YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY Purchased from the income of the bequest of WILLL\M ROBERTSON COE Honorary M.A. 1949, for material in the field of American Studies. n tZ/y-^ HISTORY TUCKER COUNTY, WJSST YIRGINTA, PROM THE EARLIEST EXPLORATIONS AND SETTLE MENTS TO THE PRESENT TIME; BI0GK.4.PHICAL SKETCHES OF MORE THAN TWO HUNDRED AND FIFTY OF THE LEADING MEN, AND A FULL APPENDIX OF OFFICIAL AND ELECTIONAL HISTORY; ALSO, AN ACCOUNT OP THE EIVERS, FORESTS AND CAVES OF THE COUNTY. By hu maxwell. Ill ILLUSTBATED WITH TWKNTY-EIGHT PHOTOTYPES OF NOTED PERSON'S. KINGWOOD, W. VA.: PRESTON PUBLISHING COMPANY. 1884. COPTBIGHT BY HV MAXWELL. 1884. Press of Journal Printing House KiNowooD, W. Va. AS A 8U0HT, BUT SINCKBS BXFBESSI3N OF GBATITDDE, AS A TOKEN OF EESPECT FOE INTEGEITY AND FIEMNK83 LN THK CAUSB OP fflSTOBIOAL RESEARCH, AS A MAEK OF ESTEEM FOE NOBILITY OF PUEPOSB IN AtL THE LESSER AND LESS-TRDDDEN PATHS OF HFE, THE AUTHOR DEDICATES THIS BOOK TO HIS FEIF.XD, WILBUE C. BKOCKUNIEE. INTRODUCTION. Had some things been different from what they were, I believe that I could have made the History of Tucker County better than it is. The labor required to collect and arrange the material was greater than would be supposed by one who has never undertaken a task of similar nature. No previous history, covering the period and territory, has ever been compiled, and I had to enter upon original and unexplored fields wherever I went. There was no scarcity of subject-matter; but, at times, it was not easy for me to decide what to use and what to reject. I am not certain that I have not erred seriously in one thing — that I trusted more to the whims of others than to my own judgment. The plan of the work would have been quite different had I followed my own inclination to make the whole thing one connected story instead of biographical fragments, as it is. Yet, as it is. it will please more people than it would if cast in the mold for which it was first intended. I was not wri ting it for myself, but for others ; and, as my tastes and fan cies differ from those of others, I thought it best to suit the book to those for whom it was intended. But, as I said, if some things had been otherwise, this book might have been better. The circumstances under which the work was done were not at all times pleasant or favorable. I commenced it in 1881, and devoted to it only what time was mine after devoting twelve hours a day to school work. At first it was my intention to publish it in the Tucker County Pioneer, as a serial story ; but this was abandoned when it was seen how unwise it was. The his- 6 INTEODUCTION. tory as it was then was less than half as large as now, al though it devoted more space to the guerrilla warfare that was carried on along our county's borders during the Civil War. When the idea of publishing it in the newspaper was abandoned, it was next proposed to bring it out in book form, and the first half-dozen pages were actually set in type. But, I was not pleased with it, and concluded to re arrange the whole work, and the printing was accordingly suspended until the writing should be completed. Meanwhile, I found it necessary to give some attention to other matters ; for, it has never been my fortune to be so situated that I could devote my whole time to literary work. Soon, too, I grew doubtful if it was worth while to do anything further with the matter. So, it was allowed to lie idle, while I found more agreeable employment in other fields of history. Thus, nothing was done till the Avinter bf 1883-4. I was then in California, and had done as much on a new history (" Conquest of the Ohio Valley ") as I could do without a personal visit to the Library at Washington City, and, as I was not yet ready to return to the East, I began to consider whether it would not be a good opportu nity to revise the musty manuscripts of the Tucker History. I was the more inclined to do this because I did not like the idea of having commenced a thing without finishing it. So, I sent to West Virginia for the manuscript and revised it by the time I was ready to start home, in April, 1884. Upon my arrival at home, I added the part embraced in "Brief Biographies," and sent the book to the press late in August. If I had quieted myself to this task, and bad nothing else to lead my mind off or to disturb me, I could have done better. I could have better interwoven the stories, one with another, and made of them one continued purpose. INTRODUCTION. 7 and about them there would have been a completeness which I am conscious that they do not now possess. But it is not necessary to speculiUe upon such things as might have been. The book is as it is, and those who feel troubled at the discovery of logical errors may, if they will, let charity cover what is best concealed. It is not my intention to un dertake another task of the kind, so I cannot truthfully promise to profit by irregularities that may be pointed out. But, from this, it should not be inferred that I look upon my labor as that much thankless drudgery. Far from it. The people of Tucker County have lent their aid and en couragement to me, and have done what they could to assist me, and, on their account, if for nothing else, the work, in spite of its many discouragements and dif ficulties, has been to me a pleasing one. No person feels a deeper and kindlier interest in the majestic mountains, the quiet valleys, the green meadows, the blooming orchards, the sweeping streams and the crystal springs of our little county, than I do. The interests of the people are mine, and their hopes and aspirations are in unison with my sym pathy. The whole county, from the wind-swept crags of the Alleghanies to the sugar-bloom of the Seven Islands, ia throbbing with the pulse of universal life. The past with its romance is lost iu the present, and the present is newer and beautifuUer than the past ever was. Who would not feel a pride in such a county ? If I have done anything for it in the present undertaking, I am glad of it ; if I have done nothing, I am sorry, for I have not done my duty. Some of the history has been wholly neglected or only touched, because I could not utilize it all. What I have left has been principally romances that cling around old memories. I would like to fling history aside and cast my 8 INTEODUCTION. lot with them for a season. No mountain of Scotland has echoed to the themes of more beautiful legends that our mountains have. The temptation to me was great as I was writing the history, fori wanted to turn myself loose among such landscapes and people and stories as my fancy could create or my eyes could see already created. But I held steadily before my mind the fact that I was writing history, and I did all I could to weed from it what was not sober and true. I have given nothing that I do not believe to be the truth. I am able to rid myself of all partiality when it is necessary to do so, and in this case I have done it. I feel that I have done injustice to none. If I have, it was unin tentional on my part. It has been necessary to write of some who are anything but my personal friends ; but I have done it without one shadow of desire to do them a wrong or to let them suffer by neglect. All I could ask of any man is to be treated as fairly as I have treated my characters in this History of Tucker County. I hold that no man should be misrepresented ; but, if misrepresentations be tolerated, it is better that they affect the dead than the living. I would rather harm the memory of a dead Washington, although he was my friend, than to take a mean advantage of a living enemy — to injure him in a manner wherein he could not de fend himself. Whether right or wrong, thus I believe. To those who will read this book closely enough to notice errata, where they exist, I would say, bear in mind that the book was written in fragmentary parts, and did not receive the supervision that all histories should have. However, I feel confident that the serious errors are few, and what they are, they are there without the knowledge of the author at this hour. Hu Maxwell. Kingwood, October 23, 1884. CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. JAMBS PARSONS. Page. The County of Tucker deflned. First visited by James Par- .sons. He discovers the Horse Shoe. Passes up Horse Shoe Run. ThePringles. Simon Kenton. The Indians. Mound- builders. Mound in the Horse Shoe. Graves, bones and ar row points. Captain Parsons and his brother locate lands on the River. Chased by Indians 17 CHAPTER II. JOHN MINEAR. John Minear. Early life. Leads a-colony to the Horse Shoe. Builds a fort. Trouble with the Indians. A settler chased from the Sugar Lands. Settlement broken up. St. George founded in 1776. Port Built. Mill. Prosperity. Reverses. New trouble with the Indians. The small-pox rageain Tuck er. An Indian raid. Sims killed. St. George besieged. Am buscade. Jonathan Minear killed. Washburn taken priso ner. Pursuit of the Indians. Skirmish. Indians defeated. Washburn rescued. A rash Indian. Boy taken prisoner near St. George. Killing of John Minear, Cooper and Came ron. Escape of the Millers and Goffe. The Indians pass into Randolph. Routed by Jesse Hughes. Burial of Minear, Cooper and Cameron 34 CHAPTER III. MISCELLANIES. The manners and customs of the pioneers. Moving. Pack- horses. Plunder. Household articles. Bread and meat. Building houses. The style of houses. Clothing. Mill at St. George, 1776. Intoxicating liquors. Guns. Tomahawks. Religious worship. The customs of the times. Schools. Teachers. Modes of imparting instruction. Singing schools. Romance of Manassa Minear and Lyda Holbert 69 10 TABLE OF CONTENTS. CHAPTER IV. MISCELLANIES. Silent History. James Goff. His peculiarities. The land agent. ' The supper. The Parsons family. The Bonniflelds. Settle ment of Clover District. First school-house. The Duinire family. The Losh family, William Losh and two friends go to Ohio. John Losh, the hunter. Canada : the bed of a lake. Lost in the woods. Captures cub-bears. Crosses the river on a raft. Old settlers. Geneology. Nimrod Haddtx breaks liis neck. Ambrose Lipscomb. Adam Harper 87 CHAPTER V. FORMATION OF TUCKER COUNTY. Efforts to obtain a new county. Meeting in St. George. Com mittee select site for court-house. William Ewin sent to the Legislature. Judge John Brannon. Name of the county and county-seat 121 CHAPTER VI. SCHOOLS AND CHURCHES. The influence of schools and churches. Should be co-workers. Growth slow but permanent. Common schools the greatness of the country. Home supply of teachers 135 CHAPTER VII. MOUNTAINS AND CAVES. Mountains of Tucker. Limestone mountains. FalUng Spring. Jordan's Cave. Blooming Cave. Subterranean wonders 130 CHAPTER VIII. LUMBER INTERESTS OP TUCKER COUNTY. Primeval forests. Description of trees. Sugar making. Saw mills. Cheat River. Springs. Wells. The blackness of the water of Cheat. To what due. History and description of the river. Alum Hill. Job's Ford. Slip Hill. Turn Eddy. Willow Point. St. George Eddy. Miller HiU. Murder Hole. Turtle Rocks. Seven Islands. ' Rafts and raftsmen. Shin gle mills. Lumber interests opposed to farming 139 TABLE OF CONTENTS. 11 CHAPTER IX. WEST VIRGINIA CENTRAL AND PITTSBURGH RAILWAY. General view of the subjeet. Coal. Railroad plans of 1856- 1881. Reports. Wealth of the company's lands 167 CHAPTER X. MISCELLANEOUS STATISTICS. The value of statistics. Various lists and tables. Beports of County Superintendents 173 CHAPTER XI. NEWSPAPERS OP THE COUNTY. First paper in Tucker County, Founding of the Pioneer. The Democrat comes into existence. The progress of the two papers 190 CHAPTER XII. THE ST. GEORGE BAR. Sketches of WiUiam Ewin. Rufus Maxwell. A. B. Parsons. Lloyd Hansford. L. S. Auvil. W. B. MaxweU. Philetus Lipscomb 198 CHAPTER XIIL TRAVELERS. Abe Bonnifield. Starts' to Missouri. Joins a show. Leaves it. Joins another. Rumpus with Indians. Goes to Canada, The old black scalawag. Returns home. Joins the Confed erate army. Fights to the last. A. T. Bonnifleld. Goes to California. Returns. Chased by a tiger at Nicaragua. Visits W. Va. Returns to California 208 CHAPTER XIV. TRAVELERS.— (CONTINUED.) Captain Ezekiel Harper. Early life. Volunteers to go to the Mexican war. Starts overland to California. The jour ney. The Humboldt desert. Harper leaves the company. Proceeds on foot. Crosses stapendous mountains. Arrives at the gold .flelds. Digs gold to buy his breakfast. Various reverses and successes. Indian war. Harper leader of 12 TABLE OF CONTENTS. the miners. Skirmishes with the Indians. Rescue of priso ners. The Indians driven from the country. Harper revis its W. Va. Returns across the plains to CaUfornia. Drives 4000 sheep. Jacob Harper dies on the Rocky Mountains. Fortunes and reverses. Harper comes back to W. Va. Re turns to CaUfornia. Terrible storm at sea. The "Central America" goes down. Letter from Aspinwall. Jerome Har per goes to Chili. Insurrexion there. Prisoners sent to Patagonia. Captain Harper .starts to hunt his brother. Meets him at Pataluma. Returns to the mines. Comes back to W. Va. and joins the Confederate army. Various skirm ishes. Taken prisoner. Carried to Camp Chase and Rock Island. Suffering. Escape. After history 220 CHAPTER XV. TRAVELERS. -(CONTINUED.) Henry Bonnifield. Early life. Adventures. Goes to Cali fornia. Rides wild horses. Desperate ride over MiUerton Mountain. Dragged by a wUd horse. A wicked mule. In vited to ride at the Centennial at Philadelphia. Goes to Ar izona. Haunted house of Tulare. A lying emigrant. Mo- jave Desert. In Arizona. Sick. Lost in the desert. Falls into the hands of the Indians. Passes down the Colorado River. Trouble with the Indians. Reacheshome 250 CHAPTER XVI. TRAVELERS.— (CONTINUED.) The Minears. Farm work. Sohool. St. George Inn. A. P. Minear. Works on the B. & O. R. R. Starts to California. Adventures on the Isthmus of Panama. Reaches California. Takensick. Kindness of E. Harper and Mr. Buckelew. Goes into the lumber business. Pails. Goes to Oregon. Suc cesses and reverses. John W. Minear goes to California. To Oregon. A. C. Minear follows. Letters on the way. Sol omon Minear killed. The Minears go to Idaho. Mining. Fam ine. Snow. Storms. Attempt to, murder A. P. Minear. Struck by sixteen bullets. Escapes. Joins a railroad enter- rpsie in Florida. Pails. Goes to New York. Returns to the Pacific coast and engages in mining. A. C. Minear in Idaho. Fights Indians. Letters. Returns to W. Va. David S. Minear .^. 273 TABLE OF CONTENTS. 13 CHAPTER XVII. THE WAR. The commencement of the struggle in Tucker County, (cap ture of a Confederate flag at Saint George. Death of Lieut. Robert McChesney. Letters bearing on the subject. Ad vance of Garnett. Battle of Corrick's Ford. Confederates retreat. Capt. E. Harper pilots the flying army. Destruc tion and ruin marked the way. The army deserted by the cavalry. Retreat of the Union forces from the Red House. E. Harper leads the scouts up Backbone Mountain. Escape of the army. The raids of Imboden. Surrender of Hall. Paris. Battle of St. George. Close of the war 316 BRIEF BIOGRAPHIES. In this department the subjects are treated alphabeticaUy 438 APPENDIX. Biographical sketch of the author 511 APPENDIX. POLITICAL STATISTICS. Election returns of the county 632 Index 573 ILLUSTRATIONS. Capt. Ezekiel Harper, . W. B. Maxwell, Page Frontispiece. . 202 A. P. Minear, . 272 A. T. Bonnifield, . 482 John G. Moore, . . 512 The Maxwell Brothers — a group, . 176 Lieut. Eobert McChesney, Dr. B. Baker, . 320 . 368 Abraham Bonnifield, . 512 Rufus Maxwell, . . 450 Capt. Joseph A. Faris, . Mrs. Anna Minear, . 320 . 96 Mrs. Sarah J. Maxwell, . . 176 Mrs. Elizabeth Bonnifield, . 96 Mrs. Mary J. Minear, Mrs. Mary A. Spesert, . Mrs. D. A. Lowther, . 320 . 196 . 196 George A. Mayer, Da'vid S. Minear, . 368 . 320 Jeff. Lipscomb, . Hu Maxwell, . 482 . 512 Enoch Minear, . . 96 Job Parsons, . 482 Dr. A. E. Calvert, . 368 Nelson D. Adams, . 320 Philetus Lipscomb, Cyrus H. Maxwell, . 482 . 512 Dr. T. M. Austin, . 868 HISTORY OF TUCKER COUNTY. CHAPTER I. JAMES PARSONS. Tucker County, West Virginia, is bounded on the north by Preston, on the east by Maryland and Grant County ; on the south it is bounded by Eandolph, and on the west by Barbour. It lies along the valley of Cheat Eiver, and includes the tributaries of that stream for about thirty-five miles north and south, and twenty east and west. The area of the county would, therefore, be about seven hun dred square miles ; but, if an actual measurement were made, the area would probably fall a little short of these figures. The county is not mentioned in history prior to the French and Indian War, about 1762. Of course, it is un derstood that when the county is spoken of in this manner, reference is had only to the territory now included in the county of Tucker. The territory so considered appears to have been unknown to civilized man till about the year 1762 or 1763. The accounts of the earliest explorations 2 18 HISTOEY OF TUCKEE COUNTY. are vague and conflicting, and very few positive statements can be made on the subject. However, it is certain that both Preston and Eandolph were visited by white men be fore Tucker was. Probably the first white man in the county was Captain James Parsons, who then lived on the South Branch of the Potomac, near Moorefield, in the present county of Hardy. During the French and Indian War, the Indians often passed from beyond the Ohio, across the AUeghany Mount ains, into the settlements on the Potomac Eiver, and partic ularly on the South Branch. They killed or carried away as prisoners everybody they could catch. On one of these raids they captiu-ed Capt. James Parsons.* They carried him with them all the way to Ohio, and kept him a prisoner for some time. At length, however, he managed to escape from them and set out for home. He knew that the South Branch was in the east, and he traveled in that direction. He gtiided his course by the sun by day and the moon by night. But, as it was often cloudy, he wandered at times from his way. In this manner he proceeded many daj-s, and from the length of time that he had been on the road, he thought that he must be near the South Branch. He struck a small river, which he thought to be the South Branch, because it flowed in an easterly direction. He followed it until it emptied into a larger river, which flowed north. This stream he followed, thinking it might be a branch of the Potomac, flowing in this direction to pass around a mountain, and that it would turn east and south again in the course of a few miles. With this impression he followed it. But it did not turn east, and showed no * It is now a aueaUou wlietlier It wiis Parsons or anotiier man. Tlie best .lutlioi-ltlcs Efl.y Pttrsons. JAMES PAESONS. 19 sign of turning. He became convinced that he was on the wrong river, as indeed he was. The first river followed by him was the Buckhannon. At its mouth he came to the Valley Eiver, and down it he had traveled in hopes that it would conduct him to Moorefield. As soon as he was satisfied that he was on the wrong river, he left it and turned eastward across the mountains. He passed Laurel Eidge somewhere near the head of Clover Eun, and came to Cheat above the Holly Meadows, proba bly near the farm of Ward Parsons, Esq. He concluded that this must certainly be the South Branch, and followed down it. When he reached the Horse Shoe Bottom he was struck with thcbeauty of the country, and noticed in par ticular the great forest of white oak trees that covered the whole bottom land of the river from the Holly Meadows to the mouth of Horse Shoe Eun. The trees were nearly aU of the same size, and there was little underbrush. Up to this time he had thought that the river must be the South Branch ; but, now he began to doubt it. It was too large. Already it was larger than the Branch was at Moorefield ; and, he knew that he must still be far above that town ; because no country like that in which he then was could be found near his home. He knew that, if it was the South Branch at all, he was above the mouth of both the North and South Forks, or upon one of those rivers. Neither was half, as large as Cheat at the Horse Shoe. Therefore, he was certain that he was not on a tributary of the Potomac. He was confirmed in this conviction when be had passed round the high point of land, where Judge S. E. Parsons now resides, and saw that the river, instead of continuing toward the north-east, broke away toward the west, and flowed in that direction as far as he could see. 20 HISTOEY OF TUCKEE COUNTY. He could not dirine where he was. He knew of no river of this kind anywhere in the west. For the first time, in all his wanderings, he became confused, and knew not where to go next. He would have followed down the river, in the hope that it would lead him to some settlement ; but, he felt sm-e that it must empty into the Ohio. After pondering over the matter for some time, he re solved to continue his eastward course. He saw a long valley extending east ; and, crossing the river, he was at the mouth of Horse Shoe Eun. As far as is known, he was the first white man ever in Tucker County. However, there is a tradition that a band of Indians, with a prisoner, once halted at the mouth of Horse Shoe Eun ; ahd, leaving their prisoner tied on the bank of the river, they went up the run after the lead. In a few hours they returned with some. Whether this event, if it happened at all, was before or after Captain Parsons was there, cannot now be determined. One account says that the prisoner was Captain Parsons' brother Thomas. But, all accounts of the subject are vague and conflicting. If the Indians got lead in that manner, it was probably some that they had hidden on a previous expedi tion. There are not known to be any lead mines in that vi cinity ; although some people think there are. It was a custom among the Indians, when they went upon an expe dition, to hide lead along the road so that, upon their return, they might have a supply without carrying it with them during the whole journey. This is likely why they went up the run to get that article, at the time mentioned. This probability is strengthened by the fact that an old Indian war path crossed Cheat Eiver at the mouth of Horse Shoe Eun ; and, if lead were left anywhere, it would likely be along a path. JAMES PAESONS. 21 When Captain Parsons crossed the river at the mouth of Horse Shoe Eun, it was with the intention of continuing toward the east. This he did. He pursued his way up the stream a little distance, when he came upon a large, old path. It was perhaps an old Indian trail ; or it might have been made by animals. Parsons would have followed this ; but, it turned to the north, and he left it. At the mouth of Lead Mine, he left Horse Shoe Eun ; and, by going up Lead Mine, he crossed the Backbone Mountain near Fairfax. This path across the mountain was the route by which nearly all of the first settlers of Tucker found their way into the .county. After crossing the mountain. Parsons struck the North Branch of the Potomac, and flnally reached home. Of the Horse Shoe Bottom he gave an account that filled the settlers about Moorefield with long ings to see it. But, it was several years before any of the people from the South Branch again visited the Cheat Eiver lands. At that time there was a large fort at the mouth of the Monongahela Eiver, where Pittsburgh now stands. Iu 1761, four of the soldiers who garrisoned the fort became dissatisfied and deserted. They passed up the Monon gahela, and at the place where Geneva, Penn., now stands, they made them a camp. But, they did not like the place, and moved into Preston County, and made them another camp not far from Aurora. No one then lived anywhere near them, and for a year they saw no trace of human, ex cept themselves. But, at length, one of them found a paith leading south-east. He thought that it must go to Virginia, and he hurried back to camp and told his companions that they ought to follow the path and see where it would lead. They were all willing for this, and at once set out to trace 22 HISTOEY OF TUCKEE COUNTY. the path. It is not now known who made the path or where it led to and from. But, the deserters followed it until it conducted them to Luney's Creek, in Grant County. Here they stumbled upon a frontier settlement ; for, 'the whites were just then colonizing the upper part of the South Branch, and the adjacent valleys. This was near where Seymoursville now stands, and was not more than fifteen miles from where Captain Parsons lived, near Moore field. This was in the vicinity of Fort Pleasant, where Dr. Eckaiiy, from Preston County, had been arrested on sus picion, some six or eight years before. They suspected that he was a spy from the Indians. The South Branch was evidently a bad place for suspected characters. At any rate, the four deserters from Pittsburgh had befen there but a short time when they were arrested as deserters. How ever, two of them, brothers named Pringle, made their es cape, and ran back to their camp in the glades of Preston. In the course of a few months, a straggler named Simp son found his way to their camp, and remained with them. By this time, hunters from the South Branch began to hunt frequently in the glades of Preston ; and the deserters felt insecure. They determined to move further west. Simp son agreed to accompany them. The three men broke up tlieir camp near Aurora, and took tlieir way do-wn Horse Shoe Eun. At its mouth, they crossed irito the Horse Shoe. After they had crossed the river, they fell to quarreling. The two Pringles took sides against Simpson, and drubbed him off to himself. He crossed to the Valley Eiver. Not liking the country, he passed on to Harrison County, and, not far from Clarksburg, built him a camp. He made that locality his permanent home until the country about him JAMES PAESONS. 23 began to be settled, five or six years later. The Pringles likewise crossed to the Valley Eiver, and ascending it to the mouth of the Buckhannon, passed up that river to the mouth of Turkey Eun, in Upshur County, where they made a camp in a hollow sycamore tree. We have no account of any other persons visiting Tucker for some years. The only occupants were wild animals that filled the Avoods, or wild Indians Avho occasionally roamed up and down the valleys. It is possible that Simon Kenton was on the river at the Horse Shoe in the summer of 1771. He had had a fight with a man in Virginia, and thought he had killed him. He fled Avestward and reached Cheat Eiver. It may have -been at the Horse Shoe ; but, more probably it was in Preston County. At that time, Kenton was only sixteen years old. He after wards went to Kentucky and became one of the most illus trious characters in all border history. When first visited by white men, there were no Indians who made the territory of Tucker their permanent home. If they came within it at all, it was only to pass through, or to hunt for game. Many people hold quite erroneous ideas concerning the Indians who used to kill people and do all manner of wickedness in West Virginia. Some sup pose that they lived all over the valleys and mountains like bears and panthers, and in an unguarded moment would run into a settlement, murder all the people they could catch, and then retreat to the woods, and skulk about through the brush like wild animals until a chance came of killing somebody else. This was not the case. No Indians have made Tucker County their home, so far as is known, since before Columbus. Undoubtedly, they once lived here ; but they had long been gone when first the white man 24 HISTOEY OF TUCKEE COUNTY. came; and nothing but graves, remnants of aiTOws and other implements, found scattered about the ground, told that they had ever made this part of the valley of Cheat their home. Nor was the land between the Ohio Eiver and the AUeghany Mountains, now West Virginia, the country of Indians at the coming of the whites. A few scattered huts and two or three little towns were all that our state contained of the living Indian race. But, in earlier times, they had lived here, as their remains now prove ; and there is reason for believing that the country was tolerably thickly inhabited. Why they deserted the land, or what became of them, is a question that none now can answer. It is useless to put out theories on the subject. Of all specimens of human weakness, a mere theory, unsupported by evidence, deserves most to be pitied. We know that there was a time when West Virginia and Tucker County had inhabitants, and we know that ^hose inhabitants were Indians; but further than this, nothing is certain. What became of the tribes — whether they departed for a better country, or , whether they were Exterminated by some stronger nation, or whether some plague carried them off — we do not pre tend to say. Any opinion on the subject is only guesswork, because no man knows. It is not theory, however, to say that before West Virginia was inhabited by the Indians, jthere was another race of people living here. They are caUed MoumJbuilders, because they usually built mounds in countries where they lived. There may have been Indians here before the Moundbmlder came, and there certainly were after he de parted, but, there is no evidence that the two races occu- j)ied the same country at the same time. A thousand the ories are extant concerning the origin and fate of that mys- JAMES PAESONS. 25 terious race, Avhich built the ten thousand mounds and for tifications in the Ohio and Mississippi valleys ; but, no man knows whence they came, when they came, how long they remained or when or why they left, or whether they were white or black, or what was their religion or their laws, or who they were. However, it is tolerably well established that they ceased to be a people in the United States at least nine hundred years ago. Indeed, from all the evidence in the case, one is nearly obliged to believe that the mounds of the west are as old as the Tower of Babel. It is not certain that the Moundbuilders ever lived in Tucker ; but, there is a little ground for attributing to them the smaU mound in the Horse Shoe, on the farm of S. B. Wamsley, Esq. The mound in question is about forty feet in circumference and four or five high. It is on the first terrace above the river. It may be the work of Indians ; but, it is more probably the remains of the Moundbuilders, who had their center of empire in Ohio, and extended their frontiers over nearly all the land of the Mississippi VaUey, east of Texas and Kansas. Nobody knows what the mounds were built for. They were constructed of earth and loose stones, sometimes of sand, and occasionaUy fragments of wood were found in them. Some of the structures seem to have been used for fortifications, some as churches, or rather temples, and some may have been built as tombs for great men. But, this is not a settled point. In some of them, altars with charred human bones among ashes have been found. This suggests that the Moundbuilders offered hu man sacrifice to their idols, as the Mayas and people of Mexico did. Some think it probable that the Mound builders were originally a colony from Mexico. Skeletons in the mounds have led some persons to conclude tliat the 26 HISTOEY OF TUCKEE COUNTY. mounds were built for tombs. It would be as reasonable to conclude that a stack of hay was built for a rat because a rat's nest was found in it. Yet, doubtless, some mounds are only the huge graves of kings. But, no doubt, very many of the bones and relics found in mounds and hastily attributed to the Moundbuilders, are only the old carcasses of Indians, a.nd Indian whimwhams. It is a known fact that the Indians often buried their dead in the mounds. Although many of the relics taken from the mounds are counterfeit, yet some are surely genuine. From these we learn that the Moundbuilders were not much larger or much smaller than the average Indians. The accounts of skele tons of giants thirty feet long, dug out of the ground, are not to be believed. It is doubtful if a race of people, much larger than able-bodied Englishmen of to-day, has ever been in .existence. The mound in the Horse Shoe is known to have been the burial place of human beings ; but, it is not known that it was built for that purpose. Ground-hogs that dig their holes in it, used to throw out pieces of human bones. But, this is no evidence that the bones were from the skeletons of Moundbmlders. In fact, there are many reasons for be Ueving that they were Indian bones. An old Indian vUlage stood on the bank of the river, less than a mUe above the mound. Indian skeletons have been found in other places about the river, and there is no reason why they may oiot have buried some in this mound, as they did in other mounds whenever they had an opportunity of doing so. In early days, the river used to wash bones from its bank, where stood the viUage. Captain Parsons and Samuel Bonnifield once found a jaw bone so large that it could be placed in position on the outside of their faces. A thigh JAMES PAESONS. 27 bone, also enormous, is reported to have been pulled out of the river bank at the same place. The bone was said to have been so long that when stood on the ground beside a , man it reached up under his arms. This magnitude was probably due to excited fancy, like that possessed by the Indian, who returned from traveling and reported that he had seen a race of men whose ears hung down to their hips. The Moundbuilders must have been an agricultural peo ple; because, a population as dense as theirs could not have lived in any other manner. Then, it is probable that the Horse Shoe was, long years ago, farmed something after the manner that it is now. , But, the ancient people have left no trace that they had horses, oxen, any iron or steel tools or any kind of machinery, except such as they could make of wood, shells, stone and copper. But, whether or not the river bottom, from the Holly Meadows to St. George, was once a thriving settlement, and corn fields covered it from one end to the other, yet when the first white men vis ited it, it showed no sign of ever having been tilled. Noth ing but the little mound, above referred to, is left to tell that the Moundbuilders ever lived ; and, this mound is not conclusive evidence of the presence of that ancient race. But, one thing is certain : Tucker County was once the home of Indians. The Indians of America seem to have belonged to one general race, the same as the people of Eu rope belong to one. The Indians are divided into numerous tribes, nations, families and confederations. These differ in language and customs. How the Indians got to America is unknown ; and it is only wasting time to offer theories upon the subject. There is about as much reason for believing that the old world was peopled from the new as that the new was colonized from the old. Each continent may have 28 HISTOEY OP TUCKEE COUNTY. had a people indigenous to itself. The Esquimaux of Alaska and the Siberians are known to cross and re-cross Behring Strait, and America may have received its inhabitants from Asia in that manner. The islands of Polynesia are known to be sinking. Some of them are believed to have sunken ten thousand feet, so that the islands now above water are only the mountains and table lands of a submerged conti nent extending from the coast of Asia nearly or quite to that of America. Indians may have come from that continent to America. The Telegraph Plateau, from New Foundland to Ireland, has the appearance of an isthmus that once con nected Europe and America. It is now under water, but so near the surface that icebergs lodge on it. This may have been the Island of Atlantis that some of the old heathen writers say was swallowed up in an earthquake. If so, the tribes of America may have come from Europe. It is useless to speculate on this. It can be proven with equal conclusiveness that the Indians are mixed with Welsh, Japanese, Norwegians, Jews and Carthagenians. It is un known where they came from or who they were before they came. We take them as we find them. What tribe inhabited Tucker County is not known. . Jef ferson says that it was the Massawomee. It may have been ; and for all the difference, we may consider that it was. They were gone when first the white man came, and nothing but graves and other relics told that they were ever here. We cannot teU why they departed from this part of the State ; but, they all, except a few little towns, left for some country unknown to us. We cannot tell why they aban doned the country. War may have exterminated them, or they may have gone to occupy a better land. Cusick, an JAMES PAESONS. 29 educated Indian, wrote a book about the Indians, and said that many tribes wanted the Monongahela valley, and not being able to agree, they held a council and decided that all should leave it. But, this story is not to be credited. Cu sick did not know any more about it than he had read in books or had fabricated himself. The Indians knew no more of their history than the white people knew — not as much, for that matter. The Indians who killed people in West Virginia generally came from Ohio; but, some came from Pennsylvania and Indiana. Ohio was full of Indians. They had towns on the Muskingum, Tuscarawas, Hockhocking, Scioto, San dusky, Maumee, Miami and all through the intervening country. The meanest Indians were those on the Sandusky and Scioto. During the winter they did not often bother the settlements; because they were too lazy to provide themselves clothes to keep them from freezing in cold weather, and had to lie in their huts by the fire. But, as soon as the spring came and the weather began to get warm, they crawled from their dens, and fixed up their guns, knives and tomahawks for a raid upon the settlements. They traveled about twenty miles a day, unless in a hurry. If they set out from the Scioto Eiver on the first of May, they would reach the Ohio somewhere between Point Pleasant and Wheeling in from four to seven days. They would cross that river on a raft of logs, and if they were aiming for Cheat Eiver they would reach it in from four to seven days longer, provided they did not stop on the way. When they came into a settlement they would hide in fence corners and in brier thickets until they saw a chance of kilUng somebody. Then they would leap out and sieze their victim. They sometimes killed and sometimes carried 30 HISTOEY OF TUCKEE COUNTY. away as prisoners those whom they could catch. If they carried a prisoner off, they would tie his hands and make him walk between two warriors. If they had plenty to eat, they gave the prisoner plenty; but if their provisions were scarce, they gave him very little. When they got him to Ohio they sometimes turned him loose in a field, and aU the Indians got after him -with clubs and rocks and pounded him to death. Sometimes they tied him to a tree aud burnt him ; and sometimes they adopted him into their tribe and treated him well. A prisoner never knew what fate awaited him, and always tiied to escape. But, the Indians always watched so close that a prisoner seldom got away. It was an unlucky thing for a prisoner to try to escape and fail. It made the Indians mad, and they would show little mercy afterwards. Indeed, it was a perilous thing to fall into the hands of the Indians at any time ; and many people would be killed before taken cap tive by them. If they got a grudge against a prisoner, he had a poor show of ever getting away. Simon Kenton, who was on Cheat Eiver in 1771, five years before the founding St. George, was once captured by the Indians. He had stolen seventeen, of their horses, and when they caught him they put him in a field and three hundred of them tried to pound him to death ; but, he whijoped them out eight times and got away. They tied him up three times to roast him ; but he still got away and escaped to Kentucky. But, he Avas more fortunate than the most of prisoners ; and, besides, he Avas such a terrible fighter that they Avere afraid of him. The Indians in Tucker had a town in the Horse Shoe, opposite the loAver end of Sycamore Island. The traces of the vUlage may still be seen in summer on account of the JAMES PAESONS. 31 Aveeds that grow larger there than on the adjacent lands. This is the place that the bones are Avashed out of the bank. On the other side of the river, one mile above St. George, are numerous Indian graves. It used to be reported that there Avere five hundred graves Avithin half a mile ; but the writer took the pains to count them, and could not find more than forty-six. They are rude heaps of stone, and extend along the side of the liiU in an irregular manner. Some of them have been opened. Nothing Avas ever found in them. They are probably very old. An old account says that a battle was fought there between two tribes of Indi ans ; but there is not a shadow of foundation for the story, except the graves. Why so many Indians should have been buried so near together is hard to account for, unless they were killed in battle, or by some other violent means. But this does not prove that a battle was fought. Probably there was a town near, and this was the graveyard. The Indians used arrows tipped AA'ith flint. Many of these flints are found scattered about the country. Where the Indians got the material from AA-hich the}- made them is now tmknown. The making of the arrow points Avas a pro fession among the Indians. They had men aa^io made it a business. One of these factories is believed to have been situated on Horse Shoe Eun, AA'here E. Maxwell's barn noAV stands. When the ground was first ploAved it Avas covered Avith bits of flint and broken points, and everything indi cated that a shop for manufacturing flint points had form erly been there. The French and Indian AVar closed in 1764. After that, came a Avonderful immigration to the West. West Virginia and Kentucky Avere the main points to Avhich settlers flocked. West Virginia Avas soon spotted all over AA'ith col- 32 HISTOEY OF TUCKEE COUNTY. onies. Within six years, settlements were on all the prin cipal rivers. But none were yet in Tucker. Capt. James Parsons knew of the Horse Shoe Bottom, and was only waiting for a suitable time to lay patents on the lands. Sometime before 1774, probably about 1772, he and his brother Thomas came over to Cheat from Moorefield, to look at the lands and select them favorable places. James chose the Horse Shoe, and Thomas aU the land from the mouth of Horse Shoe Eun to the Holly Meadows, exclusive. of the Horse Shoe. They afterward obtained patents for these lands ; and Jaines bought some other tracts, among which was the farm since owned by the Bonnifields, on Horse Shoe Eun. This Avas originally a " corn right." These lands were marked out at the time of their selec tion, but, in 1774, as shall be seen in the next chapter, a colony from the South Branch built a fort in the Horse Shoe, and cleared some of the land. But, in tAVO years, John Minear, leader of the colony, removed to St. George, on land of his oaa'u. When the Parsons brothers Avere passing back and forth between Moorefield and the Horse Shoe, there Avas not any particular war between the Avhite people and the Indians. But, the Indians Avere alAvays ready to kill a man when they could find him by himself in the Avoods. They Avould be still more likely to do this if he had a good gun and a horse. These were articles Avhich the Indians ahrays Avanted, and they Avould plunder a man of these AA'henever they got a good chance. James and Thomas Parsons always rode splendid horses, and the straggling bands of Indians Avho roamed along Cheat were very anxious to steal them. They would have killed the riders to get the horses. In this state of affairs it was dangerous for two men to JOHN MINEAE. 33 come alone so far into the Avilderness. But, in spite of danger, Captain Parsons and his brother came often while they were surveying and locating their land. They crossed the Backbone and Alleghany mountains near the Fairfax Stone. In order that they might the more successfully elude the Indians, they were accustomed to put the shoes on their horses, toes behind, so that the Indians would be deceived in the direction in which the horses had gone. On one occasion Captain Parsons had come alone from Moorefield. He had visited his land, and had just crossed the river at the mouth pf Horse Shoe Eun, when an Indian, hidden in the weeds near by, gobbled like a turkey. The savage probably thought that he could decoy his man within gunshot; but in this he was mistaken. Captain Parsons was too well posted in Indian tricks to be trapped in such a manner. Instead of going to kill the turkey, he put spurs to his horse and reached Moorefield that night, a distance of near seventy miles. The path was through the woods, and crossed the Alleghany Mountains. These were the first locations of lands in Tucker County. The next chapter AvUl relate to the settlement of these lands, and of others taken up near the same time by John Minear, Eobert Cun ningham, Henry Fink and John Goffe. The first explorers and settlers of the county were the Parsons and Minear families. The main part of the county's history has been enacted by the representatives of one or the other of these. CHAPTER II. JOHN MINEAR. As NEARLY as cau now be ascertained, John Minear first visited Tucker County in the year 1773. He was a natiA'e of Germany, where he was born about 1730. It has been said that he was a soldier under Frederick the Great ; but the truth of this is not well authenticated. In 1767, he came to America. He was already married, and brought Avith him a small famUy, among whom was David Minear, then twelve years of age. John Minear bought land on the Potomac Eiver, and lived there until 1774. He had heard the reports brought back by Capt. James Parsons, and he determined to visit the new country and see it for himself. Whether any one accompanied him or not, is not stated ; but, probably, he was not alone in his series of explorations, which he made in 1773. He visited the country along Cheat Eiver, from the' Holly MeadoAvs to Licking FaUs ; and, having selected a suitable farm in the Horse Shoe, he returned to the Poto mac for his family. So great was his influence, and so general was the desire for emigration, that he found little difficulty in gathering about him quite a company of farmers, AA'illing to risk their fortunes in the ncAV land. He was the leader of the colony, and all placed confidence in his judgment and trust in his bravery. His education was in advance of the farmers of his time; and, those who came with him looked upon him, not only as a military leader in expected wars with the In dians, but also as a counselor in ciA'il affairs, in the settle- JOHN MINEAE. 35 ment of lands and the deeds and rights appertaining thereto. How many came with him is not known. The names of a few survive, and we know that there were others. They did not come merely to explore the country and speculate in lands ; but, they brought with them their fami lies, their household goods, and what movable property they could, and had no other intention than that of making the valley of Cheat their permanent home. They reached their destination early in 1774, probably in March. They spent the first night in the woods, not far from the crossing at Willow Point. The men at once com menced work on a fort, which they built as a defense against the Indians. The fort was nothing more than a large log house, with holes left between the logs through which the inmates could shoot at Indians. The building stood on or near the spot where now stands the residence of S. E. Parsons. It was used as a fort and also as a dwell ing house for all the families. It was made large enough to give room for all. In the daytime, the men went to the woods to clear corn fields, and left the woman and children in the fort. If any alarm was given of Indians, the men would run to the fort, and bar the doors, and watch through the cracks in the waUs for the coming of the enemy. They never lay down to sleep without locking the doors to keep the Indians out. For awhile everything went well in their new home. As the spring came on, the weather got warm and delightful, and the huge oaks and gigantic chestnut trees came out in leaf. The men worked hard, and soon had cleared the logs and trees from several small corn fields, which they planted as soon as the frost was all out of the ground. The settlers sometimes were out of bread and had to live on meat ; but, 36 HISTOEY OF TUCKEE COUNTY. venison and bear meat were plentiful, and there was no danger of starving. What corn and wheat they had was carried on pack horses from the Potomac Eiver. Early in the summer, new danger from the Indians began to be feared. Up to this time, there had been no actual hostility, except an occasional murder of an Indian by a white man or of a white man by an Indian. Even this had not disturbed the settlement in the Horse Shoe. But, with the return of the spring, in 1774, a war seemed certain. Along the Ohio, above and below Wheeling, several murders were committed, both by white men and by Indians. Greathouse, a white man, fell upon a camp of Indians a few mUes above Wheelihg, and kiUed men and women. This so enraged the Indians that they at once commenced war upon all the settlements west of the AUeghany Mountains. The principal settlements in West Virginia then were on the Monongahela, the VaUey Eiver, the West Fork and on the Greenbrier, Kanawha and the Ohio. The smaU fort in the Horse Shoe cannot be reckoned as a settlement. But the Indians soon found it out. In fact, it was on a famous war path that crossed the river at the mouth of Horse Shoe Eun, and the Indians who would walk to and fro along this path must necessarily find the fields. Early in the summer of 1774, Colonel McDonald, with a few hundred men, marched into Ohio and burnt some In dian toAvns on the Muskingum Eiver. Nobody but Indians lived in Ohio then, and they were furious Avhen the white men burnt the towns and cut down aU their corn. As soon as McDonald left the country, the Indians hurried across the river, and commenced killing people and burning houses and barns in revenge for the treatment received at his hand. The settlers Avijo lived uearest Wie Ohio were in the greatest JOHN MINEAE. 37 danger, but all west of the AUeghany Mountains were un safe. Minear's colony in the Horse Shoe soon found occa sion for alarm. Indian tracks Avere discovered not far from the fort, and the people were in constant fear of being mas sacred. Nobody went beyond the reach of the guns of the fort, except with the greatest caution. But, they had tp hunt through the woods for venison and other meat ; for, the corn was not yet ripe enough for bread. Sometimes the hunters were chased by the saA'ages, as was the -tase with one of the men who went to the Sugar Lands, on the Back bone Mountain, some four mUes east from the fort. He was hunting, and looking at the country, when he heard strange noises on the hiU above him, and immediately heard an swers from the vaUey below. He knew at once that it was Indians trying to trap him, having nearly surrounded him already. He affected not to notice the noises; but, he started off at a rapid rate down a cove that led into Coburn Eun. When he passed over the bluff in his descent to the run, the noise of the Indians, who were whistUng to each other and gobbUng like turkeys, died away in the distance, and for some time he heard nothing more of it. However, he did not slacken his speed, but hurried doAvn the rocky bed of the run, and had gone nearly two miles when he was suddenly startled by a hooting Hke that of an owl, on the hiU hea/r above him. The imitation was not so perfect but that hf! could detect that it was not an oavI. He knew that it was.-an Indian. He was yet three miles from the fort, and only by flight could he hope to escape. The channel of the stre/im was rocky, full of cataracts, and falls, and trees that had. lopped into the ravine from both sides. Over and thi'ough these blockades and obstacles he ran as fast as he ccjuld, and with as little noise as possible. From this point, 38 HISTOEY OF TUCKEE COUNTY. there are two accounts of the affair. One says that, as he was climbing down over a fall, an Indian came sliding doAvn the hiU within a few steps of him. The Indian was snatching and grabbing at brush, and seemed to be doing his best to stop himself. It is thought that he had tried to run along the side of the hiU, which was very steep, and, missing his footing, could not regain it until he sUd nearly to the run, and was almost under the hunter's feet. But the hunter saw his enemy just in time to escape. He wheeled and ran under the falls of the creek into a dry cav ern beyond. Then, turning, he discharged his gun at the Indian ; but, there is no evidence that the shot took effect. The Indian seemed to think that the white man was shoot ing at him from under the water ; and, scrambUng and claw ing back up the hill, he disappeared in the weeds. The hunter made use of the opportunity and escaped to the fort. The summer of 1774 was passing away ; and danger from the Indians did not lessen. It is not recorded that any of the settlers Avere killed; but, all must have felt that the peril of the colony was great ; for, late in the summer it be gan to be considered whether it would not be better to abandon the fort and retreat to the Potomac. This was about the time that Lord Dunmore and General Itewis were organizing their army for a general campaign against the Indians in Ohio. Probably the settlers in the Horse Shoe heard of the gathering strife, and knowing that hard fighting was at hand, thought it best to retire beyond the A.llegha- nies till the storm should pass away. Be this as it may, early in the fall of that year, 1774, the people of the Horse Shoe collected together what they could of their property, and fled to the Potomac. The fort, the small fields and all the improvements were thus abandoned; and, during the JOHN MINEAE. 39 winter of 1774-5, there was not a white man in Tucker County, so far as is now known. John Minear and his colony remained on the Potomac about eighteen months. Whether they all remained to gether, as they had lived in the Horse Shoe, can not now be stated. Nor is it known who composed the colony, fur ther than a few names. But, they could not content them selves to give up the vaUey of Cheat forever. They Avere only waiting for a more auspicious season for founding a permanent settlement. The next we hear of John Minear, he Avas again on Cheat, -and was building up a colony on the site of the present town of St. George. For some reason, he did not return to the Horse Shoe, but chose St. George in its stead. What influenced him to this choice is unknoAvn. But, it is probable that Capt. James Peirsons had by that time se cured the pre-emption of the Horse Shoe lands; and Minear, desirous of having the colony on his own lands,' moved three miles further down the river, and located at the mouth of MUl Eun, where the county seat of Tucker has since been built. It cannot be ascertained in what year Parsons secured his grant of the lands above St. George ; but, it is well known that they were for a long time in dispute between him and Minear, and the final set tlement at the land office gave the Horse Shoe lands to Parsons. The greater part of this land is still in the Par sons family, haAdng descended in an unbroken line of suc cession from Captain Parsons to its present owners, Joseph and S. E. Parsons. The emigrants which Minear led to St. George were not identical v?ith those whom he conducted to the county in 1774. Some who had come in that year did not return in 40 HISTOEY OF TUCKEE COUNTY. 1776; whUe some came in 1776 for the first time. Nor do we know the number of those who came in 1776. In addi tion to John Minear and his two sons, David and Jonathan, and several daughters, and other women, there were men named MUler, Cooper, Goffe* and Cameron. John Minear's land claim Avas along the north side of the river, from St. George doAvn the river tAVO mUes. On the other side, but not extending as far east as St. George, was the claim of Jonathan Minear, John's son. Cooper's land was two mUes further down the river, at the foot of MiUer HiU. Cameron located on the opposite side of the river from MiUer HUl. John Minear's land, like that of James Parsons, has con tinued in the Minear family to this day. It is now the property of D. S. Minear, Esq. During the early years of the colony at St. George, there is on record nothing that hindered its prosperity. The first step of the settlers was to buUd a fort as a defense against the Indians. This fort stood on the ground where now stands the Court-house. It was a better fort than the one in the Horse Shoe, and was also four times as large. It was composed of a large log house, surrounded by palisades. The logs, of which the house was buUt, were notched and fitted close, one upon another; and, so well were they placed that there was left not a crevice through which In dians could shoot. But, in the upper story, openings were made between the logs, so that those in the house could shoot at approaching Indians. The chimney ran up on the inside. This was to prevent the Indians from getting to the roof by climbing up the chimney. There were no Avindows * Tills name must not he conlounfled 'vrttli that ol James Goff, -who settled on tlie river near tlie Preston County line. JOHN MINEAE. 41 in the fort. Light Avas admitted through the port-holes, as the openings between the logs were called. In cold weather, or when no light was Avanted, blocks of wood Avere fitted in the port-holes. The door Avas made of split boards, so thick that bullets would not go through. The fort Avas surrounded by palisades, or a line of stout posts planted firmly in the ground side by side and fitted closely together. These posts were about twelve feet high. They resembled a huge paling fence, and enclosed over one fourth of an acre of ground. The fort stood in the center of the enclos- Tire, which was higher ground, and gave the inmates com mand of the neighboring fields. No Indian could approach in the daytime without running great risk of being shot. Among the first improvements in the colony was a mill at St. George, near where the school-house now stands. The miU-race, and some of the old timbers of the dam, are yet to be seen. The mill was intended only for grinding corn. At that time, no wheat, rye or buckwheat was gro^n in the county. During the first four years the settlement prospered greatly. New emigrants came into the country, and brought horses, cows and domestic animals Arith them. But, there was constant anxiety lest the Indians should break into the settlement. In the winter there was not so much fear, be cause the half clad savages did not travel through the snow when it could be avoided. They would be in danger of freezing to death; and they preferred to remain in their huts on the other side of the Ohio Eiver. But, when spring came, aU the wigwams and Shawanese dens poured out their warriors ; and West Virginia, Kentucky and western Pennsylvania, were overrun by warUke savages. It was thus at the commencement of the year 1780. That year 42 HISTOEY OF TUCKEE OOUNTY. will ever be memorable in border history on account of the raids and murders by the Indians upon the white people. But, it is not so famous in that respect as 1777 and 1782. But, so far as Tucker County is concerned, the years 1780 and 1781 Avere the most disastrous in the Indian Wars. St. George Avas then the most flourishing settlement on Cheat Eiver, and they soon learned the paths that led to the new country. It may be borne in mind that Tucker was natur aUy one of the most secluded locaUties in the State, being even less exposed to Indian attacks than Preston was.. Eandolph, and the more southern counties along the western - base of the Alleghanies, were well knoAvn to the Indians, who, in the French and Indian War, had passed to and fro through them whUe making raids into Virginia. But, there was no occasion for passing through Tucker ; and, if occasional bands of Indians did so, as in the case of the capture of. James Parsons, they did it for the purpose of hunting or making explorations. Not so with the counties along the Ohio, and on the Monongahela and Kanawha. The Indians from Ohio could cross over at any time, and within a short distance find a thriving settlement to plun der. Before they could reach Tucker or Preston, they would have to pass through several inhabited counties, which the Indians did not Uke to do, because the settlers might track them. But, Tucker's isolated position and its high mountain defenses did not exempt it from its full share of Indian outrages. The first of these was in the spring of 1780. The band of Indians who made this incursion into Tucker, were remarkably persevering in their pursuit of Avickedness. Very early in the spring of 1780 they crossed the Ohio in the vicinity of Parkersburg, and made their way unobserved JOHN MINEAE. 43 into Lewis County, where they suddenly appeared before a fort on Hacker's Creek, known in early times as West's Fort. There were only a few men in the fort, and they were afraid to go out to fight the enemy. The Indians did not make an attack on the house, but lay hid near about in the woods, ready to shoot any one who should come out. The people thus penned in, were on the point of starving, and knew not whence deliverance was to come. Buckhan non was the nearest place Avhere assistance could be ob tained, and that was sixteen miles. One in going there would be exposed to almost certain death, for the Indians were entirely round the fort. One of the inmates, Jesse Hughes, was a man who shrunk from no duty and quaUed at no danger. He was the most successful Indian fighter in West Virginia, except the Zanes of Wheeling, Captain Brady and LcAvis Wetzel. He had passed through scores of hair-breadth escapes, and had fought the Indians for eleven years and knew their nature weU. He it was who explored the country westward from Buckhannon. He discovered and gave name to the West Fork Eiver, and was the first white man who stood on the site of Weston. This was in 1769. From that time till the close of the Indian wars, in 1795, he was ever where brave men were most needed, in the front. To him Clarksburg almost owed its existence. There was scarcely a settlement in the central part of the State that did not profit by the bravery and courage of Jesse Hughes. Even St. George, sixty miles distant, had occasion to thank him, although his assistance did not avert the disasters which are now to be recorded. He was in West's Fort when the Indians besieged it. His farm Avas almost within sight of the fort, and he had 44 HISTOEY OP TUCKEE COUNTY. sought shelter there in common with his neighbors. After the place had been invested for some time, and the inmates were getting short of provisions, while the enemy showed no disposition to raise the siege, it began to grow manifest that something must be done to procure^help in driving the Indians off, or the place must fall. The plan most practi cable seemed that of sending some one to Buckhannon Avith intelligence of the distress, and bring help from thence. Hughes volunteered to go ; and, on a dark night, he sUpped from the fort, broke by the Indians, and ran to Buckhan non. He collected a company of men and at once started back. He arrived about daylight, and it was thought best to abandon the fort. This was done. The inmates, men, women and children, proceeded to Buckhannon. On the way the Indians tried to separate the company so as to at tack it, but, in this they failed, and the settlers aU reached Buckhannon in safety. The Indians foUowed on to Buckhannon and prowled about fhe settlement a few days. They waylaid some men who were going to the fort, and one of them named Curl was shot in the chin. All the other men, five in number, started to run; but Curl caUed to them to stand theu- ground, for they could whip the Indians. But, the men were some distance away, and a powerful Indian warrior drew a tomahawk and started at Curl, who was now alone and wounded. Nothing daunted, he raised his gun to shoot the Indian. But, the blood from his wound had dampened the powder, and the gun missed fire. Instantly picking up another gun, which had been dropped in the excitement, he shot the savage and brought him to the ground. The Indians then retreated. One of the whites ran after them alone, and being a re- JOHN MINEAE. 45 markable runner, he quickly overtook them and shot an other Indian. The other Indians got behind trees ; and, in a few minutes, the rest of the whites came up and renewed the fight. One of the whites was shot through the arm ; and, a third Indian,, who was hiding behind a log, received a buUet which caused' him to go howUng away. In a few minutes the whole band of savages took to flight, and night coming on put a stop to the pursuit. Early next morning fifteen men took the traU of the In dians and foUowed them several mUes, and finally found where they were hidden in a laurel thicket. As they ap proached, one of the whites was shot ; but, the Indians got away. However, the settlers found several Indian horses with their legs tied tpgether. The Indians had left their animals in this fix to keep them from running off. The set tlers took them back to Buckhannon. For several days nothing more was seen of the Indians ; and, in the hope that the savages had left the country, some of the people returned to their farms. But, the enemy were not gone. They kiUed a man and took a young lady prisoner. The people fled back to the fort, and the Indians found no fur ther opportunity for doing mischief at that time. Thus far, the savages had raided through Lewis and Up shur counties. They now passed into Eandolph, where they continued to murder the people and burn property. They first made their appearance in the upper end of Ty- gart's VaUey. This was in March. A man in passing along the path saw moccasin tracks in the mud. He stopped to look at them, and while doing so heard some one in the brush whisper: "Let him alone; he will go and bring more." He at once suspected Indians; and, Avithout fur ther examination, he hurried to Hadden's fort and reported 46 HISTOEY OF TUCKEE COUNTY. what he had seen and heard. But, he was not beUeved. There was a party of men from Greenbrier spending the night at the fort, and they intended to start home in the morning. Their road home led by this place where the tracks had been seen. When they got ready to go, a party of citizens volunteered to accompany them to this place, and ascertain whether there reaUy were tracks in the mud. The men proceeded carelessly, and when near the sus pected hiding place of the enemy, they were fired upon by Indians in ambuscade. The horsemen sprang into a gaUop and escaped ; but the men on foot were surrounded by In dians. The only means of escape was by crossing the river and climbing a steep hill on the opposite side. In doing this they were exposed to the fire of the enemy, and several were kiUed. John McLain was almost to the summit of the hill when he was shot. James Eolston, who was still fur ther, was also killed at the same instant. James Crouch was likewise ascending the hill, and was nearly to the top when he was shot. But he was only wounded, and the next day made his way to the fort. John Nelson, another of the party, was killed at the water's edge. He had crossed the river Avitli the rest, and would have ascended the hUl with them ; but, they were a little in advance of him, and when they fell, he turned back, and tried to escape by running down the bank of the river. But this was a fatal policy. A fierce Indian leaped upon him, and a desperate fight en sued. No white man saw it to tell how it Avent. It is only known from circumstances that it was a hand-to-hand fight, and a terrible one. The breech of Nelson's gun Avas split and shattered, and from appearances he had pounded the Indian Avith it. His hands, still clinched although he was dead, contained tufts of Indian hair, and gave evidence that JOHN MINEAE. 47 it was a prolonged fight. But the savage got off victorious, and Nelson was kiUed. When the whites visited the scene of the battle, they found the dead man where he fell. The ground around him was torn up, as though a long struggle had taken place. It undoubtedly was a dear' victory for the savage. In a few days the Indians fell upon the family of John Gibson, on a branch of Tygart's Valley Eiver. The family were at the sugar camp, when the Indians surprised them and took them prisoners. Mrs. Gibson was killed. With this, the Indians left Eandolph County and pro ceeded into Tucker. Of course, it is understood that these' counties — ^Lewis, Upshur, Eandolph and Tucker — ^are called by their present names, and not by the names by which they Avere known at that time. Nor is it absolutely certain that all the mischief, narrated and to be yet narrated, was done by this band of Indians. It requires some little arbi trary chronology to arrange into this order the fragments and scraps of history and legends gathered from various sources', but principally from Withers' Border Warfare. But, at this point. Withers' narrative ceases to furnish ma terial for the account, except the mere mention of the kUling of Sims above St. George ; and, for the rest of the raid, and the murder of Jonathan Minear below St. George, and the captivity and rescue of Washburn, this account rests upon the authority of private papers and the tradi tions that have come down from generation to generation. Unwritten tradition is one of the most unreliable sources from which to gather history. Yet in the absence of all other means, it must be resorted to. However, the foUow ing account of the Indian raid through Tucker has records for authority, and tradition furnishes little more than the minutia. 48 HISTOEY OF TUCKEE COUNTY. There is queston concerning the date of the incursion ; but contemporary facts ought to settle the question, and place it in the spring of 1780. Some maintain that John Minear was kUled before Jonathan was, and that the mur der of the latter took place as late as 1795. But this is so plainly a gross mistake that it is not deemed necessary to refute it. It was in March, 1780 ; and the Indians, after theu- am buscade on the Tygart Eiver, moved over Laurel HUl and down Cheat Eiver toward St. George. That had been a severe Avinter for Minear's colony. In addition to the suf fering from want, the smaU-pox broke out among the people, and the affliction fell heavily upon the destitute settlers, Avho had spent the greater part of the winter Avithout bread or salt. One thing was to their advantage, and that was that there was little to be feared from Indians during the winter months. The Indians seldom broke into settlements in cold weather when the snow was on the ground. So, the colony at St. George pulled through the winter the best they could. They did not occupy the fort ; but each man lived on his own farm, and worked to clear fields in which to plant grain the coming summer. It was customary at that time to go east once a year to lay in a supply of such things as must be had. For the cen tral part of West Virginia, the eastern market was Win chester. The people of the frontier counties carried such produce as they had to that place and bartered it for salt, iron, ammunition and a few blacksmith and cooper tools. With the first appearance of spring, the colonists at St. George prepared to send their plunder to market. It was the plan to go and return before the warm Aveather Avoidd bring Indians into the settlements. The principal article JOHN MINEAE. 49 of export was the skins of bear and other fur-bearing ani mals. With a load of these strapped on pack horses, the settlers filed away through the woods toward Winchester. It was then early in March, and they expected to make the trip Avithin two weeks. InteUigence pf the Indian murders in Lewis and Upshur counties had reached St. George, and the people, not know ing whither the enemy had gone, thought it best to leave their farms and move into the fort. This they did. But some who had the smaU-pox were excluded from the fort. This was a harsh course to pursue;' but it was rendered necessary. It was deemed better for a few to run the risk of faUing a prey to Indians than for the whole colony to be stricken down with the smaU-pox. Accordingly, those Avho had that disease were not allowed to come near the fort. Among those thus excluded was the family of John Sims, who Uved about five miles above St. George at a place ever since known as Sims' Bottom. Sims' Knob, a high moun tain overlooking the Horse Shoe, is also named from this man.-^" When the Indians left Tygart's Valley, they aimed for St. George ; and, by passing along the west bank of Cheat Eiver from the mouth of Pheasant Eun, they had arrived within five miles of the fort, when they came into the clear ing of Sims. The house stood on the bank of a swamp full of brush and weeds. The Indians made their way unob- servefd into this thicket, and were cautiously craAA'ling toward the house when they were seen by a negro wench, * Sims -was brought to Cheat by Captain Parsons, and was only a. tenant on Parsons' land. He had been placed on the farm -where he -was killed, to oversee the upper part of James Parsons' land, and to keep Thomas Parsons' cattle Irom crossing over Into the Horse Shoe. The sycamore tree behind -which the Indian lay -was still to be seen a few years ago. 4 50 HISTOEY OF TUCKEE COUNTY. who ran to the door and gave the alarm. Bernard Sims caught up his gun and ran to the door. He was just recov ering from the smaU-pox. As he stepped out at the door, he was shot by the Indians and feU forward in the yard. The savages leaped out from the brush and rushed into the yard ready to tomahawk and scalp the dead man. But as they came up they observed that he had a disease, to them most terrible; and, instead of scalping him, and kiUing those in the house, they took to flight, yeUing as they ran : "SmaU- pox! SmaU-pox!" They kept clear of that cabin after that, although they remained in the neighborhood several days. They moved on toward St. George. The people there discovered that the enemy was in the vicinity, and the strictest guard was kept night and day. Nobody left the fort under any cir cumstances. The fort stood where the Court-house now stands, about two hundred yards from the river, on a rising ground. The Indians remained on the opposite side of the river, and concealed themselves on a bluff overlooking the fort and surroundings. Here they remained several days. There were not many men in the fort. Some had been kept away on account of smaU-pox ; and those Avho had gone to Win chester had not yet returned. The garrison AveU knew of the presence of the enemy, and knew just where the Indians were hidden ; yet, they affected not to suspicion that an enemy was near. But, the greatest anxiety Avas felt, lest the Indians should make an attack while the place was so defenseless. The concealed foe could be descried crouch ing under the thicket of laurel on the bluff beyond the river ; and their number was probably overestimated, al though the actual number could not have been much less JOHN MINEAE. 51 than fifty. The whites expected an attack any hour. If the attack had been made, it is doubtful if the place could have held out ; because the hill near by would have given the assailing party a great advantage. The garrison were desirous of impressing the Indians with the idea that the fort contained a strong force of men. To this end, they dressed first in one kind of clothes and then in another, at each change walking about the yard in fuU view of the foe. The Indians, who were all the time looking on, and not more than a quarter of a mile away, must have been led to believe that the fort wa's stronger than they could attack with safety. At any rate, they made no assault ; and, in a day or two they disappeared from the hill, and the people hoped that the foe so much dreaded had indeed left the country. However, it was deemed best to remain in the fort till the return of those who had gone east. This was not long. The men returned the next evening, and for the present little fear of danger was entertained. The people did not remJiin so constantly on the lookout. When they began to visit their cabins near about the fort, it was found that the Indians had rummaged them, and had carried off what they could, and had destroyed much that they could not take. StUl, nothing was seen to indicate' that the enemy was yet in the country. Some of the men took their families to their cabins, de termined to do a little more work before the season for In dian incursions — for it was still earUer in the spring than the Indians were in the habit of making raids into the set tlements. Among those who left the fort under the im pression that the red men were gone and danger for the present at an end, was Daniel Cameron, who lived opposite 52 HISTOEY OF TUCKEE COUNTY. MiUer HUl, on the farm since known as the Bowman Plan tation, by the nearest road some three miles from St. George. He removed his family to his farm, and that night they locked the door, as was usual at that time. AwhUe after dark, a noise was heard like the rattle of a charger , against a powder-horn. If no danger had been feared, this sUght incident would scarcely have been noticed. But, at a time of such intense anxiety, it at once aroused suspicions. Presently other disturbances were heard, and it became nearly certain that Indians were prowUng about. The Hght in the house was extinguished, and the family crawled out at the back door, and hid in a brush heap untU everything became quiet, when they made their way to the fort, and reported what had taken place. But the people were not disposed to credit the story, and little attention was paid to it. A day or two more passed, and nothing further was seen or heard of the Indians. But, all this time the treacherous savages were lying hid on the hiU above the mouth of Clover Eun, in a field near the present residence of Hon. WiUiam Ewin. They were about a mile from the fort ; but still in sight of it. They had abandoned the laurel thicket opposite the fort, because they suspected that the garrison had discovered them. They selected their new hiding place, and remained in it during the day, and at night they prowled about the settlement. From where they were they could see all that went on in and about St. George, and they were ready to faU upon any stray party who should go " out. An opportunity for this soon came. Jonathan Minear's farm was two miles below St. George, on the south side of the river, just below where John AuvU, Esq., now lives. Jonathan Eun is named from him. He JOHN MINEAE. 53 selected this site at the same time that his father selected the one where St. George stands, and he made it his home, except when danger compelled him to remove to the fort for safety. When the Indians first came into the neighbor hood, he abandoned his farm and retired to St. George, where he remained until he considered all danger at an end. But, when nothing more could be seen of the enemy, and nothing heard, except vague rumors, of which there always was sufficient, he determined to visit his farm and look after his cattle. His brother-in-law, Washburn, volunteered to go with him, and, at daylight, the two left the fort together and proceeded to the ford; about half mile below- Here they -were joined by Cameron, who was afoot, and was on his way to his own farm. His way was along the northern bank of the river, while Minear and Washburn's was along the southern bank. They talked a few rainutes, and separated, Minear and Washburn, on horseback, cross ing the river and Cameron proceeding down the northern bank on foot. The morning was clear and cold, for it was in March or early in April. The men on horseback passed very near where the Indians lay concealed, but not so near as to be shot. However, the savages probably learned from their conversation where they were going, and running on ahead, hid in the taU dry weeds that stood thick along the bank of the river in the field where the cattle were. The men rode leisurely on, thinking little of danger. When they got to the cabin they tied their horses. Washburn proceeded to the field to feed the cattle fodder, while Minear went to get com for the hogs. With a shock of fodder on his back, Washburn was passing through the bars when some Indians sprang out of the fence corner and seized him. Immediately 54 HISTOEY OF TUCKEE COUNTY. there was a discharge of guns, and Washburn saw Minear running toward the river, and a dozen Indians after him. Minear ran as though wounded, and the savages gained fast upon him, and overtook him on the bank of the river. He had been shot in the thigh, and was so disabled that he could not escape. When he reached the bank, he saw that the Indians would strike him Anth their tomahawks ; and, to avoid the blows, for him the last resort, he ran round a beech tree, bracing himself against the tree Avith one hand and fighting the Indians off with the other. It is a characteristic of the Indians that, when they chase a man, as they did Minear, they always run one behind another, and do not try to head off the object of their pur suit. Thus, when they came up with Minear at the beech tree and he ran round it, instead of some of them turning back in the opposite direction to head him off, they aU ran round the same way, round and round and round. They were striking at him with their tomahawks, and he was try ing to ward off the blows. Several times they missed him and struck the tree, and the marks of their tomahawks are to be seen on the tree to this day. Three of his fingers were cut off whUe thus defending himself. But the odds were too great against him, and he fell, his head cleft by a tomahawk. AU this, from the first attack on Washburn tiU Minear fell dead, Avas done in a few seconds ; and, while Washburn was standing with the fodder still on his back, and looking at the Indians who were murdering Minear, Cameron was also an eye witness from the other side of the river. Wash burn, in his anxiety for his companion, forgot that himself was a prisoner ; and, not until ordered to do so by the In dians, did he throw down his fodder. But Cameron realized JOHN MINEAE. 55 it aU at a glance, although he did not know the whole truth. He saw Minear overtaken and tomahawked, and supposed that Washburn was likewise killed. He had heard the dis charge of guns, and concluded that by them Washburn was kiUed. Without waiting for further investigation — in fact, further investigation was not possible^ — he wheeled and ran with aU his speed up the river toward the fort. But the discharge of guns had been heard at St. George, and the wUdest excitement prevailed. The men mounted their horses in hot haste and galloped off down the river. They did not cross at the ford, but continued down the northern bank. This probably saved them from a bloody ambuscade; for the Indians Avere ready for them, and would have cut them off almost to a man, had they gone down the same path that Washburn and Minear had taken. But fortune favored them, and they continued down the northern shore. They had not proceeded more than half-Avay when they met Cameron, who was out of breath from running and could scarcely speak for excitement. He told them that Minear and Washburn were kUled. The party halted, and a hasty consultation took place. If the men were already dead, it could avaU them little to be avenged. The strength of the Indians was not knoAvn ; and it was feared that they would immediately bear down upon the fort. Under the circumstances it was thought best to hurry back and put the place in the best possible condition for defense. This AA'ise resolution was immediately carried into effect. The men rode back, carrying Cameron Avith them, and brought the sad inteUigence to the fort. AU was hurry and activity. There Avas no time for lamentations. A supply of water was provided, so that the inmates might not suffer fi'om thirst 56 HISTOEY OF TUCKEE COUNTY. in case of a siege. Ammunition was gotten ready. Large quantities of buUets were molded, and aU the guns were loaded ready for an attack any moment. The day passed, and no attack was made. The enemy had not appeared in sight. But the anxiety and dread were not lessened ; for it then began to be believed that the In dians were probably keeping out of sight in order to throw the garrison off their guard, and that an attack would be made that night. No one thought of sleep. Every man was up and in arms. The fort Avas not defended by regular soldiers, but depended for defense upon those who took shelter within its waUs. When night came, and the addi tional suspense and fear, that always accompany darkness and silence, fell upon the people, they determined to put on a bold front, hoping that, by doing so, they could strike terror into the hearts of the Indians and keep them at bay. There Avas in the fort a gigantic negro named Moats. Him they dressed as a soldier, and had him march round and round the fort, within the palisades, beating a drum. This Avas to cause a belief among the Indians, should they be skulking near, that a large force Avas under arms in the fort-yard, and that this martial display Avas a legitimate manifestation of poAver. This was kept up all night, aud scarcely an eye Avas closed in slumber. No enemy appeared. Whether the display of force had alarmed the Indians, they did not then know. But, AA'hen the morning broke, and no enemy, or sign of any, was in sight, the men prepared to visit the scene of the tragedy of the previous day. It is not now known how many men were in St. George at that time ; but, judging from what is knoAvn on the subject, there must have been between tAventy and thirty. They were JOHN MINEAE. < 57 gathered in from aU the settlements for miles around, both above and below St. George. , It had been a cold, frosty night. Early in the morning the men formed in a body and marched down the river, on the the north side, When they reached a point opposite where Minear was kiUed, the men ranged themselves in line of battle along the side of the hiU, and sent Moats, the negro, across the river to see if the Indians were any where about. The men stood ready to fire, in case the enemy should put in an appearance. Moats rode over, searched the thickets up and down the shore, and saw nothing to indicate that the foe was hidden anywhere around. Then 'the men crossed over, using the greatest caution lest they should fall into an ambuscade. They feared that the Indians were hidden in the weeds, and would wait till an advantage was presented, and then run out and attack the party. When they got over the river they found Minear lying dead AA'here he fell. The Indians had killed him by the beech tree, and had chopped the upper part of his head off with their tomahawks. They then broke his skull into fragments and drove the pieces into a stump hard by. A dog that had ahvays followed him Avas found guarding the dead man. Search was then made for Washburn. It was not knoAvn what had become of him. Cameron had not seen him; but he supposed that it was at him that the guns had been fired. The whites explored the woods and the corn field, but could find no trace of him. Nor was anything seen of Indians. But, finally a trail Avas found leading up a ridge, since known as Indian Point, and by foUowing it a short distance it was found that the Indians had retreated by 58 HISTOEY OF TUCKEE COUNTY. that way on the day before. It Avas also discovered that Washburn was carried off a prisoner. His track was dis tinguished from those of the Indians. The Indians did not always kiU every one whom they caught. Often they car ried their prisoners into captivity, and sometimes they would take a captive Avitli them hundreds of miles into their country, and then bum him or pound him to death. At times, prisoners were AveU treated ; but, it Avas generaUy considered that to fall a captive to the Indians was a fate little less to be dreaded than death. So, when it was found that Washburn was taken prisoner it was considered that he was little more fortunate than Minear, who was kiUed. It was resolved to follow the Indians as soon as Minear should be buried. His dpad body Avas taken up, bound on a horse and carried to the fort. He had stiffened and fro zen as he fell. His arms Avere extended wide, and he was covered with coagulated blood. Thus he was carried to St. George and was buried. No one now knows where his grave is ; but it is believed to be under a chestnut tree about one half-mile east of the town. The next morning as many men as could be spared fi-om the fort went in pursuit of the Indians. They trailed them a night and two days. Had the Indians immediately shaped their course for the Ohio Eiver they must haA'e es caped before the whites could have overtaken them. But they did not do this. They seemed to be hunting for set tlements about the VaUey Eiver, and by spending their time in this manner they aUowed the pursuing party to come up. The Indian camp was discovered awhile after dark on the second night. David Minear, brother to Jona than, crawled up near enough to spy out the position of the enemy, and to see that Washburn was indeed a prisoner JOHN MINEAE. 59 with them. It was resolved to fall on the Indians at once. The whole party of whites cautiously approached and let the Indians have it, A tumultuous uproar foUowed, The savages caught up Avhat plunder they could snatch, and bounded away into the woods, while the whites rushed into the camp to take the wounded savages prisoner, Wash burn was found unhurt, Two or three of the enemy were shot. While the whites stood round the fire in the excite ment of the victory, an Indian came ramping into their midst, snatched up a pouch of something from the ground, and was off before the whites recovered enough from their surprise to capture or shoot the scoundrel. It was thought that the pouch contained some superstitious concoction of medicine. After this skirmish, when it was certain that the Indians were gone and no more punishment could be inflicted upon them, the company returned to St. George. The Indians made their way back across the Ohio Eiver into their own country. About the colony of St. George, affairs went on well enough for some time. The people were very careful not to expose themselves to the Indians. Some returned to their farms and underwent aU risks ; while others would go to their plantations during the day and repair to the fort at night. Another visit was made by the Indians about this time. The date is not certain, but it is believed to have been in 1780. A small band of Indians carried away a boy who was at work in a field at the mouth of Clover Eun, nearly a mile from the fort. Not much is knoAvn of this event ; but it is said that when the Indians took the boy prisoner he had with him a pet crow, and it followed him nearly to the Ohio Eiver, where the Indians killed it, be- 60 HISTOEY OP TUCKEE COUNTY. cause they thought it possessed of an evil spirit. It is not known what became of the boy. The year 1781 records the greatest calamity that ever be fell the St. George colony. It was the murder by Indians of Daniel Cameron, Mr. Cooper and John Minear. They were the three foremost men of the settlement. John Mi near had planned and founded the colony ; and to him more than to any one else was its prosperity due. He was kUled in AprU, 1781. The band of Indians, by whom the murder was commit ted, made a raid very similar to that of the gang that kiUed Jonathan Minear. Nearly the same territory was overrun and nearly the extent of wickedness done. The savages first appeared in Lewis County, on the head of Stone Coal Creek, where' they Avaylaid three men named Schoolcraft, who had gone there from Buckhannon for the purpose of hunting pigeons. The Indian shot at them and killed one. The two others were taken prisoner, and it is not certain that they were ever again heard of. But it was believed that they joined the Indians, and afterwards guided parties of the savages through the settlements and helped them kiU white people. These were the last of the Schoolcraft fam Uy. Fifteen of them had been kUled or carried into cap tivity within the space of seven years. Their fate and that of the Minears seemed connected. It is thought that the party that killed Jonathan Minear also killed Austin School craft and took prisoner his niece. Then, the band by which John Minear was kiUed, the next year, killed and captured three Schoolcrafts, making five in all that fell by the hands that slew the Minears. After this depredation in Lewis County, the Indians passed over to the Valley Eiver, in Barbour County ; and a JOHN MINEAE. 61 few miles below PhiUppi they set themselves in ambush at a narrow place in the road. About this time commissioners had been appointed to adjust land claims in this part of the State, and to execute the necessary legal papers to those who had complied with the law in pre-empting the public lands. The commissioners met. at Clarksburg. Land claimants went there from aU neighboring parts to present claims for consideration. The people of St. George, in common with those of other settle ments, sent their agents to Clarksburg tp attend to the business and to obtain deeds for the various tracts of land claimed by the different settlers. Those whom St. George sent were John Minear, Daniel Cameron, two men named MiUer, Mr. Cooper and Mr. Goffe. They had proceeded to Clarksburg, attended to their business, and were on their way home at the time the Indians were lying in their am buscade below Philippi. It seems from the circumstances that the Indians were looking for them. The Indians placed themselves in a position commanding the road, and hung a leather gun-case by a string over the path. This was to attract attention, cause a halt and give the savages an opportunity to take deliberate aim. The trap was weU set, and the men came riding along the path, thinking nothing of danger. The path was so narrow that they could ride only in single file. They were almost under the leather decoy before they saw it. They instantly brought their horses to a halt. The truth flashed into Minear's mind, and quickly wheeling his horse, he exclaimed "Indians!" The Avhole party would have wheeled; but, instantly a discharge of guns from the hidden foe threw them into the wildest confusion. Horses and men fell together. Minear, Cameron and Cooper Avere kUled on the 62 HISTOEY OF TUCKEE COUNTY. spot. Goffe and one of the MiUers sprang from their horses and took to the woods. The other MiUer was not unhorsed. He wheeled back, and fled toward Clarksburg. The savages tried hard to catch him ; but his horse was fleeter than they, and he made good his flight to Clarksburg. MUler 'sought to escape by ascending the hill. He was on foot, and two or three Indians started in pursuit, armed only with knives and tomahawks. He had the start of them by less than twenty yards, and they seemed confident of overhauling him. Indeed, he had Httle hope of escaping ; but he considered it better to make an effort for his Hfe. His pursuers, close -upon his heels, called continuaUy to him to stop, and told him if he did not, they would most cer tainly kill him. They accompanied their threats by tlie most violent gesticulations. Had they exerted all their en ergy in the pursuit and done less yeUing, they might have sooner terminated the chase. As it was. Miller did not stop in compliance Avith their demand, although he almost de spaired of being able to get away. The hiU was steep, and his strength was nearly gone; but he struggled upward, reached the summit, turned down the other side, and was out of sight of the savages. But the chase was not done. The Indians followed fast after him, and he ran through the tangled brush, dodged to left and right, and finaUy avoided them. He knew not but that he was the only one who had escaped. He had seen the others fall, and thought them killed. But it Avas not entirely so. While Miller Avas thus getting away from his__ pursuers by a long and desperate race, Goffe was making a still more wonderful escape. When he leaped from his horse, instead of going up the hill, as Miller had done, he broke through the line of foes and ran for the river. A score of the sav- JOHN MINEAE. 63 ages started in pursuit, as confident of a speedy capture as those had been who followed Miller. But, in spite of their efforts to catch him, Goffe kept his distance. He looked back as he reached the river bank, and no Indians were in sight. He threw off his coat to swim, and leaped down the bank. But at that instant he heard his pursuers tearing through the brush ahnost immediately above him. He saw that it was impossible to escape by swimming ; and, on the impulse of the moment, he pitched his coat in the water, and crept for concealment into an otter den which happened to be at hand. By this time the Indians had reached the bank above him. He could hear them talking'; and he learned from their conversation that they thought he had dived. They expected to see him rise from the Avater. He could see their images muTored from the water of the river under him. He could see the glittering and glistening of their tomahawks and knives in the sunHght. His den was barely large enough to conceal him ; and his tracks in the mud would lead to his hiding place. He prepared to plunge into the Avater and take his chances of escape by diving. But the Indians had caught sight of the coat as it was floating down the river ; and they began to move off to keep pace with it. They supposed that Goffe was either droAvned or had made his escape. They abandoned the man for the moment and turned their attention to saving the coat. How they suc ceeded in this is not known ; for Goffe did not wait to see the termination of the affair. He crawled from his den and made off, leaving them a hundred yards below. He started directly for St. George, Avhich he reached that night. Severe as this blow was to the Cheat Eiver settlement, it was probably Hghter than it would have been, had not the 64 HISTOEY OP TUCKEE COUNTY. attack been made on the party of land claimants. This band of Indians were heading for St. George ; but, when Goffe and the MiUers escaped, it was not deemed advisable to proceed, since the place could not be taken by surprise. Therefore, the Indians turned back up the VaUey Eiver to Tygart's VaUey, where they fell upon settlements unpre pared for them. Leading Creek, in Eandolph County, was then a flourish ing colony. The people had heard of the presence of Indians in the more western counties, and were busUy mov ing into the fort. While thus engaged, the savages fell upon them and nearly destroyed the whole settlement. Among those killed were Alexander Eoney, two women, Mrs. Daugherty and Mrs. Hornbeck, and a famUy of chU dren. They also took several prisoners, among whom were Mrs. Eoney and Daniel Daugherty. Others of the settle ment made their escape, and carried the news to . Friend's fort. A company of men at once collected to hunt doAvna the Indians and kill them. Col. Wilson led the pursuing party. When they reached Leading Creek they found the settlement broken up, the people gone and nearly all the houses and barns burned to the ground. The traU of the Indians was soon found, and a SAvift pursuit was made. The savages turned westward, and seemed to be aiming for the West Fork Eiver. Coloiiel Wilson's party continued upon their track for some time, and until the men began to grow fearful that other Indians might fall upon the Tygart's Valley settlements, while thus deprived of so many of its men. Some wanted to go back, and only a few were very anxious to continue* the pursuit of the Indians. A vote was taken to decide whether or not the party should proceed. Only four, Colonel Wilson, Eichard Kittle, Alexander West JOHN MINEAE. 65 and Joseph Friend, voted to go on. Consequently, the whole party turned back. But, the savages were not to escape thus. The settle ments on the West Fork, about and above Clarksburg, were on the lookout for the marauders. MiUer, who escaped when Minear, Cooper and Cameron were kiUed, had fled to Clarkssburg, and had alarmed the country so that a close lookout was kept. Spies and scouts traversed the country looking for the enemy. At length, one of the spies discov ered the Indians on West Fork, and Colonel William Lowther* coUected a party of men and hurried to attack them. When he got to the place where the Indians had been seen, near the mouth of Isaac's Creek, they were gone. He foUowed after them, ,and overtook them on Indian Creek, a branch of Hughes' Eiver, in Doddridge County. He came in sight of them awhile before night. It was thought best to wait tUl morning before making the attack. Accordingly, EUas and Jesse Hughes were left to watch the enemy, while Colonel Lowther led his men back a short distance to rest and get ready to fall upon the Indians at daybreak in the morning. Nothing of note occurred that night. The In dians did not discover their pursuers. When the twittering of the birds announced that day was at hand, the whites began to prepare for the fight. They crawled forward as noiselessly as panthers, and lay close around the camp of the enemy. As soon as it was light enough to take aim, a general fire was poured into the midst of the savage encampment. Five fell dead. The others leaped up and yelled and darted off into the woods, leaving aU their ammunition, plunder and all their guns, but one, in the camp. The whites rushed forward to beat doAvn • Colonel WilUam Lowther was a relative of Kev. O. Lowther, well known In Tucker County. 5 66 HISTOEY OF TUCKEE COUNTY. those who were trying to get away. It was then found that one of the whites, who had been taken prisoner in Tygart's Valley and Avas in the Indian camp, was kiUed. He had been shot by the AA'hites Avho made the attack. They had been very careful to guard against such an occurrence. From the prisoners who Avere retaken, it was learned that a large band of Indians AA'ere near, and Avere expected to come up soon. On account of this. Colonel Lowther thought it best not to foUoAV the fugitive Indians. He buried the prisoner whom his men had accidentaUy kiUed, and, Avith the guns and plunder of the enemy, he returned to the settlements, vfell satisfied that the Indians had not got ten off Avithout something of merited punishment. The fol- loAving account of the affair is from Withers' Border "^ ar- f are : As soon as the fire Avas opened upon the Indians, Mrs. Roney (one of the prisoners) ran toward the whites rejoicing at the pros pect of deliverance, and exclaiming : "I am EUick Roney's wife, of the Valley, I am EUiok Roney's Avife, of the Valley, and a pretty little woman, too, if I Avas well dressed." The poor woman, igno rant of the fact that her son Avas -weltering in his gore, and forget ting for an instant that her husband had been so recently killed, seemed intent only on lier owndeliA'erance fromthe savage captors. Another of the captives, Daniel Da-ugherty, being tied down and unable to move, was discoA'ered by the whites as they rushed toAvards the camj). Fearing that he might be one of the enemy and do them some injury if they adA'anced, one of the men, stop ping, demanded Avho he Avas. Benumbed by the cold and discomposed by the sudden firing of the whites, he could not render his Irish dialect intelligible to them. The Avhite man raised his gun and directed it toward him, calling aloud, that if he did not make knoAA'n who he Avas, he should blow a ball through him, let him be Avhite man or Indian. Fear supplying him with energy, Daugherty exclaimed : "Lord Jasus ! and am I to be killed by AVhite paple at last ?" He Avas heard by Colonel Wilson and his life saved. JOHN MINEAE. 67 When the news of the massacre of Minear and his com panions reached St. George, the excitement was little less than it had been when Jonathan Minear had been killed. The danger in the former case was more imminent than in the latter. But, the blow Avas heavier, and was more sen sibly felt. The loss of John Minear, in particular, was irreparable. He was the central mind of the colony, and to him all looked for advice. It was on account of his su perior business qualifications that he was sent to Clarks burg to attend to securing deeds for the lands. As soon as it was knoAvn at St. George that he Avas killed, the settlers from the siirrounding country collected and proceeded to the Valley Eiver to bury the dead. The Avay thither was not free from danger. It was not then known where the Indians had gone, or whether they had gone. The settlers moved with the extremest caution, lest they should fall into an ambuscade. But, of course, there was no real danger of this, because the Indians were by that time on Leading Creek, in Eandolph County. When the scene of the tragedy Avas reached, Minear, Cooper and Cameron were found dead where they fell. It was not a time for unnecessary display at the funeral. It was not known at what moment the Indians would be down upon them, and the funeral Avas as hasty and noiseless as possible. A shalloAv grave Avas dug on the spot, and the three men were consigned to it. "VVe carved not a line and we raised not a stone, But we left him alone in his glory. Not many years ago a party of road-workers accidentally exhumed the bones of the men. A very old man was pres ent. He had been personaUy acquainted Avith them and identified them by their teeth. Two of Minear's front teeth 68 HISTOEY OF TUCKEE COUNTY. were missing at the time of his death. So were they in one of the skulls. Cameron used tobacco, and his teeth being worn, it was easy to tell which skuU belonged to him. A pecuHarity of teeth also distinguished Cooper. The bones were re-interred near by in a better grave.* This was the last time the Indians ever invaded Tucker County, so far as is now known. The war against the In dians in this part lasted only about seven years, from 1774 to 1781. It raged nearly fifteen years longer about Clarks burg, Wheeling, and along the Ohio. But St. George was too far removed from the frontier to be open to attacks from the Indians. • Conquest ol the Ohio Valley, hy Hu Maxwell. CHAPTER III. MIS GEL LANI ES. The dwelling-houses of the first settlers of Tucker County differed somewhat from those of the present day. The hardy pioneers pushed into the wilderness Avith little of this world's goods. But, they possessed that greatest of fortunes, health, strength and honesty. They Avere poor; but the Czars of Eussia or the Chams of Tartary, in their crystal palaces, were not richer. In that time, manners were not as they are now. Necessities were plentiful and luxuries were unknown, except such luxuries as nature bestowed gratuitously upon them. To fetter their conditions, the people who came to Tucker had sold or left what possessions they may have had in the more thickly settled communities, and had plunged boldly into the wilderness to claim the rich gifts which an all-bountiful nature was offering to those who would reach forth their hands and take. Besides, there was something in the AvUd, free, unfettered life of the forest that was aUur ing to the restless spirits that breathed liberty from the air about them. The ties of society and the comforts of opulence were wUlingly exchanged for it. The appearance and condition of the county when first visited by white men has been told in the first chapter. It was an unbroken forest. When those back-woodsmen left their homes in the more eastern settlements for Tucker, they did not have any roads over which to travel, nor any carts and wagons to haul their things on. They loaded 70 HISTOEY OF TUCKEE COUNTY. their plunder on pack-horses. They had not a great variety of Avares to move. A few wooden or peAvter utensUs, a kettle, a jug or two, and a bottle, a scanty outfit of car penter and cooper tools, and a Httle homespun clothing formed about aU that the emigrant of that day carried with him, as he foUowed the star of empire Avestward. If he had a cow or tAvo, and a calf, they Avere driven along before the pack-horses, and cropped weeds and leaves from the woods for a living during the journey. Indeed, the cattle lived upon this kind of feed principaUy for twenty-five years after reaching Cheat Eiver. If the emigrant had children, and there usuaUy were six or eight, they were got ten along in the best available manner. If one was quite small, its mother carried it in her arms ; if a size larger, it Avith its older brother was placed on a pack-horse. Some times two baskets, tied together like saddle-pockets, were slung across the horse's bony back. Then a child was stoAved away in each basket, so they Avould balance. Bed clothes, iron-kettles, dough-trays and other household articles were stuffed around the edges to hold the Uttle urchins steady. Thus loaded Avith packs and plunder, the procession moved on, the larger chUdren taking it afoot to drive the cattle, lead the horses and make themselves useful generally. The road, if any at all, was narrow and rough ; and the horses frequently scraped their loads off against overhanging trees; or perchance they lost their footing among the steep rocks, and fell floundering to the ground. In either case their loads of plunder, kettles, children and all went rolling, tumbling, rattling and laughing into the woods, creating a scene of ludicrous merriment. At night, when it Avas necessary to halt, the horses Avere unloaded and ^turned loose to crop a supper in the woods, MISCELLANIES. 71 first having had bells put on them by which they might be found should they stroll away. Then with flint and steel a fire was kindled, and the movers feU to cooking their evening meal, consisting of bear's meat, venison and corn bread, if any bread at all. The meat was roasted on coals, or on a stick held to the fire. The bread was usually baked in an oven or skillet, which invariably had a piece broken out of it.* The wheaten bread was often baked in the ashes, and is said to have been excellent. The beds of that time, while traveling, were blankets and bear skins spread on the ground. They slept without a shelter, unless it threatened to rain. In that case, a rude shed was built of bark. In the morning bright and early they were up and on their way rejoicing, singing, laughing, joking and making their pilgrimage glad and merry as they went. When they arrived at their place of destination, their first care was to - build a house. This was done with the material at hand. The head of the family with two or three of his oldest boys, some of the neighbors, if any, Avith sharp axes and willing hands, went into the work. Logs were cut from twelve to twenty-five feet long. Some times the logs were hcAvn, but generally not. The ends were notched to fit one upon another; and the house was commonly one story high, but sometimes two, with a regular upstairs. The roof Avas of shingles four or five feet long, split from oak or chestnut, and unshaved. They were called clapboards. They Avere laid upon the lath and rafters so as to be water tight, and were held to their place by logs thrown across them. No nails Avere used. It was the custom at that time to build the chimneys on the inside of the house. While the house was building, an ' Flnley. 72 HISTOEY OF TUCKEE COUNTY. extra log was thrown across some six feet from the ground, and three feet from the end of the house. From this log to the roof, the flue was of sticks and mortar. The fire was directly beneath, and the smoke and sparks thus escaped through the wide opening of the chimney. Wood ten feet long could be thrown on the fire, and, when burnt off in the middle, the pieces were shoved together. The floors were of thick, rough wooden slabs; or often the ground was the floor. James Goff, although one of the richest men in the county, had a house with a ground floor. There were no windows. Small apertures through the wall served the double purpose of letting in the light and furnishing means of shooting at Indians when they should come near. There was seldom more than one door. It was made of heavy upright slabs, held together by transverse pieces. The whole was so thick that it was buUet-proof, or nearly so. In times of danger, it was secured by stout bars, fastened to the wall by iron staples on either side. The furniture of these normal dwellings was simple and sufficient. The beds were made of skins from forest animals, or of ticks fiUed with grass or straw. The bedsteads were rude frames, con sisting of forks driven into the ground and poles laid across ; or the bedding was on the ground or floor. An iron pot, the broken oven, a few wooden or pewter plates and cups, half dozen stools, a rough slab on pegs for a table, a shelf in the corner for a cupboard and pantry, and the furniture was complete. When the first people came to Tucker, they had not the means of procuring fine clothes, and in consequence, their raiment was just such as they could get the easiest. Boots-' were not to be had, and they wore moccasins. Their under clothing was of linen, at times of calico. Their outer gar- MISCELLANIES. 73 ments were of linsey or of leather. The men nearly always wore leather breeches, and coats called hunting shirts. These coats were in fashion like the blue overcoats worn by the Union soldiers during the war. The edges and facing were decorated with a fringe, made by cutting the border into fine strings, leaving them hanging fast to the coat. They were frequently stained red, blue or some other color. A row of simUar fringes extended from the top to the bot tom of each leggin. The fastenings were either leather strings or big leaden buttons of home manufacture. The moccasins were like those worn by the Indians, cut in one piece and closed by a seam on top. They had long flaps to the top, which were wound about the upper foot and ankle to keep out the briers of -summer and the snow of -winter. Those moccasins were a poor protection to the feet in wet weather. They were made of deer skin, and were fiimsy and porous. In wet weather the feet of the wearer were constantly soaked. From that cause, the early settlers were subject to rheumatism, which was about their only disease. To dry their feet at night was their first care. Their moccasins were often decorated with fringes to match their other clothing. Stockings were sel dom worn in the earUest times. Frequently, as a substi tute for stockings, leaves were stuffed in the moccasins. In winter, the people wore gloA-es, made of dressed deer skin, and decorated with a fringe of mink or weasel fur. In summer, no gloves were worn. The head-gear was a fur cap, made from the skin of a raccoon, otter or fox, with the hair-side out. The tail of a fox hung behind like a tassel. The women dressed then as now, with the exception of a few bales of ribbon, a dozen hanks of superfluous lace, a yard of bonnet, and some other paraphernaUa, best left un- 74 HISTOEY OP TUCKEE COUNTY. mentioned. But, instead of alpaca and the finer cloths, the texture of their dresses was deer skin. Their other raiment was also deer skin, but sometimes rough Avoolen cloth, or tow linen, or at rare times cotton, was made a sub stitute. The chUdren dressed as their parents. The men cropped their hair and shaved their bea.rd about three times a year. It might be asked what the early settlers in Tucker could find to eat before anything was raised. They were not here long before they raised enough corn for bread, and some potatoes, cabbage and other vegetables. They had an easier time than many of the other colonies in West Virginia. A mill was built at St- George in 1776.-* This provided a means of getting the corn ground, and was an advantage not enjoyed by many early settlers. Often at that time the people had to go thirty or forty miles through the woods to mill; and, as this was such a hard under taking, many preferred to do without bread, and eat hominy. Hominy was made by pounding corn just enough to mash the hulls off. Or, it was soaked in lye for the same purpose. Then it Avas cooked and eaten. The settlers frequently ran short of bread. In that case they lived on meat. Fortunately, meat was always plenti- * There was long a question as to where the mill stood. An old work, ha-vlng the appearance of a mill-race, passes through the school-house lot lu the town, and It was said that the mill was ]ust below where the school-house stands. But this was disputed, and what was said by some to be an old mill-race, was claimed by others to be only an ancient channel of the creek. Thus the matter was unsettled for seventy- live years, and was well nigh forgotten. But, In ISVB, a tremendous flood came down MU Hun and cleaned out a great bar of gravel that had accumulated In the creek ford. When the water had subsided, the timbers of the old dam were laid open to view. The gravel had been washed off of them. This settled the question that the trench through the school-house lot was Indeed the mlU-raoe. 'i'he old Umbers ot the dam are still to be seen protruding from the gravel on the east side of the creek. One hundred and eight years have had but little Influence In causing them to decay, anfl they seem as solid, and the ax-marks are as plainly to be seen as when they had been. there only a year or two. They are white oak, hewn square, and may be seen where the road leaves the water and passes up the eastern banli ot Mill Eun. MISCELLANIES. 75 ful, and might be had for the trouble of killing. Bear meat and venison were the chief dependence. It is a common saying among old people that the flesh of the bear was the bread, and venison was the meat. The venison was often cut into slices and dried. It would then keep well several months. Buffaloes were found in the earliest years of the Stv George colony. But, they never were as plentiful as they were along the Ohio Eiver, and about Charleston, Clarksburg and Buckhannon. Smaller game, such as raccoons, rabbits, pheasants and turkeys were, of course, plentiful. Salt was not often to be had, and it was thought no hardship to do without it. It cost a dollar a peck, and had to be carried seventy-five or one hundred miles. Besides, the dollar was not always at hand. Coffee and tea were unknown. Whiskey and brandy were in nearly every house. Much is said of the quantities of intoxicating liquors that were drunk in early times, and of the scarcity of drunkards. This is a good subject for theories and speculations that would be out of place in a county history. Besides, Tucker County is not and never was a land of drunkards. Many of the people, let it be said to their praise and honor, have little idea of what a whiskey saloon is. The climate, habits and surroundings of the people are not such as pro duce drunkards. They work too hard, there are too few places for idle men to associate together. It is hard to point out any particular harm in whiskey as long as it is used in its right place ; although it is equally hard to teU what good there is in it. In early days, when whiskey and brandy were in every house, men seldom got drunk, because they always had their liquor at hand, and 76 HISTOEY OF TUCKEE COUNTY. there was no excitement or novelty to lead them to excess, in which alone there is harm. If half the creeks and springs of the county flowed apple brandy instead of water, they could not do the harm of twenty grog shops scattered over the county. It is not the taste of the liquor that so much intices men as it is the debauched pleasure which they feel in co-mingling Avith idlers. A man hardly ever gets drunk at home. The most effectual means of redeeming drunkards is to induce them to stay at home, and away from the places where men associate only with men. But, of this there is little need in Tucker County. Although it is one of the smaUest in West Virginia, it is yet the most temperate. No county can claim pre-eminence in that respect over Tucker County. It may not be amiss to say something of the arms used by the early colonists on Cheat Eiver. The main depend ence was the rifle. It was the surest means of defense and the most useful weapon. It furnished the settler with game and was a guard against the Indians. The rifle was a flint lock, muzzle-loader. In addition to the rifle, a tomahawk and a knife were usually carried. These were about all the implements of war used in the early settlement of the country. Pistols were seldom used. The Indians used the same kind of arms that the white people used. But an In dian could not shoot as well, because Indians can not do anything as well as a white man can. They could not keep their guns in order, and they did not even have skiU enough to take their guns apart and clean them properly. During the first years of the county, there Avere no churches. Eeligious meetings were held in private houses. Once in a while, a minister visited the settlements and held a meeting; but, such meetings were not frequent. The MISCELLANIES. 77 usual order Avas for some pious man to be chosen as class- leader ; and all the other people who pretended to be reUgious would join in the exercise and help. Such meet ings were generaUy held in each settlement once a month. The settlers, for ten mUes on every side, would come together with devotional zeal, and sing and pray and exhort each other to Uve and work faithfully in the cause of the church, and against wickedness and sin. No wagons or carriages were used. The people, who went to church, either rode on horseback or walked. They oftenest walked. Early on Sunday morning, especially in the spring and summer, the people from the forest cabins might be seen wending their way along the narrow roads toward the place appointed for the Service. If the M'eather was fine, they went on foot. If they went on foot, they generally walked barefooted, carrying their moccasins in their hands. This was because they did not want to wear their shoes out with so much walking. A few ten-mile trips would put through a pair of moccasins ; while the barefeet were not at all injured by the Avalk. No doubt, the pioneers enjoyed their Sunday pilgrimage to church. Young men and young lasses, who Avent the same road, found each other's company as agreeable then as young folks do UOAV. They passed the time talking and singing until they came in sight of the meeting-house, when they stopped to put on their shoes. The religious exercises of that day would look ridiculous to a city church member of the present time. But, " the groves were God's first temples," as it is said; and, before aU temples. He doth "prefer the upright heart and pure," as Milton believed. So we must not judge others, nor pre scribe forms and bounds for the manifestation of sacred 78 HISTOEY OF TUCKEE COUNTY. devotion ; yet Ave may believe that, before Him who know eth the secrets of all hearts, and Avho rewarded not him who prayed aloud in the synagogue for form's sake, the rude pioneers, in^their sincerity and simplicity, were as ac ceptable as those are who kneel on velvet cushions and read prayers from Latin books. At any rate, we are not to rid icule the unlettered pioneers of the last century. They worshiped as they thought best, and as best they could. The rude log hut, where a dozen were met together to wor ship God according to the dictates of their conscience, was as sacred before Him as is St. Paul's or St. Peter's. If not, then religion is a fraud. There Avere no schools in the earliest years of Tucker County. But as soon as the people were firmly settled, and could take tlieir minds, for a moment, from the struggle for existence, the subject of education began to be agitated. At that time and in the remote frontiers, there was no pub lic money for school purposes. Such schools as could be had were paid for from private pockets. The teachers, as might be supposed, were qualified to teach only the easiest branches. Arithmetic to decimal fractions, the speUing- book, the Testament for a reader, and the course of study Avas complete. No grammar, geography, or history was thought of. The teachers could not instruct in such diffi cult branches. The majority of the schoolmasters of that time did not believe that the earth AA'as round. They usu aUy taught Avriting. They set copies for the pupils to follow. They had no system of penmanship. When an apt scholar learned to Avrite as well as the teacher, he Avas regarded perfect. HoAvever, this was seldom the case. The people held a schoolmaster in such esteem that they con- MISCELLANIES. 79 sidered it next to impossible for pupils to learn to write as well as he ; and there was always room for a little more im provement. This manner of learning to write would be regarded somewhat antediluvian were it to be revived uoav ; but the truth cannot be denied that those who Avere in structed in penmanship by foUoAving written copies wrote as well as those do now, Avho spend five years on Spencer's, Scribner's and the Eclectic printed plates. Educational science has made wonderful strides forward during the last hunderd years ; and it is probable that no department of it will ever go back to what it was then. But, in a feAV particulars, the systems of the present day fail where those of earlier times succeeded. If the school children of to-day should attend school no more months than the}' did one hundred years ago, and receive the man ner of instruction that they noAv get, at the end of their school life they Avould not be as well prepared for business as those of that time were. Of course, in a general sense, the educational systems of to-day are in advance of those one hundred years ago; but, in -the particular subjects of Avriting, reading and spelling, the old plan accomplished the most in a limited time. The child of the present time goes to school nearly ten times as much as those did of a century ago; yet, is the child of to-day ten times as well educated? The great contention among modern educators is to find the natural method of imparting instruction. When one looks at the A. B. C. charts, costing ten or tAventy dollars, over which the child pores for four or five months, varying the exercise by drawing pictures of boxes, floAver-pots, bugs and birds, and similar tomfoolery, it is almost time to stop to ask if it is not possible to lose sight altogether of the so- caUed natural method of imparting instruction, and wander 80 HISTOEY OF TUCKEE COUNTY. off with those Avho spend their time and talents in telHng or listening to something new. The child probably learns as much by the time it is three years old— that is, learns as many things — as it does during any ten years of its after life. It has learned everything that it knows at three. It has learned to talk one language, and knows by sight several thousand things, and by name several hundred. All this was taught it by natural methods ; because it was too young for artificial plans to be employed. But, from that time on, its education is more and more ar tificial, and ia less and less rapidly acquired. Old theories, customs and plans must give way to the new, and it is right that it should be so ; but it is meet that the new should be so constructed as to include all the good that there was in the old and something beside. In early times, above and below St. George, the young people were accustomed to meet together on Sundays and have singing-school. The exercise had something of a re ligious nature, inasmuch as none but sacred songs were sung. It might be compared to a Sunday-school, except that no instruction in the Testament or catechism was given. The young folks met for the purpose of having a moral and social time, injurious to none, and pleasant to aU. Much of these societies is remembered loy the oldest inhab itants of the county; and, from all accounts, the exercises must have exerted a good influence over the community. Indeed, the singing-school is not yet a thing of the past, although it has changed some, probably for the better. Incidentally connected with the singing-schools, about the commencement of the present century, there was a ro mance that at the time was the subject of much talk along the river, and in all parts of the county. It also gives us MISCELLANIES. 81 an idea of the spirit of the time, and hoAV the people then compare with those of the present time. It seems that Manassa Minear, son of David Minear, and brother to Enoch Minear, of St. George, and to Mrs. Dr. Bonnifield, of Horse Shoe Eun, had formed an attachment for Miss Lyda Holbert, a beautiful girl, who lived on the bank of Holbert Eun, four miles east of St. George. A match betAveen the young people Avas in no manner objec tionable to the Minears, only that Manassa Avas so young. He was but eighteen; and Miss Holbert was sixteen. Manassa fell into the habit of visiting his affianced rather oftener than his father thought necessary ; and, the result was a rumpus in the Minear family, and Manassa was told to go a Httle less frequently. This did not discourage the young man in the least. The next Sunday there was sing ing-school in the Horse Shoe, and all the youngsters for mUes around went as usual. Manassa and Lyda were there, and between them they made it up that he Avas to accom pany her home. His brothers and sisters tried hard to persuade him not . to go, as the old gentleman Avould cer tainly grumble. But, Manassa said, let him grumble, and went ahead. Lyda also said, let him grumble, and they two went off together, in company Avith the otlier young people who went that way. But, the rest of the Minears returned to St. George and reported what had taken place. Mr. Minear Avas much put out of humor, and after studying over the matter tAvo or three hours, he decided to go in person and settle the matter. Manassa and Lyda enjoyed the fine Avalk from the Horse Shoe to Holbert Eun, about two miles. They had crossed the river at the Willow Point in a canoe ; and, thence home, the path was a pleasant one. It lay across the wide bottom 6 82 HISTOEY OF TUCKEE COUNTY. from the river to Loav Gap, then all Avoods ; and from the LoAv Gap home Avas about a mile, and this, too, was nearly aU Avoods. No doubt, the walk of two miles on that fine June morning was a short one to them. Tradition does not inform us Iioav the day, from noon till evening was passed at the Holbert cabin ; but circumstan ces justifj' us in supposing that all Avent merry and well. It could not have been otherwise ; for, Manassa and Lyda could not quarrel, and the old folks were glad to have Ma nassa visit tlieir daughter, for he belonged to one of the first families of the countj' and was, indeed, a promising young man. Be this as it may, he AA'as there yet when the sun was just sinking behind Jonathan Point. He and Lyda were sitting alone in the yard, under a young Avalnut tree. The dead frame of this tree still stands, although it is a big one noAV, It might still be living but for a slight accident that happened it some seventeen years ago. Tavo boys, Henry Bonnifield, now of CaUfornia, and Wilson Maxwell, of St. George, both little felloAvs then, tried to catch a red squir rel that was on the fence by the tree. Wilson had a hoe handle (they had been hoeing corn in a, field hard by) and was trying his best to knock the squirrel as high as the Pyramids of Egypt. But, Avhile going through gestures, and SAvinging the hoe-handle to give it aU the force possi ble, he skinned his knuckles on the old Avalnut tree. This made him mad, and Avith an ax, Avhich lay near, he dead ened the tree, and it died. The squirrel, in the meantime, got aAvay. The sun Avas just setting; and, no doubt, the Avorld looked beautiful to Manassa and Lyda as they sat under that lit tle walnut tree, with none near enough to hear what they might say. The Avhole day had been pleasant; and, now so MISCELLANIES. 83 fair an evening to terminate all, Avas truly delightful. But, it was uot to be so. The evening which now looked so. beautiful to the young couple, soon appeared to them the ugliest they had ever seen. For, presently fpot steps were heard approaching, and AA'hen Manassa and Lyda looked up they saw the massive frame of David Minear coming up. Manassa's heart sank Avithin him ; for, he knew what Avas at hand. Lyda also looked scared. But, they said not a word, and the old gentleman walked boldly up and com menced flourishing a hickory withe, and uttered words to the effect that he wanted the young man home early enough Monday morning to go to hoeing potatoes when the other boys did. Manassa making no movement toAvard starting, the old gentleman with stiU more emphasis ordered him to "skedaddle for home." He realized his situation ; and casting toward Lyda one look, which seemed to say, good bye, for the present, and receiving one of sympathy from her, he bounded off down the hUl, with the old gentleman at his heels woUoping him Avith the withe every jump. Poor Lyda felt for Manassa, but she could not reach him. She saw him dodging this way and that way to escape the thrashing, and saAV him bound with extra buoyancy when ever an extra swoop fell upon his shoulders. She also heard some of the words which the old gentleman spoke, and they fell heavily upon her ; for, he Avas telling Manassa that just as many jumps as it took him to get home, that many weeks it would be before he should come back. The young man apparently realized the force of the argument, and was trying to get to St. George Avith as few jumps as possible. Indeejl, it looked to Lyda that he Avas going ten rods at a bound. All the Avhile, the hickory was faUing across his back Avith amazing rapidity. The scene v/as of short dura- 84 HISTOEY OF TUCKEE COUNTY. tion ; for, while she was stiU silently sitting under the tree and looking toward them, they disappeared in the thicket, and, after a little ripping and tearing through the brush, all was stiU. The scenes and conversations that followed at the Hol bert cabin, as well as at Minear's, we can only imagine. But, the result of the whole affair might plainly have been foreseen. Thrashing the young man is not the proper way to break him from waiting upon the girl of his choice. So it proved in this case. Manassa resolved to marry the fair young Lyda, no matter who should oppose. She was as fuUy resolved to brave aU opposition in her attachment for him. When two young people arrive at this conclusion, it is useless for relatives or any one else to interfere. Such opposition may delay but cannot prevent the final consum mation of the lovers' plans. _ In this case, however, the Holbert famUy did aU they could to assist the young couple, so the opposition was aU on one side. Manassa and Lyda laid plans to elope and get married. But DaATld Minear knew nothing of it. He supposed that the thrashing had broken up the affair, and that Manassa would pursue his foolish course no further. It was again on Sunday, and the young people of St. George started to the singing-school in the Horse Shoe. Manassa Minear started with the others ; but he had no intention of the singing. It was now in the fall of the year. His course of love, since it had been interrupted on that summer evening, had not run as smoothly as a poetical river. However, he had managed to see Lyda in the mean- tin»e, and had arranged it Avitli her and the rest of the fam ily that she should elope Avith him at any time he s'liould call for her. MISCELLANIES. 85 On that morning, instead of crossing the river at the Horse Shoe Ford, as he should have done to have gone to the singing, he continued up the north bank, unobserved by his companions, who were some distance ahead of him. He was on horseback this time. He went directly to Holbert's and told Lyda to get on the horse behind him, and not to loose much time. He explained the nature of the case. She was a brave girl, and did not waste a moment in getting ready. Her brother caught the only horse belonging to the family, and was ready to accompany them. Lyda got on behind Manassa, and they were off for Maryland. It was not yet noon, but they did not wait for dinner. They knew that the Minears would follow them ; and the success of the undertaking depended upon speed. They foUowed the lit tle path leading up Horse Shoe Eun. This they traveled seven mUes, and then turned up Lead Mine, by the old trail marked out by Capt. James Parsons. Thus they reached Maryland, and were formally married. When the young people who went to the singing returned to St. George, they reported that Manassa had not been there, nor Lyda either. It was at once suspected that he had gone to Holbert's, and David Minear foUowed again, determined to bring matters to a crisis. He went to Hol bert's house, and not seeing Manassa, asked if he had been there. They answered him that he caUed a few minutes, but must be twenty mUes away by that time. Holberts expected to see him fly into a passion at this disclosure ; but they were disappointed. He questioned them closely about the matter, and when the young couple was expected back. When they had answered him, he said that if they were married, it was aU right, as it was no use to make a fuss about it. He left an invitation for them to come down 86 HISTOEY OF TUCKEE COUNTY. as soon as they returned, and with this he went home. They were entirely successful, and got safely home the third day. If the memories of old people are to be credited in the matter, the young couple did not find the course of married life as poetical as they had expected. For, though Lyda was young, she had a great deal of industry about her, and she made Manassa work harder than he wanted to, and he got tired of it, and, to keep from hoeing in the truck-patch, he dug a hole under the fence in a weedy corner and toled the hogs in. This did not mend matters much, for Lyda found it out, and made him build new fences around every lot on the place ; and, besides, made hirn buUd a pen for the hogs, and then puU weeds all summer to feed them. CHAPTER IV. 21 IS CEL L A NIES. The material for a chapter on the history of Tucker County for two score years next foUoAving the close of the Indiffti troubles, in 1781, is meager in the extreme. Almost nothing at aU, of an exciting nature, is left on record. The Indian wars were at an end, and no massacres or exploits or adventures are to be narrated. It was a silent epoch in our history. But, as Carlyle teaches, these silent periods in the history of a people are the most prolific of great things. It is a time when everything is building. Every man is attending to his own work. No great interference disturbs the welfare of all. The AA'hole country is thriving together, and there is no jar or collision to attract attention. It is not the building up but the tearing doAvn that constitutes the violent crashes in a people's annals. It has been rep resented similar to a tree that groAvs noiselessly for a thou sand years ; but, when the whirlwind overthrows it, it falls with a crash. Thus a nation grows and groAvs for ages, and if everything is prosperous, not a discord tells of exist ence. But, Avhen commotions or rebellions overthrow it, the fall is heard To Macedon and Artaxerxes' throne. But, this digression is out of place in a county history. However, this book is not meant to be a history of Tucker County. It is designed only as a series of annals, and is not intended to be a complete history. But, while this is the case, nothing on the subject, deemed worthy to be remem- 88 HISTOEY OF TUCKEE COUNTY. bered, will be left untold. There is little material, of the nature of Acts of the Legislature and railroad and turn pike meetings and resolutions, from which to fill a book. But, if there were tons of such, they would be given very Httle attention by the Avriter of these pages. Tucker County has never had any great movements on these subjects. All of importance that the Legislature has ever done for Tucker can be told in ten lines. The reports of road surveys, and the meetings consequent thereon, can be dismissed. Avith still less attention. Therefore, another class of material must be had. The people of our county do not care about the proceedings of Congress and the Legislature in matters npw forgotten, that never were of much importance and are now of none. This is, at best, a dry subject to aU, except a very few, who, for some special reason, are interested therein. But Tucker County possesses exhaustless stores of mat ter that is of interest to her people. It is the biography of her people ; an account of Avhat the people have done. Each man has done something, or said something, or tried to do something that his friends and neighbors Avould Uke to know. Of course, every man cannot be represented in a book of this size. Many who deserve a history must be left out, because there is not room for all. It is a hard thing to decide who shall be made the leading spirits for the hundred years after the close of the Indian wars to the present time. Before that, Capt. Jaines Parsons and John Minear were clearly the most prominent men. But, since then, there are a few individuals around Avhom the histoi-j' of the county seems to cluster. Those Avho have fought the most battles are not necessa rily the greatest men. The laborers who dug out the grubs MISCELLANIES. 89 from our vaUeys and hUls ; who planted our orchards ; who built our churches and school-houses ; who made our roads ; who improved the morals and intelUgence of the country by their examples of honesty and industry ; Avho were ever ready to lend a helping hand, to the unfortunate ; who never hung back when a good cause needed friends ; who did to others as they wished others to do to them — ^these are our great men. Such are always great ; and Tucker, though hemmed in by mountains and nearly excluded from other parts of the world, has now, and has had from the first, just such men. They are found everywhere upon her hills and in her vaUeys. They are not all rich in this world's goods ; but none of them are too poor to be honest. They have not all held office ; they have not all fought battles ; they have not all seen distant countries; but they have all been upright citizens, and have done well what they have done. Tucker County Ukewise has had and still has men who have taken an active part in our wars, and in our times of danger, were ever in the front. The history of James Par sons and John Minear has been given. Since their day there have been others none the less worthy to be remem bered. During the civil war the struggle was intense and bitter in this county. The two parties, north and south, were nearly equal. The mountains and fastnesses were the rendezvous for scouts and sharpshooters. The history of the war, as it influenced this section of the county, wiU be given at some length further on. No sides will be taken in writing on that subject. Some of our best citizens took the side of the South, and others equaUy good espoused the cause of the North. The men who thus arrayed themselves against each other in that deadly strife, were honest and 90 HISTOEY OF TUCKEE COUNTY. conscientious in what they did. They upheld and fought for what they belived to be right. When a man risks his life for a cause, he believes that the cause is right. This must not be questioned. Some of our brave men joined the Fed eral armies, and some the Confederate. Honor to the blue and gray. The storm is now passed beyond the horizon ; and, there is no occasion to recall those dark and bloody times except to show that Ave had men then who did not shrink from duty. Such men as Dr. Solomon Parsons stood up for the Union ; and such as Dr. E. Harper cast the fortunes into the cause of Confederacy. Both, and aU like them, deserve a place in our county's history, no matter whether they loved the stars and stripes or stars and bars. But, this will come in at the proper time and place. When the Indian trouble ended, about 1781, our county had only a few people. The settlement did not extend far from the river. The people worked hard, and took -few holidays. They had to earn their bread by the sweat of their brows, and no time Avas alloAved for idleness. The heavy timber Avas removed from it only by excessive labor. The farmers worked in their clearings during the late faU, the winter and the early spring. When summer came they were employed in raising their crop of corn. The people generally ate corn bread. Wheat was nearly unknown in the early years. A portion of the autumn was often spent by the men in hunting deer and bear. It is difficult to give particulars of individuals who lived in the county in the latter part of the last century and the first of this. Some are remembered ; but little more than their names come down to us. James Goff seems to have been one of the leading men in early times. He lived on Cheat Eiver, near the Preston County line, and at one time MISCELLANIES. 91 owned the greater portion of the land from the Minear claim to Eowlesburg. He worked incessantly on his farms, and always had corn to sell. His price was fifty cents a bushel ; and, no matter what other people sold at, he would take nothing more or less than his price. His house had no floor, except the ground. They ate bread and meat at his house. This diet was unvaried, except when a pot of "greens" — a dish of some plant cooked — was substituted for meat ; or a kettle of corn meal mush took the place of bread. AU were Avelcome to the hospitalities of his cabin, although a stranger might have thought the family rough in manners. They did not mean to be rude. They were open in their actions. Indeed, the eastern land agent, who stopped there over night, must have thought so. He sat by the fire talking and wondering where supper was coming from. He could see no preparations for the evening meal, except a big pot at one end of the fireplace, where Mrs. Goff sat stu-ring the kettle's contents. At length it was carried to the central part of the floor, and a gourd of milk was emptied into it, and a dozen wooden spoons were provided. While the hungry stranger was watching these proceed ings, and wondering what the sequence would be, Mrs. Goff announced that supper was ready. Mr. Goff sat a moment and then dragged his stool up to the mush-pot, saying to the visitor : " WeU, if you don't want any supper, you can sit there." The children were already around the kettle, scooping out the mush and milk with the large wooden spoons, and seeming to enter with gusto into the repast. Mr. and Mrs. Goff joined the circle ; and all fell to eating Avith such voracity that no time was left for asking or an swering questions. No cups or dishes were used. All ate 92 HISTOEY OF TUCKEE COUNTY. directly from the pot, and there was no Httle crowding from those who feared that they might not get their fuU share. The stranger got no other invitation to eat ; but, by this time, he had come to see that he would get no supper un less he should go boldly forward, seize a spoon and take his chances with the rest. This he did. He puUed his stool forward and commenced eating. Mr. Goff crowded a Httle to one side, remarking with an oath: "By — , I thought you'd come to it." The meal passed Anthout further inci dent, and the next morning the land agent fled back to Winchester with a story that no one there beUeved. That same year there was a scarcity in the country. Goff had corn, but hardly anybody else had. People came from all parts to buy frota him. Two young men came down from the Glades- in Maryland. One had been there before ; but the other had not. The one who had been there entertained the other, whUe on the road, by picturing to him what a grand residence Goff's was, and admonished him not to show himself iU-bred by undue staring about the pictured waUs and carpeted floors. By the time they drew near the plantation, the young man, who had beUeved all that his companion had told him, was looking for a splendid residence, and picturesque surroundings. Mark his surprise when he came suddenly up to the front, and only, door of the log cabin. He was immediately ushered in at the opening. He was looking so wUdly about him that he did not notice the log that formed the door-sUl; and, stumbling over it, he feU headlong into the house. Instead of landing upon Brussels carpet,, as he might have expected, he found himself sprawling in the dust and ashes of the earth-floor. Not tiU then did he realize that he had been made the subject of a practical joke. MISCELLANIES. 93 The land which Goff settled upon had previously been occupied by a man named Jorden. It is not known when Jorden left it or when Goff purchased it. But, Goff was there in 1786. He was an untiring worker ; and, old men stUl remember how he made his boys work. In the long days of June, when daylight comes at four, he would be in the corn-field before the first 'gleam of dawn. He never caUed his boys to work, nor even waked them ; but, if any one was not in the field as soon as it was light enough to distinguish weeds from corn, that one got a sound thrashing. Of course, by working so hard he made money. What he made he saved. He would not spend a cent for any thing, unless it was absolutely necessary. He kept his cash in a buck-skin sack, and buried it in one corner of the dirt floor. In the course of time, he came to be a considerable money-lender. Those who came to borrow often marked Avith surprise that he picked up a handspike which was used as a poker, and dug deep into the ground-floor, and turned out the foul sack, filled with silver and gold. When James Parsons had obtained deeds for his lands in the Horse Shoe, he divided them among his three sons — Isaac, Solomon and Jonathan. Isaac lived where Joseph Parsons, Esq., now resides. The farm now owned by Mr. S. B. Wamsley, Avas given to Jonathan ; and Hon. S. E. Parsons now oAvns the farm that was allotted to Solomon. Thomas Parsons, brother of James Parsons, and partner with him when they first purchased their lands, divided his lands among his four sons — William, James, Isaac and George., The descendants of these, as well as those of James Parsons, still reside on these farms. Nicholas and George Parsons, still living, are the sons of Isaac, and grandsons of Thomas. The late W. E. Parsons, and An- 94 HISTOEY OF TUCKEE COUNTY. drcAv and Abraham Parsons, now of California, are sons of James Parsons. Job Parsons, and Solomon Parsons were sons of William Parsons. The lands along the river, above St. George, have ever since their first settlement been in the Parsons family. This is the finest agricultural land in the county ; and those AA'ho have owned it have alwaj'S belonged to the wealthy class of our citizens. They have held nearly half the offices in the county. They are not and never were all of one poUtical j)arty. They have usually been nearly equally diA'ided. Generally speaking, James Parsons' descendants have leant toward the AVhig and Eepublican parties; while those of Thomas voted the opposite ticket. At present, altogether, there are more Democrats than Eepublicans. Judge S. E. Parsons first voted in 1859, and cast his ballot for the Whigs. Since then he has voted with the Democrats, and has always been a strong Union man. The others of his immediate relatives have not suj)ported the Democratic ticket ; but nearly all the others of the name, including Jo seph, Ward and Jesse Parsons, are Democrats. The Bonnifield family came into notice very early in the history of Tucker, though not so early as those of Parsons and Minear. The first of that name in the county was Samuel Bonnifield. He came to the Horse Shoe from Eastern Virginia sometime before the commencement of the present century. Not much is known of his ancestry, ex cept that they Avere of French extraction. The name in that country Avas Bonnifant ; but, being Anglicized, it Avas as it now is. There are still different spellings for it. Eep- resentatives of the family spell it Bonafield, as those in Preston County. Others drop an "n" from it. Where Washington City uoav stands Avas the old Bonni- MISCELLANIES. 95 field homestead. Whether they owned the land or not is unknoAvn. At any rate, they were engaged in cultivating tobacco there ; and, there in 1752, Samuel Bonnifleld AA'as born. His father's name was Gregory, and his grandfather's was Luke.-"- Nothing of note occurred in Samuel's life until he Avas moved to ramble, and left his paternal roof. The next heard of him Avas in the summer of 1774. He Avas then in Fauquier County, Virginia. It was in that year that there broke out a trouble Avith the Indians, called Dunmore's War. The Indians com menced killing people along the frontiers. The only set tlement in Tucker, that in the Horse Shoe, was broken up. The GoA'ernor of Virginia, Lord Dunmore, decided to raise an army, march into the Indian country of Ohio, and burn all the Indian toAA'iis, so that these hives from AA'hich the savages swarmed, might be destroyed. Gen. Andrew Lewis and Governor Dunmore each was to raise an army and "While searching for other historical matter, at Brownsville, Ohio, In the spring ot 1884, 1 happened upon an old legend ot the Bonnifleld family, a little different from that of the Tucker County tamlly. It Is certain that the Bonniflelds there and those In Tucker, Preston and In the West, all belong to the same stock, and I am Inclined to credit the Ohio legend, which narrates the flrst coming of the Bonniflelds to America. The story runneth thus : Very early In the history of America, probably about the close of the 17th century, three brothers named Bonnifleld became desfl-ous of leaving England tor Amerlea. They belonged to the poor class, although Intelligent, and had not money to pay their passage to our shores. At that time, It -was a custom among those who had no money and who wanted to emigrate to the New World, to sell them selves or mortgage themselves to the master of some vessel. He would theu bring them over, and sell his claim upon them for enough ca.sh lu hand to pay him for their passage. The emlgi-ants were then bound In servitude to the purchaser until thelr wages amounted to the sum paid the master of the vessel. After that they were free. The three Bonnifleld brothers came to America In that manner, and were sold In Baltimore. One was carried to Virginia, one to Maryland and the third was purchased by a speculator and was taken to Florida. Those In Maryland and A'irglnia each had a family, and the families are still distinguished apart, and are nearly equal In the number of representatives ; but of him who went to Florida no tidings has ever been heard. Whether he died a victim to the fevers ot that sultry land, or whether In the wars of the Spanish, French and Indians he was killed, or, whether his family Is now blended with the population of Florida, Is unknown. All the Bonniflelds In America, so far as Is known, are the descendants of the two brothers who settled In Vlrgmia and Maryland. Samuel Bonnifleld belonged to the Maryland family, and those in Ohio about Zanesville and Brownsville to the Virginia family. 96 HISTOEY OF TUCKEE COUNTY. proceed to the moutli of the Great KanaAvha, where they would unite and invade the Indian country. Dunmore col lected his troops in the northern part of Virginia, whUe LcAris enlisted his from counties further south. When Samuel Bonnifield reached Fauquier County, he found the most ambitious young men enUsting in LcAvis' Army. Although young Bonnifield was not a citizen of Vir- giaia and had never seen war, yet he was no less ambitious and no less adventurous than the young soldiers of Virginia; and, he applied and obtained a place in the ranks as a common soldier. The army marched to Camp Union, now Lewisburg, Greenbrier County, where it was joined by fifty men, under Even Shelby, who had come all the way from North Caro lina to fight in the Avar. General Isaac Shelby, the Gov ernor of Kentucky and Secretary of War, was also in the army, and with him Bonnifield formed an intimate acquaint ance.* From Lewisburg, the army proceeded to Point Pleasant. Some went on foot, and some made canoes at the mouth of the Gauley Eiver and floated down the Ka nawha to the Ohio. Bonnifield was among the latter. On the evening of October 9, eleven hundred men were encamped at Point Pleasant. That evening a large Indian army crossed the Ohio not far above, and lay hid in the woods, while some of the Indians gobbled like turkeys to decoy the soldiers from camp. The plan succeeded ; and, before day the next morning, some men went out to shoot the turkeys. But, instead of turkeys, they found Indians, and only one man got away. He ran back to camp and * Evan Shelby was the father of Isaac Shelby, and was a great flghter. In General Forbes' campaign against Fort Duquesne, he found an Indian spy sneaJclng around the camp, and Immediately gave chase to the rascal. The Indian ran for his life, but Shelby caught and killed him. .VJ-l^'" Mrs. Dr. Bonnifield. Dr. a. Bonnifield. Mrs. Enoch Minear ' Enoch Minear MISCELLANIES. 97 said that he had seen three hundred thousand Indians; but it is now thought that his estimate Avas three hundred times too large. In a few minutes the battle commenced, and Avas fought hard all day. Bonnifield and Isaac Shelby fought side by side, and at least one Indian, who kept bobbing his head up from behind a log, got his eternal quietus from their rifles. The Indians and .Avhite men fought behind trees and logs, and it Avas the hardest and longest contested battle ever fought with the Indians in America. But about sunset the Indians found themselves grievously set upon by three hundred soldiers who had crept through the weeds and got in their rear. The Avliole Indian army fled, yeUing and screaming. Bonnifield and some others ran after them and saw them crossing the Ohio on logs and rafts. In this they Avere not succeeding Avell ; for the logs kept rolling so that they all fell off into the Avater and had to swim out. The Virginian army crossed into Ohio and hurried on to help kiU the Indians and burn the towns on the Scioto, where Dunmore, who had crossed the Ohio at Parkersburo-. then Avas. The Indians were so badly Avhipped that they made peace without any more fighting. The Virginians lost one-fifth of their men in killed and Avounded. The dead were buried, and the Avounded Avere left in care of a com pany of soldiers. Bonnifield Avas among those who took care of the Avounded. He staid there all Avinter ; and Avhen he Avas discharged in the spring, he and a companion started home alone. They failed to kill any game; and came near starving to death. While wandering about in Greenbrier County, they came to a house where lived a man named McClung, and whose descendants still live there. He gave the famished soldiers all they Avanted, but stood by them to keep them from eating themselves to death. 7 98 HISTOEY OF TUCKEE COUNTY. Bonnifield had scarcely reached Virginia when the Eevo- lutionary War came on, and he at once joined the American army, and fought tlirough the whole war. At the battle of Germantown he was with his old comrade of Point Pleas ant, Gen. George Matthews. He was at the battle of Bran dyAvine, and Avas near by when Lafayette was wounded. He was at Yorktown, and saw General O'Hara surrender the sword of Cornwallis. This ended his history as a soldier. When the Eevolution came to an end, in 1781, Samuel Bonnifield was tAventy-nine years old. He now turned his attention to farming, having first married Dorcas James, a young lady of a respectable family in Virginia, and a rela tion of the James family now in Tucker. Soon after his marriage, but in what year is unknoAvn, he came to Cheat Eiver, and settled in the Horse Shoe. This was before the commencement of the present century. He farmed with success for some years, and while in the Horse Shoe, in 1799, his son. Dr. Arnold Bonnifield was born. About this time, the Horse Shoe was legaUy survey ed, and it was then found that the land whereon Bonnifield resided Avas not his, but belonged to James Parsons. With this discovery, Bonnifield commenced looking for another farm, and found one suitable at Limestone, and moved to it. From this time on, he lived the life of a farmer, and raised a large family, AA'hose descendants may now be found in half the states of the Union. He ahvays manifested a disposition to roam the woods and be alone ; and, in his old age, he became more and more attached to a hunter's life. He spent a large part of the fall and winter in the woods ; and, though eighty years of age, he thought it no hardship to sleep by his camp fire, when snow Avas a foot deep, and MISCELLANIES. 99 his clothing was drenched from having waded creeks and runs all day. He was smaU in stature; but his strength seemed exhaustless. He died at the age of ninety -five, and was buried on Graveyard Hill, near the present residence of Dr. Bonnifield, on Horse Shoe Eun. The descendants of some of his relations subsequently found their way into Tucker County ; but none are there now, all having emigrated to the West. Dr. Arnold Bonnifield, a son of Samuel Bonnifield, has always been a citizen of the county, and is now its oldest resident, Avith the exception of George Long, of Dry Fork. He was concerned in all the early history of the county, after he became a man, until of late years. He was the first clerk of the circuit and county courts of Tucker County. But his greatest influence has not been as a politician or soldier, but as a social reformer. From his earliest years, he showed a strong desire to become a scholar ; but, during his early years, hard work and few advantages made it a hard thing for him to pursue his studies. Mathematics was his favorite science ; and he became master of all the branches of it, except the higher departments of the calcu lus. The greater part of this was attained without the use of books ; for a rude edition of arithmetic, and a few leaves of algebra and geometry, were about all the instruction he had until his twenty-fourth year, Avhen he attended a few sessions of school at Clarksburg. While a boy, he was accustomed to solve his problems and demonstrate his theorems on a smooth stone, using a gravel for a pencil. In this manner he gained the greater part of his mathematical education. His early life was spent on his father's farm at Limestone, Avhere he worked 100 HISTOEY OF TUCKEE COUNTY. and studied until his twenty-fourth year. After his return from school at Clarksburg, he again devoted himself to farm work. At the age of twenty-six he married Elizabeth Mi near, granddaughter of John Minear. Shortly afterwards, he moved from Limestone to his present home on Horse Shoe Eun. He took a course in medicine, and practiced that profession until old age forced him to retire from it. While he practiced, he stood pre-eminently above all other physicians in the county. He has been an extensive traveler, having visited the eastern and western states. He was in Missouri at an early day, and returned home on horseback, the journey from there home occupying a month of time. His influence on the destiny of the county has been exerted in a quiet way ; but thai it has been material is to be seen in the fact that none are more favorably known, and none are held in greater esteem than he. As late as 1840, there were very few settlements in the county, except along the river, and in the narrow bottoms of the larger creeks. The mountains were mostly unbroken wildernesses. Here and there might be seen the cabin of a settler who was opening up a farm among the hills. About this time, or more exactly, in the faU of 1836, the region about the head waters of Clover Eun began to be settled. This is now Clover District. The first house, except imme diately on the bottom land of Clover, Avas that built by Isaac Phillips, father of Moses PhiUips, Esq. This was in 1836, when Moses Phillips was six years of age. The cabin was Avithout " door, floor or chimney," as he has expressed it. But it Avas the commencement of a settlement that now contains a fair portion of our county's people. For as soon as it became known that Phillips' cabin had been buUt MISCELLANIES. 101 other settlers came into the neighborhood and took up lands and went to work. Thus, by 1840, some five families, and probably thirty chUdren, were in the neighborhood ; and the dense forests as well as the dens of panthers and bears, began to be broken up. It was now felt that there ought to be some provision made for educating the chUdren of the new settlement ; for, although cut off from many of the conveniences of life, and destined to unceasing hard work, the pioneers of Tucker have never neglected the education of their chUdren. Sometimes the advantages were few and far between ; but, such as they were, they were made the most of. The chUdren often got no more than ten months of schooling in their lives. Moses Phillips got only nine, and that was at the new school-house, which the five families built on Clover Eun in 1840. One who attended there has thus spoken of it: "It was built of round poles, chunked and daubed. The earth inside, which composed the floor, Avas completely leveled off. A few rocks, thrown up at one end, on the inside, formed the chimney. A small hole was cut in one side, and paper was fastened over it. This was the window. The door was made of clapboards Some of the scholars went to this school barefooted with out missing a day." This short quotation is inserted because it is a faithful description of the country school-houses of that day. They were rude and would be laughed at now; but they an swered their purpose, and have passed away only because they so enlightened the country that better buildings were demanded. Those who have aided in the settlement and progress of the Clover District, can now see that they have not labored in vain. From 1840, this region became an 102 HISTOEY OF TUCKEE COUNTY. important part of the county, and its history, and the biography of its people AviU be given in the succeeding chapters. Even before the settlements in the mountains west of St. George were commenced, cabins were built in the eastern part of the county. The Dumires seem to have taken the lead in this quarter ; and, ever since, they have been in the front, in the work of building up and improving the district about the upper tributaries of Horse Shoe Eun. The famUy is now numerous, and exercises much influence on the county affairs. The name is spelled in several ways ; but aU are traced to the same source. Dumire and Domire are both now used. Germany was the native country of this family, as well as of the Minears. Einehart Dumire* spent his early yi^ars at sea. He was born in 1765. He went to China three times, and then joined a whaling ship and saUed for the Arctic Ocean. Such a voyage is now laborious and fraught with danger ; but it was far more so then, and none but the stoutest constitutions could stand it. Dumire spent three years among the frozen islands and drifting icebergs, before he turned toward home. When he reached his country, after such a trip, one Avould suppose that he would not repeat the undertaking. But he again sailed for the North, and was absent three years in the dark oceans of eternal winter. A third time he went upon his danger ous voyage to the North, and a third time was gone three years. All in all, he had now spent twenty-three years on the ocean. He had coasted along the shores of Europe, Asia and Africa ; six times had he doubled the Cape of Good ' The name Einehart Is spelled In two ways. One as above and the other Bblnebart. Being a proper name, the authority for Its speUlng rests upon those who use It most MISCELLANIES. 103 Hope, crossed the wide expanse of the Indian Ocean, and visited the spice islands of the South seas. He was yet a young man, only thirty-four years of age. This Avas in 1799. He resolved to emigrate to America. With his family, he reached his destination and selected him a home on Stemple Eidge, in Tucker County. This may not have been the first cabin built in that section ; but it was surely among the first. His sons, among whom were John, Daniel, Einehart and Frederic, soon became men, and each commenced a settlement of his OAvn. Meanwhile, the progress of the county Avas going steadily forward. The paths began to be Avidened into roads, and the people. built better houses. The cornfields were enlarged, were better 'fenced aud better tilled. Schools Aver6 growing more nu merous. The teachers were paid from private subscriptions and the Avages Avere from five to ten dollars a month. Churches Avere given some attention, and the people Avere not unlearned in good behavior and morality. Eeligious services were still held in private houses or in school- houses. Old and young alike attended the meetings, and the good influence of these associations had its effect everywhere, in training the. young to refined ideas of lui- man existence. The meetings Avere conducted by pious men, called " class leaders," and regularly ordained minis ters were few. But the people then were probably as good as they are noAv. Very early in this century, Stephen Losh came to Horse Shoe Eun, and settled where Eufus Maxwell uoav lives. A native of Germany, born in 1781, he lived a short time in Maryland, and then moved to Tucker. He found Holbert's house deserted and in ruins. Near about were a few little fields, that Holbert had cleared. In one of these he found 104 HISTOEY OF TUCKEE COUNTY. an apple tree, and built his shanty under its branches. Tbe hut which he erected Avas made of buckeye logs. He improved the land around his cabin and planted a crop of corn. Before long, he found that he was on the land of Captain Par.sons, and accordingly began looking about for another place. The nearest neighbor he had, lived at the mouth of Eaccoon, about a mile distant, and Losh would have selected a site just above him ; but, a quarrel having meanwhile arisen betAveen them, Losh thought it best to get farther from his troublesome neighbor. Accordingly, he se lected him a site three miles further up Horse Shoe Eun ; and in a short time, Michael Hansford took up the land on Hansford Eun, Avhere Losh had thought of settling. This land has ever since been known as the Hansford Place, and the run as Hansford or Mike's Eun. He had a blacksmith shop there, the remains of Avliich may still be seen, on the farm of Arnold Bonnifield. Stephen Losh Avas connected with the War of 1812, al though he was not a regular soldier. He had something to do Avith the Avagon trains ; and, in that capacity, he Avas in South Carolina, and visited Charleston. When he turned his attention to farming on Horse Shoe Eun, he built a grist mill, and did a good business until his mill Avashed awaj". About this time occurred the " rainy summer," so called by the oldest citizens. It rained almost constantly' from th6 first of June tiU late in August. Crops Avere droAA-ned and chilled so that the foUoAA'ing year Avas one of great scarcity. Potatoes Avere made to ansAver fin- bread. Stephen Losh died on Horse Shoe Eun, in 1874, at the age of ninety- three. He left several children, notablj' among Avhom Avas William Losh, Sr. He is still liA-ing, and lias been a re markable raan. Fond of travel, he has gratified this pas- MISCELLANIES. 105 sion. He has visited the Western States seA-eral times, the last time after he was seventy-five years of age. He is minutely acquainted with Ohio from Lake Erie to the Ohio Eiver on the South. He first Avent there in 1825, in com pany with Nicholas and George Parsons. They went on foot, and explored thoroughly the country as they Avent. It was in the spring of the year and the young men felt that farmers ought to be at work. So, while passing through Gilmer County, when they saw a lazy young granger lying on the fence sunning himself, Avliile his ploAV team stood idle in the furroAA-, they yelled at him : "Get up there, you infernal fool, and go to Avork ; lounge around all spring, and next winter you Avill trot over the country with a sack under your arm, hunting something to eat." The young man lit off the fence in the twinkling of an eye, and grabbing up a hand full of rocks, commenced pelting the strangers, and neglected not to heap upon them various vile epithets, and caUed them all the ugly names he could think of. But they passed on, and Avere presently overtaken by a man on horseback, Avho wanted to know what they had done to the young granger to put him in such a terrible rage. They related Avhat they had seen, and what they had said to him. The man asked if they Avere strangers in the country, and they told him they Avere. " Well," said the man, " you hit it exactly. That lazy scamp won't work in the summer, and buys bread on credit in the Avinter." WiUiam Losh re mained in Ohio a long time, and hauled freight from Lake Erie to the Muskingum Eiver. But Nicholas and George Parsons soon came back, and ever after remained where they still live. William Losh has always been a hard-working man. But, after the fall work was done, it was always his delight 106 HISTOEY OF TUCKEE COUNTY. to spend a month or six weeks in the woods hunting. He has been, beyond a doubt, the best and most successful woodsman of Tucker County. The country beyond Back bone Mountain, Canada, as it is called, has been his hunt ing ground for years. No nook or corner of that uninhabi ted wilderness is unknown to him; and deer and bear innumerable have faUen before the deadly aim of his rifle. In his younger days, no man was a better marksman than he ; and, even now, though eighty-four years of age, very few can equal him. He has always been a peaceable man ; but no man ever imposed upon him Avith impunity. If Tucker County has produced a man, that Avith training could have pounded Slade or Sullivan, William Losh must be the man. The peculiarities and characteristics of all his ancestors seem to have concentered in John Losh, son of William Losh, born in Ohio about 1831. He was the eldest child, and Avas a genius from his infancy. When he was a small child his parents moved to Horse Shoe Eun, Avhere WiUiam Losh, Jr., now Hves. This Avas John Losh's home as long as he remained in Tucker. He spent his idle hours con structing toys, curious traps and automatic flying machines, and Avooden rats that Avould run across the floor, and leather bumble bees that would buzz and hum. He was of a Ught complexion, and had blue ejes. When he became a man, he Avas as much of a rambler as his father and grandfather. His time Avas spent in roaming over the hills ; and Canada, beyond the mountains, was his domain. Very feAV but him and his father had ever ven tured into that Avilderness. It is a Avild country now ; but, at that time, it Avas unexplored, and the country along Black Fork, over one hundred square miles, had not tlie MISCELLANIES. \ 107 home of a human being on it. From the head of Black Fork to the Fairfax Stone was an unbroken forest. The timber was primeval. No ax had scarred the trees that stood so thick that their branches interlocked for miles, and some of the soil beneath had not been touched by a sun beam for ages. Vast beds of laurel, in places, were so matted with the summers and storms of centuries that a hunter, Avho would pass that way, must walk on the tops, where the branches, that heavy snows had bent and pressed together, formed a rough gnarly floor,' several feet above the ground. Beneath the laurel, tliere were lairs and dens of Avild beasts. Bears and panthers had broken tunnels through the thickets in all directions; and what deadly battles and mortal combats Avere fought there, when these savage kings and tyrants of the wilderness crossed each other's paths, ho human eye was there to witness. At intervals, deep down under the laurel, streams of water wandered through eternal shadows. But, the hunter might pass and repass that way and never know that he had crossed a stream, unless some accidental opening through the net-work on which he trode should reveal to him the flowing water. In the summer, the ground be neath the laurel never got dry or Avarm. The country is nearly as high as the Alleghany Mountains. June comes before the ice and packed snow, that the winter has stored away in the deep crevices of the rocks, and all over the dank ground, begins to jdeld, in any considerable degree, to the summer sunshine. The hidden brooks and rivulets are nearly as cold as ice all summer. The ground is damp and chill. The huge, cold rocks are constantly beaded with drops of dew. During the summer, the more open parts of the woods, where there is no laurel, become green with 108 HISTOEY OF TUCKEE COUNTY. plants, and weeds; but under the laurel there is little difference betAveen summer and Avinter, except that in winter the snow hides the desolation and in summer it does not. The winters in Canada are longer and colder than along , the river. Snow lies on the ground from October till May. It is often two or three and has been six feet deep. Such snoAvs bury the laurel thickets so that one cannot weU dis cern where they are. At such times, the wild beasts lie hidden under snow, laurel and a,ll,~ until hunger compels them to prey upon one another or come out to kUl deer and smaU animals. The snow soon packs hard enough for them to walk upon it. The deer get very poor during a hard winter. There is a large kind of rabbits that live in Canada, and no place else in the country round about. They are said to be so swift that dogs can't catch them. They can also climb a leaning tree. In early times there were wolves and elks in Canada. The country was then all covered A\'ith trees and impenetrable thickets. Not aU, for, in a few pla ces, there were open patches, caUed glades or meadows. These were smaU, and why they were not covered with tim ber is unaccounted for, unless it be because the soil wUl not nourish trees, or because the glades were recently lakes, from which the water has been drained. Be this as it may, the glades are treeless ; but the grass that grows on them during the brief summer is immense in quantity. It is weU suited for hay ; and, within recent years, it has been har vested for that purpose. No weU directed efforts haA'e so far been made to cultivate the glades, or, for that matter, to cultivate any part of Canada. But it is the opinion of those best qualified to judge, that corn, wheat and oats would not flourish there. In the upper Canaan Valley, farming has been tried with success, but everywhere grass does the best. MISCELLANIES. 109 The forests of Canada, except the glades, were unbroken when first the white man went there. The trees stood thick, and seemed as grim and unchangeable as the very rocks among which they stood. They seemed no older or no younger than they had always been. Trees six inches in di ameter looked as old as the giants five and six feet. All the difference of appearance was in the size. AU Canada and Canaan are essentially the same expanse of country. The whole region is a basin, the rim of Avhich is the Alleghany and Backbone mountains. The Alleghany is on the east, and the Backbone on the west. The two mountains thus surround the whole of Canada and Canaan, except the narrow gap through Avhich Black Fork flows and makes its escape from the valley. The length of this basin, from its northern boundary to the upper end of Canaan, is about twenty mUes, and its breadth five or six miles. It is evident that this whole region was once a mountain lake, Avith the AUeghany for its eastern and the Backbone for its western and northern shore. There was then no river flowing out of it ; for the gap which Black Fork has cut through the mountain was then not there. It must have been a beautiful lake, extending twenty miles one way and five the other. High up, among the very summits of the Alleghanies, the cool, bracing breezes of the mountains blew softly along the tranquil waters ; and the Avaves, pure as crys tal, washed the sandy shores for ages and ages, and no hu man being Avas there to behold it. In the winter, when the Avinds were wild and cold, fearful storms must have SAvept over the lake ; and then, the waves rolled upon the beach, freezing into huge drifts, and extending from the shore inward, until the whole lake was frozen over. This was thousands of ages ago. The rains of summer 110 HISTOEY OF TUCKEE COUNTY. and the suoavs of winter, in the course of time, filled the lake to overflowing. The water began to floAV out over the lowest place in the mountain. That was at the north western corner, where Black Fork breaks through Backbone Mountain. Year by year, for centuries and millenials, the channel wore deeper and deeper, and at last the water of the lake was all drained off, and Canaan and Canada were left dry land. Then trees began to groAv; and, in due time, for ests covered the whole country, as they did when flrst the white man found his way into that region. This was John Losh's hunting ground. The story of his adventures is known beyond Tucker County. Before he was fully a man, he conxmenced making expeditions to Canada, and seldom returned spoilless. He had two dogs almost as famous as himself. He trained them himself, and they were his companions in many a bear hunt. If they once came up with a bear, it had little sIioav of getting away. They fought it in such a manner that they wore it down. One dog Avould lay it from the front while the other knabbed it by the ham. It would turn to lay hold of the rear dog, Avhen the other would sieze it by the other ham. Again it Avordd Avlieel and give chase to the dog that bit it last. This would give the flrst dog a chance to come up and take another nip from behind. Thus, up and doAvn tlirough the woods, the fight went on. The dogs would not join in pitched battle Avith the bear; nor would they alloAv it to escape, or to climb a tree. If it attempted to cUmb, they -would puU it doAvn. In this manner, they worried it and kept it at bay tUl their master could come up and end the encounter by shooting bruin. Such a scene Avas common ; but it Avas varied when, as on an occasion, the bear cauglit one of the dogs. The other MISCELLANIES. Ill dog flew upon the beast and fought it, and both dogs fought, but it could not be forced to slacken its hold upon the dog, which must soon have been killed had not Losh come up at that moment. He saw the situation and Avould have shot the bear, but Avas afraid of hitting his dogs. But he would not see them kiUed ; so, he drew his butcher knife, and run ning up, leaped upon the bear and stabbed it to death. That winter was very cold. The snow fell nearly con stantly for several we eks, till it was six feet deep in Canada. AU the rocks, logs and laurel were so entirely covered that the whole country seemed one vast, unbroken plain of snow, with the bare, black trees rising sheer out of it. After the snow fell it packed hard enough to bear the Aveight of a man. John Losh was soon in Canada. He took as a compan ion his brother-in-law, James Evans, and they roamed over the plains and hUls, a,nd passed above the vast laurel thick ets, and had a smooth floor to walk on all the while. The top of the snow was frozen into a crust, resembling ice ; and, on this they must walk with care, where the ground was not level, lest they should fall. But on level ground, they could skate if they liked. As they came into camp the third evening, Losh was walking in front of Evans, and they talked as they pro ceeded tiU at length Evans quit talking. Losh looked back, and his companion was no where to be seen. He had sud denly disappeared ; and Losh knew not but that he had been taken off after the manner of Elijah the Tishbite. However, he turned back to look for him, and shortly found a hole through the snow and heard Evans yelling to be helped out. He had broken through and had faUen into the cave under a laurel thicket, where the snow could not 112 HISTOEY OF TUCKEE COUNTY. reach the ground by reason of the matted laurel branches. Losh helped him out, and they proceeded to tlieir camp. They caught more deer than they kncAV Avhat to do Avith, The animals, in attempting to run, Avould stick fast in the snow, and the men could walk up and kill them. After they had killed as many as they wanted, they let the rest go, having first marked them by cutting their ears. Thus em ployed, they spent several days, and were on the point of starting home when they became bewildered, and lost their Avay. It is a singular thing that a lost person is so entirely devoid of reason. Familiar objects are as strange to him as those are Avhich he never saw or heard of. North of the equator, a lost person goes round a circle, always bearing to the left, while south of the equator it is said to be just the reverse in direction — whirhvinds north of the equator move to the left, and south of it they move to the right. There seems to be some common laAv of nature that controls both a lost man and a whirlwind. When Losh and Evans first became bewildered, they were carrying a deer wliich they had killed ; but after they had described two or three circles they threw the deer down, and ran on Avithout it. When night came on, their situation became worse. It was cold, and the woods were very dark. They might have built a fire had they not been lost ; but a lost man builds no fires. They ran as fast as they could all night, and Avent round and round a circle without knowing it. When morning came they Avere stiU running, although nearly starved, and scarcely able to keep on their feet. If left alone, they never could have gotten out. But they had already overstaid their time from home, and their families had become uneasy. A company of raen from Horse Shoe Eun went in search of them. MISCELLANIES. 113 Their tracks were found, and then the deer, and finally the men themselves. They were in the last stage of despair. They had eaten nothing for several days, and Avere badlj' frozen. They were walking round and round a tree, and there they Avould probably have died, had not the relief party come up. They were taken home, and they hunted no more in Canada that winter. But no sooner had the summer sun taken the suoav off, than John Losh was again in Canada. This time he was looking more for bear than deer, for bear were his chief ob jects of hunting. As he passed through the woods, he saAv three cub-bears playing. They were quite small, and had not sense enough to run. He kept a sharp lookout for the old bear, and cornered the cubs between tAvo logs and caught them. It Avould have been an easy matter to have killed them ; but he was like Wetzel, who dragged an Indian a hundred mUes to shoAv the people in the settlement Avhat a live, wild Indian was like. Losh preferred to carry the bear-pups home alive. So he pulled off his drawers, tied np the legs and put his three black prisoners into them. They fought some, and sometimes they bit him; but he slung them over his shoulder and toted them home. He kept them about the house until they grew so large that they bit the children and were continually doing acts of violence. Then he made a stout cage and kept them in it. This cage is still to be seen in William Losh, Jr,'s barn. The bears were kept there awhile, and finally they broke out and ran off; but, one Avas shot. This experience did not satisfy the romantic hunter. He again went to Canada and built bear-pens. Soon he cap tured a bear, half-grown. He resolved to take it home, ten miles through the woods and over mountains. It Avas too 8 114 HISTOEY OF TUCKEE COUNTY. heavy and fought too much for him to carry it. He tied it by a short rope to the end of a long pole, and led and pushed and coaxed and drove it till he got it home. When it would get mnd and try to bite him, he would hold it off with the pole. Thus, he got it home and put it in his cage ; but, it Avas so Avild and incorrigible that it could not be tamed. Losh n-ext made a new departure. He made him a com plete suit of clothes from dressed bear skins, the fur outside. Thus dressed, he Aveiit to Baltimore. From his oaa'u ac count he must have '' attracted as much attention as the President would haAe'done. As an adventurer, he was fearless and rash. A consid eration of danger never entered into his plans. That he escaped unscathed from so many and so perUous under takings, is marvelous. Indeed, sometimes his salvation seemed miraculous, as Avlien he Ayas Avashed over a water fall in the KanaAA'ha, and Avas held down and whirled over and over by the Avater that fell upon him, and only got out by seizing the rocks in the bottom and clinging to them as he dragged himself from under the fall, whence he came to the surface just'in time to save his life. This time, 'he had not voluntarily placed himself in the almost fatal* danger ; but, it Avould only have been in ac cordance Avith his nature to have done so. For, once when Cheat Eiver Ava.s overflowing its banks, and nearly all the bottom lands frpm hill to hill Avere under AA'ater, he Avas in tlie Horse Shoe and Avanted to go home. To do so lie must cross the river. With a good canoe, the crossing of the liver Avould have been exceedingly dangerous, and proba- blj not another inan in the county, except in a case of life and death, Avould have undertaken it. But Losh was de- MISCELLANIES. 115 ! termlned to cross. The only canoe at hand Avas Wm. E. Parsons' and the owner would not let Losh have it, because, by so doing, it would seem that he was only hurrying the rash man to his doom. But the want of a canoe did not serve to change Losh's determination to cross the river. He proceeded to the river, at Neville's Ford, and pulled three or four rails and slabs from a drift, and tying them together, made of them a raft on AA'hich he proposed to cross the river. It Avould scarcely be^r his weight in still water. But, nothing daunted, he pushed his fragile craft fi'om the shore and was instantly borne off down the foam ing torrent of the river. A piece of board Avas all he had for an oar; and with it he rowed the best he could for the opposite side of the stream. The river was some three or four hundred feet wide exclusive of the overfloAved lands on either side. The raft was so nearly sunken that those who saAV Losh could see him pnly from his waist upward, and could not discern that he was riding on anything but water. But, all the time, he was rowing and made some progress toward the desired bank. When he reached the Turn Hole, where, at the moutli of Coburn Eun, the river turns to floAv northAvard and then westward, the current beat strong fo the eastern shore ; and, taking advantage of this, he "vv^s able to come to shore. There is recorded only one instance r wherein the riA'er has ever been crossed when so high. That was during the Avar, and was done in a canoe by William Harper, brother to Dr. E. Harper, to escape from a band of guerrillas that Avere after him. Daring as this feat of John Losh's was, he equaled it on other occasions. He was a capital SAvimmer and relied cfn his skill in many dangerous adventures. When he was coming up from St. George, he found that Horse Shoe 'Eun 116 HISTOEY OF TUCKEE COUNTY. was over its banks. This stream is more dangerous than the river. It is swifter, and the numerous drifts and un dermined banks make it a formidable flood when deep. He took off his outer clothing, hid it in a Avaste house and plunged into the stream that ran with a velocity of more than fifteen miles an hour. He crossed it safely, although the chances were ten to one against him. The run when so high, has been swum twice since. Once by James Hebb, in 1876, to win a bet of fifty cents. He swam it twice for good measure, and was satisfied with the money thus won. After the stormy adventures and romantic wanderings of his earUer life had spent their novelty, John Losh settled doAvn to married life in Marion County, and was Hving there when the CiAdl War came on. He was a Union man, which was different from the majority of his relations. As a scout and a guerrilla leader, he would probably have be come noted, had not his death ended the whole matter. He died of the smaU-pox at Parkersburg early in the war. His widow and children still Uve at Urbana, Ohio. Among the old residents who helped to shape the desti nies of the county, may be mentioned Job Parsons, Sr,, Nathan, Enoch and Adam Minear, Thomas and D, C. Adams, and the Goffs and Fanslers of Black Fork, All these, and others, have lent their influence on the past and present of our county. Job Parsons was a soldier of the War of 1812, through which he served with honor. He held the oSa.ce of Magistrate for many years, and was always a citizen of the county. He died in 1883 at the age of ninety-four. We shall find him prominently forward again during the Civil War, in which he sympathized with the South, and Avas never slow in expressing his sympathy. The Minears, during the early part of tlie present century, MISCELLANIES. 117 were principally noted as leaders in internal improvements. None were more forward than they in settling up the coun try and finding means to develop intrinsic wealth, and of bringing outside wealth to our county. A mere outline of the sub-diAisions of John Minear's family will sIioav to what extent they pushed their farming interests ; and Avherever they Avent they Avere ahvays respected citizens. David Minear, son of John Minear, died at St. George in 1834, in the seventy-ninth year of his age. He left nine children, who, some later and some earlier, began to emi grate to different parts of West Virginia and to other states. Manassa, as already narrated, created a romance in his earUer days by eloping Avith Lyda Holbert. His son, WUliam, went to Ohio when a young man, and his descend ants are stiU living there. David Minear's daughter Nancy married Eodham Bonnifield, a brother to Dr. Arnold Bon nifield. They Avent to Illinois, and raised a family that has exerted and still exerts a wide influence for good. One of their sons, McKensie, is now a brilliant lawj'-er in Nevada ; while William, another son, is a resident of Colorado, and has held many offices of trust and honor. Allen, Gregory, EUis and W. B. Bonnifield are other sons of Eodham Bon nifield. Three of them made Iowa their home ; but Ellis is a farmer at Beloit, Kansas. Gregory is also a farmer. AUen is dead, but Avas Sheriff, and Clerk of the circuit court. W. B. Bonnifield, an educated man, possessing fine literary abilities, is connected with the First National Bank of Ottumwa, IoA\'a. Samuel, a seventh son, is a cattle king in the far West, and one of his sons is a lawyer and another is a judge. Nathan Minear, second son of DaA'id Minear, married the widow of Gregory Bonnifield. Their children, for the most 118 HISTOEY OF TUCKEE COUNTY. part, did not go far from St. George. EmUy married Dr, CaU, Sirena married Theodore Lipscomb and Elizabeth married S. W. Bowman, late Sheriff of Tucker County. Another, Mary, married Frank Tolbott, and lives in Iowa, while Katie married Samuel Woodring. William, one of David Minear's sons, lived in Harrison County, West Virginia. Adam Minear, Sr., brother to David Miner, Sr., made his home on the Valley Eiver, in Barbour County ; and, his family became connected Avith the Woodfords of that county, through the marriage of a daughter of his Avith John Woodford. The Woodfords are Avell knoAvn throughout West Virginia as cattle dealers. Harvey, Isaac and Adam live in Barbour County, and Asa in Lewis County, of which he Avas recently Sheriff. Hon. Eeuben Davisson, for many years Sheriff of Taylor County and often its representative in the Legislature, is also a de scendant of the Minears. One of David Minear's sons was droAvned in the Hock Hocking Eiver, in Ohio. Enoch and Nelson Marsh, uoav of Florida, are grandsons of Sarah Minear, David Minear's daughter. Of his other children, Mary married WiUiam Miller and Elizabeth, Dr. Arnold Bonnifield. David Minear had a sister avIio married Nimrod Haddix. He took delight in jumping into the mill-pond to scare his wife, Avho never failed to become alarmed and to try to -puW him out. But, he carried his sport too far, inasmuch as he came down head first, and striking the bottom with great violence, he broke his neck. The immediate family of Enoch Minear, son of David 'Minear, might have done much for Tucker County, had they staid in it. But, they Avere dissatisfied, and one by one departed for the West, until David Avas the only one, MISCELLANIES. 119 of a family of ten, left in the county. He chose the occu pation of a merchant, and, for a fcAv years, Avas the leading store-keeper of St. George. But he abandoned this busi ness, and devoted himself AvhoUy to fa.rming and stock- raising. His farm is the one taken up by his great grand father, John Minear, in 1776, and Hes immediately below St. George, on the north side of the river. Jt is a fine, valuable and highly improved piece of property. . Of Enoch Minear's ten children, seven went to California. Adam C. Minear, the youngest, subsequently returned, and is now Sheriff of Tucker County. He traveled extensively through the West, and was for a long time in Idaho. John, Pool and Mary are still in Idaho, Mary having married C. W. Moore, a banker of Boise City. John's Avife Avas an educa ted lady who had been a missionary in Japan. Pool has been in the mining and railroad business in California and Idaho for many years. He was once president of a Florida railroad. He is uoav in Idaho. Some of the members of this family shall be mentioned more at length in other parts of this book. As said, if they had staid in Tucker County, they might have exerted a very controlUng influence upon its affairs ; for, they are men of energy ; and, Avherever they have been, they have been in the front of advancement. Enoch Minear still resides in St. George and is its oldest citizen. He has been tAvice married. About 1816, Ambrose Lipscomb, au old soldier of the Eevolution, settled on the river, near the Preston County line. His descendants are now numerous in the county, and are all noted for great physical strength. Adam Harper, father of Dr. E. Harper, came to Clover Eun, from Pendleton County, in an early day. He lived to 120 HISTOEY OF TUCKEE COUNTY. an old age, and his family, though scattered far and wide, have always possessed wonderful energy. Difficulties and obstacles have been forced to yield before them in whatever direction they turned their hands. His sons have been great travelers. One died on the Eocky Mountains, another at Santa Barbara, California, one still lives on the Pacific Coast, and another. Dr. Harper, now lives in Tucker. Of all of them, and particularly of the last, fuller mention will be made in this book. CHAPTER V. FORMATION OF TUCKER COUNTY. TucKEK County, West Virginia, Avas formed from Ean dolph County, March 6, 1856. The people had long felt the inconvenience of going so far to court, as BeA'eiiy was then the seat of justice. From the " Biography of Abe Bonnifield "* the foUoAving is taken : Tucker County Avas, a few years ago, the northern end of Ran dolph County; and Randolph was originally a part of Harrison, and Harrison was a part of the great county of Augusta, Avhich when flrst organized, included nearly all of West Virginia. It has been divided and sub-divided. County after county was struck off, till thirty or more counties have been formed out of the orig inal territory. Randolph County was organized in 1810. It was a large county, some seventy-five miles long, and the settlements were separated by large tracts of woods, and the roads connecting them were none too good. Thus it came to pass that, for many years, the people of the northei-n part, now Tucker County, grew dissatisfled that they had to go so far to attend court, which Avas held at Beverly, then the county-seat. The subject of a neAv county, to be taken from the northern end of Randolph, was re peatedly agitated ; but no decisive step was taken, till in the Avin ter of 1854, Avhen a general meeting was called at the residence of Enoch Minear, in the old Stone House at St. George, t A committee of some flfteen or twenty persons Avas chosen to select a site for a court-house for the contemplated new county. The committee selected a spot on Enoch Minear's farm, Avhere the court-house Avas afterwards built. Petitions with numerous signa tures, praying for a new county Avere sent to the Legislature at *The biography of Abe Bonnifleld, from which the above Is taken, has never been published. It was written by Prof. G. B. Selby, near thirty years ago. It wm prob ably be published shortly, as preparations are making tor that purpose. t St. George was then called Westerntord. 122 HISTOEY OF TUCKEE COUNTY. Richmond. In the Avinter of 1855-6 Dr. Bosworth was the Dele gate from Randolph; and, in addition to his influence, the inhabi tants of the intended new county, chose Mr. William Ewin as a Lobby Member to the Legislature. He labored Avith perseverenee and skill, and succeeded in obtaining an Act of the Legislature for organizing the new county, with the Seat of Justice on the site selected by the coinmittee above referred to. The court was or ganized in the following July, but, owing to several deficiencies, it Avas attended with much difliculty. The new county was christ ened Tucker, and the Seat of Justice St. Oeorge. Both names are, I believe, in honor of the Clerk of the Senate of Virginia.* ***** Tucker County chose its officers in May, 18.56. At this election my fatherf was elected Clerk of the circuit and county courts; Daniel C. Adams Avas elected county commissioner, + Rufus Max well, commonwealth's attorney, Jesse Parsons, sheriff, and Solo mon Boner, county surA'eyor. Thus Tucker County was fairly set on foot; and, with becoming dignity as well as becoming mod esty, she took her stand as one aaiong the one hundred and flfty similar divisions of the Old Dominion. In the session of the Virginia Legislature of 1855-1856, Major A. G. Eeger AA'as our Senator and Dr. BosAVorth was our Delegate. There Avere some fears entertained of failure in getting an act for the ncAV county, as there were at that time tAVO otlier ucav counties pressing their claims for for mation. § Dr. BosAvorth Avas a friend to the new county of Tucker, but he was not a Avire-Avorker and a driving maa at such Avork, and remained too much silent AA'hen our county's interests Avere at stake. It Avas Avith a knoAvledge of this that William EavIii had been sent by our people to look after our interests ; for it Avas knoAvn that he Avould leave nothing undone to secure success. Tliere Avas also another man in the Virginia Legislature * This Is Incorrect, as to the county's name. t -Arnold Bonnifleld. t Assessor. 5 Calhoun and Roane. FOEMATION OF THE COUNTY. 123 at that time to whom we owe much of our success. This man was Judge John Brannon, of LcAvis County, He was then a member of the Legislature, and entered with enthu siasm into our cause. He was a young man of rare ability and ambition, and his labors were not confined to the interests of his own county. Possessed of the soundest poUtical views, his object Avas the building up of his State, and his ambition Avas ever to be foremost in the Avork of ad vancement and improvement, no matter whether in his OAvn county or in some other county. In the Legislature, he Avas respected by all, and Avas looked upon as a more scien tific statesman than many of his colleagues, although they Avere older in years than he. His opinion had Aveight, because all knew that his opinion Avas not a mere collection of ideas. So, when the subject of the formation of a ucav county, noAV Tucker, came before the Legislature, none Avere more prompt to look into the merits of the case, and see that tliere Avas reason and justice in Avhat was asked. This was enough to secure his aid ; and, from that hour, he worked unceasingly, in common Avith Mr. Ewin, for the county. Senator Ewin, in speaking of Judge Brannon, in this con nection, says that the bill for the new county " Avas success fuUy carried througli upon his motion at every stage of its progress."* Major Eeger, on account of sickness, Avas forced to be absent from the Legislature while the bill for the new county was before it; but, he did all he could for us. Of him Senator Ewin speaks : It is but just to say that Major Reger, although prostrate on a sick bed at the time the bill was sent to the Senate, Avas a. warm * See Tucker Covinty Pioneer, May 28, 1880. 124 HISTOEY OF TUCKEE COUNTY. friend to the bill, and expressed great regret at his forced absence. He did all he could under the circumstances, by dictating notes to a number of the most influential Senators, requesting their favor able attention to the bill, which Avere kindly responded to as the sequel proved. Upon the motion of Judge Brannon the new county was named Tucker in honor of Judge Tucker, and the county- seat St. George in honor of St. George Tucker, the Clerk, at that time, of the Virginia House of Delegates. Thus, in brief, is a history of the county of Tucker. It is now larger than it then was, having been increased in size by a strip from Barbour. ¦'¦ * In this, as well as other subjects of our county's early hlstoiT, I am Indebted to AVilllam Ewin, Jacob Dumire, D. K. Dumire, Moses PhUUps, E. Harper, S. E. Parsons and others. CHAPTER VI. SCHOOLS AND CHURCHES. Th-^t system of training and developing the mind of the young, which calls out the hidden force of the intellect, has not been neglected in Tucker County, although the unfavor able circumstances under which we have been placed have tended to keep us from advancing in the most rapid man ner. A few years ago, the influence of the public schools could hardly be felt among our mountains. The few and feeble efforts that were made were done in the purest pur pose, and were in all things sincere ; but so few and so in effectual were they, that they passed out upon the wide, wild country, and when the work was done and the whole sum was placed together, the result for good was hardly to be seen. " Eome was not built in a day," as has been truthfuUy said. Sometimes it seems that tremendous results are ac complished almost instantly ; but, in reality, it has required time. So it is and must be with the work bf education and of the Churches, They act slowly, and ofttimes it is hard to see wherein they advance at aU ; but still they go forward and do weU what is done, and it is never to be done again. The giant oak that endures for centuries, grows so slowly that almost the lifetime of a man is required to notice that it has grown at all. Bat, it has grown, and its growth has been durable. No suddenness of expansion has left flaws that storms can find. Solid from centre to circumference, it stands a monument of strength and endurability, not to 126 HISTOEY OF TUCKEE COUNTY. be overthrown by opposing force, although at times to be shaken by the Avinds and storms. But such opposition only makes it take deeper root, and stand more flrmly than ever. So, in a figurative sense, it has been with the reUgious and educational development of our county. Surely there has been no sudden or abnormal greatness talien place. Passion and excitement' have not done a work ; or, if they have, the Avork has passed aAvay and ceased to exist, as it should do, and as it could not but do. The growth has been permanent in every particular; and, though slow enough to discourage the impatient, yet it has been sure enough to satisfy the hopeful and far-seeing. The common schools and the churches should not be classed as institutions of the same kind; nor, can it be maintained that they stand upon the same or similar foun dations ; yet, so intimately are they related, and so broadly does each rest upon the Avideness of public enlightenment and national and social excellence that both may be con sidered resting upon the same basis. Or, exactly the oppo site ground in logic, but in reality the same, may be taken, and it may be held that the aforesaid Avideness of public enlightenment and social excellence depend upon religion and education. Certain is it that both exist together and cannot thrive apart. At least, all efforts to establish one without the other has, in the past, been a signal failure. Individual knowledge and CA'en Avisdom may be gained by powerful minds, groping in the darkness of infidelity; but the force thus acquired cannot be transmitted to others. It lives brilliantlj' enough Avhile vitality lasts, but vitality is mortal and must perish. When it dies, the poAver dies too. It is not like the greatness of Washington or Luther or Da vid or Abraham, Avhicli, upon the dissolution of the mortal SCHOOLS AND CHUECHES. 127 part, Avent out into elements beyond to live on. Nations, uneducated and grossly superstitious, cannot be what those are Avhich are thriUed, fiUed and animated by that higher, nobler and purer doctrine, which we knoAv to be good, as we know that light is beautiful. Africa and England are not the same. England is better than Africa. We know such to be so. The mysteries of philosophy and chemistry are not more recondite than is that of the change .which knowledge causes to take place in the indiA'idual man, and more so in the col lective man or the community. It is undefinable, but is needing no definition. It acts and. permeates through na ture and characteristics ;tintil all are changed into conformity with a neAV order. Public education in Tucker County has never reached as high a standard as should be. Circumstances have been against it. The wild and undeveloped state of the country has been a powerful drawback ; but the time is uoav coming AA'hen this difficulty wUl be overcome. The people are thor oughly in sympathy with the common school system, and it must enter upon a better career than its past has been. There is, in the county, no means of gaining a better education than may be gained in the common schools. No institutions of a higher order have been established ; and, there would not, at this time, be sufficient support for any thing of the kind. But the time cannot be far distant when our youths, avIio have completed the narroAv bounds of our common school education, will not be forced to go beyond our borders in order to proceed further Avitli their course of studies. The higher departments of learning must ever be the channel through which the great shall reach their great- 128 HISTOEY OF TUCKEE COUNTY. ness ; but, the comnion schools, bringing education for the masses, is the broad foundation upon which rests the national power of America. A great individual is a power ful factor in a country's greatness ; but, a Nation's soUdity and poAver is built upon those whose Common worth only has been developed. The leaders of such a people as the United States are leaders only by the consent of the gov erned ; and, for the governed to kna^ whom tp appoint to this position, and to rectify mistakes Avhen made, is aU that there is in national greatness. Ninety-nine per cent, of those who receive high school educations have not the mental stability to profit by it or to lend profit to others; but, of those whose training has been in the common schools, not one per cent, fail to fulfiU tlieir calHng. They do not aim at the stars. They seek only that which they need and can find, and thus do not seek in vain, as many do whose learning so exalts them that, in their infatuation, they leave the object and grasp at the shadow. The higher departments of learning are exercising a pow erful influence upon science, but the education of the masses is building the world. Aside from the Churches and their associations, there is nothing better or greater than the schools where the poor man's boy can gain that knowledge which will give him control over the hardest problems of life. The rich can command the means of acquiring this, but the poor cannot, unaided by the public. In Tucker County the improvement from year to year has been marked ; and now it is so that our schools, or at least, our county, is able to provide teachers at home for the schools. The custom of employing teachers from other counties is not without objection. Sometimes it is SCHOOLS AND CHUECHES. 129 necessary to do so, when the home supply falls short of the demand. But it is best to have the schools of the county conducted by those AVho take a deeper interest in them than merely to get the salary. A teacher who comes from an other county is usuaUy one that is unable to get employment at home, and is, consequently, unfit for employment abroad. Of course, there are exceptions, and many exceptions ; but stUl it is generaUy the case that a teacher worth anything, settles down to work where he is known. If a county is much overrun by outside teachers, it is a sign that it either has not home talent sufficient to conduct its own schools, or that it pays a higher salary than its neighbors and that the teachers are gathered in to share in the advanced prosperity. From the rude log huts, wherein the people one hundred years ago congregated to worship, we have advanced stead Uy untU our churches present a favorable contrast with the rest of our improvements. They are sufficient for the ac commodation of all who come together to worship. The religious doctrine of the mass of our people has undergone no material change in the last one hundred years. The creed of the Methodist Church is . the prevailing one here. The Presbyterians, Dunkards, Baptists, Lutherans, Catho lics and Campbellites have a few representatives. The Methodists are pretty evenly divided into three classes. North and South and Protestant Methodists. The Presby terians are of the Southern branch of that Church. The Dunkards are identical with the German Baptists. Their members are tolerably numerous, but they have no church in the county. They preach in the houses of other denom inations. Neither have the Baptists, Lutherans, Camp bellites or Catholics any church. There are, at this time, only two Catholics in the county. CHAPTER VII. MOUNTAINS AND CA YES. The mountains of Tucker possess an interest for the people of Tucker, although nothing special to the people of the outside world. On our south-eastern border the great comb of the Appalachian range extends like a barrier. This, the Alleghany ridge, is the highest mountain in our county, and the highest point is eastward from the upper end of the Canaan Valley, about the meeting of the drain age of New Creek and Eed Creek. The raia that faUs on the summits of these ridges finds its way to the ocean, either the Atlantic, through the Potomac, or the Gulf of Mexico, through the Mississippi and its tributaries. The Backbone is a spur of the AUeghanies, and is nearly as high. It diverges from the Alleghanies at Fairfax and trends to the north and Avest of Canaan. This mountain is almost as rough as the main Alleghany. No farming of much importance is done on it. The rest of the mountains are broken up, and extend in any and every direction Avithout system. Shafer's Mountain, Green Mountain and others have some regularity in exten sion ; and on the west Laurel Hill extends unbroken. It divides the Avaters of Cheat Eiver from those of the East Fork. No streams break through it, as through the Back bone. It is not so high as the Alleghany or the Backbone Mountain. Among the mountains of Tucker, the most interesting is Limestone, standing a soUtary remnant of an earUer geolog- MOUNTAINS AND CAVES. 131 ical age, when the flowing waters had not carried away the high plains that then extended, rugged no doubt, from the top of Limestone to the Backbone. Ages, centuries and mUlennials of storms and floods have wrought their work of ruin, and the torrents of winter, together with the cleaving frosts and the dashing rains, have carried away the moun tains, and the high plain exists only in its north and south edges — the Backbone and Limestone. AU the intervening plateau has been washed away, and probably now goes to make up the plains of Mississippi and Louisiana, whither the rivers have carried the debris. The foUoAving is condensed from the Clarlesburg Register, where it was pubUshed some thirty years ago : LIMESTONE MOUNTAIN.* This mountain is an isolated hill, rising abruptly from the western bank of Cheat River, in Tucker County, and extends in a course nearly north and south. The length of the mountain at its base is about three miles, that of its summit less than two. Its width at its base is something more than two miles, at its top from one- fourth to three -fourths of a mile. Its greatest height is about two thousand seven hundred feet above the river.t It receives its name from the abundance of blue limestone that protrudes from the surface of the ground. The western declivity is exceedingly steep and rough, abounding in rocks as large as houses, while the eastern slope is gentle and gradual, and, for the«most part, is covered with beautiful grazing farms. The grass of the mountain is of a superior quality, and is not surpassed by any in the country. The soil around the slope, and even to the summit, is exceedingly fertile, and produces vegetation in the greatest luxurience ; and, every part that has not been cleared abounds in forests of excellent timber. The different kinds of oak, ash, chestnut, black and white walnut, sugar-, white maple and hickory abound in ahnost every part. Nearly the whole •It is supposed that this article was written by Professor Selby, a sohool teacher who lived at Limestone many years ago. tThls is an overestlmatlon. 132 HISTOEY OF TUCKEE COUNTY. mountain, together Avith a large tract on the eastern side, is OAvned by William EAvin, Esq., an intelUgent, wealthy and enterprising gentleman living in Tucker County, who is now converting the whole into an extensive grazing farm.* A considerable number of cattle and sheep have for several years been kept on it. When the whole is put under improvement, a more beautiful prospect of rural scenery wiU probably nowhere exist. The summit of the mountain extends in a direct line, except that it falls about two hundred feet not far fromthe northern end, form ing a most romantic plateau of level land. Then rising again, it continues one unbroken course to its southern extremity. At the northern end there are several high and rocky peaks that overlook the surrounding country to a vast extent. The prospect from these points, especially in the summer season, is grand and beau tiful in the extreme. The spectator appears to be elevated in the blue firmament, far above the tops of ten thousand beautiful hUls, that seem to roll in undulations as far as the eye can reach ; whUe the meandering river shimmers Avith its bright waters far doAvn below. On this prospect the eye dwells with a rapture that must be enjoyed and wondered at before it can be understood. Then passing southward along the brow of the mountain, you soon descend to the table land, above aUuded to. This deUghtful tract of level land on the top of the mountain would at once arrest the attention of the observer. The soil is a darkish loam, in some places mingled with gravel, well adapted to the production of grain. It is shaded with groves of chestnut, hickory and sugar maple, and covers almost seventy acres. Leaving this, ina southern course, you climb a steep ascent, which leads to the principal summit of the mountam. As you pass along this part of the mountain you will observe trees deeply scathed by lightning, affording unmistakable proof that the god of thunder has rolled his fiery car over the mountain. From this ridge, far on the left, beyond a thousand rolling hills, you behold the principal ridge of the Alleghanies looming up as if to gaze on the surrounding world. The eye may trace the course of this ridge, broken by deep chasms and rounding summits, near ¦* Senator Ewlu stUl owns this land, as he did thirty yeare ago. MOUNTAINS AND CAVES. 133 one himdred miles.* Toward the extremity of the vision the mountains appear as if roUing in the distant waves of the blue e'ther, and farther off they entirely disappear. Sometimes, of course, from this elevation may be seen the black clouds of storms hovering over the distant mountains. The loud rumbling of thun der may be heard, and the vivid flashes of lightning, darting from cloud to cloud, may be sesen. On such an occasion, the view is awfuUy subUme. "What a scene for contemplation ! The mind of the spectator, oppressed Avith a load of insupportable glory, invol- untarUy faUs back upon its own insignificance and shrinks into nothingness before the astounding display of Almighty Power. Approaching the southern part of the mountain and turning some distance to the right, there is a beautiful plateau of level land, perhaps one hundred acres or more. Here Nature appears to have reveled in the gratification of her own fancy, and formed a Uttle detached world, purely her own. The soil exhibits great fortuity, and is shaded by delightful groves of sugar, thinly mingled with hickory and black walnut. Here are excellent springs of pure water, gurgling from the rocks, and rolling over beds of white gravel, or floAving beneath the shade of giant rocks which overhang the course. Here are detached masses of rounded, gray rocks, peering above the surface, and looking, from a dIstance,Uke enormous elephants sleeping in the green shade. About half mUe from this place, in a south-western course, is a large pUe of huge rocks that entirely cover the surface of the earth for a number of acres. This rocky pUe exhibits all the wUdness that the imagination could desire. It is bounded on the south by a stupendous pUe of massive bowlders, some of which are as large as temples, and form frightful precipices. This pUe of enormous rocks forms the south-western bend of the mountain, and to a contemplative eye is equal in Interest to any other part. A scene of greater -wildness, grandeur and sublimity is not easily found. Here is everything to arouse the deep feeUngs of the soul and drive it to profound meditation. The spectator, seated upon these enormous rocks, while the rays of the burning sun are reflected from their flinty sides, in mind involuntarUy runs * This, again, is an overestlmatlon. The day must be exceedingly clear, m Tucker County, U a mountain can be seen forty miles. 134 HISTOEY OF TUCKEE COUNTY. into a channel of serious andmelancholy contemplations, whUe far around, the glory of Nature's works crowd themselves upon the astonished vision. These huge, eternal rocks, covered with moss, and grown gray with the flood of years, stUl repose in silence. Though the stormy winds of heaven have battled against them for thousands and thousands of years, yet they sleep on. Torna does have rushed with ruin round, but these everlasting hills of nature, secure m their OAvn immutable strength, regarded them. not. Seasons have rolled and time has fled, but they remain un moved, and seem to mock at the perishing glory of the world. Monarchies have shaken the earth Avith the footsteps of their power, and deluged it with blood, and, sunk away in their oavu weekness and expired. Nations have arisen to greatness and glory and then relapsed into eternal silence. .^But, these mighty monuments of power, as if conscious of their own immutabUity, regarded not the changing world around them. But, though they sleep in silence, yet they are not ineloquent. Though they speak not audibly, yet they have a language that cannot be misunder stood. Their own eternal silence is eloquent, and their everlasting stillness proclaims the truth. They carry the observer far back through the dim vista of time to the period when they were throAvn from the hands of their Creator. They speak eloquently of aU the changes of succeeding ages since the beginning when God created the heavens and the earth. They remind us of the mighty cities and nations of the earth, once full of the schemes of human Ufe, now sunk to rise r o more. They speak mockingly of kings and conquerors, long since forgotten in the silence of the tomb. With speechless language they seem to say: "Where now are the mighty personages that once figured upon the stage of life, and produced such wonderful commotions in the world ? Whose hand grasped the sword of power, and the nations trembled before them ? Every tongue was.eloquent in their praise, and every hand ministered unto them. Yet they are gone with the swift revolving years, and their places are fllled by others perishable, or yacant forever. Time has spread his dark pavUion over them. Then- monuments are broken down and their very tombs have decayed. Where now is all the greatness, the pride and the glory of by-gone generations ? They once lived, they flourished, and the pleasures MOUNTAINS AND CAVES. 135 of life were sweet to them. But, all is gone ! Death has seized upon them, and their greatness has vanished away, their pride has fallen, and their glory has departed forever." So speak the dead rocks, dead but eternal in their works, and whUe they are eloquent in their allusions to the faded glories of the past, they also deliver us a solemn lecture on the shortness of our OAvn earthly existence. They remind us that, in a few more days, the sun that shines so brightly upon the graves of past gen erations, wUl shine with equal brightness upon ours. They ad monish us that, in a few more years, the present generations, with aU their boasted wisdom, wUl sink into the silence of the tomb; and, with all who have gone before them, they, too, will be for- gotton. And with the same noiseless, solemn eloquence we are re minded of the time when the "ancient of days shall appear, whose throne is like the flery flame and his wheels are burning fire." "When the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat." "When the earth and all the works that are therein shall be burned up." They seem to say: "Proud man, thy tabernacle is built of clay ! thy body is flesh ; therefore, thou shalt not endure. Thy days on earth are a hand's breadth, and thy Ufe but a span. Though the fondness of life be great, and the love of pleasure deeply fixed In thy soul, yet thy stay on earth is transient as the morning cloud, evanescent as the early dew that continueth not." They, Ukewise, point to the time when they themselves, after they have stood in the majesty of their strength for thousands of years, shall be dissolved by the burning flame, and into smoke shall they vanish away. Scores of mountains of Tucker have names given them by local occurrences, or in way of distinction. Among these are Old Andra, named, it is said,' from a man of that name who used to follow wagoning along the road that passes over it. One very cold night, while traveling the road, he missed some article from his load, and went back to hunt it, leaving his son, a small boy, in the wagon. He had fiir- ther to go than he anticipated, and upon his return, found his boy frozen to death. The circumstance Avas applied in 136 HISTOEY OF TUCKEE COUNTY. designating the place, and finaUy the mountain came to be known as Old Andra, a name ever since retained by it. The mountain is about seven mUes from St. George, on the road to Aurora. Sims' K7i6b was named from Bernard Sims, who used to live at its base, and who was kiUed by the Indians. Lips- coonVs Ridge receives its name from the Lipscomb famUy, who settled there in an early day. Closs Mountain was named from David Closs, a Scotchman who bought the mountain many years ago, and stiU lives there. Shafer's Mountain was named from Shafer's Fork, and Green Moun tain from its verdure in summer. Pifer Mountain was named from Andrew Pifer. Hog Bach, on the waters of Horse Shoe Eun, is so named from its resemblance to a hog's back. Locatio7i Ridge is so called because the loca tion for a turnpike is there. Miller Hill, four miles below St. George, on the road to Eowlesburg, is named from WU liam MiUer. If the subterranean wonders of Tucker County were bet ter knoAvn, it would rank among the first counties of the state in that respect. No caves as extensive as Mammoth, of Kentucky, or Luray, of Virginia, have been discovered. But there are natural wonders of this kind, some explored and others almost unknown. They are found in the lime stone formation. Falling Spring. — On the Dry Fork road, some fifteen miles from St. George, is a natural curiosity, called FaUing Spring. Just above the road, where a little mountain stream falls over a cataract, is an opening in the Umestone rock, in an- oblong shape, about thirty feet deep, into which the water falls as spray. There is no account that the pit has ever been descended into. Viewing it from the top, it looks MOUNTAINS AND CAVES. 137 as though from its bottom a cave may extend back into the mountain. Probably it wiU some time be explored, and then its true nature and extent can be known. Jordan's Cave. — On the other side of the river, almost opposite FaUing Spring, is a large cavern caUed Jordan's Cave. We quote the foUowing from the Biography of Abe Bonnifield : On the west side of Dry Fork there is a cave, frequently oaUed Jordan's Cave. This name is given on account of an ignorant f eUow of that name who discovered it, and who pretended to have remained there a considerable time and to have made' many dis coveries in it. He wrote a book descriptive of it,* and claimed to make knoAvn to the world many wonderful things. Jordan's book is as destitute of elegance and correct composition as the narrative which it contains is of truth. It would be but justice to his pam phlet to say that for falsehood, nonsense and absurdity it has few equals and no superiors. Reports say that Jordan has since gone' crazy. Mr. Penn, who was Avith Jordan, says that the cave is, indeed, a wonderful place, and thinks that they must have traveled several mUes under ground, t He says that there appeared to be many different apartments. Probably there is room here for much further research, which would richly repay the geological visitor for his pains. The more recent explorations of Jordan's cave have more and more confirmed Jordan's account of it, as it is remem bered by those who have read his book. The cave is a suc cession of haUs and rooms, one beyond the other, through aU of which flows a stream of clear, cold water. Blowing Cave, at the head of Elk Creek, is more of a cu riosity than Jordan's Cave is, although not so extensive. It is called Blowing Cave, because in warm weather a strong * This book cannot now be found. t The cave has since been explored by Buf us Maxwell, Dr. -(Vllllam Strln, David and A. T. Boniilfleld, and they found It less than half a mile In extent. 138 HISTOEY OF TUCKEE COUNTY. current of cold air flows from it, and is sufficiently cool to chUl one who remains in it a few minutes. This cave has been explored to the distance of nine hundred feet, and is, also, a succession of chambers and rooms, some of which are fantastic and beautiful. There are numerous other caves and caverns in the county, some of which have been only partly explored. On Limestone Mountain there is a cave said to be very exten sive. CHAPTER VIII. LUMBER INTERESTS OF TUCKER COUNTY. Nature bestowed upon Tucker County a splendid growth of timber. When the old pioneers first visited the bottom lands along the river, they found there the most gigantic oaks, hickories, walnuts and other timbers. No woodsman's ax had ever broken in on the solemn reign of these primeval kings. Perhaps, near some beautiful spring, or on the shaded bank of some mountain stream, the roaming Indian had paused^ long enough in his pursuit of game to hack, with his flinty hatchet, a few trees, or he may have stripped them of their bark,_ Avith which to erect him a shelter against the rains of the verdant summer or the snows that conie in the vdnter time. Or, some savage, in the desire of his heart to lift himself out of the dark depths of wildness and bru- taUty, may have cleared away, Avith hatchet and fire, the trees and rubbish from some fertile acre, and there built for himself a better Avigwam than that of his more savage neighbor ; and, on the Httle plantation of his own clearing, there may have grown by his rude cultivation a few square rods of grain or vegetables. But such an Indian, if he ex isted, had more than mere forest or sultry summers or icy winters against which to contend in his struggle to grow better and to foster the germ of civilization which he felt rising in his soul. Nature and nature's obstacles were hard enough to be removed or triumphed over, and the inani mate enemies to his advancement, that were all about him, were enemies enough ; but, they were not the worst. His 140 HISTOEY OF TUCKEE COUNTY. own people, the tribes of his feUow-beings, would not rise to a higher grade of existence, and they would not suffer him to rise. The Httle field that he had cleared and tiUed tmtU it was yielding him a sustenance, was the object of his kindred's hatred. They raided upon it, and carried away or destroyed what was growing, and the OAvner, in his dis couragement and anger, flung down his wooden hoe and his flinty hatchet, and declared that he would no more labor where no profits would ever be gained. Thus, the Uttle plantation was abandoned to its original Avilderness, and soon the brambles covered it. The brambles grew into trees, and again the land was an unbroken forest, and thus it was when the white man's foot first pressed the soU. There seems to have been as much timber in Tucker when first visited by whites, as there ever was afterwards. The amount that the trees grew in one hundred years, making large trees of smaU ones, was coimteracted by the number of large ones that died and feU doAvn in that time, so that the amount of marketable timber in the county did not in crease, and probably never wpuld have increased, had it remained untouched by man forever. It is maintained by some that at a period not very remote, the region west of the Alleghanies, and among them, was treeless, as the west ern prairies are. Such may have been the case, but there is nothing in Tucker to warrant such a conclusion. As far back as any account is had, the trees were as large and stood as thick as they do in the unmolested forests of to-day. Our history extends back only about one hundred and twenty years ; and in that time nothing has transpired to lead one to suppose that the general condition of our for ests are undergoing a change. The age of some of our trees, as indicated by their an- LUMBEE INTEEESTS. 141 nual rings, show that they were here before Columbus saw San Salvador. The size of a tree is Httle by which to judge its age. A sycamore one foot in diameter may be less than ten years old ; whUe another tree of the same kind and size may be one hundred. It depends upon where they stand, whether in a place suitable for groAving or not. A pine tree on the Fork Eidge of Pine Eun was thirty-nine inches in diameter and one hundred and nineteen years old. An oak tree three inches larger, cut by George Sypolt on Jlolbert Eun, was five hundred and six years old. A sycamore that formerly stood on John H. SAvisher's farm, on Horse Shoe Eun, was over six feet across the hoUow Avithin. Of course, its age could not be known, but hoUow trees are of slow growth. A hoUow sycamore in the Horse Shoe was said to have been ten feet across the hollow ; but, ita exact size is not agreed upon by those who have seen it. A red oak that formerly stood on Horse Shoe Eun below Bon- nifield's, was sawed doAvn. It was soUd and over five feet across. Its annual rings Av^re so thin that they could not be counted. There were, however, hundreds of them, and the tree must have been among the oldest in the county. It was many years after the first settlements of the county before its timber had any marketable value. There was no place where it, could be sold, and it was counted as so much rubbish — worse than nothing where the ground must be cleared. The first settlers along the river were almost dis couraged when they contemplated the time and labor that would be required to remove the gigantic oaks that stood thick all over the bottom lands. Some few of them were made into rails ; but, further than this, they could be put to no use ; and it became neccessary to destroy them with ax and fire. The work required years and years, and was 142 HISTOEY OF TUCKEE COUNTY. completed within the memory of those stUl living. The amount of timber thus destroyed must have been immense, as we can judge by taking into account the extent of terri tory so timbered, and the number and size of the trees. But, it was aU destroyed before timber here had any value. But, gradually, as the country began to develop, mde saw-miUs were built, and a few plank houses took the place of the primitive log cabins. This was the first use, aside from rail fences, to which lumber was put in this county. The demand was smaU, and the manufactories were few. The first caU for lumber to go out of the county was that to build the bridge across Cheat, where the North-western Pike crosses, five miles above Eowlesburg. A large part of this lumber was sawed by Arnold Bonnifield, and after being hauled to the river, was built into rude rafts, and driven with the current to its destination. The kinds of timber found in Tucker, having a marketa ble value, are several : pine, including several kinds, white, yellow, pitch, spruce and hemlock. The spruce and hem lock are often confounded with each other, and what one calls spruce another calls hemlock. Properly, the hemlock does not really grow here ; but a species much like it is found along deep hollows, and is noticeable for its smaU leaves, from one-fourth to three-fourth of an inch long, and the sixteenth of an inch wide, and for the symmetrical form of the tree, Avhich grows in the form of a huge cone, taper ing regularly from the first limbs to the top of the tree. The knots of this tree are very'hard, brittle as glass, and will break an ax that is not tempered in the best manner. The Avood has firmness and strength, but is not susceptible of a neat finish. It is less valuable than white pine. The LUMBEE INTEEESTS. 143 gram of its wood is coarse, and breaks in a zigzag manner. White pine, all in all, represents and has represented the greater portion of Tucker County's wealth of timber. It is not a fine wood ; but, is durable, neat and substantial. It is soft, thus being easy to work, and Hght, making it con venient for hauling. It AviU receive a finish better than hemlock, and next to that of poplar. It is the taUest tim ber in the AUeghany Mountains. Spruce pine, formerly caUed hemlock, grows on the sum mits of our highest mountains, and has never yet been put in market to any considerable extent. Its greatest abund ance is on and beyond the Backbone Mountain, in the Canada country. Its lowest limit of natural growth is not less than fifteen hundred feet above the sea, although a few trees may be found any altitude. The bark of the tree is smoother than white pine, and the trunks are very round and regular. The wood is harder than that of white pine. In value next after white pine is that of poplar. It grows in any locality and in any soil ; although it flourishes best in rich land and toward a northern exposure. The trees are taU, and generaUy carry a size nearly uniform from the ground to the limbs, which are usuaUy crooked and clumsy. and the flrst ones are about two-thirds of the distance from the ground to the top of the tree ; and from that to the top they are scattered at hap-hazzards. The wood is of a yellow color, and is used in cheap furniture, and for building pur poses. But, it is not suitable for either, when sawed into thin boards, because it curls and warps when it becomes dry. It can be dressed smoother than any pine, and pre sents a harder surface, and is freer from knots. Cherry and walnut are the two kinds of wood best suited to furniture and highly finished carpenter work. They are 144 HISTOEY OF TUCKEE COUNTY. next to mahogany for this purpose. Walnut is the prefer able of the two, because it warps less than cherry ; but cherry is much used, and when properly worked and handled is exceUent for tables, stands, and the finishing of doors, windows and rooms. The tendency of cherry to warp is partly compensated for in its harder quaUty and tough grain. But walnut is the better in all cabinet work that is meant for cUmates that change. No cherry should ever be used in organs, bureaus or geared machinery. The supply of either of these timbers in Tucker is limited. Walnut is found thinly scattered over the whole country, and there is no particular place where it is not found ; and the same is partly true of cherry ; but, in Canaan, it is found most abundantly. We have in Tucker two kinds of maple. One we call sugar, and the other maple. They are quite different. The latter is often called silver maple. Both are hard wood, and make good wood-work of machinery. The maple is used for furniture, and is really nicer than either walnut or cherry, when properly dressed and varnished. Its wood is waved in the most beautiful manner, and surpasses the finest imitations that art can make. Knots, that in other woods are blemishes, are in maple desirable, because they produce the finest curves and undulations, that seem to ex tend Hke waves over water, further and further until lost by the gradual blending into the general surface of the wood. Often the curves meet, coming from two knots, and, instead of crossing each other, as they do on water, they seem to check each other, and pile up, one on another, as though trying to pass, but unable to do so. Curved Hues and curved motions are the most pleasing to the human eye ; and in nature almost everything is LUMBEE INTEEESTS. 145 found to be in accordance with this principle. Water moves in curves, trees grow in curves, sound and Ught and heat, with few modifications, move in curves, and in the atoms about us, we have reason to believe that all motion is in other than straight Unes, while we know that the planets move about a center. This truth of nature, that beauty of form is due to the uniform variation of lines, is seen to perfection in the for mation of the wood of the maple. An industry of Tucker County, not of much financial value, but still of value to the people, is the making of sugar from the maple and sugar trees. All trees of this kind, in the north, are called maple ; but here there is a local dif ference. The sugar is understood to be one thing and the maple another ; and the difference is as clearly defined as it is between any kinds of wood. Sugar is made alike from both. In February, March and April the trees are "tapped," as it is called, and the water that flows from them, after being retained in a trough set for the purpose, is boiled in kettles, and tliils the sugar is made. The Avater from the maple tree is scarcely sweet to the taste ; but that from the sugar tree is quite sweet. Strange as it may seem, the A\'a- ter from the maple tree will pan out nearly as much sugar as that from the sugar tree. There is a slight difference in the taste of the sugar ; and that made from the maple is browner than that from the sugar tree. The sugar season lasts from the middle of February to the middle of April. Ash, hickory and locust are the three hardest woods in common use. Ash is the most like iron in durability and strength. It is unyielding, and in the frame-work of ma chinery it is not surpassed. Hickory is tougher than ash, and will bend into all shapes before it Avill break. Its most 10 146 HISTOEY OF TUCKEE COUNTY. usual use is for handles. Locust is not often employed in wood- work. It is very hard, but its hardness is not its best quality. As posts for fences it lasts longer than any other wood. Posts of it have been known to last nearly three- four-ths of a century. On Horse Shoe Eun, near its mouth, is a locust post that is believed to have been planted about 1817. It is still sound. It was planted top down, and has ever since been used as a bar-post. When exposed to the alternate action of dry and damp, timber decays much sooner than when kept wet or kept dry all the time. Timbers under the water, away from the air, Avill last infinitely longer than Avhen the air can act upon them, and the water, too, at the same time. The old miU- dam timbers at St. George are good illustrations of this. They Avere put in near 1776, and a fcAV years later were covered several feet deep Avitli gravel, and there they re mained until 1875, AA'hen the gravel was washed off, and the timbers Avere left exposed to view. They were sound, and are still sound, although for nine years they haA'e been ex posed to both water and air. They are of oak wood, and still plainly shoAv the marks of the ax. They are in the ford of Mill Eun, on Main street, St. George. When entirely in the dry, wood wiU last also a long time. The interior timbers of houses seem to undergo no change so long as they are kept entirely dry. In a cave of Grant County, West Virginia, is a cedar log that Avas carried there about 1754, and Avas used as steps (notches having been cut in it) for getting down over a precipice, Avhen the settlers fled there to escape from the Indians. The log is stiU sound ; and Avhere the notches were cut, the marks of the ax, and even the paths made by duU places in the. ax, are as plainly seen as when the log Avas placed there. The log is LUMBEE INTEEESTS. ceda,r, of which wood Tucker County has a very limited supply. The mountains facing the river are covered with oak timbet^. This has been much used for rails, in past years, and is still used to a considerable extent. Oak in the market, com- mands a good price, and is now rafted down the river in large quantities ; but there are drawbacks in the way of getting it to market. It is very heavy to haul, and, when rafted, floats so deep that it is difficult and expensive to get it to the railroad. Green red-oak will not float at all. Some years ago Mr. N. M. Parsons cut a lot of rail timber, and hauled it to the bank of the river, designing to float it down to a suitable place for splitting it. It was placed on skid- ways, sloping to the water, and when aU Avas ready, the prop that held the first log was knocked out and the whole skidfuU of logs went rolling into the river, sank instantly to the bottom, and has not been seen from that day to this. Sycamore is also heavier than water, and "will sink. It is a worthless, or almost worthless Avood. It is coarse and spongy, and from this county very little of it has ever gone to market. It is twisted and will not split, and when saAvecl can be used for such few purposes that it is an undeveloped article ill our Avoods. Jt grows almost exclusively along the river and the larger streams flowing into it, and is seldom found on lands of any altitude. One tree grows on the head of Hansford Eun, at the old GoAver Farm, and this is probably the most elevated tree of the kind in the counfJ^ On the islands in the river, and in the damp bottoms on both sides, the sycamore flourishes to perfection. When young, the tree grows tall, stately and beautiful. Its slencler trunk is as straight as a beam of light, and as graceful as the fabled trees in the mythical forests of old. The color 148 HISTOEY OF TUCKEE COUNTY. of the bark changes Avith the seasons. At one time it is dark brown, at another tinged toward red, then gray, then spotted white and black and then white as snow. This is due to the fact that the tree sheds its bark. One thing might be noticed : Sycamore trees that grow tall and regular never get very large. The enormous trunks that have been seen, are ugly, crooked, twisted and seem to have been dwarfed in their younger years. They are, also, nearly always hollow, when above medium size. As the outside grows, the heart decays, and the larger the tree the thinner the shell of wood, until the gigantic sycamores are, upon examination, found to be mere shells. The seeds of the sycamore are contained in a light, yel lowish ball, resembling cotton in texture and silk in color. The seeds attach themselves to this substance, and are bloAvn by the wind about over the country. The seeds of the maple and sugar have a wing with which they fly through the air, whirling round and so fast that they look like wheels. Pine seeds are in the cones, and faU verti cally to the ground, as do the- acrons of oaks and the nuts of the hickory. The beech timber of the county has never been much sought after. It is of value only for a few purposes, such as shoe lasts, toys and whimwhams. It groAvs in all parts of the county, but best in Canada. There are numerous kinds of semi-worthless timbers in the county, such as birch, of which there are two kinds, black and white, and lynn,. buckeye, elm, chestnut and laurel. Chestnut is of much use in making rails, and of some use for lumber. The largest amount of our timber that has been taken out, has gone to market in the log ; but, much of it has been LUMBEE INTEEESTS. 149 sawed and shipped as plank. The improvement in mills has been gradual and steady. The first ones were hardly worth the name. They were unscientific, would not do good work and would cut only a few hundred feet a day. They were run by water-power, and, of course, had vertical saws, fastened to immense sashes, to lift which required nearly enough force to do all the work of sawing, if rightly applied. The wheels were only "flutter-wheels," which wasted more power than they transmitted. But, these old mills answered the purpose for which they were built, and were displaced as soon , as the occasion demanded better works. They often would not make eighty strokes a minute. The sashes, much improved, are still found in the county. They are well constructed, and average one hundred and - *** twenty strokes a minute, and do considerable work. One man may saw and stack one thousand feet a day, which is not far behind the per man average of larger mills, although much less than that of some. Dr. Bonnifield's was an im provement on any mill in the country at the time it was built, but it was not what it should have been. It had three times more power than it put to a good use ; and its sash was enormously heavy. It did good work, and during the thirty or forty years of its existence, it cut thousands of feet of lumber. Some of it was sent down the river to build the North-western Turnpike bridge, and some went other places. One hundred thousand feet was washed off in a freshet. It quit work about 1865. N. M. and George M. Parsons had a mill of the same kind that did a large amount of work, and sent a considerable amount of lumber down the river in rafts. Mills of this kind soon became numerous all over the county, wherever there was water power to run them. 150 HISTOEY OF TUCKEE COUNTY. The first mill without a sash, a "muley miU" as it was called, was built by Eufus Maxwell about 1865. It was an improvement upon the sash miUs. The saw made over three hundred strokes a minute. When steam mills were introduced into the county, the lumber business underwent a revolution. Or, rather, it suddenly sprang into life. A steam mill was erected on Black Fork, and was run by a company, but it did not prosper. Taylor's miU on Shafer's Fork did good work. Howe's mill, and Steringer's, and one in Canaan, all sawed large bills of lumber. The miU brought to the county by C. E. Macomber has surpassed any of the others in the quantity of sawing done. It was brought to the county about 1874, and was set at the mouth of Wolf Eun. It remained there several years and was moved to the farm of SUas E. Blackman, and was kept there until 1880 when it was moved to Hansford Eun, and remained there four years. This lumber, and all the lumber of Tucker that ever found its way to market, passed down Cheat Eiver, mostly in rafts. Cheat, although a small stream in comparison with others, is a noted river, and it has a history worth knowing, if it aU could only be known. But much of it never can, except in part. Upon its banks and in its waters have been enacted scenes of peace and war, and its waters have flowed red with the blood of battles. Its shores have been shaded by the groves and orchards, and there the wild Indian has made his home. The source of Cheat Eiver is not in Tucker County. The river comes from a thousands rivulets and rills that trickle LUMBEE INTEEESTS. 151 over rocks and creep through the shade of overhanging branches, and unite, and flow onward in larger streams, over stony beds, through rocky channels, into caves and out, down cataracts, where the crystal spray is gray in the sombre shadows or pSnted by sunlight or moonlight or the pale, soft light of stars into cascades of gorgeous rainbows that come and go in the passing phases of the brightness on, down, SAvifter or slower as the course is steeper or more level, until, from the ten thousand fountain-heads, all the springs and rills and brooks rush together with a murmur of gladness and a Avhisper that teUs that they have met before. The water that bubbles from the springs, far away in the mountains, under the cliffs of hills, or low down in the mar gins of quiet valleys, comes into the air Avith all the purity of rain, falling from the sky. No diamond in the crown of India's princes is more pure in the elements of beauty. While in the crowded cities and market-places of the east, or the north or west or soutli, the summer is sul try, and the throngs of people pass to and fro, burning Avith thirst, and have nothing but warm and unwholesome water Avith which to quench it, far up among the green mountains of Tucker are floAving and welling, free as the air and the light, and stiU more pure, if possible, the never-failing springs of clear, cold Avater, that floAvs forever, Avhether human Ups are bathed by it or not. Until recently, Avells were almost unknown in Tucker County. Springs Avere so plentiful, and so much better than wells, as they ahvays are, that people had on\j to look around a little before building their houses, and they could find a place where the water Avould be at their very door. Besides, where there was a spring, there could be built a 152 HISTOEY OF TUCKEE COUNTY. good milk-house, a luxury to every family, and one that cost less than almost any other luxury, and one that none, who considered it in time, need be without. The spring, the milk-house, with its fresh butter and cool milk, the open fire place to purify the room by carrying away foul air, as well as to lend a cheerfulness by its light and heat, and the wholesome, Avell-done corn bread, rendered a doctor more ornamental than useful a few years ago. Some changes have taken place, and others must, of ne cessity, follow as a consequence. Every family cannot or does not now have a spring, a milk-house and an open fire place. Springs are less plentiful and families more plenti ful than they used to be, and some dig wells and keep milk and butter in the cellar. As the land is cleared, there is a tendency on the part of the springs to dry up when drouths come upon the country. This is due to the fact that, while the land is covered with trees and timber, the rain that falls upon it is retained longer and is given time to soak into the ground. When in the ground, it finds sloping strata, and along them it floAvs until the surface of the ground is reached. This forms a spring. But when the timber has been re moved and there is no rubbish to hold the rain, it flows off into the creeks and rivers, and but little sinks into the ground to find the surface again in the form of springs. Thus, as the land is cleared, the number and fioAv of springs diminish, Avhile the actual annual discharge of the creeks and rivers may increase. This drying up of springs, so far, has had only a little effect upon Tucker County. There are still enough springs for each family to have a good one, and then be ten thousand left to flow untouched. But manj' do not find it convenient to live Avliere the sping is, so they build away from it and LUMBEE INTEEESTS. 153 dig a well. Wells are often very good, but they are never as good as a good spring, and wiU become more or less im pure in spite of all care. The rills and brooks and rivulets that flow together to form Cheat Eiver are as innumerable as are the trees of the forest. They come from every muntain and every hill, and every vaUey and vale sends down a supply. Some well from the high crest of upland plains, and some from subter ranean caves, and some from glades and some from valleys ; but, all meet at last, and blend with the completeness of chemical affinity. Shafer's Fork and Dry Fork have their sources beyond - our borders ; but we can claim Black Fork from source to mouth as our OAvn. It heads, in its numerous branches, in the Canaan Valley, around the base of the Alleghanies. It is the outlet of the rain that faUs in that basin. The Alle ghanies, the water-shed between the waters of the Atlantic and those of the Gulf of Mexico, extend along the eastern and north-eastern side of Canaan, and separate the fount ains of the Ohio from those of the Potomac. The country included between the Backbone on one side and the Alle ghany on the other, was, in geological ages, a lake, which, by the wearing away of the rim on the south-western side, thereby forming a channel, was thus drained dry ; and the water that falls there as rain and snow, still flnds an outlet through the same channel. This is Black Fork. It is formed by many streams. The head of the principal one is in the southern end of the valley. This is fed by Beaver, Little Blackwater, which gets its supply from Glady Fork, Long Eun and from others, and by other streams that floAV in from either side. By the time they all unite and pass the gap in the Backbone, they form quite a river. 154 HISTOEY OF TUCKEE COUNTY. The name Black Fork is a descriptive one. The water is of a dark red color. Not only has it this characteristic while in its mountain channels; but' it retains it after breaking away and after it has joined the clear waters of Shafer's Fork and Dry Fork. The whole river then, from there to its mouth, and even, to a less extent, the Monon gahela below, has a reddish black tinge. The rocks in the bottom of the river, and all bodies seen under its surface, put on a phantasmagorial aspect. The color of the water is transmitted to them, and they appear darkly red. Even the fish, those particularly which live in Black Fork, are colored by the water. Not only does the color attach to their scales, surface and fins, but their flesh, if properly so called, is colored throughout. It has been to some a subject of wonder why the water is so colored. But, it ought to be easily observed that it is due to the decaying leaves and roots of evergreens, mostly pines. One unaccustomed to the water can taste the pine in it ; and a few minutes of experimenting AviU show that the hue of the water is on account of the pine. Where it rises from springs, unsurrounded by pines, or where it flows through a beech forest alone, the water is clear. If one wUl drop into one of these clear springs a handful of de caying pine leaves, he may at once observe that the water is colored thereby. With this fact understood, it is apparent that, in the course of a few more generations, the dark tinge which now characterizes the waters of Cheat, AS'ill be seen no more, and the history of it will bq in the past. When the country shall become settled, and when farms shall have taken the place of the laurel-beds and pine forests, then the waters of LUMBEE INTEEESTS. 155 the river will be cut off from their supply of decaying ever greens, and wUl flow pure and clear. The influence which man wields over nature is greater than the unthinking ever think of. Not only can he, as he soon will in the case of this river, change the color of water that has flowed dark from time immemorial, but, it is also in his power to control, to some extent, the volume of water which a river sends out. If the Canada and Canaan Valley were cleared of its thickets, and all its swamps drained by a thorough system of underground drainage, Black Fork would carry off, in the course of the year, more water than it does now. And then, when heavy rains come, it would rise to a greater height than has ever yet been known. Dry Fork and Black Fork unite before they reach Sha fer's Fork, and after uniting take the name Black Fork, or Big Black Fork. It is about three miles from the conflu ence of Dry Fork and Black Fork to the mouth of Shafer's Fork, or to where the two flow together to form the river proper. The battle of Corrick's Ford was fought on Sha fer's Fork. Just below, is Alum Hill, a mineral formation of alum, from which the mountain takes its name. The alum comes to the surface, in little springs, and when at the surface, soon dries, and partly crystallizes. The alum is tolerably pure, but has never been used to any consid erable extent. From the forks of the river, northward to the Preston County line, the river has various names at different places, or rather, certain places in it have been given names, which either describe some feature or define some locality. Job's Ford, or more recently Callihan's Ford, is a river- crossing at the Holly Meadows, and got its name first from Job Parsons who used to live on the north bank, and got 156 HISTOEY OF TUCKEE COUNTY its second name from S. M. Callihan, whq more re cently lived on the south bank. The HoUy Meadows was named on account of the hoUy trees that grew and still grow there. They are evergreen, and the leaves have a fringe of thorns on them. Formerly, they stood thick about the bottom lands; but now they are not so plentiful. At Job's Ford, during Garnett's retreat, Capt. E. Harper recommended that a stand be taken and battle given. The stand Avas taken ; but the failure of the pursu ing enemy to put in an appearance, rendered a battle un necessary. From just below Job's Ford, the river sweeps around the base of the mountain to Sims' Bottom, where Sims was killed by the Indians, and there turns toward the east. In this distance there are several deep eddies. After passing Neville's Ford, where some of the Confederates nearly drowned during Garnett's retreat, the river reaches Wolf Eun, where there is an island, and where Macomber's steam mill was for several years. Soon after this. Slip HUl is reached. This is a precipitious mountain, so steep that the soil has slipped into the river, leavingthe bare rocks exposed. A road has been dug around it, and is never entirely safe. It is at one place about two hundred feet from the river,and the bluff below is almost perpendicular. A bridge, that looks more dangerous than it really is, spans a deep defile at the worst place in the road. Immediately beneath Slip HiU, a few years ago, a man named Moore Avas drowned, while in swimming. The water is deep and he got beyond his depth. Half mile further is the Turn Eddy, as it is called. It gets its name from two reasons. First, because the river there turns from its eastern course toward the north, and second, because, at LUMBEE INTEEESTS. 157 that place, at the eastern shore, the water turns back and flows up stream. A log thrown into the water at that place AvUl float up stream, turn and swim out into the middle of the river. This is one of the best places on the river for buUding rafts, and there have been made large numbers of log, lumber, stave and shingle rafts. One-half mUe beldw here is WiUow Point, which is a deep ford, named from a thicket of wUIoavs that grow on the bank, and extend somewhat in the shape of a wedge into the river. It was here that David Bonnifield was drowned. He and George Gower were crossing when the river was deep riding, and in the swiftest place their horses threw them. Bonnifield was an exceUent SAvimmer, but he never reached the shore. Gower could not SAvim at all, and got out. One-half mUe further is the mouth of Horse Shoe Eun, where the Pringles and Simpson who came through that country in 1764, crossed the river. There, too, James Par sons crossed when escaping from the Indians near the same time, and there he crossed later, when the Indians tried to allure him into an ambuscade by gobbling Uke a turkey. From there it is not far to the Island, which is known by that name over all the country. It is an Island near half a mile in length, densely timbered Arith sycamores, and has been a famous hiding place for deer, pursued by dogs. On one side of it is Wild Cat Point, a sharp cliff jutting from the mountain, and on the other is the Pond, which is a pond no longer. It used to be a slough or bay extending into the land ; but, in a freshet, the lower end was washed away, forming a channel through to the river a mUe below, and making of the Pond an arm of the river. , Opposite the Island is a small island of about one acre. On the bank by this small island, on the mainland, is the site 158 HISTOEY OF TUCKEE COUNTY. of an old Indian town, and there have been exhumed bones of human larger than those of ordinary persons. One- fourth mile below this is Horse Shoe Ford, and half mUe further is the mouth of Dry Eun, where the river is very swift and raftsmen must know the channel to go safely through. This passed, the St. George Eddy is reached. From Sims' Bottom to this point the river flows round the Horse Shoe, a distance of six miles. But, from river to river, across the isthmus, the distance is scarcely one-sixth that far. Could a canal be cut across this neck of land, it would give the facilities for a tremendous water-power, one sufficient to drive ten times as much machinery as there is or probably ever will be in the county. The Horse Shoe is named from its resemblance to the shoe of a horse. From cork to cork, so to speak, the dis tance is scarcely more than one mile, while around, it is six. The St. George Eddy extends from the mouth of the Pond, the lower end of the Horse Shoe, to Ewin's Ford, be low St. George, and is about one mile in length. It is per haps the most picturesque and beautiful portion of the river. St. George stands on its shore, thus lending an air of life and civilization to the rural scenery along its banks ; while on the south side (for the river here flows Avesterly) a steep, forest-covered mountain rises abruptly from the wa ter's edge, as a bluff, and then, after gaining a certain height, slopes gradually back to the higher summit beyond. When the river is Ioav, as it generally is in the summer time, St. George Eddy is remarkably calm and placid. The wa ter moves slowly and silently, and its surface is covered with Avhite bubbles, which float lightly, and form a marked contrast Avitli the dark, red water of the river. The Eocks, about one-half a mile above the town, are a LUMBEE INTEEESTS. 159 nice landing for skiffs; and pleasure parties often go on excursions there. Thick trees overshadow it, and a stream of cold water dashes down the steep mountain side, and is lost in the sombre river. At other points along the same shore, above and below, rivulets come down the hills by cataracts and cascades, until their final leap carries them into the deep water of the river. In Arinter these rills from the mountain freeze, and the ice piles thicker and higher, untU the whole face of the hill becomes a glacier, and re mains so until the Avarm winds of spring destroy the ice. But, the river and the scenery along its shores are seen in aU their beauty only in the summer, when the trees are in full leaf. A fringe of trees lines the northern shore, and the foUage of maples, sugars, sycamores, beeches and other woods are blended in a verdant wall of quiet freshness. Just beyond, but seen only through the openings here and there in the groves, are the fields of farms, where the plan tations of corn, and the acres of small grains and grasses ex tend furlongs back from the river, and separate it from the steep rise of the mountains beyond. In the summer evenings the mountains and trees cast their shadows over the river, and make it a delightful place for boat -riding. It is much frequented by persons, young and old, in the evening, and the painted skiffs, Indian ca noes and other barks may be seen floating placidly upon the water or passing swiftly to and fro. At the lower end of the St. George Eddy is Ewin's Ford, named from Hon. Wm. Ewin who lives upon the bank of the river at that place. This is at the mouth of Clover Eun, and here the road to Eowlesburg crosses the river. The next feature in the river, worthy of note, is Anvil's Mill Dam, a dam built by John Auvil across the river to 160 HISTOEY OF TUCKEE COUNTY. turn water into his mill race. The dam is a difficult place to be gotten over by raftsmen, and afterward it is a hard channel to keep. Eattlesnake Ford is named on account of a den of rattlesnakes that were formerly there. Jonathan Eun is where Jonathan Minear was kiUed by the Indians, and is a considerable rafting wharf. From tliere to MUler Hill the river is straight, and the raftsmen steer for a rock that looks white in the summer time and black in the winter, when tliere is snow on the ground. When the river passes the mouth of Bull Eun, and trends off toward the east, it is washing the rugged base of MiUer Hill, named from William Miller, who lives there. The Eowlesburg road passes around the hill, and from it the river, dashing over its rocky way, presents a scene of romance and beauty. When upon the river, it is found to be unusually narrow and SAvift, and it so bends that it is hard to keep rafts from running upon the bowlders that have rolled down from the hill and lie in the edge of the water. The waves roll high, and, some years ago, when the Eowles burg Lumber and Iron Company run boats on the river to carry shingles to Eowlesburg, this part of the river was found to be the most difficult to pass, on account of the height and crestedness of the waves. At the lower end of Miller Hill the river strikes fairly against the mountain, and turns to the north. Where it makes the turn, is a deep hole of Avater, Avitli the dreadful name of " Murder Hole." Eiver men remember it, because^ upon entering it at full speed, as rafts do after passing through two miles of swift water, the oars strike dead water, and, by sluing, frequently knock the men into the river. There are different accounts as to how this eddy got its name. One is that wolves once killed a band of sheep on LUMBEE INTEEESTS. 161 the bank near by, and another that a man was accidently droAvned there. Tavo smaU islands, named Pig and Macadonia, are soon passed, and the river is drawing near Licking Falls. This is another rough place, where the river falls several feet in a small distance. It is flowing north when it strikes Lime stone Mountain, ahd by it is deflected toward the Avest. Where it strikes the mountain, the rage of years and cen turies of floods have torn out rocks from the earth, and the river is partly blocked up Avith them. As the waters are damned up, and break over, they form Licking Falls, at the mouth of Licking Creek,, and near where Lieut. Eobert McChesney Avas killed. Turtle Eocks are soon passed. Tliese are several large, angular rocks, rising out of the river on the northern or eastern side, where the water is deep. In the summer time large numbers of clumsy, lazy turtles may be seen basking in the sunshine, and from this the rocks take their name. The Seven Islands are well known to all rivermen ; for, if a raft can pass there, its way to Eowlesburg can be de pended upon. The islands seem to have been seven in number when they got their name ; but the number is not constant. They are partly sand bars, and a flood in the river may build or destroy several of them. The river now passes from Tucker into Preston. From where it first enters the county to where it leaves it, follow ing the Avindings of the river, is from forty to sixty miles, depending upon Avhich fork is measured. It does not floAV with a uniform rapidity, through the county. At times it is very SAvift, and again it is slow. Among the mountains it is swifter than after it reaches the Holly MeadoAvs. Thirty miles, the distance from the Turn Eddy to Eowlesburg, lias u 162 HISTOEY OF TUCKEE COUNTY. befen run in five hours by boats on a good stage of water. When the water is low, of coui;se, the progress is less rapid. Often it takes twelve hours to make the same trip. Eafts and boats go only a very little faster than the current of the river. The timber that is saAved into lumber in Tucker County and is taken to market, goes down the river in rafts to Eowlesburg. A large number of log rafts go down annually. An average raft contains seventy logs, and twenty-five thousand feet. The logs are held together by polls fastened across the logs by staples. Oars from twenty to fifty feet long are placed on the ends of tlie rafts to keep them in the channel. Among the most noted log raftsmen Avho have been along the river of late years, may be mentioned William H. Lips comb, Thomas F. Hebb, Baxter Long, S. E. Parsons, Philip Constable, Charles Parsons, Lloyd Hansford, Magarga Par sons, L. E. Goff, Hiram Loughry and Finley Toy. Another kind of rafts is that of planks or sawed lumber. This has been an important industry in the county, and is still largely carried on. Planks are rafted by building them into platforms, usually sixteen feet square, and tweh'e inches thick, and then lashing the platforms end to end, until the raft is from sixty-four to one hundred and tAA'entj'-eight feet long. Tavo such rafts, side by side, are called a "double raft ;" and Avlien they are laden with lumber until the plat forms are entirely sunken, they contain about seventy-five thousand feet. The most extensive lumber rafter of Tucker County, is C. E. Macomber, Avho has thus taken to market millions of feet. .Others who have rafted extensively are A. C. Minear, Finley Toy, W. D. Losh, A. H. Bonnifield and others. The largest plank rafts have four oars. LUMBEE INTEEESTS. 163 An industry that has sprung up Avithin the past few years in Tucker, and one that brings in a considerable revenue, is the shingle mills. The first was buUt by the Eowlesburg Lumber and Iron Company at John Fansler's on Horse Shoe Eun, some eight miles above St. George. The mill was something new in the country, as its steam engine was the first one ever in the county, and people came from near and far to see it. The tram-road, which brought logs to the mUl was also the first thing of that sort ever in the county, and its trucks were looked upon with a wonder sec ond only to that, excited by the steam engine. The mill Avas built by Balus, a mill-wright from Balti more, and the machinery Avas set up by Frank Blanchard, who sawed the first shingle ever sawed in Tucker County. He was and is one of the best machinists in the State. When the mill was gotten ready to run, large crowds came together to see the fool thing start. Some said that it Avas a grand thing and others that it would be the ruination of the country. However, it got to going, and Avorked to per fection, cutting eight thousand sliingles a day. They Avere eighteen inches long and four inches Avide. Of course, some were Avider and some not so wide ; but, this Avas what was required in the measurement. They Avere packed into bunches of two hu.ndred and fifty each, and Avere hauled to the river on sleds in the winter time and on wagons in the summer. Among those who hauled were Ward Parsons, C. L. Parsons, John Closs, B. F. Dumire, James Knotts and WiUiam Losh. The mUl Avas kept running for several years, and until the Eowlesburg Lumber and Iron Company Avent into bankruptcy. After that the mill was run at intervals until all the timber in the vicinity had been cut, Avhen it was removed. The most prosperous period of the mill's existence was about 1870. 164 HISTOEY OF TUCKEE COUNTY. The next shingle-mill in the county was that buUt by Eufus Maxwell, and run by water-power. In its after mod ifications, the saAV ran horizontal instead of vertical. Abraham and Daniel L. Dumire buUt the next one on Laurel Eun, at the Lead Mine post-office. This miU was sold from one to another, until the controlling interest Avas in the hands of Cyrus Dumire. George Auvil buUt the next shingle factory. It was located on Mill Eun, about two mUes above St. George. Darid Closs built the ne?ct mill. It was on Horse Shoe Eun, four miles from its mouth. This completed the Hst of five shingle miUs in Tucker County. The first one ever in the county met an untimely end. While being taken around Horse Shoe Ford Hill, it, wagon, horses and aU, rolled doAvn the precipice into the river, near one hundred feet. None of the men or horses were seriously hurt, but the machinery and the wagons were badly wrecked. The shook business, some fifteen and twenty years ago, was an extensive industry. Joseph Davis was the principal manager of the business, and the shop Avas at St. George. It did more for the town than anything else of the time. It built up the houses that were going to pieces, and revived business. Although Tucker County has had and still has vast timber resources, and its thousand mountains are covered Avith valuable pines, oaks, poplars and hemlocks, and all this will bring a revenue into the county ; yet our real and perma nent wealth is not in our timber. Men who deal in it and attend closely to their business have made money from it ; but such is the exception and not the rule. The large con tractors may or may not make something ; but the laborer is almost sure to lose when it comes to the final reckoning. • LUMBEE INTEEESTS. 165 He may have worked hard from Christmas to Christmas, and his famUy may have lived as economically as decency and comfort would permit, ^et at the end of the year, when aU store debts and doctor bills are paid, and the wear and tear of the furniture and the farm property has been made good, aU the spare money is gone, and the laborer is left no richer than when he set in for the hard year of work. The reason for this is to be sought in the fact that almost every man in ^dicker County is a farmer. It is a general truth the world over that it is best for an agricultural man to stick to agriculture just the same as it is best, in usual cases, for any man to stick to his trade or profession. It may pay at times for a man to carry on tAvo, three or a dozen projects at a time ; but those who try it fail oftener than they succeed. EspeciaUy is this true with farmers any where, and the more so Avith those of Tucker County. A blacksmith or a carpenter may, if he sees fit, abandon his trade one, two or ten years, and again take it up and be none the loser, unless the time has been a loss to him. But not so Arith him. AA'ho digs into the fertile soil for his bread and his fortune. His farm needs him every day and every hour. If he leaves it, it .suffers from his neglect. If he engages as a laborer in the lumber business, as so many of the Tucker farmers are doing and have done, he fails to tiU his land as he should. His fences go to ruin, his sheds faU to pieces and Aveeds, briers, thorns and brambles fill all the nooks and corners of his fields. Meanwhile, the man may be getting his Avages, which are in ready money and for the time seem greater than he could make on his farm; but, everything his family uses must be paid for, and the expenses eat up the profits, and he works on, probably for years, and keeps just about CA'en. 166 HISTOEY OF TUCKEE COUNTY. Then the mill on which he works is to be moved to find a new supply of timber, and he must either follow or quit the works. If he is a wise man, he quits the bad contract, late, but better late than nev^r, and goes back to his neglected farm. Or, if he follows the mill to its new site, he may as well set tle doAvn to a perinanent rough and unprofitable life, drag ging himself and family about from place to place, and living only a little better than the Arabs of Egypt. If he goes back to his farm, he finds it grown up and di lapidated, far worse than when he left it, and he finds him self no richer in money than when he went . astray in the lumber business. Had he staid on his farm and worked as hard as he did in the Avoods, he would have owned a neat, comfortable and complete home. His fences would not have been so hidden by briers that they were no longer vis ible, and the apple trees would not look like a chaos of sprouts and scions growing out of a brush-heap. Where the plantain and smartweed were taking possession of every thing in the yard, his wife's bed of flowers would have been in full bloom, and lilies and forget-me-nots would be blos soming instead of the crash-leaved burr-dock. He wUl then learn, as others must learn and are learning, that the little farms of Tucker must be cultivated if the peo ple expect to prosper. The farmer who raises something to sell in the logging camps makes more than the man who works all the year in the woods. Our real Avealth is in our farming land. Let the lumber be cut by those who can af ford to do it. The farmer cannot afford to lose his time. CHAPTER IX. THE WEST YIRGINIA CENTRAL AND PI.TTS- B URGH RAIL WA Y. The opening of this ucav railroad has been and promises still to^^be a permanent improvement to our county. The object whicli prompted its building Avas the vast resource of timber, coal and iron which abound in that portion of our territory which lies beyond the Backbone Mountain, on the upper tributaries of the Black Fork of Cheat Eiver. The knowledge that such resources existed is no ncAv thing. As early as 1856, it Avas undertaken to build a railroad up the North Branch of the Potomac, and engineers Avere put to Avork on it. The foUoAving extract is from the Biography of Abe Bonnifield, and is quoted in connection with the railroad, and also as a description of the surrounding coun try at that time : In front of my father's door, and at the distance of three or four miles, rises the prinoipal ridge of the Backbone Mountain. From the tops of the neighboring hills the course of the ridge can be traced to a vast extent. The summit of the mountain in this region is covered Avith beautiful groves of hemlock pine, sometimes called yew pine. In places their branches are so InterAvoven that they form a thick, dark shade, which, in the summer season, is most de Ughtful, but in winter, when the sombre branches are drooping with snow, the prospect is gloomy beyond description. These hemlocks are as straight as an Indian arroAv, and frequently rise to the height of one hundred and tAventy feet, or more. This timber is valuable for building purposes. Square timber, plank and shin gles made from it are of the very best quaUty; and the quantity of this timber is surprising. From the top of a single hill, enough of it may be seen to build a city 168 HISTOEY OF TUCKEE COUNTY On this side of the mountain, just opposite my father's farm, lies a large body of rich land, which, on account of its being covered with sugar-maple, is called the Sugar Lands. The annual blooming of this large grove of sugar trees, appearing Avith the return of each successive season, afforded, for iiianj'- years, a picture of sur passing beauty. It could easily be seen from the distance of flfteen or twenty miles. Year after year for flfty long successive years, had the older inhabitants gazed upon its expanse of sih-ery gray, tinged with yellow and white. From the top of Stemple Ridge, a distance of some eighteen miles. It appeared to the vei-A' best ad vantage, and gave to the extended landscape a soft and beautiful finish, on which the eye lingered with peculiar delight. But, alas ! the beauty, though it lasted long and gladdened many a vernal scene, has passed away and perished forever. About fifteen hundred acres of the land was purchased by Wil liam R. Parsons, and the sugar trees haA'e fallen beneath the axes of his slaves. But, thank kind nature, it is usually the case, when one beautiful object disappears, another takes its place. Although the sugar trees are gone, the eye of the spectator is noAV greeted with green pastures and charming meadows, -while the ear is saluted with the tinkling of bells and the lowing of cattle, and this delightful Sugar Lands promises fair soon to be the richest grazing plantation in Tucker County. Some miles beyond the Sugar Lands, and also beyond the Back bone, on tlie head branches of Cheat River, there is an eleA'ated region of rich land, from time immeinorial called the land of Ca naan. Here there is a body of some hundred thousand acres of land unoccupied. HoAvever, it has quite recently come into mar ket. The soil of this land is of the flnest quality-, both for grain and pasture, and is mostly covered with extenslA-e forests of beech, sugar and pine. There are also several other large unoccupied tracts of land in Tucker County, now coming into market. A vast field of excellent stone coal has lately been discoA'ered on these lands, making them an object of peculiar interest to speculators. From Piedmont, on the B. & O. R. R. a railroad will soon be built, whose terminus will be in these coal lands. How such vast bodies of waste land, surrounded on all sides by rich settleiuents, could remain so long unsold, is a problem that THE W. V. C. & P. EAILWAY. 169 can be soh'ed only by the consideration that the tide of emigration has ever roUed its waves to the far West, Avithout stopping to ex amine these beautiful little islands around which it flowed. The owners of these lands seem anxious to sell, and it is probable that bargains may be obtained. It is supposed that there is at this time [1857] plenty of unoccupied land in Tucker County for the accom modation of 500 famUies. The coal at the Sugar Lands was discovered about 1835. It was nearly twenty years before any similar discoveries were made on the other side of the mountain. But, finally, the true wealth of the country began to be knoAvn, and cap italists saAV that there Avas money in a railroad Avhich would' carry off this wealth. The work of surveying was Avell ad vanced, when the Avar came on and put a stop to everything, and it was near tAventy years before anything further was done in the matter. Then a new company took it in hand. The officers, on January 1, 1882, were,: H. G. Davis, Presi dent; S. B. Elkins, Vice-President. Directors: Alexander ShaAv, James G. Blaine, S. B. Elkins, William Keyser, Thomas B. Davis, Augustus Schell, W. H. Barnum, J. N. Camden, John A. Hambleton and T. E. Sickles. A. Ebert was Secretary, C. M. Hoult, Treasurer, T. E. Sickles, Chief Engineer, and W. E. Porter, Superintendent. The offices were at Piedmont, W. Va., and 92 BroadAA'ay, NeAv York City. The company was organized June 25, 1881, under a char ter of the State of West Virginia. It Avas authorized to construct a railroad from any point on the B. & O. E. E., along the waters of the North Branch of the Potomac Eiver, to a connection with any other railroad in the State of W. Va. The company had poAver to buy and sell real estate without limit ; and it Avas authorized to manufacture lumber, mine coal and iron, and any other minerals. The following 170 HISTOEY OF TUCKEE COUNTY. extract is from the President's first Eeport to the stock holders : The present intention of the company is to extend its raih-oad for a distance of from flfty to sixty miles in all, through what is known as the "Cumberland or Piedmont Coal Basin;" and it is ulthnately intended, if deemed advisable and profltable, to extend its line southerly, so as to connect the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Avith the Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad and the Richmond and Alleghany Railroad, and other railroads. Also, northerly to a con nection Avith railroads leading to Pittsburgh. The engineers estimated that three hundred and sixty millions of tons of coal can be mined from the company's lands. The coal fields Avhich must be developed by this company embrace an area larger than the aggregate of aU otlier bituminous coal fields east of the Alleghany Mount- ains,'"- embracing an area of 170,000 acres. The capital stock of the company Avas $6,000,000, of Avhich $5,000,000 belong to and remain in the company's treasury.t The raU- road AA'as computed to cost not more than $25,000 per mUe. The average out-put of coal over the road in 1882 was es timated to be 700 tons daily for three hundred days, sum ming for the year 210,000 tons. The company's profit was forty-five cents per ton, for the year $94,500. Profits from other sources, $20,000. Total, $114,500. The interest paid on bonds was $50,000, leaving a clear profit for 1882 of $64,500. The profit for 1883 was estimated at $197,000.$ The President, Vice-President, Treasurer and Secretary charged nothing for their services in the year 1882. The company at that time owned and controlled 37,752 acres of mineral and timber lands. ' President Davis' nrst report, page four. t In 1882. t This Is merely an estimation, made In 1882 for the succeeding year. THE W. V. C. & P. EAILWAY. 171 Up to January 1, 1882, thirteen and one-half miles of road had been completed. In Oavcu Eiordan's Eeport of January 3, 1882 he speaks as follows :* I hereby submit to your consideration a report, with accompany ing map, of the result of my opening and working of coal veins in your employment since June 1, of last year (1881). I worked on a portion of Grant, Tucker and Preston Counties, W, 'V^a. Commencing at the Fairfax Stone, I oijened on what I call the "Fairfax and Dobbin House Region"— which is about nine miles long and eight miles Avide— ten different veins of coal, the thickest being eleven and the smallest four feet, measuring in the aggregate fifty-two feet of coal. These veins of coal are of different quality, some gas, some bitu minous and one vein of good coking coal. They are so situated, one above the other, that any one of them, or all of them together, can be worked without interfering with any other. This is the most remarkable coal region so far discovered in this or any other country. I have neither seen nor read in the reports of any other person of a coal region having as much coal in it as this ; and the whole of it is free from slate, bone-coaJ, or any other impurities. This is neither exaggeration nor delusion, as all these veins are opened, so that any expert can examine them. He Avill flnd them to be just as I have stated. There is a nine-feet vein of steam coal in this region that fully equals the Cumberland coal. We opened on the second division of this West Virginia Coal Fields — which Ues between the Dobbin and Kent roads and the mouth of Buffalo Creek — eleven different veins Of coal. Tanging in thickness from three to six feet. This coal is semi-bituminous in quaUty, except one vein opened at the head of Elk Run, of cannel coal, three feet thick. The coal in this region is also free from all impurities The coal area is a thick forest, almost covered with spruce and hemlock, the trees being of an enormous size, and good quaUty, making it as superior in its timber as in its coal. ' See the President's and Engineer's Reports of the progress ot the Ealli-oad, of Octo ber 17, 1882. 172 HISTOEY OF TUCKEE COUNTY. In the President's Annual Eeport, dated January 9, 1883, the net earnings of the road, after paying expenses, and the interest on the bonded debt, were over $87,000. The op erating expenses were 48f per cent, of the gross earnings. The interest paid was $32,600. On page 4, of the Eeport of January 9, 1883, the follow ing is found : After careful surveys, it has been determined to make Davis the terminus of the i-oad for the present. It promises to be the center cf a great mining and lumbering interest, being near the junction of the Beaver and Blackwater, both of which drain a flne timber country, and both are well adapted to floating logs ; besides, the site selected and vicinity are underlaid with the A'eins of coal of the Upper Potomac Coal Field. The completion of the line to Davis, fifty-three miles from Pied mont, will quadruple the capacity of the Company for doing a gen eral transportation business ; besides, it wUl reach and pass through the Company's coking coal and fine timber lands in the Upper Po tomac Coal Fields from both of which the Company expects to add largely to its business." The work of the railroad in Tucker Countj'-, up to this time, 1884, has not been extensive, as the main work has been done on the east side of the mountain. The grade across the mountain does not at any point exceed eighty feet per mile, Avliich is the lightest grade of any railroad crossing the Alleghanies. The whole Canaan Valley must soon be developed. It is just opening up to the Avorld, and in a fcAV years it Avill no longer be a wUderness. CHAPTER X. MISCELLANEQUS STATISTICS. I DO not deem it best to over load a County History Avith statistics. Enough should be given to meet the wants of the general reader, and no more. In this book I have pursued, in this respect, the course just advocated. I have collected, not without care, a few tables and have inserted them. In making the selections and in the arrangements I have not followed any strict plan. In fact, I found it im possible, had I been so inclined, to make out entire census tables, even from 1856 to the present time. Much of the data that would go to make up such tables, does not exist in any official manner ; or, at least, the search that I have made has failed to find it. I give what this chapter contains and offer no apology for its incompleteness or for its arrangement. Had I considered it of enough importance, I should have bestowed more time and attention to it. I did not even go to Eandolph to examine records that relate to the census prior to 1856. Wli^t I have of such, is all I want ; for, I wiU repeat that it is not my aim or intention to make this book a series of tables and statistical figures. I am not certain but that I have given more space to the History of Elections and Officers than is demanded by the pubUc upon whose patronage the financial success of this book depends. But, this, latter subject will, more or less, interest every reader, while the former, that of the statistics, will be of interest to so few, except a small part of it, that those few will find occasion to examine for themselves 174 HISTOEY OF TUCKEE COUNTY. special books on the subject, and Avill there find much more satisfaction than could possibly be given in a Avork of this kind. As remarked, it Avould be difficult to reduce to a system the statistics relative to Tucker. The Census Compendium of 1860 dismissed the county Avith a foot-note, saying that no returns Avere made. Thus I had to look elseAA'here for what I have given of that date. The Compendium of 1870 was fuller, but it all, so far as our county is concerned, is easily told, and I have given only an epitome of 1860 and 1870. But I have bestoAved more attention to 1880, because I consider it of more importance. I consider that our county is jupt starting into life. The returns of ten and tAventj' years ago are valuable to us onlj' as curiosities, or as comparisons. They do not tell the Avorld AA'hat we are, or what the resou.rces of our county Avere at that time. They do not exhibit our true Avealth — undeveloped wealth. This .was unknoAvn then, and there should be no pride, and surely is no policy, in publishing to the Avorld, by census tables, how little we had and Iioav weak Ave Avere only a few years ago. True, it is some satisfaction to see how we haA'e groAvn ; and Avhere there is an opportunity for exhibiting this in a proper manner, it has been done, but, in such mat ters as promise no good, and result in no benefit, aa'c haA'e been silent. Such parts of the past as is history, I have giA'en. What- is not history, romance, biography or anything of that kind, I have not gone to extremes to bring prominently forAvard. I have endeavored to shoAV Avliat Ave were, so far as Ave Avere anything, and Avhat Ave are. The future must tell what Ave are to be. Bnt, with us, the future is more than the past. This age is using the past only to judge by it AA'hat the MISCELLANEOUS STATISTICS. 175 future will be. Great minds read history only for this. The past is nothing to us, except the mere satisfaction of knowing it. There are greater changes going on in the world to-day than ever before. History did not prophesy them. It gave no hint that they Avould come. The loco motive, the steamship, the telegraph, the telephone, and the marvellous machineries that work, as it Avere, with more than human intelligence, came into the world unheralded and unexpected. Not even a star guided the Magi of the present to them. They leaped, as Pallas, armed into the world's arena, and assuming the might of AchiUes, cleared the fields of a universal Troy. Still, I cannot think that history is useless or unneces sary. There is still something to be learned from it ; al though, I verily believe that there is more to be gaiiied from Mathematics and Chemistry than from History. We cannot judge, and depend upon it, from the past AA'hat the future will be. Because no nation has lived forever, is no reason why none ever Avill. Because no government of the people, by tlie people and for the people has ever stood firmly and successfully one hundred years, is no grounds from Avhich to judge that such a thing is impossible. It may be that Confucius thought it impossible for a man to traA'el fifty miles an hour, because his experience and his old books gave him none assurance of such a thing in the past. No doubt Columbus considered it out of the ques tion to cross the Atlantic Avithout sails in ten days ; and, he could not have found reason for thinking so had he read all the histories burnt at Alexandria, the description of Hiero's engine not excepted. Galilleo or Newton or Keplar or Kant or Hobbs or Tycho Brahe Avould have disbelieved it possi ble to send a letter two hundred and eighty-eight thousand 178 HISTOEY OF TUCKEE COUNTY. miles a second. Archimedes and Copernicus gave nothing to foreshadoAV such a thing. Nor, would those old philoso phers have believed that the voice of a man could be heard over a wire forty miles. Yet, just such things as these men thought impossible, if they thought at all, are tearing the world upside doAvn and building it ancAV, on a firmer basis than ever. Mathematics, called Philosophy, and Chemistry, are doing it. But they are inanimate, and work only by the directions of man. Why then could not man curb the lightning, and know and control the power of oxygen and hydrogen, expanded by heat seventeen hundred times its bulk when cold — -why could not this have been done two thousand years ago ? or five thousand, for that matter ? Water existed, as did fire, and iron and electricity and all the elements that now exist ; why then could not Tubal-cain build a steam engine, and an ocean telegraph connecting Eome and Carthage, across the sea, that they thought Avas in the middle of the world? This question Avas hard to answer. It was hard be cause the ansAver was unknoAvn. Some of the abstractest problems in calculus are easy enough to understand Avhen the answer is known ; but, to find the ansAver caused many a brain to falter and ache and doubt and despair, to resolve again and finally to triumph. Thus with the subject, why the ancients, or even the moderns, except the most moderns, failed to accomplish Avliat is now being done by men Avith weaker minds than that of Mulciber or Minos or Dasdalus or Plutarch or Q-uintilian or Euclid or Descartes or Benja min Franklin. It seems noAv that things are accomplished with less effort than Avas formerly exerted to no good. Surely our inventors do not study more intently than he Avlib stood thirty-six hours, working mentally on a sum of arithmetic. S J, Maxwell Mrs 0 Lowther Mrs Wm Spesert W. B Maxwell C. H. Maxwell R. R. Maxwell. L. H. Max'Well .XWELL T. E. Maxwell C. J Maxwell Hu Maxwell MISCELLANEOUS STATISTICS. 177 and knew nothing of the heat or the darkness or the rain that passed by ; or more intensely than he avIio was so ab sorbed with his theorem ..that he knew not that an army Arith beating drums and martial music passed under his window ; or than he who, when the Eoman soldier rushed into his study with drawn sword to kill him, cried, "Wait till I com plete this demonstration," and when it was completed, died, as Socrates died, Hke a philosopher. Physical.and mental efforts, I doubt not, were as poAver- ful, or as near the limit of human possibilities, thousands of years ago as they are to-day. The men tried as hard to solve the mysteries, and worked as hard on their plans, and did as much as they could, and moderns can do nothing more. But the ancients, viewed from our stand-point, made a,lmost no advancement at all. It may have taken them a thousand years to invent the bow and arrow. It seems to us that anybody could manufacture such an engine Avith a few days of study. But, we must not forget ourselves in approaching this subject. The world is not, or man's mind is not, as it used to be. The oldest man in the world, at the age of nine hun dred, if any man ever really lived that long, did not knoAV as much as a school boy of to-day. I cannot imagine with what feelings Abraham, the Patriarch, must have looked upon the phenomena of nature, not knowing any of the reasons for what he saw. But, I need not appeal to my imagination in a case of this kind. His feeliijgs upon see ing the water flow down hill and the smoke rise skyward, must have been as mine when I contemplate the nature of force as it is manifested in magnetism, sunlight and the dis sociation of atoms — ^things which are blank mysteries to me. No, the history of the past cannot be laid aside. I am 12 178 HISTOEY OF TUCKEE COUNTY. firmly of the belief that the human race, as a whole, im proves from the experience of past races, just as an indi vidual grows Ariser by remembering his past successes and failures. It is a dark subject to me ; but, so far as I can understand it, I see nothing that does not confirm me in the belief that there is a universal mind, or spirit, or soul, or nature, or something not exactly expressed by any word in tlie Avorld, that is Composed of and includes aU the minds in the world, as a great and perfect whole. It is hard to express myself on this subject. Tennyson in Locksley Hall. does it for me better than I can doit : Yet I doubt not through the ages one increasing purpose runs, And the thoughts of men are widened with the process of the suns. When one generation dies from the world, the next does not have to commence in knowledge where its fathers did, but, in a measure, where its fathers quit. The " increasing purpose " does not die with the races of men. It lives from generation to generation, from age to age and from century to century, ever stronger and stronger. As the old rocks from the cliffs of the mountains and from the caves of the ocean are ground into powder to furnish material for new formations, so must the experience of the past be picked apart to furnish material for the rebuilding of ncAver and better institutions. So must history be used in the present. So must Ave build by the ruins of the past. But the simile is not perfect, for the intellectual world builds grander and better and finds constantly some new material to introduce into the work, Avhile the geological world constructs from the same material over and over again, and the ucav work, although ncAver, is in reality not a' particle better than the old. Scientists disagree, whether inteUectual poAver is trans- MISCELLANEOUS STATISTICS. 179 mitted from generation to generation. On the one side is arrayed the long catalogue of Ulustrious families, the splen dor of whose talents has been observed for generations, and a simUitude noticed in all. On the other hand, it is claimed that a savage infant, the child of savage parents, may be trained to civUzation and enlightenment and be none the less refined and gifted than one born and reared in aU the conditions of civUization. There are two sides to the ques tion, and either is not void of argument ; but, it must be ad mitted that parental characteristics, of mind as well as body, are transmitted from generation to generation. How else could there be an increasing purpose running through the ages, as there surely is ? Then there is occasion stiU for leaming, and from the past, all there is to know or to be known. We cannot learn from the future. The present is only the twUight of the past. As the world stands now, there is more benefit to man kind in the sermons of Talmage than in the histories of Gibbon. The times are turning. There is greater change in one year now than there was in a century some thousand years ago. At least, this is true so far as we can tell ; but if we could see as things were seen Avhen Virgil sang and Demosthenes raved, we might know that we are mistaken. They laughed at Pythagoras when he thought that the world was round. Is no one being laughed at to-day who ¦wiU be remembered when the deriders are forgotten ? Is there not extant some theory so ridiculous that it is hardly worth laughing at ? Who knows what the philosophers two thousand years hence will say .of it ? What Avas the woman's name who laughed at Newton and called him a simpleton for sitting in the orchard to see the apples fall ? The circumstance alone is remembered, and that because 180 HISTOEY OF TUCKEE COUNTY. of its surroundings. Too many people are like the young lord, on whose hand the king leaned, in that beleagured city, where the famine raged, and where the prophet fore told plenty, and to whom the young lord answered that such a thing might be if the windows of heaven should be opened. In 1880, there were in Tucker 3,139 persons of American birth, and 2,053 were born in the State : 936 were born in Virginia. Of the remainder, 3 were born in Ohio, 58 in Pennsylvania, 38 in Maryland. There were 12 of foreign birth, of whom 2 were from Ireland, 2 from Scotland, 4 from Germany and 1 from France. The rest are ungiven. Of the 3,151 persons in the county in 1880, 1,625 were males and 1,526 were females. From the age of five to seventeen, inclusive of both, there were 546 males and 512 females. From eighteen to forty-four, inclusive of both, there were 580 men. There were 618 men twenty-one years of age, or over. In 1880, Tucker had 385 farms, containing 19,632 acres of improved land. The value of the farms, including aU they contained, fences and buUdings, was $590,782. The farm ing implements and machinery were worth $23,661. The value of stock was placed at $102,917. The building and repairing of fences cost $18,223. This was for the year 1879. The value of fertUizers purchased Avas $456. The value of all farm productions, sold, consumed and on hand, was placed at $75,152. In 1880, the county produced 5,784 bushels of buckwheat ; 63,632 bushels of corn ; 15,221 bushels of oats ; 1,247 bush els of rye ; 7,973 bushels of wheat. The value of the or chard productions was $7,581. Of Irish potatoes, there were 7,216 bushels ; sweet potatoes, 56 bushels ; hay, 1,253 tons ; tobacco, 2,061 pounds. MISCELLANEOUS STATISTICS. 181 In 1880, Tucker County had 642 horses, 57 mules, 35 working oxen, 940 cows, 1,451 other cattle, 3,535 sheep, 3,655 hogs. The wool produced was 10,733 pounds, which was a fraction more than three pounds to the sheep. The production of butter was 40,592 pounds. That of cheese, 1,846 pounds. The average production of butter for each farm was a little more than 105 pounds. The average production for each cow was over 43 pounds. The average for each per son in the county was nearly 14 pounds. There was one farm to about every eight persons. There was a milch coav to every three and a third persons. There was a fraction more than three horses to every farm, and two and two- fifths cows to every farm, and more than nine sheep and nine hogs to every farm. There was less than five pounds of cheese produced for each farm. To each farm there were 15 bushels of buckwheat, 165 bushels of corn, 39 bushels of wheat, and the orchard products averaged $19 to each farm. There were in the county in 1880, five manufacturing establishments, with a capital of $5,000, and giving employ ment to ten men, with an aggregate yearly pay of $860. The material cost $3,660 and the manufactured goods Avere worth $5,608. The monthly pay of the men was $7.16 each. This was twenty-seven and a half cents a day. The manu facturing of the raw material increased its value $1,948. This was an increase of value on the first cost, of 53 per cent. Each man earned about $9 per month above what he received as wages. The clear gain of the manu,factures was about $1,000 per year. This was a gain of 20 per cent, on the capital invested. The assessed value of the real estate in Tucker in 1880 was $418,703 ; that of the personal property was $60,999, 182 HISTOEY OF TUCKEE COUNTY. total, $479,702. The State tax Avas $2,035 ; county, $6,903 ; town, viUage and school district, $2,297 ; total, $11,235. In 1880, Tucker was in debt $118. If the tax had been equally divided among the farms, it would have been $29 for each. It was $3.66 for each man, woman and child in the county. It was $18.21 for every voter. The tax was $2.34 on the $100. It may not be amiss to give some scattered figures rela tive to the schools of the county. In 1882, there were 96 trustees in the county, and 15 members of the board of education. There Avere 34 school houses, of which 8 were made of logs and 26 were framed. There were 35 rooms in all. The St. George school had two rooms. Of the 35 rooms, all had desks but four, and altogether there were 117 square yards of black-board. This was 3J yards to each room. All the school-houses together were valued at $6,- 144, and the value of school lands was $367. The average value of the^ houses was $181. The school furniture was valued at $215, and the apparatus at $262. The total value of school property was $6,989. Between the ages of 6 and 16, there were 422 boys and 425 girls. Over 16 and under 21, there were 146 boys and 84 giris. Total, 1,077. Of this number, 817 attended the public schools. The average daUy attendance was 489. Three-fourths of the chUdren in the county attended school. Of those enrolled, 59 per cent, attended school all the time during the term. During this year (1882) tliere were 62 boys and 56 girls enrolled for the first time. The boys Avere tardy 75 times, and the girls 63 times. Among the boys there were 25 cases of truancy, and among the girls, 14. The number whipped was 62 boys and 66 "girls. One girl was suspended from school, and no boy. Of tliose| nei- MISCELLANEOUS STATISTICS. 183 ther absent nor tardy, there were 33 boys and 35 girls. The average age of the boys was 11 years, of the girls 10 years. There were only two cases in which teachers Avere absent from their schools. Not a teacher in the county had at tended State Normal School. Of Tucker's 36 teachers, 27 were men and 9 Avere women. The men taught 82 months, the women 29 months. The average length of term was 69 days. In Geography, there were 82, Orthography, 36, English Grammar, 80, Arithmetic, 297, History, 37. Of the teachers, three men and no woman subscribed for an educational journal. Seven men and 3 women were teaching their first term. In the First Eeader, there were 93 pupils ; Second Eeader, 99; Third Eeader, 81 ; Fourth Eeader, 138; Fifth Eeader, 80 ; Sixth Eeader, 109. In writing there were 281, and in spelling 666. The County Superintendent made 26 visits to the schools. The members of the board of ed ucation made 70 visits, and the trustees 99. Other persons visited the schools 277 times. At the close of the last school year (1881) there Avas in the treasury. Teachers' Fund, $691. The levy on real and ' personal property was $1,334. From the State School Fund $841 was received. Total receipts from all sources for Teachers' Fund, $2,868. In 1882, the teachers holding No. 1 certificates received salaries which, in the aggregate, amounted to $787, of which the men got $490 and the women $297. The teachers with No. 2 certificates got $1,203, of which the men received $881 and the women $322. There were no women teaching on No. 3 certificates. The men on No. 3's were paid $162. The Sheriff received $215 for handling this money. 'Che total expenditures of the Teachers' Fund amounted to $2,252, and there was in the treasury a balance of $708. 184 HISTOEY OF TUCKEE COUNTY. Of the building fund at the commencement of 1882, there was in the treasury- (from the preceeding year) a balance of $157. The levy on the total value of the property was $1,292. The total receipts from aU sources were $1,450. The county paid $117 on the bonded school debt. Other expenditures were, for land, $15 ; for houses, $20 ; for fur niture, $1.50 ; for apparatus, $35 ; total, $189. Paid $10 for rent ; $7.80 for repairs ; $185 for fuel ; $11 as interest. The Sheriff's commission was $82 ; the Secretaries received $75. The total cost, from the BuUding Fund was $809. The Tucker County Institute that year had an attendance of forty-two, of whom thirty-six were men and six were women. The Institute was conducted by Prof. A. L. Fike. There Avas in attendance one teacher who had taught ten years or more, and nine who had taught over five years. The others had taught shorter terms, 1, 2, 3 and 4 years. At the commencement of 1877, Tucker County had on hand. as Teachers' Fund, $273, and received from the State, $826, from the levy, $1,560, from other sources, $48 ; total, $2,709. Of the Building Fund, there Avas on hand a balance of $809. From the levy for the BuUding Fund, $1,228 was received ; total, $2,037. There was paid, for land, $10 ; for houses, $1,004 ; for repairs, $81 ; for fuel, $84 ; for furniture, $35 ; for apparatus, $1.50 ; for interest, $1.50 ; for commis sions, $11 ; for enrollment, $17 ; the Secretaries of boards bf education were paid salaries to the amount of $115 ; the contingent expenses were $59 ; total, $1,421. In 1877, Tucker had 22 school-houses, of Avhich 18 AA'ere frame and 4 were log. Three were not yet completed, and two Avere completed that year. The value of land was $227; that of the school-houses $6,257 ; of the furniture, $119 ; apparatus, $142 ; total, $6,745. MISCELLANEOUS STATISTICS. 185 In the county in 1877, there were 1005 school children, of whom there Avere 526 boys and 479 girls. Six of these were colored. In attendance at sqIiooI there were 556, of whom 296 Avere boys, and 260 were girls. Tucker had that year 30 teachers, of whom 25 were men and 5 were women. The men taught 78 months and the women 14 months ; total, 92 months. The average length of the schools was 2.83 months. The average age of the boys at school was lOJ years, of the girls 9J years ; general average, lOj years. The number studying in each branch was as follows :¦ Or thography, 546 ; Eeading, 385, Writing, 298 ; Arithmetic, 234 ; Geography, 43 ; English Grammar, 94 ; History, 14 ; Other branches, 44. There were 5 Secretaries in the county ; 15 Commissioners ; and 25 Trustees. The County Superintendent made 32 visits to the schools. ' Other per sons risited the schools 76 times ; total, 108. The average cost for each pupil, in 1877, was $13.50. A complete list of the teachers of the county fi^om its first organization to the jiresent time would prove interest ing to so few, and is so hard to compile, that it is omitted, and in its stead is given the name and grade of each teacher of the county since 1876. The Superintendents of that time have been W. B. Maxwell, L. S. Auvil and J. M. Shafer. MST OF TEACHERS. NUMBER ONE. S. L. Stalnaker Lloyd Hansford S. N. Swisher Miss Jennie Maxwell Mrs. A. n. Adams J. P. call NUMBEB TWO. J. T. Mason Miss S. V. Garner Thomas Marsh J. S. Poling 1877. C. M. Moore Miss Agnes Gilmore Miss Uzzle Parker L. S. Poling E. C. Moore J. W. Freeman J. W. Lambert M. C. Feather J. M. Shaler NUMBER THKEE. G. W. Shirk A. Hudklns J. G. Dlgman Miss M. C. Purkey G. W. Day L. B. Goff E. F. Harris Charles Skidmore I. P. Propst A. G. Lambert Talbott Ferguson .1. W. Moore D. L. Dumire Miss S. C. Listen NUMBEK FOUR Miss F. L. Mason 186 HISTOEY OF TUCKEE COUNTY. NETjfBEE ONE. N. D. Adams S. N. Swisher J. H. Snyder NCMEEB TWO. T. G. Danels L. E. Gainer L. E. Goff E. C. Moore J. T. Mason J. M. Shafer L. S. Copper Miss Leile Lynn G. Y. Day NUMBER ONE. .T. M. Shafer Ml SS A. E. Pansier Miss M. A. Gutherie J. A. Swisher M. L. AVhite D. A Hooton NUilBEK TWO. Isaac Hetrle S. C. Baker G. N. Day L. E. Goft 1878, J. M. Strahln J. C. Eoby A. M. Stemple NDMEEB THREE. J. B. Blackman A. Moore S. P. Hayes O. L. PhUUps J. S. PoUng J. S. D. BeU E. F. Harris J. P. Jewel Miss Lizzie Purkey MISS A. G. Glhnore George AV. White 1879. W. Bennette G, W. Shaler James PoUng J. P. AuvU J. W. Moore J. H. Snyder G. W. Stalnaker J. C. S. BeU F. 0. Bradshaw J. B. Lambert G. W. Shirk Miss Lizzie Purkey Miss Agnes Gilmore Miss A. F. Bowman Mrs. S. V. Mester S. C. Baker G. W. Shaffer J. B. Lambert NUMBER POUR. L. W. Han-is P. Y. Eunner J. T. Shaffer J. H. Mester Frank Ashby S. P. Hayes Talbott Fesguson G. W. Shatter Mary James C. S. Watson NUMBER THREE. J. N. Huffman J. D. Stalnaker R. K. Philips C. L. Watson D. W. Wi-ight Mrs. M. M. Class G. Purguson NUMBER FOUR. S. p. Hart NUMBER ONE. J. A. Strtsher M. A Gutherte J. B. Cox J. M. Shafer NUMBER TWO. H. G. Daniels J. L. Pifer P. W. Lipscomb S. C. Baker NUMBER ONE. A. G. Flke J. A. Swisher Stuart Wilworth Julia M. Evans Hu Maxwell W. C. Parsons S. Yorents NUMBER TWO. G. W. James Eliza Parsons NUMBER ONB. Hu Maxwell 1880. H. M. Godwin Isabel Parsons C. W. Long A. C. Dumire L. W. James Carrie Parsons W. B. Jenkins (J. S. PoUng Alice Hansford S. S. Roderick S. H. God-win J. F. Hunt G. W. Shaffer 1881. Ozena Hansford AUce Hansford W. B. Jenkins P. W. Lipscomb Carrie Pai-sons D. W. Eyan C. W. Long Mai-y James Kate Dumire Isabel Parsons A. B. Poling G. A. Goff H. I. Dumire G. E. Goff 1882. Kate Dumire H J Dumire Charles V. Adams Vance Graham S. J. Posten U. G. Hartley Lewis Johnson NUMBER THREE. T. H. Goff R R PhUips F. M. Arnett J. L. Wince A. E. Poellng Mary James S. C. Barker James Boner J. H. Snyder J. P. Hunt J. S. Cornwell A. S. Hough. NUMBER THREE. S. M. Adams D. W. Wi-Ight F. M. Arnett J. H. Cordray H. R PhlUps. Carile Parsons C. W. Long Joseph Selby MISCELLANEOUS STATISTICS. 187 NUMBER TWO. Ozella Hansford Eliza Parsons W. J. James P. W. Lipscomb, L. H. Goff, G. W. James, D. W. Ryan NUMBER ONE. Jesse G. Vanscoy Carrie Parsons EUza Parsons M. J. Pajisler C. H. Streets C. W. Adams S. M. Adams Samantha Diunire A. C. PoUng Alclnda Shafer J. L. Philips S. M. Adams J. E. Mason Guy P. Schoouover John P. Hunt 1883, E. J. Domh-e K. K. PhUUps J. L. PhUUps J H. Moore W..R Shaffer J. P. Hunt W. P. Jett F. M. A. Lawson C. C. Douglas G. W. ShU-k G. W. Shafer Alclnda Shafer D. W. Wright Alice Hansford W. S. Godwin L. w. Nester N. C. Lambert J. B. Lambert A. T. Lambert W. A. Ault W. B. Ault Lizzie Purkey NUMBER THREE M. J. Harris A. J. Douglas D. B. Smith G. B. Skidmore NUMBER TWO. David Long / Some may find interest in looking over a few scraps of statistics, selected at random from old reports. In 1867, the levy for the BuUding Fund in Tucker was only $250, and the receipts from it reached only $25. Noth ing was received from any other source. Nothing was ex pended. The reports detail nothing, if there were any transactions in this business. The County Superintendent got $108.33. No other officers got anything. At that time, 1867, Tucker had 17 districts, with two frame houses and ten log houses for schools. The average value was $92 ; the aggregate value $1,275. There were ten schools taught, and in attendance there were 348 boys and 340 girls, total, 688. There were ten teachers, nine of whom were men. The average salary of the men was $23 per month ; the woman received $18. The general average of the wages was $22.5 per month.-* There were sixteen applicants examined. Two faUed to get certificates. One person got a No. 1 certificate ; the rest got lower grades. From the general school fund, in 1867, Tucker got $733. As documents only, the Eeports of the County Superin- * The state Superintendent's Report places the general average at $21; and, for his deficiency In arithmetic, he may stand con-eoted. 188 HISTOEY OF TUCKEE COUNTY. tendents of 1867 and 1877 are given. A decided improve ment during the intervening ten years may be noticed ; but the school interests of the county have gone forward more since 1877 than during the ten years next preceding. It may be of interest to some to see side by side the Ee ports of the County Superintendents of Tucker for two years. For this purpose the Eeports of 1867 and 1877 are given as foUows : TUCKER COUNTY.— 1867. The school system is not receiving as hearty a welcome as it de serves. There are many who are bitterly complaining of its gen eral principles ; that it is not acceptable to the rural districts. The country is very thinly settled, and the school districts are very large. The school-houses are few. Taxation is oppressive, and many live too remote from the school-houses to receive any advantage from them. They have their proportion of the tax to pay, and their children are wholly deprived of schools. These par ties should of right be exempt from the school tax. Of the three townships into which this county is divided, two (Hannahsville and Black Fork) levied a tax sufficient to continue the schools four months or longer. St. George township refused to make any levy for school or for building purposes. The schools that were taught last winter did well. In the winter of 1865-6 the boards of education in their respective townships put in operation many more schools than the funds under their con trol would sustain, thus Incurring a heavy Indebtedness on the townships.' This policy was a bad one, and produced unfavorable results. I think the boards are guarding against this evil for the future. But little is said or done as yet in the way of putting schools in operation. Some districts are beginning to move in that direction, and I hope for favorable results. A. H. Bowman, County Sup't. TUCKER COUNTY.— 1877. In submitting this, my second annual report, I have the satisfac tion of knowing that the same is substantially correct, although there appears to be some difference betAveen the columns of receipts MISCELLANEOUS STATISTICS. 189 and expenditures as against the balances, yet this rises from the fact that the Secretaries have counted as balances the amount in the Sheriff's hands at his setblement Avith the County Court at the June term, 1877 ; whereas, at that time there was a large number of orders for money outstanding, which outstanding orders were reckoned by the Secretaries as expenditures. The boards have no means of knowing what claims are outstanding, or what paid only as they can get it from the Clerk of the County Court ; the SherifE of this county haAdng hitherto wholly neglected to settle with the boards. However, this will be remedied by the late amendments to the school law. In my opinion, the report required of Secretaries might be made less compUcated, and yet contain all the necessary matter required to give proper date, &c. Our county imports too many teachers from other counties, and even from other states. When we have more resident teachers, it will be better for us. All the boards of education, at the beginning of the school year, passed orders that they would allow nothing for sweeping and buUding fires. The result was a suit in which the court decided that as the boards have general supervision of school matters, that such an order may be made. While the attendance upon our schools the past year has not been as large as might have been wished for, yet it must be kept in mind that our county is thinly inhabited, and that many of the pupils have to travel three or four miles to get to the nearest school house. But, regardless of this and other dUHculties, our people have become flrmly endeared to our school system. As a rule, there appears to be a steady im provement in our teachers year by year. All of which is respectfully submitted. W. B. Maxwell, Gourdy SupH. CHAPTER XL NEWSPAPERS OF THE COUNTY. On November 22, 1878, appeared the first copy of the TucTcer County Pioneer.* It was edited by Charles L. Bow man, and Avas printed every Friday morning at St. George. The subscription rate was one dollar per year. It was the first paper published in the county, and its need was felt by the people. The paper had a " patent " side, printed in New York. In politics, the paper was independent. It claimed to represent the best interests of Tucker County. The first issue was of three hundred copies. Within a week two hundred and fifty subscribers Avere obtained. Since then, the subscription has ranged from three hundred and fifty to seven hundred names. During the remaining weeks of 1878, and the year 1879, the Pioneer flourished, with nothing to interrupt its success. It Avas supported by Democrats and Eepublicans alike ; and its corps of correspondents consisted of the best talent in the county. 1880 was an election year, and in Tucker County, local politics ran high. There soon became room for contention, and the Democrats split their party into two factions, one known as Independents and the other as Conventionals. •As long ago as 1869, an effort was made to start a newspaper in St George. W. Scott Gamer, ot Preston County, endeavored to form a joint stock company for that purpose, but the amoimt subscribed was Insufficient, and Mr. Garner returned to Kingwood, where he engaged In Journalism, and estabUshed a " Tucker County Department " in his paper. The name, Tucker County Pioneer, -was flrst used by Mr. Garner, lu connection with a manuscript paper started by hhn lu the winter ot 1874-5, WhUe teaching the White Oak School, a sliort distance above St. George. This paper was read every Friday afternoon, during the regular Uterary exercises. NEWSPAPEES. 191 Old famUy feuds Avere probably at the bottom of it all ; and this famUy quarrel, was carried to such an extent that it became incorporated Avith and lost in the political issues. One wing of the Democrats favored a convention to nom inate county officers, while the other wing opposed it as unnecessary. Contrariness was more of a faction in these issues than real policy ; but, still, the Conventionals went ahead in their plans for a convention. The Pipneer was opposed to the convention from the very first, and waged an uncompromising war against it. It claimed that there was no occasion for it, and that it would excite an opposition that Avould divide the Democratic party, and split the political solidity of our county into fragments. But, there Avas much room for difference of opinion, and the partisans of the convention went forAvard in their work, and called the convention together on the twenty-first of June, 1880. They put their ticket in the field. The forebodings seemed ominous from the very first; for, a murmur of dissatisfaction went up from_ every part of the county. The men put in nomination Avere CA'idently not the choice of the majority of the people. The convention noAV began to be called a clique or ring. The Pioneer opposed every man put in nomination ; and, among the conventionals, the want of a neAvspaper began to be felt. It Avas this occasion that called the Tacker Dem- ocixit into existence. On August 12, 1880, it arrived in St. George, having been removed from Taylor Count}'-, West Virginia, where it had been in existence a year under the name of the New Era, owned by Messrs. J. P. Scott and M. J. Bartlett. The press on Avliich it Avas printed Avas thought to be the oldest in the State, having first been used in Charleston. Soon after the arrival of the press at St. 192 HISTOEY OP TUCKEE COUNTY. George, Scott sold his interest to Lloyd Hansford and L. S. Auvil. The paper supported the convention and the nomi nees, and was supposed by its supporters to be Democratic. The contention between the two papers, and the two fac tions, grew more determined each day. Never in the history of the county had a campaign been fought with such ani mosity. A. B. Parsons was the nominee for the office of Prosecuting Attorney, and P. Lipscomb was the Independ ent. William E. Talbott was the nominee for sheriff, opposed by A. C. Mihear, Independent. The hardest fight was for these offices, but the contest for the others was bitter in the extreme. The Democrat labored under disadvantages. Its outfit of machinery and material was defective and incomplete, and it found much difficulty in its press work. However, it kept steadily at Avork for a cause that was plainly losing ground. The Pioneer, under the editorial management of C. L. Bowman, grew in circulation and infiuence. Its sub scribers at this time amounted to over seven hundred, whUe that of the Democrat was considerably less than half that number. As the election dreAv near, the excitement rose to fever heat, and there Avas scarcely a voter in the county who did not feel a personal interest in the contest. Everybody seemed waiting and anxious for the final struggle, which, as they said, must decide whether the convention or the voters were to be umpire in Tucker County. We are to judge the justness of the issues by the result; for, in a republican country, as long as it remains a republic, the majority must rule. The election came at last ; and the resiUt was an over- Avhelming rictory for the Independents, the party of the NEWSPAPEES. 193 Pioneer. That paper, in its succeeding issue, carried its exultation with a great manifestation of triumph, and dis played in its columns cuts and representations of the ric- tors and the vanquished. There were a number of cuts, but the foUowing reproduction of one of them will give an idea of their character : The foUoAring poem was written for the occasion by some wag, and found its way into the columns of the Pioneer. It represents, in an allegorical manner, the campaign and the defeat of the modern Hohenlinden : 13 194 HISTOEY OF TUCKEE COUNTY BATTLE OF ST. GEOBGE. Exoritur elamorque virum clangorque tubarum. In Tucker when the sun was low. Beside MUl Run's chub-breeding flow, • There was a rather ghostly show, A show of dire Immensity. For, candidates from near and far Had gathered on the gravel-bar ; Their faces were as black as tar With hate and animosity. With muttering rage they seemed to choke, And wildly shrieked "amoke ! amoke !* As fierce the storm with fury broke Upon the vast menagerie. Soon they began to whoop and tear. And grab each other by the hair And dash them on the ground and swear In blood-emblazoned revelry. On high above the battle plain The gravel stones flew up amain As thick as fell the iron rain Upon the hills of Gettysburg. Then Bowman t looking from his den. Beheld the awful mess of men. And Avished that he had never been , A Tucker County editor. He gazed about the field of gore Like Neptune gazed the ocean o'er : He fainted on the office floor Lilce Neptune's nephew, Mulciber. More horrid stiU the battle grew. They mauled each other black and blue And tore the very sky in two Wii/h yells and screams and bellowings. Some groveled on the gory ground Amid the thumping thump and pound. And some went spinning round and round Like crippled flies and whirligigs. * A Kaffir word meaning " kUl." t C. L. Bowman, editor of the Pioneer. NEWSPAPEES. 195 And some, the little ones they say. Got kicked in that fantastic fray Up nearly to the MUky Way, And twice as high as Jupiter. And some, the bigger ones 'tis said. Got whacked and cracked across the head With broken raUs and slugs of lead UntU they wailed most balefully. The middle-sized, the- story runs. Went whizzing like the powder tuns At Shipka Pass, when gattling guns Belched forth their nitro-glycerlne. Yet, deeper grew the dreadful war, And woe betide the gravel-bar ! It looked like Conkling while Lemar Was handling him at Washington. 'Twas dug and heaved in mighty piles, Like Borneo's volcanic isles. They heard the rumpus many miles. They say 'twas heard in Beverly. But, when the evening sun was down No candidate was left to frown In Tucker County's only town ; They all had perished manfully. Their blood was hot and they were brave ; They fought their pickled pork to save ; They fought for office or their grave And perished on the gravel-bar. Then people came Avith faces blank And hauled them like a load of plank And dumped them o'er the river bank While BoAvman sang- their obsequies. The election was not a surprise; but, it set heavily upon the defeated candidates. The people throughout the county seemed to feel relief that it was past. The Pioneer came out with a "patent side," and the Democrat sus pended publication, and got out a paper only once in sev eral weeks, until February 14, 1881, when William M. Cay- 196 HISTOEY OF TUCKEE COUNTY. ton arrived to take charge of it. It was now OAvned princi pally by a stock company, and was in a deplorable condi tion. Its circulation was very limited, and its press and type insufficient. W. M. Cayton was born in Upshur County, West Vir ginia, 1862 ; moved when very young to Parkersburg, and thence to Cincinnati, where he remained eight years. He then returned to Harrison County, West Virginia, and re mained there four years, part of the time in the office of the Clarhsbuag News. February 14, 1881, he came to St. George, and has since edited the Democrat, and has buUt up the financial condition of the paper to some extent. The Democrat has passed through many vicissitudes of for tune. It came to supply a need that was not extensively felt, and for that reason its support has not been as exten sive and uniform as its proprietors could Arish. At times, too, its editorial management has not been excellent, for, at times, it was not paying property, and a good editor would not stick to it. In politics it claims to uphold the principles of Democracy; but, its extreme views, and its uncompro mising opposition to all who differ from it, have had a ten dency to build up the Eepublican party in the county, and its work in that direction, though unintentional on its part, has been greater than it has to build up the cause of the Democrats. The party which it represented, the conventionals, car ried "the election of 1882, and the victory had a tendency to build up the ca|Use of the Democrat, and placed it on a firmer footing than it ever was before. The Pioneer has passed through no such vicissitudes. Since its first issue it has gone steadily forward, or, at least, has never retrograded. Its financial success has not been NEWSPAPEES. 197 immense ; but, it has always been able to keep in the field without the aid of a stock company — except, at the very first, when it received some support from indiriduals, aU of which was paid back as borrowed money. The paper's in fluence in the county has been permanent. It is independ ent in poHtics, and has aimed principally to build up the county, sociaUy and financially. In February, 1884, it was bought by Hu Maxwell, Cyrus H. MaxweU and Jeff Lipscomb. Within a few weeks Lips comb sold his interest to the other members of the firm. In poHtics it stiU represented no party to the exclusion of others. The benefit that Tucker County has gained from the two papers has been considerable. Nearly every family in the county reads either one or the other of them, and the influ ence for good must be felt. There is room for the papers to extend their influence, and they surely will within the course of a few more years. They should be co-partners with the schools and churches in guarding and advancing the public good. CHAPTER XII. THE ST. GEORGE BAR. AiTHOUGH we have no forensic eloquence to rival Henry and Cicero, yet our county has its legal abiUty, and as such it is not afraid or ashamed to place it before the State as a competitor in the courts against the laAvyers from any part of West Virginia. Our little Court-house has been the scene of contention, argument and debate, in which not only our own lawyers, but those from other counties, have met at the bar, and fought for justice, or parleyed over legal technicalities. It is not more than is due these gentlemen that they be given a place in history, to which their pro fession and labors in the cause of right so undoubtedly and so justly entitle them. WILLIAM EAVIN. Hon. WUUam Ewin, of Irish natirity, has, for nearly forty years, been a lawyer, practicing in Tucker since its organization, and liriug here for more than ten years before. His abiUty as a lawyer has long been recognized, not only in his own county, but in neighboring counties, and, in a measure, throughout the State. His education and general intelUgence have made him prominent in his profession, and he has ever been among the first to investi gate new subjects and to acquaint himself with them. At the bar, he would not condescend to unmanly abuse or resort to chicanery to gain an advantage over a rival. If he could not succeed by fair, honest and honorable means, he preferred failure. An honest defeat, with him, was bet- THE ST. GEOEGE BAE. 199 ter than a dishonest victory. Opponents inj^^arguement and debate were treated with all the respect of coUeagues. In this was one of the secrets of his success as a lawyer. It was known that what he said was uninfluenced by prejudice or partisanism, and he was taken at his word. That his legal ability was known and appreciated by the people of his county is attested by the confidence which they have ever placed in him. They have bestowed upon him various offices of trust, feeling fuUy assured that no scheme of gain or no party preference could influence him from the field of honor and duty. Confidence placed in him was by him regarded sacred ; and, in all the official acts of his Ufe there is not one instance where he departed or de viated from the course marked out by his sense of honor. If every bar in the State and country could feel the influ ence of one or more such men as Senator Ewin, the legal profession would soon enjoy an elevation above that which is consequent upon a scramble and contention for gain, no matter by what means it is to be reached ; there would be one more step gained in the general cause of advancement, which is marking the present era in our history and has marked the eras of the past ; which is separating dignity and honor from infamy and fraud, and lifting this noble profession, the noblest, perhaps, of the world, above that baseness to which the tendency of the age has, at times, seemed disposed to lower it. RUFUS MAXWELL. In the earliest years of Tucker County, Eufus Maxwell was one of the most active members of the bar. He had practiced at Weston, in LcAVis - County, before that time, and had there quite an extensive business. When he came 200 HISTOEY OF TUCKEE COUNTY. to Tucker, it was a part of Eandolph, the separation not yet having taken place. He was Arith those who worked for the new county, and when at length, on March 6, 1856, the Act of the Legislature creating the county was passed, he was material in assisting to organize the functions of gov ernment and justice for the new county. OAring to some imperfections in the Act, this Avas a difficult task, and it re quired much labor from those who had undertaken it and who had it to do. Mr. Maxwell was the first Prosecuting Attorney of Tucker County, haA'ing been elected in 1856. He held the office four years, and, in the election of 1860, was re-elected over Thomas Eummell, who Avas at that time a weU-knoAvn law yer of our count}'. In 1861, the war came on, and the affairs of our county were in a bad fix. We were often under neither Federal nor Confederate government ; but each claimed jurisdiction over us, and the result was that at times Ave Avere under rule little better than anarchic. Officers had no power to execute the functions of their offices ; and, rather than hold a trust over which they had not jurisdiction, manj' of our county officers resigned, and let things take their course, as they Avould anyhoAv. Among those who thus retired was Eufus Maxwell. He retired not only from the office of Prosecuting Attorney, but also from the profession of the laAv. Ifc had grown distasteful to him, and from that time he had nothing more to do with it. A. B. PAESONS. Hon. A. B. Parsons stands before the people principally as a land and criminal lawyer, although in chancery practice his business is extensive. He is most successful before a jury. He has studied Avell the modes of presenting an ar gument in the most forcible manner, and in this he has THE ST. GEOEGE BAE. 201 hardly an equal and no superiors in this or the neighboring counties. In his early Hfe he was a farmer and school teacher ; but, m 1870, in his twenty-sixth year, he commenced reading law, and was admitted to the bar at St. George in 1872. In 1876 he was elected Prosecuting Attorney and served four years, haring succeeded Hon. WiUiam Eahu in the office. In 1880 he was instrumental in the organization of the Democratic party in Tucker County. In 1882 he was elected from Tucker and Eandolph to the Legislature, by sixty-eight majority over three Democrats and a prominent Eepublican. The several offices which he has held have not, in a great measure, kept him from his legal profession, although he has filled such offices with honor and ability. Scarcely a case comes before the Court in which he is not a counsel for one side or the other. His practice extends through the courts from the bench of the Justice to the Supreme Court of Appeals of West Virginia. In the cause of the State against Heath, a well-knoAvn case, Mr. Parsons was counsel for the defendant, and gained the suit, which was taken from Tucker to Taylor County. His first case commenced before a Justice and was decided in the Circuit Court. In the Supreme Court his practice has been extensive. His practice extends to the Circuit Courts in several of the counties of West-Virginia.* LLOVD HANSFOED. As a lawyer Mr. Hansford has only a short record, hav ing so recently entered the profession. But, in his quaUfi cations he starts none behind his competitors and col- , leagues at the bar. A scholar of finished education, he be- *See Brief Biographies. 202 HISTOEY OF TUCKEE COUNTY. gins Arith fewer disadvantages than many Avhose educations are more limited. He is the only graduate in Tucker County from the State Normal School, and was our first graduate from any State school. He graduated in 1879, in his twenty-second year. In 1880 he went to Clarksburg and studied law under Caleb Boggess. After six months he returned to Tucker, but stiU continued the study of law, and at regular times returned to Clarksburg to recite to Boggess. On the first of January, 1884, he received license to practice law, haring been examined by Judges Boyd, Jacobs and Fleming.* ii. S. AUVIL. As a lawyer, L. S. AuvU is only a few months the senior of Lloyd Hansford, having obtained his license to practice, in May, 1883, after two years study of the law. He was examined before Judges Ice, Boyd and Jacobs. He was in his twenty-ninth year when he obtained Hcense to practice. He had, before that time, served several years as County Superintendent of Tucker. Since he entered the profession of law, he has been successful in every particular, aiid has been counsel in several important cases. He was at one time editor of the Tucker County Democrat, which paper he sold to William Cayton, and turned his attention wholly to the law. 'I' W. B. MAXWELL. On August 31, 1874, W. B. Maxwell received license to practice law, having been examined before Judges C. S. Lewis, John Brannon and J. S. Huffman. He had been studying law three years, and had made himself thoroughly acquainted with the forms and technicalities of the law be- * For a further sketch of Mr. Hansford see " Brief Biographies." tSee "Brief Biographies." W. B. Maxwell, THE ST. GEOEGE BAE. 203 fore he presumed to enter into the profession. He had spent several years attending school at Morgantown, Weston and Clarksburg, and, at that time, was regarded as the most finely educated man in the county. Having gained an important case before Justice WiUiam Talbott, at the first of his professional Hfe — it was his very first case — he established or won a reputation at once as a lawyer of abUity. His practice soon became considerable ; and he foUowed up his first success Arith a series of others, so that, ere long, he had gained for himself a permanent practice. He has never particularly studied to become a criminal laAvyer. It is not to him the most desirable branch of the profession ; although, in numerous cases which have been entrusted to him he has proven himself possessed of the characteristics that go to make up a criminal lawyer of the first class. The main set of his inclination is toward civU cases ; and in this his superior, considering his age, perhaps, cannot be found in West Virginia. To understand and bring into practice the principles of the common law seem natural to him. He has made him self the master of Blackstone, Kent, Tucker, Minor, Jones, and other lawyers who have penetrated unexplored fields. As a speaker he stands pre-eminent. None of his col leagues surpass him in this. With a clear voice and a dis tinct articulation, he speaks with a natural earnestness and force that surpasses all that artificial culture could do. The juries whom he addresses forget the man in the subject, and hear not the words so much as the meaning . that is in them. He never appeals to passion or depends upon mo mentary excitement for success. He relies uppn sober rea- 204 HISTOEY OF TUCKEE COUNTY. son to decide for him. If, in the course of an address, he finds that his jury have been placed under the influence of furor or undue enthusiasm, it is his first study to lead them back again to a normal mood, then to appeal to their natural reason and understanding. No lawyer of Tucker County has, or ever has had, a more extensive practice than he. His business is large and is fast increasing in the Supreme Court of Appeals of the State. In chancery practice he is eminently successful, and at such business he has no peer at this bar. The suits of the large land-holders are placed in his hands, and the party who can secure his services considers himself fortu nate. He has never aUowed politics to interfere with his profession, although his political ability is scarcely second to his abiUty in the law. At the age of thirty, he finds him self not only at the head of the legal profession of his county, but also well established in neighboring counties, and recognized throughout the State. P. LIPSCOMB. The present Prosecuting Attorney of Tucker County has built for himself a business and worked himself into a practice that speaks plainly of his success in the law. He is a self-educated man ; and, by his oavu exertions he has built his OAVU business. He first filled the office of County iSuperintendent of schools for Tucker County, and reduced our school system to more order than it was ever in before. During this time he was zealously prosecuting his study of the law, and was making good progress. But, it was even several years before this that he obtained license to practice. He established himself at St. George, and was the only lawyer there. Mr. Ewin resided near the town, but not in it. The town, too, was then much smaller than it is now. THE ST, GEOEGE BAE. 205 and there was little business done. But, when the term of Circuit Court came, business grew more lively, and the law yers found more to occupy them. Lipscomb did not confine his practice to Tucker County, even at the first. He practiced in the Maryland Court, at Oakland, in Garrett County, and had nearly as much bus iness there as in his own county. His greatest success has ever been in jury practice. He weU understands the argu ments that AriU persuade and conrince, and he knows just to what men each order of argument is most applicable. In his style of speech he is more practical than theatrical. He speaks to the point, and is not so patticular as to the words used. He never fails to arrest and hold the attention of a jury. Of course, a lawyer of this kind AriU be more or less suc cessful in criminal practice ; and, a criminal case seldom comes before the court that is not represented on one side or the other by Lipscomb. In the memorable campaign of 1880, he was elected to the office of Prosecuting Attorney, and held the office four years.* * see " Brief Biographies " for additional matter on the lawyers of Tucker County. CHAPTER XIII. Tra yelers. Without official records to show that such is the case, it is stUl safe to say that no county of West Virginia has, in proportion to its population, furnished more emigrants to the western country than Tucker has furnished. The rea son of this may be two-fold. If the first would argue that our county's resources are not such as inrite development, the second will make it plain that our people are possessed with that energy and industry that will search the remotest corners of a continent for the most favorable openings for labor. The hUls and valleys of Cheat have furnished scores ahd hundreds of honest men, who are now building up with the West. There is hardly a state, probably not a state, west of the Ohio Eiver that has not inhabitants from Tucker. These and their descendants, if now brought back to this county, would probably double its population four times. Eecently at the golden wedding of Abraham Par sons, Esq., in the Salinas Valley, CaUfornia, there were present one hundred persons Avho, or whose parents, were from Tucker. Nearly all of them belonged to the Parsons family, and had left Cheat Eiver witMn the past twenty years. Yet, this is only an instance that could be equaled by other states. It is not the plan of ' these chapters to deal at length Avith Tucker's people now in distant states ; but, as it is intended to give a history of our people, it seems proj)er to make mention of those who have taken up their residence else where. But such mention must be brief, and will be con- TEAVELEES. 207 fined to those only who are particularly remembered here, or to those whose travels and adventures claim especial attention. It is clearly to be seen that, as travelers and adventurers, the principal characters are found in the Mi near, Parsons, Harper and Bonnifield families. It wiU likewise be noticed that Tucker County's travelers traveled for the most part over the Western States and California ; but some have been in the West Indies, Mexico, South America and the South Sea Islands, as Avell as in British America and on the Alaskan coast. Of the travelers of Tucker, none are more extensively known than Abe Bonnifield. He has been a traveler aU his Hfe, although he has never been in foreign countries but once. It is estimated that he has ridden on horseback seventy-five thousand miles. More than enough to take him round the world three times. He was born in 1837, on Horse Shoe Eun, and has considered that his home ever since. As is well known to all who will be likely to read this book, he was born without legs. He learned self-loco motion as young as other children ; and when he was quite small, he could run and ride and swim as well as any of the boys of the neighborhood. His early life ran quiet ; and during the winter he attended school, and in the summer trained pet crows to stand on one foot, and harnessed liz- zards and cra'wfish together to see v/hicli could pull the hardest. At school, he led his classes, particularly in math ematics, in which, like his father. Dr. Arnold Bonnineld, he was very apt. It is not the purpose to give a lengthy account of his life; since he has been for years engaged upon his autobiogra phy, and the book will probably be published soon. These chapters have particularly in view the collecting of material 208 HISTOEY OF TUCKEE COUNTY. that seems likely soon to be lost or forgotten ; and, as Mr. Bonnifield vrill publish all that relates to himself, it appears unnecessary to give a very full account here. He has given the Avriter access to his manuscripts, ahd from them the facts here given have been mostly taken. He remained at home till his twentieth year, except an occasional visit through the eastern and western counties of West Virginia. He began to be moved by a desire for travel. He thought of Missouri, then considered a far western country ; and on January 13, 1856, he left the home of his childhood and went forth into the Avide world. His brother David accompanied him. They went to Wheeling, thinking to pass down the Ohio Eiver, thence up the Mississippi and Missouri. While they were making ar rangements for the descent, they met Mr. A. J. Mayo, who was the manager of a traveling show that was famous in its day. He prevailed on the two Bonnifield boys to accom pany him. This seemed a fair chance to see the world, and Bonnifield accepted it, and gave up the project of going doAvn the Ohio Eiver. From Wheeling, the show went to Zanesrille, and from Zanesville to Newark, and from New ark to Columbus. By this time Bonnifield began to get tired of being hauled about in truck wagons. Accordingly, he deserted the shoAv, and spent some time trapping musk- rats along the rivers, and was nearly down to Cincinnati on the Little Miami. But, at Columbus he joined another show and was ready for more trundling about. This time he was with Carbin and Denoon's Indian Troup. He traveled up and down over almost every mile of Ohio, and then passed into Indiana, and visited aU the principal places in that state. He was not favorably impressed with the people whom he met there, if Ave may judge from his TEAVELEES. 209 letters and journal Avritten on the ground. AVhen he got into Michigan he began to be more favorably impressed with the country and people. The main feature of the show Avas the Indians. They soon became fast friends with Bonnifield, and would do whatever he told them to. By taking advantage of this, he created a big disturbance in camp one night. The Indians were lounging about on their blankets, some asleep and others not, when he offered three cents to one if he would bite the chief's toe off. The chief was asleep, but his toe protruded from under the blanket. The Indian snapped it up in his teeth, and probably would have gotten it off if the chief had not happened to awake at that moment, and set up a terrible yelling and flouncing about so that he pulled loose from the Indian's teeth. The fight became general, and the war-whoops rang through the town until the people thought the world must be coming to an end. He passed over into Canada, and Meandered up and down over that desolate wilderness of pine trees. Canada was at that time a great rendezvous for negroes who had escaped from slavery in the United States. Small colonies of these runaways were found at intervals throughout that country. It was a bad place for them. The land was poor and the Arinters were long and cold. The negroes were not pros pering. They were too lazy to AVork much, and were trying to make a liring by manufacturing soda from ashes. They lived in miserable log huts, and poverty and forsakenness was written on every door, and Avas visible about the prem ises everywhere. " Hello there ! " said Bonnifield to an old negro who was trying to hoe his patch of corn, that was hardly knee-high at the middle of August. " Hello there ! you old black scalawag, don't you wish you were back in 14 210 HISTOEY OF TUCKEE COUNTY. Virginia tAvisting tobacco for your grub?" The negro ' looked up and seemed to be startled ; then leaning lazUy on his hoe-handle, he answered with a sigh : "' Deed I does'' Bonnifield got tired of show-life, and came home. His father Avas then clerk of the Circuit and County Courts of Tucker, and Abe took charge of the office. He was at this employment Avlien the war commenced. He sympathized Avith the South ; but, he remained at his business io St. George until it began to be unsafe there for a southern man Avho made no secret of his opinions. On Monday morning, June 10, 1861, just after daylight, about forty Yankees came galloping into St. George, and rummaged through the town in search of Eebel flags. They found one, or claimed they did, and Avith it returned in triumph to Eowlesburg. Bon nifield Avas charged Avith having something to do with the flag, and he Avas warned by friends that he was not safe. The next Ave hear of him he Avas in the South, accompanied by George and Bax Kalar, AVilliam Talbott and other Tucker County boys. He remained in the war till the last gun was fired, and then did not surrender, but escaped on horseback from the Valley of Virginia, and when the fighting was at an end he came home. The whole four years that he Avas in the army was one continued succession of adventures and dashing marches. He Avas regarded as among the very best riders in the Confederate cavalry. His weight Avas about seventy pounds; and being thus light, his horse, which was a power ful one, was about the last to give out when it came to a long raid or a long retreat. He remained for the most part inthe VaUey of Virginia; but he was frequently in other parts. He accompanied the Imbodens in some of their memorable raids. As he Avas always in the very front in TEAVELEES. 211 every kind of adventure, he was often in the hottest part of the battle, and in the foremost rank ef the charging col umns. If he was cut off from his men, and in danger of being shot, he would throw himself from his horse, hang by his hand to the horn of the saddle on the side least exposed to the enemy's fire, guide his horse Arith the otlier hand, and thus escape. In the tumult of the battle the foe would not notice but that the horse was riderless ; and thus he often dashed through the very lines of the enemy unseen. Such was the strength of his arms that he could hang by them for an hour without very great fatigue. He was in front of the pursuit that chased Hunter, and was among the few, who, after a terrible night of marching through the wilderness, got in front of the flying army, and gave them the check which well nigh resulted fatally to the Federals. Bonnifield was not in the battle of Gettysburg ; but he joined Lee's army in its retreat before it reached the Poto mac, and was with it a fcAv days. He went back to the VaUey, and was there when General Early, who had been sent to Lynchburg to drive Hunter out, came down the Valley. He joined Early, and the fifteen thousand men moved off toward the Potomac, and chased General Sigel over the river into Maryland. Early set out for Washing ton, and got wi^in five miles of the city, when he was obliged to retreat. Thus, Bonnifield was one of the fifteen thousand Eebels who got near enough to see the flag on the ' Capitol at Washington, and got away. He escaped back to the Valley of Virginia. When the war ended, Bonnifield returned to Horse Shoe Eun, where he has lived ever since, although he has trav eled some since then. He visited Washington a few years 212 HISTOEY OP TUCKEE COUNTY. ago to press his claim for payment for cattle carried off by Union soldiers during the war. He spent some time at the National Capital, and had the satisfaction of seeing how near he had come to taking it during the war. He has a horse on which he has ridden nearly forty thousand miles. The horse is still liring, and is now (1884) over twenty years of age. This horse and its rider are known all over the eastern part of the State ; and they have been out of the State more than five hundred times in the last twelve years. A fuU history of Abe Bon nifield will probably soon be published ; and it AriU surely be an interesting volume. Several of the Bonnifields have been extensive travelers, although their most beaten path is to and from California. Mr. A. T. Bonnifield and his two sons, Henry and WiUiam, are not now residents of Tucker, but they formerly were, and their frequent risits to their old home make them well known here. They have been not only extensive, but romantic travelers. A. T. Bonnifield, a cousin of Dr. Arnold Bonni field, as weU as a namesake, lived on Horse Shoe Eun until he was twenty-one years of age. He married a daughter of William Corrick, Esq., of Corrick's Ford, after whom the battle of Corrick's Ford is named. In 1859, the CaU fornia excitement took a fresh start in Tucker, and quite a number of the young men emigrated to the new State. Bonnifield was among the number. With his wife and three children, accompanied by John Minear, they saUed from New York for Panama. After buying his tickets for San Francisco, Bonnifield had just forty dollars left. This was a small sum with which to go into a strange country ; but it would have to do ; and, Avhen all were on board, the steamer passed from the harbor out into the Atlantic. TEAVELEES. 213 The ship was soon out of sight of land, and then came on the dreaded sea-sickness, which none can-linderstand with out experiencing. The first night was probably the most terrible ,to the emigrants who had never been to sea before. They lay about the decks as helpless as dead people ; and no doubt some would nearly as lief have been dead. The officers and crew of the ship took Httle more notice of the passengers who lay retching, than to roll them in heaps to get them more out of the way. A person when enduring sea-sickness wUl not and cannot hold up his head, and can not help himself. For this reason the crew of the ship were much bothered to drag the helpless passengers out of the way. Bonnifield was among the sickest. He lay upon the deck in great agony aU night. Men with lanterns came to him, and dragged him to the end of the ship and piled him up vrith the rest of the sea-sick. There he lay till morning. AVhen it was day, he roused up, and thought he could eat some fruit. He felt for his money. It was gone. ,He had been robbed, probably by the men who had come to him with the lanterns. The situation in which he found himself roused him from his sickness, and he told his Avife that he had been robbed of every cent. He was, indeed, in a hard fix. He had not enough money to buy a dinner when he shoiUd land in San Francisco, and a wife and three children were on his hands. It was an unpleasant situation to be placed in ; but, he did what he could to recover his money. He saw a sneaking looking feUow on the ship, and he was struck by the thought that the fellow had his money. So he ran to the Captain and had him search the scoundrel, who protested that he never robbed anybody. But the 214 HISTOEY OF TUCKEE COUNTY. Captain searched him. Nothing was found to prove that he had stolen the money, and he was turned loose. Bonnifield wanted all the people on the ship searched ; but the Captain would not do it, and thus that part of the mat ter ended. Bonnifield never got his money. However, he found means of making some money. He had taken on board a barrel of apples at New York, and he now exposed them for sale at ten cents each. The people, who were beginning to recover from their sea-sickness, bought the apples as fast as they could get them. They brought in a quantity of change; About this time a stand of bees on the ship got destroyed ; and Bonnifield bought the honey, and peddled it over the ship for twenty-five cents a mouthful. It sold fast, and he quickly disposed of his stock and reaUzed a handsome profit. When he reached San Francisco he had barely enough money to pay his way a few miles into the country. He went to work, and gradually accumulated money enough to buy a farm. But, the farm's title not being good, he lost his money. However, he went to work at the bottom again, and in the course of a few years Avas again com fortably situated. Thus he lived for seven years. His wife having died, he took charge of his chUdren and kept them together for several years. In 1867 he determined to re-visit West Virginia. He em barked at San Francisco for New York. Instead of cross ing the Isthmus of Panama, he crossed through Nicaragua, in Central America, and took a steamer on the eastern side for New York. When the ship drew near the shore on the West side of Nicaragua, a cannon was fired as a signal of approach. TEAVELEES. 215 This was to give the natives notice in time for them to bring their ponies to the landing. It was twelve miles across the isthmus, and the passengers and freight had to be carried by land. The ship-company paid all these ex penses. There was no railroad, as there was at Panama ; but there was a good wagon-road. The women and chil dren were carried across in ambulances that were formerly used in the United States during the war, but had been bought by the ship-company and taken to Nicaragua, to be used as stages. ^Che men might also ride in these coaches if they Hked ; but they were given their choice of two modes of crossing. They might ride in the ambulances or on the ponies of the natives, which were hired for the pur pose. The majority of them chose to ride on the ponies. The natives were Indians, and kept the ponies on their ranches near about the harbor. They Avere glad to make a few cents by hiring their ponies to the ship-company for the use of the passengers. They knew about what day the ship would be there, and kept their animals near at hand. Each one was anxious to get his pony used in crossing, for if he did not, he got no pay. So, when the ship was approaching the shore, the cannon was fired to call the Indians doAvn to the beach. Ih a few minutes they were seen coming over the hills from the north, south and east. They were coming in a sweeping gallop, every one trying to be first at the landing, to be sure of getting his donkey a rider. When the ship landed at the dock, the Indians Avere massed around it like a besieging army. Each one Avas en deavoring io impress upon some passenger the necessity of hiring that particular pony, and the jargon, pow-AvoAv and chattering was entirely characteristic of the assembly. 216 HISTOEY OF TUCKEE COUNTY. The donkeys were white, and looked not much larger than sheep. The passengers thought it impossible that an animal so small could bear the weight of a man, and so Avere not much inclined to accept one in preference to the ambulance-carts. But, the officers of the ship assured the passengers that the ponies would carry them aU right, and then the bargaining began. As said, the ship-company paid for the animals ; so, the passengers' only care Avas to select as good a one as they could. Every native insisted that his was the best ; and thus the trading ran high. Meanwhile, Bonnifield was busy getting his family started off in the ambulances ; so, when he turned about to engage a pony, he found that aU the best of them were taken, and that none but poor or fractious ones were left. He had to take one of these, or none. He took one. It was small, lean, bony and looked like the refuse of aU that is vile and wretched in Central America. The rest of the men were already mounted on the more prepossessing of the donkeys, and were ready to move off as soon as the word of com mand should be given. Bonnifield took in the situation at a glance and saw that he was in danger of being left ; for he was certain that his bony beast Avould ncA'er keep up with the others. But, he had no time to hunt another, and aU that was left for him to do was to make the best use of his means. , So, picking up a heavy club, he mounted the pony, ready to start Avith the others, whether he could keep up or not. " What are you going to do with that club ?" yelled the In dian Avho owned the animal, running up and flourishing his fist as though about to strike. " I'm going to knock a whole side of ribs out of this brute if he don't keep up with the rest. That's what I'm going to do. Do you understand TEAVELEES. 217 that ?" Bonnifield gave the Indian this answer, and told him to stand in the background or he would get a little to start with. The Indian took the hint and retu-ed; and Bonnifield held to his club, for he was determined not to be left in that AvUd country, and was not in a very good humor any way. His donkey was so small that the rider's feet almost dragged the ground. The word to start was given just as the sun was going down. Immediately the whole cavalcade was one of com motion and excitement. The two or three hundred ponies that the passengers feared would not be able to carry them across, were now plunging up the road at a sweeping gaUop, every one trying to lead the way. The smallest and most bony seemed more fiery and impetuous than those which had been first chosen. The weakest was fuUy strong enough to carry a man as fast as he cared to go. Bonnifield was soon convinced that he had no need of a club. His donkey was so impetuous that he had to drop his cudgel and sieze the bridle with both hands. The road led through hUls and vales, covered with the luxurient vegetation of the Torrid Zone. Cocoanut trees stood thick along the way ; and bamboos and reeds formed a dense copse. It was a splendid ride that evening. The sun went down before they had gone a mile ; but this only increased the beauty of the evening. It got cooler, and the cavalcade thundered on up the road. At times they halted by the wayside to buy sugar, fruit and nuts of the natives, who had buUt little stores every mile or two. Several of the store-keepers were negroes who had come from the United States, and had settled in that unhospitable country for the purpose of trading with travelers. 218 HISTOEY OF TUCKEE COUNTY Bonnifield rode forward with the others tiU awhUe after dark. The fruit and sugar that he had eaten caused such thirst that he tried at each store to get a drink; but no water was at hand, and the shop-keepers were too busy to fetch any, so he rode on. Presently the road turned down a ra vine, and far below in the wilderness and darkness the rip pling of water could be heard. He said that he must have a drink, live or die. He was told that the woods were full of beasts and venomous snakes, and he would run great risk in going down in the dark. But he would not be pursuaded. Giving the rein of his pony to a companion to hold, he scrambled down the hiU. He could hear the water bubbling and was guided by the noise. It was too dark to see any thing. The weeds and thorns were so thick that he had to part them with his hands, and scramble over the tops, and pitch and fall, and slip and sUde ; but at last he reached the water and lay down and drank. The water was cool, and when his thirst was allayed, he rose up Arith satisfaction and was preparing to start up the hiU. But just then a lion sprang out the thicket and roared. Bonnifield's hair stood on end with fright, and he leaped sheer ten feet oVer the tops of briers, brush and rocks, up against the bluff, and thence on to the road above, where he mounted his donkey, and bid an, adieu forever to the wild beasts of Central America. In an hour longer the travelers reached the Eio San Juan del Sur, where boats awaited to carry them down to the sea coast. The passage down the river was one of romance and magnificence, and is described as one of the finest in the world. The banks of the stream were covered with groves of tropical trees, and flowers always in bloom. There is no winter there. Birds with feathers bright as TEANELEES. 219 gold and sUver fly among the trees, and monkeys chatter amid the thickets of bamboos. Basking in the sun along the water's edge, huge alligators could be seen stretching their ugly carcasses. It was along this river several years before that Capt. E. Harper had so many adventures shoot ing alligators and chasing Arild beasts and fighting the wUd Indians. When the sun was risen on the morrow, the passengers were embarked on boats, and moved gayly off down the river and across the bay. There was a considerable convoy, and it must have looked Uke an army to the Indians who stood on the shores and gaz^d wonderingly at the grand procession of boats as it moved peacefuUy over the shining water. "Get in the boat, you land-lubber!" yelled one of the sailors to Bonnifield who was washing his feet by let ting them drag along through the water, over the gunwale. "Get in the boat, or the alHgators will pepper your hash." Thus warned, he hauled his feet aboard ; and lookine into the water, he could see hideous monsters swimming along under the boat, waiting for somebody to fall overboard. When the deep water was reached, the passengers went aboard a steamship and stood off for New York. The pas sage was rough ; but aU safely landed there, and Bonnifield soon reached Tucker. He remained there over a year, vis iting in the mean time Michigan, Indiana, Ohio and lUinois, whUe his children attended school. He owned the horse on which Abe Bonnifield has since ridden tens of thousands of miles. In 1868, he returned to California, haring married in Tucker a daughter of Job Parsons, Esq. In 1881 he again visited the East, and spent the summer in West Virginia and Kentucky. He now resides in California. CHAPTER XIV. TRA YELERS— CONTINUED. Capt. Ezekiel Haepee was born November 28, 1823. His father was Adam Harper whose sketch has been given in a former chapter. Energy and adventure is a character istic of the famUy ; and of none more than of the subject of the present sketch. His early life was spent on the home farm, and the stir and commotion of the wide world was aU a blank to him. The narrow, but beautiful vaUey of Clover was the field of his youthful adventures, and it was there that he grew to manhood, every inch of him a man. His constitution was of iron, and his wiU succumbed only to the impossible. From his earUest years he was an attentive and extensive reader; and he kept himself posted on aU poUtical ques tions, and on aU the issues that the press brought before the people. When he became a man, the VaUey of Clover became too narrow for him, and he began to think of new fields. Thus it was when the Mexican War came on. He had always had a desire to see the southern and western countries ; and this seemed the best opportunity that had been presented. There was no movement made in Tucker to organize a company; but, in Barbour, Col. Henry Sterms mustered a company and held them ready for service. Harper joined the company ; and as far as can now be ascertained, he was the only man from Tucker who did. He waited anxiously for the call for his company to take TEAAnElLEES. 221 the field. The newspapers were filled Arith accounts from the seat of war. He read of the fight at Matamoras, at Monterey ; of the rout of Santa Anna from the gorges of Buena Vista, of the faU of Einggold at Palo Alto. The battles of Eesaca de la Pahna, SaltiUo, Cerro Gorge and Contreas passed off, and stiU no orders came for the com pany to take the field. The President had caUed for fifty thousand volunteers, and the call had been responded to by over three hundred thousand. So, there were many men who, Hke Harper, were waiting Arith more or less impatience for a caU to arms. The war, although yet waged to the extremest limit of vengeance and national hatred, was plainly draAring to a close. Mexico was going down ; and defeat on defeat and rout on rout hurried her doom. The roar of the cannon had died on the field of Churusbusco ; and, the greatest and last, the storming of Chapultepec ended the war. Harper was uncaUed. It was a disappointment ; but it came on him graduaUy, and he continued working on the farm, and dealing in cattle. But a new and more romantic field of adventure was opening for him. Scarcely had the Merican War closed, when the discovery of gold, at Sutter's MiUs, in California, fiUed the country with excitement. Those who can remem ber, know how the land was filled with wild stories of gold in exhaustless stores, and how the rumors ran from ocean to ocean, and adventurers risked everything in their efforts to be first and foremost on the ground. Those who cannot remember, probably wUl never know. It was an epoch in the world's history, in the history of America, and in the annals of Tucker County. It did not work such lasting changes as the Crusades or the French Eevolution ; but its 222 HISTOEY OF TUCKEE COUNTY. chapges arid results have left a stamp on the chronicles of America that wUl endure for ages to come. There has never been in the world anything else like it. In the great rush for the gold diggings, people came from every part of the world. Tucker, although a small territory, then not so much as a distinct county, sent not a few. Perhaps no county in America, of riot a greater popiUatiori, has furnished as many emigrants to CaUfornia as Tucker has. It has sent them from the very first ; and they have generally been among the best of our citizens. Our own wealth and resources have only recently become known ; and, heretofore, people of enterprise could see in our nar row valleys and rugged hiUs little to inrite exertion or to promise return for capital invested. From this cause, the most ambitious and energetic of our people, in former days, looked to farther and wider fields in which to contend in fortune's arena. Our timber was then next to valueless,, and our vast coal regions were then not supposed to be Avorth the taxes. It was on account of this that so many men of ambition and ability went west and south and north, or just any place where there was encouragement to put forth exertion. The tide has now turned, and is setting toward instead of from us. Instead of the poorest, we have one of the rich est counties in the State. But this was not known when the rumors from California were alluring away so many of our young men. Gold was discovered in California in 1848. The news soon spread from state to state, and it reached West Vir ginia and Tucker County the same year. None haUed the ncAvs more gladly than Mr. Harper, who stiU remembered his disappointment in not getting to go to the Mexican TEAVELEES. 223 War, and was waiting for an opportunity to try something else of the s«me nature. Not a day was lost. He and A. P. Minear, of St. George, were the first to go. But Harper was the first. Minear went by water in 1849. Harper started in 1848, and wintered in Iowa. So anxious was he to get to the mines that he braved every danger in crossing the plains. Iowa was then on the fi'ontier. Between there and California was a wide, desert plain, and the almost im passable Eocky and Sierra Nevada mountains. Then it was an unknown country. A few explorers and adventurers had crossed, and a few small military posts, scattered at immense distances apart, served as the only evidence of civUized man. Large bands of wild and warlike Indians infested the region beyond the Missouri Eiver, and were ever ready to fall upon any who should come into their country. Early in the spring of 1849, Harper joined a train of ad venturers and passed up the Platte Eiver, and crossed the Eocky Mountains. A full journal of the company, with all that happened from day to day, would fill too much space here. Nothing of special importance took place. The routine of camp life, and traveling incidents Avere the same or similar from day to day. They drove ,ox teams, hitched to ponderous wagons. There were no graded roads. On the plains they needed none ; but, in the mountains it was often next to impossible to proceed. Sometimes they would let their wagons down mountains by ropes and pulleys. Or, they would fell trees, tie them by the tops to the hind axle of the wagons, and the stiff limbs, thus plowing in the ground, aUowed the wagons to descend slowly. Along the Humboldt it was a wUd, desert country. The hills had no water, trees, grass or shrubs. The vaUeys be- 224 HISTOEY OF TUCKEE COUNTY. tween the hiUs were barren and lifeless, and were often covered Arith salt and alkali. ' AVhen the emigrants reached this region, their progress became slower than before. They could find little forage for their cattle, and at times water was not to be had. The Indians, too, were ever hovering over the way, and none could feel safe, unless traveling in large companies. This served to keep the trains together, and, of course, made it harder to find things for the cattle to eat. It was probably the most distressing portion of aU the journey ; and it was there, amid the rocky hUls and alkaline plains, that many an adventurous man has found the termination of his wanderings. These delays and perplexities were not endureable to a man of Harper's ambition and determination. He was too anxious to be first upon the Californian gold fields to be bothering with lazy ox teams and trundling carts, when the bourne of his dreams was only three or four hundred mUes away, was not his nature. He had staid back, and endured the slow traveling until he reached the Sinks of the Hum boldt Eiver, that mysterious land where a river sinks in the sand, and aU trace of it is lost. Here he expressed his determination to proceed in advance of the emigrants. They tried to persuade him from it, and pointed out the great dangers that would beset him if traveling alone through that Avild and uncivUized country. But, like M'Cleland, he said that he could take care of himself. He shouldered his rifle and knapsack and struck forward alone into the rugged hUls and snowy mountains. The huge crest of the Sierras lay before him, towering white and ponderous toward the sky, and presenting a wall against the world beyond. It was a fatal region, and few men could have crossed it alone. TEAVELEES. 225 The Indians had made paths through the ravines and gorges, and bears and panthers had tramped a trail over the ridges. These, the stars and sun, and a slight knowledge of the geography of the rivers, were his only guides. At day he plodded slowly along among rocks and bowlders, or over wide plains, covered with a crust of salt, or alkaline dust, and across desert prairies, where even the wild Indians sel dom would venture. At night he would creep into a hole in the rocks and sleep. Sometimes wolves would hoAvl at him, and bears would stop to look at him ; but from mercy or fear, they did not molest him. The way up the Sierra Navadas was, like the Alps were to Napoleon, "barely possible." He Avound his way from ridge to ridge and from sumiriit to summit. Sometimes the drifts of snow blockaded his path, or a deep ravine forced him to go miles out of his way. But stUl he went forward, and at last, after days of climbing and Avandering among the rocks and snows of centuries, he reached the last summit, and CaUfornia lay before him. Behind him, for hundreds and hundreds of miles, stretched the dead plains of Nevada and Utah, over which he had passed. It seemed that his journey was almost over. He was on the borders of Cali fornia, the Land of Promise to him. As he stood there, in the bright sun and keen air of that afternoon, amid ever lasting snows, he looked afar down upon the rolling hills 'and boundless plains that lay like an ocean before him, aud ¦ thought of the throngs that were then drifting thither from all parts of the earth to share in the rich harvest of golden sands. He was one of the most adventuresome of all. He was a young man, buoyant with all the hopes and ambitions of youth, and the ransacked Avorld had no impossibilities for him. He would yield to none in the general race for 15 226 HISTOEY OF TUCKEE COUNTY. wealth and romance. He counted himself, as he stood alone' on the bleak summit of that icy mountain, even then a conqueror. And he was; for many a hero would have failed where he had triumphed. But the end of his journey was not yet. Down, down, down, over mountains, compared with which the AUegha nies are molehills, he must go before he would reach the mines of gold. He traveled nine days alone, and' ate only coffee and crackers. At the end of that time he reached Placerville, then a small mining camp called Hangtown. He came to the camp late in the evening, without money or anything to eat. He Avent without his supper because he had noth ing Avith Avliich to buy it, and slept on the ground for the want of a bed. The mines were just then opening, and tliere v/ere not many miners in the country. He knew not where to get his breakfast the next morning, and with that problem perplexing him, he walked up and down the camp, and came to a small creek where some Spaniards Avere dig ging gold. He stopped to look at them. The gold was in fine grains, mixed through the sand and gravel, and was separated by Avashiug and shaking it. It was a simple process, and when Harper had watched it awhile, he con cluded that he could do it. He Avent to the camp of a trader and borrowed a pick and pan, and set to work digging gold to get money to buy his breakfast. He succeeded so well that by nine o'clock he thought he had enough to x^ay for some crackers, and carried it to the trader AA'ho paid him six dollars for it, and offered him his breakfast free. But the latter part of the offer Avas declined hj Harper who paid for the meal from the proceeds of his morning's work. TEAVELEES. 227 He remained at Placeville only long enough to earn a few hundred dollars, and then he proceeded to Colonra, on the South Fork of American Eiver. Here he was offered five thousand doUars to work on a saw-mill one year ; but he decUned the offer, saying that he came to California to dig gold, not to chop logs. We next find him at Eectors, on the Middle Fork of American Eiver. He and five others put in the first flume ever built on that river for mining purposes. They took a river claim that promised to yield abundantly, and made extensive preparations to open their mines. But winter was now at hand, and the annual rains commenced. They worked some in the rain, and waited for it to cease ; but it rained nearly constantly. The waters got so high that all mining had to stop. He was now out of employment, and began to wish that he had taken the contract on the mill. But he would not be discouraged. He bought a rifle and hunted deer to supply the miners with meat. This paid very weU, since venison brought an enormous price in the diggings. This was the upper camp on that river ; and during the winter the Indians were troublesome. They killed several men, and broke up some of the camps. The miners organized for their defense, and a general frontier war was the result. Now commenced Captain Harper's record as a war scout. He soon became known to be a skillful woodsman, and a daring leader, and the camps placed him in command of their fighting force. His band was small ; but the men were picked from the chivalry of thirty states, and they knew what it was to be brave. He had the confidence of his men and he was not afraid to trust them. The Indians came down from the mountains and killed people, and fled 228 HISTOEY OF TUCKEE COUNTY. back to their strong holds. It was difficult and dangerous to pursue them and hunt them out, and they went unpun ished for sometime. But when Harper took command of the forces, the tables were soon turned. The Indians had attacked three miners, and killed one. Two were wounded and carried off as prisoners into the mountains. Harper coUected his men as soon as he heard the rumor of what had been done, and by daylight he was in hot pur suit. The savages were making for the mountains to their dens, where they had been accustomed to hide. They, no doubt, expected to get away as they had done before ; but they had a different man to deal Avith. Harper pressed forward with all speed, and forced them upon a flying re treat over the long, barren ridges that skirt the plains of the American Eiver. They found that he did not turn back for rocks and cUffs. They then shaped their course for the stupendous mountains in the distance, where the snow lay deep on the ground. They evidently calculated that he would stop at the edge of the snow. But he had seen snow before, and it was nothing more in his way than it was in theirs. Eather, it was a help, for it enabled him to follow them without spending time in searching out the traU. They now realized what kind of man they had to deal with, and they were at their wit's ends how to dodge him or to draw him into an ambuscade. There was nothing left for them but to run for their lives, and they had little time to decide upon it. It was now late at night. The pursuit had continued all day, Arith only rest long enough to eat twice. The Indians, as near as could be ascertained, had not eaten or rested at all. The snow was two feet deep, but in riearly all places it would bear the weight of a man. There was no difficulty in following the savages, and TEAVELEES. 229 it could be noticed that something was being gained. The fact was, they were the hardest put to it to keep away any longer. They were never before pursued by a man who hung on Arith such bull-dog determination. Others were accustomed to foUow to the rocks, or probably to the snow, but there they turned back. But there was no turn back in the present case, and the Indians found it so to their sorrow ; for late at night they left their prisoners, and sep arated in as many ways as there were Indians, which, of course, ended the pursuit. The two wounded men were picked up, more dead than aUve. The party returned to camp, which they reached the next evening. By this time Harper was considered the leading scout in aU that country ; and he was kept constantly on duty. He roamed among the hiUs and was sure to discover the traU of any Indians who should go toward the mining camps. They hated him, and would have kiUed him on sight, if they had not been afraid to undertake it. He was a splen did shot Arith a rifle, and it was risky work for the Indian who would venture within two hundred yards of him. They sometimes tried to sHp in at night ; but he would always prevent it. It had been a rainy week on the American Eiver, late in the winter of 1849, and the miners had remained for the most part in their tents, amusing themselves with cards or other games. But the rain brought no rest for Harper. He was kept on scout duty all the time. He soon had searched the country for miles around ; and, in a deep val ley, some seven mUes from the mining camps, he found the den of the Indians. He reconnoitred and found them a arge band. Toward sunset he started to camp to report, 230 HISTOEY OF TUCKEE COUNTY. and as he proceeded, he fell upon a trail running in the direction of his camps. The thought struck him that the Indians meant mischief, and he determined to follow them and hunt out their designs. He had not far to go till he espied them huddling around their fire. He took another path, and reached the mining camp about nine o'clock at night. He found everything in uproar and confusion among the miners. News had been received that the Indians had faUen upon a camp of traders, near by but on the opposite side of the river. The river was too much swoUen for safe cross ing, and the traders on one side and the miners on the other were accustomed to talk each day across the stream. On that day, when the miners went down to the river to talk across, they saAV no traders, but instead they saw a band of Indians tearing down the traders' tents, and breaking open their goods. When the news was carried to camp, it threw all into excitement, and some were in favor of re treating toward Sacramento and others wanted to fortify the camp and fight it through. In the midst of this commotion Harper arrived, and re ported that he had seen a camp'of the enemy not far off. He was in for an immediate attack, but some opposed him. But he collected his thirty men, and armed them for a double-quick march upon the camp of the enemy. At midnight he started with his thirty men, and picked his way through the tangled thickets of snow-brush and manzanita that covered the hillsides. It was a dark night, land the progress was slow and tedious. The Indian camp was four miles distant, and so rough was the way that it was not reached till day-break. Harper had planned to sur round it so that none of the savage wretches could break TEAVELEES. 231 away. He sent his men by several paths to come up on different sides of the encampment ; and he went up directly in front with four men. He got near enough to count five Indians. He waited for the rest of his party to get into position ; but when he had grown somewhat impatient with waiting, he saw his party on a distant hill, l^hey had taken the wrong path and had lost their way. He determined to make the attack anyhow. He whispered to his men to fire when he should have raised his gun. They did so. The almost instantaneous report of five guns proclaimed that five Indians were in eternity. None were left in the camp. AU Avere kiUed. In the camp was found some of the plun der taken from the traders. Harper's band then crossed the river, and attacked the other gang of savages, and utterly routed them, not even allowing them time to carry off their plunder. These skirmishes acted as" a damper upon the Indians. They-found themselves unable to cope with the men of the mines. Harper soon beset them in their camp seven miles 'away, in the hidden valley, and they were beaten out, and chased pell-mell up and down the hills, and were given no place to rest. They were kept upon the trot day and night, and finally they broke up into small bands and fled to the mountains of the North, far beyond the limits of the mines. This ended the Indiar war of 1849, in that section. In the spring of 1850, E. Harper's^ two brothers, Thad deus and Jerome, arrived in California, and the three worked in the mines that year. They then went to Santa Clara VaUey and bought a farm. Thaddeus and Jerome re mained on the farm ; but Ezekiel returned to the mines and worked till December, 1851. He then sailed from San Francisco for New York. He stopped in Central America, 232 HISTOEY OF TUCKEE COUNTY and spent sometime hunting, and shooting alligators, liz- zards and large snakes along the banks of El Eio San Juan Del Sur. He arrived in New York, and soon after reached home. He visited his parents, and early in the spring of 1852 again set out to cross the plains for California. This time his brother Jacob accompanied him and they reached Missouri without the occurrence of anything of note. There they bought four thousand sheep, intending to drive them to California. If an ox team was slow, a ]band of sheep was slower. The progress was not encouraging. Five or six, or at most ten miles a daj- was as much as could be made. The Indians Avere not particularly troublesome at that time, and by the commencement of summer the sheep had been driven to the summit of the Eocky Mountains. At that time the Asiatic cholera was raging on the plains, and Jacob Harper did not escape. What Httle his brother could do for him amounted to nothing, and he died on the summit of the Eocky Mountains, and was buried by his brother. His untimely death cast a shadow of gloom over all, and it was with feeUngs of sadness that his companions moved on, down the wild western slope, and left him to the society of storms and tempests, The Indian knows his place of rest Deep in the forest shade. The sheep were driven on to California, and were sold with great profit. With the proceeds of these sales, to gether Avith those of the teams and wagons, and also of the farm in Santa Clara Valley, they built a block in San Fran cisco. It Avas called the St. Charles. His brother remained in San Francisco, but E. Haper went to Oregon, built a store at Eaineer, and shipped produce to the other members of the firm in the city. TEAVELEES. 233 In the spring of 1855, their property in San Francisco was burnt. Their loss was great, and they had nothing left when they had paid their liabilities. Captain Harper returned to the mines and worked as hard as he had done in early mining days. At the end of five months he had saved $2500. The next winter, 1855-6, he sailed on the Golden Age for Panama, and thence to New York. He risited his parents in the VaUey of Clover, and traveled over nearly all the Western States. In December, 1856, he sailed from New York on the steamer George Law. This was to him a memorable voyage, and the ship has since become memorable. It was the famous Central America that sunk the next year in the Caribbean Sea. This voyage of Harper's, in December, 1857, came near being the final one. When off Cape Hatteras there came on a terrible storm. That Cape protrudes into the stormiest part of the Atlantic, and a ship seldom passes it without being beset with hurricanes and waves. Many a stout ship has succumbed and gone down there. As the George Law was passing that point, it was struck by a gale. The ship was old, and the storm was a dreadful one. The ship was throAvn on its beam end, and lay twen ty-four hours at the mercy of the billows. An exrtact from one of Harper's letters written after his arrival in AspinwaU wiU give a vivid account of the storm. ASPiSfWALL, January 18, 1857. It came without warning. I was standing on the hurricane deck when I noticed that the clouds were flying with uncommon speed and in different directions. They seemed to boU np out of the ocean and roll hither and thither, up and down the sky, until they hid everything from view, except the water, which at that time was calm as it ever is in that part of the sea. The clouds appeared to be nearly on the water; and they came nearer and 234 HISTOEY OF TUCKEE COUNTY. grew blacker, tiU, suddenly, I found that darkness was settling down upon us, and all nature, so much of it as was visible, was changing appearance, and was assuming an ominous aspect. So intently was I watching the transformations going on in the firmaments about me, that I had not noticed what others were do ing. In all my travels I had never beheld such a sight, and I stood in amazement and wonder, at an utter loss to divine what it meant or what it portended. But, at this point, I Avas aroused from my reverie by a sailor who seized me by the arm and ordered me to go below. I now saw that everything on the ship was in commotion. The captain was standing by the generale giving orders, and the sailors were taking in sail and clearing the decks, and getting everything in readiness for the worst. The passengers were nearly all in the cabin or the hold ; but I could see that they were in the greatest consternation. I stood where I was, till the order to get below was repeated with a threat. I then started. Just then I felt the first breath of the coming storm. A whiff of wind struck my face, then another, and another, each one getting stronger and quicker, till they became a strong breeze. There was something in that breeze that seemed to prophesy what was coming. Perhaps the subsequent storm, or probably the appearance of the elements, or the commotion on the ship, left the impression ; but I got it there, and when that breeze struck me, I felt that a calamity was at hand. * *** * **** The ship was now rocking and plunging in a dreadful manner. The waves were beating over her, and the deluge of water that was poured upon the deck nearly washed me from my feet before I could get below. Just as I did so, a tremendous wave struck the ship. I thought the Avhole thing was flying to splinters. The tim bers crashed and creaked, and the vessel rolled helplessly upon her side as if she had given -up the struggle and had surrendered to her fate. The scene among the panic-stricken passengers at that awful moment was beyond the powers of language to describe. Every thing movable rolled to the lower side of the ship, and there piled up in confusion and ruin. I seized a post to save myself from fall ing and being buried in the common wreck. I seized the post with TEAVELEES. 235 one hand and with the other caught a lady who was falling. She said: "Are we lost?" I told her, "No," and she seemed to place confldence in what I said, although I had no idea of ever seeing the sun agaih. I could hear the water roaring over us ; and the groaning of the timbers and the crushing of the braces made it evi dent that it would soon be over at that rate. I don't belive that I was excited or in any degree lost my presence of mind. I reasoned as clearly as I do now. Around me, above the dash and roar and - thunder of the ocean, I could hear the poor terror-stricken passen gers shriek and implore ; but I had no such feelings. I have looked upon too many scenes and exhibitions of the terrible in all its forms to be frightened at anything. I felt surprised that the ship did not go to pieces and sink. I hung to the post, intending to do so to the last. There was no change in the situation for some time, till the ship sprung a leak. He ij4 3|e :j< Ije i{c « I held to the post no longer. I let the lady take care of herself. I saw that there was something to be done. I got on deck, and held to the rigging. The spray flew so as to nearly blind me, and also, at times, strangled me. There were only five among the pas sengers who were able to do anything. I was one of the five. We held to the rigging with one hand and pumped Avater with the other. Before night the water was six feet deep in the ship, and all the pumps were working to then- utmost capacity. That was a terrible night. There was no abatement in the storm. The ship rolled at the mercy of the Wild -waves and the remorseless dash of hUlows. The night was intensely dark, and the clouds seemed to have come down upon the fierce, black ocean, and enshrouded all in a gloom as thick as the darkness that fell as a plague upon Egypt. It was a long night. I think it was the longest I ever knew. I took no rest. We five worked unceasingly at the pumps. All the rest of the passengers were helpless with fatigue and sea sick ness, so that, in addition to our work at the pumps, we had to pro vide for those who were unable to do anything for themselves. There is such a thing as utter exhaustion. Before morning came, we were unable t6 do anything scarcely ; for, the work, and hun- 236 HISTOEY OF TUCKEE COUNTY. ger, had puUed us down. StUl we kept at the pumps and did the best we could. We, at last, began to hope that there was some chance of escape. This may have aided us to struggle on ; but, at best, it was little we could do. When morning broke, it foimd our ship in a deplorable plight. But the storm soon began to abate, and at length we considered ourselves out of immediate danger. When aU became calm enough to permit the captain to take the latitude and longitude he found the ship only twenty-four miles from where it had been at the commencement of the storm. This seems proof to my mind that the wind blew from various directions. The water was six feet deep in the ship when we got into this har bor. It has been a miraculous escape. This ship, the George Law, has an after history worth mentioning. It was taken back to New York and repaired and named the Central America. Its fate is known the world over. It sailed from Aspinwall with a full load of passen gers. It went down in the Caribbean Sea, with nearly all On board. Poets and orators have told the story, and it is a sad one. There were about twenty of Harper's acquaint ances on board. The passengers were on their way from California, and many of them carried in their belts the earnings of years. When it was found that the ship must go doAvn, the men began to unload themselves of the gold, which they empted from their belts upon the deck, untU, according to an eye witnesss, there was no spot from one end of the ship to the other, whereon a man might set his foot, that was not covered Arith gold. But it did no good, and the ship went down with its gold and its human beings and the ruthless Caribbean waves roUed over all. Harper returned to CaUfornia and with hi? brothers mined and dealt in cattle. The business prospered weU. So weU, indeed, that they conceived the plan of establishing a house in Chili, South America. The few Europeans and Americans who had gone there were making fortunes. Jerome Harper TEAVELEES. 237 was sent there. It was about this time that the insurrec tion broke out in Chili. The people there were oppressed with aU tyranny, and politics were in a deplorable condi tion. The measure was full of risk and danger, but Jerome had estabUshed a merchants' commission store there. He was doing a large business when the rebeUion came on. With the characteristics of his family, he at once took sides in the controversy, and in so doipg, he gave his sympathy and assistance to the rebels. The war raged dreadfully for awhUe ; but the Government forces were the most powerful and the rebellion was crushed. The rebels, as fast as they could find transportation, were banished to Patagonia. That country then was, and still is, among the least civilized regions on the globe. It was the Siberia of South America; and those who were exiled to the savage hills, where it rains or snows three hundred days in the year, met a fate as dreadful as the Nihilists who now languish in the icy prisons of Asiatic Eussia. E. Harper could get no tidings from his brother, further than that he sympathized vdth the rebels. When the news reached California that the rebels were conquered and were being banished to Patagonia, Captain Harper concluded that his brother must have been sent to Patagonia. Time, with no tidings from Jerome, conrinced him more strongly of this; and, with an ever commendable generosity, he deter mined to go to the rescue of his brother. Captain Harper was intimately acquainted with, the U. S. Minister to Chili, and through his interposition hoped to procure the release of his brother. The property in San Francisco and in the dountry was sold to raise funds for that purpose. He came down to Pataluma, near San Francisco, and was intending to make the sale of some 238 HISTOEY OF TUCKEE COUNTY. property there, and then proceed in person to Chili to do what he could for Jerome. But when just on the eve of departure, he got intelligence that Jerome had arrived in San Francisco, and was out of money. Harper sent him twenty dollars on which to come to Pataluma, and without awaiting his arrival, returned north and canceled the sales he had made. Those made in San Francisco and Pataluma were also canceled, so that there was no great loss after all. After this, Mr. Harper worked some mines and dealt in cattle till 1860. At that time his parents wrote to him to come home as they heeded his care. He closed his busi ness and returned to his native county. This Avas in 1860, and the Civil War Avas at hand. Har per was a man who always took sides one way or the other. If he was not a friend he was an enemy. So, when the Avar came on, he joined the Confederates, and tlircAv his whole energies into his cause. The first active service he saw was at the battle of Corrick's Ford, Avhere he acted as pilot to Garnett's retreating army, and led it safely through mountain paths and narrow defiles across the Alleghanies. The particulars and a full account of this will be found elseAvhere in this book. It is proposed to give here only such of his history as is not connected in a general way Avitli other county matters. The next Ave hear of him he Avas in Pendleton Countj'-, actively engaged iu the field. That part of the State was then held by the Confederates. There Avas fighting to be done. The man Avho had braved the dangers of mountain, plain and sea, and had seen duty in the wildest country on earth, was sure to be of service in guerrilla warfare among the steep cliffs and narroAv defiles of Pendleton County. It was not long before there Avas plenty of fighting to be TEAVELEES. 239 done. The Federals were advancing into the country, and Harper was sent out, with a company of others, to annoy them, but not to offer battle, unless favored by great odds. He got in front of several hundred, and saw a chance to strike them a telling blow. He made an impetuous charge, and drove them back upon the main body and captured two horses. But he had advanced too far, and found him self in danger of being taken prisoner. The Yankees were on three sides of him. He had a good horse, and it was now a ride for life. He kept his distance and was thinking himself almost beyond danger, when a ball cut through his coat, and another stuck his horse in the neck and killed him instantly. Harper ran on a-foot. One, a tall fellow of the enemy, out-stripped the others of the chase and came close upon him. It was a sad risk for the young soldier, and dearly did he pay for it. He was pressing a man AA'hom it was not safe to press in a case of that time. Harper got beyond range of the enemy's muskets, and then halted to collect his men. He could find only two. But with these he made a stand, and haA'ing greatlj- the advantage of ground, he held them in check for some time, and until both of his brave comrades fell dead at his side. He then continued his retreat and succeeded in making his escape. But, the two captured horses were retaken, ahd he got back to the Confederate lines Avithout a horse. This exploit gave him a name in that country, and the very next day he was elected captain of a company of rangers. This was duty that suited him. He was an excellent woodsman, and understood well the management of scouting parties. He and his brother William were the principal leaders of the guerrilla bands in that region; and. so dashing and rapid were they in their movements, and so 240 HISTOEY OF TUCKEE COUNTY. quick to understand and thwart any effort made to circum vent them, that the Yankees were in mortal dread when ever in that region. It is not the intention to give the details of all the skir mishes that took place in that section. That belongs to the history of Pendleton County ; and it should be pre served as local history. It was about this time that the McDowell fight took place. It was thought proper to keep the Federals in Beverly from aiding in the fight, and with this in view. Captain Harper was ordered to make a movement as if to attack Beverly, and thus keep there what troops were in it. He immediately fulfilled his orders. He selected twenty of his most trusty men and came down from the mountains Arith a bold front, and advanced within one mile and a half of the town. Here he captured a store, and .made aU the display of his forces possible, so as to make an impression of fear upon the enemy. In this he was successful, inas much as he did what he attempted ; but he met misfortunes before he was done Arith it. . The people on Dry Fork were principaUy Union men, and had organized companies of their own, and caUed them Home Guards. Their enemy often called them Swamp Dragons. Sampson Snider was one of the most noted leaders of the Union guerrillas of Dry Fork. When Har per made his raid from Pendleton toward Beverly, he forgot that he was laying himself open to an attack from Snyder, who could cross over from Dry Fork and assail him in flank. When he had made all the display in front of Bev erly that was deemed prudent, he retreated with his twenty chosen men, all in fine spirits and superbly mounted, to Shafer's Mountain. TEAVELEES. 241 Here he was surprised and routed by Snyder's Company from Dry Fork. He lost all his guns, but saved his men, and making a forced march, camped that night above Franklin. The next morning he spied out the Federal Army and counted the regiments. There Avere tAventy- seven. He learned that they were aiming to get in the rear of Stonewall Jackson. He at once set out with all speed to Staunton to convey the intelligence. AVhen he stepped into Mayor Hammer's office, he found him pressing teams into serrice to send to Winchester for the captured spoUs. Harper told him to stop the teams, that Fremont was moving in the rear of Jackson with twenty-seven regi ments. AVhen the Mayor heard this and saAV who was speaking, he ordered the teams stopped and dispatched to Jackson what the situation was. He did not even ask Har per how he knew whereof he spoke. Soon after .this. Harper joined the regular army; but he was seldom required to do camp dufef. He was a good scout, and serrices as such were worth more than as a sol dier. When Imboden made his raids into this section of the State, he was piloted by either Captain or AA''illiam Harper. Captain Harper led the party that crossed the mountains with such remarkable speed to burn the Fair mont bridge. He was. also the pilot of Imboden at his first raid into Tucker County. AVilliam Harper was the pilot at the second raid. In November, 1863, he was sent through to learn the sit uation of the enemy in Tucker County. He came over the mountains, and passed the settlements at night, till he ar rived in Tucker; where he set himself to work searching out the designs of the enemy. His intimate knowledge of the country rendered this an easv task. When he had gotten 16 242 HISTOEY OF TUCKEE COUNTY. the desired information he visited his father's house to bid his parents good-bye. He had not been there ten minutes when the house was surrounded by Union soldiers, and citizens of the neighborhood who had a spite at him and hit on this plan to take vengeance. He saw the soldiers in front of the house, and started to escape by the back door. On the step he was confronted by a squad of soldiers with presented guns. They ordered him to surrender. Seeing the impossibility of escape and the uselessness of resist ance, he complied. He unbuckled his belt and let it and his pistols fall to the ground. He was then a prisoner. It is not the purpose to follow him through the horrors of his prison life, except in the briefest manner. He saw and endured the rival of Libby and AndersonvUle. Noth ing but his unconquerable wiU and his iron constitution enabled him to live through it. Carthagenian cruelty was surpassed on him, and his lot Avas worse than that of the Chillon Prisoner. As soon as he surrendered, some of the men wanted to shoot him, and Avould have done so, if not restrained by the regular soldiers. They carried him to St. George, and thrcAV him in jail. It Avas a cold, November night, and he was allowed no fire or blankets. This was not enough, and the next morning he was chained. It Avas not deemed safe to keep him in St. George, because his friends Avere numer ous and might set him at liberty.' Therefore, he Avas taken to Eowlesburg and placed under the directions of Captain Hall. Hall treated him kindly ; but some of the men thirsted for his blood. Several plans Avere laid to kill him ; but he and DaA'id Lipscomb succeeded in preA'enting faUing into their hands. He was confined in the guard-house, and even then his enemies tried to assassinate him. He TEAVELEES. 243 always spoke highly of the kindness of Captain Hall and of most of the men of Company P. It was soon deemed advisable to move him from Eowles burg, and he was taken to Clarksburg and put in prison. Great crowds of people came to look at him, and an Irish man exclaimed in surprise : "Faith! and he is a little man to fire a salute over and for the officers to get drunk over, when he was captured." He attracted a great deal of atten tion at Clarksburg. The people had all heard of him and how he had fleeced the Yankees in Pendleton. From Clarksburg he was sent to Wheeling, and was there chained to a post, arid all the other prisoners were ordered not to speak to him. He passed the time as well as he could. The officers paid considerable attention to him, and seemed to Hke to question him concerning his past Ufe. He com municated freely; and won their confidence. They ap peared to think that they were doing him a great honor by condescending to talk with him. But he gave them to un derstand that, although a chained prisoner, he was not a slave, and would not be forced to praise their tyranny. For, when one of them wanted his opinion of the prison, expecting him to brag on it and its managers, as compared with others. Harper replied that one thing seemed to be wanting to render the prison perfect in every particular. The officer wanted to know what that was. " A picture on the waU, of the Goddess of Liberty in chains," replied Har per, while the officer's countenance fell, and a look of shame overspread his face. The next day an officer came in and requested him not to make so much noise Avith his chains, as it annoyed them in their office. Harper felt this intentional insult, and giving the chain a shake of defiance, he said it annoyed him too, 244 HISTOEY OF TUCKEE COUNTY. and if they did not like to hear it they could take it off. AA'ith this the officer flew into a rage, and heaped abuse and calumniation upon the prisoner, and charged him Arith causing more disturbance on the frontiers than any other five men. He tried to browbeat the prisoner into submis sion ; but, in this he failed. Harper defended himself against the attacks of the officer, and said that the duty of a soldier had always been his rule of action. But, if they had any doubt as to whether or not he was a coward they might pick out six of their men and give him five of hia from the prison, and they would settle the matter on any terms. This offer, of course, was not accepted ; and Harper then told them if they would give him six men, he would take the town and them in it. He said it was only their coward ice that made them chain him. This controversy had a bad effect. It turned the officers against him, although they should have admired such a display of endurance and independence. But, after that he got few manifestations of kindness from them, and it was not long before he was carried to Camp Chase. Whether his quarrel had anything to do with the transfer is not certain. We subjoin an extract from one of his letters. I staid two months in Camp Chase. I am told that there were three thousand prisoners there ; but I cannot answer for the num ber, because I had little opportunity for knowing. I know how I spent my time, and what I saw and suffered, and that is all I wish to know or see or hear on the subject. I have read many stories of prison life ; and I am, as a general thing, opposed to giving them circulation, since they ayouse a feeling of hatred and vengeance that can do no good. Many of them, too, certainly are exaggera tions, although many are not. You asked me if I thought the Union prisons as bad as the Confederate. I cannot answer this TEAVELEES. 245 from personal experience, for I was never confined in a Confed erate prison; but I should judge that they were about the same. The Rebels often let prisoners suffer because they had no food or shelter for them, and thus there must have been appalling horrors in the Southern prisons late in the war; for then the Rebels often had only the coarsest rations for their own men in the field. Of course, in so great a scarcity of provisions, and in the intense hatred that existed, the poor soldiers of the Union, in the Confed erate prisons, must have suffered from hunger, and exposure to the weather. You know that my sympathies are with the South and always have been, and it is but natural that I should try to clear them of the charges of intentional cruelty. I do try to clear them. I know the Southern people, I know that they are fUled Avith iu-e, and fiUed with generosity. It is, therefore, my belief that much of their hard treatment of Union prisoners was of necessity, and if they could they would have been better. But, Arith the Union prisons, this is not the case. They could have fed and clothed and sheltered their prisoners if they would have done so. Their stores were filled with bread and meat; and clothing, even if it must be the worn-out uniform of soldiers, was abundant. I endeavor not to let prejudice and national or sec tional hatred infiuence me in what I say of the war. I fought for the South, and I wanted the South to succeed by all honorable means; but, since it was not to be so, I think I am man enough to free myself from aU prejudice, and to consider calmly the issues as they then stood. I have no doubt but that much of the barbarity in the Northern prisons was due to a spirit of retaliation and re venge. It was modeled, in extent, after the cruelty in Southern prisons; and I think the model was surpassed. I can't see how it could have been otherwise. ^ « ^, ^„ iiJ 'H: iii The last night of 1863 was very cold, and we were not allowed any fire. But, fifteen men disregarded the orders and kindled fires in their stoves. It cost them their lives ; for the guards discovered the fires and shot and killed the prisoners as they sat shivering round the fires trying to get warm. I suppose that they were buried, but don't know. I know that there was little hurry in burying those that died. I have seen them lie two or three days 246 HISTOEY OF TUCKEE COUNTY. unattended, and Avhen at last a rough box was brought and the corpse placed in it, the box and all was often used a day or two as a card-table for the guard, and untU decomposition rendered it necessary to get rid of it. I soon got accustomed to such scenes. But eyery day of my prison life I saw something new, and something more shocking than I had ever imagined. We know but little of what is in this world ; and we know but little of what human nature, in its de pravity, can be guilty of ; and we knoAV but little of what a man is capable of enduring. I had come to look upon Camp Chase as the worst place on earth ; and I would gladly have exchanged it for anything but death. Wretched as was my condition, I stiU wanted to live, and it was 'nothing but the stubborn determination to live that carried me through. I was there two months in the dead of winter, and the time seemed years. I suffered from cold and hun ger and sickness all the time. Finally word came that Ave were to be removed, and we hailed it joyfully, for we did not think that any change could be for the worse. We learned that we were to be taken to Rock Island Prison. We had heard of it, and the reports had beenbad enough; but, in spite of all we heard, we were glad to get away from Camp Chase. In February, 1864, we were taken to Chicago on our way to Rock Island. We had to walk through Chicago, about one mUe. Nine out of every ten had frozen hands or feet, and some were so frozen and benumbed with the cold that they could scarcely walk. The guards here seemed the meanest set of men I had seen. They were rough and brutal to the prisoners, and beat ns over the head and pounded us when they fancied we were not doing right. Some of our men were so cut and bruised about the head that the blood covered them from head to foot, and often their hats were frozen to ther heads with the ice of blood. When at last we landed at the Rock Island Prison, the horror of horrors awaited us. It seemed to me that I, lUie Dante, was pass ing down through the realities of seven hells, and that I was now in the deepest pit. There was no necessity of so cruelly treating us. If there had been, I would be the last man on earth to com- TEAVELEES. 247 plain. But tliere was no necessity for it. It was open and Avillful determination to torment us, and to torture us Avith hunger and cold and beatings and cursings, and everything revolting that could be used against us. I have wondered if the Blackfeet In dians could have been more relentless in their torture of captives. We ate everything that Avould sustain life. The prison officers did not seem to care how many of us starved to death. It Avould have been a mercy if they had killed us. * « H« He * i(e * I saw that it was a matter of life and death with me. I was Avil ling to give anything for my Ufe. Some of us were to be exchanged, but the lot did not fall on me. I saw a tall fellow, on whom the lot had fallen, and I approached him for a trade. I hired him to assume my name, and I went in his place. I gave hira $7000 in money, and sent him enougli provisions to last him a year. What ever became of him, I do not know ; but he had a stout constitu tion, and I hope he endured it to the end of the war, and at last returned to freedom in the Sunny South. Captain Harper was taken to Point Lookout. There he was again confined in a prison, only a little better than Eock Island. It was warmer and he had more to eat, Avhich were the principal changes for the better. The prisoners were kept in tents where the mud was half knee-deep. They had one blanket for each two. They staid only two Aveeks, and were then shipped to James Eiver and were turned loose Arithin sight of the Confederate lines. The war was now drawing to a close. There Avas great need for soldiers in the Eebel armies. They had been thinned by a thousand pitched battles, and fcAv recruits came in. Worn and exhausted as he was by his dreadful suffering and exposure. Harper did what he could for the cause that had cost him so much ; but the cause was beyond the need of his help. The war was over. He Avas the last man to bow in defeat ; but, when it must be done, he did it, and acknowledged the poAver of the victor. 248 HISTOEY OF TUCKEE COUNTY He Avas not a man to contend without something to be gained. It wiU be seen that, in aU his exploits and under takings, he had something definite in riew. This was his nature. So, when he saw that nothing was to be gained by hostiUty to the North, he buried aU his antipathy, and turned his energies into other channels, and let the by gones of the war be things of the past. He returned to private life, and has since so lived, ex cept when called upon by the vote of his countrymen to take office, and then he has done so, and his record as such is one of uprightness and honor. Since the close of the war he has been once to California, and has visited nearly all the Western States. His brothers, Jerome and Thaddeus, remained on the Pacific Coast. Thaddeus returned on a visit to West Virginia in 1868, and remained a few weeks. On his return to California he encountered terrible snow storms in crossing the mountains, and the train was almost buried in the drifts. After a length of time the track Avas cleared of the snow, and he arrived in California. He is a business man of great success, and has amassed a fortune. He is noAv engaged, among other things, in shipping beef from British Columbia. He spends his summers in that country and his Avinters in San Francisco, at the Palace Hotel. Jerome Harper is dead. He died at Santa Barbara sev eral years ago. He had long been an invalid, and had traveled over many parts of the world in search of health. He Avas finallj' taken, by E. Harper, to the hot springs of Santa Barbara, in California, and there he died. The further history of Captain Harper, ~his connedtion with the forces of the Confederacy, in Tucker, will be found in the chapter on the Avar. Since the Avar, except the time TEAVELEES. 249 spent in the West, he has lived on his farm in the Valley of Clover. He has there built the largest dweUing in Tucker County, and is one of the most extensive landholders. Of late he has engaged extensively in the lumber business. None of the Harper brothers, who went to California, were ever married. They have always been men of influ ence in whatever caUing they have chosen. Captain Har per's record as an officer AriU be, further dealt with in the chapter on public officers. CHAPTER XV. TRA YELERS— CONTINUED. Heney Bonnifield is a native of Tucker, although not now a resident. He is a son of A. T. Bonnifield, and a grandson of William Corrick, and was born in 1855. AVhUe very young he manifested a tendency to be foreriiost in aU manner of daring adventures. Climbing trees that other boys feared to climb and wading water too deep and swift for other boys were his pastime ; and, in the display of his belUgerent propensities, no lad was too large for him to tackle. He was not a perfect specimen of peacefulness aud resignation ; but his forwardness tended only to romance and adventure. Indeed, his very early life gave sign of what his after nature would be. He would never be second best in anything. With him it was best or nothing. His first years Avere spent in the Sypolt House, that stood where now stands the Crawfish Swamp School-house, near S. N. Swisher's. From there, Avith his father, he moved to Limestone, and lived on Wild Cat Eidge. It was then a hard place, and neighbors were few and far between. But, there were trees to climb, and snakes to kiU, and springs to dabble in, and other mischief to claim his attention until his fifth year. In 1859 his father took him to California. The passage was by -Water, and was long and rough; but at last the Golden Gate was reached, and the emigrants went out to try their fortunes in the new country. Their success in TEAVELEES. 251 general has been given in the sketch of A. T. Bonnifield. Henry grew more adventurous every year. He soon com menced brealdng wild horses, and in a short time he became a skiUful rider. Before his fourteenth year, he left California and took passage for United States of Colombia, in South America. . He was, also, in Mexico, Central America, and the Isthmus of Panama. He saUed upon the Caribbean Sea, among the West Indies, on the GuLf of Mexico and the Atlantic Ocean.., He was, two or three times in the harbor of New York,; and one time Avent inland through Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, and into West Virginia, Avhere he risited the home of his nativity. He staid a year in Tucker County. He was now nearly fourteen^ and the spirit of adventure was in him as strong as ever. One win ter day, when the snow was half knee-deep, he pulled off his boots and climbed barefooted to the top of Shafer's Mountairi,. because some boys said that he would not do it. He also came near being droAvned by wading in water that he knew to be over his head, when he could not swim. He attended school in Tucker a few months. After a great deal of corporal punishment, the teacher gave him up as incorrigible. When he saw that aU opposition had ended, and that there was no more romance in being obstreperous, he settled doAvn to his books, and from then to the end of the school there was not a better behaved or more studious pupil than he. The next year he left Tucker and sailed from New York. He visited his old ports in the AVest Indias, Mexico, Central and South America, and the next we hear of him he was in California. He never again went to sea ; but he now turned his attention almost exclusively to breaking Arild horses. 252 HISTOEY OF TUCKEE COUNTY. Of course, he succeeded in this as weU, if not better than anybody else. He made it, from that time tiU 1875, his profession. Breaking wild horses in California is a dangerous opera tion, and none but skillful and daring men can do it. The animals are aUowed to run wUd until their third or fourth year. By this time, never having been fed or tamed, they are little less wUd than deer, and as vicious as Uons. When an OAvner desires to break his horses, he coUects a company of men on horseback, and gives chase to the Arild herd. The horsemen carry long ropes, at one end of which is a running noose, while the other end is made fast to the rider's saddle. This noose, or lasso, is thrown over the head of the wUd horse, which is brought to the ground by the sud den stopping of the herdsman's horse. The horse is now caught. It fights Uke a tiger. It kicks, bites and strikes ; but the men keep the lassos tight, and the mad animal is soon choked into temporary submission. A halter is now forced on him, and a saddle is firmly strap ped to his back. Bridles are not used in breaking horses in the far West. The saddles are very strong, and cost from twenty to one hundred dollars, and Aveigh thirty or forty pounds. The stirrup straps are strong enough to bear five hundred pounds each ; and the girth is much stronger. It is made of hair ropes woven together. The rider wears large spurs, which he digs into the girth and enables him self to keep his seat in the saddle. The art of riding these untamed mustangs is no easy one. - It is easier to learn the management of a locomotive. No man who is not strong-breasted, fearless, active and perse vering can ever hope to be even a tolerable rider of such horses. Many a man in the Eastern States, who considers TEAVELEES. 253 himself an excellent rider, would be killed in ten minutes if placed on a wUd mustang of California. Henry Bonnifield made the training of incorrigible horses his trade. He charged five dollars a day for his service, and was seldom out of employment.. Men many miles away would send for him when they had a brute that other men had faUed to conquer. He never failed when he had once attempted to subdue a vicious animal. On the San Joaquin Eiver, in California, near Fort Mil- lerton, was a horse that had never been mastered, but had kUled more than one brave man. It was a large, powerful beast, and had strength of endurance that seemed almost - miraculous. It was fierce, relentless and had come to be looked upon as untamable. No rider could be found wU ling to undertake again to ride the horse. Here was a good field in which to Arin laurels ; for the fame of the horse had gone forth over the whole country round about, and it was given up that he could not be rid den. Bonnifield was invited to undertake it, and he never decUned an invitation of that kind. He named a day on which he would ride the horse, and on that day a large crowd of stockmen, jockeys and rancheros came together to witness the performance. Bonnifield was a man of one hundred and sixty pounds weight, light complexion, and deep blue eyes, and heavy buUt for his weight. He did not look to be a man of more than ordinary power ; but, not two men in a thousand of his weight could equal him. When the time for riding had arrived, the wild horse was lassoed and blindfolded. The halter and saddle were fast ened on him, and he was held down till the fearless rider 254 HISTOEY OF TUCKEE COUNTY. had mounted him. Then the blindfold was removed, and he was turned loose upon the plains. He at first tried to dismount his rider by the ordinary process of plunging and kicking. Leaping high in the air and coming down stiff-legged, or "bucking" as it is caUed in western countries, is the most common device of vrild horses to get rid of their riders. It is, too, in many cases, and among the inexperienced, quite efficient. For, at times, it is almost impossible to keep from being thrown. The horse throws his head doAvn, leaving nothing but the saddle for the man to hold to, and leaps upward, to left and right, and leaves nothing undone to get the rider from the saddle. The greatest danger is not that of being throAni to the ground, but that resulting from the jolt which must be re ceived when the horse comes down stiff-legged. It is liable to burst the rider's blood-vessels, causing hemorrhage and death. To avoid this as much as may be, the stirrup-straps are made strong enough to bear the weight of the man and he throws his whole weight into his stirrups; When Bonnifield mounted the horse, it kicked and reared until it seemed to learn that he was not to be gotten off in that manner. Then it circled two or three times round the field, leaped the fence, and dashed off across the plains with whirlwind speed. Bonnifield was powerless to stop or curb the enraged animal. He could only hold on to his saddle, and go where the horse chose to go. This was across a plain three miles to the foot of a i-ugged hill, called MiUer ton Mountain. No rider and horse had ever gone up its rugged sides. Such a feat Avas thought to be impossible, if, indeed, it had ever been thought of at all. The bluff Avas bare of trees, and Avas cut up Avitli steep gullies, some of which Avere twenty feet from side to side and tAvice that TEAVELEES. 255 deep. In places the ground Avas streAAu with rocks and bowlders ; and at others the hill rose almost perpendicular for hundreds of feet. Bonnifield thought that the horse would change its course when it reached the base of the hill ; but such it did not. It passed up the rugged slope Avith the ease and rapidity of an eagle ^ nor steepness, nor rocks, nor ravines, nor any thing checked the speed of its flight. Before it could scarcely be realized, the summit was reached, where, before rider and horse, extended a wild and broken plain, so thickly strewn with bowlders as to hide the ground. Across the plains, among the rocks, ran deep ravines, which the rains and floods of ages had worn in the granite formation. They wound zigzag and at random, and were invisible until their very brinks were reached. When the horse arrived at the edge of the plain, he boomed across it Arith svnftness that increased rather than diminished. The rocks were nothing in his way. He leaped from one to another, or cleared them at a leap. Scarcely might one observe that he touched the ground. He was a powerful animal, and his spirits and animosity Avere getting fully aroused. Through the middle of the plain ran a dangerous gully, so hidden that it could not be seen until its very brink Avas reached. The horse knew not and cared not that it Avas there. He cared not for anything; and the rougher the way the more reckless he ran, and the more vicious Avere his efforts to unhorse his rider. Bonnifield saw the ravine just as the horse reached its brink, and it was too late to turn. He must go- headlong into it. No bottom could be seen; but it is now known that it was over forty feet deep. As the fearful leap Avas 356 HISTOEY OF TUCKEE COUNTY. made, Bonnifield threw his feet from the stirrups, ready to spring from the saddle just as the bottom should be reached. This was to avoid being caught under the faUing horse and crushed. It was a flight through the air, and a long one ; but, instead of going to the bottom, the horse cleared the chasm, and slacked not his speed. Further on were other rarines equally dangerous; but' none were wide enough or deep enough to stop the horse or to turn him from his course. He reached the furthest limit of the plain, and was ready for the descent, if descent were possible. It looked impossible. The plain ended on the brow of a bluff which, seen from above, looks perpendicular ; but it is not quite vertical. The horse h,ad now run five mUes, yet showed no sign of stopping or of giving up. He turned obliquely along the mountain side, and thus made descent possible. This was the most dangerous part of the course. The jolting started the blood from the nose and mouth of the rider. But there was no alternate but to leap from the saddle, which probably would have been fatal. So, doAvn, doAvn, down, as they had a few minutes before gone up, up, up, went rider and horse. Eocks, guUies and ravines were passed, none know how, for no other horseman has ever passed them and lived. It looked like going down into the Valley of Death. The horse, from the first, had been beyond control, and by the time the foot of the mountain was again reached, he was more furious and curbless than ever. The halter, Avhich, at best, was of little use, was now broken, and one stirrup was torn away. Bonnifield still kept in the saddle, although it was doubtful how long he might be able to do so\ He could have ridden better without a saddle than with a broken one. He crossed the plains with a speed that TEAVELEES. 257 slackened not. Already he had ridden nine miles, and the blood was flowing fast from his nose and mouth. He kneAv riot when ,the perilous race would end. At this crisis some horsemen came to his rescue, and tried to stop the runaway animal ; but still it was the fleetest on the field and led the race across the plains. Finally, a man on a swift horse succeeded in getting near enough for Bon nifield to seize the horn of the saddle, snd he Avas thus dragged from the wild brute, AA'hich dashed on and Avas las soed on the prairie some miles away. It Avas some weeks before Bonnifield was again able to ride ; for the jolting had seriously injured him, and he has never fully recovered from it. But he again undertook the horse, and staid with it until the untamable beast killed itself by breaking its neck. This was Bonnifield's longest ride of so savage a nature ; but he had others that came as near proving fatal, although he lived through them all. Perhaps the greatest d anger connected AA'ith the riding of Adid horses.is that they will throAV themselves and that the rider wiU either be crushed or hang in the stirrup and be dragged when the horse regains its feet. About a year after the dash over MiUerton Mountain, Bonnifield met a misfortune of this kirid. The horse that he was riding threw itself. He tried to spring off and free his feet from the stirrups. But the animal fell upon him and he was held fast. His spur Avas driven into the thick girth, and Avhen the horse sprang up, Bonnifield's foot hung in the stirrup. It Avas a perilous situation, even with a tame horse, and much more so Arith a wild one. Such riders carry a long rope, one end of Avhich is tied 17 258 HISTOEY OF TUCKEE COUNTY. to the halter, and the other is rolled into a coil and tucked , under the rider's belt. This is for the purpose of holding . the liorse, if the rider gets off, accidentally or othervdse. It is so fixed that it will uncoil without endangering the man. As soon as Bonnifield saw that he was hanging in the stirrup; he seized the rope, which was fast to the horse's halter, and pulled the animal's head round toAvard him, and held him there Avitli an iron hand. The horse ran and plunged and kicked and fell, and tried to stamp him, and was not only frightened, but Avas enraged, and endeavored to kill him. He saw that his only hope Avas in preventing it from trampling upon him. He was thus dragged up and doAvn the field. The horse Avas so held that it could run only sidcAvise, and it Avas this alone that saved Bonnifield from being stamped to death. Several times he tried to get his knife to cat the stirrup strap, but as often faUed to do so. A man half-mile away saw the wild horse gaUoping up and doAvn the field, dragging the unhorsed rider after him ; and, mounting a horse, he hurried off to the rescue. But, when he came up, he could render no assistance, because whenever he got ahead of the mustang, it would turn. But Bonnifield finally succeeded in getting his knife from his pocket, and, cutting the strap of the stirrup, set himself at libertA'. He did not, for a moment, give up his profession of breaking Avild horses. He Avas sent for, and Avas paid fabu lous prices to ride horses that no one else could ride. At this time he Avas considered one of the verA' best riders in California. He took pride only in doing that which no one else could do ; and for that reason he did not like to ride a horse that anybody else had successfully ridden. TEAVELEES. , 259 It was about this time that he was sent for to ride a mule that had baffied several good riders. He went ;. and when he found that the. mule was a miserable little runt, hardly waist high to a man, he thought they were only trying to get a job on him. He considered it beyond the range of all probabilities that such a thing as that should be unmanage able. However, when they insisted that it was no prank, he lit his pijie, and got on, still Avitli some misgivings that all was not right. But he Avas soon cleared of doubt. He has ahvays frankly acknowledged that if that mule had been as big as a horse, and as vicious according, he could ..not have ridden it. As it was, it was a ridiculous victory. It bucked without a pause for two hours. The part of his pipe stem that was between his teeth he still held ; the rest, Arith the pipe, was jolted off and gone. All the buttons of his coat were jarred off. Everything in his pockets had been, spilt out. His boot-heels and his hat were gone ; and nearly every seam in his clothes had given way. He was a victor, and probably felt like one ; but he looked like something else. Much hard riding was beginning to tell on him. His constitution was giving way. A long ride on a runaway horse, not unlike that over MiUerton Mountain, Avas the last of the kind that he ever has undertaken. His lungs Avere so injured that it was long before the hemorrhage could be checked ; and he Avas forced to abandon his profession. This was about 1875, his twentieth year. His fame had gone out over more countries than one, so that, Avhen a Centennial commissioner, in 1876, visited California to procure wild-horse riders to exhibit at Philadelphia, he was directed, first of all, to see Henry Bonnifield. He vis ited him, and Avas fully satisfied that there had been no 260 HISTOEY OF TUCKEE COUNTY. misrepresentation. He offered him a free passage to and from Phiadelphia, to bear all his expenses during the sum mer, and to pay him fifty dollars a month besides. Bonni field reluctantly declined the offer, because his weak lungs Avould not endure rough riding. Besides, he was making a hundred dollars a month at other business. California, however, Avas getting too tame for him, and he began looking about for a more romantic field. At this time Arizona was attracting- much attention, and many adventurers were wending thither to try their fortune in the half-explored wilds of that desert country. In the summer of 1877, in his twenty-second year, Avith a single companion, he set out on horseback for Arizona. They started from Fresno, and that night camped at an old mud house on the shore of Lake Tulare. The house may be especially mentioned on account of its dark legends. Part are no doubt myths and superstition, but part are too true to be doubted. The house had been a tavern in early mining days ; and, since it was on the road to Owen's Eiver Mines, and was twenty or thirty miles from any other house, it was of necessity a frequent stopping place for travelers.. Many are the dark stories told of murders and robberies there, and of many a poor miner, whose hard earned sav ings of 3'ears Avere taken from him, and himself murdered and hidden in the sand". The superstitious people of the country hoav think that the house is haunted of ghosts and of spirits of the departed who died of violence, and hardly CA'er does anyone venture near the house. Bonnifield and his friend stopped at the Haunted House of Tulare partly because so fcAV others would dare do it, and partly because it was at the end of a hard day's ride. The next day they proceeded into Kern County, and shaped their TEAVELEES. 261 course for Walker's Pass, where they would cross the mountains into the Mojave Desert. In the upper part of Kern, a few farmers were trying to till the soil ; but, it had been dry for a year, and the never-ceasing winds had driven the sand in drifts till all the fences, but the tops of the posts, were buried. They could get no feed for their horses at noon; and late that evening they came to a small lot of clover, where lived a frontier emigrant by a stream of water. They wanted to stay with him that night, but he drove them away, telling them, however, that they could get good pasture ten miles further. They rode on ten or fifteen mUes without seeing any indication of pasture, but, to the contrary, the country got drier and more desert like. About dark they met a Mexican who told them that it was seventy , miles to the nearest point where feed could be had, and fifty to the nearest water. Having closely questioned the Mexican, and having satisfied themselves that he was teUing the truth, they determined to go back and feed their horses on the lying emigrant's clover. This they did. They rode back, and told him how that he had dealt deceitfully with them, and had sent them and their horses hungry into the desert to starve. He acknowl edged aU, and gave one and another excuse. They fed their horses on his clover, and the next morning paid him five doUars for it. They now passed through the mountains and struck boldly across the wide, sandy plains of the Mojave Desert. The ground Avas covered with alkali, soda and salt, and in places was as white as snow. It was entirely Avithout grass or trees ; but, at intervals there were copses of thorny sage brush, and in other places were groves of cactus, of a won derful and peculiar kind. It grew from ten to twenty feet 262 HISTOEY OF TUCKEE COUNTY. high, Avith a trunk a foot in diameter. This is covered Arith scales like corn husks, and at the top is a bundle of long dry leaves, like sole-leather. As they Avere galloping along they saAV a carriage coming to meet them. AVhen it drew near, they observed that it contained a man, a Avoman and two children. Bonnifield and his friend perhaps would not have remembered the incident^had not the man, when he saw them coming, stopped his team and taking up his double-barreled shot gun, stood by the road, with the gun cocked and ready to fire. He did this fearing that they were robbers. They passed on, and he resumed his way. It Avas a hot day, and not till they had ridden fiftj- miles did they find water. After that, the same day, they rode eighty miles further, making for the entire day a ride of one hundred and thirty miles across the sandy desert. They crossed the Colorado Eiver near Fort Mojave, and reached Prescott, in Arizona. It was a mining country and all mining places are rough. It was a dull time, and Bon nifield could do no better than to drive a mule-team for sixty dollars a month. He had three train-wagons and eighteen mules, all in one team, and with them he hauled quartz from the mines. The country was dry and hot, and the work was very hard. He kept at it for some months, and until he had a better offer, that of AVDrking on a hay-farm, Avliere hay sold for one hundred dollars a ton. He accept ed the offer, and turned his attention to farming. At this he succeeded well for a Avliile ; but, he got sick, and was unable to fill his place on the farm. The proprietor discharged him, and turned him out to die. He lay several days in the shade of the cactus trees, in hope that he would recover. But he got no better, and he saAv that he must die if he re- TEAVELEES. 263 mained tliere, for no one came near to bring him Avater or anything to eat. He had an aquaintance in a mining camp about three hundred mUes distant, and he thought if he could reach there he could get medicine. It Avas three hundred miles by the road, or one hundred and fifty across the desert and over the mountains where there was no road. He decided to cross the desert, and thought he could make the trip in two days on horseback. Early the next morning he saddled his horse and started, with tAVO canteens of water tied to his saddle, and a fcAv pounds of oatmeal and salt to do him for provisions on the journey. He struck boldly into the desert, and directed his course by the sun, and the peaks of distant mountains. He was too weak to ride fast, so that he had proceeded only forty or fifty mUes by the middle of the afternoon. There he found some water in a hole among the rocks, and some dry gi-ass in bunches here and there. He felt exhausted, and decided to rest tliere till morning. He tied his horse by a long rope so that it could feed on the dry grass, and having eaten his dinner of oatmeal he lay down in the shade of the rocks to sleep. AVhen he awoke, it was dark. He got up to see about his horse. Scarcely had he moved Avhen the whizzing of rattle snakes about him admonished him of his danger. The snakes had lain hidden in their dens during the heat of the day ; but, when night came, they crawled out. There is in that country a species of snakes knoAvn as " side-winders," because they cannot craAvl, but roll along sidewise. They are exceedingly poisonous, and the Indians have no cure for their bite. When an Indian is bitten by one of them, he sings his death song, Avraps himself in his blanket and dies. 264 HISTOEY OF TUCKEE COUNTY. ATheu Bonnifield awoke and heard the snakes rattling about him, he sprang to his feet, struck matches, and found his way to his horse, Avhich had not been bitten. He left the place as soon as possible. There are probably more rattlesnakes in Arizona than in any other country of the world. But, they are not as apt to bite as they are in some other places. He rode on in what he supposed to be the direction. From the height of the moon he judged it to be about three o'clock in the morning. But, after traveling an hour he be gan to notice that instead of getting lower, the moon rose higher. From this he judged that it must be about ten o'clock. Counting from this, he reasoned that he had got ten turned around and Avas not traveling in the right direc tion. He noAv became confused, and could not teU which way to go. It Avas worse than useless to ride in the wrong direction; and he dismounted to wait for day. Haring found a spot free from snakes, he lay doAvn and slept and awakened not till the sun Avas shining full in his face. He started up confused, and Avas burning with a high fcA'er. He could not at first realize where he Avas or whither he Avas going, AA^ieii he had settled this in his oavu mind, he looked for the mountains that had guided him the day before. He could see mountains everywhere, but could not recognize those to AA'hich he Avas going. He decided to the best of his judgment Avhicli way he should go, and started. In about two hours he came to the brink of a deep canon, of Avliich no crossing Avas visible. Such raA'ines tliere are called Box Canons, and they may extend a hundred miles Avitli no place where even a footman. may cross. Their sides are perpendicular, and are some times overgroAvn with thorns. AVhen Bonnifield reached TEAVELEES. 265 the edge of the cliff, he stopped short, for he had not seen it until that instant. As far as he could see in both direc tions extended the canon like a deep ditch. After a mo ment's consideration, he turned to the right, and traveled along the chasm, looking for a place to cross. Thus he traveled all that day till evening, and could find no Avay to pass over. He had brought two canteens of water with him from the camping place of the previous evening. Of this he had drank aU he wanted, but his horse had had none. He emptied one of the canteens into his hat and gave his horse to drink, and, letting him pick dry grass for an hour, and having eaten his own supper, he set forward again along the canon to find a crossing. It was a fruitless search. He rode tiU after midnight, Avlien from the exhaustion of him self and horse he was obliged to stop. His horse fed on what it could find, and he slept on the sand till morning. His canteens now contained no water, and his fever and the fatigue of travel caused a riolent thirst, while his horse seemed famished for drink. It was death to stay where he was ; so he traveled on all that day, not seeing any animal, bird, bug or any living thing, except his horse. Just before sunset his horse gave out. He dismounted, and Avas himself barely able to walk. But he saAV that it would not do to remain there. He took off his saddle and turned the horse loose to save itself if it could. With his canteens over his shoulder, he set forward on foot. He found a place where he could get down into the canon, although he could see no way up the opposite side. He climbed doAvn into it, about three hundred feet, and found the bottom full of deep holes, Uke wells. He commenced sounding them to find their depths and to see 266 HISTOEY OF TUCKEE COUNTY. if there might not be water in some of them. To some he found no bottom, and others he found dry ; but he contin ued his work till late at night, and until the moon had risen. In one, a stone let fall splashed in watet. Quick as possi ble, he fastened a canteen to a twine, and tied on a stone to sink it, and let it down into the well. He drew it up filled with cool Avater, and having satisfied his thirst as much as he thought safe, he ate his supper. He now determined to go back and get his horse. He filled his canteens, and found a path leading up the cliff close by the well. When he reached the plain above, he hung his coat on a rock to mark the place, and went back after his horse, about four miles. He fouud the animal lying by the saddle. He poured the water in his hat, and the horse drank and got up. He rode to AA'here his coat had been left, and there tied him and carried up Avater for him until he was satisfied. By this time it was breaking day, and Bon nifield was unable to walk any more. He fell asleep under the rocks, and slept half the day. When he awoke, he carried water till his horse was again satisfied, and with full canteens he mounted his horse and moved on. His supplj'- of parched oatmeal was getting low, and he had no idea Avhen he would get out of the desert. His idea was to cross the canon, if he could, and if not fol low it to tlie Colorado Eiver, if it Aveiit there. The plains were hot, and there Avere no signs of Hfe about, until he passed the crest of a low hill, when just in front of him he saw a party of men sitting and standing among the rocks. At first sight, he thought that they were Indians, and he wheeled his horse to gallop away. But they called to him in English, and he halted. They all rushed at him, and he again galloped off, feeling certain that they meant TEAVELEES. 267 him no good, although he could not devine what they really meant. They were gold hunters who had penetrated that region in search of mines. They lost their way, and had wandered two days vrithout water. So extreme was their thirst that they had opened the veins of their arms, and were sucking the blood when Bonnifield came up. They were crazy for water, and they tried to surround him to get his can teens. He soon understood their purpose, and kept out of their way. He worUd have given them the water, but, he knew not where he was to get more, and he could not starve himself for them. He told them where they could find water, and they told him where he could cross the canon, and thus they parted. A few mUes further he found the path across the ravine, and before dark he was upon the further side. He let his horse graze a few hours, and again he proceeded over the crusty salt that covered the desert. He found no more water that night, or the next day. At noon he gave his horse the contents of one canteen, and he kept the other for himself. On all sides as far as he could see was a waste solitude of rocks, sand, salt and now and then a clump of sage-brush, or cactus, or a bunch of grass. The land seemed entirely void of Uring beings. Not even the snakes were now to be seen. In the evening he began again to feel the pangs of thirst, and his horse began to weaken. But there was no water at hand. When night came, he did not stop ; for, it was now a matter of life or death. To stop Avas death. He urged his horse forward, and searched among all the rocks and pits for water. He could find none. The landscape, hov ered over by the shadows of night, grcAV more weird and 268 HISTOEY OF TUCKEE COUNTY desolate than ever ; and the thick crust of salt that cracked and broke under the horse's hoofs, was all that produced a sound to break the silence of the desert. He was not wan dering aimlessly, although he knew not whither he was going. AwhUe before midnight he caught the glimpse of a fire in the distance. Nothing but men builds fires, there fore men must be there, and he spurred forward as fast as his jaded horse could carry him. The fire was many mUes away, and he was a long time in reaching it. When he drew nearer, he could discern that there were more fires than one. When he came up, his ears were assaUed by whoops and yeUs and howls that informed him that the fires were the encampment of a large band of Apache Indians, who are, of all Indians, the most blood-thirsty. His thirst overcame his fear, and he rode boldly into camp and addressed them in English. They started up and gathered around him, and one or two who could speak a Httle EngUsh questioned him as to who he was, where he was going and what he wanted. He gave ready answers, and made himself as much at home as he could. Still he could see that they looked upon him with suspicion. They seemed to fear that there was a large company of Avhites near, and that he Avas only a spy sent into the camp. Some of the Indians immediately started off in every direction, to explore if there was any danger. Bonnifield dismounted and called for water, which they brought. Then some of them took his horse to water and pasture, and did everything they could to make him feel welcome. He tried to feel safe, but he could not. However, he talked and laughed, and hid all signs of fear. He divided his tobacco among them, and they brought him meat and cactus-apples. It was a large camp, and he was entirely at TEAVELEES. 269 the mercy of the savages. But they did him no harm. He slept by their fire, aud they furnished him with the best they had. The next morning they brought his horse, well fed and watered, and gave him provisions to take with him on his journey. They directed him where to find the camp to which he was going, and, with an improved opinion of the Arild Apaches, he left them. During the rest of his journey he found water oftener, but the country was Arild and desolate. He became en tangled in a jungle of thorny cactus, and suffered much be fore he could free himself. The cactus is covered with long, tough briers, which, when old, curl in the manner of fish hooks. They are very hard to break, and when fixed in a man's clothes, he is . firmly held. Those that have not curled, are very sharp and straight, and are so barbed that when they have once penetrated it is hard to withdraw them. Bonnifield had a serious time in the jungle. He was torn by the thorns, and one entered his arm so deeply that he could not draw it out, and it has never been gotten out. At the end of seven days he reached the camp to which he was going. He was only a walking skeleton, and his horse was little better. Many a man would never have got ten through; but his energy and perseverance overcame all he met, and he saved his life by it. At the camp he found friends who gave him what help they could ; but at best it was not the care that his broken health demanded. He re covered slowly from the fever and his memorable seven days' ride. As soon as he was able to travel, he determined upon returning to California. The best route was to descend the 270 HISTOEY OF TUCKEE COUNTY. Colorado to Fort Mojave, where Ue could go by steamboat to Fort Yuma, and thence north through California by railroad. The Colorado Eiver, above Fort Mojave, is swift, rough and dangerous, and in low water is narigable only for small canoes. It flows hundreds of miles through a deep gorge, called Grand Canon, whose walls are of solid rock, hundreds and some of them thousands of feet high. The scenery is beautiful and grand, and since the completion of the Bow String E. E. through northern Arizona, many tourists go there to look at the Avonders. But when Bonnifield was there, it was all in the remotest corners of the world, and none but daring explorers and reckless adventurers had ever been permitted to see it. Bonnifield visited the Indian chief who claimed that region, and bargained for guides to take him in a canoe to Fort Mojave. The Indians tried to persuade him from undertaking the trip at that season of Ioav Avater, telling him that jt was exceedingly dangerous. But he was resolved to go, and for a few dollars bought two of them to take him. [fhe channel of the river is filled Avitli rocks, around and OA'er which the Avater plunges in cataracts and whirlpools. One must be acquainted Avith the channel, or he can ncA'er get through, even with the smallest canoe. The Indians Avhom Bonnifield bought claimed that they kncAV the river, and probably they did ; but they Avere treacherous felloAvs, and he contracted a disliking for them from the first. Prob ably the feeling of antipathy Avas mutual, for they manifested no strong affection for him. They Avatched him, and he seldom took his eyes off of them. It was not a pleasant ride, as the canoe shot doWn the rapids, and Avhirled in the eddies, and darted through clouds of spray to emerge in TEAVELEES. 271 the sunUght or shadows beyond. One Indian stood in the bow and acted as pilot, while the other steeifed from the stern. The pilot gave all his orders by motioning his hand. They went very rapidlj', although they floated only Avith the current, except when a short space of still water was reached. From the suspicious conduct of the Indians, Bonnifield was led to believe that they were plotting to kiU him. He thought it best, not only to be oh guard, but to disarm theiri. They each had a gun. When they Avent to shore, on an island, to cook their suppers, he took from them their guns and knives, and kept them in his posses sion. They raised a stormy fuss about his arbitrary pro ceedings ; but, he threatened them with everything horrible if they attempted to resist. They yielded the point, and turned to getting supper. He had to watch them more closely than ever; because they uoav had occasion to kiU him. He thought this bold course Avisest. He slept none that night, although he affected to do so to test Avhether they would fall upon him in his sleep. He thought that they would not, but Avas unwilling to risk them. Early the next morning they proceeded doAvn the river. He arranged a plan to sleep without letting the Indians know it. He fixed his blankets on a frame, and lay under them. He punched nail-holes in them, so that he could see out, but the Indians could not see in, and having for bidden them on pain of death to approach him, he Avas tolerably safe. They could not tell whether he Avas asleep unless they would lift the blankets. This they were afraid to do lest he should be aAvake and shoot them. In this manner he slept some ; but, his slumbers Avere light. When he reached Fort Mojave the smoke-stack of the Government steamboat was just passing out of sight down 272 HISTOEY OF TUCKEE COUNTY. the river. It would not be back for a month, and he would have to remain there that time. He discharged his Indian guides, and they went off. He spent the month with that impatience known or imagined only by those who know the torment of waiting only a few hours for a railroad train that is behind time. Bonnifield said that the whistle of the steamboat, as it came up the river toward the fort after its month's absence, was the joyfuUest sound that man or na ture has ever caused to greet the ears of mortal. He pur chased passage and was carried to Fort Yuma, whence there were railroad connections with his home in California. When he reached home, he turned his attention to busi ness, and discarded his romantic ideas. He has since Hved as a farmer, and raises annually from three hundred to one thousand acres of wheat. His wild riding and many hardships have told materiaUy on his constitution, although he is still equal to almost any man of his weight. He still refuses to be surpassed by any body, and his powers of endurance are as remarkable as ever. A few years ago in the hurry of harvest, he fell and broke his arm ; but he Avould not stop work an hour. He drove the header for three days with the most stoical indif ference, and until inflammation brought on a fever, and for weeks his life was despaired of. He finally recovered. Although he fears nothing, and has passed through al most everything of excitement and danger all his life; yet so tender are his feelings, that he will not drown a kitten. He is still (1884) under thirty years of age, and lives in Fresno County, California. A. P. Minear. CHAPTER XVI. TRA YELERS— CONTINUED. The energy and ability of the founders of St. George, the old Minear famUy, have been inherited by their descendants ever since. Had the Minears remained in Tucker and devoted themselves to its development as they have to the development of distant states, our county would be the better off. As it is, the influence which this family has had upon the growth and prosperity of this section, not only of Tucker, but of neighboring counties, has been not a little, and of the most permanent kind. But, unfortunately for their native county, but fortunately for other counties, they have, of late years, sought, their fortunes and exerted their influence beyond the narrow and rugged confines of Tucker. Of Enoch Minear's nine children, only one, DaA'id S. Minear, has made Tucker County his home from his chUd hood to the present time. Like his father, his grandfather and his ancestors as far back as tradition ruhs, he has made a business of agriculture, and has tilled the ^old farm that his fathers had tilled for a hundred years before him. On the farm, just in the suburbs of the vUlage of St. George, and the oldest house in it, stands the grim old stone house that has stood the storms of three-quarters of a century, and is stUl firm and durable. For generations it Avas the homestead of the Minear family, although it is deserted of them now. Within its ponderous waUs was reared that family of nine, who have now gone forth into distant lands, and some have gone whither no traveler ever returns. The farm on which they lived Avas one of the' finest in th© is 27i HISTOEY OF TUCKEE COUNTY county, and it Avas kept a model of neatness and pros perity. The famUy was industrious, and no idleness was tolerated. Enoch Minear, the head of the family, was a hard-Avorking man, and he taught his family the same be lief. Indeed, in the hot summer and in hours of languid- ness, his boys used to imagine that they Avere kept at work more than was good for their health and enjoyment. Earlj' in the morning, before the first dawn of day, he Avould thunder on their room doors with his cane and call to them : " Out of that ! Now's the time to hoe corn while it's cool! " and he never left the door until every yaAA'ning boy Avas dressed and on his way doAA'n stairs. The sleepy youngsters filed silently to the barn, harnessed the horses, hitched to old shovel plows, and, Avliile some tore back and forth be tAveen the corn-rows, j)laying havoc Avitli the weeds and briers, and throAving fresh soil to the young corn, others followed AA'ith broad-hoes and hacked down Avhat Aveeds the ploAvs had missed, and straightened the stalks Avhicli the horses had trampled doAvn. There Avere no idlers there. Each one had something to do, and the work could not be slighted. If a roAv of corn was not well hoed, it was a sad settlement to be made Avith the one in fault. The summer days, from so early in the morning, were very long. From the first dawn till noon was almost equal to an ordinary day. The boj's AVorked unceasingly, but still found time to Avatch the si-iii and to take note of the marvelous sloAvness Avith Avhicli their shadoAvs moved from the Avest to the north. When the shadoAv pointed north, it Avas noon. Tliat truth of astronomical geography is Avell knoAvn to all the farmer boys iu the Avorld, and, about ten o'clock, Avhen it has been a long time since breakfast and is still a long time till dinner, they are at a loss to discern AA'hethfer the . TEAVELEES. 275 shadow is moA'ing at all or not^ but are tempted to believe that, like old Joshua of the Scripture, they have enemies to overcome, and the sun is standing still to allow them ample time for the performance of the work. When the horn blew for dinner, the tired, hungry boys forgot their troubles and went trooping home. After the horses were attended to they ate their own dinners. The bUl of fare was that of the farmer, not costly or uncommon, but sufficient ; and, it is doubtful, if in all their travels, these boys have CA'er found anything better than was their meal of corn bread, pork, butter, milk and vegetables, when they come in at noon from eight hours of hard work in the SAvel- tering heat. " Now boys," their father woidd say as soon as they Avere done eating and had just flung themselves down in the shady yard on the grass to rest, " now boys, now's the time to hoe corn and kill the weeds while it's hot." So, up he got and up he made them get, and in a very few minutes the whole procession was moving majestically off for the corn-field for seven or eight hours more work. Enoch Minear taught industry to his family as he taught them morality. He considered it necessary as a part of their education. They learned the lesson, and were never the less fortunate for it. The subject of popular education in Tucker Avas now coming more before the people, and a greater interest was taken in it. As yet, there AA'ere no public schools. This period maj' be supposed to extend from 1845 to 1860. St. George was not even a village then, at least not in 1845. It did not contain the number of inhabitants that it contained sixty years before. While there was no public school, yet there was always a 276: HISTOEY OF TUCKEE COUNTY. school in St. George during the winter. The teacher was paid from private purses, and several pupUs came from the country to attend. Sometimes there was a school in the summer time. In 1856 there was a summer school that has been especiaUy remembered by those who attended. In 1859 the St. George Inn was buUt. It was managed for nearly twenty years by Adam Tate, Esq., and was a model tavern of the kind. Its comforts and hospitaUty were proverbial the country over, and it was patronized by law- • yers from neighboring counties, by cattle-dealers, by the traveling pubUc and by the people of the surrounding coun try. The same house has been a tavern ever since, except for a year or two while it was owned by George I. Tucker, Esq. It is now the property of Mr. M. V. MUler, and has recently^been refitted and refurnished until it is one of the best houses in the town. The school of 1856 was taught by Prof. George E. Selby ; and, in addition to the pupils in and about St. George, others attended from a distance. Among those who came from the country were Abe Bonnifield, A. H. Bonnifield, S. N. Swisher, Edgar Parsons, C. L. Parsons and others. In this school Abe Bonnifield took the prize for exceUing in reading. The school has always been remembered by those who at tended it as one of great thoroughness and completeness ; and it may not be amiss to claim for it a greater influence for good than that of any other school ever taught in the county. It was taught in a house that stood and stUl stands just back of the present school house of St. George. The building was originally a saw-miU, standing some two miles below the town, and Avas moved to its present site and re built by Enoch Minear. To him Avas due the first school in St. George, after the formation of Tucker. He paid the TEAVELEES. 277 teacher from his own pocket, and thrcAV open the doors of school to aU who Avould make use of it. The offer was accepted by many, and before the • commencement of sum mer the enroUment was as large as it has ever been in St. George. Enoch Minear then "kept tavern in the old stone house, and many of the pupils boarded with him. But Abe Bon nifield, A. H. Bonnifield and David Bonnifield boarded at . home, four and one-half mUes distant, and S. N. Swisher, then of Hampshire County, boarded with them, and they all came to school together. Before that time, and several years before, there had been schools in and near St. George. Enoch Minear had always been a liberal patronizer of popular education. His family received the benefit of the best instruction the country could afford. But, pven at this time, 1856, his family were not all Arith him. Some had gone to the remotest parts of the United States to try their fortunes there. The land of CaUfornia had attracted their notice when it first became known to the world as a field of gold. Capt. E. Harper, who started to that region early in 1848, was the first of Tucker's people to dare the dangers of the land of adven ture. But others in il, very short time were to foUow, and the next one was A. P. Minear, Enoch Minear's oldest son. On Saturday, March 10, 1849, at the supper table, in the old stone mansion, Enoch Minear said to his oldest son: "Pool," that was the name by which he was known, "Pool, to-day you are twenty-one years of age. You may either stay with me or go 'root' for yoilrseU", as you like." Now, for the first time. Pool realized that he Avas fully a man, and ought to depend upon himself. He was always a whole- souled, generous boy, who was respected by all, and by all 278 HISTOEY OF TUCKEE COUNTY. knoAvn as a youth of inteUect, energy and ambition. It was plain to any one that he would make his Avay in the world, no matter in Avhat field he should seek his fortune. On the home farm, from his childhood, he had been a leader of his brothers. This right was partly due him, because he was the oldest ; but, his perseverance and his ambition gave him this position more than was given by his age. At the supper table, on that Saturday evening, was a neighbor, Mr. Jacob See, a man, as has been said of him, whose worth was unknoAvn until he was gone. He heard what had been said, and Avhen he was ready to go home. Pool accompanied him to the stable for his horse. As they walked along he offered Pool fifteen dollars a month for three months if he would help plow. The offer was ac cepted. The usual wages were eight doUars a month, and to be offered fifteen was such an inducement that Pool had no hesitation in accepting it. He worked for Mr. See the fuU time, the three months, and received his forty-five doUars. This was the largest sum of money, entirely his OAvn, that he had ever had. Mr. See having no further work for him. Pool at once went to the B. & O. E. E., then building through the coun try, and took a contract of clearing the way of timber for a certain distance. At this he made money, as he always did, and could, Avithout doubt, have remained a contractor on the road until the last rail was laid, had he chosen to do so. But rumors of gold from California began to find their way into the mountains and vaUeys of West Virginia; and, among the adventurous and ambitious souls that it fired with a determination to try the reaUties of the stories, there was none among all the youthful mountaineers more en thusiastic than Pool Minear. His friend, E. Harper, was TEAVELEES. 27^ alread}'^ gone, and at that time Avas daring the dangers of the western plains, determined to be among the first upon the golden shore. The next from Tucker Avas to be Pool Minear. He might have been the first or with the first, had he possessed the financial means of going AA'hen young Harper went. But, if he could not accompany his friend, he was resolved to be there as soon as possible. Haring finished his contract on the railroad, he returned home, and announced that he was going to California. " AVhere is California ? " his father asked in amazement, as though the name of a new Avorld had been spoken. Pool acknowledged that he himself had only vague ideas Avhere the mysterious realm was situated; but others had gone there, and he was certain that he could find it. It Avas in the West, and might be reached either by land or water. This was the substance of all he knew concerning it. For, be it remembered, that the science of Geography, in this part of West Virginia, was then known or partly knoAvn only to a privileged few. But the uncertainty concerning the latitude and longitude of California was no obstacle in the way of getting there ; and Enoch Minear even encouraged his boy to go, and gave him three hundred dollars to help bear his expenses on the way. This was December 23, 1849. Four days later, young Minear left his home for the far West. It Avas in the de,id of Avdnter, and the snow was more than a foot deep. The nearest railroad station was Cumberland, in Maryland, some seventy miles distant. Solomon Minear, his brother, accom panied him on horseback to the Eed House, on the North western turnpike, some twenty miles from St. George, and there set him down in fifteen inches of suoav to make his way to California as best he could, and there left him. 280 HISTOEY OF TUCKEE COUNTY. He had a letter of introduction from Senator Ewin to Mrs. AVainright, of New York, a sister of Mr. Ewin. This was all he carried with him to recommend him to anybody in the great Avorld of strangers into which he was burying himself. The undertaking before him seemed a great one, and it Avas a great one to a young man whose life had been spent almost entirely in the narrow limits of Tucker County. California, the bourne and the goal of his ambition, was a vague realm, of which he possessed only the merest knoAvledge, and to him it seemed only as an ideal land be yond the ocean. He was leaving all he knew behind him, and Avas launching boldly, if not blindly, out upon the great ocean of the wonderful and the unknoAvn. AVith these and similar thoughts crowding thickly upon him, he stood in the snow on that winter day, and watched his brother, Avho had turned back, until, hidden by the fly ing snow and the roughness of the country, the horse, rider and all passed from sight, and Pool Avas left entirely alone. The next time he saAV his brother Avas in California. AVhen the last gray outline of his brother's overcoat was lost from sight in the distance,^ A. P. Minear turned to the east, and with his small portmanteau slung across his shoul der, he plodded onward slowly through the snow. His journey lay across the Backbone and the Alleghany moun tains, through a region fair and beautiful in the greenness of summer, when all nature from the lowest forms to the highest are thrilled Avith passion and life ; but, a region drear and bleak when the fierceness of winter is upon it, and the wild storms of sleet and ice and snow are never weary. SloAvly and with labor the young man climbed the slope of the Backbone, and at last stood upon its desolate summit. To the northward and Avestward the country of TEAVELEES. 281 the "Glades" was in view ; and as the Avhole frigid pano rama burst upon his vision, and the white, snowy fields were interspersed with darker expanses of forest, and away in the distance the winding, tortuous course of the Yough logheny could be traced along the ancient lake beds, whose water it had carried off in past ages, he felt that the under taking was to him a momentous one. The land looked lone and desolate ; but, he could stiU see beauties in it, and then felt that it was his home. But he was too impatient to remain long in contemplation of the winter scenery, and in the reverie that the picture drew upon him. That dim, but not phantasmal land of gold and romance was so vividly painted in his mind that the brightness of its colors soon surpassed and blotted out those of the white hUls and mountains far beneath him ; and -with but one thing before his fancy, and that the Golden Shore beyond the sea, he turned, perhaps forever, from the scene at his feet, and with his portmanteau on his back, he pushed forward along the forest-lane that marks the line of the road across the mountain, and soon began the descent into the rugged vaUey of the North Branch of the Potomac. The country was only thinly inhabited. Here and there was the cabin of a mountaineer, who was wiUing to live apart from the rest of mankind in order to enjoy the luxur ies of a forest Ufe. Soon Minear turned down from the high plateau of the Backbone, and the snow grew less deep and he walked easier. AVhere Fort Pendleton now stands in ruins, was then only a field and a forest ; and as he passed wearily by, on the steep descent of the way, he had noth ing to remind him what scenes of history would sometime be enacted about that very hiU. The surrounding sUenoe gave no token that in after years the tramp of troops, the 282 HISTOEY OF TUCKEE COUNTY. trundling of train-wagons and the deep roar of ordnance would shake the very rocks over which he walked. Nor, when he reached the roaring river, which washed the mount ain's feet, and plunges and raves and dashes eternally, did he once think how, in time to come, the ponderous iron horse would thunder through the mountains at forty miles an hour and that a city might sometime spring up where was then only a rough bridge and a dilapidated tavern. But, if such thoughts came not to him in the whisper of prophecy, there was still enough to occupy his mind. He crossed the river, and the next day crossed the Alleghanies, passed over the little river, Difficult, a stream of legends and myths, and crossed the rough ravine, called Stony Eiver. At Mount Storm he was on the summit of the great AUe ghanies. The name is suggestive of the character; for Mount Storm was a stormy mountain, Avhere the wind knows no rest or mercy ; and the tornadoes are forever raging around the bald dome which marks the highest point. From there the road led doAvn toward the lower vaUeys ; and by evening Minear was so far on the plains below that he could look back and upward and see the mountains at intervals, and at intervals they were hidden in the thick masses of clouds, which are nearly always hovering there. The young man had now placed between himself and his home one range of hUls, one sierra of snowy summits, and he felt, at one time, that he had gained a victory, and at another that he was that much nearer his doom. But it was no time to think of either. He Avas going, and nothing could or should discourage or dissuade him. The excessive labor of walking through so much deep suoav began to haA'e an effect on his body but none at all upon his mind. His limbs were tired ; but his wiU to triumph, his determination TEAVELEES. 283 to push on, over and through and around obstacles and dif ficulties, was not diminished, and down, down stiU nearer to the vaUey he took his way, and his mind that dwelt on am bition and pictured the future knew no weariness. At Cum berland the most arduous part of his journey would be at an end, and to that was due the fact that he Avould not stop on his way untU that town was reached. From Cumberland to New York it was only a trip by rail, and possessed nothing of especial interest. Minear reached New York and was kindly received by the family to whom he was presented by his letter of introduction. Mr. Wain- right had a son and daughter about Minear's age, and as he expressed it in a letter written afterward : I remained there a' week and had a splendid time with these young people, who took me, one by each wing, and showed me the strange New York sights. New York was the first vivid impression of the vastness of the world and its human inhabitants that he had ever received. But it was not the end of his journey, it was really only the beginning of it, and from there his way would lead through lands and seas still stranger than any he had yet seen. He remained in the metropolis one week and then took passage on the steamship Empire City for the Isthmus of Panama. That was the principal and the most usual route to California at that time. The other routes were across Central America at the San Juan del Sur, and by Elizabeth Bay, or around the soilthern extremity of South America, at Cape Horn, the route taken by some who went from Tucker, and by which the distance to California was more than half the distance arotmd the world. The other com mon road was the emigrant trail across the plains. Capt. 284 HISTOEY OF TUCKEE COUNTY. Harper took this route when he went in 1848 and 1849. At that time there was not, as there now is, a railroad across the Isthmus. Passengers got themselves across in any and every possible manner. The cUmate was hot and unhealthful, and those who remained on the Isthmus any length of time did so at the peril of their lives. However, many were obliged to stay for weeks, and sometimes for months, waiting on the western side for a vessel to carry them to San Francisco. When Minear reached there, he found only the rudest conveyances to carry him and the rest of the passengers to the other side. A portion of the journey was in canoes, manned by natives, dressed in linen as white as snow. It was hot, arid when the canoes were fully under way, the natives threw aside their costume, and for the rest of the way were clad after the manner of Adam and Eve whUe innocent in the Garden of Eden. The remonstrances of the .passengers were utterly unavailing in causing them to dress themselves, and so they proceeded in that manner, although some of the passengers were ladies. The natural scenery along the way was tropical, and con tinually called forth words of admiration from the passen gers. They stopped at times and bought fridt and drank native coffee, and after a series of adventures, their desti nation Avas reached. In a letter Minear speaks thus of one of the native taverns : At one of these little native huts, we got splendid coffee and, as usual, cream or mUk in it, which was quite a -treat and helped wash down the crackers and cheese. At this particular place I now mention, I had drank one cup of coffee and called for another. As the lady took my cup and went into the adjoining hut to get the coffee, I stepped into the doorway, or open space, to take a look into the other room, when I saw her with my cup of coffee in TEAVELEES. 285 one hand, streaming the cream or milk from her breast into it with the other. Just then I had flnished lunch and did not care for any more coffee. He reached Panama on January 18, 1850 ; and the very next day commenced looking about for something to do. There was no prospect of getting to go to California any time soon, and it was his purpose to save all the money he could. It was a hard place to get work, and the best offer he could find was that of one doUar a day in a pancake bakery. This was better than nothing, and he accepted the offer and went to work. But he was only waiting for an opportunity to faU in with something better. A few days later he thought he saw a chance for specula tion, and at once entered into it. Twelve miles from Pan ama was Taboga, where the steamers took in coal and water. He saw money in running a boat from Panama to that place to carry the passengers who would want to go. Accord ingly, he bought a whale boat for eighty dollars, and soon got a load of passengers. He had a "fair wind and made a splendid run ;"* and his passengers were safely landed at their destination. About sunset he left Taboga in his boat, accompanied by his two seamen, and started back to Pan ama. But the winds were contrary ; and the boat was driven hither and thither all night, and not till the next day did it reach Panama. Minear was sea-sick, and entirely disgusted with his speculation. As soon as the boat touched the shore, he leaped out, started for the town, yeUed back to his men that they could have the boat, and he never looked back, , There was still no show of getting a passage to California, and he commenced looking about for something else to make •Letter from San Francisco. 286 HISTOEY OF TUCKEE COUNTY. money at. He rented a large room at two ' dollars a day, and charged ten cents a night to each person who spread his blanket and slept there. He made some money at this, and thought himself more fortunate than those who were on continual expense and were making nothing. As soon as he got a Httle better acquainted, he saw an other opening for speculation in passenger tickets, and he entered into that business and made some money at it. He had now been on the Isthmus more than a month, and his impatience to get away may be imagined. Fortunately for him, it Avas in the winter time ; for had it beeri in the^ hot season of the year, the whole collection of passengers must have fallen by fever. The first of March came, and thej' were still there and no show of getting aAvay. Some Arished they had stayed in New York, others that they had crossed the plains, and still others that they had the opportunity of going back home. But during aU this, Minear was making the best of the situation and was looking sharply about to take in all the loose money that was floating around among the reckless of the passengers. In this he was successful, and made more than enough to balance Avhat he had lost in his AA'hale-boat transaction. Early in March, 1850, the steamer Panama came into port, and the passengers Avere jubilant at the prospect of getting to leave that fever-plagued coast. On March 5, they departed for San Francisco, and had a stormy voyage of tAventy-four days before they approached the Golden Gate. As they were coming up the coast, Minear made the ac quaintance of B. E. BuckelcAv, Esq., Avho had gone to Cali fornia in 1846, but had been east Avitli his family and Avas just returning Avith his brother Scott. The acquaintance Avas a fortunate one for Minear, avIio Avas totallv unac- TEAA'ELEES. 287 quainted A^•ith any oiie in California, except Capt. E. Har per, and he knew not Avliere, in all that Avild country, to find him. Mr. Buckelew soon found that young Minear had nothing definite laid out to do, and accordingly offered to furnish him a shed to sleep in until he could find something better. Pool felt grateful and accepted the offer ; but he couldn't help thinking that in West Virginia a stranger would not have been offered a shed to sleep in. But he was learning the ways of the ucav world, and he had no hesi tancy in accepting the shelter of a shed. They landed, and Minear Avas shown the shanty ; and, af ter looking about for an hour or two, and as night came on, he lay down upon the floor to sleep. He was not in imme diate need of anything, and had over two hundred dollars in money. His only companion was an Irish boy, and Avith this company he lay down to sleep his first sleep in California. That night he Avas taken sick, and in the morning he sent for a doctor. He grew no better, and the doctor visited him regularly for tAvo Aveeks, and finally got him on his feet. The doctor's bill Avas four hundred and fifty dollars. Pool had not money enough to pay it. Mr. BuckelcAv's brother furnished the necessary money, and the doctor's unreasona ble bill was paid off.* As soon as Minear felt able to Avork, he offered his ser vices to Mr. Buckelew, but Avas adA'ised not to attempt work until he felt stronger. Accordingly, he laid off a few * It may not he amiss to note that Captain Harper was some distance from San Francisco, when he heard that Mlnearhad an-ived and was sick. Harper's huslness was such that he could not get away to visit liis young friend ; hut he did not neglect him. On a bank In San Francisco where he had money deposited, he gave Mine ar an order to draw all he wanted. But Mr. Buckelew's generosity had already rendered this unnecessary. This incident Is mentioned to show the friendship that then exist ed between these two young West Virginians, in the strange couutry. The khidly feelings and confldence betweeen them never grew less, and in their subsequent business transactions each would trust the other further than he would trust himself. 288 HISTOEY OF TUCKEE COUNTY. days longer. But he felt that he must be doing something, and again Avent to Buckelew for a job. This time he Avas more successful. He was shown a ponderous pile of bricks that it was necessary to move about two hundred yards. Pool did this Arith a wheelbarrow. Mr. Buckelew was so pleased with the perseverance and pluck of the young man that he invited him to his own house and kept him there as long as he had anything to be done. Mr. Buckelew had several city lots which needed leveling, and Minear was given the contract. He soon had fifty men at work, and kept at it until every lot Avas leveled, and his employer had nothing else for him to do. This was April 15, 1851. In their settlement, Minear was paid two hundred and fifty dollars a month, and was charged with no lost time. Minear now turned his attention to the lumber business, which in California is usually a paying one. There is money in it to all who are fortunate ; but, it is risky for those who are not used to the business. Minear bought two ox-teams, and went to hauHng logs for the mill. He was successful at every turn. Every stream "was bubbling over with luck," and he made money fast. Soon another miU near by offered him greater inducements, and he went to work for it, and was still as successful as ever. He remained with the new firm that bought the old one out, until in the faU of 1853. But, in the meantime he built a new mill for the same company. They were gradually placing in his hands the whole business, and he Avas not backward in accept ing it. In the fall of 1853 he accepted the position of manager in general for a large lumber establishment and had the entire control of the business. He was paid tAventy thousand dol lars a month. He was now on the road to fortune, and was TEAVELEES. 289 doing well in every particular. But, in April, 1854, his monthly payment was not made. This did not make much difference, and he continued the business, paying ex penses from his own pocket. The next payment was not made, and he began to inquire into the cause of it, but still kept the business going. But, in the midst of his investigations the company broke. One of the partners left , for Mexico, one died and the third had no money. Minear paid up the indebtedness of the mills and had nothing left. He spent forty thousand dollars of his oavu money in set tling with small contractors and laborers. He considered that he could afford to lose all he had easier than so many could give up their aU ; and so he paid that which, by laAV, he need not have paid.. But, it broke him up, financially, but not physically or mentally. Before this financial failure, Minear had sent to loAva for his brother-in-law, Henry M. Stemple, and family, and they crossed the plains to join him. He had bought them a home ; but, before they got to it, the crash came, and Mi near left California on horseback and went to Oregon. But Stemple reached the farm, and lived and died on it, and his wife, formerly Eliza Minear, still lives on the prop erty, some miles north of San Francisco, in a beautiful and fertile country. At Eainier, Oregon, A. P. Minear met his old friend, Capt. E. Harper, who was then carrying on an extensive mercantile business there. As Minear Avas out of employ ment, and had not an extra supply of money, he was glad of the presented offer of going into partnership with Mr Harper. For a while after this, they conducted the busi ness together, and when Harper Avent to California, Minear continued the trade. 19 290 HISTOEY OF TUCKEE COUNTY. About this time Minear made the acquaintance of Miss Lucretia Moody, a young lady from New York, Avho, with her father's family, and other friends, had crossed the plains to the Pacific coast. They were soon afterward, married f' and they continued the stores at Eainier until some time in 1856, when the business was brought to a close. AVith his wife he uoav returned to California, and lived that year Avith Stemple, his brother-in-law ; but did not en gage deeply in business. Some of the affairs in Oregon needed looking after, and he returned for that pur pose. In order to close up the concerns there, he found^it necessary to buy and sell to a considerable extent. WhUe doing this, he found that he Avas making money, and he saw no reason Avhy he might not continue it. He decided to do so, and went to California for his wife. In Oregon they carried on a large store and hotel. Mrs. Minear assumed management of the latter, and Mr. Minear of the former. Things went on AveU, and they made money at every turn of the AA'heel of fortune. This AA'as in 1857. In 1858, a Mr. AYarreii, who OAi'ued a saw-miU at that place Avas desirous of Aisiting his family at Boston, and wished Minear to look after his lumber interests. This Minear agreed to do, and added tAVQ or three thousand dol lars Avorth of improvements to the mill. But, before the return of Mr. Warren, the miU burnt doAvn. When AVari'en got back, he offered Minear the burnt machinery as pay for the service done, and as return for the money invested in improvements. This Avas rather poor pay ; but it Avas that much better than nothing, and Minear accepted it. He at once set about rebuUding it, using such of the ma- -" February 28, 185(1. TEAVELEES. 291 chiaery as was available, and replacing the Avorthless Arith new. To rebuUd the mUl cost him eight thousand , doUars. He got it ready to start at six p. m., and made arrangements to commence work at six next morning, and had men employed to run it night and day. At four in the rhorning it burnt down. He rebuUt it at the same cost, run it six days, and it again burnt down. These reverses would have- bankrupted him, had he not been making large sums of money in the other departments of his business. He buUt the miU the third time ; but, the price of lumber had fallen untU a small miU would not pay. Meanwhile, he was furnishing money and supplies to a man named Fox, who was building a water mill just back of the town of Eainier, for the purpose of sawing cedar lumber. By the time his mill was fairly started, he owed Minear near scA'en thousand doUars, and, feeling dubious about being able to make that much out of the mill, he offered to give it, lumber and all, to him, in satisfaction of the debt. Minear accepted the offer. Fox made him a deed for it, and the whole matter was settled and the mill, property and all, were in Minear's hands. He was yet standing at his desk, having just signed his part of the contract when the sawyer came running in and exclaimed : " Mr. Fox, your mill is on fire."'"^ It burnt down, and Avas the third mill so to be destroyed on Minear's hands. He now thought it time to get out-of the mill business, and sold his steam mill, that he had rebuilt the third time, for one thousand dollars, and never got a cent of the money. Although uniformly unsuccessful in the mill business, yet with his hotel and store he made money very fast. His ' From a letter, written afterward. 292 HISTOEY OF TUCKEE COUNTY. great trade Avas with the Columbia Eiver bottom-land far mers, who bought their goods one year and paid for them the next, when their crops came into market. This was aU working beautifully untU 1862, when a great flood came down the Columbia, higher than it has ever been known since or was ever known before. It drowned out the far mers. Many were left destitute, had nothing to pay debts or buy bread. The land, which before the flood was valua ble, was now worthless. The depreciation in the value of property left us about, on a level with the rest of the people. Our hotel and store were worth less. I paid our debts and had very little left.* Meanwhile, among the people of Tucker there was stUl a remnant of the California excitement. The Minears seemed to be the readiest to go. Jacob, Thaddeus and Jerome Harper had followed their brother, Captain Harper, to Cal ifornia, and before this time, were scattered along the Pacific coast from Chili, in South America, to British Co lumbia. From the time Pool Minear went, until 1859, ten years, several persons had gone from Tucker County to try their fortunes in the Golden State. William and George Minear had gone west. George settled at KiUbourne. Iowa, and stiU resides there. William lives at Oakland, California, just across the Bay from San Francisco. In the summer of 1859, quite a number of young people in and about St. George determined to go to California. Among them were A. T. Bonnifield and family, and John W. Minear. In November of that year they left West Virginia and repaired to New York, where they took the steamer for Panama. The journey to New York contained nothing of particular interest, and the stay in the city was ' Letters. TEAVELEES. • 293 of import only to those Avho enjoyed it and took inthe many strange sights that a great city contained. They secured passage on a fine, steamer for Panama, and with everything propitious they swept from the harbor out upon the stormy Atlantic. The novelty of the new life, the change of scenery, the sea-sickness and the absence of everything terrestrial, kept the passengers from groAving melancholy with the monotony of the surroundings. In fair weather, they stood on deck ; but when it was stormy, they remained in the cabins, or down below. While pass ing the mouth of the Gulf of California, an incident took place, which has never been forgotten by those interested. They were all below ; for, in passing the Giilf, Cape San Lucas as the point is called, the wind bloAvs a gale toAvard the land, and passes up the gulf to the hot region about the mouth of the Colorado Eiver. John Minear was below with the rest ; and, desiring to go on deck, and not seeing his own hat at hand, he picked up Bonnifield's hat, and proceeded to the deck. The moment he protruded his head above the timbers of the ship, the wind swept aAvay his hat like a cannon ball, aud it passed out to sea, and its fate is unknown to this day. It was a smaU affair, but it cast a gloom over both Minear and Bonnifield, the former because he. had lost it, and the latter because it was lost. Bonni field never forgot that hat ; and he often wonders Avhether it was eaten by a shark, or whether, like Jonah, it Avas swal lowed by a whale, or whether it became water-logged and sank into the fathomless caverns of the sea, or whether the Arinds and waves lashed and dashed it until it was beaten to pieces, and the dissevered fragments were scattered and strewn upon the rocky coasts of islands, continents, penin sulas, isthmuses and capes. In all probability its fate will 294 HISTOEY OF TUCKEE COUNTY. never be known ; but it has never been forgotten by Bonni field who had to go into port and step upon the Golden Shore bare-headed. AVhen they reached San Francisco, Minear went to his sister, Mrs. Stemple's. As soon as he had rested a Uttle, he began looking about for a Avay to make his fortune. He had nothing in particular laid out to do and, in consequence, commenced looking about over the country for an opening. He rather preferred farming, and had no difficulty in find ing a piece of land Avhich suited him. It was about eighty miles northward from San Francisco, in the heart of a country of which he thus speaks in one of his letters : The Avhole country is as one flower garden, as far as oan be seen. The low, rolling hills and the level plains between are so thickly covered with bloom of every imaginable color and dye, that the brightness dazzles the eye, and one must turn away before he can fully realize how splendid and magnificent the scenery really is. So rich in ]:)erf ume are the flowers that if one walks through them his clothes will retain the odor for hours thereafter, and even for days ! He was only looking at the country, and he next visited some of the watering places and fashionable resorts of Cal ifornia. But he saw nothing there worth taking hold of ~ from which to make money. He then went into the mount ains, and explored some of the timbered regions, of which he thus speaks : Trees ten and fifteen feet across the stump are nothing unusual, and are so often seen that they attract no attention. They are usuaUy from one hundred and fifty to three hundred feet high ; and sometimes are nearly two hundred feet to the lunbs. Thus, by moving about from place to place, but doing very little work, he spent the year, and came out of it with less money than he had at the beginning. He Avas now pretty well satisfied that he had seen all of TEAVELEES. 2^5 California that it was to his interest to see, and he began to contemplate joining his brother Pool in Oregon. Accord ingly, he took steamer for Portland, and arrived there in due time. He found the land along the Columbia mostly new country, partly timbered and partly not. Business seemed more brisk than it had been in California. At least, it was more to his liking. He selected the lumber as the best business at that particular time, and accordingly devoted himself to the pursuit of it. Cedar was from sixty to eighty doUars per thousand feet, square measure, and at this he thought himself able soon to make a fortune and return home rich. The trees were eight or ten feet in diam- ter, and were usually cut that high from the ground, by building a scaffold, or adjusting a board in a notch cut into the tree. At this work he remained two years; but, not getting rich as rapidly as he thought he ought to, he quit it, passed on a steamer two hundred miles up the Columbia and landed in Washington Territory, where he again en gaged in the lumber trad,e, but this time in cord-Avood, Meantime, in 1860 and 1861, the war came on in the east, and Tucker County was between two fires. The Confeder ates held the mountains south of the county, and along the railroad north of the county Avere large numbers of Union troops. Eaids were frequent into Tucker, and many per sons felt unsafe. Among those were Enoch Minear and A. C. Minear. They were strong supporters of the Union cause, and they imagined that they were in danger. They thought it best, or at least, well enough, to remove a little from the seat of war. Accordingly, they went to California. Adam C. Minear was born at St. George, October 6, 1845i. St. George was at that time called Westernford. A. C. was the youngest of a family of ten ; and, being young was no 296 HISTOEY OF TUCKEE COUNTY. doubt all that prevented his going when his brothers went. He Avas young, only seventeen ; but he felt able to meet the world and battle it for all it was worth, and risk his fortune on the issue. He took passage from New York to the Isthmus of Pan ama on a splendid ocean steamer. He seemed to enjoy his time, and found something each day to interest him ; for, as he said in one of his letters : The cry of "Avhale" from some lunatic Avould seldom fail to bring on deck every passenger able to leave his state room ; and the sUly dunces would stand Avith eyes strained and mouths open in their heroic efforts to discern the whale's stupendous carcass heave above the waters. Of course, nine times out of ten, or nineteen times out of twenty, there was no whale to be seen. In fact, I never got to see one at all. But it seemed that the passengers could learn nothing by experience. They Avere always ready to rush upon deck, and be made the fools of some bigger fool. Some of the aristocracy, who have more imagination than brains, looked through their long spy-glasses, any declared • that they could see whales by the thousand ; but I noticed that they could see just as many whales with their glasses pointed toward the sky as when in any other quarter. ***v* * * * * There Avere on the ship, as I suppose there are on all ships, per sons who had often before been over the same route, and whose knowledge of it enabled them to point out something of interest or some historical locality almost every hour of the day. If a cape came in view, they knew something about it, by whom it was dis covered, or Avho Avas buried there ; or they could relate some geo-, graphical fact connected with it. Young Minear was getting his eyes opened to the world, and the range of his knoAvledge was growing wider. He was a good scholar for his age and chance. His education had been acquired in the old school-house, of the school of 1856, that stood on the bank of the mill race, which was TEAVELEES. 297 dug by John Minear in 1776. A. C. had gotten to be a good scholar, and, although young, he was prepared to travel. The value of travel to him, and the interest which he took in seeing that of which he had only read before, and had known only as it existed in school geographies, may be judged from the following extract from one of his letters : When I passed those islands, and saw the capes and promonto ries rise above the sea, my mind went back to the school room, and I remembered and pitied the dumb boys who used to stand sneak ing before the teacher, because they could not tell exactly whether Cuba was at Babylon or in Cape Hatteras. The poor scoundrels could not teU ; for, I have been there, and know by experience how hard it is to remember things that are only things. I .thought that I pretty well understood the general character of land and water ; but I find that I am dumber than most people take me to be. Is lands are larger, and oceans bigger, and storms stronger and mountains rougher than one can get any idea of by reading books. In our debating ' Rinkle ' we used to discuss which would teach a man the more, reading or traveling. Some of us were always ready to express opinions, and argue on one side or the other ; but none of us had ever traveled any, and had no means of knowing what there is in the Avorld. For, if we were to read half the time for ten years, we could not learn what I haA'e learned in coming from New York doAvn here.* A youth who thus traveled with his eyes open, and who found leisure to see every island, inspect every cape and promontory, and to despise the silly people, Avho, in the ex citement of the moment, could turn their spy-glasses sky ward and see whales, such a youth was getting benefit from his traveUng. He has left recorded in letters and in his di ary a journal of his proceedings southward over, the Atlan tic, through the West Indias, and across the Caribbean Sea. •Panama. 298 HISTOEY OF TUCKEE COUNTY, When he got to AspiuAvall he soon had made up his mind concerning it, as we can see from his journal : An hour's stroll through the streets of this ancient town is enough to convince the average emigrant that it is not the safest place on the globe, although one has at his command all the modern means of self defense. It looks to me like the den of rob bers and the habitation of wickedness in every shape.- The people seem to be of different languages ; but as far as that is concerned, it is all Dutch to me. They must make their living by stealing or robbing ; for they don't appear to be working a bit. They loaf around the corners of the roads, and wait for people to come along to be robbed. At least it looks so to me. I can't see how Pool* stood it on this Isthmus two or three months, while, if, I have to stay here that many hours it is more than I have bargained for. When he had crossed the Isthmus, which was done on the cars and Avas a ride of forty miles, he was in Panama, of which place his opinion was soon made up and expressed : A person in search of civilization need not stop here very long. He will soon flnd out that he is "barking up the wrong stump," for it is worse here than at Aspinwall, and I am getting tired of the surroundings. If a ship don't soon come to take me to San Francisco, I will be tempted to make my way on foot through Mexico. The weather is warm here, although so late in the faU. A ship did soon come from San Francisco to take the pas sengers there, arid no time was lost in getting aboard. The passage northward was the same old story of a sea voyage. Some things were getting their newness worn away. The credulous travelers failed to see such multitudes of whales, and there was less excitement when a report of any kind actually did get started. In passing Cape San Lucas, as is always the case, there was a strong wind, and the sea became boisterous. . Many became sea sick, but the Cape was passed and all became quiet again. The next thing of note was • A. p. Minear, brother to A. C. Minear. TEAVELEES. 299 the arrival at San Francisco. From a letter of A. C. Minear's the foUowing is taken : At last the Golden Gate appeared. A sigh of relief Avent up from every passenger on board. I could not, in my own gladness, re frain from thinking how many thousands of sea sick mortals have haUed with joy tliis same harbor, this same Golden Gate ; and how many have looked back over the long Avay of waters, the ocean of storms and the domain of desert seas, and then cast their eyes for Avard to the solid shore, where rest would be found at last, and where sea sickness would not be dreaded. The scenery was beau tiful, although we were only approaching the shore. Except the solitary peaks of a mountain here and there along the coast to the southward, this was my first sight of California. I was eager to see it, and leaned against the gunwales to steady myself that I might the better scan the shore. As we drew nearer, I noticed that the mountains -were not as heavily timbered as they are in [West] Virginia. I have never read much of the past of CaUfornia, and less still of this harbor. I know only a little of what has taken place here. But I felt an interest in the things about me ; for I felt that it was romantic grourid, and that it was intermixed with strange stories. ¦* « « * y 'f, jj:- 'H * . * As soon as I got on shore, and had taken a hasty survey of San Francisco, I began to feel more at home. But I find that it is hard to get acquainted with San Francisco. The people are of every nation and of every tongue. As soon as A. C. Minear had looked for a few days about the country, and had visited his relatives in California, he set out for Oregon, where his two brothers, Pool and John, then were. Solomon Minear had been killed by a horse after his arri val in California. George Minear went to that State, but returned to Iowa. WiUiam lived and still lives in Oakland, California. Miss Catharine Minear, a daughter of Enoch Minear, and a sister of A. C, had gone to California with 300 HISTOEY OF TUCKEE COUNTY. her father, and had married C. W. Moore, of Idaho, and still resides in Boise City, in that Territory. A. C. Minear passed through Oregon and Washington Territory, stopping occasionally on the way, and early in 1864 reached Silver City, Owyhee County, Idaho. The mines had only recently been discovered, and the first who had attempted to work them had been driven out with loss by the Indians. Meanwhile, John Minear had grown tired of the lumber business, and had gone two hundred miles up the Columbia, into AVashington Territory, where he took a contract to fur nish two thousand cords of wood at ten dollars a cord. He strung out seven yoke of cattle to a wagon and hauled seven cords of Avood at a load. He made money at this ; and just as he was finishing his contract, came the rumors of the mines in Idaho, to which A. C. Minear and A. P. Minear, his brothers, were already on the way. Teams with which to haul goods to the mines were in great demand. John Minear put one hundred head of cat tle on the road, hitched them to ponderous wagons loaded with freight, and started for Idaho, five hundred mUes away. Merchants paid fifty cents a pound for liauUng their goods into the country, and at these figures, something ought to be made by a man with fifty yoke of cattle. He had with him a quartz mill, owned by his brother, A. P. Minear, and was taking it to Idaho, at a cost of sixty thousand doUars. In September, 1864, with his ox-teams, John Minear reached Silver City. After the flood of 1862 swept away A. P. Minear's fortune at Eainier, he commenced looking about for something else to do. He took seven yoke of oxen and started up the river. He had an idea of engaging in the cord-wood busi- TEAVELEES. 301 ness ; but it was not his definite purpose to do so. He told his wife that he would be gone six months, and punctu- aUy to the very day he returned. He had engaged in haul ing cord-wood for the Oregon S. N. Co., and had cleared ten thousand doUars. With this he bought several large teams of oxen and heavy wagons. When his contract was done, he returned home ; but he left another contract for one thousand cords unfinished. In 1863 he returned to complete the contract. The steamboats got into a war with each other, and the overseer of the wood works asked Minear if he would not as lief wait tiU the next year before finishing the contract. This was just what Minear wanted. He had heard - rumors of the new gold findings in Idaho, and he was de sirous of risiting the country and seeing it for himself. He thought it well that he should get into some other business. Accordingly, he agreed to postpone the completion of his contract tiU the next year, and returned to Portland with twelve large ox-teams. He loaded his wagons Arith a large supply of provisions for the men, and to seU when they should reach Idaho. It was a long procession, and may have looked like the moring of an army of Egyptian chariots. On November 3, 1863, in the midst of a terrific snow storm, the teams arrived in Placerville, Idaho. The country was wild and almost uninhabited, and there was scarcely any feed for cattle to be had at all. What hay the Minears could get they paid two hundred and fifty doUars a ton for. The cattle were so crazy and fierce with hunger that it was dangerous to go near them. From a letter of A. P. Minear's the foUowing is taken : , On Friday I stored my goods in a large log house in the edge of town. Saturday I got my cattle out to a place where it was pos- 302 HISTOEY OF TUCKEE COUNTY. sible for them to get some little to eat. Sunday it began to be noised about the camps that there was a man in the edge of town who had goods to sell. They crowded into my house till they filled full eyery part not occupied by goods. They said that it was the custom to buy one Sunday and pay the next. They were all strangers to me ; but I told them if such was the custom, all right. That day I sold them on credit fpur thousand .dollars worth of goods, and did not know a man. Thus it went till the next Sun day, when they all paid, except forty-six dollars. I sold all my goods in this manner, and cleared nineteen thousand dollars on them. In the spring of 1864 he returned to Oregon, finished his Avood contract, and was prepared to make another expedi tion to Idaho. He bought a quartz mill, loaded it on his Avagons, was joined by J. W. Minear's wagon train, and they departed for the Idaho mines. They had their wagons loaded with tools, provisions, and everything that it Avas supposed they Avould need. He had no particular place designated to Avhich to go, and Avhen his teams were fairly on the road, he left them and went on ahead to select a site for the mill. He selected Silver City, Owyhee County, Idaho, as the best location ; and then returned, met his teams, and arrived AA'ith them in Silver City in Jul}'. He estimated that he Avas then worth thirty-five thousand dollars. He put from forty to fifty men to Avork erecting the mill, and on the 14th' of September that year, 1864, he turned out the first silver brick of Idaho. By the next spring he " was forty thousand in debt ; or that much Avorse off than nothing." ¦¦¦' The following concerning this quartz mill is taken from a letter written by John AV, Minear. The three brothers, A. P., J. AV. and A. C. Minear Avere all in Silver City at that time : ' From 11 letter ot A. P. .Mliieai".s. TEAVELEES. 303 Then commenced the exciting times of this district. The men were all anxious to see the mill start and to get their ore worked. They would take their ore to the mill to get it crushed, just as we used to take our corn when I Avas a boy. Everybody was rich in mines, although not a doUar in pocket. The men often took from the mines from sixty to one hundred dollars Avorth of silver a day. AVhen A. P. Minear left Eainier in 1863, his wife com menced closing out the business, and sometime' that sum mer she joined him -where he was delivering the cord-wood, and where he had built her a neat little cottage furnished nicely. When her husband went into business in Idaho, she sold out again, bought a fine span of horses and a light wagon, and with her little traps, and three children in it, set out to join him. It was five hundred miles, and the road lay through a wild country, filled by bands of hostile Indians. She camped out at night, and finally reached her husband in safety. In the winter of 1864-5 provisions became scarce, as might be expected in a country untilled, and so far from civilization, and where the great mass of the people had gone there with nothing but a shovel and pick. Nearly ev ery one of the two or three thousand people then in camp got short of things to eat. Many were glad to get beans cooked " straight, " as it was called, that is, Avithout salt or seasoning. The following is from an account given by Mrs. Catherine Moore, a sister of the Minears, and then in Idaho : The snow buried our house so that I did not see daylight for three Aveeks, except when the snow Avas shoveled from the windows. We had fiour ; but many of the people had not, and some had only beans, and some, for all I know, may not have had that much. Many lived on beans cooked in water, without salt, and they were glad to get that. In one camp, a few miles from here, the men had been eating this kind of provisions for several Aveeks, and gre.Av so 304 HISTOEY OF TUCKEE COUNTY. thed of it that they said that they would hunt something else. So they left their camp, which was buried in the snow, and they could get out only by climbing up through the roof, and out at the top. However, they got out, and Avandered off over the snow to hunt some place where flour was kept. But it was a fruitless search, and after stroUing about for two or three days, getting lost and hungry and cold and discouraged, they came back to their camp, and were entirely wUling to eat beans. Meanwhile, in the camp' where the Minears were, rations were running fearfully short. From a letter of A. P. Mi near's we learn something of the situation and of the coun try at that season of the year : There Avas flour at the foot of the mountains, about twenty mUes distant ; but it Avas worth almost a man's life to make the trip at that time, through the drifting snow and terrific wind storms. HowcA'er, I offered to go, and I got twenty-four volunteers. It was only twenty miles to the store where the fiour was kept ; and we thought that we could make it out in one daj'. But we learned our mistake. When night came on, we got into the edge of the timber, and by the merest accident found a little hut where six men were getting out boards. The hut was so small that the thirty-one of us could barely squeeze inside of it. There Avas no room to lie down or to sit down; so we had to stand up. There we stood, tired as we were, all night; whUe outside the snow flew and the wind whistled and roared over the little cabin. The next morning tAventy-flA'e of us started for the store at the foot of the mountain. We Avalked hard all day through the ice and snow drifts, and about dark reached the store, having made twenty miles in two days. When they reached the store, the owners refused to sell the flour, although Minear offered them the money. They would not even set a price on it. It was their pui-pose, no doubt, to hold on to it until the miners Avere reduced by hunger, and would give an enormous sum for it. Minear and his men offered them everything that Avas fair and right, but AA'ere. flatly refused the flour. It was a case of necessity TEAVELEES. 305 with them, and they would have it. The letter goes on : Finally I told them and my men that we would have to take it. In less than half a minute every man had shouldered a sack and was upon the road home. We went back half mile or so, and stop ped in a willow swamp. By hard work we kept our fire burning all night. We opened one sack of flour, dipped up water with our hands from a cow track in the swampy ground, and by that means we mixed up a little flour and water. We roasted the dough by wrapping it around a stick and holding it to the fire. This we kept up till morning, when we started, and that night reached the little cabin ia the woods. It was nine or ten o'clock before all got in. I was so tired I could not stand up in that cabin all night : so I went out in a snow-pit, drew my coat over my head, and lay down. I was soon nicely covered with drifting snow, and slept soundly. The next morning it was very cold ; the snoAv was fiying thick and fast, and the wind was blowing like fury. Many times Ave oould not see twenty feet in any direction for the drifting snow Before leaving the hut, I had each man to split up some boards into small sticks, like your finger, and each man took a bundle of them. The plan was to stick one in the snow every few feet, so that, should we get lost, we could trace our Avay back to the cabin. This was a well-timed expedient ; for we had not been out of the timber half an hour until we were all lost in the storm. It was no use trying to go forward ; so the only thing that Avas left was for us to remain where we were or to trace our Avay back to the cabin. We decided to do the latter. It was no easy undertaking. The snow had covered some of the stakes which we had stuck in the snow, and some had been blown away by the wind. We had to kick around until we found them, and then leave a man at the last untU the next was found. By this means Ave got back to the hut in the timber, where we took another stand for the night. The next day, the fifth of our journey, was clear and cold, and on that day all but two of us got home. That two became separated and lost and did not get in till the seventh day. We dealt out the flour by the tin cup full, one or two, depending upon whether it was a family or a single man. A. C. Minear was then in this plart of Idaho, and from a letter Avritten by him sometime after this scarcity of pro- 20 306 HISTOEY OF TUCKEE COUNTY. visions, some new features may be seen in the camps. It shows to what extent the mining AA'as carried on, and what Avealth was often taken from the mines. The letter, after giving an account of the scarcity of provisions, Avhen flour was one dollar a pound, runs thus : The famous ' Poor Man's ' mine, in Owyhee produced nearly pure silver, Pi"eces of ore weighing one thousand pounds were found to contain nine hundred pounds of silver. The ' Ida Elmore ' and ' Golden Chariot ' mines were the richest in gold bearing quartz. Bullion produced from them Avas worth from seA'en to ten dollars per ounce. In these two mines "was the scene of one of the most peculiar battles ever fought in the world. The mines were near each other, and disputes naturali)' arose concei-ning the ground between them, which, upon examination, was found tobe the richest of all in gold. A compromise was made, by which it was understood that neither was to cross a certain Une until the right of one or the other should be established by some legal process. But, this did not settle the quarrel. As the ore got richer, the tAVO companies worked toward each other, and paid no attention to the comioromise. In the course of time they came together six hundred feet under ground, and the battle began. At flrst, clubs, pieces of quartz, picks, hammers, knives, pistols and guns were u.sed lj\' the belligerants. But, breastworks were built, and ore was piled up for fortifloatipns, and the two subterranean armies lay entrenched against each other. Then cannon were lowered into the shafts, and a terrific cannonade was commenced. The re sults were fearful. In the confined air of the mine the roar of the artillery surpassed anj'thing CA'er heard on the surface of the earth. The pillars, columns and braces were shot aAvay, and fragments of flying quartz Avhistled through the dark caA'erns of the mines. The discharge of small guns could be heard only at intervals, betAveen the discharges of the heavier ordnance. Much of the interior structure of thfe mines Avas ruined, and this strange battle ended Avith no decisive results for either side. A troop of soldiers came up and by thrfeatening to block up the mine, put an end to the unnatural fight. TEAVELEES. 307 Those who have risited Silver City, Idaho, will remember that it is on a smaU stream caUed Jordan Creek, which covers over with snow until it is not seen from fall till spring. In the spring, when the snow begins to melt, Avherer exposed to the sun on the south hiU sides, the creek rises, and carries away the snow that filled its channel all AA'inter. Thus, the creek is open, while its high banks are covered with hard-packed snow. A. P. Minear lived beside this creek, about three-fourths of a mile above the town. He was engaged in mining specu lations in 1868 ; and, in one of his trades, had incurred the hatrpd of some speculators, Avhom he had defeated in their plans. They, therefore, planned violence against him, and attempted to bring their plans into execution on the night of May 5, 1868. It was a most cowardly assault, and also one most wicked and brutal. The following is an account of it, taken from a letter of his, written after his recovery from injuries received : I left town at ten o'clock to go home, traveling along a trail through the snow. I met a man, spoke to him, we both said "good evening" and passed on. When Ave had gotten about flfty yards apart, he yelled like an Indian, and started to run after me. I knew that 1 could run to the house before he could catch me : so I was not the least alarmed. When I had run about twenty-five steps, and was within four hundred yards of my house, I ran over a small ridge, and found myself in the midst of a gang of ten or tweh'e men, who lay flat on the snow. Before I kncAV of their presence, they Avere all upon ii)e. Thej-, did not strike me, only pressed me down into the snow by force. I was stiU on my feet ; but was down as though sitting on a stool four or flve inches high and had my right hand extended out. By this time, the man whom I had met and who ran after me, had come up and had gotten in front of me with drawn pistol. By some means, he dropped his revolver, and it fell, handle flrst, into my right hand, just as youjvould hold it, If going to shoot. 308 HISTOEY OF TUCKEE COUNTY. I said, "men, in the name of God, what are you going to do with me ?" (well knowing that it meant death). When I said that, one of the men said, "smother him, so he can't halloo," another said, /'choke him." At that, a man's left hand went round my throat. I caught with my left hand the barrel of the pistol that had dropped into my hand, and, cocking the weapon, flred at the man who stood in front of men. I intended to shoot him through the body, but only touched his thigh. At the crack of the pistol they let me go, struck me across the head with something like a revolver, and commenced shooting at met. I attempted to rise to my feet and run for the creek, about forty yards distant down a steep hUl ; but I could not stand. I fell on the snow ; but rolled and scrambled untU I reached the creek bank. I shot at them three times on the way. I went over the bank, intending to crawl under the snow that covered the creek at that particular point. The bank of the creek, together with the snow, Avas as high as my head. I landed on my feet, and by the aid of the bank, I was able to stand. I laid my pistol on the bank, took deliberate aim at three of them, who Avere about ten feet from me, and flred; I shot one man in the arm, from Avhioh he died, and shot another who also died. I then let go the bank to hide under the snow and ice. But I fell over in the creek, Avhere the water was two or three feet deep. My pistol Avas wet, and I let it go. I could not get under the snow and ice, because it had settled down on the water. So I turned on my back, feet foremost, and swam like a d-aok down this stream, which from there dOAvn was mostly open, at race-horse speed. Pretty soon I went under the ice, and presently went under it again, but each time came out successfully. The third place I came to I could not get under for a log and some brush. I then turned on my face, quick as thought — no time to consider — craAvled over that place and into the creek below ; and went on down, in all tAVO hundred and eighty yards. There I came to a place where I knew that 1 must go ashore. Below, the brush hung so densely over the creek that I could not hope to get along the channel. Be sides, Avliere I was, should I get out, the ground was bare of snow and my pursuers could not see ine as easily as they could AA'here TEAVELEES. 309 there was snow. I lay in the head of a ditch fully one-fourth of an hour, waiting for them to get out of the way. I remained there untU I found that I must get out of the icy water or perish. By the greatest effort I succeeded in getting out, and on my hands and knees, for half a mile, I crawled over the frozen granite sand, which must be seen before it can be understood, over rocks, mahogany brush, crystallized snow, sharp as needles, until I wore all the skin off of my hands, knees and shin bones from my knees to my ankles ; I finaUy reached a mill, where I made myself known and was taken care of. As soon as I got into the hands of friends, I became un conscious, and remained so for four hours. This was a most wonderful escape. He had sixteen bul lets shot through his clothing. One ball had passed through the top of his head, and laid the skin open to the skull bone. One bullet broke his little finger, and one struck his thigh in front, ran around under the leg,ders, back of the knee, and came out in front by the shin bone. Another shot struck him in the calf of the left leg, and another in the right hip. One flash of powder left the burnt marks on his forehead. It was three months before he was able to get around. He attempted to convict the desperadoes who assaulted him; but he could not do it. There was always some one to hang the juries who tried them. In 1868, in Idaho, came the Indian War, in which A. C. Minear took an active part ; and from a large collection of his letters, written at and after that time, a great amount of history may be learned. A few extracts are given to show how he spent his life while there : The Indians are continually breaking into the settlements and driving away cattle. They are not even content with this ; but MU people whenever they get an opportunity to do so. They shoot poisoned arrows. Pool was out with a man who was shot through the arm with a poisoned arrow. Pool drew his silk hand kerchief through the wound and wiped the poison out. The Indians have been at their deviltry again. They think that 310 HISTOEY OF TUCKEE COUNTY. they oan do as they please. But, the stockmen are organizing for the defense. We have just returned from a campaign into their country. Some days ago a company of stockmen, about forty in number, foUowed a band of Indians about one hundred mUes south. Nothing was heard of them for ten days, when one of their number came into camp and reported that the whole party of whites Avere surrounded by one thousand Indians, and that battle had been raging for two days when he escaped. He had gotten aAvay by crawling at night on hands and feet for miles through the sage brush. The ammunition of the whites was nearly exhausted Avhen he left, and he knew not what fate may have overtaken them ere that time. It did not take long to organize a large force to go to the rescue. In a few hours every available cayuse [horse] was pressed into ser vice, and two hundred men, well mounted and armed, were upon the road leading southward in the direction of the Indians. I was one of the company. We put spurs to our horses, and did not stop for anything. In ten hours we had marched one hundred miles, surprised and routed the Indian army and had rescued the stockmen who were reduced to the last extremity. Many of the whites had been killed and more wounded. Many of the Indians had been kUled. They had retreated into the lava beds where it Avas impossible to follow them. ******* The Chinese will come in here in spite of the Indians. Some years ago [In 1864] two hundred of them were killed in one drove by Indians in Eastern Oregon, as they were en route to the mines. Their Avhite bones lay for three years bleaching among the sage brush, and were flnally boxed up by their supersticious brethren and shipped back to China, to aAvait the grand resurrection of the Celestials. A. C. Minear remained in Idaho till the close of the Ciril AVar. He engaged in several kinds of business. For awhUe he Avas in the employ of AVells, Fargo and Co.'s Express, at a salary of three hundred dollars a month. AVhen he left Idaho, he returned to San Francisco and Avas interested in some mines there. From there he returned by steamer to TEAVELEES. 311 New York, and thence home. He made three other trips to CaUfornia, the last in 1876. One trip to San Francisco and back, from Eowlesburg, was made in twelve days. With the close of the Centennial Year his desire for wandering seemed to cease. He was in Philadelphia at the Centennial, and has traveled extensively over different portions of the west. After aU his travels and adventures, he sums up the whole : " The world is nearer round than most people think it is. " When he settled permanently down in Tucker, he devoted himself to the development and improvement of the country. He had, up to that time, engaged to some extent in mer chandising, during his stays in AVest Virginia. AVhen he quit this he engaged in the lumber business and had several logging camps. For awhile, he controlled and run C. E. Macomber's steam mill. In 1879 he married Miss ViUa Adams, daughter of Clerk John J. Adams, of St. George, and has since lived here. His son, A. C. Minear, Jr., is a lad four years old. In connection with Mr. Finley Toy, A. C. Minear took a large contract of lumbering on Shaffer's Fork, and comple ted it in 1884. He took part in county politics in 1880, and announced himself as a Eepublican candidate for Sheriff. The Demo cratic Convention nominated AVilliam E. Talbott for that office, and the campaign was one of the hottest ever in the county. The peculiar mixing and fusion of parties at that time wiU be fully and impartially given in the chapter on Newspapers, in this book. It Avas a stubborn campaign, and every inch of ground gained by either Avas by the other disputed to the extremest point. It may readily be suppos ed that there was a peculiar mixing of parties, Avlien it is stated that a Eepublican, A. C. Minear, Avas elected to office 312 HISTOEY OF TUCKEE COUNTY. by a majority of one hundred and twenty-one, over the reg ular Democratic nominee, a good man, in a county Demo cratic by about two hundred majority. A. C. Minear was the successor of Ward Parsons, Esq., as Sheriff of Tucker County. He made a good officer, and even his opponents Avere Avilling to admit that no better Sheriff could be found to fill the office. A. C. Minear is a member of the M. E. Church, and is ever liberal in the support of all truly worthy undertakings, whether connected with the Church or not. He has done something for every Church that has been built in the county since he has been a permanent resident of St. George. He makes no distinction between the different branches of the Church, although his preference is for his own. J. W. Minear has never returned to Tucker County to be come a permanent resident ; but, he has visited his old home, and remained here one summer. He stiU lives amid the scenes of his early mining days, at Silver City, Idaho. In December, 1875, he married Miss Laura Frances Harr, a girl tAventy-two years of age, who had traveled in Japan. Their children are three in number, the oldest, Mabel Mil ler Minear, the next, John Edgar Minear, and the name of the youngest is George Eenard Minear. The family of fiA'e live in their comfortable home, on the bank of Jordan Creek, in the distant land of Idaho. In 1870 Mrs. A. P. Minear left Idaho, and moved Avith her children to San Jose, California. Her object was to educate her children. Their children were Asby Pool, Clara Corrinth, John IngersoU, Lucretia Maria, William Charles, and Frank Swift, six in all; the oldest and youngest are dead. In 1870, A. P. Minear left Idaho and joined his wife at TEAVELEES. 313 San Jose. Eeverses had again overtaken him, and he had no money. As he has said: "Our combined capital was only seventy-five cents." A. H. Bonnifield was in Califor nia at that time, and happening to be at Minear's, he gives the foUowing account in one of his letters : Mrs. Minear went to the wardrobe with a candle, and accident ally set the clothes that Avere m there on fire. I grabbed the tea kettle from the stove and ran with it to put out the flre ; but I did not arrive in time to be of any service. The clothes were all burnt up. And to this, A. P. Minear adds in his journal : We had no money ; and while in that fix, Mrs. Minear went into the wardrobe and set the clothes on fire, and they burnt before any could be saved. This left us with only the clothes we had on. But reverses had come too often for this to discourage a man of his resolute spirit ; and he borrowed money, moved to San Francisco and at once engaged in business. He was in the mi^es again, and was superintending nine mines and was receiving a salary that aggregated two thousand six hundred and fifty dollars a month, and he had made eighty thousand dollars besides. Nor did he stop until he had run it up' to several hundred thousand dollars, making or losing a fortune every year. The principal part of his mining was done in Idaho, although he operated to some extent in the Comstock mine, in Nevada. In 1876 Mrs. Minear and her children visited St. George, and went on to Philadelphia to attend the Centennial. The next year, 1877, A. P. Minear quit mining and engaged in a railroad enterprise in Georgia and Florida. He worked hard for three years on that railroad, and finally failed to succeed. He had spent on it all the money he had or could get, and he was left without money and out of business. He then turned toward New York City to engage again 314 HISTOEY OF TUCKEE COUNTY: in m inng. He landed there with five dollars and fifty cents. He spent the fifty cents,and lo?t the five dollars in the street. This left him in a strange city, entirely Arithout money. However, he knew the tables so well that he succeeded in buying pn credit a half interest in an Arizona mine for tAvelve thousand five hundred dollars. He traded upon it, and realized one hundred and fifty thousand doUars. He put some of it back in the same mine, and put ninety thou sand in another mine and lost it all. In the meantime he had built two- quartz mills in Arizona, the scene of his late gains and losses in the mining business. Then he tried Idaho again, and spent the year of 1882 in the mines of Wood Eiver, in that Territory, and there he still holds property. Since December, 1883, he has been traveling in search'of mines through Arizona, Mexico, California; Nevada and Or egon. The following is from a letter Avritten subsequent to his last visit to New York: On my arrival in New York, after being gone more than twenty- eight years, I at once sought to find the whereabouts of Mr. Wain- right, if living. I soon found him in the same house and in the same business where I introduced myself to him when I was on the road to California, in 1849. He remembered me and said: "Oh yes, you are the boy who wanted to buy that big red apple, and send it back home."* David S. Minear is the only one of a family of nine who remained at home. He has ahvays been a farmer, and has been successful as such. He Avas also a merchant for a number of years. On December 81, 1867, he was married • While in New York, ou his way to California, he saw a flue red apple in a window, and wanted to buy it and send it back to his friends in Virginia. His young friends Informed him that the apple was only painted wood. This was the apple to whicli the old gentleman referred. TEAVELEES. 315 to Miss Mary J. Parsons, daughter of W. E. Parsons. Their children are five. Creed W., Joseph P., John W., C- Bruce and Mary Catharine. He pays especial attention to improved stock, and his farm produces fine specimens of blooded cattle and other domestic animals. The most improved machinery is also used in his fields, and an appearance of thrift and industry is seen everywhere about his premises. The fruit of his orchards is of the best varieties. CHAPTER XVII. THE WAR. The great Civil War, that threatened for a while to destroy the good as well as the bad of American institutions, was felt with all its terrors in Tucker County. When that mighty struggle came on, the people of Tucker County were not slow in choosing which side they would espouse. Be tween the North and South they were nearly evenly dirided ; or, if there was any difference, it was in favor of the South. On Dry Fork the Northern men were in the majority and about St. George the Southern men. Early in 1861 the Unes began to be closely drawn, and the different factions assumed hostile attitudes toward each other. Neighbor Avas against neighbor, and people, in the suddenness with which men espoused one or the other cause, scarcely knew who was a friend and who Avas an enemy. The warUke prepara tions in the East and South had their influence among the mountains of Tucker sooner than one would be apt to suppose. Late in May, 1861, a Confederate flag was raised in St. George, under the superintendency of Abe Bonnifield, who was in sympathy with the Confederate cause from the very first. He with others had raised the flag, and had kept it floating over the Court-house by day. At night they took it down, lest some of the Union citizens should cut it down in the darkness. It was viewed with jealousy and hatred by the Union men, of Vhom there were many in and about THE WAU. 317 St. George, but not enough to tear doAvn by force the flag which the Southern men had raised. ' Burning under the insult, which, in being offered to their country was offered to them, the Union party sought re venge from outside help. They sent to EoAvlesburg, Avhere Captains MiUer and Hall had under their commands a body of troops, and there made known thatthe Confederate flag Avas floating over the St., George Court-house and asked that soldiers be sent to cut it down. The promise of this was readily given ; and, on Sunday evening, June 9, 1861, MiUer and Hall, with forty men, left Eowlesburg for the purpose of falling upon St. George unawares. They did not expect to meet with armed resistance, but, it being in a time of excitement, they thought it best to avoid, as far as possi ble, all risk, aud, therefore, went in the night. They reached St. George very early Monday morning, and proceeded to arrest several persons, whom they sus pected of sympathizing with the South. They found no person inclined to oppose or harm them, and, without con troversy, they proceeded to search for flags. They found two which they at once captured with great formality and ado, although no one attempted to defend the flags or dis pute the right to take them. This finished, their mission Avas done ; and, when they had liberated the prisoners taken, they were ready for the return. None of those captured were held to answer any charges, and the whole affair ended more like a Fourth of July celebration than a Avar- like demonstration. With the captured flags, which Avere flaunted in victory, the troops set put for Eowlesburg. On the way they found a rattlesnake, which they tied to one of the flags, and fas tened a wildcat skin to the other. Bedizzened now fully to 318 HISTOEY OF TUCKEE COUNTY. satisfy the exultations of chUdlike triumph, the forty men, with their leaders in front, marched grandly into Eowles burg, having first dispatched a special messenger to an nounce their approach.- The troops marched out to meet the returning heroes, and all as one body went into camp, ending the campaign by a grand trimuphal entry into Eowlesburg. Thus ended the first page of St. George and Tucker County in the war. The next was not to pass so lightly aAvay. By this time large bodies of Eebels were fortifying themselves on Laurel Hill, near Belington, in Barbour, and in Eandolph were large numbers. The Yankees had strong forces along the railroad, at Eowlesburg and elsewhere,thus placing Tucker County, in a measure, between the tAvo armies. Several of Tucker's citizens, among whom were William E. Talbott, E. Harper and William Harper, were noAV in the Confederate ranks. The two Harpers were on scout duty. A^ illiam Harper was in Barbour County, watch ing the movements of the Yankees,, while E. Harper was in Tucker for the same^purpose. Eebel Home Guards had also been organized, among AA'hom Avere David and Nelson Par sons, Hoy Goff and others. The Union cause seemed to be losing ground in Tucker, although there , were many still loyal to the Union, among whom might be mentioned Dr. Solomon Parsons, Enoch Minear, William Corrick and scA' eral others of our most respected citizens. As the month of June passed by, the war-spirit grew more violent, and the official functions of our county Avere prettj' well broken up. The Union side Avere desirous, as they should be, of increasing their strength, and for that purpose Avere proceeding to hold elections in the county. This Avas about the tAventy-eighth of June, 1861. The THE WAE. 319 Eebels, under Garnett, Avere hovering close upon the county, having thousands of men within a day's march of St. George. When it was heard in the Eebel camps that the Yankees Avere holding an election. Lieutenant Eobert McChesney was sent into Tucker, partly on a scouting expe dition and partly to disturb the proposed election. On the night of June 28, he, with a body of troops, halted at the house of Job Parsons, in the Holly Meadows, and staid over night. The next day the election was to be held, and very early in the morning McChesney and his men departed for St. George, five miles distant. When they reached there, they found that no move had been made toward hold ing an election, but it Avas well understood that at Hannahs ville, eight miles down the river, an election would be held, under the guard of Yankees from Eowlesburg. Some of McChesney's men were sent into other parts, and some , of the Home Guards joined him, and he proceeded to Han nahsville. The following letters, relating to the subject, were furnished the author by Mr. J. Z. McChesney, of Charleston, AV. Va., a brother to Lieutenant McChesney. The first Avas written by Mrs. Mary A. See, a lady Avell re membered here, but now dead. Her letter reads thus : St. George, Va., July 2, 1861. Mv Dear Friend : — Before this reaches you, you will have re ceived the mournful intelligence of Lieutenant McChesney's death. I Avrite, because j'ou will wish to hear every particular. On Satur day, June 39, it was reported that the Union men would hold an election eight mUes below St. Geprge, protected by a large guard frpm the Northern army. Lieutenant McChesney Avent doAvn Avith a party of ten men as scouts. When within half a mile of the house, he ordered his men to return. Just as they turned their horses, a party of men, who were lying in ambush, rushed out and cut off then- retreat. They fired on each other. Part of our men* dashed up the mountain, and part attempted to cut their Avay * The Rebels. 320 HISTOEY OF TUCKEE COUNTY. through them. Lieutenant McChesney Avas kiUed on the spot, Mr. Paxton badly wounded, and two others wounded, not so badly. Some of the men say they saw him* lying dead, the horse standing by him, and the bridle in his hand. Some of the Northern men requested the people at the election to bury him, Avhich was done that evening. The next morning Mrs. Talbott went down to see if the body could be obtained, as his brother officers expressed a very strong desire to obtain it.t Sabbath night we hired several ment to go at the risk of their lives and bring him here. The company to which he belonged was to come here to take him away ; but next morning an express was sent, telling us to bury him here. He had been brought to Mr. Ewin's, § one of the most prominent men in this region. We would have had a neater coffin made, but it was reported that the enemy Avas approaching, and a good workman could not be procured. •Notice had been privately given, and ladies came five miles to at tend the funeral. Sentinels were placed out ; a few of the Home Guards attended ; twenty-four guns Avere fired over his grave, and Avhile it was filling, the old familiar hymn was sung : AVhen I can read my tiUe clear. We laid him in a retired and beautiful spot, shaded by several fine trees, and commanding a beautiful view of Cheat River and the adjacent A'illage of St. George, It was a spot selected by Mr. Ewin, for a family burying ground. A lovely daughter of his sleeps there. The Lieutenant" .s grave was surrounded by tender and sympa thizing hearts ; for nearly all had near relatives in the army, and we knew not how soon the hand of the stranger would lay them in their last resting place. A musket ball had i>enetrated his body in. the left side, near the heart. Till Chi-ist shall come to rouse the slumbering dead. Farewell, pale, lifeless clay, a long farewell : Sweet be thy sleep beneath the green tree's shade, AVhere we have laid thee in thy lonely cell. " McChesney. t From the cli-oumstances we Inter that Mrs. Talbott was not successful in obtaining permission to talce away Lieutenant McChesney's body. t These men were Abraham Talbott, Peter Bohon and John Auvil, Sr, 5 Senator William Ewin. Joseph A. Faeis, Mes, D, S. Minear. D S Minear. THE WAE. 321 My dear friend, may our blessed Savior comfort you all, particu larly the mother ; and, O, that he may sanctify to us all the heavy afflictions with which he is visiting us. Your Sincere Friend, Mary A. Seb. The foUoAring is a copy of Colonel Irvine's letter, Avhich he wrote from Oakland, July 21, 1861. Colonel Irvine had command of the troops by whom McChesney was killed, and his letter shows him to have been a brave man, for none but a brave man could deal so fairly and so honorably with an enemy who had fallen in battle. The letter reads thus: Headquarters 16th Reg't, Ohio Vols., ! Oakland, Maryland, July 31, 1861. |" To the Friends of Lieut. Hobert McChesney, 1st Lieut. Va. Cavalry : No opportunity having occurred, giving me a reasonable hope-of reaching you before this time, is my excuse for not Avriting j'Ou sooner. You have, no doubt, learned long before this of the time and manner of Lieut. McChesney's death, I will, therefore, not speak of it further than to say that he bore himself gallantly, and my sympathies were greatly enlisted for hini when he fell. What should have been our comnion country, lost a brave and gaUant man. I am in possession of his personal effects, which would be invaluable to you ; and, it would afford me great pleasure to know that they were restored to you. If you will indicate to me the channel through which I shall forward them, it shall be done im mediately. Amongst other things, I have his pocket-book, $ in money, gold shirt buttons, breast pin, several papers (of no A'alue) and some other little articles, not nowi-emembered. His arms will, of course, be retained, being contrabrand. My term of sei-A-ice is about to expire. Please write me at Coshocton, Ohio. Very Respectfully, JAMES Irvine, Col. Comd'g 16th Reg't, O. M. V. The accounts of McChesney's death differ a little in the minutia. One account says that he Avas killed by Captain Miller with a pistol which had that morning been borrowed from John A. Peters, of Eowlesburg. As this story runs, MUler, with others, heard that the Confederates 322 HISTOEY OF TUCKEE COUNTY. were advancing, and having dressed themselves in citizens' clothes, Avent up the road and stood by the wayside as if merely looking at the soldiers pass. McChesney and his jnen passed by, not suspecting that the men Avhom they saAV were Union soldiers with arms hidden under their clothes. AVhen the Eebels had gone a little further down the road, they fouud themselves confronted by Miller and his dis guised soldiers, and from the shot of Miller's revolver, the brave Lieutenant was killed.""' Certain it is, that the ¦ Confedrates passed a squad of Yankees, seen or unseen, and shortly after were attacked from the fi-oiit by another body of the Union forces, and in falling back found themselves hemmed in between two ene mies. Some tried to escape up the hill, and did escape Avith the loss of horses, guns and accoutrements. One crossed the riA'er, and escaped. McChesney, Paxton and others attempted to cut their way through the Yankees who were in the road behind him.t A great many guns were fired. The Eebels had double-barrelled shot guns.:j: One Yankee Avas shot in the back of the head as he ran, and fell, mortally wounded. § McChesney Avas shot througli, but did not fall from his horse until the horse had its leg shot nearly off, Avhen both rider and horse fell together. McChesney ncA'er showed signs of life after he fell. It is said tliat his hand still • Mr. Daniel K. Dumire, a trustwortliy citizen ot Tucker, claims to have seen and Jieard the substance of this story. He heard Miller boast of killing McChesney within an hour from the tpp.6 it happened. He also^saw the flglit. t Itis said that, when he saw that he was surrounded, McChesney drew his sword and called to his men : " We must cut our way through them ! " i The barrels ot one, pf these guns were recently found near the battle-ground and are still in the possession ot C. L. Bowman, of St. George, W. Va. §Hls comrades placed him In acanoe and started to Eowlesburg with him. He died j-LBt before reaching there, Jiaving Uved flve or six hours. THE AA^AE. 323 grasped his bridle rein. He fell upon a small log, entirely free from his wounded horse. Paxton succeeded in breaking through the lines of the enemy, but was shot through the body. He rode on some distance, when he became so weak that he could not ride. He dismounted and hid near the road and remained there tUl night, when he was found and taken to St. George by "William Harper. All the others got aAvay, and tAvo of them were wounded. The Home Guards and the soldiers Avhom McChesney had left about St. George were foUoAving on doAvn. When they passed Miller Hill they heard of the skirmish but did not learn whether any or Iioav many of the men had been killed. It was deemed best to retreat, and all did so but William Harper. He expressed his determination to proceed until he learned more of the missing men. He Avent on until al most in sight of the battle ground, AA'here he found Paxton's horse, which Avas slightly wounded. Concluding that the rider must haA'e been killed. Harper caught the horse and with it returned to St. George. Before dark, all the men came in but McChesney and Paxton. McChesney had been seen to fall, but Paxton Avas beyond the lines Avhen last seen, and it began to be hoped that he had escaped. After night fall, AA'^iUiam Harper, a braver man than AA'hom never lived, went down to hunt for Paxton. He met him slowly making his way on foot up the road, badly wounded. Harper car ried him to toAvii, and there he was taken care of. ' On Sunday night John AuA'ilj, Abraham Talbott and Peter Bohon went to Hannahsville and brought aAvay the dead body of McChesney. They went in a sled, in order that they might not be heard, since a Avagon Avould be so noisy. No one disturbed them, and with the object of their mission. 324 HISTOEY OF TUCKEE COUNTY. they reached Mr. EavIu's before day, and the burial took place, as is described in Mrs. See's letter. The Eebels then left the county, going back to the main body of soldiers in Barbour and Eandolph counties. As they went they took prisoner Judge S. E. Parsons and William Hebb, and tying them together, carried them off. The site of the battle of Hannahsville is about eight mUes below St. George on the Eowlesburg road, and may stiU be pointed out. The thicket of brush where the Yankees lay hidden, has since been cut down, and a few other changes have taken place ; but the whole is yet an object of interest as it is the site of the first blood-shed in Tucker County in war since the close of the old trouble with the Indians. The Union forces amounted to six hundred men. McChes ney had about ten. The loss in killed Avas one on each side. The Yankee Avas shot in the back of his head as he was running. Lieutenant Eobert McChesney was born in Eockbridge County, Virginia, June 30, 1832, and died June 29, 1861, aged tAventy-nine, Avanting one daj'. He had a good education and was by occupation a farmer. He possessed the finest business qualifications. In politics he was a AVhig, as that branch of the Eepublican party was then called, and of such integrity Avas he that he was the leader of the party in the community Avhere he resided. From early life he manifested a strong predUection for military jjursuits, and while yet quite young Avas elected Lieutenant of a company of cavalrj'. He had been for several years, and Avas at the breaking out of the Avar, Adjutant of the regiment of mUitia to AA'hich his company belonged. His voice Avas loud, clear and distinct. His commands could be j)lainly heard from one end of his regiment to the other. THE WAE. 325 Descending from a Jong line of ancestry distinguished for their patriotic devotion to their country and a love of lib erty. Lieutenant McChesney was among the first to offer his services when the Governor of Virginia called for troops to repel invasion. None of the Mother of Presidents' heroic sons were prompter than he to respond to the call for aid. McChesney was a man whose personal appearance would claim for him notice anywhere.* His frame was wiry and well knit, capable of enduring great fatigue ; he Avas tall iri . stature and of a commanding mein, and was one among the finest riders in the Eebel army, where every cavalryman was a splendid horseman.t He was quick of perception, and had the eye of an eagle. He was generous to a fault and fearless in danger, possessing all the qualities that go to make a dashing Cavalier, and had he not been so suddenly cut off he would undoubtedly have written his name beside those of Ashby and Stuart, high on the scroll of fame. It is said by one Avho knew whereof he spoke that Lieutenant McChesney was the only cavalry officer, who attempted to raUy his men or bring order out of confusion and chaos on the day of the Philippi rout and retreat. He possessed the confidence and respect of'his superior officers, and the love and admiration of his subordinates and equals.:]; * I once met a lady on the Paciflc Coast, who had seen McChesney on the morning of hls death, as he went to the battle, and she spoke repeatedly of the splendid appear ance of the young Lieutenant on horseback, and how dignified, gallant and heroic he looked as he led his men to the battle. She said that his horse seemed conscious of the worth of its rider, and bore Itself as proudly as a Saxon war horse, carrying a knight in armor. t Impartial judges state that, as a whole; the Kebel cavalry, during the War, pos sessed the flnest riders of any cavalry hi the world. They rode nearly equal to the wild horsemen of Texas and California. t Col. Irvine, by whose regiment McChesney was killed, afterwards said that the young Lieutenant was the bravest man he ever saw ; and, as he charged down so gaUently upon the Federals, he hoped to see him escape the hall of bullets that were showered upon him. Even his enemies in war expressed sorrow that so heroic a man should meet so untimely fate, and so young. 326 HISTOEY OF TUCKEE COUNTY. But, all the promise of renoAvn were ctit off and destroyed Avhen he fell on that bright summer morning. On the bosom of his Mother State Lieutenant McChesney offered up his life a martyr to liberty and State Rights. He was the idol of his widowed mother, who, though doubly widowed by his tragic death, sent forth her two remaining sons to battle for her beloved Southland. Brave son of a Spartan mother ! the sunny Clime of Ancient Greece never produced two nobler or more heroic spirits. Some may accuse him of rashness ; but, during three years in the saddle in time of war I have seen quite as daring feats as he -at tempted, successfully executed.* Had his men foUoAved him when he gave the command to charge, it is not improbable that they would have succeeded in cutting through that serried phalanx of glittering steel, and added fresh laurels to Virginia power and glory. He Avas respected, honored and loved by all Avho knew him in life. By his brave and heroic death he compelled and won the respect even of his enemies. He filled all the stations of life nobly and faithfully. He gave his life for his country. Whether or not his cause Avas a just one has nothing to do in the consideration AA'hether or not he was a hero. A belief' is right when a man Avill die for it. No vicious pas sion sliould assail a man who is willing to offer up his life to a cause which he advocates. AVith him and between him and the eterlial tribunal of truth and justice it is "right. WJien other men and other times shall come to judge us as Ave Avere, the jealousy and prejudice that surrounded us in life Avill haA'e passed away, and what of good there Avas in us Avill then be seen, not through a glass darkly, but clearly and truly. Generations that shaU come centuries hence, and who perchance shall ask of us, will liot inquire who Avore the blue and Avho wore the gray. It is little Ave care • An extract from a letter written by a Confederate officer. THE AVAE. 327 wlio Avore the Eed Eose and who the AVhite, in the wars of York and Lancaster. Less still — for times are changing — AA'iU those who come after us care Avho Avore the blue and Avho the gray. Men and results Avill be all that will be asked for ; and, then, all passion gone, as a man will be named Lieutenant Eobert McChesney. The war in AVest Virginia Avas now fairly begun. The Confederates held strong positions in Barbour and Ean dolph, and McClellan Avith thirty thousand men Avas ad vancing upon them. Garnett, the Confederate General, had between four thousand and five thousand men. The odds Avere seven to one against him. On July 8, 1861, Avas fought the battle of Laurel Hill or Belington. 'Ohe Confed erates fell back. On July 11, the battle of Eicli Mountain Avas fought, and the Confederates were again defeated. In these fights very fcAv men Avere killed, and Garnett did not fall back on account of the destruction that had been done his army. But he knew how much strength his enemy had, and he suspected that the design Avas to cut him off from the roads leading south, and then, in case of defeat, to com pel him to surrender. A mistake on the part of some of his scouts strengthened the belief, and brought on disasters which might have been avoided. His scouts reported that they had seen Union troops in Beverly, and that the road beyond was blockaded. The road was blockaded, and they had seen troops in Bev erly ; but, the troops were Confederates, and the road had been blockadecJ*' by Confederates. Not knowing the truth of the matter, and believing that he Avas being rapidly sur rounded by thirty thousand men, Garnett deemed it best to retreat while he could, by the only road yet open, -that to St. George, thence to the North-Avestern Turnpike, and by 328 HISTOEY OF TUCKEE COUNTY. it to Mount Storta, the summit of the Alleghanies, and from there through Greenland Gap, back to Virginia. Al most immediately after forming this plan, he found part of jft frustrated. The direct road to St. George, that down . Clo ver Eun, was so open to attack from overwhelming numbers o^ the Federals, if indeed, it was not already in their hands, that it Avas decided unwise to retreat by that route. The only way still open for the artillery and Avagons was that across Laurel Hill at the head of Pleasant Eun, down that stream to Shafer's Fork, doAvn it and the river to the Horse Shoe, and thence up either Mill Eun or Horse Shoe Eun to the North-western Eoad. This was a hard line of retreat for au army heavily encumbered with baggage and stores ; but there Avas no otlier, except Dry Fork, and that way was utterly impassable for Avagons and artillery. Misfortunes were thickening around the Confederates. The tAVO brothers, William and Ezekiel Harper, had been sent off as scouts to see if the Avay Avas open at all. The former had been scouting in Barbour for several days, and had twice approached Avithin a mile and a half of Philippi while the Union forces Avere there. E. Harper had been watching the movements of the Federals aaIio Avere pushing eastward along the Nortli-Avestern Pike from Grafton, and had fortified themselves on Buffalo and at AVest Union (Aurora), and seemed to be concentrating their forces so as to strike either the Mill Eun or the Horse Shoe Eun road, whichever one the Confederates should attempt to escape by. Garnett was, indeed, in a critical situation, and a de lay of a fcAV days would prove fatal. He, therefore, decided to retreat at onco. In a short time his army Avas in motion, the cavalry in front, and then the loug train of ponderous wagons and infantry. The Union General soon learned THE WAE. 329 that the retreat had commenced, and General Morris went in pursuit with about five thousand men. The Confederates encamped the first night on Pleasant Eun. The next morning, as their rear was leaving camp, the Federals came up and fired on them. A slight skirmish ensued, and the Confederates escaped for the moment. Meanwhile, E. Harper, Avho had gained aU the informa tion he could concerning the position of the Union forces, was on his way to Eich Mountain to report. When he reached Ward Parsons', on Shafer's Fork, he learned that the Confederate army was retreating. He kncAV that the road along the hill near there Avas impassable for an army vrith wagons, and he hurriedly collected a score of men Avith axes and commenced cutting a road through the bottom land. He left the men to complete this work, and he pushed on to meet the army. He met the advance near the moutli of Pleasant, and the officers, when they learned that the Horse Shoe Eun road was the only one open, requested him to pilot the army through by the shortest and safest route. Harper insisted on turning back to fight, saying that he could kill more Yankees than any thirty Eebels. He was reprimanded for his rashness, and Avas told that the ob ject was not to kill Yankees but to get that army out of its present situation. The firing in the rear had already begun, and the intention of all Avas to escape as soon as possible. He accepted the position of pilot, and moved forward Avitli the van. About forty of the Spottsylvania cavalry were sent over the mountain under the guidance of J. M. Corrick, to see if the Federals held the Clover Eun road ; for it was feared that they Avould cross from Philippi to St. George, and cut off the retreat there. Corrick guided the detach ment through mountain paths, down Clover to St. George. 330 HISTOEY OF TUCKEE COUNTY. He found the Avay clear, and passed up the river to Max- Avell's and there re-joined the main army, and Avas then re leased from further service.* MeauAA'hile, the fight at Corrick's Ford was in progress. BeloAV the moutli of Pleasant Eun it Avas seen that opposi tion must be offered to the pursuing Federals. Two com panies of Georgians were placed in ambush to fall upon the flank of the Union army, AA'hile the main body of the Con federates were to attack from the front. At Corrick's Ford the Eebels planted their cannon, and, as the front of the Union army came down to the water's edge, opened on them Avitli a volley of grape-shot. The two regiments of Georgia troops did not fire, although they Avere ready, and waited only for the command. They were cut off from the main army and escaped up the mountain. They fell in with James Parsons Avho piloted them to Otter Fork, where they camped that night, and the next day crossed to Dry Fork, and by that route, after great suffering and hardships, they at last reached the Confederate lines. The front of the Confederate army had crossed Job's Ford, four miles beloAv Corrick's Ford, Avlien the firing com menced. It Avas expected that the decisive battle would be fought there ; for the stand at Corrick's Ford was meant only to check the enemy momentarily. Accordingly, cannon were wheeled into position along the river bank, opposite Callihan's store, and the brush Avere cleared from the bluff above, ready to make of it an artillery field. At the moment the Eebels fired at Corrick's Ford, the road on the other side of the river Avas.fuU Of Yankees, who did not know of the presence of Eebels, except a few * J. M. Con-lck was a son of AVilllam Corrick, after whom the Battle of Corrick's Ford was named. THE WAE. 331 stragglers whom they did not think worth firing upon.'^ The Confederate cannon had been concealed, and when they fired, the Federals fell as one man. The officer in front had seen the guns just in time to call: "Flat to the ground!" and his men threw themselves flat in the road, and thus escaped the first volley. From the marks on the trees it is supposed that the first fire of the Eebels was fif teen feet above the Yankees. But the other volleys that followed in rapid succession were not too high, for, a log that lay in the midst of the Yankees had in it 144 bullet holes when the battle was over. The firing across the river Avas rapid for a few minutes, and until the Union forces feU back. The Eebels then resumed their retreat. Garnett, at this juncture, came back with his staff officers, McClung and others, and attempted to rally his men. They were sitting on their, horses by the river bank, leaning forward in order to see under grapevines and limbs that grcAv thick there. Firing had again commenced, and as they leant forward on their horses' necks, a bullet shaved the mane from Garnett's horse, close to the rider's face. McClung advised him to get out of range of the bullets. The General replied that they might get away if they liked, leaving it to be understood that he Avould not get away. The next moment a ball struck him, and he fell from his horse mortally wounded. His army was now iu full retreat, and he Avas left on the field. The Federals found him and carried him into the house of WilUam Corrick, where Morris came to visit him. He and Morris had been class-mates at West Point. The hatred that existed between the North and South was forgotten by • A drummer boy, who had mounted a horse behind a sick soldier, was thrown from his horse into the water when flrlng commenced. He lay under water, except his face, during the battle, and then escaped unseen and made his way back to the ai-my of Virginia. 332 HISTOEY OF TUCKEE COUNTY. them, and after Morris had done all that could be done for the wounded officer, Garnett died in the Union General's arms. The generous and magnanimous Morris showed every respect and kindness in his power to Garnett, and when he was dead, he dressed him in his own blue uniform and sent him to his people in the South. The battle field was now clear of Confederates. Those who could had fled, and the wounded and dead had been carried off. Corrick's house was made a hospital and a prison. The captured Confederates were confined in the kitchen. The number of killed and wounded at Corrick's Ford is not and probably never can be known. No official reports can be found ; and other reports are as various as the per sons are who make them. The entire loss on both sides is placed all the way from fifteen to three hundred. It was certainly more than fifteen and certainly less than three hundred. Of the Eebels, more than fifteen are known to have been kUled. The Yankees Avould not acknowledge that they lost any ; but the evidence against this is too strong to admit of its belief. The trees and brush where the soldiers stood thick were torn and splintered by grape- shot and buUets, and it would have been a miracle if no sol dier Avas struck. Besides, many persons claim to have seen numbers of dead Union men. It is claimed that they hauled several large Avagon-loads of dead bodies to Ean dolph, and buried them in the entrenchments. One trust worthy man says that he counted one hundred and fourteen dead Union soldiers. The Eebels had a great advantage of ground, and made good use of it, and it would be a curious freak of chance if no Union soldier Avas killed. Be this as it may, the Eebels failed to check and hold in THE WAE. 333 check the Federals, and again started upon a retreat, which now became a rout in every sense of the word. The cannon and baggage were gotten from the field, and the rout began in earnest. The position that had been taken at Job's Ford Avas abandoned, and the road was given to the retreating sol diery. The rain fell in torrents, and the road was almost impassable on account of mud. The footmen straggled along as well as they could, and the tired horses tugged hearily at the ponderous wagons. When the van of the army reached White Oak, at Jesse Parsons', it met AVilliam Harper, who had come that morn ing from West Union (Aurora). A consultation was at once had with him. He did not think it possible to get the wagons and caanon up Horse Shoe Eun, and, therefore, advised the retreat to be made up Mill Eun, at St. George. He did not think that the Union forces at West Union would offer material resistance to the army. , But, E. Har per, who Avas better a,cquainted Avith the position of the Union army on Buffalo and along the North-western Pike, and also fearing that forces sent from Barbour would reach St. George in time to cut the army in two, stiU urged that the Horse Shoe Eun road be taken, and it Avas taken. WU liam Harper passed on to the rear of the army, and was at the mouth of the Alum HiU Pass AA'hen the front of the Union army came in view, fie fired upon them, and they halted, probably thinking that he was a picket and that the whole Eebel army was stUl at Job's Ford, a mile beyond. This one man checked the Federal army longer than Garnett's four thousand had been able to do ; for they feU back be hind Alum Hill and remained there till the next day. The story of the retreat of that Eebel army is a sad one 334 HISTOEY OF TUCKEE COUNTY. to relate. It resulted partly from blunders, but is hard to say to whom the blunders Avere due. However, the Eebels at Eich Mountain must have been defeated sooner or later anyway, for four thousand men could offer but little resist ance to thirty thousand. A portion of the Confederate infantry passed round Slip Hill; but the Avagons, cannon and the main body of the army crossed the river at NeA'ille's Ford, Avhere they came near drowning some of their men. They passed through the Horse Shoe to Nick's Ford Avhere they recrossed and took the road leading up Horse Shoe Eun. The army was halted at Loav Gap, and the officers consulted whether it Avould not be better to fight a battle there. Some of the artillery was wheeled into position on Holbert Hill. The pursuing army failed to put in an appearance. It Avas in tended to open lire on them as soon as they came Avithin range. AVhile halting there, Avord came that the Union forces were fortifying at the Eed House Avith the intention of cut ting off retreat by that route. This caused a change in the plans. It now became the object to esct^pe the pursuing army hy flight, and cut through the forces at the Eed House. The artillery Avas brought up from the rear, and Avas sent to the front. Except the cavalry and artillerj-, there Avas no longer any warlike spirit in the army. Everj' man seemed to think only of saving himself. The stores and goods were thrown from the Avagons. Mud holes Avere bridged Avith tents and blankets. Trunks were broken open and the con tents scattered in overy direction. Barrels of flour and sugar and rice and molasses Avere rolled from the wagons to be left or brokru iuto by the excited and famishing soldiery. Guns Avere thrown into the Avoods, and cartridge boxes Averc THE WAE. 335 flung after them. Clothing was scattered on every side. Boxes of medicine were kicked out of the Avagons to be trampled under foot. The soldiers Avere starving, while stores of provisions were being destroyed. Boxes of crack ers and biscuits Avere broken open, and he avIio could helped himself. The exposure and the hunger since breaking camp at Eich Mountain had made many of the soldiers sick, and when they could no longer travel they were left to fall into the hands of whomsoever they might or die without atten tion. There was no room in the Avagoiis for the sick. A bo}' Avith his foot shot off got on a cannon and rode there. An officer dismounted and walked in order to let a sick sol dier ride. The spirit of Southern generosity Avas not dead — ^it never dies — but, in that shameful panic, Avho could attend to anything but himself? There Avas plenty to keep the soldiers from starving, but no time was taken to deal it out to them. If the retreat had been tAvo years later in the war, when experience in such unpleasant performances was more mature, there probably Avould not have been a man or a wagon lost. But, it came when it did, aud it leaves nothing for the historian to do but to record it as it Avas. The horses suffered no less than the men. They toiled at the heavy Avagons until they could move them no more. When the men had thrown out the loads, the tired horses could again draw the empty wagons. But they could not long remain empty. The exhausted soldiers, Avho had fallen by the Avayside, struggled to their feet and climbed into the wagons, or, perchance were helped in by comrades, and the wagons were soon overloaded. It Avas useless to try to get them along. The teamsters cut the harness from the horses, and mounting them, fled. Then the axle-trees Avere saAved 336 HISTOEY OF TUCKEE COUNTY. in two and the spokes cut from the wheels, and the road was thus blockaded to prevent pursuit. But it also block aded it against the following Confederates who came up, and being unable to get their wagons by, had to cut them to pieces and leave them. Every mile the panic became more deplorable. Soldiers without shoes went hobbling and limping along, their feet cut by the stones, and their tracks marked Arith blood. William E. Talbott was along, as was M. P. Helmick and many others still living in the county. Few pretended to carry arms. In the front some order was kept, but in the ' rear the sight beggars description. Some flung themselves by the roadside, and refused to be assisted forward by such bf their comrades as were willing and able to assist them. The sick, who could, crawled to houses and lay there till the pursuing cavalry came up and took them prisoner. Some attempted to hide in the woods ; but, when the pur suit came, it was useless to attempt concealment. Some thought to pass themselves off as citizens and thus escape the Yankees. But their woeful looks and haggard faces told the tale on them. The rabble extended ten miles. Every mile and every rod Avas marked with plunder and ruin. When night came on, the scene was worse, if it could have been seen. It was dark and rainy, and the remnants of the once splendid army struggled along the narrow road, not knoAring when the guns of the pursuers would roar out on the night. The front, too, began to be demoralized. Eeports came thatthe road at the Eed, House was held by five thousand Federals ' Avhich was just ten times the actual number there. The cav alry (partly excusable from the excitement of that awful night) thought that the army was beset both in front and THE WAE. 337 in the rear, and that destruction awaited either an advance or a retreat. From Wotring's, the head of Horse Shoe Eun, there was an obscure and rugged path leading across the Backbone Mountain and the head waters of the North Branch and Stony Eiver. This, to the cavalry, seemed the only, possible avenue of escape, and it was barely possible. Samuel Porter knew the path and acted as guide. The cav alry thus left the road, unknown to the niain army and the artUlery, and crossed the mountain by this path. It is a mystery how that cavalry ever made that march. It was a narrow foot-path, traveled by mountaineers, and led over bluffs, mountains and ravines, and logs and rocks filled it in every part. Besides, the darkness of the night, and the descending torrents of rain lent additional difficulty to the undertaking. Many of the horses were unshod, their shoes haring been pulled off in the clefts and crevices of the rocks. The path was a rough one for horses shod with steel and in fuU strength- and spirit ; and it was far worse for these that were hungry, lame and exhausted. When they got into the wild region about Stony Eiver, they were met by an old woodsman who mistook them for Yankees. He seemed anxious both to gain and to impart information. They saw that he was mistaken and told him such news as they thought he would like to hear. And he in turn told them that he was captain of the Home Guards in that quarter, and that his one hundred men could "bush whack Eebels to beat the nation."* When they had drawn from him all the information they wanted, they informed him he was in the hands of Eebels. The old fellow's coun tenance fell; but, seeing that he was a prisoner, he went * This is on the authority of McClung of Greenbrier County, who was an ofacer and was present. 338 HISTOEY OF TUCKEE COUNTY. quietly along. Toward morning they came to a tributary of the North Branch, and the horses refused to leave it. They had unshod feet, which were broken and feverish, and they preferred to bathe them in the cool water. But at length they got the horses from the water, and at daylight came into the North-western Pike. The artUlery and the infantry did not know that the cavalry had left the road, but supposed them stiU in front and that they would give notice of any danger. Thus de luded, the army, if it can be called an army, advanced, and the artillery was in the very front. S. E. Parsons and William Hebb, who had been taken prisoner during Mc Chesney's raid, were stiU prisoners in Garnett's army. Near Wotring's, Parsons determined to attempt an escape. He sprang from the guards, and leaped down a bank. A dozen guns were fired at him, but he escaped unhurt, hatless, and the next morning found himself beyond the Eebel Unes. On the evening of the fourteenth of July, five hundred Federals had arrived at the Eed House, ready to dispute the road with Garnett's army. They, too, had heard rumors, in common with the Eebels. They heard that Garnett's army, although badly shattered, stUl had fifteen thousand fighting men. However, they held their ground untU the front of the army could be heard advancing, when they started in full retreat toward West Union. The Eebels were near enough to hear them going. This Avas after midnight, probably two o'clock in the morn ing. The North-western Pike Avas reached at last. But a new danger was threatening them. It was said that a body of Union troops were stationed on the summit of Backbone mountain, ready to hem the Confederates in. A consulta tion Avas held, while the soldiers, as fast as they came up. THE WAE. 339 flung themselves upon the ground to sleep. There was no other means risible by which the army could be gotten out. It was known that armies were in Oakland, West Union, on Buffalo, and in the rear, and the road across Backbone and the AUeghanies was all that remained open, if it, indeed, was open. It was thought best to send scouts to the top of the mountain, about four mUes distant, to see if an enemy was there. In an army of four thousand, only five were found wUling to go. They were E. Harper, Garrett John son, Dr. WUUam Bland, of Weston, and two cavalrymen. They left the Eed House about three o'clock in the morning and rode to the top of the mountain. Harper said that he felt more fear while going up that mountain than he ever felt before or since. But no enemy was found, and they re turned to the Eed House and reported that the way was open. This was just at daylight, July 15. The army at once resumed its retreat, and before noon had passed the North Branch bridge, which it burned. From that point it was not pursued. The wrecked army made its way back to the South and was recruited and again placed in service. The Union army made no pursuit after Alum Hill Avas reached. The troops remained about the country, and detachments went foraging on the trail of the Eebels to pick up strag glers and plunder ; but no attempt was made to overtake the Eebels. The Union army went to St. George, and thence to PhiUppi and Belington. Some of tliose left to take charge of the wagons and plunder were set upon and shot as they were going up Clover Eun. This was the largest military movement that ever took place in Tucker County. The others were only raids. After Garnett's army retreated from the county, the Con federates had little hold in it. The Unionists kept forces in 340 HISTOEY OF TUCKEE COUNTY. the county, and kept down any manifestation which Eebel citizens might have made. On Dry Fork the guerriUa war fare between the Home Guards of each side went on una bated. , In September, 1862, the Federals had squads pf men ia Tucker. One squad was stationed at Abraham Parsons'. John Imboden had heard of it, and determined to drive them out. With William Harper as guide he struck across the mountains, intending to fall on the Yankees unawares. But Jane Snyder, then a young lady, now the Arife of Mart Bennett, saw the Eebels, and, mounting her horse, she gal loped off down Dry Fork to give the alarm. She reached the Yankee camp just in time to save them ; for, scarcely had she gotten away when the Eebels came up. The Yankees made no stop or stay until they had quit the coun try. Imboden then returned to the South, and the Yankees returned to the occupation of Tucker. Capt. William Hall then came to St. George with twenty- nine men, and took up his headquarters in the Court-house. This was in November. Some of the Union citizens of the county sent insulting words to Imboden, taunting him. He at once set out for St. George with some small cannon lashed to the backs of mules. He came down Dry Fork, where there was then only a small path. William Harper was guide. The Avay was rough, and the progress could not be but slow. One of his mules that carried a cannon slipped over the bank and tumbled a hundred feet, almost into the river. The men followed, and when they took the cannon off, the mule got up aud was ready for traveling. Imboden was aiming for St. George, and was expecting to fall upon the Yankees by surprise. In this he was success ful. He approached the town just after daylight, and had THE WAE. 341 the Union forces surrounded before they knew of the pres ence of a Eebel. Then a flag of truce was sent in to make a demand fpr the surrender of the forces. The man who bore the flag was fired upon and wounded in the foot by a sentinel, who then ran to the Court-house and gave the alarm. Immediately there was much excitement among the Yankees. AVhen HaU learned that he was surrounded, he cried : " Boys, take care of your Captain ! " The Eebels who had passed down the river fired a few times in the direction of the Court-house, but without effect. They found Enoch Minear feeding cattle just below town, and took him prisoner and detained him an hour or two. Meanwhile, negotiations for the surrender of the town were going on. Imboden offered honorable terms and Hall accepted. The Yankees were to be paroUed and allowed to depart in peace from the country. On these terms, St. George was surrendered. James Swisher was the only one who escaped. Finding himself some distance from the Court-house when the alarm was given, he took to his hefels and got off. He carried the inteUigence to Eowlesburg, where it created no small stir among the soldiers. Captain HaU's headquarters were in the Clerk's office. He was just sitting down to breakfast when the alarm was given. When the surrender was made, Imboden and his men sat themselves down around the table, and. with char acteristic Southern hospitality, invited HaU and his fellow- officers to join them at the board and help eat the smoking breakfast. AU sectional and national hatred was now for gotten, and Yankee and Eebel, vanquished and victor, sat side by side and eat to their full satisfaction. Imboden's soldiers joiued in with HaU's and all in common sat joking around the camp fires, and cooked and ate breakfast, forget- 342 HISTOEY OF TUCKEE COUNTY. ting that a war of death had so lately raged between them. When breakfast was done, HaU and his men filed sullenly out of their comfortable quarters in the Court-house, and set forward for Eowlesburg. There came near being a difficulty regarding the shooting at the man who carried the flag of truce. The Eebels demanded that he be given up to be dealt Avith according to the rules of war. But the Yankees would not do this, and in their turn charged the Eebels Arith violating the rules of war by advancing Arith their army under cover of the flag of truce. For, as was claimed, Im boden was moving his men down the bank of the river while his truce-flag was being carried into the Yankee camp. Both sides seemed to be in the wrong, and they knew it ; and after much parleying and contention, it was agreed that nothing further should be done in the matter, and thus it was hushed. James Myers is now known to be the picket who fired on the flag. Hall surrendered twenty-nine men. The remainder of his company was not in St. George at the time.. The Eebels numbered several hundred. Hall claimed that he had no ammunition, or he would have fought ; but his men had forty rounds of cartridges each. As Imboden approached town Dr. Solomon Parsons, who lived half mile from town, and who was extreme in his sym pathy with the North, was down in the fleld feeding his cattle. He saw the Confederates go by, and suspicioned that they Avere after him. He fled toward the river, which he Avaded at the lower end of Wamsley's Island, and climbed the mountain beyond. In a little while he grew uneasy ; and, re-crossing the river, he ascended Dry Eun, wading along its bed, for the snow was deep, and aimed.his course THE WAE. 343 for Cranberry Summit. The Eebels carried away some goods from his store. When the Eebels had cleared St. George of Union sol diers, they immediately retreated back the way they came, passing up Dry Fork, and over into Highland County, Vir ginia. The raid was a dashing one, and was in every way successful to those who planned and executed it. But in the end it worked great harm to the Eebel citizens of Tucker, and to those who were suspected of being in sym pathy with the South. When news of the surrender reached Eowlesburg, it pro duced great commotion there. It was supposed that Im boden meant to establish himself at St. George, and ar rangements were at once made to expel him. A large body of troops was sent up to make an attack. When St. George was reached it was found that the Eebels were gone. The Yankees followed up to Abraham Parsons', and plant ing their cannon there, bombarded the woods, trying to scare the Eebels out, for they affected to believe that Imbo den was hidden among the neighboring mountains. But, really, at that time. Imboden was on the other side of the AUeghanies. WhUe the Yankees remained at Abraham Parsons' they were wicked in their depredations, stealing and destroying almost everything they could find. They made raids into the surrounding country, and stole plunder. It Avas the most thieving band of soldiers ever in Tucker County. One strippling soldier from Ohio stole a saddle and bridle on Dry Fork, but had failed to get a horse. He came, back, lugging his pilfered plunder, and stopped at Parsons'. There was a tine horse in the field, and he concluded that it was good enough for him, and accordingly caught it and was 344 HISTOEY OF TUCKEE COUNTY. going off when he was seen frbm the house. Parsons was not at home. His daughter Ninn and Job Parsons' daugh ter Eebecca concluded to capture the horse. They tried to coax the fellow to give it up, and he wotdd not, and they proceeded to take it by force. One of them took the scoun drel by the neck and hurled him heels over head twenty feet among the sawlogs that lay in the mill yard. His Avrath was terrible. The other Yankees raised a great laugh at him and cheered the girls, and that made him madder than ever. He swore fearfully, and vowed that he would have the horse or die on the spot. But the girls led the horse into the yard, and when the determined young Yankee fol lowed, they caught him and thrashed him. This satisfied him for a whUe ; but at length he returned to get the horse, and they pounded him again and chased him out of the yard. By this time the Yankees were getting ready to go, and he stood at the gate as though trying to decide whether to make another venture or to give up. He decided to try again, and came up with the grim determination that he would have the horse. They seized him again and gave him an unmerciful woUoping, and he got out of the yard in a hurry. He was Avhipped, and picking, up his saddle, he sneaked off and appeared no more on the arena. About this time Kellogg came into command of the Union forces in Tucker, and instituted a kind of inquisition, knoAvn as the "Assessment." He IcAied a tax upon all sym pathizers Avitli the South, and appUed the money to -pay Dr. Parsons, Enoch Minear and others who had lost property at the hands of the Eebels. The Assessment Avas a most wicked aud shameful affair. The world's history can hardly show tyranny more disgraceful. It is not just to charge it THE WAK. 345 to the Union men in general ; for, they were far above any thing of the kind, and had nothing to do with it. An order was issued to tax Eebel citizens to pay back what Union citizens had lost. The tax was not levied in proportion to the amount of property owned by the party so much as by the intensity of their Southern sympathy. Although, of course, some consideration was taken of the wealth of the indiridual and the amount which he was able to pay. Thus, W. D. Losh was assessed $8, and had to sell his pants to raise the money. Eufus Maxwell was assessed $80; Nick Parsons, $500; W. E. Parsons, $700; Abraham Parsons, $800, and others in proportion. TJ^e order read thus :* You are hereby notified that, upon an Assessment, you are as sessed dollars, to make good the losses of Union men. If you faU to pay in three days, your property will all be confisicated, your house burned and yourself shot. By order of Brig. Gen. Milroy. Capt. Kellogg, Comg. 133d Ohio. Nearly aU the money was collected and paid over to those who claimed it. When it became known what Kellogg was doing, his superior officers set about undoing his work ; for the Union men were too honorable to allow such work to be left alone. Joseph A. Faris was sent to St. George to stop the collec tion of the Assessment and to pay back the money where it could be done. He found the Union cause here in a, bad condition. The tyrannous proceedings of the past few days had raised a storm of indignation, not only among the Southern men who were made to pay the Assessment, but * This Is from a copy, and It Is possible that It contains errors ; but It Is beUeved to be correct th every particular. The copy Is furnished by Job W. Parsons, of Eich Hountaln. 346 HISTOEY OF TUCKEE COUNTY. also among nearly all the Union men, who had any feelings of manhood and freedom about them. For, be it repeated that the Union party in Tucker County were in no measure, or in a very small measure, guilty of aiding, abetting or countenancing the Assessment business. They hated it as intensely as they hated anything that was bad, and they showed no favors to those who assisted in the matter. So, when Faris came and it became known that he pro posed to conduct his proceeding in accordance Arith the code of honor and not with that of revenge and rancorous hatred, he at once received the sympathy and support of the best and of nearly all of our citizens. In him they recognized a man not to be influenced and led about by bitter ani mosities. He had a high sense of justice and right ; and no mutterings among his own party or threats or attempts among his enemies could influence him to depart from what was just. In the time of war, and when passion ran at fever heat, he made friends among Unionists and won the respect of the sympathizers of the Confederacy. No one doubted his honor. No one feared that he would take a mean ad vantage. No one believed that he would indorse any of the infamous proceedings of the past few weeks. Those whose conscience A\'as guUty on account of deeds done, received little comfort from him. Our people remember him as a man, and not as a war time leader. If all the military men who came into our county had been such as he, the Avar would be a forgotten thing with us. He undid what wrong he could, and showed his wiUingness to undo more. The confidence of our peo ple underwent a change for the better, as regarded man and man. For, whUe the Assessment was in progress, only a spark would have sufficed to kindle the flame of war among THE WAE. 347 our mountains and valleys, in which citizen would have fought citizen and the rage of revenge would almost have depopulated our country. Had the work gone on a Uttle longer, it is hard to tell at what hour the torch would have been applied to dweUings, and the rifle would have been the arbiter between neighbors. But, the storm passed just in time to prevent the final catastrophe.* He was sent to St. George from Eowlesburg on December 27, 1862. On the fifth of January he was ordered to fall back to Eowlesburg. John Mosby was penetrating the country, and it was thought that he was aiming to pick up detached squads of men wherever he could find them. Faris reached Eowlesburg safely. In 1863, a fight occurred in St. George between a detach ment of Jones' cavalry and Snyder's Home Guards. No one was hurt, and Snyder retreated after one round.t * Joseph A. Paris Is now a citizen of AVheeling, and has established himself a wide reputation as a, noitralt painter. He has, however, painted historical scenes, ana landscapes. Hls^lstorical painting, " The Last Battle of the Eevolution," or the last satige Of mtt Heiiy, is one of the flnest in the country. His painting of Hon. A. W. CampbeU Inthe Chicago Convention, m 1880, Is probably his best. It surely is a mas ter effort His pictures are numerous, and show a flne artistic touch, which can be traced to a mental appreciation of the beautiful in nature and art. The poetical col oring of a scene are depicted by his brush as truly as by Byron's pen. As an artist ol a flne order West Virginia has not his superior. t A fuller account of the war would be given In this chapter, but to the Brief Biogra phies It would be repeated, and it has not been deemed necessary to have It to both chapters. Those who wish to see accounts of a personal nature are referred to Briar BtograpJiies. BRIEF BIOGRAPHIES. A. Nelson D. Adams was born April 9, 1859, on Cheat Eiver, near the old " Pleasant Valley Church," in Preston County, W. Va. His father, G. W. Adams, removed to Limestone about the commencement of the CivU War. N. D.'s only recollections of the war were seeing his imcle, Samuel Martin, return from prison, and of seeing soldiers at his father's house. The first school attended was at Limestone Church, taught by Eli Adams. The next winter he was sent to, his grandfather, Philip Martin's, near Kingwood, and attended school there. After that, he attended several scheols at Limestone Church, and two terms at White's, on the head of MUl Eun. Then he attended four terms at Jacob Dumire, Esq.'s, the last of which was taught by L. S. AuvU, and the subject of this sketch commenced the study of algebra. He was very studious, and devoted every minute of his spare time to his books. He lived on a farm, and a Tucker County farmer boy has none too good oppor tunities to become well acquainted Arith books. But Adams was ambitious, and surmounted difficulties and removed obstacles, and when the Teachers' Board of Examination met at St. George in the fall of 1877, he was an applicant for a teacher's certificate. As he said: "Entering with fear and trembling and coming out all right, I began to think that I stood high on the ladder of knowledge." He taught the school at Limestone Church that winter, and in the spring felt encouraged by the cash in his pocket. He worked that summer on the farm, and began to compose , BEIEF BIOGEAPHIES. 349 poems, which betrayed a poetical incUnation, not dangerous, but perceptible. The next faU, 1878, he thought to strike a higher level, and went to Preston to get a school. He passed success fuUy the examination at Newburg, and shortly afterwards set out to hunt himself a school. His success was about Uke Simon Kenton's, who was trying to find Kentucky and came to the conclusion that he had passed it in the night. He could find no school. Clad in his best jeans coat and mounted on a mule, like the Mexican at El Paso Del Mar, or Don Quixote in his glory, young Adams wound his way over the hiUs and vales of Preston for a week, taking every road but the right one, missing aU roads and getting lost, and meeting Arith but cold encouragement. At the end of the week he was turning back, somewhat disheartened, but I still determined, and was planning an attempt in some new field, when he had the good fortune to light down on a school at New Salem, Union District, Preston County. He taught the school successfully, and in the spring, 1879, he attended the Portland (Terra Alta) school, taught by Professor Fike. He attended this school two terms, and in the Ariater of 1879-80 he taught the Freeland school, near Terra Alta. During the summer- of 1880 he again attended Professor Pike's school and graduated. The winter of 1880-81 he taught the Fish Creek school in Pres ton. In the spring of 1881 he was appointed a cadet in the West Virginia University, and soon afterwards entered that school. He remained there that year. In the winter of 1882-83 he taught at Eighty Cut, in Preston County. He spent the vacation of 1881 in Ohio, canvassing for books. He went again to Ohio in 1882 for the same purpose, and 350 HISTOEY OF TUCKEE COUNTY. risited Lancaster, the scene of M'Cleland and White's ' ad venture with the Indians. Eeturning from Ohio after two weeks he devoted himself to farm work until school opened at the University, when he again returned to his books. The year 1884 was also spent at the University. During his leisure hours he stUl indulged in verse-making, and contributed to the newspapers, the principal of which were The Wheeling Intelligencer and The Preston County Journal. He is deeply read in the classics, ancient and modem. The Greek, Latin and French he reads in the original language. Homer, Herodotus and Cicero are his favorites among the ancients ; and among"^ the EngUsh he shows a preference for Shakespeare, Pope and Byron. Fol- loAring are selections from the poetry of Mr. Adams : THB DREAMS OF LIFE.* We are such stuff As dreams are made of, and our Uttle Ufe 13 rounded with a sleep.— Sftafcesjjeare. From the dawning of life to its last faint gleams, 'Where'ere be the soul it will bask in dream*— Sweet dreams of the memory. Dreams of futurity, Visions ideal to gently veil The grim and the real that oft assaU. They soften the saddest of care and of strife — Let Heaven be praised for the dreams of life ! ' Neath the light of the stars in the sUent night There muses a youth with a glad deUght, "Who fain Avould in reverie Fathom Infinity. Never a cloud nor a shadow dark His hopes can enshroud or his joys can mark. ••Written for iffte Preston County Journal. BEIEF BIOGEAPHIES. 351 How well that the future is hidden away 3 That the dreamer may dream of a better day ! On the banks of a stream in a morn of spring A lad and a maiden are wandering And dreaming in harmony Dreams of fehcity Glowing and gleaming with love divine— A halo beaming from heaven's shrine. Oh ! ever are angels more happy above Than those who are dreaming sweet dreams of love ? In the autumn of life 'neath the noonday heat. All weary and sad with a life's defeat, A man in humiUty ToUs with severity. Sad is the real, but aye anon A beauteous ideal he looks upon — He dreams of a land far away where the soul Shall rest whUe the ages eternally roll. With a faltering step and with silver hair, ¦WhUe Ustening at eve to an old-time ah-, ^ A man reads in memory Lifelong history. DweUing and dreaming on days gone by. His spirit is beaming in ecstasy — The friends of his boyhood in phantasy come To cheer as of ypre in the threshold of home ! By the banks of a river — by Death's cold stream — There Ungers a man in whose visions gleam In grandest sublimity Dreams of Eternity. Music is ringing a welcome free And angels are singing sweet melody. He wakes from the dreams that have cheered him so long — A real is gained with th' eternal throng ! i 352 HISTOEY OF TUCKEE COUNTY. GRAFTON NATIONAL CEMETERY.* Along the clear VaUey so silently flowing Its crystal-bright waters 'imd beauty aglow. Upon its green bank there are cypresses growing And patriots faUen are slumbering low. The Stars and the Stripes still above them are flying As proudly as o'er them they waved in the fray. While softly around them the wiUows are sighing And gently the breezes in symphony play. They're silently sleeping ! nor ever to glory ShaU bugle tones call them from this their last rest ; Their conflicts are over ; on battle fields gory They fell for that banner so dear to each breast. The Ughtnings may flash and the thunder may rattle. They heed them not — resting so free from all pain ; The cannon may roar in the storm of the battle. But never can wake them to glory again ! Ahd over the graves of the silently sleeping, "While winter and summer incessantly fly ; The grave-stones of marble a vigU are keeping ^ And marking each spot where the patriots lie. There often around them do silently wander Those blooming with youth and those drooping with age "WhUe thoughtfully over the sleepers they ponder. Recalling some thought upon memory's page. The deeds of some brave are by monuments spoken — The battles they fought and the victories won. Their titles and ranks and their trimuphs unbroken And bravery shown 'mid the charge of the gun. These monuments crumble, but lasting forever Are those that are built by the slumbering brave — ¦While cycles are gliding no conflict can sever The deeds of those dying their country to save. Of others are epitaphs only revealing The names of the warriors now silent and cold. " Written for Tlie wneeling Intelligencer. BEIEF BIOGEAPHIES. 353 Their homes and their regiments in memory sealing; Their names from the North and the Sputh were enrolled. Though laurels of glory may never have crowned them. Yet garlands are woven more lasting and bright By those that were clinging so tenderly round them When bidding farewell as they passed from their sight. But many are resting with marble above them That teUs of no name nor the deeds that were done ; No record is shown of the dear ones that loved them, But humbly is written the sUent "unknown." Their names are forgotten ! yet loved ones at parting So tenderly clung in their final embrace "While tears in their sorrow and sadness were starting — ¦What changes of time can such parting efface ! AU lonely they're sleeping ! but glad was the Avaking Of bondmen from chains and from slavery's night When brightly the morning of Freedom was breaking Resplendent with Liberty's glorious light. And long shall the freedmen, relating the story. In thankfulness tell of these patriot dead, And long shall they cherish the honor and glory That haUow the laurels encircling each head. Their battles are over ! their country in gladness Beholds yet her banner in splendor unfurled. Unsullied by conflicts, disaster and sadness And beaming with radience over the world. They died for that banner ! and long shall the Nation Enshrine them as victors for truth and for right. Arid long shall she rev'rence the sacred relation She bears her preservers of honor and might. Then sleep on, ye warriors, so free from all sorrow ; Your battles are ended, you've entered your rest ; Your country shall live through each fleeting- to-morrow Enjoying the peace which your dying has blest. May light from the heavens in beauty descending Make halloAved your tombs Avhile the ages shall flee, 23 354 HISTOEY OF TUCKEE COUNTY. And Liberty's rays like the sunUght still blending Illumine each heart in this land of the free. .Then scatter your flowers o'er the graves of the sleeping. And tears to these heroes in thankfulness shed ; Remember the pledges they gave to your keeping And cherish the freedom for which they have bled. Blow onward, ye breezes ; as years are advancing Play softly through Avillows that droop o'er their graves ; And sweetly, ye birds, with your notes so entrancing . Keep warbling your songs o'er the slumbering braves. Continue, loved banner, in grandeur stall flying, While breezes thy folds shall unceasingly wave. To honor the warrior in cheerfulness dying Thy stars and thy stripes so unsullied to save. Flow onward, bright river, your clear Avaters laving. Long murmur so gladly your clear crystal steam ; And over, ye forests, in majesty waving. Make gentle your music while sweetly they dream. THE WINDING RIVER CHEAT. Fed by crystal flowing fountains Rising 'mong the rugged mountains Towering first the sun to greet. Flows a rushing Avinding river On Avhose stream the moonbeams quiver — 'Tis the winding River Cheat. , Hastening toward the mighty ocean Ever onward is its motion, SAveeping like the Stream of Time ; And the music of its murmur Wafted by the breeze of summer Floats o'er many scenes sublime. 'Neath the winter snows descending Massive pines and oaks are bending Down to kiss its waters sweet ; 'Neath the golden sunlight shining BEIEF BIOGEAPHIES. 355 Mirrored landscapes are reclining On the -winding River Cheat. Listening to its music swelling Peace, Content and Love are dwelling In this grand old mountain home ; To the exile wand'ring, driven. Highest earthly boon is given Should he here but cease to roam. While the spring sweet flowers is bringing. Pictures on its waves are clinging — Will it show them evermore ? And though men are changing ever And oft time and distance sever. Cheat is flowing as before. As along its banks I wander. On the checkered scenes I ponder Acted in the play of life. When the Red Man proud in story Sang his songs of war and glory — Victor brave in many a strife ; When the Pale Face nothing daunted First beheld its shores enchanted Like the fairy lands of old — Men whose daring deeds should ever Roll still onward as this river To the ages yet untold. Other streams may flow more proudly, Other scenes be praised more loudly. But there's none so dear to me ; And the recollections clinging Round it, pleasures will be bringing Ever to my memory. Be yet in poetic numbers Praised its heroes when the slumbers Of obUvion veU the fame I 356 HISTOEY OF TUCKEE COUNTY. That, enwreathed in ivy tender. Crowned in days of ancient splendor Ajax' and Achilles' name. When the grandeur all is perished Isis and Osiris cherished On the sacred River Nile ; When the old Euphrates sweeping Midst its ruins as if weeping Long forgotten splendor's smUe, And the yellow Tiber, flowing O'er its flelds with crimson glowing — Stained with War's destructive feet — See their legends fast declining, — Still ,mid scene's o'er memory twining Proudly roll thou winding Cheat. Oh, bright crystal murmuring river. These historic streams can never Play in measures half so sweet ! Other streams in beauteous seeming Fade beneath the sunlight beaming On the winding River Cheat ! A FRAGMENT FROM THE "SONG OF THE STUDENT." TRANSLATED PROM HOMBR. With pantaloons threadbare and torn And eyelids heavy and red, A student sat in unstudently mien Cra-mming his obstinate head. Cram ! cram ! cram ! In misery, anger and hate. But he wrathfuUy closed his book with a slam And mentioned the town of old Yuba Dam As hfr thought of his ill-omened fate. Thomas C. Adams, son of Daniel C. Adams, Avas born in 1842, and married in 1863 to Harriet E., daughter of A. H. Bowman, of EoAvlesbiirg. He is a farmer, oAvning 400 BEIEF BIOGEAPHIES. 357 acres, with 140 improved. He lives on the Eowlesburg road 8 miles from St. George. Lieutenant McChesney was killed within a few rods of his house, and on his farm, and the election of June 29, 1861, was held at his house. He was not in the army. His children are, Charles U., Hannah S., Sida M., Adam D., Nora B., Edna E., and Cranmer Adams. W. H. Ault, born in Eandolph County, in 1864, the son of WiUiam Ault, is a farmer and school teacher. He has taught in Canaan and at Sapling Eidge, on a No. 2 certifi cate. He lives twenty-five miles from St. George, and has been in Tucker since 1866. Samuel McClellajst Adams, born 1862, son of 'G. W. and brother of N. D. Adams, lives four miles from St. Georges He attended the district schools, and in 1883 attended in Kingwood. He has taught the following schools : AVhite's, in Licking district. Sugar Lands, St. George district, Fair- riew, same, Macadonia, Licking district and-No. 15, Union district, Preston County. M. C. Atheeton was born 1824 in New York, married in 1859 to Elizabeth Holden. Children : Byron G., Grant S. and Laura S. He lives 7 miles from St. George, in Lick ing District. ' He is a farmer. Thomas B. Ashby, was born in Preston County, in 1846, son of W. F. Ashby, of Irish, French and German descent. Married in 1880 to Martha E., daughter of Levi Lipscomb. He is a farmer, owning 220 acres, with 60 acres improved. He has been in the county since 1870, and lives two miles below St. George. ChUdren : Agnes Ann, Warner E., and Stella Hester. 358 HISTOEY OF TUCKEE COUNTY. Geoege W. Adams, son of Daniel C. Adams, and father of N. D. Adams, was born in 1836, and is of English, Irish and German descent. He was married July 4, 1858, to Susan, daughter of Philip Martin, of Preston. In 1874 his wife died, and in 1875 he married, Lettie, daughter of David Swisher, of Hampshire County, and sister of S. N. Swisher, of Tucker County. He farms 150 acres of im proved land, and ^as 250 acres of wild land, near Limestone, 4 miles from St. George. He has frequently been road sur veyor and member of the board of education. His chUdren are, Nelson D., Samuel M., Melvina J., Philip B., SteUa F., and Ernest. Geoege L. Ashby, of Irish, French and German descent, born in 1856 in Preston, is the son of W. F. Ashby : mar ried in 1880 to Charlotte J., daughter of Hilory Griffiith. He lives in St. George. Children : Harry Kirk and Maud S. G. Chaeles W. Ashby; brother to T. B., and G. L. Ashby, was born in Preston, in 1852, and came to Tucker in 1870. In 1881 he married Virginia C, daughter of D. K. Dumire. His child's name is Eozella. He lives 2 miles below St. George, and has 120 acres of land, with 35 acres improved. He has been carrying the U. S. mail several years, prin cipally on the route from St. George to Philippi. Geoege B. Auvil, son of John Auvil, of EngUsh and German descent, was born in 1851, and was married, in 1875, to Malissa, daughter of Margaret AVhite. He is a farmer living 2 mUes from St. George, on Mill Eun. His farm of 150 acres is one-fifth improved. Children : Harvey W., Margaret C, Charles T., Carrie V., and Thomas J. William C. Auvil, son of John Auvil, was born in 1848 : married, in 1870, to Louetta E., daughter of John White. BEIEF BIOGEAPHIES. 359 ChUdren: Emma Catharine, George AA^., Anna Margaret, Frances Melvina, and Pearl AV. He is a farmer, but has worked some at the stone mason trade. He lives 4 miles from St. George, on Mill Eun, and his farm of 75 acres has 30 acres improved. He is a teacher qf vocal music, and has had some successful schools. J. W. Allendee, born in 1838, in Hampshire County, is is a son of George Allender, now of Eandolph County. He is of German and English descent. In 1874 he married Eebecca Ann, daughter of John E. Goff. Children : Ida Catharine, Paden Wade and Mary Eunice. He lives on Shafer's Fork, 14 mUes from St, George where he owns a farm of 96 acres, of which 45 acres is under tillage. He has been a resident of Tucker since 1864. William F. Ashby, of English and Welsh descent, was born 1821, in Preston County. He is a son of Thonas Ashby, and great grandson of a Eevolutionary soldier, who came to America to fight the Colonies, but deserted to them and fought the British. After the war was over, he settled near Baltimore, and soon after, moved to the Youghlogheny Eiver, where he fought Indians and Avild animals until the country became settled about him. His son Nathan, grand father of William F., was a Colonel in the war of 1812. The Ashby who figured so prominently as a dashing leader dur ing the civil war, belonged to this family. William F. Ashby was married in 1843 to Mary C. Wil- helm, of German descent. Children : Mary E., Thomas B., Winfield S., Stephen L., Charles W., Susana E., Samuel L. and George. He Uves two miles below St. George. John J. Adams, son of Daniel C. Adams, of English and Irish descent, was born May 30, 1837, at Limestone. In 360 HISTOEY OF TUCKEE COUNTY. 1858 he married Elegan, daughter of James J. Goff, of Pres ton County. His wife died in 1863, of spotted fever. From the 1st to the 19th of April, he saw laid in the grave his wife, two children, one sister, his mother, two of his wife's sisters and one brother, all having died of the same disease, except his mother. At sunset they would be as weU as ever, and before midnight were no more. In his early life, J. J. Adams Avas a farmer. During the war he was a McClellan Democrat. He kept store in St. George, and was elected Eecorder (County Clerk), and held the office two years ; and at the end of that time was re elected and was also elected clerk of the Circuit Court ; both of Avhich offices he has held up to the present time. He came to St. George in 1864. September 11, 1865, he married Angelica, daughter of William Ewin. Children : Savillia, Carrie, Addie, Anna Tilden, Angelica EavIh and Dove. T. M. Austin, M. D., born April 26, 1852, in MondngaUa County, near Laurel Iron Works. His mother was of Irish descent, and his father of English. In his younger days, at home, he showed an inclination for books, and devoted his spare moments to study. Gradually, he fell into the chan nel of medicine and commenced acquainting himself with the general principles of the science. He attended the schools of his neighborhood, and made progress that Avas more gratifying to other people than to himself ; for, he thought himself getting along slow, because he was not studying Avhat he most Avanted to study. When he was old enough — after he was twenty-one years of age — he entered the Physio-Medical College of Cincinnati, and in 1877 he graduated. He practiced tAvo years, and also studied under Dr. J. B. Scott, of NeAV Salem, Pa. Since then he has BEIEF BIOGEAPHIES. 361 practiced nine years in St. George. In 1883 he retired from the profession in order to get a year Or two of rest. His practice was harder than he, could endure, and his physical powers required recreation. In 1878 he was married to Mollie S. Auvil, daughter of John AuvilC Strandie is his child's name. L. S. Auvil,^' son of John Auvil, was born, in 1853, on Pifer Mountain, and lived there eleven years. , In 1876 he married Anna, daughter of Jacob Dumire, of Limestone. His wife died in 1877, and in 1879 he married Minnie Comp ton, of Barbour County. His children's names are, Burton W. and Boyd M. He attended only country schools. The teachers to whom he went were Margaret See, Eachel Ka lar, William Hull, Dr. Sawyer, Clark BoAvman and Josephine Trippett. He has taught eight terms of sohool, and been county superintendent of schools three terms. He has been a member of the board of examiners several times. When the Tucker Democrat was called into existence, he took stock in it. He commenced the study of law in 1881 and was admitted to the bar in 1883. He resides in St. George. Petee K. Adams, son of William Adams, was born in 1862, and married, in 1884, to Sarah, daughter of Jackson Eoy. By occupation he is a farmer, and lives 10 miles from St. George, on the head of Mill Eun. Samuel M. Adams, born in 1848, is a son of Daniel C. Adams, and was married, in 1868, to Ann Amelia, daughter of Daniel Wotring) of Preston. Children : Savillia, John, Dora, Elihu, Etta and baby. Farmer by occupation, and lives at Limestone, 8 miles from St. George. He owns 180 acres of land, with 20 acres improA'ed. * See history of the St. George Bar, in this book, foi; further account of L. S. AuvU. 362 HISTOEY OF TUCKEE COUNTY. . Daniel C. Adams, son of Thomas Adams, of Irish and English descent, was born 1814. He was born and raised and died on the same, farm, which is on Limestone, ten miles from St. George. In 1835 he married Euth, daughter of Abel Kelly, of Eandolph. She died in 1863. WhUe she was lying very low, and expected to die every hour, Eli Adams arrived from Camp Chase, and brought with him the spotted fever. His sister took it and died in a few , hours. John J. and George W. Adams were at the bedside of their mother at the time, expecting her to die any hour. John Adams' wife and tAvo children took the fever and died. Two of his sisters and one of his brothers also died. George Adams and his wife took the fever, but recovered. Daniel C. Adams was assessor 8 years. A premium of $25 had been offered by the State to the assessor who would send in the neatest and best kept books. The money was to be deducted from the salary of the one who sent in the worst books. Adams got the premium and the Ean dolph assessor had to pay it. Adams was married a second time, in 1863, to Mary A., daughter of Philip Martin, of Preston County. She died in 1866, and in 1867 he married Dorcas A. Bonnifield, daughter of Dr. A. Bonnifield. Children : George W., John J., Thomas C, Samuel M., Margaret, Jemima and MaxAvell. Adams Avas an influential member of the M. E. Church. He died in 1880. William M. Adams, born in 1833, is a son of George E. Adams, of Irish descent, and was married, in 1854, to Mary M. Wotring. He owns 787 acres of land, Avith 235 acres improved. He lives 10 miles from St. George, on the head BEIEF BIOGEAPHIES. 363 of MiU Eun. Children: Peter K., Hannah, AViUiam P., Luther L., Sarah J., Daniel J., and Lewis H. B John Buens, son of William Burns, was born on July 4, 1849. His ancestry were German and Irish. In 1868, he married Sarah A., daughter of Frederick Davis. He Hves 8 miles from St. George, in Licking district, on a farm of 259 acres, 30 of which is improved. He was constable for 6 years. His children are, James A., Mary V., Charles W., AA'illiam H., John P., Noah A., and Eliza Agnes. • Eli Bilee, a German, was born in 1822, and was married 1845 to Lyda Susing. He is a farmer of 100 acres, with 40 acres improved, 9 miles from St. George, on Clover Eun. Children : Alpheus, Ephriam, Eobert and Jefferson. Alpheus Bilee, born 1848, was married 1876 to Mrs. E. Clark, daughter of Isaac Phillips. He is a farmer, lives 9 miles from St. George, has 51 acres of land, 5 acres improv ed, and his children are, John E., Charles W., James C. and Walter. Epheiam Bilee was born 1853, married Angeline Limbers and lives on Clover Eun ,where he owns 2 acres .of cleared land and has 8 acres stiU sleeping in the shades of primeval forests, 9 miles from the County-seat : children : Mary A., Eosa E., Baily N. C. and Johnson M. Eobeet Bilee owns 50 acres of land, but does not work it : on Clover, 9 miles from St. George. Jeffeeson Bilee, born 1863, has no land or trade ; he Hves on Clover. They are all Eli's boys. Seymoub Boneb, Solomon B's son, was born in 1846, and was married, in 1867, to Sophia, daughter of Andrew Fans- 364 HISTOEY OF TUCKEE COUNTY. ler. His wife dying in 1868, he married two years later to Mahala, daughter of Samuel H. Cosner. He lives 25 miles from St. George ; he taught school in Eandolph with a No. 5 certificate, and in Tucker with a No. 3 ; he has killed six bears, and is a wonderful bee hunter ; he follows them to their trees by taking the course of their flight and pursuing it. His children are, Stephen A., Oliver H., Sophia B., Hattie E., Mary, Antony W. and baby. W. E. Bonee, son of William Boner, was born in 1855, of English descent ; married in 1878 to Mary, daughter of Marion Hedrick. Children : John and Effie C. A farmer, 25 miles from St. George, on Dry Fork ; farm contains 75 acres, 20 acres improved. John W. Bonnifield, was born in 1845 in Preston county, son of Thornton Bonnifield. Married in 1877 to Sarah A. Baker, daughter of Joseph Baker. He is in the mercantile business at Thomas. His child's name is Earl G. Alpheus Blanchaed, was born in Maine in 1847. Lives 6 mile% from St. George, on a farm of 8 acres, ^ acre im proved. Solomon Bonee, was born in Grant County, July 4, 1824, and was a son of William Boner, of German and Irish de scent. In 1846 he married Jane, daughter of Thomas Bright, of Eandolph County. His wife died in 1878, and the next year he married Sarah J. Vanmeter. Children : Seymour, Eebecca. Archibald, Mary, James, Martha, Ann Jemima, Virginia M., Sulpitius G., and Solomon P. He is a farmer and civil engineer, living on Dry Fork, 30 miles from St. George, where he owns 500 acres of land, one-fifth improved. He was county surveyor 18 years, and was the principal man in locating all the roads above Black Foit. The main Dry Fork road was commenced in 1863 and has just BEIEF BIOGEAPHIES. . 365 been completed. The first settlers on Dry Fork were WiUiam Boner,* Eudolph Shobe, Daniel Poffinbarger, John Carr, Thomas White, Ebenezer Flanagan,t John Wolford.'^ Henry Fansler was the first man to move his family into Canaan. He made a small improvement, and left. This was about the commencement of the present century ; but the exact date cannot be determined. Some think it to have been as long ago as 1780. There is cur rent a story that the first settler of Dry Fork went there during the Eevolutionary AVar, to escape service in the varmy. But this is not sufficiently well authenticated to be accepted as history. However, it is certain that Dry Fork Avas settled at a very early day. Solomon Boner assisted in running the line between Tucker and Eandolph. He has been a great huntrr, and has killed, as he estimates, 50 bears and 500 deer. He killed a bear on Otter Fork that, when dressed, weighed 250 pounds, and Archibald Boner and James Davis caught one in Abel Long's corn field that weighed, neat, 325 pounds. James Buckbee was born 1832 in Eandolph, married Mi nerva Teter, of Pendleton. Children : Martin K., George W., Cora E. and Samuel C: farmer, living in Canaan, 25 miles from St. George. D. J. Bevee was born 1829, in Maryland, of German de scent. Married 1852 to Esther A. Turner. Children : Naomi, Zula, Sarah A., Clarissa, Ida, William S., Isabel and Edna Alice D. He is a foreman on the West Virginia and Pittsburgh Eailway. He was in the Union Army during the war, and took part in many of the hottest battles. At •Grandfather of Solomon Boner. » tGreat-grandfather of Jacob G. Flanagan. tGrandJather of Deputy Sheriff Wolf ord. 366 HISTOEY OF TUCKEE COUNTY. Fair Oaks he went into the fight with 700 men and came out with less than one-tenth of that number. He was in the battle of the Wilderness, and at Appamattox Court-house. Maetin V. Bonee, born 1863, son of W. J. Boner, of Ger man and Irish descent, Uves on Dry Fork, 23 mUes from St. George. J. B. Baee, of Monongalia, was born 1846, of German parentage, married 1867 Mary, daughter of Leonard Metz. In 1872 his wife died and he married Susan Eaber. ChU dren : Brice L., Mary E., Charles L. and Jennie. He has been in Tucker since 1881, and lives two mUes below St, George, near the spot Avhere Jonathan Minear was kUled by the Indians. Bascom Bakee, M. D., was born in Marion County, 1852. In his younger days he attended the country schools in his neighborhood, and made some progress. When he became a young man, he concluded to go west, which he did. His fortune there was, as nearly every young man's is, not as good as was hoped. However, he succeeded reasonably well. He got to Iowa, and there spent some time, mean while attending the Normal Institute at Indianola, that State. He soon became satisfied that the West was not the best place for him, and accordingly, he returned home and taught school for some time, and commenced the study of medicine under Dr. Trayhern. When he' had become ac quainted with the rudiments of the science, he entered the Baltimore College of Physicians and Surgeons, and gradua ted in March, 1882, when he returned to his practice at St. George and the surrounding country. His practice is extensive and he possesses the confidence of his customers. He was married, in 1883, to Isabel Parsons, of Holly Meadows. BEIEF BIOGEAPHIES. 367 As a scholar, he stands high in the profession of West Virginia. His readings have been extensive, and he has ready words to tell what he knows. He takes Huxley and Darwin as authority in their departments; and he has be come weU acquainted with the works of Tyndall, Stahr, Koch and others. Geoege F. Bishoff was born at Cranberry Summit, Preston County, of German descent ; married, in 1879, to Anna E., daughter of John Auvil. Children : Monnie and Aloin C. By trade he is a blacksmith, and came to St. George in 1878. Jacob W. Baughman was born in 1853, in Hardy County ; married, in 1876, at Harper's Ferry, to Analiza F. Stalnaker, of Barbour County ; is of German descent ; children : Mary E., Marvin, Claudius T. %,nd Ernest. He is in the hard- A^are business at St. George. Petee Bohon was born in 1839, in Preston County ; is a son of William Bohon, of German descent, and Avas mar ried, in 1868, to Emily E., daughter of Van Goff. By occu pation he is a farmer, and lives 7 miles below St. George. He was in the Union army three years, and lost the use of his hand in the service. He was one of the three citizens who carried McChesney's body from Hannahsville the night after he was killed. Bohon was at St. George at the time of HaU's surrender, and in parol was sent to Camp Chase. His children are Charles B., Florence B., James, LonzO T., Harry, Hayes, John D., Eosy, and Georgia D. Mathias Bohon, son of WiUiam Bohon, was born 1834, married, 1860, Delia A. Dumire, and after her death he mar ried Sarah J., daughter of Daniel Gower. Children : Sa rah Jane, Susana C, Dona C, Daniel C. and Zora Wade. 368 HISTOEY OF TUCKEE COUNTY. By occupation he is a farmer, mechanic and mill-wright ; he lives 3 miles from St. George, on Location Eidge ; he has a farm of 172 acres, with one-third improved. For seven or eight years he was a member of the board of education, and also has held the office of constable : was in the Union army, operated along the Potomac, and was taken prisoner at Keyser by General Eosser, and remained a captive only a few days, when he was exchanged. James H. Bolyaed, of German parentage, was born 1846 in Preston, was married 1868 to Harriet, daughter of Dr. John Miller, of Limestone. Children : Ida Eebecca, Anna Margaret, Mary Allen, Verlinda Susan and John M.: is a farmer of 250 acres, one-fifth improved. In the Union army he had a diversified experience : he was one of those Yan^ kees whom Ben Wotring and Louis Shaffer captured in Cumberland and carried off as prisoners of war. It was "a most wonderful feat on their part. Bolyard was also cap tured at Keyser by General Imboden ; lay 3 months in jaU and was then parolled and after two months was exchanged. He was in prison in Eichmond in 1864. After that he was sent to Nebraska to guard the mail route against the Indians, and had several fights ; was in Dakota, Wyoming, Kansas and several other western States. In June, 1866, he was discharged. MoNTiviLLE Beight was born in 1850, in Eandolph County, a son of John Bright, and was married, in 1876, to Millia, daughter of Eobert Phillips. Children : Alice May, Lilie Belle, and Malissa Ann : lives on Pleasant Eun, 13 miles from St. George, and has 50 acres of improved land and 110 acres of wild land. Formerly he was a teamster, and is of German and English descent. Dr. B. Baker. Georok A, Mayer. Dr a, E. Calvert Dr T. M. Austin BEIEF BIOGEAPHIES. 369 Henson E. Beight was born 1847, in Eandolph, son of Thomas Bright, of English descent ; married 1871 to Abi gail, daughter of Joab Carr. Children ; Christina, John W., Thomas H. and James S.; lives 15 miles from St. George, near Shafer's Fork on a farm of 100 acres, one- fourth improved. He says that Solomon Townsend Avas the first settler on Pleasant Eun. John Beight, son of Thomas Bright, was born in Ean dolph County, 1816, of German descent, and was married, in 1838 to Lucinda Gainer. Children : Savina, Manda J., Harriet E., Montirille, J. Catharine, Alice and Margaret; is a farmer, owning 150 acres of land, one-fifth improved, 13 miles above St. George ; has been road surveyor, overseer of poor and constable. At 19 years of age he was made lieu tenant of militia and held the office seven years. Of many a bear fight he has been the hero, and his adventures as such approach very nearly those of John Losh. The first- snow of the season had fallen, and the dogs treed a bear in the thicket on the hillside. 'Che men ran out to see Avhat it was, and passed the tree without seeing the beast. No sooner had they passed than it thought to slip away, and so came sliding down the tree. The dog, that knew better than the men did where the bear was, hid under the brush and when the brute reached the ground ran up and gnabbed it. The bear w^is scared and bawled, but the dog held on, and a terrible fight ensued. The men heard the uproar and ran back. They found that the fight was under an old tree top and that the bear had the dog down. John Bright ran in and pulled the bear out by the hind legs, while Thomas Bright stabbed it. It had bit the dog's . nose off, but he got well. O. C. Becknee, born 1837 in Virginia, of Irish descent. 370 HISTOEY OF TUCKEE COUNTY. was married 1870 to Margaret E., daughter of John E. Goff of Black Fork. ChUdren : KUe P., John H., Elnora and Dexter Lloyd : Hves 4 miles from St. George, on Wolf Eun, where he owns a farm of 66 acres, with 25 acres improved ; has been in Tucker since 1868 ; was in the Confederate army, commissary department, under N. H. BeU. Thomas J. Beight, born 1820 in Eandolph, brother of John Bright, of German and English descent, was married in 1824, to Sarah Schoonover ; is a farmer and lives on Pleasant Eun, 15 miles from St. George ; has been in Tucker since 1849. Children : Henson E., Virginia M., and Mai-y J. Henby Bonee, born in 1857, is a son of W. J. Boner, of Dry Fork, 25 miles from St. George : owns 37 acres of land with 20 acres improved. Jesse L. Baughman was born 1860 in Hardy County, and worked on a farm until he was thirteen years old, and then clerked in a store. Again he engaged in farming, this time at MeadoAyville, Barbour County. In 1883 he came to St. George and is a partner with J. Eoth & Co. in a dry goods establishment at Central Exchange. Samuel Bonee, brother of Henry Boner, of Dry Fork, was born in 1851, married, 1883, to Eebecca E., daughter of Perry Eains : child's name is Ida Belle. Oavus a farm of 50 acre and one-half is improved: lives 20 miles from St. George. John W. Bakee Avas born in Marion County, of English descent. ; married in 1866 to Sarah A. E., daughter of Eob ert Johnson. Children: Eobert J., Alice S., and Fannie B.: his farm of 80 acres is on Dry Fork, 12 miles from St. George. BEIEF BIOGEAPHIES. 371 John Beimble, born in 1857, of German descent, lives 12 mUes from St. George, on Hog Back. Feank j. Blanchaed was born in Maine, in 1835, of American descent : was raised a farmer, but he soon mani fested a strong inclination for machinery, and he turned his attention to that- channel, and soon became a first-class mechanic. When the war broke out, he Avas drafted, and was given ten days in which to appear. When the ten days were out, he appeared in Canada. He traveled to a consid erable extent, and was in eleven states within 24 hours ; was in the West as far as Iowa, Minnesota and Missouri : avus married in 1860 to Elizabeth Harrold, of Ireland. His Avife died and in 1876 he married Emma, daughter of Stephen Dumire. Children : John, James, Mary, Edward and WUliam. He is a farmer, living five miles from St. George on Horse Shoe Eun, where he owns 100 acres of land, of which 18 is improved. By him was manufactured the first sawed shingle ever made in Tucker County, and probably in the State. Since then he has sawed over 3,000,000 shingles iu Tucker County ; and has in his life sawed 4,000,000 feet of long lumber, of which 3,000,000 feet was cut on Macom ber's mill. John Blanchaed, son of Frank J. Blanchard, was born in 1863, and deserves a place in history more as a curiosit}- than anything else. He ahvays was a venturesome boy. In his early life he lived in Maine. AVhen he was a little older, he lived at Middletown, Conn., Avhere he became the best SAvimmer in all the region. When a flood came down the Connecticut Eiver, he swam out into the middle of the stream and attempted to take a ride on a floating hay stack. Hut it sank Avith his Aveight, and his feet sticking fast in the hay, he Avas pulled under the Avater. This came near end- 372 HISTOEY OF TUCKEE COUNTY. ing his adventures forever ; but he wriggled loose, and got to the shore. When he was ten or eleven years old, he came to Eowles- , burg, and soon afterwards to Horse Shoe Eun, where he became the leader of the boys in all manner of devUtry. When he was fourteen, he ran off from home, and went to work for S. N. Swisher, at $3 a month. He remained at this and in the neighborhood until he was seventeen, when he made up his mind to go back to Maine and search out the home of his ancestors. He collected aU the money left of his three years' wages, and had $22.00. A ticket from Oakland to the point in Maine to which he was going cost over $20, and Avith this small mftrgin, he struck out, with^ carpet-sack on his back, a pair of overaUs on, held on by one suspender, and a hat that had years before gone to seed. In New York he paid $1.00 for a lunch, and had no money left. However, he got to Maine, and chopped cord Avood all winter, and in the spring of 1881 returned to West Virginia by the way of Boston, Fall Eiver and Long Island. He again set to work to earn more money, for his was aU gone. He worked here and there, every once in a whUe taking a wild goose chase through the southern or eastern part of the State, and as soon as he got money enough he Avent to Michigan, staid there a few days, returned to Tucker, and in tAvo or three Aveeks went back to Michigan, and in a short time returned to Tucker, and as soon as he had earned enough money, he went back to Michigan. He staid there until in the fall of 1883, Avhen he went to CaU fornia; staid fifty-nine days, and started back. He got caught in the floods with Avhich the country was deluged, and the cars ran off the track five times before he got through to Arizona. He passed through Texas, Indian / / BEIEF BIOGEAPHIES. 373 Territory, back to Michigan, and has never since been heard of. De. Aenold BoNNiFiELD*was bom in 1799, August 23 ; is a son of Samuel Bonnifield, a soldier of Dunmore's war, and the war of the Eevolution. As nearly as can be ascertained, his origin is French, through England. In France, the name was speUed Bonnifant, or Bonnifelt, and has reached its present speUing through the English. Dr. Bonnifield's mother was of purely English descent, belonging to the James family. He was married to Elizabeth, daughter of Darid, sister to Enoch and granddaughter of John Minear, the founder of St. George. Their children are, Katharine, who married Darid Swisher, of Hampshire, Samuel, who died of consumption when a young man, Dorcas, who mar ried Daniel C. Adams, of Limestone, Sarah J., who married Eufus MaxweU, Abe, the only one now unmarried, Lettie, the wife of S. H. Smith, sheriff of Grant County, David, who was drowned at Willow Point, in Cheat Eiver, April 30, 1871, AUen H., the traveler, who married Jane, daughter of A. B. Parsons of California, and John, who died young. Dr. Bonnifield has always been a farmer ; but, in addition, he has paid some attention to the practice of medicine. He was a slaveholder, but never sympathized with the institu tion of slavery. He was the first clerk of the Circuit and County courts of Tucker, and was Justice of the Peace for thirty years. David Bonnifield, a son of Dr. Bonnifield, was droAA^ned in Cheat. He had married Margaret Hessler, of Germany. His chUdren are, Mary, Anna M., Katharine F., John E., Samuel A. and Margaret. They live at Beloit, Kansas. *As Dr. Bonnifleld receives notice at length in another part of this book. It is not re garded necessary to give full biography here. 374 HISTOEY OF TUCKEE COUNTY. David B. was a farmer and dealer in cattle. Being a sympathizer with the South in the War, he was much har assed by the opposing side. A large drove of cattle were carried off, which embarrassed him financiaUy. Soon after, he was arrested and taken to Fort Delaware for incarcera tion. His suffering there was little less than the worst specimens of AndersonviUe, Libby or Eock Island. When at last he made his escape, his health was wrecked, and his property was gone. From that time until his death, he lived on Horse Shoe Eun, four miles from St. George. Allen H. Bonnifield,* son of Dr. Bonnifield, was bom 1845. Before he was of age, he left home and started over land for California. When he reached Iowa he learned that the Indians Avere hostile, and that it would be unsafe to ven ture out. Then he turned back to New York, took a steamer and reached San Francisco by the way of Panama. He re mained four years on the Pacific Coast, and then returned home. Since then he has been a farmer on the old home stead of 700 acres — including Avild lands — four mUes from St. George, on Horse Shoe Eun. In 1875 he married Jane, daughter of A. B. Parsons. His children are, Edna P., Ber tie M., Jennie S., Anna D., and Luke G. Abe BoNNiFiELDf, son of Dr. Bonnifield, was born in 1837. He traveled extensively over the west and over British America. When the war came on he joined the Eebel army, and fought to the end of the war, never surrendering, but dodging when the troops to which he belonged were dispersed, and coming home with his sword strapped on his * Notice to some length of A. H Bonnifleld having been gl ven m a former part of this book, a full biography is not given here. t The principal events In Abe Bonnlfleld's biography having been given elsewhere la this book, only a brtef mention Is here made. BEIEF BIOGEAPHIES. 375 side. His weight is seventy pounds, and his height three feet. He was at Lynchburg when Jubal A. Early defeated Crook and Hunter; he was at McDowell when Jackson routed Milroy ; he suffered defeat at New Hope, when Hunter scattered Breckenridge's troops; he was with Im boden in Hampshire, and saw him blow up the armored gondolas which the Federals sent down the railroad; was at the battle of Frederick City, Md., and witnessed the whole transaction ; took part in Early's raid on Washing ton, and fought nearly all the time for three weeks. At Crab Bottom he Avas taken prisoner, but escaped in less than two hours.* -'^ Samuel W. Bowman, son of AdanwBowmam, born in 1820, three miles below St. George ; was a farmer in his earlier years, and worked hard on his father's land. In his tAventy- third year he was married to Elizabeth Minear. Children : Virginia C, Larina S., Charles L., and John C. For four years he was deputy sheriff and was sheriff four years, both of which positions he filled honorably and with ability. For many years he was postmaster at St. George, and was for twelve years a contractor for carrying the U. S. mails, principaUy from St. George to Eowlesburg and return. He was a merchant for fifteen years, and in the meantime built the Black Water House in St. George, the largest hotel in the county. During the war, Mr. Bowman was a sympathizer Avitli the South, although he saw best not to enter the army. Nev ertheless he was considerably annoyed by the Union sol diers at different times, but Was never seriously interfered *Abe Bonnifleld has In manuscript a biography of himself, partly written by him self and partly by Prof. G. E. Selby. 376 HISTOEY OF TUCKEE COUNTY. with : has always been a Democrat and an influential man in the politics of the county. Chaeles L. Boayman, son of Samuel W. Bowman, was born at St. George, Aug. 12, 1847 : is of English and Ger man descent : lived in St. George until he was a man, and spent his time working some and clerking in his father's store. Finally he arrived at the conclusion that it was de creed that he should go to the West. He went, and had a bitter experience of it ; got sick and received the treatment which sick people are apt to get on the frontiers unless they fall into unusual hands. Bowman had a long siege of the fever, and did uot knoAV and cared little whether he would get well or not. But finaUy he recovered, and came troop ing back home, more contented to try his fortune in Tucker. He settled down to business, and in 1874 married Miss Susie D. Gray, of Lancaster, Ohio. Children : Jesse Clif ton and baby. Four years after marriage, he started the TucJcer County Pioneer. Prerious to that, he had run a job press to some extent. He remained in the newspaper business nearly six years, Avhen he quit it and turned his attention to merchan dizing. He now owns the store formerly owned by his father at St. George. c Joab Caee, a German, son of John Carr, was born in 1823; married in 1846 to Lucretia, daughter of Thomas Bright. He farms 90 acres and has 110 acres of wUd land, ou Dry Fork, 24 miles from St. George. He taught one school and killed 12 bears, and belonged to the Home Guards. Children : Clorinda, Abbie, Enos G., Margaret, Daniel A. D., Joseph D., Joab, George B. McCleUan, Phoebe E., Virginia and Archibald S. BEIEF BIOGEAPHIES. 377 Joseph A. Caee, son of Joab, was born in 1865 ; married Elizabeth Carr, and lives on Dry Fork, 25 miles from St. George. He has one chUd, Flora. He is a farmer, owning 90 acres of Arild land and 10 acres of tilled. James B. Caee, son of Solomon Carr, born 1828 in Ean dolph. Married in 1853 to Jemima, daughter of Thomas Bright. Farmer, owning 175 acres of land on Dry Fork, 20 mUes from St. George. He was in the Home Guards two years. Children : Adam H., Enoch, James W., Margaret, Phoebe C, Elizabeth and Alice. Enoch Caee, son of James B. Carr, was born in 1858, Hves 20 mUes from St. George, on a farm of 170 acres, 30 acres of which is improved. Maeion H. Caee, son of Solomon Carr, was born in 1840, in Eandolph county. Married 1864 to Julia Carr. He is a farmer, living on Dry Fork, 20 miles from St. George. He was in the Home Guards one year. Children : Marion B., George and James H. Solomon W. Cosnee. One of the most Avidely knoAvn men of Tucker County is Solomon W. Cosner, the Pioneer of Canaan. He was born in 1826, in Hardy County, and is a son of Henry Cosner, and of German descent. In 1849 he married Catharine Shell, daughter of Philip Shell, of Hardy County. His Children are : H. Harrison, Armida J., C. Columbus, Elizabeth Ann, Emil, Freylinghuysen, Oomodore Porter, U. S. Grant, Abraham Lincoln and Stephen A. Doug lass. He OAVUS 850 acres of land in Canaan, 400 acres of which is cleared and in grass. He also owns 625 acres on Shafer's Fork. He has a grist mUl on his Canaan property. He lives 25 miles from St. George, and has been in Canaan since 1864. He is extensively known as the first settler in 378 HISTOEY OF TUCKEE COUNTY. that region. His house has long been the stopping place of hunters, adventurers and idlers from the Eastern and Northern cities, who go into Canaan to spend the heated months of summer. AVhen he went into Canaan, in 1864, there was no one liring in that region. But there was an ancient improve ment, 80 or 90 years old, made by some one whose memory only remains, but who is supposed to have been an ancestor of S. C. Harness. Cosner left Grant County, then Hardy, and cut a path for 20 miles across the Alleghany Mountains, 14 miles from his present home. He carried all his goods and plunder on horseback. AVhen he reached Canaan, he found it a wild country fiUed with cattle, horses and stock that had been run in there by thieves during the war. He commenced an improvement near one of the most beau tiful springs in AVest Virginia. It was almost out of the Avorld. The nearest stores Avere at St. George and Mays- ville, each 25 miles distant, and from one or the other of these places he had to carry his groceries. It was five or six years before any other family moved into that region. The first man to move into Canaan after Cosner was John Nine, of Preston County. He settled on a farm adjoining Cosner's; and the next to come Avere James and, Isaac Freeland, also from Preston. Much of the bread of Canaan's early settlers had to be lugged from settlements fifteen and twenty miles distant. The land produces average crops of grain, and does remarkably well Arith buckwheat. Potatoes and all vegetables that grow in the ground as potatoes, beets, radishes and onions, grow to perfection. The country, Avhen covered Arith original for ests, is swampy, but, as soon as the timber is removed, the water dries up. The soil is of a dense clay, and water BEIEF BIOGEAPHIES. 379 stands in horse tracks in the woods. Fern is a nuisance to deal with. Fire kiUs it, and the timber also, when it be comes dry enough to burn. Grass grows splendidly as soon as the timber is removed. Cosner was in the war, but his record is not of special interest, inasmuch as he was not in any particular engage ments of note. His principal record, aside from being the pioneer of Canaan, is that of a bear hunter. He and his boys have killed over half a thousand bears in Canaan, in numerable deer, two panthers and one wolf, according to their account. He has had many narrow escapes, which, if collected, would more than rival those of Finley. As a sample of his exploits, and also as a sample of his style of narrative, we append a story of his, taken down in writing ^ as it was told, by a visitor who knew something of short hand writing. The story runneth thus : I got up at midnight and went out in the woods with a dog, gun, and a big trap '"hunkered" to my back. Soon the dog roared down the hiU like the d — 1 breaking tan-bark, and I said to myself : "that's a bear." I ran after him, and soon came to where the dog had treed two bear-whelps. I was skirmishing around to shoot them, when an old bear, in a bunch of laurel, flve or six feet away, "hooved " up on his hind feet, and^made for me. I tried to shoot, but gun faUed. I got out a cap to put on the gun. Just then the bear lunged at me, and I had to jump' six or seven feet high to keep from getting gnabbed. The bear kept snapping at my feet, and I ran behind a tree to hide. The bear followed me, and I kept running round and round until I got dizzy. The bear probably- got dizzy too, and quit running and stopped to study how to get me. It popped its head round one side and then the other of the tree and tried to scare me so that I would jump out. But, I laughed at it and it seemed to get madder. All at once it slung its paws round and tore my pants off. This made me mad, and I leaped out and pounded the old beast with my gun, and had a fearful fight. I was getting tired and wanted to quit, and 380 HISTOEY OF TUCKEE COUNTY. just then my dog snapped the bear and it turned on the dog. I thought to myself, "Now's my time to take a tree," and I ran to a burnt chestnut snag and tried to climb it ; but it was too sUck and I slipped back faster than I could clunb. I saw that I could not cUmb that tree and was looking for another, when the bear came bulging through the brush after me, and I went up that sUp pery snag in a hurry. As I went up, the bear came after me with renewed energy and seized my foot, and tore my shoe off. I scram bled to the top of the snag and sat down on it. The bear was trying to climb too. It pawed and scraped and bawled and roared, and made the mountains ring. It was the ugliest bear I ever saw. It kept me up that tree until I got awful tired, and wished that I had staid at home. I nearly froze. The wind whistled against me, and I said to myself, "O, if I only had my pants !" The bear sat down and took times easy, and I tried to scare it off by hitting it Avith pieces of bark and rotten wood. It got daylight, and the sun came up and got warm, and I felt better, but was tired and numb, and the bear seemed to know it. I sat there in despair all day. It was the longest day that ever I puUed through. About sundown one of the young bears com menced coming down. This was balm and GUead to my weary back, for I knew that the old one would leave as soon as the young whelps would come down. I watched it patiently and kept as still as I could. It would slide down a foot or two, and then stop a while to study about it, and to look around to see if everything was all right. Then it would drop down a few inches further, and would go through the same maneuvers. It got dark and the moon came up, and that Uttle whelp was not half way down. I was try ing to be patient, Job might have been a patient old citizen, but he never sat on top of an' old snag twenty-four hours with no pants on. Eternity could be no longer than it took that young bear to reach the ground. I wished that an earthquake would come and shake him off. But, at last he got to the ground, and the old beast started to go away, walking sidewise and looking up viciously at me. When I got down, I was so stiff I could hardly hobble home. I have had thousands of battles with bears, and have stabbed them to death and pounded them to death and kicked them to death; but this scrape made me feel the sneakingest that ever I felt. BEIEF BIOGEAPHIES. 381 Solomon Cosner is a man of giant frame, weighing about 200 pounds,. and standing 6 feet tall. In his earlier days he was probably the most powerful man in Tucker County. F. H. Cosnee, son of Solomon Cosner, born 1861, in Hardy County, married, in 1882, to Elizabeth, daughter of John Sears. His only child is Olive E. His farm is in Canaan, 30 miles from St. George, contains 66 acres and has 10 acres under cultivation. C. P. Cosnee, brother to F. H., born 1863, in Hardy County, lives with his father in Canaan. W. H. H. Cosnee, another son of S. W. Cosner, born 1849, married 1875 to Melissa J., daughter of John Nine. His Arife died in 1881 and he married her sister, Margaret E. Nine. Children are. Harness F., Ada Bell and Lyda Anu. He owns a farm of 100 acres, one-half improved, in Canaan, 30 miles from St. George. In his time, he says, he has killed 30 bears and 300 deer. C. C. Cosnee, born 1853, in LeAvis County; married in 1880, to Mary J., daughter of John Sears, of Grant County. ChUdren: Gilbert E., and Lilly Estella. He has been in Tucker since 1864 ; and he owns a farm of 90 acres, 30 acres improved, in Canaan, 30 miles from St. George. Emil Cosnee, son of Solomon Cosner, born 1859 ; married in 1880 to Lydia A., daughter of Gustavus Muntzing, of Grant County. Farmer, 83 acres, 40 acres improved, 30 miles from St. George, in Canaan. ChUdren : Ora G. and Ida Anice. Felix H. Collins, was born in 1852, lives on rented land, on Eed Creek, 25 miles from St. George. Heney Cook, born in Maryland, in 1842, of German and Irish descent. Married Miss Lyda A. Spencer in 1864. 382 HISTOEY OF TUCKEE COUNTY. ChUdren : Mary Kate, Emma, Ida G., Thomas W., Eobert E., Harriet A., Clementine and Harry O. He" Uves at Thomas, and has been mining for 20 years. Samuel Coopee, was born in 1826, in Grant County, married in 1849 to Elizabeth Wymer, of Pendleton County. He OAvns 413 acres of land on Eed Creek, 25 miles from St. George ; he has 180 acres of improved land ; he has been in Tucker since 1874. Children : Mary, Martha, John W., Job, Mahala, Melvina, Daniel, EUzabeth, Melissa Jane, Adam, Eosetta and Abraham. Joab A. Caee, whose father's name was Abner, was born in 1844, in Eandolph County, and was married in 1865 to Sarah C, daughter of Joseph White, and is of English and Irish descent. Children : Virginia C, Albert, Sylvester J., James B., Sarah E., Mary A.. Alpheus, Arthur A. and Mollie. He lives on a farm of 93 acres, with one-third of it improved, on Eed Creek, 30 miles from St. George ; he Avas in the Confederate army a few months and in the Union Home Guards. Heney Coopee was born in 1833, in Frederick County, Va., of English and German descent ; married in 1867 to Mary M., daughter of George Eandolph, of Hampshire County. Children : Charles H., George F., Anna M., John Eobert, Mary Catharine, William S., Frederick A., and Hattie May. He lives in Canaan, 33 miles from St. George. He OAvns 1,400 acres of land, of Avhich 110 acres is im proved ; has been in Tucker County since 1882 ; He was a scout for Lee in the Confederate army. Thomas Caee was born in 1857, son of John Carr ; married in 1877 to Elizabeth Pendleton ; lives on Dry Fork, 23 mUes BEIEF BIOGEAPHIES. 383 from St. George; a farmer and owns 60 acres of land, 6 acres improved. Children ; Martin, Ursula and Ellen. James L. Coeeick was born in 1861 ; lives at Fairfax. James Closs, of Scotch descent, was born in 1851 ; married in 1873 to Margaret V., daughter of Thomas M. Mason; lives on the railroad, 14 miles from St. George. Children : Duncan McClure, Charley Eoss and Anna Belle. William M. Cayton, editor of the Tucker Democrat, was born in 1862, in Upshur County, came to St. George iu 1881 : is a printer by trade. For further sketch see the history of the Pioneer and Democrat, in this book. W. E. CuPP, born in~ Virginia 1856 ; married, 1882, to Mary J., daughter of C. W. Mayer, of Terra Alta ; attended school at New Haven, and commenced clerking when he was 16 years of age. He resides in St. George, and is in the mercantile business in the firm of Mayer & Cupp. A. E. Calveet, M. D., of Guysville, Ohio, a few miles west of Parkersburg, was born in 1862. In his earlier j'cars he attended school near home, and put in his time to good adA'antage. When he was twenty years old, that is, iu 1882, he entered P. M. College at Indianapolis, Ind. At coUege Jhe was noted for his devotion to his books and to hard study. He was a ready writer, and generally had a book well nigh reproduced in notes by the time he Avas through with it. In 1884 he graduated with honors, after having de voted two years of intense application to his studies. From college he returned home, and after a short visit proceeded to St. George and took up the practice that Dr. Austin had resigned. As a doctor, he has been eminently successful, and his support is of that kind that avUI endure. 384 HISTOEY OF TUCKEE COUNTY. John W. Cassady, born 1856 ; married in 1876 to Eliza beth James, daughter of Ephraim James. Five acres of his 53 are improved, 3 miles from St. George, on the head of Dry Eun. Children : George Harvey and Thomas Q. D. M. Coeeick, son of William Corrick, was born in 1830, of German descent ; married in 1855 to Louisa Turner, of LcAris County. Children: Pasthena, James L., Mary, Georgiana and Virginia. In 1867 his wife died at Newburg, where he then lived, and he married Charlotte Stone. He lives 8 miles above St. George on the river, where he oavus a farm of 99 acres, with 40 acres improved. Seymour Caee lives in Dry Fork. Maeshall Campfield was born 1841 in Eandolph, and married in 1865 to Lucina J. Day. Their children are: Lyda Grant, Jesse Colfax, Albert Isaac, George A.., John E., Hanning F., Martha Luvenia, and Noah P. He is a farmer living fifteen miles above St. George on a farm of 300 acres, one-fifth of which is improved. He was in the Union army three years and was wounded in the arm by a Minie-ball. William: Coeeick, was born in 1800, in Eandolph County, and died in 1882 ; son of Johu Corrick, of German descent, was married in 1825 to Daborah Martney, of Eandolph County. Their children are: Washington, Jefferson M., Eunice, Daniel M., Martha Jane, John, Francis M., Jetson, Baxter, Elizabeth Ann, Mary Lucretia, Anzina, Eda, Adam, Dow, Joseph, David and Elias. His farm of 620 acres had 100 acres of improved land on it ; he held several offices in the early history of the county. The battle of Corrick's Ford was named from him. , The word is nearly always wrongly spelled. It should be Corrick not C«rrick. His house Avas made a hospital for the sick and wounded. BEIEF BIOGEAPHIES. 385 The kitchen was a prison for the captured Confederates. Everything on the farm that could be eaten was gone, ex^ cept a few potatoes in a barrel in the garret, and one old goose. It was Corrick's account that three Union and twelve Confederates were kUled. S. M. Callihan was born in 1844, in Harrison County, of Irish descent ; married 'in 1870 to Virginia, daughter of Jacob H. Long. Their chUdren are, Cora M., Otho C, and Stanford J. S. M. Callihan came to Tucker County, in 1867, to buUd E. Harper's house, being a carpenter by trade and haring the contract of building it. After that, he went into the merchant business at Holly Meadows, 6 miles from St. George, and subsequently bought 90 acres of improved land on the river bottom at the finest part of the Holly Meadows. He died in 1884. He was a man of strictest honesty, and people placed in him the most unbounded confidence. He had been Justice four years, county com missioner one term, and president of the county court one term. He was just fairly entering upon a life of usefulness, when, at the age of 40, he was suddenly taken off. His loss was felt throughout the county, and our neighboring coun ties joined together to extend to us their sympathy for our loss. He was a man who never was neutral on anything. He had an opinion on every subject that claimed his at tention. In the war, his sympathies and support were given to the South. He entered the army and was under StonewaU Jackson untU the General's death. He was soon afterward taken prisoner in Highland County, Va., and was sent west. At Grafton he made his escape by jumping from the train. He went east and was soon retaken 25 386 HISTORY OF TUCKEE COUNTY. and sent to Camp Chase, where he lay a whole year, and was then sent to Fort Delaware. His sufferings were as all prisoners suffered who were confined in those bastiles. J. E. Collett was born in 1860, son of H. P. Collett, of Scotch descent, married in 1883 to Nora M., daughter of Garrett Long. Their child's name is Maury. He is a mechanic and lives at Alum Hill. L. D. Coeeick, son of William Corrick, was bom in 1845, at Corrick's Ford, married in 1874 to Mary J. Messenger. Children : Walter J., Adam J., Otis E., and OUie B. He is a farmer, owning 250 acres of land, Arith 100 acres im proved. AVilliam Channel was born in Eandolph County, in 1855, of English, Irish and German descent, married in 1875 to Martha E., daughter of Adam Dumire. Their chUdren are : Albert Tilden, Icy Margaret, and Edwin. He lives at the mouth of Wolf Eun, 3 miles from St. George, where is his farm of 88 acres, with 8 acres improved. Philip Constable was born in 1835, in Preston County, of English descent, married in 1859 to Catharine, daughter of William Calvert; he is a farmer, liring 9 mUes from St. George on Shafer's Fork, where he OAvns 63 acres of land, one-half improved. And has worked to some extent in the shook and lumber business. Sylvestee ¦ Channel was born in 1843, of EngUsh and Irish descent, was married in 1867 to MarsiUa, daughter of James E. Parsons. Their children are : Eobert W., IrArin, Emma Susan, Mahala, Harriet and Eachel E.; his farm of 92 acres, one-fourth improved, is on Shafer's Fork, 15 miles from St. George. He was in the Union Army. BRIEF BIOGEAPHIES,. 387 G. ^4. Caedee, not a citizen of Tucker, but a preacher traveling here in 1884, was born in Harrison County, in 1850. In 1872 he married Martha Fitzhugh : his chUd's name is Howard. He has been preaching the doctrine of the Methodist Protestant Church four years. Alexandee B. Closs, son of David Closs, born 1856, was married in 1882 to Catharine, daughter of Jacob Dumire, of Limestone ; his children are, Lizzie BeU and James ; he is a farmer, liring on Horse Shoe Eun, 7 miles from St. George, on the old Stephen Losh farm, one of the oldest plantations on the Eun ; he also is partner in a shingle-mUl and saw-miU. David Closs was born 1823 at Ayrshire, Scotland, where he lived untU he was a man. At the age of twenty-four lie married Agnes Purguson, in the city of Glasgow. He was a miner by trade. Soon after his marriage he came to America, and worked three years in the Maryland mines about Lonaconing and New Creek. In September, 1850, he came to Horse Shoe Eun, and moved into John Stephenson's loom house, near where J. H. Fansler now lives, and re mained there about ten days until he could build himself a house. AVhen it was done, he moved into it. It stood two or three hundred yards from the present Pine Grove School- house. He lived there about three years, and then moved up on the mountain, which from him is now called " Closs_ Mountain." His experience in farming was enough to discourage almost anybody else. He planted three acres of corn and got only six bushels of ears ; sowed three acres of oats, and hauled it all home, straw and all, on a one- horse sled;, went to the Glades and bought potatoes at 87^ cents a bushel, carried them home on horseback and planted them, but never dug them. The only thing raised that was 388 HISTOEY OF TUCKEE COUNTY, worth anything was a Uttle buckwheat and rye. He went back to work in the mines to get a little money to try it over again. His fortune began to grow better. When he got on top of the mountain he raised enough to do him a year ; or rather his wife raised it while he was working on the Glover Gap Tunnel, on the railroad to AVheeUng. While clearing his land on the mountain, the first year, he waded through snow knee deep, and when he would eat dinner, which he had carried with him, he was often obliged to keep walking while eating to keep from freezing his feet. In 1864 he worked two months in the mines. It was war times and wages were high. In one month he made $157.43. He has been a hard-working man aU his Hfe. Although he lived in the woods, yet he never kiUed a bear or a deer. As he expressed it : "I did all my hunting with the ax and grubbing hoe, and I expect I am as weU off as if I had trot ted over ,the mountains all my life Arith a gun." And he is. He has cleared from the woods a fine farm of' 225 acres, and has besides 378 acres of Arild lands. He has given good farms to his children, and he has the satisfaction of seeing them all industrious and respected citizens,. honest and weU- to-do. He has plenty left to last him his Ufetime, and he can spend the remainder of his days in ease. His Hfe and what he has done are samples of what perseverance and in dustry will do, even in the rough mountains of Tucker. There are many locaUties better than the one which Darid Closs selected, and any man with health and strength might do as well as he. The great trouble is that there is not enough energy among our people. There is a wide field to work in, and, although there are few opportunities for amassing fortunes, yet there is room for every one to make BRIEF BIOGEAPHIES. 389 a good Hving, have plenty to eat and wear, and get along weU in the world. His children are : WUliam, John, James, Margaret, Alex ander, Sarah, Isabel and Duncan. John lives in Maryland, near Oakland. Darid Closs is knoAvn the neighborhood over for his hos pitaUty. No one in need was ever turned from his door un- cared for. No one, really suffering, ever asked him in vain for a favor. He is a steadfast member of the M. P. Church. Benjamin Claek was born at Fort Pendleton, Md., (near Grant County,, W. Va.) in 1853, son of John Clark, of Irish and German descent ; came to Tucker in 1865. He Uves at Leadmine, 10 miles from St. George ; is a farmer and is a partner in 110 acres of land, partly improved. Maetin V. Canan born 1844, in Hampshire County ; mar ried, 1865, to Catharine Martin, of Mineral County. Chil dren : Fred, Lewis, WiUiam N., Augustus M., EUzabeth Ann, Mary T., Eosa E. and Thomas U. Garfield ; is a farmer, liv ing on the upper waters of Horse Shoe Eun ; he was in the Union army and was stationed at different places along the Potomac, but was not in much fighting. He came near freezing to death whUe in the army. Enos G. Caee, bom 1850, son of Jacob Carr, married in 1872 to AngeUne Carr. The chUdren are, Mary Francis, Thomas H. M., James B., Henry S., EUa V. and Amos G. He owns 310 acres of land on Dry Fork, 21 miles from St. George, 125 acres of which is improved. Sylvestee Caee, bom 1858, son of Sylvester Carr, mar ried in 1876 to Martha E. Goldessen, of Grant County. ChUdren : Henry and Sylvenas. By occupation he is a farmer and Uves 30 mUes from St. George. 390 HISTOEY OF TUCKEE COUNTY. FiSHEE Caee was born in 1864, brother of Sylvester Carr ; married in 1883 to Alice Carr. They have one child, named WUford C. Geoege W. Ceoss, born 1855, in Barbour County. His children are Flavins B., Flora A. and Ida May ; he Uves on Clover Eun. Hugh P. Collett, born 1825, in Beverly ; is of French and English descent ; married in 1855, to Louisa, daughter of John E. Goff. By trade he is a carpenter, but oavus 200 acres of land, one-forth improved, on Black Fork, 10 mUes from St. George. Children — Florence E., Pleasant O., John E., Jefferson D., Perry L., Sophronia, Lycurgus, TazeweU, Cliesy Lyon, Homer, Lettie and Clinton M. John C. Cline, born 1830, in Harrison County ; is of Irish descent ; he was married in 1855 to Margaret, daughter of Aaron Loughry. Children — Samuel N., Charles W., Miner va J., Serena and George. He owns 299 acres of land Arith 50 acres improved, 10 miles from St. George ; was in the Union army 7 months, under Kelly. d. Feedeeick Davis, son of John Daris, born 1814, in Ohio ; Avas married in 1861 to Mary A., daughter of John Eobin son, He lives 8 miles from St. George, on rented land, in Licking District. His chUdren are, Charles, Frank and Malissa. Chaeles Davis, son of Frederick, was born in 1868. Far mer of 110 acres, 25 acres improved; lives on Licking, 8 miles from St. George. William A. Duling, born 1852, in Minerall County, of Gernian descent, is doing business in the firm of ShUIing- burg & Duling, at Fairfax. BEIEF BIOGEAPHIES. 391 Olivee Dumiee, born 1855, is a son of Stephen Dumire, and was married, in 1880, to Sophia A. Lansberry. He is of German descent and follows farming principally. Chil dren : Agretta, Elizabeth, and Abraham Orvis. He has lived awhile in Pennsylvania ; but he now resides on Horse Shoe Eun. William Dumiee, born 1833, is a son of Charles Dumire, and was married, in 1863, to Eebecca, daughter of Jacob Pifer. In 1875 his wife died, and he married Mary Hibb. ChUdren : James M., Lucinda E., Mary Ann, Euth J., Vir ginia P., John L., and WUliam E. He lives 6 miles from St. George, on Mill Eun, and has a farm of 48 acres. He was in the Union army, under General Kelly, and had his ankle injured in the service. James E. DeMoss, son of W. W. DeMoss, was born in 1849 in Gilmer County, AV. Va., married in 1866, to Mary M. Norman, of Doddridge County, W. Va. Their children are Darul and Clarinda. He came to Tucker in 1882 ; he was in the Union army two years ; part of the time under General Harris, and was in the battle of Cedar Creek, Cross Eoads and Bull ToAvn; owns a farm of 34 acres, 8 mUes from St. George on Brushy Fork. Daniel K. Dumiee was born in 1831 ; is of German de scent, and the history of his ancestors is found in another chapter of this book ; was raised on Mill Eun, near St. George. When 21 years of age, he married Sarah Ann SeU. On his wedding day he cradled rye till noon, and then went to hunt a horse to ride to the appointed house. He had so much difficulty in finding a horse, that he was two hours behind time, and found the guests very impatient with so much waiting. However, he was married, and set 392 HISTOEY OF TUCKEE COUNTY. up house-keeping for himself, Arith little of this world's goods. He was a schoolmate of A. P. Minear's, at St. George, and has since held several offices in the county ; his principal business has been farming and working Arith a saw-mill. He lives on Mill Eun, 1 mile from St. George. Their children are Malissa J., Solomon, Henry J., (Col.), Virginia C, Liza A., Maggie S., Laura and WUson. He was at HannahsviUe when McChesney was kiUed, and heard Captain MiUer brag of kUUng him ; he owns 223 acres of land, of which 55 acres is improved. Geoege N. Day, of Pleasant Eun, son of Jesse Day, of English descent, was born in 1854, and was married in 1878 to Nancy Coberly, of Eandolph County. Children'. Arthur and Mary J.; his farm of 173 acres has 45 acres improved, and lies 13 miles from St. George. A. L. Dumiee, born 1845, son of Jacob Dumire, married in 1865 to Anamelia, daughter of John M. MiUer, of Lime stone; he has 100 acres of land, one-half improved, on Limestone, six miles from St. George ; he was 16 months in the Union army, under Kelley. Since, he has been a mem ber of the board of education and road surveyor. Children : Jasper F., Jacob H., Virginia M., and Anna EUzabeth. Jacob Dumiee was born in 1817, son of John Dumu-e, of German descent.* In 1842 he married EUzabeth, daughter of Emanuel Pifer. Their children are : Andrew L., Minerva J., John W., Oliver K., Anzaletta C, George M., and Flor ence E. He is a farmer, and lives 5 mUes from St. George, on Limestone ; his farm contains 150 acres, of which two- thirds is improved. His orchard is a good one, and he nearly always has apples and cider aU winter. He has held * For a fuller history of the Dumire family, see another chapter of this book. BEIEF BIOGEAPHIES. 393 many offices in the county, among which are justice of the peace, school offices and deputy sheriff twice. During the war he was a strong supporter of the Union cause, and led many Yankee scouts through the cormty. Alexandee Dice, born 1845, in Scotland, by trade a miner, came to America in 1866, mined 11 years in Hampshire, and came to Tucker in 1882; he is now a farmer, owning 116 acres of land, with improvements on twenty acres. John William Dumiee was born in 1836 and married 1857 to Margaret, daughter of John P. Gray ; he has 90 acres of improved land and 100 acres unimproved, on Lime stone, 9 miles from St. George. Nine months of his , life were spent in the Union army, under KeUy, defending the B. & O. EaUroad from Cumberland to Wheeling. His chUdren are : Francis P., AdaUne S., Harriet Susan, WiUiam S., Martha N., Priscilla and John D. He has been consta ble, township clerk, and secretary of the board of education. Feancis Dumire, son of the above, was born in 1858, lives on Limestone, 9 mUes from St. George, and is a farmer. Geoege D. Dumiee, son of Daniel Dumire, was born 1857, married 1879 to Anamelia Shook; he is a farmer of 60 acres of land, one-half improved, and lives 8 miles from St. George, on Location. Children : WiUiam A., Henry H. W., ahd Clarinda Fanny. Heney W. Dumiee, brother of George D., was born 1861, and married in 1880, to Mary E., daughter of Darid Harsh ; his farm of 60 acres, 25 acres improved, is on the Location, 8 mUes from St. George. His child's name is Lulu Virginia. John H. Deets, of Preston County, was born 1844 and married 1866 Virginia, daughter of Samuel Bowman, of St. 394 HISTOEY OF TUCKEE COUNTY. George ; he has a farm of 366 acres, with 150 improved, two miles below St. George ; he was six years constable. His chUdren are : Lavina P., WiUiam E., Charles L., George S., Albert, David S. and Alice. He joined the Union army in 1861, and was in St. George when Imboden swooped down upon the place. He, with the other prisoners, was paroled, and was sent to Camp Chase. There were, he says, 40,000 Union soldiers there on parole, and half that number of Confederate prisoners. He was exchanged in 1863 and came back and helped capture Captain Harper, Michael Myers and George Kalar. Ehinehaet Domiee* was born in 1800, in Preston County. The history of his family has been given in another chapter of this book. In 1825 he married Catharine, daughter of Stephen Losh. Their children are, George N., Stephen, Eeuben, Sarah, Maria, Ehinehart, Mary Ann, Johu W., Abraham and Savina. He died in 1875. Abeaham Domiee, son of Ehinehart Domire, was born in 1842, on Horse Shoe Eun. In 1864, he married Ann Sophia Shaffer, of Horse Shoe Eun P. O. Their children are : Edgar J., William S., Jennet Catharine, Melissa Ellen and Joseph Pierce. He is a farmer of 790 acres, of which 125 are improved, on Horse Shoe Eun, 10 miles from St. George. He has not devoted his whole time to farming, but has paid attention to lumbering ; worked three years getting out shingle timber for the Eowlesburg Lumber & Iron Co., and three years longer as partner in the " Domire Shingle MiU;" sawed 100,000 a month, and sold his interest to George Shaffer ; has been road surveyor and school trustee. In his younger days he kUled many deer — was only 15 years * The name Domire Is spelled In two ways. Thus : Domire and Dumire. It is said he name originally was Toomlre. BEIEF BIOGEAPHIES. 395 old when he kUled the first one; he tried to take it home, but it bloated before he got it there, and he stuck his kinfe in its side to let the air out, thinking that would help it. Cyeus F. Dumiee, son of B. F. Dumire, of Preston Coun ty, was born in 1858 ; is a young man of much enterprise, and has coUected property to the amount of 775 acres of land, with 40 acres improved, and an interest in the " Do mire Shingle MiU," besides other property, and has made it aU himself. He is a farmer by occupation, but has super intended steam saw-miUs to some extent. Ehinehaet Domiee, Je., son of Stephen Domire, was born in 1856; lives 10 miles from St. George, on Horse Shoe Eun, where is his farm of 176 acres. In 1882 he was married to Anna, daughter of James Evans, of Ohio. Samuel E. Dumiee, born in 1840 bn "Old Andra," is a son of Frederick Dumire, and lives on Horse Shoe Eun, 6 miles from St. George ; his farm of 200 acres is one-fourth cleared; has worked twelve years at the carpenter trade, and was one of the first to work in St. George. In 1866 he was married to Sarena Domire, who died in 1880, and he married Sarah A. O'DonneU, of Illinois. The names of his children are, Letta May and Anna Emma. In 1876 he kiUed two bears with a very smaU shot gun, and filled an other's head fuU of shot. He came out of the fight Arith two bears. Feedeeick Domiee, brother to Ehinehart Domire, Sr., was born in 1806, and married in 1829 to Mary Ann Loughry, of Holly MeadoAvs. Of six chUdren, two only are Uring, who are Daniel L., and Samuel E. Frederick Do mire was also a great hunter in his younger days, as nearly ali the Domires were. He has kilted many a deer and bear 396 HISTOEY OF TUCKEE COUNTY. with an old fiint-lock gun, which he still has on the rack over the door, just as hunters used to keep them. He is a farmer owning 16^ acres, all improved, 9 mUes from St. George, at the Leadmine post-office. He built a mUl there in 1842. It was a tub-mill, and ground 8 or 10 bushels a day. In the earUest years he spent there, Arild animals were plentiful. In 8 years, he killed 160 deer. He says that John Grimes was the first settler on Horse Shoe Eun. He lived on the Bonnifield farm. Dr. Chilcoat Hved on the Evan's farm about the same time ; and John Carrico and John Stephenson were the next settlers (aside from Stephen Losh, who came earlier than 1818). Frederick Du mire was postmaster for ten years before the war. Daniel L. Domiee, son of Frederick Domire, was bom in 1834, at Limestone, on " Old Andra." In 1858 he married Susan Spesert, of Horse Shoe Eun. Children: Margaret E., Mary Isabel, Edna Agnes and Sarah Alice. When he was 6 years old his father moved to Horse Shoe Eun, and has since lived there. D. L. Domire was brought up on the farm principally ; but, his incUnation drew him toward mechanical pursuits, and he gave considerable attention to the carpenter trade. He also taught school twelve years on Horse Shoe Eun, and from time to time engaged to some extent in the lumber business. His chief connection in this was in the " Domire Shingle Mill," in which he was partner. The mUl would average 1,000,000 shingles a year, when steadily attended to. He owns 103 acres of land, one- half mile from the Leadmine post-office, on Laurel Eun. He pays considerable attention to bee raising, and weU understands the business. He helped build the first house that was buUt in St. George after the town was laid out. It BEIEF BIOGEAPHIES. 397 was the " St. George Inn," and built in 1859. The same year he helped buUd the M. E. Church South, in St. George. At that time Jesse Parsons was sheriff, and Domire wrote aU his tax receipts ; he has several times been member of the board of education. CoL. H. J. Dumiee, son of D. K. Dumire, of MiU Eun, one mUe above St. George, was born in 1860; he is a farmer and school teacher, haring taught five schools, aU on No. 1 certificates, except the first ; was a member of the board of examiners in 1882, and has been a delegate to senatorial, congressional and State conventions. Feedeeick E. Dumiee, brother to Ehinehart Dumire, was born in 1863, and lives with his brother on Horse Shoe Eun. Sampson Day was born 1825, in Pendleton County, near the mouth of Seneca ; his parents, who were of EngUsh and German descent, were noted for their honesty, and their eight children received a pious training. Sampson, the third chUd, went to school one month each year for eight years, and never went any more. In 1846 he married a Miss Harman, who died in 1866. Day staid at home during the war, and did what he could in the cause of peace. He was a Union man, and served as a justice of the peace. In Pendleton County, strongly Southern, this is a good recom mendation. He decided impartially for Union and Confed erate. He was the man who held the election in Pendleton County, and had it go with the new State. He bought a farm at the mouth of Eed Creek, and soon afterward mar ried a Miss Waldren, and raised a famUy of nine children. He now lives on Dry Fork, in Tucker County. E Egbert W. Eastham, a native Virginian, born in Eappa hannock County, February 28, 1842, is the son of Capt. B. 398 HISTOEY OF TUCKEE COUNTY. « F. Eastham, and is of EngUsh descent. He is one of the most perfect men, physicaUy, in the county. State, or the the United States. Above six feet in height, weU propor tioned, deep and fuU chest, muscular Umbs, and erect fjgure, he presents as fine appearance as ever Sam Houston did. He is active and athletic, walks with grace, and is a splen did rider. He has had a history, that, so far as the war and conse quent adventures are concerned, hardly has a rival anywhere. Going into the field in April, 1861, he fought almost every day as long as the war lasted, and fought in two battles after Lee surrendered. Being a supporter of the Southern Confederacy he supported it from principle ; but the pros pect of excitement and adventure had not a little to do in shaping his course. He is of a disposition that likes com pany, and he is seldom seen without a crowd about him. There seems to be some attraction in him for other people. In ordinary affairs, he is quiet and sociable; but when other people are excited, he is master of the situation. Fear has no part in his' nature. Indeed, his bravery may at times amount to rashness. His sense of honor is such that he will not do an unmanly act ; or, if he forgets himself for the moment and errs in this, he is ready to right the wrong so far as apologies have power to do it. He hates a lie and cowardice and deceit as he hates everything that is mean ; and, one who sins in this particular must, before again gain ing his favor, wipe out the contamination of the iniquity in a multitude of praiseworthy acts. When the war came on, in 1861, Eastham was among the very first to respond to the call, when Virginia threw her defense and her honor upon the heroism and manhood of her chivalrous sons. There was no hesitation as to which BEIEF BIOGEAPHIES. 399 or what course to pursue. His first ambition was to show himself a man in repeUing assault upon principles Avhic^ \e believed to be right. The intensity of Southern passion reached perfection in him ; and, at nineteen years of age, when he knew that his native State was calling for protec tion, he hurried off to the front to offer his services in whichever department of the defense that they should be most needed. He joined Green's company, and was at once mustered into serrice and was quartered at Winchester. His battles began soon after. He marched to Harper's Ferry, April 19, 1861 ; and from Harper's Ferry he went to Alexandria. The troops that were with him were the first and last and only Confederate troops that were stationed at Alexandria dur ing the war. They remained there until they were sheUed out by Pawnee. He was attached to Field's brigade, and Ewell's division, and was soon back in Winchester. He was also with Jones and Wheat, and when Wheat died, Eastham was tendered his place, but saw fit not to accept. After this, he was , principaUy on scouting duty up to the battle of Gettysburg, and was under Jones the greater part of the time. His adventures and escapes were thrilling. Fifteen thous and doUars was offered for him, dead or alive. At one time in battle, he was taken prisoner, but escaped before an hour. He was hunted by the Yankees with a perseverance surpassed only by the perseverance with which he hunted them. They feared and hated him, yet respected him for daring. So determined were they upon taking him, that large numbers made that their special aim. He rode a good horse, and they had no show of overtaking him in a race. While they ransacked the country for him, he was raking 400 HISTOEY OF TUCKEE COUNTY. them in, as prisoners, every day. After the second battle of BuU Eun, thirty miles from the field, Eastham and eleven companions took prisoner sixty-five Yankees, whom Jackson had demoralized and driven into a thicket of brush. In this skirmish, Eastham was wounded in the foot by a Minie- baU. He was not in the Bull Eun fight, but was on the field next day. In another skirmish, a bullet passed through the horn of his saddle, one perforated his belt and one cut a button from his coat. In battle, he never used a saber. It is told of him, by those who were eye witnesses, that, when going into a fight, he would throw down his sword and cut a stout club, and with it knock right and left every one who came in his reach. He and his companions, thirteen in aU, took eighty- six men in an hour. The men were retreating, by a road on which was a partly destroyed bridge. The Yankees ran upon the bridge and could not get over, and Eastham made them surrender. At another time, he and two others cap tured thirty-six horses and twenty-three men in one day. He remained with Jones untU the battle of Gettysburg, and Jones was sent south. He made a special request that Eastham be aUowed to accompany him, but the request was not aUowed, and the scout was left to scout for Yankees in Virginia. They also hunted for him and many a time he had to save himself by flight or concealment. When, on one occasion, he had been out all day hunting for them, and had not seen one, he was coming down the road at dusk of evening and met an old negro whom he knew. The old feUow exclaimed in wonder, at seeing him alive: " Good heavens ! massa, de whole world am fuU of Yankees huntin' foh you." At that moment he heard gaUoping horses in the distance. He took a grain-cradle and a bas- BEIEF BIOGEAPHIES. 401 ket which the negro was carrying, and climbed the fence into the field, having put his horse out of sight. He threw down a sheaf of wheat and sat upon it. The soldiers came by and saw him ; but in the dusk of evening they did not recognize him. He watched them go by, and then mounted his horse and struck after them. He followed them boldly into town, dismounted and entered into conversation with them. He went into a store and bought him some tobacco, and made free with all about him. None recognized him, until a little negro came along. The little scamp kncAv him and yeUed out : " I do 'clah ! tha's Bob Eastham !" Immediately the whole town full of Yankees started up and rushed at him. He sprang on his horse and dashed through them, knocked them down and rode over them, and finally reached the edge of the town. By this time the whole body of the enemy had mounted, and horsemen were galloping in every direction to hunt him down and head him off. He dashed up the mountain and escaped. So daring was he that no Yankee could feel safe when he was in the country. He would cross the lines and ride through the camp, and probably carry off a prisoner. Once he Avent to a house and got dinner, when the house Avas full of Yan kees, and at another time he went into a stable, Avhere several Union soldiers Avere sleeping, and took aAvay the officers' horses. This is Avhy they so hated him. He was upon them before they were aware of it, and he always, or nearly always, came out best. But, sometimes he had to hide and slip about in the quietest manner to keep from being taken. He had to bury himself in a rail-pile, and lie flat in a potato patch and conceal himself under a stone fence, while they Avere all around him. But, he ahvays es caped, and finally came to believe that it was impossible 86 402 HISTOEY OF TUCKEE COUNTY. for him to be hurt. With this belief and assurance he went to his father's house when he knew that Yankees were thick around and while the $15,000 reward was on him. While he was in one room, two Yankee officers were in another. He heard them talking of him, and how much they would like to see him. But, they had little idea of seeing him so soon. For, he kept quiet until they had gone to supper, and then he concluded to give them an oppor tunity to take him, if they liked. AVhile they were eating, and seemingly in full enjoyment of the substantial fare which Virginian hospitality had placed before them, he walked boldly into the dining room where they sat at the table. His father introduced him to them as "My son, Eobert, the man you are looking for." They turned and looked at the tall figure before them, clad in full Confeder ate uniform, and armed from head to foot. His belt gleamed with the hilt of a saber and with the handles of pistols. The officers evidently would rather have been- excused from making new acquaintances tha^ evening; but, thej' had the presence of mind to make the best of the sit uation. They shook hands, and he sat down at the table Vvith them, and talked two hours. They made no attempt or slioAved uo disposition to capture him, and he v,-as al- loAvc-d to depart in peace. He Avtis Avitli Mosby in his raids, and w.is all through the A'^alley of 'A'irginiii. He was in Jones' Eaid in June, 1863, tlirough Preston County, Avhen EoAvlesburg, KingAVOod and MorgantoAvii Avere taken, and when E. Harper piloted the Eebels that burnt the Fairmont bridge. He Avas in the 6th Virginia, Avhich " locked sabers " Avith the 6th Ncav York fourteen times during the war. In the battle of Fairfield the NeAV York regiment Avas finaUy overthrown. BEIEF BIOGEAPHIES. 403 When the news was received that Lee had surrendered, Eastham was one of the many who refused to believe it, be cause he did not want to belive it. He remained in the field and refused to surrender. He fought two battles after Lee had laid down his arms. Eastham never surrendered. He escaped Arithout that humiliation. He remained with Mosby until that guerrilla leader disbanded his men. After the war was over, he returned to the farm and went to work. But after his four years of war he could not feel satisfied with the tame existence of a farmer ; so he sold out and went South. He visited North and South Carolina, Alabama, Georgia aud Tennessee, and finally grew tired of roaming. He returned to Virginia, and married Mary C, daughter of Dr. A. W. Eeid, of Eappahannock County, Va. This was in 1869. In 1876, in May, he came to Tucker and bought land in the Canaan Valley, 30 miles from St. George. His farm of 276 acres has 40 improved and in grass. He built a farm house and other buildings, and was prospering well enough when a fire in the woods caught his house while he was absent, and burnt everything. He had not a dollar left, nor even a coat to wear. Everything that vifould burn was burnt, except two horses, a cow, a dog and a cat. His financial condition was not flourishing. However, he borrowed a coat, and Avent to Oakland and bought a suit on credit. He went on to Eastern Virginia Avhere he had a little property. He came back to St. George, Avhere the town authorities had some charge against him, and at tempted to arrest him. In the scuffle, Frank and Dock Pi fer tore his coat off of him, and some one else got his hat, and he had to go home coatless and hatless. AVhen he went to Canaan there were only three -families there, Solomon Cosner, John Nines and James Freeland. 404 HISTOEY OF TUCKEE COUNTY. Eastham lived there till 1883, and farmed and raised stock with various succes. By that time the W. Va. C. & P. R. W. was coming into the country, and was no longer a sub ject of speculation. It was confidently expected that it would greatly enhance the prosperity of Canaan. At the mouth of Bever the site was selected for the ter minus of the road. The contract for clearing away the timber for the city was given' Eastham, and soon after he moved there with his family, and built him a residence. This was the first house built in a city which is to be caUed Davis. As yet, there is no city there. The floating popu lation amounts to twenty or more. But a town must be there in the near future, and Eobert Eastham wUl be re garded as the founder of it. Under his supervision all the Avork so far has been done. In consideration of this, it would be no more than justice to name the city Eastham. It is a genuine English name, and is a suitable name for a town, and such ought to be its name. In 1882, Eastham was a candidate for the Legislature, to be elected by Tucker and Eandolph Counties. Although not elected, he ran a heavy poll, and carried his OAvn district by an over Avhelming majority. John H. Evans was born in Hardy County, in 1841; married in 1874 to Maria Michael, of Grant County. Chil dren: Cora Anna, Mary E., Charles W. and Mary J.; farmer, lives in Canaan. Samuel H. Eavin, a merchant of St. George, and a son of WUUam Ewin, Avas born in 1836 in Baltimore, and was married in 1864 to Sarah A. Kuhn, of the same city. He is of Irish, descent. He lived in Baltimore from 1852 to 1862, when he Avent into the Union army and remained in the BRIEF BIOGRAPHIES. 405 service nearly three years. He was commissary sergeant. He was at the battles of Antietam, BoHvar Heights, Cedar Mountain and several others. He is a painter by trade. He came to St. George in 1882. William Evans was bom in 1818, died in 1874, on Horse Shoe Run, 11 miles from St. George. He married Lyda KitzmUler. ChUdren : James I., Solomon A., John Alex ander, WUUam Lewis, George A., Wamer B., David C, Perry J., Mary A. and Lucy EUen. He came to Tucker in 1860, and purchased a farm of 455 acres and had 140 acres under improvement, and had 100 fruit trees in bearing condition. David C. Evans was born in 1857' in Hardy County ; mar ried in 1876 to OUie Calhoun ; of German descent. His children are : Eliot F. and Abraham, named after Abraham Bonnifield. He is a farmer of 246 acres, ¦with sixty acres improved and a good orchard of 100 trees. Solomon H. Evans, brother to David C. and son of WUliam Evans, was born in 1843 ; English and German descent ; married in 1871 to Catharine Shaffer, of Preston County. ChUdren : Ama, SteUa, Lewis. MoUie, Harry, John and DoUie. He is a farmer, liring on Horse Shoe Eun, ten mUes from St. George. He owns 270 acres of land, of which 40 acres are improved and the rest is weU timbered. He has a good orchard. He foUowed the shoe- making trade 12 years, but gave it up for farming. James I. Evans, brother of Solomon Evans, was born in 1842, in Hampshire County ; married in 1874, to Emma C. Whitehair, of Preston County. Children : Florence May, Jennie BeUe, Cora Etna and Ida. He is a farmer and miUer, Uring at the Lead Mine Post-office, 10 miles from St. 406 HISTOEY OF TUCKEE COUNTY. George. His is the largest and best mill in Tucker County. It is on the site of Frederick Domire's tub-mill, of 1842, and is where Mason's mill used to stand. It has a set of corn-rocks and a pair of buhrs. The miU grinds about 6,000 bushels a year, rather more wheat than corn. The mill is a new one, having been rebuilt in 1879. He also owns a saw mill that will cut 1,000 feet a day. James Evans, brother of WUliam Evans, was born in Hampshire County, in 1832. In 1855 he was married to Lucinda, daughter of William Losh. Children : Evaline, John William, Mary Jane, Emaline, Phoebe Ann, Lettie, Maggie May, Nellie and Eddie. He married a second time in 1877, to Sarah Carr, of Illinois. In 1865 he went to Indi ana and staid 4 years ; then went to lUinois and remained 13 years, and returned to West Virginia, where he follows the occupation of farming. F. Hamilton Fink, son of Elias Fink, of Eockingham County, Virginia, of French and German descent, was born in 1842, and in 1869 wais married to EmeUne Eamsey, of Barbour County. Children: Ida May, Bashy C, Elias, Nancy A., Cora B., William Arthur and Michael. He is a farmer, owning 112 acres of land, of which 32 are improved ; spent three years in the Eebel army, under Lee most of the time, but part of the time under Imboden, Brecken ridge and Early, and was in nearly every battle in the Val ley of Virginia for two years, and was in the battles of Gettysburg and WiUiamsport. He was in both of Lee's in vasions of the North; he was four times wounded, and another ball broke the skin on his nose. He was never taken prisoner, but came near falling into his enemy's hands at Beverly. He was passing through the town be- BEIEF BIOGEAPHIES. 407 fore it was fairly light, and was halted by six men, Avliom he mistook for Eebels, and whom he told that he was no Yan kee. They said that they knew it, and demanded his sur render. He said that he had surrendered, and Avhen they put down their guns, he sprang behind a house and ran off. John E. M. Fitzwater, son of William Fitzwater, Avas born in the year 1859. In 1879 he married Salina, daughter of Elihu PhiUips. Farmer of 51 acres, 15 improved, 6 mUes from St. George, on Clover Eun. Children : Elihu M. and Eussel I. AVilliam Fitzwater, father of John E. M., and son of John, of German descent, was born 1833, and married in 1852, to M. M., daughter of Jacob Shafer. He is a farmer, owning 176 acres, 50 of which is farming land, 8 miles from St. George, on Texas Mountain. Children : Almeda, Silas J., Manda C, Barbara A., John E. M., Sarah V., Jacob F., Judah, Etta May, Ida Olive and Savina J. Beenaed W. Fishes, from Augusta County, Va., of Ger man descent, was bpm in 1841, and married in 1865 to Mary L. HiU, of Cumberiand, Md. ChUdren: LiUy S., May BeUe, Cari C, Edmund H., DeUa V., Zora M.,' Ward H., Otto and Nora. By occupation he is a farmer and carpen ter ; lives on a farm 2 miles from St. Geoifge, on CloA'^er Eun ; has been in the county since 1879. He was in the Union army, in Hancock's corps at Gettysburg; he was also in the battles of Antietam, Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, Bull Eun, Wilderness, Spottsylvania, Cold Harbor and about Eichmond. At Cold Harbor he was wounded in the leg by a Minie-ball, which broke one bone ; he cut the bullet out and has it yet. Jacob W. Flanagan, son of Jacob Flanagan, born in 1848; 408 HISTOEY OF TUCKEE COUNTY. was married in 1868 to a daughter of Jacob Fansler; far mer, OAvning 130 acres of land, 30 improved ; lives 12 mUes from St. George, on Black Fork. Children : Elizabeth J. and Thomas AV. F. W. S. FoLLEY, of Irish descent, was born 1852, in Grant County ; married in 1874 to Mary High, daughter of War ner T. High, of Hampshire County. ChUdren : Bertha P., Homer D. and Michael Marion ; clerk at Fairfax. Jesse Flanagan, son of John Flanagan, of Irish and Eng lish descent, was born in 1827, and in 1858 he married Catharine Carr. In 1860 his wife died, and he then married Malinda Eohrbaugh, daughter of George Eohrbaugh. He is a farmer, living 28 miles from St. George, on Eed Creek. Archibald B. Flanagan, born 1849, son of Ebenezer Flan agan, of Irish descent, was married in 1873, to Amanda J., daughter of Solomon Cosner, of Canaan. Children : Solo mon AV., Elizabeth A. and Hannah C. He is a farmer, with 100 acres of cultivated and pasture land, and 211 acres of land in woods ; lives 25 miles from St. George, on Dry Fork. N. H. Flanagan, born 1860, son of Alfred Flanagan, lives 25 miles from St. George on Dry Fork. AV. A. Feely, from Shenandoah County, Va., of EngUsh and Irish descent, was born in 1839, and married, in 1882, Stella F., daughter of Jonathan Wilson, of Garrett County, Md. He is a member of the mercantile firm of Feely & Wilson, at Fairfax. S. L. Fansler, born 1843, son of Jacob Fansler, of Ger man descent, married in 1870 to Mary Ward, daughter of Peter AVard. Children : Albert G. and Arthur D. He is a farmer, owns 568 acres of land, and has 200 acres improved,' BEIEF BIOGEAPHIES. 409 on Black Fork, 11 miles from St. George ; is a man of influ ence, and stands high in the estimation of aU who know him. His ancestors were the first settlers of that region. Henry Fansler settled in Canaan in 1802, it is supposed. H. M. Feeguson was bom in 1854, in Eandolph County; son of E. M. Ferguson, and of Irish descent; married in 1880 to Margaret S. Kalar. Their child's name is Laird D.; Hves near Fairfax. George W. Fansler, son of Andrew Fansler, was born in 1842, and married in 1877 to Mary A. E. Domire, daughter of Washington Domire ; is a farmer of 210 acres, with 55 acres improved, and Hves 14 mUes from St. George, on Dry Fork; has been road surveyor 15 years. Children: Anna Tilden and Stark Andrew. Alfred Flanagan, son of Ebenezer Flanagan, was born in 1840 ; married in 1860, to Hannah S., daughter of J. H. Lambert. Children : Nathaniel H., James H., Hannah E., Alfred K. and WilUam Hess; is a farmer of 126 acres, vrith 20 acres improved, on Dry Fork, 26 miles from St. George ; was a Home Guard during the war. J. F. Funk was born in 1839, in Preston County, son of Jonathan Funk ; married in 1870 to Maggie EUot ; is a farmer of 134 acres, 60 acres improved, nine miles below St. George. ChUdren : James John WUliam Alonzo, Susan Alberta and Cora Analiza. John H. Fansler was born in 1840 at Black Fork, son of Jacob Fansler ; married in 1861 to Jemima E., daughter of Job Parsons. Children : Eufus M., Althea M., WiUiam T., Stephen T., Clarence S., Sarah Ann., Job P. and Ira B. He lives on Horse Shoe Eun, 8 miles from St. George ; has HA'^ed there since 1863. When he first commenced work on 410 HISTOEY OF TUCKEE COUNTY. the farm, there was ten acres improved. Now he has 80 acres under cultivation and 582 in the woods, well timbered. The Eowlesburg Lumber and Iron Company ran a shingle mill on his -farm and made 2,500,000 shingles, and afterwards 500,000 more were made. His farm is well improved, and a church, mill and school house are at hand. He is of German descent. G. N. Goff, son of AUen Goff, born 1858, married, 1882, to Elizabeth, daughter of William Gable, of Preston County. By occupation he is a laborer, living 7 miles from St. George, on Licking. Children : Eosalie, Lilly May,, Orlando P. and WiUiam Camden. David W. Gilmore, son of WilUam GUmore, born 1862 ; lives 3 mUes from St. George, on Clover Eun ; is a farmer, owning 63 acres, 10 improved. P. B. Goff, son of John E. Goff, was born in 1853 ; is of English descent ; is a farmer, owning 250 acres, 100 of which is improved, lying on Black Fork, 10 miles from St. George. James D. Griffith, born 1850, in Preston County ; son of Hillory Gi^iffith, of German, Irish and EngUsh descent; married in 1876 to Leonora Hart, daughter of Darid Hart. ChUdren : Maud, Harry C, Lloyd P., David C. and Sallie ; farmer and carpenter, owning 125 acres of unimproved land ; lives 3 miles from St. George, in Holly Meadows ; his father died in the Union army. S. D. Gillespie was born in 1850, in Pennsylvania, of Irish descent. He has been foreman on the W. Va. C. & P. E. W. since 1880. Heney J. Goff was born in 1854, son of Amassa Goff, of Scotch descent ; is a farmer, living 5 miles from St. George, BEIEF BIOGEAPHIES,. 411 in Licking District ; his farm of 165 acres, is one-fourth improved. Benjamin P. Gowee was born in 1857, son of Daniel Gower, of German descent. In 1879, he married A. S., daughter of John U. Chambers. ChUdren : John W. and Eosa Lee ; is a farmer and miller, Hving 4 miles from St. George, on MUl Eun. Joseph Geey was born in 1854, son of John P. Grey, was married in 1880 to Mary C, daughter of Aaron J. Loughry. ChUdren : SaviUa M. and Anna M. He lives 3 miles from St. George. Isaac A. Gilmoee, son of David Gilmore, of Scotch and German descent, was born in 1824 in the Horse Shoe ; was married in 1843 to Margaret Skidmore. In 1862 his wife died, and he married Electa C, daughter of WiUiam MiUer, of Licking District. Again in 1866 his Arife died, and he married M. J., daughter of John S. Hart, of Eandolph ; is a farmer, lives 14 mUes from St. George, and has been sev eral times a member of the board of education. Nelson A. Gilmoee was born in 1860, son of D. H. Gil more, Hves 14 miles from St. George ou Shafer's Fork. Isaac B. Godwin was born in 1817, in Preston County, of Irish and German descent. .In 1838 he married Mary Coff- man, of Barbour. He lives at Limestone, 7 miles from St. George. Children: Lyda, Eobert, Jacob, Sarah, Barbara E., Mary E. and Andrew. Geoege F. Geifpith, brother of James Griffith, was born in 1856. In 1876 he married Sarah Caroline Harper. His wife died in 1882. For a second wife he married Laura Wolf, of Barbour. He is by trade a carpenter, and follows the business at St. George. For 4 years he was toAvn 412 HISTOEY OF TUCKEE COUNTY. councUman. His father died at Wheeling, while in the Union army, and his brother died in St. George from the effects of a gun-shot, accidentaUy received while hunting on the river above iovm, S. W. Geoghan was born in Barbour in 1851, of Irish de scent ; married EUza P. PoUng in 1871. ChUdren : Cor- lista B., Geneva E., Patrick M., Lyeton L., Carrie M., Orinetta and Staley W.; is a farmer and lumberman. H. W. F. Haesh, son of Adam Harsh, was bom in 1861.; married in 1883 to Mary J., daughter of WUUam Godwin; Hves on Texas Mountain, 8 miles from St. George. George E. Helmick, son of Mathias Helmick, born in Pendleton County in 1853 ; is of EngUsh descent ; married in 1872, to Phebe Somerfield ; farmer, owning 168 acres, 35 improved, 7 miles from St. George. ChUdren : Mathias, Manda M., Isaac H., Mary E., Lenora E., Eosetta, Susan P. and Hulda J. Geoege I. Hovattee, son of Christopher Hovatter, was born in 1858 ; married in 1879 to Olive, daughter of E. Kiser, of Barbour County ; farmer, 37 acres, 3 acres im proved, 5 mUes from St. George, on BuU Eun. Tabitha M. is their only chUd. David Hovattee, son of Christopher Hovatter, was born in 1810 ; married Sarah A., daughter of Hesakiah Thomp son ; died 1881. ChUdren : Hesakiah, MaUnai J., Susan, Michael, Henry, David, John, Ingaby and EUzabeth. Isaac Hovatter. of German descent, son of WUUam Hovatter, was born in 1854, in Barbour County ; married in 1884 to EmUy C, daughter of Theodore B. Lipscomb. He Hves on a farm of 102 acres, 60 acres improved, 6 mUes from St. George, on Licking. His chUd's name is Carrie M. BEIEF BIOGEAPHIES. 413 George M. Hovatter, brother to Isaac, was born 1846, married 1868 to Mary J., daughter of Jacob Nester. His farm contains 768 acres, 35 acres of which is improved. He Hves 6 miles from St. George, on Texas Mountain. He be longed to the Union Home Guard, in Barbour County, during the war. Children : William W., Milia M., Salon B., Harriet M. and Wade H. David Hovatter, from Barbour County, is the son of Darid Hovatter, and was born in 1853 ; in 1877 he married Tena L., daughter of George Shahan ; is a farmer, owning 72 acres, 10 of which are improved ; Hves 5 miles from St. George, on BuU Eun. Children : Charles, Lillie C. and WUbert. John W. Helmick, born 1860, in Pendleton County ; of English descent; married in 1882, to Phebe J. Waybright; is a farmer, liring in the Sugar Lands, five miles from St. George. They have one child, named Sloma C. Lloyd Hansfoed, son of W. W. Hansford, of Black Fork, was born March 16, 1857. In his younger school years he attended school under S. E. Dumire, Miss Jane Parsons, V. N. Gribble, A. B. Parsons and P. Lipscomb. This was at the Mount Pleasant School. Lloyd entered the Fair mont Normal School in September, 1876, and graduated in 1879, being the first graduate in Tucker from any of the Normal Schools of the State. While in the Normal School, he served awhile as i,nstructor in the mathematical depart ment. Afterward he came home and taught a select school at Alum HUl, and from his school sent fouirteen applicants before the Board of Examiners, and they were aU granted certificates. The school of ten weeks closed in September, 1880, and he entered into a stock company whose object 414 HISTOEY OF TUCKEE COUNTY. was to foster the Tucker Democrat, which, at that time, was not self-sustaining. The company numbered among its members Senator Ewin, A. B. Parsons, L. S, AuvU and others. Hansford was elected Editor ; for, it seems that the paper was conducted on the plan of those religious de nominations that elect their preacher instead of selecting him, or allowing him to select himself. Hansford, with almost no experience in the business, was elected to, manage the paper the first year. On the 19th of Sept., 1880, he was appointed principal of the Fetterman school, with two assistants. The newspaper business had furnished him plenty of hardwork; but the pay had not been as good as he wished. He had mean while, been studying the law, under Caleb Boggess, of Clarksburg.* In 1881 he Avas appointed first assistant in the Piedmont Graded School, which he accepted. He then took con tracts on the W. Va. C. & P. E. W. and worked just one year, at various kinds of work and with different crews of men. He belonged to the engineer corps that located the railroad from Fairfax to Bever. In 1883 he was appointed teacher of the St. George school. At the convention of June 7, 1884, he received the nomination for prosecuting attorney of Tucker CountA'. He is a young man of steady habits, and has a good education. Albert Hovattee Avas born in 1864, son of Elton Hovat ter, lives on a rented farm four miles from St. George. Stephen Haesh, son of AndrcAv Harsh, of German de scent, Avas born in 1851, and married in 1874 to Dortha E. Goff; lives 6 miles from St. George, on the Limestone * For a sketch of Hansford as a lawyer see " History of the St. George Bar," in tills book. BEIEF BIOGEAPHIES. 415 road ; farm of 95 acres with 40 acres improved. Children : Cora Ann, Walter McClure, Josephine Gertrude, Samuel S., Dora May and Nora Lee. He belongs to a family of great physical strength and power of endurance. Eeuben AV. Hebb, son of John Hebb, was born in 1847, in Preston County; married in 1874, to Margaret James. Children : Jasper L., Sarah O., Harvey D. and George H.; is a farmer and lives on Location, four miles from St. George. T. P. Hebb, of EngUsh descent, son of Thomas Hebb, was born in 1823* ; married in 1842 to Catharine, daughter of Hiram Sanders ; his wife died in 1853, and he married Mary Ann, daughter of Levi Lipscomb. ChUdren : Sarah A., Thomas P., John C, Joseph H. and Martha E.; lives 5 mUes beloAv St. George on a farm of 175 acres, of which 75 acres are improved; has been in Tucker since 1876; has held several offices in the county ; he Avas on the board of supervisors in 1866, and held office until the constitution went out of force ; held the position of president of the board of education for 12 years. In 1861, he entered the Union army, and remained in it until 1865 ; was at Eowles burg when Jones made his raid into that quarter ; was in several skirmishes and in one of them had his knee thrown out of place, from the effect of which his right side has ever since been almost helpless. John Hebb, son of T. F. Hebb, born 1847, married 1871, to Marcilla, daughter of David H. Lipscomb. Children : Maud C, Charles AA^, Albert T., Augusta Lee, Solomon E., *T. F. Hebb's grandfather was sent to America during the Eevolutionary war, as a British soldier. After he landed he deserted and Joined the Americans. He was dis charged from service before the close of the war, but when CornwaUis raide'd into Virginia, he again took the field in common with the Virginia troops and was present at the battle of Yorktown, which resulted in the defeat of the British. 416 HISTOEY OF TUCKEE COUNTY. Ira C, and baby. He is a farmer, and lives five mUes below St. George. David B. Hansford, born 1863, son of Wesley Hansford ; lives 12 mUes above St. George, on a farm of 70 acres, one-third improved. John Hansfoed, of English descent, bom 1832, son of Acra Hansford ; married, 1858, to Savana, daughter of John Bright. Children : Benjamin P., Anzalina, Florence O., CorneUus P., Jeremiah A., MontiviUe M. G., Margaret and Columbia C. He owns one-half acre of land on Pleasant Eun ; was John Losh's partner in hunting during one win ter ; lives 12 miles above St. George. Joseph H. Hebb, son of T. F. Hebb, was born in 1849 ; lives on Limestone, 4 miles from St. George ; married in 1879 to Mary E. Goff. ChUdren : Eddy May, Lyda M. C. and Bertha E. Phillip M. Helmick, son of Miles Helmick, of Pendleton County, Avas born in 1856, and married in 1877 to Nancy E. daughter of Isaac Parsons, of Cheat Eiver. When he mar ried he was 21 years of age, and his wife was 66. In 1883, his wife died, and the same year he married Elizabeth, daughter of Mathias Helmick ; is a farmer, owning 62 acres of land, 35 acres improved. Abeaham L. Helmick was born in 1864, son of A. B. Hel mick, of English descent, lives 7 miles from St. George in the Sugar Lands ; been in Tucker since 1872. Geoege W. Helmick, brother of PhUip, born in 1860. In 1878 he married Alice Simmons. Children : Nettie V., WU son and Laura ; lives on a farm of 7 acres with 2 acres partly improved, 6 miles from St. George, on the road lead ing to the Sugar Lands. BEIEF BIOGEAPHIES. 417 M. P. Helmick, born 1838, was a son of Miles Helmick ; Vas married in 1858, to Elizabeth, daughter of George Hel mick. She died, and he married Susana Davis, of Pendle ton County. Children: John W., James B., Martha L., Floyd v., Hendron McClure, Alfred Hampton, Becca and Arthur ; is a farmer of 160 acres in the Sugar Lands ; was in the Confederate army at Garnett's defeat at Corrick's Ford. Afterwards he joined the Union a,vvay, and Avas hon orably discharged at the close of the war. Abraham Helmick, born 1842, in Pendleton County, son of Miles Helmick ; married, 1861, to Catharine MuUennax. She died in 1877, and he married Prudence, daughter of WiUiam Ware, of Eandolph County. Children : Abraham L., Georgiana, Albert, Martin Howard and Effie Huldy ; is a farnjer of 116 acres, with 50 acres improved, almost every foot of which he has cleared himself ; has a large part of his farm sown down in grass, and cuts a considerable amount of hay, which he feeds to stock ; is a prosperous ' farmer, and Hves in the Sugar Lands, seven miles from St. George. He joined the Confederate army at the com mencement of the war. At AUeghany he was shot through the shoulder by a Minie-ball, and at Laurel HiU he was knocked down by a shell ; was in Garnett's retreat. In Virginia, soon after, he left the Confederate army and joined the Union. He was in several battles, Gettysburg among them, and was also in several skirmishes along the B. & O. E. E., notably that of Paw Paw Tunnel ; he fought through the entire war, and has since lived on a farm. Oncfe he came near being kiUed by a bear which he had caught in a trap. It tore loose and tried to catch him, and he could only spring up a tree, taking his gun with him. FinaUy, he shot the bear. 27 418 HISTOEY OF TUCKEE COUNTY. Mathias Helmick, born 1828, son of George Helmick, of Eandolph County, married Melrina Vandevanter. ChUdren : Sarah C, George E., Eobert, Charles D., Sansom D., Phoebe, PhiUip M., Mordicaai P., Mary J., Martha E. and Simon. Mathias Avas one of the -Dry Fork Home Guards, and had many skirmishes. Eobeet Helmick, born in 1855, son of Mathias Helmick ; married Martha Boner, of Dry Fork, daughter of Arch. Boner. Children : AA^alter F. and Simon S.; farmer, 7 miles from St. George, in Sugar Lands. AVilliam Hull, of English and Irish descent, was born in HamxDshire Count}', in 1822 ; married Jemima Tucker and lives on a farm on Horse Shoe Eun, five miles from St. George. Children: Mary E., James P., Thomas M., Gib son T., John O., Upton Seymour, William W., Virginia I. and Harriet Isabel. G. T. Hull, son of William HuU, born 1852 ; married in 1875, to Margaret, daughter of George Spesert, of Horse Shoe Eun. Children: AVilliam H., Mary J., Alberta and Lizzie Delia ; he lives in St. George. David Hansfoed, son of Acra Hansford, was born in 1837, and married in 1865, to Susan, daughter of Joshua Vanscoy. Children : Hamon L., Perry J., Columbus B., Laverna J., George Harmon, Margaret C. and Delphia May. Erasmus A. Hammon, born in 1846, in Virginia ; married, 1871, to Sarah A., daughter of Abraham Inlow ; oavus 92 acres of land, with 25 acres of improvement. Children: Ephriam F. and Daisy EUen. E. Haepee. A fuU history of E. Harper is given in other parts of this book, therefore it is not given here. He lives BEIEF BIOGEAPHIES. 419 four mUes from St. George, on Clover Eun, and is a farmer and doctor, and owns 4,500 acres of land. * William P. Hebb, son of John Hebb, was born in 1832 , and was married to Margaret Lipscomb in 1853. Children : Jemima C, Mary E., James A., Berlinda J., DeUa V., Mel rina M., WUUam H., Eeuben T., Daniel K., Ida M., Arthur Levi, George W. and Margaret G. His farm of 100 acres is half improved ; 4 miles from St. George, on Location. He was taken prisoner by the men who came into Tucker with McChesney, and Avas carried to Eich Mountain ; was a pris oner, tied to S. E. Parsons in Garnett's retreat. Parsons escaped on Hog Back, but Hebb Avas carried to Petersburg, tried and liberated. After this he joined the Union army, and was taken prisoner by Jones at the time of his raid on Eowlesburg,_ but was kept only one day. James B. Helmick, son of P. M. Helmick, born in 1864 ; is a laborer by occupation. B. F. Hansfoed, son of J. M. Hansford, was born in 1859, and married in 1877, to Barbara M., daughter of Moses Phillips. Children : Ida J., Harriet D. and Lamiria ; farms 7 acres of improved land, and owns 40 acres of wild land on Clover Eun. J. S. Haet, born 1853, in Pennsylvania ; married Alice Stone in 1875. ChUdren : Ida P. and Walter L. ; is a far mer of 33 acres, with 20 acres of tilled land, on Location, 5 miles from St. George. Geoege Hopkins, of English and German descent, was born in Preston. County ; married Mary E. Spesert in 1859, and has since lived in Tucker County, and been a farmer. Chil dren : Ida Ellen and Levi AVesley ; oavus 68 acres of land, ten miles from St. George, on the waters Of Horse Shoe Eun. 420 HISTOEY OF TUCKEE COUNTY. Levi Hile was born about 1817, in Germany ; is a man •peculiar and eccentric, and is well known over the county, many people claiming that he has supernatural power in controlling bees, wasps, yellow-jackets andstinging insects. He claims this power, and is willing to take a good stinging in order to make people believe that the bees will not sting him ; will walk into a hornet's nest and claim that they do not harm him. They do sting him, but it seems the effect is slight on him. He married Nancy Gower, and their chU dren are, Mary, Anamelia- and Samuel ; is a farmer, Hving on Hile Eun, 9 miles from St. George. I. A. J. Irons, son of Henry Irons, was born in Maryland, in 1841 ; is of German descent, and was married, in 1862, , to Amanda, daughter of John Bright. Children : Malinda, Seymour G, Thomas J., Margaret D., Emma T., Clara D., Ara B., Flossa L., Henry J. and Harlan E. His farm of 235 acres, 100 improved, is on Shafer's Fork, 14 miles from St. George. Mr. Irons is road surveyor and a member of the board of education. i. EuGENUs Johnson, son of Eobert Johnson, of English and German descent, lives on Black Fork, 11 miles from St. George, where he has 75 acres- of cleared land on a farm of 125 acres ; also follows the blacksmith business ; Avas born in 1852 ; was once elected constable, but did not serve. In 1875, he married Martha A., daughter of Madison Lambert. Children : Luther M., Elizabeth M. and Eosa Belle. In his life he killed 9 bears. H. J. Johnson, brother to Eugenus, was born in 1842, and married in 1875, to Amanda, daughter vof Adonijah Phillips. His farm contains 350 acres, with 40 acres under BEIEF BIOGEAPHIES. 421 cultivation. ChUdren : Ezekiel H., Harper J., Jacob C. and Birdie C. He Hves on Dry Fork, 12 miles from St. George ;- was in the Confederate army 18 months, and was with Im boden on his first raid into Tucker. In his life he has kUled 20 bears. Sampson O. Johnson, son of E. P. Johnson, was born in Randolph in 1852, and in 1869 married AUce, daughter of Jesse Daris, of Pendleton County. Children : Stephen, Archibald and Benjamin ; lives on rented land, 22 miles from St. George, on Dry Fork ; was married at 17 years of age. J. M. Jenkins was bom in 1831, in Preston County. In 1855 he was married to Ann C. Houston, of Pennsylvania ; of Welch and Irish descent. Children : WUliam B., Sadie, SUas, Frank, EUa, DeUa, Alverda, Dessie and Delton. Stone and brick mason; been in Tucker since 1874; at present Hves in St. George. In 1882 he was a candidate for the Legislature, but was not elected. In stone-work he has done some large contracts on the Pennsylvania rail roads. E. P. Johnson was born in 1821, in Pendleton County, of EngUsh and Irish descent. Married in 1846 to S. A. White, of Eandolph. In 1861 his wife died, and he married Provy Watts; he lives 25 miles from St. George on Dry Fork. He is constable. Children : Sampson, Sarah E., Elizabeth, Susan and Anna. Samuel H. James, son of Isaac James, Avas born in 1854, of EngUsh descent. Married in 1877 to DeUa V. Hebb, daughter of WUliam Hebb ; he lives at Limestone, 10 miles from St. George, on a farm. Children : Berlinda, Charles W., Bertie B. and SteUa F. 422 HISTOEY OF TUCKEE COUNTY. Thomas J. Jones, of English and German descent, son of John Jones, bom 1850, was married in 1874 to Virginia M., daughter of John White. He farms on Limestone, 5 miles from St. George ; his farm of 175 acres of land has 11 acres improved. Children : John U., Etta Margaret Tilden, Melissa Eunice, Marcilla V. and McClure Burr. L. W. James is of English descent, lives at Limestone ; born 1858, and has taught school three times on certificates No. 2 and 3. George W. Jones, son of John Jones, born 1848, in Ean dolph County; married, 1874, Elvina J., daughter of Theo dore Lipscomb. She died in 1879, and in 1882, he married Martha, daughter of John Stemple. Children : Leonora A., Arthur C. and Lulu Octavia ; farmer, lives 6 miles from St. George, on Pifer Mountain ; owns 122 acres, 25 acres im proved ; has worked considerably at the carpenter trade. Daniel Judah, of Virginia, was born 1802, and is of Ger man descent; married Judah McCallister in 1826, whose name then became Judah Judah. Judah was working in the harvest field on his wedding day, and quit work at the appointed hour, went to the house, was married and re- tured immediately to the field. ChUdren: Mary, Nancy, Elizabeth, Sarah and Lyda. He came to West Virginia in 1834, and lived for a while on Stemple Eidge, and he then moved to the farm where S. N. Swisher now lives. After that he lived nearly every place on Horse Shoe Eun. Epheaim H. James, born 1819, of English descent, was married in 1849, to Sarah, daughter of John Dumire ; lives on Location, 4 miles from St. George, on a farm of eleven acres, with four improved. His wife died in 1879, and he married Mrs. Louisa AVeese, who died in 1882, and he then BEIEF BIOGEAPHIES. 423 married Mrs. Euth Lipscomb. Children : Sarah Jane, EUzabeth, Catharine, George W., S. Loman, Jacob M. and Ulysses G. Samuel L. James, born 1849, son of E. James ; married in 1874, to Jemima, daughter of William Hebb ; lives four miles from St. George, on the Location, Avhere he owns a farm of 152 acres, with 70 improved ; is a road surveyor ; has five chUdren dead, and one, John P., living. , John Jones, born in Maryland, 1821. His parents Avere of German and French descent, from Eockingham County, Va. In 1840, he married Unice DeMoss, of Monongalia County. Children : George W., Hannah J., Martha A., Thomas J., Henry C. and John E. He is a farmer and has lived within a few miles of St. Geroge ever since he Avas 16 years old. He Avas the first justice of the peace of Tucker County after its formation. In 1865, he held the office of superrisor, and ih 1882 was elected county commissioner. In the war he leaned toward the South. Latham took him prisoner and carried him to Belington, and held him a few days. He was carried to Philippi by Capt Holler, and was again released. He was a captain of the Confederate Home Guards. He lost a son, James AV., in the Confederate ser vice, who was taken sick of a fever broiight about by over work as a carrier of dispatches, and died near Monterey, on the HuttonsvUle road. His farm of 150 acres is six miles west of St. George, in Clover District. K. J. M. Knapp was born in 1859, in Upshur County, AV. Va., of Irish and German descent. Carpenter, owns 100 acres of land on Haddix ; been in the county since 1880. John W. Keisee, Avhose father's baptismal name was 424 - HISTOEY OP TUCKEE COUNTY. Eesin, was born in 1858, in Barbour County, of German descent; married in 1880, to Tobitha C. PhilUps; Farmer of 113 acres, 30 acres improved, 7 miles from St. George on Clover. William A. Knotts, son of Eobert Knotts, was born in 1856. Married Clara B., daughter of S. E. Fansler. He lives on Horse Shoe Eun, 5 miles from St. George, and is a farmer. Their child's name is Albert C. Egbert K. Knotts, of English descent, son of Eobert Kotts, born in Marion County, AV. Va., in 1818. Married in 1840, to Fanny, daughter of Frederick Harsh, of Preston County. Children : Martin Luther, Ellen, John A., James, Stephen A. and WiUiam A. He has 110 acres of improved land on a farm of 180 acres. He has been in Tucker since 1852, and " has held no office, except the plow handles." Mr. Knotts began for himself with but little on which to -go, except health and industry. He commenced in the woods, and the first year raised 40 bushels of sound corn, and since that time has been selling corn every year. The first year he killed 21 deer Avithin one mile of the house ; he generally killed from 10 to 20 a year for 20 years. He never hunted except in tbe morning before breakfast. Often he would kill two and three and get home in time for breakfast; he sometimes carried venison to West Union and sold it. Bear skins Avere worth from $1.50 to $7 each. He probably had the most remarkable adventure with panthers that Avas ever in the county or State. One Sunday morning he went hunting as was his custom, and met three panthers, and he shot one dead where it stood. The largest of the remaining sat doAvn and watched him until he had reloaded. He shot it, but it ran yelling into the woods and the other followed it ; he reloaded his gun, and presently BEIEF BIOGRAPHIES. 425 the unhurt beast came galloping back to look for its partner. He shot it dead. The one that Avas wounded also died, making three panthers that he killed without moring from his tracks. This was his last hunting on the Sabbath day. M. L. Knotts, son of R. K. Knotts, was born in 1837, in Preston County. In 1859 he married Margaret E., daughter of Enos SeU, of Preston County ; he lives 10 mUes from St. George on Maxwell's Run, where he owns a farm of 168 acres, 75 of which is under cultivation. He has been a hunter, but not so great a one as his father ; he has killed 8 bears and 1 panther, 11 feet long. Children: John J., Enos. E., Fanny E., Mary E., Susan Adaline, Jennie E., Laura BeUe, and SteUa Maud. J. Z. T. Keener was born 1847 in Taylor County ; married in 1878 to M. A., daughter of James MiUer. He came from Ireland, where his father was drowned when the sdn was smaU. He keeps a boarding house at Dobbin's old hotel, in Canada, and lost a leg by a wagon's upsetting, at Mingo Flats. Joseph Kepner, a shoemaker of St. George, was born in Maryland, 1852. In his younger days he lived principally at Oakland. In 1876 he married HeUen M. Jones. The next year, 1877, he came to St. George. Before that time he had worked at his trade in New York and Maryland. Their children are : Margaret Jane, Franklin P., Harry G., George M., Carrie Adams and Enos Duncan. Jasper Kalar, born 1852, son of Jacob Kalar, of German descent, Hves on Shafer's Fork, 12 mUes from St. George ; married 1872 to Mary Jane, daughter of Jonathan Channel, of Taylor County. He owns 201 acres of land, one-fifth of 426 HISTOEY OF TUCKEE COUNTY. it being improved. Children : Howard D., Olive Blanche, Stark F. and Harriet. William A. Kalar, born 1849, brother of, Jasper Kalar ; married 1873 to Martha, daughter of Daniel Hart, of Ean dolph. Children : Carrie A., Delphia A. and Albert Blaine. He is a farmer, living on Shafer's Fork, 12 miles from St. George, and owns 75 acres of land with 40 acres improved. John Knotts, son of E. K. Knotts, was born in 1841; married 1862 to Lettie, daughter of George Spesert. Chil dren : Mary I., George William, Sarah Laverna, Dora Ann and Lavina Alice. He is a farmer of 197 acres, vnth 25 acres improved, and Arith an orchard of thirty-five apple trees, on Hog Back, 12 miles from St. George. He has been and still is a successful hunter, having killed many deer and bears. E. W. Knapp, of Pocahontas County, was born in 1831 and married 1851 to Mary WoodhuU. ChUdren: DelUah Margaret, George B., John M., Elmira P., Ida E. C, Olive C, Marietta V., Lorenzo D. He is a farmer of 152 acres, Avith 10 acres improved, six miles from St. George, and was in the Union army. William E. Kight, born 1856, in Maryland ; married, in 1880, to Harriet M. Welsh. ChUdren: Elsie EUzabeth, Edward Garfield and a baby ; is a farmer, and Hves on Lead Mine. Stephen Knotts lives on Closs Mountain ; born 1851 ; married 1870, to Christina Spesert ; is a farmer of 118 acres, Arith 12 acres improved. Isaac Lipscomb, son of Theodore B., was born 1858. He is a farmer, owning 53 acres, and lives 9 miles from St. George, on Licking. BEIEF BIOGEAPHIES. 427 James Kisner, bom 1849, in Maryland ; married Eliza beth White, who, dying, he married Columbia AVhite, in 1867 ; has 110 acres of wild land, and 70 acres of improved land ; Uves 6 miles from St. George, on Limestone ; has been in Tucker since 1872. James Knotts, born 1845, son of E. K. Knotts ; married in 1866, to Teena M., daughter of Christian WUUs. ChU dren : William Arnold, Amos and Mary E. He farms 40 acres of improved land and has 85 acres of woodland on Twelve Mile Creek, 13 miles from St. George. He has kiUed four bears, and has had some remarkable fights with them. L. Stuart S. Lambert, son of James B. Lambert, born 1843, in Pendleton County; German descent; married, 1862, Emily Nelson, widow of WiUiam Nelson, and daughter of Catharine Bower. Their children are, Henry C, Susan, Emily C-, U. S. G., James B., Eiley and Etta. He is a far mer, ovsming 25 acres, with 15 acres improved, on Dry Fork, 24 mUes from St. George; has been in Tucker since 1850. He taught one school on a No. 5 certificate ; was enumerator of the census in 1880. He was a Union man during the war, and was in the troops called the E. E. Guards, under General Kelly. He is a minister of the Gospel in the Chris tian Church. James B. Lambert, born 1854, son of James H. Lam bert ; married in 1876, to Alice J., daughter of Solomon Boner. ChUdren : Laura M;, Verna Olive and Walter W. He owns 402 arces, 100 acres improved,, 24 miles from St. George, on Dry Fork. He taught two schools on No. 2 certificates, and was constable two years. James H. Lambert, bom 1828, in Pendleton County, 428 HISTOEY OF TUCKEE COUNTY. brother to Stuart S., married, 1852, to America A., daughter of Catharine Boner. Children : James B., Christopher C, Lorenzo D., Nathaniel, Edward, Prosy Ellen, Annie May and Floda V. He is a farmer of extensive means ; OAvns 952 acres of land, of which 100 is improved ; has been in Tuck er since 1876 ; taught several terms of school in Eandolph County ; Avas a captain in the Union army, and spent three years in the service, mostly in Tucker County. Samuel H. Lewis, of Pennsylvania, born 1861 ; came to Tucker with C. E. Macomber ; married Ida Harding, daugh ter of Joseph Harding, for whose murder a negro was hanged at Oakland, Md., in 1883. Children : Edna May and Stella Pearl ; is a laborer at Thomas. Moses Lipscomb, son of James Lipscomb, born 1848, in Preston County ; of English descent ; married Mary, daugh ter of Price Montgomery, in 1874. Children : James E., Summers M., George P. and Zora E. C. He Hves 8 mUes from St. George, on a farm of 172 acres, with 3 acres im proved ; is said to be the strongest man in Tucker County. David P. Long, son of Jacob H. Long, of EngUsh de scent, born 1856, married in 1878 to Euth, daughter of W. W. Hansford. Children : Gertie Lestie and Claudius WU son. He lives at Fairfax, where he is employed on the railroad. L. T. Lambert, son of James H. Lambert, was born in 1863, is a farmer and lives 24 miles from St. George on Dry Fork. H. C. Lambert, born 1852, son of Stewart S. Lambert, lives 20 miles from St. George, on Dry Fork ; he has taught two schools with No. 2 certificates. A. Y. Lambert, son of James H. Lambert, born 1853; BEIEF BIOGEAPHIES. 429 married 1875 to Perie, daughter of Jackson -Shoonover, of Randolph County. He is a farmer, living on Dry Fork, 23 miles from St. George ; he has taught three schools on No. 2 certificates, as may be seen by referring to another chap ter of this book. Children : Carrie E., Flora A. and Denver. Jeff Lipscomb, son of P. Lipscomb, prosecuting attorney for Tucker County, Ayas born October 8, 1862, at Aurora, Preston County, and is of German and English descent. He has lived in St. George for ten years. Soon after the found ing of The Tucker County Pioneer, he entered that office as a devil, and remained at it through storm and calm, and rain and shine, for four years. He then went into the Clerk's office as a copyist for John J. Adams, and remained at that business, though not so steadily, for a year. He attended school at odd times all his Hfe; he went to Fairmont with the intention of entering the normal school, but he did not Hke the looks of the building, and returned to St. George and went to work in the clerk's office. This was his business until January, 1884, when he entered into partnership with H. and C. H. Maxwell, and bought the Pioneer, and acted as editor and business manager until May, 1884, when he sold his interest in the paper to Hu MaxweU and retired from the business. He then entered business Arith Van Dusen & Co., of New York, as agent for their nurseries, and in that work has since been employed. Emanuel C. Lipscomb, born 1858, son of G. W. Lipscomb, of English and German descent ; married 1884 to Martha A., daughter of WUliam Weaver, of Barbour County. He is a farmer, living on Location, 7 miles from St. George, with a farm of 143 acres, 30 acres in tillage. William Luzier, of Pennsylvania, bom 1840, and mar- 430 HISTOEY OF TUCKEE COUNTY. ried 1865, to Mary A. AA''imer; came to Tucker in 1880, and has a farm of 150 acres, with 5 acres improved, six miles from St. George, on Location Eidge. He spent one year in the Union army, was wounded at Winchester and dis charged from the service. Children: Alvin V., James E., Theodore H., William E., Anna E., Tabithia O., Hestala, Charles E., Sarenas B. and Justice. Peter AV. Lipscomb, son of AV. H. Lipscomb, was born in 1860, and was married in 1882 to Florence, daughter of Jacob Dumire, of Limestone. Their child's name is AAlUiam J.; his farm of 117 acres has 90 acres improved, 10 miles beloAV St. George, on the river. He has taught three schools : Macadonia, No 2, Licking District, and the White school. Philetus Lipscomb,* son of Fieldon Lipscomb, was born in Preston County, September 3, 1868. He is of Saxon de scent. The Lipscombs were among the early settlers of Virginia. He attended nothing but common schools, never graduated at any school.t He has taught twenty-one schools in Maryland and West Virginia, nearly all under No. 1 certificates. In 1862 he married Anamelia, daughter of John Gower, of Garrett County, Md. Children: Jeff, Camden, Howard, Florence M. and Lawrence. P. Lipscomb commenced the study of the law in 1871, and the next year Avas granted license to practice, having been examined by Judges Dille and Berkshire. He never studied under or recited a lesson to a lawyer in his life. As a lawyer he has been successful, having practice not only in the Circuit and Supreme Courts of AV. Va., but also in * See History of the St. George Bar in this hook. t The Lipscombs came from Europe to A'irglnia, thence to Jronougalla County, W. A'a., and thence to Tucker. BEIEF BIOGEAPHIES. 431 Maryland; his cases have been numerous in the Circuit Courts of Tucker and the adjoining counties. His ability sets rather toward criminal practice ; and, his influence over juries is plain to be seen. He has been an officer of one kind and another nearly ever since he came to Tucker County ; he was county su perintendent four years, prosecuting attorney four years, commissioner to settle with the sheriff four years, besides several minor positions, such as town and corporation offices and member of the county board of examiners for teachers. His war history is not of special importance ; he was eighteen days a prisoner having been taken by Eeed. He owns tracts of land in different parts of the county. William H. Lipscomb is of English and German descent, born 1829 in Preston County, and married in 1857, to Han nah B., daughter of George E. Adams. Children : Peter W., WUliam F., Arthur G., Archibald J., George K.^' Alice E., Sarah E., and Amy May. WiUiam H. Lipscomb and Thomas F. Hebb are the two best lumbermen and raftsmen on the river. They have made it their business for a num ber of years. Lipscomb has been logging for 25 years, but has farmed some in the meantime. Some years he rafted to the railroad at Eowlesburg over a million feet. He came to St. George in 1884, living in property bought from H. C. Eosenberger. In the Avar he had many narrow escapes, although he was not a regular soldier, being a mili tiaman. He was shot at by a whole regiment, because he had reported some of their thievery ; was an associate in the county court, and has been a member of the board of education two terms ; is stUl following his occupation of lumbering on the river. 432 HISTOEY OF TUCKEE COUNTY. Gaeeett j. Long, born in 1834, and died of a cancer, after terrible suffering, in 1874. He was the son of James Long, and of English descent. He was married in 1856, to Edith Corrick, daughter of WiUiam Corrick. His chU dren are, Mary Alice, Sarah Samantha, Eebecca, Nora, So phronia Ann, James, Harriet and Joseph Johnson. His account of the war in Tucker County, and particularly that relating to the battle of Corrick's Ford, is full and authentic. From the flrst, he took an active , part in the war ; was an officer of the Confederate Home Guards, until he was taken prisoner by Hooton, of Eowlesburg, on a charge of treason against the United States. The authorities were several times petitioned to liberate him ; he lay in prison three months at AN heeling, and never recovered from the injury which his prison life did him. In 1870, a cancer made its appearance on his face, and four years after, he died. His wife saw as much, perhaps, of the battle of Corrick's Ford as was seen by any one person; her father's house was made a hospital for the sick and wounded of both sides. After the fight, the Eebel prisoners, thirty or forty in all, were taken to the field of battle that they might identify the dead. The kitchen was the prison and the hospital for the Eebels and the main house for the Yankees. General Garnett was carried to the house and laid on a bed. He was visited by General Morris, the' Union Commander. They had been schoolmates together at West Point. The Confederate General died in Morris' arms. One wounded Eebel tried to escape in Avoman's clothes ; but, being de tected, he went back to bed, and remained there, affecting to be on the point of death. After twelve days the Yankees left, and the wounded Eebel got up and went home. He was a Virginian. Another Eebel had been badly wounded. BEIEF BIOGEAPHIES. 433 and they had carried him to the house. He was so con trary that he would have nothing to do with anything that a Union man had touched. They brought him a Doctor ; but, he being a Yankee, the sick Eebel would not take his medicine. They left the stubborn man, and he finally got weU. He was from Georgia. Garrett Long was a member of the M. E. Church, South, and was superintendent of the Alum Hill Sunday-school. He was much missed in this field. Since his death there has been no class-meeting or Sunday-school at Alum HiU. J. E. LouGHEY, son of Aaron Loughry, of German and Irish descent ; was born in 1846, and married in 1867, to Nancy E., daughter of A. H. Bowman, of Eowlesburg. ChU dren : James A, Alice V., Claudius A., Maud D., Walton H. and Agnes M. He is a farmer and merchant, and lives 8 miles below St. George ; owns 140 acres of land, of which 40 acres are improved ; has held several offices, such as township registrar, clerk, member of the board of education, justice of the peace and postmaster. S. V. LouGHEY, brother of J. E. Loughry, was born in 1834, and married in 1873, to Jane, daughter of W. L. Biggs. ChUdren: J. W. J., Nancy, Mary, Susan, OUve, Joretta, Euth, Hiram, Sarah, Leonora, Victoria, Samuel P. and George S. He is a farmer, living 6 miles below St. George ; owns 244 acres of land, of which 40 are improved. Adam H. Long, born 1818, the year that his father, John H. Long, came to Cheat Eiver from Virginia ; is of English and German descent, and was married in 1840, to Nancy Hart. She is a daughter of John S. Hart, whose father, John Hart, signed the Declaration of Independence. Children : John H., Margaret Jane, George B., Susan W., 88 434 HISTOEY OF TUCKEE COUNTY. Cornelius, CarroU W. and Lacy L. He is a farmer, owning 131 acres of land, of which 87 acres are improved ; is presi dent of the board of education. According to Adam Long's account there were 16 Con federates kiUed at Corrick's Ford. He thinks that the Union loss was more ; he Avas arrested by General Kelly, but his property was not molested. He also says that the first settlers on the river were Capt. James Parsons, Sims, Benjamin Euddle and Joseph Hardman. Parsons bought Sims to the country, and the Indians kiUed him. Israel Schseffer, father of Israel Schseffer, of Kingwood, first set tled on Shafer's Fork, and from him it was named ; but, the spelling has changed. Haddix Creek was named after the first man who lived there. The Moores came to Tucker in 1820. Barney Kiearns, Fansler and Eush were the first settlers on Black Fork. Brannon Eun, in HoUy Meadows, was named after John Brannon (not Judge Brannon) who was the first man to live there. John H. Long, born 1843, son of Adam H. Long, married 1877 to Sara P. Musto, of Eandolph County. ChUdren: Howard Clay, Wade and Joy Jane. He is a farmer, living 6 miles from St. George, on a farm containing 81 acres, one- fourth improyed, and has traveled in the West. Stephen M. Lipscomb, son of James Lipscomb, was born 1846, married 1875 to Margaret Lipscomb. ChUdren : Alex ander D., George Amos and Lyda Catharine ; he is a farmer of 70 acres, with 8 acres improved, on Drift Eun, 5 miles from St. George. William D. Lipscomb {AutoUography) : I was bom 1819, in Preston County, am a son of James Lipscomb ; married 1861 to Eliza H. Biggs, of Garrett County, Md. I live on BEIEF BIOGEAPHIES. 435 the head of Hansford Run, and own the only grist-mill on it. I haye kiUed fifteen bears. The biggest one I ever saw piled on me. I plugged it to it four times with my butcher ^pife. It scratched my shoulders, but did not do much fur ther injury. A short time afterward I knocked an old bear 4o'wn ¦with a "sang" hoe and took a cub away from her. There were two others in a tree near by, but I could not get them. I kjUed a ferocious big panther on Iiaurel HUl. I -went to watch a " lick " for a deer. I lay in a root hole and a log lay over me. The panther slipped along and got on the log over me, not five feet avfay. 1 curied my gun up and shot the whelp in the bosom. It jumped 90 feet, and came down so hard that its feet ran in the ground a foot deep, and it stuck fast untU I went up and whipped it to death. I kiUed another .panther that had slain 17 dogs, and the next day kiUed another with a little pistol. I killed a rattlesnake 9 feet long on Laurel Hill. It had swaUowed 126 ground hogs. I kUled 160 rattlesnakes, on Laurel HiU, in one day with a club 18 inches long. Another day I kUled over 300 rattlesnakes with a club 10 inches long. One of them had 60 rattles on, and another had 187. I am a curi ous feUow. Whenever I tell a thing the truth has to come. Jacob H. Long, son of John Long, of Randolph, was bom in 1827 ; is of EngUsh and German descent ; married Lucinda Parsons, daughter of David Parsons, who was kUled by a faUing tree in 1853. Children : Virginia, David, Sarah D., Albert, Thomas, Tazell, Minnie, Grace, Emma, Maud, Blanche and Lulu. He is a farmer of 454 acres, with 150 acres improved ; was a magistrate in this part of Tucker before the formation of the county, and has held that office two terms since ; was four years president ofthe county court, and in 1875 M'as elected to the, Legislature, 436 HISTORY OF TUCKER COUNTY. where he was when the capitol was removed from Wheeling to Charleston ; was again, in 1880, elected president of the county court by an overwhelming majority ; but the amend ment to the constitution went into effect and did away Arith the office ; was several years commissioner to settle with the sheriff, and has been president of the board of educa tion. During the war he was taken prisoner and was carried to Wheeling, where he lay three months in jail. The charge against him was treason ; he was sent to Clarksburg for trial, and upon the petition of Captain Hall, got his liberty. Pierpont had already appointed him justice of the peace. His commission was, however, revoked in a week or two by a plot of his enemies. Mr. Long says that a man named Moore was the first settler in the Holly Meadows, and that he lived on the Callihan farm. William C. Lipscomb, son of Jacob Lipscomb, of English and German descent, was born 1863, and is a farmer. In 1875 he had his back broken by a colt which threw him ; he also had his arm broken by falling out of a peach tree, and had his throat hurt by a limb against which he rode. Aaeon Loughey, Sr., was born 1797 in Taylor County, of Irish and English descent, and married Nancy Loughry ; he was in the war of 1812 as a substitute ; he lives near Han nahsville, 6 miles from St. George, and lias ten children, as follows: Hiram T., Sarah, Aaron, Elizabeth, Margaret, Samuel, Susan, Mary Ann, John and Nathan. A. J. Loughey, born 1831, married 1853 ; he is a farmer of 35 acres, with 20 acres improved, 11 mUes below St. George. Children: William H., Mary C, John W., Nancy S., Mel vina, Charles, Cora, May, Berta Fay. BRIEF BIOGRAPHIES. 437 Geoege Long, father of Abel Long, born 1796 in Pendle ton County ; he was raised in the town of Franklin, and' his origin is Irish and French ; married Winnie Nelson, who died 1844, or near that time. Their children are Abel, Ab salom, WiUiam, Elizabeth and Martha. His father came to America irith Lafayette, and was with him five years and seven months. George Long was in the war of 1812. HiEAM T. Loughey was born in 1830 in Harrison County, of Irish and German descent ; he is a son of Aaron Loughry. John W. Luzier was born in 1864, in Pennsylvania, and is of English descent ; his occupation is farming and lum bering. C. C. Lambert, son of James H. Lambert, was born in 1856 ; he lives on Dry Fork, 23 miles from St. George, and is a partner in the store of James H. Lambert & Co. N. A. W. Loughry, son of Aaron Loughry, was born in 1844. In 1867 he married Catharine, daughter of David MUler. His farm of 100 acres, 6 miles from St. George, has 16 acres of cleared land on it. He spent seven months in the Union army the last year of the war. Children: Nancy Ellen, Aaron D., Thomas A. and Charles R. A. W. Love was born in 1839, in Upshur County. Mar ried in 1866 to Sarah V. Bailes. Children: Cordona, Lunda and Dorsey. He is a farmer, living on the Mason Farm, five miles from St. George, on Location. He was formerly a minister of the M. P. Church, and spent one year on the St. George circuit. His farm contains 104 acres with 60 acres improved. Chaeles E. Luzier, son of A. B. Luzier, Avas born in 1856; married Anna B., daughter of C. R. Macomber, in 438 HISTOEY GF TUCKeK COUNTY. 18S0. Chitefen : Agnes L., Ma B. aliid E. Burtdn'. KiW fk^in of 240 acires is on MiU Rhin, 6 tiiUes trota St. Geotgfe', with' 40 acres improved. GeoSge a. Long, son of Abel Long, Hves on Dry Fork, 18 miles from St. George ; was born in 1849, and married ih 1871, to Mary C. Cunningham, df Randolph County. ChU dren: Coi'a, Rebioe A., Thomas J. and SaUe. He is a farmer. Jacob S. Lambert, son of M. G. Lambert, was born in 1863 ; married Margaret E., daughter of Daniel L. Dumire, of Horse Shoe Eun, in 1884. He is a farmer and lives on Maxwell's Eun, six miles from St. George. William D. Losh, son of William D. Losh, was born in 1840 ; married 1863, to Sarah C, daughter of Leri Hopkins. Children : John L., George S., Mary E., Darid AV., Cora A., Dolly M. and M. Jennie. He is a farmer, owning 80 acres, 40 acres of which he cultivates, ou Horse Shoe Eun, 6 mUes from St. George. He joined the Confederate army, and was at the second battle of Bull Eun, where he was taken pris oner and carried to New York. In a few days he crawled by the guards and escaped to Philadelphia, where he worked a month, and then went to Pittsburgh ; thence to AVheeling and home. In a little while he was taken by Kelly, and was carried to Grafton and kept there three weeks. A second time he escaped and came home. He is a brother to John Losh, the great hunter, and has himself killed a score of bears. He has made several journeys to the West. George W. Leatherman, of English and German descent', and son of John Lewis Leatherman, was born in Hamp shire County, W. Va., in 1835. He is one of three surviring BEIEP BIOGEAPHIES. 439 chUdren. A brother and sister live in Missouri. In 1851 his father died, and he, \rith his brother, was left to take care of the famUy. They worked hard, but did not prosper as they thought they ought, and they determined to move to the AVest. One of the boys went ahead to hunt a place and the others foUowed with wagons loaded with the house hold plunder. They were aiming for Missouri, and the journey was frought with difficulties. It was in October, and it rained and the roads were nearly impassable. Some of the famUy took the ague, and the others had an addi tional amount of work to do. They passed through Ohio, Indiana into lUinois. It had rained nearly all the time ; but when they reached lUinois, the weather became clear, and they got along better. Just before they reached the Mississipi Eiver, their horses broke down, and one of them died. With the remaining they could advance but slowly ; but finaUy they reached their destination. After they reached Missouri, they had much sickness in the family . The subject of this sketch lay an invalid all Arinter, and nearly all the next summer. So, in the fall he decided to return to W- Va., and sell the home farm ; he came back, but failed to seU it. He remained in the vicinity more than a year, and in that time came to the conclusion, since he could not sell the land, that he would get married and buy out the other heirs and live on the old homestead, which, after all, he considered good enough. Thus he^did. In 1857 he married Mary S. Whip. They worked hard and got along well enough. When the war came on, he was drafted for the Confederate army, but it did not suit his inclinations to fight for that side, so he Avent off in a hiirry for Indiana, and his wife followed him. They did not like it in Indiana, and in the spring of 1862 440 HISTOEY OF TUCKEE COUNTY. determined to come back to W. Va., and risk the danger from the Eebels who might be mad at him ; he came back to his farm and was not molested. His wife died, and left him with six children to take care of ; he kept them together, and continued house-keeping until 1877 when he married Catharine Thrush, and old school-mate of his. His children are : Warren W., John W., Zedekiah A., Mary Elizabeth, George S. and Emma Margaret. In 1880 he moved his family to Canaan. He had ex plored the country some time before, and had bought large land interests. It was the work of nineteen days to cut a road to get his wagons into the country. Since then he has prospered in his undertakings, and is now near the AV. Va. C. & P. E. W. He is a member of the German Baptist Church, and is the ordained minister for his neighborhood. M. Joseph Maetin, son Of John V. M. Martin, born 1821, in Preston County; married, 1845, Catharine, daughter of John Squires ; farmer, renter, but owns 50 acres in Ean dolph County; lives 7 miles from St. George on Texas Mountain. Children: Mary A., Hiram, Sarah, Margaret C, John T., Asbury, Albert and Samuel. Michael Mitchell born 1826, is of English descent, and was married in 1849 to Nancy ShaAV. They had, seven children to die within three weeks, oi diptheria. Their remaining children are Simon S. and Harvey. He is a far mer OAvning 250 acres of land, 80 of which is improved ; Hves on Texas Mountain, 7 miles from St. George. Simon S. Mitchell, son of Michael M., born 1853, mar ried jn 1883 to Mrs. E. C. Pitzer, daughter of WiUiam BEIEF BIOGEAPHIES. 441 Godwin. By occupation he is a farmer, owning 120 acres, 15 being improved; Hves 7 miles from St. George, on Texas Mountain. Egbert F. Mubphy, son of Jonathan Murphy, was born in Barbour County. In 1879 he married Keturah, daughter of Andrew Pifer. Farmer, owns 40' acres, 15 improved, Hves 4 mUes from St. George on Texas Mountain. ChUdren : DeUa, Eay and Boyd. John Moore, son of S. P. Moore, of EngUsh descent, was bom 1847, in Barbour County; married 1876, to Esther C, daughter of WiUiam Pitzer ; he is a farmer of 22 acres, 6 acres improved, 6 miles from St. George, on Texas Mountain. ChUdren: Daniel B., EUey, Godfrey, Samuel P. and Martha L. Martina Myers, son of Adam Myers, was bom in Ean dolph County, 1847 ; married 1868 to Euhama, daughter of John M. Cross ; he is a farmer, 8 miles from St. George, on Clover, and oavus 117 acres, with 30 acres improved. Michael Myers, of German descent, son of Josiah Myers, was born 1838 ; married 1872 to Amelia, daughter of John AuvU. Children : Jehu W. and Annetta. His farm contains 900 acres, of which 100 is under cultivation ; he lives three mUes from St. George on Clover, and is road surveyor ; hfe served three years in the Confederate army under Imboden, Wharton, Breckenridge and Early ; he belonged to the 62d Va. Inf., but was mounted most of the time; he fought twice at Winchester, and was in the battles of Cold Harbor, New Market and others; he served principaUy in the VaUey of Virginia, but was at Eichmond. In the war his fortunes were varied, he being one of the soldiers that fought through the war, and shared in defeats and rictories ; he suffered de- ^2 HISTOilY OF TUCKEE COUNTY. feat at 'Winchester, September 19, and shared a victory at New Market. At Gettysburg he was under Early, and he considers the battle of WiUiamsport, Md., a harder engage ment in proportion to the n'ulnber engaged than that of Gettysburg. Tliere were only four men in his compaiiy(E), that were unhurt, and he A\'as one of them, although he was in skirniishes alinOst every day. AVhen he came home on a furlough he was betrayed into the hands of GaUion, and was sent to Camp Chase, where he suffered as every one suffered who got into that prison. Four months were spent there and he got his liberty only at the close of the war. He is a model citizen, and a man of influence in his neigh borhood. Enoch Minear, son of Darid Minear, was born January 9, 1799, in St. George ; he has. been one of the prominent men of the county since its flrst organization and a score of years before. He, like his sons, has been an extensive traveler, haring visited California several times, been through Idaho, Oregon, Mexico, Central America, and through several eastern states. He went there after he was captured by Imboden, to escape the war, as did A. C. Minear, also. He was there in 1859, 1861, 1864 and 1874.* Absalom Mick was born in 1849 in Pendleton, married in 1868 to Jane Wyatt. Children : Martha, E., Joseph, Mary J., Mahulda, Albert and !finoch ; he is a farmer and haS been in Tucker since 1880; his farm contains 71 acres, Arith 15 acres itnproved, on Dry Fork, 20 mUes froin St. Gebrg^. He belonged to the Home Gliiards during the war. DaniSel Miller v?as born in 1856. In 1883 he married * A full history of Bnpch Minear and the tamlly Is given In another chapter of this book, and, for that reasdn, nothing more la given here. Bi^Ei' BtiOGRAtHIES. Uti Nancy A., diaughter 6f '^UUdm Arnold, 0^ Ii^arylahd. Their chUd's naiiie is" Icy R.; he i'sa ikboirfer at Thomas. Elias Metz, of G-erman descent, son of Peter Metz, of Monongalia County, wds born 1826 and married 1848 to Minerva J., daughter of John Brookhbver. Children : WU Uam H., George L., Mary Jane, Lethia Ann, Jefferson D., Simon P., Acha Alide, Harriet, John, Leonora, and James Ezra. A fami of 294 acres, 150 improved, one and one-half mUes below St. George, belongs to him. This is the old Marsh property, and is the farm owned by Jonathan Minear at the time he was kiUed by the Indians. Metz was in the Union serrice during the war, and has beeh in Tucker since 1880. J. W. Myers, son of Solomon Myers, born 1862, married 1884 to Loretta, daughter of Salathiel Phillips, lives 8 miles from St. George, on Clover, and is a farmer of 40 acres, Arith 8 acres improved. David S. Minear, son of Enoch Minear, of German de scent, was born in St. George 1840, and has lived there aU his life. AU the others of the family manifested a strong passion for traveUng and speculation; but he remained steadily at his work at home. In his life we have no stirring stories of adventure, or no narrow escapes from foes and storms and floods, as we have in the history of his brothers. But, as a citizen, he has done his share for the good of his county and State. His life has been that of a farmer, ex cept seven years spent in the merch'andise business at St. George. iCe has been an officer frequently. During the war he was clerk of the county court. In 1867 he married Mary- Jane, daughter of WiUiam R. Parsonsf Their chUdren are : 6ileeA'W.,J6^eph P., JohnW., C. Briice ahd MJary Catha- 444 HISTORY OF TUCKER COUNTY. rine. He owns a large and valuable farm at St. George, commencing at the town and extending down the river more than a mUe. It is the land on which stood the fort at St. George l\l''1776, and Arith the exception of S. E. Parsons' farm, is the oldest improvement in the county, and is the site of the first permanent settlement in the county. Mi near was not in the regular army during the war, but had experience in the fortunes of hostiUties, having been taken prisoner by the Rebels, and escaped, after being shot at sev eral times. The surroundings of his dwelUng are among the most desirable in the county. A fine grove of fruit trees and arbors of grapevines surround his house on every side, making it in summer a scene of quietness and beauty, that has all the advantages of town and the secludedness of the country. WiLLiiM H. Myers, son of James Myers, was bom in 1856 at Tunnelton ; married in 1879 to Belle Dora Price, of Preston County. Children : Bessie Anna, Herbert Clay and Walter Henry ; he is of German descent, and is by trade a blacksmith, and lives at St. George. Benjamin Myers was born in 1813, in Pennsylvania, Hves 1| mUes from St. George on Mill Eun. He is a far mer. ChUdren: John, Josiah, Martha, EUen, Barbara, Andrew, Benjamin, Henry, Hester and Morgan. James Montgomery, son of Price Montgomery, of Irish and German descent, was born in 1850. In 1878 he married Sarah P., daughter of George Moon of Hampshire County ; he is a farmer, and lives 6 miles from St. George, on Lipscomb's Eidge. Children: Maud Elizabeth and George Wade. , C. B. Mooee, born 1851, son of James Moore, Hves 10 BEIEF BIOGEAPHIES. 445 mUes from St. George, on Shafer's Fork, and is of Irish and EngUsh descent. His farm contains a certain number of acres of land of which 33 J per cent, of ^ more than one- haK is improved, and the unimproved is to 5-12 of the im proved as ^ the difference between one-third of the un improved and ^ of ^ of the improved is to 2 1-62 acres. Joshua Messengee, born 1832, in Preston County, is of English descent, and was married, in 1857, to Eebecca Lewis, of Preston. Children : Mary J., James E., Sarah E., Nettie M. and Charles Albert ; he came to Tucker in 1866, and is farming on Shafer's Fork, 9 mUes from St. George, where he owns 319 acres of land, 6b acres improved. He was in the Union army, but was in no battle. William Maequis was bom in 1839, in Preston, of Irish descent. In 1865 he was married to Sarah Mason, of Sandy Creek, Preston County. Children : Charles, and Zora May. He Hves on Location 5 miles from St. George, where he has 281 acres of land, with 75 acres improved ; he has been in Tucker smce 1882. John G. Mooee, son of James Moore, was born in 1841, on Shafer's Fork, is of Irish and English descent ; married, 1873, to Anzina, daughter of George W. Faris, of Eandolph County. Children: George Harmon, Larkin, Anna BeUe, ArciUa May, E. W. Eastham and Etta Arina. He is a far mer and stock man, liring on Shafer's Fork, 11 mUes from St. George, and owns 225 acres of land, with 150 improved. Stephen Muephy was born 1836, in Marion County, of Irish descent ; married in 1857, to Charity Everit. Children : Cleophas, Harbert J., Jirah, Louisa, Eunice, EUis and Ean dolph. He lives 7 mUes from St. George. J. D. Metz, son of Elias Metz, born in 1861, in Monongalia 446 HISTOEY OF TUCKEE COUNTY. County ; is a farmer, Hying two mil^s from St. George, on the farm where the Indians kUled Jonathan Minear. William Miller, son of James MUler, was born in 1854, at Limestone ; married Mary, daughter of Sanford James ; is of English desceut. He is a farmer, and Hves 10 mUes from St. George, on Dogwood Flats. Children : Ira Blaine and baby. Albert Miller, sop of I?r. J. M. MUler, was born in 1849, married Martha, daughter of WUUam White. They have six chUdren. J. T. Mason, son of Thomas Mason, was bom 1844. In 1877 he married Catharine Hart, pf Pennsylvania. They have one chUd whose name is Margaret V. He is a farmer of 93 acres, Arith 40 acres in tUlage, on Location, 5 mUes from St. George ; he was deputy sheriff under his father, and was several times member of the teachers' board of ex aminers, and has taught nine terms of school, six of which were at Fairview. Jonathan Murphy, was bom 1834 in Marion County, of Irish descent, and married Sarah Jane MitcheU in 1854. Their chUdren are : Eobert, Alpheus, Isaac, Anzina E., Sa rah AUce, and Martha Jane. He is a farmer of 100 acres, three-fourths improved, in Clover District, 6 mUes from St. George. Geoege A. Mayee, one of the leading merchants of Tucker County, was born in Preston (Aurora) 1859, and is a son of C. W. Mayer, of Terra Alta. In 1880 he was married to Virginia Cox, of New Waterfqrd, Ohio. Their child's name is Charles W. He aittended the district schools most conve nient to his home, and had the benefit of a ten-month term at the Piedmont high schpol. He taught three schools, the BEIEF BIOGEAPHIES. 447 first at WUliam Fansler's in Preston, the second at Eed Oak, Kingwood District, and the third in Kingwood^ assisting Prof. Fike in the normal school. When he quit teaching, he went into the mercantUe business in the firm of C. W. Mayer