\fadl^ CM<^ REPORT QUARTKRMASTER-GENERAL STATE OP NEW-HAMPSHIRE. FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 1, 1860. CONCORD: GEORGE E. JINKS, STATE PRINTER. 18G6. REPORT QUARTERMASTER-GENERAL STATE OE NEW-HAMPSHIEE. FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 1, 1866. CONCOED : GEORGE E. JENKS, STATE PRINTER. 1866. Office of the Secretary ,of State, Concord, New-Hampshire, June 1, 1866. Sir: By virtue of tbe authority vested in me by Chap. 2398 of the Pamphlet Laws of this State, I hereby author ize you to print two thousand copies of the Beport of the Quartermaster-General for the use of the State. WALTER HARRIMAN, Secretary of Stale. George E. Jenks, State Printer. General Headquarters, State of New-Hampshire,'] Quartermaster-General's Office, > Concord, June 1, 1866. J To His Excellency, FREDERICK SMYTH, Governor and Commander-in-Chief : Governor : I have the honor to submit here with my Annual Report as Quartermaster-General, for the year ending June 1, 1866. Respectfully, Your obedient servant, NATT HEAD, Quartermaster-General. QUARTERMASTER-GENERAL'S REPORT. General Headquarters, State of New-Hampshire," Quartermaster-General's Office, Concord, June 1, 1866. To His Excellency, FREDERICK SMYTH, Governor and Commander-in-Chief : Governor: I am glad to state that the condition of the Quartermaster-General's Department has man ifestly improved since my last Report. The stereo typed account of property belonging to the State, scattered about in various places and comprising a quantity of antiquated stores of no value to any body, which has formed the chief burden of reports from this office in years past, has given place to a fuller statement of more modern and serviceable articles. All the property I could discover in any place, belonging to the State, has been collected together, and such as was unserviceable has been turned over to the United States Government. The accounts of the office have been put in as good con dition as circumstances would allow. Proper vouch ers have been taken and given for all stores received and issued, and a clear account commenced of all the transactions of the Department, with proper blanks and papers, of which there were none in existence till after I assumed the duties of the office. So far as the resources afforded me would admit, I have endeavored to put the department in good run ning ordelr. There remain, however, many things to be done and many wants to be supplied. The State has a large amount of property -and no suitable place in which to store it ; a large amount of work to be done, and insufficient help to do it ; a large number of things to buy and almost noth ing to purchase with ; numerous incidental expenses to. be incurred, and nothing with which to meet the payment of them. The whole appropriation for the expenses of this Department last year, was $2,000. Perhaps the inad equacy of this can be shown in no better way than by a comparison with the amount expended by other States for the same purposes, premising, however, that I know of no other . State, with the exception of Iowa, where there are not separate officers for the Adjutant and Quartermaster-General's Departments. The little State of Rhode-Island, as may be seen from the Report of her Quartermaster-General, ex pended last year, for the same items for which the $2,000 was appropriated by this State, $7,918.37, beside paying for a large amount of similar items, under the head of " Miscellaneous Expenses." She pays her Quartermaster-General, in addition, a sal ary of $1,200. Vermont, which comes nearest New-Hampshire in population, wealth, and the forces raised for the war, pays her Quartermaster-General a salary of $2,000. She paid out, beside, for current expenses of the de partment, $10,381.62 ; and, in addition to this, the sum of over $180,000 for equipping her militia. In Massachusetts, the Quartermaster-General has nothing to do with the ordnance, yet the expense of running the office the past year was $4,584.03 ; add the expense of the Ordnance Department — which should be done in comparing it with our own State, — and it cost over $100,000 for the same class of ex penses for which New-Hampshire appropriated $2,000. Connecticut expended for similar purposes, $18,580.02. This comparison might be extended to every State in the Union, with similar results ; but enough has been given to illustrate the very small expenditure of New-Hampshire compared with other States, and may furnish matter for reflection for any who think that the expenses of this office have been extrava gant. In contrast with the instances cited, the Adju- tantrGeneral's and Quartermaster-General's Depart ments of this State are united under one officer, on a salary of $1,000, — one fourth of the sum the admin istration of these two offices costs in other States. The work of both departments is carried on with one set of clerks, and one messenger, at an aggregate expense, during the past yean> of $8,026.14, of which about $2,000 has been repaid to the State by the General Government. Of this $6,026.14, the real ex pense of both departments, the Quartermaster-Gen eral's Department, which we are comparing with other States, has cost New-Hampshire $2,120.26. That this is so small in the comparison, may, per haps, be partly accounted for by the fact that, while other officers have charged liberally for hotel expen ses, railroad fare, and horse hire, whenever they have made journeys on business connected with their de partments, I have made hundreds of such trips and paid my own expenses, and never charged for one, with the single exception of a visit to our troops in the field, made by order of the Governor. I would not speak of these things but for the fact that certain classes have looked upon the expenses of this and the Adjutant-General's Department as ex cessive. state property. The amount of property now on hand, consisting mostly of clothing, arms and ordnance stores, drawn from the General Government, is of the value of nearly $300,000, which is no more than the law pro vides shall be kept on hand^ This property is mostly stored in Concord, in a wooden building owned by E. P. Prescott & Co. I can not consider the accom modations afforded by this building — which was the best to be had — sufficient for the transaction of the necessary business, or security against loss by fire or otherwise, adequate for the preservation of the prop erty. In addition to the arms now on hand, a Light Battery has been ordered, a portion of which will have to be stored some where at the Capital. Most of this property is, in a sense, borrowed from the United States, and in case it should be destroyed from want of proper storage, the State would have to pay for it. In view of these facts, it appears to me that a State Arsenal should be built at the Capital large enough for the storage of the property in possession of the State, and provided with accommodations for keeping it in good condition ; and I propose, in a communication to your Excellency, to state in detail the necessity and utility of such a building. Other States have generally adopted this plan, and, beside the security afforded by suitable buildings, they have employed night and .day watchmen to look after the property thus stored. The two arsenals belonging to the State — one at Lancaster and the other at Portsmouth — are neither of them suitable buildings for the storage of prop erty, and, if they were, the inconvenience and ex-1 pense of employing two sets of persons to look after them, and the trouble of distributing property so far from headquarters, would render them unavailable for use. I would earnestly recommend to the attention of your Excellency and the Legislature the considera tion of this question, and the adoption of some plan which shall render the interests of the State in this respect more secure. The accompanying statements will fully account for all property belonging to the State that remains in my possession or under my control as Quartermaster- General, as follows : Statement 1. Represents all property remaining on hand in wooden store-house in Concord, June 1, 1866. Statement 2. Represents all property remaining in possession of the Strafford Guards, N. H. S. M., Dover, June 1, 1866. Statement 3. Represents all property remaining in possession of the Bedford Light Infantry, N. H. S. M., Bedford, June 1, 1866. Statement 4. Represents all property remaining in 10 possession of the Lafayette Artillery Company, N. H. S. M., Lyndeborough, June 1, 1866. Statement 5. Represents all property remaining in possession of the National Guards, N. H. S. M., Man chester, June 1, 1866. Statement 6. Represents all property remaining in possession of the Granite State Cadets, N. H. S. M., Nashua, June 1, 1866. Statement 7. Represents all property remaining in possession of the Lancaster Rifle Company, N. H. S. M., Lancaster, June 1, 1866. Statement 8. Represents all property remaining in possession of the Head Guards, N. H. S. M., Manches ter, June 1, 1866. Statement 9. Represents all property remaining in possession of the Granite State Zouaves, N. H. S. M., Dover, June 1, 1866. Statement 10. Represents all property remaining in possession of the Harriman Guards, N. H. S. M., Lyme, June 1, 1866. Statement 11. Represents all property remaining in possession of the Smyth Rifles, N. H. S. M., Man chester, June 1, 1866. Statement 12. Represents all property in posses sion of the Sheridan Guards, N. H. S. M., Manchester, June 1, 1866. Statement 13. Represents all property in posses sion of the First Company Cavalry, N. H. S. M., Man chester, June 1, 1866. Statement 14. Represents all property in possession of the First Light Battery, Section "A," N. H. S. M., Dover, June 1, 1866. 11 Statement 15. Represents all property in possession of the State Capital Guards, N. H. S. M., Concord, June 1, 1866. Statement 16. Represents all property in possession of the Messer Rifles, N. H. S. M., New-London, June 1, 1866. Statement 17.' Represents all property in possession of the Gilmore Rifles, N. H. S. M., (Fisherville) Con cord, June 1, 1866. Statement 18. Represents all property in possession of the Smyth Guards, N. H. S. M.,. Boscawen, June 1, 1866. Statement 19. Represents all property in possession of the Manchester War Veterans, N. H. S. M., Man chester, June 1, 1866. Statement 20. Represents all property in possession ofthe Wilton Light Infantry, N. H. S. M., Wilton, June 1, 1866. Statement 21. Represents all property in possession of the Amoskeag Veterans, an Independent Battalion, Manchester, June 1, 1866. Statement 22. Represents all property in possession of the Governor's Horse Guards, an Independent Bat talion, June 1, 1866. Statement 23. Represents property in possession of Messrs. Joshua Converse and Charles F. Wood, of Sal mon Falls, for use of Home Guards, June 1, 1866. Statement 24. Represents property in possession of the State Reform School, Manchester, June 1, 1866, issued by order of the Governor. Statement 25. Represents property in possession of 12 the Committee of the High School, Portsmouth, June 1, 1866, and for which Col. John H. Jackson is respon sible. Statement 26. Represents property in possession of Joseph Mayo, Warden of N. H. State Prison, Concord, June 1, 1866. Statement 27. Represents property in the posses sion of Rev. S. N. Howell, Principal of the Granite State Military and Collegiate Institute, Reed's Ferry, June 1, 1866. Statement 28. "Represents property in the posses- sion.of Prof. J. W. Chadwick, Principal of New-Hamp ton Institute, June 1, 1866. Statement 29. Represents all property that has been turned in to the United States since May 20, 1865, to date, June 1, 1866. Statement 30. Represents all property that has been issued to the militia and schools since May 20, 1865, to date, June 1, 1866. Statement 31. Represents all property that has been received from various sources since May 20, 1865, to date, June 1, 1866. CONCLUSION. I can not forbear to express my regret, in conclu sion, that the State of New-Hampshire should present so unfavorable a contrast with other States in the con. dition of her mihtary force, as regards this depart ment; and I believe the policy of saving in every lhV tie expenditure, while large amounts are wasted by neglect, is a short-sighted, and, in the end, will prove 13 an extravagant one. I have endeavored to conduct the affairs of the department in a manner consonant with the intentions of the Legislature ; and the ap propriations made, have not allowed any unreason able expense, had I been disposed to indulge in it. Other States pay a Quartermaster-General a living salary, and give him sufficient assistance to perform his duties in a proper manner. They provide proper buildings for the reception of their military property, and the completeness of their military arrangements, renders them prepared for any emergency which may call for the active employment of troops. Their ap propriations are made in a liberal spirit, which New- Hampshire would do well to emulate. We have a good militia law, and the spirit of the people will admit of our organizing a militia force which will compare favorably with that of any State of our size and means. All that is needed is a sound and liberal policy on the part of the legislature, in the Quartermaster-General's department as it has exhibit ed in that of the Adjutant-General, which shall foster the rising spirit and not nip it in the bud by a nig gardly policy which fails to supply the necessaries of its existence. I would recommend that the offices of Adjutant and Quartermaster-General be made distinct, or that a reasonable salary be paid for the labor and responsi bility required. Also, that a number of assistants be allowed sufficient to keep the accounts of the office in an intelligible condition, and that an arsenal be erected suitable for the purpose of such a building. As this will be my last report, I feel at liberty to 14 make the above suggestions, solicitous only to recom mend such a course as shall best subserve the interests of the State and enhance the efficiency of one of her strongest bulwarks, a well-ordered and well-appointed militia. Respectfully, Your obedient servant, NATT HEAD, Quartermaster- General. STATEMENT 1. Representing all Military Property remaining on hand in Wooden Store-house at Concord, June 1, 1866. 54 Cavalry sabres, light pattern, new. 100 Cavalry sabre belts, new. 100 Cavalry sabre belt-plates, new. 200 Sword knots, new. 500 Remington army pistols, new. 200 Remington Carbines, new. 200 Remington Carbine screw-drivers, new. 20 Remington Carbine spring vises, new. 200 Remington Carbine brush-wipers and thongs, new. 200 Carbine cartridge boxes, new. 200 Carbine slings, new. 200 Cap pouches and picks, cavalry, new. 150 Saddles, with stirrups and stirrup leathers, new. 150 Sets coat straps, six each, new. . 150 Pairs saddle-bags, new. 150 Girths, new. 150 Surcingles and Carbine socket and straps, new. 1000 Cavalry blankets, blue, new. 150 Curb bridles, new. 150 Halters, new. 150 Horse brushes, new. 150 Curry-combs, new. 150 Pairs spurs, new. 150 Pairs spur straps, new. 2 Holster pistols, old. 32 Holsters, pairs, with straps, new. 2 Brass cannon, caliber six lbs., old. 1 Brass cannon, caliber four lbs., old. 2 Gun carriages, old. 16 1 Pair shears, old. 1 Pair wheels with pole, old. 4 Artillery harnesses, old. 1 Block and fall, old. 18 Drag ropes, old. 4340 Springfield rifle muskets, caliber .58, new. 4340 Springfield rifle musket bayonets, new. 4799 Screw drivers and cone wrenches. 679 Tumbler and wire punches. 4812 Spare cones. 429 Spring vises. 4296 Wipers. 430 Ball screws. 1101 Extra main springs. 848 Extra sear springs. . 1096 Extra tumbler screws. 4290 Tompions. 20 Non-commissioned officers' swords and scabbards, new. 40 Musicians swords and scabbards, new. 60 Non-commissioned officers and musicians' sword shoulder belts, new. 60 Shoulder belt plates. 5487 Cartridge boxes, calibre .58, new. 4594 Cartridge box plates. 6611 Cartridge box belts, new. 6560 Cartridge box belt plates. 6799 Waist belts, new. 4609 Waist belt plates. 60 Waist belts, black buck finish. 60 Waist belts, white buck finish. 7780 Cap pouches and picks, Infantry, new. 5251 Bayonet scabbards and frogs, new. 1500 Bayonet scabbards, new. 131 Bayonet scabbards, old. 5817 Gun slings. 17 15 Drums, tenor, new. 18 Drum sticks, pairs. 15 Drum slings, new. 6 Bugles, new. 15 Fifes, new. 8 Musical instruments, brass, old. 100 Tent pin mallets, new. 17500 Ammunition, rounds ot, Minnie bullets. 10000 Ammunition, rounds of,, musket buck and ball. 300 Ammunition, rounds of, patent cartridges, rifle musket, calibre .577. 7 Company order books. 7 Company enlistment books. 7 Company property books. 66 Casey's Tactics, sets of, 3 vols. each. 300 Militia law, copies of 100 Cavalry hats, with cords and tassels complete, new. 152 Artillery jackets, new. 552 Frock coats, new. 552 Trowsers, pairs, foot, new. 153 Trowsers, pairs, mounted, new. 165 Caps, McClellan pattern, new. STATEMENT 2. Property in possession of the Strafford Guards, N. H. S. M., -Dover, June 1, 1866. 60 Springfield irifle muskets, old. 60 Springfield rifle musket bayonets, (old, 60 Tompions. 60 Spare cones. 60 Screw drivers and wrenches. 60 Wipers. 15 Extra main springs. 12 Extra sear springs. 2 18 15 Extra tumbler screws. 6 Ball screws. 6 Spring vises. 6 Tumbler and wire punches. 50 Bayonet scabbards and frogs, new. 50 Cartridge boxes, cal. .58, new. ¦ 50 Cartridge box plates. 50 Cartridge box belts, new. 50 Cartridge box belt plates. 50 Waist belts, new. 50 Waist belt plates. 50 Cap pouches and cone picks, new. 60 Gun slings, new. 1 Company enlistment book. 1 Company property book. 1 Company order book. 2 Casey's Tactics, sets of, 3 vols. each. 4 Copies of militia law. 50 Frock coats, new. 50 Trowsers, pairs, new. 50 Caps, McClellan pattern, new. 800 Ammunition, rounds of. 5 Boxes packing. STATEMENT 3. Property in possession of the Bedford Light Infantry, N. R. S. M., Bedford, June 1, 1866. 60 Springfield rifle muskets, calibre .58, new. 60 Springfield rifle musket bayonets, new. 60 Tompions. 60 Spare cones. 60 Screw drivers and wrenches. 60 Wipers. 15 Extra main springs. 15 Extra sear springs. 19 15 Extra tumbler screws. 6 Ball screws. 6 Spring vises. 6 Tumbler and wire punches. 60 Bayonet scabbards, old. 60 Cartridge boxes, old. 60 Cartridge box plates. 60 Cartridge 'box belts, old. 60 Cartridge box belt plates. 60 Waist belts, old. 60 Waist belt plates. • 60 Cap pouches and cone picks, old. 60 Gun slings, old. 1 Company enlistment book. 1 Company property book. 1 Company order book. 2 Casey's Tactics, sets of, 3 vols. each. 4 Copies of militia law. 3 Boxes packing. STATEMENT 4. Property in possession of the Lafayette Artillery Company, N. R. S. M., Lyndeborough, June 1, 1866. 60 Springfield rifle muskets, old. 60 Springfield rifle musket bayonets, old. 60 Screw drivers and wrenches. 60 Wipers. 12 Extra main springs. 12 Extra sear springs. 12 Extra tumbler screws. 5 Ball screws. 5 Spring vises. 5 Tumbler and wire punches. 60 Bayonet scabbards, old. 60 Cartridge boxes, ^old. 60 Cartridge box plates. 20 60 Cartridge box belts, old. 60 Cartridge box belt plates. 60 Waist belts, old. 60 Waist belt plates. 60 Cap pouches and cone picks, old. 60 Gun slings, old. 1 Drum, tenor, old. 1 Pair drum sticks. 1 Fife. 1 Company enlistment book. 1 Company pnoperty book. 1 Company order book. 2 Casey's Tactics, sets of, 3 vols. each. 4 Copies of militia law. 1 Brass cannon, calibre 6 lbs. 49 Sabres. 49 Sabre belts. 49 Sabre belt plates. 1 Amuuition chest. 2 Gunners' haversacks. 2 Sponges and rammers. 1 Worm and staff. 1 Primiug horn and wire. 2 Hand spikes. 1 Prolonge. 1 Tube box. 2 Drag ropes. 8 Bricoles. STATEMENT 5. Property in possession of the National' Guards, N. R. S. M., Manchester, June 1, 1866. 50 Springfield rifle muskets, old. 50 Springfield rifle musket bayonets, old. 50 Spare cones. 50 Screw drivers and wrenches. 21 50 Wipers. 12 Extra main springs. 10 Extra sear springs. 10 Extra tumbler screws. 3 Spring vises. 10 Tumbler and wire punches. 50 Bayonet scabbards, old. 50 Cartridge boxes, old. 50 Cartridge box plates. 50 Cartridge box belts, old. 50 Cartridge box belt plates. 54 Waist belts, old. 54 Waist belt plates. 50 Cap pouches and cone picks, old. 50 Gun slings, old. 1 Company enlisment book. 1 Company property book. 1 Company order book. 2 Casey's Tactics, sets of, 3 volumes each. 4 Copies of militia law. 50 Frock coats, new. 50 Trowsers, pairs, new. 50 Caps, McClellan pattern, new 2* Boxes packing. STATEMENT 6. Property in possession of the Granite State Cadets, N. R. S. M., Nashua, June 1, 1866. 60 Springfield rifle muskets, old. 60 Springfield rifle musket bayonets, old. 60 Tompions. 129 Bayonet scabbards, old. 86 Cartridge boxes, old. 86 Cartridge box plates. 86 Cartridge box belts, old. 86 Cartridge box belt plates. 22 69- Waist belts, old. 59 Waist belt plates. 62 Cap pouches and cone picks, old. 60 Gun slings, old. 1 Company enlistment book. 1 Company property book. 1 Company order book. 2 Casey's Tactics, sets of, 3 volumes each. 4 Copies of militia law. 1000 Ammunition, rounds of. STATEMENT 7. Property in possession of the Lancaster Rifle Company, N. R. S. M., Lancaster, June 1, 1866. 50 Springfield rifle muskets, calibre .58, new. 50 Springfield rifle musket bayonets, new. 50 Tompions. 50 Spare cones. 50 Screw drivers and wrenches. 50 Wipers. 12 Extra main springs. 12 Extra sear springs. 12 Extra tumbler screws. 5 Ball screws. 5 Spring vises. 5 Tumbler and wire punches. 50 Bayonet scabbards aud frogs, new. 50 Cartridge boxes, calibre .58, new. 50 Cartridge box plates. 50 Cartridge box belts, new, 50 Cartridge box belt plates. 50 Waist belts, new. 50 Waist belt plates. 50 Cap pouches and cone picks, new. 50 Gun slings, new. 1 Company enlistment book. 23 1 Company property book. 1 Company order book. 2 Casey's Tactics, sets of, 3 vols. each. 4 Copies of militia law. 4 Boxes packing. STATEMENT 8. Property in possession of the Read Guards, N. R. S. M., Manchester, June 1, 1866. 50 Springfield rifle muskets, calibre .58, new. 50 Springfield rifle musket bayonets, new. ' 50 Tompions. 50 Spare cones. 50 Screw drivers and wrenches. 50 Wipers. 12 Extra main springs. 12 Extra sear springs. 12 Extra tumbler screws. 5 Ball screws. 5 Spring vises. 5 Tumbler and wire punches. 50 Bayonet scabbards and frogs, new. 50 Cartridge boxes, calibre .58, new. 50 Cartridge box plates. 50 Cartridge box belts, new, 50 Cartridge box belt plates, 50 Waist belts, new. 50 Waist belt plates. 50 Cap Pouches and cone picks, new. 50 Gun slings, new. 1 Company enlistment book. 1 Company property book. 1 Company order l>ook. 2 Casey's Tactics, sets of,- 3 vols. each. 4 Copies of militia law. 50 Frock coats, new. 24 50 Trowsers, pairs, new. 48 Caps, McClellan pattern, new. 4 Boxes packing. STATEMENT 9. Property in possession of the Granite State Zouaves, N. R. S. M., Dover, June 1, 1866. 50 Springfield rifle muskets, cal. .58, new. 50 Springfield rifle musket bayonets, new. 50 Tompions. 50 Spare cones. 50 Screw drivers and wrenches. 50 Wipers. 12 Extra main springs. 12 Extra sear springs. 12 Extra tumbler screws. 5 Ball screws. 5 Spring vises. 5 Tumbler and wire punches. 50 Bayonet scabbards and frogs, new. 50 Cartridge boxes, cal. .58, new. 50 Cartridge box plates, 50 Cartridge box belts, new. 50 Cartridge box belt plates. 50 Waist belts, new. 50 Waist belt plates. 50 Cap pouches and cone picks, new. 50 Gun slings, new. 1 Company enlistment book. 1 Company property book. 1 Company order book. 2 Casey's Tactics, sets of, 3 vols, each., 4 Copies of militia law. 50 Frock coats, new. 50 Trowsers, pairs, new. 25 50 Caps, McClellan pattern, new. 5 Boxes packing. STATEMENT 10. Property in possession of the Harriman Guards, N. R.S. XL, Lyme, June 1, 1866. 50 Springfield rifle muskets, cal. .58, new. 50 Springfield rifle musket bayonets, new. 50 Tompions. 50 Spare cones. 50 Screw drivers and wrenches. 50 Wipers. 12 Extra main springs. 12 Extra sear springs. 12 Extra tumbler screws. 5 Ball screws. 5 Spring vises. 5 Tumbler and wire punches. 50 Bayonet scabbards and frogs, new. 50 Cartridge boxes, cal. .58, new. 50 Cartridge box plates. 50 Cartridge box belts, new. 50 Cartridge box belt plates. 50 Waist belts, new. 50 Waist belt plates. SO^Cap pouches and cone picks, new. 50 Gun slings, new. 1 Company enlistment book. 1 Company property book. 1 Company order book. 2 Casey's Tactics, sets of, 3 vols. each. 4 Copies of Militia Law. 50 Frock coats, new. 50 Trowsers, pairs, new'. 48 Caps, McClellan pattern, new. 5 Boxes packing. 26 STATEMENT 11. Property in possession of the Smyth Rifles, N. R. S. M., Manchester, June 1, 1866. 50 Springfield rifle muskets, cal. .58, new. 50 Springfield rifle musket bayonets, new. 50 Tompions. 50 Spare cones. 50 Screw drivers and wrenches. 50 Wipers. 12 Extra main springs. 12 Extra sear springs. 12 Extra tumbler screws. 5 Ball screws. 5 Spring vises. 5 Tumbler and wire punches. 50 Bayonet scabbards and frogs, new. 50 Cartridge boxes, cal. .58, new. 50 Cartridge box plates. 50 Cartridge box belts, new. 50 Cartridge box belt plates. 50 ; Waist belts, new. 50 Waist belt plates. 50 Cap pouches and cone picks, new. 50 Gun slings, new. 1 Company enlistment book. 1 Company property book. 1 Company order book. 2 Casey's Tactics, sets of, 3 volumes each. 4 Copies of militia law. 50 Frock coats, new. 50 Trowsers, pairs, new, 50 Caps, McClellan pattern, new. 5 Boxes packing. STATEMENT 12. Properly in possession of the Sherid/xn Guards, N. H. S. M., Manchester, June 1, 1866. 50 Springfield rifle muskets, calibre .58, new. 27 50 Springfield rifle musket bayonets, new. 50 Tompions. 50 Spare cones. 50 Screw drivers and wrenches. 50 Wipers. 12 Extra main springs. 12 Extra sear springs. 12 Extra tumbler screws. 5 Ball screws. 5 Spring vises. 5 Tumbler and wire punches. 50 Bayonet scabbards and frogs, new. 50 Cartridge boxes, calibre .58, new. 50 Cartridge box plates. 50 Cartridge box belts, new. 50 Cartridge box belt plates. 50 Waist belts, new. 50 Waist belt plates. 50 Cap pouches and cone picks, new. 50 Gun slings, new. 1 Company enlistment book. 1 Company property book. 1 Company order book. 2 Casey's Tactics, sets of, 3 vols. each. 4 Copies of militia law. 50 Frock coats, new. 50 Trowsers, pairs, new. 48 Caps, McClellan pattern, new. 5 Boxes packing. STATEMENT 13. Property in possession of the First Company Cavalry, N. R. S. M., Manchester, June 1, 1866. 48 Light cavalry sabres, new. 50 Saddles, with stirrups and stirrup leathers, new. 50 Sets coat straps, six each, new. 28 50 Pairs saddle-bags, new. 50 Girths, new. 50 Surcingles and carbine sockets and straps, new. 50 Cavalry blankets, blue, new. 50 Curb bridles, new. 50 Halters, new. 50 Pairs spurs, new. 50 Pairs spur straps, new. 50 Sabre belts, new. 50 Sabre belt plates. 50 Cavalry jackets, new. 50 Pairs trowsers, mounted, new. 46 Caps, McClellan pattern, new. 1 Company enlistment book. 1 Company property book. 1 Company order book. 2 Casey's Tactics, sets of, 3 vols. each. 4 Copies of militia law. 3 Boxes packing. STATEMENT 14. Property in possession of the First Light Battery, section A, N. H. S. M., Dover, June 1, 1866. 50 Springfield rifle muskets, old. 50 Springfield rifle musket bayonets, old. 50 Tompions. 50 Spare cones. 50 Screw drivers and wrenehes. 50 Wipers. 13 Extra main springs. 10 Extra sear springs. 13 Extra tumbler screws. 4 Ball screws. 5 Spring vises. 5 Tumbler and wire punches. 50 Bayonet scabbards and frogs, new. ,29 50 Cartridge boxes, cal. .58, new. 50 Cartridge box plates. 50 Cartridge box belts, new. 50 Cartridge box belt plates. 50 Waist belts, new. 50 Waist belt plates. 50 Cap pouches and cone picks, new. 50 Gun slings, new. 50 Gun 3lings, old. 1 Company enlistment book. 1 Company property book. 1 Company order book. 4 Copies militia law. 48 Artillery jackets, new. 47 Trowsers, pairs, mounted, new. 48 Caps, McClellan pattern, new. 48 Sabres, light pattern. 50 Sabre belts. 50 Sabre belt plates, 7 Boxes packing. STATEMENT 15. Property in possession of the State Capital Guards, N. H. S. M., Concord, June 1, 1866. 50 Springfield rifle muskets, cal. .58, new. 50 Springfield rifle musket bayonets, new. 50 Tompions. 50 Spare cones. 50 Screw drivers and wrenches. 50 Wipers. 12 Extra main springs. 12 Extra sear springs. Extra tumbler screws. 5 Ball screws. 5 Spring vises. 5 Tumbler and wire punches, 0 Bayonet scabbards and frogs, new. 80 50 Cartridge boxes, cal. .58, new. 50 Cartridge box plates. 50 Cartridge box belts, new. 50 Cartridge box belt plates. 50 Waist belts, new. 50 Waist belt plates. 50 Cap pouches and cone picks, new, 50 Gun slings, new. 1 Company enlistment book. 1 Company property book. 1 Company order book. 2 Casey's Tactics, sets of, 3 vols. each. 4 Copies of militia law. 48 Frock coats, new. 48 Trowsers, pairs, new. 48 Caps, McClellan pattern, new. 3 Boxes packing. STATEMENT 16. Property in possession of the Messer Rifles, N. H> S. M., New^London, June, 1, 1866. 50 Springfield rifle muskets, cal. .58, new. 50 Springfield rifle musket bayonets, new. 50 Tompions. 50 Spare cones. 50 Screw drivers and wrenches. 50 Wipers. 12 Extra main springs. 12 Extra sear springs. 12 Extra tumbler screws. 5 Ball screws. 5 Spring vises. 5 Tumbler and wire punches. 50 Bayonet scabbards and frogs, new. 50 Cartridge boxes, cal. .58, new. 50 Cartridge box plates. 50 Cartridge box belts, new. 50 Cartridge box belt plates. 81 50 "Waist belts, new. 50 Waist belt plates. 60 Cap pouches and cone picks, new. 60 Gun slings, new. 1 Company enlistment book. 1 Company property book. 1 Company order book. 2 Casey's Tactics, sets of, 3 volumes each. 4 Copies of militia law. 4 Boxes packing. STATEMENT 17. Property in possession of the Gilmore Rifles, N. R. S. M., (Fisherville) Concord, June 1, 1866. 50 Springfleld rifle muskets, calibre .58, new. 50 Springfield rifle musket bayonets, new. 50 Tompions. 50 Spare cones. 50 Screw drivers and wrenches. ' 50 Wipers. 12 Extra main springs. 12 Extra sear springs. 12 Extra tumbler screws. 5 Ball screws. 5 Spring vises. 5 Tumbler and wire punches. 50 Bayonet scabbards and frogs, new. 50 Cartridge boxes, calibre .58, new. 50 Cartridge box plates. 50 Cartridge box belts, new. 50 Cartridge box belt plates. 60 Waist belts, new. 50 Waist belt plates. 50 Cap pouches and cone picks, new. 50 Gun slings, new. 1 Company enlistment book. 1 Company property book. 82 1 Company order book. 2 Casey's Tactics, sets of, 3 vols. each. 4 Copies of militia law. 4 Boxes packing. STATEMENT 18. Property in possession of the Smyth Guards, N. R. S. 7 Boscawen, June 1, 1866. 50 Springfield rifle muskets, cal. .58, new. 50 Springfield rifle musket bayonets, new. 50 Tompions. 50 Spare cones. 50 Screw drivers and wrenches. 50 Wipers. 12 Extra main springs. 12 Extra sear springs. 12 Extra tumbler screws. 5 Ball screws. 5 Spring vises. 5 Tumbler and wire punches. 50 Bayonet scabbards and frogs, new. 50 Cartridge boxes, cal. .58, new. 50 Cartridge box plates. 50 Cartridge box belts, new. 50 Cartridge box belt plates. 50 Waist belts, new. 50 Waist belt plates. 50 Cap pouches and oone picks, new. 50 Gun slings, new, 1 Company enlistment book. 1 Company property book. 1 Company order book. 2 Casey's Tactics, sets of, 3 vols. each. 4 Copies of militia law. 4 Boxes packing. 33 STATEMENT 19. Property in possession of the Manchester War Veterans, N. R. S. M., Manchester, June 1, 1866. 50 Springfield rifle muskets, cal. .58, new. 50 Springfield rifle musket bayonets, new. 50 Tompions. 50 Spare cones. 50 Screw drivers and wrenches. 50 Wipers. 12 Extra main springs. 12 Extra sear springs. 12 Extra tumbler screws. 5 Ball screws. 5 Spring vises. 5 Tumbler and wire punches. 50 Bayonet scabbards and frogs, new. 50 Cartridge boxes, cal. .58, new. 50 Cartridge box plates. 50 Cartridge box belts, new. 50 Cartridge box belt plates. 50 Waist belts, new. 50 Waist belt plates. 50 Cap pouches and cone picks, new. 50 Gun slings, new. 1 Company enlistment book. 1 Company property book. 1 Company order book. 2 Casey's Tactics, sets of, 3 vols. each. 4 Copies of militia law. 4 Boxes of packing. STATEMENT 20. Property in possession of the Wilton Light Infantry, N. R. S. M., Wilton, June 1, 1866. • 50 Springfield rifle muskets, calibre .58, new. 50 Springfield rifle musket bayonets, new. 50 Tompions. 34 50 Spare cones. 50 Screw drivers and wrenches. 50 Wipers. 12 Extra main springs. 12 Extra sear springs. 12 Extra tumbler screws. 5 Ball screws. 5 Spring vises. 5 Tumbler and wire punches. 50 Bayonet scabbards and frogs, new. 50 Cartridge boxes, calibre .58, new. 50 Cartridge box plates. 50 Cartridge box belts, new. 50 Cartridge box belt plates. 50 Waist belts, new. 50 Waist belt plates. 50 Cap pouches and cone picks, new. 50 Gun slings, new. 1 Company enlistment book. 1 Company property book. 1 Company order book. 2 Casey's Tactics, sets of, 3 vols. each. 4 Copies of militia law. 4 Boxes packing. STATEMENT 21. Properly in possession of the Amoskeag Veterans, an Inde pendent Battalion, Manchester, June 1, 1866. 100 Springfield rifle muskets, cal. .58, new. 99 Springfield rifle muskets, old. 8 Sergeant's muskets, old. 100 Springfield rifle musket bayonets, new. 99 Springfield rifle musket bayonets, old. 8 Sergeant's musket bayonets, old. 62 Tompions. 150 Spare Cones. 95 Screw drivers and wrenches, 35 190 Wipers. 35 Extra main springs. 25 Extra sear springs. 40 Extra tumbler screws. 10 Spring vises. 30 Tumbler and wire punches. 185 Bayonet scabbards, old. 189 Cartridge boxes, old. 194 Cartridge box belts, old. 190 Cartridge box plates. 183 Cartridge box belt plates. 183 Waist belts, old. 183 Waist belt plates. 200 Cap pouches and cone picks, old. f^j 7 Sergeant's swords. 5 Sergeant's sword shoulder belts and plates. 1 Drum, tenor, old. 1 Drum sticks, pair. 2 Fifes. 5 Company enlistment books. 5 Company property books. 5 Company order books. STATEMENT 22. Property in possession of the Governor's Horse Guards, an Independent Battalion, June 1, 1866. 3 Company enlistment books. 3 Company property books. 3 Company order books. STATEMENT 23. Property in possession of Joshua Converse and Charles F. Wood, for use of Rome Guards, Salmon Falls, June 1, 1866. 36 Springfield rifle muskets, old. • 36 Springfield rifle musket bayonets, old. 2 boxes packing. 36 STATEMENT 24. Property in possession of the State Reform School, Manches ter, June 1, 1866, issued by order of the Governor. 200 Cavalry blankets, blue. 1 Box packing; STATEMENT 25. Of property in possession of the Committee of the High School Portsmouth, June 1, 1866, for which Col. John R. Jack son is responsible. 60 Springfield rifle muskets, cal. .58, new. 60 Springfield rifle musket bayonets, new. 60 Tompions. 60 Spare cones. 60 Screw drivers and wrenches. 60 Wipers. 15 Extra main springs. 15 Extra sear springs. 15 Extra tumbler screws. 6 Ball screws. 6 Spring vises. 6 Tumbler and wire punches. 50 Bayonet scabbards and frogs, new. 50 Cartridge boxes, cal. .58, new. 50 Cartridge box plates. 50 Cartridge box belts, new. 50 Cartridge box belt plates. 50 Waist belts, new. 50 Waist belt plates. 50 Cap pouches and cone picks, new. 50 Gun slings, new. 4 Boxes packing. STATEMENT 26. Property in possession of Joseph Mayo, Warden New-Hamp shire State Prison, Concord, June 1, 1866. 8 Springfield rifle muskets, old. 8 Springfield rifle musket bayonets, old. 8 Gun slings, old. 37 STATEMENT 27. Property in possession of Rev. S. N. Howell, Principal of Granite State Military and Collegiate Institute, Reed's Ferry, N. H., June 1, 1866. 75 Springfield rifle muskets, old. 85 Springfield rifle musket bayonets, old. 75 Bayonet scabbards, old. 75 Cartridge boxes, old. 75 Cartridge box plates. 75 Waist belts, old. 75 Waist belt plates. 75 Cap pouches and cone picks, old. 75 Gun slings, old. 5 Boxes packing. STATEMENT 28. Property in possession of Prof. J. W. Chadwick, Principal of New-Hampton Institute, June 1, 1866. 50 Springfield rifle muskets, old. 50 Springfield rifle musket bayonets, old. 25 Screw drivers and wrenches. 2 Wipers. 3 Boxes packing. STATEMENT 29. Representing all property turned in to the United States since May 20, 1865, to date, June 1, 1866. 1000 Carbine cartridge boxes, new. 1000 Cavalry sabre belts, new*. 1000 Cavalry sabre belt plates. 1000 Cap pouches and picks, cavalry, new. 1000 Carbine slings, new. 1000 Sword knots, new. 1000 Saddles with stirrups and stirrup leathers, new. 1000 Sets coat straps, six each, new. 1000 Pairs saddle bags, new. 1000 Girths, new. 1000 Surcingles an carbine sockets and straps, new. 38 1000 Curb bridles, new. 1000 Halters, new. 1000 Horse brushes, new. 1000 Curry combs, uew. 1000 Pairs spurs, new. 1000 Pairs spur straps, new. STATEMENT 30. Property issued to the State Militia and Schools, since May 20, 1865, to date, June 1, 1866. 96 Cavalry sabres, light pattern, new. 100 Cavalry sabre belts, new. 100 Cavalry sabre belt plates. 50 Saddles, with stirrups and stirrup leathers, new. 50 Sets coat straps, 6 each, new. 50 Pairs saddle bags, new. 50 Girths, new. 50 Surcingles and carbine sockets and straps, new. 250 Cavalry blankets, blue, new. 50 Curb bridles, new. 50 Halters, new. 50 Pairs spurs, new. 50 Pairs spur straps, new. 610 Springfield rifle muskets, calibre .58, new. 610 Springfield rifle musket bayonets, new. 133 Springfield rifle muskets, old. 143 Springfield rifle musket bayonets, old. 660 Screw drivers and cone wrenches. 66 Tumbler and wire punches. 660 Spare cones. 66 Spring vises. 660 Wipers. 65 Ball screws. 160 Extra main springs. 157 Extra sear springs. 160 Extra tumbler screws. 39 660 Tompions. 775 Cartridge boxes, calibre .58. 775 Cartridge box plates. 700 Cartridge box belts. 700 Cartridge box belt plates. 775 Waist belts. 775 Waist belt plates. 775 Cap pouches and picks, infantry. 650 Bayonet scabbards and frogs. 125 Bayonet scabbards, old. 833 Gun slings. 13 Company order books, new. 13 Company enlistment books, new. 13 Company property books, new. 34 Casey's Tactics, sets of, 3 volumes each, new. 200 Copies militia law, new. 48 Artillery jackets, new. 50 Cavalry jackets, new. 398 Frock coats, new. 97 Pairs trowsers, mounted, new. 398 Pairs trowsers, foot, new. 486 Caps, McClellan pattern, new. STATEMENT 31. Representing all property received from various sources since May 20, 1865, to date, June 1, 1866. 150 Cavalry sabres, light pattern, new. 200 Remington carbines, new. 200 Remington carbine screw drivers. 20 Remington carbine spring vises. 200 Remington carbine brush wipers and thongs, new. 133 Springfield muskets, old. 143 Springfield musket bayonets, old. 9 Screw driversand cone wrenches. 22 Spare cones. 6 Wipers. 40 11 Extra main springs. 5 Extra sear springs. 6 Extra tumbler screws. 20 Non-commissioned officers' .swords and scabbards, new. 40 Musicians' swords and scabbards, new. 60 Non-commissioned officers and musicians' sword shoulder belts, new. 60 Shoulder belt plates. 51 Cartridge boxes, calibre .58. 51 Cartridge box plates. 51 Cartridge box belts. 46 Waist belts. 46 Waist belt plates. 40 Cap pouches and picks, infantry. 51 Bayonet scabbards and frogs. 50 Gun slings. 15 Drums, tenor, new 15 Drum slings, new. 15 Drum sticks, pairs, new. 15 Fifes, new. 6 Bugles, new. 12 Company order books. 12 Company enlistment books. 12 Company property books. 100 Casey's Tactics, sets of, 3 vols. each. 500 Militia law, copies of. 50 Cavalry jackets, new. 200 Artillery jackets, new. 950 Frock coats, new. 250 Trowsers, pairs, mounted, new. 950 Trowsers, pairs, foot, new. 651 Caps, McClellan pattern, new. I