\ GREAT CITIEvS OF THE ^ r TKin^irr^ 4 SOUTHWORTH AND KRAMl n 1923 BUILDING A SKYSCRAPER GREAT CITIES OF THE UNITED STATES HISTORICAL, DESCRIPTIVE, COMMEECIAL INDUSTRIAL BY GERTRUDE VAK DUYN SOUTHWORTH AUTHOR OF "BUILDERS OF OUR COUNTRY," BOOKS I AND II *' THE STOBY OF THE EMPIRE STATE," AND "A FIKST BOOK IN AMERICAN HISTOKY" AND STEPHEN ELLIOTT KRAMER ASSISTANT SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS, WASHINGTON, D.C. IROQUOIS PUBLISHING COMPANY, Inc. SYRACUSE, NEW YORK COPYRIGHT, 1916, 1922, BY GERTRUDE VAN DUYN SOUTHWORTH AND STEPHEN ELLIOTT KRAMER ALL EIGHTS RESERVED 316.2 bLOr 9 2l2.S A'l A^ PREFACE Just as the history of a country is largely the history of its great men, so the geography of a country is largely the story of its great cities. How much more easily history is grasped and remem bered when grouped around attractive biographies. With great cities as the centers of geography-study, what is generally considered a dry, matter-of-fact subject can be made to attract, to inspire, and to fix the things which should be remembered. This book, " Great Cities of the United States," m- cludes the largest cities of this country, together with San Francisco, New Orleans, and Washington. In it the important facts of our country'' s geographic have been grouped around these cities. The story of Chicago includes the story of farming in the Middle West, of the great ore industry on and around the Great Lakes, and of the varied means of transportation. Cotton, sugar, and location are shown to account largely for the greatness of New Or leans. In a similar way, the stories of the other cities sum up the important geography of our country. Enough of the history of each city is given to show its growth and development. The distinctive points of inter est are described so that one feels acquainted with the things which attract the sight-seer. The commercial and industrial features are made to stand out as the logical VI GREAT CITIES OF THE UNITED STATES sequence of fortunate location for manufacturing, for securing raw materials, for markets, and for convenient means of transportation. In order to -make uniformly fair comparisons, local statistics have been ignored and all data have been taken from the latest government reports. The authors wish to express their smcere appreciation to the historical societies, to the chambers of commerce, to those in the various cities who have furnished material and reviewed the manuscript, and to all others who have rendered assistance. It is hoped that by the use of this book our country, in all its greatness, will mean more and will appeal more to the boys and girls of America than ever before. To the publishers of Allen's " Geographical and Indus trial Studies : LTuited States " we are indebted for the use of the map appearing at the end of the text. THE AUTHORS CONTENTS PAGE -NEW YORK 3 CHICAGO 41 PHILADELPHIA 67 DETROIT . 89 'CLEVELAND 107 ^T. LOUIS 125 BOSTON . 141 _,,BALTIMORE 173 «TT3BURGH. . 189 -BUFFALO 207 vSAN FRANCISCO .227 NEW ORLEANS 245 ^WASHINGTON 265 REFERENCE TABLES 309 INDEX 305 GREAT CITIES OF THE UNITED STATES THE MUNICIPAL BUILDING GREAT CITIES OF THE UNITED STATES NEW YORK " Drop anchor ! " rang out the command as the little Dutch vessel furled her sails. On every side were the ¦shining waters of a widespread bay, while just ahead stretched the forest- covered shores of au island. All on board were filled with excite ment, wondering what lay beyond. " Have we at last really found a water way across this new land of America ? " they asked. There was only one way to know — to go and see. So on once more, past the 3 INDIANS VISITING THE HALF MOON 4 GREAT CITIES OF THE UNITED STATES island, glided the Half Moon. From time to time, as she sailed along, the redskin savages visited her and traded many valuable furs for mere trifles. But at last the Half Moon could go no further. This was not a waterway to India, only a river leading into the depths of a wild and rugged country. Sick with disappoint ment, her captain, Henry Hudson, turned about, journeyed 'MY BROTHERS, WE HAVE COME TO TRADE WITH YOU' the length of the river which was later to bear his name, once more passed the island at the mouth of the river, and sailed away. All this in 1609. Manhattan was the Indian name for the island at the mouth of the Hudson River. Tempted by Henry Hudson's furs, the thrifty Dutchmen sent ship after ship to trade with the American Indians. And as the years went by, these Dutchmen built a trading post on Manhattan, and NEW YORK a little Dutch village grew up about the post. Soon the Dutch West India Company was formed to send out colonists to Manhattan and the land along the Hudson. A governor too was sent. His name was Peter Minuit. Now Peter Mmuit was honest, and when he found that the Dutch were living on Indian land to which they had helped themselves, he was not con tent. So he called together the tribes wliich lived on Man hattan and, while the painted warriors squatted on the ground, spoke to them in words like these : " My broth ers, we have come to trade with you. And that we may be near to buy your furs when you have gathered them, we wish to live among you, on your land. It is your land, and as we do not mean to steal it from you, I have asked you to meet me here that I may buy from you this island which you call Manhattan." Then, in payment for the island, Peter Minuit offered the Indians ribbons, knives, rings, and colored beads — things dearly loved by the savages. The bargain was PETER STUYVESANT 6 GREAT CITIES OF THE UNITED STATES soon closed, and for twenty-four dollars' worth of trinkets the Dutch became the owners of Manhattan Island. The Dutch settlement on Manhattan was called New Amsterdam. New Amsterdam was a pretty town, with its quaint Dutch houses built gable end toward the street and its gardens bright with flowers. Dutch windmills with NEW YORK IN OLDEN TIMES their long sweeping arms rose here and there, and near the water stood the fort. But though New Amsterdam grew and prospered in the years after Peter Minuit bought Manhattan, life there did not run as smoothly as it might. In time Peter Stuyvesant came to be governor, and a stern, tyrannical ruler he was. He always saw things from the Dutch NEW YORK West India Company's point of view, not from the colo nists'. Disagreement followed disagreement till the people were nearly at the end of their patience. Then, one day in 1664, an English fleet sailed into the bay. A letter was brought ashore for Governor Stuyvesant. England too, so it seemed, laid claim to this land along the Hudson River, and now asked the Dutch governor to give up his col ony to the Duke of York, a brother of England's king. This done, the Dutch colonists could keep their property, and all their rights and privileges. In fact, even greater privi leges would then be given them. In a towering rage Govemor Stuyvesant tore the letter into bits and stamped upon them and called upon his colonists to rise and help him repulse the English. But the colonists would not rise. They felt that there was nothing to gain by so doing. The English promised much, far more than they had had under the rule of tyrannical Peter Stuyvesant and the Dutch West India Company. WASHINGTON TAKING THB OATH OE OFEICE 8 GREAT CITIES OF THE UNITED STATES What could the governor do? Surely he alone eould not defeat the English fleet. So at last, sorrowfully and reluctantly, he signed a surrender, and the Dutch Colony was given over to the English. Once m possession, the English renamed New Amster dam, calling it New York. Now followed a hundred years of ever-increasing river, coast, and foreign trade, of groov ing industries, of prosperity. And then — the Revolution. When the Decla ration of Independ ence was signed on July 4, 1776, George Washington and his army were in New York, guard ing the city from the English. But be fore the close of the year he was forced to retreat, and the English took posses sion. By the close of the Revolution, in 1783, the English had robbed the city of much of its wealth and had ruined its business. After the war the thirteen states who had won their freedom from England joined together, di-ew up a consti tution for their common government, and chose their first president. Then came the thirtieth of April, 1789. The streets were crowded, and a great throng packed the space before New York's Federal Hall. This was Inaugu ration Day, and on the balcony stood General Washington THE FIRST TRAIN IN NEW YOKK STATE NEW YORK 9 taking the oath of office. It was a solemn moment. The ceremony over, a mighty shout arose — " Long live George Washington, president of the United States." Cheers filled the air, bells pealed, and cannons roared. The new government had begun, and, for a time, New York Avas the capital city. Already New York was recovering from the effects of the war. Her trade with European ports had begun again, and it was no uncommon sight to see over one hundred vessels loading or unloading in her harbor at one time. New York harbor is one of the largest and best in the world. Add to this the city's central location on the Atlantic seaboard, and it is no wonder that a vast coasting trade grew up with Eastern and Southern ports. Without doubt, however, the greatest business event Ul the history of New York City was the opening of the Erie Canal in 1825. The canal joined the Great Lakes with the Hudson River, making a water route from the rich Northwest to the Atlantic, with New York as the natural terminus. So with nearly all of the trade of the lake region at her command, New York soon became a great commercial center, outstripping both Boston and Philadelphia, which up to this time had ranked ahead of New York. A few years later the building of railroads began. The first railway from New York was begun in 1831, and it was not long before the city was the terminus of several lines and the chief railroad center of the Atlantic coast. As the railroads did more and more of the carry ing, and the Erie Canal lost its former importance, New York did not suffer from the change, but stil] V T~>^ THE BOROUGHS OE NEW YORK — ENTRANCES TO HEK HARBOR 10 NEW YORK 11 controlled much of the trade between the Northwest and European nations. Besides, as time went on, she built up an immense traffic with all parts of the continent, being easily reached by rail from the north, east, south, and west. The first half of the nineteenth century saw the arrival of many thousand immigrants from Europe. These, with the thousands of people who came from other parts of America, attracted by the city's growing industries, made more and more room necessary. First, about 13,000 acres across the Harlem River were added to the city. Then, in 1895, the city limits were extended to the borders of Yonkers and Mt. Vernon. And finally, in 1898, New York, Brooklyn, Long Island City, and some other near-by towns were united under one government, forming together Greater New York, the largest American city and the second largest city in the world. New York to-day covers about 360 square miles, its great est length from north to south being 32 miles, its greatest width about 16. The city is divided into five boroughs : Manhattan, The Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens, and Rich mond. The Borough of Manhattan, on the long narrow island of that name, lies between the Hudson and the East River. North and east of Manhattan, on the main land, lies the Borough of The Bronx. Just across the narrow East River, on Long Island, are the boroughs of Queens and Brooklyn ; while Staten Island is known as the Borough of Richmond. As more and more people came to the city the busi ness area on Manhattan proved too small, and with water to the east, to the west, and to the south, there was no possibility of spreading out in these directions. Yet 12 GREAT CITIES OF THE UNITED STATES business kept increasing, and the cry for added room became more and more urgent. P''inally, the buildmg of the ten-story Tower Building in 1889 solved the NEW YORK SKYSCRAPERS difficulty. It showed that, though hemmed in on all sides, there was still one direction in which the business section could grow — upwards. And upwards it has grown. NEW YORK 13 To-day lower Manhattan fairly bristles with huge steel- framed skyscrapers which furnish miles and miles of office space, twenty, thirty, forty, in one case even fifty- five, stories above the street level. The supplying of office and factory space is not the only use that has been made of these steel build ings. Great apart ment houses from twelve to fifteen stories high provide homes for thou sands. Mammoth hotels covering en tire city blocks furnish temporary homes for the mul titudes which visit the city each year. Fifteen of the larg est of these can house more than 15,000 guests at one time — a good-sized city in itself. Thus has Manhattan be come one of the most densely populated areas on the globe. In the boroughs of Queens and Richmond, on the other hand, large tracts of land are given over to farms and market gardens. Manhattan is at once the smallest and the most impor tant borough in the city. Here are the homes of more HOW A SKYSCR.iPER IS MADE 14 GREAT CITIES OF THE UNITED STATES than 2,000,000 people, the business section of Greater New York, and the chief shipping districts. When building the narrow irregular streets of their little town on lower Manhattan, the inhabitants of New Amsterdam little dreamed that they would one day be the scene of the enormous traffic of modern New York. Those old, narrow, winding streets to day swarm with hur rying throngs from morning till night and are among the busiest and noisiest in the world. The newer part of the city from Fourteenth Street north to the Harlem River has been laid out in wide paral lel avenues running north and south. These are crossed by numbered streets running east and west from river to river. Fifth Avenue runs lengthwise through the middle of the borough, dividing it into the East and West sides. On the East Side you will find the crowded homes of the poorer classes, where many of the working people of Manhattan live. On the West Side are many A MAMMOTH HOTEL NEW YORK 15 manufacturing plants, lumber yards, and warehouses. On the upper stretch of Fifth Avenue, and on the streets lead ing off, are the homes of many of New York's wealthiest FIFTH AVENUE FKOM THIRTY-FOUKTH STREET residents. Opposite Central Park are some of the most costly and beautiful mansions in the city. In this regular arrangement of streets, Broadway alone is the exception to the rule. Beginning at the southern 16 GREAT CITIES OF THE UNITED STATES end of the island, it runs straight north for more than two miles, then turns west and winds its way throughout the whole length of the city. About its lower end, and on some of the neighboring streets, center the banking and financial interests. Here are many of the city's richest banks and trust companies. mm^& BROADWAY CROSSING SIXTH AVENUE Wall Street, running east from Broadway about one third of a mile from the southern end of Manhattan, was named from the wall which the Dutch, in 1683, built across the island at this point, because they heard that the English were planning to attack them from the north. Though only half a mile in length, Wall Street probably surpasses all others in the extent of its business. NEW YORK 17 North of the banking center is the great wholesale re gion, where merchants from all parts of the country buy their stock in large quantities, to sell again to the retail merchants. Beyond the wholesale region are the large retail stores — New York's great shopping district. In these retail stores the merchants who have bought from the wholesalers sell direct to the peo ple who are to use the goods. In this middle section of the island are also most of the better- class hotels, restau rants, clubs, and theaters, which have been gradually mak ing their way fur ther and further nptown, crowding the best resident section still further north. The customhouse, where the government collects duties on goods brought into the port of New York from other lands, was built at the extreme southern end of the island, Avhere Fort Amsterdam used to stand. The United States Sub-Treasury, in Wall Street, stands on the site of Federal Hall, Avhere Washington was maugurated. Here are stored AVALL STREET 18 GREAT CITIES OF THE UNITED STATES large quantities of gold, silver, and paper money belong ing to the government. In and about City Hall Park are the post office, the courthouse, and the Hall of Rec ords. The One pubhc Ubrary, on Fifth Avenue between Fortieth and Forty- second streets, is the largest library building in the world. The city's parks are many. Central Park, in the center of Man hattan, ranks among the Avorld's finest pleas ure grounds. It is two miles and a half long and one-half mile wide, and has large stretches of Avoodland, beautiful lawns, gleaming lakes, and sparkling foun- tams. Here, too, are the Metropolitan Museum of .iVrt and Cleopatra's Needle — an obelisk thousands of years old, presented to the city by a ruler of Egypt. And here are reservoirs which hold the water brought by aqueducts from the Croton River, about forty miles north of the city. This river was for many years the sole source of Manhattan's water supply. In 1905, however, the city began work on an immense CLEOPATRA'S NEEDLE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY METROPOLITAN MUSEUM OF ART 19 J 6CALE OF MILES (S 1 5 3 MANHATTAN ISLAND AND THE CITY PARKS 20 NEW YORK 21 aqueduct which brings drinking-water for all five boroughs from reservoirs in the Catskjll Mountain region. The tomb of General Grant is at the northern end of Riverside Park, which is on a high ridge along the Hud son River above Seventy-second Street. Riverside Drive, skirting this park, is one of the most beautiful boulevards in the city. Then there are Pros pect Park in Brooklyn, and Pelham Bay and Yan Cortlandt parks in The Bronx. The city zoo and the Botanical Gardens are in Bronx Park. And in addition to all these there are more than two hundred smaller open spaces and squai'cs scattered over the city. Columbia L^niversity, Ncav York University, Fordham, the College of the City of New York, and Barnard College are among the most noted of New York's many educational institutions. Nearly six million people live in this Avonderful city, and to supply them all with food is a tremendous busi ness in itself. During the night special trains bring milk, butter, and eggs ; refrigerator cars come laden with beef ; THE TOMB OF GENERAL GRANT 22 GREAT CITIES OF THE UNITED STATES and from the market gardens of Long Island fruits and vegetables are gathered and taken to the city during the cool of the night that they may be sold, fresh and inviting, in the morning. Great numbers of New York's inhabitants are from foreign lands. Several thousand Chinese manage to exist WHEKE THE SEALS LIVE IN BRONX PARK in the few blocks which make up New York's Chinatown. A large Italian population lives huddled together in Little Italy, as well as in other sections of the city. Thousands upon thousands of Jews are crowded into the Hebrew sec tion on the lower east side of Manhattan. There is also a German and a French colony, as well as distinct Negro, Greek, Russian, Armenian, and Arab quarters. Most of THE ELEPHANT HOUSE IN BRONX PARK VISITING THE BIRDS IN BRONX PARK 23 24 GREAT CITIES OF THE UNITED STATES these are in lower Manhattan, and in consequence loAver Manhattan is by no means deserted when the vast army of shoppers, Avorkers, and business men have gone home for the night. The necessity of carrying these shoppers, workers, and business men to and from their homes in the residence THE OLD AND THE NEW sections of the city and in the suburbs gradually led to the development of New York's wonderful rapid-transit system. Within the borders of Manhattan itself, horse cars soon proved unequal to handling the crowds that each day traveled. north and south. So the first elevated railway was built. Then six years later, a second line was con structed. Others soon followed, not only in Manhattan but also in Brooklyn and The Bronx. Raised high above NEW YORK 25 the busy streets by means of iron trestles, and making but few stops, these elevated trains could carry passen gers much faster than the surface cars, and for a time the problem seemed to be solved. The travelmg public was rapidly increasing, hoAvever, and before the close of the nineteenth century both the iw^te^M^S:^ iJjiflL* ^ m S^ ^m JteJ-^^^ftSSW "J ' U " -m 'ts a -n |^"-jf*Slsa3E jl^ppPtilil n ^jiiMlilBrii'ml iffl *^- - iitirf ¦ rMff^ ¦^HraBSBKlTifflK ¦p,im ^i^-i-i ^iJalA If Hp'Oi iBBn^^HUHt^Mwl 1 1 A NEW YORK ELEVATED RAILWAY surface cars, now run by electricity, and the elevated trains were sorely overcrowded during the morning and evening rush hours. More cars were absolutely necessary, and as there was little room to run them on or above the surface, New York decided to make use of the space under the ground, just as it had already turned to account that overhead. If 'ffili Ipgpaw^SPiiiOHTI ^jSt^^'T ilfrwriii NEW YORK'S FIRST TWO-STORY CAR A SUBWAY ENTRANCE 26 NEW YORK 27 The work was begun iri 1901. A small army of men was set to blastmg and diggmg tunnels underneath the city streets, — a tremendous task, — and in 1904 the first subway was opened. Electric cars running on these underground tracks carry passengers from one end of the island to the other with the speed of a railroad tram. SUBWAY TUNNELS But what of the means of travel for those living outside of Manhattan ? Years back, business men living on Long Island had to cross the East River on ferry boats. This was particularly inconvenient in winter, when fogs or floating ice were liable to cause serious delays. Besides, as New York grew, such numbers crossed on the ferries that they were overcrowded. Relief came for a time when, 28 GREAT CITIES OF THE UNITED STATES in 1883, the Brooklyn Bridge was built over the East River from Brooklyn to New York. This bridge is over a mile long. Across it run a roadway, a walk for foot passengers, and tracks for elevated trains as well as for surface cars. Two even longer bridges, the Williamsburg Bridge and the A FERRY BOAT Manhattan Bridge, have since been built between Man hattan and Brooklyn. Then, too, there is the Queensboro Bridge, between Manhattan and the Borough of Queens. Though thousands and thousands daily crossed the East River over these bridges, men soon foresaw that the time was not far distant when ferries and bridges to gether would be unable to take care of the ever-growing traffic. Further means of travel had to be provided, and the success of the city's underground railway suggested a NEW YORK'S SUBWAY AND BRIDGE CONNECTIONS 29 30 GREAT CITIES OF THE UNITED STATES practical idea. As early as 1908, the subway was con tinued and carried under the East River to Brooklyn. Several tubes have since been built under the Hudson, connecting Manhattan Avith the New Jersey shore. To day New York has many miles of subway under various BROOKLYN BKIDGE parts of the city as well as. tubes under the Harlem and East rivers. Carrying passengers under water has proved as great a success as carrying them underground. Over and above all these means of rapid transit. Greater New York has at its service ten of America's great rail roads. The Pennsylvania Railroad has an immense station in New York, one of the finest of its kind. Tunnels under the Hudson and East rivers carry its trains to New Jersey and Long Island. THE PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD STATION THE GRAND CENTRAL STATION 31 32 GREAT CITIES OF THE UNITED STATES New York's Grand Central Station is the greatest railroad terminal in the world. The station is a beautiful building of stone and marble, large enough to accommodate thirty thousand people at one time. Between railroads and tun nels, bridges and ferries, surface cars, elevated trains, and subways, New York's rapid transit system is one of the best in the world. With such advantages as a receiving and distributing center, it is small AVonder that the city has become the nation's chief market place. It is without a rival as the cen ter of the wholesale dry-goods and wholesale grocery busi nesses. More than half of the imports of the United States enter by way of New York's port, and its total foreign com merce is five times that of any other city in the country. Rubber, silk goods, furs, jewelry, coffee, tea, sugar, and tin are among the leading imports. Cotton, meats, and breadstuffs are the most important exports. Besides being the principal market place of the United States, New York is also its greatest workshop, as it makes over one-tenth of the manufactures of the country. In the manufacture of clothing alone, more than a hun dred thousand people are employed. There are compara tively few large factories for carrying on this work, as much of it is done in tenement houses and in small work shops. The growth of this industry has been largely due to the abundance of cheap unskilled labor furnished by the immigrant population of the city. Second in importance is the refining of sugar and molasses, carried on chiefly in Brooklyn along the East River, where boats laden with raAv sugar from the South ern states and the West Indies unload their cargoes. NEW YORK 33 New York City leads in the refining of sugar as well as in its importation. Added to these, printing and publishing, the refining of petroleum, slaughtering and meat packing, the roast ing and grinding of coffee and spices, the making of THE BATTERY foundry and machine-shop products, cigars, tobacco, mil linery, furniture, and jewelry are the leading industries of the many thousands which have grown up in the city. All this is largely due to the ease with wliich raw mate rials can be obtained and finished articles marketed. Thanks to its commercial advantages, New York leads all American cities in the value of its manufactures and surpasses them in the variety of its products. LOWER MANHATTAN NEW YOKK CITY DOCKS NEW YORK 35 At the southern end of Manhattan Island is the Bat tery. In the old days the Battery was a fort. Now it is used as an aquarium. From the Battery New York's docks extend for miles along both sides of lower Manhattan and line the Long Island and New Jersey shores as well. The Avharves are piled high with bales and bags, boxes and barrels. Ships from the South come Avith cargoes of cot ton, others bound for England take this cotton away. Tank steamers from Cuba bring molas ses; similar ones ' are filled Avith petro leum destined for the ends of the earth. Cattle boats take on live stock brought from the West, grain ships load at the many elevators built at the water's edge, and vessels from all the larger ports of the world put ashore goods of every description. Along both shores of the Hud son River are the piers of the great trans-Atlantic steam ship eompanies, the landing places of th6 largest and fastest passenger vessels in the world. Here also are the docks / / / / / 1 Ikm 1 ^^^¦^ .^r 1 ' '4 r 1 i 1 LOADING A FREIGHT STEAMER 36 GREAT CITIES OF THE UNITED STATES of the many river and coastwise lines which carry passen gers to and from the cities and towns on the Hudson and the Atlantic coast. Half the foreign trade and travel of the United States passes over the wharves of lower Manhattan. The entire harbor includes the Hudson and East rivers and the upper and lower New York Bay Avith the connecting A DOCK SCENE strait known as The Narrows. The upper bay, New York's real harbor, can be entered from the ocean in three ways — a narrow windmg channel around Staten Island, a northeast entrance through Long Island Sound and the East River, and an entrance through The Narrows from the lower bay. Among the islands in the upper bay is Ellis Island, where immigrants are inspected before being allowed to enter our NEW YORK 37 A GREAT OCEAN LINER i- ^^^fffgt^Ji^ A •* ' ""¦" t. --*« Big. ^1 ««,"-' ^^^. 1^^ ^Hi Sb t^^^i^ 1'' lis B^ '^^^'^^sSb^^Sm ¦ NEW YOEK HARBOR country. On another island stands the splendid bronze statue of " Liberty Enlightening the World," given to the United States by the people of France. It is now America's greeting to her future citizens as they sail up the harbor. 38 GREAT CITIES OF THE UNITED STATES What a different picture the harbor presents to-day from the one Hudson saw over three hundred years ago ! The quiet undisturbed waters of that time are now alive the year around with craft of every sort, from the giant ocean liner to the grace ful sailboat. Ves- .f sels freighted with merchandise, tugs towing canal boats, ferries for Staten Is land, barges loaded with coal, river steamers, excursion boats, and battle ships from far and near, day and night, pass in an endless procession where the solitary Indian ^Aused to glide in his silent canoe. When the Dutch bought 'Manhattan it was a beautiful Avooded island m- habited by Indians Avho supplied their simple wants by hunting and fishing. What a change the island has undergone since that time ! The Indians have disappeared with the forest. In their place live and struggle vast , armies of human bemgs gathered together THE STATUE OF LIBERTY NEW YORK 39 from all the corners of the earth. Where squaws used to pitch their wigAvams, giant skyscrapers toAver up toward the clouds. The stillness of the forest has been succeeded by the noise and bustle of a busy city. The lazy monoto nous life of the savage has given way to a ceaseless activity and hurry. The twenty-four dollars which bought the whole island — only three hundred years ago — would not now buy a single square inch in the center of the city. The hunt ing and fishing ground of the red men has become the heart of the greatest city of the Western Hemisphere. NEW YORK FACTS TO REMEMBER Population (1920), over 5,000,000 (5,620,048). First city in population in the United States. Second city in population in the world. Divided into five sections, called borouglis. Carries on more than half the foreign trade of the United States. Leads all American cities in the value of its manufac tures. One of the best harbors in the world. Connected by great railway systems with all parts of America. Connected with the Great Lakes by the Hudson River and the Erie Barge Canal. A city of skyscrapers. Wonderful system of underground, overhead, and sur face transportation. 40 GREAT CITIES OF THE UNITED STATES QUESTIONS FOR REVIEW AND STUDY 1. Why did the Dutch settle on Manhattan Island? How did the Dutch governor secure the land from the Indians ? 2. What great ceremony connected with the establishment of the government of the United States took place in New York ? Why was this ceremony held in New York ? 3. What was the most important event in advancing the business growth of New York ? 4. What effect did the arrival of vast numbers of immi grants have upon the city ? 5. Why are there such tall buildings in New York ? 6. Name some of the principal streets and their chief features ; name some of the colleges and universities. 7. Give some facts about Central Park, The Bronx, and Riverside Drive. 8. Give some idea of the size of New York, its population, and the nationalities that comprise it. 9. Give a brief account of the means of transportation. 10. In what respects does New York rank first of all the cities of the United States ? 11. What are its principal exports and imports ? 12. What commercial advantages does New York enjoy ? 13. What are the chief manufactured products of New York City, and how can it produce so much Avithout many great factories ? 14. , Compare the harbor and city of to-day with that of three hundred years ago. 15. From a New York newspaper find out the foreign coun tries and the cities of this country to which vessels make regular sailings from New York. 16. Name all the railroads entering the city. CHICAGO " Chicago is Aviped out." " Chicago cannot rise again." So said the ncAvspapers all over the countrv, in October, 1871. And well they might think so, for the great fire of Chicago — one of the worst in the Avurld's history — had laid low the city. The summer had been unusually drj'. For months almost no rain had fallen. The ground Avas hot and parched, the whole city dry as kindling A\'ood. Then about nine o'clock on a windy Sunday night, the fire broke out in a poor section of the West Side. It seemed as if everything a spark touched, blazed up. While the firemen stood by, helpless to check the flames, rows of houses and blocks of factories burned doAvn. In a short time the lumber district was a great bonfire, the flames shooting hundreds of feet into the air. On and on swept the fire along the river front. Then the horror- stricken watchers saw the flames cross to the South Side. All had thought that the fire would be checked at the river, but the wind carried pieces of burning wood and paper to the roofs beyond. 41 42 GREAT CITIES OF THE UNITED STATES The business section was burnuig ! The firemen worked desperately, but hi vaui. Hundreds of Chicago's finest builduigs — stores, offices, banks, and hotels — were swal lowed up by the flames. The city had become a roaring furnace, and the terrified people rushed madly for safety. AFTER THE FIRE Once more the fire crossed the river, this time to the North Side, with its beautiful residence districts. Here too Avind and flame swept all before them till Lincoln Park was reached, Avhere at last the fire was checked CHICAGO 43 in its northward course; there was notiiing more to burn. It had raged for two nights and a day, laymg waste a strip of land almost four miles long and one mile wide. Tuesday mornmg saw seventeen thousand buildings de stroyed and one hundred thousand people homeless. The best part of Chicago lay in rums. What wonder that men everywhere thought the stricken city could not rise agam ! Courtesy of Central Trust Company of Illinois, Chicago HOME OF JOHN KINZIE At the time this terrible disaster happened, Chicago had been a city for a little less than thirty-five years. The mouth of the Chicago River had been a favorite meeting place for Indians and French trappers long before permanent settlement began. In 1777 a negro from San Domingo, who had come to trade with the Indians, built a log store on the north bank of the river. This store was bought in 1803 by John Kinzie, another trader and Chicago's first white settler. 44 GREAT CITIES OF THE UNITED STATES The next year the United States government built Fort Dearborn on the south side of the river, not far from tlie lake. Though Fort Dearborn was nothing more than a stockade with blockhouses at the corners, a little settlement gradually grew up around it. WHERE CHICAGO WAS FOUNDED During the War of 1812 the Indians attacked the fort, burned it to the ground, and either massacred or captured most of the settlers while, they were fleeing to Detroit for safety. Fort Dearborn was rebuilt after the Avar, but settlers were slow in coming. By 1830 there were scarcely a hundred people in Chicago, then a little village of log CHICAGO 45 houses scattered over a swampy plain. Fur trading was still the chief occupation. A change was soon to come. The southern part of Illinois Avas by this time being settled and dotted AAdth farms, and each year larger crops were produced. The farmers saw that they must get their products to the Atlantic coast if they wished to prosper, and the Great Lakes were the most convenient route over Avhich to send them. Lake Michigan extended into the heart of the fertile prairie lands, but its shores were almost unbroken by harbors. Men early saw the possibilities of the mouth of the Chicago River. It could be made into an excel lent harbor with little expense, and if once this were done, Chicago would be the natural port of the rich Middle West. In 1833 the government began improvements by cut ting a channel through the sand bar across the mouth of the river and building stone piers into the lake to keep out the drifting sand. Vessels were soon entering the river instead of anchoring in the lake as formerly. Lake trade increased. More and more boats Avere bringmg goods from the East to be distributed ainong the farmers of Illinois. The new harbor made intercourse with the outer world easy. The growth of trade, however, was hindered by the absence of good roads. Farmers who wished to bring anything to the Chicago market had to cross the open prairie, which was wet and marshy near the toAvn. Such a ride was an unpleasant experience, as often the wagon would stick in the deep mud, and the poor driver had no 46 GREAT CITIES OF THE UNITED STATES choice but to wait until help should happen along. Many preferred to take their crops to the cities farther south, where better roads had been built. " We too will have roads," said the people of Chicago, anxious for more trade, and they set about buildmg them Avith a will. Soon good roads entered the town from .\N EARLY CHICAGO DRAWBRIDGE all directions, and over them the rich products of the surrounding country came pouring into Chicago. Business and wealth increased, and more and more settlers arrived. Most of them came by way of the lakes, but many came in prairie schooners, as the immigrants' great covered wagons were called. By 1837 the popula tion had risen to four thousand, and Chicago became a city. Its growth from this time was marvelous. Its loca tion at the head of Lake Michigan, its fine harbor, the CHICAGO 47 resources of the rich back country, all combined to make it the chief commercial center of the IMiddle West. In the early days, when Chicago was only a tiny village, there had been talk of connecting Lake Michigan at Chicago with the Illinois River by canal. As the Uluiois flows into the Mississippi, this Avould furnish a WHERE THE STAGECOACH STARTED water route from the East down the entire Mississippi valley. In 1836 the canal was actually begun. A few years later hard times came, and the Avork was stopped for a while, but it was finished in 1848. This Avas known as the Illinois and Michigan Canal. It extended from La Salle, on the Illinois River, to Chicago — a distance of over ninety miles — and offered cheap transportation between Chicago and the fertile farm lands to the south. CHICAGO'S CANALS CHICAGO 49 Though the canal Avas a success, railroads did even more for the city. The year that saw the canal completed also saw the first train run from Chicago to Galena, near the Mississippi, in the heart of the lead country. Four years later, in 1852, came railroad connection Avith the East, when the Michigan Southern and Michigan Central railroads entered the city. Other lines soon followed, and it was not long before Chicago Avas one of the important railroad centers of the country. But while Chicago Avas fast becoming rich and big, it was not a pleasant place in which to live. The site of the city was a low and marshy plain, almost on a level with the lake, and the problems of drainage of such a location had to be met and solved. In the beginning, to keep the houses dry, they were built above the ground and supported by timbers or piles. Cellars and basements Avere unknown, and the city streets Avere a disgrace. In spring they were flooded and swim ming with mud. Even in summer, pools of stagnant Avater stood in many places. For years Avagons sticking fast in the mud were common sights. Cholera, smallpox, and scarlet fever SAvept the city again and again. People, knowing only too well that unsanitary conditions brought on these diseases, did their best to remedy matters. They saw that Chicago would be clean and healthy if only they could find a way to carry off her wastes. First they decided to turn the water into the river by sloping all the streets towards it. Then came a severe flood Avhich did much damage and showed the folly of digging down any part of the city. Chicago was too low already. 5.0 GREAT CITIES OF THE UNITED STATES So the people hastened to raise their streets again by filling them in with sand, and this time they made gutters along the side to carry off the water. Heavy wagons soon wore away the sand, however, and the streets were as muddy as before. Finally, an engineer advised the people to raise the whole city several feet ; then brick sewers could be built beneath the street to carry the sewage into the river. At first many refused to listen to such a proposal. The undertakuig was so great that it frightened them. But as thmgs were, business and health were suffering. Something had to be done, and at last the city determined to raise itself out of the mud, and work was begun. Ground was hauled in from the surrounding country, streets and lots were filled in, the buildings were gradu ally raised, and sewers were built sloping toward the river. It Avas a gigantic task and cost years of labor, but when it was done, Chicago was, for the first time, a dry city. It must be remembered that the area of Chicago at that time was but a small part of the present city. Another source of trouble was the drinking-water, which was taken from Lake Michigan. The sewage m the river flowed into the lake and at times contaminated the water far out from the shore, thus poisoning the city's supply. It was therefore decided to build new waterworks, Avhich would bring into the city pure water from farther out in the lake. A tunnel was built, extending two miles under Lake Michigan. At its outer end a great screened pipe reached up into the lake to let water into the tunnel. Over the pipe a crib was built to protect it. On the shore, pumping stations with powerful enguies raised the CHICAGO 51 water to high towers from which all parts of the city were supplied. The first tunnel was completed in 1867. With the growth of the city other tunnels and cribs have been built, farther out ui the lake, to supply the increasing need. ==^--iU22.^^ s^LwIj.}* f "> '^ ' CHICAGO HIGH SCHOOL, 1856 By 1870 Chicago had become one of the largest cities in the country. In 1830 the settlement at the mouth of the Chicago River had barely twenty houses. Forty years later it had over three hundred thousand inhabitants. The wonderful resources of the upper Mississippi valley had been largely responsible for the city's growth, and the rapid development of the entire West promised Chicago a still greater future. 52 GREAT CITIES OF THE UNITED STATES Then came the fire, and to the homeless people looking across miles of blackened ruuis it seemed that Chicago had no future at alL Had not the fire undone the work of forty years? The first despair gradually gave way to a more hope ful feeling. Truly the loss was great — the best part CLARK STREET IN 1857 of the city lay in ruins. But was not the wealth of the West left, and the harbor and the railroads ? These had built up Chicago in the beguming, and they would do so again. The rebuildmg began at once. At first little wooden houses and sheds were constructed to give temporary shelter to the homeless. Help came to the stricken city from all sides. Thousands of carloads of food were sent, and several million dollars were collected in Europe and America.- CHICAGO 53 Two thirds of the city had been built of Avood. Now the business blocks, at least, were to be as nearly fire proof as possible. Tall builduigs of brick and stone were planned. But such structures are heavy, and if they Avere built directly on the swampy ground underlying the city, there would be danger of their settlmg un evenly and possibly toppling over. So layers of steel rails crossing each other were sunk in the ground, and the spaces between them were filled ia with concrete. Upon this solid foundation the first skyscrapers of Chicago were built. To-day concrete caissons are constructed on bed rock, often from 100 to 110 feet below the surface, and upon these rest the steel bases of the modern Chicago skyscrapers. Work went on quickly. In a year the business section Avas rebuilt. In three years there was hardly a trace of the fire to be seen in the city, which Avas larger and more beautiful than before. After the rebuilding, the water question came up for discussion again. In spite of all that had been done to protect the water supply, the increasing sewage of the city, carried by the river into the lake, at times still made the water unfit to drink. The one way of getting pure water was to prevent the river from flowing into the lake. This could be done only by building a new canal, large and deep enough to change the flow of the river away from the lake. Such a canal was finally completed in 1900, after eight years' work and at a cost of over 175,000,000. It is 28 miles long, 22 feet deep, and 165 feet wide, and it connects the Chicago River with the Des Plaines, a branch of the Uluiois River. A large volume 54 GREAT CITIES OF THE UNITED STATES of water from Lake Michigan continually flushes this im mense drain, carrying the sewage away. The Chicago River no longer flows into the lake, and at last the danger of contaminated drinkuig-water from this source is past. One dream of the builders of the canal has not yet been realized. They called it the Chicago Drainage and Ship Canal, in the hope that it might some day be used for shipping purposes as well as for draining the river. ¦j *j^^^S 1 H^^m tk'' BUSY SCENE AT ENTRANCE TO CHICAGO EIATER This cannot happen, however, till the rivers which it connects are deepened and otherwise improved. Such has been the history of the growth of Chicago — to-day the greatest railroad center and lake port in the Avorld. It is now the second city in size in America and ranks fourth among the cities of the world. The port of Chicago owes much to the Chicago River, which has been repeatedly widened, deepened, and straight ened. It is to-day one of the world's most important CHICAGO 55 rivers, commercially considered. After extending about one mile westAvard from the lake, the river divides into two branches, one extending northwest, the other south Avest. Many docks have been built along its fifteen miles of navigable channel, and its banks are lined with factories, Avarehouses, coal yards, and grain elevators. These grain elevators are really huge tanks where the grain is stored and kept dry until time to reship it. There ^ \ ¦^^^^^^ ¦; ., A^ / 11 il^mAJ ^1^.^^^.^.^^ ^i^«jlik^iiJM <,^nHHI^^ 1 mb^ ^^.Rocliester Z. Oeorge ' 'liitehall Barge canals shown by solid lines ; Erie and other canals hy dotted lines NEW YORK'S CANALS flames. But nothing daunted, the men began to rebuild their homes, and in a few years no traces of the fire Avere to be seen. In early times the Indians going from the seacoast to the Great Lakes had followed the Hudson and Mohawk rivers and then gone on directly west to Lake Erie. AVith the coming of the white man the Indian pathway grew into a road, and in 1811 stagecoaches began to i-un over this road between Buffalo and Albany. But carrying passengers and freight by stagecoach was very expensive, and a few men, headed by Governor De Witt Clinton, began to say that the state ought to 210 GREAT CITIES OF THE UNITED STATES build a canal connecting Lake Erie with the Hudson River. Many laughed at this idea. They knew very little about canals and thought it foolish to waste millions of dollars on a useless " big ditch," as they called it. However, those in favor of the scheme finally won, and the work of building the Erie Canal was begun in 1817. It very nearly followed the old trail between Albany and Buffalo and was 363 iniles long. Eighty- three locks raised and lowered the boats Avhere there was a difference of level in the canal. Lock- port, a city 25 miles northeast of Buffalo, was named after these locks, there be ing 10 of them there. In 1825 the work Avas completed; the Erie Canal Avas opened, and at last there was a water way between the Great Lakes and the Atlantic. All the towns along the canal held a great celebration. None had better reason for rejoicing than Buffalo. In 1825 Buffalo was a little hamlet on the frontier. Thanks to the Erie Canal, it was soon to become one of the leading cities of the country. It was not long before the " big ditch " was known as the " path to the great West." A rush of emigration further west followed, and all these travelers stopped at TRAVELING BY CANAL BUFFALO 211 Buffalo, for here they had to change from the flat-bottomed canal boats to the lake vessels. Hotels were crowded, business flourished, and Buffalo became " a great doorway of the inland sea." During the first years after its completion little freight Avas carried over the Erie Canal, but settlers kept flock ing into the West, and before many years these Westem THE BARGE CANAL NEAR BUFFALO pioneers were raising far more grain than they could use. Lake commerce began. Hundreds of ships brought wheat, lumber, and furs to Buffalo from the West and returned laden with manufactured goods. Buffalo was the chief lake port, and for many years shipping was its leading industry. Then came the railroads. The first railroad to Buffalo Avas completed in 1836. A few years later, trains ran 212 GREAT CITIES OF THE UNITED STATES between Albany and Buffalo, and in time carloads of grain were shipped by rail. Though shipments by canal continued and even increased for a time, the railroads gradually did more and more of the carrying, and finally robbed the canal of much of its former importance. Still, shipping by canal was cheaper. Improvements have been made in the Erie Canal from time to time, and in 1903 the state voted $101,000,000 for the enlargement of the Erie, Oswe go, and Champlain canals into the 1000- ton-barge canal. This was completed in 1918, is 12, feet deep and Avill float much larger barges than did the old Erie Canal. But to return to Buffalo. The city's location naturally made it one of the great centers of the country. Only the Niagara River separates the city from the most thickly settled part of Canada, and it is therefore a most convenient meeting place of the two countries. Already Buffalo's trade with Canada amounts to over $50,000,000 a year. THE SITE OF BUFFALO BUFFALO 213 Besides being one of the chief commercial centers of the country, Buffalo is an important manufacturing town. Three things are necessary to success in manufacturing — raAV materials, power, and a market where the finished goods can be sold. Buffalo has all of these near at hand. The country round about is singularly rich in natural resources. Forests, fertile farm lands, and rich iron and coal deposits are all within easy reach of the city and supply it with raw material at small cost for transportation. No city in the Avorld has greater advantages than Buffalo in the matter of power. The Niagara Falls furnish an unlimited supply of electric power, which is a substitute for coal and, for many purposes, more con venient. Buffalo's nearness to the coal fields of Pennsyl vania makes the cost of both hard and soft coal low. Natural gas and oil furnish about one fifth of the power now used in the city. Both are found near Buffalo, stored in the pores and cavities of rocks. Holes are bored into the rocks, and the petroleum or rock oil is pumped into huge tanks. The gas is carried by underground pipes to the city, where it is used in heating and lighting thousands of homes and factories. Lastly, Buffalo does not have to ship its products far to find a market. Within 450 miles of the city live almost 50,000,000 people, and lakes, canals, and railroads offer cheap and rapid transportation to all parts of the country. Thirteen steamship lines and 18 railroads enter the city. There are 2 trunk lines from New England; 5 from New York ; 1 from Philadelphia, Baltimore, and Washington ; 1 from St. Louis ; and 4 from Chicago. 214 GREAT CITIES OF THE UNITED STATES The richest iron mines in the world are located south of Lake Superior, but there are no coal deposits in this region, and coal is necessary for the manufac turing of iron and steel. As it Avas cheaper to ship the ore to the coal than to carry the coal to the ore, there were men A\ho, as early as 1860, saw that iron and steel could be manufactured AA'ith profit in Buffalo. Though blast furnaces AA^ere built from time to time, the industry did not attract great attention until 1899. In that BUFFALO 215 year the Lackawanna Iron and Steel Company, of Scran ton, Pennsylvania, moved to Buffalo and built an im mense metal-Avorking plant. This plant is south of the city and extends several miles along the shore of Lake Erie. The company has built a ship canal over half a mile long, which the largest lake vessels can enter. On one side of this canal are hundreds of coke ovens and the storage grounds for coal; on the other side are the ore docks, a roAv of huge blast furnaces, and the steel works with their numerous mills, foundries, and AA'orkshops. In the coke ovens millions of tons of soft coal are every year turned into coke, winch is really coal with certain things removed by heating. This coke is used in melting the iron in the blast furnaces — so called because during the melting strong blasts of air are forced into the fur naces. These furnaces are almost a hundred feet high, are made of iron, and lined with fire brick. Tons of coke, limestone, and iron ore are dropped hi from above by machinery, and the intense heat of the burning coke melts the iron, which sinks to the bottom of the furnace Avhile the limestone collects the impurities and forms an upper layer. At the bottom of the furnace there are open ings where the fiery-hot liquid runs off into molds, or forms, in which it cools and hardens. The waste matter, called slag, is also drawn off at the bottom. More coke and ore are added from above, and the smelting goes on night and day without interruption until the furnace needs repair. After the iron has been separated from the ore, it is taken to the foundries where it is made into steel rails and many other kinds of iron and steel goods. 216 GREAT CITIES OF THE UNITED STATES Other iron and steel companies have sprung up in Buffalo, and the city and its vicinity is now manufactur ing enormous quantities of pig iron, steel rails, engmes, car wheels, tools, and machinery. Back in the first half of the nineteenth century New York was the lead ing wheat-raisuig and flour-producuig state. The first flour mill in the Buffalo district was' run by water power fur nished by the Erie Canal. As larger mills followed and steam took the place of water power, Buffalo became an important flour-mill- uig center. Later, wheat began to be raised further west, and the Central States soon took the lead in wheat grow ing and flour milluig. But Buffalo had the advantage of an early start. Its mills were already built and working. Grain from the West kept pouring into the city to be stored in its great grain elevators, and the production of flour increased. Larger mills were built, some of them mak ing use of the Niagara water power. To-day there are more THE ELECTRIC BUILDING BUFFALO 217 than a dozen companies in Buffalo operating flour mills which turn out over 3,000,000 barrels of flour in a year. Buffalo's slaughter-house products for a single year are worth millions of dollars. There are two large meat packing firms in the city, slaughtering over a million cattle and hogs each year. They both had small beginnings in the butcher business more than fifty years ago. In 1852 the first stockyards were opened, and the city's live-stock industry began. Shipments of live stock from the grazing states of the West increased un til the city became the second cattle market in the Avorld, Chicago alone hand ling more live stock than Buffalo. When first settled, the lake region was covered with forests, and lumber was one of the first products sent eastward by lake steamers. Millions and millions of feet of pine were towed down the lakes on barges and trans ferred to canal boats at Buffalo, and the city became one of the great lumber markets of the country. Although shipments from the Northern forests have not been so THE BUFFALO HOME OF THE XEW YORK TELEPHONE COMPANY THE CITY OF BUFFALO 218 BUFFALO 219 great in the last twenty years, the lumber industry con- tuiues to be of great importance to Buffalo. In addition to pine from the lake region, the city receives hard Avood from the South. You see enormous piles of lumber in the yards of the city itself, and Tonawanda, a suburb ten miles north of Buffalo, has the largest lumber yards in the world. These yards carry on a large wholesale and retail trade, and sawmills, planing mills, and many lum ber industries have grown up around them. Mill work, THE AEMORY doors, mantels, piano cases, and furniture are some of the things made in the Buffalo workshops. While commerce and industry were thus developing, the city itself was growuig in size, population, and beauty. It extends about ten miles along the shore of Lake Erie and the Niagara River. In the residence section there are thousands of beautiful homes, set well back from broad streets and surrounded by wide lawns and gardens. Delaware Avenue, with its branching boulevards and parkways, is the finest of these residence sections. AVADING POOL IN HUMBOLDT PARK A PUBLIC PLAYGROUND 220 BUFFALO 221 Several large parks and many smaller squares are scat tered throughout the city, while swimming pools, wading ponds, and pubhc playgrounds dehght the hearts of the children. Lake breezes make the city cool in summer, and altogether Buffalo is one of the cleanest, most healthful, and most beautfful cities of the country. Through the southern part of the city flows the sluggish and winding Buffalo River. In the early days the mouth THE ALBRIGHT ART GALLERY of this stream was the only harbor of the port, although it was then very shallow. Millions of dollars have been spent in deepening and improving this inner harbor, while a larger outer harbor has been made by inclosing a part of the lake by breakwaters. The harbor of Buffalo is now one of the best on the Great Lakes. About two miles north of the mouth of Buffalo River is The Front, a park overlooking the water and giving a beautfful view of Lake Erie, the Niagara River, and 222 GREAT CITIES OF THE UNITED STATES the Canadian shore. It is a government reservation, and here is Fort Porter. Further north the International Railroad Bridge connects Canada with the city of Buffalo. THE Mckinley monument Delaware Park, in the northern part of the city, is the largest and most beautiful of Buffalo's parks. Near the northeastern entrance is the zoological garden, with a seal pool, bear pits, and many strange and interesting animals. In the western part is the Albright Art Gallery, a beauti ful building of white marble. Here, too, is the Buffalo NIAGARA FALLS 223 224 GREAT CITIES OF THE UNITED STATES Historical-Society Building, which was the New York State Building during the Pan-American Exposition which was held in Delaware Park and on the adjoining land in 1901. In the center of Niagara Square stands the McKinley Monument, erected by the state of New York in honor of President William McKinley, who was shot at the Pan- American Exposition in Buffalo, on September 6, 1901. It was in this city that President Roosevelt took the oath of office after President McKinley's death. It is also Avorthy of note that Buffalo was the home of two of our presidents — Fillmore and Cleveland. The business district of Buffalo is only a short distance from the harbor.. The most important business streets are Main Street and Broadway. Twenty miles north of Buffalo the Niagara River plunges over a precipice more than one hundred and fifty feet high, forming the world-famous Niagara Falls. The width of the river, the beauty of the mighty waters as they rush thundering over the edge of the precipice, the foam and spray rising from the foot of the cataract, all combine to make Niagara Falls the greatest natural won der on the American continent. In the middle of the stream lies Goat Island, which divides the Falls into the Horseshoe Falls on the Canadian side and the American Falls on the New York side. Hardly less interesting than the Falls are the power plants on both sides of the river, Avhich are making the force of Niagara do a mighty work. It has been reck oned that the volume of Avater which passes over the Falls is tAVO hundred and sixty-five thousand cubic feet each BUFFALO 225 second. Think of it ! This tremendous rush of Avater, the experts tell us, represents five million horse power. To make this gigantic poAver of use to man, canals have been built above the Falls to bring water from the river to the power houses Avhere its great force turns huge Avater Avheels and produces electric power. Cables of copper Avire raised high hi the air carry this power to all the surrounding country. It runs many of Buffalo's factories, lights the city streets, and moves its trolley cars as well as those hi Syracuse, one hundred and fifty miles away. Such then, Avith its wonderful poAver, its command of material, its beautfful and important location, is the Buffalo of to-day. The little settlement of one hundred years ago has become the eleventh city in size in the United States. BUFFALO EACTS TO REMEMBER Population (1920), over 500,000 (506,775). Eleventh city according to population. Important lake port. One of the best harbors on the Great Lakes. Located at the western end of the Erie Canal. Great transfer point between lake boats and canal boats and railroads. Important railroad center. Center for live-stock trade. Important center for wheat, lumber, meat packing, and the iron and steel industries. Electric light and power obtained from Niagara Falls. 226 GREAT CITIES OF THE UNITED STATES QUESTIONS FOR REVIEW .VND STUDY 1. How did it happen that the people of New York first came to settle west oi. the Appalachian Mountains, and where were these first settlements ? 2. Tell about the beginning of Buffalo, and give its origi nal name. 3. What was the first route from Albany to Buffalo, and why waa it used ? How was the journey made between 1811 and 1825 ? 4. Tell the story of the Erie Canal, and give its effect on Buffalo and the West. 5. How did Buffalo's location make it one of the great centers of industry ? 6. What three things are necessary to success in manu facturing ? 7. How is Buffalo furnished Avith jiower for her great manufacturing interests ? 8. Where does Buffalo find a market for her products ? How ? 9. What great steel company is located near this city ? Why ? 10. Describe the wonderful coke ovens and blast furnaces near Buffalo. 11. Give some idea of Buffalo's fiour mills, slaughter houses, and lumber yards, and of her importance in these industries. 12. What do you know of Niagara Falls and the power plants on both sides of the Niagara River ? SAN FRANCISCO The United States extends from the Atlantic to the Pacific, and just as New York is our leading seaport on the Atlantic, so Sau Francisco is the leading seaport on the Pacific. San Francisco's history is inseparably connected with the development of the resources of California. In 1769 Spain sent an expedition overland from Mexico to colo nize the Pacific coast, and Don Gasper de Portola, at the head of these colonists, was the first Avliite man known to have looked upon San Francisco Bay. Seven years later, in 1776, the Franciscan friars built a fortified settlement on the present site of San Fran cisco. The Mission Dolores, which is still standings was begun the same year, aud a little village slowly grew up around it. At the close of the Mexican War, in 1848, California Avas ceded to the United States, and the Stars and Stripes Avere raised over the little settlement, whose name Avas soon changed from Yerba Buena to San Francisco. In 1848, too, came the discovery of gold in California, and San Francisco suddenly grew from a Spanish village 227 228 GREAT CITIES OF THE UNITED STATES to a busy American town. The population jumped from 800 to 10,000 in a single year. A city of tents and shanties quickly arose on the sand dunes. Thousands of people were leaving their homes in the East to seek a fortune in the gold fields. Many came by water, either rounding Cape Horn or else traveling by boat to the Isthmus of Panama, crossing on foot, and reembarking on the Pacific coast. Others came overland in large canvas-covered wagons called prairie schooners. These newcomers were men of all classes — ministers, lawyers, farmers, laborers. Some were educated, others were ignorant. While most of them were industrious and law-abiding, a considerable number were desperate and lawless men. These last caused much trouble. Gambling, murders, and crimes of all kinds were alarmingly common, and the city government was powerless to punish the lawbreakers. Finally, the better class of citizens formed a vigilance committee, which hung four criminals and punished many hi other ways until law and order Avere established. San Francisco has been called the " child of the mines." It was the discovery of gold that first made it the leading city of the Pacific coast. From that day the production of gold has been steadily maintained. Nearly $20,000,000 worth is mined in the state of California each year, with a total production of over 11,500,000,000. Later the silver mines in Nevada were discovered and developed, and their immense output brought increased wealth to San Francisco. As time went on, however, people began to see that California's real wealth lay not so much in her mines as in her fertile farm lands. These, combined with the SAN FRANCISCO 229 wonderful climate, have made Calffornia a leading agri cultural state. The great central valley of Calffornia, about 400 miles long and 50 miles wide, lies between the Sierra Nevada Mountains and the Coast Ranges. Its farms, orchards, orange groves, and vineyards produce immense quantities AN OKANGE GROA^E of grain, and of grapes, and other fruits. Large numbers of cattle and sheep are raised. In the southern counties many tropical fruits are grown successfully. Irrigated groves of orange, lemon, and olive trees cover thousands of acres. Other important crops are English walnuts, almonds, prunes, and figs. Copper, silver, oil, quicksilver, and salt are also valuable products, while the forest-covered 230 GREAT CITIES OF THE UNITED STATES mountains supply excellent lumber. Such is the wealth of California's natural resources, and San Francisco is the great port and market of this rich back country. As the Sacramento River flows into San Francisco Bay from the north and the San Joaquin from the south, the PICKING GRAPES two offer cheap transportation up and down their valleys, being navigable to river steamers for over 200 miles. The great bay of San Francisco is the largest land locked harbor in the world. Here the navies of all the nations could ride at anchor side by side in safety. Though 65 miles long and from 4 to 10 miles wide, the bay is completely sheltered from dangerous winds and storms. It is connected with the Pacific Ocean by a SAN FRANCISCO 231 strait called the Golden Gate, which is 2| miles long and over a mile wide. "* Such advantages have made San Francisco a great commercial and financial center. Ships from San Fran cisco carry the products of California westward to all the 2ii^^i£l sr^ ^ !^S^ii^^sS^?^^^iB>-'.=,-''^ '^A^r: *- . ^ftmOB^^^S^ ^p^pg«^9HPnnR>^£^^ ^ w^^L, .<0i^mmm^"-~ ,^^3Mfi . . ^. ¦ ''"¦' :. .A ¦' : .ir '"¦¦,"'''-¦: ' - THE GOLDEN GATE countries borderuig on the Pacific, while others sail to the Atlantic seaports of America and Europe. The outgoing steamers are loaded with wheat, cotton, canned goods, oil, barley, prunes, flour, dried fruits, leather, machinery, lumber, and iron manufactures. In coming steamers bring raw silk, coffee, tea, copra, nitrate of soda, tin ingots, sugar, rice, cigars, coal, burlap, vanilla beans, cheese, and manila hemp. THE SITE OF SAN FRANCISCO 232 SAN FRANCISCO 233 Already the foreign commerce of San Francisco amounts to more than $150,000,000 annually, and with the increas ing trade of Japan and China and the shortened route to the Atlantic through the Panama Canal, the future of its foreign trade cannot be estimated. In addition to her foreign trade, San Francisco has many growing industries at home. Printing and publish ing, slaughtering and meat packing, are among the most important. The canning and pre serving of fruits and vegetables is a leading industry of the city. The California Fruit Canners Associa tion employs many thousands of peo ple during the fruit season and is the largest fruit-and- vegetable canning .company in the world. It operates thirty branches throughout the state, and its products are sent to all parts of the globe. Though iron has to be imported, — there being little mined in California, — the city does a thriving iron busi ness. In the early days there was need of mining machinery in the West, and San Francisco at that time began manufacturing it. She also has one of the greatest shipbuilding plants in the United States. The famous battleship Oregon, the Olympic, the Wisconsin, the OMo, A FLOWER SIARKET SCALE OF MILES THE CITY OF SAN FRANCISCO 234 SAN FRANCISCO 23.-) and other ships, of the United States Navy were built iu San Francisco. In 1906 a severe earthquake shook San Francisco, Avrecking many buildings. Fire broke out in twenty places, and as the earthquake had broken the city's water mains, the fire fighters had to jjump salt water from the ON SAN FRANCISCO'S WATER FRONT bay and use dynamite to stop tlie progress of the flames. During the three days of the fire, four square miles were laid in ruins. Because of occasional slight shocks in former years, the inhabitants had built their city of wood, thinking it safer than brick or stone. They had not thought of the greater danger of fire. This earthquake taught them a lesson. 236 GREAT CITIES OF THE UNITED STATES The fcAv skyscrapers in the city had stood the shock re markably well, and profiting by this experience thousands of modern structures — steel, brick, and reenforced con crete — were built to replace the old wooden buildings. A far more modern and beautiful city has arisen from the ashes of the ruins. The city occupies 46 1 square miles at the end of the south ern peninsula which lies between San Fran cisco Bay and the Pacific Ocean. The site of the city is hilly, especially in the northern and western parts. Market Street, 120 feet wide and the chief business thoroughfare, extends southwest from the water front and di vides the city into two parts. The southern district contains many manufacturing plants and the homes of the labormg people. The streets here are level. North of Market Street lie three high hills — Telegraph Hill, Nob Hill, and Russian HilL In this haff of the city are the finest residences, Nob Hill having been given its name in the early days when the mining millionaires built their homes upon it. ^l'\l II ^^ 1 /ll W|L^ 1 im Bj^g^S^ M 'Wm I^^Kk T^ wm 11 Sfflri^ss^-^^ '^m.»flHHfl CHINATOAVN SAN FRANCISCO 237 The main business section is in the northeastern part of the city, facing the harbor, and is on level ground. It contains hundreds of new office buildings, many of them from eight to twenty or more stories high. Fine modern hotels and beautiful banks add much to the beauty of this part of San Fran cisco. The most important public buildings are the United States mint and the post office, which escaped the flames in 1906, the customhouse, the Hall of Justice, the new Audito rium, and the city hall. These last two face the Civic Center, which is being created at a cost of nearly $17,000,000. At the foot of Telegraph Hill is the largest Chinese quarter in the United States. It was completely destroyed during the fire, but is now rebuilt and much improved. Its temples, joss houses, and theaters, its markets, bazaars, and restaurants, with their strange life and customs and their oriental architecture, attract crowds of visitors. There are now thousands of Chinese THE UNION FERRY BUILDING 238 GREAT CITIES OF THE UNITED STATES in San Francisco, but their number has been steadily de creasing since the Exclusion Act was passed, prohibiting Chmese laborers from entering this country. It was thought necessary to have this law m order to protect the American workingman on the Pacific coast, as the FISHERMAN'S WHARF Chinese laborers Avho had already been admitted Avere working for wages upon which no white man could live. At the foot of Market Street, on the water front, stands the Union Ferry Building, a large stone structure with a high clock tower. Only one of the cross-continent railroads — a branch of the Southern Pacific — lands its passengers in the city of San Francisco. All the other roads, which include the SAN FRANCISCO 239 main line of the Southern Pacific, the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe, the Union Pacific, and the Western Pacific, terminate on the eastern shore of the bay and send the travelers to San Francisco by ferry. In consequence, San Francisco has developed the best ferry service in the world, all lines meeting at the Union F'erry Building. MT. TAMALPAIS FROM NOB HILL North and south of the Union Ferry Building stretch eight miles of wharves and docks and many factories, lumber yards, and warehouses. At the docks, ships are being loaded and unloaded continually. In March and April each year a fleet of forty or fifty vessels starts out for the Alaskan fisheries. San Francisco is the leading salmon port of the United States, distributing 240 GREAT CITIES OF THE UNITED STATES millions of dollars' worth of salmon yearly. Fisherman's Wharf, at the northern end of the water front, is full of interest, with its brown, weather-beaten fishermen and their odd fishing boats. To the south of the Union Ferry Building is "Man-of-war Row," where United States and foreign battleships ride at anchor. PRESIDIO TERRACE The cities of Alameda, Oakland, Richmond, and Berke ley are directly across the bay from San Francisco, on the east shore. Like New York, San Francisco is the center of a large metropolitan district, and the residents of these neighboring cities daily travel to their work in San Fran cisco on the ferries. For several years there has been talk of uniting these cities with San Francisco. If this plan were SAN FRANCISCO 241 carried out, it would nearly double San Francisco's present population, which is over 500,000. The University of California, in Berkeley, has nearly 7000 students, tuition being free to residents of Cali fornia. The Leland Stanford Univei;sity, 30 miles from San Francisco, is another noted institution in the state. THE TOWER OP JEWELS OF THE PANAMA-PACIFIC EXPOSITION To the north of the Golden Gate is Mt. Tamalpais, 2592 feet high, overlooking the bay and San Francisco. To the south is the Presidio, the United States military reservation, covermg 1542 acfes. Here are the harbor fortifications and the headquarters of the western division of the United States Army. Fronting on the ocean beach 242 GREAT CITIES OF THE UNITED STATES IN GOLDEN UATE PARK Pacific International the completion of the Panama Canal. That the citizens of San Francisco look to the future was shown at a gather ing of business men in 1910, when more than $4,000,000 was raised in two hours for this Panama ex position. The cli mate of the city (averaging more than 50 degrees in winter and less than 60 degrees in sum mer), the beauties and extending east ward for 4 miles is Golden Gate Park, the largest of San Francisco's many parks and squares. Occupying part of the Presidio and facing the water at the northern end of the city is the site of the Panama- Exposition, held in 1915 to celebrate IN FRONT OF THE EXPOSITION'S PALACE OF FINE ARTS SAN FRANCISCO 243 and wonders of Calffornia, the romantic history of the city, exhibits from many parts of the Avorld — all these, the citi zens knew, would attract thousands of visitors from afar and make knoAA'ii to the Avorld the advantages and pros perity of the Far ^^"est and its chief city, San Francisco. SAN FRANCISCO EACTS TO REMEMBER Population (1920), over 500,000 (506,676). Twelfth city according to population. Second largest city of the Western States. One of the finest harbors in the world. The natural shipping point for the products of the rich state of California. Chief center for the trade of the United States with the Orient. Leads all American cities in the shipment of wheat. Has great canning and preserving industries. QUESTIONS FOU REYIEW AND STUDY 1. Find by measurements on a map of the United States the distance of San Francisco from New York City in a direct line. 2. Find by consulting time tables or by inquiry of some railroad official how long it would take to raake the journey from New York to San Francisco, and Avhat railroad system might be used. AnsAver this question, applying it to your OAvn city. 3. Who founded San Francisco, and Avhat Avas it first called ? 4. When and how did San Francisco become an American possession ? 244 GREAT CITIES OF THE UNITED STATES 5. Of what was the great wealth of California supposed to consist at first? What is the great wealth of the state considered to be to-day ? 6. What are the chief exports of the city, and to Avhat countries are they sent? 7 . What are the chief imports of the city ? 8. What are the great advantages of San Francisco Bay ? 9. When did the great fire at San Francisco occur, and what damage was done ? 10. What benefit has San Francisco derived from the com pletion of the Panama Canal? 11. Why is the ferry system of San Francisco so important ? 12. Name four cities across the bay from San Francisco, and tell how they are related to that city. 13. Tell something of the fishing industry of San Francisco. 14. Does the name " Golden Gate " seem appropriate to you ? Why ? 15. Name the chief industries of Sau Francisco. 16. Describe the location of the city. 17. Find out how many days' journey by steamship are the following places from San Francisco: Honolulu ' Shanghai Manila Yokohama Sydney Buenos Aires NEW ORLEANS The story of New Orleans, the Crescent City, reads like a wonderful romance or a tale from the Arabian Nights. As in a moving picture, one can see men making a clear ing along the east bank of the Mississippi River, one hundred and ten miles from its mouth. It is 1718. The French Canadian Bienville has been made governor of the cfreat tract of land called Louisiana, and he has decided to found a settlement near the river's mouth. At the end of three years the little French town, named for the duke of Orleans, stands peacefully on the banks of the great Mississippi, its people buying, selling, fight ing duels, and steadily thrivmg until the close of the French and Indian War. Then France cedes Louisiana to Spain, and for some years NeAV Orleans is under Spanish rule. In 1800, however, Spain cedes Louisiana back to France, and once more New Orleans has a French commissioner and is a French possession. Again the scene changes. Energetic, sturdy men sail down the river, land in the quaint little town, and march to the Cabildo, or Government Hall, where they receive the keys of the town. Because of the Louisiana Purchase, 245 / 246 GREAT CITIES OF THE UNITED STATES New Orleans with all its inhabitants — Spanish, French, Italians, and Jews — is being given over to the United States. The French flag is taken down, and the Stars and Stripes are unfurled over what was, and is to-day, the least American of all American cities. As the history of New Orleans unrolls, one follows the thrilling scenes of a great battle. It is m the War of 1812, and on the last day of December, 1814, the British begin an at tack on the city, with an army of 10,000 framed soldiers. They mean to capture , New Orleans and gain con trol of Louisiana and the mouth of the Mississippi. Andrew Jackson com mands the American forces, made up of reg ulars, militia, pirates, negroes, and volunteers, numbering only about half the attacking British army. Day after day goes by with no great victory gained on either side, until Sunday, January 8, dawns. With the daylight, the British commence a furious assault. But Jackson and his men are ready for them. Rushing back and forth along his line of defense, the commander cries out, " Stand by your guns ! " " See that every shot tells ! " " Let 's finish the business to-day ! " Many of Jackson's WHERE NEW ORLEANS STANDS NEW ORLEANS 247 men are sharpshooters. Time and again they aim and fire, and time and again the enemy advance, fall back, rally, and try to advance once more. But m three short hours the British leader and more than 2500 men have dropped, hundreds shot between the eyes. It is no use ! In confu sion the British turn and flee. Jackson has saved the city. i^P jjgi |Kp KM/ ^* - , - n i H^v ^jf^^^W' '^^^IH — ^^a«w»«ay ^^^- Hi '-^---~ - THE CABILDO In the Civil War the turn of affairs is different. Louis iana was one of the seven states to secede from the Union in 1860 and form themselves into the Confederate States of America. Of course this made New Orleans a Con federate city. Naturally, the north wanted to capture New Orleans in order to control the mouth of the 248 GREAT CITIES OF THE UNITED STATES Mississippi River. This time the attacking force is a Union fleet, and the d'ifenders of the city are stanch Confederates who have done all in their power to prevent the approach of the Northerners. Across the river, near its mouth, two great cables have been stretched, and be tween the cables and the city are a Confederate fleet and two forts, one on each side of the river. The Union fleet under David Farragut appears, opens fire on the forts, and keeps up the attack for six days and nights. Still the forts hold out. Then Farragut de cides that since he cannot take the forts he will run his ships past them. But there are the cables blocking his way. The steamer Itasca undertakes to break them and rushes upon them under a raking fire from both forts. The cables snap. That night the Union ships, in smgle file, start up the river. At last the forts are passed and the Confederate ships overcome, but not the spirit of the people of New Orleans. They fight to the finish as best they can. Cotton bales are piled on rafts, set afire, and floated downstream ainong the Union ships. Still the ships come on. At least the Northerners shall not take the valuable stores of cotton, sugar, and molasses ! So the cotton ships are fired, and hogsheads of molasses aud barrels of sugar are hurriedly destroyed. When the Union forces land and take possession, the people of New Orleans, though heartbroken, know that they have done their best Then comes peace. The war is over, and New Orleans is once more a city of the United States. To-day New Orleans presents the unusual combination of an old city, full of historic interest, and a splendid new city, a place of industry, progress, and opportunity. NEW ORLEANS 249 The successful building of a great city on the site of New Orleans is a triumph of engineering skill. As the city lies below the high-water mark of the Mississippi, it was necessary to build great banks of earth to hold back the water in the flood season. These levees, as they are called, form the water front of the city. In the early days the only drinking-Avater in New Orleans was rain water caught from the roofs and stored in cisterns. Imagine a city without a single cellar. Then not even a grave could be dug in the marshy soil. The ceme teries were all aboveground. In some cemeteries there were tiers of little vaults, one above the other, hi which the dead were laid. In others, magnificent tombs provided resting places for the wealthy. Such was old NeAv Orleans. To-day modern sewers and huge steam pumps clraAV off the sewage and excess Avater, discharging them into the river, while a splendid water system filters Avater taken from higher up the river, giving a supply as pure as that enjoyed by any city in our land. The marshes have been drained by the construction of canals, Avhich are used as highways for bringing raw materials from the surrounding country to the factories of New Orleans. Many of these canals extend for miles into the interior of the state of Louisiana. The city proper covers nearly two hundred square miles and is laid out in beautfful streets, parks, and driveways, crossed in many places - by picturesque waterwaj^s. Here are splendid trees, belonging both to the temperate zone and to the tropics. Palms and cypresses abound. In the City Park is one of the finest groves of live oaks in the world. Audubon Park, named for the great lover of birds. H a 1 THE CITY OF NEW ORLEANS 250 NEW ORLEANS 251 who Avas born near this city, is another of the beautiful parks of New Orleans. Canal Street divides New Orleans into two sections, with the Old Town, or French Quarter, on one side and the New Town, or American Quarter, on the other. This is the main thoroughfare of the city. It is a Avide street, CANAL STREET well-kept and busy. Here are many of the great retail stores, and to this street comes every car line. From Canal Street one may take a car to any section of the city, and a car taken m any part of New Orleans will sooner or later brhig one to Canal Street. On this street are handsome stores, club builduigs, hotels, railroad sta tions, and the United States customhouse. The upper end of the street is a beautfful residence section, whose 252 GREAT CITIES OF THE UNITED STATES houses are surrounded by spacious lawns and fine trees. Almost all of these houses have wide galleries, or verandas, upon which their owners may sit and enjoy, all the year round, the balmy air of the southern climate. Very sel dom does the temperature drop below 30 degrees Fahren heit. Usually it is between 50 and 60 degrees, and even A CREOLE COURTYARD in summer it varies only between 75 and 90 degrees. New Orleans is really cooler in summer than some of our northern cities, being so surrounded by river and lakes. The old New Orleans hes northeast of Canal Street. Here the early settlers established their homes, and in this French Quarter the French language is still in com mon use, and many old French customs are observed. NEW ORLEANS 253 The streets, many of which bear French names, are narrow and roughly paved and are closely built up with old- fashioned brick buildings ornamented with iron verandas. Open gateways in the front of many a gloomy-looking house give us a glimpse of attractive interior courts, gay with flowers and splashing fountains. Many other courts. JACKSON SQUARE AND THE CATHEDRAL OF ST. LOUIS, alas, are deserted or neglected, for this is no longer the fashionable section of New Orleans. Most of the city's Creole population hves in the French Quarter. These people are the descendants of the early French and Spanish inhabitants. In the French Quarter is Jackson Square, which was the center of governmental Iffe in the early years of the city 254 GREAT CITIES OF THE UNITED STATES Here are the Cabildo — the old Spanish court buildmg — and the Cathedral of St. Louis, an old and beautfful church. On Chartres Street is the Archiepiscopal Palace, said to be the oldest public building in the Mississippi Valley. The French Market is one of the world's famous market places. In the long low buildings occupying four city blocks may be found fruits, vegetables, meats, fish, and BAYOU ST. JOHN game in wonderful variety. To the Oyster Lugger Land ing come the oyster boats, bringing from the bays of the Gulf coast some of the finest oysters in America. Other points of interest in the French Quarter are the Royal Hotel, formerly known as the St. Louis Hotel; the United States mint; the Soldiers' Home, whose gardens are noted for their beauty ; Bayou St. John, a picturesque waterway ; and Jackson Barracks. NEW ORLEANS 255 Two other places must not be slighted. In the Ursuline convent stands a statue before which, on January 8, 1815, the nuns prayed for the success of the Americans in the battle of New Orleans. Then there is St. Roch's Shrine, a chapel built by Father Thevis. Each stone in it was placed by his own hands, in ful fillment of a vow that " ff none of his parishioners should die of an epidemic, he would, stone by stone, build a chapel in thanksgiving to God." This ancient shrme is visited by thousands of people every year. To the southwest of Canal Street is the American Quar ter. This was origi nally a tract of land, known as the Terre Commune, reserved by the French government for public use. But after a while the land was laid out hi streets. Soon the merchants of this section began to trade Avith the North and West. The river boats landed in front of the Faubourg St. Marie, as this part of the city was then called, bringing tobacco, cotton, pork, beef, corn, flour, and fabrics. Commercial buildings sprang up, and as the ST. ROCH'S CHAPEL 256 GREAT CITIES OF THE UNITED STATES trade Avas distinctly American, the district came to be known as the American Quarter. In the days when the French Quarter was all there was of New Orleans, the city was in the shape of a haff moon or crescent. The newer part of the city follows the course ST. CHARLES AVENUE of the river and makes the New Orleans of to-day more like a letter S. St. Charles Avenue is the most beautfful residential street in the American Quarter. It is a wide avenue Avith driveways on either side of a grassy parkway. Rows of trees, many of them stately palms, border the avenue. Here are splendid homes, each with its flower beds and gardens of tropical plants. NEW ORLEANS 257 Churches and charitable institutions abound in Ncav Orleans. One of the latter, Touro Infirmary, covers an entire city block. This infirmary Avas endowed by Juclah Touro, a Jew, and is supported by Jews, but receives suf ferers of any creed. In its courtyard is a fountain erected by the Hebrew children of New Orleans. Tulane University is the most renowned educational institution in the city, and is noted for its medical and engineering departments. On Washington Avenue is the H. Sophie Newcomb Memorial College for young women, which is the Avomen's department of Tulane University. The great hotels and many restaurants of the city are noted throughout the United States. The creole cooks have made famous such dishes as chicken gumbo, chicken a la Creole, and pompano. The country around New Orleans is one of the richest in the world. Within a feAV hours' ride of the city are great fields of cotton, sugar, and rice. Two hundred miles from the city are immense deposits of sulphur and salt. Oil fields are within easy reach, and coal is brought by water from the mines of Alabama and even from Penn sylvania. Great forests to the north furnish lumber which is transported by water to the city, making New Orleans one of the foremost ports in lumber exportation. The immense sugar-cane fields of the South look very much like the cornfields of the more northern states. Negroes cut the cane close to the ground, as the lower part lof the stalk has the most sugar. After the leaves and tops have been trimmed off, the stalks are shipped to the presses, cut into small pieces, and crushed between heavy rollers. The juice is strained, boiled, and worked over to 258 GREAT CITIES OF THE UNITED STATES remove the impurities, and then, in a brownish mass called raw sugar, is sent to great refineries to be made by more boiling and other processes into the white sugar we use daily. This sugar industry is very important, as figures show that each American, both grown-ups and children. A SUGAR-CANE FIELD consumes an average of more than seventy pounds of sugar a year. Away down South is the land of cotton as well as the land of sugar, and there is no more beautfful sight than a field white with the opening bolls of the cotton plant. Between the long white rows pass the picturesque negroes with their big baskets into which they put the soft fleecy cotton as they pick it from the bolls. The raw cotton is NEW ORLEANS 259 then sent to the cot ton gin, where the seeds are taken out to be made into cot tonseed oil. The cot ton itseff is sliipped to factories where it is made into thread and cotton cloth of all kinds. In addi tion to the immense quantities sent to the mills in various parts of the United States, New Orleans ships to Europe each year over $100,000,- 000 worth. When the cotton reaches the city it is in the form of bales covered with coarse cloth and bound with iron bands. The great steamers waiting at the dock must fill their holds to the best advantage in order that they may carry as large an amount as possible 260 GREAT CITIES OF THE UNITED STATES on each voyage. The cotton as it comes from the planta tion presses occupies too much space. It is interesting to stand near the steamship landings and see the workmen cast off the iron bands and place the bales between the powerful jaws of huge presses which seem, almost without A BANANA CONVEYOR effort, to close down upon the mass of fleecy whiteness and cause it to shrink from four feet to about one foot in thickness. While the cotton is still under pressure, iron bands are once more placed upon it, and the bale is then taken from the press. After this process four bales can be loaded on the steamer in the space which one plantation bale would have occupied. NEW ORLEANS 261 The location of New Orleans near the mouth of the Mississippi and close enough to the Gulf of Mexico to be called a Guff port makes it naturally the great port of exchange of all the products of the Mississippi Valley, the islands of the Guff, and the countries on the north coast of South America. It is the second largest export port in America and is the world's greatest export market for cotton. Oysters and fish in abundance are brought to the city from the Gulf, making New Orleans one of the largest fish-and-oyster markets in the United States. More bananas arrive at New Orleans than at any other port in the world. The great bunches of fruit are unloaded by machinery, placed upon specially designed cars, and sent by the fastest trains to the various parts of the United States. With the sugar-producing districts so near, New Orleans is, of course, one of our country's chief sugar markets. The largest sugar refinery in the world is located here. We have already mentioned the water front, but this important and interesting part of the city deserves more attention. For fifteen miles along the river, the port of this great city stretches in an almost unbroken line of wharves and steel sheds. The steamboat landings are near the foot of Canal Street, and here may be seen the river packets from Northern cities and the little stern-wheelers which run up Red River. Above is the flatboat landing, and further on still are the tropical-fruit wharves and miles of wharves for foreign shipping. Just below Canal Street are the sugar sheds, where barrels and hogsheads of sugar and molasses cover blocks and blocks. At Julia Street are huge coffee sheds where 262 GREAT CITIES OF THE UNITED STATES more than 80,000 bags of coffee, each bag holding about 138 pounds, can be stored in the large steel warehouses. At Louisiana Ave nue are the huge Stuyvesant Docks, which cover 2000 feet of river front age. One of the big elevators here AviU hold 1,500,000 bushels of grain, another 1,000,000 bushels. Each one can unload 250 cars a day and de liver freight to 4 steamships at the same time. While the peo ple of this mter esting Southern city are great workers, they are quite as fond of play as of work. Their love of music is shoAvn by their NEW ORLEANS 263 fine opera house, Avhere celebrated French operas are given. Because of its gayety, which attracts many visitors, espe cially in winter, Ncav Orleans has been called the Winter Capital of America. The city's great holiday is the Mardi Gras carnival, which is celebrated just before Lent. The keys of the city are then given over to the King of the Carnival, and all day long high revelry holds sway. Brilliant floats, repre senting scenes of Avonderful quaintness and loveliness, parade through floAver-garlanded avenues thronged with people who have come from every quarter of the globe. Carried away by the spirit of the fete, these guests join Avith the citizens in turning New Orleans for the time into a fairy city of wonder and delight. NEW ORLEANS FACTS TO REMEMBER Population (1920), nearly 400,000 (387,219). Seventeenth city in rank, according to population. The natural port of export and exchange for the Missis sippi Valley. The second largest export port in the United States. The world's greatest export market for cotton. The center of a great sugar industry. A great import port for tropical fruit and coffee. Splendid harbor and shipping facilities along the river. Excellent communications by water and rail with other great American cities. Protected by great levees from overflow of the Missis sippi River. Holds annually a great Mardi Gras carnival. 264 great cities of the united states questio:n"S for review and study 1. Tell briefly the story of the settlement of New Orleans. 2. Can you tell why it was important for the United States to own New Orleans ? 3. Describe the city's part in two wars. What wars were they ? 4. What great natural disadvantages were overcome in improving the city of New Orleans, and how was it done ? 5. State some facts about the principal business street of the city. What unusual arrangement of street cars is found in New Orleans ? 6. Contrast the French Quarter of the past with the same section as it is to-day. 7. What is interesting about Jackson Square ? 8. Tell what you can of the river front. 9. What are the chief imports and exports of NeAV Orleans ? 10. Give a brief account of the preparation of cotton, from the field to its being loaded for shipment to foreign lands. 11. Do you know why so much cotton is sent to foreign countries ? 12. Tell how sugar is made from the sugar cane. Do you know from what else we get sugar? 13. Tell what you can of the Mardi Gras carnival. 14,. Find by reference to a map of the United States the great cities which may be reached by river steamers from New Orleans. 15. Why was New Orleans called the Crescent City ? WASHINGTON THE CAPITAL CITY Washington, the capital city of our nation, is the center of interest for the whole country. Every citizen of the United States thinks of the city of Washington as a place in which he has a personal pride. Here one may see in operation the work of governing a great nation. The representatives whom the people have chosen meet in the splendid Capitol to make laws for the whole country. The home of the president is here, and here are located the headquarters of the great departments of our government. The capital city is a city of splendid trees, of Avide, well-paved streets and handsome avenues. At the inter section of many of the streets and avenues are beautiful parks and circles, ornamented by statues of the great men of the nation. " How," we are asked, " did it happen that the capital of a great nation was built almost on its eastern bound ary ? " The distance from Washington to San Francisco is 3205 miles. In other words, Washington is almost as near to London as to San Francisco. The answer is simple. 265 266 GREAT CITIES OF THE UNITED STATES The site was chosen when the settled part of our country- lay between the Allegheny Mountains and the Atlantic Ocean. At that time most of the land west of the AUeghenies was looked upon as a wilderness whose settlement was uncertain, while no one dreamed that the infant nation would extend its boundaries to the Pacific Ocean. " And why was it decided to build a hcav city as the nation's capital, on a site where there was not even a settlement ? Why was not some city already established chosen to be the chief city of the nation ? " The story is interesting. Before the Revolutionary War the colonies were much like thirteen independent nations, having little to do with one another, but during the war a common peril held them together in a loose union. With the danger passed and independence won, this union threatened to dissolve, but thanks to the mfluence of the wisest and best men in the country the thirteen states finally became one nation and adopted the Constitution which governs the United States to-day. Then discussion arose as to the site of the new nation's capital. Several states clamored for the honor of having one of their cities chosen as the government city. The men who framed the Constitution Avere wise enough, however, to foresee difiiculty if this were done, and insisted that the seat of government should be in no state but in a small territory which should be controlled entirely by the national government After much debate the present location was chosen, and the tAvo states of Maryland and Virginia each gave to the federal government entire control over a small WASHINGTON 267 territory on the Potomac River. The two pieces of land formed a square, ten miles on each side. The territory Avas named the District of Columbia, and the city to be built was called Washington in honor of our first president, whose home, Mount Vernon, was but a few miles aAvay. Later, in 1846, the Virginia part of the District Avas given MOUNT VERNON back, so now all the District is on the Maryland side of the Potomac and is no longer in the shape of a square. A firm behef hi the future of Washington led to the making of very elaborate and extensive plans for laying out the city. But as the public builduigs began to rise, with great stretches of unimproved country between them, many thought the plans much too elaborate and feared that the attempt to build a new city would end in failure. It was in the fall of 1800 when the government moved to Washington. Then, in 1814, when things had taken 268 GREAT CITIES OF THE UNITED STATES a start,' a dreadful misfortune happened; just a few months before the close of the war of 1812, the British attacked the city and burned both the Capitol and the White House. In spite of these early discouragements and years of ridipule, the capital has fully justified the plans and hopes of the far-seehig men who built not for their own day but for the years to come. Perhaps one gets the best idea of the city to day from the height of the Capitol's beautfful dome that rises over three hundred feet above the pavement. There is a gallery around the out side of the dome, just below the lantern which lights its summit, and from here one can see for miles in any direc tion. Our view of the city from this height shows us that most of the streets are straight and run either north and south or east and west. The east and west streets are let tered ; those running north and south are numbered. One might easily imagine four great checkerboards placed together, with the Capitol standing at the point where the four boards meet. I say four checkerboards, because from the Capitol three great streets go to the north, the south, and the east, while a broad park runs away to the west, WASHINGTON 269 thus dividing the city mto four sections. Running across the regularly planned streets of these checkerboards are broad avenues, many of which seem to come like spokes of wheels from parks placed hi different sections of the city. These avenues are named for different states. kmmiMr^-^ ... .. m m/k ¦¦¦"/iTErrL. . ~ -¦ . __\'- ,:.;« ,».,.a^i-i .^... r^i^^aigp L, 1 . f!W, 1^ *f"'~ s. i**| 'i'" /''.'f"^! ¦SS* '.. -.— . '¦^3!ifi^'-''"'~' -JpuZJ^'-^ -' *lft.:!^jB K '^i ^s LOOKING WEST FROM THE DOME OF THE CAPITOL Close about us is a splendid group of majestic build ings. The Capitol, upon the brow of the hill overlooking the western part of the city, is the center of the group. To the north and south of the Capitol rise the beautiful marble buildings for the use of the committees of the Senate and the House of Representatives. To the east" is the Library of Congress, the most beautfful building of its kind in the world. M |W w|A\i /f| ^*«? ^ — ¦"^../-'-^ \ ,«, -^ Air~.. /"^ ^^^^Si^^f^i M f ™>..-«—«^-.^ n Xa.,,.,^^ -\ / ji^SS^^ ^ r^^i^^Z^ """""'"^'^wil LJ Lu.*^ /^ * -^V -r-p,p±««>»' ^ >' u ^r-^'^^ ^^^ %¦ ^^r ^^W^^/A* NK\0\K-', N.N. 1 ^ ^ ^x^sjW\ \N! '\ C^Kb ^^^^Cl"* A 1 /-=533X ^ft^^^Ho /? 1 X^ ^^^^/y 1 \5»W^%^^§^ ff J / y(L&>ff^^'^l^W^ / 1 f / / /¦^ N^^yCxX/x /^^^hCf^PoS^S^jS^S^ <^?¥¥VT5?XS4/S3fef y 1 I / ^ ^W^Wi ^^C 'l-^^^^^/^V " -S yCy\^ • ll ^C^'^WT^^^^^^^a \ « ^^^ 4=^ vY'^^S^^v \ " ^ s^^-^^^ NK J^^ /\X \//ff^v'XA/ X 3 fU )/. i^yv \ y^/w vw ^ D^K '^i:::?*'''^^^^! \\ S \ WSfrSl \ iq).' > -'7^A/<\/V 1.^ ^ \\xi/ Xj 270 WASHINGTON 271 Toward the northwest and southeast runs Pennsylvania Avenue, one hundred sixty feet wide, the most famous street in the city. About a mile and a half up Pennsyl vania Avenue from the Capitol is another imposing group of. public buildings. Here are the Treasury Department, the Executive Mansion, — the home of the president, — and the State, War, and Navy Building. Pennsylvania / ^^^S Tii^^lT'.ljf ^2^W '^mjkA*iJ':.- Bntnfl' "~ ' ~'^ M^ mi'^MMKKl A VIEW OF PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE Avenue leads past the fronts of these buildings and on for ~ more than two miles to the far-western part of the city. Directly west from the Capitol we look along the fine parkways which divide the city in that direction just as do the maul streets which run from the Capitol to the north, east, and south. This handsome series of parks is caUed the MaU. In the MaU are a number of public buildings placed in an irregular line stretching west from the Capitol, with sufficient distance between them 272 GREAT CITIES OF THE UNITED STATES to allow spacious grounds for each building. Here we find the home of the Bureau of Fisheries, the Anny Medical Museum, the National Museum, the Smithsonian Institution, the Department of Agriculture, the Bureau of Engraving and Printing, and the Washington Monument. As we walk around the gallery of the Capitol dome, we see that almost every street and avenue is lined on either side with beautiful shade trees which give the city a gardenlike appearance. And looking toward the south we see the eastern branch of the Potomac meeting the main stream and flowing away in a majestic river, over a mile in width. On all sides of the city the land rises in beautiful green hills, guarding the nation's capital as it lies nestled between the river's protecting arms. Having this picture of the general plan of Washington, let us visit some of the buildings ; first of all the Capitol, for it is the most imposing as well as the most important building in the city. For a good view of the building, walk out upon the spacious esplanade which extends across the eastern front. Even here it is hard to appre ciate that the Capitol is over 751 feet long, 350 feet wide, and covers more than 31- acres of ground. The eastern front shows the building to have three divisions, a central building and a northern and a southern wing. Each divi sion has a splendid portico with stately Corinthian columns and a broad flight of steps leading to the portico from the eastern esplanade. Every four years a new president of the United States is elected, and March 4 is the day on which he takes office. On this day a great stand is put up over the steps leading to the central portico of the Capitol, and upon a 73 274 GREAT CITIES OF THE UNITED STATES this platform a most imposing ceremony takes place. Here the new president, in the presence of all the members of Congress, the representatives of foreign nations, many dis tinguished guests, and an immense throng of people, takes upon himseff the obligations of his high office. The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court holds a Bible before the WHEN PRESIDENT WILSON WAS INAUGURATED president, who places his hand upon it and repeats these words : "I do solemnly swear that I will faithfully exe cute the office of President of the United States, and will, to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States." After the president has delivered his inaugural address, a splendid procession escorts him to his new home, the Executive Mansion. WASHINGTON 275 Above the central division of the Capitol building, which for many years served as the entire Capitol, rises the imposing dome from which avc have just come. It is crowned Avith a lantern upon the top of which is placed the statue of Freedom. Across the western front of the Capitol is a marble terrace overlooking the . lower part of the city. Though the western front is ornamented with colonnades of Corin thian columns, it lacks the splendid approaches of the eastern side. This immense building, representing the dignity and greatness of our nation, is given over almost' entirely to the work of lawmakmg. In the central part is the large rotunda beneath the lofty dome. The northern wing is occupied by the Senate of the United States, while the southem wing is the home of the House of Representa tives. We enter the rotunda by the broad stairs leading from the eastern esplanade and find ourselves in a great circular hall, almost a hundred feet in diameter, Avhose Avails curve upward one hundred and eighty feet. At the top a beautiful canopy shows the Father of his Country in the company of figures representing the thirteen origi nal states. About these are other figures, personffying commerce, freedom, mechanics, agriculture, dominion over the sea, and the arts and sciences. Encircling the upper part of the walls, but many feet below the canopy, is a frieze of scenes from the history of the United States. Around the lower part of the walls are eight great paintings. Four of them are the Avork of one of Wash ington's officers, Colonel John Trumbull of Connecticut, and are of great interest because the figures are actual 276 GREAT CITIES OF THE UNITED STATES portraits of the people represented. These paintings show the signing of the Declaration of Independence, the surrender of Burgoyne at Saratoga, the surrender of Cornwallis at Yorktown, and the resignation of Gen eral Washington at the close of the Revolution. STATUARY HALL, IN THE CAPITOL From the rotunda, broad corridors lead north to the Senate Chamber and south to the House of Representa tives. Following the corridor to the south, we come to a large semicircular room. When the central division of the building was all there was to the Capitol, this room was occupied by the House of Representatives, and here were heard the speeches of Adams, Webster, Clay, Cal houn, and many other famous statesmen. It is now set WASHIN'GTON 277 apart as a national statuary hall, where each state may place two statues of her chosen sons. As many of the states have been glad to honor their great men in this way, a splendid array of national heroes is gathered in the hall. Among the Revolutionary heroes we find Wash ington, Ethan Allen, and Nathaniel Green. A statue of Fulton, sent by New York, shows him seated, looking at a model of his steamship. Of all these marble figures, per haps none attracts more attention than that of Frances Elizabeth Willard, the great apostle of temperance, and to the state of Illinois belongs the distinction of having placed the only statue of a woman in this great collection. Leaving Statuary Hall, we go south to the Hall of Representatives. Here representatives from all the states gather to frame laws for the entire nation. Seated in the gallery it seems almost as ff we were in a huge schoolroom, for the representatives occupy seats which are arranged in semicircles, facing a white marble desk upon a high platform reached by marble steps. This is the desk of the Speaker of the House. The Speaker's duty is to preserve order and to see that the business of this branch of Congress is carried on as it should be. Before dehvering a speech, a representative must have the Speaker's permission. The Speaker is a most impor tant person, for all business is transacted under his direc tion. The representatives come from every state in the Union, and even far-off Hawaii, Alaska, and the Philip pines are allowed to send delegates to this assembly to represent them in making laws. Think what a serious matter it would have been to the people of the far West to have the capital of their nation in the extreme Eastern 278 GREAT CITIES OF THE UNITED STATES section of the country ff the development of the railroads, the telegraph, and the telephone had not made travel and communication so easy that great distances are no longer obstacles. But we can pay only a brief visit to the House of Representatives, for there is another body of lawmakers THE OPENING OF CONGRESS in the northern end of the Capitol which we Avish to see. Back to the rotunda we go and then walk along a corri dor leading to the northern, or Senate, end of the Capitol. Each day, for a number of months in the year, an inter esting ceremony takes place in this corridor promptly at noon. Nine dignified men, clad in long black silk robes, march in solemn procession across the corridor WASHINGTON 279 and enter a stately chamber which, though smaller, re sembles Statuary Hall in shape. These men make up the Supreme Court of the United States, the highest court of justice in the land. Often in cases at laAV a person does not feel that the decision of one, court has been just. He may then have his case examined and passed upon by a higher court. This is called " appealing," and some cases, for good cause, may be appealed from one court to another until they reach the Supreme Court. Beyond the Supreme Court there is no appeal. What this court decides must be accepted as final. The room hi which the Supreme Court meets was once used as the Senate Chamber, and many of the great debates heard in the Senate before our CiAril War were held in this room. The Senate Chamber of to-day is further down the north corridor. This room is not unlike the Hall of Representatives m plan and arrangement, though it is somewhat smaller. Instead of havhig a chairman of their own choosing, as is the case in the House, the Senate is presided over by the vice president of the United States. This high official, seated upon a raised platform, directs the proceedings of the Senate just as the Speaker directs those of the House of Representatives. There seems to be an air of greater solemnity and dignity in tills small group of lawmakers than in the House of Rep resentatives. It is smaller because each state is entitled to send but two senators to the Senate, whereas the number of representatives is governed by the number of inhabit ants in the state. The populous state of New York has forty-three representatives and but two senators, the 280 GREAT CITIES OF THE UNITED STATES same number as the little state of Rhode Island whose population entitles it to only three representatives. The purpose of having two lawmakmg bodies is to pro vide a safeguard against hasty and unwise legislation. In the House of Representatives the most populous states have the greatest influence, while in the Senate all states are equally represented, and each state has two votes INAUGURAL PARADE ON PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE regardless of its size and population. Since every pro posed law must be agreed to hi both the Senate and the House before it is taken to the president for his approval, each body acts as a check on the other in lawmaking. Just to the east of the Capitol grounds stands the magnificent Library of Congress. This wonderful store house of books is a marvelous palace. It covers almost an entire city block, and its towering gilded dome is visible WASHINGTON 281 from almost every part of the city. Once inside, we could easily believe ourselves in fairyland, so beautiful are the halls and the staircases of carved marble, so wonderful the paintings and the decorations. Every available space upon the Avails and ceilings is adorned with pictures, with the names of the great men of the world, and with beautiful ^ -»^- w^^^^ ^^ BOTANICAL GARDENS quotations from the poets and scholars who seem to live agam in this magnificent buUding which is dedicated to the things they loved. In the center of the buUding, just beneath the gilded dome, is a rotunda slightly wider than the rotunda of the Capitol, though not so high. Here are desks for the use of those who wish to consult any volume of the immense collection of books. 282 GREAT CITIES OF THE UNITED STATES The books are kept in great structures called stacks, 9 stories high and containing bookshelves which would stretch nearly 44 miles if placed in one line. Any one of the great collection of 1,300,000 volumes can be sent by machinery from the stacks to the reading room or to the CapitoL When a member of Congress wants a book which is in the Library, he need not leave the Capitol, for there is a tunnel connecting the two buildings through Avhich runs a little car to carry books. The Librarian of Congress has charge of the enforce ment of the copyright law. By means of this law an author may secure the exclusive right to publish a book, paper, or picture for twenty-eight years. One of the re quirements of the copyright law is that the author must place in the Library of Congress two copies of whatever he has copyrighted. Hence, on the shelves of this great library may be found almost every book or paper pub lished in the United States. Leaving the Library we once more find ourselves upon the great esplanade east of the Capitol. In the majestic Avhite-marble buildings to the north and south, ¦ — known as the Senate and House office buildings, — ¦ committees of each House of Congress meet to discuss proposed laws. Having seen the lawmakers at work in the Capitol, let us visit the officials whose duty it is to enforce the laws made by Congress. Chief among these is the president of the United States. His house is officiaUy knoAvn as the Executive Mansion, but nearly everybody speaks of it as the White House. The first public building erected in Washington was the White House. It is said that Washington himseff chose WASHINGTON 283 the site. He lived to see it built but not occupied, for the capital Avas not moved to the District of Columbia until 1800, a year after Washhigton's death. This simple, stately buildmg is a fitting home for the head of a great republic. In the main builduig are the living apartments of the president and his family, and THE WHITE HOUSE FROM THE NORTH the great rooms used for state receptions ; the largest and handsomest of these is the famous East Room. Other rooms used on public occasions are known, from the color of the furnishings and hangings, as the Blue Room, the Green Room, and the Red Room. There is also the great State Dining Room, where the president entertains at dmner the important government officials and foreign representatives. 284 GREAT CITIES OF THE UNITED STATES In the Annex, adjoining the White House on the west, are the offices of the president and those Avho assist him hi his work. In this part of the building is the cabinet room, where the president meets the heads of the various departments to consult with them concerning questions of national importance. Across the street from the president's office is the im mense granite building occupied by the three departments THE UNITED STATES TREASURY of State, War, and Navy. The secretaries in charge of these departments have their offices here, together with a small army of clerks. On the opposite side of the White House from the State, War, and Nkvy Building is the National Treasury. The Treasury Building is one of the finest in the city. To see the splendid colonnade on the east is alone worth a journey to Washington. From this building all the money affairs of the United States government are directed. WASHINGTON 285 In the Treasury Building and ui the Bureau of Engrav ing and Fruiting one may see the entire process of manu facturing and issumg paper money. In the Treasury Ave see new biUs exchanged for old, worn-out bills, which are ground to pieces to destroy forever their value as money. Ji. BUREAU OF ENGRAVING AND PRINTING, "UNCLE SASI'S MONEY FACTORY" But to understand the story of a dollar bill or a bill of any other value we must visit the Bureau of Engraving and Printing. This building, which is some distance from the Treasury Building, remmds us of a large printing office, and that is just what it is. Here we are shown from room to room where many men and women are at work, some engraving the plates from which bills are to 286 GREAT CITIES OF THE UNITED STATES be printed and others printing the bills. The paper used is manufactured by a secret process for United States money, and every sheet is most carefully counted at every stage of the printing. Altogether the sheets are counted fifty-two times. Many clerks are employed to keep a careful account of these sheets, and it is almost impossible for a single bill or a single piece of paper to mm^ Ju Mlilii- % . .&a. .11,.."" — -^ „ Ti^ •'¦ L=r«2aM»i«-, E '~~ — -¦— — — __l __i_— — — — ^-. A CIRCLE ANJ> ITS RADIATING AVENUES be lost or stolen. After the money is printed it is put into bundles, sealed, and sent in a closely guarded steel wagon to the Treasury Building, where it is stored in great vaults until it is issued. At the Treasury we find the officials sending out these crisp new bills in payment of the debts of the United States or in exchange for bills which are so tattered and torn that they are no longer usefuL This exchanging of new inoney for old is a large part of the business of the WASHINGTON 287 Treasury and calls for the greatest care in counting and keeping records, in order that no mistakes may be made. After the old bills are counted they are cut in haff and the halves counted separately, to make sure that the first count was correct. When the exact amount of money has been determined, new bills are sent out to the OAvners of the old bills, and the old bills are destroyed. When we have seen enough of the counting of old money, our guide takes us doAvn into the cellar of this great building, where we walk along a narrow passage way with millions of dollars in gold and silver on either hand. All is carefully secured by massive doors and locks, and none but trusted officials may enter the vaults themselves. These gold and silver coins are made in the United States mints in Philadelphia, Denver, New Orleans, and San Francisco. You see the paper bill is not real money but a sort of receipt representhig gold and silver money which you can get at any time from the Treasury. As we peep through the barred doors of the vaults and see great piles of canvas sacks, it is interesting to know that some of the silver and gold coins they hold are ours, Avaiting here while we carry in our pockets the paper bills which represent them. In addition to issuing money, the Treasury Department has charge of collecting all the taxes and duties which furnish the money for the payment of the expenses of the government. Washington is a government city. Of its population of over 400,000, many thousands are directly engaged in the various departments of the government, while most of the 288 GREAT CITIES OF THE UNITED STATES other lines of business thrive by supplying the needs of the government's employees and their families. Very little manufacturing is done in the District of Columbia, and such articles as are manufactured are chiefly for local use. People from almost every country in the world may be seen on the streets, for almost all civilized nations have ministers or ambassadors at Washington to represent CONTINENTAL MEMORIAL HALL them in official dealmgs with the United States. These foreign representatives occupy fine homes, and during the winter season many brilliant receptions are given by them as well as by our own high officials. The people of Washington have built fine churches and many handsome schools, to which all, from the president to the humblest citizen, send their children. In or near the city are the five universities of George Washington, WASHINGTON 289 Georgetown, Howard University for colored people, the Catholic L^niversity, and the American University, where graduates from other colleges take advanced work. The citizens of the District of Columbia do not vote nor do they make their own laws, as it was feared there might be a disagreement between Congress and the city ANNEX AND GARDEN OF THE PAN-AMERICAN UNION government if people voted on local matters. All laws for the District of Columbia are made by the Congress of the United States and are carried out by three commissioners appointed by the president with the con sent of the Senate. Many inhabitants of the District are citizens of the states and go to their homes at election time to cast their votes. Isn't it strange that there is a place in the United States where the citizens cannot vote ? 290 GREAT CITIES OF THE UNITED STATES You are, no doubt, beginning to think that the places of interest in Washington must be very numerous. This is true, for few cities in the world have so many mteresting pubhc buildings. Among these are the Corcoran Art Gallery; the Con tinental Memorial Hall, the majestic marble build mg of the Daughters of the American Revolution; and the palatial home of the Pan-American Union, a place where representa tives of all the American republics may meet. Then there is the Patent Office, for recording and fihng old patents and granting new ones; the Pension Ofifice, from A^'hich cer tain war veterans receive a stated sum each year; the Government Print ing Office, whose reports require over a million dollars' worth of paper each year; Ford's Theater, WASHINGTON 291 where President Lincoln was shot ; the naval-gun factory, for making the fourteen-inch long-range guns used on our battleships; and the Union Railroad Station, whose east wing is reserved for the use of the president. There is one al most sacred spot, upon which the na tion has erected a. splendid memorial to our greatest hero, George Washington. The Washington iNIonument is a sim ple obelisk of white marble, that towers 555 feet above the beautiful park in the midst of which it stands. Those openings near the top which seem so small are 504 feet above us and are actually large win dows. On entering the door at the base of the monument, we pass through the wall, which is 15 feet thick, and find an elevator ready to carry us to the top. If we prefer to walk, there is an interior stairway of 900 steps leading to the top landhig. At the end of our upward journey we find ourselves in a large room with two great windows on WASHINGTON MONUMENT FROM CON TINENTAL MEMORIAL HALL 292 GREAT CITIES OF THE UNITED STATES each of the four sides. From here we get another view of the hillrsurrounded city, and the scene which lies before us is inspiring. The Washington Monument is near the westem end of the Mall, that series of parks extending from the Capitol to the Potomac River. Near by. are the buildings of the Department of Agriculture, which has been of the great est help to the farmers of our land by sending out impor tant information concerning almost everything connected with farm life. Through the Bureau of Chemistry this department did much to bring about the passage of the Pure Food Law, which protects the people by forbidding the sale of food and drugs that are not pure. In the spacious park adjoining the grounds of the Department of Agriculture is a building Avhicli looks like an ancient castle. This is the Smithsonian Institution, Avhich carries on scientific work under government control. The National Museum, which is under the control of the Smithsonian Institution, has a fine building of its own. This museum is a perfect treasure house of interesting exhibits of all kinds. Here may be seen relics of Wash ington, of General Grant, and of other famous Americans ; and here are exhibits showing the history of the telegraph, the telephone, the sewing machine, the automobile, and the flying machine. Stuffed animals of all kinds are ar ranged to look just as if they were alive. So numerous are the exhibits that it would require a large book simply to mention them. Many of the boys and girls of Washmgton spend their Saturday afternoons examining the wonderful things which have been brought to this museum from all parts of the world. THE CITY FROM ARLINGTON HEIGHTS 294 GREAT CITIES OF THE UNITED STATES Near the Washington Monument is a Grecian temple erected as a memorial to Abraham Lincoln. A beautiful mirror basin extends from the eastern front of the memorial toward the Washington Monument. In the placid waters of this basin are reflected both of the memorials to the two great men whom America delights to honor. The Lincoln Memorial stands in the midst of a splendid parkway known as Potomac Park. Fine fields, beautiful gardens and wonderful driveways occupy what was once the mud flats of the river. The well kept roads encircle fields given over to golf, tennis, baseball, polo and other outdoor sports. A weU equipped bathing beach in this park offers enjojnnent for thousands during the summer months. The winding road beside the historic Potomac River is bordered with flowering cherry trees from Japan and flowering trees of other varieties. In the early spring the drive is one of wondrous beauty. From the point of land forming the southem extremity of the park an excellent view is obtained of the fiying fields on the opposite side of the river. Here both the Army and Navy maintain extensive estabhshments and planes of many kinds. Washington has also a ¦ zoological park AA'here there are animals from everywhere. It is on the banks of a beautifiil stream on the outskirts of the city and is part of a great public park which covers many acres of pictur esque wooded country. We must not omit the Post Office Department, for that is the part of the federal government which comes nearest to our homes. Here are the offices of the postmaster gen eral and his many assistants. To tell of the wonders of WASHINGTON 295 our postal system would be a long story in itseff. If aU the people employed by the Post Office Department lived in Washington, they would fill all of the houses and leave no room for anyone else. Of course this great army of employees are not all in any one city, for the work of the post office extends to every part of the United States, and, through arrangement with other nations, to every part of the civilized world. In the country surrounding the city 'of Washington are several iraportant and interesting places. Just across the river, in the state of Virginia, are Fort Myer, an army post, and the famous Arlington National Cemetery. Arlington was the home of Martha Custis, who became the bride of George Washington. At the opening of the Civil War it was the home of the famous Confederate general, Robert E. Lee. Then it passed into the hands of the United States govemment and became a National Cemetery. An imposing amphitheatre of white marble has been erected at Arlington to the heroes of all the wars of the United States. Before the eastern entrance of the amphi theatre, looking across the Potomac upon the capitol of the country for which he gave his hfe, is the simple tomb of America's unknown soldier. On Armistice Day 1921 with imposing ceremony the body of an unknown American soldier from the fields of France was placed in this tomb. He rests in company with the thousands whose graves cover the surrounding hills in America's greatest National Cemetery. On the Virginia shore of the Potomac River, sixteen miles south of the city of Washington, is Mount Vernon, the home and burial place of George Washington. The spacious old mansion in the midst of fine trees and shady 296 WASHINGTON lawns looks out over the wide peaceful river which Wash ington loved. To this home Washington came to live shortly after his marriage. He spent his time in farming on this estate until he was called to take command of the American army. After our independence was won he returned to his home and his farm. Once more he was called upon to leave this quiet country life to become the AVASHINGTON'S TOMB first president of the new nation. When he had served his country two terms he gladly retired to Mount Vernon, where he lived until his death in 1799. To-day the house and grounds are preserved with lov ing care. The rooms of the house are furnished with fine old mahogany furniture, many pieces of which belonged to Washington. In the grounds, not far from the stately mansion, is the simple brick tomb where rest the bodies of Washington and his wffe. During the years which WASHINGTON 297 have passed since his death, thousands of his countrymen have come to tliis tomb to do honor to his memory. As we sail up the Potomac toward the city after our visit to the home of the great man whose name it bears, the Washmgton Monument, the Whffe House, the State, War, and Navy Buildmg, the Capitol, the Library, and the post ofiice tower above the surrounding builduigs and, shining hi the golden light of sunset, make a picture never to be forgotten. This city of parks, of broad avenues, of beautiful build ings, belongs to the Americans who live in the far-distant states as well as to those who live and work in the capital itseff. It is our capital and we may justly be proud of it, for it is one of the most beautiful cities in all the world. WASHINGTON FACTS TO REMEMBER The capital of the nation. Population (1920), over 400,000 (437,571). Fourteenth city in rank, according to population. Center of the federal government of the United States. Governed entirely by Congress under provision of the Constitution. Chief offices of every department of the federal gov ernment located here. Splendid streets, avenues, parks, and monuments. Many magnificent public buildings. Very few manufacturing industries. A city of homes of government employees. One of the most interesting and beautiful cities in the world. 298 GREAT CITIES OF THE UNITED STATES QUESTIONS FOR REVIEW AND STUDY 1. Give some reasons why every citizen of the United States should be interested in Washington. 2. What interesting buildings are located here, and for what are they used ? 3. What were some of the reasons for selecting the loca tion of the capital city ? 4. After Avhom was the city named ? 5. In what year did Washington become the capital city, and what disaster visited it a few years later ? 6. Describe the plan of the city, and name one of its famous streets. 7 . Name three interesting groups of buildings : one on Capitol Hill, one on Pennsylvania Avenue, and one in the Mall. 8. What are some of the natural beauties of the city ? 9. Give some idea of the size and beauty of the Capitol and of the imposing ceremony which takes place there every four years. 10. Describe briefly the House of RepresentatiA'-es when in session and the duties of its members. 11. Where does the Supreme Court of the country sit, and why is it called the Supreme Court? 12. How does the Senate differ from the House of 'Repre sentatives ? What are the duties of senators ? How many come from each state ? 13. Why do we have two lawmaking bodies ? 14. Name some of the attractions of the Library of Con gress. Tell how its books are stacked and how they are sent to the Capitol, and give some facts about the copyright law. 15. Tell what you know of the White House. WASHINGTON 299 16. What two fine buildings are on either side of the White House, and for what is each used ? 17. Describe the making of paper mouey. 18. What are the duties of the Treasury Dejiartment, and what may be seen in the Treasury vaults ? 19. Tell something about the people of Washington, their chief occupation, and why so many foreign diplomats have their homes here. 20. How are the city of Washington and the District of Columbia governed ? 21. Name some places of interest in Washington not already mentioned. 22. 'Describe the splendid monument by which our great est hero is honored. 23. Tell why you would like to visit the Smithsonian Institution, the National Museum, and the Zoological Park. 24. Why are Fort Myer, Arlington, and Mount Yernon very interesting to all citizens of the United States ? 25. To whom does the beautiful city of Washington really belong, and why should Ave be proud of it ? REFERENCE TABLES. LARGEST CITIES OF THE WORLD ACCORDING TO POPULATION IUnk London 1 New York 2 Berhn 3 Paris 4 Chicago 5 Tokio 6 Vienna 7 Philadelphia 8 Buenos Ayres 9 Hankow 10 Osaka 11 ' Calcutta 12 INCREASE IN POPULATION OF OUR GREAT CITIES — NATIONAL CENSUS City New York . . . . Chicago Philadelphia . . . Detroit Cleveland . . . . St. Louis Boston Baltimore . . . . Pittsburgh . . . Los Angeles . . . Buffalo San Francisco . . Milwaukee . . . . Washington, D. C. NewarkCincinnati . . . . New Orleans 1920 1910 1900 5,620,048 4,766,883 3,437,202 2,701,705 2,185,283 1,698,575 1,823,779 1,549,008 1,293,697 993,678 465,766 285,704 796,841 560,663 381,768 772,897 687,029 575,238 748,060 670,585 560,892 733,826 558,485 508,957 588,343 533,905 321,616 576,673 319,198 102,479 506,775 423,715 352,387 606,676 416,912 342,782 457,147 373,857 285,315 437,571 331,069 278,718 414,524 347,469 246,070 401,247 363,591 325,902 387,219 339,075 287,104 300 REFERENCE TABLES 301 THE FOREIGN-BORN POPULATION OF OUR GREAT CITIES CiTT Leading Countries of Birth of Foreign-Born Population — 1920 First Second Baltimore Boston . . Buffalo Chicago Cincinnati . Cleveland . Detroit . Jersey City Los Angeles Milwaukee MinneapoMs New Orleans New York Russia Ireland PolandPoland Germany Poland Canada Italy Mexico Germany Sweden Italy Russia Italy Russia Poland Germany Italy Russia Germany Canada GermanyGermany Russia Hungary Poland Ireland Canada Poland Norway Germany Italy Russia Ireland Germany Russia Germany Ireland Newark ^ Philadelphia Pittsburgh St. Louis San Francisco .... Washington . SHORTEST RAILWAY TRAVEL — DISTANCE FROM NEW YOEK CITY San Francisco 3182 miles New Orleans 1344 miles St Louis 1059 miles Chicago 908 miles Detroit . 690 miles Cleveland 676 miles Pittsburgh 441 miles 302 GREAT CITIES OF THE UNITED STATES Buffalo 439 miles Boston 235 miles Washington, D.C 226 miles Baltimore 186 miles Philadelphia 92 miles SHORTEST RAILWAY TRAVEL CHICAGO San Francisco Boston . . New Orleans New York Philadelphia BaltimoreWashington, D. C. Buffalo . PittsburghCleveland St. Louis . Detroit . -DISTANCE FROM 2274 1021 923 908 818 797787 623 468339 286 272 mUes miles miles miles miles milesmilesmiles milesmiles miles miles TO WHOM WE SELL THE MOST The Amount fob Yeab Ending June 30, 1921 Great Britain (The United Kingdom) . . $1,326,377,917 Canada 789,051,031 France 432,567,397 Cuba 403,285,861 Germany 381,771,609 Italy 302,140,168 Mexico 267,209,366 Netherlands 250,830,859 Argentma 200,890,985 Japan 189,181,551 Belgium 184,533,430 REFERENCE TABLES 303 FROM WHOM WE BUY THE MOST The Amount for Yeab Ending June 30, 1921 Canada $529,355,180 Cuba 420,399,940 Great Britain (The United Kingdom) . . 327,786,474 Japan 253,210,035 Mexico 154,993,154 France 149,851,756 BrazU 147,520,940 Dutch East Indies 141,663,676 Argentma 124,299,424 British India 121,800,392 China 113,193,507 Southworth & Kramer : Great Cities of the United States 304 INDEX Abbey, Edwin A., 164 Adams, Jotui, 84, 87 Adams, Samuel, 160 Alameda, 240 Allegheny, 200, 202 Allegheny River, 189, 190, 200 Baldwin, Matthias W., 71 Baldwin Locomotive AVorks, 71 Baltimore, 173-1S8 railroad center, 173 harbor, 173 industries, 173, 174 exports, 173 fire of 1904, 175 public markets, 178 settlement of, 185 Baltimore, Lord, 186 Barge canal, 212 Belleville, 134 Berkeley, 240 Bienville, Governor, 245 Blackstone, William, 141 Boston, 141-172 capital of Massachusetts, 141 settlement of, 141 divisions of, 143 harbor, 144 trade center, 155 foreign commerce, 157 industries, 157 Boston Tea Party, 84, 158 Braddock, 191 Bradford, William, 73 Brockton, 155 Brooklyn, 11, 24, 28, 30 Brooks, PhiUips, 163 Bruceton, 196 Buffalo, 207-226 settlement of, 207, 208 named, 209 Erie Canal, 210 lake port, 211 importance of location, 212 trade with Canada, 212 manufacturing center, 213 Niagara power, 213, 216, 224- 225 iron industry, 214 flour mills, 216 important live-stock market, 217 important lumber market, 217 harbor, 221 Buffalo River, 207, 221 Bulfinch, Charles, 147 Cadillac, Antoine de la Mothe, 91 Calumet River, 56 Cambridge, 152, 153, 167, 169 Carnegie, Andrew, 202 Carnegie Steel Company, 193 Centennial Exhibition, 75 Charles River, 152 Chicago, 41-66, 198 fire of 1871, 41 settlement of, 43 harbor, 45, 56, 57 becomes a city, 46 important railroad center, 54 greatest lake port, 54 grain market, 55 steel industry, 56 largest lumber market, 57 exports, 57 center of packing industry, 61 Pullman, 62 Chicago drainage and ship canal, 54 305 306 GREAT CITIES OF THE UNITED STATES Chicago River, 41, 43, 45, 53, 54, 67 Civil War, 247 Cleaveland, General Moses, 107 Cleveland, 107-124, 198 settlement of, 107 harbor, 111 becomes a city, 112 industries, 112, 113, 118 importance of location, 118 manufacturing center, 118 largest ore market in the world, 118 center of shipbuilding, 118 important lake port, 123 Cleveland, Grover, 224 Chnton, De Witt, 209 Coal. 56, 70, 112, 136, 190, 193, 213, 214, 215, 257 Coal mines, 193 Commerce, foreign, 35, 57, 157, 231, 259 Cotton, 257, 258, 261 Croton River, 18 Custis, Martha, 295 Cuyahoga River, 107, 108, 110, 111, 115 Declaration of Independence, 8, 85 Delaware River, 67, 68, 69 de PortoM, Don Gasper, 227 Des Plaines River, 53 Detroit, 89-106, 109 leading port on Canadian shore, 89,99 founded, 91 early history, 91 growth, 92 trade center, 94 harbor, 95 shipbuilding industry, 95 becomes industrial city, 96 center of automobile trade, 96 industries, 97 immense wholesale trade, 98 railroad center, 100 Detroit River, 91, 100, 105 District of Columbia, 267, 288, 289 Doan, Nathaniel. 109 Dutch West India Company, 5 East River, 27, 36 East St. Louis, 134 Erie Canal, 9, 93, 209, 210, 212 Exports, value of, 302 Fall River, 157 Farragut, David, 248 Fillmore, Millard, 224 Fish industry, 157, 239 Fitch, John, 72 Fort Dearborn, 44 Fort McHenry, 187 Fort Myer, 295 Fort Pitt, 189 Foreign-born population, 301 Frankhn, Benjamin, 73, 84 French and Indian War, 91, 189, 245 Fulton, Robert, 72 Girard, Stephen, 79 Gold, 227 Golden Gate, 231, 241 Grain industry, 55, 138 Granite City, 134 Gunpowder River, 181 Hale, Edward Everett, 166 Half Moon, 3 Hancock, John, 160 Homestead, 191 Hudson, Henry, 4 Hudson River, 4, 30, 35, 36, 207, 209, 210 Hull, General William, 92 Illinois and Michigan Canal, 47 Illinois River, 47, 53, 129 Imports, value of, 303 Increase in population of our great cities, 300 Iron industry, 189, 190, 214, 233 Jackson, Andrew, 246 Jefferson, Thomas, 125 INDEX 307 Key, Francis Scott, 187 Kingsbury, James, 108 Kinzie, John, 43 Lackawanna Iron and Steel Com pany, 215 Largest cities in the world, 300 Lawrence, 121 Lee, Robert E., 295 Lewis and Clark expedition, 126 Louisiana Purchase, 125, 245 Louisiana Purchase Exposition, 132 Lowell, 157 Lumber, 57, 136, 217, 257 Lynn, 155 Madison, 134 Manhattan, 4, 11 McCall Ferry dam, 181 McKeesport, 191 McKinley, WUUam, 224 Mexican War, 227 Mints, 81, 82, 237 Minuit, Peter, 5 Mississippi River, 47, 125, 127, 132, 133, 189, 245, 248, 249 Missouri River, 126, 129 Mohawk River, 207, 209 Monongahela River, 189, 190, 200 Morris, Robert, 75 Mt. Vernon, 267, 295 Natural gas, 121, 199, 203, 213 New Amsterdam, 6, 14 New Bedford, 157 New Orleans, 189, .245-264 early history, 245 in the War of 1812, 246 in the Civil War, 247 building the city, 249 the French quarter, 251, 252 the American quarter, 251, 255 important lumber market, 257 important cotton market, 258, 261 Gulf port, 261 second export port in America, 261 exports, 261 important sugar market, 257> 261 Mardi Gras, 263 New York, 3-40 settlement of, 4 surrendered to English, 7 named, 8 capital city, 9 harbor, 9, 36 becomes Greater New York, 11 boroughs, 11 nation's chief mS,rket place, 32 imports, 32 exports, 32 nation's greatest workshop, 32 industries, 32 Niagara Falls, 213, 224 Niagara River, 90, 91, 209, 212, 219, 224 Oakland, 240 Ohio Canal, 110 Ohio River, 107, 109, 110, 129, 189, 190 Ore, 56, 112, 214 Packing industry, 59, 61, 137, 217, 233 Panama Canal, 233, 242 Panama-Pacific International Ex position, 242 Pan-American Exposition, 224 Patapsco River, 186 Penn, WiUiam, 67, 74, 75, 76 Perry, Ohver Hazard, 92 Petroleum, 198, 213, 257 Philadelphia, 67-88, 185 settlement of, 67 manufacturing city, 69 commercial center, 70 industries, 70 United States mint, 81 Continental Congress, 84, 85 Declaration of Independence signed at, 85 capital of the nation, 87 Pitt, WiUiam, 189 Pittsburgh, 118, 189-206 workshop of the world, 189 named, 189 308 GREAT CITIES OF THE UNITED STATES trade center, 190 manufacturing city, 190 center of steel industry, 191 industries, 191 Pittsburgh district, 191 mines, 193, 195 petroleum, 198 natural gas, 199 Pontiac's conspiracy, 92 Population of our great cities, 300 Potomac River, 267, 272, 292 Pullman, 62 ' Puritans, 141 Quakers, 67 Railroads, 9, 49, 58, 70, 100, 112, 120, 129, 146, 211, 213, 238 Pennsylvania, 30, 120 New York Central, 32, 120, 146 Michigan Southern, 49 Michigan Central, 49, 100 Missouri Pacific, 129 Boston & Albany, 146 Boston & Maine, 146 New York, New Haven & Hart ford, 146 Nickel Plate, 120 Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago & St. Louis, 120 Erie Railroad, 120 Baltimore & Ohio, 120 Wheehng & Lake Erie, 120 Southern Pacific, 238 Atchison, Topeka & Santa F6, 239 Union Pacific, 239 Western Pacific, 239 Revere, Paul, 160 Revolution, War of the, 8, 75, 92, 147, 148, 155, 158, 207, 266 Richmond, 240 Rogers, Major Robert, 91, 93 Roosevelt, 'Theodore, 224 Ross, Betsy, 86 Sacramento River, 230 St. Gaudens, 149, 163 St. Lawrence River, SO St. Louis, 125-140 frontier village, 125 trade center, 129 railroad center, 130 . favorable location, 134 industries, 136 distributing center, 138 fur, grain, and live-stock mar ket, 138, 139 San Francisco, 227-244 early history, 227 growth of, 227, 228 "child of the mines," 228 San Francisco Bay, 230 trade center, 231 exports, 231 imports, 231 industries, 233 United States mint, 237 leading salmon port, 239 San Joaquin River, 230 Sargent, John S., 164 Sault Ste. Marie, 90 Saur, Christopher, 73 Schuylkill River, 68, 75 Scioto River, 110 Shaw, Colonel, 149 Shortest railway routes from Chicago, 302 Shortest railway routes from New York, 301 SUver, 228 Standard OU i. 'ompany, 113 Steel, 56, T.. ISl, 198 Straits of I' aciiinac, 90 Stuyvp^ar^c, Peter, 6 Sugar, 32, 257, 261 Susquehanna River, 181 Thevis, Father, 255 Tonawanda, 219 Touro, Judah, 257 TrumbuU, John, 275 Union Stockyards, 59 University City, 132 Venice, 134 War of 1812, 44, 92, 209, 246, 268 Washington, 102, 265-299 INDEX 309 the capital city, 265 location, 265 story of, 266 District of Columbia, 267, 288, 289 plan of the city, 268 capitol, 272 House of Representatives, 277, 289 Supreme Court, 279 Senate, 279, 289 Library of Congress, 280 White House, 282 National Treasury, 284, 286 Bureau of Engraving and Print ing, 285 Washington Monument, 291 Post Office Department, 294 Arlington National Cemetery, 295 Washington, George, 8, 84, 87, 155, 189, 267, 282, 295 Westinghouse, George, 203 Westinghouse Electric Company,, 203 Winne, CorneUus, 207, 208 Winthrop, John, 141 Woodward, Augustus B., 102 World's Columbian Exposition, 63 York, Duke of, 7 ¦::.i-i "¦ uftfehfcJSB'-'''