^ 3 9002 06445 8541 ^r^^:., . -^0^- f:ig '^,/ V, HISTORICAL MEMOEANDTJM AND GENEALOGICAL REGISTER OF THE TOWN OF WEST BOYLSTON, MASSACHUSETTS, From its Early Settlement to 1858; together with miscellaneous items and incidents. 131 BENJAMIN F. KEIES WORCESTER: PRINTED AT THE SVY PRINTING HOUSE, 212 MAIN STREET. 1861. PREFACE. The following brief Historical Memorandum and Gen ealogical Register is intended to extend no further OHward than 1858, or fifty years from the organization of the town of "West Roylston, and 138 years from the time of the earliest settlement in the town. The ""design of this Memorandum and Register is to bring to view the circumstances which led to the origin aud formation of the town, also to bring to the notice of present and succeeding generations those who first settled on these hills and in these valleys, thereby opening the way for further advancement and future prosperity. It is designed likewise to perpetuate the memory and recollec tion of those, who, by their untiring atid persevering ef forts, amid opposition and resistance, eventually succeeded in establishing and organizing the town. The few biographical notes in the genealogical sketch. are designed merely as a deserved tribute to those who are thus noticed. The miscellaneous items recorded raay be thought of little consequence by some, while others may feel a deep interest in the incidents and occurrences related. It may be interesting to the inhabitants of "West Roylston fifty years hence, who may in 1908 celebrate the centennial anniversary of the town, to know who were their prede cessors, from whence they came, together with the particu lar locality where they resided, and also, who may at that time be known as the lineal descendants of the early set tlers. Many wish to know something of those who pre ceded them in life, while others have a curiosity to trace back their lineage to the early settlement of the country, feeling a sympathy and respect for their progenitors, al thougli they may long since have finished their earthly course. It seems necessary therefore that some notice or reoord of individuals, families and passing events, should be preserved and transmitted from one generation to anoth er for the use and benefit of the living. There is pleas ure and satisfaction in recognising our ancestors, and it would seem that fraternal feeling and filial gratitude alike demand a remembrance of our friends and relatives who have passed away from the world, and we should ever man ifest a due respect and veneration for their memory and departed worth. The Meraorandum and Register was designed and writ ten in 1858, while its publication has been delayed from an apprehension that it might not be useful or acceptable. But after further consideration it has been determined to give it publicity, trusting that whoever may chance to read it will pass lightly over its defects and incomplete ness. B. F. K. "West Boylstoit, March, 1861. CONTENTS. West Boylst'jn — hoTv situated and bounded 5 Earliest Settlers, Indians, Ac, 6 Inaorporation of West BoyJston, , 8 Legal Voters in 1808, 'J Genealogical Sketch, 19 Residents — Not Voters 39 Original and Earlier Settlers, 40 Residents between 1780 and 1808, 44 Settlers from 1808 to 1820 46 Residents in 1808 under 21 years of age 49 Residents and Legal Voters in 1858 60 Town Officers from 1808 to 1858, 52 Ecclesiastioal Record, &c., 55 Physicians in West Boylston, 60 Progress and Improvement, .- 61 Miscellaneous Incidents 63 Various Items, 67 Military, ? 68 Rivers and Bridges, 70 Farming Interest — Extraordinary Events, 71 Extraordinary Longevity, 76 Biographical Sketch cf Thomas Keyes, Jr., 77 Concluding Remarks, 82 HISTORICAL MEMORANDUM OF WEST BOYLSTON. The town of West Boylston is situated 7 miles from the city of Worcester, and bounded on the east by Boyl ston, on the north by Sterling, on the west by Holden, on the south by "Worcester and Shrewsbury ; being about five miles in length from north to south, and about three and a half miles in width from east to west. The natural position and scenery of the town is multi form and somewhat romantic in appearance, diversified with hills and valleys, and in all directions interspersed with springs and streams of water suited to the wants and convenience of the inhabitants. The soil is generally fer tile and productive, and when skilfully managed and properly cultivated, amply repays the enterprise and labor of the industrious husbandman. The early settlers of "West Boylston were a hardy, vig orous race, social and benevolent in their feelings and habits, kind and generous to each other, hospitable to strangers, always making them welcome to such accom modations and entertainment as their rude dwellings would aflFord. They were strongly attached to the princi ples and customs of the pilgrim fathers, carefully observ ing and sustaining the institutionB of religion and learn ing, habitually and conscientiously attending public wor ship on the Sabbath, and having their children suflficiently educated to enable them to perform the coramon duties, of social life. Their children also, like themselves, were, carefully taught to cherish the principles and adhere to the customs so cautiously preserved and maintained by their progenitors, although later generations seem to have degenerated and departed to some extent from the 1* 6 course of their ancestors, and apparently lost that venera tion and regard for their instruction and example which filial res/pect and a fond recollection might justly require from their successors and lineal descendants. Jacob Hinds, Joseph Wooley, Ebenezer Frizzol, Benja min Bigelow, Jonathan Fairbank, Aaron Newton, Ezekiel Newton, Edward Goodale, Stephen Belknap, William "Whitney, Phineas Bennett, Jonathan French, Jonathan Lovell, and Josiah Wilder were probably the earliest set tlers in this town. They came from the older towns be low and made an opening here. Others soon foUawed, thereby gradually increasing their numbers, thus cherish ing the hopes and encouraging the prospects of the new settlers. The settlement of the town was probably com menced in 1 720, or soon after that time. Tradition says that formerly the Indians were numerous in and about this town, having their wigwams and corn- patches on the interval and near the river, occupying the adjacent hills and plains as hunting ground, there being plenty of deer, turkeys, and other wild garae, suited to their wants and necessities. Nearly all the natives had left this region previous to the settlement of the whites, in this immediate locality and adjacent vicinity. Although the early settlers built a garrison or block-house to which they could repair for the night as a place of security when danger was apprehended, yet they were never assaulted by the Indians, nor is it known that any attack or molesta tion of the new settlers was ever contemplated by thera. The block-house was erected in the southerly part of the town near Stony Brook, and about 80 rods distant from the dwelling-house of E , F. Brigham. Specimens of antique relics of the aborigines have frequently been discovered and picked up, such as arrows, stone chisels, gouges, etc., clearly manifesting the native genius of these sons of the forest. The circumstances which ultimately led to the origin and formation of this town, were substantially as follows : The inhabitants of Boylston having determined to build a new meeting-house, the necessity and expediency of which was generally conceded, a difficulty arose in regard to its location, the majority choosing to erect it near the old house, while the minority, mostly from the west part of the town, strenuously insisted that it should be erected half a mile northwest of the old house. The majority resolutely persisted in their choice and determination, relative to the location of the new house, while the minority were equal ly decided and unyielding in regard to their choice and pre ference. It having become apparent that no compromise or mutual adjustment of the difficulty could be effected, the minority seceded, and being joined by several inhabitants from the adjoining towns of Sterling and" Holden, formed themselves into a a society and proceeded to build a meet ing-house for their accommodation and convenience, locat ing it in the westerly part of Boylston, about three miles distant from the locality where the majority portion of the inhabitants erected their new meeting-house. Had there been at the commencement and during the progress of this controversy, more calm, deliberate consideration of the subject, and more pacific conciliatory feelings manifested, the disruption and division of the town might have been avoided and harmony preserved. . The new society having completed their place of wor ship, it was solemnly dedicated by appropriate religious services, January 1, 1795. After the dedication of the meeting-house, a petition for an act of incorporation as a town'was sent to the General Court, signed by ninety in habitants of the towns of Boylston, Sterling and Holden. The petition had a hearing in 1796, but being strenuously opposed by the representatives from each of the towns where the petitioners resided, they only obtained leave to withdraw their petition, when they immediately sent anoth er petition, asking to be incorporated as the second precinct of Boylston, Sterling, and Holden. This petition was also earnestly opposed, but in June, 1796, an act was passed in accordance with the prayer of the petitioners, and soon after a legal meeting of the inhabitants of the precinct was called, when an organization was effected by the choice of precinct officers, etc., as was provided for by the act of incorporation. In less than twelve years after the legal organization of this precinct or parish, it became a town by an act of the General Court, agreeably to a pe- 8 ¦ tition of its inhabitants, taking the name of West Boylr ston. The incorporating act is dated January 30, 1808. The largest part of this town was taken from Boylston, the other portions thereof from the towns of Sterling and Holden. That which was taken from Boylston, originally belonged to Shrewsbury, that from Sterling once belonged to Lancaster, that from Holden was formerly included in the township of Worcester. At the time of the incorporation of West Boylston, it contained 98 dwelling-houses, and about the same number of "families, with a little less than 600 inhabitants. The number of legal voters in the town at the first election of State officers, which occurred on the first Monday in April, 1808, was 105. The number of ratable polls was less than 160 but exceeded 150, which was the number then required to entitle the town to a representative to the Legislature. The whole number of votes cast at the first election held in this town in April, 1808, for governor, was 85, of which 66 were for Christopher Gore, 18 for James Sullivan, and 1 for Levi Lincoln. At the first election held in this town for the choice of a representa tive to the General Court, on the first Monday in May, 1808, Ezra Beaman, Esq. was chosen without opposition. He was afterwards annually elected until his decease, hav ing been chosen four successive times by his fellOw towns men to that responsible station. In 1808, this town contained 60 farmers, some 10 or 12 mechanics, 1 clergyman, no physician, several laborers of various occupations, and but 1 person of foreign birth. There was 1 cotton mill, 2 grist mills, 2 saw mills, 1 clothier's mill, 1 tannery, 4 blacksmith shops, 1 cabinet maker's shop, and 2 book binderies. There were also 3 merchants occupying as many stores, and 1 tavern, hav ing been kept by Major. Beaman for more than half a century. Of the 105 legal voters at the April election for State officers in this town in 1808, 94 have since deceased, and 11 yet survive ; of those who have deceased, 79 have died in this town, and 15 elsewhere ; of those who yet survive, 3 reside in this town, and 6 elsewhere. Of the 105 vot ers, 97 were at the head of families, while 8 were either 9 connected and associated with families, or in the eirploy of some of the inhabitants. The following are the naraes of the legal voters at the first elections for town and State officers, held in West Boylston, in March and April, 1808 : Ezra Beaman, Jabez Beaman, Ezra Beaman, Jr., Silas Beaman, Abel Bigelow, Levi Bigelow, Stephen Bigelow, Dennis Bigelow, Stephen Brigham, Edmund Brigham, Jo siah P. Brown, Zachariah Child, Amos Child, Barnabas Davis, Elias Davis, Reuben Dinsmore, Silas Dinsmpre, Joseph Dwelley, William Earaes, Levi Eames, Williarh, Eames,J"r., Samuel Estabrook, Jabez Fairbank, Lemuel Fairbank, Seth Fairbank, William Fairbank, Alpheus Fairbank, Jabez Fairbank, Jr., Davis Fairbank, Barak B. Fairbank, Amos Fairbank, John Fisher, Oliver Gale, Ol iver Glazier, Jason Glazier, Moses Goodale, Aaron Good ale, Paul Goodale, Peter Goodale, Aaron Goodale, Jr., Abel Goodale, Levi Goodale, Jason Goodale, Elijah Good- enow, Ephraim Hadly, David Harthan, Jacob Hinds, Jo seph Hinds, Abel Holt, Abiel Holt, James Holt, Jonas Holt, Alvan Howe, Hiram Howe, Timothy Johnson, Reu ben Keyes, Thomas Keyes, Jr., Levi Kilburn, Asa Lovell, Amos Lovell, Amos Lovell, Jr.-, Samuel Mason, Daniel Mason, Ezra May, Calvin Maynard, Asaph Merrifield, Louis Merrifield, Israel Moore, Joel Moore, Asa Moore, Joseph Morse, Sylvanus Morse, Artemas Murdock, Joshua, Murdock, William Nash, Silas Newton, Ebenezer Paine, Moses Perry, Joseph Perry, Oliver Peirce, Levi Peirce, Hollis Peirce, James Peirce, Jacob Peirce, Jonathan Plimp ton, Jonathan Plimpton, Jr., Brigham Prescott, John Prescott, John Reed, Thaddeus Shattuck, Walter Shat-i tuck, Isaac Smith, John Smith, Simon Stone, John Temple, Isaac Temple, William Thomas, Robert B. Thomas, Aaron Thomas, Peter White, Joseph Whittaker, Reuben Wilder, Ebenezer Willington, John Winn, William Winn. At the time of the incorporation and organization of this town in 1 808, there were nine persons who were each at the head of families but were not legal voters in conse quence of thdir not possessing the specific qualifications required by the Stale Constitution to entitle them to the 10 elective franchise. The names of these persons were Abiel Boynton, Benjamin Carroll, John Dinsmore, Simeon Farr, Thomas Hatherly, Benjamin Keyes, Jeremiah Morse, Daniel Prouty, and Nathan Wilder. Of these, seven died in this town and two in distant parts of the country. At the first town election in West Boylston, held on the first Monday in March, 1808, the following town offic ers were chosen, viz : Silas Beaman, Moderator ; Robert B. Thomas, Town Clerk; Ezra Beaman, Jonathan Plimp ton, William Fairbank, Silas Beaman, and Amos Lovell, Selectmen ; Robert B. Thomas, Silas Newton, and Moses Perry, Assessor* ; Ezra Beaman, Esq., Treasurev; Silas Beaman, Constable. GENEALOGICAL SKETCH Of those individuals who were householders and legal vot' ers in West Boylston, in 1808, the time qf the organ ization of the town, and others who were resid ents and also legal voters but had no respon sible connection with any' of the fami lies of the town, Abketiations. — Ch. for children, dau. daughter, s. son, m. married, h. born, d. died. Beaman, Ezra, Esq., more generally known as Major Beaman, was the eldest son of Jabez Beaman, was born in Bolton, October, 1736. Jabez Beaman having purchased a large tract of land in this town, then beilonging to Shrewsbury, situated on each side of the Nashua River, removed hero with his family in 1746. At the death of Jabez Beaman, which occurred in 1757, Ezra, his eldest son became proprietor of the homestead, where he ever afterwards resided until his decease, which took place June 4, 1811, in the 75th year of his age. In 1768, he m. Tersis, dau. of Dea. Cyprian Keyes, of Boyl ston, with whom he lived about 30 years ; .she d. in 1788, aged 49 years. Their ch. were Jabez, Ezra, Levinah, Persis, Betsey, and Eunice. He was again m. to Mary 11 Boylston of Charlestown, who survived him and d. June 6, 1813, aged 62 years. Major Beaman was endowed by nature with a strong mind, possessing a remarkable spirit of enterprise, togeth er with great energy and resolution, which enabled him to devise and execute various schemes and plans, not only for his own emolument and prosperity, but also for the inter est and advantage of the community around him. His de signs seldom failed to result auspiciously and in accord ance with his desires and anticipations. Major Beaman possessed and held a large amount of real and personal estate, thereby constituting him the wealthiest man who has ever been an inhabitant of this . town. Although it may in truth be~ said that West Boylston eventually be came a town almost wholly in consequence of his great exertions and untiring efforts, and that he laid the founda tion for its future growth and prosperity, and, although he did more to promote the general interest thereof, than all others associated with him, yet very little, if anything, of ad equate importance has been done, (aside from a common tombstone erected at his grave,) either by individual citi zens or the town as a testimony of his extensive usefulness and great worth as a citizen and public benefactor, or for the perpetuation of his memory as one of the most distinguish ed and influential inhabitants of the town and community in which he resided. At his decease his remains were in terred in the family burying ground, devoted to that use more than fifty years previous, by his father, Jabez Bea man, whose remains were also deposited there. This con secrated spot is situated half a mile east of the old Bea man mansion, near the public road leading to Boylston, and is enclosed by a stone wall built in a neat and sub stantial manner. Mayor Beaman was not only an active, leading man in the immediate vicinity where he resided, but sustained a prominency and wielded an extensive and controling influence in the community at large. When ever a project of a public nature having the benefit of the community as its object was originated and brought up for consideration, he was at once consulted as to its impor tance and practicability, when his judgment and expressed opinion generally had the effect to cause the adoption and 12 consumation of the scheme, or its rejection and final aban donment, thus clearly demonstrating and unmistakably ¦Inanifesting -the high estimation in which he was held by the leading and prominent portion of his fellow citizens, on account of his sound judgraent and practical wisdom. It is a fact, that in justice to him ought to be recorded, that several of the public roads in this vicinity were pro- " jected by him, and although encountering severe and de termined opposition, yet through his unyielding and per severing, efforts they were eventually established, and became highly useful and beneficial. Major Beaman was a patriot, a firm and ardent friend of his country, being one of the active and unflinching spirits of the American revolution. He early took a de cided stand against tyranny and oppression, taking up arms in favor of the rights of his country, himself march ing to the battle field to resist the encroachments of the enemy. He was with the American army at Cambridge in 1775, and performed a conspicuous part during that memorable period. He was ever ready to render aid and assistance in any emergency, not only by his influence, but when circumstances required, he promptly devoted his, time, his property, and his personal exertions, for the pur pose of sustaining and pushing forward the severe and arduous struggle for American Independence then in prog ress; Thus it would seem that he was one with many others who had virtually pledged their lives, their proper ty, and their sacred honors in favor of obtaining and se curing liberty, justice, and equal rights to themselves and their posterity. He was a member of the Congregational Church in West Boylston, and contributed liberally for the support of the ordinances of religion. Beamak, Jabez, eldest s. of Ezra Beaman, Esq., b. in 17G4, and d. in 1812, being 47 years of age. He m. Mary, dau. of Jonathan Bond of Boylston, who d. soon after their raarriage. He resided on the homestead dur- ,ing the whole period of his life, assisting his father in the various departments of business, connected with his ex tensive farming operations, etc. Be.\m;an, Ezea, Jr., youngest s. of Ezra Beaman, Esq., was b. December 27, 1770. After the decease of his fa- 13 ther which occurred in 1811, he became the proprietor of the homestead, and still continues to be the owner and occupant thereof, being now 87 years of age. It is a re markable incident andof rare occurrence, that this ancient establishment, has now been held and occupied by father and son, each bearing the same name, during a period of more than 100 years. Mr. Beaman is the proprietor and holder of a large amount of real estate, being so located and its soil and scenery being such, as to render it ex tremely valuable. He has ever cherished a filial respect for his honored father, and yet speaks of him with that deference and regard which true greatness and other valu able traits of character he possessed, justly deserve from his immediate descendants and others who were conver sant with him. This ancient and time honored establish ment still presents in many respects the same general ap pearance as when Major Beaman left it, nearly ^50 years ago. Beaman, SirAS, Esq., s. of Ephraim ahd 'graindson of Jabez Beaman, was b. in 1765 and d. in 1811, being 46 years of age. He ra. Persis, dau. of Rev. Asaph Rice of Westminster, and resided with his parents. At the de cease of his father which occurred in 1805, he becamethe legal proprietor of the homestead, continuing his residence thereon until his own decease. His wife survived him, and d. in 1815, aged 46 years. Mr. Beaman was a large athletic, man, more than 6 feet in height, and when in the vigor and maturity of life, weighed more than 300 pounds. He had the, advantage of a good education together with superior native talents which qualified him to act in the various departments of life advantageously to himself and beneficially to the com munity. He was distinguished and highly esteemed as a school teacher, being eminerltly qualified therefor. So far as literary attainments were necessary he was well fitted for that department, possessing a thorough knowledge of the. rudiments of education. . He also possessed the very important faculty of governing a school without resorting to harsh or severe measures, his word or command a,l- ways had a controlling influence, causing immediate sub mission to his wishes and requirements. He commenced 14 .school teaching when 16 years of age, and was thus emr ployed during the winter seasons for twenty-five years, always succeeding to the general satisfaction of his schol ars and employers. Mr. Beaman's residence was; three- fourths of a mile east of Major Beaman's place, on the road to Boylston. It is now the residence of Charles H. Baldwin. Bigelow, Abex, s. of Dea. Amariah Bigelow, b. in 1755, and married Martha, dau. of Capt. Joseph Bigelow, in 1778. They had seven ch., six of them living to ma ture age. He d. in 1821, being 66 years of age. His -wife survived him, and died in 1848, at the age of 95 years. Mr. Bigelow was a farmer, and for many years managed an extensive farm with profit and success. ' His residence was situated half, a mile south ofthe Common between the roads leading to Worcester and Boylston. BiGEj-ovy, Levi, s. of Dea. Amariah Bigelow, b. in 1765, and d. in 1833, being 68 years of age. After he had passed the period of his ininority, in consequence of a severe sickness, he was frequently subjected to a state of mental derangement, thereby causing much trouble to •his friends and the comraunity. During the latter portion of his life he resided with John Temple of this town, as a constant and faithful laborer, and having become free from paroxisms of mental aberation, he finished out his life a quiet and useful citizen. BiGEiow, Stephen, only s. of Capt. Joseph Bigelow, b. in 1760, and d. in 1839, being 79 years of age. He m. Rachel,' dau. of William Pike pi Framingham, who survived him, and d. in 1855, being 87 years of age. They had 6 ch. who all lived to mature age. He was a farmer, resided half a mile west of the -Common, on the road leading from the West Boylston Railroad Station, to the south end of Maiden Hill. His only son, Joseph Big elow, now resides on the same premises, being the legal proprietor thereof. BiGEXOW, DeniTis, eldest s. of Abel Bigelow, b. in 1779, and d. in 1851, aged 72 years. He m. Cynthia Fletcher from Lancaster, who is yet living. After the de cease of his father, he resided with his mother, occupying that portion of the homestead which she received as a 15 dowry, together with what he received as his share of his father's estate. He had two ch. who survived him. Brigham, Stephen, was born in 1740, or near that time, and d. in 1S12. He was m. early in life, had sev eral ch., and resided two miles south of the Common in this town. He was the proprietor and occupant of a large farm, and although not one of the wealthiest citizens, yet independent and free from pecuniary embarrassment. He came from Westboro' in the early part of his life and set tled in this town, where he resided until his death. Brigham, Edmund, s. of Stephen Brigham, b. in 1769, and d. in 1841, being 71 years of age. He m. Mary, dau. of Nathaniel Brooks of Worcester, and had several ch. She d. in the meridian of life. He afterward m. the wid ow of Jonathan Plimpton, Jr., who survived him and d. in 1857. Mr. Brigham settled on the homestead with his father at whose decease he became the legal .proprietor of the premises and continued the occupancy thereof for sev eral years, when he sold out and relinquished the business of farming, in which he had been engaged from his earli est years. Brown, Josiah P., was a native of Sterling, and re moved to this town with his family in 1802, becoming a. resident, and occupant of a farm , in the north part of the town then owned by Major Beaman, but now in the pos session of Lucius Newton. He continued his residence on this farm for fifteen years, when he left it and relin quished the business of farming, and d. by an act of sui cide in 1830, being about 50 years of age. His wife survived him and has lately deceased. Chiid, Zachariah, b. in 1763, was the eldest s. of David Child of this town. In 1784, he m. Lydia, dau. of David Bigelow of Worcester, and settled on a small farm situated in the south part of the town, adjoining the resi dence of his father. Here he resided until his decease, which occurred in 1845, at the age of 81 years. They had a large family of ch., several of whom are yet living. His wife survived him, and d. in 1849,^1 the age of 85 years. He was a soldier of the Revolution and received a pension for several years. 16 Child, Amos, s. of David Child, b. in 1765, m. Dorcas Davenport of Boylston, and resided awhile with his pa rents, but in consequence of some difficulty arising be- tween^himself and his brother, Zachariah, he left the -heme- stead and purchased a farm in the northwest part of the town, which he occupied several years, when he gave up farming and became a merchant, occupying a store now used as a dwelling house, and situated a short distance from the brick meeting-house in this town. Here he. re mained until his decease, which occurred in 1839, being 74 years of age. His wife d. in 1822, being 56 years of age. They had several ch., but one o'f whom is now liv ing. In 1823, he m. Nancy Rice of this town, who is yet living. Davis, Barnabas, Esq., s. of Dea. David Davis of Paxton, b. in 1778, m. Mercy Bellows, settled in this town in 1802, or about that time, and established himself in the business of tanning and currying leather on the premises previously occupied for the same purpose by his brother, Simon Davis. He continued his residence here until 1851, when he removed to Paxton, his native town, where he and his wife soon after d., being more than 70 years of age. They had four ch. two of whom are de ceased. Mr. Davis sustained an unblemished character, was a quiet, peaceable citizen, enjoying the respect and confidence of his fellow townsmen, by whom he was fre quently promoted to stations of trust and responsibility. He was six successive years elected to represent the town in the State Legislature, performing the duties of that re sponsible station to the entire satisfaction of his constit uents. Davis, Elias, a younger brother of Barnabas Davis, b. in 1784, came here and was employed as an assistant in the store of his brother, Simon Davis, several years. He afterwards erected a store in connection with a dwelling- house and vvent into trade for himself, but eventually dis posed of his business and went to Keene, N. H., where he remained a few years and then returned to this town where he has since resided. In 1805, he m. Mary Bige low of this town, with whom he lived in the marriage relation more than fifty years. Her death 'occurred in 17 1857, at the age of 72 years. They had three ch., ont son and two daughters, the son died in early life, the daughters are yet living. Dinsmore, Reuben, s. of John Dinsmore, b. in 1771, and died in 1821, in the 50th year of his age. He m. Polly, dau. of Paul Goodale, in 1800, who survived him and died in 1856, being 80 years of age. They had sev eral ch., the most of whom are yet living. He was a farmer and first occupied the farm now in the possession of Benjamin Lee, in the west part of the town. He af terwards resided on the farm now in the possession of Stephen Hemenway, in the north part of the town, and finally removed to Princeton, where he died. Dinsmore, Silas, s. of John Dinsmore, b. in 1779, and d. in 1824, being 46 years of age. In 1802, he m. Polly, dau. of Amos Lovell of this town, who survived him and died in 1842, aged 65 years. They had a large family of ch., six of whom are yet living. He was a cooper, and worked at that business vluring the earlier part of his life. Subsequently he worked in a saw mill, an occupation for which he was peculiarly qualified. He resided in the house now owned and occupied by Eli W. Holbrook, near the central bridge in this town. Dwelley, Joseph, was b. in 1765 and resided in Wor cester in the earlier part of his life, where he m. Mary Stearns in 1791. He afterwards purchased a farm in thii town, now the residence of James Fiske, on which he set tled and resided about 40 years, when he scdd his farm and removed to Oakham, where he d. in 1840, aged 76 years. He enlisted into the army of the Revolution when 15 years of age, and faithfully served his country as a soldier during the last three years of that war, when he was honorably discharged and returned heme. He en dured trials and hardships while connected' with the array, was at the surrender of CornwaUis, and participated in, other scenes of momentous interest and importance. His only ch., Joseph Dwelley, now resides in Oakham. Eames, William, was the proprietor and occupant of a large and valuable farm, situated at the extreme south part of this town, contiguous to Worcester and Shrews- 2* 18 bury, on which he settled in the earlier part of life, and where he resided until his decease in 1814, at the age of 65 years. His wife d. several years previous. They had several ch., some of whom are yet living. This farm was lately in the possession of Asa Rice, being the place of his residence at the time of his death. Eames, Levi, s. of William Eames resided with his father until his decease, when he took possession of the premises, and there continued as the occupant in connec tion with a younger brother for several years, when he left the homestead and wept to Worcester where he now resides. In 1809, he m. Hephzibah Winter, who d. in 1816, aged 38 years. He afterward ra. a dau. of Luther Rice of Worcester, who has also deceased. Eames, William, Jr., s. of William- Eames, m. a dau. of Luther Rice of Worcester in 1808, and resided on the homestead in connection with his elder brother for several years, when he removed to Worcester, where he d.' in mature life leaving a family. Estabrook, Sa.muel, s. of Samuel Estabrook, b; in 1747 and d. in 1816, aged 69 years. He m. Sarah Mar shall of Holden, who survived him and d. in 1820, at the age of 77 years. He was a carpenter, and resided on a farm of which he was the proprietor, situated in the south west part of this town, being now in the possession of John Phelps. Faibbank, Jabez, eldest s. of Jonathan Fairbank, one of the early settlers of this town, b. in 1738 and d. in 1822, aged 84 years. He was m. in 1760 or about that time to Miriam Davis, and had a large family of children. His wife d. in the meridian of life much lamented. He afterward m. Persis Bouker of Petersham, who survived him and d. in ,183 3, aged 89 years. He resided in the north part of the town on the farm now in the possession • of his grandson, Uriah Fairbank. Fairbank, Lemuel, s. of Jonathan Fairbank, b. in 1751. and d. in 1819, aged 68 years. He m. Phebe, dau. of Jacob Winn, one of the early settlers of this town, who survived him and d. in 1824, aged 73 years. They had several ch., two of whom are yet living. He was a 19 farmer, and resided in the north part of the town, his resi dence being situated on the hill road leading to Sterling, and lately in the possession of John H. Stratton. Fairbank, Seth, s. of Jonathan Fairbank, b. in 1755 nnd d. in 1833, aged 78 years. He m. Relief, dau. of Amos Sawyer, in 1777, and settled on a farm in the north part of the town, near the residence of his elder brother, Jabez Fairbank. They had ten ch., five sons and five daughters, all of whom survived their parents. His wife d. in 1839, being 80 years of age. They resided through life where they settled at the time of their marriage. Fairb.\.sk, William, youngest s. of Jonathan Fair- bank, b. in 1758 and d. in 1840, aged 81 years. He m. Keziah Houghton of Sterling, and had several ch., some of whom are yet living. His wife d. in 181 1, and in 1812 he m. Persis Sawyer of Boylston, who survived him and died in 1851, aged 78 years. He was a farmer, and occu pied a farm now in the possession of Silas P. Bruce, in the north part of the town. He was a man of ability and prominence, being often chosen to offices of trust and re sponsibility by his fellow citizens. He was a soldier of the Revolution, and received a pension the latter part of his !life.' Fairbank, Alpheus, eldest s. of Jabez Fairbank, b. in 1766 and d. in 1832, aged 66 years. He m. Polly Wil- lardof Sterling, who survived him and d. in 1836. They had several ch. who survived them, some of whom have since deceased. He became the propriptor of a farm situ ated in the northwest part of the town, now in the posses sion of Solon F. Brown, on which he resided to the close of his life. Fairbank, Jabez, Jr., s. of Jabez Fairbank, b. in 1773 and d. in 1843, aged 70 years. He m. Hannah Eager of Sterling, who survived him and died in 1847. They had several ch., four of whora are yet living. He resided ¦vvith his father on the homestead where he continued un til the close of life, when the premises becarae ths pos session of his son, Uriah Fairbank. Fairbank, Davis, youngest s. of Jabez Fairbank, b. in 1777 and d. in 1857, aged 80 years. In 1801, he m. 20 Rebecca Fairbank of this town, who d. in 1803, He af terwards m. widow Sally Holt of this town, who d. in 1852. He occupied during the earlier portion of his life the premises originally held and occupied by his grand father, Jonathan Fairbank, and now in the possession of Francis Johnson, situated in the north part of the town, He had but one child who survived him. Fairbank, Barak B., s. of Lemuel Fairbank, b. in 1779 and d. in 1824, aged 45 years. In 1803, he m. Sal ly, dau. of Amos Lovell of this town, and settled in the north part of the town near the residence of his father, on the old road leading to Sterling, where they continued to reside until their decease. His wife survived hira and d. in 1 847, aged 67 years. They had several -ch., the most of whom are now living. He vvas a carpenter, and work ed at that business the most of his time during the last years of his life. Fairbank, Amos, eldest s. of Seth Fairbank, b. in 1779 and is yet living. In 1813, he m. Lucy Houghton, who d. in 1841, being about 60 years of age. He has re sided in this town most of the time during his life, work ing as a common laborer. Fisher, John, removed with his family to this town in 1806 and resided in the south part of the town, occu pying the farm, since the possession of Cicero Hinds, and now the] residence of Dana Newton. After a few years' residence he sold out and removed from this town and has since deceased. Gale, Oliver, s. of Jonas Gale, one of the early set tlers of this town, b. in 1771 and died in 1824, aged 53 years. He m. Esther, dau. of Ebenezer Willington of Worcester, who survived him and d. at an advanced age, having been four times legally connected in the marriage relation. He was a farmer and settled on the farm now in possession of the town, and occupied as a pauper es tablishment, where he resided several years, when he sold out and purchased a small situation near the,centre of the town where he resided until his decease. This location now belongs to N. H. Goodale. Glazier, Oliver, s. of John Glazier of Boylston, b. in 1768 and d. in 1855, aged 92 years. He was m. in 21 1785 to Rachel, eldest dau. of Stephen Hastings of Boyl ston, who d. in 1841, at an advanced age. They had ten ch., nearly all of whom survived their parents. He pur chased a plot of land in this town in 1796, on which, he erected a dwelling-house, which was the place of his resi dence until after the decease of his wife, when he v/ent to Northborough and resided with his eldest daughter until his decease. He was a carpenter, and worked at that business the most of his time. Glazier, Jason, youngest s. of John Glazier, b. in 1767 and is now living, being 90 years of age. He early in life m. Sarah, daughter of John Dinsmore of this town, and lived in the marriage state about 30 years, when she d. in the meridian of life, leaving several ch. He after ward, m. Polly Gerry of Sterling, who is now living. He resided many years on the premises now in the possession of George Dana, situated in the north part of this town. GooDALS, Moses, was b. in 1739 and d. in 1815, aged 75 years. He was the eldest s. of Edward Goodale, one of the early settlers of this town. In 1797, he m. Silence Good- enow of Boylston, who survived him and d. in 1836, being about 80 years of age. The place where he resided dur ing the last part of his life and at the time of his decease, is situated 40 rods southwest of the railroad station in this town, and now the residence of William Bolton. Ho possessed mental capacities above mediocrity while he was much accustomed to freaks of whimsical fancy and humor ous caprice which could hardly fail to excite the merri ment of the most serious observer. His decease was sud den and unexpected at the time of its occurrence. Goodale, Aaron, second s. of Edward Goodale, b. in 1743 and d. in 1817, aged 74 years. In 1767, he m. Eunice, dau. of William Marshall of Holden, who surviv ed him and died in 1832, aged 84 years. They had eleven ch., five s. and six dau., each of them living to mature age and all eventually becoming connected in the marriage relation. The youngest of this faraily is now the only surviver, being 68 years of age. Mr. Goodale was a farm er occupying a farm half a mile west of the Common, now in the possession of his grandson, Charles Goodale. On this farm he settled in early life and there resided until his decease. Goodale, Paul, third s. of Edward Goodale, b. in 1747 and d. in 1828, aged 81 years. He m. Eunice, dau. of Jonathan Lovell, one of the early settlers of this town. She d. in 1824, aged 77 years. They had nine ch., four s. and five dau., all of whom have deceased. In 1825, he m. widow Betty Lovell of this town, who survived him and d. in 1837, aged 84 years. Mr. Goodale was an enter prising, successful farmer, occupying an extensive and valuable farm on which he resided nearly 60 years. He accumulated a large estate, being one of the wealthiest citizens of the town. He was possessed of ability and talents which qualified him for extensive influence and usefulness. He was frequently chosen by the citizens of the town to fill important stations of trust and responsi bility, discharging the duties thereof with fidelity and to the acceptance of the town. Goodale, Peter, youngest s. of Edward Goodale, b. in 1752 and d. in 1834, aged 82 years. In 1775, he m. Abigail, dau. of Benjamin Hinds, who d. in 1809, aged 58 years. They had six ch., only one of whom is now living. He was again m. in 1809, to widow Rachel Flagg of this town, who d. in 1828, aged 63 years. He first set tled in Gardner, where he resided 15 years, when he re moved to this town in 1793, and settled on the homestead then in'the possession of his mother, where he resided un til his decease. Goodale, Aaron, Jr., s. of Aaron Goodale, b. in 1779 and d. in 1840, aged 61 years. In 1805,' he m. Mehita- ble Blake of Holden, who is yet living. They had six ch., two of whom are now living. He settled on the farm originally occupied by Ebenezer Frizzol, afterwards by David "Winch and now in the possession of his youngest son, Aaron Goodale, being situated half a mile west of the Common on the south Maiden Hill road leading to Holden. GooD.iLE, Abel, Dea., s. of Aaron Goodale, b. in 1785 and d. in 1853, aged 68 years. In early life he m. Grace Merrifield, who d. in 1819, aged 34 years. They had five 23 ch., two of whom are now living. He was again m. in 1821 to widow Mehitable Hubbard of Holden, who is yet living. They had two ch., one of whom is also living. He was for nearly 30 years of the latter portion of his life the proprietor and occupant of the farm originally the residence of his grandfather, Edward Goodale, and now in the possession of his son, Gardner E. Goodale. Dea. Goodale was a valuable citizen, a firm, substantial man, ardent in feeling, discriminating in judgment, decided in action, never vacillant or equivocal in his course. He would thoroughly investigate a subject or proposition and decide upon a proper course of action relative thereto, then proceed to act with promptness and energy, never turning aside or compromising in the least with opposi tion or antagonism. Thus always exhibiting a consisten cy of character and conduct, he won the respect and con fidence of those with whom he associated and acted in the vaiious departments of life. He was irreconcilably hos tile to secret associations whDtever might be their charac ter or design, believing them to be anti-republican and of dangerous tendency. Goodale, Levi, s. of Paul Goodale, b. in 1783 and d. in 1854, aged 71 years. In early life he ra. Abigail Cros by of Holden, who d. in 1810, being 27 years of age. He was again m. in 1811 to Eunice H. Brimhall of Oakham who d. in 1826, aged 38 years. In 1827, he m. Orinda Cleveland of Medfield, who d. in 1845, being 59 years of age. He was again m. to Sarah Ann Nelson of Medfield, who is now living. He had several ch., the most of whom are also living. He was a farmer and resided on the homestead until the last years of his life, when he changed his residence and became the occupant of the premises now in the possession of Winthrop Sno^v, situ ated 80 rods southeast of the railroad station in this town. Goodale, Jason, s. of Peter Goodale, b. in -1780 and d. in 1852, aged 72 years. In 1807, he m. Hannah, dau. of Dea. Asa Lovell, who died in 1812, aged 31 years. He afterward m. Sarah Raymond of Ashby, who is yet living. He was a farmer and resided in Winchendon the latter part of his life. Several of his ch, are now living. 24 GooDENow, Elij.\ii, cldcst s. of Jonas Goodenow of Boylston, b. in 1768 and d. suddenly in 1821, aged 63 years. He m. Eunice, dau. of Micah Harthan, who sur vived him and d. in 1828, aged 56 years. They had ten ch., only three of whom are now Hving. He resided with his father-in-law, assisting him in the managing of his farm and other raatters. In 1804, he erected a distillery which was used several years for manufacturing gin and cider brandy. These premises are situated near the Bap tist meeting-house, and are now in the possession of George Holmes, a s. of the late Thomas Holmes of this town. Hadly, Ephraim, was b. in Sterling, came to this town and m. Prudence, dau. of John Dinsmore, in 1799. He d. in 1814, being nearly 40 years of age, and after his decease, she m. Jonathan Nichols of Holden, and d. in 1856. Mr. Hadly was a cooper, and when not engaged in that business, labored where he could find employment. He resided in this town some 15 or 20 years. Harthan, David, eldest s. of Micah Harthan, b. in 1764 and d. in 1823, aged 59 years. He m. Prudence, dau. of Jacob Winn, and had six ch., only two of whom are now living. She survived him and d. in 1840, aged 76 years. He d. suddenly and alone, in consequence of a fall. He was a miller, having attended a grist mill from his boyhood until his decease. He was the proprietor of the well known and far famed Harthan Mills in this town. His dwelling place was situated about 50 rods north of the railroad station in this town. Hinds, Jacob, s. of Benjamin Hinds, b. in 1767 and d. in 1852, aged 85 years. He m. Elizabeth, dau. of Jona than Fawcett of Boylston, who survived him and d. in 1866, aged 82 years. They had 'four ch., three of whom have deceased. He settled on the homestead where ho resided the earlier portion of his life, but eventually left the place of his nativity and resided with his son in the south part of the town until his decease. He was a farm- cv and much in the habit of originating new schemes and projects of a philosophical and scientific character, sacri 25 ficing rauch time and expense in putting them intq opera tion for the purpose of trial and experiment. Hinds, Joseph, Esq., s. of Benjamin Hinds, b. in 1773 and d. in 1835, aged 62 years. In 1798, he m. Rebecca Sawyer of Sterling, who is now living, being 82 years of age. They had seven ch., four of whom are now, living. He was a bookbinder and a farmer, successfully pursuing and managing two kinds of business at the same time. He was a prominent, useful citizen of the town, being fre quently chosen by the inhabitants to fill offices of trust and responsibility, and several times represented the town in the State Legislature. His residence was 70 rods south of the Common. Holt, Abel, s. of Barzilia Holt of Boylston, b. in 1743 and d. in 1816, aged 72 years. He m. Eunice, dau. of Henry Keyes of Boylston, who survived him and d. in 1840, aged 95 years. They had six s. and two dau., two of whom are now living. He was a farmer, and resided one mile south of the Common, on the premises now in the possession of Cyrus L. Knight. Holt, Abiel, a younger brother of Abel Holt, was ra. in in the early part of life and had several ch., some of whom are now living. His wife d. in 1819, aged 50 years. He survived his wife and d. in 1845. He occupied the farm during the former part of his life time, now in the posses sion of Brigham Prescott, situated in the north part of the town, on the old road lead to Sterling. Holt, James, was a s. of Barzilia Holt, Jr., of Boyl ston. He d. in 1855, being about 84 years of age. In 1800, m. Eunice, dau. of Dea. Asa Lovell, who d. in 1821,, by an act of suicide in consequence of mental derange ment. They had several ch., some of whom are yet living. He resided in the west part of the town about 20 years of the earlier part of his life, being the proprie tor and occupant of a small farm. Holt, Jonas, s. of Abel Holt, b. in 1779 and d. in 1853, aged 73 years. In 1802, he m. Anne Wran, who d. in 1845, aged 65 years. They had several ch., four of whom are now living. He was a carpenter, and resid ed half a mile south of the Common on the old road lead- 3 2G ing to Worcester. The premises are now in the posses sion of his son. Ward E. Holt. Howe, Alvan, in the earlier part of life was a resident- of Shrewsbury. He m. Mary Willington, had a large family of ch., removed to this town perhaps in 1802 or about that time. He resided in the north part of the town on the premises now in the possession of the West Boylston Manufacturing Company. For several years he was the occupant of a grist mill then standing near the location of the brick factory now occupied by the afore said Corapany. He d. in 1820, aged 66 years. His wife survived him a few years and also died. Howe, Hiram, s. of Nathan Howe of Shrewsbury, b. in 1775 and d. in 1829, aged 64 years. He m. Olive, dau. of Micah Harthan, who survived him and d. in 1852, aged 78 years. They had several ch., five of whom are now living. He was the proprietor of a farm in the north part of the town on the old road leading to Sterling, where he resided at the time of his decease. Since that time the house has been burned, and the farm divided and sold to different individuals and is no longer a family residence. Johnson, Timothy, with his family removed from Sutton to this town in 1805, having purchased the black smith shop then situated near where the factory belonging to Eli W. Holbrook now stands. Here he pursued the business of manufacturing and vending scythes for a few years, having built a dwelling-house for his convenience and accommodation, when he sold his establishment to Ja cob and Ezekiel Peirce and removed back to Sutton where he afterward died. Keyes, Reuben, eldest s. of Simeon Keyes, b. in 1766, m. Olive, dau. of Capt. Joseph Bigelow, had two sons, one of whom is now living. He was a blacksmith, and erect ed a shop on the premises now occupied by Charles Morse, near the railroad station in this town, where he pursued the business of his occupation awhile, and then disposed of his establishment and built a dwelling-house now in the possession of N. H. Goodale, where he resided a few years, then sold out and removed to Barre, "Vt., where he d. at an advanced age, his wife and eldest s. having previously de ceased. Keyes, Thomas, Jr., eldest s. of Thomas Keyes, b. in 1767 and d. in 1856, aged 89 years, tie m. Lydia, dau. of Micah Harthan, in 1791, and had six ch., only one of whom is now living. She d. in 1824, in the 60th year of her age. He was a farmer and settled on the homestead with his father, where he resided during the whole period of his life. He was respected by his fellow citizens, who frequently selected hira to fill stations of trust and re sponsibility. He became the proprietor of the homestead by inheritance from his father, and left the same with ad ditions and improvements to his only surviving son, Ben jamin F. Keyes. Kilbukn, Levi, was b. in Sterling, and there m. Cath erine, dau, of .Manassah Sawyer, from thence he removed with his family to this town, having purchased a small farm situated in the north part of the town, now in the possession of John S. Cutting, where he resided until his decease, which occurred in 1847, aged 76 years. His wife d. in 1830, and he afterward m. a second wife who survived him and d. in 1867. He had four ch. who are now living. ' Lovell, Asa, Dea., s. of Jonathan Lovell, one of the early settlers of this town, b. in 1751 and d. ii^ 1814, aged 63 years. He m. Betty Raymond, had one s. and five dau., three of whom are now living. His wife survived him and in 1825 m. Paul Goodale, and also survived him. Dea. Lovell was the proprietor and occupant of a farm now in the possession of Erastus Broad, situated a mile west of the Common, on the north Maiden Hill road leading to Holden. He was a man of integrity and exemplary character, and a valuable citizen , Lovell, Amos, s. of Jonathan Lovell, b. in 1753 and d, in 1816, aged 62 years. He m. Mary Ball of Concord, had three s. and five dau„, four of whom are now living. His wife survived him and d. in 1833, at the age of 77 years. He was a farmer and resided near his brother, Asa. Lovell, on the farm originally occupied hy his father, and now in the possession of his grandson, Addison Lovell. LoTELL, Amos, Jr., eldest s. of Amos Lovell, b. in 1782, and is now living. In 1S07, he m. Martha, eldest 28 dau. of Abel Bigelow, who d. in 1837, aged 64 years. They had three s.,- two of whom are now living. He was a farmer and settled on the homestead, with his father, where he resided during the earlier part of his life, but eventually relinquished the possession of the premises to his son, Addison Lovell, and erected a large commodious "dwelling-house near the Common, where he has since resided. Mason, Samuel, was b. probably as early as 17.'i6 and d. in 1839, being over 80 years of age. He was m., and had several ch., some of whom are now living. He was a farmer and resided in the northwest part of the town, oc cupying the farm now in the possession of his children, John and Lucy Mason. Mason, Daniel, s. of Samuel Mason, b. in 1780 and d. in 1818, aged 38 years. He d. by an act of suicide, supposed to be in consequence of a depression of mind or a kind of mental derangement, to which he seemed to be constitutionally predisposed. He was somewhat re served and serious in his general deportment, industrious and frugal in his habits, and respected by his friends and associates in life. May, Ezra, was b. in Sterling in 1772 and d. in 1815, aged 43 years. He m. Elizabeth, dau. of Jabez Fairbank, who survived him and d. in 1845, aged 75 years. They had several ch., two of whora are now living. He set tled on a farm in the northwest part of this town, now in the possession of his son, John May, where he resided until his decease. M.aynard, Caltin, came from Marlboro' in 1801, was a trader occupying a store near the Common in this town, where he continued in business about five years, when he removed to Sterling, and there established himself as a trader. Hem. Olive, dau. of John L. Whiting, and resid ed in Sterling a few years, when they both d., leaving no children. Merrifield, Asaph, was b. in 1741 and d. in 1820, aged 79 years. He removed with his family from Sher burne to this town in 1^85, having purchased a farm situ ated in the southwest part of the town, now occupied by 29 Ira Warren, who m. one of his dau., where he resided un til his decease. His wife survived him and d. in 1845, aged 89 years. He had ten ch., several of whom are now living. Merrifield, Louis, s. of Asaph Merrifi'eld,b. in 1781 , andd. in 1851, aged 70 years. He m. Phebe, daur'of Sylvanus Morse, who died in 1839, aged 60 years. They had several ch., one of whom is now living. They resid ed wit)i her father assisting him in the management of his farm. After the father's decease, he became the proprie tor of the farm, and was the occupant thereof during the continuance of his life, leaving the premises as a patrimo ny to his only son, Louis W. Merrifield. He was m. a' second time, his wife survived him and d. in 1853, aged 62 years. Moore, Israel, s. of Dea. Israel Moore, b. in 1777 and d. in 1811, aged 34 years. He m. Mary Cheney, dau. of Paul Goodale, who survived him and afterwards m. Nathan Rogers of Holden, where she d. in 1828, aged 50 years. Mr. Moore settled on a farm in the north part of this town, adjoining that occupied by his father, where he resided a few years and then sold out and removed to the hoiTestead, of which he becarae the proprietor at the decease of his father, where he resided until his own de cease. He had two sons and two daughters who are now living, the eldest son, James H. Moore, being now the pro prietor and occupant of the homestead. Moore, Joel, s. of Dea. Israel Moore, b. probably in 1780, m. Susanna Kennan, of Rutland, and settled on a small farm half a mile north of the Beaman place, on the road leading to Lancaster, and now the residence of L. 1"). Newton. He afterward removed to Holden where he d. in 1856, aged 76 years. He had ch. some of whom to gether with their mother are now living. MooEE, Asa, youngest s. of Dea. Israel Moore, b. per haps in 1784 or about that tirae. He m. Sabia, dau. of Dea. Asa Lovell, in 1804, and settled' on a farm in the north part of this town, now held and occupied by a fam ily of aliens. He removed from this town, afterward fre quently changing his residence, and now resides in Hub- 3* 30 bardston. His wife d. in 1864, aged 68 years, arid he is again connected in marriage. Morse,' Sylvanus, s. of Joseph Morse, one of the early settlers of this town, b. in 1746 and d. in 1813,, aged 66 years'. He m. Phebe Church of New Marlboro', who d. in'the meridian of life. They had several ch., all of them having deceased. He was a farmer and during the latter part of his life, occupied the premises original ly belonging to his father where he resided until his decease. ' Morse, Joseph, s. of Joseph Morse, b. in 1758 and d. in 1826, aged 68 years. He m. Sophia, dau, of Benjamin Bigelow, one of the early settlers of this town, who sur vived him and d. in 1831, aged 70 years. They had nine ch., four of whom are now living'. The farm on which he resided is' three-fourths of a mile north of the Common, and lately in the possession of his grandson, Joseph Morse, now deceased. A considerable portion of this farm once belonged to the elder Joseph Morse. It is an incident worthy of notice, that four persons having the same name in a regular line of descent, have successively held and occupied the same premises during a period of more than one hundred years. MuRDocic, Artemas, Dea., eldest s. of William Mur dock of Westminster, b. in 1776 and d. in 1856, aged 79 years. He m. Keziah Clark of Medfield, and came to this town in 1801. He settled on the premises now in the possession of his eldest s , David C. Murdock, where he worked, being a cabinet maker. His wife d. in 1845, aged 68 years. 'J'hey had nine ch., seven of whom are now living. Dea. Murdock was a valuable and exemplary citizen, possessing a mild, pacific temperament and dispo sition, together with that honesty of purpose and integri ty of character, which enabled him in all business mat ters and transactions to act with that fairness and just regard for the rights and interests of others, that secured for him the respect and esteem of all with whom he chanced to have intercourse relative to the common affairs of life. He d. suddenly, a victim to extreme pain and suffering. 31 Murdock, Joshua, Dea., a younger brother of Artc» mas Murdock, was b. in 1780. He m. Clarissa Plartshorn of Medfield, and in 1806, settled in this town near his brother, the place of his residence being now in the pos session of N. H. Goodale. He was a cabinet maker and worked with his brother. In 1811, he remdved to Lei cester, and there has continued to pursue his occupation with success and advantage. His wife d. in 1847, aged 63 years. They had five ch., four of whom are now living. Nash, Wili.i.vm, Rev., the first minister of this town, was a native of Williarasburg, Hampshire County, Mass., was b. in 1769 and d. in 1829, aged 60 years. He came here in 1796 and preached as a candidate for settlement, and was ordained Oct. 11, 1797, as a minister of the church and society previously organized in the second pre cinct of Boylston, Sterling, a;id Holden. In 1801, or about that time, Mr. Nash ra. Elizabeth Doubleday, and having purchased a farm^ in the south part of the town, now occupied by D. P. Worcester, settled thereon, where he continued to reside until his decease. He continued in the ministry until 1815, when his connection with the chuch and society was formally dissolved at his own re quest. His only surviving s., Charles Nash, now resides in Worcester. Newton, Silas, was b. in 1770 and d. in 1836, aged 66 years. He came from Paxton to this town in the ear lier part of life, m. Eunice, youngest dau. of Ezra Bea man, Esq., who survived him and is yet living, being 84 years of age. He had no permanent abode, frequently changing his residence until 1810, when he purchased a furra now in the possession of his son, Jabez B. Newton, situated in the northwest part of this to-srn, where he set tled and resided until his decease. He had six ch., sever al of whom are now living. He was a respectable and useful citizen, being frequently elected to places of trust and responsibility, and once represented the town in the State Legislature. In 181 1, he united with the Congrega tional church, and afterwards became a prominent membei of the Baptist church. 32 Paine, Ebenezer, was b. in 1777 and d. in 1847, aged 70 years. He came with his family to this town, proba bly in 1806, and settled on the farm previously in the pos session of Israel Moore, and now adjoining the farm of James H. Moore, in the north part of the town, where he continued ills residence until his decease. His wife d. in 1825, at the age of 49 years. He afferward m. widow Cynthia Harthan, who survived him and d. in 1849, aged 64 years. They had ch., some of whom are now living. Perry, Moses, was b. in 1758 and d. in 1843, aged S5 years. He removed with his family from Hopkinton to this town in ISOI, and settled on the farm once occu pied by Ebenezer Inglesby, an early settler, and now the residence of Jabez B. Newton. Here he resided nine or ten years and removed to the state of Maine. He remain ed in that state a dozen years, then returned and resided in this town until his decease. He had several ch., some of whom are now living. His wife d. in 1843, previous to his death, aged 84 years, they having been connected in marriage 64 years. Perry, Joseph, s. of Moses Perry, b. in 1779, came from Hopkinton to this town in 1801. He m. Sarah, daughter jDf Manassah Sawyer, was a carpenter, resided with his father a few years, and then removed to the state of Maine where he and his wife are yet living. Peirce, Oliver, s. of Josiah Peirce of Worcester, b. probably as early as 1750 and d. in 1813. He had a fam ily and resided in the south part of this town, and occu pied the farm now in the possession of Nathan Morse, where he continued to reside until his disease. His wife died in 1831. He had some eight or ten ch., several of whom are yet living. Peirce, Levi, s. of Josiah Pierce, b. in 1760 andd. in 1833, aged 73 years. He m. Persis Robinson who sur vived him, and d. in 1838 aged 71 years. She was a na tive of Lexington and distinctly recollected the battle fought in that place in 1775, the approach of. the British troops, and other scenes which there occurred on that memorable occasion. They had seven ch., all of whom are now living. His residence was in the south part of 33 the town, being now in the possession of Luke Hipsly. He was a surveyor and was much employed in that occu pation. Peirce, Hollis, eldest s. of Oliver Peirce, b. perhaps in 1777, or about that time, and d. in 1833. He m. Lu cinda Merrifield, who d. previous to 1830. He afterwards m. Mercy Merrifield, of this town, who survived him and m. Timothy Farker and removed to the state of N. Y. He built a house and resided during the earlier part of life half a mile north of the Common. The premises are now occupied by Storrs Eldridge. He afterwards resided south of the Common and there deceased. He had ch., some of whom are now living. Peirce, James, s. of Oliver Peirce, b. in 1779 and d. in 1844, aged 65 years. He m. Sally Fiske of Holden who is now living. They had several ch., some of whom are also living. He was a farmer and resided in the south part of the town, the premises being now in the posses sion of his youngest son, Lyman Peirce. Peirce, Jacob, came from Sutton to this town in 1805,, being over 21 years of age. He was a blacksmith and worked with Timothy Johnson at scythe making. He eventually becarae the proprietor of the establishment in connection with a younger brother. In 1808 he m. Azu- bah, eldest. dau. of Oliver Glazier of this town; and in 1823 sold out his interest in business to his brother Eze kiel Peirce, and removed to Northboro' where he died. Plimpton, Jonathan, removed from Shrewsbury to this town in 1803 with his family, and settled on a farm in the south part ofthe town; previously occupied by Tim othy Hildreth and now in tlie possession of James D. Moore. Here he resided 20 years and d., being probably abou-t 70 yearj of age. His wife had previously deceased. They had two sons and perhaps other children. Plimpton, Jonathan, Jr., eldest s. of Jonathan Plimp ton, resided in the south part of the town on the premises now in the possession of J. B. Eames. In 1806 he m. Betsey Harris of this town, who d. in 1810. He subse quently m. Eunice Peirce of Holden, and d. in 18 1 5, aged 34 33 years. His wife survived him and m. Edmund .Brig ham — she also survived him and died in 1857. Prescott, Bjrigham, s. of Jonathan Prescott, b. in 1783, and m. in 1807 Eunice, the youngest dau. of Abel Holt. They are both now living, having been connected in the married state 61 years. They have had four ch. two of whom are now living. Mr Prescott is the proprie tor and occupant of a farm in the north part of the town, formerly the residence of Abiel Holt. As a manifestation of confidence and respect, he was three successive years chos'?n by the citizens of this town to represent them in the State Ijegislature. Prescott, John, s. of Jonathan Prescott, b. in 1785, d. in 1848, aged 63 years. He m. Eunice, dau. of John Dinsmore, who is now living. His residence was in the north part of the town, near the residence of George Dana on the road leading to Lancaster. They had several ch. who are now living, and with whom the mother resides. Read, John, was b. in Rutland in 1770. He came to this town in early life, m. Hannah Dwelley, and settled in the southwest part of the town, residing successively on the premises now severally occupied by Benjamin Lee, Moses Fisher, and Joseph C. Lovell. In the latter part of his life he erected a, commodious dwelling house near the Common, now in the possession of Silas Dinsmore, where he resided until his decease which occurred in 1838, at the age of 69 years. He had four ch., two" of whom are now living. He was a successful farmer and held in possession a large estate at the time of 'his decease. His wife survived him and d. in 1860, aged 77 years.- Shattcjck, Thaddeus, was b. in 1752 and d. in 1819, aged 67 years. He came to this town in the earlier part of life, m. Susannah Wait of Sterling, and settled a mile from the Beaman place on the oldrojd leading to Sterling, where he resided until his decease. His wife survived him and d. in 1831. He had two sons who survived him and have since deceased. Shattuck, Walter, s. of Thaddeus Shattuck, born in 1778, and d. in 1843, aged 64 years. He m. Betsey, eldest dau. of Jeremiah Morse, and resided on the home stead with his father where he continued his residence 35 through life ; his wife survived him and is now living. He was a cooper and pursued that occupation as long as he was able to labor. Smith, Isaac, was b. perhaps as early as 1755, came to this town in 1783, ra. Prudence Cutting, and settled on a farra one mile west from the Common now belonging to L. W. Merrifield, where he resided until his decease. His "wife d. in 1801, and in 1802 he m. a widow Home of Southboro', who survived him and d. in 1846. He d. in 1824, having had six ch., four of whom are deceased. He was a soldier of the revolution, and performed good service for his country during that memorable struggle for liberty and independence, and by the faithful discharge of duty and the fatigue and hardship endured, he merited and ought to receive the gratitude and veneration of the present and future generations. He was truly one of those brave spirits, who by their persevering efforts and untold sufi'erings, helped to consummate the patriotic and noble enterprise in which they were engaged. Smith, John, was born in Southboro' in 1773. In the earlier part of life he resided in Boylston, and m. a dau. of Artemas Maynard, who lived but a few years after their marriage. He afterwards m. Martha Hastings, and in 1804 removed to this town where he d. in 1866, aged 81 years. His wife survived him and is still living. He had eleven ch., six have died, and five are now living. He formerly worked at shoemaking, but latterly at painting. His residence wa%a short distance south of the Common, being now the residence of his son Stephen H. Smith. Stone, Simon, removed with his faraily from Bolton to this town in 1807, being probably about 25 yrs. of age. He was a shoemaker, and resided successively in different parts of the town about 20 years, when he removed to Princeton, and there became the occupant of a farm where he with his family still reside. Temple, John, the eldest s. of Jonas Temple of Boyls ton, was b. in 1762 and d. in 1841, aged 79 years. In 1791 he m. Lois, daughter of Micah Harthan, who d. in 1792, aged22 years. In 1793 he m. Persis, dau. of Ezra Beaman, Esq., previously the wife of Dr. Amariah Bigelow. 36 • Mr Temple was an enterprising, successful farmer, possess ing and occupying an extensive farm situated in the south erly part of the town, formerly the residence of Dea. Amariah Bigelow, an early settler and prominent citizen of the town, and now in the possession of Edmund F. Brigham. His second wife d. in 1832, aged 70 years. — She had three ch. while she was the wife of Dr. Bigelow, and three after her second marriage, — one of each branch. has deceased. Mr Temple was a prominent, active citizen, possessing an enterprizing, energetic temperament, togeth er with firmness and decision, which enabled him to act promptly and unhesitatingly in matters of moment and importance. He was chosen several successive years by the citizens of the town as chairman of the Board of Se lectmen ; and frequently was called to the performance of other iraportant duties of a public character. After the decease of his second wife, he m. Polly D akin of Boylston, who survived him and d. in 1856. Temple, Isaac, youngest s. of Jonas Temple, b. in 1784, and d. in 1832 aged 48 years. In 1806, hem. Hannah Stillman Bigelow of this town, and settled on the homestead, occupying his father's farm. In 1816, after the death of his father, which occurred in 1815, he left the homestead and becarae the occupant of the premises formerly the residence of Capt. Joseph Bigelow, situated a short distance west of the Common, where heNresided until his decease. His wife d. in 1839, aged 64 years. They had three ch. but one of whom is now living. Thomas, William, was b. 1725*nd died in 1810, aged 85 years. He came to this town and settled on the farm now the residence of David D. Prescott, situated half a mile northwest from the railroad station at Oakdale, where he resided until his decease. He was m. and had ¦ two sons who survived him. His wife d. in 1781, aged 43 years. He was again m., his wife survived him and d. in 1831, aged 88 years. He possessed a peculiar relish for literature and science, and devoted much time to read ing and study, thereby becoming intelligent and interest ing to those with whom he associated. He had also a pe culiar taste for astronomical research and calculation, his bias and genius being strongly fixed in that direction.' 37 Thomas, Robert B., Esq., eldest s. of William Thom as, b. in 1766 and d. in 1846, aged 80 years. He m. Hannah Beaman of Princeton, who survived him, and d. in 1855, aged 81 years. He resided in the northwest part of the town, two miles from the Coramon, occupying a small farm now the residence of Dea. Joseph White, and near the railroad station at Oakdale. He was a promi nent man in the town, was the first Town Clerk after the incorporation of the town, several times chairman of the Board of Selectmen, represented the town in the State Con vention of 1820 for revising the Constitution, and was sev eral years a member of the State Legislature. lie originat ed and established the " Farmers' Almanack " in 1793, annually preparing and furnishing the matter for that popu lar manual for more than 60 years. He accumulated a large araount of properly, leaving no children to inherit and retain his estate after his decease. He died intestate, leaving his estate to his widow and two children of a de ceased brother who were his only legal heirs. Thomas, Aaron, youngest s. of William Thomas, b. in 1769 andd. in 1833, aged 64 years. Hem. Lydia, dau. of Dea. Ebenezer Mason of Sterling, who survived him a few months and d. the same year, aged 62 years. They had three ch., two of whom are now living. He resided in the northwest part of the town near the place of his father's residence, occupying a farra, although unable to perform much labor thereon, in consequence of partial deprivation of sight. He enjoyed the confidence and re spect of his family and others, leaving his ch. a valuable patrimony at his decease. White, Peter, was b. perhaps in 1770, or about that tirae. He m. Sally Moore, and settled in this town in 1797. He had one son and two daughters, one of whora d. young. His s. obtained an education and became a settled minister of the gospel in the State of Maine. He was a clothier, and pursued that business while he resided here. His place of residence and business was near Har- than's Mills, the premises being now occupied by Ruel G. Co wee. In 1813 he sold out and removed to Spring field, Vt., where he and his wife have since deceased. 4 Whittaker, Joseph, was probably b. as early as 17.50, oi,- previous to that tirae. He d. in 1811. He ra. a dau. of William Whitney, one ofthe early settlers of this town. He T-esided on or near the premises originally occupied by- Mr. Whitney, situated in the northwest part of the town and now occupied by his grandson, Luther Whittaker. "VViLDEB, Reuben, s. of Asa Wilder, b. in 1757 and a. in 1832, aged 75 years. He m. Mary Peirce of Boyls ton, who d. in 1807, leaving several children. In 1808 he m. widow Thankful Whitcorab of this town, who sur vived him and d. in 1855, aged 80 years. He was a black- .sraith and farmer, and resided in the north part of the town, on the premises originally occupied by his grand father, Josiah Wilder, and afterwards by his father, and now occupied by John Bruce who is the legal proprietor thereof >ViLLiNGTON, Ebenezer, was b. in 17*58 and d. in 1835, aged 67 years. He m. Susannah, dau. of Jonas. Gale, who d. in 1833, aged 64 years. They had five ch. two of whom are living. He was a'blacksmith and also J. farmer, and resided in the southerly patt of' the town on the premises originally accupied-by Mr. Gale, and now in the possession of G. W. Mathews. Winn, John, s. of Jacob Winn, b. in 1760 and d. in 184S, aged 83 years. He m. Abigail Cross of Boston, who- d. in 1863, aged 89 yrs. They had ch., some of whom are now living. He resided in the north part of the town,, was a cooper, and occupied the premises formerly the res-" idence of his father, and now in the possession of Robert C. Toombs. Winn, William, s. of William Winn formerly of this town, born perhaps in 1780, or about that time. He m. Dolly Goss of Sterling — was a cooper, and resided half a mile north of the Beaman place, occupying the premises now in the possession of "Windsor Morse. - He removed from this town, and afterwards died in mature- life-. 39 RESIDENTS— NOT VOTERS. The following persons were residents here in 1808, and each at the head of a family, but were not legal voters : Boynton, Abiel, was b. perhaps in 1755, or about that time, and d. in 1810. He m. Lois Raymond who surviv ed him, and was again m. and left this town. He resided in the north part of this town, near Stillwater river, and had a numerous family of children. Carroll, Benjamin, removed from Rutland with his fam ily to this town in 1807. His wife d. in 1808 and in 1809 he left the town. He was a carpenter and millwright. Dinsmore, John, was b. probably before 1750 and d. in 1811. Hem. Sarah Winn who survived him and d. in 1837. They had some eight or ten ch., two of whom are now living. He resided one mile north of the Beaman place, where he continued his residence until his decease. Farr, Simeon, a native of Stowe, b. in 1745, came to this to-wn in 1790, and d. in 1810, aged 65 years. He m, Mary Snow of this town, who d. in 1800-. In 1803 he m. Phebe Blanchard of Harvard, who survived hira and re turned to that town after his decease. Hatherly, Thomas, wash, in 1743, and d. in 182S, aged 85 years. He was a native of England where he was pressed into the military service when young, and came to this country with the British army, which was stationed at Boston at the commencement of the Araerican Revolution. He deserted from the array, carae to this town, was mar ried, and afterwards resided here until his decease. His wife survived him and d. in 1833, aged 84 years. Keyes, Benjamin, eldest s. of Benjamin Keyes of Boyls ton, b. in 1768, came to this town in 1807 and d. in 1821, aged 53 years. He m. Annise, dau. of Capt. Joseph Big elow, who survived him and d. in 1845, aged 77 years. They had six ch., four of whom are now living. Morse, Jeremiah, s. of Joseph Morse of Holden, b. in 1759 and d. ift 1841, aged 82 years. He m. Relief Strat- 40 ton, who survived him and d. in 1848, aged 87 years. They had a numerous family of ch., several of whom are now living. He was a shoemaker. • Prouty, Daniel, was b. in 1779, and m. Sarah, dau. of Aaron Goodale, in 1803, had ch. ; \i&i a shoemaker ; resid ed in the west part of the town one mile fromthe Common, the place of his residence being now in the possession of Jonathan M. Keyes. In 1814 he removed to the far west, . where he and his wife have probably died. Wilder, Nathan, s. of Abner Wilder, b. in 1760 andd. in 1822, aged 62 years. He was m. and had ch., some of whom are now living. His wife d. when about 50 years of age. A BRIEF NOTICE Of the Original and Earlier Settlers of West Boylston, the time of iheir Settlement, £^c., as nearly as can le ascertained, Beaman, Jabez, came from Bolton and settled here in 1746, and d. in 1757, aged 52 years. His wife d. in 1774, aged 60 years. Beaman, Ephraim, s. of Jabez Beaman, settled here perhaps in 1763 and d. in 1805, aged 62 years. He m. Tamar Howeof Boylston, who survived him and d. in 1824, aged 81 years. Belknap, Stephen, settled in this town previous to 1 740 and died or went elsewhere before 1773. Belknap, Ebenezer, settled here in 1764, and went else where previous to 1773. He m. Silence, daughter of David "Winch. Bennett, Phineas, settled in this town probably as early as 1740, or previous to that time, and d. here. Bigelow, Amariah, Dea., came to this town and settled perhaps in 1745, andd. in 1780, aged 58 'years. Hem. 41 « Sarah Eveleth of Princeton who survived him and d. in 1797. Bigelow, Benjamin, came here from Marlboro', and settled in 1735, afterward moving to Connecticut. Elem. a sister of William Thomas of this town. Bigelow, Joseph, Capt., s. of Joseph Bigelow of Boyls ton, settled here in 1750 and d. in 1801, aged 75 years. He married OJive, dau. of Jabez Beaman of this town, who survived him and d. in 1810, aged 76 years. \ B^y, Samuel, came frora Woburn and settled here jrftShably as early as 1750, andd. in 1800. His wife d. the sarae year. Child, David, settled here perhaps in 1740 or about that tirae, and d. in 1803, aged 92 years. His wife d. in 1804. Cutting, Jonathan, settled here in 1746, or about that tirae, and d. at an advanced age. He had a large family of children. Estabrook, Samuel, carae from Concord and settled in this town perhaps as early as 1760, and d. here, being aged. Fairbank, Jonathan, carae frora Woburn and settled herein 1736, and d. in 1798, aged 89 years. His wife d. in 1799. Farr, Daniel, settkd here in 1760 or about that time, and d. in 1774. His wife survived him, and afterwards left this town. French, Joseph, settled in this town in 1740 or about that time and probably d. here. He resided near Maiden Hill. Frizzol, Ebenezer, came here and settled as early as 1730 and resided here about 20 years, then d. or left the town. Gale, Jonas, settled in this town probably as early as 1750 and d. here, being aged. His wife survived him and d. in 1814. Glazier, Joseph, settled here perhaps as early as 1765, and d. or left the town previous to 1 790. 4* Goodale, Edward, came from Marlboro' in 1738 and d. here in 1756, aged 42 years. He m. Sarah Temple of Marlboro', who survived him and d. in 1810 aged 96 yrs. Goss, William, settled here in 1750 or about that time, and after a few years' residence d. or left this town. Harthan, Slicali, came from Marlboro', and settled here in 1761, and d. in 1803, aged 68 years. He m. Sarah Jones of Marlboro', who survived him and d. in 1820, aged 86 years. Hinds, Jacob, came from Marlboro' and settled here in 1720, or soon after that time, being perhaps the first white settler in the town. His residence was one mile south of the Coinmon, about 80 rods distant from the residence of Edmund F. Brigham. He m. Grace Morse of Marlboro'. He probably d. in this town. Hinds, Benjamin, s. of Jacob Hinds settled here in 1746. He d. in 1794. aged 69 years. He m. Elizabeth, eldest dau. of Isaac Temple of Boylston. She d. in mid dle life. He afterwards m. Tabitha Holland, who survived him and d. in 1826, aged 84 years. He had 17 ch., 16 of whom lived to mature age. Inglesby, Ebenezer, settled here probably as early as 1750, and removed from this town in 1794. He married a dau. of Aaron Newton. They had a large family ot children. Keyes, Simeon, s. of Henry Keyes of Boylston, settled here in 1765, and d. in 1782, aged 42 years. He m. Lucy, dau. of Isaac Temple of Boylston — she died in 1779, aged 35 years. Keyes, Thomas, s. of Dea. Jonathan Keyes of Boylston, settled here in 1767, and d. in 1812, aged 75 years. He m. Mary, dau. of Isaac Temple of Boylston, who died in 1800, aged 69 years. Lovell, Jonathan, came from Medfield and settled here in 1736, andd. in 1792, aged 79 years. His residence was at the west part of this town. Marshall, William, came from Concord and settled in this town in 1765. He afterwards removed to Holden where he died. 13 Moore, Israel, Dea. settled here probably soon after 1760, and d. in 1807, aged 73 years. He was a native of Sterling, and resided in the north part of this town. Morse, Joseph, came from Marlboro' and settled here in 1746, and d. in 1776, aged 64 years. He m. Mary Thomas of Marlboro', who survived him and d. in 1801, aged 71. Newton, Aaron, settled here in 1730, and afterwards removed to Holden where he probably died. Newton, Edward, came to this town and settled in 1730, and d. here, being aged. Newton, Ezekiel, was probably a s. of Edward Newton, and settled here in 1762, and d. in mature life. Pike, Ebenezer, settled in this town in 1760, or previ ous to that time and d. here being aged. He was a sol dier in the revolutionary war and served his country faith fully. Prescott, Jonathan, settled in this town in 1770 and d. in 1801, aged 78 years. He was a s. of Ebenezer Prescott. Prescott, Jonathan, Jr., s. of Jonathan Prescott, settled here in early life, and d. in 1805', aged 56 years. He m. Mary Brigham of Shrewsbury, who survived him, and m. Joseph Goss of Sterling — -she d. in 1834, aged 86 years. Raymond, Paul and William, were early settlers here. Paul left the town previous to 1780, and William d. sud denly about the same time. Snow, Seth, settled in this town perhaps in 1770, or near that tiime, and resided here some 20 years then rem,ov' ed elsewhere. Temple, Ephraim, eldest s. of Isaac Temple of Boylston, settled here in 1751 and removed from this town in 1767.' He m. a dau. of Jacob Hinds ; she d. soon after their marriage. Ward Jo'nas, settled here in 1758, and d. or went else where previous to 17!!;0. Whitney, William, settled in this town probably as early as 1730, and d. here, being aged. 44 Wilder, Josiali, settled in this town as early as 1730 and d. here at an advanced age. Wilder Abner, s. of Josiah Wilder, settled here in 1750 or about that time, and d. in 1813, aged 88 years. Wilder, Asa, s. of Josiah Wilder, settled here perhaps in 1765, and was killed by accident when about 50 year-s of age. Willard, Thomas, settled in this town perhaps as early as 1750, he afterwards went to Holden where he d., being aged. Winch, David, carae from Framingham and settled in this town in 1750, and died in 1776, being aged. Winn, Jac»b, came from Woburn and settled in this town probably as early as 1746. He d. here, being aged. He ra. Sarah Buck of Woburn, who survived him and d. in 1798. Wooley, Joseph, came from Concord and settled hero in 1730, or about that time. He afterwards went to Princeton where he died. THE FOLLOWING PERSONS, With tlieir Families, had a residence in this Town some portion of the time between the years of 1780 and 1808: Anderson, Allen, came here frora N. H. in 1790, went to Holden in 1806, and returned to this town and d. in 1838, being about 70 years of age. Andrews, Samuel, settled here perhaps in 1780 or pre vious to that time, and afterwards went to Boylston where he died. Ball, Jonah, came here from Concord previous to 1795, and left this town in 1802. Baily, Ephraim, settled in this town, went elsewhere previous to 1790. 45 Bartlett, Phineas, settled here, left this town in 1801, went to Ohio and died. Bigelow, Amariah, Dr., s. of Dea. Amariah Bigelow, settled here in 1780, and d. suddenly in 1787. Beaman, Josiah, settled here, left this town' in 1805, and went to Shutesbury and there died. Boutwell, John, settled here in 1792, and went to Town- send in 1805, where he died. Cutting, Josiah, settled here perhaps in 1780, or about that time, and d. previous to 1797. His wife d. in 1815, aged 91 years. Cutting, Silas, was a native of this town, settled here probably as early as 1780, went to Boylston in 1806, and there died. Davis, Simon, came from Paxton and settled here in 1790, went to Boston in 1803, and from thence to Maine, where he died. Dwelley, Joseph, carae from Old Colony, settled here, and d. in 1807. His wife survived him and d. in 1834, aged about 95 years. Estabrook, Ezra, was a native of this town, settled here in 1790, went to Stratton, Vt., in 1795, where he d. Flagg, Rufus, came from Worcester and settled here, and died in 1805. Fletcher, Benjamin, came from New Hampshire in 1 790, settled here, and went to N. Y. in 17.98. Goodale, David, a native of this town, went to Oak ham in 1793, and d. in 1832, aged 82 years. He was a s. of Edward Goodale. Gates, Amos, settled here perhaps in 1790 and removed elsewhere in 1801. Harris, Daniel, settled in this town, and in 1806 went to Lancaster. Hildreth, Timothy, settled here, and went to Sterling in 1803, and there died. Holt, Amasa, s. of Abel Holt, settled here, went to Berlin in 1798, and there died. Keyes, Francis, s. of Thomas Keyes, settled here in 1793, went to Central New York in 1807, afterwards to Pennsylvania where he d. in 1851 aged 80 years. 46 Merrifeld, Timothy, came to this town probably in 1785 from Sherburne, and afterwards went to Worcester where he died. , Partridge, James, came from Medway, settled here in 1778, and went to Boylston previous to 1798, afterwards returned and d. in 1821, aged 92 years. Pike, Ephraim, a native of this town, removed there from previous to 1800. Sawyer, Manassah, came from Sterling and d. here suddenly in 1801. Townsend Jacob, came from Reading, settled here and d. in 1806. Whitcomb, Samuel, came from Sterling, settled here, andd. from accident in 1806. He m. Thankful, dau. of Lemuel Fairbank. White, John, came from Groton, settled here, went to Grafton in 1798, afterwards to Springfield, Vt., where he died. He ra. Acsah Bigelow. Whiting, John L., came from Shrewsbury, settled here and d. in 1807. Winn, William, a native of this town, removed to Ver mont in 1805. A BRIEF NOTICE Of several Persons who settled in West Boylston, aud be came Legal Voters therein after the organizatian of the Town and previous to 1820. Bigelow, Ezra, s. of Dr. Amariah Bigelow, b. in 1782, settled here in 1809, m. Cynthia Child, who d. in 1820, aged 35 years, afterward m. Sarah Grossman who has also deceased. Cheney, Joseph, from Newton, ra. Sarah Merrifield, set tled here in 1809; d. in 1856, his wife having previously deceased. 47 Davis, Francis, from Northboro', s. of Phineas Davis, settled here in 1818, ra. Mary Parmenter, who d. in 1828, aged 33 years. In 1833, he m. Eunice Parmenter, and d. in 1838, being 44 years of age. Fisher, Alpheus, from Medfield, m. Sylvia Cleveland, settled here in 1813, d. in 1851, aged 66 years. Mr. Fisher was honest and Justin all the transactions of life, ever actuated by the sublime principles of the " higher law." Flagg, Samuel, frora Holden, m. Margaret Kennan, set tled in this town in 1808, removed to "Worcester in 1840 where he now resides. Gerrish, Paul, from Ashby, m. Sophia Kilburn, settled here in 1817 and removed to Townsend in 1822. Hartwell, Edmund, ra. Olive Lovell, settled here in 1810 and d. in 1856, aged 71 years. His wife survived him and is still living. Hastings, Ezra, from Holden, m. Eunice Rice, settled in this town in 1810 and d. in 1829, being 70 years of age. Holmes, Pttcr, from New Hampshire, m. Olive Graves, settled here in 1809, and continued his residence in this town 15 or 20 years, then went elsewhere. Holmes, Thomas, brother of Peter Holmes, m. Sarah Graves, settled here in 1810, d. in 1848, aged .""lO years. His wife survived him and d. in 1857, aged 72 years. Holt, Asa, s. of Abel Holt, settled in this town in 1816 and d. in 1847, aged 72 years. His wife survived him and is yet living. Howe, Asa, settled here in 1810, resided in this town 10 or 15 years then weat elsewhere. Howe, Joel, a brother of Hiram Howe, b. in 1779, m. Dolly Peirce, settled in this town in 1815 and d. in 1843, aged 63 years. Knight, Elijah, from Worcester, m. Eunice Lovell, set tled here subsequently to the organization of this town, and d. in 1843, aged 63 years. Lee, Benjamin, from Douglas, b. in 1776, m. Eunice Lesure, settled in this town in 1811, being now 82 years 48 of age. His wife d. in 18S8, aged 54 years. He after ward m. Lydia Sheldon. Lees, Jolm, from England, settled in this town in 1814, resided here 20 years then removed to Worcester. He was several years agent for the Beaman Manufacturing Company. Moore, Oliver, frora Boylston, settled in this town in 1813, ra. Olive Temple, d. in 1831, a^ed 40 years. His wife survived him and m. Chester C. Cutting. Peirce, Ezekiel, from Sutton, brother of Jacob Peirce, b. in 1787, settled in this town in 1808, m. Ruth Perry in 1811, having been connected in marriage 47 ySars. Severy, Caleb, from Boylston, m. Sarah Moore, settled in. this town in 1813, was suddenly killed in 1816, when attempting to stop a horse and carriage while running, having escaped from the owner. He d. in early life, be ing 28 years of age, in the midst of usefulness and prom ise, having the respect and confidence of the citizens of the town, who greatly lamented his premature death. His wife survived him and m. John Merriam of "Westminster, who has also deceased. Taft, Andre, from Uxbridge, settled here in 1818, and after a residence of 30 years, removed to Worcester and d. in 1850, aged 59 years. His wife survived him and is still living. White, Joseph, Dea. s of Thomas White, settled here soon after the organization of this town, m. Matilda Davis, iu 1817, and during a series of years, was principal agent of the West Boylston Manufacturing Company. Whitcomb, John, settled in this town perhaps in 1813, was accidentally killed in 182^ while in the employment of the Beaman Manufacturing Company. He was 50 years of age, and left a wife and several children to mourn his untimely death. Winter, Calvin, settled here after the organization of this town, and d. in 1838. His wife survived him and is now living. Wood, Nathaniel G., settled here in 1814 or about that time, and after a residence 6f several years, removed from this town. His wife died here in;i819, aged 46 years. 49 SUMMARY NOTICE Of those Individuals, who in 1808, were resident citizens of West Boylston, and under 21 years of age, but sub sequently attained ihat age and became legal voters in the town. Bigelow, Ephraim, s. of Abel Bigelow, m, Mary Brigham in 1812. Bigelow, Asa, s. of Abel Bigelow, m. Lois Harthan in 1817. Bigelow, Joseph,..^, of Stephen Bigelow, m. Betsey Marshall in 1824. Child, Amos, s. of Amos Child, m. Eiinioe Goodenow in 1824. Dwelly, Joseph, s. of Joseph Dwelly, m. Tryphosa Parmenter in 1815. Fairbank, Isaac, s. of Seth Fairbank, m. Prudence Gerrish in 1817. Fairbank, Aretas, o. of Seth Fairbank, m. Hannah Cook in 1826. Fairbank, G. W., s. of Alpheus Fairbank, m. Joanna Flagg in 1828. Glazier, John, s. of Oliver Glazier, m. lucinda Parmenter in 1815. Goodale, Asaph, s. of Peter Goodale, m. Betsey Parmenter in 1812. Goodale, Ezra, s. of Aaron Goodale, m. Sena Perry in 1813. Goodale, Charles, s. of Aaron Goodale, Jr., m. Sarah Burdett in 1829. Goodenow, Lyman, s. of Elijah Goodenow, m. Eebeooa Flagg in 1830. Harthan, A. S., b. of David Harthan, m. Cynthia Fairbank iu 1810. Harthan, Silas, s. of David Harthan, d. unmarried in 1813. Harthan, Dennis, s. of David Harthan, la. Anna Redding in 1822. Harthan, W. B., o. of David Harthan, m. Harriet Morse in 1827. Hinds, Cicero, s. of Jacob Hinds, d. unmarried in 1856. Hinds, Solon, s. of Joseph Hinds, m. Sarah Underwood in 1839. Holt, H. K.) s. of Abel Holt, m. Lydia Fairbank iu 1813. Holt, Tyler, s. of Abel Holt, m. Arathusa Fairbank in 1812. Holt, Eussell, s. of Jonas Holt, m. Sarah Parker in 1S47. Howe, Barney, b. of Hiram Howe, m. Melinda Knowlton provioas to 1840. Keyes, B. F., s. of Thomas Keyes, m. Lois Nichols in 1822. Keyes, Thomas, a. of Thomas Keyes, m. Eveline Murdock in 1827. Keyes, Artemas, a. of Benjamin Keyes, m. Susan Barker in 1837. Keyes, Hezekiah, s. of Benj. Keyes, m. Phebe Keyes in 1823. Lovell, Asa, s. of Dea. Asa Lovell, m. Hannah Eaymond in 1812. Lovell, John, 8. of Amos Lovell, m. Maria Lyman in 1822. May, John, s. of Ezra May, m. Anna Hastings in 1828. Moore, J. H., ». of Israel Moore, m. Jane Delano, previous to 1830. Morse, Joseph, s. of Joseph Morse, m. Dolly BuUard in 1822. Morse, Bernico, o. of Joseph Morse, m. Edna Conant in 1840. M«rse, Sylvanus, s. of Joseph Morse, m. Harriet Jenks in 1838. 6 50 Morse, 'William, 9. of Jeremiah Morse, m. Mindwell Prescott in 181S. Morse, "Windsor, s. of Jeremiah Morse, m. Sarah Glazier in 1820. Morse, Simon, s. of Jeremiah Morse, m. Luoj^ Glazier in 1824, Murdock, D. C, o. of Dea. Artemas Murdock, m. Adaline King in 18,27. Murdock, Artemas, s. of Dea. Art. Murdock, m. Mary Simonds iu 1833,.,, Newton, B. B., s. of Silas Newton, m. Sarah Turner in 1B18. Newton, L. D., s. of Silas Newton, m. Nancy Robinson iu 1826. Peirce, Levi, s. of Levi Peirce, m. Mary Merriam in 1818. Peirce, Josiah, a. of Levi Peirea, m. Sarah Merriam in 1821, Peirce, E. B., b. of Levi Peirce, m. Mary S. Bigelow in 1854. ," Plimpton, Simon, s. of Jonathan Plimpton, m, Betsey Brigham in lS19l|^ Prescott, David, s. of Jonathan Prescott, d. unmarried in 1814, Prescott, David D., o. of John Prescott, m. Lucy C. PeiFee in 1827. Reed, John, s. of John Reed, m. Lydia Conant in 1820. Smith, Amos, s. of Isaac Smith, m. Lydia Marshall in 1813. Whiting, Seth, a, of J. Lake "Whiting, m. Mary Kendall ia 1813. Willington, Oliver, s. of Ebenezer Willington, m. Luoy Abbott in 18-23. - VOTERS IN 1858. The following named persons are citizens and legal vot ers of West Boylston, at the present time, (1868) haidng' been residents here during a series of past years : D. W. Allen, C. H. Baldwin, O. C. Bassett, Ezra Bea man, Joseph Bigelow, A. M. Bigelow, Ezra Bigelow, E. W. Bigelow, Luther Bigelow, S. L. Bemis, Ethan Blodg ett, Joseph Blunt, William Bolton, John Bolton, Erastus- Broad, S. F. Brown, E. F. Brigham, G. T. Brigham, John Bruce, S. P. Bruce, Ira Bruce, Charles Buck, Pliny Buck, Joshua- Chamberlain, B. T. Chase, Abner Chase, Amos Child, Lotan Cleveland, C. M. Cleveland, E.. G. Cowee, J. W. Cross, O. B. Cutler, J. S. Cutting, Lewis Ctitting, F. L. Cutting, N. L Daggett, George Dana, G. E. Dana,! Elias Davis, J. H. Davenport, Liberty Dinsmore, Luther Eames, G. W. Eames, J. B. Eames, Gershon Eames, Storrs- Eldridge, Washington Fairbank, Uriah Fairbank, Harri son Fairbank, James Fisk, Lewis Fletcher, Jotham Glaz ier, E, A. Gla?ier, N. H. Goodale, Charles Goodale, ©. 51 E. Goodale, Aaron Goodale, F. E. Goodale, Levi Goss, Samuel Haley, L. M. Harris, T. H. Harris, 0. B. Harris, Nahum Hastings, Dennis Harthan, W. B. Harthan, S. F. Hemmenway, Henry Hennessy, Solon Hinds, Bertrand Hinds, Albert Hinds, E. H. Hinds, Luke Hipsley, E. W. Holbrook, Stephen Holt, Henry Holt, H. F. Holt, Russell Holt, W. E. Holt, George Holmes, Horatio Houghton, John Houghton, E. M. Hosmer, L. M. Hosmer, G. B. Howe, Samuel Howe, W. P. Howe, Joel Howe, G. F. Howe, Barney Howe, Francis Johnson, W. H. Johnson, H. S. Jewett, B. F. Keyes, Artemas Keyes, Hezekiah Keyes, J. M. Keyes, T. N. Keyes, W. W. Keyes, A. F. Knight, C. L. Knight, J. F. Knight, Samuel Lawrence, John Lawrence, D. R. Lamson, Benjamin Lee, R. M. Lord, Washburn Lombard, L. A. Lesure, H. A. Loring, Amos Lovell, Addison Lovell, Ephraim Lovell, J. C. Lov ell, John May, John Mason, Samuel Mason, William Mason, G. W. Matthews, William Matthews, Charles Merrifield, L. W. Merrifield, Windsor Morse, Simon Morse, Bernice Morse, Charles Morse, Nathan Morsq, F. E. Morse, J. H. Moore, J. D. Moore, D. C. Murdock, "William Mur dock, G. L. Murdock, Cephas Muzzy, Jonas Muzzy, J. B. Newton, L. D. Newton, L. F. Newton, William Nichols, Henry Norcross, Albert Oakes, T. V. Phelps, Ezekiel Peirce, Estes Peirce, Levi Peirce, Jonathan Peirce, Lyman Peirce, E. B. Peirce, Henry Peirce, C. L. Pratt, Alonzo Pratt, Brigham Prescott, D. D. Prescott, Sylvester Pres cott, D. G. Rawson, David Reed, R. G. Reed, Thomas Sargent, O. B. Sawyer, Henry Sawyer, Randolph Scarlett, S. H. SmitH, Benjamin Smith, Roland Shepard, Emerson Spofibrd, A. V. Sheldon, Levi Sturtevant, Pliny Stearns, A. G. Taylor, A. W. Taylor, William Thoraas, N. R. Til- ton, Aaron Tilton, L. B. Tilton, R. C. Toombs, D. T. Tenny, Horace Warner, W. W. Warner, G. W. Warren, Ira Warren, Eli Walker, Joseph White, Thomas White, W. N. White. T. H. White, Joseph Whittaker, Luther Whittaker, Woodbury Whittemore, J. N. West, A. E, Winter, A. H. Wood, John Wheeler, D. P. Worcester. Ezra. Beaman, Elias Davis, Amos Lovell, and Brigham Prescott, were residents and legal voters here in 1808, as they also are in 1868. 52 TOWN OFFICERS FROM 1808 TO 1858. MoDEKATOK. The following persons were severally Moderators of the annual March Meetings in West Boyls ton, from 1808 to 1858, viz. : Silas Beaman, Silas Newton, Paul Goodale, William Fairbank, R. B. Thomas, J. M. Smith, Andre Taft, J. F. Fay, E. M. Hosmer, D. C. Murdock, Benjamin F. Keyes, J. C. Lovell. Town Cleek. Since the organization of the town of West Boylston in 1808, to 1858, the ofiice of Town Clerk has been held as follows : From 1808 to 1809, R. B. Thomas; 1809 to 1813, Jo seph Hinds ; 1813 to 1823, Ezra Bigelow; 1823 to 1825, Francis Davis ; 1825 to 18S0, Seth White ; 1830 to 1837, Ephraim Bigelow ; 1837 to 1840, B. F. Keyes; 1840 to 1850, Barney Howe ; 1850 to 1865, O.B. Sawyer ; 1855 to 1858, Horatio Houghton. Seiectmbn. The following persons were each elected and respectively served one or more years as Selectmen of West Boylston, from 1808 to 1868 : Ezra Beaman, Jonathan Plimpton, William Fairbank, Silas Beaman, Amos Lovell, Paul Goodale, John Temple, Barnabas Davis, Silas Newton, Jacob Hinds, R. B. Thom as, Joseph Hinds, Hiram Howe, Alpheus Fairbank, Eben ezer Paine, Ezra Bigelow, Caleb Severy, Jonathan Plimp ton, Jr., Ezekiel Peirce, Ezra Beaman, Jr., Thomas Keyes, B. B. Fairbank, John Reed, Paul Gerrish, Levi Goodale, Francis Davis, Simon Plimpton, Oliver Moore, Jacob Peirce, Abel Goodale, Brigham Prescott, Seth VVbite, Levi Peirce, Jr., Joseph White, Thomas Holmes, Dennis Harthan, Asa Bigelow, Aaron Goodale, Silas Walker, Amos Lovell, Jr., Samuel Brown, John M. Smith, Ephm. Bigelow, Charles Nash, B. F. Keyes, J. H. Moore, Thom as White, Jr., John Lees, Cicero Hinds, E. M. Hosmer, Moses, Brigham, Lotan Cleveland, E. F. Brigham, W. B. Harthan, D. C. Murdock, Samuel Lawrence, John May, E. W. Holbrook, Addison Lovell, J. D. Lovell, L. D. 53 Newton, John Ijawrence, Jonathan Peirce, L. M. Harris, John Prentiss, G. F. Howe, Levi Goss, H. F. Holt. C11.VIRMAW OP Selectmen. The several individuals here indicated, were each respectively Chairman of the board of Selectmen of West Boylston one or more years, from 1808 to 1868, as follows : Ezra Beaman, 4 years ; William Fairbank, 1 year ; John Temple, 6 years ; R. B. Thomas, 3 years ; Ezra Bigelow, 3 years; Joseph Hinds, 4 years; Francis Davis, 1 year; Joseph White, 4 years ; Silas Newton, 1 year ; Asa Big elow, 1 year; Dennis Harthan, 2 years ; B. F. Keyes, 2 years ; Thomas Holmes, 1 year ; E. M. Hosmer, 3 years ; Lotan Cleveland, 5 years ; D. C. Murdock, 4 years ; Addi son Lovell, 1 year; Jonathan Peirce, 1 year; L. M. Har ris, 1 year ; John Prentiss, 1 year ; Samuel Lawrence, 1 year. OvERSEEBs OF THE PooE. From 1808 to 1835 the Selectmen had the oversight of the paupers of V/est Boyls ton. Since 1836, Overseers have been chosen who have had the charge and direction of those supported at the expense of the town. The following persons here named have been severally and successively chosen Overseers of the Poor from 1835 to 1868 : Joseph White, Francis Davis, Ephraim Bigelow, Andre Taft, Cephas Muzzy, Waldo Winter, Benjamin Smith, Windsor Morse, Thomas White,. Jr., Cicero Hinds, E. M. Hosmer, Henry Holt, Levi Goodale, Charles Goodale, J. H. Moore,. John Lawrence, R. C. Toombs, James Fisk, L. M. Hosmer, L. M. Harris, Aaron Goodale, Levi Stur tevant, Moses Fisher, S. H. Smith, J. C. Lovell, C. C. Cutting, E. F. Brigham. AssEssoES. The following persons were chosen and served as Assessors for the town of West Boylston, one or more years from 1808 to 1858 : R. B. Thomas, Silas Newton, Moses Perry, Barnabas Davis, Jacob Hinds, John Temple, Hiram Howe, Ezra Beaman, Jr., Thoinas Keyes, Levi Kilburn, John Read, B. B. Fairbank, Ezra Bigelow, Ezekiel Peirce, Jacob Peirce, Alpheus Fisher, Francis Davis, J. W. Fairbank, Joseph White, Levi Peirce, Jr., Asa Bigelow, A. E. Win- 54 ter, Cicero Hinds, Amos Child, Jr., James Lees, D. C. Murdock, W. P. Howe, E. M. Hosmer, Francis Flagg, Samuel Lawrence, Brigham Prescott, A. F. Knight, F. L. Cutting, Elias Davis, David Read, O. B. Sawyer, Henry Holt, Jonathan Peirce, Horatio Houghton, Addison Lov ell, S. H. Smith, L. M. Harris, Uriah Faifbank. Town Teeastjeee. The office of Town Treasurer of West Boylston has been successively held from 1808 to 1858, by the following persons, viz : Ewa Beaman, Ezra Beaman, Jr., Barnabas Davis, Jon athan Plimpton, Andre Taft, Francis Davis, John Lees, Seth White, Thomas Holmes, Ezekiel Peirce, A. E. Win ter, E. B. Newton, Moses Brighan, Samuel Brown, E. W. Holbrook, Dennis Harthan, O. B. Sawyer. Repeesentatives. West Boylston has been entitled to one Representative each year since her incorporation as a town, and has been represented from 1808 to 1868 as follows : Ezra Beaman, 4 years ; Barnabas Davis, 0 years ; Jo seph Hinds, 5 years ; R. B. Thomas, 5 years ; Silas New ton, 1 year; Thomas White, jr., 1 year; Siiaa Walker, 1 year ; B. F. Keyes, 1 year ; Levi Pierce, jr., 1 year ; Dennis Harthan, 1 year ; Samuel Brown, 1 year ; Brigham Prescott, 3 years; Addison Lovell, 1 year ; Amos Child, jr., 3 years ; Eli "W. Holbrook, 2 years ; E. M. Hosmer, 2 years; O. B. Sawyer, 1 year; D. C, Murdock, 2 years. Delegates to State Conventions. In 1820, a State Convention was held in Boston for the purpose of revising the Constitution of Massachusetts. — Robert B. Thomas was chosen delegate to the aforesaid Convention frora West Boylston, and accordingly repre sented the town on that occasion, In 1853, a second State Convention was held in Boston for the purpose of further revising the Constitution. Rev. Joseph W. Cross was chosen a delegate from thi» town to said Convention and performed the sen vice for which he was appointed. Delegates to the County Contention of 1812. At a legal town meeting iu West Boylston, held in July, 1&12, Joseph Hinds, John Temple, and William Fairbanls , 55 Avere chosen delegates to the County Convention then soon to be holden at Worcester, to take into consideration the situation of the country iu consequence of the war then existing between the United States and Great Britain, and to adopt such measures as circumstances, the exigences of the times, and the public good might seera to demand. — ¦ They accordingly attended the Convention and participated in its proceedings. ECCLESIASTICAL RECORD, &c. the congkegational societv. The original church (Congregational) in West Boyls ton was formed in 1796, consisting of 33 members, em bracing widely diflferent opinions relative to religious doc trine. The majority favored Armenian sentiments, while the minority were decidedly Calvinistic. Rev. William Nash, the first minister, favored the Armenian side, and on that account was opposed at the time of his settlement by the Calvinistic portion of the church and society, who were never satisfied with his preaching and ministerial labors. In lb02, religious conference meetings were orig inated and regularly held on the first Thursday of each month, by a respectable portion of the church, the meet ings being open to all who wished to participate in them. This movement received no favor from Mr. Wash, although repeatedly consulted and urged to afford aid and assistance in its origin and eventual progress, These meetings were sustained, although Mr. Nash and the majority of the members of the church declined to countenance or assist in promoting the object in any way whatever. In 1809, the first religious revival in this town occurred, and continued with increased interest for several months. It caused much excitement and encountered severe oppo sition, although a large portion of the people were favora bly affected thereby. During this revival season raany ' persons became interested, were hopefully converted, and 56 afterwards professed religion, some joining the Congrega tional church, while others united with the Baptists. The Congregational church and society, during the last 40 years, have been favored with several interesting sea sons of special religious attention, resulting in the hope ful conversion and addition of many persons to the church. The first meeting-house (Congregational) in West Boylston, was dedicated to the service and worship of Al mighty God, January 1st, 1798. A sermon was preached on the occasion by Rev. Daniel Grosvenor of Paxton. — After that period several candidates were successively em ployed to preach until March, 1797, when Mr. William Nash from Williamsburg and a graduate of Yale College, received a call frora the church and society to settle with them as a preacher of the gospel, with a stipulated annual salary of $333.33, which invitation he. accepted, and was accordingly ordained the llth day of October of that year. The church and society in extending the invitation to Mr. Nash to become their minister were not altogether united. In his answer of acceptance, Mr. Nash speaks of "the want of entire unanimity", and further says, " those gentlemen to whom my services have not been so accepta ble as I could wish, I respect." He continues, " In act ing agreeably to their own best judgment, they have exercised a right which belongs to every christian, and ought not on that account to receive the censure or disaf fection of any." The opposition to Mr. Nash came from those who ad hered to the Calvinistic faith, and supposing him to cherish sentiments decidedly antagonistic to their views, believed it to be their duty to oppose his settlement with them in the ministry. The minority for the time quietly submitted to the wishes of the majority, and for several years " kept the unity of the spirit, not by au entire union of opinion, but in the bond of peace." Although the feelings of disapprobation of the senti ments and services of Mr. Nash seemed for a while to be dormant, yet they were never extinguished, but remained smouldering, preparatory for an explosion when the pres sure should become sufficiently intense. In 1812, the disaffection toward Mr, Nash had become so great that an 57 attempt was made to dismiss him. In 1814, his henlth became seriously impaired, rendering hira unable to preach or discharge other parochial duties. In 1816, he was dis missed at his own request, and his connection with the society formally dissolved by a mutual council, in accord ance with the conditions of his settlement. After the dismission of Mr. Nash, various gentlemen were succes sively employed to preach as candidates until 1820, when Marshall Shedd from Newton, received a call to settle, with an annual salary of $'i00, which he declined to accept. In December, 1820, Mr. John Boardman from New- buryport, a graduate of Dartmouth College, was invited to settle here in the ministry, with an annual salary of §500, by a vote of 66 to 28, which invitation he accepted and was ordained as pastor of the Congregational church and society, February 28tl«, 1821. In 1834, Mr. Board- man was dismissed at his own request, and afterward set tled in East Douglas where he died in 1842, in the merid ian of life. In September, 1834, Rev. Elijah Paine, a native of Ashfield, and who had been a settled minister in Clare mont, N. H., was invited to become pastor of the Con gregational church and society in this town, with an annual salary of $600. He accepted the invitation and was in stalled the 3d day of November, in that year. Mr. Paine died suddenly, Sept. 14th, 1836, aged 38 years. In 1837, Mr. Brown Emerson of Harvard, was ordained as successor of Mr. Paine, having received a call from the church and society, with an annual salary of $600. He was dismissed at his own request, Nov. 6th, 1839. Rev. Joseph W. Cross, who had been settled in Box- torough and dismissed, was installed pastor of the Con gregational church and society in this town, March llth. .1840, with an annual salary of $700. the baptist societt. About 70 years ago, a Baptist clergyman from abroad, of reputable character and standing, on one or two oc casions, preached at the house of David Goodale in this town, being probably the first minister of that denoraina- tion that had ever preached here. It has been said by 58 those who were in attendance at the time, that his labors were able, effective, and well received, producing a good impression upon the hearers. Not long after this time, another rainister of the same order preached at Mr. Good- ale's to a respectable audience, which was edified and much interested. After this time it is not known that any Bap tist minister preached in this town until the spring of 1810, when Elder Luther Goddard of Shrewsbury, was in vited by a member of the Congregational church, to attend a religious meeting at the Centre School-house in this town. He cordially accepted the invitation and preached on that occasion, and also on a similar occasion not long afterward. Probably the year 1810 is the period from which to date the origin of the Baptist denomination in ' West Boylston, which has gradually increased until it has become an eflacient church and«society. In 1813, the Baptists formed a society in this town, but had preaching only a part of the tirae for several years — In 1819, a Baptist church was organized here, consisting of about 50 raerabers, and since that period the church and society have sustained and enjoyed the regular preach ing of the gospel. They have also been favored with several seasons of special religious interest, resulting in the hopeful conversion and ultimate accession of a large number to the church. The following ministers have been successively pastors of the Baptist Church in this town since 1819, viz : Rev. Nicholas Branch, Rev. Allen Hough, Rev. C. C. P. Crosby, Rev. Abiel Fisher, Rev. Joseph G. Binney, Rev. Lorenzo O. Lovell, Rev. Sewall S. Cutting, Rev. Leonard Tracy, Rev. Kazlett Arvine, Rev. Timothy C. Tingley, Rev. Zenas P. Wild, Rev. Geo. R. Darrow. THE LIBEEAL SOCIETT. The Liberal Society in this town at the coraraenceraent of its existence, was composed of those who seceded from the Congregational Society, in consequence of the settle ment of a minister who held and preached Calvinistic sentiraents. The history of the origin and formation of this society is substantially as follows: — In 1815, the connection exist- 59 ing between the Rev. Mr. Nash and the Congregational church and society, was dissolved at his own request, after which the majority ofthe society manifested an unyielding determination to have Unitarian preaching, and eventually to settle a minister of that stamp ; while a majority of the Church and a minority of the Society were opposed to every movement having a tendency in that direction. TJie exertions put forth to eflTect the favorite and anticipated result eventually proved an entire failure. The committee for supplying the pulpit, after having employed several Unitarian candidates to preach, inadver tantly procured one of the Orthodox stamp, who made a favorable impression, thus entirely changing the feelings and course of many of the people, thereby giving the Or thodox the ascendency, which, after ranch effort and perse vering exertion, resulted in the settleraent of a rainister embracing evangelical sentiments. The opposition event ually seceded and forraed a new Society, taking the narae of The First Liberal Society in West Boylston. This So ciety at the present time (1858) has little more than a norainal existence. Most of the prominent original mem bers have deceased, and the society has had preaching during the last few years only a portion of the time. THE METHODIST SOCIETT. The Methodists have also a Church and Society at Oak dale, where they enjoy the stated ministrations of the gospel, attended with apparent benefit and, success. Re spectable nurabers attend meeting here on the sabbath, and considerable interest is manifested by the people for the support and maintenance of the institutions of religion among themselves. In former years, dissension and animosity prevailed to sorae extent between the several religious societies in this town, but during the last 20 years very little denomina tional feeling has been manifested, while harmony and fraternal intercourse have generally been in the ascendent. 60 PHYSICIANS IN WEST BOYLSTON. Dr. Amariah Bigelow was the first resident physician in this town. He settled here as a practitioner in 1780, or about that time, and died suddenly in 1787. Dr. Uriah Bigelow from Weston, settled here as a phy sician in 1788, and afterwards went to central New York, where he died at an advanced age. Dr. Nicholas Jenks from North Brookfield, settled in this town as a physician in 1809, and after a residence of ten years, went to Southbvidge. Dr. John M. Smith settled in this town as a physician in 1819, and resided here fifteen years, then went to Southbridge, where he died in the meridian of life. Dr. Jacob Moore settled here as a physician in 1828 and died in 1831. He was a young man of amiable character and of much promise relative to the future. Dr. Sherman Smith settled here as a physician after the decease of Dr Moore, then went-to Walpole, N. H. where he afterwards died suddenly. Dr. Samuel Griggs settled here as a physician in 1832, and remained in this town some fourteen or fifteen years, then went to Westborough where he now resides. Dr. Ephraim Lovell is a native of this town, and settled here as a physician in 1841, and still remains here. Dr. George W. Warren settled here as a successor to Dr. Griggs, and still continues his residence here as a practising physician. Dr. Isaac Chenery settled in the easterly part of Holden, adjacent to this town, in 1770 or about that timei where he resided until his decease in 1822, being in the eighti eth year of his age. He was distinguished on account of his skill and sound judgment, and also for his moderate demands upon his employers for medical attendance. He obtained the confidence and respect of the community around him, including the population of this town. The people here became so attached to Dr. Chenery, and so highly appreciated his practice, that younger physicians who made the experiment of locating here, failed to obtain sufficient encouragement to remain permanently. 61 PROGRESS AND IMPROVEMENT IN W. BOYLS TON FROM 1803 TO 1858. During the last fifty years, much has been done to pro mote the prosperity and improve the condition and general appearance of this town. Within the last fifteen years the Worcester and Nashua Railroad has been built, pas sing directly through the town, aflfording such convenience and accommodation to the inhabitants as in no -other way could be secured. At the West Boylston station, a dis tinct and delightful view of a large portion of the town presents itself to the eye of the observer, often attracting the special notice and attention of the passing stranger. The several Manufacturing Establishments in West Boylston present a thrifty and flourishing appearance. — Much taste and skill are discernable in the location and construction of the several manufactories, and in laying out and building up the villages connected therewith. The scenery about them is pleasant and delightful and cannot fail to attract the attention of every observer. That which first meets the eye when viewing the prem ises of the Beaman Manufacturing Companjr, is the artifi cial pond filled with water for the operation of machinery. This pond was originally designed and built by Major Beaman, sixty-five years ago, for the purpose of operating a gristmill. It has been recently enlarged, and now pre sents a sublime and magnificent appearance. The trees and railing about this pond, and elsewhere in the vicinity, contribute essentially to the beauty and splendor of the village. The proprietors of this establishment have raade large expenditures for the purpose of rendering it commo dious and valuable as well as pleasant and attractive. The property of the corporation is estimated at more than §100,000. The West Boylston Manufacturing Corapany at Oakdale, together with the village connected with it, is pleasantly and commodiously situated, exhibiting neatness and order in its position and arrangement. This establishment has long been mostly under the superintendence and direction of 6 &2 Dea. Joseph White, who is one of the proprietors, and has devoted much time and attention to the promotion of its prosperity and success. The farm belonging to the com pany is a specimen of good husbandry, having by proper care and judicious management become fertile and produc tive. The Central Manufacturing Establishment is conven iently located near the centre of the town and in the vicin ity of the railroad station. The scenery about this es tablishment consists mostly of trees of various kinds planted by the proprietor, E. W. Holbrook, and presents a tasteful appearance, and a few years hence will probably exhibit a degree of beauty and splendor which will attract the notice of strangers and others who may chance to view the same. The Manufactory at Harrisville has a substantial and enduring appearance, being built of stone. This establish ment exhilDits apparent thrift and enterprise, and speaks- favorahly of the industry and perseverance of the proprie tors. The public roads in various parts of the town are to some extent adorned with trees, mostly elm and maplev planted by enterprising individuals, not only beautifying their localities but also affording convenience and comfort, to the passing traveller, protecting him frora the scorching. rays of a meridian sun, during the summer months of the year. There are now standing in different sections ofthe town, not only within the limits of the highways but also on adjoining localities, several large majestic elms and other trees of original growth, which it is hoped will long be permitted to remain as objects of splendor and attraction. It would seem ruthless indeed, and exhibit an utter desti tution of that good taste and generous feeling which ought ever to be cherished, to aUow these monuments of individ ual protection and care to be destroyed. Within the last few years there have been erected in this town two large buildings, which are occupied as Boot Manufactories ; one near the Railroad Depot and the other on the opposite side of the river near the brick meeting house. A considerable amount of business is done at each 63 of these establishments. A large quantity of boots are annually manufactured at Oakdale village in this town ; there are also several shops in the town where boots are manufactured to some extent. A large number of persons tire here actively engaged in this business, profitably alike to theraselves and their employers. MISCELLANEOUS. Fire, that devouring element, has occasionally broken over the restraints of caution and care, and done its fearful work here. The first destructive fire which is known to have occurred in this town, one in which was involved the most seiious and awful consequences, was the burning of the dwelling house of Josiah Wilder, situated in the north part ofthe town, on or near the spot where the house now- occupied by John Bruce and son stands. This fire occurred in January, 1740. About the middle of the night, Mr. Wilder and his wife were aroused from sleep, their house being on fire ; the flames had already made such progress as to compel them to leave the house as speedily as possible. Mr. Wilder rushed out, siezed an axe, cut a hole through the side of the burning house near the bed where his son Asa lay, and pulled him out thereat, while the room was full of fire and smoke. He was nearly suff'ocated and badly burned, but soon recovered. Mrs. Wilder, in haste to make her escape, inadvertantly opened the cellar door, and with a child in her arms, plunged into the cellar, where they perished. Three other children also perished in this dreadful conflagration. Abner, the eldest son, was fortunately from home at the time, staying at a neighbors for a few days, and consequently escaped this calamity so fatal in its efi'ects. On the 6th of May, 1770, the dwelling house of Capt. Joseph Bigelow, situated near where the house of Jonas Muzzy now stands, a short distance west of the coramon, took fire by a spark from the chiraney alighting on the 64 roof, and the house with a portion of its contents was entirely consumed. This fire occurred on the sabbath while the people were generally gone to raeeting three miles distant, and only Mrs. Bigelow with the younger children of the family were at home ; consequently no seasonable effort could be raade to extinguish the fire. In 1842, a dwelling house belonging to Liberty Dins more and Mrs. Olive Whitney, situated near the brick meeting house, was burned with a.portion of its contents. In 1848, a dwelling house belonging to Luther Eames and occupied by him, situated in the southerly part of the town, took fire on the roof and was mostly consumed, with ijome portion of its contents. In 1853, the Valley Hotel, situated near the Beaman place, belonging to Elias Davis and occupied at the time by James E. "Wood, was destroyed by fire with a part of its contents. A few years since, a dwelling house belonging to Charles Fairbank, and 30 years ago the residence of Hiram Howe, situated in the northerly part of the town, then unoccupied, was entirely consumed by fire, supposed to be the work of an incendiary. ' August 23d, 1831, the Congregational Meeting-house then standing on the common, was set on fire by a flash of lightning, and entirely consumed. The fire took in consequence of shavings being carelessly left under some part of the flooring at the time the house was erected. In 1801, a grist-mill belonging to Micah Harthan, and the fulling-mill adjoining belonging to Peter White, with raost of their contents, were entirely destroyed by fire. Another mill upon an improved plan, was immediately erected on the same spot, and also burned in 1847, then belonging to Amos Child and G, W. Dinsmore. Another building standing near, and formerly occupied as a cloth ier's shop, was also burned at the same time. Still anoth er grist-mill, more valuable and comraodious, in connection with a shop for mechanical purposes, has since been erect ed and put in successful operation on the same preinises by Ruel G. Cowee. It is hoped that this valuable build- 65 ing will never fall a prey to the same devouring element which consumed its predecessors. In 1825, the blacksmith shop situated near where the Central factory now stands, then, belonging to E.^ekiel Peirce, and occupied by him as a scythe manufactory, was entirely destroyed by fire. Within the last 20 years three valuable cotton manufac tories have been destroyed by fire in this town, and others erected in their stead. During the last 60 years, 4 barns have been burned, 3 by lightning and 1 by an incendiary. In 1790, there were four farailies in this town and nearly in the sarae neighborhood, whose children then living amounted in the aggregate to 43, all of whom, with two exceptions, lived to mature life, were married, and had from five to ten children each. Four of the original num ber are now living. Sarah Harthan is the oldest person now living in this town. She was the eldest child of MiKih Harthan, was born January 19, 1763, being now 95 years of age. She was born in Lancaster, where she resided 18 years; then resided in Sterling five years ; afterwards in Boylston 22 years ; and during the remainder of life to the present time, her residence has been in West Boylston. During 60 years of the first part of her life she resided successive ly in each of the four towns just mentioned, not changing her residence or leaving the place of her nativity. Since that time she can hardly be said to have left the homestead, still living with one of the family descendants and within a short distance of the very place where she commenced life. The dwelling-house now occupied by Ezra Beaman was erected in 1764, by his father Ezra Beaman, Esq. It was built in a thorough and substantial manner, perfect and complete in all its parts, special care being exercised in selecting materials and in the construction, with reference to durability and permanence. It is now in a good state of preservation from its base to the top, clearly showing that with proper attention and care, it may remain another century as a memento of its original and venerable occu- 6* 66 pant, unless destroyed by some unforeseen casualty, Of demolished by a ruthless hand, careing littie or nothing for antique specimens of innate enterprise and adventurous, active energy. This ancient, noble structure, in its size, form and appearance, was probably at that time, with few exceptions, unsurpassed by anything of the kind in the adjacent towns or even in the county. If nothing further is to be done to perpetuate the memory of Major Beaman, the father and benefactor of this toWn, it is to be hoped that this specimen of early enterprise may be allowed to remain, and be carefully preserved to mark the residence of one, who by his own persevering efforts, arose to wealth and distinction, at the same time acquiring and exercising an influence justly belonging to a patriot aad public ben efactor. In 1794, the first meetinghouse in this town was erect ed; and in 1831 it was destroyed by fire, caused by a stroke of lightning. At the raising of this house, a man whose name is lust, was suddenly killed. In 1832, three commodious meeting houses were erected, belonging re spectively to the Congregational, Baptist, and Liberal Societies. A convenient Hall has been erected at Oakdale, and is now occupied by the Methodist Society. A Chapel has also been erected in the central part of the town for the accommodation of the Catholic portion of the popu lation. In 1808, now 60 years since, there was but one church and religious society and but one clergyman in this town. To that society every family in the town belonged, and all taxable persons paid their legal proportion towards the support and maintenance of the ordinances of religion. In 1818, George Merrifield, a lad nine years of age and brother of Charles Merrifield of this town, when sliding from a bay scaffold, came in contact with a hay-puller which entered his body and caused bis dea^h. In 18,55, Emmons Glazier, son' of Jonas Glazier, was drowned here while bathing in the river. There have been six deaths in this town, by s-uicide, ¦ within the last 60 years.. er VARIOUS ITEMS. At the time of the incorporation of the town of West Boylston, Jonas Temple and Thomas Keyes of Boylston, and Jonas Mason of Sterling, although included within the liraits of the new town, were allowed, together with their estates, to remain connected with the respective towns to which they then belonged. This privilege so liberally granted them, they tenaciously adhered to until their decease, when their real estate came under the juris diction of the town within the limits of which it was included. « Anthony Taylor, son of Eleazer Taylor, of Boylston, was born in 1749, came to West Boylston in 1808, where he resided until his decease which occurred in 1819, aged 70 years. He was a large, stout built man, and supposed by his contemporaries not to be surpassed in physical force and muscular strength by any man in New England. In early life, while in full possession of vigor and vivacity, he performed several extraordinary feats, the relation of which might seem to challenge the belief of the most cred ulous. Yet the credibility of those who witnessed and have given an account of the wonderful exhibitions of power and strength manifested and put forth by this man, would render it quite certain, and perhaps beyond a rea sonable doubt, that nothing more than the truth has been stated relative to hira. An instance of the manifestation of his extraordinary muscular power, was the lifting of a field piece, while with the army at Cambridge in 1776,with the intention of placing it upon his shoulder, which he probably would have accomplished had not those around him by their interference prevented, regarding such an ef fort imprudent and hazardous. Other accounts relative to the developement of the uncommon physical force of this individual might bo mentioned, having been received from reliable sources and corroborated by indisputable testi mony. The nuraber of deaths in West Boylston, from 1808 to 68 1858, was near 1100. During the twelve years previous to 1808, while the town was a precinct, the number of deaths was between 70 and 80. Much the larger portion of the mortal remains of those who have deceased in this town since 1796, are deposited in tho public burying ground adjoining the Common. There is a large buttonwood tree, venerable for age and appearance, standing by the roadside near the ancient Bea man mansion house, planted there raore than one hundred years ago by the elder Ezra Beaman while in his boyhood, being at the time but thirteen years of age. This relic of the early doings of him who once resided on those prem ises, may serve as a memento to awaken the memory rela tive to the distinguished individual who possessed a larger share of energy, enterprise, and public spirit than any one else who ever resided in this town. There is standing at the present tirae, within the liraits of fhe road and opposite the Beaman burying ground, near the residence formerly occupied by Ephraim aud Silas Bea man, a stately oak of venerable appearance and ancient growth, which should be permitted there to remain as a specimen of enduring permanence. Although there have been instances in this town of splendid and beautiful trees situated in special localities, having been unnecessarily destroyed, it is hoped that such examples henceforth will be of rare occurrence. MILITARY. Benjamin Bigelow, one of the early settlers of this town, went as a soldier with others in 1745, and assisted in the reduction and capture of Louisburg and Cape Bre ton, then belonging to France and considered as the Gi- bralter of Araerica. The capture and possession of this -place with its fortress was regarded as a highly important acquisition to the British crown. On his return from this fexjiedition, Mr. Bigelow brought with him seTeral articles 69 of iron manufacture, sorae of which are yet in use on the farm which he then occupied, and which is now in the possession of B. F. Keyes. Ephraim and Ithamer Bennett, sons of Phineas Bennett, one of the early settlers of this town, enlisted as soldiers in the army which went to Ticonderoga in 1768, and at tempted the reduction of the fortress at that place. They were in the so called " Morning Fight " that then occur red, and which continued four hours, resulting in a disas trous defeat. These two young men were both killed in that terrible conflict. At the commencement and during the progress of the war of the American Revolution, the inhabitants of the district now comprising the town of West Boylston, were zealous and active in efforts to obtain and secure for them selves and the Colonies, liberty and independence. Major Beaman was a prominent and leading spirit in this impor tant and patriotic enterprise, while others around hira were also firm and deterrained in favor of freedora and the rights of the people. ' On several special and iraport ant occasions the citizen soldiers here turned out, readily leaving their families and business to engage in the service of the country, and that without pay or remuneration, other than the satisfaction of having promptly discharged their duty. During the continuance of the v/ar, several men here enlisted and were joined to the regular army at different periods, all of whom, with a single exception, served out their tirae, returned home, and lived to enjoy the blessings and advantages resulting from the toils and suffering which they had bravely endured. Their names were Ezra Beaman, John Bixby, Jos. Bixby, Zachariah Child, Jos. Dwelley, Wm. Fairbank, Oliver Glazier, Benj. Hinds, Jr., Jason Hinds, Ebenezer Inglesby, Ebenezer Pike, Paul Raymond, Isaac Smith, John Temple, Nathan Wilder, and John Winn. These brave and patriotic men have all deceased, but their memories should long be cher ished by a grateful people with feelings of respect and veneration. Several of them lived to receive from the country a pension, which their faithful services merited and to which they were justly entitled. Oliver Glazier who survived all the others, died in 1856, aged 92 years. 70 ¦ ¦ The first Military Corapany or Train Band in this town, was organized' in 1801, consisting of the able bodied raen between 18 and 45 years of age. This company then numbered about 50 men, and at the first election of officers, Silas Newton was chosen Captain ; Elijah Goode now, Lieutenant ; Hiram Howe, Ensign. The following persons were severally and successively elected to the Cap tainship of this company, from time to time, during the continuance of its organization, viz : Silas Newton, Elijah Goodenow, Levi Kilburn, Silas Dinsmore, Barak B. Fair- bank, Josiah P. Brown, Jonathan Plimpton, Jr., Peter Holmes, Levi Goodale, Ephraim Bigelow, Asa Bigelow, Dennis Harthan, Levi Pierce, Jr., Willard Worcester, Eb enezer Fisk, and Ward B. Harthan. This company con tinued some 30 years in an organized capacity, and then became extinct. RIVERS AND BRIDGES. There are two rivers running into this town, the Still water from Sterling, and the Quinepoxet from Holden, forming -a junction near the village of Oakdale, thence passing along through the central "portion of the town to Boylston and Lancaster, continuing its course to Nashua, N. H., where it empties into the Merrimac. There are four prominent bridges in the town ; two at Oakdale, one at Central Village, and another near the an cient and Ivell known Beaman situation. In 1856, the Bearaan bridge was rebuilt with stone, at an expense of about $4000, and is considered durable and permanent. It has ttiree arches of sufficient capacity to take the water that passes along in the channel of the river. The committee chosen by the town to superintend the building of this bridge, were Addison Lovell, John Prentiss, and Samuel Lawrence. In 1849, the Central Bridge was rebuilt in a thorough substantial manner, upon an improved plan, principally under the direction and superintendence of David C. Mur dock. Chairman of the Board of Selectmen at that time, at an expense of about $900. THE FARMING INTEREST. The nuraber of farmers in West Boylston at the pres ent time (1868,) is 70, having slightly increased during the last 50 years. Although. some advance has been made in the business of agriculture and the art of husbandry, yet it is doubtful whether larger quantities of grain and other valuable products are now produced, than there were 60 years ago. In 1808 and previous to that time, there were annually produced in this town, probably not less than 3000 bushels of rye, and perhaps about the same quantities of corn and oats. Most of the farmers produc ed a sufficient quantity of wheat to afford a supply for their families. It was an occurrence almost unknown at that, time, for a farmer to purchase a barrel of flour. During the winter season the farmers transported considerable quantities of rye meal to Boston, for which they received $1.25 per bushel, thereby realizing a fair profit. Fifty years ago and previous to that time, large quanti ties of cider were made in the town which was not often sold for less than $1.00 and sometiraes for $2.00 or mole per barrel, consequently it was a profitable production. It was then generally considered a necessary article for comraon use, and alraost every faraily used several barrels annually. Most of the large farmers considered a cider mill to be a necessary appendage to their farm, and would feel themselves greatly deficient if not in possession of this convenience. PECULIAR AND EXTRAORDINARY EVENTS. The following peculiar and extraordinary events have occurred in by-gone years, operating not only in this im mediate locality, (West Boylston,) but were experienced and their effects felt generally throughout New England. " The Great Earthquake," as it has been termed, hap pened late in the evening of Nov. 18, 1756, and produced great alarm and consternation, its effects being very appa rent and surprising. Dwelling houses were shaken so severely as to cause kettles and other things to rattle ahd make an unusual noise, dishes, plates, &c,, falling from shelves, and beds on which people were sleeping, apparently ¦ rocking like a cradle. Iij the westerly part of this town a small piece of land settled down several feet, evidently in consequence of this occurrence, traces of it being yet visible. The Hard Winter . The Winter of 1750 has ever been spoken of as " The Hard Winter," by those who lived at that time, and others who have succeeded them. It was remarkable for the great depth of snow which lay upon the ground for a long while, and on account of the severe cold weather, which continued for several successive weeks. A snow of some depth fell in November before the ground was frozen, and remained through the winter. Towards the last of December, a snow storm occurred of several days continuance, and having subsided, the snow was ascertained to be five or six feet in depth, entirely cohering the rocks, fences, &c., the roads being wholly im passable and go remaining for several weeks. Oxen and horses were not used for a long tirae. Wood for the fire was om; from day to day in the lots, and drawn to the dwellings on hand-sleds, by raen and boys wearing snow- shoes. By the same process grain and meal were trans ported to and from the mill for family use. After the lapse of six or eight weeks the cold began to abate, the snow gradually settled down, and eventually vanished away, the ground imraediately becarae dry and ready for cultivation. There was no rain after the ground was cov ered in November, until the snow had entirely disappeared in the spring — a period of four or five months. " The Dark Day," ever remembered and spoken of by those who witnessed it, occurred May 19, 1780. It was remarkable on account of its extraordinary appearance, filling the rainds of the people generally with wonder and surprise. So strange and novel was the appearance on that day that many were struck with consternation, spending 73 the most of their time in conversation relative to this sin gular phenomenon and what might follow it. Early on the morning of that day, the atmosphere had the appear ance of being filled with dense fog of a yellowish hue, bsing in great commotion, apparently rolling about in large masses, constantly rising and raoving along. So great was the darkness at mid-day that many families found it necessary to use lighted candles while they par took of their dinner. The following night was as uncora raonly dark as was the preceding day. Nothing unusual followed this phenomenon. A Severe Frost occurred on the night of May 17th, 1794, causing great damage and loss to the farmers in con sequence of it's destructive effects upon grain, fruit, &c., not only in this immediate vicinity, but also throughoiit a large portion of New England. The day preceding was unusually cold, and during the night the surface of the ground was frozen, and in many localities, ice was formed on water an eighth of an inch in thickness. The spring was early and unusually forward. The farmers had large quantities of winter rye growing upon their lands, which at this time looked remarkably well, and seemed to prora ise an abundant crop. It had already attained its full height, and was in bloom, but was so severely frozen that on the next day being thawed by the rising sun, it fell to the ground, and was entirely destroyed. A second growth sprung up but produced no grain of any value, being en tirely blasted. Indian corn having been planted early, was up and looked well, and although much frozen, was not materially injured. Apples at this time, in some localities, were nearly as large as full grown cranberries, and with very few exceptions were wholly destroyed, and most •other kinds of fruit also shared the sarae fate. Drought of 1805. During the summer of 1805, a drought was experienced in this vicinity and other portions of New England, probably of greater severity than has occurred since that period, or for many years previous. On the tenth of June of that year, the rain fell in torrents during the day, thoroughly soaking the ground and filling the streams with water to overflowing, producing the great est freshet which happened throughout the year. From 7 Ii that time there was no rain hereabouts until the last day of July following, when a small cloud carae over late in the afternoon, raining raoderately twenty or thirty minutes. The drought continued with increased severity until Sep tember, when frequent showers occurred, sufficient to moisten the ground and revive drooping nature, thereby dissipating tho alarm and gloomy forebodings then exten sively prevalent. During this season of drought the pas tures and other grass lands became sere and destitute of any thing green, affording but a scanty subsistence for cattle, sheep, &c. In some localities grasshoppers became so numerous as to devour and destroy every kind of vege tation that came in their way, causing great injury and damage to grain, fruit, and other productions of the soil, resulting in loss to the farming interest, and consequently to the community. A Total Eclipse of the Sun, visible in this vicinity and adjacent parts of the country, occurred June 16, 1806; probably the most reraarkable one in its appearance and effects, that has occurred for a hundred years. The day On which this phenomenon happened, was fail; and pleas^ ant, the atraosphere still and serene, and the sky cloudless, thus affording ara pie opportunity for notice and observation. This eclipse occurred in the forenoon, the middle being between eleven and twelve o'clock. The sun was in total obscuration about two minutes, when nature assumed the appearance of evening, the fowls hastened to their roosting places, apparently overtaken by surprise, the chill of even ing was felt, and stars were distinctly visible to the eye of the observer. The greatest splendor of the scene was the suddenness of total obscuration and afterwards the sudden and precipitant rush of the sun into open day. Asa whole the scene was sublime and magnificent, and highly grati-» fying to the many who beheld it. The Great Blow, as it has generally been termed, occur red Sept. 23, 1815, was severely felt in this vicinity, and throughout a large portion of New England. It was de structive in its effects, causing much damage and loss to the comraunity. Extensive quantities of wood and timber were blown down, many valuable fruit trees were turned over and destroyed, apples, pears, peaches, &c., were nearly all blown from the trees, almost entirely covering the ground in orchards and other localities where fruit trees chanced to stand. In many instances sheds and small buildings were blown down and demolished, and wooden fences generally shared the same fate. Traces of this tempest are yet to be found in some places, and prob ably will be visible for years to come. This was undoubt edly the greatest and most extensive tornado that has occurred in this region since the settlement of New Eng land. Cold Summers. During the last fifty years, or from 1808 to 1858, several seasons have occurred which were rather cold and consequently unfavorable to agricultural pursuits. The coldest and most unpropitious season was that of 1816, it being unusually cold from the commence ment to the end of the year. During the suramer months there was very little warm weather, and many days were so cold as to render the clothing of winter convenient and necessary. In June of that year, spots on the sun were distinctly visible to the eye, the atmosphere frequently presenting a thick, dusky appearance, like that of a severe winter's day, the cold at the same time being so severe as to make it pleasant and desirable to sit by a fire. It was frequently so cold as to render it uncomfortable to labor in the fleld. One farmer in this town (West Boylston,) on one of those cold days in the latter part of June, being busily engaged in ploughing a piece of land, actually left the field and turned out his team, then retired to his-house saying it was so cold he could not stand it to 'follow the plough. During the summer there was a scarcity of feed in the pastures, and not more than half the usual crop of kay was cut firora the mow-lands. So scanty was the crop in some cases, that hay was taken frora the field and sold for $25 per ton. Many farmers disposed of a portion of their cattle the best way they could for fear of starvation. Indian corn was mostly spoiled by the autumnal frosts, very little of it being fit for use. English grain being better adapted to a cold season, was heavy and good, and a fair crop was generally obtained by the farraer. In 1832, the season was colder than usual. During the night of the last Wednesday in May of that year, snow fell in this region so as to entirely cover the ground,- and remained through the next day, it being so' cold as to pre vent thawing, but no damage was caused thereby. Indian corn on low land was mostly spoiled by the early frosts of autumn, while on more favorable localities it ripened arid produced an abundant crop of hale heavy corn. Remarkable Longevity. Mrs. Sarah Goodale, relict of Edward Goodale, one of the early settlers of this town, was born in Marlboro' in 1714, and died here in 1810, being in the ninety-seventh year of her age. She was the oldest person who has died here since the settleraent ofthe town, having been a resident here nearly 80 years. She was a robust, vigorous woman, industrious and frugal, being well qualified for the station she occupied in life. When about 40 years of age, Mr. Goodale died leaving six young child ren, (five sons and a daughter,) with their mother, to get along in the world the best they could. The mother be carae the guardian of the children, assuming the direction and management of them until they arrii^ed at the age when they might legally act for theraselves. She retained the farra in her possession, and by her industry aud econ omy attended by the blessing of God, she was enabled to award to each of her children their just proportion of their father's estate, at the time when they became legally enti tled to assume the possession thereof, while at the same time herself had become the bona fide owner of the home stead. These children all lived to old age, and in their turn ilianifested a filial respect for their honored mother by extending the same dutiful care to her during the latter portion of her life, which she bestowed on them while in their childhood and early years. She was a professor of the Christian religion and always apparently acted in the fear of God and in accordance with the principles of •' the Higher Law." During her life, she manifested a firm faith and confidence in Christ as her Savior, and conse quently her death was peaceful and happy. Her children survived her and afterwards died as follows : Moses died in 1815, aged 76^years ; Elizabeth died in 1837, aged 96 years; Aaron died in 1817, aged 74 years ; Paul died in 1828, aged 81 years; David died in 1832, aged 82 years ; Peter died in 1854, aged 82 years. These children were early taught to regard and observe the prin ciples and customs of the puritans, and manifested through life a becoming respect and veneration for the instruction received from an affectionate, devoted parent. They were also professors of the Christian religion. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF •THOMAS KEYES, Jr. Thomas Keyes, Jr., was born April 20, 1802, and died Oct. 30, 1831, at the age of 29 years. He was the sec ond son of Thomas and Lydia Keyes, of West Boylston, and grandson of Thoraas Keyes who settled here in 1767. He was a member of the Congregational Church in this town. The following biographic sketch is taken from "The Young Mechanic," for April, 1832. The writer of the sketch was then and is now a citizen of Boston, as indicated by the signature ; THOMAS KETES, JR. It is a pleasing task, to follow through ali the mazes, and to dwell upon the incidents connected with the rise of an ingenious raan, however he may have been favored by circumstances, or assisted by fortune. If we dwell with pleasure «-pon the character of such a man, with what sensations must we trace the rise aad progress of that man, who, imitating tlie course pursued by Franklin, Ferguson, and Simpson, rises from obscurity by his own efforts, without the advantages of education, the assist ance of fortune, or the advice of friends, and beats out a path which those ia better circumstances would scarcely attempt to follow. That the life of a mechanic, distin guished for his peiseverence and application, and with all, a native of our own states, will be interesting, (at least to mechanics,) I will not questi