VALE UNIVERSITY LIBRAR 3 9002 06424 5765 CONNECTICUT OO^J\OSi^ 897 fV v.3 XflMlinrXv /JVer "GOOD ROADS." THE STANDARD ROAD=BOOK. Connecticut. Complete road-maps, showing quality of the roads. PRICE, = = 50 CENTS. Copyright, 1897, by National Publishing Company. NEW ENGLAND SERIES, BOOK 9. Published by NATIONAL PUBLISHING CO., BOSTON, MASS. GENERAL INDEX. The location of any town can be found by reference to the "Plate number" and "Marginal letter and number" opposite the name in this index. Money Order offices are shown thus : t Telegraph offices are shown thus : 11 Name of Town ob City. Abington . . , • Ct. AbiDgton . . . Maes. Acton Me. Mass N.H. Mass. .E.I. .Ct. Vt. ActonAcworth . Adams . . Adamsville Addison. . Addison . Albany Me Albany Vt. Albany Centre . Vt. Albion . . Me. Albion . . . R.I. Alburg Vt. Alburg Springs . Vt. Alexandria . . N.H. Alfred Me. Allen's Mills . . Me. Alna . . ... Me. Alstead .... N.H. Alstead Centre N.H. Alton . . Me. Alton . . . N.H. Alton Bay . . . N.H. Amherst . N.H. Amherst . . . Maes. Amherst St'tion N.H. Amsden AndoverAndoverAndover Andover Annisquam . . Mass Anson Me. Ansonia Ct Anthony .... E.I Vt. N.H. . Vt. Mass. .Ct. N.H. .Me. . E.I. .R.I..R.I. . Vt. Mass. Antrim AppletonApponaugArcadia . Arctic . . Arlington Arlington . Arnold ..... Me. Arnold's Mills . R.I. Asbury Grove, Mass. Ascutneyville . . Vt. Ashaway .... R.I. Ashburnham . Mass. Ash buruhamjc. Mass. Ashby .... Mass. Ashdale .... Me. Ashfield . . Mass. Ashland . . . N.H. Ashland . . . Mass. Ashley Falls . Mass. Ashton R.I. Ashuelot . . . N.H. Athens . . . . Me. Athens Vt. Athol Mass. Atkinson . . . N.H. AtkinsonDepot, N.H. Altleboro' . . Mass. Attleboro Falls, N.H. Auburn . . . Me. Auburn . . . N.H. Auburn .... Mass. Auburn .... R.£. Auburndale . Mass. Auburndale . Mass. Augusta . . . Me. Austerlitz . . . N.Y. Avon Me. Avon Ct. Bakersfteld . '. Vt. Baldwinville Ballardvale . Baltic Ct. Bangor Me. 200 2140 510 322 150 7S37 200 300 132125 200 50 179 900221 261 679500128 320 870 50 100 1372 300 1053 2962 200 79 1090 24 ' 300 500500 10342 675 1248 262800 300920 365 5629 120 48 ' 10361: j 2074 412412 87 220 1193 2450 241 725 369420 93 5669 156 30 54772000 11250 249554 400 2100 2100 10527 53 1182 300 1259 570392 19103 | 5-2S s 9 24 27 1711 3 22 9 6 2814 1433 16 7 7 19 27 31 3211 1133 19 1918101812 191125 9 25 31 1 1618 32 16 1516 4 25 3316 25 121517 1717 29 3 1917 2 1611 31 1110 262616 16 30 IS 17 10 25 17 3D 3 31 2 7 1025 9 33 E 6 F 11 M 11 H 9 L 5 I 2 C 10 D 4 P 2 Q 11 S 5 S 5 S 16 F 9 U 2 U 2 N 7 M 11 S 14 P 16 K 5 K 5 TJ 18 M 9 M 9 J 8 H 4 J 8 M 5 M 7 L 4 I 10 D 5 I 12 T 14 B 2 D 8 K 7 Q 17 D 9 0 8 D 8 K 2 H 10 T 17 F 9 I 11 M 5 C 7 I 7 O 15 H 3 N U FE JT KJ J,J E 9 F 9 P 13 K 9 Q 7 E 9 G 10 G 9 Q 15 G 1 T 13 E 3 T 3 I 6 I 10 D 6 T 18 Namb of Town or City. Bantam Ct. Bard wellsFerry,Mas8 Barkhamsted . . Ct. Bar Mills .... Me. Barnard .... Vt. Barnet Vt. Barnstable . . Mass. Barn stead BarnumvilleBarre . . . Barre .... Barrington . Barrington Cen., R.I. Bartlett .... N.H. Bartlett . .N.H. Barton Vt. Barton Landing . Vt. Bartonsville . . . Vt. Bath Me. S3 TS-g nd, d >is? 53 a 0) on tu ^ ftn S-SS Sj2 . N.H. . . Vt. . . Vt. . Mass. .N.H. N.H. .Ct. . R.I. .Me. Mass.Mass. Ct. Bath . . . Bayport .... Bay Side . Bay View . . Black Bluff . . Beachmont . • Beacon Falls . Bean's Corners Bearcroft . Becket . . . Bedford . . N.H. Bedford . . . MaBS. Belehertown . Mass. Belfast Me. Belgrade .... Me. Belgrade Mills . Me. Bellingham Jt.t Mass. BelloWB Falls . . Vt. Belmont .... Me. 189 47 1130 ' 160 300400 1264 157 4146 2090 1408 178 1247 1247 778 482 90 8723 935 501 .N.H. . Maes. . . Vt. . N.H. N.H. . Vt. . Vt. .N.Y. .N.H. . Mass. Me. BelmontBelmont . Belvidere . Bernis . . BenningtonBenningtonBenson Benton Me Benton . . . N.H. Benton Falls . . Me. Berkshire . . Mass. Berlin N.H. Berlin Vt. Berlin . . Berlin . . . Berlin Mills Bernardston Berwick . . Bethel Me. Bethel Vt. Bethany ... . Ct. Bethel . . . . Ct. Bethlehem . . N.H. Bethlehem . . . Ct. Bethlehem Jc. . N.H. Beverly .... Mass. Beverly Farms, Mass. Biddeford . . . Me. Biddeford Pool . Me. Billerica . . . Mass. Bingham .... Me. Biscay Me. Black Rock . . . Ct. Blackstone . . . R.I Blandford . . Mass Block Island . . R.I Bloomfield . Bloomfield . Bolster's Mills . Bolton vt Bolton .... Mass. Bolton Notch . . Ct. Bondsville .Vt. .Ct. .Me. 45n 24 100 300 1102 700 920 5294 350 180 3S4 3092 128 1142 500152 387 3971 52 265 11.' 330 2800 230 2505! 10 1200 500 1377 7S3700 415 2335 1267 300 11,802 14443 106 470 500 ' 500 300 1300 434 1308 424 74 1'25 70 1200 2 10 2 271213 23 18 4 13 10 26162b2014 1411 2: > 20 1 1629 25 25 1 3124 3 1817 10 32 30 301611 32 19 2514 2018 4 5 3320 33 3 281317 i. a 2810 262812 11 20 2 202525272917 3132 1 16 3 1521 9 28 D 2 H 4 E 3 N 12 N 4 Q 6 D 13 L 9 L 3 Q 5 H 6 L 10 D 9 P 10 P 9 M 13 H 11 H 10 C 2 S 13 E 10 G 2 J 8 H 9 G 5 R 18 R 15 E 14 F 9 K 5 R 17 M 9 , h- 4 -i>~9 K 7 J 2 N 2 S 16 P 7 8 16 H 2 R 10 Q 4 H 8 I 1 R 10 I 4 11 11 4 3 18 28 1111 M 12 M 13 H 9 TJ 13 P 16 A 2 F 8 G 3 A 8 T 8 E PR HEG Money Order, t GENERAL INDEX. Telegraph, f Namk of Town or City. d .S L- & OS o si ?.$? 2 3 ft. al 5 Bondville . . . . Vt. ormey Eagle . Me. oscawen . . N.H. " ToStOQ . «Sotsford . Boultonville BourneBouraedale Bow . . . -Bowdoin Centre Me. Bowdoinbani . . Me. Bowery Beach . Mc. Boxford . . . Mass. Boylston Cent. Mass. Maes. .Ct. . Vt. Mass. Mass. NH, BozrahvillcBradfordBradfordBradford Bradford Bradford Centre Me Bradford Centre Vt Ct. . Me. N.H. . Vt. Mass. Braggs ville Braintree . . Braintree . . Branchvilie . Brandon . . Brattleboro' . Bread Loaf . Bremen . . Brentwood . Mass. , .Vt. Mass. . .Ct. . Vt. , . Vt. . Vt. . Me. N.H Brentwood Cor. N. EI. Brewer BridgeportBridge water Bridgewater Bridgewater Bridgewater Cor.,Vt IronWks,Mass . Mc. .Ct. . Vt. , .Ct. Mass. BridgtonBridportBrightonBrimfield , Bristol . . Bristol . Bristol . Me. . .Vt. . .Me. , Mass. , .Me. .N.H. . Vt. Bristol R.I. Bristol Ct. Bristol Ferry Broad Brook Broif* Cove Bro Aion . . . Biudway . . Brookfield . . Brookfield . . Brookrield. . . Brookfield Jet. Brookline . . Brookline . . . BrooklynBrooks Statiou, Mass. .B.I. .Ct. .Me. Mass. .Ct. Vt. .ct. Mass. .Ct. N.H. Mass, .Ct. BrookvilleBrownfield: . . BrowninbtO-4 9 D 6 E. Thorndike . Me. 67 . . 33 8 17 Franklin Falls .N.H. 2985 'fif 19 M 8 E. Tilton . . . N.H. 159 1 1T 19 M 8 Freedom . .N.H. 530 tir 27 O 10 E. Troy .... Me. 35 . . 33 S 17 Freeport . . . Me. 1862 tu 29 O 14 E. Union .... Me. 215 IT 32 Q 17 Freetown . . . Mass. 1000 t 24 E 10 E. Wallingford . Vt. 300 1 1T 5 M 3 Fremont . . . N.H 531 tir 26 K 10 E. Washington,' N.H. 130 11 L 6 Friendship . . Me. 250 t 32 P 17 E. Waterboro . Me. 40 IT 27 N 12 Fryeburg . . . Me. 495 tir 28 P 10 E. Waterford . . Me. 112 . 28 Q 11 Furnace . . . Mass. 100 fir 10 G 6 E. Weare . . . N.H. 225 i U 18 K 8 Gardiner . . Mc. 5491 r]1, 30 Q 15 E. Weymouth, Mass. • • • 1 IT 25 G 11 Gardner . Mass. 9183 tir 17 I 7 E. Willington . . Ct. 160 . 9 E 6 Garland . . . . Mc. 310 tu 33 U 17 E. Wilton .... Me. 358 1 31 S 13 Gaylordsville . .Ct. 300 t 2 D 1 E. Windsor Hill . Ct. 290 9 E 4 Gaysville . . . Vt. 204 |H 12 O 4 E. Winthrop . . Me. 200 . . 30 Q 14 Georgetown . Me. 150 29 O 15 E. Wolfboro' . N.H. 80 . . 27 N 10 Georgetown . Mass. 12 25 I 10 Eaton Center . N.H. 43 . . 27 O 10 Georgetown . . Ct. ' 250 tu 1 B 1 Eden : Vt. 127 . . 14 8 4 532 7 S 2 Eden Mills . . . Vt. 128 . . 14 8 5 Georgia Plain . . Vt. 250 7 S 2 Edes Falls • . . Me. 78 . . 28 P 12 Georgiaville .R.I. 1000 'tif 16 E 8 Edgecomb . . . Me. 50 . . 30 P 15 Gilbertville . . Mass. f2 10 G 6 Eflingham . . . N.H. 90 . . 27 O 10 Gilead . . . . Me. ' 100° fi 28 R 10 Effingham Falls.N.H. Egremont Pl'n, Mass. 125 IT 27 o io Gilead . . . . . Ct. 219 9 D 5 50 . . 3 G 1 Gill .... . Mass. 854 10 I 5 125 IT 26 K 11 Gilmanton . . N.H. 1211 t ' 19 M 9 Ellington . . . . Ct. 150 9 E 5 " Iron Wk s, N.H. 490 fir 19 M 9 106 . . 9 E 6 Gilsum .N.H. 360 fir 11 K 6 Ellsworth . . . . Ct. 125 . . 2 E 1 Glasgo . . . . .Ct. 400 t 15 C 7 220 . . 13 R 5 Glastonbury . .Ct. 3457 t 9 D 4 Elmwood . . . . Ct. 215 9 D 4 Glenbrook . .Ct. 233 tir 1 A 0 125 . . 31 T 15 Glenbrook . . Ct. 233 f2 1 A 1 Emery Mills . . Me. 100 . . 27 M 11 Glendale . . . Mass. 425 tir 3 G 1 Enfield . . . .N.H. 1439 1 IT. 12 N 6 Glen House . , N.H. 20 Q 9 Enfield . . . Mass. 325 IT 10 G 5 Glen Road . .N.H. . . 20 R 9 150 . . 16 E 8 Globe Village Mass. '3838 t 9 F 6 Enfield Center . N.H. 125 • 12 N 6 Gloucester . . Mass. 27663 fn 25 1 12 Enosburg . . . . Vt. 300 ir 14 T 4 . . Vt. 624 tu 14 8 6 Enosburg Falls . Vt. 1300 1 IT 7 T 3 Goffs Falls . . N.H. 100 18 J 9 Epping . . . N.H. Epsom .... IN.H. Erving .... Mass. Escoheag .... R.l. Essex Vt. 1721 IT 26 K 10 Goffstown . .N.H. 1981 tif 18 K 8 156 . . 18 L 9 .N.H. 300 tu 26 L 10 875 IT 10 I 5 Goodwin Mills . Me. 100 27 M 12 25 . . 16 D 7 Gornam . . .Me. 1500 'tu' 27 N 12 120 1 6 R 2 Goshen . . . . Mass. 75 3 H 3 Essex Junction . Vt. 820 IT 6 R 2 . .Ct. 972 tif 2 E 2 250 IT 33 T 17 Grafton . . . .N.H. 93 tir 19 M 7 Evansville ¦ , . Vt. 156 . . 14 T 6 . . Vt. 427 tu 11 L 4 Everett .... Mass. 18578 t IT 25 H 10 Grafton . . . Mass. 4975 tu 17 G 8 300 1 IT 33 U 47 Grafton Ctr. .N.H. 66 19 N 7 Exeter .... N.H. 4284 ¦ 11 26 K 11 179 . . 20 R 7 Money Order, f GENERAL INDEX. Telegraph, f Name op Town ob City. ? .2 "a 3 OS 6 •d a ,; is un SUB Namb of Town ob City p .2 3 6 ¦d — c a, Q. l§ "3 5,-tz Pi O IS B 5ja iS 2 S 3 P< S s a . .Ct. 1251 tH 2 E 3 HillsboroBr'ge.N.H. 1400 til 1 18 K 7 Oranby . . . • Mass. 127 t 10 G 5 Hillsboro Ctr. .N.H. 34 18 K 7 200 32 Q 18 Hills Grove . .R.I. 185 tif 16 D 9 Grantham . . .N.H. S20 12 M 6 Hinesburg . . • Vt. 246 tir 6 Q 2 Granville . . . . Vt. 180 tif 6 P 3 Hingham Mass. 1200 tir 25 G 11 Granville . Mass. 400 t 2 P 3 Hinsdale . . . N.H. 2258 tir 11 J 5 Granville Ctr. Mass. 300 2 P 3 Hinsdale . . Mass. 750 tit 3 11 2 Me. 800 4607 tiftH 29 3 O 13 G 1 Hiram . . . Holden Centei .Me. , Mass. 2475 tirtir 27 17 O 11 G. Barrington Mass. G 7 Greenbuah . . Maes. t 25 G 11 Holderness . .N.H. 130 IT 19 N 8 . .Me. 63 t 30 Q 14 Holland . . . . . Vt. 100 tr 21 U 7 . R.I. 125300 fir fir lo18 11 7 J 7 Holland . . Hollingsworth Mass. 48 9 17 F 6 Greenfield . . .N.H. I 8 Greenfield . . Mass. 5252 tir 10 I 4 Hollis . . . . Me. 27 N 12 Greenland . N.H. 241 t 26 K 11 Hollis .... .N.H. 1000° 'fif 17 I 8 Green River . Vt. 60 TT 11 J 4 Hollis Centre . Me. 190 27 N 12 Greensboro . . . Vt. 200 tir 14 S 5 Holliston . . . Mass. 2619 fif 17 G 9 Greensboro liend.Vt. 130 tir 13 11 6 Holts Mills .Me. 146 33 U 17 Greensboro 4 Cor. Vt. 45 14 S 5 Holyoke . . Mass. 10149 'fif 10 G 4 Greenville . . .N.H. 1255 'fir' 18 J 7 Hooksett . . N.H. 1S93 tu 18 K 9 Greenville . . . .Ct. 1500 tu 8 C 6 Hope . . .Me. 310 32 Q 17 Greenwich . . Ct. . Me. 10131 512 tir 1 28 A 0 Q 12 . . R.I. 578 1100 'tif t 16 16 1» 8 Greenwood . Hopedale . . Mass. F 8 Greylock . . Mass. 1050 'if 3 1 2 Hope Valley - .R.l. 875 fir 15 C 8 Greystone . . . .Ct. 40 2 D 2 Hopkinton . .N.H. 1817 fir 18 L 8 Griswoldville, MaBS. t ' 10 I 4 Hopkinton . Mass. 3000 tir n G 8 Grosvenor Dale . Ct. ' 900 tir 16 F 7 Hop River . . .Ct. 135 ir 9 D 5 Groton . . . .N.H. 34 19 N 7 Hortonville . Vt. 130 5 0 2 Grotou . . .Vt. 600 tif 13 Q 6 Hoskins . . . .Ct. 143 2 E 3 Groton . . Mass. 1974 tir 17 I 8 Hotcbkissville . . Ct. 403 'if 1 C 2 Groton . . . .Ct. 5539 fir 8 B 6 Hougbs Neck . 20 G 11 Groton Pond . . Vt. 150 IT 13 Q 5 Housatonic . . Mass. tir 3 G 1 Groveton . . -N.H. 700 ti' 21 S 8 Howes .... Mass. ' 100 25 I 10 Guildhall . . . .Vt. 96 20 R 8 Hnbbardston Mass. 1327 'ff 10 H 6 Guilford . . . . Vt. 76 ' IT 11 J 4 Hubbardton . Vt. 256 5 0 2 Guilford . . . Ct. 27802095 11T tir 88 B 4 C 4 Hudson . . . Hudson . . . . Me. . N.H. 118 1092 'f ' 3318 IT 18 Had dam . . . .Ct. J 9 Hadley . . . Mass. tir 10 G 4 Hudson . . . Mass 4650 tir 17 H 8 Hadlyme . . . .Ct. ' 163 tir 8 C 6 Hudson Center , N.H. 85 IT 18 J 9 104 11 •J 4 Mass. 875 fir 25 G 11 Halifax . . Mass. V 24 F 11 Huntington . .Vt. 350 'it 6 R 3 Hallowell . . . Me. 3181 fir 30 Q 15 Huntington Mass. 810 tir 3 G 3 Hamburg . . . -Ct. 500 tir 8 C 5 Huntington . . .Ct. 4006 . IT 1 B 2 Hamilton . . Mass. 350 tir 25 I 11 Huntsville . . . .Ct. 150 2 E 1 Hampden . . Mass. 308 tir 9 P 5 Hyannis . . . Mass. 1550 fif 23 D 13 Hampstead . .N.H. 192 tu 26 J 10 Hyde Park . .Vt. 400 tH 14 S 4 Hampton . . . N.H. 1330 fir 26 J 11 Hyde Park . . MasB. 11828 tir 25 G 10 Hampton . . . .Ct. 409 tIT 9 E 6 Iceboro' . . . . Me. IT 30 P 15 Hampton Falle ,N.H. 622 t 26 J 11 Intervalle . . N.H. 229 tir 28 P 10 Hancock . . .N.H. 267 fir 18 K 7 Ipswich . . . Mass. fr 25 I 11 Hanover. . . .N.H. 1817 tu 12 N 5 . Vt. ' 102 5 N 3 Hanover . . Mass. 2093 fir 24 P 11 Irasburg . . . Vt. 325 tif 14 T 5 Hanover Ctr . .N.H. 250 12 N 6 Island Creek . 24 F 11 Hard wick . . . Vt. 1070 ff 13 R 5 Island Pond . . Vt. 1500 fr HI T 7 Hardwick . . Mass. 750 tir 10 G 6 Jackson . . . . Me. 140 33 S 17 Harrison . . .Me. 560 t 28 P 11 Jacksonville . Vt. 400 tif 31 J 4 Harrison Sq. Mass. IT 25 G 10 Jaffrey . . . . N.H. 1169 t n J 6 Harrisville. , .N.H. 648 tir 11 J 6 Jamaica . . . Vt. 330 fir n K 4 Harrisville . . .R.I. 675 tir 16 F 8 Jamaica Plain, Mass. IT 25 G 10 740 ft 12 N 6 Jamestown . . . R.I. 150 tu 15 C 9 53230 tir 9 D 4 204 in 30 R 13 Hartland . . .Me. 800 tir 33 T 16 248 14 U 5 Hartland . . . .Ct. 375 2 P 3 Jefferson . . . .Me. 400 ^.2 Q 16 Hartland 4 Cors.. Vt. 100 t" 12 M 5 Jefferson . . .N.H. 1062 tif 20 R 9 Hartsville . . Mass. 225 2 P 2 Jeffersonville . Vt. 400 •IT 7 8 3 Harvard . . Mass. 'ff 17 H 8 Jericho . . . . Vt. 350 11 6 R 3 Harwich . . Mass. 2734 tu 23 D 14 Jericho Centre .Vt. 200 6 R 3 Haverhill . . .N.H. 2545 tir 13 P 6 Jewett City . . . Ct. 2000 ¦IT 16 D 7 Haverhill . . Mass. 30185 tir 26 J 10 Johnson . . . Vt. 400 ¦11 14 S 4 Hawley . . . Mass. 615 3 I 3 Jonesville . . . Vt. 154 IT 6 R 3 Hawleyville . . .Ct. 262 tif 1 C 1 Judd's Bridge . -Ct. 50 2 D 1 Haydenville. Mass. tir 10 H 4 Keelers Bay . vt. 20 7 S 1 Haydon Row Mass. ' 500 17 G 8 Keene .... N.H. 7446 'fif 11 J 5 Hazardville . . .Ct. 600 'tif 9 P 4 Keens Mills . .Me. 72 30 Q 13 Head Tide . . Me. 32 P 16 Kenduskeag . .Me. 376 'fif 33 U 18 Healdville . . . Vt. ' 145 'if 12 M 4 Kennebunk B'cb,Me. tH 27 M 12 Heartwell ville . -Vt. 167 4 J 3 Kennebunkport, Me. 1224 tir 27 M 12 Heath .... Mass, 275 3 I 3 Kensington .N.H. 100 26 J 11 Hebron . . . -N.H. 120 19 N 7 Kensington . .Ct. 1320 "fif 2 D 3 Ct. 1039 t'fir 9 D 5 R I 38 16 D s Henniker . . . N.H. 1385 IS I, 7 Kent .... . .Ct. 1383 fif 2 D 1 Hermon Pond . Me. 33 T 18 Kent Furnace . . Ct. 100 2 D 1 Hermon Center . Me. ' if 33 T 18 Kent's Hill . . .Me. 37 "(if 30 R 14 Hlcksville . Mass. 75 ii 24 D 10 Kenyon . . . .R.L 225 tir 15 C 8 Higganum . . . .Ct. 1000 tu 8 O 4 Kettle Point . .R.L 16 E 9 Highgate . . . Vt. 200 t 7 T 3 Kezar Falls . . . Me. ' 362 fif 27 0 H Highgate Center . Vt. 350 tu 7 T 3 Killingly . . . .Ct. 7027 tu 16 E 7 Highgate Sprin g Vt. 100 IT 7 U 2 Killingworth . .Ct. 582 8 B 4 Highlands . 25 H 10 Kingfield . . . . Me. 300 tif 31 U 13 Hish Ridge . . .Ct. 249 1 A 0 Kingston . . .N.H. 1120 t 26 J 10 319 't^ 19 M 8 Kingston . . , Mass, 1659 tir 24 F 11 Money Order, t GENERAL INDEX. Telegraph, % Name of Town or City. Kingston . . . R.I. Kittevy .... Me. Kittery Point . . Me. Laconia . . . N.H. Lafayette . . . R.L La Grange . . . Vt. Lakeport . . N.H. Lakeville . . Mass. Lakeville . . . . Ct. Lancaster . . . N.H. Lancaster . . Mass. Landaff . . . .N.H. Landgrove . . . Vt. Lanesboro' . . Mass. Lanesville . . . . Ct. Larone Me. Larrabee Point . Vt. Lawrence . . . Mass. Lebanon . . . Me. Lebanon . . . N.H. Lebanon .... Ct. Lebanon Sp'gs, N.Y. Ledyard Ct. Lee N.H. Lee Mass. Leeds Me. Leeds Mass. Leete's Island . Ct. Leicester .... Vt. Leicester . . . Mass. Lempster . . N.H. Lenox .... Mass. Leominster . . Mass. Levant Me. Lewiston . Me. Liberty . . . Me. Limerick .... Me. Lime Rock . . . Ct. Limington . Me. Lincoln . . . N.H. Lincoln Vt. Lincolnville . . Me. Lisbon . . . . Me. Lisbon .... N.H. Lisbon Center . Me. Lisbon Falls . Me. Litchfield . . . . Me. Litchfield . . . . Ct. Litchfield Plains, Me. LittleBoarsHead.N.H. Little Compton . R.L Littleton . N.H. Littleton . . . Mass. Livermore . . . Me. Livermore . . N.H. Livermore Falls, Me. Lockes Mills . . Me. Londonderry . N.H. Londonderry . Vt. Long Hill . . . . Ct. Long Island . . Me. Long Meadow, Mass. Long Ridge- . . Ct. Lonsdale .... R.I. Lost Nation . . N.H. Loudon .... N.H. Loudon Ridge . N.H. Lovell Me. Lovell Center . . Me. Lowell ... . Vt. Lowell .... Mass. Lower Bartlett, N.H. Lower Cabot . . Vt. Low'rGilmanton,N.H.LowerWaterford, Vt. Ludlow . . . . Vt. Ludlow . . . Mas3. Ludlow Center, MasB. Lunenburg . . Mass. Lyman .... N.H. Lyme . ... N.H. Lyme Ct. Lyme Center . N.H. Lynchville . . . Me. Lyndeboro' . N.H. Lyndon Vt. Lyndon Center . Vt. Lyndonville . . . Vt. Lynn Mass. Madison .... Me. Madison .... N.H. 550 318318 6143 445 2715 410900 3373 2075 HO 75 172167 8025 52153 50 37631670 524 11S3 300 3785 325 250 104 1000 wo 2039 7209 175 21701 560520600 200 80 425800 100020601585 100 1058 m 48 200 3365 225227 60 1200 220 1220 278527 250 570 160 1225 416 1000 64 310 ' 300 84359 152 174 6070 1081 1800 jir 1154 875 108 56 40 759200 606 62355 1140 350 tir C 8 K 11 K 11 M 9 C 8 T 2 M 9 E 11 E 1 R 8 H 8 Q 7 L 3 II 2 C S 15 O 1 I 10 M 11 N 6 D 6 H 1 C 6 IC 10 G 2 Q 14 G 4 B 4 O 2 G 7 L 6 G 1 H 7 T 18 P 13 R 17 N 11 E 1 N 11 Q 8 P 3 Q 18 P 14 Q 7 P 14 P 14 Q 14 L> 2 Q 14 J 11 C 10 Q 7 H 8 R 13 P 9 R 13 R 11 J 9 L 4 B 2 N 13 P 4 A 0 E 9 R 8 L 9 M 9 P 11 Q 11 T 5 I 9 P 10 Q 5 M 9 Q 7 M 4 F 5 G 5 I 8 Q 7 O 6 B 5 O 6 Q 11 J 7 R 6 R 6 S 7 H 11 T 14 O 10 Namk of Town ob City. d Vr. OE o ol Xa? 'A 3 OH 01 fi M CM . .ct. . Me. . Mass. . Mass. . . Me. . N.II. . .Vt. . Mass. Ct. . Ct. Madison . . Madrid . . Magnolia . Maiden . . Manchester Manchester Manchester Manchester Manchester MancbesterDepot.Vt. Manomet . . . Mass. Mansfield . . . Mass. Mansfield . . . Mass. Mansfield . . . . Ct. Mansfield Depot, Ct. Mansfield Center, Ct. Manton . . . R.I. Manville . . . .R.I. Maple Grove . Maes. Maple wood . N.H. Maranacook . . . Me. Marblehead . Mass. Marion Ct. Marion Station, Mass. Marlboro . . . N.H. Marlboro .... Vt. Marlboro . . . Maee. Marlboro .... Ct. Marlboro Depot, N. II. Marlow . . . N.H. Marshfield . . . Vt. Marsbfield . . Mass. Marston Mills, Mass. Martinsville . . Me. Mashapaug . MaBhpee . . Mason .... N.H. Massapeag . . . Ct. Mattapoisett . Mass. Maynard . . . Mass. Mclndoes Falls Vt. Meadows . . . N.II. Mechanics Falls, Me. Mechanicsville . Vt. Mechani cavil le Vt. Mechanicsville . Ct. Medfield . . Mass. Med ford . MedoruackMed way . MelroseMelrose . . Melviu Village, N.H. Mendon . . . Vt. Mendon . . . Mass. Mercer . . . Me. Meredith . . . N.H. Meredith Ctr. . N.H. Meriden . . N.H. Meriden Ct. Merrick . . Merrimack . Merrow . . . Merwinsville Metcalf . . . Methuen . . . Mass. Middleboro' . . Mass. Middlebnry . . Vt. Middlefield . . Mass. Middlefield . . . Ct. Middle Haddam . Ct. Middleton . . Mass. Middletown . . Ct. Milford . . N.H. Milford .... Mass. Milford . . . . Ct. Mi 11 bury Milldale . Miller's Falls .Mass. Millington . . . . Ct. Mill Piain . Mill River . Mill Village Millville . . Milton . . . Milton Vt. Milton . . . Mass. Milton Ct. Milton Mills . . N.H. M.Uton Plant'n . Me. Millville , • • Mass. . MasB. . . Me. . Mass. . Mass. . .Ct. .N.H. .Ct. . .Ct. . Mass. . Ct. .Ct. .N.H. .N.H. .N.H. 1429 tir 8 300 IT 31 160 tir 25 29706 IT 25 127 ¦ 30 44126 •fi 18 700 ir 4 1479 ¦¦n 25 8222 IT 9 300 ¦IT 4 t 24 '3432 tir 24 3432 tir 16 1911 IT 9 198 9 375 'tif 9 465 tir 10 2200 tir 16 1200 3 V 20 ir 30 7664 tir 25 300 ] 427 tif 24 1695 tir 11 76 IT 11 14980 tir 17 215 9 100 ' if 11 372 tir 11 400 tu 13 1713 tir 24 100 tu 23 73 32 55 9 300 24 121 'if 17 250 8 600 'tif 24 2700 tir 17 325 tir 13 132 20 1030 'f ' 30 215 t 12 90 6 500 16 tif 17 14480 tir 25 32 'tif 16 11966 tir 25 304 tir 9 230 t 19 129 5 625 ' if 16 211 tu 31 800 tK 19 100 19 187 tif 12 21652 tir 1 2800 tu 9 53 18 50 9 300 'if 2 17 25 4814 tu 4200 tir 24 1762 tir 6 212 IT 3 1002 fir 8 300 tu 8 400 tir 25 9013 tn 8 3014 fir IS 8958 tir 16 3811 tir 1 2600 tu 17 400 tir 1 300 tu 10 56 8 279 1 380 2 124 'if 11 IT 18 1640 fn 27 675 fir 7 4272 tir 25 150 2 890 V 27 78 28 I 2400 'tif 16 Money Order, t GENERAL INDEX. Telegraph, f Name of Town ob City. Minot ...... Me. Mohegan . . . . Ct. Monkton .... Vt. Monkton Ridge . Vt. Monmouth . . . Me. Monroe Me. Monroe . . . .N.H. Monroe ... Mass. Monroe ... . Ct. Monroe Bridge, Mass. Monson . . . Mass. Montague . . Mass. Montague City, Mass. Monterey . . . Mass. Montgomery . . Vt. Montgomery . Mass. Montgomery Ctr. Vt. Ct. . Vt. Mass. .Me. . Ct. Montowese MontpelierMontserratMontville . Montville . Moodus Ct. Moosup Ct. Moretown . . . Vt. Morrill . ... Me. Morris Ct. Morrison's Cor. . Me. Morristown . . . Vt. Morrisville . . . Vt. Moultonboro' . N.H. Moultonville . . N.H. Mt. Carmel . . . Ct. Mt. Holley . . . Vt. Mt. Pleasant H..N.H. Mt. Tabor . . . . Vt. Mt. Vernon . . . Me. Mt. Vernon . . N.H. Mt. Washington, MaBS. MunBonville . . N.H. Muscongus . . . Me. Myricks . . Mass. Mystic Ct. Nahant .... Mass. Nantucket . . Mass. Nantasket . . Mass. Naples ..... Me. Narragansett . . R.L Narrag'ns'tt P'r, R.I. Nashoba . . . Mass. Nashua . . . N.H. Natick . . . Mass. Natick R.L Naugatuck . . . Ct. Nayatt Point . . R.I. Nelson . . . Neponset . . Newark . . . New Bedford . Mass, New Boston . . N.H. New Boston . Conn. New Braintree, Mass. New Britain . . Ct. New Britain Newbury . Newbury . Newbury . NewburyNewbury Center, Vt. Newburyport . Mass. New Canaan . . Ct. New Canaan . . Ct. New Castle . New Castle . New Durham New Fairfield New Fane . . Newfield . . New Gloucester Me. New Hampton, N.H. New Hartford . . Ct. New Haven . . . Vt. New Haven Mills Vt. New Haven . . . Ct. Newington . . N.H. New Ipswich . N.H. New Lebanon . N.Y. New Leban.Ctr. N.Y. New Lenox . . Mass. New London . N.H. New London ¦ . Ct. 125 250 100 38 540307190 35 253 112 36501100 250227248 54 369 600 3617 .N.H . Mass. . Vt. . .Ct. .N.H. .N.H. . . Vt. . Mass. .Me..Me. .N.H.. .Ct. .Vt. .Me. 108 2344 906 1600 309205 9075 13001034 85 81 III 105 56 312 124150118 42 108 3104 756 3017 ' 250 42 1000 50 19311 8909 16516218 78 32 55254 1067 199 100 19007 19007 415 120 20 14554 2701 2701 800SUO125 236 300 428 420 136 3100 049150 81298 34 720 323 149 300610 13757 111 Spa s P 13 C 6 Q 2 Q 2 Q 14 IS 17 Q 6 42 4 3 4 3 4 11 R 17 C 6 C 5 D 7 Q 4 R 17 D 2 S 16 R 4 R 4 N 9 N 10 C 3 M 4 Q 9 M 3 R 14 J 8 P 1 K 6 P 16 E 10 B 7 H 11 A 12 G 11 P 12 O 9 C 9 H 9 J 9 G 9 1> 8 C 2 D 9 K 6 G 10 S 7 D 11 K 8 F 7 G 6 D 3 D L 7 L 6 P 6 J 11 P 6 J 11 A 0 A 1 K 11 P 16 M 10 O 1 K 4 N 11 P 13 N 8 K 11 I 7 Name of Town oe City . N.H .Vt. . R.I. . Vt. . Me. . Me. .Ct. Mass. . Me. N.H. Ma .Ct. .Ct. .Me. . Mass. New Market. .N.H. New Marlboro', Mass New Milford . . Ct Newport . . Newport . . Newport . . . Newport Ctr. . Newport June New Portland New Preston New Salem . . New Sharon . Newton ... Newton . . . Newton Ctr. Newton H'ds. Mass. Newton Jet. . N.H. Newtown . . . . Ct. New Vineyard . Me. Niantic .... R.L Nichewaug . . M; NicholsNoank . . NobJeboro'Nobscot . Nooseneck Hill, R.I Noroton . . . Ct. Noroton Ct. Norfolk . . Mass. Norfolk . . . Ct. Norridgewock . Me. N. Abington . Mass. N. Acton . , N. Adams N. Amherst N. Andover N. " Depot, Mass. N.Anson .... Me. N. Appleton . . Me. N. Ashford . . Ct. N. Attleboro' . Mass. N. Bennington . Vt. N. Berwick N. Billerica . N. Blandford Northboro' N. Boscawen . N.H N. Bradford . . Me N. Branch . N. Branford . N. Branford . NorthbridgeN. Bridgton N. Brookfield . . Vt. N. Brookfield, Mass. N. Buckfield . . Me. N. Calais . . . . Vt. N. Cambridge . . Vt. N. Canton . . . Ct. N. Carmel . . . Me. N. Carver . . Mass. N. Charlestown.N.H. N. Chester . . . Vt. N. Chesterville . Me. N. Chichester .N.H. N. Clarendon N. Colebrook N. Concord . N. Conway N. Coruville N". Craftsbury N. Cushing . N. Dana . . N. Danville . N.Dartm'thSta.,MassN. Derby . . . . Vt. N. Dixmont . Me. N. Dorset . . . . Vt. N. Duxbury . . . Vt. N. Edgecomb . . Me. N. Egremont N. Enosburg N. Epping . N. Fairfield . N. Falmouth N. Fayette . N. Fayston . N. Farrisburg . . Vt Northficld . . . Vt. Northfield . . Mass. Northfield . . . . Ct. d< . Mass. •Mass. . Mass. . Mass . Mass. . Mass. . M .N.H. . .Ct. . .Ct. . Mass. . Me. 2742 350 3917 2623 1730 19457 344 945415475 856600 1064 27622 27001700 123 3539 275266 48 125 867212150190190850 1546 650 2120 118 19127 650500 1800 760 76 98 4000 925874500 200 34 156 125 425 425 4603 280 Vt. .Ct. . . Vt. . N.II. . . Me. Vt. .Mc. . Mass. . N.H. . Mass. . . Vt. .N.H. . Me. .Me..Me. . Vt. 2500 75 72 200200 21 ' 149250 350 175105104112744 47 419 135 76 60 45 104 87 150 75 54 108 24 4540 304 1222 ' 390 tir THE National Publishing Company's SECTIONAL ROAD-BOOKS OF NEW ENGLAND. T HE Key Map upon the following page indicates by plates the territory covered by the New England Series of " STANDARL Road Books." Book i, ENTIRE NEW ENGLAND, contains all the plates, 1 to 33 inclusive. Book 2, UPPER NEW ENGLAND, contains plates 4, 5, 6, 7, 11, 12, 13, 14, 18, 19, 20, 21, 26,27,28, 29,30,31,32,33. Book 3, LOWER NEW ENGLAND, contains plates 1, 2, 3, 8, 9, 10, 15, 16, 17, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26. Book 4, MAINE, contains plates 20, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33. Book 5, NEW HAMPSHIRE, contains plates 11, 12, 13, 18, 19, 20, 21, 26, 27, 28. Book 6, VERMONT, contains plates 4, 5, 6, 7, 11, 12, 13, 14, 20, 21. Book 7, MASSACHUSETTS, contains plates 2, 3, 9, 10, 16, 17, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, Book 8, RHODE ISLAND, contains plates 8, 9, 15, 16, 17, 22, 23, 24, 25. Book 9, CONNECTICUT, contains plates 1, 2, 3, 8, 9, 15, 16; N. Y. State plates 2 and 3. FOR THE CONVENIENCE OF CYCLISTS AND TOURISTS THE BOOKS CONTAIN AN INDEX OF TOWNS, SHOWING LOCATION, POP ULATION, AND WHETHER THEY HAVE MONEY ORDER OR TELEGRAPH OFFICES; ALSO A DIRECTORY OF HOTELS, BICYCLE REPAIR SHOPS, ETC. EXPLANATION OF ROAD-PLATES. Roads on one plate enter adjoining plate designated on margin, as if the plates were placed together in the same position as in the Key Map. The marginal numbers and letters show the exact way the plates match. EXAMPLE. — The good road through Haggetts in the north west corner of Plate 28, running west off the plate just below the marginal letter " I," enters on the east of Plate 17, the same distance below the marginal letter "I"_pn that plate. The maps are drawn on a uniform scale of 5 miles to the inch. 'O 2 U3 E4 Bj6 E 7\C8 /9r, 8 119 20^21 m STANDARD ROAD=BOOKS NEW ENGLAND, COMPILED FROM Government Surveys and Original Sources. flflTIOflRIi PUBLISHING CO. Publishers and Engravers, BOSTON, MASS. KEY MAP. This map gives the entire territory covered by our New England series of Standard Road Books. The territory included in each square section, or plate, of the above map is reproduced on a large scale under the plate number indicated. kodaks. $5.00, $8.00, $10.00, $25.00. NOTHING SO FITS INTO THE PLEASURES OF BICYCLING AS PHOTOGRAPHY. Ipocket Utodaks, Cartridge Ikodaks, Bullets and ®ulls*£yes are especially adapted to use awheel. They use our light-proof Film Cartridges and can therefore be LOADED IN DAYLIGHT. They are the lightest and most compact cameras made, and with our perfected bicycle carrying cases are entirely out of the way, yet instantly available for use. " Bicycle Kodaks " is the title of a little booklet that tells all about them. Free for the asking. EASTMAN KODAK CO. Rochester, N. Y loseley's lew Havei House, Fronting Yale University, opposite the Green, NEW HAVEN, CONN. We provide a special room for the care and storage of wheels, a table of peculiar excellence, and rooms with modern conveniences. SETH H. MOSELEY. FRANKLIN 3% MOU3C 3-. 3f. Wee&en, ipro'pnetor. 142 Grand Street, WATERBURY, CONN. STOP AT NORWALK HOTEL, ask tbe Bicycle Bo^s norwaLK, conn. wbat tbcs tbinfc of tbe IRorwalfo IbOUSC C. H. TUTTLE, Proprietor. 33 Grant St., Waterbury, Conn. BICYCLE REPAIRS, SUNDRIES AND SUPPLIES. The Oldest^ Shop J^ ^ R ^fl^ ^ 13=15=17 E. Main St., Waterbury, Conn. L. A.W. Local Consul can be found in Repair Shop. B. J. BOLAN, Dealer in Hardware, Iron, Steel, and Mill Supplies. Bicycles of HII IKinbs. Sporting Goods, &c. 90=94 Bank Street, Waterbury, Conn. GEO. A. SAUNDERS, President and Treasurer. W. H. ANDREWS, Secretary. The VERl BICYCLE & RUBBER CO., Vcru Hall. Bicycles and Rubber Goods, Rubber Garments, Boots and Shoes, Hose, Packing;, Druggists' Sundries, &c. BIPVPI CS SoId, Rented, Stored, Nos. 1S6 and 158 Orange Street, DIUIULCO and Repaired. NEW HAVEN. CONN. "MECHALET1 BEOS., 3BiC\>Cle0 attb SUltbneS Sold for Cash or on Instalments. RENTING AND INSTRUCTION. REPAIRING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. Cor. Atlantic and Broad Streets, STAMFORD, CONN. PRED'IS W. ROGERS, ^icicle dealer. MAIN ST., NORWALK, CONNECTICUT. lARSE k JIOYT, Bicycles and Sundries. IRepatrfng a Specialty. Washington Street, SOUTH NORWALK, CONN. 5 OADS CONTI :d on plate 2 Plate I ATLANTIC HOTEL, T BH *^RREN X. St. W. jfcotel of Bridgeport. Opposite N. Y. , N. H. & H. R.R. Depot. BRIDGEPORT, CONN. HOTEL- MER^TTR,fToHRSATCH' Cafe and American and ... -t K / t tvj r^» o (7\ rp Restaurant. EUROPEAN PLANS. MXL 1 I Ti 1—/ WJ V^ IT^i. t 100 Rooms. All Modern Appliances Throughout. BRIDGEPORT, CONN. the, GRAND UNION HOTEL, E. J. RUTTER, Proprietor. STAMFORD, CONN. The L. A. W. Hotel of Stamford. i-« i-^ rT^vTT-»r-l^^^>iy SUCCESSOR TO R. E. HOLBROOK, ansonia cycle co. Dealers in HIGH GRADE CYCLES AND SUNDRIES. Repairing Promptly Attended To. Wheels Rented by the Day or Week. 89 Main Street, ANSONIA, CONN. Wm. M. FliSbee. Manufacturer of NUTMEG CYCLES. A Complete Repair Shop where duplicate parts can be made at short notice. A Complete Line of Sundries. 72 and 74 Center Street, = NEW HAVEN, CONN. Look For My Sign ! N°l^T^lTTco^. Jft Stande for Sood Values in bicycles. PROMPT AND CAREFUL ATTENTION TO REPAIRING. ARTHUR GRIGGS. r ' Uke Cyclery. ' ' Victor ffi /cycle J*tgency. No. 34 Center Street, NEW HAVEN, CONN. Sundries, Renting, Repairing. The MacGowan Cycle Co. ALBERT A. HALL, Deak; *» XTbe 3BicBcle Man. ...Bicycles of the Best,.. ¦4 to S "2"ork Scru.a,re, near Broadway, NEW HAVEN, CONN. Bicycles.^* A- c- benham, REPAIRING, 1078 ChaPe' 5trCet- SUNDRIES, RENTING. NEW HAVEN, CONN. J. WILKINSON, Btq>cle IRepairing. 76 Gilbert Street, BRIDGEPORT, CONN IN THE BUSINESS IN BRIDGEPORT, 14 YEARS. PROUDMAN BROS., Bicycle Repairers. iParts of all Standard 2lJheels kept in stock. 108 Miller Street, - - MERIDEN, CONN. BRAINARD & WILCOXT ^»BSii!SS5D- Meriden, Conn. ...BiC^CleS... Sole Agents for the COLUMBIA and HARTFORD BICYCLES. Ammunition, Fishing Tackle and General Sporting Goods. Electrical Supplies. Fine Repairing of Every Description, HQTEL RdSSWIN, N£W br,ta,n. ct. 27-29 West Main Street. Best hotel between New York and Boston. FRANK A. WISE, PROP. HOTEL GRRDE, Opposite Union Depot. New Haven, Conn. ftates, $2.00 dc $2.50 per day. SPECIAL ATTENTION PAID TO WHEELMEN. ROpSrAY WRLLINGFORD~HOCEL ...^EV SPECIAL RATES TO SUPPER PARTIES. Special attention given Bicycle Tourists. WALLINGFORD, CONN. MERIDEN HOUSET MERIDEN, CONN. Cor. Main and Colony Streets. RATES, $2.00. IE. 3mL. SMITH, ... Proprietor. ELM TREE INN, Farmington, Conn. J. B. RYAN. Proprietor. TELEPHONE CALL, HOLIAN'S INN, '• T' B0"^rMor. 72 Elizabeth Street, Derby, Conn. Electric cars pass the door to and from all trains. First-class livery connected with house. Special Attractions for Wheelmen, such as large shady yard with hammocks, convenient repository for wheels, and Special Table for Dinners, MODERN AND UP TO DATE IX I SPECIAL ATTENTION TO EVERY RESPECT. | BICYCLE TOURISTS AND PARTIES. THE HOFFMANN HOUSE, Popular Rates. ADOLPH RAPP, Proprietor. Main Street, Derby, Conn. BEKRDSLEY HOUSE, West Winsted, Conn. A first-elass, homelike hotel, managed for the comfort of the guests and profit of the proprietor. GEORCJE H. SPENCER. COE FURNITURE CO.. = - Bicycles. Repairing and Full Line of Sundries. 1, 3, 5 & 7 Liichfield Street, Torrington, Conn. WINSTED REPAIRING CO., ...Dealers in... Bicycles and. Typewriters, WINSTED. CONN. Full Line of Sundries. Repairing a Specialty. ~ BICYCLES HBElELIJIBII. Man™a F. B. CflTLIN, WINSTED, CONN.! „_ Tho Leading Cycle House of Northwestern Conn. Repairing in all its branches. j. i„ .i j I H it has that Agents Wanted. | name it is good. HPHE best New England Map published, giving distances and location ¦*¦ of all post-offices, sent by mail, postpaid, for $1.00. Liberal discounts to agents. NATIONAL PUBLISHING CO., Boston, Mass. 9 l'towta tt HUAUb CUNIlG P.aie 2 0,lk\-ili?H V M.Pub.Co..Engrs i Pvb.'fioshn E=^T */ / Xcw UrilaiiA !tv7y ^1 ke^sington^ V 1 %y^r=^\ MSoutlffiniitoH==7 n'lfm^Hle X // >— H. M. MANWARING, - Jobber and Manufacturers' Agent. STEARNS, EAGLES, CRESCENTS, and other good makes of wheels. We abide by our promises, and promise naught but what we can fulfil. Come and see us, and if you can't come, write. No. 179 Crown Street, > Opposite Grand Y. M. C. A. Building, NEW HAVEN, CONN, j Opera House. BRIDGEPORT, CONN. P. REISER - Bicycle Sundries and Repairing. - ROOT'S BLOCK. 55 North Main Street, BRISTOL, CONN. E/~\ D Iter T T ^D eater in att the /yj . > . \j. DAOOL I 1, loading lines of JJlCyCleS. PLHIN1ZILLE, CONN. Choice Confectionery and Fine Papeteries. Bicycle Tires, Parts and Accessories. Repairing a Specialty. W. A. KINNE, No. 63 Church St., NEW BRITAIN, CONN. ffiicycles and Sporting Soods. Repairing- of all kinds. Maker of "OWL" Bicycles. S. ARMSTRONG, - - Mhchinist. Bicycles, Sundries and Repairs. l/il n^aim. Street, DEZRB^S", 002^"3ST. i MONTGOMERY & BARTLETT, - 'Dealers in Sfticycles, Sundries and Sporting Soods,, Repairing Promptly Done. 50 Elm Street, WESTFIELD, MASS. 1 . i •§• »/• T f *?• Tlfe shall be pleased to hear from J. Jldvertisers t •*• ...who desire... •*• •5* 2W? nrr*» ttepairiug in alt its I KLli. J, t\Li\\\Jl-V Of branches promptly attended to. Nickel Plating, &c. Bridge Street, GREAT BARRINGTON, MASS. ^ST GIFFORD BROS., yi%Du. FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOPS, Columbia Street, HUDSON, N. Y. C. E. SHAW, HUDSON, N. Y. Bicycles, Sundries, and Repairs. DUPLICATE PARTS MADE AT SHORT NOTICE. Scale 5 Miles to the Inch „ I, Q> ROADS CON GOOD ROADS ONTi AJED ON PLATE ~4> Plate 3 fUED ON PLATE 2 ORDINARY ROADS Every Appointment New. Every Appointment First Class. Storrs Jfouse, Wa-e' *•-**"»»* Wll// ' ** •***'***'** J w j VOi_K, Proprietor. Caf6 Connected. Free Carriage to and from Station for Guests_ HOTEL METROPQLE, T- F- MURPHY- Pr°P"etor Special Kates to Bicycle Tourists. Sample ffiooms OonnGctGcl. nnnni/PITI n ft fl 1 ft ^ American Plan. Rates, $2.00 per day. DnOOKFIcLD, IVIASS. Ye Ancient Tavern. GEORG#roSINGER' J™^ '^. THE WEST BROOKFIELD HOUSE, * Ren0ModtTLRp^mSe„tsdwith West Brookfield, Mass. SPECIAL ATTENTION TO WHEELMEN. CONVERSE HOUSE, E. R. PIERCE, Proprietor. Palmer- Mass- Sample Rooms., SPECIAL ACCOMMODATIONS C'rsrwwftoA for wheelmen. ?•?•?v^onnecrea. EBEN B. ELLIS, Agent. 1Hnion Cycles. Winchendon, Mass. FRUIT AND CONFECTIONERY. REPAIRING DONE. Experienced Solicitors WILL DO WELL TO CORRESPOND WITH IS. NATIONAL PUBLISHING CO., - - Boston, Mass. Zhe jfamous«* 1897MoDE, porter IBicycle. •Positively the ffiest I/Sheet made. COME AND EXAMINE. 142 Meridian St., E. BOSTON, MASS. CROCKER HOUSE, 176 State Street; .... NEW LONDON, CONN. L. A. W. A. T. HALK, Proprietor. ST. CHARLES HOTEL. MES' \1™°L™Y' Spec/a/ Spates to bicycle TJourists. Private Dining Rooms No. 10 Broadway, connected ivith the House. NORWICH, CONN. WAfHREGAN HetiSE, Corner Main and Broadway, NORWICH, CONN. F. E. PARKER, PROPRIETOR. P0C0T0PAUG HOUSE, ERST HAMPTON, CT. Near the Deligtitful Lake of Po-co-to-paug. MRS. C. B. BUELL, PROPRIETRESS. T A ItTP VTTh \X7 HOT T^TT 0N LAKE po-co-to-paug, l^i^.JVC VlliW 1J.V-/VJO.C, EAST HAMPTON, CONN. D. D. BROWN, Proprietor. DELIGHTFUL SUMMER RESORT. Beautiful Lake, and alt the accessories of a First-Class Summer Home. F=. G. 7V^OXJ-EY SELLS THE Columbia and jfcartford bicycles. Repairs for all makes of 13 Main Street, Bicycles. NEW LONDON, CONN. Bicycles and Bicycle Supplies* Repairing of all kinds at short notice. E. L. CROWELL, 5 Washington St., NEW LONDON, CONN. C. W. HORTON, Bicycle vBandrtes aM Repair s, NEW LONDON, CT. iA£ . B . FOX, General Eepair Shop. ENAMELING. DIPVOI E" C CLEANING. REPAIRING. DIuTvLCO. BRAZING. Tire Repairing a Specialty. Ill Water Street, NORWICH, CONN. STERLING BELLS, xtric No No HILL BRASS CO., = - East Hampton, Conn. 33 ROADS CONTI Njl HXV V L 0 N G I S L A N D 8 0 <5> Oin rum. Plate 8 u if v ® =© A'ff/, Puh. Co., Engrs. S Pub. Boston NEW DOM HOTEL, Cor. Church and Trumbull Sts., - - - HARTfORD, CONN. G. W. VAN HORN, Prop. Special Rates to Commercial Men. Best Goods for the money. ROOMS, $1.O0. MEALS, 50c. BROWER HOUSE, Hartford, Gom*. EUROPEAN AND AMERICAN PLAN. SPECIAL RATES TO THEATRICAL PEOPLE AND WHEELMEN. SHEKMAN & CROWLEY, Prop's, 23-25 Central Row, opposite Post Office. McDONOUGH HOUSE. J. HARRISON, Proprietor. SPECIAL ATTENTION TO BICYCLE TOURISTS. :tv£i:Di3i-iETo-wiNr, coitin-. KELLY HOUSE, Main St. in Berlin, Ct., near Berlin Depot. SPECIAL ATTENTION PAID TO BICYCLISTS. JOHN CAREY, PROP. TIHIIE KOCKYILLE, ROCKVILLE, CONN. M. McPHERSON, Proprietor. F. A. RANDALL, booksstAtioNery, 6 Jfcenry ffiuildinyj Sftoc/cvitle, Conn. COPIES OF THIS BOOK ALWAYS ON SALE. THE ANDRUS & NAEDELE CO., Dealers in BICYCLES, BICYCLE SUNDRIES, CUTLERY. Also a GENERAL LINE of SPORTING an.] ATHLETIC GOODS. COLUMBIA AGENTS. 272 Asylum St., Hartford, Conn. BICYCLE REPAIRING A.T SHORT NOTICE. F. D. Sfticycle Repairing {Promptly UJone at Reasonable Rates. BICYCLE SUNDRIES. LINDEN BUILDING, HARTFORD, CONN. GEORGE W. GATES, AGE"T Columbia bicycles. A FULL LINE OF SUNDRIES. REPAIRING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. WINDSOR LOCKS, CONN. JOHN M. GARDNER, BICYCLE REPAIRING AND SUPPLIES, 132 Washington Street, <77fictdletownJ Conn. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. MILL SUPPLIES. R. I. BARBER, ORCUTT'S MONITOR BLOCK, I HARDWARE. ROCKVILLE, CT. | AGENT for VICTOR BICYCLES. otis sisrowT Agent for STEARNS, SPALDING, and WAVERLY BICYCLES. REPAIRING AND SUNDRIES. 36 MAIM STREET, ROCKVILLE, CONM. 36 MASSASOIT HOUSE, Main Street, near Union Station, - SPRINGFIELD, MASS. American and European Plan. Modern Improvements. W. H. CHAPIN, Proper. Cooley 's Jfotel. unionisation, SPRINGFIELD, MASS. Restaurant on the European Plan. All Modern Conveniences. Large Dining Rooms and Parlors. First-Class Accommodations for 300 Guests. HENRY E. MARSH, PROPRIETOR. HAYNES HOUSE, Ma4npSri?GPFiEL&?nM^I!t8" 100 Fine Rooms. 30 Large Sample Rooms. Newly Decorated. Latest Sanitary Plumbing. Rates per day, $2.50 and $3.50. Especial Attention to Commercial Travellers. FINE BAR AND BILLIARD ROOM. CARD ROOMS FOR GUESTS. Fine Table and First-Class Service. Suites and Bath. Meals, 50 cents. GEO. R. HODGDON, Proprietor. 'TXir AAfOT?T|-IY FRANK L. WORTHY, EDWIN L. SMITH, -*" -*--*"'¦' *" ^^ *V ¦*" A"* "¦- ¦ PHESIOENT. TREASURER. absolutely 3Fire=proof. European ©Ian. WILLIAM M. KIMBALL, Manager. SPRINGFIELD, MASS. The L. A. W. Hotel of Springfield. HOTEL GILMORE. «*«-* **-oo r«r daj/. JOSEPH SMITH, Proprietor. SPRINGFIELD, MASS. THIS Hotel is situated in the business centre. Connected with Gilmore Opera House, and short distance from Court Square Theatre. Street cars to and from depot. FREE COACH. CITY HALL SQUARE, RATES, $2.50 AND $3.00. HARTFORD, CONN. D. a. rood. - proprietor. United States Hotel. City jfrotel. JAMES CAMPBELL, Proprietor. Central Location. Modern Improvements. 215 to 221 n^Eaiaa. Street, HARTFORD, CONN. CENTRAL HOUSE. J bpRd0^ertohn,er' Newly furnished throughout and first class in every way. REASONABLE RATES. HEATED BY STEAM. BATH ROOMS, ETC. 6, 8, and 10 Central Street, SOUTHBRIDGE, MASS. Overman Wheel Co. NO ¦sllZ^CMAtT'1 7/ictor 33 ('cycles. Victor Athletic Soods. COMPLETE EEPJLIK :DE3I=.A.X51,:S>£E2TT. T/p-to-'Date in Jtll Points..... Quality the Rest. The Packer Bicycle. MADE BY THE PACKER CYCLE CO., - - = READING, PA. ERNEST P. CHESBRO & CO., 9?ew England Jtgents. il/UHmantic, CoTlTl. 37 KD ft^nr.C /-/-.MTIIMII GOOD ROADS _ — (NTIN aglevilnX^Sr CA apli X»^ X! y_. ^ h M^ikldJ ) \ a s/CenViY J_ X FranI '• /\~]3ozrahville )N PLATE X j/wetAC*y _^/Vi//, Pub. Car. Enyra. \Pu\- oosffln. ORDINARY fit. MANSION HOUSE. WENTWP?oRPI,HET^BBOTr NORTHAMPTON, MASS. Good Rooms. Good Table. Prompt Service and Reasonable Rates. KENDALL HOUSE, Opposite City Hall, CHICOPEE, MASS. A. A. M. MOORE, Proprietor. Tlie Xj. *£>.. "S77". Hotel of Oliicopee. HOTEL COLUMBIAN. R. E. DUGGAN, Proprietor. 42, 44, 46 Exchange Street, CHICOPEE, MASS. ~fr , i f/\ Q J. H. DeGRAY, Proprietor. *JtOtel IseOray. Centrally Located. Rates, $2.00 per Day. This Hotel is Entirely New and Elegantly Furnished. Special Attention given Bieyele Tourists. SS 97/ain Street, - - Chicopee S'allsj Ttyass. larK oQUdrC 110161, Remodelled and Enlarged. WESTFIEED, MASS. Centrally Located ; Directly Opp . the Park. Electric Cars to and from All Trains. VAN DEUSEN & CROIMIN, Proprietors. WeSTFIELD, MASS. B. N. BACON. F. N. COLEMAN. BACON <& COLEMAN. Bicycle Repairing of All Kinds. Tires Repaif tP\yc$VNew Process 146 DWIGHT ST., near Daily News Office, SPRINGFIELD, MASS. THE VEET 0-5TOIJE OO., AGENCY FOR W/\R W|QK BICYCLES. 36 WORTHINGTON STREET, SPRINGFIELD, MASS. A. N. STANLEY, Mgr. Columbia Bicycle Agency. FULL REPAIR DEPARTMENT. Xj. 3KC. ADikMS, 87 "OTToxrtlxixxstOM. St., SPRINGFIELD, MASS. £.J(.W. Repair Shop. E. L. GAY, ...Dealer in... Bicycles and Sundries. Public Library Block, SOUTHBRIDGE, HASS. TAINTOR & McALPINE, - Hampshire Cycle Store. - NORTHAMPTON and EASTHAMPTON, MASS. Agents for HIGH GRADE WHEELS and Sundries, and Repairing in all its branches FOR ROADMEN. Manufacturers of THE NONOTUCK WHEEL JIG AND RIM DRILLER. LEWIS E. WARNER. Agent tor the NORTHAMPTON CYCLE COMPANY, Northampton, Mass. Sundries, Repairs and Supplies a Specialty. 157 Main Street, = ° NORTHAMPTON, MASS. Bicycle Sundries. Fine Bicycle Repairing a Specialty. ERNEST E>. TUFTS, ...Dealer in... Bieyeles and Sporting Goods. MAIN STREET, PALMER, MASS. YOUNG'S HOTEL. s" J- YToGPrietor. Good Accommodation for the Travelling Public. THF HOOKFR HOUSF willimantic, conn. II1E I1WWIVEK. I'WUJC, OPENED FEBRUARY 21, 1887. Where is one of the best Hotels? Go to the Hooker House, then judge for yourselves. S. C. HOOKER, Manager. S19-821 Main Street. THE NEW STAffORD ^PRT^s1|01SE7 STAFFORD SPRINGS, CONN. ROBERT FOWLE, - PROPRIETOR. WINDSOR HOUSE, ^&hR&?g\ First-class rooms with or without board. Dining Room for table boarders. Meals at all hours. Special rates to Bicycle Tourists. james h. Mcknight, manager. GRANITE CITY HOTEL, ^V^iXT1 Westerly, R. I. FRANK B. COOK, PROPRIETOR. All Modern Improvements. Steam Heat, Klectric Bells with return call, and Fire Alarm in all rooms. Sample Rooms for Commercial Travellers. The new management will spare no effort for the comfort of the guests. Rates, $2.00& $2.50 JOSLIN HOUSE, Webster, Mass. F. J. SINCLAIR, Proprietor. Special attention given Bicycle Tourists. Accommodations First Class. A Good i,iVery Attached- JAMES T SHANLEY, Proprietor. HOTEL DeWITT. llead^aarter^ for ij icicle 1 oarisf^. Opposite Depot, WEBSTER, MASS. Bicycles and Sundries. 664 Main Street, WILLIMANTIC, COOT, CARPENTER & JORDAN. BRAZING. VULCANIZED REPAIRS ON TIRES, ALL COLORS OF BAKED ENAMEL. J. E. PIPER, jllaniifactiirer of THe Celebrated " P" Wfleel. Wleels Built lo Orler. Best Eiuipjei Repair Slop In tne City. 89 Main St., WESTERLY, E. I. ISA.TTj.'EI'Y <3c CO., machinists. 17 Mill Street, NEWPORT, R. I. Daytoh ahc| IVer JokrvsoK Bicycler. REPAIRING OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. OPEN EVERY DAY IN THE YEAR. J. R. ENBOM, -- Bicycles and Sundries. Particular Attention given to Repairs. A Full Line of Tires, Rims and Parts constantly on hand. ACADEMY STREET - ATTLEBORO, MASS. ROEMER BROTHERS, (principal IRepairers. OPEN EESDGAY AND No. 5 Pine Street, - WEBSTER, HASS. V V o o Kl i Dickensif Black ® T L A N Plate 15 LAND - Rhode Island ) 0 c ^> V 0 =d> l/at. Pub. Co., Engrs. i Pub. Boston. Ttje fjodgdoi) Qycle AcadenQy Hanley Building, 63 Washington St., PROVIDENCE, R. I. 'The largest and best in the city." '¦ Pupils taught by Mr. R. H. Hodgdon's special method and made thorough road riders." CARL J. SWENSON, Assistant. Particular attention given to nervous and delicate persons. The best of results assured. -BICYCLES- See that curve ? ATING See the twin roller chain? See the hubs? ftjfiycj PQ ^ee t'le unbreakable spokes? KEATING WHEEL CO., 198-200 UNION STREET, PROVIDENCE, R. I. T. M. LAW LOR, 79 Merrimac Street, LOWELL MASS. Stationery,and {Periodicals. Jobber and Retailer for Standard tad Boob of ]tew England CITY OF LOWELL. 64 Steam Heat. Good Livery Connected. Billiard and Sample Room. THE BUGBEE HOUSE. ED0AR WILLIAMS- proprietor. Special attention given Bicycle Tourists. On the Main Street going through town. PUTNAM, CONN. JEWETT CITY HOTElT"-^— ""^V Jewett City, Conn. Opposite the Depot. IRA F. LEWIS, Proprietor. CENTRAL HOUSE. HOUsStEabHl%A1%DNNBeYoUEAM- | E. A. WINTER, Proprietor. DANIELSON, CONN. MANSION HOUSE, s. E^WoV^Heto, Carriages to and from all trains. Hack, Boarding and Livery Stable connected. Carriages furnished for all occasions. A resort for Bicyclists. Parties accommodated at short notice. Livery Stable in connection-. STANLEY HOUSE, Opposite R. R. Station. WEST MEDWAY, - MASS. J. U. BUXTON, .MACHINIST.... Agent for, and making and repairing KICYCL.KS a specialty.— Cleaning, Repairing, and Enameling Frames, Vulcanizing Tires, the most difficult job of brazing done. Bicycle findings, MORGAN & WRIGHT TIRES. L.A.W. REPAIR SHOP. PRICES VERY LOW. WORK GUARANTEED. 3XTo. IP So. Box*7- St., IVEllfox-ca, IUEasis. TBHSK BROS., DE^ HIGH GRADE CYCLES AND SUNDRIES. AGENTS FOR THE STSA.B1TS, ECLIESE, WSITE, AND OEBSCE1TT. ^icj/c/as ttopairad and Sftentad. GRANITE BLOCK. - MILFORD. MASS. THE RELIANCE CYCLE CO., W. Medway, Mass. Bicycles and Bicycle Sundries. ttcpa/rinsr at SAort Tfotia. STINSON & PECKHAM. J. H. PIILLIGHJI, Dealer in Comet, Yaipard, and Benwooil Bicycles. Parts and Sundries of all Kinds. Agent for J. & R. hill climber. Can be attached to any wheel. Fox Block, Church Street, WMTINSVJLLE, MASS JOHN B. JAVREY, Boxo7feRDXs7 Headquarters for Wheelmen in Oxford. Repairing in all its branches neatly done. "jTsablomT Bicycle Dealer? and Repaifeir, T72t:bi?,i:dgj.e, mass. GEO. C. BOSWELlT ~^~ ~T~ "MachirvS: bicycle ttepairing of all Jfirtds. Duplicate parts furnished at short notice. Shop, Rear No. 95 Broad Street, DANIELSON, CONN, „ ._ _ 6S ROADS COI> Plate 16 Conrorb, Warn. Gbatcber flfcagoun, proprietor. WALPOLE HOUSE, G. A. BOULTON, Proprietor. WALPOLE, MASS. Meals and Lunches at All Hours. The L. A. W. Hotel of Walpole. S. T. CAPRON, PROPRIETOR. CRESCENT HOUSE. Cor. of Main and Crescent Sts., FRANKLIN, MASS. ACCOMMODATIONS FIRST CLASS. SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN STEAM HEAT. ELECTRIC LIGHT. BICYCLE TOURISTS. Bigelow's Dining Rooms, webster, mass. Special Attention given to Bicycle Tourists. OPEN SUNDAYS. MEALS AT ALL HOURS. GOFF'S HOTEll. The only L.A.W. Hotel in Warren. formerly cole's. Cor. of Main and Joyce Sts., JEREMIAH GOFF, Proprietor. WARREN, R. I. rir Crrmnv Tfintnt First Class and Modern. ur. j-ames *sioiei, Qae of the Best Houses ^ New ^aghnd. W00NS0CKET, R. I. o, , -¦^ Or. jfames ytestaurant. THE place for Bicycle Tourists. Opera House Hotel ..and.. Cafe* ATTLEBORO, MASS. E. W. EDDY, Proprietor. GEO. E. SHAW, = = Putnam, Ct. Steams fiicyc/e jfgent. IR.epa.irirLg' of -A.11 IKin.cls ^rom-ptl^r 32>©n.e. JOHN A. UNDERWOOD, - Bicycles and Sundries. ...©un an& Xocftsmttb... ALL KINDS LIGHT REPAIRS. BICYCLE REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. Front Street, PUTNAM, CONN. TJhe 3>owler Cycle 9^ry. Co.j BOSTON, MASS., PROVIDENCE, R. I., 8 Park Square. 87 Dorrance Street. F. C. FERRIN, New England Manager. W. C. HANCOCK, - lesxt'Segetton - Concord, Mass. Bicycle /IDacbinist. SUNDRIES. High Grade Repairing of All Kinds. Agent for CHASE TOUGH TREAD TIRES. LYMAN LAWRENCE & SON, ...Dealers in...Hardware, Electrical, and Bicycle Supplies. SUNDRIES. RENTING AND REPAIRING, Hunt Building, LEXINGTON, MASS, 68 C. H. MORGAN. A. B. MORGAN. MORGAN BROS., ....jfurnisbtno Tllnfcevtakers an£> liverymen 24 and 26 Lawton St., bet. Main and Huguenot Sts., NEW ROCHELLE, N.Y. Furniture Moved to City or Country. Camp Chairs for Rent. Heavy Trucking of all kinds. Boarding of Horses a Specialty. L. D. Telephone Call, 572. U^ew York Office : No. 27 Great Jones St. Bicycles to Rent ORAWAUPUM HOTEL. ...Steam Heat... Headquarters for Commercial Travellers and Tourists. Opposite Railroad Depot. STANLEY F. NEWELL, - - Proprietor. WHITE PLAINS, N.Y. C S BURNHAM. No- 3°6 New Main Street, V>. O. AJUJVlNJTLAiVl, YONKERS, N.Y. SOLE AGENT FOR Victor, Stearns, Crescent, and Envoy 'Bicycles. RENTINO. SUNDRIES. REPAIRS. FRANKLIN HOUSE, Broadway, Tarrytown, ' NEW YORK. Headquarters for Commercial Men and Tourists. NATHANIEL ROE, - Proprietor. Mt. Vernon Hotel. Ameri£ropefn plans. Accommodation for Wheelmen. A. E. HANSON, Prop. MOUNT VERNON, N. Y. Near N. Y., N. H. & H. R. R. Depot. W. L. BoTELLE. Columbia "Bicycles. Official L. A. W. Shop. Repairs of all kinds. 249 Main Street, NEW ROCHELLE, N. Y. Chas. P. Sherwood, Hardware - "Bicycles. WHITE PLAINS, N. Y. Scale S Milesto the Inch BOADS CONT 52T— — — O0OB RO/SOB "IR ROAD! D ON PLATE 3 Iplnaib 0 iks Plate 2 pn Place/ \ 1 ipmera/\i 4^ X Xi rorl|rsSi\Wu| §L? 3%1 i Jm " ^ m 1 X/TuX TiXlii Xi is ,kMR^ •ic, kr\ Ik iWSiy\ fa % \»~— Pc3kr I-atDnam^Srv Haifj SU ORDINARY ROADS ¦i<4 :££¦ C. JOHNSON, Proprietor. W aMen, Orange Co., NEW YORK. Strictly First Glass. Newburgh and Orange Lake Electric Cars pass the door. UAUClnll UnllCr_ £ 0) £ > ¦ ¦ ^ _ E > 2 o w 5 i: 3 g cD §s«J5bI 5 .§Sp| 3 *a S >> c p-t/) 5 •¦=¦<* £•* «£ -lifgxi w "Sou« Oi The L.A.W. Hotel. Trolley or Carriage direct from Kingston Point Landing to the Hotel. < « >¦¦ : = n HOTEL WYNNSTAY, WARBURTON AVENUE, - - YONKERS, N. Y. jieadqaatfteps fof Commercial Travellers and Wheelmen. Steam Heated throughout, Otis Elevator, and all Modern Improvements. C. W. JOHNSON, Proprietor. ANGUS STANDARD HOUSE, WHITE PLAINS. N. Y. Railroad Avenue, Opposite Court House. GEORGE H. ANGUS, Proprietor Mbeelmen A,ways uc 1 1 Welcome- Up-to-Bate in E?ery Detail ,^x> **XX,vi ^^¦v^s^ HORATIO N. a Ain. FRANCIS N. BAIN. ?0\lJ ¦ -js Model Hotel of the Hudson Yalley RHINEBECK HOTEL, RHINEBECK, N. Y. First Class CommercialandL. A. W. House. Rates,$2.00 per day VERNON D. LAKE, Manager. SANFORD V. COLE, Bicycle Repairer. Special Attention to Tourists. No. 37 First Street, CLINTON SQUARE. NEWBURGH, N. Y. CENTRAL opheonuRasll DRUG STORE. ;_. Drugs, Cigars, Soda (Hot and cold). W^J^^MTKE0W-R0BERl:S' Proprietor, L.A.W. since 1883. >f*s® ®^ 229 Main Street, POUGHKEEPSIE, N Y LAME BICYCLES REPAIRED AT ROBERTS' CYCLERY. ROAftS-CjjHTINlHD DN HATE 1 1 DS CONT ADS CONT FAIR ROi D ON PLATE 4 Plate 3 D ON PLATE 2 ORniMflDV DAflne [organ House, Cor. Main and Catherine Sts., POUGHKEEPSIE, NEW YORK. J. C. GRIGGS. De Laoiater Carriage Co, Bicycles, Sundries, and Impairing. No. 50 Market St., POUGHKEEPSIE, N. Y. Walkill HoMse, HEADQUARTERS FOR WHEELMEN. D. A. SHAFER, Prop'r. MONTGOMERY, N. Y. SUNDRIES AND REPAIRING. HARRY SMILLIE & CO. RHINEBECK, N. Y. jl First-Class Accommodations to... U • Commercial Men and Wheelmen. HYDE PARK, N. Y. The Official L. A. W. House. ALBERT E. ZEPF, PROPRIETOR. Stanley & Terpen! eg, Dealers in Bicycles and Sundries. B,CYCREE%r,E„NETDED AND No. 20 Abeel Street, RONDOUT, N. Y. 16 Money Order, t GENERAL INDEX. Telegraph, f Namk of Town ob Cm. Me. Me. . Vt. Me. . Ut. JN orthfi'dFarms,M.ass N. Foxboro' N. Freeman N. Fryeburg N. Georgia N. Gorham . N. Granby N. Gray .... Me. N. Greene . . . Me. N. GrosveuorDale.Ct. N. Groton . . . N.H. N. Guilford . . . Ct. JS. Hadley . . Maes. N. Hampton . .N.H. Northampton . Maes. N. Hanson . . Mass. N. Harpswell . . Me. N. Hartland . . . Vt. N. Haven .... Me. N. Haven . . . . Ct. N. Haven . . . . Ct. N. Heath . . . Mass. N. Hermon . . . Me. N. Hero . . . Vt. N. Hyde Park . . Vt. N. Jay .... Me. N. Kent Ct. N. Lebanon . . Me. N. Leeds .... Me. N. Limington . . Me. N.Lisbon . . . N.H. N. Littleton . . N.H. N. Livermore . . Me. N. Loudonde'y, N.H. N. Lovell .... Me. N. Lyme . . . . Ct. N. Madison . . . Ct. N. Monmouth . Me. N. Monroe . . . Me. N. Mootpelier . . Vt. N. Natick . . Mass. N. Newburg . . Me. N. Newcastle . . Me. N. New Portland, Me. N. Newry . . Me. N. Norway . . . Me. N. Orange . . Mass. N. Paris .... Me. N. Parsonfield . Me. N. Pawlet . . . Vt. N. Pittston . . Me. N. Plymouth . Mass. Northport . . . Me. N. Pownal ; . Me. N. Pownal . . . Vt. N. Prescott . . Mass. N. Reading . . Mass. N. Rehoboth . Mass. N.Richmond .N.H. N. Rochester . Mass. N. Rutland . . Mass. N. Salem . . . N.H. N. Sanbornton N.H. N. Scarboro' . . Me. N. Scituate . . Mass. N. Pearsport . . Me. N. Shapleigh . . Me. N. Sheldon . . . Vt. N. Shrewsbury . Vt. N. Sidney . . . Me. N. Springfield . Vt. N. Stamford . . . Ct. N. Stephentown,N.Y. N. Stonington . . Ct. N. Sudbury . . Mass. N. Sutton . . . N.H. N. Thetford . . . Vt. N. Tisbnry . . Mass. N. Tiverton . . R.I. N. Troy .... Me. N. Troy Vt. N. Truro . . . Mass. N. Turner . . . Me. N.Turner Bridge.Me. Northumberl'd, N.H 200 20 154100 '208 185 70 25 1672 84 900 525 16738 221 48 200 72 18621862 9042 1592.-.0210 504246 125 55 224 50 200 42 100 ' 130 225 310 150 21 500 103112 50 37 ' 150 75 600 25 216600 75 400 85 185118120 42 175 N. Union . . N. Vienna . N. Village . N. Wakefield N. Walcott Me. .Me. Mass. N.H. Vt. N. Waldoboro' . Me. t^ ff tir 25 ir 100 50 251 tu 216 42 1463 t 225 105 tif 79 tu 240 ii 47 t 76 600 tu 337 tu 212 11 210 1356 TI 108 23 127 75 75 160 [ . . anaWE P 30831317 333231282810 28 27 5 3024 33 29 4 10 2.3 24 112417 26 19 29 25 3327 75 3011 1 3 51 17 191222243314 238030 2032 31162714 32 I 5 F 9 T 13 P 10 S 2 N 12 F 3 O 13 Q 13 V 7 O 7 B 4 H 4 K 11 G 4 K 11 O 14 N 5 Q 18 « 3 C 3 I 3 T IS T 2 S 4 R 13 r> i M 11 Q 14 O 11 Q 7 Q 7 It 13 J 9 Q 11 C 5 B 4 Q 14 S IS Q 5 G 9 T 18 P 16 T 14 R 11 Q 12 I 5 Q 12 O 11 M 2 Q 15 F 12 It 18 O 13 J 2 n 5 I 10 B 10 J 6 E 11 II 7 J 10 M 8 N 13 G 11 8 18 N 11 T 3 N 3 It 15 L 5 B 10 D 10 S 17 TJ 5 F 14 Q 13 Q 13 It 8 Q 17 8 14 F 7 N 10 S 5 Q 16 Namk of Town ob City p ?i .s Or! o d ?.Sf K Sa & F 4> N. Walden . N. Walpole . N. Warren . N. Watcrford N. Wayne N. Weare . . . N. Westchester . Ct. N. Weymouth, Mass. N. Whitelicld . . Me. N. Wilbraham, Mass N.Williston . N. Wilton . . N. Wilton . . N. Windham N. Windham N. Woltboro' Northwood " Narrows, N.H " Ridge . . N.H N. Woodstock . Me N.Woodstock . N.H N. Yarmouth . . Me. Norton Mills Norwalk . . Norway . . Norwich . , Norwich . Norwich . .Vt. .N.H. . .Me..Me.. Me. .N.H. . Vt. . . Ct. . . Ct. . Me. . . Ct. . N.H. N.II. . Vt . .Ct. . . Me. . .Vt. . Ct. . . Mass. Norwich B'g'e, Mass. Norwichtown . Ct. Norwood . Norwood . Nottingham Oakdale . Oakdale . . Oakham . OaklandOak Lawn . OakvilleOcean Viuw Oguuguit . . Old Col. House Mass. Old Orchard . . Me. Olneyville . . . R.l. Oneco -v Ct. Onset Jet. . . Mass. Orange . . . . Vt . Mass. . R. I. .N.H. . Mass. . Ct. . Mass. . Me. , . R.l. . .Ct. .R.I. . Me. . Mass . .Ct. .Ct. . Mass. . . Me. . .Vt. . N.H. . . Me. . Mass. .Me. Orange . . Orange Ore Hill . OrleansOrr's Island Orwell . Ossipee . Otislield . Otter River Owl's Head . . Oxford Me. Oxford .... N.H. Oxford Ct. Oxford Valley. N.H. Oysterville . . Mass. Packerville • -Conn. PalermoPalmer , Palmyra Panton Vt. Paris Me. Parker's Head . Me. Parsonfield . . Me. Pascoag . . . R.I. Pawlet Vt. Pawtucket . . . R.I. Paxton .... Mass. Peabody . . . Maps. Peabody Jet. .Mass. Peacedale . . . R..I .Me. Mass. Me. 180 150 57 150 200490 100 ' 11 2 5110150 420420400304 15(1 1478 127 200 75 190 75 306 17747 928412. 16156 200 60 616 3733 65 988 1100 249126 1500 76 4S7 26 150 200826 5000 300 400 150 3900 4537 500 1219 2S0520 75 50 511 38 6205003! II 300 400 120 106 2300 150 25 266 3250 1450 450 27633 172 10510 PeachamPeak Island Pejapscot . Pelham . . Pelham . . Pembroke . Pepperell . Pequabuck Perkinsville Peru . . . Peru . . . Peru Mass. Peterboro' . . . N.H. Petersham . . Mass. Vt. . .Me. . .Me. .N.H. . Mass. . N.H. Mass. .Ct. . . Vt. . . Me. Vt. 1000 4924i)0 350 229 168 3172 1500 170 75 23 197 47 2507 504 _ ™» ¦ GRAPHITE XL ¦= DIXON'S chcaVn GRAPHITES, IN STICKS AND COLLAPSIBLE TUBES, are unequalled for merit of materials, cleanliness and effectiveness. A proper use will prevent rusting and largely increase speed and comfort. For sale by dealers generally. If not found, send 15c. for sample. It will pay you to use it. JOSEPH DIXON CRUCIBLE CO, Jersey City, N. J. GOOD ROADS. AVOIDS ALL 1^*^ J ' iWLTAHtJAR/jys "™" """"»¦ 'Most any old road is a "Good Road," if your Bicycle is equipped with a brooks Spring Seat ZPost. THOUSANDS of satisfied riders say " A Complete Success," " A De cided Advantage," " All you claim for it," <( Simply Wonderful." Get a " BROOKS POST," and you'll be "SADDLE-SORE NO MORE." BROOKS SPRING SEAT POST CO., PRICE, $3.00. 1540 Marquette Bld'g, CHICAGO. CydlStS Should ALWAYS Use POND'S Cures... WOUNDS, BRUISES, SUNBURN, SPRAINS. To avoid lameness, rub with it after exercising. ...Relieves... CHAFING, SORENESS, FATIGUE EXTRACT ! REFUSE SUBSTITUTES- Weak, watery, worthless. USE... Pond's Extract Ointment, FOR PILES. Sent by mail for 50 cents. pop's euict bb., n Finn uve., m ALLERTON MICA CHAIN LUBRICANT, The only Compound that is CLEAN AND STAINLESS. Being absolutely impervious to Rain, Mud, and Dust, It causes a quiet running chain at all times. Manufactured only by ALLERTON LUBRICANT COMPANY, 164 Franklin St., New York City. Money Order, t GENERAL INDEX. Telegraph, ^ Name of Town oe City. l'heuix K.I. Phillips Me. Phillipston . . Mass Phippsburg . Piermont . . Pigeon Cove Pike Station Pine Hill . . Pine Meadow Pine Point . .Me. .N.H. > Mass. .N.H. . R.I. . . Ct. .Me. .N.H. . .Me. .N.H. . . Vt. . Mass. . .Vt. . .Me. .N.H. . . Vt. . MaeB. . .Ct. . Mass. . .Ct. .N.H. . .Ct. . .Me. .N.H. . .Vt. . Maes. . .Ct. . Mass. PittsburgPittsfield . Pittsfleld Pittsfield , Pittsfield . Pittsford . Pitta ton Plainfield , PlainfieldPlainfield . PlainfieldPlainville . PlainvillePlaistow . PlantsvillePlymouth Plymouth . Plymouth . PlymouthPlymouth . Pocasset . . Point of Pines, Mass. Poland Me. Poland Springs, Me. Pomfret . . . . Vt. Pomfret Ct. Pompanoosuc . . Vt. Pontiac . . . R.l. Poor's Mills . . Me. Popham Beach . Me. Porter Me. Portland . . . . Ct. Portland .... Me. Portsmouth . . N.H. Portsmouth . R.I. PortsmouthGr'veR.I.Potowomut . . R.I. Potter Place . . N.H. Poultney .... Vt. Pownal . ... Me. Pownal Vt. Pownal Center . Vt. Preston Ct. Pride's Corner . Me. Princeton D'p'l Mass. Proctorville . . . Vt. Profile House . N.H. Providence . . . R.l. Provincetown . Mass. Putnam .... Mass. Putnam Ct. Putnam Heights . Ct. Putney Vt. Quechee Vt. yuincy .... N.H. Quincy .... Mass. QuinBigamond, Mass. . Randolph .... Me. Kandolph . . n*--..- I Rawsonville Raymond . . Raymond . Readfield ....„, Readfield Depot, Me'. Reading .... Vt. Reading . . . Mass! Readsboro' . . . Vt. Readville . . . Maes] Redding Ct. Redding Ridge . Ct. Red Hill . . . N.H. Reed's Ferry . N.H. Rehoboth . . . Mass. Rehoboth . . . Mass. Renfrew . . . Mass Revere .... Maes. Revere Beach . Mass. Reynolds Bridge, Ct. Rhode Island Cor.Vt. Riohford . . . . Vt. Richmond . . . Me. 1500 1200 108 209 371 ¦ii 42 175 4687 36425 9827 800 v& Namk of Town ob City. se P One pi Richmond . . . N.H. Richmond . . . Vt. Richmond . . Mase. " Furnace, Mass. Ridgebury . . . Ct. Kidgefield . . . . Ct. Ripley We. Riptou Vt 6512 100 510 400 34 20712 River Poiut Riverside . Riverside . Riverside . Riverton . Roberts . . Robertsviile Rochester . Rochester . Rochester Rock . . . . Rock Bottom . R.I. . . Me. . Mass. .R.I. . .Ct. . Mass. . .Ct. . N.II. . . Vt. Mass. . Mass.Mass. 250630 496 3U0325 2235 150 220615 75 160 400 350 Kockfall Ct. Rockingham Rockland . Rockland . Rockland Rockport . . Rockport . . ltockville . . Rockville .... R.I Rocky Hill . . . Ct. Rocky Point . R.l. Rome Me. Vt . .Me. . Maes. . .R.I. . . Me. . Maes. Ct . Vt. N.H. Me. Me. . Ct. Me. Ct. Ct. Koss Corner Round Hill Round Pond Rowayton , Rowayton . Rowe .... Roxbury . Roxbury . . Roxbury Station Royalston Royalton RumfordRumford . . Rumford Center, Me. Rumford Falls . Me. Rumford Point . Vt. Ct. Ct. . Vt. . Me. .R.I. 115 38 1162 2450 tir N.H. . . Vt. . Mass. . .Vt. . Mass. .N.H..N.H. . .Vt. . Me. .Me. Mass. .Me. . N.H. Mass . N.H. . Vt. . Ct. 14 i - 30 I P 15 Rumney Rupert . Russell . . . Rutland . Rutland Ctr. Rye. . . . Rye Beach . Ryegate . Sabbatus . . 9aco . . . Sagamore . Salem . . , Salem .... Salem . . . Salem .... '.Tel Salem Depot . N.H. Salisbury . Salisbury . . Salisbury Salisbury . . ...... Saiisb'y Beach, Mass. Salisbury Pt. . Mass. Salmon Kails . N.H Sanbornton Sandgate . Sandisfield Sandown . Sandwich . Sandwicn" , Sandy Creek Sandy Point Sanford . . Saugatuck . Saugus .... ..,.,.,., Saundersville . Mass. Savoy Center . Mass. Savoy Hollow, Mass. Saxtons River . . Vt. Saylesville . . . R.l. Scarboro' .... Me. Scitico . . . . Ct. Scotland . . . . Ct Scotts n.h! 130 300 8239 400978190 .N.H. . .Vt. . Mass. .N.H. .N.H. Mass. .Me. . Me. ¦ Me. . .Ct. 525 1300 1027 124 225* 13031244 100 175 2000 791 fir Janney Pedal Ladies' Rubber UP HILL, DOWN HILL, OR ON LEVEL ROAD. They give no trouble. Do not bind or tighten. You don't have to walk. Janney Pedal Men's Combination A Special VELVET Washer makes the bear ings Dust Proof. The dirt and water cannot enter. Janney Pedal A Wise Choice will make your outing a pleasant one. Cycle Improvement Co., WESTBORO, MASS., SEND FOR CATALOGUE. U. S. A. T HOUSE, Broadway and 4ist St., 9 New York. absolutely 3Ftre=proof. select family hotel. European plan. $1.00 PER DAY AND UPWARDS. Suites of two, three, or four rooms, with bath, at moderate prices. NEW PUBLIC RESTAURANT. TABLE D'HOTE LUNCH, 40 CENTS, SERVED FROM 12 TO 3. CHAS. C. WELLMAN, Proprietor. Money Order, t GENERAL INDEX. Telegraph, f NAME OF Town ob City. i *4 ¥ 6a o i i-S1 S3 0. A a a S a ^ '&§ = k Seabrook . Searsburg . Searsmont Searsport . Sebago Lake Seymour . Shailerville Shannock . Shapleigh . . Sharon Vt Sharon ..... Ct . N.H. . .Vt. . .Me. . .Me. . .Me. . .Me. . .Ct. . . Ct. . .R.I. Mass. .Me. .Me. .Vt. Mass. Sharon . Shawmut . SheepscottSheffieldSheffield . . ... Sheldon Vt. Shelburne . . . N.H. Shelburne . . . . Vt. Shelburne . . . . Vt. Shelburne Falls Mass. Sheldonville . Mass. Shelton Ct. Mass. . Ct. Mass. . Vt. .Ct. N.H. Sherborn . Sherman . . Shirley . . . Shoreham . . Short Beach . Short Falls . ShrewsburyShutesbury . Siasconsett . Sidney . . . Silver Lake . Bimsbury . . Skowhegan . Slocumville . Smith field . . Smithfield . . Smiths .... Smithville . Snow's Falls Snowville . . . _ Solon Me. Somers Ct. Somerset . . . Vt. Somersworth . N.H Somerville . Somerville . S. Acton . . S. Acworth . S.Albany. . S. Amherst . S.Ashfleld . S.Barnstead . S. Barre Vt. 8. Barton . . . . Vt. S. Bellingham, Mass. S. Berlin . . . N.Y. S. Berwick . . . Me. S.Bethel . . Southboro' . S. Brewer . S. Brewster . SouthbridgeS. Bridgton . S. Columbia . S. Cornish . . S. Coventry . S. Dartmouth 8. Deerfield. S. Dorset . . S. Effingham S. Egremont S. Exeter . . SouthfieldS. Fitcbburg Southford . . S. Framingham, Mass. S. Freeport . . . Me. 8. Gardiner . . . Me. S. Glastonbury . . Ct. 8. Hampton . . N.H. SouthamptonS.Hanson . . 8. Harpswell South Hero . 8. Hingham . 8. Hiram . . 8. Hollis , . Mass. Mass. .Me. N.H. . .Ct. . Me. . R.I. . Me. . R.I. Mass.Mass. .Me. N.H. .Me. Mass. Mass. .N.H. . .Vt. Mass.Mass. N.H . .Me. . Mass. . .Me. . Mass. . .Me. .N.H. .N.H. .Ct. . Mass. . .Vt. .N.H. . .Me. . Mass. . Mass. . .Ct. . Mass. .Me. .Vt. .Me. • Me. 1672 105 256 1280 25 327 3300 200200100 300 2149 85 208 149 558300160400 118 2278 400 1952 350290 850 125 80 48 1400 278 100 154 100 18745068 40 118 75 294 120 2253 415 1407 67 6207 124 52193 600 229 100 300 8556 120122154 159 2174 48 420218100 3839 300 83 59 1189 550 50 50 300 75 340 1000 184 100 356300140 422 87 112500 153 25 7 2S 0 121016 1 17 1 17 5 1 18171022 3027 2 31 15 31 16 101028 2731 94 2632251711 14 10 3 1813 1416 3 2628 173323 9 282112 9 2410 4 27 2 33 2 17 1 1729 30 9 2610 24 29 7 25 2727 J 11 J 3 R 17 R 18 O 11 O 12 C 2 C 5 C 8 M 11 O 6 E 1 F 10 S 16 P 16 S 6 F 1 T 3 R 10 R 2 N 1 FB G C I O B L GH A R 15 O 10 E 3 T 15 C 8 S 15 E S G 5 H 6 Q 12 O 10 V 15 F 5 K 3 L 11 Q 16 H 10 H 9 L 5 8 5 G 5 H 3 L « « 5 8 6 F 9 i 1 L 11 R 11 G 8 T 18 E 14 F 6 P 11 T 8 M 5 D 5 1) 11 H 4 L 2 N 10 F 1 TJ 17 F 2 1 7 (! 2 G 9 O 14 V, 15 D 4 ,1 10 G 4 F 11 O 14 8 1 G 11 O 11 N 12 NAM K OK Town ou City. Ct. . Me. .Me. . Vt. , .Ct. . Vt. Mass. .Vt.. Vt. Mass. .Me. N.H. .Vt. .Me. MaBS.Mass. Vt. S. Hope . , . . Mc. Southiugton . . . Ct. 8. Kent Ct. S. LaGrange . . Me. S. Lancaster . . N.II . S. Londonderry . Vt. 8. Lyme Ct. 8. Lyndeboro' . N.H. S. Manchester . . Ct. S.Merrimack .N.II. S. Middleboro'. Muss. S. Montville . . Me. 8. Natick . . . Mass. 8. Newburg . . Me. S. Norridgewock Me 8. Norwalk S. Orrington S. Paris . 8. Peacham . Southport . . S. Reading . 8. Royalston S. Royaltou . 8. Ryegate . S. Sandisfield 8. Sanford . . S. Scituate ... R.I S. Seabrook . . N.H S. Shaftsbury . . Vt. S. Stoddard . 8. Strafford . 8. Sudbury . S. Thomaston S.Truro . . Southvilie 8. Walden . . 8. Wallingford . Vt S. Wareham . Mass. S.Waterford . . Me. S. Weare . . . N.H. S. Wellfleet . . Mass. S. Wethersfield . Ct. Southwick . . MaBs. 8. Williamst'n, Mass. 8. Willington . . Ct 8. Wilton . . 8. Windham S. Windham 8. Windsor . S. Woodstock S. Woodstock 8. Woodstock Spencer . Spencer . Springdale SpringdaleSpringfieldSpringfieldSpringfield SpringvaleSpruce Cor. . , Stafford Ct. Stafford Springs . Ct. St. Albans . . .Me. St. Albans . . . Vt. St. Albans Bay . Vt. St. George . . . Me. St. Johnsbury . Vt. 8t.JohnsburyCtr.,Vt.Stamford .... Vt. Standish .... Me. Stannard .... Vt. Stanwich . . . Ct. Stark Me. Stark N.H. Starksboro' . . Vt. State Line . . Mass. Steep Falls . . .Me. Stephentown . N.Y. Stepney Depot . Ct. Sterling ct. Stetson Me. Stewartstown . N.H Stillwater . Stockbridge . Stockbridge . Stoddard . Stoneham . . Stonington . Stony Creek . Stoughton . . .Ct ¦ Me. . .Ct. . .Ct. .Me. . .Vt. . .Ct. . Mass. . Mass. . Ct. . .Cl. .N.H. . . Vt. .Me. . Mass. , .R.l. . .Vt. . Mass. .N.H. . Mass. . .Ct. . .Ct. , Mass. ;:..o 5501 114 23 25 610 189 299 2176 89 400 89 1200 133 876 6780 400 1164 100 1215 22 600940 425 160 200176672 315 100250 350378240125210 125 300 175 78 350 219 275 65 307117 500672 1736 6748 406 76147614 120120112 1512 51534 2000 40 45352353 327 7771 200 75 3867 100 200250 110 213120179256250275 236271 1051 200 1002 75 118 875130 6155 7184 734 «>3lZi 3 tu 7 7 ii 32 tu 13 tu 13 ii 4 t 27 t 13 1 31 21 6 ii 3 tu 27 a tu l tu 16 t 33 21 16 ii 12 tu 3 t 11 tu 25 tu 15 tu 1 tu 24 Q 17 D 3 D 1 U 18 R 8 THE Up-to-date Lines and Elegant Finish. Large Tubing (1J£ in.), adding Strength to Frame. Large Sprockets front and rear, making wheel run easy. New Anti-Friction Roller Chain, K reducing friction 20%. New Hubs, with New Adjustment, Q dust proof. New Bottom Bracket and Crank Hanger Con- FEATURES struction, Great Improvement. Bearings, Genuine Sanderson's ARE Tool Steel, ground true after tempering. You will make a mistake if you do not see them before you buy. They are worth $110.00, Price, $75.00. JOHN K. HASTINGS, - - 47 & 49 Cornhill, BOSTON. • 3xo>13 ¦ HAMPSHfRESI;Cambridgepoft •MASS- Telephone Connection, PackmgBoxes BOXSHOOK 'Money Order, f GENERAL INDEX. Telegraph, If Name of Town ob Citv . Vt. . Mass. .Ct. Stow . . . . JHass. Btowe Vt. Btrafford . . . Vt. Stratford . . . Vt. Stratford . . . N. H. Stratford . . . . Ct. Stratham . . N.H. Stratton Vt. Stratum Brook . ¦ Ct. Strong Me. Stroudwater . . .Me, Sturbridge . . Mass, BudburySudbury , Suffield . Sunapee .... N.H Suncook .... N.H. Sunderland . . . Vt. Sunderland . . Mass. Surry ..... N.H. Sutton Vt. Sutton .... N.H. Sutton . . . SwampscottSwansea . . Swanton Swanville . . Swanzey . Swift Water Taftsville . Taftville . . TalcottvilleTamworth . Tariffville . Taunton . , Temple . . . .N.H Tenant's Harbor, Me, Thetford . . . . Vt, Thetford Center . Vt, Thomaston . . . Me, Thomaston . Thompson . . Thompsonville ThorndikeThorndike Thornton Mass.Mass. .Vt. .Me. N.H. .N.H. .Vt. . .Ct. , .Ct. .N.H.. .Ct. Mass. Tilton Tinmouth , Titicus . Tiverton . Togus . . Tolland Ct. .Ct. .Ct. Me. . Mass. .N.H..N.H. . .Vt. . .Ct. .R.I. . .Me. Mass. Me. .Vt. .Ct. . Vt. Me. Tolland Ct. Topsfield . . . Mass. TopBham . . Topsham . . Torrington . Townshend . Troy .... Troy N.H Troy Vt. Truro Station . Mass. Tuftonboro' . . N.H. Tunbridge . . . Vt. Turnbull . . . . Ct. Turner Me. Turner's Falls, Mass. Turnerville . . . Ct. Twin 1ft. . . . N.H. Tylerville . Tyngsboro' Tyringham TJnderhill .Ct. . Mass. . Mass. .Vt. TJnderhill Center, Vt. UnionUnion .... Union .... Union City . Union Village Unionville . Unity .... Unity N.H. Upper GloueesterMe. Usquepaugh . . R.I. Uriridge . . Mass. Valley Falls VasBalboro'Vergennes . Vemon Ct Versailles . . . . Ct. Vershire . . . . Vt. .Me. N.H. .Ct. .Ct. . Vt. .ct. Me. .R.I. .Me. Vt. 559 325 257 130411282608 216 170247 600 500600 58 325 3169 790 247:2 200 290 105 275258 3180308614561500 280 1600 312200 3170 240 1025 340 27093 190600 50 115 2900 9So 55S04S00 320 1300 78 J1521 100180 48 120 1037 518 800200 8955 875 120999 260 342 40 107 1453 610 4596 289 109 150212220 300 200600250102 1438 120 1327 630 27 no 122 1125 2000 200 1773 8808 210155 fH 11 13 523 S H 8 R '4 O 5 L 10 S 8 B 2 K 11 K 3 E 3 T 13 N 13 F 6 O 2 H 9 F 4 M 6 K 9 K 2 H 4 K 5 8 6 L 7 F 7 H 11 D 10 T 2 R 18 J 5 7 56 59 3 E 10 J 7 P 17 O 6 O 6 P 17 D 2 S 17 & 5 O 8 M 8 M 3 B 1 D 10 Q 15 F 3 8 17 J T 5 H' 14 N 9 <> 5 R 2 Q, 13 1 4 1) n y 8 u 5 i 9 a 2 K 3 it, 3 y, 17 M. 10 K 6 <) 2 () 6 1) 3 S 16 1. 6 P 13 0 8 H' 8 K 9 Ii 15 y 2 K 5 1) 6 P 5 NAMK OF Town or City «Z2 ¦ssa Victory . . . . Vt Vienna Me Viney'd Haveu.Mass Voluutowu . . . Ot WachusettBSta.Mass.Wadloy's Falls, N.II. Waitstield . . . Vt, Wait's River . . Vt Wakefield . . . N.II. Walden . . . . Vt, Waldo Me. Waldoboro' . .Me. Wales Me. Wales .... Mass. Washington . . Me WashingtonWashingtonWashingtonWashington Washington D't, Ct Watch Hill . . R.I Waterboro' . . . Me Waterboro Ctr. . Me Waterbury . . . Ct. Waterbury . . . Vt Waterbury Ctr. . Vt, Wallingford . . Vt, Wallingford . . Ct, Walpole . Walpole . . Waltham . . Ward Hill . Wardsboro' Ware N.H. . Vt. ¦ R.l. Ct. N.H. MasB. Mass. Mass. . Vt. Mass. .N.H. .Me. .N.H. . . Vt, WarehamWarner . Warren WarrenWarrenWarren . . . Mass. Warren .... R.I. Warren Ct. Warren Sum't, N.H. Warwick . . . Mass. Warwick . . . R.I. Warwick Neck . R.I, Waterford Waterford Waterloo . Watertown . Me. . . Ci. N.H. . Ct Water Village .N.H. WatervilleWaterville . Waterville , Wauregan . Wayland . Me. . N.H. •. Vt. .Ct. . Mass Wayne Me. N.H .Ct. N.H. Mass. .Me. Weare WeatogueWebster . . Webster . . Week's Mills Weirs N.II Welchville . . . Me. WelleBley . . MaBB. Wells Me. Wells Vt. Well's Beach . . Me. Well's Depot . . Me. Well's River . . Vt. Wenaurnet . . Mass. Wendell D'p't Mass. Wentworth . . N.H. W. Acton . W. Addison . W.Alton . . W. Andover . W. Arlington W. Ashford . W. Athens W. Auburn . W. Baldwin W. BarnBtable, Mass. W. Berkshire . . Vt. W. Berlin . . Mass. W. Bethel . . . Me. Westboro' . Mass. W, Boxford . Mass. W. Braintree . . Vt. W. Brattleboro' . Vt. W. Brentwood N.H. Mass. . . Vt. .N.H. .N.H. . . Vt. . .Ct. .Me. ¦ Me.Me 160 198 800 1060 2110106160 50 1528 340 50 2400 43 322310569 200420 1633 421 100 212 260 28646 955312 600 4230 2163 20877 200 350 6775 800 13831520 800 512 2000 4489 216 75 279800 106 2661 50 2323 100 7107 58 300 1500 276 315 1550 221155 7031 226 320 2500 310200 ' 168 525180 165220600 100 3993 84 62 85 106206 300500 76 134 5187 325 172420139 Money Order, f GENERAL INDEX. Telegraph, If Name of Town ob City. ao 133 a A OS 6 5 1113 NAMK. OF Town ob City. a .2 ti 3 D.O Pi OS9 0 a a 5 •d, §£ rt nil s v 3 W .BriniieldSta.Mass. 130 ir 10 G 6 W. Wardsboro' Vt. 200 tu 4 K 3 Westbrook . . Me. 3200 fir 29 N 13 W. Wareham . Mass. 900 tir 24 K 11 Westbrook . . . Ct. 580 tif 8 B 5 W. Wellington . Ct. 125 n 9 E 5 W. Brookfield, MasB. 1692 tu 10 a 6 W. Winsted . . . Ct. 2500 tu 2 E 2 W.Burke. . . . Vt. 400 tu 21 8 7 W. Woodstock . Ct. 178 9 !•; 6 W. Buxton . . . Me. 338 tu 27 N12 Wethersfield . . Ct. 2271 tu' 9 D 4 W. Campion . N.H. 128 tif 19 O 8 AVeybridge . . . Vt. 220 6 P 2 W. Canaan . .N.H. 134 n 12 N 6 Weymouth . . Mass. 11285 tii 25 G 11 W.Castleton . . Vt. 125 5 N 2 Wheelock . . Vt. 120 ir 14 S 6 W. Charlestown, Vt. 420 tii 14 T 6 Whitefield ... Me. 100 32 y 16 W.Chesterfield, N.H. 150 ir 11 J 5 Whitefield . . N.H. 2041 'tii 20 R 8 W. Claremont . N.H. 156 ir 12 M 5 Whitefield Jet. N.H. 1241 20 R 8 W.Concord . .N.H. 1021 tir 18 L 8 White River Jet. Vt. 1500 tu' 12 N 5 W. Concord . . Vt. 489 tir 20 R 7 White Rock . . Me. 83 27 0 12 W. Cornwall . . Ct. 315 tir 2 E 1 White Rock . . R.I. 525 'ii 15 C 7 W. Danville . . . Vt. 200 ir 13 R 6 Whiting . . . . Vt. 106 ir 5 0 2 W. Deering . . N.H. 120 18 K 7 Whitingbain . . Vt. 375 ir 4 J 3 W. Dover . . . . Vt. 159 'if 4 K 3 Whitinsville . Mass. tir 16 P 8 W. Dummerston, Vt. 98 tir 11 J 4 Whitman . . . Mass. 400o' tir 24 r? 11 W. Durham . . Me. 57 29 O 14 Wickford . . . R.I. 820 tir 15 C 9 W.Eofield . .N.H. 117 12 N 6 Wilbrabam . . Mass. 700 tu 9 F 5 W. Enosburg . . Vt. 399 'tii 7 T 3 Willard .... Me. ir 29 N 13 W. Epping . .N.H. 154 t 26 K 10 Williamstown . . Vt. ' 600 tir 13 P 4 Westerly .... R.I. 12000 tir 15 C 7 Williamstown, Mass. 1500 t 3 I 2 W. Falmouth . . Me. 192 29 O 13 Williamsville . . Vt. 328 tir 11 J 4 W. Farmington . Me. 475 ' ii 31 S 13 Willimansett . Maes. 1000 tir 10 G 4 Westfield . . . . Vt. 225 tir 14 T 5 Willimantic . . . Ct. 8648 tir 9 D 6 Westfield . . . Mass. 10659 tir 9 F 4 Williston . . . . Vt. 235 tu 6 R 2 W. Fitehburg . Mass. 2500 tir 17 I 7 Wilmington . . . Vt. 700 tir 4 J 3 Westford . . . . Ct. 109 9 E 6 Wilmington . Mass. 995 tu 25 H 10 Westford . . . Vt. 200 t'f 7 S 2 Wilmington . . .. Ct. 200 9 E 5 W. Garland . . . Me. 100 n 33 U 17 Windham . . .N.H. 90 ' ii 18 J 9 W. Georgia . . . Vt. 150 7 8 2 Windham . . . Vt. 227 ir 31 L 4 W. Glover . . . Vt. 76 11 8 6 Windham Ctr. . Me. 100 29 O 13 W. Goshen . . . Ct. 160 2 E 2 Windsor . . . Me. 75 32 y 16 W. Granby . . . Ct. 231 2 E 3 Windsor .... Vt.- 1384 tii 12 M 5 W. Granville . Mass. 361 2 F 3 Windsor . . . Mass. 40 3 II 2 W. Gray .... Me. 75 . , 29 O 13 Windsor . . . . Ct. 2954 >ii 9 E 4 W. Groton . . Mass. 280 t 17 I 8 Windsor Locks . Ct. 2758 tir 9 E 4 W. Halifax . . . Vt. 149 11 J 4 Wilmot .... N.H. 840 19 M 7 W. Hampstead . N.H. 129 26 J 10 WilmotFlat . . N.H. 184 tif 19 M 7 W. Hartford . . . Vt. 500 'tir 12 N 5 Wilson's Crs'g, N.H. 59 18 J 9 W. Haven . . . . Ct. 2697 tir 1 B 3 860 tii 31 8 13 W. Henniker .N.H. 150 18 L 7 Wilton .... N.H. 1850 tu 18 J 8 W. Hingbam . MasB. 700 V 25 G 11 Wilton . . . . Ct. 1722 fir 1 U 1 W. Kennebunk . Me. 112 tir 27 M 12 Winchendon . Mass. 4390 tir 10 I 6 W. Kingston . . R.I. 135 t 15 C 8 Winchester . . N.H. 2584 fr 11 J 5 W. Lebanon . . N.H. 500 tir 12 N 5 Winchester . . Mass. 3361 tir 25 IE 10 W. Manchester, Mass. 150 25 I 11 Winchester Ctr. . Ct. 52 ii 2 E 2 W. Milan . . . N.H. 124 ' ir 21 8 9 Windermere . . Ct. 50 9 E 5 Westminster . . Vt. 320 tir 11 K 5 Winnipauk . . . Ct. 400 'ti' 1 A 1 Westminster . . Vt. 320 tir 11 K 4 Winooski .... Vt. 3659 tir 6 R 2 Westminster . Mass. 546 tir 17 H 7 Winsted . . . . Ct. 4846 tir 2 E 2 WestminsterD't.MasB. 76 tir 17 I 7 Winterport . . .Me. 1275 tir 33 8 18 Westmore .... Vt. 110 14 T 6 Winthrop . . . Me. 1000 tu 30 y 14 Westmoreland . N.H. 320 11 K 5 Winthrop . . . Ct. 187 8 B 5 W. Mt. Vernon . Me. 138 'if 30 R 14 WinthropBeachMass. 'ii 25 II 10 W. Newbury . . Vt. W. Newfield . . Me. 56 13 P 6 Winthrop Ctr. . Me. ' 300 fIT 30 y 14 118 'ir 27 N 11 Wiscasset . . . Me. 1250 tir 30 P 15 W. Norfolk . . . Ct. 104 2 F 2 Woburn . . . MaBB. 14176 111 25 H 10 W. Northfield . Mass. 'tu' 10 I 5 200 tir 13 R 6 W. Nottingham N.H. 275 26 L 10 Wolcott Ct. 74 D 3 W. Oldtown . . Me. 60 33 U 18 Wolfboro' . . . N.H. 3020 tii 27 N 10 260 tii 11 L 4 Wolfboro' . . . N.II. 3020 ti' 19 N 9 213 1 B 1 Wollaston Hts.Mass. 11 25 G 10 W. Orange . . Mass. 100 10 I 5 Woodbury . . . Vt. ' 212 13 R 0 W. Paris ... .Me. 530 'fr 28 y 12 Woodbury , . . Ct. 1815 tir 1 C 2 W. Pawlet . . Vt. 400 tiT 5 M 2 Woodfords . . . Me. 2000 tu 29 N 13 W. Peru .... Me. 112 28 R 12 WoOdford . . Vt. 227 4 J 2 W. Pittsfield . . Me. 350 33 T 16 Woodmont . . Ct. 101 tir 1 B 3 W. Plymouth . N.H. 150 19 O 7 Woods Holl . .Mass. tit 22 C 12 W. Poland ... Me. 112 tir 28 P 12 Woodstock . . N.H. ' 110 t 20 y 8 Westport . . . NVH. 275 ir 11 J 5 WoodBtock . . Vt. 1218 tir 12 N 5 Westpoint . . . . Ct. 3715 fir 1 A 1 Woodstock . . . Ct. 2309 t 16 F 7 W. Randolph . . Vt. 1573 12 O 4 Woodstock Val. . Ct. 164 9 E 6 W. Redding . . . Ct 173 'ii 7 B 1 Woodville . . . N.H. 1000 13 P 6 W. Rindge . . N.H. 213 ir 11 J 6 Woolwich . . . Me. 227 tii 29 O 15 W. Rumney . . N.H. 168 fir 19 O 7 Woonsocket . . R.I. 20830 tir 16 F 8 W. Rupert . . Vt. 125 tu 4 L 2 Worcester . . . Vt. 420 ¦ir 13 R 4 W. Rutland . Mass. 210 17 H 7 Worcester . . Mass. 98687 "IT 17 G 7 W. Scarboro' . .Me. 318 V 29 N 13 Wrentham . . Mass. 841 tir 16 F 9 W. Springfield, N.H. 134 12 M 6 Wyoming . . . R.I. 319 t 15 C 8 W. Springfield, Mass. 500 'tif 9 F 4 Yalesville . . . . Ct. 510 tir 1 C 3 W.Stewartst'n.N.II. 325 tu 21 U 8 400 tu 8 C 6 W. Sumner . . . Me. 215 t 28 y 12 Yarmouth . . .Me. 475 tir 29 O 13 W. Swanzey . N.H. 650 tir 11 J 5 Yarmouthville . Me. 650 tir 29 0 13 W. Thornton . N.H. 159 t 19 O 8 150 26 K 12 W. Tisbury . Mass. 440 fir 22 B 10 York Beach . . Me. 125 tir 26 L 12 W. Topsham . . Vt. 200 IT 13 P 5 York Village . . Me. 150 tir 26 K 12 W. Townshend . Vt. 127 tir 11 K 4 | Zealand . . . N.H. 67 1 tir 20 y 9 W. Troy .... Me. 72 • • 33 8 17 Zylonite . . . Mass. 800 3 I 2 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA * I Charter Oak Bicycles, i $65. t jfgenis wanted through ^United Slates. J t ¦ Tribune Bicycles, - 1 * $100. ' * *i A A ffyents for Conn, and fflass. A A 2 # Nothing Better Made. * * A. H. Pomerov. "ARTPORD, CONN. | **AAAAA*6AAAAAA*AAA*#A**AAAAAA VIM SPECIAL TIRE, JHE FASTEST ROAD, TIRE MADE '