; UNIVERSITY LIBRARY &3' ii'r', w^ V .li.f.. " ? "IgLve theft Bttoki fpr the /avindcng of a. College cn, tXt^i^ti&fgp^ 'Y^ILIE-¥]MlI¥EI^SIIir¥«' Bought with the income of the Oliver Woleott Fund 5 OF THE TOWN OF HILLSBOROUGH Hillsboroilgh County, N. H. Sia^js^cajsEi aa^ iE.i^^ 1 C5t 1 , TT T-\ -!-»¦ J / Henry D, Pierce, In 1839, il was ascertained that die town was entitied to two rep resentatives. OP HILLSBOROUGH. 71 Town Clerks. 1772, Isaac Andrews, 3. 1775, Joseph Symonds, 1. 1776, Samuel Bradford,* 1777, William Pope, 1. 1778, Timo. Bradford, 1. 1779, Samuel Bradford, Jr., I. 1780, WiUiam Pope, 1. 1781, Isaac Andrews, 5. 1786, John Dutton, 7. 1793, Enos Towne,* 1. * Capt. B. died in August 1776, and WiHiam Pope was elected his successor, as first selectman and town clerk, for the remainder of the year. Enos Towne died in 1795 and John McCoUy succeeded him for the residue of that year. 1794, Calvin Stevens, 1805, Elijah Beard, 1808 Andrew Sargent, 1816, James Wilson, 1823, Andrew Sargent, 1830, Thomas Wilson, 1832, Jonathan Beard, 1835, Amos Flint, 1841, Jotham Moore, 11. 3. 8. 7.7. 2. 3. 6. Moderators of the Annual Town Meetings. 1774, Timothy Wilkins, 1. 1811, Benjamin Pierce, 3. 1775, Joseph Symonds, 1. 1814, Nehemiah Jones, 1. 1776, Daniel McNeU, 1. 1815, John Burnam, 8. 11777, Andrew Bixby, 1. J823, Luther Smith, 1. 1778, Joseph Symonds, 4. 1824, John Burnam, 1. 1782, James McCoUey, 1. 1825, Reuben Hatch, 3. 1783, Joseph Symonds, 9. 1828, Franklin Pierce, 6. 1792, Benjamin Pierce, 9. 1834, Amos Flint, 1 1801, Otis Howe, 1. 1835, Thomas Wilson, 1 1802, Benjamin Pierce, 1. 1836, Nahum Parker Foster 1 1803, John Dutton, 2. 1837, Hiram Monroe, 4 1805, Benjamin Pierce, 5. 1841, Albert Baker, 1810, David Starret, 1. 1 Selectmen. 1772, Isaac Andrews, 3. John McCoUey, 3. Daniel McNeU, 3. Isaac Baldwin, 3. WiUiam Pope, 3. 1775, Joseph Symonds, 1- Samuel Bradfordjs'r.* 1. James Eaton, 1795, Samuel Bradford, 1797, George Dascomb, 1799, Elijah Beard, 1800,- Jacob Spaulding, 1805, Andrew Sargent, 1806, Silas Dutton, 6. 2. 2.9. 6. 11. 2. 72 ANNALS OP THE TOWN John McClintock, 1. 177G, Asa Dresser, 1. Archibald Taggart, 1. William Pope, 2, 1777, John McCoUey, 1. Moses Steel, 1. 1778, Timothy Bradford, 1, Sam'l Bradford, Jr. 2. Daniel McNeil, 1. 1779, Ammi Andrews, 1. James McCoUey, 1. 1780, William Pope, 1, Calvin Stevens, 2, Jacob Flint, 1. 1781, Isaac Andrews, 7. John Dutton, 12. Archibald Taggart, 2. John McClary, 1. 1782, The three first ofthe 5 elected in 1782 con stituted the board in 1782. 1783, Isaac Andrews, Jr. 1. 1784, James McCoUey, 1. 1785, WUHam Taggart, 1. 1786, John Bradford, 1. William Symonds, 1. 1787, William Taggart, 1. 1788, Isaac Andrews, .Ir, 1. Paul Cooledge, 1. 1789, John McCoHey, 2. 1790, John McClary, 2. 1791, Isaac Andrews, 2. 1792, John McCoUey, 3, 1793, EnosTowne.t 1. Solomon Andrews, 1, 1794, Calvin Stevens, 11. 1808, David Starret, 1- Joseph Curtis Barnes, 2. 1809, Timothy Wyman, 2, 1810, James Wilson, 13, 1811, Joel Stow, 1. 1812, Samuel Barnes, 1, 1813, Luther Smith,J 1, 1814, Samuel Gibson, 2, 1816, Joel Stow, 5, Jonathan Tilton, 2. 1818, George Little, 2, 1820, WiHiam McCHntock, 1. 1821, Alexander McCoy, 1, Peter Codman, ' 2. 1822, Joel Slow, 1, 1823, Andrew Sargent, 7, Reuben Hatch, 1, Solomon McNeil, 1, 1824, Joel Stow, 2, Thomas Wilson, 8, 1826, Benjamin Tuttle, 2, 1828, Hiram Monroe, 1, 1830, Peter Codman, 1. Isaac Jones Cooledge, 1. 1831, Jonathan Beard, 4, 1832, Levi Goodale, 2. Samuel C. Dutton, 1. 1833, Joseph Phipps, 3. 1834, Amos FHnt, 7. 1835, Levi Goodale, 4. 1836, Ransom Bixby, 2. 1838, James Currier, 1. 1839, Daniel Brown, 1, Jotham Moore, 1840, Hiram Monroe, 1841, Sandy Smith. * Capt. Samuel Bradford died in Aug. 1776, and William Pope was his successor, for tlie rest of the year. + Enos Town died in tlie year 1793, and John iVlcCoIley was chosen to serve in the offices of town clerk, and first selectman, for the rest of the year. | Dr. Luther Smith resigned the office of selectman, on account of its interfering with liis professional business and Samuel Gibson was elected in his stead for the remainder of the year. ™ ^^ L Xijjl^l^s ^'i- ¦ ¦','^^,,,'t'l ' ''¦it-- " ^ Bi^^'**' J^ ¦'j?' "¦""-¦ ¦¦¦)"«¦ V I J .I- ii,mi,ii!>i