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Also an Account of the Reunion of tlie Survivors of the Philadelphia Brigade AND PICKETT'S DIVISION of CONFEDERATE SOLDIERS, And the Dedication of the Monument OF THE 69th REGIMENT PENNSYLVANIA INFANTRY, at Gettysburg, July 2d and 3d, 1887, and of the Rededication, September nth, 1889, BY Captain JOHN E. REILLY. Ancient Order of Hibernians, The Hibernian Society, AND THE Generous Citizens of Philadelphia, who contributed so liberally for the erection of our GETTYSBURG MONUMENT, this book is dedicated. C- r < - INTRODUCTION. S7TFTER a lapse of twenty-five years it would be very p>\ difficult, without research, to write a full and complete history of a Regiment that for more than four years of active field service made it one of the best-known fighting regiments of the Army of the Potomac. Therefore, in writing this little book, we make no pretensions to writing the history of the Sixty- ninth Pennsylvania Regiment, which would require a volume of no mean proportions, for its history is, in part, a history of that Grand Old Army. In this we can only give but a condensed statement of the services of that veteran organization, and leave it to future his torians to do this regiment full justice ; but we feel, at this time, that we owe something to our generous fellow- citizens who came to our aid, and who so nobly assisted us to erect a shaft which marks the spot where this regiment did valuable service at Gettysburg, and which honors the memory of brave comrades who, with tenacious courage, laid down their lives in defence of their State- and country. We trust that our efforts will be appreciated, and that the facts set forth in this small volume may prove in teresting to the reader, and that this book may be the nucleus from which some more competent historian, in the near future, may be enabled to compile a more perfect history of the services of the gallant old Sixty-ninth Pennsylvania Regiment. THE AUTHORS. A BRIEF HISTORY OF THE Sixty-ninth Regiment Penna. Veteran Volunteers. ORGANIZATION. When the States of the South broke out in rebellion against the authority of the national government, the President of the United States issued a proclamation calling for 75,000 men to serve for three months, to aid in suppressing it, and to restore the national authority. At that time the militia organizations of the various counties in the State of Pennsylvania had held themselves in readiness, anticipating the President's proclamation for troops, and were the nucleus around which the citizens of our State rallied and formed what, at other times, might be designated a mighty army- The Second Regiment, Philadelphia County Militia, of the Second Brigade, First Division, Pennsylvania State Militia, was the nucleus from which emanated the Sixty-ninth Regiment, Penn sylvania Volunteers. The companies of this regiment were com posed of men of Irish birth or parentage, but lacking in numbers the complement necessary to meet the standard requirements of the War Department — recruiting stations were opened, and the regiment was raised to the regulation standard. Of those who were enlisted outside of the militia, a number of them represented other nationalities, including what are called straight-out Ameri cans. Every religious denomination of Christianity was repre sented, even including the "Society of Friends," of whom there were, at least, two. There were, also, several of the Jewish per suasion. The Philadelphia militia regiments who tendered their services to the national government, greatly exceeded the quota assigned to the city, and a spirit of rivalry was developed to obtain recog nition. There was considerable delay in accepting the services of this regiment, owing to Gen. Cadwalader, the division commander, refusing to accept Col. P. W. Conroy as the regimental com- 5 mander, this officer having incurred the general's displeasure, hence the acceptance of the regiment was held in abeyance ; but through the intercession of Gen. John D. Miles, the brigade com mander, the regiment was accepted with Joshua T. Owen, a young lawyer of Philadelphia, as the colonel, and the regiment was mustered into the service of the United States for three months, to date from April 15, 1861, and designated the Twenty- fourth Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteers, and assigned to the department commanded by Maj. -Genl. Robert Patterson on the Upper Potomac and in the Shenandoah Valley. While but little fighting was done — the enemy always retreating after slight skirmishing — yet there was considerable marching, and the men, towards the close of their three months' service, suffered severely from lack of food and insufficiency of clothing. The terms of service of all three months' troops expired on the eve of important operations, which left the government exposed almost to the mercy of the rebels, and Gen. Patterson was forced to suspend the task assigned to him of engaging, or holding, the rebel Gen. Johnston at Winchester. The Twenty-fourth Regi- ' ment, however, almost to a man, tendered their services beyond the period of their enlistment to enable the government, through their commander, to carry out its plans until new troops would replace them. Gen. Patterson, knowing such a small force could not be utilized with any degree of success, declined to accept their service beyond the period of their enlistment, and, with grateful thanks for their patriotic offer, mustered the regiment out of the service with all the other three months' troops. This regiment presented a very sorry sight upon their return home in the latter part of July, marching through the streets wearing their overcoats in a hot, sweltering sun, their modesty preferring to suffer from the oppressive heat rather than submit to the expos ure from insufficient clothing. Immediately upon arrival home, authority was sought and granted to reorganize the regiment for a period of three years, and the regiment was again mustered into the service of the United States, to date from August 19, 1861, under the following field, staff, and line officers : Colonel, Joshua T. Owen; Lieutenant- Colonel, Dennis O'Kane; Major, John Devereux ; Adjutant, Okn. Joshua T. Owe.v, Our First Colonel. I'm DliN'Nls o'Kasi, Lieut. Col.. Maktin Tschudy, Killed at Gettysburg. ' Killed at Gettysburg. Martin Tschudy ; Quarter-Master, J. Robinson Miles; Surgeon, Charles C. Bombaugh ; Assistant Surgeon,. Bernard A. McNeill ; Chaplain, Rev. Michael F. Martin. Company A— Captain, James Duffy ; Lieutenants, John McHugh and James Dunn. Company B — Captain, Thomas Furey ; Lieutenants, Eneas Dougherty and Michael Cassiday. Company C — Captain, James O'Reilly ; Lieutenants, Hugh Flood and John O'Connor. Com pany D — Captain, James Harvey ; Lieutenants, Joseph McHugh and T. O'Connor. Company E — Captain, Andrew McManus ; Lieutenants, Alexander Lovett and Thomas Woods. Company F — Captain, George C. Thompson ; Lieutenants, Hugh Mc- Illheney and John Barnes. Company G — Captain, J. F. Von Bierworth ; Lieutenants, Patrick Moran and Samuel McKeown. Company H — Captain, Thomas Kelly ; Lieutenants, Edw-ard Thompson and Thomas Carroll. Company I — Captain, Daniel F. Gillen ; Lieutenants, Patrick S. Tinen and John McNamara. Company K — Captain, William Davis ; Lieutenants, Joseph Kelly and Thos. M. Taylor. TO THE FRONT. Upon receipt of orders from the Secretary of War, the regi ment left the city on the 17th of September, t86i, for Wash ington, and was sent from there to Chain Bridge, and went into camp about one mile from the bridge, on the south side of the Potomac river. While here the regiment was employed in building Fort Ethan Allen, and in making roads to connect the chain of forts erected for the defense of the Capitol. At this place the regiment was assigned to what was then desig nated as Baker's California Brigade, under the command of Col. E. D. Baker, and comprised the following regiments : Sixty- ninth, Seventy-first, Seventy-second, and shortly afterwards the One Hundred and Sixth— all Philadelphia regiments. On the 24th of September, the regiment received its first experience, as a three years' organization, of the realities of the war, by partici pating in the reconnoissance in force, under Gen. W. F. Smith, at Lewinsville, a short distance from Drainsville ; in the fighting that ensued, the Sixty-ninth had one man wounded. Under the impression that the enemy was in large force in the vicinity of Munson's Hill, the regiment was ordered out late in the night of September 29th. While on the march the strictest silence was requested, and when near the point of rendezvous, whi^e the column was at a halt, the troops in rear of this regiment commenced firing on those of another regiment crossing a field on the left of the road ; these troops being dressed in grey uni forms, were mistaken for the enemy, the bright light from the moon showing their color, and, at the ' same time, a few cavalry men came dashing along the road to the rear, which added to the alarm, and an indiscriminate firing was maintained for some minutes all along the columns on the read. On discovering there was no enemy, the Lieutenant-Colonel (the Colonel being absent) ordered all firing to cease, and quiet was restored ; this regiment lost one man killed. After remaining out all night, the regiment returned to camp the following morning. In the early part of October, camp was broken, and the brigade marched to a field a few miles west of Poolesville, Md., where a camp of observation was formed, and Winter quarters established. A rigid course of instruction and discipline was here maintained, the men thoroughly drilled in company, battalion, and brigade movements. Guard, patrol, and picket duties were performed to the letter, according to " army regulations ; " in fact, no duty was neglected that would contribute to a perfect knowledge of mili tary life and manoeuvres. The picket duty was performed along the Potomac river, between Edwards Ferry and the Point of Rocks, about five miles from camp — two companies performing a two weeks " tour " at a time. On the 20th of October, Gen. Stone, then in command of the department of Virginia, sent orders for the brigade to move to Conrad's Ferry, on the following morning. The California regi ment to move at daylight, the rest of the brigade to follow at 7 o'clock. The former regiment did not move from camp, how ever, until 7 o'clock A. M., and the rest of the brigade about 2 o'clock P. M. When the Sixty-ninth, Seventy-second, and the One Hundred and Sixth regiments arrived at Conrad's Ferry, the California regiment, or the Seventy-first Pennsylvania, had already crossed the river on two flat boats or scows carrying about twenty men each, one boat being used between the northern bank and an island, the other from the island to the Virginia side or southern bank of the river. That regiment became hotly engaged with the enemy on a high bluff known as "Ball's Bluff," and within a few miles of Leesburg. Col. Baker, who was leading and commanding the Seventy-first in the battle, sent orders for the Sixty-ninth to cross immediately. While the regiment was preparing to move to the water's edge, Father Gillen, a Jesuit Priest of Maryland, and well known to most all of Gen. Bank's command for his zeal in behalf of the soldier, and his ministrations to the sick, the wounded and dying, obtained permission to im plore a blessing upon the men, and to administer absolution. Through these few moments of delay, the Forty-second New York, in its eagerness to cross, moved down, filled the scow, and pushed off for the island. Before half of that regiment could get across the river, the troops fighting were driven from the bluff into the river, or were killed or captured, and this movement passed into history as a disaster. Our well-beloved Gen. Baker being among the slain. Camp duties were again resumed, and the vacancy in the com mand of the brigade was filled by the appointment of Gen. W. W. Burns, of the Regular Army, who proved himself to be an able brigadier, a strict disciplinarian, and thorough tactician. It was while in this camp that the regiments of this brigade were recognized as Pennsylvanians, and accredited to Pennsylvania's quota. Previous to this, the brigade was thought to be accredited to California, and was generally called the " California Brigade," although the men composing it were almost all Pennsylvanians, and were principally citizens of the city of Philadelphia ; hence forth it was known as the " Philadelphia Brigade." OUR FIRST CAMPAIGN. On the 25th of February, 1862, camp was again broken, and the brigade was marched to Adamstown, a station on the Balti more and Ohio Railroad, placed aboard cars and taken to Point of Rocks, and on the 27 th we crossed the Potomac river on pon toons to Harper's Ferry, Va. Gen. Sedgewick was placed in command of the division to which this brigade belonged in place of Gen. Stone, who was removed on account of the Ball's Bluff 10 disaster. At Harper's Ferry all the troops in the vicinity were placed under the command of Gen. Banks, who immediately pushed forward down the Shenandoah Valley, advancing upon Winchester. The Philadelphia Brigade marched to Berryville, Va., and went into bivouac. At this place the Sixty-ninth re ceived a handsome green flag, the gift of citizens of Philadelphia, which was turned over to the regiment by Col. J. T. Owen in a neat speech. Gen. Banks having occupied Winchester without much serious opposition, the division of Gen. Sedgewick, to which this regiment belonged, returned to Harper's Ferry, where it remained until the 24th of March, on which date the march was made to Point of Rocks, where the division was placed on cars, taken to Washington, and assigned to the Army of the Potomac. On the 27th, the march was made to Alexandria, Va., crossing the Potomac on the long bridge, and, on the following morning, the regiment was placed aboard the ferry boat Champion and sailed for Fortress Monroe. The captain of this boat objected to the entire regiment being placed aboard, its registered capacity being for but 500 persons, while the regiment numbered between 800 and 900 men. No attention, however, was paid to his pro tests, and the men, with their arms and camp equipage, were huddled aboard, and for nearly three days were floundering upon the waters of the Potomac river and Chesapeake bay. The men were obliged to work the pumps night and day to prevent the boat from sinking. On the 30th the regiment disembarked at Fortress Monroe and marched to Hampton, Va., encamping until the 4th of April awaiting the arrival of the balance of the army. While here, the men had opportunities of indulging in oysters and other shell fish caught by themselves, and enjoyed the sport as well as the food. On the last-named date, the march was commenced up the peninsula to Yorktown, where the enemy was found entrenched behind formidable works ; this point was reached on the afternoon of the 5th. Now had begun real soldier work. Before leaving Washington, pieces of light canvas, about six feet square, with buttons and button holes at regular intervals around the edge, were distributed to the men to take the place of tents, two men, at least, were obliged to join together to form a covering by but- II toning their pieces together and laying the centre across a ridge pole, placed in the forks of two upright saplings cut for the pur pose, about four feet high, and the two edges parallel with the ridge were fastened to the ground, forming an A-shaped tent without being enclosed at the ends ; to have a complete enclosure, four men were necessary to join together — too many in such a small space for comfort — but later, the men generally became supplied with an extra piece through the reduction of force by death, sickness and wounds. At Yorktown a camp was formed at what seemed a safe distance from the enemy's lines, and no time could now be spared for drills or camp work, but instead, work ing details were sent to make roads, build works, and other de tails to perform picket duty. While not actively engaged with the enemy, yet the troops were frequently subject to the fire of his musketry and artillery when sallys would be made to develop our strength or discover our work, and often the regiment would be sent to protect working parties from attack by small columns of the enemy. Not only during the day would these attacks be made, but frequently through the night we were harassed in the same way. This kind of work was not only fatiguing as well as dangerous, but it was very exhausting from lack of rest. This work was kept up night and day until the 3d of May, when the rebels abandoned their works and positions around Yorktown and retreated back to Williamsburg. The regiment moved from its camp to the west of Yorktown, close to the York river, on the morning of the 4th of May. During the operations at Yorktown the losses to the regiment in killed and wounded were very slight, being one man killed and. two wounded. Before evacuating Yorktown, the enemy had placed torpedoes in the ground close to every object of interest or attraction about the town, so that danger was in our way at every step. Company D had one man killed by the explosion of one of these infernal machines, upon which he had trodden while walking about their works. While at Yorktown the Army of the Potomac was divided into corps de armee. This regiment was designated as the Second Regiment, of the Second Brigade of the Second Division, Second Army Corps, the commander of which was Major-General E. V. Sum ner. On the 7th of May the regiment was placed aboard the steam boat Daniel Webster and taken up the York river to near West Point, disembarked and encamped until the 15th, on which day a march was made to New Kent Court House, and on the 23d marched to Tyler's Farm, close to the Chickahominy river. FAIR OAKS. On the afternoon of the 31st of May, the day of the opening of the battle of Fair Oaks, by General Sumner's order the corps left its encampment and made a double quick march to the Chicka hominy and crossed on the bridge built by the corps, now his torically known as " Sumner's Grape Vine Bridge," and imme diately rushed to the assistance of the corps of Heintzelman and Keys, who were heavily engaged, and in danger of being driven into the river. The crossing was effected with great difficulty, as the river became a mad torrent, swaying the bridge to such an extent that its destruction was momentarily expected, and shortly after all had crossed, the bridge was swept away. The troops of Sumner's corps were formed in line of battle im mediately after crossing. This regiment was formed on the right of the First Minnesota, while on the right of the Sixty-ninth was formed the Seventy-second Pennsylvania. No enemy appear ing on our front, the regiment was moved to a position at right angles with its former one and supported Rickett's Battery, which was hotly assailed by a massed column of the enemy, who were quickly repulsed, the battery pouring in a murderous fire of can ister and shrapnel. The Philadelphia Brigade now moved to a more advanced position, being " en eschelon " to that of the First Brigade, and advanced through a wheat field to near the edge of a wood, where this regiment captured Gen. Pettigrew, who was wounded, and a number of other prisoners, who had become detached from their lines. The timely arrival of this corps (Second) thwarted the plans of the rebels, who, it seems, were about to throw a heavy body of their troops on the right flank of Key's corps, crush it and destroy Sumner's bridge. In this engagement our loss was very slight, having but one officer and two men wounded. On the following day, June ist, the fighting was renewed, but confined almost entirely to the corps 13 on Sumner's left. The position of this regiment was again changed, as were the other regiments of this brigade, and a new line was formed within the ground held by the enemy but a few days before, he retiring to lines closer to Richmond. On this line the regiment remained for nearly one month, during which it erected aline of works and performed almost constant picket duty, being continually annoyed by the sharpshooters, and almost daily subject to artillery firing, and twice the enemy made spirited attacks that we repulsed, inflicting heavy losses; this regiment losing three men killed and two officers and eight men wounded. The wounded officers were Major John Devereux and Lieutenant Moran, gallant and intrepid soldiers. PEACH ORCHARD AND SAVAGE STATION. On the A. M. of the 29th June, it became apparent that a retro grade movement was inevitable. Our lines were accordingly withdrawn some two miles to the rear, to Peach Orchard, where we awaited the approach of the enemy. About 10 A. M. his skirmishers came upon our lines and a sharp fire was opened and kept up for a short while, the artillery on both sides taking part. Finding that we could not be driven from our position, he retired from further attack. About noon we were withdrawn to a new position south of Savage Station. It was discovered that the enemy was purposely amusing us, as it were, while his main body was moving rapidly to our left, his intention being to fall upon our lines as they were stretched out on the march and cut us in two. He was, however, completely foiled. The staid old Sum ner, ever reliable, who always turned up at the opportune mo ment, now the rearguard, was on hand in the exact place where the enemy did not want him. At about 3 o'clock in the afternoon the Confederates came upon our lines and immediately began the attack. The Philadel phia Brigade received the shock of the onset, which, while it fell principally upon the Seventy-second Pennsylvania (Philadelphia's gallant Fire Zouaves) yet the other regiments of the brigade had a share' in defeating the foe. Gen. Burns, our brave brigade commander, was wounded in the face, which served only to exas perate him, and made him more determined to administer a pun- 14 ishment that would send the enemy reeling back with all his hopes destroyed, and crushed in spirit for the remainder of the day. As on came the foe with exultant shouts, delivering a terrible fire, Burns rushes to meet him with the Seventy-second, who poured such a destructive fire, aided by the artillery, that melted his ranks into utter feebleness and forced him to flee. The Sixty- ninth was on the right of the Vermont Brigade, and with it ad vanced to meet the enemy, who quickly gave way and fled, after which this regiment was moved at a double quick to the right, to the support of Pettit's Battery, near the railroad, against which the Confederates were quickly advancing, their batteries open with a raking fire of canister and shrapnel, to which our bat teries reply with a fire more destructive and effective, which, together with the infantry fire, forced them to abandon the attack, leaving Sumner in complete possession of the field. Although' we were the victors, yet as the darkness veiled our movements we quickly move on in retreat to catch up with the rest of our army, which we reached by daylight "on the morning of the 30th, at White Oak Swamp. In these engagements the regiment suffered a loss of two killed, four wounded and three captured. GLENDALE. At White Oak Swamp, the regiment rested until about 10 o'clock in the morning, when the march was made to Nelson's Farm close to the Charles City Road, and parallel to the Swamp at that point. A furious onset was made on the lines of the Pennsylvania Reserves on our right front. Gen. Hooker was to McCall's left, but fearing the latter officer would not be able to hold out, moved his division to the right in support of McCall, and called on Gen. Sumner for a brigade to strengthen his right, who accordingly called upon the Sixty-ninth and led it to a position in the rear of and in support of McCall's Division, who were then being driven from their position. After forming line of battle in a ravine at the foot of a hill on which were posted two batteries, the men were ordered to lay down and wait until the enemy emerged from the woods through which McCall's men were then being driven. Gen. Sumner turned to Hooker and said, "General, I cannot spare you a brigade, but I have brought arriving at Cold Habor on the morning of the 2d, formed line of battle and spent the day in erecting earthworks, being annoyed occasionally by the rebel artillery. Early on the morning of the 3d, we were marched a short distance to the left, where the bri gade was massed in rear of the third division as a support, who advanced through a swampy woods and across an open field, sloping gently upward towards the lines of the enemy, who crowned its summit with formidable works. On the approach of the advance line to the attack, the enemy pour into it a death- dealing fire, so destructive that it was forced to retire. The Phila delphia Brigade was immediately deployed from column into line of battle, and advanced to within a very short distance of the rebel works, when the enemy set all his forces of resistance to work, hurling from the rifles of the men and the cannon of the artillery all the death-dealing missiles of destruction at his command. The discretion and good judgment of our commander, Gen. Owen, saved what might have been almost total destruction by ordering the men to lay down when within a very short distance of the works. The soil here being very sandy, the men took their tin cups and scooped up the soil until some shelter was formed to protect them from the enemy's fire. Our line re mained in this position until darkness set in, when all hands sank to their much-needed rest, which however was of snort duration to us ; entrenching tools being brought up we set to work with a will, and before daylight we had constructed works strong enough to resist the heaviest artillery fire the foe could bring to bear. We held this position until the 12th of June, during all which time we dare not stand up straight during the day, it being sure 44 death, as the fire of the rebel sharpshooters was so deadly. For two days of this time the troops of both sides had formed a truce, and the opposing lines of men became friends, chatting and trad ing with each other, as though they had met on some friendly business. Gen. Hancock, however, quickly broke up the truce and ordered the men to resume their hostilities, which became as deadly as ever. We were now constantly shelled by day, and frequently by night. Mortar batteries were used here for the first time by the army of the Potomac and their adversaries. It was from here that the Seventy-first Pennsylvania left for home, the term of service of those who first formed this splendid organi zation, and who did not re-enlist, having some time previously expired. The re-enlisted men and those whose terms did not yet expire were transferred into the Sixty-ninth to the number ol 150. The absentees being about 170, making an addition of more than 300 men to the strength of the Sixty-ninth. The Seventy-first was the first to break up this family of Philadelphia regiments. While we regretted parting with so gallant a regiment, yet we felt rejoiced that there were a few at least who could return to the embraces of parents, wives, children, and no doubt to receive the welcoming smiles of sweethearts. The losses sustained by the Sixty-ninth from the 18th of May to June 1 2th, the end of the fighting at Cold Harbor were in the aggregate forty, among the killed being Adjutant Wm. Whil- dey killed on the 3d of June, his loss was deeply regretted by both officers and men. On the night of the 12th of June the march by the left flank was continued. We reached the James River on the 14th crossing that stream from Wilcox landing to City Point, and about midnight of the 15th arrived in front of the defences of Petersburg, relieving the colored troops of Butler's command. BEFORE PETERSBURG. On the afternoon of the 16th the regiment advanced on the works of the enemy, the One Hundred and Sixth on our right, the Seventy-second Pennsylvania on our left. His resistance was not very strong and we easily drove him out of the first line, con sisting of rifle pits, to an interior and more formidable line of fortification. After this success the troops were allowed to rest 45 for the night. On the 17th two attempts were made to capture the rebel position but without success, although we were rein forced by Third Division of the corps. And on the 18th another effort was made resulting only in-defeat. In these engagements the losses to the regiment were : seven men killed, two officers and ten men wounded ; aggregate nineteen. On the 21st the corps was moved to the left and the lines extended. This new line was formed some distance to the left of the Jerusalem Plank road, and on the 22d our lines were pushed out so close to the rebel forts that it was with great difficulty that we were enabled to hold our position long enough to construct earthworks which afforded us sufficient protection to make a vigorous stand and return a spirited fire. The position of the Sixty-ninth was on the extreme left of the division and connecting with a Maine regiment of the Third Division of the corps. About noon the enemy emerged from a woods on our left front into the open field directly in our front, these troops w earing dark uniforms formed line of battle facing us while we had mistaken them for United States troops and permitted them to thus form, yet we looked with wonder at the manner and direction of their formation. Their true character was not discovered until a battery of artillery dashed to their front, unlimbered and opened fire, they being so close that the range of their guns was point blank, and their shot and shell struck into our works ploughing deep furrows and almost smothering us from the dense dust created by the destruc tive missiles hurled against us. We opened a fire of musketry and poured bullets so thick and fast into the rebel ranks, that they would have been obliged to retire, were it not for the fact of a force of the enemy getting around upon our rear demanding our surrender ; while we would not surrender, the regiment fell back a short distance from the works, by the right flank, a very difficult undertaking as we were subject to an artillery and infantry fire from our front, and the guns from a fort on our right front (this fort was afterwards designated ' ' Fort Hell ' ' from the con tinuous firing kept up on our lines here), while the rebels who were pouring down upon our rear also maintained a vigorous fire. There was no remedy against capture but to retire ; the regi ment lost nearly the whole of the four companies of the left wing, 46 and some of the men of other companies. Other regiments were captured almost entirely, also a portion of Knight's New York battery in position a little to our right. These were the first guns the Second Corps had lost since its formation, in fact the only guns the corps lost during its existence, they had on two or three other occasions lost guns temporarily, but were always able to retake them. The corps was at this time commanded by Gen. Birney, Hancock being absent on account of his wounds. The regiment's losses here were eight men killed, twenty-six wounded and one officer and seventy-two men captured; aggregate one hundred and seven. On the following day the division re- occupied its lost ground and repaired and strengthened the earth works constructed on the previous day. So deadly was the fire from the guns of "Fort Hell," that it was necessary to con struct traverses to protect the men passing to and from the rear ; a formidable fort was built during the night, and each day after dark until completed, this had a good effect as it often silenced the guns of the enemy and gave some peace to the troops holding this posi tion afterwards. This fort was generally called "Damnation." We kept moving about, constantly changing position, erecting earthworks, and skirmishing. On the 27th of July the brigade was broken up. The term of service of the Seventy-second Pennsylvania, or better known as the Philadelphia Fire Zouaves, had expired, and this gallant and spirited organization passed out of existence and became a part of the history of the -War. The men who had re-enlisted, and those whose terms of service had not yet expired, were trans ferred into the One Hundred and Eighty-Third Pennsylvania, commanded by Col. James Lynch, a former captain in the brigade whose bravery won for him the colonelcy of that regiment. Many of the men of the One Hundred and Sixth who had not re-enlisted were also mustered out, reducing that regiment in strength to such an extent that the remaining members were reorganized into a battalion, and consolidated with the Sixty-ninth Pennsylvania for field purposes only. The One Hundred and Sixth was composed of as sturdy soldiers as could be found in the army, and were noted for their staying qualities. It was with sadness that we bade adieu to our sister regiments. We were cheered 47 and comforted, however, by the fact that our loss was their gain, as they were returning to pursue the path of peace, that "blessed peace " that we were all devoutly wishing and praying for. Our family of regiments broken up, we were now assigned to the Third Brigade, commanded by Gen. Thomas A. Smyth, a former officer of the Sixty-ninth. In the evening, the regiment marched with the corps to the north side of the James River, crossing at a place called ' ' Deep Bottom," and made a demonstration against Richmond, the Confederate capital. After a day or so of march- ¦ ing and skirmishing we returned to Petersburg, arriving shortly after daylight of the 30th in the rear of the Ninth Corps. We were here held in reserve to await the result of the explosion of the mines that was to destroy the rebel works almost directly in front of the city. The explosion occurred a few minutes after our arrival ; not being a success, we were moved to the extreme left of the army, extending the lines. On the 1 2th of August we were marched to City Point, placed aboard transports, and steamed up the river toward Richmond. When within a few miles of the city, near Drury's Bluff, we were met by some of the rebel gunboats, from which a dangerous fire was opened, aided by the guns from forts on the bluff; this forced us to disembark at Deep Bottom. Making another feint at Richmond, we partici pated in some sharp fighting, and doing a great deal of marching and digging, losing in these operations 1 killed, 2 wounded, and 12 taken prisoners. On the night of the 20th we marched back to the lines about Petersburg. Going to the extreme left, we took up a position in rear of the Fifth Corps as a support to that corps, who were fighting the enemy and destroying the Weldon Rail road in their vicinity. REAM'S STATION. On the 23d of August Gen. Hancock took the First and Second Divisions of the corps and marched to Ream's Station, on the Weldon Railroad. While tearing up and destroying the rails the enemy appeared in force, infantry and cavalry, and a hot fight ensued. Previous to the attack we hastily constructed light breastworks, from behind which we fought until their cavalry attacked us from the left and rear, while their artillery poured an enfilading fire from the left with terrible effect, and a destructive 48 fire from our front. Being so overwhelmed and nearly sur rounded, we were withdrawn, closing the fight by making a charge and recapturing a battery taken from our First Division. Previous to this battle the strength of the regiment was but little more than 200 men. The losses were: 7 enlisted men killed, 3 officers and 19 men wounded, and 10 men taken prisoners; ag gregate, 39. Among the wounded were Colonel William Davis and Lieutenant-Colonel James O'Reilly. Major P. S. Tinen now assumed command of the regiment, and during the night we re turned to the lines before Petersburg, where we were continually changing our position, sometimes on the skirmish or picket line, at others in the front works, and again in the rear fur rest, but always under fire from the rebel artillery and mortar batteries. To protect us from the deadly effects of the mortars we were obliged to build underground quarters or bomb proofs, which the men generally called " gopher holes," into which all would run when their batteries would open fire. HATCHER'S RUN, DABNEY'S MILLS, AND BOYDTON PLANK ROAD. About 3 A. M. of the 27th of October the regiment, with the corps, marched to the banks of a small stream called Hatcher's Run. The bed of this stream runs through a deep ravine, on the opposite or north bank of which the enemy had constructed a line of breastworks. This regiment formed line of battle in rear of the Tenth New York and advanced until coming in close con tact with the enemy, when the regiment was pushed to the front and ordered to charge upon the rebels, who fell back across stream behind their defences, the regiment continuing the charge, led by General Smyth. The water was more than waist-deep, and the general came to the rescue of our color-bearer, who was struggling to get across, and taking hold of him, helped him to reach the opposite bank, followed by the regiment, in the face of a well-directed fire ; but so determined were the men, and so impetuous the charge, that the enemy was obliged to flee, and the colors of the Sixty-ninth were the first to be planted on the ramparts of the enemy's works. After a halt of half an hour the pursuit was begun again, and the enemy met at Dabney's Mills, from which place he was easily driven back to the Boydton plank 49 road, where a halt was made and our lines re-formed on the north side of the road. The regiment was here divided — the right wing, under Major Tinen, was taken to cover the left flank of the corps, while the left wing, under the command of Adjutant McDermott, and the One Hundred and Sixth Battalion, under Capt. McAnally of the Sixty-ninth, were pushed on the left of the division, forming at right angles with the corps line of battle. The left wing and the One Hundred and Sixth advanced at once across an open field and drove the enemy from his encampment, capturing a lot of clothing, camp equipage, and small arms. After driving him about half a mile, the troops deployed in skir mishing order and kept up a lively fire on the enemy until the ammunition was nearly all exhausted. A canvass among the men showing but ten rounds altogether could be obtained from among all the men, application was made at division headquarters for a supply, but without success, and ten rounds were collected from other troops, which were distributed to the men. With this twenty rounds of ammunition several assaults of the enemy were repelled by cheers and an occasional discharge from the rifles. Instructions were received from the division commander to hold our line at all hazards until relieved, which would be about n o'clock P. M. No relief however came, and, after waiting until beyond midnight, it was discovered that all our troops were with drawn, and that the One Hundred and Sixth Battalion and the left wing of the Sixty-ninth were left to deceive the enemy and escape as best they could. In trying to find our way back to our lines we marched to a camp of the rebel cavalry, and only with the utmost quietness we were enabled to steal back to the road leading to our lines, which we reached about 10 o'clock A. M. of the 28th, to the surprise of our brigade commander, who had supposed us captured. The right wing, under Major Tinen, suc ceeded in capturing a number of the enemy who had got in the rear of our lines and captured a number of our troops ; they were on the way back to their own lines when captured ; our men were, of course, released. The regiment lost 3 killed, 1 officer and 8 men wounded, and 2 captured; aggregate, 14. From this time until February, 1865, the regiment was shifted about from point to point, sometimes on the extreme front and again resting in the 4 5° rear. On the morning of the 5th we were marched again to Hatcher's Run, where a brisk fight was made, the regiment losing 1 officer and 2 men killed, and 4 men wounded. Gen. Hum phries was now placed in command of the corps, Hancock being relieved, and sent north to raise a corps of veteran troops. On the 25th of March the corps made a reconnoissance to Hatcher's Run, where some sharp fighting was done in developing the posi tion and strength of the rebels. In this fight the regiment lost 3 men killed, 1 officer and 10 men wounded ; and on the 29th of March the regiment was slightly engaged near Dabney's Mills, losing 3 men wounded. During the winter the strength of the regiment was much increased by the return of a number of con valescents and the receiving a number of recruits. The strength of the regiment was now raised to an aggregate of 173. There was also an increase by the placing of the names of 300 recruits, etc., on the records of the Sixty-ninth. These men, however, never appeared nor performed any duty. On the 2d of April a general movement was begun around the right and rear of Lee's army, which forced him to abandon Rich mond, and on the 3d of April Petersburg was evacuated, the enemy falling back towards Lynchburg. Following in pursuit he was forced to give fight at Five Forks, where this regiment was slightly engaged, and again at Jettersville ; after all preparations for a fight, he fled before giving time for our lines to form for battle. On the morning of the 6th, line of battle being formed, we advanced and marched in this order all the day ; occasionally coming close upon his rear, a feeble effort would be made to re sist us. On the 7th, the enemy made a spirited fight at High Bridge, and endeavored to check our onward, victorious march ; from this point on, the roads were strewn with wagons, caissons, battery wagons, and disabled cannon ; so thickly were these vehi cles of war along the roads at some points, that our march was frequently delayed ; at Farmville the rebels made a determined stand, and the most severe fighting here occurred since the fall of Petersburg ; in this fight, Gen. T. A. Smyth, commanding our brigade, received his mortal wound, and was, so far as we know, the last general officer of our army to lose his life. On the morn ing of the 8th, this regiment, with the One Hundred and Sixth 5i Battalion, was thrown to the front as skirmishers ; marching across country in this bne the whole day, many prisoners were picked up, men who had become disgusted, and who considered further fighting mere foolishness ; frequently the enemy would halt and offer us battle until he would see our main columns ad vancing, when he would scamper off On the morning of the 9th, after passing Burkesville Station some distance, we halted at a place called Clover Hills, and there remained until the surrender of Lee became a fact. The news of the surrender was announced by Gen. Meade, who rode through the lines of the troops, who became hilariously wild. It would be impossible to attempt to give a description of the scenes following the announcement of the surrender, but that scene will live forever in the hearts of the men who participated in that event. Our work was done ; the Union was saved ; and the troops returned to their homes, to re ceive the joyous welcome of fond hearts, and the congratulations of their fellow-citizens. The regiment participated in the grand review of the army by the President of the United States ; a pageant of two days' dura tion and the grandest military display of numbers ever made in America, and, perhaps, in the world, as a review. The regiment was mustered out of the military service of the United States on the ist of July, 1865, and returned to Philadelphia, where it dis banded. The whole number of men of this regiment was 1,736 ; number killed, 164 ; wounded, 402 ; taken prisoners and missing, 136 ; the number of battles and skirmishes in which it took part was 41. THE RE-UNION OF JULY, 1887, AND DEDICATION OF THE MONUMENT. The battle of Gettysburg is conceded by all historians and military authorities to have been the turning point in favor of the Union cause during the war. It was one of the most complete victories achieved by the Union army, and the large number of combatants on both sides give it a magnitude that will compare with the greatest of ancient and modern battles. The desire to preservethat field for all times has become general, and to-day Gettysburg is the Mecca of American patriotism. The ' ' Gettysburg Battlefield Memorial Association " having charge of the entire field, have invited the placing of monu ments and tablets to mark the position where each regiment stood and fought. Having a pride in the service performed by the Sixty-ninth Pennsylvania, its members had a strong desire to place a monument to mark their position, and inscribe thereon its deeds. Its members being in the humbler walks of life, there fore unable of themselves to erect a suitable memorial, organized an association pledged to work to secure means, and accordingly held the first meeting in the month of March, 1886, and decided to appeal to our wealthy fellow -citizens and our friends in general for assistance ; how well that appeal was responded to, will find the answer by a visit to the battlefield, the scene of ' ' Pickett's charge," and view the beautiful monument of the regiment placed thereon. The inscriptions are a history themselves, placed there by the survivors as they knew the story of Pickett's charge and repulse. Remembering that the war was waged for the preservation of the Union ; to prevent certain of the States of the Union from leav ing or severing their connection therewith, and setting up for them selves an independent government, and believing that the States could not peaceably exist with two or even more general heads, and that two such unions or confederacies would tend to over throw the peace and tranquility of all the States and destroy that freedom, that equality and peace bequeathed to us by the great founders of our system of government, we therefore believed that our victory would be fruitless if all the citizens of all sections 53 of our country could not enjoy equal rights and privileges as- guaranteed by the constitution of our country, and noticing that bitter hatreds were kept alive by unscrupulous and designing men, that sectional feelings were fostered which would tend to make disunion sought for, and again destroy that peace that the end of the war brought about, we deemed it a holy and patriotic duty to invite our late foes to meet us in fraternal re-union on that field that turned the tide of war and led to final success, and there set the example of burying, forever, all animosities. In these efforts we were joined by the other regiments composing our brigade of Philadelphians, (the Seventy-first, Seventy-second and One Hundred and Sixth Pennsylvania Regiments.) The time selected for both the re-union and the dedication of that monu ment was the 24th anniversary of the battles July 2d and 3d, 1887. The survivors of the regiments composing the Philadelphia Brigade, numbering nearly 500 men (Sixty-ninth, Seventy-first, Seventy-second, and One Hundred and Sixth Pennsylvania) proceeded to Gettysburg via the Pennsylvania Railroad on July 2d, 1887, and arrived in that town shortly after 6 o'clock P. M. on the same date, and shortly before 9 o'clock the last of Pickett's survivors arrived, their whole force being under the command of Capt. C. P. Reeves. As the " Men in Gray" came from the cars they were greeted with loud cheering by the dele gation of the Boys in Blue, who were to escort them to their place in line on Washington street, and immediately marched up that thoroughfare to the circle in the centre of the town. Here the scene was of the wildest description ; never was there greater heartiness shown by hosts to guests, than that first greeting as friends, extended by the 500 Philadelphia Brigade boys to Pickett's survivors. Red and green lights illuminated the inspiring scene, the first of the reunion of the Blue and Gray. Roman candles were fired by the score, the band played " Dixie," and innumerable rockets shot into the air. A great cheer renewed again and again as the color-guard reached the platform and unfurled the Stars and Stripes. There was no such thing as keeping the Philadelphians in line. They would break and rush over to re new the slight acquaintance of twenty-four years ago. 54 ' ' How are you old nian ? ' ' " Glad to see you." "We are all together this time," and similar expressions greeted the men of Virginia as hands were clasped in friendship and brotherly love. Twenty-four years have silvered the hair of most of the brigade, and a score or more of crutches and empty sleeves gave proof of the gallantry of the command. There was an honest pride in the eyes of the men of "the bloody angle" as they grasped hands and promised a glorious time of it to Pickett's heroes if good fellowship and Philadelphia hospitality would be of any avail. One old fellow toted his three-year-old baby around the station all covered with minature canteens and badges of blue and gray. He was proud of the Philadelphia Brigade, but he was prouder of that baby than if he had captured the whole of Pickett's division alone and single-handed. His wife was proud, but the old man was the proudest of all. Pickett's men marched past in review with the band playing " Dixie " with vigor, and amid the exciting enthusiasm the Phila delphians cheered and cheered again, while Pickett's dare-devils gave the old-fashioned rebel yell time and time again. The sky was brightened with red fire, rockets, and Roman candles, and the Quakers waved their white helmets until it seemed as if they would never tire. The " Reb " color-bearer waved the national flag, and yell answered cheer for five minutes until the order was given to "break ranks," and the gray was lost in the grand personal welcome of the blue. From that time on until the camp-fire was held all question of command or organization was lost sight of. The boys fraternized as only old soldiers can. Quarters were hunted up for the Vir ginians. Valises were seized and carried by stout Philadelphia arms, and everything that could be conceived of was done to make the boys of the South feel that they were honored friends and comrades. It was one grand hurrah crowded with enthu siasm and hospitality. The little town was packed with the vete rans, and Pickett's Division, for the first time, was in undisputed possession. They had at last conquered the Philadelphia Brigade 55 The County Court House was the place selected for the reunion of Pickett' s Division and the Philadelphia Brigade. Great interest was taken in this first camp-fire of the Blue and Gray upon the historic battle-field at Gettysburg, and every seat in the hall was occupied. Many ladies were present. The "boys" were tired after their long journey and were a little late in getting from their suppers to the hall, but the great audience waited patiently for the exercises to begin. John W. Frazier called the meeting to order, and said : Knowing well the feelings that prompted the meeting I can truly say this fraternal reunion of the Philadelphia Brigade and Pickett's Division will indeed prove "A union of hearts and a unioii of hands, A union none can sever ; A union of homes and a union of lands, And the flag of our Union forever." I now present to you as the presiding officer of this meeting Comrade William S. Stockton, late a Captain of the Seventy- first Pennsylvania, who rendered great assistance in bringing the " Blue " and the " Grey " in re-union in this historic place. Mr: Stockton, upon assuming the chairmanship, said that he thanked his comrades for the honor conferred upon him, and he would take occasion simply to remark that he believed what was done and said here upon this fraternal gathering of the Blue and Gray would mark a new and gratifying era in our country's his tory. As presiding officer it was his pleasant duty to present Colonel Charles H. Banes, president of the Philadelphia Brigade Association, who would extend a soldier's welcome to foes in war, but warm, devoted and lasting friends in peace. Colonel Banes stepped forward and said : COLONEL BANES' ADDRESS. Fellow-citizens and Members of Pickett's Division of the Army of Northern Virginia: An honorable and pleasing duty has been assigned to me by the .Philadelphia Brigade of the Second Divi sion, Second Corps, Army of the Potomac. This veteran Brigade of the Union Army, composed of the 56 Sixty-ninth, Seventy-first, Seventy-second and One Hundred and Sixth Regiments, Pennsylvania Volunteers, upon more than one occasion during the dark hours of the Republic, encountered your people in active warfare, and it fell to our lot to meet in hos tile array and deadly conflict in what may be truly called the crisis of the battle of Gettysburg, within the sight of the masses of both armies on that memorable afternoon of July 3, 1863. No thoughtful man can at this date read the history of the war or recall its memories, and fail to see the hand of the Divine Providence developing through trial and discipline that courage and tenacity for principle and patriotism which exalts and enno bles a people. We have dwelt for a few moments on the inci dents of battle for the reason that the place and the associations compel the reference; but to-day, soldiers of the contending armies, we meet as citizens of a united country. The old issues are dead and new ones confront us. We who have fought as the Blue and the Gray can discuss the past, if need, in the light of the present, as travelers who, after perilous journeys and conflicts by the way, sit down on the mountain top and review the scenes through which they have passed and the dangers of the road over which they have journeyed. We welcome you to this historic field and its memories with true soldierly greeting. In the performance of this duty we would fail to honorably acquit ourselves did we not announce to you that the spontaneous movement of the Philadelphia Brigade in the tender of this reception has the cordial and practical sup port of our citizens of all classes and pursuits of life. And now it remains for me to say to you, the men of Pickett's Division, by authority of this Brigade Association and its friends, that we desire that you will honor us during your stay at Gettys burg by becoming our guests. We welcome you because you were brave soldiers in war; we welcome you because you are true citizens in peace, and may our stay here be one of pleasure to each of us and of fraternal greeting that shall guide us to higher resolves for the perpetuity of the Constitution and the Union, to manly determination as citizens to meet conscientiously and in the fear of God the questions and issues of the hour, and to such an abiding faith in the magnificent destiny of the republic as will 57 lead each of us to trust that Almighty being who spoke from the cloud and the pillar of fire to the leader of Israel, saying, ' ' Speak to the children of Israel that they go forward, ' ' and who to-day is calling us by His providence to higher and nobler achievments in the cause of humanity and the government of the people. Upon behalf of Pickett's veterans Captain C. P. Reeves, of Rich mond, the commander of Pickett's Division Association, re sponded as follows : Friends and Comrades : I desire for myself and comrades to tender you our heartfelt thanks for the kind, cordial and hearty welcome extended us on this, an occasion never to be forgotten by us, but cherished and remembered as a bright spot in the checkered pathway of life. Colonel Banes then introduced Colonel Alexander K. Mc- Clure, of Philadelphia, who had been chosen to extend a welcome from the citizens of Philadelphia particularly, and from the State of Pennsylvania generally, to the Virginians. Colonel McClure said: Soldiers of the Blue and the Gray: After the more than fra ternal greeting so eloquently expressed by the representatives of the survivors of the Philadelphia Brigade and of Pickett's Divi sion, it is an easy task to speak for the City of Brotherly Love and for the Keystone State of the Federal arch, in hearty sym pathy with the peace and brotherhood which mark this notable reunion. Twenty-four years ago your mutual heroism conse crated this ground to unfading immortality. The shock in which your respective commands met was the bloodiest of all the many sanguinary conflicts of our civil strife, and in its issue trembled the issue of the decisive battle of the war. It ranks with Ther mopylae in desperate courage, but the heroism of the warriors of Leonidas, whose inexorable Spartan laws made defeat dishonor, regardless of position or numbers, pales before the volunteer sol diers of Hancock and Pickett who willingly dared and died for their convictions. It was a strange, sad conflict. Men of the same race, in heritors of the same heroic traditions, sovereigns in framing the same laws, met in deadly struggle to solve great civil problems which had vexed our most enlightened and patriotic statesmanship 58 for three-quarters of a century. The ignorant, the incon siderate and the dishonest say that it was causeless; that it was precipitated by the babbling demagogues who ride in the tem pest; but no such agents could have called millions of the most intelligent, peace-loving and generous people of the world to four years of fraternal war. There were agitators and demagogues who hastened war, as there are agitators and demagogues who have hindered peace since the war ended ; but there were irrecon cilable theories left unsettled in the foundation of the government which ripened in intensity and enlarged in interest until peaceful solution was no longer possible. A less heroic people could have avoided our civil war ; but with each citizen a sovereign, the bravest and noblest of all peoples of the earth had only the choice between dismemberment of the Union or its jarring pillars ce mented by the arbitrament of the sword. Never did opposing armies accept battle with sterner purpose. Every shotted gun hoarsely thundered the faith of the warriors who employed it in the harvest of death. Every church of every belief, in North and South, sent up fervent prayers to the same God for the triumph of their respective flags, and in like manner cal ed for thanksgiving and praise when victory came to either. Every pulpit appealed to the patriotism of the people in the name of the Ruler of nations, to sustain the cause of his section as a holy duty ; and from every battle-field came heart-felt thanks from victor and abiding faith in supplication from vanquished — all from the same altar to the same Jehovah. Both could not triumph, and at Appomattox came the judgment of the final arbitrator : That the National Union shall be indissoluble and that national sovereignty shall be omnipotent within the limitations of its own fundamental law. And from Appomattox came the promise not only of peace but of brotherhood. It came to North and South from the great Captain of the conflict. Hero and victor in war, he was no less hero and victor in peace. Of the shattered legions of Lee, not one left that historic field the enemy of Grant. He did more than conquer an army ; he conquered and gathered as the greenest laurels of his victory, the love of the Confederate warrior and the respect of the South for the Union against which its sons had so 59 valiantly battled. * When presented to the nation as a candidate for the highe-t civil trust of the world, his battle-cry that answered those who reveled in the turbulence of hate, was — " Let us have peace." Among his earliest appointments when called to the Presidency, was the Lieutenant of Lee under whose eye the memorable charge of Pickett's Division was made, and, later in his administration, the Confederate soldier and statesman sat in his cabinet. Thus came peace and brotherhood under the inspiration of the victor of victors in our bloody civil strife, and his dying testa ment comes from Saratoga's shaded mount, bequeathing fraternal love and national unity to the Blue and the Gray. Well may the civilian welcome in hearty reunion the now silvered and furrowed survivors of the deadly conflict on Cemetery Ridge, when such lustrous teaching and example command it ; and I greet you in the name of the great North, now inseparably interwoven with the great South in sympathy, in interest, and in fellowship. Free government is stronger at home and mightier abroad to-day because of the wounds of civil war, and our children and our children's children will turn to its sacrifices, its sorrows, and its irrevocable judgments as the surest guarantee that " government of the people, by the people, and for the people shall not perish from the earth." SPEAKING FOR VIRGINIA. Col. Wm. R. Aylett, (a grandson of the immortal Patrick Henry, whose burning eloquence fired the hearts of his fellow patriots to throw off the yoke of oppression), who succeeded Gen. Armistead as commander of one of Picketts brigades when Armistead died, having been chosen to respond on behalf of the State of Virginia to Pennsylvania's welcome, said : Brothers and sisters of the Keystone State, comrades of the great battle-field, my countrymen, all : We are here to-day as friends and kindred of a common country, sent to you by the Old Dominion as an expression Of her love and confidence. When your invitation reached us it touched our hearts in a tender place, and the speech of welcome which has just been delivered so elo quently is worthy of the orator and great State and city which he represents. Not only do we receive and shall ever treasure the ¦6o noble sentiments of Col. McClure as the voice of Pennsylvania and her chief city, but also of those brave men who met us here twenty-four years ago with a valor that we could not overcome and who meet us here to-night with a loving welcome so dear to us and to our people. Not only do we cherish the sentiments so nobly expressed, so warm and true, from the hearts of our brethren of the North, but remembering the avocation and profession of the gifted speaker, we hear in loud tones the voice of the great American press — -that power mightier than armies or navies, mightier than the swords and sceptres of kings, on whose sup porting arm the Goddess of Liberty leans, and whose daily utter ances proclaim that peace, friendship and love once more bind the American people with the golden bands of indissoluble and perpetual union ; the press whose thousand tongues none can sil ence , whose champions, " All unbribed at Freedom's altar stand Faithful and firm, bright warders of the land." Yes, my countrymen, the press and the brave and generous soldiers of our land, have brought this night and these scenes to pass. All honor and love to both. We come as the survivors of a great battle, which illustrated the greatness and glory of the American people, and dropping the curtain over the past, we hail you as our brothers and sisters with all that love and pride which must ever thrill the hearts of all good and true citizens of a continent of free Commonwealths. No more does that spirit animate us which once hurled our bodies against those impregnable heights — thank God, no more forever. We have come forth from the baptism of blood and fire in which we were consumed, as the representatives of a New South, and we have long years ago ceased to bear in our hearts any residuum of the feelings born of the conflict. Did an un manly feeling linger in our bosoms we would not be here to-day to grasp the hands of those who have met us with a brother's greeting and a brother's love. Above the ashes left by the War and over the tomb of secession and African slavery we have created a new empire, and have built a temple to American liberty in which you and I can worship 6i together, and over it we have run up the Star Spangled banner, and we cling to it with all that ancient love which should ever dwell in the hearts of the men and women from the lands of George Washington and William Penn. I utter it as a sentiment that comes welling up from every bosom of Virginia and the South, that the man who would rekindle again that feeling which filled our land with death and tears and grief and mourning, with graves and suffering, is not only unworthy of the high title of American citizen, but even of that of human being, and should find no home or friends on earth or in heaven. Let no politician, for selfish and unworthy purposes, fan the dead embers of fratri cidal strife, but let the great, warm and generous heart of our nation, with the throb of the ocean, as if moved by all the tem pests of God's whole universe, speak its thundered condemnation of any effort so vile, wicked and unworthy. No such lessons are taught to me by the lives or deeds of Lincoln or Grant, or come to us as echoes from their sacred tombs. And, oh ! my country men, what a calamity was it for the South when the assassin's bullet struck down Abraham Lincoln ! In the midst of all the bloody tempest he still had a soft place in his great heart for us. And now that the storm has passed and passion has subsided, who of the South does not love and revere his memory, and the memory of the great captain who was kind and magnanimous in the hour of victory at Appomattox ; who said to Lee : ' ' Let your men take their horses home to make bread ;" who, when he had triumphed, said : " Let us have peace," and who, in his dying hours, declared that the greatest happiness he felt was to see the good feelings springing up between North and South. There is not a true man at the South to-day but who feels as if he would like to stand at the tombs of Lincoln and Grant, to plant a flower there and to water it with a manly tear ! In the presence of a feeling like this, too sacred and deep for utterance, what matters it who shall keep the battle-flags ? They passed into your hands in brave and manly combat, untouched by dishonor, after a baptism in blood that made the gray jacket a mantle of glory, and we are as willing your people should keep them as ours. They are in the hands of our government and brethren, to whom our honor should be as dear as their own. Never again will our 62 old battle-flags wave in strife. They have gone down forever, but they went down in glory and in honor. They are dead, and we love and follow alone now the living flag which floats from Key West to Behring Straits — from Bunker Hill to San Fran cisco ! THE EMBLEM OF LIBERTY. As we look at the banner of our country floating yonder, we only remember that since the birth of our nation it has been the emblem of liberty and the refuge of the oppressed ; that Southern and Northern men bore it in triumph from Saratoga to Yorktown, from Lundy's Lane to New Orleans, and that as united brethren we floated it over the walls of Tripoli and the halls of the Monte- zumas. We forget that it was ever borne against us, and as we see around us the men of the North who have come down South and made our homes their homes and our people their people, we hail to-day and henceforth all Americans everywhere as brothers and claim that our home and kindred extend from sturdy Maine and the grand old Bay State, to where the gentle breeze sighs through the orange groves of Florida ; from where the Missis sippi, the Father of Waters, heaves his mighty bosom, to the great lakes ; from the great lakes to the Pacific, where the republican Colossus holds in his benumbed grasp the icebergs of the Arctic, and there, in sight of the continent of Asia, proclaims a people united for all time and great in all the triumphs of the Anglo-Saxon race. Buried and sunk out of sight forever be the bitter memories of the woes and griefs and sorrows of the North and South. If we recall them at all, let it be in drama, poetry and song, as England remembers to-day the wars of the Roses, and the rival houses of York and Lancaster, a glorious and im perishable record of valor and renown ; written upon the highest rolls of fame, by both North and South, and claimed as a common privilege and joint offering for all time to come by the whole American people and their latest posterity. But while speaking of the deeds and glories of our men, let not the deeds of our women be forgotten. Oh, who can tell of their agony suffering and self-sacrifice ! I see them now hover ing both in your hospitals and ours, like bright and beautiful angels of grace and mercy, ready to conduct the departing spirit 63 to paradise. Mother, daughter, sister, wife, sweetheart, they fanned the fevered cheek, bathed the fevered brow, bedewed with their tears the couch of the dying heroes, wafted their souls to heaven with their sighs and prayers and put flowers over their graves. And they could be as brave as the men, too, when it was necessary. Why, the bravest woman I ever saw was a Penn sylvania girl, who defied Pickett's whole division while we marched through a little town called Greencastle. She had on a United States flag as an apron, which she defiantly waved up and down as our columns passed by her and dared us to take it from her. And there was not one man of us who dared do so. Struck by her courage and loyalty, Pickett, with hat off, gave her a military salute, my regiment presented arms, and we cheered her with a good old-fashioned rebel yell, which some of you boys here have doubtless heard. God bless the true and brave little woman, and she was as lovely as she was brave. Would that she were here to-day that I might, in admiration of her pluck and truth, grasp the hand of that splendid and glorious type of American womanhood. She deserves a place by the side of those Carthagenian maidens who cut off their tresses as bow strings to send their lovers' arrows hissing to the Roman heart. THE DEAD. In coming here to-night of course there are some sad thoughts mingled with our joys. Oh ! what a slaughter of American man hood and valor there was on that day on your side and on ours ! What would we not give if we could recall back to life your men and ours who so nobly fell on that fatal field ? It is not for me to speak of their mighty valor. History has recorded it in undying words, and forms and colors. Would that that grand and heroic son of Pennsylvania, Hancock the Superb, were here to-day. Would that Meade and McClellan and Reynolds and Sedgewick were here to-night, and that Virginian, George H. Thomas, the Hannibal of vour Army of the Tennessee. And above all, would that Lincoln and Grant were here to see this noble sight of brotherly love and heavenly hospitality. Lincoln and Grant, the men who guided and directed the storm, and who, when its fury was spent, were ready to say ' ' Peace, be still" to the boisterous 64 winds and raging waters. Were they here we would join with you in doing them honor, for as Americans we now claim an in terest in their glory and their graves. And who among you, warm, generous, kind, hospitable and full of brotherly love, as you have shown yourselves, will grudge to us or to Virginia the proud honor or to the Union that rich contribution of Virginian glory, when, at the roll-call of our illustrious and mighty dead, to the names of Washington, Henry Mason, Jefferson, Madison, Marshall and Monroe, we shall ask to add the names of Robert E. Lee, of Stonewall Jackson, of J. E. B. Stuart and George E. Pickett — glorious representatives of that Virginia truth and valor and loyalty which propped the reeling fortunes of the Revolution of '76 and bore the flag of victory flowing like a heavenly meteor from Boston to Yorktown. No, my dear countrymen, let none but great and noble and kind words, thoughts and feelings henceforth animate us or sur vive the great and bitter trials of the American people. Let us with a love, sympathy and reverence. too deep for expression, re spect the sufferings and repair the injuries we have inflicted upon each other. Let us tread lightly by each soldier's grave, whether from North or South, for he was an American brother dying for his convictions. Let us imitate the example and follow the teachings of Nature's great heart, who in Winter spreads the impartial mantle of her snow on every soldier's grave ; in Spring puts green sod and flowers upon each humble mound ; in Autumn decks all alike with the russet and golden splendors of her falling leaves, and in dews by night and showers by days waters them with her tears and by the smiling sunshine of heaven warms their cold bosoms with the rays of eternal light, direct from the centre of the universe. Let us thank God that "grim-visaged war has smoothed his wrinkled front," and that peace spreads her blessed wings over our land ; that as one nation we follow but one flag, and that but one destiny awaits the American people; and as long as Bunker Hill and Yorktown shall lift their heights towards heaven, above the watery main, so long will Virginia and the South gratefully remember and cherish this night's work and welcome. Standing here near the great battle-field, enriched by the best blood of the North and South, with the stars of heaven 65 as our witnesses, on the soil of the dear old Keystone State, the historic arch of the Union, the great State whose bells first rang out, in the city of Brotherly Love, the birth of American Liberty, on the morning of the Revolution, I pledge you with my hand, and my heart goes lovingly and gratefully with my hand, that Virginia and Pennsylvania, as in the days of yore, forever locked in a loving embrace, in peace and in war, in sunshine and in storm, will forever bear aloft the Stars and Stripes and stand by the Union of our forefathers until the morning of the resurrec tion. LETTERS OF REGRET. Capt. Jno. E. Reilly of the Sixty-ninth Pennsylvania stepped forward and read the following letters of regret from President Cleveland and Senator Jno. Sherman, after which the meeting adjourned. THE PRESIDENT'S LETTER. Executive Mansion, Washington, June 24th, 1887. I have received your invitation to attend, as a guest of the Philadelphia Brigade, a reunion of ex-Confederate soldiers of Pickett's Division, who survived their terrible charge at Gettys burg, and those of the Union army still living, by whom it was heroically resisted. The fraternal meeting of these soldiers upon the battle-field where twenty-four years ago in deadly fray they fiercely sought each others' lives, where they saw their comrades fall and where all thoughts were of vengeance and destruction, will illustrate the general impulse of brave men and their honest desire for peace and reconciliation. The friendly assault there to be made will be resistless, because inspired by American chivalry ; and its result will be glorious, because conquered hearts will be its trophies of success. There after this battle-field will be consecrated by a victory which shall presage the end of the bitterness of strife, the exposure of the sincerity which conceals hatred by professions of kindness, the condemnation of frenzied appeals to passion for unworthy pur poses and the beating down of all that stands in the way of the destiny of our united country. While those who fought and who have so much to forgive, lead 5 66 in the pleasant ways of peace, how wicked appear the traffic in sectional hate and the betrayal of patriotic sentiment. It surely cannot be wrong to desire the settled quiet which lights for our entire country the path to prosperity and great ness ; nor need the lessons of the war be forgotten and its results jeopardized in the wish for that genuine fraternity which insures national pride and glory. I should be very glad to accept your invitation and be with you at the interesting reunion, but other arrangements already made and my official duties here, will prevent my doing so. Hoping that the occasion will be as successful and useful as its promoters can desire, I am. Yours very truly, GROVER CLEVELAND. senator Sherman's letter. Mansfield, Ohio, June 18th, 1887. Your note of the 16th, inviting me to be present as the guest of the Philadelphia Brigade at Gettysburg on the 2d, 3d and 4th days of July next, to attend a reunion of the surviving members of that brigade and of Pickett's Division of the Confederate Army, is received. It would give me pleasure to witness so interesting an event, but an engagement made here for the 4th of July will not permit. Such a reunion on the battle-field of Gettysburg of opposing forces so distinguished for courage, heroism and great losses, will be a striking and hopeful evidence of the respect that brave sol diers always cherish for gallant enemies, and of the lessening animosities of the war. Union soldiers readily and heartily acknowledge the courage and honesty of purpose of Confederate soldiers, and this feeling is, I believe, as readily reciprocated by them. There should be no enmity or prejudice between them, and now that all alike feel that an indestructible union binds us together, there should be a cordial and hearty fellowship between the "Blue and the Gray." But this feeling should be accompanied by a sincere and hearty desire to preserve for future ages the beneficent results of the war. In this the South as well as the North is deeply interested. It 67 was to preserve the Union and to secure to all, the blessings of liberty that the war was waged and won. Upon this basis there would be no longer a danger line between Union and Confederate soldiers, or Northern and Southern citizens, but the courage and patriotism of both would be the common pride and heritage of the American people. I sincerely trust the reunion proposed will be an important step towards so desirable a result. Very truly yours, JOHN SHERMAN. Before closing the account of the re-union ceremonies, we desire to refer especially to a figure that was — from the commencement of the ceremonies until the end of all the proceedings that brought the Philadelphia Brigade to Gettysburg — the centre of all interest in the enthusiastic reception to Pickett's survivors, the very inspiration of the heartiness that made that re-union memorable for the intensity of its fraternal greetings, that gave it a national importance. We refer to the presence of Mrs. Gen. George E. Pickett, the widow of the brave commander of that heroic band of Confederates who heeded not the destroying torrent of artillery missiles, or the piercing storm of leaden bullets from the Union lines in their intrepid advance over the wide intervening space, that separated the lines of the contending armies. This lady's graceful presence gave a magnetic charm to the ceremonies. Many persons who visited Gettysburg on this interesting occasion with the rancor of hatred, were converted into the most intense advocates of fraternity toward our late opponents. It was proph esied in the Old Testament that ' ' a woman shall crush the ser pent' s head. " We are witnesses of the fulfillment of this prophecy in the birth, suffering, and death of a blessed Saviour ; so may we witness that a woman also shall crush the head of the serpent of hatred, sectionalism, and strife, and a new life of love and frater nity be born of the inspiration of this sweet messenger from the ¦South — Mrs. George E. Pickett. THE DEDICATION. At noon of July 3d, 1887, the twenty-fourth anniversary of the closing scene of the battle, the survivors of the Sixty-ninth left 68 their headquarters in the town, and marched to the spot where, twenty-four years ago, they gave the final blow that crowned the Union arms with success, accompanied by the Seventy-first, whose dedication ceremonies followed those of the Sixty-ninth ; the Seventy-second and One Hundred and Sixth, the other regiments of the brigade and participants in Pickett's repulse, whose monu ments already mark the spot of their heroism ; by Post 10 of the Grand Army of the Republic, and a company of the Hibernian Rifles, both of which organizations accompanied the brigade from Philadelphia as an escort and firing party. Arriving at the spot where the monument stands (at the stone wall, nearly midway between the " clump of trees" and the "bloody angle") the speakers and invited guests took their places on the stand erected for the occasion. Among the guests were : Gen. Burns, one of the old commanders of the Philadelphia Brigade ; Col. Charles H. Banes and wife, who accompanied Mrs. Pickett; Gen. Wm. F. (Baldy) Smith; Gen. I. J. Wistar, of the Seventy-first ; Col. J. B. Bachelder, the Government Historian of the battle of Gettys burg ; Col. William B. Mann and Col. John H. Taggart of the Pennsylvania Reserves ; Col. A. K. McClure, of the Philadelphia Times; Col. Cowan, of Cowan's Battery; Col. Aylett, Major Edmondson, Capt. Reeves, Charles T. Loehr, and others of Pickett's survivors. After a dirge by the band, the ceremonies were opened by Adjutant A. W. McDermott, who said : " Com rades, you of the Blue and of the Grey, we have assembled here on this twenty-fourth anniversary of the closing of the battles of Gettysburg, to dedicate this monument in commemoration of the battle and as a memorial to our fallen comrades, who gave up their lives that the Union might be saved. It was here that you, my comrades of the Sixty-ninth, delivered the final blow that gave victory to our arms ; that you met the then foe in hand-to- hand combat and forced him (with the assistance of the Seventy- first, Seventy-second, One Hundred and Sixth Pennsylvania, and other regiments) to give up the contest. We entered this fight with an aggregate strength of 258, and suffered a loss of 151. I wish to say that it has often been asserted that the two compa nies who changed front after Gen. Armistead had crossed the Wall just above our right had given way. This is incorrect. As a 69 member of one of these companies at that time, I wish to state here my own personal knowledge, that the wall was not aban doned until orders were passed from the centre of the regiment to break to the rear, and at that time Gen. Armistead had covered about half the distance from the wall to the place near the crest, where he received his fatal wound. I will say further that if such orders had not been issued it would have been imperatively neces sary to have performed the same movement, or the result would undoubtedly have been the annihilation of the Sixty-ninth by death or capture, as the Confederates were pouring over the wall after their leader. This movement was not performed any too soon, for ere these two companies had recovered from the excite ment incident to the change of front, the Confederates had borne so closely upon the angle of the new line that they, by their over powering numbers, had succeeded in capturing the third company of the regiment, Company F, now on the right at the wall. They now called for the surrender of the rest of the line, but the Fourth Company, D, beat them off in hand-to-hand contact, and thus held their position at the wall until, with the fall of Armistead and Kemper, these brave men, foes though they were, being without a leader, gave up the contest." Gen. Joshua T. Owen the original commander of the regi ment was introduced as the orator, and said : gen. owen's speech. "Survivors of the Sixty-ninth Regiment Pennsylvania Volun teers : I salute you as the veterans not of the battle of Gettysburg only, but of all the battles of the war of the rebellion in which the army of the Potomac was engaged. In all probability the battle fought right here on either side of this now historic stone wall was the hottest contested and the most important in its effects of any conflict of the war. ' ' On this day twenty-four years ago there was seen to emerge from yonder woods a body of troops, whose fame has since rivaled that of any body of equal numerical strength in ancient or modern warfare. In. a fit of desperate courage the foremost soldier of the rebellion dared to challenge fate itself and hazard, upon one venture, the success or failure of the cause for which he 7° had risked everything. The resolution was sublime in its au dacity, but terribly disastrous in its results. The Grecian or Roman Legions, in solid phalanx, would never have dared to deliver such a charge, across so wide an intervening space, even though no artillery plowed their ranks with death-dealing shot and shell. Neither Alexander nor Caesar, Charlemagne nor Frederick, Wellington nor Napoleon ever ordered so hazardous a charge as that which Gen. Robert E. Lee ordered Gen. Pick ett to make with his partially- depleted division on the 3d of July, 1863, on this historic battle-field. " It was your good fortune, my old comrades, to withstand the brunt of that charge, because your ranks were further advanced than those of the other portions of the line. At the point where the stone wall receded to the rear at a right-angle, your right flank stood unmoved by shot or shell or rebel yell. Your line re mained intact amid all the mad fury of that charge, until friends and foes were commingled in a hand-to-hand conflict, where Southern valor and Northern fortitude were put to their severest test. During that hot conflict the men of Virginia pierced the Union lines and the gallant Armistead fell within the ranks of the ' Philadelphia Brigade.' Nay, more, some of the men of his bri gade placed their hands on the guns of Cushing 's Battery. " But it was not in the power of mortals to withstand the com bined attack of the Second Corps. Shattered into fragmentary parts, the mad invaders of Pennsylvania's soil were driven back or captured, and the battle' ended in the triumph of the Union arms. Suffice it to say that you did your duty nobly and well, and, in common with the other regiments of the Philadelphia Brigade, won for yourselves immortal renown. "Now that the war is over, let us rejoice that our cause — the cause of Union and liberty — was triumphant and that our country has prospered so greatly since its close. Let the issues of the war, which were settled by the dread arbitrament of war, remain undisturbed forever. "And now what shall I say in the presence of these, our late antagonists, but now our fellow-citizens and friends. Simply this, that it was fortunate for the future fame of our reunited country that when the issue was clearly made, out that the two 7i systems of labor, slave and free, could not oexist under the same government, the settlement of the question was committed to men North and South, who, in the prosecution of the irrepressible conflict, did not lower one whit the standard of American valor, but always maintained the prestige which belongs to arms wielded by free men." Following the oration, Adjutant McDermott read the roll of honor, calling out the names of those who fell in the battle, after which Capt. Edward Thompson read the following poem for the occasion, prefacing the reading of the poem with the following few remarks : Friends and Comrades : Once more we stand upon this historic spot, not in contention with foes, but to help heal the wounds made by the bitter struggle of twenty-four years ago, and to erect hereon a monument commemorating our services, and as a memorial to our fallen comrades. Thoughts of our brave fallen companions have suggested the following few lines : TO OUR FALLEN COMRADES. On this historic spot we miss full many Of the light of heart who in our perils and our sports took part ; They died here, for man was born to die ; For them we shed no tear, we heave no sigh, But mark with admiration and with pride How gallantly they fought, how bravely they died. Is there he who worries heaven with a coward's prayer, His life to ages, healthiness to spare ? Who begs this boon, on a sick bed to lie ? Of disease, inch by inch to die ? More glorious was our lost companions lot, To fall here where the battle raged loud and hot, Bound to their posts on this crimson sod Where freedom triumphed, to the breast of God, Their last gaze fixed on our starry emblem and flag of green That waved in glory o'er this battle scene. The last sound that fell upon their ears, Were their comrades' volleys and their comrades' cheers. Like them we swear to fill a hero's grave, Like them to perish or the Union save. For no hatred, no desire for gold accursed Caused us to mingle in this war at first. 72 For human wisdom, human love, Never planned laws like those above A government sa grand ! We shared its glories and its perils share, And before our God who hears, we swear The stars may fall from yon blue vault of heaven, But not one star from our flag shall be riven, Which o'er his troops when human rights were won, Was waved by mankind's hero— Washington. The earth may melt, the sun the ocean drain, These laws shall stand, this government remain. Col. O' Reilly turned the monument over to the Gettysburg Battlefield Memorial Association in a neat speech, in which he said : Gentlemen of the Gettysburg Memorial Association: I have been delegated by my companions of the Survivors' Association of the Sixty-ninth Pennsylvania Regiment, to hand over to your keeping this granite shaft, placed here by them commemorative of the noble sacrifice of our many brave comrades who fell upon this very spot twenty-four years ago to-day. And, sirs, while this monument may recall the sorrowful part ing of comrades who enjoyed the closest ties of friendship, it also reminds us of the glorious deeds of valor performed by that gal lant old regiment which so nobly held this line against the most determined charge in the annals of modern warfare, and in which we suffered a loss of more than fifty per cent, of our numbers. It was after considerable solicitation of others, and consider able doubt on our part, that the task of erecting this monument was undertaken by us ; we were solicited and urged by many, not of our regiment, but who knew of the noble service rendered by the Sixty-ninth, to get our men together for this purpose. We doubted our ability to successfully accomplish that purpose, for our numbers were few and our means were very limited, but we had a few determined fellows who had courageously faced Pickett's charge, and they concluded that, as they had sufficient courage for that, they were not afraid to undertake anything, So our good friends in Philadelphia helped us along, and the Irish societies of Philadelphia said that the regiment which so nobly carried through all the battles of the war, the green flag of old Ireland, and never permitted it to be disgraced by defeat, should not be forgotten by 73 them ; and they nobly kept their word. Their aid, together with that of others of our fellow-citizens, encouraged us until we saw our State coming to our assistance, and this, gentlemen, is the result of our labors. We relinquish it to you, and ask that in future you will care for it as one of your most valued trusts. In after years when our children come here to view the spot where their fathers' did so much to make this place glorious in the history of their country, they may still find this column pointing heavenward, indicating, as we trust, the direction in which our brave departed comrades have taken in their flight when they laid down their lives in this most desperate struggle. And now, gentlemen, as we hand this monument over to you in all its artistic beauty, so we trust that you will hand it to your successors, and coming from those who were willing to sacrifice all for their country, we ask that in this, their memory shall be preserved for all future time. Col. J. B. Bachelder responded on behalf of the Association as follows : I accept your beautiful monument on behalf of the Association who, I am sure, feel proud of the trust delegated to them ; no position on this field is more envied than that of the scene of Pickett's Charge, because it was here that Lee made his last effort for success. How desperate that effort was, you "boys'' know best yourselves. He spoke in the highest praise of the services rendered by the regiment, and in accepting the monument promised, in behalf of his colleagues of the Battlefield Association, to see that the beau tiful memorial to the services of brave men, should forever re ceive their best care and attention. Capt. John E. Reilly being introduced, he presented, on behalf of the regiment, to Col. J. B. Bachelder, a magnificent gold watch and chain for the services he rendered at the War Depart ment in having errors corrected on the list of the regiment's casualties at Gettysburg. CAPTAIN REILLY'S SPEECH. "Col. Batchelder, we cannot allow this opportunity to pass without calling you to time, and as we ' think you deserve watch ing to place a watch on you for the future. 74 " More than a year ago, sir, we had occasion to call on you for information which you cheerfully gave us, and since that time we have frequently been obliged to ask your aid in assisting us in many little details which helped us very materially in the forma tion of a correct legend which is to remain on our monument for all future time. In our list of casualties for the battle of Gettysburg we found through you that our records and those at the Department in Washington differed very considerably. According to our records they should have been 143, and the Washington Department records had them but 126 ; we were satisfied that we were right, but we were not permitted to take any other than those on the Official Records which we knew to be wrong, but how to have them corrected we did not know. And again we had to call for your services, knowing that you were authority on everything in connection with this great battle. You kindly volunteered to go to Washington and lay our case before the Department, and try to have them correct. We finally, after considerable perseverence, had them go over some of the reports when they found a clerical error of eleven which brought our number up to 137, or within six of what we claimed and still claim to be right, but they re fused to go further into the matter notwithstanding we had the names of those lost and particulars in each case. You have had considerable traveling and correspondence on our account which has taken a great deal of your time, and cost you considerable expense. In fact we have been a great trouble to you, but you did all of this cheerfully. And you would not ¦even permit us to reimburse you for your outlay. And as we do not wish to appear ungrateful for those many acts of kindness, though we may sometimes have seemed unreasonable for our stubborn persistence in differing with the people in Washington, whose data only you are obliged to be governed by, but when I say to you that that stubbornness is a trait of the Irish character which predominates in the most of us, you will make allowance for it. It was that stubbornness, sir, which kept the Sixty-ninth in their position on this very spot twenty-four years ago to-day ; it was that stubbornness which made them refuse to vacate this spot notwithstanding the pressing invitation of our friends from 75 Virginia, and it was that stubborn tenacity which made this spot impregnable, until the last shot at Gettysburg was fired. And now, sir, for the many acts of kindness so courteously bestowed, permit me, on behalf of the survivors of the Sixty-ninth Penn sylvania Regiment, to present you with this small token of their esteem, and though coming from those of humble station in life we trust that you will value it as a gift from men who once served their country faithfully, and can, at least, boast of the proud honor of being members of the gallant old Sixty-ninth Pennsyl vania Regiment, and soldiers of the Army of the Potomac. Take it, sir, and with it our best wishes for your future welfare; we wish you health to wear it for many years to come, and as you shall have frequent occasion to refer to it, we trust that you will remember that the donors were of a regiment that did much to make the Battle of Gettysburg glorious in the history of their country. Presentation to Mrs. Pickett. At the conclusion of Capt. Reilly's speech a handsome Corps badge (a trefoil) made of beautiful white flowers, three feet high, which had been presented to the regiment by Mrs. Reed of Philadelphia and received by Quarter Master Hugh McKeever, was presented to Mrs. Pickett by Adjutant McDermott in behalf ¦of the regiment. He said : " Most respected Lady, in behalf of my comrades of the Sixty-ninth Regiment as well as myself, I present to you this design of beautiful flowers. The design repre sents the badge of the Second Corps, the white flowers — the color of the badge worn by the Second Division of that Corps, and in which we had the honor to serve. Remembering that that brave band of foes who desperately fought us on this spot, was command ed by your late husband, the gallant General Pickett, we cannot let this occasion pass without the honor of tendering you, his cherish ed widow, some token of our love, for the warm interest you have taken in our efforts to reunite in bonds of fraternity those sec tions of our country so unhappily estranged by the war of twenty- four years ago. Dear Lady, this token has but a trifling intrinsic value and will soon lose its beauty because of its perishable nature, but the occasion upon which we have the honor to pre sent to you this symbolic design shall never perish from our 76 memory, nor shall the beauty of the sentiments that brought to gether so many late foes in honorable, manly conflict on the field of battl«», now cherished friends, brothers, ever fade from our hearts, nor shall we ever cease to love and revere you, who have- so kindly graced by your presence the never-to-be-forgotten cer emonies of last evening and those of to-day. Pray accept then this token, and with it the fervent prayers of the donors, that a beneficent Providence will bless and prosper you and bless our earnest endeavor for lasting reconciliation and brotherhood." This ended the ceremonies of the dedication. THE SIXTY-NINTH CAMP FIRE. In the evening the Sixty-ninth invited the Pickett's Division Association to their head quarters at the Washington House, where a " Camp Fire " was held in the gardens attached to the hotel, where liquid refreshments and cigars were indulged in, and until near midnight the ' ' Fire " was kept burning ; anecdotes, speeches and songs made the time but a "fleeting moment."' Eloquent and pathetic speeches were made by Col. Aylett, Major Edmondson and others of the Pickett survivors. Cols.. Bachelder and Vanderslice of the Gettysburg Memorial Associa tion, and Col. O'Reilly, Capts. John E. Reilly, McNamara, Fay, and others of the Sixty-ninth survivors, after which a res olution of thanks was voted the Sixty-ninth for their pleasant re ception, and especially Quartermaster McKeever for the liberal quantity and thoughtfulness in the refreshing provisions made at the entertainment. After an exchange of badges, hats and other mementos, even to the giving of a lock of Col. O'Reilly's white- hair to Col. Aylett, the Camp Fire adjourned. On the morning of the 4th of July the regiment joined with the brigade and Pickett's men and went over th<* battlefield ; at the scene of Pickett's advance from Seminary Ridge all halted, and many touching incidents occurred as the men of both sides related their work on that eventful 3d of July 1863. After- going over the battlefield, and returning to the position of the Sixty-ninth, the survivors of that regiment and of Pickett's Division formed in line on each side of the wall and grasping hands were photographed. See page opposite. On the 5th, after taking leave of the men from the South, the regiment boarded the cars for home. Thus ended the most memorable reunion betweem the North and the South since the close of the war. 77 REDEDICATION. Several months after the Survivors Association of the Sixty- ninth Regiment had contracted for the erection of their monu ment, the State of Pennsylvania, by an act of Assembly approved June 15th 1887, made an appropriation of $121,500 for the erec tion of memorial tablets or monuments, to mark the positions of Pennsylvania Commands on the battle-field of Gettysburg, July ist, 2d and 3d, 1863, and to the Gettysburg Battle-field Asso ciation for the purchase of land, maintaining and keeping in re pair the battle-field. And the Governor was authorized to appoint five Commissioners, who were to select and decide upon the design and material for monuments, and to co-operate with five persons representing the survivors of the several regimental, organizations or commands, which participated in said battle, in the location of the said monuments and selection thereof, and when completed and properly erected,* the Commissioners to present vouchers to the Auditor General for payment. The Sixty-ninth Regiment having been engaged in a very important part of that battle, and being one of the regiments entitled to a portion of the appropriation of June 1887, selected Col. James O'Reilly, Capt. Joseph W. Garretts, Sergt. Hugh McKeever, Adjt. A. W. McDermott and Capt. John E. Reilly, to represent the regiment and to co-operate with the five Commissioners appointed by the Governor ; but as the Com missioners did not meet to formulate rules and regulations until after the monument of the Sixty-ninth was erected, there was no opportunity given to submit plans and specifications to them, and preparation having been made for the completion and the dedi cation of the monument, on the twenty-fourth anniversary of the battle (July 3d, 1877), and our former opponents of Pickett's Division having accepted our invitation and made arrangements to attend, we could not therefore postpone the ceremonies of 78 dedication ; and when our committee met the Commissioners in Gettysburg, at their first meeting, the question was raised as to- whether they could make vouchers for payment in our case, not having passed upon the design and material before erection, and subsequently on an opinion of the Attorney General, they de cided that as we did not comply with the full requirements of the Act of Assembly, under which they were appointed, we were- not entitled to our portion of the appropriation, for the monu ment erected, unless there was an enabling Act passed by the Legislature. This necessitated the trouble and expense of having a suplimentary Act passed by the following State Legislature. A Bill was therefore prepared and submitted to the House of Representatives in January, 1889, and was finally passed by the Senate, and approved by the Governor, in June 1889, and we were then enabled to improve our monument considerably by placing a new base of Quincey granite, weighing over eight tons, adding very much to the architectural beauty of the monument, and making it one of the finest Pennsylvania monu ments on the battle-field. The State Commissioners, having named September nth and 1 2th, 1889, as Pennsylvania days at Gettysburg, the ceremonies of dedication of all the monuments were to take place on those days. On the morning of the ioth, the Survivors Association of the Sixty-ninth, with their friends, left Philadelphia, via Baltimore and Ohio Rail Road, for Gettysburg, stopping en route at Harper's Ferry and Antietam, and viewing many familiar places of war times, and the beautiful scenery surround ing Harper's Ferry, and the field which was so hotly contested by the Regiment at Antietam. Arriving at Gettysburg late that night, on the morning of the nth as pre-arranged, they as sembled around the monument on Cemetery Ridge, in front of the famous clump of trees at the Bloody Angle, to complete the ceremonies of dedication. In the absence of the Rev. Joseph A. Boll, who was to open the ceremonies with prayer, Lieutenant Colonel James O'Reilly called the assemblage to order, and in a very able and eloquent address reviewed the services of the Regiment from its formation until final muster out of the United States service. 79 Speech of Col. James O'Reilly. Comrades : Standing here on ground at once historic and sacred, and to memory ever dear, once again, I greet you, and to you I would say that this time, perhaps the last time as an organized body that we shall visit this hallowed spot, we have come to pay final tribute, final honor to our dead. Not only those who have here fallen fighting that the Union might live, but to all our comrades who on any of the battle-fields of the War for the Union (and that was nearly all in which the grand old army of the Potomac took part), offered up their lives a willing sacrifice that this, the most beneficent form of government which has ever blessed the earth, should be preserved and perpetuated in all its beauty, grandeur and greatness forever. It is written that, Whether on the scaffold high, Or in the battle van, The noblest place for man to die Is where he dies for man. Is it so ? Then I claim for these, our fallen comrades, that they died in the fore-front of the battle for the rights of man, and in the interest of humanity. Again it is written that, Greater love than this hath no man, that he lays down his life for his friends • and who so proves his love for his friends as the soldier who willingly yields up life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness in their interest. Again I, claim for these, our comrades, that from the gloomy beginning of the struggle in 1861 until its final and glorious termination in 1865, that they daily offered themselves. to death and to God, with that sublime end in view. Does any man question this? Then to him I would say, behold a country which under God's providence has been and is now the refuge of God's poor, the oppressed of all nations, preserved from dis- truction, let us hope, for ever ; behold the arch enemy of the liberty of this and of all rations and people. Utterly discom- fitted and thwarted in her vile purpose of disrupting and destroy ing this government of the people, for the people, and by the people, who, not as of yore, by brazen-armed intervention in our affairs, but this time by most wiley and insiduous means, did all 8o in her power to ruin and make it a dependency of hers and plun der and impoverish the people. Of course I allude to the Gov ernment of England, and again behold a hideous crime attoned for, a foul blot wiped out for ever (in blood it is true), but wiped out for ever by the enfranchisement of over four millions of bondsmen, slaves set free, a dissevered people reunited, the bless ings of peace restored, etc. Oh, surely, my dear comrades, living and dead, it was a holy cause you battled for. Yea, and God's holy ones the Priests of God were with us, they blessed our arms and the hands that bore them, they accompanied us to the field and daily ministered to our spiritual wants, and byword and example did what they could to encourage us, and bless our efforts. God bless them, Fathers Martin, Gillin, Corbin, Willits, McKee, Dillin, and a host of others. God be with them. Com rades, it is also written that it is a holy and a wholesome thought to pray for the dead ; forget not this duty this day nor any day of the time that is left you. Pray then, to the Lord of Hosts, the God of battle, for your dead, for all the dead, whose souls, re- baptized in their blood, went up to Him amidst scenes of strife and carnage during those dire years of war and its attendant calamities ; they may need our prayers, who can tell ; pray then most ardently, I beseech you, for the soul of that heroic soldier, Colonel Dennis O'Kane, who fell near the spot now marked by our monument, where but a short time before he stood grimly smiling at the stubborn resistance offered by the sturdy men under his command to the fierce onslaught of Pickett's men ; and forget not the other brave officers and enlisted men who, to the number of one hundred and forty-seven fell here beside him, and whose unparalleled bravery and stubborn courage here tossed back the highest and mightiest wave of the Rebellion. Nor would I have you forget those of our comrades, who fell on other fields than this, for, Some fell on far-off fields of fame, Some here sank down to rest, And the dear land they loved so well, Now folds them to her breast. All nearly gone, yet still lives on, The memory of those who died, And true men like you men, Remember them with pride. Comrades in thus honoring the dead you do honor to the liv ing, you honor yourselves, and that beautiful monument will tell the story to generations yet unborn of your heroic deeds and the deeds, the heroism of the commander's who have gone on to " Fame's eternal camping ground." Before you they lived with honor, they died with honor, be it yours to follow their example. And now dear comrades as a part of the duty assigned me on this occasion I will proceed to give our hearers a brief glimpse of the early history of the regiment. Long before grim visaged civil war reared his horrid front in this our land, affrighting the inhabi tants thereof, there existed in the City of Philadelphia, State of Pennsylvania, a body of Irish American citizen soldiery, known as the Second Regiment Philadelphia County Volunteers. It was numbered the Second Regiment, Second Brigade, and be longed to the First Division Pennsylvania Militia. The material of which it was composed (the officers and men) were recruited or came from the humbler walks of life in that great city. They were mostly hardy sons of toil, men who earned their bread by the sweat of their brows, but very ambitious in a military point of view, and very patriotic, always ready to obey the orders of their officers, always ready to defend the authorities and assist them whether National, State or City, ever ready to shed their blood if necessary in defence of the honor and integrity of their adopted country, while cherishing an ardent love for the land of their birth. And because of the nationality of the officers and men, and the names of the companies of which it was composed it was frequently, and truth compels me to add derisively, styled the " Irish Brigade," and there are here to day some who can look back with shame and sorrow to the time when hisses derisive cries and shouts of contempt were freely bestowed on us, and on more than one occasion something harder in shape of bricks and stones fell thick and fast in the ranks of the organization as it marched through the streets of that city, the City of Brotherly Love. But thanks to God and the services rendered by this and kindred organizations of which there were many in the late war, such senseless bigotry, such mean and contemptible prejudice ob tains no more forever in this broad land. And oh ! my country men, Irishmen, what a debt of gratitude you owe to these our 6 82 comrades, to the brave men of our race, who to the number of one hundred and forty-four thousand (see Prof. Gould's state ments) who went into the field in defence of our adopted country, and made such a glorious record there. Nor does the above num ber include the tens of thousands of Irishmen's sons, and their immediate descendants who took part in the strife on the side of the Government. At the outbreak of the war the above organi zation was altered as follows : for certain cogent reasons Col. Conroy resigned, and by the advice, and on the recommendation of the Brigade Commander, Gen. John D. Miles, Joshua T. Owen was elected to fill the vacancy ; Dennis Heenan remained Lieut. Colonel ; James Harvey, beaten in the race for the majority, re signed and organized a company for Max Einstein's regiment ; Dennis O'Kane then Capt. of Company C, was elected Major, and James O'Reilly fourth Sergt. of Company C was elected captain of said company. In this order the regiment entered the field as the Twenty-fourth Infantry Pennsylvania Volunteers for three months' service under the call of the President for 75,000 men. The regiment faithfully performed all duties assigned it, and was one of the two regiments who listened to the appeal of Gen. Patterson to remain in the field after its term of service had expired until reinforcements could arrive to defend the upper Potomac, although over two hundred of the men were shoeless and with underwear for breeches. Mustered out August 9th, 1861, it was immediately reorganized for three years- service as the Second Regiment of Baker's California Brigade, afterwards known as the Sixty-ninth Pennsylvania Volunteers ; it would have been known as the Sixty-eighth but for a few of the old officers who were proud of the record made by their kindred of the Sixty- ninth New York, and appealed to Col. Andrew Tippen and his officers to exchange numbers, this they agreed to do, and the consent of the great War Governor, Andrew G. Curtin, himself Irish by decent, being obtained, the regiment became the Sixty- ninth. Four of the Company Commanders, for reasons best known to themselves, refused to remain under the former com mandant and left the organization, these were Capts. Thomas A. Smyth, Hugh Rodgers, James McGough and P. Murphy. Capts. Rodgers and McGough were replaced by Capts. Thomp- 83 son and Furey, and some time after its arrival in the field it was joined by companies under Capts. Wm. Davis and Daniel Gillen. The complexion of the field and staff was altered by the retire ment of Lieut. Col. Dennis Heenan, who afterwards organized the One Hundred and Sixteenth Regiment Pennsylvania Volun teers, and the appointment to his place of Major Dennis O'Kane. John Devereux of Chestnut Hill, and a member of the famous Philadelphia City Troop was made Major ; Martin Tschudy, a prominent young lawyer of West Washington Square was ap pointed Adjutant, C. C. Bombaugh, M. D., as Surgeon, and B. A. McNeill Assistant Surgeon, with J. Robinson Miles as Quarter Master. During its reorganization some generous friends of the regiment headed by Thomas Dolan, Esq., Eighth and Zane streets, Philadelphia, procured and presented to the regiment a beautiful green flag. On one side was painted the coat of arms of Pennsylvania, and on the other the wolf-dog, round tower and sun-burst of Ireland, and here let me call your attention to the fact that the Sixty-ninth was the only regiment that went out from the State of Pennsylvania carrying the flag of Ireland side by side with those of the United States. Under these flags, these glorious emblems, under officers tried and true, a sturdier, nobler hearted, braver body of men, than those who in this regiment left Phila delphia for Washington in the early fall of 1861, it were hard to find. I say this as a- comrade, as one who by long association with the majority of them before and during the war had learned their worth. I say it because I am speaking of the dead, the greater number having passed from scenes of strife here below to, I fervently hope, the peaceful abode of the blessed. And without disparagement to our comrade regiments or any body of troops then in the field, I claim for this regiment, First, that it faith fully performed all duties assigned to it in camp, in garrison, on the march or in battle, never turning its rear to the enemy, except compelled by orders from superior authority. Second, that the regiment never lost a flag to the enemy, and on two occasions saved the colors of other regiments from falling into the enemy's, hands. Third, that by its desperate charge at Glendale (Nelson's farm) it saved the day and possibly the army. Fourth, that this regiment furnished to the service three able general officers, to 84 wit : Gen. Joshua T. Owen, a former commander ; Gen. M. Ker- win, formerly Sergt. of Company H, and now editor and pro prietor of the New York Tablet, and Gen. Thomas A. Smyth, who was formerly Captain of Company H, Twenty-fourth, and whom I believe to be the last general officer killed on the Union side dur ing the war. Fifth, that but for the mistaken zeal in the perfor mance of his duty and the persistant and positive refusal on the part of Capt. Wm. McBride of the Seventy-second regiment to permit it, the flag of this regiment would have been the first to float over the enemy's works at Yorktown, and in all probability the regiment would have furnished a fourth general officer to the service, as Deven of Massachusetts, who entered the works, four hours later was made general therefor. Sixth, that this regiment was among the first to enter the field in defence of the Union, and served continuously until honorably mustered out at the close of the war by reason of its services being no longer required. All this to your lasting credit, my comrades living ; all this to the honor of the dead of this regiment who here and elsewhere sleep the sleep that knows no waking. How sleep the brave who sink to rest, By all their country's wishes blest, When Spring with dewy fingers cold, Returns to deck their hallowed mould ; Ever Freedom shall a while repair, To dwell a weeping hermit there. Col. O'Reilly's speech was well received and he was frequently interrupted with applause by his comrades, and the many friends of the regiment who were present ; he then introduced as the orator of the day Capt. John E. Reilly, a former corporal of the regiment, and one of its first Color-Bearers.* Oration by Capt. John E. Reilly. Comrades of the Sixty-ninth, we have again met, on this his toric field, to rededicate this memorial shaft, which marks the spot *Capt. John E. Reilly was formerly Corporal of Company H. and one of the first Color-Bearers of the Regiment. He was badly wounded while leading the charge with the Colors at the battle of Glendale ; was afterwards promoted to First Lieutenant and A D. C-, First Division, Fifth Corps, and again wounded while charging the enemy's works in front of Petersburg, and finally promoted to Oaptain at the capture of the Weldon Railroad in August, 1864. 85 made famous by your heroic deeds. Within the twenty-five square miles of this battle-field there are many interesting places, where many deeds of bravery were- performed, but there was but one Pickett's charge at Gettysburg, and on this spot, and by you, my comrades of the Sixty-ninth, ably supported by your com rades of the Philadelphia Brigade, was that charge met, and the flood-tide of rebellion checked. It was here you met the flower of the Confederate Army in hand to hand encounter, and here, many of our brave companions laid down their lives in that ter rible struggle. When Hancock arrived on this field during the first day's fight, everything was in doubt, the right wing of the army hav ing been driven from beyond the town, the gallant Reynolds killed, and many of the regiments panic stricken in consequence of their loss, and it was not until he brought his own Second Corps on the field, and deployed them along this ridge, on the second, and the brave Warren, had secured Round Top for the artillery, was our army secure in its position. The Sixty-ninth was placed along the slope of this ridge, and ordered to hold the line secure in this position, and you faithfully did what you were told, as in every other position throughout the war, in which you were placed, you proved faithful to the trust. On the afternoon of the second day, the enemy in force attack ed the left, the brave Sickels was badly wounded, and his corps being driven from its advanced position, when gallant Hancock came to the rescue, but so impetuous was the assault made by the enemy, that on they came like the fury of a whirlwind, until within a few paces of this line. The battery on your front was driven from its position, and two of its guns were left to the advancing enemy, who made several desperate attempts to capture them, and was driven from them each time by your well directed fire, until at last they were forced to retire, the guns recovered for the battery, the contest for the day ceased, and the Sixty-ninth nobly held their position. On the third day, notwithstanding there had been ample time for entrenching, there were no entrenching tools furnished, and consequently no attempt made to strengthen this position, ex pecting every moment a renewal of the contest, when suddenly, 86 about one o'clock, yonder ridge commenced to belch forth its volcanic fire on your unprotected position Shot, shell, Whit worth bolts, every missile known to modern warfare, were thrown against this position for two long hours ; this was but the prelude to the most desperate Infantry charge of modern times, for soon Pickett's Division was seen marching out from the shelter of yonder woods, with colors flying defiantly to the breeze, and seeming to say, " We come to pierce your centre; match us if you can." Kemper, Garnett and Armistead, 4,900 strong, with Heath's Division under Petigrew on their left, and Wilcox's Division on their right, the whole of the attacking column, about 13,000 men. Pickett's men had been given this clump of trees as an objective point for their attack, and the Sixty-ninth was the barrier between them, on they came in grand display, and notwithstanding their ranks were being momentarily thinned by the artillery fire from all along the ridge, they marched forward with the steadiness of men on parade, seeming determined to sweep all before them ; those, my comrades, were the moments which tried men's souls, none but the bravest hearts could await the assault which was then approaching, but as confidently as the attacking column came, just as confidently did you await their coming. The eyes of the whole country were at that moment centered on Gettysburg, and fervent prayers were ascending to the God of hosts that the sweeping flood of Rebellion should be checked. All attention of both armies was directed to this posi tion, for soon the giants met to determine the fate of the day, and then was the tug of War ; on your front and in your midst, my comrades, the pride of the rebel army was broken, demor alized and almost annihilated. Aye, the proud and defiant cham pions of Lee's army had met their match ; the gauntlet so defiantly thrown down by them had been picked up, and they paid the -penalty for their rashness ; these fields- were almost covered with their dead, who came never to return again. Pickett's Charge was repulsed, the country saved, Harrisburg, Philadelphia and Pennsylvania relieved ; for had Genl. Lee's plans succeeded in cutting through this centre position, nothing could have stayed their onward march, and here, on this very spot, my comrades, the flood-tide of the Rebellion reached its high-water mark, and 87 from whence it was ever after made to recede. But what frightful cost in precious blood in these three eventful days, 40,000 mowed down in that mighty harvest of death around this little town of Gettysburg, and you, my comrades, contributed largely to that number ; your gallant leaders, Col. O'Kane, and Lieut. Col. Tschudy, were killed, and of the 258 comrades of the Sixty- ninth Regiment, entering the fight on the second of July, 1863, you lost in this battle in killed, wounded, and missing, fifty-five per cent, of that number. Tennyson has immortalized in poem the famous six-hundred, who lost at Balaklava, thirty-six and seven-tenths per cent., and we read in history of great achieve ments being performed on other battle-fields, but my comrades, the deeds and glories of Grecian Phalanx and Roman Legion, would pale before the deeds of valor performed on the field of Gettysburg. Centuries may pass, and new generations populate our land, yet the name of Gettysburg will not fail to call before memory the heroic deeds enacted there. Its deeds of valor are not chanted in undying epic, or immortal poem, yet, beside Thermopylae and Marathon, Waterloo and Balaklava, stands the name of Gettysburg, and coupled with that of Gettysburg, as one of the glittering stars in the brilliant firmament of fame, will be that of the gallant old Sixty-ninth Pennsylvania. Many years have passed my comrades since your brave deeds helped to make this field famous, in all these years you had no one to sing your praise, you modestly awaited the time when the truth of history must be known, and your deeds would then com pare favorably with the most valiant ; you were always placed where carnage was thickest, and you unflinchingly performed your duty, none could do more, few did as well. But look once more on these fields which were once the theatre of bloody strife. The scenes have changed ; these ridges no longer belch forth their volcanic fires ; the beaten intervale furrowed by shot and shell is smoothed by the rolling years, the trees have drawn their coats of bark over their wounds, the sharp volleys of musketry have ceased, no parks of artillery awake their thunder, no hoofs of rushing squadrons sink into the bosoms of the dying, the shrieks of the wounded are hushed, no comrade searches for friend, no father for son, no sister for brother, the actors have disappeared, the dead are mingled with the dust, the survivors scattered, and the great chieftains have fallen asleep. Horse and rider, plume and epaulet, flashing sword and gleaming bayonet, cannon and cannonier, trumpet and banners have all vanished, and the sun as it rises from its purple bed, crowns the battle-field, with jewels of the morning, and mantles the warrior's grave with tender grass and nodding flowers, so may there come through this great war perennial peace, may time assuage all sorrows and heal all wounds, may the blood of the sacrifice cement and sanctify the Union, and the principles settled by it, stand forever, may the North and South, the East and West, our whole country, re deemed, reformed, regenerated, unite to perpetuate the nation over which the Star of Empire having no further west to go, will pause, shine, and stay forever. ' ' Capt. Reilly's delivery was eloquen tthroughout, notwithstand ing he was suffering at the time from a severe cold and sore throat. Col.^O'Reilly then introduced Adjt. A. W. McDermott, who gave a very full and detailed account of the regiment's move ments, and services from the time it entered on the field at Gettysburg, until the close of the battle (see page 27), after which he read the names of those of the regiment who were killed wounded and captured in the engagement, thus ending the cere monies of dedication, all the monuments of Pennsylvania Regi ments being handed over the next day through the Monument Commissioners to the Gettysburg Battlefield Association. Group in- Suiivrvims on' illlrrr IIkoimhst ant» iixk m- Pickctt's 11 km. Q cu uo o wo -a c 3 O £ di <« 4~> o as pa ¦u S p ¦v cu HJ 3 pa u c to •- 3 T3 o ¦*-< .3 o * S2 S § §¦£ OJ enni tt «T3 ¦3 c i« B o o o r^4 *-g 8 J? «.s *"SB«*i o "3 •aaia ho aaiiix wS z ¦s- VO • CO ¦3 *G « 5- to vo ^o vo 00 GO CO TO M o c " - '"'a ¦S-OffiiS OB CO M V o t^» *** "*¦ CO . >~^ CO ¦^ o *n m * cu _bo S^-S g O edg 342 TJ •Si * B& "vS" 3<2 .3 " B.S- 2" .5,»* 5 "_•£ § . --0^0 .- -:> £0 5;£;^>§ is Mi? 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H U '—'fa Xi,— ,1— ,0 |— >fa fa CO — >— ."> —1 (97) 98 THE MONUMENT. The contract for the erection of the monument was given to Joseph E. Burk of Philadelphia. It is built of Quincey Granite, and very highly polished. The base is five feet six inches square, and three feet high, with sub-base four feet square, and two feet high. The die in which the inscriptions are cut is two feet ten inches square and four feet high. And the shaft or obelisk two feet square at the base, and fourteen feet high — twenty-three feet in all. On the corners of the die are Second Corps marks repre senting the army corps to which the regiment belonged. On the shaft are traced and highly polished a harp, the name of brigade, number of division and corps, name of regiment, and Irish and American flags crossed. On the right and left flanks of the monument there are ten granite posts, connected with galvanized chains, each post marking the position and bearing the inscription of one of the companies, during the time of the engagement. The front face of the die has the following inscription : This position was held by the Sixty-ninth Pennsylvania Volun teers July 2d and 3d, 1863. Late on the afternoon of the 2d, this regiment assisted in repulsing a desperate attack made by Wright's Georgia Brigade. About one o'clock P. M. of the 3d, these lines were subjected to an artillery fire from nearly 150 guns, lasting over one hour, after which Pickett's Division charged this position, was repulsed and nearly annihilated. The contest on the left and centre of this regiment for a time being hand to hand, of the regimental com manders attacking, but one remained unhurt. Gen. Garnett was killed, Gen. Kemper desperately wounded, and Gen. Armis tead after crossing the stone wall above the right of this com mand, (two companies of which changed front to oppose him) fell mortally wounded. A number of Confederate flags were picked up on this front after the battle. A bronze plate with the State coat-of-arms is placed on the base. JIOXU.UK.NT U-b' U9TH. l'UNNA. RE(! fMlSNT. 99 On the rear face of the die is the following : In memoriam of our deceased comrades, who gave up their lives in defence of a perpetual union. On this spot fell our commander, Col. Dennis O'Kane, his true glory was victory or death, at the moment of achieving the for mer he fell a victim to the latter. While rallying the right to repulse Armistead, Lieut. Col., Martin Tschudy, was killed, he was also wounded on the previous day, but nobly refused to leave the field ; the Major and Adjutant were also wounded. Out of an agregate of 258 the regiment suffered a loss of 137. Erected by the surviving members, their friends and the Com monwealth of Pennsylvania. On the right face. Engaged in the following battles : Falling Water's, Ball's Cross-roads, Lewinsville, Yorktown, Fair Oak's, Peach Orchard, Savage Station, White Oak Swamp, Glendale, First and Second, Malvern Hill, Second, Bull Run, Chantilly, South Mountain, Antietam, Fredericksburg, Chan cellorsville, Thoroughfare Gap, Haymarket, Gettysburg, Rappa hannock Station, Kelleysford, Robertson's Farm, Mine Run, Wilderness, Po River, First and Second, Spottsylvania, Milford, North Anna, Tolopotomy, Cold Harber, Petersburg, Jerusalam, Plank Road, Deep Bottom, Strawberry Plains, Ream's Station, Boydton Plank Road, First and Second, Hatcher's Run, Dab ney's Mills, Five Forks, Jettersville, Farmville, Sailor's Creek, Surrender of Lee. On the left face. This regiment was organized April 15th, 1861, from the Second Regiment, State Militia, for three months, was desig nated the Twenty-fourth Regiment, re-organized August 19th, 1861, as the Sixty-ninth Regiment, re-enlisted January 31st, 1864, and mustered out at the end of the War, July ist, 1865. Aggregate strength of the regiment from organization until mustered out, 1,736. Aggregate number of casualties, 702. OFFICKRS OF THE 5tirvivors' Association Sixty-ninth Pennsylvania Regiment. President, Lieut. -Colonel James O'Reilly. Vice-President, Captain Michael Fay. Secretaries, Captain John E. Reilly, Adjutant A. W. McDermott. Treasurer, Captain Joseph W. Garrett. Quartermaster, Sergeant Hugh McKeever. Monument Committee, Lieut.-Col. JAMES O'REILLY, Chairman, Sergeant HUGH- McKEEVER, Adjt. A. W. McDERMOTT, Capt. JOS. W. GARRETT, Capt. JOHN E. REILLY. Committee on Regimental Record, Capt. JOS. W. GARRETT, Chairman, Capt. EDWARD THOMPSON, Sergeant HUGH McKEEVER, Capt. WM. F. McNAMARA, Lieut.-Col. JAMES O'REILLY, Capt. JOHN CONNOR, Adjt. A. W. McDERMOTT, Capt. MICHAEL FAY, Capt. JOHN E. REILLY. (lOO) IOI Following are the names of the generous friends of the regi ment who so liberally contributed towards the erection of the monument : Col. A. K. McClure, Col. John Devereux, Peter S. Dooner, Hamrick & Son, W. M. Maris, William E. Littleton, Captain Blanchard, B. Reilly, Hugh McAleer, I. M. Burrows, Joseph Devlin, Neil McMonigle, Col. J. H. Taggart, P. J. Walsh, Boyle & McGlinn, Capt. Thomas Furey, C. Ballstatter, B. & E. Brewing Co , Callaghan & McC, B. Nickle, L. Haas, S. Josephs, Isaac Norris, Charles Joly, W. C. White, Thomas Cochran, S. A. Caldwell, Wanamaker & Brown, S. M. Wanamaker, Browning, King & Co., Jacob Reed & Sons, M. Scully, Captain O'Brien, William Clark, Jerry G. Donohue, Capt. W. F McNamara, Capt. John E. Reilly, Sol. Aarons, Michael Brady, John P. Foley, Sharpless & Sons, Thackara, Sons & Co., M. F. Wilhere, Rev. Father Donavan, Richard J. Lennon, John M. O'Brien, Lieut. H. P. Kennedy, R. A. Hance, William F. Simes, Mrs. Captain McManus, Gen. J. T. Owens, $ 100 00 George W. Childs, 100 00 Ancient Order of Hibernians : Division No. 7, 100 00 Division No. 3, 50 00 Division No. 5, 50 00 Division No. 19, 50 CO Division No. 10, 50 00 Division No. 12/ 50 00 Division No. 2, 50 00 Division No. 1, 25 00 Division No. 13, 20 00 Division No. 23, 17 25 The Misses Drexel, 50 00 A. J. Drexel & Co., 50 00 Carstairs, McCall & Co., 50 00 Henry Lewis, 50 00 Hibernian Society: John Field, 10 OO P. J. Walsh, 10 00 J. W. Gallagher, 5 00 M. Matthews, 5 00 Wm. Brice, 5 00 Wm. Gorman, 5 00 H. McCaffrey, 5 00 M. J. Griffin, 5 00 Phil Barry, 2 00 52 00 William T. Elbin, 34 00 William M. Singerley, 25 00 Mayor William B. Smith, 25 00 Hamilton Disston, 25 co Speranza Literary Ass 'n, 25 00 John Baird, 25 00 P. Devine, 25 00 Eble & Herter, 20 00 Frank Siddall, 20 00 James Toomey, 20 00 Frank McLaughlin ( T 'mes), 20 00 J & P. Baltz Brewing Co , 15 °° John Carrol, 15 00 Col. James O'Reilly, 14 00 Hugh McKeever, 10 00 B. K. Jamison, 10 00 I. M. Burrows, 10 00 James M. Whitecar, 10 00 Col. R. P. Dechert, 10 00 Charles H. Krumbhaar, 10 00 T. Fitzpatrick, 10 00 Young, Smvth, Field & Co., 10 00 $10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 IO 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 7 00 6 CO 5 20 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 CO 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 CO 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 102 Mrs. John McCullough, $5 oo Michael Kernan, $3 00 Charles A. Bloomer, 5 oo Matthew Judge, 3 00 Eugene McCollity, 5 oo Thomas Cisk, 3 00 Ed. Mulligan, 5 oo Dr. L Ott, 2 00 John McCauley, 5 oo R. C. Llovd, 2 00 John B. O'Reilly, 5 oo John W. Choate, 2 00 William A. Ober, 5 oo William Bartley, 2 00 Edwin S. Stuart, 5 oo J. C' Taxis, 2 00 John M. Maris & Co., 5 oo W Burrows, 2 00 John E. Hanifen, 5 oo John Morrison, 2 00 Amos S. Atkins, 5 oo H. J. Campbell, 2 00 Wharton Barker, 5 oo R. S. Menamen, 2 00 William Dixey, 5 oo James McNamara, 2 00 John J. Ridgway, 5 oo James Lahey, 2 oo Col. F. J. Crilley, 5 oo Neal McBride, 2 00 Lelar & Co., 5 oo Robert Stinson, 2 00 John Henry, 5 oo James Stinson, 2 00 John Slevin, 5 oo George Nichol, 2 00 John Madden, 5 oo Mrs. J. Binder, 2 00 James Madden, 5 oo Patrick Devenny, 2 00 M. O'Donnel, 5 oo Peter McAnally 2 00 Thomas P. Dillen, 5 oo Francis H. Gartland. 2 00 Nicholas Redmond, 5 oo James Duffy, 2 00 T. J. Dunn, 5 oo William Gilligan, 2 00 Frank Siddall, Jr., 5 oo James J. Walsh, 2 00 Morrow Cochran, 5 oo James Hendricks, 2 00 Patrick McHugh, 5 oo John Rodgers, 2 00 P. McManus, 5 oo Michael Flynn, 2 00 E. T. Maguire, 5 oo Capt. William Cusack, 2 00 Michael Lyons, 5 oo Charles Hill, 2 00 Mr. Kripps, 5 oo John McCann, 2 00 Joseph Fite, 5 oo Charles H. Gibson, 2 00 Thomas H. Green, 5 oo Dr. Smith, 2 00 Col. P. Lacey Goddard, 5 oo John Still, 2 00 Michael Magher, 5 oo L. Thompson, 2 00 James Welsh, 5 oo Cash— T. K., 2 00 Frank Cassidy, 5. oo H P. Lormell, 2 00 Capt. John Rose, 5 oo Capt. Charles B. Tanner, 2 00 Hon. W. H. Vogdes, 5 oo J. J. Gillin, 2 00 James Thompson; 5 oo John Cavanaugh, 1 00 John Fanning, 5 oo R. Cochran, 1 00 Charles H Lafferty, 5 oo J. Walls, 1 00 A. W. McDermott, 5 oo M. Docery, 1 00 William F. Harrity, 5 oo W. Wray, 1 00 B F. Dewees, 5 oo W. M. B Ball, 1 00 Charles McGlade, 5 oo M. Maher, 1 00 Thomas Brady, 5 oo J. J. Shields, 1 00 Capt. J. W. Garrett, 4 5o P. C. McEntee, r 00 Edward Wainwright, 3 00 Matthew Flannigan, 1 00 M Higgins, 3 00 James Devlin, 1 00 John McMenamin, 3 00 Thomas M. O'Brien, i 00 "T. J. Ryan, 3 00 Richard Walsh, 1 00 F. A. North, 3 00 Dr. C. Brocker, 1 00 William Meretto, 3 00 T. J. Naulty, 1 00 John Maguire, 3 00 F. A Smith, 1 00 103 F. Boyle, $1 oo John Cummings, P. F. Carlin, I 00 James McHugh, J. Dugan, I oo Charles C. Coyle, W. Eyre, I oo J. B. Plumm, P. Kennon, I 00 J. J. Potter, W. Brooks, I oo John Mclntyre, John J. Gibbons, I CO John Guinane, W. Stockman, I oo James J. Ragen, C J. Benner, I oo Thomas Dixon, John Buckley, I oo John M. O'Hara, Ambrosia Carr, I 00 James Brady, John W. Baker, I oo Ed. Welsh, B. Stockman, I oo James N. McKelvey, Frank Tweed, I oo John J. Daily, P. Loane, I oo John Hanertey, Capt. W. J. Bradley, I oo Frank J. Carr, J. McEvoy, I 00 William F. Mansfield, M. Fanning, James Brady, I 00 Thomas J. Dolan, I oo L. J. Phillips, Joseph Shean, I oo James Finnigan, Frank Mangan, I oo A. P. R., Mary E. Burrows, I 00 George Cochran, Joe Burrows, I oo Andiew Kinery, J. McNaulty, I 00 James McNamee, A. McArdle, I CO John Brady, Mr Brackin, I 00 P J. McCarthy, John E. Higgins, I 00 F. Cassidy, Frank P. Higgins, I oo William Harold, William B. Mann, I 00 J P. J. Sensenderfer, John McFadden, I oo John McArdle, P. Johnson, 1 00 Ed. Carey, W. Holt, I oo James McGowan, Mike Cash, I 00 William Lee, Richard Kearney, I oo James McGinley, Henry C. Kline, I oo Robert Graham, John H. Schilling, I oo William J. Dorman, Darley Mitchell, I oo William Flanagan, John Foley, I oo John Bonner, Kate Quinn, I oo Charles E. Knight, William Lawson. I oo M. Campbell, Clem McCullough, I 00 M. Heron, George W. Bergen I oo Dr. Ferguson, James Kane, I 00 Adam Albright, James J. Grogan, I 00 A. H. Wagoner, Thomas Broadhead, I 00 Charles F. Bebyhaws, Joseph Sweeney, I oo George Rodden, Joseph Sargent, I oo E. G. Jackson, P. Morris, I 00 Jacob A. Schmitt, James McCoIgan, I 00 P. Meehan, E. Gannon, I 00 John Dugan, John H. Brankin, I oo John Flynn, James E. McLaughton, I oo James B Rodgers, Stephen Wood, I oo T. J. Flanagan, Daniel Allen & Son, I oo B J. Carrol, John Dempsey, I oo James Mooney, i oo i 00 i 00 i 00 i oo i oo i 00 i oo i oo i oo i oo i oo i oo i oo r oo r oo i CO i oo i oo i oo i CO i oo i oo i oo i 00 t 00 i 00 i oo i oo i oo i oo i oo i oo i oo i oo i oo i 00 i oo i oo i oo i 00 i 00 i oo i 00 i oo i oo i oo i CO i oo i oo i 00 i oo i oo i oo i 00 104 P. Duffy, $1 00 J. C. Mullikin, $1 oo James Roehm, I 00 E T. Doe, I oo Frank Craig, I 00 Charles E. Shanahan, I oo John Stockman, I oo Thomas H. Coffran, I oo John Duffy, I oo M. W. Higgins, I oo A. Rourke, I oo Walter C. Hughes, I oo E. Boyle, I oo J. L. Hank, I oo James Grahame, I 00 E. Shanahan. I oo F. McLoughlin, I oo William H. Shuster, I 00 R. Batters, I 00 William Drinkhouse, I oo S. Cassidy, I oo C. R. Sherman, I oo John McCusker, I 00 W. Thompson, I 00 William Caldwell, I oo W S. Wilson, I oo Tames Ratican, I 00 J. W. Broom, I oo James Kieggan, I oo S Hanna, I oo James Burnes, 1 oo T. Rogers, I oo Frank Quirk, 1 oo Lashbrook, I 00 P. Morris, I oo R. Campbell, I oo W. McDermott, I oo D. Auld, I oo William Quirk, 1 00 C. S Austin, I oo James Judge, I 00 C. A. Pearson, I oo James McCarey, I oo J Lynd, I oo John Grahame, I oo James McFall, I CO James Kane, I 00 James Auld, I OO John Buckley, I 00 E. K. Wined, I oo H. Sullivan, I 00 F. L Du Bois, I 00 B J. Devine, I oo H M. Jamison, I oo J. McCaffery, I oo Cash-B. S. W , I oo L. Cassidy, I 00 Cash— K., I oo S Scharkey, I 00 William H. Boyd, I oo B. Stockman, I 00 R. G. List, I 00 L. Ferguson, I 00 Frank Sheeran, I oo John J. Clark, I oo W H Hacker, I oo Alexander McBride, I oo H. H. Paul, I oo John Fitzpatrick, I oo William McAllister, I oo E. Stillwell, I CO Andrew Gorman I oo Joseph Gabrael, I 00 James Hughes, I 00 J. Hefferman, I oo E. P. T.. I oo B. McLaughlin, I oo J. V. Ellison, I oo James McDermott, I 00 Boies Bottledy, I oo James J. O'Connor, I 00 C. J. Heppe, I oo James Klein, I oo A. H. Seamon, I oo James Devlin, I oo C. J. Doughertey, I oo INDEX. Organization and Enlistment Under— First Call for 75,000 Men, . . 5 Re-enlistment for Three Years' Service, 6 To the Front — Baptism of Fire, September, 1861 7 Munson's Hill, Va., September 29th, 1861 8 Camp Observation, Md., 8 Ball's Bluff— Death of General Baker 9 First Campaign in 1862 — Harper's Ferry and Vicinity, 9 Fortress Monroe — Peninsula Campaign, . 10 Yorktown, Va. — Formation of Army Corps, 11 Battle of Fair Oaks, 12 Battles at Peach Orchard and Savage Station, 13 Battle of Glendale— White Oak Swamp 14 General Burns Hails the Regiment as Gallant 69th 15 First Successful Bayonet Charge Complimented by Gen. Hooker, 16 Battle of Malvern Hill 16 Harrison's Landing, Va 17 Relief of Pope, Centreville and Chantilly, 18 Battle of Antietam, 19 Fording the Potomac — In Virginia Again 21 General McClellan's Farewell at Warrinton 22 Fredericksburg, ... 23 Chancellorsville, . . 25 Gettysburg 27 Pickett's Charge and Repulse, . . 30 Persuing the Enemy into Virginia Again, 34 Robertson's Farm and Mine Run ¦ • 36 Expiration of Three Years' Service— Re-enlistment 38 Wilderness Campaign, .... ... 38 Spottsylvania, • .40 North Anna, Tolopotomy and Cold Harbor, ... 42 Before Petersburg, ¦ ¦ • • • • 44 Jerusalem Plank Road, . . . .... ¦ 45 Deep Bottom, 47 Ream's Station— Weldon Railroad 47 Hatcher's Run, Dabney's Mills and Boydton Plank Road, . . 48 Surrender of Lee 5I Reunion of the Blue and Gray 52 Colonel Charles H. Banes' Address of Welcome, 55 (105) io6 INDEX— Continued. PAGE. Colonel A. K. McClure's Speech, 57 Colonel Wm. R Aylett's Speech 59 President Cleveland's Letter, 65 Senator Sherman's Letter, 66 The Dedication, 67 Adjutant A. W. McDermott's Speech, 68 General J. T. Owen's Speech -. 69 Poem by Captain Edward Thompson . 71 Colonel James O'Reilly's Speech and Reply of Colonel Bachelder, 72 Captain John E. Rielly's Presentation Speech, 73 Presentation to Mrs. Pickett .... . . . 75 Sixty-ninth Regiment Camp Fire, ... 76 Rededication, 77 Speech of Colonel James O'Reilly, . . 79 Speech of Captain John E. Reilly 84 Our Honored Dead, 89 Description of Monument — List of Battles, etc., 98 Officers of the Survivors' Association, 100 Names of Contributors to Monument Fund 101 ILLUSTRATIONS. PAGE. Our Commanders, Frontispiece Group— General Owen, Colonel O'Kane and Lieutenant-Colonel Tschudy, opposite page 7 Charge of the Sixty-ninth at Glendale, opposite page 15 Clump of Trees, Sixty-ninth's Position at Gettysburg, opposite page 28 Group — Survivors Sixty-ninth Regiment opposite page 71 Blue and Gray Grasping Hands, opposite page 76 Group of Sixty-ninth Survivors and one of Pickett's Men, opposite page 89 The Monument, . . 98 ^•'.vV-tt-r.-|#;;,&%?^ :i;\;,U''o!!X;';-S;ifi:;!;ft;t;ft;;) '••u,.--vi'>'i-' >!"»i-. '- ¦ ••:. <'.<;'.¦ sV<', -.;V; ¦.¦*.¦•..-. ;^,M{^i:»;¦:s;;s•¦v:^^;>!:!U^'!:¦nHf.;;^i^•i^;':;l,^;:iJ;:v:!;^.'ia,.^: ¥,>«'::;«. ::-.-:. - Ufe