris, Ky., 1859. He was early an opponent to slavery, even when a boy, and when such views were exceedingly unpopular in his community, as well as all over the state. In 1860 he, with one other man, cast the only two votes Abraham Lincoln received in Paris, and expecting an attack, it is said he went to the polls armed for the fray. ¦ By direction of Lieut. Wm. Nelson, Croxton was au thorized to enroll troops at Camp Dick Robinson, and he rode through many counties in the state, recruiting for the Union cause, and, at its organization, he bacame the lieutenant-colonel of the 4th Ky. Federal Infantry, of which Speed S. Fry was the colonel. When Fry became brigadier-general, Croxton was promoted colonel, in March, 1862. The regiihent under his command partici pated in many engagements and marches, as will be found in the history of the regiment, given elsewhere in this volume. At the battle of Chickamauga he com manded a brigade in Brannan's division, and his brigade opened the battle September 1 9, 1863. In the fierce flght Col. Croxton received a severe flesh wound in the leg. He was recommended for promotion for gallantry in this battle, but did not receive his commission until July 30, 1864. At the battle of Missionary Ridge, November 25, 1863, he was in command of his regiment, though not recovered from his wound, and insisted on going into ac tion. While passing through the abandoned rebel trenches and camps at the foot of the ridge, a shell burst near him, and burying him under the materials of a hut he was just passing, a huge log of wood pinned him to the earth, reopened his wound, and put him hors de combat for a long time. The remainder of Gen. Croxton's services in the fleld were in command of cavalry. His brigade took part in the Atlanta campaign, against Forrest in Tennessee and watched Hood until he had crossed the Tennessee river, in the fall of 1864. Croxton achieved an honorable re cord in all the numerous engagements of that memorable campaign, A\'hich ended with Hood's seeking safety be yond the Tennessee. In the great cavalry expedition under Gen. Wilson, in 1865, in Alabama, he commanded a separate column, A^'hich, becoming isolated from the Biographical Sketehea. 73 main command, fought its way across Alabama and into Georgia, and finally joined Wilson at Macon, Ga. "The boldness of conception, energy of action, and readiness and fertility of resource Avhich marked his management during his separate campaign, showed his genius for mil itary operations." He was brevetted major-general for his conduct in the operation against Hood and his superior management in the Wilson expedition. He afterward commanded the Military District of Georgia for about a year, with his headquarters at Macon, making many friends and doing much to bring about a reconciliation between the two sections. Returning to Paris, he became a farmer, though he took a small part in law practice for intimate friends. His health failing, he removed to Colorado; and, being appointed minister to Bolivia, sailed for that country, to die at his post, April 16, 1874. His remains returned to this country, and Avere buried at Paris, Ky. Before his removal to Colorado he was active iu es tablishing the Louisville Commercial, and is it said that if it had not been for his energy, determination and liberal help, it A\'ould have had but a short career. It was his untiring energy that told upon his delicate constitu tion, and it gave way before he Avas permitted to render the great services for which he seemed to be so well fitted. GEN. LOUIS DOUGLASS WATKINS was born near Tallahassee, Fla., November 29, 1833. At the breaking out of the rebellion he was a member of the National Rifles, at Washington, D. C, but that body proving dis loyal, Watkins resigned, and was the flrst to organize a new company, enlisting as a private. Before three months had elapsed, however, he was appointed a 1st lieutenant in the 2d, afterward the Sth, regular cavalry. July 17, 1862, he was promoted to a captaincy and or dered West, to report to Gen. Granger, commanding the Army of Kentucky. In October, appointed chief of cav alry for Army of Kentucky, and in December of same year accompanied Gen. S. P. Carter on his raid into East Tennessee, for gallantry in which was appointed colonel of 6th Ky. Cavalry. Was brevetted brigadier-general of volunteers, to date from June, 1864, and full brigadier- general, September 25, 1865. Was honorably mustered out April 30, 1866, and appointed lieutenant-colonel of the 20th Infantry in the regular army, in the summer of 74 Union Regiments nf Ki'iitncky. the same year. .Joined his regiment at Richmond, Va.,, in October, and assumed command, remaining there until January, 1867, when they Avere ordered to Baton Rouge,. La. His death occurred at NeAV Orleans, La., during a visit there, on the 28th of March, 1869. From the time of his arrival in Kentucky until he was honorably mustered out of the volunteer service, Col. Watkins was so constantly associated with the troops of this state that he will always be remembered as a soldier of Kentucky. For a long period he Avas colonel commanding a brig ade composed of the 4th, Sth, 6th and 7th Regiments of Cavalry from Kentucky, and held the position in theArmy of the Cumberland for many months during 1863-4. He also participated in the memorable cavalry expedition of the spring of 1865, into Alabama and < Georgia. Gen. Watkins married the eldest daughter of Maj.-Gen. L. H. Rousseau, which was a genuine romance of the AA^ar, but brief and sad, for she followed him to the graA e in a few months. Gen. TS'atkins will always have a flrm hold on the memory of the bold riders of the brigade so long com manded by him. GEN. JOHN JAMES LANDRUM flrst entered the service of the United States, as private in Company I], 1st Ky. Cavalry, June 9, 1846; promoted to orderly ser geant; mustered out Avith his regiment, June 7, 1847; en rolled in the ISth Ky. Infantrj^ October 20, 1861. Com missioned lieutenant-colonel, January 20, 1862; resigned February 6, 1863, on account of disability caused by a wound. Was in the battle of Buena Vista, (\umiianded United States forces at the battle of Cynthiana, Ky., July 17, 1862. Was severely wounded at the battle of Rich mond, Ky., August 30, 1862. Died November 13, 1S90. GEN. THEOPHILUS S. GARRARD was born, near Manchester, Ky., -June 7, 1812. He was a member of the Lower House of the Kentucky Legislature in 1843-4; served through the :Mexican War as a captain in the 16th TJ. S. Infantry; went to California, on the discovery of gold in 1849, by the overland route; remained in the mines fifteen months, and then returned, by way of Panama, to Kentucky. lie was elected to the state Senate in 1857, resigned to become a candidate for Congress and elected a state Senator again in 1861. At Camp Dick Robinson, in the fall of that year, he was appointed a colonel of the Biographical Sketches. 75 3d Ky. U. S: Volunteer Infantry, promoted to brigadier- general November 29, 1862; served with great credit until he was mustered out on April 4, 1864, on account of a serious affliction of the eyes. He has since resided in Clay county, Ky. GOV. CHARLES ANDERSON was born June 1, 1814, in Jefferson county, Ky., and died at Kuttawa, Lyon county, Ky., September 2, 1895. He resided in Texas at the commencement of the war, but Avas a strong Union ist. Being arrested on account of his Union sentiment, he made his escape to Mexico, from whence he went to New York. He Avas appointed colonel of the 93d Ohio Infantry, and proceeded with it to Kentucky, August, 1862. He continued to command this regiment until February, 1863. In the battle of Stone's River he Avas wounded and, on account of this, Avas compelled to re sign. He afterward became governor of Ohio, but upon retiring to private life he returned to Kentucky, and con tinued to reside there until his death. Gov. Anderson Avas a most accomplished gentleman and orator, and a scholar as well as soldier, and an hon ored citizen of Kentucky. GEN. JOHN W. FINNELL was born December 24, 1821, in Clark county, Ky. He was educated at Tran sylvania, and studied law under Hon. Eichard H. Meni fee. In 1845 Avas elected to the state legislature as a Whig. Afterward, he edited the Frankfort Common wealth. In 1849, was secretary of state under Gov. Crit tenden. He located as a lawyer in Covington; from that district he Avas elected to the legislature as a Unionist, in 1861. In the fall of that year he Avas appointed adju tant-general of Kentucky. In this position he ren Biographical Sketches. 79 sisted in recruiting the 15th Ky. Infantry, near Louisville, but iu the consolidation of fragments of companies to make up the regiment, in December, he was not commis sioned. In January, 1862, he was offered a commission in the 10th Ohio Infantry by Col. Wm. H. Lytle, who A^^as well known in Louisville and an intimate friend of Chan cellor Pirtle. Col. Lytle was a veteran of the Mexican War, an accomplished lawyer, scholar and poet, and be came a prominent flgure in the Civil W'^v. Lieut. Pirtle accepted his o'ffer, and Avas mustered in the service at Bacon Creek, Ky., February 7, 1862, as lieutenant. He participated in the cami>aigns of that year, but was ab sent, sick, at the time of the battle of Perryville. At Stone's river he Avas on the staff of Maj.-Gen. Rousseau, and received favorable mention in his report, besides be ing personally complimented by Gen. Thomas. He posted the artillery, which contributed largely to the suc cessful defense of the center, in the first day's fighting. The aummer of 1863 he served on the staff of Brig.- (tCu. W^m. H. Lytle, in the Tennessee campaign, which led up to the occupation of Chattanooga. In the battle •of Chickamauga he rendered efficient service on that offi cer's staff', and was near him when he Avas killed. After the death of Gen. Lytle he served on the staff of Gen. Sheridan, w^ho, in his report, mentions his service in com- plimentarjr terms. Also Col. Miller, who c-ommanded a brigade in Gen. Sheridan's division, states, in his report, that Capt. Pirtle "signalized himself by his usefulness and recklessness of danger in the performance of duty." During the severe service at Chattanooga his health gave way, and he A\-as sent to Louisville on sick leave. Upon recovery he was employed on post duty, until mustered out on account of his health, April, 1864. Since the war he has resided in Louisville, engaged in the business of insurance. He is a man of great intelli gence and accomplished as a writer, as his w^ork in this volume, particularly in the extracts concerning the bat tles of Stone's River and Missionary Ridge, fully show. MAJ. WILLIAM PRESTON McDOWELL was born at Louisville, Ky., May 28, 1838. Educated in the public schools; studied law, but entered the Union army early in December, 1861 (before graduating), as 1st lieutenant and adjutant of the 15th Ky. Infantry. Took part in the battle of Perryville, Ky., October 8, 1862, and, for merito rious conduct there, was appointed major and assistant adjutant-general, March 1, 1863. Was badly wounded go Union Eegiments of Kentucky. at the battle of Stone's River, December 31, 1862, while on staff of Maj.-Gen. Rousseau; was sent home on sick leave, and subsequently served on court martial for some months, until he resigned on account of his wound, De cember 9, 1863. He resides in Louisville. COL. LYNE STARLING was bom in Mercer county, Ky., March 31, 1806. Educated for the bar; removed to Columbus, Ohio, pursuing his profession ih that city for some years. Became clerk of the Supreme Court, Court of Common Pleas and Court in Bank. Resided afterward in New York city and in Illinois. Prior to the war he returned to Kentucky; was appointed captain and as sistant adjutant-general, October 10, 1861; became one of Maj.-Gen. Thomas L. Crittenden's staff, following the scenes of that general's services. Was promoted to the rank of major August 13, 1862; resigned, January 20, 1864. He acquired a character for marked courage and ability, as well as military capacity. At the close of the war he embarked in cotton planting in Arkansas, spend ing his summers in Kentucky, usually at Frankfort. He died in New Orleans, November 2, 1876. He was a brother of Col. S. M. Starling, 8th Ky. Cavalry, and Col. E. H. Starling, 35th Ky. Mounted Infantry.' MAJ. ALEXANDER C. SEMPLE, born in Allegheny county, Penn., February 24, 1835. Came to Kentucky in 1839; received his education in the schools of Louisville. At the outbreak of the war of the rebellion was engaged in mercantile business in Louisville, and was a. member of the "Citizen's Guards" for some time before the war. Was comraissioned by President Lincoln, September 29, 1862, assistant adjutant-general of volunteers, with rank of captain, and assigned to duty on the staff of Brig.-Gen. J. T. Boyle, commanding Military District of Kentucky, with whom he served; also on the staffs of Maj.-Gen. H. G. Wright and Brig.-Gen. Jacob Ammen. Resigned March 18, 1864. Has, for many years, been a well-knowm merchant in Louisville, Ky. CAPT. WILLIAM CASSIUS GOODLOE was born June 27, 1841, at "Castle Union," Madison county, Ky., the home of his grandfather. In June, 1861, went to Russia with his uncle. Gen. CassiusTd. Cl^, as acting secretary of legation and private secretary. Entered the Biographical Sketches. gj service, in July, 1862, as volunteer aid-de-camp on the staff of Brig.-Gen. M. D. Manson. In the battle of Rich mond, Ky., Avas captured and paroled, and not released from parole until May, 1863; was then commissioned cap tain and assistant adjutant-general, June 1, 1863, on staff of Gen. Green Clay Smith. He served in Kentucky and was ordered by the secretary of war to recruit a regi ment of heavy artillery. Was injured by his horse and disabled for further service; mustered out on surgeon's certific£),te of disability, early in 1864. He Avas commissioned colonel on the staff of the gov ernor of Kentucky, March 3, 1869. Entered politics and became quite prominent. Was member of state Senate in 1874; appointed minister to Belgium by President Hayes in 1878; became collector of internal revenue at Lexington in 1889. Died in that city, November 10, 1889. MAJ. JOHN SPEED, the eldest son of Hon. James Speed, who was attorney-general in the cabinet of Presi dent Lincoln, was born in Louisville, 1842. He gradu ated at the Louisville High School and became clerk in a bank. Joined the 9th Ky. Cavalry in August, 1862, and in the same year was ma'de 2d lieu tenant. In that year, he was in the battles of Eichmond, Ky., and Perryville, Ky. In the latter he was on the staff of Gen. C. C. Gilbert, and received that officer's com plimentary mention for his efficiency. The principal service of Maj. John Speed was as cap tain and assistant adjutant-general, which was a Wash ington appointment. He was so appointed March 11, 1863, and continued in this service for over two years. He served on the staff of Gens. Ward, Butterfield and others, and became noted for his great intelligence and usefulness. He went with his command, on the staff of Gen. Ward, through to the sea, and on the march through the Carolinas. March 22, 1865, he was appointed major and paymaster, but did not enter upon the duties of that appointment. He remained in the service until May 19, 1865. After the war he was in business for a time in Louisville, but turned his attention to law, and became one of the most successful practitioners of the Louisville bar. He has retired from practice and lives near Taylors- viile, Ky. A brave and true soldier and honored citizen. MAJ. LEWIS MAESHALL BUFOED was lieutenant and also captain in the 3d Ky. Cavalry, and the adjutant- 82 Union Regiments of .Kentucky. general's report shows that he was appointed major on staff duty, and so commissioned from Washington, March 11, 1863. He served with his regiment prior to that date, and afterward on general staff until the close of the war. He was the son of Charles S. Buford, who married a daughter of Dr. Basil Duke, of Lex;ington. He was a brother of Mrs. Gen. James S. Jackson, wife of Gen. Jackson, who raised the 3d Cavalry, and who fell at Perryville. CAPT. J. E. HUFFMAN was a resident of Lancaster, Ky. He was adjutant of the 8th Ky. Cavalry, and, on the 21st of July, 1863, he was appointed and commis sioned from Washington, captain and assistant adjutant- general. He served in that capacity on the staff of (ien. J. M. Shackelford and other general officers. MAJ. THOS. P. PUENELL was a resident of Coving ton, Ky. He was appointed and commissioned from Washington, captain and assistant quartermaster. May 8, 1863, and served on general staff until March, 1866. After that he removed from Kentucky to the state of Texas, and was appointed United States Marshal for that state. CAPT. J. SPEED PEAY was the son of Austin Peay, of Louisville, whose wife Avas a sister of Hon. James Speed, of Louisville. He entered the service as an officer in the 3d Ky. Cavalry, and, July 15, 1862, was appointed captain and assistant adjutant-general and commis sioned from Washington. He served not only with his regiment, but on general staff. OOL. GILBEET C. KNIFFIX, of Paris, Ky., was au thorized by Lieut.- Col. John T. Croxton to recruit soldiers for the 4th Ky. Infantry in July, 1861. He recruited 60 men, with whom he repaired to Camp Dick Robinson, August 10, 1861. On the 20th of August, 1861, he was commissioned captain and commissary of subsistence. He was promoted to lieutenant-colonel and chief commis sary of subsistence, 21st Army C^orps, January 20, 1863, and AA^as appointed acting chief commissarv of subsistence Army of the Cumberland, September 25, i863. He serA^ed with the armies in the West on. all their Biographical Slcetclies. 83 campaigns, on staff' duty, and was a highly efficient officer. In the Atlanta campaign he served on the staff' of Gen. D. S. Stanley, and was with this officer, A\^ho commanded the 4th Army Corps in the battles of Frank lin and Nashville. After that date he remained on duty at Murfreesboro until he was honorably mustered out of service, July 19, 1865; having had four years of con tinuous active field service. Since the war Col. Kniffin has been connected with the work of the Departments of War and Interior, in Wash ington. He has Avritten a number of accounts of war time events, several having been published in the Century War book. His account of the battle of Chickamauga is very graphic and much esteemed for its accuracy. He is an easy, graceful writer and has contributed valuable matter to the history of the war. CAPT. STEPHEN E JONES was born at Harrods burg, Ky., April 23, 1833. Was educated at Amherst College, ilassachusetts, and afterward gradjiated at the Transylvania I^aAv School, Lexington, Ky. After, was a professor in the University of Kentucky, at Harrods burg. Entered the service as volunteer aid to Brig.-Gen. Wm. Nelson, at Camp Dick Robinson, earh^ in the summer of 1861; then occupied the same position on the staff of Brig.- Gen. George H. Thomas. Commissioned captain and aid- de-camp, July 9, 1862. SerA'^ed as, provost marshal-gen eral on staff duty in Kentucky under Gen. J. T. Boyle; and reported to the Commissioner-General of Prisoners at Washington. Afterward was in charge of military prison in Louisville, and distribution of military prisoners in the Department of the Cumberland. He resides in Louisville. CAPT. GUSTAVUS A. HULL was born at Fredonia, N. Y., April 18, 1827. While still a young man, his father removed to Kentucky, w^here Gustavus, with his three brothers, established a well known printing and publish ing house, w^hich is still carrying on the business. He was a strong Union man, and became one of the early movers in the cause, making him the recipient of letters threaten ing him with death. On July 21, 1862, he was appointed military store-keeper at Louisville, and had charge of vast supplies of clothing, camp and garrison equipage. His prompt and efficient service won praise from Grant, Sherman, and other commanders. In 1866 he became a 84 Union Regiments of Kentucky. captain, the highest rank in his branch of the army. In 1878 he was transferred to his last post, San Francisco, at Avhich point he remained on duty until he was retired by operation of laAv, in April, 1891. Upon his retirement his superior officers spoke in the highest terms of him and his offlcial record. His private life was that of an earnest Christian worker, unostentatious and constant, and his- numerous friends made throughout the Union at the various posts at Avhich he had served, honored him for his high standard of duty. He died in San Francisco, September 29, 1891, but was- buried at Louisville. CAPT. HENRY CLAY, son of Henry Clay, Jr., and grandson of the great commoner, was born in Lexington,, Ky., July 20, 1833. At the outbreak of the war he took sides with the Union, while his brother, Thomas, went South. Henry Clay Avas appointed captain and assistant adjutant-gen eral, • October 15, 1861, on the staff of Brig.-Gen. R. W, Johnson. He died in Louisville, June 5, 1862, from fever con- ¦ tracted in camp. • CAPT. THOMAS J. BUSH was born, July 4, 1840, at Lexington, Ky. Entered the United States service as. first lieutenant, 24th Ky. \^olunteer Infantry, January, 1862; and assigned to duty as acting aid-de-camp on the staff of Gen. I). (\ Buell (commanding the Army of the Ohio), in January, 1862. Appointed aid-de-camp on same staff m April, 1862, and served there until the summer of 1863; when he Avas appointed ordnance officer on the staff'^ of Gen. J. T. Boyle, commanding the District of Kentucky. Appointed commissary of musters by the Secretary of War, September 16, 1863, and assigned to the Military District of Kentucky. Promoted to captain in the 24th Ky. Infantry in 1863; resigned September 5, 1864. Re sides in Lexington. CAPT. JOB JOSEPH HAYES, bom at West Chester, Chester coimty, Penn., December 2, 1839. Removed to Louisville Ky., May 5, 1864. Engaged in mercantile pur- Jk ^TT '?f ^aki°g out of rebellion was placed in charge ?n,,?« -IT i States commissary and store houses It Louisville, Ky., by Maj. H. C. Symonds, in 1861. Was appointed captam and commissary of subsistence. United r Biographical Sketches. 85 States Volunteers, September 4, 1863. Assigned to duty as post commissary at Louisville, and served af the same post in various other capacities until the close of the war, when he was honorably discharged with the rank of brevet major, conferred for efflcient and meritorious services. Has been engaged in the mercantile business at Louisville, Ky., continuously since the close of the war to the present time. MAJ. FRANCIS E. WOLCOTT was mustered into service as first lieutenant, 20th Ky. Volunteer Infantry, January 12, 1862; as captain, June 10, 1863; as major, same regiment, June 24, 1864. He was ordered to be transferred to the 16th Ky. Infantry, to date from Jan uary 17, 1865. Accepted a commission from Washington as major and judge advocate of volunteers, June 7, 1865 {appointed as such to date from December 17, 1864), and Avas honorably discharged September 30, 1866. CAPT. GUSTAVUS ARTSMAN appointed captain and assistant quartermaster, September 13, 1864, served in the various armies of AA'est Virginia from date of ap pointment to close of operations in that department; was then sent to New Mexico, Avhpre he served until mustered out in August, 1866. He resides in Newport, Ky. SURG. MIDDLETON GOLDSMITH was born in Lincoln county, Ky., about 1826. His early education was had at Centre College at Danville, Ky., but studied medicine in Cincinnati and in NeAV York. After com pleting his studies he began to practice, but was called to the chair of surgery in the medical college at Castleton, Xt., where he became the president of the school. In 1856 he returned to Kentucky to take the chair of surgery in the Kentucky School of Medicine, at Louisville. He Avas actively engaged in his profession and school when the war came, and he offered his services and became a major and surgeon, October 30, 1861. He was largely interested in the management of the hospitals in Louisville for several years, being brevetted to .lieutenant-colonel for his meritorious services. He was honorably mustered out January 18, 1866. Having married in Vermont, during his residence there, he returned to Rutland, Vt., in 1866 or 67, becoming one of the leading medical men of that place. He Avas 86 Union Regiments of Kentucky. a man of high reputation in his profession, though his specialty was surgery. He died in Eutland, November 26, 1887, universally respected as a man and physician. CAPT. JEEEMIAH FREDERICK HUBER, born near Danville, Ky., May 16, 1826. Educated there; came to Louisville and entered commercial life. Was a private in the Louisville Legion in the Mexican War. Entered the service as captain of a Home (xuard company in 1861; became captain and commissary of subsistence October 25, 1861. Brevetted major; mustered out, in North Caro lina, October 12, 1865. Died in Louisville, Ky., October 10, 1875. MAJ. HENEY C. McDOWELL, born in Fincastle, Va., February 9, 1832. The family soon after removed to Louisville, where he was educated. Was practicing law in Louisville Avhen the Avar commenced. Commissioned captain and assistant adjutant-general, November 19, 1861; resigned August 27, 1862, but served as acting as sistant adjutant-general for more than a year longer on the staff of acts of his life. The whole department is in mourning over the loss of our naval hero." It is very probable that this record Avill be read mostly by those who have lived since the war To them it is not possible to realize the dread realities of a ciAal war. As 96 Union Eegirnents of Kentucky. an illustration of how families were divided — ^in the Flusser family, the three sons were all combatants; two in the Confederate army, and Charles in the Union navy. Brother against brother. All of them killed in action be fore the end of 1864 — Ottaker, at Antietam, 1862; Charles, April, 1864, as above stated, and Guy, at Mt. Sterling, Ky., September, 1864. COMDR. WILLIAM P. BUCKNER was born at Louis ville, Ky., September 21, 1823, being the son of Simeon B. Buckner, who Avas engaged in the business of merchan dise and steamboating, at Louisville. Simeon B. Buck ner married a sister of the father of Gen. Simon Bolivar Buckner. His son, William P. Buckner, vs^ent to Arkan sas from Louisville, and Avas appointed -in the United States naval service from that state, September 9, 1841. He rose to the rank of commander during the Civil War, and Avas placed on the retired list afterward. He died July 18, 1869. COM. WILLIAM SMITH, born in Washington, Ma son county, Ky., January 9, 1803. Entered the United States navy as midshipman, March 4, 1823. Was at tached to the "Sea Gull" and serA^ed under Com. David Porter, in the Gulf, against the West Indian pirates. During the wars with the Seminole Indians, in Florida, he served in the co-operation of the naAv and army in 1835-7. In the w^ar with Mexico he was present at the capture of Tuxpan and of Tabasco. He became com- Inander in 1854. On March 8, 1862, he w^as on the "Con gress," near Fortress Monroe, at the invitation of Lieut. Joseph Smith, executive officer of the ship, w'hen she was captured and burned by the "Merrimac"; but Smith, with most ofthe officers and crew, escaped by swimming, or in small boats from the shore. He commanded the "Wachu- sett" and gunboats, that co-operated with Gen. McClellan in the campaign of the summer of 1862. He w^as trans ferred to the "Seminole" and took her to New York for re pairs. Being near the head of the list of commanders when the higher grades were created, he Avas commis sioned as commodore, July 16, 1862, and thus Avas never commissioned captain. In command at Pensacola naval station from October, 18(')2, to January, 1865, when he was detached on account of ill health, and, under the' Act of December 21, 1861, placed on the veteran list. Removed to St. Loiiis, Mo., where he died, April 29, 1873. Cffficers from Kent'ucky in the United States Navy. 97 COMDE. JOHN BULLOCK COGHLAN was bom in Frankfort, Ky., December 9, 1844. Entered the navy September 27, 1860, remaining at the naval school till May 28, 1863, when he became an ensign. Attached to steam sloop "Sacramento''; special service, 1863-5. Pro moted to master, November 10, 1865; commissioned lieu tenant, November 10, 1866, after serving on the "Pawnee," "Guerriere ' and "Portsmouth," he w^as promoted to lieu tenant-commander, March 12, 1868; Avas on the "Rich mond" in the European squadron for three years; also in the hydrographic office, 1871-3; on sick leave, 1873-4; reached the rank of commander, February 2, 1882, and became captain, November 18, 1896. At this time he is light house inspector of the 8th District. COMDE. JAMES' P. FOSTER, born in Bullitt county, Ky., June 8, 1827; died in Indianapolis, Ind., June 2, 1869. He removed -ndth his family, in childhood, to Blooming- ton, Ind., and entered the navy in 1846. He had reached the rank of lieutenant in 1861, and in July, 1862, was commissioned a lieutenant-commander, and in October of the same year AA^as' ordered to the Mississippi squadron commanded by Adm. Porter. He was placed in command ¦of the "Neosho^" from vs^hich he was soon transferred to the ironclad ram "ChiUicothe," and, in March, 1863, distin guished himself by the valuable service performed by his vessel during the Yazoo expedition. Later in the year he was placed in command of the gunboat "Lafayette,'' and rendered valuable assistance during the bombard ment and siege of Vicksburg. After the war he was or dered to the Naval Academy and placed in charge of the training ships. He was then promoted to commander, ordered to the "Osceola," and joined the Brazilian squad ron, where he contracted the disease from which he died. COM. JOHN C. CARTER, appointed from Ken tucky, January 1, 1825; joined U. S. brig "Spark," March, 1825; sldop "Lexington," 1827; line-of-battle ship "Dela ware," Mediterranean squadron, 1829-30. Promoted to passed midshipman, June 4, 1831; joined frigate "Poto mac," 1832; joined sloop "John Adams," 1833; joined schooner "Shark," jMediterranean, 1834, as acting lieu tenant; joined "Delaware," 18l4, and returned to the United States, 1836. Commissioned as lieutenant, Feb ruary 9, 1837; served in sloop-of-war "Levant" and frigate 7 98 Unkni Eegiments of Kentucky. "Macedonian," West IndiA squadron, 1838-40; steamer "Fulton,'' 1841-2; , receiving ship "New York," 1845; steamer "Mississippi,." home squadron, 1846, during Mexi can War; Navy Yard, Norfolk, 1847-8; served in "Savan nah," "Raritan," "<'yane'' and "Massachusetts," Pacific squadron, 1852; rendezvous. New York, 1855. Commis sioned as commander, September 14, 1855; commanding "Michigan" on the lakes, 1861-4. Commissioned as com modore, July 16, 1862; commanding receiAdng ship "Ver mont," New York, 1865; light house inspector, San Fran- ,cisco, 1866-9; commanding rendezvous, San Francisco, 1869-70. Died in Brooklyn, N. Y., November 24, 1870. CAPT. JOHN COMBE PEGRAM was born August 26, 1842, ;it OAvensboro, Ky. Graduated at the Naval Academy, May 28, 1863. Promoted ensign and ordered to South Atlantic blockading squadron off' Charleston, S. C., July 4, 1863. Joined J'. S. S. "Canandaigua," and also served on other vessels, much of the time as aid to Rear Adm. Dahlgren. Took part in operations before (Charleston; also Stone's and St. John's rivers. For a time commanded captured steamer "Sumter" on torpedo ser vice in St. John's river. ¦ January 1, 1865, ordered to U. S. S. "Wachusett," and sailed in search of the "Shenandoah." Cruised in vari ous parts of the world till March, 1866. Resigned at Hongkong, China; returned and settled at Providence, R. I., where he now resides, a practicing lawyer. Several times mc^mber state legislature; was also register in bankruptcy, and has filled other positions. COMDK. GJ^STAVUS VASA MENZIES was born in Plorence, Boone county, Ky., December 26, 1844. He at tended schools in (Mncinnati until the breaking out of the AA^ar, when he went out as an assistant to his father, Dr Samuel G. ^Menzies, who was the surgeon of the 1st Ky. Infantry {V. S.) in the early campaign in West Virginia. On September 21, 1861, he entered the Naval Academy from Kentucky, Avhence he A^'as graduated in 1864. He served a short time on the North Atlantic blockade sta tion. He was promoted to ensign March 1, 1866; master, December 1, 1866; lieutenant, March 2, 1868; lieutenant- commander, -January 25, 1870. While on duty on the gunboat "Marblehead" he par ticipated in the search for the privateer "Tallahassee" off the coast of New England. In 186.5, he A^-as on board the Officers from Kentucky in tlie United States Nairy. 99 frigate "Colorado," which was the first vessel in the navy to carry the flag to Europe after the war. He afterward was on duty at the Naval Academy as an instructor of navigation and mathematics. He resigned December 28, 1871, and removed to Indiana, Avhere he is well known as one of the prominent lawyers of Mt. Vernon. CAPT. WILLIAM CLINTON WISE, born at Lewis burg, Va., November 8, 1842, was appointed to the Naval Academy from Kentucky, September 29, 1860; promoted to ensign, October 1,1863; master, 1866. In October, 1863, attached to and served on "New Ironsides," par ticipated in the blockade of Charleston, and in the vari ous attacks on that city's defenses; on the "Minnesota" in both attacks on Fort Fisher, N. C, 1865; commanding flag. ship "Malvern" in both attacks on Forts Anderson and Strong, and various operations on Cape Fear river. The "Malvern" was afterward ordered to James river, during the final operations against Richmond, and was the first United States vessel to reach the city, and had President Lincoln on board. Wise was recommended for promotion for war services by Board of Admirals, in 1866; promoted to lieutenant, July 21, 1867; lieutenant- commander, March 12, 1868; conimander, February 24, 1881; became captain, November 11, 1894; is now in com mand of the "Amphitrite." CAPT. JOHN CRITTENDEN WATSON was born in Kentucky, August 24, 1842; appointed to Naval Acad emy, September 29, 1856; promoted to master and at tached to frigate "Sabine," 1861; thence to the "Hart ford," West Gulf blockading squadron, 1862-4; commis sioned lieutenant; July 16, 1862. Was present at the bombardment and passage of Forts Jackson and St. Philip, April, 1862; at the passage of the batteries at ^¦icksburg, June and July, 1862; passage of Port Hudson, March 14, 1863; was wounded by a fragment of shell from a rebel battery at Warrington; engaged in the pas sages of Grand Gulf, March 19 and 30, 1863; at the battle of Mobile Bay, August 5, 1864, he was on duty as flag lieutenant of the "Hartford," and Adm. Farragut, m his report to the Secretary of the Navy, Aug. 12, 1864, says ot him- "Lieut. J. Crittenden Watson, my flag lieutenant, has been brought to your notice in former dispatches. During the action he was on the poop attending to the signals, and performed his duties, as might be expected. 100 Union Eegiments of Kentucky. thoroughly. He is a scion worthy of the noble stock he sprang from, and I commend him to your attention," Commissioned lieutenant-commander, July 25, 1866; commander, January 23, 1874. Promoted to captain, March 6, 1887. Is uoav governor of the Naval Home, Philadelphia. CAPT. GEOEGE M\ SUMNEE, bom in Constantine, Mich., December 31, 1841. Appointed to the Naval Acad emy from the Fifth Congressional District of Kentucky, September 20, 1858, attached to the steam frigate "Col orado," West Gulf blockading squadron, 1861. Was en gaged in the bombardment of Forts Jackson and St. Philip, April, 1862. Special duty on U. S. ship "Harriett Lane" during memorable passage of Forts Jackson and St. Philip. Engaged in the attack on Vicksburg batter ies in 1862; promotion, to lieutenant, August 1, 1862; ex ecutive officer of the "Massasoit," Nor-th Atlantic block ading squadrpn, 1864-5; commanded same vessel in the latter part of January, 1865, when the rebel ironclads "Fredericksburg" and "A'irginia" came down James river to Dutch Gap, and assisted the "Onondaga" in her engagement with those vessels, defeating their plans and forcing them to retire. Lieutenant-commander, 1866; commander, .June 13, 1876; captain, October 2, 1891. Now commanding the "Monadnock." CAPT. I'AUL SHIELEY Avas born iu Kentucky, De cember 19, 1820, and Avas appointed to the naA^y, July 25, 1839; became master, December 3, 1863; lieutenant, July 24, 1854; commander, November 5, 1863; captain, July 1, 1870. While in command of the "Cyane," of the Paciflc squadron, he captured tte piratical cruiser "J. M. Chap man," in 1863, for Avhich he was complimented by Eear Adm. Charles Bell. While in command of the "Su- wanee" he took the piratical steamer "Colon," at Cape Saint Lucas, Lower California, thereby saving tA\'o mail steamers, that M^ould have been captured. Subsequently, was in command of the flag ship "Pensacola," during 1867-8, and after of the "Independence" at Mare Island, Cal., in 1869 and 1870. He died at Columbus, Ohio, No vember 24, 1876. ADM. BENJAMIN FEANKLIN SANDS was born in Baltimore, Md., February 11, 1811; entered the navy Officers from Kentucky 'in th' United States Navy. 101 by appointment from Kentucky, April 1, 1828; rose to lieutenant, March 11, 1840 ; during the Mexican War, was in the operations on the Gulf of Mexico, and took part also in the expedition up the Tabasco river. Was com missioned commander September 4, 1855; captain, July 16, 1862. (Commanded the "Dacotah" on blockade, and participated in the engagements with Fort Caswell on Cape Fear river. In command of steamer "Fort Jack son"; took part in the two attacks on Fort Fisher; had charge of the division on the blockade of the coast of Texas from February to June, 1865. On June 2, 1865, he raised the United States flag over Galveston, the last point surrendered by the Confederates. Commissioned as commodore, July 20, ^1866;' reached the rank of rear ad miral, April, 1871. Was retired February 11, 1874, at Washington, where he died on the 30th of June, 1883. (JOM. DANIEL B. EIDGLEY, born in Kentucky, August 1, 1813. Appointed midshipman, April 1, 1828. At the period of the war with Mexico he had risen to 1st lieutenant of the U. S. brig "LaAvrence," stationed off the Rio Grande river, under the orders of, and co-operating with, the army under Gen. Zachary Taylor. During the late war he commanded the "Santiago de Cuba,'' and the "Shenandoah." While in command of the latter vessel, was in the bombardments that resulted in the capture of Fort Fisher, Avhere the naval forces were under Adm. Porter. He rose to the rank of commodore and died Mav 5, 1868. COM. CICERO PRICE, born in Kentucky, Decem ber 1, 1805. Was appointed midshipman and entered the navy, February 1, 1826; became passed midshipman April 28, 1832; lieutenant, September 6, 1837; commander, Sep tember 14, 1855; captain, July 16, 1862; commodore, De cember 29, 1866. Placed on the retired list, December 2, 1867. Died at Troy, N. Y., November 24, 1888. COM. ROBERT L. PHA'THIAN, appointed from Kentucky as cadet at the Naval Academy, January 28, 1853. When the war broke out, had risen to the rank of lieutenant. Commissioned lieutenant-commander July 16, 1862; in command of ironclad "Lehigh," South At lantic blockading squadron, 1863-4; on "New Ironsides," 1864-5; promoted to commander, July 13, 1870; captain. 102 Union Regiments of Kent'ucky. October 12, 1881; commodore, July 31, 1894. Now sta tioned at Washington as superintendent Naval Observa tory. COMDR. AUSTIN PENDERGRAST, son of Com. Gar rett J. Pendergrast, \\-as born in Kentuckj^ in 1829; ap pointed to the navy from Kentucky, October 14, 1848; at tached to razee "Independence," Mediterranean squadron, 1848-52; frigate "Columbia," Home squadron, 1853; Naval Academy, 1854. Promoted to passed midshipman, June 15, 1854; coast survey, 1855. Commissioned lieutenant, September 16, 1855; brig "Dolphin," coast of Africa, 1855-6; ordnance duty, Washington, 1858; steamer "Memphis," Brazil squadron and Paraguay expedition, 1858-9; frigate "Con gress,'' flagship, Brazil squadron, 1860-1; frigate "Con gress," North Atlantic blockading squadron, 1861. Lieut. Pendergranst was attached to the frigate "Congress" at the time that vessel w^assunk by the rebel ram "Merrimac," and during a portion of the engagement Avas in command; Lieut. Joseph Smith, his senior officer, having been killed. Commissioned as lieutenant-commander, July 16, 1862 ; commanding steamer "Water Witch," South Atlantic blockading squadron, 1862-4. On the night of June 2, 1864, the "Water AMtch" Avas boarded by a larg-e party of rebels, and after a sharp flght of " brief duration was obliged to yield his vessel to the enemy; commanding steamer "Nyack," South Paciflc squadron, 1866-7. Commissioned as commander, August. 31, 1867; ordnance duty, Philadelphia, 1869-70. Died October 23, 1874. COMDE. DENNIS W^ALBACH MULLAN, born at Annapolis, Md., November 10, 1843. Appointed to the Naval Academy from Kentucky, September 21, 1860; promoted to ensign, October 1, 1863, and attached to the West Gulf blockading squadron, on steam sloop "Monongahela," 1863-65; engaged in various attacks with batteries on the coast of Texas, 1863-4; was present and participated in the battle of Mobile Bay, August 5, 1864, and the subsequent attacks on Fort Morgan, Mobile Bay, followed by its surrender. Promoted to master, 1865; lieutenant, 1867; lieutenant-commander, March 12, 1868; commander, 1882. In command of the "Nipsic" at Samoa Islands, during the troublous times with the Germans. The "Nipsic" was the only American man-of-war saved in the great hurricane of March 16, 1889. Now command ing navy yard at Pensacola, Fla. ' Officers from Kentmky in the United States Navy. 103 COjM. WILLIAM V. McCANN wa.s born in Paris, Ky., May 4, 1830. Was appointed to the navy, November 1, 1848, and attached to the frigate "Raritan," November 8, 1848; passed through the regular grades of the service and reached the rank of lieutenant, September 16, 1855. Was in exceedingly active service during 1861, and Avas promoted to lieutenant-commander, July 16, 1862. For three years rendered excellent service in the various squadrons, until August 5, 1864. He Avas in command of the "Kennebec" at the battle of Mobile Bay, Avhere his A'essel Avas lashed to the ".Monongahela," flfth in line of battle, and in that position entered the bay, engaging vessels and fort; at night he pursued and attacked the "Morgan," a rebel vessel that had eluded the fleet below, and which escaped by getting into shoal AA^ater. July 2, 1872, . commissioned commander, to date from July 25, 1866; advanced sixteen numbers. Promoted to captain, September 21, 1876; commodore, January 2Q, 1887. Placed on the retired list, Mav, 1892; now living at New Rochelle, N. Y.SUKG. WILLIAM T. HORD, born in Kentucky, March 3, 1831. Entered the navy as assistant surgeon, November 1, 1854; promoted to passed assistant surgeon, November 1, 1859; became surg-eon, August 1, 1861; de tached from the "Cyane" at Panama and ordered home, November 11, 1861. Volunteered as aid on (jen. Wm. Nelson's staff, at the battle of Shiloh, April 8, 1862; thence with the division till the evacuation of Corinth. Ordered back to the navy June 14, 1862; participated in active service during the remainder, of the war. Wrecked in an earthquake at Santa Croix, West Indies, November 18, 1867. Promoted to medical inspector, July 16, 1867. Promoted to medical director,* May 1, 1879; retired on account of age, IMarch 3, 1893. Now resides in Wash ington. ' CAPT. HENRY GLASS, born in Hopkinsville, Ky., January 7, 1844. Was appointed to the Naval Academy, September 24, 1860; promoted to ensign. May 24, 1863, and the same year attached to the "Canandaigua" of the South .Atlantic blockading squadron. Participated in all the general engagements Avith forts and batteries in Charleston Harbor, from July 8th to September 28, 1863. In the engagements with batteries in Stone's river, Decem ber, 1863, and July, 1864; w^as at the capture of George town, S. C, Febmary 5, 1865. Promoted to master, November 10, 1865; became lieutenant, November 10, 104 liiion. Regiments of KeMucky. 1866; lieutenant- <'ouimander, March 12, 1868; commander, October, 1879; captain, Januar\' 23, 1894. Is uoav in com mand of the "Texas." ' ADM. JAMES HANNA SPOTTS, naval officer, born in Fort Johnson, Washington Harbor, N. C, March 11, 1822; died at Port Stanley, Falkland Islands, March 9, 1882. His father Avas an officer in the U. S. Army, and commanded the artillery under Gen. Andrew Jackson at the battle of New Orleans. In acknoAvledgment of his bravery. Gen. Jackson presented Maj. Spotts with a sword. The son entered the navy from Kentucky, as a midshipman, August 2, 1837, and made a cruise around the world in the sloop "John Adams," in 1837-40. He attended the naval school at Philadelphia in 1842- 43. During the Mexican War, he served in the "Lexing ton" on the Pacific coast in 1846-49. He was promoted to master, April 8, 1851, and to lieutenant, NoA-ember 25, 1851. Though a native of the South, he promptly an nounced his devotion to the Union, faking command of the schooner "Wanderer" in June, 1861, and acted as captain of fhe port of Key West. In July, 1862, he took charge of the steamer "Magnolia'' on the Eastern Gulf blockade.. He Avas promoted to commander .August 5, 1862, and had the steamer "South Carolina" on the South .Atlanta blockade in 1863-64. He w^as transferred to the steamer "PaAvtucket" in Avhich he participated in both attacks on Fort Fisher. He was promoted to captain, .\ugust 6, ,1866; commanded the steamers "Saranac" and "Pensacola" in the Pacific squadron in 1870-72. He was promoted to rear-admiral. May 28, 1881, and took com mand of the J^ S. Naval force on the South .Atlantic station in July. While on a visit to the ports of that station, he was stricken Thixton. SERGTS.— Wm. H. Lower, Alvena Moses, Wm. T. Morris, Andrew J. Hancock, Nathaniel Prouty. CORPLS.— Chas. W. Meads, Jas. B. Dixon, James Rogers, Wm. T. Doyle. PRIVATES— Wm. Dyer, EU W. Decker, Allen W. Doyle, Wm. P. Gorln, Lewis C. Glass, Chas. Garland, John P. Harris, Jno. W. Hawkins, Jas. W. Hayes, Stephen Howard, James Ireland, Jefferson T. Jackson, Secoitd Kentiwky Veteran Cavalri/. ' 129 Harvey Jackson, Wm. Kendall, James Mather, Benjamin Majors, James P. Martin, Uriah S. Orender, Watson Riggs, Robert W. Ramay, Charles Smith, John Shaw, Valentine Simion, John Smith, John T. Tatum, Milton Thomas, David L. Terry, Robert K. Thacker, WUliam Walkeri Benjamin Webb, Martin L. Welch, Andrew J. Whitehead, Geo. W. White, Brown Wilson, Samuel Wilson, Miles Tqty, John Ramay. Company " L." CAPTAINS— Monroe Bateman, Jos. T. Foreman. 1st LIEUT.— Jas. A. AVarder. 2d LIEUT.— Thos. H. Soward. SERGTS.— WiUiam W. Nolan, Ephraim M. Bateman, Samuel Lyon, WiUiam M. Cooper, Charles F. Haughey, Louis W. Little. CORPLS.— Elzy P. Boyd, John L. Brickel, John T. Blackburn, Thomas Forman, Joseph Brindley, William H. Shouse, Thomas M. Runyun. PRIVATES— James H. Antle, Thomas Arnett, Benjamin Arnett, William T. .^.ckman, James Adamson, Francis S. Berry, Richard W. Bowman, George Bishoffi, John J. Russell, Vachel E. Boughner, Nelson Collins, Lewis W. Crane, Jarnes.Cuddihy, Peter Decker, George Damon, John W. Eastep, Charles Faulkner, Archibald D. Ferguson, William P. Glassock, Martin Groaster, William E. Glnn, George Gardner, John Gallagher, Ludwell Henson, James M. HIU, Joseph D. Hunter, William E. King, George S. Keith, John J. Key, George Kirk, Patrick Larkln, Keynon Larkin, Craven Lane, William D. Mingee, William J. Mitchell, James McLaughlin, Garrard Morgan, John Murray, Nicholas May, Charles E. Nelson, James R. Norris, John H. Norris, Francis H. Pearce, Alfred M. Pepper, John W. Reed, William W. Rogers, Francis M. Staton, James Stanfield, James T. Thomas, George Feegarden, .\aron Fee- garden, William W. Vise, John J. Winter, Thoinas J. Winter, Japies Weaver, David WUson, James A. AA'arder, Jno. Allen Jones, John O'Brien, Jas. L. Thackston, Robt. Fegan, Thos. H. Pepper. Company " M," CAPTAIN— Robert M. GlUmore. PRIVATES — Larkin Arnold, Wra. Brown, Isaac Burnett, James Broke, James Brock, George Bobbitt, Pleasant Q. Barren, Cyrenius W. Carrier, Wm. Crabtree, James Cox, Geo. W. Davis, Wm. Edwards, Andrew 'J. Frogg, Thornton F. Gaines, Geo. W. Gill, Wm. L. Griffis, Thomas Garrett, Neely W. Hart, Anderson Hunter, Joseph Hatmaker, ¦^m. Lawson, Wm. McKenzie, Carroll C. Mercer, Wm. Mastengill. James Mothers, Jno. H. Meeks, James Merritt, George Nichols, Henry Price, Samuel Price, Wrfa. Price, Jno. A. Rainey, Henry Smith, .Tames Suett, Allen Sosage, Wm. Todd, Robt. Warren, James Waddall, Emerson Wal lace, Isaiah Wright, Jonathan Welsh, Burdine Young, Martin Duther- age, Martin Hicks, Ezekiel H. HaU, Curtis M. Shelton, Thos. M. Floyd, Wm. Reynolds, Jas. Young, Jno. H. Breck, Jos. E. Gridley, Wm. M. Nichols, Wm. H. -Woodall, John Claxton, Jno. J. Davis, John Doss, Jno. B. McGee, Joel B. Warren, Edward Johnson, Edwin T. Abbott, James Adams, James Gordon, Jno. B. Miller. [ Second Kentucky Veteran Cavalry. Field and Staff. COLONELS— Buckner Board, Thomas P. Nicholas. LIEUT.-COLS. —Thos. B. Cochran, EUjah S. Watts, Owen Starr. MAJORS— Henry B. CoUins, Wm. H. Eifort, Jesse J. Craddock. ADJTS.— John M. Hewitt, George W. Grifflths. Q. MASTERS— Ellas Thomasson, Wm. G. Rogers COMMISSARY— Edward B. Ayres. SURGEON— John F. Finley. ASST. SURGS.— David J. Grifflths, Robert Stewart, J. H. Layman. CHAP LAIN— Geo. J. Reed. SERGT.-MAJORS— John E. Stillwell, Samuel 9 130 Union Regimentx of Kent'ucky. Ly6n, Richard K. Wyatt, Garrard Morgan. Q. M. SERGTS.- Chas. M. Johnson, Geo. A. Corum. COM.-SBRGT.— Jas. H. Taylor. HOSPITAL STEWARDS— Chas. W. Henn, John Bailey. CHIEF BUGLERS— Chas. Edleman, Geo. D. Damon. SADDLER SERGT.— John Walker. - Company "A." CAPTAIN— George W. Griffiths. 1st LIEUT.— Edward B. Curran. SERGT.— George Kurtz. CORPLS. — Isaac T. Cox, Isaac T. Gallaher. PRIVATES— John Coe, William Allen, Peter W. Conan, James Elkins, Wiley R. Edwards, 'Thomas Fouler, Henry P. Franses, Nelson R. Gore, Joseph Lee, Thomas N. Miller, Dennis Madigan, Joseph Noe, Patrick Smith, John TerrUl, John P. Woods, Blanstreet Reese, David Devere, James A. J. WiUiams, Wilson H. Bledsoe, John Davis, Columbus Florence, John Gaherty, Alexander Polston, Henry Williams, William Wilson, Henry Boucher, Jesse Cunningham, Robert Greenwell, James Pepper, WiUiam T. Hall. Company " B." 1st LIEUT.— Thomas H. Soward. SERGTS. — Robt. Burd, James A. Wallis- PRIVATES — Francis Collett, Francis Fentroe, John M. Graham, James Graham, Henry B. Morgan, John T. Peerson, Thomas J. Pierson, Demosthenes Rider, Lewis WiUis, John V. Watson, John Wehunt, James Atwood, William Bowen, Thomas Davis, Henry Hassa, Rodolph Leasure. Company " C." CAPTAINS— James A. Warder, W. H. Lower. 1st LIEUTS.— Bird P. Brooks, Lewis H. Little. 2d LIEUTS.— Geo. A. Hosmer, Robert E. Pogue, Wm. Bradney. SERGTS.— Richard Foley, Brent C. Zachery, John B. Gilmore, Wm. W. Rowlett, John M. Ireland, Edward Morris, Junius D. AA'. Black, Joseph H. Black, John Darby, Henry P. Font, John Foley, WUliam Todd. CORPLS. — John Kalusa, Andrew Butram, John C. Tipton, Benjamin F. Cogle, Wm. Brantly, George AV. Austin, John W. Darby, David Ford. PRIVATES — William Amus, Larkin Arnold, William Ashley, Pleas ant J. Barrow, George Bobbitt, Wm. Brown, James Brock, John H. Brock, Isaac Burnete, Michael Condrane, Richard Crawford, George Callahan, John Claxton, George W. Davis, Martin Detherldge, John Doss, James tfltzpatrick, Thomas M. Floyd, Wm. L. Grifflth, Thornton P. Gaines, Thomas Garret, George W. Gi,ll, Joseph P. Girdler, Martin Hicks, Neely W. Hart, Ezekiah Hall, Joseph Hatmaker, Michael In- graham, Thomas Jackson, Evan Jackson, George W. Jordan, George Kidd, Mark Kating, AAilllam Lawson, Michael McCarty, John C. Mc- Calrer, Carrol C. Mercer, James Merritt, James Mathew, Wm. O. Mass- InglU, John H. Meeks, John E. McGee, WUUam M. Nichols, Georgf W. Nichols, Samuel J. Pearce, William Price, Henry Price, Samuel Price, John A. Rainy, Curtis M. Shelton, James Sweet, Martin \. Stewart, Jeremiah Sullivan, John Strlght, Jesse Thomas, Garden Van Bibber, Joseph Wood, Robert Warren, James Woodall, WUliam H. Woodall, Joel B. Warren, Emerson Wallace, Jonathan Welch, James Young, Robert Arnold, Geo. W. Chaplinger, Samuel Clark, Andrew J. Conoman, Cyrus W. Carver, Wm. Davis, Henry B. Eiford, Rouland T. Hall, Sam uel M. Kiphart, John S. Lee, Joseph McCann, Daniel McGinnis, James B. McGuire, Andrew Prister, John R. Spires, Samuel Strader, Henry C. Thompson, Thomas WUlis, Francis J. Wetty, WUliam J. Wilhite, Ber- dine Young, William Anderson, Joseph Boden, James Darby, Michael GUI, Peuden Green, Neal Green, Frederick Kokamp, George Skowden, Allen Skowden, Jacob Lewis, Robert C. S. Morris, AUen O. Morris, James T. Marshall, Edward Meemon, WUUam McKenni, Robert Powell, Thomas G. Riley, AViUiam Reynolds, WUUam Stewart, Henry Smith, Isaiah Wright, John T. HeCU, Michael Kenny, Lewis Washburn, James Drake, George Brashaw, James Cox, AyiUIam Crabtree, Robert Dewitt, John J. Davis, WUliam Edwards, Andrew J. Frogg, John B. Henry, Anderson Hunter, W. H. Johnson, George W. Jackson, Edward John- ^ Second Kentucky Veteran Cavalry. 131 son, Harrison Kelly, Jacob M. Lewis, James B. McGuire, Thomas Mon day, Frank Miller, Wm. Moreau, John Swift, Allen Savage Wilson Stafford. Company " D." PRIVATES— John W. Cotwell, Thomas L. Crow, Jefferson C. Clem mons, Michael Handley, Wm. J. Knight, John J. Key, Andrew Long, Lafayette Lilly, Davis Legrand, John W. Marr, Napoleon McDowell] Michael Moore, George W. Norton, Caleb Oldham, Egbert Reynolds] John Cannon, Luther P. Long, Anthony B, PuUiam, Jasper N. Saunders! Company "E." CAPTAIN— Robert W. Gilmore. 2d LIEUT.— Wm. C. Adams. CORPLS.— John J. Nicholson, Wiley D. Bays, W. H. H. Cook. FAR RIER— Andrew J. Artes. PRIVATES— Jasper Adams, James Artis, James C. Brickley, Samuel Carr, Wm. Chandler, John W. Coffman, Hiram Putts, James W. Howe, Andrew McEUiott, Archibald Nipp, Anson Pope, Robert Peckenpaugh, John T. Ross, Daniel Ross, WUliam Ross, John Stewart, Wm. Woodall, Henry Erick, Allen Rutherford, Solomon Murry, John C. HUton. Company " F." SERGT.— WUliam B. Hansford. CORPLS.— Richard W. Luster, Schuyler Hail. PRIVATES— William R. Daglay, John Douley, Josiah Evans, James Greer, Thomas Hugan, John S. Herrin, Willis M. Herrin, Benjamin W. Sweeney, Alexander Evans, John C. Hines, Alexander C. Lucas, Joseph B. Larue, James K. Larter, Wm. M. Briscoe, John A. Brown. Company "C." PRIVATES— William Auberry, John C. Brown, Henry M. Ford. Charley M. Miller, Joseph H. Morris, Hugh Maples, WUUam Pauley, David Sipoohhour, Martin Sullivan, John Slack, James A. Tabb, Wm. A. Walliee, Ewing White, Jaines Waggner, Alexander W. Wilhelm. Company " H." SERGTS.— Damas Emerie, Spencer C. Evans. CORPL— WiUiam R. Paris. PRIVATES— Charles Be mer, Isaiah Deboise, Philip Jf Daffron, Wm. H. Goodwin, Jacob Henderson, Nicholas' W. Johnson, Daniel Kincaid, Richard Obrien, Francis M. Oldrldge, Herman Pohle, James Pulllam, Charles Reynand, Charles Schafter; William L. Telle, James Williams, George C. Worley, Lewis Willis, Charles Yost, WUlis Snyder, WilUs Skaggs, Wm. O. Richardson. Company "U" CAPTAIN— Lovell H. Thickston. 1st LIEUTS.— Geo. W. L. Bateman, John L. Bonner. 2d LIEUT.- Wm. H. Lower. SERGTS.— John Cald well, Nathaniel Prouty, John Crawford, Alvena Moses, Thomas E. Myer, James 21. Stephens, Samuel S. Beatty, Arnold J. Stole, WUUam T. Morris, George W. White, Richard D. Jackson, William P. Parker. CORPLS.— John Fritz, James B. Dickson, James E. Rogers, Gordon Thomas, Levi Neal, John G. Harris, John R. Norris. BUGLER— John C. Tatum. COOK— Edward (colored). PRIVATES— Robert Anderson, John Barnette, James Goldwell, Benjamin H. Cornwell, John Coldgrove, John A. Cameron, James H. Conley, Charles T. Dozler, William Dyur, Eli W. Decker, WiUiam Dysard, Willjam W. Poster, Zachariah Freeman, Andrew J. Goodman, Solomon Gallkey, Henry V. Harweek, Stephen Howard, James W. Hayse, William Harris, Joseph M. Hunter, Harvey Jackson, George W. T. Monroe, James P. Martin, Charles W. Nobb, 'Edward Pointer, Hender son Richardson, Elijah H. Sergeant, John W. Slate, Jacob Suethamen, Levi S. Slate, Reason M. Slate, Andrew J. Smith, William Walker, Samuel Wilson, George AV. Watley, Washington W. Watts, George 132 Union Eegiments of Kentucky. "Winch, Brown Anderson, John C. Blevin, Robert Clutts, Ezekiel Coffee, Abraham Cornell, William T. Doyle, Lewis C. Glass, WilUam T. Gorin, Mathew M. Grifflth, Andrew J. Hancock, James Ireland, Jefferson J. Jackson, James Mathias, John Michaels, Simpson Miller, Joseph Mc Allister, Charles W. Meads, William McCormick, Jacob Neiffi, tJriah S. Orender, Joseph E. Pugh, Watson Riggs, Daniel Simon, Charles Smith, John Shaw, .'¥lsop Taylor, Robert K. Thacker, Milton Thomas, Martin L. Welch, Pruter Wilson, George W. Waddle, Godfrey C. Zoder, George A. Corum, William Barrens, Robert Botts, William Blivens, Andrew Diddle, Charles Cranon, Allen Doyle, Charles Garland, James W. Hendricks, John W. Hawkins, Watt A. James, George W. Lancaster, Toby MUes, Robert Montgomery, Benjamin Major, John Ramay, John L. Richardson, Robert W. Ramay, Henry C. Robb, David L. Terry, Andrew J. WUburn, Benjamin Welch, WUliam Rogers, Joseph Fisher, Smith Hicks, Henry Hannah, John Houston, Franklin Johnson, William Kendall, Francis McGuire, Valentine Simons, David Shanon, John J. Smith, WiUiam Taylor, George W. Wills, Zacherias L. Wright, Andrew J. Whitehead. Company " L." CAPTAIN— Joseph P. Foreman. 1st LIEUT.— James A. Warder. 2d LIEUT.— Thomas H. Soward. SERGTS.— Alfred M. Pepper, Thomas Foreman, Thomas H. Hamion, Wm. A. McCammon, Wm. W. Rozers, Joseph Brindley, Ephraim Bateman, Wm. W. Nolln, James H. Antle, Elzy F. Boyd, Thomas M. Runyan, James S. McConnell, Samuel Lyon, Chas. P. Haughey. CORPLS.— John P. Blackburn, John W. Reed, George Gardener, Joseph A. Hunter, William Ibbric, Charles PuUiam, John J. Winter, Garrard S. Morgan. PRIA'-ATES— Richard W. Bowman, George Bishoff, Jefferson Clem mons, George D. Damon, Patrick Degnan, John W. Eastep, Archibald D. Furguson, Robert Pegan, Gilderoy Y. Guthrie, Peter Glasscock, Martin Graster, Wm. E. Grim, John Gallagher, Ludwell Henson, John H. Horn- back, John H. Howard, Napoleon B. Ireland, John A. Jones, Mike Lauler, Craven Lane, Wm. J. Mitchell, John Murrey, Mike Moore, John H. Norris, James R. Norris, John O'Brien, Philip O'Connell, Francis H. Pearce. Martin Ross, Samuel Sutterfield, Samuel Spencer, James T. Thomas, James L. Thackstan, Davis Wilson, Samuel Welsh, Nicholas May, Wm. P. Ackman, Thoma's Arnet, Frank Appleton, John L. Brickel, Francis P. Berry, John J. Bussel, Nelson E. Collins, Lewis W. Crane, John H. Cheatem, Thomas Coleman, Wm. M. Cooper, Charles Faulkner, James M. HIU, Michael Handley, Wm. E. King, John J. Key, George Kirk, Lewis Little, Patrick Larkin,. Karen Larker, Wm. D. Mingee, James McLaughlin, Charles E. Nelson, Francis M. Staten, James W. Stanfield, Charles A. Sale, Wm. H. ShoUse, Aaron Peagarden, George Peagarden, Thomas J. Wentoo, James .^damson, James Cudahay, Peter Decker, Thomas H. Pepper, Vachel E. Boughner, Michael Collins, Samuel Logs- ton, James A. H. McKee, Wm. B. Nichols, James H. Nichols, Patrick Ward, James Weaver. Detachment of Fifth Kentucky Infantry, Assigned to Second Kentucky Veteran Volunteer Cavalry. 1st LIEUT.— John Baker. SERGTS.— Kurman Sanford, Samuel S. Richard, Thomas Laure, George WUUams, John M. Young, Daniel R. Grady, Louis Edsil, Minor McClain. CORPLS.— Thomas M. Dermot, Christian Ehrisman, John Brown, John Huffman, WUliam S. Riley, Frank Lightner, George H. Ingham. PRIVATES— John Brown, Frank Broughon, Henry B. Clay, Dennis Conroy, Michael Colgan, Jacob Conrad, James V. C. Cusack, Thomas J. Craddock, Barney Dennison, Robertson Dotson, James M. Davidson, John O. Donohue, Kerans Egan, Patrick Flynn, WUUam Factor, George Third Kentucky Cavalry. 133 Hughes, John Higgins, WUliam Harbough, Allen Higginbottom, John H. Hawkins, Errish Hofflns, John Kriskie, John KUroy, Andrew KoU, George Letsinger, John Mitz, Jacob Mungie, John Matheny, Joseph Muntainem, Alexander Moore, Thomas McNIchol, John McCormisk, Thomas Munn, Moses M. Pounds, Henry Rumberger, John W. Runyon, Simon Rehm, Thomas Sly, Henry C. Stephens, Jonas Smith, AUen N. Smith, William Stranch, Beauford P. Sherman, John W. Sharp, Charles C. Sharp, Augustus WUliam, Edward R. Walden, John White, Thomas Agan, Henry C. Buckner, James D. Carter. Thomas Dunn, Robert Hatches, Thomas J. Ingraham, George W. Jones, John Kelker, Henry C. Richardson, Presly, S. Richardson, Johnson Todd, Marlin Dorsey, John F. Hampton, Lewis Keil, Joseph Kraig. Third Kentucky Cavalry. Upon the outbreak of the rebellion, in the spring of 1861, President Lincoln called an extra session of Con gress fo meet July 4th. There was a special election in Kentucky of this called session of Congress, held June 20, 1861. .'^t that election, James S. Jackson, a Unionist, of Hopkinsville, Ky., was elected by a majority of over 9,000 in his, the Second District. It may be here stated that the Union majority in Kentucky at that election was over 54,000. At the regular .-August election, the same year, the Union majority was increased. James S. .lackson was in Washington, when the condition of the country caused him to resign his seat in Congress to be come a soldier. A very interesting mention of Jackson is contained in Col. John H. McHenry's account of his own regiment, the 17th Ky. Infantry, read before the FedCTal Historical Society, March 5, 1882. He says: "The representative in~T'ongress from the Second Dis trict was James S. Jackson, of Hopkinsville. So soon as he obserA'ed that war was inevitable, his restless and gallant spirit caused him to resign his seat. Receiving authority from Mr. Lincoln fo raise a cavalry regiment, he nobly gave up the luxurious life of a Congressman, and took to the hardship of a soldier." He tells of meeting Jackson in Louisville, in the sum mer of 1861, and learning from him that Nelson was about to organize troops in Central Kentucky, and that Hobson and Hawkins, of Warren, and Burbridge of Logan, and Shackelford, of Hopkins, and himself (Mc Henry), of DaAdess, Avere to be authorized to recruit regi ments in connection with Jackson's cavalry. September 6th, Jackson published the following call to the young men of Kentucky: By the authority and for the service of the government of the United States, I propose to organize a regiment of cavalry to serve three 134 Union Regiments of Kent'ucky. years, or during the war, to consist of ten companies, each company to contain not less than eighty-four, nor more than one hundred and four, rank and file. Volunteers owning good horses can have them appraised and paid for. The captains and lieutenants are to be elected by the companies respectively. Captains of companies will report to me at the Gait House, in Louisville, as soon as practicable. No company must be removed from its point of organization until ordered into camp. Trans portation to the point of rendezvous will be furnished. None but active, vigorous men, and men of steady habits will be received. Capt. Richard W. Johnson, of the regular army, has be^n detailed to act as lieutenant- colonel. I intend to make this regiment in all respects equal to the best drilled and disciplined corps in the regular army. I know this call will be patriotically answered. The soil of Kentucky has been wantonly invaded. J. S. JACKSON. Louisville, September 6, 1861. In publishing this call, the Louisville Journal said: We invite attention to the military call we publish. No word of ours can lend force to the simple but kindling appeal. It will stir the hearts of the loyal youth of our Commonwealth like the notes of a bugle. The magnitude and grandeur of the cause at stake, the exciting and peculiar solemnity of the present juncture In the mighty struggle, the sudden and unprovoked invasion of Kentucky by the Confederate forces, and the capacity and courage of the glorious manhood, and the lofty and spot less honor of the leader, who here summons his youthful compatriots to the field, conspire to invest the call with a resistless charm. Young men of Kentucky, read the call and answer It. Rally under the flag of your country for the protection of your state! The call of .Jackson was responded to by the instan taneous formation of companies. The men came princi pally from the counties of the Green river region, west of the Louisville & Nashville Railroad, though many were from Christian county and counties adjacent thereto. It would be a pleasing task to give a detailed history of this magnificent regiment, with its gallant officers — .lackson. Holmes, Murray, King, Breathitt, Wolfiey, White, Sloo — all of them indeed; their names appear in the roster of the regiment, and space forbids other men tion here. The regiment was full of the spirit of its hero leader, who was soon made a brigadier-general, and laid down his life at Perryville, October 8, 1862. The 3d Cavalry began to assemble in September and October, 1861, at Owensboro and Calhoun, and in those months, before it was mustered into service, was actively engaged in contests with Confederate cavalry then oper ating in that part of the state. In October, a portion of the regiment skirmished with the enemy at Woodbury, Ky., and November 21st, an other portion Avas engaged at Brownsville. December 31st, it was mustered into the United States service at Calhoun, Ky., by Maj. W. W. Sidell, being a full regiment of cavalry of the finest material — officers and men. Its record Avas a thorough fulfillment of its TTiird Kent'ucky Cavalry. 135 early promise. December 28, 1861, Maj. E. H. Murray, with 168 men, Avas attacked while on a scout by Col. For rest, with 300 men, at Sacremento. The fight was fierce, but Murray's men, being greatly outnumbered, gave way. The loss wassevere, Capt. Bacon being killed, Davis cap tured and eight soldiers killed and others wounded. OoL Forrest reported his force to be 300, and that he lost Capt. Meriwether and three privates killed. His wounded he took to Hopkinsville in wagons. At this time, Maj. Mur ray was only eighteen years of age, and Gen. Crittenden reports that his conduct deserved the highest praise. During the winter the regiment remained in Western Kentucky, performing duty constantly, as the country was all the time raided by the Confederates from Hop kinsville and other points. .Ifter the capture of Fort Donelson, February, 1862, the Federal troops advanced into Tennessee, and the 3d Cavalry proceeded to Nashville, being in Crittenden's division. It marched with Buell's army to Pittsburgh Landing, and a portion of the regiment engaged in the second day's battle at Shiloh, and received high com mendation from Gen. Criffenden. .4fter the battle of Shiloh, the 3d continued with Crittenden's division, Buell's army, in fhe movements on (.^orinth and luka. Col. Jackson, however, was placed in ccmimand of Buell's entire force of cavalry, and the regiment was in charge of the lieutenant-colonel. It was 'on constant duty all the summer in Tennessee and Ala bama, being at Huntsville, Florence, .4Lthens and other points. July 16, 1862, Col. Jackson was made brigadier- general, and in August the regiment was in charge of Maj. E. H. Murray. From .Athens, .\la., it moved to Decherd, Tenn., and proceeded with Buell's army into Kentucky. .\n illustration of the severe duty during the summer of 1862 is shown by an order of Gen. Buell at Huntsville, July 13th, directing "the 3d Ky. Cavalry and one section of artillery to move by forced marches to P""ayetteville; thence to Shelbyville, to form a junction with the troops at Wartrace or Tullahoma, and act ac cording to circumstances in attacking the enemy at Mur freesboro, or in cutting off his retreat. They must be vigilant on the march, and take three days' rations and get forage on the route." This is only a specimen of the many like orders re ceived. The regiment was sent as a whole or part to numberless places in .\labama and Tennessee, wherever the enemy was to be encountered. The estimate in which the regiment was held is shown 136 Unioji Regimefds of Kentucky. in Gen. Crittenden's report of the battle of Shiloh, express ing his special Avish to have had the entire regiment with him. Also in Gen. Boyle, at headquarters in Louisville, July 13, 1862, applying to fhe Secretary of War for the 3d Ky. Cavalry for aid against Morgan. August 11, 1862, Gen. Negley, at Columbia, Tenn., re ported a fight near Kinderhook, in which Maj. McGowan's - battalion of the 3d behaved most gallantly, fighting fiercely for four hours, and "driving the enemy in every \ direction." ' '¦ September 5th, Col. John Kennett Avas placed in com mand of two brigades of Buell's cavalry af Murfreesboro. jij The 1st Brigade, 2d Ind-, 1st Ky. Cavalry, 4th Ky. Cavalry, .* 7th Penn. Cavalry, 3d Ky. Cavalry; the 2d Brigade, 4th Ohio Cavalry, 3d Ohio Cavalry, 5th Ky. Infantry. September 29th, Kennett's cavalry command, which was with Buell's army in pursuit of Bragg, surprised and captured the 3d Ga. Cavalry at New IHaven, Ky. Con tinuing with Buell's army, it moved in advance of Crit tenden's division to LouisA'ille. From thence to Perry ville, where it operated Avith other cavalry in that bat tle. It then joined in the pursuit of Bragg out of the state, and afterward moved to Nashville, where it be came part of the cavalry force of Rosecrans' army. De cember 12, 1862, the 3d Ky., 7th Penn. and 4th Mich., under Col. Ed McCook, made a reconnoissance to Frank lin, Tenn., where it drove off the enemy in a severe fight. J Deceraber 21st, the 3d Avas again engaged on Wildcat* J creek. In the Stone's river campaign and great battle of Murfreesboro, December 31, 1862, the 3d bore a conspic uous part. .4t this time Murray was colonel of the regi- . i| ment, it being in Minty's brigade, Kennett's division, and all of Rosecrans' cavalry being under Gen. Stanley. A successful charge made by the 3d is mentioned in'stan- ,| ley's report, and Minty says: "Col. Murray, with a hand ful of men, performed service that would do honor to a full regiment." Murray says, in his report, that his regi- ' ment captured, S7 prisoners. Other reports speak of the splendid flghting of the 3d Cavalry in this great battle. After the engagement at ^Turfreesboro the '3d Avas sent back to Kentucky. During the winter and spring of 1863 it was stationed at Hopkinsville and Russellville, , ¦ Ky. June 2d, Gen. Rosecrans applied to Gen. Burnsid^^ to haA^e the regiment sent to him at Murfreesboro, to which request Gen. Burnside replied: "It would be verA' dangerous to take any cavalry from this department (Kentucky), particulariy the 3d Ky. Cavalry." In the latter part of June, when the forces started to Burksville, Third Kniiickij Cavahy. 137 Ky., to intercept Morgan, the 3d was included, but two of its battalions were sent back to Russellville, to remain there and be ready to meet Morgan in case he should at tempt to pass oiit of the state through the Avestern part. .\s Morgan crossed the Ohio riA^er and went through In diana and Ohio, these two battalions had no opportunity of either meeting him or sharing in the pursuit; but one battalion, under Maj. Lewis Wolfiey, went with the pur suers, and continued until Morgan's capture. August 31, 1863, in the organization of the Depart ment of the Ohio, eight companies of the 3d, with Maj. Breathitt and Col. Murray, were at Hopkinsville, aiid four companies, with Maj. Wolfiey and Col. B. H. Bris tow, were at Russellville. The 3d did not accompany the expedition to East Tennessee in the fall of 1863, but was retained on duty in Kentucky. December 21, 1863, Gen. Boyle reports to Gen. Grant that he had "ordered the 3d Ky. Cavalry to report to Gen. W. S. Smith at Nashville, as you ordered.'' It then bore its part in the Sooy Smith expedition. In JanuarA'^, 1864, Gen. Thomas, in his report of opera tions from December 1, 186'3, says: "Gen. W. S. Smith, with the cavalry of the [Military Division . of the Missis sippi, and the 3d, 5th and 7th Ky. ; 2d and 4th Tenn., and 8th Iowa, started for Savannah, on the 20th of December, to cross the Tennessee and operate on the flank and rear of Forrest and drive hira from West Tennessee." He adds: "The operations of the cavalry have been quite brilliant during the month." Returning to Nashville the 3d Cavalry, about the last of December, 1863, entered the veteran organization, and ^after the veteran furlough in the winter of 1864 it joined the cavalrv organized for the .Atlanta campaign under Gen. Sherman.' Space does not admit of giving the de tails of service in the .Atlanta campaign, in which the regiment was in Kilpatrick's division, in fhe immediate command of Lieut.-Col. Robert H. King, a most faithful and gallant oflScer, while the young and heroic Col. E. H. Murray sometimes commanded the brigade; sometimes the di-vision to which it was attached. May 13th, Murray, under instruction from Gen. Sher man, and then commanding the division of cavalry to which the 3d belonged, moved from Resaca to Lay s Ferry Gideons and Calhoun. At each place there was lively flghting. Crossed the river at Lay's Ferry the 16th and moved on .\dairsville road in advance of Gen. Logan; 18th at Adairsville; 19th Kingston. Through the months of June and Julv the cavalry was on the flanks ot Sher- IS'*^ Union Regiinenif of Kentucky. man's army. In .August at Sandtown. .August 18th the cavalry left Sandtown for an expedition southward, en countering the enemy constant'ly. The 3d fought at Camp creek and Steven's cross roads. There was hard fighting also at the crossing of the .Atlanta and West Point R. R. Col. Minty then taking the- advance, moved to Jonesboro. There the brigade commanded by Col. King destroyed the railroad while Ihe others fought off the enemy. The command then moved on the M^-^)onough road; then to Lovejoy's and Fosterville. .\t tlie latter place a charge was made, which the reports say Avas "fer^^ rible and magniflcent.'' It was over infantry and ar tillery "with the saber and horse's hoof." From thence to McDonough; thence to Cotton Indian creek; then to Lithonia ; then to Decatur, and thence "to our old camp" at Sandtown, arriving on the 23d, having made a com plete circuit of .Atlanta and the rebel army, (^lurray's Report.) On the 28th of August another expedition, similar to the one around .Atlanta, took place, which lasted until September 8th. It was attended with daily encounters, Murray's report saying: "It is impossible for anyone not a participant to have a conception of the many marches made and successful engagements." It should be remembered that all this work of the cavalry from May to September was in connection Avith the great armies, and Avas not harmless raiding about over the country where there Avas nothing to encounter. September, 1864, the writer spent a feAv hours with Col. Murray and his cavalry, in the Georgia Avoods near Sandtown. Hood was about to cross the Chattahoochie — his cavalry concealing the movement. Murray then commanded the brigade, in Avhich Avas the .•>d Cavalry. He was twenty-one years of age; youthful in appearance, but the picture of an ideal soldier; tall, Avell built, hand some. He had the confldence of all the commanding offlcers. The official reports coA^eriug three vears, show his correspondence Avith Sherman, Thomas, Sheridan, Negley, Stanley and many others. It Avas reraarkable to observe his serene confldence and self reliance, and faith ; in his men. While the writer was Avith :\[urrav, at that time, a staff officer came hurriedly with a message from Kilpatrick to Murray, to "look fo his picket line, some thing was wrong." Murray instantly sent an officer of the 3d to the line, then said: "There is a mistake about this; my line is in perfect order, I know everv man on it, and just where he is." The staff officer left, and soon re turned saying the trouble Avas in another quarter. Mnr- Third Kentucky Cavalry. 139 ray's command was alAvays in splendid condition and ready for any service. The 3d Cavalry was Avith Sherman's army in the pur suit of Hood, all through Northern Georgia, October, 1864, and then made ready for the move to sea, in Novem ber. It bore its part in this great movement, reaching Savannah in December, having fought at Buckland Creek, November 28th, and Waynesboro, December 4th. It then crossed the Carolinas Avith Sherman's army, paiticipat- ing in all the labors of that memorable campaign, in which it had many encounters. .Imong them Blackville, S. C, February 7, 1865; Lancaster, February 27th; Tav- lor's Crossroads, .March 8th; Fayetteville, March lOtli. In March it was at :Mt. Olive, N. C. In .Ipril it Avas near Lexington, N. C, where it was mustered out of service July 15, 1865, the officers and men having proved them selves everywhere worthy of their flrst brilliant and he roic leader, .Tames S. .lackson. The substance of the report of Gen. Eli H. Murray, commanding the 1st Brigade 3d Cavalry Division, from Atlanta to the sea, will here be given for the intrinsic interest It has and because it narrates the ex perience of three splendid cavalry regiments — the 2d, 3d and Sth Ky. The brigade was composed of these three regiments, with th§ Sth Penn. and 8th. Ind. The brigade left Marietta November 14th, and camped four miles south of Atlanta. November 15th, drove the enemy from Jonesboro; November 16th, struck the enemy Intrenched two miles from Lovejoy's, where the 3d Ky. made a brilliant saber charge and the remainder of the brigade dismounted and charged. 'The enemy was completely routed, losing artillery and prisoners. Noveraber 17th, camped near Jackson; November 18th, camped near Cork, where the Sth Ky. crossed Ocmulgee river and captured_ 125 horses. November 19th, marched at midnight, crossed the Ocmulgee at Planters' Ferry, camped fourteen miles from Clinton. November 20th, marched to Clinton, demonstrated toward Macon, and caiTiped at Griswoldville. Noveraber 21st, skirraished all day; November 22d, successfully resisted an attack; November 22d, participated with the infantry of Wood's division in a severe fight; November 23d, camped near Gordon; November 24th, marched to MilledgeA'iUe, arossed the Oconee to strike the Augusta & Savannah Railroad. November 25th, at Ogeechee Shoals; November 26th, marched twenty-eight miles to Sylvan Grove. Here the command was attacked by Wheeler's cavalry, but fought them off. November 29th, marched toward Waynesboro, camping on the railroad; here a severe engagement occurred, and six separate attacks were repulsed. Iri this fighting Gen. Murray compliments especially the conduct of Col. Baldwin and Capt. Glore, Sth Ky. November 30th, in camp near Louisville, Ga.; December 1st, marched toward Waynesboro and routed the enemy. December 2d, fought at Rocky Creek Church; Maj. C. T. Cheek, 5th Ky., and Maj. Breathitt, of the 3d, complimented. December 3d, marched to Tompkin's Station; December 4th. raoved toward Waynes boro to attack Wheeler, who was there in force. Murray's brigade re ceived orders to take the town; every regiment in the brigade is men tioned as excelUng in this charge. They drove the eneray panic stricken, and took full possession of the place. Murray says, "It was a magnifi cent fight"; that the 3d lost a number of men charging a barricade. The enemy fled away in the direction of Augusta. December Yth, started at 5 a. m. and camped at Jacksonboro, twenty-two mUes. De cember 6th, covered the rear of the 20th Army Corps twenty-four mUes; December 7th, marched eleven miles; December Sth, marched through Springfield, the last three days being severe marches through swamps. 140 Union Regiments of Kentucky. < December 9th, marched twenty-two miles and camped eleven miles from Savannah. December 10th, marched four miles near and camped; De cember 11th, marched twenty miles and camped ten miles southwest of Savannah. December 12th, camped at McAllister's plantation; Decem ber 13th, marched to Midway. The enemy escaped in every direction, leaving the way, open to the sea. December 14th, remained in camp; December loth, marched toward King's Bridge; December 16th, in camp near Sunbury, from which point the fleet could be seen. Murray men tions with high praise many offlcers of his command, among them Col. King, Captains Sloo and Beggs, and Lle'utenants Waters, Bruner, Kelly and Davis of the 3d; Col. Baldwin, Capt. Offutt, and Lieutenants Bryan and Gorham of the Sth; Captains Forman, Gilmore and Lyon, and Ser- ,geants Emery, Pepper and Taylor of the 2d. To Surgeon R. M. Fairleigh, of the 3d, who was the brigade surgeon, he expresses his thanks for faith ful service. ' He laments the loss of Capt. Forrester of the 5th' and Capt. AVhite of the 3d. I Tvjymsin's Independent Company of Scouts. In connection with the 3d Cavalry mention should be made of Capt. Henry G, Twyman's independent company of scouts, which served as an independent organization from 1861 to July, 1863, vA^hen it was consolidated with Company G, 3d Ky. Cavalry. With this independent company was also Lieut. J. C. Twyman and Lieut. Edward W. Ward, the latter being made captain and for a time Avas in command. The company was organized under orders from Gen. Buell, in 1861. The company was on active duty con tinuously in connection with the cavalry of the army, and is most highly spoken of in the reports. In the organiza tion of Buell's army, June 10, 1862, it Avas associated with the cavalry, and led by Capt. Henry G. Twyman. In October, 1862, it Avas AA'ith the post forces at Nash ville. November 5, 1862, Col. Smith, commanding that post, reports an attack upon Edgefleld, which he repulsed, and says: "I can not close my report without mentioning the excellent conduct of the mounted scouts belonging to Capt. TAA'yman's independent command. I have rarely seen their equal for efficiency and bravery." July 4, 1863, Gen. Hobson mentions Capt. Twvman's company with great praise, in the account of his' opera tions against Morgan. In the organization on June 30, 1863, of the 23d Army i'prps under Gen. Burnside, the Twyman Scouts are un der command of Capt. E. W. Ward, in Bovle's division, Shackelford's brigade. They are again so reported in the organization of July 31, 1863, at which time they were consolidated with the 3d Cavalry. • Third Kentucky Cavalry. 141 Third Kentucky Cavalry. Field and Staff. COLONELS— James S. Jackson, Eli H. Murray. LIEUT.-COLS. Alvin C. Gillen, James Holmes, Robert H. King. MAJORS— Green Clay- Smith. W. S. D. Megowan, Aaron C. Shaclilett, Lewis W. Wolfley, Geo. F. White, John W. Breathitt. ADJTS.— Zachary L. Taylor, Jesse S. Gray. Q. MASTERS— John Feland, A. J. GlUett. COMMISSARY— Jos. F. Anderson. SURGEONS— Wm. Singleton, Robert M. Fairleigh. ASST. SURGEON — Robert B. McNairy. CHAPLAINS— HartweU T. Burge, John H. McRae. VET^ SURGEON— EU Johnson. Company "A." CAPTAINS— John W. Breathitt, Chas. L. White. 1st LIEUTS.— Thomas H. Ashford, Milton J. Coleman. 2d LIEUTS.— N. C. Petree, Alex. C. Lakln, Edward Kelly. SERGTS.- Calvin A. McCullough, James M. Clark, Ezekiel R. Hanby, Charles H. Grisson. CORPLS.— Isaac Walker, Benj. P. Goode, Jonathan A. B. Ratcllff,e, William H. Barnett, James Blankenship, Lafayette Phelps, Jame-s R. Barnett, Joseph P. Clark. BUGLERS— WUUam P. Walker, Thomas McCullough. FAR RIERS— WUlis J. Barnett, Willis B. Whittaker. SADDLER— James Inglesby. PRIVATES— Sanford W. Abbott, Henry Baker, Jonathan J. Bowen, Austin Brewer, George Bobbltt.Willlam H. Cansler, Nicholas L. Cav- anaugh, Francis M. Cooper, Ira D. Cooper, Samuel D. Collins, MUes F. Chesterfield, John J. Fuller, James Fuller, William L. Gibson, James R. Goode, James C. Hunter, Harrison H. Jones, John D. Johnson, An derson G. Johnson, WUliam H. Johnson, David H. Knight, James W. Kirben, Jonathan J. Long, Harrison H. Linsey, George L. Lovin, Henry Mcintosh, Felix Mcintosh, John B. Martin, Joseph C. Martin, Jackson G. Moreland, John Metheny, Aaron Morgan, Francis P. Miller, George H. Myers, Allen H. Perkins, James H. Phamp, Jonathan H. Phillips, Brantley M. Powers, William H. Powers, WUUam Ray, James J. Ren- shaw, Solomon Smith, Jonathan S. Stephenson, Austin P. Smith, James W. Underwood, Uriah M. Underwood, William Vine, Aljram Vinson, Chas. A. White. Moses W. Woosley, James W. White, W. T. William son, Wiatt M. Wright, James B. Wright, George M. West, William .W. West, Micajah W. Wells, AVm. Gash, John Hays, Jesse Jennings, Abra ham Job, James Liles, John W. Sterling, Jno. W. Yates, Joseph Hale, Samuel D. Ingles, Nicholas J. Mercer, Clias. L. Robertson, Jno. W. Smith, Jno. J. Smith, Jerome B. Smith, Newton Champion, James L. Driver, Miles Dunning, William Ely, Anthony Gardner, Jno. W. Hodge, David Hall, Jno. Knalls, Young Long, Benj. O. Mitchell, Zaeh T. Pryor, Jno. H. Rushing, Rufus M. Stokes, Wiley O. Thurman, Alfred WUson, Henry C. Ballard, John Cannon, John R. Fields, Marquis Gilky, Chas. J. Long, George Martin, Jos. J. Maddox, Zachariah T. MUes, Geo. W. Poole, Geo. C. Simpson, Ben. C. Woodburn, Jas. P. Farmer. Company " B." " CAPTAINS— Jaraes M. Holmes, Matthew H. Jouett. 1st LIEUT.— John L. Waters. 2d LIEUT.— Drury C. Mitcherson. SERGTS.— Pres ton Tucker, George T. Mays, Lewis W. Pitts, Henry C. C. Poe, William A. Elder. CORPLS.— Joseph Able, Thomas H. Parker, Joel H. Roach, James M. Whitehead, James B. Williams, Alfred J. Carter, James M. Brasher, John W. Osborn. BUGLERS— Robert L. Rider, An ton Smock. FARRIERS— Lewis Morgan, John N. Adcock. SADDLER —Martin V. Bryant. WAGONER— John T. Ashby. PRIVATES — William H. Alexander, James E. Alexander, Joseph S. Ashby, James L. Anderson, Joseph C. Bourland, George N. Bowman. Thomas Bartlett, Robert J. Brandon, Obedient Beard, Edward Baker. Allen B. Burton, William Bowman, John A. Crisk, William J. Crisk. 142 Union Regiments of Kentucky. Patrick A. Cecil, Martin K. Cecil, John W. Day, Thomas Day, Thomas Dodd, Samuel Dodd, Harris R. Evans, Ansel D. Edge, Robert E. Edge, John W- Evans, Edward Fildes, William S. Farmer, Daniel R. Pickle, George P. Howard, John H.' Howard, Philip P. Howard, David A. Howard, Samuel J. Hamilton, John, H. Henton, Albert Jordan, Zach ariah A. King, Sampson J. Lake, John R. Mosely, David Mosely, Philip R. May, Leonard May, Wm. H. McDanlel, Joseph Neal, Henry AV. Parlln, Robert Pool, William J. Phillips, William P. Stout, James H. Shively, George Smith,- John C. Shively, Wallers Samuels, David S. Thornton, Buford E. Tucker, Richard J. Wootten, James M. Ward, Daniel J. AA^ard, John P. Wootten, John WUllams, Thomas Weir, Geo. W. Short, Henry Uncel, Jno. W. Herrell, Wm. D. Dial, Jas. M. Deamer, Wm. C. Jarvis, Wm. McCormick, Edward R. Roll, Jas. McCormick, Jas. W. Hammers, Jno. Wesley Brewer, Peter Carter, WUliam Cy- •reans, George B. Hicks, Samuel Crane, Paris Williams. Company "C-" CAPTAINS— Albert G. Bacon, Robert H. King, Lewis M. Buford. 1st LIEUTS.— John J. Roberts, Edward H. Morin. 2d LIEUT.— Charles Smock. SERGTS.— Braxter P. Gay, Gabriel S. Innls, Walter W. Win ter, Barney May, Wm. Sheffer, Bunnias Malcolm. CORPLS. — Charles B. Wallace, Samuel H. Everett, Robert Innis, John H. Church, William Campbell, Thoraas AV. Hockersmith, Solomon Harlon. BUGLERS — Peter P. Brown, Isaac L. Stein. FARRIERS— Solomon Steele, Samuel McCurdy. SADDLER— Alexander Cohen. WAGOJJER— Turner Rogers. PRIVATES— John Abrams, Thomas E. Boone, William Bier, Wil liam A. W. Brewer, Joshua P. Clubbe, William Collins, Jeremiah S. Crabtree, James Crurae, Joseph R. Davis, George Fleming, Benjamin F. Furlough, Edward Fields, Christian Fox, Oliver H. P. Garnett, Ab ner A. Grave, David C. Grace, Robert Green, WUliam P. Galloway, Hi ram H. Hancock, Thadeus Hawkins, William L. Hughes, Bennett H. Higdon, Jesse M. Higdon, Adolph Kaiser, George W. Long, Henry Lee, Miles McGrew, John B. Martin, Rearson McDanlel, Alfred McFaclin, Robert J. Martin, Henry A. Nelson, Robert Norris, Samuel P. Oats, George Petri, Allen K. Prime, Thomas Petty, David Rogers, John Steele, Reuben M. Samuel, William Steward, Charles Spltchnagle, John W. Sullivan, Joseph S. Sharp, Joseph Shidegger, Hugh Tyler, Charles M. Tindell, RoUa J. TIndell, Charles E. Thompson, Edward A. WaUace, WUUam Wells, Henry Warrenton, John Walls, Thomas R. Williams, Thomas Wood, John R. Weatherholt, Jesse Alcorn, James lyEalone, Jas. W. Lucas, Hiram Shannon, Willis Roach, Henry C. Staten, Benj. P. Davidson, W. J. G. Hughes, Leander Duncan, Solon Houghton. Company " D." CAPTAINS— Arthur N. Davis, Tho. J. Lovelace. 1st LIEUT.— M. J. Davis. 2d LIEUTS. — Robert O. Gaines, Calvin N. Jarrell. SERGTS. — ^Benjamin F. Sadler, Sarauel M. Paxton, John E. Martin, John P. King. CORPLS.— James T. Robinson, Isaac Mitchell, Abraham T. Morgan, Lyon B. Carey, Felix B. Rice, Jesse Johnson, Willis W. Blue, John H. Johnson. BUGLERS.— Larkln Dunn, Eli Holden. FARRIERS —Solomon West, Charles Meilkzer. SADDLER — Samuel T. Davenport. WAGONER— Thomas C. Litchford. PRIVATES— Erwin Agee, Squire B. Agee, Joseph P. Anderson, Wm. C. Atkinson, William Barnes, Perry Baker, Shelton Baker, Riley W. Cobb, John C. Carey, Paterick Carbott, John Cale, WUliam C. Cooley, John Conner, James M. Courtney, William P. Dukes, James Dunn, Samuel M. DuvaU, WUliam Dunlap, Henry Dolln, Wm. P. Ed wards, Henry Eads, John P. Gates, John Hardlnson, Joseph H. Hodge, Andrew J. Hunt, Alphus A. Johnston, Henry P. Johnson, Jesse Y. Jack son, Edward Kelly, Jesse B. Lee, Charles T. Lyon, Marion L. Long, John Little, Thomas Long, James Long, Reuben Morgan, Edward Man, John A. McPherson, Thos. H. Martin, Daniel McCarthy, Wesley New man, John R. Oglesby, Richard J. Oglesby, WUliam T. Purvis, Levi E. Pruitt, Hail Roger, John P. Shepherd, Enos Snodgrass, Alfred F. Scho field, WiUiam H. Sanders, John M. Vick, Daniel P. WiUiams, John L. WUUams, Green Wilkinson, John B. Williams, WiUiam Willis, Lee Third Ki'ntucky Cdmlrt/. 14;; ^o't!'? ^'V ''f"'^^ ^¦^''^''' •'^™^^ Steaward, James T. Buchanan, George isenet. Lafayette JImmerson. Company " E." ,,., °i^^<^:^^^!~°"l^'' ^- Spencer, Robert Bogle. 1st LIBUTS.-Perci- SERCT? Tnl V t^\i ^- ^F-^l^""^- ^^ LIEUT.-Thomas Newton. bERGTS.--John J. Holder, Michael Atkinson. Benjamin Lynch Thomas W. Whealy. CORPLS. - Elijah Wheatly, Jasper S ton James Newton, Raleigh Morin, Asa S. Perry, Augustus H. Paul, Nathaniel Young, James R. Wells. BUGLERS-Isaac Rusher David B. Tutt. FARRIERS— John Gross, Frank Sullivan. SADDLER— Rich ard Jones. WAGONER— George Squires. PRIVATES— Daniel Atmore, George BeU, Anderson Bowers Peter Brady, James Burdess, John Chatham, Mathew Cook, Robert Clark Christopher Coon, John H. Coon, Thomas Dawson, Michael Egloff' John Eubank, John Freeman, Daniel Friel, John Gargan, AUon GUten'- mam, John GilUns, Robert Grace, Samuel Graham, Richard Halfpenny Bartholomew Hammerstein, Prank Hammerstein, James Heal Da-sad' H. Ison, Johh K. Johnson, Willjam M. Johnson, Edward Lawrence Thomas G. Lynch, James Mayhew, John Murphy, Benjamin Napier' William T. Nugent, Miles O'Donnel, Hugh Quinlan, John Robinson' David Roduffer, William S. Rusher, John P. Saunders, William R Saunders, WiUiam Shore, James Smith, Albert Schlndler, James Staples, Joseph Staples, Henry Stidum, William Tindall, Richard A Tucker, John Woorman, John Wlssel, Henry Wlssel, Robert Winn, Joseph B. WiUiams, George Wolf, Hamer W. West, Young J. York' Michael S. LUe. Company " F." CAPTAINS— Isaac Miller, Elisha Baker. 1st LIEUT.— W. H. Burg- har.dt. 2d LIEUTS.- Leonard Pearler, William T. Buckner, John C. Corey. SERGTS.— Zeno B. Freeman, George O. Prouse, Fran cis V. Baker, Samuel D. Manahan. Charles W. D. Prange. CORPLS.— WUliam G. Whittaker, Thomas A. Manahan, Elisha Baker, Hannibal L. Ambrose, Benjamin Brackett, Henry H. McDonald, Aaron Floyd, BUGLERS— Harvey Blake, William E. Powell. FARRIER— Thaddeus B. Lockett. SADDLER— Moses Crabtree. WAGONER — James M. Hopkins. PRIVATES— Robert M. Allen, Elisha Atkinson, Philip S. Atkinson, John J. Ambrose, Abraham Bowers, William Bates, Jr., Loren Bates, John Banfield, James S. Bivens, James W. Banfield, John C. Corey, Martin K. Combs, WUliam G. Gates, James Crabtree, WUUam H. Dun can, John Damner, Asa W. Davidson, Ephraim EUis, Robert Erwin, David J. Edwards, Keeny S. Ford, James R. Gibbs, William Hart, Jacob P. Hancock, Benjamin HInkle, James T. Hoy, Leander J. Hoy, John H. Howard, George Harper, James L. Humphrey, Francis M. Igle- hart, WUliam Klper, James M. Lovelace, Ivy Miller, James M. Miller, John L. Manahan, Peter S. Miller, James P. Moore, Andrew McLaugh lin, Wm. P. McLaughlin, Isaac W. Mackelroy, Isaac J. Miller, Joel Overhults, Martin Phillip, Llewellyn Prouse, Benjamin F. Reed, Lewis W. Roark, Davis Rlchey, James Sullivan, Valentin Tice, Sylvester W. Taylor, Hardin M. Twiddell, Charles Ward, John M. Whitton, Byrd WaU, Daniel AV. AVhltmer, Elisha Whitmer, James P. Whltmer. Benja min Johns. Company "G." CAPTAINS— J. Speed Peay, Tho. C. Foreman, L. L. Drown, Ed ward W. Ward. 1st LIEUTS.- William Starling, Thomas Toyle, John Weist. 2d LIEUTS.— A. J. GiUett, Garnett Duncan. SERGTS. — Charles J. Mull, Joseph McCrory, Charles Lentz, John W. For rester. CORPLS.— Irvine Shiflett, WUlis H. Rasor, Thomas E. Bick- n nell, Peter Coffman, WUUam E. Surman, Brutus Z. TuUilove, Benja min R. Myers. BUGLERS— Philip Brenner, David B. Fry. FAR RIERS— Thomas R. Hagan, Thomas M. Foote. SADDLER— John King. WAGONER — Thomas J. Lear. PRIVATES — Thomas J. Adams, Frederick Beck, Benjamin Bevin, James Black, Reuben Blake, James B. Bockin, William H. Bockin, 144 Union Regiments of Kentucky. 1 Aaron B. Carfteld, Charles R. Cable, Wm. H. S. Cable, William Curry,. David W. Crutcher, Thomas Coyle, William H. Cubine, Alonzo David son, John W. EUis, Hastings Foote, Pleasant K. Gentry, Richard M. .Gentry, Zachariah Green, John Hardy, Michael Haley, Johii H^ley, Rob ert H. Haskinson, John R. Hurly, John Hatter, William B. Hunter, Gustavus Hyde, William Hall, Jackson Isaacs, Charles W. Jones, Tarl ton Jones, William C. Jones', David B. Kindred, Conrad Kraft, James Lowe, William N. Lake, Jesse E. Lear, Joseph P. Mallot, WUliam Mol- ler, Richard P. Nuckols, Henry Pern, Henry C. Price, George W Pow el, Freeman P. Runyun, John Ridge, Richard Scott, Curtis A. Stout, Thomas Salyers, David Snowden, James Sherwood, ' Henry Tice, Manlius Taylor, John B. Vanwinkle, Josephus Wyley, Michael Welsh, Thomas H. Watkins, Geo. B. Currin, James LUe, Thomas Lafferty, James Leech, Jr., Wm. McPellen, George Mouzer, Caleb Reynolds, Wm. H. Renfro, Wm. Taylor, Laine Wetherspoon, Perry C. Brooks, Jno. W. Bush, Wm. Boston, Thos. Crumps, Daniel Dobson, Francis Grinstead, James Grinstead, Wm. Harness, Lorenzo Huff, Isaac Huff, Nathan Murray, George Waggoner, John Wade, Peter Q. Leech. Company " H.',' CAPTAINS— Lewis Wolfley, James Beggs. 1st LIEUT.— Frederick Overbury. 2d LIEUTS.— Edward H. Morin, James T. Leavy. SERGTS. —Thomas. N. Herbert,. WiUiam GiUham, John H. Hills. CORPLS.— Rich ard Jarvin, Hezekiah Ship, Abram Symons, Cyrus L. Foster, William C. Miles, Benjamin F. Bumback, Jasper N. Symons, John Sparhr. BUGLERS— John Foss, Edward W. Bevel. FARRIERS^John R. Ad kinson, Frederick Hearlg. SADDLER- Harvey C. Bennett. WAGON ER— Philip Peters. PRIVATES— Alfred Abbott, William Amburger, John L. Baker, John L. Bruce, Jr., Benjamin Bonde, Thomas Bristow, William W. Chelf, Henry Covert, Andrew Carman, John C. Costelly, Lee Crutch- field, Richard Ferris, John Fromhold, Richard Frazier, Joseph E. Ford, WUliam S. Farmer, John J. Green, Patrick Graham, Christopher Hak, James M. Hinchel, Rowan Hardin, George Harris, Stephen H. Harri son, Eli Johnson, George W. Johnson, Joshua R. Johnson, Joseph A. Long, John T. Libbel, George W. Laskey, Frederick Lindower, Walton Lawton, Henry Morris, George W. McMahon, William H. Mott, George W. Odor, Adam Peters, Jesse T. Potts, Westly Ratcliff, Mathew Reb- holtz, George C. Redholz, John Rese, Michael Sherran, Thomas F. Spaulding, , John A. Sutton, John W. Smeister, Harman ¦ Stephens,. John J. Smith, Bayard Smith, Andrew Thorp, James D. Tarvln, John H. Thacker, George Vaughan, George Wagoner, Frank Wood, Joseph. Weeks, Charles L. White, Mathias Younger, James L. Davis. Company " I." CAPTAINS— George P. Mercer, John M. Thomas. 1st LIEUT.— Lewis R. Dunn. 2d LIEUT.— Peter S. Brune. SERGTS.— Sam uel Taylor, James A. Hennlnger, John W. Prlnty, James Wor- than, Joljn Wl GosneU, Jr. CORPLS.— James R. McGrew, Hartford M. Meridith, James C. South, Thomas D. Rice, Owen Quisenberry, Daniel O'RUey, John J. Pirtle, Richard M. Kelly. BUGLERS— Joseph McCoy,. John D. Ashley. FARRIERS— Walter Drain, Samuel L. Wortham.. SADDLER— Uriah M. McGrew. WAGONER— Joseph M. Rogers. PRIVATES- Henry C. Ames, J. P. Ashley, Jacob A. Baker, Enos W. Bracher, WUliam R. Blair, Clayton L. Bradley, WUliam Burden, Oliver H. P. Bruner, Anthony Bruner, James H. CoUard, WiUiam P. Craine, Daniel J. Cook, Ralph C. Craine, Elonzo CoUard, Joseph CoUard, Samp son Davis, James P. Dewes, James L. Edgar, James A. Elliott, John P. Garner, John Goodman, Hiram Harris, Alfred Hazlewood, WUliam H. Huff, George P. Hultz, Henry Hay, John A. Howard, David Jeffers, James Jackson, Miles H. King, Lafayette Key, John F. Lampton, Jon athan L&,yman, Wesley B. Lewis, WiUiam E. McCay , Nathaniel M. Mercer, George W. Mercer, Volentlne McGren, Jno. T. McGren, Stephen C. McGren, Henry H. McGren. Peter B. McGren, Reed McGren, John J. Meredith, Benedict Medcalf, Thomas Moore, John W. MUburn, David McClure, James Patten, James H. Quisenberry, 'John W. Smith, Joseph H. WeUs, Vardiman Wells, John B. WeUs, George N. Wortham, Marion , Third Kentucky Cavalry. 145 W'altrip, Zachariah Betts, Newton Baltzell, Robert J. Cooley, John Crawford, Reason Cravens, PhUip Daffron, Francis Daffron, Ahigal De weese, Wm. N. Evans, L. Gaines, Geo. H. GosneU, Joel Gray, Jas. Gray- ham, Abner HUl, Wm. N. Harding, Samuel Hazel, James R. Johns, Emis Jewell, Leander Lane, Wm. C. Lane, Horatio G. Lane, Wm. Mc- Cauley, WUliam H. NaU, George H. Nelson, James Patton, William H. Reed, George W. Sweeney, Isaac Schoolfield, EUis Stephens, Amos Smith, WUliam B. Spradling, John Travis, Wm. T. Thoms, Wm. B. Taggart, Tho. W. Wood, John Wheeler, Miles H. Watkins, Richard E. Yeakey, James A. Nannie, James G. Downey, James M. Alverson, John H. Langley, Peter R. Daniel, Stephen F. Grove, Squire N. Lamp- ton, John L.' Oldham, James W. Sklpworth, Harvey Young, AagustirL Gunn, James M. Deweese, Walton Harris. Company " K." CAPTAINS— Aaron C. Shacklett, Francis H. Crosby, Horace Scott. 1st LIEUTS.— Frank M. Jolly, William Waters. 2d LIEUTS.- Samuel C. Chalfant, Charles Blanford. SERGTS.— Harvey B. B. McCoy, Nelson P. Ball. CORPLS. — Clayton Beard, Leonard O. Walk er, William H. H. Taul, Elisha Dresser, Joseph B. Ball, Samuel Jarett, Colston Jennings, Thomas J. Ball. BUGLERS— James J. Barnes, Wil liam Porter. FARRIERS- David T. Perrin, Joseph L. Taul. SAD DLER— Henry Cook. WAGONER— John Vonpham. PRIA^ATES— Pleasant Atkinson, Washington C. Asklns, Thomas H. Bates, George Berry, WiUiam Beard, Joseph S. Boltinghouse, John W. Boltlnghouse, John Bradley, Jam.es Claycomb, John D. Collins, James Craven, Wm. T. W. DeWltt, John F. M. Dooley, Josiah Evans, Wil liam H. Farris, James Frank, William Gregory, Jaraes D. Granvell, Wil liam Hampton, Richard Hays, James Hanks, Ezekiel Henning,' Charles Hester, James V. Hinton, AVUliam Hogan, Lewis Johnson, Hiram John son, Harmon Larab, Thomas Lynch, James W. Mattingly, Charles H. Mattingly, William C. McCoy, Hiram McCoy, Robert McCluercy, An drew McCluercy, Eli McCluercy, Samuel Maffett, Bartholomew C. Miles, Aaron Miller, Isaac W. Nichols, Peyton Pate, Logan Pate, Willis G. Payne, John J. Poole, George W Phillips, Livingston R. Rawlings, John Robins. James AV. Seaton, George W. Seaton, Taylor Scott, Samuel D. Walker, Benj. F. Walker, Thomas Wood, William G. H. Wood, Stephen Wood, AVUliam Wood, Jno. A. Harris, Richard Carman, Wm. Beard. Company " L." CAPTAIN— John P. Cummings. 1st LIEUTS.— W. W. Hester, W. W. Weatherbolt. 2d LIEUT.— Wm, R. Gardner. SERGTS. — John W. Hardin, David M. Oglesby, WUUam Ahl, Henry Head, Sarauel Bryant. CORPLS.— John F. Lay, Jacob Weatherbolt, William H. Mock, Chas. S. Weatherbolt, WUUam Goff,' Peter Luxemburg, Wil liam W. Waggoner, John Levihart. BUGLERS— Frederick Renneck, Stephen Gunterman. FARRIERS— John Bentel, Robert M. RItchey. SADDLER— Jacob Pohlman. WAGONER— Peter H. Wiseman. PRIVATES— John Avit, John H. Blake, Scott Burdett, William P. Biren, John G. Bittner, Hiram Blair, GaUatin Bryant, James V. Cun ningham, Harrison Clark, Albert Compton, David H. Carey, Wm. H. Cummings, Henry C. Davis, Thomas E. Drake, Gilbert Edwards, Moses Edwards, Champion Edwards, Lewis G. Gregory, William H. Greenwell, Nathaniel Humphrey, John Hollider, Syjvester-Lay, John Leaf, James Lay James M. McAllister, Jos. M. Marsh, Charles Ross Marsh, Rap- hau'A. Marsh, WilUam R. Polk, Edmond Polk, Cannady W. Powers, Henry Pfranzman, John Pfranzman, McWIllIs Robinson, Thomas Rob inson John Robinson, Jonas Robinson, Edward Raff, Andy Rafferty, Merri't Rafferty, Samuel Ray, Philip Sullivan, Henry Staurberman, Mathias Strobel, Henry Sinclair, Lewis B. Sinclair, Wm. H. H. Tunstal, James W. Waggoner, Henry Weatherholt, Harvey White, William • White James T Webb, Richard Welsh, James R. West, James M. Wlnstead, WiUiam West, Thomas Shearn, Geo. D. Blake, Sylvester Lay George Oliver, Peter Gregory, Asa Williams, Wm. J. Carter, Geo. W. Franklin. Jno. W. Hemphill, Albert Mitohum. 10 146 Union Eegi^ments of Kentucky. Company "M." CAPTAINS— Geo. P. White, A. G. Sloo. 1st LIEUTS.— Benjamin Johnson, Ernest Vucellot. 2d LIEUTS.— Alfred Baker, William Shuler, Charles P. Holllnsworth. SERGTS.— Hiram Stanton, Andrew Scott, Samuel Stowell, Samuel R. Adams, Charles Dee. CORPLS.— Jas. W. Herron, Romulus Taylor, Jesse S. Gray, Thornton H. Green, Charles Spitts, Jackson Helllnger. BUGLERS— Philip Coppage, John R. Decker. FARRIERS— Edward Mooney, August Sanders. SADDLER— Henry Keller. WAGONER— James P. Stanton. PRIVATES— John Brotherton, Michael Catt, Thomas R. Cater, Daniel Crutchfield, Wesley Crutchfleld, John Clark, John S. Coppage, Eli Clark, Charles R. Clark, John Christian, Reuben Cockrel, William J. Dews, Edward Preeles, Owen Garretty, Lewis Gammel, Richard J. Glidden, John D. Hare, Robert Hathaway, Nathaniel Head, Jas. Haley, Samuel Jones, John C. Keltcher, Joel Keeton, Hiram Langley, Dan- ford A. Lane, Theo. Leveron. Charles Libold, James P. Langley, An thony Martin, Andrew Moore, Lewis Miller, Thomas B. Mays, Robert Moses, Lewis Myers, Adam Meinrath, Lucas W. Martin, Alfred Mc- Cully, Simon Noble, Ammon Osho, Lewis Osho, Henry C. Ruble, Wil liam Shuler, Charles C. Stroud, Simon Snivelly, Coonrod Shelnback, Jeremiah Sentley, John Scott, Wm. P. Tovebaugh, James M. Talbert, Charles P. Thome, Leon Theriac, Francis M. Throm, Benjamin Weir, Peter Winkle, John Q. Young, Edward E. Young, Philip Keiser, Chas. H. Lathrop, John T. McClure, Robert Smith, Henry H. Henderson, Charles Cox, James Lond, Jerome Myers, Henry Bernard, John Lon gei, Jaines H. Dans, Nelson H. Norton, Tho. B. Thompson, John Wright, M. W. Davidson, John BlUIngsley, Louis Goodlue, Daniel W. Garden, Andrew J. Alverson, John D. Bell, Samuel J. Ewing, Mathew Jenkins, Charles E. SUwell, Jesse Sayre, Hiram A. Pogue, Bradford P. Thorn- berry, Wallace W. Thornberry, Samuel D. Thornberry, John W. Atkin son, Andrew J. Green, Meredith A. Davis, Henry Fox, Alfred Lockhart, Wm. Parsons, Wesley Parsons, Samuel G. Revel, Calvin York, Jefferson Gentry, Wm. A. Huff, John Ripperdan, Henry Haskins, Thos. T. Hicks, Wm. KeUey, Henry Couley, Wm. Bell, Tho. C. Phipps, Wm. R. Keef, John H. Kramer, Wm. |W. Bartlett, Robert H. Meredith. Third Kentucky Veteran Cavalry. Field and Staff. COLONEL— EU H. Murray. LIEUT.-COLONEL— Robert H. King. MAJORS--Louls Wolfiey, George P. White, John W. Breathitt. ADJT.— Jesse S. Gray. Q. MASTER— Andrew J. GlUett. COMMISSARY— Joseph F. Anderson. SURGEON- Robert M. Fairleigh. ASST. SURG. -Robert B. McNairy. CHAPLAIN— John McCrae. SERGT.-MAJ.— Andrew J. Kittinger. HOSP. STEWARD— John J. Pool. QM. SERGT. —James Attinenger. COM. SERGT.— John W. Prunty. SADDLER— Henry C. Hook. VET. SURGEON— Eli Johnson. Company "A." SERGTS.— Allen R. Perkins, Martin R. Raughen, Austin Brewer, Benjamin P, Good. CORPLS.— WiUiam H. Comsler, Humphrey H. Jones, James W. Kinsbrough. FARRIER— Willis J. Barnett. PRIVATES— Newton Champion, John Cannon, Miles Dunning, Will iam EH, James P. Fuller, John R. Fields, James P. Farmer, Marcus Gilkey, Anthony Guardner, James C. Hunter, John W. Hodge, WUliam R. Keef, John Knowles, Thomas E. Lawson, John J. Long, Young Long,. Charles J. Long, Joseph C. Martin, John Matheney, Aaron Morgan, John McCoughlaugh, Wade W. Mcintosh, Nicholas J. Mercer, Vachafral T. MUes, Joseph J. Maddox, George Martin, John A. PhUllps, Thomas C. Phipps, George W. P. Pool, John H. Rushing, John S. Stevenson, Bufua Third Kentucky Veteran Cavalry. 147 M. Stokes, John J. Smith, John W. Smith, Gerome B. Smith, George C. Simpson, William P. Walker, Reese B. Wright, Benj. C. Woodburn, George Babbitt, WiUiam L. Gibson, Daniel HaU, Joseph Hall, Owen G. McGinnis, Chesterfield F. Miles, Solomon Smith, David V. Tutt, Abra ham Vinson, William Alfred, William Cash, James L. Driver, John W. Gaytes, John AV. GUI, John Hayes, James D. Ingles, Jesse Jennings, Samuel Krome, James Liles, Charles L. Robertson, Samuel D. Collins, Benjamin O. Mitchell. Company " B." 2d LIEUT.— Drury C. Mitchusson. SERGTS.— Richard J. Wootten, James B. Williams, James L. Anderson, Allen B. Burton, John P. AVoot- ten, Thomas Bartlett. CORPLS.— John C. WiUiams, Leonard May. Walter Samuels, John "W. Asborn. FARRIERS — Morgan Lewis, Robert L. Ridenes, PRIVATES— Reuben A. Anderson, Obedient Beard, Wm. W. Bart lett, John W. Brewer, Wm. Carven, James D. DeArman, Wm. D. Dial, George P. Howard, Henry Haskins, John W. Hammers, Wm. P. Jarvis, Abraham - JoJ), Wm. McDanlel, John W; Merrill, James McCormich, Henry W. Parlin, Lewis W. PItler, Braxton Ridner, George RIdner, Edward R. Robb, Christian Snaggot, George W. Short, Henry Unsel, Thomas Ware, John Ashworth, George Hicks, Josiah Neele, John J. Stout, Albert Jordan, Wm. McCormick. Company " C." SERGTS.- John T. Hockersmith, Robert Innis, John F. Church, Hiram H. Hancock, John W. Steele, Thaddeus Hawkins. CORPLS.— Wm. L. Hughes, Jesse Allen, George Petree, Geprge W. Long, Solomon Harlow. BUGLER- 'Thomas E. Brown. FARRIER— Samuel H. Evrett. PRIVATES — John Abrams,' Wm. C. Atkinson, John W. Atkinson, Wm. A. M. Brewer, William Bell, Alexander Cohorn, Henry P. Conley, Joshua F. Chubbe, Benj. P. Davidson, Leander Duncan, George B. Plunm, Braxton P. Gay, Abner D. Grail, Wm. J. L. Hughes, Solon Haughton, James A. Malone, Samuel J. Oats, Allen R. Prime, David Rogers, Turner Rogers, Willis Roach, Charles Spltznagle, Solomon Steel, Hiram Shawait, Hugh L. Tyler, Henry Waddington, Charles R. Wallace, Edmund A. AVallace, WUliam C. Wells, James M. Parks, David C. Grace, Thomas Petty,'" WiUiam Shepper, Samuel R. Thompson, John W. Sullivan. Company "D." SERGTS.- George A. Dears, Felix B. Rice, John B. Williams, CORPLS.— John M. Vick, Squire B. Agee, WUlis W. Blue, John P. Gates. BUGLER— Lee Murray. PRIVATES— Perry Baker, George Bennett, James T. Ducannan, Patrick Carbott, Larkln Dunn, Thomas Long, Marlon L. Long, James Long, Thomas G. Litchfield, Edward Man, John R. Oglesby, Hiram A. Pougue, Meredith L. Ratcliffe, John A. Sterling, Joseph W. Stewart, James P. Swlck, Samuel D. Thornsbery, WaUace W. Thornsbery, Green Wilkerson, Bradford P. Thornsbery, Wm. R. Boone. Company " E." CAPTAIN— Robert Bogle. 1st LIEUTENANT— David M. Oglesby. SERGT.— Michael Atkinson. CORPLS.— CUnton J. Pratte, WUUam H. Lyon. BUGLER— James Staples. FARRIER— John Gross. WAG ONER— Joseph Staples. SADDLER— Joseph B. WiUiams. PRIVATES— Robert Clark, Christophe;: Coams, Henry Fox, Augustus A. Paul, Jame^ Smith, John Warman, George Wolfe, Mathew Cook, John Cheatham, Michael Egloff, John Eubanks, John Gilllans, Jaraes Head, James Mayhew, Wm. P. Nugent, Benjamin Napier. John Robert son, AVUliam Shore, Robert Winn. Company " F." , CORPLS —Moses Crabtree, Thomas Monaham. SADDLER— James S. Bivins. FARRIER— Thaddeus B. Locket. WAGONER— James M. Hopkins. 148 Union Regiments of Kentucky. PRIVATES— Benjamin John. Alfred Lockhart, Ivy Miller', Alexander A. Miller, Joel Overhults, Benjamin P. Reed. Lewis W. Roark, John P. Banfield. Company '" G." CAPTAINS— H. ,G. Twyman, Edward W. Ward. 2d LIEUT.— j; C. Twyman. SERGT.— Wm. H. Renfro. CORPLS.— Thos. J. Lafferty, Zeriel Cannon, Jno. W. Bush. FARRIERS— William A. McPellen, Henry Tice, David W. Crutcher. PRIVATES— Wm. Boston, Perry C. Brooks, Jno. BlUingsly, Thos. J. Crump, John^Curry, Daniel Garden, Jno. D. Gilliam, Francis Grinstead, Wm. D. Gentry, Jefferson Gentry, Lewis Goodhue, Richard H. Grinstead. Lorenzo D. Huff, Wm. A. Huff, Thoe. R. Hagan, Michael Haley, Gustavus A. Hyde, Isaac N. Huff, Jno. N. Johnson, Abram S. LUe, Jas. J. Leech, Peter O. Leech, Crittenden Lowry, James T. Lobb, Chas. Mojgan, AA'm. Martin, Nathan Murray, Geo. S. Marsh, Caleb Reynolds, Frank Ronton, Jno. Ripperdan, Jas. W. Shelton, Jno. Salyers, Wm. Taylor, Saml. Witherspoon, Geo. Waggoner, Jno. W. Wade, Geo. B. Currle, Michael LUe, George Mouser, Joseph Russell, Wm. Bell, Albert, Bules, Ross Eapherson, Thomas Knight, Reuben Lobb, Jas. W. LUe, Geo. W. Taylor, Jno. Witherspoon, Daniel Dobson, Jas. K. Grinstead, Wm. Harness, Jno. V. Martin, John Martin, Philip Beness, Isaac Brickie, John Cook, Ben. P. Cook, James Ferguson, David B. Fry, Joseph Lightfoot, Marcus Murray, Wm. Poe, Stephen Richardson, Ezekiel Wilty, John Welch, James Welch, N. P. West, Elijah WUUams. , Company " H." SERGTS.— Cyrus L. Poster, Wm. C. Miles, Hezekiah Shipp. COR PORALS— Chas. E. -StlUwell, ,John K. Youts«-y. BUGLER— AVUliam Parsons. FARRIER- Frederick Horig. PRIVATES— John R. Adkinson, John D. Bell, James L. Davis, Meredith A. Davis, John Prombold, Michael Ferris, Mathew Jenkins, James M. Houchie, Joshua R. Johnson, Henry Mains, John W. Parsons, Samuel G. Revel, Harman Stevens, Jesse Sayers, Thos. P. Spaulding, Calvir York, Alfred Abbott, Sarauel Ewing, Joseph A. Long, John J. Smith, Joseph Weeks, Mathias Yauger. Company " 1." CAPTAIN— John M. Thomas. 1st LIEUTENANT— Lewis R. Dunn. SERGTS.— David O. Riley, Daniel J. Cook, Thomas D. Rice, Reed Mc- Grene, James C. Smith, Valentine Y. McGrene, Clayton L. Bradley, Nathaniel M. Mercer, James A. Hemminger. CORPLS. — George N. Wortham, William Benden, Joseph CoUard, Joseph Milium, Valderman AVells, John D. Wells, Oliver H. Bruner. BUGLERS— Josiah McKay, George H. GosneU. FARRIERS— Walter Drane,' William P. Crume. SADDLER- Ralph C. Crume. PRIVATES— James M. Alverson, Jacob A. Baker, Wm. R. Blann, Zachariah Bitts, Newton Baltznall, Robert J. Cooley, Ablgal Deweese, JameS' M. Deweese, James C. Dawney, William N. Evans, Joel Gray. James Grapham, Andrew J. Green, Augustus Gunn, Hiram Harris, Henry Hay, Abner Hill, WiUiam N. Harding, Walton Harris, James B. Johns, Ennis Jenell, John P. Lampton, Leander J. Lane, Horatio G. Lane, WiUiam C. Lane, Peter B. McGraw, WiUiara H. Nail, George H. Nelson, James, A. Nanney, James Patton, James Quisenberry, Isaac Schoolfield, Elias Stephens, W. E. Spradling, William T. Thomas, WUliam B. Taggart, Thomas W. Woods, John Wheeler, MUes H. Watkins, Marion Waltrep, Richold Yeakey, Andrew J. Alverson, Stephen F. Grove. Samuel Hazel, David Jeffers, John H. Langley, Samuel N. Shipworth, Joseph H. WeUs, Reason Cravens, Philip Dappon, Frances Dappon. Labam Gains, WUliam McCauley, John Oldham, John AV. Prunty, Wm. P. Reed, George W. Sweney, Amos Smith, John C. Travis, Harry Young. Peter Daniel Wm. H. Huff, Westley B. Lewis, Squire N. Lampton, John W. Crawford. Third Kentucky Veteran Cavalry. 149 Company " K." CAPTAIN— Horace Scott. 1st LIEUT.— William Waters. 2d LIEUT. —Charles , Blanford. SERGTS.— Henry B. B. McCoy, Claton Beard, James L. Frank, Charles Horton, Joseph B. Ball, Taylor Scott, Wm. C. McCoy. CORPLS.— Thomas J. Ball, WUliam L. Ball, Stephen Woodi Benjamin F. Walker, WiUiam H. Gregory, Samuel Muffltt. BUGLER— ¦William P. Carman. FARRIERS— Samuel B. Walker, John Vonthamir SADDLER— WUUam B. Wood. SADDLER-SERGT.— Henry C Hook HOSPITAL STEWARD— John J. Pool. PRIVATES— John W. Boltlnghouse, John Bradley, WUliam Beard, Andrew J. Carman, Lewis Johnson, Hiram H. McCoy, Aaron R. Miller, John Robbins, Thomas Wood, Jerome BIdeon, WiUiam Hogan, John a! Harris, Remus A. Pate, James W. Seaton, Samuel Taul, WUliam B. Taul, Henry C. Walker, Roland Whitworth, Benedict J. Newton. Company " L." 1st. LIEUT.— Wm. W. Weatherholt. SERGTS.— Samuel Bryant, James T. Webbj William Goff, Lewis G. Gregory. CORPLS.— Wra. H. H. Tunstall, Robert Roy, Edmund Polk, Edward Roff, Harvey White. FARRIERS— James McAlister, Jacob Paulman. PRIVATES— Wm. P. Biren, Hiram Blair, Scott Burditt, Jacob Blard, George D. Blake, Albert Campion. WiUiam J. Carter, Henry C. Davis, George W. Franklin, Peter Gregory, John Holinder. Thoraas E. Klrtley, James L. Lay, Sylvester Lay, James W. Lucas, Joel Moore, John W. Memphiss, Charles R. Marsh, Joseph M. Marsh, Albert Michen, Raphael A. Norah, George Oliver, Samuel Paddock, McWIlUs Robinson, Thomas Robinson, Michael Sheran, Thomas Sheran, PhUip Sullivan, Roily J. Tlndel, Henry AVeatherholt. .John R. Weatherholt. Richard Welsh, Asa Williams, John Fransman, Thomas AA'ood, Jefferson Perkins, George W. Drake, Frank Perkins. Company " M." CAPTAIN— Albert G. Sloo. 1st LIEUTENANT— Ernest Vucellot. 2d LIEUT.— Chas. P. HoUlngsworth. SERGTS.— John P. Scott, James W. Heim, Edward Mooney. Michael Catt, John T. McClure, Peter Winkler, Simeon Noble, Thomas B. Thompson. CORPLS.— Benjarnin H. A\^ier, Andrew J. Moore, William P. Teverburgh. Thoraas R. Cater, Lewis Osho, Henry H. Henderson, i James M. Talbott, Thornton H. Gren. BUGLER— Anthony Martin. FARRIER— August Sanders. PRIVATES— Henry Benard, AVUliam Cash, Reason Craven, John J. Chlstum, James H. Davis, Milton M. Davidson. James L. Driver, Francis Daffron, Owen Garrety, James Haley, Robert Hathaway, John B. Holden, Samuel Jones, Jesse Jennings, Samuel P. Krane, John P. Keller, Theodore Leveron, James Londs, John Longei, Chas. H. Lathrop, Hiram P. Langly, Thomas B. Mays, Adam Meinrath, Jerome Myers; Nelson H. Norton, John W. Oldham, Ammon Osho, Henry C. Ruble, Charles L. Robertson, Jerry Sevetry. Simon Simbley, Leon Theriac, John W. Wright, John W. Yates, Harvey Young, John Q. Young, John Clark, Charles Cox, Philip Kizer, William Reed, Laban Gren, John W. Gill, John Hays, James Liles, Wm. McCallery, George W. Sweeney, John C. Travis, Alfred Wilson, Samuel D. Jugles. 15C Union Eegiments of Kentucky. Fourth Kentucky Cavalry. Ixecruiting for this regiment began in September, 1861, undei- the call of Col. Jesse Bayles, who .organized the regiment at the fair grounds at Louisville. Associated with him were Lieut.-Col. Jacob Ruckstul, Capt. John F. Duncan and James O'Donnell, who afterward became cap tain and was also active in the flrst work of organization and remained with the regiment during its entire career, though sometimes serving on brigade staff". The com panies came from Louisville and Jefferson county, and from Spencer and Bullitt. The regiment was flrst sworn in by Maj. John W. Barr, and first paid off' in its camp at the fair grounds by R. J. Menefee, of Louisville. It was held at Louisville until January 6, 1862, when it marched to Bardstown and went into a camp of instruction, being in the brigade commanded by Gen. Wm. H. Lytle. On the 26th of March it left BardstoAvn and proceeded to Nashville. From thence it went to Wartrace, Tenn., April 8th. It remained on duty in that part of the state during the summer of 1862. In May, 1862, Col. Green Clay Smith became colonel of the regiment, but in the same month he was promoted brigadier-general. While he Avas in command the 4th was in several engagements with the Confederate cavalry in Tennessee; particularly one at Lebanon with Morgan, and for gallant service there Col. Green Clay Smith Avas made brigadier-general. July 13th the regiment marched to Tullahoma, where it remained until August. It Avas then sent to Manchester, and from thence to ^Murfreesboro, being all the time actively engaged in scouting and reconnoitering. While at Murfreesboro Gen. Bragg's movement to Kentucky began, and the 4th Avas employed to cover the movement of Buell's army in pursuit as far as Bowling Green. It was held at that place with other troops for the protection of the railroad and that section of the country, while the raain army proceeded on to Louisville. After the ex pulsion of Bragg from Kentucky the 4th continued in service along the southem border of the state until Feb-' ruary, 1863. During this period it was at Bowling Green, Glasgow, Russellville, Hopkinsville and many other points, and was in the division commanded by Gen. Dumont, the regiment being under Col. Bayles. February 9, 1863, the 4th moved from Bowling Green to Nashville; from thence fo Murfreesboro. At that time it was in Col. Minty's brigade, Stanley's division. Foutih Kentucky Cavalry. 151 February 27th, it marched to Franklin, being em ployed with other troops to guard the right flank of Rosecrans' army, then lying at Murfreesboro. In March it was enegaged in sca eral spirited contests with Van Dorn's and Forrest's troops. Among these may be mentioned the fight at Thompson's Station, March 5th; the expedition to Columbia under (Jen. Green Clay Smith, March 19th, and the flght at BrentAvood, March 25th. April 14, 1863, Col. Bayles resigned and was succeeded bj Col. Wickliffe Cooper, who had been a lieutenant in The 20th Ky. Infantry, and had been made lieutenant- colonel of the 4th Cavalry. Being now inade colonel of this regiment he proved himself a most gallant and effi cient cavalry officer. June 7th, the 4th was engaged with the enemy at Franklin, Avhen in a charge made by the regiment Col. Cooper was severely wounded and one man was killed. June 1 1th it was again engaged at Triune, with loss. June 23d it was engaged at Unionville. In the organization of Rosecrans' army, June 30, 1863, the 4th was in the 1st Brigade (Col. Campbell), Mitchell's division, Stanley's cavalry corps. August, 1863, the 4th advanced with the Army of the Cumberland, under Gen. Rosecrans, in the movement upon Chattanooga, which resulted in the battle of Chicka mauga. It would be impossible to enumerate all the ex periences of this active campaign. From the last of July until August 9th it was encamped at Gum Springs. From thence it moved by way of Fayetteville, Tenn., and . Huntsville, Ala., to Maysville, Ala. August 27th marched to Caperton's Ferry; crossed the Tennessee river to Valley Head, September 1st. On the 3d crossed Look out mountain, marched through Alpine to Summerville, Ga.; returned to Valley Head, September 1.5th. On the 19th, the day the great battle of Chickamauga opened, the 4th marched to Crawflsh Springs, when it was flercely en gaged with the Confederate cavalry under Gen. Wheeler. In the report of Col. Watkins he says that when he dis covered the enemy he drew up the 4th, Sth and 6th Ky. Cavalry in line, then advanced to the Chattanooga road. Then Capt. O'Donnell, of his staff, reported the enemy advancing. In the flght which ensued he was flanked and fell back. The 4th formed across the road at Lookout church, the 6th passing on. Then "the 4th fell back slowly, fighting with desperation, and rallied on the 6th, Avhen the two regiments held the enemy in check fully 20 rainutes. Then they were again flanked;" retreating again, they again rallied and repulsed the enemy. In this desperate 152 Unwn^Hegimt'aU of Kentucky. flghting the 4th lost four officers, Capfs. Rodgers and Lewis, Lieuts. Cohen and Curtis, and over 90 men wounded and missing. It continued to cover the retreat to Chat tanooga, arriving there September 22d. On the 25th it marched for Bellefonte, Ala;, where it arrived September, 30th. It left Bellefonte, October 2d, for Caperton's Ferry,' Avhere it remained till December 2d. It then marched by way of Chattanooga to Rossville, Ga., arriving December 5th, and constituted the extreme outpost of the army. It remained at Rossville until January 6, 1864, when it re-enlisted in the veteran organization. Up to this time the 4th Cavalry had been in numerohs engagements and its service had been unusually active. In the veteran organization the fleld and staff' were: Col. Wickliff'e Cooper; Lieut.-Cols. Llewellyn Gwynne, George Welling; Majs. Sidney S. Lyon, John F. Westoh, John M. Bacon; Adjutant J. B. Boatgerman; Quarteir- master Charles H. Swift; Surgeon Charles H. Butler. ' After the furlough incident to the veteran organiza tion the regiment rendezvoused at Lexington, Ky., and immediately Avent to Nashville, and frbm thence marched on foot to Chattanooga, Avhen it was mounted and camped in Wauhatchie valley. During the career of the regi ment from this time to the end it was commanded by Cols. Cooper, Gwynne and Welling successively, and also at times by Majs. Weston and Bacon. It was' in the bri gade of Col. L. D. Watkins, Gen. Ed. McCook's division of (len. Elliott's cavalry, in Sherman's army. On the 24th of June, 1864, a part of the 4th cavalry, under command of Capt. John M. Bacon, had a remarka-. ble experience at Lafayette, Ga. The detachment was at that place Avith similar detachments of the 6th and 7th Ky. Cavalry regiments, all under Col. Watkins, the whole numberin,g 450 men. Col. Watkins, in his report, savs this force of 450 was attacked by Gen. Pillow with a force of 3,000. Gen. Pillow, in his "report, says he attacked with 1,600 raen. The flght took place in the town about 3 o'clock a. m. As soon as the flring -began Capt. Bacon, with his men, took possession of the court house and jail, and barricaded the windows and doors AA'ith sacks of corn During the flght all of Col. Watkins' men occupied these buildings and successfully fought off their assailants, who withdrew from the contest, and the 4th Ky. Mounted Infantry coming up, under Cols. Croxton and' Kelly, the withdrawal became precipitafe eA'en to a panic "as re ported by Gen. Pillow. The 4th Ky. Cavalry then took part in all the cavalry operations of the Atlanta campaign, and was repeatedly Fourth KentnAij Cavalry. 153 complimented by Gen. Sherman lor its elliciemy. It was engaged at Resaca and other places in this campaign. After the capture of Atlanta the regiment ac companied Sherman's army in its operations in Northern (leorgia, in October, 1864, and Avhen the march to the s'ea began it was ordered to Nashville to take part under Gen. Thomas in the campaign against Gen. Hood. It was then in the cavalry command of Gen. J. H. Wilson, and bore its part in the operations in Middle Tennessee, resulting in the battles of Franklin and Nashville. Just preceding the battle of Nashville the 4th Cavalry was sent with a strong cavalry force under Gen Ed Mc Cook to oppose Gen. Lyon, Avho had moved into Kentucky. This command proceeded to Hopkinsville and other places in Southern Kentucky, and forced Lyon to with draw from the state. After the battle of Nashville, De cember 16, 1864, the regiment was sent to Waterloo, Ala., thence to Eastport, Miss.; thence to ChickasaAV, Ala. It then took part in Wilson's celebrated expedition through Alabama and Georgia. It was in the adA^ance at Mont gomery and captured the place and held it until support ing troops came up. It Avent through Georgia to Talla hassee, Fla., and returned to ilacon, Ga., when it was mustered out of service, August 21, 1865, having served four years. [NOTE CONCERNING -SV ATKINS' BRIGADE.] From January, 1863, until the end of the war the 4th, Sth, 6th and 7th regiments of Kentucky Cavalry constituted one brigade, under the command for the greater part of the time of Col. Louis D. Watkins, of the 6th, who was made brigadier-general by brevet JuVie 24, 1864. The association of these four regiments makes the history of their movements so identical that the account of each one should be read, as each one aids the other to some extent. A number of unusually ac complished and spirited young offlcers were with these regiments, which gave to the brigade a fine reputation for gallantry, and made it nota bly efflcient. All can not be mentioned here, but among them may be named, belonging to the 4th Cavalry, Col. Green Clay Smith, who was made brigadier-general. A biographical sketch of him will be found in this volume. Col. Wickliffe Cooper, of Lexington, Ky., . Maj. Sidney Lyon, Adj. and Capt. Oeo. K^Speed, who was only 17 years of age, Capt. BasU N. Hobbs, of Louisville, Capt. John P. Weston, of Louis ville, who is now an officer of the regular arrhy, Capt. James O'Don nell,' who served on Gen. Watkins' staff. Belonging to the 5th were Cols. Haggard, Baldwin, and Sdlnders, the latter of whom was made brigadier-general, and was kiUed near KnoxvUle. A biographical sketch is in this volume. Lt.-Col. HoblitzeU and Isaac N. Scott, Majs. Michael H. Owsley, Thos. C. Winfrey, C. T. Cheek, James L. Wharton, the former of -whom afterward was circuit judge in Kentucky, Surgeons Hugh MulhoUand, and Wm. Forrester, and Capt. Fleming Paris, of Louisville. Of the 6th were Cols. Halisy and Louis D. "Watkins, Lt.-Cols. Mundy and Roper, Majs. Gratz, Fidler, and Stafford, Capts. Hugh B. Kelly, Chas. Milward, Drye, James M. McCoun, of Bardstown. Of the 7th Col. John K. Faulkner, who after the war held the office of Surveyor of Customs at Louisville, Lt.-Col. Vimont, Capt. Robt. Col lier, and Lieut. Wallace Gruelle. 154 Union Regiments of Kentucky. These were all admirably adapted for the cavalry service and they made a notable group of dashing soldiers. A number of them were with the brigade when it went to Hopkinsville, December, 1864, and at that time a meraorable and touching Incident occurred. That was at the home Of the lamented Gen. Jas. S. Jackson, who had been so conspic uous In the cavalry service, and who was killed in the battle of Perry ville. His widow was then living at Hopkinsville and these offlcers called to pay their respects to this noble and excellent lady. , The splendid esprit dc corps of this magniflcent brigade of Kentucky cavalry suggests that it would have been well if other organizations of similar character had been formed, not only of the Kentucky cavalry, but of the Kentucky infantry regiments Field and Staff. COLONELS— Jesse Bayles, G. Clay Smith, Wickliffe Cooper. LIEUT.-COLS.— LlewUyn Gwynne, Jacob Ruckstuhl. MAJORS— John F. Gunkel, Sidney S. Lyon. ADJTS.— Moses C. Bayles, George K. Speed. Q.-MASTBRS— Chas. Kurfiss, Chas H. Swift. SURGEONS— Samuel L. Adams, Henry Mallory, Chas. H. Butler. ASST. SURGEONS— David P. Middleton, J. P. Bachman. CHAPLAIN— Mathew N. Lasley. SERGT. MAJOR— Henry Tanner. Q. M. SERGT.— Theo. Wergo. COM. SERGT. —William Butler. Company "A." CAPTAINS— Levi Chilson, William D. Hooker, Joseph A. Cowell. 1st LIEUT.— WiUiam J. Hunter. 2d LIEUTS.- James Barnes, BasU N. Hobbs. SERGTS.— John J. Collins, Frank Leifferth, Ryland K. Shuck, John W. Burress, James Albertson, Nathan K. Gross, Joseph Dawkins, William Sexton. CORPLS— Jordan Brooks, Joseph H. Arteburn, Doml- nick Gross, Elzy Kennedy, Marion King, Jacob Welkins, William Steph enson, John P. Ashby. BUGLERS— Christian Esslg, Frank Brinkman. FARRIER— Logan Jeffries. SADDLER— William E. Fleece. PRIVATES — Andrew Beamela, Peter Edwards, No. 2; Eli D. Gard ner, George Graves, /WiUiara Kerr, George Morris, WUliam Prentis, Joseph Phillips, John J. Smith, Wm. Sands, AViUiara S. Thompson, John Wooley, Martin Young, Cummins ChUders, Francis Dononahii, Bartholomew Duffy, Peter Edwards, No. 1: Jno. Heller James L. Kel ley, Jefferson Lowery, Augustus Mathews, George Myers, James V. Reed, John Skell, James Smallwood, McGUlam H. Watkins, Isaac Wat kins, Cornelius M. Woodruff, John Wheeler, Samuel Young. John Arte burn, Prank Bonner, John Bonner, David Bonner, John Boes, Robert J. Collins, Nicholas Cunningham, Jackson Declermin, John A. W. Davis, James Edwards, Lawson H. Kelly, John H. Price, George Rhoe, John C. Shaefer, James J. H. Scott, Simon Trester, Thomas Young, ' Samuel Anderson, Christian Fulty, John Sands, John Butts, Alexander P. Bolin, Wm. H. Brown, David Collins, Lafayette CoUins, James Cor- den, Thos. E. Crumbaugh, Joshua Devere, WiUiam Edwards, Joseph Fehr, Thomas Figg, Joseph C. D. GUI, Wm. M. Goldsmith, Joseph Hara. Richard Hall, WUUam Jones, Joseph King, Michael King, Benjamin Kelly. Thomas McManus, WUliam Oglesby, Thomas O'Brien, John Riker, Robert W. Reed, Pleasant Bean, David Childers, Henry Davis, Jacob Everhart, Solomon Gross, Wm. E. Kolbe, John Stigner, John Teal, Joseph WeUs, Thomas P. AA^ood, George Wall. Company " B." CAPTAINS— John Kurfiss, Adam Rogers. 1st LIEUT.— Henry Tan ner. 2d LIBUT.-;-John Feltsch. SERGTS.— Barney Castner, James C. PhiUips, B. B. Sloan, David Patton, Geo. Snider, Chas. Clinton, Jacob AA'reterstein, Henry Smith, John H. Brecket. CORPLS.— William Frix, John S. Barkley, Andrew Louden. Ludwick Black, Jacob- Fix, Charles Lauthard, John Weakley. Charles Ackers, Nicholas Bender, Adam V. Force, Arvm O'Mally. BUGLERS- William Farrell. Peter Rhyer. PAR- Fourth Kentucky Cavcdry. 155 RIERS— George B. Sherridan, Peter Smith. SADDLER— John ZoU. WAGONER— Joseph Eckert. PRIVATES— Jacob Akes, Martin Belner, Christian Hr;nliman, David Dirrick, Louis Forcht, John Owens, P. Shuble, Andrew Small, John Bib- big, Daniel Flood, Charles Forcht, Edward Hern, John Hoog, Jacob H. Lesstcrofft, Conrad Mening, WUUam Meyers, Henry Sheard, Casper Schwarts, John Shower, Sr., Henry * Shof master, Jacob Thornton, An drew Bach, Frederick Brown, Mat Miller, John Phelan, Nicholas Smith, David H. Taylor, George Weathersteln, Jacob Walter, Joseph Hene- man, Henry Aleyeser, WUliam AUsmlUer, Conrad Bader, August Baker, Gottlelb P. Bauer, Frederick Basser, Joseph Barrell, Henry Doert, David R. Fenton, Charles GalUerune, Albert Halwax, John Hoertey, Frederick Ludwick, John Ludwick, James Lawson, Joseph Marshal, Frellng Na- mick. Mason Parsons, Thomas PhUlIps, John Ruth, Thomas Ridge, Ka- viett Shindler, John Shower, Thomas Steward, Albert Sanlergilt, Mac Sensoth, Frank Shier, Gibson Tate, Lewis Upper, Chalrles Andrews, Joseph Albert, Hugh Alfken, George Book, John BoUong, John Clm- mer. Christian Danbert, Theodore Eaken, Havler Pelter, Jacob Grelnalt, John E. Johnson, John-Kraus, Philip Ross, John Smith, John Shuby, Bernard Fetter. Sebastian Faulkner. Company " C." CAPTAINS— Charles L. Unthank, Sylvester W. Raplee, John M. Bacon. 1st LIEUTS.— James O'Donnell, William J. KiUmore. 2d LIB-UTS.- William M. Nichols. A. G. Rosengarten, James Hines. Q. M. SERGT.— George Kipp. 1st SERGT.— Squire S. Roberts. 2d SERGT^.- Joseph Rickett, .Julius C. Sherer, William J. Loder, William Stitgee, George A. St. John. CORPLS. — Thomas Couch, John Ford, David Gor don, Frank E. Roberts. FARRIER— John Metz. SADDLERS— James S. Dikes, John K. Adaras. PRIVATES — Frederick Butcher, Henry Delaney, Anthony Ham, John Meyer, Lewis Roberts, Patrick Shudy, Francis J. St. John, John ZInk, Henry A. Crider, James Ca'ssack, Henry Conn, John B. Dunlap, Ed ward Demprey, Alex. Goodman, Patrick Hart, Nicholas Kirin, Daniel Munty, Benjamin J. Nicholson, Morris Powers, John Stair, William Shrlver, Michael Parrel. Samuel Graham, John M. Gray, Jaraes HIslIp, Patrick Haney, John Sullivan, George Chastain, James Chapman, Chas. Gorman, Andy Gross, David Heaver, James Ho-vsjard, Daniel Ham, Patrick Kennedy,' Joseph Kipp, Johnson McConkey, Julian Moraldo, Henry Meyer, George Orr, Jr., John Sheer, Benjamin P. Sewards, Cor nelius Sullivan, Thomas Sullivan, WUUam Torrell, John Westfall, Lewis W. -^oodal, Bernard H. Brocht, John W. Bennett. Wra. H. Bush, Wm. Cowell, Patrick H. Conckly, Isaac Carrie, Harvey Cockeral, Tiraothy DreskiU, Joseph Elizabeth, Nel Fisher, Thomas Fowler, John Grarey, Francis Greenup, John P. Kenna. Brocht Albert Needer, Jaraes Oleary, Victor B. Reynolds, Lorenzo L. Tomlinson, Jesse Trader, Jariah Tron. Company " D." ' CAPTAINS— George Welling. WUliam J. Barnett. 1st LIEUTS.— Frank N. Sheets, John B. Lee. 2d LIEUTS.— James A. Kemp. John P. Brown. SERGTS.— Joseph B. Bradley, Wm. W. Chalfln, Wm. Snelling. Jas. W. Rooney, ¦ Wa:shIngton Reynolds, PhUip T. Chappie, Francis V. Stephens, Nicholas Gabln. CORPLS.— Rufus Congrove, Jno. P. Don- custer, Wm. Atcher, Edward Atcher, Jas. S. Goldsmith, Jno. C. Sher wood, Hercules Roney, Wm. Smith. Jesse Brimer. PRIVATES— Michael Conner, Silas W. Collier, George T. Goodale. Peter Glassman, John "W. Hagan, PhUip Kressel, John Little, John Marger. .Alfred Shanks, Robert Fleming, John WestfaU, Williara T. Atcher, Isaac B.urch, WiUiam L. Branch. Alfred Corden, Ausburn Flow ers, Nelson Goldsmith, Thomas GUbert, James O . Hagan. WUUam J. Hunter, Absolom Harrison, '."homas Henott, James Jump, Littleton Lin coln, Adolphus Meyers, Thomas J. Martin, Augustus G. Myers, Hugh A. ,Patterson, Adam Phister, Henry Rase, Daniel Simpkins, WiUiam C. Smith, John T. Tanner, John Travis, Harrison Tanner. William Wal den, Samuel Wallace, James CrUlen, John M. Briscoe, AViUiam Green- 156 Union Regiment!^ of Kentudcy wall, George Haddox, Joel Harrison, Christopher C. Martin, Kirhfur Shively, Charles Swiney, Greenup J. Westfall, Wm. Pierefleld, Wm. G. Arthur,' Philip BIrman, Levi Brentllnger, Wm. E. Brunnel, Gebrge Cud- dlemeyer, Franklin CoUings, Isaac Douglas, Torrence Davidson, Wm. M. Edwards, Wm. Foster, Samuel Poster, Wm. Graham, Harrison Joyce, John James, Andrew Lawrence, Wm. Medcalf, Christopher C. Martin, Jacob Mcintosh, Alex. Oliver, John Ranidon, John Read, Jeremiah Steward, Michael Sago, David Shoptan, Perry Snelling, Wm. Todd, Ed ward AA'eUing, John Yeager, Jno. T. Brentllnger, Alex. ClsseU, John Donavan, Marlin Fox, Christ. C. Roads, Wm. H. Shoptan, Abram Sago, Jno. W, Vieroe, Andrew H. Westfall, Nicholas A. Wallace. Company " E." CAPTAINS— Henry A. Shaeffer, Leopold Pruess, James O'Donnell, 1st LIEUT.— Max Cohn. 2d LIBUT.-Henry G. WaUer. SERGTS.— Lewis Huanker, Gustar E. Hueter, John Weber, John Vogle, David Wehing, Ambrose Kuni, John Keller, Henry Stoly, John Schnab, Mar-. tin Sema. CORPLS.— Henry Deersman, John Frank, Lewis Gross. Henry Fischer, John Frank, Andy Frank, John Brinner, Henry Graff, Michael Knebler. PRIVATES— John Ash, Moses Burig, John Hassing, Francis Hil- linch, JuUus Hudle, Adam Loosman, PhUip M. Panty, August WaU, Andrews Weiller, Henry Leeback, Lewis Baty, Ignatus Bernhard, John Braum, Bartholomew Brander, Henry Doehmann, Peter Funk, Ferdl- nan Meitt, Frank RIttler, Conrad Routhams, Jacob Rodd, Gotleib Scharott, Lagarus Schaub, Carl Sivann, John LIssert, Lewis Ampfer, David Engel, Peter Hensler, Anion Killer, John Long, David Peter. Ebehan Fraut, George Quillenan, Christian Ehlsheit, John Krohm, Henry Foeth, Jacob Graff, John A. Knapp, George Koch, Jacob Kung, Conrad Miller, Peter Rechenan, Adam ^chneider, John Sipple, John Streit, Henry Trout, John Wasmer, Conrad Weber, Jacob Ambrose, Henry Bronstrup, John Daunt, Adam Grim-m, John Kelwig, Joseph Hol- rona. Christian Henry, Jacob Kellerhalt, Jacob Kock, Emile Martini, Wm. Munat, Henry Opp, Henry Ort, Henry Ran, John Reigel, Frederick Schuston, Jacob Jane, Henry Schilling, Carl Schulty, Ferdinand Shuel- ty, August Sohaeffer, Carl Schwarz, Carl Waldecker, George AA'entzel. ' Company " F." CAPTAINS— Nelson B. Church, Sidney Lyons, Basil N. Hobbs, Spencer Cooper. 1st LIEUTS— John D. Bird, Thomas P. Harnot, Wm. G. MUton. 2d LIEUT.— Abel R. Church. SERGTS.— James Wllmoth, James G. White, James B. Johnson, Phillip Reed, WUliam G. Milton, Charles H. Soule, Daniel S. Williams, Thomas Merideth, Martin Wil helm. CORPLS. — William B. Sensbaugh, James McMahon, James Car ter, James W. Duckworth, Robert D. Slevens, John S. W. Parrish. FAR RIERS— Walthen Bonner, John J. Burke. SADDLER— John M. Hutch inson. WAGONER— Robert Polls. PRIVATES— Arnold Amos, John S. Baker, Henry Blair, Alexander Dobbins, John Howsley, James S. Lewis, John C. Langly, Abraham Meredith, William Meredith, Gabriel Reynolds, Edmonds Reeves, Thomas W. Slaughter, Bradley Sanders, Thomas Shane, William Wil helm, Mort. Gaither, William G. Butler. James K. P. Byland, Martin Dillingham, Sarauel Fife, Malone Hatfield, Lawrence Kelly, Phinis Reed, Robert Ramsey, Warren AVatkins, Thomas Brook, James H. ^ Brooks. John J. Brooks. William Dorms, WUiiara Murphy, John Mc Queen, Dabney Nance, James W. Raymond, Thomas Williams, James W. Watkins, James Monehan, Robert B. Beswick, Jolin Cain, Henry Casey, Edward Coralngore, George W. Glnnis, Hugh Grey. John Heffer- man, Henry Lewis, James Parrish, William Moore, Bryan H. Sharp, John WUhelm, John Womack, Thos. G. York, Lewis Carroll. David O-Connell, John W. Bonner, William Barnes, Dennis Dunn, Silas John son, Charles H. Kerr, George W Langly, Charles Lovell, WlUIam Rus sell, Charles Wolford, Theodore Wergo, Henry Zimmerman, James M. Russell, John A. A'-asburg. ; Fourth Kentucky Cavalry. 157 Company " G." CAPTAINS— Casper Blume, John Sailer, George K. Speed. 1st LIEUTS— WUliam Shrlver, William H. McKinney. 2d LIEUTS.— Thos. Hoffman, Rodolph Curtis. 1st SERGTS.— 6eorge RothchUd. SERGTS. — Jacob J. Septig, Phillip AUicurge, Constantine John, Charles (Joss- ville, Leonhard Reider, Henry Deldtrlch', Henry Pitchteman, Phillip Gutig, John M. Kirck, Joseph F. Getzweiler. CORPLS.— Otto Schnei der, Henry Schuler, Herman Mirers, Joseph Koch, Joseph Sherer, Phillip DIU, Paul Horn. BUGLERS— PhUip Walter, WUliam Buchanon. FAR RIERS— John Muss, Jesse Sucklard,, SADDLER — Michael Buchard. WAGONER— Joseph Hergog. PRIVATES— Peter Bellner, Mathias Bellner, John Breinig, Henry Blume, Frederick Erde, John Greenllck, John Koli, "^enry Manschler, Louis Oppenheimer, Bernhard Slechtin, Casper Selbel, Carl Sester, Peter Hook, Timothy Koller, Martin Luty, Jacob Morelli, Charles Meyer, Vincincis Schaffner, Jacob Schmidt, Augustus Steel, Christopher Pauer, Robert Breckheimer, Peter Austgen, Phillip Lum, Charles Luther, John Frltch, Carl Reder, George Auger, Peter Andy, Andrew Banks, Peter Detroy, Bernhard Bok, Adam Lany, Paul Dobyan, Henry Shiver, John Smith, Ignaty Reiter, Frederick Detroit, James FInity, George Gabler, Phillip Herbold, Wendall Jordan, John Kipp, Robert Landskron, John Mode, Ferdinand Rule, Mority Rudloff, Jacob Roeder, Charles Rohr, Charles Steuedle, Jacob Schell, Charles P. Schoril, Theo- Ibald Sandhaus, Ferdinand Well shopper, William Schreiber, George Gegg. Company " H." CAPTAINS— Patrick W. McGowan, Jno. F. Weston, 1st LIEUTS.- Isaac Burch, Lewis Ryan. 2d LIELTT. John Burke. SERGTS.— Chas. Dupre, James O'Connell, John Murry, William McKinney, Isaac Miller, Felix Dupree, Dennis McCarty, John Hagerty. CORPLS.— Peter Mc- Knab, John Ranan, Ludlow Wilson, John Shehee, William Burke, John Burk, WUliam Nelsh, Alfred Norton, James McGrant. FARRIERS- William Routh. John Kane, Thomas Theodore. BUGLER— John Duch- ernne. SADDLER— WilLam Parrall. WAGONER— Jaraes Ragan. PRIVATES — Edward Booth, Thomas Barbour, Patrick Collins, John Fogart, Daniel Fisher, Thomas Hyens, Thomas Haffer, James Kenally, Thomas LovaU, Prank McQuInn, Dennis Means, John O'SuUivan, Charles Quinn, Patrick Russell, John Sheridan, James Sumate, James Whaler, Arthur Whaler, Patrick Kelly,, Patrick Morearty, James Mc Cann, Johii Carr, Martin DItterly, John Dunnivan, Patrick Feeley, James Reefe,' Adam KImple, Patrick McDonough, James Quinn, Fred erick Sloane, Mike Callahan, John Downey, John Dumon, Samuel Day, Thomas Fehan, John Gannon, Patrick Gaherty, Edward Hogan, Hugh Keys, Joseph MlUott, John McMakin, Daniel Mailllff, James Mur, John Mannion, Lawrence McGidern, WUliam O'Hern, James O'Conner, John Powers, Patrick Qu.nn, James Reese, John Riley, Martin Shell, Patrick Turney, John Wyman, John CoUghan, Daniel H. Burton, Seth Barnes, MlcUaei Campbell, Owen Congan. Thomas Donahue, Anthony Devler, John GaUigher, Thomas Gustavus, John Faulkner, Patrick Harrington, Robert Lonyhow, James Malone, Thomas McGlenn, Coon Rickets, Pat rick Ray, Charles SUI, Levi Upton, Charles Budd, Wm. Casey, Thomas Cannon, Alexander Durand, John Frank, Gabriel Gunkel, Jaraes Loyd, Henry Mullen, James O'Daniel, John Stone, James Wright, John Neal, Frederick Zimmerman. 158 Union Regiments of Kentucky. Fourth Kentucky Veteran Cavalry. Field and Staff. COLONEL— Wickliffe Cooper. LIEUT.-COLS.— Llewellyn Gwynne, George Welling. MAJORS— Sidney S. Lyon, John P. Weston, John M. Bacon ADJT.-John B. Boatgerman. Q.-MASTER— Chas H. Swift. SURGEON— Chas. H. Butler. ASgT. SURGEON— Joseph P.' Bachman. SERGT.-MAJORS— Philip Guetig, Wm. H. McKinney, William Foster. QM. SERGTS.— Alexander McCaU, Ryland H. Shuck. COM. SERGTS.— Gibson Tate, James E. PhiUips, James W. Looney. SADDLER- James S. Dykes. BUGLER— Prank Brinkman. ^ Company "A." ' CAPTAIN— Ryland K. Shuck. 1st LIEUTS.— W. J. Hunter, James W. L09ney. SERGTS.— William Sexton, John W. Burrows, Elzey Ken nedy, Nathan K. Gross, Joseph Dawkins, James Albertson. CORPLS. — Dominick Gross, Marion King, Jacob Wilkins, John P. Ashby, William Stephenson. FARRIER- Logan Jefferles. BUGLER— Frank Brink- man. PRIVATES— Thomas Bassil, Alexander T. Bolln, John Butts, David Collins, James Cooden, Thomas E. Crumbaugh, Joshua Devore, Joseph Fehr, Thomas Figg, Joseph C. D. GUI, Eli D. Gardner, George Groves, William N. Goldsmith, Joseph Hahn, Richard Hall, William Jones, Joseph King, Michael King, Benjamin Kelly, Thomas McManus, WUliam Oglesby, Thoraas O'Brien, Joseph Philips, Robert W. Reed, Lafayette Collins, WUUam Edwards, John Riker, John Arteburn, William H. Brown, Joseph H. Arteburn, William Carr, William Prentis, William Sands. Company " B." CAPTAIN— Adam Rodgers. 1st LIEUTS.— Al. D. Hynes, James E. Philips. SERGTS.— David T. Patton, George Schneider, Charles Lan- thart, John H. Bickel, Barney Koster, Henry Smith, Charles P. Clinton, Gibson Tate. CORPLS. — Joseph Marshall, John Schauer, Frederick Black, Jacob Fix, John Weakley, Charles Ackers, David R. Fenton, Nicholas Bender. BUGLERS— Gotleib B. Bauer, Marcus Selnsoth. SADDLER— Conrad Bader. ' PRIVATES— Henry Algler, William AUsmlUer, Henry Doerr, Joseph Bckbert, John B. Hoertz, WUliam Just, Frederick Ludwick, John Lud wick, Mason Parson, John Ruth, Xavler Schlndler, Frank Stier, Albert Sonderselt, Andrew Small, Louis Upper, John Zolt, Joseph Borrell, August Baker, Frederick Bassa, Albert Halwax, James Lanson, Pree- llng, Namick, Thomas PhHIps, Thomas Stewart. Theodore Acken, Sebastian Fantuer, Philip Ross, John Shultz, John ZImmer, Henry Leh man, Mathew Miller, David H. Taylor, George Weathersteln, Jacob Walter, John Bouling, Thomas Ridge. Company "C." CAPTAINS— John M. Bacon, William J. Hunter. 1st LIEUT.— Squire S. Robards. SERGTS.— Franklin E. Robards, George A. St. John, George Kipp, John Ford, William Stitzel, John K. Adams. CORPLS.— James Howard, John Schur, Thomas Couch. FARRIERS— George Chastain, John Metz. SADDLER— James S. Dikes. PRIVATES— Frederick Butcher, James Chapman, Francis M. Casteel, Henry Delany, Charles Gorman, Andy Gross, Daniel Heaver, Daniel Ham, Anthony Ham, Patrick Kennedy, Joseph Kipp, John Meyer, Henry Meyer, Johnson McConkey, Julian L. Moraldo, Larrence Morgan, George W. Orr, Benjamin F. Sewards, Frank J. St. John, Cor nelius SuUivan, Josiah Tron, Lewis W. Woodall, David Gorden, Nicholas KIrsch, WiUiam Souri, Charles' J. Mitchell, Thomas SuUivan. Fourth Kentucky Veteran Cavalry. 1 59 Company " D." CAPTAINS— WiUiam J. Barnett, John B. Lee. 1st LIEUT.— William Foster. 2d LIEUT.— John P. Brown. SERGTS.— Francis V. Stevens, Wm. W. Chalfin, Washington Reynolds, Edward Welling, William G. Auther, Philip T. Chappell, William Snellen, William Smith, James W. Looney. CORPLS.— Hercules Roney, AVUliam Atcher, Edward Atcher, Jesse Brimer, James S. Goldsmith. FARRIER- John T. Yeager, SAD DLER— Franklin CoUing. BUGLER— Taurence Davison. PRIVATES— Phillip BIrman, WUliam E. BunneU, Levi Brentllnger, Samuel Foster, William Graham, Harrison Joyce, Andrew Lawrence, John Morger, William Mtetcalf, Christopher C. Martin, Jacob Mcintosh, Alexander OUiver, John RArdon, Jerry Stewart, David Sh'optaw, Michael Sago, Perry Snellen, WUUam Todd, John Westfall, George Zetlmaier, Isaac Dpuglass, John James, John Reed, John C. Sherwood, Wm. M. Edwards, WUliam Foster, Robert Fleming, Peter Glassman, George Haddox, Philip Kressell, Grenup J. Westfall, Columbus Rodes. Company " E." CAPTAIN— James O'DonneU. 1st LIEUT.— Max Cohen. 2d LIEUT. —Henry G. Walter. SERGTS.— Arnbrose Curry, Henry Stoltz, John Keller. CORPLS.— John Adam D. Knapp, Henry Diersman, John Frank. FARRIER— Conrad Weber. BUGLER— Jacob Gross. SADDLER— Frank Eberhard. PRIVATES— John H. Ash, David Engel, Henry Foeth, Jacob Kuntz, Conrad Mueller, Adam Schneyder, Martin Senn, Christian Sanner, Henry Trant, John Wassmer, Prank Andy, Moses Birig, Peter Regenaner, John Sliroab, John Slppel, Adam Loosmann, Julius Huetlell, Henry Sebach. Company " F." CAPTAINS— Basil N. Hobbs, Spencer Cooper. 1st LIEUTENANTS- Thomas P. Herriott, Wm. G. Milton. SERGTS.- Dan L. Williams, Thomas Merideth, Martin V. WUlhelm, Charles H. Soule, Elwood Reeves. CORPLS.— Joseph W. Thomas, Bradley Sander. FARRIER— Ed. H. Cummingore. BUGLER— George W. Grimes. PRIVATES— Robert B. Boswick, John M. Buster, Mathew Boneur, Henry Casey, Hugh Grey, John Heffron, John C. Langly, Jaraes C. Parris, ' 'Thomas Sheehan, Bryan H. Tharp, John Womack, John WUlhelm, John Cain, Henry Lewis, Peter Meridith, David O'Connell, Thomas G. York, Amos Arnold, Lewis Carroll, Mark Gaither, John W. Boner, Silas John son, William Moore. Company " G." CAPTAIN— George K. Speed. 1st LIEUTS.— William H. McKinney, John N. Kirch. 2d LIEUT.— Rudolph Curtis. SERGTS.— Henry Flchte- man, George RothchUd, Philip Guetig. CORPL.— Peter Andy. WAG- - ONER— Joseph Herzag. BUGLER— Jacob Graf. PRIVATES— Andrew Banks, John Byer, Peter Detroit, Bernard Eck, Adam Lang, Ignartz Reiter, William Schreiber, John Smith, George Auger, Henry Scherer, John Biming, Henry Blume, Mathias Bellner, Frederick Erde. John Fritch, John KoU, Carl Sester, James Finty. Company " H." CAPTAINS— John P. Weston, Charles H. Soule. 1st LIEUTS.— Lewis Ryan, Dennis McCarty. 2d LIEUT.— John Burke. SERGTS.— Laurence McGIvern, John Hagerty, John Burke, Felix Dupree. COR PORALS— Daniel Maillff, William NIesh, John Kennan, Albert Newton. FARRIER— Adam Kembal. PRIVATES WUUam Burke, Michael Callahan, John Cline. John Donney John tJ'ennin, Daniel Fisher, Patrick Gagerty, Edward Hogan, John Kane Hugh Keyns, Joseph Milot, John McMakin, John Powers, Patrick Quinn, James Reese, Martin SheU, Patrick Tierney, Samuel Wray Thomas Peehan, James O'Connors, ,WUlIam O'Herran, John Weiniiam, John O'NeU, Thomas Barbour, Thomas LaveU, WUHam Levell, James Murray. John Manlon, John Reilly. 160 Union Regiments of Kentucky. Company "I." CAPTAINS— John W. Lewis, H. Bishop Purnel. 1st LIEUTS.— David Wolff, WiUiam Harper. 2'd LIEUTENANT— Frederick G. Ulrlch. SERGTS.- Timothy Kelly, John Allen, George White, Thomas Lynn, Alexander McCall, James McDonald. CORPL.— Robert Good. PRIA'ATES— Robert AUln, Eden R. Boyles, Charles Cites, Michael Curry, Miles Cronin, Edward Donohoo, John Frederick, Andrew Parrel, Patrick Feegan, James Holerin, Joseph Holt, Martin Lavel, Philip Molin, Emmlel Miller, David Macon, James Murry, George W. Neil, George W. Rleter, AVUliam Richie, Michael Rigney, Patrick Riley, Peter Riece, Patrick Shay, John Sparks, David Shields, Daniel Stanford, Charles sue, Charles Ulrlch, Michael Wilett, William' Watson, Jacob Young, William H. Carson, Samuel Davidson, Pq^trlck Heden, William Harris, Jacob Jetter, Henry Krleder, James Molbry, Michael Shay, Randolph Walters, Patrick Welch, John Dunn, Peter McCormick, John PIgott, James Reynolds, James WUson, Thomas Ford, Edward Hines, Baizer Huglln, Richard H. Holiway, John W. Jacobs,' James Peven, Frederick Steven, Steven Wick, Henry Wagner, Charles Atkins, Charles Arnold, John Burk, Thomas Burns, Frederick Bromincamp, Francis Cull, Will iam Coller, Guberal ChiU, Edward Carr, Francis W. Clayball, John Gernsting, Mathias Heck, Adolphus Hinkman, Mathias Hail, James Holerin, Jacob Klbln, Henry Kaufmap, Owen Kurby, John Lawless, Cornelius Miller, Jacob Malman, Patrick McMakin, Francis Miller, Patrick Muldon, John Nihill, Michael Nunn, WUUam Pointer, Michael Rodgers, WiUiara Riter, William Rockel, Mutlerbery Relnholt, Thomas H. Scott, Charles Schwizer, Denis Sutler, George Smith. Joseph Smith, Ferdinand Volk, Joseph Wagner, George W. AA'-Uliams, Samuel Wilson, Albert Wilson, John Yole. Company " K." 1st LIEUTS.— George Koch, Purnell H. Bishop, Wm. W. Chalfin. 2d LIEUT.— J. W. Faust. SERGTS.- John Younk, John Blake, Jacob Gerlock, Jacob Stiener. PRIVATES— David Blake, Horace Donahue, John E. GosneU, Peter Gerhart, Amos GuUe, John Geriting, Lewis Knuckles, John Longfield, Michael O'Marron, Morris Oxley, Wm. A. Smith, Charles Stier, John Tharp, Jacob Dearshuck, Thomas J. Head, Ernot Krotrusky, Samuel Wilson, James A. Wells. * Company " L." CAP'rAIN— Wm. E. Brown. 1st LIEUTENANT— James Albertson. 2d LIEUT.— Robert A. Edwards. SERGTS.— James A. Henstes, Robert A. Cofley, John T. Adair, John Hurt, James S. Woods, Harrison L. Howell, Evander M. Davis, Wm. Odenn, Prank T. Self," John B. Rodger- man. CORPLS.— James Ammerman, Melvin P. Self, Elisha Anderson, Boxter S. RusseU, John Thomas, Henry Shoemaker, Theodore Shonefildt. PRIVATES— James W. Adair, Andrew Briggs, James Baker, George W. BuUock, Francis M. Bullock, WiUiam Boggs, Hezekiah Binson, Ben jamin Cupsey, Jackson Craig, Eppi M. Canup, Wm. R. Coffey, James M. ; Coffey, James M. Cash, James M. Cahrs, David D. Duncan, John Duncan, ' David Draper, Joseph Gallener, William Harris, Burrill Harris, George J. Hennlngs, Robert G. Hodge, Nobly H. Harris, Nicholas Hoy', George Henson, James B. Hamlin, John W. Jones, Theodore Kehren, William KaUahar, George P. .Louder, John Long, John P. Lyng, Thomas J Langly, James S. Maohn, WUlianj McGuire, Squire Mardis, Christopher Phaender, Evander M. Paine, John W. Radcliffe, William Smith Ben jamin Stubberfield, Caleb Serber, Frank Trapp, Henry Utters' Wm Underwood, Burton W. WUllams, George Yager, Francis M. Canup, John Byer, Lepposon A. Dye, Conrad Deitz, Edward Hays, Amos Landman, Michael McCann, Andrew J. Hammone, John H. Ralston.Washington M. Stewart, RoUa H. Vauter, Samuel Brooks, Wm. Brock, William Cook James Collins, DiUard C. Grogan, Henry A. Harper, James Houston, William Harney, Lewis .Hefner, Isaac Jackson, Richard M. Johnson, Patrick Kinney, William Lynel, Isaac Newton, David F Shupe Wm F Shupe, Thomas M. Setton, James Welch, John Weston, Thomas'c West. Fifth Kentucky Cavalry. * 161 Fifth Kentucky Cavalry, ' The Sth Ky. Cavalry was actively engaged on mili tary duty several months before it was regularly mus tered into service. Col. David R. Haggard resided, in 1861, in the same general section of the state as Cols. Wol ford, Ward and Hobson. This was peculiarly on the border and separated from the protection which the state had in closer proximity to the Louisville & Nashville Railroad, along which the great armies moved. The or ganized Confederate forces in Tennessee were in a threat ening attitude toward all Southeastern Kentucky in the summer of 1861, and the Cumberiand river section was especially exposed. This condition led- to the organiza- , tion of the Unionists as a measure of self-protection. Col. Haggard early began the formation of a regiment. In a coftimunication from Gen. Sherman to Gen. Thomas, of date October 31, 1861, he says: "Col. Hag gard is at Columbia with' a regiment." November 12th: "Col. Bramlette reports to Gen. Thomas the propriety of Col. Haggard resuming his camp at Burksville, Novem ber 14th." Gen. Sherman says: "Cols. Grider and Hag- gard are at Columbia, and are acquainted with all the country as far as Bowling Green." All through Decem ber and January, 1861, Col. Haggard's cavalry was scout ing the country South of Columbia. In February, after the Confederates fell back from Bowling Green, the 5th Cavalry went to Gallatin, Tenn. It was there mustered into the United States service at Camp Sandige March 31, 1862. It then numbered 943, and its subsequent ca reer proved it to be one of the most valuable regiments in the service. The names of the officers by whom it was led are very striking. Col. Haggard had been for years a prominent man in his part of the state and a state official. Col. Wm. P. Sanders, soon made a. brigadier- general, was a brilliant officer, educated at West Point. He was killed at Knoxville November, 1863, and the cele brated fort there was named in his honor. There were no more gallant officers that Cols. Haggard, Sanders, Baldwin and HoblitzeU, and Majs. Owsley, Cheek, Glpre, and Wharton; Capts. Fleming, Faris, John W. Forres ter, Charles Gill; Surgs. Wra. Forrester and Hugh Mul hoUand were faithful and excellent offlcers. May 14, 1862, Gen. Negley, at Rogersville, Ala., re ports a battalion of the 5th, under Maj. Owsley, making a forced march from Pulaski against the enemy on the ' 11 162 Union Eegiments qf Kentucky. Lamb's Perry road, where a lively flght occurred, and endurance and soldierly conduct by Maj. Owsley and his men is especially mentioned. In June the regiment, un der Col. Haggard, with other troops, crossed the Cum berland mountain and reconnoitered toward Chatta nooga. July 7th it was at Columbia, and on the 8fh be tween Duck river and Wartrace; July 14th at Tantalon. August 11th the 5th, with other regiments under Gen. Richard W. Johnson, left McMinnville, Tenn., and en gaged Morgan's command at Gallatin, but vvere defeated. Gen. .Johnson especially commends the conduct of Capt. Carter and Lieuts. Campbell and Cheek in this flght Maj. Winfrey was taken prisoner. September 5, 1862, Col. John Kennett took command of the 1st and 2d Cavalry brigades, the 5th being in the 2d. Maj. Owsley then commanded the regiment. The 5th participated in the march of Buell's army in pursuit of Bragg, and is reported as being at Louisville in Sep tember. On the 14th of November, 1862, Col. Kennett reports the 5th as detached from him and on duty at Nashville. It was at Nashville in December, and on December 17th two companies were sent to Brentwood. December 19th and in January, 1863, the 5th wrfs in Mitchell's division, under Maj. Owsley. It remained on duty at Nashville until the spring of 1863. In the organization of the Army of the Cumberland, June 30, 1863, th^ Sth A^';as in Mit chell's division. Gen. Ed McCook's brigade, and command of Lieut.-Col. HoblitzeU. In June and July, 1863, the 5fh was engaged in very severe service in Middle Tennessee. July 3d the brigade, in which were the 3d Ky. Cavalry, Sth Ky. Cavalrs^ and 6th Ky. CaA-alry, was led by Col. Wat kins, of the 6th. Gen. Sheridan's report of this campaign says the troops moved from Murfreesboro toward Shel byville, fought at Christiana, camped at Millersburg, then moved to ^Muchester. There, hearing that Confed erate Gen. W^harton was seven miles away, he ordered Watkins to move against him with the Sth and 6th Ky. Cavalry. He says: "This reconnoissance was hand somely executed by ^'ol. W^atkins, who drove the enemy abput three miles, inflicting a severe loss." Col. Watkins says, in his report of the movements of the Sth and 6th Cavalry under his command, June 23d, marched from Franklin to Triune; June 2Sth, marched to Murfreesboro; June«28th, from Murfreesboro back to Christiana; 29th, within 5 miles of Shelbyville; 30th, at Shelbyville, and made a reconnoissance on the road to Tullahoma; July 2d, to Tullahoma; July 3d, to Cowan Fifth Kentucky Cavalry. 163 and reported to Gen. Sheridan; July 4th, made a recon noissance toward University, met the enemy and engaged in a sharp flght; Sth, camped at Cowan; 7th, reported to Gen. Mitchell. At that time the Sth Cavalry, under Col. HoblitzeU, made an expedition to the mountains aud re turned. Horses reported Avorn down. In the organization of Rosecrans' army, August 31, 1863, the Sth was in Watkins' brigade, in Stanley's di vision. The brigade consisted of the 4th, Sth, 6th and 7th Ky. Cavalry Regiments. When the battle of Chick amauga took place, September 19th and 20th, the cav alry corps was under Gen. Mitchell, and the Sth was still in Watkins' brigade, of Gen. Ed McCook's division. It fought in the battle of Chickamauga, at Crawflsh Springs, and Avas very much cut up. On September 23d it was at Williams' house, 12 miles above Kelly's Ferry, under Col. HoblitzeU; September 27th, between Williams' Island and Jasper, guarding the river; October 1st, at Kelly's Ferry. October 4th, Gen. Tillson reports the Sth going toward McMinnville, with other troops, in pursuit of Wheeler. December 20, 1863, the Sth went with a cavalry force under Gen. W. S. Smith on au expedition against Gen. Forrest across the Tennessee river. In Gen. Smith's re port, he says he ordered the Sth to move from Columbia to the mouth of Duck river, clearing the country, and to watch the river from the mouth of Duck to Savannah; at Savannah it crossed the Tennessee and marched to Cor inth, which was reached January 8, 1864; thence to Col- liersville, which was reached February 8th; crossed the Tallahatchie and moved toward Pontotoc and Houston; thence to Okolona; fought at Prairie Station. The expe dition returned to .Memphis, haA^ng destroyed a great- amount of army supplies and railroads and bridges. The reports say the Sth Cavalry acted with coolness, courage and discipline not excelled by any troops. On the re turn it was especially efficient, resisting the attacks of a strong pursuing force. Maj. Cheek, who commanded the regiment, was recommended for promotion. The Sth was ordered back to NashAdlle, and, April 2d, was brigaded with the Sd Ky. Cavalry and the 20th Il linois Mounted Infantry. Col. E. H. ^lurray, of the 3d, commanded the brigade. May 3, 1864, Col. Baldwin was in command of the regiment, and it entered upon the At lanta campaign. May 13th, Col. Murray took command of the division. Near Adairville the Sth was sent for ward in advance of Gen. Logan, encountered the enemy and drove him all day. "May 19th, moved to Kingston 164 Union Eegiments of Kentucky. by a road parallel to that occupied by the columns of the armies of the Cumberland and Tennessee." During June and July the Sth was constantly employed, and al most daily engaged with the enemy, acting with the other cavalry of Sherman's army. In August it had crossed the Chattahoochee and made its way to Jones boro, where a severe flght took place; moved on the Mc Donough road toward Lovejoy. A battle took place at Fosterville, where the cavalry made a magnificent charge, then "moved to McDonough; thence to Cotton Indian creek, where it camped that night.. In the morning, by a difficult and dangerous ford, crossed that creek, moving to Lithonia; thence to Decatur and to our old camp at Sandtown, arriving on the 23d, having made a complete circuit of Atlanta and the rebel army." (E. H. Murray's Report.) August 26th, the .jtli, with other cavalry, moved from Sandtown, on the road to Fair Oaks; struck the West Point and Atlanta railroad the 28th. There a portion of the regiment under Maj. Cheek sustained a very severe attack. On the 30th advanced on the Jonesboro road to Flint river; near this river the cavalry, including the Sth, engaged in a battle, Avhich, the report of Col. Baldwin says, was the "most brilliant cavalry flght in the South." September 8th the ,5th encamped on the Rough and Ready road. Col. Baldwin especially compliments Maj. Cheek and Capt. Glore, the battalion commanders of his regi ment; also Lieut. Griffin. The Atlanta campaign being over, the Sth moved with Sherman's army northward, through Northern Georgia, during the month of October, 1864. Then it was chosen to accompany Sherman's cavalry in the march fo the sea. •(See 3d Ky. Cavalry, Murray's Report.) It shared all the dangers of that campaign in the cavalry command under Gen. Kilpatrick. After leaving Savannah it marched through the Carolinas, having many encounters. At Monroe's Crossroads, February 8, 1865, Adjt. Mitchell was killed in an engagement. It was also engaged in the battle j)f Bentonville. The end of the war being at hand, and the term of service of the Sth having expired, it was ordered to Louisville, Ky., where it was mustered out of service May 3, 1865. The men who had re-enlisted as veterans were transferred to the 3d Ky. Cavalry. The foregoing is an inadequate account of this splendid and faithful regiment, but enough is given to show the long, hard service it performed and ifs gre^t value in the tremendous task of preventing the dismem berment of our national Union. Fifth Kentucky Cavalry.' 165 Field and Staff. COLONELS— David R. Haggard, William P. Sanders, Oliver L. Bald win. LIEtrT.-COLS.— Isaac Scott. WilUam T. HoblltzeU. MAJORS— Michael H. Owsley, Thomas C. Winfrey, John Q. Owsley, Christopher T. Cheek, James L. Wharton. SURGEONS— Hugh MulhoUand, WUliam Forrester. ASST. SURGEONS— Jacob B. MltcheU, WiUiam T. Owsley. CHAPLAINS^Marcellus Baugh, WUliam B. Chrisler. ADJTS.— John H. C. Sandridge, William D. MitcheiU. Q. -MASTERS— John T. Parris, James H. McKee, Andrew T. Vincent. COMMISSARY— Patrick M. Conly, George E. WiUett. SERGT. MAJS.— Gabriel A. Brown, Edward M. Johnson, Logan Hedges, James H. Paver. QM.-SERGT.— W. H. Carter. BUGLER— John P. Purcell. ,COM. SERGT.— John R. Ray. A'ET. SURG.— MUton B. Hays. SADDLER— Hardy M. D. Vaughan. ¦ HOSP. STEAA^ARDS- WUUam A. Derrlngton, Jeremiah EUis, James P. Sansley. Company " A." CAPTAINS— Hal Palmer, James L. Wharton, Thomas A. Elkin. 1st LIEUT.— James A'. Conrad. 2d LIEUTS.— James Funk, Francis B. McAllister. SERGTS.— Hugh M. Mitchell, George P. Northcroft, John M. Pierce, Clinton O. Rawlings, James Anderson, Theophilus Peter, Marlon Brady, Joseph C. McKIttrIck, James B. WUUams, Andrew Offutt, George W. WUlett. CORPLS.— John M. Lair, James L. WiUiams, Isaac T. Montgomery, James L. Williams, Gabriel A. Brown, Charles Graff. FARRIERS.— John R. Hall, WUliam Melton, BasU Alvy. PRIVATES — James C. Bosley, James E. Barrett, James P. Brown, George T. Cammack, James Daisy, Jeremiah M. Dearing,. John M. BlUott, Charles P. Funk, WiUiam T. Gray, John W. Goatley, John W. Gordon, Logan Hedges, Uriah H. Keling, Thoraas P. Kelly, Archie Lank- ford, Isaac Lynch, Wm. G. Lanham, William L. Lanham, Hezekiah K. Lamb, A\''m. A. Montgomery, Thomas B. McAllister, Henry C. Mont gomery, Phillip McConnell, John R. McGrew, John Pemelton, Wilbur Peter, Francis M. Smalley, Andrew J. Smalley, Stilte Stumpff, Benjamin F. Sraith, Hugh Trenor, Zachariah Taylor, Edward AVebb, George W. "Wadklns, Jesse Whitehouse, Temolian Bosley, James W. Brown, Thomas Bland, Thomas A. Donehue, John Daisy, Francis M. Hawkins, Jacob Kimberlln, John W. Lowe, Thomas Lair, Isaac McCubbins, Nicholas McCubbins, John Schaggs, John D. Thompson, Elias Webb, Jeptha Wil son, Patrick M. Conley, Grandlson Boswell, Frank Cutsinger, George Mays, Joseph B. Brown, Clifton Blan, StUes M. Bailey, John Dyhouse, William G. Gray, Pious Green^ George H. WUUams, Milton Webb, John Innman, Thomas Hanby, Thomas E. Kirlly, Samuel Paddock, Balser Smith, James H. Pavre, Jonathan S. Ward, William Beegles, John Lotz, Joseph Lamb, John Peters, John R. Turpln. Company " B." CAPTAINS— Jas. T. A. J. Duncan. Christopher T. Cheek, Andrew Offutt. 1st LIEUTENANTS— Jonathan S. Harlen, Henry D. Gorham. 2d LIEUT.— John Right. SERGTS.— Jacob Bushong, James T. Beals, John W. Steward, Milton Bv Hays, Isaac H. Jackson, WUUam M. Stevens, John Conner, John H. Moore, Thos. P. Patterson, John R, Ray, Thomas W. Reneau. CORPLS.— John T. Emberton, John H. AppoUos, James B. Bryant, Samuel R. Comer, Samuel Compton, George W. Crow, John Emberton, Hiram H. Harlln, Joh'n Madison, George W. Bushong. FARRIERS — Jaraes Gentry, John Jackson. Nathan T. Jackson. BUGLERS— John A. BIrdwell, James Curtis. WAGONER- Alpheus TCendall. PRIVATES— Lewis J. Allen, Joseph C. Bushong, Henry C. Bushong, Joshua Butler, Hiram K. Carter, Grant Crow. George P. Conkin, Francis M. Ellis, Jas. A. Emberton, Jacob P. Eller, George AV. Porde, Thomas S. Gwinn, Leander P. Hamer, Geo. W. Jackson, Sr., Geo. W. Jackson, Jr., John AV. Jackson, Sr., John W. Jackson, Jr., Wm. D. Jackson, Nathan Jones, Martin Jones, Arnan Moody, David J. McAlpin, Thomas Pleasant, Marquis Right, Joseph Robertson, Isaac C. Rush. 166 Union Eegiments qf Kentucky. John Sims, Alexander Silvey, Hulet Speer, Benjamin Strode, Joshua B. Stevens, Andrew Watkins, Robert A. Welch, Thomas F. Eller, Arthur B. Frailey, Marshall A. Graves, Wm. M. Holland, Jacob Parker, Abraham Slaughter,' Andrew J. Sartin, Henry Bell, Wm. M. Bowles, Riley Compton, Joseph Crawford, Nelson Crow, Wm. K. Combs, JameS M. Crawford, Hiram H. Decard, Benj. C. Ford, Mordecai Hance,- Turner G. Harvey, Joel Moore, David A. Patterson, Richard H. Ponder, John Short, Samuel Adams, Nathan H. Emberton, Wm. B. Emberton, Thomas J. Forde, William A. Forde, Oscar M. Hamer, William Jackson, James S. Lee, Samuel Pedlgo, Jacob W. Rhoton, Silas Ray, Hiram C. Rush, Daniel Rhoton, Edward Steward, George W. Taylor, Grant Britt, James Finley, Henry J. Fowler, William R. Mathews, Alexander Ritter, Milton K. Thurman, Walker Grace. Company " C." CAPTAINS— John Q. Owsley, Samuel Martin, John D. Smith. 1st LIEUTS.— Leonidas S. Sullivan, Wiley S. Holland. 2d LIEUTS.— Gran ville B. McGee, George M. Vandever. SERGTS.- Samuel McBillingsly, McDonald Snow, Charles W. Moody, Jeremiah S. Ellls< Joseph A. Gar- man, Reuben A. Lollar, Columbus W. Akin, James B. Garman, John L. Welch, John H. Elliott. CORPLS.— James O'Shaughnessy, Jesse M. Smith, Aaron 'V. Smith, John T. Gentry, William T. Dicken, Simeon Summers, Christopher C. Park, Thomas T. Keeton. FARRIERS— Andrew J. Gannon, Joseph S. Morrison, Samuel C. Blankenship. SAD DLERS— John L. Lutarall, Thomas S. Hogan. PRIVATES — Pollard Appleby, William O. Anderson, Jesse S. Bryant, Jesse Booker, John N. Cloyd, John C. Estes, Francis M. Floyd, Charles Gentry, Joseph S. Grimsley, William Garrett, WUUam F. Head, John W. Johnson, Felix G. Lollar, Wilcom Pennington,- William W. Plumlee, John W. Page, Charles N. Percy, Abraham L. Reaser, Jeremia'n. PRIVATES— James D. Allen, Charles D. Allen, John M. Baker. Isham Brown, Calloway H. Baashur. John S. Brown, Clinton A. Bellew, Edmund T. Cannoway, Abram B. Cole, WiUiam F. Cook, James L. Dun- kerson Francis A. Druman, William Dossett, Zachariah Eakins, John Frederick, Thomas GlUihan, James H. Gibson, Franklin Gehle, WUliam L Hays Henry T. HUl. Thomas D. Hanly WUliam P. HUl, WHey W. HiU John T Harman. AVUliam S. HiU, Eugene Horst, Peter Jordan, Jno. J Kennedy Jefferson Melton, John W. Melton, Adam Myres, Robert AV McMulle'n David T. NoU, WiUiam L. Noll, WUliam P. Nichols, John W Newman,' PhUip Newman, Richard Overfield, Benjamin, Overfield, Tholojniah Overfield, Francis M. Owens, James B. PoweU, John Riley, 200 Union Eegiments of Kentucky. William H. C. Rudd, James Reed, William N. Sheffer, Samuel A. Scott, George W. Shelton, William W. Sigler, Nicholas Stevins, Jack Springer, John A. Turpin, John W. Townson, Robert B. Virgin, John T. Woodson, Charles Williams, Casper Woodflin, William W. Wales, John H. Craw ford, Lawrence S. Noll, John B. Overfield, RusseU G. Price, George Gyer, Thomas W. Hogan, Barney L. Harkins, Albert McDevitt, James Shaw, James R. Seggers, James Clark, James F. Melton, Harris Fur- gison. Company "I." CAPTAIN-^ohn Dever. 1st LIEUT.— John F, Cunningham. 2d LIEUT.— Williara Penn. SUP. 2d LIEUT.— Pelland P. Bland.' SERGTa — WUliam F. Coffey, Francis M. Tuckett, Obediah Smith, Jonathan Rus sell, George W. Russell, Quentin Anderson, George W. Mills, John W. McLure, David M. Young. CORPLS. — William Norris John Moore, Jas. Clarkson, Robert Hughes, George Ellis, Willis Edwards, Levi Smith, John Eason. WAGONER— Thomas Orr. FARRIERS— James Austin, George Armstrong. SADDLER — James PoUowell. PRIVATES — Nichols Austin, Jesse Akins, James Butcher, James Bowman, Samuel Butcher, Brice Cochran, Robert Cook, John L. Davis, Alexander Daugherty, John Davidson, Shewa W. Donney, Daniel Easer, Barnabas FoUowell, George Garrette, James M. Garrette, James B. Gun ter, William Hogan. Andrew Hunback, John Harvey, John Haly, Kim- sley Haly, John Hoftey, Hiram Johnson, Robert King, Elijah KIssen, John KIssen, George W. Lowry, Williara Lynn, ^Ready Lynn, Beavy Lane, William MiUs, William Montgomery, Charles Pemberton, James Peters, James Price, Perry C. Penn, Bradford Peyton, Smith Rowsey, Jourdan Rowsey, Allen J. Swafford, James Swafford, James Shannon, Allen Scarborough, Thomas Smith, Preston Sextin, David Swearlngen, James Sabley, Alonzo Spragglns, George Sally, William Turpln, Easer Taylor, RUey Vaught, John R. Vaught, William S. Vaught, George Wil cher, Wm. White, Elijah Wilkinson, Robert Warford, James A. Woods, James Woodford, Abraham Anderson, David Coffman, McDowell Car penter, Tilford Lane, George W. Welch, Keenard Blackstone, Nicholas Coffman, Thomas Kufman, Larkin Leathers, Ell Linn, James May, Prior Quarles, Burrell Reed, Aust n R. Swearlngen, Franklin Tewell, Al fred Vaught, WUliam Eville, Henry Powell, David Godley, Thomas P. Hayden, Mathew McDanlel. Thomas Swofferd. John Truman, Stephen Wilson. Company " K." CAPTAIN— James H. Hudspeth. 1st LIEUT.— William A. Sasseen. 2d LIEUTS.— Richard L. Boul-ware. William D. Grain. SERGTS.— Jas. .E. Maxwell, Joseph H. Sawyer, William S. Bolivar, Woodford A. Mat lock, James E. Belcher, William R. Ferguson, William E. Gaston. Boling H. Pelts. CORPLS.— James M. Woodward, David W. Bolivar, William B. Turner, William M. Stokes, Armstead R. EUis, William A. Baird, Wil liam B. Woodward, William H. Woodward, Balus L. Grain. BUGLER —Marcellus R. FuUer. FARRIERS- Augustus Chandller, Levi D. Van- trus. SADDLER— John L. Sawyer. WAGONER— Geo. V. Marshall. PRIVATES— Robert J. Allison, WUliam T. Ashby, John H. Anderson, Samuel P. Anderson, John P. Brooks. Alfred Barrow, David M. Brow ing, John B. Belcher, WiUiam P. Barrow, Mon-roe N. Belcher, Tholemiah R. Boley, George W. Coalman, Little B. Coalman, Woo(^llef M. Chand ler, WiUiam B. Chandler, H. A. Cropper, Nathaniel D. Doors, George H. Danks, WUUam B. Donney, John P. Gibson, Thomas B. Galloway, WiUiam E. Gorham, Henry B. Givens, Francis R. GiU, WiUiam Good win, Henry GerUl, Richard V. Gant, Joseph Hendricks, James Hoskins, Wiley J. Hendricks, Joseph W. Henderson, Thomas B. Jamerson. James James; John Kettle, Elijah N. Mansfield, Overton B. Mallory, Alfred M. McWhlrter, James J. McWhirter, Louis M. McMIUen, Michael B. Maben, Cyrus A. Maben, Hiram B. McLamon, David J. McLamon. George W. Murphy, Elisha Morten, WUliam J. NeUl, Elisha C. Neel. Luther B. Orange, Joseph G. Orange, Samuel A. Orange, Robert A. Parks, Melville T. Parks, Hiram A. Pogue, John W. Sawyer, Christian Swaggot, Finis W. Sherrod, James A. Sawyer, Goodwin Smith, John R. Trail, James H. Webb, Jefferson Whitworth, Leonard WUson, Patrick Moon, Cyrus G. Mansfield. Thomas C. Sawyer. James M. Felts, Chapman Brooks, Jas. Eighth Kentucky Cavalry. 201 P. W. Barrow, Marion D. Fortner, Bird Goswick, John C. Henderson, William B. Johnson, David P. Marshall, Stephen H. McKinney, Loyd B. Martin, James Row, Green Smith, William H. Keel, Samuel H. Smith. Company "L." CAPTAINS— Elisha Owens, Robert V. Gunter. 1st LIEUT.— Samuel Talley. 2d LIEUTS.— Jos. S. Richards, Ed-svard C. Splceland. SERGTS. — James Russell. Thomas C. Summers, William M. Rawson, James Cuit- unger, James W. James, John S. Richardson, Durritt H. Thomas, Alex ander Joyce. CORPLS.— John C. Hudson, William Bland. WUliam L. Hutchison, Isaac Cooper, John Jones, Richard S. EUis, Thomas C. Thomas, Francis M. Oakley. BUGLER— William H. Summers. PAR- RIERS— James Atwood, Philip H. Kirby. SADDLER — Thomas J. Green. WAGONER— Robert W. Hutchison. PRIVATES— Joseph Ahart, Green W. Ahart, Richard Bell, James - Bell, William A. Bogard, George W. Boswell, Thomas H. Burgess, Chas. H. Cookindirfer, George W. Ciirtlnger, Thomas J. Cameron, James H. Cameron, William E. Can, Helllamy Coyle, Isaac Compton, Gibson Compton, Isaac Dobson, Lee E. Duncan, Joseph EUIston, Chas. Geuge, John Gordon, Henry Haydin, Martin B. Hutchison, Joseph Hickerson, Charles C. Hickerson, James E. Hodge, Taylor Hamer, Todd H. Hag gard. Lewis N. Jordan, Jaraes H. Jones, Henry F. Jennings, Martin V. Joyce, Marcus A. L. Kirby, William Lemons, Benjamin A. Long, John Lowry, George W. Lambut, Gadric D. Micherson, Gregory H. Micherson, John Martin, Lofton H. Mitchell, WlUIam H. McDonald, Warren Mc Daniel, Owen L. Oakley, John L. Oldham, Wm. Parkham, Mathew M. Puckett, Francis M. Potter, William W. Bedford, James H. Richardson, James W. Richardson, Walter Richardson, George F. Richards, John W. Stone, Henry Staughter, Edwin R. Simons, John F. Thompson, Henry Trent, Charles U. Thirp. Thomas Wooly, George W. Young, John H. Howard, William Pan, Jaraes W. Ross, James L. Trevathan, Joseph W. Watson, James R. Watson, John T. Adams, Kendrlck S. Cash, John Crass, Lander H. Coffy, John B. Dicks, Stevens W. Haydon, Wm. T. Harvey, George W. Sonnet, George W. Sandford, Charles P. Warden, William H. Clark. Lafayette Courtney, Levi D. Martin, John H. Thirp. Company " M." CAPTAINS— John D. Belden, Daniel S. Parker. 1st LIEUTS.— John R. Curry, Moses Kinnett. '2d LIEUTS.— Logan S. McWhorton, Philip T. Hardwick, George Dameron. SUP. 2d LIEUT.— John B. Brown. SERGTS. — William D. Shannon, James M. Williams, Gideon Burton, David M. Murphy, Stephen M. Evans, Ellas Baker, Isaac N. Beard, Jno. T. Wheeler. CORPLS.— Washington M. Brown, James W. Bell, Elihu G. Grinstead, Frederick Claycomb, Clem. K. H. Cochran, Ephraim Hat field, James F. Gay, Thomas J. Averitt. FARRIERS- Robert A. Hos kins, James Propes. SADDLER— Claybourne Rlcketts. WAGONER— James H. Palmer. PRIVATES — Benjamin F. Allen, Steele Browne, James D. Brown, John Brown, Daniel Brown, George A. Baker, Stewart Baldock, An drew J. Bryant, Samuel Bryant, Alexander Bryant, John Bryant, Chaf- fln Barlow, George B. Bunch, George W. Cox, Isham Cochran, George W. Cochran, James H. Childers, Samuel J. Curry, James Copley, Wil liam B. Cox, WiUiam A. Curry, Edward Conner, James P. Conner, Jas. H. Claycomb, Abraham Christ, Samuel Dameron, John W. Davidson, James Duncan, Lewis C. Evans, Drury S. Evans, Isham Edwards, Wil liam B. Evans, Madison Floyd, Levi S. Floyd, James T. Pitchpatrick, •George GaUbeon, William W. C. Goatlay, Thomas J. GlUen, Hugh K. Hughes, John L. Hicks, Birdin Isaac, Samuel King, WUliam Lee, Al bert Lanham, Ancil Lanham, Truman Mallory. Richard L. Mailing, Francis M. Mallory, Charles C. Mercer, George Meridith, James M. Mar tin, Jacob Penticuff, Henderson T. Robinson, Francis C. Rowe, Selestial Raney, James Raney, Redmand Robinson, John J. C. Sinder, Duly Sin- Clair, John T. Shoemaker, Wm. A. Tunget, Pleasant WUson. John Wright, Thomas L. Wright, Edmund M. Wells, James A. Wilson, John Wheeler, James Walker, Daniel B. Bryant, Robert E. AVUson, David Bright, Alexander Crum, David R. Claycomb, Ira V. Graves, Rob. A. Jones, William King. John C. Mayfleld, Wm. Oversbine. Daniel Davis, Julius Rucker. 202 Unrnti E-egvments of Kentucky, m Ninth Kentucky Cavalry. ( PKEPAHED BY OOL. RICHARD T. JACOB.) About the 27th of July, 1862, Richard T. Jacob issued a call to raise one regiment of cavalry for twelve months- Two pthers being called for the same time for the same period, to assemble the flrst week in August, 1862. In a week's time Gen. Finnell, adjutant-general, in formed him that if reports were true the regiment was full and overflowing. The uewS was true. Four hun dred and forty-eight, or pne battalion, came in one day under Geo. W. Rue, who afterward was made major. The regiment was formed into companies, nearly a thousand horses shod, and on the night of the 22d of August the offlcers and men were sworn in; uniforms giA^en, with guns and provisions. Richard T. Jacob, colonel, with Jno> Boyle, lieutenant-colonel; Geo. W. Rue, I. T. Farris and W. C. ^loreau, majors. The other officers and men will be named iu another place. Thus in less than three weeks a regiment of 1,244 offlcers and men were raised and equipped, and two battalions started to where the enemy was to come into the state. Col. Jacob took the balance to Lexington, Ky., to obtain horses. On the 30th two of these companies, acting as escort to Gen. Nelson, on seven days from formation, were iu a great battle and behaved well. The balance made a forced march from Crab Orchard neighborhood, to aid in the fight. The battle was fought and lost to the Union be fore they came up, and they had to retreat all that nighf and the next day until nine at night. The regiment was placed in ambuscade on the Richmond road; ordered to retreat at 10 o'clock a. m. ; marched the balance of night, and the- retreat was kept up until they got past Shelby ville, when Col. .lacob was ordered to "make a dash Avitli his command and flank Shelbyville, and try to destroy the Confederate troops there, whilst the 9th Penn. Cav alry charged on the pike. As it was a very dry time the dust betrayed the movement, and the Confederates fled with only a few taken prisoners. The regiment did in cessant scouting night and day around the city. Lieut. I. <'. Brent raade the flrst capture of seventeen men. About the first of October they marched with Gen. Buell to meet the euemy. The next day Col. Jacob was or dered to divide his regiment, one-half to go with him to report to Gen. Sill, at Shelbyville; Lieut.-Col. Boyle to command the other half and keep with the raain army. Ninth Kentucky Cavalry. 203 Next day, nearly a half of Col. Jacob's force being sent on a gcout, he, with the balance, marched past the in fantry and ordered to charge the enemy, who flrst had been driven from shelter by skirmishers from the in fantry. Finding that he was fast approaching a far larger force, with another as large starting down a ravine to crush him between the two, his men A^ere ordered to reach a certain point before the enemy, and then turn and fight. This was done, men formed and poured a heavy fire into the enemy, who became panic stricken and, fled to Frankfort, and caiTied the Hawes government, which had just been inaugurated, with all the concourse, with it. We rallied at least a mile in front of the infantry and gained their highest enconiums, which was a great triumph, as we had been most outrageously blackguarded as we past them in the morning. Considering these men, this being the 4th of October, and they mustered in on the 22d of August — not quite six weeks — it showed up well for the men. -Vs undisciplined troops once started in a run rarely stop. Col. Scott, commanding the Con federate brigade, was said to have been in a very bad humor at his command, and said: "I thought .Jacob's men were only six-weeks' men." "They are good two- year men as I want to meet," was said to have been his remark. As the sun was about setting, on the 6th of Oc tober, 1862, Gen. Sill's command reached the tops of the hill at Frankfort, and keeping concealed, with field glasses watched what was going on in the city. Scott's cavalry Avas lying down holding their horses. Gen. Sill ordered a cannon fired over the city commanding the arsenal hill. It had a magical efl'ect; in an instant every man was on his feet. Another shot, fh(w Avere on their horses and at full speed retreating. The shots had an other effect. Every window flew up and thousands of flags of our country fluttered to the breeze. It Avas a royal welcome that went straight to our hearts. As planks in the bridge were torn up, we had to go many miles to a ford. Our friends met us most enthusiastic ally. That night we watched all night, ns we under stood the enemy would attack us in large numbers, and most of our forces on the other side. Next day, October 7th, Capt. Hardin, an able and gallant officer, was sent out with one or two companies to scout on the Lexington pike. The captain was enthusiastic over the behavior of his men, who attacked with great impetuosity, the enemy going awav until a party in ambush suddenly rose from behind a stone wall. Then, instead of running, the men instantlv wheeled into line, rode up to the wall and 204 Union Regiments of Kentucky. fired, which sent the ambuscaders to flight at once. We were told after by prisoners that Col. Scott, noticing this headlong impetuosity of the men, determined to punish their valor, which turned his plan into a rout. Col. Jacob had advised his officers and men to watch every point before going into battle, and then when they attacked to do it with the utmost impetuosity, never drawing the rein until one side or the other gave way, and generally the attacking party would be successful. A lieutenant was reported to have sai(i to Gen. Cleburne: "General, Ave met Jacob's men." "You whipped them, of course?" "No, the d fellows kept a-coming, and I could not hold my men." I think it was this great care before the battle and then the impetuous rush that made the regiment lose but few killed, though many were wounded. The morning of the Sth of October we marched early; got some valuable news from a Miss Draffln, of Anderson county, that Gen. Kirby Smith was lying in wait for us with 30,000 men and 64 pieces of artillery. We drove in the pickets soon after leaving them, found news true and Gen. Sill decided to turn to the right and get to the Salt river hills and let Smith do the attacking. Before this could be done the enemy's cavalry force were reported. Col. Jacob was ordered to attack them. He dispersed them with artillery; ordered to go up the road about a mile; did so, and was furiously attacked. After a desperate fight Col. Jacob and many others wounded. In a hand-to-hand fight Col. Alston was wounded by Col. Jacob. Col. Stone, of an Ohio regiment, said of the fight: "I went through the war, and was in many battles, but I never saw a more desperate fight, and, in proportion to numbers, a greater loss." Next day Gen. Smith at tacked Gen. Sill in the Salt river hills, and was badly defeated. It is a fact that ought to be noted here, that Capt. Robert Cochran, of Shelby, with his company of guards, was with the 9th Cavalry in all the operations just mentioned. On the 4th day of March Col. Jacob was ordered by Gen. Sill to Louisville, on account of his wounds. At this place it may not be inopportune to state the feeling in regard to the emancipation proclamation. It caused a good deal of talk at first, but Col. Jacob told the offlcers and men that the talk must stop; that we were in to fight and not to talk; that it Avas for the administration to de cide the policy. That was the last of it; it never troubled more. Col. John Boyle, with the other half of the regi ment, were at the great battle of Perryville. The com mand behaved well. After the battle the regiment cap- Ninth Kentucky Cavalry. 205 tured 1,650 prisoners. Maj. Rue was on his native heath, and it did him good to go like a cyclone and capture the rebels. The reunited regiment, now under control of Col. Boyle, was sent to the Cumberland river, and many were the scraps they had with Champ Ferguson and others. At the end of the year they had many encounters with John ^forgan and command,'^then in the state, and aided to drive him out of the state. It is impossible to do justice and to name the innumerable confiicts the command had up to this date. On the 14th of January, 1863, Col. Jacob arrived in camp and was given a heart felt ovation. The command was encamped from that time to April about Lebanon, scouting all the time. Capt. William Edwards dashed through Danville, driv ing the enemy through its streets, and came back safely twenty-eight miles. They then, under Gen. Manson, went in pursuit of Gen. Pegram. He had been whipped at Dutton's Hill before they got up. Col. Jacob 'was then ordered to Burksville, in command of his regiment and 20th Mich, and section of artillery, to capture a party of Confederates at Burksville. No. Confederates there to capture. Then ordered to mouth of Greasy creek, in Rus sell county. Went to Monticello to aid Gen. Carter. The enemy driven out, he went back to Greasy creek. On the 10th of Jlay, with 575, he was attacked by all of Mor gan's command. He had just ordered about 300 men to charge, and would have captured two regiments, who had got out of ammunition, when the overwhelming forces of Morgan rushed on them. The enemy rushed and tried to outflank, but Col. Jacob ordered the artillerist, a splendid man from Indiana, to break the column of at tack, if possible, and to take all of his time to load and fire, and he would use the fleld glass and tell him where to shoot. The enemy thought we had two guns. They flred 22 times in 45 minutes, so said an officer across the river, who timed it. Then came the critical moment. The position of the gun was no longer tenable. He could not take all of his men, because they would, all of them, be overtaken in the bottom and captured. He left the reserve, who Avere fresh, to hold the position and took the tired flghting force to fhe river. Col. Holman came and said that a flag of truce was in demanding uncondi tional surrender. His answer was: "Tell Morgan to come and take him; that he did not belong to the sur rendering dogs." Holman changed it to "as long as a shot is left in the locker." Col. Jacob told him to put in as he pleased, so it meant no surrender until a desperate flght took place, in which he expected to be successful. He 206 Union Regiments of Kentucky. theu ordered Col. Holman to retire with the balance as soon as he could successfully. Finding the flag of truce gone they left three pickets a^ a sacrifice and got back safely. The three, finding themselves alone, fired and jumped over the hills and escaped. Not a single man lost, except on the battlefield. Gen. Morgan went to Monticello that night, and to Tennessee. Lieut.-Col. Boyle, Holman and all the offlcers and men behaved splendidlA'. Thus was the expedition to invade the state thAvarted. The command ordered back to Lebanon, where (.'ol. Jacob was placed in command by Gen. Man- son. This gave him the 2d, Sth, 17th and 20th Mich, regi ments and the N. Y. Highlanders' fine infantry, and 9th, 11th and 12th Ky. Cavalry. Having plenty of cavalry with the infantry as a nucleus he scouted the roads inces santly every day. They were fighting all the time and ncA^er lost a man, either wounded, killed or taken pris oner, whilst the enemy lost all the time. The secret was having the cavalry, he sent out such strong force that it overwhelmed every force the enemy could present. That was from May 15th to June 15th, when he was superseded by Brig.-Gen. E. II. Hobson, a gallant and noble offlcer. On the 20th of June we Avere ordered to get ready to go to Tompkinsville. If Gen. Hobson had had his way we Avould have stayed where we were, and Morgan would never have gotten across the Cumberland. He partly obeyed his orders and partly not. He kept his infantry at Crossroads and moved rapidly with his cavalry to Tompkinsville. Here, Gen. Judah coming up, refused the general a wish to attack Adam Johnson at "Turkey's Bend," who was there crossing the fiooded Cumberiand, Johnson told Gen. Hobson afterward that he (Hob son) Avould have ruined him. Then ordered to Mar rowbone creek, nine miles to BurksAdlle, and, picking up his infantry at the Crossroads, got to Marrowbone about dark. In the meantime, Morgan having no opposition, had safely crossed the Cumberland river, then at flood height. Next morning, 2d day of July, Capt Tom Hardin was sent out with about 160 men to scout toward Burks ville to get news of the enemy. After nearly running into the ambuscade they had to retreat, with Gen. Mor gan at the head with over a thousand men in pursuit. The gallant little band, with their brave, capable cap tain, Tom Hardin, made a most gallant running flght of eight miles. It was a desperate hand-to-hand flght with clubbed guns, pistols, etc. ; once a "regular hoedown," so a Confederate offlcer said after-ward, when a Confederate and Federal on horses, coming together and throwing Nvnth Kentucky Covalrii k!07 both off" with their weapons lost, took it the old flghting way, both powerful men and equally placed. At last a pistol placed at the head of the 9th Ky. man, he surrend ered. It would take many pages to tell of the desper ate and gallant flght on the way back. They shot after surrender four men, three of whom died from their wounds. This would have made a tragedy if the com mands had gotten together at once. Col. Jacob, with some 80 men, met the retreating meu and kept the enemy at bay until the infantry could get up and the artillery opened. Thus the 9th had the last flght with Morgan, at the start of the expedition. We were started to pursue Morgan with a hundred wagons. Gen. Hobson had the good sense to drop them at Greensburg and pushed on to Lebanon, where he was placed in command by Gen. Burnside. The gallant Col. Charles Hanson, a most gal lant officer, the brother of Roger, made a noble flght against Morgan, and only surrendered when forced by the depot being burned. Morgan turned toward the Ohio river, and crossed the river into Indiana. We had to wait until boats were sent from Louisville. We got across in the night, after losing twenty-four hours, and giving Morgan about forty- eight ahead. The long, tiresome marches through Indi ana and Ohio, with the thousands of noble women of those states singing the war songs and feeding us; the horses being fed by the shocks of wheat in the flelds — a new kind of threshing machine — not much to the satis faction of the farmers. I will give one instance of pluck and endurance. A young man, Posey Buckley, nephew of. the Col. Harvey Buckley, came up one morning and said to Col. Jacob: "Colonel, my horse has broken down; I am afoot." "Do the best you can, Posey." The same question and answer, until Posey came up and said: "See my mount, colonel?" It was a little mule. He then got a horse, and was in at the death. We had the disadvant age of Morgan getting the pick of the horses, and we had the refuse and Morgan's broken down ones, that could not be used at all. Notwithstanding this, we steadily gained on them and lessened the gap materially. We rode nearly all one night, then all day and night, and were in sound of the cannon of those at the river. Men and horses gained new life, and soon we were engaged with the enemy, thus having the honor of the last flght at Mar rowbone, when in Kentucky, and flrst fight when we overtook them in Ohio. We had a desperata fight for a while, and Col. Jacob was afraid that his raen wonld o-et bevond his control; remembering their murdered com-. 208 ' Union Regiments of Kentucky. rades, he impulsively galloped in and called to the Con federates to surrender or he could not save them. They obeyed him, and thus the enemy turned out well, but they had had time to think. We captured about 150 men, wounded a good many, and, I have no doubt, killed quite a number. Col. Wolford ordered a charge of the 1st Ky. and Sth Ky., and forced many to surrender. That night we rested, and had a sixty-mile running fight next day, a wonderful record for both sides, after so long and tire some chase. We then had a fight, and a flag of truce came in and demanded terms of surrender. Gen. Shack elford said unconditionally. They agreed to it, and sur rendered with 1,050 men and officers, but without Mor gan, who, with some hundreds of men, galloped away whilst the conference was going on. The next day Gen. Shackelford and Col. Wolford beat up for recruits to pur sue. Against Col. Jacob's will he was left to take charge of the prisoners. He wanted to go in pursuit, but at the- earnest wish of Col. Wolford, who said the prisoners might be maltreated, and he wished I would stay. He had to obey orders, of course, but willingly did so, when he thought he might be of service to the unfortunate. In a few days the prisoners were shipped to Cincinnati, and Col. Jacob stopped off to meet Gen. Hobson at Gallipolis, and he ordered him to take command and ship everything to Cincinnati, soldiers, stores, ete. After this he joined them at Cincinnati. I will now take up a company of the 9th, under- Capt. Neal, a gallant and excellent officer, who, for some reason, had been left at the landing on the Ohio river, opposite Brandenburg. Maj. Geo. W. Rue, by permission, had leave, on account of sickness, to stay at a farm house near Columbia. He had to flee when Morgan came in, and had great difficulty to escape. He reported to Gen. Burnside and asked to be sent to Col. Jacob. The general said that was impossible; fhat there was a company of the 9th, under Capt. Neal; to take them and all the men of that regiment, and others, mount them on fresh horses and I will send you on cars to get ahead of the enemy, and you may be in at the death. This was done, and Maj. Rue did get ahead and had a chase, and the race was brtween Rue and Morgan to get flrst to a certain point. Rue got there flrst and demanded unconditional surrender. Morgan then said he had already surrendered to a captain he had as a prisoner. This did not go down wi'th Rue, who was too old a campaigner to swallow such chaff. He informed them that he would fire into them if he iiid not surrender' Ninth Kentucky Cavalry. 209 at once. This they accepted, and Maj. Rue held them until Gen. Shackelford came up in about an hour. I was told that some of the enemy asked what command they belonged to, and wlien told the 9th, they answered d that regiment, it was everywhere. Thus Maj. Rue, the 9th Ky. company and men of that regiment, and gallant and noble men of Ohio ancl other regiments, deserved equal praise. The 9th being the only organization got the credit. The others deserved just as much. Col. Jacob was delighted that his tried, faithful and gallant officer Maj. Rue, and the brave, good officers Capt. Neal and Lieut. Jenkins, of the Shelby company, and the brave, noble, patriotic men of the 9th, who were always true, should be in at the death. Col. Jacob had a presentiment, often expressed, when he organized his regiment, that they would have the prominent part in disorganizing and breaking up that noted band under Gen. Morgan. The regiment's time soon after having expired, it was mustered out. Col. Jacob was forced, by having the misfortune to lose his wife some six months before, not to go into the service again, as his two children were too young to leave alone. He had positively refused to do so until their time was otit; he had refused the nomination for lieutenant-gov ernor, until they said he might stay with his command in the field. It is impossible to do justice in the small space al lowed a regiment which was incessantly on the march, in encounters too numerous to mention; marching day and night, with but little rest. I inquired of Maj. Rue, the last time I met him, how many prisoners he thought the 9th had captured in the twelve months. I had already made up in my mind 4,000, and he agreed with me ex actly — nearly four times their number. His brave, noble offlcers and gallant men; true, self-sacrificing, patient and devoted to the cause of the Union, the colonel of the 9th can not commend too much. Their action is beyond praise. Col. Richard T. Jacob, the son of the distinguished citizen of Louis ville, Hon. John I. Jacob, was born March 13, 1825. In 1844 he traveled in South America; returning studied law. In 1846 went overland to California. The war with Mexico opening, he raised a company and joined Gen. Fremont. He received high commendatidn from Gen. Fre mont for his gallantry. In 1847 he returned to Kentucky and under took to raise a regiment for the Mexican war, but before it was com pleted he was ordered to Washington city. While there he met and married a daughter of Hon. Thomas H. Benton, senator from Missouri. In 1860 and 1861 he was a member of the Kentucky Legislature, from which service he turned again to the military and entered upon the career as given in his account of his regiment. Col. Jacob now lives in liOulsville honored and respected in the highest degree by every one. 14 210 Union Regiments of Kenti^cky. Field and Staff. COLONEL— Richard T. Jacob. LIEUT. COL.— John Boyle. MAJS. —John T. Farris, WUliam C. Moreau, George W. Rue, James R. Page, John C. Brent. ADJTS.— Uriah W. Oldham, Frank H. Pope, Andrew H. Hyter. Q. MASTERS— Charles A. Clarke, W: Rector Gist. COMS.— Edwin J. Clark, William A. Craig. SURGEON— William Bailey. ASST. SURGEON— William H. Botts. CHAP.— B. F. Hungerford. SERGT. MAJ.— Robert O. Nelson. Q. M. SERGT.- William G. Poree. COM. SERGT.- James Andrews. HOSP. STEWARDS — John B. Harned, Francis M. Hawkins. CHIEF BUGLER— Alexander C. Denpls^ VET. SURGEON— James Hoover. SADDLER SERGT.— James CahUl. Company "A." CAPTAIN— Ben M. Harney. 1st LIEUTS.— Thos. P. Shanks, Frank H. Pope. 2d LIEUT.— Alfred C. Morris. BREV'T 2'd LIeTJT.— C. Har rison SomervIUe. SERGTS.— Phineas H. Barrett, Michael Minton, Thos. Case, Henry E. Darling, George Harbeson, Jehiel H. Hart, Thomas B. Duncan, James A. Harbeson, Spencer Beach. CORPLS. — Justin M. Nicholson, Foster O'Neill, Cyrus Thompson, Lee Withrow, John M. Bean, James Carrico, Joseph A. Walter, James McCarty. FARRIERS' —George G. Shafer, Isaac Graham. WAGONER— John G. Wenderheld. SADDLER— John W. Brdburn. PRIVATES — James Adams, James W. Armstrong, Wm. B. Arter- brun. Brown Anderson, Eli Bohannon, Robert E. Bradburn, Daniel Bo lin, Harry N. Cutshaw, William Cutshaw, Andrew Carrlcom, Hiram Elkins, James P. Eppihlmer, Martin V. Gore, John W. Hersham, James Gaylord, John R. Green, Richard E. Green, Barney Hamilton, Gebrge W. Ham, Eli Hilton, John Humphries, William Hildebrand, Marshall Jameson, John Jones, Ben G. Kendall, Peter Knoblock, Peter Myer, James Marsh, Henry B. Mitton, William H. Oglesby, JohnW. Prltchett, Albert L. Parker, Richard Palmer, James M. Prltchett, Reuben Reahm, Thomas Ryan, Harvey Sparks, Frederick Snyder, Ezekiel True, Charles W. Tharp, John C. Thurman, William P. Thompson, Charles W. Wood, Samuel WooUey, Otho N. Bradburn, Louis Johnson, Harrison Westfall, Thomas M. Williams, William H. Williams, James Andrews, John Gra ham, Abram Graham, Jolm Bush, John T. Benson, John F. Simpson, James W. Stitzer, Charles W. Warner, Henry Ashton, Samuel Bishop, Henry Crutchett, Henry H. Childers, Anderson Doss, Coon Hilt, Sam uel Hutchison, James Hibbert, Christ Herzeick, John Johnson, Christ Kremig, James Lynnett, Richard T. Laurence, Daniel Livingston, Stan ton Mitchell, Edward Phillips, James C. Pierce, George W. Shepler, Christ Schmitt, John Starr, James Williams, John Welles. Company " B." CAPTAINS— Milton P. Hodges, WiUiam A. Smyth. 1st LIEUTS.— Charles B. Brent, John C. Brent. 2d LIEUT.— Green M. C. Self, SERGTS.- Joseph H. Bassett, Richard E. Rucker, Joseph B. Sow ard, Henry A. Cunningham, Robert Wells, Jr., WUliam Bush, Charles M. Bartlett, Stephen Richardson. CORPORALS — John W. Renick, PhUip J. Wells, Avalette H. C. Wright, Jordan T. Overfelt, William A. Reams, Basil S. Coleman, George P. White, George W. Logsdon, WUliam T. Brooks. FARRIERS — Ambrose L. King, Luclen D. Garvin. SADDLER— Allen P. Richardson. WAG ONER— William J. Logsdon. PRIVATES— James M. Ammermon, William C. Alexander, Felix R.' Blakely, James B. Baston, Josiah Brown, Thomas J. Brooks, Andrew Bush, Edward Broderick, George Crenshaw, Martin Doyle, James F. Davis, Joseph B. Gentry, Hiram J. Harper, Nathan Harper, Joseph Holdman, Samuel Hook, Wesley J. Holler, Michael Hunt, John A. Harned, WlUIam M. Hensley, Hezekiah Jaggers, John A. Kennedy, Thomas Kelley. Louis H. Kemp, Bozadah Logsdon, William L. Logsdon, Napoleon B. Logsdon, Dennis Logsden, William J. Logsden, Jr., Oliver Logsden, Joseph B. Logsden, Greenberry Love, Cornelius Linneham, Cornelius Lynch, WUliam R. Mattox, Garrett Mattox, George W. P. Maxwell, James Moran, John W. C. Mathews, Josiah Paris, William Ninth Kentucky Cavalry. .211 Redman, James M. Shelton, George W. Self, Samuel Snapp, WiUiam M. Smythe, Joseph Shaw, Robert Tevebaugh, William B. Thorpe, Turner Thorpe, Minor Thomasson, Martin West, Joseph C. Waggoner, WUliam N. Vice, George Colehops, James Epperson, James B. Green, Isaac H. Mathews, Thomas Sanders, Robert A. Stevens, John B. Harned, Henry B. Bush, Adolphus Denson, Epsa Green, Jeptha Jaggers, John C. Logs den, James Mathews, James B. Richardson, Thomas B. Waldron, Uriah Wells, Robert WeUs, John W. Barnes, James M. Dent, James Dosey, John S. Wellsworth, Thomas A. Jones, Daniel Snapp, James H. Logsden. Company " C." CAPTAIN— Thomas J. Hardin. 1st LIEUT.— Theodric J. Macey. 2d LIEUTS.— Edward S. Stewart (promoted from sergeant April 26, 1863), John C. Jackson, W. Ashton Craig. SERGTS.— John L. WlUbolt, Francis L. Armstrong, James J. Goodrich, Hiram Payne, John E. Cook, Wiliam H. Vaughte, A. J. Hyter. CORPLS.— James C. Cammack, James M. Walker, Robert L. Henry, Chas. F. Fleming, John L. Daily, James W. Webb, Silas P. KItson. BUGLERS— Samuel W. Adams, Spencer G. Cooper. FARRIERS — Chas. M. Christopher, Jacob N. Boots. SADDLER— James W Butch. WAGONER— John C. Baker. PRIVATES— Day S. Alsop, Jaraes W. Bolden, Preston Bramlette, WUUam T. Beckman, Marion Beckman, George W. Bishop, Edward P. Bacon, DeWitt Loe Beadles, Wistar Bolden (wounded at Lawrence burg, Ky., October 8, 1862), James W. Carr, Daniel Callucy, James T. Coppage, Wm. H. Christopher, Mason B. Christopher, John H. Ellis (woupded at Lawrenceburg, Ky., October 8, 1862), Calvin M. Ethlngton, Thomas P. FIghtmaster, Willis Flelds, Josiah Givoden, Squire Gregory, Willis W. Hosier, Cassius M. Hall, David C. Hoover, James A. Hardin, Edward Hudson, Thomas S. Hosier, Alexander C. Henry, Preston Hampton, Thomas W. Handcock, Luclen B. Hawkins, Ellas Keipheart, Sebastian Konz, James W. KInkald, Franklin R. Moss, John C. McGin- nlss, Harvey Mead, Thomas A. McGrath, Alexander S. Mattingly, Wil liam B. Newton, Henry J. Newton, John Newt6n, William H. Oliver, James J. Parrish, Nelson Parrish, George M. Perry, John K. PoUett, Robert H. PoUett, Albert N. Suiter, Samuel S. Sanders, Bush Sacra, Charles Taylor, John P. Todhunter, Stephen Terry, Otho D. Vaughte, Dennis Webb, John Waldner, Reuben Wallace, Leander Wise, James Wise, John Yankofsky, Wirt Yancy, Franklin T. Crawford, John H Hall, Angus McMullln, Joseph M. Mopin, Chesley Buffin, Jr., David C. Covington, Squire Jones, Samuel B. Morehead, Benjamin Webb, Charles H. Burch, Joseph P. Goodrich, Hiram L. Hall, Cornelius P. Meredith, WiUiam H. Romine, Thomas T Satterwhite, James WilUs. Company " D." CAPTAIN— John L. Neal, (mustered In to date August 22, 1862). 1st LIEUTS.— Thomas M. Dear (promoted from private April 20, 1863), Moses A. Dear. 2d LIEUTS. — John W. Jenkins, Gideon J. Stivers, SERGTS. — Hamilton Hudson, Leonard Drance, George Sherwood, Geo. Leyer, Wm. P. Thacker, Wm. P. Parrant, Rich. S. Huss, Sam'l H. Brown Augustine M. Webber, Archibald T. Taylor. CORPLS.— Thos. J. GUI, Chas. Gibson, Jno. F. Neal, Edw. R. King, Jno B. Wilson, Jas. For man, Andrew Payne, Jno. Pigg. FARRIERS— Jas. Crutcher, Jno. B. Lewis. SADDLER— Walton J. Sparkes. PRIVATES — Fleming B. Arthur, Isaac M. Busey, Robert M. Basket, Valentine Busby, William Brown John D. Bland, Reuben BuUard, Leon Bean, John A. Barrow, Joseph R. Casey, Wm. T. Clement, Robert L. Clement, Wesley Cheek, John W Campbell, James B. Carico, Lewis Crutcher, Geo. W. L. C. C. Donley, Ephraim G. Dear, Ransom S. Dem- aree, Samuel AV. Dalton, Wm. J. Fry, John S. Graves, John E. Gibson, Moses W. Huss, Wm. A. Harrison, Ferdinand P. Jordan, Richard John son, Samuel N. Lewis, Wm. P. Long, James W. NunhoUand, William Martin, Geo. T. McCormack,^ Benj, J. McClIntock, James H. McLaIn, Peter Melear, Howard J. Mathew, Jacob M. Mathew, Thomas Payne, Charles H. Parrent, James T. Parrent, George W. Parrish, John T. Perry, Charles Perry, James H. Rankin, John W. Richardson, Samuel L. Scott. Jonas L. Stodghill, Albert S. G. Saunders, Theodore Saunders. 212 Union Regiments of Kentucky. Marion C. Skelton, Louis G. Saunders, WUliam W. Saunders, Joel H. Shields, Geo. W. Shepherd, Joseph Shipman, Thomas W. Stone, James S. Staples, David R. Suttles, Robert G. Staples, Robert E. Sharrard, John M. Tracy, Clement H. Taphorn, Charles A. Taylor, John W. Wil son, Lewis M. Wilson, Richard AVhite, James S. Maratta, Henry C. Resor, John C. Branch, Greenberry B. Davis, Henry Grey, John W. Gibbons, Shelton Harris, Wm. H. H. Hockersmith, Jeptha D. Montgomery, Thos. S. Moline, James H. Proctor, John S. Saqra, Dennis Soper, John H. Shouse. Company " E." CAPTAINS— Henry J. Sheets (promoted from 1st lieutenant March. 15, 1862), James R. Page. 1st LIEUT.- Thomas Mahoney (pro moted from 2d lieutenant March 15, 1862). 2d LIEUT.— Thomas M. Page. BREV. 2d LIEUT.— Richard H. Parrant. SERGTS.— William H. Stanley, John B. Dryden. George Finnell, William W. Hutche- son, John W. Daniels, Jesse Whitehouse, John R. Richardson, Richard H. Mitchell. CORPORALS.— Henry J. Lavell, Gibson F. Graham, William Lillls, Daniel Sheehan, John Conner, John Har- rod, Richard Bradley, Richard Games, Benjamin M. Jolly. SADDLER— Joseph Bohannon. FARRIERS— WUliam Duke, Willis Sheets. WAG ONER — Francis Golns. PRIVATES— Robert Agee, Benjamin Armstrong, William Brown, Daniel Burchfield, Andrew Burchfield, Fielding Bransom, Dennis Burns, John H. Bohannon, HartweU Bohannon, Benjamin Brown, Morris Copies, James Conner, William Craik, Henderson Crutchfield, Francis Corson, John W. Cox, Richard Entwlstle, Albert Facher, Walter Plar- ity, Bartholomew Fisher, Presley O. Gaines, Squire Hicks, James Hold er, Peter Harman, David Kirkpatrlck, Charles Mitchell, Henry Mas ters, Charles H. Moss, Hawkins G. Mitchell, Braczellear B. Morris, George W. Marshall, Elisha M. Merchant, William McCauliffe, Alexan der McEwan, Manlius T. Mitchell, Robert Owens, Andrew J. Polly, Jos. T. Prime, William Ryan, Michael Rigger, John Sheehan, William G. Stewart, Charles P. Shea, John Sullivan, Thomas TuUy, Joseph Vogt, Richard Vaughn, William AVarner, James Warner, William Watkins, William West, James Wadsworth, John S. WiUiams, John Dean, Wil liam H. Dolllns, Robert Henderson, Charles Snellen, Joshua Warren, Edwin I. Clark, Frank Hewitt, Samuel Armstrong, William T. Alexan der, Jesse W. Cox, Sanford Goins Peter GlUigan', John W. Pelffer, Law rence Reslg, David Warren, Thomas Gale, David Hockersmith, John W. Handcock, Michael Murphy, John Ryan, Thomas J. Tooly, John Young, William Hutcherson, Henry Hogan, John B. Holden. Company " F." CAPTAIN— Uriah W. Oldham. 1st LIEUTS.-^John G. Gillispie (pro moted from 2d lieutenant January 4, 1863), Samuel D. McMeekin. 2d LIEUTS. — Jackson Armstrong (promoted from sergeant February 17, 1863), Lilburn A. Black. BREV. 2d LIEUT. — Edwin J. Clark. SERGTS. — Henry M. Ford, Robert H. Young, WlUIam Sayle, David N. Taylor, William O. Callls, William Na^rrocker, Coleman S. Jones, John L. Gough. CORPLS.— William Utley, Allen W. Jones, James T. Kemper, Richard Townsend, James T. Wells, CalA^In E. Chiles, Andrew J. Maddox, William H. Long, John Hashby. WAGONER— Edward Waller. FARRIER— John H. Baldock. PRIVATES— Samuel P. Adams, WUlis Adams, Samuel R. Arnold, WUliam T. Arthur, Thoraas J. Ballard, Jacob Brown, Dudley Baker, Edward Choate, feeuben M. Campbell, George W. Crittenden, Edward Graham, Michael H. Gibbens, WUliam T. Head, Thompson A. Hardin, James T. Hicks, James M. Henning, James H. Hockersmith, Andrew J. Hughes, James J. Hawksby, William S. Harris, Benjamin Huss, Jas. P. Jett, Joel- P. Jett, Abraham J. Kelghtly, Andrew L. Ladd, John Mad dox, Obediah W. Metcalfe, Theodore Meglnity, James E. Meginity, Jere miah V. McDonald, Patrick McDonald, Homer Morehead, William Mc- Padden, Jacob Montgomery, Wm. O'Brien, Robert H. Overstreet, James M. Pennington, Charles W. Rogue, Henry M. Rough, Still Smiley, Rob ert D. Sparks, John W. Smith, John M. Strongham, James D. Thomp son, William D. Tucker, John W. WUUams, Edward B. Williams. Ed- Ninth Kentucky Cavaliy. 218 -ward Williams, George W. Wayne, Henry Adams, Francis Bowling, William Davis, Samuel Hicks, WUliam T. Hall, Wm. H. H. Hawkins^ Jesse Head, Allen Howerton, John Kllmline, Alvin Salman, George Sin ger, Richard P. Springer, Jonas W. Tutte, Wm. G. Force, Henry G Crim, Henry H. Callls, Mordecai Elliott, William Z. Flint, George Pate! James M. Poster, Benjamin H. Logan, George R. Mason, Williara t! Podgett, Ludwell F. Spencer, Samuel Singer, Butler G. Smith, Thomas J. Crask, Alexander Mathias, WUliam E. Norris, William Quinn, Lud well Ross. Company "G." ¦CAPTAIN— John D. Gore. 1st LIEUT.— Charles W. Qulggins. 2d LIEUT.— Dennis w: Gore. B REV. 2d LIEUT. — Prang Hewitt. SERGEANTS — Benjamin Hardin, Benjamin R. Howsley, Samuel S. Polk, WUliam L. Cook, Armstrong HuU, Columbus D. Horn, William W. Purtle, Sampson D. Daugherty, Jas. B. Fulkerson, Francis M. Haw kins. CORPLS.— Joseph B. Slaughter, Benedick J. Skees, Patrick M. Marriott, Thomas N. Spink, James T. Skees, Alvin S. Polk, John T. Houchen, Archibald P. Coombs, James W. Spink. FARRIERS— John W. Woodring, John H. Woodring. WAGONER— Samuel Ash. SAD DLER— Charles Maguire. BUGLER— Francis M. Blaydes. PRIVATES— John AUen, Benjamin Burton, Geo. H. Bryant, John S. Blaydes, John W. Blaydes, Wm. Brown, Charles A. Bolton, Elliott V. Bolton, WUliam F. Bryan, George W. Carham, WiUiam B. Carham, John M. Collier, Walter W. Combs, Levi Creager, Wesley C. Cofer, Noel T. ¦Castelle, Thomas Creager, James A. ChIsm, John T. Cole, John W. Dil- liard, George W. Daugherty, Folder H. Daugherty, Robert D. Eldln, Bryant Ewen, Loyd French, John Guerick, James Gray, Clay H. Haw kins, Lew Hause, William M. Horrey, William C. Hedden, Thomas D. Johnson, Henry H. Lester, Henry F. McBrlde, John McClure, Louis Matthias, John Murphy, William A. Clark. John R. Polk, Isaac Patter son, John M. Park, John H. Perry, Henry C. Perry, James H. Perry, William Polly, Francis M. Patterson, Mancil G. RIney, George R. Reed, Thomas D. Sheddrick, George W. Stump, Jaraes H. Sherade, John H. Spink, John H. Thomas, Louis T. Walker, James M. Wright, John J. Whitaker, John Young, Charles Young, Adam Young, Winston S. Daugherty, William Florence, Richard H. Hammond, James Hoover, Henry C. Bass, John Q. A. Grady, James O. Hedden, George S. Haw kins, William W. Harris, Andrew M. Millen, David L. Perceful, John A. Stader, John H. Able, William A. Bonum, Charles Daugherty, AVU liam G. Daugherty, Louis D. Falkner. Company " H." CAPTAIN— Joseph N. Luckett. 1st LIEUT.— Samuel Porter. 2d XiIEUTS.- S. B. Colgrave (promoted from 1st sergeant June 11, 1863). John A. Mobley, Francis Steadman. SERGTS.— Elijah D. Robertson, Elias Luckett, Posey Buckley, John Cogle, William S. Barrett, John W. Brewer, Benjamin Whltesldes, Jonathan MUes. CORPLS. — Enoch Brewer, WUliam Evans, Perry Owens, Owen Smith, Berry Thompson, John Brown, James W. Baker, William Walker. FARRIERS— Jeffrey Miles, Jacob A. Brentllnger. WAGONER— Matthew Ward. PRIVATES— John S. Abbott, John W. Biggers, Solomon Biddle, James Beetun, Edmund Bush, WUliam Butler, Stephen Barton, Christo pher Baskett, George Buckley, John Carr, Henry B. Cork, John Clark. Jacob H. Duncan, William T. Erwin, Robert M. Erwin, James R. Erwin, Columbus Finley, James S. Pulton, Michael Foley, John P. Green. John X). Gill, Joseph Galbralth, Archy Harlon, Charles A. Halcomb, Theodore Huseman, James R. Hall, John Howertpn, Shelby Harrod, James A. Hall, Jeremiah Hall, George W. Kelly, James Mobley, William Neal. William R. Norris, Patrick O'Holland, William N. Powers. Isham Pierce, Anderson Perry, Andrew J. Rodgers, John M. Raysor, Joseph D. Raysor. George T. Scearce, Jacob Stewart, Daniel Shelley, Charles C. Sacra, Wil liam H. Suddlth, John W. Semonius, Henry C. Singleton, WUliam T. Sutherland, William A. Tate, Benjamin Vardeman, William Vardeman, Hipocrates Watson, John P. Wright, John Woodsides, John H. Young, David Clark, John W. Gwinn, Henry Huesman, Robert Hancock, Wil liam Johnson, Anthony J. Tate, Louis P. Owen, Jas. R. Adams. Benj. P. 214 Unimi Regiments of Kentucky, Armsparger, William Blackaby, Bourbon Harrod, Walter W. Singleton, John B. Sandford, Isaac Sacrey, Joseph Sutherland. William Thompson, George Bush, Charles Bright, Absalom Burrows, Nelson, Coombs, Al fred Jones, WUliam H. Lewis, Charles Moore, William W. PuUam, John Raysor, Lemuel Barton. Company "I." CAPTAIN— Harvey J. turns. 1st LIEUTS.— Cinclnnatus Hendren (promoted from 2d lieutenant February 25, 1863), Turner W. Bottom. 2d LIEUT. — John W. Edwards (promoted from private March 30, 1863). BREV. 2d LIEUT.— John D. Hale. SERGTS.— Thompson S. Gabhart, Elijah Hale, Robert S. Hendren, Samuel Sayre, Plavlus J^ Poulter, Gar land Sims, Walter J. Rose, Lucus C. Sayre. CORPLS. — Starlin B. Hen dren, George W. Lambert, David W. Norton, Daniel Sanders, David Co vert, Meredith Cozine, John Holraan, John Bishop. FARRIER — Isaac P. Vanarsdell. WAGONER- Jaraes H. Cahlll. SADDLER— John S. Hendren. PRIVATES— William D. Adkison, Thomas H. Adkison, Peter An derson, Jeremiah H. Adkison, Charles B. Atkins, Eleven M. Brown, Jos. Cloyd, Hiram Cunningham, Ellison il. Carter, William Cox, John A. Coulter, Lunsford Crawford, William T. Chumley, Cornelius D. Cloyd, John E. Carter, WUliam Covert, Louis B." Cutsinger, William Coslow, Washington Devine, Louis Deshazer, John T. Divine, Bluford Divine, Levi Divine, Huston Divine, Andrew Divine, Crockett Divine, Thomas- Gabhart, Henry Gabhart, William Gibson, Thomas B. Hale, Blewford M. C. Hale, Anderson Hendren, Nlmrod Hendren, John R. Hall, John C. James, James H. Kelley, Wm. H. Lewis, John Lambert, George C. Lawson, James M. Lester, Hiram W. Lung, Alexander Leonard, James M. MUler, Wra. G. Massie, Thomas Phillips, John T. Pankey, Lucas A. Philips, Jaraes W. Poulter, Elijah Reede, John D. Reede, Jr., Elijah E. Reede, Jaraes M. Reede, John D.Reede, Sr., Joel M. Sallee, David San ders, Jesse R. Sallee, WUliam Shelton, Moses Sanders, John T. Taylor,. Benjamin Tousler, James R. M. Vanarsdell, Jackson Watt, Thos. J. Whittlnghlll, John R. WhittlnghUl, John H. Young, Richard J. -Young, James C. Britton, Peter Cunningham, Harrison Divine, Francis M. Di vine, William Follls, William Maddox, James Polly, Beverly M. Sims. Wm. E. Wright, Daniel T. Willham, Josiah Badgley, Robert Carrier,. Eleven N. Condor, James A. Johnson, Charles Lambert, James P. Clark,. Jeremiah Clouch, Pleasant M. Debaun, WlUIam Divine. Company " K." CAPTAIN— William Edwards. 1st LIEUT.— James P. Sharp. 2d' LIEUT.— William Craig. SERGTS.— WUliam L. Wood, William T. Moore, Mordecai Howard, WUliam Carter, Thomas J. Mullins, William H. Sharp, Chas. L. Carter, Isaac M. Temple, Jacob Jordan, George W. Scrogham. CORPLS. — Willis B. Wash, James Glancy, Zacherlah Evans, Henry C. Rupley, Napoleon Gabhart, WUliam H. Camden, John S. Watkins, Joseph Scrogham. WAGONER — William Lawrence. FAR RIERS— John Cutsinger. Levi B. Strutton. SADDLER — James H. C^- hUl. PRIVATES— Peter Albert, Dared Allen, WUUam M. Baines, John H. Baines, Thomas J. Baker, Benjamin F. Bowles, John M. Brown, James G. Brown, James T. Brown, Tharon Brownfleld, Robert Cole, James M. Crutchfleld, Alexander Dennis, Merrit Durry, James C. Easton, James Grider, John W. Grider, Cleveland M. Grider, Enoch Godfrey, John Hil- bert, Patrick Handy, William J. Humes, Henry C. Isham, Jacob S. Isham, Patrick H. Jordan, James Jennings, Benjamin P. Lawson, James T. Lair, Henry C. Lair, George D. McKinney, James Mullins, James H. M. Overstreet, George W. Pey*ton, Joshua Rupley, AVUliam T. Reed, Jas. B. Robinson, Samuel Simpson, James L. Springate, D. C. Strutton, Har vey Springate, Sanford Scrogham, Thomas Seburn, Jeptha Ward, Liv ingston D. Ward, Daniel S. Wickersham, Zacherlah Walls, Bishop A. Wash, James Westfleld, Jacob Bowman, George Devine, Samuel Mc- Kenney, James E. Wlngfield, William E. Baker, James Bowman, Strange Burrle, WUUam G. Cozine, John G. Despenet, Joseph Divine, WiUiam E. MltcheU, WUUam I^. Rodgers, WUUam F. Sturgls, John H. Thomas, Robert Baker. John G. Carter, William Cummings. Silas Haw- Ninth Kentucky Calvary. 215 kins, Travis Sanford, Rifey WUford, Francis M. Young, Thomas J. Young. Company " L." CAPTAINS— Wm. M. Searcy (promoted from 1st lieutenant January 7, 1863), Benj. L. Boston. 1st LIEUT.— Oharles K. Elder (promoted from 2d lieutenant January 7, 1863). 2d LIEUT.— Searcy Wiley (promoted from sergeant 21st Kentucky Infantry, January 7, 1863). BREV. 2d LIEUT.— W. Rector Gist. SERGTS.— James K. Mann, Martin V. Royal ty, Stephen R. Franklin, William D. Mountjoy, Henry H. Cleaveland, James T. Brooks, Henry Thompson, Robert T. Mahan. CORPLS.— Samuel T. McGaughey, James W. Young, John Searcy, WUliam Parmer, George L. Sherman, James R. Draffen, John "V^. Case, Willis M. Brayer. WAGONER— James Condor. FARRIERS — Richard H. Thomason. Henry Gilpin. SADDLER.— A. Clement Crane. PRIVATES — Morris Adams, John Bose, Lucien Burgin, Samuel Bur- gin, Lorenzo D. Brown, James W. - Burgin, Richard Blakeman, John Bowman, John Blakeman, William Cook, Separate Case, Elijah Case, Thomas J. Cook,, John C. Cornelius, William E. Cook, George W. Cog- hill, Wm. B. Davenport, E. Merritt Easley, John T. Gillis, Albert Grubbs, John E. Green, James F. Gaines, Henry Oilman, John Gilpen, Thomas W. Grubbs, Jasper Hunt, Benjamin T. Hedge, George L. Ham mond, Schuyler T. Hawkins, William Holland, Thomas H. Holmes, Richard Hahn, Thos. H. Johnson, William Jones, David Jlmmison, John T. Moring, Henry C. McCalllster, A. Jackson Moore, Jr., Joseph W. Mc Cown, Henry C. Mosely, Robert R. Moring, WUliam Moffitt, Wm. Mil- burn, Gideon B. McMIchell, James P. Morffett, WUUam Nutgrass, Louis G. Perry, Warren Rlchey, James D. Richey, Albert Redman, Daniel W. Snyder, Alexander Searcy, George S. Shouse, Henry C. Stone, Michael Sparrow, James Sparrow, Henry Sparrow, Samuel H. Tuyman, Maitin V. Travis, David Thurman, Martin L. T. Thompson, Thomas AVarren Bryce Willard, George W. Gordon, John O'Brien, Daniel P. Rose, Sam uel T. Bratten, James Montgomery, John Burgin, Hardin Blakeman, Stephen A. Bruner, Thomas J. Crutcher, John H. Case, John H. Cum mings, Nat. Murphy, John T. Peak, Frank Richards, Elijah Clark, Isaac Little, William Little, John Richardson. Company "M." CAPTAIN— WUliam G. Connor. 1st LIEUTS.— Wm. W. Edwards, H. C. Rodenbaugh (promoted from 2d lieutenant February 16, 1863). 28 LIEUT. — Samuel E. Bratton (promoted from private. Company "L," February 16, 1863). SERGTS.— Richard F. Connor, William C. Nelson, James S. Morris, Wm. S. Gibson, John W. Stone, Robert A. Downing, Elijah Crews, John M. Wilson, James W. Gibson. CORPLS.— John L. Nelson, Wm. E. Gill, James H. McAfee, John Graham, George W. Smith, James M. Wilson, Frank Cunningham, Jr., James M. Armstrong. WAGONER— Wm. W. Marshall. FARRIERS— Daniel Vanarsdall, Jas. Hockersmith, Stephen Chitton. PRIVATES— Thomas W. Alderson, Wm. M. Alderson, John Albrit- ton, Horace R. Atkisson, James A. Bunnell, Oliver P. Brown, Henry Brice, John B. Compton, John B. Case, Thomas Cunningham, Frank Cunningham, Sr., Jefferson Cunningham, Wyatt H. Cunningham, Isaac H. Cash, David W. Dennis, Thomas Dickey, Wm. H. Dean, John Fallls. Eli H. Hobbs, James HoUigan, Oliver C. Jones, John Kennedy, Parker Marshall, Wm. T. Montgomery, John D. Montgomery, Napoleon Mefford, Horace Noell, Jesse D. Nichols, Robert Perry, Campbell Preston, Thomas Rumsey, Samuel E. RUey, Robert Shackleford, John Smith, Benjamin Smith, David Smith, William S. Souther, James Steverson, Barnett Smith, Henry Boorhls, George T. Vanarsdell, Andrew P. Williams, Geo. Wright, Alexander Dennis, William Ford, Carroll K. Mershon, Robert O. Nelson, Thomas PoweU, Alfred Preston, William Rose, .AVUliam C. Broce, William T. Jones, Benjarain P. Mershon, James Duncan, John Shrem, John Zimmerman, Bartholomew Dempsey, George Gilpin, Frank Irwin, Tilford Jones, James McGaughey, Augustus Newman, Gabriel M. Slaughter, Granville Smithey. John W. MarshaU. 216 Union Regiments qf Kentucky. Tenth Kentucky Cavalry. The 10th Ky. Cavalry was raised by Col. Joshua Tevis, and organized at Maysville during the summer of 1862. That section of the state had already put six infantry regiments in the field. In July, August and September the 10th was at Covington. At that time the invasion of Kentucky by Gens. Bragg, Kirby Smith and Humphrey Marshall occurred, and the 10th was with the advance, which protected the country about Covington. It did not encounter the enemy prior to the battle of Perryville. After that battle, October Sth, the Confederates retiring from Kentucky, the 10th participated in the pursuit, fol lowing Gen. Humphrey Marshall's men through the mountains, capturing prisoners, horses and arms. It re mained on duty in Kentucky during the principal part of its serAace, though in the work of driving the enemy from the state it once entered Tennessee and was once in Vir ginia. The 10th was employed during the latter part of the year 1862 by battalions. The offlcers commanding these battalions were Maj. John Mason Brojvn, Maj. Wm. A. poniphan, Maj. James M. Taylor, MajTjamtes L. Foley. December 25, 1862, one battalion under Maj. John Mason Brown, went on an expedition through Loudon and Barboursville to Big Creek Gap, and engaged in numerous skirmishes. In connection with this move ment another battalion of the 10th, under Maj. Foley, was sent to Williamsburg. It proceeded on to Perkin's Mill, in Tennessee, when it encountered the enemy, and had a sharp fight with complete success, capturing fifty-one prisoners, eighty horses and two hundred muskets. Maj. Foley pursued the enemy some distance, and returning, joined the battalion under Maj. Brown, at Barboursville. Returning to the central part of Kentucky the regiment continued in actiA^e service through the winter and spring of 1863, operating from the borders of Virginia to Somer set. During this time it was commanded by Col. Charles J. Walker and Lieut.-Col. Maltby. In the spring of 1863 Kentucky was visited by Con federate cavalry in different places. March Sth Col. Cluke's coramand crossed Cumberland river at Stigall's Ferry below Somerset, and made its way to Richmond, Winchester, Mt. Steriing and other points. At the same time Gen. Pegram came into the state as far as Danville to obtain beef cattle for the Confederate army, as he says in his report. Pegram retired to Somerset upon the ap proach of a Federal force under Gen. Gilmore, and March Tenth Kentucky Cavalry. ' 217 30th was completely defeated at Dutton's Hill, and driven out of the state. The 10th Cavalry was engaged in op- j)osing Col. Cluke. It advanced from Crab Orchard, and skirmished at Lancaster. Then, pursuing on, it encoun tered Cluke's men at a great many points. Among them was a fight about half way from Winchester to Mt. Sterling where, as the reports say, Maj. Brown checked a fierce attack, and the 44th Ohio coming up the enemy fled. In this pursuit of Cluke the 10th marched one hundred and thirty-flve miles. At one time Cluke, be ing in Winchester, was charged and driven out; then by feigning to go to Paris he directed the Federal forces in that direction, and retumed to Mt. Sterling where he fell upon a portion of the 10th under Capt. Ratcliffe, who ¦defended himself from houses. Cluke resorted to the torch, and after burning the place captured Ratcliffe and parolled him and his men. March 2Sth the 10th, co operating with a force under Col. (afterward Gen.) San ders, of the Sth Ky. Cavalry, succeeded in driving Col. Cluke to Virginia. In these operations Col. John Mason Brown reports Cluke's force at eight hundred men. In April, the 10th was at Louisa. In the organization of June 30, 1863, the 10th was under Maj. John Mason Brown, in Cannon's brigade of Gen. Julius White's divis ion. In July it was in Gen. Carter's division, and under command of Lieut.-Col. Maltby and Maj. Brown. It was a portion of the 10th, under Maj. Brown, which captured Gen. Humphrey Marshall's "artillery." Col. Cluke men tions this in his report of his capture and burning of ML Sterling. After telling how he moved off in the direction of Owingsville, because he learned a large force was ad vancing from Winchester, he adds: "Gen. Marshall is in forty miles of this place moving on with sixteen hundred cavalry. He lost his artillery the other night. The guard placed over it went to sleep, and some 'Home Guards' slipped in on him, and carried off the gun, leaving the caBriage and caisson." Col. Brown says Capt. Reuben Patrick carried the gun away on his shoulder. That noted piece of artillery is now in the arsenal at Frankfort. Gen. Marshall's son, Humphrey, who was present at the time, says the gun was the property of a private individual, who was having it tried, with a view of selling it to the Confederate govem ment. It is a curious piece, having a bore of about one and a half inches, and would weigh about one hundred and flfty pounds. The services of the 10th Cavalry, while almost alto gether in the state, were continuous during its whole term. 218 Union Regiments of Kentucky. , It was used for the protection and defense of Eastern: Kentucky, and during the summer of 1863 was all the time active. It had numerous engagements with the enemy, in which it suffered loss. Among them may be mentioned Elk Fork, Tenn., Gladesville, Va., Mt. Ster ling, Ky., Triplet's Bridge and Lancaster, Ky. It par ticipated in the pursuit and rout of Pegram and Scott; in the course of its service it was rarely at rest, being on active duty all over Eastern Kentucky, and into East Tennessee and ^^ est Virginia. It was mustered out of service September 17, 1863, at Maysville, Ky. Col. Joshua Tevis was a citizen qf Louisville, engaged in the law practice Avhen he undertook the work of rais ing the 10th Cavalry. He was a native of Shelbyville and. had served in the Mexican war. He was well known as one of the leading men of the state and a prominent lawyer. In May, 1863, he was appointed United States District Attorney for Kentucky, and after the war he removed to California, where he has become a distinguished flgure and where he still resides. Col. John ilason Brown not only served AA'ith the 10th Cavalry, but afterAA^ard Avith the 45th Infantry, and as a brigade commander. He made a flne reputation as a soldier, and after the war became one of the leading citizens of Louisville — standing at the head of the bar, and foremost in all business and other enterprises for the beneflt and progress of the city, and in the regard of the people. Field and Staff. COLONELS— Joshua Tevis, Charles J. Walker. LIEUT. COL.— R. R. Maltby. MAJORS— James L. Foley, WUliam A. Doniphan, John Mason Brown, James M. Taylor. ADJTS.— Rldgly WUson, John N. Walllngford. Q. MASTER— George Fetter. COMMISSARY— John P. Moore. SURGEONS— Washington Pithian, J. P. Fleming. ASST. SURGEONS— Samuel Maguire, Alfred T. Bennett. CHAPLAIN— James P. Hendrick. SERGT. MAJS.— Chas. M. Taylor, Robert P. Crup per. Q. M. SERGT.— Robert Hudson. COM. SERGT.— David E. Roberts. HOSP. STEWARD— John H. Grain. FARRIER- John L. Thompson. CHIEF BUGLER— Lewis P. Ort. Company " A." CAPTAINS— Newton S. Dudley (promoted from 2d lieutenant to 1st lieutenant January 9, 1863; to captain March 19, 1863), Robert G. Rlngo, • James M. Taylor (promoted from 1st lieuitenant to captain January 9^ 1863; to major March 18, 1863). 1st LIEUT.— Charles H. Burns (promoted from private to sup. 2d lieutenant September 5, 1863; to 2d lieutenant January 9, 1863; to 1st lieutenant March 19, 1863). 2d LIEUT. Thomas A. Jones (promoted from 1st sergeant to 2d lieutenant March 19, 1863; dis charged AprU 1, 1863). SERGTS.— John W. Dudley, Jerry D. Owens, John H. Grain, Gebrge T. Stewart, Peter A. Lanagan, John W. Becket' Cha/);'les Dudley, Robert C. Pitch, Nelson Hunt, Jr., Wm. M. Jones! CORPLS.— Richard C. Lee, Thomas E. Hedges, John H. Robertson, John AV. Powers. Joseph Hiner. .Alfred E. Jones, WUliam E. Triplett, Tenth Kentucky Cavalry. 219 Benjamin Cobb. TEAMSTERS— Braxton M. Grove, Jesse L. Hurst. FARRIERS- James E. Carpenter, Martin P. Moody. SADDLER— Emery Rose. WAGONER— GUbert A. Collins. PRIVATES— David Blanton, John P. Bramble, John Bailey, Durret S. Burtler, John M. Ball, WlUIam P. Oomstock, William P. Carpenter, Jesse Carpenter, William B. Cooper, Charles Carpenter, Robert P. Coon- ' rod, Thomas B. Dale, Magnus T. Evans, Evannus E. Emmons, Wash ington Evans, John W. Fenwick, Thomas Gillmore, Andrew Glass, Sin clair T. Gardner, John M. Gardner, Harrison Gardner, James A. Hedges, Thomas HoU, Walter W. Hurst, WUUam HoU, Samuel H. Ham, WlUIam M. Harding, John Kelly, WiUiam L. Marshall, James McKe, George McKee, Joseph Moody, Harvey McGowan (arrested September 5, 1863, for assault on commissioned ofiicer and forwarded to Louisville for trial), Samuel E. Patten, Thomas Paynter, Robert Paynter, Henry C. Reeves, John P. Rigdon, David Regan, James Ryan, Joseph Staggs, John A. Steddum, Edward S. Strode, Gordon Shanklln, David E. Staggs, Samuel N. Stephens, William Snooks, WUliam J. Stephens, Louis D. Turner, George W. Thompson, George M. Taylor, John L. Thorapson, Robert S. Walker, Samuel S. Williams, George W. Lewis, Robert Hudson, James Doyle, Leroy Perrin, Solomon P. Glass, Leroy Griffln, Wm. P. Helphin- SFtelne, Thomas Kendall, Andrew J. Kldwell, Thomas Owens, Francis M. Paynter, John W. Royse, Wrti. P. Bramble, Jackson Craig, Joseph J. Grayson, Michael Glason, Henry P. Harrison, James H. Hlmes, Joseph P. Littlejohn, Joseph P. Maddux, William Tolson. Company " B." CAPTAIN— Charles S. Rogers. 1st LIEUT.— Henry W. CaldweU. 2d LIEUT.— Burton W. Darnall. SUP. 2d LIEUT.— George A. Trumbo. SERGTS. — John J. Swetman, Benjamin B. Shultz, Samuel McMIchael, Andrew J. Spencer, Joseph A. Patton, Richard Trimble, Stephen N. Warner, Garrett D. Moffett. TEAMSTERS— John P. Newman, John G. Griffin. FARRIERS— Andrew R. Riddle, Benjamin W. Doggett. WAG ONER— James W. Gore. SADDLER— John Rogers. CORPLS.— Isaac Hanley, Thomas F. Stephens, Benjamin F. Myers, Wm. S. Rainey, Richard Underwood, Edgar Baird, James M. Brown, Hamilton Kendall. PRIVATES — John S. Anderson, Samuel Abrams, Jonathan Anderson, Wm. N. Arrasmith, John Blount, Louis B. Brasher, Andy Bevis, J. L. Bevis, Oliver Bevis, Samuel Baird, John G. Cline, Benjarain T. Clarke, James B. Coyle, Jacob Crelghton, William Campbell, Thomas L. Darnall, Edward Denton, Charles C. Degman, John Mason Doyle, Alfred Donahue, John Austin Dennis, John Doggett, John P. Eadon, EUis Minor. Morris Foley, William Fenwick, John G. Grinsley, Valentine Goodpasture, George W. Griffin, James Hennan, Williara Hornback, Henry Clay, Hedge, WUUam W. Hedrlck, David Kitrick, Algin Leach, Richard Lynam, Newton Moreland, George W. Moreland, Joseph McLain, George W. Moore, Edgar Myers, Alonzo Myers, James McCue, Louis Perkins, William Perat, Edward A. Rainey, Joseph W. Rogers, Thoraas Robey, John Robson, John Riddle, James Stewart, Alonzo Snedlger, John Stewart, William Stewart, Thomas Stevens, Walker W. Smoot, William W. Stewart, Theodore Stout, Isaac Stewart, WiUiam W. Swetnam, John A. Tilley, Mitchell Taylor, Isaac Ulory, David WUson, Joel W. Woodard, Jonas R. Warner, George W. WiUs, Charles O. Warner, Enoch Wills, Warren W. AVarner, Louis Yago, WUUam Dixon, Thomas J. Bradshaw, Shilo Basford, James 'W. CrQCkett. Gabriel Grimsley, Mathew A. Will iams, John Pohlman. Company " C." CAPTAIN— William E. Rice. 1st LIEUT.— Andrew T. Wood. 2d LIpUTS. — Wm. T. Berry (commissioned brevet 2d lieutenant September 11, 1862; mustered out March 31, 1863; commissioned 2d lieutenant June 29, 1863), Jno. N. Walllngford (transferred by promotion to field and staff as adjutant June 29, 1863). SERGTS.— WUliam H. Wood, Orrin HaU, George H. Owens, Charles K. Knight, Thomas S. Forman, Daniel F. Stewart, Throcmorton, Charles W. Rice. CORPLS.— Jafties T. Kelly, Robert Taylor, Thomas J. Erwin, Henry J. Baltzell, William J. Shep herd, Samuel WUson, Alexander C. Taylor, .Joseph B. Blair (wounded by 220 Union Regiments of Kentucky. the enemy at Triplett's Bridge, Ky., June 16, 1863), John Shortley. TEAMSTERS— William H. Overley, Jacob Plank. FARRIERS- James McUvain, John Mutschelknans. SADDLER— WUliam T. Hiatt (under arrest for shooting a citizen). WAGONER- Nimrod Call. PRIVATES— William T. Arnold, Henry T. Anderson, Martin L. Beams, John Burns, William S. Browning, Christian Bothman, Joseph Banner, William J. Cord, Daniel Call, George M. Campbell, Thomas Campbell (awaiting sentence by court-martial), Henry G. Casseday, Patrick Doran, James H. Duncan, Thomas A. Glover^, John H. Graves, Patrick Greeley, Highland Graves, John S. Hood, Lewis W. Hunt, Wesley H. Harman, Mathew D. Harman, James M. Harman, Samuel P. Ham, John G. Harman, Marion P. Hopkins, James C. Hicks, Thomas O. HiU, James W. Hopkins, George Huff, Levi Ishmael, John Ishmael, John Joioe, John A. Keel, Sevastlan King, James W. Miller, Josiah McClurg, Thomas P. McCord, Hiram B. McCord, Jonathan O'verly, Robert H. Overly, Thos. P. Overly, Andrew Plank, WiUiam J. Parsons, Francis M. Plank. George W. Ross, Abraham Rutan, Henry J. Rice, John W. Stewart, Aaron J. Saunders, James C. Tucker, Enoch B. Vice, AVUliam Varner, Robert H. W^Uson, Joseph M. Williams, John W. Watson, Thomas P. Williams, Samuel W'ayne, Samuel Watson, Francis M. Young, Albert A. Cord, Joseph A. Harman, James T. Lowry, Leander A. Resel, Benj. F. Williams, John W. Knight, John Arnold, AVUliam E. Ervin, Robert Harmon, Wiilliam West, Richard Bishop, Solomon T. Browning, Richard C. Glover, John P. Levy, Commodore Trlbby. Company "D." CAPTAIN— Jno. G. Rogers. 1st LIEUT.— Geo. H. Wheeler. 2d LIEUTS.—Wm. B. Shockley, John P. Moore. BREVET 2d LIEUT.— C. J. McClelland. SERGTS.— WlUIaim H. Lawwill, Thomas M. Luman, Caburn D. Outten, David E. Roberst, WUliam Bradford, Baltzer Yago, Frederick Otto, Archibald Scudder, William R. EUis. CORPLS.— Ad dison D. Grant, Darius Dryden, Michael Mannion, Simon Worstell, Liv ingston Becket, Horace January, William T. Fristoe, John Blanchard. BUGLERS— PhUip Yago, Charles G. Gallun, Louis P. Ort. FARRIERS — ^William Green, Jr., Thomas R. James. SADDLER— Oscar Bricker. WAGONER— Robert C. Wilson. . PRIVATES— George W. Brookover, Jr., George W. Brookover, Sr., Prank Blanchard, Patrick Burke, John Q. Barbour, Benjamin Burrlss, Henry Bendel, Jesse BUrnet, Charles H. Crippen, Joseph G. Cooper, _ Hiram C. Cochran, Joseph Cochran, Jack N. Cooper, Thomas M. Carpenter, Joseph R. Carpenter, William Henry Case, James R. Cooper. Wm. J. Donaldson, Darius Dodd, Charles Dawson, Simon EUis, David S. Plaugher, John J. Fristoe, James Grady, Richard Glover, Henry E. Green, Lafayette Grimes, George Glover, John W. Grigston, Richard B. Harris, Alexander Hays, Chri. C. Hancock, James A. Hellin, Edward L. HIU, Francis M. Harover, William T. Hardin, John R. Hoops, William Johnson, James T. Kennedy, John Kilgore, Richard Kilgore. Joseph Kilgore, Jr., Joseph Kilgore, Sr., William H. Kirk, Job W. LawwIU, George J. Myers, Michael McCormick, Samuel E. Morford, Edward Mitchell, Augustin P. Maros, .Tames Morris, Christopher Morrlssey, John F. Nolen, Patrick O'Maley, George AV. Oldham, Joseph C. Powers. Francis M. StaUcup, John C. Sutton,' Henry Stafford, Daniel Sha, Jere miah Sites, Thomas M. Sheppard, Daniel Starrett, John J. Thompson. Joseph D. ToUe, Joseph K. Vance, Aaron Vice, Henry S. Wood, Thomas J. Worstell, Edward Walton, William Wills, Charles Wheeler, Roland T. Hampton, Frank Blanchard, Wm. P. Harvey. Isaac C. Payne. John Bolster. Company " E." CAPTAIN- Wm. D. Ratcliffe. 1st LIEUTS.- Joseph T. Lokey, Henry E. Ware. 2d LIEUT.— Theodore B. Harlan. SUP. 2d LIEUT.— Newton Devore. SERGTS.— John R. Morris, John R. Molone, Wm. L. Johnson, Edwin R. Wells, Dyer B. Kincaid, Isaac Moore, Darius W. Madison, Hiram Tyler. CORPLS.— Thaddeus M. Perrin, Augustus C. WiUiams, Herman Gosh, James B. AVelmer, Amos McKinley, Theodore W. Collins. Thomas B. Gabby, EU P. Metcalfe. FARRIERS- John Star, Tenth Kentucky Cavalry. 221 Henry H. Henney. SADDLER— James Culllns. TEAMSTERS— Ed mund Williams, George W. Sanders. PRIVATES— WlUIam Addams, Samuel Addams, Peter Anthes, Allen BIglow, Mason BIglow, Benj. Browning, Thomas J. Barker, Wm. P. Baston, Xrthur Bench, George W. Brown, Oliver Carr, John CuUans, John Campbell, Van Dake EUis, Andrew R. EUis, Philip Friday, George Gunste.ad, John Giles, WUson W. Hughes, Jacob M. Hughes, Alex. M. Hughes, Elias Hester, Henry Hay, Munford Hamilton, Samuel Jacobs, WUliam Jacobs, Smith Jacobs, Jonatha,n Jacobs, John S. Jolly, Daniel Kendrlck, Henry Kirk, David Kirk, Joseph C. Kincaid, Mathew C. Kin caid, John L. Lucas, James Lawless, Andrew J. Logsden, John Linville, John F. Lewis, Samuel McDonald, Phillips Myers, Jacob Miller, Joseph Mains, Wm. W. Morrison, William Mcintosh, Alfred Nailor, Joseph New kirk, Harvey M. Overturff, Clinton C. Palmer, Newton Quinlln, Amos Reese, William A. Relghley, Abner Romlnens, John Revore, Frank Re- barker, William R. Smith, Solomon B. Shockley, Andrew J. Sellers, Salem Shaw, John K. Tennis, Alfred K. Tennis, Adam Welsbradt, John W. Ware, Elijah Wright, David Wayne, John Williams, John W. Woods, Aaron Woods, Henry C. Yeates, Wyatt O. Yeates, Nimrod Neaves, Robert P. Crupper, Henry Dragoo, George Eryest, Henry P. McMahan, William M. Rice, William M. Tucker, Samuel Woods. Company " F." C-A.PTAIN— Frank Mott. 1st LIEUTS.— Simeon Sumpter, Casper Castner. 2d LIEUT.— James M. Burk.' SERGTS.— Henry R. Brown, Nathan H. McConnel, Charles N. Pritchard, James K. P. Castner, John W. Thornton, David W. Brewer, LUburn H. Kendrlck, Louis L. Kibbe, Samuel L. Honaker. CORPLS.— Noah AV. Poster, Elisha T. Edwards, John Honaker, Charles S. Edwards, Thistle M. Bowman, Thomas Work man, James Smith, Merideth Arther. TEAMSTERS— Nathan Morgan, Andrew J. Daugherty. FARRIER— Thomas Prichard. WAGONER— John Myers. SADDLER— Manfred S. Friend. PRIVATES— Robert Adams, Floyd H. Alley, David Baldwin, Thomas Bartram, Stephen Ballard, Elisha Ballard, Thomas Bellomy, Amaziah C. Bruce, James P. Blevins, David A. Bryan, Isaac C. Branam, William Browning, Seth Chatfield, Henry M. Dingus, Columbus Dlggens, Charles W. Dingus, William H. Davis, James M. Fain, Fletcher Garrett, David Gipson, Noble GUklson, George Gilklson, James Gipson, Samuel Howell, • John Howell, Albert Huffman, Thomas Hastings, James Johnson, James H. Kestner, James C. Lewis, Vinson P. Large, Colbei't Macauley, Will iam C. May, William Morent, Elisha Orndorf, Edward Ousley, Davl(i G. R. Poteet, Louis Robison, David RIgg, Pleasant H. Rickman, Charles Rice, James Rounds, William Stanley, Robert Stanley, Harrison Thomas, Thomas Tlnsley, Isaac Winters, William Walker, Jacob WUklson, MUton K. Wheat, Glaucus H. York, Thomas York, Nelson D. Bruce, Daniel Bruce, Hiram Johnson, Daniel Snow, Willis Wheat, John W. Ormstead, James M. Pain, James Freemaii, John W. Hensley, Thomas Lee, Louis Miller, Henry W. Owsley. Company " C." CAPTAIN— MUton Evans. 1st LIEUT.— Andrew J. Farow. 2d LIEUTS.— James B. Brewer, Daniel Hendrickson. SERGTS.— John N. Lightfoot, William W. Applegate, Madison M. Walker, Joseph W. AVebster, WUliam H. Hendrickson, John L. Parker, Robert J. Boggs, WiUiam H. Dunbar, Samuel G. HIUIs. CORPLS.— Ellas D. Secrest, WUliam N. Kelly, Charles P. Hlmes, Edward Brewer, Webster N. Wall lngford, Brlcon D. Hanna, Francis M. Brothers, Robert R. Himes. FAR RIERS — Alexander McCann, James W. Graham. SADDLER — Americus Kise. PRIVATES — Mason Applegate, WiUiam Applegate, Jerome B. Ap plegate, James W. Blunt, Benjamin Boley, George W. Crapper, Wheat- ley D. Crapper, Edward Childs, George W. Cooper, Abram H. Carr, Ed ward Campbell, John T. Dlxson, John T. Dodd, James M. Dunham, John A. Doyle, Sylvester Detro, David L. Dunbar, George N. Fearis, Thomas Forman, George W. Forman, Isaac Forman, Walter W. Fry, George W. Garrett, James M. Hendrickson, Wright Holland, George W. Hunt, 222 Unimi Eegiments of Kentucky. James H. Hamlin, Hugh Hanna, Alfred Huffman, Charles Huffman, Samuel T. Hampton, Joseph Haney, Daniel S. HIUIs, Philip C. Hughes, Charles F. Himes, William P. Harvey, John R. Himes, Philip Hise, Timothy Johnson, William B. Jones, Derlus Jones, David Kenedy, El bridge Kinard, Wm. H. KlrkendoU, John W. Kelly, Joshua Luman, Joel T. Luman, Joshua Minear, Alexander Meadaus, AVUliam Meadous, Marcellus McKellup, Louis Middleton, Archibald Murphey, Charles T. Nash, Elbert Norraan, Christopher Pell, Jackson Polly, Martin P. Plummer, James W. Porter, Henry PoUItte, Gustavus Peppin, Sylvester Ruark, Jesse H. Ruggless, WUliam H. Sparks, William Sullivan, Joseph A. Sparks, Benj. P. TuUy, Robert Tollen, Charles Welsh, Thomas D. Walllngford, James S. WjUIams, WilUam Williams, Levi V. Clark, -William Gilkison, Theodore Hughes, Joseph S. Holland, John McDaniel, Abram Plummer, Jeremiah Spurgeon, Alexander Staggs, John Rigdon, Charles Hise, Orlando Plummer. Company " H." CAPTAIN— Charles Nute. 1st LIEUT.— James C. Bierbower. 2d LIEUT.— Samuel B. KeUey. SERGTS.— WUliam Debell, Bailey D. Bryant, William F. See, GUbert A. Luman, Joseph H. Warder, Joseph J. McCardy, Joshua Grayson, Morgan B. Hopper, CORPLS.— Alfred D. Mclntire, John W. Scott, James Hutton, Austin Holmes, James Mcintosh, Charles Peed, Thomas Glascock, Joshua S. Walllngford. TEAMSTERS — Augustlme Debelle, John Hopper. FARRIERS — WUliam M. Hawkins, Marcus N. Hedges. WAGONER— Ambrose D. Owens. PRIVATES — Thomas Arnold, John Arnold, William D. Adair, James L. Ales, Adolphus Brooks, Reason Breeze, John Bell, WUliam J. Cra-vy- ford, George S. Connel, Charles A. Clutter, Jeremiah Cobb, Isaac L. Cobb, Samuel K. Colburn, Philip Connel, Edward A. Collins, Edward W. Conley, Charles H. Dtmn, Samuel Drake, Francis Donnelley, John Drake, Benjamin Estep, Francis M. Fowler, BelvlUe Foxworthy, Hardin H. Gooding, John Gore, Edward Gallager, William J. Gully, Louis Gully, Larkin J. Gully, Martin Gillum, Reuben Hartley, Elijah J. Hatcher, John E. Harry, Frederick E. HIU, Louis P. Hawkins, John Hardy, James P. HoUiday, John W. James, Richard P. James, John E. H. James, John T. Mendal, James McDanlel; CorneUus M'oGreever, David P. Morgan, James C. Mulvey, Milton Marshall, James O'Conner, James M. Pernel, Lawson S. Power, Jesse Rice, Jacob RIflemaker, Daniel W. Reed, James E. Rigdon, Jaraes M. Smith, Hiram Staggs, Thomas Shally, James Sartain, Charles Turner, Naman D. Thurman, Benjamin B. Urie, Luther A. Weir, Jalus Weir, Francis P. Waldron, William T. Whaley, Columbus Walllngford, Daniel Carpenter, Henry C. Shlvell, James 'K. Hedges, James Hartley, Harrison Magowen, William Magowen, Samuel G. Mark, Wm. J. Grant, Nehemiah Gillespie, Hiram C. Hedges, John V. Morgan, John C. Morgan. Company "1." CAPTAINS— Henry C. White, Lewis M. Clarke. 1st LIEUT.— George L. McCord. 2d LIEUT.— James W. Steward. BREVET 2d LIEUT.— Joseph T. Cottlngham. SERGTS.-Thomas W. MItchel, Robert H. Stratton, Owen W. Stratton, Joseph P. Keith, Milton McCarthey, Richard F. Warring, John A. Strealy, Thomas R. Strlcklett. CORPLS.— Elias C. Sellards, Ulyses W. Gault, Tapley T. Asbury, Edward Owens, James M. Ruggles, Jeremiah Harvin, Benj. A. Pumpelly, John T. Biggers, Thomas Prather, Foster C. Craycraft. FARRIERS— John Dice, Nicholas H. Isham. WAGONER— John BIrchard. Saddler— Wm. B. Dodson. PRIVATES— John Q. Adams, Charles C. Adamson, John Bratton, Harrison R. Browning, Luther Bratton, William Breach, Joshua Baley, George W. Canaday, Charles Cracraft, William S. Curtis, John Conley, Samuel Cole, Robert Cooper, Samuel L. Cooper, Samuel Cooper, Mason Cooper, Benjamin P. Cooper, Horace P. Collins, Henry S. P. Collins, Max O. Calvert, Plummer T. Carr, Enos Clark, William Donaldson, WiUiam S. Dodson, David Davis, Jacob England, Wm. W. Flinders, Thomas Gatrell, William H. Gay, Martin Garrison, Reuben H. Gale, Dexter B. Gray, Charles C. Hinton, Wm. A. Harry, Benj. F. Henderson, John S. Hitt, Joseph K. Hight, Anderson Jackson, Jefferson Jackson, David N. Tenth Kentucky Cavalry. 223 Jemlson, Henry S. Keatley, James E. Kabler, Frederick Kabler, John W. Lawlyes, John T. Maston, Henry C. McDonald, Samuel Merril, John Mc Dowell, Benjamin P. Meeker, Francis M. Nickoson, Athelston Owens, Wm. J. Poe, John Paul, Jr., John Paul, Darius Philips, Harvey N. Sires, Thomas Spalding, James P. Shotwell, George W. Smith, Abram G. Sellards, William Stone, John Tucker, James Van Bibber, Asa Watson, Thomas Webster, Martin Webster, Williard Webster, Michael Work man, HlUory H. Giffor^ Jonathan Bryant, Benjamin Caldwell, Fielding Lewis, John T. E. Moore, James Wilson, John S. Canafax, Charles W. Campbell, John T. Donaldson, George W. Donaldson, Larkin Ray, John T. Watson. Company " K." CAPTAINS— John D. Russell, Jacob Nelson. 1st LIEUT.— David L. Evans. 2d LIEUT.— George P. Hertel. SERGTS.— John A. Caffrey, 'Charles W. RusseU,, Amanza Cazzell, Oba Van Bibber, Wm. H. H. Gal laghan, William R. Swearlngen, George W. Wills, Ellas Mullens. COR PORALS— John Thorn, John J. Cooper, Benjamin F. WIUIs, Thurman L. Butcher, Clement Swearlngen, James E. Burton, Leroy F. Moore, Joseph M. Hunter. BUGLERS— David Van Bibber, Prank Shott. FARRIERS — Nathaniel CoUins, George W. Prather. SADDLER— WiUiam W. Lynch. WAGONER— WUUam C. Lambert. PRIVATES — Richmond Adams, Louis Adle. Joseph Branham, Will iam S. Bays, Jarious Biggs, James W. Burton, Benjamin Burns, John W. Bredin, Wm. P. Boiling, Isaac Boiling, Thomas Ball, John Blumer, George W. Cazzell, Joseph M. Cazzell, AViiHam M. Clark, Melvin Cole- grove, Benj. S. Callihan, Harvey Carr, Jethro Clark, Stephen Douglas, George AV. Deer, Henry Deetrich, Alfred M. Davidson, John Dowdy, John W. Douglas, Thomas Douglas, Jesse Davisson, James Edens, Andrew J. Ely, Isaac Ely, David M. Ferguson, WUUam A. Prance, James C. Fall, Robert F. Griffitts, Harvey Grlffitts, Alfred Hastings, Theodore Howe, George J. Harrison, Jesse D. Hood, David Hood, Andrew Hood, George W. Hardesty, WUliam Jenkins, Wm. B. Johnson, Henry S. Llttrell, John Legroo, WUUam McGowan, WUUam McGuire, Stephen Montgomery, Vincent Nodler, James Pritchard, Robert Penix, John P. Reynolds, Robert A. Smith, Andrew J. Smith, James T. Sutton, Alva R. Staggs, Samuel G. Snap, Jesse D. H. Stewart, John T. Suiter, Mathew Stewart, Wm. E. Sheppeard, James D. Secrest, Samuel Vallanu, Charles W. Van Bibber, Louis WIUIs, John M. Weaks, James W. Wltherow, James Walker, Ranson Williams, Lorenzo D. WUUams, William R. Wade, John W. Warnock, Pascal H. Young, James M. Zornes, David D. Branljiam, John W. Roberson, WiUiam P. Staggs, James M. Black, Jesse Davis, John W. Farmer, John Getts, Andrew A. Mathias, Epison Nolen. Company " L." ' CAPTAIN— John M. Gray. 1st LIEUT.— Thoraas Barber. 2d LIEUT. —John R. Taber. SERGTS.— James M. McGregor, John Ingram, Rans- dell G. Scott, Francis G. Denton, James W. Adams, Truman Day, James M. Shields, Wm. G. Ferguson, James M. Evans. CORPLS.— Richard Hawkins, Basil R. Horgett, Thomas J. Johnson, Thomas P. Fondrey, Tolifaro Y. More, John W. Royse, William H. Crawford, George W. Taylor, Wm. T. "Reeves. WAGONERS— Charles H. NeaUs, Charles Emons. FARRIERS— John J. Letts, Francis M. Davis. SADDLER— Levi M. Hedges. PRIVATES— Van S. Bolln, James Boyd, Thomas H. Benet, John A. Oassity, Samuel P. Bridges, Samuel P. Cline, Charles Cooper, Robert Charles, Ephraim Cooper, William W. Denton, Edward Dowry, Lewis Demoss, William R. Denton, Robert B. Elliott, William L. Evans, James M. Emmons, Richard Fenton, John Parous, James Gray, Samuel Gray, Henry Gray, John B. Hawkins, Achis C. Hawkins. James Higgins, James Harris, Alfrled C. Hall, Solomon P. Heronden, Morton G. Hammonds, Jonathan Ingrams, Oliver Jlmerson, Edward Joyse, John K. Jones, John King, Joab Lathrem, James F. Llker, John J. Mott, Henry C. Morrison, Willis Morgan, George R. Maddox, Andrew S. McKee, Dennis Mc- Graty, Charles R. Nealis, Creed Overton, John Perkins, EU P. Prather, John M. Pearce. William H. Parker, Hiram Pervis. John A. Pearce, 224 Unimi Regiments of Kentuckv. Silas Ross, Spencer Reeves, William Robertson, Benjamin F. Reeves.. James P. Reeves, Noah Reeves, John Richards, Sampson Standfield, Washington W. Shockey, Isaac M. Shockey, Charles P. Singer, Francis M. Taylor, Wilson Thompson, Robert M. 'Taber, Allen Y. Vansandt, 'James A. WUson, WUliam Welch, Andrew J. Asley, John B. Day, Daniel N. Parous, Sylvester Gray, James Hiley, Edward C. Hammonds, Frank lin A. Ingram, Joseph Perkins, James A. Sanders, Wm. W. Pendlan, Archibald B. Sise, Royse Walton, John D. Shockey. Company "M." CAPTAIN— Francis M. Rathburn. 1st LIEUT.— John A. Thompson. 2d LIEUT.— James M. Blackburn. SERGTS.— William C. Livingston, James Eaton, Edward Coppers, Henry C. Gage, M. Bolan Michael, John A. Pickers. CORPLS.— William Waterman, BlUott Kelly, William R. Danfort, Benjamin A. Hey, George E. Blackburn, Clarkson Keller. PRIVATES— Abraham Anderson, Hiram Alexander, Andrew Acker, John Abbott, Charles A. Bailey, Benjamin BeUew, Thomas Booth, George Bowen, Leonidas Brooking, George H. Coppers, George Cowan, WUliam Cappell, William Click, Porter L. Carmichael, WUliam Carter, Isborn T. Dryer, Charles Denton, Jackson Denton, George R. Evans, Napoleon B. Ensor, Henry Gass, George W. Hacker, William Henderllght, Alfred O. H. P. Hill, Daniel B. Hall, William Jaco, Samuel Mallen, Thomas Mann ing, Thomas E. Moore, Wm. J. McFerron, Theodore Oliver, Wm. Pester- field, Joseph Poe, Henry L. Perry, Richard Reese, John Riddell, Edward G. Ragsdale, Alexander Wallace, Francis M. Wood, James Tungate, Samuel Asllnger, Merideth Adams, Howard Garrett, Simeon Holder, Marion D. Hunton, Andrew Jones, John W. Legg, Andrew J. Rader, James Rednours, James Smith, John W. Simpkins, Frank Swartz, Henry- Taft, George Webster, WUliam Winkle, Thomas Wood. Eleventh Kentucky Cavalry. This regiment Avas recruited in the summer of 1862. Capt. Milton Graham opened a camp at Harrodsburg, Ky., and Companies A, C, D and F were recruited from the counties of Mercer, Washington and Madison, and reported at rendezvous about the 11th of July. On the 22d of July, his camp was removed to Frankfort, Ky., in consequence of the invasion of the state, and the difflcul ties attending the mustering, arming and re-equipping re cruits at the former place. On arriving at Frankfort, the recruits were ordered to report to Maj. A. W. Hole- man, and during their stay Company B was recruited, and from Frankfort marched to Louisville, Ky., and encamped at the fair grounds, and were engaged in drilling, recruit ing and picket duty until the 22d of September. While at the fair grounds. Companies E, G, H and I were re- cmited, and the whole command was mustered into the United States service on the 22d day of September by Oapt. V. N. Smith, U. S. mustermg'offlcer. The regiment remained in Louisville during the invasion of Bragg, and after the re-organization of Buell's army was assigned to Dumont's division, and marched to Frankfort, where it Eleventh Kentucky Cawaky. 225 remained for several weeks scouting. At this point Lieut.-Col. W. E. Riley was commissioned ,and assumed command of the regiment, and marched to Bowling Green, Ky. , and from thence to Scottsville, Ky., and Gal latin, Tenn. At Gallatin the regiment remained several weeks on garrison duty. On the 7th of December, 1862, Capt. Frederick Slater, of Company E, with forty-four men, was at Hartsville, Tenn., when the place was attacked by Gen. John Morgan, and the force there, under Col'. Moore of the 104th III., was captured. Col. Moore, in his report, expressed his in debtedness to Capt. Slater, saying he acted with great bravery and coolness, and his men "did nobly.'' In the reports of this affair, Gen. Morgan says he captured eighteen hundred men. Col. Moore says there were sick in the hospital so many that he had only twelve hundred for duty. He attributed his misfortune to the large force that fell upon him, and to the fact that the advance ap proached in Federal uniform, and that the citizens be tween Lebanon and Hartsville joined in the movement. Gen. Morgan states in his report that he had thirteen hundred men, and describes the flghting as very severe. When this engagement took place the 11th was at Gallatin, and on December 25th it received orders to march to Glasgow, where it remained several weeks. In the organization of the Army of the Cumberland, Decem ber 26th, the 11th was placed in the brigade commanded by Gen. W. T. Ward. The 1st and 7th Ky. Cavalry were in the same brigade. Headquarters were at Gallatin. In the winter of 1863, the 11th, with other troops, Was employed in Kentucky. Among other duties it engaged in the pursuit of Morgan, who was in the state in January. April 17th, the 11th. was at Columbia, Ky., and left that day for a rapid march to Burksville. On the way it had a lively skirmish at Creelsboro, capturing twelve prisoners, with their horses. In May, the 11th with the 9th and 12th Ky. Cavalry, all under Col. Jacob, fought with Morgan at Greasy Creek. Col. Jacob was forced to cross the Cumberland, but suffered only slight loss. He compliments Col. Holeman and Maj. Boyle of the 11th, in his report — mentioning Col. Boyle's "marked ability, coolness and judgment." At that time this offlcer was only seventeen years of age. The 11th continued on duty in this section of the state scouting and watching the movements of Morgan. On the 3d of July, 1863, Morgan crossed the Cumberland ait Burksville^ on the celebrated raid, which extended across 1.5 226 Union Regiments of Kentuch/. Kentucky, Indiana and Ohio. At that time the 11th Ky. Cavalry was in Gen. Judah's division, and it joined with other regiments in the pursuit, and so continued until Morgan's capture. The reports show that a detachment of the 11th' was with the advance troops which made the capture, and the "promptness and alacrity" of Maj. Gra ham is especially mentioned. Returning from this pursuit, through Cincinnati, the regiment marched to A'icholasville, and engaged in the pursuit of Scott's rebel cavalry out of Kentucky, through Somerset. In August, when Gen. Burnside organized a force for the East Tennessee expedition, the 11th was assigned to a cavalry brigade, commanded by Col. Wolford, consist ing of the 1st, 11th and 12th Ky. Cavalry. This brigade accompanied Gen. Burnside's movement, and during the month of September co-oi)erated with the infantry all through the East Tennessee country, from below London and Kingston to the borders of Virginia. The effort made by Gen. Bragg to overcome Burn side's force at Knoxville, Tenn., is a well-known, historic fact. Bragg dispatched a strong infantry force under Longstreet for that purpose. It was accompanied by cavalry. Wolford's cavalry brigade encountered this ad vance, and had severe exjierience in doing so. He was at tacked October 20th, near Philadelphia and Sweetwater, and had a desperate flght in which severe loss was in curred, and he was forced to fall back to Loudon. Col. Wolford's report in full is as follows: Loudon, October 20, 1863. — About 10 o'clock this morning I got In formation that about 1,200 or 1,500 rebels had attacked my wagon train six miles from camp. I sent Col. Adams with the 1st and 11th Ky., who got into the rear of the enemy and were cut off by some 3,000 rebels. I soon got Information that a large body ot rebels were pomlng up from Sweetwater. I then mustered up the rest of my men, amounting to about 700, and attacked them and drove them back several times. After driv ing them, they reinforced, and came upon us from e^v^ry side. Our artUlery fired their last round. I rallied my men arid charged through. saving most of my men and several of my prisoners. We had several men killed and wounded and several taken prisoners. I am confldent we killed more of them, and took raore prisoners than they did of us. We have lost some of our wagons and baggage, and soihe of our artUlery —perhaps all of it. The enemy are in large force, both Infantry and artillery, with several heavy pieces of the latter. WOLFORD, Colonel. The regiment flrst attacked was the llfh Ky. Cavalry, and if suffered the loss of about 100 in prisoners. It is said the enemy played the trick of coming upon fhem dressed in Federal uniform. From Loudon, Wolford fell back, fighting all the way, to Knoxville. The Confeder ates were detained long enough to enable Burnside to Eleventh Kentucky Cavalry. 227 fortify Knoxville, where he sustained a siege of twenty- one days. During this siege, Wolford's cavalry was dismounted and fought in the trenches on the south side of the river. A fierce attack was made on that side the same morning the attack was made on Fort Sanders. While this siege was going on. Gen. Grant won the battle of Mission Ridge, and a relieving force went toward Knoxville. On its ap proach, Longstreet raised the siege and went off up the Tennessee valley. The cavalry pursued, and at Bean's station fought a severe battle, in which the llfh Cavalry participated. It remained on duty in East Tennessee and on the 28th of January, 1864, fought a severe battle at Sevierville. After this it returned to Knoxville. On the 4th of February the regiment received orders to move to Mt. Sterling, Ky. At that place the 3d Battalion, under Maj. W. O. Boyle, joined with the regiment, and the whole being mounted and equipped reported to Gen. Stoneman, and marched for Nashville, Tenn. From thence it proceeded, in the spring of 1864, to Chattanooga and took part in the Atlanta campaign. Space does not permit a detailed account of the ex periences of this faithful regiment from this time on. It was engaged Avith the cavalry at Dalton and Cassville and other places, and then went on the noted raid under Gen. Stoneman. In this raid, the regiment was com manded by the youthful but most efflcient and gallant officer, Maj. W. O. Boyle. And when Stoueman's com mand was surrounded, Maj. Boyle cut his way out, and returned with his regiment to Marietta, with a loss of sixty men. In this notable and gallant affair the 11th was associated with the 1st Cavalry, under Col. Silas Adams. In -August Lieut.-Col. Alexander resigned, and Maj. Graham was made lieutenant-colonel. The regiment was then ordered to Kentucky, where it immediately engaged in most active pursuits of bands of Confederates then raiding over the state. Among its various operations of fhis kind it succeeded in capturing about one hundred of Col. Jesse's command, near NeAV Liberty, Ky. It was then ordered to Lexington to prepare for Gen. Burbridge's ex pedition to the salt works in Virginia. At Lexington, Col. Holeman resigned, and Lieut.-Col. Graham was com missioned colonel, and Maj. Boyle was made lieutenant- colonel. The llfh was in all the fighting incident to this movement, and acquitted itself with great credit. The object of the expedition was not accomplished, as troops were hurried to the salt works in sufficient numbers to 228 Union Regiments of Kentucky. protect them. After the severe battle fought there, the 11th returned to Kentucky with the other troops, and after a few weeks' rest at Lexington it was ordered to join Gen. Stoneman in his campaign through East Ten nessee and into Virginia. This campaign, which was in December, 1864, was known as the second expedition to Saltville. It Avas a very hard one. The weather wa& cold, provisions Avere scarce, and the fighting was severe. It was successful, however, the' salt works and lead works- being destroyed. One of the engagements was at Marion^ Va., iu which the 11th participated, and among other losses, Ligut.-Col. ^A'illiam Owsley Boyle was killed, while leading his men in a charge. The death of this remark able young officer was a sad event. He was only nineteen years of age, being born August 30, 1845. He was at the U. S. Naval Academy in 1862, but returned to Kentucky and joined his father. Gen. .J. T. Boyle, who was command ing his brigade at Columbia. He was commissioned lieu tenant in the 9th Ky. (^avalry, in order to serve on his father's staff, and in 1863 raised a battalion for fhe 11th. No greater sacrifice was made in the war than the young life of Col. W. O. Boyle. From this expedition the 11th returned to Lexington, and, without resting, engaged again in chasing raiders- Out of Kentucky. In February, it was scouting in the counties along Green river. It was then ordered to Louis ville to report, together with the 12th Ky. Cavalry, for duty under Gen. Stoneman. February 27th, these two regiments Avere sent by rail to Nashville, from thence by way of Chattanooga, to Knoxville, where they arrived March 9th. On the 15th, they went up to Strawberry Plains to wait there for orders from Gen. Stoneman. They Avere then placed in the cavalry division of Gen. Gillem, in Gen. S. B. Brown's brigade. The 11th was then commanded by Maj. Slater. March ISth, Gillem's cavalry moved up the valley, passing Jonesborough, and into Virginia. Taking pos session of the railroads, the column moved on, and April 3d, the 11th was sent to take possession of the bridges and ferry over New river. After that the column moved into North Carolina, and marched rapidly toward Salis bury. There a severe fight ocgurred, in which the 11th made a gallant charge, putting the enemy to rout. April 23d, the 11th under Maj. Slater made another charge at Asheville, N. C, and captured a battery, for which he and his regiment received the highest commen dation. From North Carolina, the troops proceeded to Eleventh Kentucky Cavalry. 229 Atlanta, and the 11th was at that place when the final surrender took place. The lith returned to Louisville, Ky., and was mustered out July 14, 1865, its recruits and veterans being trans ferred to the 12th Ky. Cavalry. No regiment saw harder service. Its numerous en gagements, continuous activity, long marches and thrill ing experiences give to its career features peculiarly dramatic, and if Avritten in detail as thej- should be, the full story of this regiment Avould be of surpassing interest. Field and Staff. COLONEL— Alexander W. Holeman. LIEUT. COLS.— WUliam E. RUey, Archibald J. Alexander, Milton Graham. MAJORS — WUUam O. Boyle, DuvaU English, Frederick Slater. SURGEONS— L. L. Plnkerton, James H. Peyton, James P. Peyton. ASST. SURGS.— Jno. F. Rodgers, Thomas W. Hewitt. ADJTS.— Wm. P. Pierce, Harry Gee. Q. MASTERS — Stephen Stone, Wm. M. Simpson. COMS.— Munroe B. Pulllam, Louis Bien Kamp. CHAPLAIN— John Taffe. Q. M. SERGTS.— Johnson Trimble, Wm. J. Green, Robert TUlIafeor. COM. SERGT.— Simeon Wortham. , VET. SURG.— John C. Taylor. HOSPITAL STEWARDS— Sabret Scruggs, Robert Derr. SADDLER— WUUam Fuller. SERGT. MAJS. — Rufus Somerby, Wm. H. Taylor, Joseph Overall, Daniel Smith. FARRIER— Richard Vandevere. CHIEF BUGLERS— Joseph Roschky- vlch, Charles W. Spalding. Company "A." CAPTAINS— John G. Pond, Wm. P. Pierce. 1st LIEUT.— Reuben P. Scott. 2d LIEUTS.— John M. Cotton, Howard Warren. SERGTS.— Francis M. Murphy, James T. Byrum, John P. Sallee, Nimrod S. Long, John Wearen, Thomas Finnell, Jaraes McDonald, W. Akin Dudley, AVUliam P. Pierce, Charles W. Jones, Joseph Tatum. CORPLS.— Elijah M. Walker, Woodson Wilder, Williarn Yader, EUis Mathis, Thomas Daws, Robert A. Noel, Howard Warren, John M. Gates, Solomon Cal houn, Larkin Wilder, Absolem Tuder, WUUam Long. FARRIERS- "W^m. Masters, Edmund T. Burress, David L. Bishop. PRIVATES— Robert L. Anderson, John C. Brock, Tuncell W. Brad shaw, Nathaniel Cotton, WUUam Cook, Zebldee Crow, Joseph Eason, Eli Hurt, Henry Huffman, Russell H. Humphrey, George E. Jennings, John H. Johnson, William Kelley, Elijah Kelley, William Long, Wood son Murphey, Charles AV. Mobberly, Orgin Ross, Wm. H. Reynolds, Stephen P. Sallee, George M. Tuder, Jason W. Tuder, Robert Vaughn, Henry Whittaker, James M. Whittaker, John M. Whittaker, MUton Alverson, John T. Bentley, George W. Bogle, Thomas Cotton, Andrew J. Cooley, Daniel Gayheart, William D. Hughes, James M. Murphy, Har rison Spalnhour, John Tuder, Samuel Tatum, Christie J. Tuder, George W. AuU, Andrew Bratton, Jesse B. Baxter, John Bradley, John L. Bryce, David Colby, Anthony Dumons, James Dunslth, Joseph C. Dickson, Henry D. Davis, Lewis Forcht, Henry C. Hand, William Johnson, Will iam Key, John Lovell, Mariman Murphy, Joseph Market, Jacob Miller, Jacob Niblack, Benjamin Perkins, Isaac Rlcketts, James Roberts, John Roberts, John Riley, Charles Stroder, Daniel Smith, Nelson Tuder, James Walker, Simeon Wortham, Cincinnati Alverson, Owen Broadus, Patrick Callahan, Jesse Cooley, Squire Davis, James T)uggins, James Elkins, John Edmonson, William Hurt, WUUam W. Hamm, Joshua Hurt, John Hammonds, William Hubbard, Stephen Lay- ton, Virgin Layton, James T. Pond, Allen Taylor, William S. Tyre, Henry Yater, Albert M. Agie, Sidney Agie, Henry Arthur, Reuben Agie, George Adkinson, Cosby Burton, Bryant Clark, Randolph Davis, Joel Embry, Henderson Elkins, John Fleming, James Holeman. Levi Hendren. Ed- 230 Union Regimctits of Kentucky. ward Hatch, John House, WUliam D. Hendren, Peyton Johnston, George Lemetts, John J. Long, Marlon Long, Sidney Long, Thomas Lawson, Roy Lawson, Jonathan Prewett, William A. Ross, Bluford Sweeney, Drury Shriewsbury, Calloway Taylor, Thomas Tuder, WUliam Watkins, Sidney Whittaker, WUliam Wearen. Company " B." CAPTAINS— James A. Johnson, Presly F. Hansbrough. 2d LIEUTS. —George J. Burgess, Abraham W. Stone. SUP. 2d LIEUT.— William M. Simpson. SERGTS.— Reuben' Oder, John E. Cortner, John Q. Stone, E. N. Vallandingham, Henry C. Hedges, WUliam J. Green, James H. Dunn, Thomas J. Stone, Wesley C. WlUhoite, James B. Smith, Abraham Dunn, Joshua K. Page, Abraham W. Stone, William M. Foster, Thomas -W. Page, Mourning Stone. CORPLS.— Isaac N. Noe, Michael D. Huff, John J, Jump, William T. Arnold, Benj. G. Hancock, Daniel Kinman, Wm. LImbrake, Robert G. Marks, Wm. M. Crosswhitt, Wm. M. Holbert, Benjamin T. Hutton, WUliam H. Onstott, Richard M. Edmondson. FARRIERS- James Stone, Jackson Delph, Joseph McMillan, WUliam Obanon. SADDLER— Isaac B. Hendrix. PRIVATES — James A. Beard, Randolph Cramer, James Hanley, Timothy Hanley, Francis M. Hutchison, James O. Lawrence, Jasper Oder, Tulley Sewards,' William T. Woodward, John Bennett, George Ball. Franklin Brown, WUliam H. Bruen, William H. Edmonson, Benjamin T. Hutton, Absalon Ivey, Michael Scully, John R. True, Robert Wilson, Simon Yager, Jasper Bagle, WUUam H. Corban, Joseph Lovett, Rozln A. Mlliner, James Nix, WUUam H. Rozel, Thomas H. Thomas, Thomas Waller, Daniel Ball, Sldny M. Baily, John Bowers, George Corbin, Will iam H. Pranks, Bruce Hutchison, David Hamilton, Edly Ivey, James Kalahar, Benjamin P. Miller, Thomas Readingour, Edwin P. Robinson, WUUam Smith, Wm. H. H. Templeton; James D. AVarner, John T. Wallace, Elisha E. Ward, Elisha Williams, Charles Younger, David Blackburn, Charles G. Barlow, James W. Brown, Asberry Blgham, Stanberry Baker, William Bennett, William L. Brown, Joseph C. Bellew, Samuel T. Berkley, J. Bowls, J. R. Baker, S. Burch, Wesley Bennett, Samuel Camac, Richard Clifton, John Carter, Monroe Carter, George Fortlner, J. D. Ferman, C. Gerhord, Andrew J. Hicks, James Hamman, John Hamilton, William Jewett, James Kennedy, Willson May, Richard McAfee, John R. Nigh, Asa M. PhiUIpps, Edward Points, R. Rich, 'J. Robey, Nehemiah Rozel, Chas. W. Spaulding, Thomas Smith, Alexander Sisk, Hugh Scarbrough, H. Stansberry, W. Suhee, George Thompson. Wesley Templeton, Thomas E. WUUams, Watt, Joseph Williams. John B. Younger, J. H. Robey. Company " C." CAPTAIN— Jacob Cozatt. 1st LIEUTS.- Samuel P. Debaun, Charles H. Edwards. 2d LIEUTS.— William H. Norton, John J. Rose. SERGTS. —Christopher Hogan, John R. Elliott, Christopher Trower, Iverson L. Debaun, Aaron Vanarsdall, Leonard D. Yeast, Aaron G. Tumey, Silas P. Rainey, Henry J. Trimble, Robert J. Derr, Peter McClure, William T. Whitenack, James W. Brlnton. CORPLS.— Michael H. Gabhart, Clay ton Phillips, William A. Rose, Daniel Tumey, James A. Davis, Jeremiah V. Quinn, WiUiam AUln, John T. Vandlvler, George Sallee. FARRIERS. —Marlon Sweeney, John Vanarsdall. PRIVATES— James H. Barnett, James Cutsinger, Thomas J. Condor, George W. Corby, Thomas B. Demaree, Henry Goodnight, Buckner Hale, John C. Mclntire, James A. MUburn, Henry Nield, John V. Patterson, Garrett W. Patterson, Armpstead Patterson, Joseph P. Rose, Jacob Sallee, Jordan Sallee, Robert P. Tumey, Robert Vanfleet. WUUam A. Vandlvler, George S. Wickersham, John Yast, Charles Bruner, Solomon Conn, Richard A. HIghtower, Erasmus Leonard, William P. Thompson, Samuel Vanfleet, Peter Vandlvler, George W. Gibson, John Brown, John B. Silcox, Walter Jennings, Samuel E. Corn, James L. Southerland, Wm. F. Vanarsdale, James Brewer, Wm. T. Cooke, John Calbert, Pleasant l M. Debaun, Josiah East, Wm. Henry, Harrison Moore, Andrew J. Moore, David Phillips, Joshua H. Stevens, John H. Steel, Jeremiah Tumey Isaac Vandivier, John H. Vandlvler, Jacob L. Wickersham. Jacob Yeast. Eleventh Kentucky Gamdry. 231 Leonard Yeast, Michael Bruner, Solomon Donovan, John M. Dlckerson, Enoch Lou. Allen, David Finn, William Tumey, Irvin Moore. Company " D." CAPTAIN— W. H. Bell. 1st LIEUT.— James W. Robinson. ' 2d LIEUT. — John W. Burton, Wesley Graham, James W. Hyronemus, Cyrus P. Grltton, John W. Sea, Larkln Dennis, W. H. Cummins, Talton Lay, Joel Gordon, Micajah K. Rigdon, Levin Romine, Samuel , McAfee, William A. WeU, Leander Yager. CORPLS. — John L. Swicher, James H. Colter, John Bira, Wm. T. Ward, Benjamin Crow, WlUIam Inman, Marlon Kelsey. FARRIERS— Richard P. Vandivier, Edward Colvin. PRIVATES— Thomas Anderson, J. VA''. Bunch, PhUip Barbour, WUl iam Casteel, Levi E. Cammack, Thomas Grltton, John J. Goodlet, Samuel Lambert, Patrick McCarty, Thomas Pinkston, Thomas Rigden, Simonis RIthchiles, William Romine, Francis M. Ross, William Ross, George "W. Sparrow, Greenberry Shanks, Albert Saturly, George Saturly, Hezekiah Votan, Samuel R. White, James R. Ward, Peter Woolridge, Alfred Greenville, Elbrig DrisklU, Patrick Foley, Wm. H. Gordon, Elijah Hooper, Wm. W. Hill, Garret Kelley, Jeremiah Kinsey, Sidney Long, James Maddox, Wilson MUburn, James H. Pearson, John RUey, Samuel C. Ward, Henry Yocum, Sr., James Inman, George Kinder, Saben Scrugg, Wm. Saturly, George M. Alford, Silas Anderson, George W. Bowman, Edward N. Burton, James Beasley, James Brown, William Barnett, George W. Colvin, Joseph Darnell, Merit Grltton, George Grltton, George HlUora, Samuel Hooper, John Hooper, Samuel 'Kldwell, WUUam Lay, Squire T. Lay, Jackson Lay, Samuel McMannis, Ezekiel Montgomery, Samuel Pinkston, William Pinkston, Jackson Pearson, John C. Robin son, Henry J. Robinson, George Riley, John Sanford, William Summers, Reuben Taylor, Jacob Votaw, John White, Anderson E. Waldrlg, Henry Yocum, Jr., Thomas Moore, Notly Barnett, John Basley, Morton Barnett, Levi Hooper, Henry Koling, Thomas Polard, Edward Roberts. Company " E." CAPTAINS— Frederick Slater, Edward H. Green. 1st LIEUT.— Robert Q. TerrUl. 2d LIEUT.— Solomon Huffman. SERGTS.— John Anderson, Washington Stark, Caswell Huffman, James M. Steele, Lewis Bienkamp, Lawrance Han, William H. Connell, Dunn R. Stage, Solomon Huffman, James W. Armstrong, James H. BaUey. CORPLS. — WUliam H. Hensley, Surge J. Walker, Sajnuel H. Webber, Hugh McHugh, Will iam Schwagmier, David Writer, Christian Seidel, Thomas Lamkin, Andrew H. Swift, Leander Ruble. SADDLER — Christopher Ryner. BUGLER— Henry D. Mallory. FARRIERS- John C. Taylor, Edward Chesworth. PRIA'-ATES— Thomas J. Bailey, William Carbaugh, John Cooper, Thomas Carmichael, Robert Dickey, Andrew J. Dalson, John Fitzpatrick, Rudolph Fisher, Elias C. Graves, Aaron B. Henry, Henry Lincomp, John Love, Josiah C. PoweU, Daniel Stewart, Levi P. Trester, George Trester, Frederick Thalke, John Tracey, Henry UUman, Watstein Writer, Robert J. Bennet, Robert T. Day, George N. A. Gathraan, John M. Grlflin, Michael Mundary, Henry McDonald, Frederick Stelnback, Jarah Teaney, James Vahe, John Whiteford, WUUam McMurray, David Powell, WUliam Peek, George White, Jacob Bailey, James Carlln, WUUam Cald well, Henry Glenn, Henry Dulveber, Robert H. Griffin, Hugh Grieley, "Henry Harker, Martin H. Henderson, Thomas Hensley, Franklin John son, James Kennedy. Malaka Lafttas, Nathan Manning, David MUbourn, Frederick Nutmler, Frederick Natte, John Quade, Joel Roberts, WUliam P. Smith, William Teaney, Prank TourvIUe, John C. West, Henry Winter, Thomas BiUingsIey, WUliam Connaham, Patrick Clair, Sylvester Graves, Stephen Hensley, George Hallgaff. Robert K. Mcintosh. Company " F." CAPTAIN— Robert S. Curd. 1st LIEUTS.— Benjamin W. BUncoe, John H. Dlckerson, John J. Curtis. 2d LIEUT. — Harrison P. Davis. SERGTS.- Joseph H. Davis, Samuel C. Davis, ' Ed B. Head, James M. Olmstead, John AVallace, John Sears, Cornelius Milburn, John S. Marrs, 232 Union Regiments of Kentucky. Sanford Vanpelt, WiUiam H. Davis, Gabriel S. Curd, Anderson Hendren, John Roberts. CORPLS. — Henry King, Benjamin P. Davis, Abraham Kemp, Warren J. Hough, Richard M. Bates, George Robertson, Henry Casswell, George Hinton. FARRIER— Joseph S. Curd. TEAMSTER— Greenberry Hord. WAGONER— James R. Baker. PRIVATES — WiUiam Asher, Virgil Bradshaw, John Clarke, Joseph AV. Curtis, George Gaines, Jefferson Jenkins, William Kaler, Daniel A. Curd, George B. Kraken, Thomas Lowry, Patrick Rosney, William Trahune, George Thomas, John M. Bacon, Joseph Back, Philip D. Brown, Joseph W. Curtis, William Carrier, Michael Donovan, Nathan Lawhorn, Henry Matherly, Monroe B. Pulllam, James P. Roberts, John J. Stretch, Robert Steambergen, Andrew Suttles, John Sercumb, Martin Smook, Jefferson Vaughn, Jacob Arne, M. T. Bradshaw, WUliam Maeger, Patrick O'neal, John Z. Quinton, James Savage, Joseph Smith, Charles Asher, Joshua Asher, Henry Bowman, Joel Cummings, Jefferson Dean, Samuel Hulitt, William Hendron, James Lambert, Edward Nooe, William Necklns, Joseph Abbott, John Beverly, Thomas Bridgford, Charles Briggs, George Baker, John Bass, William Bledsoe, WlUIam Britton, William Campbell, Chas. Castleman, John Chlttam, Prank Curtain, John Campbell, Bartholomew Dempsey, Robert Doggott, AVUliam Doyle, Joseph Davis, Alex. R. Elkins, James Gregory, John C. Graham, WUUam O. Hurrer, Henry C. Hamilton, WUliam Jones, Henry E. Luther, Lloyd Ledslnger, Henry Lenard, Henry Lewis, Michael Morris, Patrick Mc Carty, John McCoy, William Z. Morton, Patrick Mulany, John M. Nealln, Michael Nolin, Henry Ogden, Henry Read, Wm. H. Reed, William Roberts, Allen Sanders, James Seabolt, WUliam Semmins, John Stewart, Thomas Shanon, James Sheridan, Josiah L. Smith, John.Grabln, William Taylor, Samuel Thompson, Samuel Walter, John Williams, Rlch'd Wine- coope, Robert Wright, Edward Welch. Company "G." CAPTAIN— Joseph Lawson. 1st LIEUTS.— Allen Purdy, Joseph M. WUlerman. BREVET 2d LIEUT.— John H. Skinner. SERGEANTS— Tennis W. Wade, August Wadrecht, Joseph S. Boggs, Robert Taliaferro, Joseph Hannan, Amen H. Motley, George R. Evans, Charles Mortier, Wm. E. Thom&,s. CORPLS.— John Morgan, WUliam Florah, Hugh Ross, Patrick Mooney, Joel W. Rice, August Thale, James B. Melsaps, Edwards Puller. FARRIERS— George Crocket, Martin Richard. WAGONER— Enoch Morgan. SADDLER— James R. Jleff. BUGLER— Thomas H. Lawson. PRIA^ATES— John Ames, Thos. E. Livezey, Alexander Mulbery, Oran Nutting, Lewis Phelps, Joseph Smith, John Tyms, John Waldro, Edward L. Bradley, Bennett Corte, Joseph Downard, Da-vid L. Edward; Sr., George Hacksteadt, Adam Kiger, Wm. J. Laffling, Cornelius McKinney, Jesse Angleton, George W. CodrUl, Henry Cotman, WUliam Duffy, Joseph Edwards, John Edwards, William Fuller, Thomas Fuller, George S. Gillmore, Samuel HoUensworth, Henry C. HUl, Stephen Hurt, Alexander James, James "W. Lunsford, WiUiam J. Laffling, Wm. McLaughlin, Ed ward McCann, Shower Nelson, William Phelps. Joseph C. Parris, Conrad .' Parr, Charles J. Stalker, George W. Scaggs, AA'IUIam P. Spades, James Weatherton. Robert Watterman, Alexander Wallace, John Baker, Oliver Gibson, George Hudson, James Hicks, George P. Jennings, John Lewis. Charles McCarey, John Scaggs, V^HlUam Armstrong, WUliam Boyd, John Brown, Abraham Cummings, Robert DoU, Garrett Heybower. John Hansman, Henry Herrigo, John Larigan, Gideon Maney. Thomas Nelson, John Powers, Thomas Raines, Ralla Storal, WUliam Taylor. Company " H." CAPTAIN- George H. Wheeler. 1st LIEUT.— Daniel E W Smith 2d LIEUTS.— George W. Taylor, B. H. NIemeyer. SERGTS.— Aylett R. Smith, James W. Staples, Albert T. Smith, James Heflln. William A Bryant, Sanford R. Bryant, WiUiam V. Harel, Aylett R. Owens Thomas Cunningham, John A. Waller. CORPLS.— Chas. L. Harding, John Willis Parkison Bradford, Benjamin F. Estep, James Smith, Albert S Taylor John A. Strealy. BUGLER— Alexander Hay. SADDLER— Richard Twelfth Kentucky Cavalry. 233 Olover. FARRIERS— John Henry, Robert C. Wilson. WAGONER— Daniel H. Wilson. PRIVATES— William J. Allen, Nettle J. Brumfield, John W. Brum- fleld, Frederick J. Bryant, George Holeman, James W. Mansfield, Patrick Nolln, Joseph J. Ross, George A. Reeves, Andrew J. Webb, William Brown, Prank Clark, George Housefield, George W. Knizley, William M. Morris, Robt. H. Mullen, Noble Mitchell, Prank Mulholan, Patrick Rynes, Robert T. Smith, George Armstrong, Jesse P. Brumfield, Archl- hald W. Burrlss, Vincent T. Biggerstaff, Robert Baldwin, John H. Bode, William H. Brown, Almon C. Clark, Peter Conner, David L. Dennis, Charles Dawson, Joseph S. Dodd, Richard W. Dale, Ablisom Elkins, Michael Gleason, George Glove, Richard P. Holeman, -n'lUlam E. Howard, Jesse HaU, Francis H. HoUiday, William H. Heflln, Charles C. Hewitt, Harrison Hayden, John Jolee, James A. Kirk, William D. Kidd, James Long, Simeon B. Leech, Marcus M. Lawrence, Henry Miller, John R. Mitchell, David McConol, David Maines, Jaraes Molbon, Joseph C. Powers, George W. Rudy, Erasmus Rodman, Rodger Rynes, Thomas J. Smith, Joseph Stillz, William Smithers, William C. Spencer, James Sturgeon, John W. Self, George W. Taylor, Ransom S. WUshlre, George W. Whitehures, Alford M. Weston, George Weitzel, William S. Burd, Elijah Burnett, John Bingham, John Baldwin, John Chapman, Henry Courcer, AVesley O. Carter, Harby Davison, Patrick Pagen, William J. Gill, Thomas G. Lawrence, Christopher C. Moles, Tyre S. Reeves, James A. Self, John J. Sweezee, Ernest Slade, Thomas Shaley, John WUshire, Warren O. Anderson, Lewis Brown, William Burnette, Charles Brown, James P. Bandy, Philip Connell, James Coyne, Frank H. Cogan, Hiram C. Cochran, George Cass, John Emertrout, William L. Glover, James P. Grezet, John Hendricks, John R. Hoops, William Johnson, Henry Lafayette, Wm. A. Kesinger, Augustus Lobdell, Ernest Merkill, John Murry, Wm. H. Montgomery, Hiram Osburn, Octavus Parks, Timothy Sullivan, Grenberry Smith, AUen Scares, Wade W. Smith, Marshall P. Taylor, Western S. M. Vice, Enoch B. Vice, Joseph P. Vice, Jno. A. Wilson, James Yazell, Alexander Able, Isaac L. Beck, Thoraas B. Ben nett. Julius F. Boston. Note— Companies I, K, L, M of this regiment were transferred to the 12th Ky. Cavalry per special order No. 70, headquarters department of Cumberland, dated June 2?,. 186.'i. The Tiuelfth Kentucky Cavalry. This account of the 12th Ky. CaA'alry is made up from the summary in the adjutant-general's report, the official records, and a very excellent statement furnished by Samuel D. Ijittlepage, M. D., who was surgeon of the regiment. The 12th was recruited under Col. Q. C. Shanks, Lieut.- Col. A. W. Holeman and James T. Bramlette, who also became lieutenant-colonel. Dr. Littlepage, says: "Our regiment dated from the 16th day of August, 1862, though we were not mustered in until the 17th day of November, 1862, when eleven companies, with the fleld and staff, were mustered into the United States service. The tAvelfth company was on a scout, so it was mustered later on, and joined us at Munfordville; our roll then showed one thousand two hundred and fifty men in all, 234 Union Regiments of Kentucky. but during our service from flrst to last, we mustered over two thousand men, and quit the service with less than nine hundred.'' The muster of the eleven companies was at Owensboro, Ky.; it was in that part of the state generally that the companies were raised. In a communi cation from Gen. H. G. Wright to Gen. Boyle, November 17, 1862, he says, six companies of the 12th are at Casey-- ville. Union county, and six at Owensboro. December 22, 1862, John Morgan left Alexandria, Tenn., for a raid into Kentucky. He passed through Glasgow, Munfordville, Elizabethtown, Bardstown, Springfleld, Lebanon, and retumed to Tennessee, by way of Burksville. During this raid, the 12th, with other troops under Col. John M. Harlan, acting under Gen. E. H. Hobson, were engaged in protecting the Louisville & Nashville Railroad; while there was much sharp skirmish ing, no actual collision took place, but Col. Harlan, in his report shows that his force saved several bridges from destruction, including the one at Rolling Fork, and the one at Shepherdsville, and by great activity prevented much injury to the road. The 12th remained on duty in Kentucky through the winter. February 14, 1863, Col. Shanks resigned, and March 14th, Capt. Eugene W. Crittenden of the 4th U. S. Reg. Cavalry and brother of Gen. Thos. L. Crittenden, was made colonel of the regiment. May 10th the 12th was engaged in a hard fight with Morgan at Horseshoe bend on Cumberiand river. In .June following, Morgan crossed the Cumberland at Burksville, and the 12th was again engaged with him at Marrowbone. At that time the regi ment was in command of Col. Crittenden, in Hobson's brigade, Judah's division. When Morgan crossed the Cumberland he started on the celebrated raid through Kentucky, Indiana and Ohio. The 12th, with other troops, started in pursuit. The pursuit was as remark able as the raid, and in fact more so, for the Kentucky regiments which pursued, held on their coutse without re pose for twenty-nine days and flnally passed Morgan, turned on him and captured him. Dr. Littlepage says the regiment was so separated by this chase, that it was the middle of August before it got together again. It then reassembled at Glasgow, and prepared for the expedition into East Tennessee under Gen. Burnside. Arriving at Knoxville, September Sth, it moved up the valley as far as Jonesboro; after skirmishing there it was sent with Wolford's command south of Knoxville, in the neighborhood of Sweetwater and Philadelphia, where, on Twelfth Kentucky Cavalry. 235 the 20th of October, it encountered a large force of the enemy, was surrounded, losing heavily, but cut its way out and proceeded to Loudon. The next day, however, it returned, and again for two days fought the enemy and then crossed to the north side of the Tennessee river. It then moved up to Knoxville, and crossed the Holston and proceeded down the river about sixteen miles, where it again encountered the enemy and fell back before them to Knoxville. liecrossing the river it went out on the Loudon road and contested the approach of Longstreet's forces. It bore its full shar-e of the flghting during the three weeks' siege of Knoxville, and after the siege, joined in the pursuit up the valley. It participated in the severe battle at Bean's station. It remained in East Tennessee during the winter and had numerous flghts with the enemy. On the 16th of January it was attacked at Dandridge, but defended the position. After that by a circuitous march by way of Maryville, if reached Knox ville, February 3, 1864, ahd was ordered to return to Ken tucky. At ilt. Sterling the regiment was refltted and prepared for the campaign of 1864. There the regiment Avas consolidated into eight com panies to make room for four companies transferred to it from the 16th Ky. Cavalry. Being mounted and equipped the regiment moved Avith Gen. Stoneman in May by way of Point Burnside, into Tennessee; May 6th it was at Kingston. Tt joined Sherman's army in Georgia at Var- nell's station. Col. Crittenden commanding the brigade and Lieut.-C'ol. James T. Bramlette, tbe regiment. July 15th the regiment reported to Gen. -J. I). Cox. Dr. Littlepage says, not a day passed in the Atlanta campaign that the 1 2th was not engaged with tbe enemy. It would require a volurae to detail all its experiences in that memorable summer. The regiment guarded the pontoon bridge over the Chattahoochee in July, and moA'ed south to Atlanta to Jonesboro. After the capture of Atlanta it was ordered back to Kentucky, and went to Camp Nelson where it prepared to accompany Gen. Stoneman on his raid to Saltville, Va. The regiment was then commanded by Maj. Harrison. From Camp Nelson the regiment pro ceeded by way of Crab Orchard, Cumberland Gap and Bristol to Abingdon, Va. There the regiment was ordered to proceed to Glade Spring above the salt works, and cut the railroad. Striking the railroad eighteen miles above Abingdon it destroyed a train and burned bridges, and with difficulty escaped capture. Before it could effect its return it had passed into the state of North Carolina. 236 Union Regiments of Kentucky. Returning, it again fought at Glade Spring, and passed down by way of Bristol and Blountsville. Gen. Bur bridge recognizing the services of Maj. Harrison and his command in one of the severest raids of the war, recom mended him to the War Department for promotion. After resting a few days in Tennessee the 12th was orde;red to Kentucky, and was employed in the winter of 1865, to protect the Louisville & Nashville Railroad. The folloAving is quoted from Dr. Littlepage's ac count : "About the 20th of March, 1865, we were ordered to Knoxville, Tenn., to participate in a raid under Gen. Stoneman, into Virginia and North Carolina. We moved into Virginia by way of Bristol, followed up near the railroad above Wytheville, where we flled right and moved into North Carolina, meeting very little resistance until we arrived at Boone, when we met a small force of rebels; after a hotly contested skirmish they gave way with some loss on bpth sides. From there we moved down the Yadkin river, crossed Dee river, and went to Salisbury, which we took by storm and recaptured about one thousand of our own men. From there we moved west and south to the town of Hendersonville. Then to AsheA'^^ille, and from there back in to South Carolina to the town of Anderson. From Anderson by a circuitous route we moved to Athens, Ga. We remained at Athens a few days, when we re tumed to East Tennessee by way of South and North Oarolina, down the French Broad' river through Smoky mountain to Greenville, and down to New Market. Re mained there a few days and moved to Knoxville; from thence to Lenoir Station; and from thence to Sweetwater, where we remained until ordered back to Louisville, Ky., to be mustered out of service, which took place on the 23d day of August, 1865. The adjutant-general's report tmthfully says the 12th Ky. Cavalry "received the very highest praise from all the officers with whom it had served for valor, a daring, prompt and efficient discharge of duties and high, soldierly bearing." Field and Staff. COLONELS— Qulntus C, Shanks, Eugene W. Crittenden. LIEUT COLONELS— Alexander W. Holeman, James T. Bramlette MAJORS- Nathaniel L. Lightfoot, Wm. R. Kinney, Ira Hart Stout, Julius N Del- fosse, James B. Harrison, George P. Barnes. ADJTS.— Garland J Blewltt, Zeno B. Freeman, WUliam Noland, Thomas E Tyler Q MASTERS— James A. Thomas, Jno. T. Peaman, Daniel J King COM- MTSSARY-Charles S. Clary. SURGE ONS-Erasmus O. Brown Thomas Twelfth Kentucky Cavalry. 237 J. Swan. ASST. SURGEONS— Samuel B. Littlepage, Horace Fletcher, A. T. Bennett. CHAPLAIN— John Pell. SERGT. MAJS.— Peter W. Mayo, WUliam J. Hales. Q. M. SERGTS.— Alfred S. Nail, WUUam RItchey, Wm. P. Denton, George H. MlUgan. COM. SERGT.— Felix G. Parr. HOSPITAL STEWARDS— Ebenezer Kerr, A. Key, Rufus Walp, Thomas J. Osborne. VET. SURG.— Albert Wellington. SADDLER SERGT.— Thomas J. Thompson. CHIEF BUGLERS— Henry B. Har low, Wesley J. Albright. CHIEF FARRIER— Peter P. Roberts. Company "A." CAPTAINS— Andrew G. Hamilton, Thomas J. Cherry, James B. Har rison, James J. Hlx. 1st LIEUTS.— Moses P. Gott, Edgar M. Gwynn, Hiram. D. Roberts. 2d LIEUTS.— John H. Stone, David J. Block, Cin clnnatus Condit, William F. Denton. SERGTS.— Mordica Cale, Andrew J. Stewart, John W. Eaton, Joseph A. Nelson,. John C. Chamberlain, Pleasant M. Honaker, John Ryan, Benj. T. Scarbrough, John^T. Thomp son, Jesse H. Thompson, Asa W. Hodges, Robert M. Cahron, Charles H. Hudnal, Thomas P. HUl, WlUIam Hancock, Daniel P. Tracy, Joseph W. Dexter, James M. Buker, Henry B. Harlan, George H. Milllgan,' Francis M. Sadler,' John C. Garden. CORPLS.— William H. Polk, Reason H. Everly, John W. Ford, Hezekiah C. Bristow, James W. Epperson, William P. Doll, George W. Neighbors, Little B. Epperson, James A. Lee, Lemuel A. Rickets, Aquilla Tharp, John Githens, Wesley M. Frlzzell, Michael Bush, Alexander Ramsey, David Likens, Elijah H. Hahelmer, John D. Smith, WUUam H. Richards. BUGLERS— John W. Lasley, Curtis Sanders. FARRIERS— WUliam B. Stewart, John H. Jenkins. WAG ONER— Samuel H. Spencer. PRIVATES— Christopher Arrlson, Wm. H. Blankenship, John W. Belcher, William Brackin, George W. Brey, Montgomery Burns, -William H. Belcher, Benjamin P. Bryson, George C. Carr, Eugene La Camp, Marlen S. Cockrell, Francis W. Cross, John A. Clark, Stanford, C. Clark, Nathaniel Cole, Daniel J. Drake, Stephen GUdersleeve, James Graham, Benjamin J. Heavrin, James Hoskins, Urban A. Hodges, Thomas Huff man, WUliam H. Harney, David~C. Harten, Thomas W. Her, James John son, Garrison A. Kelly, John A. King, Worth Kean, Israel Lamb, WUlls Lawrence, John H. Lacy, James Long, John T. Miller, WiUiam H. Mar- low, James W. Moss, William H. Massey>, James Pendley, James Pierce, John M. Roark, John W. Rickets, Philip Raymer, Henry Rodgers, Will iam T. Stewart, Mathew Skaggs, William H. Shively, Jonathan Suddarth, William Suddarth, Hartford Sanders, Ripe D. Scarbraugh, Charles H. Smith, Wright Scott, William R. Tichener, George Thomas, James A. Tarrance, Hiram T. Tarrance, William Wallace, John Vanwyke, Thomas L. Thominson , Wm. C. J. Adams, Walter Brooks, William H. Brite, Granville P. Clarke, Christopher C. Cahron, Daniel Cathrell, Thomas C. Furgerson, John T. Hahelmer, Henry C. Hayden, John A. Huff, William B. Jobe, Henry Kaslnger, Arad Leaf, James P. MUler, Robert Miller, Francis T. Raff, Stephen C. Ragland, Samuel A. Sandifer, Virgil A. Stokes, Alson Tha,rp, Francis Wetherholt, Jno. Woodcock, Jacob V. Wing- field, John A. Wlngfield, Wesley J. Albright, Reuben J. Hunter, James G. Johnson, Claten M. Martin, Joseph TIchenor, William H. Belcher, Date T. Conner, John W. Cahron, Robert J. Poster, Lewis Fergerson, James T. Fulton, John H. Hinchey, Daniel G. Hill, David Hubbard, George W. Hahelmer, William D. Lee, James W. Landrum, James McGann, James W. Oliver, George W. Parkerson, Jacob Russell, William Roberson, George W. Shockley, James S. WUUams, Robert N. WUson, Charles K. Wathen, John C. Berry, Michael Barnes, Wesley Cain, William H. Dunn, Samuel Engles, Daniel T. Gann, George S. Huff, Elijah D. Hinkle, Davidson M. Kelly, Robert McMurtrie, Samuel Price, Sanford C. Pallie, James L. Pate, Henry Poar, Williara A. Shorte, Thomas Williams. Company "B." CAPTAIN— Wm. P. Pierce. 1st LIEUT.— Wm. H. RItchey. 2d LIEUT. —Benj. P. Lewis. SERGTS.— Nlmrod S. Long, SUas Furguson, Earnest C. Lawson, Ammon H. Motley, Chas. W. Jones, George R. Evans, Henry M. WUllams, David Huff. CORPLS.— Hugh Ross, WUliam Flora, Henry 238 Union Regiments of Kentucky. C. Hand, George W. AuU, William H. Corban, Benj. Hutton, Abraham Kemp, Warren Hough. FARRIER— WUliam Johnston. PRIVATES — Jesse Angleton, Jacob Arney, Frank Alexman, Andrew Braton, Ira B. Bennett, John M. Bradley, John L. Boyce, Jesse B. Baxter, George CadrlU, Henry Cotman, David CoUey, John A. Copland, Lewis Callingburg, WUliam Duffey, James Dunseth, Anthony Dumous, Henry B. Davis, Joseph Dixon, James Dunavan, Joseph Edwards, John Ed wards, Thomas Puller, Lewis Forcht, Lawrence Finnlty, George GUI- more, Patrick Gibbons, Thomas Gunford, John Garity, Samuel Holleijs- worth, Henry C. HIU, Stephen Hurt, Hugh Holland, Alexander James, WUliam Key, George Kinder, WUliam Laughlln, James Lunsford, John Lovell, William McLaughlin, Jacob Miller, Mariman Murphey, Joseph Market, Rasin A. Milener, William Mayer, WiUiam McMurry, Patrick McCarthey, Cornelius McCarthey, John Mathews, Jacob Niblack, J. Grey Nix, Patrick O'neal, Conrad Par, Benjamin Perkins, William Peck, David Powel, John Quinton, John Roberts, James Roberts, Isaac Rickets, John Riley, William Rozell, Frank Richards, Charles Stalker, James Savage, Joseph Smith, Henry Schaffer, Da-vid B, Smiley, William Stanzom, Charles Shroder, Nelson Tudor, Thomas H. Thomas, William Tallant, James AVetherton, Alexander Wallace, James Walker, Thomas Waller, George White, John Warrants, George Weitzel, Benedict Bes- singer, Joseph Lovett, William Phelps, Joseph Paris, Peter AV. Mayp. Company " C." CAPTAINS— George W. Webb, Henry A. Denton, Robert Karnes. 1st LIEUTS.— Thomas S. Coleman, Isaac T. Montgomery. 2d LIEUTS.— Samuel R. Jones, Louis Bergman. SERGTS. — Benj. P. Brown, Erastus R. Luttrell, WUUam S. Powell, Ezekiel J. Bondurant, Elijah Yates, Thos. H. Peckenpaugh, George M. Denton, Elijah Ashcraft, Wm. Powell, John S. Hardesty, James Powell, John L. Coleman, Wm. H. Warnacker, Prank ' Johnston, WUliam H. Write, Cornelius A. Nafus, Joseph Wlttlesey, Joseph B. Horn, John S. Coleman, Samuel D. Noble, Robert Terrell, William ,A. Roberts, James Kinney, Geo. P. Stevens. CORPORALS — Ignatius H. Spaulding, John B. Chaffin, William C. Buford, John Kenny, Martlne Brown, Frederick Coon, George N. Harrington, Elisha R. Bondurant, Joshua P. Darnall, Jesse Murray, Joseph Murray, Wm. W. Peckenpaugh, Vinton A. Rankins, Merrett Knight, Denton Scott, John W. Hardesty, Thomas Wardrip, Benjamin P. Creedlns, Thomas Jenkins, James T. Mills, Bice Alberry, Hiram Moore, Malcomb McMahan, Jno. M. Chism, James Buckman. FARRIERS — John T. Smith, Rudolph Fuchs, John H. Webb, James Whitson, Charles ShUlIng. SADDLER- Charles Schrlber. WAGONER— WlUIam Jupin. PRIVATES— John H. AUen, Nathaniel Berryman, Levi Bassett, Hardin Bennett, James Beckley, Marshall Burgess, John W. Burton, Robert Blackeby, Peter Brady, Christopher Black, James P. Bates, Aaron Chaffin, Bennett F. Cooke, Thomas Carter, Martin V. Cunning ham, Josiah Dick, Harrison Deringer, Patrick Egan, John Elkins, Will iam Finch, Madison FaUs, WiUiam FIgly, Jacob Garrat, James Graham, James GaUagher, Stephen Gatterdam, Benjamin F. Harris, William Harrington, Henry Harrington, Joseph Herrman, Terry Howard, James Henry, Calvin Ingram, Thomas E. Jones, John JupIn, Francis Jupin, Andrew Jones, James Kendall, William R. King, Philip Leach, Peter i LaveU, John H. Meador, Foster MUler, Joseph Michael, AViUiam McKfla, Nathan McComus, James I. Newton, WiUiam Norman, Edward O'Con- nar, James O'Neal, Hardin Pecklnpaugh, Windsor Pipes, William Per kins, John Parker, Anthony Rush, WUHam Robertson, George RUey, John RUey, Thomas Riley, Uriah Redman, Elijah Shuttleworth, Oliver Smith, WiUiam H. Spencer, Samuel Steward, George W. Spoonover, Henry Seabrecht, Thomas Southard, Jeremiah Sheldon, WlUIam Seaman, Hardin Willoughby, WUlard Wood, Robert N. Whelan, Ransom Ward- rip, Elijah A. Allen, Edmund 'Besslnger, James B. Bryant, James T. FUch, Henry M. Faith, George Gibbs, David W. Henry, Nathaniel Hlckey, William Nelson, Thomas J. Payne, John Farman, James G. Lane, John Ledbetter, Andrew Bliss, John J. Carlisle, James M Carter Gar rison Finch, Owen W. Henry, WUUam H. Mounts, Barney Mehan ' Will iam A. Roberts, WUUam Radsford, James T. Taylor, David WUloughby, Twelfth Kentucky Cavalry. ' 239 'Thomas H. Crim, Alexander Knight, John Vincen, William Adams, WoodviUe Austin, Augustus Booker, Frederick Bode, James Bunch, George Barry, WUliam Borrls, Jackson Cunningham, Andrew J. Coker, Thos. Campbell, Charles E. Drake, Patrick Dickens, Michael Flannagan, John Farrell, WUUam Godsay, John D. Gardiner, Eli Hubbard, James Hays, Robert Kennedy, Thomas R. Kelley, James Lewis, Simeon Leve- say, James A. Lawson, Charles Moore, WUUam Maxwell, James Mc- Gawly, George McPherson, William McMahan, Richard McDoughle, Patrick O'Brlan, Charles Pike, James Pike, James H. Rodgers, Josiah Robertson, George Riley, William Stone, William Swabb, John W. Styles, Benjamin F. Singleton, William H. Singleton, Charles Vois, John Wilson, James Ward, Jasper Watson, Charles Weaver, Alexander Pipes. Company " D." CAPTAINS— Hedrlck Mason, Jno. L. Woodward, Stephen D. Dial, Robert -Karnes. 1st LIEUTS. — Felix G. Bannon, Obediah B. Chapman, Europe F. Littlepage, Thomas B. Perrigo, Wm. K. Wallace. 2d LIEUTS. — Porter A. Hudson, Thomas Lloyd. SERGTS. — Virgil Perrigo, Thomas T. Baker, John C. Mattingly, A. Ranes Smith, William L. Crenshaw, Samuel L. Chambers, Sanford R. Bryant, Aylett R. Owens, Samuel S. Dugan, John W. Bailey, John C. May, Isaac L. Caldwell, Christy Dial, WUliam King, James L. Patterson, WUliam C. Young, Shadrick Dye, George P. Douglass, David Huff, Henry M. Williams, Luther M. Lowell, William Moore, John A. Powers, James Reynolds. CORPLS. — Charles L. Goff, James Smith, Walker G. Hedge, Benjamin T. Estep, Pleasant Atkinson, Joseph S. Dodd, David F. Pemberton, Adam Bause, Lindsey Aldridge, Charles J. Babbit, Joseph L. Brenton, Theophilus Hammon, Henry J. Newton, John WUlls, Andrew Youngblood, Beverly L. Spaw, John H. Borah, Amos Barnett, Aaron B. Colburn, John R. Dugan, John Graham, David Howard, Isham Pettie, Sylvester L. Taylor. FARRIERS — John Langsford, John H. Henry, John Haynes, Samuel J. Beard. SADDLERS— Richard Glover, George H. Luoas. WAGONERS— Daniel WUson, AVUliam SuUman. BUGLERS— Josephus W. Pell, Charles J. Cady. PRIVATES— Bailey Allen, Nathaniel Arnold, Hiram A. Babbet, -William H. Brown, Samuel Blvin, John H. Bode, Jeremiah T. Bates, Robert Baldwin, Robert S. Brown, William Brown, Archibald W. Bur rows, Tyler Barker, Jesse P. Bloomfield, A'incent T. Biggerstaff, George W. Cheshire, Peter Conner, Jonathan Chambers, Joseph N. Cox, Jesse G. Davis, James H. Davidson, David L. Dennis, Charles L. Dawson, Washington P. Duncan, Joseph Ellsworth, Apsom Elkins, Samuel Eston, Wm. H. Goodwin, Manoah Good, Michael Gleason, John Gentry, Jehu Gentry, George Glover, John P. Green, John A. Hull, Frank Holiada, George B. Harpole, WUliam E. Howard, Zacherlah Harris, Richard P. Holdman, Jasper M. Huff, Wm. H. Heflln, Manoah Hudson, Jesse Hale, Alexander Hays, John Joyce, Jamep Kirk, William C. Lee, Simeon B. Leach, Thomas Lasly, James P. Long, Marcus M. Lawrence, John R. Michael, Cornelius Mathews, Henry Miller, Richard T. Mattingly, Joseph C. Powers, George W. PhiUips, George W. Rudy, David Rayer, Robert N. Richardson, Henry Rusher, Nicholas Staples, Greenberry Smith, Thomas J. Smith, Joseph Stilts, William Smithers, WUUam Spencer, Rumsey S. Wlngfield, Ransom S. WlUshlre, Henry E. Wells, Jesse H. Weatherholt, John Bowman, Alonzo T. Conner, Jesse M. Francis, Squire A. Goad, Daniel Hicks, Charles HIgby, Jeremiah Hall, Samuel S. John son, Jacob Newtos, John A. Stout, George R. St. Clair, Charles P. Brown, John H. Hagan, Wm. H. Arterberry, James Aldridge, James L. Bolton, Wopdson Bowling, George W. Bolton, Bluford Bethel, John Baldwin, Theodore Cook, Harvey Davidson, Harrison Gregory, George H. Green, Samuel Hadley, Francis R. James, George W. Knizley, James T. Little, -William Newton, Thomas Neville, Joseph Holston, George W. Pirtle, -William H. Taylor, Joseph Smith, Isaac .J.* Scales, Lafayette Sowders, Richard West, John H. Wells, Charles Young, John W. Amas, William E. Gary, Thomas Edwards, John W. Emick, Thomas Parrel, Pleasant Heath, Obediah Heath, William Hall, Henry Hunsacker, Alfred Lock hart, Jesse Laslle, Reason P. Neves, Aaron Nally, John Newman, Levi Ranger, John J. Stone, Alex. H. Thornberry, John H. Wlngfield. 240 Union Regiments of Kentucky. Company " E." CAPTAINS— Henry M. Bennett, Henry F. Samuels. 1st LIEUTS.— Newton Smock, Nathaniel M. Priest., 2d LIEUT.— Charles B. Mitchell. SERGTS.— John W. Marks, Jourden G. Wells, James H. Fisher, Thomas E. Tyler, Robert B. Gaither, Jacob R. Roberts, William F. Brown, John E. Taylor, AVUliam G. Bennett, Geo. W. Simpson, Iverson J. Ware, George Wood, Felix G. Parr, Samuel P. Wilhite. CORPLS.— Joseph H. ¦ Young, John A. Brown, Samuel L. Prank, WUliam C. Ambrose, Robert D. Bailey, Silas Bennett, Samuel C. Rhoades, William Carter, Lewis R. Alorgan, William Sullivan. SADDLER-^Calvln Cameron. FARRIER& —Jno. Dodson, Jno. W. Boone, James C. Bowlds. WAGONER— Jesse W. Sharpe. BUGLER— Martin V. Albright. PRIVATES— Alexander Adams, Edward Asklns, Ellas Burker, David' Burton, Nathaniel Burrell, George Blankenship, James , H. Combs,. Samuel Cameron, John H. Downs, Conrad Ehret, WUUam H. Ellis, William J. Prey, David Griffith, Daniel Gilliland, Miles H. Gibson, Jno. P. Harrison, Wm. L. Hardin, James Jarrett, Benjamin P. James, Henry C. Jennings, Geo. M. Johnson, Wm. T. Kennlson, John T. King, Wm. O- Medcalf, Charles W. Mitchell, Robert N. Merjitt, WUUam P. Napier, James J. Patton, David L. Peacock, Moses Putnam, Henry H. Roberts, Richard Simmons, David L. Smith, John T. Smith, John L. Stich, Will iam C. Seaton, Charles H. Seaton, August Stire, Nathaniel M. Wilhite, Joseph B. Ward, Joseph F. Winkler, Thomas Wood, Christopher Cook, Ludwell Grigsby, James A. Linnett, John E. Vlgus, Peter Boley, John Aschmann, Ell Dodson, Joseph L. Ferguson, James Holcombe, Manuel Hagan, David Hugglns, RoUa H. Jenkins, Andrew J. Johnson, Beverly L. Kirkland, Geo. W. Lynch, John J. Mills, James M. Mcintosh, William Ritchie, John M. Roberts, Peter P. Roberts, John Rowell, Jeremiah H. Suter, Peter Shown, WiUiam S. Tucker, John Thomas, Aquilla L. Whitaker, David W. Wren, George W. Evans, Hezekiah Wellington, Michael Calllgan, George H. Gatewood, James H. Prottsmani James T. Saunders, Archibald Whitaker, Jno. W. Crutchfield, Benjamin Babb, William Frazier, Franklin Pursing, James FoUoway, Joel Hulsey, Robert Onget, Joseph TIndle, WUUam C. Vanover. Company " F." CAPTAINS— Silvinas B. Johnson, Adam Elms, Samuel Baker. 1st LIEUTS.— Simon P. Morgan, Hiram D. Roberts, Sidney C. Swift, David H. Baker.' 2d LIEUTENANTS— James A. Anderson, William T. Flora. SERGTS.— J3,mes W. Howard, WilUam R. Wilson, Francis M. Roberts, Joseph M. Little, Preston W. Maxy, EU Howard, Elijah Cheny, Andrew J. Snodgrass, Hugh J. Hales, Carrol Bradley, Andrew J. Garst, William J. Hales, Rufus Walp, James W. Arbuckle, William J. Oglesby. COR PORALS— James H. Otey, Nathaniel Howard, Elias Hutchison, Jno. H. Grimes, James W. Robinson, William W. EUis, AVUliam E. White, Laffeatt Morgan, Sanford S. Snodgrass, Henry C. Beckham, John d'. Clarkson. FARRIERS— jno. W. Little, WUUam M. Townsly, Benjamin ,, M. Marrow. SADDLER— John H. Hester. BUGLER— Anthony Rink ¦ TEAMSTER— William P. Klrtley; PRIVATES- Poster Adams, Thos. Bratcher, William C. Chastain, Jesse B. Chastain, Jaraes Chastain, William Cook, Frederick A. Cook, Irvin W. Davidson, Newton Davis, John W. Daugherty, George Dexter! Samuel B. Dudley, David R. Embry, Jefferson H. Embry, John S. Eads, Albert Pitts, George J. Plippo, Halbert H. W. Gaither, Wm. P. Gregory,. George H. Grable, John P. Hessen, Robert H. Herd, Robert H. Heal, James Hatfield, Stephen Holder, Francis M. Havem, Jonathan Holmes,. Emanuel B. Jones, James Kesinger, Francis M. Kesinger, WiUiam E. Kerny, Leonard W. Lamastus, General M. Morgan, WUliam B. Martin, Ashford W. MiUs, Thomas T. Morgan, James McRoy, Isaac N Miller Yerby N. Granger, John H. Perry, Reezen Poole, WUUam Richmond, Amos Richy, James A. Roberts, Robert T. Sweat, Chasteen S. Stewart, Curren T. Sublett, John Stroud, WiUiam Tucker, Jackson C Thomas, Oliver C. White, Thomas J. Welch, Wm. C. Arbuckle, Ephraim S Baker, James M. Bradley, John Cheny, Benjamin Critzer, John Thos. Dougherty, Twelfth Kentucky Cavalry. ¦ 241 William Evans, WlUIam Ellis, Malickih Embry, John C. Evans, James D. Fergerson, James S. Faiths, Francis R. Gray, Robert H. HIghtower, Charles Heck, Virgil P. Kesinger, Newton Morgan, Henry L. Maxy, Lawson H. Martin, Creede P. Puckett, Henry Russell, Granville N. Schroader, Joseph C. Sharror, James C. Stobaugh, Joseph Upton, Robert F. Wand, Fleming J. Clark, James P. Harrison, William Hernden, Daniel Kesinger,. James P. NaU, Alfred Armor, Oliver Bratcher, Charles H. Calloway, George Coxan, Benjamin W. Davis, Thomas H. Divine, John T. Dougherty, John Kittinger, John A. Kaslnger, Leonidas E. Jones, Mack Foster, Joseph Moore, Henry J. Mpsly, Benjamin A. Polly, George Phillips, Hardin P. Stahl, Nathan EUis Scott, Robert M. Simons, Samuel Terhune, WUUam M. Applega,te, John A. Huff, Isaac D. Haly, John W. Morgan, Edward Still, John W. Smith, A. J. Spradly, Henry Senour, George Washington. Company "G." CAPTAINS— John W. HIU, Samuel E. Hill. 1st LIEUT.— John H. Quisenberry. 2d LIEUT.— Thomas CuUen. SERGEANTS— Joseph W. Barnett, Joseph L. Stevens, Reuben T. Quisenberry, Dewitt C. Yates, John D. Whoberry, Wilbur P. Bennett, Samuel R. Garrison, John T. Mercer, Hezekiah Decker, Hugh M. Baker, Ellas J. Armstrong. COR PORALS — Moses C. Berry, Jerry B. Stone, Clement Yates, Fountain Willis, MUton HIU, Marlin V. Witter, Austin W. Patterson, John M. Pat terson, Samuel D. Drake. BUGLER— John W. Decker. TEAMSTER— John W. Smith. FARRIERS— Daniel G. Prakes, Daniel J. King. SAD DLER— WUliam C. King. PRIVATES— John W. Anderson, Micajah Arms, Arthur AUen, Will iam Ashley, Isaac Blanton, Paul Brooks, Solomon Basham, Jasper C. Berry, Wm. P. Borah, John J. Crume, William Cook, George Coats, Robert Decker, Wm. H. Decker, Harry Decker, Thomas J. Denham, Brice J. Hicks, John B. HaU, Daniel Kitchens, Daniel Kennidy, Andrew Key, Wm. H. Langley, Jackson Lacefield, Thomas E. Martin, Samuel B. McCoy, Charles R. McCoy, Miles Oiler, General W. Patterson, Henry Page, George Roberts, Sarauel Sanders, Benjamin Shaver, John M. Smith, Wm. C. Thompson, Joshua B. Wallace, James S. Yates, Richard M. Yates, Simeon G. Yates, George AV. Yates, Bennett Allen, Wm. W. Crume, Hamilton CockerlU, Samuel Duncan, Francis Dowell, James Kasey, Christopher Kinser, John Vinson, Thomas P. Reynolds, Francis M. Flowers, Pleasant Armstrong, Thomas E. Armstrong, Tarlton Downey, John A. Decker, Elbridge Duncan, Jno. H. Drake, Allen- L. Frazier, James R. Prakes, Louis R. Huff, Jno. H. Langley, James A. Lowry, Joseph Martin, John Patterson, Anderson Smith, Louis Stumpf, Allen S. Whoberry, Jeremiah Wilkins, John B. Yates, Jasper N. Yates, Thomas C. Downey, George W. Langley, Jno. D. Smith, Thomas L". Shaln. Company " H." CjVPTAINS— W. L. Payne, Benjamin DuvaU, Geo. W. Bullitt. 1st LIEUTS.— Guy D. Howe, Amos Lippincott. 2d LIEUTS.— William H. Hinies, James Butler. SERGTS.— Albert C. Howe, William H. Barnes, William Burroughs, Robert Burch, Solomon M. Pendley, Fletcher Will iams, James P. Stumbough, EU Hurly, Henry C. Beckham, James W. Searcy, Hubbard Mathey, Harvey P. Dunn. CORPORALS— George W. Bristow, Adam Berst, Hiram Williams, .Samuel Bruner, John H. Vincent, John Paughender, Pinkney Dane, Jas. A. Cherry, Christopher C. Daven port, DlUis Erly, Daniel Moris, James McQulll, Alfred HoUlnshead, Charles F. Hargrave. SADDLER— Joseph T. Gabbert. PRIVATES— John A. Ashley, James Abbott, David C. Allen, George Brockting, George W. Bryant, WUliam J. Baise, Thomas T. Baker, John W. Crutchfield. Francis M. Crpwder, James T. ChUders, Charles M. Crabtree, Elijah Chadlc, James Dane, Jeremiah Ezelle, Reuben Ed ward, William E. Fowler, Samuel Gentry, James Gervin, Henry Jarboe, John H. Joiner, John H. Kepley, Wm. J. Laswell, Daniel McChlnny, Alfred Mahan, Benjamin Morgan, Henry Nason, Joseph W. Pendley, Jordan Pearson, Austin W. Pendley, Virgil J. Raines, J. S. Rickets, Bl- hanon Reynolds, Philip Robber, William D. Sorrels, James W. Sorrels, 16 242 Union Regiments of Kentucky. John Sheffer, Samuel Smith, James R. Spencer, John T. Wilkesson, George Wiseman, James M. Wilson, Thomas Woods, Hezekiah Welling ton, Enoch Stepins, Edward M. Barnes, George W. Brown, Japes H. Black, Abram Brown, Joseph C. Bradley, George W. Derweas, Alexander M. Edward, George W. Evans, WilUam H. English, Moses Ferren, Joseph Lewellyn, Benjamin Lynch, James Livinggood, William McRunnels, Little B. Matlock, Jacob Rodgers, John P. Smith, Henry Simpson, George G. Weed, William F. Carter, John Evans, Columbus Gabbert, Alexander C. Keowan, Albert WeUington, David Yaung, Peter Z. Abbott, Monroe Ashley, William J. Dunn, William M. Douglas, MalachI Poster, Frederick Harter, WiUiam P. Hess, James A. Johnson, George Kibtoe, Jasper Leach, Charles Lott, Thomas M. Lewis, John J. Moore, Finley Martin, Miles Pendley, Peter Racine, Joseph L. Shults, George H. Sorrels, James M. WiUiams, James H. Glenn, John Manfort, John Murphy, WiUiam T. Smith, William Smith, Sherod Brown, John Woods, Levi Wooten, Rice William. , Coaipany " I." CAPTAIN— Charles Bachmann. 1st LIEUT.— Merrit M. Pelrce. 2d LIEUT.— WUliam H. Bunting. SERGTS.— Henry Schaffner, Henry T^ Boyle, James Harris, .Robert Jaump, AA'IUIam Williams, William Price, James Blalock, Orris NaU, Egnerts Warts, Samuel V. Endsley. COR PORALS— George Harding, John Wilson, George W. Smith, Reuben Henson, Daniel D. Price, Perry James, Joseph Hall. FARRIER— AVUl iam Elchhorn. WAGONERS— John Sharp, Samuel Wray. PRIVATES— Reuben Anderson, Jofin Biggs, WUlis Cunningham, George E. Currey, Isaac Chambers, John Duncan, Patrick Dougan, John H. Free, Thomas Goodrich, Fielding Gregory, Henry Haley, James Irvine,. James Laxin, John B; Maning, Thomas Mitchal, Christopher Mouser, William Merritt, Frank Roberts, Elisha Reynolds, John Reaves, Mat Smith, John B. Sisk, William Shepard, Haywood Tucker, James W. Thorn, August Unrath, John Watters, Bennit Willbanks, William Whortin, B. C. York, James Grimes, Samuel Lowe, Elisha Holt, Jesse Poe, Samuel Kennedy, James. Smith, Henry Seamon, James Bachman, Linn B. Bohanen, Wm. T. Durrow, Wm. J. Drennan, John Martin, Wesley Thornton, August Worts, Thomas WUllams, John W. Bates, Shepard Busbey, Jasper Carrol, Christian Dike, Alexander Dogget, Daniel Flanery, Arthur Hurbert, Smartly W. HaU, WUUam Holt, Sherard Hatley, James E. Jordan, John McFarlln, Francis M. Meffert, John B. Mullen, Charles A. Rosenoskie, Prank G. Rosenoskle, Mark Robinson, Howell Smith, Jacob Straub, Louis Schlam, Solomon Schands, Lynon Smith, Dedrick Tlchie, Hardy Taylor, Isaac Todd, Richard Todd, Thomas Wright. Company " K." CAPTAINS— Jno. E. Williamson, Wm. Mangan. 1st LIEUTS.— Elias J. Pendick, Saml. B. McAfee. 2d LIEUT.— Henry H. HamUton. SER GEANTS— Edw. G. Ross, Jas. Morris, Chas. H. Patterson, Arnold Tim othy, Jas. Kaywood, Jas. G. Minor, Jno. Bradburn, Hiram Smith, Leonard Raymond, Edw. Sullivan, Jas. W. Hamilton, Chas. Thomas, Zach. Booth, Charles H. Black. CORPLS. — Zacherlah Rawlings, John Edwards, Michael Iserman, Joseph Murphey. James M. Archer, Michael Bush, Wesley M. Drizzell, Jno. Githens, David L. Robinson. FARRIERS.— Jno. Hampton, Robert H. Wilson. SADDLERS— George H. Lucas, Willi ¦ iam A. Langford. WAGONER— James W. Dupree. PRIVATES— Needom Averett, William A. Archer, James E. Booth, Andrew Burns, Christopher Brown, Stephen Baynes, William Bose, Will iam Blansitt, WUUam Cawfleld, Isaac H. CampbeU, George W. Cayle, John T. Chandler, Jo^n CassUman, Thomas Craney, Thomas Clancy, Lewis Cass, John Dunlap, WUliam Dodson, James Derning, Jesse G. DougheriT, Jesse C. Eastes. Robt. H. Fergerson, Jno' Flood, Isaac Plan- niry, John Furder, Henry Guffey, PhiUp Grim, WUliam C. Grindstaffi, George S. Grady, Francis Hatton, Davis W. D. Hicks, John Howard, Charles P. Irvin, James Jones, Thomas Kirkpatrlck, WUliam M. KeUey, John Klinellne, Michael King. John Lightner, John B. Larkins, Joseph Lynn, Abijah Lee, James T. Ledbetter, Thomas Lynch, WUliam McGun- Twelfth Kentucky Cavalry. 243 salus, Michael McGrath, Michael McDonald, Samuel McDanlel, John L. McLane, WUliam Moore, Zacheriah Monroe, Robert A. Mitchell, James Montgomery, Wm. C. Oldrldge, George W. Pittman, WUUam Pool, Will iam H. Pace, Francis Pogue, John Rush, Jno. S. Redden, James W. Stew art, James I. Swalles, John Swlnford, Callaway Sharrlch, Henry Snellen, Andrew Short, Charles Snapp, Joseph Shoe, Richard Thomas, John Towr hill, John W. Tapscott, Henry C. Tynes, John E. Vandiver, William Vic tor, Lewis Waggoner, .George Wilkins, Lorenzo D. AVilliams, James Williams, James R. Weeks, WUliam Hanby, William Abernathy, WUl iam Berry, WIUIs Jones, Joseph A. Ledford, Patrick Murray, Joshua Sanders, David W. Todd, James W. Winston, George Brown, Andrew J. Benson, William H. Barnes, Calvin Coplin, Simpson Coplln, James Douglas, Thomas Docklns, Joseph Hall, Francis M. Jobe, Micajah Mer rill, Freeman Moulton, WUUam H. Richie, Thomas White, WUliam H. ¦Wilson. Company " L." CAPTAINS— John H. Starks, WiUiam G. Hurt. 1st LIEUT.— Benj. K. Stephenson. 2d LIEUT.— William D. James. SERGTS.— Joseph Waller, William D. Dugger, Howell D. Hurt, Geo. W. Stephenson, Richard S. Harrison, William H. Anderson, John W. Freeman, William G. Dugger, -William H. Watkins, George P. Fields, Patrick J. Conroy. CORPLS.— James C. Gardner, John D. Childs, John N. Weaver, Martin B. L. Minter, Winfield S. Griffith, Henry W. Lane, William P. Benson, John Canter, Charles H. Jones. BUGLER— George E. Ripley. PRIVATES— Benj. P. Atkins, John Bonds, Crawford Bagwell, Jos eph Bagwell, James M. P. Brewer, Carlyle Bridges, John O. Bridges, William H. Bristow, William Babcock, Henry B. Carper, -William H. Carrigan, John W. Carrigan, James M. Clark, Dempse Cope, Ambrose H. Canter, WUliam H. Dunn, John M. Dunn, Joshua K. Dugger, Johi^ B. Derr, Joseph Prick, Travis C. Prick, CuUen Fond, James R. Graves, John GamblU, Melvin W. Harris, Joseph Harris, William L. Halliday, Ger man Hale, Joseph P. Harrison, Henry H. Holt, John Ledbetter, John Merrideth, Thomas A. MUton, George W. McMenus, John A. Ozment, John W. O'Kelly, Lankston Pace, John W. Phlpp, Thomas E. Smith, Giles Sanders, Alfred M. Shaw, James C. Shelby, James M. P. Stone, James M. Tubbs, Henry C. Tribble, James Verner, Martin R. Waller, Asher Weaver, Marshall Weaver, Solomon D. Green, George W. Wal ters, Isaac Andrews, David Clark, Thomas Clark, Jackson Clark, WUliam C. Curman, William Cross, Thomas I. Dennis, Edward C. Douglass, Bryant Downing, William W. Forester, Alfred I. Graddy, William M. Glass, Sampson Lane, Henry C. Roberts, James P. Roach, George W. Rathwell, Samuel Powers, James M. Phelps, James M. Ste'phenson, John Sanders, Thomas A. Stelley, Greenberry Walters, Wiley Washburn, Benjamin Smith, Lafayette Feland, Robert Rawlinson, ¦WUliam Hicker son. Company "M." CAPTAIN— Thomas P. Carter. 1st LIEUTS.— Levi Linn, Charles H. Turner. 2d LIEUT.— WUliam D. Lee. SERGTS.— William S. Jenkins, Charles H. Graham, William C. Alderson, John T. Simmons, Stith M. Carter, Allen L. Barber, Henry M. Graham, Joseph A. Scruggs, John H. St. John, William A. Bryant, James H. Thomasson. CORPLS.— John J. Burton, John A. Graham, James W. Pratt, Wm. R. Hawkins, John Brown, John Humphreys, Thomas Waldrip, John W. Hardesty, John C. Hunt,' Robert C. MUler. BUGLER— Wm. D. Clanton. FARRIER- Thomas Miller. PRIVATES— Howard Betts, Forester Calleham, WUliam H. Coleman, John Craig, Jacob Casey, George Clayton, Bartley Caffry, Wm. P. Dun can, John Dame, George W. Farley, Calvin C. Fowler, Marcus Freeman, James Ford, James J. Graham, Thomas S. Gulll, Andrew Gearing, Francis M. Holden, Henry W. Harding, Granville W. Haley, John Houston, Harry Hurburt, John Hazer, Edward Hill, Francis Leonard, Andrew J. Mathis, Wiley P. Marbery, John R. McKnight, Joseph Mahoney, Halland MUler, John R. McDonald, William Markatine, Thomas J. Roseberry, WlUIam C. Rickman, Burton R. Richie, Michael Rhone, George B. Randolph, James M. St. John, James M. Scraggs, John 244 Union Regiments of Kentiuiky. Shaws, W^illiam M. Taylor, Taylor "Voss, Doctor C. WiUiams, Jeremiah T. Willlngham, William W. Wade, John Wilson, Jacob Weaver, John White, Hilory G. Yates, Levi Zimmerman, William B. Brush, Hiram Elkins, WIUIs M. Mathis, John Chiles, Bryant Downing, CuUand Fond, Felden Gregory, Reuben Henson, Jennon Hale, Thomas J. Osburn, John W. Phipps, William Sheppard, James M. Smith, James W. Thorn, Wiley Washburn, James W. Curd, James M. Cooper, Jesse P: Edmonson, Thomas W. Edmonds, Robert E. Graham, John A. Graham, Dennis Kenwood, Michael Moore, Robert W. Rowland, William J. Allbrltton, George P. Alexander, George E. Adams, Charles S. Burton, Robert A. Burton, Thomas J. Cooper, Christopher C. Clark, Samuel B. Parris, Philip Pansnaught, James E. Jones, Henry N. Lewis, Travis Lyell, John A. Miller, James H. Ozier, Andrew J. RUey, George R. RusseU, William M. Sayres, John Williams. Thirteenth Kentucky Cavalry. The people who lived in the counties of Eastern-South ern Kentucky from Green river to the Tennessee border were largely Unionists, and were made the prey of bands of Confederate rangers as well as suffered from the move ments of the larger Confederate organizations. It was necessary for them to organize for their self-defense. They had rallied to the standards of Wolford, Hoskins, Ward, Hobson and others, but the regiments which were at flrst raised had gone to the front and were flghting for , the Union on distant battle fields. There was need for troops at home, and, in fact a man could find greater safety in an armed organization than at his home. The condition of affairs led to the formation of a regiment at Columbia, Ky., beginning in the summer of 1863; it was organized by Col. J. W. Weatherford, who had been a major in the Sth Ky. Cavalry, and it became the 13th Ky. Cavalry. The men Avere familiar with -the country of Eastern-Southern Kentucky, and the regiment was em ployed mainly in that section. The regiment went at once into active duty even while in process of formation, and before it was mustered into service, which was De cember 23, 1863. In September and October it was en gaged in protecting the country from Lebanon southward. October 29th seven companies were sent after the Richardson raiders. They marched seventy-five miles in fourteen hours, surprised Richardson, and ran him across the Cumberland. October 31st four companies were at Columbia and one at Lebanon, the others at other points. December 6th three scouting parties of one hundred men each were sent out, one to cross Cumberland river at Creelsboro, one at Olina, and one at Burksville. They ^ere to meet at Livingston, Tenn. The movements were Thirteenth Keatnckij Cavalry. 245 successful. Fifteen of the raiding enemies called guer rillas were killed and tAfenty-three captured, and their horses taken. December 31st the 13th was in Gen. Hobson's depart ment of Southern-Central Kentucky. It remained in his command for a number of months. March 23, 1864, the regiment still being on duty in the same station. Gen. Hobson reported that some of its men" under Maj; Rig ney had fought with Col. Hamilton on Cumberland river, and captured him and twelve of his gang. May 14, 1864, Col. WVatherford reported from Burks ville that he had encountered the enemy at Wolfe river losing two men killed, and others wounded, and captured eight prisoners, including a captain. During the summer the 13th was brigaded in the brigade of Col. Clinton J. True in Hobson's division. When ilorgan raided the state in June, 1864, from Pound Gap and made his way to Cynthiana where he was routed and scattered, the 13th was on duty at Leba non for the protection of fhat section. August 27, 1864, the 13th was at Point Burnside; August 31, 1864, it A\'as brigaded with the 35th Ky., Col. Starling, and 40th Ky., Col. True, in fhe 1st Brigade (Gen. Hobson), of Gen. McLean's division. September. 16th the 13th was ordered to concentrate at Mt. Sterling with the other troops under Gen. Hobson, Col. John Mason Brown, Col. Hanson and others, for the expedition to Salt ville, Va. It participated in this campaign and was en gaged in all its severe fighting and hard marching. In the battle at Saltville the 13th lost four men killed and thirteen wounded. Returning from this expedition the 13th was at Mt. Sterling, Lexington and Crab Orchard. December 17, 1864, Gen. McLean ordered the regiment to Camp Nelson. It remained there on duty until Jan uary 10, 1865, when it was mustered out dn account of expiration of term of service. The service of the 13th was over fifteen months, and the entire time was spent in active work; it engaged in numberless skirmishes and some severe engagements. It never failed to perform eA^ery duty required, and had the absolute confidence of the commanding offlcers. Field and Staff. COLONEL— James W. Weatherford. LIEUT. COL.— John A. Mor rison. MAJORS— Harrison M. Hurt, Ferdinand D. Rigney, George W. Sweeney. ADJT.— Daniel S. Parker. Q.-MASTER— Fielding P. Bland. COMMISSARY— George P. Cunningham. SURGEON— Lafayette Ben nett. ASST. SURGEONS— Wm. D. Stone, Joseph S. Harper. CHAP- 246 Union Regiments qf Kentucky. T ATN-Robert F Mills. SERGT. MAJOR-James W. Sweeney. Q. M. q#KrT_Abram P Brown. COM. SERGTS.-David M. Murphy, Mc- Doweu' Royalty. HOSPITAL STEW ARDS-John Davidson, Richard S Perrymin SADDLER-Henry L. Borders. VET. SURGEONS- AbeU C. Weatherford, John W. Smith. BUGLEB-James E, Woods. Company "A." CAPTAIN-James M. Giboney. 1st LIEUT.-Benj F Bransom. 2d LIEUTS.-Joseph W. Cartwright, David Murphy. SERGTS.^James W Wlngfield Christopher Moore, Isaac M. MiUs, John W. Roberts, Robert B Cravens, George A. Thomas. Peter B. Pendleton, John T. Thomas CORPLS.— EUiott B. Cravens, WiUiam A. J. Curry, Peter H. Tammons, Robert Alsip, John A. Rogers, Charles Miter George W. Grider James L. Alsip. FARRIERS-Louis Taylor, John Grayson. WAGONER— WUliam Land. SADDLER— Henry Gooden. PRIVATES— Asa Bell, James Bird, Elijah Corben, John Cumbert, Fountan Cumbert, Edmond Edwards, Lorenzo Grimes, Lovette Goodin. Doctor Hereford, Zacheriah LuttreU, Robert Land, Philip P. Logsden, Ervine G. Marfies, Dudley W. Miller, Oliver Powell, Peter Powell, John D Peck David G. Parnell, Charles O. P. Smith, John Shearrer, Allen Shearrer William N. Shelton, William I. Singleton, William H. Single ton John J. Singleton, Esau M. Shelton, Joshua B. Thomas, David R. Trustee Levi Terfln, James Taylor, William C. Taylor, Thomas Taylor, Newton J. Trustee, Edraund Welch, John R. Williams, George T. White, Joshua West, WUson Yarberry, George B. Bowman, John R. Elder, Al fred Gamble, Robert Q. Kirkpatrlck, Royalty McDowell, William L. Corban, James Dere,' SUas H. Dye, John Loveall, Shederick C. Lutteral, John M. Pendleton, George Richardson, Henry Shearrer, James Sam- mons, James Wade, John W. White, Balam York, WUliam Yarberry, Benjamin Yarberry, Henry C. Coffee, Green B. Evans, Green Grind- staff, Wra. KiUpatrlck, Stephen Loveall, Samuel W. Long, Thomas J. Lutteral, Nathan G. Mills, Andrew G. Pendleton, Hiram Stephenson, Joseph Spencer. James Sluder, Jehu Trustee, Israel Young, Jas.- Corban. Company " B." CAPTAIN— Asa Bryant. 1st LIEUT.— Napoleon B. Portman. 2d LIEUT.— Strother Bowman. SERGTS.— John Cundiff, WiUiam Keat, Jamels E. Wood, James Owens, Wm. H. Poindexter, Job Sweeney, WU liam AUen,^Joslah White, Isaac Daniel, ' James A. Smith. CORPLS.— Henry H. Leonard, John C. Gadberry, Levi Piles, James D. Wilson, Joshua EUis, James Muse, Abner Davidson, David Godby. FARRIERS -Miles Anderson, George Ellison. BUGLER— Wm. Campbell. WA GONER — Aaron Brooks. PRIVATES — John Applegate, James F. Bell, George B. Bowman, Ira Cravlns,' John Chitwood, Josiah Cravlns, Robert C. Childers, Joseph Cloyd, WUUam Carter, Francis CampbeU, James A. Clark, James Cof fey, Hezekiah Dick, Samuel pick, Allen Dunkln, John Duger, AA'IUIam Eades, Sr., William Eades, Jr., Jesse Edwards, George Ellis, Joseph B. Edwards, Thomas Edwards, James Fox, Marshall Hughes, John Lands, Alexander Lawson, Wm. B. Lee, Robert O. Lee, Jefferson Lumpkins, John Moles, AyilUam Reno, Thomas Rich, Martin Rich, George Russell, Thomas Rousey, Campbell Rousey, Hugh M. D. Roberts, Calvin Rich, George Sharpe, Sylvester Smith, Lorenzo D. Sharpe, Jesse Sweeney, Ambrose L. Tarter, Hiram WUllams, WiUiam White, Elijah Wheeler, David W. Waldron, David Willard, James WUUams, Sampson Young, Robert P. Mills, Cyrus Edwards, John P. Smith, Tilman Sharpe, EU Sharpe, James W. Sweeney, John Atwood, Wm. J. Brooks, Asa Eads, Wesley Eads, John C. Edwards, Alfred Helm, Hiram Martin, John S. Lee, James Sutherlln, James Wheeler, John Bryant, John H. Bryant, James, K. Brooks, John Goode, David Goble, William Gibson, William Hatfield, James M. Lands, John McAnnelly, James G; Troxnell. Joseph Troxnell. WlUIam Wilson, James P. Bell. Company " C." CAPTAIN— Thomas Wood. 1st LIEUT.— Richard H. McWhorter. 2d LIEUT.- Mathew H. Turner. SERGTS.— John W. Stalon, John B. Thirteentli Kentucky Cavalry. 247 McWhorter, John P. McWhorter, Josiah E. McDonnald, Sam'l Potts, WUUam W. Baxter, Milton PoUey, Andrew J. Stockton. CORPLS.— MiUer E. McWhorter, James H. Corbin, Claiborn T. Simmons, Rufus Helms, Thomas P. McWhorter, GranvlUe Higgenbottom, William J. Wood, Ellison L. BrasweU. FARRIERS— Timothy CoUins, Garnett A. Dowell. PRIVATES— Mathew A. Armstrong, Elias Allen, John Adley, Wil liam R. Adley, Graffenburg Abeell, George R. Akin, Alexander Bruraett, Milton Blakey, Wesley Blakey, John C. Bookart, John B. Barber, James O. Bennett, James Craig, Matterson Craig, PIras V. Clemons, Samuel Collins, Thomas Collins, Zacheriah Collins, John Casody, John Gump- ton, William Cook, Newton L. Dlckerson, James V. Floro, Jourdan Gar rett, William H. Harvey, George A. Hendickson, John Haney, Elzy Harris, Alexander Harris, Vack Leslie, Christopher C. Lewis, James T. McGinnis, William Marshall, John H. Morrison, James W. Morrison, Jno. T. McWhorter, Edward M. Nell, James B. Nell, James Polstan, James T. Polstan, Wiley Pierce, William R. Prewitt, Joseph Price, Floyd M. Ray, Andrew J. Stephens, Richard Scurberry, John P. Sanders, Harrison Stephens, Addison R. Sparks, William R. Steckton, Walton Spencer, Hiram Stotts, Thomas S. Sanders, William S. Taylor, Thomas Turner. Thomas W. Turner, George W. Witham, John Witham, George AA''. Pol ston, Abram P. Brown, William H. B. McCoy, James Bai^ber, James P. Garret, Jonathan Fletcher, Thomas Spencer, Milton Bunch, Thoraas L. Brasnell, George A. Brilug, James A. Bowen, Greenberry Bunch, WUliam A. Chapman, Philip A. Clark, George W. Hammons, James Higgenbottom, William Helms, Thomas Huddleston, Fountain S. Les ter, Jacob A. Miller, James M. Owen, WiUiam Posey, Henry Polstan, Ephraim D. Prewitt, James T. Rady, Embusan Smith, William W. Wil- bourn, William Love, James C. McGinnis, John W. McGinnis. Company " D." CAPTAIN— Thomas Watson. 1st LIEUT.— Jesse C. NeweU. 2d LIEUT.— George T. Rigney. SERGTS.— Joab Rigney, Zacherlah HaU, Landy E. W. Newell, John T. Howell, John F. Newell, William h'. Wat son, David Hines, John M. Black. CORPl^S.— WUiiara G. Saddler, Thos. Baugh, Eli Baugh, James R. Wesley, Ephraim Hines, Anderson Main- ard, Samuel A. Butt, Josiah Rigney, John Todd. BUGLER— Jesse Lit- truU. FARRIERS— Calvin Ellison. John Keeth. SADDLER— Levi Hag gard. WAGONi^R- Rpdram Litterall. PRIVATES— Geo. W. Ashley. Greenup Baugh, John R. Butt, Amos Baugh, John Brown, David G. Butt, MUam Baugh, Henry C. Colins, Jas. W. Carter, Freelin H. Caldwell, John N. Copps, William O. Davis, James M. Dye, John G. Dye, James Dick, General G. Eubanks, Oliver P. Eu banks, Isaac Elliott, Wesley W. Fox, Henry H. Godbey, Timothy C. Godbey, Samuel Grlflin, WlUIam C. Howell, WUliam Hall, John M. Hub ble, Shelton Hines, AVUliam Keeth, James Lanhorn, David Lay, John H. Lay, Isaac J. Lay, WiUiam Lay, Joseph Lynn, Tilman H. Moore, AIt fred Merlth, George W. Newell, James W. Phelps, James G. Phelps. Samuel Pitman, John H. Roberson, Martin Rigney, John J. Richmond, William Ryan, Robert Ross, James Rigney, John R. Rainwater, John Sweet, Elijah Smith, James Sweet, Henry Stinsofi, John S. Smith, Mar tin Sweet, Henry Smith, George W. Tucker, George A. Wesley, Edmund T. Wesley, James Wesley, Jr., James Wesly, Sr., James K. P. Dicksoij. David A. Williams, Able C. Weatherford, John M. Davis, John C. Hodge, Western P. Russell, Isaac J. Vaught, Gurry Wesley, Tilmon G. Davis, Tilmon Stlnson. Company " E.' CAPTAINS— Harrison M. Hurt, William D. Lowe. 1st LIEUT.— James M. Stephenson. 2d LIEUT.— R. W. Chapman. SERGTS.— Gen eral A. Q. York, John Hurt, Henry Tuggle, John McFarland, John Guthrie, Lewis C. Story, James E. McFarland, John Looper. CORPLS. — Denton B. Cook, William C. Wray, AVUliam Sloan, John A. Goodman, Samuel Kennedy, Isham C. Stans, William Beck, James Owens. FAR RIER — William G. Garner. PRIVATES — John Ayres, Thomas Ashinghurst, Joseph R. Acre, 848 Unimi Regiments of Kentiwky. Larkin Bowlin, John Bell, Robert D. Branley, Robert Branley, Wesley Bell, Frederick Boyce, James Bell, John M. Cook, John M. Cams, Shelby P. Choot, John P. Choot, Charles N. Cattern, Hiram Cook, Ben jamin V. Cook, William L. Carter, Absalom B. Davis, Hiram Dennie, Martin R. Dutton, John Davis, Jeremiah Davis, Alexander Fletcher, Champ T. Guffey, Doctor C. Garrette, Paris Graham, Richard B. Guffey, James B. Guffey, Ephraim M. C. Guffey, Thomas Gibson, William R. Godfrey, William Guthrie, Thomas H. Guffey, George C. Huffak,er, Jas. M. Harvey, Isaac J. S. Harvey. AVUliam P. Hancock, Slarten S. Hoover, Francis M. Kennedy, Wiley Long, Travis Long, Samuel Long, Jacob Morgan, James F. Neely, Thomas Oaks, Hiram Q. Poe, William Peram. William R. Russell, John Rollins, Henry Raynes, John F. Sloan, James K. P. Sloan, James Sloan, Sarauel Sloan, Hiram Sloan, George W. Storftis, John M. Stephenson, Charles W. Thurston, Isham A. Vincent, W. E. Vickory, John A. Vickory, Newton Wallen, Brooks H. Walker, Giles W. WaUen, WUliam Yates, Francis M. Young, John Cain, King C. Perden, WlUIam Meadows, Drurah Strunks, Nathaniel Guffey, James Perden, Martin Kennedy, Doctor P. Purden, John Choot, Henry W. Cas- tell, MUton E. Robinson, Jesse BeU, George W. WUson, Samuel Vickory, David H. Storms. Company " F." CAPTAIN— James R. Howard. 1st LIEUT.— Elza C. Smith. 2d LIEUT.— Martin Hurt. SERGTS.— Campbell M. Gibbons, Nathan Moore, Pleasant Neal, Matthew D. Sloan, John G. Talbott, Noah Lahom, James Smith, James M. Gibbons. CORPLS.— WUliam Crop, Berry McKinley, Richard Dicken, James Crockett, John J. Loyd, John F. Guthrie, Jas- M. Sholky, David Crockett. BUGLER— John Hopkins. FURRIERS— Levi Polston, Jeremiah Polston. AA'AGONER — John Dickson. PRIVATES — Aaron A. Allen, Siraraon Bausley, WUIam Booker, Samuel Booker, James H. Brown, Isham Burchett, Payette Bowe, Thos. Brown, Lewis Beck, John Goflie. James Cooksey, John M. Carter, Lewis Cox, Elisha Cox, Benjamin Dabnej-. William P. Davis, James Davis, David H. Easter, William Endy, Martin Parr, John Ferrell, James E. Pergeson, Furgeson Fletcher, James C. Gwin, Jasper Gentle, WUliam Hirst, James K. Harvey, James I. Hillingbottom, Asa , Harper, James Helms, Pearson M. Huff, Thomas Har-ber, John Hardin, Irvin Keeton, Tilmon Keeton, Richard Lewis, Samuel Mackey, Robt. Mackey, Chas. Mackey, Ambrose MUton. Joel Mason, Elzy McDonnal, David C. Myers, WUliam C. McCoy, Cyrus Paragen, Patrick Patrlson, -Stanton Prather, Joseph Paragen, John P. Shipley, Allen Stockton, John Shipley. William Shy, Samuel Smith, Jesse Stockton. Frederick H. Sawyers, James R. Stlnson,' William H. Samsers, William Smith, Sr., James Sandusky, Lewis Stockton, Jaraes M. Smith. John Stockton, William Smith, Jr., John S. Talbott, Frederick R. Tldaroe, Alfred TIdaroe, Isaac Tallent,, Joseph P. Tompkins, flenry Ward, William H. "Woodson, James R. Western, Calvins WiUiams, James Whitehead, George AA'. Polston, Jas. A. Carver, LlewUyn Bond, Daniel Davis, William Fluty, Alexander Morgan, Andrew J. Melton, James AA'estmoreland. Company " C." CAPTAIN— Samuel M. Crandall. 1st LIEUT.— James H. Smith. 2d LIEUT.— Jesse A. Skeen. SERGTS.— James E. Barr, Jasper W. Skeen. William J. Dunn, James C. Guntier, George Vanhooke. Prestlne Barker,-' WUUam HIU, James C. Noe, Albert E. Noe. CORPLS.— Jesse Coomer, Thomas S. Hughes, Joseph Ham, John^ WUUams, Andrew J. Stephens, Dawson G. Ping, Bolln G. Ping. John A. Sipple, Peter Baker. SAD DLER— James T. Peden. WAGONER— Thomas Smith. FARRIERS— Alexander Bolton, Green L. Clarke. PRIVATES— AVUliam Arnold, John Adams, John Burwell, Thomas J. Brady, Joseph Burdine, Wm. G. Barns, John Barrow, Henry C. Bry ant, Charles W. Bryant, Samuel J. Barr, Robert Blackburn, WUUam Barnes, WUliam Baker, Stephen Colyer, Jesse Denny, James T. Dunn, James Eaton, WiUiam A. Early, George C. EUlott, John Parmer, Thos. Grider, Harvey Goodin, John B. Hendrick, McKIndry Hendrick, Wil liam P. Hendrick, Charles Hooker, George Hargls, WUliam H. Hallo- Thirteenth Kentucky Cavalry. 249 -way, Robert V. Hoosier, Samuel Jenkins, Robert Jenkins, John Johnson, Jarvis Jackson, LlewUyn Kennedy, Elisha Lanson, Joseph Loven, Jas. Loven, Calvin Lasby, Hampton McDowell, John R. MIze, Henry Mc Clure, Lemuel Mounce, James McDonold, Henry H. Monroe, James MIl by, Bennett Nuckle, Alexander C. Noe, Andrew Price, Hosey A. Peden, Stephen Ping, John QUeen, Green B. Rash, James C. Sadler, Benjamin StogsdUl, Arch R. Skeen, Andrew J. Stewart, Isaac E. Sutton, Colum bus Smith, William T. Sadler, Solomon C. Smith, David Stewart, Alfred C. Smiley, David Vanhook, Elisha Whitaker, Elias Whitaker, Jesse H. Whites, John Davidson, James Hood, David McKenzy, John W. Smith. Thomas M. Abbitt, John Percefleld. Company " H." CAPTAIN— WiUiam M. Northup. 1st LIEUT.— John R. Murrah. 2d LIEUT.- WUliam G. Gabbart. SERGTS.— Marshall H. Markham, Jas. M. Dupee, Claborn Brown, Benjamin P. T. Hancock, Blackburn Smith ers, John Brackman, John Collins, Richard Cook. CORPLS. — James Pearce, James Sturgess, William R. Woodson, Jacob Brackman, Abidus Marcum, Pleasant L. Cooper, Richard Graham, WUUam H. Hare. PAR- RIERS— WUliam H. Polston, Henry Brown. "WAGONER- Armstrong "Floyd. PRIVATES— Jasper N. Allen, Joseph Agee, Wm. H. Broke, Joshua Burtle, John R. Brumette, Eli Brown, Harmon Brown, Francis M. Bell, Joseph B. Broke, Cyrus Brumette, Sherad Brown, EUlson Brown, Wil liam Bell, Allen Dicken, James Dalley, Russell Duncan, William Djcken, Abner Dicken, Thomas Disney, Joshua Disney, Robert -S. Davis, James Elmore, John J. Evans, Ja^es M., Flowers, Corder Frost, John Guffey, George, Goodman, John Hammons, WUliam W. Hicks, George W. Hop kins, Joseph H. Keen, Francis S. Keen, George A. Kimble, Joseph Lee. James Lowe, Jaraes Lackey, Jerry C. Moore, Peter McKelroy, James Mc- Kelroy, Moses Murphy, John McGowen, John Mann, David Malone, Daniel Malone, John Marlow, Bartin L. Marcum, John W. Michael, WiUiam P. Miller, James Newman, Granville H. Percy, WUliam Pat terson, Richard F. Perdue, William G. Rowe, Joseph Rowe, George W. Ramsey, Jesse Sedwell, Archibald Sedwell, John Smith, Jacob Terry, John B. Woldrige, William Wise, William H. Williams, Harvey R. Wil- Uams, John H. Walters, General Z. York, Almore A. York, James Gray, James A. Hare, Harry F. Walters, Martin Guthrie, Jaraes N. Poe, John D. Anderson, Henry Jackson, Fountain R. Riddle, William B. Smith, Jesse Hammonds. Company " I." CAPTAIN— Edmund' Wilkerson. 1st LIEUT.— John A. Stone. 2d LIEUTS.— Reuben Ard, Moses Sweeney. SERGTS.— Wm. L. Brooks, Robert P. White, Edward R. Williams, James .G. Overstreet, William P. Chllf, James Duncan, Benjamin L. Bell, Elisha L. Allen, John E. Rubart, Robert Allen. CORPLS.— Jesse M. Brown, Ananias Bennett, David H. Burge, John H. Hawkins, Joseph H. White, Benjamin P. Mills, John P. Lakes, George W. Combs, Joseph C. Reed. FARRIER- Jeremiah V. Hudson. SADDLER— James C. PeUey. WAGONER- Jas. B. Hays. BUGLER— John Vibert. PRIVATES — James M. Ard, William Burge, Constant Burge, James E. Ballard, WiUiam Branam, Joel H. Baker, James P. Boyer, Elisha Ben nett, John W. Bennett, George W. Balliew, James M. Coomer, Joseph G. Campbell, Stephen Gotten, AVUliam A. Crutcher, Jesse Crutcher, Prior Cunningham, Wm. H. Clark, Francis M. Davis, John Davison, Thomas G. E,vans, John Fouler, Ethel R. Fouler, William Fouler, Jas. S. Grooms, Elijah Gilpin, Robert V. Goode, WUUam Jerrald, Jaines M. Helm, Eli Helm, WUliam A. Humes, James B. Henson, Elias Johnsori, WiUiam Kinder, Richard Moore, Harrison Maxey, Duren C. Patton, John Pat ton, Thomas Redmon, Thomas C. Ruggles, Benjamin Roberts, Francis M. Smith, James H. Scarbrough, -Wm. A. Stephens, James J. Vaughters, Hezekiah B. Vibert, John Wood, James D. -Witt, James Warner, John Woodam, Pleasant Wilson, Samuel H. Witt. Milton Woodram, Jesse "V. White, Thornton West, James Young, Thompson Dlckerson, Henry L. Borders, John W. Austin, John B. Austin, Trivas Elmore, Allen El- 250 Union Regiments of_ Kentucky. more, Hiram Duncan, Isaac Guffey, Benjamin Hall, William A. HaU, John H. Mills, James Sharp, James G. Burton, Hezekiah Burton, Alex ander Brooks, Levi Cotton, Marion Elmore, Reuben Floyd, Lewis John son, Allen Smith, Nicholas P. White. Company " K." CAPTAIN— Nathan G. Wells. 1st LIEUT.- George S. Hughes. 2d LIEUT.— William D. Wolford. SERGTS.— James L. Willoughby, Wil liam P. Phelps,- William D. Stephens, John Stephens, William Hopper, James M. Ferryman, George W. Heniford, John L. Phelps. CORPLS.-; Alonzo Barger, George M. Wolford, Charles T. Phelps, Francis McEl roy, John W. C. Willoughby, Jeremiah C. Holder, Milton G. Dane. FARRIERS— Matthew McDaniel, Dempsey D. Dutton. WAGONER— Jesse J. Wright. SADDLER— Carrol Waldrldge. BUGLER— John W. Conn. PRIVATES— Ellas J. Barnes, AUen Bernard, Mason Brummett, Jas per Brummett, Jefferson Blankenship, Jas. Butler, Archibald G. Bailey, John T. Bowman, James R. P. Chapman, RUey Criswell, Isaac Chris- man, Joseph Coe, Ambrose Cundiff, James Coalter, Green Coe, John S. Dick, Richard A. Davis, Logan Dunbar, Wm. P. Dane, Littleton B. Dane, Parker H. Dice, William N. Foley, Moses Foley, James Gaskin, Cyrus Grider, Francis M. Hale, John C. Hale, Thomas Holt, Matthew Hughes, WlUIam E. Kinnett, Joseph C. Kean, James Long, George A. Lucas, John McBeath, John F. McElroy, 'Jesse Mann, Morgan Mc Danlel, Littleton McElroy, Azure Miller, William Popplewell, Robert M. Paxton, King L. J. Roy, Asa M. Roy, Jeremiah Scaggs, Asa M. Sullivan, John C. Scales, , Obediah U. Toler, Allen T. Twiford, Lion B. Wooldridge, Robert Whittle, Sidnej' Wooldridge, Morgan "Womack, Alexander Wil son, Wesler Wilson, John AA'Uson, Daniel Wilson, John Winfrey, Green Woldrldge, Milton Womack, James H. Woldrldge, Wm. M. York, Richard H. Ferryman, James E. Kempton, Benj. P. McGuire, David C. Popple well, John W. Ferryman, Isaac F. Pollard, Cain J. Scaggs, Wm. W. Scott, Wm. T. Williams, Hiram Bernard, Levi B. Gosser, Andrew Mead ows, Henry S. McElroy, David L. McElroy, James F. Plymate, John H. Speece, Archibald Scaggs, Ephriam M. Kinnett. Company " L." CAPTAIN— John R. Curry. 1st LIEUTS.— Black Hughs, Francis Montgomery. 2d LIEUT.— James M. WUUams. SERGTS.— WUliam F. Squires, Dudley W. Sinclair, Alexander P. Hardin, Joseph Dudley, Jas. P. Guy, Vincent A. Walkup, George W. Sinclair, Milton J. Murrell. CORPLS.— Lewis ChUdress, George A. Cundiff, Henry B. Ingram, Chas. AA^ Sparks, Joseph J. lessee, John C. Calhoun, Samuel Spaulding, Sam uel WiUiams. FARRIERS— William R. Smith, Franklin W. DannUe. BUGLER— Theodore Hancock. SADDLER— Nathaniel Childress. WAG ONER— John R. Sparks. PRIVATES— Tate R. Alexander, Albert Antle, Austin Bailey, John S. Bingham, Fountain Blankenship, John J. Bell, James Bryant, James A. Blakeman, Zachariah Beard, George W. Curry, Almarlne M. Carter, Thomas Coffey, Marcellus Chambers, Daniel M. Duke, John Finn, Jas. A. Furkin, James T. Fitzpatrick, Marraaduke Grider, Martin M. Guy, George W. Gilpin, James P. Hancock, Thomas B. Hood, Jesse Hord, Hezekiah Hannon, John F. Harper, Simeon Hansen, Samuel Jones, Wil liam Jones, Joseph Jones, Henry B. Jones, Benjamin Jesse, Calvin Jesse, WiUiam Jesse, John W. Kiltner, Elisha Keaton, Perry J. Loveless, Ab salom Leach, WiUiam Leftreich, James H. Leftreich, William McReary, John T. McMahan, WiUiam A. Miller, George Meredith, Pleasant S, Mon roe, George W. McClusky, Jefferson P. Pickett, Delaney Rodgers, Samp son Rodgers, Edward R. Reece, Elsy C. Rodgers, John S. StuUs, Hardin T. Sraith, Martin Squires, John AA^ Sullivan, Robert M. Sullivan, John M. Smith, John P. Sexton, Francis P. Smith, WUUam R. Smith, George W. Smith, James C. Squires, Dudley Thomas, Daniel R. Wright, John H. Wesley, Nelson Watson, Wm. D. Walker, John Womac, William H. Wil son, Samuel T, Jones, Bethel Odell, WUUams Samuel, James C. Blank enship, William W. England, Harvey H. Hugho, Hlnsey Leftriok, David J. Reece, James M. Wade, George Golahare, James H. Pendleton Fourteenth Kentucky Cavalry. 251 Company " M." CAPTAIN— Gorge W. Penn. 1st LIEUT.— John Ellis. 2d LIEUT.— Franklin L. Shipman. SERGTS.— Garland Hubble, Harrison Suber, Jno. PhUips, Bthelbert Stames, Lewis M. Roy, Jesse P. Akin, Sidney Philips, Henry Lance. CORPLS.— Thomas Wells, Franklin Haste, Ben jamin L. Ball, William R. Prather, George A. Dougherty, Martin Riley, George W. Wright, Andrew Leech, Robert Patterson. FARRIERS— Jas. M. Progge, Washington King.- SADDLER— Wm.- Montgomery. WAG ONER— Arthur E. Huster. PRIVATES-j-Ezekiel Bement, Wm. K. Burton, EU W. Burton, Jas. Butcher, Godfrey Baugh, James Croucher, James T. Cowan, James E. Clark, Henry Detran, John Dye, Isham Edwards, Joseph B. Edwards, Thomas Gillem, WiUiam Gillem, George Hancock, Wm. T. Hubble, James R. Hazlett, John Haly, Tinsely Haly, Thomas Hill, Milton Hurt, Al bert Hurt, Washington Hurt, William Hurt, Squire HUl, Timothy Han ley, Franklin Jones, Andrew J. James, Matthew Leech, Samuel Lane, George Lane, Ephraim McKinney, William Mefford, John McKone, Harrison Madison, Isham McPeak, Samuel Pemberton, Charles Pem berton, Newton Powers, John T. Russell, George Richards, William Rich ards, Benjamin Starnes, Clinton T. Starnes, Josiah Starhes, James M. Snow, Joseph Surber, William Shaw, William Taylor, John C. Vaught, Geo. W. Varnesdale Rice Ware, George Welsh, Jacob Wiglns, Edward Wells, Wm. T. Weaver, John Walls, Andrew Young, Michael G. Young, Michael Young, Wm. M. Yohe, Jeremiah Landers, Jno. M. Stewart, Wil liam W. WUburne, George W. Witham, Wm. J. Wood, John Witham, John Young, David T. Pe^^ell, John Giles, Wesley R. Trimble, Eli Cau- thom, Dabney E. Cauthon, David Dove, George A. Farman, Franklin T. Johnson, Jackson Loman, Wm. T. Martin, John Peyton, George Stiles, Peter P. Walls. Fourteenth Kentucky Cavalry. The organization of the 14th Ky. Cavalry was begun in the summer of 1862. H. C. Lilly, a lawyer at Irvine, Estill county, and who has since been circuit judge in that district, was appointed colonel, Avith authority to raise the regiment. The companies Avere promptly recruited in the counties of Estill, Owsley, Bath, Montgomery, Clark, Madison, Rockcastle and PoAvell; they assembled at Mt. Sterling in July, but before any organization had been effected, and before arms had been obtained, the Confederate forces, under Gen. Kirby Smith, came into the state. The fighting which took place at Big Hill and Richmond caused the unarmed men of the 14th to aban don their camp at Mt. Sterling, and for a time the organi zation was practically disbanded, though some of the men were held together, and fought against Morgan's cavalry, at Brooksville, Ky., when they retreated from Augusta, Ky., in September. The stay of the Confeder ates in Kentucky was brief. The battle of Perryville occurring October 8, 1862, they left the state. The 14th Ky. men thereupon re-assembled at Mt. Sterling; four companies. A, B, C and D, were organized and mustered 252 Union Regiments of Kentucky. into service November 6th, and the regiment was com pleted in February, 1863, the other companies being mustered into service at Irvine February 13th. When the regiment abandoned camp at Mt. Sterling, as stated, some of its members were capitured and paroled, but among the captured was Capt. Samuel McKee. He be ing a mau of very decided convictions and known in fluence Avas detained as a prisoner, and sent to Libby prison, at Richmond, where he was held until April 30, 1864, when he w'as exchanged, and it is a singular fact, he was exchanged for Capt. Cal. Morgan, of Morgan's com mand, Avho was captured ih 1863. The services of the 14th Ky. were almost entirely in Eastern Kentucky. In December, 1862, the regiment under command of Lieut.- Col. J. W. Gallup was brigaded in the 2d Brigade, Col. J. C. Cochran, 3d Division, Gen. A. Baird, in the "Army in Kentucky." It was employed in scouting through the mountains, pursuing bands of raiders and generally for the protection of Eastern Kentucky. On the 3d of Jan uary, 1863, one hundred and fifty men of the 14th, under Maj. Stiv(M s, dashed upon a band in Powell county, cap- , turing their leader and eleven men, taking their horses, guns, etc. They belonged to the command of Gen. Hum phrey Marshall. In August, 1863, four companies of the 14th, under Maj. Robt. T. Williams, were at Mt. Sterling, being in Gen. Boyle's division, Maltby's brigade; in Xovember, 1863, the 14th and 39th Ky. were under Col. Gallup, in Eastern Kentucky. In that month four companies of the 14th escorted Gen. Foster to Cumberland Gap, when on his way to take command in East Tennessee. In Decem ber, 1863, five companies, under ]Maj. John C. Eversole, were in Gen. S. S. Fry's district, of Northern-Central Kentucky, he having at that time fifteen regiments under him. At the same time the remainder of the 14th, under Col. Orlando BroAvn, were in Eastern Kentucky, in the command of Col. Gallup. The 14th was engaged in numerous skirmishes, and was engaged continuously in marching. Among its bat tles was the one at Dutton's Hill, in Pulaski county, near Somerset, March 30, 1 863, w^h'en Confederate Gen. Pegram, with about two thousand five hundred, was attacked by the Union troops under Gen. Gilmore. After an engage ment of several hours, Pegram was driven from the coun try and over Cumberland river, with considerable loss. The 14th also Avent on the East Tennessee campaign, un der Gen. Burnside, in September, 1863, and participated m the hardships and dangers of that campaign. But the J ¦-' Fourteenth Kentucky Cavalry. 253 greater part of its service was iu the mountains of Eastern Kentucky, on constant out-post duty. The 1st Battalion was mustered out of service September 6, 1863, and the remainder of the regiment in March, 1864. In connection with the account of this regiment should be mentioned the report pf Hon. Wm. H. VA'adsworth, of Maysville, made to Gen. H. G. Wright, October 29, 1862. He states that October 16th he left MaysviUe and proceeded to Mt. Sterling with 381 men, recruited for the 14th Cavalry. On the way he ascertained that Gen. Humphrey Marshall was retreating from Kentucky on the road to Hazel Green. Mr. Wadsworth says he pursued this force and captured 150 prisoners. He scouted the country, he says, through the counties of Bath, Powell, Estill and Clark, captur ing prisoners, horses and arms. He gives a deplorable account of the depredations of the enemy, and states that his district has sent six in fantry regiments to the front, and had raised the 10th Cavalry which was the only regiment then left to protect that part of the state at that time. (War Records, A^ol. 16, p. 1145.) Field and Staff. COLONEL— Henry C. Lilly. LIEUT. COL.— Andrew Herd. MAJS.— Joseph W. Stivers, Alfred Smith, John C. Eversole, R. T. Williams. ADJTS.— Frank B. Tucker, John H. Massie, Thos. C. Reed. Q. MASTERS —Alex. M. Barnes, Lewis M. Rlcketts. COMMISSilRY— Saml. W. Hat ton. SURGEONS— Washington Pithian, James P. Turner. , ASST. SURGS.— James W. Hensley, Mathew G. Jones. SERGT. MAJ.— Wm. F. Cole. Q. M. SERGT.— A. C. Lanehart. COM. SERGT.— Hezekiah Creech. SADDLER SERGT.— Stephen P. Wallace. HOSP. STEWARDS — Elias Smith, Robert Pendley. Company "A." CAPTAIN— Fountain Finnell. 1st LIEUTS.— John W. Ogden, Joseph T. Smart. 2d LIEUT.— William P. Schooler. SERGTS.— WiUiam D. Rucker, Ell J. Craycraft, John S. Gravitt, Solomon C. Elkin, Frank H. Oldson, John H. Hamilton, Robert S. McMillan, Benjamin F. West. CORPORALS — John Finnell, Thomas Hall, Leland Harris, Sidney C. Kerr, Thomas P. Gateskill, John Mclntyre, Thomas Webber, Samuel Smart. WAGONERS— Robert L. Palmer, John S. Kimes, Lawson W. KImes. FARRIERS- John W. Sparks, Perry H. M. Hazlerigg. SAD DLER— Albert . G. Clemons. HOSPITAL STEWARD— Alexander C. Cloud. PRIVATES— Anderson Adams, WUliam W. Adkins, WUUam R. Bun- ton, Azarlah Blount, William H. Brungar, Sa,muel P. Clendenan, William H. Coulthard, James Daily, Silas A. Elkins, Daniel A. Everman, WUliam P. Fox, Simon G. Gillispie, Westley Hudson, John Hudson, Benjamin Hudson, French H. Houston, George W. Hencie, John Jons, James John son, William J. Jelly, William F. Kerr, John B. Kerr, WiUiam Lilly. David Larlson, AVUliam Linehan, John Montague, William H. McMillan, Benjamin E. Myers, WUliam T. McClary, Michael Murray, Simpson Os- bon, George Osbon, Noah Puckett, Samuel Puckett. John A. Powell, John Renter, Andrew J. Pendle, James T. Peratt, Louis C. Quisenberry, Robert F. Richardson, William W. Rice, Benjamin G. Rice, John D. Rankin. George W. Roberts, Washington A. Reid, George W. Stone, John H. Stone, Benjamin T. Stone, Archibald Stone, John W. Sherman, Thomas H. Shannon, George W. Smart, JohnH. Shannon, Robert Scott, William Welb, Jesse Winburn, Chilton White, William P. Williams, John White, Francis White, Jones Webber, James W. Wood, David D. Willson, John S. Williams, Wm. B. Vaughen, Issac Garvitt, David Henderson, Alex ander Kimes, Harrison B. Richardson, Octavius Stevens, George A. Cot man, Ambrose D. Ham. 254 Union Eegintents of Kentucky. Company " B." CAPTAIN— Wm. D. Craig. 1st LIEUT.— Mason C. Millfer. 2d LIEUT.— Robert A. Thomas. SERGTS.— George W. Deator, George W. Fielder, Samuel W. Hatton, Andrew J. Powell, George W. Cannoy, James S. Searcy. Robert J. Capps, Daniel D. Taylor. CORPLS.— Wm. Shirley, Harvey Sowder, Samuel Lyon, Wm. G. Capps, Caleb Wyatt, Aaron Sarver, Joseph W. Robinson, Martellus Hatton. WAGONERS— John T. Cox, Jesse Dennis, Pleasant W. WUloughby. FARRIERS— John Owlngs, .Samuel Banks. SADDLER— Don W. Frazier. PRI"VATES— Milton Anderspn, Benjamin Albright, John Alexander, Randal G. Allen, John A. Adams, Samuel W. S. Bothwell, John G. Brown, Prank Bruner, AA'm. R. Barnet, Benjamin Bentley, John T. Craig, John Conly, Josiah J. Cash, William W. Conley, Nathaniel C. Grain, Henry Crabtree, Harvey Crabtree, Harrison R. Dowell, William Dennis, David Elder, Enoch Foley, John S. Garrett, Henry T. Garrett, Wm. E. GInijett, AA'illiam H. Ginn, Pleasant GlUeon, Gibson Garrett, Henry Harman, Henderson Hutchison, George W. Hensley, WUUam C. Hensley, Wm. A. Herron, Sylvester G. Hunter, George Helton, Robert H. Jobell, Wm. C. S. Ingram, Augustus G. Kendrlcks, Wm. E. Knox, John C. Knox, Thomas J. Love, Francis M. Little, Wm. M. Morris, Tarlton Mannin, Richard Moberly, Lewis C. Martin, Tubal Mannin, Oscar Mathews, Henry Mclntire, Wm. S. Philips, John Porter, George B. Patten, John A. Porter, Wm. P. Patton, Henry Reffett, John Ryon, John C. Reynolds, Henry C. " Schoolfield, Danile R. Sowder, James Skears, John T. Sarver, Andrew J. StuU, Thomas J. Sewell, Robert Stewart, Benjamin Thompson, James H. Toliver, William Tlnsley, George L. Tabb, John W. Trimble, William Topius, James W. Vansant, Alexander J. Vaughn, Alfred White, Wm. H. White, Mahlan Willoughby, Benjamin Willoughby, WUliam Yocum, Wingate Young. Company " C." CAPTAIN— Seldon P. Bowman. 1st LIEUT.— Clayton C. Bell. 2d LIEUT.— Zachariah AV. Owen. SERGTS.— George J. Eaton, Thos. J. Harris, Ambrose M. Scrivener, Elihu Tincher, .George W. Herron, Moses P. Daniel, Rufus Hamilton, William R. Mead, John-Thomas. CORPLS.— Francis M. Park, William G. Dunnlway, WUliam Thomas, John W. New man, Andrew Wallace, Samuel P. Howell, Clendenna Curtis, William T. Ledford. BUGLERS— Henry Stamper, Elias T. Newman. FARRIERS — Wm. J. Smallwood, Wm. P. Crabtree. SADDLER— Robert S. Bowman. WAGONER— Leonidas Shanks. PRIVATES-^Amaslah Ashley, Marshall Arthur, James Arthur, Wm. H. Armstrong, Richard Adams, Henry Artls, Hiram H. BaUey, Jacob Barnes, Jesse Barnes, Thomas Blake, WiUiam Garner, Charles G. Cole, Robert H. Cooper, Thomas B. Curtis, Theodosius Curtis, John Crane, ¦ Francis M. Curamins, AnsU Campbell, William Crouch, Marcus Craw ford, Edwin F. Durbln, WUliam H. Dawson, Arberry Eastes, Jeremiah Eastes, John Eckley, Benjamin P. Frailey, George W. GrifiS-th, James R. Gilbert. Randall Hudson, Isaac Hutchison, Thomas Horn, Ellas T. Howell, John M. Herndon, Godfrey Isaacs, James Irvine, Thomas Jef ferson, Joshua Jones, WiUiam Jones, Commodore P. Jones, George Kidd, James Lynch, William J. Land, Edwin T. Lane, Anderson Lowry, Daniel Moore, John Mayse, Samuel Mayse, WUUam J. Mayse, Isham 'Mayse, Francis Mcintosh, SUas Mcintosh, HartweU McBrayer, George W. Mc- CaUIster, Francis D. Newman, Henry H. Newman, Wm. R. Porter, John Price, Henry J. Pearson, James C. Potts, John Patrick, Joseph Reese, William W. Rlngo, Samuel Robinson, Henry B. Rose, John Stamper, WUUam Skinner, Moses Shavers, John Shuff, John C. Shuff, William R. Stephens, Robert Sling, Asa Tincher, James Taber, Samuel Tipton, Richard Taylor, Nelson Tipton, Samuel M. C. Turner, Albert Tipton, MUes M. Ward, Thaddeus WiUiams, William Ware. Company "D." ^ ^^^^^''^^^N-Samuel McKee. 1st LIEUT.-Allen H. Rupard. 2d LIEUTS.-Jaraes Kinnard, Henry C. Rainey. SERGTS.-Edward A. Thomas, Thomas W. Parsons, Elijah H. Smith, Ellas McQuithy, Charles Fourteenth Kentimky Cavalry. 255 -B. Fizer, Andrew L. Clinkenbeard, Laban Rupard, John W. Reed. COR PORALS— James H. Haggard, Robert M. Trumbo, Michael P. White, Henry L. Pitch, James J. Risk, John W. Hall, Stephen Clayton, Joseph KInnards. TEAMSTERS— Austin M. Brookshire, Irvine Brock, John M. Rice. FARRIERS— David J. Reynolds, Bennett Page. SADDLER— Charles S. Flcklln. WAGONER— John B. KImbreU. PRIVATES— Bingham Anderson, WUliam H. Anderson, Peter J. Anderson, George H. Alford, Asa R. Bateman, WiUiara Bunch, Clarke Bunch, Hyram Blythe, Schuyler Blackwell, Michael Conway, Archibald Cooper, Robert Combs, William E. Combs, George W. Cooper, DiUard H. Clarke, Andrew Coper, Jefferson Dawson, Jeremiah C. Easterllng, Joel English, WiUiam H. Eaton, Wm. H. H. Fletcher, Robert Fletcher, Lewis G. Goss, George W. Grayson, John GUlen, Green HaU, Henry Clay Hall, Wm. J. Hanks, James R. Hardwick, Thomas Horseman, Paschal Haney, Dennis Hanrahan, EU Hubbard, William L. Hanly, Johnson Hurts, William Jones, William A. Klrtly, John W. KimbreU, Hugh Lowry, Francis McQuithy, DeWitt Clinton Montague, Milford Messick, Thoraas A. McDonald, John C. McDonald, William H. MIze, William Otis, Robert F. Prater, Thoraas Patton, John Quinlam, Grenville Smith, Robert Sewell, Thomas J. Shoush, Richard Splvey, John See, William Stephen son, John Spencer, Algernon B. Tapp, DUlard M. Tapp, John Trumbo, Reuben Traylor, John Elery, WUliam E.'Voris, WiUiam "WiUiams, James "Welsh, George L. Coyle, Solomon Sprading, Abraham W. Baker, Michael Deware, Jefferson Hall, William Carrington, William P. Ow^n, Robert J. Patrick, Thomas J. Ricketts, Owry Steel, Thomas Ulery, Thomas Higgins, Wm. D. McNabb, Thomas Quinlan, Patrick Sweny. Company " E." CAPTAINS— Sylvester Isaacs, Andrew Herd. 1st LIEUT.- AA'illiam A. Smith. 2d LIEUT.— Abraham H. Wilder. SERGTS.- John S. Frost, WUliam Goodman, Hezekiah Creech, Harman C. Flanary, Gen. T. Herd, James M. Bowles, Albert G. Ward, Alamander Underwood, Neal Farmer, WUliam F. Cole. CORPLS. — Henderson Isaacs, James W. Jennings, John- H. Ward, James Cole, Thomas Lynch, Isaac D. Greyer, Richard Marcum, Lazarus M. Malnows. BUGLERS — William Miller, Wm. J. Wilder. FARRIERS— Spencer Hurley, WUliam Baker. SADDLER— James Parker. WAGONER— McCager Ward. PRIVATES— John T. Abner, Andrew J. AUunbaugh, John K. Bally, Isaac Bother, Major S. Bowman, Jonathan Brandenburg, AVUliam Brandenburg, Jackson Brandenburg, Robert S. Bowman, Abijah Burns, Samuel M. Cecil, James S. Combs, Tlnsley Combs, Abraham Carmack, William Conner, Jerome Cole, John Creech, Silas Crech, Almarlne Dezarne, Reuben Davidson, John Evans, Denton Farmer, Graham Parmer, Houston Parmer, John Flanary, Hiram Gabbard, Elijah Grief- feth, William Grleffeth, Edward Gabbard, John Garrett, Clabourn Hun- ley, Samuel H. Jacobs, Richard M. Johnson, James P. King, John F. King, Sandy Kidd, William LInch, Joseph W. Lane, John C. Ledford, Edmund Moor, Absolona R. Malnows, John W. Moor, Lewis Marcum, Thomas Mosler, John McHone, Peter Madden, Jacob Miller, Daniel S. MUler, Sarauel R. Miller, Armond G. Nealy, John Nealy, David R. Nealy, Isaiah Phipps, Anderson Peters, John Portwood, William Portwood, William H. Portwood, Theophilus Phillips, Charles Roberson, Andrew J. Rose, Julius S. Roberson, Prederlpk Rader, John Smith, David D. Spivy, William Stewart, William R. Smith, WlUIam J. Seals, James Turner, Richard Tyre, Jackson Trultt, AVUliam H. Tackell, Hiram Young, James D. W. Edwards, Robert Penley, Elisha Bowman, Meredith Burns. Frank lin Garrett, Joel W. Stewart, Elisha Stewart. Company " F." CAPTAIN— Jefferson Hall. 1st LIEUT.— Abraham W. Baker. 2d LIEUT.— David AV. Gentry. SERGTS.— Joseph M. Swain, John S. Baker, EUjah King, Joel A. Warford, Lewis P. Walton, George B. Noland, George W. French, Archibald C. Lainhart. CORPLS.— Stephen W. Penk, James White, Ancil Puckett, Andrew J. Harrison, Abner G. White, AVUliam R. Wrinkler, Lewis M. AA'rinkler, Irvine Jamison, William A. 256 Union Regiments of Kentucky. Oelesbv Sidney Todd. BUGLERS— Samuel King, William H. Becknel. FARRIERS-John AUcorn, William Rubel. SADDLER-Ames Richard- PRIVA TES— Albert AUcorn, Elza Adams, Plelden G. Adams, WUl iam P Adams, Thomas W. Adams, Hutson Brinegor, Sherod Baker, Edward A Corneleson, John Coffey, William W. Coffey, John S. Crowm. James A Crow Isaac Dunaway, Morton Dunaway, Michael Dewire, James Dickey, Howard Eades, AUen Edge, James R. P. Edge, Harrison Farthing John Pry, Jeremiah Porthering, Brawdas Hisle, Silas Hlsle, Walker Hisle, James B. Hinds, Howard W. Hinds, Rosten Harris, Samuel F Hinds Henry S. Isaacs, Samuel T. Jones, Morgan Jinkens, Alexander J-ohnson ' Henry Jent, WilUam Johnson, Ancil D. King, Robert King,. DiUard Lackey, Alonzo Lamb, Othmel Morganson, Jordan Muncy, James Muncy, Samuel Muncy, James W. Muncy, HashviUe Mcintosh, Pleasant B Mcintosh, Azarlah Martin, John H. Masters, James R. Neal, Richard pierson. Parsons Richardson, John Richardson, John D. Rose, William N Reeves James Sheir, Perry Skinner, Andrew J. Tharp, Grenberry Tharp, Satterwhite Tyre, Francis M. Taylor, Bethel Winkler, Francis- M. Witt, Henry White, Thomas S. Wanmouth, John A. Wise, MerrUl Willis, Simon K. Witt, Henry C. AVammouth, Elias AVhite, James S. Walters, Francis M. Wilkerson, Simpson Winkler, James R. P. Winkler, Franklin King, Henry C. Lilly, Jonathan C, White, Samuel Crow, Harvey Reeves. Samuel Vickerson, William Rose. CJompany "G." CAPTAIN— Jackson H. Jacobs. 1st LIEUT.— Jones A. Crawford., i 2d LIEUTS.— Pleasant Gillum, jaraes H. Armstrong. SERGTS.— Russell M. Dean, John Q. Warren, Hiram Pults, Ellas Ashcraft, Josiah Webb, James Smith, Nelson H. HamUton, Johnson Lewis, John A. Campbell. CORPLS.— Michael M. Lyon, Andrew Rase, Joseph L. AVltt, James Mc Laughlin, David Wiseman, Shadracht B. Johnson, Sylvester Land, James Ward. BUGLERS— Henry Shuff, John W. Jones. FARRIERS— Andrew J. Dean, Harden Golden. , SADDLER— Fountain H. Hasty. PRIVATES— Washington Abbott, Landon Adams, James H. Baker, Francis M. Batman, EU Buckles, David Brandenburg, Timothy Collins,. Sylvester Crouch, Jno. B. Canter, Jno. S. Campbell, Wm. Dewitt, SUas Duncan, Wm. Dameral, Wm. Howard, Jas. H. Honley, Wm. Horn, Geo. M. Harmon, Wm. G. Johnson, Jesse J. Johnson, P. M. Jones, Geo. W. Lunsford, Jas. Lykins, Riley Martin, Dan'l Martin, Houston Mullins, Jos. McQueen, Jas. A. Martin, Jno. McGuire, Henry Miller, Geo. W. Martin, Benj. Martin, John McQueen, Thomas Martin, Henry Mobly, James H. McGuire, Wallace Mullins, George W. Powers, Moses D. Payne, Jacob Peace, Egbert Putts, Washington Rider, Lanford L. Rainey, James M. Rainey, Gabriel Stevens, Lewis Smith, WUson Sowder, James Strange, Plavlus J. Shaw, Simeon Thomas, John J. Tipton, W^IUiam Tyree, Jesse M. Taylor, James Turner, Elijah Thomas, Clifton Thomas, Harrison Vaughn, John Ward, James WUloughby, James Winkle, WUUam Ward, Uriah Wiatt, Wm. C. Willoughby, John Wymore, David Arthur, William Furguson, Joseph Dunahue, Ambrose King, Andrew J. Lambert, James H. Lambert, William W. McCall, WUUam Richardson, James Stevens, John W. Warner, John WUloughby, Wiley Cornett, James H. Green, Jackson Lowman, John Lair, George Mefford. Company " H." CAPTAIN— Hiram Shons. 1st LIEUT.— Moses P. Daniel. 2d LIEUT. — James M. WUUams. SERGTS. — James L. SIgman, Jonathan N. Bishop, Moses Payne, John L. Hatton, John J. Plinchum, Jacob O. Fester, Gran vlUe D. Begley, Joseph Johnson, Stephen WUbourne. CORPLS.— Jeremiah CaUahan, WUUam Spurlock, John H. Cole, Moses M. Brewer, Jame-s A. Peters, Benjamin Bingham, Richard Spurlock, Wm. P. Plin chum, Robinson RusseU. BUGLERS— WUUam Snowden, Samuel Arvln. FARRIERS— WUliam Smythe, Thomas Day. WAGONER— Henry Bow- ' man, 1st. SADDLER — James Oliver. PRIVATES— Stephen G. Boules, Thomas Bowles, Hughs Bowles, William C. Baker, Henry Bowman,2d, Dilly Bradley, John Brown, Elisha Fourteenth Kenttwky Cavalry. 257 G. Bingham, Calloway J. Bingham, Elijah S. Bingham, Ruel Collins, Nicholas CoUins, Henry Couch, Andrew ' M. Curry, Henry Cornelius, James H. Coomer, Patten Coomer, John L. Creech, George Drinnonl Henry Evans, Samuel Evans, Alexander Finnessy, Robert GrimesI Charles Griffin, Joseph Hlgnlght, John Hosey, WUliam J. Jones, David JeweU, John S. KeUy, James Laer, John S. Lahgdon, Garlint Moreland, John Malaer, John Mcintosh, Jesse Mcintosh, AUen Morris, EU Mont gomery, Ransom C. Nealy, Joseph Porter, William T. Peters, Calvin Robinson, Solomon Robinson, John Riley, James Riley, William RUey, Zachariah Riley, 1st, Zachariah Riley 2d, Joseph Ronan, Joshua Smith, James Smith, Samuel Smith, Melvin Sims, Samuel C. Shepherd, Peley Short, PhUIp H. Shoemaker, Martin Stacy, Lewis Seals, Reuben Tow- send, Wm. J. Todd, James Towsend, Reuben Tipton, Ward Valentine, Thomas J. Witt, James Blevins, Ansbury Combs, Irvine Cornet, James Hamm, Reuben Hays, Wm. S. Ingram, Benjamin P. Mcintosh, James Nelson, Alexander Nelson, Dr. Franklin PhUUps, Simpson Smith, Will iam Tacket, Thomas F. Wilds, Ephraim Simpson, WiUiam Bowman, Wm. Z. T. Bailey, Taylor Brandenburg, Jordan Curtis, Bluford J. Flan- nery, George Melton, John O'Brien, George Hinds, Frederick King, Henry Wilson. Company "I." CAPTAIN— Thomas Amis. . 1st LIEUT.— John Amis. 2d LIEUT.— Wiley Amis. SERGTS.— Morris M. Baker, William Bishop, Alfred Amis, James T. Chadwick, Jameson Hacker, John Johnson, James B. Gay, James A. Baker. CORPLS. — William Burns, William Baker, Andrew J. Baker, Franklin Johnson, Morris Baker, Lewis Baker, Adoniram Ed ward, Abijah Smith. BUGLER— James Estep. FARRIERS- James M. Riley, Sylvester Smith. SADDLER— "Henderson West. PRIVATES — Anderson Amiz, John Abner, Jefferson Baker, William Bishop, Adoniram Baker, Squire Bishop, William Burns, Dany Bishop, Theophilus Bishop, John Burns, John Bishop, Sr., Nelson Bargo, Delaney Bargo, Ira Baker, John Baker, Alexander Bishop, James S. Baker, James M. Baker, Isaac Baker, Robert Baker, George Bailey, Gren Bailey, John Bishop, Jr., GrandvlUe Bishop, Robert Burns, Elijah Couch, Jesse Couch, Lewis Cole, Moses Camack, James Cole, Jeremiah Calahan, Sampson Couch, Samuel Davidson, Alfred Davidson, Ezekiel Dean, Alexander Dlson, Henry S. Evans, William Eversole, Enoch Englaijd, John Gilbert, William Gross, Russel L. Gray, Jesse Gay, Allen Housley, Logan Hacker, Julius Hacker, Claiborne Hacker, Leander Hamlin, Abel Johnsone, Robert Johnsone, WUUam Moberly, Levi Metcalf, Larkin Murrell, Sam uel Mannon, John Mcintosh, Elhanan Morgan, J. J. Crittenden Naper, John Peters, Jacob Rice, William Sandlin, Willis Sandlln, WUUam Sraith, James Sandlln, Anderson Short, Richard M. Tolar, Wiley Turner, Martin B. AVoodward, John W. York, Anderson'Clark, Henry Gay, Daniel Manon, Ira McQueery, Lewis Smith, Sr., Lewis Smith, Jr., James Akman, Will iam Estrldge, David Wilden, John D. Bowling, Joseph Hanis, Andrew D. Merrill, Jesse Turner. Company " K." CAPTAIN— William Strong. 1st LIEUT.— Edward Marcum. 2d LIEUT.— Nimrod Mcintosh. SERGTS.-Thomas Marcum, Alfred Little, Alexander Mclntyre, William Little, Jr., John C. Strong, Jaraes Haddix, Caldwell Oaks, Alfred Denton, Patrick Howard, Boyd Turner. CORPLS. —John Jackson, John Noble, Richard Thomas,' James G. Gillum, James RoUey, WUUam- Mcintosh, Henderson Kllburn, Peter Hays, Fugate McIU'tosh, Micager Oaks, John Harvy. BUGLERS— Coonrod Coble, Andrew J. ShuU. FARRIERS- Coor Helton, John O. Evan. SADDLER W. H. GUlum. WAGONER— Samuel Johnson. TEAMSTER— Wm. Rader. PRIVATES — WUUam J. Arrowood, Nathan Arrowood, Robert Bailey, James M. Cole, John Davidson, Sylvester Evans, Hiram Freeman, James Freeman, Benjamin Fugate, John Gross, James C. Griffith, Benjamin Harvey, Wesley Harvey, Andrew Hays, Alexander Herald, Thomas Herald, Benjamin Harris, Robert Jackson, Roland Jackson, William W. 17 258 Union Regiments of Kentucky. Jones, Edward Little, AA-ilUam B. Little, Thomas Ladd, Abraham Mc intosh, Absalom Mcintosh, Hendley Mcintosh, John McDanlel, Lawson MiUer, Benjamin Mcintosh, Henry Mcintosh, Madison Moore, WUliam Mays, George W. MUler, Nathaniel Miller, Richard Mcintosh, Samuel Mays! Henderson Mcintosh, Washington Noble, Relnolds Meredeth, George W. Robbins, Samuel Splcer, Jr., Samuel Sploer, Sr., Jesse Splcer, WUliam Stapleton, Wesley Stamper, WUliam Smith, WUliam Turner, -Wesley Turner, Stephen Tolsen, Abijah White, Elijah CoUins, WUUam Freeman, John M. Jones, William W. Coffey, Samuel P. Jones, Azarlah Martin, John H. Masters, Pleasant B. Mcintosh, James R. Neal, Green berry Tharp, Ellas White, Francis M. Wilkerson, Simpson Winkler, Lewis A. Walton, Levi Fugate, A'andamon Mcintosh, Peter Polmmer, Albert Stamper, Preaston Turner, Harrison Harvy, Hogan Hocker, Jesse Turner. Company " L." CAPTAIN— William B. Eversole. 1st LIEUT. — Thomas Johnson. 2d LIEUT.— Abner Eversole. SERGEANTS— Daniel Huff, Ray Hogg, Woolery Boling, John Campbell, Anderson Eversole, Alexander G. Duff, John Hoskins, Felldon Johnson, Reuben Maggard. CORPLS.— Ellhue Blair, Ezekiel Davidson, Thomas Hoskins, Thomas Smith, John S. Mor ris, William Smith, Jerome Combs, Peeldon Collins. BUGLER — Thomas Morris. FARRIERS— Daniel Deaton, John C. Duff. PRIVATES— Squire Adams, Robert Burgy, Lansford Banks, John Banks, Isaac Boothe, Cowden Collins, Finley Collins, Elijah Campbell, John Carapbell, James Campbell, Joseph Campbell, Preston Campbell, Samuel Combs, Hugh Combs, Jesse CoUins, James F. Combs, Woolery Carapbell, Jesse Carapbell, Hiram Campbell, Thomas Campbell, Samuel Couch, Carr Couch, John Crouch, Henry Collins, George Collins, Watson Collins, Calvin Collins^ Enoch Combs, James C. Combs, Thomas Collins, William Campbell, Levi Couch, Jehu Cody, Elijah S. Duff, Jacob Dehart, Joseph Done, George Eversole, Joseph W. Eversole, Thoraas Eversole, Hirara Eversole, John Feltner, Jaraes M. Ford, Lewis Peltner, Jesse Gibson, David Gibson, John Griflfltts, John W. Hall, John Holiday, David Hubard, Irwin Jones, William Milem, Owen R. Moyers, William Moore, Micajah C. Napier, Micajah S. Napier, Ezekiel Napier, James Osborn, John Smith, Luther Sizemore, Thomas Stidham, Isaac Smith, James Smith, Stephen. Stamper, William Stamper, Jeremiah Smith, William Sizemore, Calvin Stacy, Wllburn Sizemore, Phenix Stacy, WUklson SIzeraore, William Wooton, Charles Wooton, Irvin Wooton, Reece D. Young, Sanders CoUins, Elias AA'. Smith, Green Holiday, Russell Size- more. Company " jvi." CAPTAIN— Harrison Fields. 1st LIEUT.— James Eversole. 2d LIEUT.— Shadrack Stacy, Jr. SERGTS.— Samuel Johnson, John C. Huff, Samuel P. Murrell, John Rouse, Ira Combs, Irvin Felkner, Henry Felkner, James Hogg, Serley Johnson. CORPLS.— James Collins, Will iam D. Baker, William Wooton, Shadrach Jones, Andrew WUllams, John Breeding, Benjamin Davidson. Martin P. Murrell, Leander Felk ner. FARRIERS- Jonathan Kelly, Jonathan H. Ison. SADDLER— Newton J. Murrell. WAGONER— Elijah Eversole. BUGLER— Shead- rach Hencely. PRIVATES— Theophilus Asher, Frazier Adams, Jessp Adams," Solomon Adams, Sr., Nelson Adams, Solomon Adams, Jr., John Adams, Spencer Adams, WUUam A. Begley, James Baker, Brison BarreU, John Y. Begley, Acca Begley, Alfred Brooks, Abner Campbell, John Carapbell, Alexander Clarkston, Harrison Combs, John Combs, Jr., AVashlngton Combs, Elihu CampbeU, Thomas Clarkston, Bllhu M. Combs, Caxloa Combs, John Combs, Robert Cornett, Jeremiah Coinbs, John Combs, Sr., Abijah CampbeU, Ellas Combs, HandbUl Combs, Stephen Causey, Lewis Eversole, Nerval Fields, Hiram Fields, John Parler, George Fetty, George Flelds, James Flelds, Carter Flelds, Jackson Gabbard, Wm. Hendrix, James M. Hale, Edward Huff, William Holdbrooks, William Johnson, Nimrod Kiser, WUUam Kilborn, Joseph Lewis, Mathias Lewis, Delaney Lewis, Wm. P. Lewis, John C. Lewis, James H. Lewis, Samuel Fifteenth Kentucky Cavalry. ¦ 259 Lewis, David Lewis, John Milton, William MUler, WUey Oliver, John Oliver, James Richardson, Jesse Reark, WUUam Stevens, Stephen Standafer, Samuel Standafer, David Thomas, Irvin Wooten, Adam Wooten, Jesse Young, Timothy Young, Wm. Young, Francis M. Young, Tilford Abner, John Creech, Silas W. Creech, Graham Farmer, Houston Parmer, John Garrett, Franklin Garrett, William Griffe, General P! Herd, Richard M. Johnson, Lewis Marcum, Samuel R. MUler, Davis R. Neeley, William Portwood, Wm. H. Portwood, Frederick Rader, Wm. R. Smith, William Stewart, Alamander Underwood, Wm. D. Jones, George W. Baker, Thomas Cady, Hiram Holdbrooks, John Holdbrooks, Levi Viles, John Young. > Fifteenth Kentucky Cavalry. This regiment was recruited and organized by Col. Gabriel Netter, who had been a captain in the 26th Ky. Infantry. While he was organizing in camp at Owens boro, on the 19th of September, 1862, a Confederate force under Col. Scobee attacked his camp, and Col. Netter was killed in the fight that ensued. This was the only loss; the attacking force was driven off and pursued. The regiment soon was assigned to duty at Paducah, where it remained doing duty, in all that part of the state, during its entire term of service. In the organization of the army it was in the 16th Army Corps, in Gen. Asboth's division. It was commanded sometimes by Lieut.-Col. A. P. Henry, and sometimes by Maj. W. Waller. Company C, Capt. Belt, was in the 23d Army Corps, in Gen. Boyle's division, Shackelford's brigade, and performed duty in that con nection. In June, 1863, the 15th went to Spring Creek, Tenn., where it had a brisk skirmish with the enemy. June 15th, Gen. Asboth says, the 15th is scattered all over the District of Columbus. September 20, 1863, an expe dition, under Col. J. S. Martin, of the 111th 111., went from Paducah, through Mayfield into Tennessee, cleaning the country of lawless bands. The 15th was with this ex pedition. The regiment was mustered out October 29, 1863. At the time the 15th was recruited, and during its .term of service, the state of Kentucky was overrun by "guerrilla bands," as they were termed. These bands roamed about doing all the damage they could to every thing appertaining to the Union cause. It is sometimes said they were entirely lawless, and not Confederate soldiers, but, whenever captured, they had no difflculty in establishing the fact that they were regularly con stituted Confederate soldiers. They made the presence of a large armed force necessary in Kentucky, and it was on this duty that the 15th was employed. Its service 260 ' Unio7i Regiments of Kentucky. was incessant during its whole term, operating mainly by companies and detachments, over a large section of the state. Field and Staff. LIEUT. COLS.— Gabriel Netter, Albert P. Henry. MAJOR— Wiley Waller. ADJT.-John W. Lockhead. Q. MASTER— Thomas Alexander. COMMISSARY— Patrick H. Darby. ASST. SURGEON— Selathiel Me- darls. SERGT. MAJOR— BernarS Burghatter Q. M. SERGT.— James D. Castilow. COM. SERGT.— Eugene Dodd. Company "A." CAPTAIN— Samuel Duncan. 1st LIBUT.-Henry W. Rpse. 2d LIEUT.- George P. Barnes. SERGTS.— Jas. K. P. Bondurant, Thomas J. Green, William N. Brewer, James A. Foster, Joseph Stiers, Dlcus A. McGregor, William Liles, Calbert W. AVoodall, Joseph B. Free. COR PORALS— William C. Dawes, George W. Minter, Isaac Washam, John M. Bondurant, WUliam Newsom, Alfred D. Cosby, William A. Anderson, Alexander K. Waller, Newton Briton. TEAMSTERS — Francis M. Smith, Jesse L. Bean. FARRIERS- Henry Smith, Robert R. McDer- mlt. SADDLER— John W. Smith. WAGONER— Jesse M.' Smith. PRIVATES— William Baker, Thomas B. Baker, John W. Boyley, Eli jah D. Brazell, Francis M. Bond, Erastus Burnett, Henry C. Brinkley, John C. Bean, Henry B. Carper, Moses L. Cochran, Thomas Creek, Jas. W. Dupree, Philip H. Feasor, William H. Free, Mathew J. Free, Frank lin Finley, WUliam Plchner, James W. Gibson, WUliam Harrell, John Huchinson, George W. Hoges, James M. Hendrickson, WUlis G. Hicks, Jesse A. Hoge, James Harding, John W. Liles, Zachariah M. Liles, Henly P. McGregor, Gustavus Minton, Francis M. Minton, Richard H. Minton, James W. Minton, John McGregor, Thomas M. J. Phelps, Thos. C. Phipps, William P. Rudd, Marshall L. Rudd, James K. P. Rose, Jas. M. Rose, Natham Riley, John N. Smith, Casper Smith, Bly Smith, Timo thy Shay, Walter Seaford, Henry Tiller, Jno. C. Williams, Jas. A. Wood- all, Joseph M. Woodall, Jonathan M. Ward, General L. W^ard, WUliam H. Wicks, M'artln R. Waller, Wesley H. Brinkley, Looney Humphries, James Poindexter, Hampton Ward, James C. Collie, James W. A. Doores, Sarauel Garret, Samuel Herrell, William Jones, William A. Jackson, John York, MUes M. Bean. Company " B." CAPTAIN— Sam'l M. Purcell. 1st LIEUTS.— Isham S. Mallory, Thos. Alexander, Francis M. Gilliland. 2d LIEUT.— Jaraes Clement. SER GEANTS— WiUiam P. CoUier, David Heflln, Henry Ford, John Graves, George W. Toley, Henry Harper, Asher G. Gough. CORPLS.— Abijah Morris, James M. Morris, WiUiam J. Kellebrew, Napoleon B. Tapscott, James V. Hicks, George Langston, Thomas A. Stokes, Alexander Doug las, John H. Burkhart. TEAMSTER— WiUiam C. Thomasson. FER RIERS— Robert Wilkins, Archie Vandergruff. SADDLER— Palmer Tem ple. WAGONER— Charles H. Martin. PRIVATES— Coleman Bran, Henry B. Bran, Tilman V. Bran, Steph en C. Brundlge, Henry Burkhart, William Boyd, Lawrence Brasher, Geo.. Brooks, John Brooks, John Bazzell, John H. Barker, WUliam H. Bristo, Andrew J. Culp, Robert M. Conner, Uriah Dixon, Benjamin F. Egror, John W. Enlow, Jesse Eli, James Ford, Bradford R. Green, Levi C. Gwinn, John A. Gooch, Henry S. Greene, Joseph Griffith, James Gar ner, Joshua Gamlin, David Hicks, Simon P. Heflln, Jacob Huffman, Walker Humphrey, Ellas Hubbard, William Hubbard, William HiU, John Heath, William A. Jett, Henry M. Ivey, Jacob Keebler, Prank P. Kneeland, John Kirby, WUUam Kent, Andrew J. Keebler, Edward L. Lambert, Gibbons C. Lovelace, Demosthenes Mathews, WUliam Mor row, Madison McFarland, MUes R. Nance, Munroe Pennington, Harold C. Ross, Hugh M. Ross, KIndrel Ross, WUUam C. Rickman, Jacob Red- wine, Kendrlck M. Shelton, Calvin Snelling, John Snider, Wm. Tark- Fifteenth Kentucky Cavalry. 261' . ington, WUford Throckmorton, Wm. H. A'aandergrlff, Daniel Whita ker, James Whitaker, WilUam Warford, Samuel Warford, Ignatius Wortham, Elisha WUkins, George Wilkins, Frederick F. Whitworth. John WUllams, WilUam Wallace, Edward Brooks, Bernard Burghalter,' WUliam F. MUler, Leonidas Rose, Robert Black, Clayton R. Cromwell! John Culp, Charles Chrlswell, Elvis Lenard, Madison McFarland, Will iam Morton, WiUiam C. Stone, John Toley, Dresden WUkins, Thomas Walton, John M. Crowell, John H. Culp. Company "C." CAPTAIN— Jonathan Belt. 1st LIEUT.— Fountain P. Hawkins. 2d LIEUTS.- WilUlam B. Bush, Houston L. Keese. SERGTS.— James Par ish, Jasper N. Scott, William Travis, John M. Gregory, David H. EUis, John W. Tucker, Edward M. Ashley, John McConeU, John T. Shovise CORPLS.— Isaac Bloodworth, William D. Patterson, George W. Belt, WiUiam N. Allen, James Culerson, Douglass Jones, Marlon Wright, Martin Joyce, WIUIs Yates, Joel E. Bate. TEAMSTER— James Whlt- ner. FARRIERS— George W. Pilant, WlUIam Todd. WAGONER— Jeremiah Fulks. SADDLER— Henry J. AA'ilks. PRIVATES— Reuben R. Bush, Solomon A. Brown, Pinkney Belt, James P. Belt, John W. Brown, James Brown, John Board, John Bar- bee, James Beard, Alexander Bell, James M. Cooper, Zachariah Cum mins, Ferd A. CampbeU, Samuel Childers, Henry Duff, Alexander Dog- glt, William Davis, Marcus L. Dorrls, John R. Duncan, Nelson R. Er vin, James Ethrldge, Peter Flynn, Henry C. Farmer, Robert N. Grady, Charles Harvey, Willis Hamilton, David Howell, Charles C. Howell, Thomas E. Harris, William Harris, Henry R. Jones, Enoch Kingston, Ira LIterel, Jeremiah Lackey, Charles Louis, Jeral Leller, Thos. Lewis, WUliam Lee, John Lady, WUliam McMahara, William Merkam, Peter Merkam, John H. Miller, Hugh L. Norris, Thomas Needham, William Nickell, David Pulum, WUey Pulum, Thomas Pulum, Richard Parker, George W. Parish, Addison Pearce, Thomas Payne, Richard E. Ptillen, Charles Quertermons, Geo. Quertermons, John Roberts, Francis Roach, David Rush, James Wiley, James C. Rouland, Jesse Rouland, Franklin Riggs, Jeremiah Simonds, John Spring, William Taiber, Jonathan Tad- lock, George Tosh, Joseph Wlnans, Samuel WInans, Henry Walters, John R. Wilks, William Wyet, Henry Wiatt, Martin Williams, Alexan der Miller, John Wlbern, John R. Franks, Allen Cumims, Francis E. Hart, Janies Pinkston. Company "D." CAPTAINS— Wm. C. Frlzzell, Axel Nyberg. 1st LIEUT.— Morgan T. WUllams. 2d LIEUT.— Robert L. Lockhead. SERGEANTS.— Spencer S. Cope, Caleb N. Bell, John P. Stark, John McVeen, William Brewer, Reuben P. Starks, Lyman WUson, Daniel P. Pace, John W. Lockhead, Josiah P. Starks,. CORPLS.— WUliam Cornwell, Jesse W. Starks, Wm. H. Anderson, John M. Purdy, Oliver P. Burnham, ' Edmund C. Starks, Reuben Starks, Joseph P, Edwards, Robert D. Crozier. FARRIERS- Albert C. Hawkins, William J. Poster, Wm. Henderson. SADDLER— Samuel Johnson. WAGONERS — Joseph Collins, Reuben R. Cope. PRIVATES — James O. Alford, Crawford Bagwell, Robert C. Banis ter, Enos Boswell, Jacob Cooper, Daniel M. Cope, John Cornwell, John A. Cope, Jackson A. Cope, Andrew J. Cope, Thomas Collins, Joe H. Dike, James H. Edwards, John T. Edwards, James A. G. Foy, WUliam H. Foy, George S. Groves, James A. Groves, Alexander Grogan, Henry L. Gamblll, William G. Hurt, John Hicks, John J. Holt, John W. Hurt, William M. Hamilton, WiUiam Hickerson, Samuel T. Henderson, Den nis Jones, Griflth Joiner, James L. Jeffords, Nelson 'Joyce, John James, William Keef, Francis M. Lynn, Samuel H. Lynn, Andrew J. Lynn, Constantine Lynn, Joseph Lynn, William P. Lynn, Thomas B. Lynn, Frederick H. Meredeth, David McCorle, James A. Maxon, Joseph H. McHohan, Robrt H. Meredeth, Thomas MItchel, Robert Malone, Alford Nickel, James "W. Oliver, John H. Oliver, Barney Orr, Enoch Prltchet, WUlis Pace, Daniel W. Purdom, West D. Pace, Robert Perry, Frank lin M. Patterson, WUliam T. Redden, Jeremiah Smith, Henry Solomon, William Scherr, H. Henry, C. Snow, William H. Towlson, Stephen Towl- 262 Unimi Regiments of Kentucky. son, Norman E. Thornton, David Thornton, Thomas Williame, X»anier Young, Henry Branum, Elijah H. Lynn, Perry Lee, William Merrett,* Lawrence Tracy, Daniel Washburn,. John P. Woodward, William L Anderson, John W. Baker, William M. Cope, William J. Cathey, James; K. Hunt, Daniel Lynn, Oliver Roach, James K. P. Smith. Company " E." CAPTAIN— Lewis A. Hanson. 1st LIEUT.— John B. Key. 2d LIEUT. —Joseph P. Peck. SERGTS.— Francis M. Skaggs, John Arnett, William P. Davis, Thomas Davison, James R. Hayes, George E. Mason, William; H. C. Key, Elijah H. Carman. CORPLS.— Jones M. Sauyer, Frank. M Chapman, Joshua L. Allbrltton, Lafayette FuUand, Richard P. Piles, David A. Moore, James H. Thomasson, Herbert A. Henry. PRIVATES- James B. Adams, Henry T. Adams, Coleman C. -Adams,. William Adams, Amos A. Allbrltton, Richard W. Allbrltton, William B. Allbrltton, James H. Allen, Calbert E. Anderson, Willlg,m Alderson, Isaac N. Baldwn, William Bohanan, Jas. H. Beadles, WUliam L. Biflle, James P. Butler, Francis M. Butler, Francis A. Butram, Andrew P. But ram, Leander A. Cochran, James W. Congleton, Samuel C. Chapman, Archibald Carter, Ormond Condrian, Armbus Cantor, Richard Clark, > Elisha Casey, Joshua W. Crane, George W. Chipman, Martin Day, Al bert L. Emery, Elijah K. Ezell, James M. Grimes, Henderson Grimes, Randolph C. Gunter, John H. Galles, Thomas J. Gaskens, John P. Hughes, John A. Harper, Riley Hutchins, Edward Houchin, Green B. Inman, Bryant Jolly, Joseph James, WUliam D. James, Denis Ken- ward, Archibald Kendall, Thomas Landrum, John H, "Moore, Davis H. Moorefield, Franklin M. Moore, John D. Moorefield, Dempsey J. Mason, James Moore, Simon P. Murphy, Jesse A. Orr, Benjamin P. Patterson, Thomas Paynes, James W. Puryear, Henry Polsgrove, Benjamin Ross, John F. Sayre, Frank M. Sayre, William M. Sayre, Ferdinand N. Tuck, James L. Thompson, John B. Tucker, Elijah J. WUlett, Thomas White, Henry Williams, John M. Wallace, Samuel Worrell, Tipton B. "Walker, William J. Welch, Thomas J. Worman, Daniel AV. Chapman, "Thomas B. Erwin, John Moore, James H. Arnett, John J. Basford, Alexander Key, Charles L. Bruce, Jonathan Hibbs, Ferdinand C. Moore, Wm. J. Carmack, Marcus C. Johnson, Cornelius Young, Wm. N. Martin, John Cantor. / Company " F." CAPTAIN— Edward L. Maxwell. 1st LIEUT.— Chas. J. Akerstrom. 2d LIEUT.— Joseph A. Gates. SERGTS.— Edwin Jones, WlUis C. Glenn, James O. CostiUow, Henry D. Barnett, Alexander Kirk, Martin Kim- sey, William Lewis, Edmund Hawkins. CORPLS.— Alexander Gentry, Andrew Tosh, James M. Williamson, James Marley, Sr., William N. Phelps, John A. Williamson, Levi D. Graves, John Tegue. TEAM STERS— Wm. D. Johnson, Andrew J. Ray. FARRIERS— Andrew Mc Crea, Wm. J. Blarr. SADDLER— James H. Marley. WAGONER— Henry S. Sisk. PRIVATES— Charles Boyles, Wm. A. Burchwell, James T. Burch- well, Peleg Blakely, Joseph D. Beavers, Wm. A. Brooks, John Blakely, Jackson Colbert, Wm. P. Campbell, Wm. H. Coleman, Freeland N. Dal ton, John J. Dale, James T. Dalton, Daniel W. Frailey, Richard Frailey, -WUHam H. Praia, John Guess, James J. HUl, David T. Hall, Thomas J. HUlyard, Benjamin P. Johnson, Wm. B. Jennings, Felix R. Klmsey, Ephriam H. Klmsey, Henry Lady, Jesse M. McCaslln, Abraham Mar ley, Wm. H. Marion, Tapley Morton, John Morton, Daniel Needham, Landson D. Nicholas, Alexander Oats, PhiUp Oxford Henry C Parr George W. Pilant, Jr., Wm. P. Perry, Jeremiah H. Pickering, ifhomas S. Ramey, Wm. H. Riley, John H. Riley, John Shlrdan, Benjamin P. Stubbs, Wm. R. Stewart, Rufus M. Stokes, Josiah H. Simpson, George M. Thompson, John R. Thompson, Samuel A. Wllburn, Hiram L Ya ger, John Peter Zey, Charles H. Dunn, James O. CostiUow, George W Deurth, Patrick H Darby, Francis E. Dalton, James Eads, John Gray! James Holram, MUton E. Lady, David A. Martin, Aaron H. Rundle, John M. Wllburn. Sitdeenth Kentucky Cavalry. 263 Sixteenth Kentucky Cavalry. The adjutant-general's report only mentions this regi ment as being consolidated with the 12th Ky. Cavalry. In the official reports, it appears to have been at Lebanon, Ky., May 15, 1863, and in June and July following, in that section of the state in the command of Gen. E. H. Hobson. August 6, 1863, it was assigned to Col. E. H. Moore's brigade, in Manson's division, of the 23d Army Corps. It accompanied Manson's division in the expedition into East Tennessee, and August 22, 1863, was near Cleveland, engaged in skirmishing with the enemy. The 16th A\'as, at that time, commanded by Maj. Geo, F. Barnes. At this time, Col. H. G. Gibson, in a report, says: "I am much indebted to Maj. Barnes, 16th Ky. Cavalry, for the in valuable service rendered me by his cavalry, and I most cheerfully testify to the indefatigable exertions of his offlcers and men in watching and giving information of the movements of the enemy." September 11th, the 16th was engaged in patrolling the Hiwasse river, in the vicinity of Cleveland. The 16th returned from East Tennessee to Kentucky, and March 25 and 26, 1864, it was at Paducah, Ky. Col. S. G. Hicks commanded the post, and had with him, including the 16th, six hundred and sixty-five men; he Avas attacked by Forrest, with a large force, but Forrest was defeated and driven off with severe loss, for Avhich Col. Hicks and the men under him received the thanks and congratulations of the commanding officers. During the fighting at this place, the 16th, under Maj. Barnes, was ordered to make a sally and burn some buildings, in which were sharpshooters, and the order was promptly and ef fectually executed. It was in this fight that Confederate Gen. A. P. Thompson was killed. June 10, 1864, the 1st Battalion of the 16th, under Capt. Charles Bachman, being in Gen. Garrard's com mand, it was engaged in the fighting with Morgan, at Cynthiana, Ky., -ivhere Morgan was routed, and the 16th engaged in the pursuit. In the fall of 1864, the 16th accompanied Gen. Gillen's expedition to East Tennessee, being under the command of Maj. Barnes. September 10th it was at Strawberi-y Plains, from thence it went ito Bull's Gap, Greenville and Rogersville ; on the 2Sth it fought at Leesburg; on the 29th it was at Jonesboro; it then went to Duvall's Ford, on the Watau ga river, where it engaged the enemy. It then proceeded 264 Umxm Regiments of Kentucky. to Carter's station, and from thence back to Strawberiy Plains, where it was during October and November, 1864. Four companies of the 16th were consolidated with'the 12th Ky. Cavalry in March, 1864. These were the com panies which had been led by Capt. Bachman. The re mainder of the regiment seems to have remained with Col. Barnes. In the roster of the 12th Ky. Cavalry, it appears that Maj. George F. Barnes was major in that regiment, and Capt. Charles Bachman appears as captain of Company I. There is no roster of the 16th Ky. Cavalry, in the ad jutant-general's report, except that which appears in con nection Avith the 12th Ky. Cavalry. Note— The facts concerning the 16th, as above given, have been obtained from the official reports. Seventeenth Kentucky Cavalry. The 17th Ky. Cavalry Avas organized in the winter of 1864-5. A portion of the regiment was mustered into the United States service by Lieut. Russell, in December, 1864, at Russellville, Ky.; a portion by Capt. Smith, at Owensboro, Ky., in April, 1865; the remainder was mustered in at Louisville, -Ky., in the months of January, February and March. Thos. W. Campbell was commis sioned lieutenant-colonel, March 22, 1865; Saml. F. John son Avas commissioned colonel, April 25, 1865. The i-egi- ment did good service in the Southern portion of the state aud along the line of the L. *& N. Railroad, guarding that great military thoroughfare. December 14, 1864, it was at Russellville, not having been then mustered into ser vice. At that time Gen. Thomas had sent a strong cavalry force from Nashville to drive Confederate Gen. Lyon out of Western Kentucky. At Russellville, the 17th joined this force, being directed to report to Col. Watkins. It went with this force to Hopkinsville, and participated in all the operations against Lyon, fighting at Hopkinsville, and also in Lyon county. After the expulsion of Lyon, the 17th, under Col. Johnson, was left to garrison Hop kinsville, and protect the county from raiding bands- It was finally mustered out at Louisville, Ky., on the 20th day of September, 1865. It was engaged in numer ous skirmishes, iu which loss AA^as sustained, besides the battles at Hopkinsville, Bunker Hill, and in Lyon county, Ky. Col. Sam .Tohuson, of this regiment, had been a captain Seventeenth Kentucky Cavalry. 265 in the Sth Ky. Cavalry, and his knowledge of Western Kentucky, gained by his service in the Sth, and also by his residence in that part of the state, caused him to be very efflcient in the use of the 17th. Lieut.-Col. Thos. W. Campbell was a resident of Madi sonville, and had been a captain in the 25th Ky. Infantry. He had also seen service in the Mexican war, and was a well qualified offlcer. The adjutant of the 17th was David R. Murray, of Cloverport, Ky., a brother of Gen. Eli H. Murray. He was an officer of great intelligence, and has become one of the most prominent lawyers and public men of Ken tucky. Note— The 17th Cavalry was recruited during the months of August and September, 1864. As fast as the companies were recruited they were placed on active duty by the commander of the department of Kentucky. The field and staff offlcers of the regiment did not receive their commis sions until about March, 1865, although they had the requisite number of men enrolled and on active duty to entitle thera to their commissions and muster. At that time the governor of Kentucky and the commander of the department of Kentucky were having some difficulty which pre vented commissions from being issued, the result was that these oflicers failed to receive pay for their services from the date when they had the requisite number of men to the date when the commissions issued, March .25, 1865. T. W. CAMPBELL, Lieut. Col. Field and Staff. COLONEL— Samuel P. Johnson. LIEUT.COL.— Thomas W. Camp bell. MAJORS — John B. Tyler, Nelson C. Lawrence, Thomas J. Love lace. ADJT.— David R. Murray. Q. MASTERS— Virgil A. Jones, Robert Brodie. COMMISSARY- Thomas J. Bucha-nan. SURGEONS— William Randolph, Charles P. Hart. ASST. SURGEON— Joseph T. Harper. CHAPLAIN— Robert Y. Thomas SERGT. MAJOR— Daniel P. Tracey. Q. M. SERGT.— John G. Bailey COM. SERGT.— Franklin C. Brasher. BUGLER— James C. Barkwell. VET. SURGEON— Wm. Peyton. SAD DLER SERGT.— WUliam 'H. Teague. HOSPITAL STEWARD— Jeffer son G. Page. Company "A." CAPTAIN-James C. Bacon. 1st LIEUT.— Junius R. Clift. 2d LIEUT.— Robert R. Davis. SERGTS.-Thomas J. Aton, John S. Malone, .- Charles W. Rash, Beverly B. Key, John P. Price, Edwin R. Simon, Samuel A. Scott, WUUam Y. Slaton. CORPLS.— Benjamin S. Rash. Avelus C. Baldwin, James W. Wright, William H. GiU, Samuel H. Ha mer, Lewis W. Stapely, John R. Rash, George W. Fugate, WlUIam D. Coleman. BUGLERS— Thomas H. Jones, John B. Merrill. FAR RIERS— WUliam B. Gill, John Couch. SADDLER— William H. Lind say. WAGONER — James C. Stu ton. COOK— Marten Lansden. PRIVATES — Americus Ashby Wm. D. Rowland, Harrison R. Brow- der, David P. Bartley, Ebenezer Cole, Lemuel A. Carow, Albert S. Croke, Alonzo A. Chaddock, George Cliff, George W. Childers, Benjamin Gates, David D. Davis, Hezekiah T. Davis, Thomas B. Davis, Wiliam J. Davis, Henry H. Feigate, Thomas A. Prazer, O. J. Pawnwroth, Aza Gib son, Nathaniel S. Ginn, William R. Harris. Orlean A. Hebbs. Charles H. Hubbard, James A. HIU, Edward HIU, -William A. Howett, John C. Johnson, David W. Jones, Jacob Jourdln, James C. Lancaster, Thomas J. Lindsay. Chesterfield Lykins, Abraham Lyons. Lewis D. Littlepage, 266 Union Regiments of Kentucky. Martin Lansden, Charles McDowell, Daniel E. Mathews, Pleasant MiUs, John M. Martin, Commodore P. Oldham, W. H. C. Osborn, George Pay- ton, Thomals K. Rash, David J. Rogers, William S. Robertson, George W. Staton, Francis M. SIst, John S. Shannon, James M. Shannon, Thomas S. Sparks, William C. Southard, John K. Skackleford, George W. Sim mons, William T. Scott, Edward A. Sullivan, James H. Stark, Jesse Swope, William A. Smith, Albert G. Todd, Jarvis C. Tallpparo, A. L. Vanney, James H. Vandevere, James F. Weeks, William R. Wright, A. C. Wright, James S. Walker, Ezias Whitfield, Zeno F. Young, John G. Bailey, William Peyton, William H. Stanly, George Wright, Jeremiah L. Browder, Andrew J. Moore, Allen F. Mathias, James H. Moore, Wil liam Oldham. Company " B." CAPTAIN-James C. Wilson. 1st LIEUT.— John M. Cranor. 2d LIEUT.— Robert D. Chatman. SERGTS.— Henry C. Ashby, Abel Trot ter, Levi Trotter, William H. Teague, James S. Barr, George W. Grover, Thomas Cranor, Thomas J. Bates, Ibey B. Timmons. CORPLS.— St. Clair Southard, James W. Finley, James L. Egbert, Emanuel Trotter.^ James M. frilliland, William M. Crowley, John B. Thomas, Edward H. Ashby. BUGLERS— James M. Bumpass, Isaac D. Wilson. FARRIERS. — Thomas C. StuU, Watkins F. Simmons. SADDLER — Wm. R. Jones. WAGONER- Harden Hibbs. COOKS— Henry Fisher, Joseph Medlock. PRIVATES— Frederick M. Ashby, Jefferson H. Ashby, WiUiam T. Alexander, Slotha Beshears, Benjamin Beshears, William M. Brown, Willis Barr, David M. Browning, Thomas ' J. Bennett, Abraham Cook, James H. Cook, Edward Clark, Perry P. Crews, Samuel Deormand, "Wil liam D. Dunkerson, James D. Dunn, Samuel Edgar, Newton Franklin, Russell Gower, Rufus Howell, Church Howell, Thomas Hazzard, WU Uam H. Humphrey, William J. Hamilton, Bills Hurdleston, David A. Johnson, WUUam S. Long, James E. MUler, John W. McEwen, James C. Meek, Lucien B. Moore, Charles H. Mallham, Edward W. Orton, Charles H. Gates, James C. Parker, George W. Parker, O. S. Parker, Geo. Parsons, AUen P. Quails, Chesley QuaUs, William M. Rice, John Shipley, Albert L. Stevens, Fielding J. Southard, Henry H. Southard, William M. Southard, Robert B. Utterback, James P. Utterback, John M. Wig gins, Drury A. Williams, Elisha West, Benjamin P. Yandell, Richard Croucfi, Jefferson Gibson, Henry T. Logan, Henry C. Lappoon, Frank lin C. Brasher, Thomas D. Beshears, Garson M. Davis, WUliam M. Nox, Robert W. B. Woodruff) Alcana P. Williams, Louis Yarbrough, John W. Coram, Thomas DuvaU, WUliam. Douglass, M. W. McGee, George P. Oldham, Samuel Robertson, John W. SuUivan, PhUip Young, WUliam L. DuvaU, Isaac Ford, John G. Malin, WiUiam W. Morris. Company " C." CAPTAIN— Stephen M. Overby. 1st LIEUT.— John C. Young. 2d LIEUT.— David Jackson. SERGTS.— Gustavus C. Johnson, Robert Wal lace, Joseph M. BeUomy, Waller S. Phelps, Thomas W. Pollard, Wm. H. Anderson, West B. Sizemore, Wm. H. Wing. CORPLS.— Wesley W. Reynolds, John J. Hadon, Robert E. Henderson, Andrew J. Overby. Wil liam H. Mauzey, John C. Sizemore, David W. Bollver, Maurice France, Richard B. Henderson, Moses Huriey. BUGLERS — John E. Phalon, Francis J. Page. FARRIERS-John J. Reynolds, Wm. Wood. SAD- DLER-Patrick H. Guthrie. WAGONER-James Sears. COOK-Rains. PoUand. PRIVATES-Wm. S. S. Bollver. George W. Burchett, John E. Brown. Edward Bowdan, Lawner. B. Bennett, James H. Causler, Wil liam C Causler, Francis C. Creswell, Winfield S. Campbell, Leander Chandler, Thomas J Colman. Rufus J. Fletcher, Joel W. Gretcham, Joel E. Gresham, James J. GUlIam, AVm. J. Goddard. Alonzo Gibson, Joshua ^hn^r^f'"^^"',,,^ ''^"S ^^'¦*' ^''"' '^- Hammonds, William Hamby. An- TP^I 5' f "'^'^*°"', «°fee''t T. Hall, Thomas L. Jones, Chas. C. Jones, Th^r» T !!"^°,?^'^t'"''^ ^- Kennedy, Watson LyeU. Doctor S. Ladd, TovT^ ^^T^ "' ^7'^" ^^^'^^' ^'•a"'='« M. Morris, Hezekiah Mitchell, ^ ^J.,, 4"^^J' 1°.^'''^^ ^- McColpin, Daniel W. MarshaU, Thomas N. Monday. E. M. Maddox. Robert T. Moore, Charies C. Newson. JaS. Seventeenth Kentucky Cavalry. 267 T. O'Neel, Jlufus M. Overby, George W. Rice, Bluford T. Robertson, Dan iel T. Robertson, Finis Rogers, James R. Richmond, Wm. Saunders, Jas. Ships, Perry A. Sizemore, William A. Sterms, James J. Smith, WUliam C. Saddler. Thomas Templeton, James T. Taylor, William H. Thorn berry, Charles E. Tucker John H. Winders, John Fletcher, Zachariah Hays, Wm. T. Simpson, Alford Shoemaker, Alford V. Towns, Jeffer son G. Page, Daniel F. Tracy, Andrew J. Ladd, Arnold Rogers, Hub bard W. Reece, William Rice, AVillis A. Pollard, Joseph W. Reynolds, WiUiam Rogers, John T. Taylor, Robert H. WUUams, Thos. N. Gilliam. Company " D." CAPTAIN-James H. LUe. 1st LIEUT.— Thomas Bythe. 2d LIEUT. —Jack S. Bradley. SERGTS.— Joseph L. McGhee, Charles P. Butler, Jas. W. Sears, James H. Armes, David B. Ladd, Elijah B. Pidcock, Samuel W. Hay, Charles T. Bush, Thomas A. Dulaney. CORPLS.— Larkin W. McGugh, Alonzo B. Bearden, John P. Fooke, James W. Martin, George W. Lane, David W. Herring, Edward A. Carter, John B. Ford. BU GLER— Richard P. Lucy. SADDLER— George D. Travis. WAGONER —WiUiam E. Holster. FARRIERS— James W. Walker, Williara Red dick. j PRIVATES— James H. Allen, Samuel BaUey, Joseph Bean, Thomas A. Burchal, Franklin BInkley, Jaraes H. Berry, Joshua Blanchard, Wil liam E. Clarke, William A. Cotton, AA'illiam R. Carr, Jacob B. Coffman, Charles Clements, John W. Dearman, Zachariah T. Dowen, William W. Everett, William W. Praia, Joseph B. Grifl^n, Christopher C. Gilbert, Mark C. Gibbs, James W. Hull, John W. Hensley, Nicholas House, Al ford Y. Hay, WUliam Hicks, John P. Halsey, George M. Hudson, Tins- ley Haley, Benjamin P. Hendricks, Stewart Henderson, John Haley, William W. Jones, George Jenkins, George W. Joiner, Benjamin P. Keyser, Stephen Kirby, Augustus Long, William A. Ladd, Simon P. Linsey. John C. Linsey, John W. McCord, George Massey, Robert H. Martin, Alonzo L. Matheny, Isaac A. Powers, Richard N. Phillips, John Purnell, James M. Peay, Warren T. Roark, Joseph W. Rlcketts, Joseph C. Rutherford, WUUam Rollins, John H. Rockety, George W. Redman, John J. Smith, Robert. A. Sraith, Edward Saddler, Jaraes A. Shahan, Thoraas B. Williams. George M. AA^rlght, MUes A. Watson, James R. Westbrooks, Thomas B. Dearman, John Kates, John W. King, John W. McGhee, John W. Denton, James A. Green, John W. Jeffries, James M. Keys, Levi L. Malone, Wm. R. Roland, Naughford D. Smith. Radmale N. ^Yates, James H. Oglesby, Wm. T. Griflin, Wm. B. Martin, Thos. B. Martin. Company " E." CAPTAIN— Ed. Hartee. 1st LIEUT.— James M. Young. 2d LIEUT. George W. Tatum. SERGTS. — Julian Bradshaw, Andrew Trainer, Abraham Carver, James Richards, Francis M. Dean, Eli McFarland, Augustus Breathett, Peyton Breathett, Nicholas Stevens. CORPLS.— Henry P. Young, Madison Cotton, Michael Doyle, James C. Durbin. George D. McWilliams, John RusseU, Hiram P. DIU, Henry RUey, Jesse Ratcliff. BUGLERS— John W. Irwin, WiUiam Pirtle. FARRIERS— Joseph BaU, Brawner Rdlock. SADDLERS— Martin V, Penner, James Porter. WAGONER— George Wright. PRIVATES— Daniel Apley, Daniel C. Bryant, Charles W. Bryant, WUliam Boag, Robert Burns, Ephraim H. BaUey, George W. Blanken ship, William E. Bruer, James H. Bruer, WiUiam E. Cox, Jiio. W. Grand son, Jackson Chaney, George Deson, Allen P. Eddlngs, Benjamin F. Edwards, Pressly O. Edwards, Anderson Felix, Daniel Ford, Thomas Perm, Anderson HoUand, George W. Haney, Robert S. Helsey, Jere miah Hayes, James H. Jarrell, Marshall Jackson, John R. King. David A Kemp, Peter KeUey, Cornelius Lannon, James H. Morse, Meredith Meder, Jno. Mahon, David McDonald, Joseph McManor, John H. Mabin, WiUiam c' Moody, John McCarroU, Patrick Manly, Hezekiah McGee, Joseph W Rogers, Alfred Richmond. Joseph Stork, WiUiam D. Simpson, WiUiam E Stanley, Thomas Stanley. Henry C. Stanley, Benjamin P. Tatum WUliam P. Tatum, Andjew Wood, Thoraas G. WiUiams. Jacob Wisner WiUiam Walker. Chari s C. Wallace, William M. Walker, An- 268 Union Regiments of Kentucky. thony A. Gant, Henry C. Sklpworth, David J. Gllkey, Henry C. Jenkins, Thomas Mc. Lurrand, William R. Mee, John M. Muncer, Granville Rippy, Augustus Smith, John J. Sawyer, Jas. H. -Anderson, WUliam B. Btooks, Andrew J. Clark, John Bukhara, John Flanigan, Patrick Griffln, Ander son Hood, John Hines, George H. Ingram, John Mahoney, Joseph B. Mitton, John Mitler, William MlUIgan, John Nicholas, Charles O'Con nor, Robert M. Reed, John Sheppard. Company "F." CAPTAIN— John Alsop. 1st LIEUT.— B. V. Tyler. 2d LIEUT.— Wm. F. Richards. SERGTS.— Clarke Arnold, Thomas P. Ball, Monroe Cockham, James N. Gautier, John B. Hendrick, Newton J. Noseworthy, Presley Barker, William H. Mitchell. CORPLS. — James Blackburn, WUford Hitchcock, Thoraas W. Saddler, John Miller, William J. Heflington, Joseph Brown, Richard H. Kirby, James K. Corn- well, Robert M. Brewer, Albert O. Bryant. BUGLER— Thomas Camp bell. FARRIERS- Elisha Roberts, Joshua L. Dunn. WAGONER— Rich- mond Steed. SADDLER- John K. Gray. PRIVATES — James M. Allen, Joseph Armstead, Eugene Bently, Jno. H. Brewer, Elisha H. Brockett, WUUam E. Biggs, John A. Bowers, Ed raund Brewer, Doctor J. Burchett, -Wllston Buckler, Wm. J. Brlgance, John Carroll, Gustavus Cummings, Alfred Cummings, Wilson Cum mings, Thomas J. Channing, James F. Cartwright, Christopher C. Clark, Leroy Cornelius, Alfred B. Cooksey, Wra. C. Conaster, Jaraes H. Conaster, Henry Clark, WUUam C. Check, Parshall V. Edgar, Sylvester C. Edgar, Samuel H. Greer, John Greer, Daniel J. Gambol, Stephen H. Harrell, John W. Harlan, James Henson, WUUam Henson, Richard Henson, WUUam C. Hammond, WUliam A. Hease, Basil H. Jestlce, Jas. A. Kirby, Benjamin Leary, Edward G. Leek, Parker M. Lanstein, Wm. L. Miller, Moses McWaters, Smith P. Murray, William H. Nolen, Alonzo Payne, James H. Parr, William D. Pedlgo, Henry M. Page. Absalom S. Rogers, Caleb H. Ransom, Jaraes Stewart, Zachariah Smith, John W. Skein, Rufus Saddler, Christopher Thompson, Thos. -Williams, James H. Warnell, Daniel Wilson, Elisha T. Warren, Benjamin WUllams, Wil liam Rogers, George W. Middleton, Wm. A. Powell, George B. Atkinson, John Burden, Sarhuel Clemments, Robert Henderson, James Hammond, Wm. W. Jones, Nathaniel H. Kaslnger, James Lovell, John MlUitare, James Moore, Edward Phillips, Joseph Roberts, Jacob Tipton, George Williams. Company "G." CAPTAIN— J. H. Sturdivant 1st LIEUT.— Wm. J. McGhee. 2d LIEUT.— Alfred V. Townes. SERGTS.- Joseph L. Skaggs, Hiram Jor dan, James E. Bledsoe, James T Clements, Rufus Molenex, Wm. Stur devant, John W. Webb, Oscar F Kelly. CORPLS.— Thomas Graham, Rolland James, James B. Blair, Christopher Witty, John E. SpiUman, Frederick D. Vincent, John E. TIbbs. BUGLERS- Joseph Bradshaw, Samuel O. P. HaU. FARRIERS-John J. Skaggs, Gideon Skaggs. SAD DLER— Amos James. WAGONER— John Laskey. PRIVATES— Isaac Boyd, George W. Briggs, Joel P. Bledsoe, John A. Binnet, George W. Blair, Alfred J Browning, Albert Cobbs, George W. Cayton, John Cruck, Jame.s W. Cannon, Martin L. Cook, James L. F. Cowls, John J. Coleman, David E. Clasley, James Etheridge, Isaac Gra ham, Robert Gower, WiUiara T. Goln, James A. Hall, George J. Hardy, John B. HaU, Elijah S. James, James W. Johnson, Christopher Kinser, Richard B. Keys, James Knight Henry Kast, John Kennedy. Jaraes W. Lynch, Stephen Lay, Silas M. Milligan. Samuel G. Madison, John D. Medcalf, Samuel Morgan, MUligan Malan, E. W. Minix, William Parr, WUliam W. Pltzer, George W. Raj'man, Samuel E. -Saunders, AA'Uliam W. Stice, Allen Stokes, William H. Skaggs, James Skaggs. James B. Sampson, James S. Stafford, James C. TurreU Wm Vincent Sr, Hiram M. Vincent, James M. Vincent, WUliam Vincent, Jr., Jackson P. !I"f "*' -yo^" Vincent, Reuben Vincent, Fountain Woolsey, Anderson Wells, William B. Willis, Michael Wolf, Peter Young, Henry B. Young, i^^f^ ¦£; J}' Hezekiah Lasley James Logsdon, Wm. H. Bath, John Stltle, Wm. D. Graham, Mastron C. Hazllp, Daniel Johnson. WiUiam Seventeenth Kent'ucky Cavalry. 269 Likens, James R. Minton, Benjamin P. Lewis, John B. Carroll, Thomas W. Harris, David Lunn, Leonard McCoon, Alexander White, John E. Williams, Conrad Young. Company " H." CAPTAIN— William H. Lawrence. 1st LIEUT.— Thomas M. Lewis. 2d LIEUT.— George W. Shelton. SERGTS.— Joseph E. Baker, John E. HaU, John A. Happer, James W. Riley, James H. Hopper, Daniel T. Ransom, Joseph H. Stonebraker. CORPLS.— William T. Hopper, Philip Newman, George W. Pilant, Marion J. Hellmes, Isaac G. Lefan, James E. McWatters, Reuben Wall, Hezekiah Force. BUGLERS— Alexander White, Wm. D. Ennis. FARRIERS- Aaron Harris, Jonathan M. Bruce, SADDLER— WUliam Spencer. WAGONER— Pontius P. Lady. PRIVATES— James A. Bruce, John T. Burgess, Benj. Bannon, Geo. W. Bandy, Marion Cole, Calvin Cotton, George Coleman, Wm. M. Car- rolls, John Crawley, Wm. T. Davis, Thomas Doolin, Allen Fletcher, Wm. T. Fowler, William Furguson, Andrew J. Fortner, Calvin Finney, Na than Garrett, Eli B. Graves, John T. Gibson, Woodford Gibson, Charles Gardner, Joseph B. Harris, Thomas Hereld, John C. Hensley, John W. Horten, Joseph Hamelton, John W. Henderson, William L. Hays, Isom Hawell, Martin B. Hall, James H. Hall, David A. Johnson, Archibald Kusby, Charles T. Kenlsston, Francis M. Lavender, Albert T. Mobley, Martin L. Morseyraaker, Lemuel Murman, John Morris, Isaac G. Oliver, Thomas Roberson, John Ramey, Nicklleas Ritter, WUliam Ryan, Plelen Robison, Hiram L. Roberson, Baker Roberson, Samuel Smith, William Stanley, Thomas Stubbs, Washington Trinbow, Thomas H. Thorn, John Tharp, William Thomas, George Turnbow, George Webb, WUliam C. Watson, f)aniel Wise, William W. Wales, Webster C. Webb, William Scarbrough, Robert H. Cannon, John B. Clarida, WlUIam Curtilla, Jno. Garrett, James P. Hall, Andrew J. HInchie, Martin V. Smallwood, Wil liam H. Burrls, David Baird, Albert Clark, Cornelius C. iCooper, Kln- chem Cooper, Martin Frank, John Grimes, Martin L. Mitchell, John Ryan, George T. Smith, Richard B. Stanley, James Suggs, James Wil son. Company "I." CAPTAIN— Charles B. Van Pelt. 1st LIEUT.— Finis H. Little. 2d LIEUT.— Uriah M. Brown. SERGTS.— Jeremiah P. Swatzel, John C Hopkins, Andrew D. Greenlee, John W. Sanders, Elwood T. Soden, Ellas Burklow, WUliam C. Weatherford, James T. Dalton. CORPLS.— William M. Asbridge, John Long, Abraham Milligan, John C. Boyd, Wiley S. Clark, William W. Drennon, Alphonsus C. Avery, Jas. Gore, James A. Hunt, Madison Sunderland. FARRIERS-John R. Clifton, John H. Brown, Henry V. Nicholas. BUGLERS— Frederick Glen, John A. Pool. SADDLER— Jno. Muhlhausen. WAGONERS— Jordan H. Hack. ney, James Greer. PRIVATES — Albert A. Asbridge, WUliam Adams, John Q. Adams, James A. Burden, Fred M. Benkley, Andy P. Brown, WUliam M. But ler, John R. Boyd, James A. Boyd, Edward P. Beavers, WUUam Bargo, James A. Beard, Wesley Barnes, John B. Crow, Reuben Cirby, Henry I. Cherry, Andrew J. Carter, Samuel Cox, Theorerick Chambliss, Andrew Chambliss, -W'lUIs G. Creekmore, Penis R. Cannon, John S. Colly, Wil Uam T. Colly, Nathaniel B. Calvert, Crittenden L. Dooms, James P. Dennlston, William Denniston, Earl E. Franklin, WiUiam M. Greer, Jas. Gaither, WUliam Golden, Samuel M. Graham, George W. HUlyard, Wil liam Hughey, James Henderson, WiUiam G. Hooker, WiUiam Hen dricks, Lafayette Hamelton, John AV. Harris, WUliam Johnson, George Joiner, Andrew Jackson, Samuel Kelton, James L. Keeney, Penis E. Langsden, James S. Montgomery, John C. Morrison, Rufus R. Morgan, John T. Merideth, Reuben P. MarshaU, Henry H. Melone, WUUam P. Martin, Griffon Patterson, WiUiam Parks, Theodore Radcliffe, Elmore R. Steele, Washington T. Stone, John Smith, James Y. Sumner, James L. Tate, John Veatenburg, James Evans, Henry Harmon, WiUiam L. Pra ther, John B. Stephenson, Augustus B. Smith, Thomas Colly, WUliam L. Freeman, John E. Freeman, Finis R. MiUer, WiUiam Nolan, George Beasley, John W. HoUis. 270 Union Regiments of Kentucky. Company " K." CAPTAIN— Washington C. Shannon. 1st LIEUT.- Wm. L. Travis. 2d LIEUT.— A. Wood Pollard. SERGTS.— John W. Boyd, Clemens Gocke, John Franklin, William H. Rushing, John Zimmer, Wm. P. Perry, Christian Jutzl, Samuel Weil, George Guess. CORPLS.^Wm. G. Patterson, John Hehline, George Pilot, Robert L. Graday, George Drant, John H. Riley, John Ireland, Marcus L. Durrls. ' BUGLERS- PhUip Walter, James Barkwell. FARRIERS — Hiazinth Danneker, Jas. Raines. WAGONER— Tylgraph Wemelduff. SADDLER— Thomas Achison. PRIVATES— Chas. W. Allen, Noah W. Allen, Martin Debout, Wil liam T. Belt, James Barker, Vinzenz Bandendistle, WUliam Casey, An drew Durris, Jerry Daugherty, Robertson DIU, Henry C. Dill, David H. Ellis. Frederick Freascher, John P. Gore, James H. Hill, John Hensley, William H. Hardin, William H. Hodges, John D. James, Benjamin F. James, Richard Johnston, Thomas H. Kelly, Alonzo B. Kitts, Sebastian Lerg, Jas.' M. Lane, Simon P. Lindsey, James P. Morgan, Alphonse Munsch, Charles H. Oats, Thomas Powell, Sidney Pitt, Francis Reich- ert, WiUiam Richards, Joseph H. Rustlne, Nathaniel Rustine, William H. Riley, Joseph P. Read, James Steele, Joseph Steiner, Carl Schmidt, Samuel C. Sraith, John D. Smith, Isaac Spurr, John Sullivan, William H. Spikerd, Joseph Traylor, Marcus L. Travers, John Taber, Frederick G. Ulrlch, Samuel Urnspiker, Daniel W. Vincent, James Womack, Wil liam Wolford, Joseph R. WlUams, MUes G. WUUams, James Williams, WiUiam WIUIs, Charles WIckenhauser, Hutchison Young, James B. Al len, Mathew M. Chadwick, James P. Malone, Henry C. Woodson, Alex ander Bell, James M. Hamby, Thomas J. Smith, Benjamin Bennin, Jno. Dillon, Berry France, Charles Hardlman, Frank H. Lampel, ' James D. Pierce, Julius Revell, Henderson Stewart, James Springfield, George Thompson, Sylvester Webber. * Company " L." > CAPTAIN— BUsha P. Lemen. 1st LlEUT.— John G. Daniel. 2a LIEUT.— Wm. C. Bourland. SE RGTS.— Patrick H. Aldridge, Francis M. Armstrong, Jaraes M. Stout, Alexander McCandless, Geo. W. Cham pion, Alfred P. Page, James M. Young, Henry M. Mitchell. CORPLS.— Levi Hoslck, Isaac Ramage. John Charaplon, John Ramage, WUUam Newman, Richard Smith, Richar.l Sherrell, Robert C. Robertson BU GLERS— Daniel Carlwrlght, James Butler. FARRIERS— James Haley, Jas. W. MulhoUen. SADDLER— Robert Hoslck. WAGONER-James C. Carrell. PRIVATES— Thomas Allen, Marrien F. Allen, Robert Barrett, David Bristow, William Champion, James C. Cooper, Josiah Cherry, Samuel J. Channing, Alfred Dew, John R. Ell, WUUam Ferrel, John W. Pox, John H. Francis. Thoraas Fergerson, David Glover, Thomas Holman. James A. House, WUUam Holman, Jesse W. Jones, Thomas Joblin, Jno. H. Jarman, Lewis Jolly, John Johnson, Wm. W. Johnson, James M. Luke, James D. McCandles, Jonathan McCandles, Anslom MUls, Henry Mills, Robert Mahan, John P. Mitchell, John B. Marshal. Marrien Moore, James Nelson, Robt. J. Nicks, Jesse B. Osborn, Carrol B. Pepper, Fran cis M. Phelps, Gillman Page, Volney Y. Phelps, WiUiam Ramage, Rich ard Ralph, William Ransom, Moses T. SUls, WUUam D; Sparks, Daniel Stewart, James W. Stout, Zenophen Scott, George A. Scott, John H. Stlnson, James E. Simpson, James C. Sadler, WaUer Tomlinson, Victory T. Trail, George Tyler, John M. Taylor, John W. Vessels, Joseph B Wilat, Reuben Wigging, James Wiggins, Wm. G. WiUiams, Thomas Warren, William J. Witty, Richard C. Wlnlock, Alfred K. Young, Leray Holman, Luke P. Nichols, WUliam Grain, Patrick Conner, Thomas Dan- ing, Riley Hutchens, Thos. Henson, John P. Preston, Henry Rudd Jas Wenshed, James R. Winsack, William Thompson. Company " M." CAPTAIN— John R. Reno. 1st LIEUT.— David C. Goad. 2d LIEUT Wm. H. Roark. SERGTS.— WUUam Johns, WUUam B. Terry Thomas G. Terry, Joseph M. Luck, Isaac Walker, Elijah P. Cook James W Poag, George A. Little. CORPLS.— WUliam Thurman, Green W Stew- Seventeentli Kentucky Gavalry. 271 art, John A. feryant, Chas. M. Manahan, William H. Quick, Joseph M. Roark, Lycurgus James, Nathan R. Mathias. BUGLERS— Thomas O. Brown, Moses E. M. Jones. FARRIERS — Harrison Landon, LlewUyn Kennedy. SADDLER— Patrick Carter. WAGONER— George B. Reed. PRIVATES — Thomas Arnold, Leonard Allison, Leonard Anderson, Marshall M. Engleton, Baker Arnett, John J. Brotherton, Edone H. Brewer, Samuel S. Brewer, Abram B. Brewer, Joel Butler, John Burns, William Bellou, Henry Cohorn, Daniel C. Caldwell, David Caldwell, George W. Caldwell, George Curtis, William B. Capel, WUUam J. Car ver, Andrew Day, Jacob Dukes, Nathan Dearing, Robert D. Freeman, George W. Goodman, Virgil Graham, Garret Graham, Francis M. Hurl- gate, C. M. Helterbran, D. D. Hall, Isaac B. Jarvis, Jasper N. Jolnes, George W. Jolly, Richard T. P. Jones, James M. London, Wm. Lucas, John B. Lee, Henry C. McDonald. Abram L. McBlvane, David M. Mar tin, James M. Malone, Simeon P. Mason, John T. Orange, Daniel Peabler, Abel O. Pitman, George H. Pay, James H. Pearson, Hugh D. Porter, William W. Raby, John H. Richardson, WUUam S. Rucker, Williara Rice, Samuel Russell, James Reardon, Balls M. Stewart, Thos. H. Sher rod, Albert H. Sanford, Andrew J. Shields, Thomas K. Shaver, Joseph Sweatt, Wesley Sketo, Augustus P. Smith, George Thompson, Noah Vincent, James M. Venable, Samuel Venable, James T. Wood, Joseph H. Wood, David Whitmer, John Lee, Wiliam Runner, Britton D." Sherrod, John Jemmlson, Sylvester Vincent, James M. Alex- bander. AVUliam Hendrlfks Robert R. Ross, James Short. John Watson. 272 Union Regiments of Kentucky. INFANTRY REGIMENTS. Col. James F. Buckner' s Regiment. One of the earliest military organizations in Kentucky for the Union cause was that of Col. James F. Buckner, at Hopkinsville, Christian county, Ky. It will be men tioned here at the beginning of the infantry regiments, as its early breaking up prevented it entering the service under any numerical designation, and its recruits went into other organizations. In an article by Col. R. M. Kelly, in the Century War Book, vol. 1, page 373, it is said: "In Christian county. Col. James F. Buckner, a wealthy lawyer and planter, recruited a regiment from companies which organized originally as Home Guards, but soon determined to enter the volunteer service. He established a camp five miles north of Hopkinsville, where a feAv companies remained at a time; Christian county was strongly Unionist, while all the counties west of it were overwhelmingly Secessionist. Camp Boone (in Tennessee) was only a few miles from its southem bor ders, and Fort Donelson about twenty miles southwest. Col. Buckner had a six pounder cannon, which could be heard at Camp Boone." ' In the same article. Col. Kelly says, that when Gen. Simon B. Buckner (kinsman of Col. Jas. F. Buckner), the leader of the Kentucky State Guards, espoused the Con federate cause and led his men into Kentucky, early in September, 1861, "fhe only forces in Kentucky were the unorganized regiment of Col. Buckner, near Hopkins- v ville; the few hundred recruits gathered at Greensburg, Gen. Ward Nelson's forces at Camp Dick Robinson (none of which were ready for service); the Home Guard Brigade of Louisville, and the scattered companies of the Home Guards through the state." Col. Jas. F. Buckner, in a M'^riffen account, says, speak ing of the early days of the civil strife: "We plainly saw that a conflict of arms was inevita ble. Confederate camps, for the recruiting of troops, at Camp Boone and Camp Burnett, about twenty-five miles from Hopkinsville on the railroad near the Tennessee line, our friends determined they would do likewise, go into camp and drill ; a site was selected and our boys be- Col. Jas. F. Buckner's Regiment 273 gan to assemble. The location was on the land of Jos. Anderson, four miles north of Hopkinsville, in a grove near a spring. I was invited to take charge of it, which I did, August 28, 1861; I called it Camp Joe Anderson." Prior to this date, the companies had been drilling. Members of Col. Buckner's family relate that they drilled on the lawn of the colonel's residence, and that on July 4, 1861, the companies paraded there. It was, therefore, August 28th, when these companies went in a body into camp at Camp Joe Anderson. Col. Buckner continues: "We had a company of well armed, uniformed men, about seventy strong, which I had formerly commanded, called the Hopkinsville Guards. They were then commanded by Capt. Ben Underwood. Around this company as a nucleus, I commenced to form a regiment. I sent to Camp Joe Holt a special agent to procure arms, and for one hundred Springfield muskets, and about ten rounds of ammunition. I continued in camp to organize com panies and drill as fast as the men came in from Chris tian and adjoining counties, for about one month, having organized ten full companies. I had a six pound brass cannon procured from the state arsenal at Frankfort, and formed a gun squad of twenty men. I was formally elected colonel; James M. Shackelford, of Hopkinsville, lieutenant-colonel; Ben H. Bristow, major. . . We were, up to that time, sustained 4n camp by the gratuitous contributions of friendly Union men. I was myself a large contributor in money, flour and other supplies from my farm. . . Gen. S, B. Buckner had taken com mand of the troops assembled on the Tennessee line, and had repeatedly sent messages to me to come over and join him. Related by blood, I had great regard for him, but deeply regretted his course, and openly condemned it." Col. Kelly, in the article mentioned, states that when Gen. S. B. Buckner came into Kentucky, in September, he "sent forces to Rochester, on Green river, and destroyed the locks there, and then moved against Col. Buckner's "camp, near Hopkinsville; warned of his approach. Col. Buckner directed his men, who had not yet been regularly enrolled to disperse, and make their way to the Union camp at Owensboro. They succeeded, but Col. Buckner was himself taken prisoner." It would be interesting to quote further from Col. Buckner's account, but space forbids. He tells in sub stance, that his men had not obtained arms or ammuni tion. That an organized force was coming upon him, and 18 274 Union Regiments of Kentucky. the wisest course he could pursue was to make his way through the country to the Ohio river. His men did so, and at the Federal camps in Owensboro and Calhoun went into other organizations, when they heard that their leader had been captured ; many of them joined the 25th Ky. Infantry, under Shackelford and Bristow; and others, the 3d Ky. Cavalry, under Col. Jas. S. Jackson. Col. Buckner was taken prisoner near Madisonville and carried south, where he was detained all winter. His brother, Wm. T. Buckner, was associated with him in raising the regiment, and he became a captain in fhe 3d Ky. Cavalry; also, Lewis Buckner, son of the colonel, be came a captain in the Sth Ky. Cavalry, and 52d Mounted Infantrv. First Kentucky Infantry. In the spring and early summer of 1861, the position of neutrality taken by Kentucky was respected to such an extent that camps of enlistment of Union troops from Kentucky were established outside the state; oue oppo site Louisville, known as Camp Jo Holt, and one opposite Newport, called Camp Clay. The 1st Ky. Infantry was recruited and organized at Camp Clay by Col. James V. Guthrie, and was mustered into the service of the United States, June 4, 1861, by Maj. S. Burbank. The 2d Ky. Infantry was associated with this regiment at Camp Clay, and during its entire history. As soon as these two regi ments were organized, they were ordered to proceed by steamboat, up the Ohio river, to unite with other forces against the Confederates in what is now West Virginia, July 2, 1861, Gen. McClellan, who then had command in West Virginia, ordered Gen. J. I). Cox, to take the 1st and 2d Ky. Infantry into his command, and proceed up the Kanawha river. July 25th Gen. Rosecrans, who was then commanding in West Virginia, at Grafton, was or ganizing his forces info the 4th Brigade, to consist of the 1st and 2d Ky. Infantry, with the 12th, 19th and portions of the 18th and 21st Ohio, to be called the Brigade of the Kanawha, under the command of Gen. J. D. Cox. In the month of July, 1861, the two regiments had numerous en gagements in West Virginia, flghting at Gauley Bridge, Beverly, Red House and other places. On the 18th of July, Col. Woodruff, of the 2d, was captured. The two regiments remained in West Virginia during the fall, and part of the winter They were both full, numbering ' First Kentucky Infantry. 275 each about one thousand men. In December, 1861, they were at Charleston; in this month. Col. Guthrie resigned and David A. Enyart was commissioned colonel, and con tinued to command the regiment during its entire career afterward. Early in January, 1862, they were ordered to join the Army of the Cumberland. They proceeded to LouisAdlle by boat, and from thence marched to Bards town, where they were in January. In February they were at Green river, on their way south with Buell's army. Upon the fall of Fort Donelson, in February, they moved to Nashville. The 1st was in Bruce's brigade. Nelson's division. It accompanied Buell's army to Pitts burg Landing, Tenn. The brigade contained the 1st Ky., Col. Enyart; 2d Ky., Col. Sedgewick, and the 20th Ky., Col. S. D. Bruce. Gen. Nelson says in his report of the battle of Shiloh, that he had his entire division across the Tennessee river by 9 o'clock p. m., Sunday. April 6th, the flrst day of the battle, Bruce's brigade was to the right of Ammen's brigade, and to the right of Bruce was Nelson's center The work of Nelson's division at Shiloh is historic. In it were four Kentucky infantry regiments, 1st, 2d, 6th and 20th. Col. Enyart, of the- 1st, in his report of Shiloh, says his regiment lay on their arms all night, and at 4 o'clock next morning advanced and fought through that day driving the enemy steadily, but receiving tremendous flre in so doing. He commends the coolness and courage of Lieut.-Col. Leiper, Maj. Cahill, Adjt. Wright, Capts. Barr, Becker and Hadlock, and Lieut. Smith. Col. Bruce, com manding fhe brigade, says, the 1st Ky. deserved the high est commendation, that it "was in full range of the enemy's flre, and at all times maintained its formation, with a tenacity becoming veterans." From Shiloh, the regiment marched to Corinth, and in the operations at that place. Gen. Manson, in his report, compliments its services. From Corinth, the 1st followed Buell's army in all its movements in Tennessee and North ern Alabama, ancl in the celebrated march to Kentucky, participating in all the long and severe marches, and took part in the pursuit of Bragg from Kentucky. It then returned to Tennessee, and was with the army when under Rosecrans. In the organization immediately preceding the battle of Murfreesboro, the 1st was still com manded • by Col. Enyart, in Cruft's brigade. Palmer's division, Crittenden's corps. On December 26th, three days before the battle, the 1st was engaged with the enemy. Gen. Crittenden says in his report, he marched toward LaA^ergne and "two miles from that place the 276 Union Regiments of Kentucky. • enemy met us in considerable force, and Gen. Cruft, with two regiments, the 1st Ky. and 31st Ind., and some cavalry and artillery, attacked them, and with great spirit drove them across the creek and into the town." The 1st with other troops bivouacked until the 29th, within two and a half miles of Murfreesboro. In the great battle which immediately followed, the 1st bore its part and received commendations from the commanding officers. Its losses were fourteen killed and forty-four wounded. The total casualties at this time were ninety-six. After the battle of Murfreesboro, the 1st remained with Rosecrans' army during the winter. April 4, 1863, it was on an expedition from Readyville to Woodbury, which was attended with fighting and loss. June 30, 1863, in the organization of the Army of the Cumberland,. the 1st Ky., under Col. Ejiyart, was in Cruft's brigade. Palmer's division, Crittenden's corps. July 31st, the 1st was commanded by Maj. Hadlock, and the 2d by Lieut.-Col. Hurd, and Col. Sedgewick commanded the brigade. September 3d the 1st was at the Sequatchie, near Jasper; on the 4th, at Shell Mound; on the Sth, at the base of Lookout Mountain; on the 10th at Rossville; on the 11th, at Ringgold; on the 12th, marched toward Lee and Gordon's Mills, and skirmished there with the enemy; on the 14th, at Lee and Gordon's Mills; on the 18th, at Crawfish Springs. It would be impossible in this place to describe the terrible scenes through which the 1st passed in the battle of Chickamauga. It was engaged both days, the 19th and 20th of September, losing eighty-six men in killed and wounded. The reports mention the regiment as doing its full duty. In one report it is said: "Great praise is due to Companies B, D, G and K for coolness and bravery on the field." After the battle of Chickamauga the 1st remained on duty at Chattanooga. In the organization of the Army of the Cumberland, December 31, 1863, it was placed in the 4th Corps, Gen. Granger; 1st Division, Gen. Stanley, and 1st Brigade, which was commanded by Col. Enyart. It so remained during the winter, and in April and May, 1864, Gen. Howard had command of the corps and Gen. Cruft, the brigade, while Col. Enyart was with his regi-. ment. The 1st entered upon the first stages of Gen. Sherman's Atlanta campaign, going as far as the Etowah river It had then been in service about three full years, on continuous active service. In fhe severest campaigns in West Virginia, at Shiloh and Corinth ; marched'through First Kentucky Infantry. 277 Tennessee, Alabama and to Louisville with Buell; back to Tennessee, with Rosecrans; through the great battle of Murfreesboro ; in all the movements leading up to Chicka mauga, and through the fiercest part of that battle, it had suffered many losses on the battlefield and from sick ness. From Northern Georgia it was sent back to Ken tucky, and stationed at Covington, in the command of Gen. Hobson, who reports the 1st and 2d Ky. as a part of his force, with which he was resisting the Morgan raid of June, 1864. In that month the three-years' term of service expired and the 1st Ky. Infantrv was mustered out at Covington, July 18, 1864. Company E of this regiment was detached early in 1861, and formed the 1st Ky., or Simmonds Battery (see its account). It served in Virginia and made a fine repu tation. Field and Staff. COLONELS- James V. Guthrie, David A. Enyart. LIEUT. COLS.— j Bart G. Leiper, Frank P. Cahill, Alva R. Hadlock. MAJOR-James W.' Mitchell. ADJTS.— James W. Conine, Courtland W. King, John A. Wright. Q. MASTER— Franklin W. Fee. SURG.— Samuel G. Menzles. ASST. SURGS.— WiUiam L. White, John Dlckerson. SERGT. MAJORS — Joseph B. Lockwell, L. L. Borteaux, WUliam J. McKee, WUliam J. Head, John B. Ewln. Q. M. SERGTS.- Samuel Robb, Robert Oxley. COM. SERGT.- Charles Robb. HOSPITAL STEWARD- Addis Hays. Company "A." CAPTAINS— Jos. T. Wheeler, Samuel L. Christie, Charles F. Groves. 1st LIEUTS.— Jahn Jackson, LeGrand LaBoiteaux. 2d LIEUTS.— Theo dore Harrol, Byron R. Underbill. SERGTS.— Adam Schmidt, Charles M. Robarts, John Clarke, Albert B. Carson, Robert D. Patterson. COR PORALS — Henry Moore, James Fitzgerald, Merril P. Goodwin, Pat rick Kenny, William Crowford, Lenord Sutor, James W. Nowlin, James Smith, Joseph J. Nadand. WAGONER— WUliam H. TerriU. DRUM MER— James H. Mackey. PRIVATES — William H. BuUard, James Bronnon, John Beardmere, Richard Carr, WUUam Dwyer, Joseph Poges, Henry Frank, Burton Graham, John Holsher, Thomas Hays, Valentine Helfrick, John Hart man, Charles P. Jones, WUliam Kumming, Thomas Myers, Peter Mur phy, James R. Mackey, James McQuade, Levi W. Mitchell, Robert Pow ers, Benjamin Porter, George W. Plunket, Crocket Porter, Wm. Pratt, David R. Porter, Rupert Reiger, Chas. Rice, ' John Rosenquelst, Joseph Reese, Joseph C. Reed, John Rooney, Joseph Schrick, John D. Spence, Robert Thompson, John D. TImmer, George W. Terrlll, Isa.ac TerrUl, August Veeley, John Veeley, Charles Waller, John E. Waller, Clinton Wasson, William Amsburry, William Ball, John Brown, Patrick Dolln, Thomas Ehler, Thomas England, Henry C. Fowler, George Greon, Abra ham Houser, John R. Lenhart, Nathan B. Meader, Tipton L. Nowli'n, Joseph Perry, Andrew Rice, Charles Shayne, Thomas G. Sweeny, Peter Tohaugen, Burnett Truman, James Walker, Joseph Walterman, Benj. Cole, Charles Coldwater, James Spaulding, Theodore W. Allen, Thos. Brown, Wenderlin Bauer, John W. Terrell, Samuel Neele, Patrick Rice, Henry Riley, WlUIiam Sheets, Edward WiUiams, Clarke Williamson, John Beckler, George Dixon, John Dwyer, Aaron Fowler, John P. Fan ner, Joseph Fricke, George HlUmon, Evan Howell, Thos. Makin, John McCarty, Frank Meagertee, James Newton, John W. Randall, Joseph 278 Union Regiments of Kentiwky. Rauth, Michael Strover, Richard Skillens, Geo. Truss, William Usher, Henry Williams. Company " B." CAPTAINS— Alva R. Hadlock, John B. Wagener. 1st LIEUTS.—, Thomds K. Eraser, David Hammond. 2d LIEUT. — George W. Henson. SERGTS.— John Y. Ritter, Levi B. Daniels, David Lee, Luke W. Conk- lin, John Cannon, Courtland W. King. CORPLS. — John Wagner, John B. Weedmeyer, Otto Keck, Richard Condra., Thomas Ingersol, William Gregory, Lawrence King, George Neifer. MUSICIAN — Chas. W. Chip pendale. WAGONER— Henry Welman. PRIVATES — Allen Armstead, Albert Adams, August Andrews, Henry Brinkman, Christian Bendt, Richard Corcoran, John Oarr, Peter Catteen, Owen Conway, John Cot, 1st, John Cot, 2d, George Crown, Ed mund H. Dobson, John Elms, Thomas Flannagan, John Fisher, WUl iam A. Green, David Gregory, James Goslln, Joseph Gooden, David Hillry, Thomas Herman, Henry Hassel, Thomas Kennedy, Charles Keefer, James Morris, Edward Murray, Charles Miller, Louis Manz, Henry McCabe, Henry Naderman, John O'NeU, Theodore Ranagan, Will iam Ridhards, William Roth, William Steinham, Henry Spindle, Chris topher Shultz, Andrew Tower, Frederick Tribble, Henry Wilson, Domi nick Weaver, "Stacey A. Wooley, Pra-nk Walk, William E. Wallace, Noah C. Groves, Robert Lloyd, Richard Miller, John C. Myher, Joseph H. Ross, John Sample, Jacob G. Smith, Wm. W. Williams, Christopher Long, Jacob Mondt, Oscar PolenI, William Webber, Richard r)arcy, Columbus LUas, James E. McGowan, Stephen AV. Peters, Eugene Stl- ger, John Wagner, 2d, George Woods, John Burnes, George Daner, John Maher, James Powers, John Brazier, Angus Curray, Henry C. Hicks, Wm. L. King, Alfred Long, James McAdiams, John McGevan, John S. Maher, Wm. W. Morris, Robert McClure, Charles Reifer. Company "C." CAPTAIN- Ralph Hunt. 1st LIEUTS.— Frank W. Fee, John A. Snediker. 2d LIEUTS.— John F. Lamme, John B. Guthrie. SERGTS.— William H. Busly, Arnold Pflster, Samuel C. Duff, James M. Gregg, Francis C. Abbott, WUliam Hamilton, Charles Overend, Frederick A. Damee. CORPLS.— John V. Berrine, Jacob MUler, Asa Wlet, Franklin Hodgkins, John M. WiUiams, Curtis Ward, Charles Rice, James W. Grouse, John H. Stebzell, Cyrus Black. PRIVATES— William R. Adkins, George W. Botkln, Charles A^'. Burkhead, John M. BruneU, Patrick Carr, Patrick Coyle, Cornelius Deron, Thoraas Puller, Irving Fuller, Edward Pee, Patrick p-arron, Thomas Farror, Horatio Farrer, Jesse Gates, Patrick Higgins, George Hunt, Rewie Jennesse, Joseph Johnson, John W: King, Michael Kinser, John Manyan, William Merrideth, Patrick McLane, Isaac D. McAvoy! Charles Meyers, William Newcome, Jesse Owens, Wesley Quigly Pat rick Ryan, Peter Stone, WUliam H. Shultz, Thomas Swanger, William Stafford, John Sullivan, Robert Stoker, Elanathan C Smith WiUiam Toy, Timothy Welch, P. Garner Williams, John H. Bush, 'Hamilton Busly, William Baily, James J. Conklln, Patrick Flanagin Wm Hells- heimer, John W. Hines, John C. Hay, Andrew Jones, William Jones, Joseph Kelphy, John H. Mahoney, Thomas Swift, Perry Shroufe Rich ard Sattes, John Soanlan, Joseph Croark, Jonah Hesten, John Romer, Charles H^ Robb, Samuel Robb, WUUam Schultz, Absalom Bishop, Wm. T. Cobaugh, Is.aiah Dearth, John Denslnger, PhUip Foreman, Richard Galewood, WUUam Jennings, Ezra B. Jones, John Rosenbaun, Robert' Clemmens, Frederick Arty, Henry Burnham, WUliam Brandy, John S"Z,"'r^;^^^T't ^o''"' ^"-T^ ^- ^'¦^'^'^' I^'-'^^' Cook, John Conmore James Crow, John Cannon, Jefferson Davis, Alonzo Ellison Francis Evlns, John Francis, John Gooden, Philander Hause, William HeTs"ey Leonard Jones, Moses Kesher, Richard Lawlmore, Patrick Leonard Jas Murphy, Joseph Miller, Michael McGuire, John H Newman Cberiw' Osley, William Quigly, WiUiam SkllUngs, Samue Slf^ Ja;k^on sLd- aker, Peter Smith, Henry Smithers, WUliam H. Terrill WUliam Weber Henry WUson, James R. Williams. vvimam weoer. First Kentucky Infantry. 279 Company " D." CAPTAINS— David Y. Johns, Samuel Barr, Jr., David J. Jones. 1st LIEUT.— Patrick J. Brown, 2d LIEUTS.- James Parran, John D. Kautz. SERGTS.— William Jones, Charles McMillan, Samuel T. Johns, Gustavus Ruffi, Robert Henly. CORPLS.— Michael Young, George W. Louden, Frederick Schautzman, Samuel Hartley, Daniel Brown, Chris tian Derna, Frederick Hatter, David S. Dick, William W. Andrews, Jas. P. Bracken, Frederick Wessenburgh, Addis Hays, James Morris. PRIVATES— GothleDb Al'holtz, Alexander Atkinson, Henry V. Ald ridge, Edward Butler, Jasper P. Bromfield, J. C. Bryant, Charles Crane, John Curren, John Dougherty, Martin Deckhart, William Elvis, Martin Finkenstein, John C. Hetch, William Homan, James H. Gray, Thaddeus Hughes, Edward Harrison, Charles Hunt, Michael Jennings, Henry Kel sey, Jacob . Lalttle, Michael Murphy, Nicholas McLaughlin, Samuel Mc Elroy, Morris Millaly, Thomas Noon, William Perkins, John Plymesser, Charles Payne, Strader R. Reed, John Ryan, John Russell, Jacob Scha- bymaji, -John Shelly, Milton Tift, Anthon Wissiart, George N. Wolf, John Weaver, Peter Bricher, Gordon Calvert, Prank M. Claybaugh, Thomas D. Dale, Michael Flynn, Da-vid Griffith, Patrick Green, Bernard Harkins, Frederick Hullman, John Hunchback, John Hoffman, Alfred H. Munroe, Levi Morris, David Myers, Alexander McDonald, Christo pher J. Smith, John Thompson, William Thompson, Gottlelb Werth- wlne. Christian Vassler, George Brewer, John Preekner, George Keefer, Henry Kroraer, William Rode, Frederick Bragger, John Burns, Andrew Cadal, James Daley, George W. Grant, Michael McDonald, Thomas Quism, John Shinson, Frederick Gordon, Martin Logglns, Oliver Lou den, Benard Crost, Thomas Riley, George W. Andrews, Frederick Berg, John Dorson, Joseph A. EUis, Michael Fitzgerald, John Gilmartin, Rich ard Grace, Chas. Keslentroly, Timothy Kelly, George W. Lloyd, Jesse Owens, John Ray, John Shokey, George Tray, Martin Yeager, David Young. Company " E." This company was detached as artiUey early In 1861, and afterward designated as the 1st Ky. Independent Battery. Company " F." CAPTAINS — ^Jesse J. Stepleton, David M. Dryden, Thomas Cox, Jr. 1st LIEUTS.— Albert H. Smith, Joseph B. Sockwell. 2d LIEUTS.— Jas. G. Lawrence, Joseph M. Leiper. SERGTS. — Nathaniel C. Noe, Adam Smith, Charles W. Covert, Henry Tuttle, John W. English. CORPLS.— WUliam Billings, Elisha Baker, James T. Shade, Sylvester M. Keith, Adolph Riedel, Alexander Noe, Franklin Martin, Daniql Millard. PRIVATES— Wm. Bowman, M. Casey, J. W. Cook, Wm. Cooper, Jos. CuUen, Duncan Dunn, William A. Davis, Christian EInsberry, Isaac Pulton, James "W. Gaver, George W. Groves, Henry Grasmuck, Patrick Hagan, Alonzo Hays, Bortrole Hayslnger, Timothy Harrington, John Howe, Michael Kilfeather, Andrew Keller, James P. Kelso, John Larkln, George D. Lutz, Peter Mallard, Patrick Mallon, John P. MUler, Francis B. Mitchell, George A. Mullen, AyilUam McHale, Alexander Mcintosh, John McAndrew, John McDonald, Michael Ryan, 1st, Michael Ryan, 2d, William Ryan, John Stearn, WlUIam Shepherd, Jacob Stelgner, Samuel Scott, James Stevens, John M. WUllams, WUliam Wood, Mich ael Winn, William J. Waller, Joseph Abbott, Luther Baxter, Daniel Con nor, Cornelius CoUins, Lovell Edrington, Walter Eversole, Peter Garvin, John Horten, George W. Jenkins, Anthony PhilUp, Smith Statham, Michael G. Connolly, Stephen Henephin, John Henephin, James Hen dry, James Orange, Francis Turny. John Camper, Martin Delaney, Elihu Harrison, Daniel Martin, John Weston, Michael Connelly, Ranse- leer Chamberlain, Louis Dance, Louis Flesh, Henry MUler, John B. Schneider, August Shenmler, Adam Warfell, Michael Haney, Christian SphuU, Samuel Baxter, -Wm. D. Burton, Jacob Biggleman, James Con nell, George W. Gibson, Nicholas Gilford, William Hogg, Samuel Hus ton, George Pope, James Paul, John Rider, Charles Stanly, M. Charles Shaw, John Stevens. 280 Union Regiments of Kentucky. Company " G." CAPTAINS— Jas. W. Mitchell, Edward S. Atkinson. 1st LIEUTS.— John W. Gorln, Joseph M. Leiper, George Hunter, John C. Hyland. 2d LIEUTS.— Gilbert Bly, James C. Cozine, Samuel M. StarUng, H. W. Benton. SERGTS.— Wra. H. Coolery, Henry S. Bowman, Samuel A. HamUton, James T. ReUey, John Coffee, James P. Sutton. CORPLS.— John H. Dougherty, Charles A. Pinglr, Wm. M. Cole, Wm..B. Musse- man, Abram Blerbour, Wm. H. Carson, William Layton, William Ren- nick, Frederick Smith, John H. McElroy. MUSICIANS— Wm. Schall, Robert E. PhiUips. WAGONER-James Schultz. PRIVATES- Frederick Able, Ezekiel Arohea, Ell Ayers, Mathias Bohn, John A. Bombarger, Franks Clemmons, James Cussack, James H. Cuff, John Dailey, Frank D. Decker, Terrence Egan, Forrace M. Eddy, Jacob Feisl, Henry Fayene, William Given, Alexander Gibson, John W. Hill, William Horsfall, Henry N. Keller, Edward Laffey, Pat rick Leonard, Andrew Murphy, Michael Moran, James McGauley, Jas. McGowan, Michael Maher, Frank O'Harra, Henry O'NeU, William K. B. Powers, Prank Roark, Asa Smith, Thomas Smith, Henry Snelder, Simeon H. Williams, Thomas Weddon, Patrick Walsh, John R. White, Spencer Young, Christopher Clair, William W. Cole, Robert Daws, Her man Guggenheim, Samuel B. Gordon, Charles Groves, Stephen Grove, WUliam Gavin, George W. Hughes, John Hughes, John P. Harclson, Frank D. Lewis, Terrence McGorenej Charles Snery, Michael Outh, Jas. Burnes, Peter Brown, Thomas Filbey, James Stock, John H. Thomas, Prank Taylor, Joseph Bloomenthall, Joseph Harvy, John Hogan, Alex ander Mordeoal, John W. Robins, Thomas P. White, Petef M. Abby, Davis Clary, Owen Haley, John F. Hannon, John Ingbert, John Jen nings, Aaron Keller, Martin Lydon, Daniel Moore, Robert Moran, John W. Perkins, James Ragers, Elmore Steele, Tunis C. Tarvelt, Chas. Troy, William J. WUUams. Company " H." CAPTAINS— Frank CahlU, James T. WUllamson, John P. Lamme. 1st LIEUTS.— Samuel L. Christie, C. P. W. Tahrenhorst. 2d LIEUTS.— William H. Lyons, Louis H. Hocke. SERGTS.— John N. Shane, Jesse Hyde, John McCabe, Ross P. Shinkle, Bernard Rafferty, Wm. J. Head, August Wilhelm. CORPLS. — George B. Spencer, James Leach, Dennis McGlnley, Josiah Fry, John M. Calshear, Francis Coffee, Henry Meyer, Terrence McGrane, Thomas Lavelle. WAGONER— Alfred S. Sparks. DRUMMERS— George Hamphboner, Henry Lowe. BUGLER— Ernest Neederman. PIPERS — Louis H. Hpcke, WUliam Dressel. PRIA'ATES— Daniel R. Anderson, Eli S. Anderson, John H. Bell, John Bayless, John Bannister, Joseph Cahill, Michael Connolly, Mich ael G. Connolly, Joseph Davis, Thomas Dermoody, Joseph M. DIgnan, David Drynam, Reuben G. Davis, William B. Erwin, Sebastian Fricke, Patrick Graham, James Harvey, Charles Hennan, Albert Kernan, John Kenyon, Michael Larkln, Christopher Lambert, John Mack. Jas. Mack, WilUam McLaughlin, Robert Murphy, James Metkelf, Edward Mailey, Job H. MiUer, Henry Ohman, John D. Powers, George Stevens, Marlon Trew, David Toomey, Wm. Tracey, David Woods, John E. Weaver, James L. Burch, Isaac Covey, Dudley Connolly, John W. Dennis, Timo thy Haney, Martin Haley, James Merrill, Samuel Nicholson, Oscar Po- lena, James C. Ross, John Rearden, Michael Tygh, M. Bertrend Vander burgh, Wm. W. Worthington, WUliam Whitney, Michael King, Eugene Stager, Martin Foley, William Garrish, Martin Hoane, Michael New man, Christian P. Realer, Frederick Albert, Donald Brick, John Creigg, Martin MuUins, August Welnhousen, Thomas West, Mathew Cook, Jas. M. Dixon, William M. Darby, James Donnovan, Peter Lacombe, Ed ward Loyd, James McGUnn, WiUiam MaGee, WiUiam H. Murry. Pat rick O'Melin, Edward O'Halloran, William O'Glesbly, WUUam RIely. Company "I." CAPTAINS— Thomas Cox, Jr., Andrew J. Hagan. 1st LIEUTS.— Courtland W. King, WUliam R. McChesney, WUliam James McKee. 2d LIEUTS.— Leonidas L. Tittle, James Parran. SERGTS.— Albert C. First Kentucky Infantry. 281 3relth, Greenhoff Murch. William H. Hardesty, Michael Kummer, Geo. P. Gill, James G. Lawrence, Jonathan M. Robinson. CORPLS.— Taffy Tan, Christopher C. H. Tittle, Thomas B. Furnan, Edward Heins, An thony Cogglns, Thomas Lanigan. WAGONER— John Hoffmaster. PRIVATES— Edward Andres, Francis A. Baker, Robert Baker, Theo dore Boner, SUas Boner, Edward A. Burkes, John Baly, James Dennis, Jo.Siah Duflield, Arthur Fleetwood, John Freellnger, Garret Pitznorris, Mathias Gill, George Hagan, Jean Isse, Edward A. Jones, Charles Kohl, John Kovi, Terrence Kinsley, John Lackman, Joseph Morton, Martin Meyer, William H. Meyers, Alexander McCanly, Edward Parcell, Free man Peters, John Parry, Patrick Quigly, Morris Quinlan, James H. Reese, Adam Ross, James Roy, Frederick Rosemeyer, Charles Rupp, William Ralley, James C. Soott, William Smith, Zedock Smith, James Sheridan, Fardines C. Spills, WUUam Warner, Israel Young, Barney Battle, Anthony Derrick, Frederick N. C. King, John Meajher, John Mann, Martin Milligan, Archibald Mann, William Quigg, Dennis Ryan, Miles S. Stonefer, Charles H. Thorner, Thomas Van Fleet, Chas, Weber, Daniel Weber, Frederick Arty, John Harper, Cornelius Ryan, George Weise, Jaooib Bonoy, Nicholas Gaskin, Anson K. Poitin, John Schou- man, Silas Thomson, Albert Warner, Frederick Weber, Adam Wolf, John Anton, WUliam Allen, Moses Curher, Benj. S. Collins, William Doherty, Martin Good, John Gabriel, Thomas Logan, Robert Morgan, Mathews McDonald, Joseph Rogers. George Raddle, Philip Rouch, Alonzo G. Rail ing, Loren Taylor, William Watkins. Company " K." CAPTAIN— John Becker. 1st LIEUTS.— Jacob ' Theis, Samuel B. Lowenstein, George Homung. 2d LIEUTS.— Frederick Wolf, Alexan der Tilly. SERGTS.— Charles King, Floreng Novety, Joseph Wolf, John Hess, George Worst, Frank WlUenburg, Joseph Kuhle. CORPLS. — -Frederick ,Bain, Ernst Wamann, Charles Hermann, Christian Lelligg. John Lott, John Gausman, Charles Hauck. Charles Norten, Zunder An ton. WAGONER- Frederick Winkler. PRIVATES— Henry Birrell, John F. Baker, Nichols Devalue, Fred erick Domlre. Ludwick FIfst, Martin Feadler. Ferdinand Flecker, Mich ael Plabick, Joseph Hubner, Charles Hermansteifer, Peter Halnback, Raymond Hefter, John Krumm, John Kautz. John H. Kannuck, Frank Keller, Christian Leibrand, Leonhart Lenart, Rudolph Miller, Frank Miller, William Moremeir, Henry Nagel, August Poppe, Adam Rosen- berger, Frank Roliver, Balteaser Schaub. Adolph Achubert, WUliam Scholge, Frederick Simon, Henry Schroeder, Ludwig Schweiger, Jos. Stuverer, John Stein, Gottfend Sauter. August Schneider, Christian Schmetz, William Sellenkamp, William Walthalle, Clemence Wonder- haar, August Wederkind, Joseph Wlppragtiger, John Waussler, Henry Werner, George Berty, Frederick Bepler, Hartsman Forster, Herman Gerdes, Renick Hunes, Frank Johnson, Charles Kotsbue, Geo. Kramer, Bernherd Medecke. Jacob Rauscher, Christian Sponhaner, Henry Sund- meyer, John Scherer, Christian Wohman. Frederick Weiss, Frederick Bauman, PhiUp Guettfer, Joseph Oemlch, Martin Ri*effel, Albert Schae- fer, Philip Yost, Prank Burtgheimer, Frank Bigge, Herman Felsel. William Krabel, John Koelch, John Krackenberg, Jacob Wolf, William Boettger, William Koppenhill, Daniel Kan, Jacob Zaiher, Frederick Weiser, Jacob Albecker, Herman Stohn. 282 I Union Regiments of Kentucky. Second Kentucky Infantry. One of the active Unionists at Louisville, in the spring of 1861, was Capt. W. E. Woodruff. He had served in the Mexican war and was associated with Lovell H. Rousseau in the formation of companies for the defense of Louis ville. It was plain to be s&en that there was a necessity for military organization, but under the ideas of neutral ity then prevailing, it Avas thought improper that it should go on in the state. It was under these circumstances that Gen. Lovell H. Rousseau established Camp Jo Holt, in the state of Indiana, just opposite Louisville, and fhat Camp Clay was established on the Ohio side of the river opposite Newport, Ky. Capt. W. E. Woodruff was an eamest, zealous man, and had exerted a strong infiuence at Louisville, among the military companies, for the de fense of the city. Seeing the need of soldiers for the service of the United States, he concluded to recruit a regi ment at Camp Clay. He took with him from Louisville two companies and these became the nucleus of his regi ment, which became the 2d Ky. Infantry. It was mustered into the service June 13, 1861, at Camp Clay. In the same camp at the same time was the 1st Ky. In fantry, Col. Guthrie, and the two regiments were asso ciated together all the time they were in the service. In the same month they were both ordered to West Vir ginia. They went up the river by boat, landed at Giiy- andote and marched at once to Barbourville, from which place they drove out the enemy under Col. Jenkins. This movement is mentioned by Gen. McClellan, in the follow ing dispatch from Beverly, Va.: "One of Cox's regi ments, the 2d Ky., defeated and drove six hundred of Wise's men out of Barbourville, Cabell county, on the 16th." The Island 2d had been placed by Gen. McClellan, under Gen. Cox, July 2d, by an order directing Gen. Cox to take command of the 1st and 2d Ky. and 12th Ohio, and proceed into West Virginia, on the KanaAvha river. From Barbourville, the march was fo Camp Poco, on Scury creek, Avhere in an engagement Col. Woodruff was taken prisoner; Lieut.-Col. Neff and Capt. Hurd Avere also captured. This was a seA'ere blow to the regiment, but other officers took the places of the captured ones, and the regiments continued in very active duty. July 25th the 1st and 2d Ky., 11th and 12th Ohio, and some regiments of militia Avere constituted into the bri gade of the Kanawha, under Gen. Cox, the 2d being com- Second Kentucky Infantry. 283 mauded by Col. T. D. Sedgewick. These regiments con tinued with Gen. Cox, and also under Gen. Rosecrans in West Virginia, during the fall of 1861, and had numerous engagements with the enemy, particularly one at Gauley Bridge and one at Cotton Hill, November 11th, which Gen. Rosecrans called "vigorous and brilliant." The 1st and 2d went into winter quarters at Charleston, in December, but on the 25th of January, 1862, they wei-e ordered tu Kentucky. They moved at once to Louisville, and Feb ruary 5th marched to Bardstown. From thence thej marched to Green river, and after the retirement of the Confederates from Kentucky, consequent upon the fall of Fort Donelson, they moved to Nashville. They then proceeded with Buell's army to Pittsburg Landing, and took part in the battle of Shiloh. The 1st, 2d and 20th Ky. were in Bruce's brigade, in Nelson's division. Gen. Nelson says in his report, that his division was over the river by 9 o'clock p. m. Ammen's brigade of his division was his left, Bruce's brigade his center, and Hazen's bri gade his right. In this order the movement against the enemy began at 4 o'clock a. m., the next day. Col. Bruce speaks in the highest terms of the conduct of the 2d Ky. Being directed to charge a battery, he says: "The fight of this regiment in executing this order became almost hand to hand, and Avas of the most terrific character, Capt. Spellmayer was instantly killed; Capts. Bodine and Smith, Adjt. Weindall, Lieuts. Miller and Alms were carried to the rear all seriously wounded. Lieut. Miller died on the field." Col. Bruce says: "Col. Sedgewick, Lieut.-Col. Spencer and Maj. Hurd displayed the greatest courage and daring. Col. Sedgewick was stricken dowu by a spent round shot." Col. Sedgewick, in his report, mentions the offlcers above named, and compliments the services of Capts. Brown, BaldAvin, ^\'hittlesey and Stag, and Lieuts. Cook, Hurd, Bonticue, Tuley, Tanman, Thayer, Bell, Martin and Brannan. After the battle of Shiloh, the 2d continued with Buell's army in the siege of Corinth, Avhere Col. Sedgewick commanded the brigade and the regiment was under Lieut.-Col. Spencer. In the fighting and skirmish ing of that campaign, the reports make complimentary mention of the steadiness and soldierly qualities of the 2d Ky. After the evacuation of Corinth, the 2d marched with Buell's army to Athens, Ala.; and from thence to Murfreesboro, Tenn. July 21, 1862, two comlpanies of the 2d (E and G) were guarding Mill Creek bridge, between Nashville and Murfreesboro, and were attacked and captured by Forrest's cavalry. Three were killed in the 284 Union Regiments of Kent'ucky. fight. Gen. Nelson, in his report at that time, says the 2d Ky. "is much reduced by losses." August 13th the regiment was at Lavergne; August 22d, at Murfreesboro. In September and October it marched Avith Buell's army to Kentucky, being in Crit tenden's corps, W. S. Smith's division, Cruft's brigade, and Col. Sedgewick commanding the regiment. From Ken tucky, it returned with the army to Tennessee, and Decem ber 31, 1862, participated in the battle of Murfreesboro. Its casualties in that battle were nine killed and fifty- six wounded. Gen. Palmer says: "The 2d Ky. brought off three guns abandoned by Negley's division." Col. Cruft, says; "Col. Sedgewick displayed marked gallantry on the field." And he expressed his great obligations to him. Col. Sedgewick's report of the part the 2d Ky. took in this battle is very graphic. He says: "Leaving camps at Nashville, December 26th, the 2d was the advance of Nel son's division. One mile from Lavergne it met the enemy and drove them from the ground. On 27th, bivouacked on Stewart's creek; 29th, advanced, the 2d and 31st Ind. be ing reserve to the brigade, halted at night three miles from ¦ Murfreesboro." On the 30th, the 2d and 31st Ind., under Sedgewick's command, moved in advance of the division in a cedar wood fronting a field, advanced and drove the enemy from position; 31st, the engagement became gen eral, Sedgewick's position was attacked, held it until it was turned and exposed to enfilading fire; requested to be withdrawn, was refused, but the 2d was relieved by the 90th Ohio. "The passage of lines by the advancing and retiring regiments was executed in the most perfect order." The isolated condition of SedgeAvick being ap parent, he was withdrawn. In retiring he learned that three guns had been left by Negley's division, "double quicked to the spot and brought them off in safety." This ended the severe fighting. During the next day the 2d supported Swallow's battery and was exposed to a "terri ble artillery fire." "In the action on the 31st, and during the fight on January 2d, soldiers never displayed more undaunted courage than those of the 2d Ky." Col. Sedge wick specially mentions Lieut. Col. Warner Spencer, Maj. J. R. Hurd, Capt. A. J. M. Browne. "In fact, every officer of the regiment is deserving of th(^ greatest praise." The losses were ten killed and fifty-seven wounded. January 30, 1863, the 1st and 2d were still in Cruft's brigade. Palmer's division, Crittenden's corps, and they moved with the army in all its experiences in the cam paign from Murfreesboro to Chattanooga. It was at " . ¦ if ' ¦"¦¦¦..- Secmul Kentucky Infantry. 285 Murfreesboro, until May; in June and July, at Manches ter; in August, at Dunlap; in September, at Chattanooga. Septembei" 12th, Gen. Palmer sent a portion of Cruft's brigade up the valley toward Pea Vine church, to clear that fiank and learn the cause of the firing in that direc tion. "This was handsomely done by Col. Sedgewick and Col. Ripley, with their respective regiments, and one sec tion of Stannard's battery." About dusk that day. Pal mer's whole division was at Lee and Gordon's Mills. In the battle of Chickamauga, September 19th and 20th, Gen. Palmer says: "Col. Sedgewick remained with his regiment during both days' battles, and kept it in good order, under the heaviest fire, and brought it off the field ready to tum upon the enemy effectively at any moment. I recommend his promotion." Col. Sedgewick in his report says : The regiment crossed the Tennessee river, at Shellmound, on September 3d; September 6th marched to junction of Murphy's Bottom and Nick-a-jack roads. September Sth, at Hawkins Station; September 9th, at Chattanooga, and went on to Rossville, six miles south of Chattanooga; September 10th, at Pea Vine creek; Sep tember llfh, at Ringgold; September 12th, skirmished toward Lee and Gordon's Mill, and camped there; Sep tember 14th, escorted a train to Chattanooga; September 15th, returned to Gordon's Mills; September 16th, at Crawfish Springs. In the battles, 19th and 20th, he de scribes the terrible fighting and says: "The conduct of the officers and men during the battles of both days was of the most heroic character. The loss of the regiment, which occurred on the first day, attests the bravery of the men. I had no stragglers." He says: "Lieut.-Col. Hurd and- Maj. Baldwin, as on all previous fields, displayed the greatest gallantry. Capt. Bodine received his death wound while coolly directing the fire of his men. Maj. Baldwin was wounded. All of my officers deserve special mention." The 2d was at Bridgeport during October, November and December, 1863. In -January, at Tyner's Station, Ga.; February, March and April, at Cleveland, East Tennessee. In the organization, in April and May, 1864, it was in the 4th Corps, Stanley's division, Cruft's brigade. It moved with Sherman's army as far as Resaca, and the Etowah river, when being much reduced from sickness and losses in tlje fleld, it was retumed to Kentucky, and stationed at Co-^ington, in the command of Gen. Hobson. That officer mentions the 1st and 2d Ky. as being part of the forces with which he would resist the Morgan raid of June, 1864. - 286 Union. Regiments qf Kentucky. It was mustered out of service June 19, 1864, at Cov ington. Note — Col. Woodruff was made brigadier general. See biographical sketch of this offieier, p. 66. Field and Staff. COLONELS- William E. Woodruff, Thos. D. Sedgewick. LIEUT. COLS.— George W. Neff, Warner Spencer, John R. Hurd. MAJORS— Oliver L. Baldwin, Fernando Cook. ADJTS. — Henry Wimedell, Thomas N. Davis. Q. MASTERS- Gilbert H. Clemens, Joseph M. BlundeU, James W. Poe. SURGEONS— John P. White, David J. Grifilths. ASST. SURGEONS— Stephen P. Bonner, Lawrence Russell, James E. Cox, Will iam L. Reed, Frederick Rectanus. SERGT. MAJORS— Oscar Mitchell, Jno. N. Archdeacon, f homas Langdon. Q. M^ SERGT. — Herbert A. Preston. COM. SERGT.— Aaron Dunham. HOSPITAL STEWARDS— Frederick J. Hawes, WUUam McGrooley. PRINCIPAL MUSICIANS— John Reese, Henry Howard, George Thomas. LEADER OP BAND— Robb Gereck. MUSICIANS — Herman Deisworth, Auten Unkleback, Charles Deiselworth, Frank Gloss, Lgrenzo Naw, John Glass, Henry -Webber, Michael Schuerelker, WUliam Naucke, Louis Reisory, Augustus Glass, Louis Gathner. Company "A." CAPTAINS— Alfred J. M. Browne, Henry B. Martin. 1st LIEUTS.- Joseph M. BlundeU, Thomas N. Davis, Henry Wimedell. 2d LIEUT.— George Taylor. SERGTS.-David S. Wolf, Charles A. Smith, Samuel R. Teagarden, John Harvey, WUliam E. Jones, Andrew J. Bryant. COR PORALS— William E. Pitts, Jacob R. Critten, Simon Holland. -William H. Moore, Michael Annon, Edward H. Talnot, Henry Curry, John Wisley, WUUam H. Hudson, Gilbert Hurst, James R. Jones, Morgan Pyle. PRIVATES — Josiah Anderson, Michael Boland, John Barry, Chris tian Clayton, Henry Couch, Stephen Dutchle, Patrick Degeman, John F. Garrell, John Hendricks, Thomas G. Hooper, Thomas J. Isentrager, Frederick Lucas, Jonathan McClenden, John McGinnis, Alexander Mc- Arcus, Hugh McDonald, John McQue, Thomas McKeIr, Luke Murphy, Daniel Mays, Frank Neeley, Sylvester Quigley, Peter Ryaji, John Ruther ford, Henry Resfield, Joseph Ritter, Joseph Stephens, John Smith, John Sadelfield, Andrew Schmerlng, James Terrill, Ephraim Welby, John Wilkinson, Josiah Wolf, Thomas B. Wolf, John H. WItsman, Benjamin F. Brooks, Thomas Dillen, John Eagan, James MUligan, Joseph Smith, Robert Smith, Robert Thomas, John Eagle, ,Iohn G. Foster, Henry Howard, Prank McLaughlin, James Waldriss, Thomas G. Brown, John Mack, John R. McPherson, Benjamin F. Stevenson, Owen SuUivan, WUliam Ward, Samuel H. Calhoun, John Donnovan, George W. Henry, George W. Harrison, John A. Lee, Patrick Malone, WlUIam Roberts, Edward RoUln, Martin Winthrop, John K. Wolf, William H. Wright, Prank Connolly, Robert B. Beswick, Dennis Callahan, John Davis, .William Gessert, Martin Golden, James Henedsey, John B. Hall, John C. Harvey, James McLaughlin, Thomas Newton, Nessback Rawson, Thomas RUton, Peter Smith. Company "B." CAPTAINS— Thos. D. Sedgewick, George Austin, Oliver L. Baldwin, Seth W. Tuley. 1st LIEUTS.-Archlbald McLellan, WUliam Brannin, WUliam P. BeU, George R. McPadden. 2d LIEUTS.— Gideon V. Van dyke, Sidmund Huber, Orlando C. Bryant. SERGTS.— WUliam G. Fer guson, John A. Hern, Anthony Brown, Thomas Burns, John Richardson, Thomas Langdon, Charles Bright. CORPLS.— James Rutledge, Daniel SuUivan, Joseph WlUis, Charies N. Styer, Ferdinand HeskeU, Joshua Price, Wm. H. Crawford. DRUM MAJOR— George Thomas. « ¦'^''^^^~'^'^°™^® Brown, William Brown, John Burns, Francis M. Busic Thomas P. Burge, John Cashman, John Castello, Henry Cole, Morgan Carl, James Connelly, Thomas Castello, William Easton, Josiah Second Kentucky Infantry. 287 Forselle, Patrick Fitzgerald, WUliam G. Gray, James Gray, Everlsts Garcia, Jerry Hart, James Howe, Nelson Hunt, John Kuhn, James Mc Cormick, Martin McCormick, George W. McFall, AVUliam McP'all, James O'Harrow, John O'Maler, Warren S. Phelps, James Patterson, Christopher Reddy, John Reynolds, Nicholas Sohn, John ScuUey, Charles Schoder, Neunis SuUivan, Bernard Schartman, WilUam Scunley, Thomas Staf ford, Thomas Walsh, John Young, Michael Brady, Michael Cobley, John Donahoe, Barney Friel, Kearnes Hyland, Abbert Homer, Henry Kennedy, Thomas King, EU N. Langley, William Linsey, Owen Mead, Louis W. Phillips, George W. Pennell, William Reid, Patrick Scully, John Weber, William Bowman, Donald Brick, Alfred T. Bartholamew, David Godley, Albany Cable, Mathias J. Fitzpatrick, James Henry, Ernst Kummer, William McGroarty, George Perkins, Timothy SuUivan, WUUam Wallers, Herman Brinkman, John McCabe, John Jordons, Michael HoUwun, Michael Kelly, Barney McElroy, William McCorkhlU^ John W. Bowman, Jacob Bell, Warren H. Chapman, Henry Conroy, Daniel Fay, John Griffith, Theodore P. Hunt, William Hillman, William Langdon, Owen McLee, Johny McKee, Thomas O'Rourke, WUUam O'Donald, John Walsh. Company "C." CAPTAINS— John H. SpeUmeyer, Anthony Lauman. 1st LIEUTS.— Trancls MUler, WUliam Pettibone. 2d LIEUTS.— James E. Stewart, William Miller, John H. Albers. SERGTS.— Joseph These, Henry Pieper, Martin Janner, Berna;rd Backon, William H. Bey, George H. Borggl- meyer, John G. Hatters, WUUam Brown. CORPLS. — Bernard Stonkie, George H. Kralger, Henry Budestrake, Henry Bishchoff, Theodore Welmitter, Herman Hamann, Francis Bauer, Gerhard Bracker. PRIVATES— Herman Altemeyon, Henry Aufleshlde, Frederick Behner, Louis Barclis, Francis Bracker, Henry Barlekarap, Frederick Costa, John Drumm, Michael Flinn, Clement Haferkamp, George Hule- mann, Herman Haultham, Joseph Keller, William Keiser, John Krock, John Leimann, WUliam Leive, John Mulier, Henry Miller, John Muster- mann, WUUam Mopell, Henry Meyer, Bernard Nadecksternd, Peter Neufleld, Joseph Pelper, Casper Pfannakuch, WUliam Peters, Martin Raff, Peter Rodenkenk, Joseph Schnal, Frederick Slenk,' Henry Tacblie, Frederick Tiemann, Edward Tumna, Henry Williams, John H. Wagener, Francis ZImmerle, Louis Aszmann, Conrad Aszmann, Kennon Akron, Louis Bold, Max Carlsberger, John Bglehoff, August FIrcher, Henry Helming, John Hargen, John Keller, Christian Klinger, George Mar- guart, Clement Menndlng, John Pelger, Adolphus Shard, Louis WIntiet, William Wlmkleman, Henry H. Hanson, John Lauer, Arnold Broch- meyer, Adolphus Kusleur, Bernard Lambers, Gotleib LIndheur, Hermann Tennoarth, Nicholas Teller, Henry Ataggenburg, William Keltner, Frederick Meyer, Henry Banman, George H. EUerbrook, Francis Hemi- sey, John Klemeyer, Anthony Meyer, Henry Richter, Isaac Rosenbaum, Frederick Rolpen, John Shorer, Tobias Shuch, Ignus Wolf, Hefiry Young. Company "D." CAPTAINS — Warner Spenoer, Joseph W. Miller, Lemach DuvaU. 1st LIEUTS.— "Wiilliam B. Polger, Calvin W. Brown. 2d LIEUTS.— Daniel W. Finch, John MUton Blair. SERGTS.— Newton W. Dewry, James M. Poe, Charles C. Selgfrled, Nathaniel Southard, Jacob W. Price, James S. Hays, Edward Donarary, Herbert A. Preston, AVUliam Cynn Reed, John H. Archdeacon. CORPORALS— Henry Allen, John Adkins, Thomas Krurlns, Gilbert M. WUllams, Jesse P. J. Debeck, Norman H. Conclln, David Beldon Thomas, John E. Clement. WAGONER— David Black. PRIVATES — George Arstingstal, Alonzo W. Anderson, Harry L. Brown, Hans W. Bleaks, Jarvis Blinn, John Bloom, Benjamin Camron, Charles W. Davis, Edwin Dufen, Edward Drum, WUliam C. Blstner, Philip Flsh, Patrick Higgins, Charles B. Houser, Prestley JoUey, John Mullen, Charles P. Munroe, James G. Morgan, Samuel Osmond, James Parker, Clay C. Runyan, Michael Rafferty, Henry C. Sampson, John P. W. Thomas, Joseph C. Thole, Prank M. AVard, Nicholas Wengberg, Pul ton B. Davis. Charles A. Dart, WUliam H. Gibner, George Grinnett, 288 Unimi Regiments of Kentucky. James F. Hunter, Morris C. Hutchins, Alexander Humphries, John King, Harman King, Edward B. Kirman, Charles W. Love, Charles Lybrand, William Meyer, Frank McCord, James W. Marcey, Chesterfield Runkler, WUUam O. Stevenson, Robert S. Schultz, James E. Stewart, Samuel A.. Spencer, George W. Schultz, Thomas S. Taylor, George E. Tonnly,. Joseph W. Tarvln, George L. Thomas, William H. Crane, Reuben S. Darnall, Daniel Fox, Frederick J. Hawes, -William O'Donnell, William O. Smith, Martin 0'Ma;ila, Thomas Campbell, George Flint, Prank D. Gower, Samuel D. Girson, Joseph P. Hare, Henry Wyand, John P. Fletcher, John Adams, Charles P. Adams, Patrick Byron, Augustus Belse, John Clayter, Thomas Crow, Joseph Erastus, Alexander Ewing, John Frank, William FInck, Frederick Gregory, Samuel O. Gault, Garrett Heyer, Arthur Hedge, John Harrison, Samuel King, PhUip Kane, George Louder, C. Leonard,' James W. McCullough, Mathew McDonald, Fred erick Meisner, George Merrlman, Prank Neely, John R. Payne, AVUliam H. Squires, Charles Schmidt, Edward Smith, James Terner, James Thomas, Isaac West, John Wesly, Ephraim AVeller, Benjamin Williams, John Zugman. Company "E." CAPTAINS— Plamen Bell, Geo. W. Dasher, Ferdinand (jook, Charles W. Carr. 1st LIEUTS.— Frederick E. Roelofson, Seth. W. Tuley, Ed ward B. Kirman. SERGTS. — John Shaw, William Scanlan, Benjamin P. Howell, Francis M. Cloud, Bernard Quinn, George Mooney, Benjamin J. Long, John Joyce, Henry Jesson, James Sheridan. CORPLS. — Robert H. Weamer, Ehonelle Kringle, John P. Ross, WUUam E. Poster, Fred erick Snyder, Daniel C. Pierce, Albert Ball, Godfredt Wolf, George White, Albany Cable. DRUMMER— Christian Cooke. WAGONER— Frederick Herman. PRIVATES— Henry Byer, Frederick Dahn, Michael Doud, Pens Phis, Martin Ford, Michael Flusch, John Pisk, George. Grass, Frederick Hes- son, William B. Huber, Leibold Huber; Charles Huss, Fredinand Handel- man, Godfred Kramer, William Kiser, Peter Lenhoff, George Long, Philip Lever, Sidney Lunn, David MUler, Benjamin Meeker, Harrison MUler, Julius Markgraffi, Charles Meyers, Peter Reed, Adam Rahal, Herman Rail, George Stabler, Simon Switzer, Henry Schuder, Timothy Sullivan, Joseph Ulsmer, Adam Weber, Nicholas AVerkin, John Apple, Bernard Blair, Hugh Curny, Frederick DInkel, Henry Bngelbrecht, William Sandelback, August Schleitzer, John Bartlank, Peter Drum, Frederick Grampker, Joseph HUgers, William B. Hubbard, Jacob Leibold, Dominick Meyer, Bernard McKInna, Simon Marberger, Amos Kucket, Francis Ackerman, Valentine Dant, Henry Brunett, George R. Baird, Morgan Carl, Michael Cobley, Michael Christy, Charles Cook, Nicholas Cook, Isaac Dougherty, Ferdinand Brdman, David Pisk, Peter Fochr, Stephen Holden, Jacob Kramer, Solomon Myers, James O'Hern, Hugh Pimerton, J. H. Ripley, Dennis Sullivan, Andrew Solar, Richard Scanlan, Michael Tracy, John AA'^eber. Company " F." CAPTAINS— John R. Hurd, Jacob H. Smith, J. M. Blair. 1st LTS.— Jesse C. Hurd, Cyrenus J. Coe. 2d LIEUT.— James A. Miller. SERGTS. —James H. Porsythe, Thos. W. Morrison, Lucas Benson, Henry Willis, George W. Bays, George H. Clemmins. CORPLS.— Lemuel Dutriel, Nathan Wheeler, Arthur Crawford, John H. Meran, Robert Herton, Edwin S. Owen. PRIVATES— Theodore R. Allison, Thomas Addle, Joseph Baker, Solomon Blackbourn, John W. Calvin, William Crasser, Josephus David son, Andrew Dealer, Jonas Davis, .Tohn Dutriel, Wm. K. Elam, Shelby Elam, Louis Foote, Frank R. French, James Friel, Harchless T. Guess, William Herrill, Benjamin Hobble. Jacob Hobstetter, Thomas Hodges, Ehhus Harper, Amos Hussey, John Keenan, Allen B. Langshore, John V. Leunnier, James E. Letch, Frederick Miller, Joseph McKee,. Timothy 'l^i'Sr®' ''^^ ¦'^^"' °'"^'"e L. Owen, Henry C. Powers, GUson Perkins, Addison Patterson, John H. PIgman, Charles RoUins, Valentine Suggle, Jackson Sigman, Sebastian Baush, John W. Curtis, Wm A Cooper, James M. Carlton, James Ditty, William Dutriel, Charies Drury, Luster Second Kentucky Infantry. 289 Davis, Anderson Pout, Benjamin F. Goheen, Isaac Harad, Sandy O'Den- nolly, Wm. M. Payman, John Rudolph, Andrew Stutts, James W. Smith, George G. Stewart, Lafayette Vanceyoc, William Westwood, William Brisenkine, Robert Granes, Adam Hedges, John Reese, James C. Bays, John Brannan, John Brandan, Lafayette Burns, Charles CaU, Wm. M. Clemmins, Lemuel Crawford, Frank Dutriel, James Gray, John Jones, John Lanty, WUUam Rollins, Fernando Smith, Charles B. WUson! Roman Welby, John H. McGinnis, WiUiam Plumb, James Smith, Albert Alum, John Brennan, John Burrls, Jesse W. BaU, Callihan Bear, Adam Cite, David Clark, Charles Culwell, Thomas Case, John Davis, Thomas Davis, George Farcle, John Hampling, John Hellevy, Michael Hishem, James Howe, William Jones, John Keesler, Stephen G. Lasse, WUUam McKnight, Thomas McCall, Francis O'Harer, John Peters, James M. Patterson, John H. Sumlsing, Gilbert Stewart, Charles StIUman, Owen Thorman, George Warbraugh, WiUiam Weaver, Nicholas Youngblocke. WUliam S. McKee. Company "G." CAPTAINS— James M. Bodine, John D. Parkhurst. 1st LIEUTS.— David McK. Ong, Joseph C. Bontecon, Hiram D. Bodine. 2d LIEUT.— WUliam Bell. SERGTS.— John StiUman, WlUIam B. Skeck, Joseph Curry, John B. Mershon, James A. Slaughter, George Dasher, Benjamin Sark, George Stewart. CORPLS.— Andrew J. Ball, John A. Ulrlch, Samuel Thompson, John Gunnenkold, George Dean, Edward KllUnea, Michael MItzenberg, Charles Markham. PRIVATES— Alto Brunning, George Berhly, Theopolis Derewisled, Abraham Foster, George Fisher, John Freeburg, Louis Gestodere, Charles Gllden, Perry Hess, Marshall Henry, Antrim Holhsback, George Hill, John Knicht, Frederick Leeman, George Luly, Christopher Mitch, John Mowry, Leonidas Price, William Quantz, Henry Spates, Edward Smith, John Sullivan, Clements Schultz, Martin Stably, Andrew Subager, Moses Brim, Charles Bird, George Brown, John Deran, WUliam Free, John Houpt, Joseph Hoffman, Christopher Horming, John Murray, Herman Mihans, George Perkins, WiUiam Smith, James Smith, Richard Wiggers, Edward Anderson, Freeman Brooks, James Richardson, John Holks- back, Edward Robinson, William Wilson, George Weber, John N. Cus tard, Charles Dickman, John KiUpatrlck, Xavlor Schultz, Edward War wick, Gotleib Gramenger, Mathias Fitzpatrick, Joseph Pistner, Jacob Platygraff, Gasper Snyder. Frederick Wenlger, Alexander Ewing, Will iam Barnet, George Bauman, Henry Brice, Oregon Case, Peter Cramer, John Dunn, Thomas Edward, Mathew Prestlne, Jacob Kingry, Charles Leonard, Andrew Levenger, John Mire, George Moser, John Minehart, George McLellan, John McCarty, William O'Hallen, John Reed, Chris topher Smith, Andrew Smith, Benjamin Williams, John Wactman, Will iam Wollenhaupt. Company " H." CAPTAINS— James E. Stacy, John H. Archdeacon. 1st LIEUTS.— William H. Taylor, George W. Dasher, John D. Parkhurst. 2d LIEUTS. —William R. McChesney, Delos Alden, Thomas J. EUiott. SERGTS.— John V. Hewett, Edward J. Croxford, Marcus O'Brien, James G. Baker, John Delahanty, Fred Enderly, Oscar Mitchell, John L. Simmons, Charles O'Brien. CORPLS. — Thomas J. McFadden, Rudolph Robinson, William Lever, John M. Rich, John A. Durment, Henry NIemeyer, Samuel Ash craft, George Blalcesley, Albert Green, Mathew P. Hempel, Dugan Con nell, James McGailey. DRUMMERS — Robert Morris, Fred Meyers. WAGONER— Michael Auth. PRIVATES — James Adams, Fred N. Bringmay, Theodore F. Burlew, Edwin Ballon, Andy Bleake, David Bergin, David Colburn, Peter Creemer, Jerry Cable, Henry Condiff, Jeremiah Coleman, Martin Car roll, Richard Disert, Charles W. Evers, Alfred Plesher, Thomas D. Ham Uton, Francis M. Hilton, James H. Hallett, Patrick Kilfall, John Mur phy, Thomas McNally, George W. MUler, Charles W. MUler, Edward Nolan, Henry Otterman, John W. Pate, Anthony Rengering, Henry Rengering, Joseph Redman, John Rowe, George Ridgeway, Mathew Samon, Fritz Schriver, Thomas Sanders, Samuel Simlger, Franklin 19 290 Unimi Regiments of Kentucky. Snyder, John Stonham, Joseph Sarfert, WiUiam P. Uper, Charles Vol- gold, James P. Warsdell, Jonathan Bishop, George W. Burgmar, Jacob Greenvault, William Powers, George B. Green, William H. Taylor, Michael O'Hare, Egbert P. Winston, Edward Laffee, Benjamiii Hende- man, Michael Manessey, Taul Riley, Cornelius Smith, George Wooley, James Baker, Patrick Fitzgerald, Mjchael Whalin, Christopher Burk- man, Andrew Coons, Henry S. Evans, Patrick Galigher, James Michael, Samuel White, George Brehnen, Louis Borrls, James Bepperd, David Connel, John B. Dunlap, Iverson Edwards, Charles Hickman, Frederick Helbing, William Hoppie, Leo Henderman, Jacob Leise, Martin Lawless, WUliam McCuffrey, John B. McGuire, Melton Sleight; George Sharer, Samuel Stone, Winchester Shafer, Thomas White, William Wier. Company " I." V CAPTAINS— Joseph Whittlesey, Henry Gross, Jesse C. Hurd. 1st • LIEUTS.— Atherton Thayer, George Potter. 2d LIEUT.— Herman Alms. SERGTS.— Justus Schwab, Andrew Erk, Mark Wlsener, Patrick Cusick, Harvey Housman, E. B. Fairchild, Thomas Honls, Lawrence Wisl, Booth Thomas. CORPLS.— Frank McKim, John Flynn, Frank Walters, Will iam Miller. WAGONER- Peart AA'IUIams. PRIVATES— Andrew Anshutzy, John Bailey, Charles Bradly, Mathew Bushe, Christian Coleman, Benjamin Cooper, William Corson, Francis Corson, Daniel Conger, John Donohu, Patrick Dignum, Patrick Danegan, Benjamin Gilbert, Nathan Garrett, Atherton Goldenbaugh, Lewis Hames, Frank Hogreire, Martin Kelly, Michael Kelly, John Lillls, Peter Lorell, Charles McKim, John McCam, Charles Madara, Michael Moran, John Mulcahy, Benjamin Nelson, Reuben Peters, Ferdinand Rafer, Nicholas Rulins, George Richards, Colostlne Rlchey, Antoine Ross, John Smith, James Smith, John Slake, George Sullvan, WUliam Thomas, Herman Wempsing, Joseph Young, Josple Zimmer, John Zimmennon, William Camagay, John Gravell, William Hays, William Jackson, Michael Mc Carty, Ferdinand Zalerber, Daniel Davidson, John Johnson, Willlain Long, Aaron Dunham, Frederick Allen, John Corrlgan, Michael Corbett, John Bdniger, Henry Hoack, Allen Sanderson, August Belse, Henry Dippey, Jacob Smith, Joseph White. John Atwood, John Archey, Henry Bartell, Frank Brown, Daniel Benty, Mathew Benty, George Benton, John Becker, Martin Comar, Alfred Cooper, James Cole, Martin Cook, George Daniel, Charles EU, Samuel Edwards, Benjamin Edwards, Mathew F'arrell, James Francis, James, French, Joseph Fisher, August Harner, Samuel Hanley, AA'Uliam Jones, Alexander King, Benjamin Kirkpatrlck, John McKuen, Charles E. Meyer, Mathew O'Brien, John Ryan, Patrick Telly, Crls Wacklin. Thomas Watson. Company " K." CAPTAINS— John P. Wlsnewskl. Louis Steublng. 1st LIEUTS.-- George Beinert, Theodore Leiser. 2d LIEUTS.- Herman Horst, Oscar MItchel. SERGTS.— George A. Dick, Adolph Mayer, Martin Albert, Hennan Boeke, Charles MicheU, Mathew Raus. CORPLS.— Henry Sebexin, Godfried Stocker, John Gutjahr, Luckert Christ, Jacob Strang, Ottomar Stufel. WAGONER— Henry Kock. PRIVATES— WUUam Boese, Andrew Belser. John BItzer, Jacob Becker, George Paokler, Charles Preese, John G. Hempfilng, Michael Heschong, Henry Hilberg, Nicholas Jungblut, Jacob 'Kircklerr, Anton Kaltenbrunn, Philip Leichtle, August Lenderman, Frederick Lutz, Will iam Luns, Anton Nesselhop. Herman Oger, Louis Riede, Peter Schmitt, Henry Seiffer, Henry Schlenz, John Schlelds, Louis Schaffner, Adam Schendler, Caspar Voelker, Lorens A'-oelker, Godlleb Walser, Christian Warner, Adam Weber, Conrad Weitzel, Mathew Widmayer, Christian Wurst, Adam Zoeller, John Zlemer, Adam Zitt, Henrv Autenrleb, John Autenrieb, WUUam Ausmann, Adam Deffner, Robert Daniel, George '| Demleln, Henry Bversmann, Charles Hoermann, Mathew Karle, Andrew Keller, John W. Klug, Caspar Itupferschmitt, Theodore Loeffer, WUliam Osterholt, Frank Relnwald, Louis Heinwardt, Henry Relbel, Christian Roggenbach, Henry Schock, Herman Stulz, Herman Depiez, John Bender, Joseph Christ, John FInkler, Henry Twenhoefel, Herman Wolter, John I Third Kent'ucky Infantry. 291 Goesker, Herman Krohne, Christ Kruse, John Mueller, Godfried Siegel, Fernando Vogel, Michael Burkhardt, Valentine Pfirrman, Frank Etck, John P. Frey, Henry Huhn, Henry Hardt, Charles Huake, Philip Hoer, Frederick Messmann, Otto' Pein, George Vetter, Robert Volz, Herman Weber, Anton Zeigler, John Stephens. Third Kentucky Infantry. The 3d Ky. Infantry was one of the regiments organ ized at Camp Dick Robinson in the summer of 1861. There was at that time an urgent necessity for military organization on the part of the Union men of Kentucky. The idea of their remaining quiescent, when all along the soutiiern border, in the state of Tennessee, Confederate troops were collecting in camp, was preposterous. They could neither maintain neutrality nor oppose being dragged forcibly into the Confederacy without arming. The dictates of common sense caused them to organize. The state had voted against Secession and the Union peo ple would have been foolish, beyond expression, if they had folded their hands and sat down to inactivity, under all the circumstances. Just across the line in Tennessee, Confederate troops were arming and in camps, and the gaps in the mountains on the state line were occupied by them.The offlcial records show that in July, 1861, Thomas E. Bramlette was selected by Gen. Wm. Nelson to be colonel of the 3d Ky. Infantry, as will be seen by the fol lowing extract from Nelson's letter to the adjutant-gen eral of fhe U. S. Army, dated July 16, 1861. "On Sunday, 14th, I met the principal gentlemen of Southeast Kentucky at Lancaster and Crab Orchard, Ky., and, after examining the whole question, I appointed Speed S. Fry, of Danville, to be colonel of the 1st Regi-* ment of infantry; Theophilus T. Garrard, colonel of the 2d; Thos. E. Bramlette, of Adair, colonel of the 3d, and Frank L. Wolford, of Casey, lieutenant-colonel of the cavalry regiment." These regiments were soon formed, and their services were soon needed. The State Guard companies, which were in sympathy with the South, were going south with the state arms, and the Unionists applied to the United States government for muskets. These were brought to Lexington, and there was danger that the Secessionists would seize them. For their protection a portion of Col. Bramlefte's regiment moved to that place, with a detach- 292 Unimi Regiments of Kentucky. ment of the 1st Ky. Cavalry, in August, 1861. The regi ment marched again to Lexington, September 18th, and October 1st marched back to Camp Dick Robinson, where it Avas mustered into service October Sth. During the remainder of the fall it marched from place to place, in cluding Round Stone creek. Crab Orchard, into Wayne county, Somerset, Columbia. November 30th, it was in the 11th Brigade, Gen. Boyle. January Tth, it was sent to the mouth of Renwick's creek, near Burksville, and on the 16th to the mouth of Greasy creek, in Russell county, Ky. On the 18th day of March, 1862, it proceeded by steamer down the Cumberland to Nashville. It was then a fine full regiment, nine hundred strong. From Nashville it marched by way of Franklin, Columbia, Waynesboro and Savannah, with Buell's army to the field of Shiloh, where it arrived on the night of April 7th. It was engaged in the movement upon Corinth, and when that place was evacuated, it marched June 2d, by way of luka. Miss., to Tuscumbia, Ala. ; and from thence by way of Courtland, Decatur, Mooresville and Huntsville, Ala., Fayetteville, Shelbyville and Winchester, Tenn., to Decherd's Station, where it arrived July 22d. During that time it was in command of Col. Thos. E. Bramlette, in Hascall's brigade of Gen. Thos. J. Wood's division of Buell's army. It remained in Decherd until August 14th, when it marched by Avay of Manchester to Vervilla, Tenn. ; August 24th it marched to Altamont and returned to Vervilla the 26th. On the 27th, marched to McMinn ville; September 3d, it marched through Murfreesboro to Nashville. The movement of Bragg into Kentucky was then commencing and the 3d marched with Buell's foi"ces through Gallatin and Franklin to Bowling Green, arriving September 11th. On the 16th it marched by way of Bell's Tavern, Munfordville, Elizabethtown and *W6st Point to Louisville, where it arrived September 2pth. It was then commanded by Lieut.-Col. Wm. T. Scott, Col. Bramlette being on duty in the section of Kentucky about Somerset. October 1st the 3d advanced with Buell's army against Bragg, marching through Mt. Washington, Bardstown, Springfield, Perryville," Dan ville, Crab Orchard and Mt. Vernon, as far as Round Stone creek. October 22d it marched back from the pursuit of ' Bragg, and passing through Crab Orchard, Stanford, Huntsville and Liberty, reached Columbia, October 25th. Remaining there until the 30th, it again marched by wav of Edmonton and Scottsville, Ky., and Gallatin, Tenn., to Silver Springs, where it arrived November 10th. On the Third Kent'ucky Infantry. 293 15th, it marched to Lebanon, Tenn., against Gen. John Morgan, but retumed to Silver Springs the next day. From Nashville it advanced toAvard Murfreesboro with Buell's army, being in Hascall's brigade, Wood's division, Crittenden's corps. December 27th, it had au engage ment with the enemy, neai" Lavergne, at Stewart's creek; a report of this was made by Col. Sam McKee, command ing the regiment. He says: "Approaching Stewart's creek, the skirmishers discovered that the retreating rebels had some moments before fired the bridge; the fiames were already reaching high in the air. Our bat tery and one of the enemy, both posted on the pike, on op posite sides of the bridge, were shelling each other, many of the missiles from both falling on and near the bridge. Within rifie shot, on the east of the creek, stood a company of rebel cavalry. The moment was critical. Capt. Ral ston called for volunteers to extinguish the fiames. With out the least hesitation Maj. Collins' entire line, with a number of the 26th Ohio, rushed forward, and extin guished the flames and saved the. bridge." Col. McKee then posted his regiment to guard the place. Gen. Rosecrans, in his offlcial report of the Stone river campaign, mentioned this affair in these words: "Gen. Crittenden began his advance about 11 a. m., driving before him a brigade of cavalry, supported by Maney's brigade of infantry. Reaching Stewart's creek the 3d Ky. gallantly charged the rear guard of the enemy, saving the bridge, Avhich had been set on fire.'' Gen. Crittenden also mentioned this brave dash of the 3d. In the battle of Stone river, the 3d bore its part in the most heroic manner. Maj. Dan R, Collier, Avho made the official report; says: "The regiment AAent into the fight with Col. McKee commanding; Maj. Dan R. Collier, acting lieutenant- colonel, and Adjt. Vs'. A. Bullitt, acting major. Col. Mc Kee fell at 11 o'clock, after we had been engaged half an hour, and Avhen the contest Avas at its height. A minnie ball striking him over the right eye, hefell from his horse and expired almost immediately; a truer patriot, a braver man, or better Christian never fell fighting in defense of tmth and liberty. Worshiped by his men, respected and loved by his officers, our colonel would have desired no fitter mausoleum, than that in the midst of dead and dying comrades." Gen. Hascall makes a similar report concerning Col. McKee. In the course of the battle Maj. Collins was twice wounded, but did not leave the field. Adjt. W. A. Bullitt's 294 Union Regiments of Kentucky. horse was killed. Maj. Collins says: "Out of thirteen officers of the line nine were disabled. Of the men there were killed twelve, wounded seventy-seven." After the battle qf Stone river, the 3d remained on duty at Murfreesboro until June 24, 1863, when it marched to Manchester and HiUsboro. It remained at the latter place until August 16th, when it marched across the Cumberland mountains, by way of Pelham and Tracy City to Thurman, in Sequatchie valley. Septem ber 1st, it marched by Avay of Jasper and Shellmound to Chattanooga, which place was occupied by Gen. Critten den's corps. Seiptember 9th, from Chattanooga, it marched out to Lee and Gordon's Mills, and the battle field of Chickamauga. In the organization of Rosecrans' army at this time, the 3d was in Oittenden's corps. Wood's division, 3d Bri gade (Col. Chas. G. Harker). The regiment was led by Col. Henry C. Dunlap, who had been made colonel, August 9, 1863. Lieut.-Col. W. A. Bullitt was also pres ent, he having been made lieutenant-colonel, April 19, 1863. Col. Dunlap, in his report of the regiment in the battle and immediately preceding, mentions the crossing of the Tennessee river at Shellmound, ancl that as Chattanooga was approached, Lieut.-Col. Bullitt and Maj. Brennan led the skirmishing lines; occupied Chattanooga September 9th; marched next day toward Ringgold, on the llfh at Rossville, speaks of bold skirmishing, led by the "gallant Bullitt." On the 12th, Lieut.-Col. Bullitt, with a detach ment made a reconnoissance across the Chickamauga; on the 19th engaged in the battle, losing heavily in killed and wounded, but captured one hundred and eighteen prisoners; slept on arms that night; fought again on the 20th. After describing the fighting more particularly I than can be mentioned in this place, he says: "We rallied (It the Kei/ point. Here we resolved to do or die and buoyed bythe presence of Gens. Thomas and Wood, and CoL ^ Harker, we did stay, occupy and hold and then and there expended the last of one hundred and thirty rounds of am munition, flxed bayonets, and awaited the test whether ^ flesh will stand fo take the steel. At this point for four hours in the afternoon our flring was by volley; march ing to the crest of the hill and at command, more than flfty deadly volleys we directed at short range upon the enemy. The effect was evidenced by the check upon the massive columns." The losses were one officer killed, eight officers wounded, twelve men killed, seventv wounded. Gen. Third Kentucky Infantry. 295 Wood and Col. Harker mention the services of the 3d in the most complimentary terms. In the organization after the battle of Chickamauga, the 3d remained in Harker's brigade, and was in Sheri dan's division of the 4th Army Corps (Granger), in the Army of the Cumberland, under Gen. Thomas. Col. Har ker, in his report of the charge on Mission Ridge, Novem ber 25th, describes the great charge in which the 3d par ticipated, especially complimenting Lieut.-Col. W. A. Bullitt (who in that battle commanded the 65th Ind.). Col. Dunlap, in his report, says: "My loss was four enlisted men killed, seven officers AVOunded, flfty-four enlisted men wounded." He says his color sergeant fell, and Corp. Hayes seized and bore it forward till he fell, then he (Col. Dunlap) seized it himself aud carried it to the crest. He says: "The point at which the center of my regiment reached the crest was at the stable to the left of the house, said to be Bragg's headquarters." After the great charge, the 3d pursued the retreating enemy more than a mile, and rested near midnight, then was ordered forward and marched four miles to Bird's mill, where it remained until 3 p. m. the next day, and then returned to camp at Chattanooga. But it was not for repose in camp, forthe 3d was to accompany the force sent to Knoxville to the relief of Burnside. Marching rapidly it reached that place, and went up to Strawberry Plains'^, and then moved back to Loudon, where it spent the winter. April 18, 1864, it marched by way of Sweetwater, Athens, Charleston and Calhoun to Cleveland. May 3d it commenced the movements of the Atlanta campaign. It was then commanded by Col. Dunlap, in Harker's bri gade, Newton's division, 4th Army Corps, in the Army of the Cumberland, commanded by Gen. Thomas. The 3d moved with Harker's brigade, by way of Blue Springs, Red Clay and Catoosa Springs to Rocky Face, and engaged in the battle there. In this battle Lieut.- Col. W. A, Bullitt received several desperate wounds, and was supposed to be killed. His fall is mentioned in Gen. Newton's report, and by others. While he never fully re covered, after the war he became a distinguished lawyer at Louisville, Ky., and for a series of years was Assistant District Attorney for the United States. Not only was he held in the highest esteem by every one, but the officers of the 3d yet speak of him as the bravest and most gallant officer thev ever kneAV. Throug'hout the Atlanta campaign the 3d continued flghting all the way to Atlanta, being engaged at Resaca, 296 Union Regiments of Kentucky. May 14th; Pumpkin Vine Creek, Cedar Mountain, Muddy Branch, Kennesaw Mountain, June 20th and 27th; Nancy's Creek, July 18th; Peach Tree Creek, July 20th; Atlanta, Utoy Creek, Jonesboro, and other places. At midnight of August 25th, it commenced the movement around to the right of Atlanta, crbssed the railroad be tween Atlanta and the Chattahoochee, and marched to ward Jonesboro; reached the Atlanta & Montgomery Railroad fourteen miles below Atlanta and destroyed the track for several miles; struck the Atlanta & Macon Rail road near Rough and Ready, and marched down the same destroying it for eight miles. From Jonesboro it marched back to Atlanta September 4th. On the 9th of September the 3d Started by railroad for Nashville, arriving September 12th. It remained there on duty until October 6th, when it proceeded by railroad to Louisville, where it was mustered out of service October 18, 1864. A portion of the regiment had re-enlisted as veterans in March, 1864; they remained with the regiment until September 15, 1864, when the survivors were transferred to the 1st Ky. Battery, at Nashville. The list of battles given in the adjutant-general's re port in which the 3d was engaged, is as follows: Waynesboro, Shiloh, Tenn., Corinth, Miss., May 24, 1862; [McMinnville, Tenn., Munfordvillfe, Ky., September 21, 1862; Bardstown and Perryville, Ky., Stewart's Creek, Tenn., December 29,. 1862; Stone's River, December 31, 1862, and January 1 and 2, 1863; Chickamauga, Septem ber 20, 1863; Mission Ridge, November 23, 24 and 25, 1863; Rocky Face Ridge, May 9, 1864; Resaca, Ga., May 14, 1864; Pumpkin Vine Creek, May and June, 1864; Cedar Mountain, June 15, 1864; Muddy Branch, June 18th; Kennesaw Mountain, June 20, 21 and 27, 1864; Nancy's Creek, July 18, 1864; Peach Tree Creek, July 20th; At lanta, .July and August of 1864. The officers of the 3d Infantry were unusually noted men. Col. Thos. E. Bramlette, who became governor of Kentucky, in 1863; Col. Wm. T. Scott, of Lexington; Col. Sam McKee, who fell at Stone's River; Cok Wm. H. Spencer; Col. Henry C. Dunlap: Lieut. Col. Daniel R. Collier, who held the office of Surveyor of Customs at Louisville, uuder President Harrison, and Avho is at present Adjutant-general of Kentucky; Lieut. Col. Wm. A. Bullitt; Maj. Chas. H. Buford, of the noted Kentucky family of that name; Maj. John Brennan; Adjt. Garvin D. Hunt, who died of wounds received at Mission Ridge; he belonged to the distinguished Hunt family of Ken- Third Kentucky Infantry. 297 tucky. Others might be mentioned, but space forbids. Enough has been stated to show that the 3d was one of the most noted and efficient of the Kentucky Union regi ments. Field and Staff. COLONELS— Thomas E. Bramlette, WUliam T. Scott, ' Samuel Mc Kee, Wm. H. Spencer, Henry C. Dunlap LIEUT. COLS.— IJaiiiel R. Collier, WlUia^ A. Bullitt. MAJORS— Charles H. Buford, John Bren nan. ADJTS.— Garvin T57 Hunt, Henry Porter. Q. MASTERS— Benja min P. Wayne, Thomas M. Selby, Jr., Richard J. West. SURGEONS— Hector Owens, Joseph Foreman, John B. Burns. ASST. SURGEONS — James G. Turk, Samuel K. Rhorer, James R. Scott. CHAPLAINS— Richard H. Gray, Jacob Cooper. SERGT. MAJORS— Wm. H. Owens, John L. Gilmore, John O. Neider, George S. Blankenship, Spencer B. Hughes, Christopher "W. Dutton, Wm. Allen. Q. M. SERGTS.— Christo pher C. Vanhoy, Wm. L. Bramlette, Wra. H. Hudson, Jas. Humphreys, COM. SERGTS.- Mathew CuUen, John W. Warren, Norman K. Christie, "Walton A. Tillett, Adam Armstrong. PRIN. MUSICIANS— Wra. H. H. Green, Barnett C. Young. LEADERS— Chas. C. Eckert, Austin M. Bur- hank. HOSPITAL STEWARD- Jacob P. Hoover. MUSICIANS— Geo. L. Smith, Wm. T. Holmes, Charles IDuncan, Hamilton Chowder, Henry Crowder, Wm. AV. Brenton, W. H. Donohoe, Charles Ayickliff, Benja min Hardin, John Hughes, Samuel Hauley, Simeon Tihbmpson, Prank Green, Oliver P. King, Reuben Kidd. Company "A." CAPTAINS— Samuel McKee, Henry C. Dunlap, Benjamin P. Powell. 1st LIEUTS. — Wm. T. Epperson, Alban D. Bradshaw, Joseph Russell. 2d LIEUTS.— Abram P. Brown, Norman R. Christie. SERGTS.— Wm. H. C. Monday, Jacob W. Banks, Thomas C. Griffith, Patrick H. Epperson, Austin M. Burbank, John W. Hubbard. CORPLS.— John M. Curry, James E. Gibson, Marcus O. Ellis, Robert P. Anderson, Silvester Crav ens, Lucian H. Ralston, Warmer Richards, John M. Gibson, John T. Jones, John M. MiUer. WAGONER— William T. Jones. MUSICIAN— Richard M. Hancock. PRIVATES— JToseph M. Alkin, Clement P. Banks, John H. Beard, Littleton Beard, James H. Blankenship, John H. Carter, William M. Grider, Thomas O. Holt, Benjamin D. Hendrickson, Francis M. Jones, James S. Montgomery, John Penticuff, Aaron R. Pike, John R. Pike, Thompson Powell, David P. Rice, Samuel A. Sparks, James A. Shelton, John H. Stewart, Marshall A. Stewart, Milton Sanders, Joseph P. Wil liams, Logan L. Winfrey, David Beard, Charles Bennett, Elijah Brown, John I. Bell, WUliam Bailey, Levi A. Cox, Jno. W. Ferguson, Andrew R. Harvey, Dewitt C. Miller, William P. Marvin, George Nell, WiUiam B. Powell, William Quishenbury, Obediah P. Reams, John Stilts, George Simpson, James H. Smith, Daniel W. Suddarth, James R. Sharp, MUton Womac, Albert J. Cox, AVUliam L. Simpson, James N. Curry, James Humphries, John S. Light, Samuel L. Long, James Powell, Nathaniel Aaron, Aaron W. Bradshaw, William A. Bault, James Blair, Isaac T. -Chadoin, Andrew Ferguson, Jeremiah Holt, Baird W. Harvey, John S. James, James Noel, Hanston Penticuff, John R. Russell, Thos. E. Stiger, ¦George W. Shelton, Joel W. Watson, Aaron W. Wilson, Wm. P. Adams, Andrew Sells, William F. Anderson, Thomas Hood, George W. James, James P. Long, Solomon R. McElroy, Daniel R. Monroe, Perry PoweU, John Maynard, William H. McFarlln, Archibald Meredith. Company " B." CAPTAINS— Augustine Dunn, Daniel R. CoUier, William J. Hogan, William H. Barnett. 1st LIEUTS.- Uriah T. Merritt, Peter Haldeman. 2d LIEUTS.— Morton Scott, Samuel Newton. SERGTS.— WiUiam Allen, John Urton. Kenus P. Daniel, John Burroughs, Zachariah Collier, Samuel Ison. CORPLS.— James Burroughs, John P. Burditt, James W. Poor, 298 Union Regiments of Kentucky. Isaac Collier, Isaac D. Merritt, John J. Estis, William Childers, Samuel Crow. PRIVATES— Henry Beverly, Henry F. Beard, William Comley, John Dyer, Augustus P. Dunn, Michael Drohan, Green B. Basley, John T. Easley, Joseph Ford, William Forbes,, David Golforth, John T. Green, George Hampton, Taylor Hicks, Josiah Johnson, Lowry Jackson, Yantla Middleton, Daniel Madigan, James McQuerry, Joseph McQuerry, Frank lin Masters, Squire Pointer, Thomas J. Price, William Renfro, Jerry SuUivan, John V. Smith, Thomas J. Smith, William Scott, Hanson L. Woods, John S. Conn, John P. Comley, Thomas Dunn, Thomas Edmin- son, Mathew English, Lorenzo Green, Benj. P. Hawker, Jacob Miller, Levi Masters, Granville Preston, Hardin Rorher, Michael Ryan, James: N. White, John C. Smith, Joseph Sewell, Walter A. TUlett, Robt. Tracy, Thomas Barnes, William Masters, David Ross, Geo. W. White, Geo. W. Woods, James Barker, Edward Clara, James H. Easley, Charles Golds- bury, Patrick Hawley, John W. Kidd, Christopher Middleton, Michael Maloney, James Maler, Thornton Pollard, Alexander Switzer, WUliam Salle, William Vanderpool, Woodford West, Henry Waters, Thomas- Connor, John Holloran, Andrew J. Harris, Arthur Hughes, Henry Lynch, John Branon, Josiah Jones, Merrill Baker, Timothy Carroll,. Ephraim Edgington, John Forbes, William Goldsbury, Geo. W. Preston,. John Watkins. Company "C." CAPTAINS— D. H. Denton, Luclen H. Ralston, John L. Logan. 1st LIEUTS.— Henry Porter, Sidney P. Collins. 2d LIEUTS.— Tyrey Tur pln, Monroe Floyd, Wm. H. Barnett, John W. Warren. SERGTS.- Flo- atus V. Logan, Samuel R. Tarter, Wesley Tarter, John A. Gasper, Henry Trimble, Miles Rainwater, Erasmus D. Comi5ton. CORPLS. — William Dungan, Henry B. Davis, John B. Robinson, Drury Webb, Thomas D. Dick, Daniel W. Burton, John E. Barnett, Amos Baugh. TEAMSTER — Stephen W. Burton. PRIVATES- Abraham Arel, Abel W. Baker. Drury Burge, Gilmore Burton, John G. Burton, Joshua Burton, Wiley Burton, Solomon T. Cal houn, Henry J. Dalton, John P. Godby, Henry H. Godby, John Hall, Job Henson, James McDalmot, Cadwell Maxey, John Morefield, Addison Morefield, Charles McDowell, John Silvers, Jr., Thomas Vanhoozer, Jas.. P. Burton, Isaiah Burton, Abrahara Barnes, John Buster, Wm. A. Bur ton, Bob. C. Beadles, Jas. Hayse, Joseph HaU, John Henry Hetty, Har ris Morgan, Thomas Rayborn, John T. Roberts, John Silvers, Sr., Wm. A. Sallee, Thos. K. Trimble, George R. Vaught, Preston Webb, Jeffer son WUes, Elijah Burton, William Dye, Wm. L. Morgan, James B. Nun nelly, John A. Wallace, Monroe N. Young, John D. Barnes, John Rey nolds, Leroy Whitlns, John Ashley, Mathew Barnes, Zachariah Bishop,. Samuel Burton, Ellis Burton, Daisy C. Burton, Thomas Cook, Wm. .A.. Compton, Voluntlne H. Dick, Berry D. Hudson, Ezekiel Hinds, Andrew J. Henson, Thoraas Harlow, James P. Meece, James Scales, George Shoemake, James Spradling, Daniel Harlow, James H. Massey, Daniel Cox, Lewis Gerke, WiUiam Trimble, Andrew W. Jones, Christopher C. Furgeson, Sarauel Miller. Company " D." CAPTAINS— John C. Bolln, John L. Gilmore. 1st LIEUTS.— Reuben B. Dunbar, Mathew CuUen, Wm.H. Barnett. 2d LIEUTS.— Christopher C. Gossett, Robert GUmore. SERGTS.— John R. Compton, John C. Os borne, Joel T. Gossett, Josiah W. Rainwater, William B. Sharp, Elbert S. Redman. CORPLS.— WUliam Chumbly,' Jas. Foster, Galen B. Wed dle, Jonathan Menton, Thomas Tartar, Thomas P. Minks, Silas Rain water, John Coffey, Joseph A. Rexroat. PRIVATES- Nathaniel Bray, Galen E. Banon, David ferewer, John E. Coomer, Bladely C. W. Caughran, Anderson Compton, Paul Carrol, James E. P. Coger, MarshaU Dick, George E. Eastham, Rainey Floyd, WiUiam S. Garner, David Godsey, Abraham Griffee, Joseph Hopper,. John Harber, John Hill, John J.C. Harris, Tyler Jasper, Hector O. John son, Allen D. McDonald, WiUiam H. Meec, Leo H. Popplenwell, Henry Raider, James P. Richardson, Thomas L. Richardson, Hardin P. Rex- roats. Ivy Tartar, James Trunsbarger, Louis Sharp, Perry Weddle, Aus- Third Kentucky Infantry. 299 tin Absher, George Bice, James J. Gamer, Chesley Pryer, Joseph itich- ardson, Jacob Sills, Archibald Taylor, Elijah Burdine, Thomas S. Beck- nell, Achilles Collins, Hugh Carter, James W. Dye, Willis Dunbar, Hugh M. Dunbar, Miles Flanagan, James Flowers, Henry Griffee, Jno. V. Garner, Allen Godsey, Haman Lawson, John Perkins, Joshua Roy, William J. Roy, Jeremiah Taylor, George W. Wilson, Solomon Wells, Robert T. Wesley, John Chanay, William Dove, James Dick, John K. McDonald, Ephraim O. Martin, Hardin G. Patrick, John C. Patrick, David L. Sills, Richard Sharp, Pleasant H. SUls, James W. Thomas, John J. C. Weddle, Francis M. Wells. Company " E." CAPTAINS — Jas. Rousseau, Austin M. Burbank, James M. Bris tow. 1st LIEUTS.— George R. Price, William B. Skaggs, Christopher T. Grinstead, McHaley Yates. 2d LIEUT.— James D. Salmons. SERGTS.- Green P. Watson, Thomas A. Wallace, George H. Cheek, Olonzo C. Tates, Waller W. Miller, Deroy Love. CORPLS. — Abraham Ritter, Wellington W. Sexton, Moses H. Wilson, John H. P. Estes, John Gilpin, James W. Sexton, James M. Estes, John F. Dllley, James Waider. TEAMSTER— John M. Murray. MUSICIAN— Nathan Forbis. PRIVATES— Wm. M. :pastin, Wm. Bowman, John Casseday, Wash ington M. Coomer, KlUls J. Coomer, John W. Fleece, Jesse McKinney, Robert L. Runyan, John O. Neider, Henry T. Rodgers, Alvin C. Steph ens, William M. Sympson, Arthur P. Wallace, John Butcher, Henry A. Bybee, John H. Estis, Ancil Goodman, Angls E. Hurt, Wm. Lobb, Mar cus D. L. Murray, John W. Murray, Peyton Mundy, James A. Skaggs, William H. Sexton, Jacob Anderson, Henry H. Guynn, Samuel W. Lee, Wm. H. Wren, Clifton T. Wright, John C. Barrett, Isaac Bell, Pleasant H. Boston, Thomas F. Baston, Joseph A. Evans, Lafayette Hurt, Henry D. Cox, Stephen A. Harper, Harrison P. Harper, Nathan J. Moore, John F. Murray. Reuben Payne, Levi M. Taylor, William Allen, James R. Barnes, Michael Cole, Henry Corapton, Milam H. Estes, Asa Hlx, Michael O'Hara, John Mills, Simeon Y. Roach, Alfred J. Sexton, Wood ford Anderson, Marshall M. Wade, John A. Wallace, James Bagby, J. H. Benningfleld, Henry T. Clark, Francis M. Evans, Stephen Glasbrook, Jackson Meedley, Joseph Morehead, James M. Swlgert, Wm. R. Wal lace, Thomas Whitley, James Wilkerson, John I. Yadls. Company " F." CAPTAINS — Harbert King, John Brennan, Joseph J. Carson, James M. Gooch. 1st LIEUTS. — Albert P. Hoarlne, Daniel Severence, Samuel D. Powell. 2d LIEUTS. — James H. Bridgewater, Nathaniel D. Wilmot, SERGTS.— Lewis Ball, Robert A. WIUIs, Wyatt T. Smith, John S. Ball, Lewis M. Warren! Wm. C. Hendrickson, John C. MUler. CORPLS.— Calvin S. Thompson, WUliam Ball, -William Cummins, WiUiam C. De laney, John W. Snodgrass, Ander3on Briddle, Nathan G. Mills. PRIVATES— Jas. C. Allen, John T. Allen, Zachariah T. Adaras, Jas. P. Ballard, Jno. Ballard, Elijah Childers, Reuben Delaney, Jas. Dishon, John Gooch, Jackson Hippard, James A. Harness, George W. Horain, Samuel R. Heed, Robert W. Jones, John C. Leach, Alexander Mobbley. Harrisoh S. Payne, Andrew J. Payne, William Playforth, Alexander Soard, William AVordlow, Benjamin P. Withers, James P. Carson, Jno. C. Cogle, H"^ry Delaney, Louis Dishon, Matthew Delaney, John C. Dol llns, Joseph Frith, Joseph Grant, Isaac Homles, Jas. V. Hendrickson, Wm. H. McQuerry, Jonathan Mason, WlUIam Mefford, Reuben Mena- fee, Andrew Payne, John Ronton, George W. Regies, George AV. Sev erance, JohnSalmonds, John Wickersh.am, EU M. Cleveland, WUliam P. Hodges, Sevier Laman, Harrison W. Rhea, David Collins, WiUiam Hayse, WUliam Hicks, Wiliam H. Jones, John H. Leach, James L. Payne, John Roberts, WUliam J. AA'arren, Alfred Adams, George W. Brady, Lawrence Carcaran, 'james Gentry, George W. Grady, Andrew W Howard, James W. Hall, Henry B. King, John G. Laman, John W. Minks James H. Roberts, James Soard, William H. Temple, George A. Cox John B. Daugherty, John Woodall, Williara Delaney, William Ed wards, John C. Rayland, Chapman A. Whitley, James B. Barnett, Jas. 300 Union Regiments of Kentucky. -Croucher, William P. Grady, Henry J. Lamar, George W. Lasier, Hiram McEImore, Samuel McQuery, John Newcomb, George W. Rider, James W. Smith, AA'^eden WiUiams, Harrison W. West, WUUam R. Warden, Thompson Yates. Company " G." CAPTAINS— Isham Bolin, Wm. T. Jackman, John W. Tuttle. 1st LIEUTS.- Benjamin J. Bolin, Jas. L. Hardin, John Akers. 2d LIEUTS. —John C. Bolin, James T. Bramlette, Barnett C. Young. SERGTS.— George S. Blankenship, Spencer B. Hughes, Isaac M. Wells, DeWitt C. McFarland, Isaac B. Popplewell, Reuben S. Pierce, William A. Rip- petal, Hanlbal C. Haynes, Hiram B. Wright. CORPLS.^Geo A. Rex roat, Wm. A. Vanhay, Daniel Balllnger, Moses Hopper, Wm. D. Mur- rath, Samuel M. Haynes, Abner J. Hughes. HOSPITAL STEWARD- Samuel K. Rhorer. PRIVATES— Lewis Baley, William T. Belk, Henry Burris, John S. Brummett, Jas. Brummett, Jno. B. Collins, George W. Carroll, Sr., Thos. Hadley, Richard Hill, Felix W. Harris, Henry C. Lucas, Garland A. Marvin, Jacob A. MUler, Charles Marshall, John Nesbit, Richard Pop plewell, Mason Popplewell, James Pierce, Alexander D. Polsten, John P. Paul, Simon Rexroat, Wm. P. Rexroat, Wm. P. Stevens, Wm. S. Smith, John W. Turner, Francis M. Woolridge, Henry J. Bolin, Alexander Games, Job Kerns, Hector O. McKinley, John O. Southerland, David Wells, Herriford Alvis, Sonville Coe, Robert Elmore, Benjamin Holt, Richard Hadley, John C. Kimbler, Aaron Pierce, Francis B. Reese, Christopher C. Vanhoy, William J. Brown, Geo. W. Carroll, Jr., Francis M. Fox, Thomas Hampton, Eli Loy, Jacob Age, Cleveland Coffey, Virgil Coffey, Christopher W. Dutton, Joab Glover, William Godsey, James W. LItteral, Samuel F. Loy, Ebenezer C. McKinley, Flint Popplewell, Stew art Rexroat, WUliam H. Webb, Reuben Western, George W. Blanken ship, Benjamin P. Coffey, WUliam Crisp, Harrison V. Volley, Shelby Coffey, Willis A. Coffey, Jasper Pugett, Job Glover, Benjamin Lawless, Martin A. Turner, Jackson Tucker. Smith Williams. Company " H." CAPTAINS— Henry S. Taylor, William H. Hudson. 1st LIEUTS.— John W. Tuttle, James M. Bristow, Harrison B. Carter. 2d LIEUT.- ¦WUliam L. Bramlette. SERGTS.— Calvin H. Jeffries, James L. Francis, Richard J. Bristow, John C. Jarvis, Charles L. Carter, Alfred W. Wright, Michael Buster. CORPLS.— Josephus Wood, John V. H. Petty, Samuel W. Hull, Martin Richardson, Allen M. Smith, John W. Warren, George W. Pults, John W. White, Joseph GrlfiHn, Christopher C. Kearns. TEAMSTER— George W. Warren. PRIVATES— John W. Brummitt, Isaac Bunch, Francis M. Bunch, John P. Burchett, Isaac Coffey, John Dlckerson, Fountain G. Gill, Oscar J. Harvey, James M. Martin, Richard S. Means, Jacob Paul, WiUiam Petty, John T. Puyear, WUliam Sandusky, Thomas Stockton, James C. Santhenband, Lewis G. Sumpter, Samuel Tucker, Martin B. Upchurch, Thomas J; Winfrey, Jesse Cidwell, Martin V. Fauber, W. T. Henderson, Calvin Mayberry, Joseph Morehead, .Andrew J. Pults, Andrew J. Wilson, Cyrus W. Wright, William Burchell, William H. Booher, Person Crouch, WUIam Mullins, George McDonald, Anthony Razor, WiUiam R. Razor, James M. Smith, WUUam C. Smith, HiUory Sells, WUliam Storey, Har- weU M. Smith, George H. Smith, James H. Wallace, Lewis Green, Henry B. Noel, Jonathan Buck, Thomas BuUard, Andrew Carter, Joseph Cls seU, Reuben Crutcher, John W. Hatfield, John Kelly, John Lawson, Mar quis D. L. MlUsaps, Micajah P. Pittman, Geo. Perdew, Sampson Petty, Elliott Puyear, Harrison B. Phillips, David L. Sandusliy, Alexander A. Smith, James W. Smith, W. A. Smith, Newton Smith, James Sweigert, John A. Smith, Abraham Booher, James M. Isbell, Wiley B. Smith, Wil Uam Shoemake, WiUls Smith, George A. SmUh, C. S. Craig, William E. Dutton, Alexander Huff, James M. HoUlngsworth, Jas. M. Knight, Richard Pittman, William A. Rains, Asa Shoemake, John Shelton, Rus seU Salmons, Calvin Trail. Third Kentucky Infantry. 301 Company "1." CAPTAINS— MUton Prazer, John S. S. Maret, Norman R. Christie. 1st LIEUTS.— John L. GUmore, Joseph J. Carson, WiUiam D. Murrah. 2d LIEUTS.— George W. Roberts, Solon D. Moore. SERGTS.— WUliam Allen, David Stephens, Arren G. Lewis, Geor.ge W. Paynee, Jr., Barnett Hayes, Wade H. Merat. CORPLS.— William E. Myers, James Cum mins, Napoleon B. Price, John W. Moore, Nlmrod Smith, John C. M. Redman, Shelton Ballard, George W. Bullock, Alfred Hayes, Morgan Flemon. WAGONER— Larken Durman. PRIVATES— Leonidas Buford, Elijah BaUard, John G. Cummins, Josiah Cummins, Bluford H. Cummins, John Cantwell, Peter S. Cable, John Dowell, George W. Drew, Lafayette EUis, Thomas J. Bills, Zeph- aniah EUis, Thomas J. Hayse, Joseph P. Keaton, Samuel Leffew, Let- tral Morgan, Hartford Matherly, George W. Murry, Edwin McPherson, James M. Moore, Valentine Nicely, Benjamin F. Nicely, John Pruitt, George W. Paynee, Isaac Phillips, Cherley Payne, Jerome Price, Elias Pruitt, James M. Pierce, Josiah Ramsey, Thomas Rlgsby, James Rob ert^ James Reece, David Reece, Smith Sayers, Charles Sheridan, James Wallln, Joseph Wallin, Solomon Abrams, Elijah Abrams, John Car michael, William P. Carpenter, Mathew CuUen, WUliam J. Davis, Chas. C. Darmon, John M. Isaacs, Isaac Maden, William S. Phillips, John Quil- lln, Jasper Ramsey, James Smith, John W. Taylor, Warren Benge, Vir gil Evans, Jefferson Fields, Henry G. Jiles, David Murry, John Lakes, John C. Bloomer, Linsey Cox, John S. Cummins, Francis K. Davis, Milton Hicks, Lafayette Newcomb, Milton W. Padgett, Daniel Radford, Jilas Radford, WiUiam W. Vaughan, Jacob Vaughan, Edward Harris, Lu ther M. WUlhelm, William J. Brown, Absalom Nicely, WUliam Wallln, Wansley Baker, Caleb Dunn, Thomas Laffew, WUliam Murry, Newton Ramsey, John Seward, John Trusty. Company " K." CAPTAINS— James T. W. Barnett, John Roberts, George W. Rob erts. 1st LIEUTS.—Wm. R. Buford, George McClure. 2d LIEUTS..—^ John H. Black, Robert L. Tracy, Spencer B. Hughes. SERGTSj;=-GSo. J Reed, Harvey G. Nlcholds, Samuel W. Gibson, William Lasley, )?vllll£i,m/ H. Q:5®is, Cyrenis Childers. CORPLS. — James Jackson, Thos/ J. 'AjJ"- kinsf EU Wells, Wm. B. Brady, Charles Pollock, John JacksOn, RUey J./^arp< William W. Yates, Henry H. Hinds. ^-— ^ ( ERIVAI'ES — James Adkins, Thomas Adams, Squire Burdine, Joseph Burdine, Allen Brock, John Bobbett, Peter S. Brady, Riley R. Bullock, James Delaney, Wm. K. Detaord, Montrose Graham, Stapy Holton, Wil liam LIckliter, Daniel Mathias, Nicholas Mahar, Joseph Moore, James Parkey, Elisha Price, WlUIam Phelps, Fountain F. Rash, James Rey nolds, Isaac Reed, Jesse StogsdIU, Jonathan Smith, WUUam Trusty, WUUam Wilder, James W. Wilder, John Whalen, John Whiles, Wlllian(,\ Dugger, William Jackson, Ellas LIckliter, Noah Salmons, Joserti N. 1 Smith, David Brock, John Debord, John Martin, Marion Meece, -Wyatt/ Adkins, David Burdine, James M. Blankenship, Thos. Cummins, Heery H. C. Haggard, Joseph Jackson, Charles Lawson, Jackson Price, Boler Raney, Robert Stewart, Reuben Woodall, Hugh G. Barkley, Robert GiU, Hugh Holton, Isaac P. A. LIckliter, Isaac Misser, Alfred Parkey^^^Jsaac N. Price, WUliam Rash, Richard A. Smith, John Trusty, James pT Tay lor, George M. Trusty, Elihu Trusty, Henson WUUams, Van/ Bu/-en Young, Green Harrison, Miles Price, Martin Vanhook, William (Whitley, Green WUUams, David Doolin, James Lawson, Edley Lawson, Jofl Wil liams, George Woodall, William Woodall, William D. Ashley, WUlis G. Barnes, Daniel Doolin, Bolin G. Ping, Thomas H. Smith, SUas Whit aker, Samuel B. Watson. 302 Union Regiments of Kentuch/. The Fourth Kentucky Infantry. JIY COl.. li. M. KELLY. The 4th Infantry N'olunteers was one of the three in fantry regiments which President Lincoln authorized Lieut. Wm. Nelson, of the Navy, a native Kentuckian of Mason county, to raise in Kentucky in the early sum mer of 1861. Capt. Speed S. Fry, of Danville, who had served in the Mexican war, was selected by Lieut. Nelson for one of his colonels, and he chose for his lieutenant- colonel, John T. Croxton, a young lawyer of Paris, son of a Bourbon county farmer and a recent graduate of Yale; and for major, P. Burgess Hunt, of Lexington, son ora Fayette county farmer and a member of the Lexing ton Chasseurs, a noted company of the State Guard, com manded by Capt. Sanders D. Bruce, afterward colonel of the 20th Ky. Infantry, and recruiting for the regiment actively began. The leaders of the Union men of Ken tucky had requested Lieut. Nelson not to open any camp until after the legislative elections, on the flrst Monday in August, and recruits were enrolled Avith the under standing that they were to rendezvous immediately after that date at a camp in Garrard county, situated on the Lexington and Danville turnjiike, between the Kentucky and Dicks rivers, where the turnpike to Crab Orchard branches off, which was styled Camp Dick Robinson, in honor of the staunch Union man on whose land it was located. Recruiting was done in most cases rather quietly and the Home Guard companies, which had been organized during the spring, supplied the most ready material, though a quota came from the State Guard.' The terri tory from which Col. Fry was to draw his men was of con siderable extent, and, as the time was short and recruit ing hurried, the companies were gathered from widely separated localities. One came from Danville and vicinity; two from Mercer, Washington and Anderson; two from Rockcastle and Laurel; one from Estill; one from Mont gomery and Rowan; one from Lewis; one from Bourbon, Nicholas and Pendleton, and one from Harrison and Grant. The day after the August election, 1861, Col. Fry with a detachment from Danville, the nucleus of what became Company A, opened Camp Dick Robinson, and the next day organized companies and parts of companies for his and the other three regiments began to pour in, and with- Fourth Kent'ucky Infantry. 303 in a few weeks enough men to fill the four regiments had assembled. Col. Fry's regiment was originally called the 26. Ky., but after the legislature assembled in Septem ber, and determined to respond to the President's call for troops, the two regiments enlisted at Camp Cook, Ohio, were recognized by the state and numbered 1st and 2d, and the number of Fry's Avas changed to 4th, Bramlette's was changed from 1st to 3d, and Garrard's to 7th, Rous seau's and Whittakeris being numbered 5th and 6th, re spectively. There was some temporary iiTitation over these changes, but it soon subsided. Wolford's regiment was mustered as the 1st Cavalry and retained that desig nation. One of Gen. Nelson's plans for accustoming his new soldiers to be ready for emergencies was to have frequent night alarms and the long roll was sounded on many oc casions at late hours of the night and the whole force arrayed in line to meet imaginary foes. As rumors of Zollicoffer's advance were rife through the country^, these alarms were taken very seriously by most pf the command. Shortly after the camp was opened it was reinforced by a large body of East Tennessee Unionists, soon organ ized into the 1st and 2d East Tennessee, who had first rendezvoused near Barboursville. Many came into Camp Dick afterward, and had thrilling tales to tell of their perils in escaping through the rebel lines. There were a number of preachers with them and prayer meetings were held nearly every night. The camp had not been opened very long until there was an outbreak of the measles, which proved fatal in not a few cases. Many of the sick were removed to Dan ville, and the men of Camp Dick Robinson owe a debt of gratitude to the good people, and especially to the good women, of that town. The first active service performed by any portion of the regiment was when a detachment of several com panies, with a similar detachment from the 3d, was sent to Nicholasville to escort a wagon train, loaded with muskets and ammunition, from Nicholasville to the camp. The regiment Avas flrst armed with the old smooth bore musket, but soon after the two flanking companies were supplied with Enfield rifles. One peculiarity in the or ganization of the 4th Ky. Regiment must be noted. Its companies were arranged in alphabetical order from right to left, so that while A was the right company, K was the left company, and that arrangement was observed throughout its four years' service. The matter was re ferred to Gen. Thomas and he decided that it was a per- 304 Union Regiments of Kentucky. I fectly proper arrangement as the company commanders all bore commissions of the same date. In the latter part of October, the regiment moved to Crab Orchard and became a part of the 2d Brigade, 1st Division, Army of the Ohio. After a few weeks spent at Crab Orchard, it was ordered to Lebanon to join the rest of the brigade, consisting of the 10th Ky., 14th Ohio and 10th Ind. On the way, at Brumfield's, it had its first ex perience of pay day. The paymaster was Maj. Philip Speed, whose clerk was Geo. K. Speed, afterward captain, 4th Ky. Cavalry. The pay was in Kentucky bank notes with some gold and silver, all equally good at the time and equally welcome. At Lebanon, another brigade of the division was found- While there. Gen. Buell re viewed and inspected the brigade. An outbreak of typhoid fever there cost the regiment some valuable lives, among them that of Chap. J. W. Jacobs, who literally wore himself out nursing the sick. The good people of Lebanon were most helpful and sympathetic during this trouble. About the 1st of January, 1862, the regiment started with the brigade on the campaign against Zollicoffer, then entrenched at Mill Springs. Up to that time the tents used were the Bell tent; for that campaign it was furn ished with the Sibley tent, each one of which would ac- commodate'twenty men. Up to that time, also, each com pany had been allowed two wagons and the field and staff' as many as were desired. The marching orders for that campaign cut down the allowance to one wagon for a company and one for field and i staff, and the general opinion was that it would be impossible to move. It was done, however, though many home comforts were abandoned. Later experience showed the regiment that one wagon to a brigade might be enough, and that tents Avere not essential. The regiment marched with the command by way of Campbellsville, Columbia and Webb's Crossroads, arriv ing at Logan's Crossroads, about nine miles from the the enemy's entrenched camp, on the evening of January 18th. Early the next morning, which was Sunday, the enemy attacked the pickets, consisting of detachments of Wolford's cavalry and the 10th Ind. Infantry. The 4th being nearest the front moved to their support and be came immediately engaged. The following is an extract from the report of Gen. Geo. H. Thomas commanding our army: "Upon my arrival on the field soon afterwards, I found the 10th Ind. formed in front of their encampment Fourth Kent'ucky Infantry. 30& apparently awaiting orders, and ordered them forward to the support of the 4th Ky., which was the only entire regiment then engaged. I then rode forward myself to see the enemy's position so that I could determine what disposition to make of my troops as they arrived. On reaching the position held by the 4th Ky., 10th Ind. and Wolford's cavalry, at a point where the roads fork lead ing to Somerset, I found the enemy advancing through a cornfield and evidently endeavoring to gain the left of the 4th Ky. Regiment, which was maintaining its position in the most deteimiined manner. ... A section of Capt. Kinney's battery took a position on the edge of the field to the left of the 4th Ky., and opened an effective fire on a regiment of Alabamians, who were advancing on the 4th Ky. Soon after the 2d Minn, arrived, the colonel re porting to me for instructions. I directed him to take the position of the 4th Ky. and 10th Ind., which regiments were nearly out of ammunition. . . . Col. S. S. Fry, 4th Ky., was slightly wounded while his regiment was gallantly resisting the advance of the enemy, during which time Gen. Zollicoffer fell from a shot from his (Col. Pry's) pistol, which, no doubt, contributed materially to the discomfiture of the enemy." The enemy was driven from the field in confusion, and our forces followed in immediate pursuit. Evidences that the enemy was demoralized soon began to appear. Hundreds of small arms and haversacks, filled with three days' rations of corn bread and bacon, very welcome to our breakfastless men, were strewn along the roadside and through the fields. Our forces reached the neighborhood of the enemy's entrenchments before dusk aud were put in position to attack them at daybreak. The first light showed that the enemy was retreating and crossing in a steam ferry boat to the south shore of the Cumberland. A battery opened fire on the boat, and it was taken to the other shore and burned. Our troops hastened forward and found the enemy all gone except some of their wounded. Two six-gun batteries, with the horses hitched up and ready for moving, were left near the landing, and the bottom was filled with a wagon train. The road up from the river on the other side was strewn with trunks and baggage of various kinds thrown from wagons. Rafts were speedily improvised and a force thrown over, which followed fhe retreating enemy as far as Monticello. It is questionable whether the capture of the whole 20 306 Union Regiments of Kentucky. rebel force would have had as much effect as its panic stricken retreat and disorganization. The reports of Gen. Crittenden show that only two or three regiments preserved any organization, and that most of the com mand dispersed. A year afterward the 4th Ky. found some of them at Lavergne, nho had never retumed to duty after the Mill Springs fight. The 4th Ky. lost in action, one officer, Lieut. J. M. Hall, Company B, and eight men killed and fifty-tAvo wounded, which was a pretty heavy percentage in a regiment depleted by sick ness and detachments to less than four hundred for duty. The following pleasing incident occurred during the battle: Capt. Wellington Harlan was under arrest at the time the battle began, on charges preferred by Lieut. Col. Croxton. Capt. Harlan marched in rear of his com pany, and when the regiment was ordered into engage ment took a musket and fought gallantly in the ranks. Col. Croxton, seeing his cqnduct, with the permission of Gen. Thomas, went to him during the fight, released him from arrest and restored him to the command of his com pany. The regiment remained in the, rebel cantonments at Mill Springs till February 14th, wheu it was relieved bv the 19th Ky. The regiment marched by Coffey's Mill, Danville, Lebanon and Bardstown to Louisville and there embarked on boats for Nashville, where ^t arrived March 4th. At Louisville it was presented with a fiag by the ladies of the city. Left Nashville March 20th and marched, via Franklin, to Spring Hill, where it was in camp some days with the rest of the division. After a few days' rest there, started for Pittsburg Landing, moving by regular marches till April .5th, when the guns of Shiloh were heard and a forced march began. In the order of march that day, the division of Gen. Thomas was in the rear. Reveille was sounded on the 6th about 3 a. m., and march began in the dark. The road cut up by trains was knee deep in mud, and the men stuck lighted candles on their bayonets and made flambeaux of various kinds, but many fell in ditches and ruts. The division did not reach Savannah till nearly dark, and did not reach the battle- fleld in time to take part in the battle. The regiment took part in the advance on Corinth, frequently skirmishing and sometimes sustaining loss. Shortly after reaching Shiloh fleld Col. Fry received his commission as brigadier-general. Lieut. Col. Croxton was promoted colonel; Maj. Hunt, lieutenant-colonel, and Capt. R. M. Kelly, Company K, major. During this time Fourth Kentucky Infantry. 307 the brigade, commanded by Gen. Fry, with a battalion of cavalry, all under command of Gen. W. T. Sherman, went on boats up the Tennessee river and marching inland burned the bridge over Bear river, on the Memphis & Charleston R. R. In the reorganization of the army after the battle of Shiloh, Gen. Thomas was put in command of the right wing, and his division, then called the 7th Division, was commanded by Gen. VV. T. Sherman. The regiment after the evacuation of Corinth pursued the enemy as far as Booneville, Miss., and then returning to Corinth marched via luka to Tuscumbia. Gen. Thomas had then resumed command of the division and Gen. Fry commanded the brigade. After a stay of some weeks at Tuscumbia, the regi ment moved with the command on July 24th, via Florence, Lawrenceburg, Pulaski, Fayetteville, Lynchburg and Winchester to Decherd by August 4th. It was on this march that Col. McCook, of the 9th Ohio, was killed by guerrillas while riding in his ambulance. From Decherd the regiment moved with the command to Pelham, and thence by Manchester and Murfreesboro, to Nash ville. Leaving Nashville September 15th, it marched with Buell's army to Louisville, by September 24th. At Louisville the 74th Ind. was added to the brigade. In the reorganization of Buell's army at Louisville, Gen. Thomas was made second in command, and Gen. Gilbert put in command of the center to which the 1st Division, now in command of Gen. Albin Schoepf, was attached. The regiment marched, via Bardstown and Springfleld, to Perryville, but was not under flre there though the lOth Ind. of the brigade, under direction of Gen. Fry, did some sharp skirmishing: From Perryville, after the battle, the regiment moved with the command, via Danville to Crab Orchard, and thence via Greensburg and Glasgow to Gallatin, Tenn.; and thence to Castalian Springs, half way between Gallatin and Hartsville. Aroused by the flring of Morgan's attack on the troops at Hartsville, ten miles off, it made a rapid march to reinforce them, but arrived only in time to exchange a few shots with Mor gan's rear guard. Marched thence to Gallatin and on evening of 25th took the cars to oppose Morgan's raid on the Louisville & Nashville Railroad. The Bacon creek bridge had been burned and leaving train there the com mand marched to Elizabethtown, joined at Munfordville by the 12th Ky. Cavalry and 13th Ky. Infantry, had a fight with Morgan's rear at Rolling Fork; moved thence to Lebanon Junction, and thence to Nashville. Marched to Little Harpeth, to meet a reported raid of Forrest, re- 308 Union Eegiments of Kentucky. ' turned to Nashville and moved to Lavergne, where the brigade remained till May; then removed to Triune, -where Gen. Brannan took command of the division, which had then become the 3d Division, 14th Army Corps, relieving Gen. Fry, who had been ordered to Kentucky. Col. Croxton was shortly after assigned to command of the brigade and Lieut. Col. Hunt commanded the regiment. The regiment took part in the Tullahoma campaign and was in action at Hoover's Gap, Concord Church, and near Tullahoma, but with slight loss. Marched from Tulla homa to Winchester, and thence, on August 13th, started on the Chickamauga campaign^ Croxton's brigade opened that battle on the morning of September 19th. Lieut. Col. Hunt was wounded seA^erely on the morning of the 19th, and Maj. Kelly, who had been on staff duty as division inspector, took command of the regiment. The regiment left Snodgrass Hill, where the rebel forces were flnally checked on the 20th, after dark, with the division, and fell back to Rossville, and the night afterward to Chattanooga, the ith bringing up the rear. The regiment went into action with nineteen officers and three hundred and sixty men for duty, and lost thirteen officers wounded, and one hundred and sixty enlisted men killed and wounded. Took part in the action of Missionary Ridge, ascending the hill on the extreme left of the Army of the Cumberland, losing only twelve in killed and wounded. Col. Croxton had been wounded at Chicka mauga, and Col. Phelps, 38th Ohio, a regiment recently added to the brigade, commanded the brigade at Mission ary Ridge. Col. Phelps was killed just after reaching the top of the hill. Col. Croxton, just returned from the hos pital, accompanied the brigade, but would not assume com mand and was again wounded at foot of the hill, and had to return to hospital, and Col. Hays, 10th Ky., assumed command of the brigade. Gen. A. Baird was in command of the division. Gen. Brannan having been made chief of artillery. Capt. Geo. M. Jackson, Company E, who had resigned by reason of ill health the year before, visited the regiment just before the battle, and when it was ordered into action took a musket and fell in with his old com pany and fought gallantly throughout the engagement. Early in January the regiment re-enlisted, and, on the 19th, returned to Kentucky on veteran furlough. A pleasing incident during the siege of Chattanooga was the presentation to Gen. Thomas, then commanding the Army of the Cumberland, of a sword ordered by the enlisted men while at Triune, at a cost of |1,500. No officer was allowed to contribute. When the sword was Fourth Kentucky Infantry. ' 309 received at Chattanooga, many of the contributors were dead. Gen. Thomas rode down to the regiment, which was in close column by division, the sword was presented by Q. M. Sergt. W. R. Williams in a neat speech, to which Gen. Thomas briefly replied and the ceremony was over. In Gen. Price's portrait of Gen. Thomas the belt shown is the one belonging' to the sword then presented. At the end of the thirty-day-veteran furlough, the regiment rendezvoused at Camp Nelson, within ten miles of where it originally enlisted. It got orders to recruit and be mounted, moved to the suburbs of Lexington, where a large command of one year regiments, whose terms were about to expire, was encamped. Authority was obtained to recruit among them; they were very ready to re-enlist for a longer time, particularly in a mounted regi ment, and a large number of recruits of excellent charac ter were speedily obtained; a full company had been ob tained at Camp Nelson, which absorbed Company H, then much reduced. Horses were bought at Lexington, by inspectors chosen by Col. Croxton, and a flne mount ob tained. While the regiment was at Lexington, Lieut. Col. Hunt, whose Chickamauga wound had permanently dis abled him, resigned. Maj. Kelly was made lieutenant- colonel, and Capt. Tompkins, Company E, promoted to major. May 16th the regiment marched to the front, with twenty-flve oflicers and about five hundred and fifty well mounted men for duty, and armed, except Companies A and K,- which had Spencer carbines, with the Ballard breech loading rifle, which proved a failure in the flrst engagement. Maj. Tompkins, with a recruiting detail, was left in Lexington. The regiment marched by way of Nashville to Chattanooga arriving early in June. Leaving Chattanooga, it camped about ten miles from Lafayette, Ga. At reveille, two cavalry soldiers were brought in by the pickets, and reported that Col. Wat kins, with a detachment of four hundred men of his bri gade, consisting of the 4th, 6th and 7th Ky. Cavalry regiments, had been attacked, before day, by Gen. Pillow with a large force and was holding the courthouse and jail. Col. Croxton immediately ordered the regiment to mount and leaving a company to guard the train started on a gallop for Lafayette. Watkins' gallant men had apparently spoiled Pillow's appetite for flghting, for his command"^immediately began to give way before the at tack of Croxton, and were soon in disorderly flight, leav ing a large number of killed and wounded. Watkin's command' had made a gallant defense, but were without 31 0 Union Eegiments of Kentucky. water and nearly out of ammunition and would have been compelled to surrender but for the fortunate ap pearance of the 4th Ky. Infantry. The regiment lost only a few men wounded. Pillow was pursued some miles to ward Sommerville, and then the march to the front was resumed. The regiment was detained, in Villanow Valliey and at Snake Creek Gap, for some weeks under orders to protect the railroad, and had several slight skirmishes with raiding parties. Then joined the army advancing on Atlanta, and had a sharp skirmish, with slight loss, at Mason's church; was attached to 1st Brigade, 1st Divi sion, Cavalry Corps, and Col. Croxton was assigned to command. the brigade consisting of the 1st E. Tenn., Sth Iowa and 4th Ky. Mounted Infantry,, Gen. Ed. McCook commanding the division. Late in July, marched with the division on a raid against the railroads south of At lanta, McCook's division starting from the right of the army and Stoueman's from the left. Crossing the Chatta hoochee, the railroad was destroyed near Newnan, a large wagon pack train captured and destroyed and several hundred prisoners taken, and then the Macon road de stroyed, near Lovejoy's Station. Delay there for Stone man brought Wheeler's rebel cavalry and a brigade of infantry from Atlanta, and the return commenced. Crox ton's brigade brought up the rear of the division, and the 4th Ky. the rear of the brigade, and suffered severely near Lovejoys. Marched all night and at daylight next morning, while holding the rear, was attacked by over whelming forces and Lieut. Col. Kelly and nearly half the regiment captured. The balance broke through and caught up with the rest of the brigade, near Newnan, where another sharp action was had and the command driven. After reaching camp, after the raid, Croxton with his brigade was ordered to Tennessee, where the 4th participated in the campaign against Forrest, having a sharp skirmish AAith loss, at Pulaski ; regiment then com manded by Maj. Tompkins. Lieut. Col. Kelly rejoined the regiment at Pulaski. In the meantime Col. Croxton had been made brigadier-general; Kelly, colonel, and Tompkins, lieutenant-colonel. Capt. J. I. Hudnall was commissioned major, but declined to accept and was mustered out for expiration of service and Capt. J. W. Jacob, Company A, was made major The brigade, the 4th Ky. accompanying it, was ordered to the vicinity of Florence, to observe Hood's advance. When Hood crossed the Tennessee, there was a sharp flght at Shoal Creek, in which the 4th Ky. held a position en abling the command and artillery to fall back safely. In Fourtli Kentucky Infantry. 311 this action Adjt. Schable and Lieut. Hoch were badly wounded. The trains were sent back and seen no more till Nashville was reached. Croxton's brigade, in which the 2d Mich, had taken its place, fell back before Hood's advance, huA'ing frequent skirmishes and took part in the cavalry flght on the left at Franklin sustaining a slight loss. The regiment moved with the cavalry in the battle before Nashville, and took part in the pursuit of Hood and went into winter quar-ters at Waterloo, Alabama. During that winter, recruits and detached men and prisoners rejoined, and veterans from the 6th, Sth and 10th regiments were assigned to the 4th and the 2d Iowa Cavalry, which was about to be mustered out, turned over their Spencer carbines to the 4th and completely armed it. About March 22d thie regiment started with Gen. Wilson on the greatest cavalry campaign of the war. The 6th Ky. Cavalry had been added to the brigade in place of the 1st Tenn. 'On reaching Elyton, near Birmingham, Ala., Croxton Avas ordered to proceed to Tuscaloosa, to break up some Confederate supply factories there. The 4th Ky. was guarding the wagon trains that day, and had to leave one company, K, with the train and was a day behind in following the brigade. Near Tuscaloosa the brigade encountered Chalmer's division of Forrest's command, marching to head off Wilson. Croxton re treated north toward the Black Warrior, and the 4th Ky., duly warned, cut across and intercepted him. The Tuscaloosa garrison had been advised that Croxton had been scattered through the mountains, but the brigade swam the Black Warrior, marched down its north side, capturing the bridge at Tuscaloosa in a night attack. Croxton had been given discretion to get out as he could, and, after finding that the state of the rivers would prevent him from reaching Mobile, concluded to start for Vicksburg. After getting a short distance across the Mississippi line he met an equal or superior force, and after a sharp fight returned to the vicinity of Tuscaloosa, and after a day or two of rest ctoncluded he could catch up with Wilson by taking a straight line for Augusta, Ga. The country was rough and well watered, streams were high and many were crossed by swimraing. The 4th Ky. captured the ferry over the Coosa, after a skirmish, and had a skirmish in approaching Tallapoosa, Ala., and helped in the capture -of the conscript camp at Blue Mt, possibly the last fight of the war. The command proceeded, via Newnan to Griffin, Ga., on the Atlanta & Macon road, where Croxton found an engine and went to Macon and surprised Gen. Wilson, 312 Union Eegiments of Kentucky. who had supposed him back in Tennessee, by reporting to him. The regiment removed to Macon, and after some marching in pursuit of the fugitive President of the Con federacy, remained in camp at Macon, till August 17th, when it Avas mustered out and ordered to Louisville for flnal discharge. The 4th Ky. Infantry serAed something over four years. Proud of its record,- it never changed its organization to the 4th Ky. Veteran Infantry. It was never on post duty and ncA^er on detached duty, but always actively in the field. When the different army corps began to take emblems, the 14th Corps took the acorn. That was a rem iniscence of Camp Dick Robinson, where the Bluegrass boys of the 4th began in the fall to joke the mountain boys of the 3d and 7f h about the ripeness and abundance of the oak mast, and those regiments began to call them selves acorn regiments. The 4fh Ky. Infantry, first and last, had more men in it than any other Kentucky regi ment — it never failed fo receive the commendation of its commanders. Every officer holding a commission at date of muster out, except the colonel and lieutenant-colonel, had risen from the ranks. Field and Staff. COLONELS— Speed S. Fry, John T. Croxton, Robert M. Kelly. LT. COLS.— P. Burgess Hunt, Josephus H. Tompkins. MAJOR— Joshua W. Jacobs. ADJTS.— William ()^a§dloe, Charles V. Ray, Charles T. S'chable. Q. MASTERS— Michael B. Hope, Minor C. Humston, James R. White. SURGS.— Stephen L. Burdett, Matthew H. Toung. ASST. SURG.— Har rison PhilHps. CHAPLAINS— John W. Jacobs, John R. Eades.— SER- GBANT-MAJORS— George H. Patten, Samuel G. HUlis. HOSPITAL STEWARD— Jno. W. McKeUup. Q. M. SERGT.- Charles McLaughlin, PRINCIPAL MUSICIAN— Jas. H. RoUins. 2d PRINCIPAL MUSICIAN — Lewis P. Barbee. Company "A." CAPTAINS— Wellington Harlan, WUliam W. Sanders, Joshua W. Ja cobs. 1st LIEUTS.— James H. Lihney, Chas. T. Schable. 2d LIEUTS.- Sidney M. Wietil, Thomas P. Young. SERGTS.— Joseph J. Landrum, Andrew J. Sihkhorn, Washington Hollen, Joshua H. Tye, Lewis C. Hal- ligan, Geo. S. , Covey, Jeremiah O. More, Wilber-S. Sinkhorn, WlUIam C. Crozier, Emory R. Harrington. Boyle O. Rodes, Alfred S. Stewart, Henry Teney, Louis GratzmlUer. Theofilus/ P.' Sebastian, Humphrey Hyde. CORPLS.— Wm. C. Lutes, James W. Embs, Wm. Townsend, Jno. A. HoUen, Wm. H. Crum, James N. Arthur, Arrlngton'^.'^^Reed, Squire B. Johnson, Lewis P. Barbee, Wm. P. Hoch, Henry B. Stan- wood, WUliam W. Tompkins, James Kenney, Charles Murphy. MUSI CIAN— Samuel B. Tate. y __!_-., PRIVATES— James G. Begley, Richard J. Barnes, Callowav Bow man, Greenberry Bowman, James H. Baker, Peter Bennett,' Joel Brad ley, May Bradley. Benjamin T. Bruner, James P. Baker, Mastin Bond, Jna G. Burns, Michael Buttar, MUton Brown, Aaron H. Coolev, James T. Clarek, Geo. W. Colter, Wm. Cornelius, Wm. J. ChUders, MarshaU Crawford. Braxton D. Cox, Geo. E. Clymer, Amos Davis, BUhu Derbln, John Doke, James Doyle, Jno. H. Evens, Thomas Furguson, Thomas W. Grubbs, Peter Grubbs. Seymour H. Gould, Jno. B. Holmes, Curtis S. Fourtli Kentucky Infantry. 313 Holland, Benjamin F. Hudson, Thomas W. Hope, Michael Hazen, Ben jamin Houpt, James W. Ingrum, WUliam Johnson, George W. Johnson, David Jameson, Wm. Kays, Dxury Kays, James Magee, Henry C. Ma.^ han, James L. Moss, Geo. W. Montgomery, Oscar Oldham, Franklin O^Neal, Bluefprd Puc_ket, Hiram Patrick, Samuel PhUllps, James R. Russell, Daniel B. -Royalty, Wm. Richards, Geo. W. Ratcliff, Samuel S. Shears, Francis M. Sanders, Thoraas Stevens, Elijah Smallwood, Thos. Spurlock, Squire R. ^Street, Jno. M. Southard, Thos. G. Spears, Lewis Smith, Joseph Smlth^ WiUiam B. Townsend, Letcher Wayes, Hezekiah Young, Benj. T. Zimmerman, William Abbott, Michael Burns, William T. Beddow, John Brew, Demarcus Ber^r, Thos. C. Ball, James Bustell, John Cassldy, David Cravlns, James/ Dlinpsey, Joseph Dunn, Joseph Eckly, RusseU B. Plgg, Henry Firmari, James George, JifSTY. Herran, Thos. B. Hart, Isaac Johnson, Peter Kewin, Chas. T. Linney, Charles Myer, Jesse Marlty, James Marmion, Wm. A. Mink, John NIhlll, Geo. Pope, Jno. D. Reynolds, Frederick G. Shaw, Michael Sanders, Thos. J. Shindlebower, Nathaniel Southards, John Shaw, Jno. M. Sweeney, Eu gene SuUivan, Clinton Sparks, Riander Thomas, Henry Tutt, Edward N. Vaughan, Geo. W. WeUs, Chas. E. Kinsey, Godfried Lux, Patrick Chrlsterfer, John Doolan, John Parrll, James Haligan, Silas Hawkins, Daniel S. Jones, WUliam Jones, James M. Leathers, Martin Madon, Michael G. Russell, Oliver J. Shettle, Geo. Stealey, Ezekiel Stewart, Le-vi Tespin, Robert H. Taylor, Alexander H. Yates, Joseph C. Cooper, Jno. T. Craig, Jas. M. Courtney, Edward Curbey, Wm. Davidson, Geo. W. Felgar, Geo. W. Gray, Franklin Geagler, Simon GUders, Thos. W. S. HoUand, Wm. H. Haynes, David A. Haynes, Peter Lawless, Chas. M. Lock, Ulrlck F. McKinney, Wm. F. Barker, Chas. H. Smith, Jesse Sraith, Francis Townsend, Geo. J. Wilson, John W. West, Chas S. Vaughan. Company " B." CAPTAINS— Peter J. Hiatt, Jas. A. Vaughan, Emory R. Harring ton, Lewis B. Lancaster. 1st LIEUTS.— Mason C. MUler, G. D. Hunt, Michael B^/tJotoe. 2d LIEUTS.— James M. HaU, Henry B. Stanwood, James M./IDuk*. SERGTS.— Wm. K. Thomas, David H. Butts, James Burk, Johg_^W! Eager, Wm. M. Adams, John P. Richardson, Calvin Houk, Colby Hase, Timothy Ham, WUliam B. Jones, Jas. Cox. COR PORALS — Jno. French, Joshua Golden, Robert G. Ramsey, Ambrose Logsdon, Martin B. DeBaun, Lewis C. Gabbard, Wm. E. Whitlnghill, Godfrey Isaacs, James Renfrew, John M. Thompson, Frederick Walden, Richard P. L. Noke. PRIVATES— Chas. B. Adkins, John Allen, "Wm. H. Buatell, Howard N. Burgess, Geo. W. Bradley, Joseph J. Byers, Charles ELI Btown, Geo. C. Boggs, Lewis S. Cutsinger, John R. Cravens, DavId/Cloye/d, Garland Carian, Samuel Dalton, James Davis, Robert B. Daugherty/Willlam K. Denton, John T. Pulk, Samuel J. Faulkner, Peter B. Gkbb&ra, Able Gab bard, Jasper Gray, John W. Gilbert, Stephen A. Good, H. Greenwood, Sidney B. Hamilton, Theophilus Hibbard, Wilda Highly, William Hall, George W. Hughes, Samuel A. Ham, James Huffman, Wm. W. Hendren, Calvin Harpe, Robert B. Harris, Wm. S. Ingram, Samuel Judd, Frank lin Johnston, James P. Kennedy, Wilkins Kelly, Geprge Key, William L. Long, Thomas J. McQueen, Newton Moor, Hugh Morton, James Mc- Cormack, Jerry P. Onstott, Charles H. Oggsdon, John Pursell, WUliam Pirce, Isaac Pirce, Joel Pitman, James Rise, Wm. L. Rise, Thomas Rob inson, Andy Roberts, George Roberts, John Sigman, Isaac S. Suttles, George B. Seymour, Mathew Simmons, John M. Sanford, Josiah L. Smith, Elisha Taylor, John AValdredg, Thos. D. Walker, John W. Wi.sp, Prim Williams, Thos. J. WhltinghlU, Alfred Whitt, Calvin Whitt, Wm. Young, Dawson Bowles, Richard L. Bradshaw, Edmund A. Brown, Sam uel B. Corrfbs, James T. Cutsinger, Benj. F. Christman, Joseph Gipson, William H. Jones, Benjamin Lunts, Abraham Miller, Benagy McClea- ron, Jonas Pitman, Robert Riddle, Isaac Roberts, Walter B. Smith, Wm. B. Smithy toavis Smith, Leonard Scarbrough, William T. Woods, Wm. Green, Daniel Albright, James Bustell, Joseph Hunter, John Halard, William A. Mink, John W. F. MUler, John M. Suthard, Nathaniel Suth- ard, Nathaniel Bustell, William R. Baird, Bird Dowell, Reuben Hase, 314 Union Regiments of Kentucky. ¦ John MUler, Irah Miller, George Montgomery, Rufus N. Morgan, Mil ton Parsons, Joseph Price, George W. Parsons, Jas. H. Renfrew, John Suthard, William Smith, James Thomas, Wm. Whitiker, Joshua Brock, James* BuSh, Jaraes Brown, Samuel M. Brown, George Brown, Alphus Coplan^,' William T. Oambell, Anderson Daws, Andrew B. Dobson, Thomas H. /Dunlvan, WUUam Foster, Jeremiah Hurburt, Jas. M. Hoe, Eli Mpntwimery, Jacob Myers, Hamilton Mears, George Phillips, Jas. Ross, Jaines M. Renfrew, Lewis L. Stewart, Melvin Sims,, John W. Stafford, Ephraim Simpson, George Weaver, Thomas Wilson, Alexan der Ward. , Company " C." CAPTAINS— John L. Williams, Luther Jenkins. 1st LIEUTS. — Robert T. WiUiams, Granville C. West, George P. Rowland. 2d LIEUTS.. -^John W. Lewis, Edward M. Anderson. SERGTS.— James T. Watkins,. Jphm B. Vaughter, John Carey, Allen Spencer, George W. Rasner, Alex- --ander Spencer, Edward M. Anderson, John Birt, Edward; G.arey, Josephi DunA, Isaac Myres, John McGrath. CORPLS. — George W. feasor, Thos.. Bowlin, James R. Gregory, George W. Jewell, WUliam H./MSys, Wlll- JiiCm E. Grayson, Thomas J. Potts, Hiram Bowlin, Granville C. .Clarke,. James B. Dooley, John B. Kimbrel, James P. Lee, AVtU^'ata P. Mavlty, Jesse Mavlty, Jeremiah Halpln. MUSICIANS — Patrick Brodrick, Jas.. H. Rollins. — PRIVATES — Benjamin F. Atchison, Elijah Abner, Henry Anderson, WUey P. Agnew, Henry Brewer, Martin Bailey, Thomas Baird, John Burnett, William N. Blythe, Daniel Cain, John Cpck, John Centers, Jos. Clark, John Dgaton, William E. Dycus, William M. Eastes, Daniel Ed- wards^,--Senryblllen, James Hopkins, Charles Higden, Fielding Hanks' Benjatoin M. llornback, John Harsman, Louis Hoch, Christopher Hisel, Andrew Jackson, William H. Jarvis, James Johnson, 1st, James John son, l2d,^E(eijifl!mln P. Jones, John D. Jamerson, Richard M. King, Will iam iH. Keith, George W. Knox, Henry Knox, George W. Kimbrel, Pat rick Laler, Elisha C. Lucas, William C. Lamb, Isaac T. Lamb, John R. McCoUom, Robert McCartney, WUUam McGlossin, Westley, H. Murphy, John Murry, James H. Morrison, Alexander Messer, Sidney Muncy, Jas. McGlaughlin, Allen Nealis, Middleton Neal, William H. Neal, Ferdi nand Prlester, Henry Reffit, John A. Stilwell, John See, WUey Stice, James Strange, James P. Stewart, James A. Stewart, Henry T. Shouse, James Smith, William O. Sells, Henry. C. Turner, WUliam Thompson, Robert WUloughby, Jackson WIreman, Uriah WIetle, Mason Anglen, Absalom Bowling, Richard Beaty, Travis, Brown, James M. Cross, John Chasteen, PhUip D. Clark, Jas. CahUl, Henry W. Culsacc, John W. Fisher, Joshua Grayson, Wm. R. Hedges, Wm. Hensley, Jonathan L. King, Joshua Perkins, John H. Rasor, James Wr Ingraham, James P. Muncy, Thomas J. McEntIre, Wade WUloughby, John A. Adams, Mich ael Aegon, John W. Bailey, Elijah Gouchrlght, Mlness Cox, Solomon Cox, John Dipple, Albert H. Dyer, fsa^ S. Downs, Patrick Dorsey, Jno. W. Fisher, James Graham, Patrlqk: Gadigher, Abraham Ingraham, Jsiin. Ingraham, James Ingraham, Hukh:'\j:ofiiIs6n, Milton Kring, J(6shUa Kring, Benjamin P. Kinney, James /ICid-weU, Jno. W. King, Jno. Mc- Glothen, Joseph McGlossen, HarrlsckuOfis, Jno. W. PoweU, James Rol lins, David J. Reynolds, Enoch Rice, Jno. B. Smith, Thomas Shults, Nixon WUloughby, James S. Willoughby, Benjamin WUloughby, John R. Whaley, Harden AsbUl, Robert Anderson, Daniel Bell, Alexander Bradshaw, Wm. DaUey, WUliam Freeman, James H. Harris, Thomas Hicks, -Vym. H. Hatton, Geo. F. Isleman, Geo. Johnson, Reuben Kirby, , John Keller, Benj. P. Klrtley, George W. Lee, Thomas Leonard, Peter Lee, Albert Mosler, John Martin, John Mahan, Patrick McGuire, Frank Stnltli, Wm. Spalding, James M. StancU, Levi Vials, Jno. L. M. Wil- ¦ cox, Geo. W. Yocum. Company " D." CAPTAINS— James J. HudnaU, Jno. A. Roberts. 1st LIEUTS.— Nicholas M. Kelly, Charies V. Ray, Geo. H. Patten. 2d LIEUTS.— Chas. T. Swope. SERGTS.— Alonzo Lokey, James T. J. Hazelrlgg, Charles T. Daniel, Geo. F. Edwards, Thomas T. Patten, -%m. M. Goshorn, Wm. §. Simpson, Samuel A. Oarr, John M. McLaughlin, Wm. R. WiUiams, Jas. Fourth Kentucky Infantry. 315 S. Gillepie. CORPLS.— Daniel Maher, Asbery Dance, Michael Ken ney, James T. Lowrey, Francis E. Coats, Jno. W. Harrison, Wm. S. Thacker, Sidney M. Goshorn, Wm. H. H. Wilson, James L. Bohannon, George E. Gault, James A. Troutman, Thomas W. West. WAGONER.— James Chipley. MUSICIAN — Daniel B. Murray. PRIVATES — Robt. Abercrombie, Jas. Abercromble, Wm. H. Adams, Harrison BeU, James M. Bruke, James Bowling, Michael Caeher, Jas. J. Coppage, Richard B. Davis, Elijah Denny, Evin Daley, Henry C. Davis, James Dugan, John Eatmer, Marion Edwards, Justin Evallde, Chas. Fisher, Francis Flerka, Benjamin Fisher, Geo. Gray, Alvis Gray, Jesse/Y^Gray, James GoUher, Robert Gullett, Chas. T. Hawkins, Alex ander F./Hays, Ira D. Hall, WUliam Hunt, John Hays, LitttletopJiQrn, Jonn Keller, Paris E. Morgan, Hiram Moore, Wiley Murrell Wm.jR, M^i^lfall, Wm. Miles, Arthur H. Mosely, O. Mullins, TimothK''TSK^r- ¦thy, Nathan Marcum, Abner McQueen, Lee Nelson, Napoleoif^Bf^lx, Hiram Neal, Jefferson T. O'Daniel, James PhUloon, Crlttenden-RHodes, Brenster L. Remby, Wm. H. Reed, Wm. D. Summers, Martin B. Sim mons, Richard Spindler, Abraham Straiten, Jonathan Stokly, Zacha riah Tomlin, Samuel Tucker, George E. Turner, Eli Vance, William Wagner, Benjamin P. Walker, Perry Wells, Green G. Wells, Hiram Whitting, Coleman A. Wilson, Nathan Williams, Elias Wooten, Peter Webster, Roljert Bradford, Henrjr-C.j Brothess, BUsha Bailey, Wm. J. Baker, Rice W. Denny, Wm. O/Ddna/way, WUliam Gannon, Daniel J. Haley, Edward Hughes, Thomis W^ Hart, Marcu T. KImes, Nicholas Keith, David Konshaky, Jas. Mriafadden, Hiram Marcum, G. W.^^P^'inty, Geo. W. Rea, Amos A. Race, Henry C. Shouse, Geo. M. Stevengotj-, John Wilson, John James, AUen K. Storm, Joseph Stich, George Ay: Vwolllng- ford, Isaac Brooking, CoUedge Collins Bellew, Benjamin F. Bis>efp, Wm. H. Culbertson, Daniel Cockran, Thomas j;. Crump, Robert P. Conrad, Norman Downard, Joseph J. Fowler, MUo M. Goshorn, Wm. C. Howell, John W. Herndou, Eli T. Ingram, Harry Lawrence, John M. McLaIn, Jonathan S. ^Myers, Lafayette Morgan, Randall M. Ollnger, Henry D. Potts, Wm/K. Spraggens, Thomas Stark, Benjamin P. Stark, Harvey Tomlin, M^^hael Thorp, WUUam Wicks, George W. Whaley, Thomas D. Blake, JohnW. Bgnnfett, John ConneU, Charles P. Dednlly, Hamton E. Doherty, Thoma^ J. V/y, Henry K. Fleming, Henry W. Inse, Wm. C. Imptoe, James ^eUey, John Lair, James T. Lindsay, John T. Overly, Benj. H. Pruitt, Andrew J. Poff, Richard PoUey, Dennis Reynolds, Warren B. Shields, Dewit C. Stevens, Josiah Strickly, Jno. M. Snow, John Tomlin, Jno. W. West, Jno. L. WUson, Cyrus White. Company " E." CAPTAINS— Geo. M. Jackson, Nathaniel L. Turner, Jas. A. Moores. Ist LIEUTS.— Isaac N. Jacobs, Archibald Mpores. 2d LIEUT.— James A Moores. SERGTS.— Geo. W. KimbreU, David D. Potts, Wm. S. Hil ton James A. SeweU, John T. Henderson, WiUiam R. WiUiams, James Ber'yman William M. Stewart, John W. Scrivener. CORPLS.— James McAdams, Jno. P. Wages, John P. Brinegar, Wilson Carpenter, Wm. Pettit, l^iet- C. Humpston, Joseph Ecley, William M. Scrivener, Laex- ander/DumSioo, Montgomery Wlsemon, Dawson Petticord. PRXSfATBS— James Akeman, James P. Anderson, Marcus Burgher, Moses M Brewer, James Brewer, Anthony Blemer, Herman Hushman, Henry Clarke, Wm. R. Coyle, Robt. H. Cooper, Jas. S. Cooper, Andrew J ^Fowler, Marcus Gray, Joseph Graham, Patrick Griffin, Henry GuiU, Henry Glpson,_Green B. Garr/ft, .Benjamin Hunt, Jno. W. HaU, Harri son Hernend^Jas. Ham, Wm. H. Jones, Henry Kirabrlll WUey Kim- brill James S LJ^nch, Edwa^rd Lynch, Wm. H. Logsden, Joseph Lake, Henry TlleoniVd, Chas. iong. John Land, WUliam MiUian, William Mcintosh, ScHkrd Moberly>H^rden Moore, Richard T McKiney, Ben jamin F. Mcintosh, George Moberly, Benjamin P. Owsley, Solomon Os burn John H. Potts, James Pope, Abraham Powell, James P. Rawlins, Green R Reynolds, WiUiam N. Richardson, Eli Sparks, Perry Skmner ^onlthfn Sca'^brough, Adam Shepard, John Selby, Wm Shearer, Rober^ Stewart James Scanelln, James Spencer, George W. Slinker, Joseph SwS Samln P. Tkylor, WUliam Willis, WUliam Wlerman Jas.- bwaried, ¦""l''^™"' . .. qu^t H Wormouth, Dedrick Waruke, Ple^- Tt^Mteir NaThan%°'^^ms, George W Anderson, Lib^ty 316 Union Regiments of Kentucky. Bowman, William Crouch, Newton J. Cayle, Francis M. Estis, Joel Farthing, Newton Freman, Basil Foreman, Henry Green, Shelton Groomes, Franklin Grace, Joshua Hulse, Jas. Henderson, Jas. W. Hall, James W. Hardwick, William Johnson, James Jones, Dudley Mcintosh, Lorenzo Rose, Charles T. Selby, Wm. Turner, Andrew J. Thorp, John Ward, William Abbott, Demarcus Burgher, William H. Forman, Henry Forman, Morgan Gray, Overton Moore, Geo. W. Ratcliffe, Henry Tutt, ¦William Tucker, Ryanzer Thomas, James R. White, John W. Wilson, Gordon Worwick, Samuel Arvine, John C. Barnett, James D. Barnes, William Beryman, John Collins, Allen H. Everman, William Farthing, John Groomes, Francis M. Holder, WlUIam Henderson, Harvy Hender son, John W. Jones, John Kirkpatrlck, Presly KimbreU, Madison Mcin tosh, Francis M. Monroe, Archible Mllllan, Thomas Patten, Jos. Pace, Richard Runnels, Russell Robertson, Calvin Robertson, James Rob- ,ertson, William RoUey, William B. Richardson, Wilson Stephens, Wm. O. Slade, Francis M. Sparks, John B. Stephens, William Welch, Sanford Aloom, Thornton Bailey, Dolt Christian Burk, Dormlnlck Brewer, Thos. Brewer, Mathew Benton, Clendenie ¦ Curtis, Richard Cornelius, Irvine Cornett, John Dunahoo, Dudley Farthing, Andrew J. Griffey, James Groomes, Louis G. Gore, James M. Helton, Richard Johnson, Samuel King, Thomas Kelley, Andrew J. Keith, Thomas W. Kennedy, Thomas Kennedy, Samuel C. McElroy, Thos. Martin, Andrew Mcintosh, John Noland, Andrew J. Rhodes, Wm. M. Scholl, George W, Simmons, Chas. Smith, Samuel Walters, John L. Welch, David AVilks. Company " F." CAPTAINS— W. F. Hoch, Josephus H. Tompkins, Robert P. Long. Ist LIEUT.— Merrill Hicks. 2d LIEUTS.— John M.^^rton, John T. Mer- rlmee, Luther Jenkins. SERGTS. — James H. ^^tl^, Francis M. Phil lips, John W. Clarke, John L. Sutton, Jacob /Spopnamoore, George W. Robinson, John Doyle. CORPLS.— James W. ^i^lter, Wm. H. White, Oliver P. Waggoner, Newton Hicks, Michael O'Keif, Anthony S. Smith, Wm. D. Butler, Monroe Dean, Marion Taylor, Patrick McCarty, Wm.' G. Sanders, Benj. P. Sea, Bishop A. Wash, James C. Chafin, Jno. Bax ter. TEAMSTER- Marian Coslow. MUSICIAN— Ebernezer B. Goodlet. PRIVATES— Wm. Adams, Jas. H. Anderson, Timothy Arnett, Wm. Armstrong, Wra. H. Bentley, Diamond Bentley, Paul Betz, Joseph Bar nett, John C. Carroll, Sr., John Comibs, John Cameron, John Coffey, William Cllngmun, John J. Cooper, John H. Crump, John C. Carroll, Jr., John A. Cinnamon, Thomas T. Dudley, Charles DaUey, Ezekiel Ennis, Jacob Elk, Joseph W. Evans, James W. FrankUn, WUUam Goodlett, James C. Gooden, Isaac Henaker, John W. Hazelwood, Henry Hamlet, Joseph HIte, Thomas Hanger, WUliam Hart, Robert Inman, John C. James, Wm. H. Johnson, Oliver C. Jones, Wm. Jackson, Geo. W. Kays, Samuel McCammlck, Henry Maddox, Andrew J. Maddox, George Mor ris, Samuel Moores, Charles J. Mattlngly./Peyt^n Morgan, George Mont- fomery, William MerriU, Geo. R. H. M/5ore, Andrew J. Preston, Prank Peak, Florentine Prinnette, Reuben li Royalty, Elijah E. Reed, Wm. Richardson, Wm. E. Reveritt, George RSgers, Lewis RaUet, John AV. Simpson, Michael Shehan, Sterrett W. Stilwell, Wm. H. Sea, Zachariah Shaw, James T. Saffell, Andrew B. Simms, Thomas M. Smith, Gran- vUle Shields, John H. Thompson, James Travis, Sanford Travis, Thos. J. Warren, Everett Wright, Benj. WensdeU, James H. Gibson, Wm. W. Bates, Albert Clements, Benj. P. Clarke, Sebastian Fah, Jas. H. Fulker son, GranviUe Leathers, Jacob McMannis, Thomas H. Moberly, Jno. T. Norton, Robert, P. PickereU, -^ffil^^P. Poulter, Thos. J. Robinson, Jas. W. Strange, Jno. B. Sea, Geo. W. SiAlth, Richard V. Vancleave, William Vancleave, Henry Brewer, John B/own, David Cravens,' Jas. M. Cross, Martin Price, Jno. A. Stilwell. JaAies W. Pearce, Jno. D. Able, David S. AUen, Wm. L. Brickey, Jno. A. Bowman, Edward Brown, Isggc~W. Butner, Reuben Brown, Thomas J. Baxter, Richard Brewer, Rasb^ry Crawford, Arthur Claxton, WiUiam Cooper, Jasper Desarn, ^dVard Desarn, James W. Perrin, Virginlus Garnett, Merritt Grltton,. Samuel N. Hedger, Richard Humes, Thos. J. Hinton, Andrew J. Jenkins, Josiah Kesler, Wm. J. Monroe, Henry P. Mlnick, WUliam Martin, Caleb W. Newman, Thomas Phillips, Thomas J. PoweR, Crockett PhUllps, Jas. Powers, John Riggs, Geo. W. Ray, Taylor Searcy, Green B. Smothers, Fourth Kentucky Infantry. 317 Jno. C. Sanders, Jno. Teutchuman, Robert C. Wilson, Mason M. Yocum, Simon J. Allen,y&enTy C. Bell, Notley Barnett, John Case, Alonzo J. Carter, AchlUe/Elkln, I. J. Fickle, Richard Hahn, John Harbison, Jas. J. Kennedy, Ric^«d-d C. Montgomery, Wm. Phillips, Nathan Snellen, James A. StulVFrank Schmidt, Obediah Simpson, Thomas J. Stilwell, Oscar Warren, John Harlow, Joseph Inman. Company "G." CAPTAINS— Richard L. Myers, Jas. H. West. Ist LIEUTS.— Robt. D. Cook, Allen S. Whetstone, Lnidsey C. Duncan. 2d LIEUTS.—Wm. F. Hoch, James C. Broughton. '.S-:^RGTS. — James Brown, GranvlUe C. West, Archy McGuire, Jno. Jlankersl'ey, John P. Cook, James Anglln, Sylvanus M. Shearer, Gran-dvIUe C. Clark. CORPLS.— Wm. H. PhUllps, Wm. E. Stamper, Jam^s G. Dotibs, Joel W. PhiUips, Nicholas B. Chas teen, James B. Dooley(Haderi L. Cruse, WUliam, B. Harris, William P. Laswell, John M. Shearer, George Adams, Elsey J. McCoUum, MUSI CIAN — Frederick W. Myer. PRIVATES— James H. Armstrong, Jas. W. Anderson, Jno. R. Ball lnger, Reuben Broughton, Peyton Benge, Jackson Begley, Geo. W. Cas teel, Garrett Coovert, Henry C. Cochran, John S. Clark, John C. Cor- dell, William Dabney, Jesse B. Estes, John^i^is, Wm. Ends, Lorenzo Evans, Wm. Ferguson, Aaron S. Gatliff/fsaat Gulnn, Hardin Golden, James Gordon, David G. Green, Prancis/Hierpnymous, Wm. Humphrey, Milton Haywood, Edward L. Harper, (^eop^ Halford, William Jones, Jno. J. Jackson, John Jackson, Jos. L. Jones, Elijah Keernej:,j^Ienry Long, Lee C. Lady, Silvester P. Moore, Wm. Monroe, Beirk^'G/Moore, Victor Iforrice, Thomas Overstreet, Chas. Phillip, Alexanc^r Pittinger, Marion/Slchmond, John Satterly, James Storms, Jacob C. Spfinetfr, Geo. W. Spring^, William Sheerer, WUliam Short, Elijah M^^earsey, Chas. SuUivan^ Wm. Sheppard, Richard Spurlock, Da-Vid Scilarbr6)ugh, Jacob Schjkfbroiigh, Plesant W. Shearer, Jas. B. Todd, Tribble Thacker, Chas. Tei/:^ell,/Iames L. TerreU, Wm. Tompkins, Elliott TuiWrrwllburn Tur- neiC-Ambrose Townsend, Jesse M. Taylor, Wm. A. Valnkle, Abner Wise man, Thomas G. Watson, David Williams, Edward S. Winkle, Luke Wright, Livingston D. Ward, Edward White, Richmond C. Balllnger, WiUiam H. Baker, Abner Ballenger, Wm. H. Burditt, Jno A. M. Gates, Francis X. Depln, John Dobbs, William J. Foster, James W. Giles, Jno. W. Johnson, Walter G. Keeling, Newton L. Keeling, John Maden, Car rol Martin, E. B. Miller, Edward W. MUler, John Morrice, Pleasant J. PoUy, John C. Phillips, John Rigdon, Wm. J. RUey, Thomas R. Shearer, Sebastian WIssell, Mason Anglln, John Chasteen, Moses Gatliffi, John A. Harden, Jonathan L. King, John R. McCuUum, Isaac MfiCullum, William Wrinehare, David Arther, Shelton R. Anderson, Wallalce Boyle, Milton Beary, Austin Chasteen, John C. Gates, Samuel Chedh4m,/Isaac Dooley, Jno. M. B. Duncan, Harvy Drury, John Farmer, Ellja-ir' Giles, Thomas Gwinn, WUUam P. Harden, Wm. H. Newton, James V. Jack son, Josephus Marrical, Henry Martin, Harrison Martin, GrandvlUe Mobley, Morgan Preston, Samuel Putt, Thomas J. Singleton, George Wright, Felix Boyle, Ernis Broch, George W. Burge, John L. BaUenger, Calvin Dabney, James Grant, David Guthrie, Mathew Gwinn, Joseph HUton, Thomas Jones, Elisha Johnson, Amos S. Klnerson, Jno. B. Keel ing, Jas. E. Ledford, Michael Moran, Samuel McDonald, Lewis Smith, Levi Sailor, Charles Stlen, Robert WUllams, Lee H. Wilker, Thomas Ward, William Daney, William P. Chasteen. Company " H." CAPTAINS— Sylvester Rockwell, Milton Graham, Mathew H. Jen kins, Henry P. MerriU. 1st LIEUTS.— Henry Teney, Robert F. Long, Chas. V. Ray. 2d LIEUT.- Francis M. Hardin. SERGTS.— Jas. MUler, James M. Smith, Robert H. Poole, John S. Logan, Jerome Marsh, Sam uel T. Vine, James Brown, Wm. Grltton, AUen Rigdon, Jno. Richard son, Enoch T. Munday. CORPLS.— John W. StoweU, James B. Sentres, Wm. J. Morrison, Alfred B. Creamer, Peter McCabe, Henry Tillman, Michael Colwell, Robert Norton, Calvin Hardin, James H. Taylor, Wm. RInehart, Preston Hammond. BUGLER— WUliam J. Crosby. PRIVATES— James Angstead, Bethel Berksler, Laford L. Bunch, 318 Union Regiments of Kent'ucky. George M. Bolln, William J. Cripps, John J. Cox, Wilcher T. Cardwell, Thomas^ J. Cannon, John Creech, Samuel Conly, Ichabod W. Clark, Pat rick ,C^ianaushT-sJ. W. Dennis, Solomon H. Dixon, Zachariah T. Elkins, Lemon Grimes, 'p^ter H. Gainer, James Garvey, John Grinstead, Henry Gr4en,.-/t'lmo(hy^jloolihan, Lucian "W. Hensley, John Harley, William Herron, Benjamin Humphrey, Robert Hilton, Geo. Hanks, David Jones, William H. Jackson, Michael Kenna, Edward Kelly, William Krlder, John Long, Andrew J. Ley, William Moore, Thomas Moore, James Mil ler, Benj. Marshall, Matlson McCracken, Wm. McGowen, Wm. Port- wood, William R. Perry, John H. Penson, James Parks, John W. Rey nolds, WUliam Redman, Henry C. Robertson, Joseph R. Stewart, Wm. Southerland, Alexander Stener, Thomas Shannon, William P. Speaks, Samuel Salllards, Prank Spanswick, Frank Schickllng, Bernhard Strat- man, George Southerland, Wm. B. Trainer, Lafayette Vanderver, Isaac D. Willhlte, Plesant Walde, Henry WUson, Henry H. Wilson, John W Ward, Singleton Wilson, James WUson, Jos. Welch, Wm. M. Chesher, Albert Campbell, Lewis C. Derry^-Martimore Grltton, Reuben Hutchi son, Logan Hickerson, John WyHenfirlx, Dennis A. Hagerty, Julius Jenkins, James B. Keeling, Jacn5;sor).''Lee, Edward G. Lewis, Franz MU ler, John R. Ryons, Henry ScotV-Cfeorge Wohner, Lewis C. Wlnchell, Shelton R. Anderson, James M. Crow, William Colter, Garrett Coovert, Samuel Cheatham, James A. Davenport, Gordon Drury, Harvy Drury, Wm. J. Foster, James Gordon, Rodrick Hajnllton, William Humphrey, John P. Keeling, Walter Keeling, Newton L. Keeling, Samuel Lewl.s, Wm. Monroe, Thomas O-Verstreet, Wm. J. Riley, John Saterly, James L. Searcy, Matthew White, Henry White, Samuel White, Jarvis Whit ton, Wm. T. Ward, Livingston D. Ward, George Baker, Solomon B. Bishop, Samuel H. Cook, Thomas Dldamus, Isaac Evans, S. M. Pulkln- son, Jerry Guy, Anderson Green, Albert Hastings, Joseph Hutchison, John Harden, Jno. Hungate, George Harmon, John W^-fltood, Azerel H. Hendrix, Green Jones, WUliam Keeling, John M. L^an, Jas. Lewis, Thomas Muncy, George MUler,, Jolin P. McCoy, Bryaint G. fineal, John ¦Overstreet, Joshua Presnell, Pleasant Richard, Joel As— Riley, Wm. J. RUey, Elisha Reaves, Gree S. Rasberry, Daniel Slzamore, Jesse Thorn- hurgh, William Walton, Wflllam Wljite, John Bellows, John Boles, John Crimons, John Cheek, Masori-Cprnelious, John W. Duff, V. J. Dilling ham, John M. Grubes, MlShfiel Gillen, Wm. J. Howard, Isaac D. Jus tice, James D. Jennings, Benj. F. Kissack, Felces Langsdon, Joseph H. MUler, Frank Perry, WUliam Riley, Wm. R. Robinson, John C. Smith, John Shontz, Richard Splvey, David Smith, William Smith, Francis .\. Taylor, Samuel T. Woolam, Charles Williams. Company " I." CAPTAINS— James B. Brewer, Wm. B. Riggs, Charles T. Swoope. Ist LIEUTS.— Sidney B. Jones, James McDermott, Elliott Kelly. 2d LIEUTS.— Samuel A. Spencer, Harvey W. Secrest. SERGTS.— KendaU Morgan, Asa B. Owens, Cornelius Hughes, Geo. P. Hughes, Wm. G. Conner, Davis AUis, Jesse Nash, Samuel G. HUlis, Jacob Maffett. CORPLS.— George A. Gilbert, William H. Hlmes, Charles P. Herbert, John A. Henderson, Thaddeus N. Hendrickson, John S. WUson, Calvin Howard, William B. Barkley, William W. Darnell, Joseph A. Sparks, Martin L. Spencer, Jacob Madden, Thomas J. Bevard, Albert E. Dun ning. PRIVATES— Henry Artis, Peter Burns, Josiah Baker, Thomas H. Bell, I Morton T. Bryant, Henry C. Boyd, James E. Barnes, James M. Carter, William Oane, Jviini, H. Dannagone, Chas. Day, Lewis V. BUls, Sampson Estepp, Brapl Estiis, Perry Evans, William Feltner, Jas. Fet ters, Manford S. Frle\id, Abner R. Gill, Fletcher Garrett, Thomas C. Hughes, James Hardj»,^Wm. P. Hlmes, Curtis H. Hlmes, William D. Hlmes, Pleasant Huff, Richard M. JohnSoily Asa Kellum, John Little fleld, Corbin Moore, James M. Mann, Ja^. MicDowell, WUda McCharles, Chas. T. Nash, Aaron Owens, Bonapartte Prichard, Richard Penrod, John W. Penix, John Redman, 1st, John Redman, 2d, WiUiam Redman, Henry Ross, WiUiam Ross, Lijther T. Records, Huria SandUn, John H. Stout, Leander T. Shockey, John Smith, James Spears, Elisha Stodard, John Stewart, Abram Stewartl,^ Jjohn W. Sites, Preston Spears. John Fourth Kentucky Infantry. 319 Townsend, Sharles A. Thompson, Majot M. Virgin, John C. Vanderpool, William J. Witty, Paul Woods, ChrlsurplI^ C. Webb, Johnn Witty, Hi ram W. Witty, William Anderson, Newton P. Bennett, Thomas Boggs, George W. Bevard, Richard Bevard, Thomas Ellis, Johi/ Prir, George -W. Gill, Calvin Herron, John Jones, James Kelly, Joseph Moore, James Patterson, George P. Rowland, Isaac Spears, William StrlUvan, Thos. Sullivan, Robert W. Smith, Robert W. Thoroughman, Benjamin P. TuUy, Adolph Hautt, Francis M. Henderson, Solomon M. Johnson, John Kincade, John AV. McKellup, Samuel C. McElroy, James L. Redman, Joseph Renchen, Robert H. SIley, James R. Thompson, Hiram T. War der, JfEwnes W. Blount, Lewis W. Booker, James L. Carter, Jaraes W. DuriingJ Joseph P. Fetteres, Henrj^/^alkner, George W. Ford, Walter w/Pry, Richard M. Glover, WUliam GIU, Henry C. Huffman, John Haltwbrand, Philip Hise, Geo. H. Himes, John R. Himes, Jacob O. Hol- lenger, Charles Kellum, Ellsl>a Kelley, WUliam Littlefield, Henry C. Logan, Alexander Menach, Henry C. Means, Geo. W. Middleton, John Penrod, Francis A. Renchen, John R. Sartin, Elisha Sprinkle, William Stone, GrandvlUe Thoroughman, Thos. B. Thoroughman, Spencer Ad ams, Garland R. Bullock, Joseph Branham, John A. Carter, Geo. W. Crider, David C. Crawford, ,,afa.thew Cole, John R. Chambers, Samuel Pullen, Thomas George, Ple^an^ Green, James H. Hampton, Hiram Hamlin, John HiltSii Llfelfess liypock, George D. Klrkindall, Benj. G. Kirklndall, Shrfwers/Nelsok,_-fflI F. Prather, John R. Ross, James M. Sinter, Henry SL-Stearns, -WUliam AV. Smith, John Sanders, Samuel A. Wade, James WUlls, Henry Pike. Company "K." CAPTAINS— Robert M. Kelly, James M. Givens, Alfred S. Stewart, Ist LIEUTS.— Burwell S. Tucker, Samuel S. Rich. 2d LIEUTS.— Robt. P. Long, Charles T. Schable. SERGTS.-Thomas B. Mathews,, 'St^keley D. Murrell, Asa Hampton, Newton J. Murrell, Alexander Kimb/ough, Charles A. McLaughlin, James B. Colvin, Alfred Ramey. CORPLS.— Joseph J. Sullivan, Madison Slatton, Benj. T. Asberry, Solomon Raw lins, John E. Prlmm, William Moore, William Pearce, Thomas Louden, Reuben Cox, Abraham Lefflngwell. MUSICIANS— Joshua L. Drlnkard, Frederick Barnett. /' PRIVATES— Rilfey Adkins, Albert Burnett, John Beasley, WilUam M. Bryan, Arthur Bcav'ard, Enoch Berry, James O. Barnett, Charles W. Barron, R. R. BenningfietdT Ssitaiuel Clark, George Clark, John H. Coch ran, Elias R. Curry, John W. Dunn, William H. Edwards, Marcus B. Folwell, George M. Gfeen, Arlington Gooden, George W. Harper, Thos. B. Hart, John Handerhandr:^alviti Hays, Daniel E. King, WiUiam Kal- ley, Samuel Kelly, Pridelon, Kofoaer, Ellas R. Kennedy, Elihu G. Law- son, Martin V. Lewis, Thomas J. Love, Jos. B. Morgan, Adison Moore, Felix Mortis, Henry MlUioxu-^ames McDonald, Nicholas Neff, Cornel ius Pugh, James Pratt, John W. Reed, Henry M. Reed, William Rine- berger, David Rineberger, Francis M. Renfro, Winnel Schwall, Samuel Stalllngs, John Slatton, WUUam R. Smith, Elijah SorreU, Thomas San ders, John T. SIdeibottom, Nathaniel Steward, Moses Smith, John J. Sul livan, Eugene SfeoKelat, Thomas Tanksley, Charles Thrasher, William WUlis, Joseph /Watjerman, Henry Williams, John W. Wolfe, James H. Wright John /WollUm, William T. WUllams, Jas. Berthe, Alford Bowls, John H Beniiingfifeld, James M. Boon, James, JT-Bradley, Lemuel Cas- teele Asa M VCMders, William Colter, Janies A. Dgvenport, Gordon Druery, David Griffln, Wm. A. Green, Coldnel H. Green, Benjamin D. Green, Isaac Green, James Gardner, FranclsW. Heiidersjjn, Harvey N. Harden, Vincent Harding, Columius Johnson, Jacoh Kirchbaum, Le-svis Kunckles, Henry S. Lawless,, Jol\n D. Lawless, Johnl M6rgan, John Mitch Edmund^urphey, John Mei^urgh, John PrlmrarwiUiam Peb- worth Xerxe^C. Reed, Jeremiah Ramey, Thomas J. Stroud, Martin L - Spencer Thdmo/j. Slatton, Henry White, Hiram T. Warder, Saniuel AVhite, JarvisVhitton, Wm. D. Yarry, Wm. Hays, Joshua ^-J^^-^^ Levi Loring, Thos. Seymour, Bdmun Burk, James M. Berry, William Colvin, Robert P. Connor, JohnW. Courtny John W. Gardner Lan ham Green George W. Green, Isaac Holland, aohn HoUand, Jno. MU ler John McQuillll. WiUiam Parker, James T: Penn, Ezekiel Robins, 320 Union Regiments of Kentucky. James L. Redman, Andrew J. Simpson, Lawson H. Smallwood, Fran cis If^rner, John Vince, Joseph W. Willson, George Wright, John Wy^owi^an, Wm. Capehart, Alford Dean, Louis Fields, Chas. T. Geers, John Hy^ock, John S. King, Jacob Sinebraugh, John Langlan, Perry MekdeTMoi'ris Mahana, William Neal, Charles H. Nalty, Charles M. Nickens, James Stiltz. Fifth Kentucky Infantry. (the LOUISVILLE LBGION.) Respect to the neutral attitude of Kentucky caused the first organization of Kentucky men for the United States service to be made outside of the limits of the state. On the 1st day of July, 1861, six companies of men, which had been organized in Louisville, crossed the river and went into camp on the Indiana side. The camp was named Camp Jo Holt. The six companies were un der the following captains: John L. Treanor, fifty men; Lafayette P. Lovett, eighty men; Alexander B. Ferguson, thirty-four men ; John D. Brent, sixty men ; William Man gan, fifty men; J. E. Van 2andt, sixty men; in all three hundred and thirty-foiliLmen. It was under the leadership of Lovell H. Rousseau that this movement was madte, and he became the colonel of the regiment formed of these and other companies, and the commander of the camp. In a short time the number of men under Rousseau grew to about two thousand five hundred. The men were drilled and arms and uniforms were obtained. About the last of August, Rousseau marched the entire force across the river and paraded through the streets of Louisville. He was warned not to do so, but he said Louisville was his home and he would go there. H. M. Buckley had come to Camp Holt, from Henry county, Ky., with a company, and being known to Rousseau, and\a^ stalwart, determined man, he was appointed lieutenant-colonel. While in Camp Holt, Rousseau's command was pre sented with a flag by Mrs. Joshua P. Speed. It was" carried throughout the war. o/e of the incidents in the camp was an address madejij^ Hon. Joseph Holt. The men who had gathered under Rousseau at Camp Holt were formed into the Louisville Legion, or 5th Ky. Infantry, and 2d Ky. Cavalry and Stone's battery. A portion also went into the 6th Ky. Infantry, under V. C. Whitaker. On the 9th of September, the Louisville Legion was mustered into the sefvice of the United States; It was at first called the 3d Ky. Infantry, but afterward the number was changed to the 5th. This was done by Gov. Bram lette, and the change was very displeasing to the Legion.. Fifth Kentucky Infantry. ¦ 321 On the 17th of September, 1861, Rousseau led his men from Camp Holt, and proceeded under the command of Gen. ^V/l'- Shejafian, to Muldraugh's Hill. Whi]ie-at. Wright. PRIVATES— George Bostock, George Bishop, William H. Bland, Jas. Chick, James W. Dike, John W. Day, Richard Honnaker, Abner John son, George McMann, Samuel McMann, John McGuire, Theodore Neal, Joseph Strange, George W. Scott, James P. Stark, John Taaffe, Jeremiah Vardiman, Benjamin B. Watson, Thomas Wagstaff, Charles E. Booker, Talbot N. Bryant, John Chadwick, Samuel Eddy, Timothy Finn, Jas. Gott, Benjamin Lockwood, William McDowell, James Milton, John Stroud, Lawrence Sexton, Ezekiel Ennis, Isaac Honnaker, Samuel Moore, George Morris, Michael 0'Ke§f, WUliam White, Oliver P. Wag goner, Aaron P. Tindall, Daniel Jones, WUliam Stilwell, Jacob Warren, Patrick Connel, Chas. W. Bills, Wesley Erskine, Lloyd Hackett, Stel»hen H. Maddox, WUUam Perkins, Charles Shackelford, Samuel P. Tindall, James T. WUllams, Patrick Cummings, Dennis Vaughn, Richard Arm strong, Elliot G. Bohannon, Thomas Downs, David Eddy, James Eckels, James Harris, Joseph McGuire, Patrick Murry, WiUiam Sutherland, Harvey Wolfe, William Woods, Albert G. WUson, John Weaver, Joseph Wheeler, James Wqst, Thomas Wider. Sixth Kentucky Infantry. 335 Company " G." CAPTAINS— Peter Emge, Peter Marker, Gottfried Rentschler. 1st LIEUT.— George Marker. 2d LIEUTS. Henry'Carining, Nicholas Sehr. SERGTS.— Peter Eyrlsch, Henry Peetter, Peter Kerkhof, Henry Wulf, FhUip Oeswein, Jacob Innlnger, George Klaus, David Muengenhagn! Charles Nodler, WiUiam Welker, John Kremer, Theodore Wesendorf, Frederick Disque, Frank Schickllng. CORPLS.— Julius Hoist, David Plaggenburg, Joseph Amman. MUSICIANS— Richard Engelbert, John Sachtteben. WAGONER— Henry Kieser. PRIVATES— Gottfried Cannon, George DIckhurt, Henry Doppler, Prank Dienst, Wendel Held, John Held, PhUip HeUand, Herman Olges- gers, Albert Pfiffer, Joseph Ritzier, Christian Reiss, Herman Rueter, William Strassel, John Schueler, Jacob Schenckel, Theobald Stark, Bern- hard Teders, Nicolaus Weber, Frank Wlttman, William Ahrens, John AUgayer, John M. Baur, John Buechel, Melchor Gutgesell, Conrad Hardmann, Jacob Hessler, John Haltmann, John Lauer, Gustave Laun, Herman Russ, John Reuther, Cornelius Schwab, John Atrls, Lorenz Bohn, Alphonzo Carrington, Joseph McCombs, WUlls H. Morton, James T. Terhune, Anton Wormser, Edward S. Ke-lly, Michael Bach, Christian Bauer, John Doetenbier, Charles FIschbach, John Bleters, Joseph Kram, John Matly, Joseph Mass, Adam Mans, Jacob Marx, Aug. Nolt, Henry Oberriller, Martin Ring, Christian Schuhmacher, John Schlpper, Bern- hard Schneller, Gregor Schneider, John Stuempel, John Velton, Andrew Wagner, Alexander Stener, Ferdinand E. Evans, Christian Straub, Au gust Younger, John Albert, Conrad Bender, John Eufinger, Henry Mehler, Sebastian Reitz, Henry Scheiber, George Fossing. Company " H." ¦CAPTAIN— Isaac N. Johnston. 1st LIEUT.— John L. Chilton. 2d LIEUTS.— Harrison Roberts, Richard T. Whitaker. SERGTS.— Wm H. Harford, Thomas S. Harford, John W. Hall, John Heilman, Josiah B. Magruder, William E. Club, George W. Lindsay. CORPLS.— Barton H. Club, John Wentworth, Albert Lindsay, John M. Estis, Samuel Reeves, WUliam T. Smith, Samuel HaU. WAGONERS— John Jones, Jr., John H. Yates. MUSICIAN— William F. Petty. PRIVATES-WUliam Adlar, Joseph Aldridge, James Blackaby, Jno. T. Butem, Robert Goodrich, Robert Heightchen, Squire Hall, Samuel S. Hall, James Henry, Jacob Heilman, Cadwalader Heaton. Jno. Jones, Sr., Richard B. Kemper, Joseph Louden, Lorenzo D. McGowan, Fleming -Mahorney, James Rankin, William Roberts, John N. Roberts, William Roliertson, William Russell, Wiley Sailers, John G. Shuck, William R. Stivers, Philip Votter, James Washburn, Charles W. Young, Harrison Browning, Noble Bryant, Humphrey M. Club, Rollins Dickens, Joseph C. Hocklnsmlth, John Holmes, Geo. W. Roberts, Elijah Roberts, Lewis Ricker, Septemus Roberts, James W. Shannon, Walter Sutherland, Harvey R. Wolfe, Lewis M. Perry, John P. Crawford, Albert Clemens, Thomas Shannon, John Harlan, Samuel Kelley, William T. McGowan, William L. Sutherland, George Sutherland, William B. Trainer, Joseph Welch, George Adams, Thomas B. Bush, Jno. S. Bryant, Ezekiel Brown, James Downs, Philip Hunt, John H. Hall, James W. Kelly, John Morris, John McGrew, Moses McGrew, Joshua McKee, WUliam H. Rankin, Jos. S. Smith, John Sherrard, John Sanders, James R. Wilhoit, Daniel Kelly, Charies W. Moore, Jesse Short, Isaac D. Hockensmlth. Company "1." CAPTAINS — August Stein, Friedrich NIerhoff, Dietrich Hesselbeln. 1st LIEUT.— WiUiam Frank. SERGTS.— Felix Krumriech, Christian Lambert, Philip Nocker, Anthony Scholl, Julius Horst, Rienhart Reglin, Christian Oesch. CORPLS.— Balthasar Hasslnger, Joseph Waltz, Joseph Valte, Charles Mohl, Adam GIng. PRIVATES— Henry Altfultis, Leo Baumann, Henry Becker, William Denhardt, John Dahl, John Eger, Jos. Pels, Herman Plottmann, Chris tian Fritz, Louis Gaupp, Michael Hoch, -WUHam Hetzel, John Kuster, Anthony Klos, John Moser, Simon Negele, Joseph Sauer, Francis Schil- 336 Union Eegiments of Kentucky. ling, Henry Schlatter, Joseph Schuster, Philip Speiger, Valentine Stein er, Charles Stosser, Frank Wyle, Christian Bender, John Basler, Henry Bruckmann, Philip Diehl, George Eitel, Michael Hausmann, Christian Hausecker, Henry Reichart, Christian Sanner, Louis Stelnbach, Joseph Schumann, Henru Schibly, John Schweitzer, Jacob Spatrohr, Frederick Utz. Michael Vester, Peter Wagner, John Hubing, Thomas Mulier, Vital Bourkart, Casper Backmann, Christian Conrad, Casper Kehlln, Clemens Klos, Casper Krebs, Christian Mirkel, John Christ Moench, Henry Munsterkotter, Joseph Mulier, John Jacob Oberer, Frederick ' Orth, James Rampendahl, Mike Reuter, John Schwein, Jacob Schmidt, John Spanier, Conrad Seibel, Daniel Anerweck, PhUip- Bouquet, Philip Bill, Christian Differt, Michael Gerlch, John Husson, Frederick Kuh- ling, John Loffert, August Seibel, Joseph Wahl, Ehrhart Woerner. Company " k." CAPTAINS— Henry C. McLoed, Daniel W. Owens. 1st LIEUT.— Thomas W. Robertson. 2d LIEUTS.— Thomas C. Campbell, William W. Purr. SERGTS.- Henry S. Luckett, Presley N. O'Bannon, James S. Blackwell, Alfred M. SuUivah, Ellas Shannon, John C. Richardson, Wil liam Province, John E. Ramsey, Richard T. Thornton. CORPLS. — Jas. W. Scott, Benjamin P. Owens, Nathaniel WooU, Gideon A. Ball, Taylor Neal, Albert B. Carpenter. WAGONER— John W. Neal. MUSICIAN— John M. Browning. PRIVATES-WUliam Armstrong, John Barkis, Greenville Boston, John Brooks, Thomas Butem, William Cockerel, John W. Chilton, Jos. Dupuy, William Donohoe, William D. Eves, Patrick Perran, Zachry Gregory, Daniel GlUand, Isaac Hundly, WUUam Heart, Michael Kelly, Henry Lufft, Arthur V. McCoy, Patrick Marory, Joseph Mosler, Lewis G. Neale, Charles Parrod, James Pyles, Florentine Prenet, Joseph Simp son, Franklin Sly the, Eugene Shulet, John T. Webb, Almonte Yowell, Charles Bush, John D. Colt, John Fisher, Jas. Graham, Robert Hedger, William M. Ireland, Andrew Kenoyar, Francis Lot, Elisha Logsden, Richard Levis, WUUam Love, Jesse Nam, Michael O'lSleU, James A. Rice, Frederick Sloatman, Joseph W. Shannon, Thomas Smith, Bailey WiUis, James WInlerholter, William Adams, Wm. Armstrong, Mason Cornelius, John C. Carroll, Sr., John C. CarroU, Jr., WUliam D. Eves, Daniel Glllan, Benjamin Gilmore, Thomas Pearce, William Pearce, Flor entine Prewitt, David H. Rineberger, WUliam E. Rineberger, Samuel Stalllngs, William Stilwell, Eugene Shulet, Thomas Tanksly, Pleasant Waide, John Welch, James H. WIUIs, WiUiam Brickly, James Jacoby, Charies Hiltner, John Mosler, Mason C. Eves, Alonzo Hay, William MC; Elwaln, John Ross, Thomas Hanger, Thomas Lowden, Nicholas Neffe. Seventh Kentucky ^Infantry. Col. Theophilus T. Gartard was one of the men selected by Gen. Nelson, in the summer of 1861, to raise regiments at Camp Dick, Robinson, and his regiment, the 7th Ky. Infantry, was one of the first recruited in the state. It was organized at Camp Dick Robinson by Col. Garrard and mustered in the United States service by Gen. George II. Thomas, September 22, 1861. It was at once ordei'ed to WildvCjit, Ky., beyond Mt. Vernon, to resist the advance of Gen. Zollicoffer. Col. Garrard took posi tion upon a mountain, covering the road, and on the 21st of October was attacked in his camp, which he had forti- Seventh Kentucky Infantry. ' 337 fied, by a large Confederate force. Wolford's cavalry had encountered the advancing enemy out upon the road, and fell back to Col. Garrard's position. The battle was a very sev'ere one. Col. Garrard defended himself against" repeated assaults, and during the fighting reinforcements came up under Gen. Schoepff. The Confederates were defeated with a loss of thirty killed apd one hundred wounded, the Federal loss being fou^ killed and eight een wounded. This was the flrst gejiJeral battle fought in Kentucky. From Wild Cat, the 7th returned to Camp Dick Robinson, and then adva,nced a^in on the road lead ing to Cumberiand Gap, as far as Mt^JVel«non. It re mained in this section of the,&tatelluring the winter, and in the organization made/ih the spring of 1862, it was placed in Gen. S. P. C^^ter's brigade of Gen. Geo. W. Morgan's division. This division in that spring made an expedition to Cumberiand Gap^ capturing the place June 18, 1862. Gen. Morga%-4iar'his report says of this expedi tion, that he reached Cumberland Ford, April 11th, and had the brigades of Gen. Carter and Col. De Courcey make a reconnoissance, on which they were attacked, but which • was repulsed. He then crossed the mountains below the Gap, and descended into Powell's Valley, and proceeded on two roads to the Gap, capturing it on June 18th. The 7th Ky., and also the 19th Ky. under Col. Landrain, were with Gen. Carter's brigade in this expedition, and the reports shoAV their valuable service. Gen. Morgan held Cumberland Gap until the invasion ,of Kentucky in September, 1862, by Gens. Bragg and 1 Kirby Smith. ^^ \ The occupation of Cjumieriand ^ap by Gen. George jMorgan was an inter^^ing event, jiut its evacuation by him, and his conduofing his forceln safety to the/ Ohio , Tiver, in September/ 1862, was one of the most romantic 'and picturesque events of thp-'war. In that month^he Confederates were iny^diiig^entucky in great force from .three directions. Gen. Bragg, on his celebrated move by way of Glasgow; Kirby Smith through the mountains by way of Barbourville, directed upon Richmond and ; Lexington, and Humphrey Marshall out of Virginia, to ward Mt. Sterling. In such conditions Gen. George Morgan's escape seemed impossible. Kirby Smith sent a demand for his surrender, and Gen. Stevenson went against him with a force of four brigades. Gen. Morgan described his situation thus: Stevenson in rear, Bragg to the left and Humphrey Marshall to the right. The only thing to do was to abandon the Gap and strike for 22 338 Union Eegiments of Kentucky. the Ohio at the nearest point.^ September 16th, the march commenced. The retreat was across Kentucky, by way of Manchester, Booneville and West Liberty to Greenups- burg, on the Ohio. A singular and striking fact is that this route was the old "Warrior's Path" — an old forgotten track of travel li^ed by the Indians — it is thus mentioned iu the "Wilder ness Road." "The 'Warrior's Path' was a trace along which the Indians traveled back and forth from their t^wns on the Miami and Scioto. It ran in an almost direct north course from Cumberland Gap across the eastern 4nd of Kentucky to the mouth of the Scioto." The season was dry and water scarce. The country was full of Confederate forces. Gen. John Morgan was active on the roads which Gen. Geo. Morgan had to travel. He blockaded them, and fought the retreating Morgan. Gen. Geo. Morgan says: "Frequent skirmishes took place, and it several times happened that while one Mor gan was~(:^earing out obstruction at the entrance of a defile, the other Morgan was blockading the exit." In one instance, says he, a road had to be cut for four miles. For this woA, he had one thousand men under the super vision of Capt. Wm. F. Patterson, of whose company of engineers account is given in this volume. Safely crossing Kentucky river at Proctor, eluding Marshall at West Liberty, feigning toward Maysville, and. pushing for Greenupsburg, Gen. Geo. Morgan reached the Ohio "without the loss of a gun or a wagon, and with the loss of but eighty men" as he states himself. The force he had is noHceable: 7th Ky., Garrard; 14th Ky., Cochran; 19th Ky., Landram; 22d Ky., Lindsey; Mundy's battalion ofthe 6th Ky. Cavalry; Patterson's Ky. engineers. This was one-third of his force. He also had six Tennessee regiments, the 1st, 2d, 3d, 4th, Sth and 6th. Just one year later Cumberland Gap was re-taken by the Kentucky general, J. M. Shackelford, in connection with Burnside's East Tennessee expedition of 1863. Upon arriving at the Ohio river, the troops of Gen.- Morgan, including the 7th Ky., rested a short time, hav ing crossed to fhe Ohio side at Oak Hill. They were then ordered to West Virginia, to Gen. J. D. Cox, in the Kanawha Valley. Remaining there a short time, they Avere ordered south to join the forces under Gen. Sher man, then advancing upon Vicksburg. In the late fall of 1862, they proceeded by river transport by way of Mem phis, and reached their destination. With this expedi tion of Gen. Sherman were three Kentucky regiments, 7th, 19th and 22d. Three Kentucky officers commanded Seventh Kentucky Infantry. 339 brigades; Gen. S. G. Burbridge, Col. \\. J. Landram, Col. D. W. Lindsey. All these participa;fed in the celebrated assault at Chickasaw Bluffs, December 29, 1862, which was a failure, and grfeat loss was incurred. These regiments remainied with the forces under Gen. Sherman, and also wheY'Gen. Grant took charge of the Vicksburg expedition, and participated in all the move ments, labors and service incident thereto — moving down the river below the city, crossing to the east side, and marching out to Jackson, Miss., then turning and fighting the various battles preceding the siege, and in the siege until the surrender July 4, 1863. The following are extracts from the official reports of Gen. John A. McClernand: Battle of Champion Hill. . . . In front of my center, as well as my right, the enemy ap peared in great numbers. Garrard's brigade was hard pressed, and Gen. Osterhaus requested that it should be supported. All of Lawler's brigade, of Carr's division, except a reserve of one regiment, also ad vanced to support Lindsey's, who hiad pushed a charge near the mouth of the battery. Lawler's brigade here cast the trembling balance in our favor, himself narrowly escaping the effect of a shell. His men joined Lindsey and both dashed forward, shooting down the enemy's battery horses', driving away his gunners and capturing two pieces of cannon. .. . . The enemy, thus beaten at all points, fled in confusion, the main body along the road leading to Vicksburg, a fragment to the left of that road. Gen. Carr's division taking the advance, hotly pressed the former, and Lindsey's and Burbridge's brigades the latter, until night closed in, each taking many prisoners. Battle of Big Black Rivbk. . . . Osterhaus' division was ordered to form to the right of the road, Lindsey's brigade in front and the remaining two regiments of Garrard's brigade obliquely on the left and rear of Lindsey's, to coun teract any movement in that direction. My right center and l^ft en gaged the enemy with increasing effect, and dashing forward under a heavy fire, across a narrow field, and with fixed bayonets, carried the enemy's works, capturing many prisoners and routing him. The de feat was eminently brilliant, and reflects the highest credit upon the gallant officers and men of Gen. Lawler's and Osterhaus' commands, who achieved It. It was determinate of the success of the day. Most of the enemy escaped to the commanding bluff on the opposite side of the river, while others, hotly pressed by Benton's brigade and the right of Lindsey's, cut off from that escape and driven to the left and down the river, upon the left of Lindsey's and the front of Bur bridge's brigade, fell I3otkin, Jesse C. Speak. SERGTS.— James B. Moore, Abram Haynes, Hiram C. Moore, James Lawson, Sidney C. Baugh. CORPLS. — Kinahem il. Par- rigen, Josephus Hendrickson, Wm. L. Buford, Jones Spaiflts, Andrew J. Miller, Humphrey T. Jackson, Evan K. Chesnut. VJ/ PRIVATES— Granville Brown, WiUiam Ball, Wm. L. Buford, Chris topher C. Cromer, Gary L. Carter, Andrew J. Frazier, John T. Hines, William Humpless, George Hubbard, Allen W. Miller, Alexander Par- man, Moses Splvey, Daniel H. Southerland^ William A. Vaughn, Levi H. Vaughn, John Young, Alexander P. BuftTr^, Henry Boruff, James F. Doughty, Matthew W. Herrin, George/& Herrin, James W. Jackson, David Kuhn, Jesse W. Mullins, Madison l^lviitchell, Thos. P. Province, David Reams, Jas. M. Storm, Shadrack Turner, Elliott Turner, Sherod P. Wood, Thos. D. Cook, William Jtnfes, Charles Adams, James M. Bunton, Joseph M. Barton, Jerome G. Cromer, John N. Covington, Jos. R. Coleman, Allen Lyche, John T. Doughty, Robert N. Doughty, Jas. B. Evans, Wm. H. GreejipLuther Goin, David A. Green, Jeffrey Hop kins, Jas. W. Hagan, Reuben Hatcher, Chas. L. C. Hemdin, David Hall. Daniel W. Jones, Callowaj' Jones, Elliott B. Johnson, Solomon Jones. John S. S. Johnson, Isoae B. Jones, Joseph Keck, John R. Lewis, Wm. H. Litton, Edward Lear, John C. Moore, Matthew Moore, Jerome G. Moore, James McGee, James'M-j McHargue, Alfred W. Newcomb, Chas. Noe, Joseph D. Nix, Geoi'ge O'Niel, Ppancls M. Powman, Jos. L. Patter son, Peter S. P. Pedlgo, feaffiuel Phel^, 'Op/briel Southerland, James A. Speak, Calvin C. Woodward, Jno. cl!! Wilkinson, Lewis WUburn, David W. Weaver, Hiram B. Young. Seventh Kentucky Veteran Infantiy. Field and Staff. COLONEL— George W. Monroe. ASST. SURGEON— Wm. R. David son. SERGT. MAJ.— Edw. B. Coleman. Q. M. SERGT.— Wm. H. Lytton. COM. SERGT. — Marcellus Cameron. HOSP. STEAVARD — Wm. L. Bled soe. Company "A." CAPTAIN— WiUiamson W. Bacon. 1st LIEUTS.— Garland R. Bul lock, John Landram. 2d LIEUT.— John B. Campbell. SERGTS.-John Bransom, Jacob B. Plfer, Nathan Nolan, James Hollywood, William M. Rlnkle, Wm. L. Bledsoe, John H. Rldenour. CORPLS.— Charles Timber- lake, Henry Fields, Henry Scott, James A. Shea, Thomas Blankenship, John S. Black, John B. Erwin. PRIVATES— Mathias Anderson, James Anderson, George W. Ander son, Henry H. Baker, John Buffin, Thomas Bush, Dennis Bergin, James Baldwin, WUliam E. Cameron, WUUam Cooley, Aaron Davis, John Duley. Thoinas J. Hunter, John Y. Harper, Wat. A. Housley, Patrick McAndry, Daniel McLaughlin. Francis McNeils, Enoch MarshaU, Christopher C. Merchant, William Moran, John McKinney, WiUiam Nunan, Joseph North. George R. Pittman, Byron J. Quinn, Charles H. Rosson, George Smith, Stephen G. Sargent, Alexander Snelling, James T. Shaw, WUliam WUson, Lawson WUllams, Leonard L. WeUs, Henry Zlckel, Andrew J. Alexander, John Baker, WlUIam Combs, James W. CUne, James Cooper, Samuel Callihan, John S. Cummins, Thomas Pults, James M Gilbert, Patrick Garretty, Reason H. Gamble, Robert Hale, WUUam Hess, Prank Hutchinson, Henry S. Jeffries, Mason W, Keaton, John W. Lawhorn. Seventh Kentucky Veteran Infantry. 347 WUliam T. Martin John PerneU, John P. Russ, AA-IUiam Urlck, Jacob Viers, John R. Welsh, James A. Wells, Jesse A. Cooper, James Lunsford, Jefferson Sennett, Charles Galloway, George W. Hall, Moses Lore, John Lawhorn, John McCoy, George Otto, Joseph Sprlggs, Jacob C. Scott, Lewis Tackett. Company "B." CAPTAIN— Thomas P. Cold-well. 1st LIEUTS.— Zachariah Morgan, Joseph P. Baugh. 2d LEUT.— Jesse C. Speak. SERGTS.— Ira Wells, James W. Jackson, Mathew W. Herron, David B. Kuhn, James T. Weaver, William H. Litton, Thomas G. Splvey. CORPLS.— Elliott Turner, Shadrach Turner, Alexander MItchel, John W. Price, Thomas R. Alverson, Ashley Woods, Thomas Duff, Henry Patterson, John G. Creach, Jackson Stidham. MUSICIAN — Lannes Baker. PRIVATES — Robert Alderson, Alexander T. Buford, Henry Baugh, Thomas Bird, Jesse L. Bird, John Burns, Jaraes Cornet, John W. Combs, Wm. M. Cullip, James F. Doughty, Wm. H. Delaney, John Porgaty, George M. Forbis, Isham Faddis, Alfred Glrtman, Abraham Gibbs, Preston Goln, George B. Herron, Levi Hacker, John Hacker, Obediah Haney, Ambrose Harman, Fox Jones, Daniel Johnson, Green Kidd, Jesse ' W. Mullins, Madison McMltchel, Thomas Mobley, Andrew J. Mont gomery, Elias Morris, John Oats, Oran B. Parker, Richard Pendagraph, David Reames, John Rasner, James M. Stonn, John J. Sims, James H. Splvey, Benjamin Stacy, Van. Swearlnglan, Richard G. Sergeant, Sherod F. Wood, Benjamin AValls, WUliam T. Watson, Author Boruff, Robert T. Bottom, Samuel Brim, John Hicks, Henry Hurt, William Jones, Alex ander League, Preston N. Breeding, Thomas D. Cook, John P. Clines, Samuel Clark, Anderson Couch, Sanders A. Collins, Henry C. Davis, Cread P. Goin, James G. Hensley, Felix A. Mingey, Thomas P. Provence, James Sherro, John Sheppajd, Henry C. Thomas, Thomas J. Underwood, Horatio Wilson, James HoUandsworth, Abraham Haynes, Joseph C. Thomas, Christopher C. Alderson, Anthony R. Foster, George Huff, Milton C. Henson, William Hays, George AV. Yewell. Company "C." CAPTAIN— William K. Gray. 1st LIEUT.- Charles G. Shanks. 2d LIEUT.— Zachariah Morgan. SERGTS.— Johnson Garvin, Edward B. sv Coleman, Thomas D. Zornes, Micajah S. Gee, Colonel W. Haney, John B. -Veach, Marcellus Cammeron. CORPLS. — John Cunningham, William Ratcliffe, James Back, George Reed, Troy Howell, George W. Crumbaugh, William Edwards, Strother E. Harlow, James M. Pierson. MUSICIAN— George Gerholt. UNDER COOKS— Samuel Daniels, John Bba. PRIVATES— John Abrams, William Abrams, Jonathan Arthurs, James Bradley, John Bullion, Mathias Combs, James Dulln, WUUam Davis, Thomas Dlgglns, Wm. B. V. Dixon, GranvUle Freeman, Hardy Galloway, Elisha Holbrooks, John Hood, George Harley, David Hulbert, Archibald Ison, Joseph Jenkins, George Kritser, John Kritser, James Kline, Barney Kline, John Martin, Wm. R. Patrick, Wm. Petticord, Mil ton G. Vaught, Jerry WUllams, Daniel Adaras, Sylvester Adaras, Jesse Adams, Latham Bosley, Singleton BaU, Patrick Brannon, Lloyd A. Babb, Henry R. Bradley, David Bartee, Adam Cox, Cyrus P. Cartwright, Lutz H. Combs, Charles Douglas, George W. Evans, WUiiara Fuller, David T. Gee, John M. Gayle, Benj. Hawkins, WUUam E. James, George W. King, Carter L. KUday, Henry Mathley, Jaraes L. McCurday, Wra. P. Newell, Wm. S. Patterson, Reuben Palraer, John A. Padget, Wm. Reynolds, Thomas RUey, John Smith, Joseph Shelton, John SuUivan, Leonard Strelff, George W. Tweedie', Ephraim B. AVilhoit, Thomas Coburn, Jacob C. Carmical, Ibson Searcy, John Stafford, James Coon, Louis Parmer, Wm. J. Johnson, Martin Jones, James Littleton, Charles C. MUler, Hiram Osborn, Martin Smith, Prank Stephens, Alexander Simpson. Company " D." CAPTAIN— A. L. Stephens. 1st LIEUT.— Melville Phelps. 2d LIEU TENANT— WiUiam R. Robinson. SERGTS.— Samuel E. Welsh, Leroy S Stephens, Jackson Peltner, Henry Akeman, Samuel Metcalf. COR PORALS— John Casteel, Howard McGuire, Edw. Stapleton, Hugh Val- 348 Union Regiments of Kentucky. entlne, Elihu Bowman, Sam'l Casteel, Calvin Adams. UNDER OOOKS-^ Benjamin Franklin, Lewis Mitchell. PRIVATES— Granville Adams, James Adams, William Burnett, Harrison Baker, James W. Cook, Hugh Candle, George W. Cope, Ingram Collett, John W. Dees, Thomas Daugherty, William S. Evans, Jeremiah Farler, John Farmer, Thomas Falley, Henry Freeman, Joseph Goins, Asa Goins, Robert Johnson, John P. Morris, Jesse Mitchell, Reuben Met calf, Henry Marlow, Henry H. Money, Washington Owens, Floyd Phelps, Daniel Patterson, Benjamin Ragle, Edward Smallwood, White P. Searcy, George W. Stout, Thomas Sparks, Wm. D. Sione, John Stuart, WUUam Smith, John C. Turner, MInatree Turner, Daugherty White, Dempsey AVilder, Thos. P. Bullock, David Bowlin, Richard Bowlin, William Brit ton, David Bowman, William Carroll, Patrick Cormer, WUUam G. Col lier, Newton J. Finley, Elcana Flanery, William Hoskins, Preston Isaacs, Andrew Isaacs, Charles A. Judd, Prior Lewis, Dawson T, Lamb, Thomas J. McGuire, James W. Mitchell, Nathaniel Noe, Jesse P. Parker, Briant Patrick, Joseph Pendleton, John E. Pendleton, Preston Plgg, John Rhoads, Albert Skidmore, Benj. Spurlock, Alexander P. Sutton, Alex ander Taylor, Abraham C. Thacker, Jackson Wages, WUliam P. York, Shadrach Herron. \ Eighth Kentucky Infantry. The 8th Ky. Infantry Was organized in Estill county in the fall of 1861 under Col. Sidney. M. Barnes; the men were from Estill and adjoining counties. The regiment engaged in the defense of Eastern Kentucky some time before it was regularly mustered into the United States service. November 28, 1861, Gen. Thomas commanding in that section of the state, ordered it to move from Irvine, the county seat of Estill county, to Lebanon. It was mustered into service January 15, 1862, by Capt. C. C. Gilbert of the regular army, and was at once attached to the 16th Brigade. In April and May, 1862, the 8th, with other troops, Avas at Wartrace and Murfreesboro, Tenn., in Dumont's division 23d Brigade, Col. Duflfield. June 16, 1862, in the organization of Buell's army, the 8th was in the 7th Divi sion, Gen. Geo. W. Morgan, 23d Brigade, Col. Lester, and Avas commanded by Col. Sidney M. Barnes. In July, 1862, it was employed to guard the railroad from Murfreesboro to Chattanooga, and was a portion of the time at Elk river, Wartrace and Murfreesboro. In the organization of Buell's army, in October, 1862, the Sth Avas in the 8th Division, Van Cleve, 23d Brigade, Stanley Matthews, and Avas still commanded by Col. Barnes. It moA^ed with Buell to Kentucky, and October 19th Avas at Crab Orchard, Ky. December 9, 1862, it had returned to Ten nessee, and IMatthews' brigade was engaged with the enemy near Lavergne with severe loss, and a number of the Sth were killed and wounded. In the battle of Stone's River, or Murfreesboro, Decem- Eighth Kentucky Infantry. ' 349 ber 31, 1862, the regiment was in command of Lieut. Col. Reuben May and the brigade was commanded by Col. S. W. Price, of the 21st Ky. Infantrj^ Col. Price, in his report, says: "The gallantry and coolness evinced by the offlcers and soldiers of the Sth Ky. Infantry deserves the highest praise." In the reports of other offlcers, whose commands were in the same part of the field, the Sth Ky. is mentioned as acting "most gallantly" aud " heroically." The Sth remained with the army under Gen. Rosecrans after the battle of Stone's River and performed its full duty in all, the marches and movements incident to the campaign through Tullahoma to Chattanooga, during the spring and summer of 1863. In the organization June 30, 1863, the Sth was in the 21st Army Corps, Gen. Crittenden, 3d Division, Van Cleve, 3d Brigade, Col. Barnes, while the regiment was led by Lieut. Col. James D. Mayhew. This organization continued through July and August. In September the regiraent participated in the movements preceding and- leading up to the great battle of Chickamauga, and most gallantly bore itself through that engagement, the 21st Army Corps being at that time in command of Gen. Thos. L. Crittenden. The loss of the Sth in the battle of Chicka mauga was seventy-nine killed, Avounded and prisoners, losing its" gallant leader. Col. Mayhew. When Gen. Grant took command of the army at Chat tanooga and a reorganization was made, the Sth was still in the Army of the Cumberland, under Gen. Thomas, in the 4th Corps, Gen. Gordon Granger, 1st Division, Gen. Cruft, and in the 2d Brigade, commanded by Gen. Walter C. Whitaker. Active operations having begun, the Sth was with Whitaker's brigade, on the south side of Tennes see river at Shellmound, on the 22d of November; the next day it moved to Lookout mountain, and that night bivou acked in Lookout valley. The next day, the 24th, it maTched' to Wauhatchie, where Whitaker's brigade was to co-operate with Gen. Geary. On the 24th the brigade advanced from Wauhatchie and began to press up Look out mountain. Gen. Cruft says, in his official report: "The storming of Lookout was a complete success throughout, on account of the dash and intrepidity of the soldiers." It would be useless to describe here the wonderful battle. It is enough to say that in that extraor dinary assault, called the Battle above the Clouds, the Sth Ky., under its gallant colonel, Sidney M. Bames, in Whitaker's brigade, led the way, and planted its colors first on the top of the mountain. In the climbing fight of November 24th, the advance troops reached the pali- 350 Union Regiments of Kentucky. sades and there rested for the night. Early next morn ing the push was made for the summit. Gen. Cruft says: "At daylight on the morning of the 2Sth my command lay along the slope of the mountain, and arrangements were made before dawn to scale the summit." He adds, "The Sth Ky. was the successful competitor for the honor." Gen. Hooker says, in his official report: "Several regiments were detailed to scale it (the summit), but to the Sth Ky. must belong the distinction of having been foremost to reach the crest, and at sunrise to display our flag from the peak of Lookout amid the wild and pro longed cheers of the men whose dauntless valor had borne them to that pqint." The members of the Sth who were foremost in 'this daring deed were Capt. Wilson, Sergts. Davis, Wagers and Woods, and Privates Hill and Bradley. Gen. Fullerton, in an article in the Century War Book, .describes Whitaker's brigade as having reached Wau hatchie, and being in the advance drove back the enemy's pickets and quickly ascended the mountain until it reached the palisades. "A grand sight," says he, "was (lid Lookout that night; not two miles apart were the parallel camp fires of the two armies, extending from the summit of the mountain to its base, looking like streams of burning lava, while in between the fiashes from the skirmishers' muskefs glowed like giant fire-fiies.' The .next morning there was silence in Hooker's front. , Before daylight eight adventurous, active volunteers from the Sth Ky. Infantry scaled the palisades and ran up the stars and stripes." The fiag which was thus unfurled by the Sth Ky., on the lofty summit of Lookout mountain, was one which was presented to the regiment by the ladies of Estill county. The survivors of the regiment have it in their possession, and it was carried in the parade through the streets of Louisville of the Grand Army of the Republic, in the year 1895. The Sth remained during the winter at Chattanooga, and in March, 1865, it was in Steedman's division. Dur- • ing the spring of 1864 it participated in the earlier move ments of the Atlanta campaign, but was held at Chat tanooga and vicinjty doing guard duty. It remained on this duty during September, October and November, 1864, being in the organization known as the District of the Etowah, under command of Gen. Steedman. December 28, 1864, it was sent to Bridgeport, Ala. In January, 1865, it A\'as placed in fhe 2d Brigade, 1st Division, Army • of the Cumberiand. Eighth Kentucky Infantiy. 351 Its term of enlistment having expired it was mustered out at' Chattanooga, the veterans and recruits being transferred to the 4th Ky. Infantry. Field and Staff. COLONEL— Sidney M. Barnes. LIEUT. COLS.— Reuben May, Jas. D. Mayhew. MAJORS— Green B. Broaddus, John S. Clark. ADJT.— Thomas E. Park. Q. MASTERS— Joseph H. Gardner, Thompson Burn ham, Jr., James M. Kindred. SURGEONS- John R. Pirtle, John Mills. ASST. SURGEONS— William Robinson, C. H. Morton. CHAPLAINS— Timothy S. Paul, James W. Kindred. SERGT. MAJOR— Brown Martin. Q. M. SERGT.- Tho. H. Carson. PRINCIPAL MUSICIAN— Harrison J. Chism. Company "A." CAPTAINS— James D. ;Ma'yhew, Wm. H. Catching. 1st LIEUT.— Jacob P. Phipps. 2d LIEUTS.— James A. McCuUah, John S. Tye. SERGTS. — Roland A. Browning, Shelton G. Parton, George Rose. CORPLS.— Thomas Smith, Nathan Retry, Parker Easone, Joel A. Hampton, SUas Lambdin, Martin V. B. Bam, Joseph Bunefld, Harris H. Davis. PRIVATES— John R. Alford, Jonas Alford, Daniel D. Alford, Law- son Burnfin, Wm. C. Browning, Martin V. Bray, Wm. Brewer, Hugh P. Browning, Elkany Bray, Easom Campbell, Joseph D. Campbell, Huston Collins, Richard M. Cole, Hiram Cress, George C. Colson, Levi Campbell, John D. Cain, Evan W. Chance, Anthony O. Chance, Ama ziah Curtis, Joe Gillis Curtis, John Cox, John E. Frazier, John C. Fortner, Razin W. Fortner, Thomas Foley, Jonathan Hurst, Charles H. Hooker, James C. Kellums, Hiram Logan, Nathan Lawson, Madison Lewallen, James Lee, Richard Merlda, John P. Miller, Charles Matlock, Nelson Matlock, "Wm. W. Matlock, Jas. B. Matlock, John C. Maine, James M. , Moseby, dalloway Moore, Lewis A. Moore, John E. Noles, Benjamin Parker, Jesse Powers, James Poindexter, William Parton, Jackson Par- ton, George Powers, John Parton, Ephriam Parton, Alex Parker, Jos. P. Phipps, J. A. Parton, Thos. B. Poff, Fielding H. Pope, WiUiam Rose, Thomas Roe, James Raines, Granville SUer, Jesse SUer, Burgess Slier, Francis M. SUer, Wm. H. SUer, Calvn P. SUer, James W. SUer, Benja min Shortee, William C. Tye, Ambrose Townsend, Jackson Walton, Jr., William AVilliams, Robert Wumbles, William Wells, Jesse Walden, Geo. Walden, John Woolum, Leonard Woolum, Wm. Witt, James T. Woolum. Company " B." CAPTAIN— AnsU D. Powell. 1st LIEUT.- Jordan Neal. 2d LIEUT. —Joseph Blackwell. SERGTS.— WUUam C. Hamilton, Nathan EUiott. Grandlson HiU, Joshua F. Henderson, Joseph Wagers. CORPLS.— SUas Campbell, George English, James G. Wood, Andy Floid, Burges Elliott. Abraham Henderson, John B. Harris, William S. Thacker. MUSI CIANS — Henry Burton, George Aldridge. WAGONER— Irvin Burton. PRIVATES — Asa Abney, Singleton Abney, Madison D. Alcorn, Wm. H. Barnett, John Barnett, Wm. P. Campbell, Joseph W. M. R. Collins. Joel Dunaway, Wm. R. Dixon, Asberry Estes, Henry English, James E. Estes, Charles Estes, Milton Elliott, Jackson Estes, Ezekiel P. Elkins, Wm. H. English, Roderick S. Estes, Aaron Field, Wesley Grinstead. Joel P. Grinstead, Thos, J. HamUton, Daniel Hoover, Littleton Horn, Uriah Horn, Archibald D. Harris, Robert D. Hamilton, William Hughes, WUliam Herndon, John F. HamUton, John P. Hatton, George Harris, Alexander Hill, John P. Huston, John Johnson, Alfred Johnson, Francis M. Jones, Richard M. Johnson, Thoraas Kldwell, WUliam H. Lindsay. Ellas Lackey, John D. Lynch, Rufus J. Logsden, Hiram Lunsford, Elisha Lunsford, AVm. McQueen, Reuben C. Mansfield, Simpson Mcin tosh, WUson S. Neal, Robert S. Oliver, Franklin Park, George A. Park, JoelF. Reed, James P. Richardson, Samuel Rhodus. John C. Riley, 352 Union Regiments of Kentucky. Bowles H. Sale, James H. Sheaner, Eli Stewart, WUliam Sheaner, Jas.. Sewell, John G. Smith, Edward B. Smith, Andrew B. Shoanaker, Ben jamin P. Scrlbbner, Anderson Tyre, Robert D. Tipton, John Townsend, John W. Ward, Thomas G. Watson, Fountain W. Webb, James J. Wil son, Silas Wasford, William H. Witt, Lewis G. Witt, Thomas White, Elisha C. Lucas, Amos Davis, Elcanah Johiison, Henry M. Johnson, John R. Jordan, Janies Johnson. Company " C." CAPTAIN— John Wilson. 1st LIEUT.— W. W. . Park. 2d LIEUT.— C. M. Park. SERGTS.-David B. Tuder, Coleman MOores, Sidney Wink ler, Lewis Cox, Albert G. Rankins. CORPLS. — Richard Roberts, John D. Gum, WUliam H. EUiott, Thomas E. Park, Samuel T. Tipton, James P. Reeves, Alamanzor W. SchoU, Jacob J. Tipton. MUSICIANS— Baziel Baker, David D. Potts. WAGONER- Robert Arvine. PRIVATES — Thos. G. Arvine, Jamison Arvine, Andrew Alexander, William Barker, William G. Barker, James D. Crow, James H. Col lins, William Cox, James J. Coyle Robert A. Crow, Levi Elliott, Samuel English, Andrew J. Fowler, Jefferson Flinn, Edford Freemen, James W. Frazier, Samuel Farthing, Decature Finney, Jack Gray, Benjamin P. Griflin, Jasper Gray, Curtis P. Keller, Thomas J. King, Samuel C. King, Joshua D. King, John A. King, George A. Kersey, Richard King, Cal-vin Linch, Jesse Lunsford^ John Lunsford, Levi Linch, William W. Llnch, James S. Linch, James J. Lady, Richard J. Land, Samuel Mc Queen, Abner McQueen, WiUiam C. Mansfield, Charles Moore, James B. McKinney, Francis McKinney, William B. Murphy, Godfrey Newton, Robert Patterson, Josiah Park, Henry Plowman, Henry Reeves, Thomas J. Riley, Colemn D. Richardson, Wm. N. Richardson, David Richardson, William Ratllff, John D. Rose, Volentlne H. Scrivner, Elihu Sparks, Jno. Smith, Adam Sheppard, Daniel P. Tudor, Cyrus Tipton, Martin Thomas, Edward White, John R. Winkler, Clabourn Witt, John W. AVltt, George W. White, WUliam H. White, David D. Walton, Joseph Wallace, Jas. B. Barnes, Pleasant Broaddus, Jonathan Barnett, AVm. Brinegar, Wm. R. Hendrix, John Hendrix, Benjamin Hunt, Wm. H. King. Company " D." CAPTAINS— Robert B. Jamison, John P. Gum, Henry C. Thomas, Wm. G. Smallwood. 1st LIEUTS.- Thos. H. Carson, Jas. W. Stewart. Bowles H. Sale. 2d LIEUTS.- Thomas Murrell, Joseph McGuire, John S. Tye. SERGTS.— Henry C. Norton, John P. MUler, James B. Ashcraft. Henderson Akers, Edmund Houp, John H. Stewart, John W. Eager. Francis Hieronympus, Oscar Oldham, Jno. P. Richardson, Jno. WaUace, Charles M. Patton, Achilles Howell. CORPLS.— Henry T. Horton, Jas per Dalton, Samuel R. Lucas, James Tincher, WUUam Smith, Robert Amburghy, Jr., William Lucas, Elcaner Winn, Owen Rawlins, Coalman Spencer, Benjmin F. Jones, WUliam G. Hobbs, Harbin Brandenburgh, James Senters. Levi C. Winkler, Elias Tincher, Wm. Townsend, Philip Hammon, Wll'.Iam E. Stamper, Edward S. Winkler, John B. Shepperd. TEAMSTER- Asa Halcomb. PRIA'ATES— John Ashcraft, Jonah P. Arvine, Joseph Eurell, John Br.andenburgh, David H. Bishop, Thomas H. B. Benett, Jacob Botner, Edward Boman, John Cooper, Charles Ellison, Henry F. Gilbert, Julius Gabbard, Jeremiah HoUInswbrth, Robert D. Houp, John S. Ledford, Jno. B. Maupin, William S. Mann, WUliam S. McGuire, Decatur Newton. Jesse Reed, Absalom H. Richardson, Robert Rawlins, William Sparks, Henry Smith, Hiram Smith, Preston Sloan, Andrew J. Step, Sylvanus Thompson, Francis M. Thompson, Jesse Tuggle, William Wiatt, Har din Ingram, Elisha Abner, John Alcorn, Jr., Robert Amburghy, Sr., Richard Aldridge, Isaac Baker, James K. Blackburn, Chandler Bran son, Squire Combs, Newberry Day, Lewis Dalton, Morgan France, Mathias J. Gabbard, Abram Gum, Samuel Gum, Thomas Hayse, Aaron HaU, John HUton, Alexander Haddix, Middleton Jamison, Jeremiah C. Lovelace, Franklin B. Ledford, AUen Lynch, Thomas Murrell, Jr., John W. Newman, Wm. H. Neal, Jesse Pitman, Joseph Sparks, Isaac T. Sparks, John G. Sparks, James A. Stewart, John Senters, Wm. T. Sen ters, Jmes Thomas, James Townsend, Allen Underwood, David Wise- Eighth Kentucky Infantry. 353 man, James Winkles, James Ward, Rolan S. Bailey, James H. Baker, Richard J. Barnes, James M. Carter, Marshall Crawford, William Cor nelius, Fielding C. Cornett, Elihu Durbln, Samuel Dalton, Brazel Eastes, Henru Pike, John W. Gilbert, Lewis C. Gabbard, Abel Gabbard, Peter Gabbard, Michael Gabbard, James Hensley, Jaraes M. Hall, William Hall, Benjamin Houp, James Johnson, Benjamin Jones, Hugh Johnson, Isaac Johnson, Wiley Murrell, Hiram Moore, James M. Mann, John Mul lins, John C. Mosly, James E. Mcllvain, Bonepart Prichard, Bluford Puckett, William H. Ross, Henry Ross, James P. Rawlins, WUliam B, Richardson, Elijah Smallwood, Jacob C. Spencer, Thomas Stephens, -William B. Townsend, John C. Vanderpool, Paul Woods, Letcher Wages, George Barnes, WUUam Barnes, John Eastes, Daniel T. Grace, Daniel Henry, Pleasant Hensley, Robert G. Ledford, Chilton A. Murrell, John McQueen, Reuben Townsend, Edward Williams, Shelton White, Moses Dunaway, John Durbln, Thomas B. Gabbard, Allen J. Jones, Simpson Lynch, Benjamin F. McGuire, Enoch Munsey, Henry H. Shepherd, Pleasant Smith, Amos Tyre, William Cooper, A. C. Brandenburgh, Jack son Howard, Jeremiah Lady, Daniel B. Mullins, Joseph Mullins, Hiram Noble, John Puckett, Peter Puckett, Bluford Puckett, John Prichard, WUliam See, Arthur Townsend. Company "E." CAPTAINS— Robert B. Hickman, Coleman D. Denton. 1st LIEUTS. —Perry A. Nickell, George W. Jacobs. 2d LIEUT.— John M. Puckett. SERGTS.— Marshal Wilson, WlUIam J. Barnett, James A. Sewell, Wil liam M. Smith. CORPLS. — Andrew LIndon, Mannis Burghe, James J. WUson, George "W. KimbreU, MUes WUson, George W. Cooper, Joseph WUson, James A. Curtis. MUSICIANS— George KimbreU, Amos Davis. WAGONER — Benjamin P. Barnett. PRIVATES — John Alexander, John T. Anderson, Stephen AUex, Wil liam T. Bryan, Simpson Battershell, Wm. N. Blythe, Jno. H. H. Bruner, Peter Bennett, James M. C. Burrlss, James Bruner, Wra. G. Conner, Jas. Charles, Wm. J. Childers, David C. Curtis, George W. Carson, David Davis, Wm. P. Everman, Samuel..Everman, James W. Embs, Gilbert R. Elam', Alfred Ely, William J. Graham, Daniel Hughes, Wilda Highly, Thomas Hammons, Sidney Hamilton, Andrew Jones, Thornton Jones, James Johnson, Harvey Keton, Catlett L. Keton, George W. Keton, Thomas J. F. Little, John B. Little, Jaraes A. Lacy, John Little, Wil liam Lykins, James S. Little, Preston, C. Little, George Little, WUliam LIndon, Harrison Lykins, WlUam Mastin, Paris E. Morgan, Jaraes H. Morgan, William H. Neal, Nicholas Noland, Elihu Puckett, John T. Potts, George W. Patton, James F. Robbins, John P Rudd, James J. Ramey, Armton Reed, James Se, A. Daniel Smothers, George W. Sous, Isham Smith, Charles Smith, Alfred Shackelford, William T. Smith, George W. Thompson, James L. TerriU, WUliam Turner, Charles Ter rUl, Juniper Walters, MUes K. WUson, Amos R. WUUams, Elkana M. Walters, Abner Wiseman. Company " F." CAPTAINS— John B. Banton, Barton S. Dixon. 1st LIEUTS.— Chris topher C. Jackson, James Harkleroad. 2d LIEUT.— Nimrod C. Jones. SERGTS.— Cyrenius AV. Jones, Sarauel G. Oldham, AVm. H. Jones, Thos. J. Freeman. CORPLS.— John McHargue, John Stanbury, Henry Moore, AVm. S. Adams, John Creed, -Louis L. Garrett, Jas. Freeman. DRUM MER— Barton S. Fletcher. WAGONER-James Hide. PRIVATES— Harrison Blackwell, James C. Barton, John Butler, Isham Bryant, Hugh Bolen, David Bolen, John Cain, Jas. Cain, Gideon -Cain, William' Done, Noah G. Decker, John Early, Daniel Edwards, Silas' C. Forister, George T. Grinstead, Joseph Garland, James C. Grey, Henry O Guthrie, Martin V. Grey, Marion Garland, David H. Hopkins. Nimrod Hendrickson, James Jones, Henry Keek, Alfred Keek, Madison Keek Milton G. Lewis, Robin Legeer, William Legeer, Wm. A. MUler, Samuel McHargue, Alex. H. McHargue, WUUam H. Maes, James Mc Hargue James L. MItchel, Samuel Martin, Joab Mullins, James J. Moores, Benjamin F. Maraele, John Morael, Isaac Oaks, Thos. Phelps. 23 354 Union Regiments of Kentucky. Wm. H. Runnels, Greenbury R. Runnels, James O. Robinson, William RUey, James Rhodus, William Singer, George Smiley, James Stornes, Coleman Sams, Theophilus Splvey, WUson Searcy, Russell Splvey, Har rison H. Steele, John Todd, WiUiam Tomkins, Jesse E. Westerfield, David Williams, David C. Walters, Ezekiel J. Walters, Benjamin F. Ward, James Webb. Company " G." CAPTAINS— Landon C. Minter, Chas. L. Burleigh. 1st LIEUT.— Newton J. Hughes. 2d LIEUTS.— W. Scott Spencer, Caleb S. Hughes. SERGTS.— James A. Stamper, C. L. Shackelford, Robt. Bingham, Chas. F. Culton. CORPLS.— Daniel Campbell, George F. Edwards, James C. Tolson, Alexander J. Baker, James Dixon, Isaac Anderson, Joshua Bingham, Jas. G. Stamper. MUSICIANS— David Barnes, Moses Whls- man. WAGONER— Washington Hollan. PRIVATES — James Arbold, Fletcher Bowman, Grenbery Bowman, William Baker, Jonathan W. Bishop, Alfred Bailey, EU A. Blevins, Elisha Bailey, Alfred Blevins, John F. Clemens, Jesse Coomer, Braxton D. Cox, Joseph Durbin, Ira G. Dixon, George Gibson, Alexander Gib son, Hugh Gibson, Henry H. Gabbard, Gren Gabbard, William Hilton, Franklin Hays, John W. Harrison, Gilbert Hurley, William Hornsby, John D. Jamison, George W. Jewell, Henry Jentry, James A. Johnson, Edward- Lynch, Sidney Q. Lanehart, John Lunsford, Buford N. Lutes, Wiliam Lutes, Elisha Mays, Joseph McPherson, Robert Marshall, Wil liam Morriss, Randle M. Ollnger, Ira G. Profitt, John Roberts, ] saac Rob erts, John Q. Rice, Robert G. Ramsey, M. E. Shackelford, John H. Stuart, WUliam B. Stamper, Milton Smith, John H. Stout, James Spen cer, F. M. Schoolcraft, James Smith, Ell Sparks, Preston Smith, Mar- qus D. Stamper, Isaac Tolson, Elliott Turner, WUbourne Turner, Ed ward Turner, Jaraes M. Whisraan, Hiram Whisman, Hamilton W. Wright, Isaac Whitaker, Jackson Wiseman, Jeremiah Sparks, Parson Jenkins. Company "H." CAPTAINS— Rhodes Winburn, Thos. J. Wright. 1st LIEUTS.— Wade B. Cox, Jas. R. Willams. 2d LIEUT.— Geo. W. Lewis. SERGTS. — Fielding P. Wood, James M. Kindred, Dewitt C. Winbourn, Nathan Wilson. CORPLS. — Henry Harris, Abner Q. Lodsdon, Columbus C. Webb, Francis M. WUson, James T. Moreland, Shipton Stephens, John H. Powell. MUSICIANS— Richard Poore, Martin V. Hall. WAGONER — William Pilcher. ' PRIVATES— Colby Abney, Wm. Aldridge, James P. Baker, Chas. M. Burges, DllUard Bush, James Barnett, Calaway Bowman, Hiram Burrows, John W. Barnett, Howard N. Burges, Henry Burrows, Gar land Conner, George Conner, WUUam R. Coyl, Thomas Carmody, John Derbln, Pleasant Dennis, Philip J. Elliott, Wiliam T. Fielder, Michael Fritz, Stephen A. D. Fraley, Butler Fraley, John Groves, WUliam Hem- taree, Martin B. HaU, WiUiam Harris, Robeft Harris, Robert Henderson, Francis Howard, EUjah Hendricks, Nathaniel Jones, Henry M. Judy, Henry King, Josephus King, Francis King, Moses H. King, George W. King, WiUiam King, Uriah King, Elijah B. Lady, Isaac G. Lamb, WU Uam C. Lamb, Joseph Lewis, Alfred Lee, Ambrose W. Logsdon, James McLaughlin, WiUiam P. Moore, Hardin Moore, Henry C. Morris, Rich ard Moreland, Jackson Moore, William Puckett, Edward RIchards,on, AVUliam L. Rice, John Selby, WUliam R.- Smith, Jonathan Scarbrough, Richard Stephens, Isaac Thomas, Simpson Wood, Geo. W. Wade, Elisha Webb, John WUson, John W. Wise, Joseph P. Wright, Joseph King, Greenberry King, John D. Williams. Company "1." CAPTAINS— Wm. McDaniel, Brown Martin. 1st LIEUTS.— WUey J. Crook, Nathan EUiott. 2d LIEUTS.— Thomas Amis, Jesse McDanlel, George C. Watson. SERGTS.- Hugh Herd, Marshal Webb, James Combs, Wiley Baker, John S. Bigley. CORPLS.— Isaiah Miller, Daniel Root, Moris Baker, James B. Gray, John Philpot, Paul Smith, Hales Edwards, James Grigory. MUSICIANS— Stephen Green, William 0. Baker. WAGONER— Gobson Jackson. Eighth Kentucky Infantry. .S55 PRIVATES— E. M. Anderson, Andy Burris, Granville Bigley. Elijah Bingham, William Bigley, William Bush, Joel Bradley, May Bradley, John G. Bigley, Jackson A. Bigley, Samuel S. Bigley, James Bundy, Jas. Baker, Jarett Burton, Wm. Burton, Anderson Clark, Preston Combs, Josiah Davis, William Davidson, Elihu Eversole, Wolerry Eversole, Jas. Eversole, Sampson Estep, Abraham Eversole, WUliam W. Pettner, Jno. M. Farley, SpeedweU Gregory, Jas. Hensley, Theophilus Hibbord, Jno. Holcomb, Daniel Huff, WUliam Huff, Pleasant Huff, Calvin Howard, Clemons Herd, Peter Jarvis, WUUam H. Jarvis, Daniel Luis, James Mosby, Joseph McQuary, Jacob Madon, Henry Mcintosh, Samuel Mc intosh, Thomas MUler, Isaac Philpot, Pleasant Philpot, John Parson, Samuel Parson, John Patrick, Jesse Radford, George Rasner, Squire Rlly, Louis RUy, John Rily, Louis Smith, Abijah Smith, Henry Smith, Parks Saylor, Levi Saylor, Obediah Sells, WUliam Sandlln, Uriah Sand lln, Jackson Sandlln, John G. Sysemore, Berry Waldon, Elisha Young, GranvUle Baker. GranvlUe Philpot. Company " C." Formed by the consolidation of Companies H and G, In accordance with General Order No. 86, War Department, 1864. CAPTAINS— Landon C. Minter, Rhodes Winburn, Thos. J. Wright, Charles L. Burleigh. 1st LIEUTS.- Newton J. Hughes, Wade B. Cox, James R. Williams. 2d LIEUTS.— Winfield S. Spencer, Caleb S. Hughes, George W. Lewis. SERGTS.— Daniel Campbell, Wm. T. Fielder, John P. Clemmons, Jas. M. Kindred, Robert Bingham, Henry Harris, Oar- lisle, L. Shackleford, Henry Gabbard, Dewitt C. Winbourn, Henry C. Morris, Geo. P. Edwards, Washington Holtan, Nathaniel Wilson, Chas. F. Culton, Hamilton W. Wright, James A. Stamper. CORPLS.— James F. Mourland, Francis M. WUson, John-Derbin, Shipton Stephens, James Dixon, Simpson Wood, Joshua Bingham, Sampson Patton, Jno. W. Har rison, Ambrose W. Logsdon, Wm . S. Hilton. Wm. R. Coyle, Wm. C. Lutes, John AV. Wise, Robert G. Ramsey, Alexander J. Baker, John H. Powell, Franklin J. Hughes, Isaac H. Anderson, Abner Q. Logsdon, Jas. C. Tolson, James G. Stamper, Preston Smith. MUSICIANS— Martin V. Hall, Moses Whisman. Richard Poore, David Barnes. WAGONER — William Pitcher. PRIVATES— Abney Colby, WUliam Aldridge, Alford Bailey, Eli A. Blevins, James A. Barnett. Pleasant Dennis, PhiUp J. Elliott, Michael Fritz, Hughy Gibson, Alexander Gibson, Greenberry Gabbard, Gilbert Hurly, William Hornsby, Martin B. Hall, WUliam Harris. Francis Howard, Elijah Hendricks, Nathaniel Jones, Parson Jenkins, Francis King, John King, Moses H. King, Sidney J. Laneheart, Jos. W. Lewis, Richard Mourland, William P. Moore, William Morrife, John Q. Rice, Mandrell E. Shackelford, Wm. B. Stamper, Marquis D. Stamper, Rlch'd Stephens, Isaac Tolson, Edward Turner, Hiram Whisman, George W. Wade, Elisha Webb, DiUard Bush, William Baker, Jonathan N. Bishop, Alfred Blevens, Henry Burrlss, George W. Conner, Joseph Derbin, Stephen A. D. Frailey, John Graves, Robert Henderson, Henry Jentry, Henry M. Judy, Jackson Moore, Robert M. Marshall, Joseph McPher son, Joseph McQueen. Wm. Puckett, Ira G. Profit, Jeremiah Sparks, MUton Smith, Francis M. Schoolcraft, Joseph P. Wright, Isaac Whitta ker, Fielding P. Wood, Hiram B. Burrlss, Howard N. Burgis, Calloway Bowman, Greenberry Bowman, Jas. F. Baker, Elisha Bailey, Garland Conner, Thomas Carmody, Braxton D. Cox, Alexander P. Hays. Robert Harris, John D. Jamison, Geo. W. Jewell, Edward Lynch, Isaac T. Lamb, Wm. C. Lamb, James McLaughlin, Harden Moore, Randal M. Ollnger, .Wm. L. Rice, John H. Stout, James Smith, EU A. Sparks, John Selby, Jonathan Scharbraugh, James Spencer, Elliott Turner, WUbourn Tur ner, James M. Whisman, Christopher C. Webb, Charles N. Buirgess. Fletcher Bowman, John W. Barnett, Jesse Coomer, Ira G. Dixon, But ler Frailey, Wm. Hembree, Joseph King, Greenberry King, Uriah King, Buford N. Lutes, Elisha Mays, John Roberts, Isaac Roberts, Edward Richardson, Wm. R. Smith, Isaac Thomas, Andrew Vaughn, John D. Williams, John R. Wilson, James Arnold, Alexander Dixon, Geo. Gibson, James A. Johnson, Geo. W. King, Henry King, Josephus King, Wm. H. King, Alford Lee, Elijah B. Lady, John H. Stewart, Jackson Wiseman. 356 Union Regiments of Kentucky. Company " E." Formed by the consolidation of Companies A and F, in accordance with General Order No. 86, War Department, 1864. CAPTAINS— John B. Banton, Barton S. Dixon, Wm. H. Catching. 1st LIEUTS. — Christopher C. Jackson, James Harkleroad, Jacob P. Phipps. 2d, LIEUTS.— James A. McCuUah, Jno. S. Tye, Nimrod C. Jones. SERGTS.— Harris H. Davis, John C. Maine, George P. Rose, William H. Jones, Martin V. B. Barn, Cyrenus W. Jones, John W. Creed, Chas. S. Witt, Smallwood Arnold, Samuel G. Oldham, Henry Moores, John Stansbery, Shelton G. Barton, Lewis A. Moore. CORPLS. — Thomas S. Smith, John Todd, Alfred Keek, James B. Matlock, Anthony J. Chance, Joseph Burnfin, Benjamin Parker, Nelson Petrey, Lawson Burnfin, Slier Lambdin, Lewis L. Garrett, Joseph Garland, James J. Moores, Easom Parker, Joel A. Hampton, James Freeman, John McHargue. WAGON ERS. — Coleman Sams, Evan W. Chance. PRIVATES-WUliam S. Adams, Roland A. Browning, Martin V. Bray, Hugh Bolen, David Bolen, John D. Cain, James Cain, Gideon Cain, Easom Campbell, Noah G. Decker, John Earley, Reason W. Fortner, Thomas Foley, Robert Frazier, Silas C. Forister, George T. Grinstead, Martin V. Grey, Nimrod Hendrickson, James Jones, Madison Keek, Jas. Lee, Nathan Lawson, Robert Legeer, James M. Mosley, Benjamin F. Main, William W. Matlock, Nelson P. Matlock, Joab Mullins, John Nor- vell, Isaac Oaks, Joseph P. Phipps, John Parton, Casper Peters, Alexan der Parker, Thomas B. Poff, Fielding H. Pope, James Poundexter, James O. Robinson, William Rose, James Rains, Jesse SUer, Francis SUer, Burgess SUer, William Singer, Theophilus Spirey, Wm. H. Slier, James M. SUer, William C. Tye, William Witt, William Williams, Benjamin P. Ward, Jesse Walden, Daniel L. Alford, Hiram Cress, William Done, Wil liam Legeer, James McHargue, Benjamin P. Maraele, Charles Matlock, Russell Shivey, Granville SUer, Jesse E. Westerfield, Harrison Black- well, John Cain, Daniel Edwards Seymour H. Gould, Samuel Martin, William H. Mayes, Greenberry R. Reynolds, James Stormes, William Tompkins, Ezekiel J. Walters, James T. Watkins, David Williams, John Arnold, Bradley W. Aldridge, Jonas Alford, John A. Butler, Oliver Bush, George A. Bush, Robert M. Barton, Joseph D. Campbell, Levi Campbell, John L. Campbell, George C. Colson, John E. Prazier, James O. Grey, Henry O. Guthrie, Marlon Garland, James Hide, Henry Keek, James C. Kellums, MUton G. Lewis, Franklin Legeer, Samuel McHar gue, Alexander McHargue, John P. Miller, John E. Noles, Jesse Powers. Thomas Phelps, WiUiam Riley, James Rhodus, William H. Reynolds, Benjamin Shorter, Christopher Smith, George Smiley, Thomas K. Ward, David C. Walter, George Walden, Leonard Woolum, Jas. T. Woolum, Elkany Brag, James L. Mitchell, Calvin P. SUer, Thomas J. Freeman, John C. Fortner, Wm. A. Miller, Jackson J. Walton, John R. Alford, Eban Berry, WUliam C. Browning, Hugh P. Browning, William Brewer, James C. Barton, Huston Collins. Jos. G. Curtis, John Cox, Richard M. Cole, Barton S. Fletcher, David H. Hopkins, Charles H. Hooker, Jonathan Hurst, John S. Jones, Hiram Logan, Madison P. Lewallen, Calaway Moore, Richard Merlda, Jackson Parton, Ephraim Parton, Wm. Parton, George Powers, Simeon Powers, Thomas Roe, William RUey, Wilson Searcy, Harrison H. Steele, John Woolum, James Webb, William Wells, Robert Wombles, Isham Bryant, Amaziah Curtis. Ninth Kentucky Infantry. 357 Ninth Kentucky Infantry. On the 6th of October, 1861, Jerre T. Boyle, whose residence at that time was at Danville, announced that he would raise a brigade of four regiments. They were all promptly raised. They were the 9th, 18th, 19th and 23d Ky. Infantry. The 9th was recruited and organized by Col. Ben 0. Grider, in parts of the state contiguous to Columbia, Ky. The regiment was- mustered into the service November 26, 1861, at Columbia, Ky., by Maj. W\ H. Sidell, U. S. mustering officer. It was at once placed in Gen. Boyle's brigade, then known as the llfh. In February, 1862, it inarched from Columbia, Ky., to Nashville, and from thence with Gen. Buell's army to Pittsburg Landing. Gen. Boyle's brigade, consisting of the 9th and 13th Ky. and 19th and 59th Ohio, was in Gen. Thos. L. Crittenden's division. This division crossed the Tennessee river at ^ p-. m., April 6th, and took position on the right of Gen. Nelson at 5 o'clock next morning. Gen. Crittenden says, in his report, that his position was in the center of Buell's army on the field during that day. He says: "We were exposed to several attacks from very superior forces; all were repelled nobly; my division only left its position to advance." He says, "Gen. J. T. Boyle behaved with con spicuous gallantry, sharing every danger of his command, inspiring his troops with a confidence and courage like his own." Gen. Boyle says, in the report of his brigade, that the enemy made an attack upon the left of the center Avhere Mendenhall's battery was stationed, and the 9th Ky., Col. Grider, and the 59th Ohio, Col. Fyffe, were ordered to advance rapidly and drive back the enemy. "Col." Grider led his men gallantly in the attack, well supported by most of his officers and men. The youthful Lieut. Under wood, of that regiment, behaved with the gallantry of a A^eteran soldier, going in advance of his men, and was shot through his sword arm." In his attack Col. Grider had three of his commissioned officers killed and ten wounded. Col. Grider, in his report, describing this same charge, says he leamed that his regiment AA^as engaged with a Kentucky regiment led by Col. Jos. H. Lewis, of Glasgow, Ky., also some Mississippi and Arkansas troops. He de scribes the further fighting of the day. He says that four of his captains were A\'ouuded, two dangerously; three lieutenants killed and three wounded, fourteen men 358 Union Regiments of Kentucky. killed, sixty-seven wounded. He specially mentions for gallantry, Adjt. J. H. Grider; Capts. Austin, Cram, Baily, Bryan, Veter, Coyle, Chenoweth and Harding; Lieuts. Reed, Moore, Tate, Stout, Jenkins, Underwood, Clark, Faulkner, Pipkins, also Surgeon John A. Lindsay. After the battle of Shiloh Gen. Boyle was ordered to Kentucky, and Col. Samuel Beatty, of the 19th Ohio, took command of the brigade,, the 9th moving with the army to Corinth. On the 21st of May, being on outpost duty, it was in a fight during the entire day.. It Avas also engaged May 28th and 29th. After the evacuation of Corinth the 9th marched to Rienzi and luka, Miss. From thence to Tuscumbia, Florence, Athens, Huntsville and Stevenson, Ala. It was then sent to Battle Creek, Tenn. Having spent the summer at these places it joined in the march of Buell's army to Kentucky, passing through Manchester, Murfreesboro, and Nashville, Tenn., Bowling Green, Eliza- bethtoA^'n, LouisAille, Mt. Washington and Bardstown, Ky. After the battle of Perryville the 9th followed in pursuit of Bragg, through Danville and Crab Orchard, as far as Mt. Vernon ahd Wild Cat, Ky. It then marched through Somerset, Columbia and Scottsville, Ky., and Gallatin and Nashville to Murfreesboro. In the battle of Stone's River the 9th w-as in Van Cleve's division. Realty's brigade. It was there noted for its fine service. Gen. Rousseau, in the report of his command, makes mention that he saw it engaged; he says: "Col. Grider and his regiment efficiently Raided in repulsing the eneiny." Col. Beatty, in the report of his brigade, commends the service of the 9th and says: "I am proud to say that the colors of the 19th Ohio, 9th Ky. and 51st Ohio w^ere the first to recross the river after the enemy's check." Col. Grider and Lieut. Col. Geo. H. Cram made reports of the fighting December 31st and January 1st and 2d. Col. Grider says: "The loss on December 31st was great, and the courage and coolness of the men were put to a severe test, and well did they meet the trying emergency." He says: "I have- no terms of praise that can do justice to the noble bearing and unflinching bravery of all the officers and men." He mentions Lieut. Col. Cram, Maj. John H. Grider, Adjt. Baily, Capts. Read, Somerly, Coyle and Bryan; Lieuts. Leggett, Heeter, Cram, Patton, Bolye O. Rodes, Mayes, Clark, Carpenter, Downing, Grinstead, Simmons and .Johnson. Well as the 9th had fought on the 30th it was again engaged January 2d, having to aid in checking an attack on the left wing of the army. Lieut. Col. Oram, in his re port, says the regiment became exposed to a flanking fire. Ninth Kentucky Infantry. 359 and suff'ered severely. Maj. Grider and Adjt. Baily Avounded; Capts. Bryan and Coyle killed. Read wounded; Lieuts. Leggett and Carpenter killed, Heeter and Johnson wounded. After such loss as this, the regiment being re inforced, continued the fight, and Col. Cram says the "firing was the most terrible I ever heard." The enemy desisted and gave way,- and the 9th, Avith other troops, charged and drove them from the field, "capturing his artillery." He says " the colors of the 9th Ky. recrossed the river by the side of those of the 19th Ohio." The losses of the 9th at Stone's River shoAv hoAv desperately it was engaged. Officers killed, one; wounded, seven; men killed, eighteen; wounded eighty. After the battle of Stone's River the 9th remained at Murfreesboro and vicinity during the winter and spring of 1863. In June and July it Avas at McMinnville; in August at Pikeville. Gen. Crittenden's report of the movements of this corps (the 21st), iu Avhich the 9th Ky. was, says his command was in Sequatchie valley; August 31st, at Pikeville and other places. It moved September 1st, crossing the rlA'-er at Battle Creek; was at Shellmound September Sth; 6th to 9th about the base of Lookout mountain; September 11th reached Gordon's Mills; Sep tember 19th and 20th in battle of Chickamauga. Gen. Crittenden says, in his report of the fighting on the 20th, that at a point where there was disaster, three regiments, 44th Ind., Col. Aldrich, 9th Ky., Col. Cram, 17th Ky., Col. Stout, "rallied and formed on the right of our main line (Snodgrass Hill), and, fighting all day, only left the field when ordered." Col. Beatty, commanding the brigade, after mention ing the 9th Ky. repeatedly, describes the same stand of which Gen. Crittenden speaks. He says the 9th and 17th Ky. made a stand and 4ield "possession of a hill by most terrific fighting until dark, when they withdrew by order and joined -the army at RossAille." The losses of the 9th in the two days' fighting were sixty altogether. The 9th Ky. remained at Chattanooga after the battle of Chickamauga. In the organization of the army made under Gen. Grant, preliminary to the attack on Mission Ridge, the 9th A^-as in Gen. Wood's division of the 4th Corps, the brigade being commanded as before by Gen. S. Beatty. The 9th was engaged on November 23d, and on the 2Sth participated in the charge that has no parallel perhaps in any war. Gen. Beatty makes special mention of the conduct of the 9th. His brigade captured eight ,guns, one being taken by the 9th. He compliments Col. Cram, who received a severe AA'ound upon reaching the 360 Union Regiments of Kentucky. crest. Col. Cram, in his report, says the advance ex hausted the men, but they pushed forward till they reached a line of works, when they had scarcely strength to fire; after resting a little they pushed on, the ascent becoming steeper every step. Once more exhaustion compelled a halt; starting again, the ascent seemed al most perpendicular, but slowly they climbed to the crest. Many others were up at the same moment, and the enemy w^as driven along the ridge. Having gone about five hun dred yards, "we met a body of the enemy advancing to meet us, and a most desperate fight began, lasting for half an hour, which at times threatened to drive us from The ridge; about dark the firing ceased and the enemy Avere in full retreat." Col. Cram reports his loss as one officer killed, five wounded; four men killed and twenty-five wounded. The battle being over the 9th moved into camp at Chattanooga, not to rest, but to equip for the march to KnoxAdlle to relieve Burnside. It was at Harrison, Sweetwater, Maryville and Knoxville, the siege being raised before it reached the place. It then moved up the East Tennessee valley to Strawberry Plains, where it was in February, 1864. In March it was at Powder Springs; in April at McDonald Station, Tenn. From there it moved. May 3, 1864, to join Sherman's army on the At lanta campaign. It remained in Beatty's brigade. Wood's division, dur ing this campaign, though the brigade was commanded by Col. Fred Kneffler. It would be impossible in these limits to tell the experience of a regiment in the Atlanta campaign. May, June, July and August, 1864, where all were occupied in constant contact AA'ith the enemy, skirmishing, flanking, building breastworks, fighting. In the course of the campaign the 9th was at Ringgold, Catoosa Springs, Tunnell Hill, Rocky Face, Resaca, Cal houn, Adairville, Kington, Cassville, Pumpkin Vine creek, Dallas, Pickett's Mill, Kennesaw, Smyrna. Cross ing the Chattahoochee at Power Ferry, it A^^as at Peach Tree creek and other points around Atlanta, then on the grand flanking movement, by Avhich Sherman placed his army at Jonesboro and Lovejoy, south of the city. The casualties in this campaign were seventy-three, including one officer killed. After the capture of Atlanta the 9th was in camp with the other troops until Gen. Hood moved in Sherman's rear. Then following in pursuit of Hood, the entire month of October was spent in marching through the hills of Northern Georgia. The memorv of these daily Ninth Kentucky Infantiy. 361 marches is very delightful. The weather was fine, and no scarcity of food or water; the soldiers retraced the steps where they had toiled all summer. Kennesaw was passed, and from its top Sherman A^-atched the fight at ¦ -\ltoona. Crossing the Etowah, the Avhole army came in view. The columns defiling out of the hill halted in the fields of the valley on one side, a continuous column A\^as passing over the pontoon bridge and halting in the val ley on the otlier side; the day Avas fine, fiags were un furled and bands were playing. The valley Avas filled Avith Sherman's great army, until it Avas as blue as the sky above it. Day after day the marching continued. The army reached the border of Alabama. Hood passed into .Alabama and the pursuit ended. In November Sherman took a part of his army, and, returning to Atlanta, went on to the sea. The 4th and 23cl Corps were sent to Nash ville, to serve under Gen. Thomas against Hood. From Nashville, they were sent to Pulaski, Tenn., under Gen. Schofield. While at Pulaski the term of enlistment of the 9th Ky. expired, and it was ordered tq Kentucky to be mustered out; at that time Gen. Beatty, under Avhom the Dth had served so long, gave the following parting words: Pulaski, Tenij., November 22, 1864. To the Oflicers and Soldiers of the 9th Ky. Volunteers: The general commanding the brigade avails himself of this oppor tunity to thank you for the manner In which you have at all times performed your duties as soldiers. For your good conduct, whether in your bivouac, on the march, or on the battlefield, he expresses his heart felt thanks. While he is loath to lose you as comrades In the great cause for which we are battling, he feels that you have faithfully filled the contract made with your government three years ago, and is glad to see you now enjoy that pleasure, so well merited, of returning once more to your friends at home. He congratulates you on establishing a reputa tion for your regiment that is surpassed by none In service; your record Is without a blemish. For evidence of your gallantry you can refer with pride to any of the many battles in which you have been engaged. For no act of yours during the campaign of three years have you cause to regret; on no battlefield have you ever betrayed that great confidence reposed in you as a regiment. You have done honor to yourselves, honor to your state, and nobly have you defended the great cause for which three years ago you pledged your all. Those of you who are left can now go to your homes with the satisfaction of knowing that you have done your whole duty. But while congratulating you who are about to return to your friends at home, we must not forget the gallant dead whom you have left on many a crimsoned field, and who, by their deeds of noble daring, assisted you in making your regiment the pride of your state. Go to their friends, when you, arrive at home, and carry to them the sincere sympathy of this- brigade, and accept the congratulations and well wishes of all for yourselves. The regiment was mustered out at Louisville, Decem ber, 1864. 362 Union Regiments of Kentucky. Field and Staff. COLONELS— Benjamin C. Grider, George H. Cram. LIEUT. COLS. —Allen J. Roark, John H. Grider, Chesley D. Bailey. MAJORS— William J. Henson, William Starling. ADJT.-John H. Shepherd. Q. MASTERS —Benjamin S. Coffey, Francis M. Cummings, Frank White. SURGS.— James R. Duncan, Thomas R. W. Jeffray. ASST. SURGS.— John A. Lindsay, John Chamberlain. CHAPLAIN— James C. Rush. SERGT. MAJS. — ^Montgomery E. Ollphant, John W. Lucas, John B. Carver, John Mr. Worley. COM. SERGTS.-Thomas H. WUUams, Levi J. Span, George F. Train, Frederick Carpenter. Q. M. SERGTS.— William T. Neal, Elijah A. Purcell. HOSP. STEWARDS— Montraville Wafidle, Vachal M. Clark. Company "A." CAPTAINS— John R. Wheat, Henry F. Leggltt. 1st LIEUTS.— Francis M. Stone, John W. Lucas, Rufus Somerby, WlUIam H. Pipkin, R. R. W. GUlenwaters. 2d LIEUTS.— Doctor H. Roark, Andrew J. Pipkin, AVUliam T. Barton. SERGTS.-John B. Carver, Leonard W. Massey, Lafayette L. Gatewood, William Keith, M. Smith Pipkin, Joseph Benedict. CORPLS.— Mathew Stinson, Alfred Cook, Harvey Johnson, John Marsh, Francis M. Harwood, Julien O. Bradley, John T. Lee, Bishop E. Scott, Jesse Parker, James W. Short, George N. Faulkner. PRIVATES— George W. CampbeU, WiUiam S. Dotson, Isaac N. Evans, AViUiam P. Gibson, Simpson S. Gunn, Timothy H. Hagan, John C. Howard, William Kennedy, Isaac N. Marsh, David P. Martin, Orange D. Pitchford, James M. Russell, Johnson Roark, Lamack Simmons, Jr., AVUliam Siddons, Joseph M. Stlnson, Joseph Stinson, John H. Short, Richard Temple, Andrew J. Taylor, John J. WIUIs, Jr., Samuel White, James A. Waller, WUliam 'W. Wilson, Benjamin Butram, Harrison B. Bronner, Harmon C. Bishop, Jacob B. Butram, John B. Benedict, Jos. Cook, John T. Creek, Henry M. Cook, Bailey P. Casby, William H. Faulkner, Samuel P. Harrison, Lycurgus Johnson, John W. Jones, Andrew D. Johnson, WUiiara G. Lancaster, Gallman G. Meader, Robt. J. Pare, William C. Pipkin, Johnson Poe, Reuben L. Ragland, Asa W.. Roark, George P. Stone, David M. Shaw, Thomas L. AVolten, John Willis, Sr., James Kennady, Andrew J. Massey, William Marsh, Pleasant H. Mader, Henry C. Marony, Charles H. Marsh, Alvin Stlnson, James S. Turner, Joel M. Toner, John W. Austin, Marion Claiborne, WUUam W. Creek, Benjamin F. Driver. Henry Jenkins, John Keith, Josiah R. King, John Lane, Bishop L. Mclntire, Lewis J. Meader, AVUliam D. Maxle, Williara Minix, Chasteen A. Massey, Austin Poe, William F. M. Poe, Lewis R. Pipkin, Daniel S. Pipkin, John J. Shaw. Roland Stinson, An drew B. Shaver. James H. Veach, Daniel W. Williams, William B. Carver, Richard B. Freeman, Robert Hagan, Joseph Bandy, Winston Candler, Lebourn C. Marriel, Graner Owens, William P. Thornton. Company " B." CAPTAINS— WUliam T. Bryan, SUas Clark. 1st LIEUTS.— Warner Underwood, Benjamin M. Johnson, Turner Hestand, Wm. M. Woodcock. 2d LIEUT.— Anderson Smith. SERGTS.— Jonathan B. WUson, WUliam B. Roddy, Riley Hudson, James M. Holland, James M. Crabtree, Johh W. Hinson. CORPLS.— Abraham S. Baxter, Walter M. Clarke, Isaac Maines, Columbus Massey, Calvin M. Smith, Jas. T. Walden, WiUiam C. Woodard, Paschal A. Wakefield, John T. Tade. WAGONER— Samuel Steel. PRIVATES— David Almany, William A. Barton, EU Barton, David Baxter, James M. Clarke, James Cross, Abraham Cross, George W. Carter. Andrew Carter, Willis T. Combs, WUUam W. Chitwood, Samuel Garner, Levi Grissone, Wiley Grissone, Alfred Hammer, Hiram C. Ham mer, Jesse J. Jackson, James J. Johnson, Andrew J. Moss, Daniel B. Pennington, Joseph Rush, Thomas Rush, Eli Rhoton, Robert Speakman, William W. Smith, Caleb AV. Short, Austin Spear, WlUIam Sprowl, John Ralsbury, WUliam R. Speer, George W. Speer, Benjamin H. Waddle, John Almany, Elbert H. Baxter, Henry Baxter, Isaac Cross, Allen C. Denham. William J. Emmert, John H. Gass, Jerret H. Hestand, Isaac Hix,' WUl- Ninth Kentucky Infantry. 363 lam H. Hlnley, James F. Rhoton, Lorenzo D. Sheffield, Henry T. Smith, Hiram C. Sartin, Benjamin G. Thompson, Simpson Thompson, John M. White, John B. Cornwell, David C. Dixon, Alexander Denham, Philip H. Emmert, Johnson Estep, Samuel A. Gettlngs, Daniel Gully, WUliam H. Massey, Nicholas H. Pennington, GUbert H. Wakefield, Rawdon Wood.s, Pelton Dixon, WiUiam C. Gass, John A. Jackson, John McAlpin, George W. Marshall, Jeremiah Rush, Thomas Spear, Jefferson G. Sartin, Jesse Thompson, Jacob A. WUburn, Henry H. Waggoner, Andrew Bray, Alex ander W. Short, James I. Tooley, WUUam Blair, John Eypock, James Head, Thomas J. Jenkins, William W. Keys, Philip Moore, John' Strong, William M. Strong, Richard Welch. Company " C." CAPTAINS— Gilbert M. MuUigan, William StarUng, Theodore P. Heeter. 1st LIEUTS.— Jesse HoweU, Charles R. Tate, Ancil B. Mayhew. 2d LIEUTS.— Toliver Moore, David W. Pope. SERGTS.— Joseph L. Anderson, Moses Roark, WUUam H. MUler, Solomon Lancaster, Lemuel E. Johnston, Joseph H. Meader, Daniel Huntsman, Francis M. Baliew, CoUum Slayton, WUliam Spears, Robert D. Napier, John J. Ragland, WUliam Holland. CORPLS.-George AV. MitcheU, Christopher C. Austin, William A. Mansfield, Isaac I. Bridgeman, WUliam B. Clark, Emery A. Mayhew, James Stewart, John B. Martin, Emory B. Hinton, Isaac R. Stewart, Lewis AV. Meader, James W. Mayhew. PRIVATES- Wm. T. Bradley, Joseph W. Bandy, George D. Bradley, David C. Chandler, Henry Y. Dalton, Bluford M. Fishburn, John Gam mon, James H. Gammon, Charles L. Henson, Bradford Howell, John W. B. Huntsman, James Lancaster, WUliam T. Morgan, Henry A. Mayhew, George T. Mayhew, AA''illiam C. Mitchell, George W. Mathews, AA'-iUiam F. Parker, WUliam P. Richards, Ellja S. Tinsley, Howison P. Wygle, Nathan B. Woodcock, Jasper N. Brown, Lee W. Bratton, Mathew N. Dearing, William DiUard, John M. Douglas, William Goad, John Goad, Robert N. Howell, Edward W. Howejl, Jaraes D. Howell, Henry M. Huntsraan, RoUey Howell, Enoch T. Johnston, Asberry W. Keen, James N. King, George Mitchell, Benjamin T. Mitchell, John P. Strausbury,' Daniel W. Speers, WUUam R. Speers, Daniel Strausbury, Washington P. Wolf, Stephen D. AVolf, WUUam H. Walden, Reuben B. Brown, Robert A. Dobbs, William A. Johnson, Henry J. Kelley, Loj-enzo D. Massey, Samuel Miinix, Joseph B. Ollphant, James L. Sykes, Jeremiah B. Tinsley, James B. Temple, WUlls G. Weems, Yancy D. Bandy, Ishara N. Bradly, Abram N. Bridgeman, Abram Cole, Jr., Joel T. Clayborn, Joseph H. dayborn, Meader Holland, William R. Jones, Jacob R. Jones, Robert A. Jones, George W. Lancaster, Solomon D. Lyles, Owen M. McGuire, James W. Ollphant, William M. Simpson, Benj. T. H. Alexander, William Kirk land, Levi Tinsley, Robert H. Perdue, Robert A. Stewart. Company "D." CAfTAIN— Lafayette Harling. 1st LIEUTS.— Wiley A. Whitley, Algernon S. Leggltt, James Goad, WiUiam H. Morrow. 2d LIEUTEN ANTS— WiUiam M. Gregory, Pleasant Chitwood. SERGTS.— George McKInnls, Samuel Jones, Marcus D. L. York, Dan C. Smith, Samuel A. Moore, Jasper Hays, Joseph P. Keith, Charles H. Smith. COR PORALS — John Smith, Ephraim T. Raglan, Mexico Sanders, George Jenkins, Jefferson C. Whitley, King Robinson, James K. Heflln, AA'-iUiam GuUy, Hiram Gist, WiUiam Purcell, John Mitchell,. PRIVATES — Jeremiah Beam, Thomas M. Beam, John H. BeU, Arvill S. Bryant, William C. Canada, AVUliam B. Creacy, Jones Goisham, James Horp, Henry Hunter, Elihu H. Jenkins, Baily P. Jenkins, Anthony C. Moss, Alvin H. Morrow, Henry Robinson, King Robinson, 2d, James M! Whitley, KInchen Whitle3^ Noah B. Whitley, Axum Whitley, William Wooton, Thomas Austin, James Bruce, Andrew J. Bryant, Jesse P. Creecy, Meredith B. Creecy, Joseph B. Gregory, Jackson D. Keasly, Henry Mitchell, Harvey H. Ragland, James M. Tolman, Vincln B. Whitley, John Austin, James Bean, John Borden, William C. Canada, John Hudson, WUliam W. Jenkins, Wolton Kirby, John Y. Borden, Peter Bean, Jr., Peter Bean, Sr., Thomas J. Brice, Nathaniel Berden, wUliam A. Chit- 364 Unimi Eegiments of Kentucky. " .- wood, Shadrick Chitwoofl, William DIsmany, Henry C. Fagg, John H. Gloore, WUUam Hudson, WUliam B. O. Jackson, Beverly Jones, David Jenkins, Richard Jones, Leonard Jones, Jefferson Jenkins, David S. Law, Sampsen Lee, Joshua A. Lancaster, Lemuel J. Leonard, Linzy B. Moss, Wm. M. Robinson, Andrew Mc. Ragland, WlUIam R. Wallace, Richard W. Williams, George W. York, Claiborn Borden, Ralston Jenkins, Obediah Leonard, Wm. A. Mitchell, Henry P. Robinson, Meridith Davis, Andrew Davis, SUas J. Grened, William Harp, Green Keer, Harrison Kee, Jasper Kee, Claiborn Kirby, James Moore, John C. York. Company "E." CAPTAINS— Archibald S. Chenoweth, Toliver Moore. 1st LIEUTS.— Moses L. Norvell, Isaac N. Chenoweth, John P. Grinstead, Jasper N. Butram. 2d LIEUTS.— Samuel C. Stout, Daniel J. Stout, David Witty. SERGTS.-David H. Butram, George W. Star, Henry H. Buton, Henry B. Tole, George W. Smith, Jacob W. Shufey, William T. NorvlU, John H. Donohoe, William L. Kingry, Andrew J. Star, Leonidas Walker, VlrgU A. Jones. CORPLS.— Ira G. Copass, SUas B. Nunnaley, John H. Lawrence, Shelby Butram, Alfred Gibson, John A. Harlln, Dawson B. EUiott, Albert Balldsop, Charles A. Wilson. WAGONER— PhUip Moore. PRIVATES — Wm. D. Arteburn, James H. Barbour, James M. Burge, Joseph Goode, Joel A. Glass, Samuel P. Halle, Jerlal M. Hoss, Josley J. Jobe, Wm. Jackson, Joseph D. Jackson, William A. Lyon, James Moses, James H. Pyrant, WUUam B. Ritter, Benjamin Shirley, Stephen W. Walter, William Wells, Obediah L. Adaras, Isaac A\'. Adams, 'Alfred D. Hodg, Francis M. Huffman, Stacy B. Huffman, Wm. H. Kellon, James H. Lawrence, Charles L. Nunnaly, James M. Nunn, Jesse E. Sione, Lemuel T. Williams, WUliam L. Adams, John M. Adams, Robert W. Barbour, Leroy Donahoe, James Grigory, Milton Q. Nunnaly, William D. Alley, Thomas H. Britt, George Balldock, John W. BlUIngsley, Turner Gilmer, Sanford P. Curry, John W. Glass, Lewis P. Huffman, Rufus Jobe, Jacob C. Jackson, Wm. T. Kingry, Felix G. Mathews, Henry Moses, Isaac H. Norvell, Benj. P. Nunnaley, James A. Nunnaley, Andrew J. Nunnaley, Theophilus Padjet, James H. Sraith, William Smith, C. Thomas Thomas, Samuel T. Vance, WUliam H. Young, Henry Bacon, Emery P. Nunnaley, Joseph Olmnon, Hampton Pyrunt, James J. Willson, Francis M. Bartly, Thomas Burge, Richard Coonts, John J. Copass, Alfred Denton, Russell Eapmon, John W. Jenty, Benj. P. Hughes, Jona than C. Huffman, Joshua Shufey, Charles A. WUIson. Company " F." CAPTAINS— Henry C. Martin, John M. Vetter, Riley A. Read. Ist LIEUT.— Robert T. Patton. 2d LIEUTS.— WiUiam Moore, Fred P. Car penter, Emery H. Read. SERGTS.— Sidney R. Dearing, Samuel C. Motly, James S. WUUams, William E. Webb, Stephen C. Hancock, Cal vin Duncan, John C. Burton, William H. Cade, Elijah M. Patton, Francis M. Hatter, John W McReynolds. CORPLS.— Wm. H. Shields, John M. Oliver, Young Butler, DiUard P. Hatler, Erich Moody, Robert Trivet, Levi J. Spann, Montgomery E. Ollphant, James R. Lovelace, Benjamin Taylor, Lycurgus J. Morgan, George B. McElroy. AA'AGONER— James R. Seward. PRIVATES— Thomas Branson, Robert L. Buchanan, Robert P. Cole man, Richard Daniel, John G. Graham, David Harris, Henry P. Jack son, Wm. E. McNeece, WiUiam E. Mese, Granson S. Oliver, Ephraim H. Ollphant, Wm. J. Prewitt, Jacob W. Robinson, Charles P. Rigesby, Franklin Richards, Robert Webb, James C. WiUiams, John W. AA^orley, Moses L. York, David Barrett, Dan'l C. Buchanan, Calvin Bracken,- Jas. A. Caldwell, John S. Gunn, Richard Harris, Jasper W. Loafman, Henry C. McElroy, Calloway H. Mayhew, George W. Oliver, James M. Smith, Harvey S. Turner, Richard W. Williams, Henry Branson, Joshua Br Buchanan, Reuben J. Clarkson, Luther Gary, WUUam Chandler, Elijah C. Griflin, John Manly, WiUiam J. Miles, WUUam J. Poe, John A. Shields, Thomas H. Williams, WiUiam B. Butram, James B. Clark, WUliam H. Clarkson. Thomas J. Douglass, Joel Hancock, John C. Jackson, Samuel Jones, Edward W. Loafman, Cornelius A. Manley, Harrison Moody, Ninth Kentucky Infantry. 365 Charles D. Mise, Joseph R. U. McElroy, WUliam H. Patton, John W. ' Riggs, Le P. Robertson, George W. Stovall, William H. Stone, Stephen Sparks, John T. Tabor, Joseph Taylor, S. W. W. T. WUUams, Joseph L. Wright, James R. Wilson, Henry C. Carver, William England, Joseph W. Riohards, William T. Spann, James Bergman, JImmerson Cassady, Joseph S. England, Joseph Hearald, James Shields, James M. Tinsley, Samuel L. Williams. Company "G." CAPTAINS — Isaac Dlckerson, Demetrius B. Coyle, Jas. M. Simmons. 1st LIEUTS.— Henry W. Mayes, Henry W. Jenkins, Thos. W. Batdorf. 2d LIEUTS.— Charles A. McCue, Elijah A. Purcell, Chas. J. Coyle. SERGTS.— Thos. D. Jenkins, Daniel Moore, John H. Jackson, Henry M. Slaughter, Isaac N. Vaughn, William J. Quinn, William B. Bowls, SUas Emberton. CORPLS.— Arnold N. Hall, Solomon Loyd, John M. Vaughn, Henry G. Lewis, George W. Slaughter, James M. Proffitt, William Loyd, John L. Hines, Thomas Houch, John E. Dotson, James L. Jenkins, Thos. E. Arteburn. WAGONER — John Jones. PRIVATES— James G. Ayers, Abner Akers, John D. Allen, James T. Butram, James L. Butram, Thos. J. AV. Butram, Benjamin N. Burnett, William L. Dlckerson, Turner G. England, George T. iPralm, James H. Folden, Harry S. Grider, Lucian GUlenwater, John M. Isenberg, James M. D. Jenkins, Cyrus A. Jenkins, Josephus Layne, William S. Lewis, Theodore W. Lewis, Jackson J. Proffitt, Thomas W. Proffitt, WUliam T. Proffitt, Sarauel W. Patterson, Thomas M. Simmons, John W. Taylor, Lewis Wheeler, James M. Allen, Smith A. Butram, Nicholas J. Brown, Wm. C. Bunnell, James S. Creek, William J. Derrlng, Daniel Fox, Har man Houch, Joseph Jackson, Felix Myers, George W. ProflStt, Daniel Russell, Richard AV. Furguson, Henry D. Isenberry, William A. Sim mons, Joseph T. Turner, William A. Turner, Williara Allen, WUUam T. Neal, Geo. E. Ward, Elijah Arterburn, Porter C. GoldweU, John Carder, John Dickison, Woodford England,- Joseph M. Grurabling, Wm. G. Howard, Zephenlah Hendricks, George W. Isenberg, Newton J. Jenkins, Jaraes S. Johnson, Francis M. Lewis, Charles A. Lewis, Isaac Mitchell, Jaraes Mitchell, Cobb F. Mulkey, James Parsley, Brandon Page, David AV. Richards, Aaron Russell, Archibald F. Register, John I. Rhoton, Solomon Smalllng, Robert Smith, William N. AValts, Simeon AV. WUllams, Barton A\'-heeler, George W. Butram, William T. Fulks, Samuel A. Parker, Isaac Collins, John S. Farsier, Letcher H. Harding, EU E. Richards, Henry Stinson. Company "H." CAPTAINS— George H. Cram, Samuel A. Lodge, Wellington J. CJram, John P. Grinstead. 1st LIEUTS.— John W. Combs, Chesly D. BaUey, Smith Pipkins, AViUiam O. Boyle. 2d LIEUTS.— WiUiam D. Page, Turner Bartley. SERGTS.— Henry W. Washam, Charles A. Coyle, Martin Gowdy, David W. Harland, WUUam Morehead, James H. Simp son, Theodore Tooley. CORPLS.— David M. Bentley, Samuel Gaddis, Reuben Frazier, Josiah Oliver, Thomas Hagan, Isaac Headrick, WiUiam D. Coly, John J. Coly, Moses Brown. PRIVATES — George C. Davis, William R. Daniels, John Emertons, Landon C. Miller, George W. McNeese, WiUiam McDonald, Elijah Pit cock, Josiah Steen, William Tooley, Jaraes Adams, John Adams, William H. Beheler, James C. Doss, James W. Fitzgerald, James G. Gum, Preston H. Harland, Francis Harris, Thomas A. Jones, Tyra J. Meader, Timothy I. Meader, David P. Meader, William Norman, John S. Sartin, Jasper Stein, Isaiah Turnet, WiUiam P. Turner, Charles Tooley, Commodore P. AVaddie, Elbert S. Waller, John Washam, Richard Bray, Jacob Cooke, Harvy Copass, Lisby M. Ford, RusseU Frazier, Jerial Hoss, Thomas Hagan, Jacob R. James, WUiiara R. Jones, James W. King, AVUliam A. Lyon, AVUson E. Meader, James M. Parker, James H. Smith, John L. Stlnson, Isham Tooley, MontrevUle Waddle, Harris W. Bray, Harmon Brown, William C. Beheler, John Brown, Elijah Bacon, Benjamin F. Claiborn, Edward D. Glover, Archibald A. Glover, John AV. Green, James H. Howard, James M. Keelen, Jeremiah Lawrence, John Lyon, Joseph M. Miller, "Thomas Pitcock, Richard Pitcock, Leonard J. Pitcock, Alfred Sortln, PhUip Shamley, Benjamin Strickler, John Tooley, Joshua 366 Union Regiments of Kentucky. Tooley, Thomas Turner, Abram B. Tooley, Clement E. Turner, Parrish H. Woodcock, Patrick H. Whitehead, Samuel R. Walden, James F. Pit cock, AA'illiam Brown, Thomas Ford, Isaac G. Hagan, Henry M. Keelan, Calvin McDonald, Martin Meader, Sprial Meader, Jas. Meredy, ThoMaa S. Pitcock, Jackson Pitcock, Samuel G". Stens, Marcus Woodcock. Company " I." CAPTAINS— Jonathan W. Roark, Chesley D. Bailey, John H. Wheat. 1st LIEUTS.— James Rhody, Dewitt C. Downing. 2d LIEUTS.— John B. Austin, Henry H. Townsend. SERGTS.— Washington D. C. Tiffany, Peter D. Martin, Wm. M. Gammon, Alexander Meader, Michael Tracy, Jaraes AA'. Downing, Harry P. Prague. CORPLS. — Marquis D. C. Gam mon, Charles P. Hargls, Leroy P. Cox, Joseph P. Cooper, Benjamin M. Haines, Nehemiah Raney, William P. EUis, John M. Gray, Pelley E. P. Martin, William H. Seay, WUliam J. Gray, Amos Jent, Robert T. John son. Elijah D. Dixson. WAGONER— Jacob N. MitcheU. PRIVATES— Henderson Benard, Warren Cox, Philip P. Carter, Henry H. Dixon, Isaac EUis, John H. Francis, Thomas G. Gunn, Walker Hinton, Howell E. Howe, Joseph W. Martin, Walter R. Martin, Ira M. Pipkin, Johnson Stinson, Pleasant E. Shum, Asa Tracy, Charles G. Alex ander, Williara M. Alexander, Robert A. Benalrd, Smith Benaird, Wash ington W. Brookes, Julius Coley, Able G. Coley, William P. Carothers, Henry Cole, Thomas Driver, William R. Howard, Yancey Johnson, James H. Lane, Jacob Miller, Asa Blankenship, Saml. S. M. Blankenship, Peter Bean, Jr., John Y. Borden, Thomas M. Bean, John B. Carver, WUUam Cole, Thomas Dixon, Andrew Davis, Uriah P. Hinton, Solomon N. Jones, John J. Jones, William A. Johnson, Joshua Lancaster, Albert A. Meader, Emery Napier, John W. Reagan, Marquis D. L. York, Logan G. Burns, Charles Bralton, Joel Barber, Jesse Y. Brook, Andrew J. Burns, John S. Gammon, Francis M. Huntsman, John W. Henton, Stephen R. Lee, John MInIx, Stephen Mahana, Daniel Martin, John S. Puckitt, Wm. T. Parker, James H. Parker, Arthur R. Phelps, WUliam J. Poe, Daniel S. Ramey, David Ramey, James A. Reaves, Daniel T. Stinson, George W. Springer, James N. Curley, Jacob Fishburn, James F. Mayhew, Alexander T. Pip kin, Anderson B. Weaver, Bishop L. Bandy, Jeremiah Brawner, Wm. A. Borders, John T. Bandy, Vinson R. Dixon, Antonis Dickman, John Gar rett, James W. Holloway, James G. Kelley, Frederick H. Mahanna, Willis Wems, James A. Weems. Company " K." CAPTAINS— Wm. F. Austin, Rufus Somerby, Boyle O. Rodes. 1st LIEUTS.— Demetrius B. Coyle, George Faulkner. 2d LIEUTS.— James Lane, James M.' Simmons, Major B. McDuffee. SERGTS. — MUton S. Bishop, George L. Perdue, Maysa H. Simmons, Wm. J. Morrow, Charles P. Austin, WiUiam Coleman, William Y. Derasher, George W. McDuffee, John Massey, James M. Newton, General M. Bronson. CORPORALS— George W. Britt, Logan Butler, Lewis Combs, Alexander A. Hatler, James Johnson, Lorenzo D. Massey, KIncher D. Perry, Harper P. Har rison, Francis M. Perdue, Doctor T. Simmons, Richard H. Good, Reuben H. Good. PRIVATES-WUliam Buly, Cornelius M. Bishop, Celon C. Carter, John B. Denham, James P. Durham, James H. England, Parke W. Har land, John Harrison, John H. Hagan, Wm. A. Johnson, James G. Morrow, Thompson Pennington, George W. Rigdon, James M. Simpson, J. John Wheat, Alexander Bybee, WUliam Y. Bush, Obediah P. Durham, Wm. J. England, Joshua Pox, Henry C. Good, Samuel Hatler, Nicholas Jenkins, Archibald Jenkins, Reuben H. Jenkins, William Logan, John L. Mc- Entire, John C. Perdue, Levi A. Russell, Joel Y. Simmons, WiUiam M. Simmons, WUUam N. Todd, LaMgston Tindley, WUliam Veach, Joseph D. Welch, James M. Welch, John Britt, Yancy D. Bandy, Isaac J. Bridge- man, Abram M. Bridgeman, Seth Buly, Joseph W. Clayborn, David C. Chandler, Bally P. Cosby, Vachel M. Clarke, MUton J. Goode, James R. Good, Joseph Gomel, Shadrick B. Horgrls, Dixon A. Jenkins, Patrick LareU, Parker M. Murphy, John W. Shivers, James L. SIkes, WUliam R. Spear, MUes W. Austin, John Buly, Thomas Buly, Hagan A. Bishop, Samuel R. Chism, Samuel Combs, Reuben H. Carver, Parker M. Dorsey. Tenth Kentucky Infantiy. 367 James H. Dorsey, James Francis, John D. Goodman, Alexander Glover, William Y. Johnson, Jaraes Jenkins, Jefferson Jenkins, Leonidas D. Kiby, John B. McGinnis, Willis P. McGinnis, Fountain P. Meadow, Haley Mc KInnls, WilUam H. Newton, Daniel S. Simmons, John P. Simmons, Will iam C. Williams, Joshua Buchanon, John C. H. Gamon, PhlUp A. Murphy, Ephraim Thomas, Levl»A. Austin, Wm. Lorell, Wm. Russell. Tenth Kentucky Infantry. It is proper to begin the account of this regiment with a brief mention of the distinguished man who was its colonel. Johu M. Harlan was born near Danville, Ky., in 1833, the son of Hon. James Harlan, a noted lawyer and attorney-general of Kentucky. Educated at Centre col lege, and graduating in the law department of Transyl vania university, he began practice at Frankfort. At the age of twenty -flve he was elected county judge. The year following he failed by only sixty-seten votes of election to Congress, as a Whig, from the Ashland dis trict. Had he remained in that district he woulcl have been elected to Congress in 1861, but early in that year he removed to Louisville. W^hen the military companies were raised for defense of the city in the spring of that year, John M. Harlan was captain of the Crittenden Union Zouaves. This company, under Capt. John M. Harlan, Avas one of the number which proceeded to Muldraugh's Hill, September 17th, when the volunteers were sent there under Gens. Sherman and Rousseau. September 27, 1861, Capt. Harlan announced his in tention to raise a regiment. The companies were re cruited with great rapidity, and in the succeeding month the regiment was full and in camp at Lebanon, Ky. It was mustered into service by Maj. Sidell, U. S. mustering officer, November 21, 1861. It was at once placed in the command of Gen. Thomas. The brigade to which it Avas assigned being under Col. M. D. Manson. On the 31st of December the regiment left Lebanon and marched through Columbia to the field of active operations, which* culminated in the battle Of Mill Springs, or Logan's Field as it was also called, January 19, 1862. In connection with this first victory of note in the West, the 10th played an important part, though it was sent on a movement which prevented its participation in the actual battle. The reports of Gen. Thomas and Col. Manson mention the arrival on the field of the 10th, and that it engaged in the pursuit of the enemy. Col. Harlan's report shows that on the 17th he proceeded with his regiment some dis- 368 Unimi Eegiments qf Kentucky. tance on the road to Jamestown against a force supposed to be iu that direction; he then says: Information oaime to me Sunday morning (19th) of the battle at Lo gan's. Although the men of my reglmept were entirely destitute of pro visions, and on that morning had not received half enough for breakfast, my summons to them to fall into line and march to the aid of our breth ren was obeyed with oommendable alacrity. Starting for the scene of danger we marched as rapidly as it was possible for men to march. Upon reaching Logan's I found the enemy had fled and that our troops had followed in pursuit. Without halting at Logan's we came up with this and the other brigade under Gen. Thomas a short while before dark on Sunday. After our arrival, in obedience to orders, I took pos session of the woods Immediately in front of the rebel fortifications, with directions to hold it against any attack of the eneray. There my men lay on the ground during the whole of Sunday night, without fire, tents, overcoats or blankets, and with nothing to eat except about one-fourth of a cracker to each man. On the next day the 10th Ky. and 14th Ohio moved into the rebel fortifications in advance of the other troops, and were the first to enter them. The victory at Mill Springs was followed soon after by the fall of Forts Henry and Donelson, and the retire ment of the Confederates from Kentucky. From Mill Spring the 10th marched by way of Stanford, Danville and Bardstown to Louisville. Frbm Louisville it went by steamboat down the Ohio, and up the Cumberland to Nashville, and from Nashville it marched to Pittsburg Landing. It accompanied an expedition up the Tennes see river on transports to Chickasaw, where the troops landed and penetrated the couiitry to destroy a railroad bridge east of Corinth and nearluka, which was success fully done. The 10th was with the troops in the advance upon Corinth, and took part in all movements of that campaign. In the organization of the army April 30, 1862, it was in Gen. S. S. Fry's brigade of Gen. Thomas' division. After ^ the capture of Corinth the 10th moved with Buell's army, and in June Avas at Tuscumbia, Ala. In July it garri soned the toAvu of Eastport, Miss. It also crossed the river at Eastport, and marched with trains to Florence, -\.la. July 2Sth two companies (A and H) were posted to guard Courtland bridge, and while there a large force of Confederate cavalry under Gen. Armstrong fell upon them and captured them. Col. Harlan, in his report of this affair, written August Sth at Winchester, Tenn., states he had received 51 brief note from Capt. Henry G. Davidson, who was in command of the two companies, in which Capt. Davidson shows that when the enemy ap peared he had his men behind the railroad embankment, and fought until he was surrounded. He says his men behaved splendidly, fighting till the last moment. He Te)ith Kentiwky Infantry. 369 compliments especially Capt. Pendleton and Lieuts. Reyjiolds, Barry and Shively; several of his men were wounded, and eleven of the enemy were killed and more than twenty wounded. Col. Harlan says the enemy was greatly enraged that the small body had fought so stub bornly, and denounced Capt. Davidson because he did not surrender. They fought until overpowered by numbers. The 10th garrisoned Winchester, Tenn., in August, 1862. From that place it moved wheu Buell's army en tered upon the celebrated march to Kentucky to oppose Bragg's invasion. It made the long march to Louisville, and in the organization of the army at the time of the battle of Perryville the 10th was in the 3d Army Corps, Gen. Gilbert, Schoepf 's division. Fry's brigade, being bri gaded with the 4th Ky., IQth and 74th Ind. and 14th Ohio. This brigade did not become engaged, although a portion of the corps did. It followed in the pursuit of Bragg out of the state and then marched to Gallatin, Tenn. While at Gallatin Col. Harlan was in command of the brigade to which the 10th belonged. December 7, 1862, the brigade was camped at Castalian Springs, and from thence marched under command of Col. Harlan to Harts ville, where the celebrated attack was made by Gen. John Morgan. Col. Harlan says, in his report, that the can- Bonading at Hartsville was heard at Castalian Springs, and he marched his brigade in that direction " as rapidly as men ever marched." He reached the place in time to observe the last of Morgan's troops hurry away, but too late to save or rescue the garrison, which had been captured. They arrived on the scene, however, in time to save much property, including several hundred guns and a large amount of cartridges. Col. Harlan says, in his report, that the muskets thus taken being better than those with which the 10th was armed, the regiment was rearmed. He found the dead on each side unburied. He buried fifteen Confederates, including three offlcers. Two weeks after this event Morgan moved from Tennessee on a raid into Kentucky. In the latter part of December he passed through Glasgow, and moved in the direction of Munfordville; then striking the railroad he damaged it as far up as IMuldraugh's Hill. From the railroad he moved through Bardstown and Springfield, and out of the state through Campbellsville and Burksville. In order to protect the railroad from this raid. Col. Harlan started from Gallatin, moving his brigade by cars as far up the road as they could go, then by rapid march ing pushed ou to Elizabethtown in time to engage in a 24 370 Union Eegiments of Kentucky. fight with Morgan's men ten miles beyond that place, on the Rolling Fork, December 29th; discovering a force of the enemy there, he says he ordered up the infantry at double quick. I went to the front in person, and from a high hill I saw quite dis tinctly a very large body of cavalry formed in line of battle near the river. Their officers were riding along their line apparently preparing to give us battle. Knowing that Morgan had a larger force than I had, I proceeded cautiously, and yet as expeditiously as the nature of the ground and the circumstances admitted. My men were formed in two lines; skirmishers were thrown out from both infantry and cavalry, cov ering our whole front, and were ordered to advance and engage the enemy, the whole line following In close supporting distance. The firing commenced, on the part of the rebels, on our left; it was promjitly and vigorously responded to by my skirmishers and the artillery. 'After a while the rebels were driven away, and they then made some demonstra tions to occupy an eminence upon my right. To njeet this movement the lOth Ind. (Col. Carroll) was ordered to occupy that em'inence, from which four companies were ordered to clear the woods on the right on my line. The 4th Ky. (Col. Croxton), 14th Ohio (Col. Este), 74th Ind. (Col. Chap man), were ordered to form on the left of the 10th Ind. A section of the battery was ordered to occupy the eminence, and the 10th Ky. (Lieut. Col. Hays) ordered to support it. This left the 13th Ky. (Maj. Hobson), on ray left, supporting the section of the battery stationed there. The flring now became general all along the right of our line of skirmishers; but the rebels, after an obstinate resistance, broke and fied precipitately in every direction. Some struck out into the woods; sorae went up the river as far as New Haven; some swam the river with their horses. Further pursuit that evening was Impracticable, and I may say im possible. In the exhausted state of my men, they having left Munford ville Sunday morning, and come up with the enemy the succeeding day at one o'clock, forty-three miles distant. In this fight the Confederates were commanded by Gen. Basil Duke, who was dangerously wounded. Col. Harlau, in his report, says: "I claim for my command that it saved the Rolling Fork bridge, and most probably prevented any attempt to destroy the bridge at Shepherdsville;" also that it prevented Morgan's further prosecution of his raid, and led to his rapid retirement from the state. While the 10th Ky. was on this service the battle of Murfreesboro occurred, in which the 10th could not engage. From the pursuit of Morgan the 10th returned to Nash ville, and ou the 26th of January, 1863, it was sent by Gen. Rosecrans with the 4th Ky. and 74th Ind., a cavalry de tachment and a section of artillery, under command of Col. Harlan, from IMurfreesboro, toward Lavergne and Nolensville, to operate against the rebel cavalry. The enemy was encountered and heavy skirmishing took place, but the enemy retired and the 10th remained on duty at Lavergne. This movement occurred in very severe weather, and the regiment suffered greatly from ex posure to cold and rain. At Lavergne, Tenn., on the 7th of March, 1863, Col. lenth Kentucky Infantry. 371 Harlan was compelled to resign. By the sudden death of his father he was imperatively summoned to return to civil life,_ This was a severe loss to the army, for he had proven himself a most energetic and able officer. Could it have been possible for him to have continued in the service, there can be no doubt he would have attained high rank as a commander. He displayed admirable promptness and vigor as a regimental and brigade com- ,mander. His rapid movement from Tennessee against Morgan, who was on the railroad, and the effective man ner in which he rushed his infantry regiments up to the attack at Rolling Fork, shows military qualities of the genuine type. \ The following extract from his letter of resignation shows the patriotic fire which animated him from the first, and which has always been characteristic: I deeply regret that I am compelled, at this time, to return to cIvU life. It was my fixed purpose to remain In the Federal army until It had effectually suppressed the existing armed rebellion, and restored the authority of the national government over every part of the nation. No ordinary considerations would have Induced me to depart from this purpose. Even the private Interests, to which I have alluded, would be regarded as nothing, in my estimation, if I felt that my continuance In, or retirement from, the service would, to any material extent, affect the great struggle through which the country is now passing. If, therefore, I am permitted to retire from the army, I beg the comraanding general to feel assured that it is frora no want of con fidence either in the justice or ultimate triumph of the Union cause. That cause will always have the warmest sympathies of my heart, for there are no conditions upon which I will consent to a dissolution of the Union. Nor are there any conditions, consistent with a republican form of govarnraent, which I am not prepared to make in order to maintain and perpetuate that Union. In 1863 he was nominated by the Union men of Ken tucky and elected, by a large majority, attorney-general of Kentucky. After the expiration of his term of office he returned to Louisville. In subsequent years he was twice the Republican candidate for governor, and in 1877, was appointed justice of the Supreme Court of the United States. , After the resignation of Col. Harlan, Lieut. Col. William H. Hays was promoted colonel of the 10th, and remained in command until it was mustered out of the service. The regiment was with Rosecrans' army in the cam paign from Murfreesboro during the summer of 1863, participating in the actions at Hoover's Gap, Fairfield, Tullahoma, Compton's creek, and, in September, in the great battle of Chickamauga. During the summer it was in the 2d Brigade, 3d Divi sion, 14th Army Corps. In the battle of Chickamauga, 872 Union Regiments of Kentucky. the 2d Brigade was commanded by Col. Croxton of the 4th Ky., who was wounded, and Col. Chapman, of the 74th Ind., made the report of the service of the brigade. Col. Hays commanded the 10th and made the report, though during the engagement he took charge of the brigade, and Lieut. Col. G. C. Warton led the 10th and also made report. A detailed account of the terrible scenes of the battle can not be given. The 10th fought under the command of Gen. Thomas and the well-known serAdce of the troops unde him shows that the 10th Ky. was a portion of that body of men which stood with the "Rock of Chicka mauga." The loss of the regiment attests its gallantry; the official return of casualties shows that it lost one officer killed, Capt. Bevill, twenty men killed, nine officers Avounded, and one hundred and twenty-five men wounded, one officer and ten men captured, making a tqtal loss of one hundred and sixty-six. Col. Wharton says, in his report of the battle of the 20th: It seemed two or three times It would be impossible to hold our position, so overwhelming was the force of the enemy, but our troops, being partially screened by rails, poured volley after volley into their masses, so well aimed that after three hours of most desperate flghting the enemy withdrew just as our ammunition was exhausted, and Gen. Brannan (commanding the division) had ordered the men to fix their bayonets and receive the enemy on their points if they again advanced. During the whole flght the men never wavered nor gave an inch, and the oflicers of my regiment were all at their posts encouraging their men. The night of the 20th the 10th withdrew from the posi tion it had held during the battle, and marched to Ross ville, reaching there at midnight, where it rested. After the battle of Chickamauga the 10th remained with the army at Chattanooga, and bore its part in the actions which occurred November 23d, 24th and 25th, culminating in the final charge upon and the capture of Mission Ridge. During this battle Col. Hays commanded the 10th, but the brigade commander fell, and Col. Hays took his place, then the 10th being led by Lieut. Col. G. C. Wharton. This officer, in his report, says that on Novem ber 2d the 10th moved forward with the brigade to the right of Fort Negley, then advanced to a point fronting the Rossville road, where it bivouacked. The next day it moved to a line parallel with Mission Ridge, in full vie-w of the enemy's pickets. That position was maintained until eleven o'clock the next day, the 25th. At that hour moved by the left flank along the entire line, crossed Citico creek at its mouth, thence up the bank of the river two and a half miles to the position held by Gen. Sherjnan. Tenth Kentucky Infantry^ 373 Then countermarched to an open field between Citico creek and Mission Ridge. Two companies under Capts. Hill and McKay were advanced as skirmishers. The enemy was in full view. The order was to storm their rifle-pits, but before the bugle sounded the skirmishers had taken them; then the brigade rushed forward for the final assault. The troops rested about ten minutes in the captured rifle-pits under a furious cannon fire: "The officers and men became wild with enthusiasm and desire to advance." "When the bugle sounded, and Col. Hays gave the command forward, one wild yell went up and forward they swept over an open plain through the camp of the enemy, and gained the foot of the ridge under a terrible enfilading fire of artillery from Tunnell Hill, knocking down the huts of the enemy's camp, and tearing up the ground in every direction, but the men never wavered or faltered. When the foot of the hill had been gained and ascent commenced, the line of battle was lost. The strongest men got the right of the regiment and went first and the weaker men formed the left. Many fell going up the hill as if exhausted, but would rest a moment and then forward again. Having reached the top of the ridge and driven the enemy from their first line of works toward Tunnell Hill, Col. Hays formed the regiment on the left of the 2d Brigade, 3d Division, and advanced with this brigade about one hundred and fifty yards, when the enemy were again discovered in force and making an other stand." The fight here lasted about twenty minutes, and the enemy gave way, broke and fled precipitately. The 10th bivouacked on the field. The next day advanced with the pursuit to West Chickamauga Creek, a distance of eight miles; the next day, the 27th, reached Ringgold; on the 28th aided in destroying the railroad and bridges. On the 29th marched back to the camp at Chattanooga. The 10th remained with the army at Chattanooga dur ing the winter. In February it advanced with the troops under Gen. Thomas and fought at Rocky Face February 25th. In the spring prepared for the Atlanta campaign. In the organization. May 3, 1864, it was brigaded with the 10th and 74th Ind. and 18th Ky., 3d Brigade, 3d Division, 14th Army Corps. It was stationed at Ringgold, which was then the outpost of the army, where it was until May 10th, when it started on the Atlanta campaign, taking part in all the movements and engagements of that event ful summer, moving all the time with the troops under Gen. Thomas. Space does not permit a detailed account 374 Unimi Eegiments of Kentiwky. of this celebrated campaign. From Tunnell Hill to the capture of Atlanta, through the months of May, June, July and August, there was a continuous series of fights in the rough country of Northern Georgia, at Resaca, Adairville, Calhoun, Kingston, Kennesaw, the Chatta hoochee, Peach Tree Creek, Utoy, Atlanta, Jonesboro, and many other points. On the 9th of July the regiment had a notable and severe experience on the north bank of the Chattahoochee, where it successfully resisted the advance of an entire brigade until reinforcements arrived. It is especially mentioned in the report of the division com mander. Gen. Baird. In the battle at Jonesboro, Septem ber 1st, the 3d Brigade under its commander. Col. Este, made a charge which Gen. Baird says "was one of the most magnificent on record," capturing the works and a num ber of prisoners. Col. Hays, in his report, specially com pliments Capt. Davenport who was wounded, and Lieuts. Kelly and Adcock, both severely wounded. Col. Hays also mentions the color bearer, Corp. Orville B. Young, who "ran forward with the fiag calling on his comrades to rally to it. It was the first flag planted on the enemy's works." After the fall of Atlanta, the 10th was sent on detached duty to Ringgold, Ga. It was there September 30th. From thence it proceeded to Chattanooga, where it was stationed in October. Some of the men had re-enlisted in the veteran organi zation; with the exception of these and the recruits the regiment was mustered out of the service December 6, 1864, at Louisville. Concerning the veterans ahd recruits, the following letter from Col. G. C. Wharton, which is copied from the adjutant-general's report, gives some information: "The veterans and recruits of the 10th Ky. Infantry were never properly assigned to any regiment after the discharge of the 10th. The descriptive rolls of these meu were left with some officer at Chattanooga, who was care less enough to lose them. They Avere organized under a non-commissioned officer, and sent down on the road be tween Chattanooga and Atlanta to guard some post, and when Gen. Sherman cut the road and started on his march to the sea, they were left without orders or officers; some of them marched after Sherman and served under the old division commander, Geu.Baird, through that campaign; others came up and joined Gen. Thomas at Nashville, and fought through the war somewhat 'on their own account.' T have had much difficulty in having these men discharged and paid off because of the loss of their descriptive rolls, TenA Kentiwky Infantry. 375 for which they were not responsible. I am not sure as yet all these men have been discharged and paid. They were generally excellent soldiers, and have suffered grievous wrongs at the hands of their commanders. The statement of Col. Wharton that they went through to the sea with Sherman, is confirmed by the report of operations of the 3d Division, 14th Army Corps, which shows that the 10th Ky. was encamped near Washington city Avith the division, June 1, 1865, about which time they were mustered out of the service. Subsequent to the war. Col. Hays was appointed judge of fhe United States District Court, in Kentucky, and soon afterward died. Col. G. C. Wharton was for a series of years United States Attorney for Kentucky. Field and Staff. COLONELS-;John M. Harlan, WUliam H. Hays. LIEUT. COL.— Gabriel C. Wharton. MAJOR— Henry G. Davidson. ADJTS.— Wm. J. Lisle, Austin P. Maguire. Q. MASTER— Sam'l Matlock. - SURGEONS — ^Wm. Atkisson, James G. Hatchitt, Jabez Perkins, Charles H. Stock ing. ASST. SURGEONS— Thomas M. Knott, Chas. Hardesty. CHAP LAIN— Richard C. Nash. SERGT. MAJOR— Robert J. Sraith. Q. M. SERGTS.— Lee S. Johnson, William P. Beglous, Edward B. Lancaster. COM. SERGTS.— Nathan Newman, Henry C. Dunn, George W. Moore, John C. Garrison. HOSPITAL STEWARDS — Henry P. Leachman, Richard Davenport. PRINCIPAL MUSICIANS— Joseph Lennen, John Arnott, Henry Crutchett, James Oster. Company "A." CAPTAINS— Henry G. Davidson, William J. Lisle, Charles W. Mc Kay. 1st LIEUTS.— James Reynolds, Henry H. Warren. 2d LIEUTS. — John Estes, Austin P. Maguire, Richard Grace. SERGTS. — Samuel Manly, Nicholas Herdel, Levi Arnold, George W. Blandford, Burgess Ray, George AV. Moore. CORPLS. — Harrison Roberts, Frederick Kortz, Aaron Jones, James Creagle, Robert W. Boyle, Gustave Asbeck, Davis M. Shockley, Francis Krival. WAGONER — Alexander O. Mattingly. PRIVATES — Adam Arnold, Jeremiah Arnold, John W. Bumgarder, James Cable, Joseph Edmonson, Nicholas Demarsh, Stephen Deraarsh, Conrad Hill, William Jones, John Johnson, Joseph Jenkins, Bladen A. Kendall, Culbrait Kendall, John Kortz, Williara Kortz, Mathie Kortz, Edward B. Lancaster, Henry Mitchell, Richard Mudd, John M. Mat tingly, John Ruder, Michael Ropp, Frederick Rossles, Thomas M. Smith, Philip Stephens, John Shielly, William Shielly, Joseph Snawder, John Steward, Arthur T. Terry, George W. Terry, John Vanderheide, James Young, John Welsh, Harry Weiser, Samuel Askren, Henry Berhnes, Samuel Baker, John C. Durbln, Frank Dennis, Lewis Shorten, Wilson W. Edmonson, Conrad Krahl, John McDaniel, Francis Maurer, Robin son Mumford, Simpson Arnold, William Boyd, Henry Crutcher, August Decker, Jacob Duffield, George H. Frank, Harvey Graham, Ellas Hard ing, George Harding, Abram Ham, Williara Johnson, Thomas R. Mat tingly, Anthony Shielly, David Shaln, John R. Watts, Fletcher Bland, James Berry, George W.' Bumgarder, Isaac E. Pirtle, Eincle Rhenl, Oli ver D. Casabon, Peter Gaylock, Woods Murrell, Eugene Martin, John Mitchell, James C. Rogers, Frederick Saal, John Stoar, Prank Voclair. 376 Union Eegiments of Kentucky. Company " B." CAPTAIN— John T, Milburn. 1st LIEUTS.— Robert S. Short, Wil liam P. O'Bryan. 2d LIEUTS.— James M. Davenport, John T. McCau ley. SERGTS.— William Harding, Chas. B. McCauley, Stephen J. Gray, Ernst Helnis, Thomas McCauley, PhUip J. McGrath, James P. Scott. CORPORALS— James Cross, Edward Blanford, John Russell, Thomas Fenwick, Elisha O. Llewellyn, WUliam Cross, David Blair, Wm. D. Mc Brlde, Joseph Talmadge. MUSICIAN — Samuel Vancleve. PRIVATES— James G. Bullock, WUliam Butler, Joseph Brady, D. Marcus Brown, WUliam Bullock, George W. Brady, Edward Clark, Jno. H. Cecil, George Cundiff, James Donahoo, Joseph G. Farris, Cornelius Fenwick, William Fogle, John Greenwell, Francis Green, Francis Green well, Edward Howard, Benjamin Hall, James Johnston, George Livers, John B. Lake, Thomas A. Lucket, Henry Lucas, John T. Mattingly, Benjamin S. Mattingly, Henry B. Mattingly, C. W. Mattingly, Wm. L. Mattingly, Henry Mile's, William Meadows, Jam^s W. McGavock, John E. Maston, John Peterson, Allen Peterson, James Sanders, Wm. Simms, Richard G. Thompson, John Wise, Elijah Wade, Joseph L. Uptergrove, John Clark, James R. Lamb, Stephen E. Pickerel, Philip M. Read, David Sill, John S. Durham, John Mills, Wm. T. Nolley, William Newton, Jas. Blair, Royal G. Clark, Andrew Hayden, Richard W. Knott, Samuel Livers, Wm. B. Mattingly, Garrett D. Peterson, Thoraas A. Simins, William Hall, Jr., WiUiam Hall, Sr., John T. Blair, Robert Blanford, George W. Fenwick, Joseph S. Mattingly, Thomas MUes, Chas. Henry Miles, Thomas G. Peterson, William Whitfield, Alexander Alvey, James S. Durham, Richard M. Cross, Jefferson B. Mitchell, James M. Miles, WiUiam M. Rhodes, John L. Wade. Company "C." CAPTAIN— Edward Hllpp. 1st LIEUT.— William L. Musson. 2d LIEUT.— James E. Sallee. SERGTS.— Jas. B. Martin, William Moore, Robert H. Clayton, William H. NaU, Thomas G. Smith, Jos. Madison Buckman. CORPLS.— David RusseU, Martin V. B. Mattingly, Jos. W. Buckman, Isaac Hogland, Albert T. Andrews, George W. Meece, James ' B. Robinson, John Craig, Joseph Mike Buckman. WAGONER— Wm. H. Hogland. MUSICIAN— James Dobson. PRIVATES— David Allen, James P. Brown, William D. Bright, Jno. Boarman, John A. Cooper, Jaraes C. Carum, Andrew Elmore, WUliam H. Gebhart, John Hogland, Francis M. Hunter, James A. Hoback, John C. Hoback, James 'W. Howell, Abraham Lake, Michael McNamara, Jas. R. Moore, William E. Moore, George W. McKenley, Edward B. Noley, Joseph R. Newton, Thomas Newcomb, George W. Powers, William W. Robinson, John L. Rice, Franklin Sapp, Jasper Sapp, Ambrose Shipp, Thomas Taylor, James P. Thurman, Lafayette WUson, Wm. H. White, Chas. Wise, Lafayette P. Atkins, Sarauel AUen, John Ballou, WUliam B. S. Gault, Patrick Hickey, Reuben W. Hunt, Isaac Hogland, Sr., Benjamin O. Rodgers, Patrick Slatterly, James Shipp, George W. Wade, John Benningfield, John B. Hogland, James Norcutt, John RUey, SUas W. Alien, John Anderson, Ellas Cundiff, WiUiam H. Dobson, Robert T. Dye, John H. Feather, WIHIam Farmer, Martin L. Hoback, Samuel J. B. Puryear, James Rodgers, Thomas Riggs, Peter Sapp, Burnet B. Sapp, Thomas J. Sallee, Hattan StlUwel, John J. Garrot, Benjamin R. Kirkpatrlck, Dennis Mills. Company " D." CAPTAIN— George W. RUey. 1st LIEUTS.— William Hupp, James J. MUls. 2d LIEUTS.— Stephen N. Dorsey, Edw. Y. Penlck. SERGTS. —Jaraes C. Earing, Marvls T. Roberts, Francis b". Seay, Andrew J. Fos ter, Robert G. Shockley, John C. Garrison, Henry C. Dunn. CORPLS. —Isaac H. MurviU, Thoraas D. Hughes, Chas. Beave'n, Martin O. Crench, Thos. O. WUson, Nathaniel W. Davis, James A. Seay, James A. Snider, John H. Phillips, Elbert S. Wells, David D. White, Gideon B. Garrison, WiUiam T. Price. WAGONER— Henry A. Shasson. MUSICIANS— Jas. M. Yocum, David R. Garrison. PRIVATES- Benedict J. A. Abell, Charles Beavers, Roland Beg- Tenth Kentucky Infantry. 377 -gley, John G. Buckman, Jas. P. Cronch, SUas McHughes, Richard Hag erty, James Hagan, Thomas Hart, David B. Hughes, William Hutchin son, John W. Isham, James A. Leankford, Jesse M. Leathers, Buford Lindsey, James Linnehan, John W. Mouser, Dabney C. Maxwell, Thos. Mattingly, William Milburn, Alfred Snider, Isaac Smothers, Robert Stines, Benjamin Taylor, John N. White, John B. Wells, Thomas B. Wil litt, Richard B. Yocum, John R. Yocum, WUford Beavers, Bradford E. Bottoms, Thomas Compfort, James Cussanger, Adam Cain, Mason Gra ham, David Homan, William Hundrlx, Samuel Hahun, William B. Johnsey, Thomas A. Luckett, Robert N. Lynch, Thomas G. Parris, Wm. Smothers, Cornelius Sapp, Charles Southern, Jesse R. Williams, James T. Wicker, Squire H. Wakefield, William C. Brackan, Wm. W. Crench, William T. Ewing, John W. Hall, John T. Hagan, James P. Lanham, WUiiara F. Mouser, William Montgomery, Wm. D. Ripperdon, Richard Shimmerhom, Richard Smothers, CorneUus Sheultry, Wm. F. Wake field, Charles G. Steward, Henry L. Mosser, Andrew Hughes, Lee Ha man, Mathan Isaac. Company " E." CAPTAINS— Seth P. Bevill, Andrew Thompson. 1st LIEUT.— Clem Funk. SERGTS.-John S. Cozine, James C. Champion, Thos. H. Logs don, Richard Boyle, Joseph A. Janes, Alexander B. Higdon. CORPLS. — William T. Noe, Nathaniel P. Thompson, George A. Noe, Ambrose J. Logsdon, Burr Coomes, Columbus R. Filiatream, James A. Higdon, Thos. J. Nally, Thos. M. Champion, Martin A. Dawson, Harrison P. Leach man, Andrew N. Hundley, George W. Ensor. MUSICIAN — James K. P. Hood. PRIVATES— William T. Adams, George W. Bowie's, John Carney, James Carroll, John W. Courtney, John L. Dearing, William H. Dob son, John L. Edwards, William M. Edwards, Henry P. Fields, Benjamin Foster, George L. Green, James P. Herbert, John Kating, Joseph Miles, William A. Myers, William R. Myers, John H. Nally, John F. Peak, Mathew, Savadge, Alexander W. Spragglns, Patrick SuUlvant, Edward A. Thompson, John B. Thompson, Robert B. Walker,' Isaac T. WiUls, Edward T. White, James R. Young, WlUIam G. Berry, Philip Cooper, Joseph Curd, PhUip Corcoran, Richard M. Fields, William T. Filiatream, Arnold Gassalder, William Green, Richard Lyons, Francis Reynolds, John W. Heaton, Michael Murpjiy, George AV. Nix, James Whitfield, Elisha M. Adams, John Campbell, Charles A. Champion, John Clarkson, James Clarkson, Edward Fenwick, John J. Fowler, Joseph Hall, Jaraes B. Haydon, James R. Hundley, Reuben Hiatt, Richard L. Logsdon, Jno. "W. Mayes, WUUam Nix, William S. Richardson, Thos. D. Rhodes, John P. Seay, Cornelius Simms, Marion A. Slayton, Peter Toon, Rich ard R. Walker, Jack H. Waters, James E. Weathers, Herod Rhodes. Company " F." CAPTAIN— Franklin S. HiU. 1st LIEUTS.— Charles W. McKay. Benjamin R. Smith. 2d LIEUT.— Joseph T. Adcock. SERGTS.-Ed ward Mittler, John. M. Thompson, Terry Johnson, Robert A. Robertson, Charles H. Jarboe, Austin P. Maguire. CORPLS.— Levi N. Reagan, Jef ferson Hocker, Nelson Southerland, Carter Sweeney, John W. Webster, Orville B. Young, Calvin W. Bottom, Hardin Badgett, AchUles Harsh- field, Robert J. Smith, Mathew Newman, Caleb Welch. WAGONER— Richard Greenwell. PRIVATES— John L. Baker, Fldellar S. Bottom, Joseph Browning, Eli Bough, James BurneU, Stephen Crouch, Andrew Cruse, William Cooley, Edward Cooley, John B. Cooley, Stephen Cooley, Cornelius Cooley, Benjamin Bates, Maze Goldsmith, Joseph Grant, Thomas Glea son, Wm. F. Gallagher, Columbus Harshfield, John G. Howell, Samuel Jones, Wm. P. Kelly, Smith Kays, Nlmrod Lawson, Francis M. Lawson, George M. Linton, Squire Land, Granville Lltsey, Martin H. Lltsey, Peter Lampklns, Charles Lavey, John McMullln, Green Berry Mul- lin, John Monroe, Moses McCabblns, Wm. Mattingly, Wm. T. Mullans, John W. Mobberley, Thos. A. Mattingley, Nicholas Mattingley, Jefferson Perkins, Ignatius Russell, John Sweeney, Edward H. Sutterfield, Sam'l Smltl, Alexander Sluder, Sebastian Troutman, Madison Thorp, Henry 378 Union Eegiments qf Kentucky. Weir, John Winfield, Thomas Williams, Simon Darion, Wesley Hooper, Thomas P. Key, William McGhee, James Nelson, Joseph Ratcliff, Jas. Thomas, William D. Worsham, Simon P. Young, Henderson Baugh, Micajah Cox, Joseph E. Carter, John Johnson, William McCuUum, John O'Bryan, Wm. H. Reagan, Crow Scott, WUliam Voughn, James Woods, Henry Ash, Henry W. Grant, Michael McMUlen, Squire Roberts, Wil liam H. Tumey, William Jones, William D. Bowling, Alexander Gunter, William Hall, John V, Steel, Eason Taylor. Company " G." CAPTAINS— WUliam R. Hunter, Jas. M. Davenport. 1st LIEUTS. —James M. Fiddler, Charles E. Spalding, Edward O. Blemford. 2d LIEUT.— Edward C. PerrUl. SERGTS.— Benjamin Bean, Moses White- house, Henry Vessels, Robert Nally, Jefferson Inman, Peter O'Bryan, Taleaferro Skinner. CORPLS.— WlUIstan Buckler, Francis L. PerrUl, Benjamin McCarty, John W. Powell, Jonathan Phillips. WAGONER— John Enbert. PRIVATES— James Blemford, William Ballard, Jefferson B. Back, Augustus S. Fanvell, John H. Hagan, WUUam Hayden, Plus Higdon; Ellas Harman, MUes Pius Kelty, Valentine Mudd, James J. McLain, Albert Mattingly, Wiliam H. Mahoney, Thomas Peak, John Penning ton, Benjamin Phillips, Jonathan Right, George Riggs, Williara Ren- hard, William J. Smith, John Spratt, David Thomas, Scott Whitehouse, Richard J. Vessels, John H. Birch, Francis S. Clayton, John E. Linton, John M. Mattingly, John P. Osborne, John Smith, Lewis P. Thompson, Walter Vessels, Shelby Ballard, Nelson Hays, James Osborn, Joseph Mudd, Prank Smith, George White, Edward Avis, James M. Brothers, William Boone, John M. Clarke, Anderson Carrie, William Caughlem, John W. Emery, James Field, Charles Graves, Samuel Hundley, Wil liam Hagan, Harrison Hays, Thomas Kelty, Jas. Lanlam, Robert New ton, Francis Powers, Nathan Tharp, Joseph Ballard, WUliam Ferrill, Thomas Masterson, Stephen Nally, Bannister Skinner, Jas. R. Waters. George H. Blandford, Larry Foster, David Thomas Graham. Isaac Hall, James J. Newton, Paul O'Bryan, Plus Smith, Addison Whitehouse, Charles D. Waters. Company " H." CAPTAINS— Buford R. Pendleton, Wm. T. Shively. 1st LIEUTS.— Henry W. Barry, Henry C. Dupn. 2d LIEUT. — William P. Beglow. SERGTS,— Joseph H. Shively, Thos. R. Wright, William Waltrlng, Stephen M. Shively, William G. Swaney, Benedict Edelen. CORPLS.— William Roots, David E. Rice, Benjamin F. Lyons, James P. Clements, Sarauel Abell, Addison Belton, Mjlton Earls, Andrew J. Newton, Elias Newton. TEAMSTER— Joseph Farraer. PRIVATES— George W. AbeU, Enoch Abell, James Brockman, Mar tin Bermingham, James Carapbell, William P. CampbeU, Moses Camp bell, James A. CroweU, Nathaniel Farmer, Moses Farmer, WUliam Har bin, WUliam Hart, Alonzo T. Kerr, Thomas Murphy, George AV. Mur phy, Francis Murphy, John A. Murphy, Elmore Marple, Thomas Mar tin, Jacob O'Donald, David A. Shively, James H. Sluder, James Spur- Ung, Abner Woodrum, Thomas Wright, Henry H. Ainsworth, Preston P. Parmer, James Farmer, John E. Parmer, Henry Gunter, Isaac Har mon, Bei^edict J. Murphy, John S. Newton, Philip O'Connell, Aaron T. Painter, Daniel J. Russell, John Raley, John Troy, WUliam Wise, James Woodrum, Samuel Wright, Cornelius W. Abell, Benjamin EUis, WUUam Hall, Thomas P. Key, Squire Roberts, Jas Woods, Thos. J. Walstan, Zachariah Eads, Martin Ford, David Melton, Jefferson Marple, George W. Raley, Samuel Shively, Johnson Sraith, John M. Sluder, Josiah Ves- trees, Sarauel T. Wise, Michael Welch, Benjarain Wright, Martin T. Worthington, John R. Wise. WUliam Farmer, Thomas Parmer, Tandy Grier, Perry Long, William White, John Yearns, George S. Vanhorn, Patrick Bayne. Williara T. Cabell. Company " I." CAPTAIN-Israel B. AVebster. 1st LIEUT.— WUiiara E. Kelley 2d LIEUT.— John H. Myers. SERGTS.— William J. Curby, Wm. H. Jack- Tentli Kentucky Infantry. 379 son, James B. Rose, Thomas J. B rown, WUliam J. GIddis, WUliam J. Wright, Daniel L. Richardson, Jack E. Mills. CORPLS.— Robt. L. Purdy, John A. Osburn, John H. Curby, Joel P. MUls, David Lawson, James N. Jackson, Elijah Noe, John C. Rose, WUUam Turner. MUSICIAN— Jas. Osten. PRIVATES— Joshua J. Abel, John D. Averrett, Jno. Burchell, Josiah Brown, Benjamin Ellis, Milton H. Gaddis, George W. Gubehart, WUliam Goodman, General L. Goodman, William H. Green, Samuel H. Harrison, William R. Harrison, Thomas R. Hilton, Isaac Hicks, Hardister Inman, Jaraes Isaacs, William Lawson, SUas Munday, James H. Mills, John P. ¦ Mills, William B. Noe, John D. Ross, James Roaler, John Stewart, Thos. Stewart, Augustus Spencer, Henry Taylor, Philip M. Vessels, John T. Wilcher, Joshua Brown, Wm. H. Goodman, Young Goodman, John Isaacs, Lenox Lawson, Jaraes C. MUler, Benjamin Phillips, William C. Purdy, Ha,milton Smith, Williara A. Temgate, Levi Turpin, Patrick Tar- rill, Philip M. Brown, Patrick Pitzgibbons, David Goodman, Alexander Gunter, Levi A. Hobbs, Abraham Jasper, Mastin H. Lltsey, Henry H. Noe, Mathews Saddler, Isaac Bell, Francis M. Goodman, James R. Lus ter, Patrick A. Lane, Jesse Martin, Geo. Oster, Solomon Roaler,, Rich ard Roaler, John B. Stayton, John Sraothers, William H. Stoner, John Willard, Hugh A. WUlard, Daniel William, James W. Brown, John H. Bryant, John H. Begals, Jesse M. Ceaver, WUliam M. Hicks, William Lawson, John Peters, Thomas Saddler, William J. Snow, William R. Woolbrldge. Company " K." CAPTAINS— William Tweddle, Henry Waller, John H. Denton. 1st LIEUT. Jaraes R. Watts. SERGTS.— Charles Garvey, Richard R. Bel- lam, Robert Rea, Sr., John L. Lee, David Richard, Leroy S. Johnston, Peter A. Cox, Edward Wilkins. CORPLS.— Thoraas A. Jones, Andrew Burger, John C. Carroll, John P. Lee, Joseph Montrose, AVIUlara Baker, Dugald Carapbell, Tobias Burk. MUSICIANS— Robert Rea, Jr., Peter McLaine. PRIVATES— WiUiara Batraan, John Buckley, Thos. Brown, Michael Cady, John Casey, Patrick Conway, Peter Dailey, Morris Dorsey, Hugh Eady, Patrick Hines, John Hines, David Lenihan, Levi M. Lee, Adara Molim, Jno. B. Mattingley, Wm. H. Mattingley, Patrick Munday, Jasper O'Donald, Richard Roberts, William Rase, Joseph -Staffan, Richard Welsh, John Arnett, Sr., Ulrlck Becker, John A. Campbell, James Fox, Patrick Gegan, James Hundley, Dennis Kanleahy, Daniel Maloy, John Mekln, John Murphey, Patrick MuUoon, Patrick Phibban, Thoraas B. Sherman, A. G. Withrow, Michael Wester, John Arnett, Jr., EU Baugh, John T. Blair, Adam Cane, Jaraes Cutsinger, Simon Dearion, Wm. M. FumbreU, Jacob H. Knelbert, Joseph Lennon, John S. Mattingley, Thos. MUes, Nicholas Mattingley, WUUam Montgomery, Jaraes McCann, Jon athan PhUips, Alexander Sludei^, Edward Sutterfield, John Stanton, Jas. Thomas, Thomas WUUams, Simon Carmode, Dennis Cushin, John J. Idoax, Burtley Murphy, Jerry Murphy, WUUam McVey, Patrick May- land, Thoraas MlUagan, Daniel Maloney, Stoneraason Mule, Alexander Broax, Charles A. Carpenter, Michael Enders, Joseph Emms, James McCardell, James McGinnis, Wm. T. McAnelly, John McAnelly, Wash ington Madden, Patrick Mordan. 380 Union Regiments of Kentucky. Eleventh Kentucky Infantry. This regiment was recruited in the fall of 1861 by Col. Pierce Butler Hawkins, of Bowling Green. The com panies were formed in the Green river counties, Muhlen berg, Butler, Warren, Edmonson, and went in camp at Calhoun, where were assembled at the same time several other Kentucky regiments. The' Confederates were then in Kentucky, at Bowling Green, Russellville, Hopkins ville and other places, and the Union regiments encamped at Calhoun and Owensboro prevented their advance to the Ohio river. Skirmishing and picket fighting was carried on during December and January, but in P^ebru- ary, 1862, upon the fall of Fort Donelson the Confederates retired, and the Federals at once advanced into Tennes see. The 11th marched from its camp at Calhoun to Owensboro, and from thence went by boat to Nashville. At Nashville the 11th was assigned to W. S. Smith's brigade. Gen. Crittenden's division. It marched with Buell's army to Pittsburg Landing. Crossing the river the night of April 6th, it was in line at 5 o'clock a. m., the 7th. Smith's brigade was the left of Crittenden's divi sion, and the 11th Ky. was at first used as reserve. Gen. Crittenden says in his report, his command was exposed to heaA'y fire, that Col. W. S. Smith, commanding the 14th Brigade "brought his command well into the fight and was eminent for his service throughout the day." Col. Smith of the 13th Ohio, commanding the 14th Brigade says, "the 13th Ohio and 11th and 26th Ky. seemed to vie with each other in determined valor." Col. P. B. Hawkins, in personal command of the 11th Ky., in his report makes a very interesting'' mention of the battle. He says: "Being ordered forward in line of bat tle there not being space sufficient between Bartlett's bat tery on my right, and the 14th Wis. on my left, we be came entangled with them, still pressing forward in that condition engaging the enemy, who were drawn up in considerable numbers in the brush and playing upon us from their batteries, from some cause or other we were compelled to fall back to the original line of battle. I then by your order charged the enemy, and succeeded in driving hira, found and captured one piece of artillery, but was unable to hold it on account of the overwhelming number of the enemy brought to its support. We, there fore, had to fall back a second time. I was then the third time ordered to charge this gun, which my men did Eleventh Kentucky Infantry. 381 in gallant style, and succeeded in capturing and holding it until the engagement ceased." This statement shows the courage of the men, which seemed to rise with the danger, in the first battle they were in, and it continued to be displayed by them through out their seiwice. Col. Hawkins specially mentions for gallantry, Lieut. Col. S. P. Love and Maj. E. H. Mottley, officers who showed the same gallantry in many a future battle. The casualties were five killed and forty-six wounded. In a letter to the writer. Col. S. P. Love, now a prac ticing lawyer at Greenville, Ky., who was in command of the regiment a long time, says the 11th "remained several days on the battlefield and then advanced to Corinth, Miss., reaching Farmington about two miles from that place, and being daily on the skirmish line, until the evacuation, some days afterward. Gen. Buell in com mand, we left our camp at Farmington and marched via luka. Miss., Tuscumbia, Florence, Ala. (crossing the Ten nessee at the old Jackson crossing), to Athens, Huntsville and Stevenson to Battle Creek, where we remained until Bragg fianked us and started on his march to Kentucky. -We followed him, crossing the mountains and by way of Murfreesboro, Nashville and Bowling Green to Louisville. Thence on by Bardstown and Springfield to Perryville, in which battle my regiment took part (skirmishing), and continued in pursuit of Bragg, by Danville, Lancaster, Stanford, Crab Orchard, Mt. Vernon to Camp Wild Cat, when the pursuit was ended. Then by way of Somerset, Columbia and Glasgow, to Nashville; thence to Murfrees boro, fighting at Stone's River." The 11th was then in Beatty's brigade. Van Cleve's division, Crittenden's corps. Two reports of the battle were made by Maj. E. L. Mott ley, who commanded the regiment at that time; one of the engagement of December 31st, the other the engage ment of January 2d. In the first he describes the 11th being ordered by Gen. Rosecrans to hold the thicket "at all hazards,'' and Col. Mottley simply says, "we did so." The regiment was then ordered to support two batteries, "Terrill's regulars and the Chicago Board of Trade bat tery, where we remained the remainder of the day, my entire regiment, both offlcers and men, doing their whole duty." Of the battle of January 2d, Maj. Mottley says: "I ordered my regiment forward under the most terrific storm of shot and shell and musketry it has ever been my lot to witness. I advanced about one hundred yards 382 Union Regiments of Kentuchj. wheu I ordered a halt and commenced firing. I broke their ranks more than once. Their colors were shot down several times, but their broken ranks were speedily filled Avith fresh troops." The position being fianked, Maj. Mottley withdrew and crossed the river; after crossing, the 11th A^'ith other regiments of the brigade "succeeded in putting the eueuiA' to fiight, capturing four pieces of the celebrated Washington Artillery.'' The casualties were seven killed and eighty-five wounded, including four officers. Col. Beatty commanding the brigade described the fighting on January 2d, and says: "The reserve, consist ing of the 191 h Ohio and 9fh and 11th Ky., advanced most gallantly toAvard the crest of the hill and poured a destructive fire upon the enemy, whose first column was by this time almost annihilated." The position, however, being fianked, he took his men across the river, and then recrossed and drove back the enemy. After the battle of Stone's River, Gen. Rosecrans, on the 29th of January, 1863, says in a communication to Gen. H. G. Wright: "I propose to send up the 9th and 1 1th Ky. to Bowling Green (two first rate fighting regi ments raised in that neighborhood), to replenish their thinned ranks." The llth then returned to Bowling Green, Avhere it remained from February to July. On the 25th of June, 1863, Col. Hawkins resigned and Lieut. Col. S. P. Love was commissioned colonel in his stead. While at Bowling Green the llth, under Lieut. Col. S. P. Love, Avas mounted and employed in pursuing bands of the enemy, who were infesting that section. On the 2d of May, Col. Love Avith his regiment and a pbrtion of the Sth Ky. Cavalry made an excursion by way of Scotts ville, capturing a number of guerrillas and clearing the country of them. From July to August, the llth was in Judah's diAdsion, and a portion of the time was encamped at Glasgow; in September it was at GlasgOAV preparing to move with Burnside's force to East Tennessee. In that campaign, being mounted, it operated with the cavalry. Of that campaign. Col. Love says: "From Bowling Green, with other troops under command of Genl Man- son, we took up the line of march by way of Burksville, Ky., for Knoxville, where we became a part of Gen. Burn side's army, making frequent scouts toward and beyond Loudon and Sevierville, fighting a battle at Rockford, across the river, in which we were victorious; made several scouts up the railroad to Lenoir Station, Phila delphia, Sweetwater, continually on the lookout until Longstreet approached Knoxville; fighting him at Lenoir Eleventh Kentucky Infantry. 383 and Campbell Stations. When Burnside's army was driven into Knoxville my regiment Avas the last one in." The llth endured the hardships of the siege of twenty- one days, participating in numerous fights around the lines, in which loss was incurred; when the siege was raised fhe llth with the other forces pursued Longstreet up the valley to Bean's Station ; from that place the llth Avas sent on several scouts and engaged in the battle at Bean's Station, when Longstreet turned upon his pursuers and gave them a hard fight, attempting to capture them not only failed, but suffered more loss than he inficted. From Bean's Station the llth moved to Blain's Cross roads, and from thence reported to Gen. T. T. Garrard, at Cumberland Gap. From thence (Col. Love being in com mand of his own regiment and the 27th Ky. Infantry), the march was to Kentucky in the midst of the winter; meet ing on the way trains of provisions going to East Tennes see, from which Col. Love supplied his command. Upon reaching Mt. Sterling, the llth was dismounted and ordered back to East Tennessee, marching by way of Lexington, Lancaster, Stanford, Somerset, Point Bum- side, and Chitwood to Knoxville; Col. Love says: "I remained there until I was ordered to the crossing of the Hiawasee, where there were two block houses to guard the bridge. I had a brigade of three regiments and a battery, and continually received messages from Gen. Sherman to be vigilant against Wheeler's efforts to cut his cofumunications. I remained there until Gen. Sherman had taken position around Marietta; I then pro ceeded by rail to join his army, via Cle-veland and Dalton. A short distance below Kingston joined the main army, participated in the fighting around Kennesaw; thence through Marietta to the siege of Atlanta taking part in the battle in which Gen. McPherson was killed; fianldng with Sherman's army, struck the railroad at Rough and Ready; fought at Jonesboro and Lovejoy." In the reports of the Atlanta campaign, the llth and its officers, particularly Col. Love and Lieut. Col. Mottley, are frequently mentioned. At the crossing of the Chat tahoochee river by the 23d Army Corps, July Sth, which Sherman declared to be "one of the brilliant feats in the annals of war" the 12th Ky. and llth Ky. took a leading part. The 12th under Lieut. Col. Rousseau first crossed in pontoon boats and was promptly followed by the llth under Col. Love; Col. Byrd, who commanded the brigade, says in his report: "Colonels Rousseau and Love be haved with the greatest gallantry as well as the officers 384 Unimi Regiments of Kentucky. and men under their command and performed their whole duty." After the capture of Atlanta the llth encamped at Decatur, Ga., until Gen. Hood made his northward move.^ The llth then joined in the pursuit of Hood, marching from point to point, in Northern Georgia, during the en tire month of October, 1864. It was at that time the 1st Brigade (Col. Love commanding), and Maj. W. H. Hou chin commanding the regiment, 3d Division, 23d Army Corps. Wheu Gen. Sherman in November started on his march to the sea the 23d Corps and 4th Corps were ordered from Georgia to Nashville to serve under Gen. Thomas against Hood's army. The llth, therefore, proceeded with the 25th Corps to Nashville and from that place to Pulaski,. Tenn. On the llth of November, 1864, while in camp at Pulaski, and before Hood entered upon his movement into Tennessee, the 1 1th, 20th and 27th Ky. Infantry received orders from Gen. Schofield to proceed to Kentucky. They went by rail to Louisville "and from Louisville the llth re tumed to Bowling Green and on the 16th of December was mustered out of service. Col. Love being in com mand of the post, at Bowling Green, was mustered out a month later. The surgeon of the llth. Dr. J. F. Kimbley, deserves spe cial mention for faithful and continuous services during the war. On the fields of Shiloh, Perryville, Stone's River; in the East Tennessee campaign and siege of Knoxville and in the Atlanta campaign he was present to succor the wounded and dying. He shared all the hardships and ex posures of marching and campaigning not only with his regiment, but as brigade, division and corps surgeon, be ing on duty with each one of the three armies — the Cum berland, Tennessee and Ohio. For his fidelity and effi ciency he received complimentary mention from the com manders of these armies. Since the war Dr. Kimbley has been a practicing physician- and surgeon at Owensboro, Ky. In 1896 he was appointed Surgeon-General of Ken tucky, with the rank of colonel on the staff of the gov ernor. He died at Owensboro, May, 1897. Field and Staff. COLONELS— Pierce B. Hawkins, S. P. Love. LIEUT. COLONEL.— Erasmus L. Mottley. MAJORS— Woodford M. Houchin, Eugene P. Kin- naird. ADJT.-John T. Kinnaird. Q. MASTERS— J. H. Reno, Vincent S. Hay, Joseph Kerby. SURG.— John F. Kimbley. ASST. SURGS.— James T. Higgins, Samuel Simpson. CHAPLAINS— Porter H. Calvert, Lewie P. Arnold. SERGT. MAJORS— James T. Rew, James W. Patter son. Q. M. SERGTS.— GranviUe T. Heath, Fred G. Price, W. H John- Eleventh Kentucky Infantry. 385 son. COM. SERGTS.— Wm. Rew, James P. Mclntire, Foster J. Austin. HOSPITAL STEWARD— Wm. Y. Beller. PRINCIPAL MUSICIANS— Eugene Reardon, John Remner. Company "A." CAPTAINS— Eugene P. Kinnaird, James M. Elms. 1st LIEUT.— John G. Daniels. 2d LIEUT.— Thomas Cherry. SERGTS.— George A. Shields, James Mitchell, John H. Johnson, Russell M. Williams, James S. Mulligan, James M. Simmons, Geo. W. L. Chandler. CORPLS. — Jas. M. Young, PhUip H. Baker, Milborn P. James, John L. Norris, Leon idas Miller, Reuben C. Sharrer, William O. Davis, Ephraim G. Johnson, Christopher C. Westray, John R. Jaraes, Wash C. Higginbottom, Aaron J. HudneU. WAGONER— KInchen Martin. MUSICIANS— John A. Runner, Eugene Rioden, Robert T. M'aley. PRIVATES— John L. Brown, James B. Belsher, William A. Burris, John Christmas, Alonzo A. Chaddock, Vanlah E. Cole, Chaner A. Des- per, James B. M. Elkin, James M. Edey, Joseph R. Gaffey, John H. Hybin, Jamas F. HudneU, John J. Hudnall, John Hildebem, Joseph B. Hildebem, Richard T. L. Jones, Thomas E. Lamastus, John B. Lamas tus, Samuel W. Martin, Joseph Martin, John H. Neighbors, Benjamin P. Rust, Moses Russell, Bluford Roue, WUUam M. Runner, John South- erlan, James E. Simpson, Birly A. Sirapson, Albana Sanders, Xeno- phin W. Scott, Socrates W. Scott, Commodore P. Swift, John F. Wes tray, Bergman P. Westray, Harrison Whelar, Thos. Whelar, John H. White, John P. Collier, Uraphrey Dodson, Wm. H. Johnson, WUliam W. Maxey, John L. Skaggs, William L. Young, Isaac Emery, Andrew G. Hamilton, John M. Maxey, Columbus Neal, Frederick G. Price, Wm. M. Rew, James S. Rew, George A. Blanchard, Hezekiah V. Cole, Byron D. Cole, FIdela C. Guffey, Edward Gardner, Isaac Ham, Jas. M. Hlld- born, Thomas B. Hudson, Pleason Neal, John R. Roby, WUliam C. Rainwaters, Francis A. Shaner, John H. Westray, Timothy Shay, Hus ton C. White, Micajah Warner. Company " B." CAPTAINS— Edward R. Weir, William P. Ward. 1st LIEUT.— Jas. W. Patterson. 2d LIEUTS.— Hudson Brown, Templeton P. ' Martin. SERGTS.— George W. White, Edgar M. Gwynn, John Johnston, Sam uel J. Gates, Ferdinand Pool, James W. Wood, Edwin M. Randolph, Daviess H. Sklpworth, Bayless T. Simmons. CORPLS.— John G. W. Fortney, Alfred M. Joines, Nathanll J. Vincent, Martin V. Roark, Jesse W. Smith, James P. Carver, Oliver G. Gwynn, Eli L. Sklpworth, Wm. B. James, Earl Stewart, Aaron Vincent, James A. Morgan, John B. Morgan, James H. Roark. WAGONER — John Brown. MUSICIANS^ WiUiam E. Martin, AUen D. Metcalf. PRIVATES— James A. Brown, WUliam W. Clifford, Mlkle B. Cor- Ington, Hezekiah Crafton, Elijah W. Dobbs, Reason J. Dobbs, Benj. Z. Dukes, William Greenwood, Wilson E. HIghby, Alonzo Johnston, Abner P. Johnston, Jaraes E. Jackson, Reuben J. Landrum, Samuel E. Majors, Martin H. Marshall, Calvin McClellen, Charles W. McBrlde, Jefferson D. MiUer, John H. Sklpworth, John H. Stlnson, Wra. J. Stin son, John W. Suddeuth, Jaraes L. Stewart, Wra. A. Turner, Noah Vin cent, James W. Welborn, Wra A. Wright, Russell A. Williams, Harry T. Wood, Jacob L. Wood, Robert Cesner, Josephus C. Crafton, Elijah W. Dukes, Joseph C. Dukes, Wyatt T. DuvaU, James W. Garrett, John H. McBride, Andrew McClellen, Jesse R. McPherson, Jesse H. R. Mc Uvain, Robert Morris, Wesley T. Nurse, James W. Reed, Wra. T. Blank- ingshlp, Robert Brown, Benjamin P. Casbeer, Jefferson Chappell, Alex ander L. Farris, Zilman Hughes, Sherwood W. Johnson, Jas. M. John son, Henry P. Johnson, Jno. B. Jenkins, George L. King, Levi Lear, George C. Moore, Jason. McPherson, Sam E. D. McPherson, George T. Mcintosh, Thomas Massey, John Nany, EU M. Perdue, Mathew Perdue, Miles P. Sklpworth, James R. Stinson, John W. Suddarth, John Tur ner, Joseph R. Wood, James O. WUkerson, Jesse W. Whitaker, William B. Rhoads, Irvin Parsons, Thomas J. DonnoUy, William C. Rice. 25 386 Unimi Regiments of Kentucky. Company " C." CAPTAINS— John B. Tyler, Curren G. Neel, John B. Graves. 1st LIEUTS.— James M. Tyler, Wm,. B. Neel. 2d LIEUT.— Jesse C. Atkin son. SERGTS.— Nottley C. Flowers, WiUiam P. Lee, Austin Bratcher, ' William Cardwell, WUliam Jones, Jordan Bratcher. CORPLS. — Butler T. Bridges, Willis McKinney, Silas Bratcher, William "R. Day, David Coots, Thomas DuvaU, Richard M. Lee, William D. Watkins, John H. James, Henry Durham, David Kuslnger. WAGONER — Elvis Bessen- den. PRIVATES— Silas Brooks, John T. Howard, Vincent Hay, James Lee, Edmund Morris, John Moore, Gibson Phelps, William L. Peak, Cal vin Swift, James Staton, Sidney W. Swift, William Stoples, David R. Snodgrass, Solomon White, John W. Abner, Squire Bratcher, Alfred Burden, John T. Burden, Newell Planner, Preston B. Green, Williara J, Gloss, Jesse Gloss, Reuben R. Harris, Geo. Tibbs, Thomas Whittaker, Thomas Embry, Samuel Embry, Tobias Ferguson, James Jemlson, Wm. Sambleton. Company "D." CAPTAINS— Newman M. Peay, Chas. W. Hanway, John J. Washer, Daniel M. Stahl. 1st LIEUT.— George Fortner. SERGTS. — Leonidas. Bunch, William T. Jenkins, Jaraes R. Ross, Wm. H. Haws, John Burnes, James H. Duncan. CORPLS.— James A. White, Finnis T. Piles, Gibby Goodman, Isaac H. White, Samuel T. Miller, Abraham A. Frlzzell, Levi R. Tibbs, James M. Gladden, James C. Walton, Andrew J. Miller, John B. PhiUips. MUSICIAN— Thos. Harrison. WAGONER— WiUiara J. Or ange. PRIVATES— John W. Allen, WUUam H. Brown, Suton E. Belcher, George W. Berry, John M. Bryant, Martain G. Boman, Henry Burnes, James C. CoUard, Wesly Goodman, James W. Grubb, James H. Hodge, Jaraes M. Murphey, Benjamin T. Mayhugh, John K. Moss, William A. Pendley, James B. Powell, WUUara R. Rives, John M. Roach, David Staples, Wilson N: Sharer, James P. Thomapson, William R. White, David B. England, Samuel J. Hunt, James T. Higgins, Russell Jones, Solomon C. Jessup, AVUliam H. MUler, Thomas J. Peay, John W. Rick ets, Solomon T. Smith, John H. Bryles, Benjamin P. Casebler, Heze kiah H. Crafton, John H. Campbell, J. G. W. Fortney, James C. Gar ret, Zllraan Hughes, Jaraes R. Hayes, Timothy Harper, John Johnson, Harrison McKlnny, George H. Tooley, Robert Tolbert, Sewell Chapman, Leander C. Coleman, George W. Goodman, WUUam Goodman, John P. Gaines, Squire M. Jenkins, James C. Russ, William Russ, Caleb Russ, John H. Spillman, Michael Smith, Thomas J. Turner, Chas. E. Wright, John W. Watkins, John H. Herrod; Leander C. Jones, John Wright. Company " E." CAPTAINS— Woodford M. Houchin, Noah Morris. 1st LIEUT.— Sel don R. Sanders. 2d LIEUT.— Francis Houchin. SERGTS.— Henry A. Goode, Stanford J. Logan, Reuben Morris, Archibald Scaggs, Gillis P. Logan, Seth T. Parish. CORPLS.— Alexander Hayse, Alonzo Neel, Sam uel V. Goode, Leander A. Cowles, James R. Simmons, James Neel, Wm. ' L, Hazeleys. WAGONER— John A. MltcheU. MUSICIAN — John T. Thompson. PRIVATES— Felix M. Age, Edward Blair, George W. Blair, Sr., Jas. Brooks, Smith Brooks, WiUiam L. Demonbrean. John H. Guess, Wm. A. GraviUe, Alexander Houchin, James M. Hudson, Henry C. Isbell, Michael Kelley, Jesse C. Kinser, Robert Morris, Andrew Mansco, Asa , Madison, William W. Mayse, Wodford Skaggs, Leander Skaggs, Will iam T. Skillem, George W. Travis, Charles T. Wlngfield, Samuel Wil son, Lewis L. Young, Allen G. Young, Foster J. Austin, James W. But ram, George W. Blair, Jr., Alexander Davis, WUliam C. Guess, Gran vUle T. Heath, John M. Hudson, John P. Holder, Andrew Key, James Sensabaugh, Samuel E. Sraith, John Travis, Joseph G. Austin, George W. AUen, Alfred D. Burden, John T. Burden, Simeon Baugh, Wm. R. Cobb, George W. Case, James M. Chadd, Francis M. Elmore, Athena- cious Elmore, Edward H. Eaton, Charles B. Eades, David J. Plemming, Eleventh Kentucky Infantiy. 387 Thomas Holmes, Robert Hurt, Wm. W. Hayse, Bennett Mercer, Isaac W. Snodgrass, Joseph L. Rick, Benjamin B. Cannon, Luther B. Forbes, Fidler D. Gross, Jaraes Gross, Francis M. Jordan, Jas. W. Lewis, Wm. Morris, Samuel Morris, John Mansco, John K. Metcalfe, Pendleton Q. Ray, WUliam Stokes, Gideon P. Weekley, Monroe Weekley, Isaac Blair, John F. Davis, James W. Houchin, Wm. Houchin, Jonathan Suddeth, Edward Venerable, John M. Webb. Company " F." CAPTAINS— Joseph S. WIUIs, David Poole. 1st LIEUTS.— Boyd Mercer, Jas. R. Wise, Thomas M. Bobbett, Wm. J. Long. 2d LIEUTS.— Preston P. Doughty, Columbus Neel, Fred G. Price. SERGTS.— Joseph R. Dobbs, Joshua A. Woolton, Albert G. Haws, Jacob F. Baker, Wm. E. Nany, Martin Arnold, Milo P. Baxter, Cornelius A. Dunn, Andrew B. Dubbs. CORPLS.— Christopher C. Moore, Jonathan L. KeUey, Isaac J. Weeks, John K. Hawes, James A Haws, George C. Jackson, Marion W. Haws, Harvey P. Carroll, Wm. R. Bradley, Jackson Buck, Duren Grubb, Charles Gibson. MUSICIANS— Geo. W. Redding, Thos. Sum mer. PRIVATES— Riley Buckhanan, William Ball, Jas. Christmas, John Cartwright, William K. Condley, Jesse Christmas, Wra. Forgy, Douglas Grubb, John Holman, Samuel Hope, James KIsley, John Lamer, Alfred Minton, Alexander Martin, WiUiara Mclntire, Israel B. Penrod, Samuel J. Reener, Franklin N. Revo, Barrell Smith, Septimus C, Tay lor, Abra ham Vaughan, Charles A. Webster, Archibald White, Bleuford Young, Augustus Baker, Stephen Bingham, Egbert J. Foster, Alfred Givens, John Hunt, William Jones, Jeremiah Mclntire, Allen McElwain, David Martin, Robert H. Pearson, Richard H. Rust, Wm. Toulon, John Ward, Benjamin Allen, Elisha Abbott, WiUiford Arnett, William T. Bingham, Sarauel Burris, Samuel Christmas, Thomas Dunn, Henry Jones, William C. Pearson, William E. Russell, James A. Smith, Thoraas Taylor, Sam uel Vaughn, Thos. Walls, John J. Wilson, Nathaniel R. Ewing, Presly M. Haws, James N. Minton, Samuel J. Downing. Company " G." f CAPTAINS— Elijah C. ..Phelps, Oliver P. Johnson, William R. Willie 1st LIEUT.— William Smith. SERGTS.— Jaraes W. Taylor, Francis M. Phelps, William J. Shannon, Paxton R. Phelps, John N. Conway, Dan iel M. Deweese. CORPLS.— John' M. Taylor, Pleasant Goodwin, Wm. P. Oldhara, James T. Hampton, Henry C. Thickel, James P. Johnson, John M. Gott, Julian F. Phelps, Wm. Loving. WAGONER— Walter C. Loving. MUSICIANS— Shadrick G. Davenport, Simeon P. Lindsay. PRIVATES— Samuel Atkins, John A. Basham, Oliver T. Buttram, Green B. Clark, William Deweese, Pierson R. Deweese, Virgil M. Dew eese, William G. Deweese, Hugh Elmore, Watson Faris, Uriah B. Her ald, James R. Hosey, Wm. R. Johnson, Sr., Wm. R. Johnson, Jr., John M. Keown, Calvin S. Keown, Orville H. Low, John Moore, Julian E. Phelps, John W. Raymer, Jacob Raymer, John H. Sowders, Joseph J. Taylor, Robert R. Walker, Francis M. Willis, James H. Warnel, Ell Beller, Benajah Basham, Henry Cox, Julian N. DuvaU, Gravan B. Era- bray, James A. House, Pleasant M. Heath, Murry M. Jones, Joseph Kirby, Stephen Lancaster, Julian N. Phelps, James A. Phelps, John S. Phelps, WUUam Y. Beller, Allen Daniels, Alford M. Key, Azel C. MiUer, Martin H. Marshal, WUliam Oiler, Edison White, Isaac H. Williamson, Andrew Amas, George M. Booth, Jesse Elmore, Charles Elmore, Jaraes Goodwin, Moses E. Garrison, John B. Hasey, James Huck, Jas. Hannel, Lemuel Jackson, James C. Johnson, Joseph Jones, James K. Phelps, William M. Rayman, Pleasant T. Sowder, Samuel H. Whalin, Thomas Ashley, Jesse Deweese, James S Heath, Sam'l Phelps, Virgil M. Smith, James WUllams. Company " H." CAPTAINS— Isaac R. Sketo, Jesse K. Freeman. 1st LIEUTS.— Ad dison Turner, Joseph D. Youtz. 2d LIEUTS.— Jesse S. HiU, John C. Ham. SERGTS.-David E. Rhoads, Jas. R. Cross, WiUiam G. Stroud, William Roll, John Combs, Walthal H. Harvey, George B. Humphrey, 388 Union Regiments of Kentucky. Henry Tinsley. CORPLS.— Thomas Carter, Robert W. Casebier, Jacob Donohoo, William Milligan, David M. Dame, Mathew L. Ham, Mathew H. Vaught, Jasper DuvaU. WAGONER— William Kyle. PRIVATES— Ira D. Bodine, John Beasley, John D. Beasley, Wing R. Bruce, William Boze, Sherrod W. Brown, John D. Casebier, William Doss, Gabriel J. Doss, Azarlah J. Doss, James DuvaU, Geo. W. Edwards, Joseph Gossett, William G. Grundy, David Holland, William P. Hol land, Wade E. Hughes, James W. Harper, WUliam H. Ham, John Igle- hart, Robert Johnson, Charles Lewis, William Lewis, John Mason, Dan iel B. Miller, James W. Peters, Williara Peasler, Moses Rhoads, Wm. Stobaugh, Solomon Shamk, Robert Vincent, Edward Vincent, John R. Vanoy, Thomas Wilcox, Albert R. Wilcox, William J. Wilkins, James L. Wilkins, John W. Wood, James Whitehouse, Archibald C. Youts, Jos. Atllce, William Browning, Wiley Browning, Dryen C. Browning, John Durham, Henry Estes, Fred C. Granger, Whitfield E. Griely, Thomas Hollls, Jacob L. Karmes, John W. Lewis, John C. Meeks, James B. MU ligan, Benjamin Mason, Christopher Norman, Bradford N.. Strond, Har din Stringer, Waller Vancleve, William Wilkins, Sr., Benjamin Stew art, Joseph Brinkman, William L. Ford, Henry T. Glenn, William Mar cum, William Miller, Charles Roan, Strather L. Sallle, WUliam T. Str- baugh, James Watkins, Martin Gross, Obediah Norman, Adam Sto baugh, John W. Cowan, James Johnson, Elijah Neal. Company " I." CAPTAINS— Joseph Pox, James R. Wise, Jonathan Simmons. 1st LIEUTS.— Thomas Bobbett, David Pool, Robert T. Kennedy, William H. Sraith, Boyd Mercer. 2d LIEUTS.— Preston P. Doughty, WUliam J. Long, Columbus Neel. SERGTS.— Virgil M. Taylor, James M. Benton, Robert Scanlin, Malcom McLain, John S. Camfield, James W. Lankford. CORPLS.— Eugene P. James, James M. McClure, John S. HiU, WiUiam C. Adkins, George W. Allen, Henry Hoops, Robert Davenport, Thos. M. Dobbs, Alex. CampbeU, Sam H. Mansfield, Aaron S. Robertson. MUSICIAN— Williara J. Lovels. AVAGONER— James Jlnklns. PRIVATES — John L. Barrow, John Bargar, Joseph W. Bowen, Jerry M. Bowlin, Jorden Bowlin, Thomas Devenport, Thomas J. Ergler, Geo. W. Ellison, William Espy, Jaraes Grigsby, Daniel Grant, Allen Hill, John W. Hunt, Azaria'h J. Honerton, Ben P. .Klmmel, Ben D. Lankford, WUUara G. Morrison, William E. Masters, Richard McClure, Amos Russ, Nuraan Rickets, Samuel J. Robertson, Philip Roney, Daniel Shirley, Isaac Summer, William Terrence, Henry Vaught, Alexander Willson, Patrick Walters, Levi Arnold, John D. Arnold, Martin Blake, Joseph M. Carr, James H. Camfield, John Cox, William C. Harris, Levi J. Hun ter, James HUl, Jacob KiUmore, Jas. A. Morrison, William S. Mauzey, WUUam E. Robinson, James Uzell, WUliam Whitney, Wm. B. Wise, William W. Clifford, John H. Durham, Richard Johnson, James White- house, John Wood, John A. Adcock, Alex. Grant, Robert S. Graham, A. R. KiUmore, Jacob Lewers, Thomas Phipps, AUen Rickets, King D. Short, James A. Stinson, R. V. Valandingham, B. Y. Vaught, Thomas J. Collins, Matthew W. Freeman, Ira Camfield, Elias Hill. Company " K." CAPTAINS— Martin Jefferson Roark, Columbus M. Martin, Wash. C. Shannon. 1st LIEUT.— James L. Roark. 2d LIEUT.— Green B. Eades. SERGTS.— KInchen L. Terry, Thos. McDonald, Augustus Lewis! Wra. H. Martin, Julius Vincent, James N. CampbeU. CORPLS -Zach ariah StovaU, John B. BlackweU, Seth Beasley, Robert H. Tolbert, Sam uel M. Pace, John A. Williams, William H. Hughes, Joseph L Vick, Thomas H. Turner. WAGONER— John E. Gibbs. MUSICIAN— Sidney P. Walker.PRIVATES— James A. Allen, Alexander B. CoK, Lewis Dwyer, Chas. B. Eades, W. Henry Gossett, WiUiam R. Hayes, WiUoby P HUl Ken yon Harper, Thomas Lo-«-eU, Wra. J. Letchford, WUUam J. Lamb Jno W. Mathis, Jr., Anderson P. MUler, Nathan G. Neeley, John L Neeley Arington W. Gates, Wm. D. Gates, Chas. H. Gates, Lamberton Gates' Michael Shanks, Green B. Stewart, Louis Stanly, John A Stanley Richard Turner, Thomas J. Turner, Agel M. Terry, RUey Tyson Silas Twelfth Kentucky Infantry. 389 Tyson, James A. Warner, William A. WiUiams, Alexander H. Williams, Thomas M. WUcox, George B. Blackwell, Robert P. Bell, WUliam L. Clark, Porter H. Calvert, GranvUle Corley, WUliam Forrester, Joseph H. Hayes, James H. Latham, James S. Lewis, Henry C. McCrackln, WUliam W. Gates, George L. Gates, Wm. A. Randolph, James H. Stewart, James Tyson, John G. Alien, George W. Buchannan, Zepha niah Ball, John B. Bailes, James Crall, George B. Chandler, John Cobb, Richard Hany, Timothy Harper, James R. Hayes, Colum'bus A. Har ris, James D. Ingram, Doctor P. Johnson, Philip Mercer, Bennett Mer cer, WilUam M. McDonald, Henry H. Neeley, Jacob Shanks, Jesse Shanks, Isaac Shanks, John B. Staples, John A. Strader, WilUam Tay lor, Winchester W. Utley, Richard Williams, Henry Whanger, John R. Wells, George H. Tooley, John Livingston, Thomas B. Harrison, RUey R. Cobb, John W. Lane, Mathew N. Lanford, William Stewart, Benja min Stewart, John Willis. Tv^elfth Kentucky Infantry. In September, 1861, the organization of the 12th Ky. Volunteer Infantry was commenced. Company A under Capt. C. C. Ham, and 1st Lieut. E. F. Hays and 2d Lieut. Samuel Tomlinson, was mustered into service by Gen. Geo. H. Thomas at Camp Dick Robinson. A short time after this it moved to the Cumberland river, near Waits- boro, Pulaski county, where the other companies which had been recruited in the counties of Pulaski, Wayne, Clinton, Russell and Cumberland assembled, and form ally organized the regiment in October, 1861. Col. Wm. A. Hoskins was the leader under whose call the com panies were recruited, and the first camp of the regiment was on the Cumberland river, and was called Camp Hos kins. He was an officer of fine appearance and soldierly qualities. His regiment became devotedly attached to him and he made it conspicuous for its good discipline and efflciency. The first movement of the regiment was early in No vember, 1861. It was sent with the 3d Ky. Infantry, under Col. Bramlette, upon an expedition into the counties of Wayne and Clinton, south of the Cumberland river. Very soon afterward the 12th was dispatched to Mill Spring to protect that section from marauding bands which claimed to belong to Zollicoffer's command. The object being accomplished, the regiment returned to its camp. Twice on its way it was drawn up in line of battle to defend itself against the advance of Zollicoffer's troops, who were in hot pursuit, they having been at Monticello, eight miles distant, while the 12th was at Mill Spring. On the 2d of December, 1861, Zollicoffer appeared on the south bank of the Cumberland, opposite Camp Hos- 390 Union Regiments of Kentucky. kins, and began throwing shells over the river into the camp. To this the'12th promptly responded with its own battery, which was a little howitzer presented to the reg iment by Gen. Nelson. It was mounted on two wheels and was draAvn by the men. The gun was a great pet with the men. They carried it with them until the regi ment reached Nashville, in the spring of 1862; there it was turned in and was placed on the ramparts of the capitol. The shelling caused the abandonment of Camp Hoskins. The 12th fell back about three miles, where it met a force under command of Gen. Schoepf. In a short time all these troops made a night march to Somerset, where others were encamped, all under command of Gen. Thomas. There the 12th remained until about the middle of January, when movements began which resulted in the battle of Mill Spring. In January, 1862, the Confederate forces uuder Gen erals Crittenden and Zollicoffer, occupied an entrenched camp on the north bank of the Cumberland river, not far from Mill Spring. Early Sunday morning, January 19th, the long roll was sounded. The 10th Ind. went forward, then Gen. S. S. Fry's 4th Ky. and 2d Minn. The battle was at Logan's Crossroads. The 12th came upon the field in the midst of the engagement. It opened fire, and as it charged forward across an open space the enemy gave way. The 12th is mentioned twice in Gen. Thomas' offlcial report, once as follows: "At this time the 12th Ky. (Col. W. A. Hoskins) and the Tennessee brigade reached the field to the left of the Minnesota regiment and opened fire on the right fiank of the enemy, who then began to fall back. The 2d Minn. kept up a most galling fire in front, and the 9th Ohio charged the enemy on the right with bayonets fixed, turned their flank and drove them from the field, the whole line giving way and retreating in the utmost disorder and confusion." Up to this time the 12th had not been mustered into the United States service. It was organized at the front in the very field of action, and the exigencies of the hour did not give opportunity for that formality. After the battle of Mill Spring it marched south'bf the Cumberland to the little village of Clio, where it went into camp. There it was regulariy mustered into the service of the United States. In this service it remained until peace came in 1865. After the fall of Fort Donelson, the 12th, with other regiments under Gen. Thomas, marched from Somerset through Danville, Lebanon, and Bardstown to Louisville. Twelfth Kentucky Infantry. :{91 From thence they proceeded down the Ohio and up the Cumberland to Nashville, reaching there about the middle of March, 1862. A week later the 12th took up the line of march southwardly, with the army of Gen. Buell, in the first brigade of Gen. Thomas' division, being the advance troops of Buell's army. On Sunday, April 6, 1862, the battle of Shiloh Avas fought. On that day the 12th was on the way from Columbia, Tenn., in charge of the trains of Buell's army. It arrived at Pittsburg Landing April 9th, passing over the battle ground, it went on to Corinth and per formed its full share of service on the picket and skirmish lines. In one of these skirmishes it captured a beautiful Confederate flag. On the 29th of May Corinth Avas evacuated by the Con federates under Beauregard. On the 10th, of June Hal leck dispatched Buell's army toward Chattanooga ; Bragg, hoAvever, Avho had superseded Beauregard, finding Buell moA'ing in the direction of Chattanooga, determined to go there himself. The 12th Ky. shared the fortunes of Buell's army through the memorable summer of 1862. From Corinth it marched to Boonville, Miss., thence to Tuscumbia, Ala., Avhere it remained until July 10th. It then entered upon the great march Avliich Avas prolonged from week to week until the army reached Louisville, a distance of more than three hundred miles. From Tus cumbia the march was to Winchester, Tenn., thence to Decherd. At Decherd the 12th made a night recon noissance to the toAvn of Altamont, about fifteen miles dis tant. There it obtained information that Bragg's army was bivouacked not more than three miles away. The regiment returned rapidly to Decherd, and with the other forces marched at once northwardly through Tullahoma, Shelbyville and Murfreesboro to NashAdlle. These forced marches are remembered as the hardest the regiment ever made. From Nashville to Bowling Green, thence through Munfordville and Elizabethtown until Louisville was reached September 25th, There it rested a few days and then moved in pursuit of Bragg. On the battlefield at Perryville the 12th moved to dif ferent points with reserves; but though constantly in hear ing of the artillerjr and musketry, it was not brought into the engagement. Bragg having retreated from Ken tucky, Buell took his army again to Nashville, where it was placed in command of Gen. Rosecrans. The 12th was, however, halted at Lebanon, Ky., where it spent the winter. From Lebanon the 12th made several recon- i!f'2 Union Regiments of Kentucky. noissance Avhere danger was apprehended, and once made a forced march to Hall's Gap, marching with cavalry in pursuit of the Confederate general, Pegram. On the 10th of April, 1863, the 12th marched to Bowling Green. At this time the regiment numbered seven hundred. It there spent several weeks on post duty. It was then ordered to Russellville." W^hile stationed at Russellville, Gen. John Morgan, with a force of cavalry, appeared on the south bank of the Cupaberland river near Burksville, Ky. In order to intercept his movements. Gen. Shackel ford, Avith several regiments of cavalry and the 12th In fantry and a battery of artillery, went from Russellville, through BoAAding Green amd Glasgow, toward Burksville. It marched to Lebanon and then returned through Glas gow and Bowling Green to Russellville. In the spring of 1863 Gen. Burnside had been assigned to the com mand of the Department of the Ohio. He gathered dur ing the summer a force of twenty thousand at Camp Nelson. The 12th was ordered to join this force in August, 1863. Prom Russellville the regiment went by rail to Louis ville and Nicholasville. It then marched to Camp Nelson, and in a few days to Danville, where it was assigned to the 1st Brigade, 3d Division, 23d Army Corps. On the 16th of August Burnside took up his march for East Tennessee. The march was over the present route of the Cincinnati Southern railroad. When near the highest point of the mountains eight days' rations were dis tributed, and a rapid advance upon Knoxville com menced. Passing the state line the march was through Huntsville, Wartburg, Kingston and Loudon. At Loudon there was a railroad bridge two thousand feet long. As the enemy retired it was burned. Knoxville was reached September 3d. The 12th remained only a day or two at Knoxville. It passed on up the valley to the border of Virginia. At Watauga river it came up with the enemy; a sharp fight occurred and daily skirmishing. At Blue Springs the 12th was again engaged and suffered loss. Above Green ville the opposing force met in the valley and mutually defied each other From this field the Federals fell back to Bull's Gap. From thence they hastened by forced marches to Knoxville, where a more powerful enemy was to be encountered, viz. : Longstreet's corps, from Bragg's army at Chattanooga. With the utmost expedition Gen. Burnside concentrated his forces in Knoxville. The place had no defensive works, and fortifications were thrown up as the troops came in and took position. The Twelfth Kentucky Infantry. 393 12th was posted on Temperance Hill. Burnside had a force of about fifteen thousand. Longstreet came up very boldly, the cavalry and mounted infantry contesting his approach in a severe battle, in which Gen. Sanders fell. Fighting then began all around the lines, and on both sides of the river, until December 4th. Rations had be come scarce. The troops suffered from cold and hunger. On the 25th of November Gen. Grant won the great battle of Mission Ridge. Sherman had marched from the Mississippi river to take part in that battle, without halting. His troops went into the assault on Bragg's lines, and as soon as the victor-y was complete, Sherman hastened on to the relief of Knoxville. At Sherman's ap proach Longstreet raised the siege, and moved up the valley toward Virginia. The 12th with other infantry followed the cavalry in pursuit. The cavalry and mounted infantry fought a sharp battle at Bean's Station. Winter came on and the 12th went into camp at Strawberry Plains. There the veteran organization was made during the intensely cold spell in the first days of January, 1864. The proposition of re-enlistment as veterans being made to the 12th, to ascertain who would re-enlist, the regiment was drawn up in line, the colors moved ten paces to the front, and those who would become veterans were invited to step forward and form on the colors. Sergt. Thos. Davidson, of Company D, was the first man to respond. For this he was made a lieutenant. Scattering men from all the com panies then stepped forward, and in a moment more nearly the entire regiment rushed to the new line. A feAv days after this the regiment recrossed the mountains. It was a dreary winter march with worn-out shoes and without overcoats. From Nicholasville to Louisville the travel was by rail. At Louisville the regi ment was mustered out of the old service and into the A^eteran organization. The men were granted a furlough of thirty days. They left for their homes the last day of February, 1864. The day fixed for the rendezvous was April 1st. The place was Point Burnside, on Cumberland river, ten miles from Somerset. At this tinie Col. Hoskins resigned. He had been Avith the regiment continuously from its organiza tion. Every man in the regiment was personally attached to him. The day he was to leave, the regiment was formed on the parade .ground. Col. Hoskins addressed them a few words of farewell Avhich brought tears to every eye. Lieut. Col. Lawrence H. Rousseau took command, and re tained it until the close of the war. He was a gallant 394 Union Regiments of Kentiwky. offlcer, always present with his men, and he faithfully led the regiment through many dangerous and bloody en counters. The 1st of May, 1864, the 12th received orders at Burn side Point to proceed at once to Chattanooga. It marched through Somerset, Stanford, Crab Orchard, and Danville to Lebanon; from Lebanon it went by rail, being trans ported from Nashville to Chattanooga on the top of the cars of a freight train. When the 12th arrived at Chat tanooga Gen. Sherman's army had reached Kingston. The regiment, therefore, went on to that place by rail, and from thence it marched toward the front. The first night out, it reached "Burnt Hickory" and went into camp; about midnight it Avas attacked; one man was killed and several wounded by the fire. The next day the regiment united with Sherman's great army at Pumpkin Vine creek, and was assigned to the 3d Brigade, 3d Division, 23d Army Corps. Gen. Scho field commanded the corps. Gen. -J. D. Cox the division, and Gen. McLean the brigade. It participated in the continuous fighting of this cam paign. Reaching the Chattahoochee river the 23d Corps moved rapidly up to the mouth of Soap creek. There a crossing Avas to be made. The enemy held the opposite bank of the Chattahoochee, and had fortified the heights. The 3d Division of the 23d Corps (Gen. Cox), was selected to effect the crossing. The 3d Brigade of the division commanded by Col. Byrd, went forward, and the 12th was selected as the regiment to lead the crossing. In the mouth of Soap creek, under cover of the woods, the en gineers put together the canvas pontoon boats. Into these the 12th was loaded and while the corps opened and kept up a terrific fire upon the opposite heights, the pontoon boats, loaded Avith the 12th, quickly crossed. Forming on the bank as they Avaded out, they rushed up the hill and captured the line of works with a section of artillery. Three men of Company A— Chas. Miller, Jas, Vaught, and Jas. Carter— were the first to seize the artillery, and turned it and fired it upon the enemy. Their names are mentioned in Gen. Cox's offlcial report. The 12th then advanced with the 23d Corps and participated in the battle at Peach Tree creek Avhere it suffered serious loss. In the engagement of August 6th it again suffered, and Capt. Geo. W. Hill Avas killed. It would be too tedious to mention in detail these well-known great battles. The 12th moved Avith the other forces on the grand wheel Sherman made to get upon the railroad, south of Atlanta. It took part in the fight at Utoy creek and assisted to Twelfth Kentucky Infantry. 395 tear up the railroad at Rough and Ready. It suffered severe loss in the fight at Jonesboro. After the capture of Atlanta the 12th went into camp at Decatur, about ten miles east of Atlanta. The in spector-general on the staff of Gen. Sherman made a re port, a copy of Avhich )vas sent to the 12th, in which the 12th was reported to have the best arranged and cleanest camp of any regiment in the army. On the 1st of October, 1864, Hood crossed the Chat tahoochee river, about forty miles west of Atlanta, with forty thousand men. As soon as Hood's move became knoAvu, Sherman started in a pursuit which lasted during the entire month of October. About November 1, 1864, the 4th and 23d Corps pro ceeded by rail to Nashville, to be thenceforward under command of Gen. Thomas, while Sherman, with the re mainder of his army, returned to Atlanta and took up his march to the sea. From Nashville the two corps Avent partly by rail and partly by marching to Pulaski, and were under the immediate command of Gen. Schofield. The whole force at Pulaski Avas 22,000. The troops remained quietly encamped at Pulaski un til the 23d of November. It was then ascertained that Gen. Hood, with his veteran army, Avas moving northwardly and was advancing on Columbia by way of LaAvreneeburg. Schofield, therefore, moved rapidly to Columbia. Had he been a little later Hood would have occupied Columbia and been squarely in his rear, and upon the line of his communications. The position at Columbia Avas held a day or two and then Schofield crossed to the north bank of Duck river, and so posted his troops as to prevent the enemy crossing the river. That night the entire regiment with the 16th Ky. and some other troops, all under command of Col. Rousseau, took position to guard the crossing during the coming day. The detachment held the crossing all day, Novem ber 29th, though under tremendous fire of grape and shells and musketry. On this day, November 29th, the 12th lost seventy-five men killed and AVOunded. Of thirteen of ficers on the field, seven were wounded — Capt. ^McClure and Lieutenants Davidson and Orman severely. At mid night it withdrew and marched rapidly through Spring Hill to Franklin. As Col. Rousseau with his little detachment ap proached Franklin, about noon, November 30th, Gen. 396 Union Regiments of Kentucky. Cox greeted him warmly, saying: "I did not expect to see you aud your men any more." The breastworks at Franklin were built the day the troops reached there, November 30th. The 23d Corps was in the line where the assault fell; one division of the 4th Corps being on the right, and the other on the op posite side of the river. The 12th and 16th Ky. were in the second or reserve line of Riley's brigade, near . fhe Columbia pike and near the cotton gin. The heaviest part of Hood's assault was at that point, and it broke the front line, upon which the 12th and 16th Ky. sprang for ward and restored the line in their front. Other reserves, assisted by Opdycke's brigade, a little to the right, did not exactly restore the broken line in their front but impro vised a new line which they held. This forward rush of the 12th and 16th Ky. deserves particular mention. The uproar occasioned by the en gagement with Wagner's brigades was distinctly heard, and as these brigades came rushing over the works the fast pursuing enemy was close upon them. At this mo ment there was confusion in the line of Riley's brigade in the works. Part of the line gave way, and the 12th and 16th Ky. and Sth Tenn. saw what was occurring in their front where the gin house stood. Instantly this second line shouted "To the works! To the works!" and swept forward with a sudden rush, and struck like a thunderbolt into the works. There they met the enemy; they inside, the enemy outside. Muskets crossed and flashed in each other's faces. Standards of both armies were upon the works at the same moment. . ' Taa^o companies of the 12th, A and B, were armed with Colt's revolving rifles. In this close encounter they were fearfully destructive. The men, who were panic stricken, were rallied. Those Avho stood against the works fired the guns loaded by those behind. The officers of the 12th fought as the men. Col. Rousseau passed back and forth along his line cheering the men. Capt. Brown, of Com pany D, leaped upon the works in the midst of the fight aud Avaived the colors of the regiment. Capt. Crozer shouted defiance to Gen. Adams, who tried to ride over the works, but fell, horse and rider in the ditch. Lieut. Francis helped to handle a piece of artillery stationed where his company was. At no point in the battle was the assault more heavy than at the gin house where the 12th was engaged. Cleburne and Adams were lulled near by, and in the ditch outside the slain lay in heaps. The 12th lost some of its best men at Franklin. Among them Avas Jimmy Vaught, who distinguished him- Twelfth Kentiwky Infantry. 397 self at the crossing of Chattahoochee river. The conduct of the 12th in this battle is specially mentioned in Gen. Cox's official report and other reports, and the prompt action of Col. Rousseau commended. Col. Rousseau says in his official report : "In regard to the officers of my regi ment, I deem it unnecessary to make any remark; they all did their duty to the fullest extent. But I would beg leave to mention particularly the conspicuous bravery and coolness of Capt. John Travis, Company B, acting major; Thos. Speed, adjutant; Captains Brown, Company D, and Crozer, Company C; Lieutenants J. B. Francis and I. D. Gray, Company I. These I saw myself and can bear testimony to their valuable service." The battle being over, the troops marched rapidly to Nashville that night. For three days aud nights the 12th had had no rest.* At daylight, December 15th, Thomas' whole army was moving. The 23d Corps was used to turn Hood's left flank. About the middle of the afternoon it moved in line of battle toward the enemy. As it swept forward, it encountered severe fire from the line of works protect ing the extreme left of Hood's position. At dusk a halt was made, and breastworks of logs, stones and rails hastily made. At daylight next morning, directly in front of the 12th, a battery of twelve-pound brass guns opened fur iously. Company C, of the 12th, commanded by Capt. Crozer, was in such a position it could pour a fire into this battery, and prevented its use. In the afternoon Thomas was ready for a charge along his whole line. Word was given, and the line, as far as the eye could see to the right and left, rose and went forward. It was a grand assault by a line four or five miles long. It was successful at every point. Capt. Crozer and his men captured the battery they had silenced, and the 12th captured upward of fifty prisoners. The 12th had only five killed and wounded. Hood's army was crushed. It fled in the utmost confusion. The 12th joined in the pursuit. It spent Christmas day in camp at Columbia, from thence it marched to Clifton, on the Ten nessee river. There it went on. board transports and pro ceeded down the river. The corps numbered ten thou- * Some claim that Opdycke's brigade did all that was done in the break at Franklin, but the official reports show what has been stated above, and also that Ruger's division, 23d Corps, and the brigades of Lane and Conrad all fought In that break. It required the strength of all of them. Including Opdycke's brigade, to withstand the treraen dous weight of the assault. All of these troops are entitled to the credit of holding tihe point, and far more than is usual in battles, credit Is due to the offlcer In personal charge — Gen. J. D. Cox— who was present throughout where the fight was fiercest and the danger greatest. The battle of Nashville occurred December 15th and 16th. 398 Union Regiments of Kentiwky. sand. Reaching the Ohio, the fleet went up to Cincinnati. From thence the corps proceeded by rail over the Balti more & Ohio road through Washington to Alexandria, Va. This was in January, 1865. The 23d Corps remained at Alexandria about a week. The 3d day of February it went on board a fleet of vessels Avhich lay at the docks at Alexandria and moved down the Potomac and out to sea. The fleet was four days going from Alexandria to Fort Fisher, Avhere it cast anchor February 7th. The troops disembarked at Fort Fisher, which had been recently cap tured, but the enemy occupied a line between that point and Wilmington. Gen. Terry was in command of the Federal forces at Fort Fisher Avhen the 23d Corps arrived. The united forces made several unsuccessful efforts to break through the enemy's line. The fleet also, consisting of a number of iron-clad vessels and monitors, co-operated with the land forces. To accomplish the end desired, a portion of the 23d Corps, including the 12th, was placed on shipboard and transported down the coast to the old town of Smithville, near Fort Caswell. Embarking there the command be gan a flank movement which caused the enemy to fall back to Wilmington. Gen. Cox's command came upon the enemy entrenched at Town creek. He occupied their at tention in front, while a portion of the troops crossed the creek and assailed them in flank. A stubborn fight en sued, in which there was severe loss on both sides. The 12th lost several killed and wounded. It captured a piece of artillery and several prisoners. The gun was captured by Company C, of the 12th, commanded by Capt. Hughes. The position of the enemy was taken, with a number of prisoners. Wilmington was taken February 22d. From Wilmington the 12th proceeded with the 23d Corps to Kinston, N. C, where an engagement was had with the enemy, in which the 12th participated. The 12th then marched to Goldsboro; there the 23d corps joined Sherman's army, which had gone through to the sea. The enthusiasm of the soldiers was boundless. From Goldsboro the march was to Raleigh; at Raleigh, Gen. Grant reviewed the troops. The soldiers of the 12th declared they had been so long in active service they had forgotten how to parade. Prom Raleigh the 12th went to Greensboro about the last of April, and there retnained until July llth, when Twelfth Kentucky Infantry. 399 the men were mustered out of service and started for Ken tucky. From Greensboro, N. C, through Danville and Peters burg, Va., to City Point by rail. From City Point to Baltimore by steamer. From Baltimore to Parkersburg, Va., over the B. & O. R, R. and thence by steamboat to Louisville. The men retained their arms and accoutrements until they reached Louisville, Then for the last time they formed the regiment in line. They marched through the streets to the barracks, turned over their muskets and cartridge boxes and their battle-riven colors, and de parted for their homes. Field and Staff. COLONEL— WUUam A. Hoskins. LIEUT. COLONELS- Laurence H. Rosseau, Montgomery Howard. MAJORS — Wm. M. Worsham, Jos. M. Owens. ADJTS.— John M. Hail, Jaraes P. McKee, Ephraira F. Hay, Thomas Speed. Q. MASTERS— G. K. Noland, Snowden P. Worsham. SURGS. — Edward Richardson, WiUiam H. MuUlns. ASST. SURGS.— Americus V. Winfrey, W. Morgan Pollltt. CHAPLAIN — Lewis Parker. SERGT. MAJOR-James J. DuvaU. Q. M. SERGT.— John L. Warden. COM. SERGT.— Marcellus A. Butler. Company "A." CAPTAIN— Cornelius C. Ham. 1st LIEUTS.— Ephraim S. Hays, John W. Lewis, Thos. Speed. 2d LIEUTS.— Samuel F. Tomlinson, L. C. Waddle, Nathaniel B. Dobbs. SERGTS.— Wm. P. Sears, John B. Cun diff, Parnie L. McPerran. CORPLS.— Peter Waddle, John C. Taylor, Willlani A. Hinson, Marcus H. Singleton, Andrew J. Baker, Jesse O. Wells, WiUiam A. Hudson, Wm. West. MUSICIANS— John W. Couch, Joseph Taylor. PRIVATES— Geo. B. Babbit, Benjamin Boyd, Martin Barnes, Sam uel Bryant, Eli Barnes, Jeremiah Baker, James M. Barnes, Reuben J. Carter, Reuben Carter, James H. Cox, Humphrey B. Couch, David W. Cox, Moses Dobbs, Want Dunham, Wm. Dykes, John Dove, Thos. Dug- gar, Elijah Dykes, Thomas Elliott, Alfred T. Fulton, Jaraes M. Gar rette, James H. Gody, Hezekiah Gunard, Wm. Goff, John Herbert, John Helton, Joseph Hall, James Halloway, Horace Haynes, Benjamin Ham, Wm. M. Jasper, John Long, WiUiam G. Loveless, Wesley G. McPerran, John Mounts, Abraham Mounts, Michael Mounts, George W. Price, Jno. P. Peters, Thoraas Ryan, Thomas Rayhond, Wm. P. Redmond, Wm. Reynolds, James W. Sluder, William Sewell, WUliam M. Sloan, WUiiara Smith, John L. Smith, George W. Sneed, WUUam R. Soott, Geo. Smith, Tunstall J. Sears, Charles Sneed, Jesse Stringer, Jos. M. Turpln, John P. Turpln, William Turpin, Solomon Turpin, Thoraas Thacker, James S. Vaught, William Vanhook, John Vanhook, Samuel D. Vaughn, Hor ace W. Vaught, Wm. Winchester, WUliam H. Whited, William H. Wad dle, Henry West, Geo. West, William P. Whittaker, Wm. Helton. Company "B." CAPTAINS— Joseph M. Owens, John Travis. 1st LIEUT.— WUliam R. Smith, 2d LIEUTS. — John W. Vanderpool, Jasper H. Johnson, James T. W. Barnett. SERGTS.— James H. Whitaker, Forney J. Davis, Jonas WUllams, Richard Bradley, Lewis Wallace. CORPLS.— Samuel Moore, John Bar, Nicholas McKenzie, David Read, Arthur McKee, WUlis Hansford, Henry Glnnis, Simpson Adams. MUSICIANS— AViUiam A. Dyer, Mastin WUllams. WAGONER— Robert W. McKee. PRIVATES— Nathan Arnold, John G. Adams, Willie Adams, James 400 Union Eegiments of Kentucky. Adkins, George W. Burdine, John Barbor, George M. E. Baines, Jesse Bullock, Martin Burton, Jeremiah Baker, Andrew Baker, Starling Brock, Bourne Carmikle, John Chaney, James Cash, John Clounch, Adam Cromer, Leonard D. Cash, MUton Cummins, WlUIam H. Chum ley, Henry J. Dyer, John F. Dyer, Logars Deboard, Shadrick Estep, Eli jah Grider, James J. Goff, Thoraas IJansford, Hiram Hicks, Wm. Ho gan, Stephen Hogan, Thomas Hogan, Sampson Hawk, James Harris, Marion Hicks, Solomon Inabnett, Stephen Johnsoi;i, William Johnson, John T. James, Elisha Loving, Jacob Loving, Francis P. Linville, Wm. McKee, Samuel McClure, Samuel P. Moorse, Logan MIze, Thomas Ping, Elijah Price, Boland Pointer, Oliver Perry, Lewis Ping, Wm. Pointer, Nathan Phelps, Jefferson Price, Peter Parkey, John Parkey, Stephen Price, Wm. H. Reynolds, Milton G. Sidebotham," Wm. Stephens, Isaac Seawill, Berry Seawlll, Jno. Stephens, Moses Sord, Simeon Sowder, Mich ael Sowder, Hiram Thompson, John Thompson, Silas Todd, Jefferson Thompson, Josiah J. Vanderpool, James Van Hook, John M. Whittaker, Wm. H. -Whitaker, Richard Woodall, Joseph Woodall, Isaac Weaver, Thomas Whitson, Camel C. Woodall, John P. Wilson, Wm. T. Wilson, John M. Woodall. Company " C." CAPTAINS— Laurence H. Rosseau, WUliam J. Henson, William C. Crozier: 1st LIEUTS.— Israel C. Winfrey, Robt. H. Mullins. 2d LIEU TENANTS — Moses Higginbottom, John R. McClure. SERGTS.— Geo. W. Hill, John W. Higgenbottom, Francis R. Winfrey, Joseph J. Lions. CORPLS. — Francis H. Bledsoe, Isaac D. Hughes, Charles H. Cooper, Geo. M. Beeler, Charles H. Higgenbottom, Northarp Stelar, John H. Goff, Wra. N. Bowman. MUSICIAN— Edward G. Irvin. WAGONER— (Jreen B. Hall. PRIVATES— James D.- Allen, Samuel Anderson, Wm. Antel, Benj. S. Asberry, Henry Beams, Andrew T. Baker, Harrison Blanklnshlp, Byron W. Brlley, Elijah Bledsue, Michael Brown, AUen Bybee, Thos. Burrass, Wm. A. Ballou, James W. Ball, Carter B. Blanklnshlp, Jack son Bradford, Berry Choate, Braxton Choate, Granville Choate, Lot D. Collins, Thomas Cape, Benj. F. Cummings, Wm. E. Cummings, Lafay ette Craig, Green Coe, Eliot C. Cravens, Jasper Ohoate, John Choate, James T. Cletek, Solomon Clark, Jerry Davis, Allen Dickens, William S. Guthrie, Tyre Garrett, William Garrett, GranvUle Higgenbottom, Lewis P. Hopkins, Oliver Hughes, Calvin G. Hughes, John A. Hughes, John J. Hall, John H. O. Hunter, John W. Helms, Chas. Hadley, David Jones, WUson Jones, John M. Kerns, WiUiam Land, Mathew Morrrow, John W. Mason, Loss E. Percy, James M. Percy, Isaac Robins, Geo. Rollins, Albert Rlppetoe, WUliam Roberts, Barney P. Smith, Sidney Spencer, Walton Spencer, William SuUivan, Robert L. SuUivan, James A. Simpson, Thomas P. Taylor, Henry Taylor, Stephen Wright, James L. Wright, Charles V. Wright, Thomas P. Wyatt, Thomas Woodson, Solomon Winnaham, Harrison Westmoreland, John S. Wright, Samuel A. WUbourn, John Wytham, Francis York. Company " D." CAPTAINS— Lewis D. Frogg, Cyrenius W. GUmore, Martin Van Buren DuvaU, John H. Brown. 1st LIEUTS.— Reuben Hurt, Jos. Hurt. 2d LIEUTS— Lewis W. DuvaU, Jas. DuvaU, Thos. Davison. SERGTS.— Michael Speak, George Hopkins, Arthur P. Frogg. CORPLS —Joseph Hurt, Sr., WUliam Tuggel, Samuel GUpin, George W. Smith, WiUiam W. Rams, Archibald Gipson, George C. Wheeler. MUSICIANS— Wm H Stratten, Samuel B. Pierce. WAGONER— Maben Cheek. PRIVATES— Ralph Ashenhurst, Francis M. Brown, Austin Brown, Jesse BeU, Moses Brown, John Bird, Andrew Bird, George Barber Crav ens Bunch, Ralph Bunch, Green Berry Blair, John Blair, Marion Car ter, John N. Carter, Hardy Cross, Edward Colens, James A. Campbell, Owen Coraestock, WiUiara Canlda, Wm. S. Deuwere, Samuel M Dick Samuel Fowler, Mos^ Hurt, Richard Hay, Elijah O. Hopkins, ' Hugh Johnson, Isaac Lesley, Stephen D. Low, Jas. P. Low, Robert Masingo, Andrew J. McPariand, Lewis MasslnglU, Jesse MasslngiU Jas E Mc Farland, WiUiam R. Mason, Solomon Neal, WlUIam Neal, Wilson Outen, MItchel Oliver, Pleasant PUes, Isaac Page, Robert Paragen, Jackson Twelfth Kentucky Infantry. 401 Prier, Henry H. Perdue, Samuel M. Ragel, Lemuel L. Stockton, James S. Smith, Isaac Shelfleld, WUliam Stewart, Ransom A. Smith, WUliam H. Sanders, Archibald Sidwell, John Tuggel, Joseph Tuggel, James Tug- gel, J^mes Whited, George W. Winn, Joel Westmoreland, James West moreland, Francis Walden. Company " E." CAPTAINS-^Andrew J. Veatch, George W. Hill. 1st LIEUTS.— Alzy C. Smith, Granville C. Brassfield. 2d LIEUT.— Milton A. Sivey. SER GEANTS — James M. Vedch, George Vurehet, Ivosen L. Warner, John ' EUiott, Thoraas J. Taylor. CORPLS.— Wm. H. Smith, David L. Veach, John W. Pearcy, Jesse T. Nix, Jas. P. Zimmerman, Andrew J. Creak- more, Chas. Story, Benj. J. Loving. MUSICIANS — Alvis K. Powers, Joseph Loving. WAGONER — Missouri Sears. PRIVATES— Newton C. Avery, William P. Agee, John B. Brasfield, -William C. Bruce, James D. Bell, Andrew S, Curtis, William J. Creak- more, Andrew R. Curd, Wesley Daniel, James Earley, Thomas Elliott, John Francis, Lewis L. Gilreath, Harrison Gronnes, Jas. W. C. HtiBton, James Henson, John Henson, Jaraes N. Laws, Jesse Powers, Jaraes L. Pruitt, James Powers, James Phillips, John Pitman, John Powers, Jos. Reynolds. Isaac A. Story, Miles Selvedge, John Travis, John G. Taylor, Lorenzo D. Thompson, Ellah Terry, William J. Taber, Granville Will iams, Adherban Williams, John Walters, Washington Witt. Company "F." CAPTAINS— W. A. Collier, Wm. Williams. 1st LIEUT.— Green C. Freeman. 2d LIEUTS.— Benj. Martin, William C. Crozier. SERGTS.— Gideon P. Myres, Benjamin H. Sloan, Henry Roberts, A. C. Hatfield, WUUara Freeraan. CORPLS. — Win. Suraner, Andrew J. WUson, Geo. Clark, Jas. I. Neely, Jas. J. Freeman, Henry G. Hudson, Jas. O. Bow man, George W. Helton. MUSICIANS— Thoraas G. Smith, Green Cook. WAGONER— Peter Helton. PRIVATES— Geo. A. Alley, Henry G. Armstrong, Wm. L. Bell, Jas. Burnett, Daniel Barnes, Joshua T. Bohanon, Asa C. I. Bradley, Solo mon Bunch, Henry Blakely, Daniel Bybee, Levi Bowshears, William O. Brumette, Moses Bell, Russell Burchfield, Chas. Burchfield, Jno. Burch field, Bluford W. Brown, Jas. M. T. Brown, Hugh Brown, Jno. Brown, GranvUle Butram, Joel Barnes, Alvadus H. Buster, Sherod AV. Barnett, James W. Bohanan, WUliam Collier, Frederick Clark, Michael Ceppert, Wm. Cannedy, Thos. B. Calhoun, Rotoert G. Covenhaver, Jacob Daney, .John J. Elliott, Bartholomew Elliott, James G. Elliott, William M. P. Elliott, Oliver P. Franklin, Marquis Foster, James E. Freeman, Pat ton Foster, George W. Fox, Grandison Germon, Jackson Gibson, Isaac Gibson, Green B. Gibson, Stephen Gibson, James Griffln, William Hard wick, Rock H. Holt, Granville S, Hopkins, John L. B. Havens, Andrew J. Hardwick, Isaac HIU, Granville M. Hogan, Joseph Holloway, Daniel B. Hyden, William Hyden, John H. Hyden, Joseph Hair, AndreV J. Hel ton, James R. Helton, Francis M. Haynes, David Hill, Geo. S. Howard, O. H. Higginbotham, Thos. Hlgglnbotham, John Hansard, Andrew J. Heath, Taylor Hardwick, Aaron Holt, John L. James, John AV. Jones. James Johnson, Pleasant Johnson, Larkln C. Jones, Geo. A. C. Kelsey. Jasper Keath, Henry Loyd, Jaraes T. Leach, Michael Lay, James W. Leadbetter, WiUiaim A. Lee, Alfred Lowery, Elihu R. Murphy, Jaraes McCoUier, James Meece, James F. Meece, Ira R. Mounts, Isaac Mead- ow^s, Jeremiah Martin, James Minton, John Minton, Robt. Minton, Jon athan B. Minton, William H. H. Minton, Richard Minton, George W. Morgan, Preston North, John L. Neely, Wiley B. Piercy, William Perry, Isaac Phillips, Abraham Phillips, Reuben T. Rains, Addison Roach, James W. Roiberts, John R. Roberts, Jacob Richardson, Gilmore Rey nolds, James I. Sharp, Calvin Stephens, Andrew J. Shoopman, Pleas ant Shoopman, Henry C. Smith, William Stringrer, William T. Side- well, Benj. W. Smith, John Shoopman, Joshua Shoopman, John Smith, Michael Silvers, Calvin Stephens, Stephen Silvers, Dioniclus Slavens,. Thomas Stephens, Joel Stephens, Christopher C. Sexton, William Silcox, John N. Stanly, Richard Stringfield, Travis Turner, Jos. Troxtell, Solo- 26 402 Union Regiments of Kentucky. mon Taylor, Green B. Thompson, William Tucker, Thomas Taylor, John S. Whitaker, Ambrose M. Woodson, William H. Whited, William Will iams, Daniel WUson, Shelly Wilson, John Whites, Thomas Waddle, Jas. M. West, Cyrenius W. Cassady, Lafayette Harris, Jno. W. Hoots, Frank lin Rodgers, Joseph Turpin. Company "G." CAPTAINS— Wm. P. Payne, Saml. M. Letcher. 1st LIEUTS.—Wm. 'W. Bradley, Fountain J. Wolford. 2d LIBUT.^Lewls Irvine. SER GEANTS — Cunningham Irvine, Anderson McFall, James Rogers, Fran cis M. Jackman. CORPLS. — Joseph Dunbar, Sidney Dunbar, Dominlcus C. Brockman, James H. McFall, Chrlsley Simmie, John Bailey, William D. Dross, WUliam Oldacre. WAGONER — Jeremiah Skaggs. PRIVATES — Marshall Anderson, Eason Anderson, William Ander son, Moses Anderson, WUiiara Antle, John Beck, Jos. Beck, Isaac Bur- res, Shelby Burnard, Calvin L. Bussell, Wiles W. Brockman, George W. Brlley, Thomas C. Conner, Merll J. Cain, WUUam R. Cain, Alexan der Crabtree, Jonathan W. Craibtree, John J. Chumley, Bryan Dunbar, Jesse R. Fore, James Floyd, Paul M. Pornsworth, Henry P. Gould, John George, Francis M. Godsey, Geo. A. Higginbottom, Jonathan D. Hale, Elias Harrison, John H. Haney, Ezekiel W. Haney, David Jones, Jas. Keath, Chas. Kean, Thomas Loyd, Geo. W. Lovell, Samuel B. Lovell, James Y. Lindsey, Alexander McGowan, Nathan McFall, William Mc Fall, James Mason, James Melson, Elijah Melson, Peter Melson, Solo mon McFarland, John Oldacre, Elijah Owens, Stewart Pemberton, Sol omon Rlngley, Benj. Roberts, Wm. Rigins, John O. Rexroat, "Wiles Rlp petoe, Enoch Rippetoe, Francis M. Rogers, Geo. W. Rogers, William Sherra, Gabriel Stephens, John S. Snead, Jas. M. Snead, Geo. C. Spoon- more, Welcome A. Stephens, Reuben L. Sullivan, William Sullivan, Sr., Henry C. Sullivan, Thomas M. Smith, Wm. Sullivan, Jr., Samuel Sells, James Smith, Squire A. Wilson, Harrison Wilson, Henry C. Walt, Jos. S. Wooldridge, John Witham, John B. Wooldridge. Company " H." CAPTAINS— Elisha Simpson, James L. Burch, Peter J. Hiatt, John L. Warden. 1st LIEUT— E. G. Jacobs. 2d LIEUTS.— Thomas Ballow, Snowden P. Worsham, Chas. Orman. SERGTS. — Jas. Stacey, Stephen Kinnett, Wm. J. Parmly. CORPLS.— GranvlUe Stacey, Daniel C. Rich ardson, Achlllis Alley, William Wright, Henry MoOart, Jas. T. Warden, John Castello, William Burke. PRIVATES— Jaraes Arthur, Sarauel Arthur, John T. Arthur, Ches ley Arthur, James Atkinson, John Beck, Geo. E. Berry, Geo. W. Brum ette, Benjarain Burke, Francis M. Burke, George Butler, Silas Baker, Jaraes Burke, Harmonds Burke, Granville Beckman, Henry Beckman, Arthur Bluford, Michael CastUlo, James Corder, Matthew Corder, Isaac Clarke, Barney Clarke, Bloomlngton Cassady, Geo. H. Dane, Pinckney Dane, Franklin M. Deavenport, William Davis, Daniel Davis, Madison Delaney, Dupee Denny, Edward Dolen, James J. Davis, Wm. M. Dicker, Geo. W. Davis, John Eller, John Francis, Berry Foster, Wm. R. Foster, Sampson D. Poster, Benj. Franklin, Allen Foster, Wm. Poster, Wm. J. Gipson, John Gregory, Joshua Garrard, Wm. B. Hix, John Huff, Jesse Huff, Elisha HiU, James Hill, Andrew HIU, John R. Jones, Joshua Kin nett, Chas. Kinnett, George Kidd, Joseph Lewis, Edward Luster, Wm. Martin, W. M. MassengUl, Nathaniel E. Mercer, Erwin MlUer, Perry Morgan, James M. Newport, George New, Henry New, Percer Overton, Chas. Owens, Bally Owens, Asladden Parmley, John Stack, WUUam Sutherland, Wm. Sloan, Jasper Strunk, Geo. M. Shackleford, Martin Sweet, Othed J. Turner, Geo. W. Turner, WUliam Toler, Bluford Toler, Lewis P. Tuttle, Wm. Walker, John WiUiams, Thomas Woods, Rowan A. White, Andrew Wo-ley, Benj. Whitehead, Barney Whitehead. Company "I." CAPTAINS— John Johnson, John R. McClure. 1st LIEUTENANTS —Nathan Jacobs, Snowden P. Worsham, John B. Francis 2d LIEUT — David Gray. SERGTS.-John Pennington, James G. Winchester, Hud son T. Burk, Hiram. Gregory. CORPLS.-jHenry C. Smith, Lewis. M. Ikodfth Kentucky Infantry. 403 Davenport, John Hurt, Samuel L. Scott, James P. West, Thomas Sow ders, James Zimmerman, John Lockurd. MUSICIAN— Isham Kerns. PRIVATES — ^WUliam Alexander, Jonathan Burks, Micajah Brown, GranvlUe Boyate, John Blevens, Pleasant Blevens, Shadrach Blevens, WUliam Blevens, James Burnett, Jr., Newton J. Butram, James Bruice, Harmons Burk, Benj. Burk, Sr., Robert S. Curd, Daniel Cecil, Solomon Cecil, Wm. D. Criswell, Jas. C. Coleman, Wm. J. Coger, Wm. Davis, James T. Dobbs, Francis M. Davenport, Edward Dolen,- Thos. Francis, John Francisco, Riley Fields, Jaraes GrlffiU, John Gregory, Samuel God sey, Jacob Gruff, WUliam Giles, John Hurt, Da-vid Hatfield, Joshua M. Hicks, James Hill, John Huff, Jesse Huff, Isaac Hicks, Joseph Hamp ton, Zachariah Hampton, William I. Hill, Andrew HIU, Joshua Helton, Campbell Lewallen, Arthur Marcum, James McKinney, Perry Morgan, Harvey McCaughan, Buley Owens, Giles Parmley, AUerdin Parmley, William Parmley, Tilman Province, Shelby Routon, David Sowders, Andrew B. Slaven, Elihu Slaven, Granville Slaven, Ellas. M. Slaven, Jas. Slaven, John W. Slaven, Pleasant Slaven, Richard Slaven, Alexander Smith, Henry Smith, Jr., Hiram Smith, Jefferson Smith, Aaron Sexton, Ambrose N. Stlnson, John Smith, George W. Smith, Benj. Whitehead, Alexander Walker, Jos. Zimmerman, Leonard Zimmerman, Isaac Bur nett. Company " K." CAPTAIN— Joseph Ballow. 1st LIEUTS.— Thomas J. Mercer, Wdt- son Ballow, Francis R. Winfrey. 2d LIEUT. — Edward Dolen. SER GEANTS — Oliver W. Cafee, James Hays, Oeorge Martin, George W. Smith, George Hardick. CORPLS. — Henry Cornelius, Samuel Hardick, James M. Jones, James Hays, Jr., George Marler, John Angel, Benj. Anderson, Andrew H. Vanover. MUSICIANS — Jos. P. Monday, Isham Canada. WAGONER — Andrew Marler. PRIVATES — Joseph Baker, John -Branscorab, Henry L. Buchanan, John "W. Brown, John Brown, Jos. Bryant, George Brown, Gains Burk, Lewis Casada, Francis A. Canada, Jasper Canada, Geo. W. Canada, Blooraer Oasada, Alexander Cox, Jaraes Dykes, Geo. Dunkin, Daniel Davis, Green Flinn, Crawford Foster, Williara Hunley, Jeremiah Hays, Michael Hlckey, Jaraes Hali; John D. Hardwick, James Jones, George Johnson, Wm. R. Kean, Samuel Keath, Sirenus Keath, WUliam Keath, Marion Keath, John Keath, Laifoy Lefoyour, Christopher Lafevor, Jno. Lay, Joseph Lewis, Moses Lewis, NIrarod Moore, James New, Jas. Noe, George W. Owens, Wm. P. Patterson, Harrison Piercy, Joseph Ryon, Nelson Ramsey, Parker D. W. Reynolds, Granville M. Stevens, Job Smith, Robert Smith, Jesse Swan, Perry Strunk, Wm. Smiley, Robert Stewart, Mathew R. Turpen, Andrew J. Turpen, Moses Turpen, Silas W. Troxtel, George J. Troxtel, Burton M. Weatherly, Jesse Whitaker? Charles Welsh, Henry Wilson, Shelby Anderson. Tiuelfth Kentucky Veteran Infantry, Field and Staff. LIEUT. COL.— Laurence H. Rousseau. MAJOR— Sam'l M. Letcher. ADJT.— Thomas Speed. Q. MASTER— Snowdon P. Worsham. SUR GEONS— Wm. H. Mullins, Wm. B. Rodman. ASST. SUIIGEON- John W. Bishop. CHAPLAIN— Geo. W. Johnson. SERGT. MAJS.— Wm. P. Hudson, Isaac D. Hughes, Willis G. Loveless. Q. M. SERGTS.-John B. Francis, Wm. Tuggle, Henry E. Taylor. COM. SERGT.- John Cas tillo. Company "A." CAPTAIN— Wm. F. Hudson. 1st LIEUTS.— Thomas Speed, O. Mon roe Dodson. 2d. LIEUT.— Nath aniel B. Dobbs. SERGTS.-John B. Cundiff, Willis 6. Loveless, William West, Thomas Rayborn, Martin O. Barnes, WUUam Parsons, Alexander Moore. CORPLS.— William M. Jasper, Humphrey Couch, Moses Dobbs, Thomas J. Elliott, Hezekiah 404 Unimi Regiments of Kentucky. Garrett, Horace Haynes, Wesley G. McPheran, Wm. A. Hudson, James M. Bames, James S. Faught, William P. Sayers. PRIVATES— Benjamin Boyd, Green B. Babbitt, William Burt, Isaac Coffey, Robert G. Carr, Elijah Dykes, Warrenton H. Denham, John Dove, John A. Davis, Daniel Dair, Louis Elmore, John Fisher, Wm. Fitzsiraraons, Julius Gosch, William H. Godby, John M. Hartgrave, Jas. Holloway, Jno. W. Hardwlcke, Chas. P. Miller, James L. Mounce, Geo. W. Miller, Danjel New, George W. Price, John P. Peters, Wm. R. Rey nolds, William Sewell, John Sneed, William Stringe, Francis M. Story, John Sullivan, David W. Tabor, Newton Townsend, Benj. P. Thornhill, John Vanhook, Samuel D. Vaughn, Wm. P. Whittaker, Henry West, David D. Butterfield, Jno. W. Clayton, James Dresser, Tho. J. Elder. .Benjamin P. Bggleston, Jeremiah Fetters, Thomas Jolce, Isaac Jackson. Wm. N. Jolly, Barney Kahn, Chas. K. Koch, Ira R. Mounce, Humphrey Roberts, Geo. W. Sneed, Peter Vandermark, Lewell Gates, Robert Dodd, Lucien List, Jarvis Nunn, Enoch Osburn, Thomas Thacker, James Doll- man, Allen P. Fulton, Wm. Hardwick, Patrick Lordon, John Mounts, Joseph Mounts, David New, Thos. Sullivan, George Wagner. Company " B." CAPTAIN— John Travis. 2d LIEUT.— Jas. T. W. Barnett. SERGTS. — John Stephens, Andrew Baker, WIUIs Hansford. CORPLS.— Samuel McClure, John M. Whiteaker, Willis Adams, David Reed, John G. Adams. PRIVATES— Nathan Arnold, Geo. W. Burdine, Jesse Bullock, Jere miah Baker, Edward Burrett, George M. E. Barnes, Bowin Carmichael, Adam Cromer, Wm. H. Chumley, George B. Campbell, John P. Dyer, Nicholas Estep, James J. Goff, Marlon Hicks, Sampson Hawk, James Harris, Jennings Hensley, John T. James, Jacob Loving, Logan MIze, Nicholas McKInzie, James F. Meece, Sr., James P. Meece, Jr., Henry Pleumer, Nathan Phelps, Thomas Ping, MUton G. Sldebottoms, 'Noah Salmons, John Thompson, Jefferson Thompson, Hiram Thompson, Rich ard Woodall, Campbell C. Woodall, Wm. H. Whiteaker, Lewis Wallace, Joseph Woodall, John S. Whiteaker, Alexander Whiteaker, Edward Bit- • terly, Conrad Bollnger, Wm. F. Breckle, Lewis Bolson, Frank H. Cen- tiner, Andrew Frank, John Growart, John Gibson, Lewis Kope, Sebas tian Knobe, George KneUlng, Stephen Lice, Wm.' Quinn, Henry Silver- nagle, Adam Snider, John Shuster, Gjeorge Winges, Milton Cummins, Logan Debord, John P. Wilson, George Hedges, James M. Nutt, Moses Soard. Company " C." CAPTAINS— William C. Crozier, Isaac D. Hughes.' 1st LIEUT.— Robert H. MuUins. 2d LIEUT.— Henry E. Taylor. SERGTS.-John U. Percy, George W. HIU, Charles H. Cooper, WUUam Garrette, Lewis P. Hopkins, Harrlspn Blankenship. CORPLS.— Sam'l H. Anderson, Brax ton Choat, Oliver Hughes, WUliam Guthrie, GranvUle Choat, Francis H. Bledsoe, WUliam H. Smith, WUliam A. BaUew, Wm. E. Cummings. PRIVATES— Wra. P. Agee, Henry C. Armstrong, RoUs Arnold, Charles Allen, Achilles Arlstic, WlUIam Byrge, John H. Bray, Michael Brown, Elijah Bledsoe, Carter Blankinshlp, Allen Bybee, Thomas Bur rls, Lott D. Collins, Berry Choat, John Choat, John H. Goff, Charies Hadley, GranvlUe S. Hopkins, Andrew J. Holcom, John Hopkins, Ed ward G. Irwin, Charles A. Johnson, WUson Jones, Daniel Llnham, Michael Quinn, Franklin Rogers, Thomas Riley, John Simmons, Sidney Spencer, Henry C. Smith, James W. Sluder, George W. Taylor, Charles Tilson, James Walsh, Solomon Wlningham, Stephen Wright, Thomas Woodson, Cyrus Wheat, Ambrose M. Woodson, Francis M. York, Chas. Zach, Quinton Anderson, Samuel P. Carter, Chas. Cunningham, James Flynn, Thomas Gallier, George W. Grooves, Samuel Hoskins, August Hennigg, Nicholas Lott, Stephen Murphy, Eullss Pfields, Chas. C. Petty, John Rlnlng, Ernest Satler, Richard Simpson, John D. Tanner, Adam Ulrich^ Jno. G. Watson, Robert F. Lewis, James Atwood, Wm. O. Brom- met, Preston Baliew, Lafayette Craig, James M. GarrStt, Henry WU son James D. Alien, Bernard Abot, Prank Abot, James Rogers, Isaac K. btlne, Ezar Stephens, James Widner, Williaan Widle, Michael Mur- Tivelfth Kentucky Veteran Infantry. 405 phey, Patrick Moon, Preston North, John Nix, Loss E. Piercy, James M. Piercy, Wiley B. Piercy, George W. Pridemore. Company " D." CAPTAIN— John H. Brown. 1st LIEUT.— Joseph Hurt. 2d LIEUTS. —Thomas Davison, WiUiam Tuggle. SERGTS.— Moses Hurt, John Tug gle, Archibald Gibson, Ambrose R. Hay. CORPLS.— Samuel M. Dick, James Tuggle, John A. Blair, John N. Carter, Reuben T. Rains, Isaac N. Sheffleld, William D. Blair. PRIVATES— John T. Adkins, George H. Buss, Arthur R. Baylus, John Bird, Moses L. Brown, Ralph Bunch, William Canada, Hardy Cross, Owen Comstock, James D. Cooper, Moses Davis, Samuel Fowler, Samuel GUpin, Campbell E. Hurst, Rick H. Holt, Hugh Johnson. Jas. Johnson, A. J. McFarland, WUUam Neil, Pleasant Y. Pyles, Robert Par- agln, WUliam M. Rains, Wm. H. Sanders, Wm. H. Stratton, H. W. San- gresky, Andrew J. Shoopraan, Pleasant Shoopman, John Shoopman, WlUIam T. Sidwell, Hugh Sweeney, John Tabor, Joel Westmoreland, Wil liam H. Whited, Geo. C. Westmoreland, George C. Wheeler, John West, Leonard T. Brock, John A. Baker, Marlon Carter, Wm. Lardg, Wash ington Moss, Abram Murphy, Wm. J. Patterson. Perry J. Steward, Jas. Whited, George P. Barber, John Dyer, Isaac Leslie, William Otter, Geo. W. Wynn, E. P. Waldon, Franklin Fewbush, Washington King. Company " E." 1st LIEUT.— Thomas Davison. 2d LIEUT.— Milton A. Sweey. SERGTS.-John Elliott, Thomas Elliott, Charles N. Story. PRIVATES— George W. Burchett, George G. Crow, John J. Elliott, James W. C. Hudson, John O. Henson, Jaraes T. Leach, John McWil liams, John C. Oliver, Isaac A. Story, Elijah Terry, James Welch, Benja min M. Gilreath, James M. Henson, William Foster, John Johnson, Moses Lapolt, Jesse T. Nicks, Alvice K. Powers, John Pittman, Joseph Reynolds, Charles L. Taylor, William Taylor, John Thompson, James -Welch, Mehan Williams, John B. Wise, Company "F." CAPTAIN— William Williams. 1st LIEUT. — George W. Clarke. SERGTS.— Andrew J. WUson, Green Cook, Joel Barnes, WUliam Sum ner, John Burchfield, Henry Roberts. CORPLS. — John W. Jones, Jacob Richardson, Monroe Masterson, Francis M. Haynes. PRIVATES— Sherrod W. Barnett, James M. Brown, James W. Bo hanon, Russell Burchfield, William Collier, James M. Collier, Daniel Chamberlien, Robert G. Covenhaver, George W. Pox, Isaac Gibson, Thomas Green, John H. Hyden, John Hansvard, Ale Hatfield, Isaac HIU, Andrew J. Hardwick, Peter Helton, James W. Ledbetter, Alfred Lowrey, James Minton, William H. H. Minton, Littleton F. Price, Wil liam Perry, James N. Richardson, Dioniclus Slaven, Shelby Wilson, Thomas Waddle, John Whites, Robt. Burchfield, Larkin C. Jones, Chris topher C. Sexton, Calvin Stephens, William B. Brown, Daniel Barnes, Thomas B. Calhoun, George Bery, George Black, Stephen Clark, L. A. Caldwell, Henry Crawford, Peter Cunningham, Henry Dent, Samuel A. Dewringer, John W. Davis, John Donahue, James M. Dance, Thomas Devine, Michael Dwyre, Benjamin Elliott, Taylor Hardwick, George Wilson. Company " G." CAPTAINS— Samuel M. Letcher, Fountain J. Wolford. SERGTS.— Henry C. S.ulUvan, James P. ZIraraerraan, Henry P. Gould, WUlis W. Brockman, Sidney Dunbar, Francis M. Jackman, Jos. Dunbar, Nathan McFall. CORPLS.— Joseph S. Wooldridge, Wm. McPalJ, Bryan Dunbar, James J. Melson. PRIVATES— John J. Chumley, Felix G. Garner, Geo. A. Higginbot tom, James Jones, David Jones, Thomas Lowrey, Elijah Melson, Peter Melson, Alexander McGowan, John Oldacre, George W. Rogers, Will iam SuUivan, Thomas M. Smith, William J. Ward, John George, James Higginbottom, Reuben L. Sullivan, Gabriel Stephens, Charles 406 Union Regiments of Kentucky. Jones, Jacob Lutz, B. P. Lamming, Owen McMannus, Daniel McDon ald, John H. Millen, John A. Millen, John McClure, John McGee, Pat. McLaugl\lln, H. P. Phal, Robert Pain, Jeremiah Saltsman, Geo. Smith, William Smith, Joseph Shepperd, AVm. M. Strother, Wm. Stophman, Joseph Thomas. Company " H." 1st LIEUT.— P. R. Smith. 2d LIEUT.- Charles Orman. SERGTS.— Mathew Corder, Othlal J. Turner, WUliam J. Parmley. CORPLS.— Francis M. Burk, Barney Clark, James Atkinson, George Butler, Samuel Arther, Achiles K. Alley. PRIVATES— George A. Alley, Samuel Butler, Moses Bell, George W. Brummett, Silas Baker, James T. Corder,. Henry Clark, Wm. Ducker. Francis M. Davenport, Sampson D. Foster, Benjamin Franklin, Wm. R. Foster, Oliver P. Franklin, Marcus Poster, John Gregory, Lafayette Harris, James A. Hickman, Wm. M. MasonglUe, James M. Newport. Henry New, Aladen Parmley, Addison Roach, Daniel R. Ramey, Hen drick Sawier, Waran Simpson, Chas. Spynner, Wm. H. Smith, John Smith, James Story, John Stogell, George W. Turner, Travis Turner, Jas per Warex, John Williams, Joseph Walden, William Walker, Thpmas AVoods, John W. Eller, Joshua Garrett, Harman Burk, Granville Beck man, Shelby Coomer, Sidney Coomer, Elisha Hill, Joshua D. Kinett, Jas. E. Miller, George Mathews, John Spells. Company "I," CAPTAIN— Jno. R. McClure. 1st LIEUT.— Jno. B. Francis. SERGTS. —Henry C. Smith, James P. West, James R. Field, Shelby Roaten, Jas. F. Dobbs. CORPORAL— Zachariah Hampton. PRIVATES— William Alexander, John Brown, Joseph P. Bowen, William Blood, Henry Blakely, WlUIam Boston, James Burnett, Daniel Cecil, James C. Coleman, David M. Francis, Joshua Helton, Jas. Hill, Baley Owens, Giles Parmley, Elias M. Slaven, John W. Slaven, Gran vUle Slaven, Richard Slaven, Alexander Walker, James Zimmerman, Newton J. Burtram, Lewis F. Geibler, Wm. J. HUl, Isaac Hicks, Joshua M. Hicks, Joseph Zimmerraan, Charles Gordon, Walter H. Hassey, Mar tin Holln, Pat. Haley, John W. Johnson, Jefferson Smith, John Wood, P. Whittenburg, John Woods, W. J. Worner, Isham Karnes, John Lock- hard, Leonard Zimmerman. Company "K." 1st LIEUTENANT— Francis R. Winfrey. 2d LIEUTENANT- Ed ward Dolen. SERGTS.— Henry Cornelius, Moses G. Lewis, James M. Jones, Granville M. Shepherd, Mathew R. Turpln. CORPLS. — Moses Turpen, Burton M. Weatherby, Michael Lay, James M. Hays, Andrew H. Vanover. PRIVATES— Geo. W. Canada, Jasper Canada, Oliver W. Chafee, Jas. Dykes, Jacob E. Dancey, Green Flinn, John W. Hoots, George A. Kel- eie, Christopher C. Lafever, Elihue R. Murphey, Andrew Marler, Geo. Marler, Thomas Ryan, Joseph M. Turpen, John P. Turpen, Joseph F. Turpen, Green B. Thompson, Benjamin Anderson, Lewis Cassada, John Branscorab, Joseph P. Monday, Isom Canada, Daniel Godsey, George W. Hardwick, Granville M. Hogan, Jereralah Hays, John Hornbrook, Samuel Keath, Richard Keath, Joseph Ryan, Benjamin W. Smith, Jesse D, Swain. Thirteenth Kentucky Infantry. 407 Thirteenth Kentucky Infantry. In the southern and southeastern part of Kentucky at the beginning of the war, were a number of infiuential men, who were destined to play an important part iu the great struggle. Among them may be named the Hob- sons, E. H. Hobson, of Greensburg, A. G. Hobson, of Bowl ing Green, and W. E. Hobson, son of the latter. The 13th Ky. Infantry was raised in the fall of 1861, by Col. E. H. Hobson, assisted by W. E. Hobson, who became its colonel when E. H. Hobson was pipnfoted' to brigadier- general. While A. G. Hobson did not go into the field, he was very active in the wopk^f organizing Union regi ments. He was associated/iu this work AA'ith the promi nent men of the state, ^aleeting them at Louisville and other places in the summer of 1861, and assisting not only by his infiuenc^and counsel, but by his means in the procurement of a^ms. . He was appointed by the State Military Board, paymaster and mustering officer, with rank of major, andlhis duties gaused him to be in con sultation with the vgrioii^ military officers, including Generals Sherman, Nelson and Buell. When the Con federates retired from Kentucky in February, 1862, Maj. A. 'G. Hobson went with Buell's army and in the move ment against Corinth was aid on the staff of Gen. Beatty. From that place he returned to Bowling Green and began to raise a regiment, the 33d Ky. Later he and his younger son Jonathan, both accompanied Gen. Buell on his march to Louisville and Perryville, acting on his staff. He was also associated with Gen. Rosecrans, until July, 1863, when he was commissioned Provost Marshal by Secy. Stanton, in which capacity he acted until October, 1865. This brief personal mention is here made as it is due to one who was so serviceable to the Union cause. The 13th Infantry being raised by Col. E. H. Hobson, and led during most of its career by Col. W. E. Hobson, was known as Hobson's regiment. The men came prin cipally from the counties along Green river. Green, Met calfe, Barren, Warren and others adjoining. Before they were mustered into service they were en gaged in active duty for the protection of the part of the state where it was raised. The following extract from a communication from Gen. Sherman at Lbuisville to Gen. Boyle at Lebanon, dated November 5, 1861, shows the importance of the Union troops in that section: Push your organization and do not allow any of your regiments to engage In any marauding expeditions. It would be better for them to be united in one body, though I suppose enlistments would be delayed by 408 Union Regiments of Kentucky. concentration. Gen. Ward is here and exhibits an appointment as brigadier-general, and calls my attention to the fact that in his absence Col. Hobson is entitled to command. The great importance of forming your Kentucky regiments will force rae to allow Gen. Ward to resume his command, and I beg you will push the formation of your regiments. The force under Harlan, Ward and Grider should be sufflcient ,to pre vent any movement from Green river toward Thomas, and that is fill I design during' the process of formation. The early organization of Hobson's men is shown by the communication of a Confederate major to Gen. Hind- man, October 2Sth, saying Hobson's men are at Greens burg. The 13th Avas mustered into service December 10, 1861, at Camp Hobson, near Greensburg, by Qapt. S. M. Kellogg. From Kentucky it marched to Nashville after the fall of Donelson, and from thence proceeded with Buell's army to Pittsburg Landing. In the battle of Shiloh the 13th was iu Crittenden's division, Boyle's brigade. Gen. Boyle's brigade con sisted of the 13th and 9th Ky., 19th and 59th Ohio. He says, in his report, that he disembarked his four regi ments at Pittsburg Landing the night of the 6th, and formed in rear of Gen. Nelson's line. Next morning at 5 o'clock, he formed on the right of Nelson. Marching steadily forward the enemy was encountered and heavy fighting began. He thus speaks of the 13th : "The 13th, led by Col. Hobson in a gallant charge upon the enemy, drove them back with great slaughter, forcing them to desert their guns. In this charge Col. Hobson and Maj. Hobson, acting lieutenent-colonel, and Capt. Fowler, act ing major, and acting Adjt. Stewart, behaved with great coolness and courage, and with the exception of a recoil caused by a portion of Wisconsin troops breaking through their lines, creating some disorder, they steadily led their brave men forward, driving the enemy before them, Maj. Hobson had his horse shot dead under him." Gen. Crittenden mentions the 13th in the following terms : "M^hen the change was ordered, I dispatched Capt. Starling to bring up Hobson's regiment, the 13th Ky., to the support of the llth Brigade; this regiment came promptly and in good order, in time to share the perils and honors of the charge." Col. Hobson says: "During the whole day's engagement the men tinder my command acted with the utmost coolness an'd gallantry." He men tions Maj. W. E. Hobson, Capt. D. T. Towles, also Sur geons Moore and Ingram. The casualties were eight killed and forty-one wounded. From the field of Shiloh the 13th marched with the army to Corinth, and after the Federal occupation of Thirteenth Kentiwky Infantry. 409 that place, it marched with Buell's army by way of luka, Florence, Tuscumbia and Huntsville to Sequatchie Val ley, during the summer of '62. When Bragg moved to Kentucky, the 13th ac companied Buell's army, aud marched by way of Nash- Tille, Bowling Green, Munfordville to Louisville, and out to Perryville. Being with Crittenden's corps on that fleld it did not get into the engagement, but pursued -Bragg out of the state. After Buell's retirement from Kentucky, the 13th was field in the state on duty at various points. In the organ ization of the Army of Kentucky, December, 1862, it was with a brigade consisting of seven regiments and two bat teries commanded by Col. E. H. Hobson, at Munfordville, the regiment being in charge of Maj. W. E. Hobson. From that place it moved in January, 1863, in pursuit of Mor gan. It remained on guard duty in Kentucky through the winter and spring of 1863; on the 13th of March, Col. E. H. Hobson was promoted to brigadier-general and from that time he was employed in charge of troops in Ken tucky. Maj. W. E. Hobson was commissioned lieutenant- colonel February 15, 1863, and colonel March 13th, being at that time nineteen years of age, and it is said the youngest colonel in the service. It may be here stated that he had acquired a military training by command ing, as captain, a military company at the time the war commenced. Capt. B. P. Estes was made major Feb ruary 15th, and lieutenant-colonel May 15th. Capt. John P. Duncan was promoted major March 25th. The 13th was kept on duty in Kentucky at Munford ville and other places in the summer of 1863, until Gen. Burnside organized his force for the East Tennessee ex pedition. It was then placed in the 2d Brigade of Gen. Julius White's division, and marched through the moun tains of Kentucky to East Tennessee. The following extract from a published account gives a graphic picture of the services of this regiment on this campaign : In the summer his (Hobson's) regiment was connected with the East. Tennessee campaign, and at Loudon was stationed to guard the crossings of the Tennessee river. When Longstreet advanced upon the place In overwhelming numbers. Col. Hobson was selected to cover the retreat of Burnside upon Knoxville. At Huff's Ferry he encountered Longstreet's advance, and heroically fought for several hours, losing forty-one men, and staying the advance until the Union retreat was secure. For this exploit the colonel received the thanks of Gen. Bum- side, and was regarded as the "hero of Huff's Ferry." At Campbell's Station he was put in command of the 2d Brigade and ordered to cover the retreat of the entire army upon KnoxvUle, receiv ing his instructions personaUy from Gen. Burnside. Sd skillfully was this duty performed that he received the personal thanks of the general. 410 Union RegimenU of Kentucky'. During the siege of Knoxville Col. Hobson distinguished himself in com mand if his brigade, eliciting the highest encomiums for his skUl anji bravery. When the active service was over in East Tennessee, the 13th remained in camp until the opening of the spring of 1864. It then marched to Chattanooga and in May- united with Gen. Sherman's army in the Atlanta cam paign. It was then in the 1st Brigade, of Hascall's divi sion, 23d Army Corps, Gen. Schofield. Until June the regiment was under the command of Col. W. E. Hobson, when he was placed in command of the brigade and the regiment was led by Lieut. Col. Estes. It bore a gallant part in this great campaign, being at Resaca, Dallas, Cassville, Allatoona, Kennesaw, and all the battles around Atlanta, going on the grand movement south of the city to Jonesboro and Lovejoy. , The following extract from the published account al ready used, shows the movements of the 13th and the bri gade to which it belonged: in all the battles of Sherman's Georgia campaign, from Buzzard's Roost and Resaca, Col. Hobson took a conspicuous part, and brought his command to a high state of perfection in drill and discipline. Near Kennesaw he was put in command of the 2d Brigade of the 2d Division, which position he now occupies. Nobly has this brigade and Its com mander borne their parts through the June and July battles. It is in- ' deed a proud privilege to write In reference to the noble Kentucky regi ments now before Atlanta, and we shall endeavor to resume our nar rative when we have collected the facts. All have distinguished them selves on every battlefield. They are Kentucky names, and we love to repeat them; they are heroes and we are proud of them; they are patriots and we honor them. After the fall of Atlanta the i3th was ordered to Ken tucky. It went on duty at Bowling Green and Col. Hob son commanded the post. It so continued until in Jan uary, 1865, when it was ordered to Louisville and was mustered out of service, January 12, 1865. The following extract from a letter written by Gen. .Julius White after the war, shows his estimate of this excellent and faithful regiment: I have commanded during the -war some sixty regiments of infantry, and among them all there was not o;ie better, if as good, as the 13th Ky. Not only was that regiment wholly reliable during an engagement (for they were always as brave as the bravest), but in camp, on the march, on all occasions and everywhere, that regiment could be depended upon for the prompt performance of every duty. The country owes the 13th Ky. a heavy debt of gratitude for its lofty patriotism and unyielding courage and endurance. Note.— Gen. E. H. Hobson, the original colonel of the 13th, being early promoted brigadier-general, was kept on duty much of the time In Ken tucky. One event in his service deserves special note. When Morgan came into Kentucky, July, 1863, on the raid which extended across the Ohio river. Gen. Hobson endeavored to intercept him at Lebanon. When he reached that point, however, Morgan had passed. The commands of Thirteenth Kentucky Infantry. 411 Hobson, Shackelford and Wolford arrived at Lebanon July 6th, and that day started in pursuit of Morgan, in obedience to the following or der: Cincinnati, Ohio, July 6th, 4:30 p. ra. General Hobson: It is reported that a small portion of Morgan's command was at Harrodsburg this morning, but the main body went from Springfleld in the direction of Bardstown. You will combine the commands of Gen. Shackelford and Gen. Wolford, and, after ascer taining as near as possible, the direction of Gen. Morgan's route, you will endeavor to overtake him or cut him off. Please telegraph at once the composition of your own brigade, and also that of Shackelford and Wolford. You are authorized to subsist your command upon the coun try, and irripress the necessary horses to replace the broken down ones. This should be done in a regular way. Morgan ought to be broken to pieces before he gets out of the state! Answer at once. A. E. Burnside, Major-General. Gen. Hobson, in his report, says he took command of the entire force upon receipt of this order. July Tth he reached Bardstown. July 10th he was across the Ohio at Brandenburg. The pursuit went on through Indiana and Ohio, until Morgan was captured by these pursuers July 26th. He expresses his thanks to the offlcers and enlisted men of his command "for their untiring energy and cheerfulness during the long and tedious march of over 800 railes, being in the saddle raost of the time for twenty-one days and nights, deprived of sleep and often on short rations, yet they were ever eager to be moving. They deserve, and will receive, the thanks of a grateful people." (See also accounts of 1st, Sth, 9th and 12th Ky. Cavalry.) Field and Staff. COLONELS— Edward H. Hobson, William E. Hobson. LIEUT. Cols. — John B. Carlisle, Benjamin P. Estes. MAJOR — John P. Duncan. ADJTS.— Wm. W. Woodruff, John S. Butler, George W. Flowers. Q. MASTERS— Wm. B. Craddock, Gann M. Sraith. SURGEON— Charles D. Moore. ASST. SURGS.— Isaac G. Ingram, Edward S. Cooper, Plaviu J. Taylor. CHAPLAINS— Isaac W. Emmerson, Wm. C. Johnston, John R. Barbee. SERGT. MAJS.— Joshua Butler, WUUam Stewart. Q. M. SERGT.— John S. MiUer. COM. SERGTS.— WiUiam C. PoUey, Abraham Choplins. HOSPITAL STEWARD- Francis M. Harvey. PRINCIPAL MUSICIAN— William E. Pedigo. Company "A." CAPTAINS— David T. Towles, George W. Thompson. 1st LIEUT.— Newbury G. Forbis. 2d LIEUTS.— Berry M. Webb, -WUUam L. Despain, Abrahara Chapllne. SERGTS.— Richard J. Wade, WiUiam F. Perkins, Royal S. Perkins, Richard A. LUe, Abraham Russell, Franklin G. Towles, Samuel M. LUe, Jonathan Hawks, WUliam Wallace. CORPLS. — John Underwood, Ellja Berry, Carapbell Judd, John M. Hunt, John Walker, Greenbury Underwood, Shephard G. Davis, Jaraes G. Milbey, James B. Sherley, Jr., Robert A. Scott. WAGONER— John V. Martin. PRIVATES— Voluntlne C. Arnett, James P. Arnett, WilUam N. Ben nett, Samuel Bennett, Hiram Bell, Harvey Bishop, Henry R. Bishop, David T. Curie, William Clare, AVashlngton Cook, Johnson Cook, Thoraas J. Curry, Joseph V. Elmore, Reuben H. Houk, Levi Jeffries, Jasper N. Lobb, Demarquis Lobb, WUUam H. Lile, Jesse H. MItchum, WUiiara Moran, Dudley L. McAfee, Jesse M. Phillips, George W. Ray, John P. Ray, Jefferson J. Russell, David W. Roralne, Michael Shelffett, William B. Sherrell, John M. Thoraas, Hiram Underwood, Jr., Hiram Underwood, Sr., Thomas Warren, William Akrldge, Joel M. Curry, William T. Fryar, Hugh Hudgen, James T. Lobb, Francis M. Lobb, Henry Martin, Francis C. Martin, William McKinny, Joab Russell, John T. Skaggs, WUliam C, Wright, Miller R, Neagle, WUUam L. Young, James N. Ward, William 412 1 Union Eegiments of Kentucky. Bell, Charles Corum, Edward Laremore, Reuben Lobb, Elum Milley, James Milley, Andrew A. Neagle, Orzlous M. Noe, AVUliam D. Oakes, Thomas Underwood, William Underwood, James T. Lobb, Richard Sut ton, Henry P. Shofner, William C. ToUey, James T. Young, John P. Bennett, Ishara H. Curry, David P. Curry, John Campion, John P. Davis, George R. Erwin, Mansfield Erwin, Robert Erwin, Richard W. Hudgen. James S. Hudgen, James B. Hazelle, Samuel Houk, James P. Lile, Lewis B. Marcum, Arnold Nelson, James Sutton, Felix T. SIdebottom, James F. Ward, Jesse Underwood, Henry Moron, James M. Morry, Josiah Rus sell, Henry S. Arnett, MUton Bloyd, Rufus A. Fulks, John J. C. Gore, Valentine P. Town, John M. Faulkner. Company " B." CAPTAINS — Thos. T. Alexan(Jer, Harrison Q. Hughes, Oliver B. Patterson. 1st LIEUTS.— Nathan G. Butler, WUliam J. Atkins. 2d LIEUT. — James R. Hindman. SERGTS. — John R. Johnson, Isaac N. Williams, WUUam C. Wolford, William Butler, John D. Calhoun, Joshua Butler, Dominlcus ConoVer. CORPLS. — Lewis A. Bradshaw, Henry C. Walker, Silas M. Ray, George W. McElroy, Felix G. Hurt, William Blair. Jaraes P. Vigus, George W. Flowers, Jr., Francis M. Harvey, John S. MUler, James East, John Ross. WAGONER— WUUam T. Staples. MUSICIAN— Harrison J. Walker. PRI-VATES— Wm. T. Acre, John H. Bristo, Peter M. Bryant, John T. Barbee, Alfred A. Briggs, WlUiiam C. Cabell, WUliam H. Conover, Jas. K. P. Conover, George Cook, James R. Carapbell, Charles M. Dener, John M. Dornell, John D. Edrington, Thoraas B. Flowers, George AV. Flowers, Henry C. Gosser, Leslie C. Hurd, Isaac Keith, AVUson Lewis, Jackson G. Loveall, Napoleon B. Loveall, George W. McKlnsey, Charles W. Mc- Kinsey, Wm. J. Moore, Timothy F. Nell, Redman O'Neal, Alfred L. Pendleton, WUUam Powell, MUey PoUey, WaitsviUe Ferryman, Cornelius Ross, Zachariah Roy, Elijah Roy, Zachariah L. Samewell, William J. Shewell, Jaraes A. Sraith, Zachariah M. Staples, Henry A. Todd, Volun tlne C. Wheat, Harrison Woraack, Thorapson Baker, Jrl, Charles W. Burton, Wm. L. Calhoun, John N. CampbeU, John Canton, Thomas J. Hopper, Thomas A. Kelton, Gideon Loveall, Joseph McKinney, Joseph H. Powell, WiUiam W. Page, WUUam C. Roy, John W. Smith, Doctor H. Wheat, William Womack, Benjamin Burbridge, William J. Burbridge, Dominlcus Conover, Thomas H. Cook, Wm. O. Dellingham, Richard Eubank, George J. Hurt, MUton Judd, George O. ']?yler, Morton L. Vigus, WUUam M. Burgess, Henry Burk, Johnn M. Burk, Jaraes N. Calhoun, Jaraes E. Dellingham, Perry Harvey, Josiah T. Hunley, Berry Holt, James H. Rose, Milton Ross, Jones W. Roy, Robert W. Smily, WiUiam W. Turk, Calvin J. Walker, Jaraes Young, David M. Curry, James T. Curry, Hirara J. Conover, Levi Darnett, Joseph H. Lewis, Thoraas R. Combest, Isaac Collins, Samuel M. Green, John Powell. AVUliam Stephens. Company " C." CAPTAINS— Rodophil E. Jeter, Benjamin V. Banks. 1st LIEUT.— Christopher C. Christie. 2d. LIEUTS.— Samuel H. Murrell, Charles M. SaUee. SERGTS.— Patrick O. Ford, Robert B. Steger, George A. Hardin, Williara L. Watson, John R. Cundiff, Robert M. Rodgers. CORPLS.— John E. Pike, Joseph Hood, Horace May, Abner H. Cave, WiUiam T. Buckner, Jones, H. Howard, Shelby Brockman, Samuel G. Watson, Lyttleton M. Watson, James H. Woodrur. WAGONER- George W. Sul livan. MUSICIAN— John J. Robertson. PRIVATES— John D. Absher, WiUiam N. Breeden, Henry J. Burton, John H. Breeden, Aylette Buckner, Levi B. Clark, John T. Chaney, Wayne A. Coffey, Thoraas C. Dudgeon, Robert P. Daugherty, Ben. T. Edrington, Joseph Harden,, William E. Hancock, Creed H. Hatcher, George Hendrickson, Paschal Harris, Joel T. Lee, John M. MurreU, Elihu L. McHarlan, WUliam W. Page, James R. Page, WilUam H. Robertson, Wesley M. Sherrell, Abram SherreU, WiUiam R. Smith, WiUiam G. Wallace, Absalom C. Atkisson, Thomas P. AUen, WUUam S. Brockman, James S. Fobis, WUliam Grant, Jesse Hood, John Harden, Alexander P. Harden, Jordon Page, Ellja Pike, James R. Romines, James Stapleton, Thirteentli Kentucky Infantry. 413 William T. Steannor, John W. Turpin, Johnn J. White, Levi W. Absher, John D. Edengton, George W. Flowers, WUliam J. Moore, Timothy P. Nell, Elijah Roy, Zachariah S. Samuels, Joel Epperson, Robert P. Par- gueson, Solomon Frost, George W. Hancock, Jackson D. Judd, Green B. McFarden, Wilson Pendlne, Samuel P. Pike, Royal E. PhiUIpps, Cor nelius Roberts, William P. Romines, James A. Shepperd, Robert A. Smith, William W. Sherrell, Jackson Skaggs, Thomas J. Dudgeon, Robert H. Cofer, Asa E. Cantrell, Daniel Epperson, John P. Vance, Benjamin Yarber. Company "D." CAPTAINS— Benjamin P. Estes, Wm. W. Woodruff. 1st LIEUT.— WUUara P. Oldham. 2d LIEUTS.— John R. Price, Wm. H. Hall. SER GEANTS— James W. Vanzant, John C. Fletcher, Joseph H. Oldham, Jphn Roe, Jaraes R. Nicholas, William E. GIbblns, William S. Jones CORPLS.— -Wm. C. Demenburn, John A. Coffey, Tyler B. Spencer, James P. Price, Joseph H. Ball, John M. Wilson, George A. Kemp, Joseph M. Demenburn, Charles O. Page, Jesse G. Leftwiok, James R. PerneU. MUSICIANS— WUUam E. Pedlgo, John H. Pedigo, Joseph G. Tarter. ' WAGONER— John H. Wilson. PRIVATES— Nathan G. Dohoney, James England, James R. Fletcher, General Jackson Fires, Joseph E. GUI, Robert H. Hamlet, Sarauel Harbison, SjSencer Janes„ Lawson M. Janes, George A. Keltner, John R. Keltner, Jaraes E. Leftwich, WIUIs McCandless, John McCandless, Jas. L. Moore, Joel O. Moore, Thoraas G. Moss, Thomas R. Price, Marion Rodgers, Thomas Ronamus, James M. Skaggs, Robert G. Vanzant, John G. Vanzant, Jaraes M. Vanzant, Joseph B. Wilcutt, Aaron Wllllaras, WUliam R.. Willis, John AV. Demenburn, Marshall Bragg, WUliam Chad- wich, Thomas G. Coffey, Joseph R. Estes, Amos Eskeer,' Isaac N. Hernlger, Cicero Herniger, Joseph J. Jesse, Avey S. Laswell, Thomas V. Nichols, Joseph A. Norris, Alexander K. Rodgers, Gideon B. Runyan, Thos. U. Reed, Jasper Compton, Peter Compjion, John B. Denton, John H. Deraumbrum, WUliam H. Hopper, Franklin G. Towles, David Ander son, Bartemus Bragg, Charles W. Davis, Frederick Grider, Willis Kemp, James S. Kelley, Blackham Kelly, Hiram Newberry, Charles R. Oldham, James A. Peers, Henry G. PerneU, Henry H. Tarter, EUis W. WIgglnton, James T. WUson, John F.^iiUIn, James Spencer, WUUam M. Sullivan, Harrison M. Stephens. jlT \ z' Company "E." CAPTAINS— yhomas O. M,bore, James W. Woodward, Samuel Bot tom, Nathaniel ^. Twyman. 1st LIEUTS.— Edward P. Allen, Elisha B. Gardner. 2d LIEUT.— Richard Henderson. SERGTS.— Hardin T. Tucker, Elijah 'r. Tucker, jaraes C. Vance, James T. Miller, Robert J. Tayler, James I^Browiij/Avalett H. Calhoun. CORPLS. — George R. Chapman, John H.^WjiararIdge, Richard B. Sutton, Elum Melby, John H. Briggs, Andy M. Taylor, James M. Curry, Daniel G. Minor. WAG ONERS— John R. Syllender, John A. Gavin. MUSICIANS— Louis Freek- ing, James T. Hudson. PRIVATES — James B. Calhoun, William A. Chapman, Richard T. Chapraan, John D. Dobson, Sarauel B. Dobson, Lewis W. Ellison, John L. Ellett, Robert G. Gupton, Jaraes AV. Gupton, James J. Gilbert, James L. Hamilton, Joseph T. Hall, John M. McKinney, WiUiara L. Noe, Will iam Oakes, Henry Oakes, Henry M. Price, Francis M. Price, George W. Price,. Solomon Petman, Starling K. R. Petman, Isaac Reed, Jerry Skaggs, WUliam Schofner, Marcus L. Sublett, John H. Vance, William B. Wouldridge, James L. Akidge, James M. Curry, Jesse Curry, Robert B. Holland, James MIlby, Daniel G. Oakes, John W. Price, WUliam H. Thompson, John H. Thompson, Lucian T. Vance, Rufus Bowles, Daniel P. Curry, Thomas Mllty, Daniel F. Marcum, Andrew J. Sumpter, G. M. Smith, Lewis G. Strader, James M. Ward, Jas. R. Bubb, Napoleon T. Calhoun, WUliam H. Curry, Alfred W. Gaddie, Timothy G. Hay, William J. Morrison, James W. Morgan, WUliam G. Price, Lemarcus R. Ray, Peter W. Strader, Bayler H. Sherrell, Mathew P. Taylor, WiUiara J. Gaddie, Samuel Pitman, John Petman, William J. Underwood, Jaraes A. Wilcox, Jaraes P. Underwood. 414 Union Eegiments of Kentucky. Company " F." CAPTAINS — John P. Duncan, Champness D. Butler, John H. Hazard. 1st LIEUTS.— Robert H. Turner, Luther Morris. 2d LIEUTS.— Holland Jones, Samuel A. Jones, WUliam T. Martin. SERGTS.— James WUson, Thomas, W. Wilson, William W. Martin, William Mings. CORPLS.— Joseph H. Arvln, Enoch J. Jones, John D. Hay, John T. Smith, Francis . N. Hackley, David Marshall, Jesse Loyall, Samuel S. Allen. PRIVATES— WiUiam H. Bright, John S. Chisen, John M. Druen, John French, Richard French, James French, Samuel R. Paris, Robert H. Paris, Archibald Hash, Holland Hedspeth, David Morris, William P. Morris, Holland Morris, James B. Morris, John G. Mings, David B. Mann, John T. Nelson, James Nelson, George W. Parrott, Sylvester Price, Will iam Ratllff, Archibald Ratllff, George A. Rice, John Starn-s, Eastern ' Shipp, John H. Shipp, William Wright, Lafayette Williams, Berry Whif- lock, WUUam J. Anderson, James Cave, Andrew Chism, Thomas ChUders, WUliam P. Dezain, Richard Dewitt, Edward Graham, James L. GUI, Thomas Hash, Woodruff Haskins, James L. Bedford, James A. Ratllff, William SuUivan, Joshua Underwood, Alfred A. Biggs, James Hash, William R. Smith, James B. Allen, John A. Beard, Robert Cave, Richard Coyle, WUliam Dewitt, Benjamin P. Dye, Enoch Jones, Thomas R. Morris, George W. Morris, James H. Sraith, Woodson Whitlock, Samuel -Wright, Nathan Cox, Ezekiel Graham, William R. Parrott; George W. Carlisle, William French, Jesse P. Harris, Cyrus Perrott. Company " G." CAPTAINS— Isaac R. H. ' Caldwell, Samuel W. Moore, Elijah P. Tucker. 1st LIEUTS.— Isaac T. Hizer, Samuel J. Cabbell, Jacob D. Bradford. 2d LIEUTS.— Thomas A. Low, Tucker W. SuUivan, Wm. H. Stearman. • SERGTS.— Benjamin F. Chenning, James L. Eckels, Will iam J. Paxton, Hugh W. Hopkins, Mathew W. Paxton, Wm. T. Wilson. CORPLS.— Mathew T. Rutledge, Joseph M. Allen, Charles H. Picket, Franklin Henderson, Hugh B. Moor. ' PRIVATES— Edward B. Clark, Joseph Franklin, William P. Grove, Francis H. Groves, Abraham Landis, John AV. Lowe, Aaron Martin, WUliam T. Mawpin, Samuel Moulton, John W. Paxton, William E. Pax ton, William T. SuUivan, Daniel Sullivan, 1st, Washington T. Sullivan, Daniel Sullivan, 2d, Benjamin B. Stults, George W. Smith, WiUiam Underwood, Hugh W. Wilson, Charles Wright, John W. Bayley, James L. Despain, George W. Eckols, John W. Groves, Samuel P. Hood, Patrick Rush, WUliam H. Turner, Thomas J. Wilson, John D. Ashber, Abraham Chaplain, Joel M. Curry, Wayne Guffey, Reuben H. Houk, Robert Irvin, Richard A. LUe, Henry Moran, Jordon Page, AVm. W. Robertson, Joab Russell, Charles M. Sallle, Samuel W. Smith, Plavlus J. Taylor, John M. Thomas, Hirara Underwood, Wm. J. Wallace, Wm. C. Wright, Isaac W. Burrles, Leonard D. Clark, Edward L. Eckels, Pllver J. Epperson, Wm. H. Henderson, AVm. A. Hazle, James Henderson, Burrell R. Keen, Tally C. SUnks, Ishbrow Striker, John P. Smith, Thomas J. Turner, Wm. G. Workman, Robert M. Maupin, Isaac H. SuUivan, Alfred A. Burris, Will iam W. Burris, Daniel Chancy, John Keer, Charles McKinney, Henry T. Shaffer. Company "H." CAPTAINS— Edward W. Graham, Wallace Victor, James R. Hind- man. 1st LIEUTS.— Elijah J. Graham, George W. Flowers, Jesse Des pain. 2d LIEUT.— James H. Hagan. SERGTS.— Daniel Peace, AVUliam ' H. H. McClain, J. P. L. McCubbins, William E. Chaney, Colonel Warren. CORPLS.— Leroy Lewis, James H. Despain, Robert B. Town, George W. MlUer, Richard Hudgeons, Jefferson Skaggs, Jesse Thompson WA(}- ONER— Wm. Despain. MUSICIANS— Peter Dobson, Sylvester Etherton. PRIVATES— John Arkridge, Thomas Ausburn, Richard Corum, John R. Clark, Richard Druln, Warren Elmore, George W. Pedlgo, Benjamin Pedlgo, Joseph Peace, WUUam Peace, Jesse Purvis, Berry Reed, James M. Skaggs, James SaUsman, Henry Sallsman, Sarauel D. Underwood, Levi Cravat William Cravat, Thomas T. Davis, Joseph RusseU, WUUam w„v ; ^^^^^^1 ^- Skaggs, Thomas Thompson, William T. Acree, WUliam J. Goner, John N. Campbell, James K. CampbeU, Jeremiah Ethei- Thirteenth Kentucky Infantry. 416 ton, Benjamin M. Golden, Henry Holthouse, Berry Holt, Calloway Hodge, James B. Hasher, Thomas P. Keeton, Penel G. Nance, William W. Page, Joseph H. Reed, Thomas Skaggs, WUliam S. Skaggs, Sr., WUliam S. Skaggs, Jr., Maston E. Thompson, WUUam P. Thompson, Harrison Womack, E. Davies, Robert W. Elkln, Washington Fryar, George E. Golden, William H. Hute, WUliam M. Nance, William R. Pearce, Jose Parker, John Pace, Ottoway B. Skaggs, Elijah Skaggs, Joseph Lee, Sampson Underwood, Thomas Etherton, Robert Etherton, H. Green wood, James H. Morris,. Hamilton Means, John B. Perkins, Thomas Price, John C. Skaggs, Jas. Spurling, Chalum Underwood, Edward L. Vaughn, Napoleon Vaughn, Benjamin Druin. Company " I." CAPTAINS— Charles Stewart, Giles A. Gallup, William H. Stratton. 2d LIEUT.— James M. Bradley. SERGTS.— Joel T. Stark, Samuel A. Wells, Levi Chappell, George P. Dick, Thomas M. Armstrong, Simeon P. Bryant, Abraham F. Kipping, WUliam Cook, Wm. P. Wright, John Stewart. CORPLS.— Thomas C. Townsend, George T. Wells, AVIUIam A. Laurence, John S. Brickey, George W. Tapp. MUSICIANS — Gustavls E. MUler, John Quinley. WAGONER— Harvey Harlan. PRIVATES— Michael Brlstleham, John M. Glass, Thomas M. High, Sandford B. Hisle, Thomas Kiphart, George O. B. Kenneson, James T. McAllister, Charles L. Martin, Thomas Mulligan, Joseph W. T. Norraan, Henry T. Oliver, John Quinn, Samuel Sublett, Charles Slpes, George H. Simmons, WUliam Whlteworth, William Arvln, Clark M. Admire, Lewis Atkinson, John D. Amos, Theodore B. Burton, John W. Bush, Martin Celler, George W. Johnson, William T. Kerlln, WUliam B. McGlnley. John W. Pate, Michael Razer, Garrett D. Stratton, Benjarain Secracry, Thomas O. Swope, Thomas W. Davis, Benjamin Foster, Thoraas Ken nedy, Edward Murray, Abraham Nibling, John Sheridan, John E. Adcock, Price E. Cook, Wm. T. Dagner, John Glass, John Hayden, Francis M. Head, Evans Horsley, Alexander Hatfield, John Hind, John ' N. Judd, John McAllister, Morgan D. Miles, William Morris, Henry NIeman, Sarauel Parks, Francis Stone, David M. Springer, Michael Suttles, Adam Wallace, Henry Cummings, William P. Head, Richard P. Haddex, Albert Martin, Mark Oday, David Robinson, David J. Stone, Robert Schuyler. Company "K." CAPTAINS— Peter S. Rush, Patrick G. Fisher, Albert N. Jett. 1st LIEUTS.—Wm. L. Lee, Joel S. Veluaat. 2d LIEUT.— Charles Mc Cracken. SERGTS.- Joseph ¦ S. Wilson, Josiah S. Jett, Adanms T. Harbison, Wm. M. Bowling, Henry A. Tuder, Ulrlch Bashardt, George R. Suttles, Charles A. Archer. CORPLS.— John H. H. Henke, Harrison Grissom, Joseph G. Brenton, Mathew Wade, Devastus H. Wilson, An thony H. Ball, Martin SmIt. PRIVATES — Charles Ames, George W. Ash, Zachariah C. Bran- steller, Benjamin J. Button, WUUam C. Button, Charles A. Edwards, John M. Fudge, James C. Franklin, John B. Glass, John T. Hammon, Congrave Hoover, Edward J. Huffman, Calloway Hodge, John AV. Jones, Albert Jesse, WUliam B. Kendall, Joseph H. Myers, Jeptha T. Mitchell, Henry "W. Martin, Marcus L. Murry, Jacob C. Mayfield, Isaiah C. Mc Guire, Frederick Nlehans, William M. Nance, Joseph P. Pedigo, Beverly F. Pace, David S. Pursley, James W. Perkins, Joseph N. Parkes, William J. Parkes, Ellja S. Reed, Aaron T. Supplee, George W. Smith, James J. Tudor, John T. Wade, Nicholas F. Whitlow, John W. Whltesldes, John L. Bransteller, Martin Bartly, James T. Baldock, Nathaniel Estes, John Ferguson, John Hicks, John W. Hunt, BarzlUa Jones, James W. Levis, Isaac M. Mayfleld, Jacob Mayfield, Jr., Fendall G. Nance, John I. Pedigo, James Perkins, Samuel C. H. Twllger, Samuel P. Thompson, Madison Wade, Henry P. Ash, John S. Butler, John S. Coban, George W. Harbison, Thos. D. Llngenfetter, James H. McBarney, Leonidas M. Pointer, Uriah G. TUley, Thomas M. Wood, Robert F. Beale, Bollslaw Browniski, John Coon, William R. Estes, James B. Estes, Thomas J. Huffmary, James M. Kyle, WUliam H. Mayfield, Nelson W. Nunnaly, James Rush, John S. Reed, Walter H. Ward, James Witty, David H. Dean, Walter H. Glover, Thomas P. Pedigo, John M. Ramsey. 416 Union Eegiments of Kentucky. Fourteenth Kentucky Infantry. The 14th Ky. Infantry was organized in the fall of 1861, at Louisa, Ky., by Col. Laban T. Moore. Associated with him were Colonels John C. Cochran, George W. Gallup; Lieutenant-Colonels Joseph R. Brown, Orlando Brown, R. M. Thomas; Majors Wm. B. Burke, Drury J. Burchet and Adjutants John F. Babbitt and E. J. Roberts, together with the various captains and lieutenants of companies. The section of the state where the regiment was raised required not only organization of military forces, but their continual presence being on the border of Virginia, and subject to incursions of the enemy throughout the war. The llth was regularly mustered into the service De cember 10, 1861, by Lieut. C. B. Throckmorton of the regular army. During the process of organization in the fall of 1861, the enemy was in close proximity all the time, and the 14th was employed for considerable time in that section. It was engaged in numerous encounters before it was mustered into service, fighting at Ivy Mountain and Middle Creek. It was in the command of Gen. Garfield, who in January, '62, reported the llth as "composed of excellent material, but not yet drilled and disciplined.'" Col. Moore resigned January 1, 1862, and January 6th- Lieut. Col. John C. Cochran was made colonel in his stead. Col. Cochran commanded the regiment about one year, excepting such time as he had charge of the brigade. Col. Cochran was from Fayette county, Ky., and at the outbreak of the war was lieutenant of a military com pany at Lexington, known as the "Chasseurs," of which Senders Bruce was captain. During the winter of 1862 the llth continued on duty in the Big Sandy region, in Gen. Garfield's command. In the spring of 1862 Gen. Buell sent an expedition under Gen. George W. Morgan, to capture Cumberland Gap. The llth accompanied this expedition, and the Gap was taken June ISth. The approach was from both sides, and the llth engaged in a severe fight at Tazewell, Tenn., • in the movement from that side. Col. Cochran's horse was killed under him. Gen. George Morgan's command remained in occupa tion of Cumberland Gap until September 17th, when the invasion of Kentucky by Bragg and others compelled him to abandon it, and make the celebrated march across the east end of the state to the Ohio river. This successful Fourteenth Kentucky Infantry. 417 retreat was one of the brilliant military achievements of the war. Gen. Morgan in his account of this movement pub lished in the Century War Book, says: The Confederates were invading Kentucky in three columns; Bragg on the left. Smith in the center, Marshall on the right. They regarded the capture or destruction of my division as certain. Our situation was in deed critical. We had been three months in this Isolated position. Our only reasonable hope of succor had been destroyed by the defeat and dispersion of Nelson's forces at Richmond, August 30th. We were des titute of forage. The only thing he could do was to abandon the Gap and attempt to march to the Ohio river. Having de termined to do this, he says: , Holding out the idea that we were seeking to obtain supplies by way of the barren wilderness through which I proposed to reach the Ohio, I had previously caused Lieut. Col. Geo. W. Gallup, of the 14th Ky., a soldier of rare merit, to send me at intervals men of his command familiar with the country through which each day's march would have to be made. The information given me by these brave mountaineers was discouraging. But that was all that could be done. September 17th Gen. Morgan received word that a flag of truce was ap proaching; he says: "I sent Lieut. Col. Gallup, with a small escort, a few shrewd officers, to meet the enemy's flag outside our picket lines." While the conference was going on an explosion accidentally occurred in the Gap. A Confederate ofiicer said to Col. Gallup, "this looks like an evacuation"; Gallup in an off-hand way replied, "not much," and succeeded in removing the sus picion. That night the place was evacuated at eight o'clock, and Col. Gallup was left as rear guard, to remain as long as he could, and when he left to fire the buildings and blow up all the ammunition that had to be abandoned. He did his work, joined the retreating columns, and on the 3d day of October the whole command safely reached the Ohio river at Greenup. The movement was one of the most extraordinary of the whole war. The Ken tucky regiments in it were the 3d, llth, 22d and 19th Ky. Infantry, Mundy's cavalry, and Patterson's engineers. The 14th proceeded to Louisville, and from thence marched to Danville. It remained in that section of the state part of the summer, being commanded by Col. John C. Cochran. In the organization of the Department of the Ohio, August 31, 1863, four companies were at Mt. Sterling, under Maj. Robt. T. Williams, being in Maltby's brigade, Boyle's division. In November the regiment was assigned to duty in the eastern part of Kentucky, being commanded then by CoL 27 418 Union Regiments of Kentucky. Gallup. In December a portion of the regiment was un der command of Lieut. Col. Orlando Brown, with a force commanded by Col. Gallup; and another portion was with Col. H. C. Lilly, under Gen. Garrard, in the district of Somerset. In January, 1864, a portion of the llth re-enlisted in the veteran organization. February 15, 1864, the llth and 39th Ky., under Col. Gallup, captured Col. Ferguson at Laurel Creek Gap, and Col. Gallup, in his report, compliments Capt. John C. Collins and Capt. Wm. H. Bartram of the llth. April 13th, the llth was in a sharp fight at Puncheon creek, Magoffin county. April 15th, it fought at Piketon; April 16th, it was at Louisa, and May 9th in a skirmish at Pound Gap. At that time it was ordered to the front to join Gen. Sherman's army in Georgia. Proceeding by rail it was at Cass Station, Ga., May 23d, and at Burnt Hickory, May 24th. In the organization of Sherman's army the llth was commanded by Col. Gallup, in Strick land's brigade, Hascall's division, 23d Army Corps. June 2d, in a fight near Pumpkin Vine creek, Capt. Patrick was killed, whom Gen. Hascall, in his official report, calls "a most brave and gallant officer." In June the llth was assigned to the very hazardous duty of holding the enemy in check while the other troops threw up defenses, which duty it most gallantly per formed. Gen. Schofield makes the following mention of it in his report: "On the 22d of June it was discovered that the enemy was advancing in force; our troops were therefore ordered to intrench the position they held as rapidly as possible, while the llth Ky., of Gen. Hascall's division, was ordered to hold the enemy in check.' This gallant regiment detained the enemy one and a half hours, and only retired to the main line when ordered to do so, contesting stubbornly every foot of ground." The enemy then attacked the intrenched line and was re pulsed. The llth was engaged in all the movements of the At lanta campaign, skirmishing, fighting, charging lines, de fending positions, during the entire summer. Col. Gal lup says, in his official report: "Since the 22d day of June my regiment had participated in all the labor, marches, engagements and skirmishes of the 3d Brigade, 2d Division, 23d Army Corps." Col. Strickland, in his report of the campaign, says the regiments of his brigade and their officers, to wit: llth Ky., Col. Gallup; 27th Ky., Col. Ward; 20th Ky., Col. Waller, all deserve the highest praise that can be be- Fourteenth Kentucky Infantry. _ 419 stowed by language for their prompt, energetic, skillful and gallant conduct at all times and places through the campaign. He also speaks in high praise of Lieut. Col. Brown; Maj. R. M. Thomas, and Lieutenants T. D. Marcum and Geo. B. Patton, of the llth. The casualties of this faithful and gallant regiment in the Atlanta campaign were, one hundred and fifty-seven killed and wounded, including eight commissioned officers. It remained with Sherman's army until Novem ber, 1864. At that time Gov. Bramlette requested that it be returned to Kentucky. Gen. Schofield assented and on the 15th of November it was assiigned to the First Mili tary District of Kentucky. December 5th it was at Bowl ing Green and December 31st at Louisa. It remained on duty in that section during the remainder of its service, engaged in protecting the country at various points along the Virginia line. It was mustered out September 15^ 1865, at Louisville, having been in service nearly four full years and achieved a splendid reputation for efficiency. Maj. Burchett of the 14th was appointed tJnIted States marshal for Kentucky April 3, 18^9, by President Harrison, and he added to his repu tation as a gallant soldier the further distinction of a most admirable civil officer. Col. John C. Cochran tendered his resignation January 8, 1863, which was indorsed by Gen. A. Baird, as follows: "I earnestly recommend the acceptance of Col. Cochran's resignation. He has served well and faithfully and has good grounds for asking to retire." His resignation was accepted with the following Indorsement: "Resignation accepted January, 1863, commanding brigade and relieved from duty January 16, 1863. Col. Geo. W. Gallup was appointed colonel January 13, 1863. He was with the regiment continuously from the beginning to the end. When he was made colonel, Gen. Baird said of him: "He Is an able -officer." His career proved this to be true. He was a daring soldier, but also displayed judgment and military skill. Lieut. Cols. Joseph R. Brown, Orlando Brown, Jr., and Rhys. M. Thomas, were excellent officers. Capt. David A. Miras became colonel of the 39tli Ky. Inf. Among the line officers of the 14th, all of whom were fine soldiers. Captain John P. Babbitt, who was promoted from adjutant, may be specially mentioned. Field and Staff. COLONELS— Labaii T. Moore, John C. Cochran, George W. Gallup. LIEUT. COLS.— Joseph R. Brown, Ordando Brown, Jr., Rhys M. Thom as. MAJORS— Wm. B. Burke, Drury J. Burchett. ADJTS.— John P. Babbitt, Edward J. Roberts, Q. MASTER— James D. Foster. SUR GEONS— S. J. Yates, Atkln C. Miller, Strother J. Yates. ASST. SUR GEONS— Franklin M. Meachan, Samuel D. Richards, Benjamin A. Stub- bins, Cyrus L. Mobley. CHAPLAINS— A. J. McMillan, Robert B. Her ron. SERGT. MAJORS— John Cochran, Jr., Daniel H. Brown, Henry H. Hill, David C. Thomas. Q. M. SERGTS.-John C. Henderson, James F. Dixon. COM. SERGTS.— Geo. B. Patton, Geo. W. Hutchison. HOS PITAL STEWARDS — Beverly W. Hereward, Charles C. Culver, John Laing. 420 Union Regiments of Kentucky. Company "A." CAPTAINS— James C. Whitten, Rhys M. Thomas. 1st LIEUTS.- Wm. C. Brown, Henry B. Erodes s. 2d LIEUTS.— John M. Lowthere, George W. Hopkins. SERGTS.-John B. Grouse, David C. Thomas, Jno. R. Hyatt, James P. Dixon, Henry C. Riggs, John DIllow. James H. . Hackworth. CORPLS.— John Thomer, Thos. Powers, Reuben E. Hack- worth, Noah L. Payne, Charles Thomer, Wm. Taylor, John W. Farmer, Henry Artist, James R. West. MUSICIANS— George D. Arthur, Jos. R. King. WAGONER— Simpson Collins. PRIVATES— Isam Arther, Thomas Arther, Wiley Arther, John Art- rup, Jos. W. Bellamy, Darius M. Clere, Joseph Cheap, John Chaney, Baptist Cearser, Theron D. Cooke, Charles C. Culver, Lewis Dixon, Jno. W. Dixon, Benjamin Dixon, Thomas J. Davis, Robert Davis, Willis Finn, James W. Gustln, Charles H. flackworth, Edw. Howell, Green^ ville Hall, William Keesee, Robert H. King, John Lewis, William H;, Martin, James McCornlck, Richard P. Payne, Jacob L. Price, John Ranseh, Lewis Toler, Alfred J. Thomas, Joel West, Joseph F. Burdette, William Dixon, John A. Dixon, Robert Langhary, Thomas L. Stewart, William T. Whitmore, Francis Artrup, Greenville Arther, Wm. Black, William D. Bolt, Samuel Clark, Frederick Conner, William Curch, Mar shall Caldwell, James Chadwick, Edward Davis, Milus J. Dobbins, Jacob Finn, William Francis, Morgan Francis, Francis Gullet, John Hicks, Elihugh Hicks, George Kirby, Charles Kirby, Valentine Lehnrian, Allen Lewis, Francis Mutters, WiUiam T. Rouse, Andrew J. Rule, Henry Sparks, George W. Taylor, Ambrose Watkins, Henry White, Harman Workman, Gary Abner, Joseph Arther, Thomas Carroll, Nelson E. Cazad, Meredith Dixon, Martin Evans, James Finn, Richard M. Rouse, George M. Rouse, Samuel Rouse, Andrew J. Stewart, Thos. J. Bellamy, WUliam Hood, Charleston Howell, Marlon May, Benjamin Payne; Rich ard Wallace, Jesse W. Davis, John Goolsbury, WUUam Justice, John H. Lee, William Neal. Company " B." CAPTAINS— Walter O. Woods, James H. Davidson, Geo W. Green! 1st LIEUTS.— Chilton A. Osburn, James W. Chafin. 2d LIEUT.— Ralpli W. Wolbrook. SERGTS.-David R. Bishop, Jas. H. Chafin, Jno. Gobble, James H. Curnutte, Nathaniel P. Sanders, Walter O. Sparks, Nelson T. Boggs, Wm. J. Pennington. CORPLS.— James H. Rice, John R. Grif fith, Merideth Ferguson, David L. Sparks, Edmund R. Webb, John J. GamblU, Richard P. Morris, George W. Daniel. PRIVATES— Gatha Bishop, Elephus Bogg, William Boggs, Jr., WU- llah Boggs, Sr., James H. Boggs, Andrew J. Bow, WiUiam J. Burton, An drew Burton, Bennett W. Burton, John S. Cruch, Henry Cruch, Simpson Casteel, William Casteel, Levi Clevinger, Harvey Chafin, James A. Grif fith, John J. Grifflth, Reason Gullett, Wm. H. Gamblll, Jeremiah Gobble, WUliam Gobble, Geo. N. W. Green, John J. HamUton, WUliam R. Hol brook, David Kitchen, Alexander Kitchen, William Kitchen, Sr., Levi Kitchen, George Kitchen, James J. Kenedy, Jas. Kelly, David Lewis, Spencer Perkins, Thomas Prince, Jr., John W. Prince, WUUam Remey, John J. Rose, Edmund G Reed, Allen Sanders, Lewis R. Swan, MUes Terry, James L. Wheeler, Stephen H. Wheeler, Daniel J. Whitley, WU Uam J. Whitley, John Woods, John H. Boggs, Walter O. Griffith, WU liam A. Harris, PhUander Hobrook, Henry C. Perkins, James M. Prince, Robert Rice, Henry Morris, Richard Nolen, Edmund Osbum, Hugh Boggs, Jereralah Boggs, Robert A. Chafin, John P. Coleman, Wm. P. Dorton, Henry C. Evans, George W. Griffith, David Grifflth, Meredeth Grifflth, Henry H. Gamble, Nathan O. Gamble, Jesse Gamble, Claiborne Hicks, Fleming Jordan, Wm. Kitchen, Jr., Jas. Kitchen, Arthur Kitchen, Jeremiah Kitchen, Andrew J. Kennedy, Thomas Mullet, Levi Perkins, MUton Perkins, Thomas Perkins, WiUiam Phillips, David Ross, Robert Ratcliff, Nelson T. Rice, Levi J. Sparks, James L. Wright, Stephen M. Wheeler, David Colyer, Enoch P. Chreech, George T. Chreech, Hiram Gobble, John L. Gobble, Josephus Grubb, Jededlah Grubb, Isaac John- son, Elisha Jordan, John Kitchen, Andrew H. Mustek, Thomas C. Mor ris, Thomas Prince, Sr., William Rice, Jas. W. Rose, George W. Skagg, Fourteenth Kentucky Infantry. 421 Meredith Woods, Emanuel Ward, James H. Hays, John S. Hanna, John W. Pennington, James M, Rose. Jesse Terry, James Casteel. Company " C." CAPTAINS— David A. Mlms, Oliver M. Prasher. 1st LIEUTS.- Wil liam Killgore, David H. McGhee. 2d LIEUT.— Geo. B. Patton. SERGTS. — James C. Ely, Champlain Pitch, James E. Pitch, James M. Turraan, Henry W. Bond. CORPLS.— Alvin Stewart, Richard Wilson, Herbert TUsley, Samuel McCormick, John Plymale, John W. Porter, Paris Steel, James E. Richardson. MUSICIANS— Wm. P. Bba, Ballard Edmonds, WAGONER— Oscar Gross. PRIVATES— Lorenzo D. Allen, Charles AV. Armstrong, William Ar thur, Noah Burk, John Childers, WUey Craft, Sr., Miles Childers, Thos. Craft, William Cavens, William P. Damron, John M. Damron, John M. Davis, John B. Epllng, John H. Harrison, Lemuel S: HIte, Hiram Hat ton, Wesley Kelley, WUliam W. Killen, Lafayette Lovejoy, John R. Laklns,. Jaraes MItchum, Dabney C. Malloy, Alexander McMUlen, Jacob Peterraan, Burgess Peterman, William Peterman, Harvey Runyan, Wil liam Rollins, Henry Smith, John H. Smith, Calvary Stephenson, John P. steal, Ralph Stewart, Joseph Wells, Marcus L. Alley, Jaraes H. Ar- . thur, WUliam Murphy, Reuben H. Rowe, George W. Shockey, John E. Williams, Nathan S.Adams, Isaac Adams, Enoch D. Artrlp, Thos. Adams, Marshall Bellomy, Jesse Brown, Archibald Cole, WUey Craft, Jr., Robt. Craft, John Combs, John N. Dixon, Joseph Dean, John Day, Samuel Damron, James Pares, John D. Fannin, William Fares, William Parra, Joseph Garthee, George Hackney, Thomas Hunt, Mordecai Hensley, Harrison Kelley, Williara Lockwood, George W. Laraan, Benjamin F. Lambert, Alexander Mutters, Martin Myers, Daniel Michaels, James Nichols, Calvin Johnson, Jacob Poe, Fleming Puckett, Richard Robin son, William Robinson, George W. Row, Greenberry Sexton, Jas. Scott, John Snow, WUliam H. Williamson, Harrison White, Henley White, James B. Arthur, Henry Adkins, Wm. Beverly, Berry Belomy, Jackson ChUders, William Crabtree, Ambrose Jones, Lindsey Lambert, Henry Michaels, Jordan Otey, Jaraes Plyraale, Apperson Rowe, Israel Rose, James Robison, Jno. W. Rowe, Henry Spence, Philip Trammel, Jaraes Turvy, James Young, John Baldwin, Andrew Dial, Jesse Johnson, An drew J. Wells, Patterson West. Company " D." CAPTAINS— Thomas McKinster, Charles A. Wood. 1st LIEUTS.— Jno. C. Henderson, Henry A. Borders, Russell T. Thompson. 2d LIEUTS. —Samuel T. Moore, Bluford F. Hale, John S. Thompson, Henry H, HIU. SERGTS.— Lewis AV. Spencer, Joseph D. Moore, William L. BaU, Wesley Moore, Wm. B. MUler. CORPLS.— Edgar Hailey, John Cordial, William Carter, Martin McKenna, Samuel Murray, Reuben Berry, Edward B. Miller, Wra. Z. Craft, William Bryant. MUSICIANS— William Thomas, Anderson L. Moore. WAGONER — William Salyers. PRIVATES— William H. Atkins, William M. BaU, James W. Carter, Henderson Graft, Ralph Cordial, James R. Cassteel, Joseph M. Clark, Abram R. Culver, Dennis Derifield, Henry J. Dannlels, Jededlah P. Davis, John Edwards, Jesse Fairchilds, Andrew J. Freeman, Benj. Gra ham, Andrew Graham, Ira Hale, Lemuel Jones, Edmund Justice, An drew Justice, Greenville Jordan, Jas. H. Moore, Alexander Moore, WU Uam A. Moore, David W. Moore, Frederick Murry, Samuel McKinster, Wra. H. C. McKinster, Robert H. Mead, Cornelius B. Moore, Leander J. Pack, Samuel Parker, Robert Parson, WUUam Sparks, Thomas Spen cer, Lewis Thompson, Samuel Thompson, Jackson WiUiams, John W. Berry, James Boyd, George Chapman, Thpmas Dean, Harvey Delong, John B. Moor, John Rice, Josiah J. Smith, Wm. L. Berry, George Ball, John Borders, John J. Boyd, David Bovins, John D. Culver, David Den- Ifield, Joel G. Edwards, Elias Fugett, Hardin Graham, Perry Graham, James H. Hodge John M. Hall, Jonas Jordan, Francis Jones, Robert Jordan, Jaraes A. Miller, Henry McKlnza, Isaac Pock, Henry Perry, Samuel Rice, Mathias Russell, Nathan Sparks, James Short, Thomas Sherman, Zachariah Waler, Asbury Waler, Thomas Vanhoose, Robert Young, David Ball, Samuel M. Back, Robert H. Carter, Marlal Dowton, 422 Union Eegiments of Kentuch/. Caleb Forshee, Elzy M. Justice, Marens Lamastus, Samuel Miller, Jno. W. Reeves, WUUam M. Rice, Elisha Sparks, Greenville Thompson, Jas. Walk, Robert B. Clark, John Dean, Johnson 'Lewis, Joseph McKinza, Marshall Morgan, Martin Thompson, Martin Walk. Company " E." , CAPTAINS— Archibald Means, Dwlght A. Leffingwell. 1st LIEUTS. Wm. Price, Jas. T. Womack. 2d LIEUT.— Jacob M. Poage. SERGTS,— Gary P. Bat^s, Alex. Johnson, Jas. H. Clutts, Wm. Snoddy, Amos Thorn- bury, Wm. R. Long, Isaac Gray, Jas. D. Foster, Clifton Callihan. COR PORALS— Hugh Darbey, Benj. F. Powers, Hiram Miller, Sam'l Jackson, WUUam Nunley, Hiram Blankenship, James Collier, James G. Evans, Otho Callihan. MUSICIAN— Nathaniel Akers. PRIVATES-WUliam Ballard, John Collins, Isaac Colvert, Charles E. Duncan, George Darbey, William Daum, James Farley, John H. Johnson, John Jackson, James Litteral, James R. Moore, Andrew W. Rule, John B. Rothwell, James Robison, Frank Smith, John Stewart, Samuel Snead, Valentine Tackett, Lewis Tackett, Wesley W. Thompson, Hiram Wallace, George AVallace, Isaac D. Wilson, John W. Wise, John Wilson, Thomas Bowling, Henry Boyd, Jerry Blackburn, Jas. M. Dun can, Colby Sampson, Smith Shuff, Thomas Tackett, Burrell Akers, Jas. Akers, Charles Adkins, James Artls, Wm. H. Barrett, Charles R. Bar rett, Samuel B. Bates, WUliam H. Bates, Pleasant Barber, John Col lier, Joseph Collins, James Davis, Charles P. Davenport, Tives Fraley, Effort Freeman, Isaac A. Gray, Isaac Goolsberry, Lewis Hensley, John pensley, Jacob Hensley, Jackson Hensley, George W. Hicks, Jonathan Hardy, Zebulon Heston, Thomas Justice, James Keaton, Gideon Lewis, Prank Lewis, Elijah Lacy, Georgie McCameron, Alpheus Miller, Abraham Miller, WUliam Miller, Joseph Miller, Edward Payne, Lewis Ross, Wil iam Ross, Wm. B. Snead, John Tacket, Lewis Tacket, James W. West, Hiram Brown, Charles D. Culver, Charles Carr, David Bouling, Alvis Belton, John Candell, Jonas Jenkins, Cambridge C. Justice, Garrett Lytle, Colby Sampson, Wra. Sampson, Wm. Twiman, David Fraley, Jas. Hughes, John Martin, James McCallster, Richard Robison, Berryman H. Still, August Schlimms, Thornton Sampson, Elijah Smith. Connpany " F." CA'PTAINS— Solomon Davis, David L. -Worthington, John Cochran, Jr., Patrick O. Hawes, Henry G. Gardner. 1st LIEUTS.— Dwlght A. Lef flngwell, Thomas H. Stewart, James H. Sperry. 2d LIEUTS.- Jno. Mur phy, Henry H. Gallup. SERGTS.— James McWharter, Wade H. Holt, WUUara R. Hylton, Darby A. Kelly, Calvin A. Carapbell, Jasper N. Mc Ginnis, WUliam P. Martin, Jaraes Lakln. CORPLS.— John T. Colgrave, Henry P. Pope, Harrison Holbert , Jno. M. Powers, James W. Carter. James P. Bailey, Joseph Dixon, Thos. L. Prater, Harrison May, Andrew J. Crawford, Greenbury Evans. MUSICIAN— Nathaniel Akers. WAG ONER— David A. Chadwick. PRIVATES— Burwell Akers, Tho. Adams, David Bevlms, Wm. C. Bolt, Hiram Brown, Wm. A. Bladley, James Chadwick, MarshaU Cold- well, William GoldweU, James Davis, Sarauel Damrel, James Evans, Jacob Fain, Joseph Gaither, Jacob Graber, Mordecai N. Hensley, John Hensley, Wm. Hazelette, Tho. Hunt, Harrison Johnson, Calvin Johnson, Curtis Kirby, George W. Kirk, James Keeton, Polimus Lambert, John Lock, WUliam Lock, Gideon Lewis, Allen Lewis, Alex. Mutters, Franklin Mutters, Wm. Miller, Joseph Miller, Abraham Miller, Edward P. Payne, Benj. P. Perry, John Tacket, Zachariah Waller, Henry White, Charles Lewis, Stephen Miller, George W. Miller, Zephaniah Porter, Geo. Shell. Isam Spillman, Wm. P. Ward, Moses Adams, Lewis P. Bailey, Alex. Bailey, Charles Barrett, hevi Canley, Edward CoUlnsworth, Sanford B. Coope, Alfred Canada, Alamanza Goldwell, Wm. Carrell, Wm. Church, Elbert Dixon, Edward Davis, John Day, Jas. Evans, Merideth Fletcher Jno. D. Panain, Jno. W. Farmer, Allen L. Howard, Moses Hoskins, Jesse Hackworth, Jackson Hensley, John Jordan, Charles Kirby, Geo. Kerby, Fleming Literal, Hiram T. Lambert, Charles Lewis, Benjamin McWharter, Jackson Marshall, Wm. C. Marshall, Wm. Marshall, Lewis Fourteenth Kentucky Infantry. 423 Mlnnix, James Minnlx, WUliam Minnix, John Montgomery, Martin Noe, Meredith Poe, Hugh Poe, James Prater, Thos. Prater, Kels Pisner, Jas. P. Simer, John P. SImer, Tho. R. Sperry, Robert Whitaker, Johnson Whitaker, William Whitaker, Jas. Williams, Harmon Workman, Riley Adams, George Bruner, Wm. H. Barrett, Archibald Cole, Martin Dow- den, Emanuel J. Hickem, Jacob Hensley, James W. Hylton, John Keen, Lewis Lawhorn, Abner M. Lambert, Tho. Marshall, John D. Mays, Stephen L. May, Henry C. Pamer, Dial RIsner, Marlon Robinson, Mil ton Sperry, Joseph Sperry, John Totten, Henry Tacket, Johnson Adams, William G. Cole, John Johnson, Nelson Joseph, Andrew Marshall, Tho. Marshall, Michael Risner, Merideth RIsner, Smith Whitaker, David Whitaker, Morgan Whitaker, Thomas P. Whitaker, Marshall Risner. Company " G." " CAPTAINS— John C. Collins, Oliver D. Botner. 1st LIEUT.— Daniel H. Brown. 2d LIEUTS.— George H. Roberts,, Lawrence P. Davenport. SERGTS.— Jefferson Stafford, Henry H. Hill, Isaac Hays, Charles Pack, James Chandler, Jaraes F. Castle. CORPLS.-George W. Yates, Jack son McGinnis, John Green, Lewis Melvin, Sampson Fitchp3,trick, David Delong, George McKinsey, John J. Auxier. PRIVATES— James Adams, John J. Boyed, Greenville Boyed, Thos. Burton, Thompson Ball, Samuel E. Bayes, Joshua H. Bayes, William R. Bayes, Mathias Clevenger, Alexander Clevenger, Thomas Carter, For est M. Castle, James Curnutt, John Curnutt, William W. Curnutt, Jas. J. Daniels, William Pugitt, Kenus Fugltt, Abraham Gibson, Jefferson Helton, John M. Hall, Thomas Johnson, James J. Johnson, John Jor dan, Williara Kembler, David Mullett, Morgan Martin, Henley C. Mayes, Thomas Pack, John Ifesimer, James Poe, Strother W. Roberts, Reuben C. Roberts, Samuel" B. Salyers, Aaron Short, James Short, John Sloan, David W. Taylor, William W. Vaughn, Elisha P. Wellman, Jas. Ward, Elhannon Wright, John C. Wheeler, William P. Wheeler, James Wheeler, Robert H. Young, Marion Young, John Yates, Harvey De long, James Fugltt, James Pitchpatrick, John Travis, Sr., Wm. Wheeler, Sr., Greenville Ball, Henderson Blevins, William T. Berry, Robt. Chap man, Albert H. Chapraan, Thompson B. Curnutt, Abner C. Caudill. Elisha Curnutt, Samuel Delong, Abraham Gibbs, Albert Hoolbrook, George Harris, Fernandes Hager, David Jordan, Pleasant Jordan, Jonas Jordan, WUliam J. Johnson, Joseph Johnson, Joseph Kimbler, George W. Lawson, WiUiam Large, David Morris, Hanklln P. Rule, P«ter Sparks, John Staffard, John Travis, Jr., Joseph Travis, Henry M. With row, Jos. Ward, AVashingtop AVard, Nathaniel Ward, Abraham Young, Albert Cooksey, Thomas Clevenger, Joshua Clevenger, Emery Delong, Andrew J. Glasby, William Hager, Hiram Kimbler, John F. Large, Geo. McGinnis, William Pack, Allen Sparks, Kenus Williamson, Jackson Wil liamson, Solomon Ward, Williara Collins, Wat, A. Large, William Meek, Levi Mullet. Company " H." CAPTAINS— Isaac HoUlngsworth, John P. Babbitt, Wm. H. Bar tram. 1st LIEUTS. — Geo. R. B. Chapman, George P. Johnson. 2d LIEUTS.— Francis M. Burgess, James H. Carey. SERGTS.-John Bur gess, John Hardwick, Wm. Musey, Henry Priest, Solomon Williamson. CORPLS. — Jos. Willoman, Samuel Frailey, James PoUey, Levi Adkins, Wm. Starr, Morgan Clark, Davis Henry, James O. Caperton, Allen Jus tice, Hiram J. Priest. MUSICIANS — Wm. Adkins, Wm. H. Berry. WAGONER— Wm. Burchett. PRIVATES— John Burchett, Martin BaU, James Bowe, Moses H. Bogar, James Bentley, Wm. Casey, Bailey Crisp, David Campbell, E, G. Chapman, Jas. Davis, John Deskins, Wra. H. Dobbins, Samuel K. Greer, Preston Godbey, Andrew M. Good, Lewis Howard, John Hammonds, Benj. Hamilton, Isaiah Jones, Tho. B. Klse, James A. Kirk, Jas. M. Mil ler, Jesse Malnard, Sampson Moore, Abraham Neal, Andrew Ramsey, Jas. W. Robinson, Geo. Skeans, Adam Stacy, Cuthbert Stone, Enoch Stone, Jonathan Skeans, Henry C. Sowards, Andrew Taylor, Andrew J. Ullam, Reuben D. Wolfe, Chas. R. Wilson, Tho. H. Bogar, Wm. Chap man, Francis Endicott, Hiram Huff, George Hardwick, Wm. Munsey, 424 Union EegimenU of Kentucky. Levi Thornbury, Solomon Wallace, Wm. B. Adkins, George T. Burgess, Nathaniel Bates, Bennett Cox, Stanley Corpley, Wm. Chaffin, Enoch Carter, John W, Copley, Andrew Dempsey, Joshua Endicott, Wm. En dicott, Chas. Elkins, James Hailey, Geo. W. Hutchison, Nelson Hall, Jacob Howard, Elisha Howard, James Howard, Elijah Howard, Wm. C. Harris, Hiram Jude, Kennis F. Lacy, Jno. Laing, Cyrus L. Motley, Daniel Monsey, James Monsey, James R. Noland, Leonard Noland, Francis Philips, John Philips, Moses Pasley, John W. Smith, Flurry Sammonds, Wm. Sammonds, Jeremiah Sammonds, James Shepherd, Joseph Shortrldge, Jefferson Shortridge, R. J. Underwood, Wallace Ver million, WUliam Wiley, Calvin Wellman, Delaware B. Wellman, Far ley Dempsey, Henry P. Estep, Richard Hardwick, Williara Kirk, Rich ard Munsey, John McGlothlin, John Polly, Edward Rows, Bartley Spen cer, John Taylor, Sarauel Vermillion, Sylvester White, Hezekiah Wiley, R. C. Williamson, Marwel Elkins, Jos. Endicott, Levi J. Hampton, Geo. R. Brown, John L. Barnett, James A. Carter, Wm. H. Johnson, Wm. Shepherd, Lewis Sowards, Tho. J. Sowards, Jas. Stone, Samuel Smith, Morgan Sowards, Andrew Shortridge, AValter Thornbury, James M. Thornbury, Wm. Vanover, Caleb A. West. Company "I." CAPTAINS— John Powers, /Wiley C. Patrick, John M. Atkinson. 1st LIEUTS.— Henry G. Gardner, Mason H. Power. 2d LIEU'fS.— Rich ard M. Elam, Andrew B. Fitch. SERGTS. — Benjamin Hanson, Mahlon R. Steel, Isaac J. Ward, Jonas Barton, Wm. P. Hamon, Harvey M. Adams. CORPLS.— Wiley Patrick, John W. Walker, Jilson Power, Wil liam J. Bays, Lewis W. Gullett, Charles W. Minx, AVallace B. Rice, Jno. M. Power, Madison Keeton. WAGONER — Lewis P. Conley. PRIVATES— WUey Adams, Elijah Ceilins, AVUliam Collins, Elex- ious H. Conley, James Conley, William H. Easterllng, Hezekiah Hamon, CasvUle Hayslett, Jeremiah Hackworth, Robert Hoskins, Jas. W. Lit teral, Noah Minix, Preston MuUins, John W. May, Alfred Plckleslmer, William Patrick, Thomas Perkins, George Perkins, John C. Power, Rich ard M. Prater, George N. Picklesiraer, Jaraes Power, Samuel K. Rice, George Row, Martin V. Rice, Samuel M. Rice, WiUiara E. Scott, Enoch Vanderpool, James P. Walker, Robert Whitley, Hiram Whitley, John Watson, James H. Dixon, WUiiara PUnt, AUen Gullet, Martin W. Hona ker, Henderson Medley, William AV. Prater, Daniel J.. Rice, Solomon Stone, Preston Adams, Greenville Adams, Thomas E. Adams, John M. Brown, Chas. P. Baley, Jas. J. Bays, Jilson Blanton, MUton Cooper, Isaac P. Coffee, Isaac N. Coffee, Allnd Colvin, Jehisa Colvin, WiUiam A. CoUinsworth, Isam Dixon, Pramer Dixon, James Davis, Alexander Pra zier, Apperson Fletcher, Mathew Gullett, WiUiam S. Gullett, Dial Gul lett, Martin W. Hanaker, Isaac H. Honah, John W. Hamon, Beverley, W. Hereford, George MarshaU, Reuben Marshall, John P. Patrick, Francis M. Patrick, Samuel Patrick, Elijah Patrick, Pelming Purkette, Benjamin Purkette, Wm. M. Rice, Jr., WUliam M. Rice, Francis M. Risner, Wilson Risner, George Risner, John W. Stielham, Wm. Tackett, Williara J. Tackett, Levi Tacket, Thoraas H. Williams, George Austin,' Alfred Adaras, Sirapson Adams, Jas. Blanton, George Blanton, Samuel H. Brown, Houston Conley, James P. Coffee, WiUiam Conley, Thomas Esterling, Robert P. Elam, Jereralah Fitch, Daniel Gullett, Jeptha Hamon, Harvey Johnson, Michael Kimberlln, Henry McKee, Fleming Power, Thomas C. Patrick, Martin Rice, Robt. Vanderpool, William R. Whitaker, James J. Hamilton. Company " K." CAPTAINS— John M. Smith, Drury J. Burchett, Tho. D. Marcum. 1st LIEUT.-Andrew J. Fox, 2d LIEUT.— Jas. W. Shannon. SERGTS. 72?°' ^I^ol'erson, Dafiiel H. Brown, Wm. L. AUen, David C. O'Roark, Attison -W^Murray, MUes K. Diamond, Armstead Burchett, James H. George. CORPLS.-Joseph D. Walker, Jas F. Butler, Thomas Pigg, Wil- "^«i.^lJ^^'"«"' Albert G. George, Edmund Hampton, James Moles. o,.^^ t7, n^l^^^i- '^'¦"'' J^™^^ °- ^^^^' J^™es Blanton, Jos. Coburn, Alien Collins, Berry Dale, Pleasant Dale, Samuel Delong, John Delong, Moses Damron, Tho. J. Dixon, WUliam Dyer, Robert George, An- Fourteenffi Kentucky Veteran Infantry. 425 drew J. Gibson, John W. Horn, Wm. R. Horn, William Hatfield, Samuel Hatfield, Andrew J. Hlte, Gabriel Hodge, David Hamilton, Wm. Hamil ton, Thomas Kanes, Perry Kanes, SUas P. Kimbler, James Kitchen, Francis Moles, John W. Music, Jonathan McLoud, Andrew J. Murphy, Isaac O'Brlan, Frank Parker, John O. Robison, Henry Ratllff, George Shannon, Leonidas Sraall, John Walker, Reeece Wadklns, George H. Whitten, Jacob Waller, James G. Ward, Isaac Arthington, John J. Dam ron, John Parker, Hiram Auxier, John Adkins, Jonah Adkins, Elias Boyd, John T. Butler, Jefferson Blevins, WUliam Blevins, John Blan ton, William H. Childers, Mason Canard, John Collins, Geo. W. Evans, John M. George, Shadwick Hartfield, George W. Hale, James Kesinger, James Lemaster, Samuel Large, William Lyterell, EU Lancaster, Jos. Meade, MUton Pennington, George W. Prater, WUUam Roberson, Tho. J. Roberson, Sr., Henry Roberson, Daniel SpradUn, James Spradlln, David J. Smith, James Selvage, Andrew J. SpradUn, Thomas Whitten, William Wadklns, Robert Young, Samuel Brown, Hiram Collins, Elijah Hall, Daniel Hager, Solomon QuUlIan, John Ratllff, Tho. J. Robison, Jr., Jos. Skeans, Jno. M. Spradlln, Morgan Spears, Francis M. Whitten, Thomas Bandy, Irs. Hamilton, Jr., James E. Johnson, John Kitchen, Geo. W. O'Brlan, John J. Roberson, Francis M. Siers, James W. Ward, Henry Waller, Elbert Wells, Alfred R. Young. Fourteenth Kentucky Veteran Infantry. Field and Staff. COLONEL— Geo. W. Gallup. LIEUT. COL.-^Henry G. Gardner. SURGEON— Benjamin A. Stubblns. SERGT. MAJOR— David C. Thom as. COM. SERGT.— Jonas Burton. HOSPITAL S'TEW ARD— Levi J. Sparks. Company "A." CAPTAINS— Henry G. Gardner, James H. Sperry. 2d LIBUT.- Henry H. Gallup. SERGTS.- James C. Ely, Henry C. Riggs, Henry M. Bond, John W. Porter, Wm. H. Bates, John DiUon. CORPLS.— Paris Steel, George W. Daniels, John J. Auxier, James A. Moles, Henry Artist, John Plymel, Richard F. Morris, John W. Parmer. PRIVATES — Carey Abner, Joseph Arthur, Enoch D. Artrlp, Isaac Adams, Nathan S. Adams, "Wm. R. Adkins, Hiram Auxier, Thomas B. Adams, John Borders, Charles R. Barrett, John Blanton, James J. Bays, Pleasant Barber, Jessie Brown, George Ball, Nelson E. Cazad, Thomas Carroll, John Collier, William Church, John P. Coleman, Wm. H. Chil- cNutty, William Parsons, Jeremiah Parsons. Sixteenth Kentucky Infantry. This regi4nent was recruited and organized in the fall of 1861 by Col. Charles A. Marshall, at Camp Kenton, Mason county, Ky. Col. Marshall belonged to the noted family of that name, being the son of Capt. Thomas Mar shall, who was a brother of Chief Justice John Marshall. He was a prominent man in his section -of the state hav ing represented his county in the state legislature a num ber of times and his infiuence, which was very great, was cast on the side of the Union. Being requested by Gen. Nelson he called for vol unteers for a regiment, and in a very short time had the requisite number in camp from the counties of Mason, Fleming, Bracken, Lewis and Whitley. Before the regi ment was mustered into the service it accompanied the ex pedition under Gen. Nelson into Eastern Kentucky, which resulted in the battle of Ivy Mountain, November Sth, where the Confederates under Gen. John S. Williams were defeated and compelled to retire into Virginia, Gen. Nelson, in his report of this battle, mentions the service of three Kentucky regiments, the 24th, under Col. Hurt, the 7th.Ky. Cavalry, Col. Metcalfe, the 16th Ky, Col. Marshall. He mentions CoT. Marshall's advance against the enemy, and in leading a charge that he lost four men killed and thirteen wounded. Gen. Williams, in his report, made November 9th, attributes his de feat to his inferior force, and states that his route would be to Abingdon, Va. After this campaign the 16th returned to Camp Ken ton, and a few days later occupied the fair grounds on the Mt. Sterling pike near Maysville. Here the organization was perfected, and the regiment was mustered into service January 27, 1862. Remaining at that place until March 2d, it then received orders and proceeded by steam boat up the Ohio, and up the Big Sandy to join Gen. Gar- Sixteenth Kentucky Infantry. 437 field at Piketon. Upon arriving at that point. Gen. Gar field had been ordered south, and Col. Cranor, of the 40th Ohio, was in command. Col. Cranor moved his command, including the 16th, to Prestonburg. The 16th remained in that command during the spring and summer of 1862. In May, Col. Marshall was compelled to resign on account of his health, and Col. J. W. Craddock took command. August, 1862, the 16th was ordered to Covington; thence to Cynthiana, thence to Louisville, and from thence to Bowling Green. In the months of September and October it was at Shepherdsville, West Point and Mun-- fordville. In December and January it Avas iu the pur suit of Morgan through Springfield, Lebanon, Campbells ville and Columbia. Returning from that pursuit it en camped at Lebanon, where it was held on duty to protect the country from Confederate raids, during the Avinter and spring of 1863. On the 2d of June Col. Craddock died at Louisville and he was succeeded by Col. J. W. Gault, of Mason county. At that time the 16th was in Gen. Hobson's brigade in Judah's division. In July it was at Munford ville. In August it was in Col. O. H. Moore's brigade, Manson's division, 23d Army Corps. It was then ordered to Glasgow, and from thence marched with Gen. Burn side's expedition to East Tennessee. After a continuous march of twenty days through the mountains it arrived at Loudon, Tenn., where it remained in camp until late in October. It then marched to Sweetwater. There meet ing the advance of Gen. Longstreet's force it was ordered back to Loudon. From thence it marched to Kingston, where it aided in repelling an attack made by Confederate •cavalry. It participated in the movements connected with the siege of Knoxville, and afterward marched to Strawberry Plains, and from thence to Mossy creek where, on the 29th of December, it was engaged in a severe battle in which the Federals under command of Generals Elliott and Sturgis successfully fought a large Confederate force under Generals Martin, Armstrong and Morgan, and pur sued them from the field. Gen. Elliott says in his report: "The pursuit was rapid and continued until dark." In this engagement the service of the 16th is mentioned in complimentary terms by the commanding generals. At Mossy creek, December 27, 1863, the 16th re-enlisted in the veteran organization, and from thence marched to Kentucky, crossing the mountains by way of Big Creek Gap. The month of January was spent on "veteran fur lough," and when that was over the men reassembled and went into camp at Louisville where they remained 438 Union Regiments of Kentucky. performing guard duty during the months of February and March, 1864. , April, 1864, the 16th was ordered to Camp Nelson, from whence it marched through the mountains of Ken tucky and by way of Jacksboro, Tenn., to knoxville. From thence it proceeded by rail to Red Clay in Northern Georgia, where it joined Sherman's army organized for the Atlanta campaign. It was assigned to Riley's brigade (1st) Cox's division, 23d Army Corps. The regi ment was at that time commanded by Col. J. W. Gault, May llth, the 16th participated in the battle of Resaca, in which it lost severely. Capt. Pumpelly wounded, and Lieut. Laurie killed. Two men were killed and twenty- seven wounded. Col. Reilly says in his report, speaking of the charge: "The 16th Ky. Veteran Infantry, 112th III. and 100th Ohio, being in the front line of the brigade, ' ' passed up the slope, over the crest, and over the rifle pits without a perceivable halt." Col. Gault commanded the 16th until it reached Burnt Hickory; severe sickness, consequent on exposure, caused him to relinquish command, and from that time until the ' end of the war the regiment was led by Lieut. Col. J. S. White, a most excellent and gallant officer. The ,16th continued with Sherman's army through the campaign. The regiment and its officers are mentioned in the reports of Col. Reilly and Gen. Cox many times, and always in the highest praise. The reports show the regiment was en gaged in many battles and skirmishes in this campaign. At Cartersville, Etowah river, Dallas, Kennesaw, cross ing of Chattahoochee, around Atlanta, Jonesboro, and many other places. After the capture of Atlanta, and when Gen. Hood moved into Northern Georgia, the 16th went with Sher man's army in pursuit, spending the entire month of October in marching. When the pursuit was abandoned, and Sherman started with part of his army to the sea, the 16th was sent with the troops under Gen. Thomas to Nashville, and from thence to Pulaski, Tenn., under Gen. Schofield. Upon the approach of Hood's army, the 1 6th, with the other troops under Schofield, made a forced march to Co-, lumbia. There, in the midst of a fight between the Con federate cavalry and the Union cavalry, the infantry skir mishers soon put the enemy to flight. The night of the 25th the regiment was hurriedly ordered out, and crossed Duck river and encamped on high ground, opposite Columbia, overlooking low timbered Sixteenth Kentucky Infantry. 439 land around which the river flowed making an almost horseshoe bend. On the 26th its men were at wprk on fortifications, one at the point of the bend near the river bank, and another on the upland in front of the camp. On the 27th several companies occupied the works near the river under Capt. Hammer, of Company "B." Heavy skirmishing and artillery firing going on most of the day, and part of the night, and all of the 28th. On the 29th the enemy were observed descending the opposite bank of the river in force, and, backed by a "heavy artillery fire, soon charged the advanced Federal positions, occupied by the 16th and 12th Ky. Infantry regiments. A portion of both regiments gave Avay and fell back on the main line where they were rallied' and i^eformed — nearly a regiment of them — by Lieut. Col. Rousseau, of the 12th, and Capt. M. C. Hutchins,; of Gen. Riley's staff', and charg ing down and around the hill re-enforced those who had re mained, slowly retiring andr-keeping the enemy at bay until reaching some fallen timber, where they were joined by the rallied troops. Here the enemy was checked and a furious battle raged until the rebels, although in overwhelming numbers, were driven back under the cover of the river b£(,nk, leaving the ground strewed with their dead and wounded. This severe battle, which had the important result of delaying the crossing of Hood's artillery and trains, has had less mention in history than is due, on account of be ing overshadowed by the great battle at Franklin the next day. Gem-Thomas says in his official report: "No vember 29thr^e 16th and 12th Ky. Veteran Infantry regiments, supported on flanks by skirmish lines from other brigades, protecting ford, wasattacked by the en emy in force, and forced bac^ frofi"41ie ford, but almost immediately, and with the assistance\)f artillery, recov ered the lost ground, driving the enemy, with compara tively heavy loss, under the bank and across the river." The holding of this crossing of Duck river prevented Hood's artillery and trains from parsing that entire day, and up to three o'clock the next morning, and caused Hood to fight the battle of FrankliQ-^ith but two batteries which he had taken with him on his fianking movement to Spring Hill. Late in the afternoon. Gen. Cox directed Gen. Riley to withdraw his command at dark and move toward Franklin, leaving these tAVO regiments to keep the enemy in check until midnight. Maj. Dow, of Gen. Cox's staff. 440 Union Regiments of Kentuck't/. was left with them, with orders to bring them off at mid night, wh|ich was done. After an all night march, passing en route the enemy in plain view, camped in the fields on the right of the road just before reaching Spring Hill. The regiment ar rived at Franklin about half-past eleven o'clock the next morning, worn and weary with two days' and three nights' fighting and marching. Here the regiment was placed on the reserve line about oue hundred yards behind the main line, with its right resting on the Columbia pike, its left reaching a point immediately back of the cotton gin. The Confederate army appeared on Winstead's hill about half-past three o'clock, aud debouching into the plain, formed their lines with the coolness of veterans and commenced their advance. The soldiers of the Fed- . eral army could see every movement. The day was per fect, the sky unclouded. They moved forward like soldiers on dress parade, and our men realized that a ter rible battle was about to take place. About half a mile in front of the main line, two brigades of Wagner's division had been stationed, and as the Confederates approached, these brigades commenced firing, instead of withdrawing as they should have done. Their firing checked the advance immediately in front, but the enemy was passing each flank, and there was nothing to do but to rush back to the main line. They were rapidly followed by the Confederates. As they crowded over the breastworks with the enemy close be hind, the men in the works became to some extent de moralized, and a portion of the line for a moment was undefended. Capt. M. C. Hutchins, of the 16th Ky., was on Gen. Riley's staff, and, though thrown down in his effort to rally the breaking men, recovered his feet, and continued his work. The reserves, consisting of the 12th and 16th Ky. and Sth Tenn., seeing the danger promptly charged forward, and engaged in a hand to hand fight at the works. The rally of' the men who had given way strengthened the line, and though the pressure was tre mendous the position was held, and within an hour the repulse was complete. The 16th suffered severely iu this battle, its actual loss in killed, wounded and missing be ing eighty-three. Col. White was severely wounded in the face, but with a bloody bandage about his head, con tinued with his command. Among the killed were Capt. Henry Palmer, Company H, and Lieut. Joseph Heiser, Company C. Lieutenants Brown and Courtney Avere wounded. The command de volved on Capt. Jacbb Miller, who led the regiment from Sixteenth Kentucky Infantry. 441 Franklin that night, and arrived at Nashville next morn ing. Gen. Reilly, in his report speaking of the break in the line, says: "The line was rapidly rallied by their of ficers and with the assistance of the 16th Ky. at this moment led by Lieut. Col. White, who, seeing and ap preciating the disaster that would be caused if our line should be broken, gallantly ordered and led his regiment forward before orders to that effect could reach him." * (See account of 12th Ky. Infantry.) On the 15th and 16th days of December, the 16th was engaged in the great battle of Nashville, being with the 23d Corps, which moved upon and attacked the left fiank of Hood's army. After the battle it joined in the pursuit through Franklin and Columbia and then marched to Clifton on the Tennessee river. In a day or' two after arriving at Clifton the regiment was sent with the 23d Corps down the river on transports and up the Ohio to Cincinnati, where it took passage with the rest of the corps over the Baltimore & Ohio R. R. to Washington City, where it went into camp at Stone man Barracks: In a few days it marched to Alexandria, Va., and embarked on an ocean steamer for Fort Fisher •on the coast of North Carolina. After several unsuccess ful efforts to advance directly toward Wilmington, a force under Gen. Cox was sent by way of Smithville up the south side of Fear river. The 16th was with this com mand and engaged in severe fighting on the way. On one day the 16th had an all-day skirmish with the 2d South Carolina Cavalry, driving them on the road leading to Wilmington. The next day it topk part in the victorious battle of Town Creek. On the 22d of February the gal lant old regiment was the first of the Federal troops to enter the city of Wilmington, simultaneously with the evacuation of the place by the enemy. Remaining there several weeks as proA'Ost guards, it was ordered on the march and reached Kingston the second day; thence to Goldsborough, and arrived at Raleigh in time to take part in the review of Sherman's army by that general and Gen. Grant. A few days later it arrived at Greensburg and from thence marched to Company Shops, North Carolina, where it was mustered out of the military service June 1, 1865, and sent to Louisville, Ky., where it was paid off, ¦?The statement sometimes made of Opdycke's brigade alone sav ing the break in the center at Franklin is a gross error. That brigade did splendid work, but the day was saved by the united efforts of the men of Rugar'-s division, and the rallied men of Lane's and Conrad's brigades; Opdycke's men and RelUy's reserve line, as well as Reilly's rallied men. All under the personal direction of Gen. Cox. 442 Union Regiments of Kentucky. and disbanded, having served nearly four years, and the entire time being on active, arduous duty. Field and Staff. COLONELS— Charles A. Marshall, James W. Craddock, James W. Gault. LIEUT. COLS.— Joseph Doniphan, Joseph B. Harris, Thos. E. Burns, John S. White. MAJOR-James P. Harbeson. ADJTS.— Ralph Robinson Maltby, Josegh Dudley, Chas. A. Love. Q. MASTERS— Sam uel B. Patterson, WUey T.'Poynter, Jas. A. Andrews. SURGS.^^SImon M. Cartmell, Frederick M. Taylor. ASST. SURGS.— William C. R. Har rison, Lewis J. Jones. CHAPLAIN— John S. Bayless. SERGT. MAJ.— George H. Taylor. Q. M. SERGT.— Alexander Hunter. COM. SERGT.— WUliam E. EUis. HOSPITAL STEWARD— WUliam Robinsori. Company "A." CAPTAINS— James W. Gault, John S. White, Samuel D. Pumpelly. 1st LIEUT.— Geo. M. Degarmo. 2d LIEUT.— Marcus A. D. L. Allen. SERGTS.— Nathaniel L. Wood, James Bland^ Edward K. Gault. COR PORALS— Richa,rd B. MuUlkln, Thomas H. Donaldson, Orlando Tabor,, John L. Dye, James M. Lawless, Charles L. Davis, William P. White, James Ward. MUSICIAN— Thomas A. Atwood. PRIVATES— James Allison, Francis A. Adamson, John Burton, Geo. Burton, George Benez, Peter Benez, Ambrose Barnett, Henry C. Brad ley, Frank Brewer, Jphn Burnes, Willis Buckler, Robert Buckler, Thos. Burnes, William P. Colljns, Williiam N. Collins, Henry D. Collins, Dan iel W. Clark, George T. Cracraft, Allen Clark, William Cracraft, Geo. H. Campbell, Charles G. Calvert, Ezekiel Campbell, Archibald W. Col lins, James Cogan, John W. Dodson, Charles Dillon, James Douglass, Josiah EUingsworth, James Fitzgerald, Simpson Floor, Martin Grimes, Jaraes A. Griffith, Frank Gilp, Andrew A. Griffith, John J. Galbralth, Robert Highlander, William Hall, Jr., Robert P. HIU, Samuel Humph-' irey, Isaac Hall, George W. Hudson, Edward Hall, Miles A. Hughes, John Johnson,^ Perry Kennard, John C. -Kane, Ross MuUlkln, Joseph B. Moran, Anfhohy McGraw, Mathias- IVIuUIkin, Alexander McCord,. J(>bn AV. McOle-an^/Robert Murphy, John McCarthy, Mathew Mc06rm'Ick, Michael Obpyan, WUliam A. Poe, Charles M. Pumpelly, Isaac Peed,' John H;^_;p€(well, Charles Paul, John G. Phillips, William Prather, Gee(^ H. Robb, William Robb, Amos Stevenson, John L. Sprague, AViUiam AValker, Jasper N. Wallace, Patrick Walton, Joseph Willson, Elias A. Young, John DUlon, James W. Dillon, David W. Douglass. Company " B." CAPTAINS— Job. P. Lewman, Luther P. Warder, John W. Knight, John S. Hammer. 2d LIEUT.— Oliver B. Doyle. SERGTS.— Lewis D. Browning, Frederick Guyler, William H. McDonald, James P. Wyman. CORPLS.— Thomas Creaton, Michael Nicholson, Abram McGowan, Wra. P. Hall, Alfred Lewman, William Dale, Jas. F. Lee, Sarauel Matingly. MUSICIAN— Edward W. Bell. PRIVATES— Isaac Atchison, Amos R. Brammell, George W. Botts. Isaac Burris, Nathan Baily, John W. Bright, Joseph B. Bourore, Jos. Bally^ James Jt. Byron, John Carpenter,' MarshaU Carpenter, Henry G. Campbell, Joseph Carpenter, Ambrose D. Dale, Joseph A. Davis, Joseph Drake, JohA Debell, James Dalrymple, Robert S. 'Pitch, WlUIam R. PIggins, Shnon P. Gully, Benjamin Grigsby, Samuel H. Gooding, Wm. Gooding, Thomas B. Gardner, Francis M, Hickerson, Walker K. Hamm, John T. Hartley, WUliam M. Hartley, James E. Hurst, Joshua W. Ham mons, Thomas M. Hickerson, Michael Haleran, Simpson Hurst, Edward Hurst, Ezekiel H. Jones, Mahlon Jones, Jas. R. Jones, Rufus H. Jones, John Keithly, James Kehoe, Joseph S. Logan, WUliam M. Lewman, Eli jah Mattingly, Thomas McCleary, John McKee, George W. McDonald, CharJes-H. McKee, John Morgan, John McGowan, Thomas C. McKee, James Nelson, Samuel Oaoherson, Geo. S. Ross, Alfred C. Reeves, John Siateenth Kentucky Infantry. 443 W. Reese, Lewis H. Staggs, George T. Strode, Charles R. fetrcjde, Wm. P. Turner, James W. Turner, George W- Thomas, Wni. Thomas, Rob ert Vincent, George P. Wyman, John Ward, Lewis B. WaUingford. Company "C." ^....^'^ CAPTAIN— Jacob MUler. 1st LIEUTS.— John W. WaUace, Joseph C. Hlser. 2d LIEUT.- James Lawrie. SERGTS.— Jas. B. Green, Byron Rudy, Roibert Neal, James Teeples. CORPLS.— Gilbert H. Snedichor, William Tlnsler, Robert Dawson, John De Garmo, Benjarain P. Court ney, Isaac Harrison, William Smith, WUliam Ort. PRIVATES — Cain C. Allison, Samuel Allison, Simon Adams, John E. Bendle, William Bronner, Thomas Bryan, Edwin M. Bartlett, James Barnett, John N. Blanton, Wallace W. Bailey, Jonathan Branum, Rob ert Berry, Ma.tljew C. Chlsham, Levi H. Colburn, William Cobb, David Clutter, PejtCT DJcourtney, John M. Cooper, Geo. Clinger, Jacob Cab- lich, Henry,M. Glay, Andrew J. Cobourn, William Dawson, Wililam J. De GarmO)' Olutrlesi Dawson, Nicholas Dalley, WUliam Fanslair, Wm. P. Plinchliim/Abram J. M. Plinchum, John H. Fllnohum, Valentine Frost, JajJ^'^H. Hambecht, Michael Houck, John W. Henry, Vincent Hoops, James H. Hampton, Thomas Hughes, John Helmer, John Hiser, Benjamin Higson, Jaskson B. James, James A. Johnson, Leindorf H. James, Oringe Kidder, Alexander McGuire, Moses McVlcer, Alexander McA'-Icer, John M. MoMIUenr-^ohn M. McPherson, Charter M'aloney, Jno. Mitchell, Jas. Mitchell, Ja-ines'^VToblej', Peter Netherly, Nicholas Ouys- ler, WUUam Ouysler, Paftrick (Dniel, John Parks, WiUiam H. Pickering, Joseph H. Queen, Geor^ M,...Robb, Stephen Robinson, William Ramy, Wllber P. Stone, George~Siler, Alonzo T. A. Seaman, Jas. Sweet, Ernest Slade, James R. Vaughn, Thomas Wells, Henry Wheeler, Daniel Wolfe, Thomas Wormald. Company "D." CAPTAINS— Thomas N. Wiley, Theodore C. Bratton. 1st LIBUT.- Henry C. Weaver. 2d LIEUTS.— Richard C. Nugent, James B. Shane. SERGT^il^^enjamin F. Nelson, Mathew W. Holton, John Huston. - CORBLS.— ^ohn 'S. HoustorirChristian Lytle, Adara M. Srouf e, Nicholas J. Bnadfora, Henry B. Davis, James McClanahan, Joseph Shawhorne, WUlilgjS^olton. MUSICIAN— AVUliam Holmes. PRIVATES — ^Perry Bailey, Oliver Boughner, Francis Bouring, Ru dolph Black, Fra-riois Brierly, John Clark, William Cummins, James P. P. Colyer, Varain Conley, Harbin Craig, John A. Curry, Stephen Chip- ley, William Dunn, .Franklin Davis, Alfred Daughei'ty, Josephus Davis, George W. D^tsoiy Frederick Paul, Matthew Fryman, Richard French, John A. Graaejv^ohn A. Gillagen, George Grigson, James J. Grigson, William Haley, William Jackson, Thomas Jacobs, Hiram Jordan, Will iam King, Thomas Kirk, Francis Lytle, John Lancaster, Leroy Lem ons, Frederick Myer, Sr., Frederick Myers, Jr., Qihas. Myer, Alexander Morehead, Thomas J. McClanahan, Hughey S. McClanahan, WUliam Peck, Lewis A. Peck, Peter Paul, Patterson Pike, Peter Rheneger, John H. Riley, philo Russell, Wm. Robinson, Richard Shane, Isaac School- field, Henry Shackleford, John Shilling, James Shepherd, Wm. Smith, Cornelius Secryst, William Thomas, Andrew Wiley, Jas. Woster, Isaac Watson, Elijah Walker, Joshua AVatson, Frank "W. White, Ebert Young, Johnson Yelton, WUliam Yelton, William Young, William York, Thos. Ed Yates. Company " E." CAPTAIN— Abrahan Murphy. 1st LIEUTS.J^Joseph Morris. Thos. C. Dickey. 2d LIEUTS.— Nathaniel S. Wood, Mai-ton V. Ba/kley. SER- dEANTS— John Z. HoUand, Wm. H. R. Markley, SaniMiel S. Cooper, Joseph McCoUum. CORPLS.— Samuel F. Maynfes, Jam^M. Fronk, Or son V. Morford, John A. Murphey, Jno. T. Gilla^pie^.,Therron B. Elston, James V. Snyder, Jr., Henry Eiron. ' PRIVATES— James AV. Arohobald, William Boyce, Dudley O. Bra- vard, Gustavus P. Bravard, Charles Brengartner, Northwood Barrow, Thomas dolumbia, Sarauel T. Cooper, John W. Cooper, John Cox, Wm. P. Cox, Arthur H. Case, Patrick Cooke, Jeremiah Craycraft, ' William Dougherty, Asa Day, Lawson Dye, Bailey Durham, Jas. W. EllIs,^Rob- 444 Union Regiments of Kentucky. ert L. GUlaspie, William Gragg, Henry C. Gragg, Samuel N. O. ,Guy, Samuel Green, WiUiam Hawkins, William Howard, Alexander J. Ham ilton, Oscar Hamilton, Peter Hannon, Richard H. Hlmes, David T. Hlmes, John Jackson, Jacob Jackson, Andrew P. Kendrlck. John W. Keithler, Valentine Karns, William R. Murphy, James Mey ers, Alfred N. Meyers, Wesley W. Maynes, John Mains, Albert Mains, Philip Mains, Wyatt M. Martin, Samuel Maxfield, Henry P. Matthews, Robert W. McElfresh, John W. Melvin, George W. Moranda', Thomas McChord, Arres Martin, Nathan Massey, WUliam P. McQulnley, Edward McQulnley, Albert Owens, John W. Owens, George W. Plank, William A. Records, Francis O. Reese, Jas. G. Reese, Joseph Rice, Jas. M. Sable, John J. Simms, George y^. See, George Smearer, Daniel Van- tine, Allen Vantine, Benjamin P. Weimer, Samuel Woods, Josepli A. Woods, Charles H. Williams. Company " F." CAPTAINS— Embassy P. King, Thos. B. Bums, Nathaniel S, Wood. 1st LIEUTS.— Henry L. Gillis, Wm. E. Ellis. 2d LIEUT.— Leonidas A. King. SERGTS.— Wm. B. Stevens, Edward J. King', Joseph G. Gillis, AVUliam E. Berry, Gustavus Hill, Sr. CORPLS.— Isaac K. Sullivan, Nelson Cummins, Joshua P. Broils, John B. King, Perry Steele, Mat thew Bryant, Wm. Toldston, Isaac Walters.' MUSICIANS— Joel Mar tin, Jacob H. Mayfield. WAGONER— John S. Berry. PRIVATES— William P. Bunch, Henry Bishop, Jr., Wm. P. Bishop, George BarnhlU, Sr., John Bryant, William Brown, Joseph Craig, Cal vin Colts, Oliver Cowen, Isaac Daniel, Franklin Duncan, Lewis Baton, Jesse Elliot, Lankford Ellison, Joseph Floydd, George P. Foley, Joseph L. Grubbs, James Golden, James Gains, Gustavus HIU, Chas. W. Hop kins, Abraham HIU, William R. HiU, William C. HIU, John HUl, Wm. P. Hammonds, Isaac Hatfield, Thomas R. Horsman, Levi Holess, Wm. P. Hickey, Burdine Helton, George H. Helton, Caloway Helton, Calvin Helton, Britton Helton, Jesse Hill, James Karr, Elijah Karr, Simeon Karr, Nathan Lawson, Elias Lawson, George AV. McPariand, EU Mar low, John C. Miller, James Marlow, Preston Nunn, William Nunn, Sr., William Nunn, Jr., WUUam L. Nunn, Allen Nunn, John Owens, Wm. Owens, WUUam R. Perkins, Jos. Perkins, Isam Rains, Franklin Rains, Jajnes A. Rains, William J. Rose, ,Tohn Reynolds, Carlow Stepp, James Shepherd, Wm. E. Sharp, Alexander Stele, Preston Steele, Henry Tay lor, John W. TyrrlU, Henry H. Tye, John R. Wyett, William Walters, Samuel Wagner, Huston Nunn. Company " G." CAPTAINS- Thomas A. Curran, David L. Wells, John E. Wells. 1st LIEUTS.— Thos. H. Manning, John T. Gault. 2d LIEUTS.— Thomas J. Galbralth, Chas. A. Love. SERGTS.-Thomas C. Dickey, John A. Hannlng. CORPLS.— Estle Horton, Wililam T. Kirk, William Steele, Hiram Manning, Marcus H. WeUs, John M. Thompson, Charles Kidder, John L. King. MUSICIAN— Henry Martin. PRIVATES— Joseph Allen, Jos. C. Browning," Abraham Browning, James Bradley, Henry H. Benton, Elijah Berry, Charles H. Browning, Moses Bridges, Benjamin P. Campbell, Marcus CoUins, Simon K. Crook- shanks, George CampbeU, George CoUins, George P. DUIn, John DUlon, Peter Doyl, Arthur DUlon, Reuben Dennis, Benjamin F. Dennis, Alex ander Elkins, WUUara E. EUis, WUliam Fleming, Simeon K. Ford, An drew HaU, Alexander Hunter, Wm. H. Jones, Lafayette Kidder, Wm. Kidder, John Kidder, Alonzo Kidder, Henry R. Kidder, Richard H. KiUpatrlck, John Krebs, Patrick Loney, James M. Maden, Andrew J. McDonald, WUUam M. Mastin, WUliam H. McCord, John T. McCord, David McCord, Jaraes M. Martin, Madison Meadows, Michael A May- brier, WUliam H. H. Manning, Richard M. Owens, Hiram Orme, John W. Pasco, John Pore, Albert J. Rigdon, Elijah Reeves, John P. Rate, Isaac J. Ravenscraft, Crawford W. Rollf, Benjamin Sprigg Wm Strib- lin, David C. Stephens, Jas. P. Snyder, Leander Thoraas, John Tucker, Nathaniel D. Thoraas, Sarauel Veers, James H. VermUllon. Shadric W. Williams, Jarrett J. Williams, Jas. Wilson, Benjamin P. Walker. John T. Yatea. /Sixteenth Kentucky Infantry, 445 Company " H." CAPTAINS— James P. Harbeson, Henry D. Palmer, George H. Tay lor. 1st LIEUTS.— Thomas E. Burns, Thos. J. Wood. SERGTS.— Wm. C. Sadler, Dennis T. Burns, Joseph Dudley, Enoch Burns. CORPLS.— John N. Caywood, James M. Shephard, Isaac L. Overly, James A'. An drews, Thoraas W. Fleming, Henry W. Hall, Charles Sadler. PRIVATES— Patrick Burks, James W. Barnes, WUliam Biddle, Jas. Brody, John Casslday, Martin Callanan, Levi W. Canady, James W. Clarke, John H. Cogan, John Coons, Jas. Canlger, Michael Craughwell, Thomas Cooper, John Conley, Albert A. Cord, Thomas Dougherty, Wm. H. Duncan, Isaac Duke, James T. Dorsey, John L. Dorsey, Joseph I. Dorsey, Samuel F. Drennon, Jos, B. -Emmons, Robert T. Finley, Will iam E. Pondry, Albert Gray, John W. Gray, John E. Gray, William S. Glg.ss, Thoraas Glenn, Marion F. Groves, Levi Hess, Thomas L. HUl, James Hiner, William P. Hendrick, WUliam W. Hawse, George Ham, Thomas Hart, Charles E. Johnson, Patrick Joyce, Peter Joyce, M. Co lumbus Littleton, N. Clay Littleton, William H. Lee, John Meeks, Thos. Z. Money, James Murch, Joseph Newdigate, Charles L. Overby, John Overby, Pinckney J. Overby, James H. Prather, Williara P. Prather, WUUara A. Riley, Luther Robertson, John Staunton, William B. Scott, Michael O. Sullivan, James Swim, Johnson Taylor, Charles H. Taylor, John S. Taylor, Henry C. Thomas, Patrick Todd, Henry Vaughn, James Wilson, John Williams. Company " I." CAPTAINS— Carr B. White, Morris G. Hutchins. 1st LIEUTS.— Thaddeus P. BuUock, Otho W. EsteU. 2d LIEUT.— Salathlel Brown. SERGTS.— Ja-^ob D. Bradford, WlUIam S. Parker, WlUIam W. WUlett, Westell W./Vooriiels. CORPLS.— William J. Fowler, Sarauel R. Smith, David W. /Armstrong, Uriah C. Singer, Peter G. Kimble, Geo. N. Craw ford, Thomas/Hey wood. MUSICIAN— Benamin P. Stiblefield. PRIVATES — Aaron Arrastrong, John E. Armstrong, Jaraes Ale»an- derr^^Siil?oti_Adams, Jaraes T. Bagby, John W. Bridges, David Brarable, Bluford/ Brarable, Peter Burke, Robert Berry, John R. Chiles, Jasper_ M. Crpswell, Carter Conley, Harvey Cumlngs, John JrfTTDaulton, Ma- sbrt-iB. Drake, Louis P. Evans, John R. Evans, Plavlus ) Pry, James Prost, Joseph P. Graham, James Garrison, Lucian T.VleiJrge, Josephus Gregory, John H. Harding, Nathon Hudson, John W. Highfield, Chris tie Heiser, Henry E. Hanes, Jaraes M. Jewel, William H. H. Jacobs, William E. Jewel, James A. Johnson, George W. Kelly, Charles E. King, Augustus Kretchmier, John Leightley, Francis M. Massett, Wra. Mar shall, John Murphy, Henry Morgan, Williara Morriss, Nicholas Mess, Robert Moran, George W. Morrison, William H. Mann, William Mc Kinney, Michael McVeigh, James McDonald, Jackson Odarr, Samuel S. Pollard, George Pollard, John Peters, Thos. Parker, Roman Peter, Wra. Reese, Wm. M. Rigdon, Henry Swise, James M. Simons, Matthew M. Swim, WUliam T. SUer, John H. SUer, Enoch S. Vice. John R. Vaughn, John B. Walsh, John A. Watson. , Company ' K." CAPTAIN-James A. lW, Jr. 1st LIEUT.— John M. Freeman. 2d LIEUTS.— liew' s M. Clarke, John C. Sanders. SERGTS.— Robert A. Boyd, Andrew J. Ferguson, /William H. Rowland, James Lain. COR PORALS — lieroly M. PlttsT Jerome B. Seoreste, Rowland Harvey, Har vey P. Sh-a-vO(,^lfred Doyle, Joseph K. Pitts, Edward E. Walker, Hora tio B. Fry. PRIVATES— Berry Applegate, Stephen Applegate, WUliam Bloom- field, John Q. A. Boner, Slras Boise, John W. Boyd, WUliam J. Bell, Sylvester Blankenship, WUliam H. Bailey, Peter Boner, Joseph Boley, Wyatt Cooper, Robert B. Cooley, Hiram B. Cooper, Thoraas P. Cooper, Edgar T. Clarke, Samuel Cox, Sanders Dummitt, Jno. W. Devers, Thos. M. Dunnigan, Samuel V. Fry, John T. Fry, George Pry, David -Fether- klle, Harrison Fetters, Nathan Gilbert, Henry H. Herbert, John Huff man, John G. Hlchs, -WUUam Huffman, John C. Hendrickson, Stephen H. Hicks, George W. Jordon, Albert D. Jordon, Wm. H. H. Johnson, 446 Union Regiments of Kentucky. Andrew J. Jordon, William Jenkins, William H. Knapp, John R. Ken- nards, Jackson Kirk, James Mc-K. Layton, Richard Matney, AVUliam Murphy, John W. McElroy, Solomon A. Nolan, Alfred Parker, Jacob Pummill, Curtis L. Penrod, WilUam Price, Wm. Riggs, WUliam Roe, Edward Roe, David D. Reed, Ezekiel Reed, Cornelius Redmon, Francis M. Redmon, Thomas J. Redmon, John Richards, George Riggs, Ewing Smith, Lorenzo D. Shaw, George W. Smith, Martin V. B. Simer, Sam uel Spillman, Richard Springer, Robert J. Sutton, Silas Springer, Nel son Trailer, Asa B. Thomas, John W. Vaughn, Bryce Vance, William R, Walllngford, Jos. P. Warder. Sixteenth Kentucky Veteran Infantry. Field and Staff. COLONEL— James W. Gault. LIEUT. COLS.— John S. White, Frank S. Hammer. MAJOR— Frank E. Walcott. ADJTS.— Charles A. Love, Wm, C. Sadler. Q. MASTER— James A. Andrews. SURG.— Frederick M. Taylor. ASST. SURG.— Lewis J. Jones. CHAPLAIN— John S. Bay less. SERG. MAJS.— Orlando Tabor, Chas. E. Johnson. Q. M. SERGT.— Alex. Hunter. COM. SERGT.— Otho W. Estell. HOSPITAL STEW ARD— John H. Caywood. PRINCIPAL MUSICIANS— Wm. Dale, Jas. A. Murch. Company "A." CAPTAINS— Samuel D. Pumpelly, Chas. E. Johnson. 1st LIEUTS.— George M. DeGarmo, Orlando Tabor. SERGTS.-Edward K. Gault, Richard B. Mullikin, William Hall, Jr., Francis M. Brewer, Francis A. Adarason, John S. Dye, James A Griffith. CORPLS. — Geo. Benz, John J. Galbralth, James F. Ward, Prank Glib, George T. Cracraft, James Fitzgerald, John W. Dotson, Wm. A. McCord, Charles M. Pumpelley. PRIVATES— Charles C. Adamson, Thoraas A. Atwood, Gibson An derson, Wm. L. Austin, Willis Buckler, John P. Berry, James W. Cook. Wra. T. Collins, Henry D. CoUins, Geo. H. Campbell, Jas. Cogan, Wm. S. Dotson, Cyrus Grable, Samuel Humphreys, Jas. A. Humphreys, Wm. Jacobs, James M. Lawlyes, Thos. MuUlkln, Mathis MuUlkln,' Mathew McCormick, Robert Murphey, Joseph B. Moran, John J. McFerrin, Jas. Pollock, Pelham Paul, John G. Phillips, Jerorae Phillips, Joseph Wilson. Hirara Basham, John H. Carlton, Randolph Johnson, WUliam Pollock, Richard E. Quick, John T. Robb, Laban L. Wilson, Robert Buckler, James C. Cash, Wm. T. Morgan, Isaac Pfeed, Perry Kennard, James H. Murphy, Martin Collins, John Calhoon, Patrick Connor, Jas. H. Drury, Simpson Floor, MUes A. Hughes, Martin V. Hughes, Anthony McGraw, WiUiam Robb. Company " B." CAPTAINS— John S. Hammer, Charles A. Love. 1st LIEUT.— Simp son Hurst. 2d LIEUT.— Oliver B. Doyle. SERGTS.— Ezekiel H. Jones, Lewis D. Browning, WUUam P. HaU, Thoraas McClary, Jaraes R. Jones. CORPLS.— Lewis H. Staggs, Ambrose D. Dale, Edward W. Bell, Geo. P. Wyman, James Dalrymple, George W, McDonald, Rufus H. Jones, Wililam Dale., PRIVATES— Henry B. Ayars, William Botts, Samuel Baird, Amos R. Bramel, Joseph B. Bourne, John Bailey, Isaac Buriss, Adam Coff man, William A. Davis, William R. Davis, Isaac Duke, John Evans, John Garrick, Benamin Grigsby, Simon P. GuUey, Thomas Gilmo-re, Walker, K. Ham, John T. Hartley, Michael M. Halloran, Joshua W. Hammond, James E. Hurst, Edward Hurst, Jaraes Hurst, Jaipes W. Kelly, John Laner, Wm. M. Luman, James McGuire, Wm. H. McDon ald, Charles H. McKee, John Morgan, Abram MaGowan, Samuel Oaker- son, George S. Ross, Geo. T. Strode, Frederick Stork, WUliam Thoma^, John W. Thompson, Jonathan Trowbridge, Robert Vincent, John Mc- Sixteenth Kentucky Veteran Infantry. 447 Kee, John W. Abbott, John W. Reese, John Ward, Joseph BaUey, Chas. Armet, Charles Beck, George W. Botts, John Claude, John Clifton, Pat rick Conway, Alfred David, John Doyle, George H. Eggers, Thomas Fisher, Charles Oneal, Andrew J. Step, John Varnum, James P. AVhlt- tam. Company "C." 1st LIEUT.— Benj. P. Courtney. SERGTS.— Peter D. Courtney, Jos. J. Hlser, James B. Green, James Teeple, Simon R. Bullock, WUliam Cobb. CORPLS.— Mathew C. Chlsham, Henry Wheeler, Thomas Wor mald, John P. Bendell, John H. Plinohem, Joseph H. Queen, William H. Pickering, Alonzo T. A. Leaman. PRIVATES— Samuel AUIson, WUUara Bailey, WUUam Brawner, Jas. Bramlette, Sarauel Bice, Edward Blackburn, Andrew J. Calburn, Wra. H. Case, Williara Deitz, Williara Dawson, Nicholas Bailey, John De Garmo, Jose Francisco, Valentine Prost, Daniel Gullett, Thos. Hughes, John Helmer, John Kinney, Andrew Kiser, Harvey King, Samuel H. Lowe, Henry Landrum, John McPherson, Austin Moran, Wm. Ouysler, Nicholas Ouysler, William H. Perham, George M. Robb, Stephen Rob- ¦ Inson, William Rocliffe, Julius Roff, James Sweet, Gilbert H. Snidecor, Thomas Wells, George W. Wooley, Benedict Zipp, John M. Cooper, John H. Hanabrecht, Jacob L. Miller, Patrick Oniel, George L. SUer, Moses McVicer, Daniel Wolff, Charles A. Clutter, 'George W. Chambers, Jas. Etheredge, Dennis Duffey, Patrick Foley, John Fox, Edward Gertram, Alexander McGuire, John Wilson, John -Weist. Company " D." , - CAPTAIN— Henry C. Weaver. 1st LIEUT.— Jameg B.' Shane. SER GEANTS— Mathew W. Holton, John S. Houston, Bepj. P. Nelson, Wm. King, Thoraas J. McClanahan, John Houston. CORPLS. — Lewis A. Peck, John A. Curry, Wm. H. Yelton, James W. McClanahan, Lewis P. Lytle, Joseph Shawhan, Richard M. Shane, Andrew S. WUey, Wm. T. Jackson, Patterson S. Pike. PRIVATES — Perry Bailey, Oliver P. Boughner, Francis M. Bowring, John Clarke, Nelson Cummins, Varlan .{^. Conley, WUliam Dunn, Jas. Dickson, Jas. P. Drury, John Fowler, Henry Foster, Daniel W. Golden, Wm. H. Holton, Wm. T. Hamilton, Jaraes Haley, Alfred D. Herman, Christian Lytle, Leroy Leming, William Lindley, Edward McQulnley, Wm. F. McQulnley, Uriah H. Miller, David B. Moore, Daniel • Ollnger, Wm. Peck, Robert H. Patterson, John H. RUey, Wm. A. RUey, Mathias Richardson, John W. Smith, William Shinkle, Stephen D. Wilson, Eb- ert Young, Wm. C. York, Johnson J. Yelton, Lawson A. Barnett, Jno. W. HIU, Benj. F. Jackson, Caswell Lovit, James G. Boston, Wm. Cum mins, WUlls Craig, Patrick Corkron, Stephen Chipley, Columbus Dewitt, I Alexander S. Elrod, John T. Forrester, William Young, Isaac Watson, Wra. J. York, John W. Story, Thoraas Anferson, John Gooden, Williara Golden, David HaU, Samuel Harding, Francis M. Hastings, Thomas Ja cobs, Edwin M. Meabon, William Mayer. Company " E." CAPTAIN— Thomas C. Dickey. 1st LIEUT.— Wm. H. R. Markley. 2d LIEUT.- Martin V. Markley. SERGTS.-John T. GiUaspIe, Patrick Cook, James M. Frouk, Jaraes W. EUis, Francis O. Rees. CORPLS.- Joseph A. Wood, Albert T. Mains, Benj. P. Weimer, Peter Hannon, Geo. M. Clinger, Charles Brentgartner, Asa Day, Arris Martin. PRIVATES — Gustavus P. Bravard, James Brody, Jesse R. Bravard, Geo. W. Barker, Thomas J. Barker, Thomas J. Boggs, Arthur H. Case, Wm. P. Cox, Lawson Dye, Mordecai Day, Henry Erion, Theron B. Els ton, John P. Frouk, Henry C. Gragg, Robert L. GUlaspie, Francis M. Grayson, William M. Grout, Samuel N. O. Guy, Alexander J. Hamil ton, Richard H. Himes, David J. Hiraes, George Hlmes, Manfred Ham ilton, John Z. Holland, Robert L. Jennings, John W. Keithler, Valentine Kaines, Andrew Kipp, James Myers, John Mains, Henry P. Mathews, Joseph Mains, Eli P. Metcalfe, Henry C. Metcalfe, Alfred W. Myers, John H. Murphy, Wm. Murphy, Valentine Morfrod, Wesley W. Mains, John W. Owens, Albert Owens, Glbhart Ristra, James G. Rees, Jos. 448 , Union Regiments of Kentucky. Bice, Jos. M. Robb, James P. Snyder, Wm. Strothunan, Silas Springer. Allen Vantine, Daniel Vantine, Samuel Wood, Samuel Weist, Aaron Wood, Henry B. Wilson, Henry C. Yates, Joel L. Hamilton, Wm. Hawk ins, Archibald S. Karns, George W. See, Geo. Striblin, John A. Boggs, James McGrew, William Boyce, Wm. S. Bell, Samuel S. Cooper, Bazil Downing, Oscar Hamilton, Jao6b Jackson, Andrew P. Kendrlck, Jos. W. McCoUum, John J. Simms, John Baker, Jeremiah Cracraft, Thos. Columbia, Company " F." CAPTAIN— Wllber P. Stone. 1st LIEUT.- Wm. E. Ellis. 2d LIEU TENANT— Leonidas A. King. SERGTS.— Isaac K. SuUivan, Willi.am E. Berry, Joseph G. Gllliss, Joshua P. Broyles, Jacob Mayfield, WUliam P. Hlckey. CORPLS. — Ell Marlow, Samuel Waggoner, Elijah Carr, William Bunch, Mathew Bryant, John B. King. PRIVATES— Geo. W. BarnhUl, Samuel S. Beatty, Samuel Cunning ham, Oliver Cowen, Nelson Cummins, Franklin Duncan, Enos pay, Jos. P. Grubb, Marion Gross, Joseph Gibson, David L. Hill, Morton W. Hodges, Wm. C. Hill, Wm. H. Lyon, Reuben Marlow, Geo. W. Myers, Wm. Nunn, Jr., Huston Nunn, John Presley, E. R. Peilnington, George' "W. Ribbel, Greenberry Smith, Julius Sprlggs, Jet>tha Taylor, William Toldston, Henry H. Tye, JO'hn Warford, Michael W^alsh, Rollle WUcox, Joel Baston, Samuel T. Hlckey, Francis M. Jewell, Henry Taylor, Thos. Taylor, Wade H. Vannoy, Jacob Varner, Hezekiah Watson, John Ryan, John R. Wyatt, George T. Foley, Benager Harp, Thomas Higgins, Isaac Hatfield, Henry T. Curtis, Hiram Groves, George Howell, James, Hag- gerty, James Hall, Henry Hoerland, John Hoffman, John Miller, James Marlow, James Riley, Charles Rush, Andrew Ready, John Swonger, Ed ward Stewart, Joseph Thompson, George WUson, Wm. Watson, Prank WUberdeen. Company " G." CAPTAIN— Johh E. WeUs. 1st LIEUT.— John T. Gault. 2d LIEU TENANT— Charles A. Love. SERGTS.— Estle Horton, Marcus H. Wells, Wm. T. Kirk, John A. Hanning, WUUam A. Steele, John DlUen, Thomas C. Dickey, Elijah Berry. CORPLS.— Ulysses AV. Gault. John H. Mar tin, John C. Kidder, James M. Martin, David C. Stephens, Wm. A. Riley, John W. Collins, Benjamin F, Sprague, James M. Bradley. PRIVATES— Joseph Alien, Benj. P. Campbell, Henry Collins, Arthur Dillen, Peter Doyle, Benjamin P. Dennis, Edward D. Fagin, Michael Flanigan, George W. Jones, Wm. H. Jones,, Enoch Johnson, Lafayette Kidder, William Kidder, Alonzo Kidder, John L. King, Patrick Loney, John "W. Linville, Henry Martyn. William Mastin, James M. Meadows, Charles Murry, Wm. H. Manning, John Poe, Albert J. Rigdon, Isaac J. Ravencraft, Elijah Rieves, John Rourk, William Striblin, Chas. Swan, James F. Snyder, Leander Thomas, Nathaniel D. Thomas, James H. Vermillion, James Willson, PhiUp White, Alford Washburn, Shedrick Williams, John Wendhurst, John Cumbers, Wm. Cole, John J. Tucker, Abel W. Browning, Walter Browning, WUUara Curtis, Wra. A. Fleming, WUUam Galllger, Patrick Jolce, Patrick Shea. Company "H." CAPTAINS— George H. Taylor, Thos. J. Wood. 1st LIEUT.- Enoch M. Burns. SERGTS.-Thomas Dougherty, WUliam P. Prater, Isaac L. Overly, Luther Rob'ertson, Charles L. Overly. CORPLS.— Jas. R. Wil son, Charles H. Taylor, Thomas W. Fleming, Charles Sadler, Joseph J. Dorsey, Samuel F. Drennen, Levi W. Hess, James N. Shephard, John son R. Taylor. PRIVATES— John Amburne, Patrick Burk, Wm. H. Biddle, John H. Cogan, John J. Coons, Michael Craughwell, Thompson W. Cooper, Jno. Conoly, Isaac Decker, Wm. H. Duncan, James T. Dorsey, John L. Dor sey, George W. Drennen, F.rank Fleckenstine, Wm. E. Pondray, Wm. S. Glass, David Gray, Joseph A. Hunt, Adam Hargishiner, James M. Hiner, George W. Ham, Thomas Hart, Alexander L ark, William H. Lee, John Meeks, James D. Meeks, Daniel Nonfleet, Joseph Nudlgate, Jaraes H. Prater, John Quinn, John H. Robertson, Rodes Stanly, John Stanton, Wm. B. Scott, Michael O. SuUivan, James Swim, Patrick H. Seventeenth' Kentucky Infantry. 449 Todd, WUson J. Richard, Peter Wohlin, John Botts, Malcolm McDer- mld, John Rogers, Charles B. Johnson, Wm. C. Sadler, John Cassady, James Cannady, Alexander Parmley, Elijah Plrkins, James W. Bames, Thomas L. Hill, William Patterson, Walter Kennedy, D. H. Oatman, David O'Ooiwier, Wesley Parker, John Travis, Joton Thompson, George Thomas, Charles Waggnor. Company "1." CAPTAIN — Morris C. Hutchins. 2d LIEUT.— Salathlel Brown. SERGTS.— George H. Crawford, David W. Armstrong, John B. Walsch, Samuel L. Pollard, Thomas Haywood. CORPLS. — John M. Daulton, Wm. Marshall, James F. Lee, Mason B. Drake, John R. Evans, Peter G. Kimball, Lewis P. Evans. PRIVATES— John E. Armstrong, Jno. W. Bridges, Peter Burke, Pat rick Burke, Abraham Bowen, Harvey Cummins, Samuel V. Clarke, Wm. Crawford, Luther L. Clarke, John R. Chiles, Rodolph Chrlsley, Jaraes H. Degman, Joseph A. Davis, James Frost, Wm. J. Fowler, Ferdinand Promholtz, Joseph P. Grayham, James T. Garrison, Christie Hlser, Geo. W. Kelly, Charles E. King, WUUam Morris, James T. Morris, WUliam McKinney, James McDaniel, James Nolen, Jackson O'Daw, Geo. Oohs, Thomas Parker, John Peters, WUliam Reese, Joseph H. Ramsey, Rich ard Robbison, James M., Sammons, Mathew M. Swim, William T. Slier, Benj. P. Stubblefield, Simon R. Smith, Andrew Asbara, Carter Conley, Jasper M. Cresswell, John J. Newberry, Geo. L. SUer, John J. Tucker, Lewis F. Linville, George W. Morrison, Jdhn Murphy, James R. Porter, Luclen T. Guy, Henry Hazlett, Richard Roe, John H. SUer, Samuel S. Saunders, Urial C. Singer, Pat Sheham, Benjamin P. Williams, Charles Westbrook, Thomas V. Welsh. Company "K." CAPTAINS— James A. Lee, Jr., John C. Sanders. 1st LIEUTS,- Jno. M. Freeman, Westel W. Voorheis. SERGTS.— Horatio B. Fry, William Roe, Henry Sohockey, John C. Hendrickson, Rowland Harvey. COR PORALS — John W. Boyd, Jaraes McK. Layton, Sarauel V. Pry, Jacob Pummill, Curtis L. Penrod, Wm. A. Smith, John W. McElroy, Martin V. B. S'lmer. PRIVATES — Stephen Applegate, Samuel T. Auberry, Wra. Bloom- field, Thomas A. Boggs, William I. Bell, Hiram B. Cooper, Robert B. Cooley, Sanders Dumrait, Alfred Doyle, Harrison Fetters, Wm. R. Fla- gans, Stephen H. Hicks, Henry C. Herren, John Huffman, John HUlis, Andrew J. Jordan, George W. Jordan, WlUiiam H. H. Johnson, John R. Kenard, Jackson Kirk, Sarauel Kennedy, Jas. Lain, WUliam Murphy, Darius "W. Owens, Leroy M. Pitts, William Price, Thomas J. Redman, Francis M. Redman, George W. .Riggs, John Stone, Richard Springer, Henry L. ToUe, Asa B. Thomas, C. T. Taylor, Brice Vance, Walter L. Warder, David Wooley, John Q. A. Boner, Sarauel Cox, Ezekiel Doyle, George Fry, John Felters, Allen Huffmian, AVUliam H. Knapp, Cornelius Redman, Fielden Roe, Isaac Sowards, John J. Trum'bo, Thos. M. Dun nigan, James W. Brock, Jas. Hoy, Wni. Jenkins, John Riohards, Mich- eel Spellman, Joshua Sweet, Franklin, Sweeny, Robert Taylor. Seventeenth Kentucky Infantry. Col. John H. McHenry, of Owensboro, Ky., who raised this regiment, read an account of it before the Federal Historical Society March 2, 1882, and the following sketch is made up from that narrative, which covered the period from organization until November, 1862. When President' Lincoln called an extra session of 29 450 ' Union Regiments of Kentucky > Congress to meet July 4, lS61, a special election of Con- gressmen became necessary in Kentucky. This election was held June 20th, and James S. Jackson, of Hopkins ville, was elected from the Second District. Jackson had scarcely taken his seat when he resigned to enter the mili tary service. He came back to Kentucky for that pur pose, and John H. McHenry; being his personal friend and having had a military education at West Point, at once was associated with Jackson. It was soon arranged thg,t several well-known Kentuckians, including them selves, would* each recruit a regiment; Jackson a cavalry regiment, which became the 3rd; McHenry an infantry regiment, which became the 17th; Hawkins, of Warren, Burbridge, of Logan, and Shackelford, of Hopkins, were the others. Col. McHenry says : "Great difficulty and even danger was experienced by recruiting ofiacers in Western Ken tucky in filling up their ranks. In many counties were numerous persons who desired to volunteer in the regi ments then being formed for the Union army. They had no opportunity for doing so Avithout fieeing to the north side of Green river. Leaving their homes and families un protected, they would band together in squads, and with such arms as could be procured, cross the river at night and come hastily to the Union camps." He says Col. Hawkins had assembled several com panies on the south side of Green river, at Rochester, and he (McHenry) visited his camp early in September, his owu camp being then at Hartford, Ohio county, and named Camp Calloway for a Revolutionary soldier who lived in that county. About September llth Gen. S. B. Buckner came into the state, and Col. Hawkins made his way with his men to McHenry's camp at Hartford. A few days later they removed to Owensboro, and camp was established there; also one at Henderson and one at Oaf- hoon. To these camps recruits came from all the adja cent counties to join as Col. McHenry says, "the various regiments that were being recruited by Jackson, Haw kins, Love, Burbridge, Shackelford, Bristow, Buckner, myself and others." These camps were in constant apprehension of inva sion from the Confederates who had established them selves in Kentucky, at Bowling Green, Russellville, Hop kinsville and other places. The camp at Hartford was particularly exposed by its advanced position. Tt was in' no condition to cope with the enemy's troops, for it must be remembered that in the Confederate camps in Tennes see not only the Tennessee troopg but a number of State Seventeenth Kentucky Infantry. 451 Guard troops from Kentucky, with the arms of the State of Kertucky, had been organizing and drilling for many months previous, and the Kentucky Unionists were now taking their initial steps. From the day of enlistment these U aionists may be said to have entered into active ser vice, and the 17th engaged the enemy at Big Hill near Morgantown, Ky., October 29, 1861. Col. McHenry says: "Our regiments, still only par tially organized, were concentrated at Calhoon in Novem ber, 1861, and placed under command of Gen. Thos. L. Crittenden, of Frankfort. They were the llth Ky., Col. P. B. Hawkins; 17th Ky., Col. McHenry; 25th Ky., Col. J. M. Shackelford; 26th Ky., Col. S. G. Burbridge; 3rd Ky. Cav., Col. J. S. Jackson, and the 31st, 42d, 43rd and 44th Indiana, and a battery of artillery." Here the recruits suffered greatly from measles, colds and pneumonia, and many were so disabled that they were afterwards dis charged. They remained at Calhoon about two months. In January, 1862, four of these regiments were sent to join the command of Gen. Grant. They were transported by steamboats. They were the 17th and 25th Ky., 31st and 44th Indiana. Col. Cruft being the ranking ofBcer, com manded them as a brigade. When the steamers reached Ft. Henry it had been captured. They at onee went back down the Tennessee river and then up the Cumberland to Ft. Donelson. They reached that place in time to share in all the fighting fhat preceded the surrender. Col. McHenry says: "As my regiment was disem barking. Gen. Grant, who was at the place, said, 'I have a big contract on hand, and will have some work for you and your regiment to-day or to-morrow, and I expect to hear a good report from the Kentuckians.' " The next day they engaged in the fighting; Col. Mc Henry describes it as very severe. He says the lines of the armies were in full view of each other and in gunshot range for hours, it being the intention of Grant to draw his enemy out, and the intention of the others not to be drawn out. And the matter was determined by an as sault by Grant's forces. During this engagement the at tacking forces were exposed to severest weather. At Donelson the 17th and 25th were in Gen. Lew Wal lace's division. He says: "Col. Jas. M. Shackelford, 25th Ky., and Col. John H. McHenry, 17th Ky., and their field and company officers all won honor and lasting praise; nor can less be given to the valor and endurance of the men who composed their regiments." Col. Cruft compli ments all who were in his brigade, saying all behaved 452 Union Regiments of Kentucky. well. Col. Shackelford in his report, says: "He led his men in the face of a most terrific fire." Col. McHenry described the fighting as a "terrible battle." The casual ties of the 25th were fourteen killed and fifcy-eight wounded; of the 17th four killed and thirty-four wounded. After the fall of Donelson Grant's army moved to Pittsburg Landing. Arrangements were made at that time for the consolidation of the 17th and 25th Ky., and Col. J". M. Shackelford returned to Kentucky to raise an other regiment. The 25th continued under command of Lieut. Col. B. H. Bristow (afterwards Secretary of the , Treasury) until after the battle of Shiloh when the con solidation was consummated, April 13, 1862. These two regiments were closely associated in the battle of Shiloh, being in the same brigade under Brig. Gen. J. G. Lauman. Gen. Lauman in his report says the regiments in his bri gade "fought from morning until night like veterans." Col. McHenry describes the 17th in line early Sunday morning, near the right of an open field in rear of a por tion of the camp Gen. Prentiss had occupied. It first had to endure a terrible artillery fire, then a column of infan try attempted a left flank movement, and was driven back ¦ with dreadful loss. Fighting until cartridge boxes were exhausted, the regiment was moved to a new position, which it held until nearly sundown. He says: "About four o'clock, owing to the withdrawal of Lieut. Col. Bristow, who was wounded, and the wounding of Maj. Wall, of the 25th Ky., that regiment was turned over to me and the gallant oflScers and men acted with the same courage that had characterized them during the day." Capt. Morton, of the 17th, was mortally wounded. Capt. Robert Vaughan was wounded. He specially men tions Capt. Beckham, Lieuts. Kieth, Nail, Brown, Camp bell, Bratcher, Ferguson, Little, Heston, and Adjt. Star ling. The casualties were, one officer killed and two wounded; seventeen men killed and sixty-seven wounded. On the 13th of April, 1862, the 25th Ky. was formally consolidated with the 17th, and under the latter designa tion continued during the remainder of their service. It moved with the army to Corinth and was engaged in severe skirmishing, lasting nearly all the night before the evacuation and it was with the first troops to enter the place. In the organization of the army of the Ohio, in April and May and the summer of 1862, the 17th was in Ammen's brigade. Nelson's division. From Corinth it marched with Buell's army to Hunts ville, Ala.; in June it was at Athens; in July at Pulaski and Reynolds' Station, Tenn. It was with Buell's army in Seventeentli Kentucky Infantry. I 453 the march to Louisville, being often near to Bragg's col umns, and at the time of the battle of Perryville was in McCook's corps, Rousseau's division. Starkweathers' bri gade. It was not in the battle of Perryville, , having marched from Springfield that day, where it had been sent as train guard, and arrived on the field after the close of the engagement. After the battle of Perryville the 17th followed Bragg's army as far as Livingston, Ky., and then was sent to Bowling Green and thence to Russellville, Where, 'n Col. S. D. Bruce's brigade, it, Avith other troops, was mployed in the protection of that part of the state dur ing November and December, 1862. At this time CoL McHenry's connection with the regiment ceased.* In December, the 17th was ordered to Clarksville, Tenn., where it remained until March, 1863, when it proceeded by . steamboat to Nashville, Tenn. In April it was at Brent wood; in May at Murfreesboro; in June and July at Mc Minnville, and crossed the mountain to Pikeville. In the organization of Rosecrans' army, July 31, 1863, the 17th was in Crittenden's corps, VanCleve's division, Beatty's brigade, and it so remained until after the battle of Chick amauga, in which it was severely engaged both days. On the first day it assisted in capturing a battery which was sent to the rear. In Gen. Crittenden's report of this battle he mentions three regiments, 44th Ind., 9th Ky., and 17th Ky., which rallied and formed on Snodgrass Hill on the right of the main line on the second day, and fighting all day, only left the field when ordered at 7:30 p. m. Gen. Thos. J. Wood mentions this fact in his report, and says the fact that these regiments preserved their formation and did not retire when other troops did, was most creditable. Gfen. Beatty, in the report of his brigade, says these regiments made a stand and held the hill by the most ter rific fighting, until dark, when they withdrew by order and joined the army at Rossville. Col. Stout in his report describes the fighting of his regiment on the 19th and 20th. It was very severe both days; on the 19th Lieuf. John D. » He had issued to his regiment an order to deliver to their owners all slaves found in his lines. This order was read at Bloomfield, Ky. It was in conflict with the policy of the administration, and when It reached the eyes of the President an order was made dismissing him from the service. The order was received at Russellville, Ky., and for some hours there was great danger of mutiny In the oamp. In fact, some of the men left for their homes, and nothing but a personal appeal from Col. McHenry himself quieted them. It was more their love and affection for him that affected them than Interest in the subject. Lieut. Col. Stout was promoted and oommanded the regiment until Us muster out. 454 Union Regiments of Kentucky. Millman was killed and Capt. J. W. Anthony wounded. Lieut. Col. Robt. Vaughan was wounded on the 20th. On the 20th the 17th, with the other regiments, fought as has been mentioned. The casualties in this two-days' battle in the 17th were one officer killed, two wounded; five men killed, one hundred and three wounded, and fifteen miss ing. The fighting of the 17th is mentioned in the reports of many officers who were on the same part of the field.'* The 17th remained at Chattanooga until the 25th of November, when it participated in the battle of Mission ary Ridge. It was in the grand assault made then, and Gen. Beatty especially complimented the work of Col.- Stout and his men. Col. Stout says: "When the bat talions in advance had advanced half way up the ascent, I advanced quickly, and had great difficulty in restrainiiig' oflicers and men in their ardor to reach the crest. Their enthusiasm, excited by the desire to reach the crest, and the tremendous cheering of our several lines, and the thun dering of the guns on both sides knew no bounds. . . We reached the crest soon after the first flag had been planted on it, and while the balls of the enemy were flying thick around us." After the battle of Missionary Ridge the 17th went with other troops into East Tennessee where it remained mov- * Of the engagement on 'Snodgrass HIU, Col. Stout, in a letter, November 23, 1893, says: "I have always contended that the 17th Ky. was the first to start the line, and the others oame up and formed." In another letter, dated November 26, 1893, he says: "I lay great stress upon my statement that we were the first to form the new line upon ¦the right of Thomas, alraost at rig'ht angles with him. He (Gen. Wal ker) says that we were the first to raise our colors on the new line." Gen. M. B. Walker, who was then colonel of the 31st Ohio Volunteers . and an officer in the regular army, was a member that day, of Gen. Brannan's staff. In a letter, December 2, 1881, to Col. Stout, says: "You ¦win remember that, there was much, confusion with the troops on the morning of the 20th of Septeraber, 1863. Your regiment was formed on the line with sorae of Gen. Brannan's, and some others. Which did not belong to his division. Por instance, the 21st Ohio Volunteer Infantry, and, I think, the general meant to Include both your regiment, the 17th Ky., and 21st Ohio, In his report, but he ou.ght to have mentioned both regiments in the most honorable manner. I now say that your regiment, the 17th Ky., was the flrst organized body of troops on the new line •on the hiUs on the morning of the 20th. I well remember that when your regiraent caipe upon the first hill one of your captains was carrying your colors, and I directed him where to plant the colors, as a guide to ¦the deployment I wanted you to make. I offered to take the flag in my hand to indicate the precise point I wanted it to occupy, but the captain would not allow me to take It out of his hand, but stepped forward with me and planted the staff, saying that the flag should not quit his living hand. Your regiment immediately deployed on the right, and there remained and fought as bravely as men ever did, through the entire battle of the day." As early as July 4, 1878, Gen. Walker wrote to Col. Stout, saying: Yours were the first colors on the new line, and they waved in grand apflance of the enemy all the day long, and untU the unfortunate order to fall back came." \ Seventeenth Kentucky Infcmtry. 465 ing from place to place auring the winter, being at Mary ville, Knoxville, Strawberry Plains, Powder Spring, New Market and Dandridge. In April it was at Cleveland, May 4th at Catoosa Springs, and moved thence to take part in the Atlanta campaign, being in the 4th Corps, Wood's division, Beatty's brigade. May 7th, marched to Tunnell Hill, May 8th advanced and suffered loss at Rocky Face; also- was engaged at Cassville, losing severely. There Capt. W. J. Landrum was killed and Lieut. C. A. Brasher badly wounded May 24th, at Altoona. May 27th fought at Pickett's Mills, where Capt. Thos. R. Brown was wounded; June 6th at Ackworth; June 17th Capt. R. C. Sturgis received a wound from which he died. Fight ing was continuous throughout the campaign about Ken- nesaAV, Dallas, Marietta and across the Chattahoochee. Then in the battles around Atlanta, ^nd in the movement to .Jonesboro and Lovejoy's south of Atlanta. Col. Stout says in his report: "During the campaign the regiment made twenty-seven lines of strong defensive works and many slight lines and barricades. . . . The loss was one officer killed, four wounded, seven men killed, and eighty-three wounded." He compliments the officers and men of the regiment for their conduct. After the fall of Atlanta, the 17th moved with Sher man's army in the pursuit of Hood, spending the entire month of October, 1864, marching through the northern part of Georgia, still being with the 4th Army Corps. When Sherman prepared to march to the sea, November, 1864, he sent the 4th Corps and 23d Corps to Nashville to serve under Gen. Thomas against Hood's army. The 17th - Ky. went with the 4th Corps and in November was at Pulaski, Tenn., the 4th and 23d Corps being under Gen. Schofield. From Pulaski the troops fell back to Colum bia, then to Spring Hill, then to Franklin, where the battle was fought November 30th. The 17th participated in all the movements and engagements of this campaign. After the battle of Franklin it was ordered to Louisville, where it was mustered out of service January 23, 1865. Few regiments had a record equal to that of the 17th Ky. tt had more than three years of service in the field, and participatd in six of the greatest battles of the war, and an untold number of smaller engagements. The following statistics of the 17th Ky. are taken from the official records at Washington: Total enlistments 1.473 Killed in battle or died of wounds received 135 Wounded In action 363 Died in hospital, prison and by accidents, etc 163 Total fatalities 661 456 Union Regiments of Kentucky. Of the officers of this regiment it may be mentioned that Col. Stout was breveted Brig. General. He was a law yer and died in 1895 in Chicago, where he located after the war. Lieu,t. Col. Vaughan became a business man in Louis ville, where he, now resides. Lieut. Col. I. B. Nail is a resi dent Of Louisville, where he has been for'twenty years en gaged in newspaper editorial work. He served contin uously through the war. Not only with the regiment, but also upon the staff of Generals Cruft, Beatty and Wood. Faithful as a soldier he has made one of Louisville's most prominent and useful citizens. Major Wall was a prom inent lawyer and died in Owensboro soon after the war. Major calhoon is leading a useful life in the lower Green river section. Major Claggett removed to the Northwest and became prominent as a lawyer, but died several years ago. Adjt. Ritter practiced law in Hopkinsville until his death. Adjt. Starling became colonel of the 35th Ky. regiment. Adjt. Gist was in the governinent seryice in Washington for several years. Surgeon Burgess lives in Illinois at a ripe old age. Of Company A, Capt. Morton was a most excellent sol dier. His company was the first recruited in the Green river section and was on its way to Camp Dick Robinson when overtaken by a message from Col. McHenry asking him to return and become the nucleus of the 17th regi ment. Capt. Morton was killed at Shiloh. Capt. Cox is a banker in Hartford and one of its best citizens. Of Company B, Capt. Frank H. Bristow has served several terms as county judge of Todd county. Lieut. Shelby Hicks is a prominent citizen of Owensboro and has been in the revenue service at different times. Of Company E, T. W. Campbell became Lieut. Col. of the 17th Ky. Cavalry. One of the first acts of the new recruits of the 17th was the disarming of the State Guard company at Hartfordy which was done by Col. McHenry on the first demonstra tion of its purpose to side with the Confederacy. A con flict between the 17th and the State Guard in the streets was narrowly averted. (The foUowing Roster Includes the ofl=icers and men of the 25th Ken tucky infantry, which was consolidated with the 17th, April 13, 1862.) Field and Staff. ^r. <^OIjPNELS-John H. McHenry, Jr., Alexander M. Stout, James M. ^T^f ^i?/**;. LIEUT. COLS.-Benj. H. Bristow, Robert Vaughan, Ion ^?>Tmo ^^'"'^"' ^- '^^"' ^«^^° Calhoon, David M. Claggett. wm, ¦""''"'''^ ^- ^"ter, Edmund L. Starling, George W. Gist, John M. Williams, George Deering. Q. MASTERS— Benjamin T. Perkins, Rlche- Seventeenth Kentucky Infantry. 457 son W. Allen, John T. Jackson, Richard C. Gill. SURGEONS— Burkett •Cloak, Warren J. Burgess. ASST. SURGEONS— Addison P. Shackel ford, Albert D. Cosby, George W. Warmoth, Stuart Hubbard, John W. Compton. CHAPLAIN— George W. Kinsolving. COM. SERGTS.— Geo. Kuntz, Thomas D. Davis. Q. M. SERGTS.— Barnes Parker, Robert J. Allen. HOSPITAL STEWARDS— Isaac D. Brown, Robert Dinwiddie, David Russell, Cornelius Tatter. SERGT. MAJORS— William S. John son, James H. Higdon, William B. l^utler, Henry C. Marlow, John H. Prost, Alexander B. Sandefur, David Duncan, Henry M. West. * NOTE. — Before the consolidation of the 17th and 25th regiments the foUowing among the field oflicers named above were attached to the 25 th and retired at the consolidation: Col. Shackelford, Lieut. Col. Bristow, Major Wall, Adjutant Ritter, •Quartermaster Perkins, Surgeon Cloak, Asst. Surgeon Shackelford. Company "A." CAPTAINS— Preston Morton, WUUam Keith, Samuel K. Cox. 1st LIEUTS.— Thomas R. Brown, John D. Millman, Isaac Ferry, Wm. J. White. 2d LIEUTS.— JameiS B. Harrison, John W. Howard, John H. Frost, Wm. J. Littell. SERGTS.— Henry Himler, Thos. Bradley, David Duncan, George L. O'Banlon, Robert McCluothen, Edwin Forbs, War- din Williams. CORPLS. — John W. Her, Jasper Wilson, Benjamin Dex ter, Jonathan E. Bratcher, Peter A. Howard, Larkln Williams, Robert Campbell, James E. Cope, Ell Davis, William Warren. MUSICIANS— Peter Carnes, Newton Williams, John Barr. WAGONER — Wesley Ezell. PRIVATES— James Ashley, Woodford Ashley, Stephen A. Bennett, -Curran Butler, James B. Bryant, John D. Butler, Allen Burton, Samuel T. Brown, William H. Carter, Remus Carter, Thomas E. Carter, James W. -Cobb, Thomas L. Davis, Thomas Evans, Elijah Fantrass, Ebenezer Godsey, George Hail, John B. Hobdy, Arthur Johnson, Wm. R. Jones, Solman Loyd, Wm. J. Mclntire, Marcus D. Matthews, Lawson T. Mat thews, James Murphy, Samuel M oxley, Reuben A. MUler, Wm. Neigh bors, WUliam Norris, William H. Pirtle, Robert Pollock, James H. Pol lard, John C. B. Rarasey, John Sanderson, John Spencer, William P. Tate, John L. Warren, James Welch, John Wiley, Daniel Wilson, John C. Wilson, Samuel L. WUson, Wm. P. Wakelend, Calvin Caloway, Jas. Carter, Amezrah Carter, Benjamin Davis, George Doss, Samuel Graham, Lycurgus James, James H. King, Thomas Russell, Edward Sraith, John ¦T. Staten, Jacob C. Stewart, Leonard Wilhite, William B. Jones, Michael Spencer, Thos. B. Wilson, John R. Abner, John W. Askma, William P. Bratcher, Henry Davis, Thomas Elder, Francis M. Everly, Leonard Garey, Simpson Garey, Samuel A. Godsey, John Hart. "Wm. P. Matthews, James T. Potts, James F. Tuttle, WUliam A. Tuttle, Har- rel Stinson, John Combs, James McDonald, Prank Mason, Charies W. Moxley, John J. Tichener, James H. Bryant, Robert Duncan, Ezekiel Funk, Newton J. Ford, Presley King, Archibald Pollock, Lewis G. San ders, Joseph Slaughter. Company " B." CAPTAINS— William H. Davison, WUliam W. Briggs, Isaac Perry. 1st LIEUT.— Barney M. Harwood. 2d LIEUTS.— Avery Byers, Alexan der B. Sandifur. SERGTS.— Thoraas. Ferry, Boanerges V. Tyler, Jose phus Handes, John P. Maston, EU B. Allen, Samuel Peyrson, William J. White. CORPLS.— WiUiam C. Steddan, John Byers, Richard V. WeUs, James A. Basden, Millegan Wright, Moses S. Ragland, WiUiam Web ster, James O. Wilson, George M. Rowe, Thomas W. Pierce, Bromfield Newton, John Deweese, Daniel Morris, WUliam Butcher. PRIVATES— James Ashford, Benjamin E. Autry, Henry Bratcher, WUliam E. Bratcher, James M. Brown, William Burden, James D. Byers, WUliam Cole, Charles Christian, Charles Dewese, John Dougherty, Wil liam Duncan, Charles Perry, John J. Ferry, Bagges M. Faught, Jamea P. Gilmore, Massa Hoover, WUUara D. Kerum, Samuel Kerum, WUliam Morris, Elisha M. Miles, John Murphy, James W. Pench, Martin W. Pence, Carey Raymey, Joshua Raymey, Miles B. Raymey, John K. Sor reU, Henry C. Truman, George W. Tilford, James R. White, John B. White, Sylvester White. James D. Westefllta, William H. WUson, Wil- 458 Union Eegiments of Kentucky. liam Zachry, James I. White, WUliam Bratchen, Daniel Byers, William L. Bright, Lowery Byers, Andrew J. Cochran, Thomas Daniel, Hasper J. Hegan, Mathew Kerklndall, Abram Kerklndall, Josiah M. Milo, James MeglU, James W. Morris, Jesse Park, Edward Pierce, Joseph Renfrew, Klllean Renfrew, James M. Renfrew, Wm. P. Render, Zeddoeck Smith, James J. Smith, 'lilichael Zachariah, John M. Bishop, James G. Johnson, James Lee, William D. Parke, William C. Ashley, John B. Dockry, Jas. I. Edson, William Hughes, Jonathan Putt, Jesse Ashford, Morgan Bratcher, Russell Ford, Ralph Morris, William Raymer, Austin Stinson, WlUIam Sraith, Dennis L. Bright, David Coats, James W. Coats, Elliott B. Davidson, Benjamin Lewellen; James Renfrew, James T. White. Stephen B. White, William S. Pollard, John Watson. Company " C." CAPTAINS— Isaac Calhoon, Robt. L. Beckham, David Duncan. Is't LIEUTS.— Finis H. Little, Wm. J. Landrum, Linus Fuller. 2d LIEUTS. — ^Marcus D. Bandy, Barney M. Harwood, Robt. J. Allen, Curtis A. Brasher. SERGTS.— James A. Sraith, Thos. J. Alverson, AVm. O. Gast ien, Samuel J. Efiey, Thomas C. Ford, Edwin R. Lockett, Joshua Bon ner, James J. Waltrip. CORPLS. — Luvias Morris, Charles M. Carey, Jessey Hyatte, Rufus Lynn, Jonathan P. Smith, Nathaniel Odle, John Waltrip, Jonathan D. McNeil, Benjarain F. Collier, John M. McCune, Isaac D. Brown. MUSICIANS — Joseph Lowery, AViUiam Lawhorn. WAGONER— Ancel Wilson. PRIVATES— George F. Brown, Allen Brackett, Moses Bridewell, Jno. H. Brlsewell, Jesse B. Baxter, Jasper Brooks, Richard Butcher, Clark Barton, William T. Carrol, John Cox, DlUis D. Creitser, Amos B. Dick en, Thomas Elder, William Fraiser, David C- Goode, William Gary, Jas. Gary, Williara H. Hlgam, Jno. P. Husk, Jesse Henson, John P. Hays, Williara House, Abner L. Jones, AVUliam H. Jones, George B. Jewell, John C. Kennedy, Samuel Kinney, Absalom M. Kerr, Israel M. Latham, William B. Lewis, Martin Mattingly, Wm. J. Mahoney, James McDan iel, James C. McCarty, Alfred Nation, Isaac B. Riggs,- Robert M. Ran som, Drury Rose, McNary Swift, Virgil A. Stewart, Shadrach P. Steph enson, Henry Vanover, Lewis W. Vanover, Mansfield Vanover, Jefferson Vanover, William Vanover, Miles Vertreese, Rufus AVall, James Whoo- berry, James H. Barton, James S. Carroll, Charles H. Crabtree, Thos. Crabtree, Benjamin Crabtree, Thomas Gary, Priley Jones, James W. Kennedy, James A. Mattingly, Newton Morris, James A. Reeks, Absalom Templeman, Henry Vanover, No. 1, Louis H. Vanover, Robert E. Van- over, Robert WiUowby, Jackson Crabtree, Arthur Goodman, James H. Hays, Wm. M. Lashley, Thomas D. Mitchell, Irs H. Mitchell, Samuel H. Tanner, John A. Bratcher, Owen Bratcher, James V. Byers, Barney S^ Brackett, Jackson Crabtree, No. 2, Henry H. Chew, Garland C. Chap man, George W. Dicken, William E. Hurst, John Kennedy. James Prlckston, Washington Prickston, Edward Reynolds, Amos R. Vanover. Jonathan Bratcher, Samuel B. Ford, Presley M. Heal, George W. Van- over, Thomas J. Alkin, John R. Chapman, Nathaniel Crabtree, George AV. Crabtree, Franklin T. Dick, Robert Elder, George C. Fletcher, WU Uam Hayes, Caleb Hayes, Robert Jennings, WUliam Lawhorn, David son WiUowby. Company " D." CAPTAINS— James Hudson, David M. Claggett, EHsha B. Edwards, Prank H. Bristow, George W. Gist. 1st LIEUTS.— Jesse W. Griffin, Richard P. Taylor, Edward S. Campbell, Robert M. Davis, Aaron S. Hicks. 2d LIEUTS.— Seymore H. Perkins, Walter Evans, John D. MIU- man, Isaac Perry, James M. Rogers. SERGTS.— Calvin W. Meacham, Martin V. Lyon, Michael P. Kenedy, WUUara Addison, WUUam B. Wil kins, GranviUe W. Garth, Jesse Hinton, Joseph Carneal, James A. Rey nolds, Henry C. Marlow, William Shelton, Chas. C. Drake. CORPLS. — Alveny Shelton, James W. Hart, Francis M. Latham, Amos H. Wil kins, John M. Canada, John P. Scott, WUUam E. WUkins, Geo. Simons, Joseph Dassett, James L. Grace, William H. CampbeU, WiUiam H. Har dison, Joseph L. McGee, Samuel W. Kennedy, Lewis T. Tomerlin, Jno. Seventeenth Kentucky Infantry. 459 T. Denton, Charles W. WUkins, Wm. W. Winders, Charles W. Bivens, Micajah Shutt. WAGONER— Benjamin N. Bearden. PRIVATES — Richard Amas, Halem D. Adams, Michael Casting, Jaa. H. Duncan, Stephen A. Franklin, John W. GlUam, Joseph H. Gant, Am- ma^ah D. Harper, Benjamin C. Hale, John H. Helsley, John W. Hester, Hanly R. Hardison, Morris D. Hudleston, James H. Johnson, William M. Long, Perry S. Lathara, John Lear, Nicholas Mayas, David Philips, John Reid, John C. Slaughter, Dampry C. Shelton, David Sweny, Wil liam Shanon, James A. Tomerlin, Edward D. AVUlIs, A. Poe WiUiam, Henry L. Adams, John J. Allison, James Coleman, Jaraes P. Dukes, Silas Dukes, Albert Dorrls, Wm. W. Franklin, Wm. M. Gant, Michael Helsley, John P. Helsley, Wm. R. Helsley, Cornelius Hamilton, Gabriel M. Jami son, Thos. J. Keeling, Wm. M. Keeling, William Keeling, Theodore F. C. Kannady, Wm. A. Kennady, John R. Latham, Jr., Thomas B. McCauley, Thomas B. McGee, Carroll B. Pepper, David S. Rodgers, Heni-y B. RUd, Thomas J. Sweeney, James D. SuUivan, Wesley L. Sparrow, George W. Taylor, Theophilus H. Tomerlln.Jno. C. Rice, Ephraim T. Biven, Pryor Boatwright, James B. Lyon, Joseph S. Starks, Tery Brurafield, John M. Bivens, Thomas T. Bivens, John Blake, Wm. I. Calvert, Philip T. Dres kiU, WiUiam G. DreskiU, Gllllum Ezell, Harvey H. Farmer, John A. Gant, Patrick M. Gant, Mathias Helsley, Harris Horn, Josiah Han cock, John W. Huddleston, Richard Jones, John F. Jamison, John L. Johnson, Lawson T. Keeling, John B. Latham, Sr., William G. Lee, Wil son Ay. Ladd, Wm. E. Mayes, Wm. N. Mayes, Samuel H. McGee, Napo leon B. Rice, John Row, SUas Read, Green B. Rice, Theophilus M. Shernwell, James C^ Sparrow, Jerome C. Youngs, George Draper, Geo. W. Latham, John W. H. Trent, PhUIp M. Wolf, James D. WUkins, Jas. W. Deason, John Shaffield, Thomas D. Robison, Wm. M. L. Asher, Champ S. Beasley, John W. Beasley, Jefferson Bryant, Charles Ezell, Benjamin, F. Ezell, Wm. B. Putrell, William Francis, James H. Green field, John B. Howard, Thomas D. Hutchinson, Lorenzo D. Harper, Na than M. Joiner, William Keener, Jackson Knight, George W. Knight, James H. Knight, GranvlUe H. Mansfield, Daniel P. Mathis, John M. Mc- CauUey, John McGrah, Wm. C. Mclntaugh, Dennis Oneal, John Oliver, William D. Porter, WUUam P. Reed, Francis B. Reynolds, WilUam B. Rodgers, Joseph Reed, Preston Sweeny, George W. Stinson, John P. Seager, John M. Scott, Garvin P. Scott, Newton J. Sweeney. Company " E." CAPTAINS— Wesley Garey, Thomas W. Campbell, James W. An thony, Wm. J. Lendrum, John H. Frost. 1st LIEUTS.— Perry Campbell, Albert R. Shackelford, George L. Sullivan, ^Wm. S. Johnson, Samuel K. Cox, Boanerges V. Tyler. 2d LIEUTS.- Richard L.' Peyton, Benjamin T. Hobbs, James M. Wilson, Charles Bratcher, Campbell H. Johnson, Michael Mulvey. SERGTS.-Thomas K. Moore, Thomas Bush, Dares -di-anor, David H. Dunn, Gabriel Yarbrough, Harvey Graham, John W. Gill, Thomas S. ManseU, David G. Hopson, Chas. A. DuvaU. CORPLS — George W. Henderson, H. Johnson Simpson, Winfield J. Bone, Hiram H. Hill, John B. Green, John B. Walker, Tawnley N. Redfern, John C. Sizemore, James M. Smith, P. Jerome Glass, Willis M. Colman, Mallon J. Woosley, Isaac N. Sullivan. PRIVATES- Thomas E. Adams, Joseph Allen, John Brackett, Presly B. Beshears, Francis M. Adams, Wm. T. Bennett, Benjarain BaKer, E. H. Brewer, Joel H. Brewer, William B. Butler, Peter Bowles, WUliam R. Brown, Wm. H. Crick, Charles H. Gates, Francis Conrad, Wm. A. Daugherty, Thomas Fletcher, Jaraes S. Gambell, Corydon W. Graham, Abner Gunn, Robert , Gower, Doctor B. Griffin, John B. HUl, Andrew G. Hamby, Francis M. HIU, James L Long, John Mcintosh, Reese A. Miles. Richard M. MItchal. John W. Marquess, James W. Marquess, George W. McPadden, Richard Nix, William Russell, Jesse Russell, Stephen H. Ruddle, WUUam B. Ray, James J. Rodgers, James CX Stanley, Hosea B. Simpson, James K. P. Simpson, Madion SuUivan, Richard H. Smith, Fielding G. Southard, James K. Sizemore, John R. Stanley, Nicholas T. Tucker, David M. Vincent, John W. Wright, Henry N. WUson, Elisha West, James H. Adames, Philip D. Brewer, James T. Blades, Enoch C. Duskey, James Gill, Andrew P. Gamble, Daniel Gorden. Patrick Howard, 460 Union Eegiments of Kentucky. William A. Ladd, Arnold Malin, James A. Nolen, James W. Ray, Wil liam H. Rodgers, Robert C. Speed, George W. Simonds, George W. Soott, Henry B. Underwood, Wililam S. Wiley, John F. Woodburn, James Wil liamson, Wm. M. S. Yarbrough, Benj. Yancy, Samuel Burnett, Jacob Dosler, George B. Favor, William T. Jones, Ell W. Knight, Joseph Pendley, Barnes Parker, Nathaniel J. Smith, William L. Troop, Vin cent BrasweU, Wilson J. Boyd, Bartls Barnes, James T. Crafts, WUlis Cook, Jacob S. DuvaU, John T. DuvaU, John Dunkerson, A. Benten Dus key, Richard N. Pindley, Willis H. Fuller, John K. Puller, William A. Hicks, James M. Hampton, John W. Jones, Nicholas Jeffers, John Keith, John McDonald, John W. Marquess, Sr., Cornelius Murphy, Rufus A. Malin, John N. Nixon, James J. Parsons, WiUiam Powell, Albert H. Peyton, Joseph Rodgers, Azarlah Riddle, Samuel C. Stanley, Ebenezer H. Smith, Thomas A. Underwood, William W. Webb, Josiah Wlnsteard, John Carney, Andrew J. Frasier, Samuel P. Gamble, John A, Malin, Thomas Bishop, John C; Saston, Alljah Baldock, Thomas Crick, John Camplln, William Dunkerson, Martin Dunlap,. Jeremiah E. Franklin, Vincent D. Gunn, Allen Gunn, William J. Hamby, James Holland, Pat rick Jackson, James E. Miller, Mathew L. Morgan, John L. Oldham, George W. Pursell, Hugh W. Reed, Nathaniel S. Richardson, Alexander Shaw, Austin P. Smith, Manley G. Wlnstead, Andrew J. Wheelden, Richard R. West, William WUcox, William C. Oglesby, James B. Forbes. Company "F." CAPTAINS— Henry S. Barnett, Ion B. NaU. 1st LIEUTS.— WUliam ' T. King, Jefferson H. Jennings, Thomas J. Alverson. 2d LIEUTS.- Jno. G. Ferguson, Oscar D. Kress, Thomas D. Davis. SERGTS.— Atha Aud, Isaac Perry, Philip Rial, Francis M. Felix, Nicholas C. Daniel, William A. Wallace, George Bunger. CORPLS. — Wm. M. Ferry, Richard Shaver, William H. Felix, Henry C. Shaver, James Harrison, Meredith Hughes, Wesley Arterberry, Hugh Ferry, Chas. K. Metcalfe. MUSICIAN— Sam uel P. NaU. WAGONER-James L. Harris. PRIVATES— Luther G. Ambrose, John W. Black, John Brown, An- don Brooks, Curtis D. Bean, Cortez X. Bean, WUUam R. Bean, Isaac Cotton, Harrison Cline, John W. Cannon, Robert Z. Duff, Zachariah Davis, Abraham Eaton, John Felix, Absalom P. Frazier, Henry C. Hand, Asberry Harrison, Henry Hurt, Berry Hurt, William Harrel,- Samuel M. Hamilton, John Johnston, Warren Lewis, John R. McCoy, John Oiler, Jasper Oiler, Benjamin P. Petty, Charles M. Ragsdale, August Ruland- er, George W. Reddish, Jesse Shaver, Sam'l Smith, Richard A. Stevens, Michael J. Thomas, William A. Walter, James B. Wright, William P. Wright, John H. Wright, Thomas York, James M. Boone, Thomas A. Barnett, Lindsay Bennett, John B Cline, William H. Combs, James Faught, John S. Fuqua, John H. Hand, John T. Stone, William Smith, Thomas R. Wilhite, Hiram B. Ward, Samuel C. Crawford, Daniel C. Guthery, Virgil Bennett, Martin Brown, William Boyd, James H. Can non, William H. Hamilton, Cyrus A. Howard, John J. Hamilton, Hiram B. McSherry, Elijah Mitchell, John Rust, Marquis L. Reddish, Henry C. Stephens, Charles D. Sandefur, William H. Ashford, Jaberry Mitchell, James W. Sandefur, John M. Calloway, Abram Hornback, Thomas N. Smith, Peter Smith, Nathaniel P. Wedding, Eugene York, John Zim merman. Company " G." CAPTAINS— Benjamin T. Underwood, Hugh C. Cooper, Thomas J. Kirby, John V. Boyd, Samuel T. Fruit. 1st LIEUTS.— WiUiam Ashby, Rich. W. Williams, John H. Frost, Alexander B. Sandefur. 2d LIEUTS. —Thomas B. Boyd, Isaac Condett, Albert E. Brown, David Cartwright, Wm. H. Meglemery. SERGTS.— Wm. P. McAfee, Curtis A. Brasher, Henry C. Brasher, James G. Yancey, Henry H. Witty, Joseph H. Wil son, Henry M. West, Robert J». Johnson. -CORPLS.— Meander B. Brown, Milton A. Littlefield, John G. Anderson, John W. Lynn, John M. Crag, John J. Armstrong, Tillman Russell, John M. Cramer, Albert Grace, George M. Brashear, Marcellus M. Brown, Charles W. May, Wm. H. West, Daniel L. McKnight, John H. Babbett, P. C. Gresham, Thos. H. GlUiland, Joseph H. Settle. Nathaniel Grace, Marion Moore, Wm. H. Seventeepth Kentiwky Infantfy. 461 Teague, Alexander Gilliland, Jos. M. Rice. DRUMMER— Daniel Cart wright. PRIVATES — James Anderson, Jr., Fields Blanchard, Sam'l E. Boyd, George E. Boyd, William H. Boyd, James M. Rennett, James D. Brown, Lewis H. Bouland, Francis Codier, Isham A. Cook, John W. Coartney, William Doss, Thomas Ewing, William Fortner, Wesley Fletcher, Ter rell Fletcher, Edom Grace, James GiUelanid, Pitman F. Gibson, WilUam Gabert, John W. Hararaond, VlrgU A. Hanby, Golden H. Hanby, Daniel M. Hanby, Lewis H. Johnson, Daniel Kenrfedy, Hezekiah J. Z. Love, Henry Ladd, Wm. R. Long, James W. Morris, John O. Menser, Solomon D. Menser, Joseph Morgan, John Oroark, Joseph P. Pyle, Charles Pryor, Alfred Russell, Joseph Rose, William Sizemore, Joshua C. Teague, Wil liam Teague, Charles F. Trotter, Wm. J. Wittey, Wesley S. Wittey, Elijah P. Walker, Edward Wilkins, John M. West, John W. Wyatt, Albert H. Brasher, Joel Boyd, John B. Campbell, Joshua A. Conner, Jno. A. Crumer, Samuel H. Causler, Jaraes C. Causler, Samuel Doss, Masten P. Farmer,, John W. GrIflSn, John GlUeland, William GlUelan, Thos. J. Hughes, John E. Harrison, James L. Keys, George H. Mesamore, Noah Menser, Daniel W. Menser, Wm. R. Pleasant, Henry M. Renstan, Peter Ryan, Joseph D. Terry, Wm. W. Wight, John White, Richard G. Wilson, Alexander Walker, John W. Yandall, Robert Young, Lawrence B. Armstrong, John Brackett, James R. Causler, Elza H. Causler, Chas. C. Drake, John W. Mclntire, James D. Arrastrong, David A. Bennett, James A. Cook, John W. Dunning, Henry Dose, Henry E. D. Gilky, Wil liam H. Gordon, James M. Hammonds, James T. M. Hamby, Miles J. Knight, Wm. J. Ladd, James P. Long, James Long, Jesse McKnight, John A. WIUIs, Daniel McKlnzIe, George W. O'Roark, Lewis J. Pyle, John Simpson, Anderson G. Solomon, John W. Southern, Joseph M. Southern, James Witty, William P. Cook, Thomas F. Wilson, Lawrence G. Bourland, Robert Tucker, Sarauel R. White, George H. Anthony, James Anderson, Sr., Samuel Boyd, James W. Crabtree, Alexander Cope- land, James C. W. Causler, Dr. H. Dunning, John M. Dunning, George W. Dunning, William East, Edward PuUer, John Fuller, John D. Ford, Jesse Ford, Aquilla B. Gilliland, John H. Johnson, Henry Johnson, John Right, William H. Stew;art, James B. Witty, John W. Walker, Richard J. Williams, Wm. Dunning, Flemuel Dunning. Company " H." CAPTAINS— George A. Little, Robert M. Davis. 1st LIEUTS.— Richard F. Taylor, WUUara S. DiUahay, Henry M. West. 2d LIEUTS. — Garton C. Pruett, H. Clay Marlow, George C. Mprrltt. SERGTS.— Williara D. Taylor, William S. Little, James Drury, Joseph W. Cole man, Leonard L. Taylor, Lawrence D. Waltrip, Richard W. Givens, Wil liam J. Lendrum, John Gentry, William T. King, Alexander B. Sande fur, John D. Prett. CORPLS.-Joseph P. Waltrip, James A. Planer, An drew J. Jewell, David O. Falcon, Richard S. Jaraes, ,RichaVd P. Sorrell, James E. Cobb, George P. Vance, Joel G. Sapp, Francis Fenwick, James S. Hogens, Luke Tanner, Wm. McCain. WAGONERS— John A. Bryant, Frank Branson. DRUMMER— John Frlelas. PRIVATES— Jacob H. Arnold, William Baize, George Bransom, Jno.- W. Cobb, Willis Corbit, Matlson Cotton, James M. Cochran, Willier P. Condit, William Cline, Leonard T. Cop, Thomas J. Dulln, John W. Du vaU, Jaraes Dunkerson, Burrell Ezell, William D. Faught, Wililam Foard, Isaac Foard, Joseph Fenwick, Willis B. GUlstrap, James Gentry, John A. Hutson, James H. Jones, Samuel M. James, James A. Jarnagan, Benjamin F. Jenkins, James M. Jennett, Calvin Kaslnger, Cornelius Kennedy, George Keefer, George Leach, WUliam H. Leach, Sarauel Mackey, William McLlnmore, Henry McCain, Moses Palls, James Riggs, Robert Ridout, Hanley Ridout, Jonathan S. Raley, Henry J. Raley, Jaa. H. Stuart, Francis Standefur, George W. Spoonover, Santford Simpson, Robert Simpson, Olid AVatson, James Lyons, Silvester Allen, Francis Barton, David Y. Boston, Thomas Daugherty, George W. Davidson, Jabe Daniel, Robert Dickens, Franklin Havens, Samuel K. Jones, Ed ward H. James, Thomas Kowan, Wm. B. Leach, William Polly, Henry RidQut, Luther Rodgers, Benjamin Raffety, Hugh R. Sandefur, Sam uel E. Turner, John Vance, Samuel M. Wilson, James M. Wilson, John 462 Union Regiments of Kentuch/. Anderson, Benjamin F. Autry, Henry Baize, Thomas Baze, John H. Baize, John J. Baize, Wililam K. Fry, William Keller, Mathew Kerken- dall, Abram Kerkendall, Alfred K. Leach,, James H. Lindsey, James H. Leach, Josephus McCannon, David W. Norton, Henry T; Stuart,- Shelley Bates, John T. Boston, Robert Davis, Edward Davidson, .Geo. W. Ezell, Charles H. Hocker, George W. House, Patrick Hester, David Lickens, James Jj. Lauler, Ariel Michael, Holland Morris, Melvin Shultz, Joseph Sandefur, Nathaniel Sips, Henry B. Steavens, Hugh W. Taylor, Simon Autry, Theophilus Allen, Wm. R. Baise, Joseph A. Bracher, Joseph L. Stuart, Wm. H. Boston, Torrance Davison, Andrew Foster, Granville GUlstrap, John Heady, George A^'- Halloway, James Johnson, WUliam Kos, Joel Legrand, Littleberry Matlock, John H. Slpes, Simeon Slpes, James Street, Charles R. Sip^s, Isaac Willaby, John G. Young, Pleasant M. Young, Wm. H. Mackey. Company "I." CAPTAINS— Robert Vaughan, Thomas R. Brown. 1st LIEUTS.— Silas Heston, H. Clay Marlow. ,2d LIEUTS.— Jefferson H. Jennings, Boanerges V. Tyler. SERGTS. — Harvey H. Duggins, George C. Merritt, Lewis Puller, Joseph A. Claggett, Commodore P. Burchfield, John W. Angle, Joseph B. Patterson, Simpson Stout, David W. Norton, Nathan Sapp. CORPLS. — James R. Payne, Mayhugh Bratcher, Wm. R. Mitch ell, Isaac N. Belcher, James Bullock, Van Buren Rains, Alfred Hurt, Byron Johnson, Curran P. Ramsey, Morgan King, Higginson P. Bo- zarth, Alvis C. Haider, Henry Patterson, Wm. B. Addington. PRIVATES— John W. Anderson, Richard H. Belcher, Littleberry Belcher, Henry Bayse, John H. Bayse, Jacob P. Bennett, Bedford Burchfield, Reuben Bratcher, William L. Brown, John Cook, William Casey, Benjamin P. Clagett, Leroy Condor, James Curtis, McHenry Dayls, John W. Davis, Walter T. Daniel, Valentine Edwards, John W. Prance, Rufus L. Fogle, Thomas Hall, Christopher C. Harrison, John Hook, Abraham Johnson, William Jones, Thomas M. Lewis, Edward T. Myers, Warner Martin, Miles McCoy, Samuel L. Midkiff, William T. Payton, Valentine Payton, Edward B. Payne, Henderson W. Russ, Jacob B. Stewart, William R. Shartzer, Francis M. Spears, Henry B. Thomas, Herod Trail, Robert R. Wood, Thomas J. Watson, Job Arnold, John J. Bayse, Christopher C. Brown, Daniel J. Basham, Thomas C. Crowder, Benjamin Dunn, John B. Doolin, Lloyd Gary, Leven Graham, James Hall, John Haynes, Jacob Johnson, Mark Lykins, James Mar shall, Mark Russ, Moses W. Stone, Daniel B. Storms, WUliam A. Sub lett, Oliver A. Walcott, William Wright, Edward Lucas, John G. Aus tin, Vivian D. Armes, Stephen Z. Arnold, David Campbell, Henry Cook, Felix B. Gallaway, George W. Hodge, Columbus Hall, Fielding Harris, John D. Iglehart, Sashwell Jordon, Bailey -Lykins, Joseph Lucas, Wil liam T. Morris, Simeon B. Morris, Colby Shrader, Logan Sapp, William F. Sapp, Emanuel Sapp, James E. Shane, James M. Sanders, Henry T. Stewart, Andrew L. Webster; James Bellamy, Christopher C. Johnson, Valentine MUler, Dempsey C. White, Johnson WUson, Ewing C. Burks, George Paiight, John Hicks, Benjamin P. Watson. Company " K." CAPTAINS— James H. Holloway, Putnam B. Trlble, Robert C. Stur gis, George -C. Merritt. 1st LIEUTS.- Newton M. Miller, Plus Clarke, Samuel Mitchell, Samuel W. Pruett. 2d LIEUTS.— John J. Holloway, WUliam A. Pitts, Aaron S. Hicks, Thomas J. Alverson, Noah C. Dean. SERGTS.— WUUam J. Little, Chas. A. Morgan, Philip A. Bryant, Wil liam H. Fruit, James Z. Davis, Cyrus Steele. CORPLS.— EUjah Page, William J. McHugh, John T. Seigler, Wm. Gundry, MarshaU G. Ashby, Enoch W. Fruit, Albertus Lumarer, Alexander Howard, John Secrist, Alfred Barnard. MUSICIAN— Randolph Gundry. WAGONER— Thos. G. W. Timmons. PRIVATES— Francis A. Ashby, Josiah B. Ashby, WUliam P. Ashby, Benjamin P. Ashby, Weaver J. D. Burk, Ell G. Burk, John T. Bartley, Logan L, Brown, Jno. Clements, Joel Colwell, Thos. Dickens, Jiio. Doren, Jno. W. Daniels, Wm. H. Edwards, Isaac C. Freels, Ed. P. Freels, Jno. M. Fritz, Jno. H. Fruit, Benj. T. Fulkerson, P. K. Fulkerson, Wm. A. Fang- Eighteenth Kentucky Infa-ntry. 463 hami, A. J. Hicks, Thos. Howard, Moses Hughey, Thos, Jobling, S. P. Kissinger, Ira Kendetall, WUliam R. King, Michael Muldoon, Samuel McKalister, John K. Myers, William Moore, Sr., John O. Milton, Wil Uam Moore, Jr., Coleman Martin, Frahk M. Norvil, Christ Nagel, David H. Pool, WiUiam C. Perkins, Joseph R. Pitt, WUliam C. Pertis, John Robinson, Richard Shackelford, Milton A. Sheffer, WUliam T. Smith. Jones Stepp, George W. Splcer, Benj. P. Stephens, Charles F. Thompson, Garret W. Timmons, Ira B. Timmons, Richard Turner, John L. Young. John L. Ashby, John G. Barker, Matthew Cantrell, Wm. B. Cox, War ren J. Elliott, Marcus Gllkey, William Harris, Jacob J. Hanson, Thos. P. Johnson, Samuel A. Kemball, Wm. J. P. Lile, Samuel N. Melton, John D. McMaIn, Robert McMann, George R. Nagley, Robert W. Phil lips, John Renn, George L. Roberts, Michael Ryon, Henry Roggem- kamp, James P. Scott, James D. Sheffer, James Stalings, Burrel D Smith, Eli Smith, Cornelius Totten, Joseph Vincent, Robert G. Washam, George W. Kemball, John S. MitcheU, George Reins, William E. Chris tian, Harvey H. Dillingham, David L. Dillingham, James K. Parmer. William F. Farmer, John H. Paughan, Francis M. Grant, Pleasant Halmark, Jesse Knight, William Knight, Dehar&eman, Lavare, Daniel R. Morgan, Dennis O'Bryen, Joseph W. Pinkston, William P. Robinson, Thomas Russell, Luther Robertson, John J. Shingler, William C. Tay lor, John E. Woolsey, John W. Owens, William W. Page, Noah Sharp, William "W. Cummings, Green B. McMaln, Marcus Coffman, Charles M. Crabtree, WilUam L. Everhart, Isaac Gilmore, Nathan D. Gatson, Wil liam J. Keney, Theodore Moffitt, WUliam McKey, William Murphey, William H. Putnam, Daniel D. Raymons, James Riley, William H. Read, George R. Read, George Smith, Elijah Smith, Cicero Strong, Benjamin P. Spieer, Joseph Sales, John R. Thompson, Robert M. Young. • Eighteenth Kentucky Infantry. (trom THB ADJUTANT GBNBI^AL'S KEPOKT.) The following account, evidently prepared by an offlcer of the regiment, is here used^with emendation. The 18th Regiment of KentuckyVolunteer Infantry was recruited during the winter of 1861-2, and was mustered into the United States service on the 8th day of February, 1862. During its organization and until August 20, 1862, the command was on duty guarding the Covington & Lexington railroad, with its headquarters at Falmouth, Ky., until April 16, 1862, and then at Lex ington, Ky. On the 16th day of June, 1862, a detach ment of the regiment, under command of Lieut. Col. Landram, participated in the defense of Cynthiana, Ky., against John H. Morgan, where it sustained. a loss of two killed. On the 20th day of August, 1862, the regiment, about six hundred strong, marched from Lexington, Ky., for Richmond, twenty-six miles, a portion of the regiment remaining on duty on the Kentucky Central railroad. The 18th was attached to the brigade of Maj. Gen. C. M. Clay, who was afterward relieved by Rrig. Gen. Cruft. 464 Union Regiments qf Kentucky. On August 30, 1862, ir^rticipated in the battle of Richmond, Ky., losing fifty-jtAvo killed, one hundred and fifteen wounded and almost the entire remainder of the command captured and paroled. Among the killed were Captains Lewis, Company H, and Culbertson, Company K, and Lieutenants Washburn, Company F, and Dunlap^' Company I. \Amofig the wounded and captured were Col. W. A. Warner, Lieut. Col. J. J. Landram, Capt. M. Mullins, and W. R. Fisk, and Lieutenants Patterson and Moss. After the batfl^^^^af^Richmond the remnant of the regiment, under cpfemand or Maj. F. G. Bracht, retreated to Louisville, Ky^ one hundred and twenty-six miles. On September 28jfe^h it left Louj^ville, by boat, for Covington, Ky., where iz was assigned to the brigade of Brig. Gen. Green Clay Smith, a^d^arched from Covington to Paris, Ky., eighty milesr^^n Deceinber '5th it marched from Paris to Lexington, twenty miles. On January 27, 1863, it left Lexington by rail for Louisville, Maj. H. K. Mil- ward commanding. On February 2, 1863, it left Louis ville by boat for Nashville, Tenn., where, upon its arrival, it was assigned to the brigade of Brig. Gen. Crook. On February 23, 1863, it started by boat for Carthage, whence it marched on June 2d for Murfreesboro (via Liberty) seventy-five miles, where Crook's brigade was made the 3d Brigade, 4th Division, llth Army Corps. On June 23, 1863, it moved with the Army of the Cumberiand, and took part in the engagement at Hoover's Gap, losing two killed and three wounded. It was actively engaged in the campaign against Chattanooga. On September 19th and 20th it participated in the battle of Chickamauga, losing eight killed and forty wounded and thirty-eight prisoners. Among the wounded were Maj. A. G. Wileman and Lieut. J. M. Shaw. Among the captured were Captains J. M. Grose and B. T. Riggs. * When the army was reorgan ized after the battle of Chickamauga, the 18th was as signed to the 3d Brigade, 3d Division, llth Army Corps. From October 5th to November 23, 1863, it was on spe cial duty, holding the line of the river near Chattanooga at a point known as "The Narrows," and at "Brown's Ferry," on which duty it lost in killed, one, and captured, five. After the battle of Mission Ridge it was ordered to Chat tanooga on post duty. On January 5, 1864, of three hun dred men present, two hundred and seventy-two re- enlisted as veteran volunteers, and the command was or- * The reports show that Col. H. K. Milward was disabled, and Maj. Wilemian beang disabled, the command devolved on Capt. John B Helte- mus. Eighteenth Kentucky Infantry. 465 dered to Louisville, Ky., by rail, to receive veteran fur lough. ¦ On February 1st it received thirty days' furlough at Louisville, Ky., and at the expiration of the same, on March 1st, it rendezvoused at Paris, Ky., and on March 12th it started by rail for Nashville, Tenn., whence it marched on the 22d for Ringgold, Ga., a distance of two hundred miles, to join the main army. On May 10th it was left at Ringgold on post duty when the army moved against Atlanta. Here it had several skirmishes, in one of which Capt. J. B. Heltemus w^s captured. On September 25, 1864, the regiment left Ringgold, Ga., by rail, for Atlanta, and on October 3d it marched from Atlanta (northward, in pursuit of J. B. Hood), to Galesville, Ala., one hundred and fifty miles. On ^Oc tober 29th it broke up camp at Galesville, and, after halt ing at Rome, to be paid off, it marched to Atlanta, which place was reached on November 15th, a distance of one hundred and one miles. On November 16th it marched southward. Little can be said of the march to Savannah; one day was very much like another; occasionally a swamp was to be crossed, a bad road repaired, or a stream bridged ; and there was quite an extent of railroad track destroyed. Only once (on December 2, 1864, at Rocky Creek Church) was the 3d Division, llth Army Corps, under fire, and then sustained no loss, pu December llth the regiment arrived in front of Savannah, having marched from Atlanta, a distance of two hundred and fifty-seven miles. On the 22d the camp was moved to the immediate vicinity of Savannah, the enemy having evacuated the city. Here Capt. Sam Williams, Company B, died on January 14, 1865. On January 20, 1865, it left Savannah, and moved northward, arriving at "Sisters' Ferry" on the Savannah river. On January 28th, a distance of forty miles. On February 5th it crossed the river into South Carolina. The march from this point to Goldsboro, N. C, was terrible; mud and mire, wide swamps and deep rivers were plentiful and the luxuries of life accessible only un der difflculties. Thfe first intelligence of the "outer world" was obtained at Fayetteville, N. C, March 11, 1865, at which time the distance marched from Sisters' Ferry was four hundred miles. On March 18th it marched from Fayetteville for Golds boro, N. C, a distance of sixty miles where, on the 4th day of April, 1865, the non-veterans, seventy-two in number, were mustered out, the veterans and recruits being trans ferred to the 18th Ky. Veteran Volunteer Infantry, 30 466 Union Eegiments of Kentucky. From that period the regiment was known as tbe 18th Ky. Veteran Volunteer Infantry. April 10, 1865, it par ticipated in the movement of the army against Raleigh, N. C. On the 12th it was engaged, sustaining a loss of two killed and two wounded; and, on the 13th, entered Raleigh. From thence if marched to Holly Springs, N. C, where it went into camp on the 16th. On the 29tli of April it started homeward, aud reached Washington City (a distance of three hundred and sixty miles) on the 19th of May. During this march the 3d Division, llth Army Corps, to which the regiment was attached, marched the distance from Raleigh to Richmond, Va. (one hundred and eighty-six miles), in six days. The regiment remained at Washington City nearly a month, and was in the grand review. From Washington it went by railroad and steamboats to Louisville, Ky., where, early in July, 1865, a portion was mustered out. Lieut. Col. H. K. Milward was commissioned colonel of the 18th Veteran Infantry by the governor of Kentucky, December 19, 1863, but was never mustered as such by reason of the regiment not having the requisite number of men. He commanded the regiment from January 20, 1863, to the date of its muster out, and was brevetted col onel by the President, to date March 13, 1865. The regiment was mustered out at Louisville July 18, 1865. Field and Staff. COLONEL— William A, Warner. LIEUT, COLS.— John J, Lan drum, H. K. Milward. MAJS.— Frederick G. Bracht, Abram G. WUe- man, John AV. Robbins, John J. Hall. ADJTS. — Alvin B. Clark, John W. Hamilton. Q. MASTERS— James T. Clark, John Moss. SURG.— Joseph Pithian. ASST. SURG.— J. C. EUiott. CHAPLAINS— Asa Drury, L. D. Parker. SERGT. MAJS.— John W. Gross, Columbus Metcalfe, David H. Goyeii, James E. Bell, George W. McGill. Q. M. SERGTS.— Hiram Bryson, Wm. R. Clements. COM. SERGTS.— Joihn D. Feeibaolj, Robt. W. Grant. HOSPITAL STEWARD— Asa W. Newton. Company "A." CAPTAINS— Mathew Mullins, John W. Robbins, J. M. Wilson. 1st LIEUTS.— James T. Applegate, H. P. Monroe. SERGTS.— Lloyd Mc- GIU, Elijah Regan, Francis G. Hobbs. CORPLS.— Jas. W. McGlU, Rob ert P. Watson, PhUlp M. Ammerman, John R. Lee, John L. Bradford, Thomas B. Reed, James Rogers, Grandison B. Jenkins. MUSICIANS.— Doctor F. Freeman, James O'Connell. WAGONER— WUliam J. Love. PRIVATES— James A. Agrue, Franklin Asberry, Joseph Bristow, Frederick W. Blehn, George W. Brown, Lorenzo Boggess, James Big gie, Charles Bishop, 'Alien H. Baker, Solomon Belew, Nelson C. Cum mings, WUliam Corderry, Joel J. Connelly, Daniel Cummins, John M. Cummins, John T. Douglass, John Delaney, George Daugherty, Austin Donly, Henry S. Duckworth, WUliam Bills, Henry C. Field Alfred F. Prazer, Asa C. Ford, Azriah Ford, Richard Pryer, Lloyd Fryer, Lafay ette Gaskins, John Green, Henry Gordon, Zach. A. Godman, James M. Godman, Peter M. Huddleston, Chas. L. Huddleston, Jno. Houk, Andrew Eighteenth Kentucky Infantry. 467 J. Hand, Wm. Hobbs, John A. Huddleston, George Huddleston, Isaac Huffman, Wm. B. H. Jones, James Johnting, Jacob Justice, John D. Keith, Alonzo Keith, Benj. Kldwell, Jas. H. Llnthecum, Benj. Lancas ter, John N. Lancaster, Robert S. Lee, Thos. Lovelace, Geo. W. McGlU, Israel P. McGill, Joseph McGill, Rich. A. Mullins, Lewis V. Mockbee, James Murphy, John Murphy, Jas. H. Moore, Reuben E. McClanahan, Andrew J. Neaves, Jas. W. Neaves, Robert Pebworth, John T. Parker, Geo. W. Ross, Ezekiel Rawling, James G. Reed, Alex. Rogers, Michael Shepherd, Stephen Shumate, James Sweeney, Chas. Sempter, Daniel Shoemaker, Robt. H. Taylor, James P. Thomas, Raphael J. Tomlinson, Wm. Watson, Jas. W. Wilson, Bartley Ware, John M. Weaver. Company " B." CAPTAINS— Wm. C. Johnson, Charles S. Williams. 1st LIEUTS.- Jas. T. Chrisman, Wm. McPherson, Samuel J. Kuhn. 2d LIEUTS.— John W. Puthuff, Junius B. Bracht. SERGTS.-David H. Goyen, Wm. T. Smith, Geo. W. Simpson. CORPLS.— John Skirvin, John W. John son, Jas. T. Williams, John C. 'Tomlin, William R. Clements, James W. Mitts. MUSICIANS— Geo. W. Saylers, Jas. F. Hutton. WAGONER— Thomas Webster. PRIVATES — Albert Achman, Sllbern Achman, Harvey Anglin, Jas. Bachbuner, Tobias Berkley, Patrick Burns, James Burns, Julius Bre vard, Jas. H. Barnett, Jas. P. Burgess, Geo. W. Crutchfleld, Thos. W. Cooley, John Chipman, Francis M. Coleman, John T. Crosswhite, Jesse S. Chipman, Elliott Cramener, Joseph W. Childers, Isaac Crogswhite, Samuel D. DuvaU, Francis Devlin, Sanford M. Daugherty, Lewis Dun can, Thos. P. Evans, Peter S. Edwards, Wm. A. Fortner, John E. Flinn, James W. Farrell, George Hedge, Ambrose Hall, Wm. Harris, Jas. W. Henderson, Franklin Harris, WUliam P. HIU, Joseph W. Hall, Legrand HaU, Jas. K. P. Ingram, Robt. O. Jones, Ostin S. King, David Kinman, Edward Minor, Wm. P. Mitts, Henry McClure, Jas. H. McPherson, Wm. S. Miller, Thomas McCue, Harrison -W. Miller, Jas. F. Odar, Wm. E.> Pur nell, James Patton, Samuel PuUy, Asa Robinson, Silas Rogers, Milton Rogers, John Robinson, John A. Ryan, Jas. P. Saylers, Cornelius Skir vin, Henry Seney, Jas. S. Smith, Wm. P. Smith, Timothy Tubbs, Wm. H. H. Templeton, Morgan Taylor, Wm. C. Williams, Chas. H. Williams, Alley P. Willson, Reuben Webster, John WUllams, Thos. H. Yancey, George W. Purnell. Company " C." CAPTAINS— Wm. R. Fisk, Wm. C. Reeder. 1st LIEUTS.— Andrew B. Clark, Hiram M. Bryson. 2d LIEUT.— Jas. D. Oldham. SERGTS.— Wm. Lawson, OstIn M. McCond, Jas. Johnson, Wm. S. Parker. COR PORALS— Boswell B. Jones, Daniel ¦ B. Cooklndorfer, Ell Frame, John Hurd, Jas. H. Blythe, John Tatton, Geo. W. Adams, Samuel E. Huddle ston. MUSICIANS— Wm. Clark, Harmon Prost. WAGONER— WUUam Boone. PRIVATES— Chas. H. Applehoff, Andrew . Alexander, John Brad ford, Henry J. Bradford, Jas. W. Baxter, Wm. C. Burrows, Geo. W. Bax ter, Francis P. Craig, Wm. D. Conner, Jacob Cupples, Joseph Croxton, Henry H. Cook, Thomas Craig, James Clark, Wm. Cook, David W. Craig, Weedon T. Dailey, Jas. O. Dalley, John Donahue, Meshack Ford, Barney Farley, Nathan B. Fulton, Mathew J. Gray, GranvlUe M. Graves, VolentUe Grepp, John D. Gruell, Wm. O. Hall, John R. Hob son, Daniel Harry, Godlleb Haufler, Wm. H. Heasel, William Johnson, Henry R. Kimble, Thomas Kelly, Patrick Karney, Lewis Krebbs, God lleb Krebbs, Thomas, Lantry, John Lynch, James Murray, Samuel Mc- Cane, Jesse McClanahan, Henry MouUer, James W. McClanahan, Nich olas Martz, John Mulier, Adam Martz, Louis P. Mattingly, Jas. Mur ray, Nicholas McClanahan, Patrick Peinders, William Peinders, John Quirk,' Rufus ReSman, Michael Rody, Michael P. Ryan, John Robb, Andrew J. Roberts, John Stuke, Geo. B. Smith, David Sharpe, Carlos Sharpe, Volentlne Stlttz, Chas. Trost, Barnabas Trailer, Jas. Whalen, Sr., Jas. Whalen, Jr., Luther B. Watson, John Wick, Chas. York, Samuel McCurdy. 468 Union Regiments of Kentucky. Company " D." CAPTAINS— Abram G. WUeman, J. L. Dougherty, Wm. McPherson, Henry F. Monroe. 1st LIEUTS. — Samuel S. Patterson, James A. Simp son, L. H. Sanders'. 2d LIEUT.— James H. Johns. SERGTS.— Alf red Milehara, Moses Lochart. CORPLS. — Jas. B. Mershow, Henry Middle- ton, Amos K. York, Robt. George, Isaac A. Conner, Riohiard M. J. Race, Huslon Elliott, Chas. Vestal. MUSICIANS— Eli D. Race, Lewis Patter son. WAGONER— Samuel Mann. PRIVATES — Samuel Abercrumbie, Richard Aydellotte, Jas. M. Ad ams, James Aydelott, Henry -Bailey., Joseph Brownfleld, Lewis Botcher, Hezekiah BUllter, Robert Clifford, Patrick Cunlgan, DeWitt C. Crall, Wm. Childers, Hugh Courtney, Livingston M. Carlisle, Anderson S. Crowder, James Conner, Francis Devlin, Franklin DlUworth, James Edmonds, Hanson Elliott, Henry Prakes, John Freeman, Chas. Pomash, - John Prakes, Alfred P. Gray, Thoinas Hicks, Hezekiah Hardin, Wm. D. Hardin, James Haley, Richard M. J. Haley, James Hogan, Christian Kappel, Samuel B. Langworthy, James MoMlUen, Wm. McMUlen, Wm. H. McMUlen, John Margnet, William B. Merrill, John McMUlen, George H. Marshall, John Morrison, James Morehead, Thomas O'Donhell, Jef ferson Routt, Thomas Routt, James Race, Wm. T. Race, Benj. Smith, John Stewart, Richard Simmes, Jas. K. P. Smith, John M. Stephens, Gibson Snodgrass, Jacob Stephens, Thomas Stewart, James Sons, John C. Simpson, John Sons, Davis Sirapson, Wm. R. Twenty, Robt. W. Tom lin, Ezra Tomlin, Stephen Tomlin, John T. Wilson, Jonathan Winn, Jr., Isaac Winn, James Winn, James Work, Sarauel WUson, Samuel Wat kins, Ezekiel Work, Wm. Wolf, Isaac Workman, Owen Williams. Company " E." CAPTAINS— David E. Pugsley, James C. Bacon, Henry P. Ritchey. 1st LIEUTS.— Weeden C. Sleet, Silas Howe, Elijah Regan. 2d LIEUT.— John C. Richards. SERGTS.— Benj. P. WUllams, Charles C. McNeely, Jas. R. Norton. CORPLS.— Ephraim W. Martin, Sam. W. Craig, Thos. A. Ross, Geo. W. Lucas, Thos. J. Burns, Henry J. Gulllon, William J. Sleet. MUSICIANS— Abraham Williamson, Wm. Tyson. WAGONER— George W. Story. PRIVATES— Edward Adams, David Bales, John Boggs, James A. Burns, Geo. G. D. Brown, Perry Burns, Warren Blackburn, Jacob Car ver, Jackson Cayton, Wm. Cox, Chas. W. Cunningham, Samuel Coy, Ferdinand Carver, John Crist, John Densler, Sylvanus H. Dlble, Jas. M. Dupuy, Wm. Dllts, Cornelius Eaglen, Isaac Eaglen, Jas. S. Furnish, Lewis E. Furnish, William E. Furnish, Lemuel Golns, Galloway Golns, Daniel Gardt, Thos. Glenn, Pascal T. Goin, Geo. W. Gregg, Geo. W. Guinea, Lemuel P. Gulllan, Patrick Graham, Wm. Huesten, Wm. Hens ley, Wm. Hinman, John A. Hlnman, Chas. Herbert, Elijah James, Jas. M. James, Lewis G. Keith, Patrick H. King, Benedict Morris, Geo. W. Morris, Silas Miller, John Murphy, John T. Porter, David J. Porter, Thos. M. Pender, Francis M. Peters, James Remer, Michael Ratlcan, Richard A. Ross, Lafayette Redden, George Rice, Lewis Remer, Jacob E. Spoon, John C. Scrogglns, Henry Seaver, Geo. W. Shafer, John W. Shafer, Wm. R. Shafer, Zachariah Smith, John Smith, Elijah Swango, Oscar Sraith, Alger Truitt, Jas. C. Webber, Powhattan Webber, Price V. Whitacre, Wm. Whitacre, Jas. H. Wasson. Company " F." CAPTAINS— Wm. H. Littlejohn, James P. MUler, John M. Poston. 1st LIEUTS.— Augustus G. Hatry, John R. Miller. 2d LIEUT.— John W. Washburn. SERGTS.— James H. Bishop, John W. Stump, Robert C. Jett. CORPLS.— Thomas Regan, Wm. Jett, James T. Washburn, Nich olas C. Regan, Charles King, Nicholas D. C. King, WUliam A. Stewart. MUSICIANS— WUUam King, John W. WUey. WAGONER— Abel King. PRIVATES— Robert H. Ashcraft, Jesse B. Brown, Jas. Browning, Thomas Bishop, John M. Bowles, John Barnette, Richard Brannon, Is rael Benson, Fredrick W. Brown, John BaUey, Thomas Bingham, Will iam H. Cordy, John Crawford, Julius G. Coleman, Jr., James M. Cum- ' Eighteenth Kentucky Infantry. 469 mlngs, Alvin Clark, Adam Downard, John Davis, Oscar S. Davis, Wm. J. Davis, John Dillen, Jr., Reuben Elliott, Seven Fields, James J. GiUas- pey, Wm. H. Gillaspey, James O. Grout, John Gullck, Willis G. Grifllng, Simon Hampton, James H. Harden, William Hine, James M. Hielsman, Robert K. Honlker, Jacob W. Jacobs, Squire A. Johnson, John W. Jen kins, Joseph M. Lancaster, Benjamin P. Marshall, Adam B. Miller, Sam uel McKnight, Harmon McGill, Wm. Newell, Wm. Owens, Samuel Pow ell, Harmon L. Parker, Henry M. Ramsey, Ezra Reynolds, Geo. Rider, Jasper Roberts, David Shely, Wefeley Shewwater, Wm. W. SIpe, Francis M. Smith, Hezekiah Slade, Mathias Shiell, James 'H. SIrams, Benjamin P. Sellers, Rolen H. Thomas, Berton H. Thorp, Carry Trailer, Tilman Turner, Henry C. Taylor, James W. Wiley, John Wood, WUliam WUson, Nelson P, Wells, Thomas Whittle, John Whaley. Connpany " G." CAPTAINS— Hiram W. Egleston, Benj. T. Riggs. 1st LIEUTS.— David Boys, Kemp G. Carter. SERGTS.— Geo. W. Scott, Jas. W. Bur roughs, Geo. W. Morin, Edward McLlnn. CORPLS. — Francis M. Mor ris, Wm. D. Nix, Wm. Gregsby, George Burroughs, Andrew J. Yates, Robert Newman, Bennet Crook,. Hiram M. Bryson. MUSICIANS — Pra mer Behymer, Samuel M. Karrick. WAGONER — John M. Marcus. PRIVATES— Wm. J. Ashcraft, James N. Annis, John Brownfleld, Wm. Burroughs, Geo. Baxter, Wm. J. Briggs, Henry Beckman, John K. tBlackman, Geo. W. Branham, Robt. H. Crook, Geo. W. P. Clinton, Wm. Crowell, Daniel O. Dunn, Ezekiel T. Ennis, Wm. A. Hopper, Jas. W. Hampton, Garfard Hodges, Geo. W. Harlow, John Heckler, James W. Hazelwood, Thomas Hewlett, Edward Jenkins, William Lay, Ogden P. Meeks, Manfred Morgan, Jas. W. McOane, Lewis S. Mangram, Martin Meeks, Henry Clay Morgan, John Moriarty, Samuel McGinnis, Uriah McGinnis, John McLaughlin, Francis M. Nicholson, Jacob J. New, Je rome B. Newman, John A. O'Neal, George Plunkett, Benjamin Barker, James F: Ponder, Emanuel Patterson, Alanson Pgttis, Thos. W. Ran kin, John Rider, Henry' Rider, Stephen Rider, Jacob J. Roeder, Milton Riddle, Robinson Smith, Jaraes S. Sturgeon, George W. Sothard, Co lumbus Shyroc, Edward C. Simmes, Samuel Sanders, Henry Stephen, Alfred Smith, Ezekiel Turner, Patrick Tooel, John Vaughn, James Var ner, John W. WUson, Joseph Watson, Zachariah White. Company " H." CAPTAINS— Wm. M. Oden, Orrin M. Lewis, John J. Hall, Jos. C. Pritchard. 1st LIEUTS.— John W. Grose, Alfred S. Lewis, James E. BeU. SERGTS.— Wm. A. Blair, Andrew Blunt, Wm. O'Leary. COR PORALS — Daniel Hollan, Jesse H. Berry, Daniel Mathew, Henry A. Grose, George Casslday, Francis H. Bell, Marion Crump, David W. Bell. MUSICIANS— Wm. W. Dance, Drumond HUdreth. WAGONER— Thos.- Stoner. PRIVATES— Thomas Austin, John W. Barnett, Jos. Brady, Thomas Burns, Robt. Berry, Andrew J. Barby, John Bowen, Harmon BuUenhar,. Edw. Bell, Harvey Carter, Geo. H. Campbell, Jas. A. Campbell, Frank lin Conly, Absalom P. Crump, Thos. Claypole, Thos. Clay, Wra. Dod son, Alonzo Davis, Jas. Dougherty, John D. Feeback, SUas Feeback, GUbert Feeback, WUford Pryraan, John W. Fugate, Garrett Fitzgerald, Frederick Fox, John Fahey, Franklin Feeback, Michael Fenton, Zacha riah Green, Daniel Glasscock, Thos. J. Garrett, John Hardraan, Fred erick Hotzi, Jas. L. Hartly, Jas. Hornan, Wm. Hornan, Thos. C. Hern don, Jas. W. Herndon, Wm. Hook, Benedict Haberborn, Benjamin Ish mael, John Kelly, Samuel Kimes, John Morris, Henry T. Morris, David Morris, John Mahan, Jas. A. Mitchell, Hiram Mitchell, Samuel Mitchell, Wm. O. Myres, Wm: K. Mann, John T. Overly, Thos. M. Oden, Edward Perry, Geo. M. Piper, Isaac Richey, Enoch Richey, Dennis W. Reynolds, Richard Simms, Alfred Snapp, Joseph T. Snapp, Thos. Sapp, Enos B. Snelling, Thos. Shumate, Warren B. Shields, Patsey Salmond. Company "I." CAPTAINS— Samuel G. Rogers, John W. Grose, Joseph M. Shaw. 1st LIEUTS.— James Dunlap, Wm. M. Dayton, David H. Goyen. 2d LIEU- 470 Union Regiments of Kentucky. TENANT— Thos. Clements. SERGTS.-John Coleman, William Round- tree, Allen C-ameron, John A. Hollar. CORPLS. — Stephen Cameron, Wm. N. Hyatt, David Gay, Joseph H. Hart, Chambers Buckly, Wm. Argo, Andrew Simons, Wm. J. Collier. MUSICIANS— Allen Brewer, Jos. L. WUson. WAGONER— Thos. Willis. PRIVATES — Thos. Armstrong, Commodore Argo, William Ashpaw, Henson Alexander, Geo. AUbrlght, Samuel Allbright, John A. Brew- saw, Wm. B. Blake, Asbury Brewer, Joseph W. Bishop, Jno. S. Bradly, John Bishop, Wm. Booth, John Berry, Abraham Bales, Wm. A. Cum mins, Nathew Cogan, Wm. Cullums, Wm. H. Clay, Robt. H. Coller, Cor nelius Glaneey, Thomas Clements, Simpson Eaton, Felix Fields, Levi Florence, Josiah Goodwin, Jas. S. Gamble, John J. Griffith, Mathias Galoway, Martin V. Hughes, Elias Hickman, Elias Herrlngton, Wood son M. Jackson, John Moyer, Payton Murphy, Ell Marshall, Stark Mar tin, John McKinney, Minor Mann, Enos Marshall, Daniel B. Marshall. Perry O. Miller, Hugh Marshall, Peter Netherly, Wm. O'Hare, Joshua Percell, Samuel W. Preston, Charles Rice, Greenberry A. Richey, An drew J. Ramey, Granville Rlohey, Leonidas M. Richey, Albert Roper, Jeremiah Staggs, Levi Z. Sauls, WilUam N. Staggs, Alexander Sprinkle, Jas. Sloop, John Sparks, Chas. Thompson, Joel Tate, Robert P. Thorp, Mordecai Wilson, George Wilson, Commodore P. Wilson, Wm. Wallace, Samuel Walton, Wm. Ward, Elijah Windle, William Wright, Jarrett Wilson, Jas, W. Waldrldge. Company " K." CAPTAINS— Wm. W. Culljertson, John B. Heltemus. 1st LIEUTS.— John Moss, A. B. Clark, Junius B. Bracht. 2d LIEUT.— Wm. H. Rlde nour. SERGTS. — John Coleman, Ferdinand H. Mussman, Louis Weg- law. CORPLS.— Charles Jackon, John Rinehard. WAGONER-James Ellis. PRIVATES — Christian Alt, WiUiam Anderson, Joseph Berty, John Bree, Wm. E. Bailey, .Charles E. Bushbeck, Ambrose Bell, Michael Crog han, Peter CoUins, Patrick Chambers, Patrick Duffy, Robert Dunlap, Bernard Dunn, Ferdinond Biking, Alfred Elliott, Harrison Feebeck, Thomas Flora, Thos. W. Pindley, Michael Finn, Jno. K. Pindley, Jere miah Guhan, James Glenn, Francis Grierson, John Gibbons, Wm. Hod- getts, Wm. L. Harmon, James Hollan, Jilson Hambrick, Fred W. Huf- fyry,'Jos. H-ourd'an, Christian Jud, Chas. Jeyter, Henry Kohler, Henry Kohlbrenk, Geo. E. Kennedy, Frank Louis, Dora Lane, Anton Lans, Jas. H. Lemar, Chas. Lemon, Hugh Larkln, Michael McNemey, William Moran, Jno. ,L. Morlety, Cornelius Murphy, Wm. C. McCracken, James McGonnell, Harmon MUler, Frank Newhouse, John Obelne, Michael Ohara, Hiram Osborn, Wm. Powers, James W. Page, Jno. H. Payne, Peter Rotlett, Jos. Rolf, Wm. H. Rldenour, George Reed, Robt. Smith, Samuel B. Slack, Wm. Sorelle, Moses Shresbery, Henry Smith, Con rad Stoll, Mathew Ufheil, Theodore Wade, Moses WeU, August Wolf- rom, Henry Wallace, Thos. Whitmore, Mark L. Walters, Anton Zett. Eighteenth Kentucky Veteran Infantry. Field and Staff. LIEUT. COL.— H. K. Milward. MAJOR— John J. Hall. ADJT.- John W. Hamilton. Q. MASTER— Robert W. Grant. SURG.— Robert Dinwiddie. CHAPLAIN— L. D. Parker. SERGT. MAJS.— Jas. E. BeUs, Albert G. Roper. Q. M. SERGT.— Austin H. McCloud. COM. SERGT.— John Gleason. HOSPITAL STEW.4.RD— Jas. W. Mitts. PRINCIPAL MUSICIAN— Harmon Frost. Company "A." CAPTAIN-James M. Wilson. 1st LIEUT.— Granderson B. Jen kins. SERGTS.-John T. Douglas, Andrew J. Hand, Peter M. Huddl- Eighteentli Kentucky Veteran Infantry. 471 Eton, Joel J. Conley. CORPLS.— Doctor P. Freeman, Israel F. McGIU, Benjamin P. Lancaster, George W. Ross, Allen H. Baker. PRIVATES— James A. Agrue, Thomas C. Adams, Robert W. Allen, Christopher P. BurneU, John A. Ball, Arthur Buchanan, John Bishoff, John M. Cummings, Nelson C. Cummings, Dawson Cain, Wm. Candell, George Daugherty, Henry S. Duckworth, John H. Darnell, Wm. A. Dur ham, Richard Dwyer,' Richard Fryer, Zachariah A. Godman, John R. Givens, Richard M. J. Haley, Francis M. Hall, Jacob Justice, Benj. S. Kldwell, John N. Lancaster, James H. Moore, Samuel McGill, Andrew J. Neaves, James O'ConneU, Robert Pebworth, Michael Shepherd, Jas. W. Wilson, Bartley C. Ware, WiUiam H. White, Peter Whiseheats, John M. Weaver, John ZoU, Lemuel Boring, Amon Brummett, Alexan der Black, Conrad Fight, .Charles Huddleston, John Hawk, Mark T. Harden, Wm. B. H. Jones, Daniel Shomaker, Robert H. Taylor, Wm. Yates, John T. Cook, Wm. M. Watson, Samuel Austin, Geo. N. Asher, John H. Aubery, Julius Amelsh, J. C. Barnett, John Burke, Thos. Bur ton, John H. Bowman, Ottoy J. Bowland, C. H. Brown, Jacob Brown, John S. Christey, R. T. Curlln, John Calahan, Frederick Doctor, Shep herd Dickson, Wm. Eversor, James Wise, Wm. Webb, John Wilson, John West, Charles Young, James W. Neaves, Pious Yates. Company " B." CAPTAIN— Junius B. Bracht. 1st LIEUT.— Sam'l J. Kuhn. SBR- GEANTS— Patrick Burnes, Allen P. Wilson, James T. Williams, Aus tin L. King. CORPLS.— Silas Rogers, John E. Flinn, Jos. T. McMlUin, LUbern H. Ackman, Thomas E. Rhodes. WAGONER— Legrand Hall. PRIVATES— James Blackburn, Tobias Burkley, James H. Barnett, James Burnes, Wm. O. Butler, John Bates, John Chipman, John T. Croswhite, William B. Childers, Samuel D. DuvaU, Peter S. Edwards, James K. P. EllLston, James W. Ferril, Thomas Gaddis, Albert Giles, George Hedge, Wm. Harrrls, Andrew J. Hicks, William T. HUl, Squire N. Hensley, WUUam P. Mitts, Henry McClure, Wm. L. MUler, Thomas McCue, William McHatton, Geo. W. Purnell, William Robblnson, Col- ledge M. SIpples, Joseph Simpson, Wm. H. Shryock, Alexander Setter- field, Morgan Taylor, Bernard Vandern, George Vanhorn, John E. Will iams, Charles H. WUlia.ms, George C. Williams, Joseph Wilson, John Barker, Jesse S. Chipman, Thos. 'W. CooUey, George Colby, Franklin Harras, William Imber, J. McCaw, James Patton, John Robinson, Wm. C. Williams, Jeremiah Wallace, John W. Cline, Robert Davis, James W. Henderson, Robert Farmer, Samuel TuUy, Patrick Burks, Thomas Connant, Timothy Connot, James W. Wyett, Max Warner, Geo. Walch. Company " C." SERGTS. — James M. Baxter, John Hurd, Lewis T. Craig, Austin H. McCloud. CORPLS.— Henry H. Cook, Patrick Renders, Alfred EUiott. WAGONER— Jacob Cupples. PRIVATES— Wm. D. Baxter, James B. Brasher, James Brown, Wm. Cook, Wm. D. Conor, Henry Castello, Thomas ChUdres, Davidson Car- nihan, John Donohoe, David F. Dixon, John Dean, Barney Farley, Nathan D. Fulton, John D. Gruell, John Howell, Andrew Hall, Colum bus Hull, Benj. P. Harman, Zachariah Hall, Wm. Hilten, Jerry Harte, William F. Hardestey, Wm. Hinton, Gotlleb Hoffler, Samuel E. Huddle ston, Thomas Kelly, Lewis Krebbs, Wm. H. Lawson, Thomas Lantry, Henry MoUers, Sarauel McCane, Wm. S. Parker, John Quick, Martin Reddington, David Sharp, Clark Stanhop, Barnabas Tralor, Chas. Trost, Charles York, John Bryant, Newton H. Baxter, Jonathan Carrier, David W. Craig, Thomas Duncan, William Dorrer, Charles Devenport, Monroe T. Devenport, Samuel B. McCurdey, Geo. Soott, Gotlieb Krebbs, Nicholas Marts, James Murray, Joseph Croxton. Company " D." CAPTAIN— Henry P. Monroe. 1st LIEUT.— L. H. Sanders. SER GEANTS— Amos K. York, Moses Lockhart. CORPLS.— Sam'l B. Lang- worthy, Lewis P. Patterson, Samuel Abercromble. PRIVATES— James Aydlotte, Lewis Belcher, Michael J. Eagan, For est Parley, John W. Fowler, Joseph T. Heenan, George Henser, Lafay- 472 Union Eegiments of Kentucky. ette Hughs, Aaron Hammond, John H. Knight, John Marquet, David Richards, WUliam Roberts, John Sons, David L. P. Simpson, Richard Simms, James K. P. Smith, Jesse Wilder, William W. Workman, An derson S. Crowder, James Edmonds, Patrick Geary, James P. Hackley, Daniel B. Hall, Henry C. Hannon, James P. Hill, WUliam Hicks, Wm. Howard, Jas. H. Hockersmith, Abraham Inman, William M. Orr, Thos. Roland, John C. Simpson, John Stewart, William Twenty, John Wal lace, Monroe T. Davehport, Thomas O'Donald, Benjamin P. Foster, Charles Fornash, Thom.as G. SteWart, James T. Foster, James Hamp ton, James Fletcher, John Fox, Jaraes A. Fowler. John Gesler, John Gross, Joseph Hardiss, William M. C. Hays. Company " E." CAPTAIN— Henry P. Ritchey. 1st LIEUT.— Elijah Regan. SER- GEANTS- David J. Porter, James C. Webber, Algar Truitt, Henry J. Gulllon, George W. Gregg. CORPLS.— David Bales, Zachariah Smith, James M. Dupuy, Wm. W. Porter. PRIVATES— John Boggs, George G. D. Brown, Thomas J. Burns, Theodore Dickinson, Lewis E. Famish, Santford Farnlsh, Robert Gor don, Elijah James, Henry Kissick, Bluford Kirk, David Lockwood, Jno. Landsden, Ellas MUler, Francis M. Peters, Henderson Parker, Thomas M. Ponder, Michael Ratlcan, William H. Roses, Wm. R. Shaver, John Smith, Robert R. Starkey, James Thomas, John T. Turner, Jai.ies H. Wasson, Powhattan Webber, Wililam Whitaker, Warren Blackburn, Ferdinand Carver, John Densler, Samuel Pallas, Lemuel Goln, Pascal T. Goln, Charles Horlman, Jas. KIttrell, Aaron McDanlel, William H. Robinson, James Ross, Henry Sutherland, Silas Thompson, William H. ' Thominson, James A. Burns, WUliam J. Hamilton, Hiram Ickles, James Kelly, Samuel P. Miller, Wra. Thompson, Michael Tooel. Company " F." CAPTAIN— John M. Poston. 1st LIEUTS.— John R. MUler, Adam Downard. SERGTS.-John W. Jenkins, James H. Simms. CORPLS.— John Davis, Ezra Reynolds, John DIUen. WAGONER— Jaco6 W. Jacobs. PRIVATES— Jesse B. Brown, John Barnett, John M. Boles, Thomas Bingham, Julius G. Coleman, William H. Cohone, Oscar S. Davis, Wm. B. Davenport, Leven Fields, James J. GUlaspie, William H. GUlaspie, Squire A. Johnson, Elijah Jenkins, Joseph Lancaster, Thos. McClain, Hiram L. McKeeham, Lloyd Mills, John H. Norris, Jasper Roberts, Chas. Russel, Wesley Shewwates, John W. Sweeney, Winfleld S. WUholt, Nelson F. WeUs, Arthur Ingraham, Jacob Luetzel, WUliam C. Lynch, Christian Myre, John S. Melton, John Miller, Henry Newbower, John G. Payne, Wm. H. Prater, Wm. T. Sparrow, Jas. Sparrow, Floyd Simp son; Eli Simpson, Cooper Smith, Robert R. Honlker, Henry W. Lee, Louis T. Morris, John Mayhall, Jas. Moore, James Masteenon, John Mur ray, James O'Connor, Joseph Searcy. Company " G." CAPTAIN— Benjamin T. Riggs. 1st LIEUT.— Robert W. Grant. SERGTS.— Andrew J. Yates, William Griggsby, Henry C. Morgan, Jas. F. Ponder. CORPLS.— John K. Blackburn, Patrick Tooel, WiUiam J. Briggs. PRIVATES-^Wm. J. Ashcraft, Henry Beckman, George W. Bran ham, George W. Crutchfield, Daniel O. Dunn, John C. Day, Joel B. Prazier, Alexander Guthrie, Thos. Haskins, John JuUck, Martin Meeks, John A. O'Neal, Harmon L. Parker, James Plummer, Jacob J. Roeder, John Rider, Stephen Rider, Jesse Rose, James Reed, George W. Sothard; Columbus C. Shryock, James S. Sturgeon, Joseph B. Shryock, Robert H. Shoem.aker, Alexander Shaw, Henry Stephens, Edward Stone, Ezekiel Turner, John H. Brownfield, Barin D. Cole, Lewis FrankUn, Wm. H. Gosney, Hardin Husband, Wm. T. Husband, John M. Marcus, Samuel Packwood, Lewis Prewitt, Andrew J. Patrick, James Sullivan, Benj. P. butheriand, Edward C. Simms, -John Gleason. Adam Petrie, Peter Quinn, Martin Rhejn, J. H. Rose, Hiram Runyan, Wm. D. Robertson, Wm. Schwarz. Eighteenth Kentucky Veteran Infantry. 473 Company "H." CAPTAIN— Joseph C. Pritchard. 1st LIEUT.— James E. Bell. SER GEANTS— Enos M. B. Snelling, Pranols H. Bell, WUford Fryman. CORPLS. — John W. Barnett, Drummond W. HUdreth, George M. Piper, James A. Mitchell, Albert G. Roper, Silas Feeback. PRIVATES-WUliam Abot't, Robert Berry, Augustus Bryant, Adi son Bennett, Thom'as Claypole, .George H. Campbell, James H. Campbell, Roibert Culbertson, William M. Dance, Samuel Feeback, Jas. A. Fisher, Jeremi-ah Furgerson, Daniel Glasscock, Frederick Hotzie, Jas. L. Hart ley, William Hook, Samuel Kimes, John W. Livlngood, Holton Man, ¦John T. Overley, Edward Perry, Elijah Purcell, Aaron Ramey, Nathan B. Rodgers, Aaron Rogers, Richard Sims, Alfred Snapp, Thomas Sapp, Thomas Shum'ate, Warren B. Shields, Absalom Smith, Geo. W. Whlpp, Reuben Amos, Price N. Batts, Samuel Bergon, Thomas Bergon, John Browning, Gilbert Feeback, John D. Feeback, James French, James Snowder, Leroy T. StuU, Joshua Steaphens, Calvin Sailor, Wm. H. Williamson, Williara H. Webster, William Honan, Charles Bailey, An thony Hughs, Joseph Wilson, Samuel Anderson, Wm. C. Alien, Thos. Welch. Company "1." CAPTAIN— Joseph M. Shaw. 1st LIEUT.— Albert G. Roper. SER GEANTS— Joseph H. Hart, Thos. Armstrong, William H. Clay, Sarauel Allbright. CORPLS.— WUliam N. Hyatt, John A. Brewsaw, Robert P. Thorpe, Thoraas Clements. WAGONER— Chambers Buckley. PRIVATES-rGeorge Albright, John S. Bradley, Henry Buckler, Geo. Buckler, Robert H. Collier, Levi Florence, Josiah Goodwin, Elias Her rlngton, Greenberry Herrlngton, Jno. C. Herrlngton, Martin V. Hughes; Jacob M. Linn, Eli Marshall, John Moyer, George McCubbins, Joshua Purcell, Andrew J. Ramey, Leonidas M. Rlchey, James Sloop, John R. Shore, Joel Taite, James W. Waldrldge, Oornellus Claney, Josiah For- cell, George Monroe, John McGauhy, Edward McGinnis, William Sigo, William J. Veatch, Joseph Wilson, Wm. Wallace, Greenberry Rlohey, Benj. P. Taylor, Commodore P. Wilson, Levi Sauls, Henry Bowman, John Burk, Landln Johnson, John Johnson, George Kelly, William M. Morrison, Rufus J. Medbury, Wm. Smith, John Sterling, Samuel Van- over. Company "K." CAPTAIN— John B. Heltemus. 1st LIEUTS.— Junius B. Bracht, ¦Charles M. Lemar. SERGTS.-Thomas Regan, John H. Payne, Mark L. Walters. CORPLS.— Christian Judd, Dora G. Lane, Jais. Page, Wm. S. Sorrel. PRIVATES-Wm. Anderson, Alonzo Davis, James Ellis, Thomas Flera, George Grey, James Glenn, John Gibbons, Christian Henn, Geo. Hoffman, Charles Jeyter, James Kegan, John KilfoU, Frank Levis, J. B. Molone, Frank Newhouse, John Nicholes, John O'Brlne, Thomas Or- rells, Cornelius Parents, Joseph Parker, George W. Robbins, Philip S. Sheare, Louis Stephens, Andrew Tower, August Walfrom, James Wald ron, Joseph Bertey, John Klump, Strother Locket, Robert MUes, John Osburn, John Purden, W. C. Peters, W. A. Peters, John Price, John Slnery, James A. Smith, Wm. H. Southerland, Sam'l B. Slack, George W. White, Calvin West, Wm. Wilson, Samuel Wilson, Allen Cameron, James O'Hara, Anthony J. Rice, Andrew WUkerson, Wiley White, David Baughman, Hugh Larkln, Jas. H. Mann, Wm. Purcell, Thomas Smyth, Josiah Stephenson, George Stephenson, R. H. Thomasson, Edward Wynins. 474 Union Regiments of Kentucky. Nineteenth Kentucky Infantry, (FKOM THB ADJUtA.KT-GBNBRAL'S EBPORT.) The following account, which was written by an offlcer of the 19th, is used just as it appears in the adjutant- general's report. In connection with it reference is here made to the accounts of the 7th and 22d Infantry. The 19th Kentucky Infantry was recruited and or ganized at Harrodsburg, Ky., in the fall of 1861, by CoL Wm. J. Landram, and Lieut. Col. John Cowan, and was mustered into the United States service on the 2d day of .lanuary, 1862, by Capt. H. C. Bankhead, United States mustering officer. From Harrodsburg the regiment marched to Somerset, Ky., in January, 1862, and was en gaged for some time in destroying the entrenchments of Gen. Zollicoffer, and collecting property captured at the battle of Mill Springs. The regiment marched from Somerset to Cumberland Ford, Ky., in April, 1862, and was assigned to Gen. Baird's brigade of Gen. George W. Morgan's division. It remained at Cumberland Ford until June, when it took part in the movements which re sulted in the capture of Cumberland Gap, and assisted in the construction of the fortifications at that point. The Gap was evacuated in September, 1862, by the Federal forces, who marched through the mountains of Eastern Kentucky to the Ohio river, occupying over twenty days. Upon this march the troops suffered much for want of food, subsisting chiefly upon meal grated upon the bot toms of their mess pans. (See 7th Ky. Infantry.) At the termination of the Cumberland Gap campaign the 19th was assigned to the division of the Army of Ken tucky, commaned by Brig. Gen. A. J. Smith, and composed part of the 2d Brigade under command of Col. Landram. It marched by way of Louisville, Ky., to Memphis, Tenn., and formed part of Maj. Gen. Sherman's army Avhich moved on Vicksburg via Chickasaw Bayou. It partici pated in the battle of Chickasaw Bluffs, December 29. 1862, and acquitted itself with credit. From Chickasaw Bayou it proceeded to Arkansas Post, and participated in the battle which resulted in the capture of that place on the 10th of January, 1863. It returned from Arkansas Post to Young's Point, La., where it remained for some time. On the 15th of April, 1863, the regiment marched down the east bank of the Mississippi river and crossed to the rear of Vicksburg, participating in the battles of Port Nineteenth Kentucky Volunteer Infantry. 475 Gibson, Champion Hills, Black River Bridge, and the sieges of Vicksburg and Jackson. Of the conduct of the regiment at Port Gibson, the brigade commander men tions in his official report the undaunted bravery and gal lantry in the following terms: "The 19th Ky. Infantry advanced under a heavy fire to within sixty yards of the enemy's lines, where they re turned the fire with such coolness and accuracy, for about two hours, as to silence the fire in their front, capturing twenty-five or thirty prisoners, and cutting to pieces the 5th (rebel) Mo. regiment." The regiment was commanded in this engagement, as well as the others mentioned, by Lieut. Col. John Cowan, (Col. Landram being in command of a brigade), who is uniformly spoken of by his superior oflScers in terms of the highest praise. In the assault on Vicksburg, on the 22d of May, the 19th lost about sixty in killed and Avounded. Among the killed was that gallant officer, Maj. Morgan V. Evans, who fell in front of his men nobly doing his duty. This regiment was among the few Kentucky or ganizations that took part in the capture of Vicksburg, and in the numerous battles incident thereto, and is favorably mentioned by Maj. Gen. McClernand, com manding the 13th Army Corps, in the following congrat ulatory letter to Gov. Robinson, viz. : "Headquarters 13th Army Corps, "Near Vicksburg, June, 5, 1863. "Governor: I have the honor to inform you that there are two gen eral officers and three regiments, the Tth, 19th and 22d Ky. in the 13th Army Corps, Department of the Tennessee, under my command, who crossed the Mississippi river with me at Bruensburg, below Grand Gulf, on the 30th day of April, and who took part in the battles of Thompson's HIU on the 1st of May, Champion HUls on the 16th, Big Black Bridge on the 17th of May, and at Vicksburg, beginning on the ¦ 19th of May and continuing up to the present time. "I am most happy to congratulate you, and through you your noble state, for" the victories won by the comraon effort of her brave sons with those of sister states, and to bear testimony to the gallantry, brav ery and good conduct of her officers and men in all these bloody strug gles. They bore themselves with the unfiinchlng steadiness of veter ans, both under galling fires of artUleiry and musketry, and in making charges upon fortified lines. They have shown the'mselves compeers and fit companions in arms with brave raen of sister states in a series of battles, in which it has. become impossible to make particular men tion of those who distinguished themselves, without mentioning indi vidually both offlcers and men. "Your most obedient servant, "John A. McClernand, "Maj. Gen. Com'dg 13th Army Corps, Department of the Tennessee." After the siege of Jackson the 19th Ky. Infantry, be ing in the 13th Army Corps, was transferred to the De partment of the Gulf, and was with Gen. Banks on the un fortunate "Red river campaign." At the battle of Sabine 476 Union Regiments of Kentucky. Crossroads, La., it was assigned to the 1st Brigade of the 4th Division, commanded by Col. Landram. In this bat tle the 19th Ky. repelled five distinct charges before the enemy was enabled to break through its lines; and the corps commander. Gen. Ransom, says, "They all did nobly, and their list of killed and wounded bears evidence of the obstinacy with which they resisted the overwhelming force of the enemy." After the Red river expedition it returned to Baton Rouge, La., where it remained until ordered to Louisyille, Ky., where it was mustered out Jan uary 26, 1865, the veterans and recruits being transferred to the 7th Ky. Veteran Infantry. In 1865 Col. W. J. Landram was made a brigadier- general. A brief biographical sketch of this offlcer ap pears on page 69 of this work. Field and Staff. COLONEL— William J. Landram. LIEUT. COL. — John Cowan. MAJORS— John R. Duncan, Morgan V. Evans, Josiah J. Mann. ADJU TANTS— Richard L. Cochran, George C. Rue. Q. MASTER— George H. McKinney. SURGS.— James B. Sparks, Wm. K. Sadler. ASST. SUR GEONS— Pleasant W. Logan, James P. Peyton, Anthony H. SemUre, WUliam N. Forbes. CHAPLAIN— James Matthews. SERGT. MAJS.— James M. Meigs, John S. BaUey, James A. Tomlinson. Qt M. SERGTS. — ^William T. Young, Bberle WUson, George H. Vandevere, Zachariah Morgan, William D. James. COM. SERGTS.— Milton D. Poulter, Charles H. Talbott. HOSPITAL STEWARDS— WUUam MUbourn, Robert H. Singleton. PRINCIPAL MUSICIANS— James Perkins, Geo. W. Wester field, William A. KiUgore. Edward Ludwick, James M. Tooley. Company " A." CAPTAINS— William B. Kelly, William H. Cundiff. 1st LIEUTS.— Ansel L. Wood, Reid Leslie McMurtry, Vincent' L. Lester. SERGTS.— Greenup Mercer, Jeremiah Flinn, James M. Hamby, Richard R. Newell, Columbus G. Hannel, James R. Burton, John H. CuUins, Quincy C. Wood. CORPLS.-^Samuel Harenton, WUliam Young, Harlen S. Wood, William H. Huble, James R. Partin, Achilles Baugh, Servalis Clines, John Eubanks, David L. Morgan, Daniel Mercer, John Adams. PRIVATES — Ansel Adams, Josephus Adams, Bailey M. Bryant, Wm. C. Burton, William T. Baker, Isaac Branscora, Williara Branscom, Mar- shall-G. Bryant, WUUam A. Cook, Elias B. Chamly, Nicholas Dye, Jas. H. Edwards, Daniel Gregory, James T. Hudson, John P. Hines, Thos. J. Hloks, Lemont Hagan, AVashlngton Hines, Ansel KeUy, William H. McClure, William McQuerry, George W. Sweeney, Cyrenus W. Trimble, George W. Tarter, Elvadus Tartajv-Shelby C. Thompson, Jas. M. Will iams, Newton G. Waddle, Turner Wlfton, Harris Young, Stephen K. Ashley, Wm. P. Burton, Jesse^. CloW, David Huble, Ephraim Hines, WUey Maiden, Richard THompson.'^alcome Tarter, John C. Vaught, Anderson Webl), Squire P. YmiQgr Henry Baugh, John Burnes, Jesse L. Bird, Thomas Bird, John P. Clines, WiUiam M. Culip, William M. Edward, Obediah Halney, Robert R. Sawyer, John Ashley, Marshall Baugh, Elliott Baugh, Henry Carter, Perry Dunsmore, John H Flet cher, James Gossett, Anderson Hicks, Vincent Lester, Reuben Long, BurreU Lay, Jacob Massee, John Partin, Andrew P. Roberts, John J. Rolsden, George B. RusseU, Francis M. Smith, Wm. V. Stewart, Jos. Trowbridge, Elisha Webb, Elijah J. Weddle, Thomas WiUiams, Peter Young, John Baugh, Andrew J. Girdler, WUliam H. Harrenton, Larkin B. Collins, Allen Eubanks, John S. Loveless, James Lay, Wm. Webb. Nineteenth Kentucky Infantry. 477 Company " B." CAPTAINS— Aaron Blakeman, John J. Goodnight, Henry L. White- house. 1st LIEUT.— Abraham Whitenack. SERGTS.— Jas. W. White- house, WiUiam H. Elder, WUUam L. Bohon, James L. Guthrie, George Pain, James H, Miner, William H. Minor, Preston Pendegraft. COR PORALS— Adam Ferrel, John D. Myers, George S. Carter, WUliam N. Carter, John T. Sebastian, James Wallace, William T. Young, John T. Kirkland, Benjamin R. Myrs, Geo. A. Cozine. MUSICIANS— Edward Rose, Adam Neff, Lannes B. Baker. PRIVATES — James Braxdale, James Bannahan, Peter Cozine, Jas, Dean, William Daws, Abraham Dean, Charles W. EUis, John C. Fuel, John Ferrell, John G. GUliam, Thomas L. Laffolet, "WUlis G. McGinnis, Williara Montgomery, Nicholas D. Miorrison, Michael Otes, William G. Porter, WUiiara PhiUips, WUUam B. PhUUps, Robert PhUUps, John D. Prltchett, William H. Ryall, John C. Sirapson, Nimrod Sinkhorn, Wal lace Sinkh-orn, Elijah Skimmerhorn, Jonathan Sklmmerhorn, John L. Snow, Lemuel H. Stopher, George P. Stopher, George Sluder, William W. Taylor, Lindsey Watson, WUliam B. Watson, David Westerfield, James F. Wright, Harrison Burger, James Dowd, John Fuel, Robert H. Jones, Patrick Keefe, Ed"wa.rd Ludwick, James Llnthioura, Benjarain A. Lowe, John PhUIp, Samuel F. Porter, Joseph Stopher, William Sluder, Solomon Swearlngen, John Taylor, John B. Vanarsdal, Robert T. Bot tom, Bartly Kuneff, Andrew J. Montgomery, John Otis, John W. Price, Richard Pendegrast, Van. Swaringen, William T. Watson, Jos. WUson, Benjamin Dean, Green Fuel, William- Holly, Charles Kenny, Hezekiah McGinnis, Coulter Pendegrast, Jaraes Sweringen, Adam Warford, Thos. J. Head, Wm. H. H. Lister, Charles Westerfield, James E. Wilson, David Westfield. Company " C." CAPTAINS— James O. Norris, WUUam H. Bolar. 1st LIEUT.— Jno. Landram. 2d LIEUTS.— Elihu H. Moles, George W. Graham. SER GEANTS — James Ramsay, WiUiam Long, Jaraes Floyd, Harden Hines, Andrew J. Norris, Rofeert ^E/^iatt, Andrew Ohadoin, AViUiara Cooley,. Crim. Smith, Lgpoy'Ni^r-^CbRPLS. — Martin H. Mason, John Hines, Wm. Floyd, Doctor J. Padgett, ^reorge R. Lay, Nelson Young, Milton P.! Hubble, Jackson Crfitcjjfl'eld. WAGONER— Green Bolar. PRIVA'raS— AJexa-nder A. Bastin, Matlson Bastin, Perry ^augh, Alfred Baughl^ WilUaira Fowler, James Farmer, James M. Hendricks, Richard Hughes, Harry Jones, RUey King, Jerorae Kirkpatrlck, James Mobley, Daniel Oaks, Littleton Padgett, Joel Petray, WiUiam Routin, Andrew Retherford, Elijah Retherford, John W. Spires, William Sandfer, William Terry, Green Ware, David R. Wood, Benjamin G. Walls, Ansel' Baugh, Samuel S. Bastin, Silas Baugh, James Cooley, SUas Dye, Peter Duggins, James Haslett, Benjamin A. Hiatt, James H. Milton, John J. Moles, Granville L. Mershon, 'Willis G. Padgett, Michael Retherford,' Charles Routin,' Andrew M. Stephens, Benjamin Sammons, Robt. Sims, John M. Smith, James Young, John M. Delaney, Green Kidd, John A.; Padgett, John J'. Sims, Benjarain R. Walls, Jas. M. Baugh, J. G. Baugh,' WUliam Hein, James Hodge, Marlon Kidd, Masti-son Owens, Francis M. Raines, Jackson Sims, Jaraes C. Skidmore, Geo. R. Terry, Peter Walls, William Coda, Green W. Harris, J. C. Hodge, Hugh J. Kirkpatrlck, An-| drew Nix, Richard Warren, Allen Baugh. Company " D." CAPTAINS— Alexander E. Adams, Henry C. Hogg. 1st LIEUTS.—] Edwin P. Hogg, Elijah C. Baker. 2d LIEUTS.— John D. Mitchell, Zach-j ariah Morgan. SERGTS.— Ira Wells, Robert T. Mitchell, Jas. B. Thomas,; Isaac K. Baker, Jackson Felcheu, Henry Akeman, .Tohn M. Morgan,) William M. Kimble, Henry C. Duff. CORPLS.— Anderson D. Collins,; John D. Gilson, Edward PoUey, Wesley C. Fields, William Baker, Jr., Henry Fields, Stephen C. Sergent, Alexander Mitchell, Henry Scott, Jos. Hale, Benjamin T. Collins, William Griffiths, Shadrick Combs; MUSI CIAN— William A. Kilgrove. , PRIVATES — Alexander Akeman, William Baker, Sr., ElUiu Boggs,; 478 Union Regiments of Kentiwky. William Calhoun, Elihu Com-bs, WUliam O. Gullett, Stephen Kilgrove, Jefferson Sexton, Caloway Trent, Delahy H. Tinsly, Christopher C. Al derson, Preston N. Breedling, John W. Cowles, Sanders G. Collins, Sam uel Clark, Anderson Couch, Owen Conley, Thos. Dass, Pendleton Dass, Madison Dass, David Gaible, Draton S. Hale, EUas Morris, Benj. Stacy, John Stephen, Richard G. Sergent, Jos. C. Thomas, Henry C. Thomas, Byron Combs, John B. Combs, William H. Cornett, John W. Creech. William Combs, Hiram Caliban, Henry M. Ford, Gideon Ison, Bazle M. Louis, Silas Morgan, Jonathan Romines, James Sharer, Wm. H. Sulli van, Howard Swafford, James Akeman, James Brock, Eli Couch, Henry Combs, Eli Caliban, WUliam P. Gilbert, Archibald Gibson, John Hol brooks, Ira D. Hall, Noble B. Hall, Andrew Howard, George Ison, Luke S. Renkle, Samuel Standefer, Calvin Stacy, Joseph Sizemore, John W. P. Thomas, Ellas Wooton, Henderson Young. Company "E." CAPTAINS— Hanlbal Downey, John Barnett. 1st LIEUTS.— Willis O. Egerton, John Walls, Charles H. Talbott. 2d LIEUTS.— Luther Hale, Squire Pinkston. SERGTS.— Calvin Adkinson, James Downey, Samuel Pinkston, 'Thomas Brown, Malory Hale, John T. Deane, Robert Dennis. CORPLS.-George Hammock, William P. Jennings, David Dorsey, John R. Trent, Thomas Maddox, James J. Ray,, Strothers E. Harlon, George* Egerton, Berry Dennis. MUSICIAN— RaSidall Hill. WAGONER— Waits viUe Grider. y PRIVATES-WUliam Brown, Carroll Clwd, William T. Cooper, Wm. Coulter, Varner Divine, John W. Da?land,^'^5nville Downey, Harrison M. Dumaree, James HIU, Elijah HIU, Isaiah Hill, Jefferson HIU, Joseph S. Hawthorne, 'Zachariah King, Francis Moore, Felix G. Noel, Franklin T. Noell, Mathias Seaborn, James 'Taylor, Charles Vanarsdale, Samuel Watts, James Cameron, Absalom Elkins, John Farrar, William J. Mo- Glawthorn, David Otts, Edward Pinkston, Thoraas Richardson, Jas. G. Seaborn, Robert Stacks, Andrew J. White, Elijah Yocura, Jas. P. Eger ton, George Harley, David HUbert, Ibzan Searcy, Alexander Simpson, Jaraes Tooley, Alexander Brown, George D. Clark, Geo. Freeman, Gar land King, Montford Matherly, William H. Mayes, Henry McCall, Rob ert Montgomery, Zachariah Pulllum, Daniel Searcy, Wm. H. Williams, James Searcy, Malery Casy, Milton Carter, Sam'l Clouch, Russell Har lan, Jesse Hill, Henry Searcy. Company " F." CAPTAINS— Josiah J. Mann, Harbert K. Forbis. 1st LIEUTS.— George Rose, WUliam D. James. SERGTS. — Theodore Egbert, Wm. A. Vanarsdell, Archibald B. Rue, John Ransdell, James H. Davis. COR PORALS— Marquis L. Moore, WUUam G. Edwards, John W. Snider, John H. Sanford, James M. Meigs, John May, Iverson L. Bottom. MU SICIANS— George M. Neff, Williara Milborn, George W. Westerfield. WAGONER— Stephen Tyler. > TEAMSTER- Archibald A. Wheeler. PRIVATES— James Adams, Joel Adams, George L. Bishop, Reuben Baxter, WUiiara Baxter, Thomas Badgley, John D. Cra.wford, Francis Deshon, John G. Figg, Elijah Gabfbert, Geo. Hall, John Huffman, Will iam M. Ivy, James Merryman, Francis M. Moore, Geo. W. Pelly, Reuben Payne, Joseph L. Quinn, John S. Ransdell, James W. RansdeU, Martin Sallee, John Sallee, William Sallee, Albert Sallee, Isaac Stapleton, Ra- son Sweeny, Wm. H. Vanarsdale, James WUUams, Jackson Adams, Ben jamin P. Corby, John Davlss, Hirara Griffln, John Griffin, Jacob Hall, Henry Huffman, Fielding L. Jones, Daniel Manual, Aurellus Phillips, John M. Quinton, James P. Settles, William Vandiver, John Y. Young,' William H. Delany, John Hicks, Alexander League, George Parris, Geo. W. YoweU, Sarauel R. Ellis, Isaac Faulkner, Cornelius O. Harris, George R. King, Louis SaUee, Smith Westerfield, Wm. T. Wickersham, John Donley, Henry C. Ivy, John Z. Quinton, BUhu Adams. Company "G." CAPTAINS— Merideth G. Richardson, Joshua W. Hansford, Lincoln ^.;,^^,2^i''''"- ^®' LIEUTS.— Thoraas A. Warren, Thomas H. Cundiff. SERGTS.— WlUIam P. Baker, Rufus S. Collins, Gideon H. Prather, Mar- Nineteenth Kentucky Infantry. 479 tin Vanhook, Fountain L. Mofield, Nelson Ball, Marion Nelson. COR PORALS— Greenup Meece, Alexander D. Root, David Betheum, James K. CoUins, Andrew Duttan, John T. Meece, George A. Smith, Joseph A. Sipple, John G. Singleton, Thos. S. Blankenship, Dalton Wyatt, WUliam H. Klrtley. WAGONER— John H. Hale. PRIVATES-WUliam M. Aker, Robert Ashurst, Thomas Burton, Aaron Baldock, Anderson Dutton, William H. Dickson, Booker W. Dal ton, William Fitzpatrick, George Fitzpatrick, Elkane GUI, Charles B. Love, John MUler, Newby Moore, Cyreneous Mace, Cravens Owens, Ben nett P6wers, MUes Rainwater, Errands M. Reed, Daniel Smiley, Robert Sawyers, James Vaught, John S. Whitaker, Lindsay Ashley, Daniel An derson, Eli W. Baker, Samuel B. Carapton, Comraodore P. Farris, John P. Goff, Dabney L. Gooch, George A. Gooch, Liner D. Gooch, John Hub ble, James Long, George Padgett, John C. Sawyers, Joseph J. Shilling, James Sears, Jonathan Singleton, Thomas L. Stephens, Wm. L. Zach ery, Singleton Ball, Loyd A. Babb, Patrick Brannon, WUliam H. Cun diff, Jacob Carmichael, Wm. H. V. Dickson, Sarauel Daniel, John Bbah, Carter L. KUdey, Jas. L. McCurdy, WUliam S. Patterson, Milton G. Vaught, WiUls G. BaU, Job Barlow, Talbert Bowman, Peter Carmile, Singleton Gooch, Jesse Heath, Archibald Housten, James Mabe, John Maiden, Singleton Surber, Washington G. Surbur, Jas. D. Patten, Wal len W. Baker, David Dore, Green B. Evans, Joshua Flowers, WUliam R Prather, Richard Stephens, Andrew Stephen. Company " H." CAPTAINS— Morgan V. Evans, Alexander Logan. 1st LIEUTS.— Thomas A. Elkin, Stephen W. Hedger. SERGTS. —John H. Bussing, Wilson P. Duggins, Alexander M. Bishop, Joseph L. Vaughn, Hugh Burns, Andrew J. Kinoaid, Jaraes D. Price, John M. Conner, Henry L. Innis, Eldridge WUUams. CORPLS. — Alexander Duggins, Jas. Chum- bley, William Rlgsby, James Griffey, John C. Vaughn, Gideon B. Dun can, George S. Pollard, Thomas R. Alverson, Jas. M. Desmukes. PRIVATES — Richard Anderson, Jesse Chasteen, Jeremiah Carpenter, Daniel Duggins, Jennings Duggins, John W. Desmukes, Walton Eason, Henry Edgington, MUton Finley, Henry Grimes, Benjamin Hoitsclaw, John Jones, Jeremiah KIncald, Geo. Lama, James P. Mockbee, Harvey Merrlman, Henry Middleton, WlUIam Madden, John O'Keefe, Albert Preston, Thomas Pumphrey, Elijah Pumphrey, Davis Preston, William Preston, Tilford Rutherford, John B. Renfro, Alois M. Renfro, Patrick Ryan, James C. Steger, Nicholas Tobin, Joseph Williams, Michael Car roll, James Fitzsiraraons,. Daniel Ga^is»Sr., Daniel Sweeny, John Por gaty, George Forbes, Daniel Gaddjs, JjitpHenry Hurt, Daniel J. John son, Samuel Prim, James Sherro, Hopsftio Wils°''> William H. Brady, Abraham Blackaby, George A. Copeland, J Hugh Frizell, Leonidas J. Hammonds, Thomas Norton, Cha/les H. fflwsley, Edward W. Renfro, Benjamin Stroxdal, Harvey Y. ^nith, Aijdrew J. WUson, Dennis Fox, Joshua Hurt, John Kirby, James t>arrah/Mlchael Darrar, William Dot- son, William Dunsmore, James R. Doyle, John Sulivan, Daniel B. Will iams. Conpany " I." CAPTAINS— Henry Hicks, William T. Cummins. 1st LIEUTS.—Wm. G. Bowen, George H. Vandevere. 2d LIEUT. — Harrison S. Poulter. SERGTS. — Solomon J. Yates, Ell Cummins, David Casslday, Andrew Hendren, Paul Trent, Benjamin B. Oilman, Joihn S. Reed, John P. Car ter, MUton D. Poulter. CORPLS. — John B. Lewis, Thoraas B. Wllllaras, WUliam J. Sims, James Reed, Jas. S. Reed, Nlmrod Hendren, John M. Williams. MUSICIANS— Solomon Kays, Jarmon Perkins. WAGONER — William Royalty. PRIVATES — James H. Burns, John M. Black, Ferdinand E. Bern ard, James H. Brown, Wm. H. Brown, James Campbell, Elijah Calvin, Thomas D. Cotton, David Deasinger, Balis J. Freeman, Francis GUlis, Hugh Gillis, Nelson Gardner, Benjamin P. Gardner, John C. Hatchet, John M. Hawkins, Bowling G. HoUiday, John J. HoUiday, John Kays, Jason W. Long, William M. Lay, John G. Montgomery, John W. Moore, Andrew J. MoGaughy, Robert R. McMUlen, William R. Murphy, John 480 Union Regiments of Kentucky. Murphy, Newman Misklll, Granlson Perkins, Lindsey Perkins, WiUiam L. Perkins, Marlon Poulter, William H. Pryor, Samuel L. Sanders, Wm. H. Steel, Ashy C. Wright, Bradford Breeding, George D. Cumins, Henry C. Oassiday, James R. Constant, John D. Montgomery, Nathaniel Mil born, Henly Perkins, John J. Rucker, John P. Robertson, George W. Ragan, ' Jerome RUey, Zachariah Ray, James Caughlln, Granville M. Freeman, Starling B. Hendren, Benjamin Hawkins, Henry M. Matherly, William Reynolds, George Reed, Charles H. Talbott, Wm. H. Constant. Jeremiah B. Dunlvan, Edward G. Matherly, John D. N-orton, Elby Peri- kins, George Reynolds, John Southern, Oliver P. Young, John Reed, Jas. T. Montgomery. , Company " K." CAPTAIN— Wm. P. McKinny. 1st LIEUTS.— Isaac Singleton, Jas. F. Peyton, Eberle Wilson. 2d LIEUTS.— George C. Rue, James J. Mc Kinney. SERGTS.-David Wray, Jas. McKinny, Archibald McK. Fry, James H. Minks, Ballard Smith, Walker G. Routt, Clark Singleton, Ambrose P. Butt, John W. Cotton. CORPLS.— Willis Brown, George A. Yocum, Francis M. Coffey, Robert MoWhortor, John Hinds, James Dodds, Moses Coffey, John S. Black, Henry C. Riffle,- Robert Wall, Lee H. Jones. WAGONER — Josephus Adams. PRIVATES— George W. Austin, Robert Barnett, George W. Bastin, Butler Benson, Moses Berry, George A. C. Coffey, John Delany, Francis M. Delany, Thomas Doss, Madison Doss, MUton Jones, Robert Land- ham, Henry C. Leach, Columbus Lucus, John Murry, Isaac Passmore, Major T. Reynolds, James W. Sharp, David D. Smith, William B. Smith, James R. Upthegrove, Laurence Vanarsdal, Gabriel H. Wall, Eli'as G. Wall, James W. Wilcher, Charles Yocum, Jas. Yocum, Walker H. Bell, WUliam S. Campbell, Owen Conly, Joseph Delany, Peter Payton, Alfred Roland, Alexander Reynolds, Andrew J. Reynolds, Garland Singleton, -William Statham, William Terry, John G. Wall, Henry Waters, Alex ander L. Williams, Dabney L. Gooch, William King, William L. Mar tin, John Routin, Christopher Singleton, John B. Bastin, Thos. Baugh, James Cobb, Madison Coleman, Pendleton Doss, Jos. S. Esters, Henry Kissee, James Kissee, Jesse P. Lawhorn, Fletcher Peyton, Wm. Roland, John E. Vanarsdale, Gabriel Wall, Parker H. White, David T. WUllams, Green Williams, Francis M. Yocum, Geo. W. Yocum, John W. Gooden, Hezekiah Lucas, John G. Singleton, William Baugh, David Goble, John A. Lawhorn, George Mefford, James Nayler, Geo. W. Vanarsdale. Tiventieth Kentucky Infantry, A portion of this regiment Vas recruited at Lexington, Ky., by Col. Sanders D. Bruce, who was captain of the State Guard company/, called the "Chasseurs." Another^ portion was recruited at Oamp Dick Robinson, and an-' other at Smithland, Ky., by R. K. Williams and Thos. B. Waller The two fiijst-named bodies assembled at Lexing ton in the fall of 1861, and from thence went by rail to Louisville, from which place they proceeded by steamboat to Smithland, where they united with the men who had been recruited there. The regiment was mustered into the service at Smithland, January 6, 1862. It was then ordered to Louisville by steamer, and from thence it marched to Bardstown, where it encamped a short time. The fall of Fort Donelson in February led to the con centration of the forces under Gen. Buell at Nashville, Twentieth Kentucky Infantry. 481 and the 20th matched from Bardstown to Nashville. It was at that time brigaded with the 1st and 2d Ky. In fantry, and the brigade was commanded by Col. S. D. Bruce. At Nashville the brigade was assigned tp Nel son's divi&ibn. Col. Bruce commanding the brigade and Lieut.-Col. Chas. S. Hanson commanding the regiment. It wjis-'l^rigaded with the 1st and 2d Ky. Infantry and 31st • "T^d. Infantry. From Nashville the 20th marched to Pitts burg Landing with Buell's army, and took part in the sec ond day's battle of Shiloh. Gen. Nelson, in his report, says that he got his division over by 9 o'clock p. m., April 6th, wlji^h was the night of the first day's battle, and at 4 a. m. next morning moved against the enemy. Bruce's brigade was the center of his division. His progress was steadilf successful all day in driving the enemy. Col. Bruce says, in the report of his brigade, that while the 1st Ky. Infantry was sustaining a galling fire of grape and canister, the 20th was ordered to support it, which it did under a very severe fire. "Both these regiments," says he, "deserve the highest commendation for the manner in which they executed their orders." Col. Hanson, who led the 20th, mentions this in his re port and speaks of the destructive fire the regiment was under. "Though it moved in good order and maintained its positions with steadiness and coolness." He also says the regiment was deployed as skirmishers, and drove the enemy; that it supported Capt. Ferrell's battery, and re sisted attacks, acting throughout the day "with a gal lantry worthy of veterans." From Shiloh the 20th moved with the army to Corinth, and in the siege of that place was engaged in numerous skirmishes, one of which rose to the dignity of a battle, being fhe affair at the widow Surratt's house, where Bruce's brigade was engaged. Of this fight Col. Sedge wick, who commanded the 2d Ky., says, in his report:, "Lieut. Col. Hanson, Maj. Buckner and Adjt. Brennan, of the 20th Ky., evinced the greatest bravery, gallantly leading and encouraging their men amid the greatest dan ger." Gen. Manson also commends the 20th in his report. The 20th marched Ayith Buell's army from Corinth to Northern Alabama, being at Huntsville and other points, and thence to McMinnville and other points in Tennessee. In August it began to move with Buell to Kentucky, and marched with Nelson's division from Louisville to Perry ville. It was engaged in the skirmishing of that battle October 8th, and then moved in pursuit of Bragg, going as far as Mt. Vernon. It then marched through Somerset 31 482 Union Regiments of Kentucky. and Glasgow to Nashville. It remained there until in the month of December, when it was ordered to Bowling Green. Going to that place, it was employed in guarding the railroad at various points until about the first of July, Avhen it was sent to Lebanon, Ky. It was there under command of Lieuts Col. Charles S. Hanson when Morgan entered Kentucky on his celebrated raid of July, 1863. Col. Hanson was attacked, and after a most heroic de fense, overpowered and compelled to surrender. The misfortune which overtook the 20th at Lebanon, Ky., July 5, 1863, requires special mention. Col. Hanson says, in his report, that he was garrisoning Lebanon with 360 men and offlcers of the 20th and some recruits under Col. B. J. Spaulding, in all 380. The place was at tacked by Morgan's command of several thousand, being the force with which he was making his raid, which ex tended into Indiana and Ohio. It was useless for 380 men to contend with such a force, but Col. Hanson refused to surrender, and Morgan threw shells into the town. Col. Hanson says the message was then sent to him by citizens of the place that unless he surrendered in ten minutes the town would be burned and no quarter shown. This, however did not accomplish the object, and the fight ing continued until Col. Hanson's men had exhausted their ammunition, having fired 125 rounds to the man, he was coihpelled to surrender. Col. Hanson specially mentions in his report the con duct of Maj. Waller, Captains Wolcott, McLeod, Parrish, Musselman, Brennan, Djjnn, Gapen, Gilem and West, and Lieutenants Hale, Guess, Young, Attersall, Northcutt, Cole, Thornbough and Sternberg. Col. Hanson's loss was three killed and sixteen wounded. The prisoners taken by Morgan Avere paroled and he moved on toward Bardstown. The 20th then be ing without arms, went by direction of Gen. Boyle to Camp Nelson. The estimate of this affair at Lebanon is shown by the mention made of it in the reports of other officers. Maj. Gen. Hartsuff, who commanded the 23d Army Corps at that time, commended, "in the warmest terms, the officers and soldiers of the 20th Ky., under Lieut. Col. C. S. Han son, who, at Lebanon for six hours, sustained a most un equal contest, only yielding when entirely surrounded, and the town was being burned over their heads, and fur^ ther resistance impossible." Gen. Shackelford also, in his report, says, when iie reached Campbellsville pursuing Morgan, he "there heard of the noble defense of Lebanon by Col. Hanson and his Twentieth Kentucky Infantry. 483 regiment, and his surrender to the overwhelming numbers of the enemy." The captors of the 20th,were themselves pursued by the Kentucky regiments, under the command of Gens. Shackelford and Hobson, and compelled to surrender, about three weeks later, on the far side of the state of Ohio. July 28th, Gen. Fry, at Camp Nelson, received orders to arm the 20th Ky. and put it on duty. The regiment was ordered to Louisville, where it remained on provost duty until it was ordered to the front. May 15, 1864. It then joined Sherman's army in Georgia. Maj. Waller, in his report, says his regiment was placed in Strickland's brigade of Hascall's division, 23d Army Corps, May 30, 1864, and that from that day until the capture of Atlanta it was in all the movements, battles and skirmishes of that great campaign, fighting at Dallas, Acworth, Ken nesaw, Peach Tree creek and many other places of less note. Col. Strickland, in his report, commends the sol dierly conduct of the men and officers of the 20th. After the Atlanta campaign the 20th was ordered to Kentucky, with orders to report to Gen. Hugh Ewing. It was in his command November and December, 1864, a portion of the time being at Louisville on guard duty. It was mustered Out of service January 17, 1865, at Louis ville, and its veterans and recruits were transferred to the 6th Ky. Cavalry. Col. Sanders D. Bruce was in com mand of a brigade, and was kept on duty in Kentucky dur ing the greater part of his service. Since the war he lived in New York, being the proprietor of the paper, "Turf, Field and Farm." Lieut. Col. Hanson was a brother of Gen. Roger Han son, of the Confederate army, who was killed at Murfrees boro. In December, 1863, he was commissioned- colonel of the 37th Ky. Infantry, and was severely wounded and captured on the expedition to the Salt Works, in Virginia, September, 1864. Capt. Clinton J. True became colonel of the 40th Ky. Maj. Ben F. Buckner, since the war, has become a dis tinguished lawyer and judge, and resides at Winchester, Ky. Field and Staff. COLONEL— Sanders D. Bruce. LIEUT. COLS.— Charles S. Hanson, Thomas B. Waller. MAJORS— Benjamin P. Buckner, Prank E. Wal cott. ADJTS. — John Brennan, James A. McCampbell, Jas. W. Swing. Q. MASTERS— Alonzo Jackson, Abner Crane. SURG.— John C. Welch. ASST. SURGS.— W. H. Curran, Prior N. Norton. CHAPLAIN— Daniel W. Axllne. Q. M. SERGTS.— Silas D. Collie, George McMurtry. COM. SERGTS.— Drummond W. Taylor, John W. Martin. HOSP. STEWARD 484 Union Regiments qf Kentucky —John A. Cadwell. SERGT. MAJS.— Francis C. Stembery, Joseph M. Wilson, Daniel T. Buckner, Bartholomew J. Scott, Charles T. Kelley. Company "A." CAPTAINS— James W. Craddock, Henry S. Parrish, Daniel T. B,uck- ner. Ist LIEUT.— Benjamin M. Chiles: 2d LIEUT.- William A* Atter sall. SERGTS.— George B. Sullivan, Thomas P. Ball, Reuben T. Bat- sen, Christopher H. Parrish, Lewellen E. P. Bush, Charles C. Curry, Peter M. Jewell, James R. White, Samuel B. Jorden, Isaac P. T. M. Smith. CORPLS.— Napoleon B. Devary, Marcus L. Devary, Azarlah M. Stevens, Charles T. Kelly, Caleb B. Stevens, Sidney C. White, Samuel K. Hanson, Daniel B. Osborne, John W. Hensley, David B. KimbreU. PRIVATES— John W. Alexander, William L. Burgess, William H. Boone, Wililam C. Christy, Martin W. Cure, Thomas C. Drury, Algin S. Everman, John T. Ecton, John D. Groves, Elisha Green, James Green, Henry Gorraly, John H. Holder, James A. Long, James N. Parrish, Jos. Puthuff, John L. Richards, Overton H. Brookshire, William T. Lowry, Allen Thompson, Henry Waters, Patrick Waters, John Waller, WilUam Campbell, Welden Holder, Daniel N. Lowe, Benjamin P. McDanlel, Jas. H. Roberson, Welborne Taylor, -W'm. T. White, Paul Webster, Francis M. Allen, William M. Bradly, William J. Crow, John S. Drury, Daniel Donahue, Wm. T. Emerson, James H. Hohlman, James H. Pharris, Jas per N. Powell, Isaac Rucker, John N. Roberson, Solomon D. Rakins, Robert B. Waller, Bartin Bramlette, David M. Bishop, John G. Cook, Christy Coleman, James Doran, Francis M. Ecton, Willis Gibbs, Allen B. Jones, Thomas L. Jones, WUUam J. Lowe, John Maloney, Henry W. Owsley. Wm. Parker, Robert Rankins, Sindeney C. RUey, Robert Rich ardson, Alexander Walters. Company " B." CAPTAINS— Abram G. Smith, Adam W. Tr&bein. 1st LIEUTS.— Lawson Gray, John Glenn, Leonidas Denny, Joseph N. Reid, James R. B. Cole. 2d LIEUTS.— William N. Rice, Elijah Yates. SERGTS.— Jno. R. Brown, Joseph WUson, Joseph Slaughter, Alexander Curd, David Lipstine, WUUam P. Haynes, Joseph Cheeseman, John H. Curd, Little ton Curd, Henry M. Depugh. CORPLS.— Wm.. Burchell, WUUam Brad shaw, George Harlow, William Gaines, John Townsley, William Rece, James Baker, James A. Hardin, John P. Murphy. PRIVATES— Ephraim Brown, Zack Brown, Daniel Burchell, John Baker, Isaac N. Buckner, Peter Bower, Leonard T. Curd, John S. Camp bell, Erastus Denny, Martin Foley, Francis Gaines, Dudley Hendricks, John Jenkins, Diehard McKinney, WUli'a.m Marcum, George RUey, Jas. P. Roberts, liaurence Shanahan, Michael SuUivan, John Shaughnessey, William Taylor, Charles Albreciit, Henry C. Bell, Frank. Corby, James A. Halaghan, Richard Hudson, Thomas Ham, Montgomery Hartley, AVUliam Norris, Granville Smithey, WiUiam M. Williams, WilUam D. Bonta, John Brown, John Evans, Samuel Ferguson, Absalom Roach, John Stenberger, Louis Curtis, Alonzo Dillwood, Christopher Hardwick, James Jenkins, Thomas A. Murphy, Simon Painter, James Sherwood, Charles Staples, John Cook, Abram Ency, Thomas Fitzgerald, George Anderson, George W. Baker, William T. Gordon, Joseph Hurd, Amos Joy, Caleb T. Johnson, Noah Jett, John Miller, Polk RUey, WiUiam H. Wood, Gustavus Yarbrough, George Baker. Company " C." CAPTAINS— Clinton J. True, Francis E. Wolcott, Lucias A. Bachus. 1st LIEUT.— Benjamin R. Waller. 2d LIEUT.— Cassander HaU. SER GEANTS— Nicholas Ellis, Thomas Smith, Stephen M. Dawson, John W. Foster, Franklin Davis. CORPLS.— MUton D. Purdy, Joseph Elke, James Henderson, Sylvester Bradney, Hiram Price, WUliam L. James, Francis M. Short. , PRIVATES— Aaron W. Baker, Henry C. Ball, J'ohn C. Probst, John H. Bryson, Chas. W. Burchett, John Burch, William F.XBack, George M. Casldy, WUliam H. Clark, WiUiam CoUins, James M. Ctok, Natz. Elk, Davis W. Evans, Jackson Jacobs, Henry Jones, J(mn KfeUer, Dan- Twentieth Kentucky Infantry. 485 iel K. Mullins, John McGinnis, Thomas McGinnis, John Q. Nicholson, Bartly O'Conner, Wm. A. Patten, Isaac Pruitt, WiUiam W. Whitei Charles W. Young, Enoch Davis, Lewis Duncan, John Flannigan, An.^ drew Hood, Evan Jackson, James Livingston, Thos. Lynott, Dickson Price, Robert Price, WiUiam Scoff, Thomas Stephens, James B. True, Hlraan B. Alexander, Nimrod Herrell, Wmi H. Heytman, Burrell Jour- don, Thomas Latham, William McMillan, Jasper N. Reeves, Thomas Skeenes, John H. Alexander, John H. Amzen, J. Barney Barkfleld, William Burchett, Patrick Clary, James A. Colegrove, Patrick Farrell! Robert Gee, Charles Hood, Eugene McCarty, Jaraes Osborne, Thomas Quinn, John Rlon, Joshua A. Rowe, Henry N. Simmons, Dulaney Wade, William Whitely, Stephen Clark, George W. Crank, George K. Craxton, Patrick Curley, James S. Everman, Thomas Eddington, John Friel, David Land, William Stone, Thomas Sheridan. Company " D." CAPTAINS— Theodore B. Rushing, James C. Morris, Wm. C. Mussel- man. 1st LIEUTS.— Samuel Corum, Hugh M. Hiatt, John W. Hale. 2d LIEUT.— James R. B. Cole. SERGTS.— Reuben T. Rushing, JaS. W. Brookshire, EUiott A. Wheeler, Thomas J. PUant, Joseph A. Deboe, Samuel E. Crider, William B. Porter, J. R. Akers, Peter Daniel. COR PORALS— Henry D. Myers, Albert Sunderland, William A. Brasier, P. C. Moore, Hezekiah Tabor, Phillips Dehoe, J. N. Pace, Jaraes L. Larue, Amzl McClusky, John C. Tucker, Henry Waddill. PRIVATES— Uriah S. Burklow, Nathan L. Bryant, Jaraes Butler, Thomas Brookshire, James N. Clinton, Abran^ C. Deboe, William L. Davenport, Henry E. Fritts, John W. Fletcher, J. S. G. Green, Thomas Hardin, Benjamin Hicklln, John N. Johnson, Thomas J. Lynn, Daniiel W. La.dd, James C. Maze, J. P. Mathews, Charles Owens, Jonathan K. Polk, Loyd L. Price, Jesse B. Rushing, Joseph Rushing, Anderson Som ers, Lewis Thomas, Payton H. Taylor, William A. Brooks, J. W. Car- rack, P. H. Deboe, A. D. Greenlee, Henry HoUman, Elijah Long, J. E. McClusky, J. P. A. Maize, Wm. C. Moore, W. H. Robinson, M. Sunder land, Wm. J. Sewall, J, P. SuUenger, B. A. Tabor, John W. Tabor, A. Watson, Samuel H. Davenport, W. H. Jordan, Dennis Jordan, W. D. Vanoi, J. L. Atkins, Peter Bebout, D. M. Bibb, J. M. Crider, Thoraas Cal vert, G. C. Greenlea, Jaraes P. Giles, Thomas T. Johnson, David Kin sey, Lindsay Morris, M. T. Merrideth, J. F. Stallion, Y. A. Sta:ilion', J. E. Stephenson, James A. Tabor, J. B. AVatson, Elisha Baster. Company " E." CAPTAINS— Robert P. Haynes, FrankUn Gipson, Henry C. Bren nan. 1st LIEUTS.— Walter M. Asher, Jaraes C. Guess. 2d LIEUTS.— Saunders A. Crowell, Robert B. McNary, Jaraes D. Young. SERGTS.— Burrows F. Young, Jonathan M. Beals, William A. Sigler, M. W. Black burn, John G. Arons, John S. Black, Stephen A. Farmer, Wm. Knight, David A. McCain. CORPLS. — Nathan B. Jackson, Solomon J. Grissom, James Pruwell, Rufus McConnell, James E. Ramsey, Sandford AV. Sig ler, Geo. Bakewell, James G. McConnell, Francis W. McConnell, Amos E. Worley, Jo'hn A. Riggs, Henry T. Br-awner. PRIVATES — Roback L. Brawner, Joseph A. Crayne, John , Crider, Robert L. Crowell, James H. Dunbar, Elijah F. Dillender, John^Pry, Francis E. Hamby, James -^PC^oUifield, David Jackson, Moses Jack son, Hiram B. Jones, James Keiieda,- William B. Keneda, John Quails, Joseph C. Stephens, Osbum S. -Wren, Jas. C. Wren, Robert Wren;-Robt. A. "Williamson, Francis M. "Wlnfree, William H. Franks, David Hurley, Timothy Jackson, Thom'asJR^ McNeely, WUlls S. McNeely, WUliam P. McDowell, James Roberts, James Summer, Noah Strong, Sanford Tur ley, Henry C. Smith, William P. Alexander, Wm. H. Blackburn, Wm. C. Butler, Martin W. Brown, Manuell N. Dixon, Thomas J. Grissom, John D. Gober, James D. Hammock, Isaac N. Hamby, Wm. G. James, Champ. P. Kenneda, WIllia|m P. Larrison, Zachariah Oats, Henry C. Stephens, John L. Stephens, John Stephens, John A. Turley, Robison S. Woodslde, Jasper N. Wright, John W. Boon, Archibald Allen, WUli'am -illlBon, Timothy Creekmore, Samuel G. Gray, John A. Hale, WUUam C. Lafton, Joshiah B. Morphew, James B. Sisk, John H. Strowmatt, Eli jah M. Smith, John J. Smart, Isaac N. Turley, Stephen L. Worley. 486 Union Eegiments of Kentucky. • /Con)|pany "F." CAPTAIN— Willlatn/B. Dlinn. 1st LIEUTS. — WUliam C. Mussel- man, John C. Northcutt. 2d/fiIEUT.— Jas, C. Morris. SERGTS.— Chas. P. Mark, Jacob A. MtfeselHian, James C. Pearce, George T. Calvin, Perry A. Steward, Stephen Br^oodruff, William G. 'Tucker. CORPORALS —Charles Kastle, Absalom Faulkner, David W.' Ralstop, John Court ney, Thom^.DaJzell, Garrett D. Roby, George Duinn, Jerry MtorrlBon, John F^jka^Si-ws. MUSIQIAN— James O. R^hardson. P^IVAT^S — John W'.'^A^niss, James Harker, "John G. Covington, Josephus Tlf^zii, Ne-wton Dunn, Christy Farrell, Daniel Foley, Peter GE^ey, PatriSt GaUigher, James- Groves, John Green, Patrick Horan, JohnJ^^awklns, JtohnJ^j^Sarrlson, Willoughby Morris, J. Mara, Leon ard M. Rothefford, Pllil-lp Su^li'^an, WUUam Sebree, William Vance, George W. Wilson, Edward l5unn, Maximillian Hoffman, Peter Huns- inger, WUliam Kopi/ Bellfi^ld Marshall, Joshua Powell, Francis Rigg, James Steward, JohnSteju^rd, Monroe Adams, Joseph Appleton, Moses Y. Brooks, James W^Bfoughton, James W. Burns, James J. Cannon, John H. Couch, David Ooleman, Jesse Henderson, Simon P. Highlander, George W. Lay, Henry Morris, James Neal, Absalom Patterson,' John J. Rose, Louis Schauman, Prank Simmons, Henry C. Young, Joseph N. Shaw, Enos P. Milllan, Thurston Reed, Wlnislow A. Robinson, Jarrett Taylor, James Winn, John Woodruff, Jesse Edwards, Simon Spurr, Wm. Butterworth, Grandlson Dexison, John Egan, Clark P. Goddard, William Johnson, Woodson B. Kirby, George A. Parker, Dennis Powers, Harvey Reed, James RoUand, George M. Slover, Thos. Tapp, Frank TuUy, Thoe. B. Woodruff. Company " G." CAPTAINS— Thomas B. Waller, John P. Gapen. 1st LIEUTS.-^Thos. J. Gregory, Francis C. Sternberg. 2d LIEUT. — Benjamin R. Waller. SERGTS.-Thomas Slaughter", John W. Crosbey, James R. MUls, John W. Kinney, WUUam Brewer, SUas D. Collie, Henry .Myers, John B. Odom, H. E. Palsgrove, Charles M. Anderson, WUUam Johnson. COR PORALS — Edmund T. Frlzzell, John E. Taylor, James M. Wyatt, John Frlzzell, WiUiam P. CoUins, James E. Stokes, Curtis A. Williams, Au gustus Berry. PRIVATES— Herma^Atlich, Alexander Clellan, John B. Choat, Campbell D. Grey, JosiaJaJGroves, Jesse S. Green, Amos P. Hicks, James M. Hughley, S. S. Henderson, Richard P. Hayden, Lewiis Hutchins, Henry M. Ivay, Andj^ew j;ackson, David Jordan, WUUam H. McDermott, Patrick A. Rule, Robert- S. Rivers, John P. Ross, Martin Styers, Joseph E. Southerland, Rufus R. Staford, Thomas B. ScuUey, Francis H. Snow, John M. Treace, WUliam H. H. WiUiams, William Barlow, Crawford C. Bayrell, L. L. Emery, Joseph J. Eunice, Joseph Pisk, Ely J. Gregory, WUliam H. Hobbs, Jorman Hale, John J. Harpool, Lewis E. Hurt, D. A. MuUands, WUliam F. MUler, Meredith B. Meadow, Ezekiel T. Maynard, Francis P. Southerlan/d, James-'Wl^tlcar, Daniel Young, WilliaJm A. Austin, Ewing J. Carson, Wpiston Frlzzell, Jackson Quinn, Larence Hagin, James Houston, Nathiin N. HoQe, Jaraes S. Jeforde, Jas. Marley, William RIgsbey, Jaraes RancUeaJatoes Slaughter, Rowland M. Smith, William E. Wallace, James H. Wallace, Davis J. Brinkley, David Dot- son, Marion Denton, Ablon Daughtrey, David L. Freema-n, James M. Hodge, John H. Murphy, John B. Starkey, Richard R. Tucker, Benjamin P. Tranum, James K. Chapman, Charles C. Chapman, Jdhn W. Dick, David C. Dupree, Ed-wiard T. Edmonds, Peter L. Pisk, Henry, W. Ivey, Richard W. Miller, Jasper W. Nickells, Allen M. Purdom, Jas. E. Smith, Larence Tracey, Wm. Vinlng, Morgan T. WUliams, John Wood. Company " H." CAPTAINS— Thomas M. DuvaU, John Glenn. 1st LIEUTS.— John R. Plemming, Franklin S. Loyd. 2d LIEUTS.— Orlean B. Herring, Wick liffe Cooper, Bartholomew J. Scott. SERGTS.— Columbus Watson, An drew J. Dycus, John N. Travis, John A. Lake, David Lackerm'an, Wm. T. Chandler, William H. Yates, John McCorty, Wm. B. WUson. COR PORALS— WUUam P. Parris, Jo hn T. Custard, Elisha Conger, A. F 'Twentieth Kentucky Infantry. 487 Holder, WUliam F. Felker, Wm. H. Blake, Walter C. Wilson, Thomas L. Robinson, Thomas L. R. Wilson, Mathew C. Nicholls, William W. MoCorty. PRIVATES— Claborn L. Boutwrlght, Frank M. Benton, WUliam C. Cochran, Martin Girtz, James H. Guess, Young E. Jennings, Moses M. Lee, William H. McWorthy, Wm. H. Morse, Henry W. Morse, Benjamin A. Noles, Louis Rudolph, Henry L. Riley, James Stubblefield, Elias J. Boutwright, Joseph W. Board, Robert Boyd, Wiley S. Clark, Samuel S. Garrick, John Crow, John C. Elder, Finis Langsdon, James W. Parris, JosiaJh Parris, WUliam Swaricry, Washington T. Stone, John H. Schnei der, Elias P. Savage, WiUiam H. White, William Cundiff, John P. Dar ling, Wiley N. Goforth, Richard P. Halstead, James H. Herrode, Rich ard H. Herring, Nelson Isbell, Yateman Mabry, Henry P. Maubry, Fer dinand R. Randell, Thos. W. P. Shadowens, James H. Welch, Major S. Boutwright, John R. Bremman, Spencer Bailey, Thos. J. Brown, Sam uel J. Boyd, William H. Boyd, Jos. H. Boyd, Robert B. Cochran, Wm. R. Cochran, Nimrod H. CuUum, Joshua A. Conger, Solomon K. Chandler, George W. Oassey, WUUam Cagle, WUliam E. Dalton, James K. P. Daughtry, John H. Dickinson, Samuel R. Farrow, Joseph H. Hinson, Philip A. Hollls, John A. Irvin, William R. Leverett, James M. Lang don, John P. Morse, William J. Mamard, Newton W. Nicholls, WiUiam L. Paine, George W. Pendergrast, Hiram C. Randall, WUey H. Sexton, Alexander P. Sexton, Joshua G. Scott, William Ri^each, Thomas J. Al len, Joseph H. Brown, Levi J. Brown, James B^n4s, David A. Francis, Peter Goodman, Harry Hicks, John Keif, John Moiilhan, L. W. NlcoUs, John P. Nicolls, John P. Powers, James H. (Morris, John E. Reed, Al len Sexton, David B. Whalin. Company ^' 1." CAPTAIN— Cornelius McLeod. 1st LIEUTS.— Henry Kimbrough, Henry C. Oots, Winder Kinney. 2d LIEUTS.— Robert Becket, Joseph M. Wilson. SERGTS.— James M. Tharpe, Joseph Bailey, Wm. Colvin, James W. Swing, George J. Adams, Joseph Paynter, George W. Mullen, Francis McNeil, Ezekiel H. -Slade. CORPLS.— John P. Slade, Isaac N. Hughes, James Eperson, William Robinson, Stephen Scobee, Williarn. W. Whitehead, James Starr, John Earls. MUSICIANS— George Nich ols, Charles Correll. PRIVATES— John T. Barlow, John Burdln, James W. DeBruler, Jas. A. HUl, James W. Hughes, James L. Harris, William Harris, Simeon Prouse, Overton Turner, John W. Wilson, Basil BaUey, P. C. Bailey, William Barlow, Thomas Herber, T. B. Hughes, Marlon D. Hunter, Enoch North, Joseph Prouse, George W. Perkins, ThO'mas Prouse, Thos. Pribble, J. B. Pugh, M. D. Rayraund, John P. Rosse, Jos. Weber, Wm. H. Barns, David Bishop, Absalo'm Crane, J. N. Caldwell, Andrew J. Dodd, Joseph W. Davis, Stephen J. Eperson, Edward Gee, Levi Kelley, B. C. Kelley, Iredell Key, Walter Leslie, Ambrose Morrison, Jordan Mullins, J. F. Rainey, James Whalen, Solomon Whalen, John C. Barns, Henry N. Barns, J. S. Bitley, Francis M. Dittmore, Samuel Farguson, John E. Goode, WUliam A. Hill, Jos. King, Jasper Key, Henry Louis, Charles Loesch, Absalom Roach, William Russell, Elijah Whalen, Geo. Turner, Allen Gunter, Ambrose Whalen, Samuel Burden, Thomas R. Bryant, James Brown, John Baldridge, Wesley S. Crane, Calvin H. Oook, Henry Gordon, WUliam Hill, George Hatfield, ^enjamln JoUy, Edward Kingsley, Joseph Keener, Jasper Morrison, John Ross, Duncan Scott, Charles Wilson. Company "K.' CAPTAINS— Andrew McCampbell, Charles R. West. 1st LIEUTS.— George W. Baker, Benj. F. Thornbrough, Allen A. Burton. 2d LIEU TENANTS— S. Thompson Corn, Jas. A. McOampbeU, Samuel M. Ander son. SERGTS.— Wm. T. Plumblee, Levi Reynolds, Oliver Davis, Wick liffe Cooper, Samuel C. Plumblee, Jdhn T. Burk. CORPLS.— Jonathan S. White, John F. Ramsey, Adam Albertson, Corydon B. Green, Benja min House, Charles Murphy, Samuel Craig, JdEn House. PRIVATES— Robert J. BaUey, Hayden B. Bailey, Benj. P. Bright, John Brimme, Samuel S. Brown, James Brumfield, WUUam Burgess, John P. Courtney, Marcus C. Courtney, Francis M. Coleman, Pleasant 488 Union Eegiments of Kent'ucky' M. Dodson, James J. Dodson, John Pain, Sr., Jabez Gifford, Thomas GlUride, Samuel M. Henderson, Jas. Land, Robert Land, Samuel Pres ton, Samuel B. Ramsey, James P. Reynolds, John R. Reynolds, Henry P. Riley, James M. Short, Robert W. Thornbrough, John Turpln, David Barnes, Benedict Baker, William T. English, James W. Howard, Alex ander Letcher, James H. MoKaine, Wesley Plumblee, Henry Reynolds, WiUiam H. Reynolds, Thomas Sharp, John M. Steeley, Hezekiah Steeley, Frederick Smith, Robison C. Allison, Christopher C. Brown, John Bald ridge, WUliam T. Chapman, Adolphus Cooley, John Dougherty, William Elliott, Andrew Allison, Francis Bowen, Ephraim Courtney, John J. Fain, Hardin J. Gregory, Green F. Hayden, Francis A. Hair, Eli Mas ter, John B. Nolan, Henry C. Dots, Jas. W. Parker, William Reynolds, WiUiam H. Sharp, Joseph A. Spece, William H. Sewill, George W. Se- will, George W. Sherror, James Treadway, George W. Whitley, George W. Gately, Riley Gregory, Patrick Hlnch, Joseph Hobbs, Willis Land, Henry Masters, Michael Riley, David W. Treadway, William Treadway, John Eagan, Reuben Stinnett, Anthony K. Alvy, David Davis, John Holly, Andrew Lackey, James Murphy, Jos. W. Roberts, Isham Wandell, George W. Bames. Iiveniy-Firsi Kentucky Infantry. (condensed from gen. pkice's more extended account prepared for the federaii historical society.) The excitement of the war found a number of well- equipped military companies in Kentucky. They had reached a certain esprit de corps by the organization of the '^State Guard" under Gen. S. B. Buckner. The four Lex ington companies which were in the regiment, commanded by Roger W. Hanson were "The Chasseurs," S. D. Bruce, who soon became the colonel of the 20th Ky. Infantry; "The Rifles," Capt. John H. Morgan; "Lexington Grays," , Capt Robt. J. Breckinridge, and "Old Infantry," Capt. S. W. Price, who soon became colonel of the 21st Ky. In fantry. The "Old Infantry" hadaja interesting history; it an tedated the war of 1812;^;^^d)served in that war at the Battle of the River Raisin, yhnder Capt. Hart, and in the Mexican war under Caskius M. Clay. Its captaincy was a post of honori / Discord appearedvi]i..-€he "State Guard," when it ap peared that there was an effort to identify it with a move ment to carry Kentucky into the Confederacy. One plan in this direction was to establish encampments in differ ent parts of the state. In May, 1861, Hanson encamped his regiment near Lexington. It was composed of cotn- panies from Lexington, Cynthiana, Paris, Winchester and Frankfort. There was an effort to conceal the real intention, but it was too manifest; one evidence was the removal of the National guidons from the camp, and refusal to pay honor Twenty-first Kentucky Infantry. 489 to Maj. Robert Anderson, when he was expected to pass through Lexington shortly after the fall of Sumpter. Im mediately after this encampment Captains Price and D. W. Lindsey withdrew from the "State Guard" with their companies, though threatened with arrest, and entered the Home Guard organization, which became the nucleus of the fast arming patriotism of the state. The first ap proach to a conflict was occasioned by tbe threat to pre vent the Unionists from taking possession of certain arms and ammunition sent them by the Federal government. Gen. Buckner, with a portion of the "State Guard," equipped with state arms, had already committed him self to the Confederacy. John Morgan was known to be organizing for that purpose. The Unionists were com pelled to ask arms and ammunition from the Federal gov ernment. To prevent interference Avith the transmission of these arms through Lexington to Camp Dick Robinson, Col. T. E. Bramlette was sent from that camp to Lexing ton with a small mounted force, and with the assistance of Oapt. S. D. Bruce, with his "Chasseurs," and Oapt. Price with his "Old Infantry," both under command of Col. E. L. Dudley, opposition was frustrated. Excitement was intense, but a contest was avoided by discretion on the one part and firmness on the other. ' The Federal goverh ment had made its call for troops. Col. Dudley responded and was commissioned to recruit a regiment. Oapt. Price joined him with "Old Infantry" almost to a man. Then consolidating with a fragment of a regiment raised by Lieut. Col. B. A. Wheat in Green, Metcalfe and adjoin ing counties. The 21st Ky. Infantry was formed and mus tered into service at Green River Bridge, December 31, 1861, and January 2, 1862. Col. Dudley unfortunately died and the regiment was thrown into some confusion in consequence. Without solicitation Capt. Price was appointed colonel. He at once saAV the necessity for removal of the regiment from that section, and at his request an order came to proceed to Creelsboro, on the Cumberland river, where it went on board transports and was conveyed to Na,shville, March 18, 1862, the day Gen. Buell began his march from Nash ville to Pittsburg Landing. The regiment went into camp and spent several weeks getting the absentees and organizing. April 1st the regiment started for Columbia, Tenn., to report to Gen. Negley. It reached that place the next day. From Columbia it marchd to Shelbyville, April 24th, where Col. Price took command of the post. June llth the 21st proceeded with other troops to Mc- 490 Union Eegiments of Kentucky. Minuville, forty miles distant, and the enemy retiring, pui'suit was made as far as Cumberland mountain. Here an incident occurred which may be related. Gen. Du mont, who Avas in command, had stationed guards at the Avells with orders that the water Avas only to be used for headquarters and cavalry horses; the exasperation of the soldiers Avas great and Col. Price boldly informed Gen. Dumont that if the guard was not removed he would order up his regiment and remove them by force; to prevent trouble, the guards were removed. In a day or two the troops retumed to McMinnville. June 17th, the 21st and 8th Ky. Infantry and 4th Ky. Cavalry and a Tennessee battery, all under Col. Price, proceeded to Wartrace. From thence the 21st returned to Shelbyville. July 2d, marched to Tullahoma, thence to Duck River Bridge. July 15th, the 21st was assigned to the 23rd brigade. Nelson's division, at that time at Murfreesboro. In a few days it Aveut with other troops on a fruitless expedition to intercept Morgan, at Lebanon, Tenn. These eairly movements of the regiment served to dis- tipline it for more serious work which followed. J, Bragg's invasion of Kentucky occurring, the 21st en tered upon the long march Avith Buell's army and reached Louisville, Ky., September 19th. In the reorganization of the army Avhich took place it was assigned to VanCleve'K PRIVATES— John Burn, Francis M. Bunch, MUton E. Conley, Alvin Cooper, Tipton Cooper, Thomas J. Dlmltt, Thomas M. Pord, James M. Gabbert, Richard GUI, Geo. W. Graham, Michael Holland, Fernando Handleman, George Hayden, Sarauel Huraphreys, John Kearney, Robert Lewis, Joseph Lazure, Joseph R. Logan, Andrew J. Mansfield, George Riggs, David M. Shanks, Thomas P. Shanks, James H. Short, Timothy SuUivan, Harrison Brock, Richard Brown, Levi Cooley, Robert Farmer, WlUIam W. Hudson, James F. Hackney, Robert Horine, Columbus Hayden, Harden Holland, Samuel W. Hargls, Henry C. Leach, James Preston, Richard' Pollard, Richard Rucker, Jaraes Treplett, Peter R. Yates, Joel H. Short, Henry G. W. Boatman, Robert Burnett, Leroy Dunoan, WlUIam Goodrich, John Holland, Felix M. Johnson, Jacob M. Riley, John Shanks, John R. Tacket, Thomas J. Ward, Wililam Ballou, John Burns, John Brady, Jaraes Burgiss, Edward Curran, George W. Downey, Thomas Peely, James A. Farmers, Morris Gaffney, William Hensley, Jesse H. Helton, Wm. D. Jones, Charles Jones, Charles Johnson, Thomas Kelly, Jaraes E. Kinnard, Joseph E. McComb, Joshua Richard, John W. Roberts, Robert H. WUson. Company " E." CAPTAIN— William Bright. 1st LIEUT.— Jno. S. BaUey. SER GEANTS— Frank V. Nelson, Thornton Hamilton, George L. Stewart, George W. Smith, Andrew J. Bryant, Charles C. Johnson, Manlius V. Nevins, John J. Burton. CORPLS.— Wm. S. McMeekin, Alfred Elliott, Thomas Kain, Wm. H.' Cunningham, Thomas Cooley, Ed. S. MarshaU, Robert L. McMurtry. PRIVATES — George Allen, Thomas A. Cole, James Carter, Charles Copley, James D. Crenshaw, Henry Dummyer, James M. Halcorn, Joseph C. Lewis, Legrand Lewis, Thomas J. Mosely, Isaaic P. M. Nichols, John S. Porter, James Rose, Robert W. Rogers, Wm. B. Summer, William T. 502 Union Regiments of Kentucky. Wheat, Henry C. Wright, James H. Watson, Daniel H. Basham, Joseph T. Bright, John W. Browning, James Conquest, Jesse L. Parrer, Riohard R. Graham, Winfield S. Humason, Henry C. Herrald, Wm. C. Hearne, Benj. P. Iglehart, Jeremiah Jenkins, Joseph S. Jones, Baldwin C. Kirk, John W. Kidd, Lawrence Keanan, David Lowe, Elisha Long, Harry Lawrence, James Myatt, David Mason, Prank M. Mershon, Nathaniel B. Meax, James W. Parker, Alfred Preston, WUliam Reynolds, Wm. J. Shelton, John M. Sosh, Joseph M. Smith, Owen Sullivan, James Kelley, Thomas J. Scott, Thomas R. Shelton, Henry Dinning, Harvey Hughes, Thomas Hogan, Marlon W. Jones, Benj. P. Mershon, John C. Prescott, John Montgomery, Wm. T. WUllams, William Case, George Cochran, Gilbert Gadson, WUliam Gibson, Joseph Hosteter, John M. Jarvis, Charles Johnson, WUUam F. Jones, James Kenney, Patrick Leary, Thomas Lyon, James McGaughey, Calvin Morgan, James Myers, Thomas C. Martin, John McMahon, Charles Pemberton, Thomas Ryan, Samuel Company " F." CAPTAIN— Jasper P. Morton. 1st LIEUTS.—Wm. Spencer, James P. Hagan. SERGTS.— William A. Bullock, Felix E. Jones, Wm. P. WeUs, Wra. W. OUver, William A. Dewhitt, John A. B. Shank. COR PORALS— Adrastus M. Toll, Elzy A. Davenport, Wm. C. Rallley, WUl iam T. ChUdress, Edward A. Monroe, Levin C. Harlan. PRIVATES— John Bokel, Francis M. Clemmons, Andrew B. Davis, Andrew J. Bakle, James B. Fulks, Louis F: Frazier, James M. Prazier, John J. Frazier, Benjamin Glass, Chase Jobe, Patrick Kelly, Percival B. Lambert, Fred Luoas, James H. Myers, John Morton, Richard Meadow, Martin V. Meadow, John S. Peden, Joseph N. Paxton, Edward G. Rob inson, John F. Shirley, William Taylor, James H. White, Ralph P. AVUbourn, John M. BlUIngsley, Thomas M. Bybee, WUliam Barnett, James L. Chapman, Richard Figg, Rufus Fulks, Charles H. French, Franklin J. Lint, John W. Martin, James A. Masters, Samuel Patterson, John C. Steeder, Robert B. Chism, John M. Hoss, Daniel Keith, Daniel C. Mathews, Charles P. Taylor, WUliam Bowers, Moses B. Evans, Ed ward Fanbert, Thomas Fields, Joseph Hatfield, Patrick Hogan, Peter Hughes, Samuel Johnson, Rufus M. Kinser, James C. Lee, Socrates MiUer, Thomas Malone, Wm. M. Mansfield, David N. Morton, Edward Morris, John Manning, Charles J. Melroy, James McCormick, George McNeil, Charles J. Rainey, Richard Renick, James E. Wathern. Company " G." CAPTAINS— John d". Nash, George Y. O'Neal. 1st LIEUTENANTS — Wm. M. Ford, Thomas W. Schooler. SERGTS.— Henry C. Bryant, Albert H. Bohannon, George W. Jeter, Jerry V. Craine, Andrew J. Craine, Charles C. Purr. CORPLS.— John Jeter, Hawkins L. WaUer, Wesley Huklll, James M. Jesse, James S. Rice. PRIVATES— Williara H. Burton, Charles Burchel, John Burchel, William Burchell, Enos Cooper, Russel C. Craine, Frank R. French, Wm. W. Gaines, John S. Gaines, James Havens, James Jeter, Patrick Kelly, Henry Long, John J. Marshall, Mathew McGowan, Alexander R. Parks, Henry C. Picket, Christopher R. Steele, John W. Smith, Joseph Schufer, PhUip Speicher, Richard Smith, Nathan White, James Burdess, Jacob B. Eckler, Joseph Linder, Isaac Lipsy, Wm. H. Miller, Henry P. Nealy, Benj. P. Normanly, Jesse Powers, Wm. P. Pinkston, George Rhyraan, Patrick Raney, WiUiam Richardson, Benj. J. Smith, Nathan Stewart, James Stevenson, James H. Truman, John W. Toppas, John W. Vinlng, Charles Wheeler, Noel L. WUllams, Michael Frey, James Hall, John L. Sanders, Albert Stewart, Paul Henrlch, Logan W. Parks, Leon ard A. Pearson, John V. Elkin, Ebenezer M. Morton, Oliver P. Clutter, Benj. F. Dale, James R. Elkin, James P. Ford, Wm. J. Pord, Edward Gorman, Columbus Harris, George Kratz, Thomas KeUy, William Leonard, John Lawson, Peter Lunsford, John Melton, Wm. H. Malone, Jacob MUburn, WUiiara Mills, Peter J. Nooman, John Rody, James Smith, John H. Smith, Joseph F. Schmidt, Thomas Sargeant. Twenty-first Kentucky Veteran Infantry. 503 Company " H." CAPTAINS— George W. Twyman, Danl. R. Gray. 1st LIEUTS.— Benj. Pansier, Dabney A. Phillips. SERGTS.^Robert P. Lock, Joseph A. Edwards, Berry R. Pedlgo, Robert H. Harbison, Charles A. Hays. CORPLS.- James H. Ferguson, Samuel Shannon, Marcus Hardin, George Webber, James AV. MUloan. PRIVATES— Elijah BeU, Wm. T. Bohannan, James P. Baker, Chris tian Brown, Henry Edwards, John Flanigan, Bennett B. Huffman, John Holzback, John Houps, Michael Hagarty, William Johnson, Franklin M. Lumpkins, Andrew Meks, George W. Montgomery, John Mack, Louise Moore, John Neese, Charles Quien, James H. Rhynes, Rodolph Ruegg, John R. Smith, Oscar P. Slaughter, Marlon J. Staples, Joseph Vlckerstaff, James W. Wheat, William Ward, William Wilson, Joseph Bunnet, Mor rison Dehart, James B. Forrest, Claiborne M. Forrest, SUas Johnson, Jioseph Y. Lynder, Pleasant M. McGrew, Elisha P. Pensley, Benj. J. Rogers, James Stanley, Clifton H. Slaton, John W. Summers, James Sanders, Charles A. Smith, ¦yv^illiam H. Thomps^m, Newton G. Brooks, Jackson Goff, Frederick Kipper, Daniel T. Klinglesmith, Wra. A. Long, Albert A. Roaks, Andrew Weldon, William Britner, Patrick GUtanan, WUUam Johnson, John K. McPherson, George AV. MUler, John O'Neal, Jaraes W. PhUUps, John H. Perry, Thomas Payton, Charles Robinson, Benj^ F. Stephenson, Henry Strong, John Shult, Henry Upton, Robert Wilkins, John White, Stephen Winson, John Welch. Company "I." CAPTAIN— Jason Shepherd. 1st LIEUTS.— Thos. M. Gunn, Benj. P. Howell. SERGTS.— Benj. J. Long, Benjamin Sark. CORPLS.— Elijah Palmore, George White, Godfrey Wolfe, Albert J. Ball, Samuel S. Hathaway. PRIVATES— Benj. P. Brannan, Thomas G. Brown, William M. Clemens, William C. Collins, Thomas J. Compton, David A. Fraley, Isaac W. Hurt, Joseph M. Hall; Michael Miller, Joseph J. Miller, Henry Revenue, Thomas Richards, James Anderson, Allen Cameron, Joseph M. Conway, Charles Fornash, Levi Goodman, William H. Harry, George W. Harden, Michael Handle, James Johnson, Thomas Keown, WUliam Litrial, Jesse H. B. Murphy, John N. Merrill, James H. McCombs, John C. Norris, Joseph Pence, Simeon Pence, John Reynolds, Thomas G. Stewart, James H. Skeggs, Peter AVhaley, Thom'as Williams, D. W. Wlngfield, John AVeayer, Wm. P. Weaver, James T. Yokely, George War ren, Robert Davis, Martin Gast, Jacob Goodman, William McAnally, Abraham Pence, Charles D. Thompson, Dyer Collett, Michael Cronan, George Davis, Robert B. Duncan, Oliver P. Hobbs, James Hammond, Patrick Keogh, Gotleib Krebbs, Jacob Low, John Leuch, Robert Michael, Daniel McCauley, David Morgan, Abraham Montes, Jesse D. Newton, John Nelson, William O'Brien, Michael Powers, John Prince, Charles Starkey, Bradford Sartain, Jno. C. SneU, Michael Smith, Robert Stigali, Jonathan Trowbridge, Charles Williams, John Wilson. Company " K." CAPTAIN— John B. Buckner. 1st LIEUTS.— Daniel R. Gray, John E. Aubrey. SERGTS. — James A. Tweedy, Dabney A. Phillips, William H. Brooks, William J. MItchum, James M. Long. CORPLS.-George W. Webb, John H. Slinker, James E. Barrett, George W. Thorapson. PRIVATES— Henry- C. Bryant, Edward Creason, Joseph Clark, Michael Cusslck, Alexander Edwards, John Farmer, Christopher C. Gentry, John W. Hale, Harry S. Hollls, , Berry Hightower, WUliam Jones, Martin Lynch, James M. Martin, William P. Martin, Solomon K. Meridith, WUliam J. Slinker, Jaraes AV. Shaw, John Vinson, Josephus Vance, Charles Withers, Henry Weaver, James W. Brown, John Beck man, Anderstin Blair, George Cole, WUliam Danhart, James Evans, P. C. Evans, Hezekiah Pulklson, Isaac H. Fulkison, Emil Gans, Warren C. Jeffries, Jacob Jones, William H. Kissee, Charies Klnkade, John H. Lindsley, Charles Lindsay, Patrick Sullivan, Robert J. Stevens, Nicholas 504 Union Regiments of Kentucky. TomUnson, Wm. T. Underwood, Orlean P. Webb, William W. Wright, John Zink, John T. Sexton, John R. Alderson, Allen S. RInehart, William H. Schaggs, Sumner F. Slatlon, Geo. W. Tompkins, Horatio West, John Claton, Jacob Grief, Oscar Lytle, John McCabe, William Moreland. Frederick Razor, Aaron Swiney, John W. Scott, Joseph M. Sherborne, John B. Scanlan, WUUara Seaton, John J. Tobias, Jock Thorapson, James M. Taylor, John Williams, James Weir, James W. Wright, William Wilson, Martin S. Young. Tiventy-second Kentucky Infantry. (copied from thk adjutant-general's report.) The 22d Kegiment of Kentucky Volunteer Infantry was organized at Camp Swigert, Greenup county, Ky., on the 12th day of December, 1861, under D. W. Lindsey, as colonel; Geo. W. Monroe, lieutenant-colonel, and Wesley Cook, major, by which oflicers the regiment was princi pally recruited. Company A was recruited from the city of Louisville aud Franklin county; Companies B and 0 from Greenup county; Company D from Carter county; Company E from Lewis county; Company F from Frank lin and Greenup counties; Company G from Carter and Boyd counties; Company H and I from Carter county, and Company K from the city of Louisville. Previous to the organization of the regiment. Companies A, K and the larger portion of Company F were stationed at Frankfort, Ky., and did efiicient service under the direction of the state authority. The remaining companies of the regi ment were in Eastern Kentucky, and operated effectively in that section of this state, aud also in West Virginia. Immediately after the organization of the regiment, it was ordered up the Sandy valley, and rendered most im portant service in the expedition against the rebel gen eral, Humphrey Marshall. A detachment of the 22d, and of the llth Ky. Infantry, under command of Lieut. Col. Monroe, during the battle of Middle Creek, charged and dislpdged from a strong position the command of Gen. Williams, C. S. A. , which movement, as the commanding officer, Gen. Garfield, reports, was "determinate of the day." The mission up the Sandy having been accomplished, the 22d was ordered by way of Louisville to Cumberland Gap, and proved to be one of the regiments chiefly relied upon by Gen. G. W. Morgan for the capture of that point. During the stay of Gen. Morgan at the Gap, the discipline and efficiency of this regiment was frequently mentioned in general orders, and after the battle of Tazewell to the Twenty-second Kentucky Infantry. 505 22d was assigned fhe duty of covering the retreat of De Courcy's brigade from that fleld. During the retreat of Gen. Morgan's division from Cumberland Gap, to the Ohio river, this regiment was as signed to responsible duty, and discharged the same in such manner as to receive the praise of the commanding general. Immediately after reaching the Ohio river, Morgan's division, with the exception of Gen. Baird's brigade, was ordered up the Kanawha valley to the relief of Gen. Cox. After driving the enemy beyond Gauley Bridge the same command was ordered south, and reached Memphis, Tenn., about the 15th day of November, 1862. At this place the division received some additions by recruits, and the 22d was augmented by some thirty men from Capt. R. B. Taylor's company, who were assigned to Company I, and Capt. Estep, successor to Capt Taylor, was assigned to the command of that company. The regiment, then composing a part of Morgan's divi sion, of Sherman's command, proceeded down the Missis sippi river, and on the 28th and 29th of December, 1862, attacked the works of the enemy, upon the Yazoo river, at Haynes' Bluff, or Chickasaw Bayou. In the charge on the 29th, the 22d lost a number of killed and wounded, among whom were those gallant officers Captains Garrard and Hegan, and Lieut. Truett killed, and Lieut Col. Mon roe, Captains Bruce and Gathright, and Lieutenants Bacon and Gray, wounded. Shortly after the battle of Chickasaw Bayou, the Army of the Mississippi, under Maj. Gen. McClernand, captured and destroyed Arkansas Post a strong position upon the Arkansas river, in which affair the 22d bore an honorable ' part. After remaining at Young's point and Milliken'S Bend two or three months this regiment with McCler- nand's corps, the 13th, of which it formed a part took the lead in the movement by way of Bruensburg, to invest Vicksburg from the rear; the 22d performing an im portant part in all the engagements incident thereto, as Avell as in the capture of Vicksburg. After the surrender of that important point the regiment marched with the brigade to which it was attached, and assisted in the capture of Jackson, Miss. The 22d, then following the fortune of the 13th Army Corps, was sent to the Gulf Department, where it rendered good serviee. The regiment veteranized at Baton Eouge in March, 1864, and was consolidated with the Tth Ky. Veteran In- 506 Union Regiments of Kentucky. fantry; the non-veterans being mustered out at Louisville, Ky., January 20, 1865. The regiment was engaged in the following named general engagements, besides numerous skirmishes, viz: Middle Creek, Ky.; Cumberland Gap, Tazewell, Tenn.; Haynes' Bluff, or Chickasaw Bayou, Miss. ; Arkansas Post, Port Gibson or Thompson's Hill, Champion Hill or Baker's Creek, Big Black Bridge, siege of Vicksburg, Jackson, Miss., and Red River; ia almost all of which the regiment was commanded by Lieut. Col. Monroe; Col. Lindsey being in command of the brigade or division. As an evidence of the appreciation in which this regi ment was held by commanding officers, the following offi cial correspondence and orders are published: "Headquarters Ky. Volunteers, A. G. O. "Frankfort, January 30, 1862. "Col. D. W. Lindsey, 22d Ky. Volunteers, Paintsville: "Colonel: . . . All accounts concur In giving honor and praise to your men engaged in Middle Creek fight. "The reported gallantry of your men has given infinite satisfaction to their friends here. "Very truly yours, "(Signed) Jno. W. Finnell, "Adjutant-General Kentucky Volunteers." "Headquarters 13th Army Corps, "Near Vicksburg, June 5, 1863. "Govemor: I have the honor to inform you that there are two gen eral officers and three regiments, the Tth, 19th and 22d Ky., in the 13th Army Corps, Department of the Tennessee, under my command, who crossed the Mississippi river with me, at Bruensburg, below Grand Gulf, on the 30th day of AprU, and who took part in the battles of Thompson's Hill, on the 1st of May; Charapion Hills, on the 16th;- Big Black Bridge, on the 17th of May, and at Vicksburg, beginning on the 19th of May and continuing up to the present time. "I ara raost happy, sir, to congratulate you, and, through you, your noble state, for the victories won by the coramon effort of her brave sons with those of sister states, -and to bear testimony to the gallantry, bravery and good conduct of her officers and men In all these bloody struggles. They bore themselves with the unfiinchlng steadiness of veterans, both under galling fires of artiUery and musketry, and in making charges upon fortified lines. "They have shown themselves compeer and fit companions in arms with brave men of sister states in a series of battles, in which it has become Impossible to make particular mention of those who distin-. guished themselves, without mentioning. Individually, both officers and men. "Your raost obedient servant, "(Signed) John A. McClernand, "Major-General Coramanding 13th Array Corps, Dept. of the Tenn. "His Excellency Jaraes F. Robinson, Governor of Kentucky." NOTE.— During the operations In the South, the 22d Ky. Infantry belonged to D. W. Lindsey's 2d Brigade of Osterhaus' division, 13th Army Corps. Twenty-second Kentucky Infantry. 507 The following are extracts from the ofiicial reports of Maj. Gen. John A. McClernand of date June 17, 1863, head quarters 13th Army Corps, Vicksburg, Miss.: Battle of Champion Hill. .... In front of my center, as well as by right, the enemy ap peared in great numbers. Garrard's brigade was hard pressed, and Gen. Osterhaus requested that it should be supported. All of Lawler's bri gade of Carr's division, except a reserve of one regiment, also advanced to support Lindsey's, who had pushed a charge near the nxiuth of the battery. Lawler's brigade here cast the trembling balance in our favor. Himself narrowly escaping the effect of a shell— his men joined Lindsey, and both dashed forward, shooting down the enemy's battery, horses, driving away his gunners and capturing two pieces of cannon. . . . The enemy, thus beaten at all points, fled in confusion, the main body along the road leading to Vicksiburg, a fragment to the left of that road. Gen. Carr's division taking the advance, hotly pressed the former, and Lindsey's and Burbridge's brigades the latter, until night closed in, each taking many prisoners. Battle op Big Black River. . ... Osterhaus' division was ordered to form to the right of the road, Lindsey's brigade in front and the remaining two regiments of Garrard's brigade obliquely on the left and rear of Lindsey's, to coun teract any movement in that direction. My right center and left en gaged the enemy with increasing effect; and, dashing forward under a heavy fire across a narrow field, and with fixed bayonets, carried the enemy's works, capturing many prisoners and routing him. This feat was eminently brilliant, and reflects the highest credit upon the gallant officers and men of Gen. Lawler's and Osterhaus' commands, who achieved it. ' It was determinate of the success of the day. Most of the enemy escaped to the commanding bluff, on the opposite side of the river, while others, hotly pressed by Benton's brigade and the right of Lindsey's, were cut off frora that escape; and, driven to the left and down the river, upon the left of Lindsey's and the front of Burbridge's brigades, fell into their hands. Siege of Vicksburg — Storming on 33d of May. Five minutes before 10 o'clock the bugle sounded the charge, and at 10 o'clock my columns of attack moved forward, and within fifteen minutes Lawler's and Landram's brigades had carried the ditch, slope and bastion of a fort. Some of the men, emulous of each other, rushed into the fort, finding a piece of artillery, and in time to see the men who had been serving and supporting it escape behind another defense commanding the interior of the former. . . . Within fifteen minutes after Lawler's and Landram's success Benton's and Burbridge's bri gades, flred by the exaraple, rushed forward and carried the ditch and slope of a heavy earth-work, and planted their colors on the latter. . . . Men never fought more gallantly, nay, more desperately. Por more than eight long hours they maintained their ground with death like tenacity; neither the blazing sun nor the deadly fire of the enemy shook them; their constancy and valor filled me with admiration. The spectacle was one never to be forgotten. Meantime, Osterhaus' and Hovey's forces, forming the column of assault on the left, pushed forward, under a severe fire, upon b more extended line, until an enfilading fire from a strong redoubt on their leift front, and physical exhaustion, compelled them to take shelter be hind a ridge. Here they could distinctly hear the words of hostile com mand. Their skirmishers, however, kept up the conflict. 508 Union Regiments <^ Kent/ucky. While referring to fhe reports of division, brigade and regimental commanders, for particular notice of the offlcers of their commands most distinguishing themselves, it is proper, as commander of the corps, that I should recommend Brig. Gens. Hovey, Carr and Osterhaus for promotion; also Cols. Slack, Stone, Kelgwin, Landram, Lindsey and Mudd. The skill, valor and signal services of those offlcers entitle them to it. The history of the Tth Ky. Infantry is here referred to as illustrating the service in the same campaigns with the 22d. For faithful and gallant service Col. D. W. Lind sey was recommended for promotion to brigadier-general. He was ordered to Kentucky to be assigned to the position of adjutant-general of the state. Under his administra tion of this ofiice the efficiency of the Kentucky regiments was greatly increased. After the war he published the invaluable collection of records, known as the Adjutant- General's Report. He is at this date one of the most eminent lawyers in Kentucky and resides at Frankfort. Orlando Brown, Jr., adjutant of the 22d, subsequently became lieutenant-colonel of the llth Ky. Infantry. Field and Staff. COLONELS— Daniel W. Lindsey, George W. Monroe. LIEUTEN ANT-COLONEL— William J. Worthington. MAJORS— Wesley Cook, John Hug-hes. ADJTS. — Orlando Brown, Jr., Joseph W. Roberts, Fran cis C. Robb. Q. MASTERS— E. P. Dulln, John Paul Jones, James P. Tureman, Shadrach L. Mitchell, James W. Barbee. SURGEONS— Benj. P. Stevenson, Henry Manfred. ASST. SURGEON— William R. David son. CHAPI^IN-j-Samuel S. Sumner. Q. M. SERGTS.— Chas. W. Hill- erman, John T. Ga/thrlght. COM. SERGTS.-John P. Vance, Charles Gj Shanks. HOSP/STEWARD— Sidney Van Bibber. SERGT. MAJS.— John B. Oam-pbeU, John T. Harrington. Company "A." CAPTAIN— John Hughes. 1st LIEUT. Arthur J. Harrington. 2d LIEUT.— James W. Barbee. SERGTS.-Thomas CoUins, WUUam H. MUam, Henry Simmons, John Rohner, Jacob Edinger, John T. Har rington, Oliver J. Howard. CORPLS. — Enoch Napier, George Tanner, Jacob Fisher, Jeremiah Wells, John Welsh, Philip Snider, John C. Sei bert, George Rammers. PRIVATES— Alexander Armstrong, Michael Bower, Patrick Coakley, Godfrey Geisler, William Gainey, Tiraothy Harrigan, Michael Leary, James Leary, John T. McCoy, Benjamin Miller, John T. Milam, John Parker, William Seibert, Michael H. Shay, James Scanlan, WUliam Tagg, William Clark, James Dailey, Thomas Keller, George Perry Nerns, Thomas S. TevIS, Albert L. Cook, John T. Gathright, Charles L. Galloway, Hardy J. Galloway, Patrick Garrety, WUliam Hess, Patrick McCandry, Franklin McNeal, WlUIam Nunan, WiUiam WUson, James A. WeUs, John Welsh, 2d, Edward Berry, John Bums, James W. Collins, Louis Commersour, WiUiam DriscoU, John Hulet, Thoraas Manlhan, Solomon Parker, WiUiam H. Smith, WiUiara T. Walls, John Cox, Robert Bradley, Curtis Barbee, Owen Connelly, WlUIam Connelly, Thomas Collier, Thomas Casey, Martin Crane, WUliam Cosgrove, IJennis Donovan, Victor E. Goldsmith, Charles P. Hawkins, John Hawkins, Michael Hickey, John Hinkle, John T. Hensley, John Hobbs, Michael Twenty-second Kentucky Infantry. 509 HaUey, Patrick Kane, Thomas Linch, James Millett, John McKinney, Patrick Murphy, Michael Mahoney, Charles McCarthey, Jaraes Murphey, James O'nell, Andrew Robin, Alzle Ruth, Morris Stuck, Jaraes Hulet. Company " B." CAPTAINS— WUliam J. Worthington, John L. Godman. 1st LIEU- TBNANTS— Henry E. Evans, Daniel W. Steele. SERGTS.— Jacob Cochran, Amos Reeder, James Hanner, Henry G. Thomas, George Rus sell, Robert A. Callihan, Charles L. Nevins, Davisson Milton. CORPLS. — Daniel B. Davidson, Samuel T. Lambert, Samuel W. Hardwick, John M. Dupey, Henry Colegrove, John Cunningham, Sidney Vanbibber, Will iam Gullky, Auther Steele. MUSICIAN— WUliam H. Crawford. PRIVATES — Aaron Arms, Henry C. Barber, WUliam Barber, John T. Barney, James M. Calliham, James Mc. Callihan, Samuel Colegrove, Jeremiah W. Davis, Luke Davisson, Richard Douglass, Silas Drake, Robert Goodman, Alexander Hanner, John Hanner, George W. Harding, Abner Holt, Morrison B. Hunt, Henry C. Jacobs, Jaraes Lavlnder, Archy Messer, Samuel Montgomery, Calvin McGee, Daniel McGowen, Charles McGowen, Doctor Osburn, Jeremiah Rose, Charles Ross, George Ross, James E. Smith, James Shelton, WUliam Stewart, Lloyd Wilson, Henry Wheeler, Levi Davisson, Joshua R. Glover, Winfleld S. Howe, James A. Hailey, Samuel W. Johnson, Henry H. Myers, Joseph M. Robb, Thomas- RUey, Charles W. Stewart, David S. Sellers, Daniel H. Woolery, Robert B. Akers, James Bradley, James C. Coon, Sarauel S. Callihan, John S. Curamins, Charles Douglass, William Eurick, John Hood, Joseph Jen kins, Moses Lower, Hiram Osborn, Lawson Williams, Robert D. Davis, AVUliam J. Floyd, Edward Gill, Allen Morris, Edward S. Nevius, Edward Price, Harvey Prichard, Joseph C. Rice, John Spence, John B. Ward, Thomas D. Davis, Thomas Floyd, Alonzo Keiger. Company " C." CAPTAIN— John P. Lacy. 1st LIEUT.— Francis. C. Robb. 2d LIEUT.— Robert Montgomery. SERGTS.— Riley Richards; Shadrack L. Mitchell, Sandford Stewart, Eugene A. Shaw, James Smith, John Pat ton. CORPLS. — William P. Martin, WUUam Swap, James Hartley, John McNeU, James R. Chapman, Benjamin P. Mitchell, Abednlgo Burton, MarceUuB Cameron, Benjamin P. Fugltt, Patrick Carroll. MUSICIAN— Jacob'BoUes. WAGONER— Jesse Keaton. PRIVATES — Thomas Abrams, Samuel Abrams, Thomas Carr, Will iam H. Carr, John Carroll, James Carr, Hugh Darby, George AV. Darby, Alexander Ferguson, David Flinders, William B. Hays, Eli Jenkins, Perry Keaton, Joshia Montgomery, Burris Morris, Nathan Mefford, Will iam Pemberton, Jesse Ramey, James P. Smith, Thomas Smith, Andrew Volentine, Charles H. Wilson, McKenzie Abrams, Joseph Abrams, J'ames Burton, Hezekiah Booker, Thomas Burton, John Clark, Reuben Coffee, John Davidson, Itjichael Kelly, Lewis Keaton, Barney McGlnley, John Passenback, Colisby B. Smith, John Abrams, Joseph W. Abrams, Thomas Diggins, William Fuller, George C. Krltzer, John Krltzer, John PerneU, Jefferson Smith. Martin Smith, Jaseph Shelton, Charles G. Shanks', Lewis Tackett, John P. Vance, Thomas W. Bailey, Wilson Bur ris, Jacob Carr, George W. Fugltt, Johnson Flemings, George Garthee, Henry W Howe, Solomon Jenkins, David Toland, Samuel T. Virgin, Henry Vallance, John W. Miles, John W. Boyle, Elijah Osburn, John Dunnigan, William Kelly, James Moore, Mortln Soaps, James Smith, Edward Sizemore, Hiram B. Virgin, James WUls. Company "D." CAPTAINS— James W. Scott, James G. Milligan. 1st LIEUTEN ANT— James W. Barbee. 2d LIEUTS.— John A. Gilbert, James A. Wat son SERGTS.— James H. Reeder, Dunoan S. McLaren, George W. Bocook, John Gavern, Daniel P. Danner. CORPLS.— James Pults, An drew J. Jacobs, James A. Brown, James H. Clark, Henry C. Morris, Barney Cline, John B. Erwin, Robert H. MiUer, Jesse Wilburn. 510 Union Regiments of Kentiwky. MUSICIAN^— James L. Vandegrlff, Jeremiah Biggs. WAGONER- William Jackson. PRIVATES— Alkana Brown, WUliam Cline, Stephen Dehart, William H. Gasaway, Samuel T. GUbert, Hezekiah Hall, Alfred Hall, Andrew J. Hale, Albert Jones, Harrison Jones, John N. McGlone, James M. Mead, WUUam Nolan, James J. Perry, WUliam N. Perry, George W. Reeder, WUliam Ray, H. W. Aldridge, Stephen H. Aldridge, Elijah Dunaway, John W. Fults, William M. Ham, Alexander Ham, John W. Ham, George W. Loper, Daniel Rice, Sherwood Tacket, Harvey A. Wilburn, Charles M. Zimmerman, Andrew J. Alexander, Jonathan Arthur, Jesse Cooper, Mathias Corahs, James W. Cline, James W. Dulln, Thomas Fults, James M. Gilbert, David Gorman, Robert Hale, Henry S. Jeffries, Wililam E. Jaraes, Martin Jones, John W. Lawhorn, John W. Ray, George W. Smith, John Smith, Perry Fults, Andrew J. Gorman, Edward M. Ham, Stephen Jones, Simpson Lambert, WiUiam S. Miller, David Martin, John P. Smith, David H. Taber, George H. Taber, Preston Wllburn, Townley H. Bellomy, James Blevins, Joseph Fields, Lemuel Johnson, Daniel Mc Dowell, John Rogers, John Roe, Joseph Segraves, George AV. Williams. Company " E." CAPTAINS— Lewis P. Ellis, Alexander Bruce. 1st LIEUT.— David C. Thoroman. 2d LIEUTS.— Elijah Scott, WUliam B. Hegan, Jabez Truett. SERGTS.— Job Davis, Perry G. P. Bruce, WUiiara Runnlon, Socrates Parker, Richard M. Worley, WUliam C. Stewart, John Littleton. CORPLS. — John Woodworth, Lafayette Sprlggs, Francis M. Jones, Sarauel McLaughlin, Richard M. Johnson, WUliam R. Poe, Alexander Bell, Sarauel L. Winter, George T. Kibby. PRIVATES— George B. Ashford, John Bush, Rufus 'Brlghtman, Thomas B. Baker, Pierce Carver, James A. Cole, William Cole, Elijah Clark, John Dlckerson, Francis Gavin, WiUi-am T. Horsley, Hiram Jones, Allen Keyser, George W. Lawhorn, Andrew Littleton, Martin McLease, Nathan B. McLelland, James M. Poe, John Pruitt, Henry Simmers, Benjamin P. Sprlggs, WUUara Spriggs, Jasper Stewart, Will iam P. Wood, james A. Zornes, Sanders Zornes, Gabriel Bums, Henry M. Burris, Pierce Carver, Sr., Andrew I. Cremedus, William H. Clark, Francis H. Clark, WUUam- Chapman, Stephen S. Davis, Stephen Jones, James Logan, WUliam Lawhorn, Thomas J. Loper, William H. Rug gles, Samuel Spencer, Benjarain Sprigg, Sr., George W. Smith, James Thayer, William H. C. Biggs, William Cooper, Aaron Davis, John Y. Harper, Chas. W. Hillerman, William I. Johnson, James Littleton, Ben jamin T. Morris, Williara Ratcliff, Jacob C. Scott, Joseph Spriggs, Zach ariah Bush, Reuben A. P. Biggs, Simon M. Bruce, Slraon Clark, Saint Clair Carver, James Fannin, William R. Gilbert, WUUam Littleton, Jaraes R. Loper, George Littleton, John Osborn, Emanuel Rhoden, James P. Soott, Joseph Stewart, Erastus G. Taber, Robert Pettet, Oliver M. Summons, WUliam Bevins, EU C. Dugan, Lindorf H. James, Frank lin Jones, Joseph Kimball, Anthony W. Lambert, Jacob McGlone, Wm. A. Ruggles, Marion B. Ratcliffe, Philip S. Ratcliffe, William Shiffbower. Company " F." CAPTAINS— Daniel Garrard, Jr., Williamson W. Bacon. 1st LIEU TENANT— James Morton. 2d LIEUTS.— WUUam H. Sneed, Richard J. Frayne. SERGTS.-Edward W. Vaughn, Moses A. Pickens, William P. Cooper, Jackson Roberts, Garland R. BuUock, John Bransom. COR PORALS— David C. Bledsoe, Mathew Lowder, Benjamin Merchant, Jacob Pffeifer, John Ridenower, Charles Rosson, Joseph Montgomery, Michael C. Kaln, WUliam Bush, George W. Merchant. PRIVATES— Jesse Anderson, George Bush, Harvey Cecil, John T. Henderson, Henry E. Howe, Matthew Markland, David McNeal, Cor nelius McCarty, Charles Osborn, Richard H. Pitman, Jeremiah Tyre, Janus Tibbs, Pleasant Timherlake, George W. WUlls, Thomas E. West, John West, Isaac Woodrough, Thomas Anderson, WUUam Anderson, Charles Boucher, Henry K. Brawner, Harrison Cohorn, Franklin C. Clemens, George Conly, George W. Cooper, Thomias D. Dean, Jacob Pnek, James Goodwin, John Merideth, Theodore P. C. Polk, Robert Twenty-secmul Kentucky Infantry. 511 Pickens, William J. RUey, Charles Shaw, Wiley Smith, John Seal, James Anderson, Mathias Anderson, Orlando Brown, Jr., William Bledsoe, Henry Baker, John Buffin, Thomas Busji, Dennis Bergen, James Bald win, William H. Cressey, Jonathan Cooper, William E. Cameron, John B. Campbell, Reason Gamble, Charles Hawkins, Thoraas J. Hunter, George W. HaU, James Hollywood, James Linton, Jaraes Lunsford, Enoch Marshall, WUUam Moran, Christopher Merchant, Nathan Noland, Joseph North, George R. Pitman, Byron J. Quinn, Joseph W. Roberts, Alexander Snelling, James A. Shea, Jaraes T. Sljaw, Charles Tlra-berlake, Leonard L. Wells, Francis P. Bristow, Franklin S. Bristow, George W. Pltemaster, John B. Parson, John Galvin, Robert O. King, John Martin, Jacob Martin, Robert Simonis, John Halker, Albert Arthur, Alexander Burns, John Collins, Alfred L. Coo^k, John C. Dixon, William Lundy, Daniel Smither, Henry SuUivan, TIrl Tipton, Reuben West. Company " G." CAPTAINS— John Paul Jones, WiUiam B. Hegan, Evan D. Thomas, Jacob Swigert, Jr. 1st LIEUT.— Charles L. Nevius. 2d LIEUT.— Harry B. LItteral. SERGTS. — Cyrus Palmer, John Palmer, Levi W. Cline, Nelson T. Keeton, Jaraes M. Oartee, Henry J. Connelly, John Peterson. CORPLS.— Harvey Stewart, Thoraas Dixon, Thomas Johnson, Wm. Peterson, John Lawhorn, John Martin, John Hambleton, Obediah Scott, James Burchett, George Peterson, Gren T. Sraith. MUSICIANS— Robt. Warnock, John T. Warden, Daniel McLaughlin. WAGONER- WUliam G. Willis. PRIVATES— Caleb Burton, Henry Cline, Leonard A. Craine, George Dixon, Jr., Henry Drake, Martin L. Drake, William Delong, William F. Dunaway, Jacob Catcan, Andrew W. Grimes, Erastus M. Hood, Thoraas Kay, Jefferson S. Keeton, Riley R. Logan, John Pratt, Wylle W. Sellards, John N. Stephens, John B. Unkroot, Samuel Y. White, Robert Weir, David Black, John S. Connelly, George O. Dixon, Henry W. Gelske, Reuben McGinnis, John McOalllster, Joseph Martin, Nicholas Mqore, Christopher Moore, Henry Rera^y, Selden Rayburn, John Rice, Jona than Skiles, Lawrence Sloan, James W. Sellards, John T. SeUards, James H. Tyrle, James Cline, Cyrus Cartwright, WUUam CUne, Williara W. Combs, James Cooper, Francis Hutchinson, Troy HoweU, Reuben Palraer, Prank N. Stephens, John Bruce, WiUi/ara R. Edmonson, Green V. Hartley, James Perkins, Emanuel Palmer, David Burton, Isaac Mc Clurg, Samuel Cline, George P. Davis, J'ohn J. Foster, Speed, B. Gilbert, John H. Holbrook, Ephraim Kidd, Martin Lunsford, Wiley Literal, WiUiam Moore, Alfred G. Rice, Hiram B. Roberts, Charies H. Stewart, Shadrack Stacy, Braxton Stewart, Junius B. Welsh, Alexander Walker, James Young, WUUam H. Young. Company " H." CAPTAINS— Edwin Cook, John T. Gathright, Stephen Nethercutt. 1st LIEUT.— Thomas P. Harper. 2d LIEUT.— John Everman, Sr. SERGTS— David R. Shehein, Robert S. Strother, Robert L. Ward, George W Nethercutt, Thomas S. Coley, Jacob Walker, Middleton Mc Guire CORPLS.— Stephen Wootin, WiUiam Hood, Burrell W. Bur chett Ralph S J. BaU, Rdbert Gee, Henry L. Downs, David L. Downs. MUSICIAN— Jesse H. Shepherd. WAGONER— Andrew J. Hood. PRIVATES- Charles A. Bush, WUUam H. C. Biggs, Henry A. Biggs, John Burchett, William D. Coley, John Carroll, Jesse Conn, James Campbell, Johnson Campbell, Andrew J. Davis, John Debord, Samuel Everman WUUam Evans, Hiram Evans, WUliam R. Evans, Champ ness Gee William J. Humphrey, Leonidas Hyme, Feuner Lynch, Isaac M Long Peter P. Sparks, Eari Vandegriff, Egbert Woraack, Burrell Akers skmuel Burress, W^alter N. BaU, Jededlah D. Colegrove, James M Conn WlUIam Dewitt, BasU R. James, Thomas Lumpkins, George W Perkins Jacob Perkins, George Sagers, Nelson Sparks, WUliam Swearengen Jesse Tharpe, James Back, Thomas A. Day, WlUIam Davis, GlorgeW Evans, David T. Gee, Micajah S. Gee, Colonel W. Haney, Mason W. Keeton. George W. Lawhom, Jacob Velrs, Martin AVicker. Dru^ Burohett, James M. Boggs, Joseph D. Ball, James H. Davis, 512 Union Regiments of Kentucky. Henry Everman, John A. Humphrey, Robert T. Hyrne, Malachi Law horn, James Lawhorn, Jordon Meadons, Martin Stegall, Elias Tharp, Randolph Wooten, John Everman, Jr., Francis M. Gray, James R. Hood, James C. Justice, WiUiam C. Justice, George W^ McMiUon, Gabriel C. Parsons, Company "I," CAPTAINS— Jordon Nethercutt, Prank A. Estep, William K. Gray. 1st LIEUTS.— Jeremiah -Noland, Charles G. Shanks. 2d LIEUT.— WUl iam Nethercutt. SERGTS. — Samuel Huston, Edward B. Coleman, Cy rus T. Oartwright, John B. Veach, James Nolan, George W. Low, Joshua Ison. CORPLS.— Esquire Mullins, Mortimer Devour, George W. Lyons, James M. Pearson, Thomas D. ' Zornes, Samuel P. Epperson, Elijah W. Gilbert, Charles Hunt, John E. Rice, Pleasant Adams. MUSICIANS — George Gerholt, Christy P. Savage, Henderson Johnson. PRIVATES — Maston Oobern, Green Crawford, Benjamin F. Dlcklns, Henry O. Davies, Elihu Gallihue, James Jennings, Jesse C. James, James Linton, Gorden McCormick, James Mullins, James Sargent, William Yates, Charles S. -Adams, Peter Brawner, Henderson Bays, John R. , Gore, James Gilbert, Wiley B. Hill, Isaac C. Mitchell, George Nether cutt, Spillman C. Owen, Madison T. Ritchie, Elijah H. Sergeant, Hiram Shannon, Jacob Swigert, Jr., Frank Updike, John B. Walker, Daniel S. Adams, Sylvester Adams, Jesse Adams, Latham Bosly, David Burton, Henry R. Bradly, David Bartee, George W. Crumbaugh, Adam Cox, Thomas Cobern, Lutz Combs, Lewis Farmer, John M. Gayle, Elisha Holbrooks, Archibald Ison, George W. Key, WUliam F. Noell, AVUliam R. Patrick, William Petticord, Leonard Strleff, John Sullivan, George W. Tweedie, Ephraim B. Will'hoit, Edward Welsh, Jeremiah Williams, Abraham Arach, Tyre Boggs, Jacob P. Back, John R. Burke, Hugh Boggs, Harrison W. Coo'k, Gabriel Church, WiUiam Coburn, George W. Chism, John Davis, Thomas Dlckerson, WiUiam Days, John Gallihue, James W. Gallihue, Henry Geigle, WlUiiam Gullett, Jaraes Gifford, John Hoppell, Robert Hatcher, Isaac Ison, Charles Marshal, Thomas Osborn, Andrew J. Sheets, Sr., Annanias Sparks, WUliam Stratton, Wm. Howe. Thomas A'brams, James Boggs, Henry Bare, Asbury Bare, George W. Dlckerson, George W. Easly, Jesse Gipson, Martin Ison, Joseph Justice, Kennis P. Lacy, BaUey Low, Frank McGuire, Charles J. Marshall, An drew J. S'heets, Jr., William Walk. Company " K." CAPTAINS— Louis Schweizer, Charles Gutlg. 1st LIEUT.— Gustav Wehrle. SERGTS.— Jacob Klotter, Nicholas Ember, Ada-jn Warner, Henry Stachelshad, Valentine Lqesh, Louis Fisher. CORPLS. — Ben jamin Lochner, Lucas Rhine, George Klotter, Felix Gross, John Wppelle, Paul Resch, John Duckweiler, Lorenz Schaffner, Joseph Brenner, Lorenz Horn, John Hortz, Billus Kohl, Joseph Acht. PRIVATES— John Barthel, Casper Buohl, George Bremmer, Alvis Dressel, Theodore Eken, Sebastian Fautner, Louis Finster, Joseph Gutz, Conrad Hecht, Conrad Hoeb, Rudolph Hess, Andrew Jacoby, Conrad Kneiss, Frederick Konig, Sebastian Kuhr, Joseph Lochner, Leopold Lenzinger, Michael Meyer, John Martin, George Pfeiffer, Michael Rill ing, Anthony Sauer, Heni-y Scherr, Philip Sohlimer, John Schutz, John Vogt, Joseph Wachter, John Zimmer, John Brimmer, Paul Dressel, Con rad Doll, John Baptist Emig, Henry Englehardt, WUUam Hemerlch, John Hess, Peter KoU, Martin Leopold, Oasslmer Mickoley, John Oehler, George Paulus, Casper Rappensberger, George Sohlottler, Prank Vogt, John Baker, Charies C. MlUer, John Philip Russ, Jacob Trumpler, Henry Zlckel, John Baler, Henry Belger, Wenderlein Fritz, John Huber, George Kuppel, George Seitz, Michael Staublin, Robert Staib, Lorenz Wlt- tenauer, John Koehler, Philip Mossman, Stephen WIttenauef, Joseph Acht, Charles Acker, Gustav Burkenbush, Philip Brown, John Burke, Nicholas Pelger, John Prleeth, Victor (iobat, John Hogan, Frank Kup- pfell, John KrausB, Charles Myer, Henry Mulier, Peter Newhafer, Ul- lerlck Oyles, George Rodemar, Charles Rdhr, Gerovleus Sohupp, Diet rich Teppenhoff, Louis Upper, Andrew Woeber, Thomas Will. Twenty-third Kentiwky Infantry. 513 Ttventy-third Kentucky Infantry. October 6, -1861, Jere T. Boyle, then a practicing law yer at Danville, Ky., who had taken a determined stand for the Union, announced his intention to raise a brigade to consist of four regiments. They were promptly raised. One of them became the 23d Ky. Infantry ; the others were the 9th and 18th and 19th. The 23d was recruited and organized by Col. Marc Mundy. The camp of organization was Camp King, near Cov ington. The companies came from that part of the state, one being from Mason county, one from Pendleton and one from Boone; the others from Campbell and Kenton. The regiment was in camp until February, 1862, when it went to Lexington; thence beyond Lebanon to the Rolling Fork; from thence it marched to Bardstown, and to Louis ville, where it went on board the steamer "Diana" and was transported to Nashville, where it remained during the spring. From Nashville, in June, it went to Murfrees boro and Tullahoma, and then to Pulaski. In this and the following month it moved from place to place, being at Columbia and Lebanon and Nashville, and against Mur freesboro. In August it was at Liberty and Altamont. August 30th it was in a severe fight at Round mountain. Col. Grose, the brigade commander, in mentioning this fight, in a report says, that Forrest attacked what he sup posed was a wagon train, but came in contact with Col. Mundy's 23d Ky., and was handsomely repulsed. The 23d lost four men. The 23d then marched with Buell's army to Kentucky, being in Crittenden's corps, W. S. Smith's division, Grose's brigade. After the battle of Perryville, in which the 23d did not become engaged, though it was with the army at that place, and after Brjagg's retirement from Kentucky, the 23d marched to Nashville, where it remained until a little while before the battle of Murfreesboro. Col. Grose, in his report says, we left camp near Nashville December 26th and bivouacked that night in front of LaVergne; 27th moved to Stewart's creek, on the other side of which were the enemy's pickets; skirmished then till the 29th, where the creek was crossed in line by wading, and the command moved to within two and one-half miles of Murfreesboro, skirmishing all the way. The 30th then was skirmishing all day. Col. Grose describes the flghting as more terri ble and bloody than that he had witnessed at Shiloh. January 1st it was renewed. Col. Grose commended all the regiments in his command. Lieut. J. P. Duke, of the 33 514 Union Regiments of Kentucky. 23d, was on his staff, and is specially mentioned for gal lantry. In the regimental report, which was made by Maj. Thos. H. Hamrick, the fighting of December 31st and January 1st is described as terrific. In the two days the regiment lost eight killed and fifty-one wounded. After the battle the regiment remained at Murfrees boro some days. January 24th it went with other troops on an expedition to Woodbury, Tenn., where it was en gaged with loss. In the organization of Rosecrans' army at that time the 23d was in Crittenden's corps. Palmer's division, Grose's brigade, and was led by Lieut. Col. Jas. C. Foy. June, 1863, the regiment marched to Manchester, and from thence to Sequatchie valley. It was on duty in that section until the movement upon Chattanooga. Descending Walden's ridge it crossed the Tennessee river at Battle creek September 4th, and went into camp at Shell Mound. September 5th moved to Whiteside; Sep tember 6th within four miles of Trenton; September Sth moved on a reconnoissance up Lookout mountain, arriving at Point Lookout 11:30 a. m. The enemy could be seen, and there was skirmishing. That evening bivouacked near Rossville, four miles from Chattanooga. September 10th moved on the Ringgold road, bivou acked near Graysville; September llth at Ringgold; Sep tember 12th on Chickamauga creek, opposite Lee and Gor don's mill; September 13th skirmished; llth, crossed the creek and bivouacked in Chattanooga valley; 15th, back to Lee and Gordon's mills, Avhere it Avas the 19th. The present limits do not admit of a detail of the battle on that day and the next. Col. Foy says the fire on the 19th was very hot; it appeared that eveiT third man was struck; a bullet went through his coat. The regiment was under a cross fire. On the 20th the regiment had a slight breast works. The brigade held a position until 1 p. m. In the changes of troops the 23d was left to hold a position that five regi ments had held. The artillery was being retired and the 23d received orders to retire. It did so in perfect forma tion ahd marched near to Rossville, where it bivouacked. The losses were one officer killed — Lieut J. C. Hoffman — nine men killed, three officers wounded, forty-five men wounded. Col. Foy specially mentions Maj. G. W. North- up, Adjt. W. H. Mundy, Captains Tiffet and Williams, Lieutenants J. P. Duke and Henry G. Skiner. He also commends the conduct of Chaplain Wm. H. Black, and Surgeons Morrison and Hosbrook. The splendid fighting of the 23d is mentioned in numerous other reports. The battle being over, the 23d took position on Mission Ridge, immediately north of Rossville Gap. From thenee Twenty-third Kentucky Infantry. 515 it moved to Chattanooga, where it remained in camp until operations began under Gen. Grant. In Gen. Grant's memoirs is found a clear statement of the opening of the river from Chattanooga to Bridgeport, so that the army might receive suppli»s. The soldiers called this "open ing the cracker line." It was accomplished by taking possession of the opposite side of the river at Brown's Ferry. Gen. Grant describes the taking of Brown's Ferry by Gen. Hazen with 1,800 picked meu, they being sup ported by larger bodies of troops under Generals Hooker, Palmer and Smith. Hazen's picked men floated down the rivei" in pontoon boats at 3 o'clock a. m., October 27th. "At 5 o'clock," said Gen. Grant, "Hazen landed at Brown's Ferry, surprised the picket guard and captured it." By 7 o'clock the pontoon boats had ferried over Smith's whole command, Avhich occupied a hill commanding the ferry. By 10 o'clock the bridge was laid, and the connection was made, which opened the "cracker line." This movement is thus mentioned because a portion of the 23d, under Capt. Tiffet, constituted part of Hazen's picked force. In the list of sixteen battles, the names of which Gen. Grant authorized to be inscribed on the colors of the 23d, is "Brown's Ferry." From this date until November 23d, the 23d was in camp at Chattanooga. On that day it moved out and took part in the fighting which preceded the great charge at Mission Ridge. It was also engaged November 24th, and, on the 25th,, participated in the charge. Col. Foy says, in his report: "There never was such a bold and daring charge made or witnessed by the army of the Cum berland." On reaching the crest, the 23d advanced to the right, along the ridge. The color-bearer fell, and Lieut. Duke "grasped and carried them the remainder of the evening." The 23d captured four pieces of cannon. Its loss on the 2.5th was eight killed and twenty-nine wounded. Among the officers who led this charge Adjt. W. H. Mundy was conspicuous. November 26th marched back to camp at Chattanooga. , November 27th prepared for the march to Knoxvillfe, for the relief of Gen. Burnside, who was besieged by Long- street. On this march the 23d was consolidated with the .5th Ky., Col. Berry. November 29th at Harrison; 30th, near the Hiawassee; December 2d passed Decatur; 3d, camped at Sweetwater; 5th, crossed the river at Morgan- town on a bridge Gen. Sherman built the day before. De cember 6th passed through Maryville; 7th, camped two miles from Knoxville, Longstreet having raised the siege and gone. The remainder of the month of December was spent in the East Tennessee valley above Knoxville, be- 516 Union Regiments of Kentucky. ing Morrristown, Powder Springs, Strawberry Plains, New Market and Blain's crossroads, where, January 5, 1864, the 23d re-enlisted in the veteran organization. The re-enlistment at this particular time is in every way remarkable. The service had been as severe as sol diers are ever called to perform. There had been march ing and flghting and starving. The flrst day of Jan uary, 1864, Avas the coldest weather known. U^der these circumstances these heroic men re-enlisted for three years' further service. After the veteran furlough the regiment returned to the front at Chattanooga. Joining the army under Gen. Sherman, organizing for the Atlanta campaign, the 2.3d was assigned to the 2d Brigade (Hazen) of Wood's divis ion, 4th Army Corps. The regiment was then commanded by Lieut. Col. Geo. W. Northup. Limit forbids a detail of all the events of the Atlanta campaign. The soldiers called it the battle of May, June, July and August. On the 19th of August the 23d was transferred to the 3d Brigade of Stanley's division, 4th Corps. In the list of sixteen battles named on the colors of the regiment, by order of Gen. Grant, appear Rocky Face, Resaca, Ncav Hope Church, Pine Top, Kennesaw, Smyrna, Atlanta, Lovejoy, all being in this campaign. After the fall of Atlanta. the 23d rested in camp with the army until October 1st, when it moved with Sherman's army in pursuit of Hood through Northern Georgia. The whole of the month of October was spent in daily marches. The pursuit of Hood proving fruitless, Sherman deter mined to go through to the sea, dividing his army and sending the 4th and 23d Corps to Tennessee, to serve under Gen. Thomas. From Northern Georgia the 23d went to Nashville, and from thence marched with the 4th and 23d Corps (they being under the immediate command of Gen. Schofield) to Pulaski, Tenn. In November Gen. Hood en deavored to take Columbia, Tenn., but Schofield's trobps reached that place first. Then Hood attempted to take Spring Hill by a flank movement, but Gen. Schofleld dis patched Stanley's division to that place. The 23d being in Whitaker's brigade of that division, assisted in prevent ing Hood's occupation of Spring Hill. Much has been said about why Hood's troops did not move on to the Pike near Spring Hill, and thus cut off Schofield, who Was at Columbia. Gen. Walter Whitaker gave the best answer to the question. He said: • "The reason Hood didn't get there was hecause he couldn't. T icas there myself. I was there ivith seven regiments in m'y brigade." The next day after that movement the battle of Frank- Twenty-third Kentucky Infantry. 517 lin occurred, in which the 23d bore its part, being with Kimball's division. The attack on that part of the line was repulsed at every point After the battle of Frank lin the 23d moved with Schofield's troops to Nashville, and two weeks later— Decehiber 15th and 16th— partici pated in the battle of Nashville. The complete destruc tion of Hood's army at that time practically ended the war in the West. The 23d followed iu the pursuit into Alabama. In January and February, 1865, it was af Huntsville. From thence it marched to Lick creek. East Tennessee, and from thence to Nashville, where it was in April and May. It was then transported to New Orleans. It was theu sent to Green Lake, Texas, where it remained until September. In October it was at LaMar, Texas. In November al Victoria, Texas, where it was mustered out December, 1865. In its term of service four officers and eighty-one men killed, and one hundred and seven died of sickness. No regiment had a more honorable op praiseworthy record, or experienced harder service. In November, 1862, Col. iMarc Mundy was made com mandant of the post at Lo'uisville, in which position he con tinued about one year. He displayed great ability as an organizer, and materially improved the condition of affairs in the city. At that time Louisville was crowded with passing soldiers, and the activity in every branch of the military was constantly on the increase, which made the duties of the post commandant unusually arduous. Since the war Col. Mundy has practiced law in Louis ville. The adjutant of the regiment, Wm. H. Mundy, brother of Col. Mundy, has resided in Louisville since the war, a member of the firm of J. B. Speed & Co. He has assisted in the preparation of the foregoing account of his regi ment, and has materially aided in the publication of this work. Field and Staff. COLONEL— MarceUus Mundy. LIEUT. COLS.— John P. Jackson, James C. Foy, Geo. W. Northup. MAJORS— Thomas H. Hamrick, Wm. Boden. ADJTS.— Wm. H. Mundy, Jephson P. Duke. QUARTER MASTERS— Wm. N. Air, Leroy R. Hawthorn, Alvin Tarvin. SURGS. - Arnold Strothotte, Alonzo M. Morrison. ASST. SURGS.— Benj. F Stevenson, Wm. L. Hashbrook. CHAPLAIN— Wm. H. Black. SER- GBANT-MAJOR— Wm. A. Morgan. COM. SERGT.— Wm. H. Ship- man. CHIEF BUGLER— John Beck. 2d BUGLER— Paul Tracy. DRUM MAJOR— John Grierson. LEADER— Louis Schraag. 1st CLASS -Alfred Bornsteln, Edmund Amann, AVm. W. Morgan, Charles Theis. 2d CLASS— Reese Morgan, Geo. W. Angello, James M. Campbell, Prank- M. Keesler. 3d CLASS— James M. Barnes, Jacob Keesler. 4th CLASS— Geo. W. Barnes, Frederick Theis, Wm. A. Anderson, Christopher Hart man. 518 Union Regiments of Kentucky. Company "A." CAPTAINS— James C. Foy, WlUIam A. Selter, Asaph A. Quigley. 1st LIEUTS.-Joseph Greene, Joseph C. poffman. 2d. LIEUT.— John B. Kormian. SERGTS.— William B. SherriU, Perry A. Butts, William H. Willlamsoh, John E. Culvert, Samuel E. Calvert, George M. Greene, Jasper E. Hutchison, Jasper E. Botts. CORPLS.-George Becktold, John Griffin, Benj. S. Henderson, William J. Sandford. MUSICIAN— Rudolph Berkhardt. PRIVATES — John J. Alloway, James T. Call, Francis Fisher, Gilbert T. Gulllon, Thomas Glblln, Oliver P. Hamilton, Michael Kelly, Samuel McMurray, Captain J. Odell, Theodore P. Roach, John Roark, George Snyder, Adrian M. Snyder, Erastus Smith, William Bailey, Bernard Flood, William Greene, Henry C. Hamilton, Henry J. Hoffman, Henry C. Hughes, Andrew Knight, James Louden, Jarret Low, Robert Mc Murray, Peter Mills, .fames O'Roark, Almorien Perkins; Thomas M. Register, John Stlner, John Williamson, Joseph Young, George Yowell, Wm. P. Alden, Peter Barnhard, Thomas A. Blythe, Newton W. Botts, Lewis L. Calvert, George W. Collins, Joel M. Egleston, Wm. J. Fugate, Samuel Glore, Wm. E. Hender, John B. Horth, Moses Lowe, Moses Mc Clure, Jos. H. Mahan, Patrick Marcy, AVm. H. Mundy, Jacon Nemlah, Richard C. Perkins, James Perrin, Calvin Rogers, Jno. R. Reed, Lewis P. Saunders, Wm. H. Stark, Donald Sillars, Robert Snelling, Jno. E. Snelling, John Soler, Benj. A. Thompson, Valentine S. Buchanan, Will iam H. Gates, Frederick Gerhardt, Gideon Lewis, Alfred Z. Piatt, John Rogers, Preston Stewart, John Noll, John Wilkes. Company " B." CAPTAINS— George W. Northup, Thomas AV. Hardlman, Levi S. Peters. 1st LIEUTS.— Claudius Tlfft, Henry G. Shiner. 2d LIEUTS— William Hudson, Robert Townsend. SERGTS.— Alvin O. Pattee, John J. Taney, Nicholas G. Morgan, George E. Rock, William Forstner, Lambert Scott. CORPLS.— John McCormack, Daniel P. Taber, Lewis J. Weaver, John Walsh, Jas. E. Ryan, Wm. Freellnger. MUSICIAN — Robert Britton. PRIVATES— Oliver P. Boyce, Perry Copp, WiUiam Colter, John W. Evans, Henry Goldsmith, Joseph M. Huston, James McAdams, Joseph T. McDowell, John B. Tedrow, George Wolferson, John C. Anderson, Patrick Canfield, Decatur Concklln, John Culbertson, Joseph Dutson, Henry Pitzallen, Joseph Good, Henry Hamlin, Joel Havens, David Hays', Jesse J. Harlan, Andrew Michael, Andrew J. McKee, J. Yates Parsons, Jaraes R. Smith, George W. Scott, Saml. H. Brogan, Thos. Burrows, John Beck, David G. Brockman, Henry Dyer. • Jacob Gugel, Thos. C. Groat, Gustav Getz, John Grierson, Matthew Hargon, Thomas Hobson, John Link, Michael McKeever, Alex. O. McCormick, Thos. P. McCabe, John Marshall, John Norton, John Nealeams, Levi S. Peters, Geo. Par sons, Sylvanus Stetoblns, Abram StuU, Elmore StuU, John Stroub, Wm. H. Shipraan, Chas. Smith, Jos. Warden, Michael York, Owen Conroy, John Mackey, Jonathan R. F. Poston, Joseph Rock, Redman D. Buff- Ington, Nicholas Korrell, WUliam Smith, John Britton, WlUIam P. Bar- rlnger, John Brawley, WiUiam L. Haglin, Thomas Hamsted, Thoraas H. Jones, John Moynlhan, Matthew McGowan, Patrick Marrah, Benjamin P. Smith, George W. Sims, Matthew Singleton, Thomas P. White, Will iam Wink. Company " C." CAPTAINS— William G. Holden, William Hudson. 1st LIEUTS.— Ryland WUlett, John Squiers. 2d LIEUTS.- -Eldridge G. Holden, Asaph X. Quigley. SERGTS.— James A. Orr, Nathan Milbers, James Orr, Os car Stohi^, Wesley Davis. CORPLS.— Peter Weldon, John BUls, Jr., Wil liam Collins, John R. Ste-vens, Robert G. Reed. MUSICIANS— James McHenry. PRIVATES— Charles P. Brosemer, John Eobb, Martin Greece, Law rence Gorman, Jacob Hyman, John W. Moore, Jules Burdart, Balser Twenty-third Kentucky Infantry. 519 Conrad, Lawrence Carpenter, A. D. Fowler, Henry C. Fox, William H. Harrison, George Llneton, Anton Nihouse, Robert A. Porter, Patrick Punch, Moses PhiUips, Barney Rieley, James Smith, Matthew Shields, Thomas Tanner, WUliam Winters, Ira P. Adams, Michael Buckley, John Crosby, William Craig, John Chatterton, David Crosby, James Fox, Richard Fox, Martin Fay, Jesse O. Goodwin, Fred Howey, George Har rison, Robert M. Himes, Henry Irwin, Francis McGinnis, Abraham Moore, George Moore, Emil Otto, James Ryan, Michael Ryan, William Squler, Eugene Strlck, Thomas TobIn, John Welch, Barney WUbus, George Duffey, Thomas Hyer, Robert McHugh, N. B. McKenzie, Griffey Moss, Jacob Denke, James Kyle, Levi M'oore, John Bills, Sr., Michael Conby, A. J. Clements, B. P. Dickinson, Charles Davis, John G. Davis, Dennis Dusky, Thomas Falby, Richard Felds, Samuel Grant, John GU- feather, John Glen, Bernard Grose, Edward Hunley, John Hanlln, WU Uara Hugglns, F. J. Helbstrelt, Neuraiah Hunley, Jacob Jones, Rodolph Kerris, David Miiber, G. McClernard, Willara Moss, John Miller, Patrick Norris, Thomas Phillips, P. H. Stewart, James Stevens, H. Searles, John Snyder, W. J. Simmonds, G. B. Wade, Wm. H. Wade, L. M. C. Williams, S. C. Young. Company " D." CAPTAINS— Henry Speier, William Boden. 1st LIEUTS.— Charles Theis, Reuben Hamer. 2d LIEUTS.— Thos. M. Barton, Wm. H. Spencer, SERGT-S. — George W. Bruce, WUUam A. Morgan, Prank M. Gosney, Martin Hoffman, Thomas M. Parish, August Magerhaus, Henry Levi. CORPLS.— Julius Taylor, Zelea C. Soott, Herman Rosenthal, Jacob Swan, Joseph Graff, George Lee, James J. Fryer, Heber S. Tucker, John T. BeU, George H. Morgan. MUSICIAN— John J. Roehn. WAGONER— Jonas Sparks. PRIVATES— George T. Byland, George W. Caseman, Bartley Gub- ser, Charles H. Hewitt, John R. Jones, John Koch, James McCoe, Thomas A. Parish, Leonidas P. Payne, Charles Pines, Jacob Stauffer, Christian Weener, John Wilson, Thomas Brimstone, William Boles, Jacob Caseman, Edward Dawson, Michael Grund, Harvey Hopkins, James S. Hunter, George Harper, Andrew Kesler, Edward Kemp, Will iam Milner, Christian P. Pfender, James W. Rardin, David Readenour, Jaraes L. RUey, John S. Roehn, Simon Speier, Daniel Stauffer, Jacob Theis, Prank Trapp, John AValder, Francis Weener, John Wilmer, Benj. R. Addis, Jas. W. BeU, Joseph Graff, Gustaff Grisenbracker, John Gehart, Julius E. Hay, Joseph Henry, Noah Hecht, John Hannibal, John Kensel, Philip Keene, Lyman D. LIdley, Asa D. Lewis, Ellison McVey, Daniel Marcy, Julius Miller, Wm. Malanee, Frederick Newemberg, Michael Pohner, Alonzo Ratllff, Louis Sheanshang, John Shafer, Benj. Tucker, Heinrich Von Godder, Charles Weber, William Bailey, Martin Blanch, Christopher Landeman, George H. Levaney, Daniel Leary, John P. Moore, Zelestine Sheanshang, Joseph Zimmerer, Foster Casem'an, Simon Wilson, Thomas Duncan, Christian Stiger, John M. Augh, Andrew Kendell, Moses Koch. Company " E." CAPTAINS— William P. Egan, John Bames. 1st LIEUT.— William A. Morgan. 2d LIEUT.— Thomas S. Lukens. SERGTS.— Luther G. Miller, William H. Whitney, John B. Baker, Jacob KIrschner, Samuel W. Emerson, James C. Symonds, Michael Volk, Frank W. MUler, James Taylor, John Brown. CORPLS. — Prank Brockman, Joseph C. Emerson, James AUingham, John J. Lawrence, Antony Millische, James Egan, Charles Morton, William H. Link. MUSICIANS— Francis M. Groves, Frank Williamson. WAGONER— Joseph Coppln. PRIVATES— Frank Bailer, Henry C. Beatty, Julius Beiigang, Samuel T. Carr, Christian Getz, William Greely, Andrew G. McKay, George Selter, WUliam Sprott, August Seiter, William Wayman, AViUiam Yates. Helmer J. Beckman, David G. Ohallen, Patrick Desraond, David I.. Edwards, Daniel Gulnther, Jacob Hick, Thoraas McKean, Hugh McBride, Charles McCurry, John Smith, John C. Viall, Mainard Bailer, Andrew Burknet, Adolphus Call, Amos Oook, John Emerson, Michael GUligan, Thomas Horton, Wm. L. Hasbroock, Isaac Kleet, Robert Mcllvaine, 520_ Union Regiments of Kentucky. Jaraes Newbery, Louis Neagle, John Parr, Frank RUey, Jerry Rose, J. P. Straub, Wm. B. Sinclair, Wm. H. H. Taylor, Charles Tomley, James Uraphrey, Henry Holtsman, Alexander E. Lawrence, Nathan Ranson, WUliam H. Hook, Christian H. Hartsman, AVUliam Shannon, John Cole man, James Dooley, Benjamin F. Dickinson, Lewis W. Johnson, Michael Kennedy, John Mulberry, Patrick Norris, William Parker, James Pope, Perry H. Steward, Oharles Smith, Conrad Seiter. William Smith, Riohard Walul, Richard Bailer. Company "F." CAPTAINS— Charles R. Cotton, Benjamin A. Thompson, Frank Jukes. 1st LIEUTS.- Alvin O. Pattee, Patrick S. Reeves. 2d LIEUTS.— Jephson P. Duke, Jacob S. Fox. SERGTS. — Lafayette F. Hazen, John Hart, Henry Graham, John Atkinson, Robt. Townsend, Jo'hn W. Mitchell, James Tout, George Heintzleman. CORPLS. — William Jenks, John Laffy, WUliam Atkinson, William Astley, James Lynn. PRIVATES— John Aylor, Louis Bell, John M. Carmine, Patrick Doyle, Richard Fletcher, Abner Fitch, Wesley AV. Logan, Richard Long; George W. Sconce, WiUiam WUson, James M. White, Littleton Atkin son, Thomas Bostwick, WUliam Casey, Jacob Emery, William Gibson, Herman Gehring, Jaraes Harsha, John Hogg, Walter Jones, James Lamb, John McGarthlin, Frank McGinnis, Henry C. Morris, James M. Roach, Patrick Ryan, Wm. P. Ward, Jacob Young, Wm. J. Buckingham, John Belscher, David Contreman, Michael Foley, Nicholas Gregory, John Henrehen, Thomas Hanley, John HoUran, James Jones, Saml. Jackson, Richard Jarrett, John Laux, John McGeuren, Rlcihard McGarthin, John Powers, Saml. E. Parsons, Laurence Riley, Allen Rising, John Shotwell, Patrick White, Andrew Zeck, Jesse Denton, Samuel Doughman, John King, William Rutter, WilUam Christian, John W. Jones, Thomas Simmons, John Stickrod, Isaac Abelles, James Brehart, Daniel Country man, James Concoran, Thomas Cunningham, Alexander Cross, George Davis, James Flannigan, WUliam Gay, Michael Grady, Francis B. Gudgeon, WUUam Hitchlngs, Thomas A. Johnson, Jacob Kesslar, Isaac Lyons, Daniel Lane, Barney McDonald, EUery P. Roberts, John Shields, Morgan Smith, Charles Vogleberg, Henry Winters. Company "G." CAPTAIN— Thomas J. Williams. 1st LIEUTS.— Thomas W. Hardl man, Martin T. Hennessy. 3d LIEUT.— James Barker. SERGTS.— Henry Taphom, George W. Jordan, John B. Korman, Patrick S. Reves, John Conley. CORPLS.— MUton B. Powell, James P. Morgan, John B. Stoops. WAGONER— Samuel D. Cattrill. PRIVATES— Daniel Cummings, Francis M. Dean, Edward T. Gard ner, William R. Goodwin, Moses Harrison, Sr., George W. Morris, Leonard MiUer, Josiah Sargent, George W. StuU, Roibert M. AVaterman, Richard Buckner, David Berry, John Brown, Thomas Brimstone, Alex ander GoldweU, Bazll Cook, John Cheesman, Anderson Davis, Wm. M. Greenwood, James T. Hastings, James L. Hager, Richard Hargraves, John Jenkins, Frederick T. Latham, Thomas J. McGarrell, Christopher McGinnlty, John R. New, Nimrod Phlnny, John Shields, Moses D. South ard, Martin G. Spegal, Richard H. Taylor, William A. Vandivier, WUl iam Wade, John WUmer, Leroy J. Yelton, John Cullums, Nelson Dunn, Joseph B. Davis, Peter Eickhoff, Darius Freeman, Hugh Fitzsimmons, Joseph Hausfield, Henry Hagg, Relley Hall, Sam-uel Johnson, Thomas JerreU, Thorp King, Joseph Kruse, Thoraas Llllie, Ferguson Logan, James Loveless, John A. Martin, George W. Phillips, Monroe Smith, Andrew J. Spegal, Eli Tunget, James M. Yelton, William Sargent, George W. LiUie, Andrew J. Phillips, Moses Harrison, Jr., Albert S. Jones, Joseph Morgan, Raleigh Tennant, John Bmner, John O. Concannon, John Carpenter, James Edgar, WUliam J. Elliott; Edward Hawkins, ¦Thomas. Hamstead, Frederick Hawkins, Thomas Hobson, John Jones, Jacob Jones, Isaac Lyons, Patrick Logan, James McDonnell, WUliam Nusky Daniel L. Phlnny, Thomas Phillips, Alonzo RatcUffe, William H. Tiry, Charies R. White, William J, Williams, William M. Lillie. Twenty-third Kentucky Infantry. 521 Company " H." CAPTAINS— Lewis Voight, Claudius Tlfft. 1st LIEUTS.— William A. Seiter, Prank A. Black. 2d LIEUTS.— Henry G. Shiner, Martin T. Hennessy, WUliam H. Whitney. SERGT.— William Jackson. CORPLS. — Miohael Keith, Mark A. Jones, John Bumgartner, William Shaffer, ¦James Thorn, Joseph HoUlnshead, Henry Shaw, Jonathan Mullen. MUS'ICIAN- Alexander D. WiUiamson. PRIVATES— John Brownfield, Michael Blelle, John Davy, Charles R. Frazier, Henry Ferguson, James Harlan, William H. Harris, Oharles P. Hennessy, James McKlernon, Jaraes O'Conner, Ferdinand Rosa, James RoU, Jesse Shiner, Thoraas Bassett, WUliam BeUwood, John Bradburn, Alexander Bowraan, George Cochran, David Dodd, John Dunn, Hiram P. Davis, Blasius Gigos, Christopher Goodwin, Orlando Green, Robert Gardner, Sarauel Jackson, Mathias Lenhuaf, WUliam Mitchell, James Murphy, Samuel E. Parsons, King H. Taylor, Charles Woodworth, Arnold Branley, John H. Bush, Edward Bruhl, Nottingham Bradburn, James Connolly, Andrew J. Craig, Jacob Fox, Frederick Freea'ch, Mar- Shall Griffin, Thos. R. Hayes, Henry Hopkins, William Johnson, Thos. A. Johnson, Jno. H. Kingston, William H. Logan, John McCormick, Anthony Moore, David Sasenbaugh, Joseph Schott, John Shaffer, John Shiderly, Patrick Timlin, John Burdett, David Bills, Charles Garraan, Barney Grube, George Herbstrelt, Daniel' Holfred, RoUIn Hann, San ford Neal, WUUam Richardson, Samuel F. Ruff, Martin Swift, Ernst Blferlng, Peter Henke, Thomas J. Smith, William Snyder, William Baker, Mortimer Hann, William A. C. Hall, Joseph Kaufman, Benja min P. Long, Patrick O'Flannigan, Jacob Stevens, Jefferson B. Smith, Charles Spinning, William Webb, Lewis H. Weaver. Company "!."/'- ^; CAPTAINS— Augustus C. Paul, Franl^A. Black, Henry G. Shiner. 1st LIEUT.— Douglas Pritchard, Green/ Clay doodloe. 2d LIEUT.— Alonzo W. Tarvln. SERGTS.— KavanaAgh BuUOck, Abijah A. Tarvin, Samuel J. Parsons, William L. Young, llohn W. Mahaffey. CORPLS.— Johnsa AV. Glover, John J. Smith, Willikm C/Tarvin, George P. Sterne, WiUiam H. Ludlow, Benjamin Cook, Sllaer D. Frisbie. MUSICIANS— Oharles W. Webber, Alvin W. Tarvln. WAGONER— Samuel Maxwell. PRIVATES— Oliver Brorawell, Jaraes Beck, Miohael Koffee, Ishraael Worthington, Henry Youtsey, Clements Aftenb-ach, Charles Bills, John Gilhara, John Harrington, Clinton Kelly, Charles Kinraan, Asa Lewis, Isaiah Loyd, Frank Link, Zachariah Levasy, John McGauran, Peter McCarty, Ellison McVey, Arabrose Owen, Benjarain Roberts, Jacob Rouse, George Stevens, Burdoe Shrimp, John Weidrlcht, Jacob Anderson, Harrison Buckner, Jaraes Cooper, Alonzo Deagan, Jaraes Hughes, Joseph Howell, Henry C. Huff, George Hardison, Joseph Lipscorab, Jesse Levassey, Ferdinand Lineback, Isaac M. Lipscomb, Joel C. Lipscomb, George Miller, John Miller, Sarauel Mains, Slraon Quinn, John Restler, John Smith, John AValter, Felix Briggs, John Croe, Watson W. Dakin, Gatlib Greener, Richard Jarrett, Robert G. Leroy, W. McClellan, John O'Doneld, John Ruse, George Smith, Joseph Peak, James Bond, Lewis Brown, Philip Clark. Alexander Davis, Jesse Debeck, Samuel Davell, Ellson Farman, Charles Farman, Henry Felling, Leiraan Gioner, Samuel Grovedale. Robert HUlis, James Hardeson. AVUliam Johnson, WUliam Long, Frank Long, Patrick Maloney, Dennis McDonald, Henry Miller, Johnson MuUin. Jaraes McCorraon, James Maloy, John Palton, Lawrence Quinlan, John Rodid, Alonzo Ratllff, Jacob Rose. Frederick Sraeltzer, Joseph Suraraers, Mansfield Smith, Henry Smith, George McDermott. Company " K." CAPTAINS— Joseph W. Cottlngham, Kavanaugh O. Bullock, Eph raim P. Mavlty. 1st LIEUT.— Jephson P. Duke. 2d LIEUTS.— WUliam H. Tyree, Wm. A. Morgan, John Atkinson. 'SERGTS.- William H. Spencer, Albert O. Robb, E. V. McGinnis, Jno. AV. Remy, William H. AVilliams. CORPLS.— HamUton E. Mockabee, William A. Plummer, 522 Union Regiments of Kentiwky. Ezekiel Forman, David M. Evans, Ambrose Shain, David O. Swearln gen, Jacob Eckart, George S. Ginn. PRIVATES— James T. Busby, John L. Grigsby, Hiram B. Muse, Thomas PoUette, Wililam A. Brararaer, Overton M. Buckner, WiUiam J. Crawford, Isara W. Daniel, Thornton Day, Hezekiah Fultz, James Henderson, Williara S. Johnson, George W. Louder, David Lewis, John Mltchen, Jaraes H. McKee, Joseph D. McKee, John S. Plummer, Josiah PoUette, John W. Thorapson, Thomas WUllams, William R. Wilburn, Geo. W. Ash, Landing C. Brown, Robt. Brammer, Jaraes M. Bond, Geo. W. Bond, James Buckner, Jackson Brewer, Jno. M. Crawford, Saml. J. Crawford, Albert S. Coleman, John Cruse, Isaac J. Dunaway, Christo pher Derbin, Geo. M. Danner, Jas. D. Galloway, Wra. J. Hollan, Hiram Hamlin, Isaiah Kirk, Jesse Miller, Peter A. McKee, Henry Merk, Gran ville A. Mockabee, Geo. W. McKee, Henry Presly, ' Littleton Parker, Solomon Purvis, Jas. D. Remy, Jas. E. Ruggles, Thomas Ruark, Thos. W. Smith, Joshua G. Ash, Bazil J. Bond, Harrison Brommer, WUliam R. GuUey, James Hall, Benjamin Jones, Reuben Jones, George Kitchen, William Parker, William Ruby, Samuel Rugles, John Perrin, Samuel P. Bell. James A. Dixon, EU Eulett, Richard Fenton, Thomas Forman, WUliam T. Grant, WiUiam D. Henderson, George L. McKee, David H. Wheeler, George AV. Wheeler, Thora-as Evans, Daniel Kally, Benedict Steinauer. Tvjenty-Third Kentucky Veteran Infantry. Field and Staff. LIEUT. COLONEL— George W. Northup. MAJOR— William Boden. ADJUTANT— Eugene Streck. Q. MASTER— Alvin AA'. Tarvin. SUR GEON— Alonzo M. Morrison ASST. SURGEON— Wm. L. Hasbrouck. CHAPLAIN— Wm. H. Black. SERGT. MAJORS— John Squier, George Parsons. Q. M. SERGT.— John Mahaffy. COM. SERGT.— Benj. Cook. HOSP. STEWARD— Henry Haag. PRIN. MUSICIAN— Rudolph Burk hart. Company "A." CAPTAIN— Asaph A. Quigley. 1st LIEUT.— Samuel E. , Calvert. SERGTS.-Thomas A. Blythe, Benjamin S. Henderson, Jo'seph H. Mahan, Louis L. Calvert, John E. Snelling, Calvin Rogers, Richard C. Perkins, Perry A. Butts, John Massey. CORPLS.— Bishop E. Scott, Joel M. Bggleston. Peter Barnhart, George Bechtold, Donald Sillars, AViUiara J. Gray. PRIVATES— William P. Alden, Rudolph Burkhart, Wm. K. Blue, Wm. A. Bettinger, Geo. W. CoUins, Wra. J. Fugat, Jacob Nehraier, Silas J. Roberson, Richard Roberts, John Solar, Robert Snelling, George W. Armes, James Allen, Joseph Bassham, Webb Bassham, Jacob Cook, Thomas J. Call,- Vachel M. Clark, Harvey Copass, Francis Fisher, Gil bert T. Galllon, Thomas GibUn, Joseph Howard, Richard Hossely, Will iam H. Jenkins, Miohael Kelly, James N. Langley, James M. P. Pool. Ambrose Pence, Lewis J. Ross, Theodore F. Roach, Newton W Botts, Moses McClure, Benjamin Duvall, Uriah P. Hinton, John E. Horth, Henrv Lewis, James B. Perrine, John AUen, John Brown, David Carney, John U. Douglass, Robert M. Garrison, WiUiam Hogan, Moses Lowe, Marcus H. Sumers, J. R. Vaughn, Gus. A. Von Brandt. Company " B." n^^^tZl^V^~'^^^^ ^- ^'"^'¦^- 1^* LIEUT.-John Hanrahan. SER- GEAN'TS-James Ryan, Jacob Gugel, John T. Nealeams, John Walsh. Sylvanius Stebbin.<>, William FrUlinger. CORPLS.-Michael York. CrTJf^ ?" ^•°'!!°"; H^"^y C- Maroney, George Parson, Thomas C. Rroatt, James Hall. PRIVATES-Wm. W. Atkins, Thomas J. Burrowes, Henry A. Dyer, Twenty-third Kentucky Veteran Infantry. 523 Wm. J. Hutcherson, A. O. McCormack, Wiillla^ Massey, Abraham StuU, Oliver P. Boyce, James M. Broad, Jacob Christie, Robert A. Dobbs, Henry Goldsmith, Daniel GuUey, Joseph M. Huston, WiUiam Hancock, Isaac C. Handley, Sharlch B. Hargus, Edward Jackson, Samuel N. Peterson, William Pleasant, Elmore StuU, John B. Tedrow, Green R. Walker, Samuel Brogan, John Link, Miohael McKeever, WUliam C. Coleman, Benjamin N. Mullen, Jaraes Stewart, William Wright, Gustave Getz, John Norton, Joseph Arnott, James Bailey, Septerate Case, Rhode ' Cummings, Wm. R. Cunningham, Thomas Davis, Leander J. Downes, John Duncan, Benj. P. Newtoti, James Backley, Wm. Richardson, John Straub. Company "C." - CAPTAIN- William Hudson. 1st LIEUT.— Arnold Brandley. SER- GBANTS— Frederick Kiser, Jesse O. Goodwin, Peter Weldon, Eugene Streck, John Botts, Israel P. Adams, John Crosby. CORPLS. — William Squier, James Orr, Barney Wilbers, Frederick Houry, Hiram Gist, Will iam Gully. WAGONER— George Moore. PRIVATES— Joseph Adams, William F. Bruner, David Crosby, Will iam Craig, James Fox, George Harrison, Abraham Moore, David Mont gomery, Emile Otto, Arthur L. Payne, John Storvus, Robert White, John Chatterton, Thomas Coats, Thomas J. Chenault, James Clark, James R Deaborn, Jdhn Eobb, Lawrence Gorman, John O. Gorman, Jacob Hyman, Robert Hlmes, Thoraas H. Luvis, John Miller, Edward .O'Hara, James A. Orr, James J. Page, William A. Tate, Richard Fox, Richard Doyle, John W. D. Duvall, Augustus Harmon, Frank O'Neil, Levi Moore, P. S. Bar ret, Andrew Edmonson, Charles Hayden, Patrick Mahon, James Paul, John Rodgers, John Shaw, Michael Whealln. Company " D." CAPTAIN— John Squier. 1st LIEUT.— Calvin Rogers. 2d LIEUT.— Williara H. Spencer. SERGTS.-John Kinsel, Martin Hoffman, Joseph Henry, Joseph Graff', James W. Bell, Benjamin Tucker, Frederick New- inburg, Daniel Marcy. CORPLS —Noah Hecht, John Conley, David C. HoUafield, Amos Gent, John T. BeU. PRIVATES— John Gallaghan, John B. Conwell, Philip H. Emmert, Wm. Fortner, Peter Falvey, Philip H. Keen, Lyman D. Lillie, Julius Miller, Richard Melitz, Augustus Magerhaus, Michael Ryan, Heber Squiers, Lewis Sheanshang, John Shafer, George T. Byland, Joel Beagle, James Bean, George W. Caseman, LIsby^M. Pord, Sarauel Getting, Thomas H. Henderson, Claiborn Hyden, Albert Motes, Michael Pohner, Jacob Stauffer, Christian Weener, John Wilson, Lewis Zahn, Elijah Goodwin, George H. Lavany, John Pate, Wm. A. Adkins, Martin Pay, Vincent Flur, Michael Fitzgerald, John Hanlball, Edward Hebers, James Haney, George Keser, William Lillie, William Mellance, Charles Miller, James McCray, James Reed, G. M. Smith, James M. Stacks, Martin Taylor. Company "E." CAPTAIN— Robert H. McBlvane. 1st LIEUT.— George W. House. SERGTS. — Louis Neagle, Wm. H. H. Taylor, Riohard Bailer, John P. Straub, James D. Newberry, Jacob Kishner. CORPL.— WiUiam H. Parcell. MUSICIAN— Francis M. Groves. PRIVATES— Mainard Bailer, Hugh A. Call, Michael Galligan, John Parr, Charles Tomley, Andrew Burknett. Elihu Blair, Daniel Braner, Samuel T. Carr, Christian Getz, Leroy Holloway, Pleasant H. Meador, John Manley, Andrew G. McKay, Lewis Richardson, Samuel P. Reid, August Seiter, George Seiter, William Sprottz, Alvin Stinson, James G. Tuner. Alexander J. Umphrey, James A. Velrs, WiUiam Wayman, Francis P. Akers, George Brown, H. N. Haney, Jerry Rose, John H. Brient, Thomas Coleman, Patrick Dolan. James Egan. James W. French, Charles Howard, Charles Hart, Charles D. Hendricks, WiUiam Justice, Edward Kelffe, William Kuhn, John R. Lowe, Edmund Mabivus, Frank Riley, William Self. Timothy Shay, Samuel Steward, George Thompson, Joseph Warren. 524 Union Regiments of Kentucky: Company " F." CAPTAIN— Jesse O. Goodwin. 1st LIEUT.— Patrick S. Reeves. 2d LIEUT.— Jacob S. Fox. SERGTS.-John Hanrahan, John Laffey, John Belscher, Andrew Zeck, David Countryman, Lawrence Riley, John Hart, Henry Graham. CORPLS. — James Jones, Wm. Buckingham, Michael Foley, John E. Dotson, Thomas Hauck, Richard Good. PRIVATES— John R. Davis, Thomas Hanley, John C. Kenedy, An drew Lewis, WUUara J. Mills, John Powers, Allen Rising, S. J. Thurmand, Patrick White, EUsberry Wills, Joseph W. Artraan, Williara Allen, Lewis Bell, Abrahara W. Burkhead, John M. Carralne, Richard Fletcher, Richard Garrette, John W. Hawlett, Joseph H. Hinton, Jaraes A. Ken nedy, Richard Long, John P. Lutz, Wilson Meador, Wra. Mcintosh, Ezra W. Needham, Lewallen Rupard, John A. Shields, Joshua Sherfey, Alva Stevens, William Wilson, John Denistan, George W. Gabbard, John Cooney, Patrick Doyle, Nicholas Gregory, John Greer, Samuel B. Grif fith, John HoUran, Martin V. Jones, Wesley W. Logan, James H. Le grand, Richard McGartlin, James C. Miller, John Newton, David Patterson. Company " G." CAPTAIN— Patrick S. Reeves. 1st LIEUT.— Richard Perkins. SER GEANTS — Nelson Dunn, Hugh Fitzsimmons, Henry Taphorn, George W. Jordon, John il." IJonoho, John B. Stoops. CORPLS.— John Cullum. Milton B. Powell. PRIVATES — Darius Freeraan, Thoraas JerreU, Joseph Kruse, Fer- 'guson Logan, Thoraas Llllie, Wra. W. Murphy, Thomas A. O'Conner, George W. Phillips, Hezekiah Arraer, Asa Blanklnshlp, Saml. S. M. Blanklnshlp, Samuel D. Cattrill, Francis M. Dean, Edward T. Gardner. Wm. R. Goodwin, Perry Harbour,. Abel D. lies, AVm. A. Johnson, Jona than Keith, John S. Lucas, George W. Morris, Joseph Morris, George W. StuU, Joseph Stalz, Adam Schneider, Isham Tooley, George Williams, Robert M. Waterman, Henry Haag, Samuel Johnson, Joseph B. Davis, Peter Eickhoff, Thorpe King, John A. Martin, John Bamber, Joseph BuUin, Patrick Conley, Joseph Hansfelt, Jaraes Loveless, Joseph Levery, James P. Morgan, Joseph McNamara. John Mahan, Jaraes RUey, Richard H. Robertson, Monroe Sraith, Charles A. Smith, John T. Sweeney, John R. Thompson, Elliott Tunget, Willis Winters, John Zenier. Company " H." CAPTAIN— Jacob S. Pox. 1st LIEUT.— Thomas R. Hays. 2d LIEU TENANT— William H. Whitney. SERGTS.-John Shiderly, WiUiam H. Jackson, John H. Bush, James Conley, Joseph Schott, Arnold Brandley, William Shaffer, William Johnson, David Sansenbaugh. CORPLS.— Frederick Freeach, John Schaffer, Edward Bruhl, Michael Keath, Will iam D. Coley, Jaraes J. Coley, Marshall Griffin. PRIVATES— WiUiam T. Ash, Nottingham Bradburn, Seth Bewley, Henry Hopkins. John McCormack, James Roll, John Stephen, Patrick TIralin, Michael Bliley, John L. Crigler, Charles A. Christy, Vinson S. Daugherty, Henry Fergason, Wra. H. Harris, James Harlan, Parker M. Murphey, John Newton, James O'Conner, James M. Parker, Ferdi nand Rosa, James Ryan, Joseph D. Richardson, WUUam Vinson, An thony More, Charles Gorman, Moses Van Meter. Jacob Watters, George Broner, Edward Carroll. Francis Dorrls, John P. Pox, John GiUis, John Long, WiUiam H. Myers, Thomas RusseU, Michael Rose, John W. Stone, WiUiam Williams, John WUllams, No. 1, John WUUams, No. 2, Samuel Williams. William Watson. Company "1." CAPTAIN— Henry G. Shiner. 1st LIEUT.— WUliam Shaffer. SER GEANTS— John Walters, John W. Mahaffey, James A. Cooper, Gregory C. McDermott, William J. Hollan, Abijah A. Tarvln, Jasper Hays, Ben jamin Cook. CORPLS.— Harrison Buckner, Samuel Mains, Johnsa W. Glover, James K. P. Hefiin, Silas D. Frisbie. Joseph Lipscomb. Twenty-fourth Kentucky Infantry. 525 PRIVATES — Frank ClUeak, John DlUman, James Fisher, James Hughs, George Jackson, Jesse Levlsey, Joel C. Lipscomb, George MUler, Samuel Maxwell, WUUam Moore, Edward C. Tabb, Oliver W. Brora well, WUUam Brewer, Charles Falrrell, Charles Glaus, John Gropper, Wm. W. Jlnklns, Philip Kipp, Joseph Leuchtweise, Richard Lewis, WUliam Marsh, J. B. F. Ollphant, Benj. A. Sullivan, Patrick Stader, Bailey Tabb, Ishmael J. Worthington, Henry YoUtsey, Alonzo Deagan, Isaac M. Lipscomb, John Miller, Simon Quinn, John Rustler, George Hardison, Robert Henderson, Richard Jarrett, Charles H. Mullln, Elisha Watts, Janies Buckner, Nicholas Burba, Nathaniel Duffy, P. J. Huff man, John Henderson, Henry C. Huff, William White, Ezekiel Willson, John Williams. Company " K." CAPTAIN— William H. Spencer. 1st LIEUT.— John W. Remy. 2d LIEUT.— John Atkinson. SERGTS. — Jaraes M. Bond, David M. Evans, Ambrose Shane, George W. Bond, Landon C. Brown, James E. Ruggles, Thomas M. Smith, Sarauel A. Moore, Elzy V. McGinnis, David O. Swear- inger, John N. Crawford. CORPLS.— Albert S. Coleman, Isaiah Kirk, Hiram Hamlin, Samuel J. Crawford, George W. Ash. PRIVATES— John Cruse, George W. Danner, James C. Lott, Jesse Miller, Henry Merk, George W. McKee, Solomon Purvis, Littleton Parker, Arthur L. Russell, Jackson Brewer, James T. Busbay, Overton M. Buckner, John Baker, Richard Bray, John Blankinshlp, Henry Crowder, Thomias Dennis, Christopher Derbln, John L. Grigsby, James A. Gillmore, Aaron Hunt, John B. Henston, John Hudson, Walter Kirby, Taylor Oliver, Henry Presley, Lawrence W. Pitman, Thomas Ruark, Pater A. McKee, Robert Brammer, Isaac J. Dunaway, George Kitchen, Sharp H. Tuck, Jonathan Boyd, David H. Bails, James B. ChUders, James D. Galloway, Patrick McMannis, Daniel Rhodes, Isaiah Rhodes, James D. Remy, G. C. Williams, Harrison AViUiams, Thomas Wood, Jaraes B. Yates. Tiuenty-fourth Kentucky Infantry. (CONDBNSED FHOM .\ I.ONOER .\CCOUNT PKEPAKBD UV COI^. JOHN S. HTJRT.) At the beginning of the war Kentucky had a consider able military organization known as the "State Guards." The legislature passed an act providing for the "Reserves," and under this a company, after-ra^rd known as Company I, of the 24th Ky., was organizedf in Bath county, in July, 1861. John S. Hurt became its' commanding oflScer, and he procured arms for his compaiiy frjom the military board of Kentucky. At this time it "State Guards" could not be ref will of the state, which was opposed to secession, but that it was influenced by its leaders the other way, the United States government determined to furnish arms to the Unionists who would organize into "Home Guards." Through the influence of Senator Davis, Judge Eobertson, Generals Nelson and Speed and others, many companies werethus furnished with arms. Among them were Com panies K, of Montgomery county; C, of Powell; E, of Bath, and D, of Fleming, so designated in the 24th regiment. 526 Unimi Regiments of Kentucky. ; Camp Dick Robinson was established where the Unionists organized into several regiments. In Septem ber the Confederate forces entered Kentucky, at Colum bus and Bowling Green, and Confederate Gen. John S. Williams established a camp at Prestonsburg. In Sep tember Senator Andrew Johnson, of Tennessee, came in to Kentucky making Union speeches, among other places at Mt Sterling; from thence he went to Owingsville, and it being feared he would be captured by a Confederate force knoAvn to be between the two places, he was attended on the way by Capt. Hailey Smith's Home Guard com pany, of Montgomery county (Company K in the 24th), fhe Owingsville company (Company I, of the 24th), also met him on the way. Johnson made a great speech in Owings ville, and A\as guarded back to Mt. Sterling. There be ing threats that the arms of the Home Guard companies would be taken, they were guarded for a time, then a meeting of several companies was provided for, to be held at Isles Mill. The meeting was addressed by Hous. A: Trumbo, and James Sudduth, the latter of whom was killed a year later by a squad of rebels near Owingsville. At Isles Mill it was agreed that camp should be established at Olympian Springs, and there, September 29th, Capt. Hurt took charge with a rank of major; associated with him was Capt. North; both of these officers having served in the Mexican war. Camping ground was furnished by H. Gill, proprietor of Olympian Springs, and the neigh bors supplied the camp with provisions. Other volun teers came in rapidly from Rowan, Lewis, Carter and Morgan counties, until there were about five hundred in camp. To this place came L. B. Grigsby, of Clark county, with authority to organize a regiment and furnish sup plies. It was agreed that he should be made colonel, and the force then was mustered into service for one year. Late in October Gen. Nelson came to the camp with a force of about half a dozen regiments on an expedition to disperse the enemy's camp at Prestonsburg; the 24th went - on this expedition, the result of which the enemy w£^s driven from Prestonsburg to Piketon, and then across the Big Sandy. "This campaign of Gen. Nelson, though comparatively bloodless, had the effect of freeing Eastern Kentucky from incursions of rebel forces until the in vasion of the state by Gen. Bragg, in the fall of 1862." Col. Hurt also mentions the fact that a number of prominent Unionists accompanied this expedition as aids to Gen. Nelson. Messrs. Fireman, Owings, Dr. Fleming, and W. H. Wadsworth, of Maysville; Judge Richard Ap person, and Thos. Turner, of Mt Sterling. Twentyfourth Kentucky Infantry. 527 In December, 1861, the men under Col. Grigsby were ordered to Lexington, Avhei-c they Avere joined by Capt. Smith's company, of Montgomery; Capt. HaH's, of Bath; Capt Schoville's, of Laurel; Capt, Jones', of Rockcastle, and there being ten full companies, the 24th Avas organ ized and mustered into the United States service. It was at once ordered by Gen. Buell to Louisville and from thence , to Bardstown, Avhere it re ported to Gen. Lytle, being then commanded by Col. Hurt, and went into a camp of instruction. From this camp it went to Spring Garden, on Salt river, when it was brigaded with the 15th, 40th and 57th Ind. Col. Wagner of the 15th commanding the brigade, in Gen. Thos. Wood's division. From Spring Garden, marched to Lebanon; thence to Munfordville; about the last of February, 1862, marched with Buell's army to Nashville, passing through the city the 24th camped with Wood's division about two miles out About the last of March the army was ordered to Pittsburg Landing. Gen. Wood says in his report, he debarked his division at 12 o'clock, April Tth (second day of the battle of Shiloh), he speaks of Wagner's brigade doing good service in driving the enemy that afternoon from his last stronghold. It captured forty prisoners and re-took a number of our own prisoners. From Shiloh the 24th moved to Corinth with the army participating in the skirmishing and other duties of that campaign. From Corinth the march was through luka, Tuscumbia, Decatur, Huntsville and to the railroad leading to Chattanooga. Also passing through Fayette ville and Shelbyville to Wartrace, and from thence to , Tullahoma, when it became manifest that Bragg's army was moving to Kentucky. Buell concentrated a strong force at Nashville, and began his march to Louisville. The 24th was on this march, reaching Louisville in Sep tember. From Louisville to Perryville October Sth. The 24th was on the field at Perryville and slightly engaged. After the battle Bragg retreated from the state, and Buell pursued. One of Buell's columns passed through Lancaster, another through Stanford, the 24th being with Wood's diAasion of the latter and engaged in a severe skirmish at Stanford. The pursuit ending, Buell's army marched through Glasgow to Nashville and vicinity. Wood's division going into camp at Silver Springs. Prom Silver Springs the 24th was ordered back to Kentucky at the special request of the govemor, and in November it marched to Nashville, and from thence it moved by rail to Frankfort, Ky., where the regiment was presented with a. flag by the ladies of that place; it 528 Union Regiments of Kentucky. carried the flag to the end of its service; for some weeks it was kept on duty in Kentucky. In January, 1863, the 24th was ordered to report to Gen. Baird at Louisville. Prom thence it was ordered to Nashville by steamboat with Baird's division. While on the' boat small-pox broke out, and instead of landing at Nashville the boat went some distance up stream, and the men were kept isolated until the trouble disappeared. The latter part of February, 1863, the regiment was ordered to return to Nashville, and from thence moved by rail to Winchester, Ky. Near that place was Col. Cluke with a portion of Morgan's command and the 24th with other troops made a night march for the purpose of cap turing him; the movement only succeeding in causing Cluke to retire beyond successful pursuit. Up to this time Col. Grigsby had personally com manded the regiment, but going on other service Col. Hurt took charge, and so continued during the remainder of its career. In March Col. Hurt was ordered to report the regiment to Col. Gilbert at Mt. Vernon. From thence to Wildcat, fourteen miles out from Mt. Vernon; from this point the regiment was engaged in out post duty until June 1, 1863; it was then ordered to march hastily to Lancaster and report to Gen. Carter. The cause was Morgan's coming into Kentucky on his celebrated raid which ended in his capture in Ohio. From Lancaster the regiment marched to Camp Nelson and while there, the resignation of Col. Grigsby occurred and Col. Hurt was commissioned colonel. About three months after Capt. Lafayette North was commissioned lieutenant-colonel. August 1863, the 24th was brigaded with the 65th 111., Col. Cannon, 63d Ind., and 103d Ohio, Col. Cameron com manding the brigade, being in Hascall's division of Bum- side's army, then about to move on its expedition to East Tennessee. Passing through Somerset, Ky., and Jacks boro, Tenn., the command reached Lenoir's Station O'U the railroad. September 1st the 24th was at Concord, twenty miles from Knoxville; from thence Gen. Burnside ad vanced a portion of his troops as far up as the border of Virginia, leaving others at Knoxville. In the country about Watauga there was skirmishing, but soon the in fantry all returned to Knoxville, and on to Concord. November 1st the brigade was ordered to Knoxville. The following is an extract from the report of Ooh Cameron, the brigade commander: November 1st, the 2d Brigade, 3d Division, 23d Army Corps, occu pied heights on the south side of Holston river, opposite Knoxville. November 15th and 16th, engaged in skirmish with, and assisted Twenty-fourth Kentucky Infantry. 529 In, repulsing enemy's cavalry under Wheeler. From that time to No vember 2-lth, employed in fortifying the heights. November 24th, engaged in skirmish with enemy's infantry one and one-half miles southwest of Knoxville. November -25th, repulsed an assault made by Hood's division. Long- street's corps, after a severe engagement lasting two hours and a quar ter. Prom that time to the 29'th, daily skirmishing continued with the enemy. November 29th, the enemy again advanced, but, after four hours heavy skirmishing, was driven back by the 24th Ky. and six companies of the 65th 111. Col. Hurt in the extended account of the 24th from which this is condensed gives a graphic narrative of the siege of Knoxville, in which his regiment bore a most honorable part, being in position on the south side of the river, where there was daily skirmishing and several heavy charges. In one of the battles the loss of the 24th was sixty-five killed and wounded, among them Lieut. Lee killed and Adjt. Joyce and Lieut. Davis wounded. After the siege of Knoxville the 24th moved up the valley to Strawberry Plains; it remained in East Ten nessee during the winter, being stationed at different points". In April, 1864, the various forces were concentrated for the Atlanta campaign. Gen. Schofield's corps, the 23d, moved out of East Tennessee, crossing the river at Loudon, and passing through Cleveland to Red Clay, a point near Chattanooga. The 24th at that time was in the 23d Army Corps, Gen. Cox's division. Cannon's bri gade. Col. Hurt commanding the regiment. While in East Tennessee three officers of the 24th were detailed to serve on the staff of Gen. Cox; Lieutenants D. G. Howell, D. S. Trumbo, and Coughlin. The latter was afterward killed in the battle of Franklin, November 30th. It would require more space than can be given here to narrate the experiences of the 24th in the Atlanta cam paign. It Avas engaged at Rocky Face and Resaca, May llth, and in the daily skirmishing and fighting thereafter through the months of May, June, July and August. Among the wounded at Resaca were Captains James Carey and Peter Hedges, and Lieut. Jesse Nelson. Near Cartersville Col. Hurt was ordered to take the brigade and march up the river four miles to destroy a foundry. He asked to be allowed to take only his regiment, think ing that enough to accomplish the work. This was agreed to. He then supplied fifteen men with pine for torches, and marching to the place fired the building, though the enemy was in close proximity. In the long 84 530 Union Regiments of Kentucky. i continued struggle. Col. Hurt says: "The picket lines were very near each other, and kept up an almost con stant fire during the day and sometimes during the night. . . . The artillery firing, which was sometimes along the whole line, was at night tremendous, and seemed to make the ground tremble." Col. Hurt mentions the fact iu connection with the constant necessity for forcing the enemy from fortified lines, that "the enemy had in their employ about seven thousand negro slaves, who under the • supervision of army engineers were constantly building intrenchments in the rear of their army at points selected by the engineers, so that when they were driven from a position they could retreat to another already prepared." Near Kennesaw mountain several of the 24th were wounded, among them Capt. Goodpaster and Adjt. Joyce. The crossing of the Chattahoochee, July 9th, at the mouth of Soap creek, several miles above the railroad, has been characterized by Gen. Sherman as "one of the bril liant feats in the annals of war." It was effected by Gen. Schofield with the 23d Army Corps. Troops were rushed across the swollen stream in canvas pontoon boats, in the face of the enemy, and then the bridge was laid, and the whole corps hurried across. In this memorable move ment the 24th took an active part. It was then contin uously engaged in the operations against Atlanta, and the numerous battles ensuing. From the country east of the city, it passed around to the west and south, fighting in many places, among others, Jonesboro and Lovejoy. The casualties of the 24th in the Atlanta campaign, were twelve men killed, and seventy-seven wounded, and six officers wounded. After the capture of Atlanta the 24th went into camp near Decatur; in the month of October it was ordered to Kentucky. It marched into Atlanta, and from thence proceeded by rail to Lexington, Ky. Although the term of service had expired the regiment Avas held during the suspense attending Hood's movement in the vicinity of Nashville. Hood's army being completely defeated, De cember 16, 1864, and . the war virtually over in the west, the 24th was mustered out of service on the 31st day of January, 1865. Col. Hurt concludes his account of his regiment by saying he can never forget the heroism displayed by its officers and soldiers, and that its deeds will always be remembered with pride by a grateful country. Since the war Col. Hurt has resided at Mt. Sterling, Ky., where he is a prominent lawyer, and most highly esteemed as a useful and honorable citizen. Twenty-fourth Kentucky Infantry. 531 Field and Staff. COLONELS— Lewis B. Grigsby, John S. Hurt. LIEUT. COL.— Lafa yette North. MAJOR— William H. Smith. ADJTS.— James H. Turner, John A. Joyce, Cornelius E. Mastin. Q. MASTER— David S. Trumbo. SURGEON— James Sympson. ASST. SURGEONS— William L. AVhite,-^ Marcus E. Poynter, W. H. T. Moss, Joseph Gardner. SERGT,- MSjS>- Vlncent Boring, John N. Melntii-^, William W. Hedrlck. Q./M. SER- G'EANTS— William H. Ge/orge, Richard L. Ewell, Coleman R/Apperson., COM. SERGTS.- Samuel B.' Nelson, James A. Ingram. HQSEITAL STEWARDS— WUliam jjscsi^atider, Alexander J. Stewart. Company "A." CAPTAIN^Hector H. ScovlUe. 1st LIEUTS.— Wiley Jones, William B. Johnson. 2d LIEUTS. — Dan'l O. Morin, Geo. W. Freeman. SERGTS. —Murry Boring, Jno. Little, Solomon H. Kuhn, Jas. Dees, Jno. Penlngton, William H. Mershon, Preston Penlngton. CORPLS. — William Metcalf, Jasper Peari, William Burnes, William B. Johnson, George W. John son, Felix Casteal, Samuel Black, Marion P. Gabbert, Vincent Boring, William Castell, Jesse Tillery. PRIVATES — Elbert Andrews, James Ambros, Franklin Anderson, Henry Braughton, William Braughton, William Brums, John Bowles, John Bracket, Jaraes W. Ball, Simon Bracker; Malin Combs, Elisha Car penter, Jaraes Carter, Caney Dees, Jarvis Dees, John Gibson, Jackson Gill, Jaraes Gill, Calvin Hatfield, Aaron Johnson, John B. Johnson, George W. Johnson, Anderson Johnson, David Lucus, Maning Lovings, William H. Moore, William Moore, Thomas P. McCracken, Richard G. Mobley, Henry J. MuUins, Jack Parker, Green A. Parker, Allen Pinkston, John Quman, Robert Ridings, John Roark, Jefferson Roark, Joel A. Tanner, Henry Tincher, William Tillery, Endman Tursey, Reuben Will- burn, Thomas Wood, Thomas Wiatt, John Braughton, William Dees, Samuel Duvall, Benjamin Harrison, John Johnson, Aaron Johnson, Sr., Andrew J. Robinson, Isaac Tillery, Hezekiah Williamson, AViUiam T. Bowles, Marshall M. Bracket, Harrison Caudel, John Parmer, Harvey Hodge, John I. Phelps, Adonijah Robinson, Julius Ambros, Cyrus Adams, William Allen, Eli Brown, Josiah Brumet, WUliam A. J. Burnet, Hen derson Evans, White Freeman, Sidney Gabbert, Jesse R. Gib son, William Harrington, Peter Hutson, Stokeley Helton, Sion Johnson, Hirara Johnson, John P. Johnson, William Neal, WUliam R. Owens, James Parker, James Rolbins, Reuben J. Wllburn, James Wig gins, Paschal Bryant, Andrew Edwards, William Huriey, James Hut son, Richard M. Johnson, John R. Lovings, Jonathan Price, Winright Sparks. Company " B." • CAPTAIN-James Carey. 1st LIEUT.— Washington J. Mclntire. 2d LIEUTS.— John Henry, Daniel P. Winchester. SBRG'TS.- Daniel P. HoUlngsworth, Henry Blankenship, David A. Sergeant, Benj. P. Blank enship, James M. HoUlngsworth, Charies L. .Peyton, William H. George, Daniel P. Lewis, Alfred W. NickeU, Henry Walton. CORPLS.-George W. Parish, William A. Baty, Squire B. Davis, Cyrus Perry, George W. Martin, Samuel R. Williams, Pinkney M. Jones, Edmund W. Casslty, Andrew T. Barber, Henry Craig, Pranols M. Nickell. PRIVATES-WUliam R. Allen, Travis Blair, Jesse Blair, Andrew J. Casslty, Anderson Gose, William Jackson, Daniel P. Lewis, Jr., Aaron Lykins, John Link, Michael McKinny, Peter Reed, James M. Amyx, Elisha Bailey, John D. Cox, Henry T. Gose, William D. Lewis, James H. Lewis, Andrew J. Martin, James H. Morgan, Joseph Sergent, John Barber, John Barr, WUUam S. Day, William Frisby, Jr., Thomas Hans ford, Stephen Hogan, Thomas Hogan, Florentine Jane, Benjamin Lowell, Francis B. Linvlll, William McKee, William Poin'ter, Michael Sowder, Simeon Sowder, Willlp,m Stephens, Thomas Whetson, John B. Woodall, Alvin Blair, Joshua Blankenship, WlUIam Blankenship, Solomon Brown, Michael J. Carpenter, Sylvanus O. Dailey, David C. Ellington, Jesse Hood, James J. Jackson, John Martin, Thomas N. Perry, Wm. W. 532 Unimi Regiments of Kentucky. Riohards, John E. Sergent, James W. Utterback, James Walsh, Aaron Waddle, Absalom Adams, James P. Bandy, Andrew Brown, James H. Brown, William Blair, Thomas D. Brown, James Blair, David W. Cas slty, George W. Carpenter, Stephen Cundilff, James Deheart, "Henry C. Day, Thomas Ellington, James A. Elliott, James Fowler, WUliam Fris by, Sr., John W. Hunt, David T. Henry, James M. Hawkins, Abraham Jones, Francis H. Lewis, John T. Lewis, John P. Martin, Robert F. Prater, Joseph B. Turner, William AV. Utterback. Company " C." Cd^^'^ CAPTAIN— Green V. Hall. 1st LIEUTS.-Joseph L, Judy, John Kinney, Thomas J. Bush, Stephen G. Lewis. 2d LIEUT. — James Mc- Chrlsty. SERGT§. — William King, Thomas S. Powell, David Wymore, Aaron Kinney; 'Thomas J. Johnson, Henry C. Kelley, Benjamin D. Stone. CORPLS.— William Johnson, Jr., Ibzan O. Powell, WUliam J. Cox, John L. Richardson, James M. Hatton, Blsberry Conkrlght, Phylander Wy more, Annabel Kirkpatrlck, Anderson Adams, John M. S. Smith, Robert Burnnett, George Strange, A. H. Swoape, Nehemiah Osburn, James A. Reynolds. TEAMSTER— Leslie C. Horaes. PRIVATES— Warren Bellows, John I. Burges, Thoraas Beeraft, Robert Banfield, Isa,ac Conkrlght, Wm. N. French, John Flynn, George W. Gibson, Ori^do Homes, John S. Johnson, James Jennett, Leroy D. Kirk, James/AV. Kirt, Robert Maxwell, Frank Motuley, M. T. McCor mack, Isra^ T.< Q4bdrln, Sylvanus M. Powell, Jaraes Y. Roberts, David Trimble, Richardf Watts, Wm. G. Willoughby, Jaraes WUloughby, John Anderson,! Ablhue-A^nderson, John Hanks, . Jack Martin, Andrew D. Merrill, JoluL-Reffitt, Jaraes Reynolds, Williara D. Roberts, Jesse C. Yocum, Brice Anderson, Bryant W. Brizley, Jno. W. HIggenbotham, Chas. W. Higginbotham, WUliam Land, John E. Parsones, Jaraes A. Sympson, William Banfield, Wililam Cookright, Jackson Cornwell, Mitchell Dtmcan, William Hensley, John T. Hunter, P. M. Hatton, Wm. A. Hubbard, James M. Johnson, WUUara T. Johnson, Stephen King, William Lumklns, John Maxwell, Leroy Puckett, Robert Richardson, Jno. D. Stephens, James M. Banfield, James H. Blevens, Silas Duncan, Ephraim Hatton, Hiram B. Hatton, John Holder, John W. Kincaid, George W. Stephens, Malon WUloughby, Luke Wright, George W. Wright. r£t^-.A^'\ Company "D." CAPTAIN— George R. Barber. 1st LIEUT.— Mathias T. S. Lee. 2d LIEUT.— Lander Barber. SERGTS.— Noble W. Johnson, Hiram Bradley. Stephen D. Hiatt, James L. Walls, George W. Parker, Joseph Y. Allen, James P. Denton, Michael Castello. CORPLS.-Joseph Charles, Ed mund Vice, John A. McKinney, Benjarain FairchUd, David Royse, WiU iam R. Grimsley, Jasper M. DemoSs, George R. Suraraons, William B. Wright, James S. Kearns, James Pickrell. WAGONER— Howard Yarber. PRIVATES- Leander Adams, Joseph Adams, John W. Barber, Clin ton Bledsoe, S. G. Bradly, Daniel A. Corey, Zedakiah Craycraft, Charles R. Cline, Samuel Grain, John B. Carey, Joab Crawford, Ephraim A. Den ton, Asher A. Denton, Jno. M. Goodpaster, Abraham Goodpaster, George W. Hatton, WUliam A. Jones, John H. Johnson, Sr., William D. Mc Kinney, Andrew H. Riddle, John Royse, Lemuel Snedegar, Whitman Snedegar, John Summers, Harvey J. Thomas, Moses Thompson, Presley Thompson, WUliam E. Vannatton, WUUam Adams, Samuel C. Atchin- son, George Burk, Alfred C. Hall, Ebenezer Johnson, John H. Johnson, Jr., Ralph Ashenhurst, Daniel W. Cox, Leo. H. Deane, John W. Helm. John J. Hall, James A. Hunter, Lewis Massengale, Theo. Bradshaw, Geo. W. Bradly, James Bradly, James M. Hedrlck, Ephraim Hatton, Jereralah A. Jones, Iverson Perry, George W. Reeves, Alexander Robison, Charles B. Skinner, Owen Sizemore, Isaac Snedegar, John Vannatton, Thomas Bradley, Joseph Kissick, James Adams, Charles A. Bradley, Robert Charles, James W. Jones, Andrew McKinney, Almarlne Mott, John B. Page, Harrison Riddle, Daniel S. Reeves, Benjamin Reeves, William T. Royse, John Spurlock. Twentyfourtli Kentucky Infantry. 533 r^y.r.t Company " E." CAPTAIN— Lafayette North. 1st LIEU'T.- John M. GUI. 2d LIEU- TEN ANTS-^WUklns Warren, Jesse P. Nelson. SERGTS.— James AV. Glover, Jas. S. Blevens, Saml. M. Rogers, Jno. N. Warren. Wm. M. Sor rell, L. P. Suttle, Thos. Powers, Jesse Smith, Thos. Kerrick. CORPLS.- George W. Long, Eli Robinson, James H. Sexton, NoE^h Staten, James Robinson, Jr., George W. Teel, George W. Jones, WUliam H. Waddle, Nathaniel H. Morton, John Spencer, Jr., Samuel M. Dennis, Hiram B. Armitage, Jasper Sorrell. MUSICIAN — Clark Roberts. PRIVATES — John Davis, Franklin McLain, Isaac McLain, James W. Norris, Willis Norris, David C. Norris, William Purvis, Garlan P. Reeves, James A. Refflet't, John Spence, Sr., Dudley Shroutt, Newton Sorrell, Presley Sexton, James H. Thomas, Henry C. Vaughn, James W. Wells, Jasper Warren, George B. Wilhite, William Yarbrough, Spencer Blevens, Hugh Kerrick, William G. McLain, John McLain, D\idley Mes- sicks, Powell Rose, John Sorrell, Alfred Williams, Newton C. Avory, George H. French, Benjarain Hara, Charles K. Hamilton, William Hedrlck, Huston O'Hare, Jesse Powers, John Powers, James Powers, James Phillips, George W. Reffett, George W. Sloan, Williara J. Saber, Daniel Veatch, Jaraes M. Veatch, Washington Witt, Benjarain F. Agee, Sarauel Dennis, Jr., James Ingrams, John W. Ingrams, Thacker Ker rick, Isaac Norris, William H. Rogers, William Spence, Josep'h Wilson, Marion Williams, Sandy A. Warren, Robert Craig, Jesse Closser, William T. Cornwell, A. B. Colton, John Daniel, Jesse Dennis, John R. Fortner, George Gilbert, James Higley, Levi HaU, Algan Hall, Albert Hagerman, John P. Kerrick, George W. McLain, Charles McLain, Sylvester Rose, AViley Roberts, David Spence,, John StuU, James Swinn, Newton Walton. I>mpany t." ^ -- CAPTAINS — James A. Hawkins, James Blue, Thomas J. Bush, John N. Mclntire. 1st LIEUTS.- William H. Norris, Thpif^as M. Likes, Cor nelius E. Martin. 2d LIEUT.— Dillion White. SERGTS.— Francis L. Shaw, James R. Hawkins, William Y. Shaw, John Evans, Daniel G. Ham, Luke Dillon. CORPLS. — James M. Ham, John A. Hedger, Gran ville G. GUlaspie, Jeremiah Hara, Robert Butler, WUliam H. Chapman, Sarauel Haws, Joseph R. Willis, John H. Butler, Thomas Higgenbotham, Giideon P. Myers, James J. Neeley. PRIVATES — Eli Bartlett, John M. Davis, Benjamin A. Dunaway,.^ Richard W. Evans, William S. Evans, Landy G. Evans, Richard Gard- ' nei>;Hiarvey Ham, Richard F. Hawkins, MUton P. Hara, James A. McKee, JjSes^M, Moore, Moses McLanahari, Jeremiah McRoberts, Jer^mia^ Oj^ing^, "Thomas Ramey, WUliam Fields, AVUliam Grogan, AVIUfam H. HamUton, Benjamin N. Hara, Philip D. Ham, John P. Ham, Araron M^ffixeW, John Pelfrey, Greenberry Thompson, William Bailey, John T. Bunyard, Henry S. Cooper, WUliam Collins, Swintfield Collins, Robert Collins, Benjarain J. FInly, WUUam J. House, Joshua T. Harry, Joseph N. Ham, David Lankford, George Napier, Solomon Nickol, Joseph Nickol, James Nolen, John L. Neely, John Nichol, Reuben Sams, Charles D. Swim, Elijah A. Terry, Randolph Butler, Alfred BaUey, Sarauel L. Brown, Isaac Burk, Edwin T. Dillon, Jaraes Fields, William Fields, Jr., Harvey GUlaspie, WUliam Gardner, Marcus Hendrix, Wra. H. Hawkins, Lewis Kimball, Jas. R. Lansdown, Sr., John McLain, WUlls Patrci, Andrew J. Stapleton, Isaac Stewart, John R. Waller, Durett L. Wood, Britton C. WUllams, John R. Collett, David R. HUl, Coleman Hefflng, James W. Harper, AVIUIam Jarvis, Shelton Kenton, Jas. W. Lansdown, Jr., David W. McLain, James W. McLain, Edward J. McRoberts, Isaac Palfrey, MUes Palfrey, John H. Prather, Maddison Parish, Thos. H. Stapleton, Abram Stratton, Isaac Terry, WiUiam Wages, John Q. Yazle. Company "G." CAPTAIN— Peter T. Hedges. 1st LIEUT.- John J. SeweU. 2d LIBU- TBNANT— John C. Padgett. SERGTS.— Francis M. Cashman, Ben jamin Rayse, MUton Lykins, William L. Rayse, George W. Traylor, Miles 534 Union Regiments of Kentucky. Cook. CORPLS.— John A. Rayse, Elias T. Powers, Davis H. Richards, John S. Mavlty, Sampson P. Hargett. PRIVATES— Frederick Rayha, James Blackburn, Burges Culvert, Samuel H. Dalley, Martin Frisby, James Frisby, Benjamin Johnson, Alfred Jackson, Fletcher Lawson, David Lawson, Martin Markwell, ¦#illlam Pugh, Andrew Perkins, James N. Padgett, William Razor, William P. Strickland, John W. Stamper, James W. Thomas, Jacob Cratzer, Francis M. Fris-by, Jededlah Johnson, Thomas Link, Tliurston Meadows, Thos. J. Adams, Newton Holland, Jno. H. Hall, AVillis Ken nedy, AVUliam Lawson, Jeremiah Lawson, Isaac W. Lykins, Alexander B. Byron, Sandford Calvert, Thoraas Ingram, Joseph Jacl^aqn, Joseph Lawson, Sr., Joseph Lawson, Jr., Shirley Messlc, Jamea^'l Mannin, Martin Mills, Zachariah Mannin, Wililam E. Stacy, Andrew J/ Traylor, Hiram B. Calvin, William Cook, Thomas Crump, Isa^ Clo»d, William Clemmins, Thomas Dunham, Richard Easterllng, Henry--' Easterllng, John Fox, WiUiara Hasty, Jereralah Hunt, John JoneSr-Samuel S. John son, Henry Lawson, Wm. J. Meadows, Edward McGlothen, Amos J. Mannin, Cornwallls E. Pugh, Floyd W. Percell, Harvey H. Padgett, Henry C. Prater, Elisha Prater, Wm. S. Swim, Mashack Stacey, Pleasant Whitley, James W. Whitt, Ingraham AVhitt. Company "H." CAPTAINS— Edmund Jones, Robert G. Potter, Reuben Langford. 1st LIEUT.- James H. WUson. 2d LIEUT.— Richard L. Ewell. SER GEANTS — WiUiara A. Chaplin, Evans Combs, John Jennings, William Cottlngen, Rial Gibson, John McPadden, George W. Bowlin. COR PORALS— Jesse McFadden, John Short, James W. Polly, Thomas C. Burch, Silas Hoskins, Wilson Lucas, John Hoskins, John Marcum, James S. CarroU. TEAMSTER— James Snuffer. PRIVATES — Ambrose Arthur, William Arthur, James' R. Adams, Joel M. Adams, John T. Blair, Daniel Burton, James Crow, George W. Done, WUUam Edwards, John Goins, James A. Goforth, Franklin Gam- brel, Martin Gambrel, Thomas G. Gambrel, Jas. T. Hendrickson, Frank Un Hubbard, Jno. P. Hendrickson, Samuel AV. Jones, James LIckliter, Jaraes Luster, Jackson Long, Isaac P. Moore, William McDanlel, Clark Mills, Henry Prewett, Isaac R. Storra, Edward Turner, David Taylor, Jaraes Trosper, James A. Trosper, Nelson Walters, James Walters, Solo mon Whitacre, William Barrett, John J. Barrett, William Barton, Will iara Brown, Preston C. Goforth, Pleasant Hubbard, WUUara R. Hook, Adin Sassar, Thoraas Taylor, Williarn Walters, Henry Brown, Hender son Bennett, William Bennett, Solomon Baker, SUas W. Blanton, James Blanton, John W. Cope, Thoraas Cope, Amos Collins, George W. Cope, James Collins, George W. Delph, James Gibson, George W. Greer, Daniel Hacker, Spencer Holland, Henderson C. Holland, Benjarain Hensly, David Holland, Hiram Hoskins, Richard Holland, Nasby Hardy, John Hardy, John Jones, William Lunsford, Robert Leffen, WUUara Lewis, Jaraes AV. Lunsford, William Y. Moore, Nasby Mills, Henry McKinny, Henry Phipps, John Russell, David Woods, WUliam Adams, Hughram Barnes, John Brobk, John Blanton, Moses Corabs, Aaron Collins, Alvain Croxdale, Burrel Gambrel, Gordon Gambrel, Stephen D. /Hubbard, Thomas Hendrickson, Andrew Hash, John McDonald, Daniel Morgan, P. P. McFarland, Levi M-allett, Charles L. Rich, WUUam Smith,' James Taylor, WUliam Taylor, Mills Whitacre, Squire Hubbard, Bailum Smitli, Alexander Arnold, John A. Brock, Robert Barnes, George W. CotteraU Sam-pson Done, WUUam A. Early, James C. Floyd, Hezekiah HeffileJfJ Samuel HoUlngsworth, Richard Lunsford, Jaraes Lunsford, Henry J. liucy,' Jeremiah Lldenton, George McDanlel, Joseph Nolin, James M. Soalf, Harvey Taylor, Green Williams, John W. Tunt. "— - ^ Company "I." CAPTAINS— Roy D. Davidson, Fountain Goodpaster. 1st LIEUTS. —WiUiam G. Howard, John A. Joyce. 2d LIEUTS.— Daniel Wilson. JuUus C. Miller, Benj. P. DeSilve. SERGTS.— James A. Ingram, Elijah Hurst, James R. Jackson, Francis M. Oakley, Jacob Grubb, Cornelius E. Mastin, Peter Waddle, Solomon S. Wilder, Edward Barnaby. COR- Twenty-fourth Kentucky Infantry. 535 PORALS— Presley Kendall, John Clark, Christopher McQuithy, Jona than Burk, John Blevins, McCager Brown, Williara L. Visscher, Will iam Cartmill, John R. Kincade, Enoch Parsons, Elijah S. Howard, Asa Trumbo, Soott C. WUson, Sanford R. Burnes. MUSICIANS— Hugh A. CaldweU, William G. Robey. TEAMSTERS- George W. Raburn, Thomas E. Taylor. PRIVATES— Payton Brummett, 'Aaron Brummett, Balllnger Brock, Thos. J. Blnghara, Alpheus Butler, John Caldwell, Henderson Caldwell, John M. Cartmell, Levi Hoskins, George W. Hargls, John W. Ingram, Josiah W. Jones, Franklin Jones, John Jones, Thomas Jackson, James Payne, Thomas Rice, Alfred Rodgers, Hugh Ryan, John Sorrell, Jr., Franklin Snelling, John Sailor, Jaraes H. Taylor, Reuben Y. Warner, Alfred Doyle, John Hobbs, Calvin Slusher, Benjamin P. Stephens, John C. Taylor, James S. Wllllaras, Shadrick Blevins, Pleasant Blevins, John Hunt, Franklin Jackson, Edward M. Johnsp-ri, Carapbell Lewallen, Harvey McRughan, WUUam MilUcan, Samuel B. Nelson, Henry Smith, James Slaven, Judson H. Stiffee, Catlett Jl. StuU, Carlisle H. Doyle, Lander Doyle, John Sorrell, Sr., Elisha Stephens, James B. Wilder, Elijah AViUiaras, Edgar Baird, George Broc*k, Jerry Brock, John Brock, James Griffith, James B. Groce, George Groce, John Howard, Williara Jones, Thomas Lee, WUliam P. Little, Bfjederick J. Maraele, Chadwell Nolen, James Nance, Josiah Sailor, C^een Sailor, James E. Slusher, James R. Stokes, Josiah P. Slusher, Wireon B. Sailor, William Taylor, George Trumbo, Simon Wilson, Green Wilson, Peter Powell. Company " K." Y^^^^ ^ A>^.v^, S CAPTAINS— John J. Evans, James M. Anderson. 1st LIEUT.— James Caughlln. 2d LIEUT.- T. D. Moss, David (J. Hawell. SERGTS. — Joseph D. Wyatt, Stephen G. Lewis, John S. Williams, Alexander B. Love, William H. Fox, James H. Turner^ohn Parkey, John D. Orear, Jaraes O. M. Parish, William Donegaiy John H. Oldham. CORPLS.— James W. Fox, John A. Haniliri, Andtew^ S. Stevenson, A. T. Spratt, WUUam H. Haggard, Coleman R, Apperson, Jaraes Noe, H. Clay Wilson, William H. Cooper, John H. Garre^;t. TEAMSTERS— John W. Foreman, Roibert N. Garrett. ^' PRIVATES— John W. Bfaibham, Williara Bristo, James Campbell, Joseph Campbell, Sarauel FIzer, Patterson Fitzgerald, Ennis C. Hamlliie, Zadoc Lawrence, Timothy Madden, James W. MuUins, Peter /O'Njel, Thomas Roy, James W. Rule, George W. Sydner, George C. Smith^ohn B. Smith, Thomas Sweeney, Amos D. Turley, John Vice, George K. West, Benj. P. Wyatt, James Wills, Benj. P. Wycoff, Henry Burch, John M. Hart, Thomas J. Wright, Milford E. Burkhart, John W. Couch, Martin Donlan, John W. Finnell, Anderson J. Green, Robert L. Hender son, Cyrenius Keath, Marlon Keath, Wm. Mi Poynter, Sanford Ander son, WUliam Brabham, Green Bowling, Lewis Barnet, William Cane, John B. HaU, WUliam D. Hensly, Jackson S. Hensly, Squire Johnson, Michael Joyce, Andrew G, Spratt^rRIchard M. Summers, Garrett C. Red man, Thomas J. Vice, WillIani/Ba|-nett, George Cockrell, John Craig, Lawrence Collins, James C. CloyL John B. Golns, Edwin K. Hall, Michael P. Joyce, John Murphy^ames Orton, William Peck, Patrick Ready, Hector E. Ray, Patrick Rooney, Pusly C. Whaly, James H. Yocum. 536 Union Regiments of Kent'ucky. Tiuenty-fifth Kentucky Infantry. A number of the men in. the camp at Calhoun, Ky., came from the southern part of the state. In the account of the 17th Ky. Infantry it may be seen that Col. McHenry says many came across Green river. Not only did they cross that stream, they came from the counties on the ex treme southern border of the state. Many of them were from Christian county. The account of Col. Buckner's regiment * shows that in the summer of 1861 he attempted to organize a regiment at Hopkinsville, in Christian county. Although that was one of the largest slave-hold ing counties in Kentucky, a remarkable Union sentiment ^prevailed there. Hopkinsville Avas the home not only of Col. Jas. P. Buckner, who was engaged in organizing a Union regiment there, as stated, but also of Gen. Jas. S. Jackson, Col. Benj. H. Bristow, Maj. Breathitt of Jack son's regiment ;^Maj. Claggett, of the 25th and 17th; Col. S. M. Starling, Col. Edmund Starling, Wm. Starling, B. C. -^'Ritter, Ben S. Cdmpbell, Ned Campbell, Judge R. T. Pe trie, Geo. Poindexter, Dr. A. Webber, Wm. T. Buckner, Lewis Buckner, A. V. Long, Gabriel Long, Newton Payne, B. T. Ifnderwood, Joab Clark, Judge H. R. Littell, Col. C. M. Callis, Elder Enos Campbell, Dr D. J. Gish, Mr Daven port, Gen. D. S. Hays, Col. E. S. Edmunds, Capt. Wm. A. Sasseen, Col. Richard Durrett, Walter Evans, John Feland," and many others. Such men exerted a powerful infiuence and that section of the state was strongly Union in senti ment. Col. Buckner's regiment was broken up, and he himself Avas taken prisoner and carried South, but his men escaped and made their way to the Union camps at Owens boro, Calhoun and Henderson. In the earlyfall of IMl Colzas. :M. Shackelfordxecmited the 25th KyTInfantry. Assoclated-Tvfth him was Benj. H. Bristow;~-Adi£L_became the lieutenant-colonel. A number of those who had been with Col. Buckner at Hopkinsville became identified with this organization. As the 25th became consolidated Avith the 17th Ky. after the battle of Shiloh, and its roster com bined with it, the names of some of the officers will bo here given: Col. Jas. M. Shackelford, Lieut. Col. Benj. H. Bristow, Captains D. M. Claggett, of Hopkinsville; Ben. T. Perkins, of Elkton; T. W. Campbell, of Madisonville; Ben T. Underwood, of Hopkinsville; James H. Holoway, of Henderson; E. B. Edwards, Lieutenants Walter Evans, Ned Campbell, Pr^^n^^. Bristow (brother of B. H. Bris- tow), S. H. Perkins. J. W. Anthony, Campbell H. Johnson, -^^—-* See Page 272. , Twenty-fifth Kentucky Infantry. 537 Thos. B. Boyd, P. B. Tribble, Robt. C. Sturgis, H. Clay Marlow. From the camp at Calhoun the 25th was ordered to join Gen. Grant, who was directing his movements against Forts Henry and Donelson. Proceeding by river trans ports it went with a brigade from Calhoun to Port Donel son, and upon landing there, was welcomed by Gen. Grant, who said he had work to be done, and he expected a good account from the Kentuckians. The 25th at once en gaged in the fighting at Donelson The report of Col. Jas. M. Shackelford describes how he had to form his men under fire, and that they behaved with great coolness; that at one time, while firing directly upon the enemy, they were ordered to cease firing while other troops moved through. them, and then the formation was resumed and the fighting again went on, thus showing a coolness and steadiness remarkable in the first battle in which they were engaged. Gen. Lew Wallace says, in his report: "Col. J. M. Shackelford, 25th Ky.; Col. H. B. Reed, 44th Ind., and Col. John H. McHenry, 17th Ky., and their field and company officers, all won honor and lasting praise; nor can less be given to the valor and endurance of the men who com posed their regiments.'' Col. Cruft says: "The 25th formed line of battle under continued volleys of the ene my's musketry." The losses show the desperate fighting •of the regiment, being seventy-two killed and wounded. After the battle of Shiloh the 25th and 17th were in Gen. Hurlbut's division. Gen. Lauman's brigade of Grant's army, and being so assigned proceeded with that army to Pittsburg Landing. The 25th bore its part in the battle of Shiloh; it fought during the entire day, April 6th, and also fought in the advance of the next day. It was led in this action by Lieut. Col. Bristow and Maj. Wall, on account of the fact that Col. Shackelford had returned to Kentucky from Fort Donelson to recruit another regi ment, in' which Avork he was afterward assisted by Col. B. H. Bristow, forming the 8th Ky. Cavalry. Col. Bristow, in his report of the battle of Shiloh, says that about 7 o'clock a. m., April 6th, the engagement was known to be general on account of the heavy fire of mus ketry and artillery; that his men formed with coolness and promptitude and moved forward in the direction of the firing. They soon became actively engaged. During the fighting Col. Bristow was prostrated and made insen sible by the explosion of a shell immediately over his head; and Maj. Wall says, in his report, he had him car ried from the field. From that time Maj. Wall took com- 538 Unimi Regiments of Kentucky- mand and fought with the regiment until 4:30 p. m., when he received three wounds — one in the thigh, one in the foot and one in the breast. The regiment then was led by Capt. B. T. Underwood; and it also reported to CoL McHenry, of the 17th, who took charge. Col. McHenry says, in his report: "About 4 p. m., Sunday, owing to the withdrawal of Lieut. Col. Bristow and wounding of Maj. Wall, of the 25th, that command was turned over to me, and the gallant officers and men of that regiment acted with the same unabated courage and bravery that had characterized them during the whole day." Col. Hugh B. Reed, of the 44th Ind., which was brigaded with the 17th and 25th Ky., makes an interesting mention of these ' tAVO regiments in his report. He says: "The enemy formed in column and charged over an open field on our left and in front of the 17th and 25th Ky., the' gallant Col. McHenry commanding, who poured into their ranks a most terrific flre. I immediately wheeled two companies of my left wing to the left and opened on the fiank. His ranks were mown down at each fire, but still he pressed forward and as bravely was he received. His front rank went down, leaving a line of the dead across his front, when he retreated in good order." He again mentions Col. McHenry's men "charging in the thickest of the fight" on the second day. In the month of April, after the battle of Shiloh, the 25th was consolidated Avith the 17th, and from that time the history of the two regiments is identical under the head of the 17th Ky. Infantry. The reader is referred to that account. It is noticeable that many of the officers of the 25th were of more than ordinary prominence. Col. Shackel ford became colonel of the 8th Ky. Cavalry and a briga dier-general ; Lieut. Col. Bristow became colonel of the Sth Ky. Cavalry, and, after the war, was one of the most conspicuous men in the country. Capt J. H. Holloway became major in the Sth Cavalry; Lieut. Walter Evans, who was very young, has achieved a wide reputation as a lawyer and in public life. The consolidation of the 17th and 25th made one of the most valuable regiments in the service, and it made an heroic record. The account of the services of the offl cers and men of the 25th will be found in the history of the 17th Ky. Infantry. The roster of the 25th is also to be found in the con solidation with that of the 17th. Twenty-sixth Kentucky Infantry! 539 Tiuenty-sixth Kentucky Infantry. Some interesting facts connected with the organiza tion of regiments in the western part of the state are found in the account of the 17th Infantry, Col. John. H. McHenry. In the preparation of the account here given the writer is indebted to Capt. S. D. Brown for valuable assistance, he .having furnished a written statement, which, in itself, is a good history of the 26th, but in order to'introduce certain record facts the whole is rewritten. The 26th was recruited and organized by Col. S. G. Burbridge, but as he was made brigadier-general June 12, 1862, he was not long with the regiment. Recruiting commenced in the summer of 1861, and in September camp was established at the fair grounds at Owensboro. The companies came from the Green river counties, ahd there was no place or road in all the section of the state from Bowling Green to Henderson that was not known to some of the men. It was ou this account that it was for a long time kept on duty at Bowling Green, as will appear in this narrative. In November, 1861, the 26th moved from Owensboro to Calhoun, where it was camped in association with the 17th and 25th aud llth Ky. Infantry, and 3d Cavalry. The collection of officers there was notable. Gen. Thos. L. Crittenden, Colonels James S. Jackson, James M. Shackelford, P. B. Hawkins, John H. McHenry and others. From Calhoun the 17th and 25th were sent to join Grant's army in time to participate in the battle of Fort Donelson. The others Avere held a little longer. While in camp at Calhoun, from November, 1861, to February, 1862, the Confederates were in Kentucky, at Bowling (ireen, Rus sellville and Hopkinsville. The presence of these regi ments at Calhoun deterred the Confederates from advanc ing north of Green river. The Confederate cavalry, how ever, under Forrest, did pass through the country, en gaging in a severe fight with a battalion of the 3d Cavalry under Maj. E. H: Murray. When this occurred the 26th was marched rapidly to the scene of action, arriv ing about midnight and gathering up the bodies of five men killed, which were buried. A few days after the 26th marched to South Carrollton, to watch the movements of the Confederates, who were at Russellville. After re maining there some time it returned to Calhoun, and thence to Owensboro, where it embarked on a steamer to join Grant's army at Donelson. Arriving at the mouth of Green river the steamers 540 Union Regiments of Kentucky. were met bearing the captured army from Donelson. The 26t'h was carrried on, however, and passed up the Cum berland by Fort Donelson, and landed at Nashville just as Buell's army was crossing the river into the city. The 26th marched through the deserted streets with Buell's army and went into camp about two miles beyond. Up to this time the 26th had not been mustered into the service, the constant activity in Kentucky not having afforded opportunity. At Nashville, on the 5th day of March, 1862, it was regularly mustered by Maj. Bankhead. The 26th remained at Nashville until about the 28th of March, when it started with other troops of Buell's army for Pittsburg Landing. It was brigaded with the llth Ky. and 13th Ohio, Col. W. S. Smith commanding the brigade, in Crittenden's division. Pittsburg Land ing was reached the night of the first day's battle of Shi loh. The next day it was engaged in heavy fighting, as the casualties show, there being seven killed, including Maj. John L. Davidson, and sixty AVOunded. Col. W. S. Smith, in his report of his brigade, says it bivouacked on a hill the night of the 6th. The next morning at 6 o'clock a. m. it moved on a prolongation of Nelson's line, and was promptly and most hotly engaged. During the day it resisted attacks and made charges, fighting steadily for hours, and, on the whole, pushing the enemy. He compliments the conduct of the 26th. All "bore them selves as true soldiers and officers through the dangers of the day." In this battle the regiment was commanded by Lieut. Col. Cicero Maxwell, who, as will be seen, continued with it long afterward. Col. Maxwell, in his report, mentions Maj. John L. Davidson, "who behaved with the most un daunted bravery, and was killed instantly on the field while cheering the men in the charge." He also says the same of Lieut. Higdon, "who fell early in the charge." He also mentions the gallant conduct of Captains Thos. B. Fairleigh, Belt, Netter and Mattingly, and Lieutenants Ramsey, Taylor, Stanley, Smallhouse, Wells, Redfearne, Earnest, Ashcraft, Brown. The last-mentioned is Capt S. D. Brown, who furnished the account here used. He says, it was about midnight that the river was crossed. The gunboats were throwing bombs. The 26th marched up to the line and rested in mud and rain, and at daylight they made coffee and soon went into the battle. After the battle of Shiloh the 26th moved with the army to Cor inth, taking part in the siege and skirmishing there. Then moved to Tuscumbia, Florence and Athens, Ala., and camped at Battle Creek, Tenn. In the organization of Twenty-sixth Kentucky Infantry. 541 Buell's army, June 10, 1862, the 26th and llth Ky. were in VanCleve's brigade, Crittenden's division. In August the movements began which culminated in Buell's memor able march to Kentucky. Louisville was reached late in September; from thence the march was to the fi^ld at Perryville. At that time, October Sth, Capt. P. B. Haw kins, of the llth Ky., commanded the brigade. Capt. Brown says, "the 261 h was but slightly engaged" at Perry ville. It continued in pursuit of Bragg until he was out of the state and then marched across the country to Nash ville, where the army, then under Gen. Rosecrans, was concentrated, Buell having been relieved. While the army was encamped near Nashville, there was the utmost need for troops in Kentucky, not only to protect the country generally, but especially to guard every mile of the railroad from Louisville to Nashville, over which all supplies had to be transported. On this account the 2^th was sent to Bowling Green. At the time this was done, November 22d, Gen. Rosecrans wrote to Gen. H. G. Wright, who commanded tbe District of Kentucky, saying: "I have some splendid fighting regi ments, which would be benefited by being stationed in Kentucky to recruit. I have sent the 15th and 26th to Bowling Green." The urgent need of troops at that place, not only for its protection as a military point, but also for the general protection of Southern Kentucky, caused the 26th to be held at Bowling Green, under Col. Maxwell, for about a year. The acquaintance of its men and officers with the country made it peculiariy useful for that duty. April 1, 1863, the 33d Ky. Infantry was consolidated with the 26th at Bowling Green, as may be seen by refer ence to the account of that regiment, forming companies F, H, I and K. Lieut. Col. Maxwell had been commis sioned colonel June 12, 1862, and Capt. Thos. B. Fairleigh, major. May 5, 1862; also lieutenant-colonel June 12, 1862, and January 3, 1865, he was commissioned colonel. Ig natius Mattingly was made major June 12, 1862. The regiment having become strong by the addition made by recruiting and by the addition of the 33d, it was in condition to be used in hard service. January 31, 1864, it was at Camp Nelson under Col. Fairleigh. It then re-enlisted in the veteran organization and rendezvoused at Bowling Green in the spring, where it was mounted and used through the entire spring and summer for the protection of Kentucky. The brigade to which it was attached was commanded by Col. Maxwell. Col. Fairleigh was on detached service as post command- 5-42 Union Regiments of Kentuch/. aut at Louisville, and the regiment was led by the other officers in detachments. It served from Bowling Green to the Ohio river, and from the western part of -the state to Lexington. In August, 1864, the original colonel of the 26th, Burbridge, was in command in Kentucky. Col. Maxwell commanded a brigade at Camp Nelson, and Lieut. Col. Fairleigh also had a brigade in his command. In September the 26th was at Frankfort. It then joined the command of Gen. Burbridge for the raid to the Salt Works, in Virginia. Capt. Brown says: "From the day we left Pikeville until our retum to that point it was a continual fight. On Sunday, October 3d, a beautiful day. Gen. Burbridge attacked tbe works, and all that day was the battle. At night the 26th was left to build fires along the line of battle to hold the enemy in check while the division moved off the field and took up the retreat to Ken tucky. The movement had been so loudly talked about that the enemy was aware of our coming, and were in trenched and outnumbered us." October 29th it was ordered to Paducah. October 31st it arrived at Paducah'. From thence it proceeded to Bowling Green, being in command of Capt. Francis M. Page. Upon arriving at Bowling Green, Capt. Brown says: "We being yet mounted, made a hard ride after Maj. Tom Hines, but failed to overtake him. It was said iu Bowling Green that Hines made a lucky escape, for those Green river boys of the 26th shoot both right and left-handed, and cross-eyed." December 4th, Gen. Schofield ordered the 26th to Nash ville, and complaint was made that Bowling Green would be left without protection. At that time Gen. Thomas was holding the lines at Nashville, with Hood in his front. December 7th the 26th went to Nashville, and was placed in the 1st Brigade (Gen. Cooper), 2d Division, 23d Corps. December 15th and 16th it engaged in the battle of Nash ville, moving with the 23d Corps, under Gen. Schofield, on . the flank of Hood's army, and joining in the general charge on Hood's lines, which broke up and destroyed that army. The regiment being at that time in command of Col. Maxwell, who made tbe report of its service. After the battle of Nashville the 26th marched Avith the 23d Corps through Franklin and Columbia to Clifton, on the Tennessee river, being in command of Col. Fair leigh. There taking transports, proceeded down the Ten nessee and up the Ohio to Cincinnati; from thence by rail to Washington City and Alexandria, Va. Then taking ocean steamer the 26th went with the 23d Corps to Fort Twenty-sixth Kentiwky Infantry. 543 Fisher, at the mouth of Cape Pear river, arriving there in January, 1865. Port Fisher had been taken, but there were strong defenses between that point and Wilmington, twenty miles up the river. To flank these defenses the 26th, with other troops of the 23d Corps, under Gen, J. D. Cox, were transported down the coast to Smithville. Landing there, the march was through the pine forests to the rear of Wilmington. On the way the 26th fought severely at Fort Anderson and Town Creek, and was the first regiment to enter Wilmington, February 22, 1865, led by Col. Fairleigh. Prom Wilmington the regiment moved by way of Kinston to- Goldsboro, when Schofield's forces united with Sherman's, and the 26th moved with the army toward Raleigh. ' On the march a courier rode down the lines shouting that Lee had surrendered. Capt. Brown says: "Pandemonium broke loose, hats in the air, guns in the woods, bands playing, old veterans cry ing for joy; and soon drawn up in line, the men heard the words of old Sherman: 'A little more toil, a little more labor, and we will march home.' " "Arriving at Raleigh," says Capt. Brown, "we remained until the sur render of Johnston, and from there were sent to Salisbury, N. C, and encamped until July, when we were ordered to Kentucky and mustered out, July 10, 1865, at Louisville." Many of the officers of this regiment deserve special mention. Gen. Burbridge is mentioned in a separate sketch. Col. Cicero Maxwell was a most intelligent and excellent officer, and was kept in command of the District of Southwestern Kentucky, with headquarters at Bowling Green, through the year 1864. He led his regiment in the battle of Nashville, December 15 and 16, 1864, and re mained in the service until in 1865. Col. Thos. B. Fairleigh was for a long time in com mand of the post at Louisville, though he also was with his regiment when it was in active field service. He re sided in Louisville after the war, and was one of the lead ing lawyers of the city. He was a most accomplished officer. Capt. Netter became colonel of the 15th Cavalry, and was killed at Owensboro. Capt. Albert N. Keigwin be came a distinguished Presbyterian minister after the war. Adjt. Richard Vance was a most accomplished offlcer. Col. Hackett, Majors Mattingly and Ashcraft, Captains S. D. Brown, John W. Belt, Surg. E. O. Brown and Chap lain W. M. Grubbs, and others, are all worthy of special mention. 544 Union Regiments of Kentucky. Field and Staff. COLONELS— Stephen G. Burbridge, Cicero Maxwell, Thoa B. Fair leigh. LIEUT. COL.— James P. Lauck. MAJORS— John L. Davidson, Jos. L. Frost, Ignatius Mattingly, Cyrus J. Wilson, Francis M. Page. ADJTS.— A. J. Wells, James A. Dawson, Richard Vance. Q. MASTERS —John H. Morton, Robert W. Compton, DensU P. WaUing. SURGS.— Jonathan Bally, James M. BaUey. ASST. SURGEONS- L. Bennett, James Walshe, B. O. Brown, W. H. Jett. CHAPLAIN— Wm. M. Grubbs. SERGT. MAJS.— Joseph B. Harris, W. J. Macey. Q. M. SERGTS.- Robert C. Breedlove, Alfonso Wood, Wm. K. Walters. COM. SER GEANTS— Hezekiah A. Proctor, Jno. W. Moseley. HOSP. STEWARD— Isaac Poster. Company "A." CAPTAINS— John W. Belt, Rowland E. Hackett. 1st LIEUTS.— Wm. W. Ranney, Stephen Woodward, Thos. B. Bayne. 2d LIEUT.— Richard Shockley. SERGTS.— Presl&y Slddle, Jno. S. Tanner, Wm. J. Bennett. CORPLS.— John J. Rice, Rufus A. Hackett, Patrick A. Milner, Terry Howard. MUSICIANS— Jacob Lowe, John Penman. WAGONER — Benj. Simmons. PRIVATES— Jas. P. Atherton, Richard T. Atherton, Elijah Atherton, Ellas Atherton, Levi M. Axton, Isaac H. Axton, Enoch M. Brown, David L. Barnett, Joshua W. Benton, Jno. E. Brown, Saml. W. Bennett, James S. Bennett, Chas. L. Brown, Jas. W. Brown, John P. Brown, Nathaniel P. Barnett, Richard J. Buskill, Sims Brown, Jas. A. Boyd, Jeremiah Cross, Wm. J. CowglU, Thos. S. Daman, Evan Downes, Jacob C. Drace, Wm. EUis, Jno. T. Everly, Uriah P. Everly, Jesse M. Everly, Jesse Everly, Prank Flowers, DeWltt C. Grubb, Thompson Hudson, Wm. Hancock, Jno. W. Hudson, Elijah Hughes, Richard- Humphrey, Robt. Harlln, Geo. W. Hicks, Geo. W. Hoover; Richard Jordan, Jos. H. Knott, Richard Lucas, John Lucas, Wm. Lucas, Marcus R. Mills, Lloyd May, Jaraes Matthews, Thoraas May, Jno. W. Mosely, Peter Z. PoUey, Geo. N. QuIgg, Wm. T. QuIgg, Jas W. Russell, Jno. C. Ryon, Allen Sharp, Wm. G. Shocklee, Pleasant E. Shocklee, Fielding M. Searcy, Henry Sim mons, James Smith, John Trunnell, Henry C. Tucker, Wm. Tanner, Samuel C. Tanner, Richard P. Tanner, Wm. B. Taylor, Albert Tanner, Maston Tucker, Geo. W. Vanhorn, Ashford Woodward, Jr., Wm. W. Wiggins, Thos. D. Wiggins, Randolph Wimp, Joseph Watson, Jos. R. Sketo, Jas. M. Willis, Albert L. Schimpff, George W. Russell. Company " B." CAPTAINS— Gabriel Netter, D. H. Butler, Robert Earnest, Wood ford M. Taylor, Abram B. Stanley. 1st LIEUTS.— Jno T. Higdon, James M. Holland, Francis M. Gillstrapp. 2d LIEUTS. — Jeremiah O'Brien, Richard Vance, Jno. C. West, Seth Rupard. SERGTS. — Tobias J. Wise, Irwin EUiott, Wm. Benton, Jno. D. Holland, AVm. Reed. CORPLS.— Wra. L. Brown, WUson K. Taylor, Nathaniel J. Taylor, Rothen B. Swain, James H. Allen, Wm. Stallsworth, Bailey H. Cherry, Thos. Pitz allen Bellamy, Thornton Wilkerson, Chilton A. Rupard, John H. Rupard, Jonathan Taylor, James Moore, Bryant T. Flint, John D. Pace. PRIVATES— Oscar S. Allen, Matthew Anderson, Jas. W. Bare, Jno. M. Branch, Chas. A. Breedlove, Wm. H. Bowles, Jno. N. Burks, Hardin Board, Thomas Bowles, Jos. J. Bobbett, WUson S. Bell, Jas. S. Bothlck, E. C. Clare, Thoraas Cowan, Robt. P. Campbell, Harrison T. Cornell, Jos. A. Corbett, Pellx G. Cobbs, James H. Cohron, Saral. B. Chastlne, Jno. L. ConoUy, Jos. T. Cartwright, Wm. H. Croft, Temple H. Duff, Wm. S. Duncan, Thos. Dickenson, David Evans, Orlando Epperson, John Evans, Wm. T. Evans, Thos. Evans, Jas. H. B-vans, Jno. R. Evans, Jno. H. Parmer, Ellas Farmer, Jerry Parmer, Philip Poster, Robert Gibbons, Wm. GaUoway, Wm. Gibson, Edward Griffith, Thomas Greer, Bluford Greer, Robert Grant, Wm. T. Garrett, Charles L. Gamble, Henry Ho- hlmer, BasU J. Howard, Jas. A. Howard, Henry Hunter, George Har rison, Samuel H. Harrison, Frederick Harper, Henry R. Hohlmer, Jordan Hulsy, Thomas Hall, James Harrison, Geo. W. Hudson, Daniel A. Hicks, Twenty-siixth Kentiwky Infantry. 545 Wm. H. Hampden, Brisco Hedge, John Hunsacker, Thoraas C. Jones, H. C. Jones, Wm. J. KInkate, Wm. A. Keeton, Jas. G. King, John T. Lyzure, John Loney, John Legrand, Absalom Luallen, Thos. J. Lewellyn, Watkins J. Lewellyn, Benjamin P. Mills, Philip H. Minden, John W. Mahan, James H. Mayberry, David Martin, Hugh Martin, Stephen Martin, Geo. W. Morning, Sherwood Massey, Wm. A. Mitchell, John McClIsh, Thomas Meguire, J. H. McBrlde, Alex. Megan, Henry C. Megan, Geo. R. MIdklff, Oliver Mattingly, Henry C. Maclamore, John P. Macla- more, Daniel Moore, Robert Neeley, William Nail, Jerry J. O'Brien, Thomas Parker, John A. Pate, WUliam Pool, Thomas J. PerneU, Henry Porter, Jas. H. M. Petlgo, Peter Peatree, Joel T. Preston, Jaraes Pierson, Harris S. Parsons, Duncan Penman, Geo. M. Phillips, Abraham W. Qualis, Cornelius N. Roach, Milton Roberts, Chas. N. Russelburg, L. B. RIdens, WUUam Ralph, Ransom Rogers, Jaraes R. Routon, Charles M. Ralph, A. J. Ralph, James Robertson, Jno. P. Revo, Euclid E. C. Shuli, Thos. A. Shultz, George T. Sanders, John Short, Dennis SuUivan, Robert Smith, John Sherwood, Peter Shanker, Barney Shanker, James Sharp, Virgil Stevenson, Lewis A. Sharp, John Tanner, WUUam Thompson, Joseph Taylor, Caswell Tate, Jaraes TIchenor, James H. Tlnsley, WiU iam B. Wise, Levi P. Wise, William L. Wise, Albert G. WUlhelm, Thos. R. Watkins, Thos. J. Ward, James M. Willis, Williara H. Whitaker, Thos. O. Wedon, Richard Ward, Washington Ward, Richard G. Whit aker, Wm. S. Bothlck. Company "C." CAPTAINS — Ignatius Mattingly, Henry Smallhouse, James W. Over- street. 1st LIEUT.- Joseph Fisher. 2d LIEUTS.— John A. Hendrix, Williara T. Hansford. SERGTS.-John V. Moore, George J. Johnson, Robert L. Sarauels. CQRPLS.— Bryant L. Wakelee, John B. Herndon, Jeremiah H. Leninn, Jesse S. Hendrix, William J. Vandiver. MUSI CIAN— Walter S. Clarke. PRIVATES- Amos Bishop, Eli Beasley, William H. Buckles, Edward R. Bennett, Jno. W. Benton, Albert Bochler, Jno. W. Barr, R. W. Bates, Thomas Brown, Jno. P. Brooks, George Cannon, Robert R. Gates, James A. Cannon, Jaraes M. Cannon, Jaraes Cleraents, WUUam Crouch, Ed mund Carroll, Aaron V. Crouch, Chesterfield Croxton, John H. Durham. James Deatherldge, Banister W. Dicken, John Davis, Daniel Davis, George Davis, Columbus H. Davis, Levi Davis, Jacob B. Davis, W. J. Davis, Hardin EUis, George W. Ezell, John R. Fields, James Flood, Francis M. Howard, Presley L. Hooker, Reuben G. L. Hays, James M. Harrison, W. J. Herndon, G. J. Hatcher, Joseph Jones, Wm. J. Lott, John M. Lee, Francis A. Long, Wra. P. Lee, Samuel W. Marshall, Will iam Martin, William P. McRoy, Thomas.M. McRoy, Joseph H. MltcheU, Joseph M. Moore, David C. Norman, James P. Nail, W. H. Pendley, Thos. Pinkston, WUUam Pinkston, Harrison Pinkston, David E. Rickard, Jno. L. Rickard, Lltal Rickard, AVUliam B. Reed, Finley W. Riggs, Isaac B. Rust, William H. P. Rich, James A. Ray, Silas Rickard, Cornelius Reyn, George W. Stlnson, Joseph Steadman, James C. Starr, Jaraes Scott, Archer V. Stinson, Micajah T. Stinson, John Scott, John W. Van diver, Charles Vandiver, Ferdinand B. Vandiver, Williara Vandiver, Jaraes H. Wells, Joseph W. Worthington, James Wilson, William R. Wells, Jonathan B. Wilson. Company "D." CAPTAINS— Albert N. Kelgwin, Fred. Guy. 1st LIEUTS.— James McConnell, Joseph B. Harris. 2d LIEUTS.— Andrew J. Wells, Thos. J. Mershon. SERGTS.— WUliam H. Paul, Jos. C. Barnett, Ross Morton. CORPLS. — John P. Harvey, Charles H. Hart, John Basham, Jesse G. Benton, Isaac Poster, George B. Stevens, Basil M. Bennett, George R. Carson. PRIVATES— Jesse Ashley, Andrew M. Barnett, Joseph A. Bennett, George W. Bennett, John W. Bryant, Smith V. Brengmann, Luther D. Basham, John Wm. Bryant, Joseph L. Carson, Elijah P. Cook, Willis Cane, John W. Carter, Prince W. Carter, Joshua D. Chapman, Joseph W. 35 546 Union Regiments of Kentucky. Chapman, James Clark, Wm. A. Carson, Thos. A. Downs, Lewis Early, James L. Early, William R. Early, John W. Pord, Jonathan Fuson, Phlletus Givens, WUliam Gray, George D. Hlhlmer, Wm. R. Hohimer, Charles W. Hosklnson, Willis M. Howerton, Jaraes R. Harder, Jordan Harris, Elihu Higgs, Meredeth W. Hamilton, W. Jasper Huff, Singleton Huff, Patrick H. Hamilton, John E. Humsten, Ziba O. King, Samuel B. Knight, Jas. W. Lurton, Robert M. Lee, Mansfield W. Lewis, Martin Moluske, Harvey Mills, William T. Murphy, Lloyd Mills, Andrew J. Mc lntire, Wm. T. McSherry, Isaac Newton, John Neighbors, Joseph B. Newton, John Newton, Christopher Parsons, James A. Park, Gideon P. Pillow, Oliver P. Richards, Henderson Richards, Samuel Rowe, W. H. Rowe, W. H. Richards, J. W. Sanders, William A. Stevens, Joseph Smith, J. H. Sraith, Thoraas Sraith, Peter SUur, Bird W. Siplth, Lewis H. Stephenson, Lewis Stewart, Woodberry Tinsley, Jared TIchenor, Jacob Tichenor, Benjarain P. Tanner, George N. Tlnsley, Booker Vanover, Benjamin P. Wright, Francis M. White, George W. Ward, William E. Ward. Company "E." CAPTAIN— Francis M. Page. 1st LIEUTS.— William C. Burgher, Jeremiah Redfearn. 2d LIEUT.— Henry C. Morgan. SERGTS.-John A. Crandel, WUUam Seary, WlUIam A. Dodd, RUey M. Grable. CORPLS.— Henry P. Bledsoe,- Samuel S. Hunter, Robert P. Sadler, WUliam W. Page, James L. Anderson, Richard Bledsoe, Albert W. Shoemate, Val entine Wolf. -PRIVATES — Jackson Anderson, John H. Anderson, John R. Arm strong, Reuben Austin, William ' J. Anderson, John Austin, Doctor P. Adams, Levi Arnold, William Bingham, James M. Bagwell, Alfred Bur- gett, Cyrus W. Brooks, William A. Brooks, Zachariah Brooks, Henry J. Breedlove, Isaac P. Borrow, John B. Brown, Jasper Burgett, John W. Boyd, William H. Cyrus, AVUliam C. Chappell, George W. Cowan, M. E. Oartwright, Joseph Curtis, WlUIam J. Cobbs, John A. Croley, John W. Curtis, David C. Crocker, John Cheek, James Carter, Calvin H. Dorsett, GranviUe H. Doyle, Baxter C. Doyle, Benjarain F. Deason, Henry M. Eddlngs, Francis M. Eddjngs, DeWitt W. Flood, WiUiam PraUey, Will iam R. French, Remus Gibson, WUliam Gross, James M. Gillam, Peter Gray, Jno. W. Gibson, WUUam W. Gibson, Isaac C. Groves, Jno. W. Gaines, WiUiara AV. Gordon, Jno. W. Hannah, Alexander Hardeson, James H. Helsy, James W. Hardrick, Erastus S. Hawkins, Charles D. Hart, Henry Hogan, Isham J. Jenkins, George M. Key, WUUam A. King, Bingham Key, Alfred Key, Jno. A. Lee, Joel D. Lee, Jehazel M. Lee, James B. Lee, Jesse G. Lee, Johannan E. Lee, Matthew Ledbetter, James M. Moore, Thoraas F. MUler, Morris McGlasson', George MiUer, Jefferson J. McLemore, WiUiam H. McLewain, Thomas McLewaIn, Benjamin P. MUam, James H. McKinney, Richard V. Norton, WiUiara H. Nelson, George W. Oliver, James O'RUey, Elihu Oxford, Michael D. Price, WiU iam G. Prlckett, Thos. E. Page, Thos. J. PoweU, Jno. W. Phipps, William A. Phipps, Jaraes S. Proctor, H. A. Proctor, David Powers, James T. Reives, Thos. Richards, Jno. Richmond, Alvis Shoemaker, WiUiara Shoe maker, Abraham A. Sharp, Jno. H. Sanders, Richard J. Sanders, James P. Smoot, Jno. C. Shook, Jno. H. Sisk, Jno. J. Waters, WUUara R. Woodis, Albert C. Woods, Thos. AViUIams, WiUiara T.Welburn, Fleraing G. Wood- ridge, Uriah W. Williams, John P. Wallace, Thos. J. Warren, Abraham W. Whittaker. Company " F." CAPTAIN— Michael T. HaU. 1st LIEUTS.—Wm. M. Claypool, David W. Thomas. 2d LIEUT.— Samuel H. Haden. SERGTS.— Wm. J. Reese, ^Al'd t' ^°°'^y' ^^'^''5 W. PhUllps, William Port, James P. Hanes. CORPLS.— Isaac S. WiUiams, Anderson HewUt, Geo. Duckett, Wm. L. WUson John W^Bosthick, Jas. P. PhUUps, Wm. E. Lawrence, Alfonso Wood, Mathew P. Young. T^.^^'^lTf^^^T^^™"^' ^^'^^' ^^"''^' M- Alexander, Edward Adams, T^^ ^^"fi""' ^^^^ ^- Breedlove, Geo. T. Brooks, Henry D. Basham, w A ^^''!;«:^1^ W™- H. Coleman, Reuben W. Claypool, Wm. J. Dear ing, Austm W. Duckett, John Drue, John G. Edwards, Henry Friedel, ' Twenty-sixth Kentucky Infantry. 547 William Fulks, Charles J. Pox, Bluford J. Gardner, Edward W. Grin stead, Jackson Goodrum, WUliam Grom, Wra. R. Hendrick, Daniel J. Hanes, George W. Jones, James L. Moulder, Robert W. Majors, John D. Newton, James Neighbors, John H. Page, Sidney PhUllps, Alpheus PhiUips, Benj. P. Pierson, James L. PuUera, Charles E. Redman, John M. Rarnsey, Samuel S. Ramsey, John R. W. Rose, Thos. Richards, Jos. J. Sanson, William Scott, Mark A. Turner, Patrick C. Toomey, Wra. R. Watts, Jaraes R. Alexander, Thos. E. Col^raan, Granderson P. Martin, Thomas Power, Sylvester Reynolds, Hugh Stewart, Henry C. Cotton, John Carrol, Loyd Goodwin, Luther Greathouse, John Garrison, John F. Hargls, James A. Hendrick, Henry Hood, Robert L. Harlow, Joshua Hawkins, Daniel Keith, John W. Langston, David E. Moulder, Thomas Rector, Charles Rector, Wm. D. Roberts, Wm. J. T. Shane, John Uhls, Sylvanus WUson, John M. Wilkins, James Adaras, Berry Bracher, Fred erick J. Claypool, James Cockeral, Thomas Cockeral, John Garraon, WiUiam Hood, Orlen Law, Cyrus W. Meeks, Simeon W. Phillips, A. Wells, Samuel E. Whalen, Benjamin T. Young, Josias Arnold, Wesley T. Clarke, James Earles, WUliam Groves, William Glazen, John GrliHn, John Gorman, John Gallagher, James Haney, Alexander Hutson, James Harrel, James Jamison, Thos. C. Tlnsley, John L. Hanes. Company "G." CAPTAINS— Thos. B. Fairleigh, Jaraes H. Ashcraft. 1st LIEUT.— Samuel D. Brown. 2d LIEUTS.- George T. Elder, Reuben C. PoweU. SERGTS.— Thos. B. Enlow, David H. Sheffer, Wm. Garvin. CORPLS.— Wm. J. Grobarger, Delos Thomas, Jas. E. Draper, Isaac McReady, Will iam H. Ward, Lewis Forbis, James H. Walton. PRIVATES-WUliam C. J. Adams, WiUiara Broadwell, Jesse L. Ben ton, Nicholas Basket, Bernard Briggerman, Edgar T. Booker, William W. Boyd, Samuel Cotter, Henry M. Cain, John Crabtree, George W. Crabb, Jno. D. Clarkson, - Francis M. Clarkson, John Downey, Philip Deerk, William W. Davis, Thomas Dorsey, Thomas Fox, John Fox, Isaac Fowler, George A. Gross, John Galloway, Martin Garrison, Patrick Gibbons, WUliam S. P. Green, William B. Hampton, William Hasher. Cyrus Harrington, Marcus DeL. Hines, James Hutchinson, Charles, Hawry, Henry Hamburg, Lafayette Johnson, Robert Jupin,. John Jupin, Mansel James, Hezekiah Lam-aster, Jno. McClanahan, Warren T. Man ning, William C. Morten, Jno. Murphy, Benjarain Marlow, Jno. W. Parker, James H. Pendleton, Clements Strelble, Robert Sheffer, George M. Smidt, Timothy Sullivan, M. J. Sperlock, John Simpson, Anthony Smith, Samuel Seelye, Sylvester Thomas, Jos. Thomas, Nicholas VoU- man, Bledsoe' Wardrip, Jno. M. Wand, William Walton, Daniel Wimp, William Whelan, William Wimp. Company "H." CAPTAIN— Lafayette S. Beck. 1st LIEUT.— Thomas G. Laird. 2d LIEUTS.— Thomas M. Sherrall, Pleasant P. Collier. SERGTS.— George T. Clack, William H. Dickinson, George W. Gray, Joseph C. Smith, George W. L. Richeson. CORPLS.— WiUiara W. Adkerson, James C. Laird, James J. Wilson, Leonard Christy, James T. Gee, Joseph T. Gray, James M. Garman, Robert L. Butler, WUUam H. Dillingham, James R. Osborne. MUSICIAN— Henry W. Arnett. WAGONER— Nimrod Shirley. PRIVATES-WUliam Baugh, Isaac L. Barber, John Christy, Will iam P. Gray, James Gooden, Jasper N. Hickerson, John 'H. Kemble, Thomas Kinney, Robert J. Laird, Harrison Lusk, Henry Luder, William Lee, William C. Magers, Da-vid Mansfield, James P. Myler, Joseph Mc- Garney, Robert B. Marr, Jaraes Polston, Andrew Polston, George W. Pickett, Jehiel O. Peden, Robert Renick, Henry E. Renick, Little B. Self, GranvUle Spradling, James G. Sands, Jereralah Shuler, Benjamin P. Shlrrell, James Williams, David Brewer, George W. Rader, Charles Vincent, George T. Clanson, WUliam M. Daffron, Henry H. Elkin, John H. Gray, James M. Huffman, James H. Holman, WUliam P. Jackson, Charles Jackson, Columbus Liles, Warner N. Lewis, Abner Long, Thomas Parker, William A. Patterson, James Perkins, Jaraes Quinn, John M. Stone, James H. Semands, Benjamin Taylor, Edmund H, 548 Union Regiments of Kentucky. Wheeler, Philander S. Wood, Bird Weaver, John C. Walker, James Clouch, Thomas B. Hunley, John B. Jones, John Lee, George H. May, Thoraas J. Walker. Owen T. Bruner, Matthew D. CampbeU, Jacob Edwards, Joseph Fuqua, Nelson Helms, John Houston, William Henry, James H. Hogan, Patrick Kelly, Isadore Keller, Jackson Lambert, Jack son Miller, John Murphy, Alfred Mahoney, James Murphy, William Mc Kinney, Harlan B. Sanders, John Walker. Company " I." CAPTAINS— William Knight, Jr., James M. Adams. 1st LIEUT.- Jno. M. Wilkins. 2d LIEUTS.— Densll P. Walling, WUliam K. Walters. SERGTS. — George C. Boone, George W. Busroe, Gabriel P. Bostlc, George L. Bowles, Jno. C. Marr. CORPLS.— Samuel B. Waddle, Thos. J. Knight, William L. Bowman, Noah S. Robertson, James W. Webb, Will iam Wooden, James R. Hill, Crittenden Lowrey, Jos. M. Wylklnson. PRIVATES — Pleasant J. Arnet, Jno. B. Appleby, Jno. W. Angel, James Asher, Russell Allen, Thos. B. Bennett, James Balllnger, Will iam Ballinger, William A. Bush, Wiley Belcher, William Brunette, Thos. P. Bellamy, Lewis Blanton, James M. Crawford, Jesse M. Cleaver, James J. Dale, Riohard W. Dale, Jas. P. Grear, Bmmett Goodman, Robert Has- lip, Jno. C. Jones, G. W. Jones, William D. Kidd, Samuel Oldham, Lewis Perkins, Rufus M. Robertson, John Robertson, Benjamin P. Robertson, Julius S. Russell, John W. Self, James Sturgeon, Wm. A. Sweeny, Joseph M. Stotts, John W. Taylor, Wm. T. Whitman, Thos. J. West, Geo. AV. Whithurst, Wm. H. Bowen, Jaraes Knight, Jefferson Parks; Bennett Robertson, Robert Richardson, Wra. G. Ash, Charles W. Ash, Wra. A. Beatty, Nicholas Bowles, Thos. J. Bunch, Geo. B. Brown, Thos. J. Cox, Wm. R. Cleaver, John S. Caswell, Jaraes Dennison, John P. Dennison, Zachariah Dennison, Jas. J. Dyre, Wm. A. Fayester, William Haslip, George A. Harvey, Wm. T. Jones, Wm. H. Jaggers, Jesse Long, Squire Lafallit, Mastlan C. Manlan, Jaraes Martian, George W. Miller, Benj. P. McCrady, Sarauel Marifield, Loyd Price, John Randle, Jarel Vanfieet, Wm. W. West, John H. Williams, Geo. W. Williamson, Geo. W. Waggoner, Joseph Young, Abner C. Amdle, Francis M. Caswell. Henry Coldlron, Wm. B. Coldiron, Lewis Caswell, Edward Dennison, David A. Hunly, Charles W. Jaggers, John Kennedy, Zach. W. Mc Cubbins, James Plura-mer, Jasper N. Whitman, Andrew J. White, Jack son M. Angel, John Ayers, James P. Bandy, Daniel Burnes, B. T. Bowen, Smith Bryant, Jno. W. Brooks, Marion Cooney, Jno. M. Cassady, Abijah Humphrey, Franklin Hiltant, John Shuley. Company " K." CAPTAINS— Cyrus J. Wilson, William P. Gorln. 1st LIEUT.— Jacob M. Sallee. 2d LIEUT.— William L. Macey. SERGTS.— James R. Garden, Richard L. Grady, Albert S. Cagle, Joshua H. Crump, Little B. Amos. CORPLS.— Robert P. Hicks, Nathan T. Brooks, Thomas P. Coy, Elijah A. Etherton, Jno. W. Montgomery, Alfred Gdbson, Murdock Sal lee, Paschal Greer, John Watson, WUey J. Macey, Thoraas P. Crady, Sarauel Pepper. WAGONER— WUliam H. Bell. PRIVATES— Abijah Bartley, William Clemmens, Charles Craine, Andrew Carapbell, John Dobson, Edward L. Despain, Louis liespain, WUUara R. Dye, Joseph A. Dobson, Benj. B. Davis, Soloraon Durham, James DurmlUer, William Davenport, Samuel M. Essex, Stincen Evans, Thomas Epley, Ellas G. Pord, Henry Gossett, Alexander Goins, Edmund Gross, Aaron Gaylor, John S. Griffith, Willis Hunley, Jno. P. Holthouser, Jesse Hamlin, Jno. M. Isbell, Philemon C. Johnson, Coonrod Kaster, Anthony W. Long, Mortimore J. Lewis, Walter H. Owen, Francis M. Pierce, Miles J. Perry, YeweU Peace, Alvin Reedy, Elijah Saltsman, Daniel W. Smith, Truax D. Sturgeon, Willis Sturgeon, John H. Sturgeon, William Seymore, Hiram B. Skaggs,' Jesse Shoemaker, George W. Skaggs, Simon C. Steeley, Gabriel B. Stephens, Daniel R. Thurman, i>° V ?'^^"I^^^*-' <^eorge W. Vanover, Jacob P. Werth, Camel Ward, Robert Ward, Loyd Wallace, WUliam W. Wright, Elijah C. ChUders, Thomas J. Dews, Joseph McDoner, William S. Warren, Robert Ackridge, James Bingham, John L. Dickerman. WiUiam W. Davis, Francis M, Twenty-sixth Kentucky Veteran Infantry, 549 Hester, Job D. Redman, Robert Sutherland, Joseph WUllams, WUliam K. Walters, Jesse Bowles, Samuel B. Druln, Abram Ellington, William T. Graham, Noah Hardin, Robert H. Jones, George H. Lock, James Pierce, Albert A. Pepper, John Rains, Joseph A. Samples, Matthew Akaggs, Joseph H. SIdebottom, James Saltsman, WUUam Shoemaker, Benjamin H. Towles, GaU Woods, Thomas W. Ackride, George w! Bowles, James Braden, Dixon Craig, John J. Cowan, Milford Davis, Charles Dean, Williara Dugan, George W. Dunn, James Edlngton, Daniel Emerson, John Sheehan, Thomas P. Smith, George Smith, Charles H. Woy, Solomon Johnson. Tiuenty-sixth Kentucky Veteran Infantry. Field and Staff. COLONEL— Thos. B. Parlelgh. LIEUT. COL.— Rowland E. Hackett. MAJOR-James H. Ashcraft. ADJTS.— Richard Vance, Samuel D. Brown. Q. MASTER— DensU P. Walling. SURGEON- Wm. H. Jett. SERGT. MAJS.— Jno. W. Moseley, J. W. Lurton, Phlletus S. Givan. Q. M. SERGT.— B. M. Bennett. COM. SERGTS.— Saml. E. Chastain, Thos. M. McRoy. HOSP. STEWARD- Isaac Foster. Company "A." CAPTAINS— Rowland E. Hackett, Thos. B. Bayne. 1st LIEUT.— John W. Moseley. SERGTS.— John J. Rice, Samuel W. Bennett, . Richard Humphrey, James P. Atherton, Rufus A. Hackett. CORPLS. — Thorapson Hudson, George U. Quigg, Jaraes W. Brown, Riohard P. Tan ner, Marcus R. Mills, Richard Lucas, George W. Hicks, George W. Vanhorn. WAGONER- Pleasant E. Shocklee. PRIVATES — Levi M. Axtors, Isaac H. Axtors, John E. Brown, Enoch M. Brown, John H. Bassett, George H. Booth, Jeremiah Cross, Francis Cormass, George W. Condor, Francis Champion, John J. Colins, Thomas S. Damon, Jacob C. Drace, Joseph C. Ducks, John T. Everly, WUUam Fielders, James French, James R. Flowers, John W. Hudson, Elzy Handy, William Hopper, George R. Ice, Richard Jordan, William Lucas, John Lucas, Thomas May, Loyd May, Isaac Noe, Linton O'Neal, John Penman, Jaraes W. Russell, John C. Ryon, Sarauel Ridge, Hiram Ras ner, James Sraith, Allen Sharp, Elihue Steene, William A. Swift, Will iam Tanner, Thomas Tlnsley, Thomas D. Wiggins, Thomas Witherton, Alexander Will, WUliam Williams, Ansom Bratcher, Richard Burns, Wm. J. CowglU, AVm. H. Curtis, Mitchell Davidson, John Demar, Jaraes P. Darton, Samuel J Eppley, Lawson English, P. M. Edlln, George Fel- liger, Wm. R. House, John W. Jewell, John A. Miller, J. L. Mulkey, Wal lace McPeak, John Norfieet, WUliam Rlzer, Benjamin Stahl, John Trin- nell, Delaney Wyatt, Wra. W. Wiggins, Robert Briant, John A. Davis, Dewitt O. Grubbs, Jaraes Adams, Sylvester L. BUss, James Brown, John Brown, Acy Baldwin, James Barber, WUUam Burk, John Bigley, James H. Dampier, A. J. Fisher, Thomas Murry, Thomas Northern, John Nin- nus, William H. White. Company " B." CAPTAIN— Francis M. GUlstrap. 1st LIEUT.— Seth Rupard. 2d LIEUT.— WUliam Benton. SERGTS.— WUliam Reed, WUliam T. WUker son, Chilton A. Rupard, John D. Pace, Samuel H. Harrison. CORPLS. — BaUey' H. Cherry, WiUiam S. Bothlck, John D. Holland, Charles L. Garable, Temple H. Duff, L. B. RIdens, WlUIam H. Harapton, Robert P. Grant, James H. Cohron, Robert T. Watkins. PRIVATES— John Austin, David Bridling, John L. Conly, Harrison T. Cornell, Thomas Cowan, William H. Craft, William S. Duncan, James M. Days, Thomas Evans, Jaraes H. Evans, William T. Evans, John H. Parmer, Jeremiah M. Farmer, Philip Faster, William Galloway, George 550 Union Regiments of Kentucky, Gueschute, Henry R. Hohimer, Briscoe Hedge, Thomas P. Johnson, Adam James, John James, Christian Kopp, William J. Klnkade, John Loney, Oliver B. Mattingly, Benjamin P. MUls, John P. Maclemore, Daniel Moore, George R. Midkiff, George W. Morning, Sherwood Massy, jWilllam A. Mitchell, J. C. McMahon, Wililam McGlashon, Joseph March, William H. McCart, John H. McBride, Thomas Meguire, William Nell, Jeremiah J. O'Brien, Joel T. Preston, John A. Pate, Thomas R. Price, Jno. R. Rane, Samuel Rane, Ransom Rogers, James Ranton, Virgil Stevenson, Peter Shanker,- Barney Shanker, R. B. Swain, Dennis Sulli van, Joseph B. Taylor, James M. WUlls, George W. Ward, Wm. H. Whitaker, John Welch, Oscar S. Allen, James H. AUen, Felix G. Cobb, Joseph A. Corbett, Samuel E. Chastlne, Wm. H. Chastlne, Andrew J. Epley, Squire Gwathmey, George H. Halcomb, Christian Lupke, John W. Legrand, Wm. H. Montgomery, John F. Reno, Euclid E. C. ShuU, Julian St. DIeger, John H. Scott, Charles W. Styer, Thomas J. Ward, Marshall D. WUlhelm, Thomas P. Bellamy, Smith Bryant, Jaihes Bradley, Thomas Epley, Osbern HUIgus, McWilliams, Joseph Mc- Gaha, Wm. J. Cobbs, Robert Neely, Levi P. Wise, Frederick M. Harper, William E. Haiden, Horace W. Langdon, David M. Rhaile, William Sharp. Company "C." CAPTAIN-James W. Overstreet. 1st LIEUT.— Joseph Fisher. 2d LIEUT.— Wm. T. Hansford. SERGTS.— Joseph W. Worthington, Jacob B. Davis, Francis M. Howard, Isaac B. Rust, John Davis, Robert L. Sam uels, Bryant L. Wakelee. CORPLS.— WUUam B. Reed, William J. Van- deveer, David E. Rickard, John Scott, George W. Ezell, Silas Rickard, Joseph Jones, Daniel Davis. PRIVATES — EU Beasley, James Barber, Edward R. Bennett, James A. Cannon, Walter S. Clark, Edmund Carroll, Patrick Carl, George H. Crawford, Calvin A. Carpenter, Aaron V. Crouch, Moses Dawson, Will iam J. Davis, Columbus G. Davis, Jaraes L. Detherage, Jaraes G. Dur ham, Andrew J. Ellmore, WUliam Engleking, Harden Ellis, Edmund Evans, Hugh Fox, Thomas Heddy, Thomas Hogan, William J. Herndon, Presley L. Hooker, HiUory Jackson, William J. Lott, William Martin, Joseph H. Moore, Edward McDoney, Edward Malone, Eugene Newman, David C. Norraan, Thoraas PInk.ston, Harrison Pinkston, Samuel Romine Peter Robine, W. H. P. Rich, Cornelius Ryne, John L. Rickard, James A. Ray, John Stiffen, James Scott, Micajah T. Stinson, Lewis Stewart, Robert Taylor, Charles Vandeveer, John Waters, Robert C. Bishop, Thomas Castello, Levi Davis, John T. Glover, Alexander Hilton, Tobias Hackett, Benjamin Jackson, Doray Jackson, John D. McNeil, Sampson Miracle, Archibald North, Philip Pfau, Benjamin Robertson, James P. SuUivan, John Shanks, Jaraes W. Stewart, Robert Scott, Osier Smith, Wm. R. Skeen, George W. Stlnson, James C. Thorapson, Thomas M. Mc Roy, James M. Cannon, John H. Durhara, James M. Harrison, Steward Hamilton, Williara Miller, James P. NaU, Ephraim Osborne, John W. Benton, Charles Blakely, John Cornell, W. W. Jones, Thomas Leach, Lewis Lassley, John D. Murray, James Murphy, Henry Smith, Andrew Thomas, William Vanheaver, Edward Vlncore. Company "D." CAPTAIN— Thomas J. Mershon. 1st LIEUT.— John P. Harvey. 2d LIEUT.— Charles H. Hart. SERGTS.— Joseph A. Bennett, Joshua D. Chapman, Benj. P. Wright, Jacob Tichenor, PhUetus S. Givan. COR PORALS— Martin MahloskI, James H. Mills, Wm. J. Huff, George W. Bennett, Singleton Huff, John W. Carter, Mansel W. Lewis, WlUis M. Honerton, Basil M. Bennett. PRIVATES— John Wesley Bryant, John William Bryant, Pri,nce W. Carter, Joseph W. Chapman, James B. Clark, Louis Earley, James L. Barley, Wra. R. Earley, Wm. Franks, Jaraes W. Graves, Albert J. Graves, Ulrlch H. Graves, Wra. R. Hohmler, Jaraes R. Harder, Elihu Higgs, Merideth W. Harallton, Valentine H. Hariow, Ziba O King Al bert Krans, Lafayette Kennedy, James W. Lurton, Robert M. Lee, Thomas Lee, Wm. T. Murphy, Wra. W. Murphy, Geo. W. McCormick, John Neighbors, WUUam Nechisson, Gideon P. PiUow, Elgin Porter, Twenty-sixth Kentiwky Veteran Infantry. 551 Oliver P. Richards, Peter SUas, Joseph Smith, Joseph Stidum, Louis H. Stevenson, Joseph Snyder, James H. Smith, WUUara Stephenson, Jona than B. Wilson, Jourdan W. Bond, David L. Barnett, Joshua W. Benton, Aquilla Boots, Duval Burk, James W. Cra»lg, Levi Dunn, James C. Egner, James K. Ellis, Jacob Preby, Guy Pry, John E. Hurapston, Morton L. Harney, Wesley Hays, Isaac Miranda, Adam Pack, Wm. H. Paul, James A. Park, John C. Ramey, WiUiara Ramey, Cornelius E. Roe, Samuel Ritter, Charles Starkey, Geo. L. Sherman, Charles A. Searcy, John D. Scholl, Jaraes R. Summit, James A. Sloan, Woodberry Tlnsley, Wm. E. Ward, Alfred White, Andrew M. Barnett, Perry P. Cox, John W. Ford,' Isaac Newton, James P. Smoot, Daniel D. Abbott, WUliam M. Bailey, James N. Dlckerson, Crawford Peltz, Samuel GUvin, Wm. G. Harney, Edward Morrison, Allen Owens, Enos Reed, James Self, Edward Thomas, J. R. White, Uriah WaUace, Jonathan Tupper, Francis M. White. Company "E." CAPTAIN— Henry P; Bledsoe. 1st LIEUT.— Wm. Bingham. 2d LIEUT,— Thomas Richards. SERGTS.— Valentine Wolfe, James T. Rives, Thomas J. Powell, James H. Heltsley, Abrahara W. Whittaker, Roibert P. Sadler. CORPLS.— Doctor P. Adams, M. C. Cartright, John H. Anderson, James M. Gillum, Benj. P. Deson, Abraham A. Sharp, John D. Brown, Morris McGesson. < PRIVATES— Reuiben Austin, Levi Arnold, Jasper Burgett, John W. Boyed, Isaac P. Barrowi George W. Brazil, Jacob Blair, James H. Bag- nell, Thomas P. Brown, Wm. W. Cyrus, John W. Curtis, David C. Crocker, Jaraes Cotter, Francis M. Cole, Gran-vllle M. Doyle, Baxter C. Doyle, WlUIam Frailey, Wm. R. French, Henry N. Fox, Peter Gray, Remus Gipson, WiUiam Grass, Thomas Gibbons, Perry Glasebrook, John W. Hannah, Henry H. Hozen, Abraham Hoke, John A. Lee, Joel D. Lee, Johannan E. Lee, Nicholas P. Lindsey, Mathew Leadbetter, Thoraas F. Miller, George Miller, Michael Murphy, Wra. H. Nelson, Eli hue Oxford, David Powers, John W. Phipps, Wm. A. Phipps, Wm. G. Pricket, Michael D. Price, WUliam Shoemaker, John H. Sisk, Thomas Travis, Uriah W. Williams, Albert C. Woods, Wm. R. Woodis, Charles M. Wilton, Thomas Williams, John A. Croley, George DlUmon, James R. Elliott, Wm. W. Gordon, Erastus S. Hawkins, John J. Howard, John Kimes, Luke Long, Lancaster Murcer, Wm. A. O'neal Charles D. Heart, Isham J. Jenkins, Wm. C. Chappell, Oliver Hughes, Clayborn W. Howard. John RIchriiond, I^enry Billings, John Clute, John Cheek, John Hopkins, James Hendrix, John E. Howard, Edward P. Hom, Bartlce A. James, Jackson Lambrus, Francis M. Lowry, James H. Martin, James M. Moore, John W. Moody, John R. McGrew, David Mitchell, James O'RUey, Robert H. Price, John C. Shook, Wm. J. T. Shain. Company " F." PRIVATES— Anderson C. Benson, Christopher Borden, Pleasant H. Cotton, Henry C. Gotten, John W. Capllnger, Jno. C. Carroll, John Gar rison, Luther E. Greathouse, Loyd Goodwin, Joseph E. Grinstead, James A. Hendrick, Henry Hood, Robert L. Harlow, John P. Hargls, Joshua Hawkins, Daniel A. Hicks, Jno. C. Jones, Daniel Keith, John Langston. David E. Moulder, Charles Rector, Thomas Rector, Daniel Rearden. Jason S'tone, George Tyree, John Uhls, James AVUson. Company "G." CAPTAINS— James H. Ashcraft, Reuben C. Powell. 1st LIEUTS.- Samuel D. Brown, Richard Vance. •2d LIEUT.- Samuel H. Harrison. SERGTS.— Lewis P. Forbis, Thomas Deloss, James E. Draper, Wm. H. Wand, Samuel Seelye. CORPLS.— Wm. C. J. Adaras, Edgar T. Booker, Robert Sheffer, Hezekiah Lamastus, Nicholas Basket, Patrick Gibbons, John Galloway, John B. Sirapson, Bledsoe Wardrup. PRIVATES— E. T. Bowers, WUUam Bunce, Wm. Y. Cross, Henry M. Cain, George W. Crabb, Samuel Clary, Joseph Cook, WUliam W. Davis. Thomas Dorsey, John Downey, Thomas Pox, Wm. S. P. Green, Julius GrIfHe, Cyrus Herrlngton, Lewis Herman, Jeremiah Jupine, John Jupine, B. Max Lyon, Philip Lochard, Edmund Murphy, Clelland MUler, James 552 Union Regiments of Kent'ucky. H. Pendleton, Noah Palmer, John L. Rush, John C. Rose, Clement Strelble, Anthony Smith, Travis H. Sisk, WUliam Walton, Jno. M. Wand, WUUam Wirap, George Wolenstager, James W. Blahop, John H. Bryant, Lewis D. Bryant, Daniel Bryant, George P. Benham, Wra. N. Benham, Christopher Burkhart, Isaac Bowles, David Bowles, Ebenezer M. Bartles, Charles Casperke, Wm. H. Corbet, James W. Chappell, Reuben S. Dar nell, Allen Faxon, Thomas Garrett, Elijah Harbaugh, WUUam Hargan, WUliam S. Hagan, Robert P. Hays, Gabriel Jupine, Wm. R. Johnston, Galsom H. Lltsey, Pinckney A. Musgrave, Wra. H. Malin, John P. Padgatt, John B. Popham, Robert Roberson, John Raybold, William Sherlock, Allen Smith, Benj. B. Smith, John P. Warner, Newton Wilker son, Cuthburt Glrdley, Jaraes Hicks, Nathan H. Marks, John Powell. James B. Suton, John W. Wall, Lafayette Johnston, Henry Wood. Company " H." CORPORALS— Robert L. Butler, Wm. H. DUUnghara. MUSICIAN— Henry W. Arnett. PRIVATES— George T. Clauson, Wm. M. Daffron, John H. Doyle, Henry H. Elkin, Bernhart Elzenlhover, John H. Gray, Jacob Gausman, James M. Huffman, James H. Halman, James Herron, Charles Jackson, Wm. P. Jackson, Pidelar L. Kemble, Emel A. Knepper, Columbus Liles, Warner W. Lewis, Abner Long, Thomas H. Miller, Thomas A. Murphy, Benjamin Osborn, Thomas Parker, William A. Patterson, James Perkins, Samuel Pitt, RUey Porter, James Quinn, John M. Stone, James H. Semonds, James H. Suttle, John Snyder, Joseph Sauerheber, Benjamin Taylor, Edraund H. Wheeler, Philander S. Wood, Bird Weaver, John C. Walker. Company " I." CORPORAL— James M. Wilkinson. PRIVATES-WUliam G. Ash, Charles W. Ash, WUliam W. Beatty, Nicholas Bowles, WiUiam R. Cleaver, John S. Casewell, Jaraes Dennison, John F. Dennison, Zachariah Dennison, James J. Dyre, WUliam A. Pay- ester, William Haslip, George A. Harvey, WUliam T. Jones, William H. Jaggers, Jesse Long, Squire Lafallett, Mastin C. Manian, James Martian, George W. Miller, Benjamin P. McCrady, Samuel Marifield, Loyd Price, John Randle, Jarel Vanfleet, WUliam H. West, John H. Williams, George W. Williamson, Joseph Young. Company "K." PRIVATES— James Bingham, John L. Dickerman, WUUam W. Davis, John H. Engle, Thomas Baches, Francis M. Hester, Job D. Red man, Robert Sutherland, Joseph Williams. Ttventy-sevenih Kentucky Volunteer Infantry. BY COIj. JOHN H. WAKD. Before Kentucky as a state had called for any soldiers to sustain the Union cause, and perhaps before there was more than one organized regiment at Camp Dick Robin son on Kentucky soil, Maj. W. T. Ward, Edward H. Hob son and John H. Ward visited that camp. The night they arrived. Gen. Nelson (then the trusted agent of President Lincoln) sent for Maj. Ward, whom he knew as a former soldier in the war with Mexico. The next day Maj. Ward went to Washington city, and was commissioned as a brigadier-general of volunteers, and given authority to Twenty-seventh Kentucky Infantry. 553 raise three regiments of infantry. About the 20th of Sep tember, 1861, he opened camp for recruits at Greensburg, Ky., Avdthin 21 miles of Gen. Buckner's rebel forces at Munfordville, with whom he had many encounters, losing meu in killed, wounded and prisoners before we had a regimental organization and often before the company to which the men were attached had been organized. Many of our recruits came from inside the rebel lii\es, or very near to them, and had to fight on the way to camp. We had no arms except our private ones, and a few Home Guard muskets. We had no countenance from the state, as the governor (Magoffin) was in sympathy with the South, and no money except what we furnished from our own means, and they very limited. The men being with out money wanted to leave one small month's pay with their families. So we furnished that much to each recruit as long as we could, thus getting twenty or thirty men for a com pany, and forming a nucleus. We had no quartermaster nor commissary stores except what we gathered from the country, and for which we gave receipts to the people. I do not see how troops could have greater difficulties to en counter; certainly the men behaved as well as men could under the circumstances. Afterward, when the military commission was formed, and attempted to furnish some things to us, we thought ourselves well off by contrast. And as recruits were brought in, those who were in camp, and had left the fl3.00 of first month's pay with their needy families and received another month's pay for ser vices, would loan it to their offlcers to be advanced to other recruits when they came in too fast for the small sums furnished by the military commission for that pur- p'ose. Here was tried and true patriotism that people and soldiers outside the border states knew nothing about. Under these difficulties, with the name of Gen. Ward to assist, Lieut. Col. John H. Ward and Maj. James Carlisle recruited from the counties of Casey, Green, Taylor, Hart and Nelson, flve companies. Col. C. D. Pennebaker Avith the aid of Col. Alfred Allen, and Mr. Larkin Proctor, re cruited five other companies in Hardin, Grayson, Breckin ridge and Meade counties, and also a few men were sent to us from about Covington; some of them coming from Madisonville, Ohio. It will be observed that this regi ment had only nine companies in service. This will illus trate some of its difficulties. Capt Lawrence H. Rousseau had written authority from Col. Ward to recruit a com pany for this regiment; he did so, and reported for orders and was ordered to come into camp, and perhaps started 554 Union Regimenti of Kentiwky. to do so. But about that time Gen. Zollicoffer entered Eastern Kentucky, with a rebel army, and Capt. Rousseau found it easier to reach Col. Hoskins' camp then recruiting the 12th Ky. Infantry. He went there and served with him during that crisis. Col. Hoskins wished fo retain him. Col. Ward appealed to Gen. Sherman, then in com mand of the District of Kentucky, and the general said: "You are entitled to the company, but d — n it, neither of you shall have it," yet the company remained with Col. Hoskins and became Company C of the 12th Ky, In fantry.* The 27th Ky., rendezvoused at Elizabethtown, Ky., then went into camp at Grayson Springs, for most of the winter, '61-'62; part of it was with Gen. Mitchell's forces when Bowling Green was occupied in the spring of 1862. Then it Avas camped for a time at Mud River Lock on Green river, and went from there to the field of Shiloh, arriving after the battle and assisting in removing the dead. It was attached to the brigade of Gen. W. B. Hazen in Gen. Nelson's division. We had our first bri gade drills on the field of Shil6h, with blood dried in pools in many places and after a rain emitting an unpleasant odor. W^e were with Gen. Nelson's division when it oc cupied Corinth. Then to luka and Rienzi, Miss., and to Tuscumbia and Florence and Athens, Ala. And on the march of Buell's army to Louisville, Ky., in the summer of 1862. In September, pursued Bragg out of the state by way of London, Ky. We were at the battle of Perry ville with Gen. Crittenden's forces, but only engaged in skirmishing as the fight was to our left. After Bragg's retreat, we returned with Buell to the south, via Glasgow, Ky., and Gallatin, Tenn., and with the army to Stone's river. We were sent from here back to Munfordville, Ky., to recruit and were engaged in fights about that * While the 27th was being organized, a call was made for 32 picked men to go on a scout from Greensburg, Ky., October 10, 1861, they were armed with new Enfield rifles and mounted. They started at 4 p. m. After crossing Green river, the company proceeded into Hart county. Being fired on by a picket, they dismounted and went forward. They soon heard the coraraand "halt." In the dairkness the men formed in line and cocked their muskets. Instantly a flre -was poured Into them from a force of about fifty men concealed -along the fence, not four yards away. Tora Burch was killed, Capt. Sinlth Taylor mortally wounded, six others were wounded. There was but the one volley, when both sides retreated. Among the wounded was L. P. N. Lan drum, who received six balls in his body, and was left for dead. He slowly recovered, however, and, though crippled from his wounds, he became one of the leading tobacco merchants of Louisville. The incident is known as the "Cy. Hutchinson affair," and is men tioned to iUustrate the fact that the Kentucky sodlers, even before or ganization Into their regiments, were actively employed against the enemy. Twenty-seventh Kentucky Infantry. 555 place. In September, IS'63, we were mounted and sent to join Burnside iu East Tennessee. Col. Ward command ing the regiment and Col. Pennebaker the brigade. September 25th we joined Gen. Manson at Glasgow, Ky., from whence the march was through (Cumberland county, Ky., crossing the Cumberland river at Neelies' Ferry; thence through Albany, Ky., into Fentress county, Tenn. On the 4th of October we crossed Clinch river, and marched to the city of Knoxville. October Tth we passed through Knoxville and went up the Tennessee Valley as far as Rutledge. From thence we moved rapidly back through Knoxville to Loudon, on the south side of Tennessee river. Our cavalry forces had been repulsed the previous day at Philadelphia. The 27th joined them and other mounted infantry in another attack on that place, and found there a strong force of infantry and artillery, and could make no impression upon them. Next day all our forces were ordered to cross the Ten nessee river and fall back upon Knoxville. On the march, the 27th was ordered to go about three miles east of the main command to Leiper's Ferry, where we were to recross to the south side of the river and hold the enemy in check on that side, and slowly fall back to Knoxville. Arriving at the ferry, I found a small boat, capable of. carrying only twelve men and horses. I re ported this by courier, and that the regiment could not be gotten over that night. I put over Company D, while awaiting the courier's return. I then received orders to leave Company D on that side, and let it hold out as skirmishers as long as it could, aud to hasten to Knox ville, cross there on the pontoon bridge, and come down to join it. We started at once, but had gone only a short dis tance when a courier from the ferry informed me that Company D had been attacked by a heavy force and would be captured unless reinforced. We returned as fast as our horses could go, dis mounted, and were soon firing across the river and had anbther company under the bank on the south side as quickly as the small boat and a canoe could carry them over, then another company, and then to show our severely pressed men that we were all coming, if neces sary, I sent Company C with the colors, under Capt. Baily — acting as major — and Adjt. J. B. Speed, with orders for Baily with Company C to charge a hill to their left from which the enemy kept up a fire upon us as we crossed in the boats. Thinking they were skirmishers, we expected to drive them away. 556 Union Reginients of Kentucky. Company C was quickly on the hill, but just over the crest, in place of a skirmish line they found a rebel regi ment. The company was driven back to the river bank where the other /two companies lay, with their flanks pro tected by the regiment's fire across the stream upon any enemy that might try to reach them by approaching up or down stream under the bluff banks. It had now begun raining steadily, was cold, and the boat, in taking the last company over, had broken an oar, so there was no retreat. Col. Ward crossed in a canoe, and as he gained the south bank, a force of mounted men, wearing blue over coats, came down the road. Lieut. Roff and Adjt. Speed, feeling sure it was Company D joining us, rushed toward them throwing up their caps and cheering, when they were startled by an order to surrender. They did not do so, but lost no time in joining us under the river bank. There were two regiments of rebels in front of us, aud from the firing on the wooded cliff below us and not one- eighth of a mile off, there was another, no doubt. Our situation was desperate — ^three companies fronting three regiments, a cold rain falling, the river full, not enough ammunition, and the oar to our only boat broken, and no known means to make another. We believed we were doomed; luckily, the small stream meandering through the meadow in front of us was overflowing, and no line of battle could form across it. The enemy eould only charge us in column. They tried that three .times, but our aim was too good, and thely had to give it up. Yet, the forces on'the hills above and below could see how few had crossed, and, as soon as dark gave them cover, they would doubtless charge and overpower us. The flag must be saved, but the boat with the broken oar was on the opposite side of the rapid and cold stream — could any man swim it without taking cramp and drowning? It was more than doubtful. The color-bearer, Sergt. Jno. T. Defevers, was fully informed, and agreed to try to save the colors as soon as it was dark, as then we expected the attack, and be might hope to escape the enemy's shots as he swam over. He tied the flag to two rails, so it would float even if he sank and at dark, at the word, moved, into the cold water, with many chances against hiiui reaching the other side. _ We waited in silence for the charge that must overpower us; soon we heard our brave color sergeant nearing the other bank — and all right — for he was curs ing the boatman for not getting some sort of an oar and coming back to us. Soon the boat came, and the canoe. These could not take us all; if the enemy heard part leav ing, those left were certain to be killed or made prisoners. Twenty-seventh Kentudcy Infantry. 557 Col. Ward ordered Adjt. Speed to ask for eight men to volunteer from each of the three companies to remain with the colonel as a body guard while the rest were taken over. The men to recross the river, as they left the line, were to leave every cartridge with the twenty-four volun teers, as they would need it all, and more. Arrange ments were soon made, the men were silently in the boat and canoe. In a whispfer Col. Ward said: "Adjutant, send back for us at once." Speed said: "Colonel, I am not going to leave you." The colonel replied: "Do you then refuse to obey orders?" "No,." said the adjutant, "but in giving orders these twenty-four men who have volunteered to stay with you, if you raise your voice, so they can hear, the enemy will also hear and they will charge; and you will all be killed or captured. We can save them if the boat can return in time. I will go to one end of the line, and you to the other, and we will leave the- center to the last — it is their only hope." The colonel said: "There is no time to discuss, take your place, and do as you have said." The boats were gone, and the orders were for each man left to fire at any flash of an enemy's gun. We had spared our shots during the day; now twenty-four shots rang out every time one came from the enemy — they thought we were being reinforced and did not charge us. The boat and canoe retumed, and soon we had the river between us and the enemy, with a loss of seven men prisoners in Company C's hill charge. But our horses had been moved, we could not find them, and it constantly grew colder. Wet, and without food, we were nearly frozen before we could get fires, and daylight was welcome indeed when it came, and we fell back toward Knoxville. As we fell back, however, we had to fight an overwhelming force. In these fights, through three days, we suffered severe loss. In one of them Gen. Sanders, commanding the cavalry, fell, and a most valuable officer was lost to our army. Again the 27th, with Wolford's division of cavalry was sent to the south side of the river, and this regiment with the 1st Ky. Cavalry, the 12th Ky. Cavalry and artil lery, occupied the southeastern fort of the line of forts around Knoxville. This fort was known during the siege as Port Ward, for Col. Ward, who was in command of it and here his regiment with other troops and artillery sus tained a charge, the same morning that the rebels met with the famous defeat at the fort just across the river known afterward as Fort Sanders. After the siege, where nearly all of our horses were starved to death, we moved after Longstreet to Bean's Station, East Tennessee, where 558 Union Regiinents of Kentucky. the 27th Ky. Infantry was placed in reserve in the large brick building which had been a hotel, at the crossroads. Gen. Jas. M. Shackelford's cavalry had been pressing Longstreet's cavalry and had a sharp engagement about dark, and it was plain that we should have more fight:ing next day. Our cavalry was formed and moved forward soon after sunrise, but in place of encountering cavalry as we had expected, we found infantry and artillery in our front, and it was evident that we had more than we could manage. Our line first gave way on our extreme right when Col. Ward was ordered to send five companies to re- enforce it, but there was no withstanding the force in our front ; our line was slowly but steadily forced back. After keeping up the fight until in the afternoon, our whole line that had been a fourth of a mile in front of the hotel was driven past it, and the four companies of the 27th Ky. were left much in advance of all our other forces between the two armies. Asectionof our artillery was on an eminence to our I ear a short distance, and held the rebel lines in check for sometime, until the rebels placed three sections of ar tillery so that they could concentrate a fire on the position it held, when it too was forced to retire. Por some time the four companies were alone in front of Longstreet's army; yet they received no orders to retreat. They had not fired a shot and no shots had been fired into the building. Soon a regiment with colors flying passed about two hundred y^rds in front of the hotel. The walls had been pierced with loop holes and the men and offlcers all placed in position. A few shots were exchanged be tween this regiment and the four companies of the 27th; and then we could see a second regiment with the rebel colors passing to our left, and yet a third regiment with colors and in fine order moving directly upon our front. This third regiment made a flne appearance as there was no obstruction between it and the hotel except a frame building about one hundred yards nearer it, and in which was Co. A, of the 27th Ky., which was ordered to fire tbe building when forced to leave it. Col. Ward saw that the object was for the regiment in his front to engage him, while the other two should join in his rear and cut off his retreat; this was understood by the officers and men also. And while there appeared small chance to escape, the com panies could not leave without orders or overpowering force. The regiment in front of the four companies of the 27th advanced and the artillery in our rear opened upon it, and twice knocked down its colors, yet they were upheld almost instantly. As this regiment came within about two hundred yards and laid down, evidently to Twerdij-seventh Kentucky Infantry. 559 avoid artillery fire, and to rest for the final rush on the hotel, Col. Ward ordered his men to place their sights at two hundred yards and try a shot or two at them, to see whether that was the proper position for the sights. It was, and these few shots called the attention of the rebel artillery to the fact that their enemy yet held the hotel, and soon the three sections were sending shells through the building. Our artillery had already been driven from its position. About the same time the regiment in our front arose and charged down upon us, and for some thirty minutes perhaps, the men in that old brick hotel with a tin roof were in the midst of as much noise as could be imagined. The rebel cannon flrst shot too high and knocked the upper walls and chimney over on to the roof, but soon they got our range, and sent shells through and through the rooms occupied by us, which bursting in and about the building, with out rifles cracking con stantly, and the rebel regiment, then in or behind a long- stable just across the road, pouring a flre into us, made as hot a time as could well be. After severe loss, in killed and wounded, Capt Baily of Company C, said to Col. Ward: "I think we should re treat, no one can expect you to hold this position longer under the circumstances." Col. Ward, replied : "It looks captain, as though our force was surprised by meeting infantry and artillery in place of cavalry and it may be we are left here to be captured while the other forces escape, like a tub is sometimes thrown to a whale." Capt. Baily said: "We are certainly cut off, so we can get no orders to retreat, and I think you owe it to our men to use your own judgment and not let them be sacrificed." The colonel replied: "It may be you are right, we will hold out fifteen minutes longer, and then if no order comes, I will act on my own judgment." The time passed and the men were sent out in the dusk from the side door of the hotel, and told to rally at a certain ravine. They were so few, that the rebels who saw them thought they were only those who were skulking and did not fire, until Col. Ward and Adjt. Speed on horseback followed, when they opened fire on them, but it was getting so dark no damage was done. A regiment of Michigan cavalry had been sent with orders for Col. Ward to retreat, but it came in contact with one of the rebel regiments that passed his flank, and in the dusk and bushes they were each cautious, and their fighting gave Col. Ward and his four com panies time to pass before the gap closed, that would have made him and them prisoners. After this the 27th marched on foot to Cumberland Gap, and then into Lee 560 Union Regiments of Kentucky. county Va., where they camped for a time, and then were ordered to Mt. Sterling, Ky., to be remounted. After re;aching there Col. Ward, who did not like the mounted service, got an order sending him to join Sherman's army then beginning its advance upon Atlanta. The regiment joined the army at Pumpkin Vine creek, Ga., and was with it in its almost continued battle from there until the fall of Atlanta, being in Strickland's brigade, Has call's division, 23d Army Corps. After the fall of Atlanta, as the 27th Ky. had al ready served over three years, it was sent back to Owens boro, Ky., to drive out the guerrillas in that part of the state, and reduce the country to order. The regiment here won a fine name for discipline and order even from the most decided rebels, and it was probably as well dis ciplined as any volunteer regiment in the Union army. Col. Ward, though starting as lieutenant-colonel after Ool. Pennebaker resigned, was commissioned colonel, but was not mustered as such, as the orders then required a regi ment to contain eight hundred men before it could have a colonel mustered. The reports show that the 27th was in all the engagements of the 23d Corps during the months of May, June, July and August, participating in the fight ing at Pumpkin Vine creek, Dallas, Kennesaw, and many other places. Crossing the Chattahoochee, we were in the battles around Atlanta. The loss of the regiment in the campaign was sixty-six killed and wounded. The men who composed the 27th Ky. were young, many of them minors. They were from the country dis tricts of Green rlA'-er, and unfamiliar with everything mili tary. Yet they were hardy and active, used to horseback riding and handling the rifle. There is a popular opinion that city boys are the best material for soldiers, but they could not be better than that composing this regiment. Within a year from enlistment the men were ready for any duty, and were as flne a body of soldiers as could be found in the service, patient under discipline, cheerfully enduring fatigue and exposure and exhibiting every where a bravery that was superb. The foregoing is the tribute of Col. Ward to his men. The writer of these sketches will add that the efficiency of the regiment was largely due to the excellence of its offlcers. Under the lead of Cols. Penne baker a>nd Ward, it could not fail to become a. splendid organization. Col. Ward's continuous presence with the men was unusual. The regi ment was never under fire, nor drilled as a battalion that Col. Ward was not in command, and a raore gallant officer conld not be found. Since the war he has shown the excellent qualities he displayed as a soldier. The adjutant of the regiment was James B. Speed, then and ¦ now a resident of Louisville. Though he was then-'under twenty years ¦of age; he showed his efficiency as an offlcer, and gave evidence of the strong characteristics of his later manhood, which have placed him at the head of the business men of Louisville. Twenty-seventh Kentucky Infantry. 561 Field and Staff. COLONEL— Charles D. Pennebaker. LIEUT. COL.— John H. Ward. MAJORS — John_Carllsle, Samuel J. Coyne, Alexander Magruder. AD JUTANTS— Dkniel S. AVaggener, James B. Speed. QUARTERMASTER —Thomas R. McBeath. SURGEON— Robert L. Heston. ASST. SUR GEONS— Thomas Sanders, Robeift Dinwiddle. CHAPLAIN— Robert S. Gardner. SERT. MAJS. — Benjamin P. Pumphrey, John W. Jennings, William H. H. Taylor. Q. M. SERGT.— Willard Dewey. COM. SER GEANTS— John P. Givan, David Gibson. HOSP. STEWARDS— Gait W. Booth, Rezln D. Overstreet. Company "A." CAPTAINS— Anderson Gray, WUliam W. Brady. 1st LIEUTS.— Thomas R. McBeath, Benj. W. Cleaver. 2d LIEUT.— Robert V. Sands. SERGTS.— George A. Pearl, WiUiam C. McGrew, Joseph Ashley, Jeptha V. Nichols, Jdhn P. GoUaday, Sylvester Milner, James W. Hackley, James R. Dunn, John W. Parrish. OORPLS. — ^Samuel Brunk, James W. Sands, John W. Stone, Liggln W. Kinkead, Franklin Montgomery, Isaac Armstrong, Moses Stone, Andrew J. Saleman, Clelland Beatty, James H. Gray. WAGONER— Henry P. Beatty. PRIVATES— MUes Ashley, Squire Ashley, Jefferson G. Baker, James Burrls, Albert Brunk, Edmund C. Baker, Francis A. Burkhead, John W. Burkhead, Edmund S. Bryan, Benjarain Cahill, WlUIam S. Carnes, Francis M. Cook, Andrew J. Cook, Charles A. Clark, James Carter, Ell Carter, Otis Coats, John R. Durbln, Richard Duvall, John M. Duvall, Edmund Decker, WUliam H. Decker, John Drury, James M. DeWltt, Josiah Dennison, Uriah P. Fulkerson, William Praise, John R. Praise, James Ford, Isaac Fulkerson, William M. Fulkerson, John W. Gray, Joseph Gibson, Alexander Gaither, WUey Gaither, James H. Grayson, George W. Henderson, James J. Harris, RUey Hatfield, Wm. AV. Horn back, Lewis Hays, Wm. . Hackitt, John U. Higdon, John T. Higdon, WUUam C. Henderson, David Horn, Elijah Kelly, Solomon Kesslnger, JosIaJh Kessenger, John M. Lltsey, James Lock, WUliam Minton, Alex ander Minton, Anderson Minton, John Mudd, Henry P. Minton, Wm. C. Miller, Theordore A. McClure, WlUIam B. Nichols, Jaraes H. Nichols, C. A. Nichols, Wm. D. Nichols, Patrick O'Shain, George Oiler, James R. O'Brien, John, A. O'Brien, Wm. P. O'Conner, George H. Pearl, Buckner P. Pool, Williara Parker, James H. Ray, WUliam Scott, John W. Sutton, Harrison Slinker, William Sanders, Charles Scott, George T. Thomas son, Ira C. Wlnchel, AVUliam Whoberry, Ansel Whoberry, Isaac Willis, Barton Witten, Hiram Witten. Company "B." CAPTAINS— Lucian K. Cox, Thomas S. Hiner, Alanson M. Pulllam. 1st LIEUT.— Aaron Norton. 2d LIEUT.— Obediah Bassham. SERGTS. — ^WUliam D. Given, Samuel H. Payne, Benj. Macy, Thoraas Nevitt, Isaac J. Lewis, John A. Blanford, Charles L. Weatherford, John F. Givan, Barkstell S. Meador. CORPLS.— John P. Stinnett, Micajah H. Robins, Walter Jarboe, Adara Smith, Isaiah Dalton,, Sarauel Gilbert, Thos. H. Payne, John W. Aldridge, Sanford P. MUner. WAGONER- Thoraas P. GoUaday. PRIVATES — Simeon B. Armes, AVUliam Mc. Arra'es, Daniel Armes, Micajah Armes, Alfred Allen, Samuel Aldridge, Henry S. Aldridge, Elisha H. Brumfield, Minoah S. Basham, Elijah C. Basham, CampbeU Brown, William Bennington, John Burnett, Charles W. Chancellor, John R. Cravens, William A. Crews, Pius A. Coomes, Anslem Davidson, Thomas Dowell, William Farmer, WUliam S. Galloway, Gregory Gallo way, Jesse B. Gaddis, Daniel B. Hufflnes, Philo Hufflnes, John J. Hall, WiUiam P. Hall, William H. Hall, John H. Kennedy, Wra. A. Lampton, Augustin Lewis, Peter Lasley, Bartlett MUam, Charles A. MUam, Will iam A. Milam, Henry Milam, Obediah H. Milam, William Meador, John McNulty, Aaron Norton, Jeremiah M. Norton, John Nevitt, John J. 86 562 Unimi Regiments of Kentucky. > Nevitt, Samuel M. Priest, William E. Priest, George C. Paul, Lloyd W. Payne, Joel E. Payne, Thos. P. Robins, George Robertson, Wm. O. Richardson, Jacob Smith, John E. Sample, WUUam P. StlUwell, John M. Seeley, James Tucker, Littleberry Tate, John R. Tucker, Elijah B. Tucker, John H. Tabling, Allen Tucker, Richard S. Thompson, Clinton D. Wale, John C, Wheatly, Company "C." CAPTAIN— Andrew J. Bailey. 1st LIEUTS.— John AV. MoWharter, James W. Defevers. 2d LIEUTS.-Edmund R. Goode, James A. Pig gett. SERGTS.— SUas L. Vance, Robert J. Stayton, George W. Lyons, John T. Defevers^ Christopher Wilklnsoh, Charles H. Monday, Wm. T. Weatherington, William. R. Powell, Richard M. Simpson. CORPLS.— Elijah T. Stayton, William H. Mills, James A. Gardner, Bazal Weather ington, Robert A. Goode, James H. Monday, Alexander C. Martin, John C. Cundiff, Matthew Weatherington, James H. AVeatherington. WA GONER— Lewis Davis. PRIVATES — Levi Bryant, David Bryant, Junius C. Bryant,* George B. Barlow, James Bottoms, Jacob. BeU, Felix Brooks, James Brown, Thompson Blankenship, James H. Clemmons, Matthew Clemmons, Bur nett H. Chism, John W. Coffey, Christopher Coffey, Walker Cox, Nath- anltel Davis, Isaac P. Dennison, Jesse U. Dennison, John M. Dennison, Samuel P. Dennison, WUUam H. Dennison, Wra. Devour, George W. Earles, George W. Goode, John Griffin, Elijah Gilpin, David Harvey, Jesse Harvey, Nirarod Hatfield, Bernard M. Harben, AVUliam Hovons, James M. Hubbard, James Hovins, Urban G. Hendrickson, Andrew Jacobs, James Jacobs, Alpha Jacobs, John W. Jones, Jaraes W. Jones, James W. Lancaster, George W. IVlarple, Williara O. Mann, Benjamin MUes, Stephen C. Puckett, George Rogers, John Ross, Isaac Roten, George A. Sanders, Joshua B. Tucker, Spotswood Tucker, WUliam H. Thompson, Elza Weatherington, Thomas Weatherington, Jas. P. Weatherington, Plus .W'eatherlngton, Achiles Weatherington, Urban W. Weatherington, Thos. J. Weatherington, Jp-seph Weatherington, Leo. O. Weatherington, Green R. Weatherington, William R. Weatherington, Raymond Ward, John W. White, George Woodrum, Thomas J. Wheeler. Company '-'D." CAPTAINS— Samuel J. Coyne, George Hammers. 1st LIEUT.— Peterson Roff. 2d LIEUT.— John AV. S. Smith. SERGTS.- Martin Douthitt, John P. O. Schnepel, Charles M. Schaffer, John P. Simms, Isaac Lyons, Frederick M. Hogan, Rldhard A. S. Barger. CORPLS.— Robert T. Maysey, John J. Kllppert, G. W. Reynolds, Patrick Adkins, John R. Hawkins, John Young, Jr., William M. Eskridge, Johnson Stilei, William L. West, Stephen Rollins, Charles C. Rollins. MUSI CIAN— James A. Smith. WAGONERS— John T. Starr, John W. Noble. PRIVATES— Andrew J. Agnew, WUliam D. Agnew, Bartlett Adkins, Marshall Angel, David P. Barnes, Robert E. Black, Nelson Bell, Micajah Bennett, Charles Burrlss, Noah Burrlss, Harrison Brown, Ezra Bell, David H. Cunningham, Thomas Chambers, John Charabers, Jackson Carroll, Benjamin H. Canary, Lucian S. Clark, Marion W. Conner, Will iam H. Casey, Holla Clarke, Samuel P. Derbin, James Donald, Ell Dunn, Andrew S. Farmer, James A. Farmer, William L. Foot, John Hanks, William Hanks, James Haycraft, William J. Hawkins, WilUam H. Hicks, Samuel A. Hloks, John Jarboe, Thomas J. Kelm, Stanley S. Keim, John Kelm, John Lewis, Joshua Livingston, Morris Logan, Reuben E. Livers, PhUIp McWoodruff, Samuel McAfee, James McLary, George W. McKaughan, WUliam A. Mitchell, John Nix, Sarauel Noble, William S. Overton, Isaac Pullln, George W. Pleasant, William J. Pecklnpaugh, • James H. Pecklnpaugh, Martin W. RoUins, Henry E. Sims, Alfred N. Starr, Benjamin H. Starr, Micajah B. Stith, Squire W. Troutman, SHaa M. Taber, Frederick Tinnis, John Vandegriff, Samuel P. Wilson, Will iara M. Young, Davis T. Young, Martin V. Young. Twenty-seventh Kentucky Infantry. 563 I Company " E." CAPTAINS-^ohn R. Robinson, John R. Fisher; Thomas T. Fisher. 1st LIEUTS.— Benjamin A. Rice, Robert D. WUllan. 2d LIEUTS.— Daniel B. Waggener, Alexander Shlveley. SERGTS.— Benjamin - P. Douglass, Hardy U. Jaggers, Charles Taylor, May M. Hall, James A. Culberson, James H. McCubbins. CORPLS.— Rezen D. Overstreet, Sr., Fleming S. Benningfield, William J. Sullivan, Francis M. Taylor, WiU-^ iam H. Kertly, John S. Seay, WiUiam J. Hall, William H. Smith. PRIVATES— Andrew J. Avery, John S. Benningfield, William Ben nett, Samuel S. Bennett, John T. Bergen, Julius P. Boston, Paul C. Bowles, Joseph S. Cassedy, WiUiam A. Colvin, James Durham, WUliam Durham, Thomas Eaten, David Elkln, Robert W. Estes, David Gibson, William Green, George Green, George W. Godby, James L. Horton, Will iam T. Horton, Oscar P. Horton, WUliam Harrison, Samuel Hodges, John Ireland, Andrew J. Jones, George W. Jones, WUUam Jones, Robert L. Kerr, WUliam C. Kerr, William Lambert, John R. Lobb, George W. Mears, William J. Moore, Dudley Middleton, Martin L. Mitchell, Henry Mason, John J. Martin, Samuel B. McCubbins, George T. McCubbins, John S. Newcomb, Matthew T. Newcomb, James' Over- street, Razin Overstreet, Jr., WIUIs Prewett, James P. Prewitt, William Pointer,' James H. Pointer, William T. Puryear, Dandridge Poor, Charles W. Poor, Samuel A. Philips, James K. Philpot, Daniel T. Reynolds, Thomas Reynolds, James M. Rlchison, Randolph W. Rice, Albert G. Smith, David J. Sraith, John R. Sraith, Benjamin S. Smith, Williara W. Smith, James M. Smith, Jaraes F. Skaggs, Bird W. H. Skaggs, Alfred S. Skaggs, George W. Sexton, Rodolph C. Thorp, Thomas B. Witherspoon, George W. Wheat, Booker Wheat, John W. Whitley, William Whitman, John Wright, Gustavus Wallace. Company " F." CAPTAIN— Henry B. Grant. 1st LIEUTS.— John H. Adams, RUey W^ilson, Daniel B. Goode, John W. Taylor. SERGTS.-John L. Notting ham, Hardin P. Judd, Thomas F. Lucas, Edward F. Smiley, Green B. Payne, Thomas M. Basham. CORPLS. — Jonathan G. Cocke, James M. Lockard, Samuel T. Smith, AVIUlara F. Nottingham, William Richard son, James Givens, Henry T. Blantford, Jdhn SmUey. MUSICIAN— John Carman. WAGONER — Greenberry Robinson. PRIVATES— Berry S., Armes, James Armes, Williara Blair, Charles Blair, Adara Brewster, John T. Brown, James L. Brown, William Butler, Ewing Burks, Williara Carman, >ElIjah Carman, Christopher C. Carman, Hardin Carman, Frazier Carman, Ralph M. Crurae, Edward L. Clark, Ralph Clark, Robert Clark, Jaraes W. Clements, Thom'as Curley, Jaraes Dunn, Felix Dowell, Jackson Davidson, Levi Elliott, John W. Banes, Samuel Farrow, Felix Galloway, Philip Greenwell, Jo'hn Greenwell, Berry Greenwell, Michael Haney, James Howard, John Horsley, Stephen Horsley, George W. Hiter, John M. Hay, Joseph W. Hudson, Joseph Hudson, George M. Johnson, Warden Kinnison, Ben. H. Lucas, Benja min Lucas, Charles Lucas, Jr., Richard Z. Lucas, William Lucas, Joseph Lucas, Edward Lucas, John W. Moore, James P. Mattingly, Allen Not tinghara, Anthony Prewitt, Presley P. Paul, Daniel Preston, Edward P. Paul, Isaiah PuUiam, Edward Quiggins, William C. Quigglns, Thomas Roney, Sarauel B. Robinson, Henry T. Smith, George H. Smiley, Thos. C. P. Slpes, Williara P. Tucker, Thoraas W. Tucker, Ira Wilson, Robert Wilson, Wilson T. WUson, Roland Wilson, David H. Wilson, Reuben M. Whitacker, Peter M. AVlnnings, Richard Woodson. Company "G." CAPTAINS— Harvey W. Sutton, James Griffin. 1st LIEUTS.— Will iam Wilson, Henry H. Dldway. SERGTS.— Charles A. Dean, Robert Barbour, Joseph Rogers, Asaph A. Quigley, James Dougherty, David Edinger, Johnson W. Glover, Angus L. Martin, William Ammerman, Robert Munroe. CORPLS. — Joseph Walthall, Erastus Goodrich, Will iam R. Arnold. PRIVATES— Joseph Anderson, Jacob Anderson, William H. Ander- 564 Union Regiments of Kentucky. son, Jacob Adams, John C. Ashe, Thomas Anthony George Bechtold, John T. Bergen Robert Buchanan, James A. Crist, Benjamin P. Casey, John C. Casey, James E. Christy, John H. Cooper, William J. Cooper, Ashbill B. Carle, Thompson Copen, Bartlett Copen, George W. Copen, James Dearnon, Morton B. Plnck, Gustave Grelsenbroker, John Gear- hart, Frederick Gearhart, Samuel Gloar, G. T. Galllon, Charles Hartzog, Albert Huebner, George Harper, Harvey Hopkins, Jasper Hutchins, Christopher Hartman, Luther C. High, Simeon Helms, Henry B. Hodges, James J. Johnson, John Jones, Lewis Kurtz, John Krout, Andrew Knight, Edward D. Kemp, W. H. Lockwood, Ferdinand Llmback, Asa Lewis, James E. London, Thos. W. Ludington, John Middleton, John Marshall, Peter Mills, Patrick Marcey, Henry Mason, George T. McKee, John P. McDonald, John Noll, John Owens, William R. Owens, Robert S. Owens, John O'Rourk, James O'Rourke, Edmine O'Neil, Roderick Philips, John T. Rose, John Rose, John J. Spencer, Jacob P. Stewart, Frederick R. Smith, George Snyder, William H. Stark, John Stlner, Thomas T. Skel ton, Western P. Tucker, John W. Thompson, Abram White, John WUlls, Isaac Works. Company "H." CAPTAINS— Albert B. Ragsdale, Beekwlth Bealmear. 1st LIEUT.— John W. Jennings. 2d LIEUTS.— George W. Williams, Basil B. Sum mers. SERGTS.- William H. Aubrey, Charles H. Jupin, Robert P. Craddock, Augustus P. Kurtz, George W. Dunoan, Richard Hopkins. CORPLS.— James B. Overall, Ephraira W. Standiford, Josiah HaU. Henry L. Tucker, Wllltam G. Thomas, Benjamin P. Barnes, William T. Smith, Williara P. Perry, William H. H. Taylor, William Neff, Green berry Shehan, Albert C. Taylor. WAGONER— Thom'as Marlow. PRIVATES — Sarauel Anderson, James Anderson, Robert W. Barnes, A. H. Boles, James H. Bingham, James Bates, William J. Consley, John Oasteel, Jaraes Carapbell, Thomas J. Caswell, William P. Daugherty, Gabriel R. Daugherty, Thomas Doudle, Joseph Davis, Willard Dewey, John O. Edwards, John Fenwick, Greenberry Gilbert, James E. Gray, William D. Gildersleve, James W. Huhbard, Charles Hopkins, Samuel A. Hardin, Thomas G. Holloway, Joseph Hale, WUliam S. Jordan, James Kendle, Andrew Long, Andrew J. LUe, Harrison Logsden, Joseph Logs den, Caffrey Martin, James L. Martin, Finlus C. Mann, John W. Pointer, Pleasant C. Priddy, WUUara Price, Benj. P. Pumphrey, i James A. Pointer, Oliver Riley, Wm. B. Rogers, Alfred B. Thomas, Isaac Thomas, Henry C. Thomas, David Thurman, Benjamin P. Whitlock, John E. Wooldridge, Jesse A. Wilson, George D. Winston, Brice S. Whitlock, John K. West, John A. Whitlock. Company t'K" CAPTAINS— WUliam P. Hervey, Benjamin F. Pumphrey, E. W. Frank. 1st LIEUT.- Samuel H, Haynes. 2d LIEUTS.— William B. White, Joseph S. Higdon. SERGTS.— Stephen D. Babbett, Andrew J. Oiler, George W. Kinkald, Willis Frank, James D. Kiper. CORPLS. — WiUls C. Houohlns, Joseph B. Sullivan, Stephen Frank, John Downs. MUSICIANS— Robert Scott, John Laslle. PRIVATES— Ancel Allen, Iredel D. Buckles, WUliam H. Coats, Ohiarles Cox, WUUam Cox, Nelson Cox, Pearson W. Clifford, Edmund Day, Harvey Decker, Squire J. Decker, Jacob Edwards, WUliam A. Ed wards, WUUara Praira, Jaraes P. Plemmon, Benjarain Glass, Jacob Glass, Benjamin F. Glass, Jesse Glass, Henry Glass, Mqses Hatfield, Jonathan Hicks, William M. Higgs, Isaac Hays, Sr., Isaac Hays, Jr., John Irvine, Pranols M. Jones, Samuel Klper, William Kiper, William Kirby, William Kinser, Alexander Meredith, John R. Meredith, Stroud Meredith, Thomas Meredith, Abraham Meredith, Sanford P. Pool, James Round- tree, William Smoot, Hardin Stevenson, Dorsey B. Stone, John Sailing, Isaac Schall, Charles WUlhelm, John WUlhelm, Jr., Joseph WUlis, James M. Williams, Preston Wllllaras, John WUlhelm, Sr., Joseph Wilson, James Wilson, Peter Wilson, Thomas WiUis. Twenty-eighth Kentucky Infantry. 565 Tiventy-eighth Kentucky Infantry. The 28th Ky. Infantry was recruited and organized at Louisville, Ky., by Col. Wm. P. Boone. The flrst recruit ing that was done at Louisville was for companies of home guards. Some of these companies went into Camp Joe Holt across the river, while others remained in Louis ville, and did not go into the United States service until the days of neutrality were passed. Col. Boone had been very active during the spring and early summer of 1861 organizing companies of guards under the authority of the City of Louisville. By an ordinance of the city coun cil a regiment of these guards was raised and drilled as early as 1861. Ool. Boone commanded the companies belonging to the west end and Col. Curran Pope com manded those in the east end. Many men from these companies went over to Camp Joe Holt, and were there when the Confederates, under Gen. Buckner, came into the state in Septembei" and threatened Louisville. Gen. Rousseau led the companies from Camp Joe Holt, Louis ville, to Muldraugh's Hill, where they remained several days, and then returned in September. Upon the return of the Home Guards from Mul draugh's Hill in September, 1861, Col. Wm. P. Boone, then a member of the legislature from Louisville, having been elected in August, and who had been active in organizing the Home Guards, was authorized to raise a regiment for the United States service. Nearly the whole of six or seven of the Home Guard companies promptly enlisted under him, and others joining with them, the 28th regi ment of Ky. Vol. Infantry was formed. Associated with Col. Boone was Lieut Ool, A. Y. Johnson, of Louisville, and J. Rowan Boone, son of the colonel, a young man of great spirit, who subsequently commanded the regiment. About the 1st of October, Col. Boone obtained tents and went into camp at Shepherdsville. In December, the regiment went to New Haven. In the year 1862 it was used to guard the L. & N. railroad. In June four companies were on the Lebanon branch and other companies were at Bowling Green and Franklin, Ky. The regiment was assigned to Dumont's brigade, Buell's army. In July two companies with Col. Boone were at Gallatin, Tenn., and being scattered at different points along the railroad, 120 men, with Col. Boone himself, were captured by Gen. John H. Morgan. This affair was investigated at the time by Capt. Wal worth Jenkins, of the regular army, who relieved Col. ^ 5*^6 Union Regiments of Kentucky. Boone from blame. Lieut. Col. I. W. Scott was after wards appointed to investigate further and the examina tion showed that Col. Boone had sent out a detachment the evening before to co-operate with a force sent out by Col. S. D. Bruce, which weakened Col. Boone's force at Gallatin. Col. Scott found that this was "properly done and for good reasons, and that there was a high order of discipline in his regiment, that he was remarkably vigi- lent and industrious. . . . That he made every effort to obtain reinforcements and to have a stockade built but without success." That his small force "could not, with any prospect of success, have fought 1,200 or 1,500 of the enemy." "On the whole," says he, "I can see in this case no want of zeal or gallantry on the part of Col. Boone and no rea son why he should not be freed from all blame or censure in this unfortunate affair." He also says "with regard to Capt. Hughes, the proof is abundant that he Avas vigilant and attentive to his duties, and therefore I consider that he Avas not to blame for his conduct in the transaction." This report was signed by Lieut Col. I. W. Scott, 5th Ky. Cavalry, and by Lieut. Col. A. M. Stout, 17th Ky. In- f ant'ry . ^ Col. Boone being absolved from any blame, and being soon after exchanged, was with his command at Clarks ville. At Clarksville and Columbia, by order of Gen. Rose crans, the regiment was mounted. Por a number of months it was on excessively hard duty as mounted infan try, being moved from point to point in the state of Ten nessee and engaging in many skirmishes and encounters with the enemy. It served with Rosecrans' army in all its operations up to and including the battle of Chicka mauga, Being mounted, the regiment was employed in scout ing and outpost duty, being on the flanks of the army and associated with the cavalry. In Janury, 1864, it re-enlisted in the veteran organiza tion, and was kept on continuous duty about Chattanooga. January 21st, Col. Wm. P. Boone in command of a detach ment consisting of the 28th Ky., under Col. J. Rowan Boone, and the 4th Michigan, made a reconnoissance from Rossville through McLemore's Cave to Dug Gap, twenty- flve miles south of Chattanooga. The next day crossing Pigeon Mountain he moved to Summerville, and then to ward Dalton, where he attacked and routed a force of the enemy, capturing prisoners and arms and other prop- Twenty-eigldh Kentucky Infantry. 567 erty. He returned on the 25th to Rossville. This expedi tion was mentioned in complimentary terms in Gen. Thomas' report. During the month of February, the 2Sth, Col. W. P. Boone commanding, remained under Gen. Thomas, south of Chattanoogia, picketing the roads in the direction of Lafayette, Resaca and Dalton. In March it was sent to Pulaski, Tenn., where it was associated with the 2d Ky. Cavalry. In April it retumed to the vicinity of Chatta nooga, and was stationed at Lee and Gordon's Mills. April ISth it was transferred by order of Gen. Thomas from the llth Corps to the 4th Corps, and assigned to Wagner's brigade, 2d division. At that time it was dis mounted, and under that assignment served through the Atlanta campaign. In this celebrated campaign the regiment was com manded by the youthful and gallant Col. J. Rowan Boone, and participat'ed in all the battles from the beginning to the end. In the gi'eat charge at Kennesaw Mountain, the 28th, together with the 40th Indiana, took a leading part. Col. J. Rowan Boone, though wounded, refused to leave the fleld. In a charge near Pine Mountain the regiment lost four men killed an'd twelve wounded. In the month of June the killed and wounded of the 28th aggregated flfty- six. The injuries Col. Boone received at Kennesaw required him to relinquish the command for a time to-Maj. Barth, under whose lead the regiment crossed the Chattahoochee j}nd participated in the battle of Peachtree creek, and the other battles around Atlanta, until the capture of that place, September 2d. The month of September was spent in camp near At lanta. During October the 28th participated in the pur suit of Hood in Northern Georgia. In November it was sent back to Tennessee with the 4th Corps to engage in the campaign against Hood, under Gen. Thomas. The 28th Ky. performed most valuable service in this celebrated campaign. In the month of November, 1864, Gen. Thomas being in command in Nashville, advanced the 4th and 23rd Army Corps to Pulaski, Tenn., to oppose tbe expected movement northward of Gen. Hood. Towaird the last of the month Gen. Hood endeavored to occupy Columbia, but Schofield fell back to that place and held it. Hood then attempted to gain Schofield's rear by sending a strong 'force to occupy Spring Hill, a little village on the turn pike leading northwaiS from Columbia. Schofield beiufi,- 568 Union Regiments of Kentiwky. advised of this movement sent a force of 5,000, under Gen. Stanley, to intercept it. The 28th Ky. was with this force, under its gallant leader. Col. J. Rowan Boone. Spring Hill was held, and the 28th Ky. aided in holding it Fe\y events of the war have been more discussed than the ques tion why Hood's men did not occupy this, and thus pre vent Schofield from retiring by the turnpike road. Hood laid the blame on Gen. Cheatham, but Cheatham declares he obeyed orders in resting for the night without attack ing, and that Hood himself was responsible. The an swer given to the question by Gen. Walter Whitaker is undoubtedly the true one. He says: "The reason they did not get on that pike was because I was there myself." The truth is Stanley occupied the coveted place with 5,000 men, among whom was Gen. Whitaker's command and also the 28th Ky. Col. Boone was sent forward with his regiment with others, to check Hood's advance upon Spring Hill. He deployed his men with great skill, and stubbornly fought the advancing Confederates, suffering serious loss, but delaying the advance until darkness came on that short November day, and the prize for which Hood was striving eluded his grasp. The day following (November 30th) the 28th Ky. formed part of Schofield's rear guard as his army hurried on to Franklin. At Franklin two brigades of the 4th Corps — Lane's aud Conrad's — were posted across the turnpike about a third of a mile in front of the main line of defensie. The 28th Ky. was with Lane's brigade. It was not intended that these two brigades should make any stand in case of an assault They were placed there to observe and to be used in the event that Hood should endeavor to make a flank movement across Harpeth river. By a mistake of orders, however, they did stand, aud as Hood's whole army came sweeping forward in an instant, these briga,des were enveloped and compelled to retire precipitously to the main line. They suffered serious losses in so doing. Reaching the main line with the in- rushing Confederates close upon them, great confusion ensued, and for a little while the central key point of the line was broken. The men on the line at that place ' (Ruger's division ofthe 23rd Corps and a portion of Riley's division, 23rd Corps) rallied aud steadied themselves, and Lane's and Conrad's men uniting with them, and assisted . by Opdycke's brigade and other troops which were hur ried to the point of danger by Gen. J. D. Cox, commanding on the line, the defense was complete and Hood's grand assault proved a failure. In this terrible battle the 28th Ky. bore its part with great gallantry. The stand of the Twenty-eighth Kentiwky Infantry. 569 2Sth on the main line refutes the statement often made that Opdycke's brigade alone stood the shock. The state ment is wholly without foundation. Ruger's division was there and fought, the brigade of Lane and Conrad were al so rallied there in great part The reserves of Riley's divi sion, which included the 12th and 16th Ky. Vet. Infantry, rushed to the breach and Gen. Cox ordered up two other I'egiments from other parts of the line. All these troops contended together to resist the furious assaults of Hood's veteran army. Col. Rowan Boone and his regiment should* be given a full share of the credit for the successful de fense of Franklin. After this fierce and bloody struggle, the 2Sth proceeded that night with Schofield's army to Nashville. Two weeks later it participated in the great battle of Nashville. There the 4th Corps charged Hood's lines on each of the two days' flght and the 28th Ky., under Col. Rowan Boone, is mentioned in the reports in the most comjplimentary terms. Col. Boone S'ays, in his report : "The offlcers and men of the regiment sustained the reputation they had long -before established." He says, also, speaking of the second day's charge: "The line Avas formed, the order given and received with the same exhibition of confidence that had characterized them the day before, and they dashed toward the enemy's works, passing the entanglements, and abatis, cleared the works and captured many prisoners, all of whom were ordered to the rear, and the regiment continued the pur suit of the flying and demoralized enemy." From the field at Nashville the regiment proceeded to Huntsville, Ala., and from thence it was ordered to Texas, where it remained until December, 1865. Returning from Texas it "^^^as mustered out of service January 1, 1866, after long and arduous seryice, first under its noble and heroic leader, CqI. Wm. P. Boone, and afterward under his gifted son, the gallant young Col. J. Rowan Boone. The services of those two offlcers, father and son, deserve a much more extended mention than can here be given. Both were men of the highest ta.lents and character. Col. Wm. P. Boone entered the service at the beginning and gave to it all the energy of his strong and vigorous nature. He led his regiment until his health compelled him to yield the command to his son. Under the younger colonel the regiment continued to the end. Both were typical sol diers, military in bearing, and noble specimens of physi cal manhood. Both have died since the war, and are buried side by side in Cave Hill Cemetery. They belonged to the historic Boone family. Col. Wm. P. Boone's grand father being a flrst cousin of Daniel Boone. 570 Union Regiments of Kentucky. Col. A. Y. Johnson, who was associated with CoL Boone in raising the 28th, became incapacitated for fleld service by injuries re'ceived and was placed in the veteran reserve corps. I^or a time he was in charge of veteran reserves at Camp Holt, and from thence was ordered to Washington, where he remained on duty until the close of the war. He now resides in Louisville. Tie surgeon of the 28th was Dr. Alfred W. Hynes, of Bardstown. His sons, Blythe and Alfred, were officers in the Union army; and How ard, in the Confederate army. Dr. Hynes was also brigade surgeon. He was an eminent "man in his profession. Field and Staff. COLONEL— William P. Boone. LIEUT. COL.— J. Rowan, Boone. MAJORS— Absalom Y. Johnson, John Gault, Jr., George W. Barth. ADJT.— Edward Winkler. Q. MASTERS— Theodore B. Hays, Albert M. Healy. SURGS.— Alfred W. Hynes, James A. Post. ASST. SURGS.— Joseph -Haberraeal, WUUara V. Marquis, Oharles H. Stocking. CHAP LAIN— Hiram A. Hunter. SERGT. MAJS.— Nathaniel Wolfe, Jr., Henry C. Senteny. Q. M. SERGT.— William R. Cox. COM. SERGT.— Josiah AUis. HOSP. 'STEWARD— Stephen A. CatUn. 1st MUSICIAN— WUl iam O'Hara. 2d MUSICIAN— 'Thomas P. Myrick. Company "A." CAPTAINS— William E. Benson, Paul Byerly. 1st LIEUTS.— John W. Hogue, Martin Enright. 2d LIEUT.— John A. Weatherford. SER GEANTS—A?;^. Gathright, J. W. Taylor, J. D. Holt. CORPLS.— WUl iam O'Hkra, Saitnj^-eiafk, Jacob Hess, W. J. Head, AViUiam R. Hoag- land, James Thomas, J. A. Dalley, John AV. Smith. PRIVATES-WUliam Ash, Josiah AlUs, Joseph Bensing, Joseph Bennett, Wm. Burke, Joseph Brobst, John Brewster, Nicholas Brannin, ^ James Cayton, Ferdinand Conser, Ransom Chase, Hannon Cashing, Almanzo Connell, James Corrlgan, Edward Corcelus, Michael Carney, C. F. Combs, Peter Coons, Henry Calcamp, Thomas Dillon, Abram Drifus- Joseph Day, Michael Dillon, George Fleck, Wm. Parroday, Frederick Forcht, Sillas Fuell, Benjamin Puell, Patrick Flaherty, Patrick Gaffusy.- Gerhart Geny, Joseph Gnow, George W. Gralble, Cyrus GralBle, Wm. W. Gard, Hartman Helbert, John Horp, John Hettinger, James HoweU. Miohael Hays, George Hanley, Johnson Hardin, John Holler, Bernard Hochstatter, John Kinkead, Joseph Kinkead, Henry Keyser, WUUam Kline, John Kane, George Kelpers, Joseph Kremer, Peter Lotze, John Lukenbill, Patrick Leary, Edward Leyer, Nicholas Miller, Joha. Mc Carty, John McMahon, John Meyer, Coonrod Oper, Charles Owen, John A. Osborn, Benj. PoweU, Jr., Gustav Roadsloff, Nicholas RInehart, John Renwick, Charles Reap, G. AV. Rodgers, Henry Schafer, Nicholas Show, Jno. H. Strausburg, Wm. Shirley, James Sullivan, George G. P. Shafer, H. C. Senteny, Lewis Suyer, Herraan Stlmpel, George W. Tiller, Samuel Tague, Henry P. Trantman, Philip Trunk, Geo. Wahlwlnd, John Wagner, August Weger, Herman Wahmes, Anselm AVesbacher, George Wesel. Company " B." CAPTAINS— Jas. H. White, Thos. J. Randolph. 1st LIEUTS.— Jno. W. Tydlngs, Edward Winkler. 2d LIEUTS.—Wm. T. Applegate, Nathan B. Skinner. SERGTS.— Geo. H. Alexander, Chas. H. Harris. CORPLS. — usher P. Kelly, Jrio. W. LeBlanc, Harmagene LeBlanc, Wm. M. Har ris, Wm. R. Parish, Henry Null, Jas. E. Mullen, Lewis Hawkins. MU SICIANS— Chas. G. Clarke, Julius G. Johnson. WAGONER— Robert Murry. PRIVATES— Henry Bull, Lewis H. Bealer, Jno. C. Black, Nehemiah Twenty-eighth Kentucky Infantry. 571 Bohanan, Frederick Bodka, Lawrence Corcoran, Jas. D. Coulter, Richard Coulter, Milton C. Clark, Andrew L. Domire, Wm. Dooley, Jnp. W. Plooi h, Francis Faber, Patrick Flynn, Patrick W. Pooley, Alfred J. Gooch! Alglst Gardner, Wm. M. Hiargin, PhUip Hargin, Jas. M. Hilton, George W. Hand, John Henry, Wm. Hamon, Jno. G. Hearn, Michael Hogan, Henry Honroth, Loudey Howard, Samuel Hopewell, Frederick Heffer- man, Wm. T. P. Johnson, George Kountz, James Kleisendorf, Orren Lane, John Means, David Mercer, Wm. H. Myres, Benj. B. Medcalfe, John Mahner, Dominick Morley, John Meister, Samuel L. Nichols, John Osborn, Barney O'Brien, Turlington Ragsdale, Marlon Rowland, James Rawlings, Lorenzo D. Rardon, Chas N. Resenbaugh, Reuben Shlveley, Jacob H. Sapp, John F. Sweeny, Christopher -Stilby, Daniel. Sullivan, Joseph D. Selvage, John H. Sisson, James L. Sisson, Robert Shanks, Martin L. Stephens, Morris H. Sch^Iffer, John Sheetlnger, Ben. P. Smith, Wm. H. Sherrod, Frank Troutman, William T. Teeter, Michael Whalen. Company " C." CAPTAINS— Geo. W. Barth, Theodore B. Hays. 1st LIEUT.— Robert W. Oatlln. 2d LIEUT.— Joseph P. Hawley. SERGTS.— Wm. Shane, Henry Dorman, Wm. H. Sanders, SUas P. Barrall, Stephen Nor man. CORPLS.— John T. Monroe, Wm. H. Horine, Ely, Williams, Wm. P. Miles, Joseph A. Barrall, Charles Lebberle, James Marshall, John Seibert. MUSICIANS— Thos. P. Myrick, Albert Younker. WAGONER — Walter Sanger. PRIVATES— Samuel R. Armes, Abraham Anderson, Henry Ahlbron, Henry Beghtol, Frederick Bealer, Littleberry Batchelor, John C. Barth, Silas M. Burk, Stephen Oatlln, Horace Cahoe, Geo. W. Compton, James Corcoran, Wellington Crutchlow, Stephen Coch, Louis C. Dennis, William Davis, Henry C. Dother, Thomas B. Duncan, Henry Deal, Henry Eb- beharth, Louis Earlckson, Alex. Elliott, Edward Egan, Samuel Pleck- ner, William French, Christ Friendenberger, Anthony Fouth, James Foster, John Geist, Patrick Gibbons, Conrad Gleb, John Gunner, Marcus L. Goldsralth, August Hennerberger, Christian Harshfield, Jacob Hart, Christopher Hapf, George Haller, Thomas Hogan, John Horine, Henry C. Johnson, Thomas Johnson, Frederick Kohler, Benjamin King, Thomas Kegan, Christian Zatzel, Sr., Christian Katzel, Jr., Joseph Long, Casper Lowenthal, John J. Myer, Jacob M. Miller, James W. Martin, John Mann, Charles P. Miller, Arthur May, Thomas McNutt, James McDonald, James M. Melson, John Nagel, Martin Nagel, Peter Nailor, James J. Norman, Warden J. Quick, Barney Ruf, John J. Samuel, Anthony Schmidt, George Seibert, James Stewart, Sidney S. Smith, Madison B. Stinson, Jacob Selpert, Martin Schraldt, Richard M. Thompson, John Thompson, Hen'ry Thompson, Jacob Walter, John Webler, Frederick Webber, William Winter, John Myer. Company " D." CAPTAINS— Henry J. O'Neill, John Martin. 1st LIEUTS.— Henry Monahan, Patrick O'Malla. ^^25 LIEUTS. — Anthony Hartman, James B. True. SERGTS. — Joseph Flanagan, John Jardine, Vincent Eusada. CORPLS. — Anthony Punii, James Gannon, George Kinsley, Richard Langdon, Morgan O'Brien, John Farrell, Daniel O'Hern, William Naughton. MUSICIANS— Henry GaUagher, John McGovern. WAG ONER— Peter Martin. COOK— Edward Clark. PRIVATES — Jo'hn Atchison, Thomas Birmingham, Michael Burke, 1st, Michael Burke, 2d, John Bolton, John Bogle, Richard Barrett. John Buckly, James Buckly, Bryan Connor, Philip Carr, Peter Caratpbell, Patrick Conway, John Cody, Michael Casey, Patrick Curran, Jaraes Dooley, Francis Finn, Darby Flaherty, Patrick Fadden, WiUiam Gal lagher, Nathaniel Gallagher, Patrick Gorman, Martin Glynn, Patrick Hines, John HoUahan, John Hays, John Hennesy, John, Hatch, John Hogan, Patrick Hogan, John Hanlon, George Hart, Joseph Klm mel, George King, John Laihiff, Lawrence Lamer, Michael Lynch, Patrick Lee, Bolivar Moody, Michael Mayhar,' John McGregor, John Myers, Michael McClear, William McClellan, Patrick McBride, Michael Nicholas, Michael O'Donnell, John O'Brien, Michael Pimrick, Edward 672 Union Regiments of Kentucky. Pope, James Prewett, Thomas Ryan, Walter Ross, Lawrence Sullivan, Patrick Spratch, Austin Stanton, Brian Solan, Michael Shanahan, Bar tholomew Thornton, Bartholomew Tierny, James Terrell, John Whalen, Patrick Welsh, Hugh Willis. Company "E-." CAPTAINS— Franklin M. Hughes, George W. Conway, Wm. C. Ir vine, Andrew B. Norwood. 1st LIEUT.— Granville J. Sinkhorn. 2d LIEUT.— Joseph H. Davis. SERGTS.— Chas. H. Littrell, George Mat- tern. CORPLS.— AVm. L. G. McPherson, Cornelius Maher, Henry H. Hancock, Thos. T. Baldwin, Silas W. Young, John W. Baldwin, Jas. L. Porter, Wm. Pagar. MtrSICIAN— Othello Delano. WAGONER— Elijah Thurman. PRIVATES — Eugene Anthony, G^arge Albert, Jacob Arnold, James Black, Frederick Boyer, Richard Bee, Wm. Burke, Robert Barr, John Barr, Geo. J. Benlnger, Jabzen N. Baldwin, Marion BaUey, Eamest Bitner, baniel S. Brabson, Jesse Baxter, James Combs, Jacob H. Car baugh, Wm. L. Connell, James Coons, CorneUus Crowley, James Cleary, Charles E. Plgg, George B. Plgg, Wm. W. Plgg, Zachariah Fogelman, Thos. C. Forsyth, Henry Green, Wm. Gregory, Thos. P. Gtraham, George E. Holmes, Theodore F. Hambaugh, Uriah G. Hawkins, Wm. A. Hall, Miohael Hynes, Wm. E, Keene, Peter Klink, Henry Kalhoff, Jesse K. Long, Michael Lynch, Patrick Mooney, Hugh McGrath, George Morrison, Greathell Maxwell, John P. Mullen, Wm. G. Myers, Geoi'ge Panell, Thoraas Pryar, Patrick Pryar, Josiah D. Ripley, Jacob L. Spanglear, Michael Sehr, Wra. G. Saner, John W. B. Shirley, Thos. B. Sweeney, Jas. W. Thomas, John H. Thurman, Charles Thomas, Andrew Todd, Samuel C. Vance, James W. Wilson, Joseph S. West, Joseph WUbourne, Jos, W. Walker, Chas. T. Whalen, John W. Walton, George Zimmerman. Company " F." CAPTAINS— James R. Noble, Wm. C. McDoweU. 1st LIEUT.— Wm. G. Shane. 2d LIBUT.-Henry Hooker. SERGTS.— Charles Shane, Samuel S. Hornbeck, Stephen M. Gupton, AVm. H. Manning. CORPLS. — Wm. Owen, George Ganman, Wm. Woodfall, Isaac Hornbeck, Wm. Morrow, Jas. Brunton, Wm. L. Gupton, George Brown. MUSICIANS— David Walts, William R. Cox. WAGONER— Benj. H. Murry. PRIVATES— John Adams, Benhart Bargoff, James Bell, Valentine Berge, Franklin Blunk, John S. Cheshire, Kitchel Clark, Zedlck Clark, Louis Colboker, James Cockeran, John R. Crull, John E. Davis, Wm. H. H. Davis, Joseph Els^, James Elsey, Frederick Emlln, John Ernst, Jacob Earwine, Jaraes O. Evans, William Ferguson, John Fields, Michael Galllger, Pious Hardy, William L. Harris, John Higgins, Daniel Highland, Com. P. Hilderbrand, Noell Jackson, William Leish, John Lee, John Munch, John P. Means, Thomas Moore, John Miller. James Middleton, Fielding Middleton, William Middleton, Charles E. Manning, Sidney Noe, George Noe, John H. C. Overcamp, Nathan Pharris, Joseph Perry, Asbury Parsley, Henry Puff, Samuel Quick, George W. Rogers, PhUlp ShuU, Abram Sago, Matthew Shay, John Spencer, William Sted- man, Frederick Thompson, Joseph Terry, George Tolson, Raphael Vine- core, Louis VariUe, Thomas B. WaUace, Isaac WUUams, WUliam Webb, Benjamin Webb, Taylor Windsor, John Windsor, John Whitledge, Robert Wright, John Zinsmaster. Company "G." CAPTAINS— John W. AVUson, Frederick Brooks, James E. Loyal. Ist LIEUT.— Albert M. Healy. SERGTS.-Edward O'MaUey, John G. FravIUe, Charles Taylor, Frederick Honroth. CORPLS.— Frederick Troxell, Samuel Randalls, Charles B. Fetters, John H. Graham, Frank Read. MUSICIANS— Zefra Blum, Joseph Fox, Jr., Edward B. Gary. WAGONER— John MuUins. COOKS— Joseph Stevenson, John Steven son. PRIVATES— David P. Blair, Ferdinand Belter, Hugh R. Boyd, Thomas Bott, John Boggs, Charles P. Bates, Anthony P. Berger, Cor nelius Boyd, EU Burchard, Milton Burnham, George W. Bailey, NeU Twenty-eighth Kentiwky Infantry. 573 Conway, Timothy Conway, Thomas -Casey, Frederick Cording, James Drummon, Andrew Dirk, Samuel Dysinger, James Davenport, David Danser, James Eairly, George R. S. Floyd, Jerome B. Francis, Joseph Fox, Sr., James Farrell, Wm. B. Gary, Jacob Goodfred, George Goodfred, Abraham Graham, Peter Haggerty, Washington T. Hudson, Thoraas Higgins, Henry Hannasth, Philip Hinkle, Frederick Joyce, Henry K. Jerome, Patrick King, William Kimhall, John Kreb^ack, WUUam Lewis, Joseph Mets, John Murphy, Thomas More, John Maher, Derire Mongey, John McDonel, John McGreal, Frank O'Neil, Patrick O'Boyle, Reuben Ratcliffe, Jerry Riley, Samuel Ratchfend, Williiam S. Roach, Jonathan ShuU, John Shannon, Owen Sullivan, Patrick Toole, Seraphine Wohlap, William Wardrip, John Welsh, James Watson, Charles W. Farnum, Henry C. Gary, Edward S. Ball, David Isgrig, Jasper A. Jones, William , Keepers, Thoraas Murphy, Michael Morris, John Masters, Willlain MUler, Robert Rogers, William Rosenbush, Clark Stackhouse, Josiah Searles, Andrew Taylor, Charle T. Todd. Company " H'." CAPTAINS— John W. Tydings, Robert Cairns, Daniel C. CoUins. 1st LIEUTS.— Nathaniel Wolfe, Jr., William R. Cox. SERGTS.— Robert W. Reid, Henry W. Neve, Jacob C. Burris, John V. Sanders, Roderick Mc Leod. CORPLS. — Jeremiah Warner, Anthony Morley, Austin Stetler, John W. Brlneger, Preston Nelson, Wm. G. Bostwick, Whitman S. Green, Charles CarroU. WAGONER— Peter McCormick. MUSICIANS— Bar ney Will^ins, August Amborn. PRIVATES— Philip S. Atkins, Frederick Booker, Philip Brennon, Henry Beckhart, John Oook, Patrick CoUopy, Jeremiah Crowley, Thos. J. Craycroft, John Curran, Lawrence Carroll, Michael Gary, William Dyer, Michael Dermldy, James Dunovan, James W. Deering, Joseph Doherty, Thomas Bills, Beverly Bisenblce, James Fitzpatrick, John Poos, James W. Floore, Patrick Gallagher, Henry Heinman, John Heenan, John Johnson, Stephen Kellesher, Thtomas Kelly, Jaraes Kearney, Jacob Lear, Henry Long, Robert MUler, Lawrence Morgan, Michael Mullen, Thoraas Mann, Thomas Murphy, Henry Medley, Wesley McMurry, Francis McDonald, Patrick McGuire, James Montgomery, Michael Mahan, John Nevill, George Parln, John Porter, John W. Roberts, Michael Swinney, John Steelen, Jame^ Sraith, John Sterits, John Whalen, John Welch, James W. Clarke, Charles Cracknell, John P. Deltrlck, John Dwyer, Thos. Dorsey, John Doyle, Cyrus Jeffreys, James Menaugh, Anthony Mullen, Charles Shoemaker, John M. Smith, Henry Weam. Company "I." • CAPTAINS— Geo. W. Conway, John Schmidt. 1st LIEUTS.— Charles Obst, Frederick Buckfter, Anthony P. Hefner, Wm. T. Morrow. 2d LIEUTS.— William Troxler, Isaac Everett, Jr. SERGT.— EmUe Wilde. CORPI..S.— Wm. Hartraan, Henry Lentacker, Chas. Henning, Joseph Pfatzer, Christian Haag, Sarauel Sohawartz. PRIVATES — Frederick Arnold, John Algler, Jacon Altweller, Joseph Amos, Chas. Berger, Conrad Beager, Andrew Bauer, George Bayha, George Bryning, Albert Baker, Wm. P. Bolkemeyer, John Bowls, Thoraas Bowls, Lewis Cook, Armitage Carr, John T. Cunningham, Jas. H. Cowley, Thos. G. Conoway, Gqorge Comstock, Jacob Dries, James Davenport, Richard Davenport, Daniel W. Evans, B. Edward, Casper FoU, James Parrel, Louis B. Puller, Thomas Gregory, Frank Gotquilt, S'helton T. Green, Philip Hans, Theodore Heidbring, Jacob Hager, Chas A. Harvey, Wm. R. Hudspeth, Joseph Heaky, Henry Jerome, John Kingk-a, Sr., John Kongka, Jr., Arnold Kuss, James Kay, Henry Mead, Thomas Moris, -Charles Mathaes, John H. Miohael, Benj. March, George Meier, Jos. T. Meier, Thos. D. McLaughlin, James McGuire, Wm. Magowen, John T. Mark, Henry Miller, William Meier, Albert Naugester, John O'Haren, Radford,M. Osborn, Joseph Oberraeyer, Robert B. Pennington, WUliam Rhein, Peter Rellsburger, John Reinald, Michael Radenheim, Oharles Schrimpf, Bernhard Speaker, Vincennes Schrimpf, Joseph 574 Union Regiments of Kentucky. Schmidt, Edward Sulivan, Alvis Stranger, Patrick Stanton, Albert Thorninyer, Wm. Thompson, James Thomas, Benson Vansandt, Michael A^ain, Thomas Ward, David P. Wright, Jacob Wirth, Henry Waltrlng, Prank Weston, Wm. Wardlaw, Geo. W. ys^'right, John Warden, George Wichter, John Welsch. Twenty-eighth Kentucky Veteran Infantry. Field and Staff. COLONEL— J. Rowan Boone. MAJOR— George W. Barth. ADJT.— Edward Winkler. Q. MASTER— Albert M. Healy. SURGEON— Turner Anderson. ASST. SURG.— Charles H. Stocking. SERGT. MAJOR- James MarshaU. Q. M. SERGTS.— Wm. R. Cox, Thomas B. Wallace, John W. Mclntire. COM. SERGTS.— Wm. T. Morrow,- Philip Hinkle, Samuel L. Nichols. HOSP. STEWARD— Stephen A, Catlln. Company "A." CAPTAIN— Martin En'right. 1st LIEUT.— Charles H. Harris. SER GEANTS — John McCarty, George W. Rogers, Johnson B. Hardin, Joseph- Bennett. CORPORAL— James Sullivan. COOK— Richard Brown. PRIV-4.TES— Nicholas Brannan, Benj. P. Casey, C. P. Cooms, Ran som Chase, Thom'as DUlon, Martin Dolen, WUliam J. Head, John Ren wick, George G. F. Schafer, WUUam Shirley, John H. Strausburg, Sam uel M. Teague, John Kane,, August Weger, John A. Brewster, William , M. Gard, Patrick Leary, Ferdinand Comser, George Wesel. Company " B." CAPTAIN— Nathan B. Skinner. 1st LIEUT.- James E. Mullln. SERGTS. — Jacob H. Sapp, Charles H. Harris, Daniel Sullivan, August Gartner, Joseph Stoker, John P. Sweeney, Milton C. Clark, Andrew L. Domire. CORPLS. — John C. Black, Lawrence Corcoran, William Dooley, George Kountz, Barney J. Coon, Patrick W. Foley, S'amuel L. Nicholas, Morris R. Shaffer. PRIVATES — Nehemiah Bonham, Francis Faber, Frederick T. Hef- ferraan, John G. Hearn, Lewis H. Hawkiins, Wm. H. Herman, W. T. P. Johnson, James Kleissendorff, Orrin Lane, Jno. W. Le Blanc, Robert H. Murray, Lorenzo D. Rardon, Lewis H. Beeler, James M. Hilton, John Henry, John Mahner, Henry Nolen, Joseph D. Selvage, Wm. T. Teeter, Henry Honroth, Robert Shanks, Miohael Hogan, Barney O'Brien, Henry * Hall, Terllngton Ragsdale, Charles N. Rosenbaugh. Company " C." CAPTAIN— Theodore B. Hays. 1st LIEUT.— John C. Barth. SER GEANTS— Henry C. Beghtol, William Shane, Thomas McNutt, Marcus L. Goldsralth, Frederick Kohler, William P. Miles, William H.' Sanders, Henry C. Johnson. CORPLS.-=John Nagel, Anthony Fouth, John Sei bert, Arthur May, Frederick Bealor, M'adlson B. Stlnson. UNDER COOKS — Robinson Barnes, George Washington. PRIVATES- Henry Ashlborn, Littleberry Batchelor, Horace Cahoe, Patrick Gibbons, John Gunner, JacOb Hoerth, Benj. F. King, Thomas Keegan, -Casper Loewenthal, John T. Monroe, John Myers, Martin Nagel, Anthony Schmildt, Martin Schmidt, James Stewart, Ash Suits, John Thompson, Jacob Walter, Frederick Weber, Silas M. Burk, John Cook, Henry Deal, Alexander C. Ewing, George Haller, James M. Melson, John J. Samuels, Frank Smith, Samuel Fleekmer, James Marshall, WeUing ton Critchlow, WiUiam Davis, Stephen Koch, Theodore Carter, Richard M. Thompson, Joseph Long, Peter Nailor, John Horine, Henry Thomp son, Eli Williams. Twenty-eightli Kentucky Veteran Infantry. 575 Company "D." CAPTAIN— John Martin. ist LIEUTS.— Patrick O'Malla, James Grannon. SERGTS.— Walter Ross, John Parrall, William Naughton, Patrick Conway, John O'Brien, Patrick Lee. CORPORAL— George Weston. COOK— Edward Clark. PRIVATES— Thomas Birmingham, Miohael Burke, John Bolton, Michael Casey, Patrick Paddon, John Hays, John HoUihan, George Hart, Michael Lynch, Edward Pope, Lawrence Sullivan, Patrick Spratch, Austin Stanton, John Buckley, William GalUger, John Laighiff, John McGovern, Patrick Walsh, Hugh Willis, Richard 'Barratt, John Bar ratt, Patrick Curran, John Hennessee, John Hanlln, Patrick Hines, John McGregor, Henry Galllger, Jaraes H. Andrews, Jaraes Buckley, Patrick Gorman, Peter Martin, Miohael Mahar, Morgan O'Brien. Company " E." CAPTAIN— Andrew B, Norwood. 1st LIEUT.— Thomas T. Baldwin. SERGTS.-John T. Mullen, George Panell, George J. Beninger, Cornelius Magher, George Mattern, John W. Baldwin, James L. Porter. CORPLS. — John W. Walters, James Combs, Jazeb N. Baldwin, William W. Figg, Jacob L. Spangler, William Gregory, Wm. L. Connell. PRIVATES — James Coomes, James Cleary, Othello Delano, Henry Green, WUUam A. Hall, Layton Jones, Michael Lynch, Gerathnell Max well, Michael Sehr, Charles T. Whalen, Joseph W. Walker, George, ' Albert, Jacob Arnold, Frederick Boyer, George Draper, Hugh McGrath, George Morrison, Charles R. Thomas, Joseph S. West, James Black, Andrew Todd, John T. Davis, Z. T. Fogleman, Michael Hynes, Henry Kalkhoff, Sarauel C. Vance, Robert Barr, Jesse Baxter, Wm. T. Davis, Uriah G, Hawkins, Peter Klink. Company " F." CAPTAINS— Wm. C. McDowell, Stephen M. Gupton. 1st LIEUT.— Wm. L. Gupton. 2d LIBUT.-Henry Hooker. SERGTS.— George W. Rogers, George Brown, Charles E. Manning, Wm. Lish, AVUliam M. Owen, WilUam Woodfall. CORPLS.-Joseph Elzy, John S. Whitlege, Samuel J. Manning, John W. Mclntire. ' PRIVATES— John R. Crull, Zeddic Clark, Thomas S. Cheshire, Wm. H. H. Davis, James O. Evans, Frederick Emlln, Daniel Highland, C. P. Hildebrand, Noah Jackson, William Middleton, George Noe, Henry Puff, Samuel Rice, Philip Shall, Louis Verilla, Robert A. Wright, William i Webb, Benjarain Webb, B. Bernghoff, Leonard Kohl, Patrick McGinnis, Nathaai Pharis, Samuel Quick, John Spencer, John WInsor, Williiam R. Cox, Jacob lEmwein, Wm. T. Morrow, Thoraas B. Wallace, John Hig gins, Asberry Parsley, Franklin Blunk, Kitchel Clark, John Miller, John Ernst, William Gibson, George Gassman, Wra. L. Harris, John Johnson, John Mackrote, James Middleton, John P. Means, George Toleson, Tay lor WInsor. ,• Company "G." CAPTAIN-James B. Loyal. Ist LIEUT.— Thomas B. Wallace. SERGTS.-Thomas Bott, Frederick E. Honroth, David D. Danser, Will iam E. Gary, Thomas Higgins, Seraphine Wohleb, Samuel Randal, Charles P. Bates. CORPLS.-George R. S. Floyd, Frederick Troxel, WaiShington T. Hudson, Henry K. Jerome, Patrick O. Boyle. COOKS — John Stephenson, Joseph Stephenson. PRIVATES— Ferdinand Belter, Thomas Casey, Andrew Dirk, John J. Fravel, Joseph Metz, Edward O'MaUey, Jerry Reilly, John Shannon, Abraham Graham., John Kresback, William Lewis, William S. Roach, Joathan Shuli, Philip Hinkle, John Mullen, Owen Sullivan, Philip Hor ton, Henry Hannasah, Timothy Conway, Daniel W. Davis, James Wat son. Company " H." CAPTAIN— Daniel C. Collins. 1st LIEUT.— William R. Cox. SER- GEANTS— Philip Hargan, John Heenan, Joseph Dougherty, Philip Bren- 576 Union Regiments of Kentucky. nan, Thom'as Mann, Andrew Moline, John V. Sanders, Jeremiah Warner, Henry Becket, August Duneke. CORPLS.— James T. Garner, Benedict Gamer. PRIVATES— Michael Carey, George W. Russell, John Burke, WiU iaim Burke, Andrew Casteel, Morris Engllsih, Darnel L. Franklin, Joseph Garner, John H. Hampton, Fergus Keane, Stephen Kelleher, Preston Nelson, John Whalen, Charles Carroll, Francis McDonald, John Curran, James Donovan, Henry Helmann, Alexander- Henry, Austin Stettler, Barney Wilkins, Company " I," CAPTAIN— John Schmidt. 1st LIEUT.— William T. Morrow. SER- GENTS— Charles Hennii;igs, Emile A. Wilde, Bernhard Speaker, AndreW Bauer, Albert Thormeyer, Charles Schrimpf. CORPLS.— Thomas D. Mc Laughlin, Samuel Scwartz, Jaoob Altweller. PRIVATES— Conrad Beager, Henry Waiting, David P. Wright, JJoseph Amos, Benjamin Marsh, James McGuire, Radford M. Osborn, Alvis Stranger, George W. Wright, Wm. F. Blakemeyer, Thomas Bowls, Jacob liager, James Kay, Thomas Ward, John Bowls, James H. Cowley, Shelton T. G»een, -Charles A, Harvey, Michael Harkins. Tiueniy-ninth Kentucky Infantry, i The 29th Regiment Kentucky Volunteer Infantry was consolidated with the 6th Ky. Cavalry and other regi ments. Thirtieth Kentucky Mounted Infantry, On the Tth of February, 1863, it was enacted by the Congress ofthe United State: "That the governor of Kentucky, by the consent and under the direction of the' President of the United States, shall have power to raise and organize into regiments a volunteer force, not exceed ing 20,000 rank and file, to be raised within the State of Kentucky, to serve for the term of twelve months, to be employed within the limits of Kentucky in repelling in vasion, suppressing insurrection and guarding and pro tecting tlje public property. Provided that at any time it may be necessary, in the discretion of the President of the United States, these troops may be employed outside of the limits of Kentucky against the enemies of the United States." At this time Bragg's army was in Tennessee, and all the eastern part of that state was in the possession of the, Confederates. Kentucky was a rich and inviting section for invasion by larger or smaller bodies of Confederates. It was essentially necessary that it should^be guarded &nd protected. The Louisville & Nashville railroad was Thirtieth Kentucky Mounted Infantry. fill the only railroad through the state, and over it all sup plies for the Federal forces in Tennessee had to pass. There were military stores and munitions of war in Ken tucky; also bridges along turnpike roads and railroads; All these had to be protected, and a large force was neces sary. This condition led to the enactment of the law just quoted, and as it was in 1861, when Kentucky troops sprang at once to the protection of the state, so it was in 1863. Eleven regiments promptly organized, under the authority to raise not exceeding 20,000 troops. One of the first to organize was the 30th Ky. Mounted Infantry. The following account is taken from the adju tant-general's report : "The 30th Ky. Mounted Infantry was organized under the 20,000 call, and was mustered into the United States service for oue year. Companies A, B, E and P were mus tered in at Frankfort, Ky., February 19, 1864, and Com pany G March 29, 1864, by Capt. Charles H. Fletcher, 1st United States Infantry, and Companies C, D, H, I and K were mustered in at Camp Burnside, Ky., April 5, 1864, by Maj. J. C. Henderson, 45th Ky. Infantry. "The difflculties attending the organization of this regiment, owing to the constant presence of guerrillas and small raiding parties,* made it exceedingly danger ous for the recruiting offlcers ,to leave any of the garri soned posts, and retarded their operations a great deal. Companies A, B, E, F and G were raised originally as a battalion to protect the capital of the state, and were to be mustered into the service of the state for one year; but the exigencies of the service demanded, at this time, every available soldier that could be raised, and the War De partment ordered that they should be mustered into the United States service, in order that they could be ordered by the commanding general to any portion of the state where their services were required. This order at first created some little dissension, but, by the prompt action of the offlcers, it was soon organized and became one of the most efficient one-year regiments in the service. "In the battle of Cynthiana, June 10, 1864, with Mor gan's men, Maj. Thomas Mahoney was severely wounded while gallantly leadiu'g his men. In the battle of Salt ville, Va., October 2, 1861, this regiment lost two offlcers killed — 1st Lieut. Cutsinger, of Company G, and 2d Lieut Vickery, of Company C, and Captains Bacon, of Company E; Brownlee, of Company F, and Searcy, of Company G, were severely wounded. It was constantly engaged throughout its term of enlistment in clearing different 37 578 Union Regiments of Kentuch/. portions of the state of the predatory bands and guerrillas. Being mounted, this regiment moved with great expedi tion to different portions of the state, and attacked the enemy in many instances by surprise. . "It has participated in the folloAving battles and skir mishes, viz.: Lexington, Ky., Cynthiana, Ky., Shelby county, Ky., Saltville, Va., October 2, 1864; Saltville, Va., December, 1864; Marion, Va., New Market, Ky., Laurel Gap, Clinch Mountain, Seven-Mile Ford, Va.; Owen county, i^y., Kingsport, Tenn., Brush Creek, Tenn., Ohap- lintown, Ky.,Bradfordsville, Ky., Marion county, Ky., and Albany, Ky." In addition to the foregoing, the following facts have been gathered from the offlcial reports: In the organization of the Department of the Ohio, April 30, 1864, the 30th was in Gen. E. H. Hobson's divis ion, and brigaded Avith the 45th and 47th and 49th Ky., and a Wisconsin battery. Col. John Mason Brown's bri gade. Though at that time four companies of the regi ment, with Col. Alexander, were under Gen. S. S. Fry, at Point Burnside, Ky. In the Saltville expedition the loss of the 30th in killed was five. June 30, 1864, the 30t'h was transferred from Brown's brigade to the brigade under Col. Charles S. Hanson, and was at Lexington, Ky. September 3, 1864, it was re- ported'from the headquarters at Lexington that three hun dred rebels were in the vicinity of Shelbyville, and that Col. Craddock, A\ath the 30th Ky., was after them. In the organization of the Military District of Ken tucky, September 30, 1864, the 30th was in Gen. McLean's division, headquarters at Lexington, and in Col. Charles^ S. Hanson's brigade. October 25, 1864, part of the 30th was ordered to Paris, Ky. From Paris it proceeded, with other troops, to Bast Tennessee, to serve in Gen. Stoueman's command. De cember 13, 1864, Maj. Gen. Stoneman reports from near Kingsport, East Tenn.: "We left Knoxville on the 10th, overtook Duke's (formerly Morgan's) command yester day. During the night drove him across the north foi-k of the Holston river. This morning we crossed the river, attacked and captured nearly the whole command, taking the wagon train. Col. R. C. Morgan, a brother of Johu, is, with many other offlcers, a prisoner. All consider this command as completely destroyed. The fighting was done' by Gen. Gillem's command and the 30th Ky., of Gen. 'Burbridge's command." Stoueman's command then went into Virginia and de- Thirtieth Kentucky Mounted Infantry. 579 stroyed the salt and lead works. (See accounts of 12th and Tth Cavalry.) Returning from this expedition to Kentucky, the 30th again went on duty protecting the state. December 31, 1864, the 30th was at Louisa, Ky., in the division commanded by Gen. E. H. Hobson. January 6, 1865, it was at Camp Nelson, and two companies that day proceeded to Lebanon. January 10, 1865, it was ordered by Gen. Hobson to Taylor, Green and Barren counties, under Lieut. Col. Craddock. The regiment was mustered out of service on the 18th day of April, 1865, at Frankfort, Ky. Field and Staff. COLONEL— Francis N. Alexander. LIEUT. COL.— Wm. B. Crad dock. MAJOR— Thomas Mahoney. ADJT.— Thomas J. Hardin. Q. MASTER— George T. Finnell. SURGEON- Wm. H. Gardner. ASST. SURG.— Columbus A. Cox. SERGT. MAJ.— Thomas B. Johnson. Q. M. SERGTS.— Julius L. Johnson, Archibald R. Miller. COM. SERGT.- James P. Johnson. HOSP. STEWARD— E. O. Reed. Company "A." CAPTAIN^MUton P. Hodges. 1st LIEUTS.—Wm. B. Craddock, .Ambrose L. King. 2d LIEUT.- Berrie C. Craddock. SERGTS.— Stephen Li. , Richardson, ' Wm. A. Culbertson, George B. Bestore, Shepherd G. Davis, Joel T. Compton. CORPLS. — Basil S. Coleman, Jerry Hatcher, Levi B. BuUington, Warren W'. Pulllam, George W. Craddock, Felix C. Jervel, Joseph A. Gentry, John D. Smith. WAGONER— Wm. S. Renfro. PRIVATES — Page A.- Asberry, Robert A. Rullington, James B. Brown, Silas J. Burks, John A. Butler, Henry H. Butler, Edward B. Bishop, James H. Beville, John"T. Craddock, David W. Craddock, Willis G. Craddock, George H. Craddock, Jerry V. Cowherd, WUliam S. Dun can, George W. Defries, Greenberry J. Fives, Benjamin C, Forbis, Robert A. Proggett, Christopher C. Gentry, William G. Gentry, Daniel Hazel- wood, Bartholomew -Hoffraan, George T. Hicks, Judge A. 'Hagan, Ben jamin P. Kessler, Daniel M. Kessler, Cannon Lively, Buford P. Moss, Mathew M. Mathlon, James M. Mathews, Albert W. Montgomery, Elzy T. Owen, Jesse PuUiam, Francis M. Quire, James A. Richardson, Reuben Reynolds, Andrew J. Reynolds, Edward Reynolds, T. R. Shoemaker, Mordecai E. Twyman, Richard J. Trowbridge, George A. Taylor, Will iam C. Wright, George W. Waddle, Robert N. Waldock, WUliam B. Wells, George P. White, John C. Walsh, James R. Clopton, Lewis G. Johnson, James P. Reynolds, John Bell, John Billingsley, WUliam L. Brickey, Daniel W. Carder, John H. Crump, George E. Clymer, Andrew B. Dobson, Lewis Goodbue, Samnel Judd, Evans G. Curry, Joseph N. Edwards, James T. S. Hardy, MUton L. Powell, John W. Slinker, Shedrick S. Butler, James M. Defries, William C. Russell, Calvin C. Smith, Joseph Stuoker. • Company " B." CAPTAIN— Robert J. Dyas. 1st LIEUT.— John T. Pord. 2d LIEU TENANT— James Ranton. SERGTS.— William Mclntire, George L. Miller, Thomas N. Grimsley, John Ferrell, Joseph W. Kennedy. COR PORALS— Benjamin Greeii, John Crittenden, John A. Kite, WiUiam Odor, Thurston Perrler, John M. Mclntire, Thomas J. Kite, Francis M. Graham. PRIVATES— Jacob Atler, Joseph Bond, William Conley, James Cole man, Thomas -Chittenden, James H. Chittenden, Amos R. Chittenden, Thomas J. Cummins, Lewis Duncan, Isaac Daugherty, Richard Devan, 580 Union Regiments of Kent'ucky. Thomas B. Furman, Thomas B. Finnell, Henry L. Glass, Davis C. Grimsley, John R. Garnett, Benjamin R. Garnett, Samuel Greenup, Johi Hood, James P. Hall, James H. Husk, Marshal Jones, Emery Kennedy, Columbus B. Kennedy, Francis M. Kennedy, David Mitchell, Thomas J. MUler, Reason M. McManama, Hugh McHatton, David McCarty, Joseph Odor, Alexander Odor, John S. Rook, George Renaker, William Shep pard, Alexander Sturgeon, James See, Henry C. Steel, Vardiman Stone, Prank Vanarsdale, Samaritan Webster, John H. Wiley, Joseph Barnett, Dommon Bentley, Wm. H. Bentley, Raspberry Crawford, John Doyle, Ithemar Pickle, James H. Fulkerson, V. Garnett, Thos. B. Johnson, James P. Johnson, Julius L. Johnson, Arch R. Miller, Wm. Richardson, George Rogers, Louis Bailey, Andrew Sims, James A. StuU, Wm. G. Sanders, W. Clifton, Wra. W. Hoppins, Edwin C. Parker, John Rook, John R. Stephens, Martin V. Finnell, Addison Beach, James Kinney. Company " C." CAPTAIN— Fleming Bates. 1st LIEUT.— Joseph Miller. 2d LIEU TENANT— Jenkins J. Vickery. SERGTS.— AVm. L. Warden, Thos. J. Taylor, George A. Wharton, Christopher C. Huffaker, WUUam Bates. CORPLS.— John Ragan, Claton M. Huff, Henry C. Huffaker, Jerry J. Roark, GranvUle C. Roaten, Jacob Coons, Job M. Kerns, Wm. T. Francis. WAGONER— Charles O. Hardin. PRIVATES— Wm. C. Blakeley, Richard Barrier, Thos. W. Claiborn, Jaraes Crabtree, John W. Calhoon, Henderson Crabtree, Martin Coyl, Wililam Duncan, Wilson Dabney, Jaraes Denton, John Denton, Ballas W. Duncan, Jereralah R. Davis, Isaac N. Denton, Allen Done, George W. Fleming, WUliam Foster, James Gibson, George W. Goddard, John Gibson, John S. C, Gregory, Wra. R. Gilbert, George Gibson, William Gibson, Pullura Gragg, John Horton, James S. Havens, Robert Horton, Wm. Lorton, Richard Lawson, John R. Lyons, Andrew M. Miller, Will iam Mills, Jesse Redenhour, George Ragan, Emanuel Sandusky, George Spann, Thomas Selvy, Horace Withers, Larkin Arnold, John E. Bailey, Pleasant Q. Barron, George Bobbitt, Cy. W. Currier, James Cox, Will iam Crabtree, Martin Dutherid^e, William Durmon, George W. Gill, WiUiam Griffls, N. W. Hart, Martin HIcfcs, Anderson Hunter, Alford Jones, WUUara Lawson, Carroll C. Mercer, William McKenzie, George Nicholas, Henry Price, Samuel Price, .John Sowders, AVUliam Todd, Robert Waron, James Woodall, Henry J. Bates, James M. Coil, J-onathan Lyons, Robert H. Lyons, David Bell. Company " D." CAPTAIN-James S. Burk. 1st LIEUTS.— Gains L. Burk, WUliam Burk. 2d LIEUT.— WUliam H. Gregory. SERGTS.— George A. Bell, Mordecai Gregory, Francis Adkins, William King, Benjamin Burk, William Burk. CORPLS.— Pleasant Gaylor, Rufus K. Gooding, John Winchester, Kerby King, Benjamin P. Bell, Hiram Sexton, John H. Alton, John Cooper, Alvin L. Upchurch. WAGONER — John Bell. PRIVATES— Jacob Anderson, John H. AUcorn, Wm. W. Alexander- son, Robert Bell, Joshna P. Bell, Marion Brown, Gains Blevins, Thomas Brown, Dlansis Blevins, Benjamin Cooper, Rufus Dlshraan, Rl'chard Dlishman, Francis Deavenport, Thora-as Dolen, Henry Fewsten, Zaral Faster, Irving Poster, Shelly Gibson, BUhu Gibson, Claiborn Gregory, Sydney Gregory, Claiborn Gibson, George Gibson, WUUara Kidd, Arch ibald King, David Louis, John Morris, TUraan Morgan, Jasper Morgan, Francis M. Privett, Isham Quails, Richard Roberts, James W. Roberts, GranvU Steel, Jacob Smith, James W. Smith, Reuben G. Stinson, Kelon Slagle, Thomas Spradling, Jackson Tucker, John Tucker, Shadrach Up church, Shad. T. Upchurch, Francis M. Burnett, Francis M. Glbso-n, George W. Slagle, Harvey Worley, James Brake, James Mathews, Henry Smith, James Sweet, Isaiah Wright, James S. Barrier, Wm. Barrier, Elisha Gibson, George H. Dishman, Stephen Gregory, Thomas Pile, MUes Privett, Moses Privett, Hiram TroxtaU, Reuben Worley, Charles Wat son, John Corder, Cyrenius Carson, Ingram Gibson, James Spradling. Thirtieth Kent'ucky Mounted Infantry. 681 Company " E." CAPTAIN— WUliam P. Bacon. 1st LIEUT.— George W. Young. 2d LIEUT.— Jesse A. Suter. SERGTS.— James H. WlUhoite, Thomas F. Hancock, John M. Palmer, ^anford C. WlUhoite, David W. AUnut. CORPORALS— Nine;on Vanderin, Wallace W. Coats, James M. Bush, James AUnut, Garrett D. Warnock, Seth T. Penn, Francis M. Schooler, Isaac W. Rees. PRIVATES— James P. Anderson, William M. Anderson, John T. Brent, Van Buren Bellamy, Walter W. Boyd, Wm. T. Beckham, Land- rom Bennett, William A. Brent, Manlius Crawford, James M. Carter, John W. Dawson, Wm. P. Dodd, James W. Donophon, William Dono- phon, Robert A. Evans, Carson C. Eves, Andrew J. Eves, Robert L. Fitzgerald, William M. George, Edward T. George, Daniel W. Hudson, Benjamin P. Hesler, William N. Hudson, John S. Holmes, Enoch John ston, Samuel Jones, Wm. H. H. Jourdan, Alonzo Jones, William Long, Benjamin F. Long, Thomas W. Lancaster, Absalom Morgan, George W. Morrow, Calvert McKinney, Francis M. Morrow, William McHatten, Benjamin Newland, Caleb W. Parker, WUliam R. Pile, Samuel M. Penn, Wm. B. Sinclair, Zachariah T. Sanders, Samuel D. Sullivan, Paschal T. Suter, Andrew T. Suter, Rufus K. Sparrow, Samuel H. Stephenson, WilUs Todd, John C. Wllllaras, Robert C. Wllllaras, John K. WlUhoite, Jeptha W. WlUhoite, Crawford E. Wllllaras, Tobias C. WUlhoIte, Sidney S. Woods, Robert M. Warnock, Newton J. Walker, Richard L. Williams, I William J. Williams, Joseph G. Mansfield, Robert M. AVarden, John M. Long, E. O. Reid, John G. Peebles, Henry C. Hardin, Joseph T. Porter, Loyd A. Shaeffer, Benjamin P. White, George B. Jackson. Company " F." CAPTAIN— John B. Brownlee. 1st LIEUT.- John W. S. Smith. 2d LIEUT.-Andrew H. Brownlee. SERGTS.— Stephen C. Noble, Thomas O. Letcher, Myran McCrackin, Luther Town, Clement M. Lighter. CORPLS. — WUUam H. Perry, MUler R. Neagle, Christopher P. Jones, Jerome Edwards, Frederick W. Doerr, Alfred A. Burress, John B. Jett, Wilson M. Bagby. PRIVATES— Jaraes H. Akin, William B. Akin, Samuel Akin, Wm. D. Albright, Jonathan Brunton, John C. Blakeman, Walket T. Brent, Henry C. Butts, John A. Carralcle, John Crosby, HoUand T. Bills, Albert M. Ferguson, Joseph Poster, John A. Farraer, Jaraes A. Gossett, Miles, J. Handy, Thoraas HUl, John B. HUl, Ignatius Hazell, John M. Innls, Elijah J. Lobb, Robert P. Letcher, Stephen G. Letcher, Sarauel W. MitcheU, Fielding H. MIlby, Francis M. Mann, Sarauel Murry, John J. McHatton, Pranch L. Neal, Geo. W. Nlcholds, Abraham T. Rock, Albert Reynolds, Jas. P. Sldebottoms, Nathaniel Sanders, George M. Smith, Tobias S. Swetman, Henry Tibbs, Wm. M. Vanfleet, Alonzo Vanfleet, Peter Wlegle, Samuel A. White, Albert Whitlow, James A. Whitlock, Charles T. Wil son, James P. Yates, John L. Innls, Theodore C. Innis, Timothy Arnett, James H. Armstrong, James H. Butler, William W. Bates, WUliam D. Butler, John T. Burton, Benjamin Copsy, James W. Perrin, James N. Franklin, James C. Gooden, Josiah Kesler, Joseph Lake, Daniel J. MIlby, Andrew J. Pettit, Thomas M. Smith, George W. Smith, George W. SUnker, J-ohn T. Sldebottoms, Wm. H. Compton, Jettefans Colieher, George W. Eckles, Charles T. Gum, Wm. H. Houlk, Thomas J. Mann, Wm. H. At well, Jas. A. Whitlow, George W. Johnson, Benj. Simmons. Company "G." CAPTAIN— WUey Searcy. 1st LIEUT.— James L. Ourtsinger. 23 LIEUT.— James S. Searcy. SERGTS.— James B. Willis, James W. Burgin, Riohard T. Dowdy, George W. Curtslnger, Riohard Thrailkil, John E. Grear. CORPLS.— John Jordan, Kelan Melear, Marion Parrish, E. Merritt Easley, George L. Gaines, Louis Zinnamond, Walter AUen. MUSICIAN— Jesse Jones. WAGONER— Jesse Burgess. PRIVATES— Louis Boston, Robert Catlette, Franklin Catlette, John T. Gordon, Levi Green, Arthur Mc. Hutton, Wm. T. Hutton, Winfleld S. 582 Union Regiinents of Kentucky. Jordan, James H. Jones, John R. Jones, Joseph B. Jewell, Robert D. Johnson, John Montgomery, Parker Morton, Christopher C. Proctor, George K. Rucker, Alexandria Searcy, James Arthur, Henry C. Bell, Mastin Bond, James C. Chafin, John A. Clnnaraond, John Doke', Thoraas W. Grubbs, Peter Grubbs, Richard Hahn, John W. Hazejwobd, Silas Hawkins, Henry Haralet, Joseph Hite, Joseph I-yans, William A. Jack son, Oliver Jaraes, Williara Johnson, David Jiraison, Drewie T. Kays,' William Kays, Levi Lipscomb, John McCallster, George W. Montgomery, George B. Montgomery, Baton Morgan, Robert H. Pool, Wililam Rioh ards, Marshal Stacy, Taylor Searcy, James "T. Saffel, Nathan Snelnel, James M. Stevenson, Sanford Travis, James Travis, Everette Wright, Oscar Warren, Bishop A. Wash, Henry Wilson, James G. Carter, Thomas McMIchael, Jeptha D. Sutherland, William Stipes, Franklin Boss, Craft' Dowdy, John Goeens, James N. Jenkins, Hardester Simpson, John Ter rell. Company " H." CAPTAIN— Leander J. Stephenson. 1st LIEUT.— John W. S. Brooks. 2d LIEUT.— Ephraim B. Guffey. SERGTS.- Geo. K. Marcum, Absalom C. Guffey, Hooper C. Norraan, John Albertson, GeOrge W. Smith. COR PORALS — DewIt C. Duvall, James Meek, Reuben S. Ramey, Stephen S. Rain, Sarapson Hider, Andrew J. Mace, James Rodgers, Henry T. Bramef. WAGONER— Calvin G. Hugh. PRIVATES— Wra. E. Albertson, William H. Akin, Samuel L. Bramer, Joseph L. Beck, Jeremiah Calhoon, Stephen Coll, MUburn Coop, Samuel Clark, Robert B. Crisp, Jaraes K. Crisp, Oliver P. Duvall, William Davidson, Milton Davidson, Thoraas S. Davidson, Carter D. Dalton, Wm. H. Deny, Ewing L. Deny, Jesse M. Eliot, Joseph Pergison, Joshua F. Gilbert, Jacob L. Higglnbothara, GranviUe S. Hancock, Wm. A. Hider, James Hider, Araos M. Koger, Jesse J. Lester, Sarauel R. Littrell, John E. Morrow, Jaraes R. Miller, John Neal, William Pruitt, Joel W. Rodgers, John F. Riley, Amburs B. Riley, Isaac W. Sraith, Jaraes Steward, Jona than J. Shockey, Jaraes H. Shiral, Sherrod A. Stinson, Jaraes S. Smith; Alex. W. Smith, Joel Vickry, Nicholas D. Vandiver, Jefferson S. Walker, Daniel Ziraermon, WlUIam Brown, Andrew J. Frogee, Ezekiel H. Hall, Wra. A. Massengale, Curtis M. Shelton, Harraan W. Sandusky, Solomon' Albertson, Jereralah Coil, Stephen R. Rains, Jesse B. Smith, Elisha Bell, Williara Crabtree, Arasey Crabtree, Henry C. Dyer, Jaraes Furgison, Washington G. Garrot, James R. Givlngs, John Kirkwood, Ransom RUey, Alford Elmore, Marlon Hatfield, Emanuel Hatfield, Robert Hatfield, George Troxwell, George A. Vandiver. Company " I." CAPTAIN— Gains L. Burk. 1st LIEUT.— Calvin Bell. 2d LIEUT.- James Phipps. SERGTS.— James C. Parker, Nathan S. Smith, Jaraes S. Jones, Moses Hurt, John A. Cannon, James Koger, Perry Anderson; CORPLS. — Hirara Vaughan, Mordecai Gregory, Joseph Coffey, Nelson Cecill, Shadrich Upchurch, David Norris, William H. Cook, John J. Up church. WAGONER— Elijah Hall. PRIVATES— Jonathan Abbott, Edward Brown, Daniel Blevins, Bel- field Brown, Francis M. Blevins, David Boyatt, Henderson Boyatt, Har rison Bell, Nelson Davis, Cebron Davis, Charles Foster, John Foster, Aaron Fox, Roland Gregory, Wm. P. Goddard, Reuben Hurt, Calvin Jones, Joel Lackey, Henry McKinney, James T. Merideth, Nathaniel Merideth, John W. Merideth, Wm. Masslngale, WiUiam Marcum, Samuel J. Owens, B. Privett, Martin Parker, Jesse Reeves, S. Ried, Isaac Ried, John Rich, Wiley Reid, RUey SpradUn, Pattent SpradUn, David Smith, Henderson Smith, Elijah Smith, Jefferson Slaven, James Sla,ven, Will iam SpradUn, Ambrose Spradlln, Jacob Troxel, Jr., Peter Troxel, Johnson Tucker. Moses Upchurch, Henderson Upchurch, WUUam' R. Winchester, Samuel Walters, Thomas Wooton, Jereralah Cope- len, Isaac Burnett, WUUam Boston, Henry Clark, Moses Davis, AUeri Savage, Emberson Wallace, John C. Dishman, Allen McThompson, Clayborn Reid, Elliott SpradUn, Jacob Troxel, Jonathan Winchester, Luke Davis, AUen Pox, Francis Malooat, Burdine Tackett. Thirty-second Kentiwky Infantry. 583 Company "K." CAPTAIN— Richard Reynolds. 1st LIEUT.— Nathan Buchanan. 2d IIBUT.— George A. Muse. SERGTS.— Aaron Turpin, William P. Aken, Richard G. Barber, John R. Burton, James H. Powell. CORPLS. — ^Isaac M. Shoemaker, Loupra B. Hall, Oliver Markum, Thomas Price, Overton Shoate, Cornelius W. Cain, Joseph Roberts, James Meece. WAGONER — William Patten. PRIVATES — Mifford Burton, Mason Burton, Thomas Bagley, Lewis Burk, William Burton, Elisha Boyt, Andrew Cox, AUen Cooper, Wel come Davis, Sherrod W. Duyall, Jesse Flinn, John Farmer, James Foster, Isaac S. Hall, Henry Hysan, Jackson Hider, Joseph G. Jasper, WUliam H. Kelsey, Henry McCart, Milford Merritt, Henry Moles, George W. Mason, William Mason, Burton New, CjTenius Newby, Jesse C. Neeley, John Norris, Amberson Parker, Alvin Parker, Richard Rains, Solomon Slaughter, Wm. Stroksdill, Samuel Sraith, John Surber, George M. Stephens, Henry Scott, Esaw Thorapson, Jacob Thorapson, Daniel TroxtaU, Jacob TroxtaU, Henry L. Thompson, ' Micajah York, Caleb York, William Stinger, James W. Brook, WUliam Edwards, Francis T. Gaines, Joseph H/atmaker, James Merrett, John H. Meeks, William P. Price, John A. Raney, John Taber, Jonathan Welsh, Burdine Young,- John Ferguson, David Hanlette, Everette Hanlette, George W. Kelly, Martin V. Lefevers, Jacob M. Yaden, Nathaniel P. Price, William P. Grear, Wm. P. Goodin, James M. Goodin, John Huff, John Marcum, Hiram Meeks, James K. McCart, William E. Rains, Micajah Sowers, Richard Stringer, James P. Sears, Jefferson York. Thirty-ffrst Kentucky Infantry, The organization of this regiment was abandoned. TTiirty-second Kentucky Infantry, The roster of this regiment is given in the adjutant- general's report, but the only account of its career there found is as follows: "The offlcers jof this regiment failed to furnish a history of its early organization, marches, etc., and the records of the command being very incomplete in the adjutant-gen eral's report, I am unable to give a detailed statement of its operations." The present writer has not been able to obtain any as sistance in making the history of the 32d. What is here presented has been gathered from tbe offlcial reports. The regiment was raised by Col. Thomas Z. Morrow in the summer of 1862. The field and staff and all the companies were mustered into service at Camp Burnside,. Ky. Company B was mustered in at Frankfort, and Capt. Taylor's company at Louisville. Before the men were mustered into service the regi- 5H4 Union Regiments of Kentucky. ment was engaged in active service in the defense of Ken tucky against Bragg's invasion in 1862. A portion of the regiment participated in the battle of Perryville, October Sth, being at that time in Terrell's, brigade, Jackson's division, and under the immediate charge of Gen. T. T. Garrard. Generals Jackson and Terrell were both killed, but the adjutant-general of the brigade, Oapt. W^ P. An derson, U. S. A., reported that Garrard's troops behaVed well. After the battle of Perryville the 32d was kept on duty ih the state guarding and scouting. In this duty it, operated as far west as Hopkinsville. It was also at Danville, Lexington, Somerset, Camp Burnside, Stanford, Lebanon and many other points. In the organization of the Department of the Ohio under Gen. iBurnside, June 30, 1863, the 32d, under Col. |IIorrow, was in the 1st Brigade, 2d Division ; and, July 31, 1863, the same. At that time Gen. Burnside went on the East Tennessee expedition, in which the 32d participated. In November, 1863, it is reported by Gen. O. B. Wilcox at Morristown, East Tennessee. After that date it re turned to Kentucky. Capt. Robert B. Taylor's company appears to have been recruited fqr the 32d, but before it was inustered into service was consolidated with Company I, of the 22d Ky. Infantry, with which regiment it served for three years. Since the war Col. Morrow has been one of the most prominent citizens of Kentucky, having been candidate for governor, and having served as cfrcuit judge. Field and Staff. LIEUT. COL.— Thos. Z. Morrow. MAJOR— John, A. Morrison. AD JUTANTS— Wra. J. Hurae, R. H. Kinney. Q. MASTERS— J. C. Sayers, Wm. Woodcock, John Carnes. SURGEONS— John J. Matthews, AVm. P. Soott. ASST. SURGEON— Benj. P. Davidson. • Company "A." . CAPTAIN— Robert J. Dyas. 1st LIEUT.— Isaac N. Slade. 2d LIEU- TBNANT— George W. Drlnkard. SERGTS.- Zebular Alphln, John M. Hightower, John Stlner, Zachariah Brown, Wm. T. Whaley. CORPLS. —Sarauel M. Rich, John W. Hill, WUllamson B. FinneU, John L. Mitchell, Joseph Barnfitt, L. C. A. Lucas, James R. Hightower, Wm. Foster,/ MUSICIANS— Wm. J. Westlake, John G. Dyas. WAGONER— Stephen Burch. PRIVATES— James Adams, John W. Anderson, AUen Antlbus, Ad dison Beeoh, Thomas Bingham, Taber Brown, Aaron Baker, Squire H. ¦BUllter, George L. CV. Bowen, James J. Bell, Peter A. J. Brumback, WUliam BeU, Stephen Brittenham, John Bonds, John Carnes, Richard A. Collins, Charles W. Conner, Landon S. Carter, George W. Corbin, Wm. H. Corbin, Jeremiah Crouch, Gotllef Crips, Volney O. Oanfield, TolUver . Craig, Moses Crutchfield, Columhus C. Conner, Wm. M. Cook, John Dunn, Charles T. Daniel, Redln Davis, Oval L. Dougherty, William Bl Uott, Thomas B. Finnell, Thomas Perrle, William M. Forbs John T. Ford. William M. Pranks, Francis FIghtmaster, George Gano, Thomas Thirty-second Kentucky Infantry. 585 M. Grimsley, Virginlus Garnett, Jeremiah Gleen, Wm. E. Hearn, James I. Hall, James A. HiU, Thomas Hender, Robert S. Hopper, Lafayette Holder, Wm. A. Hopper, Gordpn Harris, John Hendricks, Squire Hen sley, James Health, Peter Hemingway, Bush H. Jones, John Justice, E. D. Johnson, Robert Johnson, John Jones, James D. Kenedy, William Kalaher, Robert H. Klnhey, Lafayette Kenedy, Wm. Kenedy, Joseph W. Kenedy, Bryson Kenedy, Henry Kipp, Richard Kendall, Pierce Kent, Ezra K. Lumis, Bthelbert Lurais, Samuel Lamhert, Thoraas Landrum, John Littrell, Nicholas O. Livingston, John H. MiUer, Hugh McHatten, Charles E. Morton, David McCarty, Reason A. MUler, DaJvId L. P. Mile- han, Sylvanus J. Osborn, Obediah Perry, Hugh K. Perry, Ephrlara Rest ler, Jaraes Ranton, Squire Rose, Benjamin F. Robinson, Leonard M. Rutherford, Jaraes H. Robinson, WUUam SUraan, John Sraith, James Stephens, John Shurburg, Josiah Stuart, Peter Sturgeon, Joseph Simons, Thomas P. Sirapson, Michael Thorp, Henry T. Wolf, Wm. T. Whaley, John WUes, Wilson Wadsworth, Bryant Webster, Benjamin Winkle! Samaritan Webster, Vard'amin Webster, James W. Williams, William AVebb, W;m. J. Wells, Jackson Walton. ' Company " B." CAPTAIN— Ben T. Nix. 1st LIEUT.— John W. Zinn. 2d LIEUT.— Thomas E. Rhoades. SERGTS.- Asa M. Phillips, Wm. A. Bowles, Henry C. Hopkins, Ralph Rabourn, James P. Wilson. CORPLS.— Louis E. Boroughs, Lawson Hopper, William Bobbit, Wm. B. Childers, Wm. H. Burgess, James W. Ferguson, Wm. M. McHatton, Henry Morrow. MUSICIANS— Wm. D. Nix, Robert H. Bickers. WAgONBR— James D. Olark. ¦ PRIVATES— James A. Anderson, Thomas H. Baird, Wm. Beckurn, Uriah Bickers, John Bonds, Joseph P. Blythe, Joshua Brown, Wra. S. Butts, James J. Baird, Wm. Barnett, John W. Barnett, Nathaniel Beech, John Cave, Robert Clitfton, Rasbury Crawford, Richard A. CoUins, Charles W. Connor, Landon S. Carter, Thorapson Collins, George W. Cor bin, Wm. H. Corbin, John W. Dawson, Andrew Devoe, Wm. R. Donovan, Benjamin Dunn, John Dunn, Marion Edwards, Thurston Ferier, Wra. H. Ferguson, John A. Fornash, Wm. R. Goldsbury, Hack Hawkins, Wm. E. Hearn, AS^m. W. Hudspn, John D. Hutchinson, Sara. D. Hutchinson, Geo. W. House, Andrew J. Hicks, Andrew J. Isaacks, Preston Isaacks, Lafayette. Jones, Samuel Lambert, Wra. Loaier, B. McCorraic, John J. McHattan, Jesse Moore, Jaraes T. Moore, Jaraes P. Marshall, John B. Marshall, Louis Martin, James G. MUton, James P. McHattan, Mathew McHattan, Robert C. Noel, Elisha Oliver, James H. PerneU, John Readnour, Uriah Rudacille, William W. Rankins, Coledge Sipple, Jesse A. Suter, George W.' Sleet, Henry C. Sleet, John B. Shryock, Elisha Stuart, Levi Stuart, Thomas P. Simpson," WUliam Sraith, Andrew J. Sims, Thomas H. Thomas, William Thornton, John Troutraan, James Tresler, John Vohn, AVm. P. Vohn, John Wallace, Jaraes M. AValker, TUraan Webster, James M. Wills, Hiram G. Williams, William J. Wells, James Walton, Jos. Dunn. Company " C." CAPTAIN- Harrison M. Hurt. 1st LIEUT.— Roily W. Chapraan. 2d LIEUT.— William D. Lowe. SERGTS.— Benj. P. T. Hancock, Jacob J. Andrew, Jam^s H. Hancock, Thoraas H. Guffey, Doctor P. Perdue. CORPLS. — John Hurt, John McGowen, Siraeon Marcura, Ephraim M. McWhorter, Shelby G. Andrews, James F. Stephenson, Jeremiah Davis, Joel B. Bills. PRIVATES— Henry Allen, William Av6ry, Joseph R. Aerie, Wililam Allen, Robert Brumley, Ell Brown, Francis M. Butram, Wm. B. Brum- ley, James Bulard, Ellison Brown, Alexander Brumette, Claborn Brown, Thomas Brown, Frederick Bolce, Daniel R. Brown, John Brumley, Thomas Cook, John Oook, Samuel Clark, Shelby P. Choat, John P. Ohoat, George W. Dicken, Robert S. Davis, John Davis, Richard Dousley, Henry Eaton, Franklin Edwards, Wm. Evlns, John Evins, William Eads, Martin Guthrie, Thoraas Gibson, E. M. C. Guffey, James M. Guffey, Richard B. Guffey, Henry Guffey, Champion M. Guffey, Andrew K, 586 Union Regiinents qf Kentucky. Hamons, Stiarlin S. Hoover, Samuel W. Hale, Marion P. Herell, Ervin Keeton, Martin Keeton, Williara Kent, Andrew R. Lowe, James 'W. Lowe, Wllber P. MUler, James H. MUler, Jerry C. Moore, John Moles,. James Makiner, Jaraes Owens, Wm. H. Polstor, Levi Polstor, Franklin. Polstor, Evin Penlng, Daniel Perry, Jahies Phipps, Squire S. Roberds, Preston V. Robins, Thomas Snow, Alex. R. Shle, Wm. H. Summers, David: H. Starns, John M. Stephenson, Caleb Starns, James M. Shockey, Bartin. Sraith, Jaraes Stinson, Jaraes K. -P. Sione, John P. Sione, Samuel H. Sione, James Slene, Hiram Sione, Reuben Sione, Wm. S. Taylor, Thomas W. Vlgles, Robert WUson, Brooks, H. Walker, AVUliam H. Wynn, John: R. Wright, Briton Walden, Giles W. Walden, David Willen, Newton Waldep, James Walden. Company "D." CAPTAIN— Parish G. Buster. 1st LIEUTS.- Benjamin D. Owens, Wm. M. Northrup. 2d LIEUT.— James L. Francis. SERGTS.— George K. Marcum, WlUiiam Cross, Henry Means, Wm. H. Stephens, John EUis. CORPLS.— Jesse J. Goodman, Francis Guffey, Riohard Hadley, George W. Garvls, Joseph Guffey, Thomas Turner, Edward Wllllaras, Blackbur Smither. WAGONER— James Cope. PRIVATES — Aaron A. Allen, Joseph Agee7 Simmons Bandy, John Brockman, GranvU G. Beaty, Wesley Bell, Elisha Bell, John BeU, James. Bell, WiUliara Booker, John W. Brown, Golson AV. Brown, Linsey Brumit,, James A. Brown, Crawford K. Burch, Thomas Burch, James Bunch,, John Buck, William Branham, Richard Cook, Albert C. Cox, Ambrose Cundlf , Williara Clark, Rufus Dowdy, J. S. P. Davidson, , Oliver Dowdyi Edward Blraan, John M. Francis, James Fergerson, Thomas J. Ferril,, WUUara Ford, Howel C. Fergerson, John Garvls, George W. Goodman, John A. Goodman, John L. Guffey, George Guffey, Wm. G. Gabbert, Asa' B. Galaway, Thomas Holt, Isaac Holt, William Hair, Wm. B. Huddleston. Jackson Hider, Wra. Hider, Samuel Jones, Isaac Koger, John Man, Benj, M. Means, John Marlow, John Melton, Jefferson Melton, Abraham Nor ris, Thomas Oaks, Wm. Perdew, Patrick Patterson,' John S. Ramsey. Wm. G. Rarasey, Jaraes W. Rarasey, WUiiara Rich, Calvin Rich, Joseph. A. Robinson, Elijah Robinson, Lewis Robinson, Isaac Robinson, James L. Stone, John Shipley, Peter Shelby, Curtly Shelton, Allen Stocton,, Johm R. Sirason, John M. Sandfur, John P. Shipley, Jesse Taylor, Thomas Wallace, John B. Waldrldge, David White, John Zackey, James K. Zackey. Company " E." CAPTAIN— WUUam B. White, 1st LIEUT.— Cyrenius W. Smith. 2d LIEUT.— William Patrick. SERGTS.-John O. Early, Simeon- C. Steely, Demsey Sraith, Pleasant Walker, Hirara Kenady, John S. Smith. CORPLS.— Nathaniel Sraith, Christopher Cox, John Meadors, Marshall M. Sraith, Wra. T. Meadors, James C. Parjcer, Isaac Smith, Mark Sum ner. MUSICIAN— Jaraes Smith. PRIVATES— Brooks Broint, Cornelius Brumatt, Henry L. Brumatt, George P. Broiles, Riley Broiles, Lewis Broint, Timothy Broiles, Calvin R. BaU, Joseph Beard, James Beard, James M. BaU, Daniel Cox, Sr.. Daniel Cox, Solomon Cox, Alexander CoUans, James CoUans, WUUam Campbell, John W. Creekmore, John Davis, Sr., John W. Davis, Eph- razln R. Davis, Andrew R. Davenport, Nathan Durham, William Daven port, John Dorlty, John S. Duglas, Berry Fielden, Mark Freeman, John Freeman, John Poly, MUton E. Goans, E. Gooden, W. AV. HIgglnbottam, Jas. G. HIgglnbottam, William Hays, John Hararaons, WUUara Honey- cutt, James Hinkle, Jackson Hamlan, BaUura Kidd, John L. Lawder- rallk, Wm. Lawdermllk, Thomas Lawdermilk, George W. Lawdermllk, Wm. T. Meadors, James A. Martin, C. M. Morgan, Ephraim Morgan. Joseph Meadors, John Morgan, Joseph Morgan, Wm. H. Morgan, M. M. Meadors, John McGee, A. J. Mannon, Williara Murphy, David Murphey. David Marlow, Joel Martin, James Neely, George W. Parker, Calvin: Patrick, Wm. Poindexter, John Richardson, Absalom Renfro, Calvin Richardson, Ell A. Steely, S. G. Smith, John Smith, WilUam Smith. Ewell Smith, Nehemiah Sumner, Pleasant Sears, Hiram J. Sego, Hugh R. Strunk, Wm. R. Strunk, Thomas S. Stevens, Joseph M. Tuttle, James Thirty-second Kentucky Infantry, 587 M. Tuttle, George Vanover, Sarauel Vanover, Stewart Wyatt, James W. Wingfleld, Joel Walter, William Willson, James Davis. . Company " F," CAPTAIN— Bourne G. Tate. 1st LIEUTS.— Speed S. Farris, Thomas' S. Hamilton. M LIEUT.— John M. Neal. SERGTS.-John S. Ryan, Anderson S. Hayns, Abel Bryant, Oliver C. Mynett,- Esam G. Parris. CORPLS. — ^Volentlne Perel, James Ross, John Q. Heath, Madison A. Moore, Harrison H. Perel, Jeptha W. Cravlns, George B. Hall, Francis F. Bryant. PRIVATES— James Alsip, Joseph Abbit, Hirant Abblt, Jesse Abbit, John G. Abblt, Thomas Abbit, Robert Alsip, Addison Alsip, Madison Booth, Hezekiah Burton, Wm. H. Carregan, Francis M. Canady, Charles Canady, Wra. A. Cooper, James Crlscillls, Peter Chavis, Franklin Chavis, David Carpenter, Jasper Digs, John B. Dodson, Peter Dikes, John C. Dalton, Nathan M. Ellington, James Bateon, Randolph N. Early, Thomas Early, J. P. Eaton, Jasper Epperson, Coswell Perel, John Fielding, Daniel Perel, Hardin Floyd, Levi Perel, Joshua Free man, Joseph Grlffet, George W. Guffey, Is^m Gains, Emby Gains, Lemuel Guln, Malin Howard, Ephraira Hamilton, John Hamilton, James Harris, Jaraes H. Henderson, Wra. "Hamilton, Austin W. Hall, Geo. C. Huffaker, Charles Haynes, John P. Hamilton, James A. Heath, Jesse AV. Heath, M. Edgar Huse, John Harris, Wra. H. Huse, Adolphus Harun, Caleb Higgins, WUsey Hood, J. P. Jourden, Jefferson W. Jentry. Zachariah T. Jentry, John Lorenell, Columbus C. Logan, Jacob Meace, George A. Muse, C. G. McDowell, Nloholas C. Mart-ey, Michael McDowell, John J. McFarlln, Moses B. MuUins, Franklin W. McVay, John W. Murry, Jabe Meders, Hampton Meders, John MUler, Langford MuUons, Thomas McFarlln, John M. Neal, John Oliver, Green Owens, John Pendergrass, M. E. Richardson, John Ross, Peter H. Sammons, John M. Stewart, Henry Sutherland, James T. Shockency, Abrahaim Shelton, J. W. Sraith, J. R. Taylor, George W. Thompson, Peter Taylor, Aford Vaughn, John Woodard, James R. Williams, George W. Wright, Jacob Wiggins, Wm. H. Weaver, Oliver Wadel, James Wright, Sr., William Wright, James Wright, Jr., Jaraes Willson, John Sammons. Company " G." CAPTAIN— Alexander C. Surber. 1st LIEUT.— Nelson S. Goooh. 2d LIEI.TTS.— James M. Nunnelly, Edwin Sadler. SERGTS.— R. Ard, Samuel Griflin, Jacob Vaught, Wm. M. Roy, Thomas Eads. CORPLS.— James Spears, John Shadowens, James Wesley, Thora-as Lay, Wm. Griffin, Roland V. Hoosier, Eust'ice E. Davis, John T. Thompson. PRIVATES— SUas G. Ashley, Jaraes Abel, Merlda Adams, L. A. Adaras, James M. Ard, Absalom Baugh, WUiiara Burge, Constatine Burge, George W.. Ballue, TUraan Burtin, Joseph Cloyd, John Coomer, Ammon Coomer, Samuel -Chumley, Jesse E. Coomer, John Cummins, Jesse N. Coyd, Joshua Dick, Sarhuel Dick, William O. Davis, Francis Denham, Archibald Denham, Peter R. Dobbs, John Dunsmase, Jereralah Daws, Williara Donelston, George Dorrel, John Davis, William Eades, Oliver P. Eubanks, Daniel EUott, Jesse Flinn, Reuben Floyd, Camel Griffin, WllUlam Garret, Pountalne Gough, Zachariah Hall, MUfred Hall, Allen Hodge, William Howell, Thomas Hoosier, A. P. Hasty, William Kinder, George W. Lay, Joel G. Lynn, John P. Louis, Jaraes C. Louis, Benjamin Langford, Thomas McDowell, Harris Maxey, John Norfleet, George W. Pain, Marlon Reynolds, John Saddler, Wm. G. Saddler, George Slavy, G. L. Swiney, Martin A. Sweet, Monroe Surber, Joseph Surber, Henry Sutherland, Siarauel Sirapson, Richard Stringer,. John Soard, D. Simpson, John J. Sm-Uey, Curaraings Stephen, Williara Stanley, Nathan iel Trusty, John P. Thompson, Harvey Todd, Clinton Todd, Alvadis Tar ter, Willis Tarter, Martin V. Vaught, John AVaddie, John Young, Michael Young. Company " H." CAPTAIN— R. M. GUmore. 1st LIEUT.— James H. Smith. 2d LIBU- TENANT— Alex. H. Parmer. SERGTS.-John C. Price, Jas. H. Mc- 588 Union Regiments of Kentucky. Quearry, Peter P. Baker, John P. Newell, David Burg. CORPLS.-^ Leonard Soorver, Wm. C. Reynolds, George R. Ashley, John C. Owens, . Larkln Hicks, George W. Hargls, Joseph Jackson, John L. Griffln. WAGONER- Wm. L. Borr. PRIVATES— Larkin Arnold, Jr., Wm. R. Arnold, Larkln Arnold, Sr., John Q. Brown, William C. Brown, P. Alexander Brown, William Boyd, Elijah BuUock, William Bunton, George Bobbitt, James -Carver, Mills Chamey, John Clounch, Henry C. CoUens, Thomas CoUens, George W. Davis, Elijah M. Dikes, Elijah P. Dikes, Poiuntain F. Evans, James Parmer,- William PerrUl, John RUey Parmer, George W. GUI, James GUI, Nathaniel Griffin, Harvey Gooden, Neeley W. Hart, Martin Hicks, Samuel Jenkins, Robert Jenkins, Jarvis Jackson, William Kinley, Edward H.' Logsdon, Josi'ah Lorens, Benj. Langford, William Langford, Lemuel Mounts, Williara McKinzle, Henry McKInzie, Henry McClure, William Mans, Mattlson Nickels, Benj. P. Nuckels, D. G. Ping, Robert Ping, Samuel Price, Henry Price, R. Pierce, Tobias J. Queen, John Queen, Jr., Wm. Reynolds, S. Right, MUler Right, Francis M. Renonk, Jaraes D. Shockency, Benjarain StogsdUl, Solomon C. Smith, Wm. H. Smiley, Geo. A. C. Smiley, Jaraes Souder, Jesse Sears, Pressley Stephens, Benj. P. Stephens, William Smith, John A. S'ipple, William Todd, Lambert Thompson, Jesse Thompson, David Vanhook, J. Jefferson Vaught, James Woodall, AVUliam Worra, Robert Wiarren, Harry H. Warren, Solomon Wllborn, Francis M. Ware. Company " I." No rauster-in or muster-out rolls of this company on flle in the office of tl^e adjutant-general of the state of Kentucky. Company " K." No rauster-in or muster-out rolls of this company on file in the office of the adjutant-general of the state of Kentucky. Captain R. B. Taylor's Company. -CAPTAIN— Robert B. Taylor. 1st LIEUT.— Wm. K. Gray; 2d LIEUT.— Thos. J. Hutchinson. SERGTS.— Schuyler B. Mayhall, A. J. Graham, Jas. W. Heffner, Samuel P. Epperson, Leonard Strelff. COR PORALS— John B. Veach, Jacon Swlgert, Jr., Geo. B. Goodwin, J. Flem ing Meek, John Gayle, SpIUman C. Owen, Edward Coleman, Jno. B. Walker. PRIVATES— Thos. Abrams, Jacob Abrams, Jas. R. Beeler, J. R. Burk, W. P. Burk, W. H. Batterton, Henry Bradley, Cody Bowen, Jno.' M. Colera'an, Geo. W. Crurabaugh, Jaraes Cronin, Thos. J. Chestnut, Geo. W. Chisra, J. Lutz Corabs, John Conglln, John Davis, Jas. Dough erty, Woodson Easley, Henry Geigle, Jno. R. Gore, Jesse Gipson, Wm. Howe, Jno. Hoppell, Wm. Harrod, Hugh Harrod, AVm. Hancock, Robert Hatcher, Charles Keiser, Jaraes Kinney, WUliam Lee, dharles Marshall, Ch/arles J. Marshall, John MuUin, Alexander McPadden, Thomas Mc Cleary, Lucien W. McKee, Harlan Pollock, Richard Parker, James M. Pierson, Frank Quire, Geo. W. Quire, Hirara Shannon, John Sullivan, Edward Stiger, Jaraes R. Tate, Geo. W. Tweedie, Jaraes TerreU, Jos. G. Tole, James B. Tole, Garrett Vorls, Peter WUder, Thomas Watson. Thirty-third Kentucky Infantry, This battalion was organized and brought into the field under many difflculties. It was made up of detach ments recruited for various different commands, thrown together and organized at Munfordville, Ky., on the 13th day of September, 1862. Company A, and about one-half Thirty-third Kentiwky Infantry. 589 of Company B, were recruited at Bowling Green under an authority to raise the 35th Infantry. Company C was recruited for the Tth Ky. Cavalry, and had but joined the regiment for muster-in at the period of the fight at Big Hill, in which memorable struggle it participated, and was among the very last to leave the field; its gallant commander, Captain Knight, standing by Col. Metcalfe to the last. On account of the alleged fact that Col. Met calfe did him injustice, or rather failed to do him justice, iu his report of that battle, Capt Knight refused to be mustered into that regiment, and asked to be transferred to the 33d Infantry, to raise which authority had been given, at a camp established at Munfordville, Ky., un der the supervision of Adjt. Jas. A. Dawson, which re quest was granted. Company C and a portion of Com pany B were • recruited originally for the 33d. Very shortly after the recruiting camp was established by Adjt. Dawson, the invasion of Kentucky by Gen. Bragg's forces occurred, and the recruits in camp promptly tendered their services to Col. Wilder, then in command of the Federal troops at the post of Munfordville. Being fa miliar with the country they were assigned to picket, vidette and scout duty, and rendered very valuable ser vice. Participating in the battle df Sunday, September 14, 1862, in which Chalmer's division were so severely punished and signally repulsed in an attempt to assault the works, and also iji the fight of the following Tuesday, which resulted in the capitulation of the garrison, after the main body of Gen. Bragg's command had surrounded the works and cut off all hopes of the'arrival of reinforce ments. These recruits were embraced in the surrender, and were paroled. Adjt. Dawson managed to elude the Confederate forces and escaped to Louisville, bearing the first intelligence direct and positive of the capture of the command. After the Confederate forces retreated from Kentucky these recruits were again collected at Mun fordville, and such of them as had been paroled were sent to Camp Chase, where they remained for several months, awaiting an exchange, which being ultimately effected, and the recruits for the 35th having been ordered "to join them, the battalion was organized as stated above, with Lieut. Col. J. P. Lauck as commanding offlcer. Dur ing the winter of 1862-3, the command remained on post duty at Munfordville, and from that time until the date of consolidation with the 26th Infantry, it rendered active, laborious and efScient service, in various sections of Ken tucky, but mainly along the line of the Louisville and Nashville and Lebanon Branch railroads. 590 Unimi Regiments of Kentucky. Soon after consolidation With the 26th, the active field service of the battalion commenced, and continued with out intermission till the expiration of the term of sei^vice. It participated in the battle of Nashville, both of the haz ardous and exhausting Saltville expeditions and accom panied Gen. Schofield's division to North Carolina, and participated in all the events of that memorable cam paign. It is but due to truth to state that, at all times, and under all circumstances, whether in the field, at the post, on the march, or in the din of battle, the offlcers and men composing this battalion conducted themselves with becoming propriety and gallantry. In the organization of the Department of the Ohio, December 31, 1863, the 33d was in the district of South ern Central Kentucky, which was commanded by Gen. E. H. Hobson. This regiment was consolidated with the 26th Regi ment Kentucky Volunteer Infantry, April 1, 1864, per Special Order No. lOT, of March 5, 1864, from War De partment, and constituted Companies F, H, I and K of that regiment. (See Rolls 26th Kentucky Volunteer In fantry.) Louisville Provost Guard and Thirty-fourth Kentucky Infantry, In September, 1861, an organization was made at Louisville under Col. Henry Dent, called the Provost Guard of Louisville. It consisted of five companies, of about ninety men each. The authority of the organiza tion Vas from General Anderson, commanding the De partment of Kentucky. It was employed at Louisville, performing guard duty for a little over one year, when the 34th Kentucky Volunteer Infantry was formed out of its material with other added. During the period of its ser vice it guarded over 151,000 prisoners. The 34th Ky. Infantry was organized October, 1862, and continued to serve as the Provost Guard of Louisville until May, 1863, when it was ordered to the field, and en tered upon a career of activity which continued until the muster-out, June, 1865. The service of this regiment is so well given in the Adjutant's report it is only necessary to quote from it as follows : "The 34th Infantry was relieved of provost duty at Louisville on the Sth day of May, 1863, and ordered to re port to Gen. Judah, at Bowling Green, Ky., where it re- Louisville I'rovost Guard cmd Thirty-fourOi Ky. Infantry. 591 mained until about the first of July, when it marched to Glasgow, to assist in checking John Morgan in his raid into Kentucky. It did garrison duty at Glasgow until the 28th of September, 1863, when ordered to march via Mar rowbone and Burksville, Ky., to Knoxville, Tenn., under command of Gen. Manson, skirmishing with guerrillas nearly every day. From Knoxville it marched to Morris- toA^rn, where it remained until the battle of Blue Springs, ¦in which it distinguished itself by capturing nearly all of "Mudwall" Jackson's staff, and four hundred and seventy- one of his command. When Longstreet laid siege to Knoxville, Gen. Burnside ordered the 34th to Cumberland Gap from Morristown. After the siege was raised by Gen. Sherman, the 34th was ordered to Tazewell, Tenn., the colonel of the same (Selby Harney) being placed in command of a brigade; composed of the 34th Ky., 116th and 118th Ind. Infantry, the llth Tenn. Infantry and llth Mich. Battery. "On the 24th of January, 1864, the rebel Col. Carter attacked Tazewell with about 1,800 men, in which fight the 34th again distinguished itself for undaunted bravery •under severe fire. In this engagement, which lasted about three-quarters of an hour, the enemy was repulsed with a loss of thirty-one killed and equally as many wounded. On the 26th of January, the regiment was again ordered to the Gap under command of Gen. T. T. Garrard, where it remained on one-third rations for nearly three weeks. News having been received by the general commanding that an attack would be made on the Gap by Gens. Jones and Vaughn simultaneously approaching in different directions, he ordered fifty-five ofthe 34th Infan try : to proceed to Powell's River bridge, to prevent Vaughn's forces from crossing and forming a junction with Jones. The detachment of the 34th arrived at the bridge jnst as Vaughn's advance guard was entering it, and repulsed them after a short fight, but they were un able to tear up the floor< before the whole force came up. The detachment of the 34th took position in a temporary block house and successfully repelled five charges of the enemy. Being armed with Colt's five-shooters, their small numbers were enabled to contend with this large force and compelled them to retire. "On the 17th of April, 1864, Gen. Garrard was relieved of the command of tbe Gap and Col. W. Y. Dillard, of the 34th Ky. remained in command until November 8, 1864, when the 34th was ordered to Knoxville, which was threatened by Gen. Breckinridge from the direction of Strawberry Plains. The regiment was ordered to proceed 592 Union Regirrients of Kentucky. via Tazewell and Walker's Ford, a road much infested with guerrillas. After arriving at Walker's Ford on Clinch riyer it was unable to cross owing to high water, and consequently returned to the Gap and took the Jacks boro road. It arrived at Knoxville November 18th. It remained there on provost duty until February 2, 1865, when it was ordered back to the Gap. April 20t'h it pro ceeded up the Virginia valley in the direction of Gibson's Mills, where a force of the enemy was reported. On the 22d it was met by a fiag of truce and a proposition from Cols. Pridemore, Slemp, Richmond and Wicher, to sur render their forces, which was done, their command num bering 2,713 men. 'I'On the 24th of April the 34th was again ordered to Knoxville and froih thence to Loudon, where it remained on garrison duty until the 20th of June, when it returned to Knoxville for muster-out. It was mustered out at Knoxville June 24, 1865." Col. Henry Dent was the flrst provost marshal of Louisville. Col. Selby Harney was the son of Hon. John H. Har ney, of Louisville. After the war he was a practicing lawyer in Louisville. Col. W. Y. Dillard was one of the active organizers of the Union soldiers at Louisville at the beginning of the war. Field and Staff. COLONELS— Henry Dent, Selby Harney, Wm. Y. Dillard. LIEUT. COL.— Lewis H. Ferrell. MAJS.— Milton T. Callahan, Joseph B. Wat kins. ADJTS.— qharles A. Gruber, Edward G. Parmele. Q. MASTERS — David A. Harvey, Christopher B. Tharp. SURGS.— George W. Ronald, Henry Tammadge. ASST. SURGS.— Hugh Ryan, Joseph Foreman. SERGT. MAJS. — Henry Sutton, Francis M. Looney, Andrew Zimmer man, Joseph W. Adaras. Q. M. SERGT.— Charles Bardin. COM. SER GEANT— William J. Shaw. HOSP. STEWARDS— William Meek, Joseph H. Todd. Company "A." CAPTAINS- William Y. Dillard, Charles A. Gruber. 1st LIEUT.^, John C. Slater. 2d LIEUT.— Jacob S. Pearce. SERGTS.— Peter Prlck- hofen, Williara S. Edwards, William Himberger, George A. Bowers, Charles Bardin. CORPLS.— James McElroy, John Purter, Herman Teitze, Oharles Teltze, Jaraes Arrastrong, Lewis Heminger. PRIVATES- Edward L. Brining, Frederick W. Brochelt, Charles Clay, Andrew Lawson, Fideli Negell, Adolph Oppenheimer, Simon Oberdorfer, Nicholas Powers, John Shoemaker, George W. St. Clair, Thomas Atkinson, Jackson Blunk, William Jamison, Alexander Mo- Farren, Francis T. Roberts, James Sraith, Williara Thompson, George Crawley, Ambrose J. Hofman, Cornelius Sullivan, Prank Laner, Thomas Bohanan, Miohael Dolan, Anthony Davis, John Hennessy, Ernst Ketner, Samuel Lane, John Lanahan, Thoraas Maher, Thomas McGee, Thomas Quinlan, John Smith, Jackson Shepard, James Trent, Oalloway Trent Elijah Trent. Louisville Provost Guard and Thirty-fourth Ky. Infantry. 593 Company " B." CAPTAINS— Francis M. Looney, Rodolph H. Whitmer. 1st LIEUTS. Thomas M. Alexander, Joseph W. Adaras. SERGTS.-John W. Sykes, Henry- Tate, Francis M. Martin, Joseph D. Dobson, Thomas J. Craycraft, Andrew Batts, Joseph Hughes, Thomas C. Hannah, Daniel O'Connell. CORPLS.— WUliam C. Golden, Henry Bentdn, Francis M- Sanders, George W. Sraith, William J. Scott. MUSICIANS— James L. Ereckson, Michael J. Flannagan. • PRIVATES— Stet>hen Barker, Robert Burns, John Carroll, Henry J. Chappell, Wm. J. Deguire, Washington D. Drane, Williara - A. Dunn, Eraahuel Bfnrick, William Hall, Greg Ham, Samuel J. Howard, John E. Howard, Thomas Jones, Patrick Knowland, Martin Knox, Benjamin P. Lamb, Peter Marselles, Huston Martin, Florence McCarty, Charies W. McKenzie, P. E. C. J. MaxvlUe, John M. Price, J'ames M. Pritchard, William Smith, German A. Shivers, David Stlnson, George Staker, John H. Sandefur, Thomas S. Tevis, Jacob B. Tarlton, Henry C. Urban, Wm. Vanbebber, Cornelius C. Weems, Adam Wehl, Ulrloh Becker, Burl M. Dunn, \lohn Knapp, Lawrence Hannan, Henry H. Simpson, John W. Darrington,' Charles ^ughes, Adam J. Tarlton,- John Baker, EU Decker, Prank Hobbell, Patrick Shea, James Bell, Cantral Bowra'an, Joseph Batle, John Blankeriship, John W. Brown, Jarhes F. Beal, 'Thompson Beasley, Wm. H. Baldwin, John L. Baker, Peter Beck, Michael Corcoran,' Thora-&,s A. Chappell, John Dougherty, Thoraas DuUIvan, Williara J. Daniel, Frank Devllle, James Evans, Prank Evans, WUliam L. Gardner, George H. Gordon, William Jenkins, William Lainh, David Mercer, James Murphy, James M. Mills, Patrick H. McElyea, James W. Per kins, Frank Parent, Robert Rawlison, Andrew J. Stanton, John Smith, Acey C. West, Benj. P. Weatherby, Prank WUson. Company " C." CAPTAINS— William H. Pagan, Simeon S. Leatherman. 1st LIBU- TENANT— Jas. M. Leatherm'an. SERGTS.— Wm. B. Dearing, Prank J. Brocar, Oalender King, Rufus P. Goose, Edward Bullock, J. W. Adams, John J. O'Meara, David Robinson. CORPLS. — Wesley Brentllnger, John B. Henke, Wm. D. Hemp, Hugh Gavlgan, Rolen South, James Jeffries. PRIVATES— Henry C. Alford, WlUIam J. Allen, Patrick P. Brown, Louis Buzan, William Cook, Edward Dangerfield, Edward Dott, Jaraes Dlx, -Patrick Glendon, Henry W. Harris, Richard W. Heaton, Edward Hogan, John Hawkins, Louis Lewallen, John P. Lee, Fred Murisch, Henry Medley, Martin Mahan, John Oats, John Odonald, Thoraas Oliver, J'ames L. Russell, Jacob Seibert, Martin Stanfield, Jaraes R. Stout, Will iam Sraith, Lawrence AVick, Thomas Wolford; Charles Hawkins, AVm. M. Harris,' Philip Kooher, Wm. H. Russell, Jacob Shaeffer, James Tyler, Frederick Tucker, Alexander Young, Gabriel Bower, Martin Fury, Charles T. Reid, Benjarain Selgle, Sarauel Tyler, John N. Brown, Sarauel Brentllnger, Wra. L. Brlley, Michael Billings, John Gain, Thomas Cain, John Campbell, Martin Canavan, Wm. Combs, Cu'nningham DUworth, George W." Farraer, Samuel Glass, Alfred O. Hawkins, Martin Hart, 'James Hoke, William Harris, Crow HUl, John Kelly, William Linsky, John McGrovers, John Macoy, Louis Misoh, John P. Means, Frederick Meidt, James Nbwell, James H. Omaly, Robert W. Phillips, Ro'bert M, Reid, George Ridgeway, Jonthan Ruggles, Christian Russell, Colurabus N. Russell, John D. Robinson, George Story, Thomas Sullivan, James Stubbs, Jacob Treiss, Charles Williams, Samuel Wooley, Samuel Wyer- buoker, John W. AASilllaras Company "D." CAPTAINS— Lewis H. Ferrell, Jaraes P. Tapp, Joel M. Coward, Al- • fred V. D. Abbett. 1st LIEUT.— George W. Coward. 2d LIEUT.— Alf re^ M. Hoagland. SERGTS.— WUllara L. Sraith, MItchel J. Boyle, Alford A. Mason, Franklin Renner, Jesse T. Battle, Lewis Hays, Joseph R. Rain, James M. King, John Ct Martin, John T. Shadburn, John Shele, Benj. F. 38 694 Union Regiments of Kentucky. Tyler, James M. Leatherman. CORPLS.— Albert H. McQuiddy, Joseph P. Reading, John Risinger, Robert Fulford, Alphus B. Miller, Gibson Withers, Francis M. Looney. MUSICIAN— John Shields. PRIVATES— James R. Bennett, Jaraes D. Connell, Chas. J. P. EUi cott, Walter T. Pord, James W. Ford, James W. Gatton, Harmai^ Hal- latag, Ralston P. High, Jack Mack, John Marks, Patrick McCann, Wm. B. McKinley, Jaraes McCauley, Sarauel Parshley, Sarauel Rosenthal, Albert Randolph, Thoraas Rlffett, Henry Stroker, James R. Tyre, James Clark, Thomas Conley, James Harmer, Miles Houston, Oharles Hitch- cook, John Shele, Joseph P. Sachs, Thomas B. Thayer, Christian G. Weller, Amos H. Byrara, Joseph H. Todd, John S. Williams, Francis M. Brisby, C. M. Chappell, Thomas McCormick, John B. Wright, John W. Blake, Andrew O. Boyson, John Bennett, Oornellus Conlej, Matthew B. Ford, Thomas P. Gilbert, Charles W. Hunter, Andrew Kail, James Lucas, John Lee, Edward McGInness, Charles P; Perrine, Richard Teuoes, John Williams, Thomas M. Williams; Perry Weatherford. Company " E." CAPTAINS— John O.^Daly, Thomas H. Tindell, Eugene O*. Daly. 1st LIEUT.— John B. Smith. SERGTS.-John Jeffers, Thomas Raymond, Patrick Corrlgan, PhUIp Ernest, JuUus Lunenburger, WUiiara S. Ste phens. CORPL. — John P. Jonse. PRIVATES^Jaraes Cody, John N. Feltes, Samuel Harmon, Edward B. MUes, John Nicks, Garrett Prendlble, Daniel Reardon, Thoraas Riley, John Torp'hy, Peter Wolf, Jacob Finister; Abraham Hurl, Patrick O' Donnell, Richard Pugh, Joseph Reary, Robert Ragan, Clarence Scates, David H. Tate, George Webber, James Boultinghouse, Jaraes Butler, Michael McCarthy, Michael Munjhy, Williara Miller, John S. Atwood, Willis Boultinghouse, Jaraes Byrne, Thoraas Binge, Peter Brady, Stephen Brady, Dennis Conroy, John Crawford, Henry Dillon, Miles Dunning, Michael Ford, John French, Patrick Garrlty, Anthony Gard ener, George Harrison, John Hogan, Jaraes Hart, AVIUlara Jones, James Julien, John Joyce, George Johnson, James Jones, Patrick Kelly, Ed ward Meagher, John McGinnis, Thoraas Murphy, Michael Murphy, Joseph Rourke, Michael Riley, Albert St. Clair, Philip Sulivan, Robert Wilson, John WUkins. Company " F." CAPTAINS— Jos. B. Watkins, Wra. P. Stars. 1st LIEUTS.— John Wood, Jas. W. Fowler. SERGTS.— Henry Watson, August Selby, Henry Burnett, Jos. Seigul. CORPLS.— Isaac J. Jones, James Donahue, Jacon Twenty, Jacob Wormer, George Doctorman, Michael Given, W. H. Worth, Wm. Egleston. MUSICIANS— James Armitage, Darby Scully. PRIA'-ATES— Jacob Aimer, Wm. Bollinger, SIbburne W. Bogg, Henry Bussman, Peter Borten, Patrick Brown, Martin Blumel, John Brunnon, LSonhart Baumnache, -George A. Bowers, Edward A. Cutsall, Patrick Carroll, George Clator, John Clifford, Stephen Oonelly, John Deth, WUi iara Daily, Michael Farthy, Herman Foss, Michael Francis, Joseph Gassman, Abraham Graft, John Gurnon, Henry Galllger, Paul Hemraer, Christian Hartman, John Hofel, Henry Herman, Theodore Habbie, Jasper C. Hunt, Eniks Habbie, EUas S. Irvin, Charles Jones, Thomas Johnson, John Kunz, August Kumraer, John Linn, Daniel Lapp, Jacob Lance, Joseph Leinhardt, Jacob Lauffer, Frederick Madden, Thos. J. MItchel, John Metz, John Ming, Pearce A. J. Malone, John Maloney, Preley MUler, John McCann, Jaraes McElroy, Patrick NUand, Michael Ott, Edward Owen, David O'Conner, Dennis O'Brien, Patrick Redlnton, Lewis Snider, August Schioner, Frederick Stonmeir, Eugene SuUivan, . John J. Swope, Lawrence Smith, Andrew G. P. Shields, John Summer, Zachariah Taylor, Herraan Tettel, Frederick Welch, Worraley E. Wroe, WiUiara Wilson, Oliver Wood, WUUara Weinbeck, John Wacker, Chris tian J. Wolf, Francis Vader, Ernst Mettle, Joseph Stradle, John M. Mad-- dux, Deltrlch Mathfield, John Bur.ger, Joseph Kaughfman, John Kit-' tinger, T,homas J. Wright, lyiartln B. Wright, Benjamin Leioh. Louisville Provost Guard and Thirty fourth Ky. Infantry. 595 Company " G." CAPTAIN— Christopher C. Hare. 1st LIBUT.-Henry Watson. 2d LIEUT.— James R. Farmer. SERGTS.— John Shotwell, Hiram Kinman. CORPLS.-George H. Gatewood, Fred Swarts, Wra. B. Poster, James Curry. PRIVATES— Frank Andy, WiUiam Bryant, John Born, Thoraas Bramel, William Chadlc, Thomas Cain, John Casey, John Conley, Jona than Chessey, Stafford Conley, Michael .Coughlin, Michael Oonoannon, Roibert Doyle, Thomas Adis Emith, Frederick Eisenneger, Silas Elzy, Joseph P. Eshenbaugh, Henry Felker, Walter P. Parris, Rufus K. Foster, Thomas Higgins, Wm. J. Humble, Richard F. HamUton, PhUip Hursh, Andy Hamllt, George W. Jackson, PhUIp Jordon, Jacob Kizer, John Lendreth, Ancil B. Mclntire, William McGuire, WlUIam Marefleld, John Murphy, George Markwell, Noah B. Moore, Henry MIohaU, Isaac Moore, George Nelce, Frederick Niesly, Augustus Odell, James Piatt, Absalom Kose, Jr., WUUam RIckards, Thoraas S. Smith, John Snider, Joseph Sleetmatty, William Strops, John H. Schamps, Michael SuUioan, Jaraes F. Travis, Charles J. Travis, Lycurgus Willlarason, John W. Yearn, Jacob A. Bell, Wra. A. Boraan, John Crawford, Henry Eckert, John PIsher, John Goss, John G. Gray, AVUliam Hasling, John Johnston, Mar shall Merritt, Jaraes Murphy, AVm. M. Robinson, John W. Ratllff, C. L. Emil Sherer, John Troutman, Garrett Vore, Wm. H. H. Valles, John Watson, Jaraes Welsh, ' John J. Young. Company " H." CAPTAINS— Francis A. McHarry, Henry Sutton. 1st LIEUTS.— Alpha R. Sharp, Benjamin D. Strange. 2d LIEUTS.— John M. Williams, John O. Beard. SERGTS.— Robert W. Oliver, BoUraan M. Steavens, Alonzo G. Moore, Charles D. Ashby, Edward P. Speed, Andrew Zimmer man, Samuel Sawyer. CORPLS. — Lawrence Hagairman, Wililam Er- rick, William Gover, Sidney Monroe, William Blunk, James W. Head, Frederick .Becktel, John Fogarty, Casper Ryan. PRIVATES— Louis P. Beale, Alexander Bruner, Alonzo Butcher, James Birdwell, George Google, Edward Cotter, John Cready, William CostlUo, John Franzman, Thomas J. Pon, John A. Goddard, Charles Gasser, Clat Johnson, Brail Krucker, George Kron, George AV. Kron, John Leahey, James R. Lamb, Hiram B. Lanib, Allen Long, Jesse Lafal lett, Thomas Ledwlck, Peter Myers, Philip G. Monroe, George Morrison, John W. McDaniel, James H. Moore, John Maloney, Jaraes B. Prewitt, James Pauley, Joseph Raubold, Beno Schlesinger, Isaac Stewart, Wen- throp Simms, Sidney Smith, James M. Speed, AViUiara H. Terry, Andrew J. Webb, Peter Crowe, Wm. AV. Duffield, Jerry Hunt, Henry Menny, Oliver Newell, Ben. P. S. Osborn, Samuel Skiles, Jacob Sowder, Charles Wills, Rodolph Armbruster, James BurneU, Elbert Bruner, Joseph H. Drane, James A. Ooburn, John Fallow, Jesse Fuque, Xavler HIrschley, William Selter, Samuel Mathis. Charles Nash, Benjamin P. Ringgold, Christ Winters, Benedict Aberer, WiUiam Barnes, John Curie, Edward Pears, Charles Glemser, John Gallagher, Isaac T. Head, Henry Huetel, Mark Kayton, Edward Lee, John Largan, John Lowden, Andrew May flower, Patrick Manly, Frank McGrath, Charies C. Smith, Charles SUls. Company " I." CAPTAINS— MUton T. Callahan, Joseph Pickering, James M. Calla han, R. M. Mosby. 1st LIEUT.— John M. Richardson. SERGTS.-John H. Ressor, Thomas M. Alexander, Theodore P. Goss, Charles H. Peter son, Wm. O. Baird, Wm. W. Moss, James R. Hornback, Jaoob H. Keller, Christopher B. Tharp, William Meek. CORPORALS— James Gallegar, Wardsworth Kindle, Theodore Watson, AVUliam H. Goss, John E. Enlow, Blackley W. Jenkins, Alonzo Lytle, George W. Parris, Henry C. Tran- num. MUSICIANS— Arnold Tharp, Francis E. Brady, George W. Thompson. PRIVATES— John S. Arnold, Peter A. Burba, Samuel T. Burba, Nathan Bennett, Conrad Brandabery, John W. Cooper, Samuel P. Drury, Thomas T. Ferrell, Bailey S. Green, William Gipson, John Hoke, Chas. 596 . Union Regiments' of Kentucky ¦p. Hornback, Andrew M. Hornback, Alfred Hornback, James W. Hunt, Richard J. Holloway, Peter Helniborn, Barnett Hopkins, Norban G. Jackson, Williara Jenkins, Miohael Kearney, John Lanln, James W. Lamb, John Link, George W. Miiller, Levi H. Melton, Benjamin L. Moss, Henry C. Morgan, Thomas J. G. W. Phelps, John Reynolds, Thomasf Reynolds, Henry C. Rodeffer, Benj. O. Sympson, Andrew D. Steel, Joseph' H. Steel, Ad'am State, Eli Shively, George R. Tharp, John W. Waters, Willlani Wood, Henry G. Yates, Anthony Ackerman, Patrick S. Caher, Solomon Irwin, Squire Lane, Daniel J. McClure, Samuel D. McCready, Mariano Ollvera, David W. Roach, W^m. G. Stonecypher, Archibald M. Syrapson, Robert Tuel, David P. WUlis, lianlel Kincaid, William J, Shaw, Philip Gla&mari, Charles King, James G. Sympson, Andrew AV-olpert, John' W. Burress, James B. Brown, Joel B. Crawford, John Cash, Alexandeif Fevere, Calvin Garrett, Silas E. Johnson, John H. Jones, Johh W. Lambi' William Martin, Joseph Mitz, Marion Parker, Harvey A. Richardson. Samuel Snellen, Edward Shofstall, James Tharp, Peter Tourney. ' Company "K." CAPTAINS— Eli P. Parmer, James Boultinghouse, William Duberry. 1st LIEUTS.— John Armstrong, Poster A. Wheeler. SERGTS.— Christo pher C. Deen, Rodolph H. Whitner, David Crull, Abram T. Chappell, George S. Minor, Jaraes P. McMahel,. Charles S. Baker. CORPLS.— Frederick D. Connor, Thoraas Woods, Jacob Beck, Jaraes W. Wheeler, Williara P. Smither, Williara M. McKim, David Bumgardner, James B- Groves, Robert H. Morris, George L. McK-Ira. . PRIVATES— John J. Arnold, Riohard Baker, Joseph Busath, B. P. Boultinghouse, Franklin Chrlstoff, George W. Cooper, Henry Doring, Franklin Drake, John Pennell, John Fey, Andrew Gurap, Samuel G- Heiisley, George B. Herbert, Daniel Hardin, Hugh Hagan, John Johnson, Miles Jaraes, Peter Krensh, Wm. Kershbaum, John Moss, Henry C. Reed, Jaraes S. SIraler, Alfred Stlnson, Franklin Woodward, David Welsh, Mathew Woods, Thomas J. WUson, David Wilson, James Will iamson, John Waggle, Patrick Brannon, Nelson Crull, Marion Eaton, Thomas Fitzgerald, Charles Flood, Lawrence Hannon, John J. Lang, Jaraes W. Lamar, Michael Morris, John R. McGonnell, William Powell, Calvin Sarapley, Franklin Snawder, Mathew Smith, John Smith, Stephen Terry, Addison Terry, Washington Conner, Thomas Dillon. Isaac Hensley, Samuel G. Hutchison, Curtis Lindsey, Jerry A. Robison, Daniel Shelley, Peter Snawder, William P. Warren, AVm. Brown, John Coracho, Bryan Duffee, Stephen, Fergus, Samuel Hutchison, lianlel A; Kinhow, James Kelley, George W. Martin, John O'Harrow, James Ryan, Patrick Smythe, Patrick Welsh. ' Thirty- fifth Kentucky Mounted Infantry. The 35th Ky. Mounted Infantry was organized on the 26th day of September, 1863, at Owensboro, Ky., under Col. E. A. Starling, and was mustered into the United States service on the 2d day of October, 1863, by Oapt. Knight, United States mustering oflBcer. This , regiment was recruited under the most difficult circumstances, the state at that time being overrun with guerrillas, making it exceedingly hazardous for officers to recruit and retain their men in camp. From Owensboro it marched to Hen derson on the 10th of October, and from thenee to Hop kinsville, Ky. During the latter part of the year 1863 it Thirty rfftli Kentucky Mounted Infantry. 597 was constantly on the march, guarding the country be tween the Green and Cumberland rivers, which was in fested with many predatory bands of guerrillas. The arduous duties performed by this regiment during its early existence did not afford much time for drill, still, through the indefatigable exertions of its officers, it ar rived at a point of excellence in drill and discipline which was the admiration of all Avho were connected with the regiment and the division fo which it was attached. During the month of August, 1864, this regiment, with others under command of Geu. E. H. Hobson, marched from Elizabethtown in pursuit of the rebel Gen. Adam Johnson, who held possession of the country between the Green and Cumberland rivers. After a long and tedious piarch, with various skirmishes, they succeeded in driving liim out of Kentucky into Tennessee by way of Cadiz. Prom Cadiz it returned, via Hopkinsville, to Lexing ton, and, on the 15th of September, moved in Gen. Bur bridge's command in the first expedition on Saltville, Va. It returned to Lexington on the 5th of November, and from there was ordered to Louisville, Ky., where it was mustered out ou December 29, 1S64. It participated in the battle of Saltville, Va., and in numerous skirmishes with guerrillas in various portions of Kentucky. In addition to the foregoing, which is taken from the adjutant-general's report, the official reports show that in the organization of the army of the Ohio, Decem ber 31, 1S63, the 35th Ky. was in the District of Southern- Central Kentucky, Avhich was commanded by Gen. E. H. Hobson, ahd was in Col. Cicero Maxwell's brigade. In the same organization of April 30, 1864, it was still in Maxwell's brigade. Gen. Hugh Ewing's division. May 7th Capt. Baker, commanding a detachment of the 35th, had a fight in Meade county, in which he routed a Confed erate band under Capt. Hinkle, who was killed. Capt Baker continued his work in that part of the state, captur ing and dispersing similar bands, through the months of June and July. Lieut. Col. Sam F. Johnson, of the 52d Ky., reports Capt. Baker's detachment with him in his movements through Western Kentucky. August 14, 1864, Gen. Hobson reports the 35th at Bardstown, under Col. Stariing. August 23d Gen. Hobson sent fhe following dispatch to Gen. Ewing from near Cjanton, in Trigg county: "Rebels were pursued to this point. Col. Johnson, 52d Ky., attacked their rear this morning at daylight; killed fifteen, captured fifty prisoners, one hundred horses 598 Union Regiments of Kentucky. and mules. About three hundred succeeded in crossing the river. Colonels True and Burge are pursuing some down north bank of Cumberland river. My forces are picking them up as they pursue. Col. A. R. Johnson lost both eyes; he may recover from his wounds. Col. Star ling's regiment, scouting country in vicinity of Princeton, are capturing some prisoners." These reports show the nature of the duty that had to be performed in 1864 in Kentucky. But for the persistent and active work of the regiments detailed for this service all government property, railroads and bridges in Ken tucky would have been destroyed. W^hen the first expedition to Saltville was made in September, 1864, the 35th was sent from Western Ken tucky to accompany that movement. In that expedition the 35th lost twenty-one men. Upon the return it was ordered to Louisville by Gen. McLean, where it was-mus- tered out of service, after a year of continuous duty under its most able and accomplished and patriotic leader. Col. E. A. Starling, and the excellent officers who had entered the service under him. It may be mentioned in this connection that three brothers, bearing the name of Starling, were notable Ken tucky soldiers. Col. Lyne Starling served as chief of staff to Gen. Thos. L. Crittenden. Col. Sam Starling was chief of staff of Gen. Jas. S. Jackson, and was at his side when he fell at Perryville. He was major in the Sth Ky. Cav alry and rode with Shackelford and Bristow in the pursuit of Morgan, July, 1863. Col. Edmund A. Starling raised and led the 35tli Ky. Infantry. Col. E. R. Wier belongs to the distinguished Kentucky family of that name, and, since the war, is a practicing lawyer at Greenville, Ky. Major Frank H. Bristow, brother of Hon. Benjamin H. Bristow, has been a successful practitioner of law and judge since the Civil War. Finnis H. Little, who was adjutant of the regiment, is an accomplished lawyer of Owensboro, and has published au excellent biography of Hon. Ben Hardin, of Kentucky. Field and Staff. COLONEL— Edmund A. Starling. LIEUT. COL.— Edward R. Weir, Jr. MAJOR— Frank H. Bristow. ADJT.— Theodore W. Wing. Q. MASTER— Finnis H. Little. SURGEON— Albert D. Cosby. ASST. SURGS.— William B. Stage, BenjamHn Letcher. CHAPLAIN— WUliam O. Smith. SERGT. MAJS.— William S. Byers, Charles D. King. COM. SERGTS.- Robert M. Beeney, John L. Bennett. Q. M. SERGTS.— Reubfen F. Colburn, Samuel W. Tribble. HOSP. STEWARD— James B. Hubbs. MUSICIANS— Owen Rierdon, Daniel Edmunds. Thirty-fifth Kentucky Mounted Infantry. 599 Company "A." CAPTAIN— Robert Brodie. 1st LIEUT.— David C. Goad. 2d LIEU TENANT— Thomas Y. Hampton. SERGTS.— James R. Nourse, John F Hanner, Gilbert C. Berry, William W. Friday, Robert M. Beeney, James V. Adams. CORPLS.— Ervin D. Hanner, Albert A. Nance, John W. Hol loway, Richard H. Friday, Marcellus C. JeweU, George W. Friday, John Barr, Carvase Prather, Cyrus R. Graham. MUSICIAN— David B. Ed mond. BUGLER— Nathan T. Reed. WAGONER— George Wiatt. PRIVATES— George W. Adams, Francis M. Baker, Isaac N. Baker, Henry Barr, HUdreth A. Bray, John Callay, Bradford Cantrell, Wm. t! Caughman Ellas P. Gates, David Craig, Sebron J. Crowley, Squire Crowley, George W. Crowley, David M. Chandler, Edward A. Dilling ham, Benjamin Dodge, George M. D. Dodge, Presley B. Dunbar, John Dunlap, Edward E. Earlee, William H. Foley, John V. Foley, Burgess M. Pox, John D. Pox, John P. Friday, James K.. Griffln, Thomas G. Hicks, Albert Hill, Jasper D. Hill, Robert D. Jenkins, John J. Keyser, Daniel Murthy, WUUam H. Magers, Calvin J. Newton, Isaac D. Nance, John H. Oakley, Orlando Oldham^ John W. Pahner, Joseph H. Poole, James G. Qualis, Erwin C. Richardson, John T. Robertson, Augustus P. Smith, James M. Sraith, Williara W. Teague, James R. Teague, John T. Tanner, AVUliam S. Tanner, William .R. Vannoy, John W. Webster, George W. Woodruff, Benjamin E. Webb, James C. Webb, Benj. W. Wln-^ stead, William E. Gates, George A. Cliff, James A. Crowley, Philip Daf-. fron, Francis Daffron, Jaraes H. Pox, Augiistin Gunn, Abner Hill, En nis Jewell, Wra. H. Putman, Wm. H. Reed, James Thorapson, Finis Wiatt, John P. Woodburn, P. B. Wlnstead, WUliam H. Pox, John W. Griffln, John G. Wilson, Norraan R. Earlee, Francis G. Pennington, Albert G. Robertson. Company " B." CAPTAIN— Hendrick D. Baker. 1st LIEUT.— Ransom C. Hayslip. 2d LIEUT.— Alfred Harrell. SERGTS.— Henry Burnett, Samuel B. Par ris, Jaraes P. Bledsoe, Abraham P. Kincade, John P. Lewis. CORPLS. — Williara R. Baker, John T. Edlln, Soloraon P. Wlngfield, Edward Temple ton, Henry Hawkins, James W. Reynolds, John Galloway. Sarauel P. York, David A.' Philpot, Sraith B. Meredith. WAGONER— Henry M. Harper. PRIVATES-WUliam Adwell, John W. Amas, Abraham Brooks, John H. Baker, Reuben B. Basham, Jacob Brooks, George yv. Bishop, John A. Bryant, Henry G. Cox, Jacob Oapshaw, Jaraes L. Cox, John W. Con way, John D. Dearing, Charles W. Decker, Joseph Durbin, Ezekiel Decker, George W. Doyel, Alfred Denton, Charles Downes, Julius S. Dunn, Jesse Elraorg, Demarcus Elmore, Hezekiah Ford, Thoraas B. Gib son, Patrick Graham, John W. Hays, Noah Harrel, Wm. B. Higdon, Joseph A. Higdon, Jaraes A. Hack,, Andrew J. Hack, Freeborn G. Jack son, Hardin Jones, Thoraas Kay, James C. Klnkade, Pleasant M. Kinson, Daniel P. Keer, Delaware Lindsay, Volentlne Merideth, Lewis J. Meri deth, Asel C. Miller, John Oiler, Bluford J. Oiler, James A. Roof, Ellas D. Richardson, Alexander Strange, Sarauel Saraple, Obediah SIramons, Reuben Simmons, James Shay, Jaraes Stinnett, John J. Shlveley, Wra. V. Tunstel, Enoch Woods, Lewis Willis, Jaraes A. Wlngfield, Jaraes M. Williams, Luke S. Williams, Ja,mes R. Waraack, William C. Gibson, Elijah W. Shay, Philip P. Auberry, Benjamin Brooks, George W. Daniels, Martin H. Downes, James W. Gibson, James C. Lewis, Jesse Strange, Silas J. Wlngfield, Wm. H. Wamack, John W. Lay, Francis M. Elmore, Wm. Elmore. Company " C." CAPTAIN— Volney Baker. 1st LIEUTS.— Wesley Cole, John L. Ben nett. 2d LIEUT.- John H. Vertrees. SERGTS.— Jacob , L. Karnes, George R. Head, William S. Mauzey, James J. AATiitelege, William P. Holman. CORPLS.-Joseph W. Vancleve, John T. Coffman, Albert H. Shelton, Daniel W. Wilson, Gustavus A. Oglesby, Joseph H. Kittinger, George W. Crowley, Lyssus A. Beaver. MUSICIANS — Owen Rioden, Noah Verner. BUGLER— AVUliam Burdett. WAGONER— John Freels. 600 Union Regiments of Kentucky. PRIVATES— Thomas J. Cobb, StarUng E. Growling, Benjamin Davis, Mathew B. Duncan, Abram Ellis, Andrew J. Pertner, John P. Freels, John A. Farmer, John L. Ford, Cornelius Graham, George. W. Grayson, John A. Grady, William P. Hardin, James. C. Haskins, George. M. Hum phrey, , Thomas M. Howard, James Hunter, Jn'o. W. Huddleston, WilUs Jenkins, Gabriel Jones, John. M. Krunk,. Albert Kinney, Stanhope A. Lively, Kenneth Mclnnis, John McLaughlin, George . MiUer, ,.Win.,.W. McGraw, William E. Maloney, John S. Newton, James M. .Newraan, , Edward .Owen, John Pinkton, Riley Presley, George W. Presley, Johii Rioden, Robert D. Reason, S'amuel M. Rush, Bills Ridout, Elisha. Scott, Williams Solomon, Cornelius Santy, John M. Seigler, William P. Smith, George T. Sa.nders, WiUiam T. Spurrier, Pleasant Sparks, Reuben Tow, William B. Tanner, Arthur Turpin, John F. Thompson, William.Town- son, Scott Vertrees, Geo. H. , Ward, William H. White,. Rufiin Woodard, Samuel Woodard, Wm. H. Woodard, Jaraes Wadkins, Bryant Williams, WilUam Edwards, John M. Kinney, Isaac P. Smith, Bryant Cohb, David H. Keplinger, James T. Mauzey, David Scott, WUliam, B. Wright, WUl iam J. Wilhelm, WUUara Edwards, Alfred A. Fulkerson. Company " D." CAPTAIN— Oharles W. D. Prange.- Isrt LIEUT.— George W. Mosely. 2d LIEUT.— Jaraes T. Goode. SERGTS.— William A. Short, John H. Taylor, William W. Hay, William C. Wright, Charles W. Atherton. OORPLS. — Walker Richardson, Loreijzo V. Overall, Jefferson Bandy, , Henry Reynolds, George N. Wall, Presley Calvin, Philemon Chapman, James P. Welch. MUSICIANS— Jaraes Erwin, Zachariah T. Watts. " WAGONER— John A. Griffln. PRIVATES— Christ C. Alexander, James R. Baughn, Joseph P. Baughn, Allen H. Benton, Granville Brown, Michael Conley, Rem-os G. Gary, Ellas D. Elliott, Warren J. Elliott, Ezekiel M. Fields, John H. Gray, John H. Gossett, James M. Hay, John Higgs, Robert Havener, Preston Higgs, Thomas M. Hamilton, Samuel A. Hudson, Hubbard V. Hicks, John L. Holmes, Nathan R. Hendricks, Richard Jorden, Joseph W. Jones, Geor'ge L. Jones, Wm. J. Johnson, John W. Little, Attreas W. Lashbrooks, Samuel MiUs, James E. McClutchey, John H. Musgraves, Lucius L. MitcheU, Western Mitchell, Thoraas A. Nally, James D. Nally, Daniel Nutgrass, Alfred Owen, George W. Pinckston, Charles P. Prange, John L. Rasner, Mark L. T. Robertson, William L. Roads, Napoleon Roads, WiUiam M. Reynolds, John J. Russell, Lafayette RUey, Benj. P. Sullivan, Dennis Stinnett, John D. Smith, Alexander Stogner, John A. Street, Jaraes A. Taylor, William B. Taylor, Samuel Urnspiker, BU Vanover, Louis T. Vanover, David Hugglns, Jaraes Atherton, George douse, George B. Hicks, John W. Hust, Adolphus Hervin, Isaac P. Sraith, Richard Thornas, William C. Vanover, Franklin Mitchell, James Riggs, Wm. H. Wales. Comparfy " E." CAPTAIN— Edward Campbell. 1st LIEUTS.-^Thomas J. Trice, Charles D. King. 2d LIEUTS.— Tyberius M. Anthony, Charles P. Post. SERGTS. — Moses Springfield, Washington Sraith, Jaraes R. Sumner, • Leander Springfield, James A. Gentry. CORPLS. — Hardy Sweeney, Ed- ¦mund H. Crowley, John Cobb, Williara B. Todd, Edward J. Bumpass, Moses J. Gentry, William J. Grace, William Bell. WAGONER— Edward B. Boa.twright. \ ^ , , PRIVATES— Williara Ashley, Lewis Arnett, James C. BarkweU, Newton S. Gates, John W. Gates, WUUara R. Crist, WUliam Crowley, Andrew T. ChUdress, Jaraes W. Crews, Nathaniel Cobb. George W. Canary, Williara DiUes, Josiah Dunkerson, David M. Bpsley, WUUam Edwards, Benjamin Fowler, John Glllard, Jacob P. Groves, John B. Groves, Orleans Groves, Williara B. Hawkins, George W. Hawkins, William Hutchinson, Matthew Herron, Elisha E. Hunt, WUliam Hardin, Sarauel Hardin, Chas. M. Hawkins, WUUam Harper, William Jones, Wm. H. Lindsey, Wm. P. MUes, S. R. Noffslnger, James W. Oakley, James Overby, Wm. S. D. Overby, Barrett Oakley, James Poag, WUliam Prather, Abe Ruby, Simon Roberts, Isaiah Ramsey, Nathaniel H. Scotit, John H. Sizemore, Samuel D. Trice, Isaac Todd, Hiram Tapp, James tt. Thirty-fifth Kentucky Mounted Infantry. 601 WUliams, Jasper WiUiams, Andrew J. Williams, Thomas J. Williams, J'ohn Wardrip, Samuel C. Wlnstead, Christopher C. Walls, Wra. D. .Witherspoon, James A. Baxtin, Peter Carter, Samuel Gates, WUliam Groves, James R. Hubbs, Monroe L. HaU, William H. Hicks, Abe Job, William E. Jackson, Paris WUUams, Wilson Wiglns, John M. WUUams, Squire Womack, Lawrence W. Cobb, John A. Graddy, John Heffland, -Lewis Gf. Hawkins, James Bell, Henry Bassinger, Andrew C- Gates, John ¦Sims, Richard Turner, Alexander C. Watson, Robert Young. Company " F." N CAPTAIN— Hutson Brown. 1st LIEUT.— Edwin M. Randolph. 2d LIEUT.- Jaraes H. Martin. SERGTS.— Samuel P. MUler, WUlIani B. James, John B. Williams, John Brown, Charles V. Woodruff. CORPLS. —Christopher C. McDonald, Hunly Wright, Pran'cis M. Rice, John P. Shanwell, John R. Rice, 'Thomas D. Forehand, James P. McDonald, John Gossett. WAGONER— George B. Reed. PRIVATES— Samuel Brown, Lafayette L. Bowling, Archibald Carter, Lewis T. Coleman, Charles W. Childers, Charles H. Dlckerson, WiUiam Eritts, Edward Forester, . Elias Fortney, Thomas Hawkins, "Thonias Howard, John R. Harris, Wm. H. Honeycutt, Francis M. Jones, Nard B. R; Johnson, Thomas M. Lewis, John M. Luck, William Lee, John H. Morris, Mitchell Mason, Robert E. Mclntire, John h;. MiUer, Lewis R. Mann, WUliam P. Maddox, WiUiara A. Maddox, Benj. P. Mad dox,, Benedict Minder, Augustus McDonald, WiUiam R. Morris, James H. .Nelson, Benj. Neile, Joseph M. Roark, Jesse W. Rice, Alfred Stanley, Hugh M. Stewart, George P. Swint, Henry Sims, Daniel Slras, David Sims, Brit. D. Sherod, Thomas W. Tabb, Joel P. Underwood, AATIUiam Underwood, Jaraes AV. Uzzbe, Charles Vincent, Thoraas Vance, Edward Vincent, Tyberius Wilkins, Charles D. Wright, Thomas R. AValton, James P. Wood, James M. Dearman, William D. Dial, William J. Dunn, Will iam R. Puller, WUliam C. Jarvis, Jaines R. Johns, Joseph R. McDonald, Charles L. Robertson, Edward R. Rpol, William P. Reed, Jeirome B. Smith, John J. Smith, John W. Smith, George AV'. Short, William T. Thomas, Henry Uncell, Thomas W. Wood, Richard Williams, Bryant Cally, Mitchell Duvall, William H. Landrum, John Roger, Henry C. "Tyson, George W. Booth, Pleasant P. Leach, Harrison Mansfield, Har- rold Roger. Company " G." , CAPTAIN— Hartford M. Meredith. 1st LIEUT.- Golson Phelps. 2d LIEUT.— James R. McGraw. SERGTS.— Isaac H. Pirtle, Samuel C. Bradley, Garrad Erabrey, Alonzo G. . Valson, Henry HIU. CORRLS.— Jaraes A, Bledsoe, WUUam Wells, James Prunty, Valentine Y. Phelps, Woodford Phelps, James R. Bruner, AVUliam H. Conklln, Samuel A. Mc Sherry. WAGONER— David B. Duke. PRIVATES — John Allison, David Bratcher, James W. Boothe, James ' B- Burden, P. Mc. Bruner, Joseph Boothe, BU Brown, John R. Crabtree, William S. Casey, George W. Clark, Thomas Carter, Taylor Dean, Will iam Davis, George A. Dirbln, Francis M. Dorlty, Jeremiah Dockney, James E. Duke, Harrison Embry, Green Bra'bry, John Erabry, Cader Embry, Isaac Embry, Wm. M. Embry, WUford Embry, Francis M. Ford, WUUam D. Felker, Williara Graves, Elijah Gary, Richard Gary, Sipith A. Garret, Martin Garrison, John. W. Hack, Isaac Higgs, Alexander Hutchinson, Salathlel Howard, Martin Johnson, Francis B. Kelly, Blu ford H. Picknell, Charles Penlck, Jaraes A. Pearl, Valentine Simon, Silas A. Simon, Isaac H. Storms, Andrew J. Smith, Henry C. Taylor, Charles p., 'Taylor, lyilchael Whooberry, James T. Webster, Newton Baltzell, .Abljah Brueese, Julius A. Dunn, Aaron V. Day, Jesse Elmore, George W. Qosiigll, JSQuIre N. timpton, Jphn R. iMcGrew, Jaraes Patton, Samuel f helps, WilUam E. Spradlln, James , Trimble, John W. Tuckerson, John ^at^pri, John Wheeler, Miles H. Watking, Valentine P. Wilson, William ATinsoh, "Isaac Vitatoe, Leander Farris, James Hutchison, John S. Dorlty, Mason Embry, AVUliam Johnson, John W. Torrence. 602 - Union Regiments of Kentw^. Company "H." CAPTAIN— Avery Byers. 1st LlEpT.— Anderson R. Byers. 2d LIEUT.— John R. Reno. SERGTS.— Aaron V. Day, William S. Byers, Joseph S. Park, Clinton Mcintosh, Thomas M. Hopper, John W. Bratcher, Thoraas B. Green. CORPLS.— Wesley Embry, WUliam H. Dugeon, Gabriel S. Pierce, George Whitelsey, Miles A. Taylor, John H. Harrison, WUiiara Joins. WAGONER— Thomas Neal. PRIVATES — James S. Allen, James Byers, Eli J. Burden, Benjamin F. Burden, John Berry, James Berry, William H. H. Clapp, John L. Clark, John B. Cline, Walter Cook, John Cox, George Cowan, John Embry, Jaraes W. Evins, Jacob Evins, Philip W. Gilbert, Jamies K. P. Green, Jesse Higgins, Samuel H. Hadden, Noah Jones, Isaiah Jones, James M. Jones, Richard Lyons, Hustln T. Latham, WUliam Matlack. Anthony Maden, Enoch McCormick, Williara McGee, Wafde Miller, Socrates Miller, Eli McCorraick, Berlin McCormick, John Majors, Will iam Payton, John A. Payton, Harden Parsons, Absalom B.' Pearce, Berket Rayer,- William Rayer, Stephen Rudd, John W. Sapp, John Sanders, Elias Sears, Marion Seyers, Samuel R. Taylor, Harapton Wat son, D. G. Willis, Galen C. Westerfield, James H. Willis, John Watson. Volentine P. Wilson, Noah Balmere, James T. Crawford, John Furgeson. Jaraes Gray, Joseph Hale, Charles D. King, William B. Lewis, William H. Lindsey, William McCormick, Nicholas J. Mercer, William Trigler, Green Sanders, GranvUle Spradlln, Joseph Abner, WUliam H. Combs, James R. Clark, William. Crawford, Oliver Evens, John W. Evens, Gran vlUe Bratcher, William Chancellor, William H. Day, Samuel Embry, Thomas Erabry, Marion Hatler. Company "I." CAPTAIN— John Alsop. 1st LIEUTS.— William A. Roberts, Robert L. Samuel. 2d LIEUTS.— Moses Long, Sarauel W. Trlble. SERGTS.— George W. Shelton, Benjarain P. Wilson, Thomas Dailer, McKInzie Owen, John Webb, George Thorapson. CORPLS. — William W. Wales, Adam H. Smith, Benjamin P. Todd, Jeremiah Collins, Francis Lockett, Leonard Hause. WAGONER— Amos Wilson. PRIVATES— Harvey B. Anderson, George Aten, William Ahl. Josephus Bass, Temple V. Bishop, James A. Boyd, WUUara T. Clark, Willis A. Calvert, Lewis A. Coomes, Thomas Crabtree, Jacob Carroll, John Crabtree, Henry R. Dorsett, Jereralah Downs, Williara Furgerson, Ellas Holraes, Richard M. Hopkins, Sidney Hill, James H. HUl, Wiley HIU, Jaraes P. Hendricks, Joseph Johnson, William J. Jones, Hugh Kennedy, Simon King, John Limp, John R. McClenahan, Benj. B. Mc Dowell, James McCasling, Napoleon Norvel, Sarauel Nichols-, James Navel, Jonathan Oldham, Aquilla Owen, Robert Price, Arthur L. Price, Joseph Rayraes, Jaraes A. Reeks, Baker Robertson, Harvey Sight, Jesse W. Sharpe, Robert W. Sraith, William Shuttlesworth, Henry Stone, Presley K. Shelton, Josiah L. Shelton, John Shelton, John Thompson; Riohard Turner, Guyandott T. AVUson, Calvin Walters, Alexander White. Benjamin W. Wright, James T. Welden, WUUam H. Wells, Perry R. Wetherford, Charies Yates, Elijah Yates, David Burnett, WUliam Cum, John Purges, Nathan ^ Graves, Benjamin Langford, Philip Newman, Sanjuel H. Sandefur, William Stanley, Sterman Wall, Charles Kennedy, John W. Long, John Atkins, Willis C. Fields, Henry '^Vri&ht- Company "K." CAPTAIN— WUliam A, Sasseen. 1st LIEUT.— Nathan H. Graves. 2d LIEUT.— Richard P. Crawford. SERGTS.— WiUiam C. Parks, Daniel P. Tracy, Ebenezer Logsden, William Ahl, James A. Boyd. CORPLS.— John P. McParllng, WUliam H. H. Parks, Isaac Morgan, Eli Brown, Francis M. Pord, John GillUan, Salathlel Howard, Isaac Schoolfield, John Wardrip. MUSICIANS— James Barkwell, Newton BaltzeU, Zachariah T. Snyder. WAGONER— William H. Howard. PRIVATES— James Atherton, James A. Crowley, Thomas W. Clark, Samuel Gates, WUUam B. Gates, John Chambers, James T. Crawford. George A. Cliff, William J. Dunn, WiUiam Edwards, John Furgeson. Thirty-seven^ Kentiwky Infantry. 603 John Fulkerson, John Purges, James H. Pox, William R. Fuller, WUliam Groves, John T. Gibson, Henry A. Hill, John W. Hurst, Monroe L. Hall, Jarrett R. Jarber, William E. Jackson, John M. Kinney, Thomas S. Mor gan, John Majors, Joseph R. McDonald, Philip Newraan, Sarauel Phelps, William G. PhUllps, WUUam H. Putman, Frederick Relley, William P. Reed, George W. Rodgers, Samuel H. Saniderford, Charles Stendle, William Stanley, James Triinble, Jaraes Thorapson, William Vinson, Noah Varner, Finis Wyatt, Joseph P. Walker, John M. Williams, Wilson Wiggins, Squire Womack, WUliam Williams, Sterman Wall, P. B. Wln stead, John P. Woodburn, John Watson, Richard J. WUliams, Jesse Royall, George W. Booth, /Norman R. Colebum, William Curran, Jacob OarroU, Thomas E. Crabtree, John H. Crabtree, George Canary, Milton W. Davidson, WUliam N. Evans, Williara L. Felker, AViUiam Graves, Smith A. Garrett, Jaraes A. Gentry, Alexander Hutcheson, Williara N. Harding, Abraham Job, William H. Read, Amos Smith, Elias Stephens, George W. Short, Richard Thoraas, Thomas W. Wood, Thomas J. Will iams, Christopher C. Walls, Perry R. Weatherford, Wililam H. Wel^s, Paris WUUams, Robert Young; James A. Baxton, Jaraes Hutchurson, William H. Hicks, Joseph Ashley, David Gaddis, Asa Jackson, Benja min Langford, Charles Spaulding, William Harper, Lewis G. Hawkins, William Hutcheson. Thirty-sixth Kentucky Infantry. The 36th Regiment Ky. Volunteer Infantry was con solidated with the llth and llth Ky. Cavalry. Thirty-seventh Kentucky Infantry. The necessity for troops in Kentucky led to the organi zation of the 37th Ky. Infantry, in the summer of 1863. During the greater portion of its term it was mounted, and served as mounted infantry. Companies A, B and C were mustered into service at Glasgow September 17, 1863. D, E, P and G were mustered October 21th at Glasgow. Capt. Stroub's company, which was originally intended for the 51st Ky. Infantry, was mustered into service at Covington September 4th, and afterward con solidated with the 37th as Company H. Companies I and K were mustered at Glasgow December 21st and 22d. It was while the regiment was thus in process of for mation, and being stationed at Glasgow, it first came in confiict with the enemy. Early in October Maj. Martin was in charge of the regiment at Glasgow, and had sent most of the companies out on scouting expeditions, by direction of Gen. Hobson, whose headquarters were then at Munfordville. October 6th, at uigM, when but few of the 37th were in the camp at Glasgow, the place was attacked by Col. Hughes, and one hundred and forty-two of Maj. Martin's men were captured. Maj. Martin him 604 Union Regiments of Kentiwky. self escaped capture by fighting his way out, and, rallying the other coinpanies, pursued Col. Hughes beyond Tomjfi- kinsville, retaking some of his men and horses and arms. At that time the official reports show that Kentucky was overrun with Confederates, who, in small bands, roamed over the country, destroying property and doing much damage. It was difficult to prevent this irregular war fare, and easy to carry it on. Kentucky had many citi zens whose warhiest sympathies were with the Southern cause, and the^e were sufficiently numerous to give roam ing bauds all the information necessary to enable them to escape the Federal soldiers, or to fall upon weak places. During the winter of 1863-4 the 37th was employed in the southern part of the state for its protection, being in the district of Southern-Central Kentucky, then commanded by Gen. E. H. Hobson. In March, 1864, it was ordered to Columbia, Ky., where it was under Col. Hanson, and the 13th Ky. Cavalry, under Col. Weatherford, concentrated for the purpos'e of moving to Eastern Kentucky. April 30th it was in Hobson's division, in the 3d Bri gade, the brigade being commanded by Col. Hanson, and the regiment by Maj. Martin. It continued in this brigade during the summer and iall of 1864. About June 1, 1864, Col. Hanson's brigade was ordered to Irvine, Ky., to aid in checking the movement of Mor gan into Kentucky. Morgan says, in his official report,' that his intention was to move through Pound Gap, dem onstrate toward Louisa, but really to hurry forward to Lexington, then push for the Louisville & i^ashville rail road. Gen. Burbridge being apprised of the coming 6f Morgan, had his forces Avell forward in the direction of Pound Gap, being with them in person, and having Avith him Gen. Hobson and Colonels John MasouBrown, Han son and other active and vigilant olflcers. (See accounts of 45th and, 52d Regiments.) Morgan eluded these forces and hastened on to Mt. Sterling. There Gen. Hobson had arrived with a small force, Avhich Morgan attacked and captured; but Burbridge's other forces, hurrying up, at tacked ilorgan near Cynthiana and broke up his company, retaking the prisoners Morgan had taken, and then pur sued him through the mountains and out of the state. Col. Hanson's report shows that the 37th bore its full part in these exciting movements, hard marches and frequent encounters. Early in September, 1864, Gen. Burbridge organized his expedition to Saltville, Va., with which the 37th went in the brigade commanded by Col. Hanson. Thirty-seventh Kentucky Infantry. 605 It participated in the fighting which occurred on this expedition, in which Col. Hanson was wounded and cap tured. Col. Hanson was ah officer in the 20th Ky. In fantry before he became colonel of the 37th. He is men tioned in the 'account of the 20th. Among the officers of this regiment were Captains W. O. and Caswell Wafts. They were brothers of Col. Elijah Watts, of the 2d Cav- alrAf. They belonged to a Bardstown family, and were all excellent and faithful oflfioers. Field and Staff. COLONEL— Charles S. Hanson. LIEUT. COL.— Benj. J, Spaulding. MAJOR— Samuel Martin. ADJT.— CasweU B. Watts. Q. MAS'TBRS- WUUara O. Watts, James M. Mattingly. SURGEON— James R. Duncan. ASST. SURGEON— Richard W. Hazelwood. CHAPLAIN— Ira Hender son. SERGT, MAJS.— WlUIam J. Quarry, Thomas Morris, Benj. W. Spaulding. Q. M. SERGT.— Francis M. BuUington. HOSP. STEWARD -Alvin W. Lovelady, COM. SERGT.— Jefferson Davis. Company *'A." CAPTAIN— Isaac A. Chlnowth. 1st LIEUT.— Oscar H. M. Heusted. 2d LIEUTS.— WUUara H. Low, Alonzo H. Chisra. SERGTS.— Governor H. Hood, Jones L. Kirkpatrlck, Joseph H. Pifer, Mathew H. AmIx, James T. M. Drake, Thomas J. Carter. CORPLS.— Edward A. Bradford, Elbert P. Hutchins, Thomas J. Cloyd, George W. Fitzgerald, Isaac N. Steen, George W. Mauk, James A. Glass, William J. Ref ter. PRIVATES — Ambrose C. Arayx, George H. Anderson, Jerry Adams, John R. Abner, George W. Anderson, William Bobbitt, John Belcher, John D. Bryant, James M. Bowman, WIUIs Byber, Marlon P. Gary, Pat rick Cain, Everett F. Gary, Thomas J. Dean, Thomas J. Dunora, James P. Fink, James K. P. Gipson, Archibald Humes, Anguish Huns, Charter Huraes, Wilson R. Haring, Adara Hurt, Elisha Jones, Edwin Jones, William KInslow, Page C. KInslow, William H. Mathenia, Montgomery MUbourne, WUliam H. Murry, Samuel G. Martin, Melvin Nelce, John Nichols, Jubal B. Payne, Marcellus Peers, Isaac C. Pennington, William R. Philpot, 'Thomas D. Riggs, Jaines T, Rodgers, Johh S. Speakman, George Seaton, Thoraas Spears, James T. Spencer, Williara E. Tooley, Lorenzo D. Thorapson, Charles WUson, Newton Yarbery, Thos. H. Blankenship, Thoraas Birge, Thoraas C. Buly, Ivins Frogg, Andrew W Hester, ' TJioraas W. Johnson, Jaraes P. McCoy, A. E. Robertson, james Walls, Iradell Brannum, Wm. H. Branum, William Grider, Enoch Hunt, William W. Keys, John B. Litrell, WiUiam L. Lawrence, Jas. R. P. lib- Ginrils, Hiram Runions, Hugh Soott, Calvin H. Williams, Solomon M. ¦Vyilson. Company "B." CAPTAIN— Jonathan W. Roark. 1st LIEUT.— Anderson W. Smith. 2d LIEUTENANT— Ira A. Holland. SERGEANTS— James AV. King, L. Saunders, Wra. H. Griffith, Harvey H. Ragland, WlUiiara E. Stephens, Leonidas H. Kirby. CORPLS.— Alfred A. HoUand, Zachariah T. Roddy, Williara j: Holland, Lionel D. White, Sarauel Sloan, Mathew Johnson, Adair T. Ragland, Perry J. Motley. PRIVATES — Marcus L. Alexander, Isaa,c Cross, Jaraes W. Carr, WiUiam A. Clark, Henry V. Clark, Benj. P. Claiborne, Taylor C. Crowder. James A. Drwer, Thompson Denham, Peyton 3. Dixon, Alfred H. Doss, George L. Glover, Alexander Hoffins, Logan Hofflns, William H. Hughes, Edward Henderson, John W. Hensley, Caleb Head, Louis S. Hill, Alvin Jient, 'Thomas McDonald, Joseph Newman, Samuel N. Plumbee, John C. Penn^iigiton, Thoraas Roark, HlUery E. Royalty, Elisha, Rich, Wililam mch, 'Thomas Shepard, Hiram Stinsom, Benj. H. Saddler, William H. 606 Union Regiments of Kentuchj. Smith, Edwin G. Segraves, Louis L. WootoUj John L. Wooton, Stephen L. White, Joel White, James C. AVolf, William T. Campbell, Hiram C. Denton, Lifeless Hypock, John Hypock, Ira Henderson, Alvin W. Love lady, Leroy D. Livingston, Haywood M. Moore, Benjamin D. Orr, Zach ariah P. Burke, George B. Barbee, Peyton H. Crowder, Simeon Jent, John Kenady, James H. Morgan, George B. Owens, Newton J. Sprum, Hayden W. Strong, Wm. C Simmons, Charles B. Willis, William H. Plpskin, James P. Rich, Henry Heyett, Wm. R. Morgan, George N. Nichols, Freellnghlson Rich, Robert Rich, Michael Sullivan. Company "C." CAPTAIN— George P. Stone. 1st LIEUT.- Charles A. McCue. 2d LIEUT.— WUiiara J. Stone. SERGTS.— Ba,sCora N. Greenup, WiUiam A. Suraraers, William C. Jones, John Ford, Jaraes H. McPherson, Joshua Golden, Wyatt B. Goad. CORPLS.— John R. Cox, John M. Hamraer, Marlon Netherton, WiUiara W. Bagwell, William Martin, Richard E. Hamraer, Enoch C. Sraith, James H. McMurtry, Francis M. Cable, Will iam W. Tyree, James T. Simmons. PRIVATES— William Belk, Grant Britt, Hulett Brown, James K. P. Bridges, James A. Buck, William O. Burgess, WUUam Barton, -Isaac Carder, David Crumpton, Wm. A. Dickison, John W. Daniel, William H. Eakle, James Ford, WUliam H. Ford, Joseph Fox, Patrick Pitzraorrie, Andrew J. Green, Thos. W. GUlenwater, John Hale, Thoraas J. Hood, Alvin Jaraes, John H. Kingry, Jacob Kingry, Richard J. Lane, Able Loyd, Williara C. Lyons, Bailey P. Misells, Martin McGuire, John J. Ogden, Lewis P. RIggsby, Andrew Riggsby, AVilHam E. Ralley, Wm. P. Slaughter, Ayers Smith, John H. Sabins, Joseph H. Thomas, Alexander Wheat, Archibald N. Wheat, Jaraes Bunch, John T. Pulkes, Thomas Pord, Wilkins Kelly, B. McClarson, John Percell, Thomas Robison, John W. Stafford, James T. Shumake, Wra. T. Woods, George, T. Emberton, Wesley GUlenwater, A. R. Jarvis, Allen Milton, H. H. Proffltt, Francis Brown, Ebenezer Brown, A. Denson, J. Grifflth, AV. H. Hawkins, David G. Husting, Thomas M. Moody, Baily P. Massee, Vance Mason, Timothy, W. Maggard, John Marcrum, IJanlel Russell, Sidney S. Shumake. Company " D." f CAPTAIN-James A. Middleton. 1st LIEUTS..— John W. Kerrick, Charles McBeath. 2d LIEUT.— Thoraas J. Wilkins. SERGTS.- Stephen Dever, Jaraes J. AValters, James R. Redman, James Dever, William T. Wright. CORPLS.— Calvin Gray, WUliam A. Dever, Grifflth Vowells, Robert Johnson, John W. Bishop, Charles C. Burch, Lilburn H. Dlckes-, son, Byron A. Gardner. WAGONER— Robert Trutabo. PRIVATES — James M. Adams, James Arnett, Robert W. Arnett, Marshal Atherton, Samuel Allen, John K. Barnett, Stephen C. Barnes, John R. Barnes, Felix Crady, Williara J. Cook, Abrahara Dultt, John Duitt, Dennis Durbln, WiUiara W. Edlln, Jefferson P. Elliott, James S. Elliott, James H. EUiott, Thomas Essex, Franklin Fogle, George G. B. Gallaher, Robert Hornback, James P. Hall, Joseph Hlte, Jaraes M. Judd, John Klyraer, James Kaster, Squire Laifolett, Benj. P. Metcalfe, BUsha Metcalfe, SUas J. Metcalfe, Barney M. Newton, George H. Powell, George T. Redman, John A. Robinson, William Spencer, Alexander Spencer, John Sanders, George AV. Taylor, George W. Thompson, John H. Thomp son, Edwin TerriU, Williara W, Wise, John T. Lewis, James Bradin, Thomas Dever, Henry Dever, George W. Durbln, Wm. Hornback, George W. Harper, Richard Moore, Jas. A. Merrifield, James J. Newton, WUUam Steadman, John Y. Wise, Franklin Crady, Colmore L. Duitt, Columbus Dunn, William W. Dever, Reuben Davidson, George L. Dixon, Joseph Fogle, George W. Gray, Martin McClure, James H.. Spratt, WUliam Coombs, C. J. Dultt, WUUam H. Elkin, Henry A. Lands, Jaraes W. Met calfe. ' Company ** E." CAPTAIN— WiUiam O. Watts. 1st LIEUT.— Robert Purdy. 2d LIEUTS.— David A. Ray, John R. Watts. SERGTS.— George W. Alvin, John Dixon, William Knapp, Nathan L. R. Melvin, Ephraim W. Martin, Thirty^eventh Kentucky Infantry. 607 Chas. Walters. CORPLS.— John D. Warren, Henry E. Sanders, Manuel Bvans, Robert Edmonson, MUitus J. Wilson, Mitchell Wright, Jeremiah P. Jenkins, Levi Gravetre. PRIVATES— Jacob Bales, Nathan B. Edwards, Green B. Graham, •Thomas Helton, John C. Jenkins, Joseph P. Mattingly, William N. Miles, WlUIam McDanlel, Henry Milligan, James Nelson, Preston Napper, Thomas J. Pepper, WUliam Perkins, John Perkins, James Peters, John T. Price, Green B. Robertson, Reuben Ratcliff, Jaraes Read, Jefferson Rhodes, Robert B. Sanders, Tillman H. Sheckles, John Slaughter, John C. Skaggs, James P. Skaggs, Sidney H. Stennett, Walter Vessels; John R. Wilson, WiUiam WUllams, John Young, Thoraas Burrows, John Bur rows, Julius N. Crowley, George M. Eraery, George M. French, Oliver P. Grace, John W. Gill, John Hall, William Jones, Jesse Jones, Richard Lyons, Wm. Mitchara, Jaraes M. Mundy, Jefferson Morris, Benj. M. Morris, Jasper C. Roberts, Pascal Saltsraan, John T. Wade, Williara K. Wade, WUUara B. Whitehouse, Rufus Ackridge, David Brewer, Joseph Books, Benjarain Brown, John M. Despain, WUUara R. Faulkner, WUl iam W. Hunt, Thomas S. Pease, Charles S. Rouse, H. P. Syrapson, Henry Wells, John M. M. Ackraldge, Henry Bookraan," Jaraes Burrlss, John T. Hedges, Jasper Henderson, George W. Taylor. Company " F." CAPTAIN— Jaraes H.. White. 1st LIEUT.— James ,H. Spalding. 2d LIEUT.— Wayne Fergason. SERGTS.- Hermogene LeBlanc, Thomas J. Thorp, Joseph Brown, George W. White, Benj. W. Spaulding, Zealous O. Logan. CORPLS. — Bamabar Brag, Benedict J. McAtee, -Wra. P. Houston, John W. Green, Benj. P. Friend, Samuel C. Abell, Thoraas A. Tenley, Cadd Orraes, Henry Brownfield, WiUiara C. Brown. MUSICIANS — ^Albert V. LeBlanc, Stephen Nix. PRIVATES— Wra. J. Brownfield, Eraraet Burngarden, Henry C: Bray, Francis M. Crump, John Evans, John T. England, Daniel England, Levi England, Caswell Epperson, Charles Friend, Taylor Gaddy, Jaraes M. Hawell, Aaron Kllllan, John W. Kennedy, John Mahner, John H. McCub bins, George J. Polston, Micajah Reed, Thornton Sraith, Alvin P. Vaughn, James Whitlock, Alexander Worthen, Amos S. Wallace, Thomas H. Burns, Charles E. Clark, Araos England, Williara Estis, Jaraes J. Gal laher, Robert Howell, John Harraon, Charles Heldt, John H. Johnson, Robert Kllllan, John Malone, Felix Mardis, Alfred Newton, Jefferson T. O'Daniel, John Richa.rds, Nathan T. Slinker, Joseph Slinker, Joseph T. Tennelly, Robert AVhItlock, James B. Waldon, Joseph Wllllaras, John T. Gaddy, John Johnson, John B. Mahoney, Thos.' B. O'Danlels, Vanburen Smith, Jno. Shoefner, Jno. H. Reed, Sarauel Adaras, John Brown, Jas. H. Brothers, Robert T. Davis, John L. Green, John Gibbs, Joseph Hall, , James Lands, David Pickerel, Benjamin Street, John Stanfield, David Smith. Company " G." CAPTAIN— Jaraes L. Strange. 1st LIEUT.— Abrahara A. Spears. 2d LIEUT.— Joseph D. Borden. SERGTS.— Peter K. Rutherford, Andrew J. Cox, James B. Coleman, WUlls P. Barton, AVUliam Estes. CORPLS.— WUliam H. Jeffries, WUUara H. Diddle, Sherod W. Harvey, Jaraes H. Scott, John Barnes, Wesley Blankenship, Sebum Cain, WUliam Vance. PRIVATES — Yancey G. Barber, Joseph Carter, Riley Corapton, John Coomer, Ellas H. Chanan, John P. Duff, Henry Darnald, Charles Bd- ¦wards, John M. Fergerson, Jonathan Gowan, Jaraes C. Gipson, WiUiara T. Green, Daniel B. Hunt, James K. P. Hanson, Joseph T. Hawk, Joseph Harlem, Robert H. Jeffries, WUlIarrj Jackson, Jaraes James, Charles Lane, Charles McKinney, George T. McKinney, Joseph H. Newland, Samuel B. Pickerel, James V. Rlgsby, WUUara Roach, Jasper Rogers, MUton M. Spear, George W. Smith, Wm. H. Sexton, Jr., Thomas Sherly, Benjamin Scott, Ell Shanks, Richard E. Thompson, Landon H. Tucker, Alexander WUUams, Hiram L. Wells, Joseph Williams, Mathew WUl lams, Wilson Merryday, Charles Coomer, Lawson Daniels, Abner D. Dudley, John Eaton, Peter Gren, George GoUey, John Gipson, John Mayfleld, John Buff, William Conquest, William C. Coomes, Lemuel W. Harlan, Joshua Roach, Charles W. Shelton, AVi'Uiam K. WHcutt, James 608 Union Regiments of Kentucky. B. Young, Benjamin P. Young, William P. James, Ansel Goodman, Sam uel Green, James L. Green, Isham Harp, Hugh M. Harris, Henry Harris,. James Lay, James Phillips, Albert Reynolds, James Syms, John Hi- Youhg. ' Company " H." CAPTAIN— Zacheus S. Stroube. 1st LIEUT.- Reale Halp. 2d LIEUTi— Thomas Youtsey. SERGTS.— George T. Williams, JamBs Og den, Frederick Lauderman, Joseph Devlin, Robert, W. Ewing, Wliljam' J. Quarry. CORPLS. — ^Joshua AV. Banks, John J. Relley, Nlchollas E. Wright, Firman K. Pauley, WiUiam B. Flora, William O. Parishl Isaac Corbitt, James Reed. PRIVATES— Samuel W. Adams, WUliam Brownfield, Michael Burg- man, Conrad Burllne, Edwin Bell, August Burndt, Richard Bruce, Charles Bleram, John K. Crans, Albert L. Clark, Patrick Cannon, Pat-^ rick H. Clark, Starling W. Cantrell, Thomas P. Cooney, Wlillam Cable, Jaraes M. Clary, Nack Dean, Thomas J. Dean, WUliam Dunckley, Ja:mes Donnelly, John Denning, Nicholas Ensweller, William A. Foster, Chris.' Pender, Joseph Gazell, Henry Greenwood, George W. Hull, John J. Hopi kins, William Horsfall, William A. Harrison, Charles Hoffmarij George W. Hawley, George W. Herod, ^Tohn W. Johnston, Jaraes Kiser, John' AV.' Logan, James McGonnell, John Miller, SUas Marts, Charies McDonell, John. McDonnald, Rauleigh T. Newraan, Charles Price, Edward Parsons, Richard Parks, Alexander S. Potts, John Perry, George W. Perry, George W. Phillips, David M. Smith, Jaraes R. Stubbs, Joseph Schoner, Isaac Stebbins, Daniel Snapp, Jaraes Trbbaugh, Joseph B. Winston, Merrlman' Wayman, Samuel C. WlUetts, Henry A. Wright, Thomas Wilson, ifiUbert Lahee, Henry Loorais, Henry A- Leonard, Lee Bird, Joseph Dou^hetty^ James La van, WUUara A. AVhite, Joseph Young, Martin BIderi, Joseph Pitch, Robert Harraan, John E. Spencer, John B. Sef ton, Daniel Shearon, Frederick Wellman, John Williams, William Williiaras. ' '' Company " I." CAPTAIN-James W. Read. 1st LIEUTS.-Archlbald C. Wade, Thomas B. Youtsey. 2d LIEUT.— Silas E. Duckworth. SERGTS.— Nich olas R. Brashers, William M. Seaser, William R. Sullivan, Thoraas W. Vertreese. CORPLS.— Nicholas Chelts, Evin R. Harris, John W. MUler, PhUIp S. Matherly, AVarren WUlett,' Charles M. AVillett, Milton B. Ward, Henry H. Wllllaras. PRIVATES— William H. Allen, Benjamin S. Brown, Weston Brown, John Brown, Jaraes Bell, Ja,coh C. Buekels, Peter Collins, George' W. Carby, Mark S. Carby, David H. Corum, James Cannon, John T. Duck worth, Robert Dorsey, Mason Donney, Frank Eaton, James V. Flowers, James H. Flanders, James H. Greyham, WUUara GUpin, Tiraothy S. Glvln, John W. Harkness, Malen Hatfield, WUiiara R. Hicks, Wesley G. Hay, Colston Hicks, Francis M. Jenkins, Silas W. Jones, MUes Kessln ger, Samuel A. Leazer, James S. Morris, Richard Morris, Jacob Martin, James D. Miller, James H. Moten, Francis M. Matherly, David C. Morgan, Thomas C. O'Brlan, Randolph PlckerlU, Robert B. Reynolds, Cornelius Sharp, AATUliam Spencer, Andrew J. Steel, Andrew R. Wade, John B. Yates, Justin Evallde, Henry GuUl, John White, Henry Williams, Will iam Wllllaras, Taylor Adaras, John K. Brackett, George Bell, Jeremiah Carter, Silas G. Duckworth, David Hatfield, Samuel Hicks, Jaraes W. Metcalf, Thomas Y. Nichols, Andrew Nemore, Abraham Peoples, George , B. Read, John A. Woody, Richard Whitworth, Thomas Ashley, Valeri- tine Bess, WHUam Huett, Robert Simpson, David Wirap. Company " K." CAPTA.IN— Joseph J. Borrell. 2d LIEUT.— Thomas M. Morris. SERGTS.-John' A. Pointer, Asa' Shumake, David B. -Oartet, Levi H": Gist, Reuben Ratllff, Francis M. Burlington, Jefferson Davis. CORRLS. —William E. Autray, John H. Strong, William Adams, Hamilton S.. , Baxter, Thoraas Kerr, John T. Ferguson, Jaraes Vaughn, John T. AcreS. PRIVATES— Edward, Bryant, Stephen Bedford, William Bean, WiU iam Beaty, Thomas Derbln, J. D. Duckworth, Nathaniel England, George Thirty-nintli Kentucky Infantry. 609 W. Edwards, Thomas J. Edwards, Armsted Ferguson, Solomon Gregor, John Hicks, Jesse Hicks, R. B. Kirkpatrick, William Knott, James H- Knott, William Mynett, James C. Mynett, A. W. McDowell, Charles Mat tingly, Elias Mattingly, Spottswood Painter, Daniel PickereU, Thomas J. Rigdon, Moore Richmond, Josiah Shaw, Charles W. Spratt, Jerry Turner, William Thorp, Richard Talisbur, John Wilson, Richard WU lett, William Wax, David Weldon, James T. Wilkins, Edward Brown, John R. Cralzen, William Dabney, Calvin Dabney, John Parmer, Milton H. Gore, David Green, Calvin Harp, George Montgomery, Newton Moore, Hamilton Meers, Asa E. Noe, Hiram Patrick, William Smith, Nathaniel Simmons, Jerry V. Crann, Alexander Cherry, William Duberry, Alex ander A. Fields, James T. Johnson, Aaron M. Mclntire, Austoern Medris, Joseph Pepper, Frederick Slinker, Thoraas H. WUcoxen, Jaraes A. Bleakly, John Dubery, John Dunn, Isaac Head, John B. Morris, Wilson Mattingly, Lewis G. Perry, John Shaw, Thomas Wilson. Thirty-eighth Kentucky Infantry. The 38th Regiment of Ky. Volunteer Infantry was consolidated wif h the 12th Ky. Cavalry. Thirty -ninth Kentucky Infantry, The 39th Ky. Infantry was raised by Col. John Dills in the fall of 1862 from the counties along the Big Sandy, be ing organized in camp at Peach Orchard, when it was mus tered into service February 16, 1863. Before it was mustered into service it began a series of fights and skirm ishes with the enemy in that section which continued dur ing almost its entire term of service. November 5th Col. Dills captured the Confederate camp at Piketon taking ninety-five prisoners, one hundred and fifty guns, and many wagons, horses and mules. He then pursued the flying enemy to the vicinity of Pound ' Gap. At this time Col. Dills reported his men to be effi cient soldiers and good marksmen, and thought nothing of marching thirty or forty miles over the mountain roads in twenty-four hours. Gen. H. G. Wright complimented him and his regiment for their gallantry. December 31st the 39th was again engaged with the enemy four miles from Prestonsburg. In April, 1863, it fought again at Pikeville, and captured Col. French and his command. Col. Gallup, of the llth Ky. Infantry, who commanded the Federal force in this fight says, in his report : "The 39th is a new regiment, but behaved nobly and unflinchingly under fire." He also says: "Col. Dills, Lieut. Col. Mims, and Col. Ferguson are deserving of 39 610 Union Regiments of Kentucky. great credit for the able manner in which they acquitted themselves and managed the expedition." July 10th Gen. Julius White, who had been sent to command the forces in Eastern Kentticky, repoits a suc cessful fight at Beaver creek, in which the 39th is specially mentioned as taking a number of prisoners and as having "made a charge up the mountain with great gallantry." In the organization of the Department of the Ohio, June 30, 1863, the 39th was under Col. Dills, iu Col. David Cameron's brigade. Gen. Julius White's division. July 11, 1863, the 39th was intrenched with other troops at the mouth of Beaver. At this time a portion of the regiment moved into Virginia to Gladesville with other troops and captured Col. Gondii and his command at that place. Jan uary 9, 1864, part of the regiment under Capt. King fought at Sherman's Perry, losing Lieut. Richard D. Coleman killed, and Lieut. Jas. M. Thornbury and several men captured. February 15, 1864, the 39th and 14th, under Col. Gallup, fought at Laurel creek, W. Va., defeating and capturing Col. Ferguson and a number of his men, for which Col. Gallup and his command received congratula tory thanks from the commanding generals. In April, 1864, the 39th under Lieut. Col. Ferguson and associated with other troops, particularly the llth Ky., fought at various places, among others at Half Mountain and Paintsville, with complete success. In May it was en gaged at Pond creek. Pike county. In the organization of May 31, 1864, the 39th was in Gen. Hobson's division, and was with the troops with which that general opposed the coming into Kentucky of Morgan. With those troops it made the forced marches from the Sandy valley to Mt. Sterling, where it fought with Morgan June 9th, and also at Cynthiana, June 12th, and then participated in the pursuit. The 39th also ac companied Gen. Burbridge on the Saltville expedition iri September, 1864, engaging in the fighting at that place. In November Gen. Stoneman directed Gen. Bui*bridge to concentrate all his available force on the road between Crab Orchard and Cumberland Gap for the purpose of accompanying his expedition to Saltville, Va. November 21st part of the 39th were at Camp Nelson, but some of the men refused to leave their own section, knowing tbe exposed condition of their country and their families; they remained with other troops in the Sandy valley to con tinue to do their duty there. A portion of the regiment however, accompanied Gen. Stoneman and shared in all the flghting and suffering of that severe but successful ¦ campaign. Thirty-ninth Kentucky Infantry. tJH The destruction of the salt and lead works by Gen. Stoneman being accomplished the return to Kentucky was through Pound Gap. After that the regiment win tered in the Sandy valley and was held in the service through the spring and summer of 1865, guarding and pro tecting and quieting the country. It was mustered out at Louisville, September 25, 1865, having had three years of continuous active serAdce and participating in such a number of fights and skirmishes it Avould be difficult to enumerate them all. Capt. David V. Auxier died of wounds received on the Saltville expedition. Field and Staff. COLONELS— John Dills, Jr., David A. Mime. LIEUT. OOL.— Stephen M. Ferguson. MAJS. — John B. Auxier, Martin Thornbury. ADJTS.— Levi J. Hampton, John P. Stewart, Robert S. Huey. Q. MASTERS— Martin Fulkerson, Lindsey Layne. SURGS.^Jaraes H. Hereford, Wm. E. - Phillips. ASST. SURGS.— Jaraes n: Draper, James H. Phillips. CHAPLAIN— Marcus L. King. SERGT. MAJS.— Lewis A. Thornberry, Clinton B. Busklrk, James E. Grace. Q. M. SERGTS.— Jas. W. Allison, Tandy M. Layne. COM. SERGT.— Wm. N. Randolph. HOSPITAL STEWARDS— J. S. C. Taylor, Isaac Rice. Company "A." , CAPTAINS — John B. Auxier, David V. Auxier, Henry R. Brown. 1st LIEUT.— Isaac Goble. 2d LIEUT.— Richard L. Burchett. SERGTS. —Jonathan Roton, Benjarain P. Hill, Andrew J. Music, Robert A. Hill man, James M. Welch. CORPLS.— Samuel Elkins, George H. Clay, Christopher C. Hurt, Samuel Haws, James A. Webb, George W. Auxier, Louis Roberson, James Adaras. / PRIVATES — ^Jaraes M. Adams, Thomas Adams, Joshua Adaras, Robert Adams, William Akers, Jaraes Akers, John Baldridge, Andrew J. Baldridge, Thomas Baldridge, Hargls Bow, WUliam Bow, James Bow, ¦ Louis Christian, Benj. P. Castle, John Crabtree, Thomas Devanport, Ishara Devanport, David Devanport, WUiiara Devanport, Eli R. Dials, Thomas W. Elliott, Abraham Elliott, Frederick Franklin, Andrew J. Goble, John Grizzle, Robert Hlte, Nicholas HIte, Owen Hatfield, WUUam ¦,E. HUl, Moses Herndon, Samuel B. Hannah, George W. Jourdan, John Mclntire, Michael Music, George W. Music, Thomas M. Music, Lorenzo D. Meade, Alexander Murphy, James C. Murphy, John MUam, James MUam, Henry Milam, Nathan Preston, Greenville Patrick, Harvey G. Poston, George W. Rice, Andrew W. Rice, Benjamin L. Roberts, George W. Roberson, Sr., William J. Roberson, George W. Roberson, Jr., George W. Roberts, John Reynolds, Soloraon Spradlln, Thomas Smith, Vincent F. Spears, Henry Skeans, Peter S. Welch, William H. H. AVelch, George W. Wilcox, Harvey White, Rufus White, George White, Joseph H. Webb, James Webb, WUliam W. Webb, James Williamson; Hirara Wells, Adara Ward, Williiam Ward, Alexander Yates, James Baldridge, Will iam S. DIls, George W. Hannah, Chocklet King, Sarauel Milara, Jaraes E. Grace, Robert S. Huey, Wra. M. Randolph, Isaac Rice, Americus J. Badgett, John Castle, James W. Elliott, Jaraes A. Ewing, Wm. J. Frank lin, Francis Isaacs, Richard Roberts, Noah Reynolds, Thomas J. Spears, Reuben Sparks, J. J. C. Taylor, Owen Wilcox, Jacob Weddington, Oliver Reynolds, Toliver Welch. Company " B." CAPTAINS— William Ford, Jacob S. Bberman. 1st LIEUTS.— Ell ington Kilgore, John Breeding. 2d LIEUTS.— John F. Stewart, Andrew J. Adkins, John Harkens. SERGTS.— Andrew J. Akers, WUliam C. Kll- 612 Union RegimeriJts of Kentudcy. ' gore, John W. Compton, John W. Pord, WUliam H. Rowe, Jacob P. Miller, Wiley Tipton, James W. Ramsey, Alexander Baldwin, Spurlock Adkins, Daniel Bias, George W. Kilgore, Jacob Kilgore, William R. Powers, Henderson B. Gibson, Solomon B. Kenady. . PRIVATES— Joseph H. AUey, Samuel Adkins, Th-omas Austin, Caleb Akers, Moses Burk, Owen Burk, Jarvy Baldwin, John W. Baldwin, John Blair, Isaiah Blair, Robert Calhoun, Isaac L. Clark, William Compton, ' Ro'bert Damron, William Damiron, Wright Damron, James Damron, Moses D. Damron, Andrew J. Elkins, Robert Elliott, Andrew J. Ford, William Frasier, Cirus Frasier, John GUlum, Ayuiiam Greer, John Grant, John J. Harkins, Fleraing ' Hall, William Hsill, Sr., Richard Hall, Squire Hall, Samuel Hall, Hendetson Hall, William Hall, Jr., Owen Hall, Robert Hall, John Howell, Craig Harallton, John Hamilton, Freeman Hamilton, James Ingland, George W. Ingland, Solomon Ingland, Peyton C. Justice, Caleb Justice, George T. justice, Ambrose Jones, C. C. Keathley, Symp- kins Keathley, WUliam T. Keathley, Oliver G. Keathley, William Kiney, John W. Kiney, Henry Kiney, Joel E. Long, James M. Lewis, Hiram Marshal, Hiram McKinsey, Solomon May, Ro.bert Mead, John W. Moore, Reuben H. Powers,, Samuel Robison, RIch.ard P. Robison, Harvey Rob ison, George W. Rarasey, John Sturgeon, Wm. T. Saulsberry, Benjamin 'Tackitt, William Tackitt, itarvey Tackett, Granville Tackitt, George Tackitt, David Taylor, Henry Vanover, David Vanover, WUliam Van hook, Cassell Wooton, Jaraes C. Wright, AVetzel Wright, Joel Wright, Sr., Lorenzo D. Yost, Nathaniel Collins, William Justice, Jaraes M. Rice, John Austin, John Crabtree, Lackey G. Newsom, Davenport Newsom, Samuel Neace, Charles Taylor, James M. Akers, WiUiam Compton, Williiam Gilburn, George C. Gibson, Robert Helton, Maa-ion Hall, Jesse Justice, Erastus Lambert, William Morgan, John F. Ramsey, John R. Stanley, John R. Taylor, Joseph C. Baker, Nathaniel Baker, John W. Johnson, Joseph Long, George Long, J'oel Long, Jr., Nathaniel Skeans, Daniel Vanover, Joel Wright, Jr. Company " C." CAPTAIN— 'Thomas J. Sowards. 1st LIEUTS.— Andrew J. Sowards, James W. AUlsoh. 2d LIEUT.— Jaoob Helvey. SERGTS.- WUliam P. Taylor, John E. Walters, Solomon Johnson, Elijah Fields, Cornelius Johnson, John E. Clark, Joseph Fletcher, William Smith. CORPLS.— Decatur Mainard, Kenas T. Mims, Andrew J. Ratllff, William McGuire, Wilburn Walters, Benjamin Mainard, John G. Bogar, William Helvey, Joseph W. Haynes, Thomas Ratllff, John S. SIpples, Miles J. Anderson, William D. Adams. PRIVATES— George A. Adkins, James Anderson, George W. Bran ham, Daniel Bradley, Lewis Burchett, Allen Blackburn, Andrew J. Brown, William C. Brown, Calvin R. Ball, J^mes BaU, WiUiam Black burn, John CoUins, Edward Collins, Parkerson Coe, PInson Clevenger, David Dyre, Samuel Finley, William Frily, Charles H. Frily, Morgan Francis, James Francis, Elisha Fields, Lewis Fields, Columbus C. Hop kins, Thomas R. Gili'spie, Joseph Johnson, John Jones, William Justice, , Jaraes Jacob, Williara C. Kerr, Jaraes L. Kidd, William Kelley, Harvey Kelley, John N. Layne, Abraham Leidy, Moses Lykins, Amas Mainard, Spencer Mullins, Allen Mullins, James MuUins, James A. MUler, James M. Mead, Marshal MuUins, Isham Mullins, AVIUlara H. Nesbltt, Frederick Newsora, John Nickels, Henry NewsOra, Elijah Porter, Williara Priest, Preston Roberts, John Riley, .Daniel RUey, Daniel M. Robinson, Joseph Ray, Vinson D. Ratllff, Henry Rickster, Williara H. Ruth, Hiram W. Striatton, Tandy Stratton, Harvey Stratton, Alexander Stratton, William H. Stratton, Robert Smith, John Smlrr, Jeremiah Smith, Milton Smith, William Stacy, Henry M. Stare, Levi Stare, Charles D. Swim, George W. Vicars, Henry Vicars, John G. Vicars, William Vicars, Mason Vance, James N. Allison, Abner James, Aly Aldridge, David Dannel, Andrew Francis, William H. Johnson, Linsey Layne, TVandy M. Layne, James Newsora, WUUam Oaks, Joseph S. Pauley, Shadle R. Panley, Elijah Will iams, George W. Anderson, George W. Blackburn, Thompson Cole, Hiram Fields, John Fields, James M. Glmels, William C. James, Will- , iam Kidd, Andrew J. McCoy, Sarapson Mare, Solomon MuUins, William Thirty-nintli Kentucky Infantry. 613 Newsom, John S. Panley, Jonathan Panley, Hiram Robinett, Martin B. Sowards, Isaac Vicars, Riley WUllams, Elijah Francis, Wm. H. Hand- rlm, Thomas W. Howel, Granville Jones, John Jackson, |aichael Mounce, Jefferson Mullins, Nathaniel Masters, James Ross, Ralph Steel, Henry Stratton. Company " D." CAPTAINS-r-Martln Thornbury, Isaac E. Gray. 1st LIEUTS.- Alfred C HaUey, Hughy Plymale. 2d LIEUTS.— Walter Thornbury, WUUara Weddlngton. SERGTS.— Tobias Waggoner, Loyd Rowe, John W. Judd, Thomas McCown, -Curtis Coleraan. CORPLS.— MItchel Nunery, Will iam J. Hogston, Thomas Hayton, Lewis Adkins, Lorenzo D. Porter, Berry C. Gillam, Daniel J. Daugherty, Albert 'Thora-pson, Isaac Elswick. PRIVATES— James D. Adkins, Williara . BUlt'er, William Baker, Thomas V. Baker, Heriry M. Band, Miles B. Browning, John W. Bevins, WUUara S. Brown, Nathaniel Blackburn, Oliver Qaln, Daniel Coleman, Moses Coleman, Jr., David Childers, William Coleman, Moses Coleman, Sr., WUliam Cook, Pleasant Childers, Silas Clevinger, MUes Coleman, Francis M. Dougherty, Harvey G. Elswick, Jaraes H. Epllng, William Priley, Demarcus L. L. Gillara, John W. Gillara, Moses Hayton, Joseph Hayton, Jaraes C. Hopkins, Jaraes W. Hamilton, William Hunter, Keanas P. Hunter, Martin Hunter, William P. Johnson, Payton John son, William C. Justice, Alexander Justice, William S. Judd, Elijah H. Judd, John Justice, Earnest Kickhoefel, Lewis P. McBrayer, Tl^omas Mainard, John Michel, John W. Mutter, William Murphy, Thomas Nun ery, Isaac W. Penix, John Prater, Reuben Patrick, John Ratllff, Jr., Colbert Ratllff, Harrison Ratllff, Jacob Rowe, Reuben H. Rowe, Sr., Reuben H. Rowe, Jr., Soloraon Rowe, MUes Raney, Joel Ratllff, John Sraallwood, Daniel W. Sick, George W. Sick, Jacob Sanders, William J. Swbrd, Richard Stratton, Arnott C. Spears, George W. Spears, Spincer Swiney, Jefferson Shortridge, Sarauel Thorapson, Benj. Willlarason, Daniel Wolford, George Wolford, Calvin AVaricks, Henry AVeddlngton, Asa WUson, James Wllburn, Howard Yates, Jeremiah Brown, James C. Justice, John Priest, James R. Price, Stephen Rowe, Elijah R. Smallwood, Levi Thornberry, Joseph Coleraan, Andrew Porter, Lewis Thornberry, John Blackburn, Isaac Coleraan, Jaraes M. Carapbell, Mathew Coleraan, A. J. Clark, Henry Casady, Harvey Collins, Russell Duty, John Johnson, Kleanas P. Lacy, ^Elijah McCoy, Solomon S. McBrayer, W. C. Price, William H. ¦" male, John W. Price, Stephen W. Rowe, Huffraan Rowe, Jolm Ratllff, •.. Curtis Sraith, Jarrett Sione, Lewis White. Company " E." CAPTAINS— Lewis Sowards, Alfred C. HaUey. 1st LIEUTS.— DllU ¦ard Parsons, James M. Sowards, Williara T. Berry. 2d LIEUTS.— Paris L. Reed, Shadle R. Pauley. SERGTS.-John D. Hlckraan, Wililam M. Scott, Henry C. Sowards, Benj. Williamson, Wade H. Powers, Joseph B. Dempsey, Thomas Pinson, Johnson Hatfield, Rufus Right. CORPLS.— Thomas Runyon, Moses PInson, AViUiam W. Parker, Hirara B. Parsons. WiUiam H. Burrlss, Riley Coleraan, Siraon Dotson, Cleveland Bone, John W. Right, George W. Dutton. WAGONER— Jaraes J. Lake. PRIVATES— David Anderson, George Blackburn, Thoraas Blackburn, Peyton Blackburn, Barnabus Blackburn, Jaraes Burriss, Jaraes P. Blevins, John M. Bond, Aaron Brock, Jaraes A. Burns, Josfhua Z. Cas- seU, Nathaniel Coleraan, John Charles, Thomas Charles, Andrew J. Charies, Thomas Caudle, EUas Dutton, WUliam H. Dotson, WiUiara AV. Fields, Andrew Francis, Martin Goff, Williara Grady, Jaraes B. Gross, James I. Halney, David HIU, Josiah HIU, WUUara Harrison, Wesley R. Huger, Leo Henderraan, Thompson Hodges, John F. Hanman, John Jdhnson, John King, Sarauel M. King, Arrlson R. Lowe, George W. Lowe, Alfred Long, Jonathan Maynard, Isaac Mayniard, Jaraes McGuire, Jacob J. McGuire, Peter McLain, William Mayer, John H. May, Daniel May, James D. Moyers, Franklin Magerley, Israel Nelson, Samuel Napper, William Oakes, Jonas Powers, William R. Pinson, Joseph S. Pauley, Samuel Porter, Charles B. Rose, Calvary Runyons, John W. Robinson, James Rogers, William H. Sowards, Henderson Scott, George W. So wards, William A. Taylor, Wallace Vermillion, Henry P. Voclair, Elijah 614 Union Regiments of Kentucky. Williamson, John E. Williamson, Nathaniel Ward, William Wallace, Charles V. Wright, George M. D. Bevins, Joseph S. Harkness, Sarauel B. Salyers, Henry M. Bond, Pleasant Weaver, Joseph Adkins, Peyton Blackburn, Sr., Thoraas J. Bingham, Keneas E. Bevins, David Charles, Williara H. Davis, George Hatfield, Jereihiah Hatfield, Richard Johnson, Joseph May, Stephen Maynard, Andrew J. McCoy, Henry Pinson, Andrew Porter, John W. Powers, Squire Ratcliff, Araos Redd, Russell C. Rose, George W. Spence, Nathaniel C. Tilbet, John B. Williamson, Jonathan Webb, Henry Butler, Jarvey Burk„ Gilbert Blackburn, Henry Baker, Jr., WlUIam Conway, WUliam A. Cook, Elias B. Churabley, Ste phen Daniels, Wm! B. Honeycutt, Anderson Hatfield, John Hunt, George Hopkins, Henry Hargate, Williara Lawson, Wra. J. May, Harvey May, Joseph May, John P. Mills, WUUam McQuery, James Newsom, William S. Newton, James Nertch, William Price, William H. Peart, Thomas Price, William E. Romans, Alvis Taylor, Alexaiider Varney, WlUIam Whitt. Company "F." CAPTAIN— Hezekiah Webb. 1st LIEUTS.— George J. Allen, Augus tus E. Kendrlck. 2d LIEU'T.— Calvin Preston. SERGTS.- James M. Easterllng, Joseph M. Webb, Joseph Culbertson, Felix T. Begley, Will iam Osborn. CORPLS. — James Ratllff, Hi-ram K. Begley, Jackson Mor gan, Henderson Easterllng, James Hamilton, WUliam Hamilton, William H. Patton, Barnett Sebra, Henderson H. Gearhart. PRIVATES— George H. Adlngton, Andrew J. Allen, Enoch Bolln, Rice Bolln, Daniel Bolln, AVUoby Biggs, Nelson Barnett, Ellas Brady, Simon Colins, WUUara H. Click, Albert Chapman, AViley Carver, Jaraes H. Dingus, Peter Easterllng, John L. Flanery, John Frasher, WlUIam Gibson, William J. Goodman, Andrew J. Goodman, Pleasant Goodman, William K. Goodman, John Goodman, Walter Hughes, Jesse Hicks,. Har rison Hicks, Irvin Howard, Leonard Jacobs, Edmund Justice, Robert Kile, George Martin, Wyatt Martin, Sirapson Martin, Sarauel Mosley, Andrew J. McCurry, WUUara Morgan, Hirara Morgan, Jacob Nelson, John Orvins, David Osborn, Thomas Osborn, William Prator, Ezekiel Prator, Wiley G. Prator, William P. Patton, John P. Patton, John R. Patton, Stephen Patton, Robert Patton, Harvey Patton, John Patton, Jr., Newman Prator, Hiram B. Patton, John Patton, Sr., George W. Rosej Daniel Reffet, Joseph Reffet, Daniel Shepherd, Jefferson Sizemore, Par ris Sizemore, Apperson Sizemore, Lindsey Sizemore, Riley Salyer, Will iam Stergeon, John P. Stone, Thomas Skeans, Henry Salyer, Jonathan Tussey, Richard Webb, David J. Webb, John B. Whitt, James P. Whitt, Daniel Brown, James Prater, John W. David, David C. Dingus, Jackson Justice, Williara McGuire, Apperson NoUen, Christopher Patton, Henry Patton, William Patton, WUliam Ratllff, John Sizemore,' George WUlls, Samuel D. Allen, Moses Adams, John Cobern, George Cobern, Riley Gib son, WUliam Goodman, Randolph Holbrooks, Harrison Handshaw, Andrew Handshaw, Jaraes Hackworth, William Martin, David Preston, Samuel Patton, Alfred Pitts, Harvey H. Robinson, Richard Simpkins, Ad'am Handshaw. Company "G." CAPTAIN— Allen P. Haws. 1st LIEUTS.— John B. Vanhoose, James M. Rice. 2d LIBUT.—Addison- MUler. SERGTS.-John Preston, Will iam Deboard, Allen H. MUler, John W. Hickman, Arthur Boyd, James Sellards, James Marcum. CORPLS.— James MuUett, John H. Spencer, Lorenzo D. Harman, Eli Conner, Michael Davis, John Dehoard, Thomas B. Sanson, John Vanljoose, Plemmon Clay, David D. Davis, John Staple- ton. MUSICIANS— George Bishop, WUliam Childers. PRIVATES— George T. Burgess, Anderson Boyd, Daniel Borders, Henry Bowen, WUUam T. Berry, John Bowen, Tillman Craft, Thomas A. Cook, Amos Castle, Adam Crum, Daniel Castle, Maa-lon Castle, Benjamin Castle, Henry Childers, John M. Cross, John Doss, Samuel B. Davis, George Daniels, Thomas J. Daniels, Apperson Davis, John Daniels, Newton Daniels, William P. Dorton, Jedediah P. Davis, Joel G. Edwards, Sylvester Fletcher, Winston Fletcher, Walter Fletcher, George Gunnels, James W, Harman, Van. L. Hariess, George Hatfield, Jacob Hatfield, Thirty-ninth Kentucky Infantry. 615 Bplwalm Hatfield, Noah K. Jesse, WiUiara H. Kendrick, George M. Kendrlck, Jeremiah Kazee, Oliver R. Kazee, Williara L. Lyons, Ela Le- mastls, Elias B. Mullett, John Mullett, Charies Mead, Asberry Mounce, Elijah Mounce, O. K. Parsons, George Perkins, Larkin Porter, John H. Perkins, William Pack, George W. Pack, John B. Pack, John Ramey, William Stafford, EU Stapleton, Isaac Stapleton, J. R. Stearaburger, Jaraes Thoraas, Valentine Vanhoose, Reuben N. Vanhoose, Sarauel Van hoose, Andrew J. Wiley, Sarapson Ward, Thoraas Ward, Sylvester Webb, Jeremiah Hatfield, Gabriel Nelson, Jesse Price, John Austin, Stephen M. Wheeler, John B. Absher, Hezekiah Borders, Madison Castle, Holly Oordle, Sarauel Gibson, Edward Huntingdon, WiUiara Hall, Joseph Mc Dowell, George Rose, Wra. R. Salraonds, Solomon Wallace, WUUam Mosely, Lafayette MUler, Sylvester B. Miller, Austin B. McNeil, Elliott Redaford, James Thornhill, Wilson Watkins. Company "H." CAPTAIN— William King. Ist LIEUTS.— Richard D. Coleman, James M. Thornbury. 2d LIEUT.— James H. Stump. SERGTS.— Al bert J. Breeding, Ellxlous Coleman, Williara H. WUliams, Hirara M. Laugherty, Joseph Coleman, Wm. P. Coleraan, Andrew Forrester. COR PORALS — Hirara Lambert, John Bt. Cook, Jaraes M. Francis, Pleasant M. Prator, Daniel B. Coleraan, Jacob Blankenship, Andrew J. Francis, John S. Dotson, John B. Absher, John Charles, John Estep. MUSI CIANS — Pleasant Crum, Sampson Estep. PRIVATES— Clinton V. Buskirk, Freellng H. Baker, Andrew Baker, Daniel Blankenship, Alfred Blankenship, Washington Blankenship, Presley Blankenship, OUver Blankenship, Bird Blankenship, James Baker, F. M. Blankenship, John Charles, George Charles, Moses Charles, Frederick Charles, Henry S. Carter, Jarred Cook, Campbell Carter, Daniel Coleman, Daniel Dotson, David D. Davis, James Davis, Sr., Jaraes Davis, Jr., Johnston Dotson, William Daniels, William R. Dotson, John Dot- spn, Elijah Dotson, George W. Dotson, Henry Daniels, Elijah Estep, Jaraes Estep, Joseph Estep, WUiiara H, Estep, George S. Estep, Will iam Estep, John Hurley, Josiah Hurley, John R. Hurley, WiUiam Hurley, John W. Hurley, J.ames Hatfield, Bazel Justice, Jesse Jones, Franklin King, Philip Lambert, David Layne, John Layne, Calvin Luster, Jack son Mounts, Charles W. Mounts, John McCoy, John H. Maynard, Ulys ses McCoy, John R. McCoy, John V. Mullins, William R. Noona, William Noona, Andrew New, Daniel Prator, Alfred Sraith, Jonathan Sraith, Claborne W. Steltower, Jacob Scarbourough, John P. Stafford, Pleasant Weaver, Achillls M. WUliams, Presley Blankenship, Sr., Peter Cline, Chrlsly Estep, Hiram Hurley, 'John Hinkle, Lewis King, Fleraing Staf ford, Jeremiah Hatfield, Ephraim Hatfield, George Hatfield, Jacob Hat field, Jaraes Jewel, Elijah Mounts, Asbury Mounts, Thomas Pinson, Amos Wallace, John White, Daniel Wolford, Alexander Runlon, John Allen, Oliver W. Adkins, Solomon Crabtree, Quinton Carter, David Daniels, Elijah Dotson, Jr., John B. Estep, Jackson Estep, Sarauel Hur ley, John P. Hatfield, Jaraes Keen, Isaac Lambert, Rainey Luster, AVUl iam S. Mullins, WUUam PhUUps, Daniel Prator, WUiiara Rabonett, James H. P. Taylor, P. Trent, Jeremiah Allen, David Charles, Thompson Hat field, Wililam Mounts, John Raynes, James Stump, L. D. Stump, WUey Stacy, Thomas Soarbourough, John Scarbourough. Company " 1." CAPTAINS— Joseph M. Kirk, Benjamin A. Rodgers. 1st LIEUTS.— WUUam Hagerman, John D. Reinhart. 2d LIEUTS.— Charles Helton, Simeon L. Payne. SERGTS.— James D. Kirk, John H. Gates, Calvin Harrison, Joseph A. Derapsey, Sampson Meade, Richard Elswick. COR PORALS— Rlceley Roberts, John B. Hurley, WUUam Hagerman, Daniel Workman, David Jackson, Jaraes Moore, WUliam Lockard, Daniel Christian, Elijah Hensley. MUSICIANS— John Marcum, Elihue WUey. PRIVATES— All Aldridge, Sr., All Aldridge, Jr., Owen Adkins, Henry Adkins, William H. Aikins, Moses Burget; Guy Bandy, Enoch Cassada, John CoUins, Jacob, Clirae, Alexander Chiiaers, James R. Crisp, Lewis Deskins, John Davis, Henry Davis, Benjamin Davis, Sr., Benj. Davis, 616 Union Regiments of Kentiwky. Jr., Jeremiah Davis, Morgan Davis, Squire Davis, Cumins Dale, John Elswick, William Elswick, Clay Farley, Isaiah Gibson, Alexander Hall, james HaU, Hiram Hall, WUliam Hall, Elijah Hall, John Hagerman, Samuel Indlcut, William A. Justice, Daniel J. Lackey, WUliam T. Main ard, Mark Mainard, Jacob Messer, Charles May, Henderson May, David C. May, Archibald Muncey, William Muncey, Thomas Marcum, David Mounts, Wm. Masslngale, George W. MdLaln, Reuben P. Martin, Mil ton Nelson, David Norris, David L. Payne, WUliam Pasley, Malichi Pucket, Leander J. Pack, George W. Payne, William Payne, John D. Payne, Samuel Pasley, Ellas Privett, Hereford Runlon,- Alexander Run- ion, Soulsbury Runlon, Peter Rakes, Arqulllls Rowe, Richard Rakes, John Ross, Frederick Stiltmer, WUiiara Stewart, , Andrew J. Spencer, Napoleon Slater, Simeon Sloane, Zachariah T. Sanders, Shadrack T. Upchurch, Nicholas D. Vandever, David White, Sylvester White, John White, John Watson, Araos Walliee, Frederick Wolford, John Yates,' Isham Hall, Daniel Harraan, Araerlcus D. Horn, Adara Runlon, B. Rowe, Fleraing Hall, WUliam Kendrlck, Preston Roberts, John Grant, Jno. W. Moore, Jesse Adkins, George W. Charles, Adam Davis, Michael Daniels, Henry Davis, Sr., James Jewell, William A. Lackey, Thomas Muncey, James Mounce, Lewis Payne, John Payne, Uriah Runlon, Richard Roberts, E. Stafford, Henry Sturap, Leroy B. SIpples, WiUiara Stacey, Edrtvard White, James White, P. White, AVUliam Yates, P. J. Blanken ship, Abner Chaney, Jonathan Chaney, Hugh Vhambers, Irving Foster, Fleming Hurley, Asbury Hurley, Hirara Helton, Sarauel Justice, Gilmore Justice, Thomas J. Kendrlck, Abner Luster, Harrison Mounce, Miohael Mounce, Elijah Mounce, WilUam P. Powers, James S. Ridner, Morgan Sloane, Thomas Thacker, John Tucker. Company " K." CAPTAINS— Harrison Ford, Nathaniel Collins. 1st LIEUT.— Joseph D. Powers. 2d LIEUT.— Samuel Keel. SERGTS.-John W. Swlndel, John Damron, Forest P. Sergent, James P. Alley, Williara Sword, Lewis P. Damron. CORPLS.— Abijah D. Alley, William H. Sword, James M. Poore, James D. Bush, Joseph Hlbbltts, Riohard Hlbbitts, James Cool, Harmon MuUins, Richard Quillln, John W. Sword. WAGONER— Harvey Wherley. PRIVATES— WUliam Adams, Mitchell Blankenship, James Baity, Francis M. Brooks, James Burks, John Baity, Alfred Branham, Marion Brown, Golder Bennett, William Bentley, John Q. Bentley, May Bentley, Henry H. Clear, Jackson OandwUl, Spurlock Damron, Reuben Edwards, John Farmer, Mc. Priley, Jesse P. Horn, .J'ohn Horn, Leonard HamUton, RUey Hall, Samuel Hall, Harmon Hall, David Hall, Preston Hall, James W. Hale, Isaac M. Hale, Benjamin Hall, Thomas Hall, Gabriel Huse, Jasper Jackson, John Kenady, Joseph Lambert, Reuben Little, John Marshall, John P. Meade, Rodes Meade, Jaraes McCowen, Robert New som, Jarvey Newsom, Samuel Newsora, David Newsom, Harrison New som, Davenport Newsom, Samuel Neece, Sherwood Osborn, Author O' Brlne, Linsey, M. Powers, Jackson Ray, Reuben Ray, John Rogers, Thomas W.. Rose, Thomas RUey, Stephen Reynolds, WlUIam H. Rey nolds, Martin Ray, Lerauel SturgiU, Daniel M. Sarapson, Robert Tackett, Reuben Tipton, James M. Tipton, David Tipton, John Wood, James P. Wood, Andrew Yates, Jobe Young, Solomon Youts, William Cumpton, Jesse B. Adams, Isam Blankenship, James Branham, Jason Bennett, David Casebolt, Jackson Da,mron, Granville EUott, Lilborn GUliam, Samuel Hamilton, Jesse Hom, Kenas P. HamUton, James Kenady, Lackey G. Newsom, WUUam Parsons, William H. Powers, Jacob Tip ton, Elijah Youts, Jesse Bruntey, Auston Bush, Calvin Bailey, James C. Bailey, John Bennett, Hiram Casebolt, Andrew Clay, Richard HaU, Robert A. Holdbrooks, GranvUle Hall, Ballard P. McKinsey, Mc. Kenady, James A. Martin, Mc. Meade, Jaraes Maynard, Samuel MUler, Reace Owens, Lawson Peterson, Jaraes Parks, Allen Peterson, David Patton, Charles Peterson, James L. Ray, John Rlchey, Bluford Southards, John C.^Tlpton, John Tackitt. Fortieth Kentiwky Mounted Infantry. 617 Fortieth Kentucky Mounted Infantry, It may be seen by reference to the account of the 30th Ky. Infantry that in 1863 the governor of Kentucky was authorized to raise 20,000 troops for the defense of the state. The conditions rendering this necessary may also be seen in that account. Under this authority Col. Clinton J. True, who had been an officer in the 20th Ky. Infantry, recruited the 4:0th Ky. Infantry. The men were from the eastern part of the state and the regiment was mustered into the service at Grayson, Carter county, Ky., in September, 1863, to serve for twelve months. It went at once into active duty, and in November was officially reported as one of the regiments on duty in Kentucky. In the organization of the Depart ment of the Ohio, December 3i, 1863, it was in Gen. Speed S. Fry's division of Northern Central Kentucky. During the winter it was employed in scouting through the east- em part of the state. In April Gen. Hobson reported Confederate Col. Ferguson coming into Kentucky by way of Pound Gap. At that time the 40th was with Col. True, who also had under him the llth Mich, beyond West Liberty. This force co-operating with Col. Gallup met . and routed Ferguson near Paintsville, April llth. May 30, 1864, the 40th was in Hobson's division in the 2d Bri gade commanded by Col. True, and the regiment was iu charge of its lieutenant-colonel, Matthew Mullins. In June Gen. Morgan appeared on the Virginia side near Pound Gap. The Union troops in that section under Colonels Hanson, Gallup, John Mason Brown, and True were on the alert But Morgan passed them and reached Mt. Sterling June llth, near which place he overcame the forces then under Gen. Hobson, but on June 12th, the regi ments under the officers just named, which had followed hard ou Morgan's track, fought him at Cyuthiana> routing him completely, and pursued him through the mountains out of the state. In this the 40th bore its part most hand somely, as the official reports show. Its effective strength on the field at that time Was four hundred and fifty. Col. Charles S. Hanson in his report expressed' his most grateful thanks to the 40th Ky., along with the 39th, 37th and 52d, which were in his brigade and were with him as he says "in the fight at Cynthiana, f o^ their bravery on the field, and efficient services rendered in the most trying hours of battle." He especially compliments the conduct of Lieut. Col. Mullins and Maj. Bierbower of the 40th. After the rout 618 Unimi Regiments of Kentucky. of Morgan at Cynthiana the 40th Ky. with the brigade under Col. Hanson pursued the escaping enemy with re markable rapidity, passing through Richmond, Irvine, Booneville, and up the south fork of Kentucky river, then crossing Pine mountain, reaching Cumberiand river near Mt. Pleasant, Col. Hanson says in his report: The raarch of four hundred and seventy miles from Cynthiana to Cumberland river and back to Lexington in eleven days, is perhaps the most rapid and trying known in this war, especially that from Irvine to the Cumberland, 'a distance of one hundred and twenty miles, in less than sixty hours, with stock, the most of which had already traveled nearly one thousand miles. This route passed over the roughest road known in the Kentucky mountains, many parts of it so rough that we bad to move by single file leading the horses. In September, 1864, the 40th went with the expedition under Gen. Burbridge to Saltville, Va. The command ' moved through Mt. Steriing to Prestonburg, Ky., and up Louisa Fork. The march to Saltville was attended with constant skirmishing, and as the movement became well understood by the eneniy, troops were at the salt works in sufficient number to frustrate the object of the expedition. The place was unsuccessfully attacked October 3d, and after a severe fight Burbridge withdrew and marched all night toward Kentucky. His force consisted almost wholly of Kentucky regiments; the 40th, 13th, 35th, 45th, 26th, 30th, llth, 37th and 39th. Burbridge's loss in the battle at Saltville, as reported by Surg. James G. Hat chitt, U. S. A., was flfty-four killed and one hundred and ninety wounded. After the return from Saltville expedi tion the 40th remained on duty in Eastern Kentucky until December 30, 1864, when it was mustered out of service. Col. Clinton J. True had been a captain in the 20th Infantry, and after his connection Avith the 40th he be came colonel of the 53d Ky. Infantry. Adjt. I. B. True had been a lieutenant in the 28th Ky. Infantrv. Field and Staff. COLONEL— Clinton J. True. LIEUT. OOLi— Mathew Mullins. MAJORS— Thomas H. Mannen, Frederick H. Bierbower. ADJTS.— Edward C. Barlow, James B. True. Q. MASTERS- A. L. Burke, John C. BaU, George W. Littlejohn. SURGS.— Joseph G. Roberts, WiUiam B. Bland. ASST. SURGS.— James H. Phillips, Oscar E. Holloway. CHAP LAIN— James A. Snead. SERGT. MAJS.— Jno. W. Prazer, Benedict F. Dorsey. Q. M. SERGTS.— Robert C. Snead, Luther Krouse. COM. SERGTS.- Alonzo Mateer, Peter W. Weaver. HOSP. STEWARD— Saml, N. Loy. PRIN. MUSICIANS— James L. Hunt. Chas. McLain, Company "A." CAPTAINS— Frederick H. Bierbower, Charles R. Curtis. 1st LIBU- TENANT— Charles Roberts. 2d LIEUT.— Alex. W. LawwIU. SERGTS. Fortieth Kentucky Mounted Infantry. 619 —James S. Hise, James M. Lawwill, Richard A. Fristoe, Samuel B. Stephens, WUUam H. Ryder. CORPLS.— WilUam O. Outen, Charles. Cooper, Delmore Daulton, William Seanea, .James Riddle, John A. Wil son, John Maley, William T. Grizzle. PRIVATES- Charles Allan, Alexander Allen, Alex. B. Alexander, Onescimus G. Atherton, George Bryant, George Bond, Daniel Boone, Henry H. Boone, Jacob Boone, Oscar H. Bridges, James T. Blerd, Joseph Brawner, John Bright, Paul Crane, John Crane, Joel A. Campbell,' Power Campbell, Wallace W. Cook, WlUIam H. Clingher, WUUam H. Cox, John P. Degman, WiUiam A. Downey, Jaraes C. Downey, Richard Downey, John S. Estill, James P. Glover, WiUiam L. Glover, John Grissom, Geqrge Hughes, George Hopper, Harper Hunt, WUUam Hender son, Elijah Hayden, Zach. T. Huraphrles, William T. Ireland, Lewis Jones, Francis T. Kissick, Thomas Kehoe, Robert Lancaster, Cavelier Little, Eli Morgan, Horace McAuley, James Miner, Squire Osburn, John H. Oakerson, Andrew Pettet, John R. Page, David J. Ramsey, James Ramsey, Robert Ramsey, William 'Ramsey, Lewis Richeson, WiUiam Ray, John Q. Ryder, Peter Sapp, Robert Toller, John Thomp son, Levi Thompson, John Terrel, James Weaver, Oliver Wllllaras, John M. WaUingford, Washington W. Whalen, Daurias Workman, John Q. Yazel, 'Alexander Yazel, Jaraes L. Hunt, Sarauel N. Long, Alonzo Mateer, Daniel Berry, Elijah Burnet, John C. Rist, Peter Smitson, James Brooks, William N. Evans, Charles L. Harding, Edward J. McRoberts, George W. McLean, Ernest Merkell, Octavus Parks, WUUam Riddle, WUliam Spencer, Williara Suddlth, Charles D. Swim, Martin V. B. ' Weaver, Abraham Yazel, John Yazel, James Yazel. Company " B." CAPTAINS— Simon Rice, Edward C. Barlow. 1st LIEUT.— John S. Reed. 2d LIEUTS.— Noah Johnson, Raphael J. Toralinson. SERGTS.— William E. Galaspie, Mason C. Washburn, Elijah Jett, Elijah Field, Henry W. Brown, George T. King. CORPLS. — Jesse Harapton, James Boatman, Charles Bell, Ellas P. Sanders, Nirarod Routt, Joel N. Ratllff, Michael Donley, WIUIs Field, Christopher BurneU, James M. Madden, Thomas G. Johnson^ WAGONER— Thoraas Bradford. PRIVATES— John Baxter, Vlvlon P. Bailey, Williara B. BaUey, Mar tin J. Ballinger, Ellis Coleman, Edward Curtis, William Connery, Pat rick Crawford, Sandford T. Dixon, Zachariah T. Downard, Dudley D. Elliott, Jaraes T. Ellis, Williara Edwards, WUUara A. Fields, WUliam H. Frank, Williara Pryraan, Lewis Glasscock, Marshall Galaspie, SUas Hopper, John P. Jett, James C. Karr, John W. King, Jaraes H. Kirk, Richard Lucas, Harvey M. Lucas, Elliott Lathera, John C. McAtee, John W. Mann, Thoraas MarshaU, Sarauel McCane, WiUiara Peed, Alexander M. Porter, Jackson Reed, Marcus D. Rayraond, Hervey Snodgrass, James A. Sanders, Jaco-b P. Simms, Joseph J. Skeldon, John Sirapson, Perry Sraith, Thoraas Taylor, Wm. T. AVeiraar, George W. Whitley, John W. Wood, Jaraes M. Wood, WUUam Woodruff, Albert B. Workman, Harvey T. WUey, WUUam Scott, Norman Downard, Henry W. Inscoe, Peter W. Weaver, John R. Bromley, John L. Cash, John Curtis, James M. Lewis, William Mattingley, James Miller, George AV. Marshall, Beverly ' W. Marshall, John Ramley, Samuel T. Staten, Vanhook Curtis, Benj. P. Hicks, Daniel Porter, Henry Porter. Company "C." CAPTAIN-James B. Nipp. 1st LIEUTS.— Robert D. Adams, War ren H. Devore. 2d LIEUT.— Robert C. Snead. SERGTS.-Thomas S. BaU, Harrison B. Nicholson, WUUam S. Rice, Mortimore S. Devore, Harden S. Dixon, Rodolph Bocook, Andrew J. Stewart, John W. Bryant. OORPLS.— E. P. S. Hylton, Ezekiel M. Rice, Sanders Everman, WiUiam M. Rice, Lafayette Catron, Henry M. Huchison, James N. Stewart, Syl vester Adams, Jesse Adaras, Wm. R. Evans, Alfred C. Stewart. MUSI- CIANS-^euben Herald, Jahugh Sihuff, Reuben Herald, Sr. WAGONER —George W. Stewart. PRIVATES— Lindsey Adkins, George M. Adkins, Allen Bocook, James Bandfleld, Sarauel L. Bays, AViley Bailey, John C. B'ailey, Har- 620 • Union Regiments of Kentucky. rison Cawley, William Conley, John Conly, Thomas Clutts, John Dick ison, Cornelius EUott, Robert Ellott, Henry J. Evans, George' W. Fraley, Kelly Furgerson, James Gillum, Charles Gillum,' Charles Glancy, Michael Herold, James Hunter, Squire H. Hunter, William P. Hylton, Lucius Hays, James Jordan, John Kelly, George Louder, WUliam Louder, Allen Lewis, Henderson Messer, Ahdrew J. Messer, Crisby Messer, WlUIam Messer, Benjamin Messer, Jacob Mead, Peter T. Norris, William J. Norris, Louis Osburn, William Phillips, Daniel Pridemore, Martin Phalen, William Rogers, Uriah Sezton, James H. Sezton, James N. Stewart, Braxton P. Stewart, Solomon Stone, Peter Scaggs, John W. Sneiad, Martin Sparks, Peter Smith, Galvin Triplett, Robert Walker, Charles S. Worthington, Harrison Wood, Henry Messer, Granville A. McCoy, Williara Sowash, Hawkins Adkins, William Bays, James Barnett, Cornelius B. Crank, John Hblenstlne, Wm. P. McDowell, Benjamin P. Stewart, James C. Bogas, Richard P. Hall, Hiram Toliver, Bllphus Wright. Company " D." CAPTAINS— John McGuire, Ellas P. Davis. 1st LIEUT.— Middleton McGuire. 2d LIEUT.— Alexander Johnson. SERGTS.— Larkin, Daw son, C. P. McGuire, William Harris, William B. McGuire, Edward Savage. CORPLS. — ^Jeremiah Colegrove, Stephen P. Easterllng, WUl- iata Duncan, Jedediah D, Colegrove, James P. Flawher, John P. Bur chett, Andrew J. Jones, William Campbell. WAGONER — James Mc Guire. PRIVATES— John Antis, Aaron Burton, Benj. Burchett, Jr., William Buckner, James Boggs, John Boggs, William C.' Ball, William D. Ball, Sanders Burris, Benjamin F. Coon, Thomas H. Colegrove, George W. Colegrove, Jereralah Carapbell, Love Collins, Rufus Clay, James M. Clay, James H. Davis, Thoraas J. Davis, James Dorton, George W. Dowdy, John Dowdy, Thomas Dillion, Williara P. Dean, George W. Everraan, Bradley Elslck, Oharles N. Everraan, David Fannin, James Flawher, Zachariah Fugate, Richard Gullett, Thomas Hood, Johnson Harris, Lindsey Jordan, James Jordan, Albert D. Jordan, George W. Johnson, James Johnson, Andrew James, Cowan Jesse, John W. King, Alexander Kitchen, Sr., Alexander Kitchen, Jr., Murphy Kitchen, Will iam Kelley, MInyard LItteral, Hostiij Litteral, Stephen Lewis, Daniel W. Lawhorn, Daniel Lyons, Felix Lowery, Pharis McFarlln, James Morris, Henry Montgomery, Joseph E. McGloan, Henry W. McGloan, Jesse Owens, John C. Porter, James M. Porter, Calaway S. Porter, James Parsons, Robert Parsons, John Riggs, Sylvester Sraith, William H. Spadlln, John Sloas, John Swearingin, Riohard Swearlngin, Joseph Swearlngin, Samuel Spence, Levi , Sexton, Enoch Stone, Archibald Sel lards, Laban B. Shephard, Andrew J. Scott, Joseph T. Terry, Wesley Vaughn, Francis M. WUcox, Thoraas Akers, Harvey Barker, Francis M. Burchett, WUUara HIU, Lemuel Johnson, Nehemiah Jordon, Tobias Logan, Abner Logan, Sarauel W. McDavid, William Porter, Samuel WU cox, Thoraas Coburn, Harvey Carter, Mason Keaton, John N. McGloan, Calvin L. Neal, WUliam Stratten. Company " E." CAPTAIN— Harrison B. Literal. 1st LIEUTS.— George W. Little john, John Poster. 2d LIEUTS.- James Garvin, John M. Tyree. SER GEANTS— Henry J. Conly, John W. Gee, WlUIam McGinnis, John H. Bayse, Levi A. Gullett, Jesse S. Brown. CORPLS.— Oliver P. Holland, Williara R. Wilburn, John P. Reeder, Thoraas P. McGlone, William H. Brawner, Thoraas McCall, Thoraas W. Banfield, Henry C. Harris, Josepli C. McClerg. WAGONER— Jaraes Henderson. PRIVATES— Christian Adkins,' Wra. T. Alexander, WUUara H. Buck ley, Calvin Bryant, Lafayette Black, Noah Blankenbeckler, WUUam Crank, WUUara H. Clark, Owen Clark, John Cooley, Milton E. Conley, Jesse Coalgrove, James T. Caskle, Jackson Collins, Charles N. Davis, James L. Dehart, Nathaniel G. Davidson, Wm. S. Plannery, Jr., James A. GUlum, WUUam T. Hem, Isaac E. Ham, Robert J. Henderson, Louis Hicks, Zachary T. Hawkins, Peter Hicks, James P. Hall, James Holland, Fortieth Kentucky Mounted Infantry. 621 George W. Ham, James Jarvis, Barnibas Kinder, George W. Lawson, Robert Link, John W. Mannin, John N. Mannin, Enoch Mannin, John Y. McCalllster, James W. Meado.ws, John J. Middleton, EU Nicholas, John S. Osborne, Daniel Perry, James W. Plank, WUiiara Pierce, James K. P. Rice, George D. Rice, Isaac Roman, William Rose, Daniel Sparks, WUUara Sloan, Hardin H. Tackett, Louis Thacker, Isaac Thacker, James Viars, Ralph Williams, Edward R. Wilburn, Solomon J. Ward, John H. Wagoner, David Wagoner, William Wedimgton, John Clark, Johnson Campbell, Geo. W. Evans, Jas. H. Evans, Robt. Gullett, Henry S. Jeffries, Paul L. Krouse, Henry Lawson, Jeremiah Lawson, Jos. Nichols, Brewster L. Rimsby, Robt. C. Snead, Asa J. P. Simer, Solomon Blevins, Robert Bayse, George G. Davis, WUliam Gillum, Henry C. Harding, Reuben Hicks, Andrew T. Jones, John L. Kazee, Wm. McClan- nahan, John M. Nichols, Thomas J. Stewart, Sylvester Stafford, Wallace Thompson, James Wagoner, Marcus L. Boyd, James Gaboon, Wm. R. Plannery, Sr., Wm. R. Plannery, Jr., Wm. W. Utterback, WUliam Welch. Company " F." CAPTAIN-James H. Johns. 1st LIEUT.— WUliam E. Arnold. 2d LIEUT.— Zachariah H. Mullins. SERGTS.— Michael T. Poster, George H. Abernathy, Livingston M. Carlisle, John J. Monson, John W. Lem- mon. CORPLS. — John M. Stephens, Onley R. Landrum, Clement W. Lancaster, Sarauel C. Dayton, Joseph Lytle, John T. Monson, Williara A. Prakes, William J. Jacobs. PRIVATES — Edmund Addis, Araos Blackburn, John C. Brann, John Brown, John T. Bell, Seth Bailey, William N. Cummins, John R. Cooper, Abner H. Coleman, Alex. Cunningham, Richard T. Chandler, Joshua Dotson, William T. Bckler, Jacob W. Eckler, William Foster, Cale,b Foster, William G. Glacken, Miohael Gallager, Jeremiah Gillion, WUliam Hall, John J. Holton, Isaac Hawkins, William H. Jolley, WiUiam O. King, AVillis R. King, John T. Keith, Charles L. Kennett, Asa D. Louis, Roswell Lilley, John D. Linthicura, James G. Milton, Henry D. Martin, Elbridge Mackelfriesh, Harvey McLane, Jaraes K. P. Martin, John J. Marshall, John R. MaMIUin, Mathew E. Morehead, James P. McDonald, John M. Oldham, James H. Orr, Edmund Pace, James Plummer, Henry Pluraraer, King W. Pluraraer, Jaraes Rogers, Joseph Rogers, Francis Rogers, WUUam Rogers, Eli Stewart, John Shulker, GranvlUe A. Stewart, Dennis SuUivan, Jacob H. C. Snyder, WUliam H. Spurr, J. T. Valand- inghara, Theodore Yelton, John T. Haley, Wm. O. Dunnaway, John W. Prazer, John E. Kennady, Charles McLane. C. C. McGInetty, Clark Royal, Michael Tharp, Thomas Agee, William T. Cress, George D. Jacobs, Asbery Mattox, Robert Stewart, C. C. Southard, Ebenezer P. Simpson, John L. Welman, John Atfield, WUliam Lawson, Joseph Lawson, James T, Lowry, James H. McKenney, George Walker, John Walker. Company " G." -CAPTAIN— Thomas R. Rorer. 1st LIEUT.— Christopher C. Mc Ginety. 2d LIEUTS.— Isaac A. Whitaker, Lloyd McGlU. SERGTS.- Leroy C. Boyd, John P. Jett, John A. Daniel, John B. Bgnew, George W. Highley, Dneuman C. Dean. CORPLS.— John Vice, AVUliam Ingram, WlUIam D. Slade, John W. Beckett, WUUam Atchison, Oliver P. Kin kead, Jeptha D. Justice, William P. Hill, Charies H. Fowler, Archibald Beckett, Andrew J. Bates; Nathan B. Earles. PRIVATES— John C. Asbery, James C. Antrobus, Sarauel Arnold, Joel Beagle, John N. Bradley, James D. Bell, William Beckett, Thomas Bramble, Francis M. Bailey, James L. Coles, Henry D. Chreswell, John Croxton, Joseph Cane, James Cook, John W. Chandler, John Chandler, Solomon P. Debruler, James A. Dunn, Joseph Drake, Franklin Daniel, Henry Bills, Emanuel Emerald, James Ellis, Harraon Ellis, Daniel W. Fogle, JvToah Ford, Robert Gains, Mathias HIU, Robert E. Hill, Sandford Hedrecfcs, Jaraes Highley, Hiram T. Ingram, Christopher Jones, Simeon Jones, John Lawson, John D. Lawless, Cleary W. McClain, Sraith Ma- hosney, John W. Merrell, George Manley, William McKenzie, John W. Moore, Isaac McKenzie, David Myers, James Norris, Taylor Ottis, Ab- 622 Union Regiments of Kentucky salom Perry, Oharles W. Rose, Williiam Rankin, Columbus Ravenscraft, John Reeves, John Robbins, Zach. T. Sirapson, No. 1, Zach. T. Simpson, No. 2, Alexander E. Simpson, George M. D. Slade, Franklin J. Sparks, Enoch Sorrell, John SorreU, Tilman H. Turner, John TInney, George M. Wheeler, George Woods, David R. Wright, William Williams, Samuel T. Wilson, Noah Winkle, Eli S. Ingram, Onley Mullen, WUUam R. Marshall, Felix Warren, George W. Asberry, WUliam H. Mattox, William J. Wright, Charles McClain, Francis M. Parker, David Spence. Company " H." CAPTAIN— Greenberry Reid. 1st LIEUT.— Cornelius B. Pettet. 2d LIEUTS.— John W. Bvans, William S. Waugh. SERGTS.-David Bevey, George W. Taylor, Joseph M. Huklll, George W. Ockoman, Milton Barlow, Benedict F. Dorsey. CORPLS. — James H. Stewart, Henry C. Anness, David Webster, John W. Long, Thornton Wheat, John T. Per kins, Wm. H. Abbott, Napoleon McClain. WAGONER— Jaraes Evans. PRIVATES— Charles J. Anness, John W. Bishop, Jaraes T. Bailey, John W. Burroughs, William Ballard, Andrew -Coy, Charles Courtney, George Galop, Berry Childers, William Curtis, Alexander Dun-n, James H. Dunn, Jacob M. Dewitt, Jaraes W. Dorsey, Felix Bdraonson, David Bpiperson, James J. Endicott, Wm. H. Pightmaster, George W. Fowler, John W. Garity, Felix Goodpaster, Henry J. Hyatt, Daniel P. Herndon, Louis Higgins, John T. Lynn, Perry S. Lynn, Albert Lyzear, John G. Laughlln, Adam P. May, Thomas J. May, James H. C. Mann, Charles Mann, Jesse Moore, Barton D. Morris, Zachariah T. Myers, Benj. T. Martin, AVUliam Martin, James W. McMUlen, John D. Ockoman, Benj. T. Ritchey, Benj. T^ Rulon, Benj. H. Rolph, Samnel RItchey, John W. Robbins, Addison Reid, Jacob Shy, William H. Snapp, Moses Stewart, Nathan Stewart, Benjamin Shaw, James M. Taylor, Joseph Thompso-n, .Roger W. Webster, Winfield S. Webster, Silas Welsh, Oscar Webster, Henry Woods, Marion Edwards, Charles T. Gears, John W. Herndon, John Keller, Napoleon B. Nix, Peter Webster, Jesse Barlow, Oliver P. Evans, Marcus Collins, John H. Cave, John W. Hardin, James Hornaker, John P. Kerrick, Aaron Ramey, William Sorrell, James P. Warren. Company "1." CAPTAIN— Isaac Kelly. 1st LIEUTS.— Thomas H. Larlmore, Mark WaUace. 2d LIEUT.— Marshal W. Stubblefield. SERGTS.- WUUam A. Ingram, WiUiara W. Hedrlck, Thoraas J. Devenport, Thomas C. Roberts, Azarlah Dale, George E. Gault. CORPLS. — ^Ambrose Gorraan, Clabourn C. Rigdon, WUUara H. Humphries, Rochester B. Kirk, Perry T. WaUing ford, Isaac B. Jennings, Fielding B. Steel, Samuel Allen. MUSICIANS— Abraham D. HIU, Joel Kirk. PRIVATES— John J. Boyd, Wayman Blanton, Bracken Blanton, Joseph Cook, William Cook, Anderson Callahan, John Carpenter, George W. Carpenter, Smith A. ConneU, Walter C. Calvert, Wm. W. Callahan, WUUam H. Crawford, Richard S. Devenport, Wm. W. Devenport, John Darnel, Andrew J. England, Caleb Ferren, George Forkner, James Gar rison, Thomas HIckison, Wm. Humphries, John D. Harbor, Wm. H. Humphries. George W. Huraphrles, Wesley W. Hasty, Eli Hasty, George Ingram, James P. Jordon, Jarad A. Jordon, Ellja S. Jones, Jesse B. King, Jaraes Kelly, Aaron Lee, Andrew McDonald, WUHam M. Muse, John Magowan, James H. McKee, George W. Magowan, George S. McKee, Jonathan Purvis, Francis Purvis, Joseph Purvis, G eorge W. -Purvis, •Louis H. Purnell, John C. Ranken, Francis M. Redden, WUey W. Roberts, Zachariah Ridgeway, Jonathan M. Steel, P. B. Z. Taylor Steel, Alexander Sartin, James Underwood, Walter C. Walllngford, Robert P. Coonrod, John Bennett, Thomas Blake, Henry K. Fleraing, Joseph H. Kissick, John Kissick, Alonzo Lackey. Thomas Proctor, Perlon Page, Abraham Stratton, Samuel Tucker, Coleman WUson, Benjamin P. Walker, James W. Boyd, A. B. Buriss, James 'Calvert, Richard S. Davenport, Hiram Helvensteln, Alexander Ham, George P. Sims, Jefferson Rice, R. D. Soward Thomas Swim, Nathaniel Thomas. Forty-third Kentucky Infantry. 623 Company " K." CAPTAIN— Stephen H. Young. 1st LIEUTS.— WiUiam Frisby, Henry E. Evans. 2d LIEUTS.— James MoGuire, John W. Prazer. SERGTS.— Marshal Bertram, Jaraes Johnson, Daniel L. CUfton, John B. Leslie, Vincent Blankenship, William L. James, John Bruce. CdRPLS. —James Jackson, John A. Justice, Andrew Hood, Martin Isom, John W. Davis, William R. Clay, GUbert Nichols, James Hood, Samuel Gilbert, George Perkins. PRIVATES-WUliam Barnette, Lewis Bryant, Joseph Belfrey, Ben jamin Barnette, Samuel Brownlee, Pleasant B. Bayse, George W. Baker, John Braden, John C. Blevens, "John H. Colensworth, WUUam Coffee, Wyatt L. Clay, Milton J. CoUens, Robert T. Dun.can, Hirara Dlckerson, Ransom Darby, Lewis P. Duncan, Alexander Praly, John Fraly, Will iara M. Fields, James Fields, Patrick Flew, John Farmer, William Get- tls, John Hall, Alfred P. Hariess, John P. Huff, George W. James, WUl iam Jaraes, John L. James, Thoraas Jaraes, Whitten Lusk, Jno. L. Mc- Sweney, Thomas Maston, John Mowray, -Charles Muslck, Campbell Musick, Daniel P. Morris, Francis Montgomery, Robert P. Praytor, Jaraes C. Perkins, John Patten, John N. Pendleton, Robert F. Rice, George T. Ray, Thomas Rose, WUliam L. Sheats, Andrew J. Sheats, William Spencer, Samuel Shephard, Mathew Stewart. Jesse Stewart, Thomas Stewart, WUliam Stewart, James H. Salyers, Samuel Salyers, John Stephens, Robert Stephens, Daniel Stephens, WUliam Stephens, William H. Stephens, William L. • Stephens, Gilbert Stephens, Jesse Stephens, Soloraon S. Stephens, William Sraith, Melvin Slley, WUUam Toliver, Lewis Ulen, David Vanbibber, Franklin White, John Wicker, Benjamin Wicker, Allen Zornes, Edward Zornes, Sarauel Zornes, Zach ariah Davis, Robert Parsons, Jaraes Carapbell, Martin Lunsford, An drew Lunsford, Peter Lunsford, James Mullins, Solomon Nichols, Elijah G. Rice, James E. Porter, WiUiara Holbrook, Jesse K. Howard, Solomon Lunsford, John W. Linville, James H. Sexton. Forty-first Kentucky Infantry, This regiment was called into service for thirty days at Covington, Ky., during Bragg's invasion of the state, and was disbanded at the expiration of its term of service. Forty-second Kentucky Infantry, This regiment was called into service for thirty days at Newport, Ky., during the invasion of the state by Bragg, and was disbanded at the expiration of its term of service. . Forty-third Kentucky Infantry, This regiment was consolidated with the 32d Ky. Infantrv. 624 Union Regiments of Kentucky. Forty-fourth Kentucky Infantry, The organization of this regiment was abandoned. Forty-fifth Kentucky Mounted Infantry, The 45th Regiment Ky. Mounted Infantry was at first designed as a battalion for local service on the Virginia front and in the eastern counties of Kentucky. The re cruiting and organization of the command was intrusted to Maj. Lewis M. Clark, formerly lieutenant 16th Ky. In fantry, and captain 10th Ky. Cavalry. For some months in the summer of 1863 the recruits of four companies were employed as above indicated; but it was determined to increase the command to a regiment and muster it into the United States service. Although the requisite number of recruits were rapidly collected, and the regiment put on active duty in Octo ber, 1863, and the organization effected at Ashland, Ky., the formal muster-in of two companies was unavoidably delayed until the beginning of the following January, when Col. John Mason Brown was assigned to the com mand, and Maj. L. M. Clark promoted to lieutenant- colonel. During the early part' of 1864 the regimental head quarters were at Mt. Sterling,' Ky., from wliich point the 45th was continually employed in constant and arduous duty, covering the entire Virginia front frOm Cumberland Gap to Louisa, and keeping in check, by ceaseless activity, the rebel cavali^y command concentrated in and about Abingdon, Va. In March, 1864, being relieved by Gen. Sturgis' divi sion of cavalry, the 45th Ky. moved to Flemingsburg; whence, in April, it was transferred to Irvine, Ky., and points south of that headquarters. In May it rendez voused at Lexington, Ky., under the immediate command of Lieut. Col. Clark (Col. Brown commanding brigade), and was attached to Hobson's cavalry division, and marched to the Virginia line near Pound Gap. It led the pursuit after Morgan in June, 1864, and was the leading regiment of the assaulting column at the battle of Mt. Sterling, June 9, 1864. It participated in the battle of Cynthiana, June 12, 1864, in which Morgan's force was finally destroyed, having, up to that engagement, been Forty-fifth Kentucky Mounted Infantry. 625 continuously on duty for twenty-six days and nights, with no halt of as much as four hours. During the months of July and August, 1864, a part of the regiment under Lieut. Col. Clark was detailed by Gen. Burbridge to pursue guerrillas and scattered Confederate troops in Owen, Trimble and the adjacent counties of Kentucky. In October, 1861, the 45th Ky. formed part of Bur bridge's command in the unsuccessful attack on Saltville, Va., and covered the retreat In November and December, 1864, it was in Stone- man's columns at the capture of Bristol, East Tennessee, Marion, Abingdon and Saltville, Va,, and participated in all the engagements of that campaign. Beside a great number of skirmishes of greater or less note, the 45th Ky. took part in the engagements of Mt. Sterling, Cynthiana, Marion, Bristol, Laurel Gap and Saltville. From its constant duty in most inclement weather the regiment suffered even more seriously than from the bullets of the enemy, and a large proportion of the men were mustered out on account of injuries by frost-bites. This regiment was mustered out by battalions at Oattletsburg, Ky.; Companies A, B, C, D, E, and F, on the 24th of December, 1864; Companies G, H, I, and K, on the llth day of February, 1865. NOTE. — In the summer of 1864, as In the summer of 1863, the» pres ence of a large force In Kentucky was absolutely necessary. The value of railroads, especially the Louisville & Nashville railroad, as well as bridges and depots of supplies, was Incalculable for the sustenance of the arraies at the front, further south. Unprotected, they would have been entirely destroyed. It was natural that they should be protected by Kentucky troops under Kentucky officers. The raid of Morgan in 1863 was practically neutralized, as he was pushed so close by his pur suers he had no time to accomplish the destruction of anything of im portance. So, also, it proved in June, 1864, Morgan again entered the state by way of Pound Gap and made his way through the raountains. Morgan states In his official report that his IntenUon was to break the railroad from Cincinnati to Lexington, and then strike for the Louisville & Nashville railroad. Gens. Burbridge and Hobson were on the alert and moved in the direction of Pound Gap. Col. Brown, com manding a brigade, in which was his own regiment, the 45th, discov ered that Morgan had entered the state, and was heading for Mt. Ster ling. Brown pursued on the trail, while Hobson, taking what forces he could, hastened in the direction of Mt. Sterling. At Keller's Bridge Hobson met Morgan, and. In a lively fight, was overcome and cap tured with about three hundred raen. Brown, stlU leading the advance of Burbridge's troops, by exceedingly rapid moving (it Is said ninety miles in twenty-four hours), carae up soon after the flght with Hobson; and two days after, viz., June 12th, Burbridge's force fell upon Morgan at Cynthiana, and corapletely defeated hira, capturing many of his men, retaking all Ms prisoners and driving the wreck of his forces rapidly out of the state through the mountains. 40 ¦626 Union Regiments of Kentucky. * Gen. Burbridge, in command in Kentucky at the time, received the thanks and congratulations of Secretary Stanton and Gen. Schofleld. But for this check, Morgan could have gone on and possibly have crippled the Louisville & Nashville railroad. It is intferesting to note the Kentucky regiments participating in thia work so essential to the successful operation of the larger armies at the front, viz.: 13th Ky. Cavalry, 35th Ky. Mounted Infantry, 45th Ky. Mounted Infantry, iOtii Ky. Mounted Infantry, 47th Ky. Mounted In fantry, 26th Ky. Mounted Infantry, 30th Ky. Mounted Infantry, llth, Ky. Cavalry, 37th Ky. Mounted Infantry, 39th Ky. Mounted Infantry. The raovements ag&.inst the salt works in the southwestern part of Virginia deserve to be particularly noted. They were three In nuraber. First, in June, 1864, Gen. Burbridge started an expedition" which reached the borders of Virginia In the direction of Pound Gap, but just then Morgan entered Kentucky by way of that gap, and raoved rapidly to ward Lexington. -Burbridge's troops were therefore hurriedly recalled, and the defeat of Morgan occurred at Cynthiana as stated. Then the second expedition to Saltville was undertaken In September, when Gen. Burbridge, having with hira the Kentucky regiments raentioned, reached the place, but as the raoveraent had become known, troops had been sent there in sufficient numbers to defeat Burbridge and compel his "return. The third attempt, which was successful, was by Gen. Stoneman, who operated from East Tennessee. The Kentucky regiments were hastened out to join him, and he entered Virginia by way of the Tennessee valley, and succeeded In destroying the salt works at Saltville, and the lead works in the same section. That expedition was a very severe one on account of the cold and the scarcity of provisions and hard fighting. The service of the several Kentucky regiraents under Gen. Stone man Is raentioned In the account of each one respectively. There was no raore gallant and efficient ofiicer than Col. John Mason Brown, of the 45th. Young, ardent, intelligent, and peculiarly ac quainted with Kentucky, he was adralrably adapted for the services he was appointed to perforra. In the movements above mentioned, he com manded a brigade, while Lieut. Col. Clark commanded the regiment. Gen. Bragg, in a report to the Confederate govern ment, dated July 2d, says: The accounts received so far do not indicate any satisfactory results of the movement into Kentucky by Gen. Morgan; should he ever return with "his comraand, it will as usual be disorganized and unfit for service, until again arraed, equipped and disciplined. The large number of prisoners we always lose by these raiding expeditions has been the source of great evil. Gen. Burbridge says, in his official report: When I arrived at SalyersvlUe I received a courier from Col. John Mason Brown, inforraing rae he was on the trail of Morgan's main force. I ordered Col. Brown to continue scouting In advance and pushed the coraraand forward as rapidly and continuously as human endurance and due regard for the horses would admit, traveling without IntermisBlon, except for absolutely necessary halts, night and day. When we were some ten mUes frora Mt. Sterling, Col. John Mason Brown reported to me in person that he had followed Morgan untU he found he had taken Mt. Sterling and its small garrison on that morning with his cavalry, and his infantry had arrived in the evening and aU had gone Into camp without a suspicion we were near. To this able officer great praise is due for the judgment and indefatigable energy displayed by him in the arduous march from Pound Gap, in which he had skirmished nearly every mile of the way and with a discretion that would have done honor to an older head had so continuously conducted the march of the ad vance that though he had picked up several stragglers from their ranks, the enemy had no suspicion of our proximity., ^ Fcrrty-fiftli Kentucky Mmmted Inf ant'ry. 627 Field and Staff. COLONEL— Jphn Mason Brown. LIEUT. COL.— Lewis M. Clark. MAJORS— Nathan A. Brown, John C. Henderson. ADJT.— James Sea ton. Q. MASTERS— John C. Ball, Harman Conley. SURGEON— Sara uel Maguire. ASST. SURGS.— William E. Scobey, Joseph L. Rowland. CHAPLAIN— Elisha Thacker. SERGT. MAJOR-James H. Marcum. Q. M. SERGT.— John V. Ollnger. COM. SERGT.— A. J. W. Lyons. HOS PITAL STEWARD— Frank Blanchard. Company "A." CAPTAIN— Jos. W. Cottlngham. 1st LIEUT.— Daniel Hendrickson. 2d LIEUT.^Pleasant M. Stricklett. SERGTS.-John ,T. Nash, Town- send H. West, Harrison McPerren, John J. Trumbo, Hiram Riohards. CORPLS. — Napoleon Helterbrand, Francis E. Dunibar, Samuel S. Pry, Jas. H. Applegate, Benj. G. Kirkendall, Henry W. Walker, Theophilus Nash, Isaiah Pry, John P. Hughes. ' PRIVATES — Basil B. Applegate, Horace Applegate, Thomas Apple- gate, Dallls Adkins, Henry C. Barkley, WUiiara H. Boyd, John H. Bry-' ant, John L. Bell, John Bryant, Benjamin F. Carroll, John P. Carroll, Reuben Craycroft, ¦ William H. Cole, William T. Durarait, Zachariah T. Darnell, Charles H. Darnell, James M. Pitch, Williara P. Pry, John Foster, WUUara R. Fenwick, Ferdinand P. Gilbert, Huriah M. Gill, Oharles, S. Gill, James W. Greenslate, Alexander GUlaspie, Thomas J. Hughes, Philip Horsley, Calvin Jennigs, C. C. Kennedy, Joseph S. Latham, Dennis C. Latham, Stephen Lewis, David Lewis, Stephen S. Lewis, Fielding Lewis, Watson A. Mower, George A. Mower, Jason Miller, Wm. H. Middleton, Oliver Marvin, AVm. P. McKellup, John Myers, Franklin C. Nichols, Henry H. Penrod, Henry C. Patterson, Leonard Penrod, WUliam Patterson, David PoUey, Abraham H. Parker, Harrison Ruark, Rice B. Ruark, William H. Rugles, Lindsey B. Ruggles, WUUam Reed, Sylvester W. Reed, Henry Ross, WUUam B. Rose, James Renchen, Wm. H. D. Shocky, Andrew J. Sartin, Alexander Sprinkle, Isaac Sloan, George W. Stewart, Charles Wright, Abrahara WUson, John T. AValker, ¦ Dallas White, Jose'ph P. Warder, Clark Warder, Leonidas WUoby, Hlmes Wyatt, David Young, James P. Zornes, George AV. Zornes, Aaron S. Dumrait, Calvin Herron, Robert Himes, John T. Rose, James M. K. Suiter, William H. Bailey, Thomas M. Clark, Ora S. Grain, James GU laspie, Thomas A. Hicks, Henry Hoover, James Sparks, Robert T. Walker, Ira Yates, Thomas McDoU, Siraeon Rogers, Williara H. Sylvey. Company " B." CAPTAINS— Benjamin R. Haley, WUliam B. Shockley. 1st LIEU TENANTS— James H. Loh, John W. Thornton. 2d LIEUT.— William A. Haley. SERGTS. — Jaraes Marcum, William O. Estep, Peter Brown, Henry Clay, James M. Baker. CORPLS. — Thomas Stephenson, John Fields, Andrew Morgan, Thoraas Rlely, Alonzo B. Garrett, Sarauel Dunn, Frederick Bartrara, Jacob MUler. PRIVATES — Harvey Bloss, AVashlngton Bartrara, Aaron Brewer, John Gaby, Samuel Clark, Henry Clay, James Clay, Martin Cassldy, Ellphus Daraeron, Benj. P. Darling, Louis Davis, Jaraes Davis, William Davis, John Davis, David Davis, John Dyre, Jaraes H. Elliott, Jaraes A. Haley, Jackson Hale, Williara H. Ketron, Martin B. Leach, Oliver McCown, Robert Miller, Alexander McPeek, Louis Manard, William Mathews, Charles Manard, Marcus Manard, William Newcom, John Nunley, William Nunley, David Ollnger, Allison Ollnger, Thomas Ollnger, Anderson Pack, Levi Porter, MItchel Perry, Floyd Parsons, Perry Remy, John Riddle, William Sheppard, Madison Smith, Samuel Skelton, St. Luke Thacker, William Topplns, Joseph Webb, Daniel Watson, George C. Boggs, Alphus Copelln, PoweU Collins, George Eblin, James R. Green, James M. How, Corbin Moore, Isaac Marcum, John V. Ollnger, James G. Ollnger, Amos G. Remy, Isaac Sowards, Nimrod Brown, St. Clair Elkins, Moses C. Fowler, James P. Johnson, Wyley McCoy, Ephraim Meadows, Daniel Parsons, AViUiam Wampler, Jonas Butcher, Andrew Brown, John Clark, Greenville Nelson, William Pack, Pharoah Pack, Kirk Ross. 628 Union Regiments of Keptucky. Company " C." CAPTAINS— George W. Browni Frank Mott. 1st LIEUT.— Edwin S. Turner. 2d LIEUT.— David W. German. SERGTS.-^WiUiara J. Van hoose, General F. Salyer, Williara Sherman, Stephen G. Preston, Jona than Estep, John B. Fortune, William E. Adams. CORPLS. — Kingston P. Price, Robert Haywood, Joel Johnson, John P. M. Rice, William D. Colyer, Britton P. Blair, Maraus L. K. Wells, Levi J. Vanhoose, H. C. Jett. PRIVATES — John R. Akers, Harmon Adams, Levi Burk, Ananias Barnett, Charles J. Castle, Stephen Caudle, Francis Estep, Lilburn Estep, William Evans, WiUiam Baley, WUliam Fairchild, Alfred Honeycutt, Isaac Jenkins, James P. Lemasters, Wiley Literal, Mason Mahan, J. H. Mahan, Robert A. Meed, James M. Meed, Reuben Meed, Simeon Meadow, BUsha Meadow, Samuel Meed, Benjamin Mullett, George Melvin, Jasper Psiraer, William R. Pelphrey, Martin L. Price, Thomas J. Preston, David Pelphrey, Thomas Ritchie, Taylor Ramey, Jaraes Roberts, Francis Senters, J-ohn Sraith, Burges G. Sherman, Covington Smith, Elisha Sraith, John Stepleton, Williara Salyer, Isaac R. Turner, George W. Turner, Martin Vanhoose,' Williara Vanhoose, Kelsey N. AVilliams, Francis M. Ward, Wililam O. Ward, James AVard, Jonathan Ward, George Burks, William McCarty, A. J. Blair, Sanfred Collins, William Crum, James Frazier, Charles Helton, James Hammond, John Huff, Jaraes Johnson, WUUara Mahan, Samuel Meadow, Albert Meed, Wallace Psiraer, Joseph Rowland, Haden Sraith, Ransom Shavers, WUliam Spradlln, JoEn M. E. Sherman, John G. Trlrable, Thoraas S. Brown, James Arras, Jaraes Bur chett, John H. Caudle, Moses Crum, Daniel Baly, Marion Pitchpatrick, Emery Johnson, Riley Meed, John Marshall, Zachariah Salyer, George W. Vanhoose, John R. Webb, John Curtis, Ely Hubard, James G. Ward. Company " D." CAPTAIN— W. S. Adams. 1st LIEUTS.— J. J. Matney, William P. Cooper. 2d LIEUTS.- Calvin P. Vaughn, George P. Ratllff. SERGTS.— Francis M. Literal, Benjamin C. CaudlU, Daniel M. Hager, Jaoob W. Helton, John Conley, Henry Crabtree, Jereralah C. Easterllng. COR PORALS — Miles H. Lacey, Constantine Conley, William S. Conley, Green Pucket, Samuel P. Kelley, Daniel Adams, Reason Hall, Archibald P. Cooper, Jr., Riley Howard. PRIVATES— Robert Alsop, Hardy Adkins, Elijah Bayse, Patten Cesco, Abel Caudill, David C. Cooper, A. P. Cooper, Sr., Joel Clark, O. S. Colier, David Dunfield, Darius GUmore, George Helton, James C. Hamon, Allen Helton, WUUara Howel, Thomas Howel, Thornton W. Jones, But ler Kelly, Peter A. Kingry, Taylor Keenry, Andrew Kizer, Samuel Le master, Richard Lykins, Samuel P. May, John Nicks, Sarauel F. Partlow, Allen Patrick, Elisha Prater, Elijah W. Prater, Nirarod Pratt, Nat. D. . Parker, John W. Pearce, John C. Riley, Jackson Reffit, Hirara H. Reed, Hiram H. Rudd, John Row, James Randle, John P. Sebastian, John Thacker, Marshal A. Thornton, William WUson, James AVUson, Frank C. Walah, Edward E. Adaras, Benj. B. Adams, WUUam Blanton, Henry Brown, WUliam Brunson, Daniel Bates, Jas. E. CoUlnsworth, James Dykes, Hiram Flint, Francis M. Green, Samuel Galaspie, William Gil more, Evans P. Howel, John Harvey, Jr., Henry Harrison, Elisha Jack-. son, Robert Jackson, George Joseph; Caleb Justice, John Klmberland, George Kingry, Benjarain P. Lawson, John Miller, Thomas May, David P. May, Obediah R. NeU, Irvin Patrick, John Pucket, Allen Penix, John Penix, WUliam T. Reed, .William Salyer, James Scott, Preston Spears, Isaac Spears, Andrew Short, Solomon Stodard, Benjamin Wages, Sam uel Williams, James Walch, James WIUIs, Edmund Fudge, Thomas Coffee, Allen Dalton, Thomas S. Howard, Thoinas Honaker, Isaiah Honaker, Andrew P. Jackson, Rowland Literal, Noah May, JUson P. Prater, John M. Patrick, Lewis Patrick, Jacob Salyer, Avory Bear, Solomon Back, Franklin Elkins, John Harvey, Sr., Samuel Howard, William Howard, James Helverson, Henry Maddox, WUoby S. Maddox, John M. Phipps, Eli Risner. Forty-fifth Kentucky Mounted Infantry. 629 Company " E," CAPTAIN— Thomas Damron. 1st LIEUT.— Daniel H. Walker. 2d LIEUT.— Jasper Hatten. SERGTS.-Edward C. Wise, George W. Kirk, David C. Damron, John F. Mainard, Harrison Adkins. CORPLS.— Sampson Mainard, James Pierce, Richard Damron, John W. Luman, George W. Mainard, Milton Bowman, Harrison Johnson, Edward H. ¦ Copeley, Daniel Rowland. PRIVATES— Leonard Bartrum, Samuel Baker, WUliam Barnet, Ab salom Bromfield, Jefferson Baker, Asa J. Blair, Sanford Collins, William Crumb, William Damron, Thomas J. Deboard, George W. Damron, James Dixon, Robert Dixon, James Eldridge, James H. Prazier, Henry Gilkison, Wililam. Hampton, Anthony Hampton, Elias Hines, Thomas HIU, Asa H. McCay, John J. Mainard, Roads Meade, Arnold Meade, Aaron Main ard, Evan Morgan, Sampson P. Mainard, William Mahan, Albert Meade, James H. Munsey, James R. Penlngton, William Pierce, Jr., Richard Pierce, WUiiara Pierce, Sr., Jaraes Perry, Arnold Perry, Andrew Perry, Williara Patton, Absalom P. Robinson, Ferris Rouse, Andrew D. Rob inson, John Rowland, John Snider, Kelley Stewart, WUliam Stapleton, William Skiles, John L. Shannon, Wallls P. Simer, James E. Spence, Absalom P. Taylor, Thoraas Tuohy, Henry S. Viers, William Wells, Joseph Williamson, -Madison Webb, James York, James H. Harris, Wll>- iam Higlns, William Porter, Jacob Rice, Solomon Wade, WUUam Wells, Blevins Williams, Greenberry Bvans, Harrison Mainard, Stephen P. Marcura, James R. Mainard, John R. Robinson, St. Mark Thalker, Will iam Conley, John P. Caseholt, Henderson Pickett, Jesse Meade, Harrison Pinson, Benjamin Porter. Company "F." CAPTAIN— Thomas Russell. 1st LIEUT.— Richard Williamson. 2d LIEUT.— Mordecai McClure. SERGTS.— William McGlothlin, James M. Preston, William H. Davis, James H. Waddle, David M. Rake.. COR PORALS— John R. Lester, Wallace Borders, William R. Jarrell, AVallace Childress, William Vermillion, John E. Cassell, tVashlngton Partlow, Richard Pierce. PRIVATES — John W. Blankenship, Jaraes Boyd, Jesse Broughton, Wells Blevens, John Burt, Charles Bftrt, Sarauel Burt, John Bush, Lew- alien Burt, Franklin Bowen, George W. Burt, Thomas H. Burt, Charles W. Burt, John B. Carroll, Solomon Cassell, Thoraas Clay, Jaraes Cun- nlnighara, A. Cooper, John C. Crum, George W. Cooper, Zedekiah Cas sell, William Davis, Conrad Deering, Arthur Fitzpatrick, John Fitz patrick, Wm. F. Fitzpatrick, George W. Fitzpatrick, Benjarain Fitz patrick, Henry Fowler, Drury Goble, Thomas Hall, George Jarrell, Roland B. Kelburn, WUliam Lewis, Harvey Lovenis, William H. Moore, Shadrack McGlathlin, Jesse Mills, John C. Myers, George W. Myers, William C. Mills, William L. Moore, James Musick, Asberry Preston, L. P. A. Preston, Wallace PreSton, Harrison Preston, Williara H. Preston, James R. Pack, William Roughton, Wallace B. Spencer, John Sraith, Jonathan Skyles, John Turner, Daniel H. Taylor, Andrew W. AVaddie, James Wise, Asa Williamson, Asa H. Williamson, Elias AVilllarason, Wm. L. Waddle, George W. Weaver, Cornelius Calloway, Spencer Adams, John Carter, Wm. Fiitzpatrick, Charles M. Lock, Jaraes Muncey, John Pack, Thoraas Sanders, Charles Whit, Joseph Willlarason, Christopher Bayles, Thomas Burton, John Clay, John Haney, Williara V. Mills, James M. Williamson, John Wills, Alden Willlarason, Andrew Justice. Company " G." CAPTAIN— William B. Jones. 1st LIEUT.— William B. Johnson. 2d LIEUTS.— Erastus M. Gates, COburn D. Outten. SERGTS.— Andrew L. Prichard, Cornwallls J. Pugh, David Davis, John C. Maines, James D. Davis. CORPLS.— James Cyphers, Pardon A. Morrife, John T. Hazelrigg, Rudolphus B. Gardner, James K. White, Aaron S. Colegrove, Samuel Ferguson, George Bradshaw, Fletcher Garrett, Riley Clark. PRIVATES — John Allen, Mathew Adams, David Archie, Isaac W. Bowling, Elisha Badly, WlUIam Baily, John Butcher, Josephus Bruce, 630 Union Regiments of Kentucky. Felix Clark, William Cyphers, Soloraon Cox, MontevUle Cooksey, WiU iara Fitzpatrick, Lafayette Fielders, James Gullitt, James R. Green, Joseph H. Hight, George Hall, William Hall, Charles Hunt, George Hart, Henry Hart, Lemuel Johnson, William Johnson, Jonathan Justice, Wm. J. .V. Loper, Isaac McAnery, Wm. P. McBrayer, James G. Ollnger, An drew Pancake, George Prater, Richard Pierce, Wm. R. Prichard, David M. Rake, Amos J. Remy, Jasper Staten, John P. Stevenson, John Sun- nett, Moses Sexton, James Scott, Blmofe Smith, George W. Sloan, John Thorpe, Newton White, Charles Whitt, William Willis, Henry Artls, Joseph Branum, John J. Boling, Jas. H. Dunegan, Dial Gullett, Carbon Moore, BU J. Prater, Elijah Sorrill, William Stone, Thoraas Sanders, Meshack Stacy, Martin Vest, Edward Branham, Joel Estep, Anderson Jordon, John Prater, Daniel Roland, John O. Steele, Volney Wilhite, George Eblin, George Hughes, Christopher Morrison, George Wilson, Kindel Bruce, James Carraacle, Jaraes Davis, Joseph Hiley, Jesse Kasee, George Morrison, George Smith, James Thompson. Company " H." CAPTAIN— Jackson J. Matney. 1st LIEUT.— Calvin P. Vaughn. 2d LIEUT.— Horace January. SERGTS.— Joseph Lewis, Levi W. Hol land, John Prat, George AV. Parmer, Jeremiah C. Easterllng. CORPLS. —Jacob Woolom, Rolland T. May, Francis M. Castle, Harvy Crabtree, Jaraes H. Willis, William H. McGown, Riley Howard, Archibald P. Cooper. PRIVATES-WUliam E. Adkins, Edward E. Adams, Joseph K. Baush, WUliam Blanton, John J. Bowlan,' Henry Brown, Barnett P. Coleman, Henry Coleman, John Coleraan, James E. Collingsworth, John S. -demons, George W. Dumrait, Jaraes Dikes, John W. Bmyx, Hiram Flint, Dial Gullett, Charles Hilton, Preston Hackworth, John Harvey, Jr., James Johnson, Francis Javans, Elisha Jackson, Robert Jackson, George Joseph, Benjamin Johnson, John M. Kowns, John Klmberland, George W. Liggett, Isaac R. Lake, Isaac Marcura, Benjamin Martin, Wra. McGinnist, John B. 'McGirr,, John Matney, Samuel Meadows, Thoraas May, Irvin Patrick, Allen Penix, John Puckett, WUliam J. Reid, John Shurmon, Jacob Slagle, WUUara Salyfers, Meshack Stacy, John Up ton, Martin P. Vest, Noah Woods, Benjamin Wagers, Samuel Williams, James Walch, PoweU Collins, Thomas McDoU, George WUson, Daniel Bates, Allen Dalton, Jonathan Daniels, Elzy Franklin, Samuel Galaspie, Thomas Honaker, Evans P. Howell, Thoraas McGown, AViUiara M. Mays, John Miller, Jaraes Scott, Solomon Stodard, James WIUIs, Solomon Back, James Evans, Isaac Flanery, Henry Harrison, Smith Jbnes, John Kelley, Jackson Lanaghan, WUoughby S. Maddox, Henry Maddox, George W. Sowards, David Thompson. Company " I." « CAPTAIN-James H. O'Brien. 1st LIEUT.— Robert H. Wilson. 2d LIEUT.— MUton J. Smith. SERGTS.— George B. Dixon, Marion Den nison, Martin Templeton, Orlando B. Duke, Calvin Woolf. CORPLS. — George W. Damron, George Conley, James Bartley, Charles W. Bryant, K. P. Adkins, James A. Christian, John Adkins, Joshua Sraith. PRIVATES— Henry V. Adkins, Marshall Adams, Seymore Backus, Jaraes Blankenship, WUliam Clark, Reuben Clark, Thoraas Clark, Will iam Day, Jacob Dunnlson, Joiner Dell, John Day, Asa EUis, Leander Ellis, John Hunter, John Q. Haskins, Wm. H. Holbrook, Cad. Ingram, Michael Kline, Enoch Lewis, Henry Lemley, Creed Martin, David Moore, Thoraas Masterson, Peter Menagerie, William Porter, Samuel Pinker- man, Jacob Rice, WiUiam RUey, Leander Short, Thoraas Wagers, Sol oraon Wade, Michael Ward, John H. Wilburn, RUey Adkins, Peter Burns, Prank Blanchard, Charles Day, Lewis Ellis, Marcus E. PoUowlH, Jaraes B. Hardee, John Helton, Ell Hubbard, Andrew J. W. Lyons, Perry Meade, Charles Nolly, Cobe D. Outten, Jaraes Pratt, John R. Ross, John W. Sites, James Spears, Wm. R. Sraith, Solomon Becket, Thomas Hut chinson, John Ingram, Thos. M. McMannlgahl, William PIgman, Will iam P. Adkins, Dennison Adkins, Henry Baker, James Chaffins, William Connelly, John Dunn, Jesse Dunn, Hiram Davis, John Eraraons, Joseph Forty-seventh Kentucky Mmmted Infantry. 631 Emmons, Andrew J. England, William Evans, George Gilbert, Lewis G. Gose, John Smith. Company "K." CAPTAIN— Jacob L, Ross. 1st LIEUT.— Edward W. ''Brown. 2d LIEUT.— John Thompson. SERGTS.— Isaac W. BowUng, William C. Mayhew, John S. Ross, Andrew J. Penlngton, John W. Penlngton. COR PORALS— Peter Riffe, Samuel Sraith, WUliam J. Smith, Henry Jenkins, Archibald Gipson, Thomas Barber, Harrison Coply, Harrison Pults. PRIVATES— Reuben Barber, Robert Barber, Henry B. Broadess, Henry Oondly, Joseph Davidson, Basil Doolin, William Eldridge, Hezekiah Fults, John Gambell, Henry Hall, John Holland, Philip Haney, Osburn Haney, Bluford Hood, Lucas Hood, James Johnson, Abraham Kouns, Joseph Laney, BUsha Meadow, Franklin McGInness, Alexander Murphy, Drury Murry, David MoGuire, James Osborn, Gilbert Penix, John Pack, John Ratllff, Noah Ratllff, Marion Ratllff, William Robbins, Elisha Smith, Elijah Smith, Hiram Smith, Wra. L. Stewart, Marion Sexton, Jaraes Webb, Marion Wages, John Maynard, Lorenzo D. Siraeons, Marion Friend, Harrison Roberson, Sarauel Burk, Louis H. Burk, David L. Burks, Edraund Condley, Beals Davis, David Doolin, Ellas George, Solomon Kirk, Richard Lemaster, Wm. Montgomery, David Ratllff, John Vaughn, Enoch Wright, Wm. R. Adkins, Allen Condley, Bide Condley, Robert Jenkins, Harrison Jenkins, Francis Jenkins, Emery Lawson, Keenas P. Lacy, James Robbins, Nicholas Robbins, Haden Smith, Solomon Stevens, Allen L. Thompson, Fleming L. Thompson, Allen Webb. Forty-sixth Kentucky Infantry, The organization of this regiment was abandoned. Forty sefbenth Kentucky Mounted Infantry, The 47th Ky. Mounted Infantry was raised under the act of Congress authorizing the governor of Kentucky to organize not exceeding 20,000 troops forthe defense ofthe state. The greater portion of the men were mustered into the service at Irvine, Ky., October 5, 1863. The others at Camp Nelson in December, 1863, and January, 1864. The officers instrumental in recruiting this regiment were An drew W. Clark, Alfred C. Wilson and Thos. H. Bames. Like the other regiments organized under this 20,000 call, it was used for the defense of the state. There was a peculiar necessity for the men of the mountain counties of Kentucky to thus organize. Their section was exposed to inroads from Southwestern Virginia, and was poorly protected; the people were generally Unionists, and like Unionists of East Tennessee and West Virginia, they were compelled to act in self-defense. November 6, 1863, be fore the 47th was fully mustered into service, it Avas in- ' eluded in the military organization of Northern Central 632 Union Regiments qf Kentucky. Kentucky, under command of Gen. S. S. Fry, whose head quarters were at Camp Nelson, November 25th Gen. Boyle said he could send the 47th with other regiments to Big Hill. In the organization of the army of the Ohio, De cember 31, 1863, the 47th was under Col. Andrew H. Clark, in Gen. S. S. Fry's command. It so remained dur ing that winter doing duty in scouting, by detachments through Eastern Kentucky. In tbe organization of the department of the Ohio, April 30, 1864, the 47th was under Maj. Bames, brigaded with the 30th Ky., Ool. Craddock; the 45th Ky., Col. Clark; the 49th, Capt. Golden, and 1st Wis. Battery. The brigade was commanded by Col John Mason Brown and was in Gen. Hobson's division. June, 1861, the 17th was at Paintsville with the forces there under -Gen. Hobson. At that time Gen. John Morgan came into Kentucky with the avowed object of destroying the Kentucky Central Eailroad, and then push for the Louisville and Nashville railroad. He came through Pound Gap in the extreme eastern part of the state, ahd before his purposes could be known he had passed the forces of Geu. Hobson in the section about Paintsville, and made his way toward Mt. Sterling. Upon receiving this information Gen. Hobson hastened in person by way of Cincinnati, hoping to reach Lexington in time to or ganize a force there by the time Morgan should reach that part of the state. Near Cynthiana, however, at a place called Kellar's Bridge, Gen. Hobson was captured with about three hundred men before he had time to accom plish his purpose. But the troops he had left in the east ern part of the state were hastening toward Lexington under Gen. Burbridge and Cols. John Mason Brown, Chas. S. Hanson and others; they were moving Avith the utmost expedition, and came upon Morgan shortly after Gen. Hobson's capture. Very severe fighting took place and on June 12th, at Cynthiana, Morgan was completely de feated and all that he had captured was retaken. Mor gan was then pursued rapidly out of Kentucky, through the mountains and across Cumberland river. In all this service the 47th, under Col. Clark bore an active part. Keturning from the pursu'it of Morgan the 47th was J stationed at Camp Nelson in the command under Gen. S. S. Fry. At that time the father of Col. Clark, who was provost marshal of Owsley county, was basely murdered by a band of the enemy who so exasperated Col. Clark, he petitioned to be allowed to use his regiment to bring the murderers to punishment. The 47th continued dur ing the remainder of its service on duty for the protection of the state. In September, 1864, it was on the line of Forty-seventh Kentucky Mounted Infantry. 633 the Kentucky Central railroad. In the same fall it was for a time at Camp Nelson, being with the 49th Ky. in the brigade commanded by Col. Thos. D. Sedgewick. December 26, 1864, Companies A, B, C, D, E, F, G, and H were mustered out of service at Lexington. Companies I and K were mustered out April 12, 1865. The veterans were transferred to Battery E, and to the 4th Ky. Vet. In fantry. The service of the 47th was continuous during the whole of its career, in protecting the state of Kentucky against the enemy. Field and Staff. COLONEL— Andrew H. Clark. LIEUT. COL.— Alfred C. Wilson. MAJOR— Thos. H. Barnes. ADJT.— Geo. A. Hanaford. Q. MASTER.— Peter D. SchoU. SURGEON— John M. Daniel. ASST. SURGS.— WUson H. Glass, Geo. Suraner. CHAPLAIN — Mordecai J. W. Ambrose. SER GEANT MAJS.— John P. Hardin, Charles H. Moseley. Q. M.' SERGT.— Henry C. Arabrose. COM. SERGT.— Henry Morris. HOSP. STEWARDS — James M. Rotoerts, George H, Patrldge. Company "A." CAPTAIN— John Penlngton. 1st LIEUT.— Godfrey Isaacs. 2d LIEUTS.— Andrew Isaacs, Isaac S. Jones. SERGTS.— WUliam Moore, Lewis Sandlln, Alexander P. Setler, Henry C. Gabbard, Caleb Bailes. _ CORPLS. — Edward Parker, Charles Splvey, William Brewer, George W. Gabbard, Elias Tincher, Hezekiah Isaacs, Anderson Seals, George S. Robinson. PRIVATES— George W. Anderson, Stephen Bailes, George M. Baker, Ambrose Brewer, Daniel Bowraan, John Brummet, Caleb Cope, GranvlUe Combs, Ward Creech, Alfred Cope, Claiborne Duncan, Jasper Earnest, Albert Earnest, Jacob Gabbard, William Gabbard, Jacob H. Gabbard, Jacob B. Gabbard, Josep'h Gentry, Ainibrose Garlln, Noah Gabbard, Will iam M. Gabbard, Douglass Hillard, George W. Isaacs, Henderson John son, Elijah H. Johnson, War H. Kerbey, Delaner Lewis, Robert McGee, George W. Moore, Job Morris, Jackson Moore, Preston Overby, Joseph A. Parrett, Samuel Peters, William Parkey, John Pennington, Jno. Parker, Chesley H. Parkey, John D. Parkey, James Privet, Preston Pennington, John P. Riggs, Henderson Reynolds, William Robinson, Henry Rader, James Robinson, Elijah Robinson, Leander Robinson, Jason Robinson, Jacob A. Robbins, Adara Rader, Eli Reynolds, Elkaner Sraith, Frederick Scales, Harrison Sione, Elihue Stephens, Isaac Sparks, David Shook, Henry C. Splvey, Jaraes Stephens, Wilkerson W. Scott, Henry H. Thomas, Thomas B. Tincher, Frknklln Wright, Henry H. White, Alfred York, Joseph Allen, James P. Adkins, Addison Ball, James Brewer, George Brewer, David Earnest, Elijah McWhorter, James P. Moore, Henry E. Northern, Thomas H. Reynolds, Reuben Skinner, Caswell Arayx, John Gg,rrett, Wesley Kerbey, Lyman W. Odom, Jesse Roberts, Jacob Tincher, Williara Harris James W. Lane, WUUara H. Lane, Wm. W. McGold- rioh, Jesse Parkey, Jno. W. Reynolds. Company " B." CAPTAIN— Jackson Roberts. 1st LIEUT.— David V. Roberts. 2d LIEUT.— Francis M. Herd. SERGTS.— William. C. Gilbert, James Haw kins, Jaraes Anderson, Jaraes Davidson, Pleasant AVUson, John Feltner. -CORPLS.— Salis Bolin, Wiley Colltt, Manuel M. HounsheU, Sarauel Cor nett, Thoraas Roberts, Elhanen Murphy, WUliam Sizemore, Elias Wooten, Elhanen W. Asher. PRIVATES— George Anderson, William Bolln, William Bolln, Sr., Andrew Brumley, Elick Begley, John Brock, Merideth Bradley, Messen- 634 Union Regiments of Kentucky ger Brumley, William C. Canter, Eli Collins, Green Chanler, John M. Davidson, Robert Davidson, John Gibson, Alfred Hacker, Thomas Hardee, Montgomery HounsheU, Benjamin HounsheU, Andrew Hubbard, John HounsheU, Clay Jackson, Haywood Jackson, Mason Jackson, Philip Joseph, James Johnson, Benjamin Johnson, Samuel Lewis, Henry Lumpkins, Robert Lovin, Jos'hua Marcy, David McKinney, Hyram Mc Veigh, Blevins R'oberts, GranvUle RUey, James Rose, David Rogers, John Rogers, Joshua Richardson, Jesse Scalf, Washington Smith, Jona than Stergil, Nelson SIzeraore, Jackson Sizemore, Wade W. Smith, RUey Shepherd, Alexander Stuttler, WUliam J. Sams, William Sams, Stephen D. Ward, William Ingram, Jaraes Akerraan, Jackson Begley, George P. Bolin, Thomas Brewer, Henry Gibson, Lafayette Gibson, Larkin Gibson, William Jones, Martin V. Lewis, Farris Roberts, Jesse Smith, Joseph Smith, Henry Turner, Henry Bolin, James E. Asher, John Bolln, Wright Bolin, Garrett Gamble, Simeon Hobbs, William Hobbs, Landrow Hughes, James Keyton, Reiuben Sams, Isaac Stuart, Green B. Scalf. Contvpany " C." CAPTAIN— John C. Wilson. 1st LIEUT.— Wm. J. Morris. 2d LIEU TENANT— William Baker. SERGTS.— Adron Morgan, William Wilson, Delany Wilson, Samuel Cornet, John Strong. CORPLS. — John Muncy, David Duncan, John B. King, John Simpson, Wm. C. Venable, Daniel G. Bowles, Burton P. Aralbrose, Lewis M. Cook, William York. WAG ONER— John Gipson. PRIVATES — Enoch Abner, James Boslick, Robert Baker, Joseph Barnett, Williara Bush, Saniuel Bailey, Robert Bowraan, Samuel Beck- nell, Thomas Burch, Aaron Brock, George Conner, Henry Cress, Baxter Cornett, John Combs, Samuel Combs, Alexander Cole, Nathaniel Daugherty, Nathaniel Deaton, Martin Deaton, Ell Estrldge, Fountain Fox, WUson Ford, Simon Garrison, James Guy, Nelson Guy, John Hub- ¦ bard, Alvin Harden, Jackson Jarvis, Daniel R. King, James Lewis, John Lee, Franklin Lee, Luther Muncey, WUliam Nelson, Thomas Pearson, Thomas Rollins, Boanerges Riley, Henderson Sizemore, Alexander Sfnith, Jacob Shiplett, Abrahara Schoolcraft, John Sraith, Benjamin Stacey, James H. Sims, James Templeton, Preston Thomas, John Vernon, Silas Williams, Andrew Williams, Harden Williams, Harden Wilson, James Webb, David H. York, Francis M. Arabrose, James Wright, Elkaney Elkins, WlUIam Fox, George Kidd, Jaraes Lee, James Rawlins, John Terapleton, Sylvester Truman, Jesse Thomas, Thomas Viokers, Robert Boling, Stephen Gum, RUey F, Russell. Company " D." CAPTAIN— David W. Clark. 1st LIEUTS.— Edward Clark, Edward Chestnut. 2d LIEUT.— Daniel G. Allen. SERGTS.— James R. Evans, Thomas Murphy, George AV. Ball, William Bishop, Lewis Sandlln. COR PORALS — Theophilus Hensley, Thomas Campbell, James K. Durham, Jacob Cope, Jaraes Crawford, Robert MoCallura, John M. Collins, Win- right Sparks. WAGONER— Jaraes Madison. PRIVATES— Job Allen, Jr., Jefferson Allen, John Allen, Job AUen, Sr., WiUiam Ashcraft, Joseph Allen, Calvin Black, David Bishop, Sam uel Bishop, John Bishop, Thomas Barrett, Jarias Ball, WiUiam Barrett, S'amuel Calhoon, James H. Campbell, WUliam Callhan, James G. Craw ford, David Cole, Geo. W. Crawford, John Campbell, Levi Collins, Joseph Depew, James Edward, Samuel J. Fulwllder, John Gabbard Willis Gabbard, Wiley Hunter, Jerry HoUensworth, Isaac HoUensworth, Henry Hensley, Thomas H. Hunter, John W. Huff, Isaac D. Harkleroad, Edward Lunsford, Anderson Lunsford, David Lunsford, John Lunsford, WUUara Lunsford, John Murray, Henderson Morgan, Henry Merath, William Murphey, Madison Morgan, WUHam M. Maynor, Daniel R. Murray, Wm. H. Murray, David Mays, Hannibal C. Nance, Allen M. Nealy, James Phelty, Thomas Ramsey, Daniel M. Setser, Thomas Saw yers, Benj. P. Taylor, Jesse D. Taylor, William H. Taylor, James Willis, Job Wilson, Samuel Barker, Moses Smith, Singleton WUson, Nathaniel Boman, Isaac Lunsford, Elisha Lunsford, Elisha McDaniel, Thomas Parson, John Reed, Joseph Booker, Anthony CoUins, Martin Haley, Forty-seventh Kentiwky Mounted Infantry. ¦ 635 Paschal Johnson, David Marshall, Isaac RUey, Sarauel Wesley Noah WIUIs. Company "E." CAPTAIN— H. J. Clark. 1st LIEUT.— Hiram Metcalf. 2d LIEUT. —Henry Smith. SERGTS.-John H. Gabbard, Sanford Ross, Wm. P.' Carpenter, Peter Wolfinburger, Mathias J. Gabbard. CORPLS.— Jona than C. Harrison, Thomas H. Reynolds, William J. Campbell, Joseph P. Moore, Thomas Murrell, WUliam B. Murphy, Elihu Rose. WAGONER— Levi Alcorn. PRIVATES— Isaac Abshear, Nathaniel T. Arvln, Basil Baker, Will iam Brinegar, Turner Brinegar, Alexander Blanton, Henry Branden burgh, Alfred Collins, Levi Collins, Edward Crouch, Solomon CoUins, Perry B. Coyle, Pusel D. Cox, John Damerel, Joseph Daraerel, Francis M. Eagle, Joseph Floyd, Samuel Fox, John Fox, Elijah Gabbard, WUl iam R. Gabbard, Enoch Gipson, Elisha W. Gabbard, Job Hornsby, Merll Harlson, WUliam H. Harison, Gotfrey Isaacs, Leander Judd, Jereralah T. Lainhart, Calvin Lynch, AVUliam P. Lynch, John Mayse, Jaraes P. Moore, Elijah S. Moore, Jesse Murphy, Alfred Mayse, Burnett rtowraan, Thoraas Plowman, Marquis Richardson, Mlchaelbury Richardson, Joseph Ross, George Ross, John Smith, Thomas Sparks, WUUara WUl- iaras, Harrison H. Wilder, Thomas H. Barnes, James J. Copage, George Gray, Henry H. Gabbard, AVUliam Hunt, Thomas Le, Charles H. Mose ley, Henry Morris, Riohard McQueen, James M. Roberts, Nathaniel Stuart, Joel Alcorn, WlUIam Blanten, Joseph Brandenburgh, Michael Conawa,y, WiUiam Lunsford, Alfred Murray, Cassius Richardson, Josiah Tunget, Henderson Angel, John Bryant, Brittaln W. Senters, James Senters, Woodrow Sloane. Company "F." CAPTAIN— Henry Skidmore. 1st LIEUT.— Nathan Noe. 2d LIEU TENANT— Acles Winn. SERGTS'.— Daniel Skidmore, WUson Brown ing, William Day, Noble Burkhart, George Burgen. CORPLS.— Carter Skidmore, Wallace Harber, James Hall, A\'^illlam Steel, Benjarain Noe, Leander Ledford, John Stepp, John Blankenship. PRIVATES — William Arvine, Riohard Branson, John Burkhart, Jef ferson Burkhart, Randolph Browning, Williara Cleraens, John Caywood, Isaac Dean, John Dean, James Drake, David Earnest, Andrew Fields, Spencer Flanery, Jaraes Fields, Enoch Flanery, Daniel Garrett, Elijah Green, Hiram Grills, Francis Hall, William Hobbs, Hiram Jones, John L. Jones, Washington Ledford, George Milburn, James Marcum, Calvin Noe, John Noe, Ambrose Osborne, Calvin Osborne, Andrew Osborne, Solomon Osborne, Elkaner Spurlock, John Sergent, John Skidmore, Ste phen Sergent, Sanders Spurlock, Jacob Step, William Swanson, New berry Stapleton, Simon Step, James Shackleford, Elias Smith, Archibald Thorapson, Aaron Thoraas, James Anderson, John Burk, Mathew Cole, Alexander Pouch, Alexander Rhodes, Thomas Spurlock, John St. John, Levi Viles, William D. Yearry, Hezekiah Young, Jaraes Burkhart, Hirara Fee, Owen Hall, Solomon Powell, Riley Step, Abner Trent, John Davis, Arvln Dean, Newton Day, Jeremiah Fornster, Britton Helton, Thomas Lyfer, Benjarain Lankford, James Mitchell, WUiiara Thornsberry. Company " G." ' CAPTAINS— Thomas J. Engle, Joseph Herd. 1st LIEUT.— Robert M. Green. 2d LIBUT.-Henry H. Gabbard. SERGTS.— Elijah W. Branden burgh, James 'm. Cain, Bnoch Bowman, William Pegg, Solomon Ball. CORPLS.— M. L. Robbins, Lewis Cunagim, Daniel Baker, Elihu Mur phy, Charles D. Vermillion, Elijah McWhorter, Hiram Evans, Leander Baker, OrviUe B. Helton. WAGONER— Jacob Hines. PRIVATES— Daniel H. Adkins, Archibald B. Adkins, James P. Ad kins, Addison Ball, David K. Butler, John R. Beagley, Swinfield Beagley, WUliam CoUins, Jeremiah Campbell, William F. Cain, John H. Cain, Clark Cunagim, Robert Calahan, Larkin Chandler, Hiram Estes, Hiram Evans, William Gray, George W. Hellard, Thomas J. Hellard, Thomas Hellard, Henry Hellard, John HoUensworth, Squire HoUensworth, John Holt. Thomas Hamilton, John Hoover, William Inman, WUloughby Inn- 636 Union Regiments of Kentucky. man, Zachariah Jackson, Peter Legier, Rodney Million, Moab Million, John H. Mallicoat, Winston D. Mallicoat, John McKinney, George Mc Queen, John Newton, William Newton, Houston B. Nun, John Newman, Henry E. Northern, Aaron Paris, John Powell, George W. Powell, Job Ramsey, Henry M. Ramsey, Jackson Ross, George R. Shepherd, Samuel Sraith, Isam Smith, William Stamper, Reuben Skinner, John Stuart, David B. Taylor, Josiah Baker, George W. Crider, Henry C. Cochran, Taylor McKinney, William Shepherd, Peter D. Scholl, Nathan WUllams, . Bingham Burt, Martin Reece, Joseph M. Beeman, Noah Mullens, WUl iam J. Marshall, James Smith, John Waddle, Jesse Evans. Company " H." CAPTAIN— Benj. P. Blankenship. 1st LIEUT.— George W. Morgan. 2d LIEUT.— Wm. G. Dixon. SERGTS.-John Lewis, Alexander Stamper, John Sargent, James Asher, Robert H. Fielder. CORPLS.— WUUam Parler, Andrew Howard, Micajah Napier, Silas Stapleton, Andrew Sar gent, Absalom Blair, Monroe Halcom, John Creach. PRIVATES— WilKara Blair, Kidraour S. Caldwell, Calvin Crach, SIra Cornett, Samuel Cornett, Clark Cornett, Leroy W. Fielder, Joseph B. Fielder, Elbert Glllura, Henderson Howard, Joseph Halcom, Millard Halcora, Jesse Halcora, Lindsey Halcom, John Halcora, Thoraas Halcom, Andy Howard, John Howard, WUiiara Halcom, Irvine Howard, Henry C. Johnson, Edward Jones, Edward D. Kincade, James J. Lewis, Allen Lewis, James Leadford, William McDanlel, Hiram Mitchell, Alexander Morris, John Morgan, Hambleton Napier, Zachariah Phillips, AUen Sar gent, AVUliam Sraith, Clinton Combs, Alexander Combs, John Deaton, Perry Evins, Ira D. Hall, Edward Harper, Jaraes Kelley, WUUam Miles, Richard Polly, Hiram M. Connett, Wiley G. Moris, John W. Morgan, Ransom Mitchell, HIscal Napier, George Stephens, William Cornett, Jaraes Cox, Joseph Cornett, William Clarkstone, Thoraas H. Clarkstone, Gilbert Combes, John Eastlc.e, James B. Franklin, Henderson Fe, David Fee, William Gent, Martin L. Helton, Garrard Ingram, Goodson Ingram, Benjamin P. Kertley, John KeUy, James Lewis, Perry Polly, Clalbon Polly, Henry Skeenes, Riohard Viles, Leander WIrick, William Wlrlck, John Young. Company "I." CAPTAIN— Simon CockrlU. 1st LIEUT.— James P. Smallwood. 25 LIEUT.— Hirara Rogers. SERGTS.— Jaraes M. Mansfield, Benjamin Hall, George P. Gast, Ansil &. Powell, Weeden Ewens, John Barnett, Edward Kerbey, Henry Reffet, James A. Stewart. CORPLS.— Byram Ballard, James Morrison, William O. Smallwood, Leander Gilbert, WiU iam Lucas, John W. B. Sraith, Robert Little, Thomas D. Smith, WiUiam Esters, Wm. H. Neal, Francis Townsend, John D. AVatson. PRIVATES— James K. Addams, Allen Abner, Delany Boling, Wm. J. Boon, Zachariah Campbell, Jaraes S. Cope, Thomas Combs, Andrew J. Esters, Madison Frazier, John Pouch, Sarauel P. Frazier, John P. Hat ton, Juniper Hawkins, Alexander Howard, Moses Johnson, Jaraes MiUer, Taylor McGuire, Daniel McDaniel, Robert Nickills, Harvey Owens, George Poplin, Jesse Pitraan, Francis Prater, John Roberts, Joseph Roberts, John Smith, William Smith, John B. Spencer, Lafayette Scholl, WUUam Saddler, W:Uiam Sparl:s, Samuel StaceV, WUliam Tipton, Solo mon Tipton, Isaac Trett, Josiah J. AValton, Pleasant AVIlson, Elijah Abner, Martin Bailey, Absalom Boling, John F. Craig, Jesse B. Esters, Thomas J. Fry, Wm. H. Graham, Elias Gent, Lewis G. Gose, Wra. H. Hatton, Geo. W. Johnson, George Knox, Henry Knox, Richard M. King, Blsberry Little, Sidney Muncy, Andrew Mcintosh, Middleton Neal, Ben jarain Pruett, Andrew J. Poff, William Raleigh, Crittenden Rhode's, John Rlffett, WiUiam Rogers, Jaraes G. Rogers, Francis M. Sparks, Charies Selby, Wm. C. Scholl, Wm. Thompson, George WUson, Pleasant WUson, Young Abner, WUiiara Pouch, Nirarod C. Marcum, David Boling, Green Baley, John H. Cantwell, MUton Esters, Thoraas Fraley, Francis P. Hawkins, Benjarain Harris, Tiraothy Johnson, Benjarain Knox, Mor-. ton P. Land, George Little, Blevin Sizemore. Forty-eighth Kentucky Mounted Infantry. 637 Company " K." CAPTAIN— John McQueen. 1st LIEUT.— John McCracken. 2d LIEUT.- Oharles H. Mosley. SERGTS.— Elijah Sraith, Elias Yahbor- ough, John C. Wells, Stephen Bolyn, Morris D. Brewer. CORPLS. — ^John Gohen, Elmore Ashby, Benjamin Knight, John H. Elkins, WUUara Lank ford, George Revs, Peter Monroe. PRIVATES- Charles Askrew, Daniel Barker, William Creech, Thomas Clapp, Isaac Collins, Lewis Cardell, Patrick Dillon, Sampson Buzle, Jefferson Frederick, Thomas C. Hahn, John Hunley, Jarvis J. Johnson, John Lansberger, Martin Lovett, Charies Leighton, Isaac Murphy, Fielding Pennington, Henry S. Parmele, Henry Richardson, Stephen Rickey, Joseph Stacey, James Stacey, Speed Steele, James UnderhlU, Isom J. Venoye, Robert Wytte, James Bolyn, George Bolyn, John Center, John H. Cochran, George Clark, Samuel Clark, James Davis, Arlingto'n Goodwin, Jesse V. Gray, Joseph A. Grayham, Thoraas B. Hart, Thoraas W. Hart, Henry Henderson, Calvin Hase, John Harden, Wra. C. Iptoe, Edward Jaraes, Joseph L. Jones, Levi Land, Hirara Mar cum, John Maynor, Lee Nelson, John W. Reed, Francis M. Renfro, Henry Sailers, Henry Shouse, WUliam Sams, Charles Thrasher, Thomas Thacker, Perry AVells, John M. Wiloox, James Jeffers, Joseph Mong, Th'omas Mahar, John Poe, Milton Stroup, Charles Allison, John Bell, Charles Beers, Royal W. Cole, John Clayton, WUUam Clemln, Patrick . Dunn, Alexander Pouch, Michael Glaeson, Preston Gohen, Ambrose Harmon, Jaraes Haskins, Charles Johnson, Silas King, John C. Moore, Joseph McCray, Eli Maze, Hugh Markmen, Lewis Parker, John Rus seU, Elias Smith, James Tallard. Forty-eighth Kentucky Mounted Infantry, (FBOM THB ADJUTANT-GBNEEAIi'S REPORT.) The 48th Eegiment Ky. Volunteers was enlisted prin cipally from the counties of Trigg, Lyon, Livingston, Crit tenden,, Union, Christian, Caldwell, Muhlenberg, Breck inridge and Grayson, and was organized and mustered into service at Princeton, Ky., by Charles H. Fletcher, Captain 13th United States Infantry, on the 26th day of October, 1863, for the period of one year, with HartweU T. Burge of Louisville as colonel. This regiment was raised for especial service in Ken tucky, to serve as a mounted force to aid in preventing raids and to clear the state of guerrillas. Immediately upon muster it was assigned to 1st Bri gade, 2d Division, department of Kentucky, and remained on duty at Princeton until the 1st of December, 1863, when it was ordered and marched to Eussellville, Ky. Here it was ordered to detail on December 5th, viz: Com panies A, D, T aM K to Bowling Green, with Col. Burge as post commandant, companies B, F, G and H remain ing at Russellville, with Lieut. Col. Hester as post com mandant. The regiment remained on duty at these stations until 638 - Union Regiments of Kentucky. April 6, 1864, when, by direction of Brevet-Major Gen. Burbridge, it was removed, with exception of one com pany, and distributed along the line of the Louisville and Nashville railroad, garrisoning that line from Cave City to Louisville, headquarters at Munfordville, with Col. Burge as post commandant and Lieut. Col. Hester in command of regiment and supervision of the railway line guarded by his force. The several companies were gar risoned Avith headquarters as follows, viz : Company A, Elizabethtown; Companies B, F and H, Munfordville; Companies C and K, Fort Boyle, at Colesburg; Company D, Cave City; Company E, Fort at Shepherdsville; Com pany I, Louisville, and Company G, at Smithland, Ky., with Capt. Bush as post commandant. The details were very efficient in duty, and so well were their garri sons defended against many attacks made by the enemy, that the road as guarded, was never broken during the time they defended the same. On the 8th of July an order from Brig. Gen. Hugh Ewing, commanding 2d Divi sion, department of Kentucky, relieved the regiment from garrison duty and authorized it to mount and equip for active service. Horses were pressed from disloyal citizens upon disloyal receipts, payable upon future proof of loyalty. About August llth the regiment was thoroughly mounted and equipped. August 13th the regiment was ordered to concentrate and join Gen. Hobson, then moving from Lex ington with a force against a rebel raid and recruiting rendezvous in Webtser and Union counties, commanded by Confederate Gen. Adam Johnson. The regiment, in detachments, joined Gen. Hobson's column at Calhoun, Ky., about the 19th of August, and participated in the movements and actions of that com mand until August 24th, when at Canton, Ky., on the Cumberland river, the retreating rebel command was overtaken and dispersed, many of them being killed or captured. Gen. Johnson was wounded and captured near Wallonia, the day previous, August 23d. The regiment marched to Cadiz., Ky., where it received orders to proceed to Princeton, Ky., with instructions to regimental com mander to make such disposition of the force as would be necessary to protect that section of the state. Detach ments were placed in the counties bordering on the Cum berland river and in the interior region, arid kept scouting and capturing guerrillas until ordered to Bowling Green to be mustered out by reason of expiration of term of ser vice. One hundred and twenty-five guerrillas were cap tured during the stay of the regiment at Princeton. During the service of this regiment, an opportunity Forty-eighth Kentucky Mounted Infantry. 639 was never had to call out its merit in one of the great bat tles of the rebellion, but its patriotism will compare favor ably with other regiments from Kentucky, that held a place on Sherman's front; its duties and services Avere equally as honorable, when considered that it protected the lines of communication and aided in forwarding sup plies to ithe armies in the front. Certain detachments of the regiment acquitted themselves in numerous engage ments creditably, and deserve especial notice to secure justice and reward their bravery. On the 7th of August, 1861, Capt. Hiett, with thirty- five men detailed from Companies B and C, were attacked at Salem, Ky., by three hundred Confederates and guer rillas. Capt. Hiett, with thirteen men, in the open street, with one volley from their guns and the bayonet, resisted the first charge of the enemy, after which he secured quar ters in an old courthouse, and fought the enemy for six hours, compelling them to reti»eat, leaving eight killed. Loss of Capt. Hiett, two killed and three, with himself, wounded. The enemy carried oif m6st of their dead and all of their wounded. Major Chennoworth was their com manding offlcer. August 31, 1864, Col. Burge, with a scout of twenty men, came upon a camp of sixty guerrillas in Union county and engaged them, capturing the camp with a large amount of stores, killing one and capturing scA^en prison ers without loss. November 6, 1861, Capt. Jarrett, AA'ith forty-one' men, detached from Companies F and K, was at tacked by a force of five hundred and eighty men under Geu. Lyon. He defended that post with hard fighting for five hours when the enemy withdrew, taking away their killed and wounded. Capt. Jarrett's loss was one killed and two Avounded. On November 18th this same force attacked Capt. Hiett with thirty-seven men at Eddyville, Ky. They Avere pursued by Lieut. Col. Hester and one hundred and eighty men from Princeton, and were over taken in camp near Providence the night of the 21st of No vember; a skirmish ensued, resulting in the capture of the camp, som fe stores and prisoners. The raiders were pursued and driven from the state. Capt. Bush with one company at Smithland, was attacked several times during July, August and September by superior numbers of the enemy but always defended that post, and saved the large depos itory of army stores and supplies there. There are spe cial instances wherein officers and men in small detach ments met the enemy in greatly superior numbers beating them in close action, displaying great courage and bravery and they well deserve mention among like instances of bravery in the military history of our country's defenders. 640 Union Regiments of Kentucky. On the 1st of December, 1864, by direction of Brig. Gen. Hugh Ewing, the regiment was marched to Bowling Green, Ky., for muster-out, its term -of service having ex pired on the 26th day of October, 1864; but, owing to the active campaign of the Confederates under Hood against Nashville, Tenn., fhe regiment was kept under marching orders until the l9th of December, when it was mustered out by C. A. Wainwright, Captain 13th U. S. Infantry. The veterans were transferred to the 3d Kentucky Cav alry and 26th Kentucky Infantry. Col. HartweU T. Burge had been the chaplain of the 3d Ky. CaA-alry. Lieut. Col. William W. Hester had also been an officer in the 3d Ky. Cavalry. December 31, 1863, the 48th was on duty in the south western district of Kentucky in Ool. Cicero Maxwell's bri gade. * January 21, ,1864, the regiment was at Russellville. In March it was at Bowling Green. April 30th it was in Col. S. D. Bruce's brigade. From May to August it was in Col. T. B. Fairleigh's brigade; September in Maxwell's brigade. Field and Staff. COLONEL— HartweU T. Burge. LIEUT. COL.— William W. Hestei MAJOR— William H. Hoyt. ADJTS.— John W. Lockhead, WUllan Shuler. Q. MASTER- James M. Courtney. SURGEON— Wlillam Ran. dolph. ASST. SURGS.— R. R. Bush, John D. Mott. CHAPLAIN— Johi.. W. Ricks. SERGT. MAJ.— George S. Prake. Q. M. SERGT.— Louis T. Sasseen. COM. SERGT.— James M. Shackelford. HOSP. STEWARD— W. J. McGhee. Company "A." CAPTAIN— Fountain P. Hawkins. 1st LIEUT.— John M. Gregory. 2d LIEUT.^Jasper N. Scott. SERGTS.— WUliam P. Jones, Isaac Rey nolds, James Arnold, John Householder, John J. Smart. CORPLS.— Benjarain Harris, Mandley Wlnstead, Benjamin James, Jasper N. Mc Dowell, Bluf'ord Potts, Williara Muire, Edley Lynn, Francis Randolph, Phllamon CromweU. MUSICIAN— Lucius Smith. AVAGONER- Sidney HUl. PRIVATES— Harrison Ames, John L. Below, Benjamin W. Belt, Ace Belt, William Belt, Irvin Baldwin, John R. Bridges, Simeon L. Car rier, John A. Clark, John M. Cowan, Jno.M. Carrier, Ebenezer Cowan, Cebron Canaday, John Cusic, John Cullln, WUliam Carrier, Mart Dills,'" Louis Daughtrey, Wililam Daughtrey, John PIsher, James W. PIsher, William H. Fowler, William Gaither, Bealey Gaither, Harvey Greenfield, John Hull, Squire Holeman, Thomas Holeman, David Hatfield, Abner Jenkins, John Linn, John W. Lyon, John Mets, Richard Moor, WiUiam McGuire, James M.. Millican, Pleasant Miller, Hugh McKee, Newton Newcomb, George W. O'Neal, Thomas Prowell, Joseph Pickens, John H. Price, John Pickens, Thomas Riggs, James Riggs, Marlon P. Riggs, George Randolph, Luther J. Ragsdale, William Redburn, George Springer, William D. Springer, William P. Strait, George' W. Springer, Alfred sigler, James Taylor, William Travis, Sarauel Watson, George Watson, Lewis Walker, Mathew Williams, Aleck Yates, John R. Brown, James Grassham, Joel Grey, Samuel Hasel, George Nelson, William H. NaUs, Lafiayette Anderson, Thomas Belt, Robert J. Francis, George Forty-eighth Kentiwky Mounted Infantry. 641 Prallck, Edward R. GiU, Henry A. Potts, Henry Sraith, Joseph TackweU, Jaraes M. WUllams, John M. Darr, Jaraes Price. Company " B." CAPTAIN— Hugh M. Hiett. 1st LIEUT.— WUUam H. Rushing. 2d LIEUT.— John T. Rushing. SERGTS.-John S. Sanders, James L. Wright, Thoraas M. Growe, William T. Sanders, Jaraes W. Crouch. CORPLS. — Uriah W. Brown, Newton M. Dollar, Benjamin T. Crayne, WiUiam M. Morgan, James H. Wade, WUliam J. Parris, James H. Mc Kinney, Jno. N. Durham, John Clute. WAGONER— Benjarain W. Right, MUSICIANS— Frederick Carding, Thoraas A. HUlyard. PRIVATES— Henry C. Alley, Williara K.' Bibb, Joseph T. Cluck, John B. Crider, John C. Driver, A. G. Driver, Lemon M. Driver, WUliam T. Dodd, Snead D. Dodd, John Daniel, David W. DIsboe, William H. Evans, Henry J. Prallck, Samuel Felker, Alford N. Gray, Robert H. HIU, Will iam HUlyard, Elijah P. Holman, James P. Harris, Benjarain Jacob, Alexander Johnson, James A. Johnson, Richard Lewis, Samuel P. Myers, James A. Mathews, James C. Merideth, Reuben P. Marshal, John T. Merideth, Thomas C. Ordiray, James L. Rlngstaff, Williara T. Ringstaff, James R. RIne, Milas Summers, Andrew J. Stumett, Jaraes J. Suraner, Pinkney Sherrell, Joseph Sraith, John W. Sanders, Joseph Stephenson, Joel M. Tabor, Henry C. Woodson, WUUam Waddle, Henry Cisk, James L. Driver, John Knalls, Beno MItchel, John H. Rushing, Rufus M. Stokes, John B. Shook, WUey Thurman, Christopher AUey, Amos Burns, Wm. W. Drennon, John King, A. M. Millican, Pleasentoiv Paris, Wm. W. Rljoads, John A. Stewart, Samuel Stewart, Jefferson Sherrell, P. H. Woodall, Wiley P. Fowler, David S. Green, Coleman Brown, Henry Franklin. Company " C." CAPTAIN— John J. Wright. 1st LIEUT.— John P. Lay. 2d LIEUT. -WIUIs S. McNeely. SERGTS.— Nathan A. Ray, Wm. H. Yearkey, Wm. H. Jones, David B. Sigler, Samuel M. Graham. CORPLS.— Henry H. Malone, Samuel J. McNeely, William Banks, Thomas J. Hooper, Wra. J. Lewis, William G. Strong, David AV. Goodaker, Whitmlte Jenkins, Richard E. Yeakey, Robert J. Cooley. WAGONER-James T. Joiner. PRIVATES — Stephen Barnes, Jaraes Barnes, Andrew J. Bird, Acy Bailey, Ewing P. Crowder, Willis T. Crowder, John M. Garner, John P. Cook, Alonzo B. Chapel, George P. Drennon, Jaraes Dunbar, William Dunbar, Francis B. Dunbar, John T. Dunbar, John B. Dunn, John B. Drennon, Wesiley A. Ferrell, James P. Ferrell, John S. Ferrell, James D. Ferrell, John R. Franklin, Jaraes A. Glass, Lewis R. Goodaker, Williara Hall, Jaraes P. Hubbard, WUliam Jenkins, John W. Keeney, Williafti C. Loften, Jaraes McGregger, James H. W. McCaslln, Ell Nichols, Elijah S. Nichols, Irwin Nichols, John B. Preston, George W. Parker, William J. Parish, Britton Pollard, Harvey N. Shackelford, Andrew S. Smith, Wm. W. Stevenson, Marshall B. Seeley, Elijah P. Stevens, Joseph Thomason, John L. White, Francis M. Wright, Zachariah Williamson, Thomas Willlarason, Williara W. Walton, John Crawford, Reason Cravins, Laborn Goins, Lander J. Lane, Horatio G. Lane, Williara C. Lane, Wra. R. Goodaker, Jason Hararaock, Wra. H. Jones, Jr., Madison A. Loiles, Robert E. Nichols, Orleans B. Nichols, Littleton Perry, John H. Peyton, 'V'm. M. Seeley, James E. Taylor, Severe K. Traylor, Chas. G. Wortham. Company " D." CAPTAIN— Hiram J. Belt. 1st LIEUT.— John Tyer. 2d LIEUT.— Logan Belt. SERGTS.— George W. Jackson, John Lyons, Alexander M. RUey, Joseph Robinett, John P. Belt. CORPLS.— Joel Oldhara, Alex ander C. Miller, James J. Lewis, Carter Moore, Jaraes W. Quillan. AVAG ONER— William H. Boyd. MUSICIANS— Charies E. Tinsley, WUliam Johnson. PRIVATES— Amos K. Capps, Williara H. Coon, Elbert Dossett, Will iam A. Bills, Richard Edwards, Shephard Fraley, Sarauel Holbrooks, Elijah Henly, Williara W. Irby, Isaac W. Irby, GranvUle D. Irions, Will- 41 642 Union Regiments of Kentucky. iam Jackson, William Lacy, William W. Lanear, James A. Lowry, James C. Mason, Thomas F. Mason, William Mann, Elisha . Oldham, James Oldham, Charles N. Scott, James Smock, Thomas Smock, Robert Stevens, Joseph D. Tolly, Pleasant Tolbert, Henry Vineyard, Lewis Wright, James H. Wlnans, Henry M. Winders, Thomas P. M. Winn, John G. Winn, Green Yewell, WUliam Bingham, James H. Bagwell, John W. Curtis, John Cheek, David C. Crocker, James Colter, Wm. R. French, William Fraley, Henry Hogan, Mathew Ledbetter, Thomas P. Miller, Morris McGlasson, James M. Moore, Geo. Miller, Bllhu Oxford, Michael D. Price, Wm. J. T. Shaln, Albert C. Woods, John H. Cooper, Covington C. Edwards, Lewis Franklin, Edward T. Franklin, George Moore, Eparalnondes Palmer, Morgan Smith, John Angleton, Thomas Angleton, Charles A. Lanear, Jeremiah M. Franklin, John W. Meadows, James J. Pemberton, Wm. C. Pemberton, Andrew Seaton, Wm. B. Thompson, John M. Wiggins, Henry Winders. Company " E." CAPTAIN— Richard P. Mlnner. 1st LIEUTS.- William Hoyt, Will iam J. Sraall. 2d LIEUT.— William J. Wilson. SERGTS.— Jaraes Bry ant, Pleasant C. Moore, James T. Terry, Daniel T. Minner, Stephen \i. Worley. CORPLS.— Henry Holoman, Robert S. Clark, Aaron B. Hum phreys, Abrahara J. Bebout, John G. Arrastrong, Joseph M. Daniel, Harallton L. SuUivan, Joseph W. Guess. MUSICIAN — James AV. Garrick. AVAGONER— WUliam Wyatt. PRIVATES — Lynn B. Anderson, William H. Adams, William A. Akers, Hugh P. Beard, Jaraes M. Bennett, Thomas Blanford, Samuel, A. Bateman, John L. M. Chadwick, Robert W. Carpenter, John Cooper, William H. Clarkj Ira N. Campbell, James E. Crowell, Wilson B. Coates, Thomas J. Curry, James A. Dial, William R. Dickson, Drury M. Daniel, John Docker, John A. J. Earnest, Francis M. Farley, Littleton Y. Parley, AVm. L. Parley, Pinkney S. Goans, David A. G. Hand, Wm. J. Howton, Wra. F. Harper, Lerauel H. Jones, John B. Johnson, David W. Kinsey, Alfred Lowden, Isaac Lowe, Nathan C. Mann, Rufus P. Mlnner, Wm. H. Morlssett, Wm. H. Mathews, Israel H. Pi-ckens, Jaraes H. Ferryman, Absalorn Phelps, John M. Ray, David Smith, Wra. P. Truitt, J. K. P. Towry, John W. Vaughn, John D. Worley, L. Wolford, Henry B. Yates, Archibald Young, Jacob Blair, George AV. Brazil, Peter R. Daniel, James P. Huibbard, Burtes A. James, John W. AVright, William Adams, Henry C. DiUard, Neeley L. Ethridge, Hilery H. Eaton, Robert D. Jones, Robert Jones, Felix L. Martin, Robert McBride, Samuel N. Truitt, Samuel P. Tosh, Stephen B. Towry, John T. Winders, John M. Franklin. Company " F." CAPTAIN— Charies E. Van Pelt. 1st LIEUT.— Wm. B. Rogers. 2\ LIEUT.— Charles Adams. SERGTS.-John Coleman, Thomas B. Rogers, Wm. B. Wallace, Augustus Roscoe, Cyrus S. Rogers. CORPLS. — James R. Rogers, John R. Skinner, James R. Pryor, Robert L. Sims, Thomas J. Sims, Jesse Holland, Henry C. Simpson, Charles Ezell, Benjamin Ezell, Alfred WUson, John J. Rogers, Benj. P. McWaters. MUSICIAN — James P. Francis. WAGONER— Henry Hoover. PRIVATES— Jas. H. Armstrong, Josiah BIssell, John J. Burnett, George W. Chestnut, Peyton C. Carr, James Dunn, Pinkney Dunn, David Dunn, Stephen Edraonds, John H. Francis, Williara Farmer, Lynn B. Ferguson, Wm. H. Garnett, H. A. Griggsby, John P. Griggsby, Thomas Hargrave, Jaraes Hancock, Henry Henson, John B. Howard, Nathaniel M. Joiner, Jonathan James, Leroy Johnson, John Knight, Jefferson Kent, William T. Lowery, Jesse B. McCrore, James A. Portwood, Joseph Pryor, Prank B. Reynolds, James Robertson, James W. Scott, Albert W. Scholar, Henry SoUoraan, WiUiara L. Scott, Jaraes H. Simpson, James J. SuUivan, Wm. T. SoUoman, James Short, Hart M. Taylor, Wm. A. J. Wilson, Wm. R. Wright, Wra. C. Weatherford, Newton Champion, George S. Drake, John W. Hodge, David Hall, James H. Knight, Wm. J. McGeehee, Robert Price, Jas. H. Shackelford, WUliam M. Baker, Wm. A. Campbell, Lewis L. Hampton, James W. Henderson, WUliam Jolce, Farty-eighth Kentucky Mounted Infantry. 643 Daniel P. Mathew, Josiah Robertson, Russell P. Skinner, Wra. R. Skin ner, James H. Skinner, John J. WaUace. Company " G." CAPTAIN— John W. Bush. 1st LIEUT.— Wm. B. Wallington. 2d LIEUT.— John R. Sedberry. SERGTS.-Thomas M. Collins, Samuel J. Stacy, Newton J. Dunn, WUliam J. Puckett, John W. Bridges. CORPLS. — ;Wllliam P. Smith, Wesley Martin, Joseph R. Murphy, George W. Moneymaker, WUliam Warfield, WUliam Bums, WUliam P. Edwards, Silas M. Asbridge, John W. Yates, James Tyler. MUSICIANS— William Burge, Charles Burke. WAGONER— Jordon Harkney. PRIVATES-Wm. H. Ashcroft, Thomas J. Browning, Willis Brown ing, Franklin Bell, Berry J. Bridges, Thomas Bloodworth, William Burgwell, Simeon A. Cummins, William K. Davis, Wm. T. Dunning, Elihu N. Duncan, James Dukes, John Pitts, George Griffin, Fletcher Harrison, David H. Hopper, Gabriel N. HUdreth, Elijah L. Jones, George W. Jones, Rufus Jefford, Leander Knight, Perry A. Lee, Jaraes A. Lee, John C. Lee, Franklin , Martin, Jas. M. McCoUum, Martin G. Money maker, Thomas M. Nickell, Lynn B. Nickell, Jesse Newberry, James R. Oliver, Lorenzo D. Parkes, William G. Parkes, David H. Parkes, John Quarles, James Ranes, John W. Stephens, Jas. M. Satterfleld, John W. Smith, John S. Tiler, Waller Timmons, Benjamin Taylor, William C. Wells, Robert C. Williamson, Samuel West, George West, Elihu R. Wells, Ship Wiley, Wm. M. Bergarth, WiUiam H. Cost, John W. Clackstone, John W. Hays, Jesse Jennings, Samuel P. Krone, James Liles, Harvey Young, Isaac Burns, Wm. Bloodworth, John L. Southern, James M. Smith, Henry M. Wilkerson, Francis Nichols. Company " H." CAPTAIN— James M. Wilson. 1st LIEUT.— George L. Lovler. 2d LIEUT.— WiUiam S. Lovler. SERGTS.— Richmond G. Whitiker, Charles W. Naylor, John B. Younglore, WUUam B. Wade, William C. Kelley. CORPLS.— WiUiam H. Foster, WUliam R. Clark, John T. Denton, Sam uel P. Cowans, Harry Ferguson, Benj. F. Colvin, Woodford H. Scott, Obediah S. Parker. MUSICIANS — Jaraes Hargraves, John W. Hughes. WAGONER— Marion Moore. PRIVATES — John Alexander, Joel Brewer, Hezekiah Brewer, John W. Bowling, John W. Calvin, Francis M. Cowans, Charles Criss, Finis E. Cotton, Robert Dossett, Doctor H. Dunning, Wra. R. Deason, Milton Dunning, Flem. S. Dunning, Henry Dillingham, James G. Edwards, John Ell, John C. H. Grace, Jaraes W. Grace, WUUara Gardner, Francis A. Hurt, Isaac Henderson, John Henderson, Francis Henderson, Jaraes E. Hanley, James Hudson, George Hudson, AVm. H. Hatfield, Elijah P. Jones, WiUiam W. Jones, James Jeffries, Francis M. Johnson, Richard Lee, Jason Ladd, Wililam Love, Augustus MUes, Martin Madox, David M. Perry, Isaac D. Perry, William Powell, Samuel P. Payne, Edward Parker, Cardy Parker, John C. Parker, WUUam Porter, Mariel Rogers, James Reed, Jonathan Riddle, Owen Stanly, James Taylor, Charles H. West, Iradel H. Wicks, Henry C. Whitaker, Charles P. West, WiUiam Witty, Claborne Wilhite, MUes Dunning, AViUiara Eli, John W. Gill, Anthony Gardiner, Young Lons, Zachariah T.' Pryor, Charles H. Burress, C. C. Franklin, Nathan Hargraves, Wm. Lantripp, Lawson McGhee, William Malone, Jefferson Kiper. Company "I." CAPTAINS—Joseph Mitchell, WUliam Porter. 1st LIEUT.— Turney G. DrisklU. 2d LIEUT.— Louis C. Chatham. SERGTS.— William H. James, George W. DrisklU, Franklin D. Grace, Patrick H. Rutledge, Jesse M. Ward, Charles M. WUton. CORPLS.— Samuel E. Rice, Jaraes H. Martin, John W. Jackson, Louis Jones, George W. Lathara, John W. Covington, Thomas R. Casebrler, David M. Durham, Sarauel W. Skip- worth, William B. Brown, George W. L. Tate. MUSICIANS— Andrew Harris, Thoraas Travis. PRIVATES — Wm. C. Atkinson, John H. Anderson, David W. Brothers, James K. P. Blake, John Browning, John H. Chapell, Squire 644 Union Eegiments of Kentucky. H. Davis, Josiah Dukes, Sampson P. Dukes, Samuel H. Duvall, John H. Dukes, Wesly Davis, George H. DrisklU, Edmund Drake, William J. Edward, Francis M. Finly, Abraham Ferguson, Robert M. Gates, Wm. B. Howerton, James S. Hughes, Colonel R. Johnson, Benj. R. Johnson, ;Wlnfield S. Johnson, Wm. C. Mcintosh, Jeremiah M. McPherson, John A. .McBlwaine, Thomas J. Mayes, William Mills, Charles C. Manahan, EUis MItchum, Jaraes B. S. McPherson, William P. Parham, Williara N. Rice, John Russell, Leander' P. Shelton, Wm. W. Shaddoln, Wesley N. Tate, Alfred J. Turner, William Travis, James Travis, David Utly, John Underwood, William S. Venable, John L. Wells, Jacob J. Wells, James W. Ward, James R. WUllams, Edward L. Youts, Stephen P. Groves, James A. Manny, John L. Oldham, George W. ^weeney, Wm. B. Taggart, )lohn Travis, Robert T. Davis, Jackson D. Edwards, John B. Howerton, Jacob J. Johnson, Samuel Jones, William R. McKey, James H. Rice, Joiles Sharkman, George W. Sraith, Williara C. Turner, James Walls, John E. Carpenter, John P. Ermine, James Hargrove, Richard P. Johnson. Company " K." CAPTAIN— Samuel Jarrett. 1st LIEUT.— Jeremiah S. Garner. 2d LIEUT.— Thomas Lynch. SERGTS.-John W. Jarrett, John E. Orrum, Isaac Shoemaker, Francis Bowllnghouse, Gabriel G. W. Aubrey. COR PORALS— Levi Hudson, Sarauel S. Sharp, Elmore R. Steele, Heni;y C. Buckler, Williara B. Allen, James W. Jarrett, Ellas J. Kald, Davis D. Conner. WAGONER- Raney B. Cundiff. MUSICIAN— Abram Nokes. PRIVATES — Turner Abruras, WUliam Alexander, Horace Burditt, Daniel Burnett, Williara Butler, Benedict Coomes, Manay Coats, Mad ison Chappell, Perry Clemmens, James Casey, James Crane, Francis Cunningham, John French, James Pord, John Haynes, Jaraes Haynes, Jaraes-P. Hardlsty, Clifford Haddock, Junius P. Jarrett, David L. John son, Fleming Kennedy, Christopher Key, Jefferson Keper, Jefferson Lamb, Tallant Laws, Joseph Lyon, Pius Lucas, Richard Lucas, Andrew McCoy, Franklin Montgomery, Samuel L. Nelson, Martin Norton, James Nokes, Charles Nugan, William Orrum, WUiiara Pruitt, Henry C. Quig gins, William Renna, Sanford L. Roberts, John P. Ransom, Powell Snider, Thomas Sweeny, William South, Williara Shrewsberry, Felix G. B'harp, Albert Shrewsberry, John W. Tindle, Jaraes Vargason, Cornelius WiUyard, Isaac Whitehouse, Cornelius Whitehouse, Adam Wood, Zach ariah Betts, William McCauUy, Daniel B. Bryant, Riohard Cook, WiU iam Carm, Severn Grahara, Thos. H. Humble, Henry Oldham, Wm. J. Royalty, John C. Wright, James W. Wayne, Robert Jupen, William Merrett. Forty-ninth Kentucky Infantry,. The 49th Ky. Infantiy Avas organized at Camp Nelson, Ky., in June, 1863, by. Col. John G. Eve. The regiment was originally intended for cavalry service, and during part of its term served as mounted infantry. All the com panies were mustered into service September l9th, except two, one of which was mustered October 7th, the other November 3d. October 28, 1863, the regiment left Camp Nelson for Somerset. From thence it operated by detachments for various kinds of duty. Two companies were sent to Camp Burnside, one to Waynesboro. On the 3d and 4th days of January, 1864, the regiment went to Camp Burnside, where it remained during the spring. In the organization Forty^inth Kentucky Infantry. 645 of the department of the Ohio, April 30, 1864, the 49th was in the 4th Brigade, under Col. John Mason Brown, together with the 30th Ky., 45th Ky., 47th Ky., and a Wis consin battery. In August it was sent to Lexington, Ky., and from thence to Louisville, for the purpose of operating in West ern Kentucky, against Adam Johnson, but was sent back to Lexington. August 31st it was at Camp Nelson in the division there on duty under Gen. S. S. Fry. October 1, 1861, the regiment was sent to Tennessee, and was stationed along the railroad near Murfreesboro, and between Wartrace and Mill creek, acting under the orders of Gen. Lovell H. Rousseau. The whole of the month of Octdber was spent on this duty. In November, 1861, it retumed to Lexington, where it was on duty under Gen. S. W. Price and Gen. McLean. During the whole existence of this regiment a large force was required in Kentucky to protect railroad and military property, and the country generally, and the 49th was used for this pur pose. The regiment was mustered out of service Decem ber 26, 1864, by reason of expiration of term. The veter ans, which re-enlisted under Capt. J. M. Cook, were trans ferred to the 7th Ky. Veteran Cavalry, constituting Coin- pany I of that organization. Those re-enlisted by Capt. Francis Catron were transferred to the 1st Ky. Cavalry. Field and Staff. COLONEL— John G. Eve. LIEUT. COL.— Philos Stratton. MAJOR —James H. Davidson. ADJT.— Jaraes H. Tinsley. Q. MASTER- George Smith. SURGEONS— Walter M. Prentice, Henry C. MiUer. ASST. SURGS.— WiUiam B. Swisher, Hugh W. Hogan. CHAPLAIN— Eb enezer Inggram. SERGT. MAJi— Solomon M. Sraith. Q. M. SERGTS.— Gsorge M. SUer, Wm. J. Potocki. COM. SERGTS.— James M. Adkins, Allen K. Storm. HOSP. STEWARD— John S. Henry. Company "A." CAPTAIN— Stephen Golden. 1st LIEUT.— Hugh H. York. 2d LIEU TENANT— Moses P. Ingram. SERGTS.— Cornelius T. Warrara, John S. Jones, Jno. B. Peabe, Wm. H. Pea be. COHPLS. — Jos. Beabe, Archibald Leyser, Wm. R. Marsee, Allen Messer, John P. Marsee, Asa G. Messer, Wra. R. Sm'ith, Andrew York, Garet Rines. MUSICIANS— John Jones, Hugh Evans. WAGONER— Berry Herabree. PRIVATES— John Alford, EUis Bailey, John Bailey, Christopher C. Clouse, Benjarain Carrel, James Carrens, Thomas J. Evans, Christopher Evans, William Evans, John Fuson, Hiram Gray, Hardin Goodin, Joshua Golden, Henry Gosley, John GoBley, Ell Goin, John Herabree, Larkin Hubbard, Arthur Hubbard, James Hamilton, William Jones, Minor Jones, John LaweS, Curtis Lee, Brice MUls, Harrison Mills, Isaac Mills, Thomas Mills, Robert D. Marsee, Robert G. Marsee, Thomas P. Marsee, Bishop R. Money, AVUliam Maples, Thomas Peabe, Wiley B. Philips, Martin Powers, Caleb Powers, Robert Patterson, William B. Sears, William Smith, Dionitious Sirapson, Andrew Webb, William C. Willson, WUliam White, Dennis C. York, Martin York, Andrew Manon, Martin Maden, Benjamin Maden, William Alford, James Bray, Edmund 646 Union Eegiments of Kentucky. Gray, William Harp, Leroy Peabe, Andrew Partin, Noah Smith, Ruffan WooUara, Thoraas J. York, Avis Asberry, John Ethan Herst, Francis M. Jones, Jesse Jones, Peter McCuUoch, Thoraas S. Peabe, Shelton Partin, Stephen A. PhiUips, Prier Romines, George M. Rose, James Sears, Iradel Webb, William York, Jr, Company "B." CAPTAIN— Francis Catron. 1st LIBUT.-Henry L. Vlnsant. 2d LIEUT.— John P. Davis. SERGTS.— Jonas P. Fortney, Bartin Moore, Henry L. Thompson, Hugh Roads, Thomas G. Mitchell, Solomon Smith, Ambrose Cope. CORPLS. — John Peavler, John R. Calaway, Samuel M. Dickinson, Lawrence Calebs, Marshall T. Cobb, Nelson Messer, Madison Fortney, Wm. A. Markham. WAGONER — Reuben Muncy. PRIVATES— Daniel Branstutter, John E. Baker, Joseph Baker, Childres Bracket, John Baker, Samuel Black, Isaac Black, John Byerly, Jaraes Bracket, Thomas Black, Henry Branstutter, Andrew H. Craw ford, John P. Crawford, John J. Cra-wford, James M. Colsen, Houston Clouse, George Collins, WUliam J. Calaway, Jaraes R. Dickenson, Ran som Eldridge, WUliam T. Eve, Abram S. Puller, Archibald S. Puller, James T. Gortney, Marshall Goodin, George Gibson, John Hendrickson, Soloraon Hendrickson, Jefferson Hendrickson, Greenberry Helton, Sim eon Howell, Allen Honeycut, Nathan Hubbard, Pleasant Hubbard, James Harris, Thomas Hubbard, William Hart, Wallas Jones, Leander Javis, Daniel Jackson, WUUara Jackson, Jno. G. Kellum, Washington Lewis, Jaraes Lee, WUUara R. Lee, Alexander Marlon, Slrnpson Manor, WUliam Moore, Joshua M. McKee, Ewell Mc. Messer, Abraham McMelon, Joshua MIze, WUliam Newraan, Wallas Parker, Franklin barker, George Revis, James Rhea, Jno. H. Reynolds, Joseph Shell, Hiram Sexton, Hiram Thorapson, John Thompson, John T. Tinsley, Wallas Vance, Andrew Widener, Daniel Walters, Leonard Walters, Jasper Willis, Henry Wid- ener, William Sraith, Joseph G. Curtis, Jaraes Deatheridge, Mad ison Hubbard, John J. Burns, William Byerly, Miles Black burn, Wm. J. Davis, Calvin Pry, Alfred Henson, Jacob Reynold, WUliam Stewart, Peter Broughten, Jefferson B. Davis, Franklin Elliott, Hiram Hart, Robert Hampton, Dennis Roberts, Harden Stamper, Jas. Smith, Stephen Tigue. Company " C." CAPTAIN— Wm. T. Bryant. 1st LIEUT.— Marlon Bryant. 2d LIEU- TENANT--Jno. W. SUer. SERGTS.— Abel Bryant, Jaraes P. Woolum, Joel S. Powers, Thomas A. Bryant, Milton SUer. CORPLS.— Lewis Rookard, Burrel Hubbard, George W. Brown, Calvin B. Creekmore, James Rookard, Peruda Sowder, James Brown, Anderson C. Alder, MUSICIANS— Marshall Baker, Daniel Gambrel. WAGONER— Wm. M. Bryant. PRIVATES— Henry Atklson, John Brown, James Brock, WlUIam R. Brannan, Jesse P. Baker, Esom B. Bryant, James M. Blakely, WiUiam Cottingun, WiUiara H. Creekraore, Isham Carapbell, Hiram E. Crouch, Ishara Davis, Isham Estrldge, John V. Griffith, Noah Hblt, Robert L. Harp, TerreU Haralln, W. J. Henderson, Calvin Hamlin, Jno. K. Irwin, Geo. W. Johnson, John H. Ledbetter, Edan Lovit, Miner McKiddy, Gary A. Myers, Uel Monhalland, Andrew Messer, Wm. R. Murray, Huston Osborn, Hiram Osborn, William Petrey, Thomas Petrey, Dan'iel Petrey, David S. Petrey, Warren Prewitt, Allen K. Storm, Joseph Slier, Calaway SUer, Green B. SUer, Henry C. Tye, Hiram Thomas, John Taylor, Joshua Taylor, Isaac Taylor, Lewis WUburn, Barel N. WUlburn, Green G. P. Wilson, Chas. WUllamson, Isaac Williams, Henry T. Wilson, Crawford K. Burch, John Gipson, Jno. S. Henry, George W. Llnch, Henry C. Loyd, James MUler, Jno. G. B. Masters, George M. SUer, Jesse Brock, Robert L. Henderson, WUliam E.-King, Richard C. Lawson, Franklin Simpson, William H. Adams, Charies Cox, Joseph Hobbs, Wesley Powers, Demps W. SUer. Company "D." CAPTAIN— Jno. M. Cook. 1st LIEUT.— William Carson. 2d LIEU TENANT— Henry S. Branaraan. SERGTS.— Wra. H. Branaman, Goal- Forty^iinth Kentucky Infantry. 647 man P. Ramsey, Granville Haley, Thos. J. Johnson, John Coffee, John BuUen, James H. Preston, John Blevins, John R. Hicks. CORPLS.— Willis H. Parsons, John W. Berry, M'organ B. Ramsey, Wm. R. Bailey, Francis M. Sexton, Samuel Creech, John R. Durham, Thos. C. Viars, Hiram Abbott, Stephen T. Durham. MUSICIAN— Macy Bvans. WAG ONER— David J. Harris. PRIVATES— Geo. W. Abbott, Joshua Boerlng, James J.. Berry, Brad- dock Baker, Elijah W. Croucher, Ransom Coffee, EUjah Cox, WUUam Denny, Ballnger Denny, Elijah Denny, Doctor C. Denny, Richard Fields, Armstrong Gadd, Benjamin Gilbert, Wra. M. Hayes, John C. Hicks, James D. Kerby, Jefferson King, Joel G. Parsons, Calvin Pace, Jno. R. Pace, Jaraes E. Proctor, Elisha Renner, Edward RUey, Jaraes M. Roberts, David H. Smith, Edward Slaughter, Elijah Abrams, Elijah U. Adaras, William Brown, Elijah Boerlng, Wa.shlngton Brock, Acy Bryant, John Birley, Jaraes C. Brown, John Durham, James W. Durham, James H. Durham, Geo. W. Darrel, John Fields, Andrew P. Gadd, James L. Giles, John Giles, Geo. W. Gennlngs, Wm. R. Harris, Nlmrod Hughes, John H. Hogan, Christopher C. Jones, Emanuel A. Lunsford, John P. Lewis, John J. Maiden, Caswell Maddox, Green Renner, Charles R. Ramsey, Joseph M. Reynolds, John W. Todd, James M. Webster, Genl. H. Warren, Tivnoe Blevins, Henry Parley, Pellx King, Wra. L. Thomp son, John Parley, Henry Farley, Sr., William Gilbert, William Hastey, Andrew J. Stanly, Albert Stewart, Jam.es Turner. Company "E." CAPTAINS— James G. Howard, Benj. P. Howard. 1st LIEUT,- James C. Howard. 2d LIEUT.— John W. Forrester. SERGTS.— WUliam Grass, WUUara Lewis, James M. Adams, Jeremiah Young, Albert P. Cope, WUliam S. Coldlron. CORPLS.— Henry L. Howard, John J. Lewis, •Richard WUson, George Brock, AA'm. C. L. Huff, Caleb Huff, Aaron B. Howard, WUliam Wilson, Isaac Dalton, Abner Lewis, Samuel J. Napier. MUSICIAN— Charles Garrison. WAGONER— Gilbert Sayler. PRIVATES — Green Brock, Minter Bailey, George Brown, Amon Brock, John Ohappel, Thomas Farley, Shadrach PIsher, George Hopkins, Wilkerson Mc. Howard, Carter Howard, John W. Hopkins, Green A. Howard, William G. Howard, Israel Howard, Abner Huff, John Jones, James Jones, Ransom Lawson, Robert Moore, Samuel Mosley, James Nance, Franklin Napier, Elijah North, Thomas Payne, Sarauel Sayler, James H. Sayler, Solomon B. Sayler, Calaway Simpson, WUUam Turner, Daniel Tuttle, Calaway Wilson, Henry P. Barker, Williara Brock, Jere miah Brock, WUiiara Buckhart, John P. Pelps, Solomon Forester, Mel ville A. P. Hale, John Longworth, Henry N. Stanberry, James F. Stan- berry, Henry Hoover, William Hoskins, George Knuckles, Johi^ H Napier, Cario B. Step, Jaraes C. Bailey, Jordan Brock, Calvin Brock, Ephraim Brock, Burton Bullock, John C. Clera, Thoraas M. Crupper, Charles Forbus, Edmund Gross, Andrew Hoskins, James Helton, John Klsee, Jaraes Kee, Jereralah Ledington, James North, James Napier, Andrew Napier, Is^ac Simpson, Elihu Thacker, John Thacker, Peter Wilson. Company " F." CAPTAIN— John A. Ward. 1st LIEUTS.— Augustus B. Culton, WUl iam G. Bingham. 2d LIEUT.— Thomas S. Ward. SERGTS.— Elisha G. WUson, Green Taylor, Jacob Slusher, Henderson L. Ward, MUton Miller, John R. Rice. CORPLS.— Madison Phillips, Harrison Smith, Elmore Hampton, John Collet, Samuel Johnson, Benjarain Smith, Thoraas Gam brel, Gennings Hensley, Campbell B. Hurst, Joseph Rue, Daniel Davis. MUSICIANS— George Senters, George Lankford. WAGOlSfBR- Stephen Griffln. PRIVATES— Dilllou Asher, Joseph Baker, George Baker, James Col let, Daniel Cox, Vadin Collins, Jefferson Caldwell, John Doolin, Isaac Daniel, John Eversole, Joseph Griflin, Joel Hendrickson, Richard Helton, Ephraim Helton, MUton Hensley, Wilkerson Hensley, Carlo Helton, Amos Johnson, David Johnson, Sidney LefeA'ers, Lyman Lefevers, Hogan Miller, John Miller, Andrew May, Jefferson Miller, Thomas J. 648 Union' Eegiments of Kentucky. Marlcle, Jno. C. Minton, Robert Napier, John Payne, James A. Rice, Jonathan C. Robbins, WUiiara Senters, Henry Saylor, Maisenia Small- wood, Robert Scalf, Henry W. Smith, Joseph Smith, Elias Smith, Jaraes H. Smith, John Smith, Granville Saylor, Silas Saylor, George Tldwell, Jaines Wilson, John Wallum, Henry W. Asher, Jam-es Brock, Blevins Collett, Levi Griffin, Andrew Johnson, Jaraes Johnson, Burdine Taylor, John Grubb, Jefferson Sraith, Greemburry Scalf, Aaron Brock, Henry Freeman, Hiram Freeman, George Freeman, Stephen Green, Reuben Gibbs, Daniel Howard, John M. Martin, Pleasant North, Samuel Row land, James Sizemore. Company " G." CAPTAIN— Lee Leforce. 1st LIEUTS.— Isaac J. Black, John A. Hayden. 2d LIEUT.— Francis A. Creekmore. SERGTS.- Samuel Sut ton, Materson A. Moore, Jeptha W. Cravens, WUliam McKeehan, Lee M. Sears, Josep'h M. Adkins. CORPLS. — James P. Sullivan, John Hack- ler, Daniel Cox, Jaraes Steephens, Joseph L. Cutblrth, Jaraes H. Moore, Larkin Kidd, James H. Wilson, Quintus C. Cook. MUSICIAN— Simpson R. Sutton. WAGONER— Henry Cartright. PRIVATES— Nimrod Angel, Calvin Allen, George P. BroUs, Emby K. Creekraore, Joshua Canedy, Franklin Cutblrth, Soloraon Cox, Jaraes M. Davis, William M. Davis, Elijah Davis, Randolph Early, Thomas Early, James Freeman, Canedy Goins, Horatio Harraan, Jackson Hamlin, Moses B. Jones, Joseph Lovitt, Robert J. Morgan, Seburn Morgan, Ephraim Morgan, John Morgan, Wm. H. Morgan, Horatio Moore, John Moore, James A. Martin, Thomas McFarlln, John Moses, Ambrose Parks, George AV. Parks, Jesse B. Parks, John Perkins, Riley Perkins, Absalom Renfrb, MUton G. Rains, Preston C. Rains, WUUam Robards, Henry Row, Hiram Rains, Joseph Sraith, Hiram, J. Sego, Williara Smith, Benoney Strunk, Peter P. Sumner, Marshall M. Sanders, Markus Strunk, James W. Spears, Green T. Taylor, Green G. Wells, Randolph B. Creek more, George Davis, Ireson Devenport, William M. Gwln, Samuel L. Harman, John Lay, Ransom Lovitt, George Moore, John J. McFarlln, Jesse Perkins, Soloraon Perkins, Robert C. Selvage, Neheralah Sumner, Oaswell Allen, Thoraas PoUy, John Lovitt, Midleton E. Meadors, Lin ville L. Manney, John Sellers, Joseph M. Thomas, Charles Wilson, Thomas A. Woods, Thomas Roberson, AVUliam Sm'ith, 2d. Company "H." CAPTAIN— Isaac J. Black. 1st LIEUT.— Jesse Mattingly. 2d LIEU TENANT— Wra. B. Eve. SERGTS.— Wra. P. Westerfield, John Dixon, Mathew N. Bass. John P. Evans, King S. Davis, A. V. Cutton. COR PORALS— Rowlett Lewallen, Elijah Black, James W. Matlock, James Muncy, Wm. D. Engle, John T. Collins, George M. Hudson, Hiram J. Parmer, Henry Mosley. MUSICIANS— Madison L. Watkins, Perry Williams. WAGONER— Thomas Becket. PRIVATES— Henry Anderson, Tazwell Blankenship, Thomas Baker, James Black, Stgkely BowUn, Henry Belew, Richard H. Dickey, Abra ham Dickey, Andrew J. Bvans, John R. Evans, John W. Faulkner, Pellx G. Parmer, Charles Gatllff, John S. GatUff, Anderson Gambrel, James Griffitts, Richard Gray, Ell Grlffitts, Jaraes Harris, John N. Howard, WUliam Harrison, Dixon Kirby, John KeUer, Lankford Lawson, Judah Lewis, Nathaniel Lewis, Stephen Morgan, Aaron Penlngton, WUliam Penlngton, Washington Rlcketts, Sandford Sparks, Alexander Shelton, Wililam Sawyers, Daniel Shorter, Jarritt Woods, Benjamin Wyatt, John Wyatt, Jackson Woods, Joseph P. Dickey, George Lewallen, Marma D. Mays, Howard Agee, John Brown, Geo. W. Brown, Calvin Blew, Lewis M. Duff, John Duff, Andrew Mc. Duff, Thomas Fuson, Lankford MuUis, Jefferson Mullis, Henry Perdue, Alfred E. Sm'ith, Gillis Watts, John T. Watts, James Bridges, Jarvis J. Gardner, James Jones, John Minyard, WUUara Matlaok, Joseph North, WlUIam Osburn, William Pace, Joseph Shelton, WUliam Thacker, Jonathan Burke, Esom Bowlin, Andrew J. Carty, John P. M. Dowis, Joseph Engle, John R. East, Abraham Eldridge, John Harris, John Hugs, Andrew Mays, James Roark, GranvlUe Smith, Joshua Whitehead, James Whitehead. Fiftieth Kentucky Infantry. 649 Company " I." CAPTAIN— Isaac L. Hardgrove. 1st LIEUT.— Joshua S. Taylor. 2d LIEUT.— Hardin Simpson. SERGTS.— Marshall E. Parker, John Smith, John L. Hall, GranvUle Roberts, Isaac H. Yeary, Wililam G. Ping. CORPLS.— WUliam Farmer, George A. Sears, James Sears, Thomas L. Stephens, John B. Bryan, David Marler, Alfred H. McFerrin, John G. Sharp, Ephraim P. Stringer. MUSICIANS— John Meece, Peter W. Goff. WAGONER— Tunstall Q. Harallton. PRIVATES- Joel Bohannan, Samuel Bolln, Robert C. Beadles, James Carpenter, James M. Dikes, John C. Dick, George W. Fulcher, Jonas Fry, Calvin Godbey, Aaron J. Goff, Jaraes B. Gilleam, Josiah Hughes, Isaac L. Hughes, Ephraim P. Heath, Samuel Hansard, Francis M. Hargls, William Hargls, Charles C. Hardgrove, John Hinds, George A. Irvine, Oliver P. Irvine, Peter Jones, Pleasant Jeffers, Thomas J. Love less, Jesse Loveall, George M. Meece, Thomas M. Meece, James H. Mc Ferrin, Wm. P. MiUer, Green B. Massey, James W. Mounce, MalachI Parkey, James M. Ping, Henry Pointer, Enoch Phelps, Henry M. Rich ardson, Isaac N. Roy, Jesse Sears, Jaraes W. Silvers, Stephen Silvers, John Stringer, Peter W. Sears, Missouri S. Sears, Berry H. Sraith, Noah Slavey, Wlillam Tomlinson, John Tomlinson, Da-vid C. Taylor, Jaraes Walden, WUliam C. Waddle, Pleasant Wesley, Jaraes K. Wesley, Jaraes M. Britt, Prior L. Dobkins, Francis Denham, Martin A. Jones, James Richardson, AVIUlara Slavey, Martin Tanner, Jaraes Hinds, Francis M. Meece, Cornelius McDowell, Pearson K. Richardson, John S. Silvers, John L, Dye, Henry F. Meece, Company " K." CAPTAIN— John Goodin. 1st LIEUTENANT.— Henry Blendowskl. 2d LIEUT.— Thoraas J. Ingram. SERGTS.— Wm. F. Collins, Fuson Beth, William S. Parton, Larkln Webb, James B. Collins, Henry Schwank. CORPLS. — Tyler Messeer, William Morrison, William H. Money, Joel D. Partin, George T. Dunaway, Harrison Sowders, Charley Ross, Samuel Puller, John E. Mason, WUUam Smith. MUSICIANS— Jaraes Puson, John B. Brown. WAGONER— Alexander Carroll. PRIVATES — WUUara Brawner, Jaraes Cusacks, Soloraon Carter, John T. Crawford, Michael Dolen, John Dunn, Joseph Goodin, Harrison Gibson, William Goodin, Daniel K. Gambrel, Riley Gibson, Joseph Gib son, Hamilton Humbree, WiUiara Hage, Martin HlUmon, Amos Ivey, Alonzo Kitts, Jaraes McMain, Thoraas Marsee, Joseph Marsee, Bratcher Mason, Elijah Marical, Sion Messeer, Daniel S. Partin, Joseph Partin, Henry S. Partin, Skelton Patterson, William Partin, Andrew RUey, Harvey Sowders, James A. Sparks, Frederick Slldwall, Benjamin Tudder, Harmon Tudder, AVIUlara J. Wimen, Pearcen Webb, Franklin WUIson, John Yonkowskl, Jaraes A. Johnson, John S. Kontz, Robert Blackman, WUUam T. Fritz, Nathan Harlow, John Haden, Charley Marshall, John McGuire, Joseph Potocki, John Pettet, Loyd B. Ray, William Slatrey, Christopher Shorte, Thoraas H. Scott, Francis Voclear, Albert WUliams, Edward Wagner, Edward S. Denson, James Madon, John Marsh, Charley Mcintosh, John Kean, Isaiah Collins, Wesley King, Edward Lawson, James Mason, Ingram Rains, Charley Smith, Joseph Swift. '¦ Fiftieth Kentucky Infantry, The recruits for this regiment were transferred to the 49th Ky. Volunteer Infantry, and formed Company K of that regiment. 650 Union Eegiments of Kentucky. Fifty-first Kentucky Infantry. The recruits for this regiment were transferred to and constituted Company H of the 37th Ky. Volunteer In fantry. Fifty-second Kentucky Infantry, The act of Congress authorizing the governor of Ken tucky to raise and organize a volunteer force for the de fense of Kentucky, not exceeding 20,000, is mentioned in the account of the 30th Ky. Mounted Infantry. The con dition of Kentucky, which made this necessary, is also mentioned. The service of the regiments raised under that call shows to what extent they were needed. The situation of Kentucky was such as to make it not only essential to be held by the Federal forces, but also a field for invasion by the other side. Morgan and Forrest and Wheeler, not to speak of lesser Confederate cavalry lead ers, directed their efforts to the raiding of Kentucky. TheTe were also local bands known as guerrillas, which gave great trouble. They sought to injure all United States property and railroads and bridges used by the " Federal forces, and in every way impair the efflciency of those forces. To protect the state there were promptly organized, under the act of Congress mentioned, feleven full regi ments, and they all rendered most important and valu able service. One of these regiments was the 52d Mounted Infantry. The following is taken from the adjutant-gen eral's report: The 52d Ky. Mounted Infantry was organized under the authority of an act of congress, dated February 7, 1863, authorizing the governor to raise twenty thousand troops for the better defense of Kentucky. Companies A, B, C, and B, were raustered In at Scottsville, Ky., October 16, 1863, and Company D on the 17th of October. Company F was mustered in Noveraber 12, 1863, and Company G, December 21, 1863, at Franklin, Ky. Companies H, I and K, were mustered in March 3, 1864,- at Franklin, Ky. This regiment was raised for twelve months' service, and under pro visions of the act were to be employed in repelling invasions, suppress ing insurrection, and guarding and protecting the public property. For the purpose of enabling it to cope more readily with the guerrillas that infested the state it was mounted, and stationed In the lower and central portion of the state, and rendered efficient aid to the government in protecting its line of communication with the army at the front. Being raised in a section of the country where the life of a Union man was constantly in jeopardy from the heartless guerrillas, many of the raerabers of this organization had private grievances to correct that may have led them to commit excesses upon those recreant Kentuckians Fifty-secorul Kentucky Infantry. 651 who fostered the guerrillas and pointed out the homes of Unionists for destruction. Still their services were efflcient and appreciated by the government they had sworn to defend. . In the many flghts and skirmishes in which It engaged, the bearing of both offlcers and men sustained the gallant record so bravely won by all Kentucky troops during the rebellion. The following additional is obtained from the official reports : In the spring of 1864, Gen. Sherman was gathering his army at Chat tanooga for the Atlanta compaign. The work of the Confederate cavalry was very active In his rear upon his line of supplies. If the rail road from Louisville to Nashville and thence to Chattanooga could be crippled it would raaterially Injure Sherraan. So also if a great number of troops could be kept employed along this line, all so occupied would be prevented from uniting with Sherman at the front. It is natural, therefore, to find that in March, 1864, Forrest was in Kentucky ra6ving from the west. On that account March 23d, the 52nd was ordered by Gen. Hobson, In whose division It then was, to move from Scottsville to Bowling Green, to concentrate a force there. The damage being averted In that section it wa^ ordered to the eastern part of the state to assist in opposing the entrance of Morgan. April 19th it proceeded to Irvine, Ky. ; April 30th, in the organization of the Department of the Ohio, the 52nd was in Col. Chas. S. Hansom's brigade, in Hobson's division. June 6th Col. Grider was sent with part of the 52d and part of the 37th to Pound Gap to obstruct the passes. Another portion of the regiment fought Morgan at Mt. Sterling, June 10th and at Cynthiana, June 12th, with other troops to the entire discomfiture of Morgan's command. Immediately afterward, the Federal forces, so engaged, in cluding the 52d, pursued the eneray as far as the Cumberland river, moving a distance of four hundred and seventy miles In eleven days. In the fighting at Mt. Sterling Col. Hansom corapliraents especially Maj. Tyler of the 52d; at this place Capt. Lewis Buckner was wouvided and taken prisoner, but made his escape and continued with his regiment In July the 52d had returned from the eastern part of Kentucky and was in the western part July 18th. J^iieut Col. S. F. Johnson reports from Hopkinsville that he had been through Webster and Union counties, and had fought with Sypert's band of three hundred at Gei ger's lake and scattered it, killing and wounding over thirty. In August the regiment was ordered to Uniontown to operate against Adam Johnson, who was in that part of the state. August 21st a portion of the 52d was in Hop kinsville, and, in a successful fight there with two hun dred men under Col. Woodward, that officer was killed. August 26th the 52d was ordered to Lexington. August 27th the following dispatch was sent "from Bowling Green, which illustrates the condition of Kentucky in the sum mer of 1861. Woodward's and (Adam) Johnson's men are scattered over Southern Kentucky and the 52d Ky. In pursuit. Lieut. Col. (Sam) Johnson is re- enUstlng his regiment and recruiting rapidly. If the regiment is with drawn Southern Kentucky is ruined and the re-enllstment is defeated. We wlU have twelve companies soon if allowed to reraain. B. H. Bristow. 652 Union Regiments of Kentucky. August 30th the 52d was ordered to Bowling Green. It was then in Col. Cicero Maxwell's brigade. It pro ceeded into Tennessee through Nashville. October 1st it was at Tullahoma, in the command of Gen. Rousseau, operating against Forrest and Wheeler. In October it proceeded to Athens and Huntsville, Ala. It retumed and served with the cavalry of Gen. Thomas about Nash ville. December 5th it was again at Bowling Green and went into Western Kentucky to aid in resisting the invas ion of the Confederates under Gen. Lyon. After the destruction of Gen. Hood's army at Nash ville, in December, 1864, the 52d was not so actively en gaged and was mustered out of service in January and March, 1865, having made a splendid record as a useful and gallant regiment. Field and Staff. COLONEL— John H. Grider. LIEUT. COL.— Samuel P. Johnson. MAJOR— John B. Tyler. ADJT.— Wm. H. Murrell. Q. MASTERS— Wm. H. Johnson, James H. LUe. SURGEON— George W. Wyer. ASST. SURGEONS— Robert D. Hawthorn, Henry H. Alter. CHAPLAIN— George MitcheU. SERGT. MAJOR— Wm. C. Garrison. Q. M. SERGT.— VlrgU A. Jones. COM. SERGT.— Zachariah A. M. Allen. HOSPITAL STEWARD— Thos, J. Buchanan. Company "A." . CAPTAIN— Samuel J. Richards. 1st LIEUT.— Wm. H. Walker. ' 2d LIEUT.— Daniel Huntsman. SERGTS. — Christopher Newman, Samuel T. Mahew, Hezekiah Cook, Solomon H. Pope, John W. Mayhew. COR PORALS— John D. Allen, John W. Richards, Henry W. Myers, John C. Prather, Richard M. Potet, Williara H. Many, Booker C. Rapisey, John H. Bond. PRIVATES— James B. Anderson, Martin Bond, Andrew J. Britt,- David Britt, Silas E. Bandy, Edwin G. Cook, Sidney H. Cook, Jr., Will iara W. Calvert, James P. Calvert, Madison B. Cook, John E. Cook, James W. Dunn, John H. Dalton, John A. Dearing, James W. Dearing, William B. Dearing, Christopher Fisher, Michael J. Graves, Henry Graves, Williara Graves, Thomas M. Garrett, Thomas C. Graves, Francis M. Haines, John H. Haines, Wra. P. Henton, Wra. H. Harland, Emery Hinton, James H. Harland, John L. Hinton, James W. Holoway, David H. Haganes, Stephen R. Haines, John A. L. Jones, Henry W. Johnson, Andrew P. KiUman, Eldridge B. KiUman, Madison L. Long, John L. Larance. Marshall A. Lyles, Robert Land, Joshua E. Logan,. Sanford B. Lewis, Quinton N. Lyles, Noah D. Lightfoot, Wlet E. Lyles, Thomas Land, WUUara T. Lewis, AViley McReynolds, John W. MUler, WUUam B. MitcheU, James A. Moore, George W. Mayhew, Henry J. Newman, Will iam R. Newraan, Mayhew P. Newman, John W. Newman, Granville Ogles, Wra. R. Poteer, Jaraes R. Rather, Albert H. Rather, Jesse L. Rather, George W. Sawyer, Samuel Smith, Reuben C. Tayse, Joseph B. Thoraas, James C. Thomas, James H. Wade, HamUton D. Wade, Rich ardson B. Walker, Harper C. Wilson, Zachariah A. M. MitcheU, George Mitchell, James P. Calvert, Monroe Moore, Henry Mahew, Huy C. Thomas, Albert Land. Company " B." CAPTAIN— John D. Gilliam. - 1st LIEUT.— George D. Read. 23 LIEUT.— James A. Carter. SERGTS.-John B. Russell, WiUiam M. Conner, Edwin S. Costlow, David Ayres, Samuel J. Davis, Willis Spann. Fifty-second Kentucky Infantry. 653 CORPLS.— James McCorder, Stephen T. Crorawell, John J. Barnett, John P. Campbell, Younger J. Davis, William P. Dixon, Wm. R. Hef- flngton, Stephen Blackburn. PRIVATES— Theodore S. Austin, William J. Ayres, John W. Ander son, Dillard R. Anderson, William Ballard, William T. Cearloch, John A. Cole, Shelvy Cornwall, Perrin W. Crawford, Joseph Conyers, WilUam H. H. Chanly, Wiley W. Davis, Sidney W. Davis, Fountain P. Dillard, John E. Dalton, Robert Duncan, George W. Dobbs, John S. Evans, Isaac N. Eddy, George W. Eddy, Lewis Gully, Howard Glasscock, Maffett P. Gilllem, WUliam T. Garrison, James G. Hefflngton, William G. Harris, Jonathan W. Hazelip, Joseph Howell, James H. Harraan, Wra. J. Hunts man, Benj. Y. Harman, WiUiam L. Harris, David W. Johnson, Joseph P. Justice, Mathew M. Jones, James R. Kerby, John W. Landers, Wash ington Loyd, Joseph C. Lightfoot, Zachariah T. Long, Edwin C. Motley, W. McReynolds, John H. Morgan, James J. Nickel, Richard Robinson, Fred A. C. Strain, James E. Stone, Georige A. Seward, WUUam M. Spann, Luther T. Seagraves, Nathaniel Sailers, Jaraes Saterfleld, John T. Tins- ley, Daniel Taylor, Thomas, W. Woodcock, Josephus WUloughby, Moore H. Walthall, Aaron Y. Watts, John Woods, Joseph R. Watkins, Thos. J. Bracken, Wm. R. Hammon, Reuben Motley, Henry A. Wagoner, Francis A. Calvert, William D. Evans. Company " C." CAPTAIN— Jno. M. Billingsley. 1st LIEUT.— Thos. W. Mitchell. 2d LIEUT.— Isaac T. Lee. SERGTS.— Wm. H. H. MltcheU, Wm. D. Ray, John R. Ray, Druny W. Dearing, Samuel V. Holland, Williara Garrison. CORPLS.— Sidney P. WUllams, Simeon T. Witherspoon, John W. Weaver, James W. Smith, Francis M. Atwood, John B. Wade, Sidney W. Meri deth, James E. Rlgsby, John M. Sherry. PRIVATES-Wm. C. Alexander, Wm. B. Brown,, Lemuel Blackbourn, Henry M. Blackbourn, Thos. H. Boyd, Robert B. Benedict, Joseph R. U. Claypool, Wra. P. Cleraan, James A. Coleman, Jacob Connor, Elijah Con nor, Geo. W. Connor, Stephen P. Cassady, William E. Dixon, Benjarain P. Dixon, John W. Dixon, Thoraas H. Edwards, Henry T. Gardner, Jacob Gabler, Thomas M. Garrison, Isaac M. Hinton, Wra. J. Hinton, William Hinton, Parnel C. Hunt, Uriah M. Hughes, Littleton Johnson, Wm. D. Lamb, Enoch Lamb, WUliam D. Larke, William C. Marcum, Jessfi Meridith, Henry P. Motley, Mathew Motley, HartweU J. McElroy, John P. Napier, Thomas J. Oliver, Wilson Oliver, Price Oliver, Thomas Pilant, Henry Rickman, Major Rickman, John B. Robertson, Joseph Stamp, John W. Stamp, George Superior, JosepTi M. Sraith, John E. Setterfield, Littleton Taylor, Alfred P. Taylor, B. W. Taylor, George W. Taylor, Isaac Taylor, John W. Williams, John Wesley Weaver, James W. Weaver, John W. Weaver, Sr., Aaron A. WUloughby, Hardy S. Willough by, James R. White, Thomas J. Wright, Charles Connor, Wililam Hard- castle, Moses J. Phillips, James C. Weaver, Jno. R. Hibbltt. Company "D." ' CAPTAIN— George W. Hoy. 1st LIEUT.- Wm. M. Beson. 2d LIEU- ' TENANTS— Jno. W. Arnett, William Jackson. SERGTS.— Calvin Maher, John N. Crow, Thomas W. Hunt, AVUson P. Lovelady, WUliam Meguire. CORPLS.— John L. Jackson, Albert McClelland, Francis A. Horn, Williara P. Croslin, WiUiam G. Hinton, Samuel P. Harris, Samuel W. Wright, Randolph Bryant. PRIVATES- Champ Beasley, Ira H. Barber, John W. Beasley, John A. Bower, George W. Beasley, William Brlgance, James A. Brlgance, Edmund Brewer, John M. Carpenter, David M. Crow, Jaraes R. Corn- well, Lemuel J. Chowning, Daniel Q. Dalton, J. D. Dwyer, Strangerman Dunham, James R. Dwyer, Clifton A. Dwyer, Jno. W. Goodman, James W. Green, Gustavus A. Henry, Morris Horn, Nicholas H. Henson, John Henson, Joseph H. Henson, WlUIam Henson, RUey Henson, John Hen son, Stanford Hunt, Thoraas Hunt, Preston Holcomb, Lindsey Hays, Wm. W. Hays, Manson L. Hays, Isham Hays, Nathaniel Hutchinson, Edward B. Harris, Wm. H. Howard, James W. Hendricks, James B. Henson, Herbert S. Hunt, WUUam B. Hunt, Peter M. Jackson, Elvis B. 654 Union Regiments of Kentucky. Jackson, Frederick M. Jackson, James J. Jackson, Aaron H. Lovelady, Benjamin Lowery, Moses Mays, George M. Mays, Jaraes E. Meadow; Joseph F. Meadow, John H. Meadow, Andrew W. Meadow, Samuel Moys, Frederick M. Rush, Aaron H. Slater, Joel M. Saddler, Adam Saddler, Manson F. Saddler, James K. Shaub, Joseph Turner, James P. Turner; Alfred T. WUson, James M. Wilson; Benjamin P. Wright, Adam R. AVainscott, Elijah Z. Williams, Thos.. J. Buchanon, Wm. J. Brlgance, VlrgU A. Jones, James Henson, Robert Richards, Hiram S. Saddler, Evans Taylor, William George. Company " E." CAPTAIN— Henry C. Watkins. 1st LIEUT.— John W. UnderhiU. 2d LIEUT.— James M. Atwood. SERGTS.— Henry C. Atwood, James R. Prewett, Henry M. Wilson, William H. Witt, John L. Richie, Robert Q. Thomas, David J. Stone. CORPLS.-Joseph A. Petty, John W. Owens, W. H. Lyon, Alexander P. Saddler," Enoch W. Spears, Wesley Thomas, Henry Riley, Hezekiah Perden. PRIVATES— Robert B. Atwood, George W. Anderson, James H. Brown, John Burks, Sraith W. Bagwell, John A. Carter, John N. Carrier, David E. ClasplU, WUliam L. Dawsey, James Dillard, Newton E. Drake, Alfred M. Durhara, Joseph Grove, WUUara Grove, Williara E. Graham, Joseph B. Ga-usnell, Peter A. Gausnell, Ambrose Gore, WUUara Griflin, Pleasant P. Hendrick, Joseph B. Hendrick, Andrew J. Hood, WUliam N. Helton, Hughey Hall, Sidney R. Hood, Jesse W. Hood, Isaac Howard, Benjamin Jones, George W. Long, Mack C. Loveall, James Lane, WUUam P. Levell, Elbridge W. Levell, Robert G. Martin, Burton Mosely, James P. Meader, Obediah Merritt, Wililam Marku-m, Wra. M. Minix, John M. Preston, Alfred M. Polly, Yoda Perkins, John A. Parish, Jesse G. Petty, Columbus H. Richy, Joseph J. W. Richey, John C. Stewart, John Shipley, Christopher M. C. SIkes, Moses M. Smith, Bryant P. Stroud, William F. Tlnsley, Toliver M. Tlnsley, John B. Thaxton, Jaraes C. WUson, Sidney W. Wolf, Sidney N. Witt, John E. Whitehead, John Jaraes, William H. Bridges, Joseph R. W. Clark, Clifton R. Tlnsley, James P. WInkfield, William Long, Elisha J. Dawsey. Company "F." CAPTAINS— John B. Tyler, William P. King. 1st LIEUT.— Jasper Forrest. 2d LIEUT.— James A. CaldweU. SERGTS.— Charles P. Tabb- seott, Robert H. Tuck, Obediah O. Odell, John W. Finn, Thomas J. Thompson. CORPLS.— WllUaim L. Tuck, Thomas W. Walls, . Meshack. Finn, Arabrose J. Spears, Archibald B. Thompson, George W. Dixon, James A. Karr, Richard T. Harris. Privates— Henry W. Ashley, Abraham W. Anderson, William T. Brockwell, John J. Brown, John Brooks, Levi M. Chapman, Francis M. Conwell, Bailey P. Carter, Peter Casady, James M. Caruthers, Nim. D. J. Davis, Joseph Earnest, Sidney S. Grey, William Hallburton, Thomas J. Hughlett, Josiah S. Hendricks, Jno. W. Hicks, Henry P. Hendricks, Joseph Hanson, Benj. T. Halcorabs, Jno. S. Jones, WUUara M. Kirby, Jno. T. Lewis, Leonard Lewis, Farrow Lancaster, John - J. Larabert, Archibald McKaughan, Thomas McKaughan, Jaraes P. McKaughan, John McKunis, John McGuire, Henry McKunls, WUiiara G. Moody, Jaraes N. Murray, Thomas P. Murry, Elijah W. MInIx, George W. Mlnlx, Pleasant Morgan, Newton J. Naseworthy, Abner Owen, Asher W. Odell, WUliam D. Pearson, Henry C. Pearson, Jno. M. Praiter, Ell S. Perdue, Jaraes M. Peay, Riley G. Rlgsby, George W. Row, Wra. H. Snead, Alfred M. Spears, James R. Stringer, James W. Stewart, David H. Taylor, Price A. Turner, Lewis P. Tally, Thoraas J. Webb, Monroe WUson, Samuel Wagoner, James C. White, Jaraes L. Witcher, John W. AVoods, Lewis West, Alfred K. Young, Jas. B. McAllen, James Davis, John Finn, Wra. C. Patterson, Aaron H. Stephens, James T. Williams, Francis M. Smith. Company " G." CAPTAIN— Edward Hartie. 1st LIEUT.— Hugh L. Scott. 2d LIEU TENANT— Jaraes' H. Lile. SERGTS.-Thomas Blythe, John M. Lile. Fifty-second Kentucky Infantry. 655 Wm. A, Parfeitt, Byrd W. Gates, William Gorman, David B. Ladd. OORPLS.— Spottswood P. Evans, Luke P. Nichols, Eli McPariand, Robert Blain, Thomas A. Dulln, Richard James, John Floyd. MUSICIAN— Marcellus R. Puller. WAGONER— Jacob Wisner. FARRIER— James W. Walker. PRIVATES— George Bevill, John J. Bell, Rufus K. Boyd, Thomas Davis, John W. Epeling, Caleb R. Bpellng, Chas. B. Falkner, Columbus Gladlsh, James W. Garrett, John A. Garrett, Aaron Higginbottom, James H. Jones, Benton G. Jett, Dandy A. Kerby, Soloraon Kenton, Williara A. Ladd, Samuel H. Lance, Ezekiel W. Litchfield, David C. Martin, Sam uel Maines, Pindley G. Messick, Mallga Mullln, Arthur McAvoy, Wm. P. McDowell, Henry McKinney, Ira Nelson, James D. Perdue, John M. Reace, Nicholas Stevens, Pinnius H. Stringer, Jno. W. Taton, James R. Taton, Joseph B. Terrell, WiUiam Thomas, Joel Thomas, WlUIam C. Webb, Charles McKinney, John Turpln, Alonzo B. Beardan, George Ben nett, Chas. P. Buttler, C. T. Bush, Jno. R. Chambers, AVUliam E. Clarke, James L. Chapman, John B. Pord, William T. Griffln, Joseph B. Griffln, Geo. W. Haney, John C. Hencely, James W. HuU, Marshall Jackson. Lafayette Jeraerson, Henry C. Jtenkins, James P. Kenedy, Augustus Long, James W. Martain, George W. Massey, Joseph McManus, Charles M. Nickens, John Pennell, George W. Rice, James R. Simpson, Thoraas J. Spears, Jaraes R. Westbrook, Ezekiel Hann, Joseph H. Terrell, Sara uel E. Thoraas, Joseph Grace, Josiah Sanders, Thomas W. Shoemaker, John W. Vaughan. Company "H." CAPTAIN— Francis Houchin. 1st LIEUT.— S. W. Willis. 2d LIEUT. —Daniel C. Parrish. SERGTS.-John H. Sturdevant, Wm. R. Threlkil, James W. Simpson, Martin Roof, SUas D. Sturdevant. CORPLS.— Euphrates Boucher, Daniel Roof, John W. Walker, Jaraes f.. Allison, Jaraes Muslck, William Wiltshire, James Merideth, John L. Scaggs. PRIVATES— John Beller, Jaraes Bullock, James W. Butram, Andrew Butram, John W. Blanton, AVm. F. Clemens, Andrew J. Clark, Thoraas E. Dunn, John Flora, Pldeller Flowers, Wm. D. Gibson, Solomon R. Gooden, Wm. F: Guess, Charles E. Houchin, George W. Houchin, Jaraes H. Houchin, Frederick Heath, George AV. HlUard, WUUara Jones, Sr., Russell Jon-es, Jesse W. Johnson, WUUara W. Johnson, AVUliam J. Jordan, Simeon M. Jenkins, Squire Kinser, John Keown, Zachariah Lancaster, James C. Lancaster, Aaron A. Long, Andrew J. Lindsey, Marshall D. Lindsey, William T. Lewis, Pleasant Lewis, Henry Moss, Charles Meri deth, Woodford Merideth, John R. Matlson, Charles G. Matlson, Thoraas Potter, George Perkins, John S. Preston, John R. Roof, Thomas J. Randol, Martin D. Skags, George W. Stewart, WUliam H. Stewart, George W. Siimmons, Wra. T. Sparahoward, Cyrus S. Spaulding, William M. Sanders, James W. Sanders, Eli S. Strode, Isaac AVills, Norman A. AVhoberry, James Winfield, Albert C. Windham, Pinas M. York, Albert Burnett, Martin L. Cook, Pleasant Green, Wm. A. Sturdivant, Shederick D. Vin cent, John Vincent, Hirara M. Hazelip, Martin Heath, William Jones, Jr., John H. Long, Bluford H. Minton, HamUton Willis. Company " I." CAPTAIN-James M. Childress. 1st LIEUT.- Lewis P. Arnold. 2d LIEUT.— Alexander Dockery. SERGTS.- Wm. Elms, John R. Jones, John W. Mayhara, David Hunt, George H. Billings. CORPLS.-Joseph N. Nunn, Veschlll Pleener, John P. Holden, George W. Holloway, Thos. J. Lee, Martin V,. Penner, JO'hn W. Davis, Milton Pleener. PRIVATES-WUliam Arnold, Melvin J. Araos, Albert BUlings, Ab salom Cook, Moses Coates, Wm. Childress, Jeremiah Cline, J. W. Doug lass, James R. Doyle, Asa Davis, Wm. D. Dunn, Wra. B. Deckerd, Otey S. Edwards, Andrew L. Edwards, Norraan Pleener, Wm. N. Finney, Oscar Finney, Isaac J. Goff, Alonzo Gibson, Preston GUstrap, Bedford Grable, Philip Hack, William Hawks, Samuel C. Hunt, Lewis Hunt, James H. Hearener, Martin Hawks, Commodore P. Jordon, Columbus Johnson, I. Keith, Hugh C. Kein, Nathaniel H. Kasslnger, Joel G. Le Grand, John W. LeGrand, Wm. W. LeGrand, Wm. B. Lawner, Benjamin 656 Union Regiments of Kentucky. Mercer, George W. Meroer, Herald Madison, Wm. L. Martin, John M. Madison, John J. Oiler, Thornton Pendergrass, Henry Pendergrass, Pleasant Poteet, James W. Poteet, Geo. W. Romans, Henry Robold, Joshua H. Spencer, John Simmons, Pleasant J. Spink, James H. Spears, Joseph J. Shipley, Francis Snodgrass, Garrett B. Taylor, Zachariah Taylor, Robert Willoughby, WUiiara Worley, David E. Wagoner, Geo. W. Yager, John W. Erwin, Thomas H. Ferguson, Wm. H. Haynes, David A. Haynes, James LIn'oh, Hezekiah McGee, William Walker, James M. Young, Isaac Boyd, James M. Moore, John W. Martin, Vincent Pleener. Company " K." CAPTAIN— Lewis Buckner. 1st LIEUT.- Romulus N. Taylor. 2d LIEUT.- Richard W. Hayes. SERGTS. — Frederic Z. Goswick, Larkin S. Wood, John W. Johnson, Henry B. Deberry, Leander M. Wood, Jack S. Bradley. CORPLS.— John Prater, Joseph S. McCord, George W. Woosley, Levi A. Moore, Samuel J-. Howard, Milton Lee, Jesse Walker, Thomas J. Cofer, James P. Arms, Samuel W. Hay, Joseph L. McGee. MUSICIAN— Charles_ T. Meyden. PRIVATES — Thoraas B. Brown, Allen K. Basham, James P. Brown, Jaraes Brown, Samuel Baker, Abraham K. Brewer, William N. Cook, Sampson Cole, Sarauel H. Crawley, Green B. Docket, James C. Duke, James Deberry, Wm. H. Greenberry, James H. Gregory, Anderson Graves, Henry Garrett, Jesse Embry, David Hooper, Edward M. Hill, Hawkins J. Hefiin, Wm. H. Hutcheson, Peter D. Jennings, Alfred Jones, William E. Knight, John J. Litchfield, Waller M. Lewis, Eli W. Malone, Robert O. Malone, Ferguson W. McCallen, Isaac Maton, William J. Mel bourne, Gabriel D. Prater, James H. Prater, William T. Pearson, Will iam S. Sullivan, WUUam H. Stokes, Joseph M. Stout, Joseph F. Turner, Jonathan tl. Tomlin, Daniel Thomas, William H. Washam, Melchlse- dek C. Woosley, Wm. T. Youngblood, James T. Buchanon, John W. Dear- raond, Wra. B. Holder, William Hicks, Thomas S. Haggard, Alfred Y. Hay, Oscar P. Kelly, Stephen Kirby, Alonzo L. Matheny, William Red dick, John A. Sterling, John T. Tooke, Henry P. Young, PhUlp P. Young, John W. Alexander, John W. Bowlington, Benjamin P. Corder, John M. Curtis, Thomas J. Jefferson, Stephen Northern, William M. Ross, Hardy . Sraith, Timothy Tooney, Jesse Thomas, Martin V. Dowell, David Mc Ginnis. Fifiy-thira Kentucky Mounted Infantry, This regiment- was organized in the fall of 1864, at Paris, Ky. The men belonged to that section of the state. Clinton J. True was the colonel and W. C. Johnson, lieu tenant-colonel. In 1861 Col. Tme was a captain in the 20th Ky. Infantry. In June, 1863, he left the 20th to be come colonel of the 40th Ky. Infantry, being organized at that time for twelve mouths' service. Then, in the summer of 1864, upon the expiration of the term of the 40th, Col. Tme entered upon the work of raising another regiment for the service. In the oflflcial report of Col. Simpson, chief engineer in charge of the defensive struct ures at various points in Kentucky, of date October 13, 1 864, he says : "Speaking of tbe defenses along the line of the Kentucky Central railroad, he is pleased to learn that the 53d Ky. Infantry is to take the places of some other Fifty-third Kentucky Mounted Infantry. 657 troops; that from his knowledge of the regiment he was sure^ it would discharge the duties required of it." The adjutant-general's report says of the 53d: Being mounted it was constantly employed in scouting the counties in the central part of the state and along the Kentucky Central railroad. In the second expedition to Saltville, it suffered much from cold and long, fatiguing marches. It participated In raany skirmishes and battles of Clinch river, Marion, and Saltville, Va., in all of which it performed its duty to the entire satisfaction of the commanding generals. In the official reports the 53d is mentioned as guarding the railroad between Lexington and Cincinnati in Novem ber, 1861. It was at Lexington November 23d. On the 24th it was ordered to hurry forward to Crab Orchard to join the forces collecting then for the second Saltville ex pedition. On the 25th it was at Camp Nelson. Reaching Crab Orchard, it became part of the force which was led by Gen. Burbridge through Cumberland Gap into East Tennessee, when, joining with Gen. Stone man, the moA'^ement into Virginia was made, which re sulted in the destruction of the salt works and lead works, at and near Saltville. The importance of these works was shown by the des perate efforts the Confederates made to save them. The object of the expedition being attained, the troops returned to Kentucky. During the winter, spring and summer of 1865 the 53d was kept on duty by detachments at various points. Of this regiment, as of several others raised in Ken tucky at that stage of the war, it may be stated that while it did not participate in the movements of the great armies, yet when it was organized and mustered into serv ice, the men placed themselves at the call of their country; they offered themselves for whatever duty was assigned, and nobly and dutifully served in the places to which they were sent. In the December movements through the mountains of Kentucky and Virginia, as stated, the men suffered greatly from cold and hunger and fatigue. The 5'3d was mustered out of service at Louisville Sep tember 15, 1865. ¦ Field and Staff. COLONEL— Clinton J. True. LIEUT. COL.— W. C. Johnson. MAJ. —James G. Francis. ADJT.— Frank D. Tunis. Q. MASTER— S. J. Housh. SURGEON— Williara B. Bland. 'ASST. SURGS.— Henry C. Miller, James M. MontmoUin. SERGT. MAJ.— George W. Brown. Q. M. SERGT.— Mathew W. Kennedy. COM. SERGT.- Williara M. Ste phens. HOSP. STEWARD— Christopher C. Bryson. MUSICIANS— WUHam A. Bryson, John J. HaU. 42 658 Union Regiments of Kentucky. Company "A." CAPTAIN— John A. Thompson. 1st LIEUT.— James F. Thompson. 2d LIEUT.— John Mullens. SERGTS.-Thomas P. Francis, John Savlll, Charies Steinborn, Michael M. Bolan, Peter Marx, Charles A. Bailey, George W. Brown. CORPLS.— Amos McArthur, Anselum Clarkson, Philip Weaver, John Felthouse, Wm. N. Irvine, Morrison Beach, Nicholas Mount, James White, M'arquls L. Biggs. PRIVATES— Thomas Ambrose, Killis Alexander, John Alexander, Frank Beler, Eldridge Busby, Daniel Beebe, John Bollinger, John P. Bruner, Henry Boroman, John A. Bush, William Crawford, John G. Crosby, William Crusoe, Joseph Casey, Green Darsey, John Dalhein, John Donovan, Richard Davis, John Donnelly, Crelghton W. England, Lawrence Evans, Wra. Ebenschweiger, Daniel England, James 'Edwards, Adam Grlesweln, John Gardner, Nelson Graves, Dennis GIndher, Geo. W. Hill, Jonas Harlow, Benjarain Hey, Curtis House, Simon W. Hafner, Chas. D. Irvine, August Kruse, Joseph Kllng, William Kirkley, John Kinman, Anthony Long, William Metcalfe, Hugh McArthur, William Mullen, George Mullen, William Nicholas, John Ortwein, Theodore Picket, WUlls Rucker, Christopher Ritchie, Henry Ricketts, Henry Slaughter, George Stronk, John Steffin, Willlani Scott, Prank Thoss, George Tincher, Charles Visse, George Willen, James W. WUUams, John H. Watcher, Jno. C. Harrington, Abraham Hlleman, John Masters, Charles Nichols, Peter Duffy, James Mitchell, Adam Siefert, William Prather, Benjamin Thoss. Company " B." CAPTAIN— Henry P, Falls. 1st LIEUT.- John J. -Crelghton. 2d LIEUTS.—Wm. H. Robinson, Ferdinand Burch. SERGTS.— S. D. Mul lins, S. M. Goshorn, R. R. Elliott, James H. Wilson, L. L. Leroy, Harvey Heed. CORPLS. — Thomas Edwards, Theodore Neyraler, Jesse I. Cook, John Knochelman, Bernard Hartsman, John Wasson, George W. Pierce, Lewis Deppo, J. M. Mealing. PRIVATES— George Bowen, AVm. A. Barnett, Samuel G. Black, Charles M. Brussman, Paul Bechtold, August P. Brussraan, Henry Boush, Jacob C. Cook, James E. Culbertson, Banister Cornelius, George Clemons, Elias Dorsey, Edward L. Dwell, Conrad Eymer, Williara Ernst, Owen Forkner, Andrew Palls, Joseph Fisse, Williara H. Frazier, Adam Fries, Andrew J. Givens, James H. Garrett, John Greenup, William Griffith, Thos. J. Garner, Adam Grossman, Edward P. Hanneberry, Thos. B. Hughes, John Hagar, Henry Hughes, John Hall, John Harrod, Francis M. Jackson, James Jackson, John J-ohnering, Mathew Morgan, Wililam M. Minter, Burrell Mullins, Larkln Mullins, Alexander NUes, John O'Conner, Henry Olges, John C. O'Neal, John Peek, Joseph Rich, Wright Richards, Frank Swartz, William Scbotwell, David Sione, Will iam L. Snyder, George W. Stewart, William Tincher, Frank Taphorn, Morgan Trlvett, WUUara R. Vannetter, Lewis Wlnkley, Antone Winter- ling, John Walcer, Alexander Wiltshire, Jno. C. Cole, Daniel Edmonds, Barney Felthouse, Wm. F. Hedges, Isaac H. Inlick, Henry Kohlbrand, Hiram H. Wayman, William M. Stephens, John C. Hartsman, Joseph Jacobs, Henry Miller, William Reed. Company "C." ' CAPTAIN— Henry Hagerty. 1st LIEUT.— Richard S. Robson. 2a LIEUT.— Chas. T. Chambers. SERGTS.- George A. Jones, Andrew B. Wash, John Seyiflour, Matthew Parker, Michael Carroll, Joseph Colbert. CORPLS.-George Tedrow, James Metcalf, Morritz Stokle, Joseph StlU well, WUliam Clarke, James Nealens, Charles C. Cleary, Amos Bright, ' Ira B. Baker, George P. Stearns. FARRIER— Jacob Wise. PRIVATES— Prank Archy, Austin Buchannan, James Brogan, Will iam Brimstone, William Beckley, John W. Bartlow, John W. Blades, Wiley Bates, John Brenner, Charles Bruce, George Brirastone, James W. Caldwell, John R. Caldwell, Richard Conklln, John J. CaldweU, John Chevallo, George Crelghton, Thomas Duffield, WUUam Ellis, George Echart, Rudolph Prank, John Goldsmith, Frank Henry, George Hick- Fifty-third Kentucky Mounted Infantry. 659 man, Lewis Helm, John KUp, Henry Klakamp, John Larkin, Charles Link, Abraham Metcalf, Joseph Morton, Jacob Meyers, Charles E. MUes, Samuel S. Noe, George Nealens, Max Owen, John Riff, Joseph Rea, James Rodgers, Prank C. Rust, Edward R. Rarldue, George Rodgers, WilUam Smith, Newton Seymour, William Sprague, Riohard Sims, George Stewart, Joseph Sprott, Hiram Schallafart, Edward B. Tarvin, Robert Tuttle, John S. Tungate, William Tuttle, George W. Tarvln, Will iam Wilkins, William Worthington, William West, Henry Wendt, George W. Anderson, Edward M. Dickens, Jacob Prey, Thomas F. Scofield, Charles Thomas, Michael Flinn, Thomas Freeman, George Hipley, George W. True, Thomas P. Hopkins, Xenla Martin, Andrew Noland, Charles Smith, Company " D." gAPTAIN— Benj. T. Nix. 1st LIEUT.— James T. Chrisman. 2d LIEUT.— Alfred Bickers. SERGTS.- Uriah Bickers, James T. Marshall, Hiram G. WiUiams, Lawson Hopper, Robert H. Bickers. CORPLS.— Lafayette Jones, Henry L. Ennis, Andrew Beverly, William J. Abernathy, Henry Kinraan, Stephen B. Jump, John Page, Cyrus W. Harris. MU SICIAN— Jaraes A. CoUins. PRIVATES— WUUara P. Mitts, Ichabod Ashcraft, George W. Anness, Benj. P. Antrobus, Jaraes M. Bickers, Leonard K. Brooks, David Berry, Charles Buchow, Alfred BilUtter, Squire H. BlUitter, Thoraas M. Bennett, Reason Baker, Stephen W. Beverly, Thoraas Bussell, Stephen Beverly, John P. Bell, Taylor Clercey, John M. Cook, Burwell C. Crosswhite, Luke Chrisman, Richard W. Carter, Colurabus C. Carter, Moses Crutchfield, Wra. T. ChUders, Isaac Cleete, WUliam Deats, Jaraes Dunn, Benj. P. Dunn, jfimes Daugherty, WiUiara Douglas, John AV. Forrest, John A. , Fornash, Wra. T. Gouge, George W. Gross, John W. Gross, John F. Har low, Daniel B. Hutchuson, Joseph M. Henry, William A. HIU, Russell Harlow, Preston Isaacs, Alfred Jones, Siraeon Jackson, WUliam Land rum, Charles LImbrIck, Francic M. Lantern, John J. Lowe, Lewis W. Martin, Jaraes H. Martin, John W. Martin, Haden N. Morgan, George W. Marshall, John S. Noel, Henry J. Northcut, Richard P. Northcut, Jaraes P. Parsons, Gabriel Price, George H. Plummer, George Robinson, John W. Robinson, John P. Reed, Frank M. Readnower, Samuel L. Sraith, Wra. N. Swindle, Jaraes E. Stone, Jaraes W. Stone, Asa A. Stone, John R. Stone, WUlis B. Stone, Geo. W. Sirapson, Wra.^C. Toralln, Nathaniel H. Updike, Calvin Updike, AVesley Wllllaras, Wm. S. Williams, Wra. W. WUllams, Henry T. Whisman, John N. Wolf, John AVallace, Wra. S. York, John J. Araraerraan, John L. Clercey, James W. Pltemaster, Wm. A. Holdbrook, Wm. H. Jump, Wra. P. Lirabric, John PerneU, Charles T. Sechrest, Wm. H. Shields, James H. Whaley, Hiram Baker, Wm.' C. Baker, William Maguire. Company " E." CAPTAINS— James G. Francis, Albert C. Brelth. 1st LIEUTS.— John W. West, Wm. H. Grout. SERGTS.— Charles Harris, Albert Moore, James E. Wade, Albert B. Carson, James T. Reese. CORPLS. — Archi bald Mcllvain, David Miller, Jos. H. Wilson,. Lewis Frew, John Park, Wm. H. Wayland, Thomas Dillion, Charles Webber, Jacob Gettle, Nicholas Lemalre. MUSICIANS— Loren Taylor, Alexander W. Bryson. WAGONER— Alonzo Crusoe. PRIVATES — James Acre, WilUam Brodit, Thomas Baldwin, John Boltz, James M. Bergin, Elam Bird, Stephen D. Baldwin, Edward Brod erick, WUUam Barnes, Orville Clark, Basil Cook, Napoleon Galien, Jaraes Connelly, Edward Cross, George P. Clayton, Alfred J. Callen, Archibald T. Dickson, WiUiam Dwyer, Anthony Edmonds, Patrick FUnn, John N. Faulkner, Prank Goda, John Gregory, George A. Graham, Patrick Grl-f- fln, William Griggs, John Griggs, John Higgins, Lorenzo D. Huddleston, Jno. R. Hicks, Andrew T. Hubert, James Harris, Marion L. Hopple, Charles Mays, Thomas Ingram, Wm. H. Jones, James Johns, Marshall P. Johnson, George Keller, Joseph T. Kuepper, Norman King, Robert Lee, Wm. H. Loveft, K. MUler Moore, Leonard Mordls, George MltcheU. navld Maryman, Napoleon B. Mann, Stephen Master, Jesse H. Messick, Joseph McLane, Joshua Perkins, Balthazer Paul, Jesse Plunkett, Geo. B60 Unimi Regiments of Kentucky. W. Ragan, James Roberts, John W. Roberson, Joshua T. Roberts, Henry Roberson, John Raybourn, James Smith, Lafayette Shumate, Oliver Seward, William H. Shinn, John B. Shafer, Frank Schriver, John Se- bray, Robert Stroud^ Benjamin F. Stephens, John T. Stephens, David Stephens, William Stephens, Levi Tunning, George J,. Thorndlke, Daniel Weber, Jaraes WUllams, John J. Barnes, Richard S. ^ones, Joseph Jacobe, Benjamin E. Johnson, Joseph Lafford, CIncinnatus Rich, Will iam D. Saunders, Christopher C. Bryson, Williara W. T. Otis, Abel Will iams, John Bailey, Patrick J. Dougherty, Patrick Lewis, George Morgan, S'amuel Zeigler, James Richards. Company " F." CAPTAIN— J. H. Lennin. 1st LIEUTS.— Alfred T. Morin, Adam Weaver. 2d LIEUT.- J. Hazard Davis. SERGTS.-John J. Fisher, Fletcher Colvin, Wm. O. Tarvin, Jaraes M. Boyd, John Caldwell, James C. Wright, Garrett M. MeU, Reason O. Jarvis. CORPLS.— Barton S. Shlvell, George H. Ahlerlng, Wm. A. Reed, Thoraas Brimstone, Lafayette Bell, Williara Gallier, George Keen, James Y. Roberts, Hugh Casey, Theodore Selter, Albert R. Bartlow. PRIVATES — George W. AUln, WUiiara Bradbury, John C. Bufflng- ton, Finley Bell, WUliam Beeraft, Jasper N. Boyce, PhUlp Cllnkinbeard, Ambrose Carder, William Cook, Wm. H. CoUiver, Fletcher Demoss, George Deckgers, Jasper N. Demoss, Martin Eckstine, Theodore Good ing, Frederic Goopser, Samuel Gracie, Henry Hilge, Martin Haubner, John Herron, Andrew Hobner, Sarauel Hartman, Jasper Hatton, Presley Jackson, James W. Jackson, Charles Kohllopp, John Klnslia, Charles W. Miller, John McClure, Charles M'aunder, James M. McCloud, Frederick Miller, Cyrus Munson, Andrew McKinney, Thomas McKee, Samuel Mott, Joseph McPherson, Jesse W. Meade, Jacob Powell, Charles W. Ratllff, WilUam Spraw, Charles H. Sraith, Adam Shun, Charles Soler, James F. StuU, Jaraes H. Sexton, Henry Tutchraan, John Troutman, John S. Tennant, Williara Troutman, Frank Williamson, Williara Wood ard, Augustus D. Watson, William Wlnterhouse, Williara E. Williams, Jonathan Whittlngton, Charles Welch, George Weaver, Presley M. West, George P. Wilson, John Willoughby, Marion WUson, Jaraes W. Wams- ley, Willoughby T. Y.oung, John T. Dial, Jacob Hasler, Albert Richard son, Israel Sellers, John Stahl, Doralnick Weaver, John J. Clark, John Pegan, Michael Hobner, Sarauel T. J. Nelson, Daniel O'Marra, Daniel Spangler, Charles Carter, WiUiara Cornell, Wm. J. Elliott, John F. Fowler, James Poster, Mathew Graw, Sarauel HIckols, Charles W. Martin John McClease, John Maynord, Charles Stewart, John Weldon. Company " G." CAPTAIN— Robert H. Wilson. 1st LIEUT.— Jesse J. Dennis. 2d LIEUT.- E. N. Vallandingham. SERGTS.— Charles L. Payton, Sidney Dunnington, Jam-es W. Glover, Franklin T. Jones, W, C. Farris, Mathew W. Kennedy. CORPLS. — Joseph H. Stephenson, Martin Juda, John An derson, Jackson Devour, William Thompson, John D. Sullivan, James Willis. PRIVATES— John P. Adams, Wm. H. Bibb, Nicholas T. Bibb, George Barber, David Clifton, Francis M. Conwright, John B. Gary, Lewis Q. Dennis, Samuel M. Dennis, Jesse Dennis, John Downard, Abraham Debruler, John Davis, Reuben P. Dennis, Zachariah T. Fortner, Jacob L. Furnish, Benjamin Farchlld, Enoch Foley, John S. Garrett, WUUam J. Garrett, John Hanks, WUliam Hedger, James Heath, James Isabel, Abraham Ingram, John W. Ingrara, James Jenkins, James Jacobs, Newton Jernet, Jno. M. Jones, John Keiser, Henry Lumpkins, Walter L. Lancaster, Algen Leach, Alexander Mobley, Henry Mobley, Thomas Martin, John Martin, Hugh McCorraick, John H. Morgan, Benj. T. Mar cura, Benjamin Martin, John S. Manty, James A. Martin, Joseph Neaves, James Olds, Jno. W. Ogden, Allen C. Osborn, AUen Owen, Jaraes M. Palraer, Ja;mes M. Perkins, Lewis Perkins, John Peek, Francis M. Parker, WUliam L. Rett, Joseph L. RusseU, John Roberts, Joshua B. Rupley, Isaac N. Slade, John W. Stewart, John W. Sebert, Wm. M. Shuler, Wm. Skinner, John Sarver, Abler Stokely, William Steel, Geo. W. VaUandlng- Fifty-third Kentucky Mounted Infantry. 661 hara, George Wainsoott, WiUiara Walnscott, Jno. L. Wiggerton, Benj. P. WiUoughby, John Willoughby, M. Willoughby, Napoleon B. WUloughby, Jaraes WUloughby, David H. WUIson, Joseph Dukin, James P. Ellis! William HIU, Thomas Lowery, Jackson Lyons, Joseph L. Morrison, Joel J. Warren, David S. Bolen, Thomas Moore, John North, Joel Perkins, Michael Towell, George Curamins, WUUara Colton, Jaraes C. Hardin! Isaac N. Hardin, John Jones, Wm. H. Line, Wm. J. Morrison, Varde man H. Ogden, BU Osborn, Robert Pugh, Nathaniel Richardson, James B. Ryan, John L. Sams, Wm. R. Sorrel, Charles H. Tomlinson, Orlando Tomlinson, Stephen B. Whalen, John S. Osborn. Company " H." CAPTAIN-James W. Read. 1st LIEUT.— David Berry. 2d LIEUT. —Joseph M. Hukel. SERGTS.— Harry W. Read, Hirara H. BaUey, Wm. H. Cruft, Andrew Blount, Joseph Devlin. CORPLS.— Benjarain P. Slut- ton, Miller A. Bell, Shelly Goodpaster, Aaron Hall, John M. Cassady, Milton H. Smith, Geo. W. Wilson. FARRIER— John W. Garraty. PRIVATES— Spence Adams, Geo. W. AUen, Jno. C. Barnes, Joseph Beattle, Wm. Bowman, Richard Brinegar, David Brandenburg, Wra. W. Blount, Major S. Bowman, John Brownfield, Squire H. Bettys, Hugo BIl- ler, John Bishop, Josiah Conn, Benjamin P. Conn, Waser Collins, Will iam Coxton, Andrew J. Coy, Taylor Crump, Samuel Cra-svford, Jaraes D. Dalzell, GeOi W. Dale, James Dampier, John C. Eversole, John Eaton, Stephen Epperson, BazU Frederick, Jesse P. Fuller, Louis W. Griffith, John W. Green, Jacob Gulser, Samuel J. Grifflth, Thomas Grubbs, Elza Green, Henry C. Grifflth, Carleton Howes, James Henderson, Harvey Hall, Samuel Hook, Joseph Harris, Frederick K. Hurbut, Simon P. Jones, James Lancaster, Thomas Lynch, Sarauel Marshall, Burton D. Morris, Zachariah P. Myers, Charles H. Mason, Calvin D. Moore, Will iam Moore, Henderson Messer, John C. McArthur, Hiram Mitchell, Ben jamin P. Myers, William Mitchell, Perry Meeke, John L. Minler, Chris topher Ockomon, Sarauel H. Poe, Joseph Porter, WUford N. Richey, Benjamin Ralph, Richard E. Splvey, Loomis Shaw, Jno. T. Snapp, Lorenzo T. Smart,, Alonzo Thrasher, Nathaniel Thoraas, Jaraes M. Tay lor, Edward Thoraas, Henry Wiggins, Loorais W. White, Peter Wilson, Charles B. Wllllaras, Zachariah T. Feeback, Sarauel R. Mo.rrIs, Frank- ' Un C. Offut, John S. West, Henry C. Willis, William Crow, WiUiam H. Curtis, John Kimes, Daniel Mitchell, Jaraes Reid, Robert Scott, Jaraes M. Shaw, Taylor Doyle, John Anderson, Jaraes P. Ashcraft, William H. Butler, Marilla Bardon, John Haskins, John H. Miller, John Miller, David L. Mann, Patrick Owens, Thomas Rogers, Martin Spriggs, Samuel Smit son, Charles Smith, Charles Shaffer. Company "I." CAPTAIN-James H. Carey. 1st LIEUT.— John W. Thornton. 2d LIEUT.— Henry C. Ball. SERGTS.-Thomas S. Ball, Wra. C. Work man, Peter Gilkerson, Harrison Johnson, James H. Marcum. CORPLS. —Robert R. Penix, Evenstine Reeves, David G. R. Poteet, Burd, B. Stith, Wm. H. Kouns, Robert C. Ball, Jarrett Burton, Emile LaRoch. PRIVATES- Levi Arthur, Henry V. Adkins, Harallton Adaras, Will iam C. Ball, Hiram Blair, Daniel Burton, Aaron Bishop, John Bishop, Hiram Brown, Simon Bartlett, Andrew J. Burton, Anthony A. Bowman, Hobert Blanchard, James Crumpton, Thomas H. Coalgrove, William Crank, Wililam Carpenter, Wesley Crabtree, Mortimer S. Devore, Charles Dickison, Raleigh Darnell, Daniel B. Ensley, Allen Parler, James L. Puller, John Gard, Preston Godbey, Peter Hicks, John A. Hamilton, John H. Hunt, John Huff, Jaraes H. Hensley, Charles Hara- mond, Elias Hinds, Pleasant P. Jordon, Lerauel Johnson, Elijah P. Jackson, William A. Kelley, Joseph V. Kelley, Mathew Kasee, Harvey Lovelns, Alexander Murphy, Jaraes Morrison, Thoraas Murphey, Pres ton, Mullins, Geo. W. Mann, James Nichols, Wm. J. Norris, Louis Nun ley, Daniel Patrick, WUiiara Pierce, John N. Price, Geo. W. RUey, Jacob Rice, James Rose, James P. Snider, James Spears, Marine Spurlock, Greenville Stewart, James Stewart, Andrew T. Smith, Wm. H. Smoot, Robert Scott, Bennett Triplett, William Taylor, Allen Vaughan, Thomas 662 Union Regiments of Kentucky Wagers, Elias Williamson, Plus Worthington, John J. HaU, Robert But- trix, Farris Culver, John Hammond, Andrew Johnson, William Quillln, William Absher, George Baker, James Brown, TUman Croft, William Clore, Nathaniel Dawson, John J. Damron, William Johnson, William Langley, Edward Mullins, Osborn K. Parsons, Isaac Tackett, Franklin Wright. Company "K." CAPTAIN— Samuel A. Crawford. 1st LIEUT.— Riley Richards. 2d LIEUT.— Charles W. Russell. SERGTS.-John Darby, Nathan B. Mc Clelland, Adam Hedger, George W. Wills, Jackson McGowan. CORPLS. — John Thorn, James W. Sraith, Zimri Richards, George W. Antis, Wm. T. Berry, Malcom L. Jones, Daniel Vanbibber, Thomas Noon. MUSI CIANS— Artemus Cooper, Henry Ross. WAGONERS- WUliam Long, Hezekiah Pults. PRIVATES— James Arthurs, John H. Arthurs, Tompkins Arthurs, Milton Abraras, BurreU Akers, George W. Barney, Charles Brannen, Samuel Bertram, Andrew H. Brown, E. H. Bryans, Adanlrum Cooper, WUliam Coffee, WUUam Charleston, James Cunningham, Robert Casteel, Jeremiah Corabs, Oliver Carr, Marion Dowdy, James W. Davis, Ran som Darby, George Dixson, Samuel Daraeron, Kelley Ferguson, WlUIam V. Ferguson, Daniel Gallager, James W. Gillum, John Grimes, Samuel H. Giles, Amos Gibson, Jonas Harr, Theodore How, Charles Hicks, Peter P. Hunter, Jaraes Johnson, George Kaut, Job Larabert, Albert Mc Gowen, George W. Myers, George Morgan, Charles Mead, John N. Pitts, Andrew L. Pritchard, John C. Riley, Calvin H. Ross, Winfield Ross, John Ridgeway, Newton Ridgeway, Thomas N. Ramey, Levi Sexton, John SInnett, Jr., John Sergent, Soloraon P. Spradling, John Stewart, Mathew Stewart, WlUIam L. Stewart, John M. Smith, Christian Schmidt, James H. Stapleton, Jackson Stapleton, Richard Stapleton, Jackson Tailor, James H. Violett, George H. Vlolett, Alexander Walker, Madison Webb, Joel West, Andrew J. Young, William Campbell, Wm. H. Davis, Wililam Johnson, John W. Posey, Morgan Smith, Thomas H. Spears, John Burk, Israel Stapleton, James Sperry, John L. Tisdale, James Welsh. Fifty-fourth Kentucky Mounted Infantry, In the accounts of the 5th Ky. Infantry, or Louisville Legion, as it Avas called, it is stated that when the volun teers were in camp Jo Holt, opposite Louisville, H. M. Buckley had come to that camp from Henry county, Ky., with a company of men, and, being known to Lovell H. Rousseau as a stalwart, determined man, was at once selected as lieutenant-colonel of the 5th Ky. Infantry. When Rousseau was made a general, Buckley became colonel of the 5th and commanded it for a time. In the Buell and Bragg campaign, and in the battle of Murfrees boro, Col. Buckley commanded a brigade in Sill's division. In June, 1863, he was compelled to resign his commission, but as soon as he could do so, he sought opportunity for further service. In the summer of 1864 there was an im perative need for troops in Kentucky. The state was over run with predatory bands, which made war not only upon all goverament property, but also upon all persons who Fifty-fourth Kentiwky Mounted Infantry. 663 adhered to the Union. A large force was necessary to protect the state not only from these bands, but also from larger movements of the enemy. Under these circum stances special authority was granted from the War De partment to Col Buckley for raising a regiment to aid in protecting Kentucky. His well-known character enabled him to recruit his regiment in a short time, and it was mustered into service at New Castle, Henry county, Ky., September, 1864, as the 54th Ky. Mounted Infantry. The men Avere all from that immediate section of the state. In the account of the regiment in the adjutant-general's report, it is said : "The difficulties attending the recmit- ing and organization of this regiment were great, owing to the frequent raids by guerrillas aud the constant pres ence of predatory bands in the vicinity of its camp." The report further says: "The regiment was mounted and performed duty in various portions of Kentu'cky, and by the energy displayed by its offlcers, soon expelled the guer rillas from the section of the country where it was sta tioned." In November and December, 1864, various Kentucky regiments were brought together to take part in the sec ond expedition to Saltville, Va. The 54th moved to Crab Orchard, being then in command of its Lieut. Col., John G. Rogers, while Col. Buckley commanded the brigade to which it was attached. The movement was from Crab (Orchard through Cumberland Gap. The expedition was under the command of Gen. Stoneman. After passing through the Gap, fighting began at Clinch mountain and continued more or less until the object of the expedition was accomplished. Passing through Bean's Station the troops moved up the Tennessee valley by way of Green ville and into Virginia. From Marion Va., Col. Buckley's , command was sent to destroy the lead works, which, to gether with the destruction of the salt works, was the object in view. Col. Buckley describes this as very severe duty. His men rode all night and all the next day, fired the. lead works, and seeing them destroyed, immediately retumed to Marion, riding all night and fighting all the way. A severe battle occurred at Marion, but the expe dition Avas entirely successful, the salt works and lead works being destroyed. It being impossible to carry sup plies, and there being none in the country, the men and animals were greatly distressed for want of provisions. Col. Buckley stated to the writer that he saw men eating corn, biting it from the cob like a horse. From Marion the expedition returned to Kentucky through Pound Gap. The weather was extremely cold, and the suffering of the men was very great Passing 664 Union Regiments of Kentucky. through Mt. Sterling, Col. Buckley's command moved on to Lexington. The 54th remained on duty in that section of the state during the remainder of the winter, going from place to place by detachments, as occasion required. It was continued in service during the spring and sum mer of 1865, and was mustered out qf service September 1, 1865. The regiment made a most excellent record for discipline and prompt execution of every duty it was called upon to perform. Field and Staff. COLONEL— Harvey M. Buckley. LIEUT. COL.— John G. Rogers. MAJOR— John D. Russell. ADJT.— Edward M.tchell. Q. MASTERS— Thoraas J. Owens, Lewis B. Brasher. SURGEON— Frederick C. Leber. ASST. SURGEONS- Jaraes H. McMahon, Thomas B. Hunt. SERGT. MAJOR— Francis C. Coffee. Q. M. SERGT.- Thomas M. Luman. COM. SERGTS.-John T. Fry, Ellas Luckett. HOSP. STEWARD— George W. Thompson. ORDINANCE SERGTS.-John E. WiUs, Henry R. Wallet, John W. Harris. MUSICIAN— Thomas B. Dale. Company "A." CAPTAIN— Greenup Nickell. 1st LIEUTS.— George W. Herron, Benj. C. Lockwood. SERGTS.— Theodore R. Allison, Granville A. Mock bee, George R. Gilkerson, Robert A. Brararaer, James A. Thoraa. COR PORALS — Williara Cleraons, James Black, Eber Proctor, William H. Dawson, Dawson Brammer, WUUam R. Steaphens, James H. Bowen, Elijah RInson. PRIVATES — Elijah Adams, Henry Artis, Jackson Allen, George Artis, Isaac Boyd, Riley Branha^, John W. Bell, Tarlton L. Basket, John Braidy, John M. Carr, Robert T. -Chandler, WUliam Coburn, James H. Creamens, Winston Conley, Hiler Carts, Robert T. Curlin, Joseph H. Duncan, WlUIam Dorsey, Mathew McC. Ealara, Lorenzo D. Balam, James H. Eal'ara, WiUiam Fraley, Maraus Fraley, Harrison Fults, AVilllaih H. Gilbert, John Gayheart, Harrison Gayheart, St. Clear Gravln, Christo pher Gulett, James J. Grigsby, James Higgins, Solomon Hensley, James Hamraans, George W. Hensley, George Hilderbrand, Harraan HoUey, August Hall, Jaraes P. Jessee, Jaraes M. Lewis, Leander Lewis, Wm. H. H. Lewis, George Long, Geo. W. McCallster, Benjamin P. Powers, Ed ward Parker, Granville M. Rice, Elijah Rice, Jr., Franklin Rigdon, Henry Rundy, Milton Robertson, Elijah D. Roberson, Hiram Sepsa- bugh, Daniel Shumate, John P. Stephens, J. C. Shuff, Henry Spradlln, Henry B. Smith, Garden Snyder,. John Shumer, David R. Suthar, John Thomas, John Wills, David O. Ward, Wm. Henry Wilson, Wm. Howard Wilson, James S. WUson, E. Luster D. Yates, Hiram DaUey, Napoleon B. Ensora, Joseph Fames, Benjarain C. Hyman, WUUam Jones, James Lewis, George Crura. John Pryor, Talbert Johnson, James Johnson, William Smith, Oharles Wood, Hiram Wiley, Henry Newman. Company " B." CAPTAIN— Robert H. Young. 1st LIEUT.— Mastin Campbell. 23 LIEUT.— Robert A. Hancock. SERGTS.-John P. Arrastrong, William Walker, John W. Bast, Wm. B. East, Thomas H. Hancock, Thomas Powell. CORPLS.— James S. Bradley, Thoraas J. Chilton, George W. WUey, Edward Garriott, Joseph W. Chilton, Alfred Staten, William S. Brent, Jaraes D. GUI. MUSICIANS— Anthony J. Tate, WUUara Stratton, John W. Tindle. WAGONER— John HaraUton. FARRIER- William Hancock. PRIVATES— George W. Adams„Jr., Hezekiah Butts, Joseph P. But ler, Jesse Barnes, James Batts, Alfred S. Bursott, Aquilla Corley, Will iam Coghlll, Edward W. Chandler, Leonard Coghlll, James A. Carlisle, Fifty-fourth Kentucky Mounted Infantry. 665 Noah P. Chandler, John Coghlll,' Charles H. Day, Thos. N. Duggins Francis M. Poree, Simeon Garriott, Henry Garrett, Thomas Graves,' James R. Henry, John Hunter, James Hall, William H. Kent, John l! Leachman, John T. Lewis, Milton B. Moore, Elijah Martin, Thaddeus W. MInish, WUUam R. Minlsh, George W. Mills, Frederick Ohne, Patrick G. O'Neal, Edward O. Quinley, WiUiam A. Richards, Williara W. Rollins! Simeon Roberts, Lemuel B. Robertson, James H. Skidmore, Greenberry Stanley, Jno. T. Simmons, Jas. A. Simmons, Henry P. SpUman, George R. Vest, Elisha Vest, Charles Wright, George W. Wright, John' Wilson George W. Adams, Sr., Allen S. Adams, Richard W. Butts, Jas. Evans, Wlillam Englekee, WUliam A. Foote, George Kemp, Milton C. Kidwell,' Thoraas Lewellyn, John McGee, Madison R. Moore, Maples T. Moore! William Montgomery, William Ohne, Thomas P. Ogborn, John B. Skid-^ more, Jas. A. Strlngfellow, Henry Smith, William N. Tiller, John T. Tiller, Andrew J. Webster, James Wingham, Peter Wycoff, William A. Johnson! John H. Moore, S. W. Alaxandra, Horshoe Bartlett, Robert J. Coghlll, George W. Falkner, Wm. N. McClellen, John H. Mahoney, James H. Roberts, John W. Simpson, James T. Supplee, .William A. Wright. Company " C." CAPTAIN— Dexter B. Gray. 1st LIEUT.— James W. Stewart. 2d LIEUT.— Robert W. Sanders. SERGTS.— Robert H. Stratton, James M. Ruggles, Wheetly D. Cropperm, Seth D. Parker, WiUiara Breech. COR PORALS— Wililam W. Flinders, Marcellus E. McKallup, Timothy John son, Thomas H. C. Bruce, Charles P. Himes, Mason B. Parker, James P. Shotwejl. PRIVATES — James Applegate. Thoraas Book, Soloraon Cropper, Francis H. Clark, Isaac M. Carter, John S. Copens, Patrick Gary, John W. Carpenter, John Clinger, Isaac Davis, Taylor Deatly, John T. Ed wards, WUliam H. Foster, Ferdinand Gilbert, Daniel R. Hughes, Charles G. Hise, Thomas Hlmes, AV. J. Hendrickson, John P. Hair John W. Har ris, Marcus D. Harding, Albert C. Hiraes, George W. Johnson, James S. Kelly, John C. Loper, WUliam M. Lewis, Ephraim Moore, Thomas C. Moore, Henry W. Meenach, John W. Meenach, John A. Naffet, Thoraas W. Pettett, Thoraas M. Patton, Henry PoUitt, John M. Parker, George Pell, Franklin Robb, James S. Ruggles, Albert Staggs, John Shafer, Jacob S. Smith, Alexander Seymore, Wililam Staggs, Jaraes R. Smedley, Thomas Tira, Joseph J. Voorheis, Nathan Webster, Edmund R. Weaver, Joseph W. Webster, James Carr, Williara Foster, Jaraes M. Hill, Joseph Hampton, Reuben J. Poe, John T. Fry, Geo. W. Hendrickson, Siraon R. Johnson, Marlon D. Moore, Oliver C. Poe, Lewis Parker, Williara Spur geon, Gilbert Stephenson, Harvey C. AVeaver, Avis Adaras, Jaraes Botts, Flinders, James Weaver, John W. Cropper. Company " D." CAPTAIN— L. D. Brown. 1st LIEUT.— W. T. Moore. 2d LIEUT.— John Searcy. -SERGTS.— James S. Petty, George S. Shouse, Thoraas H. Johnson, Albert B. Grubbs, George W. CoghUl. CORPLS.— Luke Faire, Andrew J. Moore, Isaac M. Temple, Joseph L. Flaherty, J. S. WUlhite, Peter Albert, Wra. B. Seardy, John T. GiUis. WAGONER— Henry R. GUman. FARRIER— Thomas Bryant. PRIVATES — ^John M. Brown, Lucien Burgan, Richard Boguess, Moses A. Blakeman, George S. Blakeman, Aaron P. Blakeraan, Robert C. Bedles, Jaraes T. Brooks, Temple Buford, John W. Colwell, AVm. E. Cook, Thomas J. Cook, Wade M. Campbell, George T. Dunaway, John H. Franklin, SUas Franklin, Edward S. Flack, Harvey GUraan, Henry GUpin, Daniel Holmes, Thomas C. Holraes, WUUam Haag, Thomas Hendrix, Araos Ivey, Melvin Johnson, Jacob Jordan, Wm. C. Lacefield, Benj. T. Langford, David D. McCarty, WilUam Mllbern, Henry C. Mose ley, James Moore, Emit K. MuUins, WiUiara Morrison, Jos. B. Mc- CleUand, Rlly Murphy, John Murphy, Williamson Moffett, Squire M. Mann, James H. Proctor, Joseph Parish, Micajah Peyton, Sanford Proctor, Lewis G. Perry, Robert E. Parker, James D. Richie, Richard Shouse, Wm. O. Samuels, Frederick SUwald, David Thermon, Henry Thompson, Johnson Travis, Otho D. Vaught, Simeon S. Williams, John 666 Union Regiments of Kentucky. Whayne, Cornelius WUson, Benjamin F. Wash, David Whayne, John B. Wilson, Lewis M. Wilson, Isaac T. West, John Yankofsky, James C. Hendrix, Henry Peyton, Joseph Sewell, Charles Z. Ensworth, WiUiam S. Flood, James Grider, Jesse W. Harra, Thomas D. Johnson, Riohard H. Roberts, Z. T. Sanders. Company "E." CAPTAINS— William Carroll, George T. Buckley. 1st LIEUT.— John W. Ridgway. 2d LIEUT.— Posey Buckley. SERGTS.— William Buckley, Thomas Powell, Norbin B. Carr, Henry Rebell, Thomas Coch- rains. CORPLS. — ^John Walnscott, James RUey, Chrlsley Holcum, WUlis Shaw, John Hardasty, John M. Porbush, Jesse C. Johnson, Richard Hardasty. MUSICIANS— August Addler, Jacob Stewart. WAGONER— David A. Bell. FARRIER— Francis Kenn. PRIVATES— James Anderson, Pat Allen, Reuben Buckley, Clay- bourn Ball, Butler Bishop, James A. Barr, Alexander Bowles, William Booker, Elijah Bruce, Evermont Carter, Nathan Coons, Andrew S. Courtney, Williara Cook, Thoraas J. Carr, Joseph Cooper, Charles T. Dick, Richard Dike, John A. W. Dike, James Deans, Terrence Donley, Henry Fry, Jaraes Harlow, Robert Henson, William A. Henson, Samuel D. Henson, Joseph Hoskins, John T. Hays, Squire Irwin, Robert Jacobs, Abrahara Johnson, Asa Kitson, Ellas Lucket, Curtis Long, Anderson Lynch, William Miller, Mike McCluskey, Nicholas T. Murphrey, John Mahorney, Alfred Mahorney, Francis Mallory, AVUliam Ogden, Benja min Ogden, Thomas W. Parks, George Palmer, Williara H. Payton, John Parklnsson, Elijah G. Ray, Thomas Robinson, Joshua P. Raizer, Charles W. Roberts, Joseph D. Raizer, John W. Raizer, Joseph T. Raizer, James W. Raizer, Joseph Raizer, David Robinson, Elijah Shaw, David Suther land, AVUliam Saddler, John H. Sullivan, Wyatt J. Thoraas, Jacob Tey- ter, Joseph AValdren, John Yates, Daniel Buckhannon, Jefferson Beetlon, Joseph R. Davis, Wm. C. Duncan, George H. Head, WUliam C. Hett, William Matherly, David Richmond, Michael Stlnston, WUliam E. Tucker, Albert Halems, Elijah Martin, Craig Salyers, Benjamin Bartlett, Robert Estis, John Estis, George Graves, John Hoskins. Company " F." CAPTAIN— Robert D. Barr. 1st LIEUT.— John Moran. 2d LIEUT.- Benj. P. Meadows. SERGTS.— Daniel H. Abraras, Samuel D. Gossert, Geo. W. Cazell, Robert P. Griffiths, James W. Weatherton. CORPLS. —Melvin Colgrove, Stephen Douglas, Newton Sweeny, William H. Hunt, George W. Whitlock, Lewis Adle, Joseph Fox, Frederick Davis. MUSI CIANS— Gabriel H. Cazzell, Irvin Boring. WAGONER- Alford Hast ings. PRIVATES— Robert Arnold, Amos Allen, Robert M. Allen, Bazll Abrams, Wm. G. Alexander, James Alexander, Jno. C. Alexander, An derson P. Bush, Louis Brown, James Brown, John Blankeship, Thomas J. Burton, Francis Bryant, John H. Burton, Anderson Bryant, Joseph M. Cazell, Harvey Carr, Chas. W. Callihan, Henry Craft, WUliam Clark, James R. Clark, James H. Clark, Wm. M. Clark, Orrin P. Covert, Foster Dun, Isaac N. Dysard, James B. Griffin, William Griffiths, Martin M. Gullett, George W. Griffiths, James M. Hastings, WiUiam H. Howe, Ferdinand Huff, Thomas Jefferson, Robert Kelly, James Lunsford, Richard Litrell, WiUiam H. Lawwill, Jaraes B. Lee, Benj. P. Messer, John Mclntyre, WUliam Mitchell, Josephus A. MltcheU, Alvin Morton, James McKee, Jaraes H. McGuire, Benj. P. Morton, Richard M. Perry, Gilson Perkins, John Prideraore, John Riddle, Archibald RUey, John Reynolds, James RUey, David Roberts, Wm. R. Salyer, James Swear- iniger, Wm. H. Shuff, Arnold Snyder, Jaraes Vanbibber, John Visden, Alfred Weatheron, John WUllams, David White, Malterville Ramey, Nathaniel Carrington. Company "G." CAPTAIN— Emzy W. Easley. 1st LIEUT.— Nelson Parish. Sd LIEUT.— Lewis W. Sewell. SERGTS.— William B. Adaras, John Sparks, Levi Bryant, James M. Henderson, Eli C. Black. CORPLS.— Alphonsas Fifty-fourth Kentucky Mounted Infantry. 667 W. Hall, Joseph L. Ross, John L. Gough, George D. Monfort, John B. Welty, Lemuel Wentworth, James B. Matherly, Albert R. Bush. WAG- ONBR— John O. Wilhite. MUSICIAN- James H. Roberts. PRIVATES — Thoraas D. Aubry, Jaraes Adaras, Haden Arnsperger, Ottoway Bryant, Silas N. Banta, Harvy N. Black, Elza Black, Wiatt T. Black, Jordan Brockman, Simpson Baker, Abraham U. Demaree, James Dearinger, Perry Dixon, James W. Ersken, John W. Gulnn, James W. Graves, George W. Hall, John Hightue, James Harlow, Archibald Har low, John T. HoUy, William T. Harlow, Albert Holraes, Joseph T. Her man, Jesse Harris, Daniel W. Jones, WUliam H. Jacoby, David James, John James, Edmund T. James, James W. Jesse, Nathaniel P. Johnston, Murvan A. Kephart, James A. Kephart, AVUliam Knight, Joseph S. Mc Kee, John Meek, Joshua Miller, Walter Meadows, Perry Mobly, James W. Mobly, David Mitchell, Pleasant Mitchell, James H. Moore, William R. Moore, Benjamin Newman, Joseph M. Norman, Stephen H. Nye,. James R. Neale, William Pollard, John Piles, Jordan Rankin, John E. Roberts, Dudley Roberts, John W. Reaves, John Rains, Wm. B. Robin son, Clepso-n M. Robinson, WUUam Rice, John W. Simpson, George Simp son, WiUiara Short, John C. Sullivan, John O. Smith, James Smlzer, David Suter, Washington Shuck, James W. Shuck, George I. Stivers, John W. Stivers, Oliver Toombs, Robert A. Woldrldge, Nathan Young, Shadrach Brockman, Samuel CaldweU, John Clark, Joseph Thorapson, Peter S. Banta, Robert Carr, Jordon Kldwell, Benja-min Legan, Ellas H. Smith. Company "H." CAPTAIN— Daivid E. Roberts. 1st LIEUT.— Joseph G. Cooper. 2d LIEUT.— Archibald L. Scudder. SERGTS.— Gary J. McClellan, Benja min B. UrIe, Patrick O'Maley, Jaraes Parker, John W. Melvin. COR PORALS — Madison Brown, Lewis AV. Hunt, George R. Daulton, William H. Jamison, Richard Killgore, Charles E. Nelson, Elijah Hatcher, Wra. P. Bell. MUSICIANS— Marion Ryder, John M. Sheppard. WAGONER —Henry Crawford. PRIVATES — Taylor Alexander, James Austin, M. Blaine, Anthony Beasley, George W. Broadwell, Enoch G. Bridges, Araos Corwine, Will iam Cogan, John Collins, John D. Colburn, Francis Cobb, Jr., Jack N. Cooper, Mathew Cogan, Jame's W. Cox, Jaraes Drake, Thoraas P. Deg man, Thomas S. Forman, Richard Fitzgerald, Charles Hodge, George W. HoUiday, Wm. A. Holbrook, John E. Hunter, Mathew G. Huffman, John Kelley, David Kirk, Erasmus MItchel, Joseph MItchel, George R. Mar shall, WUliam McKinley, J. G. A. Middleton, Michael McCormick, Will iam Murphy, Samuel E. Morford, Thoraas Newman, Robert W. Nelson, John O'Connel, John W. Rogers, David Regan, Nathaniel R. Sylva, Jon athan Sheppard, George Sullivan, Jaraes Sartain, Joseph Spence, Daniel D. Taylor, WUUara Taylor, John Thurraan, Robert Thorapson, John J. Thorapson, John L. Thompson, Henry Valentine, AVUliam Valentine, David Walton, WUUam Wallace, Joseph Waters, Wm. P. WiUiams, Henry S. Wood, Patrick Burke, Thomas B. Dale, Thomas M. Luman, Edward Mitchell, John G. Rogers, George W. Thorapson, Wra. T. Duncan, Jerry Desraond, Jaraes HoUiday, Jaraes WlUIaras, Anderson Jackson, Augustus P. Marrls. Company "I." This corapany was never organized. Company " K." CAPTAIN— Robert P. Crupper. 1st LIEUT.— John N. Shane. 2d LIEUT —Dudley O. BraVard. SERGTS.- Daniel Kendrick, John S. Jolly, 'Thoraas P. Hanley, Allen BIglow, Be.nj. F. Meeker. CORPLS.— WUUam A. MltcheU, George R. Parker, Charles Shane, Jasper Galbralth, Thomas Burke, James P. Shinkle, James I. Grigson, John T. Lytle. WAGONER— Elias R. Hester. PRIVATES— George Archibald, Squire Brierly, William Boughner, Wllll?,m Berry, John Brush, Joseph I. Boggus, Thomas Brierly, Caleb Cummins, Benj. Cummins, Henry Conrad, Joseph Cooper, John R. Clark, William EUis, Theodore Poree, Oscar B. Guy, George W. Golden, Hiram 668 Union Regiments- of Kentucky. Hull, WUliam Harvy, Robert Jolly, Thomas D. Kidder, Andrew J. King, Harry Lea, Hiram Llnvill, Francis Liest, John L. Lucus, Presley Mains, Henry Mefford, Fergus Moorehead, Robert MUler, George W. Mofford,^ John Mathews, George W. Moore, Sarauel MerrUl, George H. _McClana-' han, George Orme, Benj. P. Owens, Jerome B. Phillips, Charles Peck, Shelton Perkins, Francis Quinlln, John Revore, Randolph Roberson, Charles A. Reed, James R. Reed, Thomas Riece, William Simons, Wm. Sanders, John W. Sraith, George W. Sanders, Robert Sellers, John Tacker, Sarauel W. Thompson, Peter H. Vories, John W. Vandergriff, Beaufort Woods, Sarauel Wood, Randolph Wilson, James M. Walker, Edraund Williams, Gilbert Young, Williara Conrad, Wra. P. Frier, Wm. Hopkins, John Linville, Lee Arnold, Alfred Boyce, Jaraes T. Conelly, James D. Willlaras, Thoraas Mattingley, Jam.es M. Prewitt. Fifty-fifth Kentucky Mounted Infantry, The following is the mention of this regiment contained in the adjutant-general's report: "The 55th Ky. Infantry was raised under special au thority from the War Department, and was organized at Covington, Ky., in November, 1864. It was mounted and performed duty in the counties bordering on the Ken tucky Central railroad, until ordered on the Saltville ex pedition under Gen. Burbridge. On this expedition it performed good and efficient service, and was favorably mentioned by the commanding general, among other troops of his division, for gallant bearing in the face of the enemy. After the return from Virginia the regiment was, by detail, posted in various counties of the state to protect the citizens from depredations of guerrillas, upon which duty it remained until mustered out at Louisville, Ky., on the 19th day of September, 1865." The regiment was recruited by Col. Weden O'Neal in the months of September, October and November, 1864, at a time when there was a great demand for troops in Kentucky to protect the state from guerrillas. It served in Gen. JMcLean's division, who made his headquarters at Lexington. Noyember 17, 1864, the 55th, having reported at Lex ington, was ordered by Gen. McLean to proceed to Cov ington and report for duty at that place. It was then directed to join the forces which were hastily gathered in Kentucky to proceed, under command of Gen. Stone man, on the expedition in Southwestern Virginia. These troops moved through the mountains of Kentucky into East Tennessee, and in December, 1864, went up the Ten nessee valley to Bristol, Va. From that point they .pro ceeded to the salt Avorks, which they destroyed. This ex- Fifty-fifth Kentucky Mounted Infantiy. 669 pedition was in very severe weather, and the suffering of the troops Avas great Gen. Stoneman, in his report, says: The conduct of his troops was all that could have been expected of veterans. Neither danger, long marches, sleepless nights, hunger nor hardships brought forth a complaint, and the utmost harmony and good feeling prevailed throughout. During the remainder of the winter the 55th was em ployed in Kentucky, and when the spring opened its duties became very active. April 18, 1865, Gen. Hobson, at Lexington, reports as follows : I have succeeded in mounting and equipping five hundred and thirty- five men of the 55th Ky. Mounted Infantry. Orders have been for warded the comraanding officer, directing hira to scout all the counties west of the Central Kentucky railroad to the Kentucky river, and the counties of Campbell, Bracken, Mason, Fleraing, Nicholas, Harrison and Pendleton, east of the Kentucky Central railroad. This arrange ment and disposition of my coraraand will corapletely break up guer rilla bands in the counties and sections of country named. Gen. Hobson, in his order to Col. O'Neal, directed him to "respect private property of citizens, and in every in stance give proper receipts for forage. . . . It is expected that your command will behave as true soldiers, patriots and gentlemen. I have full confidence in your regiment, and believe and hope that my wishes and instructions will be fully complied with." The 55th continued in the performance of this service during the remainder of its term, until it was mustered out in September, 1865. It was a full regiment, number ing eight hundred and seventy-five men, and performed it duty faithfully and well. After the war Col. O'Neal held the office of United States marshal for Kentucky, in 1876 and 1877. The surgeon of this regiment was Dr. E. R. Palmer, the well-known and prominent physician of Louisville, ¦ after the war. Field and Staff. COLONEL— Weden O'Neal. LIEUT. COLONEL— Thos. J. Williams. MAJOR— Silas Howe. ADJTS.— John E. Calvert, Robert C. Snead. Q. MASTER— Geo. L. Huey. SURGEON— Benj. P. Slaughter. ASST. SURGEON- E. R. Palmer. CHAPLAIN— John R. Reasoner. SERGT. MAJOR— Wm. B. Kelly. Q. M. SERGT.— John W. AVare. COM. SER GEANT— Wm. H. H. Garrett. HOSP. STEWARD— EU N. Langley. MU SICIANS— George Beilstein, Charles C. Eckert. Company "A." CAPTAINS— James M. Riddell, Wm. E. Arnold. 1st LIEUTS.—Wm. S. Butts, Washington Craven. 2d LIEUT.— George B. Clore. SERGTS. —Thomas M. Huston, Benjamin P. Neal, Alfred B. Whitlock, John Cave, Pldellus H. Snelling. CORPLS.— James T. McMurray, Jaoob Bethel. 670 Union Regiments of Kentucky. Rabbi Stuokey, Omer D. Perkins, James W. Dear, John W. Kirkpatrio, John J. Sherrlll, John L. Sanford. MUSICIAN- Henry S. Fenton. WAGONER— Peter Harton. PRIVATES-WUliam Allen, Wm. W. Anderson, Enoch J. Anderson, Austin Anderson, Abraham Anderson, John H. Bailey, Jaraes Baldwin, John Bricking, Samuel Cantwell, WiUiara C. Calvert, Jonas Dear, Churchill Dear, John H. Dinn, Joseph Pox, Joseph Graham, Amos O. Hall, Elijah Hodges, John Handrew, Josiah Jenkins, Peter Keime, George K. Moore, James McDanlel, Williara Moreland, Robert Moore, Silas D. Merchant, Jaraes McCune, Peter Naseras, John P. Olds, Harry Powell, John Phillips, John Patterson^ Philip Raedchin, Adison D. Rob bins, WUUara Rook, Bernard Schwerman, Abraham Slayback, Sandford Sparks, Jaraes W. Stewart, John Sraith, Erastus T. Sebree, Francis Saxton, Thoraas Sullivan, .Williara Turner, Tilmon S. Turner, John M. Turner, Washington Utz, Wesley UnderhlU, Jacob Vandegraft, Wra. J. Icenogle, John H. Kelly, Lecester Nichols, Henry F. PerneU, P^anklln M. West, Wra. B. Kelly, Henry D. Baker, Jesse Bachelpr, Hezekiah Crawford, Thomas D. Popham, Daniel Render, Martin V. Rector, John AuU, Barrell Adkins, James H. Baker, Levi Crandell, James Carroll, Tiraothy Collins, Charles Crane, Franklin Dewey, Jaraes Drake, A. N. Dickey, David Enmond, Lawrence Petterman, Peter Parian, John A. Finley, Patrick Ferrell, John P. Fox, WUliam Greeden, Henry Gresuber, Jaraes Hodges, Howell Hanners, Charles Haley, Mathias Heller, Michael Loud, Jesse Lindsey, George P. Morrill, William Martin, Thomas Massey, Edward Mathews, John Mongon, Charles Miller, Franklin Mclntire, Patrick Norton, Lewis Perrin, John Ryon, William RusseU, Thomas Richer, Charles RIttscher, John H. Shoemaker, Joseph Show, William Wilson, John WUliam?. Company "B." CAPTAIN— John C. Richards. 1st LIEUT.— Gary LongfeUow. 2d LIEUT.- George W. Story. SERGTS.— Wm. J. Sleet, John T. Ralston, Virginlus Webber, Benjamin F. Goin, AVm. H. Jackson. CORPLS.— Columbus Sisson, Wm. W. Reed, Anthony Kleesaltel, Levi P. Jackson, EUjah Hall, Wm. M. Wagner, Robert B. Jones, Moses H. Anderson. WAGONER— George W. Lee. PRIVATES— John T. Anderson, Augustus Bladen, Thomas Black- well, Usilius Beard, Thomas Beard, John B. Breden, George W. Brown, James T. Craig, Daniel Clarke, Thomas J. Dale, Wm. W. Day,. Conrad Densler, James Donly, Sylvester Englln, Garrett Furnish, James D. Furnish, Ballard Foley, Leftrldge Foley, Williara Fortner, Francis M. Graham, Abraham Graves, Thoraas A. Goin, Lyraan Gulnn, Jordan Har ris, Jaraes H. Hueston, Joseph Harper, Joseph Jacobs, Charles P. Jack son, Pleasant B. Jackson, James K. Jackson, John P. Johnston, Samuel J. Johnston, Ellhue G. Jackson, Erall K. Jenkins, James Knox, Marshall Lindsey, Robert W. Level, Joseph Miller, AVUliam O'Neal, John B. Pat terson, Charles Rider, Peter H. Reed, Thomas P. Smith, Owen A. Salo mon, John, Shaw, Erastus Samuel, Harvey B. Toon, Thomas J. Webber, Thomas Winn, Anthony Walters, Charles H. Williams, George E. Wick- ham, Samuel Gustln, John J. Level, Thomas H. Ross, Aaron Armstrong, John B. Craig, WUiiara Hendrew, WlUIam T. Anderson, Lewis Blltt, James Cornelius, Michael Cassedy, Joseph Davis, Michael Gallager, Jacob Gibson, John Greer, WUiiara T. Hughes, Charles J. Jones, Jolin Martin, William McHenry, James Moore, Thomas O'Harra. MUSI CIANS— Jacob A. Craig, Augustus Metts. Company " C." CAPTAIN-James P. Robinson. 1st LIEUT.— Calvin Griffin. 2d LIEUT.— Nehemiah Spradlln. SERGTS.— George B. Cason, Henry J. Spradling, Robert W. May, Harvy D. Spradling, Benjamin D. Green, James W. McQuUlln. CORPLS.— Solomon C. Lawson, Martin V. Salyers, Archibald Childers, Asberry B. King, John W. Lawson, James A. Martin, Hugh Clark, John B. Doan, John W. Rose. WAGONER— Joshua P. ^rrello. FARRIER- Campbell W. Stamper. MUSICIANS— James Wilson. Richard Yantlce. Fifty-fifth Kentucky Mounted Infantry. 671 PRIVATES— James A. Allen, Johh D. Angel, Marlon Boyd, Joe] Beagle, John T. Bell, Jesse H. Cole,' WUUam T. Cornwell, Solomon Cox John B. Fleraing, David Godby, George W. Gruwell, Joseph H. GUvan John GuUy, James H. Hargls, Wm. A. Jones, George Jones, Wm. Jolly Joshua King, Newton King, Wra. A. Lang, James P. Landrum Abner M. Lawson, George W. Maddox, Amos G. Morehead, James K Nickels Thomas Spradling, Benj. Spradling, Wm. H. Thorapson, James S. Varner' Geo. H. WUson, Thos. J. C. Washam, WiUiam M. WiUiams, John English' Daniel Fallon, Alfred Gastrel, Alexander Gressner, John Hawley Thomas McCormick, August Schoedel, Chas. P. Tlraberlake, Jacob An derson, William Brown, Daniel D. Brown, Robert Bragg, William Bruce James Carlln, Charles CoUyer, Charles Carlisle, Williara Clarke, Charles Colly, William Connelly, Charles Devine, WUliam Donivan, Wm B Pltzgillen, David Fox, Jno. W. Geary, Charies B. Hart, Jno. T. Hatch, Michael Kelly, Franklin Lawrence, John McCarty, Henry Meckey, James Moore, John MiUer, Sr., John Miller, Jr., Wm. L. Moore, Oeorge Ross, James Reid, Michael Sraith, George W. Sanders, Charles E. Sil- bert, George Sraall, George E. Smith, Henry Wilson, James Wilson, Thoraas Ward. I Company "D." CAPTAIN— John E. Calvert. 1st LIEUT.— Wm. H. Drlnkard. 2d LIEUT.— Dennis W. Haley. SERGTS.— Alfred T. Gastrell, Henry C. Moles, George W. Hawley, James LIckliter, John Hawley, John Mor rison, Wm. H. H. Garnett, James Anderson. CORPLS.— Isaac W. Young, Andrew Kimmell, Marion Beckum, Michael Madden, John McNary. PRIVATES— Michael Affell, William Barber, John Q. Barber, Sara uel Brand, Jacob Burlein, Charles Calhoun, Joseph Carapbell, Wm. P. Delaney, John English, Patterson Fitzgerald, Alexander Gressner, WUliam Gienand, WUUam Gillis, Thomas GUlis, Wra. H. Glore, Jaraes B. Hawley, Albert Hawkey, Charles B. Howard, Wm. P. Hughes, Thomas A. Johnson, Hayden M. Jones, Silas Lawyer, Jaraes A. Long, WUford Murphy, August Metz, Thoraas McCorraick, WUiiara Neff, Soloraon Pet tit, John Street, John Saxton, John H. Triplett, Jaraes W. Welch, An drew J. Cassldy, Perry Harris, Geo. W. Holman, Samuel Hard, Jacob Kuhr, Wra. H. Linn, Benjarain Moosley, James P. Neeley, John Shep pard, George Stickrod, Charles Tlraberlake, Williara Yarber, John D. Angel, Joel Beagle, Hugh Clark, Solomon Cox, Charles C. Eckert, Will iam Fortner, Benjamin D. Green, John GuUy, Jaraes E. Martin, M. V. Salyer, Thomas Ward, James Lynch, Wra. Anelsbrook, Wm. Biggs, Louis Blltt, Edward Boothe, Henry Brown, George Baker, John Clark, Jno. W. Comstock, Morton Cumrains, Edward P. Curtis, Wra. Edwards, Wllber Pisk, Wra. A. Foster, Daniel Fallen, Jas. E. Goodraan, Thos. Harris, John High, Robert King, Martin Lee, John Lomur, James Long, Geo. W. MUler, Jas. H. MiUer, Joel M. Morgan, Saral. McKady, Jaraes Madden, John Martin, Jaraes Molly, John Nolen, John Newell, Thoraas Ryen, Wra. StuU, August Schordt, Geo. L. Thompson, Francis Turner, Richard WeUs, Henry Wattsen, Bethele Hlllson. Company " E." CAPTAIN— Charles McBeath. 1st LIEUT.— James H. White. 2d LIEUT.— Geo. W. White. SERGTS.— Charles AValters, Syburn Lain, Wiatt B. Goad. CORPLS. — Thomas Pord, Andrew W. Hester, Byron A. Gardner, Henry Deaver, Joseph B. Tennelly, Thoraas Birge, Wm. W. Tyree, Levi Gravatte, Joseph Haun. MUSICIANS— Leroy D. Living ston, James B. Walden. WAGONER — Richard Moore. PRIA'-ATES- Thoraas Burros, Wesley Blankenship, Thos. H. Blank enship, Thomas C. Buley, Charles B. Clark, Francis M. Cable, Julius M. Crawley, Lawson Daniels, Abner D. Dudley, Geo. W. Durbin, Thomas Deaver, Amos Eniglan, Irvin Frogg, George W. French, John W. Gill, George W. Golley, John H. Gibson, William Hornback, John Harman, Robert Howell, John H. Johnston, Thomas W. Johnston, WilUam Jones,. Robert KHlI-an, Richard Lyons, Jaraes McCoy, Jaraes A. Merryfield, WUliam A. Mitohum, Haywood M. Moore, James M. Mundy, Benjamin M. Morris, John Malone, John Mayfield, Alfred Newton, James 672 Union Regiments of Kentucky J. Newton, Benjarain D. Orr, Oad Orras, John A. Richards, Jasper E. Robarts, Achison E. Robertson, Nathan L. Slinker, Joseph Slinker, Jaraes T. Shoeraake, Pashall Saltsman, Benj. W. Spaulding, WUliam Stead man, William Vance, John G. Wise, James Walls, William R. Wade, Robert Whitlock, Wra. R. Whltelessee, W-ra. P. Wright, John Barnes, Peter Green, John Hall, John Burrls, Lelbond H. Dikkerson, Jesse Jones, John T. Waid, Thoraas H. Bums, James Brayden, George Emmery, Robert Hornback, Charles Heldt, Jefferson Morris. Company "F." CAPTAIN— Thomas W. Hardlman. 1st LIEUT.— Thomas J. McHat ton. 2d LIEUT.— Cinclnnatus Murphy. SERGEANTS— Gustav Bohn, Jaraes AA'. Kites, John H. Miller, Jackson Long, James A. Goforth. CORPLS.— Jaraes Eldred, George W. Parish, Wm. M. Hood, John Goins, Charles T. Dyas, Baron K. Kemboll, Elijah Carley, John Howell. PRIVATES — Montgomery Adams, Samuel P. Arnold, John Aldridge, Jesse Baker, John P. Boyd, Daniel Bolden, MUton Beavors, Barney Bat tle, Joseph Ballinger, John Cushard, William A. Crittenden, Israel Cole, Jacob A. Craig, Stephen Cotter, William H. Debo. William H. -Evans, WUliam H. Egleston, John Bwbanks, John Englan, William Bmeneg- ger', Thoraas PuUelove, Charles L. Fields, William L. Garrett, 'Henry C. Gibson, James W. Glore, John J. Glore, Davis C. Glore, John J. Given, Thoraas Henney, Andrew J. Hall, Tapley Hanson, Thoraas G. Hayden, Henry W. Hartzell, Charles H. Littleton, Joseph S. Latham, Edwin Mur phy, John M. McAllister, Andrew Morgan, George W. McCall, Wililam McMuUen, Angus Manning, William R. McGone, Asa C. Noe, Robert Neal, James O'Connor, Robert P. Prater, Zenis Patterson, Laban, L. Rex, George W. Roberts, Thomas H. Reynolds, Joseph Roswell, Samuel Rich, William Smith, Albert Shindler, Jaraes Swain, WUUam Shermer, Patrick H. Shearer, Wra. H. ToUe, Benj. P. Thorapson, David Vennum, Henry J. Walker, William West, Augustus H. AValker, John W. Worley, Samuel AVolford, Tandy A. Warner, Patrick Woods, Richard Wells, Jaraes Crow, ThOraas Cayton, Francis M. Cunnlnghara, John Dickson, Joel M. Elliott, John Fink, Jaraes Lyons, Clayborn C. Yowell, Aaron Arrastrong, Wm. H. Brown, George L. Huey, EU N. Langley, John T. Bondurant, Lawson Bumfin, John T. Lampton, George W. Lucas, Alex ander McPherson, Wm. H. Reed, John Andus, Henry Acres, Wm. Ack man, George P. Albert, Joseph Bryant, John Burdick, Williara Brown, John Burns, Patrick W. Burke, George Barnes, Vivian P. Bailey, John Cove, Edward Dorman, Thomas Duncan, Eli Diamond, John Priraan, Riohard A. J. Holmes, Albert Jones, Thoraas Johnson, William Johnson, Franklin Kellogg, Franklin Lands, Daniel Madden, Lawrence Murphy, Charles Schmidt, Blanton SneU, Jaraes Shearwood, Gaddick Sraith, LaW'' rence V. White, Daniel White, John T. Williams, George Young. Company "G." CAPTAIN— Peter S. Jones. '1st LIEUT.— George M. Harper. 2d LIEUT.— John N. Buchanan. SERGTS.-Edward D. Scott, WUliam Austin, Benj. P. Scheie, Charles Koph, Albert Ceaser Clayton, Wm. Wright, Sidney Sprouse, Michael B. Pry. CORPLS. — Jacob Axe, WUl iam Buckley, Elias Brown, Charles Stickler, Daniel Hathaway, Conrad Dlntleraan, Daniel Bardwell, Frederick Cubblns, Thomas Kerr. PRIVATES— Jesse Abbott, Harmon Ashberry, William Brown, Wm. H. Brown, John Cleary, Patrick DurrlU, James L. Davis, Frederick Ehrempford, Milton H. Gore, Charles Gardner, John Hegan, Casemer Hillerlck, Louis Huber, Adolph Haze, James W. Jackson, Leman C. KeUara, Jackson Ledford, Thoraas Ledford, Major E. Lee, Henry C. Lucas, Peter Moreback, John Messlnger, George W. Messlnger, Harrison MUler, Francis Manahan, Frederick MiUer, Jaraes A. Matthes, Noah Plercefield, John Shaw, Jacob Sraith, Gabriel Smaltz, Prank Spindler, Frank Snyder, Andrew Severs, John Stephens, James Bethuran, Wiley R. Daugherty, Michael Heltz, Henry Ley, John Massey, Wm. H. Snead, Edgar Warrlner, Wm. H. Hood, Francis M. McDonald, John MiUer, Thoraas T. Burge, George Berkley, Benjamin Fry, John Fisher, WUliam Gilbert, James Hudson, WUUam Hammer, Alexander Johnston, John Fifty-fifth Kentucky Mmmted Infantry. 673 Lynch, James Lewis, Andrew Lewis, John Moss, Jackson Pierce, James W. Patterson, Frank Reed, Michael Rodgers, Lewis Rice, William Riley, George Sanders. Joseph W. Thompson, John H. Weedman, George Will iams, Frank Walk, Frank Wilson. Company "H." CAPTAIN— o-corge Welker. 1st LIEUT.— Gottleib Jennerlch. 2d LIEUTS.— John C. Bishop, Robert C. Snead. SERGTS.— Constantine Scholz, Wm. Watkins, John W. Workman, Otto Schubert, Anthony Hook. CORPLS.— Fredgrick Schmidt, John Wagner, Greta Montgomery, Philip Seitz, Samuel H. Debo, Christian Welker, Alonzo Brown, James Gilpin, Allen Stiles, Charles Molloy. PRIVATES— Noah Anderson, Geo. Burkert, James Buchanan, John Burkhardt, David Biehl, James Brooking, John Boarley, Battasar Becker, Albert Bradley, John Blgam, Charles Blehler, Mathias Basler, James Cruckshank, Theodore Denning, Joseph Eckstien, Frederick Gul- storf, Edward Gary, Reuben Gerrett, Henry Grieshaber, Gustav Henry, John Hlckey, James Johnson, Frederick Kinner, Anton Klass, Charles Klapper, Charles Kuss, Prank Lewis, Warren Lewis, VFrank Miller, Thomas Murrey, Charles McClark, Thoraas McMahon, Francis S. NUes, James Nugent, Michael O'Brlan, William Redrew, John Pearson, Har lan Pollock, John Seibolt, Leopold Slgraeielr, Eugene Seilbert, Henry Sirapson, Philip Sturtz, John Sullivan, James Stopher, George Seep, Leonard Slgmund, Casemir Schonbuhler, Henry D. Tate, George Wilson, Wra. H. Dean, William Kombs, David Kenkath, Prank Metz, Joseph Myers, WUliam Osburn, James Tablen, George Beilstein, Clifton Dwyer, Thomas Brown, James Dennis, Jaraes Dwyer, William Fletcher, David Gage, Sidney W. Harris, David Jones, George Krautz, Robert Kitson, James King, Christian Kloos, Ephraira S. Merritt, Charles Martin, James Marshall, Watsin Mitchell, George McCaudles, Charles Perry, John Scott, Charles Simpson, John L. Waller, James Wilson, John Wil son, Michael Walch. Connpany " I." CAPTAIN— Alex. W. LawwIU. 1st LIEUT.— James S. Hise. 2d LIEUT.— Frank Blanchard. SERGTS.— Wm. Ray, Milton P. Bennett, Harper Hunt, Wm. H. Cox, Wra. W. Cook. CORPLS.— John Cole, John A. Wilson, Wra. Ramsey, John Terrell, Wra. Jaraes McAllister, Andrew J. Lambert, Richard Downey, John Maley. MUSICIANS— James Pres ton! Walter Calvert. WAGONER— Samuel P. Bridges. PRIVATES— Christian Adkins, John W. Allen, George W. Baker, William A. Bruce, Oscar H. Bridges, Alkenah Brown, WUUam A. Brown, Paul Grain, John Grain, Gerard David, Jno. N. Dale, Geo. W. Davis, Thomas Ellis, Daniel P. Basly, Geo. W. Enyart, MUton W. Pondray, John Ford, Williara Gilraore, Reuben Herald, George Harwood, George Hall, Wra. H. H. Jacobs, Thoraas Kehoe, Henry Keibler, Marshall Logan, Daniel Lob, Edmund Long, David Lewis, John V. Morgan, Jaraes Minor, Gary McClelland, Wm. A. Martin, Richard P. Meyers, Wm. H, Newcom, Joseph Nevell, Thoraas H. Ollnger, Andrew J. Osburn, John R. Page, Henry Plumer, Lewis PerneU, Preston Rollins, Thomas D. Russell, James M. Skinner, James P. Scott, Uriah Spoonamor, John P. Smith, John Tomlinson, William Tackett, James WUson, Ezra White, Johs Welch, John Walllngford, Calvin Yates, Jaraes Yazel, Jacob Yoechar, Jaraes M. Ammons, Mastin Brown, General Taylor Hornsby, Thomas J. Knickell, James A. KnickeU, Ambrose Loyd, Wm. McClain, WUliam Rodgers, Charles Richards, Thomas Randall, Jeremiah WUson, WiUiara Sloane, Sarauel Anderson, Joseph Barnes, Peter Bates, John Corlef, James Con ner, John CoUins, John Harrison, Anderson B. Ivey, William Kenedy, George W. Lewis, Patrick Madigan, John McCarty, Charles Osburn, William Ramey, Wm. R. Scott, William Thomas, Lewis Zenoai. Company " K." CAPTAIN— Wm. E. GUlaspie. 1st LIEUT.— Jonathan R. Ward. 2a LIEUT.— Jacob P. Phipps. SERGTS.-John W. Heck, Marshall Glllas- 4S 674 Union Regiments of Kentuch/. pie, James Rice, Thomas Moore, Oliver Walllngford, John A. Priddy. CORPLS.— John Gleason, Miles A. WaUingford, James B. Priddy, Am brose Garland, Jacob Smith, John Courtney, William T. Snead, Thomas Gleason, Thomas C. Morris. PRIVATES— Philip J. Bladner, John S. Blades, WiUiam Breeding, John D. Bruler, John A. Burns, John P. Barker, William Bustard, Thomas J. Curry, Samuel V. Clark, Wililam Dollan, William B. Dewitt, Josiah Ellltt, David Praikes, John S. Frank, George H. Gill, John W. Graves, Eldridge Green, John Gallagher, John Hamilton, Abner H. Haley, George W. Jackson, Samuel E. Judd, Andrew Kirk, James Lowery, Thomas Miller, Benjamin Montgomery, John O-s^ens, Theodore Richards, James B. Russell, Jonathan Riggs, Jerry Srygley, Sampson Seals, Solo mon Sullivan, William A. Summers, Thomas Tuohoy, Richard Wad- kins, Dennis Walker, George Wells, Jdhn T. Williams, John Young, Jacob AUstatt, Michael DIngman, WUUara Ginn, John Heninger, Francis Kirkpatrick, Hugh Lockwood, William Summers, Lyman Thompson, Levi Wheeler, John T. Avery, George Downard, William Middleton, James W. Mobley, Alfred A. Raymorid, Orson Young, John Able, Ed ward Burke, Charles Barlow, Charles Brown, Daniel Carr, George Car ter, George Degan, Charles English, James Enos, Franklin Gale, David Hammel, James King, George Mitchell, Charles Mitchell, Philip Mangin, Willia'm Moore, John Moody, .Matthew Sidles, Henry Snyder, Charles Thompson, Jasper C. Thorpe, Andrew William. First Kentucky Independent Battery. 675 BATTERIES. First Kentucky Independent, or Simmond's, Battery, In the roll of the 1st Ky. Volunteer Infantry as given in the adjutant-general's report nnder the head of Com pany E, we read: "This company was detached early in 1861, and after ward designated as the 1st Ky. Independent Battery." We also read in the adjutant-general's report: "This battery was organized as Company E, of the 1st Ky. Infantry, at Camp Clay, Ohio, in 1861, and detached as artillery October 31, 1861, by the Secretary of War at the instance of Gen. Rosecrans then commanding in West ern Virginia. It was mustered into the United States service (as Company E, in the 1st Ky. Infantry), on the 3d day of June, 1861, by Maj. S. Burbank, 1st U. S. In fantry. It was assigned to the Department of West Vir ginia, and participated in all the engagements in that department. It was originally commanded by Capt. Seth J. Simmonds until March, 1864, when Capt. Daniel W. Glassie assumed command and under him it veteran ized at Charleston, W. Va." In an official report made by Gen. J. D. Cox, from Charleston, W. Va., April 5, 1862, he says: "Simmond's battery consists of three 10-pounder Parrotts, two bronze rified James' guns, 10-pounders, one smooth iron 6- pounder (captured from Wise), and has besides under its care two 20-pounder Parrotts and one smooth bronze 6- pounder. Capt. Simmonds has not men enough to man more than six pieces. His company was an infantry company in the 1st Ky. Infantry and was transferred to the artillery by consent of the Secretary of War. They did good service through all of the last campaign and are thoroughly reliable." This battery served with great credit in all the cam paigns in Western Virginia in the early part of the war, and later was engaged in some of the great battles of the Army of the Potomac. The following mention of the points at which it was on the dates given, will show its great activity: ' 1861. November it was at Kanawha Falls. 1862. December, January, February, March and April at Gauley Bridge. 676 Union Regiments of Kentucky. 1862. May, June, July at Flat Top Mountain. 1862. August at Munson's Hill. 1862. September it was at South Mountain and An tietam, and received special and numerous mention in the reports of those battles. , 1862. October at Suttonville, W. Va. From November, 1862, to April, 1868, at Gauley Bridge; in May and June at Camp White, Va.; July and August at Gauley Bridge. From September, 1863, to January, 1864, at Camp Toland, Va. February, March and April at Fayetteville, Va. In May at Burgers Hall. June at Camp Piatt. July at Harper's Ferry. From August, 1864, to June, 1865, at Fort Puller, Va., and other places in that section. It participated in the following battles in which loss was sustained: Tyler's Mountain, Horse Shoe Bend, Cotton Mountain, Gauley Bridge, Wolf Creek, Cloyd Mountain, South Mountain, New River Bridge, Lynch burg, Saleih, Va.; also Frederick City and Antietam, Md. The adjutant-general of Kentucky says, in his offlcial re port in which it is mentioned, that "it was distinguished for gallantry, discipline and soldierly conduct through out its whole enlistment and the offlcers and men have received separate praise from the department com manders under whom they served." It was- mustered out at Louisville, Ky., July 10, 1865, having served with great activity throughout the entire period of the war. Roster. CAPTAINS— Seth J. Simmonds, Daniel W. Glassie. 1st LIEUTS.— James M. Kerr, George Hattersly, Robert C. Steen, Arthur Brenburgh, James AV". Conine, Lenord Magnos. 2d LIEUTS. — Frederick A. Danie, Hamilton B. White, Robert Johnson. SERGTS.— Joseph C. Troy, Wm. E. Outten, George E. O'Brien, James B. Flack, John Mahar, Henry Secrist, Thoraas R. Gockel, Andrew Black, George R. Mcintosh, Jacob Best, August Selley, Wm. N. Woodruff, Charies H. Fox, Joseph O'Con nor, Lewis D. Simmons. CORPLS.— Herman Kruse, John Wlllholf, Christian Haller, August Helster, Julius Walter, George Wise, Joseph Connelly, Daniel B. Davidson, Frank Schlick, John H. Curwood, Robert B. Muir, Philip Metsker, Herman Walters, Morten Premer, George Hager, Dennis Sulllven, Frederick Themer, James A. Goodwin, Mathias N. Helmap, Joseph Omish, Franklin Bowers, Andrew W. Lowden. ARTIFICERS— Peter Fox, Jacob Diehl, Jr., Frederick Brown, George Lynch. BUGLERS — James Semple, Jaraes Whitehead, Charles Carteir. SADDLERS- Henry Tompkins, William Huth. WAGONERS- Charles Ramp, John McLain. DRUMMER— Samuel Curamins. PRIVATES— John A. Bennlnger, John Barnes, George Beer, Albert Oarr, George A. Carder, James C. Dllllan, Charles P. Donahue, John Doulan, Jeremiah Donavan, John M. Dryer, John Evers, WUliam Eman, Andrew Folk, Jaraes Gabriel, John Gosler, Peter Hertz, Bernard Hohen- derf, John Hadley, George Hardy, John H. Johnson, George L. Johnson, ' Battery A. 677 Henry Krainig, William J. Knapp, Otto Kampfe, John Kerner, Robert Lynn, Christian Llmbaugh, Allen Larrison, John Metz, Christian Martz, Dan^id MUler, Jaraes Murray, WiUiara Overbeok, John O'NeU, David Preston, David Purday, Charles Peck, Christian Puff, Benj. D. Roberts, Charles H. Roberts, George Ruthier, Chancy Stevens, Antony Sals- mann, Harrison S. Saffln, WUliam Shaw, Henry Williams, Conrad Weitzel, Christian Allen, Joseph Bankhart, Freeraan Brooks, John Brady, John Brown, .George Bowers, Levi Bladger, Walter Butler, Valentine Borery, Henry Craraer, Joseph Christ, Mathias Clue, Edward Carson, Dommick Croghan, Robert Chappie, George Decherd, WUUara Dedrick, Thoraas Doraile, Frederick Eveline, Franklin Frown, Julius Frank, John Green, John S. Hewett, Jacob Hoffraan, Lawrence Hanks, Dedrick Heske, George Hortzraire, Jacob Hill, Adam HiU, Albert M. Helraan, James Johnson, James S. Johnson, George Kenease, Adara Kluter, An tony Kaufraann, John M. LaBarth, Daniel Mahony, Franklin McCormlc, Franklin Monnlnger, George Martin, Conrad Nearman, Julius Paul, Charles Pence, Jaraes Palmer, Radolphus C. Relff, August Rewaldt, Francis Rauth, Alexander Rarasey, Otto Rainor, Louis StuU, Charles Stevens, Sigmond Smith, Lenord Smith, Bernard Sleven, -James B. Speed, Joseph Severs, Frederick Sigmond, William J. Thorapson, Frederick ViU, John Walser, Franklin Woodrow, Edwin Harrison, George Lewis, John H. Lear, Charles Pearsons, Henry J. Wllllaras, Jaraes B. Grant, Patrick Haley, PhUIp Roach, Oharles Reldle, Albert Barraan, William K. Lewis, Abner Perry, Naman Sohoenerer, WUliam J. Tompson, Edward Walker, Araos D. Slevens, John Miller, Joseph H. Toy, John W. Thatcher, Bartlett Smith, Charles Adams, L. Altic, Abraham Bidwell, Allison Byers, Thurraan Cenesen, Henry H. Crarapton, WiUiara Cliraer, Benja min Conklln, Thoraas Clifford, John R. Davis, Richard Everheart, J. D. Flatter, A. S. Lynn, J. C. Myers, John Newse, Edward Peterson, Henry Richardson, Oliver Shearer, Calvin WUllams, WUUam Woodard, Weaver, George Algire, Christian Casper, Henry C. DlUlnger, William Ellison, John Eagle, John W. HIgby, Jacob Hipp, John Pflun, Antony Sheible, Benjarain Unlucky, Adam J. Adams, Michael Armstrong, Will iam Bitsker, Herraan Berger, Lewis L. Brorawell, Antony Bollnger, Frederick Bohler, Frank Brenot, James Curry, James Conway, Thomas Donavan, James P. Fitzgerald, George P. Fulks, George Flhr, George Gill, Jacob Goo.denburger, August Gardner, Conrad Green, James A. Gardner, Charles Hall, William T. Hughes, John Hench, George W. ' Hency, Sidney Henry, James Henderson, Just Hoppy, Charles Kerman, Earnst Kenner, Michael Kinsler, Chas. Kever, Benj. P. Louden, Henry Lefker, Frederick Lorman, Herman Lentz, David Monroe, William Musser, Jacob May, John Z. Miller, Michael Madden, Charles E. March, Charles Melle, -Alexander Morrison, Henry Nagle, Prank Oscar, Louis Panzram, Eraanuel Preston, Peter Rotell, John Romer, Charles Richards, George Shoemaker, George Smith, James Sloam, Charies Smith, John Shea, Henry Shrimpton, Jaraes Snider, Vincent Thome, Charles Tar rant, John Tompson, Henry Twonlivevel, Louis Wagner, James M. Wilson, James Watson, Grey J. WUllams, George Werst, August Wouns. Daniel Johns. Battery A, This battery was sometimes called. Stone's Battery anil sometimes the First Ky. Battery. It was organized in July, 1 861, at Camp Jo Holt, opposite Louisvilfe. In the account of the Louisville Legion or 5th Ky. Infantry, it can be seen how Gen. Rousseau established this camp in July, 1861, and assembled there several thousand Ken tuckians for enlistment in the Union service. From these 678 Union Regiments of Kentucky. men at Camp Jo Holt, Capt David C. Stone, of Louisville, organized at that time a battery which went by his name popularly, but was designated as Battery A. When the Confederate troops came into Kentucky, September, 1861, Gen. Rousseau took his men from Camp Jo Holt through Louisville aud down the Nashville railroad to Mul draugh's Hill. Capt. Stone's battery was with this force, and it was at Muldraugh's Hill that his men were mus tered into the United States service, September 27, 1861. From Muldraugh's Hill it went southward to Nolin, Ky., and it was there or in that vicinity until in February, 1862. When the Confederates fell back from Kentucky on acount of the fall of B^'ort Donelson in February, Bat tery A was taken to Nashville, being attached to Gen. Mc Cook's division of the ariny under Gen. Buell. From Nashville it moved with Buell's army to Pittsburg Land ing. Gen. McCook says, in his report, it did not arrive in time to go into action. Passing over the field of Shiloh it went before Corinth, Miss., where it continued until that place was evacuated by Bragg's forces. It then accom panied Buell's army during the summer of 1862. Ih June it was at Florence, Ala.; in July at Battle Creek; in Au gust at Pelham, Tenn. It moved with Buell's army to Kentucky, and engaged in the battle of Perryville. The part this battery took in that battle is noticed in all of the accounts that have been written. They all agree in giving great credit to its work. Gen. McCook says, in his report: "The posting of Starkweather's brigade and Stone's and Bush's batteries saved my left." Gen. Rous seau says: "A large body of the enemy's cavalry appear ing one and a half miles to the front it was admirably shelled and dispersed in great disorder by Capt. Stone's l*t Ky. Artillery." He also again speaks of the "admir able work" of Stone's battery. After Bragg left Kentucky, Battery A returned to Nashville, and on December 31, 1862, participated in the battle of jMurfreesboro, or Stone's river, being as effec tive there as at Perryville, though suffering more, not only in men but also in tbe loss of horses. After the battle it remained at Murfreesboro and in that part of Tennessee, going from place to place as ordered for about a year Up to February, 1863, it was commanded by Capt. Stone; after that by Capt. Thomasson. During the year 1863 the battery was taken to numerous points on marches and reconnoissances, among them was one in September to Stevenson, Ala. Being selected for the defenses of Nashville and mid dle Tennessee and the railroads in that section, it was Battery A. 679 kept there during the winter, spring and summer of 1864. In January, 1864, it went into the veteran organization. In October, 1864, it was at Tantalon Station, Tenn., and in November at Pulaski. At that place it was attached to the 4th Army Corps, under Gen. Stanley, which had been sent to proceed with other troops under Gen. Scho field to resist Hood's movement northward. From Pu laski it fell back with the Federal forces under Schofield through Columbia and Spring Hill to Franklin, where it took a leading part in that battle, November 30, 1864. The position it occupied was the main point of attack, be ing immediately to the left of the Columbia pike, between that pike and the gin house. During the battle, which lasted only about one hour, it fired one hundred and nine rounds. Its fire was very destructive and materially aided in the successful defense of the position. Capt. Thomasson makes a very interesting statement in his report, which shows that the men who momentarily gave back from the line in the great charge at Franklin, immediately rallied and aidfed in restoring ]the break. He says: "Our retreating troops (Lane and Conrad's brigades) came over the breastworks in considerable disorder, closely pressed by the enemy and a portion of the troops supporting the battery giving way, the cannoneers were driven from their posts. In a short time, however, a bri gade in reserve charged forward and drove back the enemy and retook the battery. The cannoneers were then collected, the limbers of the caissons brought up and a steady fire of canister and shell kept up for about two hours." A^'hen the battle was over the battery moved with Schofield's troops to Nashville, and on the 15th and 16th of December fought in the battle of Nashville. Capt Thomasson says in. his report : "The following is the amount of ammunition ex pended: Hotchkiss solid shot, 5; percussion shell, 167; time shell, 117; case shot, 272; total, 561." December 17th the battery nioved to Franklin; 18th to Spring Hill; 19th to Rutherford creek; 21st to Colum bia; 23d moved toward Pulaski and engaged with the re tiring enemy, firing forty rounds. It then followed Hood's broken army southward as far as Huntsville, Ala., where it remained until February. It then went into East Tennessee with a force in March and returned to Nashville, where it was in April and May, 1865. It was then taken to New Orleans in June and to Victoria, Texas, where it was in October. From that 680 Union Regiments of Kentiwky : point it returned to Louisville where it was mustered out November 5, 1865. Battery A had long service, much of which was exceed ingly active. It performed every duty to which it was called with a disciplined bravery which elicited the com mendation of all the commanders under Avhom it served. Roster. CAPTAINS— David C. Stone, Theodore S. Thomasson. 1st LIEUTS. — Alphonso W. Roath, John H. Mellen, Robert A. Moffet, John D. Irwin, Wra. H. Sinclare, John H. Landwehre. 2d LIEUTS.— Geo. W. Clark, Wra. K. Irwin, Frederick B. Sanger. SERGTS.-John M. Beard, Upton B. Reaugh, Richard Catter, Albert St. Clair, Charles McCarty, Jno. Mendell, Covington O. West, John W. Hall, Deroy Love, Francis Grunee, John H. Leach, Jos. H. Browing, Martin Guiler, Jacob Kennett, Albert R. Anderson. CORPLS. — James Humphreys, Sebastian Amling, Boler Raney, Wra. Harvey, Eli Loy, Charles Rogers, John Rice, Henry B. Noel, Wm. M. Gray, Charles A. Collins, Riohard Junice, Charles H. Scott, Henry P. W. Vaskuh, Leander B. Lawrence, William Lewis, Andrew Shellcut, Charles C. Stanley, Charles F. Hutweck, Prank Hughes. BUGLERS— Samuel A. Auld, Geo. P. Prey, Francis Wang. ARTIF ICERS— Jno. E. Hall, Andrew Thompson. PRIVATES— WUliam Allen, WUliam Ball, John D. Barnes, Thomas Barnes, David Burdine, Isaac Bell, William Brister, Frederick Buckholt, Green Breden, Andrew Crohan, George W. Carroll, J'ames M. Curry, PhUIp Catron, Wm. H. Dooley, John Debourd, Paul L. Denning, John Ebbs, Joseph A. Evans, John J. Estis, Joseph Enderlin, Francis M. Pox, Sebastian Grunlisen, Lewis Green, Bernard Garry, Cornelius S. Hislop, Lawrence E. Hands, Stephen A. Harper, Lafayette Hurt, Thomas Hamp ton, Henry H. Haggard, Jacob P. Hoover, Frederick HUtser, Columbus Hays, Michael Isler, Wm. H. Jones, Henry G. JUes, William Jones, Joljn Johnes, Levi King, John Kneasa, Otto Klelns-Schralt, Jno. S. Light, Sarauel L. Long, Ernest Lambert, JesSe D. Little, David Lanigan, Theo dore Morrison, John Miller, Nathan J. Moore, Jno. T. Murray, William Masters, Antoine ikuler, Wm. H. Meece, Jaraes McCabe, Chas. J. Mathews, WUliam Martin, Reuben Payne, Ellas Pea, Daniel S. Purdy, Martin Ranch, Warner Richards, John Roberts, Jno. C. M. Redman, Eustachlus Reis, John Richardson, Daniel C. Scully, Robert Stewart, James H. Street, Greenup Sparks, Thos. B. SevlU, Charles Stephens, Jno. C. Smith, Peter Slathter, Chas. Smith, Francis M. Smith, Levi M." Taylor, Samuel M. Thorapson, Hugh L. Thorapson, Asberry H. Thomp son, Patrick Ward, Wra. J. Wren, Benj. P. Withers, Geo. W. White, Reuben Wooddon, George Woods, William P. Wallace, Jno. W. Warner, Thoraas Adkins, Geo. Bancroft, John Beatty, Wra. Blmghara, Prank Bainlee, Joseph Brlswalder, Josiah H. Bagby, Jno. M. Burton, Christian Bothraan, Peter Boohn, Wm. Boohn, Joseph Backman, Daniel Coaokly, Edward M. Clark, Patrick Curran, Wra. H. Chaddock, Pearson Crouch, Cyrenius Childers, David Collins, John Dorington, George Daugherty, William DriscoU, WUiiara Dye, Thomas Dick, WUliam Everett, Robert Elmore, George Fells, Patrick Paha, John R. Ford, PhUip Flood, Daniel C. Prlels, Jefferson L. Fields, Richard GhUes, Henry H. Gwln, Thomas Harper, Daniel Hlld, Moses R. Hancock, Charles Hite, Henry Hayse, Benjamin Holt, John W. Johnson, Lord W. Joyce, Herraan Kellehals, WUliam J. Kerr, Jeremiah Lochery, Jaraes Lindsey, Plotus V. Logan, George W. McQulgg, John McKenzie, John Moylan, Perry Moore, Pat rick McCall, WUUam Mathews, WUliam Manning, Lloyd Morrison, Wal ler W. MUler, WUUam MuUins, George W. McDonald, John Martin, James B. Nenelly, Marcus D. L. Osburn, Charies L. Oliver, Henry T. Powell, Jaraes L. Parrish, John McKinney, WUUam Quinne, William S. Roberts, Maurice E. Reece, Francis B. Reece, Anthony Razor, William B. Razor, John Hubee, Benedict Stubla, Batriok Sheaha, Riohard Spur- Battery B. 681 reer, Thomas Smith, AUen M. Smith, James M. Smith, Howell M. Smith, William C. Smith, George H. Smijh, Joseph Sewell, HlUery Sells, WiU iam Story, Andrew Sells, Williara Steriing, George Sparrow, Jesse Seward, Richard Thomas, James Vertrees, Plesant Walker, Jeremiah Walker, Nathaniel Walker, John A. Walace, Alfred W. Wright, Moses H. WUson, Wm. H. Wren, John S. Williams, Alonzo C. Yates, James H. Wallace, Warren Benge, John Coffman, David Dally, David Ford, Samuel Kephart, James Marshall,- Prank MlUer, William Malcolm, John Norton, Eugene K. Raymon, John Spires, Samuel Schuff, Leroy Whltus, William S. Wilhite, Wm. B. Yates, WUliam Cummins, Thoraas Curamins, John Durbln, Charles Paller, Frederick Goff, Joseph Jackson, Andrew Landwehr, David W. Murray, Joseph Ottman, John W. Reynolds, David Reckte, WlUIam Stewart, Nicholas Stonefelt, John W. Sparks, Wm. McK. Thompson Walton A. Tillett, Edwin Dundon, John W. Gans, Daniel W. Burton, John Cochran, Wyatt Adkins, Charles Alberts, Wm. Akrldge, Richard Adkins, Francis Altenkirch, Leopold Albecker, Charles D. Bunce, Jno. C. Barrett, Jas. M. Blankenship, Wra. J. Brown, Pleasant H. Boston, Charles Beecher, Nicholas Bellow, Andrew Brehra, Thoraas Bell, Nor- but Backman, Henry D. Cox, John Cassedy, Thoraas Conness, WiUiam Cook, Jno. W. Cross, Thomas Cooley, David Dllly, John Ditzenbach, Bar tholomew Dempsey, John W. Duvall, James Dolan, Thos. J. Easten; PhUIp Eichut, William Edwards, Joseph R. Floyd, Andrew P. M. Field, Chas. A. Franenberger, Andrew Hounsell, Harrison P. Harper, WUliam Hayse, AAHllIam Hicks, John Hlrth, Jonathan R. Hale, William Henry, Jno. A. Harris, John Harvey, John Haskell, Henry Howard, John Hooper, Wm. H. Homan, John Herbence, James Harrison, James Ingram, Wm. Johnson, Daniel KeUy, Albanus L. Krewson, Walter Keough, Everhart Klotz, Charles Lawson, John Lovet, John Largan, Benj. Lowen, Bailey McKinney, Wm. Marlin, James Murphey, James McAlister, Dennis Mahoney, Timothy McGrath, Josieph Marcum, Noah Miles, William Mann, Jacob Nelson, Jno. J. Neal, Charles Newton, Jacob Nutto, Theo dore Osterman, James C. Powell, Jaraes L. Payne, Jackson Price, An tonio Perrez, Jas. Pendergrast, Jaraes W. Powers, John Pyrel, Michael RItz, David Ross, Wra. A. RUey, Henry Ramberger, Wm. T. Ruks, John Ray, James R. Suitor, John Sterrits, Charles Schroeter, Ino. P. Schryock, Peter W. Smith, Jno. Shaw, Charles Sraith, 1st, Charles Smith, 2d, John Simon, Claborn^ Sigler, Peter Thiel, Adara Theobald, John Tracy, Henry Vincent, Prank Vait, Robert A. WUlls, Jaraes W. Warder, Thoraas Wood ruff, John West, John Walter, John Wllraer, Williara Walker, Peter • ZIraraerraan, George W. Collins, John Conly, Hugh McGee, Wra. H. Calwell. Battery B, Company D, of the 3d Ky. Infantry, when that regi ment was first recruited by Col. Bramlette at Camp Dick Robinson, was used for the artillery service, and came to be known as Battery B, or Hewitt's battery. The men were recruited by Capt. Hewitt for infantry service, but as an artillery company was needed, it was drilled for that service, and was mustered as such by Gen. Thomas Octbber 8, 1861. At that early period of the war it was under Gen. Thomas, and was used in the parts of the state about Somerset, Columbia and toward Cumberland river. November 7th Gen. Thomas says, in a report, that the enemy had returned to Monticello, he supposes, because 682 Union Regiments of Kentiwky. he had withdrawn from thence Capt. Hewitt's battery, and that he had directed it fb return. In December it was at Campbellsville; in January,, 1862, at Birch Grove; in Febmary it was taken to Louis ville, and immediately sent to Nashville, where it was continuously from March to November, 1862, being used there for the defense of that place and the surrounding; country. In April it was at Murfreesboro, and in Jung it accompanied a cavalry expedition across the mountains to the front of Chattanooga. July 13th, while at Murfreesboro, the place was at tacked by Forrest, and a part of the Federal force there, under Gen. T. T. Crittenden, was captured. At this time Battery B lost two guns. When Buell's army marched to Kentucky, Battery B ' was retained in Tennessee, it being Gen. Buell's policy to keep there a considerable force for the protection of Nash ville. When Buell was superseded by Rosecrans, Battery B went with the Federal army from Nashville to Murfrees boro, and participated in that battle, December 31, 1862. In that battle it was in Negley's division, and was posted to the right of Crittenden's corps and left of McCook's- corps. Its losses were severe, and the horses were greatly injured. The battery fired four Lundred and ninety^ three rounds on Detember 31st. After the battle the bat tery remained at Murfreesboro and vicinity, until June, 1863, when it engaged in an expedition, under Gen. Neg- 'ley, from Murfreesboro through Hoover's Gap, Manches ter, HiUsboro, Bobo's Crossroads to Elk river, engaging the enemy frequently on the way, once severely at Uni versity. In July it was still in Negley's command at Decherd Station, and from August, 1863, to February,, 1864, it was stationed at Elk river bridge, being used from that point on various moves. In March it was again at Decherd Station. From April to October, 1864, it was used to guard the railroad over which supplies went from Nashville to Sherman's army in Georgia, Its post was Tullahoma, and much of the time it was in charge of Lieut. G. W. Nell, though sometimes under Lieut Ells worth. This battery did not enter the veteran organization as a whole, but some of its members did so, and they were transferred to Battery A. The battery, as an organiza tion, however, was ordered to Louisville in November, 1864, and on November 16th was mustered out of service. The career of this battery was most useful and hon orable, beginning Avith Gen. Thomas, when he was con tending with Zollicoffer's forces in Eastern Kentucky, it Battery C. 683 faithfully obeyed every order and bravely discharged every duty it was called upon to perform for full three years of active field service. Roster. CAPTAIN— Jno. M. Hewett. 1st LIEUTS.— Geo. W. Nell, Albion A. Ellsworth. 2d LIEUTS.— WUiiara H. Spence, WiUiam N. SnaU, Mathew H. Turner. SERGTS.- Geo. J. Henderson, Samuel P. Tucker, John M. Reed, Robert Dhome, Thos. E. Pyle,. William T. Carter, Jaraes M. Gar land, James H. Kemp, James Dudley, Benjamin F. Fishback, James Hudson, George C. Tuttle, Beverly Freels, White Bidson. CORPLS.— John Reynolds, Iren T. Keltner, James K. Nell, David Finn, Cicero Ham- cock, David J. Fleraing, Wra. Y. Stewart, George T. Herrard, James C. Tillman. BUGLERS— Henry H. Dohoney, George W. Colilns. ARTIF ICERS — Samuel Harmon, Abram S. Heartupel. PRIVATES- Jno. C. Acre, Junius C. Acre, Thos. J. Bailey, Robert Burris, David Brister, James P. Ball, James Cunnlnghara, Jaraes M. Chadd, John Crawhorn, Milton Crawhorn, George Campbell, Joseph A. Clements, Wm. T. Clinger, Isaac N. Dudley, Alhunaclus Elmore, Daniel B. Elkin, Isa^c Emshimer, Jno. S. England, Marion Finn, Jaraes Gifford, John Gifford, Sarauel A. GlUeland, Isaac N. Henderson, Russell Harvey, Joel Hurt, Alfred E. Johnson, Asa Jones, David Jones, Andrew J. Jones, Watson Jones, Jno. M. Kerap, Jno. R. KInny, Lewis M. Lawrence, Reu ben H. Morris, Jaraes E. McKinney, James McGlasson, John C. McGin nis, Chesley Nell, Wm. C. Orr, Robert A. Orr, WiUiara Oiler, RIcIiar-l Pecan, Wesley Rutherford, Riley Stlnson, Harrison Stephens, John G. Sublett, James C. Tucker, Henry L. Tucker, Squire Vertrees, Mathew Wooten, Sarauel A. Wilson, Ira H. Willlarason, Wra. P. Aker, Wm. R. Dooley, Francis Elmore, Demascus Elmore, Lewis Fletcher, George Gar rison, Joel Hope, Thoraas HIU, Benjamin L. Hardin, James H. Leftwick, Benjamin F. Martin, Thomas Turner, John AV. AVall, Williara Brister, Williara W. CaldweU, John Connelly, Wm. H. Dooley,, Daniel C. Freels, Henry Gibbs, Wra. T. Gibson, William Harvey, Moses R. Hancock, Charles Henderson, Charles HIte, Andrew Housewell, Josiah Hudnal, Wuialm Johnson, William Jones, Jesse D. Little, Ernest Lambert, AViU iam Martin, Hugh Magee, James McCabe, Bailey McKinney, Michael Rity, -Charles Rodgers, James H. Street, Greenup Sparks, Thomas B. Severe, Charles Stephens, George H, Traverse, Jaraes Vertrees, WUUam C. Acre, Jeremiah Buckner, Presley Caldwell, Michael Corbett, George Fields, James K. Finn, WUUara L. Hancock, Asa Pile, Sarauel Stree,., George G. Smlddy, John Thompson, John C. Rodgers, GeS. S. Rodgers, James Watt, James H. Stump, Thos. E. Dlckerson, Jesse Elmore, George Holraes, Albert M. Kay, Ayle C. MUler, John Main, Gfeorge T. Saunders, James A. Weatherington, Nathaniel B. Wade, Henry Anderson, WiUiam Davis, Charles Magill. Battery C, Battery C was organized in August, 1863, by Oapt. John W. Neville. It was intended for one year's service, but in February, 1864, it entered the veteran organiza tion and continued in service until the end of the war. It may be seen, by reference to the history of several of the infantry and cavalry organizations, that a strong force was necessary in Kentucky to guard the state from in cursions which would have destroyed its railroads and 684 Union Regiments of Kentucky. other property. Battery C was used in Kentucky in con nection with these forces. On the 21st of May, 1863, John W. Neville, of Louis ville, was commissioned to raise a six-gun battery — one hundred and fifty-six men. He located his camp at Leb anon. He drew one gun from the state for drill purposes, and by July 1st had seventy men. July 3d Lebanon was attacked by Gen. Morgan, and the troops there under Col. Charles S. Hanson were compelled to surrender. Capt. Neville's men were marched hurriedly with Morgan's force, but they Avere left Avithout having been paroled. Capt Neville then moved his camp to Louisville, completed his organization and was mustered into service September 10, 1863. He was at once ordered to report to Gen. Hob son, in the southeastern part of Kentucky. March 1, 1864, he reported to Gen. Sturgis, at Paris, Ky., and made the move with Gen. Stoneman on his raid to Georgia, but after starting was ordered to return and report to Gen. Burbridge at Lexington, and was assigned to the 5th Division, 23d Army Corps, at Mt. Sterling. Eariy in May it moved to the mouth of Beaver on the Big Sandy. It was then with Col. Hanson's brigade. At this time Gen. Morgan came into Kentucky by way of Pound Gap, and Capt. Neville's battery moved in pur suit by way of Louisa. From there it accompanied the troops on the rapid march through Salyersville and Hazel Green, toward Mt. Sterling. June 9th it came up with Morgan's forces in the vicinity of Mt. Sterling, and became severely engaged several hours. All the battery horses except one were killed, and one gun captured, which was a little afterward recaptured. Equipping with other horses the battery, with the various troops that had come up, it pursued Morgan through Lexington to Cynthiana, where another severe fight occurred. The battery opened the battle, firing with great effect upon the enemy at the bridge. In this engagement Lieut. Reynolds was in com mand of the battery, and was handsomely complimented by Col. Hanson. The result of the fighting was the com plete overthrow of Morgan and his rapid expulsion from the state. On the llth of November, 1864, the men of the battery who did not re-enlist were mustered out, while the veter ans and recruits continued with the 5th Division, and in Col. Hanson's brigade. With these troops it went on the expedition to Saltville, Va., enduring all .the hardships and severe fighting incident thereto. From that campaign it returned to the eastern part of Kentucky, where it was held on duty until in the early part of 1865, when it wantia^eineiu pina added to and corrected after the batl! t-e-ziaedftjid additional information obtaincdfromthe officia] reports cf pfficeris (ifbotli .Armies By\V.\|,TER J..MORH IS j CaplauiEn{iin.rerCoip^ii,idrhic(-)-:,ieiuccr Oilier i,f U-'9*ii LPoik I - CoTi,'rf.4Hi^>,iWii.i;-C..ar.-,l.r..ie ,t,TP,v j MAP OF THE BATTLEFIELD OF NASHVILLE. Chnfedi.'ai'T Lines, from Motk to 4 •i^ ~-a^ f P. JiI..Dfc. 16/i. -¦»™- / FciUral LtJKt*, 3 P. !lf.,p^c IMA Jfi& H^ ^/^ T^dtral Li%f, 4 P. H.:Dee. lUh, i^^ . i/jj^ ; 'irfpr^s J)ivlsi^ in aj er darTc J 0 I „«ourt-i/i Go-i-^f-e;' IH-ijor Engine S-1 nt ~^^ 1 "^^x ' ^ordiV. y rCa-' ) } ¦} _i ^c ciJ ^K \l -) 1 B De t >. r?»2i » «.* iA< Hjij-J htoc' \ I Uan-i-ion , INDEX. This index contains the names of all the commissioned officers from Kentucky, including general and staff, and regimental officers. The list is valuable, not only as an index to this worIi, but as containing in alphabetical order this notable collection of names. It is made up from the rosters of the regiments and other data found in the Adjutant-General's Eeport, and is in the main complete and correct. It could be corrected,. perhaps, in a few in stances by examining the manuscript rolls which were made from time to time during the career of each -regi ment, but such examination is not praticable at this time, and the work of the adjutant-general has been accepted without alteration. Only a few names other than officers occur in the index. Abbett, Dt. A. V. D., 593. Abert, Jas. H., 77. Ackley, Engr. Isaac, 105. Adams, Ca-pt. Geo. M., 86, 87, 345. Adams, Col. SUas, 108, 109, 110, Ul, 112. Adams, Lt. Wm., 112, 126, 131. Adams, Surg. S. L., 154. Adams, Maj. H. W., 341. Adcock, Lt. Jos. T., 377. Adams, Capt. Alex. E., 477. Adams, Capt. JaS. M., 548. Adams, Lt. John H., 563. "Adams, Lt. Jos. W., 593. Adkins, Lt. A. J., 611. Adams, Lt. R. D., 619. Adams, Capt. W. S., 62.8. Adams, Lt. Chas., 642. Air, Q.-M. Wm. N., 517. Akerstrom, Lt. Chas. J., 262. Akers, Lt. John, 300. Alexander, Capt. F. W., 116. Alexander, Lt. A. J., 117. .Alexander, Col. A. J., 227, 228. Alexander, Capt. Thos., 260. Allen, Capt. Sam, 199. Albertson, Lt. Jas., 160. Alsop, Capt. John, 268. Albers, Lt. John H., 287. Alden, Lt. Delos, 289. Alms, Lt. Her'm'an, 280. Allen, Maj. Chas. J. F., 78. Albert, Lt. Geo. A., 327. Allen, Lt, Ben L., 342. Alexander, Capt. Thos. T., 412. Allen, Lt. Ed. P., 413. Allen, Maj. Jas. S., 432-5. Allen, Lt. M. A. D., 442. Allen, Q.-'M. R. W., 457. Alverson, Lt. Thos. J., 460, 462. Alexander, Col. Francis N., 577, 579. Alexander, Lt. Thos. M., 593. Alsopt, Capt. John, 602. Allison, Lt. Jas. W., 612. Allen, Lt. G. J., 614. \ Allen, Lt. Daniel G., 634. Alter, Surg. Henry H., 652. Ambrose, Oapt. M. J. W., 88, 188. Amiss, Capt. Thos., 257, 354. Amiss, Lt. John, 257. Amiss, Lt. Wiley, 257. Ammon, Lt. Lorenzo, 334. Ambrose, Chaplain M. J. W., 633. Anderson, Gen. Robert, 16, 23, 24, 29, 49, 52. Anderson, Gov. Charles, 75. Anderson, Maj. Jno. F., 141, 146. Anderson, Lt. Jas. A., 240. Anderson, Lt. Ed. M., 314. Anderson. Lt. Chas., 327. Andrews, Q.-M. Jas. A., 442. Anthony, Capt. J. W., 454-9. Anderson, Lt. S. M., 487. Anderson, Capt. Jas. M., 535. Anderson, Surg. Turner, 574. Anthony, Lt. T. B., 600. Applegate, Lt. Jas. T., 466-. Applegate, Lt. Wm. T., 570. 712 Union Regiments of Kentucky. Ard, Lt. Reuben, 249. Archdeacon, Capt. J. H., 289. Artsman, Capt. Gustavus, 85. Arthur, Capt. Wm., 125. Armstrong, Capt. C. D., 126. Arthur, Capt. J. A., 198. Armstrong, Lt. J., 212. Armstrong, Dt. J. H., 256. Armstrong, Capt. Robt. H., 330, 334. Armstrong, Capt. Jno., 596. Arnett, Lt. John W., 653. Arnold, Chaplain L. P., 384. Arnold, Lt. Le-ssrls P., 655. Arnold, Capt. Wm. E., 621, 669. Ashford, Lt. T. p., 141. Ashley, Capt. Jas. P., 189. Ashley, Lt. Wm., 460. Asher, Lt. Walter M., 485. -Ashcraft, Maj. J. H., 540, 543, 547 549, 551. Atkinson, Capt. Ed. S., 280. Atkinson, Surg. Wm., 375.- Atkinson, U,. Jesse C, 386. Atkins, Lt. Wm. J., 411. Atkinson, Capt. John M., 424, 425. Atmore, Chaplain Wm. C, 432. Atherton, Lt. Joseph L., 432, 435. Attersall, Lt. Wm. A., 484. Atkinson, Lt. J., 521, 525. At-wood, Lt. Jas. M., 654. Austin, Engr. Edward A., 105. Austin, Capt. Geo., 286. Austin, Capt. John B., 358, 366. Austin, Oapt. Wm., 366. Aubrey, Lt. John E., 503. Auxier, Capt. David V., 611. Auxier, Maj. John B., 611. Austin, Q.-M. Fositer J., 692. Avery, Samuel L., 6. Axllne, Chaplain D. W., 483. Ayars, Capt. Wm. H. H., 326, 328. Ayars, Lt. E. B„ 123-5-9. B Baker, Capt. John, 5, 127, 132. Bal'lard, Judge Bland, 6. Barr, Maj. Jno. W., 18, 150. Badger, Chap. Norman, 88. Barker, Ensign A. J. L., 105. Bagby, Engr. Abner H., 105. Ballard, Lt. Wm. P., 114. Bateman, Capt. M., 121, 129. Batman, Lt. G. W. L., 128, 131. Bacon, Capt. A. G., 142. Baker, Capt. Elisha, 143. Baker, Lt. Alf., 146. Bayles, Col. jlesse, 150, 151, 154. Bacon, Maj. Jno. M., 152-5-8. Baldwin, Col. Oliver H., 153, 161, 165, 286, 323. Bayles, Adj. Moses C, 154. Bachman, 'Surg. J. P., 154-8. Barnes, Dt. Jas., 154. Barnet, Capt. Wm. J., 155-9. Baugh, Chap. M., 165. Baker, Lt. Jno. W., 167. Baugh, Lt. Wm. D., 167. Baliew, Oapt. Owen W., 176. Barthel, Capt. Chas., 183. Baird, Lt. J. L., 191. Bailey, Surg. Wm., 210. Barber, Lt. Thos., 223. > Bannon, Lt. F. G., 239. Baker, Capt. Samuel, 240. B'aker, Lt. Da-v-id H., 240. Barnes, Maj. Geo. F., 236, 260, 263. Bachman, Capt! Chas., 242, 262. Barnes, Capt. Alex. M., 253. Baker, Lt. A. W., 255. Bachman, Capt. Thos. J., 265. Bacon, Capt. Jas. C, 265. Barr, Capt. Samuel, 279. Barnett, Oapt. Wm. H., 297-8. Barnett, Oapt. Jas. T. W., 301. Baker, Lt. John, 326. Baty, Lt. Jas. H., 326. Batman, Lt. Wm., 327. Bates, Lt. Thos., 330. Bates, Lt. Jno. T., 343. Baugh, Lt. Jos. F.,' 346-7. ' Bacon, Capt. Wm. W., 346, 510. Barnes, Col. Sidney M., 348, 351. Banton, Capt. Jno. B., 353-6. Bailey, Col. C. D., 358-9, 362, 366. Barton, Dt. W. T., 362. Batdorf, Lt. Thos. W., 365. Barry, Dt. Henry W^., 378. Barnett, Lt; J. T. W., 399, 404. Ballow, Thos., 402. Ballow, Capt.' Joseph, 403. .Ballow, Lt. Watson; 403. Barbee, Chaplain J. R., 411. Banks, Capt. Ben V., 412. Babbitt, Capt. John F., 416, 419, 423. Bartram, Capt. Wm. H., 418, 423. Bayne, Capt. A. S., 434. Bayne, Lt. Judson, 434. Bayless, Chap. Jno. S., 442. Barkly, Lt. M. V., 443. Barnett, Oapt. Henry S., 460. Bacon, Capt. Jas. C, 468. ' Baker, Lt. E. C.', 477. Barnett, Capt. John, 478. Bachus, Capt. Lucius A., 484. Baker, Lt. Geo. W., 487. Bailey, Lt. J. S., 497, 501. Dacon, Capt. W. W., 505, 510. Barnes, Capt. John, 519. Barbee, Q.-M. J. W., 508-9. , Barton, Lt. T. M., 519. Barker, Lt. Jas., 520. Barber, Capt. Geo. R., 532. Barber, Lt. Dander, 532. Bailey, Surg. Jonathan, 544. Bailey, Surg. Jas. M., 544. Bayne, Lt. Thos. B., 544-9. Baily Capt. , 535-9. Bassham, Lt. Obediah, 561. Bailey, Oapt. Andrew J., 562. Barth, Maj. Geo. W., 570-1-4. Barth, Lt. John C, 574. Baldwin, Lt. Thos. T., 574. Bacon, Capt. Wm. P., 577, 581. Index. 713 Bates, Capt. Fleming, 580. Baker, Capt. Hendrick D., 599. Baber, Capt. Volney, 599. Barlow, Adj. E. C, 618, 619. BaU, Q.-M. J. C, 618, 627. Barnes, Maj. Thos. H., 631-2-3. Baker, Lt.' Wm., 634. Ball, Lt. Henry C, 661. Barr, Capt. Robt. D., 666. Bell, Hon. J. F., 14. Bell, Dr. T. S., 6. Belknap, W. B., 6. Belden, Capt. Samuel, 113. Seattle, Oapt. Joe D., 118, 119. Beggs, Capt. Jas., 140-3. Bernheim, I. W., 6, 8. Belden, Lt. Jno. T., 117, 201. Berry, Capt. J. H., 188, 191. Beedle, Lt. C. R., 192. Bennett, Surg. L., 196. ¦ Bennett, Surg. Alf. T., 218, 237. Berry, Lt. Wm. T., 219. BeU, Capt. W. H., 231. Bergman, Lt. Louis, 238. Bennett, Capit. Henry M., 240. Bennett, Surg. Lafayette, 245. BeU, Lt. Clayton C, 245. Belt, Oapt. Jonathan, 209, 261. Benton, Lt. H. W., 280. Becker, Capt. John, 281. BeU, Lt. Wm. P., 283-6-9. BeU, Capt. P., 288. Beinert, Dt. Geo. 290. Berry, Col. Wm. W.. 321, 322, 323, 124. Berry, Surg. Wm., 341. Bevill, Capt. Seth P., ^77. Beglow, Lt. Wm. F., 378. Beckham, Capt. Robt. L., 452-8. Bell, Lt. Jas. E., 469, 473. Beckett, Lt. Robert, 487. BeveU, Lt. John H., 497. Belt, Capt. J. W.„ 540, 544. Bennett, Surg. L., 544. Beck, Capt. Lafayette S., 547. Benton, Lt. Wm., 549. Bealmear, Capt. Beckwith, 564. Benson, Capt. Wm. B., 570. Dell, Lt. Calvin, 582. Beard, Lt. J. O., 595. Belt, Lt. Hiram J., 641. Belt, Lt. Logan, 641. tBeson, Lt, Wm. M., 653. Berry, Lt. David, 661. Birney, Maj. Gen. D. B., 106. Blrney, Gen. Wm. McD., 106. Bird, Lt. Jno. D., 156. Bishop, Lt. P. H., 160. . Biggs, Capt. Jno. B., 167. Bierbower, Lt. Jas. C, 222. Bniing, Capt. Michael, 329, 332. Bishop, Surg. John W., 403. I Bingham, Lt. Wm., 551. Bierbower, Maj. F. H., 618. Bingham, Dt. Wm. G., 647. Billingsley, Capt. John M., 653 Bickers, Dt. Alfred, 659. Bishop, Dt. John C, 673. Blanford, Dt. C, 145-9. Blain, Capt. R. C, 115. Blackford, Oapt. Mat. H., 112, 118. Blair, Maj. Gen. F. P., 106. Blythe, Gen. J. E., 106. Blume, Capt. Casper, 157. Bloom, Maj. A. S., 188. Bland, Lt. F. P., 200. Black, Lt. L. A., 212. Blackburn, Lt. Jas. M., 224. Blincoe, Lt. B. W., 231. Blewitt, Adjt. G. J., 236. Block, Lt. David J., 237. Bland, Capt. F. P., 245. Blythe, Lt. Thos., 267. BlundeU, Capt. J. M., 286. Blair, Lt. John M., 287-8. Block, Lt. John H., 301. Blackwell, Lt. Jos., 351. Blemford, Lt. Ed. O., 378. Blakeman, Capt. A., 477. Black, Chap. Wm. H., 517, 522. Black, Lt. F. A., 521: Blue, Capt. Jas., 533. Bledsoe, Capt. Henry P., 551. Bland, Surg. W. B., 618. . Blankenship, Capt. Benj. F., 636. Black, Capt. Isaac J., 647-8. Blendowskl, Lt. Henry, 649. Bland, Surg. Wm. B., 657. Blanchard, Lt. Frarnk, 673. Boatgerman, Capt. Jno. B., 152-8. Bogle, Capt. Robt., 143-7. Bockee, Col. J. S., 6, 7, 8. Boyd, G-en. Jos F., 88. Boone, Capt. Samuel, U., 114. Board, Col. Buckner, 20, 120-1-5-9. Boyle, Col. W. O., 10, 225, 228. Boyle, Gen. J. T., 49, 61, 108. Boyle, St. J., 6. Bomar, Lt. J. L., 126-8, 131. Booth, Oapt. O. T., 126.' Bomer. Bow, Lt. I. S., 167. Boyd, Lt. T. B., 197. BOulevare, Lt. R. L., 200. Boyle,' Col. Jno., 204, 510. Botts, Surg. Wm. H., 210. Bottom, Lt. T. W., 214. Boston, Capt. Benj. L., 215. Bowman, Lt. Strother. 246. Bowman, Lt. Seldon F., 254. Bourland, Lt. Wm. C, 270. Bodine, Capt. Jas. M., 283-5-9. Bonticue, Jas. C, 283-9. Bouner, Surg. S. P., 286. Bodine, Lt. H. D., 289. Bolln, Capt. John C 298, 300. Bolin, Capt. Isham, 300. Bolin, Lt. Benj. J., 300. Boner, Lt. Martin L., 332. Bohn, Lt. Gustavus, 333. Botkln, Lt. E. M., 346. Boyle, Gen. J. T., 357. Boyle, Lt. >Wm. V., 365. Bobbitt, Lt. Thos. M., 387-8. Bottom, Capt. Sam, 413: Borders, Lt. Henry A., 421. Botner, Capt. Oliver D., 423. 714 Union Reginients of Kentiwky. Booker, Dt. Wm. H., 434. Boyd, Lt. Nelson C, 435. Boyd, Capt. John V., 460. Boys, Lt. David, 469. Bolar, Oapt. Wm. H., 477. Bowen, Lt. Wm. G., 479. Bohannon, Adjt. A. H., 495, 500. Bolton, Dt. Jas. C, 501. Boden, Lt. Col. Wm., 517, 519, 522. Boone, Col. J. Ro-wan, 565-7, 568-9, 570-4. Boone, poi. Wm. P., 565, 570. Boultinghouse, Capt. Jas., 596. Borden, Lt. Jos. D., 607. Bowell, Capt. Jos. J., 608. Bramlette, Gov. T. E., 22, 47-8, 76, 107, 291, 296-7. Brumer, J^. T. N., 117. Bradford, Surg. J. T., 88. Breckinridge, Maj. Jos. C, 87. Bristow, Col. B. H., 23, 46, 192-3-4-6, 272, 452-6, 536-7. Brents, Maj. Jno. A., 108, 112, 113. Breathitt, Maj. Jno., 139, 141-6. Bremaker, Chas., 6. Brown, Col. Jno. Mason, 1, 47, 50, 216, 217, 218, 245, 624, 626, 627. Brown, Capt. S. D., 5, 540-7-9, 551. Brown, Jefferson, 12. Brown, Surg. Hawkins, 112. Brown, Lt. Jno. P., 155-9. 'Brown, Capt. W. E., 160. Brumbach, Mate B. F., 105. Brogan, Engr. S. H., 105. - • Brooks, Lt. B. P., 123-6, 130. Brady, Surg. Jno. A., 112. Bruce, Col. S. D., 50, 193, 275, 302. Bruch, Capt. S., 88. ' Brindley, Engr. J. T., 105. Bruton, Lt. Wm., 125-7, 130. Bradney, Lt. Wm., 125-7, 130. Brume, Lt. P. S., 144. Brady, Lt. Co'l. W. W., 88. ' Bratton, Lt. Samuel E., 215. Bradshaw, Capt. W. W., 166. Bryan, Lt. W. H., 168. Brewer, Capt. Jas. B., 221, 318. Bramlette, Col. Jas. T., 233, 235, 236, 300. Brown, Surg. E. O., 236, 543, 544. Bransom, Lt. Ben F., 246. Bryant, Capt. Afa, 246. Brown, Col. Orlando, 252, 416, 419, 508. Brothen, Dt. G. J., 178. Brown, Dt. Jno., 167. Brown, Dt. P. P., 199. Brown, Dt. J. B., 201. Brewer, Dt. J. W., 190. Brewer, Dt. Richard, 190. Brent, Maj. J. C, 210. Bright, Dt. BliJ., 178. Brent, Dt. C. B., 210. Brentllnger, Capt. R. H., 180-4. Bradley, Dt. J. S., 267. Brown, Lf. U'rlah M., 269. Bradley, Capt. W. W., 189. Brown, Lt. Patrick J., 279. Brownie, Capt. A. J. M., 283, 284, 286. Bryant, Capt. Jesse, 189. Brannin, Dt. Wm., 283-6. Bryant, Dt. O. C, 286. Brown, Dt. Calvin W., 287. Brennan, Maj. John, 296-7-9. Bradsihaw, Dt. Alban D., 297. Brown, Lt. Abram P., 297. Bristow, Capt. Jas. M., 299, 300. Bridgewater, Lt., 299. Broughton, Dt. Jas. C, 317. Brent, Oapt. John^D., 320. Bristow, Chap. Jas. H., 324. Bristow, Maj. Frank H., 456-8, 536, 598. Brent, Capt. John D., 328. Briscoe, Lt. Jas. W., 333. Brennan, Adjt. Henry, 341. Brummitt, Lt. S. J., 344. Broadus, Maj. Green B., 351. Bryan, Capt. Wm. T., 358-9, S62. Brown, Lt. Hudson, 385. Brown, Capt. John H., 397, 400, 405. Brassfield, Lt. G. C, 401. Bradford, Lt. J. D., 414. Bradley, Lt. Jas. M., 415. Brown, Lt. Col. Jos. R., 419. Brown, Lt. Wm. C, 420. Brodess, Lt. H. B., 420. Brown, Capt. D. H., 423. Brooks, Lt. Wm. H., 433. Bratton, Capt. T. C, 443. Brown, Lt. Salathlel, 445, 449. Brown, Capt. Thos. R., 455, 457. 462. Brasher, Lt. C. A., 452, 454. Briggs, Capt. Wm. W., 457. Bratcher, Lt. Chas., 459. Brown, Lt. Albert E., 460. Bracht, Maj. F. D., 466. Bracht, Capt. Junius B., 467, 470- 1-3. Bryson, Lt. Hiram M., 467. Bruce, Col. Sanders, '480, 483. Brennan, Adjt. John, 481-3. Brennan, Capt. H. C, 485. Brownell, Capt. John B., 496. Brown, Lt. N. C, 497, 501. Bright, Capt. Wm., 497, 501. Bryant, Lt. L. P., 499. Bryant, Lt. Wm. A., 499. Bradley, Lt. Herbert G. W., 499. Bruce, Capt. Alex., 505, 510. Brandley, Lt. A., 523. Brady, Capt. Wm. W., 561. Brooks, Capt. Fred, 572. Brownlee, Capt. J. B., 577, 581. Brownlee, Lt. A. H., 581. Brooks, Lt. J. W. S., 582. • " Brodie, Capt. Robt, 599. Brown, Capt. Hutson, 601. Brown, Capt. Henry R., 611. Breeding, Lt. John, 611. Brown, Maj. Nathan A., 627. Brown, Capt. Geo. W., 628. Brown, Lt. Ed. W., 631. Bryant, Capt. Wm. T., 646. Bryant, Lt. Marion, 646. Index. 715 Branaman, Lt. H. H., 646. Brelth, Capt. A. G., 659. Brasher, Q.-M. L. D., 664. Brown, Capt. L. D., 665. Bravard, Lt. Dudley O., 667. Bradley, Lt. Chas., 685. Buckley, Col. H. M., 5, 207, 320-1-2-4, 662-3-4. Buckner, Jas. F., Jr., 6, 7, 8, 9. Buckner, Col. J. F., 23, 272, 536. Buckner, Com. Wm. P., 96. Buckner, Lt. Wm. T., 143, 272. Buckner, Surg. G. D., 105. Buckner, Capt. Lewis, 194-9, 272, 656. Burton, R. A., 15. Burbridge, Gen. S. G., 47, 50, 67, 539, 544. Buford, Maj. L. M., 81, 142. Bush, Capt. T. J., 84. Butler, Capt. J. S., 86. Burk, Engr. Wm., 105. Burton, Capt. I., 115. Burris, Oapt. N. B., 117. Burge, Chap, and Ool. H. T., 141, 637-8. . Burghardt, Lt. W. H., 143. Butler, Capt. Ch. H., 152-4-8. Burch, Lt. Isaelc, 157. Burk, Lt. John, 157-9. Burk, Lt. Jno. A., 168. Buchanan, Capt. J. B., 176. Burnam, Surg. A. J., 188. Burns, Capt. J. E., 190-2. Burns, Capt. H. J., 214. Burns, Lt. Chas. H., 218. Burk, Lt. Jas. M., 221. Burgess, Lt. Geo. J., 230. Burton,- Lt. John W., 231. BuUitt, Capt. Geo. W., 241. Butler, Dt. Jas., 241. Bunting, Dt. Wm. H., 242. Bush, Dt. Wm. B., 261. BuUitt, Col. Wm. A., 293, 294, 295, 296, 297. Buford, Maj. Chas. H., 296, 297. Burns, Surg. John B., 297. Burbank, Capt. Austin M., Buford, Dt. W. R., 301. -Burdett, Surg. Stephen L., Burton, Lt. John M., 316. Burns, Lt. Terrence F., 327. Buchanan, Lt. Tiios., 344. Burch, Lt. Jno. W., 344. Bullock, Lt. G. B., 346. Burnham, Capt. T., 351. Burleigh, Capt. C. L., 354-5. Butram, Lt. J. P., 364. Burch, Capt. Jas. L., 402. Butler, Lt. N. G., 411. Burke, Maj. Wm. B., 416, 419. Burchett, Maj. D. J., 416, 419, 424. Burgess, Lt. Francis M., 423. Burns, Col. Thos. E., 442, 444, 445. Bullock Lt. T. D., 445. Burns, Lt. Enoch M., 448. Burgesis, Surg. W. J., 457. Buckner, Maj. Benj. F., 481, 483. 299. 312. Buckner, Capt. Daniel T., 484. Burton, Lt. Allen A., 487. Burkett, Chaplain M. H. B., 495. Buckner, Lt. John B., 496, 500, 503. Bullock, Lt. Robt. L., 497. Butler, Lt. Wm. G., 500. BuUock, Capt. K. O., 521. Bush, Capt. Thos. J., 532-3. Butler, Oapt. D. H., 544. Burgher, Lt. Wm. C, 546. Buckner, Lt. Fred, 573. Burk, Capt. Jas. S., 580. Burk, Capt. Gains L., 580, 582. Burk, Lt. Wm., 580. Buchanan, Lt. Nathan, 583. Buster, Capt. P. G., 586. Burchett, Lt. Richard L., 611. Burke, Q.-M. A. L., 618. Bush, Capt. John W., 638, 643. Bush, Surg. R. R., 640. Burch, Lt. Ferdiniand, 658. Buckley, Oapt. Geo. T., 666. Buckley, Dt. Posey, 666. Butts, Lt. Wm. S., 669. Buchanan, Lt. John N., 672. Bush, Oapt. L. E. P., 686. Bybee, Lt. C. C, 179. Byron, Lt. L. A., 342, 344. Byerly, Capt. Paul, 570. Byers, Capt. Avery, 457, 602. Bers, Capt. Avery, 602. Canby, Maj. Gen. E. R. S. [This name was inadvertently omitted from ttie listof distinguistied Kentucitians who entered the aervices from other states ; page 106.] Castleman, Sam, 6. Campbell, Maj. W. P. 331, 427, 432.. Carpenter, Pay Insp. J. N., 104. Carpenter, Adj. W.' D., 112, 195. Campbell; Maj. J. B., 88, 188. Carter, Com. J. C, 97. Caye, Engr. E., 105. Carpenter, Lt. Wm. D., 115. Carter, Lt. W. B., 113. Carter, Lt. H. C, 125. Carr, Capt. D. R., 113. Carr, Lt. H. C, 125. Carter, Oapt, J. L., 162. Calder, Lt. Jno., 126. Campbell, Hiram, 162-8. Carter, Capt. J. L., 168. Oamp'bell, Maj., J. W., 188. Caldwell, Lt. Hemry W., 219. Carson, Lt. A., 196. Carson, Capt. J. B., 198. Castner, Lt. Casper, 221. Carter, Capt. Thos. P., 243. Cartwright, Lt. Jos. W., 246. Campbell, Col. T. W., 264-5, 456-9.. CahUl, Cajpt. Frank, 280. Carr, Capt. Chas. W., 288. Carson, Capt. Jos. J., 299, 301. carter, Lt. H, B., 300. 716 Union Regiments of Kentucky. Cassen, Lt. Henry, 324. Carrington, Lt. L. D., 332. Canning, Lt. Henry, 335. Campbell, Lt. Thos. C, 336. Cardwell, Maj. I. N., 341. Campbell, Lt. JHo. B., 346. Catchings, Capt. Wm. H., 3S1-6. Carson, Lt. Thos. H., 352. Carpenter, Lt. F. C, 358-9, 364. Calvert, Chaplain Porter H., 384. Carlisle, Col. Jno. B., 411. Caldwell, Capt. I. R. H., 414. Cabell, Lt. S. J., 414. Carey, Lt. Jas. H., 423. Cartwright,, Col. Noah, 430, 432-3. CarroU, Capt. John C, 434. Carroll, Lt. Jas. P., 434. CartmeU, Surg. S. M., 442. Calhoon, Maj. Isaac, 456-8. Campbell, Lt. Ed S., 458. Campbell, Lt. Perry, 459. Cartwright, Lt. David, 460. Carter, Lt. Kemp G., 469. Carpenter, Lt. John D., 495. Calvert, Lt. S. E., 522. -^ -Carey, Capt. Jas., 529, 531. -.— Carlisle, Maj. John, 553, 561. Catlln, Lt. Robt. W., 571. Cairns, Capt. Robt., 573. Cames, Q.-M. Jno., 584. Callahan, Maj. M. T., 592, 595. Callahan, Capt. J. M., 593. Campbell, Capt. Edw., 600. Catron, Capt. Francia, 645-6. Carson, Lt. Wm., 646. Carter, Lt. Jas. A., 652. Caldwell, Lt. Jas. A., 654. Carey, Capt. Jas. H., 661. Campbell, Lt. Martin, 664. Carroll, Ca©t. Wm., 666. ¦Calvert, Adjt. Jahn E., 669, 671. Cheatham, Lt. D., 171-7. Cherry, Capt. Thos. J., 237. Chapman, Lt. O. B., 239. Chevalier, Capt. A. H., 88. ' Chapman, Lt. R. W., 247, 585. Chapm-an, Surg. C. B., 175. Chatman, Lt. Robt. D., 266. Chalfant, Lt. S. C, 145. Christie, Capt. Samuel L., 277, 280. Chaney, Lt. Robt., ,190. Oh-rlstie, Oapf. Norm'an C, 297, 301. Cheek, Maj. C. T., 139, 153, 161-2-3-5. Chilton, Lt. J. E., 113. Chrisler, Chap. W. B., 165. Chilson, Capt. Levi, 154. Chalfln, Lt. Wm. W., 160. Church, Capt. W. B., 156. Church, Lt. A. R., 156. Chilton, Capt. John L., 6, 7, 330, 335. Choate, Lt. Harrison, 333. Chennoweth, Capt. A. S., 358, 364. Chamberlain, Surg. John, 362. Chitwood, Lt. Pleasant, 363. Chenoweth, Lt. I. N., 364. Cherry, Lt. Thos., 384. Chaplain, Lt. A., 411. Christie, Lt. C. C, 412. Chafin, Lt. J. W., 420. Chapman, Lt. Geo. R. B., 423. Chambers, Maj. A. H., 432-3. ChurchiU, Capt. John S., 432. Chrisman, Lt. Jas. T., 467. Chiles, Lt. Benj. M., 484. Chinoweth, Capt.^I. A., 605. Chism, Lt. Alonzo H., 605. Chestnut, Lt. Edward, 634. Chatham, Lt. Louis C, 643. ' Childress, Capt: Jas. M., 655. Chambers, Lt. Chas. T., 658. Chrisman, Lt. Jas. T., 659. Clay, Gen. C. M., 66. , Clay, Capt. Henry, 84. Clarke, Col. Lewis M., 222, 624-5-6-7. Clary, Capt. CJhas. S., 237. Clement, Lt. Jas., 260. Clark, Capt. J. S., 18. Clark, Capt. J. T., 88. Clark, Chap. M. C, 173-5. -Clark, Q.-M. Chas. A., 210. Clark, Lt. E. J., 210, 212. Cloak, Lt. Col. B., 88. Clift, Lt. J. R., 265, Clements, Capt. G.' H., 2*86. ClayweU, Capt. D. W., 167. Clark, Lt. Chas., 334. Clark, Capt. A. H., 343. Clark, Capt. H. J., 343. Clark, Maj. John S., 351. Clark, Oapt. Silas, 358, 362. Clarke, Lt. Geo. W., 405. Clark, Q.-M. John W., 43^. Clemmon's, Lt. Ed., 435. Clarke, Lt. Lewis M., 445. Claggett, Maj. D. M., 456-8. Cloak, Surg. B., 457. Clarke, Lt. Pius, 462. Clarke, Adjt. Alvin B., 466. Clark, Q.-M. James T., 466. ' Clark, Lt. Andrew B., 467, 470. Clements, Lt. Thoe., 470. Clay, Capt. Matt. H., 496. Claypool, Lt. Wm. M., 546. Cleaver, Lt. Benj. W., 561. Clark, Ool. Andrew W., 631-2-3. Clark, Capt. Da-vld W., 634. Clark, Lt. Edward, 634. Clark, Capt. H. J., 634. Clore, Lt. Geo. B., 669. Clark, Lt. Geo. W., 680. -Clark, Lt. Frank G., 686. Coleman, R. T., 6. Coleman, J. C, 6. Coleman, Lt. M. J., 141. Cohen, Dt. Max, 152-6-9. Cooper, Col. Wickliffe, 151-2-3-4-8," 171, 486. Oochran, A. P., 6. Oochran. Capt. Robt., 6. Cochran, Dt. Col. T. B., 120-1-5-9. Cohn, Col. H. S., 6. Corum, Dt. Chas., 128. Corey, Lt. Jno. C, 143. Combs, Gen. Leslie, 10. Ooghlan, Comdr. J. B., 97. Coyle, Dt. G, S., 128. Index. 717 Cooper, Eng. C. A., 105. Coppagie, Capt. Geo., 114. Coppage, Capt. S. H.. 108, 113. Coffey, Maj. W. A., 108, 112. Cowan, Col. Andrew, 6, 8. Cowan, Albert, 6. Collier, Maj. Robt., -153,^a86-8r 191. Cox, Capt. Elijah, 112. Collins, Engr. G. S., 105. Conrad, Col. Jos., 43-4. Cook, Capt. M. J., 88, 182, 191. Coleman, Dt. D. W., 197. Oombest, Dt. J. M., 198 Conner, Capt. Wm. G., 215. Cottingham, Dt. Joseph T., 222. Cotton, Lt. Jas. M., 229. Conrad, Lt. J. V., "165. Oozatt, Capt. Jacob, 230. Condit, Lt. Olncinniatus, 237. Cook,' Capt. D. L., 175. Coffman, Capt. J. H., 175. Coleman, Lt. Thos. S., 238. Conine, Adjt. Jas. W., 277. Cooper, Capt. S., 156-9. Oox, Capt. Thos., 279, 280. Cook, Maj. F., 283, 286. CoweU, Capt. J. A., 154. Coppage, Lt. E. A., 198. Colgrove, Lt. S. B., 213. Cox, Surg. J. E., 286. Cook, Capt. F., 288. Coe, Lt. C. C, 288. CoUier, Col. Daniel R., 293, 296, 297. Collins, Lt. Sidney F., 293, 8. Cooper, Ohap. JacO'b, 297. Collins, Eng. W. A., 105. Collins, Capt. H. E., 121, 559. Collins, Lt. A. K., 176. Oook, Lt. Robt. D., 317. Cozine, Lt. Jas. C, 280. Cook, Lt. Chas. J., 328. Cotton, Col. Geo. T., 329, 330, 332. Coons, Surg. Abner B., 332. Conant, Surg.- A. B., 341. Cook, Lt. S. T. S., 345. GoldweU, Capt. Thqs. P., 346, 347. Oox, Lt. W. B., 354-5. Coyle, Oapt. D. B., 358-9, 365, 366. Coffey, Capt. B. F., 362. Coyle, Lt. Chas. J., 365. Combs, Lt. John W., 365. Collier, Capt. W. A., 401. Cooper, Surg. E. S., 411. Cochran, Col. John C, 416, 419. CoUins, Capt. John C, 418, 423. Cochran, Capt. John, Jr., 422. Constans, Lt. Louis, 435. Courtney, Lt. Ben F., 447. Cox, Capt. S. K., 456, 457-9. Cosby, Surg. A. D., 457, 598. Compton, Surg. John W., 457. Cooper, Capt. Hugh C, 460. Condit, Lt. Isaac, 260. Cowan, Col. John, 474-5, 476. Cochran, AdjL R. L.. 476. Cole, Dt. Jas. R. B., 484-5. Corum, Dt. Samuel, 485. Com, Dt. S. T., 487. Conyer, Dt. Thos. A., 499. Cook, Maj. Wes., 508. Cook, Capt. Edwin, 511. Cotton, Oapt. C. R., 520. Cottirigham, Capt. J. W., 521, 627. Conghlan, Dt. Jas., 529, 535. Compton, Q.-M. Robt. W., 544. Collier, Lt. Pleasant P., 547. Coyne, Maj. Samuel J., 561, 562. -Cox, Capt. Lucian K., 561. Conway, Capt. Geo. W., 572-3. Colline, Capt. D. C, 573-4. Oox, Lt. Wm. R., 573-4. Cox, Surg. C. C, 579. Coward, Capt. J. M., 593. Coward, Lt. G. W., 593. ¦Cole, Lt. Wesley, 599. Coleman, Lt. Richard D., 610, 615. ¦CoUins, Capt. U., 616. Conley, Q.-M. Harmon, 627. Cooper, Dt. Wm. P., 628. Cockrill, Capt. Simon, 636. Courtney, Q.-M. Jas. M., 640. ¦Cook, Capt. J. M., 645-6. Cooper, Dt. Jos. G., 667. Conine, Dt., 675. ¦Crittenden, Gen. T. D., 23-4-9, 38, 53. 135. , ¦ Crittenden, Col. Eugene, 46, 110, 234, 235, 236. OrandaU, Capt. S. M., 248. Craig, Capt. Wm. D., 254. Crawford, Dt. J. H., 256. Cramer, Chap. M. J., 88. Cranor, Lt. John M., ,266. Craddock, Maj. J. E., 125-6-9. Crosby, Capt. F. H., 145. ¦Grain, Capt. Simeon, 192. Grain, Lt. Wm. D., 260. Croxton, Gen. J. T., 72, 152, 302, 306. 309, 312. Craig, Lt. Wm. A., 210-11-14. Graven, Capt. G. W., 178. Crandell, Lt. S. W., 178, 199. Crook, Lt. "W. J., 354. Gram, Col. Geo. H., 358-9, 362, 365. Cram, Capt. ¦Wellington J., 365. Grower, Capt. Wm. C, 397, 400, 401, 404. Craddock, Q.-M. Wm. B., 411. Gropper, Capt. R. H. M., 435. Crockett, Lt. John H . 435. Craddock, Col. J. W., 437, 442. Crane, Q.-M. Abner, 483. Craddock, Capt. Jas. W., 484. Crowell, Lt. S. D., 485. Craig, Capt. Dudley M., 497. ¦Craddock, Col. Wm. B., 477-8-9. Craddock, Lt. B. C.,,579. Crawford, Lt. Richard F., 602. Creekm'ore, Lt. Francis A., '647. Crelghton, Lt. John J., 658. Crout, Lt. Wm, H., 659. Crawford, Capt. Samuel A., 661. Crupper, Capt. Robt. P., 667. Cravens, Lt. Washington, 669. ¦Curtis, Capt. A. A., 88. Curtis, Lt. Rud, 152:7-9. 718 Urdon Regiments of Kentucky Curd, Capt. Robt. S., 231. ¦CuUen, Engr. Jno., 105. Curtis, Lt. John J., 231. CuUen, Lt. Thos., 241. ¦Curran, Lt. E. B., 125-6, 130. Cunningham, Capt. Geo. P., 245. Curry, Capt. John R., 250. CuUen, Lt. Matt., 298. Cummins, Capt. J. P., 145. CuUen, Capt. Jas. , F., 324. Culton, Lt. A. Y., 182. Cunningham, Lt. Jno. F., 200. Curry, Lt. J. R., 201. Culton, Lt., J. U., 343. Curry, Lt. MUton C, 326. Culton, Adjt. J. C, 341. Cummings, Capt. F. M., 362. Cummings, Capt. Theo. P., 326. Curran, Capt. Thos. A., 444. Culbertson, Capt. Wm. W., 470. Cundiff, Capt. Wm. H., 476. Cundiff, Lt. Thos. H., 478. Cummins, Oapt. Wm. T., 479. Curran, Surg. W. H., 483. Cutsinger, Lt. Jas. L., 577, 581. Curtis, Capt. C. R., 618. Culton, Lt. A, B., 647. Davis, Lt. Edward, 166. Davis, Lt. M. J., 112. Davis, Oapt. A. N., 142. Davis, Hon. Garrett, 17, 20. Davis, W. P., 6. Davis, Lt. R. W., 126. Dameron, Lt. Geo., 201. Davis, Lt. Harrison P., 231. Darnell, Lt. Burton W., 219. Daniel, Lt. Moses P., 256. Darby, Capt. P. H., 260. Davis, Lt. Robert R., 265. Daniel, Lt. John G., 270. Davis, Adjt. Thos. N., 286. Dasher, Capt. Geo. W., 288-9. Dawkins, Col. Richard C, 330, 332. Dawkins, Capt. Jos. H., 332. Danks, Lt. Thos. R., 333. Daniel, Col. T. J., 341. Da-yls, Lt. Jos. H., 345. Davidso-n, Surg. Wm. R., 346, 588. Davidson, Maj. Henry G., 375. Davenport, Lt. Jas. M., 376-8. Daniels, Lt. John G., 385. Davison, Lt. Thos., 400, 405. Davidson, Oapt. J. H., 420. Davis, Capt. S., 422. Davenport, Lt. L. P., 423. Daniel, Lt. Coleman S., 432. Davison, Capt. Wm. H., 457. Davis, Lt. Robt. M., 458, 461. Davis, Lt. Thos. D., 461. Dayton, Maj. Wm. M., 469, 495. ' Davidson, Capt. E. B., 496, 500. Davis, Lt. , 529. Davidson, Capt. Roy D., 534. Davidson, Maj. John L., 540, 544. ¦Dawson, Adjt. Jas. A., 544, 589. Davis,' Lt. Jas. H., 572. Davidson, Surg. B, P., 584. Daly, Capt. J. O., 594. Daly, Lt. Eugene O., 594. Davis, Capt. E. P., 6x0. Damron, Capt. Thos., 629. Daniel, Surg. John M., 633. Davidson, Maj. Jas. H., 645. Davis, Lt. Jo'hn P., 646. Davis, Lt. J. H., 660. Davlee, Lt. F. A., 676. Delph, Maj. J. M., 11, 15. Deryreese, Mate Oornellus, Jr., 105. Dever, Capt. John, 200. Dear, Lt. Thos. M., 211. Dear, Lt. Moses A., 211. Debaun, Lt. Samuel T., 230. Devore, Lt. Newton, 220. Delfosse, Maj. Julius N., 236. Denton, Wm. P., 237. Denton, Capt. Henry A., 238. Denton, Oapt. D. H., 298. Dessell, Lt. Prank, 326. Detweiler, Lt. German, 333. Deane, Lt. Isaac, 345. Denton, Capt. G. D., 352. Denton, Oapt. John H., 378. Despain, Lt. "Wm. L., 411. Despain, Lt. Jesse, 414. DeGarmo, Lt. Geo. M., 442, 446. Deering, Adjt. Geo., 456. Dean, Lt. Noah C, 462. Denny, Lt. Leonidas, 484. Dean, Lt. J. R., 498. DeSilve, Lt. Ben P., 534. Defevers, John T., 556. Defevers, Lt. James W., 562. Dent, Col. H., 590-2. Devore, Lt. W. H., 619. Dennis, Lt. J. J., 660. Dick, Capt. Jas. G., 115. Dietzman, Edward, 6, 8. Dillon, Capt. Boston, 114. Dillon, Capt. Frank W., 114. Dlckerson, Lt. John H., 231. Dial, Capt. S. D., 239. Dlckerson, Surg. John, 277. Dixon, Capt. B. S., 353-6. Dlckerson, Oapt. Isaac, 365. Dlckerson, Capt. Jeff., 435. Dickey, Lt. Thos. C, 443, 447. DUlahay, Lt. Wm. S., 461. Dinwlddlie, Surg. Robert, 470, 561. Dldway, Lt. Henry H., 563. DiUard, Col. Wm. T., 591-2. Dills, Ool. John, 609-10-11. Dixon, Lt. Wm. G., 636. Dodson, Lt. O. M., 115. Dobyns, Capt. Geo. H., 88. Downey, Engr. Wm., 105. Dorsey, Engr. Greenberry, 105. Donaldson, Lt. Jas. T., Jr., 196. Doern, PhU, 6. ", Doniphan, Maj. Wm. A., 216, 218. Dozler, Capt. Wm. A., 345. Dowis, Capt. G. S., 345. Index. 719 Itowis, Lt. Stephen, 345. Downing, Lt. D. C, 358, 366. Dorsey, Lt. Stephen N., 376. Doughty, Lt. Preston P., 387-8. Dobbs, Lt. N. B., 399, 403. Dolen, Lt. Ed., 403-6. Dodson, Lt. Monroe, 403. Doyle, Lt. Oliver B., 442, 446. Doniphan, Col. Joseph, 442. ..-- Dougherty, Capt. J. L., 468. Downard, Lt. Adam, 472. .Downey, Capt. H., 478. Dowden, Maj. W. W., 491. Dockery, Lt. Alex., 655. Dryden, Capt. David M., 279. Drye, Maj. Geo. W., 108, 112, 113, 153. Drown, Capt. L. L., 143. Drye, Maj. L. M., 174, 177, 183. Drye, Surg. John, 175, 177. Drane, Surg. Joseph S., 332. Drury, Chaplain Asa, 466. Drlnkard, Lt. G. W., 584. Draper, Surg. Jas. N., 611. DriskU, Lt. T. D., 643. Drlnkard, Lt. Wm. H., 671. Dudley, Capt. Newton S., 218. Duval, Capt. Benj., 241. Duncan, Capt., 260. ^ DuvaU, Capt. L., 287. Dunlap, Col. Henry C, 294, 324, 296, 297. Dunn, Capt. Augustine, 297, 218. Dunbar, Lt: Reben B., 298. Duke, Lt. Jas. M., 313. Dunoan, Lt. L. C, 317. Dupont, A. v., 6. Durelle, Hon. George, 6. Dudley, Gen. W. A., 25. Duncan, Lt. S., 116, 118. Duncan, Lt. Garnett, 143, 183. ^ Dunn, Lt. L. R., 144, 148. Duncan, Capt. Jas. 150, 165. Dunham, Capt. Jas. C, 177. Dunn, Lt. Thos. 191. r)unlap, Lt. Wm. B., 334. Duncan, Surg. J. R., 362. Dunn, Jjt. Henry C, 378. DuvaU, Capt. M. V. B., 400. Duvall, Lt. LqwIs W., 400. Duncan, Maj. Jofin P., 411. Dunn, Surg. Edward P., 432. Dudley, Adjt. Jos., 442. Duncan, Capt. David, 457. Dunlap, Lt. Jas. 469. Duncan, Maj.- Jcihn R., 476. Dunn, Capt. "Wm. B., 486. ' Duvall, Capt. Thos. M., 486. Dudley, Col. E. L., 488, 495. Dudley, Adjt. M. S., 495. Dunninigton, Lt. L. W., 496, 501. Dudley, Capt. Jas., 497. Dudley, Lt. Thos. P., 497. Dulln, Q.-M. E. P., 508. Duke, Lt. J. P., 513, 514, 517, 520, 521, Duberry, Capt. Wm., 596. -Dunoan, Surg. Jas.R., 605. Duckworth, Lt. Silas B., 608. Dyas, Capt. Robt. J., 579, 584. Eades, -Chap. John R., 312. Eaton, Lt. Wm. J., 344. Eearly, Lt. J. Q., 344. Eades, Lt. Green B., 388. Eason, Capt. Chas. L., 433. Earnest, Capt. Robt., 540, 544. Easley, Capt. E. W., 666. Bberman, Oarpt. Jacob S., 611. Edwards, Lt. Robt. A., 160. Edwards, Oapt. Wm., 205, 214. Edwards, Lt. J. W., 214. Edwards, Lt. Wm. W., 215. Edwards, Lt. C'has. H., 230. Edwards, Capt. Elisha B., 458. Edwards, Capt. Wm. C, 498. Bggleston, Capt. H. W., 469. Egerton, Lt. WUlis O., 478. Egan, Capt. Wm. P.,' 519. Biffort, Col. W. H., 125-6-8-9. Ely, Lt. Gilbert, 280. Elktn, Capt. Thos. A., 165. Elder, Lt. Chas. K., 215. Elms, Capt. Adam, 240. BUls, Lt. John, 251. EUiot, Lt. Thos. J., 289. EUiott, Lt. Thos. B., 327. EUiott, Lt. Nathan, 354. Elms, Capt. Jas. M., 385. Elms, Lt. Richard M., 424. EUis, Lt. Wm. E., 444, 448. Elliott, Surg. J. C., 466. Elkin, Lt. Thos. A., 479. EUis, Capt. L. P., 510. Elder, Dt. Geo. T., 547. Ellsworth, Lt. A. A., 683. Emge, Oapt. Peter, 335. Emmerson, Chaplain, I. W., 411. Enyart, Col. David A., 275, 277. English, Maj. DuvaU, 229. Enright, Capt. Martin, 370-4. Engle, Capt. Thos. J., 635. Epperson, Lt. Wm. S., 297. Ernst, Lt. Otis, 179. Estes, Lt. John, 375. Estes, Col. Benj. P., 411-13. EsteU, Lt. Otho W., 445. Estep, Capt. F. A., 505, 512. Eubanks, Lt. Thos., 331, 332. Bvans, Lt. H. C, 183. Everett, Isaac, 6. Bvans, Capt. Milton, 221. Evans, Lt. David L., 223. Evenburgh, Lt. Arthur, 675. Eversole, M'aj. John G., 252, 253. Eversole, Capt. Wm., 258. Eversole, Lt. Abner, 258. Eversole, Lt. Jas., 258. Evans, Adjt. Ferdinand, 332. Eversole, Lt. H., 342. Bvans, Lt. Walter, 458, 538. Evans, Maj. Morgan V., 475-6-9. Evans, Col. Jas. C, 493-5. Bvans, Capt. John G., 497. Bvans, Lt. H. E., 509, 623. Everman, Lt. Jno., Sr., 511. Evans, Capt. John J., 535. 720 Union Regiinents of Kentiwky. Everett, Lt. Isaac, 573. Evans, Lt. J. W., 622. Eve, Col. John G., 644-5. Eve, Lt. Wm. B., 648. Ewell, Lt. Richard L., 534. Fairchild, Ensign, Jos. B., 105. Fairleigh, Col. Thos. B., 50, 540-1-2- 3-4-7. Fairleigh, Surg. Robt. M., 141, 146. Fairleigh, D. W., 6. Parmer, Engr. Benj. A., 105. Paris, Capt. Fleming, 153, 168. Faulkner, Col. John K., 153, 185, 186, 187, 188. Paust, Dt. j. W., 160. Fawkner, Lt. G. S., 198. Parmer, Lt. John, 199. Paris, Maj. J. T., 202, 210. Farrow, Lt. Andrew J., 221. Parmer, Lt. Jas., 279, 280. Faulkner, Lt.' Geo., 358, 366. Pansier, Lt. B., 498, 503. Pagg, Dt. Joseph A., 499. Farris, Lt. Speed S., 587. Farmer, Lt. A. H., 587. Pagan, Capt. W. H., 593. Parmer, Lt. J. R., 595. Parmer, Capt. B. P., 596. Palls, Capt. Henry P., 658. Feland, Maj. John, 141, 194, 196. Pee, Capt. F. W., 377, 278. Feltsch, Lt. John, 154. Ferguson, Capt, Alex. B., 320. Fetter, Capt. Geo., 218. Peaman, Capt. John T., 238. Ferguson, Capt. Alex. B., 328. FerriU, Lt. Bd. C, 378. Ferguson, Lt. John C, 452, 460. ^ Ferry, Capt. Isaac, 457-8. PerreU, Capt. Col. L. H., 592, 593. Ferguson, Lt. W-ayne, 607. Ferguson, Col. Stephen M.', 611. Finnell, Gen. J. W., 25, 26, 75, 202. Fishback, Capt. J. B., 118. Fischer, J. J., 6. Fitch, Maj. Chas. T., 115. Finley, Surg. Jno. P., 125, 129. Fidler, Maj. W. H., 153, 170, 171, 174, 175. Finnell, Capt. L. H., 181. Finnell, Capt. Fountain, 253. Fields, Capt. Harrison, 258. Finch, Dt. D. W., 287. Finley, Lt. John, 324. Plthlam, Surg. Washington, 218, 253. Fidler, Lt. James M., 378. Fisher, Capt. P. G., 415. Pitch, Lt. Andrew B., 424. Pitts, Lt. Wm. A., 462. Pithian, Surg. Joseph, 466. Fisk, Capt. Wm. R., 467. Fitz'hugh, Surg T. C, 495. Fisher, Lt. Jos., 544, 550. Piggett, Lt. Jas. A., 562. PIsher, Capt. John R., 563. Fisher, Capt. Thos., 563. FinneU, Q.-M. Geo. T., 579. Flynt, Ensign J. M., 105. Fleming, Surg. J. P., 218. Fletcher, Surg. Horace, 237. Flora, Lt. Wm. T., 240. Floyd, Lt. M., 298. Flusser, Capt. Chas. W., 94. Plint, J. B., 6. Plannery, Lt. H., 343. Flowers, Adjt. Geo. W., 411, 414. Plemming, Lt. John R., 486. Forrester, Capt. C. W., 6. Potirler, Capt. John, 6, 8, 172, 180. Foster, Comdr. Jas. P., 97. Foster, Surg. Wm. C, 105, 158, 159. Fox, Maj. P. T., 112, 117. Forrester, Surg. Wm., 150, 161, 165. Forrester, Capt. John W., 168. Foley, Maj. Jas. L., 216, 218. Folger, Lt. Wm. B., 287. Foremaman, Surg. Jos. '297. Foreman, Capt. T. C, 143. Fortner, Lt. Geo., 386. Fox, Capt. Joseph, 388. Forbes, Lt. N. G., 411. Poster, Q.-M. R. D., 419. Fox, Lt. Andrew J., 424. Forman, Col. Jas. B., 429, 432-3. Foster, Lt. Richard, 432. Farman, Lt. B. S., 433. Poster, Capt. Jo'hn L., 433. Forbes, Surg. "Wm. N., 476. Forbis, Capt. H. K., 478. Ford, Lt. Wm. M., 502. Foy, Col. Jas. C, 514, 517, 518. Fox, Lt. J. S., 520, 524. Ford, Lt. John T., 579. Foreman, Surg. Jos., 592. Fowler, Lt. J. W., 594. Pord, Oapt. Wm., 611. Ford, Capt. H., 616. Poster, Lt. John, 620. Forrester, Lt. John W., 647. Forrest, Lt. Jasper, 654. Fraser, Capt.. Milton, 301. Praser, Lt. Thos. K., 278. Freeman, Oapt. M. B., 168. Freeman, Lt. Richard B., 168. Freeman, Adjt. Z. B., 238. Frizzel, Capt. Wm. C, 261. Pry, Gen. Speed S., 22, 50, 62, 101, 291, 302, 312. Fry, Maj. John, 89. Frank, Capt. Wm., 330, 333, 335. Frisbie, Lt. Jos. 345. Freeman, Capt. J. K., 387. Francis, Dt. J. B., 397. Frogg, Capt. Dewls D., 400. Freeman, Lt. Green C, 401. Francis, Lt. John B., 402-6. Frasher, Capt. Oliver M., 421. Freeman, Lt. John M., 445. Frost, Lt. John H., 457-9, 460. Fruit, Capt. Samuel T., 460. Frayne, Lt. R. J., 510. Index. 121 Freeman, Dt. Geo. W., 551. Frost, Maj. Jos. L., 544. Frank, Capt. E. W., 564. Francis, Lt. J. L., 586. Frisby, Lt. Wm., 623. Prazer, Lt. J. W., 623. Francis, Maj. Jas. G., 657-9. Fullerton, Maj. Wm. G., 89. Punk, Dt. Jas., 165. Furr, Lt. Wm. W., 336. Funk, Dt. Clem., 376. Fuller, Dt. Dewis, 458. Fulkerson, Q.-M. Martin, 611. Garrard, Gen. T. T., 22, 74, 107, 108, 336, 341. Gaines, Dt. R. O., 142. Gardner, Dt. Wm. R., 145. Gallup, ' Col. Geo. W., 252, 416, 419, 425. Gates, Dt. Jos. A., 262. Gardner, Capt. Jos. H., 351. Gardner, -Dt. B. B., 413. Gallup, Capt. Giles A., 415. Gardner, Capt. H. G., 422, 424, 425. Gallup, Lt. H. H., 422, 425. Gault, Col. J. W., 437, 442, 446. Gault, Lt. John T., 444, 448. Galbraith, Dt. Thos. J., 444. Gary, Capt. Wesley, 459. Gapen, Capt. John P., 486. Garrard, Capt. "Dan, Jr.. 505, 510. Gathright, Capt. J. T., 505, 511. Gardner, Surg. Jos., 531. 'Gardner, Chaplain Robt. S., 561. Gault, Maj. John, 570. Gardner, Surg. Wm. H., 579. Garvin, Dt. Jas., 620. Gates, Dt. Erastus M., 629. Gabbard, Lt. Henry H., 635. Garner, Lt. J. S., 644. Gee, Adjt. Harry, 229. Gee, Lt. L. W., 179. Gentry, Lt. D. W., 255. Gerrety, Lt. Frank D., 434. Gelsman, Lt. Wm., 435. German, Lt. D. W., 628. Gist, Lt. W. R., 215. Gillespie, Lt. J. G., 212. Gill, Col. Chas., 161, 168. GUliland, C. C, Carpenter, 105. Gilmore, Maj. R. M., 125, 129, 131. GUlen, Lt. A. C, 141. Glllett, Maj. A. J., 141-3-6. Ginis, Lt. W. J., 182. Gillum, Lt. Pleasant, 256. Gilliland, Dt. Francis, 260. . Gilmore, Capt. John D., 298, 301. Gilmore, Dt. Robt., 298. Gilpin, Surg. Wm. B., 324. Givens, Oapt. Jas. M., 319. GUlenwaters, Dt. R. R. W., 362. Gilmore, Capt. C. W., 400. GiUis, Lt. Henry L., 444. Gist, Adjt. Geo. W., 466, 468. Gill, Q.-M. Richaa-d C, 457. Gipson, Capt. F., 486. GIbbany, Q.-M. Jas. R., 500. Gilbert, Lt. J. A., 509. Gill, Lt. John M., 533. Gillstrapp, Capt. P. M., 544-9. Gilmore, Oapt. R. M., 587. Gilliam, Capt. John D., 652. GUlespie, Oapt. Wm. E., 673. Glass, Oapt. Henry, 103. Glore, Maj. J. A. P., 161-4-7. Glenn, Lt. John, 484-6. Glass, Surg. WUson H., 633. Glassie, Capt. Daniel W., 675-6. Gore, Lt. Dennis W., 213. Gore, Oapt. J. D., 213. Goldsmith, ,Surg. Middleton, 85. Goodloe, Capt. Wm. Cassius, 80. Gordon, Maj. Wm. A., 89. Gorham, Lt. H. D., 165. Goshorn, Lt. S. M., 190. Gohagen, Lt. Silas, 190. Gouldlng, Capt. Senepa, 191. Goad, Lt. David C, 270. Gossett, Lt. C. C, 298. Gorin, Lt. John W., 280: Gooch, Capt. Jas. M., 299. Goodloe, Adjt. Wm., 312. Goad, Lt. Jas. 363. Gormley, Lt. John, 434. Gogen, Lt. David H., 469. Goodnight, Capt. J. J., 477. Godman, Oapt. J. C, 509. Goodloe, Lt. G. C., 521. Goodwin, Capt. J. O., 524. Goodpaster, Capt. P., 530-4. Gorln, Capt. Wm. P., 548. Goode, Lt. Ed. R., 562. Goode, Lt. D. B., 563. Gooch, Lt. U. S., 587. Goad, Dt. David C, 599. Good, Dt. Jas. T., 600. Goble, Dt. Isaac, 611. Golden, Oapt. Stephen, 645. Goodin, Oapt. John, 649. Gratz, Maj. D. A., 153, 170, 175. Oray, Adjt. J. S., 141, 146. Graves, Dt. T. J., 116. Green, Capt. G. A., 21. Grubb, Dt. Abe, 116. Griffith, Dr. G. W., 5, 121, 123, 125, 129, 130. Gregg, Ensign John, 105. Griffith, Dt. R. U., 118. Griswold, Dt. J., 121, 128. Gregg, Dt. O. O., 128. Grifflth, Surg. D. J., 129, 286. Graham, Dt. Isaac, 178. Groves, Capt. Chas. P., 277. Gross, Capt. Henry, 289. Gray, Chap. Richard H., 297. Grinstead, Dt. C. T., 299. Green, Lt. WUson J., 328. Gray, Oapt. Wm. K., 347, 512, 588. Grider, Col. Ben C, 357, 362. Grider, Col. John H., 358-9, 362, 661 Grinstead, Lt. John P., 358, 365. 722 Union Regiments of Kentucky. Gregory, Dt. Wm. M., 363. Grace, Dt. Richard, 375. Graves, Capt. John B., 385. Gray, Dt. I. D., 397, 402. Graham, Oapt. Ed. W., 414. Graham, Dt. E. J., 414. Green, Capt. G. W., 420. Gray, Dt. Jas. W., 432. Griffin, Dt. Jesse W., 458. Grose, Capt^ John "W., 469. Grant, Q.-M. Robt. W., 470-2. Graham, Dt. Geo. W., 477. Gray, Dt. Daiwson, 484. Gregory, Lt. Thos. J., 486. Gratz, Lt. M. B., 498. Gray, Lt. Daniel R., 499, 503. Gray, Capt. Wm. K., 505, 588. Green, Lt. Jos., 518. Grigsby, Col. Lewis B., 326-7-8, 531. Grubbs, Chaplain W. M., 543, 544. Gray, Capt. Anderson, 561. Grant, Capt. Henry B., 563. Griffln, Oapt. Jas., 563. Grannon, Lt. Jas., 574. Gregory, Lt. Wm. H., 580. Gruber, Adjt. C. A., 592. Graves, Lt. Nathan H., 602. Green, Lt. Robt. M., 635. Gregory, Lt. John M., 640. Gray, Capt. Dexter B., 665. Griffin, Lt. Calvin, 670. Gregory, Capt. Thos. J., 692. Guthrie, Lt. John B., 278. Gunn, Capt.' J. P., 352. Guess, Lt. Jas. C, 485. Gunn, Adjt. John T., 495-7. Gunn, Chaplain Thos. M., 495. Gunn, Lt. Tho. M., 499, 503. Gutig, Capt. Chas., 512. Guy, Capt. Fred, 545. Gupton, Capt. Stephen M., 574. Gupton, Lt. "Wm. L. 574. Guffey, Lt. E. B., 582. H Harlan, Gen. J. M., 4, 46, 234, , 367, 368-9, 370-1-5. Hadley, Lt. Wm. M., 116. HaUlsy, Col. D. J., 153, 170-1-5. Hatchitt, Dt. Col. Jas. G., 89. Harniot, Dt. T. P., 156. Harper, Dt. Wm., 160. Hawthorne, Capt. D. R., 89. Hardin, Dt. Jos. G., 168. Halsey, E. T., 6. Hale, Dt. J. S., 175. Hambrick, Ensign J. W., 105. Hartman, Dt. S. R., 180. Harlan, Lt. J. S., 165. Harting, Enislgn Hy., 105. Hayden, Oapt. B. T., 188. Harney, Jno. H., 6. Hamilton, Dt. Wm., 190. Hayman, Ensign G. M., 105. Hardy, Dt. Thos., 196. Hanson, Col. C. S., 46-7, 50, 207, 245, 604-5. Hardwick, Dt. P. T., 201. Hackley, Capt. T. K., 115. Hardin, Capt. T. J., 203, 211. Hayes, Capt. J. J., 84. Harney, Capt. B. M., 210. Hastings, Dt. G. J., 127. Hale, Lt. J. D., 214. Haggard, Col. D. R., 153, 161-2-5. Harlan, Lt. Theo. B., 220. Hansbrough, Capt. Presly P., 230., Harrison, Maj. Jas. B., 236, 237. Harper, Surg. J. S., 245. Hamilton, Capt. Andrew G., 237. HamUton, Lt, Henry H., 242. Hall, Capt. Jefferson, 255. Hatton, Capt. S. W., 253. Hawkins, Lt. P. P., 261. Hanson, Oapt. Lewis A., 262. Hart, Surg. Chas. P., 265. Harper, Surg. Jos. T., 265. Hartee, Capt. Bd., 267. Hadlock, Col. A. V., 277, 278. Harrol, Lt. Theo., 277. Hammond, Lt. David, 278. Hagan, Capt. A. J., 280. Haldeman, Lt. Peter, 297. Hardin, Lt. Jas. L., 300. Hall, Lt. J. M., 306, 313. Harlan, Capt. Wellington, 306-12. Harrington, Capt. B. H., 313. Hardin, Lt. Francis L., 317. Hauphoff, Capt. Jos. J., 329, 333. Hailman, Mlaj. Wm. N., 329, 332. Harmon, Lt. G. W., 344. Harkleroad, Lt. Jas., 353-6. Harding, Capt. L., 358, 363. Hays, Col. "Wm. H., 375. Hatchitt, Surg. Jas. G., 375. Hardesty, Surg. Chas., 375. Hawkins, Col. P. B., 380, 384. Hay, Capt. Vincent S., 384. Hanway, Capt. Chas. W., 386. Ham, Lt. John C, 387. Ham, Capt. G. C., 389, 399. Hayes, Lt. E. P., 389, 399. HaU, Adjt. John M., 399. Hall, Lt., "Wm. H., 413. Hagan, Lt. Jas. H., 414. Hale, Lt. Bluford M., 421. Hawes, Capt. Patrick O., 422. Halpln, Col. W. G., 430, 432-5. Hall, Q.-M. Woodford, 432. Harrison, Capt. Wm. H., 432. Hammer, Capt. J. S., 439, 442, 446. Harris, Col. Jos. B., 442. Harbeson, Maj. Jas. P., 442-5. Harrison, Surg. C. R., 442. Hammer, Col. Prank S., 446. Harrison, Lt. Jas. B., 457. Harwood, Lt. B. H., 457. Hall, Maj. John J., 466-9, 470. HamUton, Adjt. John W., 466, 470. Hatry, Lt. A. G., 468. Hale, Lt. Luther, 478. Hansford, Capt. Jas. W., 478. Hamblln, Capt. Lincoln A., 478. Index. 723 Hanson, Col. Chas. S., 481, 482, 485 Hall, Dt. Cassander, 484. Hale, Dt. John W., 485. Haynes, Oapt. Robt. F., 485. Hayes, Dt. John H., 496, 500. ' Hardy, Lt. Holman P., 498. Hamilton, Adjt. Thornton, 500. Hagan, Lt. Jas. P., 502. Harrington, Lt. A. J., 508. Harper, Dt. Thos. P., 511. Hamrick, Maj. Thos. H., 513, 517. Hawthorne, Q.-M. L. R., 517. Hashbrook, Surg. Wm. L., 517, 522. Hardlman, Capt. T. W., 518, 5:0. Hamer, Lt. Reub., 519. Haurahan, Lt. Jno., 522. Hayes, Lt. T. R., 524. Hail, Capt. G. v., 527, 532. Hawkins, Capt. Jas. A., 533. Hackett, Capt. Rowland E., 544-9. Hansford, Lt. Wm. T., 544, 530. Harris, Lt. Jos. B., 545. . Hall, Capt. M. T., 546. Haden, Dt. S. H., 546. Harvey, Dt. John P.,. 550. Hart, Lt. Chas. H., 550. Harrison, Lt. S. H., 551. Hammers, Capt. Geo., 562. Haynes, Lt. Sam G. H., 564. Hays, Q.-M. Theo. B., 570-1-4. Babermeal, Surg. Jos., 570. Hawley, Lt. Jos. B., 571. Bartman, Lt. A., 571. Harris, Lt. Chas. H., 574. Hardin, Adjt. Thos. J., 579. HamUton, Lt. T. S., 587. Harney. Col. S.,* 591-2. Harvey, Q.-M. D. A., 592. Hare, Capt. C. C, 595. Hampton, Lt. Thos. T., 599. Hayslip, Lt. R. C, 599. Harrell, Dt. Alfred, 599. Hazlewood, Surg. R. W., 605. Hale, Dt. Beale, 608. Hampton,- Adjt. Devi J., 611. Harkins, Dt. John, 611. Haws, capt. A. P., 614. Hagerman, Lt. Wm., 615. Haley, Capt. Benj. R., 627. Haley, Lt. Wm. A., 627. Hatten, Lt. Jasper, 629. Hannaford', Adjt. Geo. A., 633. Hawkins, Capt. Fountain P., 640. Hayden, Lt. J. A., 648. Hardgrove, Oapt. I. D., 649. Hawthorne, Surg. Robt. D., 652. Hartu, Capt. Edward, 654. Hayes, Dt. Richard W., 656. Haggerty, Capt. Henry, 658. Hancock, Dt. Robt. A., 664. Haley, Dt. D. W., 671. Hardlman, Capt. Thos. W., 672. Harper, Dt. Geo. S., 672. Hattersby, Lt. Geo., 675. Hawes, Capt. John J., 686. Henderson, P. D., 6. Henderson, Dt. A. J., 176. Hendren, Dt. C, 214. Hewitt, Lt. P., 213. Hewitt, Dr. R. C, 6. Hewitt, Adjt. J. M., 125-9. Heath, Lt. P. U., 177. Hendrick, Chap. Jas. P., 218. Heywood, Rev. J. H., 6. Hendrickson, Lt. Daniel, 221, 627. Hertel, Lt. Geo. P., 223. Hewitt, Surg. Thos. W., 229. Henry, S. G., 6. Herd, Col. Andrew, 253, 255. Hensley, Surg. Jas. W., 253. Henry, Col. A. P., 259, 260. Herr, B. W., 6. Henson, Lt. Geo. W., 278. Helveti, Maj. F. M., 108, 112. Herlott, Lt. T. P., 159. Heuse, Emgr. Fred, 105. Hester, Col. Wm. W., 145, 637-8-9. Hedden, Oapt. Elisha, 330, 333. Hesselbeln, Capt. D., 335. Herndon, Surg. G. L. C, 341. Henson, Maj. "Wm. J., 362. Hestant, Lt. Turner, 362. Heeter, Capt. Theo. P., 363. Henson, Oapt. Wm. J., 400. Henderson, Lt. Richard, 413. Herron, Chap. R. B., 419. Heiser, Lt. Joseph C, 440, 443. Herton, Lt. Silas, 452, 462. Heltemus, Capt. Jas. B., 470, 473. Hedger, Lt. Stephen W., 479. Herring, Dt. O. B., 486. Hedges, Lt. A., 494. Hedges, Lt. Hugh A., 498. Herndon, Surg. G. L. C, 500. Hegan, Capt. ¦W:m. B., 505, 510, 511. Hennessey, Lt. M. T., 520, 521. Hedges, Capt. Peter T., 529, 533. Henry, Lt. John, 531. Hendrix, Lt. John A., 544. Heston, Surg. Robt. L., 561. Hervey, Oapt. Wm. P., 564. Healy, Q.-M. A. M., 570-2-4. Heffner, Lt. A. P., 573. Henderson, Chaplain Ira, 605. Hensted, Lt. Oscar H. M., 605. Hereford, §urg. Jas. H., 611. Helvey, Lt. Jacob, 612. Helton, Lt. Chas., 615. Henderson, Maj. John C, 421, 627. Herd, Lt. Francis M., 633. Herron, Lt. Geo. W., 664. Hewitt, Capt. John M., 681-3. HiU, Lt. Jno. P. N., 117. HIU, Capt. J. C, 167. Hlx, Capt. Jas. H., 237. HUl, Capt. John W., 241. Hill, Capt. Samuel B., 241. Himes, Lt. Wm. H., 241. Higgins, Lt. Wm., 125. Hiatt, Capt. Peter J., 313. Hicks, Lt. Merrill, 316. Higginboitham, Capt. R., 166-7. Hines, Lt. Jas., 155. Hlte, Lt. Thos. M., 326. Hinkle, Capt. Peter, 345. Hickman, Capt. R. B., 353. 724 Union Regiments of Kentucky. Hilp, Capt. Edward, 376. Hill, Oapt. Prank S., 378. Higgins, Surg. Jas T., 384. Hill, Lt. Jesse S., 387. Higgenbotton, Lt. M., 400. Hill, Capt. Geo. W., 401. Hiatt, Oapt. P. J. 402. Hindman, Capt. Jas. R., 412, 414. Hizer, Lt. I. T., 414. HIU, Lt. Henry H., 421, 425. Hikes, Lt. Harrison, 433. Hicks, Lt. Shelby, 456. Hicks, Lt. Aaron S., 458, 462. Hicks, Capt. Henry, 479. Hiatt, Lt. Hugh M., 485. Higdon, Lt. John T., 540, 544. Hiner, Capt. Thos. S., 561. Higdon, Lt. Jos. F., 564. Hiatt, Capt. Hugh M., 639, 641. Hise, Lt. Jas. S., 673. Hobson, Gen. E. H., 4, 5, 24, 46-7-9, 64, 207, 407, 411, 552. Holeman, Col. A. W., 224, 225, 227, 229, 233, 236. Howe,' Lt. Guy D., 241. Hobson, Col. W. E., 5, 407-8-9-11. Hobbs, Capt. E. M., 181. HoUand, Lt. W. S., 166. Hord, Surg. Wm. T., 103. Horner, Engr. A. T., 105. Hobbs, Capt. B. N., 153-4-6-9, Hoffman, Lt. Thos., 157. Holden,- Mate W. S., 105. ' Hooker, Oapt. W. D., 154. Honnell, Chap. W. H., 112. Holt, Hon. Jos., 12. Holloway, Maj. Wm.,-89. Holloway, Maj. J. H., 192-3-4-6. Holllnsworth, Lt. C. P., 146-9. Holmes, Lt. Jias., 141. Homire, Jn'o., 18. HoblitzeU, Ool. W. T., 128, 153, 161-5. 171. Holloway, Lt. J. J., 198, 462. Holman, Col., 205. Hood, Gen. J. B., 41-2-3-4-5. Hodges, Oapt. M. P., 210. Hosmer, Lt. G. A., 12|-6, 130. Hoskins, Col. W. A., 46, 171, 389, 399. Hopkins, Lt. J. T., 188. Hopkins, Maj. O. J., 89. Howard, Capt. Jas. R., 248. Hoke, Lt. Louis H., 280. Homung, Lt. Geo., 281. Hoost, Lt. H., 290. Hogan, Oapt. Wm. J., 297. Hoarlne, Lt. A. P., 299. Hoch, Capt., W. P., 311, 316, 317. Hope, Oapt. M. B., 312. Howard, Lt. Jas. H., 333. Horton, Capt. J. C, 341. Howell, Lt. Jesse, 363. Houchin, Maj. W. M., 384, 386. Houchin, Dt. Francis, 386. Howard, Col. Montgomery, 399. Hopkins, Dt. G. W., 420. HoUlngsworth, Capt. I., 423. Howser, Dt. Benj. R., 432. Howard, Lt. John W., 457. Hobbs, Lt. Benj. T., 459. Howe, Lt. Silas, 468. Hogg, Capt. H. C, 477. Hogg, Lt. Edwin P., 477. Hoskins, M'aj. J. E., 493-5-8. Howell, Lt. Benj. P., 503. Hoffman, Lt. J. C, 514, 518. Holden, Capt. Wm. G., 518. Holden, Lt. E. H., 518. House, Lt. G. W., 523. HoweU,, Lt. D. G., 629, 535. Howard, Lt. Wm. G., 534. Holland, Dt. Jas. M., 544. Hogue, Dt. John W., 570. Hooker, Lt. Henry, 572-4. Hodges, Oapt. Milton P., 579. Hoagland, Lt. A. M., 593. Holland, Lt. Ira A., 605. Holloway, Surg. O. E., 618. Hoyt, Maj. Wm. H., 640. Hoyt, Lt. Wm., 642. Hogan, Surg. Hugh M., 645. Howard, Capt. Jas. G., 647. Ho-ward, Capt. Benj. P., 647. Howard, Lt. Jas. C, 647. Hoy, Capt. Geo. W., 653. Houchin, Capt. Francis, 654. Housh, Q.-M. S. J., 657. Howe, Maj. Silas, 669. Hughes, W. E., 6. Hughes, Lt. Edw., 166. Huffman, Lt. Solomon, 231. Hurt, Capt. "Wm. G., 243. Hudspeth, Capt. J. H., 200. Hunt, ,Lt. W. C, 176. Hunt, Lt. S. H., 104. Hunter, Capt. W. T., 198. Huffaker, Dt. C. W., 116. Hunter, Dt. Jas. C, 181. Hunter, Chap. H. A., 89. Hunter, Dt. W., Jr., 154-8. Huffman, Dt. R. E., 115, 118. Huffman, Surg. A. G., 112. Huffman, Capt. J. E., 82. Hungerford, Chap. B. P., 210. Humphrey, Dt. Jias., 112. Hurt, Maj. Harrlsoil M., 245. Huston, Capt. J. M., 20, 323-7. Hurt, Dt. Martin, 248. Huber, -Capt. J. P., 86. Hughes, Lt. Geo. S., 250. Hutchins, Capt. M. C, 5. Hughes, Lt. B., 250. Hull, Capt. G. A., 83. Hunt, Capt. Ralph, 278. Hurd, Lt. J. H., 105. Hunter, Lt. Geo., 280. Hurd, Col. John R., 282-3-4-6-8: Huber, Lt. S., 286. Hurd, Capt. Jesse C, 288, 290. Hunt, Adjt. Garvin D., 296, 297. Hudson, Capt. Wm. H., 300. Hughes, Lt. Spencer B., 301. Hudnall, Capt. J. I., 310, 314. Hunt, Col. P. Burgess, 302, 306, 308, 309, 312. Humston, Capt. M. C, 312. Index. 725 Hunt, ;:.t. G. D., 313. Hurley, Capt. John P., 325, 329. Huston, Dt. John W., 327. Hund, Oapt. B., 334. Hund, Dt. Anton, 334. Hurd, Dt. Andrew, 343. Hughes, Dt. N. J., 354-5. Hughes, Lt. C. S., 354-5. Hupp, Lt. Wm., 376. Hunter, Oapt. Wm. R., 377. Hurt, Lt. Reuben, 400. Hurt, Lt. Joseph, 400. Hudson, Capt. Wm. P., 403. Hughes, Lt. Isaac D., 404. Hurt, Lt. Joseph, 405. Hughes, Capt. H. Q., 412. Hutchins, Oapt. M. G., 439, 440, 445, 449. Hurst, Lt.. Simpson, 446. Hubbard, Surg. Stewart, 457. Hudson, Capt. Jas., 458. Hutchens, Capt. N. M., 499. Hughes, Maj. Jno., 508. Hudson, Capt. Wm., 518, 523. Hurt, Col. John S., 528, 530, 531. Hughes, Capt. F. M., 565, 572. Hunter, Chiaplain Hiram A., 570. Hume, Adjt..Wm. J., 584. Hurt, Oapt. H. M., 585. Hutchinson, Lt. T.. J., 588. Huey, Adjt. Robt. S., 611. Huntsrflan, Lt. Daniel, 652. Hukell, Lt. Jos. M., 661. Hunt, Surg. Thos. B., 664. Huey, Q.-M. Geo. L., 669. Hyter, Adjt. A. IJ., 210. Hyronemus, Lt. Jas. W., 231. Hyland, Lt. J. C, 280. Hynes, Surg. Alfred W., 570. Hynes, Maj. Blythe, 570. Hynes, Lt. Alfred D., 158, -570. I lies, Q.-M. Thos., 495, 500. Ingram, Surg. I. G., 408, 411. Ingram, Chaplain E., 645. Ingram, Dt. Moses P., 645. Ingram, Lt. Thos. J., 649. Irvine, Lt. Lewis, 402. Irvine, Capt. Williamson, 497. Irvine, Capt. Wm. C, 572. Irwin, Lt. John D., 680. Irwin, Lt. Wm,. K., 680. Isaacs, Lt. G.,'343. Isaacs, Lt. Godfrey, 633. Isaacs, Lt. Andrew, 633. Jacob, Col. R. T., 5, 6, 8, 9, 15, 46, 202. 205, 210. Jackson, Gen. James S., 29, 33, 63, 133, 141, 154. Jarrell, Lt. C. N., 142. Jackson, Lt. J. G., 211. Jacobs, Capt. J. H., 256. Jackson, Lt. David, 266. Jackman, Capt. Wm. S., 300. Jacobs, Capt. J. W., 304. James, Lt. Wm. D., 243. Jackson, Lt. John, 277. Jackson, Oapt. Geo. M., 308, 314. Jacobs, Maj. J. W., 310, 312. Jacobs, Chap. John W., 312. Jacobs, Lt. Isaac N., 315. Jackson, Capt. W. H., 341. Jamison, Capt. R. B., 352. Jacobs, Lt. Geo. W., 353. Jackson, Lt. C. C, 353-6. Jacobs, E. G., 402. Jacobs, Lt. Nathan, 402. Jackson, Q.-M. John T., 457. James, Lt. Wm. D., 478. Jackson, Q.-M. Alonzo, 483. Jameson, Capt. John R., 498, 501. Jackson, Lt. Ool. J. P., 517. January, Lt. Horace, 630. Jarrett, Capt. Samuel, 644. Jenkins, Lt. W. G., 35, 122, 126. Jenkins, Capt. J. W., 108, 115, 211. Jenkins, Lt. Geo. C, 115. Jenkins, Dt. Wm. T., 127. Jenkins, Oapt. Duther, 315, 316. Jenkins, Capt. M^tt. H., 317. Jenkins, Dt. H. W., 358, 365. Jeffray, Surg. T. R. W., 362. Jeter, Capt. R. E., 412. Jett, Capt. Albert N., 415. Jennings, Dt. J. H., 460-2. Jenkins, Dt. G. B., 470. Jett, Surg. W. H., 544-9. Jennings, Dt. John W., 564. Jennerick, Dt. G., 673. Johii'son, Capt. S. B., 240. Jones, Surg. M. G., 253. Johnson, Lt. Thos., 258. Johnson, Ool. Samuel P., 197, 265, 651. Jones, Capt. Virgil A., 265. Jolly, Lt. P. M., 145. Johnson, Col. A; Y., 5, 21, 24, 565. 570. Jouett, Col. Geo. p., 33, 427, 432. Johnson, Gen. Richard W., 71, 162. Johnson, Maj. J. H., 87. Jouett, Admr. Jas. Edw., 92. Jones, Capt. Stephen E., 83, 128. Johnston, Ensign E. W., 105. Johnson, Capt. C. M., 125. Johnson, Surg. E., 141. Jouett, Capt. M. H., 141. Johnson, Lt. Benj., 146. Jones, Lt. Andrew J., 166, 189. Jones, Lt. Thos. A., 218. Johnson, Oapt. Jas. A., 230. Jones, Lt. S. R., 238. Jones, Lt. Sidney B., 318. Johnson, Adjt. E. W., 324. • Jones, Lt. David, 325. Jones, Lt. Richard, 325, Johnson, Lt. Ed. W., 327. Johnston, Oapt. 330, 331. 726 Union Regiments of Kentucky. Jones, Adjt. Wm., 332, 337. Johnston, Chaplain Jas. J., 332. Johnson, Capt. I. N., 335. Jones, Lt. N. C, 354-6. Johnson, Lt. B. M., 358, 362. Johnson, Lt. Oliver P., 387. Johnson, Lt. Jasper H., 399. Johnson, Capt. John, 402. Johnson, Chaplain Geo. W., 403. Johnson, Chaplain Wm. C, 411. Johnson, Lt. Geo. P., -423, 426. Jones, Surg. Lewis J., 442. Johnson, Capt. Chas. E., 446. Johnson, Capt. W. S., 458. Johnson, Lt. Campbell H., 459. Johnson, Capt. Wm. C, 467. Johns, Lt. Jas. H., 468, 621. Jones, Q.-M. J. P., 508, 511. Jones, Capt. "Wiley,. 527, 531. Joyce, Adjt. Jno. H., 529, 530-1-4. Johnson, Lt. Wm. B., 531. Jones, Capt. Edmund, 534. Johnson, Dt. Noah, 619. Johnson, Dt. Alex., 620. Jones, Capt. Wm. B., 629. Johnson, Dt. Wm. B., 629. Jones, Dt. I. S., 633. Johnson, Q.-M. Wm. H., 652. Johnson, Col. W. C, 656-7. Jones, Oapt. P. S., 672. Johnson, Dt. Robt., 676. Jukes, Capt. P., 520. Judy, Dt. Jos. D., 532. K Kaye, Wm., 6. Kampt, Capt. D. B.,229. Karnes, Oapt. Robert, 238, 239. Kantz, Dt. John D., 279. Kalfus, Maj. Henry P., 432-3. Kaps, Dt. Peter, 435. Kean, M., 6. Keefer, Maj. H. G., 89. Keenon, Surg. John G., 89. Keen, Maj. Alverson T., 112, 117. Keen, Dt. Ellas C, 167. Kemp, Dt. Jas. A., 155. Kelly, Col. R. M., 5, 6, 89, 152, 306, 308, 309, 310, 312, 319. KeUy, R. M. Jr., 6, 7. Kelly, Engr. John A., 105. Kelly, Capt. D. A., 14. Kelly, Maj. Hugh B., 153, 174, 175. Kelly, Dt. Wm. B., 115. Keeler, Surg. D. J., 175. Kerr, Dt. Robt. A., 175. Kenbrough, Dt. Samuel, 175. Kennedy, Maj. J. M., 192, 194, 196. Kelly, Lt. Samuel B., 222. Keese, Lt. Houston L., 261. Key, Lt. John B., 262. Key, Lt. Nicholas M., 314. Keely, Lt. Elliott, 318. Kennedy, Lt. Robt. T., 388. Keith, Oapt, Wm., 452, 457. Kelly, Capt. Wm. B., 476. Kelgwin, Capt. Albert N.,' 545. Kerrick, Lt. John W., 606. Kendrick, Lt. A. E., 614. Keel, Dt. S., 616. Kelly, Capt. Isaac, 622. Kerr, Dt. Jas. M., 676. Kirby, Dt. ,Wm. M., 191. KimbreU, Dt. John, 114. King, Col. Robt. H., 137, 141, 142, 146. Kittenger, Maj. A. J., 146. KiUmore, Dt., Wm. J., 155. Kirch, Dt, John N., 159. Kinnett, Dt. Moses, 201. Kinney, Maj. Wm. R., 236. King, Capt. D. J., 236. Kinnaird, Lt. Jas., 254. King, Adjt. C. W., 277, 280. Kirman, Lt. Ed. B., 288. King, Capt. Harbert, 299. Kindred, Oapt. J. M., 351. Kinnaird, Maj. Eugene P., 384-5. Kinnaird, Adjt. John T., 384. Kirby, Oapt. Joseph, 384. ' Kimbley, Surg. J. P., 384. Kilgore, Lt. Wm., 421. King, Capt. E. P., 444. King, Lt. Leonidas A., 444-6. Kinsolving, Chaplain Geo. W., 457. King, Lt. Wm. T., 460. Kirby, Capt. Thos. J., 460. Kimbrough, Lt. Henry, 487. Kinney, Lt. Winder, 487. Kinney, Lt. John, 532. King, Lt. A. L., 579. Kinney, Adjt. R. H., 584. King, Lt. Chas. D., 600. King, Capt. Wm., 610, 615.' King, Chaplain Marcus L., 611. Kilgore, Lt. Ellington, 611. Kirk, Oapt. J. M., 615. King, Lt. Wm. P., 654. Knott, Surg. Thos. M., 375. Knight, Capt. Jno, W., 442. Knoble, Lt. Edward, 495, 500. Knight, Oapt. Wm., 548, 589. Kniffin, Col. G. C, 82. Koch, Lt. Geo., 160. Koch, Lt. Henry, 435. Korna-n, Lt. J. B., 518. Kress, Lt. Oscar D., 460. Kubaugh, John, 6. Kurfiss, Q.-M. Chas. 154. Kurfiss, Capt. John, 154. Kuhn, Capt. Samuel J., 467, 471. Landrum, Gen. W. J., 22, 69, 107, 474-6. Landrum, Gen. J. J., 74, 464-6. Landrum, L. P. N., 6, 553. Layman, Surg. J. H., 125, 129.' Dane, Ool. John, 2, 43, 44. Damme, Dt. Warren, 114. Dakin, Dt. A. C, 141. Index. 727 Laboltraux, Dt. D. G., 277. Dawrence, Maj. Nelson C, 265. Dawrence, Capt. Wm. H., 269. Lamme, Lt. John P., 278, 280. Lawrence, Lt. Jas. G., 279. Lawson, Capt. Joseph, 232. Lanman, Capt. A., 287. Lasley, Chaplain, M. N., 154. Lawless, Capt. Jas. W., 167, 168. Lanham, Capt. Perry G., 177. Lancaster, Capt. Reuben, 181. Lancaster, Capt. Lewis B., 313. Lane, Lt. Jas., 366. Laurie, Lt. Jas., 438, 443. Landrum, Capt. W. J., 455-8-9. Landru'm, Lt. John, 477. Lacy, Capt. J. P., 509. Langford, Capt. Reuben, 534. Lank, Col. Jas. P., 544. Laird, Lt. Thos. G.-, 547. Layne, Q.-M.. Lindsey, 611. LawwIU, Lt. A. W., 618. Larlmore, Lt. T. H., 622. Lay, Lt. John P., 641. Lawwill, Capt. Alex. W., 673. Landwehre, Lt. John H., 680. Leib, Louis, 6. Lewis, John P., 6. Letcher, Col. J. W., 108, 112. Leavy, Lt. Jas. T., 144. Lewis, Capt. J. W., 152, 160. Lee, Lt. John B., 155, 158. Lee, Lt. A., 188. Lewis, Lt. B. P., 237. Lee, Lt. Wm. D., 243. Lewis, Lt. Thos. M., 269. Leman, Oapt. Elisha P., 270. Leiper, Lt. J. M., 279, 280. Leiser, Lt. Theo., 290. Lewis, Lt. John W., 314. A Leiper, Col. B. G., 277. Leonard, Oapt. Christopher, 325. . Leaf, Lt. John, 325. Lee, Capt. Richard, 332. Lee, Lt. John L., 332. Lewis, Lt. Geo. "W., 354-5. Leggett, Capt. H. P., 358-9, 362. Leggett, Lt. A. S., 363. Lewis, Lt. John W., 399. Letcher, Maj. Samuel M., 402-3-5. Lee, Lt. Wm. L., 415. Leffingwell, Capt. D. A., 422. Lennahan, Lt. John D., 434. Lewman, Capt. J. P., 442. Lee, Capt. Jas. A., 445, 449. Lewisi Capt. Orrin M., 469. Lewis, Lt. Alfred S., 469. Lemar, Lt. Chas. M., 473. Lester, Lt. Vincent L., 476. Lee, Lt. M. T. S., 529, 532. Lewis, Lt. Stephen G., 532. Leatherman, Capt. S. H., 593. Leatherman, Lt. J. M., 593. Letcher, Surg., B., 598. Leforce, Capt. Lee, 648. Lee, Lt. Isaac T., 653. Lennin, Capt. J. H., 660. Leber, Surg. P. C, 664. Littlepage, Surg. Samuel I., 5, 233; 234, 237. Littlepage, Lt. E. P., 239. Lippencott, Lt. Amos, 241. Little, Lt. Finis H., 269, 598. Little, Capt. L. H., 126, 130. Lindsey, Gen. D. W., 1," 4, 5, 23, 75, 489, 504-7-8. Lightfoot, Maj. N. C, 236. Linn, Lt. Lewis, 243. Lilly, Col. H. C, 251, 253. LUe, Capt. Jas. H., 267. Linney, Lt. Jas. H., 312. Lindenfelser, Oapt. S., 326. Lindsey, Surg. J. A., 358, 362. Lisle, Adjt. Wm. J., 375. Lilly, Col. H. C, 418. Limburg, Capt. Geo. T., 435. Little, Capt. P. H., 452-8. Littell, Wm. J., 457. Little, Capt. Geo. A., 461. , Littlejohn, Capt. Wm. H., 468. Litteral, Lt. H. B., 511. Dikes, Lt. Thos. M., 533. Littlejohn, Q.-M. G. W., 618, 620. Literal, Capt. H. B., 620. LUe, Q.-M. Jas. H., 652, 654. Lockett, Lt. Wm. A., 118. Loan, Gen. B. P., 106. Lovelace', Capt. T. J., 142. Loomis, Capt. J., 2, 34, 36, 37. Long, Gen. Eli, 68. Lokey, Lt. Jos. T., 220. Lowe, Capt. Wm. D., 247. Lockhead, Adjt. John W., 260. Lockhead, Lt. Robt. T., 261. Lovelace, Maj. Thos. J., 265. Lowenstien, Lt. S. B., 281. Logan, Capt. John L., 298. Long, Capt. Robt. P., 316, 317, 319. Lovett, Capt. Lafayette P., 320. Love, Col. S. P., 5. Loving, H. v., 6. Lower, Maj. Wm., H. 125-6-8, 130-1. Looney, Lt. Jas. W., 158. Lock, Lt. D. R., 198. Lovett, Capt. Lafayette P., 326. Lockman, Lt. F. V., 331, 333. Long, Edmund S., 332. Lodge, Capt. Samuel A., 365. Love, Col. S. P., 381, 384. Long, Lt. Wm. J., 387-8. Low, Lt. Thos. A., 414. Lowthere, Lt. J. M., 420. Logan, Surg. Richard P., 432; Love, Adjt. Chas. A., 442, 444, 44ft 448. Logan, Surg. P. W., 476. Logan, Capt. Alex., 479. Loyd, Lt. P. S., 486. Logan, Dt. Elijah, 497. Louney, Dt. Hugh, 497. Loyal, Capt. Jas. E., 572-4. Lowe, Lt. Wm. D., 585. Looney, Capt. P. N., 593. Long, Lt. Moses, 602. Low, Lt. Wm. H., 605. Loh, Lt. Jas H., 627. 728 Union Regiments qf Kentucky. Lrijckhead, Adjt. John W., 640. Lovler, Lt. Geo. L., 643. Lovier, Lt. Wm. S., 643. Lockwood, Lt. Ben. C, 664. Longfellow, Lt. G., 670. Lucas, Ool. John, 327, 341. Lucas, Lf. John W., 362. Lukens, Lt. T. S., 519. Ludlow, Lt. Israel, 37. Ludlow, Ensign A. S., 105. Luckett, Capt. J. N., 213. Lyons, Lt. J. M., 279, 280. Lyon, Maj. Sidney S., 152-3-4-6-8. Lyle, Dt. Henry M., 432. Lyle, Lt. Jos. W., 432. Lynch, Lt. Thos., 644. M Mallory, Surg. Henry, 154. Mangan, Capt. Wm., 242, 324. Massie, Adjt. John H., 253. Marcum, Lt. Ed., 257. M§,yes, Lt. jks. M., 116. Mallory, Lt. I. S., 260. Marshall, Col. C. A., 27, 437, 442. Marshall, Mate L. J., 105. MaxweU, Capt. E. L., 262. Martin, Capt. H. B., 283-6. Maret, John S. S., 301. Matthews, Surg. John, 324. Manson, Gen. M. D., 53. Maltby, Col. R., 216, 218. Mahatha, Engr. Robt., 105. Mayhew, Engr. Jno., 105. Maxwell, Ool. Cicero, 50. Martin, Capt. J. C, 176. Martin, Lt. Meredith, 117. Martin, Lt. Sam, 166. Mackenzie, Maj. J. M., 89. - Macey, Dt. T. J., 211. Masoner, Com. J. C, 188. Malony, Mate D., 105. Mahoney, Dt. Thos., 212. Maguire, Surg. Samuel, 218. Mason, Capt. Hedrick, 239. Martz, Lt. John, 327. Martin, Maj. Alfred, 329, 332. Marker, Capt. Peter, 331, 335. Mason, Lt. John P., 334. Marker, Lt. Geo., 335. Maret, Capt. G. L., 344. May, Col. Reuben, 351. • Mayhew, Col. Jas. D., 351. Martin, Capt. B., 354. Mayes, Lt. H. W., 358, 365. Mayhew, Lt. A. B., 363. Martin, Capt. H. C, 364. Maguire, Adjt. Austin P., 375. Matlack, Capt. Samuel, 375. Maguire, Lt. A. P., 375. Martin, Lt. T. P., 385. Martin, C-apt. Columbus M., 388. Martin, Lt. Benj., 401. Marcum, Capt. T. D., 419, 424, 426. MaUtey, Adjt. R. R., 442. Manning, Lt. Thos. H., 442. Markley, Capt. Wm.,H. R., 447. Markley, Dt. Martin V., 447. Marlow, Lt. H. C, 461-2. Mann, Maj. Josiah J., 476, 478. Matthews, Chaplain Jas., 476. Manfred, Q.-M H., 508. Marlty, Capt. E. P., 521. Mastin, Adjt. C. E., 531, 533.' Maxwell, Ool. Cicero, 540-1-3-4. Mattingly, Maj. Ignatius, 540-1- -4-5. Macy, Lt. Wm. L., 548. Magruder, Maj. Alex., 561. Marquis, Surg. Wm. V., 570. Martin, Oapt. John, 571-4. Mahoney, Maj. Thos., 577, 579. Matthews, Surg. Jno. J., 584. Martin, Lt. Jas. H., 601. Martin, Maj. Samuel, 603-5. Mattingly, Q.-M. Jas. M., 605. Mannin, M'aj. Thos.- H., 618. Maguire, Surg. Samuel, 627. Matney, Oapt. J. J., 628, 630. Mattingly, Lt. Jesse, 648. Magnos, Lt. L., 676. Mattingly, Lt. B., 692. Matthews, Lt. W. N., 692. McAUister, Lt. P. B., 165. McAdams, Lt. Jas. G., 178, 184. McAfee, Lt. Samuel B., 242. McBeath, Capt. Thos. R., 561. McBeath, Lt. Chas., 606, 671. McCann, Com. Wm. P., 103. McCullough, Capt. M. R., 121, 127. McCannon, Lt. Wm. A., 126. McCown, Capt. Jas. M., 153, 179, 181, 184. McCarty, Lt. Dennis, 159. McCrea, Adjt. P. G., 188, 190. McCullough, Capt. Geo. W., 196. McClelland, Lt. C. J., 220. McOord, Lt. Geo. L., 222. McChesney, Lt. W. R., 280, 289. McClure, Lt. Geo. 301. McCorkhill, Lt. H. C, 325. MoCampbell, Lt. Jas. H., 333. McCuUogh, Lt. J. A., 351-6. McCue, Lt. Chas A., 365. McCauley, Dt. John T., 376. McClure, Capt. John R., 400-2-6. McCracken, Dt. Chas., 415. ' McClure, Capt. Wm. T., 433. McClure, Dt. Jos. D., 433. McOampbeU, Adjt. Jas. A., 483-7. McCampbell, Capt. Andrew, 487. McChrlsty, Dt. Jas., 532. McConnell, Dt. Jas., 545. MoCue, Dt. Chas. A., 606. McClure, Lt. M., 629. McCracken, Lt. John, 637. McDoweU, Lt. M. B., 191. McDermott, Lt. Jas., 318. McDaniel, Lt. Jesse, 354. McDaniel, Capt. Wm., 354. McDuffle.Lt. M. B., 366. McDowell, Maj. Henry C, 86. McDoweU, Maj. Wm. P., 5, 35, 79, 429, 432. Index. 729 McDoweU, Capt. Irvine, 431, 435. McDowell, Capt. John B., 433. McDowell, Capt. Wm. C, 572-4. McElrane, Capt. Robt. H., 523. McPadden, Lt. G. R., 286. McGowan, Oapt. Pat. W., 157. McGee, Lt. Granville B., 166. McGlntey, Oapt. Wm. A., 190. McGintey, Lt. John P., 190. McGee, Lt. MoCalla, 192. McGee, Lt. "Wm. J., 268. McGuire, Lt. Jas., 623. McGhee, Lt. David H., 421. McGrath, Lt. Jas. A. T., 432. McGrath, Lt. John M., 435. McGraw, Lt. Jas. R., 601. McGuire, Oapt. Jno., 620. McGuire, Lt. Mid., 620. McGinety, Lt. C. C, 621. McGill, Lt. Lloyd, 621. McHenry, Col. John H., 31, 133, 449 450-1-2-3-6, 537-8. McHarry, Lt. P. A., 595. McHatton, Lt. Thos. J., 672. Mcintosh, Lt. Nimrod, 257. Mclntire, Lt. Washington J., 531. Mclntire, Capt. John N., 533. McKee, Capt. Sam, 5, 252, 254. McKenzie, Engr. Wm., 105. McKenzie, Capt. Alex., 90. McKelvy, Jonathan, 172. McKee, Lt. Wm. J., 2S0. McKee, Col. Samuel, 293, 296, 297. McKinney, Dt. Wm. H., 157-8-9. McKay, Capt. Chas. ,W., 375, 377. McKee, Adjt. Jas. P., 399. McKuster, Capt. Thos., 421. McKinney, Q.-M. Geo. H., 476. McKinney, Oapt. Wm. P., 480. McKinney, Dt. Jas. Jr., 480. McDeod, Dt. A. P., 175. McDellan, Lt. A., 286. McLain, Capt. John T., 117, 119. McLeod, Oapt. H. C, 330, 336. McLeod, Capt. Cornelius, 487. MacMUlan, Maj. Thos., 90. McMUlen, Surg. Geo. W., 175. McMeekin, Lt. S. D., 212. MoMannan, Lt. Thos J., 325. McMurtry, Lt. R. L., 476. McMUlen, Chaplain, A. J., 419. McMahon, Surg. Jas. H., 664. McNairy, Surg. R. B., 141, 146. McNeely, Capt. C. C, 186, 188. McNlel, Oapt. Jas. H., 342. McNary, Lt. Robt. B., 485. McNeely, Lt. "Willis S., 641. McPherson, Capt. Wm., 467-8. McQueen, Capt. John, 637. McRae, Chap. J. H., 141, 146. McReynolds, Lt. Richard W., 685. McWhorton, Lt. Logan S., 201. McWhorter, Lt. R. S., 246. McWharter, Lt. John W., 562. Menzles, Comdr. G. V., 98. Medarls, Surg. S., 260. Menzles, Surg. S. Z., 277. Merritt, Lt. M. T., 297. Meriwether, W. A., 6. Merrlmee, Lt. John T., 316. Merritt, Capt. H. P., 317. Mercer, Oapt. G. P., 144. Mead, Dt. W. H., 171-3-7. Meagher, Adjt. J. R., 175-9, 181. Melton, Dt. S. U., 199. Metcalfe, Col. Deonidas, 33, 185-8, 589. Megowan, Maj. W. S. D., 141. Mennefee, R. J., 150. Melcher, Lt. Valentine, 333. Mercer, Lt. Boyd, 387-8. Mercer, Lt. Thos J., 403. Meachan, Surg. F. M., 419. Means, Oapt. Arch, 422. Meglemery, Lt. Wm. H., 460. Merritt, Capt. Geo. C, 460-2. Mershon, Lt. Thos.' J., 545, 530. Meredith, Capt. H. M., 601. Metcalf, Lt. Hiram, 635. Meadows, Lt. Ben. P., 666. MeUen, Dt. John H., 680. Miller, Henry, 6. Miller, S. P., 6. Miller, Capt. Isaac, 143. MlUer, Capt. J. P., 108. MUls, Chap. Robt. F.' 246. Miller, Dt. Mason C, 254. Milward, Col. Wm. R., 5, 495. MUward, Capt. Ohas., 153, 176, 188. Mitchell, M'aj. Jas. W., 279. MicheU, Capt. Jas. W., 280. Miller, Dt. Wm., 287. Middleton, Surg. D. P., 154. Miller, Capt. J. W., 287. Miller, Dt. Jas. A., 288. Mitchell, Dt. Osoar, 290. Milton, Dt. Wm. G., 156-9. MUton, Lt. B. H., 118. Miler, Lt. Mason C, 313. MitcheU, Lt. Alfred, 191. MltcheU, Capt. E. J., 127. MltcheU, Adjt. Wm. D., 164. Mitchell, Surg. J. B., 165. Mitcherson; Lt. D. C, 141-7. Miler, -Capt. Ed., 323. Mitchell, Lt. Chas. B., 240. Miller, Lt. Francis, 283-7. Miller, Surg. S. J. P., 324. MlUer, Capt. Jos. E., 326, 327. Middleton, Adjt. Wm. H., 332. MUls, Surg. John 351. Mlntner, Oapt. L. C, 354-5. Milburn, Oapt. John T., 376. Mills, Lt. Jas. J., 376. Miller, Capt. Jaoob, 440, 443. MUman, Lt. John D., 457-8. MiUer, Lt. .Newton M., 462. Mitchell, Lt. Samuel, 462. MUward, Col. H. K., 464-6, 470, 500. Miller, Oapt. Jas. P., 468. MUler, Lt. John R., 468, 472^ Milligan, Capt. J. G., 509. Mitchell, Lt. John D., 477. Mitchell, Q.-M. S. L., 508. MUer, Lt. Julius C, 534. MiUer, Lt. Jos., 580. Middleton, Capt. Jas. A., 606. 730 Union Regiments of Kentticky. Mims, Col. David A., 419, 421, 609-11. Miller, Lt. Addison, 614. Mlnner, Capt. Richard P., 641. Mitchell, Capt. Joseph, 643. Miller, Surg. Henry C, 645. MitcheU, Chaplain Gpo. 652. Mitchell, Lt. Thos W., 653. Miller, Surg. Henry C, 657. MitcheU, Adjt. Edward, 664. Miller, Oapt. Samuel A., 686. Moore, Col. Orlando, 46. Morrison, Col. John A., 245. Montgomery, Lt. Francis, 250. Moore, Solon D., 301. Moores, Capt. Jas. A., 315. Mobley, Lt. J. A., 213. Moores, Lt. Aroh., 315. Moores, Lt. Jas. A. Moore, Capt. John M., 324. Moreland, Lt. P. L., 197. Moore, Capt. John P., 218, 220. Mott, Capt. Prank, 221. Montgomery, Lt. I. T., 298. Morrison, Capt. J. A., 108-113. Morgan, Lt. S. P., 240. Morris, Lt. 'A. C, 210. Morgan, Adjt. G. S., 125. Moreau, Maj. W. C, 202, 210. Morin, Lt. J. R., 198. Morin, Lt. B. H., 142-4. Morrow, Capt. J. M., 199. Monroe, Col. Geo. W., 341, 346. Moninger, Capt. N. B., 327. Morgan, Lt. Z., 347. Morton, Surg. G. H., 351. Moore, Lt. Toliver, 358, 363-4. Morrow, Lt. Wm. H., 363. Moore, Lt. Wm., 364. Mottley, Col. E. L., 382, 384. Morris, Capt. Noah, 386. Moore, Surg. C. D., 408, 411. Moore Oapt. Thos O., 413. Moore, Oapt. S. W., 414. Moore, Col. Laban T., 416, 419. Mobley, Surg. C. L., 419. Moore, Lt. Siam T., 421. Morris, Dt. Joseph, 443. Morton, Capt. P., 452-6-7. Moss, Q.-M. John, 466, 470. Monroe, Capt. H. P., 466-8, 471. Moles, Dt. Elihu, 477. Morgan, Dt. Z., 477. Morris, Capt. Jas. C, 484-6. Morrison, Chaplain, Wm. L., 495. Morris, Capt. J. B., 496. Morton, Capt. Jasper P., 497, 502. Monroe, Col. Geo. W., 505-8. Montgomeory, Lt. Robt., 509. Morton, Lt. Jas. 510. Morrison, Surg. A. M., 517, 522. Morgan, Lt. W. A., 519. Morgan, Lt. W. A., 521. Moss, Surg. W. H. T., 531. Morin, Lt. D. O., 531. Moss, Lt. T. D., 535. Morton, Capt. John H., 544. Morgan, Lt. H. C, 546: Mosely, Lt. John W., 549. Monahan, Lt. Henry, 571. Morrow, Lt. Wm. T., 573-4. Morrow, Col. Thos. Z., 583-4. Morrison, Maj. Jno. A,, 584. Mosby, Capt. R. M., 595. Mosely, Dt. Geo. W., 600. Morris, Dt. Thos. M., 608. Mott, Capt. Frank, 628. Morris, Lt. Wm. J., 634. Morgan, Dt. Geo. W., 636. Mosley, Dt. Chas. H., 637. Mott, Surg. John D., 640. MontmoUin, Surg. J. M., 657. Morin, Dt. Alfred T., 660. Moore, DL W. T., 665. Moran, Dt. John, 666. Moffet, Dt. Robt. A., 680. Murphy, Dt. Wm., 178. Murphy, Dt.' D., 115. Murphy, Dt. David, 246. Murrah, Dt. John R., 249. Mundy, Col. Marc, 5, 50, 513, 517. Mundy, Capt. W. H;, 5, 6, 9, 514, 517. Mundy, Col. Reuben, 153, 169, 175. Murray, Adjt. David R., 265. Munday, Dt. J. S., 182. Murrah, Dt. Wm. D., 301. Murray, Gen. Eli H., 50, 69, 135-6, 141-6, 163. Murray, Dogan C, 6, 9. ' MuUan, Comdr. D. W., 102. MulhoUand, Surg. Hugh, 153, 161-5. Murphy, Oapt. E. W., 343. Murrell, Dt. Thos., 352. Musson, Dt. Wm. L., 376. MuUins, Surg. Wm M., 399, 403. Mullins, Dt. Robt. H., 400-4. MurreU, Lt. Sam H., 412. Murphy, Lt. John, 422. _ Murphy, Capt. Abraham, 443. Mulvey, Lt. M., 459. MuUins, Capt. Mathew, 464-6, 618. Mussellman, Capt. Wm. C, 482-5-6. MuUigan, Capt. G. M., 363. MuUin, Lt. Jas. E., 574. Muse, Lt. G. A., 583. MuUins, Lt. Z. H., 621. MurreU, Adjt. Wm. H., 652. MuUins, Lt. John, 658. Murphy, Lt. C, 672. Myers, Capt. R. L., 317. Myers, Lt. John H., 378. N Nan, Col. I. B., 5, 6, 9, 452, 456, 460. NaU, Lt. C, 127. Nash, Chaplain Richard C, -375. Nash, Capt. John D., 498, 500, 502. Nelson, Gen. Wm., 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 27, 29, 30, 33, 49, 53, 107. Neal, Capt. Wm. L., 90, 181. Newman, Surg. W. H., 175. Newman, Maj. H. O., 188. Neal, Capt. John L., 211. Needham, Edgar, 6. Index. 731 Neff, Col. Geo. W., 282, 286. NevUle, Capt. John W., 5. Newton, Lt. Thos., 143. Newton, Lt. Samuel, 297. Nelson, Capt. Jacob, 223. Netter, Col. Gajbrlel, 259, 260, 540, 544. Neal, Lt. Jordan, 351. Neel, Capt. Curran C, 386. Neel, Lt. Wm. B., 386. Neel, Lt. Columbus, 387-8. Nevins, Dt. Chas. D., 511. Nethercu-tt, Oapt. Steve, 511. Nethercutt, Capt. Jordon, 512. Nethercutt, Dt. Wm., 512. Nelson, Dt. Jesse P., 529, 533. Neal, Dt. J. M., 587. NeU, Dt: Geo. W., 683. Neville, Oapt. John W., 683-5. Nicholson, Surg. H. C, 105. Nicholas', Col. T. P., 120, 121, 122, 125, 129. Nicholas, Dt. Wm. M., 155. Nicholas, Lt. Dennis, 188. NIemeyer, Lt. B. H., 232. NIerhoff, Oapt. Fred, 335. Nickell, Caipt. Perry A., 353. Nix, Oapt. B. T., 585. Nipp, Capt. J. B., 619.- Nix, Oapt. Benj. T., 659. Nickell, Oapt. Greenup, 664. Noble, W. R., 6. Norton, Lt. Chas. J., 125. Norton, Lt. Wm. H., 230. Noland, Adjt. Wm., 238. • Northup, Oapt. Wm. M., 249. NorveU, Lt. M. L., 364. Noland, Q.-M. G. K., 399. Norris, Capt. Jas. O., 477. Norton, Suirg. Prior N., 483. Norton, Lt. Aaron, 561. ' Norwood, Oapt. A. B., 572-4. Noble, Capt. Jas. R., 572. Northcutt, Lt. John C, 486. Noland, Lt. Jeremiah, 512. Northup, Maj. G. W., 514,, 516, 517, 518, 522. North, Col. Lafayette, 531-3. Norris, Lt. Wm. H., 533. Northrup, Lt. Wm. M., 586. Noe, Lt. Nathan, 634. Nute, Oapt. Ohas., 222. Nugent, Dt. Richard C, 443. Nunn, Dt. Geo. S., 499. Nunnelly, Dt. J. M., 587. Nyberg, Capt. A., 261. o, • O'Bryan, Lt. Wm. P., 376. O'Brien, Lt. J., 544. Obst, Lt. Chas., 573. O'Brlan, Oapt. Jas. H., 630. O'Donnell, Capt. James, 6, 150, 151, 153, 155, 156, 159. Oden, Lt. Ool. Wm. C, 188. Oden, Lt. Thos. M., 188. Oden, Lt. Jas. H., 188. Oden, Capt. Wm. M., 469. Offutt, Capt. Andrew, 165, 168. Oglesby, Lt. D. M., 143, 146. Ogden, Lt. Chas. G., 191. Ogden, Lt. John W., 253. ' Oldershaw, Capt. Percival P., 90, 143L Oldham, Adjt. U. W., 210, 212. Oldham, Dt. Wm. P., 412. O'Deary, Capt. Daniel, 435. Oldham, Dt. Jias. D., 467. Oldham, Dt. Wm. E., 500. O'Malla, Dt. Patrick, 571-4. O'NeiU, Ensign H. B., 105. O'Niel, Engr. Jas., 105. Ong, Dt. David M.', 289. O'Neal, Capt. Geo. Y., 498, 502. O'Niel, Capt. H. J., 571. O'Neal, Col. Weden, 668-9. Onten, Dt. Coburn D., 629. Oots, Dt. Henry C, 487. Orcutt, Mate A. C, 105. Orman, Dt. Chas., 402-6. Osbum, Dt. C. A., 420. Overby, Capt. S. M., 266. Overbury, Lt. P., 144. Overstreet, Capt. Jas. W., 545, 550. Owen, Lt. Z. W., 254. •Owen, Ensign Wm. R., 105. Owens, Maj. W'm. U., 112, 118. Owsley, Col. M. H., 117, 153, 161, 162, 165. Owsley, Maj. John Q., 165, 166. Owsley, Surg. Wm. T., 165. Owen, Capt. Elisha, 194, 200. Owen, Lt. M. H., 199. Owens, Surg. Hector, 297. Owens, Oapt. D. W., 336. Owens, Maj. Jos. M., 399. Owens, Lt. B. D., 586. Owens, Q.-M. Thos, J., 664. Paul, Oapt. Augustus C, 90. Pavy, Engr. B. R., 105. Paull, Engr. J. W., 105. Pauky, Capt. Jas., Lt., 116. Patterson, Lt. J. M., 127. Park, Oapt. H. S., 127. Palmer, Capt. Hal., 165. Page, Capt. John B., 168. Parrich, Capt. E. H., 181. Parker, Oapt, D. S., 201. Page, Maj. Jas. R., 210, 212. Page, Lt. Thos. M., 212. Parrant, Lt. Rich. H., 212. Patrick, Oapt. Reuben, 217. Payne, Oapt. W. L., 241. Parker, Adjt. D. S., 245. Parkhurst, Capt. John D., 289. Patton, Lt. Geo. H., 314. Paul, Chaplain T. S., 341, 351. Park, Adjt. Ttios. E., 351. Park, Dt. W. W., 352. 732 Union Regiments of Kentiwky. Park, Lt. 0. M., 352. Patton, Capt. R. T., 358, 364. Page, Lt. Wm. D., 365. Bartley, Lt. Turner, 365. Patterson, Dt. Jas. W., 385. Parker, Chaplain D. P., 399. Payne, Capt. Wm. P., 402. Patterson, Capt. Oliver B., 412. Patton, Dt. Geo. B., 419, 421. Patrick, Capt. W. C, 424. Palmer, Capt. Henry, 440-5. Patterson, Q.-Al. Samuel B., 442. Parker, Chaplain L. D., 466, 470. Patterson, Lt. S. S., 468. Parrish, Capt. H. S., 484. Pattee, Lt. A. O., 520. Paul, Capt. A. C, 521. Padgett, Lt. John C, 533. Page, Oapt. P. M., 542-4-6. Patrick, Lt. W., 586. Parmele, Adjt. E. G., 592. Payne, Lt. S. L., 615. Parrish, Lt. D. C, 655. Parish, Lt. Nelson, 666. Palmer, Surg. E. R., 669. Patterson, Oapt. Wm. P., 688, 691. Patterson, Lt. Andrew, 691. Peak, Ensign T. M., 105. Peay, Capt. J. Speed, 82, 143. Perkins, Bngr. A. G., 105. Peyton, Capt. Vincent, 113. Pegram, Capt. John Oombe, 98. Pendergrast, Com. Garrett J., 93. Pendergrast, Comdr. Austin, 102. Perkins, Capt. Wm., 113. , Petree, Lt. N. C, 141. Pearler, Lt. E., 143. Penn, Oapt. Ed., 178. Pentecost, Chap. Geo. P., 194, 196. Penn, Lt. Wm., 200. ' Peyton, Surg. J. H., 229. Peyton, Surg. J. P., 229. Pell, Chaplain, 237. Perrigo, Lt. Thos. B., 239. Pendick, Lt. Ellas J., 242. Penn, Oapt. Geo. W., 251. Peck, Lt. Jos. P., 262. Pettibone, Lt. Wm., 287. Perry, Adjt. Lewis M., 332. Pennington, Oapt. Levi, 342. Perkins, Surg. J., 375. Penlck, Lt. Bd. T., 376. Pendleton, Capt. Buford R., 378. Peay, Capt. Newm'an M., 386. Perkins, Capt. Ben T., 456. Perkins, Lt. Seymour H., 458. Peyton, Lt. R. L., 459. Peyton, Surg. Jas. P., 476, 480. Peters, Capt. L. S., 518, 522. Perkins, Lt. Richard, 524. Pennebaker, Col. C D., 553, 560-1. Pearce, Lt. J. S., 592. Pettet, Lt. 0. B., 622. Pennington, Oapt. John, 633. Phythian, Com. Robt. L., 101. PhUUps, Lt. Jas. E., 158. PhUUps, Capt. Edwin R., 179, 184. PhiUips, Suirg. Harrison, 302. Phelps, Lt. M., 342-7. Phipps, Lt. J. P., 351-6. - - Phelps, Capt. Elijah C, 387. / / Phillips, Lt. Dabney A., 503. Phipps, Lt. Jas., 582. Phelps, Lt. Golson, 601. Phiillips, Surg: Wm. B., 611. Phillips, Surg. Jas. H., 611, 618. Piper, Dt. Morgan, 328. Pirtle, Maj. John R., 329, 351. Pipkins, Lt. W. H., 358, 362." Pipkin, Lt. A. J., 362. Pipkins, Lt.- Smith, 365. Pinkston, Lt. Squire, 478. Pickering, Capt. J., 595. Piatt, Maj. Benj. M., 90. Pirtle, Maj. Alfred, 5, 6, 8, 35, 40, 52, 78, 427. Pierce, Adjt. Wm. T., 229. Pierce, Oapt. Wm. P., 229, 237. Pierce, Lt. M. M., 242.. Plnkerton, Surg. L. L., 229. Piatt, Ensign Geo. R., 105. Poulson, Bngr. Wm. H.,-105. Poindexter, Lt. Wm. H., 196. Poindexter, Capt. Jno. R., 167. Pond, Capt. John G., 229. Portman, Lt. N. B., 246. Pollard, Lt. A. W., 270. Poe, Capt. Jas. W., 286. Potter, Lt. Geo., 290. Porter, Adjt. Jlenry, 297-8. Powell, Capt. Benj. P., 297. PoweU, Lt. S. D., 299. Pomery, Capt. Thos. C, 324. Pope, Hon. Hamilton, 18, 24. Pope, Col. Curran, 33, 96. Postlewaite, Bngr. G. "W., 186. Pogue, Lt. R. E., 125, 126, 130. Pope, Adjt. F. H., 210. Porter, Dt. S., 213. Powell, Capt. Wm. H., 327. PoweU, Capt. A. D., 351. Pope, Dt. D. W., 363. Pool, Capt. David, 386-8. PoUitt, Surg. W. Morgan, 399. Poage, Dt. Jacob M., 422. Powers, Capt. John, 424. Power, Dt. Mason H., 424, 425. Pope, Col. Curran, 427, 432. Polnier, Chaplain S. T., 432. Poynter, Q.-M. WUey T., 442. Posten, Capt. John M., 468, 472. Poulter, Dt. H. H., 479. Poynter, Surg. Marcus B., 531. Potter, Capt. Robt. G.. 534. PoweU.^Lt. Reuben C.,, 547, 551. Post, Surg. Jas. A., 570. Post, Lt. Chas. P., 600. Powers, Lt. J. *D., 616. Poster, Oapt. Wm., 643. Prentice, Geo. D., 6. Pruess, Capt. L., 156. i Price, Capt. ElJhu, 191. PraU, Hon. John A., 15. Price, Gen. S. W., 5, 488-9, 490-1-2-3, ' 494-5, 500. Price, Com. Otoero, 101. Index. 733 Priest, Lt. Nat. M., 240. Price, Lt. Geo. R., 299. Price, Lt. Fred. G., 387. Price, Lt. John R., 413. Price, Lt. Wm., 422. Prather, Oapt. Joshua P., 435. Pruett, Lt. S. W., 462. Pritchard, Lt. Doug., 521. Pruett, Lt. Garton C, 461. Pritchard, Oapt. Jos. C, 469. Prewitt, Lt. Wm., 498. t Prange, Capt. Ohas. W. D., 66. Preston, Lt. Calvin, 614. Prentice, Surg. Walter M., 645. Purnell, Maj. Thos. P., 82. Purnell, Capt. H. B., 160. Purdy, Lt. Allen, 232. Purcell, Oapt. Sam M., 260. Puckett, Dt. John M., 353. Purcell, Elijah A., 365. Pumpelly, Capt. S. D., 438, 442, 446. Puthuff, Dt. John W., 467. Pugsley, Oapt. David E., 468. Pulllam, Oapt. Alanson, 561. Pumphrey, Capt. Benj. P., 564. Purdy, Dt. Robt., 606. Quiggins, Lt. C. W., 213. Quissenberry, Lt. John H., 241. Quigley, Oapt. A. A., 518, 522. Rains, Oapt. TYm., 108, 113. Ramsey, Lt. C. P., 182. Rapjee, Oapt. S. W., 155. Ratcliffe, Oapt. Wm. D., 220. Rathburn, Oapt. Francis M., 224. Rainey, Lt. H. C, 264. Randolph, Surg. "Wm., 265. Balston, Capt. Luclen H., 298. Ray, Lt. Chas. V., 312, 314, 317. Randolph, Lt. E. B., 327. Ranney, Lt. Wm. W., 540, 544. Ragsdale, Capt. A. B., 564. Randolph, Capt. Thos. J., 570. Ranton, Lt. Jas., 579. Randolph, Lt. E. M., 601. Ray, Lt. David A., 606. Ratllff, Lt. Geo. P., 628. Randolph, Surg. Wm., 640. Rawle, Lt. H. S., 685. Reed, Lt. S. B., 199. Reed, Chaplain Geo. J., 125, 129. Reutlinger, Adolph, 6. Reed, Adjt. Thos. C, 253. Reno, Capt. John R., 270. Reed, Surg. W. L., 286. Rectanus, Surg. P., 286. Reutlinger, Lt. Adolph, 326. Rehtschler, Capt. G., 335. Reeder, Oapt. Adam, 345. Reeder, Lt. Lawson, 345. Reed, Oapt. R. A., 358, 364. Read, Lt. E. H., 364. Reynolds, Lt. Jas:, 375. Reno, Oapt. J. H., 384. Reeder, Capt. Wm. C, 467. Regan, Lt. Elijah, 468, 472. Reid, Lt." Joseph N., 484. Reynolds, Lt. J. W., 497. Reeves, Lt. P. S., 520, 524. Remy, Lt. J. W., 525. Redfearne, Lt. J., 540-6. Reynolds, Capt. Richard, 583. Reno, Lt. John R., 602. Read, C'apt. Jas. W., 608. Reinhart, Lt. J. D., 615. • Reed, Lt. J. S., 619. Reid, Capt. G., 622. Read, Lt. Geo. D., 662. Read, Oapt. Jas. W., 661. , Reassoner, Chaplain J. R., 669. Rhorer, Surg. Samuel C. K., 297. Rhody, Lt. Jas., 366. Rhoades, Lt. T. E., 585. Riddle, Lt. A. C, 167. Ridgley, Com. D'an B., 101. Riffe, Surg. Jas. C, 112. Right, Lt. John, 165. Richmond, Lt. Daniel M., 178. Richardson, Lt. Geo. W., 180. Riley, Dt. S. J., 181. Richmond, Dt. J. H., 196. Rice, Capt. Wm. E., 219. RUey, Col. Wm. B., 225, 229. Ritchey, Dt. Wm. H., 237. Rigney, Maj. P. D., 245. Ricketts, Capt. L. M., 253. Richards, Lt. W. P., 268. Riggs, Capt. Wm. B., 318. Rich, Lt. Samuel S., 319. Ritter, Lt. C. E., 199. Richard's, Lt. J. T., 198. Richards, Lt. Jos. S., 201. Rlngo, Capt. Robt. G., 218. Richardson, Lt. Geo. W., 328. Ridgell, Col. J. W., 341. Riley, Capt. Geo. W., 376. RUey, Lt. Wm. E., 378. Richardson, Surg. Edw., 399. Richards, Surg. S. D., 419. Ritter, Adjt. John P., 456. Ritchey, Oapt. Henry P., 468, 472. Richards, Lt. John C, 468. Riggs, Capt. Benj. T., 469, 472. Rldenour, Lt. Wm. H., 470. Richardson, Capt. M. G., 478. Rice, Lt. Wm. N., 484. Ritter, Lt. Wm., 498. Richards, Lt. Thos., 551. Rice, Lt. B'enj. A., 563. Richardson, Lt. J. M., 595. Rice, Dt. J. M., 614. Rife, Capt. S., 619. Ricks, Chaplain, John "W., 640. Riohards, Capt. Samuel D., 652. Richards, Dt. Riley, 661. Ridgeway, Dt. J. W., 666. Riddell, Capt. Jas. M., 669. 734 Unimi Regiments of Kentucky. Richards, Capt. John C, 670. Rousseau, Gen. Lovell H., 17, 18, 20, 24, 29, 35, 282, 320. Rousseau, iCol. L. H., 3, 120, 399, 400, 402. Royce, Lt. S. H., 188. Rowland, John H., 105. Rowland, Maj. Thos., Ii2, 117. Ross, Surg. Wm. S., 196. Robins, Capt.-B. P., 190. Robey, Lt. Jas. H., 189. Robertson, Lt. Jas. P., 189. Robson, Lt. H. S., 115. Roberts, M'ate O. L. S., 106. Robinson, Richard M., 22. Robinson, Hon. Jas. P., 26. Rogers, Lt. G. W., 106. Roots, Lt. "Wm. C, 113, 119. Roberts, Oapt. PhU., 117, 118. Rogers, Capt. W. G., 125, 129. Roberts, Lt. J. J., 142. Rodgers, Oapt. Adam, 162, 158. Roper, Col. W. P., 153, 175. Rogers, Capt. Adam, 154. Rosengarten, Lt. A. G., 155. Robards, Lt. S. S., 158. Robinson, Capt. Scott H., 176. Robison, Lt. James, 176. Robson, Lt. Henry S., 177. Rogers, Oapt. Jas. B., 182. Rodenbush, Lt. H. C, 215. Rogers, Capt. Chas. -S., 219. Rogers, Oapt. John G., 220. Rodgers, Surg. John P., 229. Rose, Lt. John J., 230. Robinson, Lt. Jas. W., 231. Roberts, Lt. Hiram D., 237, 240. Rose, Lt. Henry W., 260. Roark, Lt. Wm. H., 270. Rousseau, Oapt. J'as., 299. Roberts, Capt. Geo. W., 301. Roberts, Capt. John A., 301, 314. ¦ Rowland, Lt. Geo. P., 314. Rockwell, Oapt. Sylvester, 317. Roelefston, Lt. P. E., 288. Rowland, Oapt. Wm. W., 326. Rousseau, Lt. David Q., '327. Rockingham, Col. Richard, 331, 332." Roberts, Lt. Harrison, 335. Robertson, Lt. Thos. W., 336. Robinson, Lt. Wm. R., 342-7. Roach, Lt. M'att. C, 344. Robinson, Surg. Wm., 351. Rodes, Capt. Boyle O., 358, 366. Roark, Col. Alien J., 362. Roark, Lt. D. H., 362. Roark, Capt. J. W., 366. Roark, Oapt. M. J., 388. Roark, Lt. Jas. L., 388. Rodman, Surg. Wm. B., 403. Roberts, Oapt. B. J., 416, 419. Roberts, Lt. Geo. H., 422. RothchUd, Capt. A., 432. Roberts, Lt. R. H., 433. Rogers, Lt. Jas. M., 458. Robbins, Maj. John W., 466. Rogers, Capt. Samuel G., 469. Roper, Dt. Albert G., 473. Rose, Lt. Geo., 478. Roberts, Adjt. J. W., 508. Robb, Adjt. P. C, 508-9. Rogers, Lt. Calvin, 523. Roff, Lt. Peterson, 556, 662. Roff, Lt. Peterson, 562. Robinson, Capt. John R., 563. Ronald, Surg. G. W., 592. Roberts, Lt. Wm. A., 6_p2. Roark, Oapt. J. W., 605. Rodgers, Capt. B. A., 615. Roberts, Surg. J. G., 618. Roberts, Lt. Chas., 618. Rorer, Oapt. T. R., 621. Rowland, Suirg. Jos. L., 627. Ross, Oapt. Jacob L., 631. Roberts, Capt. Jackson, 633. Roberts, Lt. D. W., 633. Rogers, Lt. Hiram, 636. Rogers, Lt. Wm. B., 642.- Roblnson, Dt. W. H., 658. Robson, Dt. Richard S., 658. Rogers, Col. John G., 663-4. Roberts, Ca/pt. David B., 667. Robinson, Capt. Jas. P., 670. Roath, Dt. A. W., 680. Russell, Surg. Dawrence, 286. Russell, Dt. Joseph, 297. Rupard, Dt. Allen H., 254. Rue, M'aj. G. W., 195, 202, 205, 210. Ruckstuhl, Col. Jacob, 150, 154. Runyon, Dt. S. C, 127. Rush, Chaplain Jas. C, 362. Rush, Oapt. Peter S., 415. RunneU, Dt. Ed. S., 435. Rue, Adjt. Geo. C, 476, 480. Rushing, Capt. Theo. B., 485. Russell, Capt. David, 497. Rupard, Dt. Seth, 544-9. Russell, Oapt. THos., 629. Rushing, Dt. Wm. H., 641. Rushing, Dt. John T., 641. RusseU, Dt. Chas. W., 661. Russell, Maj. John t>., 664. Ryan, Dt. John, 326. Ryan, Surg. Hugh, 592. Ryan, Dt. Dewis, 15t, 159. Sands, Adm. B. P., 100. Samuels, Oapt. Henry P., 240. SalmOG, Dt. Jas. D., 299. Sanders, Oapt. Wm. W., 312. Sanders, Gen. Wm. P., 68, 153, 161-5, 217. Sandusky, Lt.' B., 117. Sailor, Oapt. J., 157. Sambrock, Q.-M. Geo., 175. Sasseen, Lt. W. A., 200. Sampson, Lt. Bluford N., 333. Sale, Lt. B. H., 352. Sallee, Lt. Jas. E., 376. Sanders, Oapt. Selden R., 386. Sallee, Lt. Chas. M., 412. Index. 735 Sanders, Capt. John C, 445, 449. Sadler, Adjt. Wm. C, 446. Sandifer, L't. Alex. B., 457, 460. Sanders, Lt. H. D., 468. Sanders, Lt. L. H., 471. Sadler, Surg. Wm. K., 476. Sandige, Capt. J. P., 496, 500. Sallee, Lt. d^acab M., 548. Sanders, Surg. Thos., 561. ' Sands, Lt. Robert V., 561. Sayers, Q.-M. J. C, 584. Sadler, Lt. B., 587. Samuel, Lt. Robt. L., 602. Sasseen, Capt. Wm. A., 602. Sanders, Lt. Robt. W., 665. Sanger, Lt. Fred. B., 680. Scott, Lt. Reuben P., 229. Schooler, Lt. Wm. P., 253. Scott, Col. Wm. T., 296-7. Soott, Surg. Jas. R., 297. Scott, Lt. Morton, 297. Scraggs, Lt. Wm. B., 299. Schable, Adjt. Chas. T., 311, 312, 319. Scott, Lt. Buford, 116. Scott, Oapt. Horace, 145-9. Soott, Col. L U., 153, 165. Scott, Lt. T. L., 189. Scott, Oapt. Robt., 190. Schweitzer, Capt. August, 326. Schelble, Lt. John C, 326. Schmidt, Oapt. H. C, 333. Soott, Lt. B. J., 486. Scearce, Lt. Newton, 499. Schooler, Lt. Tho% W., 502. Scott, Capt. J. W., 509. Scott, Lt. Elijah, 510. Schweitzer, Capt. Louis, 512. ScovlUe, Capt. H. V., 527, 531. Sohmidt, Capt. John, 573-4'. Scott, Surg. Wm. F,, 584. Scoby, Surg. Wm. E., 627. Scholl, Q.-M. Peter D., 633. Scott, Lt. Xasper N., 640. Scott, Lt. Hugh L., 654. Scudder, Lt. Arch L., 667. Searcy, Capt. "Wm. M., 215. Semple, Maj. A. C, 80. Semple, A. B., 6, 12. Severance, Lt. Daniel, 299. Sedgewick, Col. T. D., 283-4-5-6. SeUey, Capt. Thos. M., 297. Self, Lt. G. M. C, 210. SenslbaCh, Dt. John, 334. Sehr, Dt. Nicholas, 335. Sears, Oapt. W'm., 344. SemUre, Surg. A. H., 476. Seiter, Capt. W. A., 518, 521. SeweU, Dt. John J., 533. Searcy, Oapt. Wily, 577, 581. Searcy, Dt. Jas. S., 581. Seaton, Adjt. Jas., 627. Searcy, Dt. John, 665. Sedberry, Lt. John R., 643. SeweU, Lt. Louis W., 666. Shacklett,' Maj. A. C, 141-5. Shockley, Lt. Wm. B., 220. Shanks, Col. Q. C, 233, 234, 236. Sheets, Lt. B. F., 176. Sheets, Lt. F. N., 155. Sheets, Capt. H. J., 212. Sheppard, Lt. D. G., 168. Shipman, Lt. P. L., 251. Shanks, Lt. T. P., 210. Shons, Capt. Hirara, 256. Shrlver, Lt. Wm., 157. Sharp, Surg. W. S., 188. Sharp, Lt. J, E., 197. Sharp, Lt. J. P., 214. Shaw, Ensign R. P., 106. Shuok, Capt. R. K., 158. Shiplar, Lt. S. H., 177. Shelton, Lt. Geo. W., 269. Shackelford, Gen. J. M., 4, 23, 31, 46, 64, 110, 192-3-4-5-6, 209, 272, 456, 457, 537. Shannon, Capt. Washington C, 270. Shirley, Capt. Paul, 100. Sheffer, Ensign Thos., 106. Shaeffer, Capt. H. A., 156. Shuler, Lt. Wm., 146. Shephard, Lt. John D., 328. Shackelford, Col. G. T., 329, 331, 332. Shanks, Lt. Chas. G., 347, 512. Shepherd, Adjt. J. H., 362. Short, Lt. Robt. S., 376. Shively, Capt. Wm. T., 378. Shannon, Capt. Wash C, 388. Shannon, Lt. Jas. W., 424, 426. Sharp, Adjt. D. N., 430, 432. Shafer, Lt. Richard P., 433. Shane, Lt. Jas. B., 443, 447. . S'hackelford, Surg. A. P., 457. Shackelford, Lt. A. R., 459. Shaw, Oapt. Jas. M., 469, 473. Sharrard, Capt. S. R., 491-6. Shepherd, Oapt. Jason, 503. Shiner, Lt. H. G., 518, 521, 524. Shaffer, Lt. Wm., 524. Shockley, Lt. Richard, 544. Sherrall, Lt. Thos. M., 547. Shlveley, Lt. Alex., 563. Shane, Lt. Wm. G., 572. Sharp, Lt. A. R., 595. Shockley, Capt. Wm. B., 627. Shuler, Adjt. Wm., 640. Shane, Dt. John N., 967. Simpson, Capt. 'Wm. M., 229, 230. Sinton, Capt. T. R., 90. Sims, Dt. J. H., 189. Singleton, Surg. W., 141. Singleton, Capt. Isaac, 196. Sisson, Dt. G. M., 188. Simmons, Jas. M., 365, 366. Simpson, Surg. Samuel, 384. Simmons, Capt. 'Jonathan, 388. Sivey, Dt. Milton A., 401. Simpson, Oapt. Elisha, 402. Simpson, Dt. Jas. A., 468. Singleton, Dt. Isaac, 480. Sinkhorn, Dt. G. J., 572. SUer, Dt. John W., 646. Simpson, Dt. Hardin, 648. Simmonds, Capt. Seth J., 29, 675-6. Sinclare, Wm. A., 680. Skinner, Dt. John H., 232. Skeen, Lt. Jesse A., 248. 736 Union Regiments of Kentucky. Sketo, Capt. Isaac R., 387. Skinner, Lt. H. G:, 514. Skinner, Lt. Nathan B., 570-4. Skidmore, Capt. Henry, 634. Sleet, Lt. Weedon C, 468. Slade, Lt. I. N., 584. Slaten, Lt. J. C, 592. Slaughter, Surg. Ben P., 669. Sloo, Maj. A. G., 140, 141-6-9. Slater, Maj. Fred., 225, 228, 231. Smith, Gen. Green C, 65, 141, 150, 151-3-4, 171, 185. Smith, Lt. Daniel E. W., 232. Smock, Lt. Newton, 240. Smith, Com. Wn^., 96. Smith, Engr. W. W., 106. Smith, Oapt. Jno., 116, 166. Smith, Capt. Alex., 116-17-19. Smith, Maj. W. O., 188'. Smith, Lt. N. J., 198. Smith, Lt. E. C, 248. Smith, Lt. Jas. H., 248. Smith, Maj. Alfred, 253. Smock Lt. Chas., 142. Smart, Lt. Joseph T., 263. Smith, Lt. Wm. A., 255. Smythe, Capt. W. A., 210. Smith, A. H., 279. Smith, Capt. J. H., 283-7-8. Smith, Lt. John M., 324. Smith, Lt. A. Sidney, 328. Smith, Dt. Jas. W., 342. Smallwood, Oapt. Wm. G., 352. Smith, Dt. Anderson, 362. Smith, Dt. Benj. R., 377. Smith, Dt. Wm., 387-8. Smith, Dt. W. R., 399. Smith, Dt. A. C, 401. Smith, Dt. P. R., 406. Smith, Q.-M. Gran. W., 411. Smith, Capt. John M., 424. Smith, Capt. A. G., 484. Smith, Maj. "W. H., 527, 531. Smith, Lt. John W. S., 562. Smith, Dt. Oy. W., 586. Smith, Dt. Jas. H., 587. Smallhouse, Capt. Henry, 540, 545. Smith, Dt. John W. S., 581. Smith, Dt. J. B., 594. Smith, Chap. W. O., 598. Smith, Dt. A. W., 605. Smith, Dt. Milton J., 630. Smith, Dt. Henry, 635. Smallwood, Dt. Jas. P., 636. SmaU, Dt. Wm. J., 642. Smith, Q.-M. George, 645. Snider, Col. Joseph R., 432. Sneed, Lt. W. H., 510. Snead, Chap. J. A., 618. Snead, Lt. R. C, 619. Snead, Adjt. Robt. C, 669. SnaU, Lt. Wm. N., 683. Snediker, Lt. John A., 278. Soward, Lt. T. H., 125-9, 130-2. SomervIUe, Lt. C. H., 210. Soule, Capt. C. H., 159. Sockwell, Lt. J. B., 279. Somerly, Oapt. ^Rijfus, 358, 362, 366. Soward, Capt. Thos. J., 612. Sowards, 'Lt. A. J., 612. Spencer, Capt. O. U., 143. Spellmayer, Capt. J. H., 283-7. Spencer, Col. Warner, 283-4-6-7. ¦ Spencer, Col. Wm. H., 296-7. Speer, Maj. Alex. M., 90. Spillman, Surg. C. T., 188. Spillman, Maj. G. P., 90. Speed, Lt. Geo. K., 118, 153-4-7-9, 304. Speed, Hon. J. P., 6, 12, 20. Speed, Hon. Jas., 6, 12, 18, 24-5. Speed, Maj. John, 5, 81. Speedy Capt. Thos., 3, 6, 7, .29, 397, 399, 403. Speed, Chas., 6. Speed, Maj. PhU., 6, 77, 304. Speed, Adjt. Jas. B., 555-6, 560-1. Speed, Oapt. Asaph, 325. Spotts, Adm. J. H., 104. Sploeland, Lt. E. C, 201. Sperry, D. B., 6. Speak, Lt. J. C, 346-7. Sperry, Lt. Jas. H., 422. Speier, Capt. H., 519. Spencer, Lt. W. H., 519, 523. Spears, Lt. A. A., 607. Spradlln, Lt. N., 670. Spence, Lt. Wm. H., 683. ' Spencer, Lt. W. S., 354-5. Spaulding, Lt. Ohas. B., 378. Sperry, Capt. Jas. H., 425. Spaulding, Capt. John, 434. Sparks, Surg. Jas. B., 476. Spillman, Adjt. Chas. P., 495-7. Spencer, Lt. Wm., 497, 502, 525. Spaulding, Col. Benj. J., 605. Spaulding, Lt. Jas. H., 607. Squires, Lt. John S., 518, 523. Steadman, Lt. P., 213. Steward, Lt. Jas. W., 222. St'lvers, Lt. G. J., 211. Stone, Capt. StepheVi, 229. Starling, Maj. S. M., 196, 598. Starling, Ool. Lynne, 80, 598. Starling, Lt. "Wm., 143. , Starling, Lt. P. W., 199. Starling, Col. B. A., 245, 596, 598. Stone, Lt. A. W., 230. Stodghill, Lt. J. S., 188. Stout, Maj. Ira H., 236. Stone, Capt. , 20. Stewart, Lt. E. S., 211. Stewart, Surg. Robt., 125-9. Stacey, Oapt. Geo. T., 183, 190. Stafford, Maj. W. P., 163, 175. Stege, Chris., 6, 8. Story, Lt. Robt., 167. Strode, Lt. Jas. W., 168. Stone, Lt. John H., 237. Stephens, Hon. Alex., 16. Stephens, Capt. Bd. K., 175. Starkes, Capt. John H., 243. Starr, Col. Owen, 124-5-6-9. Stumpe, Adjt. W. A., 181. StlUwell, Oapt. J. E., 125-6. Stephenson, Lt. Ben. K., 243. Stone, SuTig. Wm. D., 246. Index. 737 Stephenson, Lt. J. M., 247. Stone, Lt. John A., 249. Stivers, Maj. Jos. W., 253. Strong, Oapt. Wm., 257. Sturdivant, Capt. J. H., 268. Stepleton, Capt. Jesse J., 279. - Starling, Lt. Samuel M., 280. Stewart, Lt. Jas. E., 287. Stacey, Oapt. Jas. 'B., 289. Steublng, Capt. Louis, 290. Stanwood, Dt. Henry B., 313. Stewart, Capt. Alfred S., 319. Stein, Capt. Aug., 330, 335. StiUings, Oapt. David, 342. Stephens, Oapt. Alex. A., 342-7. Stivers, Lt. Jno. B., 343. Stratton, Capt: P., 346. Stewart, Lt. Jas. W., 352. Stout, Lt. S-. C, 358, 364. Starling, Maj. Wm., 362-3. Stone, Lt. P. M., 362. I Stout, Lt. D. J., 364. ¦ Stocking, Surg. Chas. H., 375. Stearnean, Lt. Wm. H., 414. Stewart, Ca,pt. Chas., 415. Stratton, Capt. Wm. H., 415. Stubbins, Surg. B. A., 419, 425. Stone, Capt. Wilbur P., 448. Starling, Adjt. Bd. L., 452-6. Sturgis, Capt. R. C, 455, 461. Stahl, Oapt. Daniel M., 386. Stewart, Dt. Thos. H., 421. Stout, Col. Alex. M., 453-6. Sturgis, Capt. Robt. C, 461. Sternberg, Dt. Francis C, 486. Stone, Dt. S., 491. Stagg, Dt. Geo. T., 497. Stone, Dt. Sebastien, 498. Stagg, Oapt. Geo. T., 497, 499. Stevenson, Q.-M. B. P., 508, 617. Steel, Dt. D. W., 509. Strothotte, Surg. Arnold, 517. Streck, Adjt. Eugene, 522. Stanley, -Capt. A. B., 640, 644. Stocking, Surg. Chas. H., 570-4. Stevenson, Oapt. D. J., 582. Stars, Oapt. W. P., 594. Strange, Dt. B. D., 595, Stage, Surg. W. B., 598. Stroub, Oapt. Z. S., 603, 608. Stone, Oapt. Geo. P., 606. Strange, Capt. Jas. D., 607. Stone, Dt. Wm. J., 608. Stewart, Adjt. John P., 611. Stump, Dt. J. H., 615. Stubblefield, Dt. M. W., 622. Stricklett, Dt. P. M., 627. Stratton, Col. P., 645. Stewart, Dt. Jas. M., 665. Story, Dt. Geo. W., 670. Steen, Dt. Robt. C, 675. Stone, Capt. David C, 677-8-9, 680. Sully, Lt. Stev., 117. Sumpter, Dt. Simeon, 221. Sumner, Capt. G. W., 100. Summers, Mate J. W., 106. Sullivan, Lt. L. S., 166. Surber, Lt. J. J., 177. Sutton, Lt. M. v., 344. Sutton, Lt. Samuel, 344. Sullivan, Lt. T. W., 414. SuUivan, Lt. Geo. L., 458. Sublett, Dt. Jas. D., 496. Sumner, Chap. S. S., 508. Sutton, Capt Harvey W., 663. Summers, Lt. Basil B., 564. Suter, Lt. Jesse A., 581. Surber, Oapt. A. C, 587. Sutton, Oapt. Henry, 596. Summer, Surg. Geo., 633. Sweeny, Oapt. G. W., 108, 112. 'Swan, Surg. Thos. J., 237. Swift, Lt. Sidney C, 240. Swift, Q.-M. Ch. H:, 154-8. Sweeny, Maj. Geo. W., 245. Sweeny, Lt. Moses, 249. Swope, Lt. Chas. T., 314, 318. Swain, Surg. Enos S., 324. Swing, Adjt.. Jas. W., 483. Swigert, Oapt. J., Jr., 511. Swisher, Surg. Wm. R., 645. Sympson, Surg. Jas., 531. Tarbell, Capt. , 90. Taylor, Col. M. C, 35. Talbott, Chap. Wm. K., 91. Taylor, Engr. H. H., 106. Tarrant, Sergt. B., 107. Taylor, Adjt. Z. L., 141. Tanner, Maj. H., 154. Taylor, Capt. Isaac, 176. Tachan, Lt. Henry, 177. Talbott, Lt. H. H., 188. Talley, Lt. S., 201. Taylor, Maj. Jas. M., 216, 218. ? Tabor, Lt. John R., 223. Taffe, Chap. John Taffe, 229. Taylor, Lt. Geo. W., 232. ' Tatum, Lt. Geo. W., 267. Tahrenhorst, Lt. C. P. W., 280. , Taylor, Lt. Geo., 286. Taylor, Lt. Wm. H., 289. Taylor, Oapt. Henry S., 300. Tammage, Surg. Henry, 3-|l, 592. Tate, Lt. C. R., 358, 362. Taylor, Lt. Henry E., 404. Taylor, Surg. P. J., 411. Taylor, Col. Marion C, 430, 432. Talbott, Chaplain J. J., 432. Taylor, Surg. P. M., 442. Taylor, Capt. Geo. H., 445, 448. Tabor, Lt. Orlando, 446. Taylor, Lt. Richard P., 458, 461. Talbott, Lt. Chas. H., 478. Taylor, Q.-M. S. P., 495. Taylor, Capt. Z. S., 497. Taylor, Capt. R. B., 505, 588. Tarvin, Col. Alvin, 517, 522. Tarvin, Lt. A. W., 521. Taylor, Capt. W. M., 540, 544. Taylor, Lt. John W., 563. Tate, Capt. B. J., 587. '738 Unimi Regiments of Kentucky. Taylor, Capt. Robt. B., 583-8. Tapp, Capt. J. P., 693. Taylor, Lt. Joshua S., 649. Taylor, Lt. R. N„ 656. Terrell, Lt. Col. Wm. G., 90. Tevis, Col. Joshua, 216, 218. Terrell, Lt. Robt. G., 231. Terrey, Lt. Henry, 317. Temple, Capt. Henry, 497. Thustin, Col. Luther T., 78. Threlkeld, Lt. Col. Wm., 90. Thorp, Surg. Jas. C, 91. Thornton, Lt. H. H., 114. Thomas, Capt. J. M., 144, 148. Thompson,, Dt. Alex., 116. ,'Thommaison, Oapt. Ellas, 125, 129. Thomas, Capt. H. G., 125. Thurman, Dt. S. H., 127. ¦Thrlxton, Capt. D. H., 128, 131. Thorn, Dt. Rufus P., 167. Thornton, Capt. J.«D., 191. Thompson, Dt. John A., 224. Thomas, Oapt. Jas. A., 238. Thomas, Lt. Robert A., 254. Thomas, Chap. R. Y., 265. Theis, Lt. Jacob, 281. Thayer, Lt. Atherton, 283, 290. Thomasson, Maj. Chas. L., 324. Thomas, Lt. David, 327. Thomasson, Capt. Chas. L., 327. Thompson, Dt. S. H., 345. Thomas, Oapt. H. C, 352. Thompson, Oapt. Andrew, 377. Thompson, Capt. Geo. W., 411. Thomas, Col. R. M., 416, 419, 420. Thompson, Dt. RusseU T., 421, 426. Thompson, Dt. John S., 421. Thompson, Dt. John V., 433. ¦Thompson, Dt. Wm. H., 435. thornbrough, Dt. B. P., 487. 'Thompson, Oapt. Memory J., 499. Thorsman, Dt. D. C, 510. ¦^Thoraas, Capt. Evan D., 511. Theis, Dt. Chas., 519. ¦Thompson, Capt. B. A., 620. Thomas, Dt. D. W., 546. Tharp, Q.-M. C. B., 592. Thornberry,, Maj. Martin, 611. Thornberry, Dt. J. M., 615. Thacker, Chaplain Elisha, 627. Thornton, Dt. John "W., 627. Thompson, Dt. John, 631. Thompson, Oapt. J. A., 658. ¦Thompson, Dt. J. P., 658. Thornton, Dt. John W., 661. Thomasson, Oapt. Theodore S., 679, 680. Tibbatts, Ensign Z. T., 106. •Tittle, Dt. Deonidas D., 280. TlUey, Dt.. Alex., 281. Tlnsley, Dt. Jas. H., 345. Tiffet, Oapt. C, 514, 518, 521. TlndeU, Capt. T. H., 594. Tlnsley, Adjt. Jas. H., 645. Todd, Geo. D., 6, 7. Tompkins, John, 6. ¦Toyle, Dt. Thos., 143. Townes, Dt. A. V., 268. Tompkins, Maj. Jos. H., 309, 310, 312, 316. Todd, Capt. Chas. S., 330, 333. Townsend, Dt. H. W., 366. , Tomlinson, Dt. S. P., 389-399. i Toler, Capt. D. T., 408, 411. Todd, Dt. D. Frank, 433. Todd, Surg. Orrin,' 500. Townsend, Dt. Robt. 518. Tomlinson, Lt. R. J.,- 619. Treanor, Col. John, 5, 20, 320, 321, 322, 324, 326. Trotter, Lt. A. H., 189. Trumbo, Lt. Geo. A., 219. Tracey, Lt. S., 258. Travis, Lt. Wm. L., 270. Tracy, Lt. Robt. L., 301. Treadway, Maj. E. B., 341. Travis, Oapt. John, 397, 399, 404. Tribble, Oapt. Putnam B., 462. Trebein, Capt. Adam W., 484. Trice, Lt. Thos. J., 600. Tribble; Lt. Samuel W., 602. True, Col. Clinton J., 484, 617, 618, 656-7. Truett, Lt. Jabez, 505, 510. Trumbo, Lt. D. S., 629, 531. Triie, Lt. Jas. B., 671, 618. Troxler, Lt. Wm., 573. Tureman, Maj. Jas. C, 91. Turner, Lt. Ohas. H., 243. Turner, Dt. Matt. H., 246. Tucker, Adjt. Prank B., 263. Turner, Surg. Jas. P., 253. Tuley, Capt. Seth W., 283-6-8. Turk, Surg. Jas. G., 297. Turpin, Lt. Tirey, 288. Tuttle, Capt. John W., 300. Turner, Oapt. Nat. L., 315. Tucker, Lt. B. S., 319. Turner, Lt. Addison, 387. Tuggle, Lt. Wm., 405. Tucker, Capt. E. P., 4l4. Tureman, Q.-M. J. P., 508. Turner, Adjt. Jas. H., 531. Turner, Lt. Ed. S., 628. Tunis, Adjt. Frank D., 657. Turner, Lt. M. H., 683. Tweddle, Capt. Wm., 378. Twyman, Oapt. N. P., 413. Twyman, Oapt. Geo. W., 498, 5»3. Twyman, Capt. H. G., 140, 148. 'Twyman, Lt. J. C, 140, 148. Tyler, Adjt. Thos. B., 238. Tyler, Maj. John B., 265. Tyler, Lt. B. V., 268. Tye, Lt. John S., 351-2-6. Tyler, Capt. John B., 386. Tyler, Lt. James M., 386. Tyler, Lt. B. V., 459, 462. Tyree, Lt. W. H., 621. Tydings, Capt. John W., 570-S Tyree, Lt. J. M., 620. Tyer, Lt. John, 641. , Tyler, Maj. John B., 652-4. Index. 739' U Ulrich, Lt. F. G., 160. Unthank, Capt. Chas. L., 155. UnderhlU, Lt. Byron R., 277. Underwood, Hon. Joseph, 17. Underwood, Lt. Warner, 358-362. Underwood, Capt. Benj. T., 460. UnderhiU, Dt. John W., 664. Van Dyke, Lt. Rich. H., 114. Van Dyke, Capt. A. C, 121, 128. Vandyke, Lt. G. N., 286. Vandever, Lt. Geo. M., 166. Van Pelt, Lt. S. D., 34, 35, 36, 37, 188. Van Pelt, Capt. Chas. E., 269. Vaughn, Capt. Jas. A., 312. Vansant, Capt. John E., 327. Vanderpool, Lt. John W., 399. Vaughn, Col. Robt., 452, 454, 456, 462. Vandewere, Lt. Geo. H., 479. Vanpelt, Lt. Wm. D., 495. Vance, Adjt. Richard, 544-9, 551. Vanhoose, Lt. J. B., 614. Vaughn, Lt. Calvin P., 628, 630. Van Pelt, Capt. Chas. E., 642. VaUandingham, Lt. E. N., 660. Veter, Capt. J. M., 358, 364. Veatch, Oapt. Andrew J., 401. Veluzat, Lt. J. S., 415. Vertrees, Lt. Geo. H., 589. Vimont, Col. Thos. C, 171, 188, 189. Vincent, Lt. Edwin, 166. Vimont, Lt. L. B., 189. VieuUot, Lt. Ernest, 146, 149. Victor, Capt. Wallace, 414. Vickery, Lt. J. J., 577, 580. Vlnsant, Lt. Henry L.; 646. Von Borries, J., 6. VoweUs, Lt. Frank M., 178. Volgt, Capt. 'L., 521. w AValler, Lt. H. G., 156. Wagner, Gen. Geo. D., 43. Ward, Gen. "W. T., 65, 552. Watkins, Gen. L. D., 73, 151, 153, 162, 172, 173, 176, 181, 309. Ward, Ool. John H., 5, 6, 9, 50, 552, 553, 560-1. Waggener, Oapt. Robert J., 91. Warder, Oapt. Jas A., 126, 129, 130, 132 Watts, Col. Elijah, 5, 120, 121, 125, 129, 605. Watson,, Capt. Jno. Crittenden, 99. Wadell, Engr. Geo., 106< Warrington, Engr. P. C, 106. "Watson, Lt. Thos., 112. Waters, Lt. John L., 140, 141. Ward, Maj. Ed. W., 140, 143, 148, 19"). Waters, Lt. Wm., 145, 149. Walter, Lt. H. G., 159. Watson, Capt. Thos., 247. Wadsworth, Col. W. H., 253. Waller, Maj. Wiley, 259, 260. Waggener, Capt. J. B., 278. Wayne, Capt. B. P., 297. Warren, Lt. John W., 298. Watson, Adjt. D. P.. 188. Walker, Lt. B. H., 191. Warren, Lt. Wilkins H., 192. Walker, Col. Chas. J., 216, 218. WaUingford, Adjt. John N., 218. Ware, Lt. Henry B., 220. Warren, Lt. Howard, 229. WaUace, Lt. Wm. K., 239. Watkins, Capt. W. W., 341. Watson, Lt. Geo. C, 354. Warren, Lt. Henry H., 375. Waller, Capt. Henry, 378. Watts, Lt. Jas. R., 378. W'ard, Capt. Wm. P., 385. Washer, Capt. John J., 386. "Waddle, Lt. L. C, 399. » Walker, Lt. Fred G., 435. Warder, Capt. Luther P., 442. WaUace, Dt. John W., 443. Walkett, Maj. Prank B.,,446. Wall, Maj. "Wm. B., 452, 456, 537. Warmouth, Surg. Geo. W., 457. Warner, Col. Wm. A., 464-6. Washburn, Dt. John W., 468. WaUs, Dt. John, 478. Warren, Dt. Thos. A., 478. WaUer, Col. Thos. B., 480, 482, 483-6.. Waller, Lt. Benj. R., 484-6. Walton, Surg. C. J., 495. Ware, Lt. Wm. P., 497. Watson, Lt. J. A., 509. -Warren, Lt. Wilkins, 533. Walling, Q.-M. D. P., 544-8-9. Walshe, Surg. Jas. 644. Walters, Lt. W. K., 548. "Waggener, Adjt. D. B., 561, 563. Wallace, Lt. Thos. B., 574. Watkins, Maj. J. B., 592, 594. "Watson, Lt. Henry, 595. Watts, Capt. W. O., 605-8. Watts, Adjt. Caswell B., 605. Watts, Lt. John R., 606. Wade, Dt. Arch C, 608. Waugh, Dt. W. S., 622. Wallace, Dt. Mark, 622. Walker, Dt. Daniel S., 629. "Wallington, Dt. Wm. B., 643. Ward, Capt. John A., 647. Ward, Dt. Thos. S.. 647. Walker, Dt. Wm. H., 652. Watkins, Capt. Henry C, 654. Ward, Dt. J. R., 673. Walters, Lt. Thos. J.. 685. Weatherbolt, Lt. W. W., 145, 149. Weaver, Surg. S., 106: "Wetterer, W. G., 6. WeUing, Col. G., 152, 155, 158. Weston, Capt. Jno. P., 152-3, 157-8-ft. Wells, Capt. Nathan G., 250. ¦Weindall, Capt. Henry, 283-6. 740 Unimi Regiments of Kentycky West, Capt. Rich. J., 297. West, Lt. Granville C, 314. West, Oapt. Jas. H., 317. Wergo, Maj. Theo., 154. Wells, Capt. A. C, 168. Webb, Oapt. G. W., 238. "Weatherford, Ool. J. W., 126, 192, 194, 243, 245. Webster, Capt. I. B., 378. Webb, Lt. Berry M., 411. Weatherby, Surg. L. P., 432. Weym, Lt. Joseph, 435. Weaver, Lt. Henry C, 443. WeUs, Oapt. David L., 444. Wells, Capt. John E., 444. Weaver, Capt. Henry C, 447. W-ells, Capt. John E., 448. West, Lt. Henry M., 461. Welch, Surg. John C, 483. West, Capt. Ohas. R., 487. Wehrle, Lt. Gustav, 512. Wells, Adjt. A. J., 640, 644-5. West, Lt. John C, 544. Weatherford, Lt. John A., 570. Weir, Lt. Col. B. R., Jr., 385, 598. Webb, Capt. H., 614. West, Lt. John W., 659. Weaver, Lt. Adam, 660. "Welker, Oapt. Geo., 673. Whittlngton, Surg. R. W., 196. "Whipp, Oapt. M., 197. White, Capt. Henry C, 222. White, Maj. G. P., 141-6. White, Oapt. C. L., 141. "White, Surg. W. L., 277. White, Surg. J. P., 286. White, Capt. Jas. R., 312. Wheeler, Capt. Geo. H., 232. Wheeler, Lt. Geo. A., 220. Whitaker, Gen. W. C, 20, 60, 320-8-9. 332. Wheedon, Oapt. W.'H.. 6. Wharton, Maj. J. L., 153, 65. Wheeler, Capt. J. T., 277. Whitlessey, Oapt. J., 283. 290. Whetstone, Lt. A. S., 317. Whitaker, Maj. Richard T., 332, 335. White, Capt. B. P., 343. White, Oapt. Prank, 362. Wheat, Capt. John R., 362, 366. "Whitely, Lt. W. A., 363. "Wharton, Col. G. C, 372, 374, 375. Whitten, Oapt. J. C, 420. Whitaker, Surg. B. D., 432. White, '^ol. Jno. S., 440, 442, 448. White, Oapt. Oarr B., 445. White, Lt. Wm. J., 457. "Whitehouse, Oapt. H. L., 477. Whitenach, Lt. A., 477. Wheat, Col. B. A., 495. Wheat, Surg. Jas. O., 495. Whitney, Lt. W. H., 521, 524. White, Surg.' Wm. L., 531. White, Lt. DUlon, 533. "White, Oapt. Wm. B., 564, 586. White, Capt. Jas. H., 570. Whitmer, Capt. R. H., 593. Wheeler, Lt. P. A., 596. White, Capt. Jas. H., 607, 671. Whitaker, Lt. I. A., 621. White, Lt. Geo. W., 671. White, Lt. H. B., 676. Wiehl, Lt. S. M., 312. Wilmot, Dt. Nat. D., 299. Wlsnewskl, Capt. J. P., 290. Williamson, Dt. Geo., 171-2, 180-4. Wilkinson, Lt. R. B., 197. Wilson, Dt. Jas. D., 179. Wilson, Adjt.^Ridge, 218. Willson, A. E., 6. Wilson, Capt. J. C, 266. Wilson, Capt. Upton, 323, 328: Wiley, Dt. S., 215. WUlett, Dt. Thos. E., 191. Wiley, Oapt. T. C, 121-8. WUlerman, Lt. J. M., 232. Williamson, Capt. J. E., 242. WiUiamson, Mate G. H., 106. Williamson, Capt. J. T., 280. Wickliffe, Gov. C. A., 12. Wickliffe, Capt. Jno. D., 25, 125. Wise, Capt. W. C, 99. Winston, Engir. J. L., 106. WiUiams, Capt. J. D., 91. WiUiams, Oapt. B. D., 91. Williams, Dt. J. M., 250-6. WUllams, Maj. R. T., 252-3, 314. WUliams, Dt. M. T., 261. Williams, 'Oapt. J. D., 314. Winfrey, Maj. T. C, 153, 162-5. Wilkerson, Oapt. Ed., 249. WUder, Dt. A. H., 255. WUlett, Dt. Henry R., 328. Williams, Capt. D. G., 342. W-ilson, Capt. Thos. H., 343. "Wilson, Oapt. John, 350-2. Winburn, Oapt. R., 354-5. Williams, Dt. Jas. R., 354-5. Witty, Dt. David, 364. WUlis, Capt." Joseph S., 387. "Wise, Dt. Jas. R., 387-8. WiUis, Oapt. Wm. R., 387. Winfry, Surg. A. V., 399. Winfry, Dt. L C, 400. Williams, Capt. Wm., 401-5. Winfry, Capt. P. R., 403-6. WiUiams, Maj. Robt. T., 417. Winlock, Dt. Francis A., 432. Wilson, Capt. Henry, 433. "Wilson, Dt. George, 435. WUey, Capt. Thos. N., 443. WUliams, Adjt. John M., 456. Wilson, Dt. James M., 459. WUliams,' Dt. R. W., 460. Wileman, M'aj. A. G., 466-8. WUson, Capt. J. M., 466, 470. WUliams, Capt. Chas. S., 467. WUson, Dt. Eberle, 480. WUliams, Maj. R. K., 480. Wilson, Dt. Jos. M., 487. Williams, Dt. Jonathan, 496. WiUiams, Oapt. T. J., 514, 520. WUlett, Dt. Ryland, 518. Winchester, Dt. D. P., 531. WUson, Dt. Jas. H., 534. Wilson, Dt. Daniel, 534. Index. 741 Wilson, Maj. Cyrus J., 544-8. WUkins, Lt. John M., 648. WUllan, Lt. Robert D., 563. Wilson, Lt. Riley, 563. WUson, Lt. Wm., 563. WUliams, Lt. Geo. "iV., 564. Winkler, Adjt. Edward, 570-4. WUson, Capt. John W., 572. Williams, Lt. J. M., 595. Wing, Adjt. T. W., 598. WUkins, Dt. Thos. J., 606. Williamson, Dt. Richard, 629. Wilson, Dt. Robt. H., 630. W-ilaon, Col. Alfred C, 631-3. Wilson, Oapt. John C, 634. Winn, Lt. A., 635. Wilson, Lt. Wm. J., 642. WilBon, Capt. James M., 643. WUlls, Lt. S. W., 665. Wilson, Capt. Robt. H., 660. WUliams, Ool. Thos. J., 669. Wolford, Capt. P. M., 108. "Wolford, Col. Frank, 22, 46, 108-10-12, 195, 208, 291. Wolford, Lt. W. D., 250. Woodruff, Gen. W. E., 5, 19, 29, 66, 282-6. Wood, Gen. T. J., 43, 58. Wood, Lt. A. T., 219. Wood, Oapt. T'hos., 246. Wolfiey, Maj. Lewis, 46, 137, 141-4-6. Wolfiey, Lt. Col. "Wm. J., 91. Wolcott, Maj. P. E., 85, 482-4. Woodson, Maj. W. C, 91. Worrall, Engr. Wm. T., 106. Wolff, Lt. D., 160. Wolff, Surg. S. S., 188. Wolf, Lt. Fred, 281. Woodward, Oapt. J. L., 239. Wolf, Capt. Henry R., 332. Woodoook, Lt. Wm. M., 362, 584. Worsham, Maj. Wm. H., 399. Worsham, Q.-M. S. P., 399, 402-3. Wolford, Oapt. P. I., 402-5. Worden, Oapt. John L., 402. Woodruff, Capt. Wm. W., 411, 413. Wood-ward, Oapt. Jas. W., 413. Woods, Capt. W. O., 420. Wolbrook, Lt. R. "W., 420. Wood, Capt. Ohas. A., 421. Womack, Lt. Jias. T., 422, Worthington, Capt. D. L., 422. Woodruff, Surg. Ezra, 432. Wolf, Lt. "W. Vernon, 434. Wood, Cajft. John B., 433, 434. Wood, Lt. N. S., 443-4. Wood, Lt. Thos. J., 445, 448. Wood, Lt. Ansel L., 476. Worthington, Lt. Ool. W. J., 508-9. Woodward, Lt. Stephen, 544. Wolf, Lt. Nat., 573. Wood, Lt. Jno. 694. Wright, Maj. J. M., 87. Wright, Capt. J. A., 97, 277. Wright, Capt. Thos. J., 354-5. Wright, Capt. John J., 640. Wyatt, Lt. Geo. W., 328. Wyer, Surg. Geo, W„ 652. Tates, Oomsy. Lee R., 175. Tantis, Lt. R. P., 196. Tates, Lt. McHaley, 299. Tates, Surg. S. J., 419. Tates, Lt. Blijoih, 484. Young, Maj. Berry S., 91. Young, Lt. Jno. C, 266. Young, Lt. Jas. M., 267. Young, Lt. Barnett C:, 300. Toung, Surg. Matthew H., 312. Young, Lt. Thos. P., 312. York, Ohap. C. W., 188. Youtz,. Lt. Joseph D., 387. Young, Lt. Jas. D., 485. Young, Capt. Wm. B., 496. Young, Lt. Geo. W., 581. Youtsey, Lt. Thos., 608. Young, Capt. Stev. H., 623. York, Lt. Hugh H., 645. Young, Capt. Robt. H., 664. Zachary, Capt. C. A., 123-7. Zim, Lt. J. W., 585. ZoUer, Capt. Michael, 328. The names of the officers of thp State Troops are given on pages 692, 693, 694. The names of the officers of the organized State Militia are given on page 696. .=iilil