•tr ^- S^-w -,p» 4^1 \ ^ i>V .^:;r '' V^^' ?^ '^^)^^< v^ •¦^ ^1 ^ C" » .'\«' s 1 '¦ £ > .#1, ^ Ol ^ -_ -^ ^ >•}. s'^ •if ^ fi-iV , f^'^ A-,'A>.f t'-^, H ^ t' »f ^fi ^^ f<^'end- ence. The Anglo-American Texans were assisted in their struggle for independence by volunteers from the United States, who flocked in numbers to their aid; and the war was terminated by the utter defeat of the Mexicans under Santa Anna 18 GENERAL ZACHARY TAYLOR atJthfi.l>att]£ajl,San_Jagmlav <«-"^^ .21^1836. From that date until 1845 Texas was an inde pendent republic, and was so recognized and ac knowledged by most of the g:reat powers of the world. On December 29, _1845j^exa^w^s .admitted as a State of the United States, in spite of the vehe ment protest otf Mexico, and war with that coun try ensued .at once. 4! 4: * As soon as Texas was annexed to the United States, Colonel Zachary Taylor with a little army of fifteen hundred men was ordered to take station on the eastern bank of the Nueces River, in Texas. Mexico claimed this river as the true boundary between her territory and that of Texas ; but Texas and the United States claimed the Rio Grande as the real boundary as established by the treaty of San Jacinto. Colonel Taylor, who had been ordered to Texas to guard the soil of the new State, would pro ceed no further than the Nueces River without definite and explicit instructions. In March, 1846jhe received from President Polk positive orders to march aeross^ tha^disputed territory to the Rio, Grande, which he at once did. General Amjpudia, who was at that time at the town of ]\4atamoras, on the opposite bank of the Rio Grande from Taylor, with a strong Mexican force, demanded that Taylor should instantly re turn to the Nueces, and if he did not, then Mexico 19 GENERAL ZACHARY TAYLOR would interpret the movement as equivalent to a declaration of war on the part of ihe United States.. PALO ALTO AND RESACA DE LA PALMA. Shortly afterwards Ampudia was relieved ot command of the Mexican forces by General Aris ta, who, with_ an , army of ..5ix,_^_thousand men, boldly crossed the Rio Grande into Texas. This^ act has alwayi been construed _bj— the United ..States'asTEeTirMlicrSrinvasion and hostility, and that it was the act that bratt^Tlron~aml'"prgcipi^ tated the war. By this tune Taylor's Army amounted to twen ty-three hundred men, all being troops of the reg ular army. On May 8, 1846, Arista with his six thousand men boldly attacked Taylor's force at the village of Palo Alto. Gen. Taylor defeated him badly, winning an important battle and forc ing the Mexicans to retire in more or less con fusion and disorder to Resaca de la Palma, not many miles distant from Palo Alto. "Old Rough and Ready" pursued the Mexicans to this point, and attacked them the very next day with great ferocity, defeating them utterly, and driving their whole force across the Rio Grande into Mexico. Thus did the gallant Taylor with an enemy out numbering him two to one, win two brilliant vic tories in as many days. The enemy found him 20 GENERAL ZACHARY TAYLOR here, as elsewhere, ever ready to give them a rough time. In these engagements the American loss was but slight, while the Mexican loss was about one thousand in killed and wounded, eight guns, and large quantities of materials of war; but the most Smportant Tesult was that the entire disputed territory was secured to the United States by force of arms. FORMAL DECLARATION OP WAR, President Polk claiming the disputed ground as belonging of right to the United States de clared in a special message to Congress that the United States territory had been- inraded -by a hostile force'~fromr Mexico and that the blood of citizens^of the United States had been-shed upon their own soil. 0n_May..l3, 1-846, Congress passed an Act calling for fifty thousand volunteers, and appropriating ten millions of dollars from the Treasury for the thorough prosecution of the war. ¦ ^ The fifty thousand volunteers were secured without trouble, and were enlisted in the^R^ontl^- "n and WPf^'^'^'^^'^^''*'" The ^.astern States, as in the War of 1812, were in an attitude of almost open rebellion, and refused to furnish any troops for what they considered_,?i,)a.-unhaly war. At a later date~additional volunteers were called for. 21 GENERAL ZACHARY TAYLOR KENTUCKY TROOPS IN THE MEXICAN WAR, On May 22, 1846, Governor Owsley, of Ken tucky, issued a formal proclamation calling for two regiments of infantry or riflemen, and one of cavalry, for the service of the United States against Mexico, that being Kentucky's quota. On May 26, four days later, he announced in another proclamation that the requisition upon Kentucky for troops had been filled. Nearly fourteen thou sand men had enlisted and formed themselves into companies, but of course only the three regi ments called for by the Government could be ac cepted. The Louisville Legion was organized as the First Kentucky Infantry under Col. Stephen Ormsby and embarked for Mexico by steamboat from Louisville on the same day that Governor Owsley issued his proclamation. May 26, 1846. This regiment was raised in Louisville, and was oflScered as follows: Stephen Ormsby, Colonel; Jason Rogers, Lieutenant-Colonel; John B. Shepperd, Major. Captains of the companies : William L. Ball, Charles W, Bullen, John Fuller, Charles H. Harper, Ebenezer B. Howe, Florian Kern, William Minor, Frank Saunders, Conrad Schroeder, Benjamin F, Stewart, Francis F, C. Triplett, The Second Kentucky Infantry was organized with William R. McKee, of Lexington, as Colonel; Henry Clay, Jr., of Louisville, as Lieutenant- Colonel; Carey H. Fry, of Danville, as Major; and 22 GENERAL ZACHARY TAYLOR was composed of the following companies, and their Captains; to-wit: 1st Company, from Green county. Captain Wil liam H. Maxcy, 2nd Company, Franklin county. Captain Frank lin Chambers, 3rd Company, Mercer county, Captain Phil. B. Thompson, 4th Company, Boyle county. Captain Speed Smith Fry. 5th Company, Kenton county, Captain George W. Cutter. 6th Company, Jessamine county. Captain Wil liam T. Willis. 7th Company, Lincoln county, Captain Wil liam Dougherty. 8th Company, Kenton county, Captain William M. Joyner. 9th Company, Montgomery county. Captain Wilkerson Turpin, 10th Company, Anderson county. Captain George W, Kavanaugh, The First Kentucky Cavalry was organized with Humphrey Marshall, of Louisville, as Colonel; Ezekiel H, Field, of Woodford county, as Lieutenant-Colonel; John P. Gaines of Boone county, as Major ; and was composed of the follow ing companies and their Captains, to-wit: 1st Company, Jefferson county. Captain W, J. Heady, 23 GENERAL ZACHARY TAYLOR 2nd Company, Jefferson county. Captain A. Pennington, 3rd Company, Fayette county. Captain Cas- sius M, Clay. 4th Company, Woodford county. Captain Thomas F, Marshall, 5th Company, Madison county, Captain J. C. Stone. 6th Company, Garrard county. Captain J. Price. 7th Company, Fayette county, Captain G. L. Postlethwaite. 8th Company, Gallatin county. Captain J. S. Lillard. 9th Company, Harrison county, Captain John Shawhan. 10th Company, Franklin county, Captain B. C. Milam. In addition to these three regiments, an In dependent Company of Cavalry was raised in Winchester, Clark county, with John S. Williams as Captain and Roger W. Hanson as Lieutenant, which having been excluded from the quota by mistake, was accepted for the war by special order of the War Department. The Second Lieutenants of this company were William A. McConnell and George S. Sutherland, The General officers of the army appointed from Kentucky for the war were Zachary Taylor, Ma jor General in the regular army; William O. But ler, of Carroll county. Major General of volun- 24 GENERAL ZACHARY TAYLOR teers; and Thomas Marshall, of Lewis county. Brigadier General of volunteers. On August 31, 1847, requisition was made upon Kentucky for two more regiments of infantry for service in the Mexican War. Before September 20th they were organized and officered as follows : Third Kentucky Infantry: Manlius V, Thomp son, of Scott county. Colonel; Thomas L. Crit tenden, of Franklin county, Lieutenant-Colonel, John C. Breckinridge, of Fayette county. Major; and the following companies and their Captains, to-wit : 1st Company, Laurel county. Captain A. F. Caldwell. 2nd Company, Estill county. Captain W. P. Chiles, 3rd Company, Shelby county. Captain Thomas Todd. 4th Company, Bourbon county. Captain Wil liam E. Simms. 5th Company, Scott county. Captain John R. Smith. 6th Company, Bath county. Captain James Ewing. 7th Company, Fleming county. Captain Lean- der M. Cox. 8th Company, Nicholas county. Captain Leoni- das Metcalfe. 9th Company, Boone county. Captain J. A. Pritchard. 10th Company, Fayette county. Captain L. B. Robinson. 25 GENERAL ZACHARY TAYLOR Fourth Kentucky Infantry: Soon after the battle of Cerro Gordo the enlistment of the Clark County Independent Company of Cavalry ex pired, and Captain John S. Williams returned to Kentucky and recruited the Fourth Kentucky In fantry of which he became Colonel ; William Pres ton, of Louisville, Lieutenant-Colonel; William T. Ward, of Green county. Major. The following were the companies of this regiment, and their Captains, to-wit: 1st Company, Caldwell county. Captain J. S. Coram. 2nd Company, Livingston county, Captain G. B. Cook. 3rd Company, Daviess county, Captain Decius McCreery. 4th Company, Hart county. Captain P. H. Gardner. 5th Company, Jefferson county, Captain T. Keating, 6th Company, Adair county. Captain John C, Squires. 7th Company, Pulaski county. Captain John G, Lair, 8th Company, Washington county. Captain M. R. Hardin. 9th Company, Nelson county. Captain B. Rowan Hardin. 10th Company, Henry county. Captain A, W, Bartlett. Twelve other organized companies reported — 26 GENERAL ZACHARY TAYLOR one each from the counties of Mason, Mont gomery, Fayette, Madison, Bullitt, Hardin, Camp bell, Harrison and Franklin, and three from the city of Louisville; a number of others that were partially organized ceased their efforts upon learn ing that the requisition was full. KEARNY'S EXPEDITION. In order to carry along this brief story of the Mexican War with due regard to the recital of contemporaneous events in contemporaneous order, it now becomes necessary to leave General Taylor for a while on the banks of the Rio Grande after his victories at Palo Alto and Resaca de la Palma, while brief reference is made to Kearny's and Doniphan's Expeditions. Shortly after the d6filar«tion~of_jsza.rijCQl&nel Stepheii^ W... Kearny^ of the regular army, _was dispatched- from Fort Leavenwortfi,~TKaKsas, with about three thousand njen, witb„ ..xaders,^- to conquer New Mexico, California, and Chihuahua — an immense tract of country but sparsely popu lated. His force consisted of three squadrons of regular cavalry, two regiments of Missouri vol unteer cavalry under Colonel Alexander W. Doni phan and Colonel Sterling Price, one battalion of Mormons, and a few pieces of artillery. He made a bold dash for Santa Fe, the capital of New Mexico, and took it without a battle, thj^large force of Mexican troops stationed there being so 27 GENERAL ZACHARY TAYLOR terrified by his approach that they fled without firing a gun. Colonel Kearny left at Santa Fe the main body of his troops to hold New Mexico and conquer Chihuahua; and taking with him only a hundred dragoons and two mountain howitzers, he marched boldly forward to conquer California, fifteen hun dred miles away. Before he reached his destina tion, however, Colonel John C. Fremont, "the Pathfinder," with' a little l3and'o?~'*irregiiiaTs,'' had preceded him and had displaced the" Mexican rulers and declaredLCalifornia independent. How ever, the Mexicans still had a hostiii~Torce in the field in California. These Kea,rny defeated_at San Pascual (near San Diego), and again at Los Angeles— .J!he_„California territory was at once annexed to - the. United States, and Kearny became its first Territorial Governor. * * * DONIPHAN'S EXPEDITION, Kearny's main force at Santa Fe was left in command of Colonel Alexander W. Doniphan, of Missouri, a native of Mason county, Kentucky, whose father, Joseph Doniphan, in 1779 taught the first school ever held in the fort at Boones- boro, Kentucky, After making a treaty of peace with the Na- vajos, the most powerful tribe of Indians in New Mexico, and leaving Colonel Sterling Price in charge of the garrison at Santa Fe, Colonel Doni- 28 GENERAL ZACHARY TAYLOR phan with a regiment eight hundred strong and a battery of four guns manned by one hundred ar tillerymen, set out on the long march through a desolate country to the capital of Chihuahua. They passed through immense desert stretches, often making long marches without water, and were frequently threatened with destruction by prairie fires which had been started by roving bands of Mexican guerrillas who hung about them. Not the least of their harassments were the de predations of these same guerrillas, who were constantly attacking stragglers and small scout ing parties. A sample of what Doniphan's men had to endure from this guerrilla warfare is given in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch of April 2, 1900, which says: "The Missouri branch of the Quisenberry fam ily furnished ithe United States with a number of soldiers during the Mexican War. One of these was John Quisenberry, of St. Louis county, who figured in one of the most tragic events that made Texas a part of the Union. While out scouting, a party of St. Louis county boys, includ ing John Quisenberry and a member of the Lack land family, fell into the hands of Mexican guer rillas. After being tortured, Quisenberry and Lackland were burned at the stake before the eyes of their horrified companions. A relieving party beat off the guerrillas before they had time to add more victims to their sacrifice. The ashes of these murdered Americans were brought back to 29 GENERAL ZACHARY TAYLOR their St. Louis county homes, and the older gener ation of residents in the county still remember their impressive funeral." On February 28, 1847, Colonel Doniphan reached the Rio Sacramento, where he found a large force of Mexicans, at Bracito, whom he at tacked and, after a hard fight, defeated badly. The Mexican loss was about three hundred killed and wounded, and ten pieces of artillery. On the next day, March 1, 1847, Doniphan's victori ous little army entered Chihuahua, the capital of the Province of the same name, a city of about twenty-six thousand inhabitants. This success fully completed what is said to be the most won derful march ever made by American troops. Chihuahua was held until the close of the war. * * * MONTEREY. After the battle of Resaca de la Palma, on May 9, 1846, General Taylor crossed the Rio Grande and occupied the city of Matamoras, remaining there until his army was reinforced in August. Then he moved forward to Camargo, and thence to Monterey, arriving in the vicinity of that town on September 19th. Monterey, with its neighboring defenses, was held by General Ampudia with a force of ten thousand Mexicans and a good supply of artillery. Taylor's force by this time amounted to sixty- three hundred men, many of whom were raw vol- 30 GENERAL ZACHARY TAYLOR unteers, just arrived, and he organized it into three divisions, under Generals Butler, Twiggs and Worth. These divisions were so disposed that by their combined assault on September 21st Mon terey and ita defenses were taken, excepting the plaza in the center of the town, the "Black Fort" on itsi north and some works on the east. On the 24th Ampudia surrendered. From the nature of his instructions (received from Washington, General Taylor then put his troops into camp, and remained in that vicinity for two months. The battle of Monterey was a brilliant victory. The first campaign of the war had advanced thus far before any of the volunteer troops from Kentucky were ordered to the front, and the bat tle of Monterey was the first action in which any of them took part. Here Colonel Ormsby's First Kentucky Infantry had a subordinate place. They had charge of a mortar battery, where they un derwent the severest test that any troops can be called upon to undergo — being exposed for nearly twenty-four hours to an artillery fire to which they could make no reply. In the battle of Monterey, Major General Wil liam 0. Butler was severely wounded, and Major Philip N. Barbour, of the regular army, a Ken- tuckian, was killed. On February 24, 1847, the Kentucky Legisla ture, by resolution, directed that a sword be pre sented to General Taylor as an evidence of Ken- 31 GENERAL ZACHARY TAYLOR tucky's appreciation of his gallant conduct at the battle of Monterey. BUENA VISTA. Resuming operations. General Taylor entered Saltillo on November 16, 1846. On December 13, General Twiggs, with one division, was detached to Victoria; Quitman, with another division, fol lowed on the next day, and Patterson, with a third division, a few days later. On December 29th, Quitman entered Victoria without opposition, and on January 24, 1847, General Taylor with the other two divisions joined him there. General William 0. Butler, who had recovered from the wound received at Monterey, was put in command at Saltillo, and General John E. Wool moved for ward to occupy the pass called Angostura, at Buena Vista. It was at this time that General Taylor re ceived orders which took from him the best part of his command, in order to strengthen the force "f GPTif;r^1 WiT^fi'^l^^^^^;^^ •^"^1^" hadjww^rrived iR,.^_Mexico_ with another army — Taylor having previously conducted the war alone. Realizing that hi?"army was now too" weak to control so much territory after the detachment of the greater part of his forces to General Scott, General Tay lor fell back to Monterey, and for the time being abstained from any aggressive movement. 82 GENERAL ZACHARY TAYLOR While Taylor was still at Victoria, General Santa Anna, then occupying San Luis Potosi, had intercepted some dispatches sent by Scott to Tay lor. Informed byjUjegfijof—tbe-weakness of Tay lor's army, he made his plans to destroy it. His plan was to "fifsT^ffiake- a forced march, crush Taylor's army, and then turn to meet and defeat Scott, whom he expected to march upon the City of Mexico by another route. The advance, of Santa-Anna's army becoming known, .Generai„Taylor._inassed his forces at the haoignda of Buena Vista, and in the adjacent mountain pass called Angostura, or "the straight pass," which has been called "the Thermopylae of Mexico." Santa Anna soon approached with his army of more than twenty thousand men. Tay lor's force, all told, amounted to four thousand seven hundred and fifty-nine, so that he was out numbered more than four to one. Santa Anna, vaunting his vast superiority of numbers, demand ed a surrender, which Taylor "respectfully de clined."* *The following amusing incident was told us by a great granddaughter of Col. Daniel Boone, Jr., of Tennessee. It was while Santa Anna was considering whether or not he would surrender to General Taylor that a scout rushed in with the startling news to the Mexicans. "Daniel Boone with a thousand men had just arrived to re-enforce the Atnerican Army." "That settles it," said Santa Anna. "We surrender." He 'had not heard of the death of the great Daniel Boone, wlhich occurred nearly twenty years before, and thought if this man of invincible courage wasi added to Taylor's men defeat stared the Mexicans in the face. Col. Boone was a grandson of Daniel Boone, and an oflBcer in the Mexieami war. 33 GENERAL ZACHARY TAYLOR The issue was joined on February 22, 1847, and was hotly contested for two days. The following is a letter from surgeon Dr. John U. LeFon to his brother-in-law, Richard Jackson, of Kentucky, descriptive of the battle: "Buena Vista Battle Field, "12 o'clock A. M., Feb. 23, 1847. "Dear Sir: "The battle of battles has been fought and the enemy has retired from the field. I write this bivouaced on the bloodiest field of modern times. It is useless to try to give you any connected, or very accurate account of it im our present worn-out condition. On the 21st instant, when encamped at Qua Nevara, we received certain in formation that Santa Anna was advancing with a very large force to attack us. General Taylor, not thinking his position a very strong one, fell back to Buena Vista pass, and took up his posi tion there that night. On the 22d, about ten o'clock, the advance guard reported the enemy advancing, and our men were drawn up in line of battle about two hours before sundown. A party of the enemy were discovered attempting to take possession of the heights on our left flank ; two rifle and two carbine companies of the Ken tucky Cavalry were ordered to repel them. They ascended the mountain and a brisk firing was kept up until it was too dark for our men to shoot with precision, and they retired to camp. We slept 34 GENERAL ZACHARY TAYLOR upon our arms in position. On the 23d, about seven o'clock, the battle was opened upon the heights by the skirmishers, as on the previous evening, Santa Anna advancing to the attack with his whole force, at the same time his camp being four or five miles off, it was 9 o'clock before the battle became general. It was opened first by the 2nd Illinois Regiment, the 2nd and 3rd Iowa following about a half hour after the 2nd Kentucky Infantry was ordered up to engage. With great alacrity they obeyed, and are said by the regular officers to have entered upon the fight, and sustained it through the day in as gallant style as ever did the best trained troops of Well ington or Napoleon. And, contrary to all ex pectation. Colonels Marshall and Field behaved most gallantly, and made a charge upon the Mex ican Lancers against an odds of four to one in real Murat style, which charge, in all probability, turned the fortunes of the day, as the Lancers were coming up in our rear; they were entirely routed, however, and driven from the field, leaving thirty-seven dead upon the ground. "Now comes the mournful part of the tale. Col. W, R, McKee, Lieut, Col. Henry Clay, and Capt. Willis, of the 2nd Kentucky Infantry, having fall en, fighting gallantly at their posts. Col. John Hardin, of the 1st Illinois Regiment, has also fallen, fighting gallantly as the others. Col, Yell, of the Arkansas Cavalry, was killed in the charge 35 GENERAL ZACHARY TAYLOR which he and Marshall made upon the Lancers, as was Col, Marshall's Adjutant Vaughn, from Lexington, He fell fighting valiantly against large odds. Many other captains and subalterns have also fallen in the other regiments whose names I have not leamed. Now for the relative strength of the armies. Gen. Taylor did not have 5,000 men in the field at any one time; many of the men out of ranks retired before the heat of the battle, dropping off and falling back to Saltillo, six miles in our rear, the majority of these seriously endangering the fortunes of the day, which retrieved by the bloody 2nd Kentucky Infantry, as thay are familiarly known in the army, "Gen. Taylor says they fought like devils. As to the force of the enemy, it is variously estimated from 12,000 to 30,000 ; I think the best informa tion comes from an officer, taken prisoner on the 23rd. He says the enemy was 21,000 in force upon the field, exclusive of sick and camp guard. If that is true, we were fighting against odds of at least five to one, and bloody has been the contest. "We can not estimate our loss correctly, but it can not be less than 300 killed and 500 wounded. To judge from the looks of the field occupied by the enemy, our men must have averaged one to the man. Such slaughter is perfectly inconceiv able to one who has not seen it. Gen. Taylor says it is his best and bloodiest field. All concur in 36 GENERAL ZACHARY TAYLOR its being the best fought battle since the record of time began, and all equally concur that Old Kentucky has nobly sustained herself here, on horse and on foot. "Many gallant and daring acts have been done, and not the least of them by Kentuckians. The standard of the 2nd Regiment (to which, by the way, I have been attached for two or three weeks, as surgeon) was twice snatched from the bearer, and recovered by him, he killing the taker both times with his sword. The bearer is a youth named William Gaines, who formerly lived in Geo. Stealy's apothecary store. He will be mentioned in the dispatches. He is in Capt. J. F. Chamber's company from Frankfort. "It is now 2 o'clock in the morning of the 24th. All is uncertainty as to whether the enemy will return to the attack again or not. We scarcely believe they will, but are prepared to meet them. This is the third night I have not slept a moment. I have just finished dressing the wounds of my regiment. I have been in blood to my shoulders since 9 o'clock this morning. "Give my love to my mother, my sisters and their children, and respects to friends. "Most respectfully, "JNO. U. Le Fon." (See September Register, 1907.) 37 GENERAL ZACHARY TAYLOR Many times it seemed that the Americans would surely be defeated, but in the end they gained a glorious and decisive victory, the Mexicans suffer ing a complete repulse, and being driven back with the heavy loss of more than two thousand killed and wounded. Taylor's loss was two hun dred and sixty-eight killed, and four hundred and fifty-six wounded, a total of seven hundred and twenty-four. This was the greatest victory of the war; and, indeed, until the Civil War of 1861-1865, it was rated as the 'greatest battle that had ever been fought on the American continent ; and it marked General Zachary Taylor as a military genius of the highest order. * * * The Kentucky troops that took part in the bat tle of Buena Vista were Colonel William R. Mc- Kee's Second Kentucky Infantry, and a portion of Colonel Humphrey Marshall's First Kentucky Cavalry. In a gallant and desperate charge against the enemy. Colonel McKee and Lieutenant- Colonel Henry Clay, Jr., were both killed. Colonel McKee was the father of Lieutenant Hugh Rod man McKee, of the United States Navy, who so gallantly gave his life in his country's cause in Korea, in 1871. Henry Clay, Jr., was the son of the great "Harry of the W)est." Colonel John J. Hardin, of the First Illinois Infantry, a Kentuckian by 38 GENERAL ZACHARY TAYLOR birth, was killed at the head of his regiment, in the same charge with McKee and Clay. The Kentucky Cavalry, under Colonel Marshall, rendered good service, dismounted and acting as light troops, in meeting and dispersing the enemy's cavalry. Among Marshall's cavalrymen on this occasion was Lieutenant John H. Morgan, who, a few years later, became a Major General in the Confederate service, and attained the dis tinction of being the greatest partisan leader of the Civil War. The Kentucky troops covered themselves with glory in the battle of Buena Vista, the only battle of the war in which Kentuckians were to any considerable extent engaged; and General Taylor in his official report bestowed the highest praise upon them. Of the 901 Kentuckians engaged in the battle (about one-fifth of the whole American force) seventy-one were killed and ninety-one were wounded, a total loss of one hundred and sixty-two, or about one-fourth of the entire Amer ican loss. On July 20, 1847, about six months after the battle, the remains of McKee, Clay, Barbour and many other Kentuckians, officers and enlisted men, who had fallenj at Buena Vista, were brought from that bloody field and reinterred in the State Cemetery at Frankfort in the. presence of twenty thousand people, Theodore O'Hara, a Kentuckian 39 GENERAL ZACHARY TAYLOR who served in the Mexican War as a Captain of regulars, wrote for that solemn occasion his death less poem, "The Bivouac of the Dead." The whole poem was inspired by the battle of Buena Vista, it may be said; and the following stanzas from it refer directly to that battle, and to the Kentuckians who died there : Like the fierce northern hurricane That sweeps his great plateau. Flushed with the triumph yet to gain. Came down the serried foe. Who heard the thunder of the fray Break o'er the field beneath. Knew well the watchword of that day Was "Victory or Death." Long has the doubtful conflict raged O'er all that stricken plain. For never fiercer fight had waged The vengeful blood of Spain; And still the storm of battle blew, Still swelled the gory tide; Not long, our stout old chieftain knew, Such odds his strength could bide. 'Twas in that hour his stern command Called to a martyr's grave The flower of his native land, The nation'? flag to save. By rivers of their fathers' gore His first-born laurels grew, And well he deemed the sons would pour Their lives for glory too. Full many a norther's breath has swept O'er Angostura's plain — And long the pitying sky has wept Above the moldering slain. 40 GENERAL ZACHARY TAYLOR The raven's scream, or eagle's flight. Or shepherd's pensive lay, Alone awakes each sullen height That frowned o'er that dread fray. Sons of the Dark and Bloody Ground, Ye must not slumber there. Where stranger steps and tongues resound Along the heedless air. Your own proud State's heroic soil Sihall be your fitter grave; She claims from war his richest spoil — The as&es of her brave. Thus 'neath their parent turf they rest, Far from the gory field, Borne to a Spartan mother's breast On many a bloody shield; The sunshine of their native sky Smiles sadly on them here. And kindred eyes and hearts watch by The heroes' sepulcher. RESIGNATION OF GENERAL TAYLOR. After the battle of Buena Vista, General Taylor, if properly reinforced and supported, was in a position to march triumphantly upon the City of Mexico and bring the war to a speedy and successful close; but, notwithstanding his great and uninterrupted successes, it appears that it was not intended that he should achieve that great honor. General Winfield Scott, with a large and fresh armyT" that had^'Been still further strengthened by taking away the greater part of Taylor's troops, now appeared .Jxl- have been - chosen to close the war. General Taylor, greatly L_ 41 GENERAL ZACHARY TAYLOR dissatisfied and chagrined by the treatment he had received from the administration at Wash ington, immediately after his brilliant victory at Buena Vista, asked to be' relieved of his command, and his request was graatM. IlS^then returned to his home in the United States, and shortly after wards resigned entirely from the army. * * * One writer, a gentleman of New England where the people were in practically open rebellion dur ing the whole of the Mexican War (as they had also been during the War of 1812), has written: "ThfijyifixiGan- War-^wasihainly of-a political na ture, -un4ertaken..by a D^OTiocratic administration, so that Taylor's marked success created consid- eraWe alarm lest he; a popular Whig, should lead the party in opposition tp a victory. With a view toirindering such a political event. General Scott, the only ..available General, was ordered to go to Mexico and carry out the plans of a campaign which, previously -submitted by. him, had been once rejected. A military success by Scott, also a Whig, it was believed by political leaders would serve to lessen Taylor's popularity, and defeat any political aspirations which he might have." * * * VERA CRUZ AND CERRO GORDO, General Scott had arrived at Santiago, Texas (near where Fort Brown now stands), in De cember, 1846, After detaching the greater part 42 GENERAL ZACHARY TAYLOR of Taylor's troops, he assembled his forces in front of Vera Cruz. With his army of twelve thousand men he besieged this place until March 29, 1847, when the Mexican General Morales sur rendered the town and the fortification of San Juan de Ulloa, together with five thousand prison ers, four hundred cannon, and large quantities of ammunition and small arms. Scott's loss was sixty-four killed and wounded. General Scott then waited until April 8th for reinforcements that had been promised him. Not receiving them, he set out upon a march to the City of Mexico with the troops he already had. At Cerro Gordo, on April 14, he encountered Santa Anna with the remainder of his army that had been defeated by Taylor at Buena Vista on February 22nd and 23rd — ^just seven weeks pre viously. Here General Scott quickly defeated the Mexicans and drove them out of his path, captur ing three thousand prisoners and much ordnance and stores. The only Kentucky troops engaged at Cerro Gordo were the Independent Company of Cavalry from Winchester, commanded by Captain John S. Williams and Lieutenant Roger W. Hanson, This company had joined Scott's army of inva sion at Vera Cruz, where it united with Colonel Haskell's 2nd Tennessee ^^nfantry. When Pillow's brigade made a desperate assault upon the Mexi can position the advance post of honor was given to Haskell. Twice driven back by a murderous 43 GENERAL ZACHARY TAYLOR fire, Haskell's men rallied and gallantly stormed the Mexican works, upon which they planted the American flag. Conspicuous among the bravest. Captain Williams led his company in the fore front, and contributed greatly to the success of what was the most brilliant charge of the war. For his bravery and daring in that charge he won the sobriquet of "Cerro Gordo" Williams, which he continued to bear until the day of his death. It was not unusual for illiterate people to refer to him as "Sarah Gordon Williams." The time of his men expiring soon after this battle. Captain Williams returned to Kentucky and recruited the Fourth Kentucky Infantry. In the Civil War he was a Brigadier General in the Confederate service; and later he was a United States Senator from Kentucky. Roger Hanson also became a Confederate Brigadier General, and fell at Murfreesboro while gallantly leading "The Orphan Brigade" of Kentuckians into the thickest of the fray. * * * No Kentucky volunteers were engaged in any of the battles of the Mexican War except those at Monterey, Buena Vista and Cerro Gordo. The Third and Fourth Regiments of Kentucky Infantry were re cruited and mustered when the war was far ad vanced, and its sudden termination deprived them of an opportunity to show their qualities. They were, however, in Mexico in time to see the flnish, 44 GENERAL ZACHARY TAYLOR and were among the first of the troops to enter the City of Mexico when General Scott took pos session of that city, * * * CONTRERAS, CHURUBUSCO, CHAPULTEPEC, After the battle of Cerro Gordo the march on the City of Mexico was resumed. Scott's force at this time hardly exceeded five thousand men, as he had to send large numbers of his troops back to Vera Cruz, their term of enlistment for one year having expired. Encamping at Pueblo, he remainded there until August, when reinforcements arrived; and on August 7th the march of invasion was again re sumed. By August 18th the army was eleven miles due south of the City of Mexico, with the fortified villages of Contreras and Churubusco between. On the 20th Contreras was taken, with many prisoners and supplies. Next Churubusco, after hard fighting was turned and captured. So also were, successively, all the defenses seized up to the very edge of the City of Mexico itself, in cluding the heights of Chapultepec, the site of the Mexican Military Academy. It was defended by several hundred cadets, and those gallant boys made the bravest and most determined fight that was made by Mexicans during the entire course of the war. THE ADVENT OF PEACE. ^On_Sfipteniher..J,.liJl847, Scott's army made- a triumphal entry into the CifyTrf Mexico', and took 45 GENERAL ZACHARY TAYLOR complete possession of it. Santa Anna having privately decamped on the night of the 13th. Al though peace was not declared until some time later, there was no actual fighting after that date. So the period of active hostilities extended from the firing of the first gun at Palo Alto on May 8, 1846, until General Scott entered the City of Mexi co on September 14, 184^ — or one year, four months and six days. The whole number of United States troops en gaged in the war was 101,282, of whom 27,506 were regulars and the remainder were volunteers. The American losses in the entire war were 1,049 killed and 3,420 wounded. A commission having been organized to act for Mexico, ^n^February 21, 1848, the treaty of Gua^alupe-HidallTPWBS-^i^ied7 Thigtreaty fixed the iSonGrfander'as the^nternational boundary, and ceded" California and New Mexicp_j(,wiiicli in- cluded'Arizona) to the United^ States, which was to pay Mexico eighteen millions of dollars. Mexico was also permitted to retain Chihuahua, which had been won by the fortitude and valor of D<0ffliphan-aiLdJu.s._inen. JnJuly 4, 184S,' President Polk proclaimed peace between the United States and Mexico. * * * The Mexican War proved to be a training school of efficiency for^^fficers on both sides of the titanic civil struggle that -rent the Union from 1861 to 1865 ; and this was particularly the case with the 46 GENERAL ZACHARY TAYLOR officers of the Southern Confederacy. It is re lated that while those gigantic but unsuccessful efforts were being made to take Richmond, Presi- *^®'^L-'^i'!^?2^1._w?:?,- one ^day-discussing the matter with General Scott, then retired, and he said : "Scott, fifteen years ago it did not seem to be much trouble for our army to go into the City of Mexico— how is it that we are now having bo much trouble about going into Richmond?" and General Scott replied : "Well, Mr. President, it is this way — the men who took our army iiita ihe City of Mexico are the very same men who are now keeping our army out of the City of Richmond." THE AFTERMATH. General Zachary Taylor was easily the foremost hero of the Mexican War. The name of "Rough and Ready" was upon everybody's lips. The people at large believed from the evidence before them that the administration had made a studied effort to deprive him of his well-earned laurels, and the reward of his invaluable services; and the strong sense of justice always entertained by the great mass of the American people when they are aroused, impelled them to vindicate their hero. The year that the war closed (1848) was the year for the election of a President, and it was plain to see that if General Taylor would be come a candidate he would easily be elected. Over- 47 GENERAL ZACHARY TAYLOR tures were made by the politicans to ascertain his political views, which had always seemed vague. He settled this question in an open letter to a friend in which he described himself as "a Whig, but not an ultra Whig." This was not very strong, but there was generalship in it, for it ap pealed somewhat to Democrats, and it needs must be satisfactory to the Whigs. In the Whig National Convention held at Phil adelphia on June 7, 1848, the representatives of the party ignored the claims of their old and trusted leaders, Henry Clay and Daniel Webster ; and on the fourth ballot nominated General Tay lor for President by a vote of 171, Clay receiving 32, Webster 14, and Winfield Scott 63. Millard Fillmore was nominated for Vice President. On the first three ballots five of the Kentucky delegation in this convention voted for Henry Clay, namely: James Campbell, James Harlan, John B. Huston, George T. Wood and William R. Griffith; and seven voted for General Taylor, namely: Jno. A. McClung, Jas. B. Husbands, Lit tleton Beard, James W. Hays, Josiah A. Jackson, Robert Mallory and Benjamin F. Bedinger. On the last ballot James Harlan alone voted for Mr. Clay. The nomina,tion of General Taylor des troyed forever Mr. Clay's hopes for the Presidency — the dream of his life. In the general election in November, Taylor and Fillmore received 163 electoral votes, to 127 for Lewis Cass and General William 0, Butler, 48 GENERAL ZACHARY TAYLOR Democratic candidates. Taylor's popular vote was 1,362,024, to 1,222,419 for Cass. In Kentucky, of which State General Taylor had been a citizen for more than forty years (though he was a citi zen of Louisiana at the time of the election) he received 67,486 votes, to 49,865 for Lewis Cass. * * * March 4, 1849, came on Sunday, and as General Taylor refused to be inaugurated on Sunday, that ceremony was put off until the next day, Monday, March 5, when he took the oath of office and as sumed the duties of the Presidency. In the one- day interim, David Rice Atchison, of Missouri (a native of Kentucky) , who was then the Presi dent of the Senate, and therefore Acting Vice President of the United States, is claimed to have been President of the United States. General Taylor, it is said, became a candidate for the Presidency greatly against his own in clinations and judgment; for, as he said himself, he was a plain, sim(ple soldier, bred to the pro fession of arms, knowing nothing of the intri cacies of statecraft, and he distrusted his fit ness for high civic position. Notwithstanding his modest depreciation of himself, his administra tion began well, and with the promise of success ful continuation, if only he could have lived to carry it through. In 1810, when about twenty-six years old, Zachary Taylor, then a Lieutenant in the regular army, was united in marriage to Miss Margaret 49 GENERAL ZACHARY TAYLOR Smith, of Maryland, a lady in all respects worthy of his affections, and their union was blessed with several children. One of these, Richard Taylor, was a distinguished Lieutenant General in the Confederate army. One of General Taylor's daughters eloped with and married Jefferson Davis (another native of Kentucky), when h^ (Davis) was a Lieutenant in the army, stationed at the same military post with Taylor, and under his command. After this marriage. General Tay lor refused for many years to countenance or recognize Davis in any way. Jefferson Davis re signed from the regular army, and settled in civil life in Mississippi, where he remained until the be ginning of the Mexican War, when he early ap peared upon the scene of action as Colonel of the regiment of Mississippi Volunteer Riflemen. His heroic conduct while in command of these rifle men at the battle of Buena Vista won for him the forgiveness of his stem father-in-law who then gladly became reconciled with him. In his official report of the battle of Buena Vista, General Tay lor says: "The Mississippi Riflemen, under Colonel Davis, were highly conspicuous for their gallantry and steadiness, and sustained throughout the engage ment the reputation of veteran troops. Brought into action against an immensely superior force, they maintained themselves for a long time un supported and with a heavy loss, and held an 50 GENERAL ZACHARY TAYLOR important part of the field until reinforced. Colonel Davis, though severely wounded, remaihed in the saddle until the close of the action. His distinguished coolness and gallantry at the head of his regiment on this day entitle him to the particular notice of the Govemment." After serving as President of the United States for sixteen months, Zachary Taylor, from a sud den severe indisposition, died in the White House on July 9, 1850. His remains were interred at his father's old home place in Jefferson county, Kentucky, about five miles from Louisville, where they still repose in the last long sleep. 61 Appendix This Appendix contains a roster of the Ken tuckians who served as officers in the war with Mexico, both in the Regular Army and the Vol unteer Army. It is not claimed that the roster is complete, but it is believed to be the most com plete one that has ever been published. It con tains, so far as it has been possible to get the in formation, the names of officers who were born in Kentucky and appointed from Kentucky; of officers who were born in Kentucky and appointed from other States; and of officers who were ap pointed from Kentucky, but were born elsewhere. General Don Carlos Bueil was born in Ohio and was appointed to the army from Indiana; and, although he was a citizen of Kentucky for many years, and died there, he did not settle in the State until long after the close of the Mexican War. His is the only case of the kind on this roster. It is probably now impossible to get anything like a complete roster of native-born Kentuckians who were officers of volunteers in the Mexican War from other States. Perhaps half of those from Missouri were born in Kentucky, as were a great many of those from Illinois and Texas, and, in a lesser degree, those from Arkansas, Ten nessee, Indiana and Mississippi, 52 GENERAL ZACHARY TAYLOR Where brevets were conferred on officers of the Regular Army, the fact is indicated in the roster in parenthesis after the officer's name. For in stance, "Captain John B. Grayson, Commissary of Subsistence (Major and Lieutenant-Colonel, Contreras, Churubusco, and Chapultepec)," indi cates that Captain Grayson was brevetted Major for gallant and distinguished conduct in one of those battles, and Lieutenant-Colonel for similar conduct in the others. Many of the officers on this roster subsequently served in the Union or the Confederate armies in the Civil War. Where this was the case, the fact is indicated, together with the rank the officer held in the later service. Where the fact is known, the date of the death of officers is also given. 53 The Regular Army FIELD AND STAFF. Major General Zachary Taylor, Commander of the "Army of Occupation." Brigadier General Thomas S. Jesup. Died June 10, 1860. Colonel George Croghan, Inspector General. "The hero of Fort Stephenson" in War of 1812 where Fremont, Ohio, now stands, and where there is a magnificent monument to his memory. Died January 8, 1849. Captain Abner R. Hetzel, Quartermaster. Died in Louisville, July 20, 1847. Captain John B. Grayson, Commissary of Sub sistence (Major and Lieutenant-Colonel, Contre ras, Churubusco, Chapultepec). Confederate Brigadier General. Died October 21, 1861. Captain John S. Griffin, Assistant Surgeon. Captain Alfred W. Kennedy, Assistant Surgeon. Died June 3, 1851, Captain John Sanders, Engineer Corps (Major, Monterey) , Died July 29, 1859, at Fort Delaware, Del, Second Lieutenant Gustavus W, Smith, Corps of Engineers (1st Lieutenant and Captain, Cerro Gordo and Contreras), Confederate Major Gen eral. Second Lieutenant Thomas J. Wood, Topograph ical Engineer (1st Lieutenant, Buena Vista). Union Major General. 54 GENERAL ZACHARY TAYLOR FIRST DRAGOONS. Captain Benjamin D. Moore, killed December 6, 1846, in action at San Pasqual, California. Captain Enoch Steen (Major, Buena Vista). Wounded at Buena Vista. Union Lieutenant- Colonel. Died January 22, 1880, First Lieutenant Abraham Buford (Captain, Buena Vista). Confederate Brigadier General. Died at Danville, Illinois, June 9, 1884. SECOND DRAGOONS. Second Lieutenant Newton C. Givens (First Lieutenant, Buena Vista). Died March 9, 1859, at San Antonio, Texas. Second Lieutenant James M. Hawes (First Lieutenant, San Juan de los Llanos, Mexico) . Con federate Brigadier General, Died November 22, 1889, at Covington, Ky. THIRD DRAGOONS. Lieutenant-Colonel Thomas P. Moore. Died July 21, 1851, Captain Corydon S. Abell, Assistant Surgeon. Captain Edgar B. Gaither. Died September 18, 1855, at Columbia, Ky, Second Lieutenant James J. Moore. Died Feb ruary 19, 1850, Second Lieutenant William C. Wagley, MOUNTED RIFLES. Captain George Bibb Crittenden (Major, Con treras and Churubusco) , Confederate Major Gen eral, Died November 27, 1880, at Danville, Ky, 55 " GENERAL ZACHARY TAYLOR Captain Henry C, Pope, Killed in a duel. May, 1848. Second Lieutenant William B. Lane (Union Major) . FIRST ARTILLERY. Second Lieutenant Theodore Talbott. Union Captain. THIRD ARTILLERY. Captain Robert Anderson, of Fort Sumter fame (Major, Molino del Rey). Severely wounded at Molino del Rey. Union Brigadier General, Died October 26, 1871, at Nice, France. Captain John F. Reynolds (Captain and Major, Monterey and Buena Vista). Union Major Gen eral, Killed July 1, 1863, at the battle of Gettys burg, Pa, FOURTH ARTILLERY. First Lieutenant Thomas J. Curd. Died Feb ruary 12, 1850, at Frederick, Md. First Lieutenant Samuel Gill. Died January 18, 1876, at Cincinnati, FIRST INFANTRY, Major John B, Clark, Died August 23, 1847. Captain John M, Scott (Major, Monterey). Died October 26, 1850, at Frankfort, Ky. Second Lieutenant William Logan Crittenden. Shot August 16, 1851, in Havana, Cuba, by Span ish authorities, while with the Lopez Expedition. I 56 GENERAL ZACHARY TAYLOR SECOND INFANTRY. Second Lieutenant John R, Butler, Confederate Colonel. Second Lieutenant James M. L. Henry. Died July 4, 1881, at Washington, D, C. THIRD INFANTRY. Captain Edmund B. Alexander (Major and Lieutenant-Colonel, CerrO' Gordo, Contreras and Churubusco). Union Colonel. Died January 3, 1888, at Washington, D. C. Captain Philip N, Barbour (Major, Palo Alto and Resaca de la Palma), Killed at the battle of Monterey, Mexico. First Lieutenant Don Carlos Bueil (Captain and Major, Monterey, Contreras and Churu busco) . Severely wounded at Churubusco. Union Major General. Second Lieutenant John J. Crittenden Bibb. Died September 29, 1854, at Washington, D. C. Second Lieutenant John C. McFerran, Union Colonel. Died April 25, 1872, at Louisville, Ky. Second Lieutenant James N. Ward (First Lieu tenant, Cerro Gordo). Died December 6, 1858, at St. Anthony, Minn. FOURTH INFANTRY. First Lieutenant Richard H. Graham. Died October 12, 1846, of wounds received at the bat tle of Monterey. 57 GENERAL ZACHARY TAYLOR SIXTH INFANTRY. Captain Thomas L. Alexander (Major, Contre ras and Churubusco). Died March 11, 1881, at Louisville, Ky. Captain John B. S. Todd. Union Brigadier General. Died January 5, 1872, at Yankton, Da kota. First Lieutenant Edward Johnson (Captain and Major, MoMno del Rey and Chapultepec). Con federate Major General. Died February 22, 1873, at Richmond, Va. Second Lieutenant Simon B. Buckner (First Lieutenant and Captain Contreras, Churubusco and Molino del Rey). Confederate Lieutenant- General. Second Lieutenant Anderson D. Nelson. Union Major. Died December 30, 1885, at Thomasville, Ga. SEVENTH INFANTRY. First Lieutenant Nevil Hopson. Died in 1847, in Texas. Second! Lieutenant Samuel B. Maxey (First Lieutenant, Contreras and Churubusco). Con federate Major General. EIGHTH INFANTRY. Second Lieutenant Edmunds B. HoUoway (First Lieutenant, Contreras and Churubusco). Severely wounded at Churubusco. Confederate Colonel. Died May 16, 1861, at Independence, Mo., of wounds received mistakenly from his own men. 58 GENERAL ZACHARY TAYLOR NINTH INFANTRY. Second Lieutenant Robert Hopkins. ELEVENTH INFANTRY. Second Lieutenant George Davidson. THIRTEENTH INFANTRY. Captain Hiram H, Higgins, Confederate Ma jor. Second Lieutenant John L. Witherspoon. Died October 22, 1847. FOURTEENTH INFANTRY. Second Lieutenant James G. Fitzgerald. Second Lieutenant Thomas Hart, Second Lieutenant Samuel H. Martin, FIFTEENTH INFANTRY. First Lieutenant Edward C. Marshall (Captain Chapultepec) . Second Lieutenant Henry F. Green. SIXTEENTH INFANTRY. Colonel John W. Tibbatts. Died July 5, 1852. Major James M. Talbott. Died June 15, 1848. Captain Alexander C. Hensley, Assistant Sur geon. Captain James D. Stuart, Assistant Surgeon. Captain James W. Brannon. Captain Edward Curd. Captain Theophilus T. Garrard. Union Brig adier General. Captain Edward A. Graves, 59 GENERAL ZACHARY TAYLOR Captain Patrick H. Harris, Captain Charles Wickliffe. Confederate Col onel. Died April 27, 1862, of wounds received at the battle of Shiloh, Tenn, First Lieutenant Charles J. Helm. First Lieutenant John T, Hughes. First Lieutenant George W. Singleton. Second Lieutenant Edward C, Berry. Second Lieutenant Alexander Evans. Confed erate Major. Second Lieutenant Bernard H. Garrett. Second Lieutenant Thomas T. Hawkins. Con federate Major. Second Lieutenant Burwell B. Irvan. Second Lieutenant Francis McMordie. Second Lieutenant John A. Markley. Second Lieutenant James M. Smith. Second Lieutenant Thomas M. Winston. Union Major. VOLTIGEUR REGIMENT. Captain James D. Blair. Captain Alexander P. Churchill. Second Lieutenant Charles F. Vernon. 60 The Volunteer Army THE FIELD AND STAFF. Major General William 0. Butler, Candidate for Vice President with Lewis Cass in 1848, Died in Kentucky, August 6, 1880. Brigadier General Thomas Marshall. Died in Kentucky, March 28, 1853. Captain Theodore O'Hara, Quartermaster of the Regular Army and special aide to General Zach ary Taylor (Major, Contreras and Churubusco). Confederate Colonel. Died June 6, 1867, FIRST KENTUCKY CAVALRY, Colonel Humphrey Marshall. Confederate Brigadier-General. Died in Louisville, Ky., March 28, 1872, Lieutenant-Colonel Ezekiel Field. Major John P, Gaines, Died in 1853 in Oregon, First Lieutenant Edward M. Vaughan, Ad jutant, Killed at the battle of Buena Vista, First Lieutenant Thomas H, Barnes, Adjutant. Union Major, Alexander C. Hensley, Surgeon. Alexander M. Blanton, Assistant Surgeon. Captain Oliver P, Beard, Captain Cassius M Clay, Union Major General. Captain William J, Heady, Captain J, S, Lillard, Captain Thomas F, Marshall, Captain Benjamin C, Milam, 61 GENERAL ZACHARY TAYLOR Captain Aaron Pennington. Captain G. L. Postlewaite. Captain Johnson Price. Died in 1861. Captain John W. Shawhan. Wounded at Buena Vista. Captain James C. Stone. First Lieutenant Thomas J. Churchill. Con federate Brigadier General. First Lieutenant Lafayette Dunlap. First Lieutenant John Field. First Lieutenant Joseph H. D. McKee. First Lieutenant John H. Morgan. Confeder ate Major General. First Lieutenant Samuel F. Patterson. First Lieutenant William T, Torrence. First Lieutenant Jesse Woodruff, Second Lieutenant John Allen. Second Lieutenant Lowry J. Beard. Second Lieutenant Randolph Brasfield. Second Lieutenant George Mason Brown. Second Lieutenant John Mason Brown. Wound ed at Buena Vista. Union Colonel. Second Lieutenant Thomas K, Conn, Wounded at Buena Vista, Second Lieutenant Geo. R. Davidson Second Lieutenant George W, Keene. Second Lieutenant John W, Kimbrough. Second Lieutenant John A, Merrifield. Wounded at Buena Vista. Second Lieutenant Thomas J, Peak, Second Lieutenant George F, Sartain, 62 GENERAL ZACHARY TAYLOR Second Lieutenant Narbonne B. Scott. Second Lieutenant Green Clay Smith. Union Brigadier General. Second Lieutenant George P, Swinford. FIRST KENTUCKY INFANTRY, Colonel Stephen Ormsby, Died April 16, 1869, Lieutenant-Colonel Jason Rogers. Died May, 1848, in Louisville, Ky. Major John B. Shepherd. First Lieutenant William Fisher, Adjutant. First Lieutenant William Riddle, Adjutant. Thomas L. Caldwell, Surgeon. John J. Mathews, Assistant Surgeon. Captain William L. Ball. Died July, 1846, in Matamoras, Mexico. Captain Charles W. Bullen. Captain John Fuller. Captain Charles H. Harper. Captain Ebenezer B. Howe. Captain Florian Kern. Captain William Minor. Captain Frank Saunders. Captain Conrad Schroeder, Captain Benjamin F, Stewart, Captain Francis F. C, Triplett, First Lieutenant John L. Albrecht, First Lieutenant Joseph C, Baird, First Lieutenant William T, Barbour, First Lieutenant John J. Huff, First Lieutenant William Littrell, 63 GENERAL ZACHARY TAYLOR First Lieutenant Patrick McPike. First Lieutenant George W. Sigler, First Lieutenant Ephraim M. Stone, First Lieutenant William; White. Second Lieutenant Lewis Becker. Second Lieutenant David Black. Second Lieutenant John R. Butler. Second Lieutenant William Duerson. Second Lieutenant John Harrigan. Second Lieutenant Charles W. Hilton. Second Lieutenant George D. Hooper. Second Lieutenant Benedict Huebel. Second Lieutenant Wm. E. Jones. Second Lieutenant Reuben F. Maury. Second Lieutenant Jacob Pfalzer. Second Lieutenant David G. Swinner. Second Lieutenant Richard W. N. Taylor Second Lieutenant Levi White. Second Lieutenant Lowry B. White. Second Lieutenant Samuel Withington. SECOND KENTUCKY INFANTRY. Colonel William R. McKee. Killed at the bat tle of Buena Vista. Lieutenant-Colonel Henry Clay, Jr. Killed at Buena Vista. Major Cary H. Fry. Union Lieutenant-Colonel. Died March 5, 1873, at San Francisco, Cal. First Lieutenant George N. Cardwell Adjutant. First Lieutenant Thomas S. Todd, Adjutant. First Lieutenant James E. Kelso, Regimental Quartermaster. 64 GENERAL ZACHARY TAYLOR Robert P. Hunt, Surgeon, John U, Le Fon, Assistant Surgeon, James B, Snail, Assistant Surgeon. Captain Franklin Chambers, Captain George W, Cutter. Captain William Dougherty, Captain Speed S. Fry, Union Brigadier Gen eral. Captain James 0. Hervey, Captain George W. Kavanaugh, Captain William N. Joyner. Captain John H. McBrayer. Captain William H. Maxcy. Captain James W, Moss. Captain Philip B. Thompson. Captain Wilkinson Turpin, Captain William T, Willis. Killed at Buena Vista, First Lieutenant John W. Cowan. First Lieutenant Andrew J. Gait. First Lieutenant Edward H, Hobson. Union Brigadier General. First Lieutenant Wm. R. Keene. First Lieutenant William. G. Kincaid. First Lieutenant Littleton T. Lacey. First Lieutenant James Monroe, First Lieutenant Joseph W. Powell, Died at Monterey, January 2, 1847, First Lieutenant David P-, Wade, Second Lieutenant William E. Akin, Second Lieutenant George W. Ball. 65 GENERAL ZACHARY TAYLOR Second Lieutenant Elias L. Barbee, Wounded at Buena Vista, Second Lieutenant Richard H. Clarke. Second Lieutenant George M. Coleman. Second Lieutenant Jos, C, Ewing. Second Lieutenant Peter G. Flood. Second Lieutenant John H. Lillard. Second Lieutenant B. H. Lawler. Second Lieutenant Henry C. Long. Second Lieutenant Wm. C. Lowry. Second Lieutenant William H. Moss. Second Lieutenant Thomas W. Napier. Second Lieutenant Thomas J. Proctor. Second Lieutenant Lewis M. Reese. Second Lieutenant William D. Robertson. Second Lieutenant Alva C. Threlkeld. Second Lieutenant James Wilson. Second Lieutenant Wm. T. Withers. Confed erate Major General. THIRD KENTUCKY INFANTRY, Colonel Manlius V. Thompson, Lieutenant-Colonel Thomas L. Crittenden, Union Major General. Major John C. Breckinridge, Vice President of the United States; Confederate Major Grcneral; Confederate Secretary of War. Died in Lexing ton, Ky., in 1875. First Lieutenant Benjamin F. Bradley, Ad jutant. Member of Confederate Congress from Kentucky. William Cromwell, Assistant Surgeon. 66 GENERAL ZACHARY TAYLOR Captain Andrew F, Caldwell. Captain William P. Chiles, Captain Leander M, Cox, Captain George S, Dodge, Captain James Ewing. Captain Leonidas Metcalfe. Union Colonel. Captain James A. Pritchard. Captain William E. Simms, Member of Con federate Senate from Kentucky, Captain John R. Smith. Captain Thomas Todd, First Lieutenant William C. Allen. First Lieutenant Enos H. Barry, First Lieutenant William P. Bramlette, First Lieutenant Jesse B, Davis. Died in Mexico City, March 19, 1848. First Lieutenant Thomas C, Flournoy, First Lieutenant Walter I. Lacey, First Lieutenant John A. Logan, First Lieutenant Henry H, Mize, First Lieutenant William P, Morris. First Lieutenant Thomas H. Taylor. First Lieutenant William T. Walker. First Lieutenant Rigdon S. Bamhill. Second Lieutenant John Brock. Died in Mexi co City, March 9, 1848. Second Lieutenant Churchill G. Campbell. Second Lieutenant James B. Casey. Second Lieutenant James C. Dear. Second Lieutenant William Edmondson. Second Lieutenant William E. Fisher 67 GENERAL ZACHARY TAYLOR Second Lieutenant John M. Heddleson. Second Lieutenant James H. Holladay, Second Lieutenant William B. Holladay. Second Lieutenant Eli Holtzclaw. Second Lieutenant Marshall L, Howe, Second Lieutenant James Kendall. Second Lieutenant Benjamin D. Lacey. Second Lieutenant William C. Merrick. Second Lieutenant James H. Miller. Second Lieutenant Ansel D. Powell. Second Lieutenant Daniel Runyon Second Lieutenant John P. Thatcher. Second Lieutenant Elisha B. Treadway. Union Major. Second Lieutenant Walter C. Whittaker. Union Brigadier General. Died July 9, 1887. Second Lieutenant James T. Young. FOURTH KENTUCKY INFANTRY, Colonel John S. Williams, Confederate Briga dier General. Lieutenant-Colonel William Preston. Confed erate Major General. Died at Lexington, Ky., in September, 1887. Major William T. Ward. Union Brigadier Gen eral. Died October 12, 1878. Second Lieutenant Charles H. Creel, Adjutant. Second Lieutenant Robert P. Trabue, Adjutant. Confederate Colonel. Joseph G. Roberts, Surgeon. John R. Steele, Assistant Surgeon. GENERAL ZACHARY TAYLOR Captain Anthony W. Bartlett. Captain Joseph C. Conn. Captain Joseph S. Corum. Captain George B. Cook. Captain Patrick H. Gardner. Captain Mark R. Hardin. Captain B. Rowan Hardin. Captain Timothy Keating. Captain John G. Lair, Captain Decius McCreery, Captain Thomas Mayfield, Captain Hamilton N, Owens. Union Major. Captain John C. Squires. Died in Mexico City, March 20, 1848. First Lieutenant Edgar D. Barbour. First Lieutenant William Bristow. First Lieutenant Jesse Davis. First Lieutenant John Donan. First' Lieutenant Jeremiah F. Dorris, First Lieutenant Milford Elliott, First Lieutenant John W. Hughes. First Lieutenant William E. Woodruff. Union Colonel. Second Lieutenant Titus P. A, Bibb. Second Lieutenant William P. D. Bush, Second Lieutenant Noah Z, Chapline, Second Lieutenant John D. Cosby. Second Lieutenant Samuel D, Cowan, Second Lieutenant Benjamin F. Egan, Second Lieutenant Cyrenius W. Gilmer. Second Lieutenant William G. Johnson. 69 GENERAL ZACHARY TAYLOR Second Lieutenant John M. Massey. Second Lieutenant Charles D, Pennebaker, Union Colonel, Second Lieutenant William E. Russell, Second Lieultenant Cyrus D. Scott, Died in Mexico City, February, 1848, Second Lieutenant John M, Snyder. Second Lieutenant James M. Shackleford. Union Brigadier General. Second Lieutenant Presley Talbott. Second Lieutenant Isaac P. Washburn. Second Lieutenant Noah N. Watkins, Second Lieutenant Levi White, Second Lieutenant Charles A. Wickliffe. Second Lieutenant Harry J. Woodward. KENTUCKY INDEPENDENT COMPANY. Captain John S. Williams. Confederate Briga dier General. First Lieutenant Roger W. Hanson. Confeder ate Brigadier General. Killed in the battle of Murfreesboro, Tenn., January 21, 1863. Second Lieutenant William A. McConnell. Second Lieutenant George S. Sutherland, Se verely wounded at the battle of Cerro Gordo, Roger Tandy Quisenberry, a sergeant in this company, was, in 1856, one of William Walker's little army of sixty men who invaded, conquered and held Nicaragua and took possession of the country. 70 GENERAL ZACHARY TAYLOR FROM ARKANSAS. Captain Franklin W. Desha, 1st Arkansas Cav alry, Second Lieutenant John C. Peay, 1st Arkansas Cavalry, Confederate Major, FROM ILLINOIS. Colonel John J, Hardin, 1st Illinois. Killed at Buena Vista, First Lieutenant William H. L, Wallace, Ad jutant, 1st Illinois. Union Brigadier General. Died April 10, 1862, of wounds received at the battle of Shiloh, Tenn. First Lieutenant Richard J, Oglesby, 4th Ill inois. Union Major General. Second Lieutenant Benjamin Howard. Wound ed at Cerro Gordo. Captain Calmes L. Wright, 2nd Additional Ill inois, FROM INDIANA. Lieutenant-Colonel Henry S. Lane, Ist Indiana. Captain Lovell H. Rousseau, 2nd Indiana. Union Major General. FROM MARYLAND. Captain Lloyd Tilghman, 1st Maryland, Con federate Brigadier, Killed at the battle of Baker's Creek, Miss,, May 16, 1863. FROM MISSISSIPPI. Colonel Jefferson Davis, Mississippi Rifles, Sec retary of War; President of the Confederate 71 GENERAL ZACHARY TAYLOR States. Died December 6, 1889, at New Orleans, La, Lieutenant-Colonel Alexander K, McClung, Mis sissippi Rifles, Wounded at Monterey. Died in 1855 by suicide. Captain John S. Clendennin. FROM MISSOURI. Colonel Alexander W. Doniphan, 1st Mounted Missouri. Died in 1889. Major Meriwether L, Clark, commanding Mis souri Light Artillery, Confederate Colonel, Died in Frankfort, Ky., October 28, 1881, FROM TEXAS, Colonel John C. Hays, 1st Texas Mounted Rifles. Colonel George T, Wood, 2nd Texas Mounted Rifles, Colonel Albert Sidney Johnston, Texas Rifles, Confederate General. Killed April 6, 1862, at the battle of Shiloh, Tenn. 72 •1 '.1 I \\ ¦ Xx \ x\ vX X X\ S ^ xXx'-x^ ^. ^x\^ .>,\.\>xxSJs